[•JJjL'll S.'Cv, '•'<»*>?»• ;i'H!riu;H;A:w:(Jwii^^ ItJiYn^i SiMiJi i#w mmmmMi \ , H'^l Sp4fsSS|M>slS' {irlKlw (3. r PHYSIOLOGY. VOL. II. LONDON PRINTED RY S |M) T T I S W O O [) K AND CO. NEW-STREKT SQUARE » J OUTLINES OF PHYSIOLOGY HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE. BY JOHN MAKSHALL, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF SURGERY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON : SURGEON TO THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE HOSPITAL. k S C 2S W TRATED BY NUMEROUS M^OODCUTS. >«*' r i rC , IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. II. r 't '■>'< ' ■' ; V LONDON : LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 18C7. i I The right of trantlation in renerved. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/b21958580_0002 CONTEXTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. — ♦ — SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY— THE VEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS. PAGE Digestion ........... 1 Sources, Varieties, and Nature of Human Food ... 2 Prehension and Preparation of Food 7 Mechanical Processes of Digestion . . . . .12 The Digestive Fluids ........ 53 Chemical Processes of Digestion 82 Summary of the Chemistry of Digestion .... 107 Circumstances which modify Digestion . . . .109 Eelative Value of different Foods . . . . .113 The Organs and Function of Digestion in Animals . .116 Absorption .151 The Absorbent Vessels and Glands 153 Endosmosis, Exosmosis, Osmosis, and Dialysis . . .100 General Absorption . . . . . . . .165 Absorption of the Food 174 Intrinsic Absorption . . . . . . . .182 The Absorbent System, and Absorption in Animals . . 186 CiBCniATION 187 The Heart and Blood vessels . . . . . .188 Course and Causes of the Circidation ..... 200 Action of the Heart 203 Motion of tlie Blood through the Arteries .... 222 VI CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. The Pulse . . . . . Motion of the Blood through the Capillaries „ „ Veins Period of a complete Circulation . Quantity of Blood in the Body The Uses of the Blood and its Circulation . Organs and Fmiction of the Circulation in Animals Nutrition Nutrition of the Chyle ,, „ Blood „ „ Organs and Tissues Offices of the Blood and of its Constituents in Nutrition Haimorrhage or Loss of Blood Vitality of the Blood .... The Coagulation of the Blood Sanguification The Blood Glands .... The Liver considered as a Blood Gland Glycogenic Function of the Liver Sanguification and the Blood Glands in Animals Secretion Secretion in General General Function of the Liver The Mammary Glands and Lactation Mucous Secretion and Mucus Serous and Synovial Secretion Excretion ...... The Renal Excretion . „ „ in Animals . Special Secretions and Excretions in A The Skin and its Excretions The Cutaneous Excretion in Animals nimals Respiration The Organs of Respiration . Mechanism of Respiration . Changes of the Air in Respiration Effects of Respiration on the Blood and Tissues Conditions which modify the Chemical Processes tion ........ Elfocts of Breathing other Gases than Air of Respira page 234 242 247 257 260 263 264 275 276 277 278 287 296 299 300 314 318 334 334 342 343 343 354 356 363 364 365 365 391 395 395 401 401 404 414? 435 444 463 469 CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. Asphyxia ..... Suspended Respiration and Animation Effects of Breathing impure Air . The Organs and Eunction of Respiration in Animals AjtiMiL Heat, Light, and Electeicitt Animal Heat .... Effects of Cold on the Human Body ,, Heat ,, ,, Theories of Animal Heat Influence of the Nervous System on Animal Heat Uses of Animal Heat Hybernation Spontaneous Combustion Evolution of Light „ Electricity Statics and Dynajiics of the Human Body Statics of the Human Body . Specific Gravity of the Body Height of the Body .... W eight of the Body Daily quantity of Food and its Composition Relations between the Constituents of the Body and the daily Food ....... Destination of the Food in the living Economy Effects of Deprivation of Food Dynamics of the Human Body .... Measure of Heat, or Heat-Unit Mechanical Coefficient, and Mcchiinical Equivalent of Heat Quantities of Heat develoiied by Combustion Cidorific Work of the Body Daily Heat compared with the Quantity of Carbon and Hydrogen oxidised Mechanical Work of tho Body Relations of the Kinds of Food to tho Modes of Work Value of I'ood as a source of Motor Power Transformation of Mechanical into Calorific Workin the Body Nutritive or Assimilative Work Electric Work Nervous Force and Work REPUODfCTION ..... Spontaneous Generation VOL. II. a vii I’AOE 473 476 482 488 502 502 507 509 512 519 521 521 523 524 527 531 532 532 533 533 535 536 533 547 550 555 556 557 558 558 559 561 575 575 576 577 577 580 580 Vlll CONTENTS OF THE SECOND TOLUME. PAOE Tli0 various Modes of Eeproduction 581 The Ovum generally 590 The Ovaries and Ova of Birds ...... 593 The Mammalian Ovaries and Ova ..... 597 The Ovaries and Ova of other Animals .... 600 Fertilization of the Ovum . . . . . . .601 Developjlent .......... 603 Changes in the 0\-um, and first formation of the Embryo . 603 General Development of the Embryo and its Appendages . 608 Development of the Organs . . . . . . .615 Development of the Tissues . . . . . . .641 Animal and Vegetable Cells 641 Development of the several Tissues ..... 646 Degeneration and Eeparation 661 Growth 664 Decay and Death 665 Index 671 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. THE YEGETATIVE FUNCTIONS. The functions to be considered under this head, are the nutritive and reproductive functions. The former include digestion, absorption, chylification, circulation, nutrition, re- paration, sanguification, secretion, excretion, and respiration, together with the production of animal heat, mus9ular force, light, and electricity. Amongst other phenomena produced by the waste of the solid constituents of the body, and the loss of the fluid, or watery, part of the tissues, are the special sensations of hunger and thir.st, which have their seat, like other sensations, in the nervous system, and the phenomena of which have been ah-eady explained (vol. i. p. 443 ). These sensations of appetite, excite the desire to take food ; and by the process of digestion, the food, thus taken, is prepared for absorption, and conversion into blood. The term food includes all substances, received into the alimentary canal, and used for the support of life, either by supplying the waste constantly occurring in the living animal tissues, or by affording materials for the maintenance of the temperature of the body. Food, therefore, contains substances which have a certain chemical relation to the ti.ssues which it supports. These tissues, besides containing water and s:iline substances, are composed of proximate or- ganic principle.s, having a highly complex chemical constitu- tion (vol. i. pp. 90 to 99). Food also consists, more or less, of substances having already the same, or a similar, chemical composition : for the animal body, so far as is known, has no power of forming such proximate organic compounds out of VOL. II. b DIGESTION. 2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. their component elements, or from the simpler combinations of these. Animals, indeed, are either carnivorous or herbivorous. The carnivorous, or flesh-devouring species, obviously live upon food possessing the same chemical composition as the fluids and tissues of their own bodies ; and as regards the herbivorous, or vegetable-feeding animals, their food also con- tains proximate principles, closely resembling those which exist in the animal body. Whatever the nature or source of the food of Animals, its proximate principles are, therefore, chemically similar ; and it is to the Vegetable Kingdom, that we must attribute the power of chemically combining, under the agency of solar light and heat, the elements derived trom the simpler combinations of inorganic nature, into those complex organic proximate principles which, thus elaborated in the living tissues of vegetables, constitute the nutriment of Animals. Hence, the Vegetable Kingdom derives its nourishment from, and depends upon, the Mineral Kingdom ; the Animal Kingdom derives its nourishment from, and depends upon, the Vegetable Kingdom ; whilst the decaying portions of the Vegetable King- dom which are unconsumed by animals, and the particles of the bodies of animals which undergo change during life, or decomposition after death, revert to the simpler chemical com- pounds of inorganic nature, Avhich, again, under the influence of the vito-chemical forces of the plant, are reintroduced into the stream of organic existence. Sources, Varieties, and Nature of Human Food. The food of Man may be either solid or fluid. If solid, it may be hard, so as to require to be broken by mastication, or soft, so as merely to need subdivision, belbreit is swallowed. Again, ibod may be derived from the inorganic or from the organic world ; or it may be classified according to its source, whether this be mineral, vegetable, or animal. Thus, the alkaline and earthy salts, the traces of iron, sulphur, and phosphorus, and the large quantity of water, are derived from the mineral kingdom. Vegetable food includes the roots, stems, leaves, Iruits, and seeds of plants; also certain products of vinous decomposition, as the various alcoholic beverages, and lastly, condiments, vegetable acids, and vinegar or the product of the acetous lermentation. Animal food consists of all the digestible parts of animals, in which is comprised PROXIMATE CONSTITUENTS OF FOOE. 3 nearly every tissue, Avith the exception of the horny textures and the hair, even the bones yielding nutriment on being boiled. Besides this, eggs and roe, milk, butter, butter-milk, curd, cheese, and whey, are comprehended in this category. The chemical constitution of food, however, is the point to which the greatest significance is to be attached ; and the most useful classifications are founded on a consideration of the different nutrient proximate chemical principles Avhich it contains. Thus regarded, the multitudinous articles of diet consumed by man, under his extremely varied conditions of life, dependent on climate, social condition, national custom, or individual habit, consist of a comparatively small number of proximal e chemical con.stituents. The importance of these chemical distinctions of the food, Avas clearly indicated by Front, and has been since established by the researches of Liebig, and many other chemists. Prout divided all nutrient substances into albuminous bodies, such as the albumen, fibrin, and casein of animals, and the gluten and legumin of plants \ oleaginous substances, including the animal and vegetable fats and oils ; and sacc^a?'me matters, comprising the various kinds of sugar. According to him, the typical form of animal food, is that supplied, by nature, to the young of mammiferous animals and man, viz. milk, in Avhich fluid, casein represents the albiuninous kind of nutritive substances; butter, the oleaginous kind; and sugar of milk, the saccharine kind. Besides these, milk also supplies AA'ater, and the mineral matters es.sential to the formation of the tissues. A more exhaustive clas.sification of the nutritive substances contained in food, is that Avhich folloAvs : — 1. A ZiMOTmoh/ substances. From the animal kingdom, rnen, whether derived from the Avhite of eggs,from blood, or from the muscular or nervous tissues ; syntonin, or the fibrinous ele- ment of muscle, some of Avhich is contained in the expressed juice of meat ; globulin, cruorin, and fibrin, from the blood ; casein, derived from milk ; and the vitellin o\' t\\Q yolk of eggs. The substance of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and other glands, is also, in great part, albuminoid, mixed, hoAveVer, especially in the first organ, with fat. The brain substance is also highly nutritive, containing both albuminoid and liitty matter. In this group, must be included, not only cruorin, or the colour- ing matter of the blood, butal.«o myochrome, or that of muscle, both of which have an extraordinary allinity for oxygen. From the vegetable kingdom, are obtained the albuminoid substance u 2 4 SPECIAL PirrSIOLOGT. gluten^ sometimes called vegetable albumen, which is chiefly obtained from the seeds of the various kinds of corn, and other grasses ; also legumin, which has been compared to animal casein, and exists in large quantity in the seeds of peas, beans, lentils, and other leguminous plants. Vegetable albumen likewise exists, in small quantity, in the gi’owing or soft tissues of the various succulent edible parts of vegetables and fruit, such as the cabbage, cauliflower, turnip, apple, pear, and orange. 2. Gelatinoid substances. These, which are derived solely from the animal kingdom, include jelhj of various kinds, ob- tained from the gelatin-yielding tissues of animals, such as isinglass, which is the dried sound, or air-bladder, of the sturgeon, the areolar and fibrous tissues, tendons, and bones ; also cliondrin, or the jelly obtained from cartilages. These several tissues, however, are not supposed to contain gelatin or chondrin, when in their raw or uncooked state. Gelatinoid sub.stances are present in broths, jellies, and ivory bone-dust. So far as their nutrient qualities are concerned, they must be distinguished from the albuminoid substances. 3. Oleaginous substances. These comprehend the animal fats and oils, stearin, margarin, 'pahnitin, and olein, the fatty matters of the bile and of the brain, and those of the yolk of eggs ; and also the fatty acids of butter, the butyric, capric, and caproic. To these must be added, the vegetable oils, whether solid or fluid, such as cocoa-nut oil, olive oil, and almond oil. 4. Amylaceous or starchy, gummy, and saccharine substances. These comprehend the different varieties of starch, such as potato starch, arrow-root, sago, tapioca, rice, and the starchy portion of wheat and other grain. The gummy substances include, besides all the natural gums and mucilages of fruits and vegetables, the substance named dextrin, which results from the transformation of starch, cellulose or lignin, and also pectin, a constituent of succulent vegetables. The sugars are the com- mon, or cane sugar, and grape sugar, derived, as such, from vegetables, or produced by the transformation of starchy or gummy substances. There are also the sugar of honey, which is an animal prejiaration ; the glycogen, or animal starch, often present in flesh, but chiefly found in the subsfimce of the liver ; inosite, or sugar of muscle ; and lastly, the sugar of milk, lactose, or lactin, which, though usually formed in the animal economy, can also be artificially made, by acting upon starch with certain acids, at a high temperature. 5. Stimulating substances. These consist of three classes : PROXIMATE CONSTITUENTS OF FOOD. 5 viz. first, the various kinds of spices or condiments, the active properties of wliich depend usually upon volatile or essential oils; secondly, the parts of vegetobles, whether the leaves or berries, which contain the alkaloids, thein, caffein, or theobro- min, which are found in tea, cotfee, cocoa, and the Paraguay tea. With these should probably be associated, the substances named extractives, viz. cerehric acid, which exists in nervous substance, and also in corn, especially in Indian corn ; creatin and creatinin, which are found in the juice of meat, in the brain, and in the blood, the former being converted in the system into the latter; both of these act either as stimu- lants, or by retarding chemical change and loss in the albu- minoid tissues. The thein and allied bodies certainly stimu- late the heart, muscles, and nervous system. Thirdly, there are the various alcoholic beverages made by the fermentation of saccharine substances, such as mead, beer, cider, wine, and the stronger alcoholic fluids or spirits distilled from various fermenting saccharine vegetable juices. These substances are probably not immediately nutritive, or able to supply the waste of material, but appear rather to act as stimuli to the neiwous system, and also by preventing waste. To these may be added, the several ethers formed in ripe fruits, and in wines, from the action of the organic vegetable acids on alcohol. This class may also include certain organic vegetable acids, such as the acetic acid of vinegar, the tartaric, malic, racemic, oxalic, and citric, derived respectively, from grapes or raisins, apples, gooseberries, the esculent rhubarb, and the lemon, lime, and orange ; and la.stly, the lactic acid existing in sauer-kraut, and in fermented cucumbers or beans, all of which are iavourite articles of diet with some nation.s. The prevalence of the de.sire lor acids with the food, is remarkable. Lactic acid also exists in sour milk, which is much consumed, and in the juice of meat, together with paralactic and inosinic acids. fi. Saline, earthy, and mineral substances. These, which are, in certain proportions, essential articles of food, soda for the blood, potash for the muscles, and lime for the bones, consist of the chlorides of sodium and pota.ssium, the phos- jihates of soda, potash, and of magnesia, perhaps the alka- line suljihate.s, the j)hosphate and carbonate of lime, and o.xide ol' iron. Minute traces of manganese and silica areakso necessjiry, the latter being probalfly combined with fluorine. Such substances as alumina and copper, are probably adventi- tious ingredients, and of no essential importance as food. (i SPECIAL rnrSIOLOGY, 7. Water is the most abundant constituent of the animal body, and is a most essential article of food. From the many othces which it performs, dissolving the food, rendering it capable of absorption and entrance into the circulation, lacilitating all nutritive, secretive, and excretive processes, and lastly, maintaining the diie elasticity and flexibility of the tissues, and their susceptibility of vito-chemical change.s, water may be regarded as a common vehicle, in which all other articles of diet are conveyed into, through, and from the animal economy. The albuminoid and gelatinoid nutrient substances, resemble each other very closely in composition ; in addition to car- bon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, they contain nitrogen, and have therefore been named, nib'ogenous or azotised food ; and, as these substances are especially concerned in the formation of the albuminoid and gelatiu-3uelding tissues of the body, which indeed cannot be built up without them, they have been desig- nated nutritive or plastic food. Moreover, as they supplj' the waste which takes place in the muscular and other tissues, they have been likewise called Jlesh-foi'niing, tissue- forming, or hi sto genetic, food. On the other hand, the oleaginous and saccharine substances are composed of carbon, hj’drogen, and oxj-gen only, and are therefore named non-nitrogenous or non-azotised ^oodi. The starchy, saccharine, and allied com- pounds, form the carbhydrates ; whilst the fatty substances, still richer in carbon, are named hydrocarbons. As neither of these is ever supposed to be convertible, by the addition of nitrogen, into nitrogenous, plastic, or fle.sh-forming food, but rather, owing to their richness in carbon and hydrogen, and their poverty in oxygen, to be ultimately used for the j'urposes of maintaining the animal heat, either being first stored up in the body as fiit, or being at once oxygenated through the respiratory process, they have been classed to- gether under the appellation of respiratory, calorific, or heat- forming, food. These distinctions, Avhich have been chiefly explained and advocated by Liebig, undoubtedly represent a general truth ; but they must be accepted with certain qualifications. In the first place, albuminoid substances may, it would seem, undej'go metamorphosis, in the living body, into fatty or evcTi starch- like substances, and so may nourish non-nitrogenous, as well as fleshy or nitrogenous, tissues. Moreover, the nitrogenous tissues of the living bod}-, especially those of the muscles and PREHENSION OF FOOD. 7 brain, themselves undergo a most active waste, i.e. a chemical decomposition, of which the essential feature is oxidation ; so that, to a certain extent, they too, in being decomposed, must contribute to the evolution of heat, subserve the respiratory process, and so far act as respiratory food. Again, chemical analysis shows, that in the brain especially, but also in muscular tissue, fatty matter is an important constituent, essential, indeed, to the composition of those tissues; moreover, starchy and saccharine matters exist in certain organs, and are convertible, in the living economj'^, into fat; hence the non-nitrogenous, oleaginous, and saccharine substances must, also, be regarded as nutiitive or plastic food. Even in young growing animal cells, fatty matter appears to be an essential element. Again, as regards gelatin, and the gelatin-yielding tissues, which, though they contain nitrogen, have a lower chemical constitution than the albuminoid sub- stances, it is not certain that they are convertible into, or capable of being made use of as, nutriment for the living tissues. It is now generally denied that they can be so converted into, or assimilated by, tissues which, like muscle and nerve, contain syntonin and albumen ; it is even doubted whether they can be directly assimilated as nutriment, even by the living gelatin-yielding tissues themselves, which, of course, have an identical chemical composition. Such substances may, therelbre, possess very limited or no nutritive or plastic qualities ; and may merely be oxidised in the .system, like the non-nitrogenous, respiratory food. The precise destination of the several elements of food is, however, not completely understood ; but neither of the two kinds of food, the nitro- genou.s, or the non-nitrogenous, is alone adequate to support animal or human life ; for perfect nutrition, the two must be taken together in certain proportions. The chemical composition of mo.st of the nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous proximate constituents of animal substances used as food, is given in the tables at pages i)G and 98, vol. i. The closely similar composition of the nitrogenous and non- nitrogenous proximate constituents of vegetable substances used as food, is illustrated in the annexed table (p. 8). Prehension and Preparation of Food. In the lower animals, the important act of the prchen.sion of food, is provided for, in every case, with the most admir- 8 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Analysis of Vegetable Proximate Constituents. G 0 9 9 U ^ 0 'C 2 bo >» ’§.'5 « i 0 H S C Ph Vegetable Albumen . . = 5o‘01 7-23 15'92 21-84 1 included j with the '■ oxygen Vegetable Fibrin or Gluten . = Legumin, a similar compo-i sition, but not well deter- 1 64-6 7-2 15-81 22-29 mined . . . . > Thein, Catfein (CgH,„NjOj) . = Theobromin (C^HgN^O^) . = 49-4 5-2 28-9 16-0 46-7 4.4 31T 17-8 1 Vegetable Oils, chiefly Oleic acid, and Glycerin (p. 96). i Starch. . .) Dextrin or Gum . ^ , 44-4 Cellulose and Dig- [ ^ ® lo 5I 6-2 49-4 1 uin . J j Cane Sugar (C,,H,.,0,,). .= 42T 6-4 51-5 1 Grape Sugar, Glu- 1 /p tt p \ cose, or Dextrose J ^ s 12 e) ~ 40- 6-7 53-3 Alcohol (C^HjO) . 52-2 13- 34-8 i Ether (C,H,„0) . 64'85 13-5 21-65 Vegetable Acids : Citric (CgH,jO,) . . = 37-5 4-2 58-3 1 Malic (C^HgOj) . . = 3o-8 4-4 59-8 j Tartaric (C^HgOg) . . = 32- 4- 64- j Alkaline and Earthy Salts and Water, the same as in Ani- mals ; but Land Plants con- tain mostly Potash, and Marine Plants mostly Soda. 1 able perfection of contrh'ance. In Man, however, the arm and liand are so wonderfully organised for other, and higher, pvirposes (vol i. p. 239), tliat their prehensile action, in the gathering, or preparation, of food, and its conveyance to the mouth, are, though essential, only subordinate offices of the upper limb. 'J'he lips and tongue, Avhich, in the Mammalia, are devoted, mainly at least, to the taking of food, are in Man also so emjdoyed ; but higher services are demanded of these PREPARATION OF FOOD. 0 parts, and we are accustomed to associate their meclianism more especially with the faculty of speech. Lastly, the jaws and teeth, although, in animals, they freqirently constitute the most important, and, in the case of the lo\ver Vertebrata, the sole organs of prehension, can hardly be said to fulfil, in Man, in addition to their proper office of mastication, a jwehensile office in reference to the food. As regards the prehension of food, Man appears, indeed, almost at a mechanical disadvantage, in comparison with the animals beneath him, so far, at least, as concerns any special adaptation of the parts of the organism, employed for that purpose in animals. Nevertheless, he accomplishes this act with facility. In the choice and selection of food, Man, guided by his intelligence, possesses enormous advantages over the lower animals. lie ranges through the whole domain of the organic kingdom, and by the arts of acclimatisation, breeding, cultiva- tion, and agriculture, has improved many species, both animal and vegetable, which, in their wild, and uncultivated condi- tion, are much inferior as soimces of food. The improvement of the cereal, or corn plants, of vegetables and fruits, and of the ox, sheep, and pig, and also the acclimatisation of many gallinaceous birds, and the more recent results of pisciculture, and of attempts to breed the oyster, afford proofs of this statement. The use of fire for the preparation of food, is, like the employment of fire in general, peculiar to Man, who has, indeed, been designated a “ cooking animal.” The direct application of fire heat to food, develops peculiar empyreu- matic flavors and odours, in the cooked substance, whether this be animal or vegetable ; but the more important action of heat, whether applied directly, as in roasting or baking, or indirectly, throTigh the agency of water, as in boiling, is to change the molar and molecular condition of the cooked sub- stances. Thus, the albuminoid bodies are more or less coagu- lated ; the gelatin-yielding tissues become swollen and partially gelatini.sed ; fat-cells are ruptured, and fiits are rendered more tluid; the various kinds of starch have their granules jmlpi- fied, and the cellulo.se and lignin of vegetable tissue, are broken up, so as to liberate the contents of the cells. The general result of cooking, is to disintegrate, and separate the animal tissues into minuter portions, and to destroy the con- tinuity of vegetable textures. Cooking, therefore, produces 10 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. hoth physical and chemical changes in the food, the tendency of ■which is to facilitate mastication, and the subsequent action of the digestive fluids, thus rendering them softer and more digestible. Man also has discovered and employed as drinks, numerous beverages, obtained from the natural products of nearly every climate, by the spontaneous, or the induced, alcoholic fer- mentation of saccharine matter, whether this saccharine matter exist ready formed, as in the juice of the gxape, or other fruits, or ■whether it be artificially generated by the transformation of starch into sugar, as happens when barley is manufactured into malt. Besides consuming the immediate products of fermentation, in the shape of wine, beer, and other fermented liquors, distillation is had recourse to by Man, in order to procure, in a more concentrated state, the spirit, or alcohol, generated in that fermentation. Man, therefore, not only employs the art of cooking, but also the chemical 2woce.sses of fermentation and distillation, in the preparation of food, using this term in its widest sense. The precise destination of alcohol in the system will be hereafter discussed. Other beverages are made by simple infusion or decoction, so as to dissolve out certain nutrient or stimulating substances, as from tea, roasted coffee, cocoa, and other vegetable jwoducts. Sugar is used in solution, in the sweetening or preservation of fruits, in cookery, and in ^^reparing various articles of con- fectionery; it is a highly important and useful form of food. Common salt, being contained in the blood and tissues, is an essential article of food. Its use as a condiment, and also as a preservative, especially of animal substances employed as food, is very old and general. All animals are fond of s;ilt. Its injurious influence on the quality of the food preserved in it, has long been recognised, the continued use of such food, in the form of salted provisions, favouring the production of scorbutus or scurvy. Salt hardens the muscular and other tissues jrreserved in it, by abstracting water from them ; with this water, which appears in the brine, the soluble potash and magne.sia salts, as well as the creatin and other ex- tractives, are likewise absti-acted from the meat, and pass into the preservative liquor, thus leaving the meat de.stitute of many alimentary principles essential to health. Indirectly, this may be the cau.se of .scurvv ; or that di.sease may jiartly de- pend on the direct action of the common sjilt taken in exce.ss. The employment of vinegar as a condiment, and the use of THE DIGESTIVE PROCESSES. II vegetable acids, those universally favourite articles of diet, aid in the solution of nitrogenous food, and possibly of the lime salts, but they can scarcely be regarded as possessing positive nutrient properties. Other condiments, and spices, serve to stimulate the secretion of the digestive fluids, and excite the movements of the alimentary canal. In the artificial preparation of food, so as to render it soluble, or more easy of solution, we assist the digestive function itself, which, in adapting nutrient substances, by a series of processes, for absorption into the tissues of the body, has, for its immediate aim, the minute subdivision and the solution of these substances. The process of digestion, accordingly, includes certain mechanical and chemical acts. The former have for their object, to triturate and comminute the food, to mix it with fluids and with the various secretions in the alimentary canal, to move it within and onwards through the several portions of that canal, and lastly, to expel from the body the un- absorbed residue. The latter are accomplished by the aid of the various digestive fluids poured into the alimentary canal. Considered in the order in which they take place within the body, the several processes necessary to digestion, are mastica- tion, or the chewing of the food, and insalivation, or the mixing it with saliva, which occur simultaneously in the mouth ; deglutition, or swalloiuing, iu which the food is con- veyed through the pharynx and oesophagus, into the stomach ; gastric digestion, which takes place in the stomach, by aid of the gastric juice, also called chymificalion, and sometimes, though erroneously, digestion proper, for further true diges- tive processes occur in the intestine ; and, lastlj'-, intestinal digestion itself, accomplished by aid of the bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juice, immediately preparatory to the proper act of absorption of the digested materials, by the lacteals, in which they appear as chyle. Absorption of certain constituents of tlie food, however, likewise occurs, more or less, through the capillaries of every part of the alimentary canal. The residue of the food, or ingesta, together with the un- absorbed secretions, form the egesta, the e.xpulsion of which, constitutes the function of defecation. The mechanical and chemical processes of digestion, require separate, and lengthened, consideration. 12 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. MECHANICAL PROCESSES OF DIGESTION. Mastication and Insalivation. The parts concerned in mastication, are the teeth and jauis, the jmiscles which move the lower jaw upon the upper one, the imiscles of the cheeks, the Ups, the tongue, and jmlate. The teeth in Man, as in all Mammalia, are developed in two sets ; a Jh'st, less numerous, and smaller set, known as the milk, temporary, or deciduous teeth, and a second set, larger and more numerous, called the permanent teeth. The milk teeth are twenty in number, ten in each jaw. The five teeth, in either half of each jaAv, commencing at the middle line, consist of two so-called incisor teeth, one canine, and two molar teeth. The formula of these teeth is thus written, — M2 Cl 14 Cl M2 M2 Cl 14 Cl M2' When these teeth are shed, they are succeeded, at intervals, by the permanent teeth, which are thirty-two in number, sixteen in each jaw, eight in either half of each jaw ; viz. Pig. 84. Fig. 84 Human teeth, i, lower lateral incisor, seen from behind, c, lower canine, seen from witliin. 6, second upper bicuspid, seen sideways. »«, second lower molar, seen from without, i', section of an incisor tooth, showing the pnlp cavity, extending from the point of the fang, the den- tine, or tootli substance, the enamel on the crown, and the layer of cement on the fang, rn', section of a molar tooth, showing the same ))arts, and the pulp cavity extending into each fang. (Blake.) commencing at the middle line, two incisoi's, one canine, two bicuspids, and three molars. The formula of these teeth is therefore, — M 3_P. 2 C 1_ I 4 _C 1_B 2_ j\[ 3 M3“B2~C1"I4 Cl B2 M3' THE TEETH. 1.3 Each tooth, fig. 84, i to in, consists of an exposed part, called the crown or bod>/, and of a part buried in the gum and jaw, named the root ov fang ; at the junction of the crown and fang, is the slightly constricted ceiwix or neck. The several kinds of teeth differ in the form of their crowns, and in the number of their fangs ; hence their different designations. The incisor teeth, f, have wide, thin, crowns, slightly convex in front, and smooth or marked with longitudinal furrows, but somewhat concave, or bevelled off, on their hinder surface ; their edges, which, at first, present three small prominent points, are, when worn, long, narrow, and chisel-shaped, being well adapted for cutting purposes ; hence their name. The fang is long, single, and somewhat compressed from side to side. In the temporary teeth, but much more markedly in the permanent set, the upper incisors are larger, and occupy more space transversely, than the lower ones ; in the upper jaw, the middle incisors are larger than the lateral ones ; in the lower jaw, the reverse is the case. The canine teeth, c, larger and thicker than the incisors, are distinguished by the pointed character of their crowns, which are very convex in front, and a little hollowed behind, and also by the great size and length of their single fang, which presents, on its sides, a slight longitudinal furrow. The upper canines, popularly called the eye-teeth, are larger and longer than the lower ones, and on their posterior surface, close to the gum, is found a minute tubercle. The groove on the fang, and this posterior tubercle, foreshadow the subdivided fang and double crown of the bicuspid teeth. The canine teeth are so named from their large size in the dog, though they are still larger in the great feline animals ; in Man, they are more uniform in size with the neighbouring teeth, than in the larger Quadrumana and Carnivora. From their single point or cusp, which wears down with use, these teeth are sometimes called the cuspidate teeth. The bicuspid teeth, b, sometimes called premolars, because they are placed before tlie molar.s, and also named the small or false molars, have a double crown furrii.shed with two pointed cusps or tubercles ; viz. an outer higher, and an inner lower, one, between whicii is an irregular depression. The summit of the crown is quad- rangular, and compressed from side to side, contrasting Avitli the pointed canines, and chisel-sliaped incisors. The fiina:, in the lower bicuspids, is deeply grooved on each side, btit iii the upper ones, is cleft for a certain distance at the jioint. The molars or grinding teeth, m, arc the largest of the entire set ; 14 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the first on each side of each jaw, are the largest, and the third, or last molars, which are also named the wisdom teeth ( dentes sapientite), Ifoni their late appearance, are the smallest. They have a large, nearly cuboid crown. In the upper molars, this presents four cu.sps or tubercles, placed at the angles of the upper surface, and separated by a crucial de- pression ; the first and second of these teeth have the internal anterior tubercle always the large.st ; in the last upper molars, the two internal tubercles are blended. The crowns of the lower molars are larger than those of the upper, and are dis- tinguished by having a fifth small cusp or tubercle placed between the outer and inner posterior cusps, rather nearer to the former than to the latter ; this fifth cusp is best marked in the last lower molar tooth. The grinding surface of the lower molars is nearly square ; that of the upper, rhom- boidal. In the lower jaw, the two anterior molars have two iangs, but these are broad, grooved on their surface, and sometimes subdivided at their points. In the upper jaw, the fangs of the two anterior molars are three in number, two outer and one inner fang, the latter being sometimes grooved or even subdivided. The fangs of the upper molars are more divergent than those of the lower ones. In the wisdom teeth, or last molars of each jaw, the fangs are generally connate or united into a mass, showing marks of subdivision into two Iangs in the lower teeth, and three in the upper. The row of teeth, in each jaw, forms what is called the dental arch. In Man, it presents a broad, even curve, the upper dental arch being larger than the lower, so that usually it overlaps the latter when the teeth are closed, and thus siives the edges of the incisor teeth from unnecessaiy wear. The upper Ifont teeth are inclined slightly forwards, and the back teeth, outwards; whilst the lower fi-ont teeth are vertical, and the lateral teeth directed somewhat inwards, an arrangement which corresponds with the greater size, and the overlapping of the upper dental arch. In Man, the entire series of teeth are characterised by being uninterrupted by any marked in- terval, hiatus, or diastema, and by their nearly even height, which however diminishes slightly Ifom before backwards. In Mammiferous animals, the teeth are either of unequal height at different parts of the jaw, or are interrupted by larger or smaller intervals, or diastemata. The temporary teeth, though of course, in each case, of •smaller size, have forms like those of the ])ermanent teeth of THE STEDCTCRE OF TUE TEETH. 15 the same name. The crowns of the incisors are chisel-shaped, those of the canines pointed, and those of the molars square, and provided with several cusps. The first upper molar, the largest of all, has three cusps, and the second four; the first lower molar four, and the second five. The fangs of the temporary incisors and canines, are single ; those of the lower molars are two in number ; those of the upper, three. In both jaws, they are more divergent than those of the permanent teeth. The hard mass of a tooth is hollowed out, so as to form a cavity, called the jxulp cavity, because, diming life, it contains a soft substance named the pulp. This pulp cavity, fig. 84, i', m', varies in shape with that of the tooth ; it occupies the base of the crown, and is prolonged down each fang, in the form of a small canal, which opens at the point. The pulp consists of areolar tissue, ^supplied with vessels and nerves, which enter at the minute opening at the point of the fang ; it is the remains of the vascular and neiwous papilla, upon which the tooth is originally formed. The hard portion of the tooth surrounding the pulp, is composed of three substances; viz. the tooth substance, ivory, or dentine, the enamel, and the crusta petrosa, or cement (see fig. 84). The dentine forms the greater part of the tooth, imme- diately surrounds the pulp cavity, and corresponds, in form, with the tooth itself. Its hardness is owing to the large quantity of earthy matter which it contains, its chemical compo.sition being 72 parts of earthy to 28 of animal matter ; whilst ordinary bone shows a proportion of 66^ to 33-^. The earthy salts contain G6'7 of phosphate of lime, 3’3 of carbonate of lime, 1'8 of phosphate of magnesia and other salts, and •some traces of fluoride of calcium. The animal substance is converted into gelatin on being boiled. The dentine consists of microscopic tubes, called the dental tuhuli, which have hard walls, and are embedded in an intermediate hard sub.stance. These tubuli, originally de- scribed by Leeuwenhoek, commence by minute orifices on the walls of the ptdp cavity, and proceed outwards in a slightly wavy course, close together ; they soon divide dichotomously, and reach the superficial portion of the dentine, near the sur- face of which they terminate in fine branches, in loops, or in minute dilatations from which still finer branches proceed, or else in minute dentinal cells. The diameter of the inner or larger ends of the tubes, is about the Tj^ogth of an inch ; their 16 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. terminations are immeasurably fine. These tubuli might be compared to extremely minute Haversian canals, their finest terminal ramifications to the canaliculi, and the minute den- tinal cells to the corpuscles or lacunte of bone (vol. i. p. 47). The dentine is, indeed, regarded as modified bone. In Man, the dentinal cells are few in number, and very minute, so that their similarity to the lacunas of bone is not so striking as it is in the teeth of the horse and other animals, in which they are larger and more numerous. In the recent state, the dental tubuli are occupied by minute processes of the tooth pulp, which serve the piu’poses of nutrition, and perhaps also impai-t sensibility to the dentine. The substance of the walls of the, tubuli, is comparatively thick; its structure is not exactly known. The intermediate hard, or so-called inter- Fig. 85. Fig. 85. Section of a portion of the crown of a tooth, magnified about 300 diameters, d, the enamel, composed of wavy fibres, marked witli faint cross lines ; the surface is bounded with a fine homogeneous layer. Be- neath the enamel, is a portion of the tooth substance, showing the ends of tlie tubercle of the dentine, and certain irregular spaces in it. (After Kblliker.) tubular substance, is slightly granular, and contains the greater part of the earthy matter. AVhen this is removed by an acid, the softened animal basis is said, by some, to consist of fibres running parallel with the tubes, by others, of minute corpuscles, arranged around the tubes, and, according to ano- ther view, of fine lameUaj disposed concentrically around the pulp cavity, across the direction of the tubules, which are supposed to perforate the lamella;. The enamel, the hardest of the dental substances, and, indeed, of all known animal textures, is the dense white coverimr, which THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEETH. 17 jiroteots the crowns of the teeth ; it is thickest on the edges of the incisor and canine, and on the crown of the molar teeth, and gradually becomes thinner towards the neck, wliere it terminates. It contains more earthy matter than any other animal tissue, viz. 96‘5 percent., of which 89‘8 are phosphate of lime, with traces of fluoride of calcium, 4’4 carbonate of lime, and 1'3 phosphate of magnesia and other salts. The animal matter amounts to 3'5 per cent., the analysis shoAving a loss of 1 per cent. (Bibra). Berzelius estimated the animal matter at the remarkably low proportion of 2 per cent. The enamel, fig. 85, d, is composed entirely of microscopic hexagonal prismatic fibres, or rods, arranged closely together upon the dentine ; they are fixed, by one extremity, to minute depressions on the surface of the dentine, and, following a somewhat Avavy course, present, at their oirter ends, the appearance of a hexagonal mosaic pattern, AA-here they form the free surface of the enamel. On the croAvns of the teeth, the enamel fibres are vertical ; on the sides, they become first oblique, and then horizontal. Their diameter is of fii inch. Near the surface of the dentine, minute interstices are found betAveen the enamel fibres, supposed to be for the purpose of nutritive permeation. In the groAving tooth, by the action of an acid, the enamel may be separated into its microscopic elements, viz. into delicate prismatic nucleated cells, the Avails of Avhich coalesce, and which form moulds for the deposit of the earthy matter. In the perfectly developed tooth, the thin parietes of the cells become almost, or entirely, absorbed, and the prismatic earthy casts are blended together as the enamel fibres. On treating a groAving tooth Avith an acid, an exceed- ingly delicate membrane or cuticle is found, covering the entire surface, Avhich afterAvards, becoming calcified and coherent Avith the ends of the subjacent fibres, forms an impenetrable protective covering to it. The ervstn petrosa, or cement, fig. 84, i', m', is a tliin layer of true bone, Avhich coA'ers the fang, being thinnest next to the enamel, and thickest along the grooves and near the point ; it becomes thicker in advanced age, and sometimes fills up the minute opening leading into the ptdp cavity. The crusta petrosa contains lacuna; and canaliculi ; the latter, in the deep layers, sometimes anastomose Avith the terminations of the dental tubuli; in its thicker portions, it contains Haver- sian canals, surrounded l)y concentric lamella;. Its outer surface is firndy attached to a fibro-vascular and sensitive A'OL. u. u 18 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. membrane, called the periodontal membrane^ 'which is analogous to a periosteum, and serves to fasten the teeth in the alveoli or sockets of the jaw, being itself united to the periosteal mem- brane which lines the sockets. The dentine gives strength and .solidity to the teeth, but being penetrated by proce.sses of the sensitive pulp, and doubtless subject to nutritive changes, it is liable,' Avhen exposed, to suffer pain, and to undergo a process of decay resembling caries, which may even be repaired by an exuda- tion of dense iiTegular dentinal substance. The dentine, though very hard, Avould not bear constant attrition ; hence that singularly hard organised product, the enamel, is provided as a covering to the exposed parts of the teeth. This enamel, however, wears down, as is Avell seen in the incisor teeth, the primitively sharp, wavy, ornotched edge of which, soon becomes Avorn to an even chisel-like border. The enamel often exhibits minute fissures, and in the depressions between the cusps of the molar teeth, deep cracks, Avhich are the usual seats of com- mencing caries in the subjacent dentine. As life advances, the crusta petrosa often forms little knobs of bone upon the fangs of the teeth ; and after a certain age, a deposit, partly resem- bling dentine and partly bone, named osteo-dentine, or secondurij dentine, is sometimes slowly formed in the tooth cavity, whilst the pulp itself necessarily wastes. This deposit is produced by a conversion of the pulp, and serves to strengthen and solidify the tooth, as its croAvn is being Avorn aAvay ; in time, hoAv- ever, this process ends by cutting oft’ the vascular suppljr of the prdp, and leads to that final stage, in Avhich the remaining parts of the teeth drop out, and leave the edentulous jaAV of old age. The teeth of Man, and of the Slammalia generally, are not parts of the endo-skeleton, but appendages developed in the mucous membrane of the mouth, Avhich, like the armour- plates of the armadillo, the Ixiny scales of the crocodile, and the scales and spines of fislies, all appendages of the skin, belong to the exo-skeleton, or dermal skeleton. The mode of development of the teeth, and the manner in Avhich the milk teeth are shed, and the permanent teeth are cut, Avill be described in the section on Development. The period of the cutting or eruption ofthetemporaiy teeth is as follows : — The milk teeth begin to appear at about the seventh month, and are completed at the e.xpiration of the second year ; but considerable difterence exists in regard to the precise periods THE MILK TEETH. 19 of their eruption, frequently the first teeth appearing as early as the fifth or sixth month, and some infants being born Math teeth. The annexed diagram shows the usual order and average time at which the milk teeth are cut, the numbers indicating months. I I I c AI M 24 The lower middle incisors appear first, and generally the lower teeth are cut before the corresponding teeth of the upper jaw. Before the cutting of the teeth, the edges of the jaw, previously sharp, hard, and pale, become rounded and swollen, and of a darker colour, and the apex of the future tooth appears, like a white line or spot, through the gum. The milk teeth, having, for a time, fulfilled the office of mastication, fall out, and are succeeded by the permanent set, destined to serve the same purpose through the remainder of life. Teeth, once formed, cannot increase in size. The milk teeth, though sufficiently large for the infantile jaws, and strong enough to resi.st the action of the less powerful muscles working them against the softer food consumed in the earlier periods of life, would not be strong enough for the fully developed jaws and muscles, and the harder food, of the adult. Hence, they are removed to make way for a larger set, which also, when once formed, undergo no change in size. Their formation, and calcification, commence, indeed, at very early periods of life, the ossification of the first perma- nent teeth beginning at the age of six months, and that of the last molars, or wi.sdom teeth, at about twelve years of age ; yet their .size is proportionate to the dimensions of the future alveoli and jaws, and to the future wants of the still unde- veloped adult. The formation of the permanent teeth pre- sents one of the clearest examjjles of anticipative design in the animal economy ; for they are laid down, and their crowns even arc fully formed, -whilst the jaw itself is still too small 7 ' 9 18 12 M M 20 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. for their proper accommodation, and their future alveoli do not even exist. The eruption of the permanent teeth corresponds, generally, ■with that of the milk set. Thus, the permanent incisors suc- ceed to the temporary incisors, the canines of the one set, to those of the other, and the two permanent bicuspids, to the two temporary molars. The three permanent molars on each side are cut, like the milk teeth, directly through the gums. The cutting of the milk teeth, is doubtless, in many cases, though not necessarily, a painfid process ; it may even pro- duce reflex nervous irritation, which may affect the digestive, circulatory, or muscular systems, causing diarrhoea, fever, con- Fig. 86. Left side of lower jaw, at the age of five years, having the bony substance partly removed, to show the second set of teeth, forming be- neath the temijorary or milk teeth, i, temporary incisors, c, temporary canine, m, first and second milk molar, and first permanent molar, i', permanent incisors, forming in recesses or sacs within the jaw, below the milk incisors, o', permanent canine, i', permanent bicuspids, com- mencing below the two milk molars, which they reirlace. m', second permanent molar, rising behind the first, which is already through the gum. Above and behind this, is the sac of the wisdom tooth, or third permanent molar. vulsions, or paralysis. Lancing the gums of children, affords relief in two ways; it removes the tension of the inflamed gums, and also leads to the formation of a yielding and easily absorbed cicatrix, in place of the firmer tis.sue of the gums. The cutting of the ten anterior permanent teeth, is unattended by pain, for the crown of each, passes through an opening in the gum, left by the shedding of a milk tooth ; but the cutting of the permanent molar teeth, which have no precursory tern- THE PERMANENT TEETH. 21 porary teeth, is usually a painful process, more particularly the cutting of the wisdom teeth, the jaw and gums being frequently so cramped, that the tooth has not sufficient room to rise. At about the age of live years, immediately before the shed- ding of any of tlie milk teeth, the jaw bone contains more teeth than at any other period of life ; for, besides the milk teeth, all the permanent ones, except the wisdom teeth, are found in an advanced stage of growth embedded in the bone (see fig. 86, and description). The rudiments of the wisdom teeth first appear about the sixth year. The order and date of the eruption of the permanent teeth, in the lower jaw, are expressed in years, in the annexed diagram ; the corresponding teeth in the upper jaw appear usually, in each case, somewhat later. I I ^ 5-7 * c 7-9 ^ ® 9-12 ^ ® 8-10 ^^10-12 M 5-7 12-14 17-25 In accordance with the increased number and size of the permanent teeth, contemporaneous alterations take place in both jaws. In youth, the alveolar border is almost semi- circular, but in the adult, semi-elliptical ; it is, of cour.se, shallow in the child, and deeper and broader in the adult ; its hinder part e.specially, enlarges for the accommodation of the permanent molars. At first, the wisdom teeth of the upper jaw, lie behind and above the second molars; in the lower jaw, these teeth are embedded in the base of the coronoid processes, but descend to their proper position, as the jaw elongates. In the infant, the angle Ibrmed behind by the lower jaw, is verv obtu.se ; in the adult, it is nearly a right angle ; but in old age, when the teeth have fallen out, it again becomes more SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. obtuse. The obtuseness of this tingle, favours the approxima- tion of the edges of the jaws in the absence of teeth, both in infancy and old age. The use of the incisor teeth is to seize and divide, like scissors, the softer portions of the food. The pointed canine teeth, stronger, and situated at the sides of the dental arches, also cut or pierce the ibod ; whilst the bicuspids, and especially the molars, or grinders, are employed in bruising, crushing, triturating, and grinding it. The harder parts of our food are broken by the lateral, or posterior, teeth only. To ac- complish these piu’poses, the lower jaw is made moveable upon the upper one, which has no movement, except in conjunc- tion with the skull itself. By two projections placed at the summit of its back part, named condyles, the lower jaw ar- ticulates with the hinder part of two depressions in the temporal bones, named the glenoid fossce. The condyles of the lower jaw are flattened before and behind, and widened trans- versely; their long diameters are, however, not quite transverse, but are inclined backwards and inwards, so that lines passing through them, Avould meet at a point further back in the skull. Each condyle has a loose hinge and gliding movement, in the corresponding glenoid fossa ; but the two together form a firm hinge-joint, admitting also of movements, in which both condyles glide a little forwards and backwards, out of, and into, the fossa;. Moreover, when this motion is limited to one condyle, the lower jaw and teeth move sideways under the upper ones, to the right hand or to the left, the point of the chin being carried in the same direction. For the better adaptation of the articular surfaces, and the gi-eater security of the joint, a biconcave inter-articular cartilage, thin or per- forated at its centre, and thicker at its margins, is interposed betAveen the condyle and the glenoid fossa, and is earned with the condyle, in all the movements of the jaiv, esiiecially in the backward and forward movements, in the lateral move- ments, and in extreme depression of the jaw, as in yawning. This latter motion is checked by the jitery go-maxi I lary liga- ment. Owing to the slight sliding movement of the cartilage, the axis of motion of the lower jaw is not at the joint, but a little below it, in a line Avith the grinding surfaces of the teeth. The force employed in moving the loAA'cr ujion the upper jaAv, is muscular, and the agents immediately concerned, are the muscles of mastication. In opening the mouth, the loAver THE MUSCLES OF MASTICATION. 23 jaw partly descends by its own weight ; but it is also di-awn downwards by that portion of the digastric muscle, which ascends from the sides of the hyoid bone, and is inserted into the hinder surface of the front part of the lower jaw. The platysma myoides, a muscle of the neck, may also assist in drawing the jaw down, and so likewise do the genio-hyoid and mylo-hyoid muscles, which ascend to it Irom the hyoid bone, this bone being fixed by the sterno-hyoid and omo- hyoid muscles, which ascend to it from the sternum and the scapulfc, and also by the stylo-hyoids and the hinder portion of the digastrics, which descend to it from the styloid pro- cesses, and the inner part of the mastoid processes of the tem- poral bone. The external pterygoid muscles also draw the jaw forwards, and so aid in its opening. The closure of the jaw is accomplished by muscular effort only, the muscles concerned being the nrost powerful of those of the head and face. The chief of these are the temporal muscles, which descend from the temporal fossa? at the sides of the skull ; each arises from the frontal, parietal, temporal, and sphenoid bones, passes beneath the zygomatic arch, and is attached to the so-called coronoid process, at the upper and anterior end of the ascending part of the lower jaw, about an inch and a half in front of the condyle or joint. The leverage with which the.se muscles act, is greater tlian if they had been attached nearer to the condyles ; their action is like that of a lever of the third order, in which strength is, to a certain extent, sacrificed to rapidity of motion. Another muscle of mastication, on eacli side, is the masseter, a very thick and powerful muscle, which descends from the lower border of the zygomatic arcli and neighbouring part of the malar bone, and is inserted into the outer surfiice of the lower jaw, near its angle, both on its ascending and liorizontal part. Eacli of these muscles consists of a superficial part, the lilu'es of wliich are directed downwards and backwards, and of a deep part, tlie fibres of which descend obliquely forwards; whilst, there- fore, the whole mu.scle closes the jaw, the superficial part can draw this bone a little forwards, and the deeper part, slightly backwards. On the inner side of each a.scending portion of the jaw, between it and the cavities of the mouth and pharynx, are two other strong muscles, named the external and intenatl pterij(joi(h, which proceed from the .so-called jiterygoid pro- ces.ses of the sf)henoid l)oncs, and from the palate bones, and pass, the external one horizontally backwards and outwards. 24 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. to the inner surface of the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, and the internal one, obliquely backwards and downwards, to the inner surface of the ascending part and angle of the jaw. The latter muscles, on each side, co-operate with the temporals and masseters, in raising the jaw, and assist a little in drawing the bone forwards ; but the external pterygoids are the mui^cles chiefly concerned in executing this latter movement, as in protruding the chin. The backward movement is accomplished by aid of the posterior fibres of the temporal, and by the internal pterygoids. The external pterygoid of one side, causes the lateral motion of the bone upon its opjwsite condyle, and the lateral movement of the chin over to the other side. To accomplish the forward gliding movement of the interarticular cartilage, and, at the same time, to withdraw the two synovial membranes, situated above and below it, from the ri.sk of pressure, certain fibres of the external ptery- goid mu.scle are fixed to the anterior edge of the interarticular cartilage, and also to both synovial membranes. The move- ments of tlie masticatory muscles accelerate the flow of saliva and mucus into the mouth. The chief movement, employed in dividing or lacerating soft food, is a direct ascent of the lower jaw, accomplished by the temporal, masseter, and internal pterygoid muscles. In crushing harder food, or in the bad practice of cracking nuts with the teeth, the same movemeirt occurs, the substance being placed far back between the molar teeth, not only because these teeth are broader and stronger than the rest, but becarrse the muscular force is used with greater effect, the nearer to the fulcrum it is exerted. The advantage of having the molar teeth in the part of the jaw nearest to the fulcrum, is obvious. A simple upward movement of the lower jaw is insufficient for the purposes of mastication ; but the necessary bruising and trituration of the food, are accomplished by its backward and forward movements, and especially by the lateral move- ment, combined Avith a slight backward and forward action, which cause a rotatory or grinding motion of the lower teeth upon the upper ones. IMastication is extremely important in the case of all solid, firm, or fibrous food, as Avell as of that Avhich is hard and dry, pre])aring it, by comminution, for the action of the digestive fluids ; when it is hurriedly or imperfectly performed, dyspepsia often ensues. lu the act of mastication, the saliva plays an important Tine MUSCLES OF THE TONGUE. 2f) mechanical part, as, indeed, it also does in the movements of the tongue in speecli. Poni’ed into the mouth at various points, especially from the inner side of the cheeks near the molar teeth, it not only lubricates the mucous membrane, thus facilitating the reciuisite and constant motion of the food in the mouth, and moistens the teeth, so as to prevent the adhesion of the food by the clogging of their grinding surfaces, but, mixed with the food, it materially assists in softening it, and converting it into a pulpy mass, fit to pass down through the membranous gttllet. In mastication, the food is also mixed with a small quantity of air. It has been observed that in the mastication of dry food, such as crusts or biscuits, a larger quantity of saliva is, for a time, secreted than in the case of softer food ; this is probably, in part at least, due to the more vigorous action of the muscles of mastication, excit- ing a general determination of vascular and nervous energy to the parts. It was found by Bernard, in experiments made by opening the oesophagus of a horse, that the mass of food swallowed, was usually mi.xed with about ten times its rveight of saliva ; when the Whartonian ducts were tied, mastication was performed much more slowly, and the food mass, taken from the oesophagus, was drier, though covered with mucus, and weighed only three and a half times its original Aveight. Certain movements, which co-operate in mastication, are performed, within the dental arches, by the tongue, and on the outer side of these arches, by the buccinators, or cheek muscles, which compress tlie cheeks. These movements serve to place, and liold, the food betAveen the teeth, to turn it, so that fresh portions may be subjected to the pressure of the teeth, and, finally, Avhen it is fully masticated, to push or AvithdraAv it from between the teeth, so that it may be SAvallowed. The tongue also aids in crushing soft masses of food, and forming them into .suital)le boluses to pass into the jdiarynx and gullet. The toufiue is a muscular organ, composed of tAvo symme- trical halves, separated from each other fiy a median fibrous septum, and covered by mucous mend)rane and a submucous fibnnis stratum. The muscles of this oi'ga7i are exim'nsic and intrinsic. The former ]iass into the tongue, at its base and under surface, and connect it Avith neighbouring ]>arts ; they are four in number in each half of the tongue, viz. the hi/o-glossus, the fienio-lri/o-filo.s.sus, the sl/ilo-r/lossus, and the palato-f/lossus, so named from their respective bony attachments. A few fibres of the superior constiuctor muscle of the pharynx, are 26 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, also connected with the side of the tongue. The wtrinsic, or proper muscles of the tongue, are the superior longitudinal, the inferior longitudinal or lingualis, and the transverse. The ligo-glossus is a thin quadrilateral muscle, which, aris- ing Irom the hyoid bone, passes upwards to the side of the tongue, to be inserted between the stylo-glossus and the lingualis. Beneath the hyo-glossus, is a flat triangular muscle, the genio-hgo-glossits, the ajiex of which arises from the inner surface of the anterior portion of the lower jaw, its base being inserted into the hyoid bone, a small portion of the pharynx, and the entire length of the under sirrface of the tongue. The stglo-glossus arises from the styloid process of the temporal bone, and divides into two portions on the side of the tongue, one, longitudinal, blending with the lingualis, the other, oblique, decussating with the hyo-glossus. The palato-glossus, which, as previously mentioned, forms, on each side, the anterior pillar of the soft palate, passes from the soft palate to the .side and upper surface of the tongue, where it joins the fibres of the stylo-glossus. Of the intrinsic muscles, the superior longitudinal muscle occupies the upper surface of the tongue, close beneath the mucous membrane, extending from its apex to the hyoid bone ; .some of the fibres are longitudinal, others oblique ; many of them are branched or undergo subdivision, and are connected, at intervals, with the submucous and glan- dular structures. The inferior longitudinal, or lingualis, muscle reaches from the apex to the base of the tongue, lying between the hyo-glossus and the genio-hyo glossus, blending iiuteriorlv with the fibres of the stylo-glossus. Between the superior longitudinal and the lingualis, are placed the trans- verse fibres ; internally, these are connected with the median lilirous septum, and, pa.ssing outwards, they are inserted into the dorsum and margins of the tongue, where they intersect the other muscular fibres. These transverse fibres form the greater portion of the substance of the organ ; they are inter- mixed Avith a considerable quantity of fat. From the varied course of its comjioncnt fibres, the tongue possesses the porver of movement in all directions. For the act of sucking, the tongue is especially important. The lips of the infant being closely applied to the breast, the tongue is drawn back, and the threatened A'acuum in the mouth is filled with milk, forced in by the atmosjdieric pressure on the breast, as well as b}^ the ela.sticity of the THE FAUCES AND PALATE. 27 distended ducts of that organ. By means of the palate, uvula, and posterior pillars of the fauces, the respiratory passages through the nose and pharynx are shut off, so that air cannot enter the mouth by that path, and, moreover, respiration is not hindered, until the act of swallowing takes place. Drink- ing, with the lips closed on the rim of any vessel, involves a similar mechanism ; but the fluid is often allowed to enter the mouth by its giaivity only. In sipping, the fluid is drawn in by an inspiratory movement ; and, most commonly, the act of drinking is performed partly by sipping, and partly by pour- ing the fluid into the mouth. In drinking from a stream, the lips are protruded and submerged, and a combination of suck- ing with oral inspiration, takes place. Deglutition. Deglutition, or the act of sivalloiving, is that mechanical process, by which the food is passed from the mouth, through the opening called the fauces, into the pharynx, and thence along the gullet, into the stomach. This act is usually de- scribed as consisting of three stages : — first, that in which the food is forced backwards from the mouth, through the fauces, into the pharynx ; secondly, that in which it is made to traverse the middle and lower part of the pharynx to the gullet ; and thirdly, that in -which it descends along the gullet, and enters the stomach. The first stage of deglutition is performed by aid of the tongue, the hinder part of the hard palate and the soft palate, together Avith the so called pillars of the fauces. The hard palate is formed by parts of the superior maxillary and palate bones, covered by perio.steum and a dense mucous membrane. The .soft palate descends, like an apron, from the posterior border of the hard palate, and forms the upper margin and sides of the opening, seen on looking into the mouth, called the fauces. The arched border of this opening, forming the isthmus of the fauces, jwesonts, in the middle line above, the pendulous body, named the uvula. Two prominent ridges on each side, are called the pillars of the fauces ; the anterior pillars pa.ss down on the sides of the tongue, the posterior pillars, on the sides of the pharynx ; between the two jhllars, on each side, is a depression, in Avhich are lodged the soft, pro- jecting, oval, or almond-shaped, somewhat rugose, glandular bodies, named the amygdala; (almonds), or tonsils. The.se SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 2i bodies present a number of follicular depressions, the sides of which are surrounded by small closed spherical sacs, analogous to those of the so-called Peyer’s patches in the intestines ; they have thickish walls, lined by an epithelium, and contain a tenacious greyish Avhite secretion ; sometimes they open on the surface. The mucous membrane of the under surface of the soft palate, is covered with a squamous epithelium, and possesses numerous compound racemose mucous glands. The mucous membrane of the upper surface, turned towards the superior ])art of the pharynx, is continuous Avith that of the nasal ibs.sEe, and, near the openings of the Eustachian tubes, has a ciliated columnar epithelium. Between the two layers of mucous membrane, which join at the free border of the soft palate, are found, besides areolar tissue, bloodvessels, lym- phatics, and nerves, a number of symmetrical muscles, by means ol' Avhich, the soft, jAendent, valve-like palate, is rapidly moved in Amrious directions. Thus, the palate and uvida are raised by the levator a thin sheet of mus- cular substance, Avhich descends from the petrous part of the temporal bone and from the Eustachian tube, to the back ot the soft palate ; moreover, two small auxiliary muscles descend Avithin the uvula, constituting together the so-called azi/{/os uvula muscle, Avhich elevates the uvula. Descending from the pterygoid processes of the sphenoid bone, and from the Eusta- chian tube, on each side, is a muscle, terminating beloAv, in a little tendon, Avhich turns beneath the hamular, or hooked-like end of the pterygoid process, and so, changing its direction, spreads out toAvards the middle line Avithin the soft palate, and unites Avith its felloAV of the ojjposite side. This muscle, acting from its point of reflexion over the hamular process, tightens and spreads out the soft palate, hence its name, circiatijlexus, or tensor palati. The two pillars of the fauces, on each side, likeAvise contiiin small muscles ; those Avithin the anterior pillars, are named, from descending to the tongue, the ])aJato-glossi muscles ; and those Avithin the po.sterior pillars, from passing to the sides of the phai'ynx, the palato-pliari/ngei muscles. These muscles draw the soft palate doAviiAvards, and either baclvAvards or forwards, in the direction of the tongue or palate; by their joint action on the two aides, they also con- tract the aperture of the fauces to a triangular fissure, Avhich can then be conqiletcly closed by the uvula. By the variously combined actions of the surrounding nuisclos, the fauces can THE ntARYNX. 29 be closed, whether the palate be drawn upwards or downwards. By the approximation of the posterior pillars to the uvula, and by the simultaneous elevation of the palate, the middle part of the pharynx can be shut off from its itpper part, so that this latter, or the respiratory, portion, which communicates witli the nasal fosste, is separated from the middle part, through which the food has to descend. In the first stage of deglutition, the lower jaw is raised, the moitth is closed, and its cavity made smaller; the mass of food, sufficiently masticated, and softened by the saliva, is placed between the tongue and the hard palate, and is then pressed backwards, by a movement of the tongue, beneath the slightly sloping soft palate, which is rendered tense by the circitmfie.x muscles. The anterior pillars of the fauces are separated, to receive the mass, whilst the posterior pillars and the nvula, by being elevated and approximated in the manner just described, shitt off the upper part of the pharynx and the posterior nasal openings. The tongue, becoming shorter and thicker, its pos- terior part is rendered convex, and, by means of the mylohyoid muscles, which form the muscular floor of the mouth, and also by the digastrics, stylohyoids, and thyrohyoids, is then forced upwards and backwards, and following the mass of food, propfds it, through the fauces, into the middle portion of the pharynx ; thus is completed the first stage in the act of deglutition. The second stage of deglutition is performed through, and by, the pharynx. This is a musculo-membranous sac, or bag, about 4^ inches in length, and wider above than below, which is suspended from the ba.se of the skull, in front of the vertebral column, and behind the cavities of the nose, mouth, and larynx, with all of which it communicates. It is through the larynx, that the air passes to and from the lungs. On a level with the lower border of the larynx, the pharynx be- comes continuous with the oesophagus, or gullet. The pharynx, fig. 87, has seven openings leading into it. At its upper part in front, are the two posterior narcs, n, or nasal openings ; at each side, are the apertures of the Eustachian tubes, which lead to the tympanic cavities of the cars ; these four openings arc above the level of the soft palate. Below the soft palate, p, the pharynx opens, by the isthmus of the fauces, into the mouth ; lower down, beyond tlie root of the tongue, is the opening, e, into the larynx, I ; at its termination, is that leading into the oesophagus, o. The walls of the pharynx consist chiefly of three pairs of, so-called constrictor, muscles. 30 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. supported by areolar tissue, and lined throughout by a mucous membrane, continuous with that of the nasal cavities, Eusta- chian tubes, mouth, larynx, and gullet. The constrictor muscles, named, from their relative positions, superior, middle, and inferior, overlap each other from below, that is, in the opposite direction to the slates of a roof, the inferior muscle being external to the middle one, and the middle one external to the upper one ; the superior muscle, which is open in front. Fig. 87. Pig. 87. Back view of tlie pharynx and part of tlio oesophagus, suspended from the base of tlie skull, and laid open behind, n, openings of the nasal cavities, called the posterior nares, separated by a median septum. p, soft palate, with the uvula depending from it, in the centre. Below this, the arches of the fauces, bounded by its posterior pillars : beneath this arch, is seen the back of the tongue, e, the epiglottis, or valve which protects the superior aperture of the larynx. I, the back of the larynx, seen in the opened Jjart of the oesophagus, o, the oesophagus. t, the trachea, or windpipe. is, therefore, embraced, at its lower end, by the middle muscle, whilst this again is embraced by the inferior constrictor. Considered together, these constrictor muscles are attached, above, to the ba.se of the skull ; in front and at the sides, to various parts of the bones of the skull and face, and also to a. fibrous band ])assing from the styloid process of the temporal bone to the lower jaw; still lower down, to the side of the SECOND STAGE OF DEGLUTITION’. 31 tongue, to tlie styloliyoid ligament, and the hyoid bone ; and, lastly, to the thyroid and cricoid cartilages of the larynx. Posteriorly, the fibres of the constrictor muscles, sweeping backwards in a curved direction, meet at a raphe, or median line, along the back of the pharynx. Spreading out on each side of the pharynx, is the styio-pharyngeus muscle, which descends from the styloid process, and also the 'palato- jiharipujeus, which passes down in the posterior pillar of the fauces. The upjier portion of the pharynx, above the level of the soft palate, is exclusively respiratory, and its mucous mendjrane is covered with a columnar ciliated epithelium ; the middle portion, through which not only air, but food and drink pass, and the lower portion below the laryngeal aper- ture, which is devoted exclusively to the passage of food and drink, are covered with a squamous non-ciliated epithelium. Numerous simple and compound racemose mucous glands open upon the pharyngeal mucous membrane, and moisten it with their secretion. In the second stage of deglutition, the softened mass of food, forced, by the backward movement of the tongue, into the middle portion of the pharynx, is compressed, in rapid succes- sion, from above downwards, by the lower fibres of the supe- rior constrictors, and more especially by those of the middle and inferior constrictors, and thus is jwopelled ragridlg into the upper end of the gullet. At the same time, the upper fibres of the superior constrictors, and especially the fibres of the stylo-pharyngei muscles, draw upwards, and somewhat out- wards, the pharyngeal walls over the mass of food, as this is forced downwards. The super-position of the constrictors, one upon the other, from above downwards, facilitates the propulsion of the food in that direction ; moreover, the food itself meets with no obstruction from the edges of the two lower constrictors, as would have been the case, had the im- brication of the muscles been in the opposite direction. The second stage of deglutition is rapidly performed, because re- spiration is suspended during its occurrence. Provision must also be made, during this .«tage of deglutition, for the safe transit of drink and food through the pharyn.x into the gidlet, without any drop or particle being forced upwards into the nasal fossae, where it would excite irritation, or downwards into the laryn.x, whence it would descend into the windjnpe, and cause coughing, difficulty of breathing, or suffocation. The posterior narcs are accordingly protected by the elevation 32 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and tension of the soft palate above the middle portion of the pharynx, in the mode already described (p. 29), so as to form an inclined plane, beneath which the food glides into the pharynx, as this ascends to I’eceive it. At the same time, the opening into the larynx is protected by the epiglottis, a leaf- like valve, situated at the root of the tongue (vol. i. p. 250), fig. 87, e, fig. 9, e. This valve, in the ordinary condition of the parts, stands erect, with its fi’ee margin directed upwards ; the laryn.x then communicates with the middle portion of the pharynx, and air can ]tass from the nose, and mouth, if that be open, to and from the windpipe and lungs. When, how- ever, the tongue is raised, and pressed backwards at the end of the first stage of deglutition, the larynx is elevated, and the mass of food, or the portion of liquid, then swallowed, presses the previously erect ejnglottis downwards and backwards, so as, together with certain folds of the mucous membrane connected with its borders, completely to close the opening into the larynx, whilst the food or drink is passing by it, into the lower portion of the pharynx. The moment the solid or fluid has thus passed down, the tongue resumes its previous position, the epiglottis is again erected by the elastic Iblds connecting it with the anterior part of the larynx and root of the tongue, and the air passage is once more free for the purposes of respiration. The third stage of deglutition is performed by aid of the muscular walls of the gullet or oesophagus. This musculo- membranous tube is that portion of the alimentary' canal, which extends fi-om the pharynx down to the stomach. It mea.sures about nine inches in length, and is the narrowest part of the alimentary canal, being itself narrowed at its lower, but narrowest at its upper end. It descends through the lower part of the neck and through the whole length of the thorax, and then, perforating the diaphragm, opposite the ninth dorsal vertebra, enters the abdominal cavity, and imme- diately opens into the stomach. It is supported ujion the vertel)ral column, being placed between the carotid arteries, and behind the trachea, the heart, and the arch of the aorta ; below the latter, it lies in the space between the two jdeura’, to the right, and then in front, of the descending aorta ; it traverses the diaphragm through a special opening, named the oesophageal opening. The walls of the oesophagus are composed ol‘ three coats, muscular, areolar, and mucous. The muscular mat con.sists of an external layer of TiriRD STAGE OF DEGLUTITION. 33 fibres, and an internal layer of circular fibres ; at the upper end of the oesophagus, these fibres are chiefly striated, and striated fibres are to be found in smaller numbers even down to its lower end ; but the great mass of the muscular coat consists of the plain, or unsti'iped, muscular fibres. The areolar coat is a soft distensible tunic, which supports the mucous coat. The mucous coat, reddish above, and pale below, is thick, and when the oesophagus is closed, it is thrown into numerous longitudinal plicae ; in this state, a section across the tube presents no cavity, but, in its centre, a radiating or branching cleft, formed by the meeting of the plicated folds. The pharynx is permanently open, as far as the aperture lead- ing into the larynx, but its lower portion, and the whole length of the oesophagus, are habitually closed, their sides being always in contact, excepting when solids, fluids, or gases are passing through them ; they are examples of what are called jiotential cavities. When, however, any solid or fluid is passing down the oesophagus, the longitudinal plicae of its mucous coat are obliterated. This membrane is beset with papillae, and covered with a many-layered squamous epithelium, which, at the lower end of the oesophagus, at the line of jmiction with the stomach, abruptly changes its character, and presents a crenulated border. The mucous membrane of the oesophagus is provided, especially at its upper and lower ends, with small compound mucous glands. In the third and final stage of deglutition, the food, pressed down by the muscles of the phaiynx, fir.st distends the walls of the oe.sophagus, the muscidar coat of which, however, speedily contracts above the morsel, and so urges it further downwards ; the part thus dilated, then contracts above the mass of food, which is thus driven on, and so, by a succession of similar acts, is propelled, in separate portions, into the stomach. This successive contraction of the muscular coat of the oesophagus, from above downwards, is called vermicular ov peristaltic. Thci circular fibres contract, in a wave-like manner, from above downwards, and are the propulsive agents; whilst the longitu- dinal fibres, drawing up and widening the walls of the oesopha- gus, over the sides of the morsel of food, facilitate its descent. Gravitation, though it may assist, has but little inlluencc on, the downward movement of food or li([uids. The resistance to be overcome, is slight, consisting only of the clastic pressure of the walls of the ocsojdiagus and of the surrounding ])arts. Solid substances, and even flnids, are habitually swallowed by VOL. II. u 34 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the horse and other animals, against the force of gravity; and certain clowns can perform the feat of eating and even drink- ing, whilst “ standing upon their lieads.” The rate of motion of food through the cesophagus, is not so rapid as that through the pharynx. Ordinarily, the movement causes only a alight sensation at the upper end of the oesophagus ; but if the morsel be too large, the act is painful, especially as the mass is passing through the diaphragmatic oesophageal opening. As the oeso- phagus receives fibres coming from the spinal accessory nerves, but reaching it through the pneumogastrics, division of the latter in the neck, paralyses the lower part of this tube, so that the food remains in it, and distends it. It also receives sympa- thetic nerve fibres. The three stages of deglutition are distinguished from each other in a remarkable manner, according to the mode in which they are regulated, or governed, through the nervous system. The_^rs< stage is voluntary, we place the food between the tongue and the palate, and, by an effort of the Avill, pass it backwards through the fauces, into the pharynx. E^^en the accompanying movement of the soft j^alate, to shut ofl' the nasal fossae, Avhich is an associated movement, so deter- mined by habit as to be unconsciously performed, is neverthe- less a voluntary movement, or at least one Avhich, by trifling practice, may be voluntarily performed. The second stage is, however, Avholly involuntary and automatic, and is performed through the intervention of a reflex action, though it may be partly imitoted by the Avill. No sooner has the food reached a certain part of the fauces, than it excites afferent neiwes dis- tributed to that part, the impressions on the fibres of AA’hich, being conveyed to a certain neiwous centre, are reflected, through efferent fibres of other nerves, to the Amrious and numerous muscles required to contract ; and, by the simul- taneous action of these, this stage of deglutition is rapidly performed. Whilst, then, the first stage, Avhich inA'olves no obstacle to respiration through the nose and pharjmx, is volun- tary and deliberate, the second stage, during Avhich respi- ration must be suspended, is involuntary and rapid, and, more- over, is not entrusted to movements requiring practice, habit, or attention, to ensure their perfect co-opei'ation, but is per- formed as promptly, efficiently, and safely, the first time by the neAV-born infant, as at any after period of life. The accidental passage of food or drink into the air-passages, Avith its accom- panying inconveniences, incidentally proves the advantage of THE STOMACH. 35 the perfect performance of this movement. The afferent nerves concerned in this important reflex act, are those supplying the mucous membrane of the fauces and neighbouring joarts of the pharynx, viz. the palatal branches of the fiftli pair, and, chiefly, the pharyngeal branches of the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumo- gastric nerves ; the efferent or motor fibres are contained, some in the former, but mostly in the latter nerves, being, however, derived partly from the spinal accessory nerves (vol. i. p. 336). Some also belong to the hypoglossal, which governs the move- ments of the tongue, and certain muscles of the neck ; to the facial nerve, which supplies the digastric and stylohyoid muscles ; and perhaps a few to the cervical spinal nerves. The reflex nervous centre is situated in the medulla oblongata, and upper part of the spinal cord. The f/iird stage of deglutition is also entirely involuntary, and chiefly, if not wholly, reflex. The afferent fibres concerned, are contained in the oesophageal branches of the pneumo-gastric nerves, and the efferent fibres are included in the same branches, derived partly, however, from the spinal accessory nerves. It is supposed by many, that the non-striated muscular fibres of the oesophagus, may be directly stimulated by the substances swallowed, without the intervention of any reflex nervous action. Movements of the Stomach. The stomach, figs. 13, 89, s,the dilated part of the alimentary canal, into which the ccsophagus opens above, and Irom which the small intestine leads below, is a musculo-membranous bag, of a peculiar .shape, extending across the abdominal cavity, from left to right, in front of the vertebral column, just below the diaphragm and liver, immediately behind the anterior wall of the abdomen, and above the transverse colon. It is some- what pear-shaped, the wider end, fundus or cardiac end, fig. 89, 0, being turned to the left side, and the smaller ov pyloric end, p, which ends in the small intestine, being turned to the right .side. The oesophagus enters the stomach a little to the riglit of the cardiac end. The upper border of the stomach is concave, and is named the lesser curvature ; the lower border, convex, is called the yreater curvature-, the left end ol' the stomach, beyond the entrance of the oesophagus, is named the (jreat cul-de-sac, and a slightly dilated part of the convex border, towards the left end of the stomach, is called the lesser cul-de-sac. After death, the human stomach sometimes has SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. .“IG an hour-glass form, being constricted across its middle, or somewhat nearer its pyloric end. The stomach has tAvo aper- tures, one named the oesopharieal or cardiac opening ; and the other the pyloric opening. It is attached, by its cesophageal end, to the diaphragm, and, by its pyloric end, to the back of the abdomen ; the lesser curvature is attached, by a double fold of the peritoneum, or lining membrane of the abdomen, to the under surface of the Ihmr ; the left end, or great cul-de-sac, of the stomach, is connected, by a similar fold, Avlth the spleen, and the greater cmwatiue is loosely attached, by like folds, to the transverse colon. The greater curvature is the most movable part of the organ, rvhich, rvhen empty, is flattened on its anterior and posterior surfaces ; but, as its cavity is filled, it is tilted forwards and upwards, so that its anterior and posterior surfaces are then turned, respectively, oblicprely upwards and forwards, and downwards and backwards, the oesophageal and pyloric ends remaining almost stationary. The .stomach de- scends with the diaphragm during inspiration, and ascends in expiration ; its state of distension affects the cavity of the chest, and, when over-distended, causes dyspnoea and palpitation of the heart. The capacity of the stomach is most A'ariable, ranging from complete emptiness, with its walls in contact with each other, to a condition of full distension, in which it may hold three pints. When moderately full, it measures 12 inches in length, by 4 in diameter. Its weight is about 44-ozs.. The membi'anous Avails of the stomach consist of four coats, Auz. commencing from Avithout, the se?’0vs, muscular, areolar, and mucous coats, all of Avhich are held together by a more or less extensible areolar tissue. The serous coat, thin, trans- parent, and smooth, is a part of the peritoneal lining of the abdomen ; the anterior and posterior surfaces of the organ, are covered by distinct layers of the peritoneum, Avhich, leaving it along its greater and lesser curvatures, become applied to each other, to form the double supporting folds named omenta, by Avhich the stomach is held in connection Avith other parts. The serous coat is elastic, and thus accommodates itself to the variable state of distension of the organ, Avhich is also facilitated by a loose inter-space bettveen the tAvo jtcritoneal layers along its curvatures. The muscular coat, to Avhich the serous coat adheres by fine areolar tissue, contains three layers of libre.s, named, from their direction, longitudinal, circular, and oblique. The longitudinal fibres, which are next beneath the serous coat. THE COATS OF THE STOMACH. 37 are continuous with the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus ; they spread out over the stomach, being accumulated in gi-eat numbers along the lesser curvature, in smaller numbers along tlie greater curvature, and only thinly scattered upon the anterior and posterior surfaces of the organ. At the oesopha- geal opening, they form the so-called stellate and, at the pylorus, they are again disposed in a uniform layer, and become continuous with the longitudinal fibres of the small intestine. The circular fibres, internal to the longitudinal ones, form thin circular fasciculi at the great cul-de-sac, and surround the whole extent of the stomach up to the pyloric end, Avhere they are collected into a dense ring, Avdiich projects inwards, and forms an annidar sphincter muscle. This projecting ring. Fig. 88. Fig. 8S. Vortical section through the pyloric end of the stomach, and the curved part of the duodenum, to show the circular fold, or annular valve, at the pylorus, s, small part of the stomach, d, part of the duodenum, p, the pylorus, or pyloric opening of the stomach, with its annular valves, a, ends of the common bile duct, and the hepatic duct, entering tlie left side of the bend of the duodenum, to o])en internally by a common orilico. Much reduced in size. covered, on its interior, by the mucous membrane, constitutes the pylorus or pyloric valve (ttuAj/, a gate)^ fig. 88, p, the mu.scidar fibres of which can partially, or completely, close the pyloric aperture of the stomach. The ohlujue muscular fibres do not, like the longitudinal and circular set, to which they are internal, extend over all parts of the stomach ; from around the oesophageal opening, where they are continuous Avith the circular fibres of the ocsoi>hagu.s, and form a sort of sphincter, they may be followed lor a .short distance on the great cul-de-sac of the stomach, s[)reading obli(|ucly down- wards on its anterior and posterior surfaces. The muscular 38 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. fibres of the stomach are pale, and, for the most part, non- striated, tliough a few, in the longitudinal layer, present traces of indistinct stride. The areola?' coat of the stomach, sometimes called, from its position, the submucous coat, consists of dense areolar tissue, containing some fatty tissue, and a delicate layer of unstriped muscular fibres. It supports the mucous coat, and, like it, is of greater extent, and less expansible, than the muscular and serous coats ; with the muscular coat, it is connected by very loose areolar tissue, so that in the empty condition of the stomach, it is thrown, together Avith the mucous membrane, into numerous irregular, but chiefly longitudinal, folds, called rugce. The bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves, belonging to the mucous coat, subdivide in the areolar coat, before they enter the mucous membrane. From the number of vessels in it, the areolar tunic was formerly named the vascular coat, and from its white colour, the nervous co;it; both terms, hoAvever, are objectionable. Its muscular fibres are sup- po.sed to assist, by their contraction, in the process of absorp- tion. The innermost, or mucous coat of the stomach, is a soft, pulpy, smooth, membrane, of a pale straw colour, after death, but of a pink, or bright red, hue during life, being much darker during digestion. It is habitually moistened Avith mucus. It adheres firmly to the areolar or submucous coat, and folloAvs the folds or rufjee seen in the empty stomach, but Avhich are completely obliterated, Avhen this organ is distended. The mucous membrane is proAuded Avith multitudes of glands, to be hereafter described, Avhich secrete the gastric juice. The bloodvessels and lymphatics are numerous. The nerves of the .stomach are derived, partly from the large terminal branches of the pneumogastric or vagi nerve.s, Avhich are joined by the splanchnic branches of the sympathetic, and partly also by the sympathetic branches, proceeding along the arteries from the cceliac or solar jilexus. The stomach is a dilated portion, or diverticulum, of the alimentary canal, intended for the reception and retention of successive portions of fluid, and of masticated and insalivated solid food, in order that Avhilst the Avatery and dissolved parts arc absorbed, the solid substances may be subjected to the action of the gastric juice. Besides the.se purposes, for Avhich itis fitted by the extensibility of its serous and muscular coats, and by the loose rugte of its less exjxinsible submucous and mucous THE MOVEMENTS OF THE STOMACH. 3'J tunics, the stomach also, by aid of its muscular fibres, im- presses peculiar movements upon the food in its interior, and urges onwards through the pylorus, into the small intestine, those portions which are sufficiently softened and digested by the gastric juice. In these movements, the longitudinal fibres shorten the stomach ; the circular fibres lessen its diameter, acting peristaltically from its cardiac onwards to its pyloric end, whilst the oblique fibres draw the sides of the organ over the alimentary mass. When the stomach is empty, the several sets of fibres contract it in every direction, some narrowing it, and others shortening it, and so reduce it to its smallest ])Ossible dimensions. The pyloric part diminishes relatively less than the cardiac portion. When, however, the stomach contains food, its internal surface is kept in close contact with this, and the different fasciculi of each layer acting con-secu- tively,give rise to complicated movements in certain directions. The combined result of these, is a remarkable rotatory^ or churning, motion, which urges the food Irom the great cul-de-sac along the lower border of the stomach, towards the pylorus, and thence back, along the upper border to the great cul-de-sac again, and so on : such rotation is said to occupy from one to three minutes (Beaumont). In order to prevent regurgitation of the food into the oesophagus, espe- cially during effort with the abdominal muscles, the cardiac orifice is kept closed by the circular fibres of the lower end of the oesophagus, aided by the edges of the opening in the tliapliragm ; the pylorus is closed by its proper muscular ring. As the outer layer of the alimentary mass becomes digested, and converted into a pulp, it is pressed, by the peristaltic action of the circidar fibres, tlirough the pylorus, and escapes at intervals, into the duodenum. As this l)ulpy portion is expelled, iresh layers of the food mass are brought into con- tact with the gastric walls ; towards the end of digestion, larger quantities pass the pylorus. Whilst the jiylorus per- mits the f)a.ssylorus relaxes, and allows them also to pass into the intestinal canal. The move- •10 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. ments of the stomach are partly reflex, being excited through the pneumogastric nerves, as is shomr by experiments on animals ; but it would also seem probable that a direct stimu- lation of its muscular fibres may co-operate. The sphincter fibres at the cardiac end, appear to be under the government of the sympathetic nerves. It is not known whether the con- traction of the pylorus is a reflex act. The gastric movements aid in the function of digestion, by rotating the food in the stomach, thus exposing all parts of the digesting mass to the action of the gasti-ic fluid, and by continually removing the softer parts Ifom the surface, and expelling them gradually through the pylorus, so that fresh portions of that surface are then exposed. The pressure exercised upon the contents of the stomach, may further assist in the process of venous absorption. It is to be observed, however, that portions of food, placed in perforated metal tubes or balls, and introduced into the stomach, are neverthe- less digested. Movements of the Intestines. The intestinal canal, fig. 89, d to r, or portion of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach downwards, is divided into a longer and narrower part, called the small in- testine, d to i, and a wider and shorter part, named the lai-ge intestine, c to r. The small intestine extends from the pylorus^, to a valvular opening leading into the large intestine, c; it measures about 20 feet in length, and becomes somewhat, though slightly, narrower from above downwards. This long tube lies in coils, or convolutions, occupying the middle and lower part of the abdominal cavity, and the pelvis, fig. 13. It is supported by a broad double fold of the peritoneum, named the mesentery, Avhich is attached, by a shorter posterior margin, to the back of the abdomen, but is connected by a longer anterior margin, Avith the back of the small intestine, so that both it and the intestine are throAvn into folds, Avhich are capable of constant change in form and position. The layers of the mesentery are prolonged over the intestine, and form its outer or serous coat ; and between these two layers, are contained the bloodvessels, lymphatics and lymj)hatic glands, and the nerves of the intes- tine, all of Avhich help to support this part. The small intestine commences on the right side of the vertebral column, beneath the right lobe of the liver, and after THE SMALL INTESTINE. 41 undergoing its numerous convolutions, terminates in the lower part of the right side of the abdomen. For purposes of Fig. 89. Fig. 89. Diagram, showing the abdominal portion of the .alimentary canal, its subdivisions, and the general position of these in the abdomen. the stomach, o, the o3soi)hageal, or cardiac end. p, the pylorus, d, d, the duodenum, or first portion of the small intestine, curving from right to left, j, coils of the jejunum, or second part of the small intestine. i,i, coils of the ileum, or third and last jiart of the small intestine, c, the ciecum, or first part of the largo intestine, with its vermiform appendi.x. co, co, co, ascending, transverse, and descending iiortions of the colon, f, sigmoid llexure of the colon, r, straight intestine or rectum. The small intestine is seen to occupy the middle of the abdo- men, and to be surrounded on three sides by tho largo intestine. description, it is said to be composed of three portions: first, of a short portion named the duodenum, d, d {duodeiii, 42 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. twelve), because it corresponds in length to the width of twelve lingers placed side by side ; secondly, of a longer portion named the jejunum, j { jejunus, fasting), from its being usually found empty after death ; and, lastly, of a still longer portion named, from its numerous coils or convolutions, the ileum, i {eiXttv, to coil). The duodeninn, d, d, is about 8 or 10 inches long ; it is the widest part of the small intestine, measuring from l-^ to 1^ inches in diameter; it is also the most fixed part, having no mesentery, the peritoneum merely covering it in front, except near the stomach. The duodenum de.scribes a horse-.shoe like curve, the convexity of which is turned to the right ; first it Fig. 90. Pip. 90. Portion of the small intestine, dissected, to show the position of its several coats, s, the outer, smooth, serous or peritoneal coat. m, the muscular coat, composed of an outer layer of longitudinal fibres, and an inner layer of circular fibres, c, the submucous and mucous coats united together. Much reduced in size. ascends, for about 2 inches, towai'ds the under .surface of the liver and gall-bladder; then, it descends in front of the right kidney ; next it passes from right to left, across the second lumbar vertebra, the attachment of the diaphragm, the ascending vena cava, and the aorta, and jias.sing slightly uji- wards, joins the jejunum, opposite a line corre.sponding with the superior mesenteric artery and vein. In the concavity of the curve of the duodemim, is placed the right end or head of the pancreas, which is here attached to the intestine. The common bile duct and the pancreatic duct, open into the duodenum. The jejunum, j, forms about two-fifths, and the ileum, i, i, THE VALA"UL-E CONNIVENTES. 43 the remaining three-fifths of the part of the small intestine below the duodeiiem. The jejunum occupies the middle and left regions of the abdomen ; whilst the ileum is placed in the middle, lower, and right regions, and, occasionally, partly descends into the pelvis. The termination of the ileum in the large intestine, c, is situated in the right iliac fossa. The jejunum has thicker and dark coloured coats, and is some- what wider than the ileum, the average diameter of the former being li inch, that of the latter 1 inch. The membranous walls of the small intestine are composed, like those of the stomach, of four coats ; viz. the serous, muscular, areolar, and mucous coats. The seroMS coat, fig. 90, Fig. 91. P Eig. 01. Portion of the small intestine, laid open to show the smooth internal coat or mucous membrane, which is here thrown into numerous transverse double folds or ridges, which are permanent. These are the valvulse conniventes, v. A patch of theso-callcd Peyer’s glands, or glan- dulm agminatfc, or aggregata;, with its little component round sacs, is shown at p. The ohlong white jiiece of card, partly covering the patch of Peyer, and marked with an asterisk, *, shows the relative size of the piece of mucous membrance represented in Pig. 9S. .1, derived from the peritoneum, is thin and elastic, to permit of various degrees of distension ; whilst the smoothness and moisture of its free surliice, facilitate the changes ol' form and position of the intestinal convolutions upon each other, and upon adjacent parts. 'J'hc rnusrular coat, consists, as else- where, of an e.xternal layer of longitudinal, and an internal layer of circular fibres. The longitudinal layer is thinner than the circular layer, and is most distinct along the free I border of the intestine; the circular fibres are arranged more I closely together. 'I’he areolar or submucous coat, c, is loosely I connected with the muscular coat, but more firmly with 9 the mucous meitdjrane, which it supports. Thin crescentic 44 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. extensions of this areolar coat project transversely, at intervals, into the interior of nearly every part of the small intestine, and, covered, on both sides and at their edges, by the closely adherent raucous membi’ane, constitute the so-called valvulw conniventes, fig. 91, v. These valves may be displayed by opening the intestine, and immer.sing it in water. In a portion of intestine inflated, dried, and laid open longitudinally, they are seen as transverse crescentic folds or ridges, wider in the middle, and tapering at either end. Each extends about half or two-thirds around the interior of the tube ; the longest are about two inches in length, and one-third of an inch wide at their broadest part, but most of them are smaller ; the larger and smaller ones alternate ; unlike the rugae of the stomach, they are permanent, and not obliterated by distension ; they do not contain any of the circidar muscular fibres, as the pyloric valve does. They begin in the duodenum, about one inch below the pyloras; in the lower part of the duodenum, they are very large, and succeed each other closely ; about the middle of the jejunum, they begin to get smaller and wider apart ; in the lower half of the ileum, they become less dis- tinct, and in the lowest part of that intestine, they are altogether wanting. The mucous membrane of the small in- testine, which also covers the valvulaj conniventes, is specially characterised by being everywhere closely beset with an immense number of minute thread-like processes, called villi ; when immersed in water, these stand up and produce a flocculent appearance, resembling the pile of velvet; hence this mucous membrane has been termed villous. It also contains the intestinal glands, to be presently described, and other glands to be noticed, Avith the lacteals, in the section on Absorption. The nerves of the small intestine are derived immediately from the sympathetic system ; on their finest branches in the submucous areolar tissue, are found multitudes of the microscopic ganglia, elsewhere noticed (vol. i. p. 325) ; others exist betAveen the circular aud longitudinal muscular layers (Meissner, Auerbach). The movements of the small intestine, depending on the contraction of its longitudinal and circular fibres, alFord the most perfect example of vermicula?' or peristaltic movements. They consist, in the healthy state, of sloAv, successive, AAmve- like contractions, chiefly of the circular fibres, from the upper to the loAver part of the intestine. They are noticeable in very emaciated persons dm-ing life, but are poAverfuUy ex- THE LARGE INTESTINE. 45 cited by exposure of the intestines to the air, especially Avhen the abdominal aorta has been tied ; they continue for a short time after death, and even when the intestine is removed from the body. By narrowing the small intestine, they urge gently onwards from its upper to its lower end, the pulpy mixture of the alimentary substances and digestive juices, gently compressing these soft materials against the mucous membrane, passing them on, over the numerous valvular con- niventes, and so undoubtedly aiding in absorption. The progressive contractions of the longitudinal fibres, open and unfold the coils of the intestine, which otherwise might arrest the progress of its contents. The peristaltic movements of the intestines are influenced, both through the cerebro-spinal and sympathetic neiwous systems ; this is shown by experiments on animals, by irrita- tion of the solar plexus, spinal cord, and brain, and also by the peculiar effects of emotions on these movements ; they are accelerated by moderate stimulation, and retarded, or arrested or inhibited, by more powerful irritations. But, as they may continue after the intestine is removed fi-om the body, it is possible that they are usually excited, either by the direct stimulation of the muscular fibres, or else, in a reflex manner, through the intervention of the minute nervous uanglia found in the submucous tissue, and in the circular and lono-itudinal muscular layers. The stimuli which e.xcite these motions are, in either case, the digested food, and the various digestive fluids ; of the latter, the bile is the most stimulating, and its importance as a regidator of the action of the alimentary canal is well known. ’ Besides these intrin.sic movements, the small intestine is acted upon jointly by the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles, which subject it to various degrees of pressure, and more or less alter its general position in the abdomen ; 'such movements must aid in urging onwards the contents of the intestine. It has been estimated that the time occupied in the descent of the digested food along the small intestine is about three hours. ’ The large inte.sthe, fig. 89, c to r, extends from the .small in- testine to the termination of the alimentary canal. It mea- sures usually about five or six feet, i.e. about one-fifth of the whole length of the intestinal canal. Though much shorter than the small intestine, it is considerably wider, measurimr from U to 2t inches in width, being widest at its comineiice- SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 4G ' merit, and gradually narrowing as it descends. It pnr.snes a remarkable cour.se ; commencing in the right iliac fossa, M'ljere the small intestine opens into it, it ascends along the right side to the under surface of the liver, then passes across, between the umbilicus and the pit of the stomach, to the left side of the abdomen, whence it descends to the left iliac fossa, and, having described a double or sigmoid curve, enters the pelvis, through Avhich it passes down, supported by the sacnim and coccyx. The large intestine is more or less arbitrarilv divided into three parts ; the first part named the ccEcum. c, with its veiiniform ap^iendix ; the second part, the colon, CO to CO, again subdivided into the ascending, transverse, descending colon, and sigmoid flexure of the colon ; and the third part, or terminal portion, named the rectum, r. The ileum, i, enters the inner or left side of the large in- testine, c, a short distance above the commencement of the latter, which forms, below the point of entrance, a pouch- like portion, about two inches in length, constituting the ccecum, so named because it is a blind pouch or cul-de-sac, fig. 92, c._ Projecting from the lower and back part of the CfEcum, is a narrow, coiled, and tapering, tube, about 4 inches in length, and about as thick as a worm, hence named the vemiiforni or worm- like appendix, fig. 92, a. It commimicates with the CECcum by an opening, protected by a membranous ridge ; its outer end is closed- It may be regarded as a part of the ciEcuin arrested in its growth, and is the homologue of the long ca3cum found in Mammalia generally, the orang-outang, chim- panzee, and wombat being, however, exceptions. The cascum, and the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, with its sigmoid flexure, are distinguished from the small intestine, and also from the rectum, by their peculiar saccu- lated form. The sacculi of these parts, are arranged in three longitudinal rows, separated from each other by three inter- mediate bands. Their presence depends upon a peculiar arrangement of the coats of the inte.stine. These, as in the small intestine, are four in number, viz. proceeding from without inwards, the serous, the muscular, the areolar, and the mucous coats. The serous or peritoneal coat, is complete in only certain portions of the great intestine, viz. in the transverse ])art of the colon, the sigmoid flexure, and the upper part of the rectum ; whilst the catcum, the ascending and descending colon, and the lower part of the rectum, are THE LARGE INTESTINE. 47 closely fixed behind, and therefore receive only a partial covering from the peritoneum. Tlie muscular coat consist.s, as usual, of external longitudinal and internal circular fibres. On the vermiform appendix, both sets of fibres form uniform layers. On the sacculated pouch of the ctecum, and through- out the whole length ol the colon, however, the longitudinal fibres, thinly scattered over the sacculi, are chiefly collected into three long bundles, which form the three longitudinal bands between the sacculi. These bands, indeed, are shorter, fi-om end to end, by nearly one-half, than the intermediate part of the intestine, which accordingly is puckered, and projects inwards in the form of sharp crescentic ridges between the dilated parts which form the sacculi. These sacculi become smaller and more scattered on the sigmoid flexure of the colon. On the rectum, the longitudinal fibres speedily form a thick stratum, evenly disfributed over the whole circumference of the intestine, so that the sacculi disappear. The circular fibres cover the whole surface, but are accumulated in greater numbers on the ridges between the sacculi. Upon the rectum, however, they soon form a thick and uniform layer ; the lower portion of this is particularly Avell developed, con- stituting the internal sphincter muscle, which constricts the lower part of the bowel, and assists the external sphincter muscle, situated beneath the skin, around the aperture of the intestine, in keeping the bow^el closed. The areolar or sub- mucous coat of the large inte.stine, is attached loosely to the muscular coat, but more intimately to the mucous membrane j it 13 sacculated, and helps to maintain the Ibrm of the intes- tine ; it supports the tender mucous coat, and furnishes a stratum, in Avhich the bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves, ramify. The mucous coat, unlike that of the small intestine, follows strictly the form of the intestinal canal itself; for it is not throwm into proper folds, like the valvulai conniventes, but only follows the concentric ridges between the sacculi. Moreover, it differs from the mucous membrane of the small intestine, in being somewhat thicker and jialer, and in being perfectly smooth and entirely destitute of villi. In the ca;cum and colon, it is of a greyish yellow colour, but in the rectum, it is darker, thicker, more vascular, and more loosely con- nected with the muscular coat. Its glands will be presentlv described. The nerves belong to the sympathetic system ; in the submucous coat, their fine branches present microscoj)ic ganglia, which are also found outside the muscular coat. The 48 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. movements of the large intestine are not retarded by irritation of the splanchnic nerves. At the junction of the lower end of the ileum, fig. 92, i, with the cajcum, c, and colon, co, there is found a very per- fect valve, the ileo-cmcal valve, or valve of Tulp or Bauhin, composed of two semi-lunar segments, having their free edges directed towards the large intestine. The end of the ileum is somewhat flattened on its upper and under aspects, and is here inserted into the left side of the large intestine. The flattened part of the small intestine, candes in, with it, the side of the lai’ge intestine, and so forms the segments of the valve, Pifr. 92. Pig. 92. The ctecura, and the commencement of tlie ascending colon, laid open in ft-ont, to show the ileo-coscal or ileo-colic valve, at the jum tion of the small and large intestines, c, the cul-de-sac, named the cascum, or blind intestine, a, vermiform appendix of the ca?cniu. co, part of the ascending colon, i, A piece of the ileum, or small intestine, entering the side of the largo intestine, between the cascuin and colon, by a hori- zontal transverse fissure, bounded, above and below, by the crescentic segments of the ileo-ciecal or ileo-colic valve. Much reduced in size. which consist therefore of the coats of both intestines, ex- cepting, however, the longitudinal muscular fibres and the peritoneal tunic. If the latter be carefully divided where it passes from one intestine to the other, the inserted part of the small intestine, may be drawn out from the side of the large intestine, when the two segments of the ileo-caical valve disappear, and the small intestine seems to open widely into tlie side of the large intestine. In the natural condition, the segments of this valve are placed one above the other, and leave, between their free edges, a narrow, nearly horizontal. CONTENTS OF THE LARGE INTESTINE. ■45 slit, leading irom the small into the large intestine. Each segment contains circular muscular fibres, areolar tissue, and two layers of mucous membrane, continuous with each other at the free edge of the segment. The mucous membrane of the surface turned towards the ileum, is covei'ed with villi ; whilst that turned towards the large intestine, is destitute of those processes. Notwithstanding the active absorption which takes place along the whole length of the small intestine, its contents rediin a pulpy consistence. By the peristaltic action of the circular muscular fibres, they are pressed through the slit-like opening between the segments of the ileo-cascal valve, having- passed which, they are received into the pouch of the ctecum, which now supports their weight, whilst the lateral position of the valve relieves it from pressure. Once having passed the valve, no force exerted upon the intestinal contents, can ever return them into the small intestine, the valve-segments, owing to the elasticity and muscularity of all the parts, meet- ing closely together under every change of dimensions. Even after death, when these parts are removed from the body, water, poured into the colon, is, owing to the closure of the valve-seg- ments, completely prevented from passing into the ileum. In the ca2cum, the still pulpy residue of the processes of dige.stion and absorption, undergoes further inspissation, perhaps also fiirther digestion. By the combined and comparatively slow peristaltic action of the longitudinal bands between the .sac- culi, and of the circular fibres spread over the sacculi them- selves, it is pres.sed upwards into the ascending colon, and, in like manner, onwards from .sacculus to sacculus of the ascend- ing, transverse, and descending colon, and, yet more slowly, through the sigmoid flexure of the colon into the rectum, ac- quiring, by gradual absorption, as it dc.scends, its final state of inspissation, before it is expelled from the body. Undue pres- sure, or weight, is prevented by the sigmoid curve of the intestine. The e.xternal and internal .sphincters, which close the rectum below, are kept contracted, in a reflex manner, by the action of the spinal cord. In defaccation, these muscles are relaxed whilst the intestine above contracts, the action being aided by expulsive efforts on the part of the abdominal and expiratory inu.scles generally, the dia])hragm being fixed after closure of the glottis. The fibres .surrounding the cardiac opening of the stomach, must also close that aperture simultaneous!}'. VOL. u. E 50 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Vomiting. In the ordinary exercise of their functions in the digestive process, the oesophagus, the stomach, and the intestinal canal, manifest, as we have seen, movements of the so-called peri- staltic kind, due to successive wave-like contractions of their muscular walls," excited, partly through the nervous system, but also, especially in the case of the intestines, by the direct stimulation of the food upon them. But, under certain con- ditions, an undue local stimulation of the muscular fibres, or some wider irritation, operating through the neiwous system, excites these organs to reversed, or so-called anti-peristaltic, action, often accompanied with powerful associated move- ments of the abdominal muscles, and with certain peculiar states of the diaphragm and muscles of respiration generally, so producing the acts of eructation, regurgitation, retching, and vomiting. The eructation of gaseous matters, depends chiefly on the contraction of the walls of the stomach and oesophagus, aided slightly by that of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. The act of vomiting is a more general, and powerful move- ment, and often involves a contraction of the small intestines ; but it depends essentially on a similar mechanism. Though an exceptional phenomenon, and, in disease, often a serious or fatal symptom, it is, in many instances, beneficial, relieving the stomach of indige.stible, irritating, or poisonous substances, expelling trom it morbid secretions, or even inducing a state of exhaustion, in some way favourable to ultimate recovery. Retching is imsuccessftd vomiting. Regurgitation is performed by the same mechanism as vomiting ; but its effect is limited to the expulsion of small poi'tious only of the contents of the stomach. There are persons who possess a sort of power of ruinination, swallowing their food half chewed, and, after a time, returning it to the mouth, where it is fully masticated, and then re-swallowed. The actual contraction of the stomach, in vomiting, is sometimes felt ; indeed, it has been Avitnessed. In a man, in whom the entire stomach protruded through a Avound of the abdomen, forcible and repeated contractions of this organ, Avere observed to continue for half-an-hour, till it AAnis entirely emptied of its contents (Lepine). As a preliminary con- dition to the inverted action of the fibres of the stomach ACTION OF THE MUSCLES IN VOMITING. 51 generally, the pyloric muscular ring contracts tightly, whilst the oblique fibres surrounding the cardiac orifice are always, and necessarily, relaxed ; otherwise the contents of the stomach could not enter the oesophagus. The ineffectual attempts to vomit, sometimes noticed, before the actual ex- pulsion of the contents of the stomach, are due to the contrac- tion of these cardiac fibres, which contraction ordinarily serves to retain the contents of the stomach, during any violent effort on the part of the abdominal muscles. The relaxation of these fibres, in vomiting, is immediately followed by an anti- peristaltic action of those of the oesophagus, movements which have been observed in the horse, after the injection of tartar emetic into its veins, and have been found to continue even when the oesophagus is separated from the stomach. It has been suggested, that the upward propulsion of the contents of the stomach or intestines, and of matters rising in the oesophagus, is due to a downward or peristaltic action meeting with resistance, and producing a central, or so-called axial current upwards (Brinton) ; but this explanation is not gene- rally adopted, and antiperistaltic movements certainly occur in animals. The influence of the abdominal muscles in vomiting, is ob- vious, and, indeed, Magendie suggested, that these muscles and the diaphragm were alone concerned in this act, the stomach being, as it were, passive, and merely compressed by the descent of the diaphragm, and the backward movement of the abdominal muscles. This view is supported by Bedard and Budge. The administration of tartar emetic, to an animal, or its injection into the veins, was said, by Magendie, never to produce contraction of the stomach. He found that, on drawing this organ out of the abdomen, no vomiting oc- curred ; but, as soon as it was replaced in its normal situation, the action of the abdominal muscles, or the pressure of the hand, immediately produced vomiting; even after removal of the abdominal muscles, so as to leave only the linea alba, or the tendinous structure in the middle line of the abdominal walls, the descent of the diaphragm, according to that observer, still emptied the stomach. Moreover, on removing the stomaeh, and supplying its place by a bladder attached to the oesophagus, the contents of the former were forced up- wards by the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It is, however, generally believed, that these experiments merely prove, that the abdominal muscles are powei'ful agents in 52 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. expelling the contents of the stomach into the oesophagus, just as they assist, most materially, in the expulsion of the contents of the other hollow viscera. They do not show a completely passive condition of the stomach itself, which organ, as just stated, has been seen to be able to empty its own contents. In experiments on animals, when the abdomen is opened, the movements of the stomach are frequently so feeble and rapid, that they might escape observation. It was supposed by Magendie, that the diaphragm is actively concerned in vomiting, imdergoing a movement of descent ; but, the associated acts necessary to vomiting, are expiratory, and the descent of the diaphragm is an inspiratory movement (Marshall Hall). At the moment of vomiting, the diaphragm, though more or less contracted, is certainly /.recZ ; for, previous to each act of vomiting, a poweiful inspiiatory effort occurs, and the diaphragm of course descends ; but the o-lottis is then closed, and any further movement, on the part of the diaphragm, is thus prevented, so that it probably remains passive in vomiting. During vomiting, as in the second stage of deglutition, cer- tain muscles draw the soft palate across the pharynx, and Ill-event the vomited substances from passing into the posterior nares ; but when the abdominal muscles act very powerfully, these are sometimes ejected through the nose. As elsewhere mentioned, vomiting is a reflex act, the pneumogastric nerves being the afferent nerves, the medulla oblongata and cord, the excitable centres, and the nerves of the various muscles concerned, the efferent nerves, bometunes it is excito-7notor, and induced by a local stimulus, applied to the interior of the stomach itself, sucli as indigestible food, medicines, poisons, or diseased secretions; it may also be due to morbid irritability of this organ, ffoiii inflammation, ulcer- ation or other disease; or the cause of irritation may be distant, as in the intestines or some other part. In certain cases, as in sickness produced by a blow on the eye-ball or on the shin, by strangulation of the intestine, or by a calculus m the kidney, the reflex act is sensori-motor, or accompanied by sensations which are always of a painful kind, llie nausea and vomiting caused by tickling the fauces, by disagreeable tastes and odours, or by sickening sights, are likewise sensori- motor in their character. Sea-sickness is also an example of sensori-motor vomiting. Emotional causes may likewise excite this act. Emetic medicines, which operate just as readily TJIE DIGESTIVE FLUIDS. 53 Avlien injected into the veins, as -when introduced into the stomach, probably act directly on the rellex nervous centres concerned in vomiting; but they may operate on the extremities of the afferent nerves of the stomach. These are the pneumo- gastric nerves, irritation of which causes, amongst other results, contraction of the muscles of the abdomen, and vomiting. In the vomiting, named cerebral vomiting, which occurs after con- cussion of the brain, and in certain diseases of that organ, the cause of irritation is central. In some individuals, vomiting can be performed voluntarily, this power being either natural, or else accpiired by practice. It is said that the act of vomiting hut seldom occurs in the horse ; and it has been attempted to explain this, by reference to the structure of the cardiac end of the stomach ; but it would seem rather to be due to the very slight susceptibility of tlrat animal to the action of emetic medicines. THE DIGESTIVE FLUIDS. The chemical processes concerned in the function of diges- tion, consist ot peculiar reactions between the food and the various secretions of the alimentary canal. The dige.stive fluids, which are added to, and act chemically on, the food in its progress through the alimentary canal, are as follow: — first, the fluids of the mouth, 'consisting of the mucus secreted by the mucous membrane and glands of that cavity, and the saliva^ the product of the three pairs of salivary glands, named the i:tarotid, suhmaxillarij, and sublingual glands ; secondly, the secretion of the stomach, named the gastric juice , formed by minute gastric glands, or follicles, embedded in the mucous membrane of that organ ; thirdly, the bile .secreted by the liver, and poured into the duodenum ; fourthly, the g^an- creatic juice secreted by the pancreas, and also added to the food in the duodenum ; and lastly, the mucus and the intes- tinal juices^ secreted by the mucous glands, and by the so- called tubidi, which exist in vast numbers in the mucous membrane of eveiy part of the small and large intestines. Each of these fluids exercises a special transmutation on one or more of the proximate constituents of the food, the tendenc}- of such changes, being to convert tho.se constituents, from an insoluble and unab.sorl)able condition, into a .state of solution, or into a state in which they can be absorbed, that being the ultimate object of the digestive process. SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 51 Sources and Comiiosition of the Buccal Mucus and Saliva. The mucous (/lands of the month are named, according to their position, labial, buccal, molar, /mlatcd, and linrjual. These are chiefly compound racemose glands, forming rounded masses beneath the mucous membrane, and opening into the mouth by their proper ducts. At tlie base of the tongue, are a few simple follicles, and some follicular depressions, having little closed sacs in their walls, like the follicles of the tonsils. The tonsils themselves probably also furnish some mucous secretion. Beyond the mouth, the pharynx possesses inune- rous simple follicles, and its upper part, compound racemose glands. Their secretion lubricates the parts, and also the suiface of the food. It may likewise aid the saliva in its chemical action. Throughout the whole length of the oeso- phagus, and especially in a circular group aroimd its lower end, there are also mmierous compound mucous glands, which perlbrm similar offices. Of the three pairs of salivary glands, the parotid glands are by far the largest, weighing fi-om 5 to 8 drachms each. They are placed one on each side of the face, between the ear(7rapd, near, ovc, (hroc, the ear) and the loAver jaw, which they overlap, being there supported by their ducts and blood-vessels, and by a strong fascia. The facial nerves pass through the glands. The principal mass of each gland occupies the position above indi- cated, and likewise penetrates amongst the muscles and vessels of this region ; but a secondary or accessory portion, soda parotidis, extends forwards along the excretory duct. This canal, named the Stenonian duct, runs forward from the gland, over the masseter muscle, passes obliquely through the buccinator muscle, and, opposite the second upper molar tooth, opens by a narrow orifice into the mouth. It is about inches long, and about the diameter of a crow-quill, but its orifice is very minute. The gland itself consists of numerous compressed lobes, held together by the ramified ducts and blood-vessels, and by areolar tissue. The lobes are again divided into lobules, each of which is a minute racemose . gland, the branched ducts of Avhich, terminate in vesicles, . about 1-27777 ”ich in diameter, fig. 42, c., each being sur- rounded by a network of capillaries. The sjiliva, scci’eted Irom the blood into these vesicles, flows along the smaller f bi'anches of the ducts, into the main canal or duct of Steno, and is thence poured into the mouth at a place suitable for THE SALIVAUT GLANDS. 55 moistening tlie dry food, and for being mixed with the alimentary mass. The submaxillary glands are placed, one on each side, beneath the horizontal part of the lower jaw, attached by their ducts and blood-vessels, and supported by the cervical fascia and certain muscles. Each gland is of a roundish shape, and weighs from 2 to 2^ drachms; its struc- tiwe resembles that of the parotid. Its chief duct, thinner than that of the parotid, is named tlie Whartonian duct, and is about 2 inches long ; it runs forwards between the muscles, beneath the sublingual gland, to the side of the frasnum of the tongue, where it opens upon a small eminence close to the duct of the opposite side. These glands, therefore, discharge their saliva, not outside the jaws, like the parotid glands, but in- side the lower dental arch, their secretion being pressed up into the mouth by the motions of the tongue. The sublingual glands, the smallest of the salivary glands, are somewhat almond-shaped, and weigh each about one drachm ; they form two narrow oblong ridges, about 1-^ inch long, placed, one on each side, beneath the tongue. Their structure resembles that of the other salivary glands, but, instead of having a common duct, the several lobules open into from eight to twenty ducts, named the Rivinian ducts, some of which, including one large duct named the duct of Bartholin, join the Whartonian duct, as it runs for a certain distance immediately beneath the gland. The saliva from the sublmgual glands, flows into the mouth, beneath the tip and sides of the tongue. The mechanical flow of the saliva into the morrth, is aided by the contraction of the muscles of the tongue and jaw engaged in mastication ; on opening the mouth before a look- ing-glass, and then turning up, and stiffening, the tongue, the .saliva is sometimes seen to be ejected a considerable distance, from the orifices of the Whartonian ducts. The salivary glands all receive branches from the sympa- thetic nervous system ; the parotid glands are likewise supplied by the fifth pair (its auriculo-temporal branch) ; whilst the sublingual and .submaxillary glands receive nervous filaments from the chorda-tympani branches of the facial nerves. The saliva flows intermittently ; and its secretion is excited through the nervous system, by the agency of which, the quantity of this and other secretions, is cliiefly regulated (Vol. I., p. 333). Thus, the presence of food, e.spocially of dry food, in the mouth, and even the introduction of food into the stomach through a gastric fistula, stimulates the How of .sahva; 5C SrECIAL PIITSIOLOGY. salt, vinegar, pepper, and other condiments, and particidarlj' tobacco, and the root of the pellitory of Spain, have a still more powerful effect ; these furnish examples of reflex stimulation of the salivary secretion. The afferent nerves concerned, are the gustatory branches of the fifth pair, and the glossopharyn- geal nerves; the efferent nerve-fibres are contained in the chorda-tympani branches of the facial nerves, or in the auri- culo-temj)oral branches of the fifth pair. The neiwous centres are the submaxillary ganglia, and the cerebro-spinal axis. Besides this, the saliva is excited to flow by ideational or other mental stimuli, such as the sight of food, or even the thought of it. The act of speaking, and also that of vomiting, are preceded by a flow of saliva. Fear diminishes or arrests it. Irritation of the fourth ventricle, and the presence of certain substances in the blood, esjDecially of mercury, likewise increase the flow of this secretion. The effect of mercurialization in exciting a flow of saliva, is specific. The mode in wdiich the neiwous system influences the secretion of saliva, has been elucidated by the interesting experiments of M. Bernard. When the sublingual and sub- maxillary glands, exposed in an animal, are at rest, little or no saliva being formed, the veins are seen to contain a moderate quantity of dark blood. On now stimulating the glands, in a reflex manner, by the application of vinegar to the tongue, the arteries supplying them dilate, the flow of blood through these vessels becomes quicker, even the veins pulsate, the venous blood is of a bright red colour, and there occurs a copious flow of watery saliva. The afferent nerves concerned in this reflex act, are obviously branches of the gustatory and glossopharyngeal neiwes ; the efferent fibres are contained in the chorda tympani ; for if either this or the facial, from which it is derived, be cut, the active jDhenomena, above described, all gradually cease, but they are again excited by indtation of the distal ends of the divided nerves. If tlie facial nerve be dra-wn out from the cranial cavity, irritation of the glosso- pharyngeal no longer increases the flow of saliva. The efferent nerves of the parotid glands, are said, by Eckhard, to proceed, not from the chorda tympani or facial, but from the auriculo- temporal branch of the fifth pair. As already stated (Vol. I., jD. 333), irritation of the S3'inpathetic branches supplying the sublingual and submaxillarj'^ glands, has an opposite effect to that of stimulating the fibres of the chorda tjunpani ; the secretion from the glands, then becomes scanty and thick, the THE SALIVA. 57 arteries small, the flow of blood through the gland diminished and retarded, and the venous blood dark. To explain these opposite phenomena, it is assumed that the sympathetic nervous centres cause a contraction of the muscular coats of the smaller arteries; whilst the cerebro-spinal centres inhibit this power, and so induce a relaxed condition of the arterial coats. The efferent effect, conveyed through the chorda tympani nerve-fibres, is therefore not motor, but of a special kind, controlling, or inhibiting, the action of the sympathetic nerve-fibres and centres. This example Avill suffice to illustrate the mode in which secretion generally, is believed to be influenced through the nervous system. In-i- tation of the sympathetic nerves does not alter the quality, but only lessens the quantity, of the secretion of the jiarotid glands. According to Eckhard, great numbers of mucous corpuscles, exhibiting intrinsic movements, like those of the Amoeba, are found in the viscid secretion of the sublingual and submaxiUary glands, after irritation of their sympathetic nerves ; such corpuscles, but in smaller number, exist, as we shall see, in ordinary salma. The chemical composition of the saliva is, according to Dr. Wright, as follows : — Water . Ptyalin, or Salivin Fatty matter Albumen with Soda Mucus . Ashes . Loss 98 81 18^ 05 17 26 41 12^^ = 98-81 Solids . = 1’19 100- 100- The saliva, thus constituted, is a transparent watery fluid, destitute of smell ; its specific gi’avity varies from 1002 to 1008. Besides fine granular particles, mucous corpuscles, derived, for the most part, from the lingual and tonsillar glands, and epithelial cells detached from the mouth, the .saliva con- tains the .so-called salivary corpuscles, spheroidal nucleated cells, somewhat re.sembling the white blood corjrascle.s, Avhich undergo Amoeba-like changes in form, and exhibit a molecular movement in their interior. The quantity of saliva secreted in twenty-four hours by all the glands, has been estiitiated at from 1 to 3 lbs. : Imt it differs according to the nature of the food, and the intervals between the meals. Its flow is increased by mastication. 58 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. but is aiTested by tbe cessation of that movement. The saliva from the parotid gland, is very thin and watery, and becomes more abundant ditring mastication ; that from the .submaxillary, and especially from the sublingual gland, is more viscid, and flows more constantly, for jmrposes of speech. The parotid glands, wdien active, are said to secrete from eight to ten times their own weight in one houi'. When first secreted, and especially during active secretion, the saliva is alkaline ; that of the submaxillary gland is less so than that of the parotid. In fasting, the moisture of the mouth is nearly neutral, or even acid, at that time consisting probably almost entirely of mucus. Tl]\e iityalin or salivin, the most important consti- tuent of the saliva, is an albuminoid substance. Of the salts, the tribasic phosphate of soda is probably the cause of the alka- linity of the secretion ; besides this, there are found chlorides of sodium and potassium, sulphate of soda, phosphates of lime and magnesia, and oxide of iron. The tartar of the teeth is formed by a deposit of these earthy salts, mixed with mucus, and the remains of bacteria or vibrios ; it contains 20 per cent, of animal matter. Urea has also been found in the fluids of the mouth, and traces of ammonia, the results of decomposi- tion. Thus far, the .salts of the healthy saliva resemble those of the blood ; but it contains a peculiar and remarkable salt, named the sulphocyanide of potassium, which strikes a deep red colour, with a solution of a persalt of iron. Source and composition of the Gastric Juice. When the soft puljDy mucous membrane of the stomach is examined under a moderate magnifying power, it presents a delicate honeycomb appearance (fig. 93), caused by numerous, shallow, hexagonal, or polygonal, depressions, named the cells or alveoli of the stomach ; near the pylorus, these measure T-J-yth of an inch in width, but elsewhere are smaller and less distinct, measuring only -g-Jw^h to ^-gTjth of an inch. Between the alveoli, are slightly elevated ridges, upon which, especially near the pyloric end of the stomach, are minute processes, which somewhat resemble villi, and are more distinct in the infant. No lacteals, however, have been detected in them. At the bottom of the alveoli are clusters of minute spots (fig. 93), which are the orifices of tubular follicles. These follicles, called the yaslric glands or tubidi, secrete the gastric juice ; they are arranged, side by side, in little groups (fig. 94), perpcn- THE GASTRIC GLANDS. dicularly to the surface of the membrane, and form almost its entire substance. At the pyloric end of the stomach, where the mucous membrane is thickest, the tubuli are the longest, measiuing nearly -g^jjth of an inch in length ; towards the car- diac end, where the mucous membrane is thinnest, they are less thickly set, and become gradually shorter, measuring only jdjyth of an inch in length ; their average diameter is about jj^th to 5^th of an inch, the orifices, c, being somewhat naiTOwer. Each follicle is somewhat dilated, or flask-shaped, at its deeper or blind end ; the larger follicles are sometimes convoluted or varicose, and sacculated at the blind end, or Fig. 93. Minute portion of the surface of the mucous membrane of the human stomach, showing the polygonal depressions or alveoli, with the elevated ridges between them. At the bottom of the alveoli, arc seen the open mouths of clusters of the tubuli of the stomach, or g.astric tubuli. Magnified 60 diameters. (After Boyd.) Fig. 91. Perpendicular section through a small piece of the mucous mem- brane of the stomach, to show the clusters of the gastric tubuli. a, neck of a single tubule, i, dilated end or fundus, filled with glandular epi- thelial cells, c, orifices of the tubuli, at the bottom of the alveoli, m, muscular bundles of the muscular coat. (After Kblliker.) Magnified 10 limes. even .subdivided into two, or, sometimes, as in the pyloric por- tion of the stomach, into as many as six or eight sliort saccu- lated tubuli. These tubuli consi.st of extensions of the gastric mucous membrane. The upjier third of each tubule, next 1o its orifice, is lined by columnar epithelial cells (fig. 95, a), arranged perpendicularly on the basement membrane. This epithelium is continuous with that at the bottom of the alveoli, and on the interalveolar ridges, and indeed is similar Fig. 93 Fig. 94, U c 60 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. to that lining the stomach generally. In the lower two-thirds of each tubule, the epithelium changes its character, being composed of soft, romidish, oval, or compressed nucleated cells, S, which, veiy much larger than the cylindrical epithelial cells, and distended with granular matter, almost or completely block up the cavity of the tubule. These soft epithelial cells are named the peptic cells, because in, or by, them, the gastric juice, or, at least, its characteristic animal substance, called pepsin, appears to be formed. Some of these cells are present as microscopic elements of the gastric juice. The tubuli, which are said to number about five millions, are sometimes Fig. 95. Fig. 95. Single gastric tnbulns, or peptic glaml, more highly magnified. a, neck of the tubule, lined with columnar epithelium. 5. dilated lower end, or fundus, of the tubule, filled with oval nucleated glandular epithelial cells, or peptic cells. Magnified 70 diameters. named the peptic glands. They are .surrounded by a fine capillary network; minute arteries and veins pass up and down between them, and end in a capillary plexus on the bottom of the alveoli, and on the interalveolar ridges. The unstriped muscular fibres found in the submucous coat, are placed immediately beneath these glands, and probably assist in expelling their secretion. Besides these proper gastric or peptic glands, there are found, especially near the pylorus, clusters ot larger simple and com- ])ound nuicoits gland.s, which are lined throughout with cylin- drical epithelium, and are supposed to secrete gastric mucus. THE SECRETION OF THE GASTRIC JUICE. GI In certain conditions of the stomach, especially during and alter digestion, and also in irritation and intlanimation of this organ, and nearly always in the stomachs of infants, nume- rous small, milky-white, elevated spots are seen scattered over the mucous membrane. These consist of lenticular closed .sacs, not opening on the surface; they are filled with a white, semi- fiuid and finely granular substance. They resemble the closed sacs of the tonsils, and of the so-called solitary and agminated glands of the small intestine, to be hereafter noted ; like them, they are now considered to be appendages of the absorbent system. The lymphatics of the stomach form a fine net-vmrk near the surface of the mucous membrane, and coarser plexuses in the submucous coat, all intimately connected together. The gastric juice, during the digestive process, or under the excitement of condiments, small stones, and other irritant bodies, exudes from every part of the mucous membrane of the stomach, which then assumes a bright red hue. The secretion pouring from the tubules, oozes from the alveoli in minute drops, which speedily run together, and cover the whole mucous membrane. This has been seen by Dr. Beaumont and others, in the case of Alexis St. Martin, a Canadian voy- ageur, the interior of whose stomach was exposed by a gun- shot injury. The condition of the stomach, and the formation of the gastric juice, as of other secretions, are influenced by the nervous sj'stem. It was shown, by Dr. John Keid, that the division of both pneumogastric nerves, in the neck of a dog, in the first instance, arrested dige.stion ; but that, if the animal lived .sufficiently long, the process might be restored ; for then, generally, the state of emaciation, which followed the ex- periment, was removed, acid and partly digested food was vomited, and absorption and chylification took place. This restoration of function was not due to reunion of the divided nerves, for portions of the nerves were removed, or care was taken to keep the cut ends apart. Bernard also found, that, on division ofthe.se nerves, the stomach became pale, its walls relaxed, and the formation of gastric juice was instantly arrested, digestion being thus stoi>i)cd. On the other hand, galvanising these nerves increased tlie gastric secretion. Ac- cording to Longet, however, the pneumogastric nerves are rather the motor nerves of the stomach, their division, as he believes, chiefly affecting the movements of that organ ; for he found, that milk, introduced into the stomach one or two G2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. da5^s after the operation, always became coagulated; whilst, although large portions of food were only acted upon on the surface, owing to the paralysis of the muscular fibres, and the necessary absence of the churning movements of the stomach, yet small portions were actually digested. By Budge, it is believed, that the very decided effect of division of these pneumogastric nerves on digestion, noticed by Eeid and Bernard, was owing to those nerves having been cut in the neck, so as to interfere with respiration, and thus disturb the whole economy ; for, he' observed that, on dividing them in the rabbit, close to the cardiac orifice of the stomach, no interfer- ence with the appetite, the gastric secretion, or digestion, oc- curred. Although, therefore, the secretion of the gastric juice appears to be influenced by the cerebro-spinal nervous system, through the pneumogastric nerves, it cannot be said to be dependent upon it. The effects of mental emotion, in arresting digestion, sufficiently prove this influence. It has been stated by Bernard, that galvanism applied to the sympatlietic nerves of the stomach, causes an immediate cessation of its secretion, this effect being the reverse of Avhat happens, when the pneumogastric nerves are so stimulated. If these two results are confirmed, they would correspond with those already detailed (p. 56), as to the effects of stimulation of the sympathetic nerves and the chorda tympani, on the secretion of the sublingual and submaxillary glands. Neither division of the splanchnic neiwes, nor section of the pneumo- gastrics upon the stomach, that is to say, after the latter have received the fibres from the former nerves, has appeared to interfere much, or at all, with the gastric secretion (Schiff and others) ; even the coeliac plexus, and the neighbouring ganglia, have been removed without permanent effect (Budge). It would seem impossible, however, in any such experiments, to remove, or divide, all the sympathetic nerves of the stomach. Finally, the influence of this part of the nervous system, on the gastric secretion, is imcertain ; and it is not yet shown that the secre- tion is either arrested by, or depends on, the sympathetic system. The quantity of the gastric juice secreted, appears to be enormous. In dogs, the daily quantity has been calculated as .nljjth (Corvisart), or (Lehmann), part of the weight of the body ; the latter ratio Avould give 14 lbs., in a man of 140 lbs. weight, a quantity equal to rather more than 11 pints daily. That this estimate, however large, is not extreme, is THE GASTRIC JUICE. 63 shown by the feet that, in a case of gastric fistula, in a woman, the estimated daily quantity was 30-i- lbs. av., the weight of her body being 116 lbs. From observations on dogs, having artificial gastric fistulas, the secretion appears to he less abun- dantly excited by mechanical, than by chemical or special irritants, such as salt or pepper ; acid food excites a less abundant flow than food made slightly alkaline ; but allcali in the solid state, induces an abundant secretion of mucus. Too powerful mechanical irritation has a similar effect, lessening, or arresting, the secretion of proper gastric juice, and, in both cases, vomiting, and the passage of bile into the stomach, may take place. Powerful chemical irritants arrest digestion, and cause signs of inflammation. The effect of cold water, or ice, is, after first causing the gastric membrane to be pale, ultimately to increase the flow of blood to it, and to excite a very active secretion; ice, in larger quantity, causes shivering, and delays digestion. A high temperature, even a small quantity of boiling water, produces collapse and death within four hours, causing redness, turgescence, and ecchymosis of the mucous membrane (Bernard). Dr. Beaumont found that, on injecting into the human stomach only 2 ozs. of water at 50°, the tem- perature of this organ was depressed to less than 70°, and required more than half-an-hour to regain its normal standard, viz. about 100°. The specific gravity of the gastric juice, in Man, is 1002-5 ; in the dog, 1005. The quantity of solids is about -5 per cent. It is a colourless, or pale yellow, transparent, slightly viscid, and strongly acid fluid, having a faint smell. It resists putrefkction, and is rendered turbid on boiling. Its com- position, mixed with a little saliva, is as follows (Schmidt) : — Water . 994-4 Pepsin, with other organic matter . 3-2 Salts ....... 2-2 Free hydrochloric acid -2 1000- The gastric juice of the dog, contains ten times as much free acid, and five times as much organic matter ; that of the sheep, six times as much acid, and a little more organic matter ; that of the horse, is somewhat more concentrated. The .small quantity of solid matter in the gastric juice, is remarkable, considering its extremely active ])owers. The pepsin, its characteristic con.stituent, is a neutral, albuminoid, 64 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. substance, slightly soluble in water, forming, on evaporation, a greyish viscid mass, and having a strong affinity for acids. It is precipitated by tannin, acetate of lead, caustic alkalies, alum, and alcohol. The saline matters consist chiefly of alkaline and earthy chlorides and phosphates. A small amomit of lactic acid exists in the gastric juice, but whether as a pro- duct of secretion, or of decomposition, is not certain ; by Bernard and others, it is even believed to be the special acid of the gastric juice. Acetic, butyric, and other volatile acids are certainly the j-esult of changes in the food. The presence of free hydrochloric acid is undoubted, inasmuch as chlorine is found in the gastric juice in larger quantity than the bases which could combine with it ; and moreover, this acid has been obtained by the method of dialysis, and therefore inde- pendently of chemical decomposition (Graham). Its existence affords a singular example of the liberation of a mineral acid from its strongly combined base, by an organic process in the living animal economy. The source of this acid is probably chloride of sodium, or common salt ; and the seat of its de- composition, like that of the formation of the pepsin, is pro- bably the soft glandular epithelial cells, or peptic cells ; but it has been suggested, that it may be secreted by the columnar epithelial cells of the upper part of the tubuli and gastric mucous membrane generally (Brinton). It is supjjosed by Brlicke, that the pepsin is neutral when contained in the peptic cells, and becomes acidified only after its escape from these cells ; for the pepsin obtained fi'om the gastidc mucous membrane of the animal, after its acidity has been removed by washing, is neutral. It has also been shown by Bernard, that, whereas the introduction of lactate of iron, and ferrocyanide of potassium into the blood of a living animal, produces no blue colour in the blood, ti.ssues, or secretions generally, nor even in the gastric glands, yet the surface of the mucous membrane of the stomach is stained blue. Other parts of the body, moreover, become blue on the application of an acid. This experiment, therefore, also favours the sujiposition that the acid of the gastric juice is formed near, or at, the surface. It is uncertain whether the separation of the hydrochloric * acid, is a direct result of an act of secretion by secreting cells, or whether it is a secondary product of a decomposition, in- duced by the action of some other intermediately formed free organic acid. The quantity of solid matter in the gastric juice, and the relative amount of organic and saline consti- r THE LIVER. C5 tURnts, differ in different animals. It is nniversally acid, but the nature of the acid, as well as that of the organic peptic agent, may vary in certain cases, according to the species, age, and diet of the animal. When the stomach is at rest, its mucous secretion is neutral or alkaline, semi-opaque, and more viscid than the gastric juice. 4 Source and Composition of the Bile. The liver is a solid organ of a dark reddi.sh brown colour, measuring 10 or 12 inches from side to side, about 7 inches from front to back, and about 3 inches in thickness at its posterior margin, its anterior edge being, however, thin. Its average bulk has been differently estimated at 88 or 100 cubic inches ; its weight varies from 50 to GO ounces. It is the largest secreting gland in the body, and, with the exception of the lungs, occupies more space than any other organ. It secretes the bile, the importance of which office is shown by the fact, that the liver is found in all the Vertebrate, and in most of the non-V ertebrate animals. The substance of the liver has a sp. gr. of 1050 to 1060. It has an acid re-action ; its composition, in Man, in 100 parts, is said to be as follows (Beale). The extractive matters men- tioned include the amyloid substance named glycogen, a certain quantity of sugar, with traces ofiuosite, hypoxanthin, xanthoglobulin, urea, and uric acid. Wafer . . . . . Fatty matters .... 3-82' Albumen .... 4-67 Extractive matters . fy-lQ Alkaline salts .... 1-17 Earthy salts .... •33 Vessels, &c., insoluble in water 10-03J es-fts 31-42 100- The liver is placed in the uy)per part of the abdomen, beneath the diaphragm, reachiiig from back to front, and from the right side partly over into the left. Its upper surface is smooth and convex, and is ada])tcd closely to tin- diaphragm. Its thick posterior boj-der rests on the pillars ol' the diaphragm and on the vertebral column, being hollowed out opposite the latter, and presenting also a deep notch for the ascending vena cava. The thin anterior border is con- cealed, in the recumbent posture, by the lower ribs and their VOL. ti. K 66 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. cartilages, but descends a little below these parts, in standing, especially during inspiration, when the diaphragm descends (see fig. 13). This border is slightly notched, a little to the left of the middle line. The right border of the liver, nearly as thick as its posterior border, descends lower than the left, and is in contact with the diaphragm ; the left border, thinner even than the anterior margin, extends i;pwards to the cardiac end of the stomach. The under surface, fig.* 90, is concave and very uneven, presenting various slight depressions, where it touches the stomach, the duodenum, the bend of the ascend- ing and transverse colon, the right kidney, and its supra- renal capsule ; this surface is also marked by special fossa; or fissures for the lodgment of the gall-bladder, y, and for the entrance and exit of bloodvessels, lymphatics, nerves, and ducts. The greater part of the surface of the liver, is covered by the peritoneum, by which its slight changes of position in the abdomen, are facilitated. At certain points, this serous mem- brane passes, in the form of folds, to the abdominal Avails, and thus aids in supporting or suspending the liver. These folds constitute four of the five ligaments of the liAmr. The broad, suspensory, or falciform, ligament is a triangular double fold, attached by one border to the diaphragm, and to the anterior Avail of tlie abdomen as far as the umbilicus, and by the other, to the upper surface of the liver, as far as the notch in its anterior margin ; the remaining border is free, and extends from the notch in the liver, to the umbilicus. This latter border contains a dense fibrous cord, named the round Iliiament, llgamentum teres, fig. 96, a, Avhich is formed by the remains of the umbilical vein, a structure Avhich becomes obliterated after birth. A considerable portion of the thick posterior border of the liver, is attached, by areolar tissue, to the diaphragm, and is therefore not covered by peritoneum, AAdiich, instead, passes from one part to the other, forms the so-called coronary iiyument, and thus helps to suspend the liA'er to the diaphragm. The right and left lateral ligaments are triangular peritoneal folds, strengthened by intermediate fibrous tissue, Avhich pass from each side of the liver to the diaphragm. The liver is described as consisting of five lobes. Tims, it is divided by the notch in its anterior margin, and by the line of attachment of the suspensory ligament to its upper surface, into a right, I, and left lobe, I', the former being quadrangular in shape, and the latter someAvhat triangular, and constituting THE LIVER. 67 only about one-fifth of the entire organ. A deep fissure on the under surface, also marks the limit between these lobes. On its under surface, the right lobe is further divided into the Ibllowing smaller lobes : viz. the Spigelian lobe, a pyramidal Fig. 96. Fig. 90. View of tlic under siirfaee of tlie liver and stoinacli, lifted up, to show the duodenum, pancreas, and spleen, and their mutual relations, s, the under or posterior surface of the stomach, which is lifted up. 0, the msophagus. p, the pylorus, d, the horse-shoe curve of the duo- denum. or first part of the small intestine. I, under side of the right lobe of the liver. V, V, under side of the left lobe, the liver being turned up. a, small piece of the round and suspensory ligament of the liver. g, under side of the gall-bladder, ending below in the cystic duct: this is joined by the hepatic duct, formed by the union of a right and loft duct, from the two lobes of the liver. The common duct, resulting from the union of the cystic and hepatic ducts, the ductus communis chole- dochus, or common bile duct, passes down, as shown by the dotted lines, behind the duodenum, to end with the pancreatic duct, also shown by dotted lines, by a common orifice, on a papilla, in the duodenum, b, the pancreas, attached to the curve of the duodenum ; it is i)artly di'sectod to show its ci'ntral duct, with its branches, the end of it being indicated by dotted hues, sis above described, m, the sisloen. attached ti) the left end of the stomach and pancreas; its anterior notched border is seen. The drawitsg indicates the dark colour of the sjslcon and liver, and the white Colour of the isancreas. mass situated near the liindcr border ; the caudate or tailed lobe, jstissing forwards Irom the Spigelitm lobe; tiiid, histlv the eortal canals, which contain not only the branches of the portal vein, but also those of the hepatic artery, and hepatic ducts, the deep lymphatics, and the nerves. Sm'rounding and supporting those vessels, ducts, and nerves, is foimd the loose areolar tissue, named Ghsson’s capsule, which, outside and beyond the portal canal, is continuous with the interlobular tissue. A transverse section through a portal canal, shows a roimdish space in the gland-substance, occupied chiefly by a section of a portal vein, with which, however, are associated one or two branches of the hepatic artery, and hepatic duct, the whole being embedded in the capsule of Glisson; the arteries are smaller than the duct ; the canal also contains lymphatics, invisible, unless injected, and nerves supported upon the arteries ; in the smallest portal canals, the parts are not so distinct. The hepatic veins do not lie in the portal canals, but pursue a separate course through the liver, the branches of these being seen, on a section, passing along through the gland, immediately surrounded by the lobules. As the portal veins diverge from the portal fissure, whilst the hepatic veins converge to the posterior border of the gland, their branches cross each other ; moreover, tliey have very different relations to the hepatic lobules. Each minute lobule has one aspect, which is named its base, whilst its other surfaces are called its sides. The bases of all the lobules rest upon the so-called sublobular veins, which are branches of the hepatic vein, the inner .surface of which, as sliown when they arc opened, is marked by the ])olygonal outlines of tlie bases of the lobules. When divitled trans- SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 72 versely, the lobules are polyhedral ; when cut longitudinally, they present a foliated appearance, and are seen to be sup- ported on the sublobular hepatic veins, like sessile leaves upon a leaf-stalk. The sides of the lobules are turned towards each other in the interlobular spaces, towards the portal canals, or to the surface of the liver. The portal veins, ramifying in the portal canals, give off branches which enter the interlobular spaces, and are hence named interlobidar veins] from these, still finer branches penetrate the sides of the lobules, and end, within them, in the so-called lobular venous plexus, or lobular capillary network. From this network, proceeds a small vein, occupying the centre of each lobule, named the intra-lobular vein, and belonging to the hepatic venous system ; it opens by a minute orifice, situated in the middle of the base of the lobule, into the cor- responding sublobular vein. It will thus be .seen, that the blood of the portal vein, is conveyed, by the portal interlobular veins, to the sides of the lobules, and thus reaches their internal vascular plexus, from which it is collected by the hepatic intralobular veins, and so passes out, at the bases of the lobides, into the sublobular hepatic veins, by which it is ultimately conveyed away. From the peculiar distribution of the branches of the portal and hepatic venous systems, in each lobule, it follows that a con- gested state of either, influences the mottled colom- of the liver iu a characteristic manner. Thus Avhen the hepatic system is congested, a rather frequent occurrence, the centre of each lobule is dark, and the circumference paler ; whilst in portal congestion, which is rare, and occurs chiefly in children, the centre of each lobule is pale, and the marginal part dark. From the great size of the portal vein, as compared with the hepatic artery, it is evident that the liver is chiefly supplied by venous blood. But even the arterial blood furnished to this organ, by the hepatic artery, appears to become venous and portal, before it reaches the plexus within the lobule. The hejxitic artery is a nutrient vessel, supplying the framework, and not the secreting tissue, of the liver ; its branches termi- nate in a capillaiy network, in the coats of the bloodvessels and ducts, in the areolar ti.ssue of the capsule of Glisson, the interlobular tissue, and the areolar coat of the liver; from these parts, the blood, now become venous, is believed to be returned into the smaller porbil veins, and in this indirect manner only, to reach the hepatic lobules. According to this THE GALL BLADnEE. 73 view, amongst the sources of the portal blood, must be included, not only the stomach, intestinal canal, pancreas, gall-bladder, and spleen, but also the non-secreting part of the liver itself. The secretinfj portion of the liver is composed, in each lobule, first of the lobular capillary network or venous plexus, already mentioned, as interposed between the termination of the portal and the commencement of the hepatic venous systems; secondly, of an intermediate gr/anfZ-si/Jshmce ov paren- chyma, occupying the interstices of this capillary network; and, thirdly, of the commencements of the hepatic or biliary ducts. The gland-substance consists of roundish, or flattened, poly- hedral, nucleated cells, having a delicate cell-wall, one or two bright vesicular nuclei vdth nucleoli, and certain faintly yellowish, semi-fluid, amorphous, granular contents, in which are commonly found larger or smaller globules of oily matter. These very peculiar cells, are named the hepatic cells ; they vary from ™ diameter. They are the true secreting gland-cells of the liver, their contents closely resembling*the bile, which is secreted by them. The relations of these cells to the finest commencements of the biliary ducts, and the mode of commencement of those ducts, are difficult points for investigation. The clusters of the hepatic cells occupy the interstices of the lobular venous plexus, and, whatever may be their relation to the finest com- mencements of the ducts, or in whatever mode the bile, formed within these cells, passes into the ducts, the hepatic cells themselves lie outside the venous plexus, and this has no direct communication with the ducts. The hepatic cells, moreover, are aiTanged in lines or rows, which radiate, among.st the bloodv'essels, fi’om the centre towards the circum- ference of the lobule. By most anatomists, these rows of cells are said to be supported on a thin basement membrane, which is continuous with the walls of the commencing efferent biliary tubes or ducts, so that the liver might be regarded as a com- plex gland, having ramified anastomosing ducts (Beale and Ketzius). According to another view, however, the hepatic cells are merely aiTanged around the network of the lobular ple.xus, and are unsupported by a proper basement membrane (Kiilliker). The (lall-bladder. — The hepatic, cy.stic, and common Vile ducts, already described, are composed of a strong areolar coat, containing a few muscular fibres, and lined by a mucous membrane covered with a columnar epithelium ; in the finest 74 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. ducts, the epithelium is squamous. The walls of these ducts present generally minute racenrose mucous glands, the ojjen- ings of which, are arranged in rows within the ducts. The cystic duct which leads to the gall-bladder, has, in its interior, a series of oblique crescentic projecting ridges or folds, follow- ing each other closely, so as to present the appearance of a spiral valve. The g all- bladder, fig. 9G, g, is a pear-shaped sac, Irom 3 to 4 inches long, about 1 inch across at its widest part, and holding rather more than one fluid ounce. It is lodged in a fossa on the mider surface of the liver ; its larger end or fundus, projects beneath the anterior border of the gland ; whilst its narrow end or neck, directed, beneath that organ, upwards, backwards, and to the left, is continuous with the cystic duct. Its upper surface is attached to the liver by areolar tissue and bloodvessels ; the re.st is covered by the peritoneum, which therefore furnishes it with a partial sei’ous coat. Its proper walls are composed of interlacing bands of white, flbrous, and areolar tissue, intermixed with elastic flbres, and longitudinal and circular unstriped muscular fibres. Within this areolar coat, is the mucous coat, which has a pecifliar pitted or alveolar aspect, owing to the presence of innumerable fine ridges, which bound polygonal dej^ressions of various size and form ; at the bottom of the largest depres- sions, there are seen, by aid of a lens, the orifices of fine recesses resembhng mucous follicles. The mucous membrane of the gall-bladder is usually of a deep yellow colour, and is lined by a columnar epithelium. The gall-bladder forms a sort of receptacle, or reservoir for such bile as is not immediately required for the purposes of digestion. It has been shown, in animals, in which artificial openings, or fistulas, have been made into the hepatic duct, that bile is being constantly secreted by the liver. In the intervals between the process of digestion, the secretion is slow ; but, during digestion, the bile is secreted very rapidly, and at once passes along the hepatic duct, and common bile duct, into the duodenum ; such bile is named hepatic bile. The joeriod of most ra^iid secretion, in animals, has been variously stated to be fi'om one or two hours, to ten or twelve hours after eating. According to observations made by Dalton on a dog, the quantity increases suddenly after eating, reaches its maximum in an hour, and then gradually declines ; a far larger quantity enters the intestine during the first hour, than in any other THE BILE. 75 equal period. Abstinence lessens the quantity veiy much. In the intervals between digestion, however, the bile being secreted more scantily, has not sufficient force to pass through the narrow orifice of the common duct, and thus more or less of the secretion enters the gall-bladder ; there, it undergoes inspissation, losing water, and receiving much mucus from the gall-bladder, some having been already added to it, in the ducts. It thus becomes darker, and more viscid, and, in this condition, it is called cystic bile. The mechanical effect of the spiral folds in the cystic duct, on the passage of the bile into, or out of, the gall-bladder, is probably to favour its entrance, and somewhat check its escape. During digestion, both cystic and hepatic bile are believed to be employed, and it is supposed that, at that period, the former is pressed out of the gall-bladder, partly by the distended stomach, and partly by the contraction of its own muscular fibres, stimulated in a reflex manner, by the acid chyme passing over the orifice of the common bile duct, the sphincter-like margin of which may be at the same time relaxed. The analyses of bile present some discrepancies which may depend on the difference between the hepatic and the cystic bile. Speaking generally, the bile is a yellowish, or yellowish- green, viscid fluid, having a peculiar smell, and a bitter taste. In carnivorous animals, its colour is brownish-yellow ; in herbivorous animals, it is generally greenish. The quantity of bile secreted by a man in tAventy-fom- hom-s, is uncertain. In dogs, with artificial biliary fistula, the quantity secreted daily is about oz. to every pound weight of the animal, or -^nd part of its weight (Kblliker, H. Muller). Supposing the weight of a man to be 140 lbs., this would give 70 ozs. or 4 lbs. 6 ozs. avoirdupois in a day, of which about -g^g-th, or nearly 3 ozs., would be solid matter. This estimate, however, appears very high. Bidder and Schmidt calculate the daily quantity secreted by man to be 5G ozs. ; Nasse and Platner’s observa- tion on the dog, would give a total daily quantity for man of ozs. ; whilst others again have estimated it at only from 17 to 24 ozs. The specific gravity of the cy.stic bile in man, varies from 102G to 1032; that of hepatic bile is of course less. The cystic bile of man, contains about 10 per cent, of solid matter ; while the bile, from an artificial fistula in the bile duct of an animal, i.e. hepatic bile, contains from 3 to 5 per cent. only. 76 SPECIAL PIiySIOLOGT. The analysis of cystic ox gall by Berzelius, gives the follow- ing percentage composition : — Water ........ 90'44 Bilin, with fat and colouring matters . 8 The analyses by other chemists, show a similar composition, but, according to Strecker, the bilin of Berzelius is a compound substance. Its two characteristic constituents are the colour- less conjugated fatty acids, named glycocholic or cholic, and tau- rocholic ; the one formed by the combination of a nitrogenous body, named glycocin, or glycocoll, and cholalic acid ; the other, formed by the union of the same acid with another nitrogenous body, which contains sulphur, named taurin. The chemical relations of these substances may be seen, by comparing their atomic compositions (Vol. I., p. 98). Cholalic acid crystallises in Avhite tetrahedra ; dissolved in sulphuric acid, with the addition of sugar, it yields a purple violet colour, the reaction of the so-called Pettenkofer’s test for bile. Glycocoll, obtainable also by the action of acids or alkalies upon glue and some other animal substances, forms hard, transparent, colourless, crystals, soluble in water, but nearly insoluble in alcohol and ether. Taurin crystallises in white hexagonal prisms, inodorous and almost ta.steless ; it contains the large proportion of one-fourth its weight of sulphur ; it leaves much sulphurous acid on being burnt, and gives otf sulphuretted hydrogen Avhen decomposed. Both glycocoll and taurin are neutral substances, having a tendency to unite with acids, to form, as in the bile, conjugated acids. Glycocholic, or cholic acid, consists of fine crystalline needles, soluble in water and alcohol, but very slightly so in ether, having a bitter ’ sweet taste, and a strong acid reaction. Taurocholic acid has not yet been obtained in a crystalline form. In the bile, the glycocholic and taurocholic acids, which form from 4 to 7 per cent, of that secretion, are always united with soda, as glycocholate and taurocholate of soda. The bile, however, occasionally contains an excess of some base ; for, though often neutral, it may be feebly alkaline. The substance of the liver has, or rapidly acquires after death, an acid reaction. The proportions of glycocholic and taurocholic acids, vary in the bile of different animals, but are tolerably constant in each species. In the dog, the glycocholic acid is scanty, and sometimes Mucus, chiefly cystic . Salts . . . . 1 9-56 100-00 THE CONSTITUENTS OF TUE BILE. 77 absent. In the pig, another allied acid is found, named hi/ocholic, and a small quantity of an acid analogous to the taurocholic. In the goose, a different allied acid exists, named tauro-chenolic. Although varied in different animals, and present in variable proportions, the characteristic constituent of the bile is, in all cases, a soda salt of some fatty acid, resem- bling the acids of fatty and resinous bodies. The sulphuretted and nitrogenous body, taurin, is always present. The next most characteristic constituent of the bile, is its colouring matter, named by different chemists, cholepyrrhin, bilipyrrhin, and biliphcvin. This fornis about 5 per cent, of the secretion. According to Berzelius, two modifications of colouring matter exist in bile. The one, a yellowish colouring substance, was named by him bilifulvin ; it seems to coincide with the cholepyrrhin and biliphtein of other writers. It is uncrystallisable, insoluble in water, only slightly soluble or insoluble (Brlicke) in alcohol, but especially so in caustic alkalies, and in chloroform. It affords a peculiar reaction with nitric acid or nitrates, which, when added in small quantities to the yellow alkaline solution, first produce a green colour, then blue, violet, and red, and finally yellow again, owing, it is supposed, to the occurrence of different degrees of oxidation. The other colouring matter of the bile, smaller in quantity, is green, and hence was named by Berzelius, hiliverdin ; it was supposed by him, though not proved so, to be identical with chlorophyll. It is insoluble in chloroform, slightly so in alcohol, and insoluble in water ; it appears to be a more highly oxi- dised form of bilifulvin. These colouring matters are closely allied to the hasmatin, or cruorin of the blood ; but neither these, nor the fatty acids of the bile, pre-exist in the blood ; they are formed in the liver by the hepatic cells. In addition to these, its essential constituents, bile contains about 1 per cent, of ordinary fats, margarin and olein, or alkaline margarates and oleates. It also presents traces of clwlesterin, the fatty or resinoid body, which likewise exists in nervous substance, in the blood, and in certain diseased exudations. Cholestorin crystallises in brilliant colourless plates, insoluble in water, soluble in boiling alcohol and in ether, and absolutely resisting saponification. In the living body, it is probably held in solution by fluid fats. The bile contains about 1 per cent, of salts, its ashes yielding, besides soda in large proportion, traces of potash, magnesia, and lime, in combination with phosphoric acid and chlorine. The 78 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. mucus found in bile, indicated by the presence of mucous and epithelial cells, is an adventitious substance, derived from the walls and follicles of the bile ducts or gall-bladder. Besides being engaged in the formation of biliary substances, partly intended for use in the digestive process, and partly destined, as we shall hereafter explain, to be thrown out of the body as excrementitious matters, the liver has recently been discovered to perform another most remarkable office in the economy, viz. that of sejiarating from the blood by its cells, a substance named ghjcogen, or animal starch, which has the property of being rapidly transformed into glucose, or grape sugar. This sugar is .supposed to enter the hepatic blood, to proceed with it to the heart, and thence to the lungs, to be oxidised in the respiratory process, and aid in the develop- ment of heat. This glycogenic or sugar-forming function of the liver, will be more fully noticed in the section on Secretion. Sources and Composition of the Pancreatic Juice. The pancrens {-Kav rpeac, all flesh), or abdominal sweetbread, is a long, narrow, pinkish, gland, flattened before and behind, having its right, larger end lodged in the concavity of the duodenum ; whilst its left, pointed exfremity, touches the spleen. Its shape has been compared to that of a dog’s tongue, or of a hammer. It crosses over the front of the first lumbar vertebra, behind the lower border of the stomach, and is held in place by its attachment to the duodenum, by its bloodvessels, nerves, lymphatics, and ducts, by areolar tissue, connecting it with adjacent parts, and by a peritoneal layer. It is about 6 or 8 inches long, 1^ inch broad, and from an inch to 1 inch thick, being thicker at its larger end. It rrsually Aveighs between 2^ and 3^ ozs , but sometimes as much as G ozs. In structure, the pancreas resembles the salivary glands, and has been termed the abdominal salh'ary gland. Its numerous lobes and lobules are compressed, and are held together l)y the Amssels, ducts, and interlobular areolar tissue. Each lobule, like those of the parotid gland, fig. 42, c, consists of a branched duct, ending in rounded A^esicles, surrounded by networks of capillaries. The ducts fi'om the numerous lobes, join a jtrincipal duct, Avhich runs through the gland from left to right. This duct, the pancreatic duct, or canal of Wirsung, who discovered it in the human body, in 1G42, is THE PANCREATIC JUICE. 79 about tlie size of a small quill ; it emerges from the larger end of the gland, and, accompanied by the common bile duct, passes, with it, obliquely through the walls of the duodenum, and, about 3 inches below the pylorus, opens into the intestine by a common orifice with the bile duct, or sometimes by a separate aperture. Occasionally there exists a supplementary pancreatic duct, which enters the duodenum about an inch from the chief duct. The secretion from the pancrea.s, or the pancreatic juice, is a somewhat viscid, transparent, colourless, and inodorous fluid. The quantity secreted daily, in animals, varies, according to different observers, from 1.5 to 35 grains per hour for each pound weight of the body ; so that in a man Aveighing 140 pounds, the quantity secreted would be from 4^ ozs. to 11 ozs. per hour. The secretion is probably not continuous, and its quantity increases as digestion goes on, the activity of the process being, by some, referred to the absorption of albu- minoid substances already digested. From these fluctuations, it is impossible to estimate correctly the quantity formed daily ; AV'hich has been differently estimated at fi-om 7 ozs. to 1 lbs. Statements, almost as discrepant, have been made concerning the gastric juice and bile, correct results, as regards these internal secretions, not being so attainable as in the case of the saliva. The collection of these fluids, by aid of artificial fistulas, in animals, is open to the objection, that the conditions, especially of the nerves, Avhich govern the quantity of the secretion, are not liealthy. The total quantity of the digestive fluids poured into the alimentary canal, after taking food, is, however, much greater than Avas formerly supposed, and, in comparison Avith the blood circidating in the body, is very great. The solid con.stituents of the pancreatic juice, as e.stimated from cases of artificial fistulas in animals, vary from 1 -5 to fi, or even 1 0 per cent. ; the more rapid the secretion, the less .solid matter it contains. Its most peculiar constituent is an albuminoid substance n.amed pancreatin, tlie special composi- tion of Avhich is not yet determined. Like salivin, this sub- stance is soluble in Avater, coagulable by heat, and precipikible by alcohol, but may again lie dissolved in Avater; unlike albumen, it is precipitated by sulphate of magnesia. To the pancreatin, are attributed the peculiar digestive properties of the pancreatic juice, Avhich differ, in one re.spect most remark- ably, from those of the saliva. The pancreas, indeed, resembles 80 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the salivary glands anatomically, but not physiologically ; for its secretion is much more viscid, is coagulated by strong mineral acids, and does not contain sulpho-cyanide of potas- sium. Its salts, about '5 to !• per cent., are chiefly chloride of sodium and phosphate of lime and magnesia. Like the saliva, it is alkaline, but more strongly so ; as digestion proceeds, it becomes more alkaline, but less viscid and coagulable. On standing, it speedily becomes neutral and then acid ; it soon puti-efie.s, but may be preserved for a few days, at a tempera- ture of 45° ; its properties are destroyed by a heat slightly above that of the body. It contains the debris of a few nucleated cells. Sources and Composition of the Intestinal Juices. The mucous membrane of the small intestine, is provided with two kinds of secreting glands, named respectively, after their discoverers, the glands o f Brunner and the glands, follicles, or crypts of Lieherlcuhn. The secreted products of all these glands, constitute the succus entericas. Brunner s glands are found in the duodenum, being most abundant near the pylorus, and disappearing lower down, very few being present at the commencement of the jejunum. They are compound racemose glands, like the buccal and labial glands, and appear to bear the same relation to the pancreas as those glands do to the salivary glands. They secrete a viscid alkaline mucus. 1\\e follicles or crypts of Lieherlcuhn are found throughout the small and large intestines. They consist of multitudes of minute tubuli, closed at their deep extremities, but opening on to the surface of the mucous membrane, perpendicularly to which they are arranged, more or less closely together. In the small intestine, they measure from -/(yth to ^\yth of an inch in length, and about ^,y^th of an inch in diameter. Their orifices are seen, fig. 98, by aid of a lens, in all parts of the small in- testine, even on the valvulte conniventes, between the villi, and also in little circlets, around the closed sacs of the so-called agminated glands. Their total number has been estimated at several millions. They are sometimes flask-shaped, but never sulidivided, like the gastric glands; they are liimd with a columnar epithelium, fig. 99, and are surrounded bv capillaries. They contain a transparent granular fluid, the intestinal THE INTESTINAL TDBULI AND JUICE. 81 juice 2^1'oper] sometimes they are distended with opaque mucus, and desquamated epithelial cells destitute of fat. The composition of the intestinal juice, is not well known; it pro- bably ditf'ers from ordinary mucus, and has special jaroperties ; it is colourless and viscid, and is usually described as being strongly alkaline, but, according to others, it is acid in a great imrt of the small intestine ; it contains from 2 to 3'5 per cent, of solid matter, in which is included an organic substance, jwecipitable by alcohol and resoluble in water, but forming insoluble precipitates with metallic salts. Attempts have been made to collect it, from animals, by liga- turing previously emptied portions of intestine, or by forming Fig. 98. Fig. 99. Fig. 9S. Portion of the border of a Peyer’s patch, inagiiified about twelve diameters. It shows the minute pointed processes named the villi of the small intestine, found both on the general surface, and also on the lighter part or Peyer’s patch. On this latter, are seen the rounded or oval sacs, constituting the agminatod glands, with the villi between, not upon, them. Around the borders of those, are circlets of the orifices of the intestinal tubuli, or crypts of Lieberkiihu, others of which are seen, scattered over the general surface between the villi. (After Boehm.) Fig. 99. Diagrammatic vertical section of one sac, and a part of another, from a patch of Peyer, with the surrounding iiarts. g, the sac with its granular contents. /, one of the intestinal tubuli, crypts, or follicles of Liebcrkiihn, of which three others are seen, on the other side of the sac. V, the intestinal villi, on the surface of the mucous membrane, covering the patch, m, cut ends of the circular muscular fibres j be- neath these, the longitudinal fibres, and the serous or peritoneal cover- ing of the intestine. (After Kolliker.) Magnified forty diameters. artificial intestinal fistulse ; but tlio fluid so obtained, must differ from the normal secretion, 'flic quantity daily secreted in Man is uncertain, but is doubtless considerable, especially after meals, VOL. II, G 82 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The tubuli or crypts of Lieberklihn of the large intestine, are longer, Avider, more nnnierona, and moi'e closely arranged than tliose of the small intestine. The entire surface presents, Avhen examined with a lens, a cribriform aspect, due to the numerous orifices, Avhich, in the loAver ]tart of the intestine, are almost visible to the naked eye; they are lined Avitli columnar epithelium. Besides these crypts, thei-e are found, scattered over the raucous membrane of the large intestine, small depressions, resembling saccular glands; they Avcre formerly desci-ibed as solitary glands, but they are lined Avith a columnar epithelium only, and are ]>laced over certain closed sacs, exactly similar to those of the so-called solitaiy glands of the stomach and small intestine, and of the agminated glands of the latter. The inte.stinal juice of the large intestine, resembles, so far as is known, that of the small intestine, being composed partly of mucus, but chiefly of a sjiecitd secretion, Avhich is .said to be alkaline, though, in the catcum, the intestinal contents are acid. CHEMICAL PROCESSES OF DIGESTION. ACTION OF THE DIGESTIVE FLUIDS, WITH HEAT. As already stated, the purpose of the digestive process in the animal economy, is the reduction of alimentary substances into a soluble and absorbtible condition, a state of solution, or of exceedingly minute subdivision and suspension in a fluid, being an essential condition, antecedent to the absorption of any nutrient substance into the living tis.sues. Food, as Ave have seen, considered chemically, consists of Avater, alkaline and earthy salts, and certain important organic proximate constituents, Avhich are clas.sitied into non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous substances. Of these, the Avater, the natural medium of solution or suspension of the solid alimentary substances, and likcAvise the saline substances, both alkaline and earthy, Avhich are mostly dissolved in it, correspond Avith the A\ater Avhich forms three- fourths of the soft tissues of the bodj', and with the Avater and salts of the blood : they tire directly ab.sorbcd Avithout any digestive change. The organic constituents, Avhcther non- nitrogenous or nitrogenous, tire some of them soluble, and some insoluble in water at the temperature of the interior of the body, viz. about 102°. The soluble uou-uitrogenous bodies PROBLEMS OF DIGESTION. 83 are pectin, gum, dextrin, sugars, alcoliol, organic acids, and ethers. The soluble nitrogenous substances are certain forms of albumen, fibrin, casein, gelatin, and chondrin ; the albuminoid principles of the digestive fluids, viz. salivin, pepsin and pan- creatin, which are probably in a state of solution in the living body; creatin and creatinin; cerebricacid; andthein, caffeinand theobromin. Many of these also are possibly directly absorbed. The insoluble organic constituents are the uon-nitrogenous cellulose, starch, and fatty matters ; and the nitrogenous solid forms of albumen, syntonin, casein, fibrin, gluten and legumin, and the gelatin and chondrin-yielding tissues. AH these, how- ever soft or minutely divided, must be dissolved, before they can be absorbed. They are the most abundant constituents of our ibod : in all kinds of bread, and biscuit, in cooked potatoes, rice, sago or tapioca, the quantity of insoluble starch is greater than that of soluble starch, gum, dextrin, or sugar ; in cooked meat, poultry, fish, and eggs, and also in cheese, the albuminoid constituents are all solidified ; the vegetable gluten and legumin are either solid, or are coagulated by cooking ; and even the fluid or finely granular casein of milk, is first precipitated or curdled in the stomach, by the action of the acid gastric juice. Indeed, undissolved, though minute, granides of amyloid, insoluble oleoid, and soliditled albuminoid substances, con- stitute the most nutritive forms of food. In a chemical sense, these substances are instable com- pounds; they have a high atomic constitution, and are easily broken up by powerful chemical agents, by elevated tempera- tures, fermentation, or putrefaction. Nevertheless, under ordi- nary circumstances, they are insoluble in water at the heat of the body, and are decornpo.sable,or rendei'ed soluble, only by the action of agents and temperatiii'es, which would be desti'uctivo to living animal tissues. 'I'hus, starch is rendered mucilaginous only at the temperature of 1(!0° ; it is changed into dextrin at a still more elevated temperature ; and it is convertible into a sugar, by the highly corrosive sulphuric acid. Of the fats, mar- garin and stearin become fluid only at temperatures higher than that of the body, viz. 114°, and 118°; none of them are easily miscible with, or can be kept suspended, in minute particles, in watery fluids; and to reiulcr any of these soluble in water, they mii.st be .saponified by the action of cau.stic alkalies, which are destructive to living tissue.s. The solid albuminoid prin- ciple.s, so far from being soluble even in boiling water, have their component jtarticles knit .still more firmly together, by 84 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. being boiled; and putrefaction alone will dissolve them, — a condition inconsistent Avith their retention of nutritive pro- perties, and, indeed, converting them into noxious products. The first problem of digestion, howcA'er, is to render such substances, Avhich, in this point of view, are refractory, soluble at a temperature, and by means of agents, compatible with the life and integrity of the digestive organs themselves. But, secondly, starch, even when dissolved, so as to form a soluble mucilage, and also albumen, Avhen perfectly soluble as in the white of egg, are too tenacious to pass readily through moist membranes, and belong to the so-called colloid bodies, Avhich have a feeble permeating power, in comparison Avith the so- called crystalloid substances (Graham) ; whilst oil, likeAAUse, passes through moist membranes, only under considerable pres.sure. Accordingly, in the process of digestion, starch is not only dissolved, but is converted into the crystalloid, and highly permeating substance, sugar ; albuminoid bodies are converted into a substance named albuminose, Avhich, though not shoAvn to be crystallisable, nevertheless, permeates moist membranes Avith great facility ; AAdiilst fatty matters are either emulsified, decomposed, or dissolved. These transmu- tations are daily accomplished, within the body, at its proper temperature, in modes at present only hypothetically explained, by the re.spective actions of the salivin, pepsin, pancreatin, and conjugated fatty acids, of the saliva, gastric juice, pancreas, and bile. Action of the Saliva and other Fluids of the j\[oidh. The saliva, the chief fluid poured into the moAAth, acts first, by its Avatery basis, as a solvent, contributing thus also, to the perfection of the sense of taste. It di.ssolves saline substances, the organic acids, alcohols, and ethers, gum, sugar, and tin; soluble albuminoid and gelatinoid bodies. Secondly, and most importantly, the saliva changes the starch granules, first into dex- trin, and then into soluble and crystalloid dextrose, glucose or grape-siAgar, ready for absorption. Dextrin has the same atomic constitution as starch, CftllioGj) Avhilst grape sugar, C6H|;06, appears to be produced from it, by the taking up of 1 atom of Avater H2O. No evolution of gas takes place, as occurs in alco- holic fermentation. Tlie change is more rapid than fermenta- tion. On adding some saliva to a AA'cak solution of boiled starch, and immediately testing it Avith iodine, the blue colour of ACTION OF THE GASTRIC SECRETIONS. 85 iodide of starch fails to appear ; or, on mixing saliva with a small quantity of cooked starch, already rendered blue by iodine, the colour is discharged. (Vintschgau.) These facts prove that the starch is changed ; its conversion into sugar, is shown by examination with a polariscope, or by boiling the fluid, after adding a slightly alkaline solution of tartrate of cojiper, when a yellomsh red precipitate of oxide of copper is thrown down, indicating the presence of grape-sugar (Trommer’s test). The parotid saliva is, by itself, able to convert starch into sugar ; that of the submaxillary and sublingual glands accom- plishes the change, when combined with the mucus of the mouth, which, indeed, has, by some, been regarded as the sole agent in this transformation. A mixture of all the fluids of the mouth appears, however, to form the most active combination for this pimpose. Besides the saliva and buccal fluids, the pancreatic juice possesses this property in great perfection ; but the gastric juice and the bile do not. Most animal membranes also, such as the mucous membrane of the mouth, intestines, and even the bladder, particularly if they are in a state of commencing decomposition, exhibit this power. The constituent of the saliva, to which this peculiar power of transmutation is due, is the salivin or ptyalin, which is said to actcatalytically,or bypreserece,or contact; forif this albuminoid substance be precipitated by alcohol, collected on a filter, and re-dissolved in water, it will stiU effect the transformation very rapidly, and will convert 2,000 times its own weight of starch into sugar. Neither dilute alcohol or acids, nor, it is said, even a boiling heat, arrest altogether the action of salivin. Finally, although the action of saliva is more rapid and com- plete on cooked starch, yet grains of raw starch, masticated and mixed with saliva in the mouth, and then maintained at a temperature of 100°, at length break down, and are converted into sugar, d’he saliva has no specific action on gum, pectin, cellulose or fatty matters, unless it may, to a slight degree, emul- .sify the latter, nor yet on albuminoid or gelatinoid substances. Action of the Gastric Jvice, and Mucus of the Stomach, It is the gastric juice, secreted by the peptic glands, which accomplishes the act of gastric digestion ; the secretion of the racemose glands, lined with columnar epithelium, found near the pyloric end of the stomach, is supposed not to participate 86 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. in this office, but it may act in the further conversion of starch into sugar. In tliis stage of digestion, albuminoid and gelatinoid sub.stances are .specially acted upon, and are reduced to a pulpy mixture, containing the so-called albumi- nose or peptone. The solid or insoluble forms, .such as coagu- lated albumen, syntonin, and librin, are slowly dissolved ; certain of the soluble forms, as the casein in milk, and the albumen in vegetable juices, are first precipitated, and then di.ssolved ; whereas fluid albumen, as the raw white of egg, remains in solution whilst it is being converted into albumi- nose. Albuminose resembles the albuminoid bodies in chemi- cal composition, though differences will probably hereafter be detected in it. Whatever the peculiarity of the albuminoid body, whether it be albumen, syntonin, fibrin, or casein, gluten or legumin, it is tran.sformed into an almost identical albumi- nose. Moreover, this albuminose, or peptone, possesses pro- perties which distinguish it from the albuminoids. Thus, it is no longer coagulable by heat, nor by the action of nitric acid, though still precipitable by tannic acid, metallic salts, and strong alcohol ; it is soluble in all proportions in water, so much so, that the act of digestion of the albuminoids, or their conv'ersion into albuminose, has been referred hypotheti- cally to a kind of hydration of the albuminoids, or a taking uji by them, of certiiin atoms of water, just as the hydration of starch or dextrin, appears to be a ste]> in their conversion into sugar. Gelatin, and the gelatin-yielding tissues, furnish a special kind of peptone, a viscid fluid, which does not, accord- ing to some, gelatinize or stiffen in the cold. The transforma- tion of albuminoid and gelatinoid std)stances into the idtimate albumen and gelatin-peptones, is not sudden, but is charac- terised by intermediate stages, in which less soluble forms of these substances appear, nanred parapeptones. Parapeptone is precipitated, in thefoini of flocculi, from the peptone, when their mixed acid .solution is neutrali.sed bj^ an alkali ; it is insoluble in water, though gradually dissolved by M'eak acid and alkaline solutions. Tlie peptone', as already said, is highly soluble in water, and precnpitable by tannic acid, alcohol, and metallic salts. When a solution of peptone is injected into the blood of an animal, it does not appear in the renal exerotion ; but when albumen, dissolved in very'- weak hydrochloric acid, is employed in a similar manner, albumen is lound in the urine. These facts indicate that a true metamorphosis is elfected in the albuminoid constituents AUTIFICIAL DIGESTION. 87 of food. The peptone ultimately produced, is not only freely soluble in wafer, bun most I'eadily permeates moist animal membranes, and hence is a substance admirably fitted for ab- sorption. The gastric juice has no peptic action upon either the amyiaceous or oleaginous constituents of food. The agent by which the gastric juice dissolves, or excites the solution of, albuminoid and gelatinoid substances, is the peculiar animal substance, itself albuminoid, the /)epsm ; but the free acid contained in it, is also essential to the digestive process. Dilirte hydrochloric, or other acid, of the sti'ength of that present in the gastric juice, possesses by itself no digestive property, though it renders the tissues semi-trans- parent, and dissolves out earthy matter from bones. Again, pepsin alone, obtained pure by precipitation from the gastric juice by means of alcohol, filtraiion, and re-solution in water, also possesses no digestive power ; nor does pure gastiic juice, provided that its acid be carefully neutralised ; for small pieces of meat, or albumen, placed in such solutions, do not digest, but alter a time putrefy. The.se, and many other, facts concerning the rapidity and results of digestion, have been established by experiments, amongst the most interesting in I^hysiology, on artijicial clirjes- tionii.e., by subjecting different substances to the action of different digestive fluids, under exactly like conditions. The temperature employed may vary from !)G° to 102°. During natural digestion, the temperature of the stomach of Alexis St. Martin, was Jbund to be from 100° to 101° F.; whilst during fasting, it was 08° or 00°. (Dr. P. Smith ) An artificial digestive fluid may be obtained directly from the human or animal stomach, by first exciting the How of gastric juice, and then cati.sing vomiting; or it may be collected from artificial gastric fistula; in animals. A digestive fluid may, however, be more conveniently, and less cruelly, obtained from tlie gastric mucous membrane of the recently killed sheep, calf, o.x, or pig, especially if the animal be slaughtered whilst digestion is going on in the stomach. Finely cut portioti.s, or scrapings, of the mucous membrane, are to be macerated in 20 times tlicir weight o\' cold water for 24 hours, with frecpicnt agitation of the mixture. A temperature as low as a0° is desirable, to prevent the pejisin, extracted from the membrane, from exhtiusling itself, more or less, in the digestion of that membrane itself. The Ifagments of the mu- 88 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGT. cous membrane being allowed to subside, the supernatant fluid is poured off, forming a solution of pepsin extracted from the pejjtic cells, but containing only a slight and insuffi- cient quantity of free acid ; for the pepsin is stored up in the peptic cells, so that it may be extracted by water after death, whilst the acid of the gastric juice is probably secreted only when required, perhaps by the columnar epithelial cells; it therefore ceases on the death of the animal. Hence the solution of pepsin as above prepared, requires an addition of hydro- chloric acid, to make it digest actively. Too little, or too much, acid diminishes its peptic properties. Ten minims, i.e. about 13 drops of the pure hydrochloric acid of commerce, to every ounce of the digestive fluid, is said to be the best proportion. The inefficiency of the acid, and of the solution of pepsin, separately employed, and the powerful eftect of the two together, may be thus strikingly illu.strated. Three fluids are to be jDrepared, one, of hydrochloric acid and water, in the proportion of 13 drops to the ounce; a second, of the above described solution of ^^epsin, exactly neittralised by carbonate of soda; and a third, of the same solution, acidified with hydro- chloric acid, in the proper proportions. In equal quantities of these fluids, contained in glass jars of the same size, are' suspended the legs of fowls, or the fore-limbs of rabbits, either cooked or uncooked, one in each jar ; the jars are then placed in a water-bath, and maintained at a temperature ranging between 9G° and 102°, for 24 hours. At the end of that period, the limb suspended in the hydrochloric acid and water, is found to be slightly swollen, pale and semi-transparent, whilst the solution, itself of a yellowish tint, is quite clear, and free from depo.«it. The limb submitted to the action of the neittralized solution of pej^sin, which is itself slightly turbid, appears sodden, but its surface is nowhere dissolved ; the fluid itself is darker, but not more turbid. In the acid solution of pepsin, however, all the soft parts of the digested limb are, as it wei-e, eaten aivai/ and pulpijied, or dissolved ; the tendons disappear first, then the muscles, next the ligaments, and lastl}', even the bones and cartilages are more or le.ss attacked, the slight residual mass contrasting strongly with the undissolvcd and swollen limbs in the other two solutions; moreover, the fluid itself has a brownish colour, and presents a soft flocculent or jmlpy grumous sediment, several inches deep, which, on the slightest agitation, mixes easily Avith the fluid above, and resembles the digested contents of the stomach, after taking animal food. GASTRIC DIGESTION. 89 Phosphoric, sulphuric, and even nitric acid maybe employed in the artificial digestive fluid, but they are not so suitable as hydrochloric. Very strong acids, metallic salts, caustic alkalies, alum, tannin, and strong alcohol, destroy its digestive proper- tie.s, and so does a temperature of 120°. A strongly acid artificial gastric juice is better suited for the digestion of some sub- stances, such as coagulated albumen, the solid syntonin of cooked muscle, and legumin ; whilst fibrin is more quickly dissolved in a feebly acid juice, even 1 drop to 1 oz. of fluid. (Briicke.) The strongly acid natural gastric juice of the Carnivora, acts most quickly on the firmer animal albumen, but the less acid secretion of the Herbivora, most quickly on the softer vegetable gluten. The human gastric juice has a feebler power even than that of the herbivora ; its acidity declares itself immediately on the introduction of food into the stomach, and increases, for a time, as digestion goes on, when the less digestible food requires to be attacked ; when the stomach is empty, the acidity quite disappears. The power of the ga.stric juice to dissolve animal substances, is well illustrated by the softening or digestion of the coats of the stomach by its own secretion, after death, often noticed both in men and animals dying whilst digestion is going on : all the coats of the stomach may be thus perforated ; in the human body, the effects may simulate the action of a corrosive poison. The immunity of the living gastric mucous membrane, or its power of resisting the solvent action of its own secretion, has been variously explained. According to one view, the epithelium and mucus constitute a sufficient protection ; for when the former is detached, the subjacent tissue is said to be attacked, in the living stomach, as well as after death. The ‘vitality’ of the mucous membrane (the sum of its vital actions), has been supposed. to enable it to resist solution ; and this resist- ance necessarily ceases on the death of the part. A more recent view, founded on many experiments, attributes the non-solution of the living mucous membrane, to the protecting influence of the blood in the capillaries, which is snpj)osed to maintain, so long as the circulation continues, the alkalinity of the tissues, a chemical condition incompatible, as we have seen, with j^eptic digestion. (Pavy.) The digestive action of the fluids of the living stomach was shown long ago by Spallanzani, Stevens, Tiedemann, Gmelin, and others, who induced dogs to swallow pieces of sponge 90 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. fastened to strings, and afterwards withdrawing them, obtained a quantity of fresh gastric juice, which slowly dissolved food, kept in it at a temperature of 100°. But the most direct evidence of the solvent power of gastric juice, is that obtained by Dr. Beaumont, who employed the fluid collected from the stomach of the Canadian voyageur, Alexis St. Martin. With that fluid, the pjrocess of solution was very rapid. Three di’achms of boiled beef ])laced in an ounce of fluid, main- tained at a temperature o( 100°, began to digest in 40 minutes ; in 60 minutes, a pulpy deposit began to form ; in 2 hours, the areolar tissue was digested, leaving the muscular fibres dis- connected or loosened ; in G hours, these were nearly all digested; and in 10 hours, the meat was completely dis.solved ; the gastric juice, from being transparent, was now the colour of whey, and contained a meat-coloured sediment. Digestion was still more rapidly accomplished, when a similar piece of beef, attached to a thread, was placed in Alexis St Martin’s stomach ; for, although at the end of one horn-, its condition appeared much the same as that of the piece of beef digested ill the gastric fluid out of the body, at the expiration of two hours, it was completely dissolved. From these and other experiments, it is evident, that, with the exception of the rapidity of the two processes?, artificial and natural digestion are identical in character. The rapidity of natural, as compared with artificial digestion, may probably be explained, partly by the more powerful action of a con- tinuously fresh supply of gastric juice, and partly by the constant removal of the outer pulpificd layer of the nutrient mass, by the incessant pressure and motion of this mass by means of the muscular coats of the stomach. Artificial digestion is much accelerated by occasional agitation. The mere qutintity of fluid em]Dloyed in natural digestion, must also be very important. It has been shown, from experiments on the gastric juice of the dog, that 2U ozs. of fluid are needed for the digestion of 1 oz. of albumen. The dailjr quantity of gastric juice secreted by a man, 140 lbs. in weight, has been estimated at 14 lbs. or 11 jiints inqierial. A pint of saliva, which is a moderate estimate, and 2 pints of water consumed as beverage, would make a total of 14 pints of fluid, employed in the gastric digestion of the daily .solid food; beyond the stomach, 2.V pints of bile, 14 pint ol pancreatic juice, and one pint of intestinal juice are added. The total (quantity of fluid employed in the digestive THE TROPEUTIES OF PEFSIN. 91 process in 24 hours, certainly exceeds the qirantity of blood in the body, wliicli, taken at y'^th part of the weight of the latter, would be, lor a Man weighing 140 lbs., less than 1 1 lbs., or 9 ]iints. It is evident, therefcn-e, that the large quantities of fluid, daily secreted I'or the jiiirposes ol diges- tion, can only be supplied by a circular movement of the same aqueous particles, in succe.^sive acts of secretion, ab.^orption, re-secretion, and re-absorpiion. The water which leaves the blood, to form part of the digestive juices, re-enters the blood with the absorbed food, once more leaves it in the newly formed digestive juices, and is again re-absorbed, until diges- tion is complete. This continued irrigation of the food, com- bined with the activity of the freshly formed gastric juice, must greatly contribute to the rapidity of natural digestion. That the pepsin of the gastric juice, is the special agent in the gastric digestion of albuminoid and gelatinoid substances, is easily shown. By evapewating the natural gastric juice, or the artificial solution of pepsin, to a viscid consistence, and adding strong alcohol to it, the pepsin is precipitated in whitish docculi, which may then be separated by filtration, from the other constituents ol' the gastric juice, dried at a low temperature, and preserved lor months. The dried pepsin thus obtained, foims a firm, greyish, mass, or powder ; it is easily soluble in, or miscible with, water, and 1 grain dissolved in so large a quantity as 00,000 grains, i. e. 6^ pints of acidified water, still possesses digestive properties. Pepsin, whether dry or dissolved, as in natural or artificial gastric juice, loses its dige.stive power, if it be subjected to a tempe- rature a little above that of the body, for example, a heat even of 120°. It is likewise rendered inactive, by strong chemical reagents It is remarkable that alcohol, which pre- cipitates it, and temporai ily suspetids its dige.stive properties, does not destroy them ; for on .sufficient dilution with water, it is redi.ssolved, and again becomes active. The energy of pepsin, like that of .salivin, in converting starch into sugar, is catalytic. The action of conl.ict or pressure, exhibited by both the.se substances, differs from that of the yetist ferment in the alcoholic fcrmimtations, in not ctiusingthe evolution of any gas, and in not being contitnially re|)roduced. It is said, how- ever, by some, that the j)ei)sin does not itself undergo wa.ste in the process of digestion ; but the power of a given quantity is certainly limited. Salivin and pepsin have been retiarded as albuminoid bodies in a state of cluuxje, and capable of 92 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. inducing changes in otlier albuminoids, with which they are brought into contact. Putrescent albuminoid substances, as is Avell known, can propagate putrescent changes to fresh albu- minoid substances, and can also convert starch into sugar, or one form of sugar into another. But pepsin is not a putrescent body, nor is the peptone, produced by its action on albumen, putrefied. On the contrary, it has been shown by experiment, that fresh gastric juice, applied to putrid meat, first arrests putrefaction, removing its signs, and then digests the meat. Like fermentation and putrefaction, however, digestion is retarded by low temperatures, altogether arrested at a tem- perature of 34°, and is stopped by high temperatures, by the action of absolute alcohol, strong acids, alkalies, and metallic salts. The action of the gastric juice varies, according to the character of the food, its state of comminution or subdivision, and its condition of dryness or moisture. In order to deter- mine the time requii'ed for the solution of different nutritive substances, these have been introduced, inclosed in perforated tubes of metal or glass, into the stomachs of animals, and then have been withdrawn ; or, animals have been fed with such substances, and afterwards killed at certain intervals. The most important observations, however, are those made by Dr. Beaumont in the human subject. In the stomach of Alexis St. Martin, a mixed meal of animal and vegetable food, was nearly all dissolved into a pulp, within an hour ; and the stomach was completely emptied in 24 hours. A breakfast, consisting of three hard boiled eggs, some pancakes with coffee, being taken at 8 o’clock, the stomach was empty at 10T5. Two roasted eggs and three apples, eaten at 1 1 o’clock on the same day, had disappeared at 12T5. Boast pig and vegetables, afterwards eaten at 2 P.Ji., were half dissolved at 3, and had disappeared at 4’30. It was further observed, that a meal, consisting of boiled dried cod-fish, potatoes, parsnips, bread and butter, eaten at 3 o’clock, was about half digested at 3'30, the bread and parsnips having disiippcared, the fish being sejiarated into threads, and the potatoes being lea.st altered ; at 4 o'clock, very few pieces of the fibre of the fish were found, but some of the potato was still perceptible ; at 44U) all was completely pulpified ; and at 5 o’clock, the stomach Avas empty. Again it was found, that rice and tripe Avere digested in 1 hour; that eggs, salmon, trout, apples, and venison, took 14 hour; tapioca, barley, milk, liver, and fish. CIIYMIFICATION. 93 2 luurs; turkey, lamb, potatoes, pork, 2^- hours; beef, mutton, and poultry, from 3 to 3-i- hours ; and A'eal a little longer. The order in which each separate article of food is mentioned above, indicates its relative digestibility, at least, in the stomach of Alexis St. Martin. As a rule, animal substances are more rapidly digested than vegetable substances. 'J'he rate of digestion of different sub- stances corresponds with the relative necessity for their being acted on by the gastric juice. Thus, those Avhich require the most digestion by that fluid, necessarily remain the longest, whilst those which are merely liberated, but are not dissolved in it, pass out sootier ; and fluids, Avith their soluble ingi-edients, disappear the most quickly. In cases of fistulous openings in the dog, and in Man, it has been found that fibrin is digested in half an hour, casein in 1^ hour, gelatin in 2 hours, coagu- lated albumen in G hours, and tendons in 10 hours. During gastric digestion, the muscular tissue breaks up first into its fasciculi, and then into fibres, the striai of Avhich gi-adually disappear, the sarcolemma, as Avell as its sarcous contents, being dissolved ; fragments of the fibres, however, pass into the intestine, and there undergo further, though, it may be, incomplete, digestion. Yellow elastic tissue appears to resist the action of the gastric juice ; tendinous fibres dissolve slowly; white areolar fibres are totally dissolved. The cor- puscles of cartilage are not digested, but the inter-cellular substance undergoes solution. The areolar fibres of adipose tissue disappear, and frequently also the walls of the fat-cells ; but their fiitty contents are commonly said to resist the action of the gastric juice ; fat, however, may begin to be broken up into the fatty acids. (Marcet.) Of vegetable tissues, the cellulose or lignin of the cell-walls, including the dotted, annular, and spiral ducts, for the most part resist the action of the gastric fluid, which is also inoperative upon .starch grain.s, though it does not interfere with, or totally aiTest, the action of the swallowed saliva, and of the mucus of the stomach, upon .starch. Chloi'ophyll, the green colouring matter of plants, appears to resist digestion ; but the jiectinous and albuminoid contents of vegetable cells, are completely dis.solved. ChijmiJicalion and Chyme. The general product of digestion in the stomach, resulting from the combined admixture with the food, and the action 04 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. upon it, of the saliva, tlie mucus of the mouth and stomach, and the gastric juice itself, is called the chyme ; the process of its formation is named chymificution. The chyme is a thick, pulpy, grumous, fluid, containing the food thus tiir digested, together with partially digested, and indigestible, matters; it hasa strong sour smell and taste, and an acid reaction. The degree of acidity of the chyme varies, however, according to the quantity of acid, such as lactic or acetic acid, in the food, and also ac- cording to the relative quantities of saliva and gastric juice con- tained in it, much gastric juice rendering it more acid, and an excess of saliva less so. The colour of the chyme depends on the food, being whitish in an infant fed on milk and farinaceous food, but of a brownish hue when meat is eaten, or greenish after vegetable diet; sometimes also, it is tinged with bile, which has ascended into the stomach. The presence of saliva, mucus, and gastric juice, is indicated by characteristic microscopic nucleated cells. The composition of chyme, like its colour, also varies with the nature of the food. With ordinary diet, it consists of a mixture of the saline, amylaceous, saccharine, albuminoid, gelatinoid, and fatty matters of the food, in different conditions of conversion or solution. The starch, partly changed into dextrin and sugar in the mouth, continues to undergo transformation in the stomach, even more rapidly, because the vegetable cells are loosened or dissolved, so as to set free the starch grains. The conversion of starch into sugar in the stomach, is due to the saliva swallowed with it, tor, in an animal, ligature of the oesophagus, which prevents the continued entrance of saliva into the stomach, arrests this transforma- tion. A good deal of starch always pa.sses from the stomach, undissolved. The albuminoid and gelatinoid substances are represented in the chyme, by albuminose or the albumen and gelatin-peptones ; whilst the fatty matters of animal tissues, perhaps to a small extent decomposed, are loosened from the lilt cells, and, as well as the liitty matter of butter or cheese, are reduced to minute particles, intermixed with the rest of the chyme. The characters of the chyme depend, however, not only on solvent actions, but also on the process of absorption, which begins in the stomach, as soon as that oi-gan contains fluid or dissolved matters. Owing to the esctipe of chyme into the inte.s- tine, the quantity actually in the stomach, ;it any one time, is small; and, owdng to absorption, the quantity which passes into the duodenum, is much less than the quantity of fluid swallowed USES OF THE BILE. 95 and secreted for the purposes of gastric digestion. Even the soluble constituents of the chyme, are constantly being removed by absorption. The soluble constituents of our solid and fluid food, such as saline matters, .sugar, alcohol, and thein, and ahso the soluble products of digestion, such as sugar, and the albumen and gelatin-peptones, mixed with some solivin and pepsin, are greedily absorbed, with the water of the chyme, by tlie blood-vessels of tlie mucous membrane of the stomach, and are then conveyed through the portal vein, into the liver. The chyme itself, therefore, at any one moment, does not represent the simple product of the digestion of food, but the joint product of the double process of digestion and absoi'ption. In comparison with the food taken, it necessarily contains a larger proportion of fatty matter, than of saline, siiccharine, amylaceous, albuminoid, or gelatinoid substances ; for the fatty substances luive undergone little, or no, chemical change, and no absorption from the stomach, whereas the others have been more or less dissolved, altered, and absorbed. The semi-fluid product is, moreover, constantly being forced forwards, drop by drop, through the pylorus into the duodenum, where it undergoes further changes, now to be considered. Action of the Bile. The bile performs a most important part in the intestinal digestive process; but its action does not depend on the presence of an albuminoid substance, like salivin, pepsin, or pancreatin. Its importance is shown by its highly complex composition, and by its containing sub.stances which, unlike the itrea and uric acid of the renal excretion, do not pre-exist in the blood, but are formed in the hepatic cells. Secondly, the bile, as already stated, (pp. 74-5), is much more abundantly secreted during the jwocess of digestion than at any other period ; and although this may be due to the accompanying activity of the portal circulation, yet the general adaptation of means to ends in the animal economy, suggests the conclusion that the .secre- tion is most required at that juirticular time. Lastly, the situation at which the bile is di.scharged into the alimentary canal, immediately below the stomach, and therefore very higli up in the intestine, seems to indicate its special adaptation to the further digestion of some important constituent of the chyme. JMcvertheless, as we shall hereafter see, a large portion of the solid constituents of the bile, is removed from tlie body. 96 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and this fluid must, to a gi-eat extent, be regarded as an ex- crementitious fluid, serving to eliminate carbon, hydrogen, and sulphur. The bile also sei’ves certain supplementary non- chemical uses. Thus, it excites the mucous membrane of the intestine, and so probably cau.ses an increased secretion of mucus and intestinal juice. It moreover, stimulates, either directly, or through the nerves, the contractile fibre-ceUs of the mucous membrane and its villi, as Avell as those of the muscular coat of the intestine ; the former action, probably, promotes ab- sorption by the villi ; whilst the latter excites the intestinal peristaltic action, and so aids in the onward movement of the intestinal contents. It is weU-known that a scanty supply of bile may lead to constipation, whilst an excess of that fluid induces diarrhoea : hence, it may be inferred, that a proper quantity helps to maintain the healthy action of the intestines. The insjDissated bile of the ox is used as an aperient medicine. As regards the chemical action of the bile, experiments, made outside the body, by digesting various constituents of food in that fluid, at a temperature of 100°, show that it has an exceedingly feeble action in changing starch into sugar ; cane sugar is slowly converted by it into lactic acid ; it neither dissolves albuminoid substances, nor saponifies or dissolves fat. Albuminoid and gelatinoid bodies, although stained, are other- wise unaltered ; fatty matters, agitated with bile, form an im- perfect opaque emulsion, but after a time, if left undi.sturbed, separate themselves entirely from that fluid, unchanged. Bile is said to arrest the actions of saliva and ga.stric juice, even when these have already commenced, upon starch and albumi- noid substances. Indeed, the bile and the gastric juice de- compose each other, when mixed out of the body ; but this does not seem to be the case, when the gastric juice is alread}’- combined with peptone. In living animals, in which biliary flstulte have been established, so that the bile, prevented from entering the intestinal canal, escapes at the surface of the body, amylaceous, albuminoid, and gelatinoid substances are still completely digested. With regard to fatty matter.s, however, the bile, appears, in some way, to assist in, or to determine, their absorption. It has been assumed that the bile is a sapo- naceous compound, and that it dissolves fiitty mattei's directly, like an ordinary soap; but soaps contain more or less free alkali, which assists in dissolving additional fat, whilst the alkaline reaction of bile, even when present, depends pro- bably on phosphate of soda. Experiment shows, however, USES OF THE BILE. 97 that the bile is highly important for the proper digestion of iatty matters. In animals with biliary fistulaj, the chyle col- lected from thelacteals, or absorbents of the intestines, contains but a small quantity of fat ; half, or even more, of the fat taken with their food, passes unchanged from the alimentaiy canal ; ;md, as a consequence of this, tlie bodies of such animals are very lean. According to the observations of Blondlot and others, animals thus treated, may live even as long as five years. Again, after ligature of the biliary duct in an animal, which prevents the descent of bile into the intestine, the fiuid in the lacteals is clear and deficient in fat, instead of presenting its characteristic milky-white colour, and fatty molecular contents. In what mode the bile contributes to the absorption of fat, is not yet known. It certainly does not appear to act chemically, by decomposing or dissolving neutral fats ; nor does it make, with oily matters, a permanent emulsion. It probably co-operates with the pancreatic juice. It has also been shown, that fatty matters permeate moist animal membranes more readily tlian usual, if they be first wetted with bile, or with an alkaline solution. Since provision is made in the saliva and gastric juice, for the complete digestion of amyloid, gelatinoid, and albuminoid substances, and, as we shall presently show, in describing the action of the pancreatic juice, of fatty matters also, the bile may be supposed to possess no exclusive digestive power, but rather to be superadded, in order to complete some particular part of the digestive process. As the contents of the upper part of the duodenum, like those of the stomach, are strongly acid, whilst those of the .small intestine generally, become gradually alkaline in their descent, it was formerly thought that the bile, then regarded as a very alkaline fluid, was concerned in neutralising the acid of the chyme; but it is now known that the bile is but feebly alkaline, or sometimes even neutral, and the alkalinity gi-adu- ally acquired by the contents of tlie small intestine, is attri- buted ])artly to the pancreatic and intestinal juice.s, and partly to the evolution of ammonia, fiom slow decomjjosition. The bile not only imparts a bright yellow colour to the chyme in the duodenum, but it further appears to exercise an anti-putrescent action, thus preventing, or retarding, a fetid decomposition of the contents of the intestine; for, in ‘the absence of bile fi-om the alimentary canal, these frequently become decomposed, causing flatulence and diarrhoea. In VOL. II. u 98 SPECIAL rilTSIOLOGT. experiments made ■with bile, out of the body, it is found that various fermenting processes are arrested by that fluid. The colouring matter, ■with the cholesterin, and a certain portion of the other constituents of the bile, are found, more or less altered, in the residue of digestion ; but by far the larger portion of its characteristic, conjugated glycocholic and taurocholic acids, is absorbed by the mucous membrane of the intestine. These acids, when boiled Avith hydrochloric or other acids, are decomposed into cholalic acid, on the one hand, and glycocoll and taurin, on the other. The cholalic acid is then changed into choloidinic acid, and this again into a resinoid substance, soluble in ether, but insoluble in Avater, called di/slijsin. These decompositions, due, atomically, to loss of certain atoms of Avater, are .shoAvn beloAv : — Cholalic acid .... Choloidinic acid, and 1 Avater . . CoiHjgO^ + HjO Dyslysin, and 2 Avater . . . . C.^iH^gOj + Similar decompositions appear to occur in the living body ; for, in the small intestine, the acids of the bile are set free from their soda salts, by the hydrochloric and other acids in the chyme. At the commencement of the ileum, they are already half decompo.sed, and partially absorbed : at the end of the 'ileum, they are Avholly decomposed; Avhilst, in the contents of the large intestine, only dyslysin is present. Action of the Pancreatic Juice. The pancreatic juice ^ or so-called abdominal .saliva, possesses, like that fluid, in a remarkable degree, the poAver of converting starch into dextrin and grape sugar. The fresh juice is capa- ble of so converting more than four times its Aveight of starch ; the substance of the gland, macerated in Avater, also exhibits this poAver. Hence, probably, it aids in the metamorphosis of the starch, Avhich has escaped the action of the siiliva. Thi.s, hoAvever, is a secondary use of the pancreatic fluid ; for the mucus of the stomach and intestine, and the intestinal juice, also subserve this purpose ; moreover, the pancreas is as large in carnivorous mammalia, the natural food of Avhich confriius no .starchy matter, as it is in the herbivorous species. The action of the pancreatic juice on gelatinoid substauce.s, has not been specially studied ; but opinions differ as to its poAver over albuminoid bodies. It is by most authorities maintained, that it does not digest these substances, because it ACTION OF THE PANCREATIC JUICE. 99 does not dissolve them in experiments out of the body. When the pancreatic juice, or the iniiision of the gland substance employed, has undergone a kind of putrefaction, such solu- tion may occur ; but this is a condition not present in the living body. Moreover, any albuminoid substances mace- rated in water, will putrefy and slowly dissolve, and such putrefied soluble matter rapidly sets up similar changes in fresh albuminoid substances. Corvisart and Meissner believe, however, that the pancreatic juice is able to peptonise albuminoid substances, but that it only possesses this pro- perty when they have been previously mixed with gastric juice and bile, or when they are slightly acidified ; or, as Bernard supposes, only after a certain quantity of the digested food has already pa.ssed into the circidation, so as to supply the blood with materials suitable for the secretion of some special product, needed for a very powerful pancreatic juice. E.xtirpation of the pancreas affords no certain information concerning the use of its secretion. According to some, the removal of the gland is followed by the absence of white chyle in the lacteals, and the presence of undigested fat in the contents of the large intestine ; at the same time, emaciation occurs. According to others, when this gland is extirpated, neither a total arrest of nutrition, nor death by starvation, necessarily follow, every constituent of the food still undergoing more or less perfect digestion, the office of the pancreatic juice being fulfilled by other secretions. Complete degeneration of the pancreas in Man, the liver and other organs remaining healthy, does not necessaiily interfere with the digestive process ; but, in certain diseases of this gland, fatty matter has been observed to pass undigested through the alimentary canal. The use of the pancreatic juice, seems, indeed, to be subsidiary, or comjde- meutary, to the other digestive fluids; for it aids tlie saliva in the conversion of starch into sugar. It is siiid by some to be able, with the gastric juice, to dissolve albuminoid matters, and if, as is generally believed, its chief office is to digest fatty inatter.s, it must co-operate, in some manner, with the bile. The effects of the pancreatic juice, on fatty matters, have been shown by experiments out of the body, and by observa- tions on living animals. If either the fluid, obtained fresh from pancreatic fi.stulie in animals, or a Avatory infusiou of the substance of the gland just taken from an animal killed during the digestive process, be agitated with a neutral fat, and the mixture be maintained at a temperature of 100°, the fatty u 2 100 SPECIAL PnySIOLOGY. substance is most perfectly emulsified, the action being much more complete and durable than if saliva, bile, intestinal juice, or any other animal fluid, had been employed. The emulsion lasts as long as eighteen hours, after which the fat sepa- rates. It is found, however, that a portion of the olein, mar- garin, and stearin, is now decomposed, having been rapidly separated into the corresponding fatty acids and glycerin. These effects are most marked when the pancreatic juice is collected a short time after digestion has begun, all the characters of the secretion being then most evident. This remarkable decomposition is usually attributed to the pancreatin, combined with the operation of the free alkali of the fluid, just as pepsin with an acid, effects the transformation of albuminoid substances. The pancreatic juice no longer pos- sesses this ]30wer of decomposing neutral fats into their fatty acids and glycerin, in the presence of ordinary acids, which destroy its alkalinity ; hence it has been urged, that the acidity of the chyme must prevent this peculiar decomposition. But the pancreatic fluid and the intestinal juice are strongly alka- line, and moreover, the bile may here interpose, and, by means of the soda present in combination with its conjugated acids, may neutralise the acids of the chyme, and so permit the decomposition of the neutral fats of the food by pancreatic juice ; for this process may not be interfered with by the acids of the bile, which are themselves fatty. That the action of the pancreatic juice is, in some important way, aided by the bile, and conversely, that the action of the bile is seconded by that of the pancreatic juice, is highly probable, from the fact that they are discharged into the intestinal canal so near together, generally, indeed, at a common orifice. It happens, however, that in the rabbit, the chief pan- creatic duct enters the small intestine rather more than twelve inches below the bile duct, which opens asmsual a little belotv the pylorus ; another smaller duct also exists, but it is almost impermeable. This arrangement has been taken advantage of, ill physiological experiments on the use of the pancreatic fluid. The most interesting and imjiortant of these, is one originall}'^ performed by Bernard, and since repeated by others. A rabbit is crammed with fat, or its stomach is injected with oily matter, and it is afterwards killed, whilst digestion is going on ; it is then found that the fatty matters in the intes- tine, above the entrance of the pancreatic duct, though mixed with the bile, are yet unchanged ; ivhilst below that jioiut they ACTION OF THE FANCKEATIC JUICE. 101 begin to be emulsified ; moreover, the lacteals, or absorbent vessels of’ the intestine, above the point of entrance of the pancreatic duct, although bile is there mixed with the food, are filled only with a clear transparent fluid, and, indeed, are mostly invisible ; whilst, at a point immediately below the entrance of the pancreatic duct, those vessels are charged with their characteristic milk-white fluid, containing fatty particles. To this apparently precise and unexceptionable experiment, it has been objected, by those who dispute the influence of the pancreatic juice in the digestion of fatty matters, that the difference in the contents of the lacteals, above, and be- low, the entrance of the pancreatic duct, depends upon the time that has elapsed before the animal is killed, after being fed with fat. When this is done within two hours, it is said, that the lacteals given off above the pancreatic duct, are found filled with white chyle ; but if the animal be killed from four to six hours after, the lacteals below the pan- creatic duct are alone filled. These results are not in accordance with the experience of most observers, who fully confirm those obtained by Bernard. It is further stated by that e.xperimenter, that ligature of the pancreatic duct, arrests the emulsification and absorption of fat, but this, again, is disputed by others. The opposite conditions observed by them, are explained by Bernard, on the supposition, either that the smaller pancreatic duct escaped ligature, or that certain minute glands of the duodenum, in part supplied the place of the pancreas. It has been a.sserted, that if the small intestine be tied, in cats and puppies, below the entrance of the pancreatic duct, and oil, mixed with milk, be injected into the bowel below the ligature, the lacteals, after a time, become filled with white chyle (Frerichs). It is also said, that after the formation of a pancreatic fistula in a cow, chyle collected from a fistula, subsequently made in the thoracic duct, con- tains almost as much fat as that of other cows in which no pancreatic fistula has been established (Colin and Lasaigne). Furthermore it is objected, that no large amount of saponified fat, is found either in the contents of the intestine, or in the chyle itself, as might be expected, if the pancreatic juice decomposed the neutral fats, and so rendered them absorbable (Bidder and Schmidt). To conclude : first, the pancreatic juice e.xercises a po.sitivc yiower of converting starch into sugar, and so may aid in digestion. Secondly, its digestive power over albuminoid 102 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and gelatinoid bodies, when it is fresh, is very slight, but more marked when it is acidified, or Avhen it co-operates with the gastric juice. Thirdly, it possesses a remarkable power of emulsifying fat, and rendering it absorbable, more marked even than that of the bile. Lastly, whilst, out of the body, it not only emulsifies, but also decomposes the neutral fats into their fatty acids and glycerin, it is uncertain whether this decompo- sition actually takes place Avithin the body. A case has been recorded, in Avhich a calfs pancreas, taken internally, aided the a.ssimilation of fat ; and, quite recently, preparations of pancreatin made from animals, like those of pepsin long employed, have been administered medicinally. Action of the Intestinal Juices. OAving to the mixture of secretions in the intestinal canal, it is dillicult to determine the digestive pi'operties of the intestinal juices. Portions of food, enclosed in perforated tubes, have been introduced through artificial openings, into the small intestine, the duodenum being first tied, in order to prevent the saliva, gastric juice, bile, and pancreatic juice, from passing doAvn. Other experiments haA'e been made, by isolating portions of the small intestine and its contents, by including them between two ligatures. Vaifious kinds of food have also been subjected to artificial digestion, outside the body, at a proper temperature, in the juices of the small or large in- testine, or Avith portions of the mucous membrane macerated in Avater. From such experiments, several conclusions are obvious. The strongly alkaline intestinal juice certainly conA'erts starch into sugar, many believing that this change is chiefly accom- plished in the small intestine ; .sugar itself here also passes into lactic and butyric acids ; it acts still more poAverfully in the solution of albuminoid substances. Lastly, it is also more or less capable of forming an emulsion Avith i’at, and so of aiding the pancreatic juice, or even of suppl)dng its place. It Avonld seem, therefore, that the intestinal juice operates as an auxiliary dige.stive agent upon the three principal constituents of our food. Its effects do not appear to be interfered Avith I)y tho.so of the other digestive fluids. The action of the secretion of Brunner’s glands, and that of the intestinal juice, sejxarately, are quite unknoAvn. CHANGES OF FOOD IN THE INTESTINES. 103 Changes of the Food in the Small and Large Intestine. Contents of those Intestines. In considering tlie changes in the food, which occur in any- given part of the intestine, it must be remembered, that the tliiids, poured into the alimentary canal higher up, are still present, in greater or less quantity, in the intestinal contents lower down, and doubtless exercise some digestive influence. Thus, gastric juice, and even saliva, must be present in the upper part of the duodenum, and more or less pancreatic juice and bile, in the lower part of the small intestine. The venous pulpy chyme, poured from the stomach into the small intestine, is acid, and brownish or variously coioured; but, on its admix- ture with the bile and pancreatic juice, it assumes a bright yellowish colour and becomes much more opaque, owing to the addition of the biliary colouring substances, the decompo- sition of the acids by the bile, and the gradual emulsification of the fatty substances by the pancreatic juice. The contents of the upper part of the small intestine are still acid, partly from the acid of the gastric juice, and partly from the acids of the bile, which are set free by the former ; but their acidity is gradually diminished, not only by the alkaline pancreatic juice, but also, and chiefly, by the even more powerfully alkaline intes- tinal juice. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, is probably soon neutralised, and is then absorbed into the blood, as chloride of sodium or common salt. At the lower end of the ileum, the reaction of the residual intestinal contents, is generally stated to be alkaline ; but near that point, in a case of accidental fistula in the human subject, it has been found acid, notwith.standing the alkaline condition of the mucous membrane. The contents of the cajcum are said to be acid ; but those of the large intestine generally, to be alkaline. Much, however, depends on the nature of the food ; for, from the formation of acetic or lactic acid, during the use of an excess of vegetable diet, the contents of the whole intestinal canal may be acid. In carnivora, the contents of the ctccum, from the presence of ammonia, c.xhibit an alkaline reaction, whilst in the herbivora, they are always acid, from the pre- sence of lactic acid. The chemical composition of the contents of the small intestine, is dependent on the nature of the food taken. It miust also vary at dilferent parts of the canal, according to the ]04 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. composition and quantity of the secretions mixed with it, and according to the reiative quantity and nature of the substances which have been absorbed from it. Thus, the contents of the first part of the duodenum, consist of the acid chyme, with bile and pancreatic juice, i. e., of a mixture of the food taken, whether this be bread, milk, meat, or eggs, together with saliva, gastric juice, bile, pancreatic juice, and mucus, minus a certain amount of the water and dissolved substances, which have already been absorbed. These substances, which are almost exclusively absorbed bj'^ the blood vessels, con.sist of saline matters, linaltered starch, sugar, Avhether pre-existing in the food, or produced by conversion of starch, dissolved albuminoid and gelatinoid substances, in the shape of albu- minose and gelatin-peptone, salivin, pepsin, creatin and other extractive matters, and lastly, traces of alcoholic, etherial, acid, and various sapid, substances. The sugar found here, is said, by some, to be grape sugar, the conversion of cane sugar into grape sugar being chiefly accomplished, in this part of the alimentary canal, by the agency of the intestinal juice. No fatty matter is yet absorbed, but it all remains in the contents of the upper part of the duodenum. Even after the admixture of the bile and pancreatic juice, all the substance!?, just enume- rated, still continue to undergo solution and absorption, and the fatty matters, also now emulsified and rendered absorbable, are gradually taken up, together with some of the fatty acids of the bile. The contents of the small intestine are thus pro- gressively robbed of all their dissolved or emulsified nutrient substances, in which they become by degrees poorer. Finally, passing into the large intestine, they acquire a greater con- sistence and a darker hue. The contents of the large inte.stine have been .supposed to undergo an imperfect secondary digestion in the cscum ; and there are reasons for believing, that such a process, due to the action of lactic or other acids and of the intestinal juices, may, especially after heavy meals, be continued along the rest of the intestine. This may explain the digestion and absorption of the nutrient substances in enemas, by means of which the system, as is well known, may be for a long time supported. Whether starch is changed, or fat emulsified, is uncertain. The final residue consists chiefly of the insoluble or undigested portions of the food, broken down into .small fragments. In it are found, particles of vegeUible matter, such as unaltered starch-grains, woody fibre, remains of vegetable epidermic, CONTENTS OF THE LAHGE INTESTINE. 105 and other cells, with portions of spiral and annular ducts. Of animal substances, tliere are present, portions of yellow elastic tissue, cartilage cells, unchanged lat, epidermoid, and epithelial cells, unchanged iragments of fibrous tissue, such as portions of tendon or fascia, and muscular fibres more or less altered, though having escaped complete digestion ; besides this, there are certain earthy salts, especially the ammonio-magnesian- pho.sphate, with the phosphates of magnesia and of lime. The neutral salts of the vegetable acids, such as the citrates, tartrates, malates, and benzoates of potash or soda, appear partially in the contents of the lower part of the large intestine, as carbonates, the rest having been absorbed, also, it is said, chiefly in the form of carbonates. Furthermore, the ftecal mass contains colouring matters and other substances left from the almost completely changed or decomposed bile, such as cholalic and choloidinic acids, traces of cholesterin, and especially the substance named dyslysin, also a crystaUisable sul)stance containing sidphur, named exci'etine (Marcet), traces of stearic, margaric, and a peculiar fatty acid called excreteric (Marcet"), with some animal matter, probably the residue of the pancreatic and the mucous secretions, especially of those of the larger intestine. It appears certain, indeed, that the glandular apparatus of the intestines, serves to excrete, and thus eliminate from the blood, products of the decomposition of the tissues, which would be injurious if retained in it; these must be present in the fiecal substance, and may in great part explain its odour. The .small intestine, with its villous mucous membrane, is adapted to the function of absorp- tion ; but the non-villous mucous coat of the large intestine appears better adapted for excretory purposes. The percentage composition of the ashes of the daily cjuantity of fieculent matter removed from the body, varie.s, according to the food, from 2 to 10 oz. ; the average quantity is about 6 oz., of which three-fourths are water. The percentage composition of the ashes, alter burning, is as follows : — Cliloride of sodium, alkaline sulphates, and pliosphato of soda (or potash) ...... 4 Phosphate of lime and phosphate of magnesia . 815 Sidphatn of limo ....... 4-5 Phosphate of iron 2 Silica 8 100- The contents of the stomach invariably include a certain 106 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, quantity of atmosplieric air (4 nitrogen to 1 oxygen), which has been mixed with the food and saliva in the month, and swallowed with them. The decomposition of the amylaceou.s and saccharine food, into lactic and butyric acid, may cause the evolution of carbonic acid and hydrogen. The oxygen, and especially the carbonic acid, being more soluble in water, would be more easily absorbed than the nitrogen and hydro- gen ; but the nitrogen may also pass into the blood. An interchange of the other gases with carbonic acid from the blood, may take place, by what might be termed intestinal respiration. In the small intestine, the carbonic acid and hydrogen relatively increase in quantity, the nitrogen remain- ing about the same ; whilst the oxj^gen disappears. On including a loop of the small intestine of a living animal, between ligatures at two different points, the gases of the blood, oxygen, carbonic acid, and nitrogen, have been found to pass into the interior of the intestine ; so that these gases may be both absorbed from, and excreted into, the intestinal canal. In the large intestine, besides carbonic acid-, as the principal gas, carburetted liydrogen may appear, owing to the slow decomposition of its contents; nitrogen abounds after a flesh diet, and hydrogen after a milk diet ; lastly, though, it would seem, but seldom, as a consequence of the decomposition of the albuminoid substances containing sulphur, or of the taurin of the bile so rich in that element, or possibly from the de-oxidation of sulphates, small quantities of sulphiu-etted hj'drogen gas are evolved. These two last-mentioned gases may also be absorbed into the blood ; indeed, it has been shown experimentally, that animals may be quickly poisoned by injecting sulphuretted hydrogen into the large intestine. The time taken by different articles of diet to descend through the alimentary canal, varies. Laxative medicines may pass in four hours, carbonate of iron in twelve hours, the coloui-ing matter of spinach and other vegetables in eighteen hours, and grape-pips and cherry-stones in from three to four days. It has been shown that it is useless, and perhaps imprudent, to administer purgatives immediately offer the accidental swallowing of buttons, coins, or .stones ; it is better to administer thick tenacious food for a day or two, and then give a dose of castor oil. SUMMARY OF THE DIGESTIVE CHANGES. 107 Stanmar^ of the Chemistri/ of Digestion. We have seen that the digestible and absorbable parts of food, consist chiefly of the carbliydrates, or the amylaceous, gummy, and saccharine substances; of hydrocarbons, or fats and oils ; of nitrogenous gelatinoid and albuminoid substances, and extractive matters ; of hydrocarbonaceous alcohol and organic acids ; of saline substances, and of water. Part of the starch is converted, by the saliva in the mouth, into glucose or grape sugar ; this change still goes on in the stomach, even in the presence of the gastric juice ; it is com- pleted, or, according, to some, chiefly accomplished, in the interior of the small intestine, by the continued action of the saliva and by the superadded agency of the pancreatic and intestinal juices. Cooked starch is changed more rapidly than raw starch, the cells of Avhich sometimes escape digestion ; the emptied envelopes of the starch grains commonly remain undigested. Cane sugar (Bouchardat), and milk-.sugar (Leh- mann), are for the most part converted into grape sugar, in the stomach, moi-e particularly in the intestine; small quantities of cane sugar are said to be absorbed without change (Bernard). The grape sugar, thus formed from starch and other sugars, or that which may be contained in the food, is principally absorbed as such by the blood vessels; but it appears partially to be changed, especially when abundantly taken, within the alimentary canal, into lactic acid, and this again into butyric acid, with an accompanying separation of carbonic acid and hydrogen. Thus ; — 1 Grape sugar = 2 Lactic acid Cell, A = 2 C,II,0, 1 1 Butyric acid 1 2 Carbonic acid (,4 Hydrogen c,ir,o, 2 CO., 4 II The albuminoid bodies begin to bo digested in the stomach, by the gastric juice; whilst their solution is continued, and completed, in the small inte.stine, by the additional action of the intestinal juice. Fluid albumen, and especially vegetable albumen, and coagulated fibrin, are easily digested ; coagulated albumen, casein, gluten, and Icguinin, more slowly. Casein is first precipitated in a llocculent form, and then dissolved. 108 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. All albuminoid substances are converted at once into albumi- nose or albumen-peptone. Gelatin and gelatin-yielding tissues are converted into gelatin-peptone. The.se peptones, and also the saliva, pep.sin, and pancreatin, are absorbed from the stomach, as well as from the small intestine, and chiefly by the blood vessels. Fats, whether pure, and merely melted by the heat of the stomach, or whether forming part of an organised tissue, and set free by the digestion of the enveloping areolar tissue and walls of the adipose cells, coalesce, into small drops, in the stomach and upper part of the duodenum. In the small intestine, so long as its contents remain acid, the fats are merely emulsified by the pancreatic juice, aided possibly by the bile ; in the lower portion of the small intestine, however, where the intestinal contents become more or less alka- line, certain quantities of the fat are probably decomposed into their fatty acids and glycerin, by the further action of the pancreatic juice, and may even be saponified by the strongly alkaline intestinal juice. Thus emulsified, decom- posed, or saponified, all but a small residue of the fatty matters are absorbed by the lacteals of the intestines. Alcohol, in all its forms, ethers, and other soluble acid and sapid bodies are absorbed unchanged, along the whole surface of the alimentary canal, chiefly, if not entirel}'', by the blood vessels. This absorption begins even in the mouth, otherwise these substances would prodirce no flavour. The organic acids pi'obably decomposed into carbonates. The extractive matters, creatin and creatinin, the cerebric acid, those which are uncrystallisable, and perhaps some of the cruorin and myochrome, are also probably ab.sorbed without change, by the blood vessels. The saline constituents of the food are chiefly absorbed without alteration ; the soluble ones, from the mouth, .stomach, and intestinal canal generally ; Avhilst the less soluble phos- phates of magnesia and lime, appear rather to be dissolved in the large intestine. Any carbonates contained in the food or drink, must be decomposed by the acids of the gastric juice, by the lactic acid of the food, and by the acids resulting from the decomposition of saccharine matters. The salts formed by such organic acids with soda or potash, are either absorbed into the blood, and there converted into carbonates, or they are thus changed in the intestinal canal. atcr remains undecomposed, and is absorbed freely during HOW DIGESTION IS INFLDENCED. 109 tlie digestive process, constituting the natural menstruum, in which the different soluble substances are dissolved, and in which the latry matters are suspended. or substances, the digestion of which is doubtful, may be mentioned vegetable mucus, gums, pectin, and cellulose. The three former, though soft and tender substances, miscible but probably not actually soluble in water, are said, by some, indeed, neither to be capable of being absorbed, nor yet to be so chemically changed, as to become so. The softer kinds of cellulose, such as that contained in the growing tissues of green vegetables, in the tuber of the potato, and in the pulp of fruits, are supposed to be dissolved in small quantity, if not for nutrient purposes, yet in order to set free their starchy, gummy, saccharine, and albuminoid contents. lierbivorous animals, however, certainly digest large quantities of cellulose and vegetable pectin, by changing them into sugar. Chloro- phyll, speaking generally, is indigestible. Though putrescent meat, such as high game, may be first sweetened, and then digested by the gastric juice, yet certain decomposing sub- stances, like poisonous or fermenting sausages, cannot be corrected by the juices of the stomach, but excite vomiting and diarrhoea, and, when absorbed, often prove fatal. Circumstances winch modify Digestion. The rate of gastric digestion of certain articles of diet, has already been mentioned (p. 92). It pai’tly depends on the relative solubility of the various proximate constituents of the food ; but it may also be greatly modified by other circum- stances, such as the quantity, consistence, and peculiar mix- tures of the food, its condition of subdivision, its absolute fpiantity, the relative quantity of its different constituents, the absence or presence of stimulating substances, the conditions f)f the nervous system, the state of sleeping or waking, the condition of the body as regards health, habit, individual peculiarities, bodily fatigue, and oven the condition of the mind. Ile.st and exercise also affect the digestive process. The more rapidly and jierlectly the constituents of any given kind of food, are capaltle of being dissolved, the more easily such food is dige.sted, .and vice versa. As a rule, bread not too new, nearly :dl kinds of metit, poultry and white fish eggs, milk, jelly,and the gelatin-forming ti.ssues, and well-boiled potatoes, are easy of digestion ; whilst new bread and potatoes, no SPECIAL PinSIOLOGY. liitty meats, fat, tendons, cartilage, cheese, and green A'^egetables are more difficult of digestion. Hard-boiled eggs are, of course, more difficult to digest than the line coagulum of albumen formed in a custard, or in the gravy of meat, owing obviously to the difference of consistence and degree of subdivision in the two cases. Mashed potatoes and finely grated cheese, and soft cream- and milk- cheeses, are more easily and rapidly digested than plain boiled potatoes or hard cheese. Again, all vegetable substances too much matured, and therefore com- posed of cells having harder cell walls, are more difficult to digest, and hence require much cooking, and artificial sub- division, to burst and break down the cells, and permit the digestive juices to enter their interior, and act on their con- tents. Carrots, turnips, cabbages, celery, artichokes, aspara- gus, and onions, may be classed in this category. Even the cooking of flour, and of all other amylaceous articles of diet, helps digestion in an extraordinary degree, by bursting or swelling the fecula or starch grains. Large quantities of adi- pose tissiie, intermixed with muscular tissue, probably impede the penetration of the gastric juice, and so render too liit meats, such as pork, and also oily fish, as, for example, salmon, com- paratively indigestible. It has been found that the flesh of animals living in a wild state, is more digestible than that of the allied tame species, probabl}'^ owing to the more fatty muscular tissues of the latter. A large quantity of fat, in the shape of fatty tissue, taken with other food, may have the same effect of interfering with digestion ; but such fatty tissue is far preferable to fat itself, and more easy of digestion, because it is contained in areolar ti.ssue, and is divided into minute spherules within the fine adipose cells, so that the gastric juice percolates it ivith comparative facility. lienee suet and cooked fat are more digestible than the melted fat derived from them, and swimming on the surlace of gravy. Pizre solid fats having a gramilated te.xture, esjiecially cold butter, the particles of which adhere togethei’, as it were, only by certain points of contact, are more easily digested than the same fats taken in a melted condition, such as oiled butter, in which, the oleaginous particles have completely coalesced. It is pos- sible, also, that the heating of fatty matters determines slight chemical changes, inconsistent with easy digestion. But per- haps the most objectionable effect of fat, is that which occurs in certain processes of cooking, in vdiich it .saturates heated or dried albuminoid, gelatiuoid, or amylaceous substances, and now DIGESTION IS INFLUENCED. Ill SO preoccupies their interstices, as to render them extremely difficult of penetration by the gastric juice, -which is aqueous, as in the case of buttered toast, or greasy hot dishes of any kind. Moreover, owing to the high temperature in roasting or baking, the substances above mentioned, as well as the fats themselves, sometimes undergo peculiar chemical changes, by which acrolein, or other pyrogenic compounds are per- haps developed. These latter conditions are met with in the burnt parts of roasted joints, in over-roasted, baked, or fi-ied parts of the skin of poultry or of fish, and especially in greasy and burnt pie-crust. It would seem that animal albuminoid substances, held in solution, as in soups and broths, are not more easily digested than the same substances in a solid form ; for the water requires to be almost entirely absorbed, before the nutrient principles can be converted into peptones. Hence, solid food, even in the case of many invalids, is more suitable than bulky fluid food. It is said that dextrin, introduced into the system, favours the digestion of albumen (SchifF) ; this affords an illustration of the advantage of mixed diets. Too large a quantity of food, at any one meal, also renders digestion proportionally difficult. When the digestive powers are weak, the bad effect of quantity is much more obvious. It is believed that the secretion of the gastric juice especially, is regulated, as to quantity, more by the demands of the body, than by the amount of food taken ; hence, an excess of food, not only remains undigested, but acts as an irritant to the stomach itself, lessening its further secreting power, and, if passed on into the duodenum, causing more or less disturbance to the system. At the same time, some solid substance is essential or favourable to digestion ; hence, perhaps, the habit of certain nations, mixing, with their scanty food, some indi- gestible material, such as saw-dust or earth, which can only increase its bidk. Alter a very heavy me.al has been digested, the stomach secretes but a very weak gastric juice (Schiff). The effects of cold water, or ice, in repressing the secretion of the ga.stric juice, and so retarding the digestive process, have been already mentioned ; the reduction of the tempera- ture of tlie stomach, and the retardation of the capillary cir- culation, aflbrd an explanation of tlie.se facts ; taken in large ([uantities, with or after Ibod, ices and iced beverages must suspend dige.stion. On the other hand, digestion is un- doubtedly favoured by moderate quantities of alcohol, also by SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 1 12 salt, vinegar, lemon juice, pickles, sauces, and spices, these substances acting as stimulants to the secreting processes necessary for digestion, especially to that of the gastric juice ; vinegar, moreover, contributes, by its acidity, to swell and pulpif}'^ albuminoid substances. Lemon juice yields, in addi- tion, potash salts to the blood. AVines and beers also contain potash, magnesia, and lime ; the red wines especially, yield small quantities of tannin, and traces of iron. Severe exercise of the body, or active employment of the mind, too soon after a meal, hinders digestion ; even moderate exertion of the body is not desirable immediately after a full meal, rest being found decidedly to favour digestion ; but persons of sedentary habits digest slowly. Sleep is said to I'etard this proce.ss, but otherwise does not interfere with it. Mental emotion may arrest digestion, perhaps, by putting a stop to the secretion of gastric juice. Digestion, as already men- tioned, requires, for its due performance, the secretion of large quantities of the digestive fluids, and this can only be accom- plished by an incresed supply of blood to the organs concerned in this function ; hence, any acts which determine the blood strongly to the brain or muscles, interfere with it. Habit has an extraordinary effect in modifying the digestive power in particular instances ; thus, infants or invalids, who have been habitually fed on fluid and easily digested food, are inconvenienced, or injured, by the use of hard food difficult of digestion, and can only by degrees acquire, or regain, a stronger digestive power. Those persons, even, who are accustomed to take food of a dry and hard nature, and requiring strong digestive powers, have their digestive organs deranged by the use of soft and succulent food, which they can only properly digest after a kind of education. A certain effort in the di- gestive act, is probably beneficial, as it is natural to the system. Custom, and differences of climate, explain the well known national peculiarities of diet, and akso the fact that, as a rule, a foreign dietary, unless modified, or gradually adopted, is less adapted to the digestive powers of individuals of different nations and climates. Finally, the effects of individual differences, or, as they are called, idinaj/ncracies, are truly remarkable in the case of the digestive functions. In cei-tain instances, particular, and per- haps not otherwise difficultly digestible, substances invariably produce the most serious pain and disorder; whilst substances ordinarily indigestible, may perhaps be readily dige.sted. VALUE OF DIFFERENT FOODS, 113 Tims, for example, oysters, lobster's, crabs, and salmon, -will each produce, in different persons, severe attacks of indigestion, and even give rise to eruptions on the skin. In some persons, strawberries are known to produce a similar efiect ; and to others, cucumber is almost a certain poison. Relative Value of different Foods. The following Table, chiefly from Vierordt, exhibits the com- posifion of a few of the great variety of articles of food consumed by Man. It shows the total amount of solids, and the propor- tions of organic proximate constituents, salts, and water, in each article of diet ; also the relative amount of its nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous constituents, and, as regards the latter, the respective quantities of oleaginous, amylaceous, and saccharine matters. The relative value of different articles of diet, for plastic or tissue-forming purposes, for calorific or respiratory purposes, or for maintaining the proper saline constitution of the blood, is thus shown, so far as their chemical composition is concerned ; but this alone affords no sufficient indication for the practical choice of diet in individual cases, so much depending on the physical characters and mode of prepar- ation of food, as well as on the age and idiosyncracies of the individual. The total quantity of solids, shown in the first column of the following Table, reveals the highly nuh'itive quality of legu- minous and cereal food, butter, cheese, and eggs, in compari.son with meat ; but sixch general comparisons are ine.xact, for the proportions of non-nitrogenous and nitrogenous substances, in each kind of food, are not taken into account. As regards the latter, cheese is the most nutritious diet, then the leguminous seeds, next meat, and then, in order, the yolk of egg, flour, the white of egg, and bread. As regards fiit, the order of nuti-itive value is, butter, yolk of egg, and cheese. Starch and sugar are most abundant in wheat, next in the Icguminosa and the in- ferior cereals, less so in potatoes, and least in the succulent vegetables and fruits. Ghee.se is an extraordinarily concentrated diet; the legu- minosa are highly nutritious, especially those grown in hot countries, but they ref[uire a thorough preparation and good cooking ; the great merit of bread, is its solt, porous, permeable, and well-cooked substance ; the advantage of meat consi.sts in its concentrated, yet succulent, tender, and easily digested VOL. II. I 114 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. substance, and in its containing the very elements of the tissues and the blood, even fat, creatin, and the potash salts. Potatoes are a weak food, one ]50und being only equal to about six ounces of bread, and four ounces and a half of lentils ; they are not much more nutritious tlian the succulent vegetables, but, like these and fruits, they contain, which bread does not, potasli, so essential to the muscles ; hence, perhaps, their utility in preventing and curing scurvy. A well selected vegetarian diet is quite equal to the main- tenance of life and health ; the Japanese, the Hindoos, and the lazarroni of Naples, subsist chiefly on a vegetable diet. The macaronis and vermicellis are composed of ghrten, with but a small proportion of starch. Indian corn, and also wheat, though not in such quantity, contain cerebric acid, a remarkable nitrogenous compound, found in the nervous substance, of very high atomic constitution. Broth is a very weak nutriment, even when some strong farinaceous element is added to it ; so is beef tea, if improperly prepared. Meat contains prin- ciples which may be extracted, some better by cold water, others by warm water, and others, again, by boiling ; it should, therefore, be cut into small pieces, be submitted for three hours each time, in succession, to half its weight of cold, of warm, and of hoilincj water ; the fluids, strained off from the first and second macerations, are to be mixed with that strained off hot from the third or boiling process, and the mixture shoidd be just brought to a boiling heat to cook it ; the fat .should be skimmed off ; a few drops of some acid, with salt, will increase the flavour. Thus prepared, beef-tea contains albumen, tracesof syntonin, fibrin, cruorin, and myochrome,in aflocculent state ; and gelatin, creatin, cerebric acid, perhaps glycogen, inosite, paralactic, lactic, and ino.sinic acids, and salts of pofiish, soda, and magnesia, in a state of solution ; nearly all the syntonin remains in the shrunken meat; the fat is never absolutely removed. Beef-tea, if good, is a light, nutritious, easily assimilated, conservative, and stimulating food. The now much used extractum carnis or extract of meat, is the in- spissated juice of meat, and resembles a viscid beef-tea; but it contains no gelatin, and no glycogen or sugar ; to be truly nourishing, it reqirires the addition of some albuminoid and amylaceous materials. Malt liquors are more nutritious than weak beef-tea. Alcohol stimulates, and develops heat; it seems to be partly digested and oxidised, though a great j)ortion escapes unchanged by the lungs, skin, and kidneys. TABLE OF ANALYSES OF FOOD. 1 15 S a ^ tlO E5'"' d 3 aS o ^ a u. d « o geo 2 j3 ■§1 2.^ S g) o p W Ul f—l 4.3 ^bo o *5 ^ o H g o M •c pQ I • u? t» ^ rg T3 *C ‘o ‘o ■**i I g -s g M t£;a Si I ^ t. 2 bobci^^ 5 Jig « « w w a O P o 2 p:m ) 5 QJ 2 S j) d «s 2S gs ff o> Cl o 5 rt ft.n L P5Po_lfLioos, consisting of two pairs of jaws ; the first pair are the mavdih/e.s, or pincers; the second are the which support the prtfp/. By these parts, the food is seized, examined, or even divided. In many Insects and Crustacea, and in Spiders, one or more pairs of the limbs are THE TEETH IN ANIMALS. 119 also employed in conveying food to the mouth ; sometimes, as in the crabs and lobsters, such limbs are enormously developed, the. pincers on one side of the body being smooth, and on the other, knobbed. In cer- tain perfect insects, the food being viscid or fluid, the mandibular appendages are specially modified, as, c.g., in the butterflies and moths, in which they form a long tube or canal named the grohoscis, which can be unfolded from its spiral coils, and protruded into flowers; a suck- ing proboscis also exists in certain flies and gnats. In the fleas and bugs, the mandibles are penetrating and suctorial. Amongst the Annelides, the sand-worms have soft feeble tentacles ; but the earth-worms and leeches have the mouth either simply suctorial, or cutting and suctorial. In some worms, a retractile proboscis exists, developed from the lining membrane of the pharynx, and not from the cephalic segments of the exo-skeleton, like the jaws of the higher Anmdosa. The Annuloid Entozoa either have a special suctorial apparatus, or live by general imbibition. The marine worm-like forms are suctorial, whilst the Eotifera have a ciliated disc, which creates a vortex in the water. In the starfishes and echini, there are no prehensile tentacula ; in the Crinoida, the arms may act prehensively ; in the holothiirida or sea-cucumbers, large labial appendages or tentacula exist. Codmterata. — These exclusively aquatic animals have contractile non- ciliated tentacles, sometimes few and simple, or divided, as in the hydra, sometimes very numerous, as in the sea-anemones, and often of great length and of irregular form, as in the medusse and others. These are always prehensile ; but food may also be drawn into the body, by the alternate expansion and contraction of its muscular walls. In the Physograda, the mouth is developed into depending tubular suctorial processes or cirrhi. Protozoa. — In the Infusoria, the cilia draw the water and food into the buccal orifice, and there is no other prehensile apparatus. In the lowly-organised Rhizopods and Amoebae, the soft body is merely applied to the substance serving as food. In the Sponglda, etu-rents of water are drawn through numerous in-cuiTent or inhalent orifices, into the interior of the porous mass, whilst ex-current or exhalent orifices, fewer in number, serve for their expulsion. This process not only assists in re- spiration, but also in entangling food against their sarcodous substance. Finally, the parasitic Gregarinida live by direct imbibition. The Teeth and Mastication in Animals. True teeth, or calcified organs, belonging to the exo-.sk(deton, and composed of dentine, or of this with enamel and cement, are peculiar to the Vertebrata ; for the so-called teeth or denticles of certain Mollusca, Annulosa, and Annuloida, have no such structure. Teeth are entirely absent in Birds ; but they are generally, though not universally, present, in Fishes, Amphibia, Reptiles, and Mam- malia. In the last-named Class alone, are the characteristic milk teeth met with, that first temporary and deciduous set, which falls out and is succeeded by the permanent teeth. With the exception of a few fishes, and the vegotablo-fooding iguanas amongst reptiles, which have grinding teeth, these organs in Fishes, Amphibia, and Reptiles, are 120 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. essentirtlly prehensile, or incisive, being used for seizing, and holding the prey, or for dividing it into portions small enough to be swallowed ; but it is in the Mammalia, that mastication proper, performed by teeth set in movable jaws, is most perfect, the food being, in many of them, not only seized, but afterwards gnawed or chewed. In the different classes of the Vertebrata, the teeth differ remarkably in number, shape, position, and mode of insertion. Mammalia. — Amongst these, the Monotremata are almost edentulous, or destitute of teeth, for the echidna has no such organs, but merely horny processes on the tongue and palate, whilst the ornithorhynchus has horny teeth. In the Cetacea, two genera have calcified teeth before birth only, the upper jaw afterwards supporting the whale-bone plates. In the manis, or pangolin, and in the true ant-eaters, or m3-rmeco- phaga, amongst the so-called Edentata, there are likewise no teeth. All other Mammalia possess them. The number of the teeth in the Mammalia, in conjunction with other differences in shape or kind, furnishes an important means of zoological distinction. It ranges from 2 in the narwhal, to as many as 190 in the dolphins. In the elephant, there are at most 10, usually only 6, viz. one entire molar, or sometimes parts of two, on each side of both jaws, toge- ther with the two tusks of the ujjper jaw. In the Eodents, the ordinary number is 20, but there are sometimes only 12, and in the hare and rabbit 28. In the Ruminants, in the apes of the Old AVorld, and com- monly throughout the Mammalia, as in Man, there are 32, but 44 is said to be the typical number. (Owen.) In one of the armadilloes, as an exception to the rule in that genus, there are 98 teeth. Amongst the Cetacea, the narwhal, just mentioned, and some other species, have only 2 teeth ; the cachalot has more than 60, the common porpoise between 80 and 90, and the true dolphins from 100 to 190. The form of the teeth presents greater variety in the Mammalia than in any other Class. AVhen numerous, they are usually prehensile, small, pointed, and of nearly equal size throughout the jaw; sometimes slightly recurved, and sometimes variously flattened or compressed. AVhen the teeth are in moderate number, some are devoted to one purpose and some to another, and they are usually’ modified into incisor, canine, premolar, and molar teeth. The incisors, as in Man, are flat, chisel- shaped, and cutting or gnawing ; the canines are larger and conical, to bite, hold, and tear ; the premolars and molars are variously cusped or tuberculated, and either flattened at the sides for cutting, or broad at the summit for grinding the food. The incisor teeth are smallest in the insectivorous, larger in the carnivorous and frugivorous species, of great strength in the croppingHerblvora, but especially strong in the gnawing Eodentia. The canine teeth, prominent in the carnivorous dogs and cats, are also large in many non-carnivorous animals, as the ape, boar, musk-deer, elephant, and others, in which they are used for offence or defence. The carnivorous molars are generally flat, narrow, ridged and tuberculated, the anterior ones being often very diminutive. The herbivorous molars are flat-crowned, quadrangular, or lozenge-shaped, and provided with tubercles, as in the Quadrumana, or marked with crescenticor transverse ridges and furrows, as in theEuminants, Solipeds, Pachj’dermata, and Eodents. In animals living on mixed diet, the crowns of the molar teeth are furnished with blunt tubercles. The tusks THE TEETH IN MAMMALIA. 121 of the elephant are huge canine teeth ; those of the walrus are also canine. The single tusk of the male narwhal or Monodon, several feet in length, is also an upper canine tooth ; it springs on one side of the median lino, from the superior maxillary hone ; hut an immature tooth is foimd concealed in the hone of the oppositeside ; in the female narwhal, both tusks remain undeveloped, one in each upper jaw-hone. The curved canine tu.sks of the Bahyroussa are also remarkable ; those of the upper jaw are larger and longer than those of the lower jaw, and sometimes perforate the upper lips. The teeth in Mammalia are limited to the jaws. They are confined to the inferior maxilla in the cachalot, to the premaxillary hones in the upper jaw in the narwhal, and to the superior and inferior maxillary bones, being wanting in the premaxillary hones, in most Ruminants. But usually, teeth are found in all three of these hones. However varied in number and in form, mammalian teeth are always arranged, in each jaw, in a single row or dental arch, in which, where dilferent kinds of teeth exist, one or more gaps occur, named diastemata. When a diastema is absent, the teeth are of equal length. In the human jaw, as already mentioned, there is no diastema, hut this is also the case in certain extinct quadrupeds. The mammalian teeth are usually fitted closely into sockets in the jaws, each tooth and each fang, if these he multiple, having its own socket, lined by a periosteum which fixes it. In certain Cetacea, the sockets are wide and shallow, and the teeth ai'e attached to the gum, rather than fixed in the jaw. Each tooth generally has a constricted part or neck, between the crown and fang, to which the gum is fixed ; but no neck is seen in the numerous small teeth of the dolphin, in the tusks of the narwhal, elephant, and walrus, or in the incisors of the Rodentia. The teeth of most Mammalia, like those of Alan, consist chiefly of dentine, the crown being protected by enamel, and the fang being covered by the cement, which sometimes passes over the crown also. The microscopic structure of these tissues, however, presents certain minute pecidiarities. The tusks of the narwhal, walrus, and elephant, are destitute of enamel, and consist almost wholly of the modification of dentine known as ivorij, the .surface being at first covered by a thin layer of cement, which becomes worn by use. No enamel exists on the molars of the dugong and cachalot, nor on the teeth of the Edentata. In the Quadrumana, and in the Carnivora generally, as in Alan, the cement is so thin over the enamel of the crown, as to be almost inap- preciable ; but it is thick jn Ilerbivora, and especially so on the molars of the elephant, sloth, dugong, walrus, and cachalot. In the Ruminants, in most Rodentia, and in the Pachydermata, the enamel and the cement are arranged, within the crowns of the molar teeth, in double vortical plates or folds, between corresponding processes of the dentine, the variations in which, form a means of classification in the Rodentia and Pachydermata. When one of these compound teeth, such as a molar of the ox, deer, sheep, horse, or the still more complex grinder of the elephant, first cuts through the gum, the crown is covered with a thick layer of cement, which dips in between folds of enamel, which, in their turn, conceal variously-disposed plates of dentine. In the course of time, the cement on the grinding surface is worn down, and the folds of the subjacent enamel ]22 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. become visible. With further attrition, the cement between the folds of enamel wears away faster than the enamel itself, and hence the broad surface presents ridges corresponding with the harder enamel, and furrows corresponding with the softer cement, an arrangement well adapted, like the roughened surface of a mill-stone, for the grinding of hard grain, woody fibre, or roots. As the process of wear extends, the summits or bent parts of the folds of enamel are also worn through, and the concealed plate of dentine is exposed ; in this case, the most complex markings appear on the grinding surface, produced by the alternating and often tortuous bands of dentine, enamel, and cement. When the mammalian teeth, whether simple or complex, are worn down to the fang, they generally, as in Man, loosen and fall out ; for their growth is completed at a certain period, after which their pulps shrink, they become subject to wear or decay, and undergo little or no repair. A remarkable provision exists, however, for the presennition of the cutting edge of the chisel-like incisor teeth, characteristic of, and necessary to, the gnawing Kodentia. These teeth show a persistent growth ; the fang is deeply implanted in the jaw, and remains hollow and open at the base, into which the persistent pulp extends. The so- called enamel organ, on the anterior wall of the socket, is also persi.s- tent. Fresh dentine is constantly being formed witbin, upon the pulp, and fresh enamel upon the anterior surface, by the enamel organ ; whilst the unequal wear of the hard coating of enamel in front, and of the dentine behind, preserves, dmnng the whole of life, the chisel-like edge. From the persistent growth of these peculiar teeth, it happens, that if one of them be drawn or accidentally lost, the opposing tooth being no longer worn down by use, continues to elongate, and, following its natural cuiwe, attains an abnormal size and shape, and its point turns round, and even penetrates the oppo.sife lip. The teeth of the arma- dilloes and sloths also grow continuously, on persistent pulps. In many Mammalia, sex exercises a remarkable influence on the de- velopment of certain teeth. Thus, in the Quadrumana, especially in the anthropoid apes, the upper canine teeth, in the male, are more than twice the size of the same teeth in the female ; the tusks of the boar and of the male elephant, and musk-deer, are larger than those of the female animals. In the dugong, which, an exception in Cetacea, has both temporary and permanent incisor teeth in the two jaws, the upper permanent incisors project beyond the gum, in the male ; but in the female, the permanent incisors in both jaws remain concealed throughout life, their growth being arrested before they cut the gum. The asym- metrical tusk, the rudimentary and, concealed condition of the opposite tooth of the male narwhal, and the hidden rudiments of both teeth in the female, already mentioned, also show the influence of sex. This rudimentary condition of certain teeth is, however, sometimes independent of sex, but characterises groups of animals. Thus in the ox tribe, altliough the temporary incisors appear above the gum in both jaws, the permanent incisors are not developed in the upjjer jaw, but remain in a rudimentary condition within the bone. The four canine teeth also exist, in a rudimentary state, in all young Riiminants, though they never rise above the gum. In both jaws of the young whale-bone whale, rudiments of teeth exist, which are never lurthor developed. THE TEETH IN HEHTILES. 123 Jiirds. — In Birds, the Iiorny coating of the edentulous jaws, is deve- loped, in successive lamiine, from the tegumentary membrane covering those bones. In the parrots, this horny coat is thick, and is formed and supported upon papillce. The absence of teeth in birds, is associated with the existence of a muscular stomach, or gizzard. Reptiles. — Of these animals, the Saurians exhibit the most perfect dentition, then the Ophidians, whilst the Chelonia are edentulous, their jaws being covered with a thick and dense horn, variously modelled, so as to act in bruising or dividing the food, the jaws of the vegetable feeders being thick, and those of the carnivorous species sharp on their edges. In the Reptiles which possess teeth, the number varies, but in exist- ing species, it is never very small, being 30 in certain monitor lizards, and 29, the lowest known number, in the Ophidian amphis- beeua. The number is not so determinate, nor are individual teeth so specially characterised, as in the Mammalia. In the crocodiles, and in many lizards, the teeth are limited to the jaw-bones ; but they exist also on the pterygoid bones in the roof of the mouth, in the iguana, and on the palatine and pterygoid bones, in most Ophidia. In many of the latter, teeth are absent from tlie inter-maxillary bones. The jaw-teeth form single arches, excepting only in the caecilia or blind-worm, in which the lower front teeth are arranged in a double row. The typical form of the reptilian tooth is conical, but in a few species this is departed from. These conical teeth vary greatly in size from the minute teeth of the blind-worm, to the powerful canine-like teeth of the crocodile. They are sometimes cylindrical, but more fre- quently compressed, or much flattened and blade-like, having sharply trenchant, or even serrated, margins. The surface is either smooth and polished, or longitudinally striated. In the iguanas, the crowns of the teeth are widely expanded, and their sides and margins curiously notched. The teeth are relatively longest in Serpents, and in the case of the poison-teeth or fangs, present a remarkable structure. These poison-fangs are strongly recurved, and contain a canal, opening at both ends on the anterior or convex aspect of the tooth, above, close to the gum, and below, a short distance from the point of the tooth. The secretion of the poison-gland, found at the side of the head, is convej'edby a duct, to the opening of the poison-canal near the base of the tooth. Into this, the poi.son is forced by muscles which tighten the gland capsule and compress the gland ; and thence it is conveyed, through the opening in front of the point of the tooth, into any wound. The poison-fangs aro anchylosed, or fixed by osseous union, to the superior maxillary bones ; but since, in the poisonous serpents, these bones are movable, the poison- teeth can either, as when at rest, lie flat upon the gum, or they can be brought into a vertical position, in the act of striking. The teeth of Reptiles have a short undivided root, which is, for the most part, anchylosed to the bone on which it rests. In the crocodiles, however, the teeth are separate, and are lodged in deep sockets ; in the black alligator, the front teeth are embedded in sockets, whilst the hinder ones are fitted into a continuous groove. In the serpents and geckos, the anchylosed teeth aro fixed to the sides of shallow sockets, but in the chameleons and most lizards, to the inner surface of a single alveolar plate. 124 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Reptilian teetli always contain dentine and cement, sometimes also enamel and true bone. In most Saurians, the enamel exists as a thin coating orer the crowns. The presence in certain teeth, of bone, besides the cement covering the dentine, depends on the conversion of the base of the pulp into bone, as the tooth becomes anchylosed to the jaw. The microscopic structure of the dentine, differs slightly from that of the dentine in Mammalia, its substance being traversed by canals com- municating with the pulp cavity. In the iguana, the dentine is singularly inflected on its surface. In the poison-fang of the serpent, the dentine is folded on itself, in front of the pulp-cavity, so as to form the poison-groove or canal ; a longitudinal section of the tooth, shows the tapering pulp- ca\’ity behind the poison-canal ; whilst a transverse section shows this canal surrounded by the dentine, coalescing in front of it, the pulp- cavity forming a crescentic fissure behind it. As the teeth of Reptiles wear out and fall away, an almost unlimited succession of new ones replaces them throughout life, a process entirely different from the simple succession of temporary and permanent teeth in the Mammalia. The new tooth usually appears at the inner side of the base of the old one ; but the poison-fangs of the serpents are replaced by new teeth, formed behind the old ones. When, as is usual, the teeth are anchylosed to the jaw, the new tooth simply grows up on a papilla, and replaces the falling one ; but in the alligators and crocodiles, in which the teeth are lodged in sockets, the new tooth, also formed on a papilla, gains access, by a process of absorp- tion, to the interior of the old one, penetrates its pulp, grows up within > it, raises it, and finally throws it off from its own summit. By this time, as seen in the gavial, another rudimentary tooth is formed, and proceeds to grow, in like manner, into its predecessor. The process of absorption resembles that of the fangs of the milk teeth, in Mammalia ; and like that, it has been incorrectly attributed to mechanical pressure ; for the growing tooth is softer than the old one, which is being absorbed. Amphibia. — Fine prehensile teeth are found on the upper jaw and palate bones of the frogs and salamanders, more seldom on the lower jaw also. In the toads, only palatal teeth are present. Teeth are ab- sent in the proteus and siren. Fishes. — The teeth of Fishes present extraordinary varieties, greater than those of any other Class. Their number is almost countless in the silurus, its allies, and in the pike ; but they become fewer or wholly absent, in the lower orders of fishes. The chimserte have two teeth in the lower, and four in the upper jaw; the lepidosiren has only a single dental plate in each jaw, and two small teeth on the nasal bones ; the tench has one tooth on the occiput, besides some on the pharyngeal bones ; whilst the myxine and m}'xinoid fishes have a single, tooth on the palate, meeting two dental plates upon the tongue. Lastly, in the syngnathus or pipe-fish, in the hippocampus, in the Lophobranchiate fishes, in the sturgeon, ammocete, and amphioxus, no teeth exist. The shape of the teeth in fishes, differs much. They are usually simple and conical ; they are minute, numerous, and viUiform in the perch ; longer, ciliiform or setiform, often bifid or trifld; and rasp-like or mdidiform, on the back of the vomer in the pike. They are commonly cylindrical, but sometimes flattened into a lancet-like blade, either straight, curved, bent sideways, or even barbed. The base may be broad. THE TEETH IN FISHES. 125 as in the larger teeth of the pike, the lophius, and certain sharks ; the edge is sometimes finely serrated, as in the sharks generally, or is notched, so as to divide the tooth into from two to five lobes. In other less known fishes, they are short and blunt, cubical, or prismatic, with from four to six sides, and closely arranged in a sort of mosaic work, showing their convex or flattened summits over broad surfaces. These surfaces are well calculated for grinding seaweeds, and crushing shell-fish or corallines, as seen in the teeth of the seams or wolf-fish, and the cunei- form dental plates of the parrot-fish, which truly masticate their food. The teeth of Fishes, as already indicated, are by no means limited to the premaxillary and premandibular bones of the upper and lower jaws. In the sharks and rays, they are thus confined to the fore-part of the mouth ; but in the carp, all the teeth are at the back of the mouth, supported on the pharyngeal and basi-occipital bones. The parrot-fish has teeth, botlr at the front and back of the mouth, i.e. on the premaxil- lary and premandibular bones, and on the upper and lower pharyngeals. In most fishes, there are teeth, not only on the above-named bones, but also on other bones around the middle part of the mouth, as on the palate bones, vomer, hyoid bones, and branchial arches, sometimes on the pterygoid, sphenoid and nasal bones, and, though rarely, on the true superior maxillse. Teeth are found in the median line, on the palate of the myxines, and even, in a few cases, on the symphysis of the jaw, a position not observed in any other Vertebrata. In the lampreys, most of the teeth are placed on the lips. The teeth of Fishes are usually anchylosed to the bone on which they rest, the dental and osseous tissues being blended ; occasionally it is the side of the tooth, and not the base, which is thus fixed. In certain Cartilaginous fishes, some of the teeth are divided at their base, and are so attached by ligaments, as to allow the teeth to be bent backward in the mouth, by casual pressure ; but when this is removed, the teeth spring up again. Even the anchylosed teeth arc first attached by liga- ment only. A few examples are met with of the teeth being embedded in sockets ; but then also anchylosis exists. The short strong teeth, which almost pave the mouth of the wolf-fish, are anchylosed to special eminences. The teeth of Fishes are almost invariably composed of some kind of dentine only, the enamel and cement being absent. In certain cases, as in the carp, the tooth substance is brown and semi-transparent; in the Cyclostomata, it has been differently described as dense, albuminoid, or horny ; the labial teeth of certain goniodonts and ebrntodonts are flexible and elastic. The true dentine of fishes’ teeth, is very compact, especially on the .surface of the tooth, whore it occupies the place of enamel; this superficial layer has been called vitro dentine. Another modification of dentine, commonly found in fishes’ teeth, is named o&teo- dentine, because it contains vascular canals, resembling the Haversian canals of bone, between which are dentinal tubuli, no longer minute and parallel, but large, divided, and ramified. The so-called vaso-dintine is also found in the teeth of fishes, and, though more rarely, the 'plici- dentine, lahi/rmtho-dintine, and dendro-dent or J „,„i Klancls. The superlicial lyn.plmtics are al.own on on tlio left limbs ; the deep lyinpbatics on tbo rig THE ABSORBENT SYSTEM. 15.3 beneficial or poisonous, nutrient, stimulant, or respiratory, are introduced into the tissues of the body, through any natural or artificial surface tvhatever. jMoreover, it comprehends, in part at least, another process, by means of Avhich j^ortions of the livinar tissues are themselves removed, or absorbed, Avithin the body. The former of these tAvo processes is sometimes named _7t'/iera^ absorption, and the latter, intrinsic or interstitial absorption. Intrinsic absorption is essentially a nutritive ]>rocess. The term extrinsic may be applied both to general absorption and to the absorption of food. The Absorbent Vessels and Glands. In ilan, and the Vertebx’ata generally, two sets of vessels are engaged in the proce.sses of absorption, viz. first, certain blood- vessels, especially the venous capillaries, and the smaller veins ; and, .secondly, the absorbent vessels proper. The absorbents of the body generally, Avliich ahvays convey the transparent hpnph, and are named the hjmpliatics, com- mence, by netAvmrks, near the various membranous surfaces, and in the interior of certain tissues and organs. Their num- ber, in any part, seems to be proportionate to the quantity of areolar tissue Avhich it contains, rather than to the number of its bloodvessels, or the activity of its functions; thus, lym- phatics haA'e not been found in the brain and spinal cord, and only a feAV in the muscles ; but in the subcutaneous areolar tissue, and in the intercellular spaces, they are very abundant. They are numerous in the serous and synovial membranes, but .still more so on the mucous membranes and skin. The trunks from the commencing lymphatic netAvorks (fig. 100), either proceed in company Avith the bloodvessels, thus forming the deep Ijpnpliatics, or else run on the surface of organs, or in the .subcutaneous cellular tissue of the body and limbs, so forming the superficial Ijjmphatics. From all parts of the body, they phatic jtlands aro seen in the nock ami axilla;, at tho elbow, in the (troins, pelvis, and abdomen; a part of tho small intestine, i, shows its chief lymphatic or lacteal trunks, passing on to the mo.sontery, through the mesenteric glands, to the upper and back part of tho abdomen. a, the chief trunk of tho absorbent system, named tho tlioracic duct, commencing below, in a dilatation, named the receptnculum cliyli, and curving down in tho neck at c, to end in tlio groat veins at tho root of the neck, where the jugular and subclavian veins join to form tbc left inno- minate vein, V. On tbo right side of tho nock, smaller lymphatic trunks aro seen entering the groat veins. 154 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. run towards the root of the neck, where they end in the venous system. More numerous than the bloodvessels, they pur.sue an irregular course, often unite and again divide, and present, in certain situations, as especially seen in young subjects, small retia mirabilia or lymphatic networks, enclosed in a thin areolar investment. They, moreover, pass through the bodies known as lymphatic ylands, which may be regarded as more highly and specially developed retia (p. GG). Ultimately, the lym- phatics of the lower limbs, of the lower half of the trunk, of the left side of the head and neck, and of the left, upper limb, join the great trunk of the lymphatic system, the thoracic duct, a. Those from the right side of the head and neck, and right Fig. 101. Fig. 101. Superficial lymphatics upon the heart, situated beneath the serous coat or visceral part of the pericardium. The figure also serves to show the shape, position, and subdivisions of the heart. 1, the left, 2, the right auricle ; 3, the left, 4, the right ventricle ; 5, the descend- ing part of the arch of the aorta. njjper limb, unite to form a small separate timnk, named the right lymphatic duct. This enters the venous system at the point of junction of the right jugular and subclavian veins, its oi’ifice being guarded b}’ a double valve. A few separate and smaller lymphatic trunks are also said to enter the veins oi' the neck at dift'erent points. All the organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, hai'e superficial as well as deep lym- phatics belonging to them, figs. 100, 101. The lymphatics THE AUSORBExNT VESSELS. 155 were first described by Fallopius (15G1), but afterwards much more fully, by lludbeck and Bartholin ; the thoracic duct was i detected by Eustachius (obiit. 1570). ' The thoracic duct (fig. 100 a), begins below by a dilatation, i named the receptaculum cli>/li, usually placed upon the second lumbar vertebra. From this i^oint, the duct ascends, somewhat tortuously, in front of the vertebral column, into, and through, the thorax. Placed, at first, a little to the right of the aorta, it passes, opposite the third dorsal vertebra, behind the arch of that vessel, crosses over the oesophagus, and ascends on its left side to the root of the neck, c, where it curves downwards and outwards, behind the great bloodvessels, and finally opens into the angle of junction of the left internal jugular and subclavian veins, the entrance being guarded by a strong double valve. The thoracic duct measures from eighteen to twenty inches in length, and from two to three lines in width ; it is somewhat varicose, or constricted at intervals, owing to the presence within it of numerorrs double semi-lunar valves, which have their free margins directed upwards, so that they are closed by downward pressure, and support the weight of the column of fluid contained in the di;ct. At the root of the neck, the contents of the absorbent system are poured into the venous system, and are mixed with the venous blood flowing towards the heart, regurgitation ifom the veins to the ab- sorbent trunks being prevented by the valves placed at the opening of the latter into the veins. d'he coats of the l}miphatics, as elsewhere explained, are remarkably thin, and therefore highly permeable to fluids. The trunks themselves are very difficult to find, and even the thoracic duct eludes an ordinary dissection. Lymphatic r/lands are found (fig. 100) in the arm-pits and groins, and a tew at the bend of tlie elbow, and in the ham, where they are named respectively axillary, inguinal, anti- brachial, and popliteal glands ; chains of glands, on each side of the neck, are named the cervical or concatenated glands ; in the thoraxj numerous glands, placed around the great air- tubes or bronchi, and usually containing a black deposit, are named bronchial glands ; lastly, in the pelvis and abdomen, are the iliac, lumbar, and mesenteric glands. Like general absorption, the absorption of food from the alimentary canal, is perfoi'rned by the agency not only of the bloodvessels but also of the (d>sorbents ]>roper ; those of the small intestines, which occasionally — that is, during digestion 1.56 SPECIAL PIIYSI0L0G5L convey the milky white lluicl, chjjle, are named the lacteals, or chi/liferous vessels. The arteries of the intestine, chiefly derived from the mesenteric arteries, subdivide and inosculate in the mesentery, forming numerous vascular arches before they reach the attaclied border of the intestine; entering and ramifying in tlie submucous coat, their branches penetrate, and further subdivide in, the mucous membrane, in which they end in close networks of capillaries, near the mucous surface, around tlie intestinal tubuli and glands, and within the countless villi. From the capillary network.s, the minutest venules proceed, and soon join to form larger veins, running to the attached border of the intestine ; beyond this, the veins unite in the mesentery into still larger trunks ; these, with the veins of tlie stomach, pancrea.s, and sj^leen, ultimately ibrm the portal vein, which enters, and subdivides in, the liver. The veins from the lower part of the large intestine, however, do not enter this portal system, but join the veins from the lower half of the body ; so, too, the veins proceeding from the mouth, pharynx, and gullet, enter the general venous system. The lacteals, which may be said to be limited to the small intestine, below the entrance of the bile-duct and pancreatic duct, resemble the lymphatics of the stomach, large intes- tine, and other parts of the body, and, like them, convey, when not engaged in absorbing food, only a transparent lymph. The lacteals were discovered by xVselli (1(122); their connection with the thoracic duct was shown by Pecquet (1G51). In the mucous membrane of the stomach and large intestine, the absorbents probably arise by networks, like those of other membranes. In the small intestine, how- ever, Avhich is the proper seat of lacteal absorption, besides a network near the general mucous surface, absorbent vessels, which form, as it were, the radicles or absorbent extremities of the lacteal system, commence within the villi which specially characterise this part of the intestinal canal. These villi, during digestion, project into the pulpy digested food, as the rootlets of a plant, with their absorbing spongioles, depend in water or penetrate the soil. The lacteals commence within the villi by closed extre- mities, and not by open mouths (fig. 102, 1). By some anatomists they are siiid to arise by a plexiform network, which, at the base of the villus, pa.sses into larger vessels. According to others, a single lacteal vessel occupies the centre THE LACTEALS. 157 of each villuf?, commencing near tlie apex Vjy a simple closed extremity, by a dilated ampulla, or by a loop, which may be part of a network, and ending in the general network at its base. The diameter of the lacteals in the villi, is from to of an inch. The network at their base, consists of a liner and a coarser layer, in the latter of which the vessels possess Fig. 102. Fig. 103. Fip. 102. Two intestinal villi Iii.^lily ina.inified, .showing the two suppo.sed modes of commencement of the lacteals, i, in their interior j one mode, l).v a dilated ampulla, Urn other by a network. The columnar epithelial’ cells. 2. covering the villi, arc a'.so shown ; and likewise a portion of the cainllary network, :i, lying oiitsiiie the lacteal vessel. The larger lacteals at the base of the villi are indicated. Fig. 103. The artery, capillary network, and vein of an intestinal villus artificially injected. The liglit-colounal vessel represents the minute artery which conveys the blood into the villus; the dark vessel is the vein along which the blood returns ; the intermediate capillary network is marked 2. Viilvfs. (Teichniann.) Tlie villi tire al.so very vascular, each containing a minute artoritil tind venous twig, with a close capillary network outside tlie lacteal vessels (tig. 102, 3, and fig. 103). The substance of the villus consists of a delicate e.Klension of the mucous membrane, composed of a mixed soft areolar and granular tissue, containing fatty particles; further' 158 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. each villus contains, around the central lacteal, a few unstriped muscular fibres, by the contraction of which the villus may be sliortened, and its substance thrown into transverse folds ; lastly, the epithelial covering of the villus, which measures only about -prVtr thickness, is composed, like that of the intestine generally, of a single layer of columnar nucleated cells, pointed at their attached end, but wider, flat- tened, and more or less polygonal at their free extremity. This part of the cell has been described as being ciliated, but the appearance is generally attributed to the existence of fine lines passing from the free end to the interior of each cell, and regarded by some as pores. In animals killed while lacteal absorption is going on, these epithelial cells are/requently found to be distended with fatty matter, the villi having a swollen and tuberculated aspect. At this time also, the central lacteals of each villus, and also the subjacent vessels, are found dis- tended with whitish or bluish chyle. Upon the surface of the small intestine (fig. 104, 1), running beneath the peritoneal coat towards its attached border, are seen larger chyliferous vessels, proceeding between the layers of the mesentery, 2, 2 ; thence others, passing through the mesenteric glands, 3, con- verge to the back of the abdomen, where they end in the receptaculum chyli, or dilated part of the thoracic duct (fig. 100, a). If this duct be tied immediately after death, in an animal killed during digestion, it, as well as the chyliferous vessels generally, becomes much distended, and either of these vessels may burst, and the chyle may be extravasated at many points. Beneath the mucous membrane in various parts of the ali- mentary «inal, as in certain recesses at the root of the tongue (p. 54), and in the tonsils (p. 27), or scattered singly over the internal surface of the stomach, small intestine, and large intes- tine, and, lastly, collected in patches in the small intestine, there exist peculiar saccular bodies, called glands, which, however, do not appear to belong to the secreting gland system, but perhaps rather to the absorbent system. They are neither racemose glands, like the glands of Brunner, nor open follicles, nor tubuli, like the gastric glands and the crypts of Lieberkiihn, but dosed sacs, not communicating with the interior of the intestine, unless under some excep- tional conditions. In the stomach and intestine, these bodies exist in two forms. First, as the so-called solitary glands of the stomach (p. Gl), small intestine (p. 82), and large intestine THE CLOSED INTESTINAL GLANDS. 159 (p. 82), scattered over the mucous surface, as small soft whitish bodies, somewhat prominent, and about one line in diameter, or the size of a millet-seed when they are fully dis- tended. Each sac consists of a thickish soft capsule, composed of an indistinctly formed areolar tissue, mixed with nuclei, and encloses a semi-opacjue, adherent, and semi-fluid granular matter, containing mixed fatty and albuminous molecules. Fig. 104. Fig. 101. Portion of the small intestine, 1, 1, with its mesentery; 2,2, showing the superficial lacteal vessels in the intestine and mesentery. The mesenteric glands are also seen at 3, and elsewhere. nuclei, and cells, amongst which loops of capillary vessels are Siiid to penetrate from all sides. The mucous membrane passtis completely over those sties, find usually even a few villi tire placed upon them. In the large intestine, they are situated at the bottom of a wide recess, having a narrow orifice, which has been erroneously regarded as an opening into the .s;ic. Secondly, clusters of these sacs, the agininated r/lands, or Peyer’s glands (Peyer, 1077), are found in the small intestine only. The.“o Peyer's patches, twenty to thirty in number, :ire cither rounded 160 SPECIAL PHl'SIOLOGr. or oval, being from half an inch to three or more inches in length, and about hall’ an inch or more in width ; they are placed at intervals, longitudinally along the free border of the intestine (Fig. 91). Commencing, of small size, in the lower part of the duodenum, they gradually become nujre frequent and larger in the jejunum and upper part of the ileum, but are largest and most numerous in the lower part of the ileum. Their component sacs (Figs. 98, 99) exactl}'^ resemble in struc- ture the single sacs of the so-called solitary glands. When distended, as occurs during the absorption of food, the patches of Peyer’s glands present a whitish speckled appearance, and, if moderately magnified, each sac is seen to be surrounded by a little zone of darki.sh points, which are the mouths of the crypts of Lieberkiihn, thrust outwards by the filling of the sac. The mucous membrane over the sacs, is entire. A^illi are seen in the intervals between them and sometimes, as is the case with the solitary glands, even iipon them. 0[ipo.site the.se patches, the submucous coat of the intestine is more vas- cular than elsewhere, and especially aboimds in lymphatics, which, however, have not been traced into the sacs, but here form plexuses of large and easily injected vessels. The sacs of both the solitary and the agmiuated glands are sometimes found open, as if by rupture through distension ; but from their normally closed condition, the tatty and albu- minoid nature of their contents, the abundance of lymphatics in their neighbourhood, and from the special distension of these, as well as of the sacs themselves, during the process of intestinal ab.sorption, it is with much reason inferred, that both the solitary and agminated glands are concerned, in some way, in this last-named function ; the mode in which they act, and the precise nature of their office, are, however, not yet understood. Endosimsis, Exosmosis, Os7nosis, Liquid Diffusion, and Dialysis. The ahsorpiion of liquids, or of substances in a state of solution, by the living animal body, is either a simple filtrating process, connected with the fiwa jMTOsiti/ of the tissues; or it partakes of the character of diedysu, or the penetration of liquid or dissolved substances through a moist membrane permeable to such bodies, without being direetly porous, like a filter; or, lastly, it may be connected with special •selective or rcpeJlcnt actions in the living tissues. Even in the last case, the process may be physical, i.e., either filtrating or dialytie. The pene- tration of dissolved substances through the tissues, occurs, not only in ENDOSMOSIS AND EXOSMOSIS. 161 general absorption and the absorption of food, but also in intrinsic ab- sorption, in all acts of nutrition, in the reabsorption of the disintegrated materials of the body itself, likewise in the various acts of secretion and excretion, in certain processes of the function of respiration, and of those of taste and smell. L'nclosmosis. — The action of the living tissues, in these several func- tions, has, since the researches of Dutrochet (1827), been in part referred to the physical processes of so-called endosmosis and exosmosis, or the passage of fluids in opposite directions through dead animal membranes (fvSov, endon, within ; wcrix6s, osmos, impulse). It was first pointed out by Parrot, of St. Petersbiu’g(1803), that, if two liquids of imequal density are separated by a pemieable organic membrane, a mutual but unequal interchange takes place between them ; but Dutrochet more fully in- vestigated the subject. His endosniometer consists of a bell-shaped glass, covered at its mouth with a thin animal membrane, and fitted at its upper end with a graduated tube ; a coloured solution of sugar, gum, or some saline substance, being introduced into the glass, the covered mouth is then immersed in water, when it is found that the solution rises in the graduated tube, to a considerable height above the level of the water around it. This phenomenon Dutrochet named endosmose. During its occurrence, however, some of the dissolved substance con- tained in the tube, passes into the water outside, and this process he named exosmose. The more rapid flow, however, usually takes place from the rarer to the denser fluid ; and hence, if the endosmometer be filled with water, and be dipped in the solution, the more active, or so- called endosmotic current, really passes outwards through the mem- brane. Dutrochet pointed out that the force of endosmosis bears a certain ratio to the density of the inner fluid, and that the quantity of fluid which passes, depends also on the extent of the membrane. To avoid the effects of gravity, he from time to time adjusted the endosmometer, so that the fluids inside and outside, were kept on a level. He showed that capillarity, or capillary ascension, does not account for the pheno- mena, which, he admitted, cannot be satisfactorily explained. He supposed that endosmosis and exosmosis are peculiar to organic membranes, and that they explain the rise of the sap in plants, many processes of the animal body, and probably also the motions of various vegetable and animal fibres and cells. More recently, these physical phenomena have been studied by Bedard, Matteucci, Graham, and others. The direction of the current through an animal membrane, is not always found to be from the lighter to the denser fluid ; for water passes more rapidly into alcohol, than alcohol into water. The great endosmotic temlency of water has been attributed to its high specific heat, which is higher than that of any other fluid. (Bedard.) But the properties and qualities of the various fluid, or saline and other soluble, substances, are also found to influence the result. The phenomena are favoured by moderately high tempera- tures, by pressure, by the saturation of the membrane with acids or alkalis, by special relations between the membrane and one of the fluids, and by the constant removal of the ondosmosing fluid by motion or by evaporation. Professor Graham has examined st^parately, first, the tendency of different liquids or solutions to mix with each other directly, and, VOL. II. -\I 162 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. secondly, tlie influence of a permeable membrane interposed between them. The former phenomena constitute liquid diffusion, and the latter osmosis, or dicdysis. Liquid Diffusion. — A phial, with ojDen month, is filled, nearly to the top, with a given solution, and is tlien placed in a larger vessel, into which water is carefully poiu-ed, so as to stand considerably above the level of the mouth of the phial ; or a graduated jar is filled, up to the highest mark but one, with water, and then, by means of a pipette, the solution to be tried is pom-ed in at the bottom of the jar, so as to elevate the water to the top of the scale. On leaving phials or jars, so prejiared, standing, without agitation, or change of tcmperatm-e, the substance in solution ascends in the water, against the influence of gravity, as if it were volatile. In other words, it diffuses ; hence the term liquid diffusion. All soluble substances diffuse in this way, but they are not equally diflfiisible. Thus, in phial experiments, the relative quantities of the following substances, diffused through the water above, from solutions of like concentration, in the same time, are as follow, chloride of sodium 58, nitrate of soda 57, sulphate of soda 27, cane sugar 26, gum 13, and albumen 3. In jar experiments, the relative times of diffusion of equal quantities of different substances are these; hydrochloric acid, the most diffiisible substance hitherto tried, 1 ; ciiloride of sodium 2'3 ; sugar 7 ; sulphate of magnesia 7 ; albumen 49 ; and caramel, or burnt sugar, 98. The rate of diffusion of different substances is, therefore, remarkably different, being very high for hydro- chloric acid and chloride of sodium, but low for gum, albumen, and caramel. So distinct and constant is the diffusive power of different sub.stances, that, from mixed solutions of these, chloride of potassium ascends more rapidly than common salt, and this, faster than sulphate of soda ; with salt and albumen, the difference is still more marked. Weak chemical compounds may even be decomposed through the differ- ent diffusive power of their constituents ; thus, alum, a double sulphate of alumina and potash, is decomposed, in a phial diffusion experiment, by some of the sulphate of potash rising away from its associated sul- phate of alumina. The rate of diffusion, in proportion to the quantity of the substance diffused, is greater when the solution is weak ; but the absolute quan- tity diffused is greater with strong solutions. Heat increases the rate of diffusion, common salt, e. g. diffusing 2i times more rapidly at 120° than at 60°. From various points of contrast, including their behaviour as diffu- sible bodies, chemical substances are arranged by Graham into crystal- loids and colloids. Crystalloid bodies are hard, rigid, and quicklj'- .soluble ; their solutions are never viscous ; they are always more or less sapid ; their chemical reactions are quick and energetic, but in a molecular souse, they are, if left to themselves, static, or little liable to molecular changes. This class includes every crystallisablo body, and evoi’y substance capable of entering into the formation of a crystalline body. Colloid substances do not crystallise, but are amorphous ; they have, when dry, a vitreous structure, and instead of being hard and brittle, are soft or tough; they dissolve freely but slowly, their solutions being more or less viscous, and they gelatinise on cooling, or DIALYSIS. 163 Ly concentration. Ilence they are named colloids, from collin or gela- tin, and sometimes poctoids, from their gummy character ; they are tasteless or insipid, but they may give rise to sapid crystalloids ; their combining equivalents are high, and their molecules accordingly heavy; as acids, or bases, they are chemically inert, but they are liable to remarkable molecular changes, and, in this sense, exhibit great dynami- cal activity ; they have a weak affinity for water, and are easily thrown down from their solution in it. They readily undergo metastasis, passing from a state of solution into the gelatinous, pectous, or solid condition, and, tvith time, even into the crystalloid .state, either spontaneous!}-, or by the slightest contact with extremely minute }3ortions of other substances ; thus a solution of silicic acid is gelatinised by part of an alkaline or earthy carbonate. Lastly, in their soft condition, they form, like water, media for liquid diffusion, a crystalloid body diffusing itself through a jelly, almost as readily as through water itself. Colloid substances include gelatinised starch, dextrin, gum, caromel, gelatin, albuminoid bodies, vegetable and animal bodies, extractives, and a num- ber of soluble hydrated mineral substances, as, for example, silicic acid and peroxide of iron. Of the two great classes of substances thus distinguished, crystal- loids are highly diffusible, whilst colloids are of low diffusibility. Finally, liquid diffusion is to be regarded, not as a purely iffiysical process, like the diffiision of gases, which depends on a tendency of those elastic fluids to intermix in inverse proportions to their density; nor is it to be explained by capillarity ; for the diffusion of different sub- stances does not coincide with their ascension in capillary tubes ; but this process appears rather to depend on chemical action. The high dif- fusibility of crystalloids is explained by their powerfid attraction for their solvent, the mobility or volatility of which is determined by their presence ; whilst the low diffusibility of colloids is referred to their feeble combination with their solvent, on the volatility of which they accordingly have little effect. Bialysis. — The phenomena of the diffusion of liquids into each other are rendered more definite by the interposition of permeable mem- branes between them. If a gutta-percha hoop be closed on one side with vegetable parchment, the tray thus formed will not allow water to pass through it by filtration. By supporting, or suspending, such a tr.ay in a large vessel of water, and pouring a thin layer of the fluid or solution to 1)0 experimented upon, into it, dialysis, or diffusion through the per- nieable membrane, tiikos j)lace. Crystalloid bodies, in solution, pass through the membrane, or dialyse, into the water, with groat raj)idity; whilst colloid bodies are almost absolutely prevented from passing. Thus, in equal times, the pro[)ortion of common salt which dialyses is 7’6, of cane sugar LG, and of gum '029; or, again, the quantity of salt which dialyses being iy'2, that of dextrin is '034, of gum -013 of caramel -009, and of alljumen -OOG; whilst gelatin, extract of meat, and boiled stiirch, do not dialyse at all. The rate of dialysis is influenced by the depth of the fluid in the tray, by the area of the membrane, by the strength of the solution, and, to a certain degree, though loss than liqtiid diffusion, by tetnperature. The process is not mechanical, btit chemical, the resttlfs being more definite than those of liquid diffusion. Lialysis depends on the affinity of the substance experimented upon, for 164 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the water in the moist permeable membrane. CrystaUoicls, which dialyse rapidly, have an affinity for, or unite with, the water of the sep- tum, and, by successive combinations of their molecules with the water in that membrane, they pass through to the water outside it, and thus a movement, otherwise invisible, becomes apparent. On the other hand, colloids have little or no affinity for the water of the septum, and, therefore, do not make their way tlu’ough it. The membranous septum is itself colloidal ; its molecules have, therefore, only a slight affinity for water, and pei-mit the stronger affinity of the crystalloids, suc- cessively to displace them, and so to pass through ; whilst colloids generally, are too feeble to accomplish this displacement. Thin layers of any colloidal substance, such as films of gelatinised starch, albumen, jelly, gum, and miicus, also act as dialysers. Dialysis has been employed for the artificial separation of crystalloids and colloids. Saline and earthy matters, rendered soluble by acetic or hydrochloric acids, may be dialysed from albumen, or lime from solu- tions of gum, pure albumen or gummic acid remaining. Morphia, strychnia, and other crystallisable alkaloids, have been separated from organic fluids ; and even part of arsenious acid, mixed with porter, milk, defibrinated blood, or pieces of intestine, has yielded 80 or 90 per cent, of that minute quantity, by dialysis, in 24 hours. These dialytic actions also explain more completely, the long known phenomena of endosmosis and exosmosis. The force concerned in liquid diflTusion was at first named, by Graham, osmotic force; and endosmosis and exosmosis were regarded, by him, as due to the action of this force in opposite directions, or to a positive and negative osmosis ; the direction of the chief visible current appears to be always towards any sub- stance having the properties of a base, water flowing towards a salt, and from an acid. Subsequently, however, Graham distinguished liquid diffiision from diffusion through membranes, or dialysis. Dialysis must take place in the living body, in which compound and simple permeable and colloidal membranes abound, such as the base- ment membranes, capillary walls, and cell walls, all of which are subject to the constant action of solutions of crystalloid and colloid bodies, either acids, alkalis, and salts, or albuminoid and extractive substances. The process of absorption most obviously suggests diffiisive and dialytic actions ; but so also do those of nutrition, secretion, and excretion, and even the interchange of the gases of the blood and air, in respiration, for these gases are dissolved at the moment of interchange. Moreover, the sapidity of ci-ystalloids and the insipidity of colloids are associated respectively, with a high and a low diffusibility. It has even been sug- gested, as indeed was hinted by Dutrochet, that rapid dialytic action may take place, not only in vegetable movements, but also in the inti- mate changes of condition of the muscular fibres, in the states of con- traction and relaxation, and that it may thus form a link in the trans- formation of chemical into mechanical force, which is realised in animal motion. Lastly, organisation and living action are indissolubly asso- ciated with the existence of one at least of these two great classes of substances, discriminated by their different dialytic power ; for all the, tissues of plants, and animals, from those of the seed or germ, upwards, we colloidal in their nature. GENERAL ABSORPTION. 165 General Absorption. The chief natural absorbing surface is the mucous mem- brane of the alimentary canal. Thus, it takes up the greater part of the food ; moreover, saline, colouring, odorous, sapid, and other substances, may be detected, soon after having been swallowed, not merely in the blood, but in the secretions of distant glands ; and, lastly, specific effects, medicinal or poisonous, may be produced upon remote parts of the s}^stem, e.g. upon the brain and spinal cord, as Avhen prussic acid is applied to the tongue, strychnine is taken by the stomach, or nicotine is administered in enemas. The mucous membrane lining the air-passages and air- cells of the lungs, is also absorbent, that of the air-cells espe- cially taking up gases iu a state of solution. Water, various other fluids, and saline solutions, accidentally introduced into the air-passages, are also partly absorbed. From certain cases of increase in the weight of the body, beyond that of the food and beverage taken, it has been inferred, though this is doubt- ful, that the pulmonary mucous membrane may even absorb the vajjour of water from the air, instead of exhaling it, as it usually does. Many substances, of a more or less volatile or soluble character, may be introduced into the sy.stem through the air we breathe, either iii a vaporous state, as in the case of carburetted, sidphuretted, phosphuretted, and arseniuretted hydrogen, cyanogen, alcohol, ether, chloroform, mercury, phos- phorus, and miasmatic and contagious exhalations, or in the con- dition of fine particles, as e. g. arsenic. The general ana2sthesia produced by chloroform, depends on its absorption by the pul- monary capillaries. Mercury and phosphorus, employed by the looking-glass manufacturers and lucifer-match makers, are taken up, partly by the mouth, but also probably by the lungs ; and numerous cases of poisoning by arsenic, in which the health has been serioinsly deranged, have been observed amongst manufacturers of artificial flowers and green loaper-hangings, from the ar.senite of copper, or Scheele’s green, employed by them. Such papers are unfit for dwelling rooms. The conjunctiva is also ab.sorbent, as is shown by the poisonous effects of prussic acid, dropped into the eye of a rabbit. Other mucous membranes likewi.so ab.sorb fluids and di.s3olved substances; the bile, for example, becomes more or less inspissated in the gall-bladder. 166 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Absorption by the skin also takes place, especially when a substance is kept in prolonged contact with it, as in the case of painters who do not cleanse their hands from white lead, and are attacked with the dropped UTist or paralysis of the ex- tensor muscles of the fore-arm. In the thin and moist skinned Amphibia, absorption by the integument is very active ; lor if kept in a condition of drought, these animals become ex- tremely attenuated; whilst they rapidly swell out, if then placed in a moist atmosphere, or upon damp earth, thus proving that their skin is both absorbent and exhalant. A dog placed in an air-tight ves.sel, with its head unenclosed, has been killed by the vapour of the oil of bitter almonds absorbed only through the skin. In regard to Man, absorp- tion through the skin, if this be whole, is not very active ; indeed, it has been, though erroneously, denied. The non- vascular cuticle impedes this process, and, in this way, is of great importance, e.specially in the practice of certain arts, in which the body is subject to contact with deleterious agents. Nevertheless, water may be absorbed by the whole skin, for the weight of the body is increased after the use of Avarm baths. (Madden.) Shipwrecked sailors, destitute of Aesh water, find that, by immersion in the sea, or by Avetting the clothes in sea-Avater, thirst is relieved ; this may be partly attributable to a diminution of the exhalation of Avater from the blood through the skin, oAving to the preA^ention of evaporation, but it is doubtless partly ahso clue to direct absorption. In the use of very hot baths, above the tempera- ture of the blood, more Avater is lost, by perspiration and pulmonary exhalation, than is absorbed, so that the body is lighter after such a bath ; in a bath of 90°, the processes of absorption and exhalation are balanced, no change taking place in the body Aveight ; in tepid and cold baths, cutaneous absorption exceeds exhalation, and the body gains in Aveight. Saline substances, such as iodide of potassium, cyanide of potas.sium, nitrate of potash, or chloride of ammonium, dis- .solved in baths, do not, according to some, enter the system ; but others allege that they may be found in the blood and urine. The use of medicinal baths is based on the supposi- tion that they are so absorbed ; and the discrepancies betAveen the re.sults of ditferent experiments, may, in part, depend on the employment of baths at ditferent temperatures, AAdiich, as just stated, produce difierent results. A condition of e.xhaus- tiou favours cutaneous absorption. The softening of the cuticle GENERAL ABSORPTION. 167 greatly fecilitatcs the process: thus, an onion crushed and worn in the shoe, will cause the breath to smell; garlic- poultices applied to the arm, and lint dipped in turpentine to the body, produce characteristic odours in the ludne; jalap poultices may have an aperient etFect; whilst applications of bel- ladonna to the skin have been followed by dryness of the throat, dimness of sight, and by alarming, sometimes fatal, symptoms of poisoning. The introduction of foreign substances through the skin is greatly aided by the thinness of the cuticle and by friction, as is illustrated by the effects on the system of mercurial inunction, and also by the rubbing in and conse- quent absorption of cod-liver oil ; but both these substances are absorbable even without friction. The importance of the non-vascular cuticle as a protective covering, antagonistic to absorption, is shown indirectly by the effects of its removal ; thus, the surface of the true skin, exposed in blisters, absorbs with great fiicility and rapidity : the unprotected and highly vascular surface of the cutis is no longer able to resist the entrance of the most deleterioirs sub- stances ; and even the cantharidin, or active principle of the Spanish-fly, used for producing the blister, is itself, sometimes, in this way absorbed. It has been stated that the lymphatics of the skin, which are very numerous and large, and have very thin walls, absorb adventitious substances, perhaps, more readily than the bloodvessels; the reverse, however, is the case with the lacteals. The serous and synovial membranes also absorb, sometimes even very rapidly. Poisons injected into the pleural and peri- toneal cavities, in living animals, are found to be most quickly taken up. Moreover, the serous exudations which occur in inflammation of these membranes, into the pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal cavities, are more or less rapidly removed by the curative pjroce.ss of resorplion ; the fluids poured out into the joints, in cases of rheumatic or other inflammation, and even blood extravasated into those cavitie.s, are also, though more slowly, absorbed. The rapid absorption of the cerebro-spinal fluid (vol. i. p. 29.5) affords another instance of the facility of absorption from an internal cavity ; so likewise does the absorption of blood and other effused matters, and even that of the broken and non-dissolved cataractous lens from the interior of the eyeljall. Absorption from the areolar connective tissue is proved by the taking up, from its interspaces, of dropsical fluids, or effused 1G8 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. blood ; also by the poisonous effects of agents introduced ex- perimentally into the areolar tissue in animals; and lastly, by the effects of tlie hypodermic or subcutaneous injection of solutions of morphia, or other medicinal agents, into the living human body, for the relief of neuralgic pain, and of the suffer- ing after severe operations, or for the piu’pose of inducing sleep, or of relieA’ing obstinate cough, or other irritation. Lastly, absorption from the artificial sm-faces of ulcers and wounds, is shown by the taking up of medicinal or poisonous substances, such as mercuiy, arsenic, morphia, ati’opine, conium, and other substances, applied to granulating sores. The vessels concerned in general absorption in the vascular tissues, are the bloodvessels and lymphatics ; but in the non- vascular tissues, as well as in non-vascular animals, absorption must take place by direct permeation into the cells or other tissue elements. Absorption by the veins, or venous absorption, is proved by cutting across the limb of air animal, excepting its chief artery and vein, and then applying strychnine below the place of section, Avhen the poison will still act, being conveyed in the blood of the undivided vein. Poisoning still takes place, if the artery and vein be also divided, and then rejoined by pieces of quill, so that the jioison cannot be imbibed and con- veyed by the coats of the vessels, but' can only pass along the venous blood current. To show that the poisoning does not take jilace through the nerves, all parts of a limb may be divided, excepting the chief nerve, when poison, applied to it, does not affect the animal. Absorption by the veins generally, has also been proved by blistering the skin, applying a solution of feiTO-cyanide of potassium, and, after a time, examining the blood in the veins, ivhen that salt has been detected in it. Absorption also occurs through the portal veins. The pul- monary veins likewise absorb ; for prussiate of potash, in solu- tion, introduced into the trachea, appears sooner in the left cavities of the heart, to rvhich the blood returns from the lungs, than in the right cavities, to which the blood returns from the body generally. Absorption by the pulmonary vessels also takes place in the passage of dissolved oxygen into the blood during respiration. In absorj)tion by the bloodvessels, the dissolved substance passes through the thin walls of the capillaries, or finest venules, and so enters the circulation ; but as these vessels are always covered by tissue, sometimes exceedingly thin, as VENOUS ABSOEPTION. 169 in the air-cells, and sometimes thicker, as in the cntis, the absorbed substances not only pass through the coats of the vessels, but must also permeate this overlying tissue. This part of the absorptive process, corresj^onds with that form of absorp- tion which occurs in the non-vascular tissues and in animals destitute of vessels. Absorption never takes place through the open mouths of vessels, as was formerly supposed ; but, instead, a process of permeation occurs through the living tissues, physic- ally identical with that of dialysis through dead animal and other moist permeable membranes, out of the body. This permeation is determined generally, first, by the tendency of different solutions to mix together, or of certain substances contained in the fiuid on one side of the membrane, to pass into the fiuid on the other side, which does not contain them ; and, secondly, by certain chemical rekitions between the mendjrane and the srtbstances applied to it, so that the mem- brane will permit some things to pass through it more readily than others. The rapid dialysis of acids, salt, sugar, and other substances, as proved by their quick production of ffavour in the mouth, and the equally rapid passage of saline and metallic poisons, especially of the vegetable alkaloid.", cyanide of potassium, prussic acid, and many other foreign and noxious substances, into the blood, corresponds Avith their crystalloid character ; Avhilst the inert colloidal gum, and albumen, are slowly absorbed, and are almost tasteless. The removal of the dialysed material, from beyond the septum, increases the rapidity of the process; and thus also, the natural process of absorption is more rapid, the quicker the circulation in a part; lor the constant renewal of the blood keeps up the required difference between that fluid and the • solution of the foreign material, and the quicker the cir- culation the more rapid and complete is the renewal of the blood. Absorption by the bloodvessels is necessarily favoured by the thinness of the layer of tissue Avhich covers them, and is opposed by a tliicker and denser covering ; thus, ab.sorption is very rapid from the lungs and jieritoneum, quick also from the gastric and intestinal mucous membrane, not quite so quick from the exposed surface of the cutis, Avhilst it is almost entirely arrested, when this is covered by the cuticle. It is very rapid from the subcutaneous cellular ti.ssue, where solu- tions injected artificially, come into almost immediate contact with the walls of the capillaries and venules. Absorption takes 170 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. place, though slowly, through the coats of even the larger veins, as has been shown, by exposing and insulating such a vein in an animal, and placing poison upon it, when death has followed. Absorption is favoiu-ed by moderate tempera- tures, but is retarded by temperatures much higher, or much lower, than that of the blood. The rate of absorption of certain substances is very rapid ; ferro-cyanide of potassium introduced into the stomach, has been found in the urinary excretion after the short space of GO seconds ; but when the stomach is more or less full, the absorption is retarded accordingly. (Erichsen.) The rapid passage of saline substances into tlie saliva, has been shown by Bernard. Alcohol is absorbed so quickly, that its effects on the brain, when injected into the stomach of dogs, are almost immediate, death occurring in about two minutes, the stomach being then fimnd to be empty, and the blood to contain large quantities of alcohol. (Percy.) Substances once introduced into the veins, by absorption, are carried with the blood to the heart, and thence, along the arteries to every part of tlie body. The condition of the cir- culation materially affects the rapidity of absorption. If the vessels be full of blood, or even if they be artificially injected with water, it is found that water introduced into the pleura is absorbed more slowly (Magendie) ; if the vessels be emptied by previous venesection, absorption takes place more rapidly. Ab- sorption is also more active, when the water of the body has been diminished, by abstinence from fluids, or by imusual excretion. It is often suggested, that persons about to expose themselves to contagion or malaria, should previously take food, so as to diminish the chances of absorption, which is believed to be more likely to occur when the bloodvessels are in a compara- tively empty state, or Avhen the system is imperfectly nourished. The supposed immunity may be due to the le.ss exhausted condition of the nervous system, or to some other unrecognized power of resisting diseased indueuces. The process of absorption by the bloodvessels, is so dependent upon the movement of the blood, that if a ligature be placed on those vessels in the limb of an animal, or entirely around the limb, either, in the former case, absorption takes place slowly through the lymphatic vessels ouly, or, in the latter case, it does not occur at all. Thus, if a poi.son be inserted under the .skin of an animal’s foot, and a tight bandage be applied round the limb, no symptoms of general poisoning LYiMrilATIC ABSORPTION. 171 ensue ; but if the bandage be then removed, and the circula- tion through the limb be restored by gentle friction, poisoning, or even death will occur. Hence, the immediate ligature of a limb above a wound inflicted by a poisonous serpent, Avill arrest the fm’ther entrance of the venom into the circulation. The application of cupping glasses to a poisoned wound, operate.s, not merely by drawing out portions of the poison, owing to the removal of atmospheric pressure from the part, but also by stagnating the circulation in the injured and adjacent parts ; sucking a poisoned wound acts in a similar manner. In a certain degree, the destruction of the part by caustic or the actual cautery also operates thus, but also by the simultaneous destruction of the poison itself. The prompt removal of the poisoned tissues also arrests further absorption. The process of absorption is influenced by the nervous system, for, after division of the sciatic nerve in the hind limb of a guinea-pig, aconite, which was not previously taken up through the skin, has been found to be absorbed ; this has been attributed to the dilatation of the smaller arteries, Avhich follows section of the vasi-motor nerves. (Waller.) Certain stimulating agents, such as chloroform and turpentine, Avhich favour absorption, may do so, by producing dilatation of the bloodvessels, as is indicated by the increased redness of the surface to which they are applied. It has been supposed that galvanism promotes absorption, but the contrary seems to be the case. Heat, friction, and moistiu'e, as well as exercise of a part, obviously favour absorption ; whilst the opposite con- ditions of cold, rest, and absolute drynes.s, disqualify a part from performing this function. The share of the process of general absorption, due to the absorbent vessels, i.e. to lijnipliatic absorption, is small. When the cuticle of an animal is removed by bli.stering, and a solu- tion of ferro-cyanide of potas.sium is applied to the denuded cutis, though tlie poison may be found in the veins, it has not been detected in the thoracic duct. Neverthele.ss, even when the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava of an animal have been tied, to prevent the circulation of the blood through the hinder limbs, and Avhen, in addition to this, the internal iliac veins have also been tied, to cut off the collateral circulation through the veins of the pelvi.s,cyanideof potassium, and .strych- nine, in.serted beneath the .skin of the feet, even after the limbs have become rigid, have been detected above the seat of the ligatures, and have produced characteristic symptoms of poison- 172 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. ing ; the lymphatic vessels nuist here have been the channels of absorption. In certain instances, morbid products are con- ^ veyed through lymjjhatic vessels, as, e.g. decomposed animal fluids, pus, simple or specific, and also cancerous matter ; but the extension of disease along the course of the lymphatics, 1 and througli the lymphatic glands, may be sometimes due to the propagation of a morbid process in the coats of the lym- jdiatics. The colouring matter of the bile has been seen in the lymphatics of the gall-bladder, after ligature of the gall- ^ duct, and consequent retention of the bile in its receptacle. ) The subcutaneous lymphatics near tatooed portions of the t skin, are sometimes found charged with colouring matter, form- I ing characteristic ramified lines, differing in coiirse from that ^ of the bloodvessels. Moreover, the identity of structure be- tAveen the l}'mphatics and the lacteals, and the undoubted absorbent function of the latter, favour the conclusion that the ' !' former vessels likewi.se absorb. The termination of all the , f lymphatics in the venous system, and the direction of the » valves in their interior, not only support this vieAv, but enable ! us to determine the course and destination of their contents. , The Jjjmpli, elsewhere described (vol. i. jd. G7), re.sembles chyle deprived of its molecular basis, and of nearly all its fatty matter ; but its clear, colourless, and limpid character, so unlike the milky opalescent aspectof the chyle, renders it difficult of detection in its vessels during life. Distended transparent l}unphatics have, however, been seen on the surface of the liver in recently killed animals, and the lymph itself has been observed flowing from the cut surface of that oi'gan, and also from lymphatic fistulaj, the result of disease in man, and from artifrcial openings established in the lymphatics of a horse’s leg. The constituents of the chyle are derived essentially from the digested food, but the precise source of the lymph con- tained in the lymphatics, and also in the lacteals, during the intervals between digestion, is not perfectly understood. In part, the lymph would seem, from its similarity in composition, to be derived from the nutritive plasma, which permeates all the living tissues. This plasma, itself derived from the liquor sanguinis, consists chiefly of that part of the nutrient liuid poured out through the walls of the capillaries, which is not enqdoyed for the nutrition of the tissues. The surplus of nutrient materials, together with sufficient water, is sup])osed to pass into the lymphatics in the form of lymph, and so to be FORMATION OF THE LYMriI. 173 iiltimately returned to the blood. It is also supposed that the tissues, themselves undergoing nutrient changes, yield products which may, in part, be fitted to enter the commencing lym- jihatics; but these, no doubt, chieliy find their way into the capillaries and minute venules, and thus entering the blood, are subsequently cast off as excretory products. Whatever be its source, the fluid and dissolved constituents of the lymph find their way into the commencing lymphatics, through the delicate coats of these vessels, which form closed tubes, having no open mouths, and no direct communication with the capil- lary or other bloodvessels. It has, however, been recently maintained, that the commencing lymphatics communicate witli, or originate in, lacunar spaces, situated in the areolar tissue which peiwades the whole body, and that they com- mence in fine hollow processes in the ramified nuclear fibre cells of that tissue, which are also supposed to be hollow. But these views have not been confirmed. As the commencing lymphatics are generally most abun- d.ant in tissues in which the nutritive changes are not very active, and least abimdant, or not detected, in organs which undergo very rapid metamorphosis, it is probable that the waste products of nutrition are chiefly, or, in the case of the nenmus centres, entirely, returned into the circulation, through the capillaries and minute veins. It is probably cor- rect to infer that the lymphatics do not remove wasted and excrementitious materials, unfit for the further use of the sys- tem, as Hunter formerly .supposed, but rather that they take up matters which may be again employed in the blood, for the purposes of nutrition. The fibrin of the lymph, which en- ables that fluid to form a slight coagulum, though not in the vessels, as occurs with the blood, and also the lymph-cor- puscles, which so closely resemble the white corpuscles of the blood, are present before the lymph has passed the lymphatic glands, but they increa.se in quantity beyond those glands. The fibrin may be partly derived from that portion of the nutri- tive pla.sma effused through the walls of the capillaries, which is ab.sorbed by the commencing lymphatics ; its gradual in- crease in quantity in the larger lymphatics may depend on inspi.s.sation, or enrichment, taking place within the glands, which are very va.scidar ; additional Jihrin or fibrinorjen.! from which the fibrin is fonned, may even be elaborated in these glands. Tlie lymph corpuscles may also be, in some way, more abundantly dcvelojied witliin the glands, which must, more or 174 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. less, retard the rate of motion of the lymph. The outer areolar spaces of the glands, which receive the lymph as it enters, ‘ contain numerous corpuscles and granules, some of which are ’ probably added to the moving .stream of Ijmiph. But .such > corpuscles are undoubtedly formed, though in smaller number, j independently of the glands ; for they may be detected in both the lymphatic and lacteal vessels, before these have passed through glands ; also in the lymphatic vessels of the . hind limbs of birds, on which no lymphatic glands are found ; ; and likev'ise, in the lymph of Eeptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, although in these animals no lyurphatic glands exist at all, but , only complex or simple lymphatic plexuses. The destination i of the lymph corpuscles is the blood ; they probably consti- tute in the Vertebrate, after birth, the chief, if not the only ! source of the white corpuscles of the blood, as will again be •• mentioned in the Section on Sanguification. ji I Absorption of the Food. The absorption of the digested food is only a special ex- ample of the general absorj)tive function. It has been main- tained by some, that the nutritive constituents of the food, are absorbed fi'om the alimentary canal by the lacteals only ; by othei's, that this absorption is accomplished by the minute blood- vessels alone ; but both sets of vessels are concerned in this function, each apjiarently performing special otEces. j That the bloodvessels of the alimentary canal absorb, has > been thus proved. Strychnine has been introduced, in a living animal, into a portion of intestine, included between two ligatures, and separated from the mesentery, excepting by its arteries and veins ; so long as the circidation through the intestine is arrested by compression of the bloodvessels, no I symptoms of poisoning occur, but when the blood is allowed I to How through the vesseLs, the animal is speedily poisoned. I Moreover, certain alimentary substances, such as albumiuose, I dextrin, sugar, and lactic .acid, have been found in the I blood of the mesenteric veins ; many chemical substances, I especially metallic salts, and those which easily j^enetrate I animal membranes, as e.g. the ferro-cyanide of potassium, when I taken with the food, have been detected in the venous blood, I ^ and even in the secretions; so also odorous substances, such as I ^ musk, camphor and garlic, alcohol, and soluble colouring mat- I j tors, as e.g. cochineal and madder, taken into the stomach, I LACTEAL ABSORPTION. 175 have been found in the blood. Even insoluhle .substances, such as charcoal, sulphur, and, it is said, starch, taken inter- nally, in a state of minute subdivision, have been detected in the mesenteric veins. . The entrance of nutrient and other matters from the intes- tinal canal into the lacteals, is proved by the distension of those vessels with white chyle, during digestion, especially after listature of the thoracic duct. The chemical composition of the chyle (vol. i. p. 92), shows that, besides absorbing the water of the food, the lacteals take up small quantities of .saline sub- stances and extractives, a certain quantity of the albuminose products of digestion, and, in particular, a very large amount of tatty matter. With regard to non-nutrient substances, however, the absorptive power of the lacteals, is much more limited than that of the veins. First, with regard to poisons ; iir experiments, the opposite of that just recorded, the arteries and veins of a piece of intestine, isolated by two ligatures, have been tied, whilst the rest of the mesentery, containing the lacteal vessels, has been left t;ntouched ; poison then in- troduced into the intestine, is not absorbed, so as to destroy the animal, until, by loosening the threads on the bloodvessels, blood is again allowed to flow' through them. (Magendie and Segalas.) To such experiments it has been objected, that tying the bloodvessels suspends the iimctions of the lacteals, which may lose their absorbing power, when the capillary circulation around them is stopped. The experiment has, therefore, been varied, so as to permit the local circulation to continue ; thus, the vein fl-om the part of the intestine into which the poison is introduced, is first compressed, and then opened below the point of compression, so that the blood returning along it, escapes, and does not enter the general cir- culation, although the local circulation in the intestine still goes on. Under these conditions, no poisoning takes jdace, but this speedily happens when the pi-essure on the vein is removed, and the blood returning by it, enters the general circulation. Nevertheless, poisons are slightly and slowly absorhalile by the lacteals, especially poi.sonous salts in a state of solution. The lacteals also absorb innocuous sidine matters, sugar, and extractive matters, but not so easily as the veins; neither do they so readily take uj) odorous substances; with regard to soluble colouring matters, turmeric is taken up by them, whilst other dissolved colouring substances, such as madder-lake, indigo, gamboge, and rhubarb, are said not to 176 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. be absorbed. (Tiedemann and Gmelin.) Substances in a state of extremely minute subdivision, such as charcoal, sulphur, and even particles of indigo, have also been found in the lactesil vessels, as Avell as in the bloodvessels, having probably pene- trated into those vessels in the villi. From the preceding facts, it would seem that the absorbing power of the veins is general, whilst that of the lacteals is select. The veins permit the entrance into them indifferently, of probably all kinds of soluble substances, which do not actually alter or destroy the texture of their coats, but the lacteals have a sort of selective power, by Avhich they take up certain substances in preference to others, nearly, or com- pletely, rejecting some. Both kinds of vessels, but especially the lacteals, appear to allow, in some way or other, the entrance into them of exceedingly minute particles of insoluble substances, not by a process of dialysis, but by porous diffu- sion, the pores being, however, invisible in the walls of the capillaries or lacteals, though specially di.scernible, according to some, in the epithelial cells upon the villi. The direct penetration of the walls of the capillaries and lacteals, has been compared with that of a needle entering a larger vessel. A certain hardness of the penetrating particles is necessary, for lamp-black, which is finer and softer than charcoal, does not enter the vessels. Penetration of the soft tissues, by minute bodies, withotit serious injury to the former, is illustrated by the wandering movements of the smaller Entozoa, through and amongst the living tissiies. By lar the larger quantity of the water of the food and drink, and of the saliva and gastric juice, is token ujj by the veins. This process begins immediately, and goes on rapidly, in the stomach ; it regulates the consistence of the gastric contents, and the strength and acidity of the gastric juice ; more water, in-' eluding some of that belonging to the biliary, pancreatic, and intestinal secretions, is taken up by the veins of the intestines ; but much is here absorbed by the lacteals, to form the fluid part of the chyle. The saline con.stitrtents of the food are absorbed directly, in chief part, by the veins, these substances, such as chloride of sodium and phosphate of soda, requiring, like water, no digestion ; minute traces of them, however, also enter the lacteals. Sugar and extractive matters likewise enter chietly by the veins, and but slightly through the lac- teals. The organic acids, and their sjdts, are converted into carbonates, and undergo venous absorption. Alcohol also ABSOKPTION OF FOOD BY VEINS. 177 passes in cliiefly, if not entirely, by the veins, and so likewise do the ethereal, odorous, sapid, and colonring matters of the food, and probably also most medicinal and poisonous sub- stances. Venous absorption even begins in the mouth, as may be inferred from the occurrence of taste ; but it is much more active in the stomach and intestines. Soluble albuminoid substances, if not converted into albuminose, may be absorbed directly by the veins of the stomach and small intestine, and certainly by those of the large intestine, as is exemplified in the restorative effects of nutrient enemas. The soluble albuminose, the product of digested albuminoid bodies, must also be in part absorbed by the veins ; for the quantity of albumen taken up into the chyle, is scarcely equal to that contained in the food. The gelatin-peptone probably enters the veins. Lastly, fatty matters have not been directly proved to be taken up by the veins, though, if in a saponified condition, they may be so, and the capillary network has been seen to assume a turbid ap- pearance, as if containing fat. (Briicke.) Besides this, in cases of disease, not only the colouring substances, but the fatty matters of the bile, enter the circulation through the venous system. The chief channels of entrance of the fatty matters emulsified during the process of digestion, are, however, the lacteal vessels, as is proved by the large proportion of fat in the chyle. The veins, thus, absorb most of the Avater, and of the saline, I saccharine, extractive, acid, alcoholic, odorous, sapid, and colour- ing sub.stances, together Avith some albumen or albuminose, probably the gelatin peptone, and possibly saponified fatty matters. On the other hand, the lacteals absorb the rest of the . Avater, small quantities of the saline, saccharine, and extrac- 1 th'e substances, a considerable proportion of the albuminose ' bodies, and nearly all the fat. In the Intervals betAveen the absorption of food, the lacteals of the small intestine, like the lymphatics of other parts of the body, contain only a transpa- rent lymph, and then perform, for the tissues of the intestine, the office of the lymphatics generally. The same is true, at all times, of the lymphatics of the stomach and of the large intes- tine, Avhich never contain chyle, but always lym])h. It may be presumed, that the absorption Avhich takes place from the stomach, is chiefly performed by means of the blood- vessels, because the gastric mucous membrane is destitute of villi, and, therefore, of proper lacteal ve.ssels ; nevertheless, nutrient and other substances, prevented from entering the VOL. II. N 178 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. intestine, by ligature of the pylorus, have been shown to be absorbed by the gastric lymphatics. Tlie process by which certain parts of the food are absorbed by the bloodvessels of tlie alimentary canal, must be identical with that of the general absorption of soluble substances from other vascular surfaces, or tissues, of the body. Like the latter, it partakes of the nature of the physical processes of liquid diffusion and dialysis. Water, and substances dissolved in it, such as soluble salts, sugar, extractive matters, and solul)le albumen or alburainose, permeate the epithelial and subjacent layers of the mucous membrane, and also the thin coats of the capillaries and smallest venules, not merely of the villi, but of the general surface of the intestinal canal, in the same manner, pro- bably, as a similar solution would pass through moist dead animal membranes. The tetaperature of the interior of the body, greatly favoru’S the osmotic process. The ])enetration of the water with its dissolved contents, is a dialytic pheno- menon ; and by a similar action, the entrance of certain sub- .stances is probably permitted more readily than that of others, the crystalloid substances, such as the salts and sugar, with the creatin and creatinin of the extractive matters, and also the albuminose and gelatin peptones, entering more readily than the colloid substances, such as dissolved starch, mucilage, albumen, gelatin,' and the non-crystallisable extractive matters. But dissolved colloidal starch is converted by the salivin, into the crystalloid sugar; and albumen and gelatin, when di- gested by the acid pepsin, are changed into albumino.se and gelatin peptones, which, though not true crystalloid.s, are much more dialysable than the albuminoid and gelatinoid substances contained in oirr food. The molecular metastases, or changes in ((uestion, may be in some way connected with a process of lujdration. It has also been suggested that a colloid body may be formed by groups of crystalloids, and so its temporary- metastasis from one condition to another, may be explained. It is possible also that there may be special reactions between alimentary substances and the living mucous membrane and walls of the vessels, favouring or resisting the passage of some or other of those substances. But this is uiicei-tain ; and the act of ab.sorption by the bloodvessels, is so ea.sy, rapid, and general, in the case of non-nutrient, and even of manj^ poisonous substances, that their walls can pos.sess but little if any power of selection or exclusion. Fatty matters, however, unless in a state of saponification, do not readily, or at all. ABSOnrTION OF POISONS. 179 enter the bloodvessels. Experiment has shoAvn that even when finely divided, as they exist, for example, in the yolk of the egg, and in milk, they may be made, under moderate pressure, to j^ermeate moist membranes (Heidenhain) ; and lurther, that the natural repugnance between oil and wetted membranes, is much overcome, if these latter are saturated in alkaline solutions or in bile. (Wistinghausen.) A temperature of 100°, or that of the interior of the body, facilitates this permeation of fat. Though acids generally, and esjDecially the hydrochloric acid, which exists in gastric juice, are rapid dialysers, and so penetrate very quickly the colloidal albumi- noids of the food, which they help to dissolve, yet acidity appears to be opposed to the absorption not only of fat, but of actually dissolved substances ; whilst, a neutral or alkaline con- dition favours their absorption. In certain cases, especially in regard to organic substances of an extraneous, medicinal or poisonous, character, it appears that the digestive fluids not only dissolve, but also alter, the properties of substances taken into the stomach. Thus, there are two substances found to- gether in the bitter almond, named aimjgdalin and emulsin, the former of which is decomposed by a catalytic action of the latter, and gives rise to the formation of prus.sic acid. Now, it has been found by Bernard, that amygdalin, introduced by itself into the stomach of any animal, is digested, dissolved, and absorbed, without giving rise to poisonous symptoms. Again, emulsin alone taken into the stomach, produces no ill effects. If, however, after the absorption of the dissolved amygdalin from the stomach, emulsin be directly injected into a vein, death speedily ensues, from the formation of prussic acid in the blood or ti.ssues, by the decomposition of the dissolved amygdalin under the influence of the emulsin, thus intro- duced into the circulation, and brought into relation Avith it. But on the other hand, if the emulsin be introduced into the stomach, and the amygdalin be injected into the bloodvessels, poisoning does not ensue, showing either that the emulsin is not absorbed from the alimentary canal, or that its properties are destroyed. The latter is, probably, the case, for emulsin is easily soluble, and Avhen it and the amygdalin are intro- duced together into a vein, or even into distant parts of the circulation, their meeting in the blood is immediately followed by the characteristic decomposition of the one under the influence of the other, prussic acid being evolved, and the animal being killed. 180 SPECIAL Pin'SIOLOGY. After the absorbed materials have entered through the capillary walls, their onward progress depends upon the forces concerned in the circulation of the blood. The process of absorption by the lucteals, is of a more special nature than that by the bloodvessels ; for though they admit the entrance, probably by simple dialysis, of watei’, with traces of saline, saccharine, and extractive substances, that is, of the crystalloid bodies, and also take up in certain proj^ortion, the dialysable albuminose, yet they are specially characterised by absorbing fatty matters, which, though crystalloid, are insoluble in water, and non-dialysable, unless they are actually saponified. In the alimentary canal, how- ever, they are merely liquefied, or emirlsified, i.e. reduced to a state of extreme molecular subdivision, or they are decom- posed into their fatty acids and glycerin. The special power of the lacteals, of absorbing fatty matters, has not yet been fully exjfiained. Some have supposed that the fats pass through the epithelial substance of the villi, into the lacteals, in a state of saponification and solution, and then reappear as neuti'al fats in the chyle. The action of the bile and of the alkaline pancreatic and intestinal juices, as already explained, undoubtedly prejiares the fatty matters for more easy pene- tration into the lacteals. The epithelial cells of the villi, which are often formd distended with drops of fat during the digestive process, are probably specially concerned in the absorption of fat by the lacteals. It has been sirpposed that these cells teed, as it were, upon the fatty matters contained in the intestine, and, having become distended, discharge their fatty contents into the commencing lacteals. A nutritive process is imagined to take place, similar to that which occurs in the epithelial cells lining the commencing ducts of the secreting glands, but in a reverse direction ; that is to say, not by the assimi- lation of materials from the blood into these secreting cells, to be discharged at the sm-face, but by the assimilation of materials from the surface inwards, to be discharged into the lacteals. This fatty matter must enter the epithelial cells covering the villi, in the form of exceedingly minute molecules, by porous diffusion or transmission ; and the fine vertical lines or streaks, noticed by certain observers in these cells (p. 158), are supposed, by some to be minute pores or channels, through which the highly sirbdivided fatty matters, or even fine solid particles of charcoal, enter the interior of the cells, and so proceed into the lacteals. How the fat particles pass from the MOTION OF THE CHYLE. 181 colls into the commencing lacteals, is not known. By some it is said that the inner pointed ends of the epithelial cells, terminate in caudate areolar tissue cells, which, in their turn, communicate with the lacteals. But this is more than doubt- ful ; and the actual transmission is probably by porous dif- fusion, through true but invisible pores. The onward motion of the chyle, from the commencing lacteals in the villi, into and through the larger absorbent vessels on the walls of the intestine, and along the mesentery, to the thoracic duct, depends on several agencies. First, the chief cause is probably the vis a tei'go, or foixe from behind, originating in the continuous nature of the absorptive process at the commencement of the lacteals. The existence of this force, is proved by the distension of the whole system of vessels, including the thoracic duct, even to the occurrence of ruptrrre, when that duct is tied in an animal a short time after it has been fed. This pressure from behind, produces a motion of the fluid in the larger absorbents, just as the con- tinuous absorption of fluid by the spongioles at the extremities of the roots of trees, causes the rising of the sap. Even in simple dialysis, in purely physical experiments, as Avith the endosmometer of Dutrochet, there is an ascending motion of the fluid in the graduated tube, due to the energy at work in the moist membrane. Secondly, the contraction of the non-striated muscular fibres of the villi, which, Avhen stimulated by galva- nism, in living animals, have been observed to shorten those processes, must compress the central lacteal of each villus, and so urge on its contents into the general netAvork of absorbents. The bile may help to excite this muscular act. Thirdly, the contraction of the scattered muscular fibres in the submucous coat, and also the peristaltic movements of the proper muscular coat of the intestine, likeAvise e.xcited by the food and by the bile, Avill serve to empty the intestinal lacteals into those of the mesentery. Fourthly, the lacteals and the lymphatics, as Avell as the thoracic duct, have muscular fibres in their coats, the contraction of Avhich moves onwards their contents, and also empties them on their being exposed to the air, in animals recently fed; this explains the collap.scd state of these vessels after death. There are also muscular fibres in the inter- alveolar septa of the lymphatic glands. Fifthly, the semilunar valves found in pairs in the interior of the larger lacteals, both in the Avails of the intestine and in the mesentery, must determine the movement of the contained chyle, always in the 182 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, same direction, by whatever force such movement may be induced. In this way, even the pressure of the abdominal walls and viscera, must assist the onward flow of the chyle. Its direction necessarily coincides ■with that of the fi’ee margins of the v.alves, viz., towards the thoracic duct, all retrogression of the chyle in the direction of the intestine, being effectually prevented. Lastly, the quick motion of the blood in the great veins at the root of the neck, into which the thoracic duct opens, and the effects of inspiration, are also causes of a cer- tain vis a f route, ov force from before, which draws the lymph or chyle from that duct into the veins. The descent of the diaphragm in inspiration, acts not only by removing pressure from the great veins in the thorax, but also by increasing the pressure on the abdominal lymphatics and the lower end of the thoracic duct. The quantity of mixed lymph and chyle poured into the blood in twenty-four hours, has been estimated, from experi- ments in animals, to be, in an adult man, nearly 29 lbs., of which the smaller proportion is chyle, the rest being lymph. (Bidder and Schmidt.) It has been ingeniously suggested by Vierordt, that, if the absorption of fat be supposed to take place exclusively by the lacteals, and the composition of the chyle be assumed to be uniform, the daily quantity of chyle may be calculated from the daily quantity of fat taken in the food. Thus, the quantity of fat consumed in the day, being taken to be 3 oz., and the chyle, to contain three per cent, of fatty matters, the quantity of this fluid formed daily would be about 100 oz. or 6^ lbs. The chyle is a highly nutrient fluid. It adds not only fatty matter, but, like the lymph, a certain amount of flbrin or fibrinogen, albumen, extractives, and salts, and also a number of granules and proper corpuscles, to the blood. The gradual entrance of these into the blood, is of some im- portance in the maintenance of the proper composition of that fluid, and, accordingly, nutrient substances are absorbed rather more slowly than those which are not nutrient. The more concentrated the products of digestion, however, the more rapid is their absorption ; at least this is true of sugar and albumino.se. (Becker, Funke.) Intrinsic Absorption. The special process, by which the fluid or solid parts of the living body, are interstitially removed, the so-called intrinsic I.NTKINSIC ABSORPTION. 183 absorption, is usually described with the simpler phenomenon of general absorption. But it is a different and more complex process, implying a previous liquefaction, or fine disintegration, of the solid particles of the absorbed tissues, before these can enter the lymphatics or bloodvessels concerned in their removal. It is in part, therefore, a nutritive or denutritive process. Intrinsic absorption is sometimes simply interstitiid, accom- plishing the removal of tissues, molecule by molecule, without any solution of continuity, or breach of substance, in them, the part affected becoming merely smaller, and not necessarily undergoing any special change of fonn. During simple in- terstitial absorption, nutritive changes, involving the deposi- tion of fresh material, must still go on, but the process of ab- sorption is relatively more active than that of the deposition of new matter. This kind of interstitial absorption is illustrated in the ivasting Avhich takes place as the result of hunger or starvation, and also in the disease known as atrophy. Another form of intrinsic absorption, known as progressive absorption, involves more or less solution of continuity, or breach of substance. It is often apparently caused by pressure interfering with the nutrition of a part ; it is exemplified in certain morbid processes, as when an aneurismal, or other deep- seated tumour, in approaching the surface, induces absorption of the interposed structures, even the bones being absorbed under the effects of constant pressure. Abscesses also tend to the surface of the body or of internal mucous cavities, by a similar progressive absorption. Another form of this process is named disjunctive absorption ; in this, the living part of a tissue, in immediate connection with a dead portion, is re- moved by absorption, and so the dead part is detached ; such a process occurs in the separation of a slough from a soft tissue, or of a necrosed or dead portion of a bone, from a living part, and also in the throwing off of a portion of the entire limb, as in the case of gangrene of the foot. Certain tissues also undergo intrin.sic absorption much more readily than others. Bone, one of the harde.«t tissues in the body, is very readily absorbed ; its numerous Haversian canals, and cancelli,and even its general medullaiy cavitie.s, are chan- nels or spaces produced, during its growth, by an absorptive excavation of a previously solid os.seous tissue ; such changes occur in it, even when it is fully developed ; and, as just now stated, it is very easily absorbed under abnormal pressure. 184 SPECIAL PHYSIOLCGT. The fangs of the temporary or milk teeth, which are composed of dentine, a substance more compact than bone itself, under- go progressive absorption under the influence of pressure from the summits of the rising permanent teeth, and, in this way, are loosened, and finally drop away from the gum. Cartilage is less easily absorbed than bone, but, nevertheless, it does yield to that process. The fascia?, areolar tissue, skin, and mucous membranes, also give way irnder the progressive absorption caused by abscesses rvliich are advancing to the surface ; the epidermis and epithelium, however, burst me- chanically. Vascularity is necessary for the occurrence of true intrinsic or progressive absorption. Cartilage is probably absorbed by closely adjacent vessels. All vascular organs and tissues are liable to progressive absorption under pressure, and all may undergo waste or atrophy. In the progress of development, in Man and animals, many instances occur of the disappearance of parts not permanently needed, such as the temporary gills of the higher Amphibia, the tails of the tadpoles of the anourous species, and also cer- tain large bloodvessels which are no longer required in more advanced conditions of development. The removal of the membrane which closes the pupil of the eye, when it is no longer needed for the vascular sirpply of the lens, is another instance of intrinsic absorption ; so also are the many changes which take place in the jaws, during the formation of the sockets for the teeth, and their filling up when these are lost. Sometimes an entire organ of complex structure, with its proper paren- chyma, bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves, becomes atro- phied by interstitial absorption. Thus, the thymus body, a ductless gland, which exists in the fore part of the neck and thorax, in the young of Man, and the Mammalia generally, disappears as life advances. In the human body, the thymus exists only as a mere vestige, after the age of twelve years. By the process of resorption, blood, lymph, drop.sical effu- sions, pus, and other fluids are easily taken up fi-om the areolar tissue in which they are extravasated or effu.sed. From the serous cavities, and especially from the joints, they are less ea.sily resorbed. It is probable that the solid albuminoid con- stituents of such effused products, undergo a chemical change of degeneration, becoming converted into fatty matter, and some nitrogenous, perhaps ammouiacal, compound, both of which are absorbable. It has been found that a piece of USES OF ABSORPTION. 185 muscle introduced into the cavity of the peritoneum, first loses its water, and then gradually undergoes a fatty change. When injlammation reaches a certain height, besides the exudation of plastic matter from the bloodvessels, and the formation of cells, which may end in the production of pus, or of new-formed tissue, the nutrition of the pre-existing tissue itself may suffer, and it may become slowly disintegrated, or undergo molecular death. It then falls away imperceptibly, and a chasm is left, called an iilcev, the process itself being named ulceration. Both the vascular and non-vascular tissues are liable to become ulcerated. It was once supposed that the formation of an ulcer, or the ulcerative process, began and continued by the interstitial absorption of an inflamed tissue, this form of absorption being named ulcerative absorption ; but although a true absorptive process may occur in some forms of ulcer, there is little doubt that, generally speaking, the erosion of a living tissue, known as ulceration, is due to the molecular death and melting away of the tissues. Ulcers always occur on surfaces, whether in vascular parts, such as the skin, mucous membranes, and bones, or in non-vascular parts, such as the cornea and the articular cartilages. There is reason to believe that both the li/mphatics and the bloodvessels are concerned in the various forms of intrinsic absorption or resorption. The agency of the lymphatics is rather inferred from analogy, than demonstrated by facts. It is impossible to doubt that the bloodvessels are also concerned in it, for the phenomena may take place in parts in which lymphatics are not believed to exist, as, for example, in the brain ; but the process is here undoubtedly much slower. Intrinsic absorption is favoirred by continued moderate pressure, as by the use of surgical bandages, which, however, may also act by restraining the supply of blood and the nutri- tion of a part. It is also favoured by an elevated position, by friction, and by stimulating applications. It serves important uses in the economy, enabling the whole system to be main- tained, for a time, upon itself, and, by the absorption of fatty matter stored up in the adipose tissues, supporting the respira- tory function, even in the ab.sence of food. In the removal and casting out of diseased products, or dead parts, it also exerci.ses a u.seful and conservative office. In conclusion, it may be repeated that, in addition to these important uses, the function of absorption generally, ministers to the nutritive function, by the conveyance into 186 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the circulating system, not only of the materials of the food, but also of the residual part of the plasma of the blood, not imme- diately ertrployed in the nirtrition of the tissues amongst which it is poured out ; and, lastly, that it assists in the elaboration of those essential organised elements of the blood, its white and its red corpuscles. The Absorbent System, and Absorption in Animals. A lymphatic and lacteal apparatus exists only in the Vertebrate Suh- kingdom. In all cases, the finest vessels commence by blind extremities, and the absorbent trunks empty themselves ultimately into the veins, forming, as it were, a closed system superadded to, or constituting an offset from, the blood system, with which, in the lower Vertebrata, it communicates at a groat number of points, not only in the neck, but also in the abdomen and pelvis. In Mammalia generally, as in Man, well-developed lymphatic glands are found ; in the Carnivora, owing probably to the shortness of the in- testine, the mesenteric glands are so closely aggregated, as to appear like a large conglomerate gland. In Birds, lymphatic glands are also found, especially in the fore part of the body, but they are less perfectly developed, and, in other parts, are replaced by elaborate plexuses of lym- phatic vessels ; in accordance with the general lateral symmetry of these animals, there are two thoracic ducts, each with its receptaculum chyli ; in certain birds, as in the goose, dilatations of the pelvic lyunphatics are met with, the coats of which are provided with unstriped muscular fibres, which do not contract periodically or rhythmically ; the lympliatics of the hinder part of the body communicate very frequently with the veins. In Eeptiles, the lymphatic glands are absent, but their place is apparently supplied by the great size and abundance of the absorbents themselves, and by numerous plexuses of closely-packed vessels ; the valves are either imperfect, or are found only in the larger tninks ; commimications with the veins, exist in the lower limbs. In this Class, as well as in the Amphibia and Fishes, there occur, connected with the lymphatic sys- tem, those remarkable rhythmically contractile sacs, known as lym- pliatic hearts ; they have been found in the neck of certain Ophidia, and in the pelvis of the tiu'tle and crocodile. In the iAmphibia, the lym- phatics are relatively large, but few in number ; neither valves nor lymphatic glands exist ; the lymphatic hearts, usually four in number, have walls composed of striated muscular fibres : in the frog, two of these hearts are situated, one on each side of the neck, opposite to the third cervical vertebra, and two posteriorly in the pelvic region. It is in Fishes that the absorbents are fewest in number ; they are delicate transparent vessels, destitute of valves, excepting at the points of en- trance into the veins, which are here very frequent : the lacteals appear almost destitute of distinct walls. In the tail of the eel, and in many fishes, behind the cranium, outside the jugular veins, there are found pairs of lymphatic hearts, or dilatations of a similar nature to the true lym- phatic hearts of the Amphibia. No lymphatics have been obsen'cd in the amphioxus. CIRCULATION. isr The chyle varies in colour and opacity in different animals ; thus, it is very milky-looking in the carnivorous, but almost colourless in the herbivorous Mammalia ; it is also more transparent in the cold than in the warm-blooded Vertebrata. It is usually considered that no vessels homologous in character and office, with the lymphatics and laeteals of the Vertebrata exist in Non- vertebrate animals ; but it has been suggested that the so-called blood- system of the Mollusca and higher Annulosa, with its usually colourless contents, including corpuscles much more like the white than the red blood corpuscles of the Vertebrata, may possibly be the homologues of the vertebrate lymphatic system. Be this as it may, these vessels are undoubtedly concerned, not only in the function of circulation, but also in that of absorption ; for absorbed materials not only pass into the perivisceral cavity, and penetrate the soft tissues of the body, immedi- ately and directly, but they also enter the interior of these so-called bloodvessels, mingle with the circulating fluid, and thus are conveyed to the most distant parts of the frame. Such vessels must be con- cerned both in the absorption of the food, and in all the phenomena of general extrinsic and intrinsic absorption. In those Non-vertebrate l animals, which, as the Annuloida, possess the so-called water vascular system, or some analogous vessels, general absorption may be assisted by them. In the Ccelenterata, all of which are destitute of proper vessels, the fine tubular extensions of the body cavity into the soft disc, must aid in this process ; but in the simple hydra, absorption must be accomplished by direct imbibition through the cells lining the digestive cavity, and by general percolation through the soft intercellular spaces. In the Protozoa, it must occur through the sarcodous cell-substance, of which those animals consist. Whilst, therefore, in the lowest non-vascular animals, nutrient matters at once permeate the tissues which they have to nourish, and whilst, in all animals possessed of vessels, whether absorbent or circulating, or : fulfilling both functions, a similar permeation of nutrient matter takes ; place through the lining membrane of the digestive cavdty, yet, in the latter case, it has no immediate nutrient action on the solid tissues, but speedily passes into the bloodvessels or absorbents, .and thus directly or indirectly enters the circulating fluid or blood. Mixed with this, it I probably undergoes further elaboration, before it again transudes through the walls of the fine vessels, into the solid tissues, which are ultimately : nourished by it. CIRCULATION. We have seen that tlie tib.sorbent vessels end in the gre.at veins at the root of the neck, .and that there, the lymph and chyle are poured into the blood. The blond is not permitted to remain stationary in any part of the living body ; but in order to fulfil its oflices in the general functions of nutrition, 188 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. secretion, and excretion, and its special office of stimulation in regard to the nervous and muscular systems, and in order that it may be constantly purified by the respiratory process, it is kept in continual motion throughout the vdiole of life. This motion of the blood takes place, in Man and in most animals, in distinct cavities and channels, viz., through the heart and bloodvessels, the arteries, capillaries, and veins. The movement itself is named, from its definitely recurrent course, the circulation of the blood. The general distribution of the arteries, capillaries, and veins of the body, and the structure of these vessels, have already been explained (vol. i. pp. 18 and 57). The heart, or central organ of the circulation, requires now to be described. The Heaut. The Heart and Bloodvessels. The heart, enclosed in its sac, or pericardium, is placed obliquely in the thorax, between the lungs (fig. 13), occup)'- ing a space about 4 inches in width. It is of a conical shape. Its base, connected with the large bloodvessels, is directed upwards, backwards, and to the right, corresponding with the middle of the dorsal region ; its apex turned downwards, for- wards, and to the left, points to the left of the sternum, opposite the interspace between the fifth and sixth ribs, two inches below and one to the sternal side of, the left nij^ple. Its anterior surface, turned slightly upwards, is convex ; its posterior surface, directed downwards, and supported by the diaphragm, is flattened. This organ is about the size of the closed fist. In the adult male it weighs from 10 to 12 oz., but from 8 to 10 oz. only in the female. Its proportion to the body, in the former sex, is as 1 to 169 ; in the latter, as 1 to 149. It measures about 5 inches in length, 3-| in width, and 2^ in thickness. It increases in weight, and enlarges in all its dimensions, as life advances. The heart is a hollow muscle, its cavity being completely divided internally, by a longitudinal septum, into a right and a left lateral chamber. Each chamber consists of two cavities, one called an auricle, the other a ventricle, marked off from each other by a transverse constriction, which forms on the surface the auriculo-ventricidar groove. The auidcle and ventricle of the same side open into each other, but those of DESCIlirTION OF THE HEART. 189 the opposite sides do not communicate. The tAvo auricles are placed at the base of the heart ; their Avails are thin ; they are separated from each other by the median septum, and receive blood from large veins. The tAvo ventricles lie beloAv the auricles, have AA'alls of considerable thickness, and form the most solid part of the organ ; each is connected with a large artery. Tavo longitudinal furroAvs, one anterior, the other posterior and less defined, correspond Avith the position of the median partition which separates the tAvo ventricles Avithin. The right ventricle occupies more of the anterior, and the left vmntricle more of the posterior, surface of the heart ; the left ventricle reaches loAver than the right, and so forms alone the apex of the heart, the longitudinal furroAvs and septum termi- nating a little to the right of the apex. Each of the four cardiac cavities requires fiu'ther description. The right auricle (fig. 105, .3) consists of a larger part, named the sinus, and a smaller part leading from it in front, named the appendix auricidce or j)i'oper auricle, so called on account of its resemblance to a dog’s ear. The margins of the appen- dix are notched, and its walls, instead of being thin and smooth, like those of the sinus, are thick, and marked inter- nally by prominent lleshy bands, the musculi pectinati. Into this auricle the systemic veins open, viz., the superior vena cava, 1, at the upper and forepart of the sinus; the inferior vena cava, '>, at its lowest part ; and, lastly, the large coronarp vein at the back, its orifice being protected by a thin mem- branous valve, the coronary valve, or valve of Thehesius ; besides this, there are numerous apertures of small veins belonging to the heart, and certain recesses in the auricular Avails. Upon the septum, betAveen this and the left auricle, is an oval depression, the fossa ovalis, bounded above, and at the sides, by a margin named the annulus ovalis. The fossa ovalis is the vestige of an opening, the foramen ovale, Avhich exists before birth, then permitting the blood to pass from the right into the left auricle : sometimes the foramen ovale is not entirely obliterated, in that case, a small valved aperture leading obliquely, Iteneath the annulus ovalis, into the left auricle. Attached to the anterior margin of the orifice of the inferior vena cava, is a thin membranous semi-lunar fold, called the Eustachian valve (fig. 105), the free concave border of Avhich is turned upwards and to the left ; it is often small, freqtiently perforated, and sometimes Avanting. Before birth, it is large, and of great importance in directing the course of the blood. 190 SPECIAL rilYSIOLOGT. Lastly, in front and to the left of the opening of the inferior cava, is the large apei'ture leading into the right ventiucle, named the right miriculo-veutricular opening. The right vent7-icle, 4, forms a somewhat conical cavity, Fig. 10.5. ’ I'ig. lf)3. Diagram of the heart and great bloodve.ssels. Tlie right cavities of the heart, or right auricle and ventricle, and the pulmonarj' ai tery, are supposed to be laid open. 1, the superior vena cavaj 2, inferior vena cava; 3, right auricle laid open, showing the orillce of the superior and inferior cavse, the latter guarded by the Eustachian valve ; 4, right ventricle laid open, showing the anterior segment of the tricuspid valve, its chorda; tendinese, and musculi papillares. The thin walls of the auricle, and the thicker walls of the ventricle, arc seen 07i their sections ; 6, pulmonary artery laid open, to show parts of two of its semilunar valves * ; 7, part of the left auricle : the pulmonary veins are not represented, being concealed at the back of the heart ; 8, the left ventricle ; 9, the aorta, giving off branches to the head and upper limbs, and arching down to form the abdominal artery, which supplies branches to the rest of the body. The arrows show the course of the blood from the veins, 1, 2, to the right auricle; 3, through the auriculo- ventricular opening into the right ventricle, 4, and thence along the imhnonary artery, 6. shut off from the left ventricle by the thick interventricular septum. At it.s base, i.s the opening from the .auricle just mentioned, whilst above, .and in front of this, is the aperture leading into the ])ulmona7-g artery. That portion of the ven- DESCRIPTION OF THE HEART. 191 triclc conducting to the artery, forms a conical prolongation, named the infundibulum or conus arteriosus. Both of these openings are guarded by remarkable valves. Tlie auriculo- ventricular opening corresponds with the middle of the sternum, on a level with the third intercostal spaces and fourth costal cartilages. It is somewhat oval, and measures about 1-^ inch in diameter, in the male. It is surrounded by a strong fibrous ring, and its valve, being composed of three pointed segments, is hence called the tricuspid valve. These segments, of a trapezoidal shape, are formed by a doubling of the lining membrane of the heart, enclosing bands of fibrous tissue, and, it is sjiid, a few muscular fibres ; the segments are continuous at their base, and are there fixed to the fibrous ring around the opening into the auricle (fig. lOG a, 2). Of the three seg- ments, one corresponds to the front of the ventricle, another to its posterior wall, and the third, the largest, lies between the auriculo-veutricular opening and the pulmonary artery. Each segment is thicker at its centre ; whilst its margins are thinner, more transparent, and indented. To the margins, and also to the venti'icular surfaces of the segments, are attached numerous fine tendinous cords, the chorda; tendinea; (fig. 105), the other ends of which are connected either with certain muscular columns, to be presently described, projecting from the walls of the ventricle, or with the inner surface of that cavity, especially with the septum. The chordas tendineaj, proceeding from the adjacent margins of any two segments of the valve, are connected with the same muscular column. Some of .(he cords are inserted into the base of the segments, others are connected with its central thicker part, Avhilst the finest and most numerous are inserted into its thin marginal portion. The muscular bands just mentioned, named the columnee carnecB, are found in nearly every part of the inner surface of the ventricle. They are of three kinds : first, some which form merely irregular, and frequently reticulated, prominences on the sides of the cavity ; a second kind are adherent at each end, though free in the middle ; lastly, a third kind, con- siderably larger than the others, and named the musculi papil- lares, form three or four lumdles, which jirojcct upwards from the walls of the ventricle, and are connected wi(;h some of the chordee tendinea: of the tricuspid valve. 'The internal surface of the infundibulum is smooth. The orifice of the jmlmonary artery, fig. 105, 5, corrc.sponds with the upper border of the third left costal cartilage, and 192 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. second intercostal space, close to the stennnn. It is circular, and measures, in the male, a full inch in diameter. Its pro- tecting valves consist of three semi-circular membranous folds, named semi-lunar valves (fig. 105*, fig. 106, 4), attached, by their convex margins, to the sides of the pulmonary artery at its line of junction Avith the ventricle, but free at their straight borders, Avhich are turned upAvards in the direction of the artery. In the middle of the free border of each A'alve, is Fig. 106. 6 a Fig. 106. Three views of tlie base of the heart, after removal of the auricles; the coimncncements of the pulmonary artery ai.d the aorta are left, in order to show the valves of the heart and their altered positions at different moments of the heart’s action, a, 1, interior of part of the right auricle; 2, right auriculo-ventricular, or tri- cuspid valve ; 3, right ventricle ; 4, pulmonary artery and its semilunar valves ; 6, interior of part of the left auricle ; 0, left auriculo-ventri- cular, bicuspid, or mitral valve; 7, left ventricle; 8, aorta, and its semilunar valves. In this view, alt the v'alves have their segments a little apart, b, shows the auriculo.vcntricular apertures open, and their valves apart; the arterial orilices are closed, and their valves in contact : condition during diastole of the ventricles, c. shows the opposite conditions of the valves ; condition during systole of the ven- tricles. a small fibro-cartilaginous nodide, the corpus Arantii, When stretched across the vessel, the borders meet each other, form- ing lines diverging from the centre at angles of 120°. The free and attached margins of each A'alve contain tendinous fibres ; tendinous fibres also radiate acro.ss the valve, from the corpus Arantii to its attached margins, so that tAvo thin semi- DESCRIPTION OF THE HEART. 193 liiiuir portions, called lumdce, are left, one on either side of the nodule. Behind the segments, the pulmonary artery presents, at its base, three slight dilatations or pouches, the sinuses of Valsalva. The left auricle (fig. 105, 7), somewhat smaller than the right, has thicker walls, measuring, on an average, 1-^ line in thickness, whilst those of the right auricle measure only 1 line. Like the latter, it consists of a sinus and an appendix. The sinus is placed behind the aorta and pulmonary artery. The appendix, projecting forwards and to the left side, is nar- rower, and more curved and notched, than the right one ; its musculi pectinati are smaller and less numei’ous. At the back of the auricle are the openings of the lour pidmonari/ veins, two on each side, their orifices being destitute of valves. On the septum, between this and the right auricle, is a lunated depression, bounded below by a crescentic ridge, the vestige of the foramen ovale. At the lower part of the auricle, is the opening into the left ventricle, or left auriculo-ventricidar opening. The left ventricle, 8, is longer, and more conical in shape, than the right ventricle ; it has much thicker walls, the pro- poi-tion being as 3 to 1. The walls are thickest opposite the middle of the cavity, and thinnest at the apex, whilst the light ventricle is thickest near its base. The average thick- ness, in lines, of the walls of the two ventricles in the male, in whom they are somewhat thicker than in the female, are, for the left ventricle, at the base, middle, and apex, 4^, 5^, and 3^ ; and for the right, 1|^, 1§, and l^g-^^. (Bizot). The left ventricle increases in thickness as life advances ; but the right remains unaltered after the period of full development. At the left and hinder part of the base of this ventricle, is the oval opening from the left auricle ; in front and to the right of this, is the circular aperture of the aorta. These open- ings are, after death, .smaller than the corresponding orifices on the right side of the heart. The annexed Table shows the circumference of all four apertures, in the adult male and female (Peacock) : — Male. Female. Inches Linos Inches Lines 4 6 4 0 3 7 3 10 3 4 3 3 3 0 2 10 VOL. II. 0 194 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The left auriculo-ventriculai- opening corresponds to the centre of the sternum, reaching upwards a little to the left. It is guarded by a valve, resembling the tricuspid valve, but formed of two segments instead of three, and hence called the bicuspid or mitral valve (fig. 106, 6). The two segments are named, from their relative position, anterior and posterior ; the former is somewhat the larger. The segments are pro- vided with cJiordo} tendinece, fewer in number than those of the tricuspid valve, but having similar attachments ; all these structures are stronger and thicker than those of the right ventricle. The internal surface of the left ventricle gene- rally, like that of the right, is provided with three kinds of columnce cai'nece, which, however, are relatively small and numerous ; there are only two musctdi papillares. The round orifice of the aorta lies behind the junction of the third left costal cartilage with the sternum. It is sepa- rated from the auriculo-ventricular opening, by the base of the anterior segment of the bicuspid valve, here joined to the aortic fibrous ring. The aortic orifice is protected by three semi- lunar valves (fig. 106, 8, fig. 107, b, 2), resembling those of the right side in form, in their mode of attachment to the sides of the great bloodvessel, and in the peculiar direction of their free edges towards the artery ; but they are thicker and stronger, have their corpora Arantii larger, and their lunular margins more developed. The pouches, or sinuses of Val- salva, at the base of the aorta, are also larger than those of the pulmonary arteries. The two coronary arteries, or nutrient arteries of the heart, arise from the bottom of two of these pouches, close behind the corresponding semilunar valves. The cavities of the heart are lined by a very fine serous membrane, named the endocardium, which is continuous Avith the lining membrane of the large vessels; it is someAvhat thicker in the auricles than in the ventricles, and thicker in the left than in the right cavities ; the Amlves of the heart consist essentially of folds of this membrane, enclosing fibrous tissue. It is difficult to determine the capacity of the cavities of a muscular oi-gan like the heart ; the estimates given of the capacity of the left ventricle, vary from 4 to 6'3 oz. ; the right ventricular cavity is usually said to be a little larger. The capacity of each auricle corresponds Avith, or is a little smaller than, that of the respective ventricle. The muscular fibres of the heart. — The substance of the heart is almost entirely composed of muscular fibres, arranged THE AORTA AND ITS BRANCHES 195 Fig. 107. a. Fig. 107. a, the aorta detached from the heart and from the body. 1, ascending aorta, showing the enlargements or pouches at its commence- ment, known as the sinuses of Valsalva; 1', 1", de.scending aorta, thoracic and abdominal ; 2,3,3,2, branches from the arch of the aorta, which supply the head and upper limbs ; 4, coeliac axis, or artery, which divides into three branches to supply the stomach, liver, and spleen ; 5, renal arteries for the kidneys ; 6, superior, and 7, inferior mesenteric arteries which supply the small and large intestine; 8, 8, iliac arterie.s, which give off branches to the pelvis and lower limbs ; 9, 9', intercostal and lumbar arteries, which supply the walls of the thorax and abdomen, b, portion of the left ventricle, and the commencement of the aorta, laid open, to show the aortic .semilunar valves; 1, portion of the aorta, with the orifices of the coronary arteries, or nutrient arteries, of the heart ; 2, the three valve segments ; 3, portion , be O C/3 O a. (D Ph cc o o o o o So •Is a -5 o ^ Q 9|0]si^i{]; ^]o:^sX:g be P be a §S i-i P5 P c ^ 6^ 9[O^Sifg be o O be p be P -a -»-> if a ^ (U *S ffl •3 s a 0) .2 a ta c3 '3 a c3 C3 I ^ ^ I CD .• be o p o o c no •— c3 « P .JS C/D 'i| . . o J3 -P P « ^ . P cT ci, o iz: £T “'o P Ph ^ ^ ^ 0) ° ^ 'TJ o p CArACITT OF THE HEART. 213 to the two sounds of the heart, to the subsequent pause or interval of silence, and to the occurrence ol' the pulse at the wrist. The diiration of the events is given after Laennec. It is seen that the first sound occupies ^ of the entire beat, the second nearly ^ of the beat, and the period of silence rather more than the remaining The Table likewise ex- hibits the alternation of the systole and diastole of the auricles and ventricles, as well as the relative duration of their respec- tive systolic and diastolic conditions. Thus the rapid systole of the auricles, occupies only .^th of the whole period, and their diastole |ths ; whilst the slower systole of the ventricles occu- pies J-, and their diastole the other ^ of tlie whole period or beat. According to Vierordt, the period of diastole of the auricle, is really shorter, being only f ths or .^ths of the whole period ; the remaining ^ths or |^ths of that time, usually regarded as the period of diastole, must, in that case, be viewed as representing a distended, or continued dilated, condition of the auricle. In the Table, the systole of the auricles and ventricles together, is seen to occupy -|ths, and the interval between the contraction of the ventricles and the commence- ment of the next beat, .|ths of the whole period. According to Cheveau, however, the A'entricular systole in the horse, occupies only a little more than Ttn of the entire beat ; San- derson’s researches coincide with this statement as to the great rapidity of that event. At each beat of the heart, the ventricles are supposed to be almost completely, if not entirely, emptied ; the left ventricle is often found in that state after death, especially if examined during the period of the rigor mortis. On a section, the walls of that ventricle are then seen to be so thick, from their contrac- tion,as tohave been frequently described asbeing hypertrophied. Although the right ventricle, as already mentioned, allows a little blood to escape back into its corresponding auricle, yet both ventricles are supposed to throw practically, equal quan- tities of blood ; for, unless this were so, the left ventricle would receive either too little or too much blood from the synchronous action of the right ventricle, the quantity of water lost, as vapour, from the blood, in its course from one ventricle to the other, through the lungs, being insignificant, amounting to less than ^th of a grain, during each beat of the heart. The quantity of blood thrown at each .sy.stole, by the ventricles, was formerly said to be, in the adult, about 4 oz., which was described as the normal capacity of each of those cavities ; 214 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGV. but the most recent researches have led to higher estimates, viz. 5'3 oz. (Valentin), 6'2 oz. (Volkmann), and even G'3 oz. (Vierordt.) Positive mea.surements are impossible ; the results obtained, rest on various calculations in haemadynamics, to be hereafter mentioned. The capacity of the auricles is said to be rather less than that of the ventricles, but the quantity of blood Avhich they contain, is sufficient to distend the ventricles, as these are partly filled by blood flowing through the auricles into them, before the occurrence of the auricular systole. The fo7'ce of the aui'icular contractions cannot be measured. Prom observations on the blood-pressure in the arteries., the force of the left ventricle, is estimated to be equal to about ^t^th part of the weight of the entire body ; whilst that of the 7’iglit ventricle, is supposed to be less than half that force. The difference in the average thickness of the walls of the tAvo ventricles, Avhich is about as 3 to 1, affords one ground for estimating the difference in their power. The dilatation of all the cavities of the heart, is, at least chiefly, an intrinsic or spontaneous act, and not simply a passive distension, caused by the blood flowing from the veins into the auricles, or by that forced by the auricles into the A'entricles ; for when the heart of an anijnal is removed from the body, or even when its auricles are separated from the ventricles, both sets of cavities not only contract, but dilate. In neither of these conditions, how'ever, does any internal pressure, or dilating force, act upon their interior, like the blood in the living state ; the cavities of the heart mu.st therefore dilate spontaneously, OAAung, as already mentioned, to the relaxation of their previously contracted muscular walls. This dilatation assists the entrance of blood into them, by diminishing the resistance to the passage of that fluid ; it thus saves the Avaste Avhich Avould occur in the employment of a special dilating force. The heart in Man, as obserA'ed in the case of beheaded criminals, beats only a feAV minutes after their e.xecution ; this is also true of the Avarm-blooded animals. Its contractions continue much longer, after systemic death, in cold-blooded and hybernating creatures. The actions of the heart become sIoAver and irregular, ceasing last in the right auricle, the so-called vltinmm nioriens. They are stimulated by heat, the injection of fre.sh blood, the action of oxygen, and by galvanism; they are arrested by carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, the vapour of chloroform, and also, after a time, in a complete vacuum. RHYTHM OF THE HEART’S ACTION. 215 The beats of the heart, recurring at more or less regular intervals, exhibit an example of so-called rhythmic action ; their rhythm, like that of the respiratory movements, is, indeed, very remarkable. The cause of this rhythm was, at one time, sup- posed to be the stimulation of the inner surface of the cavities of the heart by the blood, and it was further imagined that some relation might exist between the special irritability of the right side of the heart, and the qualities of the dark or venous blood returning from the body, and also between that of the left side of the heart, and the qualities of the red or arterial blood entering them from the lungs. Moreover, the ventricles, stimulated to contract by their contents, w'ere supposed, after forcing the blood through the body and lungs resjsectively, to accomplish the filling of the auricles; the contraction of these, excited, in a similar manner, by their contents, was sup- posed once more to fill the ventricles, and so on. The mus- cular walls of the heart, undoubtedly possess great irritability, even in a warm-blooded animal ; the inner surface of the auricles and ventricles, is also both sensitive and excitable, and is certainly more rapidly acted on by poisons than their outer surface. (Henry.) But the heart, or even a separate portion of that organ, taken from a hybernating warm-blooded, or from any cold-blooded Vertebrate animal, may not only retain its general irritability for days, but may continue, for a time, to perform rhythmic contractions and dilatations, even if removed from the body, though no blood is left in it, and though freed fi-om the stimulus of oxygen, as when placed in a vacuum. The frog’s heart will beat thus for twelve hours. Although, therefore, the rhythmic motions of the heart in the living animal, may be partly due to the stimulus of the blood enter- ing its cavities, yet this cannot, under all circumstances, be the cause of such rhythmic actions. Through the pneumogastric nerves, the cerehro-spinal nervous centres, as .shown by experiment and by observation in disease, greatly influence the heart’s action, under some cir- cumstances, increasing, and, under others, lowering or inhibiting it (vol. i. p. .38!)) ; but there is no evidence of their being the cau.se of the rhythmic character of its movements. The action of the heart is influenced by the emotions and passions, and, ac- cording to some, even by the will. In the celebrated case of Colonel Townsend, recorded by Chcyne, the breath could be held, and thus the movements of the heart could be controlled by an act of the will. The heart is excited or de])ressed by various diseases of the brain, as by cerebral inflammation on 216 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the one hand, and by apoplexy on the other ; and its action is disturbed, or even abruptly suspended, by severe injury or destruction of the brain or spinal cord, or of these two parts of the nervous centres together. These and other phenomena of a similar kind are due to excitement or shock, and their effects are often more or less ti-ansitory. The sympathetic neiwous centres, and the cervical parts of the spinal cord with which they are connected, also influence the movements of the heart, as is shown by experiments, and by the effects of blows on the abdo- men, or of other injury, or disease (vol. i. p. 391). But if the injury, either to the cerebro-spinal' or sympathetic system, be gradually inflicted, the heart’s movements will continue, even although the brain and spinal cord be removed, particularly if artificial respiration be performed. From these facts, and especially from the circumstance that the rhythmic movements continue after the removal of the heart, it is evident that the regulating agent of these movements, is not in the great nervous centres, but somewhere in, or upon, the heart itself. It is now admitted, indeed, that the numerous sympathetic ganglia, connected with the nerves upon the heart, are the sources of the stimulus or force which excites the rhythmic contractions of its muscular fibres. In the hearts of the frog and tortoise, these ganglia are chiefly found near the junction of the auricles and ventricles, in the neighbourhood of the auriculo-ventricular openings. If the heart of one of these animals, be removed from the body, and be divided longitu- dinally into its right and left halves, the auricle and ventricle in each half will still continue to contract and dilate rhythmically ; if, however, the heart be divided ti-ansversely, below the base of the ventricles, so that a larger or smaller portion of the ventricles is detached from the rest of the heart, the auricles and the base of the ventricles which are connected, continue to contract rhythmically. But the separated piece of the ventricles, no longer does so, although isolated and spreading contractions may still be excited in it, by the application of a mechanical or other stimulus. By yet further sections, the re- gulating agent of the rhythmic action, is shown to be confined to the immediate neighbourhood of the auriculo-A'entricular orifices, or to the line of junction between the auricles and ven- tricles, in which part the chief ganglia are found. The syn- chronous combination of the auricular and ventricular motions on the two sides, may be due to connections between the .several ganglia. These local cardiac ganglia must be regarded as FnEQDE.NCY OF THE HEAUX’s BEATS. 217 nervous centres, which originate a co-ordinate and rhyth- mically exerted energy, stimulating the muscular fibres of the auricles and ventricles to perform their characteristic move- ments, in regular and periodic succession. It has been sug- gested that these nervous centres exert, or discharge, such energy rhythmically, or at periodic intervals, owing to a periodicity in their nutritive processes, by which they alter- nately accumulate and discharge the nerve force necessary to excite the muscular substance of the heart (Paget). Why this periodicity of nutrition occurs, is still unexplained. It has been supposed that the condition of the blood dis- tributed to the substance of the heart itself, may, in some way, determine its rhythmic actions, either the presence of dark venous blood in its capillaries directly stimulating the mus- cular contractility (Brown-Sequard), or the absence of oxy- gen acting in a similar manner (Radcliffe). When the heart of a cold-blooded animal is removed, irri- tation of any part of it, is propagated to the rest, and rhythmic contractions are set up ; but if the heart be partially divided, the effects of the irritation may be still conducted along muscular parts, but not along the tendinous structures. In the entire heart, Avhen removed, the auricular contractions always begin at the sinus ; this fact, and also the successive actions of the auricles and ventricles, justify the comparison of tl:^ese move- ments, to the progressive peristaltic motions of the oesophagus and intestines. When a ligature is applied around the entrance of the venee cavae into the right auricle, the auricles and ventricles remain for a time distended, but the sinus con- tinues to contract. frequency of the beats of the heart, as indicated by the impulse against the left side, and by the pulse, averages, in a healthy adult, about 70 in a minute; but in the male, it is below, and in the female, above that number. The frequency of the heart’s beats, and therefore of the pulse, is modified, however, by many circumstances. It is affected by the stature, being slower in tall, and quicker in short persons. The influence of se.x just indicated, may possibly be due to the accompanying difference in stature ; the difference in the sexes ranges from 10 to 14 per minute. Age has a still more remarkable effect. Thus the pulse is quicker before birth than after. In infancy it is very rapid, and it gradually diminishes in frequency as life advances. It is .said, however, to be somewhat slower in infants under six months of age. 218 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. thiin after tliat period, and also to become quicker again in extreme old age : — Frequency of the Pulse at different Periods of Life. No. of Beats per Periods of Life Minute before birth At birth . Fir.st year . Second ,, Third „ . Seventh ,, Fourteenth ,, Adult life Old age (above 70) . 150 . 140 to 130 . 130 „ 115 • 115 „ 100 100 „ 90 . 90 „ 85 • 85 „ 80 75 „ 65 • 80 „ 75 Temperament and idiosyncrasy modify the number of the heart’s beats, which are fewer in phlegmatic, and quicker in sanguine and nervous persons. Tlte heart beats more slowly in sleep, and more quickly during excited states of the mind or body ; the depressing passions lower the number of its beats, or even aiTest its movements altogether. Disease some- times, as in fever and inflammation, increases the frequency of the heart’s action, or, as in compression of the brain and in apoplexy, diminishes it. Loss of blood, when gradual and moderate, diminishes the frequency of the heart’s beats ; whilst sudden or excessive hemorrhage increases them. The effect of taking food, is to accelerate the heart’s action, animal food producing a more immediate effect, and vegetable food a more lasting one : Avarm food acts more quickly than cold. The effect of alcoholic and other stimulants is Avell known, and is indicated by their title. It is alleged, that the pulse is more accelerated after breakfast than after dinner. Absti- nence and starvation lower its frequency, so also does the pi'olonged use of a A-egetable diet, or the drinking copiously of water. Muscular exertion increases the number of the heart’s beats, an alternate contraction and relaxation <'f the muscles, luiA'ing a greater effect than a continuoits contraction ; it also increases the respiration. Posture, has a i-emarkable influence, evidently dependent on the muscular effort expended in main- taining different positions of the body ; thus, the beats of the heart are slowest in the recumbent, somewhat quicker in the sitting, and most freqmmt in the standing, posture. The in- crease per minute, produced by the change from the recum- bent to the sitting jjosition, is (!, and from the latter to the standing posture ii more, i.c. a difference ol' 15 occurs between FREQUENCY OF THE HEAKt’s BEATS. 219 the lying and standing positions. The effect of posture is greater in the morning than in the evening, and it is greater also when the pulse is quick than when it is slow, the differ- ence resulting from the change between lying down and standing being 9 only, when the pulse is 60, 15 when the pulse is 80, and 27 when the pulse is already 100 (Guy). That the increase in the heart’s beats, from change of posture, is due to muscular effort, is shown by placing a person in the recum- bent position on three chairs, and then removing the central one, when the pulse immediately rises, although the horizontal po.sition is still maintained ; whereas, in a person fastened to a revolving board, and moved into the erect posture, without effort of his own, no such elevation of the pulse takes place. The frequency of the heart’s action undergoes changes coinci- dent with the seasons, being greater in spring and summer than in autumn or winter. The rapidity of the heart’s action, is also influenced by the hour of the day, being always quicker in the morning, and somewhat retarded towards evening, other conditions as to health, food, and the state of the body being equal ; this difference depends, doubtless, on the gradual ex- haustion of the powers of the system during the day’s Avork, and on the recovery of poAver by the rest obtained at night ; it may partly explain, Avhy the pulse is more accelerated after breakfast than after dinner. During fasting, the pulse exhibits three periods of increased rapidity, and three periods of descent in the tAventy-four hours ; thus, it rises from midnight to 2 A.Ji., from 10 to 11 a.m., and from 2 to 6 p.m. ; whilst it falls from 3 to 4 a.m., from 1 to 2 p.m., and from 6 to 8 p.ai. The joint effect of the time of day and of food, is illustrated by the fact that the pulse, though progressively decreasing from tAvo hours after breakfast to from 3 to 5 in the morning, exhibits fluctuations after each meal, so that four maximum, and four minimum, points are noticeable daily. The difference between the highest and lowest points, varies from fourteen to thirty-four pulsations. The minimum points are all observed before meals, the maximum points about two hours after- Avards, the greatest increase being after breakfast. Ex- ternal temperature and its concomitant effects on the body, also influence the beats of the heart most materially, an eleva- tion of temperature increasing, and a gradual lowering of the temperature diminishing, their frequency, as is illu.strated by the exciting effect of a Avarm bath, and by the influence of long continued exposure to cold ; but tlie sudden and brief appli- 220 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. cation of cold, accelerates the beats of the heart. Elevation above the level of the sea — in other words, a diminution of the atmospheric pressitre — is found to increase the beats of the heart ; thus. Dr. Frankland, whose natui-al pulse is 60, found that after six hours’ sleep on the summit of Mont Blanc, thus excluding the effects of recent muscular effort, his pulse was 120 per minute; on reaching, in the descent, the so- called Comdor, it was 108; at the Grand Mulet it was 88 ; and at Chamounix it was 56. As one effect of high elevation, is to increase the frequency of the respiration, in conse- quence of the greater tenuity of the atmosphere, and, as a relation exists between the frequency of the heart’s action and the respiratory movements, the increased rapidity of the pulse in elevated positions, may thus be partly explained. An in- crease in the density of the atmosphere, such as takes place in a submerged diving-bell, is said to lower the frequency of the pulse, and also the movements of respiration. An increase of ' barometric pressure of ^th of the normal pressure, lowers the pulse, on an average, ten beats per minute, whilst the respira- tions are simultaneously lessened by two. (Vivenot.) The normal relation between the number of respirations and the heart’s beats, is, on an average, 1 to 4 ; in diseased con- ditions, this ratio is often interfered with, but it is preserved in those accelerations or retardations of the breath and pulse, which take place in the healthy state, such as those due to exer- cise, change of posture, food, stimulants, and emotion, or to the opposite conditions of rest, abstinence, or depressing influences. Thus, if the normal respirations were 16 per minute, the pulse would be about 64 ; and if the former were increased to 18 or 20, the latter would be raised to 72 or 80. Expiration diminishes, and inspiration increases, the frequency of the pulse. A certain relation appears to exist between the facility or the difficulty of the capillary circulation, and the rapidity or slowness of the heartls action ; and this may explain some of the preceding phenomena. Thus, the application of cold to the surface of the skin, limiting or checking the circulation through the systemic capillaries, by contracting the small arteries, is accompanied by a retardation of the heart’s beats ; a state of repose acts, but less powerfully, in the same way. A feeble and slow respiration, lessening the capillary circula- tion through the lungs, has a similar effect ; so also has hold- ing the breath. On the other hand, exercise and heat DISEASED ACTIONS OF THE HEAET. 221 quicken the systemic capillary circulation, and also increase the Irequency of the ventricular systoles, and so does a quickened and active condition of the respiration. Any obstacle to the flow of blood through the vessels, and thereby to the action of the ventricles, appears therefore to be sympathised with, and a reduction of the heart’s beats is the result ; whilst the removal of such obstacle is followed, in like manner, by the greater rapidity of the beats. Exercise, excitement, and food, probably, also act on the heart, by producing a greater flow of blood to that organ. Not only the frequency, but the force of the heart’s beats, may be modified by external or internal circumstances. This force is increased by all those conditions which may be charac- terised as stimulating or strengthening, such as exercise, food, stimulants, repose, and so on; whilst depressing and weaken- ing conditions, on the other hand, lessen its force. Stimulating medicines, such as ammonia, ether, and alcoholic preparations, increase the force and frequency of the heart’s beats ; whilst sedatives, and especially digitalis, diminish their frequency, the latter drug not lessening the force. The impulse of the heart, generall}' proportional to the strength of the body, is affected by various conditions ; it is least felt in the recumbent posi- tion, on the back or on the right side, and most distinctly in the prone position, or when lying on the left side ; in the up- right posture it is moderately strong. The impulse of the heart is less manifest in stout persons, but much more evident in thin ones ; it is also more perceptible during a forcible expiration, and less so during a powerful inspiration, because, in the latter case, the heart is overlapped by the inflated lung, whilst in the former, it approximates closely to the walls of the chest. It is also increased by e.xciting causes, such as ex- ercise, food, stimulants, and certain emotions which produce the so-called perceptible impulses constituting palpitation of the heart. As already mentioned, the rhythm of the heart may be interfered with by causes acting through the nervous system, in which case, it may even become irregular, so that successive beats of the heart take place at unequal intervals of time, or certain beats may altogether intermit. Lastly, the force, rhythm, impulse, and likewise the sounds of the heart, are variously modified by morbid conditions of that organ and the adjacent parts, as by thickening or hypertrophy, thinning or atrophy, of its walls, thickening and imperfect closure of, or irregular growths on its valves, adhesion of the V n \ 222 SPECIAL PTIYSIOLOGY. I, pericarcliiim to the heart, or the presence of membranous de|DOsits or fluid between it and that organ. The impulse and / sounds may even be altered by affections of the lungs, pleura, or thoracic walls. The morbid changes in the sounds of the * heart, are distinguished by terms descriptive of their character, ' position, cause, or period of occurrence. Thus, there are • murmurs blowing or rasping, and friction sounds ; mitral or tricuspid sounds ; aortic or pulmonary ; regurgitant or constric- ^ tive ; diastolic or systolic. The most marked and frequent murmurs are the mitral regurgitant, from imperfect closure of the mitral valve, and the aortic constrictive, from narrowing of the orifice of the aorta. General enlargement of the heart, in- creases the area of local dulness on percussion of the chest, due to the contrast between the solid heart and the inflated ' lung. Fluid effused into the pericardium, also increases the dulness ; but, moreover, it weakens or gives a distant charac- ter to the heart’s sounds. Drier and solid effusions, as of ' 'i lymph, cause a peculiar pericardial friction sound, or even tremors wliich may be felt in the thoracic parietes, dependent on a rubbing together of the surfaces of the heart and its peri- cardial sac. j Motion of the Blood through the Arteries^ and influence of those Vessels on the Circulation. The phenomena of the circulation of the blood through the arteries, have been studied exclusively in the sy.stemic arterial vessels; for the pulmonary arteries and their branches are removed from direct observation and experiment. The ' structure and distribution of the arteries, the properties of their coats, and their mode of subdivision and anastomoses, already described (vol. i. pp. 18, and hT), have important influences on the motion of the blood through them. The very smooth, glassy surface of the internal coat, serves, like that of tlie endocardium of the heart, to diminish the friction between the blood and the sides of the bloodvessels. The remarkable physical property of elasticity, possessed by the middle arterial coat, is of extreme importance ; it exists in a more striking degree in the larger arteries, especially in those near to the heart ; it is manifested not only on stretching the vessel in a lateral, but also in a longitudinal direction. Two purposes are served by this elasticity ; first, it protects the artci-ies against the force of the heart, to which they yield, ! CONTRACTILITY OF THE ARTERIES. instead of offering a rigid resistance ; and, secondly, it enables them to recoil, alter they have thus yielded, and to react upon the column of blood within them. It is this recoil which gradually converts the intermittent force of the heart, into a continuous pressure in the small vessels. Moreover, tlie elasticity of the arteries enables them to bear occasional increase in the quantity of blood forced into them from the ventricles, as in conditions of e.xcitement; or a more permanent addition to the normal quantity, as in plethora. Lastly, it prevents their compression by the ordinary muscular move- ments, and jiermits them to bend and elongate, and so to accommodate themselves to changes of position in the trunk and limb.s. d'he vital contractiliiij of the involuntary muscular arte- rial walls, is of equal importance. Contrary to Avhat is the case with their elasticity, this contractility is feebly manifested by the larger arteries, but is very active in the smaller ones. This property of the arteries, is shown by their slow contrac- tion after death, owing to which, when no longer distended by the force of the heart, they contract, and are usually emptied of blood ; also by their contraction under the influence of cold, heat, and mechanical, chemical, and electrical stimuli, applied either to themselves, or to their nerves. Like the contractility of the other muscular fibres of organic life, that of the arteries is slow in its manifestation. Different stimuli, however, act differently in exciting it. Some are said to cause slow conti'action, and others, a more rapid contraction, with subsequent slow return to the natural state ; some speedily produce marked dilatation, and others, a dilatation, followed slowly by a persistent condition of contraction. The stronger the stimulus, the more likely is it to produce this latter effect. The tonic contraction of an artery is powerfully excited by cold ; whilst warmth rela.xes it ; but a cau.stic heat causes the most durable contraction, which may, in part, explain the effect of the actual cautery in arresting hatmorrhage. John Hunter demonstrated the exi.stencc of this contractility in portions of the moderate-sized arteries, which, he showed, went on contracting, for a time, after death, by a sort of rif]or mortis, and then dilated again, owing to the resiliencyof the elastic coat. Poiseuille found that, after .subjection to an equal distending force, an artery, which still retained its vital contractility, contracted more than a perfectly dead one ; he also observed that when a living artery was injected with a certain force, it recoiled with a ijreaicr 224 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. iorce, a result implying more than the reaction of mere elas- ticity, which could only be equal to the original force. The vital contractility of the smaller arteries, has been demonstrated in the mesenteric arteries of toads and frogs, by means of cold (Schwann), by the application of magneto-electricity to the frog’s web (Weber and Kdlliker), and in stiU smaller vessels in the mouse, bat, and frog, by various chemical, irri- tant, and mechanical stimuli (Wharton Jones, Lister, and many others). Weber found that minute arteries begin to contract in two or three seconds after stimulation ; in five to ten seconds, they are diminished to half their original area, and, the stimulus being continued, become completely closed, after which, the electrical cuiTent being removed, they slowly dilate again to their original size. The vital contractility of the arteries, may be excited through the nervous system, either directly, or in a reflex manner ; for they undergo changes in dia- meter, tlu’ough the contraction or relaxation of their muscular coat, induced by divi.sion or irritation of the v'asi-motor nerves or nervous centres (vol. i.p. 389). Two purposes are fulfilled by this vital contractility of the arteries; first, that of slowly adapt- ing the capacity of the entire arterial system, to the quantity of blood circulating through it; and, secondly, under the control of the nervous system, that of modifying the relative quantity permitted to flow to any given organ. Moreover, if, during life, a small artery be cut quite across, its contractility closes its orifice, and so arrests further htemorrhage. This fact, in- deed, is quoted as a proof of its contractility ; lor the elas- ticity of the arterial walls is insufficient to account for the perfect contraction of a wounded vessel, and -would rather tend to keep it partly open, as Ave see hapjrens in a dead artery. It has been supposed that the contractility of the arteries might serve, as well as their elasticity, to adapt them to the intermittent and variable pressure of the blood projected into them by the heart ; but there is no evidence of this, and the characteristic slowness of action of organic muscular fibres, renders it doubtful Avhether the ai’teries could alternately relax and contract, concurrently Avith the rapid action of the heart. The so-called tone of the arterial system, seems to depend on a healthy contraction of the muscular coat — the so-called pro- I>erty of tonicitu being a continued exercise of muscular con- tractility. This tonicity is shoAvn by the contraction Avhich CnAKACTERS OF ARTERIAL CURRENT. 225 takes place in the portion of an artery included between two ligatures, when it is punctured to allow of the escape of its contained blood ; also by the gradual emptying of an arterial trunk beyond any point at which it has been tied — a contrac- tion much more complete than elasticity can explain ; and, again, by the almost complete obliteration of the canal of a portion of artery removed from a living animal, and subjected to continued cold. The elasticity of the artery, is, however, also, incessantly at play in the natural state of the vessel, which is always in a condition of moderate and constant tension, permitting and explaining its slight contraction and retraction into its sheath, when it is divided. As already stated, by the successive contractions of the ven- tricles, and by the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves, the blood is not only directed from the heart into the great arterial trunks, but is also projected into them by successive jerks. If the arteries had rigid inelastic walls, this intermittent motion of the blood in them, would be propagated even to the capillary system. Owing, however, to their elasticity, and to the suc- cessive closure of the semilunar valves across the mouths of those vessels, the separate impulses caused by the ventricular contractions, are gradually rendered less distinct, and, finally, before the stream of blood enters the capillary vessels, its motion becomes continuous. The elastic coats of the aorta, near the heart, having been distended by the force of the left ventricle, recoil on the contained blood ; this fluid being practically incompressible, transmits the pressure on itselfj backwards, so as to close the semilunar valves, and forwards, so as also to urge onward the column of blood in the systemic arteries. But the intermittent effect of the heart’s strokes, is propagated onwards through all the main arteries of the body, in which it is manife.sted by the pulse, and by the escape of the blood per .saltum, or in jets, from any of those vessels when they are wounded. The motion of the blood from the ventricle, is truly intermittent — that is, it ceases abso- lutely at intervals ; the jet from a large artery, when wounded, is not quite intermittent ; that from the smaller arteries, though the stream is jerking, is distinctly remittent, i.e. the jet never ceases altogether, but is alternately .stronger and weaker ; finally, in the smallest or microscopic arteries, the flow of the blood, under ordinary circumstances, loses even the remittent character, and becomes perfectly equable and continuous, and remains so in the capillary vessels. This VOL. II. q 226 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. effect of the elastic recoil of the previously distended arterial walls, may be illustrated by the action of a vulcanised india- rubber tube, which, if of sufficient length, changes the jerk- ing flow of water, forced into it by a syringe or pump, into a flowing stream. The force of the ventricle, transmitted through the column of blood, acts most powerfully on the vessels nearest to the heart, in which the elastic tissue is most abundant; whilst the effect of the ventricular force is gradually weakened in the more distant vessels, the elastic coat of which becomes proportionally thinner. On the con- trary, as already mentioned, the muscular fibres are relatively least abundant in the largest, and most so in the smallest arteries ; and it is improbable that their contractility is called into play, to resist the distending effect of the heart’s force. Although the arteries, by their resilience, at length convert the intermittent stroke of the heart into a uniform propulsive force, yet the heart itself is still the moving agent of the arterial blood ; for the recoiling force exercised by the arteries, is itself due to their previous distension by the force exerted by the heart. When, indeed, this force is too weak to distend the arteries as usual, the remittent flow, or jerking escape of the blood, is observed in the most remote arteries, not only in those next to the capillar}'- vessels, but even in the capillaries themselves. The elasticity of the arteries engenders no new force in the circulation, but utilises that of the heart. With- out it, the force of this organ would probably rupture the microscopic arteries, or the capillaries, of many delicate struc- tures, and so give rise to internal hajmorrhages or apoplexies; such accidents, indeed, occur when the coats of the arteries are converted, by disease or degeneration, into more or less rigid tubes. Besides acting in the distension of the coats of the arteries, a certain part of the heart’s force is lost, being propagated, by disturbance of those vessels, to the neighbour- ing hard or soft tissues. The frequent branchings and bendings, and especially the anastomoses of the arteries, or their communications with one another, as they approach the organs to which they are distri- buted, as well as in the interior of those organs, serve to dimi- nish, as well as to equalise, the force of the heart’s action. The multiplication of the smallest arteries, and, therefore, of their points of entrance into certain delicate organs, as . seen in the ciliary arteries of the eyeball, and in tJie pia-mater of the brain, must also lessen the pressure upon each of them. BATE OF MOTION OF ARTERIAL CURRENT. 2L*7 Moreover, the frequent anastomoses of the arteries, as in the vicinity of the joints in the limbs, and especially at the base of the brain, serve to secure a due and constant supply of blood to a given part through certain vessels, when others are temporarily obstructed by external or internal pressure, or permanently intemrpted by aneurisms, tumours, or acci- dental division of the ligature of an arterial trunk. Anasto- mosing branches given off above and below the seat of ligature, gradually, or even rapidly, enlarge, forming large collateral vessels, through which the so-called collateral circulation is carried on. Such enlargement of an artery is due, not to a mere relaxation of its coats, and consequent dilatation, but to an increased nutrition of its walls, by which it undergoes a positive enlargement ; in like maimer, arteries which are no longer traversed by blood, though, in the first instance, they merely contract, afterwards become reduced in size, by a positive atrophy or absoption of their coats. The supply of blood to a given organ, depends primarily upon the size of the main artery distributed to it ; but secondarily also, upon the rate of motion of the blood through those vessels, which varies, as we shall see, according to many circumstances. But, as previously mentioned, the calibre of the arteries, especially of the smaller ones, is not constant ; for it undergoes changes in accordance with the state of relaxa- tion or contraction of their muscular coat, being sometimes of normal size, and sometimes larger or smaller than usual. The increased redness of the cheeks in blushing, or that of irritated and inflamed parts, depends partly upon a temporary change, in the calibre of the smallest arteries, which are then mani- festly dilated. Hence the supply of blood to a part or organ, may also be regulated by the contractility of its arteries, which is itself controlled by the nervous system. The rate of motion of the blood in the arteries, has been calculated from observations made upon animals. Two kinds of instruments have been employed in such observations. One, the hamadromometer of Volkmann, consists of a bent U-shaped glass tube, having its ends fitted into a short, straight, hollow metallic mounting, placed at right angles to it. By means of stopcocks, a free passage can be maintained, either through the straight portion of the apparatus only, or through the bent U-shaped part. When the two ends of the straight portion of this instrument, arc fastened into the cut ends of the divided carotid artery of a dog, the arterial blood-current may either 228 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. be .allowed to flow through the straight portion, or it may be suddenly diverted, by changes in the stopcocks, through the bent or U-shaj^ed part. The rate of motion of the blood through the latter, being observed, and the length of this tube being known, the velocity of the blood-current is ascertained. Another instrument, the hcematocliometer of Vierordt, is com- posed of a small square box or cell, made with glass sides, filled with water, and having an aperttire of entrance and one of exit, each fitted with a tube ; to these tubes, the cut ends of a divided artery are att.ached. Within the box, is a fine pendu- lum, carrying, in order to aid the observation of its movements, a disc of silver, which, when the pendulum is at rest, h.angs close to the aperture of entrance. A citrved graduated scale is m.arked on the side of the vessel. When the arterial blood is permitted to flow into this box, it raises the pendulum with a velocity corresponding wuth that of its owm motion, and which is at once measured by the graduated scale. According to Vierordt, the mean velocity of the blood in the carotid of a horse is 11'7 inches, of the dog 10 inches, and of the calf 9 inches per second ; the calculated velocity in the aorta of the horse, is 12‘5 inches, and in the human carotid, rather more than 10 inches per second. According to Volkmann, the velocities for the carotid artery in these anim.als, are a little higher ; but in the metatarsal artery of the horse, only 2'2 inches per second. By means of the tachometer of Chauveau, a modification of Yierordt’s instrument, it is shown that a great difference in the velocity of the blood-current, exists during the systole and diastole of the left ventricle ; for during the systole, in the horse, the velocity is about 20^ inches, and during the diastole only 8^ inches per second. The velocity of the blood in the arteries, is, moreover, dimi- nished during inspiration, and increased during expiration. From the preceding figures, it appears that the rate of motion of the blood in the arteries, is quickest ne.ar the heart, gradually becoming slower in the more distant vessels. First, the effect of the heart’s action is diminished by the resist- ance offered, by friction and adhesion, to the passage of the blood through the arteries and capillary vessels; this iric- tional resistance, though rendered as slight as possible by the smooth lining membrane of the arteries, is increased by the curvature, by the angular bending, and by the frequent sub- division, of the arteries, by an unusual rigidity of the walls of the arteries, and by any alteration in the viscidity of U JiM AD YN AMOMETE R. 229 tlie blood, or in its nutritive attractions for, or relations with, the capillary walls and the tissues beyond them. All these conditions, therefore, tend to retard the velocity of the blood- current, by an increase of resistance and friction. Secondly, the force of the heart, and therefore, the rate of motion of the blood, is Avasted by the slight loss from fi-iction between the particles of the elastic coat of the vessels, occurring in their di.stension and recoil, and likewise by the disturbance of the artery and the surrounding tissues. Lastly, an efficient cause of retardation in the arterial blood-current, is the obvious increase in the total capacity of the branches of the arteries, as compared Avith that of the trunks from which they arise ; for not only do the united diameters of tAvo or more branches, exceed the diameter of the parent trunk, but, though of course in a much less degree, the combined areas of tAvo or more branches, are usually larger than the area of the parent trunk. The combined areas of the tAvo iliac arteries, into Avhich the abdominal aorta divides, are, hoAvever, larger than that of the aorta itself. Opening an artery, Avhich not only causes hemor- rhage, but also diminishes the resistance in the artei-ies, in- creases the velocity of the blood in the opened vessel : this result may be exhibited by experiments with artificial tubes injected Avith water, and then opened. The force of the heart, or the blood pressure, in the arteries, has been frequently investigated, both by the earlier and later physiologists. Stephen Hales found that, on fitting a long tube containing Avater, into the crural artery of horses, the force of the blood-current Avas sufficient to elevate the Avater in the tube, to heights varying, in different cases, from 8 feet 3 inches to 9 feet 8 inches. From these and other experiments, he inferred that the pressure of the blood in the large arteries of the human body, would support a column of blood 90 inches, or 7 feet 6 inches, high, or a Aveight of 3 pounds 7 ounces per square inch. More recently, Poiseuille invented the hcenuuhjnamometer, a much more con- venient instrument, in Avhich a short column of mercury is substituted for the longer column of Avater in Hales’s apparatus. This instrument, as noAV improved, and named a manometer, consists of a U-shaped glass tube, having one of its stems or legs longer than the other; the shorter leg is bent horizontally, and provided at its end Avith a stopcock, and Avith a piece of clastic tube, so that it can readily be adapted to the cut end of a divided artery in a living animal. The loAver curved 230 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGY. part, and 3 or 4 inches of both legs of the U-shaped tube, are filled with mercmy, and the space in the short leg, between the surface of the mercury and the stopcock against which the artery is fixed, is occupied with a solution of common salt, sulphate of soda or Glauber’s salt, or carbonate of soda, so as to prevent the coagulation of the blood when it enters the apparatus. At the back of the tube, is fixed a graduated scale, the zero of which corresponds with the level of the mercury when at rest in both legs. When the horizontal part of the short leg of this instrument, is connected with an artery, and the stopcock is opened, the apparatus being maintained in a vertical position, the force of the blood-current depresses the mercury in the shorter, and raises it in the longer leg. The difference between the level of the mercury in the two legs, gives the height of the mercurial column supported by the blood pressure. But the level of the mercurial column in the longer leg, is very inconstant ; for it is raised at each ventricular systole, and lowered at each diastole : the highest point indicates the full power of the heart, overcoming the resistance of the column of blood, and distending the arterial walls; whilst the lowest point shows that force, reacting through the resilience of the arteries only. The mean height between the two levels, is usually recorded as the average blood pres.sure. Hales had already noticed, in his apparatus, a descent of 1 inch in the blood column, between each pulsation. To determine the exact force in pounds weight, the difference between the sectional area of the artery experimented upon, and that of the tube containing the mercuiy, must be noted, and the weight of a mercurial column of the indicated height, but of the same area as the artery, must be determined by calcula- tion. Should any blood descend into the tube, its weight must be reckoned, thoirgh it is only weight of mercury. By means of a simple haamadynamometer, Poiseuille foimd that the blood pressure varied little in different sized arteries, and in different sized animals; and he concluded that 6’3 inches of mercury was, in all cases, the average equivalent of pressure. This general result corresponds nearly with that calculated by Hales for Man ; thus mercury being 13'G times heavier than water, 6'3 inches of the former would be equal to 85'68 inches of the latter, Hales’s estimate giving 90 inches of blood, which ai’e equal to 95 of water. Again, 6'3 inches of mercury on the square inch, would be equal to 3 lb. 2 oz. pressure, Hales’s estimate being equal to 3 lb. 7 oz. ARTERIAL BLOOD PRESSURE. 231 The force of the left ventricle itself, can only be estimated from that observed in the arteries nearest to the heart ; taking the blood pressure in the aorta, at 6’3 inches of mercury, then the force of the left ventricle is found by multiplying that number by the square inches contained on the internal surface of that cavity. The uniformity of pressure believed by Poiseuille, to exist in arteries, both near to and distant from the heart, which was thought to equalise the force of the circulation in every part, and so to render congestion or deficiency of blood, ordi- narily impossible, does not appear to prevail. In a system of rigid tubes, the pressui'e would be uniform, unless these were of very great length, and then only from friction. In curved and resilient tubes, however, branching into vessels of rather larger area than the trunks, some loss of force must be sus- tained. Neither is it true, as Poiseuille supposed, that, in a series of animals of different size, the blood pressure in the arteries is nearly uniform, because, as he alleged, it is regu- lated by a relation between the force of the ventricle, and the size of the aortic orifice. An adaptation of the htemadynamometer, named the Jcyino- graphion, which yields A'ery accurate results, has enabled more recent experimenters, to correct the observations and conclusions of Poiseuille. Upon the surface of the mercury in the longer leg of the ordinary instrument, there rests a float, which is made to carry a vertical rod ; on the upper end of this, is fixed a horizontal pencil, having its point resting on a drum capable of revolving upon a vertical axis. When the instrument is in use, the drum is made to turn at a given rate, by clockwork, and the pencil, moved by the mercury, de- scribes a waved line corresponding with the variations in the blood pressure. In this way, the pressure is shown by Ludwig, Volkmann, and other.s, to vary in animals of different size, and, in the same animal, in arteries at different distances from the heart, as well as according to different states of the circulation, respiration, and nervous system. Thus, in the horse the average blood pressure was nearly 1 1 inches ; in the dog, nearly 6 inches ; in the rabbit, as a mean, rather more than 1 inch ; and in the frog, rather less than 1 inch. Again, in the carotid of the calf, the pressure was equal to 4^ inchf^s of mercury ; but in the metatarsal artery to only inches. Lastly, in medium-sized animals, the blood pressure varies from Jth to -fiths of an inch in the larger vessels. According to other 232 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. authorities, it differs much more than this, even in the same artery. Moreover, there are slight fluctuations, due to the state of the respiration, to hsemorrhage, starvation, muscular effort, and other causes, implying variations in the force of the heart, either increase or diminution. The pressure is weaker in yotmger animals. In the pulmonary arteries, the pressure is only equal to from ^ to 1 inch of mercury ; but the abnor- mal disturbing effects of opening the thorax cannot be accu- rately estimated (Ludwig). The force of the blood-current in the arteries, or the blood pressure, not only varies between each ventricluar systole, and according to the strength of the heart’s action in different cir- cumstances ; but it is increased by an addition to the quantity of blood already contained in the system, as when blood is artificially injected into the veins ; whilst, on the other hand, it is lessened by a diminution in the quantity of blood in the body, as in cases of htemorrhage. The influence of the respiratory movements on the pressure of the blood in the arteries, is very complex. Inspiration, or breathing in, is usually said to produce a diminution in the arterial pressure, and expiration,- ov breathing out, to cause an increase in that pressure. In explanation of this view, it is stated, that, during the act of inspiration, the blood enters the thorax more readily, and thus relieves the whole vascular system of tension ; whilst during expiration, the difficulty offered to the entrance of blood into the chest, increases the tension in the vessels, in the arteries as well as in the veins. According to Vierordt, however, in inspiration, the readier en- trance of the blood into the thorax, causes the right side of tlie heart, and soon, also, the left side of that organ, to become more distended, and the arterial pulse, accordingly, increases in fulness, owing to increased arterial blood pressure, during the course of inspiration ; on the other hand, in expiration, from the resistance offered to the flow of blood into the chest, the right side of the heart, and soon, also, the left side, receive less blood, so that the arterial pidse, owing to diminished arterial pressure, becomes, in the further progress of expira- tion, smaller. With regard to the blood pressure in the arteries, Vierordt, referring to the effbcts of inspiration and expiration, in filling the heart with blood, states that, in the former act, the blood pressure, though at first lessened, after- wards increases, reaching its maximum at the beginning of expiration, after which it diminishes. These views are fui-ther DIFFERENTIAL MANOMETER. 233 modified Jay the researches of Dr. Sanderson, who states that the rise in the arterial pressure begins with the act of inspiration, and continues to increase during exjairation hloreover, by these researches, in which a very large hama- dynamometer and kymographion wer^ used, the respiratory act is shown to consist of a period of action occupy inn- two-fifths, and of a period of repose occupying three-fifths’ of the entire act; of the former period, two-thirds are taken up by inspiration, and one-third by expiration. The arterial pressm-e begins to increase at the commencement of inspira- tion, and continues to rise during expiration, at the end of which, and during the pause, it gradually sudsides. In violent expiration, the vascular tension is increased ; but also in the prolonged inspiratory efforts of dyspnoea. The increased pressure from expiration, is illusfrated in the tension, and occasional rupture, of bloodvessels in the act of coughing. It has already been mentioned that the velocity of the blood in the arteries, is slightly increased during expira- tion, and diminished during inspiration, contrary to what hap- pens in regard to the blood pressure. Indeed all the conditions connected with increased resistance by friction, which dimi- msh the velocity, increase the blood pressure ; whilst those' ■which lessen the friction and resistance, diminish the pressure and increase the velocity. ^All variations in the arterial blood pressure, are less marked, when the pulse is more frequent and also as the arteries become smaller. ’ A double hiemadynamometer, or differential manometer, has been devised by Bernard, by means of which the different de- grees of pressure in different arteries, or in the same artery on the two sides of the body, under different conditions, or tlm different pressure in the arteries and veins, can be very con- veniently determined. It consists of a U-shaped tube, the bend of which is occupied by mercury, with a solution of carbonate of soda, above it, in each leg : to the two extremi- ties, the bloodvessels to be experimented on, are attached by suitable pipes provided with stopcocks. When these are opened, if the pressure in the two attached bloodves.sels is equal, the level of the mercury in each side of the bend remains unaltered ; but when it is urfequal, the mercuiy fiills in the leg connected with that vessel, which has the gi'^atest pressure on its contents. For example, in the two carotids or two facial arteries, of a horse, the pressure is equal ; but if the instrument be connected with one artery near the heart % 234 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and witli another more remote, it is unequal. Moreover, when this instrument is connected with the same artery on the two sides of the body, division of the sympathetic nerves on one side, is followed by an elevation of the mercury on that side, indicating a loss of tension in the coats of the corre- sponding vessel. , The Pulse. The pulse is the well-known beat of an artery, sometimes visible to the eye, if the artery be superficial, but more commonly felt by the finger placed upon the beating vessel. Sometimes the pulse is perceptible to the individual himself, being either felt as a throbbing sensation, or heard, as a noise, when near the ear. The remote cause of the pulse, is the force of the heart, for its beats correspond in number with the con- tractions of the left ventricle. Its immediate cause, however, is the momentary distension and recoU of the coats of the artery, propagated ^ along the vessel from the heart onwards, after the manner of a wave-motion, and produced by the propulsion of successive quantities of blood into the arterial system by the left ventricle ; and commencing at the instant of closure of the mitral valve. The force transferred to these successive quantities of blood, is partly exhausted, in urging on the blood already in the vessels ; but the resistance thus met with, as we have seen, diverts the force partly on to the elastic sides of the arteries, and so distends them. This distension of the arteries occurs first in the aorta, close to the heart, but rapidly follows along the entire arterial system. It consists, not only of a lateral dilatation of the vessels, but also of an elongation. The former change is but slight in arteries which can be subjected to examination, and is too quick to be followed readily by the eye ; whilst the latter is much more evident, as in the case of superficial and tortuous arteries, such as the temporals, which may be seen to become more curved during the passage of the pulse-wave along them. The total amount of dilatation observed dm-ing the passage of a pulse- wave along a given length of the carotid artery of a dog, has been measured, by placing the artery in a tube filled with water, and having another fine upright glass tube fitted into it ; the elevation of the water in the latter, at each pulse, shows an increase of -jVid of the bulk of the piece of artery so enclosed (Poiseuille). According to Vierordt, the increase is as much as The mechanical effect of this THEORY OF THE PULSE. 235 combined dilatation and elongation, but especially of the elongation, of a living artery, and of its subsequent contrac- tion and slrortening, and particularly of the latter, is a move- ment of the vessel in its bed, a motion -which is visible in superficial arteries, especially in thin and aged persons, and •which can be rendered more perceptible by placing a small bristle across it. It is this change of place, or locomotion, of the artery, which is the chief cause of the jDulse felt on placing the finger upon the vessel. The blood itself being practi- cally incompressible, the shock of the heart’s stroke irpon it, is communicated, almost instantly, throughout the whole blood in the arterial system ; but the effect of the disten- sion, or distension wave, which begins in the aorta, near the heart, apparently takes a certain time to be continued onwards, for reasons to be presently explained; hence there is a certain measurable rate in the propagation of the pulse to the distant arteries. This is the theory of Marey. But the rate of motion of the distending pulse-wave, is much more rapid than the motion of the blood particles themselves within the vessels, being about 30 feet per second ; whilst, as already stated, the velocity of the blood is only about 10^ inches per second in the carotid, and about inches per second in the distant arteries. This comparison will serve to impress on the mind, the fact, that the pulse-wave is not caused by the onward motion of the blood, but by a wave-motion induced in the entire column of blood, which operates in its passage, laterally, as well as longitudinally, on the coats of the arteries. The impulse of the heart nearly coincides with the systole of the ventricles, or, rather, it happens somewhat later than the commencement of the ventricular contraction. Now, the pulse-wave passes along the larger arteries, at the termination of the ventricular contraction, i.e. after the impulse of the heart is felt on the side of the chest ; and it takes ^th of a second to reach the radial artery at the wrist. Nevertheless, the pulse is felt even in the most distant parts of the arterial system, before the second sound of the heart is heard, whilst the cause of this sound, is the sudden closure of the semi- lunar valves across the mouth of the aorta and the pulmonary artery. This fact, as first pointed out by Colt, refutes the fol- lowing theory of Weber, once so generally adopted, as to the cause of the propagation of the pulse-wave. That physiologist supposed that the aortic semilunar valves, being closed by the backward movement of the blood near them, owing to 256 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the recoil of the walls of the aorta nearest to the heart, acted as a fulcrum, from which the blood was propelled onwards by the yet unused resilient force of the aorta, into more and more distant portions of the arterial system, so as to produce the successive wave- like distension of their coats. This theory of Weber assumes a minor cause, in place of the greater and true one, viz. only a residual portion of the force originating in the ventricular stroke, instead of the whole ventricular impulse. The closure of the aortic valves is not essential to the phenomenon of the pulse, which occurs before the second sound, when these valves are open. But if the pulse-wave be essentially due to the direct force of the heart, communicated through the arterial blood column acting at ihe closure of the mit7'al-valve, so the closure of the aortic semi- lunar valves is not without effect on that blood column, and on the arteries which contain it. When the pulse is very accurately examined, a subsidiary wave occurs after the prin- cipal one, producing the phenomena named dichrotism or the dichrotal pulse, and this, as will be soon explained, has been referred by some, to the effects of the closure of these valves. For the investigation of this and other phenomena of the pulse, instruments named sphygmogra2}hs have been devised. The original apparatus of Vieroi’dt, consists of a long, slender, well-balanced, horizontal lever, or measuring rod, supported, near one end, on a proper fulcrum, and having a short vertical stem projecting downwards from near the fulcrmn, and ending in a little button which rests upon the arteiy. To some part of the lever, near the button, are attached certain contrivances;, to secure a true vertical motion, and, at its free end, it carries a short pencil, the point of which rests against an upright cylinder or drum covered with paper. To this cylinder, when the instrument is in action, a known rate of motion is imparted by clockwork ; at each pulsation of the artery against the button, the lever rises and falls, and so the pencil describes an up and down line on the revolving drum of paper. In tliis way, a series of pulsations are recorded by an up and down waved line of a peculiar character. In Marcy’s improved in- strument, and in other still later ones, the delicacy of record is more perfect, the lever is longer and lighter, its motions are steadied by the addition of a slight spring, and the pencil leaves its tracings upon a piece of smoked glass which is moved forwards by clockwork, or upon a coil of paper which is con- stantly being unwound. THE SrHTGMOGRAPH. 237 Tlie wared lines traced by such an instrument, show, by the number of the undulations in a given space, the frequency of the pulse. ; by the length of the up and down strokes, the amplitude of the pulse movement, or the force of the pulse ; and by the greater or less inclination of these strokes from the perpendicular, or the horizontal distance between the points of commencement of the upward strokes, the duration of the pulse-waves. Besides this, certain variations in the lines indicate other characters, such as firmness, or tremulousness, and so forth. There is, however, one character of the pulse recogni.sable by the finger, concerning which, the sphygmo- gi-aph gives information Avhich may be delusive, viz. the volume of the pulse, wdiich may be full in very different condi- tions of the sy.stem. A fidl pulse is usually slow and strong, but it may be quick ; on the other hand, a small pulse is gene- rally quick and feeble, but not necessarily so. The pulse is "wiry, thready, or small, in haemorrhage, or on approaching death. In recording the pulse movements, this instrument also indirectly measures the force and duration of the systole of the left ventricle, and the duration^ of the respiratory movements. The sphygmogi-aph has been'ingeniously employed by Marey to assist in determining the cause of the pulse itself. An india- rubber cylinder, provided with internal valves, is fitted at one end, to a short, and at the other to a long, elastic tube. By alternately relaxing and compressing the cylinder, water, under the direction of the valves, is drawn in through the short tube, and pumped intermittently through the longer one. Thi.s latter tube is disposed in three loose horizontal coils, each of which is brought in contact with a sepai-ate sphygmographic lever, the pencils of all of which, rest upon a paper, previously ruled with vertical and horizontal lines, and which revolves upon one drum, common to the three pencils. The sphygmographic pencils being placed, at starting, exactly under one another, and the drum being made to revolve, three horizontal lines are first simultaneously traced ; but when the india-rubber cylinder is repeatedly compressed, so as to inject water by separate impulses into the long tube, thus imitating the ven- tricular propulsion of the blood into the arteries, undulations, resembling the pul.se- waves, travel along the coils of the tube’ and move thethree sphygmogi-aphic levers, the pencils of which record the moment of commencement, the extent, and the du- ration of the movements occurring at three diflerent points of the tube, by up and down lines of corres])onding character 238 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and form. In the first place, the line corresponding with the point nearest to the propulsive cylinder, shows a greater am- plitude in its undulations, owing to the greater force of the lateral pressure on the walls of the tube at that point ; whilst, in the other two lines, a progressive diminution in the vertical depth of the undulating lines, shows a gradual diminution in the pressure, in proportion to the distance from the agent of propulsion. But what is of more interest in relation to the cause of the pidse-wave, is the fact, that though the com- mencement of the wave, at each of the three points tested by the sphygmographs, is simultaneous, the nearer Avave reaches its highest point, before the others, which reach theirs at pro- gressively later times. This is believed by Marey to happen in the living body, and to explain the apparent retardation of the pulse movement, or distension effect, Avhich is indicated i by the pulse itself being felt ;^th of a second later in the Avrist than close to the heart, although, from the practical incompressibility of the blood, the shock imparted to it by the left ventricle, must be instantly propagated through the Avhole of that fluid, in the arteries, just as that of the india-rubber cylinder is through the equally incompressible AAmter. The phenomenon known as the dichrotous pulse, is also detected and studied by the sphygmograph. Formerly, it AAns supposed to be absolutely the result of disease, or of some grave irregularity ; but Avith more delicate instruments, its presence is often detected even in healthy conditions. It is represented by a slight secondary undulation in the doAvn- stroke of the chief or primary pulse-line. It sometimes occurs, I in health, during walking, and is noticeable also in the healthy I pulse, Avhenever, OAving to the diminished tonicity of tlie I arteries, and their defective distension, they are in a condition I to obey slighter impulses communicated to the blood. In the I opposite conditions of a highly tonic or distended state of the I arteries, this subsidiary wave motion of the dichrotous pulse, I , is not perceptible. In abnormal conditions, it is a sign of a I ^ relaxed state of the arterial system, or of a loss of blood. .1 ‘ According to Naumann, the cause of this dichrotism, is the ’■ , .shock communicated to the blood, at the instant of closure of I ' the aortic semilunar valves, Avhich, like the sudden arrest of ill a fluid by the closure of a tap, produces a shock or jar, Avhich il ' is transmitted back through the Avhole column. The timedlj of occurrence of the dichrotous pulse, corresponds Avell Avith jl J' this hypothesis; for AA'hilst the primary pulse movement is I. THE DICHROTOUS PULSE. 239 felt before the second sound of the heart, the dichrotous ■wave immediately follows it. It is, however, suggested by Marey, that this dichrotism may be due to the primary wave being checked at the lower end of the abdominal aorta, where that vessel divides into the common iliacs, owing to the tact, elsewhere referred to, that the two iliac arteries are smaller than the aorta fi-onr which they proceed, contrary to the gene- ral rule, that the area of the branches exceeds that of the parent trunk. At this point, the primary pulse-wave is sup- posed by Marey, to rebound, and to produce a back wave, which causes the dichrotous pulsation. In support of this explanation, it is alleged, that whilst the pulse is dichrotous in aU the arteries arising from the arch of the aorta, it is not so in the femoral arteries and arteries of the lower limbs, along which the primary pulse-wave only travels. But Naumann asserts that the dichrotous pulse-wave diminishes in force, as it recedes from the heart — a fact which would support his view, but be opposed to Marey’s ; for, in the former case, the wave is supposed to travel outwards from the heart, but in the latter, towards the heart, i.e. from the lower end of the abdominal aorta. Another suggestion has been made, viz. that whilst a primary wave occurs in the blood, a secondary wave follows it in the coats of the vessels ; this opinion rests upon an experi- ment, in which it was shown that the simple injection of a fluid intermittently into an elastic tube, produces such a double wave. An ordinary vigorous pulse-line, as marked on the .sphyg- mographic paper, consists of a series of up and down strokes, which succeed each other at regular intervals, without any di- chrotous wave-line in the down-stroke. But the pulse, as is well known, presents, owing to various causes, many modifica- tions in character, each of which is recorded by the sphygmo- graph. Thus, by increased frequency of the heart’s action, the pulse is rendered more rapid, as in the quick pulse, and then the up and down strokes of the sphygmographic line become more crowded in a given horizontal space. Again, the pulse may be augmented in force, as in the strong or hounding pulse, caused by a more powei ftd action of the heart, as under the effects of stimuli or mental excitement, and then the length of the up and down strokes is increased. The pulse is sometimes hard, as when the tension of the arterial walls is increased, whether from exalted tonicity, from exti'eme fulness of the vascular system, or from obstruction in the 240 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. capillaries, causing an obstacle to the flow of the arterial blood. This may happen either from inflammation of a part, or from the brief application of cold to the surlace of the body; the coats of the arteries being already much distended, or their tonic contraction being excessive, the pulse-wave scarcely distends them further ; hence the up-stroke is short, nearlv vertical, and occupies but little space, whilst the line of descent is gradual and prolonged, marking the slow and difli- cult recoil of the vessel. Lastly, the soft pulse, which is met with in relaxed conditions of the system, or may be pro- duced by hot air or water-baths, depends on a deficiency in the quantity of blood in the arteries, or on a defective state of the tonic contraction. With such a pulse, the up-stroke is long, owing to a greater freedom of play of the elastic ar- terial walls ; the down-stroke is much prolonged, and exhibits a small secondary wave, constituting the dichrotal piilse. IVIoreover, the horizontal space betAveen the commencement of , each up-stroke, is diminished, indicating a greater frequency of the heart’s beats, whilst, in the hard pulse, the opposite is the case ; for, as already mentioned, a sympathy exists betAveen the action of the heart and the state of the circulation ; the number of its beats being diminished, but their force in- creased, when the capillary system is obstructed, Avhilst the two opposite states occur, when that system permits the easy transmission of the blood. When a hard pulse depends upon a local cause, such as inflammation, it may be accompanied by an increase in the number of beats ; but Avhen upon a general cause, such as the application of cold to the AA’hole body, by a diminution in the number of pulsations. The absolute duration of each pulse, as measui-ed in time by the number of beats in a minute, is indicated on the sphygrao- graphic paper, by the horizontal distance betAveen the com- mencement of two adjoining up-strokes. This duration may I vary as much as 37 per cent, in a series of beats. It varies I most in the sIoav pulse ; for the more frequent the pulse, the I more equal are its beats in duration ; it is very remarkable in I the sloAv pulse produced by poisoning Avith digitalis. On I comparing the up Avith the doAvn stroke of each pulse-line, it .1 is seen that, usually, the former has a less horizontal pi'ogres- I sion than the latter, indicating that the distension or dilatation I of the arteries, Avhich is related to the ventricular systole, takes -I place in a shorter time than the recoil or contraction of the tl ^ vessel, Avhich is related to the diastole. It Avas formerly said il j .1 TAXATIONS IN THE PULSE. ^41 that the ratio between them was as 1 to 2 ; but, in health, the proportion seems to be, in an average pulse, only as 100 to 106 ; in a quick pulse, the ratio is as 100 to 136 ; in the slow pulse, as 100 to 80 (Vierorclt). The period of dilatation varies more than that of contraction. The influence of the respiratory movements on the ptdse, so far as its force is concerned, has already been indicated, in describing the arterial blood pressure (p. 232). The volume of the pulse during inspiration, as compared with its volume during expiration, is said by Vierordt to be as 218 to 191. It is now established, by aid of the sphygmograph, that the force of the pulse is gradually increased during inspiration, and reaches its maximum during expiration, this fact being indi- cated by the gradual ascent of the line of mean pressure, drawn through the middle of a series of up and down strokes. The tension of the artery, on which the fiilness of the pulse inversely depends, is increased during inspiration and up to the end of expiration, the pulse becoming harder and tinner, and the length of the up and down strokes shortened ; whilst, after expiration, in the pause, the tension of the vessels is lessened, the pulse becomes softer and fuller, and the up and down strokes of the curves are longer. Lastly, the frequency of the pulse is modified during inspiration, not, as is some- times stated, then becoming slower, but, as shown by Vierordt, increasing in frequency, owing to the more easy supply of blood to the heart ; this view is confirmed by Sanderson, who, moreover, points out that this increase of frequency continues up to the end of expiration, as is indicated by the greater closeness of the up and down strokes in the horizontal space representing the period of the inspiratory and expiratory acts, as compared with those registered in the space representing the pause at the end of the latter. The duration of each pulse is longer in inspiration than in expiration. The pulse being ultimately dependent on the heart’s action, is necessarily modified in frequency, strength, and rhythm, by all those conditions which influence the number, strength, and rhythm of the heart’s beats, such as age, sex, stature, position of the body, atmospheric pressure, state of nutrition, stimulation, and excitement, as already detailed (p. 217). When the heart’s action is very feeble, the pulse is said to 1 become more evident in the smallest arteries, being propa- ! gated to a greater distance from the heart, even to the capil- . lary vessels. This apparently anomalous result is explained VOL. II. K U 2+2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. by the heart’s action being then too Aveak to distend the larger vessels to such a degree as, by their subsequent recoil, to convert the intermittent flow of the blood, into a uniform and equable motion. Want of rhythm in the heart, causes irregularity of the pulse. The so-called intermittent pulse in- dicates an ineffective ventricular systole, which is too Aveak to act on the arterial blood column. It may depend on a defi- cient supply of blood to the left side of the heart, as Avell as on debility of that organ. It occurs after long fasting, and is also common at puberty, in old age, and in various diseases. In healthy persons, its duration is somewhat longer than that of a single beat of the heart. Motion of the Blood through the Capillaries. The tissues in Avhich capillary bloodvessels are found, and those in which they are absent, their number and size in the various ti.ssues and organs, the varieties in the arrangement of the capillary network, and the structure of their delicate Avails, are elsewhere detailed (vol. i. p. 60). The form of the capil- lary netAvmrk in different parts, has no relation to the functions of those parts, otherwise than so far as these depend on the forms and disposition of the structural elements, betAveen — not into — which the vessels penetrate. But the closeness of the network, and the consequent number of the capillary vessels in a given space, are proportional to the actiAuty and importance of those functions. The capillaries form the intermediate blood channels be- tween the finest arteries and veins. When examined in the transparent part of a living animal, they are seen to be of dif- ferent sizes, some conveying two or more rows, and others only a single row, of blood corpuscles. Moreover, Avhen watched sufficiently long, they are observed to undergo slow changes in diameter, so that vessels, at one time capable of conveying several roAvs of blood corpuscles, shrink, and no longer convey more than a single roAv, or even become tempo- rarily incapable of admitting any corpuscles, so that they merely convey the liquor sanguinis. It Avas at one time sup- posed that vessels, named vasa serosa, or serous vessels, con- stantly so small as only to admit the fluid portion of the blood, existed in all or many parts of the body ; but their presence generally, which was purely conjectural, has not been confirmed. By some authorities, however, it is at least suggested that, in THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 243 the cornea, capillaries may exist, which habitually convey only the liquor sanguinis (Kolliker, Hyrtl). In watching the capillary circulation, it is seen that svich vessels as have ceased for a time to convey blood particles, again dilate and admit them, and, from this alternate contrac- tion and dilatation, a vital contractility has been attributed to the coats of these vessels. The structure of their delicate walls, however, which are composed of homogeneous membrane containing nuclei but destitute of muscular fibre-cells, negatives the idea of their possessing a vital contractility ; and, more- over, it has been found that no contraction, or other change, of these walls, occurs on the direct application of the electric stimrdus to them. Their walls are, however, elastic, and the changes in diameter of the vessels, are probably due, either to distirrbed conditions in the neighbouring small arteries, owing to the contraction or relaxation of their muscular coat, or to movements in the tissues in which the capillaries are distii- buted, and in which organic muscular fibres, fibre-cells, or other contractile elements, such as pigment-cells, are frequently present. The capillaries do not, therefore, seem to exercise any mechanical influence on the circulation of the blood through them, by virtue of an active contractile force, resident in their walls ; but they may adapt themselves, by their elas- ticity, to the varying quantities of blood, distributed to any particular part. Such conditions must occur in the opposite states of blushing and pallor of the skin ; in the conditions of fulness or emptiness of the capillaries of a gland or membrane, according as it is secreting or not; and in the condition of health and inflammation, in any vascular part, such as the conjunctiva of the eyeball. The real propulsive cause of the motion of the blood in the capillaries, is the same as that of the arterial circulation, viz. the ventricular systole, modified, in its effects, by the resilience of the elastic coat of the arteries themselves. Indeed, in a living animal, if the force of the left ventricle, communicated to the blood in the arteries, be arrested by pressure on, or ligature of, those vessels, the stream of blood in the capillaries soon almost entirely stagnates, and the venous current beyond them is stopped, whilst the tension or blood pre.ssure in the arteries also ceases. Moreover, in the fish, as we shall hereafter find, the force of the single ventricle of the heart, is sufficient to propel the blood first through the gills, and then through the arteries of the body. It has been supposed that certain mutual attractions and K 2 2-14 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, repulsions between tlie blood and the tissues lying outside the systemic capillaries, or betAveen the blood and the air in the lungs, may influence tlm movement of the blood through the capillaries, and even constitute a moving power in the capil- lary circulation. But this implies an attractive force in regard to the blood in the arterial half of the capillary network, and a repulsive force in regard to the blood in the venous half of that network, an hypothesis complex, and yet unproved. The supposition of the existence of a local attractive and propulsive force, exerted on the blood passing through the capillaries, is held to be supported by the folloAving facts : — The gradual emptying of the arteries after death ; the main- tenance of the circulation in the portal system ; the periodic and local changes in the circulation during secretion, or in other conditions, such as fainting and fright, or in diseases such as congestion and inflammation ; the obstructive changes w'hich occur in the pulmonary circulation during asphyxia ; the great activity of this circulation, when the respiratory changes are rapid ; and lastly, the fact of a circulation of blood occuiTing in the embryo of animals before the development of the heart (Draper). It has been further pointed out, that of .two fluids contained in a capillary tube, that which has the greatest affinity for the sides of the tube, will flow along it quicker than the other, owing to mere physical action. On the other hand, it is alleged that, although a healthy condition of the walls of the cajAillaries and of the tissues beyond them, and a healthy performance of their functions, are necessaiy to an unimpeded floAV of the blood through these vessels, and although a stasis or stagnation of the blood, and a dilatation of the capillaries, accompany a state of inflammation, imperfect secretion, or defective respiration ; yet such facts do not prove the existence of a special jjropulsive force, resident in the walls of the healthy capillaries, or dependent upon the healthy nutritive, secernent, or respiratory function ; they may merely shoAv that the capillary circulation, though dependent upon the action of the heart and arteries, may be retarded or arrested by abnormal relations between the blood and the tissues, or air, outside the capillary Avails. The en- largement of the capillaries, Avhich accompanies such stagna- tion of the blood in them, and also the shrinking of these vessels, as the part recovers, imply an exercise of elasticity by tl'.eir Avails ; but this cannot be, under any circum- stances, a moving force in the circulation, but rather a means THE CAPILLARY CIRCULATION. 245 of adapting the size of the capillaries, to variations in their contents. The motion of the blood in the capillaries, when observed under the microscope, in animals not too much disturbed in the experiment, is constant, equable, and regular; but the character of the movement, may be modified by the dilatation or contraction of the neighbouring small arteries under the action of cold or other stimuli, by obstructions in the veins, and by the condition of the heart itself. When, as already mentioned, the heart’s systole is weak, the motion of the blood in the capillaries, may, from the non-development of a perfect recoil in the arteries, become pulsatory ; and when the heart is still more enfeebled, the blood in the capillaries may merely oscillate, or be completely arrested, or a backward current may even take place in it. These and many similar disturbances, even under the microscope, have been often erroneously referred to active influences in the coats of the capillaries, or in the surrounding tissues. The motion of the blood in the capillaries, is more rapid in the centre of each little stream, and slower at its surface, near the walls of the vessel. The existence of corpuscles in the living blood, affords the means of determining this fact ; for the red corpuscles may be seen to move, comparatively swiftly, along the centre of the vessel, whilst the white corpuscles travel, much more leisurely, along the sides, the ratio of their respective movements being as 9, or even 17, to 1 (Weber). The outer, thin, more slowly moving film, in contact with the inner surface oi the capillaries, measures, under different cir- cumstances, from 1th to only g-th of the diameter of the vessel. It forms the still layer or space of Poiseuille, in which the white corpuscles move slowly along, as if some special attrac- tion retained them against the sides of the vessel, whilst the red corpuscles are hurried along the centre. This striking phenomenon may have, in part, a physical explanation ; for a retardation always occurs in the movement of that portion of a fluid which is in contact with the walls of a tube, as com- pared with the rate of motion along its axis, this effect being due to friction in large tubes, and also to capillary attraction in small tubes. In the living animal economy, the retardation of the circumferential layer of blood in the capillaries, must have an important influence on the nutritive, secretive, and respiratory processes, all of which arc accomplished within a certain range of the capillary circulation ; it may merely 246 SPECIAL rnrSIOLOGT. facilitate the withdrawal from the blood, and the escape through the capillary walls, of certain necessary materials ; or it may be itself an indication of nutritive, or other, attractions from without, operating on the stratum of fluid lying next to the thin capillary walls. Some such attraction may prevail between the pale corpuscles and the walls of the vessels themselves, but the existence of this has not been established. These cor- puscles, however, appear to be naturally much more adhesive than the red corpuscles, as is shown by their clinging to a glass slide or cover, as seen when a minute drop of blood is spread out and examined under the microscope. The actual rate of motion of the blood in the capillaries, as watched and measured by aid of the micrometer in the field of the microscope, in the case of individual blood parti- cles, has been found by various observers to be, in the frog’s web, rather more than 1 inch per minute, in other word.s, about .j^Lth of an inch per second (Hales, Valentin, Weber). As to the warm-blooded animals, the rate of motion is higher, being, according to Volkmann, 1'8 inches per minute in the dog; whilst the observations of Ludwig and Vierordt on the entoptical retinal image, or image of Purkinje, give a velocitj', in the retinal capillaries of their own eyes, of from about 1-^th inch to rather more than inch per minute. The average velocity in Man, might therefore fairly be estimated at about 2 inches per minute, or ^^^th of an inch per second, i.e. twice the velocity in the frog. The apparent rate of motion of the blood, in the capillaries of either a warm or cold-blooded animal, as seen under the microscope, is so high, that the observer is apt to be misled with regard to its actual velocity ; and, deceived by the apparent motion, to doubt that the real velocity is only 1 inch per minute in the cold-blooded animal, and 2 inches per minute in the warm-blooded animal. But the area of observation being enormously magnified, the appa- rent or angular motion of the blood before the eye of tlie observer, is increased in the same proportion ; so that in the field of a microscope magnifying 180 diameters, the rate of motion of the capillary blood, appears to be, in the frog, 180 inches per minute, or 3 inches per second, and in the warm- blooded animal, to equal twice that velocity. The actual slow rate of motion of the blood through the capillaries, is remark- able and important, in connection with the nutritive, secernent, and respiratory functions, giving ample time, as it Avere, for the important interchanges between the blood and the tissues TilE VENOUS CIRCULATION. 247 or the air, which take place in them, especially for those of deoxygenation and oxygenation, which occur, the former in the systemic, the latter in the pulmonary, capillaries. The slow rate of motion of the blood in the capillaries, is even more striking, when it is compared with the rate of motion in the ai’teries, which, as already mentioned, is esti- mated at about 10 inches per second, or GOO inches per minute, in the human carotid, so that the velocity of the blood in the systemic arteries, is 300 times greater than that in the systemic capillaries. It has been calculated that in the pul- monary capillaries, the rate of motion of the blood is five times greater than the average rate in the systemic capillaries, i.e., 10 inches per minute, or the ^th of an inch per second. This remarkable retardation of the blood in the capillary vessels, as compared with its velocity in the arteries, is doubtless, in part due to increased friction, dependent on the vast increase in the number of channels through which the blood now has to pass ; but its chief cause is the very great increase in the capacity of the capillary, as compared with that of the arterial system. It has already been stated that the combined sectional areas of the firat and second degrees of arterial branches, as a rule, slightly exceed the sectional area of their common trunk. In the smallest arteries this is doubtless much more marked ; and on aiTiving at the capillaries, the increase in the total sec- tional area of the bloodvessels, or, as it is otherwise expressed, in the capacity of the capillary system, is sudden and immense. A fluid moving from a small into a wider tube or channel, has its motion retarded accordingly ; and the change of capacity, in passing from the arterial to the capillary system, has been compared to that which would take place in a very short cone. The relative areas of the two systems of vessels, are usually, indeed, estimated, as bearing an inverse ratio to the measured velocity of the blood in them. Hence, according to the pre- ceding data, the sectional area of all the capillaries in the human body, would be at least 300 times greater than that of the chief arterial trunks. It has also been calculated to be about 400 (Volkmann), 500 (Bonders), and even more than 300 times (Vierordt), greater than the area of the aorta. Motion of the Blood through the Veins. The position and structure of the veins, and of their valves, have been described in vol. i. pp. 18 and 58. Their walls, 248 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. though thinner, and more easily compressible, than those of the arteries, and less elastic and contractile, are very strong, the vena cava having been found to require a greater force to burst it, than the aorta. Collecting the blood from the capil- laries by minute venous radicles, the sy.stemic veins convey the dark blood, from all parts of the body, back to the right auricle of the heart. In the limbs, the superficial veins lying beneath the skin are not subjected to the pressiu’e of muscles; whereas the muscles must press upon the sides of the deep veins. The pulmonary veins, which convey bright blood from the lungs to the left auricle, are peculiarly circum- stanced, being, like the pulmonary arteries, situated entirely within the chest. The blood in the veins, as indicated by opening a vein in the living body, moves by an even flow, destitute of any pul- satory or jerking movement ; for the rhythmic character of the heart’s action, is already lost in the capillaries, and the equable flow of blood in them, necessitates a corresponding equability in the motion of the venous blood. But the primary force which urges on the blood in the veins, is still the heart’s action, modified by the resilience of the arteries, which, after having nearly exhausted itself, in propelling the blood through the capillaries, is still adequate to move on the blood in the veins. The chief resistance in the circulation of the blood, takes place in the capillaries, where, doubtless, it is very great; indeed, the force of the blood in the veins, as measured by h£emadynamometers fitted into those vessels, varies from -j^uth to ^th of that of the blood in the corresponding arteries (Poiseuille). In the dog, the blood pressure in the jugular vein, is fi’om to ^th of that in the carotid artery (Valen- tin) ; but the blood pressure diminishes, in proceeding from the branches to the larger veins, and in the great veins close to the heart, the pre.ssure is scarcely appreciable. But certain facts seem, nevertheless, to show that this force is really the residue of that of the left ventricle, which is therefore an ade- quate cause, and probably the true cause, of the motion of the blood in the veins, towards the right auricle. First, pressure upon all the arteries of a given part, arrests the flow of blood from a wounded vein belonging to the same jrart. Secondly, if the venous circrdation from a given part, be entirely arrested, by pressure on, or ligature of, the veins, the blood- pressme in them is said to rise, so as even to be equal to that in the corresponding arteries (Magendie). Thirdly, as already CAUSES OF THE VENOUS CURRENT. 24'J stated, when the heart’s action is weakened, its rhythmic force is propagated into the capillaries, giving a pulsjitory movement to the blood contained in them, and so establishing the fact that the heart’s action extends to that part of the circidation ; but, besides this, under certain conditions, oscillations occur in the blood-pressitre in the veins, as indicated by the hEemadynamo- meter. Fourthly, water injected into the arteries, with a force less than that of the heart, returns through the veins. Lastly, it has been shown by Dr. Sharpey, that defibrinated ox’s blood injected into the thoracic aorta of a dog, passes freely back by the veins of the lower limbs ; also, that if tlie aorta be tied in the abdomen, below the origin of the arteries of the stomach and intestines, the blood still returns along the inferior vena cava. In the former case, the blood passes through a single capillary system, namely, that of the lower limbs, whilst, in the latter, it is propelled through two sets of capillary vessels, viz. through those of the alimentary canal, into the portal venous system, onwards through the capillary plexuses of the hepatic lobules, and then through the hepatic veins into the vena cava inferior. The pressure employed in these experiments, as measured by the haemadynamometer, was maintained at about 6 inches of mercury, which is known to agi-ee with the force of the left ventricle in the living dog. To propel the blood through the pulmonary arteries, capil- laries, and veins, a less force was sufficient. From the preceding considerations and experiments, the adequacy of the heart’s force, to complete the circulation of the blood back to itself, may therefore be considered as established. The position of this organ in the centre of the circulatory system, its large muscular mass, and the proportionate thick- ness of the right and left ventricles to the work which each has to perform, likewise favour the conclusion that the heart, when present, is the real agent in the circulation of the blood. A circulation also takes place, however, in so-called acardiac embryos, in which the heart is absent, though, in some of these, the movement of the blood may depend on the action of the heart of a conjoined embryo. Again, in the early embryo of the chick, a movement of tlie blood in the so-called vascular area, is noticeable before the heart begins to pulsate ; but this movement is irregular, and takes place from the vascular area towards the embryo. Moreover, as we shall hereafter see, a true circulation takes jdace, in contractile I ^vessels, in certain of the lower animals, which arc destitute of 250 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. a lieart. Lastly, in plants, examples are met with of a circu- lation independent even of contractile vessels or cells. The advocates of the existence of a force, originating in the capil- laries or their neighbourhood, relying on these and other facts already mentioned, of course suppose it to be superadded to that of the heart in the venous circulation. The motion of the blood in the veins, and its consequent return, through them, to the heart, are aided, in Man and the higher animals, by certain secondary or so-called adjuvant causes, such as the pressure of the muscles, and the thoracic respiratory movements. In a few exceptional cases, the veins themselves possess a power of rhythmic contraction ; the veins in the delicate ears of the rabbit, have been seen to pulsate ; in the bat’s wings, the veins contract from 8 to 10 times in a minute (Wharton Jones). The caudal vein of the eel, the portal veins of the myxine, and some of the abdominal veins of the amphioxus, are also pulsatile at certain points. The effects of muscular pressure, considered as an aid to the circulation, are entirely due to the presence and direction of the valves in the interior of the veins. These are found chiefly in the veins of the limbs, especially in the superficial veins, and also in the large veins at the root of the neck. Firrthermore, the free edges of the valve-segments being turned towards the heart, in the direction of the venous blood- ciu-rent, the valves allow the return of blood to the heart, but are speedily closed, when any obstacle to the onward flow of the blood occurs, as when a vein is compressed between a valve and the heart. Under such circumstances, the reflux of the blood in the veins, from its trunk to its branches, is checked, and on any additional pressure, the blood contained in the veins, isurged on towards the heart. Moreover, owing to the frequent anasto- moses between neighbouring veins, some of the blood may also be pressed into collateral channels, which are not subjected to pressure, and so be aided in its progress to the heai't. This is exemplified by the increased quantity of blood forced into the superficial veins of the limbs, during muscular efforts which compress the deep-seated veins. In the actions of different muscles in the various movements of the body, sometimes one set of veins, sometimes another, must be compressed ; and the varying degrees of compression to which the deep-seated veins especially are subjected, must assist or hasten the return of blood to the heart. But this is not an essential cause of the venous circulation, for that is perfectly performed dmung the AIDS TO THE YENODS CDBBENT. 251 most complete rest of the muscles of the limbs, as in the state of repose, sleep, and paralysis ; moreover the circulation through the brain is performed altogether independently of muscular pressure, and of the presence of valves in its veins. When, owing to muscular exertion, a larger quantity of blood is re- turned to the heart in a given time, the frequency of the heart’s beats is always increased, a mutual adaptation being thus evidenced, between the rapidity with which the blood is returned to the heart, and that with which the heart endeavours to tran.smit it onwards. The respiratory movements have been long believed to aid in the systemic circulation of the blood. Unlike the pulmo- nary circulation, the systemic circulation is partly performed within, but partly, and chiefly, without, the thorax ; hence different portions of it, are unequally affected or disturbed by the thoracic movements. It has already been stated that during, and almost to the end of expiration, the blood pressure in the systemic arteries is increased ; the effects of this increased pressure have even been recognised beyond the capillaries, in the veins; for the flow of blood from a divided vein becomes stronger at each expiration. But expiration, though it aids the arterial current, must, when the continuity of the veins is perfect, retard the venous cun-ent ; for the chest walls must then compress the contents of that cavity, including the right auricle and great venous trunks, and so hinder or check the flow of blood into them. This is shown by the accumulation of blood in those veins, by the congestion of the face, and by the dis- tension of the veins of the neck and forehead, during expiratory efforts, such as coughing or sneezing, and holding the breath, with or without some other accompanying effort. The ex- piratory thoracic movements cannot, therefore, be regarded as contributing to the venous circulation, the effect on the blood in the arteries, being more or less counterbalanced by that on the blood in the veins. The inspiratory movements increase the arterial blood pressure, without otherwise affecting the blood-current in the arteries ; because the semilunar valves prevent regurgitation towards the thoracic space. But the absence of similar valves at the entrance of the vena; cava; into the right auricle, so far permits the influence of insj)iration on the blood in the great veins, as to facilitate its entrance into the thorax, i. e. into the gi’eat venous trunks and the right auricle of the heart. If a bent tube be inserted into the jugirlar vein of an 252 SPECIAL PETSIOLOGT. animal, and its lower end be dipped into fluid, the latter will be | found to rise within the tube, at each inspiration, sinking again, | even a little below its original level, during expiration (Sir D. Barry). The blood pressure, as measured by the hasmadynamo- • meter, has also been shown to be less, by from 3 to 7| inches, in I the veins duringinspiration, especially in those near to the chest; I in the sciatic vein, on the other hand, it is no longer observed. If the veins had rigid walls, the eifect of inspiration in draw- . ing the venous blood into the thorax, would be considerable ; | but the collapsible character of their coats, and their yielding on pressure, prevent this exhausting process. At the root of the neck, the great veins are more or less supported by, or attached | to, the bones or other parts, and so may be partially maintained | in a pervious condition. The effect of inspiration is, indeed, limited to the large veins close to the thorax ; for, as we have seen, the blood pressure in the more distant veins of the limbs , is not increased during inspiration. It is this suction force | towards the chest, during inspiration, which has been named, in regard to its effect on the circulation, the vis a fronts^ in contradistinction to the vis a tergo, derived mainly from the heart, modified by the arteries, possibly aided by the nutritive I and respiratory work accomplished through the capillaries, and certainly assisted by muscular pressure. The existence of this I suction force towards the thorax, and its influence on the ! venous blood-current, are illustrated by theaccidents which have sometimes occurred in surgical operations in the region of the j neck, when air has been drawn in through wounded and patulous veins, and has occasionally caused death. Horses have been often killed by blowing air down the jugular vein. The right side of the heart is, in such cases, found filled with frothy blood. The cause of death is probably due, not to ) paralysis of the muscular fibres of the heart, but to the me- chanical impossibility of the passage of frothy blood through the capillaries of the lungs. The presence of valves in the veins near the heart, also con- tributes to the intermittent aid given to the venous circulation by the respiratory movements; for, whilst they permit, during ■ inspiration, the influx of blood through the large veins into the chest, they prevent the reflux of the blood in them during jj expiration, so that the balance of advantage is in fiivour of the f return of the venous blood. The valves of the jugular veins i not only serve this purpose, but also prevent the regurgitation « of the blood towards the brain, during coughing, or other || EFFECTS OF GRAVITY ON THE CIRCULATION. 253 efforts accompanied by violent expiration or compression of the chest. This reflux motion of the blood in the great veins of the neck, is shown by alternating conditions of fulness and emptiness of those vessels, synchronous with expiration and inspiration, producing the so-called respiratory pulse. In cases in which portions of the skidl have been removed in the living body, and in which the veins within the cranium, protected from atmospheric pressure at their sides, may be compared to the tube in Sir D. Barry’s experiment, an alternate rising and sinking of the brain have been observed, corresponding respec- tively with the movements of expiration and inspiration. These movements must be distinguished from the slighter pulsatory movements coincident with the heart’s action, and dependent on the pulse of the cerebral arteries. In constrictive disease of the valved orifices of the heart, the return of blood into that organ from the veins, is impeded, and those vessels, accordingly, become permanently distended near the heart. Such disease almost always affects the orifices on the left side of the heart, and its effect on the great systemic veins, is com- municated backwards, indirectly, through the pulmonarj^ cir- culation. Even in the healthy condition, the imperfect closure I of the tricu-spid valve causes a venous pulse at each ventricular systole, the shock being conveyed through the blood in the right auricle, and thence into the veins of the neck, as far as the : first set of valves. The effects of gravity on the venous circulation, or rather I on certain parts of it, have been sometimes erroneously esti- ; mated ; for it was imagined that the upward current through ! the veins in the lower part of the body, i.e. below the heart, ■ was resisted by the weight of the column of blood below that organ ; whilst the venous circulation in the upper half of the i body, i.e. above the heart, was thought to be aided by the ■ weight of the corresponding column of venous blood. But ' the circulation of the blood being performed in a closed system i of vessels, consisting, as it were, half of arteries and half of 1 vein.s, which meet in the capillaries, the weight of the venous i blood in the lower limbs, is counterbalanced by that of the ^ arterial blood. Hence, the gravity of the venous blood does not, t per se, offer, such an obstacle to the circulation, as requires to be ' overcome by the force of the heart; for the two columns of blood I balance each other haemostatically, like columns of water in a U-shaped tube. With regard to the vessels above the heart, they also form a double closed system, and the advantage of gravity U54 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. on the venous side, is, so far as the heart’s action is concerned, counterbalanced by the disadvantage on the arterial side. Gravity, however, does actually affect the circulation, through its influence on the circulatory organs, especially on the capillaries and veins ; for these vessels are not rigid, like a U-.shaped tube, but yielding. The weight of the entire column of venous blood, for example, is supported by the coats of the veins, those of the lower limbs having more weight to bear than the veins of the trunk, and these again more than the veins of the upper limbs, neck, and head. Hence the coats of the veins, in the lower limbs, especially those of the less supported subcutaneous veins, are propor- tionally thicker than those in the upper parts of the body, the coats of the jugular vein being very thin, and those of the saphenous vein very thick, in proportion to their size. Hence, too, the valves are more numerous, and of greater strength, in the veins of the lower limbs than in those of the upper limbs ; whilst in the neck, they exist only in the neighbour- hood of the chest. The mechanical effect of these valves, is to save the entire length of the vein from the total pressure of the venous column, and to divide it into shorter subordinate columns, into which, however, weight is still transmitted by the collateral veins. When the valves of the veins of the lower limbs, are weakened, and no longer close perfectly, those vessels become distended, and varicose. If the tonicity and elasticity of the smaller veins be impaired, or overcome, by prolonged over-distension, from obstructions to the return of blood from them, or by general debility, the fluid part of the blood is liable to escape through the coats of the capillaries and minute veins, so as to cause dropsy. The rate o f motion of the blood in the veins, is much quicker than that in the capillaries ; but not so quick as in the arteries. In the jugular vein of a dog, the rate of motion has been estimated at 6|^th inches per second (Volkmann). Considered generally, the average velocity of the blood in the veins, is said to be from to ^ of that of the blood in the correspond- ing arteries ; this estimate is founded on the supposed relative capacity of the venous, as compared with the arterial, system, Avhich .is believed to be as 2 or 3 to 1. As the velocity of the arterial blood diminishes in the smaller arteries, partly in consequence of friction, but also owing to the increased capacity of the branches in comparison A\dth the trunks, so inversely, as the veins diminish in capacity from their rECULIAEITIES IN THE TENOUS CIRCULATION. 255 branches to their trunks, the velocity of the blood in them increases as it approaches nearer and nearer to the heart, and, in the larger veins, becomes equal to about f, or more, of the velocity in the corresponding arteries. The form of the entire vascular system has indeed been likened to two bent cones, joined at their apices in the heart, and at their bases in the capillary system. The quantity of blood received by the right auricle, closely agrees with that thrown from the left ventricle ; hence, therefore, the velocity of the venous current, as it enters the right auricle, must be less than that of the arterial blood passing through the aortic orifice ; for the com- bined areas of the two vente cavs, are greater than the area of the aorta. The rate of motion of the blood in the veins, is more subject to disturbing causes, whether of acceleration or retardation, than in any other part of the circulation. Thus, the effects of muscular pressure, though, on the whole, favourable to the onward flow of the blood in the veins, are necessarily inter- mittent, according or not as the muscles are at play. Again, the opposite influences of expiration and inspiration, though felt only within a certain distance of the thorax, and so affect- ing the rate of motion of the blood in the large veins only, are themselves liable to great variations, according to the activity, violence, or depth of the inspiratory or expiratory movements. Such variations occur constantly during life, and incess;mtly alter the rate of motion of the venous blood-current. In ex- periments on animals not subjected to the continued and uniform influence of chloroform, the struggles, and the respira- tory efforts of the creature, greatly disturb the velocity of the venoirs current, sometimes checking, sometimes accelerating, it. Individual’estimates of the velocity of the blood in the veins, must therefore be accepted, with some reservation. There are certain peculiarities in the venous circulation of particular parts of the body. Thus, the portal circulation is peculiar, from the fact that the blood pa.sses in it, through a second capillary network, before it returns to the heart; for the blood which circulates thus through the liver, has already been driven through the capillary vessels of the other abdominal organs of digestion. There are no valves in the portal or hepatic veins ; but the latter are retained con- stantly in a pervious state, by their adhesion to the substance of the liver, a condition favourable to the pa.ssage of the blood from that organ. Again, the circulation within the 25G SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. cranium, presents peculiarities; the arterial trunks which enter it, four in number, are of large size, traverse bony passages in their way to the cranial cavit}^, and unite by ana- stomoses in the interior of the skull, at the base of the brain, all which arrangements are calculated to secure a full and free supply of blood to the brain, under various conditions of external pressure, or other impeding causes. Besides this, the proper arteries of the brain, ramiiy, in an unusuallj’- tortuous manner, upon its complex surface, and at last divide, in the pia-mater, into a close web of numberless branches sup- ported by a delicate cellular tissue ; from these, long slender minute vessels enter the brain at all points, ensuring a perfect supply of blood, and its even and gentle entrance into the delicate cerebral substance. The veins within the cranium present special modifications; first, they have no valves; moreover, the largest venous channels consist of passages between layers of the dura-mater, the fibrous membrane which immediately lines the skull ; hence, they are not sub- jected to accidental pressure, such as might interfere with the blood-current within them. Lastly, as the cranium itself has unyielding walls, the circulation of the blood through the brain, is carried on under very peculiar conditions, as compared with that of other organs, which are subject to atmospheric, and perhaps muscular, pressure also. The brain and the blood being incompressible, the quantity of blood within the cranium, must either be always the same, or else some special provision must exist for its increase or diminution in quantity. It has been suggested, that the quantity of blood in the cranium is absolutely unalterable, and that the only changes -which can take place in the cerebral circulation, are various compensatory displacements of the blood, in the interior of the arteries, veins, and capillaries ; but experiments have shown that the brain of an animal may be rendered pallid, i.e. may be deprived of the blood in its vessels, by extreme venesection. Moreover, the presence of the cerehro-spinal fluid (vol. i. p. 295), and the known rapidity with which the secretion and absorption of so diffluent a fluid, may take place, afford a feasible explanation of the mode in which variations in the quantity of blood in the vessels within the cranium, may be rapidly counter- balanced. The pulmonary circulation presents many peculiarities. Its arteries convey dark or deoxygenated, and its veins bright or oxygenated, blood. Neither its veins or arteries anastomose, PERIOD OF COMPLETE CIRCULATION. 257 except in their very finest ramifications ; its veins have no valves, either in their course, or at their entrance into the left auricle; its capillaries are large, most numerous, and very short between the arteries and veins. As every part of the pirlmonary circulation is carried on within the thorax, the flow of blood from the right ventricle, through the pulmonary vessels, to the left auricle, is, unlike the systemic circulation, equally influenced in every part, at each moment, by the varying conditions of thoracic pressure. Lastly, the loops of the pulmonary circulation are much shorter than those of the systemic vessels, and the blood takes much less time in passing through them. The velocity of the blood is greater, and the blood pressure much less. Period of a complete Circulation. It has been seen that the chief cause of the circulation of the blood in Man, and in animals possessing a heart, is un- doubtedly the muscular force of that otgan ; that the relative velocity of the blood-current in its several parts, is quickest in the arteries, slower in the veins, and slowest, by many degrees, in the capillaries, the actual rate in the large arteries being about 10 inches per second, in the small arteries probably about 2'2 inches per second, in the capillaries about -j\yth of an inch per second, and in the medium-sized veins from about ^ to ^ of the rate in the corresponding arteries ; and lastly, that the rate of movement through the pulmonary circulation, is five times more rapid thqn that through the systemic circulation. There remains yet to enquire, in what period of time the complete circulation is performed, that is to say, in what time, a given minute portion of blood, thrown from the left ventricle, or passing any other given point of the circulation, will flow through the body and lungs, back to the same point. The conclusion arrived at on this subject, based on many experiments in animals, is, that, in Man, a complete circulation of a given particle of the blood, may be performed within a much less time than one minute. A solution of ferro- cyanide of potassium (selected for the facility with which it may be detected by appropriate chemical tests), being injected into the right jugular vein of a horse, successive portions of blood are drawn from the oppo.site jugular vein, and subse- quently tested; the presence ofthe salt has been detected in the portion of blood so drawn, at the expiration of 30 or even of 20 VOL. ir. s 258 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. seconds (Hering). In such an experiment, the ferrocyanide of potassium could not have passed through the tissues across the neck, from one vein to the other, but must have proceeded with the blood along the right jugiilar vein, to the right side of the heart, thence, through the pulmonary vessels, to the lei't side of that organ, next through the aorta, carotid arteries, and capillaries of the head and neck, and thence along the veins into the left jugular ; in other words, it must have performed, with the blood, a complete circuit through the lesser circulation in the lungs, and through that part of the greater circulation which belongs to the head and neck. The passage of the ferrocyanide of potassium, from the jugular vein, through the lungs, and thence, through the hinder limbs of the horse, to the great saphenous vein of the thigh, takes place in 20 seconds ; and, from the same vein, to various arteries of the body, in still shorter times, viz. to one of the facial arteries in 10 seconds, but to more distant arteries, as e.g. to the metatarsal in the hind limb, in from 20 to 40 seconds (Hering). Similar experiments have been made, but on an improved method, by arranging a series of small cups on a rotating apparatus, so that they can be quickly moved in succession, before an aperture in a vein ; in this way, the blood is collected at very short and exact intervals. The time occupied in a complete circulation of the blood, can thus be determined even in small animals. In them, speaking generally, the passage of poisonous substances injected into the veins, takes place more quickly than in the horse. In the dog, the time is found to be 16'7 seconds; in the rabbit, nearly 7‘79 seconds; in the cat, 6‘69 seconds, and in the squirrel, 4‘39 seconds; in the horse, it is 31‘5 seconds (Vierordt). Allowing for the obvious effect of size, and consequent length of the bloodvessels, it must be concluded that the blood in the human body, performs the complete roimd of the circulation, in even less than half a minute. Viorordt has pointed out a remarkable relation between the freqaiency of the pulse, that is, of the heart’s beats, in different Mammalia and Birds, and the ascertained average period of the complete circulation in them. The frequency of the pulse in these animals, increases, generally, as their ■size diminishes, being, for example, in the horse, dog, cat, rabbit, and squitTel, respectively, 66, 96, 240,, 220, and 320 in the minute, or 60 • seconds. But, as we have seen, the times of a complete circulation in them are, 31'6, 107, 6'69, 779, and 4'39 seconds. Prom such data, it is shown, that a complete circulation, in these several animals, is PERIODS OF PARTS OF THE CIRCULATION. 259 performed during the following numbers of heart’s beats; viz. 28-8, 26'7, 26-8, 28'5, 23'7. Thus, in the horse, for example, as 60 sec. ; 55 beats: : 31-5 sec.: 28 8 beats. In the larger Birds, nearly the same proportion prevails ; and the mean relation is found to be about 27 heart’s beats for each complete circulation. In Man, Vierorclt calculates that, with the pulse at 72 per minute, the heart’s beats are 27'7 for each complete circulation, which is accordingly performed in 23’1 seconds, or less than half a minute. Thus as 72 : 60 : : 27'7 : 23T. Every portion of the blood does not complete its circulation in exactly the same time. As regards the pulmonary circula- tion, but little difference can occur, whether a given portion of blood passes through the right or the left lung, or through this or that portion of either lung, on its way from the right to the loft cavities of the heart; but even here, certain differences in the length of the route pursued by different portions of blood, must exist. In the systemic circulation, however, the differences are much more marked ; the shortest route through which a poition of the blood has to pass from the left to the right cavities of the heart, is that through the nutrient vessels of the heart itself, and the longest route, that through the vessels of the lower limbs. Different portions of the blood have, in- deed, to circulate through arches of varying length, and hence the time which they take to traverse different parts of the body, must be somewhat different. The slow rate of motion of the blood through the capil- laries, only 2 inches per minute in warm-blooded animals, appears, at first sight, to be opposed to the above-mentioned conclusion as regards the high rate of velocity of a complete circulation ; for in that circulation, the blood passes through two sets of capillary vessels, pulmonary and systemic, besides traversing the arteries and veins of those two circulations, as well as both sides of the heart. But it has been estimated that the systemic capillaries of any given organ or tissue of the body, numberless as they are, cannot measure, from the finest arteries to the finest veins, more than about yjyth of an inch in length ; the pulmonary capillaries must be still shorter. According to Vierordt, the systemic capillaries do not measure, on an average, more than 7;’(jth of an inch in length, although these limits are not well defined. The blood may therefore pass through both the systemic a7ul pulmonary capillaries, in a period of about 3^ seconds only (viz. in 3 seconds through the former, and in ^ a second through the latter-named vessels). Assuming 260 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. with Vierordt, the total period of a circulation at about 28 seconds, in a man of average height, this would leave a balance of 24^ seconds for the passage of the blood through the arterial and venous channels and the heart. Supposing the mean length of the arteries and veins to be, in a man of average stature, 30 inches, and the average velocity of the blood in the arteries to be 6 inches per second (the extremes being 10 and 2j inches), the time requii’ed for the passage of the blood through the arteries, would be 5 seconds, and through the corresponding veins, the velocity in which is estimated as being ^ to ^rd that of the arteries, the time would be 12^ seconds, making in all 17-g- seconds, for the circidation through the systemic arteries and veins. To this must be added a period of 3.^ seconds, for the pas.«age of the blood through the pulmo- nary arteries and veins (the rate of motion in them being said to be five times more rapid than in the systemic arteries and veins), making a total of 21 seconds. This, with the 3J seconds above mentioned as required for the pulmonary and systemic capillary circulations, equals 24^ seconds, or rather more than the 23T seconds allowed for the complete circulation. These numbers, though only approximating to the truth, still show that the slow rate of the blood in the capillary poi-tion of the circulation, or in the area of nutritive and respiratory inter- changes, is quite consistent with the ascertained rapidity of the circulation, considered as a whole. The circulation of the blood is said to be generally, but not always, accelerated by an increased frequency of the heart’s action. As life advances, it becomes slower. Quantity of Blood in the Body. The total quantity of blood in the body, has been the sub- ject of much investigation and discussion. The estimates of the older authors, for tlie most part, were too high, Avhilst some of those of later Avriters, probably err in the oppo.site direction. The actual quantity, in a man of average height and weight, has been supposed, by some, to be 26 or 30 lbs., and by others only 12 lbs. The ratio betAveen the Aveight of the blood and the weight of the body, the blood included, has been estimated, by some authors, as 1 to 4^, and, by others, as 1 to 13; according to tlie.se proportions, Avhich differ so Avidely, the total quantity of blood in the body of a man Aveighing 150 lbs., would be either upwards of 33 lbs., or only about 11^- lbs. TOTAL QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 2G1 Observations on the quantity of blood lost in hajmorrhages, are not considered trustworthy, since in slow bleedings, large quantities of liuid are absorbed from the tissues, to refill the emptying vessels, and so add largely to the amount of blood that may be drawn. The quantity of blood escaping from the vessels in decapitated criminals, added to that which may bo subsequently expelled from the vessels, by cautious injections of water, gives a more accurate result. But careful experi- ments on animals, are of most value. The method of Herbst, Avhich consists in quick bleeding from many vessels opened simultaneously, gives the proportionate weight of the blood to that of the body, as from 1 to 12 in the ox, 1 to 16 in the dog, and 1 to 24 in the rabbit; hence, it would appear that the larger the animal, the greater is the proportion of blood to the body. Valentin compared the specific gravity of the blood drawn from a living animal, before, aird after, the injection into its blood- vessels of a given weight of water, the diminution of the specific gravity of the blood, by that quantity of water, serving as a factor in the calculation ; this method gives about 1 to 4^ as the ratio to the body in the dog. Chemical substances easy of detection, having been injected into the blood, in known amounts, and the quantity, in a certain portion of the blood drawn fi’om the vessels, having been determined, data have been obtained for calculating the total quantity of the blood ; this method shows a ratio of 1 to 8 or (Blake). AVelcker’s chromatic method is so called, because he estimates the amount of blood left in the body after bleeding, by means of the colouring matter. A set of standard colom^ed solutions is first prepared, by mixing a certain known quantity of the blood of an animal, with different known quantities of water. The creature is then bled rapidly to death, and the blood so drawn is weighed. The residual blood in the vessels, is then estimated in the fol- lowing manner ; — the vessels are wa.shed out with free injec- tions of water ; the whole body of the animal is likewise divided into small pieces, and macerated, so as to extract all the cruorin in it; these aqueous solutions are then mixed together, and measured, and the tint of the mixture is compared with the standard solutions, and thus the quantity of blood in it is determined. In this way, the proportion of blood to the body, in the dog, is estimated at about 1 to 12. The quantity of blood in the body, has been calculated by Vierordt, by multiplying the quantity supposed to be expelled I’roin the left ventricle at each systole, by the number of times 262 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. tlie heart contracts during a complete circulation of the blood through the system. The mode in which the latter datum is obtained, has already been explained (p. 258-9) ; the former is thus arrived at. The average velocity of the blood in the human carotid artery, is assumed to be equal to that in the carotid of a dog, and the sectional area of the vessel being known, it is easy to determine, by multiplying one into the other, the quantity of blood which passes through any part of that artery in a second. Thus 261 millimetres, the velocity of the current in the carotid per second, x '63 square centi- metres, the sectional area of that vessel, = 16'4 cubic centi- metres, the quantity which passes through a certain part of the vessel in one second. The quantities passing per second, in the innominate, left subclavian, arch of the aorta, and coro- nary arteries of the heart, are then estimated in the same way, the rate of motion of the blood in the aorta being assumed to be ;jth faster than it is in the carotid. By these steps, Vierordt arrives at the conclusion that the quantity of blood projected through the orifice of the aorta from the left ventricle, every second, is 207 cubic centimetres, or 219 grammes in weight, or nearly oz. av. But as the heart beats 72 times in a minute or 60 seconds, there occur l^th systoles in each second of time ; hence, the quantity of blood thrown into the aorta at each systole, is about 180 grammes, or rather more than 6'3 oz. (p. 213). As all the blood in the body, must pass once through the aorta, in every complete circulation of that fluid, and as this requires 2 7 ‘7 systole ; to accomplish it, the quantity thrown at each systole, or 180 grammes, x 27'7, the number of heart’s beats, gives, for the total quantity of blood in the body, 4,986, or, in round numbers, 5,000 grammes, which are equal to about 11 lbs. av. ; this, compared with the average weight of the body, taken by Vierordt at 140 lbs., is about as 1 to 12'6. The jDi’oportion finally adopted by Vierordt, as pre- vailing throughout the warm-blooded Vertebrato, is 1 to 13. Assuming the average weight of the adult male to be 150 lbs., the usual estimate of English writers, the total quantity of blood in the body, would be about 11-^ lbs. av. It has been found that on bleeding an animal soon after feeding, nearly double the quantity of blood is obtained, as compared with the result of bleeding a similarly sized animal in a state of lasting. This circumstance may partly explain the great differences in the estimates above recorded ; it also justifies the conclusion USES OF THE BLOOD. 263 that, in certain conditions of the body, the quantity of blood in tlie human adult of average weight, may be even as much as 14 lbs. The quantity of blood thrown into the aorta at each systole, which is likewise the measure of the capacity of the left ven^ tricle, is equal to about •g-bjjth part of the weight of the body. It would further seem that, in warm-blooded animals gene- rally, the quantity of blood flowing through an equal weight of the body in a given time, is proportional to the frequency of the heart’s beats. Thus, in GO seconds, the quantities of blood which pass through 1,000 parts in weight of the body, in the horse, in Man, in the dog, rabbit, and squirrel, are, respectively, 152, 207, 272, 620, and 892 parts, the fre- quency of the pulse in them being 55, 72, 96, 220, and 320. The ratios, accoi'diugly, are all about as 3 to 1, The more rapid the heart’s action, therefore, the quicker must be the nutritive changes in the tissues of the body ; moreover, as there is no evidence of the capillaries being relatively more numerous in the smaller and quick-pirlsed animals, the circulation through their vessels must be relatively qiricker. The Uses of the Blood and of its Circulation. The blood itself is a highly complex fluid, renewed from, though not altogether formed out of, the lymph and chyle, and perfected, as we shall hereafter see, by the aid of the vas- cular glands and the respiratory organs. One of its offices is evidently that of providing an exceedingly elaborate material for the nutrition of every part of the body, and for the pro- duction of the various secretions which are used in the organism. The fluid character of the blood, fits it for trans- mi.ssion through a vascular or circulatory apparatus, even through the finest vessels ; and in this circulation through the body, by means of such an apparatus, its proper nutrient materials are conveyed to all the organa and tissues of the frame, into which a fluid plasma passes through the coats of the capillaries. But, secondly, besides furnishing a constant stream of nutrient material, the blood receives, by absorption into its own current, refuse and effete matters from the whole system, and subsequently tran.sports them to proper excreting organs, by which they are thrown out of the body. Lastly, the dark venous blood receives, through the respiratory organs, a quantity of oxygen from the air inhaled into the lungs, and 264 SPECIAL PltTSIOLOGY. transports this oxygen in the red and arterial blood, to every part of the frame, either for its special stimulation, or for combination with its proximate chemical constituents, in the exercise of the functions of those parts ; the returning venous blood brings back, amongst other oxidised materials, carbonic acid, and conveys this to its proper excreting apparatus, the lungs-, whence it is thrown off. The circulating organs in animals ate, therefore, modified, in accordance with the cha- racters of their respiratory organs. ORGANS AND FUNCTION OF CIRCULATION IN ANIMALS. Vertehrata.—^Tsi& Vertebra ta generally, like Man, have not only a perfectly formed blood, containing coloured and colourless corpuscles, but they also possess a central heart placed in a pericardium, and con- nected with a completely closed system of bloodvessels, consisting of arteries, capillaries, and veins. In the Amphioxus alone, there are no coloured corpuscles, and the heart has no pericardium. As we have seen, the Vertebrata only, have a system of absorbent vessels, which empty themselves into the bloodvessels. The size of the red corpuscles in several animals is given in a Table at p. 77-8, vol. i. But important peculiarities exist in the vascular systems of some of the Vertebrata, dependent upon the structure of their respiratory organs. Thus, in Mammalia, Birds, Eeptiles, and Amphibia, respiration is performed by means of lungs, and hence they are called pulmonated or air-hreathing Vertebrata. These consist of two divisions, one including Mammalia and Birds, in which the temperature of the blood is high, and another, including Eeptiles and the perfect Amphibia, in which the temperature of the blood is low ; the former are the warm-blooded, pid- monated or air-breathing, Vertebrata, and the latter, the cold-blooded, pulmonated Vertebrata. Again, Fishes breathe by means of gills or branchiae, and constitute the branehiated or water-breathing Vertebrata ; they are still more decidedly cold blooded. In each of these divisions, special modifications of the circidatory apparatus are met with, dependent On differences in the degree, or kind, of their respiration. The Class Amphibia, contains animals which commence life as aquatic branehiated creatures, but whichj in the adult state, become pulmonated ; their circu- latory organs are accordingly modified during life, and in a few,, which retain, in the adult condition, both gills and lungs, the organs of circu- lation present a composite form. In all cases, a ported circulation is present. In the warm-blooded, pulmonated Vertebrata, which include the Mammalia and Birds, the heart, as in Man, consists of four cavities, two auricles, and two ventricles, a right auricle and ventricle constituting the right side, and a left auricle and ventricle forming the left side, of the heart, the two sides being separated by a perfect intervening septum. The general distribution of the vessels is also the same. All the blood which returns from the body to the right auricle, is sent through the lungs, by the right ventricle, and on into the left auricle, before it is THE CIRCDLATIOX IN REPTILES. 265 agiiin distributed to the body by the loft ventricle. As in the human body, there is ii perfect douhle circulation. Certain minor peculiarities are mot with. Thus, the position of tho heart is usually median, except in tho orang-outang, and perhaps in other Anthropoid apes, in whicli it inclines to the left side, as in Man. In many Kuiuinants, a bony structure, the bone of the heart, strengthens the base of the ventricular septum. In tho dugong, the apex of tlio heart is deeply notched, tho ventricles being there separate; in tho manatee, it is less notched. In Man, and tho higher Mammalia, the chief arteries spring from the arch of the aorta, unsymmetrically — an arrangement said to favour tlio distribution of blood to the riglit fore limbs, rather than to the left ; but in the lower Mammalia, tho branches arise symmetrically. In the hind part of tho tail of the whale, the caudal artery runs, for purposes of protection, through tho base of the echelon bones, on the under side of the vertebriB. In many climbing lemurs, in the lion, and other largo Carnivora, the brachial artery of the arm passes through an opening in the humerus, and thus is protected from muscular pressure: so also does tho iirtery of tho coffin bone, or hoof bone, in the horse. A cluster of closely ramified arterial vessels, which frequently anas- tomose together, and again coalesce into a single trunk, is named a rctc mirahUe. Examples of such retia mirabiUa occur in the carotid arteries within the cranium of tho Ruminants, the effect of which may be to chock the too rapid flow of blood to the brain, during grazing. Similar structures are found in the fore limbs of tho climbing sloths, and lemurs. In diving animals, such as tho Cetacea, large retia mirabiUa exist in the thorax, the object of which is probably to allow the prolonged sus- pension of respiration during the submergence of those animals. In tho higher Mammalia, as in Man, there is but one superior vena cava; but in the Pachydermata and Kodentia, there are two superior venm cavm, and sometimes a cross branch between them, in the neck. Suppose an enlargement of this cross branch, so as to form a left inno- minate vein, the blood from the left side of the head and neck and the left upper limb, would pass over to tho right side, whilst the trunk of the loft vena cava might then be obliterated, as far as the heart. In certiiin diving Mammalia, venous ‘plcxitses, or venous retia mirabilia, exist, in which tho impure blood is for a time retained. The portal system, in the Mammalia, is entirely unconnected with tho I'onal veins ; sometimes tho portal veins have valves. In Birds, the heart is very strong, and lies exactly in tho middle lino ; moreover, the chief branches from tho arch of tho aorta, are also sym- metrical, in accordance with the equal bilateral development, so important and typical in Birds. Tho veins in Birds, have relatively fewer valves ; tho portal system communicates, by a few branches, with tho renal veins; moHiover, the veins of tho pelvis and lower limbs, likewise contribute branches to it. In \\\%cold-hloodrd,‘jndmonated. Vcrtebrata,yi\\\Q\\ comprise the Reptiles, and tho perfect Amphibia, tho heart is reduced to throe cavities; viz. two auricles and one ventricle. One auricle, tho right and larger one, receives blood from the system ; tho olhor, tho loft, usually smaller, receives blood from tho lungs ; both discharge their contents into the common ventricle, which thus receives a mixture of dark venous blood 266 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. from tho system, and bright arterial blood from the lungs. From the single ventricle, there proceed, in the Reptilia, a distinct aortic and pulmonary trunk, but in the Amphibia, only a single arterial trunk exists, from which the pulmonary arteries take their origin; in either case, a part of the mixed ventricular blood again passes through the lungs, whilst most of it is propelled through the body. The blood is no longer entirely sent through the lungs, before it is distributed to the body again, as happens in the warm-blooded Birds and Mammals, which possess a perfect double circulation ; on the contrary, a more or less mixed blood goes to the lungs, and a more or less mixed blood to the body. The pulmonary and systemic circulations are not wholly distinct, but meet in the common ventricle ; the circulation is not completely double. In the highest Repitiles, the Saurians, wdiich approach the Birds in so many parts of their organisation, there exists, however, a partial ventricular septum, which, in the crocodiles, is said sometimes to be even complete. The outwardly single ventricle always gives off two arterial trunks, and the. internal septum is so placed, that it serves to direct the dark systemic venous blood entering from the right auricle, chiefly into the pulmonary arterial trunk, whilst it turns the current of red arterialised blood coming through the left auricle from the lungs, towards the aortic or systemic arterial trunk. In these animals, then, the circulation approaches closely to the character of the double circulation in Birds and Mammals ; but the impei-fect structure of the ventricular septum may permit a certain amount of intermixture of the two kinds of blood in that cavity. The right or anterior portion of the ventricle, which is connected with the pulmonary artery, has thinner walls than the left or posterior portion, which is connected with the aorta. In the Chelonia and Ophidia, a less perfect septum also exists, but it gradually becomes smaller, and therefore less able to separate the two currents of blood, or to guide these in special directions. In the perfect adult Amphibia, the .single ventricle has either only slight traces of a septum, or, more com- monly, no septum whatever ; the single arterial trunk, proceeding from it, is sometimes named the arterial bulb, or bulbus arteriosus. Even the auricular septum is imperfect in the Proteus. The arrangement of the branches of the aorta, in these cold-blooded pulmonated Vertebrata, is also peculiar. In Man and Mammalia, the single aortic arch bends over the root of the left lung, and continues on as the abdominal aorta. In Birds, the ai-ch of the. aorta turns down over the root of the right lung, to become the abdominal aorta. In the higher Reptiles, two aortic arches exist, one on each side, forming a right and left aortic arch, which descend over the roots of the corresponding lungs, and join together, somewhere in front of the vertebral column, to form the abdominal aorta. Of these, the right aortic arch, the only one present in Birds, is larger than the left, and evidently forms the proper systemic artery; for it gives off the arteries to the head, neck, and upper limbs, which parts accordingly receive almost entirely red blood, which is directed into the aorta, as already mentioned, by the ventricular septum. On the other hand, the left aortic arch is small, is joinetl by a short trunk to the pulmonary artery, which springs from the. other side of the septum, and from it receives dark blood ; hence it follows that the abdominal aorta, formed by the coalescence of the right and left aortic arches, carries mixed blood to the posterior part of the trunk, and the hind limbs. THE CIRCULATION IN FISHES. 267 In the lower Eeptiles, three aortic arches exist on each side; the upper pair give off the vessels of the head and neck, the lower pair give origin to the pulmonary arteries, and all combine, by short branches, into two descending trunks, which unite to form the abdominal aorta. Here, also, a more perfectly oxygenated blood is provided for the anterior, or more important part of the animal, a less perfectly oxygenated blood, for the hinder part. A portal circulation exists in both Reptiles and Amphibia ; it is con- nected with the renal veins, which also exhibit a renal portal system; i.e. a set of veins, which convey blood into the kidneys for distribution in their interior. The condition of the organs of circulation in the young or immature Amphibia, will be best understood after that of Fishes has been described. The cold-blooded, branchiafcd Vertebrata, or Fishes, have no lungs ; those organs being represented, however, in a few species, by the so-called air-bladder, an appendage, usually, of the pharyngeal part of the ali- mentju’y canal. The heart is now simplified by the suppression of the left auricle, there being no pulmonary veins to end in it; the ventricle also is single, as in the Amphibia and Reptiles, but it never presents any trace of an internal septum. There remain, therefore, but a single auricle and a single ventricle. The auricle, like the right auricle in other cases, receives the dark venous blood from the body, and transmits it, through an orifice provided with valves, into the ventricle. This is very mus- ctilar, and propels the blood, not into the lungs, for there are none, nor directly into a systemic arterial trunk, or aorta, for immediate distri- bution through the body generally ; but, on the contrary, the single ventricle sends it into a short trunk, called the arterial hidb, which has valves at its root, and, in a few examples, is even partially divided into two. From this bulb, a series of arched vessels, usually five, some- times four, in number, proceed upwards, supported on the cartilaginous branchial arches, and convey tho blood, through the branchial arteries, into tho gills, in which it passes through capillary vessels, and is then collected by the branchial veins ; these running towards the vertebral column, unite together on tho dorsal aspect of the alimentary canal, to form a single systemic arterial trunk, which corresponds, in function, with tho aorta of the higher Vertebrata. From this, branches are given off to all parts of the body, excepting tho gills and generally, if not always, certain parts of tho head, which are, singularly enough, supplied by special branches proceeding at once from the branchial veins. From tho body generally, tho blood is brought back, by tho systemic veins, to tho single auricle. In tho Fish, therefore, all the blood which returns Horn tho body to the heart, is sent first through tho respiratory or oxygenating organs, before it re-enters tho system ; the respiratory apparatus is so interposed that it forms a part of the general circulation, tho branchial circulation being continued on to the systemic circulation, without tho blood coming back to tho heart between them. Ileiico the circulation in tho br.an- chiated Fish, is said to bo einc/le, as distinguished from tho imperfectly I doxdile circulation of tho cold-blooded, and tho compldely double circula- tion of tho warm-blooded, pulmonatod Vertebrata. Tho heart of tho ' Fish, is also said to bo a branchial and not a xystemic heart, bocauso its immediate work is to force tho blood into tho branchiie or gills. No special contractile apparatus exists beyond tho gills, to accomplish tho 268 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. circulation through the body — a fact which has already been adduced (p. 24:3), to show that the heart’s action is adequate to drive the blood through the systemic circulation of Man, and the pulmonated Mammalia. In the caudal veins of tlie eel, however, as already mentioned, there exists a pulsating portion, named a venous heart, which undoubtedly assists in the return of the venous blood to the distant •proper heart. Its presence may be connected with the unusual length of the systemic vessels in this part of the eel ; but even here, the heart propels the blood through the vessels of the gills, and afterwards through the systemic arteries and capillaries. Pulsating dilatations are likewise found in the arteries of the pectoral fins of the torpedo and chimsera, and in the portal vein of the myxine. In Fishes, as in other Vertebrata, a portal system of veins exists; it is composed not only of the veins from the digestive organs, but also of those from the other viscera in the posterior part of the abdomen, and likewise of some of those from the liinder part of the body. The venous trunks thus formed, conduct blood to the kidnej^s as well as to the liver, so that, in Fishes, both these glands receive venous blood. After being distributed through them, the blood is returned to the heart, by proper hepatic and renal veins, which open into the vena cava in- ferior. Ketia mirabilia, both arterial and venous, exist in certain Fishes, on the swimming bladder, in the eyes, and in the neighboiirhood of the gills and the intestines. Since all the blood of Fishes, after its return from the body, passes through the respiratory organs, before it again proceeds to the body, it might be inferred that the respiration must be more complete in them than in the Keptiles, in which only a portion of the venous blood is transmitted to the respiratory organs, whilst some is distributed to the body again. But in Fishes, the respiratory process itself is less active than it is in Beptiles, being aquatic, instead of aerial. As the heart in the Fish, is a branchial or respiratory heart, its single auricle and ven- tricle have been supposed to be homologous with the right auricle and ventricle, or respiratory heart, of the Bird and Mammal. This view, how- ever, is only partially correct ; for though the auricle in the Fish’s heart, is homologous with the right auricle of the more perfectly formed lilam- malian or Avian heart, and therefore respiratory, the single ventricle represents both ventricles of the heart of the warm-blooded Vertebrata, and, indeed, rather the left than the right ventricle. In the Fish, the branchial vessels given off from the arches, which proceed from the bulbus arteriosus, end in the systemic arterial trunk, and thobranchiseand their vessels, may therefore bo regarded as organs interposed in the systemic circulation. In the pulmonated Vertebrata, on the contrary, the pul- monary arteries enter the lungs, from which the blood is returned through pulmonary veins, and those latter do not unite to form an artery, but i re-enter the auricular portion of the heart ; so that the pulmonary system ! is not, like the branchial system, continuous with, or a portion of, the systemic, but altogether a special circulation. The Amphibia begin life as aquatic branchiatod animals, but most of them, in their mature state, lose their gills and acquire lungs, so as to become pulmonated, and air-breathing. In this metamorphosis, not only transitions occur in the respiratory organs from the Piscine tx) the lieptiiian condition, but also simultaneous adaptations of the circidating THE CIRCULATION IN AMRHIBIA. i>69 system. The clifFerences in the mode of respiration, and in the character of the circulation, which are observed between two great Classes of the Vertebrata, viz. Fishes and Eeptiles, are exactly paralleled by the differ- ences mot with in the immature and mature respiratory and circulatoi'y organs, in an individual Amphibian ; and the progressive steps which lead from one state to the other, can be seen in the evolution of a single animal. Those changes maybe traced in the frog, or in the salamander. In the tadpole of the former, external branched gills first appear, but soon become absorbed, and are succeeded by internal laminated gills, resembling those of the Fish. In this condition, the heart, composed of a single auricle and ventricle, receives the blood from the body, and pro- pels it into a bulbus arteriosus, and thence, by three lateral symmetrical branches, or branchial arterial arches, into the gills ; after passing through capillary vessels, it is collected by the branchial veins, from the foremost of which the arteries of the head are given off; these veins, but chiefly the second and third, combine to form the systemic artery or descending aorta, which conveys the blood into the rest of the body, whence it is again returned by the veins, to the single auricle. This form of circula- tion is truly Fish-like ; but at the base of each branchial lamina, a minute vessel runs directly from each branchial arterial arch, to the com- mencement of the descending aorta ; as development goes on, more blood passes through these communicating vessels, directly from the bulb into the descending aorta, without traversing the vessels of the , gills ; still later, the gills themselves diminish, and more and more blood passes through these little arched vessels at their base ; finally, the gills and their vessels, being the one atrophied, and the other • obliterated, the whole of the blood proceeding from the ventricle through the arterial bulb, traverses these enlarged symmetrical communicating vascular arches, and so reaches the descending aorta. In the meantime, ; from the lowermost vascular arch, on each side, there has been de- ■ veloped a little vessel, which ramifies on the walls of a small sac, or 1 rudimentary lung ; and as these organs are gradually enlarged, the vessels i in question grow, and form the pulmonary arteries. liy these, one por- I tion of the blood from the single ventricle, is carried to the newly evolved I respiratory organs, the air-breathing lungs ; whilst the rest is conveyed t through the remaining vascular arches, now reduced to two in number ' on each side, partly into the arteries of the head and nock, but chiefly . into the aorta, and the body generally. Lastly, the blood returning from the lungs, enters a small superadded auricle, or left auricle, which ; becomes parted off from the right; whilst the blood which returns from ■ the boer- sistent, primitive, nutritive force, inherited from the gerrn-cell. It is probably alike po.sse.ssed by every cell, however remote in its descent from the parent cell, and however modified, so as to form parts of a composite animal or ti.ssue, just as it undoubtedly is when a single cell constitutes the entire animal. This germ force, or germinal force, is the essential cause of all nutritive jdienomena, as it is of all organisation, whether animal or vcgetaltle. By it, the cellular yeast plant grows and maintains itself in fermenting saccharine solutions, the larg(!i- fungi feed themselves upon juices derived from decaying organic matter in the soil, the various (i-isues of the more complex flowering plants are formed and sujiported out SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of a common pabulum, the sap ; and, in the Animal Kingdom, the unicellular Gregarina, the sarcodous llhizopod, the protei- form Amoeba, the soft-bodied Cmlenterata, with their ectoderm, endoderm, and intermediate tissue, and, lastly, all the complex tissues and various organs of animals higher in the scale, and of Man, are duly nourished. By this, the nerve tissue attracts from the plasma outside the capillaries, its e.ssential latty and other constituents, the muscular fibre assumes the materials for fresh syntonin, the cartilage those for its chondrin, the bones, their peculiar animal and earthy materials, and so on, of every other tissue of the body. The act of nutritive assimilation, is said to imply a metabolic effort, operating in regard to the substance of the tissues, whilst in development, or evolution, this is associated Avith a metaniorphic effort, which determines their form. Both kinds of nutritive pheno- mena are manifest chiefly, probably exclusively, in certain areas around the nuclei, or corpuscles, of the cells, the so- called germinal centres^ Avhich are therefore knoAvn as areas and centres of nutrition. The few cases in Avhich, as in elastic ligaments, the nuclei or corpuscles are said to be absorbed, may only be apparent exceptions to the rule. Certain con- ditions of the blood, and of the temperature of the body, are essential to the occurrence of nutritAe actions. They are most active at the commencement of the life of any animal, and gradually decline as that advances, until the power tomaintoin the bod}', is overcome by the forces which lead to its degenera- tion and decay. In reference to the act of assimilation, and, indeed, of original organi- sation, it is remarked by Graham, that colloidal substances may not only be regarded as forming the essential plastic elements of the body, capable like all colloids, of existing both in the liquid and in the pec- tous condition ; but that, in the organising and assimilating process, these colloidal bodies do pass from the liquid into the pectous state, as they assume the form and cliaracters of tissues and organs. The slow rate of these colloidal changes, harmonises with the gratlual and pericalic natiu-e of the processes of growth and disintegration, with which allA'ital phenomena, Avhether of vegetative or animal life, are connected. The KXERGiA, or force, peculiar to colloids, may be, indeed, the primarj- source of the physical force appearing in the phenomena of vitality (Graham). Thirdhj, the result of tlie act of assimilation by the various tissues, is to leave a residual fluid in the interspaces of the tissue-elements, otttside the capillary vessels. The nature of this interstitiiil fltiid, uidike the common plasma of Avhich it is a residue, must differ in the different tissues, as, for THE EFFECTS OF UE-NUTRITION. 281 example, in muscle, brain, liver, and connective tissue. This residual portion of the nutritive jdasma not being effete, but merely defective in composition, is supposed to enter the commencing lymphatics, and thus to be returned to the blood through the absorbent system. Probably, as already indicated, this is accomplished by true assimilative acts, on the 2:>art of the lymphatic vessels and glands, owing to which, certain appropriate constituents only of the residual portion of the plasma, enter the commencing lymphatics. It is remarkable that these vessels are most abundant in the connective tissue, in which the residual part of the plasma is least altered, and few or absent in muscle and brain, where the greatest modifi- cations are effected in it, and where, accordingly, it is less fitted to form fresh lymph. It might be conceived, without adopting Virchow’s and Ilecklinghauser’s views as. to the origin of the lymphatics in the connective tissue corpuscles, that the areolar tissue in, and between, all the organs of the body, acts as a sort of spongy bed or matrix, into which the residual part of the nutritive plasma escapes, and so may be more easily taken up by the lymphatics which abound in it. Fourthly, the final residue of the exuded plasma, which is neither used by the tissues of the body, nor absorbed by the intruded lymphatic vessels, remains to be accounted for. This must be conveyed, probably, by simple and unavoidable dialysis, without power of selection or rejection, into the venous half of the capillary network, and the minute venules immediately adjoining. No other destination can be assigned to it, and unless it were carried off, dropsical accuimdations, or effusions, would take place in the tissues. From this, it would aj)pear, that whilst the still serviceable parts of the residual plasma, left after the nutrition of the other tissues, are restored indirectly to the blood, by lymphatic absorption and assimilation, the unserviceable, or final, and no longer nutritious, residuum, passes into the circulation directly, by means of venous absorption. Lastly, with this final residuum of the nutritive plasma, there are nece.«sarily mingled the products of the disintegration of the tissues, ^ivhich always accompanies their action. With- out waste there is no use, and without use there is no life. It is the lo.ss which living and acting tissues undergo, which nece.ssitatcs their nutrition; and whilst new pabulum is brought by the arferitd blood, which yields a nutritive plasma through the walls of the arterial half of the ca|)illary network, 2S2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. from wliich plasma all tlie tissues receive respectively their requisite materials, the products of their waste would seem first to become dissolved in the ultimate residuum of the plasma, and with it, to enter the venous blood, through the walls of the venoris half of the capillaries and of the minute veins. These products of waste are really effete, and no longer fit for the pm'poses of initrition ; physiologically, they are the result of a process of de-nutrition, and, chemically considered, of a pro- cess of oxidation, of the tissue substance. It is these which impart to the blood,, its positive venous characters. Thus, venous blood is more watery; it contains less nutritive matter ; it is also rendered impure by containing the waste products of the tissues, the chief of which are carbonic acid, lactic acid, and urea. The former of these, as we shall hereafter see, is replaced by oxygen in the lungs, and so a negative defect in venous blood, the want of that stimulating agent, is supplied. Here, also, the carbonic acid is given off ; whilst the lactic acid, phosphates, and urea, are eliminated, or cast out of the blood, by the excretory glands, especially by the skin and kidneys. The five stages of the nutritive process, though here sepa- rately described, viz. the exudation of the nutritive plasma from the blood, the assimilation of parts of this by the tissues under repair, the absorption and assimilation of other portions by the lymphatics, and lastljq the reabsorption of the final residue, together with that of the waste products of the tissues, by the venous capillaries and veins, are, of course, in the living body, simultaneously and continuously performed, and in the healthy condition, Avith a perfect balance of action. Especially must the removal of the Avaste products, be inces- sant, or they Avould taint the nutritive plasma, and cause inflammation, as in reality occurs in rheumatism and gout. In the embryo, and in the growing animal, nutrition not only repairs the constant Avaste of the tissues, but, as already stated, conti'ibutes to the formation of neAv morphological ele- ments, in the processes of development and groAvth. Bnt, after the body has attained its maturity, groAvth ceases in most, though not in all, of the tissues. Hence two kinds of nutritive processes are notice.able in the adult. Ill one, not only are the already existing cell-elements, and their secondary intra- or intercellular products, supplied Avith materials for their special nutrition, until they have passed through all the metamorphoses peculiar to them; but neiv cell- FORMS OF NUTRITION. 2S3 elements, or germinal centres, are constantly being reproduced and developed, for the purpose of supplying the place of those Avhich are cast off ; these new cells are, in turn, succeeded by others. This process, named continuous fp'oivth, occurs in the epidennis, nails, and hair, in the epithelial tissues of the mucous membranes and secreting glands, and probably also in the grey nervous substance. Moreover, from the active in- ternal changes of absorption and deposition constantly going on in bone, as indicated by observations on the bones of animals fed with madder, it would seem that new cells are continually being formed in that tissue, and, if so, perhaps in cartilage also. In the nutrition of the blood, there occurs not merely a continued renovation of pre-existing red corpuscle.s, but also the death and disappearance of a certain proportion of these, together with the reproduction of new ones. In the othei’ mode of nutrition, when once a tissue has attained maturity, no new morphological elements are added to it ; such is sup- po.sed to be the case, with the areolar and fibrous ti.ssues, and with the muscular and nervous fibres. In these tissues, the nutritive process consists merely in interstitial disintegration and deposition, aflTecting the elements of the perfectlj'^ formed tissue, molecule by molecule, so as effectually to preserve the shape and size of a part or organ, as long as the normal or healthy standard of nutrition is maintained. According to this view, even the enlargement of a muscle from exercise, is owing to an increase in the size of the fibrillas in each fibre, and not to the formation of new fibres, or even of new fibrilla; ; whilst muscular emaciation is due merely to a diminution in the .size of those elements. It is, however, supposed by some, that, as in bone, .so in muscle, new centres of growth, or nuclei, are developed from time to time, and give rise to new fibres, amongst the pre-existing ones, some of which are, on the other hand, constantly undergoing retrograde changes, and disappearing. In the mode of nutrition by the continuous growth of new cells on the surface, the old elements are cast off directly at the surface of the body, or of some one of its internal mend)ranes ; parts of them, however, are .sometimes reabsorbed as secretions. In theinter.stitial mode of nutrition, the products of disintegra- tion, arising from nutritive changes in the substance of tlie tissue, are taken up, if not by the absorbents, at all events by the bloodvessels, and .so enter the blood. The phenomena of nutrition are necessarily affected. 284 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. through the blood, by the quantity and quality of the food, by all the changes which occur in the blood itself, by what is called the general condition of the health, by exercise or the reverse, and by external conditions, such as temperature, me- chanical causes, pressiu'e or violence, or chemical agents. Nutrition is also aifected, and modified, by the state of the nenmus system, as exemplified by the effect of emotions and other causes, probably in the main, through the action of the vasi-motor nerves regulating the diameter of the small arteries of a part. Perversions of the condition of the nerves or nervous centres, may induce a perverted state of the nutritive processes, both general and local. The formative and nutri- tive energy is, however, not derived from the nervous system; for it is manifested not only in animals destitute, so far as is known, of any nervous system, but even in plants. Moreover, it begins to act in the ovvtm, previous to the existence of a nervous system, which system, indeed, is developed by its agency. Of the numerous instances usually adduced, to prove that the nervous system may directly guide, or modify, the nutritive changes in the tissues, independently of its action on the bloodvessels, none are satisfactory, if adduced in the case of animals jwssessing bloodvessels; for it is impossible, in such cases, to exclude the action of the nerves upon these vessels. But there are animals, low in the scale, such as the Beroe and other Coelenterata, in which a nervous system exists, without bloodvessels ; and, in these cases, any action of the foi’iner, upon the nutritive processes, must be direct, and not through the agency of vessels. The increased ntttrition or secretion from a part in such an animal, due to a stimulus acting on its nerves, furnishes, unless this is influenced by the contraction of the tissues themselves, the requisite example of such direct action. If so, by analogy, it might also occur in the vascular animals, and in Man. Certain muscular organs, stimulated through the nerves, such as the gravid itterus of the Mammalia, and the muscles of the frog after the season of hybernation, undergo normal periodic enlargements. In this form of over-nutrition, both the jn’oeesses first mentioned, usually occur, viz. an increase in the size of the pre-existing elements, or hfipertrophy, and also an increase in their number, or hjiperplasia. Budge has actually observed this latter mode of increase, in the muscles of the frog, new fibres being developed from nuclei arising from the old ones within the sarcolemma of the pre-existing MORBID FORMS OF NUTRITION. 285 fibres. In such cases, a corresponding increase takes place in the nerves, and new nerve fibres also appear to be develoj^ed by aid of the nuclei of the old ones (Klilme). The blood- vessels of such parts must also enlarge — a change not due to simple dilatation, but to a coincident interstitial hyperti-ophy of the tissue elements of their walls. Various deviations from the normal standard of nutrition, are met with in the body; they are fertile sources of organic disease, giving rise to the morbid conditions known as hypertrophy and hyperplasia, neoplasia, atrophy, softening, induration, degeneration, and injlammation, with its consequences. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia, already defined, are usually attributed, either to an over-abimdanee of certain materials in the blood, suitable to tlie development of some particular tissue, or to excessive supply of blood, to over-exercise of a part, or to some not understood tendency to an increase of size or growth, by excessive enlargement or multiplication of the tissue-elements. Muscular hypertrophy and hyperplasia, are more common in the involuntaiy than in the voluntary muscles. Neoplasia, or the formation of new growths, is referred to a perverted nutrition. Its cause is unknown ; though it is attributed, with some probability, to the accumulation in the blood of some similar nutritive material or pabulum, fitted to stimulate their formation, and support their growth and nutrition. The resulting tumours are sometimes homoplastic or homologous, that is, they exhibit a structure similar to that of some normal tissue ; or they are heterologous or heteroplastic, their structure being entirely unlike any healthy texture. Fatty, fibrous, cartilaginous, and bony tumoui-s belong to the former, and tubercle, fibroplastic sarcomas, and cancers, to the latter variety of new formations. These, when once formed, are the seat of continued nutritive changes, more or less perfect and proper to themselves, and maintaining, in the midst of interstitial changes, the character of the abnormal tissue- elements of each growth. Atrophy, or the gradual or rapid wasting of a part or tissue, depends on general defective nutritive activity, an unhealthy condition or deficient stipply of blood, want of exercise in a part, or loss of intrinsic nutritive power. Atrophy may be general, as that which follows deficiency of food or actual starvation, or partial and local, as that wdiich occiu-s in the fatty tissue, when no fatty, amylaceous, or saccharine food is eaten, and the blood is destitute of fatty matter. Softening, induration, and degeneration, imply not only defective, but more or less altered, nutrition. The first consists in a liquefaction of the tissue-elements ; the second and third, in depositions, in or about them, of albuminoid or amyloi cicatrices, or other repaired parts, nutritive changes afterwards go on, 1 resulting, as in the healthy tissues, in the maintenance of the form and I characters of the newly developed tissue or scar. Offices of the Blood and of its several Constituents in Nutrition. 1 I t ) i 1 I i; i I D ( r h I f., I The general fact, already indicated, that the blood is the source of all the nutrient material for the solid tissues of the body, is illustrated in many ways. Thus, the activity of the nutritive process, is coincident with the quantity and quality of the blood supplied to a particular part or organ. Unless it be constantly supplied, through the absorbent system, with fresh nutriment from food, it becomes itself impoverished, showing the demand made upon it, by the nutritive wants of the solid tissues. Ligatitre of the arteries of a part, is followed by a diminution in its size, owing to defective nutrition ; and not only does complete closure of the arteries accomplish this, but even their compression. There are instances in which an increased supply of blood, through enlargement of the arteries, occurs as a natural phenomenon in the living body, and, in such cases, this determination of blood, as it is called, is ac- companied by an increased growth in the part or organ supplied, as e.xernplified in the annual development of the antlers of the stag, and in the periodic enlargement of the mammary glands in the Mammalia, for the suj)ply of their young with 288 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. milk. Again, the falling of the antlem, and the disappearance of portions of healthy bone, in the ordinary nutrition of that texture, are always preceded, or accompanied, by a gi-adnal shrinking and final closure of the vessels which nourish them, by the filling up of the Haversian canals of the bony tissue ; thus, nuti'ition is arrested, as the supply of blood is cut off. Lastly, hasmorrhages, or bleedings, are followed eventually, by diminished nutrition of the body. But the immediate effects of severe luemorrhage, are most remarkable. The functional activity of the muscular and nervous systems, the exercise of which also demands rapid nutritive changes, is either enfeebled, suspended, or lost. Every sensation, perception, emotion, or volition, and every movement, is accompanied by disinte- gration of nervous or muscular tissue, or of both ; these tis.sttes are maintained in a fit state for action, by a due supply of oxygenated blood and nutritive plasma, and the several changes Avhich occur in them and in the blood, are retro- gi’e.ssive chemical decompositions, accomplished through the agency of the oxygen conveyed in the latter. Accordingly, a loss of blood from hasmorrhage, a diminution of that fluid from pressure on the vessels, or an arrest of the circulation from ligature, or other causes, is followed by a diminution, suspension, or annihilation of the functions of a muscle or nervous centre. Similar results ensue fi'om serious alterations in the quality of the blood, as when the proportion of oxygen in it, is deficient, or Avhen cai'bonic acid is in excess, as is seen in the immediate loss of consciousness and muscular power, which follows the arrest of the decarbonising and oxygenating pro- cesses of respiration. The nutrition of the body generally, also becomes defective, from a continually diminished supply of pure air, owing to the blood not being then duly oxygenated and purified. Finally, the influence of the blood, in stimu- lating and nourishing the tissues, is directly proved by the remarkable resuscitating effects of injecting that fluid into the veins of persons or animals, previously deprived of blood by accidental or intentional ha3inorrhage, the powers of the whole sj'stem which have previously been suspended, being, in this way, almost instantaneously restored. The nutritive, stimulating, and resuscitating powers of the blood, depend on the chemical constitution of the liquor san- guinis, and on the number, composition, and properties of the cor])uscles which it contains ; and the special offices of the dill’erent parts of this fluid, for the processes of nutidtion, may USE OF TUE RED CORPUSCLES. 289 be referred both to its nrorpliological .and chemical constituents, which lun-e already been described (Vol. I. pp. 62, 90). The white corpuscles appear to serve, at all periods .after birth, for the renovation of the red or coloured ones. They are very abund.ant in sickly and ill-fed persons ; also in antemia, in inflammations, and in certain diseases of the spleen, probably because they do not then undergo the usual change into red coi-puscles, and so relatively accumulate in number. The red corpuscles, by virtue, as it would seem, of the colouring matter, or cruorin, are the great carriers into the system of oxygen, which displaces carbonic acid from the blood during respiration, as will be explained in the section on that subject. The substance usually known as hasmatin, is a product of the decomposition of cruorin, by the action of acids or caustic alkalies. The hasmatin of Lecanu is a highly coloured albuminoid substance, containing iron ; its chemical relations with themyochrome of muscles, thej^igment of the choroid and ii'is, of the hairs and skin, in both the dark and fair races of mankind, and also with the colomdng matters of the bile, the urine, and the supra-renal bodies, may indicate some nutritive relations between it and them ; it may perhaps be formed in the spleen, or in the lungs, and may be dissolved, in minute qaiantity, in the nutritive plasma, and so find its way chieflv to the mu.scles and hairs, in the colouring matter of both of which, iron is also found. The red corpuscles also probably furni.sh, by their solution, continuous supjjlies of albuminoid matter to the liquor sanguinis, the globulin of the corpuscles having a close resemblance to albumen and syntonin. The fact, however, that the red corpuscles contain most of the potash, whikst the liquor sanguinis contains most of the soda, of the blood, may indic.ate that the muscular tissue which akso abounds in potash, may receive special nourish- ment from these ; and, as they also contain a phosphorised fatty matter, they may have special nutritive relations, direct or indirect, with the nervous substance. The quantity of the red corpuscles in the blood, is certainly greatest in healthy and vigorous persons. These corpuscles are also most abundant in the hot-blooded Birds, not (juite so numerous in the Mam- malia, the temperature of which is not sohigh,and muchfewer in the cold-blooded Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fi.shcs. Their pro- portion in the blood, is in direct relation, not only with the temperature of the body, but also with the general activity .and energ}.'of the muscular and nervous apparatus. From this VOL. II. u 290 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. cause, the ratio of the general solids to the Avater of the blood, shoAvs similar proportions in the different Vertebrate Classes. The special nutritive office of the liquor siinguinis, must be explained by its composite chemical constitution. Its peculiar physical character of smooth viscosity, due to the albumen, and particularly, it is said, to the fluid fibrin Avhich it contains, is highly favourable to the easy passage of the blood along minute channels like the capillaries, Avithout its exuding too freely through their Avails, and perhaps also to the uniform suspension of the red particles in it. A tendency to exude in undue quantity through the coats of the vessels, is probably fiivoured by a diminution in the amount of fibrin, as AveU as by like changes in the proportions of the albumen and the .salts. The uses of the particular chemical constituents of the blood, as a Avhole, require further consideration. The albuminoid principles of the blood, its most abundant constituents, include the globulin of the red corpuscles, the albumen of the Avhite corpuscles, and that held in solution in the liquor sanguinis ; this latter is said to be chiefly derived from, or prepared by, the blood corpuscles, the globulin of Avhich is believed to escape into the liquor sanguinis, either through their thin envelopes, or after their solution. These albuminoid substances are of the highest nutritive value ; for they, or their derivatives, are found, in larger or smaller quantity, in aU the tissues and organs of the body, both in the microscopic cell elements and the intercellular substance, appearing as albumen or syntonin in the nervous tissues, as syntoniu in the muscles, much changed, as a gelatin-, or chondrin-, yielding sub- stance in the fibrous and areolar tissues, bone, and cartilage, and as elastin in the yelloAV ligaments and other elastic tissues. Gelatin is not found in the blood itself; but Avhen digested, it is converted into a gelatin-peptone, and so be- comes absorbed as Ave have seen, but in Avhat state, is not yet knoAvn ; nor is its destination in the nutritiAm processes of the body certain. Either it may serAm for the direct nutrition of the gelatin-yielding tissues ; or, and this is very probable, itmay, by itself undergoing oxidation, conserve other more important tissues, and, at the same time, maintain the temperature of the body. Its efficacy as administered in jellies, beef-tea, and broth, in cases of sickness, e.specially indicates its importance as an article of diet. Eurtliermore, the albuminoid substances such as salivin, pepsin, pancreatin and casein, found in many most important secretions, must be derived from the albumen USES OF THE FIBRIN. 291 of the blood. The quantity of these formed in the day, i.s considerable, but those contained in the digestive fluids, are quickly absorbed into the blood again. Thougli so highly nutritive, and absolutely essential to the economy, albumen, considered as an organisable substance, has no metamorphic power ; though it affords a fit material for metamorphic action. The fibrin of the blood, was formerly supposed to be specially intended for the nutrition of the muscles, their albuminoid constituent, syntonin, being considered to be identical with the fibrin of the blood. It is now believed that the fibrin is not so essential for nutiative purposes as the albumen, and the small proportionate quantity in the blood, as compared with other albuminoid bodies, viz. about 1 to 90, is in accordance with this idea. Fibrin is more highly oxidated, or contains more oxygen, than albumen ; hence it may be a degraded form or condition of albumen, exhibiting a retrogressive change into some still lower compounds. As ah-eady mentioned, it may assist in maintaining some essential physical characters of the blood ; and, lastly, it plays a highly important part, in causing the coagulation of this fluid. To this change in the blood, the character and causes of which will be here- after discussed, the first closure of the orifices of bleeding arteries and veins is often due, and further hasmorrhage is thus arrested. Moreover, in most acts, especially in the union of divided parts, and in the healing of sores, the fibrin con- tained in the exuded plasma, coagulates, forming the first bond of union, and a matrix in which nuclei or nucleated cells are developed ; further reparative changes then ensue, according to the tissue wliich is the seat of reparation. But the coagulation of exuded fibrin in the living animal economy, though often bene- ficial, sometimes induces injurious consequences to the system, as, for example, in adhesive inflammation of the peritonamm, by which the intestines and other organs become adherent, or constricted by bands of newly-formed tissue, which interfere with, or altogether hinder, their proper movements and actions, in similar adhesions between the lungs and the side of the chest, between the heart and the pericardium, and also, and still more strikingly, in the attachment of the iris to the capside of the lens, or other jiarts within the eyeball, even causing blindness by the conqilete closure of the pupil. Not only fibrinous exudations from the vessels, but even extrava- sated blood itself, may coagulate within tlie tissues ; by some, 292 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. it is maintained that it may itself become the seat of subse- quent organisation. The fatty matter of the blood, -which is of varioirs kinds, is highly nutritive, scarcely any tissue being altogether destitute of fat in larger or smaller quantity. Phosphorised fats espe- cially abound in the nervous substance, and exist in the red corpuscles of the blood. Fat is always present in newly- forming tissues and newly -forming cells, the nuclei of which often contain fatty particles suiTOunded by an albuminous deposit. Fatty matter is found, too, not only in the fluid parts of the blood, but also in the organised morphological elements, the blood corpuscles, especially in the red ones. It was ob- served bv Ascherson, that when oleaginous substances are agitated wdth albmninous solutions, the fatty matter breaks up into minute particles, sun-oimded by a film of albu- men ; and he believed that some such physical combina- tion of oleaginous and albuminoids matter, might explain the formation of the low'est morphological elements, such as granules, and even of certain nuclei, though not the origin and growth of cells themselves. Without adopting this view, it may be admitted that fatty matter is essential to all nuclear and cell growth, and to every process of tissue foimation, even to the assimilation of albuminous matter ; for fat globules are always present in the ovum or germ-cell of every animal. Fat is necessary to the fonnation of certain secretions, as of the bile, milk, and sebaceous matters of the skin. The bile contains a very large quantity of fatty acids. It is possible that tift itself may be derived from other constituents, as from albuminoid, amyloid, or saccharine matter. The great value of oleoids, especially of such as are easily digested, absorbed, and assimi- lated, is exemplified in the beneficial action of cod-liver oil in tuberculous diseases. Besides its use as a nutritive sub- stance, the fat of the blood is probably also constantly subject to oxidation, for the production of animal energy and heat. But there are other substances in the blood, Avhich are pro- bably even more easily oxidated than its fats. Arterial blood does not contain any amyloid substance ; but traces of s^tgar are present in it. This is formed in the liver, but also, it would seem, in the muscles, and probably in other parts; it is also taken up from the food. Nevertheless, the quantity present is small ; it is, perhaps, less concerned in nutrition than in the production of heat and motion by its rapid oxidation. It may, however, take part in the formation USES OF THE SALTS OF THE BLOOD. 233 of milk. The inosite, lactic acid, creatin, and creatinin, and other extractives, are probably not so much directly nutritive, as stimulating, or excretive ; they all represent stages of chemical retrogression, from less to more oxidised compounds, and may, by their further oxidation, assist in the evolution of heat. As completely effete and non-iiutritious, or even poisonous, must be classed, the urea, detectable, in minute traces in the blood, as well as the ammonia which escapes fi-om it when it is drawn, and the uric acid, all of which are ex^ cretory substances. The salts of the blood are said to prevent its decomposition, and also to regulate its chemical characters and its specific gravity or density, so as to adapt it to the healthy condition of the liquor sanguinis and blood corpuscles floating in it. It is well kno^vn that certain salts are preservative, and, likewise, that if the blood corpuscles be suspended in a fluid of too low a specific gravity, they immediately become distended, a pro- cess of endosmosis going on into them ; whereas, if the fluid be of too high a specific gravity, they shrink by exosmosis. But neither of these supposed irses, explains the great variety of the saline constituents of the blood ; for one saline substance alone, say common salt, would have sufficed for both these jiurposes. Several uses are probably served by this variety. Thus, some salts, perhaps, are necessary for the maintenance of the properties of blood ; others are destined for the nutrition of certain tissues, or the formation of certain secretions ; whilst others again appear to be the result of the disintegrating and oxidating processes going on in the tissues and organs of the body, during the e.xercise of their respective functions. Thus, common salt, or chloride of sodium, appears to be pre- sent in the blood of all animals, and in every tissue. Its great importance is evidenced by the tenacity with which it is hcdd in the bodies of animals, and accumulates in their blood and tissues, even when, as in the case of the herbivorous species, the food which they consume, contains conq)aratively minute traces of it. The strong necessity and appetite lor s;dt, felt by the herbivorous Mammalia, is shown by their licking lumps of that subsbmce, or boiled bones, .scattered about their ])a.stures; and also by the periodical migrations of herds of cattle to the sidt districts in South America — facts which indicate that s;dt is indispens- able for the healthy condition of the blood, and of the tissues which are nourisluid from it. It would seem, indeed, that chloride of sodium is associated with every important act of 294 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGY. tissue fonufition and change. Of the secretions, all exhibit minute traces of salt ; but the gastric juice, in particular, con- tains an acid — the hydrochloric — derivable only from the salt of the blood ; for the quantity of chloride of potas.sium, as compared with the chloride of sodium, in the blood, is so small, that it may be inferred that the latter is the source of this acid of the gastric juice. The large quantity of soda present in the bile, in combination Avith its fatty acids, is probably also derived from the common salt in the blood ; the separation of the chlorine from this, for the formation of the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, maybe accompanied by the transference of the sodium, in the shape of soda, to the hepatic cells, for combination Avith the biliary acids. Again, the lime salts in the blood, chiefly the phosphate of lime Avith carbonate, held in solution in lactic and carbonic acids, are highly important nutritive stibstances, being found in all growing tissues ; as is Avell hnoAvn, they are especially deposited, as a consoli- dating material essential to the formation of the skeleton, and of the dentine and enamel of the teeth. Of these tissues, although the enamel undergoes no nutritive change after it has been formed, and the dentine very little, the bones are constantly exhibiting A^ery active metamorphoses. Carbonate of lime, phosphate of magne.sia, and silicates and fluorides, are usually a.ssociated Avith the phosphate of lime. But there are other salts, such as the phosphates and sul- phates, both of potash and soda, Avhich, probably, are derived from the oxidation of the phosphorus and sidphur contained in the phosphorised fatty matters found in the red corpuscles, and especially in the nervous tissues, and in the sulphuretted albuminoid substances existing in mirscle and brain. The phosphorus and sulphur in these compounds, are either directly oxidised, and combined Avith soda or potash, or else they pass first into intermediate substances, such as the highly sul- iduAretted .substance, the taurin of the bile. If carbonates of soda or potash exist in the blood, they also are probably not nutrient, but represent the resrdts of chemical retrogressive metamorphoses in the blood and tissues. MoreoA^er, the phos- phate of soda, A'/hich has an alkaline reaction, and auy carbo- nate of soda Avhich may be present in the blood, serve very important and .special u.ses in that fluid, helping to dissoh’e the albumen, to favour the chemical oxidation of many sub- stance.s in the blood, the absorjjtion of gases, and the pas- sage of the nutrient plasma through the Avails of the capillaries. USES OF THE GASES OF THE BLOOD. 295 The salts of potash are, it avouIcI seem, absolutely necessary to the nutrithm changes Avhich occur in muscular tissue. Tlie importance of potash especially, in preserving the healthy con- dition of the blood, perhaps by determining or aiding the chemi- cal actions necessary for that end, is illustrated in the beneficial efi'ects of fresh vegetables and li-uits, as articles of food. They especially abound in neutral or acid salts of potash ; and a diet from Avhich they are absent, if long irsed, induces that condi- tion of the blood, Avhich causes scurvy or scorbutus. The employment of neutral salts of potash, aids, at least, in the cure of this disease ; but it is more effectiially remedied by the use of lime juice, potatoes, or fresh vegetables themselves. Hence, perhaps, a vegetable diet operates on the blood and tissues, in some other mode than by the potash in Avhich it abounds. Of the gases contained in the blood, the nitrogen is pro- bably indifferent, and Avithout special office, its relative proportion constantly varying, both in arterial and venous blood. On the other hand, the oxygen must be regarded as an agent of the highest importance. It purifies the blood, and, dissolved in, or combined Avith, the cruorin of the red cor- pirscles, is by them carried through the system, and operates on all the tissues. Its action is not so much to contribute to the formation of tissue, by being combined Avith, or fixed in, the ti.ssues in the act of morphosis, as to stimulate the tissue ele- ments, especially those of the nervous and muscular tissues, to their proper functions, causing chemical changes or oxidations of their .substance, or of the blood pa.ssing through them, essential to their action, and more or less destructive of their substance. So essential is oxygen for this purjiose, that the deprivation of it, for but a feAv minutes, is fatal to the life of these tAvo tissues. As to the carbonic acid gas of the blood, not only is it neither nutrient nor stimulant, but it is the chief ultimate jToduct of the oxidation of the tis.sues, being probably derived, hoAVCAmr, from the oxidation of intermediate compounds, into Avhich the materials of the used-up blood and tissues break doAvn. It is the ultimate effete form in Avhich most of the decomposed carbonaceous substances are eliminated from the body. It is an impurity in the blood, Avhich requires to be incessantly ex- pelled from it, and, indeed, is so displaced by the aid of the oxygen in res[)iration. Under its influence, the scarlet colour and the other properties of arterial blood, are changed, and the blood becomes dark and venous. It is .so detrimental to the life of both the nervous and muscular tissues, that, in cases of 296 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. asphyxia, in which it ceases to be eliminated by the lungs, death seems rather to take place from the poisonous nature of the accumulated carbonic acid, than from the mere absence of the nutritive, or stimulating and vivifying, oxygen. The nuti'itive properties of the blood, differ according to many circumstances, being influenced by the character of that fluid, the age, sex, temperament, habits as to exercise and occu- pation, the constitutional state, and the nature of the food. Thus arterial blood is more nutritive and stimulating than venous blood, which will not long support life, especially that of the nervo-muscular apparatus. Arterial blood not only contains more oxygen, and less carbonic acid; but its liquor sanguinis is richer in fibrin, and its corpuscles contain more cruorin and saline substances, and much less fat — their total .solid matter being less than that of the corpuscles in venous blood. The fluid part of arterial blood, also contains less fat, but more saccharine and e.xtractive matters. Auaiu, the blood is less rich in childhood than before birth ; its corpuscles in- crease, however, at puberty, but, after fifty years of age, again diminish. The blood is richer in solid contents, especially in red corpuscles, in men than in women ; the same is true of plethoric and sanguine persons, as compared with those of lymphatic or serous constitution. The quantity of the fatty matter, is more influenced by the diet, than that of the other organic proximate constituents. Exercise in the open air, purifies and oxygenates the blood. This fluid is, of coui'se, profoundly modified in disease. Ilcemorrliacje or Loss of Blood. The escape of blood from its vessels into the surrounding tissues, is named extravasation ; if into one of the ciivities of the body, or externally, it is named haemorrhage. The loss of fi'om four to six pounds of blood, from one or more of the great vessels, Avill generally prove fatal to an adult ; but if the htemori-hage be slower, much larger quantities may be drawn from the blood-ve.ssels, without a directly fatal issue. Death from sudden haemorrhage, is caused by the want of sufficient blood to siqjply the nervous centres, so that fattd sjjncope, i.e. fainting, takes place ; when death occurs from prolonged hajmorrhage, it is not from a defective supply of nutriment to tire tissues generally, but from a slow exhaustion of the nervous and muscidar power, aflcctiug the brain, spinal ILEJIORRIIAGE. 297 cord, and heart, due to a deficient supply of nutriment and of oxygen to them, in consequence of the diminution in the number of the red corpuscles. Everyone should bo acquainted with the various forms of accidental hiemorrhage, and their impromptu treatment. If it be general oozing from small vessels, which is easily recognised, and if it proceed from a part to which pressure can be applied, a handkerchief closely folded into the form of a pad, and tirmly boimd over the spot by another handker- chief, will generally suffice to staunch the bleeding for a time ; the part should then bo kept elevated and at rest. In haunorrhage from a vein, the blood is dark, and the stream flows continuously, welling up over the surface. Moreover, pressiu’e with the finger on the side of the wound further /ro/n the heart, will ahnost entirely arrest the bleeding; whilst if pressure be applied on the side of the wound next to the heart, the flow of blood becomes more copious. To arrest venous huemorrhage, a small thick pad should be applied upon the wound, so as to extend a little to the side fiu’ther from the heart ; this should be firmly seciu’ed by a handkerchief or bandage ; the chief pressure must be made on the side of the wound away from the heart, because that is the direction from which the blood flows. Arterial h;emorrhage is known by the blood being bright, and projected in a jet from the wound, sometimes to a considerable distance, usually by jerks, though, if the artery be very small, there are merely slight intermissions in the force of the jet, and, in wounds of very minute arteries, the jet is continuous. Moreover, pressure on the side of the wound further from the heart, has no effect on the stream ; but pressure on the side nearer the heart, stops it. To arrest arterial hsemorrhage from a small artery, therefore, a pad of suitable size should be applied upon the wound, and extend also on the side next to the heart; it must be, not merely firmly, but tightly bound by a handkerchief or suitable bandage. If the artery be large and deep seated, very forcible pressure becomes necessary, and in order to communicate this specially to the artery itself, a small thick and un- yielding kind of pad is necessary. This should bo made, not by folding a hankerchief, but by rolling it up as tightly as possible, with, or with- out, some firm substance enclosed within it. Beneath the handkerchief used as a bandage, a short stick may bo inserted on the side of the limb opposite to the wound, and then be twisted round, so as to increase the pressure. These directions apply to veins and arteries situated in the limbs. Upon the head, simple pressure with the thumb or finger, will suffice to stop bleeding from either kind of vessel, because the bones of the cranium affortl a perfect means of counter-pressure. Wounds of the largo vessels of the nock, roqiuro very special management; but, as a general rule, direct pressure with a pad, maintained in its place by the thumb, is the best means to have recourse to, until proper assistance, by forceps and ligatm-e, can bo afl’ordod. In ca.se.s of sudden and great lof3s of blood, living blood, drawn from the veins of another per.son, has been injected into the veins of those suffering from the htemorrhage. This 298 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. is known as the transfusion of blood. Two hundred years ago, Lower (1665) suggested this operation, having found that animals, apparently dead from lia'inorrhage, were quickly revived, when blood, taken from another animal, Avas imme- diately injected into the veins. As an operation upon the human subject, transfusion was perfected by Dr. Blundell. The blood received into a Avarmed funnel connected Avith a proper syringe, is immediately transferred to the veins of the patient, no time being permitted for the occurrence of coagu- lation. The records of fifteen cases of the saAuug of life by this operation, have been collected by Bedard. In experi- ments on animals, it is better to defibrinate the blood, so as to prevent coagulation ; the process of Avhipping the blood, al.so, to a certain extent, oxygenates the blood. It has been sup- posed that the fibrin itself is injurious; but the better oxygenation of the beaten defibrinated blood, may account for its apparent superiority. Arterial blood has been shoA\m to have a greater restorative or stimidating effect, than Amnous. The serum of the blood is useless for the purposes of trans- fusion. Water has also no effect, unless it be used Avarm ; it is useful when the blood is loaded Avith carbonic acid, as in as- phyxia, or cold and already thick or tarry, OAving to loss of Avater, as in cholera. Solutions of common salt, or of salts selected so as to imitate those of the blood, yield surprising, but only temporary, restorative re.sults. The blood of one Mammalian species, may be injected, Avith impunity, into the Amins of an- other species ; and, contrary to Avhat Avas formerly supposed, blood possessing oval red corpuscles, such as the blood of Birds, does not jArove fatal Avhen injected into the veins of hlammals, in AAdiich the red corpuscles are circidar, provided the injected blood be arterial, and not venous, nor previously agitated Avith carbonic acid (Bischoff). Blood taken from a starving animal, is highly injurious, if injected into the Amins of another, causing peculiar symptoms, apparently referrible to the effects of decayed or decomposed animal matter (Ber- nard). Hence the animal, or person, subjected to transfusion- experiment, or ojieration, should be in good health, and re- cently Avell fed ; for then, not only Avill the loss of blood be bettor supported, but the blood itself Avill be noAvly derived from the food ; moreover, OAving to the more Avatery character of the chyle, as compared Avith the blood, the fibrin in the latter Avill be diluted, and any injurious influence Avhich this substance might produce, Avill be diminished. VITALITY OF THE BLOOD. 20!) The accidental injection of air with the blood, into the veins, has probably been the cause of the fatal results in some ti'ans- fusion experiments. Air so injected, or introduced by wounds of the veins in the neck, when it reaches the heart, is speedily tatal, either by mechanically interfering with the functions of the valves, or by chemically failing to excite contraction, likc^ pure blood ; or it may induce coagulation, or obstruct the pulmonary capillaries, after it has been driven with the blood, in the state of froth, through the prdmonary arteries. Vitality of the Blood. The blood, as it exists in the vessels of a living animal, is not a mere physical and chemical mixture of certain substances adapted to the nutritive wants of the rest of the body ; but, with or without the enclosing capillaries, it is an organised fluid tissue, possessing vitality like the solid tissues. Its corpuscles are evolved and disintegrated, like the other structural elements of the body. As we shall hereafter see, these bodies are ori- ginally developed simultaneously with the earliest vessels of the embryo, and the loss to which they are subject during life, is repaired by corpuscles newly formed in the system. The physiological endowments of these corpuscles, especially of the red ones, are quite peculiar, and are as characteristic as those of any of the structural elements of the solid tissues. With regard to the liquor sanguinis, in which the corpuscles float, it also has vitality, and must be regarded as the liquid, inter-cellular, or inter-nuclear, matrix of a fluid tissue ; for it is originally elaborated, with the corpuscles, in the interior of conjoined nucleated cells. The vitality of the liquor san- guinis, is, probably, however, like that of the infra-, or inter- cellular parts of the solid tissues, dependent upon its corpuscles, gymnoplasts, or nuclei, which are its real centres of growth ; just as the semi-fluid nervous substance, the somewhat firmer sarcous elements, the areolar fibi'es, and the yet denser mati'ix of cartilage, or the solid deposit of osseous tissue, appear to be dependent upon the nuclei proper to those tissues respec- tively. Tlie vitality of the blood, is merely a vegetative life, its inherent vital properties being strictly nutritive, and including neither contractility nor sensibility. The fluidity of the liquor sanguini.s, is an indispensable condition to the life of the whole body, and such vitality as it or the corpuscles 300 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. possess, must be constantly exercised in the maintenance of that condition. So, reciprocally, the persistence of the vital properties of the blood, implies, within certain limits, the maintenance of its peculiar fluid state and chemical constitu- tion. Yet, as Ave shall immediately see, the remarkable change which takes place in one constituent of the liquor sanguinis — viz. : in th.Q fibrinogen, or fibrin, Avhich, Avhen blood is drawn from the body, solidifies into delicate fibrils, and, entangling the corpuscles, gives rise to the phenomenon known as the coagulation of the blood — is, by many eminent physiologists, regarded as a vital act. The Coagulation of the Blood. This phenomenon, already elsewhere noticed (Vol. I. p. G5), does not consist of a solidification of all the elements of the blood, but of that of the fibrin alone, of which on an average not above 3 parts exist in 1000 of blood. The effects of this change in so small a quantity of fibrin, are very remarkable. A few minutes after blood is drawn from a vein or artery, it appears to set, or stiffen, into a red jelly-like mass or clot-, from the sm’face of this, yellowish transparent drops of fluid very soon exude, which then run together in little pools ; the red mass slowly shrinks, forces more and more of the transparent fluid from it, becomes more and more solid, and, at the end of from twenty-four to forty-eight hours, constitutes a clot equal in bulk to about one-third of the total Amlume of the blood, the rest now consisting of the yelloAV fluid, Avhich is named the serum. This serum contains most of the Avater, besides the albumen, salts, and extractives of the blood ; Avhilst the clot, coaguluin, or crassamentum, is composed of the fibrin, together Avith the red and Avhite corpuscles. The clot still contains, however, some serum, and, in order to remoA^e this, it is neces- sary to lift it from that fluid, cut it in pieces, and drain it upon a proper filter. The composition of the clot and serum, may be inferred from the facts stated in p. DO, Vol. I. When portion.s of the clot are examined under the microscope, the solidified fibrin is seen in the form of exceedingly minute fibrilla;, not more than the -3-0-0-515 of an inch in diameter, nearly straight, subdividing dichotomously, and sometimes assuming the appearance of rows of minute particles. These fibrillaj are most perfect, Avhen the blood coagulates sloAvly. The red COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 301 corpuscles in the clot, are no longer separate from each other, so as to be freely mobile, as in the circulating blood, but have run together in adherent masses or columns, which have been compared to overlapping rows or piles of coins ; the white corpuscles are also entangled, but not in groups, though, under certain circumstances, they collect more abundantly in the upper part of the clot. As freshly drawn blood coagulates, it gives off a vapour known as the halitus of the blood. A minute quantity of ammonia escaping in this halitus, is also evolved (Kichardson). No carbonic acid escapes, as was once suppo.sed. An odour, often characteristic in the case of different animals, is likewise perceptible, not so much during the coagulation of the blood, as before that event takes place, when the blood is hottest. Diming coagulation, no heat is evolved, the temperature of the blood, indeed, being already lowered, more or less, before this phenomenon begins. The coagulation of the blood is influenced by many cir- cumstances, wdiich determine its rapidity, and modify the characters of the clot itself, as to form, colour, and consistence. The external conditions which accelerate the formation of the clot, are rest, or, on the contrary, very active stirring, moderate increase of heat, exposure of the blood to air, its slow escape from an artery or vein, its reception into shallow vessels, and contact with rough or multiplied sui-faces, or with foreign solid bodies, and, in certain cases, its slight dilution with water. Within the body, the circumstances which favour the coagulation of the blood, are certain enfeebled states of the system, fr-equent bleedings, laceration of the ve.ssels from which the blood escapes, inflammation of the coats of the vessels, or of the lining membrane of the heart, and so called atheromatous, or other deposits, upon the vessels or upon the valves. On the other hand, coagulation is retarded, or intemipted, by movement, cold, heat beyond a certain temperature, the exclusion of air, as by covering the blood with a stratum of oil, its rapid escape from a vein or artery, its reception into deep vessels, its contact with .smooth surtaces, its exemption from the intrusion of foreign solid bodies, and also by the addition of strong solutions of neutral alkaline salts, or of minute quantities of ammonia. Moreover, it is retarded by the admixture of certain vegetable substances containing narcotic and sedative alkaloids, such as opium, hyoscyamus, 302 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. belladonna, aconite, and digitalis, and even by strong infusions of tea and coffee. In the case of the addition of strong solu- tions of neutral salts, and of many other substances, subse- quent dilution of the mixed blood, by adding water to it, is followed by a feeble coagulation. The internal conditions which retard coagulation, are certain inflammatory states of the system, perfect smoothness of the interior of the heart and bloodvessels, and, above all, a healthy condition of their lining membrane. Althouah rest, as when drawn blood is set aside, is favoim- able to coagulation, and moderate agitation, as when the blood is gently shaken in a bottle, delays this act, it is remarkable that stirring blood rapidly with a rod, or ivhipping it with a bundle of sticks or wires, causes the fibrin quickly to coagu- late in thready masses on the rod ; this is the usual method of defibrinating blood, which afterwards remains fluid, or forms but a very soft imperfect second coagulum. The effect of whipping, depends on the rapid and frequent contact of the multiplied surfaces of the wires with the blood. Again, a temperature varying from 100°, or the natural temperature of the blood, up to 120°, accelerates coagulation, but a greater heat retards it; at 150° this property of the fibrin, is said to be permanently destroyed, whilst, above that temperature, the albumen of the blood itself coagulates. When blood is allowed to cool, its coagulation is retarded in proportion to the degree of cold to which it is subjected; at 27-^°, or 4^° below the ireezing point of water, it solidifies; and if it has not been previously allowed to coagulate, and the freezing process is rapidly completed, it will coagulate on being thawed. The coagulating property is, therefore, proportionally, sooner de- stroyed by an elevation than by a lowering of the temperatiu-e of the blood ; moreover, fi-ozen blood may be preserved for a long time, and yet retain its power of coagulating when thawed. The influence of exposure to air, in accelerating the coagula- tion of the blood, probably explains the corresponding effects of the slow escape of the blood from the vessels, and of its reception into shallow basins. These conditions do not act by lowering the temperature, for that would retard coagula- tion, nor by the escape of the halitus merely ; but it has been suggested that they operate by favouring the escape of am- monia from the blood. All conditions which ficilitate the escape of vapour or gas from the blood, certainly favour its coagulation. Thus, coagulation occurs in a vacuum, a fact COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. S03 which shows that the presence of air is not necessary, a con- dition too whicli would favour the escape of ammonia ; but it also occurs, and even more quickly, Avhen the blood is sub- jected to increased atmospheric pressure. Complete exclusion from air, though it retards, does not prevent coagulation, as blood will at last coagulate in closed vessels, and even within the dead body shut up from the air. The rapid escape of blood from its vessels, and its reception into deep glasses or basins, are supposed to retai'd coagulation, by alfording less opportunity of exposure of the blood to the air. Of all the circumstances wdiich hasten the formation of the clot, the multiplication of the points of contact with solid bodies seems to be the most potent ; the smallest particle of thread suffices to induce rapid coagulation, where, in the absence of any foreign body, a much slower process of clotting would have occurred. Blood received into metal or earthenware utensils, is said to coagulate sooner than when received into glass vessels, perhaps owing to differences of roughness of the surface. The accelerating effect of slight dilution and the retarding influence of the addition of saline solutions, are not well explained ; they may operate, simply by altering the specific gravity, and also the viscosity of the blood. The re- tardation, or prevention, of coagulation, by the addition of ammonia, even if tiansmitted through the blood, in the form of vapour, the occurrence of coagulation in such blood when the ammonia escapes, and its resumption of the fluid state on the introduction of fresh ammoniacal vapour — phenomena which can be reproduced several times over, in the same blood — are the chief facts addirced, together with the known presence of ammonia in the halitus of the blood, in favour of the hypothesis of Dr. Richardson, that the ammonia is the cause of the fluidity of the blood in the body, and its escape, the immediate occasion of coagulation in drawn blood. The mode of action of narcotic and sedative poisons, is not understood. The more rapid coagulation of the blood in feeble states of the sj/stem, does not depend upon an increased quantity of the fibrin or coagulating substance, but rather on the dilute or watery condition of the blood. On the other hand, the more slowly coagulating blood of the inflammatory state, is accompanied by an actual increase in the quantity of fibrin, though there apj)ears, possibly from the high specific gravity and richness of the blood, to be a greater resistance to the act of coagulation. The necessity for perfect smoothness of the 304 SPECIAL PEYSIOLOGY. interior of the heart and bloodvessels, in order to prevent coagulation, may be infeired from the highly polished cha- racter of their epithelial lining ; the influence of rough surfaces in their interior, in determining coagulation of the blood, is shown by the small cf>agula formed ujDon excrescences of the valves of the heart, and by the flakes of fibrin, which collect on atheromatous or calcified portions of vessels, in the rough interior of aneurisms, and at the openings of lacerated vessels, which are so much sooner closed by coagula, than those which are cleanly cut. Coagrda have been induced ex- perimentally in animals, in the interior of large vessels, by the passfige of needles, wires, or threads into such vessels; when formed in an artery, the coagulum is firm and elongated in the direction of the blood cui’rent, whilst, in the veins, the clots are loose and massive. In certain cases, during life, especial ly during the last hours of life, such coagrda may form in the living blood, especially when rough excre.scences exist on the valves of the heart. The influence of an inflamed con- dition of the coats of the bloodvessels, in causing coagrdation of the fibrin, has been referred to the partial loss of vi^ity, or to the interruption of the vital proce.sses, in the inflamed tissue, by which it is, so far, approximated to the state of inanimate matter. The injection of pus, the pulpy substance of the brain, and other semi-solid matters, into the bloodvessels of an animal, rapidly coagulates the blood, a result probably attributable to the effects of contact witlr the multiplied surfaces of non- living matter. Blood confined in a living vein between two ligatures, retains its fluidity for a long time, beginning to coagulate commonly, after from 3 to 5 hoiri-s, and sometimes even being only im- perfectly clotted at the end of 24 hours, though such blood will coagulate in a few minutes when withdrawn from the living vein. If the vein be dead, although the blood is equally well excluded from the air, coagulation takes place within a quarter of an hour. Experience shows that blood may be retained in occluded vessels, and yet continue fluid for a considerable time, or that blood may be extravasated in the midst of tlie living tissues, and yet jireserve its fluidity for many days, though it will soon coagulate when afterwards withdrawn from the body. From the.se and other facts, it has been inferred that the living tissues possess some .special projicrty, by which they Tuaintain, or preserve, the fluidity of the blood ; according to one view, they actively prevent its coagulation ; according to another. CirARACTEBS OF THE COLOUR. 305 they operate negatively, by not determining that process, us dead matter would, whether it were an inorganic solid, or u dead animal substance, such as brain substance, dead muscle, or pus. The poisons and the. modes of death, which influence the coagulation of the blood, for the most part retard or prevent it. Sudden destruction of the substance of the brain or spinal cord in an animal, causes coagulation of the blood even in the living vessels, in which clots are found after a few minutes. The poison of venomous serpents, appears altogether to destroy the coagulating property of the blood ; narcotic poisons, and prussic acid, have the .same effect ; asphyxia or suffocation, whether from hanging, drowning, or the action of gases unfit to support respiration, also cause the blood to remain fluid after death. In cases of death by lightning, by electric shocks, by blows on the epigastrium, or after a severe chase, the blood has been said not to undergo coagulation ; but this seems to be untrue, the blood being often, though not always, foimd fluid, but after a time undergoing coagulation. In cholera, the coagulation is also postponed. The foiin, consistence, and colour of the clot, exhibit many varieties. From healthy blood, the clot is flat or slightlv concave on the upper surface, especially if the blood has been received in a shallow basin, when the clot is soft, and very little serum exudes from it. When an upright vessel is used, the surface of the clot is a little more concave. The consist- ence of a healthy clot, is firm and uniform ; its colour is bright red ou the top, from exposure to the air, but dark in its lower portions. In inflammatory diseases, especially in pneumonia or inflammation of the lungs, the blood is very rich in fibrin, containing, instead of 3, above 5, often 7, and even as many as 13 parts in 1,U00 ; nevertheless it coagulates slowly, and the coagulum presents a remarkable peculiarity known as the huffy coat. Such a coagulum shrinks more than usual, is exceedingly firm, and very concave on its upper surface, forming what is called the “ cup,” which presents a thick layer of a nearly colourless, yellowi.sh, or greenish yellow hue, the so-called huff or huffy coat. This coat, and the cupped form, are more marked when the blood is received into a narrow and deep basin, than into a shallow one ; in the former case, the coagulation is slower, and in the latter quicker, as with healthy blood. 'I'he buffy coat is very firm and tough, and, when ex- amined under the microscope, is found to consist of fibril- lated fibrin, intermixed with many white corpuscles ; from VOL. II. 306 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. some cause, the red corpuscles partly subside before tlie commencement of coagidation, and so escape being entangled in the upper portion of the clot. It was formerly supposed that the slower rate of coagulation of inflammatory blood, ac- coimted for this subsidence of the red corpuscles from the upper strata of the fluid, before coagulation took place ; and this view is supported by the fact that the corpuscles, which are heavier than the liquor sanguinis, do subside in blood, the coagulation of which is intentionally retarded by the ad- dition of strong solutions of sulphate of soda or of common salt. But other circumstances probably cooperate to increase the tendency of the corpuscles to settle down. The disposition of the red corpuscles to run together in columns and masses, in blood drawn from the body and left at rest, is increased in the in- flammatory state, the corpuscles then running into larger clusters, clinging more firmly together, and even losing their circuljur form, and becoming elongated. The aggregation of the cor- puscles into larger masses, perhaps causes them to subside more rapidly than if they adhered in the usual minute piles or columns ; and this, together with the retardation of the coagu- lating process, may account for the formation of the buffy coat. This unusual aggregation of the corpuscles, also occurs in certain- low constitutional states, and, it is said, in plethora; it likewise happens, when the coagulation of the blood is re- tarded intentionally in experiments. A tendency of the cor- puscles to fall to the lower part of a living vein enclosed by ligatures, has been seen in animals. The nature and cause of this tendency of the corpuscles to run together, remains, how- ever, yet unexplained. Their apparent mutual attraction is diminished by the addition of weak saline solutions, and the bully coat, if the blood be inflammatory, is less distinctly developed, although the period of coagulation is delayed. The addition of any mateiual, Avhich, like mucilage, increases the aggregation of the corpuscles, accelerates the subsidence of the corpuscles, and increases the bully coat. Contrasting with the firm, fibrinous, and contracted clot of the blood in inflammation, are the loose, soft coagula, cha- racteristic of the blood of weak, cachectic, and ana?mic persons, even though the clot is formed more rapidly. A deficiency of fibrin causes the clot to be soft. During bleeding, the power of coagulation of the blood is gradually modified as the blood flows, the last quantity drawn setting more rapidly, but form- ing a softer clot. Fragile, almost semi-fluid clots arc found in IS COAGULATION A VITAL ACT? 307 the blood of those who have died of cholera, from strokes of liglitning, or from asphj'^xia. That the immediate cause of the coagulation of the blood, is the solidification of the fluid fibrin of the liquor sanguinis, is shown by the existence of the fibrinous fibrillse, in clotted, but not in fluid blood ; by the formation of the buffy coat without any admixture of the red corpuscles, the upper and firmest part of this coat, being nearly pure fibrin ; and lastly, by the fact that whipping the blood, which removes the fibrin, prevents any further coagidation, the corpuscles themselves not possessing this power, then remaining free and suspended, or subsiding in the serum, Avhich is likewise no longer coagulable. Experi- ments also demonstrate this property of the fibrin. Thus, if the coagulation of the blood be retarded, by the addition of solutions of neutral salts, the red and white corpuscles have time to subside, and the upper clear fluid, which still contains its fibrin, then undergoes coagulation, the delicate colourless clot exhibiting the characteristic microscopic fibrillae. Again, by adding a solution of salt or of sugar, to a quantity of frog’s blood, the corpuscles of which are very large, the fluid part of the blood, or liquor sanguinis, may be actually filtered from' the corpuscles, and will afterwards undergo coagulation. The cause of the solidification of the fibrin, has been the subject of much speculation and difference of opinion, and is still not satisfactorily understood. Many living physiologists, agreeing with Harvey, Hunter, and others, maintain, as already stated, that the coagulation of the blood, is a manifestation of vital power in that fluid. Harvey said of the blood, that it was the primum vivens and the nl- timum moriens of the body ; whilst Himter considered the coagulation of the blood as its last act of life. An analogy has been dra-\vn, somewhat vaguely, between the solidification of the fibrin of the blood and muscular contr-action, and, per- haps with more justice, between it and the rigor mortis, or rigidity of the muscular tissue after death. Several modern authorities perceive in the fibrillation of the solidifying fibrin, the evidence of an organising plastic })roce.ss, the feeble efforts of a formative vital energy. Moreover, it is urged that effusions, undoubtedly fibrinous, upon the surfaces of serous membranes, in the interior of the eyeball, between the ends of tendons or other cut surfaces divided subcutaneously, and in other situations, become organised and vascular, and are converted into a low form of areolar or fibrous tissue ; and 3U8 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. that not merely fibrin, but even blood clots in the interior of vessels, as in cases of ligature of arteries, or blood extrava- sated in the midst of the tissues, may also become, under certain circumstances, vascularised, and converted into a definite tissue, in the same way as infiammatory fibrinous exudations are, the blood corpuscles not assisting in the process, but rather delaying it (Huntei’, Zwicky, Paget, Hewett). Notwithstanding the support given to the idea of the coagula- tion of the blood being a vital act, and of the possession of a vital property of solidification by the fibrin of that fluid, it may be doubted whether this doctrine is correct. There is no real analogy between muscular contractility, which requires pecu- liarities of structure, and complex statical and dynamical elec- tric conditions, and the simple change of the fibrin of the blood from a fluid to a solid state. If its comparison with the rigor mortis be more exact, the tendency of modern opinion is to regard this phenomenon not as a vital act, but truly as a rigidity of death, dependent on chemical changes then ensuing. Again, there is no true resemblance between the minute fibrillEe of solidified fibrin, and any fibrous or other tissue of the body ; the former are homogeneous, the latter, indeed, always present differences of ]>arts. Fibrinous deposits or effusions may be- come the seat of positive organisation, so as ultimately to give rise to a tissue ; hut then nuclei, or centres of growth, arranged in methodical order, and even cells, appear within it, for the formation of the future tissue elements and the new capillary vessels ; these nuclei and cells are supposed to have their origin not in the fibrin, but from the corresponding parts of the sur- rounding tissues. In cases of so-called organisation of the ooagula formed in ligatured arteries, in the interior of in- flamed veins, or in other situations amidst the living tissues, it is the surface of the clots next in contact with those living tissues, which first presents appearances of organisation and vasoularisation. This suggests the possibility that, subsequently to the eli'usion of blood, a true plastic exudation may take jflace around the clot, and may penetrate between the columns of its aggregated corpuscles; in this way, the apparent organisa- tion and vasoularisation of a clot, may rdtimately be the f^ime ]>rocess as that -of a fibrinous effusion, depending on formative acts on the part of the surrounding cell elements, which give rise to nuclei, cells, or intercellular substance. According to this view, the coagulum of the blood constitutes a sort of nidus for future developmental processes, but is not itself converted IS COAGULATION A rilYSICAL ACT? 309 into tissue. The fibrilhe of the coagulated fibrin, may support the effused mass, divide it into areola? or spaces, and thus favour the penetration of exuded plastic matter, and the penetration of nuclear growths through it. The plastic lymph, though a fibrinous material, may not be identical with the solidified fibrin of the blood, but may be a true protoplasm, more distinctly and positively possessed of organisable tenden- cies, and thus of a real though low form of nutritive life. If this be so, the strongest argument in favour of the vital character of the coagulation of the fibrin of the blood, is nullified. IMoreover, many facts appear irreconcileable with such a doctrine. Thus, the blood of a horse has been kept in a fluid state, by means of nitre for fifty-seven weeks, and yet speedily coagulated, when sufficiently diluted with water (Gulliver). Frozen blood, as already stated, will coagulate wdien thawed. If, therefore, coagulation is a vital act, the life of the blood must be admitted to be capable of being “ pickled ” and “ frozen ” (Gulliver). It is replied by the vitalists, that the vitality of the fibrin is simply preserved in a dormant condi- tion, by the prevention of spontaneous change or decomposi- tion; just as the dormant vitality of seeds and ova, endures for years, and as that of infusorial animalcules, and even of the highly organised llotifera, may be restored, after considerable elevation or lowering of the temperature, or may be sus- pended, and so conserved, by desiccation. But the recovery of animalcules after freezing, is, probably, only apparent, a minute drop of surrounding unfrozen water perhaps defending them from actual congelation ; whilst in blood thoroughly frozen, the fibrinous fibrillse, undergoing no nutritive changes, could hardly escape that event. Furthermore, there is no example of the recovery of life, by any of those minute orga- nised beings, after immersion in so potent a substance as a solution of nitre, which is a well-known solvent of fresh fibrin. On the supposition that the coagulation of the fibrin, is not a vital, but a physical process, it has been maintained that the fibrin is held in a fluid state, in the living blood, by a minute rpiantity of ammonia, and that the escape of this ammonia is the immediate cause of its coagulation — at least when blood is drawn from the liody. The celebrated Robert Boyle (I (184) considered that the blood gave out a spirit, and observed that it could be maintained in a fluid .state by a salt of ammonia, and that clotting occurred after the removal of this. It was 310 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. proved by Haller, that the halitns of the blood is alkaline. Albumen, it is known, is rendered soluble by the fixed alkali, soda, but may be precipitated by the addition of an acid. Lastly, it has been shown, by Richardson, that ammonia is really given off fi’om blood, microscopic crystals of hydrochlo- rate of ammonia being formed on a piece of glass moistened with a trace of hydrochloric acid, and held over freshly-drawn blood ; also that, by the transmission of the ammoniacal vapour from Iresh blood, through other fresh blood, the latter may be kept fluid for an unusual time ; that air containing the vapour of ammonia, has the same effect, and will, even after coagula- tion has taken place, restore the condition of fluidity — the clotted and fluid conditions being alternately producible, ac- cording as the ammoniacal vapour is passed into the blood, or is permitted to escape from it. The minute proportion of 1 part of ammonia to 3000 of blood, is sufficient to maintain the fluidity of the latter. Finally, nearly all the conditions Avhich appear to favour, or accelerate, the coagulation of freshly- drawn blood, are such as would also facilitate the escape of the volatile alkali from it (Richardson). Other considerations and tacts appear, however, to show that the escape of the ammonia from the blood, which un- doubtedly occurs, is not the cause of the solidification of the fibrin, but merely an accompaniment of that change. In the liquefaction of solid fibrin by ammonia, and its alternate re- coagulation and liquefaction by the subsequent subtraction and addition of ammonia, it is not certain whether the fibrin of these secondary and tertiary solidifications, is identical with the fibrin of the primary clot. Many experiments and obser- vations further show that freshly-drawn blood may be placed in such conditions, that its ammonia cannot well escape, and yet coagulation will occur ; e.g., when blood is received into a bottle which is quickly stoppered, or when blood rendered fluid by ammonia, coagulates, though tardily, if kept in air- tight vessels (Zimmerman); or, again, when blood, subjected to increased barometric pressure, which would check or pre- vent the escape of ammonia, is found to coagulate even quicker than usual (Colin). Moreover, blood drawn from an animal, and exposed to the air for fifteen minutes, at a temperature of 32°, even though its ammonia had probably escaped, has been found to remain fluid for upwards of five hours, when intro- duced into the freshly removed heart (Briicke). The blood in a dead body, is usually Ibund coagulated in the heart and the FIBRIN A COLLOID BODY. 311 larger arteries and veins, but fluid in the smaller vessels, although ammonia could apparently escape, or transude, moi'e easily from the latter. This coagulation in the heart and larger vessels, is partly due to post-mortem changes, but, sometimes at least, the clots begin to form during the last moments of life. Again, blood confined between two ligatures in a living vein, retains its fluidity for many hours ; but if a piece of glass tube be introduced between the blood and the walls of the vein, coagulation very speedily occurs (Briicke). So, too, when needles, wires, or threads are passed through living vessels, the blood will coagulate in the vessels, though the ammonia could not, by any possibility, escape from the moving blood (Simon and Lister). The coagula thus formed in veins, are large, soft, and dark ; whilst those formed in pierced arteries, are small, compact, and pale. In both kinds of vessels, the broadest or attached part, or base of the clot, is directed towards the heart. No escape of ammonia can take place when a clot forms in a ligatured artery, nor in that coagula- tion of the blood dmring life, which occurs from the sudden destruction, in animals, of the substance of the nervous centres. Nor can this explain the coagulation produced by the injection of dead brain substance, or of ptis, into the blood, nor the fact, that blood enclosed between two ligatures, in a dead vein, speedily coagulates ; whilst blood similarly enclosed in a living vein, remains fluid, the facility for the escape of ammonia being apparently, in either case, the same (Astley Cooper, Briicke, Lister). Indeed, this last-mentioned experiment, added to the well- known circumstances, that blood, extravasated amidst the living healthy tissues, remains for a long time fluid, whilst if in contact with inflamed vessels or tissues deficient in vitality, or with the lining membrane of vessels containing morbid deposits, or with dead animal substances out of the body, it quickly coagulates, indicates a striking contrast between the effect of contact of living and dead animal tissues on the blood, the former, in some way, retarding or antagonising the coagulation of that fluid, the latter, in some way, accelerating or determining it (Lister.) It has been suggested that the immediate cause of the coagulation of the fibrin, may have .some relation to the dis- tinction between the crystalloid and the colloid condition of matter (Graham). Fibrin, like all albuminoid bodies, is a colloid substance ; and one of the properties of these, is a 312 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. proneness to molecular or molar metastases, by -wbich they pass, not only from a pectous to a liquid, but also from a liquid to a pectous state (p. 163). Albumen undergoes this latter change, on the application of heat; casein, on the addition of acid pepsin, or of an acid with heat, and fibrin, still more readily than either, becoming, when left to itself, solidified at mode- rate temperatures, and, more rapidly, at somewhat higher tem- peratures. The coagulation of fibrin not being due to any external apparent cause, has been designated spontaneous. But this more ready assumption by fibrin, of the pectous con- dition, can hardly be spontaneous, in the usual sense of that term ; unless, indeed, we suppose the vital endowments of this remarkable substance, to be higher even than Hunter believed. Crystallisation is as much spontaneous, in one sense, as coagulation. The latter probably depends upon some definite molecular or molar changes, strictly physical, like any other less rapid efifect of colloidal energy, and occur- ring when the fluid fibrin is removed from the ordinary in- fluence of processes going on in the living vessels and tissues within the body, or when it is sitbjected to other influences exerted upon it by the dead tissues, or by foreign bodies generally. * The action of these latter may be catalytic, or due to con- tact, and the fact, that rough or multiplied surfaces accelerate coagulation, favours this view. It has been suggested that dead matter may induce a reaction between the solid and fluid constituents of the blood, in which the former, that is the corpuscles, impart to the fibrin of the liquor sanguinis a dis- position to coagulate. When, however, no foreign substance is introduced into the blood, the catalytic action has been sup- posed to be due to the corpuscles themselves, which, as it were, ceasing to undergo their characteristic vital changes, and so, in effect, becoming dead, determine, like other dead •animal matter, the solidification of the fibrin (Lister). The influence of the red corpuscles, in producing or accelerating coagirlation, is well established ; the upper colourless stratum of either inflammatory or diluted blood, in which the cor- puscles have subsided, coagulates more slowly than the lower part, in which the corpuscles are present (Gulliver). Chyle, to which a minute portion of blood is added, will coagulate in two or three minutes, though the same, when pure, takes from twenty-five to ninety minutes to coagulate (Schmidt). The fluids of ascites, pleurisy, and pericarditis, that of blisters, and COAGULATION IS A Pin'SICAL PROCESS. 313 of other so-called serous exudations, readily coarrulate after the addition of a minute quantity of blood, even, it is said, of a few red corpuscles; whilst other portions of those Huids, kept apart, do not. The same effect is produced, however, on the admix- ture of two such fluid exudations. Fragments of the crystal- line lens, the composition of which resembles, or is identical with, the globulin of the red blood corpuscles, and even the crystals of hiemato-globulin obtained from those corpuscles, also induce the formation of a coagulum in these fluids. Hence Schmidt, to whom these latter observations are chiefly due, believes that, within the blood cells, there exists a fibrino- jplastic substance, and in the liquor sanguinis a Jibrino-genous substance, and that by the escape of the former and its union with the latter, the act of solidification is effected. But, since dead animal tissrres of all kinds, and even clots, or solidified fibrin itself, either fresh, or dried and powdered, produce the same effect, it may be that the action of the corpuscles, in causing coagulation of the fibrin, is not a vital process ; and that if, as supposed, their contained globulin escapes, by exosmosis, through their envelopes, into the liquor sanguinis, this is, in reality, a post-mortem event. Finally, therefore, it is submitted that, out of the body, the solidification of the fibrin, which is the sole cause of the coasu- lation of drawn blood, is due to a mere physical, molecular or molar change, resulting in its transformation from a liquid to a pectous state, as is common to colloidal bodies ; that this change is permitted, after the life of the blood, or the inces- sant nutritive mutations which occur in living blood, cease ; that it is accelerated, or induced, by the contact of dead matter, either proper, or extraneous, to that fluid, and that it is to be regarded, not as a token of life, but as a sign of death. When coagulation occurs within the body, it is still under conditions indicative of the diminution or cessation of the ordinary vital interchanges of the blood, and so may be equally regarded as a physical process, or, at least, as one of those e.xamples in which the essential cause is physical, though sometimes it may be utilised, and directed to certain formative ends. Lastly, if this view be maintained, the fibrinous fibrillas of clots formed in the living bloodvessels, or extravasated amongst the tissues, cannot be supposed themselves to be converted, any more than the red corpuscles, into organised tissue elements ; but, by their trabecular arrangement, they may facilitate the penetration into such clots, of an organisable blastema, with nuclei or 314 SPECIAL physiology. nucleated gymnoplastic cells, and intercellular substance, for the production of newly formed tissue. The formation of an external clot at the mouth of a wounded or divided vessel, is the first step taken by nature, in the eifort to close the vessel ; to this, succeeds the fomiation of an internal clot, the base of which, in a divided vessel, corresponds with the wound, the apex ex- tending towards the heart, as far as the nearest branch of any size. From the divided edge of the vessel, a nutritive plasma, or bla.stema, is pom-ed out, in which nuclei and nucleated cells, probably derived from the surrounding cell elements, appear, and form the future areolar tissue, with its eapillai-y network, which closes the aperture in the vessel. In the case of a completely divided artery, the muscular coat of the vessel contracts, and retracts within the sheath, and so helps its closure; a lacerated or twisted artery retracts even more securely than one cut cleanly across. When an artery is tied, as in surgical operations, its middle and internal coats are cut through by the thread, whilst the outer one is enclosed in the knot ; the two former tunics contract, and turn in towards the area of the vessel, and it is upon their cut edges that the primary clot first forms, and from them, that the new tissue, which closes the vessel, is produced ; the constricted part of the outer coat, sloughs, and permits the ligature to come away. The artery is closed, and slirinks up to the nearest branch, the primary clot being absorbed : the collateral vessels are greatly increased in diameter, to carry on the circulation beyond the point of ligature. Pressure, by aid of a needle passed through the soft parts upon the side of a divided artery of moderate size, enables its cut end to close : this is now some- times employed after operations, and is known as acupressure (Simp- son and others). SANGUIFICATION. The occurrence of this process in the economy of the higher animals and of Man, is implied in the popular expression of snaking blood. The corpuscles, both red and white, waste, or become worn out, from the nutritive changes which occur in the solid tissues, and in the blood itself. Tlieir number, espe- cially that of the red ones, certainly increases with a high rate of living, and materially diminishes from htemorrhage, starvation, or disease. This waste, and loss of number in the corpuscles, must be repaired. The ivhite corpuscles are supposed to be derived from the lymph and chyle corpuscles which enter the blood, and are identical Avitli its white corpuscles, in size, form, stnicture, and chemical composition. The large number of white FORMATION OF RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES. 315 corpuscles ftiund in the blood, three or four hours after com- plete digestion, their greater abundance in the veins than in the arteries, and especially in the left innominate vein as com- pared Avith other veins in the body, are facts Avhich favour this view. No other ordinary source for the production of the white corpuscles of the blood, has been suggested, although it has been supposed that, under certain circumstances, as in local inflammation or excitement, they might possibly arise within the capillaries, by subdivision and growth of the nuclei in the walls of those vessels, and then, becoming detached, be moved on with the blood. Some may also arise within the spleen. The mode of formation of the blood corpuscles, both white and coloured, in the embryo and its membranes, is peculiar, and will be described in the Section on Development. After birth, the red corpuscles, it is generally believed, are developed from the white ones, however these latter may arise. Many tran- sitional forms have been traced in the blood. In the progress of change in the Mammal, as described by some (Funke, Paget, Kblliker), the contents of the white corpuscle become more fluid and homogeneous, the compound nucleus disappears, the surface becomes smooth, the size diminished, the shape flattened, disc-like and then biconcave, an exceedingly thin envelope forms around them, and they acquire a red colour in their interior. According to others (Wharton Jones, Busk, Huxley), this is true, as regards the nucleated coloured cor- puscles of Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes ; but in the Mammalian non-nucleated coloured corpuscle, it is the nu- clear portion only, of the white corpuscle, which is converted, by the necessary changes, into a red corpuscle. By some, it is thought that the smaller white corpuscles, or the larger ones after subdivision, undergo this transformation, by flattening, disappearance of the nucleus, and acquisition of cruorin ; others regard the smaller pale bodies often described in the blood, as if they were wasting, not growing, red corpuscles. In the Oviparous Vortebrata, therefore, the red-blootlod corpuscle is a transformed pale corpuscle ; but in the Viviparous Mammalia, including Man , the red corpuscle is the homologue of the nucleus only of the Oviparous blood corpuscle. In both cases, the pale corpuscle is perhaps a naked cell orgymnoplast; but a distinct, though delicate, envelope or cell wall, after- wards appears. The difference between them appears to bo, that in the Mammalian red corpuscle, the envelope touches the nucleus, around which there are no cell-contents, or the nucleus disappears in these ; whilst in the other Vertebrata, the envelope is at a distance from tho nucleus, the cell-contents being abundant. Tho importance of tho nucleus, as a centre of activity, is thus well illustrated. 316 SPECIAL PirySIOLOGY. The chemical changes in the corpuscles, are no less remark- able than those which affect their form. Their globulin acquires phosphorus and iron, the former element a.ssociated with fat, and the latter with the colouring matter or cruorin. They now also manifest a singular affinity for oxygen. It is not quite certain, in what part of the circulation the change of white into red corpuscles takes place ; but it is supposed that this is completed during the passage of the venous blood, in which the white corpuscles aboimd, through the capillaries of the lungs; they are fewer in the arterial blood. The remarkable effects of the respiratory process on the blood, and the strong affinity of the red corpuscles themselves, when fully formed, for oxygen, prove that the oxygenation of the blood, which takes place in the lungs, is accompanied by changes of deep importance in its corpuscles, and favour the idea that it may even be concerned in the conversion of the white cor- pitscles into red ones. It has been already stated, that the red corpuscles, after enduring or living a certain time, waste or die. Many writers have supposed that they accumulate in the spleen, becoming impacted, as it were, in the venous sinuses of that organ, and then shrinking and disappearing. By others, again, it is believed that the cruorin, or red colouring matter, is added to the young corpuscles in this organ, perhaps even from the debris of those red corpuscles which become stagnated and disintegrated in it. Besides the corpuscles, however, the intercellular fluid matrix of the blood, or liquor sanguinis, is, as we have seen, constantly undergoing loss, in supplying the materials neces- sary for the maintenance and formation of the great variety of tissues and secretions. Every act of nutrition, like those of secretion, must remove something from, and so far impoverish, the blood. The albumen of the liquor sangiiinis, is constantly replenished from that of the lymph and chyle, and, by venous absorption, from the digested food ; but it may also contain certain more highly elaborated albuminoid materials, derived from the corpuscles. Some of the substances employed in nutrition, such as the salts and earthy matters, may belong properly to, and proceed from, the liquor sanguinis itself; so also may certain albuminoid matters. But others may merely traverse that fluid, on their way from the blood corpuscles, in which they are finally completed, to the tissues, escaping, through the envelopes of the corpuscles, by dialysis or e.xos- FOltMATlON OF LIQUOR SANGUINIS. 317 mosis, passing across the liquor sanguinis, by liquid dilFusion, and then permeating the capillary walls, by dialytic or porous diffusion : so likewise of the fatty matters, which must be immediately added to the blood from the nutrient chyle. Some substances, of a more special kind, may be formed by changes in the corpuscles, and may ai’terwards traverse the liquor s;vnguinis to reach the tissues. The elaborative office of the corjmscles, and their influence on the composition anti formation of the liquor sanguinis, are undoubted. The flbrin of the blood, is believed to be derived from the albumen, of which it is said to be a modified, degraded, or more oxidised condition. It has been stated that, on passing a galvanic current through a solution of albumen, a concretion of a substance resembling fibrin, becomes attached to the posi- tive pole (Smee) ; but this deposit may not be identical with fibrin. The blood of the hepatic and renal veins, contains only a small quantity of fibrin, and coagulates but imperfectly ; hence it has been conjectured that fibrin may be destroyed, or o.xidised, in the liver and kidneys. On the other hand, the blood of the splenic vein contains much fibrin, coagidates very firmly, and, ewen when defibrinated by whipping, will pro- duce a second clot, after long exposure to the air. It is thought also, by some, that the action of the muscles may give rise to an appearance of fibrin in the blood ; for on injecting defibrinated blood into the arteries of a recently detached animal’s limb, the blood, returning by the veins, is found to contain fibrin, whenever the muscles have been excited to repeated contractions by galvanism. The amyloid and saccharine matters are probably added to the blood, chiefly from the bver, the inosite from the muscles. The nitrogenous creatin and creatinin, are probably products of the decomposition of albuminoid matter. The colouring matter is possibly, in part, newly formed in the lungs ; but previously existing oruorin may perhaps be used again. The nutritive changes, whether of waste or renovation, in the homogeneous or formless licjuor sanguinis, added to those which take jilace in the organised elements or blood corpuscles, imply a more special, and more complicated, nutritive movement than that which occurs in any one of the tissues or glands ; for they reciprocate with the metamorphoses of all the tissues and glands. 'Ihc variety of nutritive and secernent changes to which the blood ministers, and in which it itself undergoes 318 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. incessant corresponding alterations, is very great, and yet its highly complex, but essential, constitution remains, within certain limits, the same. The constitution of the blood, is also continually changed, on the one hand, by the accumulation, within it, of its o-wn effete materials, and its reception of those of the disintegrated solid tissues, and, on the other, by its constantly casting out of itself the various products of that decay. In this way, its creatin, creatinin, and urea, and its lactic and carbonic acids, enter, and then escape through the agency of the renal, cutaneous, and re.spiratory excretions. The quantities of effete extractives and of urea are small, for they are always being canned off ; if they accumulate, mischief ensues. Considering that the blood is constantly drawn upon for the supply of nutriment to the rest of the body, that it is intermittently and variously renewed, that it is itself subject to decay in its essential structural and fluid elements, and the seat of constant additions and subtrac- tions, its composition retains a remarkable rmity. The com- plexity of the mutual relations between the blood and the tissues and glands, its renovation from the lymph and chyle, and the rapidity of its purification from the poisonous or injurious chemical products of the disintegration of tissue, by the excretory processes, are very surprising. When imperfectly elaborated, or purified, by the formative, nutritive, and secre- tory or excretory processes, it becomes unhealthy, and a pos- sible source of disease. Emotional and other distimbances of the nervous centres, may, through their influence over these processes, also render the blood unhealthy or even poisonous. General disorder ensues, and the functions, especially those of the liver, alimentary mucous membranes, kidneys, skin, and mammary glands, are vitiated. Cutaneous and other local diseases arise. Further, the blood may become the vehicle of miasmatic and malarious poisons, or the seat of ;?)unotic de- compositions, and so fevers, simple, exanthematous, intermit- tent or remittent, typhoid or choleraic, may ensue. THE BLOOD GLANDS. In Nutrition, certain materials are attracted to, and assimi- lated by the tissues, from the common nutrient plasma of the blood, and the materials so attracted, are removed from the blood. In the act of secretion, as, for e.xainple, in that of sivliva and bile by the salivary glands and the liver, various other THE DUCTLESS GLANDS. 319 materials are sepai'ated from the blood. Nutrition and secre- tion are, indeed, intimately allied, the former being a secre- tive process, and the latter a nutritive process; hence nutrition is sometimes termed nutrient secretion. Diminished or increased activity, or arrest, of the nutritive processes in certain tissues, such as the nervous or muscular systems, may affect the blood quite as seriously as errors in the secreting processes ; and the healthy balance of both functions, is necessary for the preserva- tion of the normal constitution of the blood. All secreting glands, however, possess special channels, called ducts, which open either upon the exterior of the body, as in the case of the cutaneous and mammary glands, or into some internal cavity, as e.g. the salivary and gastric glands, and by which the materials separated from the blood, are conveyed away, though some of them may be more or less completely reabsorbed. But in the nutrition of tissues, such as muscle or nerve, the materials separated from the blood, are not carried away by ducts, but remain, for a time, as part of the body, and are only reabsorbed, when they have performed their proper fimctions, and, in doing so, have undergone further change. Now, there exist in the Vertebrata generally, and in Man, certain peculiar organs, Avhich, from their compact form, gene- ral appearance and relations, and highly vascular character, have been called glands ; but they have no secreting orifices, channels, or ducts proceeding from them, to open on the sur- face, or into the cavities, of the body. These organs include the spleen, the supra-renal bodies, the anterior portion of the pituitary body, the thyroid body, and the thymus. From being destitute of ducts, they are named the ductless glands ; from their obvious connection with the process of sanguifica- tion, they are called blood glands ; and, lastly, from their influence on the blood, being entirely exerted on that fluid within its vessels, they have been termed vascida?- glands. By some, the closed sacs already described (p. 1 58), as being found in the mucous membrane of the alimenfeiry canal, if not classi- fied as mere dependencies of the lymphatic system, are ar- ranged with the ductless glands. The organic proce.sses proper to these ductless glands, par- take both of the characters of nutrition and secretion. Their substance is nourished like that of a muscle, but each, acting like a gland, separates from the blood something very special. On the other hand, although, like a muscle, and unlike a 320 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. gland, they do not yield up their products directly by a duct, yet they doubtless impart to the blood, not merely the effete materials from their waste, but the substances formed by their special elaborative or assimilating power — substances essential to the constitution of the blood itself. They might be termed nutritive or assimilative glands. 21ie Spleen. — This organ is a soft, dark, bluish body, attached to the cardiac end of the stomach ; it is placed beneath the diaidiragm, and is nearly or quite covered by the lower ribs. Its shape is a flattened oval, convex and smooth on its left sm'face, and concave on the right surface, which is applied to the great cul-de-sac of the stomach. Along this surface is a vertical fissure, named the hilus, sometimes notched in front, at which the bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves pass in or out. By these last-named pai’ts, by a peritonaeal dupli- cature, named the gastro-splenic omentum, and by a reflection of the peritonaeum from the spleen on to the diaphragm, named the suspensory ligament, this organ is held in its place. The size and weight of the spleen, vary more than those of any other solid orgain in the body, not only in different per- sons, but at different times in the same individual. This is chiefly owing to changes in the quantity of blood it contains. It u.sually measures about 5 inches in length, 3|- from front to back, and l-l- from side to side ; its average weight is about G oimces, but it may vary from 4 to 10 ounces. Up to the age of forty, its proportionate weight to that of the body, is as 1 to 350 ; after that age, the ratio diminishes gradually to 1 to 700. In ague and other fevers, the spleen becomes en- larged by increase of substance, as well as by distension with blood, sometimes weighing 20 lbs. In certain diseased condi- tions of this organ, it has weighed 40 lbs. ; on the other hand, it has been reduced to of an ounce in weight. Its specific gravity is about 1060. Within the peritona?al serous covering, the spleen has a proper, strong, fibro-elastic coat, which is j)rolonged, at the hilus, into the interior of the organ, forming elastic sheaths around the bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves. Cro.ssing in every direction between these sheaths and the inner surface of the elastic coat, are numerous slender elastic bands, named trabecula; {ti-abs, :i beam). In the spaces, or loculi, formed between these trabecula;, outside ihe vessels, is contained the so-called splenic pulp. This is a soft, bluish-red or brownish STEUCTURE OF THE SPLEEN. 321 mass, which may be pressed out from the intertrabecular spaces, and which becomes of a brighter red when exposed to the air. The proper coat, the sheaths of the vessels, and the ti-abe- culte, consist of white fibrous and areolar tissues, mixed with elastic fibres, and contain, especially in animals, pale, fusiform, unstriped muscular fibre-cells. The splenic pulp consists of a colourless, granular parenchyma, mixed Avith numerous coloured cells, with red blood corpuscles of various size, shape, and state of aggregation. The colourless parenchyma is com- posed of round, oval, and fusiform nucleated cells, of nuclei, and of a granular matrix; it somewhat resembles the con- tents of the sacs of the solitary and agniinated intestinal glands. The coloured cells, or altered red blood corpuscles of the splenic pulp, are peculiar to this organ. Some closely re- semble the ordinary red blood corpuscles ; others, however, are smaller, and of a bright golden colour, broAvn, or black ; some- times their contained pigment is gathered into a rod-shaped mass, or into some crystalline form, or is broken up into minute granules. Frequently they present the unique condi- tion of agglomeration into little clusters or heaps, Avhich are sometimes free, but sometimes enclosed in a delicate membrane, or encysted, so as to appear like large compound cells, containing from two or three, to as many as twenty altered blood corpuscles. Embedded in the splenic pulp, are numerous whitish vesi- cular bodies, measuring from |th to ^rd of a line in width, named the Malpighian co?yuscles of the spleen ; they are attached, in clusters, to the small arteries, and are supported on the trabeculjE, so as to appear like sessile buds or fruit upon a stem. Their envelope is partly derived from the fibrous coat of the artery, and partly from the outer harder layers of their contents. Their cavities have no communication Avith the bloodvessels on Avhich they rest. Smaller bodies found in the spleen, are said to be Malpighian corpuscles in an im- mature state. They are composed of an extremely delicate, imperfectly fibrous, envelope, enclosing granular, nuclear, and nucleated-cell elements, like those of the splenic itself. The splenic arteries, entering at the hilus, ramify through the spleen by rapid subdivisions, Avithout anastomoses, after the manner of the branches of a tree ; many (juickly divide into a coarse capillarg network, Avhich as speedily ends in the minute veins. The capillaries are most abundant in the splenic pulp, VOL. II. Y 322 SPECIAL PHA'SIOLOGY. and also on the surface, and in the interior, of the Malpighian corpuscles. The smallest veins chiefly end, almost imme- diately, in larger ones, Avhiih form close plexu.ses and venous diverticula between the trabecula;. Eecent researches show, that Avhilst some of the arteries end in capillaries, from which veins arise in the usual manner, other of these vessels end in veins which suddenly enlarge, and, lastly, others even termi- nate in lacunce, or spaces destitute of distinct Avails, but bounded only by the elements of the pnlp (Gray, Billroth). The interior of some of the veins, presents a closely dotted appearance, from the numerous openings of little venules or diverticula around them. In the blood of the veins, splenic cells, altered blood corpuscles, and clustered blood corpuscles, are sometimes found, as from mutual extra- and intra-A'asation. The blood of the splenic veins contains, hoAvever, fcAver red corpuscles, but more fibrin, than other venous blood. On escaping from the hilus, the venous trunks unite to form the splenic A'ein, Avhich, like the other tributaries of the portal system, is destitute of valves ; some of the veins of the spleen pass on to the stomach, and join Avith its veins. The lipnpJia- tics of the spleen, divided, as usual, into a superficial and deep set, are by no means numerous. The mode of origin of the deep set, is unknoAvn. It has been supposed that the caAuties of the Malpighian bodies, commimicate directly Avith the lym- phatics, but this has not been proved. The spleen is supplied Avith comparatively few nerves, Avhich are derived from the sympathetic system. The splenic pulp, with its granules, mrclei, and nucleated cells, must be the seat of rapid nutritive and formative pro- cesses. The bulk of this organ, increases in a marked man- ner during, and especially toAvards the end of, the process of digestion ; an enlargement due, not only to an increase in the quantity of blood contained in the splenic A^essels at that period, but also to a simultaneous increase in the quantity of all the microscopic elements of the pulp itself. Even the INIal- pighian corpuscles increase in size, and, it is said, in number, after the digestive process is completed. Their diminution in both respects, in states of exhaustion and innutrition preceding death, may account for their existence in ]\Ian having been denied. In starving animals, the Malpighian bodies are cer- tainly feAv and small, or they may even disappear ; Avhereas they become larger and more abundant, in those Avhich are Avell fed. The coloured cells, or altered red blood corpuscles, are USES OF niE SPLEEN. 323 likewise increased in niimber in highly nourished conditions of the body. Since the colomdess nuclei and nucleated cells of the spleen, bear some resemblance to lymph-corpuscles in an early stage of development, and since, in certain conditions, such cor- puscles, then considered as nascent Avlnte blood corpuscles, are found in larse numbers in the blood of the minute veins and larger venous trunks, the spleen has been regarded, by Hewson and others, as one of the seats of formation of the white corpuscles of the blood, probably by the successive sub- division of old cells, thus acting, as it tvere, as a large lymph- (jland, directly connected with the venous system. In certain cases of enlargement of the spleen, white corpuscles are Ibund in extraordinary number in the blood of the splenic vein, so as even to alter its colour, and the number of these white cor- puscles in the blood, generally increases to such an extent, that their proportion to the red corpuscles, may be as high as 1 to 10. This condition has been named leucceniia or leucocythcemia, meaning white blood. It has also been siipposed (KoUiker, Funke, Billroth) that the spleen may be the seat of formation, in some yet undetermined way, of commencing red corpuscles. The small bright yellow corpuscles, enclosed in larger cells, may undoubtedly be traced in the spleen, through a series of intermediate phases, into the ordinary flattened disc-like red corpuscle ; but that these appearances indicate an upward develoj^ment, is doubtful. On the contrary, it is suggested that the red blood corpuscles, having for a time performed their functions in the circulation, and having lived, as it were, their natural life, may really undergo disintegration and destruction in the spleen (Kblliker). This hypothesis requires another mode of interpreting the microscopic appearances just described, as to the alteration, agglomeration, and encystment of the red blood corpuscles in this organ. Since clusters of altered red corpuscles, are found in the splenic veins, it has been inferred that they proceed from the interior of the ve.ssels, and are extravasated into the pulp when sections are made of this organ ; but if the unde- fined spaces or lacuna?, de.scribed by Gray and Billroth, exist, the presence of these altered blood cells in both the pulp and the veins, and likewise the passage of the white nuclear and nucleated elements of the splenic pulp into the veins, would be easily explained. In support of the view that the red cor- puscles decay in the spleen, it is said that when the spleen is 324 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. removed in frogs, these corpuscles become heaped or agglome- rated in the blood itself (Moleschott). hloreover, as the quantity of fibrin in the blood of the splenic vein, is greater than in any other part of the venous system, it has been sug- gested that this excess of fibrin, is derived from the partial oxidation of the globulin of the red corpuscles, -which are rela- tively diminished in number in the splenic vein. The oxygen necessary for this change, is that belonging to the corpuscles (Bedard). Active and important chemical changes, however, must occur in the capillaries and in the pulp of the spleen ; but these are not yet understood. The chemical composition of the pulp, which resembles closely that of the blood, is very complex. In every 1000 parts, there are 750 of water, 242 of organic, and 8 of saline and earthy matters. The organic substances consist chiefly of albumen, or some albuminoid body; besides this, there are traces of fat, and certain quantities of pigment like that of the blood, -with smaller quantities of inosite, sarcin, leucin, tyrosin, xanthin, and even of uric acid. Soda and iron are the chief inorganic substances. The variable size of the spleen under different conditions in the same person, has attracted much notice. It reaches its largest dimensions, five hours after a meal, t'.e., near the termination of the process of chymification ; seven hours later, provided no food has been taken, it is reduced to its smallest size, and is then also most deficient in blood. The elasticity of the whole fibrous framework of the spleen, including its proper coat, the sheaths of the vessels and the trabeculaj, and also the large size of its veins and the absence of valves in them, facilitate the distension of this organ with blood during the turgid condition of the vascular system, which results from the venous and lacteal absorption of the products of digestion. The resiliency of those elastic tissues, will also favour the diminution of the organ in an opposite condition of the sys- tem. But the pale muscular fibres of the spleen, Avhich exist in abundance in the larger animals, and in smaller number in Man, may, by alternate conditions of relaxation and contrac- tion under the influence of tlie sympathetic system, or of some direct stimulus, materially assist in these remarkable changes of size. Electrical ciuTents passed through the spleen, cause that organ to contract. It has long been supposed that the alternate enlargement and diminution of the spleen, serve a mechanical purpose, and that this organ acts as a diverticulum THE SDPEA-RENAL BODIES. 325 to tlie entire portal venous system, or to the vessels of the stomach and duodenum, in connection with certain changes in the circulation, dependent on digestion. The small size of the spleen during that process, is attributed to the bloodvessels of the stomach and duodenum, being at that period distended ; Avhilst, when digestion is completed, those vessels diminish in size, and the spleen enlarges. The spleen is certainly quickly reduced in size, when the portal venous system is unloaded by haemorrhage or by pirrgatives, and it becomes enlarged in obstructive diseases of the liver and heart ; but the idea of its serving .specially as a diverticulum, is too mechanical, and but partially expresses its true fimction. A mere plexus of blood- vessels wordd have sufficed for such a purpose, without the co-operation of a peculiar parenchyma, like the splenic pulp ; moreover, as already stated, not merely are the bloodvessels of the spleen, distended during its periodic enlargement, but the splenic pulp itself, and even the little Malpighian bodies, are obviously increased in volume. Notwithstanding much that is obscure in the history of this organ, it would seem, from the abundance and character of its microscopic elements, its chemical composition, its large supply of bloodvessels, and the peculiar relation of these to the pulp, that the spleen probably has for its office, as an assimilative or nutritive gland, the elaboration of the albu- minoid constituents of the blood, and perhaps, as Hewson long ago suggested, the formation, like the lymphatic glands, of the germs of the white and red blood corpuscles. The sirp- position that it is also the seat of a degeneration of the red corpuscles, is no contradiction to such a view. Some of the materials of the old corpuscles, as, e.g.^ the pigment, may be used up again in the formation of new ones ; for, like all duct- less glands, the spleen, whilst, on the one hand, it abstracts materials from the blood, by special nutritive processes, on the other, it returns to that fluid, in some altered condition, all that it has so attracted from it. The supra-rened bodies or capsules. — These organs, two in number, one on each side of the body, are small, Hat, trian- gular, yellowi.sh masses, placed on the summit of the corre- sponding kidneys, which they surmount like a cocked hat. Each measures about 1-^ inch in width and 2 or 3 lines in thick- ness, and weighs nearly 2 drachms. They consist of an outer deep-yellow, lirrn, cortical portion, and of an inner dark, soft, medullary part, the whole organ being invested by a proper 326 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. areolar coat, -whicli sends prolongations into its interior. The cortical part presents numerous oval loculi, or spaces, in the areolar framework, placed end to end in little rows or columns, and arranged perpendicularly to the surface. These loculi were formerly thought to be oval or tubular closed vesicles, with distinct walls ; but they are merely interspaces in the areolar framework of the organ. They contain a granular plasma, composed of an abundance of granules, with few or many fat particles, nuclei, and nucleated cells ; towards the centre of the organ, the cells are larger, and less regularly arranged, so that the columnar appearance is there lost. The medullary, or softer central portion, is composed of a delicate filamentous tissue, connected with the areolar tunic and framework of the cortical substance, and having in its interspaces also, besides bloodvessels, a granular plasma, containing nuclei and certain cells, the latter resembling the ganglionic cells of grey nervous substance (Leydig, Kolliker). The arteries, numerous and small, reach the supra-renal bodies at many points of their sur- face, and ramify between the rows of loculi, ending in capillary networks around them. The veins, also numerous, are col- lected into a plexus in the centre of the organ, where a venous sinus, sometimes taken for a gland cavity, is found. The lymphatics are said- to be not very numerous. The nerves, lioweAmr, are very large, and are derived chiefly from the sym- pathetic, but also in part from fibres of the pneumo-gastric and phrenic nerves. From the quantity of blood received by the supra-renal bodies, and from the number and character of their microscopic elements, it is evident that the nutritive processes Avhich take place within them, are Amry active. Probably, like the spleen, they modify the blood passing through them, by subtracting from it, and returning to it, certain materials in an altered form ; but their precise function is unknoAvn, Avhether this be entirely elaborative, or partly destructive. A curious bronzed colour of parts of the skin, has been frequently seen in disease of the supra-renal capsules (Addison, Hutchinson) ; but cases of similar cutaneous bronzing, haAm been noted, in Avhich the capsules Avere healthy (Pai'kes, Harley); moreover, these organs have been found diseased Avithout bronzing of the skin (Kirkes, Day, Ilutchinson). From the numerous cells, like ganglionic cells, in the medullary portion of these bodies, it has been suggested that this j)art may constitute a nervous ap- paratus, or be nutritively connected Avith the nervous system. THE THYROID BODY. 327 The Pituitary Body. — The posterior lobe of this body (vol. i. p. 305) consists of true nervous substance ; but its anterior lobe is composed of an areolar framework, forming loculi or spaces, which contain a granular plasma, nuclei, and nucleated cells of various forms, a structure somewhat, though not precisely, like that of the cortical part of the supra-renal capsules, or the vesicles of the thyroid body. It may, there- fore, be temporarily classified Avith the ductless glands, though not from any established identity or similarity of function, Avhich is Avholly unknown. The Thyroid Body. — This body, commonly named the thy- roid gland, is a soft, reddish-brotvn, vascular organ, placed upon the front and sides of the upper part of the trachea, and reach- ing upwards to the sides of the larynx, to tvhich it is sus- pended. It is formed of ttvo lateral, somewhat pyriform lohes, joined together, at their lower and larger ends, by a transverse part, named the isthmus. The lobes are about 2 inches long, and measure ^ of an inch in their thickest part. The thyroid body varies in tveight from 1 to 2 ounces ; it is larger in the female than in the male. The thyroid body differs in structure from the other ductless glands, inasmuch as its proper tunic and fr-amework of areolar tissue, forms loculi, in which are embedded multitudes of rounded closed vesicles, bounded by a distinct membrana propria, and lined by an epithelium. The vesicles, Avhich mea- sure from ft 0 0 (jth to -g^gth of an inch in diameter, contain a viscid, clear, albuminous fluid, in which are found nuclei and cells resembling the uniform epithelial-like layer. The arteries, four in number, and of considerable size, end, between and upon the walls of the vesicles, in a close capillary net- work, which empties itself into the veins. The lymphatics are numerous and large ; their relations to the structural elements of the thyroid body, are unknown ; but it is supposed, from their relative size and abundance, that they are more con- cerned in returning the contents of the thyroid vesicles to the blood, than the lymphatics of the supra-renal bodies, or spleen, are, in regard to those organs. Enlargement of the thyroid body constitutes the disease known as yoitre, in which the condition of Avhite blood, leuco- cythaemia, or leucaemia, is often induced. In such cases, the nucleated cells of the thyroid body, and their contained nuclei, are smaller than usual, and, a fact of much interest, the white corpuscles of the blood are not only more numerous 328 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. than in health, but are also unusually small. This so far favours the view, that the thyroid body may aid in the forma- tion of the morphological constituents of the blood. The thyroid body may also influence, like the other duct- less glands, the chemical composition of the circulating fluid. The chief constituent of the glairy fluid of the thyroid r^esicles, is of an albuminoid nature ; but, unlike the splenic pulp, it con- tains a noticeable quantity of fatty matter. Its extractives and salts differ in no important particular, from those of the blood. Some physiologists have supposed that the thyi-oid body acts mechanically, as an occasional diverticulum for the blood concerned in the cerebral circulation ; but the evidence of this, is even less than that adduced on behalf of a similar hypothesis concerning the spleen and the portal circulation. The goitrous enlargement of the thyroid body, which produces such unsightly disfigurement of the neck, is most frequently met with in females. It prevails in particular countries, and in particular districts of those countries. Thus, it is met wdth chiefly in the north of Italy, and in certain cantons of Switzerland, most markedly in the canton of the Valais. In other European countries, it is met with much less fre- quently ; but still asserts a preference for particular districts. In Eng- land, it is most common in Derbyshire, and hence its popidar name, the Derbyshire neck ; but it is observed in many other scattered localities. In spite of careful investigations, involving researches into the climate, solar influence, atmospheric peculiarities, rain-faU, soil, and drinking- water of those districts, and into the manifold conditions of existence of the people, the true cause of goitre has not yet been inductively ascer- tained. It is more common in the coiintry than in towns, and is almost entirely confined to hilly and mountainous districts, being more particu- larly observed in the valleys of those districts ; but it is not prevalent in all elevated or mountainous regions. It has been variously attributed to the. deficiency of oxj’gen in the higher levels of the atmosphere ; to the want of solar light in valleys, especially since, as is alleged, it prevails more on the southern, and comparatively sunless, sides of such valleys ; to the habitual use of drinking water derived from the melting of glaciers or of snow, and therefore almost entirely destitute of saline and earthy salts ; and, again, on the contrary, to the presence of lime, but particu- larly of magnesia, in such water, derived from the limestone or mag- nesian limestone, often found in districts in which goitre is common. Lastly, its special prevalence amongst females, has been assigned to the custom, in hilly districts, of carrying water, or other heavy substances, on the head, by wliich it is alleged that the muscles of the neck compress the veins, and so cause congestion, and ultimate enlargement of the thyroid body. In the canton of the Valais, whore goitre prevails in its most intense form, it is often associated with an arrest of development of the whole frame, especially of the skull and brain, which constitutes the condition known as Cretinism. The Crdtin may, indeed, be said to be a small THE THYMUS GLAND. 329 idiotic human being, distinguished from ordinary idiots, by the thyroid body being enlarged or goitrous. But in the Cretin districts, persons of full stature, of duly proportioned cranial and cerebral development, and of ordinary intellectual capacity, are seen with goitres larger even than those found in Cretins themselves. The thymus body, or thymus gland. — This ductless gland is a temporary organ in the animal economy. Present in the embryo, it attains its largest relative size to the body in the infant, and seems to be most active in function a short time jifter birth, growing up to that period even faster than the body. It then continues to gi’ow, so as to keep pace with the rest of the body, up to the age of two years ; but soon, it no longer increa.ses with the body, and, at about twelve years of age, is usually changed into a fatty mass; according to Friedleben, it may grow a little after the second year, and not become fatty until after puberty. Finally, especially in thin per.sons, it gradually wastes, so as to leave nothing but a mere vestige behind. In its most complete condition, it forms a double organ, composed of two lateral irregular lobes, joined by a central raa.ss, and situated partly in the lower region of the neck and partly in the thorax, lying upon the trachea and the gi’eat bloodvessels. It measures, at birth, about 2 inches in length, and weighs half an ounce. It is a soft, pinkish-grey body, consisting on each side of a string of compressed lobules, con- nected together by an elongated part, like a cord. A strong areolar coat encloses, and connects, the various lobules, and sends intervening coverings between their ultimate subdivi- sions. The lobules, or acini, are composed of a soft milk-white parenchyma, consisting of granular matter, nuclei, and nu- cleated cells ; the central part of each lobule, is so soft or fluid, that, when opened, a cavity is found, which extends into the secondary lobules, of which the primary ones are composed. The cord which connects the lobules together, contains the same parenchymatous substance, and is likewi.se soft or fluid in the centre, so as to form a cavity, called the reservoir of the thymus ; this communicates with the soft cavities of all the lobules, and also with certain small sacculi situated in its walls. Each lateral half of the thymus, has its proper reser- voir, the two sometimes communicating tlirough the central transverse mass. The cavities within the lobules and con- necting cord, are not lined by a distinct limitary membrane and epithelium ; the fluid within them, is milky white, and 330 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. resembles chyle. It contains nuclei and nucleated cells, simi- lar to those of the white parenchyma itself. Many of these closely resemble the developing lymph-corpuscles found in the loculi of the lymphatic glands, and, therefore, also the white corpuscles of the blood. No minute fatty molecules, similar to those forming the “ molecular ba.sis” of the chyle, are foimd, however, in the white fluid of the thymus. To chemical ana- lysis, this body yields about 20 per cent, of solid matter, chief!}’’ albumen, some gelatin, only a little fatty matter, and traces of sugar, leucin, sarcin, xanthin, salts of formic, acetic, succinic, and lactic acids, chloride of potassium, and alkaline and earthy phosphates. The bloodvessels of the thymus are large and numerous ; the arteries penetrate to the central cavity, and thence ramify towards the surface of the lobules ; the capil- laries travei’se the soft white parenchyma in all directions, the chief terminal plexuses being near the surface of the lobules ; the veins are large and, Avhat is unusual, do not accompany the arteries. The lymphatics are also numerous and of great size, terminating, some in the thoracic duct, others in the right lymphatic duct, and others directly in the neighbouring large veins. It is supposed that the lymphatics assist in con- veying the contents of the cavities of the thymus into the blood ; but their direct communication Avith those cavities has not been demonstrated. The nerves are small, and are de- rived fi’om the pneumogastric nerve, and the sjnnpathetic system. The office of the thymus, would seem to be, to prepare an albuminoid pabulum, fitted for the formation and maintenance of the blood, exactly at that period of life when growth is rela- tively most rapid, f.e., in the earliest years of infancy. It is possible, moreover, that its nuclei and nucleated cells, espe- cially those Avhich resemble the lymph-corpuscles, are the germs of future Avhite blood corpuscles, a view especially urged by Hewson. The almost complete absence of fatty matter, hydrocarbons, or carbhydrates, from the thymus, as Avell as fi’om the thyroid body and spleen, Avould seem opposed to the idea, that any of these organs stored up such substances for the direct purposes of combustion. Yet it has been conjectured that the fluid of the thymus, forms a reseinm of material suited for oxidatiou in the respiratory process, at a time Avhen such matters, derivable from the Avaste of muscular tissue, are by no means abundant (Simon). Later, hoAvever, in fully nouri.shed children, the thymus becomes (juite fatty, its nucleated cells THE DUCTLESS GLANDS GENERALLY. 331 being converted into adipose cells, -whicli might then yield their fiitty combustible matter to the blood. In the hyberna- ting INIammalia also, this organ continues to grow more rapidly than the body, up to the adult period of life, and, when thus persistent, contains much adipose matter. This is also said to be the case in most Reptiles. It was at one time held, that the thymus body acted as a diverticulum, in regard to the pulmo- nary circulation, in the child. The closed sacs of the tongue, tonsils, fliarynx, stomach, and intestinal canal. — These, as elsewhere described (p. 158), whether solitary or clustered, may be regarded as minute representatives of the larger ductless glands, to which in their closed form, their vascularity, and their albuminoid, granidar, nuclear, and nucleated cell-contents they bear a certain generic resemblance. They might, indeed, be compared to the Malpighian bodies of the spleen ; but they diifer from the vesicles of the thyroid body, in having no distinct cavity lined by an epithelium. They might be said to stand in the same relation to the larger ductless glands, that the small and simple tubular glands of the stomach and intestine, do to the large secreting glands, with extensive excretory ducts. The ductless or vascular glands considered generally. — ■ Before the structure of these organs was less understood than it is at present, they were sometimes supposed to possess parts analogous to the terminal acini, vesicles, or dilated ends of the ducts of true secreting glands ; and the absence of the ducts themselves, was said to form the most marked distinction be- tween them and these glands. But the thyroid body alone has distinct vesicles, limited by a membrana propria and an epithe- lium, and so far approximating to the characters exhibited by the commencing ducts of a secreting gland. In the spleen, and even in the .supra-renal bodies, the inter-trabecular areolae, and the columnar loculi, are not so surrounded, but are mere interspaces in an areolar framework. The minute encapsulcd Malpighian bodies of the spleen, and likewise the closed sacs of the alimentary canal, have no lining epithelium or true basement membrane. The branching sacculated canals, and secondary cavities, or acini of the thymus, caunot be compared to true glandular structures, for they also are destitute of a lining membrane and epithelium. Indeed these ductless glands, instead of resembling the secreting glands with ducts, possess characters approximating them rather to the lymphatic glands, with their numerous loculi and albu- 332 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Tninoid corpuscular contents ; but they differ in this, that their cavities do not open directly into the lymphatic vessels. Considered generally, their proper parenchyma, with its granular plasma, nuclei, and nucleated cells in various stages of growth, constitiites their most important and characteristic anatomical element. The rest of their structure, is either the frameAvork of the organ, or consists of the bloodvessels, lym- phatics, and nerves. The physiological influence of these organs in the economy, must be exercised on the blood, and must be exerted, especially through a nutritive process, by the nuclear and nucleated cell-like constituents. The blood entering such an organ, yields to it, by exudation through the walls of the capillaries, a common plasma, from which, by a nutritive process depen- dent on the special attractive, selective, and assimilative powers of the microscopic elements, certain special materials are separated. The residue of the plasma, re-enters the circu- lation, either directly through venous, or indirectly through lymphatic absorption, as in every instance of simple nutrition. Hence, in the first place, the blood which passes through these organs, must be modified, as in all nutrition, by the abstrac- tion of certain of its constituents ; and the effect is peculiar in each organ. But, secondly, the proper substance of these ductless glands, cannot remain unchanged and inactive, subject to no further metamorphoses, and productive of no special influence upon, or service in, the economy. On the contrary, it would seem certain, that something must also be added, by their agency, to the blood as it passes through them. The materials attracted from the blood by their proper substance, and elaborated within them by a sort of nutrient secretive act, are returned, more or less altered, into the blood current. This may chiefly be accomplished by solution and venous absorption in the spleen, supra-renal bodies, and thyroid body, or by ljunphatic ab- sorption in the thymus and closed sacs of the alimentaiy mucous membrane, or by occasional opening of the loculi into the veins, as in the spleen, or into the lymphatics, as conjec- tured by some to be the case in the thymus. By both subtraction and addition of material, the blood must be specially modified, as it passes through those organs, which, from their various actions, contribute, therefore, to the elaboration and maintenance of the complex chemical constitu- tion of the blood. It is for the jireparation of the albuminoid THE DUCTLESS GLANDS GENERALLY. 333 constituents of the blood, that these organs are destined, and not for the formation of fatty matter, which is so scanty in their composition. Their action upon the colouring matters, Avhich are also albuminoid, may be, in the case of the spleen andsupra-renal bodies, to decompose or re-compo.se those peculiar substances. Moreover, from the resemblance of the microscopical ele- ments of their abundant and characteristic parenchyma, to the white blood corpuscles, they are probably concerned in the formation of those bodies, and therefore of the future red cor- puscles, assimilating the nutrient plasma of the blood into distinct morphological elements, just as the lymphatic glands and vessels develop a corpusculated fluid in their interior. Hence, both chemically and morphologically, the blood glands are believed to contribute to the important process of sanguifi- cation. The products of nutrient secretion, formed by these organs, all enter the systemic veins, excepting those elaborated by the spleen, Avhich first enter the portal blood, and so pass through the liAmr, before they reach the right side of the heart, to be sent to the lungs. It is remarkable that all the large ductless glands are pre- sent and active during embryonic life, and also in the most active period of growth after birth. The supra-renal bodies, at first, in the embryo, much larger than the kidneys, are, in the adult, only ^^th part of the weight of those glands. The thymus especially ceases, after birth, to grow in proportion to the rest of the body, and then gradually wastes ; a positive relation has been observed, in young animals, between its size and the state of their nutrition. The thyroid body and the pituitary body are also larger proportionally in the embryo and the infant, than in the adult ; but they continue to be present throughout life. At birth, the weight of the thyroid body, as compared Avith that of the body generally, is as 1 to 2.50 or 1 to 400 : but it .soon ceases to enlarge Avith the body, for, after three weeks, the proportions are as 1 to IIGG, and in the adult only as 1 to 1800 (Krause). The spleen, hoAvever, enlarges Avith the body, and maintains its propor- tionate size ; but it is undoubtedly largest in the most active period of life, about early manhood. As to the closed sacs of the tonsils, tongue, pharynx, and solitary and agminated glands of the stomach and intestine, they exhibit a continuous development Avith the rest of the body, and are permanent structures. Finally, it wmxld seem, that, Avhatevcr may be the general or 334 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. special uses of the ductless glands, some of them, at least, are not absolutely essential to life. The thymus, though very large in the early period of development and growth, ulti- mately disappears as a distinct organ. The thyroid body may be totally altered by disease, becoming cystic, indurated, or filled with earthy deposits, without serious detriment to the health. The spleen has been extirpated from animals, with- out any obvious ill consequences, and, it is .said, in a few cases, even from the human body. In certain animals, the spleen is multiple, minute detached spleens, named splenculi, existing near the principal organ. When the latter is re- moved, the splenculi become enlarged, and so supply, ph}'sio- logically, the. jDlace of the extirpated spleen. In other cases, the lymphatic glands of the neck and axilla, have become in- creased in size ; and, on the whole, the result of such experi- ments, would seem to show, not the want of importance of the spleen, but that its functions may be performed, as it were vicariously, by other organs of the body; The same may be time in cases in which the thyroid body is diseased. It is said, however, that in animals, after removal of the spleen, the quantity of iron in the blood, is diminished, and that the appetite becomes voracious, and the temper fierce. Eemoval of the supra-renal bodies is fatal ; according' to some, directly, owing to the retention of some poisonous substance in the blood ; according to others, indirectly, as a consequence of the inci- dental injury to the nerves and other neighbouring parts (Harley). THE LIVER CONSIDERED AS A BLOOD GLAND. GLYCOGENIC FUNCTION OF THE LIVER. The action of the ductless or nutritive glands, viz. that of extracting material from the blood, elaborating it, and, in- stead of eliminating it by ducts, returning it into the blood, by means of venous or lymphatic absorption, is, to a certain extent, imitated by the liver, the largest secreting gland in the body. In the embryo, the liver is, indeed, a true blood gland, blood corpuscles even being developed in its capillary net- work. But probably then, and certainly after birth, the hepatic nucleated cells, which secrete the bile, like the special parenchyma of the ductless glands, attract and assimilate material from the blood, and form a peculiar substance, which is not discharged by the bileducts, but enters the blood either GLYCOGENIC FUNCTION OF THE LIVER. 335 through the veins or the lymphatics; most probably, how- ever, through tlie former. But this substance, is not albu- minoid, like the supposed products of the assimilative action of the ductless glands; it is amyloid, forming an animal starch, closely resembling the amylaceous substances developed so abundantly in the Vegetable Kingdom. By Claude Ber- nard, its discoverer, it was named ghjcogene, from its yielding sugar when mixed witli ferments ; it has also been called hrpatine (Pavy), and zo-amyline (Eouget). It is obtained by bruising the substance of the liver in water, boiling the fluid to coagulate the albumen, filtering through animal char- coal, and then precipitating the substance sought for, by means of pure acetic acid, or alcohol. It is white, taste- less, flocculent, and readily soluble in pure water ; with iodine, it forms a reddish violet compound, the colour of which dis- appears at a temperature of 176°, but returns on cooling. It does not reduce the salts of copper. Minute granules, ajrpa- rently covered with an albuminous fibrin, are found in the hepatic cells ; the.se are not fatty, being insoluble in ether, birt they behave with re-agents in such a manner, as probably to be particles of this substance. Its atomic composition is identical with that of starch, dextrin, and grape sugar, Cg Hjg O5, but its general properties are intermediate between those of starch and dextrin. Like dextrin, when dissolved in water, glycogen is immediately transformed into gi-ape sugar by albuminoid ferments, as is proved by the solution then decomposing the salts of copper, and turning the rays of polarised light to the right hand, and also by its readily p.assing into the alcoholic, or the lactic acid, fermentation. An amyloid or cellulo.«e substance was long ago found in the Tunicated animals (Schmidt), and amyloid bodies have since been observed in other Non-vertebrate animals (Carter). In a peculiar degeneration of various tissues and organs of the human body, as of the nervous substance, muscles, liver, spleen, kidneys, prostate, and other parts, amyloid bodies, or so-called corpora amylacea, have been frequently met with (Virchow, Mekel, Kouget). Bernard himself detected a glycogenic substance in the placenta, and in various embry- onic tissues, especially in the muscles, though he thought it disappeared from them in after life. Amyloid substance is sometimes certainly present in healthy muscle ; it has been found in the muscles of the horse a few hours after feeding, though, in the lasting condition, none is present. The occur- 336 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. rence of a starchy substance, is, therefore, as Rouget believes, by no means confined to the tissues of vegetables, nor even to the liver amongst the animal organs, but this substance may, tmder certain conditions, be a product of the nutritive action of nearly all the tissues. The glycogenic function of the liver is, however, most remarkable, and constitutes a special assimilative office, super- added to its ordinary use of secreting bile. Since neither glycogen nor sugar is found in the bile, it is obvious that, if this animal starch be employed in the economy, it, or some product of it, must enter the blood, either directly through the veins, or indirectly through the lymphatics. It is now knotra that, not the glycogen itself, but the sugar resulting from its transformation, is absorbed by the hepatic veins. The detec- tion of considerable quantities of sugar in the blood of the hepatic veins and of the right auricle of the heart, led, indeed, to the discovery of the glycogenic function of the liver. At first it was supposed by Bernard, that the sugar itself Avas formed by that organ. That this is not derived directly from starch or sugar in the food, is shoAvn by its occurrence in animals killed after being fed, for at least a month, on meat alone. That the sugar comes from the liver, is shown by the fact, that after injecting Avater into the portal vein, until the fluid escaping from the hepatic veins, is colourless and free from sugar, it is possible, after Avaiting a certain number of hours, to obtain, by injecting more Avater, a further supply of sugar. Hence Bernard concludes, not merely that the sugar is pro- duced in the liver, but that it must be formed by a sIoav, chemical, and not necessarily vital, change of an amyloid sub- stance within the liver. By treating the liver substance in the mode already mentioned, the glycogen is then obtained separately. The transformation of starch into sugar, by salivin, sug- gested the idea that this glycogen of the liver, also requires a special ferment to induce its metamorphosis. It Avas thought that, if not the salivin or pancreatin, this ferment might be some albuminoid product of one of the ductless glands; but extirpation of the salivary glands or pancreas, of the spleen, su^wa-renal bodies, thyroid, or thymus, in a series of experiments on animals, threAv no light on the question (Schifi’). The albuminoid substance is probably formed in the liver itself ; for, Avhereas glycogen, like starch or dextrin, is not easily transmissible through the coats of the hejAatic vessels, it is probably con- QUANTITY OF HEPATIC GLYCOGEN. 337 verted into the readily dialysable sugar, before it is taken up by those veins. The fibrin and albumen of the blood, whether arterial or portal, will also convert dissolved gly- cogen into sugar. A boiling temperature destroys the power of the ferment, whatever this may be. It has been suggested by Pavy that, although an amyloid substance abounds in the liver during life, no sugar, or but A'^ery small traces of it, are then present in this organ ; and that, except in disease, transformation of the hepatin into sugar is, for the most part, a post-mortem resiilt. This observer found no great difference in the quantity of sugar in the various large bloodvessels, either in the arteries, or in the hepatic or portal veins ; the quantity detected was very small, averaging about y^th of a grain in 100 grains of blood. In the liver substance itself, macerated, instantly after death, in caustic potash or in very cold water, no sugar could be detected, though the hepatin or glycogen was then extracted. Most physiologists, however, coincide with Bernard, in believing that the formation of sugar in the liver, is constantly taking place during life ; and that the accompanying decomposition of the glycogen into sugar, may explain the relative higher temperature of the blood, which has been observed in the hepatic veins. The average quantity of sugar obtainable from the liver of the horse and calf, varies from 4 to 2 per cent. ; in the rabbit’s liver, it is about 2-5 per cent., and in Man, as noticed in healthy, recently executed criminals, about 2 per cent (Bernard). By others, sugar has been found in the liver of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes, though in the cold-blooded animals the quantity is small ; it has even been detected in the liver of the Mollusca (Bernard). It is more easily obtained from the veins than from the substance of the organ. The relative proportion found in the portal blood, in the systemic venous blood, and in the arterial blood of animals fasting, or fed only on llesh, is about -OG parts in 100; whereas, in the hepatic blood, the quantity is usually about 1 per cent. In fully fed animals, especially after a meal conPiining starch, the quantity in each kind of blood is increased. In one experiment on a well- fed horse, killed soon after digestion, the proportion of sugar found in the liver, was nearly 2'fi per cent. ; whilst that in the hepatic vein, was about IT, in the lymph -44, in the chyle '22, and in the blood generally ‘00.5 (Poiseuille and Lelbrt). The glycogen of the liver, being admitted to be the source VOL. II. z .338 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of the sugar found in the hepatic blood, the origin of tlie glycogen itself is yet undecided. Some have questioned the power of animal tissues, to form an amyloid subshince, and have suggested that the glycogen of the liver is derived from the starchy matter of the food, which might be supposed, in Herbivorous animals, to be partly accumulated, in a modi- fied form, in the hepatic cells or elsewhere, hlore sugar cer- tainly, is obtainable from the livers of Herbivorous, than from those of Carnivorous animals, and more irom Herbivorous animals recently fed on amylaceous food ; but glycogen con- tinues to be formed in the livers of fasting or actually starved animals, and of animals fed for a month, or more, exclusively on flesh. In such instances, the glycogenic substance found in the liver, cannot be derived directly from food, but is formed by some action of the hepatic cells, in which, as already men- tioned, minute grains, apparently of an amyloid nature, have been detected. The constituents of the flesh used as food, < which can be thus metamorphosed by the hepatic cells, are fat and albmniuoid substances ; for the small quantities of amyloid matter sometimes found in flesh, and of inosite or muscle-sugar always present in it, which is incapable of the alcoholic fermentation and does not turn the rays of polarised light, are not sufficient to produce it. By some, it has been suppo.sed that the hepatic cells have the power of decomposing the neutral fats of the food, into glycerin and the fatty acids, stearic and oleic; furthermore, that the former is the source of the glycogen, and that the latter assist in the formation of the fatty acids of the bile: thus, 2 of glycerin, i.e., 2 (CjPIgOg)^- 2 of oxygen (Oj), are equal to 1 ofglycogen(C6H,Q05)-f-3 of water 3 (HgO). It has been objected to this, that the formation of sugar and of bile in the snail, has been obseiwed to be an alternately performed function (Bernard). Another mode of origin of 'the glycogen fi-om fatty matter, supposes that the conjugated fatty acids of the bile, tauro-cholic, and glyco-cholic acids, are first formed, that they are then re-absorbed from the intestinal canal by the portal vein, and are decomposed into glycogen and a nitrogenous product, which is ultimately converted into urea, and eliminated by the kidneys ; for dogs with biliary fistulaj, appear to have no glycogen in the liver, and other dog.s, after long fasting, if fed with taurin, show an abundance of glycogen in that organ. By some, again, albu- minoid principles arc suj)posed to be decomposed in the hepatic cells ; according to one view, the products are glycogen and USE OF THE HEPATIC GLYCOGEN. 339 the two conjugated biliary acids, one of which contains nitrogen, and the other, in addition, sulphur : according to another view, they are glycogen, and various nitrogenous bodies, such as creatin, creatinin, and other substances, which are ultimately excreted as urea. The continuous formation of sugar in the eggs of birds, during incubation, shows that glycogen may be formed independently of amylaceous food, and its origin from albuminoid matter, is rendered probable from the fact, that in animals fed on fat or oleaginous food alone, or even on pure starch, as distinguished from vegetable food containing starch mixed with other constituents, the glycogen is much dimi- nished in quantity (Stokvis); whereas, in those fed on gelatin, it is almost normal in quantity, and attains its maximum in animals led on highly albuminous diet (Bernard and Schmidt). The experiments of Dr. Pavy alone give opposite results, showing the greatest amount of sugar in animals fed on vegetable food only ; but the increase of sugar then observed by him, might be partly owing to sugar formed from the food itself. He found, in the livers of dogs, the proportion to be about 7 per- cent. with a pure animal diet, 14'5 per cent, with meat and sugar, and 17 per cent, with a purely vegetable diet. It is believed that the glycogen found so abundantly in the muscles of the embryo, the inosite formed in the nruscles after birth, and the small quantity of glycogen which they contain after the liver has commenced its glycogenic office, are also derived from the decomposition of albuminoid substance into gly- cogen, and some oxidisable nitrogenous body, such as creatin or creatinin. The use of the glycogenic function of the liver, is .suppo.sed to be that of continuously supplying an easily oxidisable ma- terial for the purposes of maintaining animal heat and motion. Sugar is a very unstable element in the presence of oxygen with albuminoid .substances, such as are found in the blood. As already stated, the quantity of sugar found in arterial blood, that is in the blood which has passed through the lungs, is much smaller than that in the hepatic venous blood. Besides undergoing oxidation, like the sugar of the food, so as to form carbonic acid and water, the liver-sugar may also be capable of transformation, through the assimilative force of some of the animal tissues or organs, into fatty matter, or some other substances necessary to the living economy. The sugar may likewise act as a solvent of the carbonate and phospate of lime in the blood. It has also been said to aid in z 2 340 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. the decomposition of albuminoid, into oleaginous or other com- pounds. Wlien animals are covered with varnish, which arrests the cutaneous transpiration, and interferes with the respiratory changes and the development of animal heat, both the sugar of the hepatic blood, and the glycogen of the liver, soon dis- appear ; but, by then employing artificial warmth, they may be again formed. In hybernating animals, in which the respira- tory process is also reduced to a minimum, the .formation of sugar continues, but its oxidation, after it pa.sses into the circulation, is imperfectly carried on, or entirely ceases, so that it accumulates in the blood, and even appears in the urine. So too, in the disease known as diabetes mellitus, the sugar fomid in that excretion, is supposed to depend upon the ac- cumulation of sugar, probably of liver sugar, in the blood ; for, in such cases, other secretions and excretions also exhibit traces of that substance. That the sugar excreted by the kidneys in diabetes, is not formed in those organs, is certain ; and it has been noticed, that if the blood contain of a grain of sugar in 100 grains, this substance is no longer completely consumed, or oxidised, in the combustive processes of the economy, but appears in the various secretions and excretions, most abun- dantly in that from the kidneys. In the diabetic condition, not only may the sugar formed in normal quantity, accumulate, from not vindergoing decomposition, but the liver may generate more sugar than usual. A temporary and remediable diabetes may occur from the undue ingestion of sugar, or sugar-forming substances, with the food. Moreover, many medicinal agents appear to determine an increased activity of the glycogenic function of the liver, producing an artificial diabetes ; such are, morphia, strychnia, and phosphoric acid in large quantities (Pavy). Asparagus hasa .similar effect ; so likewise has the injection of various stimulat- ing fluids into the portal vein (Harley), and the inhalation of acetone and benzine. Caustic potash and carbonate of soda check the formation of sugar (Pavy). An experiment, first made by Bernard, in which an artificial diabetes is produced, shows that certain parts of the nervous system influence the sugar-forming function (vol. i. pp. 35(5, 394). It illusti'ates the power of the nervous system over the nutritive and assimilative processes, and may explain certain cases of ordinary diabetes. By passing a needle through the back of the occipital bone in the rabbit, and irritating with INFLUENCE OF THE NERVES ON THE LIVER. 341 its point, the floor of the fonrtli ventricle, from near which the deep roots of the pnenmogastric nerves spring, he produced an artiticial diabetes mellitus. Moreover, irritation of the cerebro- spinal axis, from the cerebral peduncles down to the roots of tlie pnenmogastric nerves on the sides of the medulla oblongata, increases the Ibrmation of sugar in the blood, and gives rise to temporary diabetes. On the contrary, division of the pnenmogastric nerves in the neck, that is, above the point where their branches to the lungs are given off, appears to restrain the formation of sugar in the system ; section of the spinal cord below the origin of the phrenic nerves, has appa- rently a similar effect. It has been suggested that these effects are not direct upon the liver it.self, but that, in the normal condition, a certain stimulus, perhaps associated with the demand created by the process of oxidation going on in the lungs, proceeds from those organs, through the pnenmogastric nerves to the medulla oblongata, and is thence reflected through other nerves, to the liver, where it excites or regulates the glycogenic action. On interrupting the continuity of this nervous chain, by division of the pnenmogastric nerves, the formation of sugar is checked. Disturbances in the respiratory function, induced through the nervous system or otherwise, may favour the formation of sugar and its accumulation in the blood, and so produce diabetes. It is said, furthermore, that division of the great splanchnic neiwes, or of the sympathetic nerves in the neck, increases the formation of sugar in the liver ; this may depend, not on an increased formation of glycogen, but on the increased cpiantity of blood then admitted to the liver, owing to dilata- tion, through the action of the vasimotor nerves, of the small arteries of the abdominal viscera generally. The larger flow of blood through the portal system and liver, may change the glycogen already formed, into sugar, more quickly than usual, and thus favour its more rapid escape from the hepatic cells. This explanation may al.so apply to the effect of irritation of the back of the medulla ol)longata, in the floor of the fourth ventricle ; for the vasimotor sympathetic nerve fibres of the viscera of the abdomen, have been proved to pass down, in that part of the medulla, from the cerebral peduncles and optic thalami (Schiff). The formation of glycogen by the liver, its conversion into sugar, and the entrance of this into the blood by the veins, establish the importance of this gland in the process of Sangui- 342 SPECIAL rnrSIOLOGY. fication. These facts also suggest the possible occurrence of some similar, but yet unknoAvn, actions in other secreting glands, and also in such tissues as muscle and nerve, as well as in the ductless glands. Sanguification and the Blood Glands in Animals. In the Vertebra ta generally, the processes concerned in the formation of the white and red corpuscles, and the fluid matrix of the blood, are similar to those which occur in Man. Besides an absorbent system, the blood-glands, or ductless glands, are found in all the Vertebrate Classes, but they do not all exist in every Class. The spleen is almost univer- sally present; the supra-renal capsules disappear earlier in the descend- ing scale, the thyroid body and the thymus still sooner. The spleen is present in all cases, excepting in the myxine fishes. It always possesses its peculiar structure and characteristic dark red colour; it varies much in shape, even in Mammalia, being, in diflTerent cases, round, oval, much elongated, lobulated, or even multiple. The latter condition is seen in the dolphin. The existence of supernumerary spleens, or splencidi, in dogs, cats, and other animals, has been already mentioned. In Birds, the spleen is small, and either round, oval, fusi- form, or flat ; in Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, it is of variable size, and differs in form according to the general shape of the body. In Birds and Reptiles, this organ is usually attached to the pancreas ; in Reptiles and Fishes, it is rather connected with the intestine than with the stomach, as in Mammalia. The existence of the Malpighian bodies, is doubtful in the Amphibia, and denied in Fishes; but the large aggregated blood-cells exist in all Vertebrata. The supra-renal bodies are present in all Mammalia, Birds, Reptiles, in most, if not all. Amphibia, and in all but the lowest Fishes. They are always of a yellowish, ochreous, or golden hue. In Mammalia, they are of various forms, commonly three-sided, but often elongated, cylindrical, oval, round, or even crescentic. They are sometimes a little removed in position from the kidneys, as in the elephant and seal. They are large in Rodentia, and small in Carnivora, especially in the seal ; their size, as compared with the kidney, is, in the guinea-pig, as 1 to 4 ; but in the seal, only as 1 to 150. In the Cetacea, they are lobulated, and super- numerary supra-renal bodies are met with in many animals. In Birds, these organs are small, and often lobulated. In Reptiles, they are usu- ally placed on the renal veins, or vena cava inferior; in the Ophidia, the right one is the larger. In Batrachia, they are very small, broken up, or often indistinct, and embedded in different parts of the kidney. In Fishes, too, when present, they are usually small and nndtiple, and often found even at the back of the kidney ; in the sturgeon and the Cyclostomatous fishes, their existence is doubtful. The thyrofi, body is attached to the larynx in the Mammalia only. In Birds and Reptiles, it is placed low down in the neck, or even in the cliest, near the inferior larynx. Its position seems to be regulated rather by its vascular connections, than by any peculiar relation to the proper larynx. In Reptiles also, it is in the tlioracic cavity, close above the heart. As to Fishes, it has been supposed that the va-roper imd excretion. In secretion proper, xhe products a.ve formed by a nutritiue process, the result of a specitd attractive, selective, or as.similative power, possessed by some epithelial structure ; and moreover, after being discharged from the months or ducts of the glands, or from the surface of membranes, tliey are used for certain I)urposes in the living economy. In excretion, the educts are 344 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. ra.i\\Qv elimiyialed from the blood through the agency of special structures, also epithelial ; and they are henceforth cast out from the body as elFete, useless, or even injurious substances. Secretion may be performed by glands, or by membranes ; but excretion is always effected through the agency of glands. The secreting glands are the liver, pancreas, the salivary, and lachrymal glands, the true mucous glands of the nose, mouth, fauces, pharynx, oesophagus, and duodenum, the simple tubular glands of the stomach and intestines, other minute glands associated with the ducts of some of the larger glands, the sebaceous and meibomian glands, and lastly the mammary glands. The secreting membranes are the mucous, serous, and synovial membranes. The excreting or excretory glands are the kidneys, and the sweat glands of the skin ; to a certain extent, the liver, and perhaps the intestinal tubuli, especially those of the great intestine ; perhaps, also, the sebaceous cutaneous glands; and, lastly, the lungs, which may be viewed as excret- ing glandular organs, destined to eliminate carbonic acid from the blood. In certain forms of secretion, the separated products closely resemble those contained in the blood itself, such as the albumen of the serous and synovial fluids. Thus, the serous and syn- ovial secretions consist of little more than the transuded materials of the plasma of the blood, unaltered in chemical character, but modified in their relative proportions. The casein of milk, is also merely a modified form of albumen. In other more special secreting processes, there are formed, not as mere transudations, but as the result of peculiar assimilative actions, substances not present in the blood itself, but, neverthe- less, little removed in chemical character from its albuminoid constituents ; such, e.g., as the pepsin, pancreatin, and salivin of the gastric juice, pancreatic fluid and saliva, and the mucin of the mucous glands. The three former substances are, by some, regarded as examples of an albuminoid compound under- going retrograde chemical changes, or in peculiar states of hydration. In other cases, the substances formed by secreting glands, though more remote in chemical constitution from that of the materials of the blood, and not pre-existent in it, are of a higly complex nature, and are only partially reduced or oxidised substances, such as the tauro- and glyco-cholic acids of the bile, the butyrin of the milk, and the fat of the sebaceous secretion. Extreme examples of special .«ecretive power, by which compounds not existing in the blood, are SECRETION AND EXCRETION COMPARED. 345 Ibrmed from it, are afforcled by the appearance of sidplio- cyanogen in the saliva, and of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice. So, also, soda is withdraum troni the normal soda salts of the blood, by the agency of the liver, to combine with the fatty acids of the bile. In the case of the excretions, hoAvever, the characteristic substances eliminated from the blood, pre-exist in that fluid, as the result of decomposition, and, are always much more chemically reduced by oxidation, than any product of secretion, or they are even completely oxidised. They usually exhibit a comparatively simple atomic constitution, are often crystalli- sable, and frequently take the form of bases or acids, such as the lactic and uric acids, and the urea, formed in the urine, together with the sulphates and phosphates resulting from the oxidation of the albuminoid constituents of the body ; such also as the lactate of ammonia, and the acetic and formic acids of the cu- taneous excretion ; and lastly, the perfectly oxidised carbonic acid, given off in small quantities by the skin, but forming the characteristic product excreted by the lungs. Such substances are manifestly incapable of animal organisation. They are even, if retained in the system, noxious, or fatal. The purpose of ex- cretion, is, indeed, to rid the body of the compounds which are formed during the action of the living tissues, by the oxidation of their substance, or of the blood passing through them. The successive stages of oxidation, render such compounds more and more removed from an organisable character, and necessitate their removal. In all the .secretions, if one e.xcepts the peculiar albuminoid substances, the saline substances and other special com- pounds, are either crystallisable, such as the sulphocyanide of potassium in the saliva, the soda salts of the biliary acids, and the lactin or sugar of the milk, or crystalloid, such as the hydrochloric acid, and other acids in the gastric juice. All these would freely dialyse from the blood, or from the secreting cells. As to the modified albuminoid substances, which are colloidal, such as salivin, pepsin, panci'eatin, and casein, it is possible that the secreting cells may themselves burst, and yield up their albuminoid contents ; or the secretion of such substances from the blood, may ])re.sent us with examples of the metastasis of colloidal substances from the pectousto the licjuid, or from the litpiid to the pectous state, as occasion may require. In the process of excretion, it is, as already mentionecl, the highly dill'u.siblo crystalloids alone, which escape from the 346 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. blood, so that it may more readily be referred to a pure dialysis, the one condition necessary, say, in the secretion of urea, e.g., being a special chemical relation between the dia- lysing epithelial cells and the dialysable urea, which serves to locate the excretion of that substance in the kidney. In the formation of living vegetable tissues, crystalloids, such as ammonia, cai’bonic acid, and water, are converted into colloids, and the further .processes of organisation, up to the final and highest nutritive stage, require various metastases of these colloids. In the downward step of disintegration and disorganisation, materials are formed, which are to be e.xcreted, and then the crystalloid condition of matter again prevails, as in the irrea and uric acid thrown off by the kidneys, which easily pass into ammonia, and the carbonic acid and water of the cutaneous and pulmonary exhalations. The general forms of the secreting and excreting glands, and the mode in Avhich those forms may be derived from the involution of a simple secreting membrane, have already been described (vol. i. p. 70). In all cases, there is invariably found, even in the ultimate ramifications of the gland ducts, a limiting or basement membrane covered by a stratum of epithelial cells. All glands are, moreover, very vascular, and receive large quantities of blood. The special secretions and excretions are the products or educts of special organs. The ' most essential modifications of the anatomical gland-elements, I are those which relate to the epithelial cells. In secretion proper, these important elements are frequently dissolved or ruptured, and their contents, if not their envelopes, escape as part, perhaps an essential part, of the secretion itself, as in the case of the saliva, pancreatic fluid, gastric juice, and milk, and of the sebaceous and the mucous secretions, and also, perhaps, of the bile. But in the case of the lachrymal secretion, and in the excretory processes generally, this is not so ; for the epithelial cells in the ducts of the kidney, the lachrymal gland, and the sweat glands, and also, it may be added, in the air-cells of the lungs, merely Avithdraw, as it were, by a ^ special attraction, certain products already pre-existing in the ^ blood, and part with them again, into the ducts or canals, Avhich convey them out from the body, Avithout themselves undergoing any necessary dissolution or decay. The liver receives a peculiar venous blood, loaded Avith the jirodncts of the venous absorption of the food, and Avith those which enter the blood of the spleen ; but, Avith this exception. USE OF THE EFITIIELIUM IN SECRETION. 347 the cause of the differences between the several secretions, cannot depend on the character of the blood distributed to the respective glands, which is uniformly pure arterial blood. Neither can it depend upon the number or arrangement of the capillary vessels, for these peculiarities can only determine the quantity, not the quality, of a given seci'etion. Nor is there any evidence to show that the walls of the capillaries differ in different glands, nor even the basement or limiting mem- brane, which always presents a glass-like, structureless, appear- ance. Again, the relative simplicity, or complexity, of a gland cannot be supposed, in any way, to determine the character of its secretion ; for, though differently formed glands, sup- plied by the same blood, often yield different secretions, yet there are cases, in which very similarly formed glands produce different secretions, as, for example, the salivary, pancreatic, and mammary glands. Moreover, on regarding the Animal Kingdom generally, it is found that similar secretions, as, e.rj., the bile, the gastric secretion, and indeed nearly all the secre- tions, are formed, in different cases, by glands of variable structure, sometimes complex, sometimes simple, according to the position of the animal in the scale of organisation. There is one component, however, of all secreting and excreting organs, whether membranous .or glandular, viz., the epithelial layer, which appears to be essential to specific secretion, and to be the seat of the selective assimilative power of the true secreting glands, and of the selective eliminative power in the excretory glands. The epithelial cells of different membranes and glands, most frequently present differences of structure and arrangement, suggestive of the po.ssession of different pro- perties. The peptic and hepatic cells, the columnar cells of the intestinal tubuli, and the cells of the sebaceous cutaneous glands, are totally different from each other. Even in the simplest glands in animals, as in the so-called hepatic tubuli, special epithelial cells are discernible. Epithelial cells are components of the solid texture of the body, sttbject to the ordinary proces.ses of development, growth, and nutrition ; but they are distinguished by a pectiliar destiny or purpose in the economy, and to them we must refer that special form of nutrition, which, instead of resulting in the de- velopment or maintenance of a tissue, destined for certain mechanical or vital purposes in the animal framework, is employed for the formation, or separatio)i, of more or less liquid products, intended for digestive or other uses, or 343 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. destined to be eliminated, and entirely discharged, from the system. Most frequently, the gland-cells effect changes in the materials which are presented to them by the blood ; but, at other times, they attract from that fluid, compounds which pre-exist in it. In either case, it is these cells which attract or separate the products or educts, from the circulating fluid. The general conditions which influence the functions of secretion and excretion, are the quantity of blood supplied to the respective glands, the quality of that blood, the presence of external stimuli, acting directly or indirectly on the nerves, and perhaps some governing influence of the nervous system itself. As a rule, an increased quantity of blood supplied to a gland, determines an increase in the amount of its secretion, as is illustrated by the increased redness of the gastric mucous membrane observed, in the case of the Canadian voyageur, Alexis St. Martin, during the active secretion of the gastric juice, and by the increased vascular tiu’gescence of the mam- mary gland during lactation. As in ordinary nutrition, however, the secretive demand, implied by an increased secretive act, precedes the actual flow of additional blood to a given gland. The influence of quality in the blood, is perhaps greater in regard to the excreting than to the secreting glands, as might indeed be expected. The presence of a greater or less quantity of the special materials to be separated and eliminated from the blood, must have a direct effect. An excess of urea or uric acid in the blood, whatever may be its cause, deterinines an increased elimination of those products from the kidneys, and an increased consumption of water, augments the quantity of the renal excretion. A temporaiy increase of carbonic acid in the blood, owing to the rapid oxidation of combustible substances, is followed by an increased evolution of that gas from the lungs; whilst the drinking of water augments the pul- monary exhalation and the cutaneous transpiration. The various secretions are also modified in quantity, by the amount of fluid absorbed from the stomach ; and the relative amount of their characteristic ingredients, is deiiendent on the existence of certain proportions of particular blood constituents from which they are derived, as seen in the production of the fatty acids of the bile, and of the sugar, and the peculiar fatty acids of the milk. INFLUENCE OF THE NERVES ON SECRETION. 349 The effects of stimnli, are chiefly to be noticed as influencing tlie quantity of a given secretion, as in the case of a flow of tears, induced by a foreign body irritating the conjunctiva, or of saliva, from the action of vinegar, mustard, or salt. Stimuli act probably through the intermediation of the vasimotor nerves, either directly, or else by reflex action, through other nerves and nervous centres with which the vasimotor nerves are connected. The general effect of such stimuli, is to dilate the small arteries of the gland ; a corresponding increase tlien occurs in the flow of blood to it, and is the proximate cause of an increased secretion or excretion. This increase may, as in the case of the saliva, augment the quantity but not improve the quality of the secretion, which becomes more watery than usual. There are many facts which show an intimate relation between the nervous system, and the secreting activity of the several glands. Thus, the emotions often determine increased secretion, as e.y. from the lachrymal glands, the skin, the ali- mentary mucous membrane, and the kidneys. The sight, or even the idea of food, will excite the flow of saliva. Extreme passion or grief has been known to modify, or even render p(usonous, the mammary secretion. Direct experiments also show most remarkable effects produced upon the secretive process, through the nervous system, as illustrated in regard to the sahvary glands (vol. i. p. 333 ; vol. ii. p. 56), the gastric glands (vol. ii. p. 61), and the liver (vol. ii. p. 340). All glands are provided with sympathetic nerves, and many, if not all, po.ssess others derived from the cerebro-.spinal nervous system. The e.xperiments just referred to, show that the quantity of a secretion is differently affected by the section, or irritation, of these two sets of nerves. Thus, irritation of the pneumogastric nerves, increases the quantity of the gastric juice, whilst irritation of the sympathetic nerves, diminishes or arrests it. Again, divi.sion of the sympathetic nerves of the submaxillary gland, increases the flow of saliva, but irrita- tion of the di.stal cut portion of the nerve, dimini.shes it ; on the other hand, section of the cerebral nerve, diminishes, whilst irritation of the di.stal cut end, augments it. Even simple irritation of tlie undivided sympathetic nerves, causes diminu- tion, whilst a similar irritation of the undivided cerebral nerve, causes an increase of the secretion. Since, in the former case, the small arteries of the gland contract, and the supply of blood is diminished, whilst in the latter, those 350 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. vessels dilate, and more blood is distributed to the gland, the diminution or augmentation of the secretion, accords, in either case, with differences in the quantity of blood conveyed to the gland, and the influence of the nervous system in regulating the quantity of the secretion, is indirectly manifested by the dilatation or contraction of the coats of the small arteries. With regard to the influence of the nerves on the quality of a secretion, it is found that when the arteries are con- tracted, and the supply of arterial blood lessened, not only is the quantity of saliva diminished, but the colour- of the venous blood returning from the gland, is, as usual, dark ; whereas, when the arteries are dilated, the supply of blood is increased, and the amount of secretion augmented, then the colour of the returning venous blood, is bright. In the foi-mer case, the passage of the blood through the gland, seems to be suffi- ciently deliberate, to permit of the proper nutritive or secre- tive interchanges between it and the epithelial cells ; whilst in the latter case, the blood flows so rapidly through the glands as not to undergo these changes. It is not proved that the sympathetic nerve determines, or even increases, the secreting power of the gland. By controlling the quantity and velocity of blood passing through a gland, the sympathetic nerves may, therefore, not directly, but indirectly, by permitting the characteristic func- tion of the gland, preserve the essential qualities of its secre- tion ; whilst, on the other hand, the cerebro-spinal nerves, by determining an increased supply and quicker motion of the blood, must, by partially interfering with, or ovei-Avhelming, the special actions of the secreting cells, increase the fluid in the secretion, but so dilute and lower its qualities. ^Wiilst it is not yet proved that either the sympathetic, or the cerebro-spinal, nervous system has any power over the chemical acts of secretion, independently of their goAmming influence over the bloodvessels, it must be added that this is a point on Avhich opinions are at variance. As already re- marked (p. 284), if, as it seems scarcely possible to doubt, the nervous system iuiluences the secreting processes in such of the loAver animals as are unprovided Avith bloodvessels, and yet possess nerves, it is difficult to deny the existence of some such direct inlluence in the higher Avascular animals and in Man, however unintelligible the nature of such a controlling process may be. Whatever the influence of the nervous s}'stem upon secre- YICAKIODS SECEETION. 351 tion, it may be centric, or peripheral, and either simple or reflex, according to the part in which the stimulus originates, or to which it is applied. Tears are shed, and saliva flows, under the centric stimulation of painful or joyous emotions, and on the occurrence of ideas relating to food ; whilst the same secretive acts are performed under reflex action, from neuralgia of the fifth cerebral nerve, or from local irritation of the conjunctiva or of the mouth. When, either from disease of the glands, or from an over- accumulation, in the blood, of the materials to be excreted, these are no longer eliminated through the usual organs, they are sometimes vicariously eliminated through some other gland or membrane. Thus, urea has been found in almost every secretion and excretion of the body, in the gastric and intestinal discharges, in the lachrymal and salivary fluids, in the nasal mucus, in the synovial and serous fluids, the per- spiration and even in the milk. The pigment of the bile, which is probably more of an excretory than a secretory product, occasionally appears in the renal excretion and in other fluids of the body. The.se are instances of real vicarious excretion, but in regard to the secretions proper, no such metastasis, or transference, of secreting power has been ob- served, no authentic example of milk secreted by the liver or kidneys, or of saliva formed by the mammary gland, having yet been met with. The presence of the colouring matter of the bile in various true secretions, as in the pancreatic juice, the milk, the mucus of the bronchial glands and membrane, and even in the serous and synovial fluids, is perhaps only an apparent example of vicarious secretion ; for, in these cases, the colouring matter of the bile is probably re-absorbed into the blood, and then is simply exuded into all parts of the body with the common nutrient plasma, and so tinges the various solid tis.sues, organs, glands, and secretions. There is, more- over, no evidence that, even in these cases, the more abun- dant and truly secretory products of the hepatic cell action, viz. the soda salts of the biliary acids, accompany the bile pigment in its passage through the body, or into the secretions of other glands. The biliary pigment probably represents an excretory part of the bile, and, if not preformed in the blood, is easily di.ssolved and taken up by it, and thus it may obey a true metastasis like other excretory substances. It certainly appears very readily in the urine, and also sometimes in the persjtiration. 352 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Certain excretions are complementary to each other, as, for example, those of the lungs and the liver. The more abundant the excretion of carbon in its perfectly oxidised form of car- bonic acid gas from the lungs, the smaller is the amount of cai'bonaceous compounds excreted in the bile ; whilst, on the other hand, when the respiratory changes are diminished through heat of climate, or defective exercise, the biliary products are increased. The excretions of the skin and the kidneys, are also, to a certain extent, complementaiy to each other, not only as regards their aqueous constituents, in respect of which, each is, moreover, supplemented by the lungs, which give off more or less vapour according to the relative degree of moisture of the air, but also in regard to some of the jjro- ducts of oxidation of the albuminoid tissues, viz., urea, am- monia, and carbonic acid. Different secretions and excretions differ as to the time at which they are prepared. Some are constantly or continuously formed, whilst others are secreted, or excreted, intermittently, or remittently. Secretions are more commonly intermittent or remittent, seiwing occasional purposes in the economy, as, e.g., the gastric juice, the secretion of which is probably limited to the period of digestion, and the lachiymal, salivary, hepatic, pancreatic, and mammary secretions, which are always being secreted in small quantities, but are, from time to time, as required, produced in much larger amounts. On the other hand, the excretions being injurious, and requiring to be eliminated, as rapidly as possible, from the blood, are charac- terised by theii’ constant separation both day and night, the pro- cess varying in activity, however, according to circumstances. The force by which the secretions are urged along the ducts, is probably the vis a tergo, dependent upon the pre.ssure of continuously fi’esh-formed portions of fluid secreted in the commencing ducts. The movement in the larger ducts, is aided by the slow contraction of the organic muscular fibres in the walls of the ducts. In some cases, as in the bile and pan- creatic ducts, and the ureters, rhythmic movements have been seen, and in others, peristaltic movements. The pressure on the fluid in the ducts, is sometimes considerable, as is seen by the occasional ejaculation of the saliva, and the expulsion of the milk. The action of the surrounding muscles, must, here and elsewhere, also be taken into account. In certain cases, the larger ducts are dilated near their mouths, into temporary receptacles for the secretion, as is seen in the parotid and NUTRITION AND SECRETION COMPARED. 353 lactiferous ducts. Still more special developments of the excretory apparatus, are met with in the shajDe of reser- voirs or bladders, with contractile walls, when, as in tlie case of the bile, the secretion is abundant and used intermittently, or when, for other reasons, an excretion requires to be re- tained, and only occasionally expelled. The daily quantities of the various secretions and excretions, as stated elsewhere in the account of each, differ remarkably in different individuals, and in the same individual under different circumstances. The quantities of the excretions, in health, conform to the quantity of water taken in the solid and fluid food, one of the objects of this elimination of water, being to maintain the due characters of the blood. In the formation of the extraordinary quantities of the secretions employed in the digestive process, the water concerned is, as already mentioned, separated from the blood, used in dissolving the food, re-absorbed, and re-secreted many times over. The preceding facts and considerations, illustrate the general resemblances and differences between nutrition and secretion. In both processes, the blood yields a common plasma to certain organs ; from this plasma, in both, materials are attracted by a selective property possessed by pre-existing tissue elements; and, in both,- the residual and altered plasma re-enters the blood. But this difference arises : in the one, the separated materials form an intrinsic part of a solid and more or less permanent tissue, and enter into the coherent framework of the body ; whereas, in the other, whilst a part thus remains to form the gland-tissue itself, the essential products are dis- charged, in the fluid state, by ducts, and are applied extrinsi- cally, to special functions of the economy, sometimes, however, being then re-ab.sorbed into the blood. Both the nutritive and the secretive process yield various results, according to the tissue in which they occur ; nutrition forms nerve, muscle, or bone, and secretion, saliva, pancreatic juice, or milk, according to the nature of the tissue elements which select, or determine, the separation of the nutrient or secreted materials, from the blood plasma. Both nutrition and secretion are modi- fied by the quantity and quality of the blood, and by the re- actions of the vasimotor nerves. The nutritive and secretive processes may both be either continuous or intermittent, the former being illustrated by the continuous formation of the epidermis and of mucus, and the latter by the intermittent nutrition of the muscular and nervous tissues and the forma- VOL. II. A A 354 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. tion of the gastric juice. Lastly, the two processes resemble each other, in being more active in some parts than in others, being more so, in the heart, the nervous centres, and the salivary glands and sweat glands, than in the tendons, carti- lages, bones, and the mucous and sebaceous glands. SPECIAL SECRETIONS. Most of the secreting glands and their products, have already been considered, viz. the lacluynial glands and the tears, ivith the appendages of the eyes; the nasal glands, with tire organ of smell ; the ceruminous glands, with the ear ; the sebaceous glands, with the skin ; and, lastly, the mucous glands of the mouth, fauces, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum, the saliva and salivary glands, the gastric and intestinal tubuli and their secretions, the liver and pancreas and their respective products — with the organs and ftmction of Diges- tion. The tracheal and broncliial mucous glands will be men- tioned hereafter, in the Section on Eespiration. There remain, however, certain general considerations concerning the liver and its offices, which may be here noticed ; whilst the mam- mary glands with the function of lactation, and the mucous, serous, and synovial secretions also requii’e description. Secreting Function of the Liver. The source of the bile secreted by the hepatic cells, is the exuded plasma of the portal blood, which, however, is joined by the blood from the nutrient capillaries of the liver, derived from the hepatic arteries. That the portal blood is essential, and the arterial blood non-essential as such, to the formation of bile, is proved by the facts, that when the portal vein is compressed, the quantity of bile is diminished, and that when it is tied, bile is no longer secreted ; whereas, if the hepatic arteries be tied, its secretion is not necessarily arrested (Schiff). In certain cases of malformation, the portal vein has been found to open into the inferior vena cava, and yet bile has been secreted. Hence the portal blood has been held to be non-essential to the formation of bile ; but, in such cases, the umbilical vein is permeable, and sends branches through the liver ; moreover, the blood of the hepatic arteries, having first become venous, may enter the lobular plexuses, and so secrete the bile. FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER. 355 That the biliary acids are not preformed in the blood, but are elaborated in the hepatic cells, is shown by extirpating the liver in frogs ; these animals then survive for some days, and yet no trace of the fiitty acids of the bile is found in the blood, which would be the case, if the bile were preformed in, and merely separated as an educt from, that fluid. The green colouring matter, and also cholesterin, may, however, pre-exist in the blood. The cholic acid may be derived from the fats of the blood, whilst the taurin and glycocoll, which are conju- gated with it, the former containing both sulphur and nitrogen, and the latter only nitrogen, probably arise from the decom- position of albuminoid substances. The colouring principles may he formed from the cruorin, or colouring matter of the blood, which they closely resemble. Animals fed on fat, have been said to secrete proportionally more bile ; but this is denied, and the quantity of albuminoid food consumed, seems rather to regulate the amount of this secretion. Besides its office in digesting fat, and stimulating the mus- cular acts concerned in digestion and absorption, the bile has other uses. The fatty acids, largely reabsorbed, may become converted, in the circulation, into carbonic acid and water, for respiratory, motor, and calorific purposes. The glycocoll, taurin, and the colouring matters are apparently excreted. The glyco- coll is probably thrown off by the kidneys as urea, for when it is administered as food, more urea is then eliminated ; the colouring matters, altered from a yellow to a greenish, and then to a dark-brown hue, some taurin, and likewise a small portion of the cholic acid, converted into dyslysin, are found amongst the excreta. The excremeutitious character of the bile, is fiirther indicated by the size and activity of the liver before birth, when no digestion is going on. Moreover, by its glycogenic function, the liver performs a highly important nutritive office, affording to the body respiratory food. Lastly, it may be said to act as a purifying agent on the venous blood returning from the alimentary canal, partly by its direct power of assimilating albuminoid, oleaginous, saccharine, and colour- ing substances, but also partly as a sort of filtering organ, in which foreign bodies, such as metallic salts and other sub- stances, are detained, and prevented from entering too sud- denly into the general circulation. Irritation, or division, of the pneumogastric nerves, below the diaphragm, appears to produce no effect on the quantity of the bile accreted in a given tim6 ; but injury to both, or even A A 2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. sne to one of those nerves higlier up, interferes with the biliary secretion, perhaps by its effect on the circulation and respi- ration. When the bile is not eliminated from the system, or when it is reabsorbed, symptoms of nervous prostration ensue, with headache and jarmdice, often followed by death. The con- stituents of the blood, out of which the bile is formed, when retained, or the bile itself when taken up, appear, therefore, to be noxious, or even jDoisonous. The combined assimilative, secreting, excreting, and puri- fying actions of the liver, are consistent with its large size, its general presence in nearly all animals, its marked vascularity, the peculiar source of its blood, the high temperature of its tissue and of the hepatic blood returning from it, and the singular variety of the metamorphic changes which take place in it. So long as its office was supposed to be merely to secrete 2 oz. of solid biliary 7natter daily, whilst the lungs excrete 8 oz. of carbon in the same time, the size and other characters of this gland, were not fully explained, espe- cially in its embryo state ; but its gl^^cogenic ftmction, and its influence in the process of sanguification, sufficiently ac- count for its pre-eniinenee amongst all the glandular organs of the body. The Mammary Glands and Lactation. The human infant, and the young of all Mammalia, are supplied with suitable nutriment for the first months of their existence, in the well-known fluid named milk, secreted by the mammary glands. It is in the female only, that these glands yield milk, the proce.ss being termed lactation. In the males of mammiferous animals, these glands exist, but their j^arts are very small. The mammary gland, in woman, is a large organ, composed of numerous lobes, arranged, in a more or less radiating man- ner, ai'ound the projecting part, named the mammilla, or nipple. The lobes, which may be moved slightly upon each other, are separated by fibrous septa, and are held together by a general investment, stronger on the under side of the gland, where it rests upon the pectoral muscle. Each lobe consists of a number of lobules, possessing the structure of a compound racemose gland, closely resembling that of the parotid gland (fig. 42, c). The terminal ducts end in clusters of short follicles, or vesicles, about Tj^th of an inch in diameter, CnABACTERS OF THE 31 ILK. 357 •which, -ivhen filled, are just visible to the naked eye, and the walls of which are lined with a layer of soft glandular epithelial cells. From these follicles, the smallest lactiferous ducts unite into one or more larger ducts for each lobule, and these join into still larger tubes called galactoplierous ducts, one or more for each lobe. These large ducts, about fifteen in number, i-un to the centre of the gland, and generally dilate, so as to form tem- porary receptacles for the milk. The walls of these ducts are composed of a fibrous coat, containing unstriped muscular fibres, and lined by a mucous membrane continuous with the skin. They open at the summit of the nipple, by separate small round orifices, seen at the bottom of little depressions in the skin. The arteries of the mammary gland are numerous, and proceed from many sources ; they present a good example of the enlargement of bloodvessels supplying a part, in Avhich increased activity of function occiu’s. Numerous capillaries surround the terminal vesicles of the gland. The veins and lymphatics are also numerous. So likewise are the nerves, partly spinal, and partly sympathetic, the latter reaching the gland along the arteries. The first secretion of milk is preceded by an enlargement of these glands, which causes a certain hardness and tenderness of the part, and a febrile disturbance of the system, known as milk fever. The first milk secreted, much thicker and darker than the sub.sequent secretion, is named the colostrum. After lactation is established, the secretion is not imiform, but remittent, proceeding slowly during the intervals of suckling, so as not usually to accumulate and cause suffering, but sud- denly increasing, in accordance with the great afflux of blood to the glands, during the act of nursing. The fulness and increased secretion experienced at this time, constitute the phenomenon called the draught. From each di.stended gland, the quantity obtainable by pressure, is about two ounces; but the daily (juantity secreted by both, fluctuates according to so many circumstances, that no correct avei’age is attainable. The composition of the milk, also varies exceedingly. Its specific gravity ranges from 1,030, or le.ss, to 1,035. The colour of human milk, is blui.sh-whitc, owing to its greater transparency as compared with cow’s milk. It is opalescent, and perhaps fluorescent. It contains from 8G0 to 910 parts of water in 1,000, the solid matter varying accordingly, from 14 to 9 per cent. ; its average composition is 89 parts ol‘ water to 1 1 of solid constituents. These latter consist of 4‘5 of lactin or 358 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. sugar of milk, 3‘5 of casein, 2'5 of fatty matters or butter, '3 of extractives, and '2 of alkaline and earthy salts, together with traces of iron. Milk likewise contains, like the blood, carbonic acid gas, nitrogen, and oxygen, the total amount of these gases being about 3 per cent, of its volume ; more than half of this is carbonic acid gas, and only -g^j-th part oxygen, the remainder being nitrogen. The milk is a true secretion, formed out of the materials of the exuded plasma of the blood, by the agency of the ejnthelial cells of the terminal vesicles of the gland. It is composed of a slightly turbid fluid, containing suspended in it, a vast number of minute, more or less spherical, particles named the milk globules-, these are composed of an oily matter, surrounded by a thin fihn or pellicle of albuminoid substance, probably of casein, for neither ether nor an alkali, which Avould dissolve fatty matter, attacks them, unless they are first acted on by acetic acid, or are strongly agitated, so as to di.ssolve or break the albuminoid film, which does not appear to be organised. These milk globules vary from i aoootd to g-^t^-Qth of an inch in diameter; other and much smaller spherical particles, manifesting the molecular movement, exist in the fluid, and probably cause its turbidity ; some of these may consist of casein, but they are chiefiy fatty, and readily dissolve in ether. The milk also contains a few epithelial cells from the ducts. Owing to the thin pellicle around the milk globules, these do not at once run together, but only coalesce, after a time, in the formation of the cream. In the colostrum the milk globules are very minute, but there also exist in it, peculiar large, yellowish, closely and finely granular fatty corpuscles, which resemble the so-called exudation cells, or compound inflammation cells ; these appear to result from , the fatty degeneration or transformation of the glandular epi- thelial cells. The colostrum contains albmneu, or at least it coagulates on boiling ; it also has a larger projDortion of sugar and saline constituents. It exercises an aperient effect upon the ne^v-born infant. The colostric condition sometimes persists for too long a period, and then the milk is less suitable for food. As long ago remarked by Prout, milk presents us with a type, or pattern of food, for it contains, in definite and duly balanced proportions, nitrogenous and non-uitrogenous nutrient suljstances, albuminoid, fatty and saccharine, fitted for both plastic and respiratory purposes, and, besides these, suitable salts for the blood and tissues. JNIilk, as we have CONSTITUENTS OE THE MILK. 359 seen, is composed of water, which holds in solution lactin or milk-sugar, casein or the albuminoid substance characteristic of this secretion, certain extractive matters, and salts ; whilst it contains, in suspension, fatty with albuminoid matter. \Vlien set aside in quantity, a natimal analysis of milk takes place ; first the oily matter, being of light specific gravity, together with a certain amount of casein, and even sugar and saline substances, rises as cream, the globules of which, by agitation, as in the process of churning, combine to form butter, leaving most of the casein, the sugar, and other sub- stances, extractives, and salts, in the butter-milk. After a time, some of the sugar in this butter-milk, undergoes a peculiar fermentation, perhaps excited by the casein, and is changed into lactic acid ; this immediately precipitates the casein in minute flocculi, which combine to form the so-called curd. The residiral fluid, called the whey, now contains most of the lactin or sugar of milk, with lactic acid, extractives, and salts. The fatty matter of the cream, consists chiefly of olein, but it also contains stearin, and, in particular, a peculiar fat, named butyrin, Avhich is a compound of butyric acid and gljmerin, and imparts to butter its characteristic taste and smell. It yields, when acted on by alkalies, and also when spontaneously decomposed at high temperp,tures, besides butyric, small quantities of caproic and capric acids. The casein of human milk, is not so eassily precipitated by acids or by rennet, as the casein of cow’s milk; in this respect, and also as regards its smaller quantity of casein, human milk resembles more closely the milk of the ass. The lactin or sugar of milk, which may be separated by crystallisation from inspissated whey, is convertible into grape-sugar, by dilute mineral, or by vegetable, acids ; it is very prone to enter into the lactic fermentation, and even to form butyric acid by decomposition ; but it is difficult to transform it into alcohol. The extrac- tives of milk have not been well examined. The salts resemble those of the blood ; but they present curiously a larger relative amount of the earthy pho.sphates of lime and magnesia, which are combined with, and rendered soluble by, the casein. Chlorides of .sodiiun and potassium, and taices of phosphate of iron, are met with. Human milk may be either neutral, alkaline, or acid ; but the milk of most animals usually, and that of the Carnivora always, at the time of its examination, is acid, from the ])rcsence of free lactic acid. The casein is probably I'ormod, by the secreting porver of 360 SPECIAL PHrSIOLOGT. the mammary gland cells, from the albuminoid principles of the blood ; but, according to some, it is preformed in the blood itself, during the period of lactation. It supplies materials to the infant, for the re-formation of albuminoid compounds. The oily matters derived from the animal fats, or from sugar, and the sugar itself, the .source of -which is yet unknown, are not only directly adapted for respiratory purposes, and the production of animal motion and heat, in the infant, but also, as -well as the casein, are doubtless employed, in part, in various important nutritive and secretive processes. The salts of the milk are also those -ndiich are essential to the formation of blood, salts of potassiimi and iron for the corpuscles, and salts of soda, calcium, and magnesium for the liquor sanguinis. , The phos- phates of lime and magnesia are absolutely neces.sary for the growth of the young skeleton. Of all the secretions, milk is especially nutritive, and most closely resembles blood in com- position, its chief distinction from that fluid, being the large quantity of sugar in it. Milk alone contains albuminoid, fatty, and saccharine elements combined. Its secretion is not essential to the system, being, ordinarily, limited to one sex, and, in that, being temporary or periodic. From its general resem- blance to blood, the arrest of its secretion, is not so pernicious as the non-secretion of the bile ; nevertheless, its retention within the gland, besides causing obstruction of the ducts, inflammation of the organ, and its consequences, may likewise, perhaps, prove injurious through re -absorption, especially of the crystalloids, lactin, and lactic acid. It has been supposed that its constituents may be retained in the blood, and so account for the constitutional disturbance which follows the sudden arrest of the secretion ; but the proper constituents of the milk are probably not, normally, pre-existent in the blood, though they may, like those of other secretions, be reabsorbed. Cases of vicarious secretion of milk, which are very numerous, may depend on reabsorption, and distant exudation, of the absorbed constituents. A case has been recorded of the expectoration of milk following sudden arrest of the secretion. Instances of so-called vicarious secretion of milk from the inguinal region, have been supposed to be due to the presence of supernumerary mammary glands in that position. This would correspond with the normal situation of these glands in some of the lower animals, and, rudiments of more than one pair of mammary glands, are sometimes met with in the human body. EFFECT OF THE NERVES ON THE 3IILK. 361 The quantity and quality of the human milk, vary accord- ing to many circumstances. Thus, it is not only most abundant, but most nutritious, in nursing women, from the age of 15 to 20, whilst it is least so, in those from 35 to 40. The constitution also greatly influences the character and nutritive qualities of the milk ; hence the necessity for the- selection of healthy wet-nurses. In the early periods of lactation, the casein is at first relatively small in quantity, but afterwards becomes increased and attains a determinate ratio ; whilst the sugar is at first abundant, but afterwards reduced in proportion. From experiments on the cow, the fatty matters seem to vary most, chiefly according to the nature and quantity of the food, the temperature in which the animal lives, and the amount of exercise it is permitted to take. Thus, warmth and rest, increase the quantity of oily matter, whilst cold and exercise diminish it (Playfair). Exercise, however, increases the relative amount of casein. Both in the human subject and in animals, the nature of the food, and the quantity of water taken in, or with, it, must directly influence the specific gravity, the amount of solid matter, and the relative quantities of the several ingredients of the milk. It has been observed in the cow, that the last milk drawn, at any one time of milking, is richer than the first. The influence of the nervous system in modifying the quantity and quality of the milk, is most important, and imiver.sally recognised. Irritation of the nipple increases, by a reflex influence, the flow of milk ; this is probably one cause of the rapid flow of the secretion during the act of suckling. Continued local irritation, combined with a strong desire for the occurrence of lactation, and a fixed attention towards the mammary glands, have been known to produce this secretion in women not recently mothers, to protract its flow for many years, to excite it in aged Avomen and in girls, and even, it is said, in individuals of the male sex. In that sex, usually, hoAvever, the rudimentary glands yield only occasionally a thin clear fluid, the composition of which is uncertain. The influence of the nervous system, as affected by mental states, upon the secretion of the milk, is further evinced by the abundant flow, the so-called draught, often excited by the sight, or even by thinking of the infant. Tranquil and pleasing emotions favour the normal secretion ; but anger, anxiety, grief, and terror may produce serious modifications in the quality of the milk, or may even suspend I 362 SPECIAL PKYSIOLOGT. its formation. Violent passion may induce such changes in this secretion, as to cause it to be poisonous, and even immediately latal, to the infant. This probably arises from some modification in the blood (p. 318). To secure the healthy performance of the function of lacta- tion, an ample amount of nutritious food, moderate exercise, tranquillity of mind, and regular habits, are necessary condi- tions ; a defective or excessive diet, fatigue, and irregularities and excesses of all kinds, are unfavourable. The influence of alcoholic stimulants, in moderation, is, by promoting digestion indirectly, favomable to the supply of milk. Medicinal agents, especially those of a powerful kind, should be avoided ; many of them enter the milk, and may thus affect the child. Mineral and saline substances, and the alkaloids, such as quinine and morphia, pass more readily into the mUk than vegetable aperients. The peculiarities in the milk of the cow and other animals, as com- pared with human milk, are interesting in a dietetic and economic point of wew : — • Woman Cow Goat Sheep Ass Mare (Simon) (Simon) (Chevalier) (Chevalier) (Simon) (Luiscius) Water . . . . 890 860 868 856 907 888 Solid matters . 110 140 132 144 95 112 Butter . . . . 25 38 33 42 12 8 Casein . . . . 35 68 40 45 16 16 Sugar, with ex- tractives 1 48 30 53 50 1 65 88 Salts . . . 2 6 6 7j According to this Table, the milk of the goat, more closely resembles, in chemical composition, the human milk than does that of any other animal ; but it has been found that, besides having a peculiar odour, its ciu’d is remarkably compact. The milk of the sheep, differs a little | more from human milk. That of the mare and of the ass, are charac- ; terised by the small quantity of butter and casein, and the large quantity of sugar, which they coutiiiu. The milk of the mare, is most remarkable i for its enormous proportion of sugar ; this may explain its disposition 1 to undergo the alcoholic fc.rmentiition, a fact turned to account by many j Tartar tribes, in order to make an intoxicating drink. The milk of the ^ ass, notvvithstanding its difference from human milk, is, perhaps from the i difficulty with which its casein is precipitated, and from the delicacy of f its curd, the most easily digested by the human infant. Cow’s milk, f which is the great source of milk for human food and the great substi-- •! tute for human milk in the ease of infants, contains more casein and 1 more butter than human milk, but only about 3-6ths of the quantity of li sugar. The specific gravity of good milk is about 1030, that of the li cream being 1024, and that of the skimmed milk about 1035; by ^ means of a proper lactometer, the quality of milk may bo determined ti THE MUCOUS SECRETIONS. 363 approximately by every householder. Considered as infant food, the milk of the cow, is too rich in casein and butter, and too poor in sugar; hence it should be diluted and sweetened, either with common white sugar or, what is better, with sugar of milk. Half a pint (imperial) of good fresh cow’s milk, with half an ounce of milk-sugar and half a pint of water, will form a tolerably near approximation to ordinary human milk, but it is deficient in the due proportion of saline, earthy, and ferruginous salts. As an infant advances in age, the sugar and water may be diminished, and farinaceous food may be added. It is well known that the milk of certain breeds of cattle, is richer than that of others. Authorities differ as to the relative richness of the milk of cows fed in town dairies or in country pastures, but country milk must be more natural, and better as food, than the artificially forced produc- tion of the town-fed animal, other circumstances being equal. The mammary glands, as is well known, differ in arrangement and position in different orders of Mammalia ; sometimes, as in the Carni- vora and in the pig, they are divided into numerous portions, disposed along nearly the whole length of the under side of the trunk, each symmetrical mass having its own nipple ; sometimes, as in the Rumi- nants, and in the genus Equus, they are post-abdominal ; in the Cetacea, they are situated even stiU fm-ther back; in the Quadrumana, as in Man, they are found in the pectoral or thoracic region only. The microscopic structure resembles that of the human gland, excepting in the lowly organised Monotrematous ornithorynchus, in which the milk glands consist merely of clusters of simple blind follicles, opening in a group on the skin. This simple structure suggests an homologous rela- tion between the mammary and the cutaneous glands. Mucous Secretion and Mucus. i\Iucu.s is the clear, or slightly turbid, colourless, viscid fluid found on mucous membranes. It is partly secreted by the epithelial cells of the compound racemose glands, but in part, also, by those of the surlace of such membranes. It is a special secretion from the plasma of the blood, and difiers from it chemically. IMucus is commonly alkaline, but often speedily becomes acid; normally, perhaps, it is neutral. It is composed chiefly of water, holding in it from 4 to G per cent, of solids. It contains desquamated epithelial cells, mucous corpuscles which closely resemble the Avhite blood corj)Uscles, and pus corpuscles, and also certain nucleated cells intermediate between the true mucous cells and epithelial cells. Its chief constituent is a special albuminoid substance, called mucin, which, precipitable by alcohol, acetic, and other acids, but not by boiling, swells up, rather than dissolves, in water, and is the cause of its natural viscidity ; besides this, it contains a small amount of extractives, and salts hke those of the blood. It is sometimes very thin, as when secreted from 364 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the nose during a cold ; in other situations, it is much more viscid, as the intestinal or vesical mucus, and the nasal mu- cus ; that from the air passages in cases of cold, is very viscid, and contains albumen. The use of mucus, is chiefly me- chanical, assisting in the acts of mastication, deglutition, or speech, or, as in certain animals, in the capture of prey. It aids in taste and smell, preserving the moisture of the parts, and acting also as a solvent. It is likewise protective, both me- chanically and chemically, by offering resistance to the action of the digestive fluids, which do not easily dissolve it. Some- times it behaves as a ferment, possibly assisting the salivin, pepsin, and pancreatin, though not possessing very active powers. It, or something mixed with it, imdoubtedly deter- mines the retrograde decomposition of the renal excretion, wlien this is retained longer than usual in the body. Mucin, not being readily soluble or digestible, cannot, strictly speaking, be nutritive or absorbable. Serous and Synovial Secretions. These fluids, Avhich cover and moisten the surface of the serous and synovial membranes, differ so little in composition, from the plasma of the blood, that their formation has, by some, been regarded, not as a process of secretion but as one of transudation through those membranes. A certain modi- fication of the plasma of tlie blood, as it is exuded fi'om the capillaries, is here accomplished, howeAmr, by the action of the epithelial cells, which, in a single layer, cover these membranes. These fluids may sometimes contain, in certain morbid con- ditions, excretory materials, such as urea, lactate of soda, sugar, and traces of bile pigment, aU of Avhich are manifest transudations. The serous fluids, which must not be confounded with the serum of the blood, contain as much as. 99 per cent, of Avater, a feAv salts, some albumen, and a substance slightly soluble in alcohol. They are thin and scanty in normal con- tions, in the cavities of pleura, pericardium, peritonteum, and arachnoid spaces, their use being merely to prevent friction. The aqueous humour of the eyeball, may be regarded as a serous secretion, adapted, by its locality, to a Amry special pm-pose. When accumulated in abnormal quantity, from in- flammation, serous fluids cause internal dropsies, and, in that case, generally contain traces of fibrin, AA'hich Avill sloAA'ly co- agulate alter removal Irora the body. EXCRETION 365 Tlie si/novial fluid, or synovia, is much more viscid than the serous fluid ; it contains nearly 6’5 per cent, of albumen, together -with flitty matter, salts resembling those of the blood, epithelial cells, corpuscles like the pale corpuscles of the blood, and, it is said by some, a substance closely resembling mucin. The use of this fluid, found alike in joints, in the so-called bursai mucosa, and in the sheaths of tendons, whether these move in grooves on the bones lined with cartilage, or in soft parts only, is chiefly mechanical, to prevent the effects of fric- tion ; but in the joints, it may act nutritively on the cartilages. EXCEETION. The characters which distinguish excretion from secretion proper, have already been detailed (pp. 343-5). Its products, like those of secretion, are fluid or gaseous, at least in the human body, although semi-solid, or solid, urine occurs in Birds and Keptiles. The term excreta, is also commonly applied to the solid materials ejected from the intestinal canal, as the resi- duum of the digestive process. These, however, are only partly excreted substances, such as unabsorbed biliary and other products more or less changed, substances thrown out by the intestinal glands, and undigested mucus and epithe- lium. The greater portion of the mass, however, consists of undigested food, such as elastic tissue, sarcolemma, the walls of vegetable cells, spiral ducts, and woody fibre. The fluid excretions are those eliminated by the kidneys and the skin, the former excretion being the more complex. The exlialation of carbonic acid from the lungs, is an excretory process more immediately nece.ssary to life than any other. The lungs may be regarded as excretory glands, and the car- bonic acid e.xpelled from them, as a gaseous excretion ; but the .speciality of this process, its association with the absorption of oxygen, and its peculiar mechanism, render it necessaiy to consider the entire function separately, under the head of Kespiration. Renal Excretion, The urine, excreted by the kidneys, is the most perfect ex- ample of a fluid excretion given off by the animal economy ; its 3G6 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. various constituents exist preformed in the blood ; they are, moreover, highly oxidised nitrogenous products of the decom- position of the albuminoid tissues, and of the albuminoid con- stituents of the blood. They are destitute of organisation, and incapable of it; neither can they be made, in animals, to undergo an ascensive chemical metamorphosis fitting them for nutrient purposes ; they are of no further use in the organism, and, indeed, if retained, are highly injurious to it. Hence they are destined to be, once for all, separated, or excreted from it, and to be, as soon as possible, entirely discharged from the body. It facilitates this end, that they are chiefly crystal- loid bodies, and therefore easily dialysable. It is proAuded, moreover, that a very large proportion of the blood should pass through the organs by which these substances are elimi- nated, for the quantity sent through them in twenty-four hours amounts to nearly 2000 lbs. (BroAvn-Sequard) ; so that all the blood in the body, may pass through them 150 times in that period. Lastly, the excretion of urine is continuous or in- cessant. The Kidneys. The kidneys are two dense, firm, dark-red, solid, but fragile glandular organs, situated at the back part of the abdominal cavity, in the lumbar region, one at each side of the vertebral column, on a level Avith the last dorsal and the tAA'o or three upper lumbar vertebra?, and reaching from the eleventh rib to near the crest of the hip bone. The right kidney, owing to the proximity of the liver on that side, is about a rib’s breadth loAver than th^ left. The kidneys are placed behind the peritona?um, and are held in position by their bloodA'essels, nerves, and the excretory ducts, called the nreters ; they are likewise srrrrounded by an areolar tissue, Tisually loaded Avith fat, forming the so-called adipose coat, Avhich, being a bad conductor of heat, serves to preserve the temperature of these organs. The shape of the kidney, is Avell known and charac- teristic. Each is about 4 inches long, 2 AAude, and 1 thick ; the left one is rather longer and thinner than the right. In the male, each AA'eighs from d-s- to 5i ounces ; in the female, . about ^ oz. less. The left kidney is generally about ^ oz. heavier than the right. The AA'eight of the two glands together, in proportion to that of the bodjq is about as 1 to 240. The specific gravity of the kidney substance is 1050. Its chemical composition is 7G per cent, of AA’ater, 15 of albuminoid sub- k 1 STRUCTURE OF THE KIDNEYS. 367 stance, only 1 of fatty or resinous matter, which is chiefly cholesterin, together with certain extractives, including inosite, cystin, taurin, and xanthin. If one kidney be atrophied or destroyed by disease, the other one usually enlarges. In certain cases, the kidneys are joined by a t:-ansverse portion of gland substance, the upper border of which is generally concave, the resulting mass form- ing the so-called horseshoe kidney. The two conjoined kidneys are sometimes found on one or other side of the lum- bar region, or even in the pelvic cavity. A few instances are on record, of the presence of three kidneys, the third gland, usirally called a movable or Jloating kidney, being placed either on one side of the vertebral column, or in front of it, or else in the pelvis. The upper end of each kidney is surmounted by the cor- responding supra-renal body. Its internal concave border presents towards its middle, a deep longitudinal fissure, called the hilns, which leads into a cavity within the organ, named Fig. 109. Fi(r. 109. Diagram of a longitudinal section of the kidney. 1. Cortical substance. 2. A pyramid. 2'. Mammilla or papilla of a pyramid, lying in its opened calyx. 3. Portion of ureter expanding above into the pelvis of the kidney, then dividing into the infundibula, and afterwards into the calyces. the sinus. This gives exit and entrance to the bloodvessels, absorbents, and nerves, and also to the ureter ; the renal or emulgent veins hero lie in front, the ureter behind, and the renal arteries between them. 3CS SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The kidney is everywhere closely invested by a proper firm, smooth, fibrous coat, which may be readily torn off; it is, however, connected Avith the gland substance, by numerous fine fibrous processes and vessels ; it passes in at the hilus, lines the cavity of the sinus, and is even reflected on to the ureter and bloodvessels. On making a longitudinal section of the kidney through the hilus, the solid gland substance is found to consist of an outer cortical portion, and of a deep-seated medullary portion. The cortical substance is continuous over the whole organ, and dips in betAveen the different parts of the medullary portion, Avhich is disjDOsed in a series of conical masses. The cortical substance is about 2 lines in thickness, and forms about ^ of the entire gland. It is of a reddish colour, soft, granular, and friable, and contains a number of little round dark-red spots, Avhich indicate the position of certain minute bodies, named the Malpighian corpuscles of the kidney. The conical masses of the medullary substance, from fifteen to tAventy in number, form the so-called pyramids (Malpighi). Their bases, turned toAvards the surface of the kidneys, and also their sides, are encompassed by the cortical substance ; but their apices are turned toAvards the sinus, in the interior of the organ, where they form little eminences, called the papillae or mammillae. The substance of the pyramids, is firmer and darker than the cortical substance, and, as seen on a section, is striated from apex to base, the latter part being much darker than the former. Outside the hilus, the iireter presents a funnel-shaped dila- tation, or membranous cavity, called the pelvis of the kidney, which, as it passes into the sinus, divides into three tubes, named the infundibula', these again subdivide into from seAmn to thirteen smaller, also funnel-shaped, tubes, called the calyces, Avhich surround, or embrace, the papillie. One calyx often includes tAvo, or even three, papiUtn, so that they are usually feAver in irumber than the latter. The cortical and medullary substances are both composed of minute closely packed tubules or ducts, the tubuli uriniferi, Avith bloodvessels, absorbents, and nerves, held together by a soft material of ill-defined structure. The latter is described as consisting of a very fine, scarcely recognisable, areolar tissue or stroma, more evident in the medullary portion, but forming, at the surface of the kidney, a thin layer beneath the fibrous coat ; a parenchyma is also described by some. The different THE MALPIGHIAN CORPUSCLES. 369 appearance of the cortical and mednllaiy substances, de- pends on the different aiTangement of their ducts and blood- vessels. In the cortical portion, the tubuli uriniferi are very nu- merous, much convoluted, and inosculate freely with each other ; they are, on an average, about -g^th of an inch in diameter, and are kno^vn as the tubes of Ferrein. They gene- rally commence by free closed extremities ; sometimes, how- ever, they anastomose together, forming loops ; many are said to begin as minute purse-like dilatations, which form little partial capsules around the Malpighian corpuscles (Bowman) ; nearly all are somewhere connected Avith these capsules. In the pyramids or medullary substance, the tubuli quickly unite together many times, dichotomously or by twos, and, becoming larger and straight, constitute the so-called ducts of Bellini ; these form tapering bundles, directed to the papillae, or apices, of the pyramids, on which they open by minute round orifices. It has been estimated that there are as many as two millions of tubuli in each kidney ; that the number of orifices in a square line of a papilla, are 100 ; and that there are from 300 to 500 on the surface of a single papilla (Krause) The straight tubuli are widest near their orifices, measuring from -^-sTyth to :j-^th of an inch ; they caitse the striated appearance of the pyramids. The uriniferous tubules are composed of a transparent basement membrane, lined with a thick polygonal, or spheroidal, glandular epithelium, Avhich occupies about two-thirds of the diameter of the membranous tube. The epithelial cells have very delicate walls, a roundish nucleus, fine granular albuminoid contents, and occasional fat, pigment, and other particles. This epithelial layer is con- tinuous with that covering the free surface of the papillo3. In the coldblooded Vertebrata, it is, in parts, provided with cilia. The Malpighian corpuscles of the cortical substance, are placed either at the free closed extremities of the convoluted tubuli, or in the course of the loops Avhich these occasionally form. These little l)odies, the glomeruli of Kuysch (IGGO), are spheroidal, and measure about -j-^th of an inch in diameter. Each is composed of a rounded, close coil of minute vessels, which projects, like a little ball, into one of the capsules of the tubrdi. It appears that a minute branch of the renal artery, named an afferent vessel, reaches each Malpighian body, and, dividing into superficial coiled branches, forms a globular network ; from the centre of this, an efferent vessel arises, and VOL. II. II II 370 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. leaving the corpuscle, forms, with the efferent vessels from neighbouring corpuscles, a dense vascvalar plexus, which sur- rounds the contiguous tubuli. According as the capsule of the Malpighian corpuscle, is formed at the commencement, or on the side, of a tubule, it is said to be lateral or terminal. At the mouth of the capsule, the spheroidal epithelium of the tubule loses its character; for within the capsule, the epithelium is squamous and remarkably thin. It is said by some, to be continued over the surface of the Malpighian corpuscle which projects into the capsule (Gerlach, Isaacs). But according to Bowman, the corpuscle lies naked in the capsule, ■without any such covering, the afferent and efferent vessels being supposed to perforate the capsule. These vessels enter and pass out at nearly the same part of the corpuscle, which is there attached to its capsule. According to some observers, the efferent vessel is alvvaj^s narrower than the afferent one, and hence has arisen the idea that the blood is checked, or held back, in the coiled vessels of the corpuscle. The central vessels of the corpuscle, are, by some physiologists, regarded as capillaries, and the efferent vessel as a vein, which then breaks up to form the fine plexus around the adjoining tubule — an arrangement supposed to represent, on a veiy minute scale, a renal portal system. But all the coiled vessels, and even the efferent vessel of the Malpighian corpuscles, are, by others, considered to be arterial, the whole forming a microscopic rete mirabile, which ultimately, by the efferent vessel, ends in a true capillary network around the tubules. The renal or emulgent arteries, right and left, spring fi'om the sides of the aorta ; they are short, and very large for the size of the kidneys, being out of proportion to the mere nutritive necessities of these organs. They soon divide into four or five branches, Avhich pass between the pyramids, and are partly distributed, in the form of nutrient vessels, to the cortical and medullary substances, and to the common coat of the kidney ; but they chiefly terminate in the Malpighian corpuscles, or in the fine vascular network which surrounds the tubuli. The veins accompany the arteries, and end, for each kidney, in a single large renal or emulgent vein, which joins the ascending vena cava. The lymphatics are numerous, and consist of a superficial and deep set. The renal nerves are small but numerous, and may be traced even on to the afferent arteries of the Malpighian corpuscles ; but their mode of termination is unknown. They are derived from the sym- ACTION OF THE KIDNEYS. 371 j)athetic nerves found on the renal artery, and from the lesser splanchnic nerve. The ureter, its pelvis and calyces, are composed of an ex- ternal fibro-elastic coat, continuous with the proper capsule of the kidney ; of a muscular layer, which consists of external longitudinal and internal circular fibres ; and o-f a mucous coat, continued on to the papilliE, and lined with a spheroidal epithelium. The ureters, in animals, contract slowly on the application of galvanism or other stimuli ; sometimes they act rhythmically. Their lower ends enter, at each side, the Hindus or base of the urinary bladder, penetrating its coats obliquely, and opening into it, by a narrow elongated orifice, so guarded by muscular bundles, that the reflux of urine into them is prevented. Action of the Kidneys. The purpose of the enormous number of uriniferous tubes, is, as in glands generally, to increase the extent of secreting or excreting surface, within a given space. It has been calcu- lated that the total amount of smrface in the coiled tubes in each kidney, exceeds forty-four square feet ; and to this must be added, the excreting surface of the straight tubidi as well (Vierordt). The Malpighian bodies are quite pecidiar to the kidneys, these little vascular coils, projecting into a duct, having no resemblance to the solid sacs which bear the same name in the ductle.ss gland, the spleen. So special a structure has doubtless some special office. Since these bodies have been shown to project into the tubuli, at or near their commence- ment, it has been conjectured that they separate from the blood the greater part of the water of the urine, and that then, the inspissated blood which passes from them by the efferent vessel, enters the vascular plexus around the tubuli, and yields to the spheroidal epithelium, the proper solid constituents of the urine, which are thence excreted into the tubules them- selves, and are washed away out of those canals, by the watery exudation descending from the Malpighian corpuscles. The naked condition of the glomerulus, and the squamous character of its epithelium, are fitted for a simple process of transudation ; whilst the spheroidal epithelium of the tubuli is adapted to a true excreting office, though the walls of the tubuli niu.st like- wise excrete a little water. It is impo.ssiblo to deny, more- over, that the glomeruli have also a true excreting office. It is now believed to be certain, that all the blood of the renal II u 2 372 SPECIAL nrXSIOLOGY. arteries, goes through these Malpighian corpuscles, before it reaches the tubules, and if it then becomes inspissated, the blood which circulates around the tubules, may be compared to the portal blood of the liver, being, as it were, venous blood highly charged with materials destined to be sepai-ated from it. In support of the view that the Malpighian corpuscles separate the Avater, it has been urged that in Birds and Eeptiles, in which the urine is partly, or almost entirely, solid — though in the Amphibia and Fishes, loAver in the scale, it is again fluid — these bodies, though numerous, are remarkably small. l\Iore- over, the analogy of the minute vascular arrangements Avithiu the kidney, Avith a portal system, is thought to be faA'oured by the fact that, in Reptiles, a branch from the hepatic portal vein is distribirted to the kidney. That some, at least, of the peculiar constituents of the urine, of Avhich urea, uric acid, creatin, and creatinin are the chief, exist preformed in the blood, is certain ; for the tAVO latter are found in it, in considerable quantity, urea in smaller quantity, and uric acid perhaps only as an exceptional ingre- dient. It has been suggested that the urea and the other crystalloids present in the inspissated blood, may pass, by SAvilt dialysis, into the aqueous contents of the tubuli ; but though these substances, and urea especially, are highly dialysable, yet such a physical exjjlanation of their separation from the blood, Avould not account for their special appearance in the renal excretion, rather than in any other, or, for the quan- tity eliminated from the system in a given time, considei-ing hoAV minute is the normal proportion of urea, and hoAV much less that of uric acid, in the blood. It is, indeed, impos- sible to deny that the spheroidal epithelial cells of the tubes, have a special affinity for the proper urinary constituents ; or, and this may be of more moment in explaining their appear- ance in the urine, that some of these substances are formed by the special metamorphoses of other materials Avithin these cells. In the former case, the cells would merely select the urinary constituents fi'om the blood, and transmit them into the tubuli ; in the latter, they Avould, in addition, be the seat of special chemical decompositions. In the first case, for e.xainple, they might be sujAposed to sejiarate pre-existing Tii-ea from the blood, but, in the latter, to metamorphose creatin or creatinin into urea. Indeed, after extirpation of the kidneys — an operation Avhich animals Avill outlive a fcAV days — the blood is not found to contain much urea, but to be rich in nitrogenous KATE OF THE RENAL EXCRETION. 373 extractive matters, which include creatin and creatinin. More- over, if the ureters be tied, so tliat tlie escape of the urine from tlie excreting structure of the kidneys, is at first hindered, and at last prevented, urea is found in great abundance in the blood, as if its formation had gone on in the spheroidal epithe- lial cells, and it had been duly excreted, but then reabsorbed, or else had been absorbed from those cells directly into the blood. It is further supposed that the smaller relative diameter of the efferent vessels of the glomeruli, and the unusual blood pressure in the renal arteries, may have an influence in the excretory work of the renal apparatus. By some, it is thouglit, that a selective or metamorphic power of the cells, is indicated by the fact, that uric acid salts are actually seen, in the cells lining the straight tubuli, in the kidneys of Birds. Wliilst the products of the decomposition of the tissues, are passing from the inspissated blood of the vascular ple.xus upon the tubules, into the epithelial cells, some of the thin watery fluid witliin the tubes, is reabsorbed by those vessels, and thus the renal blood partly regains its fluidity, whilst the urine becomes more concentrated. Under e.xcessive pressure in the arterial blood-columns of the kidneys, as, e.g. when the aorta is tied below the points of origin of the renal arteries, albumen appears in the urine. The same event happens from obstruction of the renal ducts or vessels, or from the pressure of tumours upon them. This is not a dialytic process, albumen being a colloid substance, and difficult to dialyse; but it is probably an example of simple porous diffusion or filtration. In acute inflammatory condi- tions, fibrinous exudations from the blood, form in the tubuli, and appear in the urine, as minute coagula or casts. The urine excreted into the tubuli, urged on by the vis a tergo of a constant process of excretion, escapes from their orifices into the calyces. From these, it descends along the infundibula, the pelves of the kidneys, and the ureter.s, into the bladder, partly by gravity, and jwobably partly propelled by tlie rhythmic peristaltic actions ofthemuscularcoatoftho.se canals. Accumulated in the bladder, it becomes further con- centrated by ab.sorption of water, and is mixed with mucus from the ducts and from that viscus. The constaneg and the great rapidifg of the excretion of urine, have been observed in cases of malformation, known as inversion of the bladder, in which the lower part of the ab- 3T4 SPECIAL PEYSIOLOGT. domen and the anterior portion of the urinary bladder are defective, so that the fundus of this organ, into which the ureters open, is exposed. Under ordinary circumstances, the urine is seen to flow in drops, from the mouths of the ureters ; but, after drinking freely, it runs in little streams. The urinary excretion is affected, both in quantity and quality, by the nervous system. Thus, it is increased in quantity, and lowered in quality, by hysteria, fear, and other mental emotions, this effect being probably due to dilatation of the renal arteries. Injury of the spinal cord, affects the urine, chiefly causing a great development of carbonate of am- monia and the precipitation of phosphates, owing, it appears, to congestion and inflammation of the bladder, with an increased secretion of mucus from it. Complete removal of the brain and spinal cord, in animals, does not much affect this excre- tion. The walls of the bladder chiefly consist of layers of un- striped muscular fibres, collected into bundles, arranged like figures of 8, on- the iront, back, and sides of the organ. Some of these, surrounding the neck, act like a sphincter ; the others form detrusor, or expellent muscles. The act of emptying the bladder, requires the simultaneous relaxation of the one, and the contraction of the other set. These are usually reflex acts, excited directly by the accumulated fluid, or by some irritation of the nervous system. The act of expulsion is aided by the contraction of the abdominal walls. The Urine. The daily quantity of fluid excreted by the kidneys of an adult healthy man, varies from 30 oz. to 80 oz. ; but, on an average, it has been estimated at about 50 oz. This quantity varies according to the amount of fluid taken in the food and as beverage, the activity of exhalation by the skin and lungs, and the amount excreted by the intestinal canal. More fluid is excreted by the kidneys in winter than in summer, the skin being less active in the former, and more so in the latter, season. The quantity is said to be increased under higher barometric pressure. The specific gravity of the urine, differs much, not merely according to the different proj^ortions, but also according to the different nature of its solid constituents; in health, it may range from 1015 to 1030; usualljq however, it deviates only slightly from 1020. The urine excreted after CONSTITUTION OF THE URINE. 375 drinking much water, and taking little or no food, which is named urina potus, is of course of low specific gi-avity ; that after eating a full meal, is of high specific gravity, and is called urina cibi vel chjli\ Avhilst after complete abstinence from both food and drink, as in the morning, it is most completely satu- rated with solid constituents, and is therefore at its highest specific gravity ; it is then called urina sanguinis. The amount of solid constituents, is irrespective of that of the fluid, and depends on the activity of the metamorphosis of the tissues, and of the superabundant food. Its usual bright amber colour varies, according to its density, from that of a colourless fluid to a deep yellowish brown. In disease, the colour and specific gravity, present important variations ; thus, in Bright’s disease of the kidneys, th-e specific gravity may be as low as 1003, being little higher than that of water ; its proper con- stituents are then deficient, whilst albumen, derived from the plasma of the blood, is present ; on the other hand, in diabetes mellitus, in which the urine contains sugar, the specific gravity may be as high as 10.50. The peculiar odour of the urine, is strongly developed by a heat sufficient to produce evaporation. The natural reaction of this fluid, is acid, but after digestion, and especially after a vegetable diet, it may become aUcaline ; in herbivorous animals, this is its normal character. The cause of its acidity, will be discussed after its chemical compo- sition has been described. From a particular kind of decom- position, kno%vn as the acid fermentation, its acidity may be increased, after it has been excreted ; on the other hand, by a decomposition of the urea, in which carbonate of ammonia is generated, it may acquire a strong alkaline reaction a few hours after its excretion, or even, in certain diseases, whilst it is yet retained in the bladder. In such a condition, an ab- normal deposit of phosphates takes place. Normal urine consists of water, holding a very variable quantity — viz. from 2 to 7 per cent. — of solid substances, of which urea is the chief; besides this, there are uric and hip- puric acid.s, free carbonic acid, often, lactic acid, occasionally oxalic acid, extractive nitrogenous matters, partly crystallisable, such as creatin and creatinin, xanthin, phenylic, carbolic, ben- zoic and other acids, uncrystallisable extractives of uncertain composition, small qirantities of special pigments, traces of fatty matter, numerous salts, such as sulphates, phosphates and chlorides of potash, soda, lime, and magnesia, with silica, nuicus, and epithelium. The relative proportions of its various 376 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. solid constituents in 100 parts, and the daily average quantity of each, excreted for every 1 lb. weight of the body, in a man weighing 145 lbs. avoirduj^ois, are shown in the annexed Tables. Daily quantity for \lb. weight of body substance, in a Man of I45Ws. weight (Parkes). Water . 2'9 drachms. Urea ....... . 3'53 grains. Uric acid ...... . -059 >> Hippuric acid ...... . -237 )) Creatin ....... . -032 )) Creatinin ...... . -048 )) Colouring matter, and other extractives . . 1-062 )) Sulphuric acid ..... •214 Phosphoric acid ..... . -336 >» Chlorine ....... . -875 >♦ Composition of 100 parts of the Solid Constituents (Lehmann). Urea ....... . 49-68 Uric acid ...... . 1-61 grains. Extractives ; Creatin, Creatinin, Hippuric 1 28-95 acid. Salts of Ammonia, Chloride of Sodium >> Alkaline sulphates ..... . 11-58 Alkaline phosphates .... . 5-96 Phosphates of lime and magnesia . 1-97 ii The water of the daily urine, equals about one-half of that taken into the stomach ; supposing the total quantity of the excretion to be from 30 to 50 oz., the water Avould be from 28 oz. to 47 oz. The solid constituents amount to from 2 oz. to 3 oz. in the twenty-fonr hours. The urea is by far the most important and characteristic substance, amounting to upwards of an ounce, or half the solid constituents, in 24 hours, or, according to some estimates, to as much as 500 grains. Its atomic composition, CH^N,0, corre- sponds with that of carbamide, COII4N2, and also Avith that of 1 atom of hydric cyanate of ammonia, viz. CNOH-f-NHg. It is readily transmutable, by the absorption of the elements ^ of two atoms of Avater, into carbonate of ammonia, one atom of Avhich contains C05-1-2(N1I^). Urea is thus obtained: evaporate cautiously a considerable quantity of Airine to the consistence of syrup ; to this, add sloAvdy its bulk of nitric acid, AAdien certain crystals are throAvn doAvn, Avhich are nitrate of urea ; dry these upon a filter, decolorise them by dis- solving them in Avater, and boiling Avith animal charcoal, and recrystallise ; once more dissolve tlie crystals, and noAV sepa- SOURCES OF THE UREA. 377 rate the nitric acid, by means of carbonate of baryta. On evaporating the solution, a pasty substance is left, from which alcohol dissolves out the urea, and the filtered solution yields, on evaporation, pure crystals of this substance. These cry- stals are long, colourless, four-sided prisms, extremely soluble in hot, and even in cold, water ; hence urea never enters into the composition of ui’inary sediments or calculi. It dialyses most actively. It is neutral in its reaction to test paper ; but it acts as a base, combining with acids to form definite salts. As hydric cyanate of ammonia is identical in composition, crystalline form, and chemical properties, with urea, and as the former substance can be made in the laboratory, it affords an example of the imitation of an organic compound, by artificial means (Wohler). Urea contains 46'7 per cent, of nitrogen, together with 20 per cent, of carbon. One ounce, taken as the ordinary daily excretion, contains about 220 grains of nitrogen. The sources of the urea, are evidently nitrogenous organic compounds, which have undergone decomposition by partial oxidation. It constitutes the highest product of oxidation of the albuminoid and gelatinoid substances in the body. It is derived, partly from the tissues, but partly from the food, merely assimilated into blood ; not, as was at one time sup- posed, from the tissues only. This is proved by many facts. Thu.s, the urea is always increased after meals, especially about three or four hours after the food is taken. In animals fed on too httle nitrogenous food to counterbalance the waste of the albuminoid tissues, more urea is given off than the nitrogen in the food would form ; when the waste is just compensated for, then the urea is erjual to the nitrogen in the food ; lastly, when an excess of nitrogenous food is given, the weight of the animal increases, and, after a time, an excess of urea is eliminated. Urea is still excreted, even in starving animals, though in smaller quantity than usual ; it is increased by feeding them on a vegetable diet containing nitrogen, espe- cially on bread and beans; its quantity is still greater, on a mixed vegetable and animal diet, but it is greatest of all, on an exclusively animal diet. In a dog weighing 30 kilogrammes, the daily excretion of urea, with a pure animal diet, varied from 150 to 180 grammes — that is, it equalled ij J^th or x'j^th of the weight of the body. In Man, with an exclusively animal diet, the daily riuantity excreted was found by Lehmann to be about 820 grains, with a mixed diet 500 grains, with a vege- 378 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. table diet 347 grains, and with a completely non-nitrogenous diet 237 grains. The researches of Dr. E. Smith, confirm these results, and further show that an animal diet increases the excretion of carbonic acid from the lungs. In other ex- periments, the quantity excreted daily, on a superabundant animal diet, was‘ found to be nearly .3 pz. ; on a moderately animal diet continued for ten days, from If to 2 oz. ; and after a diet of sugar, prolonged for four days, the daily quan- tity of urea was rather less than oz. Not only, then, is urea formed largely from the food, but chiefly so, the quan- tity derived from the tissues, as above shoAvn, when a non- nitrogenous saccharine diet was taken, being less than half the ordinary daily amount. Sometimes even more is eliminated during a total abstinence fr’om food, as if, in the latter condi- tion, an animal maintained its temperature by waste of its nitrogenous tissues. In the female, from her smaller frame, her less active nutrient metamorphoses, and the smaller quantity of food consumed, the daily quantity excreted is about f of an oz. Proportionally to the weight of the body, it is less abundantly formed in women ; but children up to seven years old, excrete about twice as much urea, proportionally, as adults, and in- fants more than children ; in old age, the relative amount is diminished. The effect of age, depends upon the diminished activity of the nutritive functions, and the smaller quantity of the food. Exercise was formerly believed to increase the quantity of urea, and rest to have the opposite effect ; but re- cent observations show that the immediate effect of exercise is to diminish the excretion of tuea, though towards the end of labour, and especially in the period of re.st afterwards, it is greatly increased. Gelatin, which seems never to be di- rectly assimilated by the tissues, but rather to save them from oxidation, is readily, perhaps directly, converted into urea. Water, especially if taken with food, causes au increase in the ureal excretion, and also in that of the saline constituents of the urine. Diminished temperature and increased barometric pressure, are said to increase the quantity of urea. In most cases, the urea is not eliminated xmtil some hours after its actual formation in the system, or until the determining cause of its increase, has taken eflect. The quantity excreted is greater during the day than in the night. Common salt, phos- phoric acid, theobromine, urea itself, uric acid, and cantha- rides, are found to increase the amount of urea excreted, whilst UltIC ACID. 373 tea, but especially coffee, alcohol, turpentine, and digitalis, diminish it. It is remarkable that such large quantities of nitrogen and carbon, are eliminated from the .system in the form of ui’ea — a comparatively inactive chemical substance ; whereas carbonate of ammonia, a compound readily produced from the elements of urea, and an extremely irritating and noxious substance, is not formed in quantity, in the ani- mal economy. In certain diseases of the kidneys, the urea is not excreted, but, the blood becoming vitiated, uraemic poisoning occurs, characterised by symptoms, such as convul- sions and coma, referrible to the nervous centres, and often fatal. It was formerly supposed that the urea itself is the toxic agent, but possibly it is the carbonate of ammonia de- rived from the decomposition of the urea. In these cases, ammonia is found in the breath, and, after death, in the blood ; the injection of that substance into the veins of an animal, also causes similar symptoms. A dilute solution of urea, to which a small quantity of mucus or other animal substance is added, readily ferments, and, evolving a pungent odour, forms carbonate of ammonia ; this kind of fermentation may take place very rapidly, even within the bladder. The amount of irrea increases in all those diseases which are ac- companied by an increase of tissue change, such as active inflammation of the lungs, or of the membranes of the bi-ain, and in fevers generally, even though less food and exercise are taken than in health. In fever, the quantity has been found to be double the ordinary amount, viz. 1065 grains daily ; in pyEemia, it has reached 1235 grains (Vogel and Warnecke). During recovery, the quantity excreted falls for a time, al- though more food and exercise are taken. U ric acid is found not only in the imine, but also in the blood, and in mo.st organs of the body. It contains 33'3 per cent, of nitrogen, and has the following composition : CgH^N^Og; it is therefore regarded as resulting from a less complete oxida- tion of the nitrogenous compounds of the food and of the body, than that which produces urea. The formation of urea in the system, is supposed, by some, to be normally preceded by that of uric acid. The former may be easily produced from the latter, by processes in wdiich oxidation forms a part ; when an I alkaline urate is digested with portions of liver, at a certain I temperature, urea is formed at the expense of the uric acid. Animals to which uric acid is administered with the food, excrete an unusually large quantity of urea. Some of the 380 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGY. products of the metamorphosis of the muscular tissue, such as creatin, xanthin, and sarcin, have affinities with uric acid. Lastly, in a state of rest, the quantity of uric acid excreted, increases, whilst the urea ultimately diminishes, the reverse being the case from exercise. The quantity of rn-ic acid excreted daily, has been esti- mated at from 8-^ to 15 grains ; but this, like the quantity of urea, varies very much, most markedly according to tlie amount of nitrogenous food which is taken, and less so according to the age and sex. Its quantity is lessened by exercise. With animal diet, its quantity is said to be 4'5 grains, and Avith vegetable diet, only about 1'5 grain daily (Haughton.) In the urine, it is either combined Avith soda, forming the urate of soda Avhich is held in solution, or else it is dissolved by the alkaline phosphate of soda. Being less soluble than its salts, uric acid is quickly precipitated by acids, and more- over, being itself less soluble in cold than in Avarm Avater, it is commonly precipitated from normal urine after cooling. This may be partly from the diminished solvent power of the cooler Iluid, and partly from the occurrence of the lactic acid fermentation. Uric acid is then precipitated and deposited, either in an amorphous poAvder, or in fine crystals of pecu- liar forms, often tinged with colouring matter. Tlie crystals are sometimes little flattened rhomboids, sometimes they resemble a coffin or a barrel, and sometimes they are almost spherical. It forms the most common urinary sediment, and tlie most frequent kind of renal or vesical calculus or stone in the kidney or bladder. Hence it is also named lithic acid {\iOoQ, a stone). Urate of soda constitutes the solid urinary excretion of Serpents, and is also present, in large quantity, in the Avhite pasty portions of the dejecta of the flesh and .fish- eating Birds, such as the haA\drs and oavIs, the penguins and other sea-birds. Hence it exists in large quantity in guano. It may be obtained pure from human calculi, or from the solid excretion of the serpent, by dissolving the urate in those sub- stances, in a hot solution of caustic potash, and reprecipitating it irom the filtered fluid, by means of another acid. The pre- cipitate is a white poAvder, composed of colourless rhomboidal scales; it is almost insoluble in cold Avater, and only slightly so in hot, and is absolutely insoluble in alcohol and ether ; it is soluble in alkaline solutions, and very readily in solutions of lithia. Fi-om all these solutions, it is immediately repreci- pitatcd, even by feeble acids. Heated nearly to dryness Avith HirrURIC ACID. 381 nitric acid, uric acid turns red, and, on the addition of auuuo- nia, a beautiful purple substance, named murexkl. is formed, a reaction Avhich constitutes a test for uric acid. The fact that uric acid is a less perfectly oxidised compound than urea, ex- plains, perhaps, its formation in excess under certain conditions, as, e. g. udien the quantity of tissue metamorphosed, or the quantity of food taken, is greater than the supply of oxygen can convert into urea, as, e.g. in acute inflammations, rheumatis^m, and gout, in all Avhich diseases, large quantities of uric acid deposits, or of urates, are thrown down from the urine, which is loaded at critical periods, after the climax of the attack. At the onset of the gout, the uric acid sometimes nearly, or en- tirely, disappears from the urine ; it may then be detected in the blood. The gouty concretions, known as chalk-stones, are composed of urate of soda, with ti-aces of urate of lime. When in acute inflammatory di.sease, the uric acid is increased, the urea is simultaneously diminished. In diseases of debility, this acid is usually diminished in quantity ; it may also be reduced by a spare diet, the avoidance of acids, the use of large quan- tities of water, open-air exercise, so as to ensure the perfect oxygenation of the blood, and by all measures tending to increase the action of the skin, such as exertion, friction, baths, especially hot-air and water baths, and warm climates. The use of tobacco augments its excretion, whilst quinine and alcohol lessen it. Alkalies assist in its excretion. Ilippuric acid {'imroc, a horse), first detected in the urine of the hor.se, is also constantly present in human urine, sometimes amounting to as much as 15 grains in twenty-four hours; it has often been overlooked (Liebig). It crystallises in four-sided prisms, and has the atomic composition, C9II9NO3, so that it is neither so nitrogenous nor so completely an oxidised body as urea or uric acid, but contains a larger proportion of car- bon than either substance. Benzoic acid and other benzoyl compounds, also oil of bitter almonds, and succinic and other allied acids, when taken internally, cause an excess of hip- puric acid in the urine (Ure). To explain thi.s, it has been suggested that benzoic acid, C7II6O2, combined with the bile product, glycocoll, C2lI,9N02, is equal to one atom of hippuric acid, and one atom of water. The source of the hippuric acid ordinarily present, is not yet known. Its quantity is influenced by the character of the diet, and by the amount of exercise; it is increased by a purely vegetable diet, is lessened by a mixed diet, and is dimini.shed still more remarkably in 382 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. those who are living on animal food only. According to some, it is absent in persons who abstain from spices ; also in infants at the breast, and in Herbivorous animals deprived of food. In the last two cases, uric acid alone is produced, in the one case, from the milk, and in the other, from the tissues of the animal itself (Ranke). Hippuric acid is not only found in large quantities in the horse, but also in other Herbivorous animals ; and most of these consume grasses, in many species of which, certain aromatic principles exist. In the Carnivora, it exists in minute quantities. Although, most probably, hippuric acid is commonly derived from certain aromatic substances, yet it has been shown that its formation from albuminoid bodies, is quite possible (Stiideler). Very minute quantities of benzoic acid, and xanthin or xanthic oxide, also exist in the urine, with traces of certain volatile acids, phenylic, carbolic and taurilic, on which the odour of this fluid may depend. The creatin and creatinin found in the urine, are both crystallisable nitrogenous bodies. The former exists in small quantities, the latter amounts to about 1 5 grains a day. Crea- tinin C4H7N3O + 2(HO), differs from creatin C^flgNgOo by one atom of water. They are obtained by precipitation with salts of zinc, and by the subsequent decomposition of the zinc compounds. Creatin is a neutral substance, incapable of combining either with acids or alkalies ; but creatinin is a powerful base, having a sti'ong alkaline reaction, and forming ciystallisable salts with acids. Creatin exists in large quantities in the juice of muscle, from which it was first pre- pared by Liebig. Creatinin is present only in small quantity in the juice of flesh, but is readily formed by the action of strong acids upon creatin. Creatin appears to be, with succinic acid, a product of the decomposition of sjmtonin, whilst crea- tinin results from still further decomposition ; from its basic nature, it approaches in character to urea, into which sub- stance, and sarcosin, it is decomposed by the action of baryta at the boiling-point. Albumen may be broken up artificially, by the action of powerful acids or alkalies, into glycocoll, tyrosin, and leucin, nitrogenous bodies intermediate between it and urea. By the action of caustic alkalies on creatin, urea is formed, whether through the previous formation of creatinin is not certain. Albumen, creatin, creatinin, and urea, form, therefore, a descending series of nitrogenous bodies. Both creatin and creatinin are more abundant in exercised muscles, ACIDS OF THE URINE. 383 and, therefore, would seem to be products of muscular action ; both substances are present, in small proportions, in healthy blood, from which they are excreted, also in small quantit}', by the kidneys. They are supposed to be transformed cliiefly into urea, probably through the agency of the epithelial cells of the uriniferous tubes, and, thus changed, finally enter the urine. Creatin and creatinin, therefore, are compounds pro- bably preformed in the body, i.e. in the muscles, thence enter- ing the blood by venous absorption ; they are excreted from it, in minute quantity, in their proper form, but chiefly after conversion into urea. They are the principal immediate soiurce of the last-named substance, which is even associated with them, in the juice of the flesh of certain Cartilaginous Fishes (Frerichs and Stiideler). The colouring substance of the urine, urinary pigment or uro-hffimatin, contains iron, and is separable into red, blue, and yellow colouring matters, named uro-rhodin, uro-glaucin, and uro-xanthin. Their nature is not well understood ; they exist but in small quantity, and are very prone to decom- position. According to some, these pigments are allied to indigo, and its derivatives, indigo-red, indigo-blue, and in di- can. The blue pigment, or uro-cyanide, is named the indigo of urine. The non-crystallisable extractive matters of the urine, exist in large quantities, and require further investigation ; they are nitrogenous bodies, some even containing sulphur and phosphorus, probably derived from the albuminoid tissues; they are liable to decompose, and are abundant in certain diseased conditions. Traces of mucus and epithelium, either of the spheroidal glandular kind from the tubuli, or of the squamous kind from the interior of the bladder, also occur, as cloudy deposits, in this excretion. There are also several non -nitrogenous, hydro-carbona- ceous, or carbonaceous substances in urine. Thus, lactic acid, CgllgOg, occurs occasionally, as, e.g. when that acid, or some of its salts, are present in large quantity in the blood, owing to feeble conditions of the respiratory process, or to defective oxidating processes in the blood. By Lehmann, lactic acid is sfiid to be constantly present, and to be the cause of the acidity of the urine; but, by others, this is supposed to depend upon free j)ho.sphoric acid, or, on an acid phosphate of soda, or perhaps upon this acid, together with a minute quantity SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 381 of dissolved uric acid ; for it is difficult to suppose the exist- ence of free lactic acid, so long as any alkaline urates are present, and these latter salts may always be obtained by the quick evaporation, in vacuo, of perfectly fresh urine. The acidity of the urine, gradually diminishes for from three to five hours after a meal, and sometimes the excretion becomes actually alkaline. This effect occiU'S simultaneously with the development of the large quantity of acid in the gastric juice poured out for the digestion of the food ; whilst the return of the irrine to its acid condition during fasting, corresponds with the cessation of the formation of acid in the stomach. This temporary diminution in the acidity of the urine, or its positive alkalinity, is most marked when animal food is taken, which requires more acid to digest it ; with vegetable food, it is less so ; with mixed diet, the effects are intermediate (Roberts). The alkalinity of the urine after a vegetable diet, and of that of the Herbivora generally, is not opposed to these observations, and has another explanation. In such diet, large quantities of neutral alkaline salts of the vegetable acids are met with, which are converted in the alimentary canal, or in the blood, into carbonates; the quantity of albuminoid food or tissue metamorphosed, is so small, as not to yield enough sulphuric and phosphoric acid, to neutralise this alkali. The urine is also often alkaline in gastric disorder. In the Carni- vora, ammonia acts the part of a base to the acids of the urine, instead of the fixed alkalies. Oxalic acid, C2O3-I-H2O, also occurs in the urine, especially after eating fruit, which contains organic acids, also after drink- ing fluids containing free carbonic acid, and lastly, when the. respiratory process is seriously disturbed. Any condition which tends to overload the blood with carbonic acid, favours the appearance of oxalic acid in the urine ; in children, it is a frequent constituent, and, in combination with lime, forms the comparatively common mulberry calculus. Lastljq car- bonic acid itself is found in a state of solution, in the quite recently discharged urine of both IMan and animals. Besides this, the urine contains nitrogen, with traces of oxygen, and, but only as a product of decomposition, sulphuretted hydrogen. Minute traces of certain Jats, such as olein and stearin, occur in urine. In certain cases, a fatty substance, probably a mixture of ordinary fats, named keistin, appears as a scum upon it ; and, in altered conditions of the kidneys, large quan- tities of oily matter, rise up to the surface. URINARY DEPOSITS. 385 The salts found in the urine, average about 1-8 part per cent, of that fluid, though they vary extremely according to the character of the food, and the amount of fluid ingesta ; the latter increase their quantity. Of 100 parts of these salts, the sulphates form 45 parts, the phosphates 24, and the chlo- rides 23, the residue consisting of the salts of the organic acids. The chief base is soda, next in order potash, then ammonia, magnesia, lime, and lastly, in minute quantities, iron and silica. Whilst most of these salts are derived directly from the materials of the food, others undoubtedly proceed from the metamorphoses of the tissues ; but even these are, of course, ultimately derived from the food. The sulphates and phos- phates of the alkalies, originate in the oxidation of the sulphur and phosphorus belonging to the albuminoid substances found especially in the muscular and nervous tissues ; the quantity of these salts, is increased by exercise, which conduces .to changes in those tissues. The earthy phosphates must also be ultimately derived from the food, either directly, or through tissue changes ; their quantity appears to increase, on the ad- ministration of chloride of sodium. The chloride of sodium itself varies in quantity, according to the amount consumed with the food ; one office of the kidneys, is to regulate the quantity of that salt retained in the blood. The ammonia of healthy urine, occurs chiefly in the triple pliosphate of ammo- nia and magnesia ; it is an ultimate product of the decom- position of albuminoid substances, the creatin, creatinin and urea being probably intermediate stages. Under certain circumstances, amorphous or crystallised de- posits, or sediments, are formed in the urine ; and sometimes, even solid concretions, named urinary calculi or stones, occur in it even within the body. The most common sediment is of a yellowish or reddish hue, and consists of mixed urates and uric acid, with some of the colouring principles ; these, being less soluble in cold than in hot fluids, may be precipitated from urine, clear at the time of its discharge from the body. When turbidity exists at the moment of discharge, or subsequently, though the urine be maintained at the temperature of the interior of the body, the condition must bo regarded as one deviating from health. But a uric acid .sediment may be caused by an acid fermentation of the urine, often a.ssociated with the growth of penicillium. The acid then formed, usually lactic acid, decomposes the urates in solution, and uniting with their base, whether soda VOL. II. c c I 386 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. or ammonia, precipitates the less soluble uric acid. The coloured extractive matters may, through changes produced in them by atmospheric action, increase the solvent power of the fluid for the urates, and so prevent their precipitation in tlie process of cooling. The quantity of uric acid sediment, therefore, does not necessarily correspond Avith that in the urine itself, for sometimes it may be precipitated, though ex- isting in small proportion, and sometimes be suspended, though present in larger quantity. If the uric acid compounds be in excess, the temperature lowered, and a free acid be formed, a deposit is sure to take place. In hot climates, the cutaneous excretion is very active, a quantity of acid is thus remoAmd from the system, and deposits of lithic acid are accordingly rare. Phosphatic sediments are also occasionally met Avith, owing to peculiar decompositions or fermentations, affecting the urea, Avhich is then converted into carbonate of ammonia ; by this, the earthy phosphates are precipitated, as ammoniacal magnesian phosphate, or as phosphate of lime. This alkaline fermentation occurs sooner or later, at certain temperatures ; but in those diseases, in Avhich the urine is too long retained in that viscus, and also in inflammation of the urinary mucous membrane, it sometimes happens in the. bladder itself. This form of alkalinity is to be distinguished fi-om that Avhich depends on the presence of potash or soda ; in the latter case, the blue colour given to litmus paper, is permanent ; whilst Avith ammoniacal urine, it is fugitive, OAving to the volatility of ammonia. The alkaline fermentation is probably induced by the pus, or by the excess of mucus. The acid fermentation is also believed to be excited by the mucus of the bladder. The abundant sediments formed in the critical stages of fevers and gout, are of the uric acid type. The fine iridescent film, fre- quently seen on the surface of the urine, in dyspeptic and neiwous diseases, consists of crystals of the triple phospate of ammonia and magnesia. Prolonged mental effort is said to cause an increase in the amount of phosphates ; but this is not established by observation, although this condition does occur in diseases of the nervous centres. The knoAvn existence of phosphorus in the fatty matter of the brain, has doubtless suggested this idea. Other morbid sediments consist of pus and blood. The concrete deposits named calculi, commence by the col- lection of some crystallisable substance, around accidental fibrinous or other masses Avhich may be minute, and ultimately PASSAGE OF SEBSTANCES INTO THE URINE. 387 almost, or entirely, disappear. Upon such a centre of forma- tion or nucleus^ successive layers of crystallised substance are deposited in laminte or crusts, cemented together by traces of mucus. The first layers deposited, often differ from those ■which follow, and sometimes the layers alternate, constituting a composite calculus. The simplest calculi are those consisting of a mixture of uric acid with rrrates, forming the uric or lithic acid group ; they are generally oval, somewhat flattened, smooth, or slightly rough, yellowish, and hard. The oxalate of lime or mulberry calculi are, as their name implies, roughly tuberculated, and brownish or black in colour ; they are very hard. They contain some colouring substance derived from the blood. The phosphatic calculi are either smooth on the surface, opaque-Avhite, or white and semi-transparent, or else finely crystalline, light and soft, so as, indeed, to be easily worn by attrition, when two or more coexist in the bladder ; they offer but little resistance to crushing instruments. They are composed of the triple phosphate of ammonia and magnesia, combined with some phosphate of lime. Other and rarer forms of urinary concretions, are the carbonate of lime, cystic oxide, and xanthic oxide calculi. Many articles of diet, and medicinal agents, pass into the urine entirely unchanged ; such are the alkaline chlorides, phosphates, sulphates, and nitrates. Of these salts, chloride of sodium acts especially as a stimulant to all the processes of tissue metamorphosis, and herein may be found one of the chief uses of this universal constituent in the fluids of all animals. The carbonates of the alkalies, and the caustic alkalies, produce, however, still more powerful effects. The vegetable alkaloids, as qitinine, morphia, and strychnia, cer- tain vegetable colouring substances, such as saffron and rhubarb, and many odorous substances, as turpentine, garlic, assafcetida, and valerian, likewise pass unchanged. Nitric, phosphoric, and sulphuric acids also escape, combined with appropriate bases derived from the blood ; sulphuric acid dis- places phosphoric, and this latter acid, the feebler inorganic and organic acids. Most substances, however, undergo a change before they enter the urine. Thus, the organic acids, such as lactic, but especially tartaric, citric, malic, racemic, and also acetic acid, and their salts, do not reach the urine as such, but, united with soda or potash, they are converted in the system, into carbonates, whicli enter the urine. Hence, the alkaline condition of this fluid, caused by succulent vegetable diet, and c c 2 388 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the alkaline urine of the Plerbivora. Again, as already men- tioned, benzoic acid and the allied cinnamic acid, are first converted into hippuric acid. Organic compounds containing sulplnrr, produce sulphates in the urine. A great number of substances, on being taken into the stomach, do not reappear in the urine, such as ether, thein, calfein, theobromin, as- paragin, amygdalin, musk, camphor, and certain colouring matters, such as cochineal and chlorophyll. Alcohol, though chiefly decomposed in the system, may partly appear in the urine. Of the metallic salts, such as arsenic and antimony, the bases of which can, of course, undergo no change in the body, some appear with great facility in the urine; whilst others enter that fluid with difficulty, or only in minute traces even t after long periods of administration; such are gold, silver, mercury, lead, bismuth, zinc, and iron. Alumina is absorbed with difficulty, or not at all, hence it does not appear in the ' urine. Water is eliminated with great rapidity from the kidneys. | In large quantities, as already stated, it causes, by stimulating : the excreting power of the uriniferous tubes, an absolute in- crease in the amount of urea separated from the body ; though relatively, owing to its dilution, a given quantity of urine contains dess urea. The diminution in the quantity of urea and uric acid excreted by the kidneys, caused by many agents, such as coffee, tea, alcohol, . and tobacco, articles so Avidely and instinctively adopted by mankind as dietetic substances, has been explained, by supposing that they interfere Avith, or '' retard, the metamorphoses of the albuminoid and fatty tissues, and so preserve them from Avaste. In this Avay, Avhen taken | in moderation, they conseiwe the strength. The action of ! creatin and creatinin, so abundant in beef-tea and beef-juice, ; may be similar. Thein and caffein resemble those substances very closely in composition. The rapidity with which Avater and substances soluble in it, pass into the urine, after being taken into the stomach, for- led to the idea, that direct channels of communication, passagesf or ducts, existed betAveen the stomach and the Ifld-iieyel.or some other part of the urinary apparatus. !Many ihvestigatjoha Avere undertaken, some even Avith pretended sp.ccess,, for'j|l>ft.pi«:pQse of discovering such passiiges. No sucli cjommunicatioijs)i Itawmea', exist. Soluble substances pass from the stomach into the cincuiation, by venous absorjjtion, and are then, after ti‘aversiug'»the lungs, convej’ed by the renal * # # BILE, SUGAB, AND ALBUMEN IN DIUNE. 389 arteries to the kidneys, in which, by porous diffusion or dialysis, they enter the uriniferous tubules, and so reacli the urinary passages. The rate at which this circuitous route thi’ough the vascular system, from the stomach to the kidneys, occurs, is adduced as one proof of the rapidity of the circulation of the blood (p. 170). When the stomach is empty, after long abstinence, the time is 1 minute; 4 hours after a meal, it is 2 minutes; 1-^ hoim after, 6^ minutes; 1 hour after, 14 minutes; and 25 minutes after, 16 minutes. If the test sub- stance be taken with the food, it requires 40 minutes for it to appear in the urine (Erichsen). The affinity of certain sub.stances for the living tissues, influences the rate of their passage from the stomach to the kidneys, saline substances, for example, passing more rapidly tlian colouring matters. The relative diffusibility of the sub- stances, may also modify the result. Pigments pass but slowly, indigo and madder requiring fifteen minutes, rhubarb and biliary pigments twenty minutes, logwood and other colouring matters, twenty-five minutes. It has been seen that many substances, Avhich are formed in, or belong to, the body, are liable to enter the urine, viz. pus, fatty matters, certain biliary products, sugar, inosite, leucin, allantoin, tyrosin, sarcin, htematin, fibrin, and albumen. If bile be no longer separated from the blood in the liver, or if its discharge by the alimentary canal, be prevented, it may appear in the urine, as it will in any other secretion or excretion ; this happens in certain organic diseases of the liver. But, in the more common form of jaundice, the bile pigments only pass into the urine, giving it a dark colour. The sugar which appears in the urine in diabetes (p. 340), is not produced in the kidneys, nor does its presence in the urine necessarily imply disease of those organs ; a larger quantity than usual being present in the blood, it escapes through the excreting structure of the kidneys. Its increased amount in the blood, depends on an abnormal action of the liver, or on the imperfect oxidation of the sugar in the blood, through some defect in the respiratory process. The transitory appearance of sugar in the urine, is not of much consequence ; but its persistence in diabetes, is serious. A minute trace constantly occurs in healtliy urine, though it escapes ordinary te.sts (Brlicke). Tlie presence of albumen in the urine, is important, especially 390 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. blood in the renal arteries. Thus, drinking enormous quan- tities of water, has been known to produce temporary albu- minuria or albuminous urine ; on the other hand, albumen is sometimes met with in this fluid, after indulgence in very full meals, or in cases where the heart’s action is materially increased, or again, where the aorta is compressed below the renal arteries, or from renal congestion or inflammation pro- duced either by cold applied to the skin, or by the undue use of diiiretics or irritants, such as the Spani.sh fly ; possibly, also, by division of the renal sympathetic nerves (Krimer). The occurrence of albuminoid matter after full meals, may be accormted for, by the jmobable introduction into the blood, under those circumstances, of more or less albuminose, which has a higher osmotic tendency than albumen itself ; when in- jected into the veins, it, indeed, appears in the urine. Again, hgature of the aorta below the renal arteries, in animals, or the forcible injection of blood through those vessels, causes an artificial albuminuria. Persistent albuminous urine indicates some degeneration of the excreting tissues of the kidneys, usually consisting of the so-called granular de- generation, or “ Bright’s disease,” the result of interstitial de- posits of an albuminoid, fatty, or amyloid nature. In such cases, the lateral pressure of the blood in the capillary vessels of the kidneys, is increased, either by the obstruction of the circulation through them, or as a result of the non-performance of the ordinary excreting process. Besides the albmnen of the blood, even the plastic fibrinous substance may exude into the uriniferous tubules, and, becoming coagulated in their interior, form, together with altered epithelial cells, or with fatty matter, uric acid, blood or pus corpuscles, little cylindri- cal masses, known as casts, which are washed out of the tubes, and are easily detected in the urine by the microscope. Sometimes, the casts consist only of basement membrane. Bright’s disease may, however, exist without the presence of albumen, in the urine. To detect bile in the urine, Pettenkofer’s test is used (p. 76). Sugar is detected by Tromuier’s cojDper test (p. 85), or by boiling with liquor potassaa, which causes a deep brown colour when sugar is present. Albumen is detected by boiling the urine, and adding a few drops of nitric acid, to make sure that the urine is not alkaline ; certiiin precipitates, caused by heat, are then dissolved, but an albuminous precipitate remains, as whitish or yellowish flocculi of coagulated albumen. After THE KIDNEYS IN ANIMALS. 391 the continued administration of certain metallic poisons, such as arsenic and antimony, their detection in the kidneys or liver, may furnish the means of discovering crime. As the blood is the most complex fluid proper to the body, being the source of noirrishment to the tissues, and also the medium through which the products of their metamorphoses reach the excreting glands, so the urine is by far the most complex of the animal excretions. Its peculiar ingredients display important relations to the gelatinoid and albuminoid principles of the body and of the food, the metamorphoses of which, during the nutrition of the muscular and nervous sys- tems, constitute, with those of the hydrocarbons and carbhy- drates consumed in respiration and motion, the characteristic chemical phenomena of animal life. They especially eliminate nitrogen, but also a large amount of carbon, and some hydrogen. The excretion of effete nitrogenous matters by the kidneys, may be assisted by the liver ; but most of the nitrogenous fatty acids of the bile, are reabsorbed. It is by the kidneys, that these nitrogenous products of metamorphosis, are constantly being removed ; and if their function be arrested, grave mischief ensues. Ligature of the ureters is followed by an accumulation of urea in the blood ; removal of the kidneys, by an increase of the creatin and creatinin in the blood, and also, though to a less extent, of urea, which is found in the serum ; a urinous odour appears in many of the secretions. In the urfemic poisoning, which depends on disease of the kidneys, the urea, ceasing to be excreted through them, is detectible, in large quantities, in the perspiration, and also in the vomited matters. The urea itself, or the carbonate of ammonia resulting from its decomposition, then easily detected in the breath, circulates through the brain and spinal cord, and causes imperfect respira- tion, convulsions, coma, and death. The Kidneys and the Urine in Animals. These important glands, so essential to the animal economy, are well developed in all the Vortebrata, forming, as in Man, two symmetrical organs situated at the back of the abdomen. In Mammalia, as in Man, the kidneys are composed of an external cortical substance, consisting chiefly of convoluted tubuli, and of an internal medullary substance in ' which the tubuli are straight. The kidneys of many Mammalia exhibit the typical bean shape, but they are often more rounded than in Man, as in the sheep, pig, and dog. They are sometimes more or less lobulated. In the ox, the kidney is suldobulatcd, being marked by fissures between the pyramids, which form the lobules, remaining, however, united beneath 392 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the divided cortical portion. In certain Carnivora, as in otters, seals, and bears, the pyramids, each covered by its own cortical layer, are separated by deeper fissures, into which even the capsule of the kidney penetrates, so that the lobules form clusters of distinct polyhedral masses attached to the separate infundibula of a much ramified ureter. The kidney is most deeply lobulated in the Cetacea. In the early embryonic condition of this organ in all Mammalia, the lobulated character is present ; in the Cetacea and certain Carnivora, it persists, and forms the so-called com- pound kidney ; in other animals, as in the ox, the lobules partly coalesce ; lastly, in the sheep, dog, and Man, they completely unite, as develop- ment advances. Indeed, a lobulated or ramified condition seems to be, a less developed form of many glands than the massive shape, as is illustrated by the liver, jsancreas, spleen, and thymus in animals. Lobu- lation of the lung, however, is a sign of higher development. Subordinate peculiarities exist as to the mode in which the papillae of the kidneys, are connected with a simple or much subdivided ureter. In Birds, the kidneys no longer present an obvious distinction into a cortical and medullary substance, and the gland tissue is much less firm than in the Mammalia. In Birds, these organs are of considerable length, occasionally blended together, in places, across the middle line ; they extend from the posterior border of the lungs, down to the lower end of the rectum, and are moulded into recesses in the bones of the lower part of the spinal column. The kidneys of Birds are, therefore, slightly lobulated. The uriniferous tubuli of each lobule, are arranged in bundles or tufts, which end in the outer or superficial part, by dichotomous tubes ; the symmetrical ureters proceed from the abdominal surface of the glands, receiving the uriniferous tubules directly, without the formation of infundibula, or of a pelvis. They open below, in the upper and back part of a dilatation found at the lower end of the alimentary canal, named the cloaca, where there is a sort of recess, which has been re- garded as representing an imperfect bladder. In Reptiles, the kidneys are very large, occupy the same general position as in Birds, and are usually of great lengtli. In the turtles, tortoises, and lizards, they are symmetrical, and fixed to the lumbar and pelvic regions ; but in Serpents, the right kidney is placed higher than the left, as if for convenience ; they extend along the greater part of their elongated and flexible spine. The kidneys present no distinction of cortical and medullary substance ; but they are deeply lobulated, and loosely connected with the surrounding parts. The ureters are long and narrow, and end in a sort of cloaca. The tuhuli uriniferi are reduced to convoluted, or even short straight, csecal tubes, arranged in converging bundles, or placed transversely. In the crocodile, the con- voluted tubuli are so distinct as to appear like a cortical layer. In Amphibia, the kidneys are flat and broad at their hinder end, but become very narrow at their anterior part, and thus show an approxi- mation to their form in Fishes. Numerous ducts proceed from their inner border, to a long slender ureter, which opens into the cloaca. In Fishes, the kidneys are proportionally large ; they varj' in sliape in different species, but, as a rule, are narrow and of extreme length, being attached beneath the bodies of the vertebra?, along the whole or the greater part of the abdominal cavity, above the air-bladder when that organ exists. There is no distinction of cortical and medullary sub- THE RENAL VESSELS IN ANIMALS. 393 stance, and tufts of slightly tortuous urinary tubuli, or completely straight csecal tubes, end at once in narrow elongated ureters, which usually open, on each side, into the cloacal portion of the rectum, but which sometimes first coalesce. In the low Myxinoid fishes, the upper portion of the kidneys is much attenuated, and presents a complete unfolding of the gland structure ; the tubtili, instead of being long and aggregated, are short, distinct, and commence by little dilatations, into which the Malpighian glomeruli project. In the amphioxus, the kidney has not been distinctly made out, though it is probably represented by a narrow gland-like mass placed near the abdominal pore. The kidneys in Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, may be con- sidered as composed entirely of cortical substance ; they invariably con- tain Malpighian corpuscles, or arterial glomeruli, which are usually scattered through the gland, and, as usual, project into dilatations of the uriniferous tubuli. These bodies vary in size, apparently in accordance with the size of the animal, as well as in different Classes. Thus they fire larger, i and ^ of an inch in the lion and horse, than in Man, they are much smaller in the guinea-pig, cat, and mouse, 5^ atn inch ; they are small in Fishes, 5^, and Amphibia, 5^, but smallest of all in Reptiles, ^ to 5^. In the pointed renal lobules of the boa, they are smaller in the narrow than in the wider portions of each lobule. In the simpler kidneys of Fishes, they are represented by small vascular plexuses. Cilia are found in the uriniferous tubuli in the Cold-blooded ^'ertebrata ; they commence at the neck of the capsules into which the Malpighian bodies project, and extend for a short distance along the tubuli, sometimes throughout their whole length. The current which they produce, as seen after death, is towards the orifices of the tubules. Cilia have not yet been distinctly seen in Birds or Mammalia. In Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, the renal arteries, instead of being two in number as in Mammalia, are numerous, and are derived from adjacent branches of the aorta, or from the aorta itself. Besides this, the kidneys in these Classes, receive more or less venous blood from the hinder limbs in Birds and the four-footed Reptiles and Ampliibia, and from the hinder parts of the body in Ophidia, and in Fishes. The rest of the blood from the hinder portion of the body, usually passes partly to the vena cava, and partly to the vena porUe ; in Reptiles, Amphibia, and most Fishes, it goes chiefly to the latter; in a few Fishes all the blood from the hinder part of the body, proceeds to the kidneys. The fact, that the kidneys in Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, receive a supply of venous blood, was first noticed by Bojanus, but the detailed arrangement of tho afferent veins was fully investigated by Jacobson. These renal portal veins become more numerous in tho lower Vertebrata. After entering tho kidneys, they quickly subdivide, and end in tho vascular plexuses which surround the uriniferous tubuli. Tho Malpighian bodies still receive arterial vessels only, but give off efferent vessels which join the plexuses around tho tubuli. In tho lower Verte- brata, accordingly, tho .special urinary products, like tho bite products, are, in all oases, excreted from venous blood ; and the small quantity of arterial blood which enters tho kidneys, first passes through the vascular tufts of the Malpighian bodies, and so becomes modified, before it reaches the plexuses armind the proper excreting tubuli, in tho same manner that the hepatic arterial blood becomes venous, before it roaches 394 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the intra-lobular plexuses of the liver. As already stated, the existence of this portal arrangement of the vessels in the kidneys of Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, and Fishes, supports the view, that in Mammalia, also, the renal arterial blood becomes venous in traversing the vessels of the glomeruli, before it serves for the excretion of urinary constituents. The pasty or solid character of the urine in Serpents, may depend, not only on the small size of the glomeruli, but also on the fact, that these animals swallow little or no water. Excretory glandular organs, having the function of kidneys, exist at least in the higher Non-vertebrate animals ; but owing to the different plans of construction in these Sub-kingdoms, it is impossible to recognise much, if any, resemblance of position or structure, between them and the renal organs even of the lowest Fishes. But the unity of the vito- ehemical processes of animal life, is proved by the detection of urinary products in some of these excretory organs in tlie Mollusca, Annulosa, and Ccelenterata. Uric acid has been found in the two former Classes, and guanin in the last. In t)ie Mollusca, the organs which represent kidneys, are not connected by ducts, with the alimentary canal. In the Cephalopods, remarkable spongy masses of follicles, exist around the large branchial veins, and ■discharge themselves, by numerous apertures, into the branchial cavity ; these are supposed to act as renal emunctory organs, their excreted fluid •containing uric acid. In the Gasteropods, a smaller follicular organ, also containing that acid, is usually found in the neighbourhood of the heart, and its ducts open near the intestinal orifice, generally into the branchial cavity. In the Lamellibranchiata, a similar organ, but, in most cases, less distinct, is also found near the heart, close to the lower end of the intestine, opening into the cavity of the mantle. In the Molluscoida, distinct renal organs have not yet been recognised. Amongst the Annulosa, the Insecta, Myriapoda, and Arachnida, have excretory organs believed to be renal, consisting of long- tubes, often beginning by clusters or tufts of vesicles ; they are sometimes few, as in Alyriapoda, sometimes very numerous, as in the higher Insects. As in the Vertebrata, they open into the lower part of the intestine, or even close to its orifice ; sometimes the principal duct is dilated near its lower end, as if to form a urinary bladder. The coloured fluid discharged by the lepi- doptera, on their emerging from the chrysalis, proceeds from these vessels, and contains uric acid. No such renal organs are found in the Crustacea, which are aquatic. In the Annuhida, in which they are likewise absent, the water-vessels may have some excretory function, and eliminate urinary products. In certain of the Ccalcnterata, small clusters of cells projecting into the body cavity, and containing guanin, are regarded as renal organs ; but in the simplest forms of these animals, the excretion of the products of the decomposition of albuminoid substance, is probably accomplished by the external and internal surfaces of their hollow bodies. Lastly, in the minute Vrotozea, such products must also be eliminated by the general surface. THE SEBACEOUS GLANDS. .395 Special Secretions in Animals. Certain secretions or excretions, in animals, may perhaps be regarded, not merely as serving a peculiar purpose in the economy, but also as fulfilling an emunctory office, eliminating from the system, substances which might be as injurious to animal life, as urea and uric acid. Amongst such, may be mentioned, the castor of the beaver, the musk of the musk-deer, the peculiar secretion of the civet-cat, and those of other Mammalia, also the venom of Serpents, the acrid secretion of the skin of the toad, the ink of the cuttle-fish, which yields the sepia colour used by painters, the poisons of the stings of the bee and the wasp, the sugar secreted by aphides, the odoriferous excretions of the bugs and many other beetles, the poison in the tail of the scorpion and the mandibles of the spider, the odoriferous exudations of the lumbrici, and even the threads of the sea-nettles. Examples of special secretion, are also met with in those glands which, in many caterpillars, supply the silk used in progression or for the cocoons, in the spinneret glands of the Spiders, the cement gland of the Cirrhopods, and the glandular structures which secrete the byssus of certain Lamellibranchiata. However different and specialised may be the actions of the various glandular organs in the Animal Kingdom, which yield such widely different products, they are aU based on a common plan of structure and function. Even in the highest animals, and in Man, their physiological relationship is evidenced by an occasional tendency to a vicarious action, in which one gland or several glands take on the suspended function of another. THE SKIN AND ITS EXCRETIONS. By means of its sebaceous and sudoriferous glands, the skin secretes and excretes fatty matter, and the perspiration or sweat. Besides this, it exhales water from its surface, and throws off certain quantities of carbonic acid gas. The sebaceous or oily matter, formed by the so-called seba- ceous glands (vol. i. p. 459 ; fig. 69, a), consists of a mixture of olein, saponified fat, cholesterin, a small quantity of an umramed albuminoid substance, and a few epidermic cells. Its ashes abound in earthy phosphates. The fat is either derived from the fatty matter of the plasma of the blood, or more pro- bably from the metamorphosis of the albuminoid contents of the epidermic cells of the sebaceous glands. It is poured out, partly on the surface of the skin, but more commonly into the interior of the hair follicles, even into the most minute ones. In contributes to soften and render flexible both the hairs and the skin, and, by protecting the latter from the action of water or a([ueous solutions, it renders the skin more effectual as a defensive organ. The so-called cera/mVioas and ilfeiio/zncm 396 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. glands of the ear and eyelids, may be regarded as special modifications of sebaceous follicles. In all Quadrupeds which possess hairs, sebaceous or oil glands exist ; the glandulai JJropygii, or caudal glands, of Birds, supplying the fatty secretion with which they anoint their feathers, are highly developed sebaceous glands. The epidermic tissues generally, viz. the cuticle, nails, and hairs, have been viewed as solid excreted substances. "When worn, cut, shed, or desquamated, they undoubtedly rid the economy of a large amount of nitrogenous, sulphimous, and fer- ruginous matter. The continual loosening of epithelial cells, irom the gastro-pulmonary cavities, must serve a similar office. The sudoriferous, sudoriparous, or sweat glands are pre- sent, in larger or smaller numbers, in all parts of the skin. They are small, rounded, pinkish bodies, placed immediately beneath the true skin, and average about ^ of a line in diameter. Each sweat gland consists of a fine tube, clo.sed and coiled up into a ball at its deeper end, from which a straight part of the tube, or duct, passes up through the cutis and cuticle, and opens by a somewhat widened orifice on the surface. When the cuticle is thick, as in the palms and .soles, this tube passes through it in a spiral manner (fig. 66, 5, 6). The whole tube, when unrolled, measm-es about ^ of an inch in length, and about .5.^^ of an inch in width. This tube consists of an outer vascular coat, prolonged from the cutis, and of an epidermoid lining, continuous with the cuticle ; the spiral portion is composed of the latter only. Two coiled tubes may unite into one duct. When a sweat gland is destroyed, it is not reproduced. In some situations, the sweat glands are of large size, as in the axillas, where they measure nearly two lines in diameter, are of a darker red colour, are composed of branched tubes, and secrete a thick, exceed- ingly acrid, and odorous fluid. In the palms and soles, the openings of the sweat glands, the so-called pores of the skin, are tbund on the papillary ridges ; in other parts, they are scattered over the surface. They are most numerous on the palm of the hand, where 2,800 orifices are found on a square inch ; they are fewest on the back of the neck and trunk. Non-striated muscular fibres, arranged longitudinally, exist in the vascular coat ol'the ducts of the larger sweat glands (Kolliker). The perspiration, or sweat, which is e.xcreted by the sudori- fei'ous or sudatory glands, is not the only water}^ exhalation from the skin ; for water is undoubtedly e.xhaled from the in- THE PERSPIRATION. 397 tegument generally, as well as from the sweat glands. The perspiration is said to be insensible, when no visible moisture is discernible on the skin, and sensible, when it is so discernible ; but there is no real difference between them; in the former case, the fluid part evaporates as fast as it exudes from the orifices of the sweat glands, whilst, in the latter, it remains for a moment or so, in minute transparent colourless drops. The sweat usually contains about 97 ’5 of water and 2 5 of solid matter, but sometimes less than 1 per cent, of the latter. The organic constituents are little more than half of this, and are composed chiefly of fat, which is probably almost entirely derived from an admixture of the secretion of the sebaceous glands ; but the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, are more or less greasy, although no sebaceous follicles exist in that part of the skin. Besides this, the organic matters of the perspiration, contain an albuminoid substance, the nature of which is unknown, and acids, which give it an acid reaction, by some supposed to be lactic acid, but now usually- regarded as a mixture of a peculiar nitrogenous acid, named sudoric, with the volatile acetic, metacetonic, formic, and butyric acids, together with the fatty caprylic and caproic acids. Some of these acids are combined with alkalies. Al- most one-fourth of the solid matter, is urea, the total daily quantity having been estimated at about 150 grains, which would yield about seventy grains of nitrogen. This urea is easily decomposed, and gives rise to amnioniacal salts, such as were described by Berzelius, for no ammonia is found in per- fectly fresh perspiration. The inorganic matters are chiefly com- mon salt and chloride of potassium, phosphate of soda, and traces of earthy phosphates, and iron. On burning the total solids, some sulphates are formed, indicating the presence of sulphur in some combination, probably with the organic matter. A certain quantity of epidermic cells and extraneous substances, also occur in the residue. The odour of the perspiration, depends partly on the volatile acetic, formic, and various fatty acids, but also perhaps on special, but unknown, volatile odorous substances. Some of the odour may be due to decomposing urea. In certain diseases, in which the excretion from the kidneys is seriou.sly diminished, or altogether suppressed, as in Bright’s disease and cholera, when the urea and uric acid are retained in the blood, large quantities are frequently ex- creted by the skin, probably chiefly by the .sudoriferous glands. Besides the above-named substances, alcohol in small quantity. 398 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. .sugar, albumen, biliary matters, and other substances, have been found in the perspiration. The uses of the perspiration are two-fold ; first, to get rid of a certain quantity of water from the system ; and secondly, to eliminate from the body, certain special products of chemical metamorphosis. Many attempts have been made to determine the average quantity of fluid exhaled by the skin, under ordinary circum- stances, in twenty-four hours, and the variable quantities which are given off under different conditions. In the earlier experiments, the losses, by exhalation both from the skin and tlie lungs, were confounded, the body being weighed together with the food and drink taken in twenty-four hours ; at the end of that time, the weight of the body was again taken, and also that of the intestinal and renal excreta ; the difference in these two totals, gave, for the amount of cutaneous and pul- monary exhalation together, -f of the total loss of weight of the body (Santorini). By enveloping the body in an im- permeable oil-silk bag, so as to condense and retain the water of the cutaneous exhalation, it was found that, in an adult, about 30 oz. are daily exhaled by the skin, whilst at the same time, 15 oz. are given off by the lungs, making a total daily loss, by both skin and lungs, of 45 oz. (Seguin). The total loss has, however, been estimated at 454 oz. in the autumn, 44 oz. in summer, and 37 oz. in spring, in a person under the average size (Dr. Dalton). Other estimates give an average total loss of 57 oz., 51 oz. in the winter, and 63 oz. in the summer. The quantity of perspiration exhaled by different parts of the body, differs widely. Its general quantity is influenced both by intrinsic and extrinsic conditions ; thus it is augmented by increased vascularity of the skin, by a higher temperature of the body, by a quicker circulation, and therefore by exercise and effort generally. Perspiration may also be induced by additions to the clothing or covering of the body, and likewise by breathing in a confined space; it is also increased by peculiar conditions of the nervous system, as by certain de- pressing emotions, and syncope, all of which tend to relax the skin and its bloodvessels. It is, on the other hand, diminished or almost entirely arrested, in febrile conditions and certain forms of excitement, and, it is said, also by the use of coffee. It is increased by taking food generally, but more particularly after dinner. The secretion is stated to be most active about I QUANTITY OF THE PERSPIEATION. 399 noon, and least so in early morning. It is also augmented during sleep. Of the external conditions which modify the quantity of the perspiration, by far the most important are the tempera- ture and hygrometric condition of the atmosphere. Thus in warm air, which increases the activity of the cutaneous circu- lation, the perspiration is increased, whilst cold air has the opposite effect ; again, dry air increases the perspiration, whilst damp air diminishes it. Simple warmth acts by in- creasing the vascular action through the skin ; whilst dry- ness operates by maintaining a constant evaporation from the cutaneous surface ; on the other hand, cold diminishes the vascrdarity of the. skin, and dampness of the air impedes evaporation. The combination of moisture with heat, how- ever, increases the exhalation by the skin, which then appears in large drops. Motion in the air, whether warm or cold, dry or moist, increases the relative amount of perspiration, by carrying it off more quickly. The perspiration is said to be diminished by increased atmospheric pressure. This ex- cretion is also augmented by large quantities of drinks, especially when taken warm ; by so-caUed sudorific medi- cines, such as nitre, Dover’s powder, and vinegar ; by elec- tricity ; and also by hot baths, whether water-baths, vapour- baths, or hot-air baths, especially when, as in the Turkish and Roman baths, friction and shampooing are superadded. Certain curious local sweatings have been noticed, affect- ing the head alone, or the feet and hands, or even one side of the face only, phenomena which probably are due to some loss of poM'er in the vasi-motor nerves of the arteries of those parts, giving rise to dilatation of the vessels, increased vascularity, and increased secretion. Suppression of the cutaneous exha- lation and excretion, is more or less dangerous, causing either local internal congestion or inflammation, or general poison- ing of the blood and fever, from the retention of effete matters in the system. Hence the ill effects of sudden cold, or chill to the surface, especially after previous overheating of the body to the point of fatigue, and with the accumulation of effete substances of waste in it. The chief use of this copious ex- halation of water from the skin, as will be explained in the Section on Animal Heat, is that of regulating the temperature of the body, under variations of external temperature. The mutual balance between the respective quantities of the renal and cutaneous exhalations, under different jdiysical 400 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. conditions, chiefly those relating to the temperature and hygro- metric condition of the air, is shown by the facts, that in cold weather the skin exhales less, and the kidneys excrete more fluid, whilst in warm weather the skin eliminates more and the kidneys less. The skin is sometimes said to regulate the quantity of fluid given off by the kidneys, and the quantity of fluid left, in reserve, in the blood and the soft tissues gene- rally ; but the kidneys should rather be regarded as the true regulators in this matter. The skin and also the lungs are ex- posed to external influences of temperature, and to the relative hygrometric state of the air, which must affect the quantity of their exhalations ; but the kidneys, being placed in uniform conditions, are sensitive self-acting regulators, operating through stimulation of the vasi-motor nerves, which govern the state of the arteries and vessels of the glomeruli, and de- termine the supply of blood. In certain conditions, moreover, the renal and cutaneous excretions, instead of being vicarious as to quantity, are simultaneously increased or diminished. The office of the perspiration, in removing effete matter from the blood, is, in the first place, evident, from the composition of its solid constituents, although these are comparatively scanty. Supposing 30 oz. of perspiration to be the daily quantity ex- creted, the amount of urea and of other peculiar solids thus eliminated, Avould be about ^ oz. ; whilst the daily quantity of solid urinary products amounts to from 2 oz. to 3^ oz. As an organ of excretion, however, the skin further elimi- nates carbonic acid gas. The skin, indeed, is to a slight extent, even in Man, a respiratory membrane, giving off carbonic acid, and actually absorbing oxygen. The quantity of carbonic acid gas exhaled by the comparatively dry cutaneous surface of the human body, is, of course, relatively to that given off by the lungs, very much less, and has been variously esti- mated at from ^ to -gig- (Scharling), at (Scharling and Hannover), and at -yws (Edward Smith), of that given off by the proper respiratory organs, the lungs. It is stated that in regard to the skin, a little more carbonic acid is given off thaujf oxygen is absorbed, which is the reverse of what happens in the lungs ; but the. estimation of the quantity of oxygen ab- sorbed, is extremely difficult. The same remark applies to the nitrogen, a minute trace of which is siiid also to be taken up by the skin. The activity of this cutaneous respiratory process, as it must be called, is considerably increased by exercise. The quantity of nitrogenous matter daily removed in RESniiATION. 401 the sliapo of desquamated epidermic cells, is said to bo about 11 grains. A partial interference with the excretor}'- function of the skin, causes headache, lassitude, and febrile reaction ; a more serious disturbance, by OA'er-exciting the kidneys, will bring on temporary albuminuria. The preceding facts sufficiently exjdain the high importance of cleanliness of the skin, for the preservation, not only of comfort, but of health. Daily ablutions by sponging, and the occasional use of the tepid bath, are of great efficacy in the maintenance of a pure condition of the blood. The Cutaneous Excretion in Animals. The sudoriferous glands of the higher Vertebrata, and the cutaneous glandular organs of the lower Vertebrate, and Kon-vertebrate animals, have been already described (vol. i. p. 473). When the skin of a rabbit is shaved, and the body subsequently coated over with varnish impenetrable to water and gases, death ensues from asphyxia in from six to twelve hours, a condition which has been named cutaneous asj>hyxia. The symptoms are depression, difficulty of breathing, lowering of the temperature, congestion of the tissues and organs with dark blood, and ultimate death. The arrest of cutaneous respiration may partly account for this form of death, with accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood ; but doubtless also, it depends on the shutting in of peculiar cutaneous products. The fatal result can scarcely be referred to the non-exhalation of water. In the soft-skinned Am- phibia, the entire cutaneous surface exhales carbonic acid, and absorbs oxygen ; in the frog, for example, after removal of the lungs, 4 cubic inch of carbonic acid gas has been excreted from the skin, in eight hours (Bischoff). This experiment is performed by putting the animal, after deprivation of its lungs, under a glass receiver filled with air, and 'placed over mercury ; the carbonic acid is absorbed by lime water, and so measured. The skin of the frog, w-hich is moist and full of capillary vessels, presents conditions favourable to the solution and diffusion of gases in contact with it, by a mechanism to be explained in the next Section. Probably nearly as mucli carbonic acid is eliminated by the frog, from its cutaneous surface, as from its comparatively simple lungs. In the soft-skinned, aquatic, Non-vertebrato animals, the integument is often an adjuvant, or the chief, or solo, respiratory surface, being for that purpose frequently ciliated. KESPIllATION. Tlie arterial blood in juissing tlirongli tlic systemic capil- laries, serves the ])Ui]ioses ot nutrition, slinuilation, secretion, and excretion, and the blood, :is it leaves tliose capillaries, VOL. II. P L> 402 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. is tainted by the products of venous absorption. In llie various changes Avhich it undergoes, the arterial blood both loses and acquires certain substances, and so becomes venous. Thus changed, it returns to the heart, and, being now con- veyed through the pulmonary capillaries, is there rapidly restored to its arterial condition. This conversion of venous into arterial blood, is the immediate object of ihe respiratory process. In it, oxygen is absorbed by the blood, whilst car- bonic acid, together with some Avatery vapour, is given off. The source of the oxygen is the atmosphere; the carbon of the carbonic acid is derived from the blood and tissues, themselves supplied by the food. The chemical union of the oxygen with carbon, and also Avith hydrogen, in tlie system, maintains the movements and the temperature of the body, and is the source of its nervous poAver and electricity. The function respiration, therefore, has for its immediate effect, the purification of the blood, and for its ultimate uses, the production of Animal Heat, Motion, and Nervous Energy. In plants, as elsewhere mentioned, the respirator}' process is re- versed. Under the action of light, the carbonic acid and water taken Aip, partly by the leaves, but chiefly by the roots, are decomposed in the leaves; the oxygen is liberated, Avhilst the carbon and hydrogen, with the hydrogen and nitrogen from ammonia, together with sulphur and phosphorus, combine to form the proximate constituents necessary for the food and fuel, which nourish animals, and support their respinitory and other vital processes. We have just seen that the .skin is the seat of a feeble respiratory process, consisting of an interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid. A small amount of oxygen may also be ;ib- sorbed, and of carbonic gas exhaled, at the mucous surfaces of the stomach and intestines ; for atmospheric ;iir is SAvalloAved, mixed Avith the saliva and food, and dissolved in the drink. But in animals generally, excejAting in the very lowest, special respiratory organs, often consi.sting of a very comj)licated ap- paratus, are pi-esent. The respiration of animals is performed, sometimes in air and sometimes in Avater, the former being termed uih-ial, and the latter aquatic, respiration. The IMammalia, including Man, all Birds, Reptiles, and Amphibia, amongst the "Verte- brata, the Pulmo-gasteroj)ods belonging to the Mollusca, and the Insecta, Arachnida, and jMyriapoda amongst the Annulosii, are aerial breathers, and are pia)A'ided either Avith comjilex holloAv organs named lungs, Avith simpler air sacs, or else Avith PHENOMENA OF RESPIKATION. 403 minute air- tubes, or trachea;, all these organs communicating directly with the atmosphere. A certain numl^er of the Amphibia, all the Fishes, the Mollusca generally, except the puhnonated Gasteropods, all the Molluscoida, the Crustacea amongst the Annulosa, and all the Annuloida, Coelenterata, and Protozoa are aquatic breathers, and are provided either with projecting organs named branchke or giUs, sometimes external, but more commonly concealed, orwdth internal ciliated sacs or canals, or with external ciliated processes, discs, or sxirfaces, always in contact with ivuter. In aerial respiration, the source of the oxygen taken into the body, is the atmosphere, into which the ctirbonic acid is given off. In aquatic respiration, although the breathing is subaqueous, so that the oxygen is taken up Ifom, and the carbonic acid given off into, the water, still the ultimate source of the oxygen, is the atmospheric air dissolved in that medium. The solvent power of water for air, is very great, and owing to the greater solubility of oxygen than of nitrogen in water, the air held in solution in this Iluid, contains an unusual pro- portion of oxygen. The gr(;at importance of the function of respiration to animal life, is shown by the fact that its interruption, by me- chanical or chemical interlereiice with the respiratory organs, is speedily followed by death. Air-breathing animals are (piickly suffocated by strangulation, by immersion in water, by placing them under the receiver of an air-pump and then exhausting it, by giving them only a limited supply of air, or by making them breathe gases not containing free oxygen. Aquatic breathers are as quickly destroyed, if the fluid by which t'ley are surrounded, has been deprived of air by boiling, or by placing it under the receiver of an air-pump, and then e.vhausting it. In studying the respiration of Man, and the Mammalia generally, we have to consider the structure of the organs of respiration, i.e. of the thora.x and its muscles, the air-passages, and the lungs ; the mechanism of re.spiration, or the respiratory movements by which air is alternately drawn into, and expelled Irom, the body ; the movement of the air in respiration, and the capacity of the lungs; the changes which the air undergoes during resjiiration ; the changes produced by this process upon the blood and the tissues; the circumstances which modify the rc.spiratory interchanges, including the phenomena of asphyxia, and the effects of breathing b;id air; and lastly, the 1)D 2 404 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. organs and functions of respiration in animals. Afterwards it Avill be necessary to consider the phenomena of Animal Heat, Light, and Electricity ; and to discuss, in a separate Section, the interesting questions relating to the Dynamics of the Animal Economy. THE ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. The Thorax. The thorax (vol. i. p. 27 ; figs. 10, 13, 14) is an osseo- cartilatrinous framework filled in with soft tissues, which contains and protects the central organs of respiration and circulation. It corresponds with the dorsal region ol' the spine. In front, it is formed by the sternum and the cartilages and anterior parts of the ribs; behind, by the dorsal vertebrie and posterior portions of the ribs ; and, at the sides, by the re- mainder of the ribs. Between these solid parts, are the inter- costal muscles, which are overlaid, in parts, by other muscles. The cavity of the thorax is conical, being naiTow above and broad below. Its upper opening, enclosed between the first dorsal vertebra, the first ribs, and the top of the sternum, is Avider transA'^ersely than from front to back ; its plane inclines doAvnwards and forwards. The lower opening, hounded by the ensiform cartilage, the last dorsal A'-ertebra, and the loAver ribs or their cartilages, is much larger than the upper one. It is also Avider fi’om side to side than from front to back, but its plane inclines doAvnAvards and liackAA’-ards, so that the thoracic caAuty is much deeper behind than in front. The upper opening transmits — besides certain muscles of the neck, the large bloodvessels of the head and upper limbs, numerous nerves and lymphatics, the thoracic duct, and the oesophagus — the princqAal air-tube, the trachea, or Avindpipe, Avhich leads to the lungs ; the summits of the tAS'o lungs, ascend beyond this opening. The loAver opening is closed by the mus- cuio-tendinous, movable structure, named the diaphraam, -which is itself arched, and reaches higher up on the right side ; this o])ening transmits the oesophagus, the great vessels, the thoracic duct, and the vagi and certain sympathetic nerves. The Air Passages. The nose, pharynx, and larynx haA’e already been described. The trachea, or Avindpipe, placed in the middle line, descends THE AIR PASSAGES. 405 from the larynx, on a level with the fifth cervical vertebra, to opposite the third dorsal vertebra, where it divides into two smaller air-tubes, named the bronchi, one for each lung. The trachea (fig. 110, l) is about 4^ inches in length, and from ^ to 1 inch in width ; it is wider in the male than in the female. Its anterior surface and sides are convex ; its posterior surface is flattened. It is overlapped at its upper part, in front and at the sides, by the isthmus and lobes of the thyroid body ; it Fig. 110. Air-tubes of the human lungs, dissected out, and seen from the front. 1, trachea or windpipe. 2, the right and left bronchi, the right being the wider, the left the longer of the two. 3, outline of the left lung collapsed. 4, bronchia, or bronchial tubes in the lung, cut short. a. transverse section of a portion of the trachea, showing the incomplete C-shaped rings, with the Hat membranous part behind. is also covered by certain muscles and vessels of the neck, and is concealed, lower down, by the upper part of the sternum and by the remains of the thymus gland. In the thorax, the large bloodvessels are in front of it, but in the neck, it is placed between them. Behind, its flattened surface rests on the oesophagus, by which it is separated from the spinal column. Its lower thoracic portion is placed in the space known as the posterior mediastinum, situated between the lungs. 40G SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGT. The trachea is composed of from sixteen to twenty indepen- dent, transverse, incomplete hoops or rings of cartilage, held together by an intermediate tibrons coat, within which are mnsciilar and elastic fibres and a mucous lining membrane. The cartilages are flattened bands, incomplete behind, each being shaped like the letter C (fig. JIO, 5), with its open part turned backwards. The first cartilage, which is suspended to the cricoid cartilage of the larynx, is the broadest ; the last cartilage is V-shaped. The fibrous coat not only connects the cartilages together, but covers both their outer and inner sur- faces; behind, where the cartilages are absent, this membrane is continuous. An external laj’cr of longitudinal unstriped muscular fibres, is found connected with the fibrous membrane and Avith the cartilages; Avhilstan inner transverse set extends between the ends of the cartilages. Bundles of elastic fibres are placed immediately beneath the mucous membrane ; at the posterior flat membranous part of the tube, they are seen as jmllow longitudinal bmids. The mucous membrane, con- tinuous with that of the larynx and bronchi, has a columnar cilitated epithelium. Numerous tracheal mucous glands are found embedded in the Avails of the tube, e.«pecially at its back part. Its nerves are derived from the pneumo-gastrics and the .sympathetic. The right hronchua measures about 1 inch in length; it is Avider, and has a more horizontal direction, than the left bronchus ; it enters the root of the right lung, opposite the fourth dor.sal vertebra. The left hronchus is about t\A'ice as long as the right one ; it is, hoAvever, narroAver, and passes obliquely doAvnAvard beneath the arch of the aorta, and in front of the (Esophagus, thoracic duct and descending aorta, to enter the root of the left lung, opposite the fifth dorsal A'ertebra. The structure of the bronchi is similar to that of the trachea: in front and at the sides, they are conve.x, and strengthened Avith incomplete hoops of cartilage, but behind, they are flat, membranous, and muscular. The cartilages are narroAver and shorter than those of the trachea ; in the right bronchus, there are from six to eight, and in the left, from nine to tAA'elve. The Lungs. The lungs, fig. 13, I, I, are tAA’oin number, and occupjq co7n- pletelg and accurateh/, the lateral oi" pleural chambers of the thorax, one on each side of the pericardium and heart, h. Each THE LUNGS. 407 lung is tree in all directions, except at a part of its inner surtiice, which is connected, by means of the bronchi and the pulmonary arteries and veins, ■with the trachea and the heart, tig. 111. The lungs are porous, spongy organs, thetis.sue of which is so elastic, that, although they till the closed pleural chambers, they collapse more or less, when the thorax is laid open. If scpieezed, they give rise to a peculiar sensation called crepitation, owing to the air which is contained in them. Their size and weight present great variations, depending on their state of inflation, and the cpiantity of blood in their ves.sels, or of serum in their tissue. The average -weight of the two lungs togedier, is, how- ever, abotrt 42 ounces, the right lung being about 2 ounces heavier than the left; they are larger in the male than in the lemale ; they are moreover heavier, their proportion to the body being as 1 to 37 in the former, and as 1 to 43 in the latter. Otving to the air in the lungs, they float entirely, or even in portions, in water; the speciflc gravity of their sub- stance, ranges from 345 to 746, water being 1,000. The coto/r of the lungs, varies at different periods of life ; in the newly born infant, they are of a pinkish white ; in the adult, they are darker, and become mottled Avith deep slate-coloured spots, patches, or lines, which increase in number and assume a deeper line, as life advances, becoming, in some individuals, even black. The surface of each lung, is invested by a thin, smooth, trans- parent, elastic serous membrane, named xhe jiJeitra, Avhich passes into certain fissures upon the surface of the lungs ; at the root of the bangs, it is reflected upon the inner surface of the corre- sponding pleural chamber of the thorax, the whole of which it line.s, forming a closed sac (.see vol. i. p. 27). The parietal portion of this itiembrane, ptirtly lines the sides of the thorax, where it forms the costal pleura-, but, in the middle line, it covers a portion of the pericardium and other parts, and touches the o])posite ]ileura ; above, it closes in the upper opening of the thorax, reaching higher than the fir.st ril) ; below, it lines the diaphragm. A triangular du])licaturc, forming the broad ligament of tlie lung, passes down from the root of the lung to the diaphriigm, and .serves to retain the lower portion of the btng in position. The free and moist surfitces of the l)ariebd and pidmonary portions of the pleura, touch each other. If serous fluid, blood, pus, or air should collect betAveen them, the cavH'/ of the pleiini becomes evident, and the diseases 408 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, known as liydrothorax, hemothorax, empyema, or pneu- mothorax are developed. The right and left pleure are quite distinct from each other. The place Avhere they come into contact, is just above the middle of the sternum ; here they are connected together by areolar ti.ssue, but in other parts of the middle line, they are separated from each other by an interval, called the mediastinum, in Avhich all the parts con- tained in the thorax, except the lungs, are lodged. The right pleural chamber is shorter and wider than the left. Each lung, as well as the pleural chamber into which it accurately tits, is of a conical shape, and presents an apex, a base, an outer and inner surface, and an anterior and po.sterior border. The apex is blunt, and projects into the neck, from an inch to nearly an inch and a half above the first rib. The base is broad and concave, and rests on the convexity of the dia- phragm ; its margin is thin, and passes between that muscle and the wall of the chest ; it reaches much lower down at the outer side and behind than it does in front. The outer surface, smooth and convex, is in contact with the walls of the thora.x, and is of greater depth behind, than in front. The inner sur- face is concave, being adapted to tlie pericardium and heart, behind which it presents a depres.sion, called the hilits, where the bronchi and pulmonary vessels forming the root of the lung, pass in and out. The anterior borders of the lungs are thin, and partly overlap the ])ericardium, that of the right lung reaching to the middle of the Avhole length of the ster- num, that of the left lung doing ,so only as low as the fourth costal cartilage. Above this point, the anterior borders of the two lungs, are merely separated from each other by their ])leural membranes ; but below it, the anterior border of the left lung forms, over the pericardium and apex of the heart, a V-shaped notch, the base of Avhich is turned to the middle line (fig. 13j. The posterior border of each lung, much longer than the anterior, is broad and rounded, and occupies the deep groove on either side of the vertebral column, reaching below, between the ribs and the diaphragm. Each lung is divided, by a deep fissure, into an upper and lower lobe. This princijial Jissnre extends from the jiosterior border of the lung near the ape.x, obliquely downwards and forwards, to the anterior border near the base. The upper lobe, on each .side, is smaller than the lower one, and resembles a cone having an oblique btise ; the lower lobe has a some- what quadrilateral .shape. The upper lobe of the right lung. LOBULES OF THE LUXGS. 409 is subdivided by :i second fissure, wliich, passing forwards and upwards from the oblique fissure to the anterior border, cuts off a sniallei’ triangular lobe, named the' middle or third lobe of that lung. A rudimentary third lobe is sometimes present in tlie left lung. In the right lung, there are sometimes four lobes. 'J'he right lung is about an inch shorter than the left, and the concavity of its base is more jwonounced ; this cor- responds with the higher position, and greater convexity of the right half of the diaphragm, over the right lobe of the liver. The right lung is also wider than the left, the breadth of the latter being diminished by the projection of the heart into the left half of the thorax. The root of each lung, which is found on the inner surface somewhat above the middle, and much nearer the posterior than the anterior border, contains, as already stated, the bronchus, the pulmonary artery, and the two pulmonary veins ; it also includes the nutrient vessels or bronchial arteries and vein.s, lymphatics and lymphatic glands, nerves, and areolar tissue, all being surrounded by a tubular rellection of the pleura. In the root of the lung, the pulmonary artery is ])laced behind the pulmonary veins, but in front of the bron- chus, bronchial vessels, and lymphatic glands. The relative position of the bronchus and artery from above downwards, differs on the two sides; on the right side, the bronchus lies above the artery; but on the left side, the bronchus (fig. Ill, 4), descending lower, to pass beneath the aortic arch, is placed below the artery, 6. The pulmonary veins, 7, 8, on both sides, are situated below the other structures. The air tube, bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves found in the root of the lung, enter it, and, dividing and subdividing, penetrate not only its lobes, but reach certain much smaller por- tions of the lung substance, named the lobules. These lobules, which constitute the proper pulmoiian/ substance, or parenchij- ma, are small compressed ma.sses, which might be regarded as little independent lungs, or lunglets ; they fit accurately against each other; they vary in .shape and size, being, on the surface of the organ, large and ])yramidal, with their base directed outwards, whilst in the interior, they are small and of irregular polyhedral shape. Each lobule is composed of a terminal branch of an air-tube, surrounded by a clu.stor of air-c6lls com- municating with it; also of pulmonary and bronchial vessels, I lymphatics, and nerves, with a fine interstitial areolar tissue. 1 The lobules are supported on the terminal air-tubes, as if 011 410 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. stalks, but they are likewise held togeiher by the vessels, and by an interlobular areolar tissue, which attaches their sides together, and is itself connected with a general covering of areolar tissue, found upon the surface of the lung, beneath the pleura, named the subpleural or stibserous coat. Both the in- terlobular and subserous tissues, contain many elastic fibres. Fig. 111. 1 Fir', in. Baok view of the lungs and hea' t, with the air-tuhes and groat bloodvessels attached. 1, trachea or wiiulpipo. 2, 2, lungs; the left one part^' dissected, to show the bronchial tubes and the pulmonary arteries and veins branching in it. 3, heart. 4. left bronchus, entering at the root of the lung, beneath the arch of the aorta, which is seen cut across, fi, left pulmonary artery. 7. 8, lei t pulmonary veins, entering, 5, the left auricle; beneath the right pulmonary veins, is the inferior , vena cava, cut across. 9, back or under surface of the left ventricle of the heart. On entering the lung, each bronchus divides into an upper and lower branch, one for e;ich lobe; but, on the right side, the lower branch gives off a smaller one, which passes into the middle or third lobe of that lung. In.side the hmg, the bron- chi continue to subdivide, at obtuse angles, into smaller and smaller tubes, called brnncliuf, these never coalesce again, but continue separate, after the manner of the primary ducts of a AIR TDBES OF THE LUNGS. 411 gland, or of the branches of a tree. Tliese tubes generally divide dichotonionsly, or in twos, but sometimes three bronchia pro- ceed from a common trunk, or small lateral bronchia are given off. The finest bronchia, forming the lobular bronchial tubes, end in the lobules, as ■will presently be described. The com- bined sectional area of tlie smaller bronchia, is very much greater than that of the larger bronchia or the trachea. Within the lung, the bronchia are round, and not flattened posteriorly, like the ti'achea and its primary divisions in the root of the lung. Their constituent elements are similar to those of the trachea, but these are here much modified. Thus, the cartilages, instead of being aiTanged in regular transverse slips, assume the form of angular or polygonal plates of proportionate size, placed on all sides of the tubes. At the angles of bifur- cation of the tubes, spur-shaped pieces of cartilage iisually sup- port them ; minute flakes are found even in the smaller bronchia. But the cartilages are absent in bronchia, the diameter of which is less than a cjuarter of a line ; the walls of such tubes are entirely membranous. A fibrous coat and longitudinal elastic fibres, are present in all the tubes, down to the very smallest. The muscular fibres, of the unstriped kind, are no longer limited to the posterior portion of the tube, but, ar- ranged in circular bundles, form a layer external to the car- tilages; they extend to the smallest ramifications of the bronchia. The mucous membrane lining the bronchia, is thinner than that of the bronchi and trachea, with which it is continuous ; it is covered with a ciliated columnar epithelium. The walls of the bronchi and larger bronchia, are provided with mucous glands. The terminal bronchial offsets distributed to the lobules, or the lobular bronchial tubes, divide within the lobules, from four to nine times, according to the size of the lobule. The branches thus formed, become gradually smaller, being at length re- duced to diameter. They finally terminate in the so-called intercellular passages, or air sacs, which offer a marked contrast, both in form and structure, to the tubes; for instead of a cylindi-ical form, they appear like irregular passages, traversing the substance of the lobide at various angles, and communicating freely with each other; at the same time, they no longer present either longitu- dinal, elastic, or circular muscular fibres. Moreover, the diameter of the intercellular pass;iges, is somewhat greater than that of the fine.st bronchial tubes from which they proceed. 412 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and it increases a little at each division, whilst the tubes, in this respect, as already mentioned, diminish in size as they divide. Finally, the sides of the intercellular passages, at first smooth, like those of the lobular bronchial tubes, soon become recessed by numerous closely-set, sharply-defined, cup-shaped depressions ; these are the so-called air-vesicles or air-cells. An intercellular passage may, indeed, be re- garded as a space between the air-cells, which surround it on all sides. Fig. 112. Pig. 112. Magnified diagrammatic view of groups or clusters of air-cells, ' one being laid open. 1, small bronchial tube, dividing into others which iL '■ are membranous. 2, vesicular portion of lobule, with air-cells on its \ r surface. 3, the same, laid open, to show the recesses or air-cells in its j interior. ], I The air-cells or air-vcsicles (fig. 112, 2, 3), the ultimate re- * cesses to which the minutely subdivided air gains access, ‘ measure from Tj-g-jjth to ^Vth of an inch in diameter. They are smaller in the interior of the lungs, larger on the surface, and largest at the apices and thin edges of those orgau.s. They ^ are larger in the male than in the female, and gradually ’ increase in size .as life advances. Those cells whicli occupy i ** the central portion of a lobule, .appear like polyhedral alveoli, j separated from each other by delicate septa. By some, it is • THE AIR CELLS AND CAPILLARIES. •;i3 said that the sides of the cells are frequently perforated or deficient, so that neighbouring cells communicate with each other (Waters) ; but this is not universally admitted, at least as regards the hitman lung. The cells situated beneath the pleura, are four or six sided. No direct communication exists between the air-cells of adjacent lobules. The number of air cells in both lungs, has been calculated to be about 6,000,000. The walls of the air-cells, are thin and transparent, and are composed of areolar, mixed with fine elastic, tissue, lined by an exceedingly delicate mucous membrane, consisting of a thin transparent basement membrane, covered with a polygonal squamous non-ciliated epithelium. The pulmonary arteiies and veins are the functional, or respiratory, vessels of the lungs. The ]mlmonary arteries, Fig. 113. a Fifr. 11.3. Sirmll portion of tlie inner surface of the air-cells, with the caoil- iary network iujectrclj the pulmonary caiiillaries are seen to be wider than the meshes between them. unlike the systemic arteries, convey venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to tlie lungs. The trunk of the pulmonary artery, having passed obliquely upwards and to the left, for about '2 inches, reaches the concavity of the aortic arch, and there divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries ; each of these enters the corresponding lung, and divides into as many primary branches as there are lobes ; these branches ra])idly subdivide in company with the bronchia, and finally end in the 'jmlnionari/ capillaries. These last- named vessels, placed beneath the mucous membrane of the air- cells and intercellular ]>assagcs, form a delicate and close net- work composed of a single layer of small vessels, having exceed- ingly thin walls ; their width varies from to Toirirt'' of an inch ; that of the meshes between them, is much less ; at the 414 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. sides of adjoining cells, the capillury network is placed between their adjacent walls, so that it is acted on by tlie air on both sides. The venules which arise from the capillary network, quickly join to form larger trunks, which generally pursue a different route to that of the arteries ; they finally end in four pulmonary veins, two Ifora each lung, which convey the arterial- ised blood to the left auricle of the heart. The pulmonary veins are destitute of valves ; their capacity is said to be about equal to, or even less than, that of the juilmonary arteries. Within the lungs the pulmonary arteries are usually situated above the bronchial tubes, and the prdmonaiy veins below. The Ironchial arteries are the nutritive A^essels of the Inns: : thev are given off from the aorta, or from an intercostal artery, and are distributed to the Avails of the bronchia and pulmonary vessels, to the interlobular areolar tissue and other neighbour- ing parts ; they usually end in the bronchial veins, but the branches Avhich supply the smallest bronchia end in the pulmonary capillary network. The lymphatics are superficial and deep, and terminate in the bronchial glands at the root of the lung. The nerves are derived from the vagus and sympa- thetic; connected Avith the latter, are nmnerous minute ganglia (Kemak). Mechanism of Respiration. The respiratory movements are of two kinds — viz. those Avhich draAV air into the breathing organs, or the movements of inspiration, and those Avhich exjiel the air from those organ.s, or the movements of expiration. A complete respiration therefore consists of an inspiratory and an e.rpiratory act. Inspiration reejuires a greater effort than expiration. At the commencement of the indejtendent existence of air-breathing animals, the former act precedes the latter, the lungs being then filled, before air can be expired from them ; on the other ■ hand, the final respiratory act consists of an expiration, and to expire is synonymous Avith to die. Inspiration. — The thorax is a closed cavit3’, with movable Avails, the available space in Avhich, beyond that occupied by the heart and bloodvessel.s, ocsophagu.s, thoracic duct, lym- phatic glands and nerves, is accurately filled by the two lungs. The interior of these spongy organs, however, com- municates Avith the outward atmosphere through the nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and broiu-hial tubes, ilence any enlargement of the thoracic cavity, from expansion MECHANISJI OF I-NSriKATION. 415 of its Avails, is immediately accompanied by tlie entrance of air, tlirongh the air-passages just mentioned, into the interior of the Inngs, and by the inllation of those elastic organs, as they Ibllow the expanding Avails of the chest. In describing the inspiratory act, it is sometimes said that a virtual vacuvm is formed in the thorax, Avhich the air fills, by entering throngh the only pass;iges by Avhich it can reach its interior. But the vacuum in question, is only threatened or impending, none being really formed. The equilibrium betAveen the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the lungs, acting through the Avails of the thorax, and that on their interior, ojAerating through the open air-passages, being disturbed by the active expansion of the thoracic parietes through the agency of the inspiratory muscles, the air outers the air -passages simultaneously, in exact and instant correspondence Avith the amount of expansion, and the lungs as instantly become inflated, and folloAv the inner surface of the expanding thoracic Avails. In this inspiratory movement, the thorax is enlarged in each of its three dimensions : in depth from belbre backwards, in Avidth from side to side, and in length or height from above doAvnAvards (see fig. 11-1). The enlargement in depth, fioni the spine to the sternum, is accompli.shed by the eleAuition of the ribs, Avhich being movably articidated Avith the vertebral column behind, and continued on, by their cartilages, to the sternum in front, and having, moreover, an obli(jue direction from their posterior to near their anterior extremities, neces- sarily cause an elevation and jArojection fonvai-ds of the sternum, Avhen they are slightly lilted upon their posterior points of attachment, to a less oblique position. The jAoint of support or fulcrum ol'ciich rib, is the vertebral cohnnn; Avhilst the connection of the upper ten ribs in front, directly or indirectly, Avith the steiTUun, enables them to elevate and push fbnvard that bone, and thus, to incia.-ase the antero- posterior diiimeter of the chest. The enlargement of the tliora.x in width, is likewise accomjilished by the elevation of ' the curved and ol)lif[uely attached ribs ; for by such a move- ment, as may be illustrated on the skeleton, or on an apparatus consisting of jiicccs ol' hoops attached obliciuely to a common upright support, the ribs, in becoming more hoilzontal, are not merely lifted, but slightly rotated on their hinder attached extremities ; their sides are thus carried outward.s, their outer surfaces being turned .somewhat iqtAvard.s, iind their inner .stir- faces dowiiAvards. 'I'he totiil result, as it iill'ccts all the ribs. 41C SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY is to expand the thorax in its transverse diameter. Lastly, the increase in the vertical diameter or height of the thoiax, Fig. 114. Pig. 114. Diagrammatic view of an antero-posterii r section of the cavities of the thoiax and abdomen, 'with tlie diaphragm intervening, to show tlie ciianges in the position of this septnin, and of the walls of the chest and abdomen, in respiration; a, abdominal cavity; t, thorax ; t’, v, vertebral cohniin ; d, diaphragm. The dark lines show the position of the parts after inspiration, the dotted lines after expiration, s, section of the sacrum, and p, of the symphysis pnbi', forming the posterior and an- terior boundaries of the pelvic cavity, which communicates above with the abdomen. which, in its costal portion, is diminished by the antero- posterior and transverse expansion, is accomplished by the EXPANSION OE THE TIIOEAX. 417 action of the arched or vaulted diaphragm, fig. 14, d, which I'orms the base of the thorax. The central tendinous expan- sion, the diaphragm, is drawn down by the contraction of its circumferential muscular parts ; and this movement, named the descent of the diaphragm, causes an important elongation of tlie thoracic space. Of these three modes of enlargement of the thoracic cavity, its elongation from above downwards, by the descent of the diaphragm, is by tiir the most considerable. In ordinary re- spiration, it constitittes in men, and, it is said, particularly in children, the principal respiratory movement; but it is ac- companied-by a slight lifting of the walls of the thorax, in front, at the sides, and especially at the lower part of the chest. When the diaphragm thus de.sceuds, the abdominal viscera do so like- wise, and the abdominal walls, their muscles probably relaxing, become prominent ; whilst in expiration, when, as may be supposed, the diaphragm ascends, the abdominal viscera are carried upwards, and the abdominal walls, slightly reacting, fall in. Hence, respiration performed, chiefly or entirely, by means of the diaphragm, is termed abdominal, diaphragmatic, or inferior costa I respiration; it is the typical form of respiration in the male and in children. When breathing is mainly per- formed by the movements of the ribs, it is termed pectoral or superior costal respiration, and this is the characteristic form of breathing in the female, a fact which has been, by some, attributed to the habitual use of stays, but which may be a provision against the occasional impediment to abdominal re- spiration, which occurs in that sex. Over-distension of the abdomen, from any cause, as fiom gaseous or solid accumula- tions in the large intestine, tumours, or dropsical effusions, hinders abdominal re.spiration, the embarrassment to which is shown by the special efforts made to perlbrm costal respiration. If the diaphragm contracted by itself, it woidd not only draw down its own tendinous vaidt, but would also pull the lower ribs downwards and backwards towards the vertebral column, and so diminish the lateral and antero-posterior dimensions of the lower part of the chest; but, in ordinary, and in deep in- spiration, this tendency is counteracted by a proper adjust- ment of the force which raises the ribs. The elevation of the ribs in inspiration, is accomplished, in ordinary breathing, by the coojjcration of a number of small muscles placed dee])ly between, and upon the ribs. First, more especially concerned, are the external intercostal muscles. These VOL. II. E E 418 SPECIAL PIITSIOI.OGY. occujiy the interspaces between all the ribs, extending, in each intercostal space, from close to the vertebral column to the neighbourhood of the costal cartilages ; their fibres pass down- wards and fonvards, fi-om one rib to another (see fig. 4). It was at one time supposed that these muscles, being placed be- tween adjacent rib.s, could not elevate tho.se bones, unless the uppermost rib was first fixed, but that then each intercostal muscle could raise the rib below it. It has been shown, how- ever, by observations on living animals, that the action of these muscles in elevating the ribs, does not require the previous fixing of the first rib. The mechanical principle on which this apparently singular re.sult depends, may be illustrated by a simple apparatus, consisting of an upright support of Avood, to which two bars are so attached at one end, by means of pins, as to be capable of being elevated or depressed; the bars them- selves being held horizontall}q a piece of Amlcanised india-rubber is fixed tensely, and obliquely downwards and forAvards from the upright support, betAveen the bars — i.e. in the sjime direc- tion as the fibres of the external intercostal muscles. When, now, the bars are drawn doAvn, the india-rubber is stretched, and on being left fi-ee to act, immediately eleA^ates both bars again, and supports them even in an oblique direction upAvards. 'The explanation of this result is as folloAvs: — the elastic force tends to approximate the ends of the piece of vidcanised india- rubber ; this can only be accomplished by such a motion of the movable bars as Avill bring the points, to Avhich the ends of the india-rubber are fixed, as near together, i.e. as nearly vertical to each other, as possible ; and this results in the joint elevation of both bars. In the living body, the A'ertebral column represents the upright support, and the rilis the bars ; but the eftect is here modified by the someAA'hat fixed con- dition of the cartilages of the ribs to the .sternum, Avhich bone is, accordingly, moAmd upwards and forAA’ards. Secondly, there are found at the back ol‘ the chest, near the spine, and descending fi’om the several dorsal vertebr® to the subjacent ribs, muscles knoAvn as the long and short levators of the ribs. These not only assist in eleAmting Uie hinder parts of the ribs, but also slightly rotate them, so as to CA^ert their lower borders. This slight rotation of the ribs, Avhich acconqianies their ele- vation, inci’eases the diameter of the chest, and also AA'idens each intercostal space along the sides of the thorax, AA’here the ribs are more movable than at their anterior and posterior extremities. The elasticity of the costal cartilages, is highly DEEP INSPIKATION. 419 iavourable to this elevation and rotation of the ribs, rendering both movements easier of execution, than if the costal frame- work were entirely composed of bone. Thirdly^ besides the simpler action of the levators of the ribs, and the more com- plex movements of the external intercostals, it is certain that a portion of the so-called internal intercostals may, as will again be mentioned, also aid in elevating these bones and the sternum. In deep inspiration, many more muscles come into play than in ordinary breathing. Thus, the anterior and posterior scaleni muscles, which descend, on each side, from the cervical vertebrte to the first and second ribs, aid powerfully in eleva- ting those ribs, and, through them, perhaps all the others. The posterior superior serrati muscles, situated deeply, one on each side of the back of the chest, must also raise certain of the ribs. The cervicales ascendentes muscles will have a similar action. If the scapula, or shoulder bone, and the clavicle, or collar bone, are previously fixed by the muscles which descend to them from the head and neck, viz. by the trapezius (fig. 5, 2), sterno-mastoid, levator of the angle of the scapula, and greater and lesser rhomboid muscles on either side, then a very large and important muscle, the great serratus (fig. 4, 5), which passes from the base of each scapula, over the sides of the chest, to the eight upper ribs, must also assist powerfully in ex- panding the chest, by raising and drawing the ribs outwards. So, likewise, in front of the thorax, the subclavius muscle, which passes from the collar-bone to the first rib, and the lesser pectoral muscle, which descends from the scapula to the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, on each side, will then serve to elevate the ribs. In still more forced inspiration, when even the arms are fixed, by holding on to some external object of sup- port, the great pectoral muscles in front (fig. 4, 2), and the latissivii dorsi behind (fig. 5, 3), both of which, besides other attachments, are connected, on the one hand, with the humerus, and, on the other, with certain of the ribs, may then cooperate in tlie elevation and outward rotation of these latter bones, and thus assist in inspiration. All the muscles just mentioned, are named auxiliary muscles of inspiration ; but a few of them only, those first described, are ordinarily employed in deep inspiration. In very extreme cases, however, nearly every muscle of the body may assist in inspiration, by fixing certain parts, and thus affording more efficient points of action to the proper respiratory muscles. li £ 2 420 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The chief work performed in the act of inspiration, consists in overcoming the elastic resistance of the costal cartilages, and lifting the weight of the ribs. The lungs themselves are pas- sive, or rather their elasticity has to be overcome. These organs, becoming inflated in every direction from their roots, as they follow the thoracic walls, are necessarily enlarged in all direc- tions, antero-posteriorly, transversely, and vertically. The elastic fibres of the air-tubes, yield both in a longitudinal and a circular direction. The elastic walls of the air-cells, are ex- tended generally ; so also are the interlobular and subserous areolar tissue, and the pulmonary and costal pleurte. To faci- litate the ingress of air, the air-passages, from the nose and mouth down to the interior of the lungs, are supported either by bones or cartilages, as, for example, by the cartilaginous alee of the nostrils, the bones of the nasal cavities, the car- tilages of the larynx, the incomplete cartilaginous hoops of the trachea and primary bi'onchi, and lastly, by the less regular, but well-adapted plates of cartilage of the secondary bronchi and the bronchia. As especially fitted to maintain the pervi- ousness of the bronchia, the cartilaginous spurs placed at the angles of bifurcation of those tubes, deserve particular men- tion. Through simple, membranous tubes, however firm, the free and instant entrance of the air necessary to proper inspira- tion, would have been impracticable ; and, moreover, such tubes would have quickly collapsed during expiration. At the larynx, the narrow triangular glottis has musculo-membrauous margins ; but the state of this aperture, is regulated by the nervous system, which exercises a special control over it, and though it may be voluntarily or involuntarily closed, it is habitually open. Mechanical obstructions in any part of the air-passages, by excluding the air, may prove fatal. The forcible closure of the mouth and nose for criminal purposes, the wilful filling of the fauces with a handkerchief or cloth, the compression of the windpipe, the accidental impaction of pieces of food or of some foreign body in the glottis, closure of this aperture from spasm, or from swelling of the surrounding mucous membrane, a condition known as oedema of the glottis, the lodgment of masses of food, too large to be swallowed, in the oesophagus, and, lastly, the introduction of fluid in any quantity, as in drowning, operate in this Avay. When the thoracic Avails are so injured, that an opening exists through them ijito the pleural chamber, their expansion MKCIIANISM OF EXPIRATION. 421 is no longer followed by the proper inflation of the lungs ; but the air passing in through the artificial opening, to supply the threatened Auacuura, the lung is subjected to equal atmospheric pressure both on its pleural surface and within its air- passages and air-cells, and owing to the elasticity of its component struc- tures, it collapses to a greater or less extent. If the opening be oblique or valved, as in certain punctured or gunshot womids, some air may still enter the lung by the trachea. As the two pleurre form distinct chambers, when one only is punctured, the corresponding lung alone becomes collapsed, and though respiration is embarrassed, death does not necessarily ensue. If, however, both pleuraj are simultaneously wounded, both lungs collapse, and death follows from asphyxia or suffocation. Expiration. — The movement by which the air, having entered the lungs by an inspiratory effort, is again driven from them, is more passive in its character than that of in- spiration, depending less upon muscular action, but more on the relaxation of the inspiratory muscles and on the elastic resilience of the organs and tissues concerned. As the muscles of inspiration cease to act, the tendinous part of the diaphragm, the chief of those muscles, ascends into the thorax, followed by the abdominal viscera, Avhich are supported in their upward movement by the cooperation of the mu.scles of the abdominal walls. At the same time, the ribs, and the sternum, which were elevated, descend, and fall back, whilst the effects of the rotation of the ribs, are counter- acted by the elastic recoil of the costal cartilages. Lastly, the elasticity of the limgs themselves, plays a most important part, acting like an extended spring let loose, and serving to expel the air from the air- tubes and air-cells. The longitudinal and circular fibres of the bronchi and bronchia, shorten and narrow those tubes ; the elastic walls of the air-cells, diminish their size, and the interlobular, and especially the subpleural elastic tissues, aid powerfully in compressing every portion of the lung. The importance of the elasticity of the component structures of the lungs, as an exjjiratory force, is shown by an experi- ment, which also illustrates the mode in which a lung expands by the removal of atmospheric pressure from its outer surface, and by the concurrent entrance of air, under its ordinary pres- sure, into the Vjronchial tubes. A bell-shaped glass jar, hav- ing a wide mouth below, and a strong open neck at its upper end, has the latter opening fitted with a peribi'ated cork tightly 1 ■122 SPECIAL PirrSIOLOGT. cemented in. The lower end of a glass-tube, about ^ inch wide and 1 foot long, is closely secured into the bronchus of a sheep’s lung ; the upper end of this tube is then pas-sed up into the bell-shaped glass jar, and pushed through the hole in the cork, until the lung is suspended high up in the jar ; the tube is then hermetically cemented to the orifice in the cork, its upper end being lelt free and open. A piece of moist- ened bladder, in the centre of which a stop-cock is closely tied, so as to project outwards, is now placed loosely over the mouth of the jar, and is tightly secured to its rim, by cord. When the apparatus is held upright, the glass-tube repre- sents the trachea, and the bell-shaped jar may be compared to the thorax, with this difference, however, that its sides are not movable, and are not in contact with the lung; lastly, the loosely extended moist sheet of bladder occupies the position of the diaphragm, the upward vaulted form of which may now be imitated, by opening the stop-cock in the centre of the bladder, thrusting this latter up into the bell-jar, and then closing the stop-cock. In this position, the bladder is supported by the atmospheric pressure, and the suspended lung is quiescent. On now pulling the stop-cock dotvnwards, the bladder descends, • imitating the descent of the diaphragm, the atmospheric pres- sure on the surface of the suspended lung is removed, and, in anticipation of the threatened vacuum, air enters through the glass tube into the interior of the lung, which, as may be seen through the jar, immediately becomes inflated. In this con- dition, the elastic tissues of the lung are put ttpon the stretch. But if the stop-cock be let go, the elastic resilience of this organ, causes the lung once more to contract, and the artificial diaphragm of moist bladder again ascends into the jar, until the atmospheric equilibrium inside and outside the lung, is re- established. The experiment may be repeated again and again, the accidental entrance of an excess of air between the sides of the jar and the surface of the lung, being remedied by open- ing the stop-cock, thrusting the bladder well up into the jar, and then closing it again. If desired, a manometer may be adapted, by a separate opening, to the top of the jar, so as to measure the expanding force used in distending the lung, as the bladder is drawn down. The two lungs of a dog, con- nected with the trachea, answer for this experiment as well as the sheep’s lung ; but the elasticity of the lung of the seal or the lion, is much greater. The clastic force of the human lung, has been calculated at 8 oz. per square inch of surlace, CONTUACTION OF TKE THORAX. 423 being equal to about 150 lbs. in the male, aud about 12-1 lbs. in the female (Hutchinson). It has been shown experimentally, that the conti-actility of the unstripecl muscular fibres of the air-tubes, is excited by electricity, as well as by chemical and mechanical stimuli; and it has been suggested that they may assist in expelling air from the lungs ; but the slow action of organic muscular fibres, renders it unlikely that they cooperate in movements so rapid as those of respiration ; it is more probable that they regulate the diameter of the air-tubes, and perhaps aid in expelling mucus, or other secretions, from the smaller tubes. The cilia, which exist throughout the air-tubes, from the entrance of the air-cells upwards beyond the larynx, not only as.sist in the diffu- sion of moisture over the interior of these tubes, but perhaps also in retaining particles of dust which abound in the air, and so preventing their reaching the air-cells, and likewise in im- pelling upwards towards the glottis, mucus and entangled particles of matter. The current produced by these cilia, always sets in the upward direction. Ordinary expiration is undoubtedly aided by certain proper expiratory muscles, especially by the internal intercostals. These muscles occupy only the anterior three-fourths of the intercostal spaces, being absent at the back part of the chest; they are placed inside the external iuterco.stals. Their fibres pass, in each space, from above, downwards and backiuards, or in the oppo.site direction to the fibres of the external intercostals. As already alluded to, the forepart of these muscles near the sternum, especially of the four or five upper ones, is said to assist in elevating the ribs in inspiration ; but, elsewhere, these muscles depress the ribs, invert their loAver edges, and diminish the Avidth of the intercostal spaces, thus acting as expiratory muscles, diminishing the capacity of the thorax both from before backAvards, and in Avidth. Within the internal intercostals are situated the infracostals, small muscular bundles, having the same direction as the internal intercostals, but reaching over tAVO or three spaces; they are also expira- tory muscles. The triancjulares sterni, small thin mu-scles, found on the internal surface of the sternum and cartilages of the true ribs, likeAvi.se cooperate in e.xpiration ; some main- tain, hoAvever, that a portion of these tniiscles is inspiratory. The auxiliar}! muscles of expiration, are the Aipper jiart of the serratns mac/nus, Avhen the .scapula is previously fixed ; the posterior inferior serrati, Avhich pass from certain dorsal and 424 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. luml:)ar vertebra upwards to the last four ribs ; the qnadrati lumborum muscles, which ascend from the pelvis and lumbar vertebras to the lower ribs; certain portions of the long muscles of the back, known as the erectores spinw, and, lastly, the abdominal muscles which are concerned in drawing the lower ribs downwards and inwards, such as the extei-nal and internal ohliqui, the transver sales, the recti, and pyramidales muscles. The abdominal muscles assist, even in ordinary expiration, by supporting or raising upwards and backwai'ds the abdominal viscera, when the relaxation of the diaphragm causes these to ascend. In extremely forcible expiration, as in powerful inspiration, all the muscles of the body may be brought into some action. It is remarkable that a single small muscle, the arytenoid (vol. i. p. 258), which closes the aperture of the glottis, may, by an act of the will, be made to counteract the poweriul efforts of tlie ordinary and auxiliary muscles of expiration. Under this condition, the walls of the thorax are rendered tense and firm, so as to form a solid base of support for the forcible use of the upper limbs. So also in voluntary or involuntary abdominal expulsive efforts, the chest is usually first filled by an inspiratory act, in which the diaphragm descends, and then, the glottis being closed, the diaphragm is fixed, and the abdominal and auxiliary expiratory muscles come into action, so as to compress the abdominal contents. The movements of inspiration and expiration which con- stitute a complete respiratory act, succeed each other alter- nately, from the moment of birth until that of death ; and this character of succession is named the rhythm of the respi- ratory acts. The number of complete respirations in a given time, varies according to many conditions. In the adult, the respirations vary from 14 to 18 per minute; in childhood, at about five years of age, they are said to be about 2G per minute; whilst at birth, they are as many as 40 to 50; in extreme age, the frequency of the respirations is again increased. Persons of small stature, breathe more quickly, but less deeply, than taller people. The resjhrations are less frequent, but deeper in the male, than in the female. The number of resjiirations is increased by exei’cise and work, by food, stimulants, and moderate cold, and at great altitudes ; whilst it is diminished in sleep, by moderate heat, by increased barometric pressure (see p. 220), by slaivation, and by depressing influences and agents generally. It is curious that if the attention be KESriRATDRT MOVEMENTS AND PAUSE. 425 directed to the breathing, the number of respiratory acts is usually diminished. In quick walking, the respirations may be 30 in a minute ; in running, 7 0 ; and in violent efforts, as many as 100 per minute. In sleep, the respira- tions are slow, because the interval between expiration and inspiration, is unusually prolonged. As elsewhere noticed, there is a certain ratio, in health, between the number of the respirations, and that of the beats of the heart, the proportion between them being in the adult, usually aboirt 1 to 4. In childhood, the respirations are relatively quicker, their proportion to the pulse, being from 1 to 3 or 3^. The ordinary ratio between the respirations and the pulse, is maintained in the daily and seasonal variations of the latter. But in certain diseases, it is seriously disturbed, and forms an important guide in medical practice ; thus in pneu- monia or inflammation of the lungs, the respirations are so quickened, through embarrassed function from congestion of the vessels, that the ratio may even be as 1 to 2. In hysteria, the respirations are also much increased in proportion to the pulse. In typhoid states, and in narcotic poisoning, the respirations become so slow, owing to some influence on the nervous centres, that their ratio to the pulse may be as 1 to 8. The whole period occupied by a complete respiration, is divisible into three stages — viz. an inspiratory and an expira- tory stage, followed by a pause, or stage of rest. According to some, there is also a pause between inspiration and expira- tion, but this can very seldom be recognised or measured. The total period of a respiration, being represented by 10, the in.spiratory movement occupies 5 parts, the expiratory 4, and the recognisable pause between this and the succeeding respiratory act, 1. The period of motion, to that of rest, is therefore as 9 to 1 (Walshe). According to Vierordt, the period of inspiration being equal to 10, that of expiration, to- gether with the pause, is, in deep respirations, 14; in quick breathings, 24. As he estimates the pause at one-fifth of the whole period, the numbers repre.senting the inspiration, the expiration, and the pause, would, in the former case, be 10, 9, and 5, and in the latter 10, 17, and 7. According to recent observations with the sphygmograph and kymogi'aphion, the whole re.spiration ])criod being 15, insj)iration occu])ics 4, expiration 2, and the pau.se 9 parts ; the ratio of the move- ment to the pause, is as 2 to 3 (Sanderson). In the disease 42G SPECIAL PniSIOLOGY. called emphysema, which consists in a dilatation of the air- cells, the periods of expiration and inspiration are equal, or the former is even longer than the latter. In cases of tuber- cidar deposit, the expiration is also prolonged. The force exercised by the inspiratory muscles in ordinary respiration, in an adult man, varies from about 1'5 inch to 4'5 inches of mercury ; but, in exceptional cases, it may rise to even 7 inches. This force increases more rapidly than the actual amount of expansion of the chest, for when, in the same body, 70, 90, 190, and 200 cubic inches of air were injected into the lungs, the pressure Avas found to be Iq 1'5, 3’25, and 4'5 inches of mercury. The expiratory force is, on an average, about one-third or one-fourth stronger than the inspiratory force, varying from 2’ to 5'8 inches of mercury, and rising even, in certain cases, to 10’ inches (Hutchinson). This is due to the cooperation of the elasticity of the lungs, and the resilience of the chest walls, with the muscular effort. The force of the inspiration, is, therefore, the severer test of the strength of the body. The expiratory power is said to be greater in men of 5 feet 7 or 5 feet 8 inches in height, than in those either above or below that stature. The entrance and escape of the air into, and out of, the air- tubes and air-cells, during inspiration and expiration, produce certain sounds named respiratory murmurs, Avhich may be heard by the ear placed on the chest or by aid of the stetho- scope. In health, the inspiratory and expiratory murmurs, named the bronchial or tubular sounds, which depend on the movement of the air through the air-tubes, are heard oA^er the site of the larger bronchia, between the scapulte, and over and near the upper part of the sternum. They are distinct and characterised by a .soft bloAving noise; those of inspiration and expiration, are of nearly equal duration. The vesicular respiratory murmurs, dependent upon the entrance and escape of the air in, and out of, the air-cells, are only faintly audible, like a gentle breezy noise ; the expiratory vesicular murmur is Aveaker, and three or four times shorter, than the inspira- tory murmur. The duration of the sounds, is altered by the same causes as those Avhich modify the length of the move- ments of inspiration and cxiAiration. Accumulations of mucus or other secretions in the air-tubes, pro- duce abnorniiil sounils, Avhicli are named rhovchi, or rules. These vary in character, according to tlio seat, quantity, and nature of the secreted matters. Thus, a fine crepitant rhouchus is produced by fluid exudation- RHYTHM OF RESPIRATION. 42’/ in the air-cells, in pneumonia; a sub-crepitant rhonclius arises from the bubbling of air through fluid in the smaller air-tubes ; a sonorous rhon- chus, with its snoring, rasping, and cooing varieties, depeni's on obstruc- tions in the larger air-tubes; a sibilant, or whistling, rhonchus is caused by mucous accumulations in the air-passages ; and, lastly, a cavernous rhonchus is produced in cavities, or caverns, in the lung, formed in the destructive stage of phthisis. Peculiar, harsh, rubbing, or grating noises, named friction sounds, frequently heard in inflammation of the pleura, are caused by the rubbing of rough exudations of lymph eifiised on the pulmonary or costal pleura. Again, the relative amount of air and tissue in ditferent parts of the thorax, causes differences in the sounds produced by percussion with the Angers, or otherwise, at different points of the thoracic surface. The percussion sound over the lungs, is more hollow, or, as it is termed, resonant, than over the heart, or great bloodvessels ; the ascent of the convex liver into the concave base of the right lung, the two being of course separated by the diaphragm, alters the percussion sound, by diminishing the resonance at the base of the right side of the chest. The chest is more resonant over the great bronchi, than at other parts of the lungs. The resonance is everywhere greater in thin persons. Various changes in the lungs, produce great alterations in the resonance of the corresponding parts of the chest ; congestions, thickenings, consolidations, accumulations of fluid as in hydro- or hsemo-thorax, or empyema, and the presence of tumours, cause dulness in the percussion sounds ; whilst an abnormal amount of air, either in dilated or ruptured air-cells, as in emphysema, or in the cavities excavated in the lung-substance, as in phthisis, or in the pleural chamber, as in pneumo-thorax, cause an increased degree of re- sonance on percussion. Lastly, the term vocal resonance is applied to the sound heard on the surface of the chest, whilst the person is speak- ing; it is also modified by various internal conditions. A vibration felt on the walls of the chest, during speaking, is called the vocal fre- mitus. The rhythmic movements of respiration, are governed by a special part of the nervous centres, cooperating with certain nerves. The rhythmic movements of the heart, not yet fully e.xplained, are performed by a muscular organ, itself entirely uninfluenced by the will. But the mitscles of respiration are 1 truly subject to the will. We can increase or dimini.sh the i rapidity and force of these movements, according to our plea- P sure ; we may imitate them, and can interrupt or arrest them at I any chosen point of the respiratory act. This latter power is, however, of limited duration. Very prolonged interruption 1 of the respiration, produces convulsions. But, even after a i period of from twenty to thirty seconds, there arises, when I the breath is held, a feeling so distressing, that it overcomes I the most powerful volition. This feeling, termed want of breath, at last irresistibly compels the resuinjition of the respi- ratory acts. Like other sensations, it has its seat in some 42S SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. portion of the grey substance of the nervous centres, and these being irritated, excite the motor nerves of the muscles of inspiration, which are then thrown into involuntary action. The ordinary respiratory movements are also involuntary ; they continue to be regularly performed during the pro- foundest sleep, in a state of coma, in deformed infants in which the cerebrum is deficient, and, for a time, even in ani- mals after the head has been removed. The respiratory movements are, indeed, the most striking examples of reflex movements in the body. Their nature has already been generally discussed (vol. i. p. 346). The afferent or excitor nerves of inspiration are the pulmonary branches of the pneumo-gastric and sympathetic nerves, which latter contain fibres derived from the spinal cord ; also the cutane- ous nerves of the face belonging to the fifth cranial pair, and the cutaneous nerves of the body generally. The nasal nerves and the laryngeal branches of the pneumo-gastric, excite expi- ratory movements, as in sneezing and coughing. The nervous centre which governs the respiratory movements, is a limited portion of the grey matter of the medulla oblongata opposite the roots of the pneumo-gastric nerves, as has been proved e.xperimentally (vol. i. p. 354-5). The so-called vital knot, at the back of the medulla, corresponds with the interval between the occipital bone and the arch of the axis ; in this space, an animal may be suddenly killed by introducing a sharp, strong knife, so as to pith it, or divide the medulla. The efferent or motor resjDiratory nerves are : the phrenic nerves, which supply the diaphragm ; the intercostal nerves, which supply, amongst others, the muscles of that name ; the lon(j thoracic, or so-called external respiratory nerves of Bell, which are distributed to the serrati muscles ; the spinal accessory nerves, which supply the trapezii muscles ; and the facial nerves. In extreme respiratory efforts, other motor nerves, are of course con- cerned. The reflected stimulus is conveyed to the roots of these nerves, along a particular tract of the spinal cord, situ- ated behind the anterior roots of the spinal nerves, and descend- ing along the lateral columns of the cord, from between the olivary and restiform bodies ; this is the resjnratoi'y tract of Sir C. Bell, but, except as a path of special conduction, it has no respiratory influence. It is remarkable that the phrenic nerves which supply the diaphragm, the most active muscle in inspiration, arise from the cervical plexus, and therefore from a jiart of the cord much higher than the roots of the INFLUE>’CE OF NERVES ON RESPIRATION. 429 highest intercostal nerves. Hence it happens that in certain injuries or diseases of the spinal cord, when the scat of these is above the origins of the intercostal, but below those of the phrenic nerves, costal respiration may be entirely abolished, whilst diaphragmatic breathing goes on. In such cases, how- ever, death ultimately occurs from asphyxia, caused by the slow exudation of fluid into the lungs. The respiratory movements being regarded as reflex or excito-motor, the first act of inspiration performed at birth, is said to be induced by the stimulus of cold acting on the excitable extremities of the fifth cranial nerves, which supply the nasal fosste and the skin of the face, and also on those of the cutaneous nerves of the whole body. Cold, or a smart blow applied to the surface of the body of an apparently still- born infant, will .sometimes excite inspiration ; and, moreover, if the face of an infant be protected by warm covering, the first inspiratory act may be postponed (Marshall Hall). Once established, the reflex respiratory movements are believed to be excited by a peculiar stimulus, accompanying the sum of disagreeable sensations included in the feeling of want of breath. By some, it is supposed that the venous blood, de- prived of oxygen, and loaded with carbonic acid gas and other effete matters, owing to the periodic interruption to the process of oxygenation, may be the cause of some of those disagTeeable feelings, and may periodically stimulate the medulla and spinal cord, and so rhythmically excite the motor nerves of inspiration ; according to others, it is rather the want of oxygen, which excites the movements, for an excess of that element enfeebles them. The division of one vagus nerve in an animal, as a rule, lowers the frequency of, and embarrasses, the respiration, and the lungs become sometimes, but not alway.s, the seat of ex- travasations of blood. Division of both vagi nerves in the neck, immediately diminishes the frequency of the respirations to one-half, and later to one-third, or even one-fourth, of the normal number ; the insj)irations become not only slower, but deeper, embarra.ssed, and puffing, or spasmodic ; the expira- tions, on the other hand, are shorter; whilst the pause between the ex[)iration and the succeeding ins])iriition, be- comes more and more prolonged, which accounts for the diminished number of resj)iratory acts in a given time. Death usually takes [ilace after from two to six days; the blood first becomes darker, as indicated by blueness of the lips, the tern- 430 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. perature sinks, and the animal dies of asphyxia. Congestion of the pulmonary vessels, extravasations of blood, and exuda- tions of frothy sanguineous serum and mucus, are found in the air-cells and bronchial tubes, and partial solidification of the lung tissue occurs. Sometimes, however, death appears to ensue from disturbance of the digestive functions ; but if these be recovered from, the animals may then live for many days. The continuance of the respiratory rnoA’^ernents, for a time, after division of the pneumo -gastric nerves, depends on the excitability of the other afferent nerves of the body, espe- cially of those of the skin. It seems doubtful whether the unstriped muscular fibres of the bronchial tubes, can be excited through the pneumo-gastric nerves. Their contractility is soon exhausted by stimuli directly applied to them; moreover, it is lessened by certain narcotics, especially by belladonna and stramonium ; hence the use of such remedies in asthma, in relieving the paroxysms of dy.spnoea, which are supposed to be due to a spasmodic contraction of these organic muscular fibres. The respiratory apparatus is employed, either voluntarily or involuntarily, in many other acts necessary to the economy, or conducive to its comfort. In these, the movements of respiration are sometimes accelerated or strengthened, and sometimes diminished or checked. Thus, speaking, singing, shouting, and whistling, are voli- tional movements, recpiiring special voluntary efforts of ex- piration, often modified and graduated in the most varied yet e.xact manner, and supported by inspirations performed at stated and suitable times. The act of spitting consists of a sudden expiration, accompanied by a peculiar position of the tongue, lips, teeth, and cheeks, having for its object the expul- sion of saliva or other accumulations, from the mouth. The semi-voluntary or involuntary acts which necessitate the cooperation of the respiratory apparatus, are much more varied. Thus, coughing is a sudden, strong expiration, ac- companied by a peculiar noise, following a closure of the glottis and of the upper opening of the larynx, and usually preceded by a deep inspiration, to give effect to the cough. A column of air, suddenly driven from the air-tubes, as suddenly opens the glottis, and, being forced through the mouth, moves on accumulations or foreign bodies, and expels them from the bronchi, trachea, and larynx. Sneezing consists of a quick APPLIED RESPIRATORY MOVEMENTS. 431 noisy expiration, following a decided, sudden, and deep in- spiration ; but the glottis is not closed, as in coughing, and the column of air is not driven through the mouth, but is directed, by the closure of the lances, into, and through, the nasal fossre. The irritation which causes sneezing, has its seat in those fossaj, whilst that which induces coughing, as is well known, resides in the fauces, the larynx, especially at the glottis, or in the air-tubes. The stimuli which excite coughing, are cold air, irritating gases, fluids or solids, and diseased secre- tions. The noise of sneezing, is produced in the nose ; whilst that of coughing, originates at the glottis. Snoring is produced by the resonance of the air passing, in or out, through the nasal cavities and the throat, owing to some irregular vibra- tions of the soft palate and uvula ; it is sometimes dependent on narrowing of the fauces by enlargement of the tonsils, or on other peculiarities of conformation. In snoring, there is no special modification of the respiratoiy movements themselves, either as to force, frequency, or quickness. Yawning consists of a deep prolonged inspiration, the air being drawn in through the mouth, which is widely opened, by a consentaneous spas- modic action of the muscles of the lower jaw ; this is then followed by a slow expiration, accompanied usually by a lifting of the soft palate, and sometimes by a prolonged characteristic sound. It may be accomplished by the will, and is often the result of involuntary imitation. Sighing also consists of a slow, deep inspiration, mostly accomplished through the mouth, and followed by a prolonged expiration, likewise associated with a peculiar sound ; it often occurs after the attention has been strongly fixed ; it is usually emotional. Sobbing is pro- duced by rapid convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, associated with closure of the glottis. In the movements resemble those of laughter, to be next described, although they are excited by very different emotions. Laughing consists of a series of sudden, short expirations, quickly succeeding each other, and divided, as it were, by intermediate closures of the glottis, giving rise to peculiar interrvqited sounds. Laughter luniishes an excellent example of a reflex respiratory move- ment, excited either by sensori-motor imju-essions acting through cei'tain cutaneous nerves, as when it is caused by tickling; or by emotional stimuli, as when it is the result of joy ; or by a volitional stimulii.s, as when it is imitated by the actor. Lastly, hiccup is a short, sudden inspiration, produced by a sharp, convulsive contraction of the diaphragm, at the 432 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. end of which the glottis is suddenly and spasmodically closed, so that the air strikes it from below. Of these varied move- ments, some, such as sighing and yawning, may be induced by certain conditions of the respiratory organs themselves, whilst others, such as laughing and crying, are never so excited. Movement of the Air in Respiration and Capacity of the Lungs. — After the lungs have been once inflated, as in the new-born infant, they are never, except from disease, entirely emptied of air. The most forcible expiration tails to accomplish this, and the quantity of air then retained in their tissue, is termed the residual air. The quantity, above thi.s, held in the lungs after an ordinary expiration, but which may be expelled by a voluntary forced expiration, is called the reserve air, or some- times the supplemental nYr. The quantity inspired and expired at each ordinary respiratory act, is called the breathing or tidal air ; and the still further quantity, which can be drawn in by a forcible inspiration, is termed the complemental air (Julius Jeffreys). The total quantity which, after the deepest inspira- tion, can be expelled by the fullest expiration, is considered the measure of the so-called vital capacity of the chest or of the individual, because it shoAvs the volume of air which is commanded by the vital movements of the thoracic Avails. It is the extreme differential capacity of the chest, minus the space occupied by the residual air, Avhich cannot be expelled ; it represents the total difference betAveen the fidlest inspiration and the fullest expiration. This vital capacity in any indivi- dual, is of great importance, as indicating the extreme poAver of breathing in exercise or effort : and it ftirnishes highlv signi- ficant information in certain diseases, esjDecially in those of the lungs themselves (Hutchinson). The determination of the actual quantities of air, AA’hich are the measures of the residual, resexwe, breathing, and comple- mental air, and that of the total respiratoiy poAver or vital capacity of the chest, is extremely difficult. The elaborate and .successful researches of Hutchinson, Avere made by means of his .so-called spirometer. This apparatus is really a minia- ture gasometer ; it consists of an inner cylinder, closed at its upper end, but open beloAv, Avhere it dips into AA-ater contained in an outer larger cylinder, Avhich is closed beloAV and ojien aboAm ; and it has a scale, by Avhich its a.«cent and descent can be measured. The inner cylinder is accurately balanced, . by Aveights attached to cords passing over pidleys affixed to the OAxter cylindex-. The inner cyliixder being dejxx'essed, aixd : THE VITAL CAPACITY. 433 allowed to fill with water, the person experimented on, blows air into it, by a tube which passes beneath its open mouth. The cylinder is raised, and when the expiratory effort is com- plete, the tube is closed by a stop-cock, so as to retain the air in the spirometer, and its quantity is read off upon the scale. The residual air has been variously estimated at from 40 to 260 cubic inches; but, according to Hutchinson, it ranges trom 75 to 100 cubic inche.s. It is most difficult to measure; for, after death, the lungs are not so empty of air, as they are after forced expiration dm-ing life, and it is not easy to esti- mate the difference. Besides, althoitgh the amount of residixal air, corresponds generally with the size of the chest, it is influ- enced also by the relative mobility or stiffness of the Avails, so that age, imparting rigidity to the costal cartilages, increases the residual, at the expense of the re.serve or supplemental air. The residual and reserve air together, are taken, in the adult male, to be from 150 to 200 cubic inches (Hutchinson). Accurate estimates of the so-called breathing air, and vital capacity, are of great importance. The breathing air has been differently calculated, from 10 to 92 cubic inches; but, accord- ing to the most recent observers, it ranges, in the adult male, from 16 to 20 cubic inches (Hutchinson), from 17 to 33 (Vierordt), from 16 to 25 (Coathupe), and from 30 to 39 cubic inches, in persons whose stature varies from 5 feet 7^ inches to 6 feet (Dr. E. Smith). A fair estimate for a person of mean height, 5 feet 6-^ inches, would be about 20 cubic inches, for the average of the day and night respirations. The vital capacity in an adult male, of the stature of 5 feet 7 inches, is, on an average, about 230 cubic inches, the air being sujAposed to be at a temperature of 60°. The complemental air Avould therefore be 120 cubic inches. The following are the estimated quantities, in cubic inches, calculated for the daily and nightly average, in a man of the stature of 5 feet 6^ inches: — Eesidual Air . Eeserve Air Breathing Air . Complemental Air Cubic Inches 90 90 I Total displaceable Air, 20 lor VOtal Capacity = . 120 j 230 cubic inches. Total Air after deepest Inspiration 320 These numbers cannot be regarded as absolutely accurate, but they illustrate the general proportions. The depth of tin VOL. II. F F 434 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. ordinary inspiration, as measured by the breathing air, and the total displacement of air in forced respirations, indicating the vital capacity, differ much, according to the size of the body, but even in persons of the same age, height, and weight, they are liable to variation ; for they do not merely depend on the size of the thorax, but necessarily on the mohility of its walls, and on the extent to which they are actually moved in the several inspiratory and expiratory acts. This may partly account for the great diversity in the estimates of the breathing air. The vital capacity has been shown to differ according to the stature ; the variation in persons between the heights of 5 and 6 feet, follows a sort of law, every additional inch of height being accompanied by an average increase of 8 cubic inches in the vital capacity. Thus the capacity at 5 feet 6^ inches being 230 cubic inches, that at 5 feet would be about 174, whilst that at 6 feet would be about 270 cubic inches. The vital capacity in Avomen, is much smaller than in men, the proportion being almost as 1 to 2. It increases, in both sexes, from 15 to 35 years of age, at the rate of about 5 cubic inches per annum ; Avhilst from 35 to G5, it diminishes by 1-^ cubic inch in a like period. The greatest capacity met Avith by Hutchinson, A\'as in a giant 7 feet high, who Aveighed 308 lbs. ; his capacity w'as 464 cubic inches. The minimum was 46 cubic inches, and occurred in a dAvarf measuring 29 inches in height, and weigh- ing only 40 lbs. Modern dress impedes respiration, for a man Avho could only expire 130 cubic inches Avhen his clothes Avere on, accomplished 190 cubic inches Avheu unclothed. The posture of the body modifies the vital capacity ; for if, in the attitude of standing, it be 260 cubic inches, in the sitting posture it is 235, in the recumbent position 230, and in lying on the face 220. The degree of distension of the stomach, likeAvise influences the vital capacity of the chest. Corpulency, in persons Aveighing more than 160 lbs., diminishes the Autal capacity, at the rate of 1 cubic inch for CAmry additional pound up to 196 lbs. or 14 stone AA'eight. Practice Avith the spirometer, increases the poAver of forcing up the inner cylinder, Avhilst nervousness and aAvkAvardness operate the other A\’ay. Hence, in the use of this apparatus, alloAvance must be made for all the above-mentioned disturbing influences ; and, it is certain, that the so-called vital capacity is not strictly related to the muscular poAver of the individual. Nevertheless, it is a A'aluable addition to our means of diagnosis, as to the con- dition of the lungs; the ob.structed state of those organs in the VITAL CAPACITY OF THE CHEST. 435 earlier stages of phthisis, and the deficient respirator}^ movement dependent upon this condition, cause a serious diminution in the vital capacity, as compared with the normal standard in persons of the same sex, age, and stature. A diminution of 16 per cent, in the normal capacity, is said to indicate a disea.sed condition (Hutchinson) ; but care must be taken to allow for the eflfects of congestion, and of abdominal disease. If in a person 5 feet Gi inches in height, the breathing air averages, during the twenty-four hours of work, rest, and sleep, 20 cubic inches at each inspiration, and the number of respirations joer minute for the day and night, be taken at 18, the quantity of air inspired and expired by an adult man of mean stature, in one minute woidd be 360 cubic inches. This would give 518,400 cubic inches or 300 cubic feet, for the twenty-lbur hours. This amount is less than the total daily quantity as estimated by Valentin, Avhich is 688,348 cubic inches ; less also than the quantity, viz. 686,000 cirbic inches, found by Edward Smith to be the average in four adults, of a mean height of 5 feet 10^ inches, during a state of rest. During ordinary exercise, the estimates of the last- named observer, give 804,780 cubic inches; in the case of the actively employed labourer, 1,568,390 ; and during a day’s work, including twelve hours of Alpine exercise, 1,764,000 cubic inches. Vierordt’s estimate for the twenty-four hours, is 732,000 cubic inches; but that author assumes the quan- tity of air inspired per minute, to be 450 cubic inches. Edward Smith found it to average 500 cubic inches in the day, and 400 during the night, in four persons of the mean .stature of 5 feet 1 0^ inches. It has been estimated that, with a vital capacity of 200 cubic inches, the force employed in making the necessary full inspiration, is equal to the raising of 300 lbs. weight upon the surface of the chest ; but in forcible expiration, the power exerted is much greater. In ordinary breathing, supposing the quantity of air inspired to be 20 cubic inches, the resist- ance overcome by the inspiratory muscles, is equal to a weight of 200 lbs. Chanrjes in the Air from Respiration.. The air expired from the chest, differs in three respects from that which is inspired. It is increased in temperature, except of course when the inspired air is already hotter tlian the body itself. It contains, as a rule, more moisture, unle-ss F K 2 436 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. when it is previously, and exceptionally, saturated vdth watery vapour. Lastly, it undergoes important changes of compo- sition, the chief of which consist in a loss of oxygen and an addition of carbonic acid. The increase of temperature in the expired air, is regulated by the temperatm’e of the air taken into the lungs. "\^Tien the surrounding air is cold, the increase is not quite so great as when its temperatm-e is nearer that of the body ; but the difference is less than might be supposed. With the thermo- meter at from 50° to 68°, the expired air has a temperature of 95° to 100° ; whilst if the external temperature be 32° or freezing-point, then the expired air is not more than 86°. According to Valentin, however, in ordinary breathing, the temperature of the expired air in the winter, is only 1° less than that of the air expired iu summer. In tranquil respira- tion, the expired air becomes comparatively warmer than in rapid breathing, as if, in the latter case, sufficient time 'was not allowed for the air to gain warmth. The increased warmth of the expired air, necessarily causes an increase of volume, but this is partly neutralised by a small loss of air in respiration, owing, as we shall see, to the absorption of more atmospheric oxygen by the lungs, than is equal to the car- bonic acid exhaled. The actual volumes of the inspired and the expired air, are as 97'2 to 99’5 ; but, after the equalisation of their temperature, the volume of the exph-ed air, is so reduced, that it becomes less, by the amoimt of ox}'geii absorbed in excess of that of the carbonic acid given out. The surplus of watery vapour in the expired air, as com- pared with that in the inspired air, depending on the hygro- metric condition of the air before it is breathed, it becomes difficult to estimate tlie daily quantity of water actually exhaled from the hmgs. This has, however, been variously calculated at from 11 to 16 oz., or, as an approximate average, at 15 oz. per diem ; but the quantity, according to modifying circumstances, ranges from 6 to 27 oz. The source of this vapour, is the water of the blood, and thus, like the aqueous basis of the secretions and excretions, it must assist in regu- lating the degree of fluidity of the blood. Some of the vapour of the breath, comes from the fauces, mouth, and nose, but the greater part, from the air-cells and air-tubes. It would seem that a small quantity of hydrogen is converted into water in the resjiiratory process, and may also come to be thus expelled. After taking food, or alcohol, the pulmoniu'}' e.xhalation is said CHANGES OF COMPOSITION IN EESPIEED AIK. 437 to be increased, bnt it is lessened during fasting. As a rule, the expired air is almost comjDletelj’^ saturated with vapour, holding as much as it can dissolve, according to its tempe- ratm-e ; but this is true only of calm respiration ; for in hurried breathing, neither can the air be elevated to its highest temperature, nor can it be completely saturated with moisture. The more calmly air is breathed, the greater the loss of water by the lungs. Lastly, the drier the inspired air, the greater must be the amount of pulmonary exhalation ; ibr, in breathing air already perfectly saturated, only such further quantity of water can be added to it, as its increase of tem- peratiue in the lungs, will enable it to dissolve. The inhala- tion of actual vapour, stops the pulmonary exhalation. So, too, when the temperature of the surrounding air, is 100° or 102°, and it is already satruated, the temperature of the blood itself being about the same, no further exhalation of water from the lungs, is possible ; nor can the skin then give off more watery vapour. Under such circumstances, the kidneys, and perhaps also, though to a slight extent, the mucous membrane of the intestines, excrete more actively. The pulmonary exhalation contains, besides Avater, traces of carbonic acid, ammonia, chlorides, urates, and even some albuminoid substance, and it readily undergoes decomposition. The changes in the composition of the expired air, are regu- lated by that of the inspired air. The composition of the atmosphere, in fi-ee space, is singularly uniform in different localities, and at different altitudes. By Aveight, supposing it to be dry, it contains nearly 77 parts of nitrogen, and 2‘6 of oxygen. Besides these, its essential constituents, it contains a small percentage of carbonic acid, disengaged into it by ter- restrial agencies, partly physical, such as volcanoes and springs, partly chemical, as the decomposition of carbonaceous matter, but chiefly organic, as from the respiration of plants; the atmo.sphere also presents minute traces of nitric acid, ammonia, and carburetted hydrogen, from the decomposition of animal and vegetable substances. In towns, it often contains sul- phuretted hydrogen and sulphurous acid, from the combustion of coal ; in the neighbourhood of chemical works, it may also be charged Avith chlorine, mineral acids and metallic sub- stances. Under certain circumstances, a very pure air contains the important substance known as ozone, Avhich is now usually regarded as a modification of oxygen. It is most abundant in sea air, in early morning, and, in England, Avith south-Avest 438 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. or west winds; it is almost absent with east Avinds, and is quite so in tire centre of large towns, and in the atmosphere of dwellings. By volume, dry air consists, in round numbers, of 80 volumes of nitrogen, and 20 of oxygen, or of 4 Amlumes of the former to 1 of the latter. A closer analysis gives, 79 volumes of nitrogen to 21 of oxygen. The quantity of car- bonic acid gas averages ‘04 volumes per cent., or, as it is commonly exjDressed, 4 parts in 10,000. The effect of a single resjnration on the composition of the air breathed, is first, to remove from 100 volumes of air, about 5 volumes of oxygen, i.e. about ^th its normal quantity of that gas; and, secondly, to add to it, about 4 volumes per cent, of carbonic acid gas. Besides this, hoAvever, the quantity of nitrogen is slightly increased ; and ammonia, carbm’etted hydrogen, certain salts, organic matter, and various imdeter- mined volatile substances, are added to the air in the respira- tory process. The annexed Table, from Vierordt, shoAvs the percentage composition, in volumes, of air, before, and after, it has been once breathed ; the air being, in both cases, supposed to be perfectly dry. The minute trace of carbonic acid gas iu un- breathed air, only '04 per cent., is here neglected. Atmospheric Air Air once breathed Nitrogen .... 79'2 . . . 79’3 Oxygen 20-8 . . . loA Carbonic Acid . . . — . . . 4’3 Loss — . . .1 100 100 During a single respiration, therefore, 5'4 parts of oxygen disappear, being absorbed by the lungs ; Avhilst only 4‘3 jxirts of carbonic acid are exhaled from those organs. IMoreover, a minute quantity of nitrogen appears to be given off into the expired air. Lastly, oAving to the excess of oxygen absorbed, over the carbonic acid exhaled, there is a loss of 1 per cent, of the air inspired. These results are founded on nearly 600 observtitions ; but, as Ave shall hereafter see, individual expe- riments exhibit remarkable deviations, according to numerous circumstances. Absorption of Oxygen. — The qtiantity of ox)'gen absorbed in respiration, is determined by careful examination of the quantity left in the expired air. This is done by using pyro- gallic acid, Avhich greedily attracts it, to take it up, or by com- ELIMINATION OF CARBONIC ACID. 43a billing it with hydrogen, by means of the electric spark. There is no doubt that the greater portion of the oxygen absorbed, which in a single respiration is about |-th the total quantity in the air, combines somewhere, and in some ivay, with car- bon, to Ibrm the carbonic acid which is exhaled. But as the carbonic acid produced, exactly equals in volume the oxygen concerned in its jiroduction, the surplus of oxygen absorbed over the carbonic acid exhaled, must remain in the system, and is probably therein combined with hydrogen, or with the sul- phur and phosphorus of the albuminoid constituents of the body. In Man, from ithto ^th of the total amount of oxygen absorbed, does not reappear in the carbonic acid, but remains to be combined with other o.xidisable substances. In dogs fed upon carbhydrates, such as starch or sugar, or even upon milk, -^ths of the oxygen absorbed, are returned as carbonic acid, only remaining in the system ; if large quantities of flesh are eaten, more of the oxygen, i.e. -1th, is retained ; lastly, when fat alone is consumed, ^^ths are retained, as if a pure fat diet stimulated the oxidation of the nitrogenous tissues (Regnault and Reiset). Again, in Herbivorous animals, ■which consume many carbhydrates in their food, the pro]iortion of oxygen retained in the system, is exceedingly small ; whereas, in Carnivorous animals, the food of which is chiefly' nitrogenous, but also fatty, a very large proportion is retained (Dulong and Despretz). In starving animals, also, which practically live carnivorously, ix. on their ovvn tissues, a large proportion of the oxygen is retained, amoimting even to fths of the total quantity absorbed. Elimination of Carbonic Acid. — The fact of the elimination of this gas from the lungs, may be shown by blowing slowly through a tube into lime water, which soon becomes turbid from the formation of carbonate of lime, more especially as the last quantities of air are being expelled from the chest. The determination of the quantity of carbonic acid gas given off in respiration, is extremely difficult, notwithstanding the in- genuity of the methods enq)loyed for this purpose. The simj)lest method, used by Prout, Dumas, Vierordt, and others, consists in causing a person to inspire air through the nose, and expire it through a tube, held in the mouth, into a closed bag or receiver ; and then in analysing the e.xpired air, by agitation with lime-water or with a solution of caustic potash, either of these subskinces absorbing the carbonic acid, which can thus bo measured. The oxygen has, at the same SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. .(■10 time, been estimated, by means of pyrogallic acid, or by de- flagration with hydrogen, by means of the electric spark (Vierordt). Such a method, excellent for individual trials, is not adapted for general or comparative experiments ; because the same person does not, under such conditions, breathe equally, at all times, even after considerable practice ; nor can different persons breathe equally, in regard to each other, differ- ences in the depth and duration of the respirations, rendering a comparison of the results fallacious. For these reasons, observations have been made on men and animals, placed in suitable hermetically closed chambers, and able to breathe with less, or even no restraint. The hrealhing- chamber communicates with the air by means of a small supply tube on one side, and on the other, is connected, by a tube, with an asph'ato?', i.e. a second closed chamber filled with Avater ; according as this w'ater is permitted to flow from the aspirator, air is Avithdrawn irom the breathing- cham- ber, Avhilst fresh air enters by the supply tube. To ensure the absence of carbonic acid irom the air employed, the supply tube has a bend in it, containing a solution of caustic potash. The tube connecting the breathing-chamber Avith the aspirator, has also a bend containing asbestos, moistened Avith concen- trated sulphuric acid, for the absorption of the exhaled Avater; besides this, it is fitted Avith a Liebig’s potash-tube, for fixing and Aveighing the carbonic acid formed in respiration, and also Avith another bent tube, for a£jain desiccating the remain- ing air. By such an apparatus, the quantity of air passing through the air-chamber, and the quantity of carbonic acid produced in any given time, can be determined (Dulong and Despretz’s experiments on animals). In observations on men, the body has been enclosed in a second smaller box, so that the head alone projected into the air-chamber ; the products of cutaneous respiration and exhalation, are thus separatedfrom the pulmonary respiration and exhalation, the gases and vapour given off by the skin being retained in the smaller box, and those given off by the lungs being discharged into the breath- ing-chamber (Scharling’s and Hannover’s experiments on IMan). By others, the face alone has been covered Avith a tight-fitting mask, through A\diich a stream of air enters by tAvo A'alved openings, and from Avliich it is draAAm off through a tube into a receiver, by means of an air-jAump (Andral and Gavarret). Instead of supplying the breathing-chamber, in Avhich animals have been placed, AA-ith pure atmosjAheric air, ELIMINATION OF CARBONIC ACID. 441 known quantities of oxygen, proportioned to the quantity of carbonic acid formed, have been introduced. Tlie arrange- ments necessary for the gi’adual absorjDtion of the carbonic acid and the introduction of fresh oxygen, render this apparatus somewhat complex, but interesting results have been obtained by it (Eegnault and Reiset). In long-continued experiments, however, the quantity of nitrogen in the chamber, gradually increases by exhalation from the animal’s lungs ; hence the atmosphere breathed by it, is no longer normal, and the respiration is modified accordingly. The experiments of Pettenkofer and Voit, undertaken with the pecuniary assistance of the late King of Bavaria, are still more elaborate, costly, and complete. A large closed breathing- chamber is provided, in which the person experimented upon, can live and breathe for many hours as easily as in an ordinary apartment ; and through it, copious streams of air, as much as 75 cubic metres per hoiu, are drawn, by means of a double pimip worked by a small steam-engine, the total quantity passed through, being accurately registered, after desiccation, by a gas-meter interposed between the chamber and the pump. Atmospheric air is admitted to the chamber by proper aper- ttmes, and the amount of carbonic acid gas and water already contained in it, is accurately determined. The contaminated air leaves the chamber by two tubes, one passing from near the ceiling, and the other Irom near the floor, which then join a common tube ; this tube leads into a desiccating box, from which the dried air passes through the gas-meter to the cylinders of the double air-pump. To absorb and measure the whole of the carbonic acid gas contained in this large stream of air, the total product of the respiration of the person living in the chamber, would be an inconvenient proce.ss ; accordingly, a small portion of the contaminated air is diverted for that purpose, through an analysing apparatus, into which this portion of the air is drawn by a peculiar suction- and pressure-pump, moved by the steam-engine which works the larger pump. This portion of air passes in suc- cession, through an apparatus which ab.sorbs and measures, first the water, and then the carbonic acid contained in it, and after- wards through a desiccating box and small gas-meter,by which it is ultimately measured. Its (juantity, compared with the larger quantity drawn through the main tube, furnishes the means of calculating the total quantity of carbonic acid eliminated by the person confined in the breatliing-chamber, in a given 442 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. time. The quantities of carbonic acid gas and water, formed by the combustion of a stearin candle in the chamber, may be determined by this apparatus, as correctly as by the ordinary process of organic analysis. Dr. E. Smith has employed a small mask, which fits tightly over the mouth and nostrils, and is provided with a valved inlet and outlet. The air is inspired through, and measured by, a spirometer consisting of a delicate gas-meter. The expired air passes through a desiccator, containing sulphuric acid to absorb watery vapjour ; then through a gutta percha box, divided into many chambers and cells, containing caustic jDotash, and offering a surface of 700 square inches, so as to abstract the carbonic acid ; and, lastly, through a second desiccator to retain any moisture carried off and lost, from the p^otash box. The increase in weight of the mask, with the connecting-tube and first desiccator, shows the amount of vapour exhaled from the lungs ; whilst the addition to the joint weight of the potash box and the second desiccator, gives the weight of the carbonic acid expired. Eegnault and Eeiset, Pettenkofer and Voit, and Dr. Edward Smith, have endeavomnd to determine not merely the amount of carbonic acid eliminated, in ordinary breathing, but also the influence of those conditions which modify that amount, and likewise have attempted to obtain data for comparing the quantity of carbonic acid formed and of oxygen taken in, with the animal heat evolved. Some only of the results obtained by various observers, can here be quoted. Dumas, calculating that by an adidt male, of average size, 320 cubic inches of air are respired in one minute, and that this contains on expiration, 4 per cent, of carbonic acid, concluded that about 13 cubic inches of car- bonic acid are exhaled per minute, which would be equal to a total of 5|- oz, av. of carbon thrown off by the lungs in twenty-four hours. The calculations of Valentin and Brunner, Davy, Allen, Pepys, and Lavoisier, agree closely, yielding, as a general result, 8 oz. of cai’bon exci'eted by the lungs in twenty- four hours. Andral and Gavarret estimated the daily quantity at 9 oz. ; Vierordt says that it varies from 5 to 8 oz. Dr. E. Smith found, as an average of eight exp^eriinents, the daily quantity, in a state of rest, in four men, whose meiui height was 5 feet 9| inches, to be 7T44 oz. ; the extremes were 5'G oz. and 7’85 oz. With an ordinary amount of exercise. I ELIMINATION OF NITROGEN. 443 he estimates the quantity at about 8^ oz., and in a working man I'ully engaged in labour, at rather more than 11^ oz. Adopting as a basis of calculation, the estimate already given at ddS, viz. of 300 cubic feet, or 518,400 cubic inches, as the total quantity of air respired in twenty-fom- hours, by an average-sized adrdt male, 5 feet inches in height, allowing ibr the effects of work in the day and the inffuence of repose at night, and, moreover, calculating that the average quantity of carbonic acid in the air when expired is 4 per cent., then 20,730 cubic inches of carbonic acid would be given off in the twenty-four hours. As 100 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas, weigh 47 ‘2 G grains, this quantity would weigh about 9,800 grains, Avhich would contain 2>G72 grains, or rather more than G oz. av. of carbon. This is perhaps a fair calcu- lation for a man of medium size, not engaged in any special exercise, or labour. Elimination o f Nitrogen. — The nitrogen of the atmosphere, which serves to dilute the oxygen, is, to a slight extent, absorbed by the blood, for that ffuid always contains nitrogen in a state of solution. Nitrogen, however, is also given off from the blood through the breath ; and the balance appears to be rather in favour of the process of elimination. The quantity thus thrown off by Avarm-blooded animals, is so minute as never to exceed consumed ( Vierordt) ; sometimes it is less than y^th part (Regnault and Keiset). The source of this small excess in the nitrogen exhaled, was at one time supposed to be the nitrogenous aliments, the quantity of nitrogen excreted by the kidneys, skin, and intes- tines, being supposed to be less than that taken in the food. The quantity of nitrogen not accounted lor in the renal, cu- taneous, and intestinal excretions, has been said to be equal to yjth of the oxygen consumed in an adult, which nearly agrees with the estimate of Kegnault and Keiset above mentioned. But, according to Voit and others, however, all the nitrogen of the food which is actually subjected to metamorphosis in the blood, is accounted lor in the nitrogenous constituents of the urine. The minute and unimportant excess in the exjjired air, may, therefore, be derived frona the atmospheric air, which is swallowed with the saliva, food, and drink, and is taken iq> by venous absorption ; its oxygen being utilised in the blood, tlie nitrogen escapes through the walls of the pul- monary capillaries and the air-cells, into the breath. In favour SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 441 of this view, it may be added, that the decomposition of nitro- genous substances in the system, so as to yield free nitrogen, is unkno%Tn ; that in starving animals, which probably swallow less air, nitrogen is not given off in excess, but some of it seems rather to be absorbed ; and lastly, that whilst the quantities of oxygen and carbonic acid in arterial and venous blood, dilFer in a constant manner, the quantity of nitrogen follows no such rule, and even varies in both kinds of blood. Other Substances Eliminated in the Breath. — Chloride of sodium, hydrochlorate of ammonia, uric acid, and urates of soda and ammonia, have been found in expired air. The car- bonate of ammonia, frequently present, is sometimes partly derived from decaying animal matter between, or belonging to, the teeth ; but some of it is believed, by certain physio- logists, to come from the blood. The carburetted hydrogen occasionally found in the breath, proceeds from the blood, into which it enters by absorption from the alimentary canal. The presence of organic matter in the breath, is detected by passing the expired air through strong sulphuric acid, which, in a prolonged experiment, becomes broAvn. According to recent enquiries, this organic substance is albuminoid, and Avhen col- lected and alloAved to putrefy, becomes- extremely offensiAm ; Avhen accumulated in small and over-croAA’ded rooms, it has a foetid, repugnant odour. It may possibly be the medium, or vehicle, of certain contagions throAvn off by the breath ; it is not to be confounded Avith the bad smell from carious teeth, or from idcers in the mouth, pharynx,, or air-passages. IMany odorous substances may exist in the breath, derfred from food, drink, or medicines, such as cheese, alcohol, or perhaps aldehyde, given off after the use of alcoholic beverages, the volatile principles of garlic, onions, and spices, ethers, chloro- form, camphor, musk, and many other medicinal substances. Phosphorus dissolved in oil, and injected into the A'eins of an auim.al, is given off by the lungs in some imperfectly oxidised state, so that the breatli is luminous as it passes from the nostrils. Effects of Respiration on the Blood and Tissues. Changes in the Colour of the Blood. — The most obA'ious change effected in tlie blood, as it passes through the lungs, is that fi-om the dark purple venous, to the bright scarlet arterial, tint. A similar change of colour takes idIucc on agitating dark CnANGES IN TEE COLOUR OF THE BLOOD. 4J5 venous blood with air, and, still more quicklj', with oxygen ; it also occurs when venous blood is introduced into a moistened bladder, and suspended in air or in oxygen gas. The causes of this change of colour, have been the subject of much enquiry. It is found that on adding water to bright arterial blood, it becomes of a dark hue ; whilst strong solutions of common salt, saltpeti-e, or bicarbonate of potash, when added to venous blood, immediately brighten its colour ; this effect has been attributed, either to the direct action of the saline substances, or else to the change which they produce in the specific gravity of the blood. It has been supposed that the red corpuscles, by exosmosis of fluid into the denser solution of the saline substance, shrink, and thus, from being slightly biconcave, become deeply so. On the other hand, the addition of water, has the effect of producing an endosmosis of fluid iuto the corpuscles, and so causes tliem to swell, and assume a flat or even biconvex form. These opposite changes of shape have been supposed to modify the power of the corpuscles to absorb coloured light, more being absorbed when they are swollen, and less Avhen they are shrunk. But, according to Professor Stokes, this explanation is inconsistent with optical principles, and the change of colour is due to a modification in the refractive poAver of the corpuscles; in the shrunken state, their refractive poAver is increased, and, accordingly, a larger amount of reflec- tion takes place from the surfaces of contact of the corpuscles Avith the surrounding fluid ; Avhilst in the distended state, their refractive poAver is diminished, and less reflection takes place from their surfaces. But, although the brilliant coloirr, pro- duced by the addition of strong saline solutions to the blood, and the dark hue occa.sioned by diluting it Avith Avater, may be thus satisfactorily explained, the natural alterations of colour produced in the blood, by the respiratory changes, cannot be so accounted for ; though venous blood is of someAvhat less spe- cific gravity than arterial, yet there is no evidence of its con- taining fewer salts ; moreover, direct observation has failed to detect any difference in form, betAveen the corpuscles of the two kinds of blood ; and lastly, the inadecjuacy of such a purely physical expjlanation, is proved by the fact that, even Avhen the red corpuscles are entirely dissolved, or Avhen pure Solutions of criAorin or the colouring substance of the blood, are employed, precisely similar changes in colour ensue, from alternately agitating them Avith o.xygcn and carbonic 446 SPKCIAL PHYSIOLOGY. acid, in the former case, the colour being brightened, and in the latter rendered dark. The nature of the changes thus in- duced in the cruorin of the blood, has been revealed by the photo-chemical discoveries of Hoppe and Stokes, in which the so-called spectmin analysis is employed, to detect most recon- dite changes in the cruorin. The formation of the prismatic solar spectrum, by passing a beam of simligbt through a prism, has already been explained (toI. i. p. 546). In this spectmm, when sufficiently magnified, it has long been observed, that numerous, fine, dark lines exist, the lines of Frauenhofer; these are owing partly to the presence of vapour in the air, which refracts some of I the light, but chiefly to the absence, in the light examined, of luminous rays of certain degrees of refrangibility ; the consequence of which is, that some parts of the spectrum are left unoccupied by any light whatever. In the solar spectrum, Frauenhofer described 80 dark hands or lines ; but 2000 are now recognised. Light obtained from different sources, as by the combustion of different substances, or ordinary light first passed ' through transparent bodies, solutions, or even through the vapours of volatile substances, or proper gases, either colourless or coMired, and after- wards transmitted through a prism, also forms a spectrum ; but on com- paring the magnified spectra of different substances, it is found, in many of them, that the dark bands differ in number, position, width, and intensity ; and, moreover, that in the case of certain lights, which are coloured, colour bands of different position, number; width, and inten- sity, make their appearance. The yellow colour band of sodium, is a remarkable example of this. The dark bands, sometimes called absorption hands, and the colour hands, being characteristic and constant, for certain substances, they constitute most delicate means of detecting, and discriminating between, such substances. This is done by the spectroscope, an instrument con- sisting essentially of a tube with a slit at one end, a prism at the other, and a small magnifying glass with which to magnify the spectrum. This method is the so-called spectrum analysis, by which, not only have new substances been detected in chemical processes upon the earth, but some at least of the constituents of the luminous atmosplieres of distant stars, have been determined. It has also been emp]o}’ed to follow the entrance of peculiar substances, such as lithium and emsium. into the blood and tissues of living animals, to measure their rate of absorp- tion, their preference for particular tissues, and their periods of excre- tion from the body (Bence Jones). To the same observer, we owe very interesting rese, arches, in which the jluorescent property of quinine (vol. i. p. 547) is made use of, to follow that substance into, and out of, the living economy, by its presence or absence in the crystalline lens of ' the eye. It, moreover, appears that a peculiar animal substance, also ■ fluorescent, and therefore named by Dr. Jones, quhioidin, is constantly j present in the animal body. i|. Amongst otlier results of the spectrum analysis of coloured solutions, . ■. it was discovered by Hoppe, that dilute solutions of blood, produce itco peculiar dark absorption bands of great beauty and distinctness, situated SPECTRUM ANALYSIS OF BLOOD. 447 in the spectrum, between the D and E lines of Frauenhofer, and having a remarkably bright intermediate colour band. He showed that this speetmm was formed by the coloured blood of animals generally; that the red colouring substance seemed to remain unchanged by the action of alkaline carbonates and caustic ammonia, for its spectrum remained unaltered ; but that it was instantly decomposed by acids, and more slowly by caustic alkalies, a substance being then produced, which causes different absorption bands, and corresponds with the htematin of Lecauu. This subject has since been further investigated by Professor Stokes. To examine the natural blood spectrum, he placed a small portion of blood well diluted with water, or a watery extract of the clot, in a test- tube ; this being held up to the light, behind a fine slit in a piece of black card or a metal plate, and looked at through a prism, the two characteristic, sharply-defined, dark absorption bands, with the in- termediate bright streak, were readily seen. On adding to the coloured solution, a reagent capable of abstracting oxygen from it, a remark- able change occurred in the spectrum. First, it became a little darker ; but, besides this, instead of the two dark bands with their intermediate bright streak, a single, broader, and less defined band was now seen, situated nearly opposite the place of the bright band in the spectrum of the simple solution. Since the solution of blood is alkaline, and since acids, as just mentioned, decompose its colouring substance, it was necessary to employ a peculiar deoxygenating agent ; the one selected, was a solution of protosulphate of iron, containing a small quantity of tartaric acid, which prevents the precipitation of the iron by alkalies ; this was rendered slightly alkaline, by a little soda. On next exposing the deoxygenated and altered coloured solution to the air in a shallow vessel, or on agitating it with air, by shaking it in a long tube, it was found that the colour again became brighter, and that, on examina- tion with the prism, the characteristic dark bands, with the interme- diate bright one, again appeared. These changes were evidently attri- butable to the reoxygenation of the colouring substance by the oxygen of the air. This beautiful experiment realised the supposition pre- viously entertained by Stokes, that he might imitate, and possibly ex- plain, the change of colour of arterial into venous, and of venous into arterial, blood. That the single band of the altered solution, does not belong to the reagent, is shown by examining that separately ; and that it is not produced by a compound of the reagent with the colour- ing substance, but simply by deoxygenation of the latter, is proved by the same effects being produced by other deoxidising agents, such as protochloride of tin, and hydrosulphuret of ammonia, and also by the ordinary and well-known displacement of oxygen, by means of carbonic acid. Moreover, these reagents have themselves no power to produce the newly-observed colour band. From the.se experiments, it is concluded by Stokes?, that there exists in the blood, a natural colouring matter, which might be named cruorin, capable, like the colouring matter of indigo, of a.ssuming, by alternate ab-straction and reintroduction of oxygen, two states of oxidation, in which it differs in colour 44S SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. and in its action on the spectrum. The hfematin of Lecanu is an artificial compormd, produced by the decomposition of this cruorin by powerful acids, and is named by Stokes, hrowu hcematin, to distinguish it from red heematin, formed by the oxidation of the brown variety, both of which show different absorption bands to those of cruorin. The cruorin in its bright condition, is named scarlet cruorin, and in its dark condition, ci'uorin ; the former gives the spectrum Avith two dark bands and an intermediate light one, and the latter, that Avith a single dark band. The purple cruorin, or deoxygenated kind, is supposed to exist in venous blood, and the scarlet, or oxygenated kind, in arterial blood. The eAudent attraction of cruorin for oxygen, is supposed to account for the absorption and combination of that gas Avith the blood ; and thus also tor the special attraction, or affinity, of the red corpuscles for oxygen, of Avhich, indeed, they have been often named the carriers. As apparently opposed to these conclusions, it is found that ordinary venous blood exhibits the spectrum of the scarlet cruorin, and not that of the purple cruorin ; but this, as observed by Stokes, may merely shoAv that most of the cruorui in venous blood, is still scarlet cruorin, the colouring substance being only partially converted into the purple condition. Venous blood, indeed, like arterial blood, still contains oxygen as Avell as carbonic acid, though in different proportions; and, althoiAgh it is unequal to the perfect maintenance of the functions of the muscular and nervous substance, it is still better than no blood at all (BroAvn-Sequard). INIoreover, e.xtensive hemorrhage is not necessarily fatal ; and persons affected Avith chlorosis, exhale carbonic acid as freely as those in health. It is possible, also, that carbonic acid may act less poAverfully, Avhen the blood is undiluted than AA'hen, as in ex- periments, it is mixed with AA^ater. The cruorin of the blood being supposed, in the act of I’espiration, to undergo oxygenation as it assmnes its scarlet colour, its deoxygenation, or reduction, may be effected by substances contained in the blood, AA’hich themselves undergo oxidation at its expense. Such a change certainly takes place in blood diluted and put aside, before putrefaction takes place, . the spectrum being distinctly altered to that of purple cruorin, and being changed back again to that of scarlet cruorin, by agitation As'ith air. A temperature as high as tliat of the blood in the body, facilitates these changes. AFFINITY OF CRUORIN FOR OXYGEN. 44 9 The possible mode of occurrence of such alternate changes in tlie blood in the systemic and the pulmonary capillaries, is illustrated by Stokes, by first reducing, or deoxygenating, a solution of scarlet cruorin, by means of a slightly alkaline solution of the protoxide of tin in tar- taric acid, and then re-oxygenating it, by -agitation of the altered coloui-ed solution with air. If the mixtiu-e be now allowed to stand for two or three minutes, the colouring matter is again slowly deoxidised; by agi- tation it is once more oxidised ; and so on for a number of times. In this experiment, the purple cruorin absorbs oxygen more readily than the salt of tin does ; but afterwards, it slowly parts with oxygen to that salt. In the same way, the purple cruorin, as it passes througli the lungs, absorbs oxygen by a special affinity, and then in circulating through the systemic capillaries, it is partially deoxygenated, to supply the tvants of the disintegrating tissues, by a so-called parenchymatous respiration] on returning to the lungs, it is once more reoxygeuated. The various alterations in the colour of the blood, noticed in different conditions, accord with this conclusion. Thus the blood is unusually dark as it returns from the muscles, and the depth of its colour is in exact proportion to the activity of those muscles, when, as we shall see, it also contains the most carbonic acid. On the other hand, the venous blood returning from glands in a state of active secretion, is of a bright scarlet hue ; whereas, when the glands are inactive, it is dark (vol. i. p. 333 ; vol. ii. pp. 5G, 350). In the latter case, the quantity of blood passing through the gland, is .small ; nutrition proper is going on, and a proportional quantity of carbonic acid is formed and taken up ; whereas for active secretion, the condi- tions existing are, a larger supply of blood, with a proportion- ally less amount of deo.xygenation. Again, it has been noticed that, at high temperatures, there is much less difference in the colour of the arterial and venous blood-current, and also a less amount of resjiiratory interchange ; whereas, at low tem- peratures, the difference of colour is greater, and so likewise is the activity of the respiratory iwocess. In anmmia, in the •state of hybernation, and also in sleep, the venous blood has the same colour as the arterial ; and both the pulmonary and the parenchymatous respiration are imperfectly performed. Lastly, in asphyxia and in cholera, the blood is exceedingly dark, and, in both diseases, contains unusually large quantities of carbonic acid. A further result of these researches, is to show that the oxygen carried through the body by the blood, is, to a largo VOL. It. 0 a 450 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. extent, actually chemically combined with it, i. e. with the cruorin of the red corpuscles, though some must be merely dissolved in the liquor sanguinis, and all must pass through that fluid, to enter and escape from the corpuscles. But that a certain proportion of the oxygen is retained in the liquor sanguinis, is shown by the fact, that the clot of dark venous blood assumes a bright hue when placed in the serum of arterial blood, or even of the scarlet venous blood returning from an actively secreting gland. It is uncertain whether any of the car- bonic acid is specially attached to the red corpuscles ; it would rather seem not. The coagulum of the scarlet venous blood from a gland, as well as that of arterial blood, becomes dark- ened, when placed in the serum of dark venous blood ; so that carbonic acid certainly exists in the liquor sanguinis of venous blood. It appears to be partly dissolved in the serum, and is partly, perhaps, in a state of loose chemical combination. Changes in the Fibrin of the Blood. During the aeration of the blood in the lungs, and perhaps as a special result of the action of oxygen ab.sorbed from the air, the amount of fibrin is increased in arteilal, as compared with that in venous blood ; a difference also exists in the coagu- lating power of the arterial fibrin, which forms a firmer clot than that of venous blood. The influence of oxygen, in in- creasing the amount of fibrin, has been shown, by causing rabbits to breathe pure oxygen for a short time, and also by inducing an unusual activity of the respiratory movements by means of electricity applied to the spine and chest. In these experiments, the quantity of fibrin in the arterial blood was increased respectively to 2 4 and 2’9 parts in 1000 of blood; whereas in the ordinary arterial blood, the proportion found was only 1’65 (Gardner). The fibrin is, of course, produced at the expense of some other albuminoid body, either globulin or albumen. Even out of the body, a subsUmce somewhat like fibrin, though not positively determined to be fibrin, has been produced by transmitting o.xygen gas (A. II. Since), or ozone (Gorup-Besanez), through a solution of albumen. Change in the Temperature of the Blood. Numerous attempts have been made, to determine whether re be any diflerence, and if so, what difference, between I CHANGES IN THE GASES OF THE BLOOD. 451 the temperature of the blood, before and after it has passed through the lungs. The older physiologists, and also some recent observers (Harley and Savory), have maintained that the blood in the left ventricle, is warmer, by from 1° to 2° than that in the right ventricle ; and, in accordance with this, it has often been supposed that the oxygen combined directly with certain constituents of the blood in the lungs, to produce the whole of the carbonic acid given off in respiration. But it is now known that this latter supposition is incorrect. Many observers, moreover, have found that the blood in the left side of the heart, is not so warm as that in the right cavities, owing, as they maintain, to a cooling process, caused by the entrance into the lungs of air of a lower temperature than the blood, and by the evaporation of moisture from the internal pulmonary sm-faces. This does not affect the general conclusion, that the venous blood returning from the limbs, is cooler than the arterial blood of the same parts. We shall revert to this sub- ject in the Section on Animal Heat. Changes in the Gases of the Blood. It has been elsewhere noticed (pp. 165, 168), that the vapour of water, and also many volatile substances and gases, are readily absorbed into the blood by the lungs ; and, indeed, one of the two chief phenomena of respiration, viz. the entrance of o.xygen into the blood, illustiatcs the absorptive power of the pulmonary mucous membrane. This absorption of oxygen from the inspired air, by the venous blood brought to tlie pulmonary capillaries, is associ- ated with the evolution of carbonic acid, which escapes from that venous blood, and is added to the air about to be expired. These two joint interchanges of the gaseous elements of the air and of the blood, are essential steps in the conversion of venous into arterial blood. That the blood participates in these changes, is shown l)y the fact that venous blood contains less oxygen and more carbonic acid than arterial blood, which, on the other hand, contains more oxygen and less carbonic acid, as shown by the following table (Magnus). Oxygen Carbonic acid 100 vols. of Venous Wood . . 5 vols. 26 vols. 100 vols. of Arterial blood . .10 vols. 20 vols. It has also been found that the proportions of oxygen and 0 o 2 I T l( [ { I. 1 452 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, carbonic acid in venous blood returning fi-om muscles at rest, are 7'5 and 31, and from muscles in action, 1-2G5 and 34-4; whilst in arterial blood the proportions are 17'3 of oxygen and 24'2 of carbonic acid (Sczelkow). According to Magnus, arterial blood contains twice as much oxygen as venous blood generally, whilst, in the special case of the blood from muscles, the proportion is at least as 2'3 to 1. Again, ordinary venous blood contains ^ more carbonic acid than arterial, and that from muscles at rest, about \ more. The interchanges of oxygen and carbonic acid between the air and the blood, which characterise respiration, have, through the researches of Dalton, Draper and Graham, received a partly physical and a partly chemical explanation. The elimination of urea and uric acid, by the kidneys, and of certain excretory ingredients of the bile, is accomplished by organic vito-chemical processes performed by certain special epithelial cells ; but the absorjition of oxygen by, and the elimination of carbonic acid from, the lungs, or other respiratory organ, are purely phy- sical and chemical processes. These may, indeed, be imitated artificially out of the body ; for, as already mentioned, if a moist bladder be filled with venous blood, and be supended in atmospheric air or oxj'gen, the surface of the blood in contact with the bladder, soon becomes scarlet, and, during that change, oxygen is absorbed, and carbonic acid is given out from it, throiTgh the moistened bladder. It is remarkable that a function of the animal economy, so immediately and con- stantly necessary to life, is removed from the contingencies surrounding a purely organic process, and is brought into the sphere of physical and chemical actions. It is also worthy of remark, that the physical processes which accomplish the escape of the deleterious carbonic acid gas from the blood, and mix it with the air, also aid in the entrance of the essential purifying and stimulating oxygen from the air, into that fluid. The processes in question, are the diffusion of gases, or the ten- dency of dry gases to diffuse into each other, and their mutual diffusion when in a dissolved condition. It was shown by Dalton, tliat, even when a light gas, such as hy- drogen, is poured into a glass jar, on to the surface of a heavy one, such as carbonic acid, or when a bottle full of tlie light gas, is inverted over anotlicr bottle containing a heavy gas, with their mouths applied to each other, the giscs do not remain stationary, but are mutually transported into each other against gravity until they have intermixed in certain definite proportions. The facility with which they intermix DIFFUSION OF GASES IN THE LUNGS. 453 is such, i'opor- tionally larger amount of oxygen absorbed, and of carbonic acid ;| exhaled, in that sex. In the male also, the increase due to age, continues progrcs.sively up to the thirtieth year, at which period, it is stationary ; whereas in the female, the gradual t- |-t' Jh: m N EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON THE CARBONIC ACID. 4 65 increase stops at the age of puberty, and the quantity remains stationary until about forty, when it once more increases for a time, before the diminution dependent on old age, begins. The smaller absolute quantity of carbonic acid exhaled in child- hood, is, nevertheless, very large, in proportion to the weight of the body, in accordance with the high activity of the nutritive function, and with the large consumption of food at that period. The size of the body, in different adults, produces a corre- spondent result on the total quantity of carbonic acid exhaled. The development of the muscular system, however, produces ’ a greater effect, than that which depends on the mere height or weight of the body, or on the dimensions of the thorax. Exercise, as might be expected, increases the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled, not only whilst it is being taken, but also for a short time afterwards. The increase may equal one- third of the amount exhaled during rest, and this may con- tinue for one hour after the cessation of exertion. This residt depends both on a greater quantity of air being breathed, and on an increased percentage of carbonic acid in the expired air (Vierordt). Other observations show even a greater relative increase, for in walking two and three miles per hour, the quantities, 1ST grs. and 25'8 grs., were about two or two and a half times as great as the normal amount in the sitting posture; at tlie tread-wheel, the quantity fluctuated between 42'9 grs. and 48‘G grs., that is, from about four and a half to five times as great, the pulse and the respiration being, of course, greatly accelerated (E. Smith). Prolonged exertion producing fatigue, diminishes the exhalation. Much less car- bonic acid is exhaled during the night than in the day. During sleep, the amount given off is considerably diminished, in cor- respondence with the more superficial and slower character of the respiratory movements of the chest, with the cessation of the ordinary actions of the muscular and nervous tissues and of the usual metamorphoses of the re.spiratoiy food, and with the smaller loss and production of heat. In experiments performed in air-tight chambers, the diminution per hour in sleep, was about one-third of the normal quantity (Schar- ling). According to other e.stimates, the quantity exhaled, in a given time, during profound sleep, is about one-half that of the average quantity in the same time during the day. The period of the day, influences the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled, quite independently of the condition of sleep or wakefulness. The ratio in a like time of the night and day, VOL. II. H II 4G6 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. being as 1 to 1'25 (Scharling), or as 1 to 1'8 (E. Smith). Taking the whole day of 24 hours, the smallest quantity is exhaled in the middle of the night, and the largest in the middle of the day ; a slight increase occurs at sunrise, and a prolonged and constant diminution after 9 o’clock in the even- ing (B. Smith). The difficulty of resisting the effects of severe cold, between midnight and sunrise, is well known. A sea- sonal influence on the products of respiration, has also been noticed ; the maximum product occurs in spring (April and l\Iay), and the minimum at the end of summer (September), a gradual increase occurring in early winter (October, No- vember, and December), and a gradual decrease in early summer (June, July, and August). Hence, heat, as the result of seasonal changes, equally with artificial heat, diminishes the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled, and climatic cold in- creases it ; moreover, it Was found by Barral, that the daily quantity of carbon exhaled by the skin and lung.«, was, in winter, upwards of 5,000 grains, and in summer only about 3,700 grains. But neither temperature alone, nor this, added to the effects of atmospheric pressure, account for the seasonal changes (E. Smith). It may be remarked, however, that the hygrometric condition of the air in the above researches, was not taken into account, but this, as shown by Lehmann, is of the highest importance ; the period of increase corresponded with the wet months, and that of decrease with the diy months of the year. Food generally increases the absolute quantity of carbonic acid given off from the lungs, whilst fasting has the opposite effect, the proportion of carbonic acid in a given quantity of the expired air, being, however, greater during starvation. Thus, in a person six feet high, in whom the average quantity of carbon exhaled, when at rest, with ordinary diet, was 7 '85 oz., the daily quantity exhaled whilst fasting, was 5’9 oz. ; the di- minution produced by fasting for the 24 hours, being rather more than one-fourth the usual quantity exhaled when taking food (E. Smith). The quantity exhaled in fasting, sinks to a certain line, which has been named the basal line, below which, in health, it does not descend ; but prolonged starvation ulti- mately diminishes it. The influence of food has been shown, by an increase after breakfast of one-fourth the previous quan- tity, and after dinner of about-two thirds (Scharling); the chief increase noted by Dr. Smith, was after brealdast and tea,. and not after early dinner. Thus, the quantity of EFFECTS OF FOOD ON THE CARBONIC ACID. 467 carbonic acid exhaled, by a certain person, being 20 '6 cubic inches (9'77 grs.) per minute, the quantity during continuous fasting being about 14 cubic inches (6'61 grs.), and the maximum and minimum quantities in the working day with food, 22 cubic inches (10-43 grs.) and 14'2 cubic inches (6'74 gi’s.), the increased exhalation after breakfast and tea was from 4-2 to G-3 cubic inches (from 2 to 3 grains), and after early dinner only from 2'1 to 4’2 cubic inches (from 1 to 2 grains). The different effect of ditferent kinds of food and drink, as observed by Dr. Smith, is, in some respects, remarkable ; all nitrogenous foods increase the exhalation of carbonic acid ; and so does any mixture of nitrogenous matters with the carb- hydrates, such as is found in bread, oatmeal, and milk ; but pure starch has scarcely any effect ; pure fat seems even to diminish the quantity of carbonic acid evolved, though pure sugar in- creases it. Tea, coffee, and cocoa cause an increase more sud- den and marked than that produced by any other substances experimented with ; pure alcohol also increases the quantity ; but of the spirits ordinarily in use, rum increases the quan- tity, brandy and gin diminish it, whilst whisky varies in its effects ; wine and ale increase it, whilst the volatile or aro- matic ingredients of both spirits and wine, seem to le.s.sen the quantity exhaled. Distilled water has been found to dimini.sh the exhalation of carbonic acid. The opposite effects of dif- ferent alcoholic fluids, such e.g. as rum and brandy, are referred by Dr. Smith to the separate action of the alcohol, sugar, aromatic srrbstances, and nitrogenous bodies in each of those fluids respectively; and the different effects of rveak alcoholic liquors, and of pure alcohol, have been explained by suppo.sing, that in the former case, the alcohol may act chiefly by stimulating the respiratory changes ; whilst in the latter, it may interfere with the oxidation of the ordinary consti- tuents of the body. Habitual drinkers, usually, accumulate fat. From the preceding facts, it would appear that the constitu- ents of food, do not act in proportion to the quantity of carbon they contain ; but that some specifically excite the re.spiratory interchanges,apparently by increasing the processes of oxidation in the body, and by augmenting the depth of the respirations, or the quantity of air inspired. Two substances, identical in composition, sugar and starch, act differently; the former ex- citing rcspiratoi-y interchange, the latter not doing so. Milk, especially when new, is a more powerful excitant even than a H II 2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. 4r,8 purely albuminoid substance. The nitrogenous foods increase the quantity fi-om 1 to 2T cubic inches (from to 1 gr.), mixed nitrogenous and hydro-carbonaceous foods give an increase of about 4‘2 cubic inches (2 grs.) per minute ; milk, a perfect mixed diet, 4 cubic inches (nearly 2 grs.) per minute ; spirits of wine 2T cubic inches (1 gr.) ; rum 3 cubic inches (about I's S^‘) ) stout 2T cubic inches (1 gr.); whilst tea, cof- fee, and cocoa increase the evolution of carbonic acid from 3 to 6 3 cubic inches (1|- to 3 grs.) per minute (E. Smith). Certain substances, such as sugar, alcoholic fluids, tea, and coffee, pro- duce their effect very quickly, reaching their maximum within half an hour ; whilst flesh, bread, oatmeal, and milk act later, their influence enduring as long as two hours and a half (E. Smith). Lastly, the effect of a high diet on one day, may affect the respiratory changes, as well as the excretion of urea, on the followng day, imparting, as it were, a somewhat durable stimulus to the system. The amount of carbonic acid exhaled, is dimini.shed in all chronic and organic diseases of the lungs, in hectic con- ditions, and in cholera ; whilst it is increased in chlorosis, in which the number of the red corpuscles is diminished. The proportion of carbonic acid in a given amomit of expired air, is increased in certain exanthematous diseases, as in measles, and especially in smallpox, in which it is nearly doubled ; whilst, on the other hand, it is reduced about one-half, in typhus fever. The absolute quantities exhaled in these and other diseases, have not been sufficiently investigated. The effects of remedial agents, generally, on the absorption of oxygen and exhalation of carbonic acid, have likewise yet to be scientifically determined. The inhalation of the vapour of chloroform and ether, diminishes remarkably die escape of carbonic acid from the blood; and this constitutes an accessory cause affecting the nervous system. In the treatment of diseases by change of climate, the increased respiratory interchange which is induced by cold, and the diminished oxidation wliich takes place in higher temperatures, should be considered, as well as the great influence of atmospheric moisture, in increasing the exhalation of carbonic acid, and of a dry air, in diminishing it. It is pos.sible that, in some, degree, the hygienic value of a dry climate, such as Egypt, in the treatment of diseases of ex- haustion, may deiiend upon the comparatively limited amount of waste and oxidation of the tissues generally. In hybernating animals, the quantity of oxygen absorbed EFFECTS OF FOREIGN GASES. 409 and carbonic acid evolved, is, like the respiratory movements themselves, reduced to a minimum, or, it is said, the respira- tory interchanges are even absolutely arrested. Effects of Breathing other Gases than Air. As already mentioned, many gases and vapours of volatile substances, are introduced into the system, by absorption fi-om the pulmonary mucous membrane. Chloroform, ether, cam- phor, and turpentine, thus produce their characteristic activi! results on the system ; so likewise do tobacco smoke, the smoke of the datura stramonium, and the vapour of mercury. The gaseous combinations of hydrogen with other elements, such as arseniuretted, phosphuretted, sulphuretted, and carburetted hydrogen, are especially and directly poisonous. The arseniu- retted hydrogen is the most powerful, less than one-tenth of a grain, when inhaled, having proved fatal to Man. Sulphm-etted hydrogen stands next in potency, air containing from one to three per cent, having been respired without much incon- venience to Man, though much less destroys animals. Car- buretted hydrogen, or marsh gas, the fire-damp found in coal mines, is still less active as a poison, but destroys life when present in large proportions. The vapours of nitric, nitrous, sulphurous, and hydrochloric acids, as well as those of ammonia, which are compound bodies, and those of bromine, iodine, and chlorine, which are simple bodies, are likewise positively injurious when inhaled into the lungs, causing direct irritation of the mucous membrane, and producing decompositions of a special kind when taken into the blood. Besides causing an increase of the mucous secretion, intense bronchorrhoea, serous inflammation, and often permanent cough, they frequently produce, through reflex nervous action, violent spasm of the glottis, and so may cause asphyxia or death from suffocation, without entering the air-tubes ; some- times death results from oedema of the glottis. There is one I gas, a compound of nitrogen with oxygen, the nitric oxide, or I laughing-gas, which, when inhaled for some minutes, produces i a state of temporary intoxication, and, at the same time, main- jl tains respiratory chemical changes, at the expense of the ! oxygen contained in it, the products of respiration being, in ! such a case, carbonic acid with a large excess of nitrogen. ! By a long continuance of the experiment, insensibility, and, 470 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. as has been shown on animals, actual suffocation, probably from the carbonic acid, may be produced. Besides these directly irritant and poisonous gases, there are some which are only indirectly injurious, being in them- selves inert and innocuous. Thus, snails have been kept in pure liijclrogen for a long time, and frogs as long as fourteen hours, without any injurious effects; and nitrogen is equally harm- less to frogs (Collard de Marti gny, Muller, Bergmann). In the experiments on frogs, carbonic acid is exhaled, for a time, in as great, or even greater, quantity than if the animals had breathed atmospheric air ; more is excreted in hydrogen than in nitrogen. The total quantity of carbonic acid, so given off, is, however, limited, doubtless because no more oxygen can be absorbed ; the lungs of the frog have been usually emptied of air, by compression or the use of the air-pump, and the only oxygen left in the animal, was that in the blood or the tissues. Some of the hydrogen and nitrogen seems to be absorbed, but only in small quantity. The exhalation of car- bonic acid in these cases, must be owing to the successive moist and dry diffusion taking place into the hydrogen or nitrogen ; and the diffusive force, in the former gas especially, would be much greater than that into air. In the case of Warm-blooded animals, only the newly-born or very young can support such an experiment, without the rapid extinction of life ; but they may live a short time, and yield carbonic acid to the artificial atmosphere of hydrogen or nitrogen. Fully-grown Birds and Mammalia, expire rapidly in pure hydrogen or nitrogen ; the .symptoms being instantaneous difficulty of respiration, gasping, loss of muscular power, and, at the end of two or three minutes, cessation of the heart’s action ; the lungs are found engorged with venous blood. The animals, indeed, are asphyxiated from the deprivation of oxygen, of which they require a larger and more constant supply, in comparison with the 3'oung of the same species, or with Cold-blooded animals. That the nitro- gen is not in itself injurious, is obvious from the large propor- tion of it — about four-fifths — in ordinary atmospheric air ; and that the same is true of hydrogen, is shown by the fact that, if this gas be mixed with oxygen, in the same proportions as nitrogen and oxygen exist in the air, animals live and breathe in such a mi.xtiire, without the least inconvenience. From all that has preceded, it is evident that of the two gases in the atmospliero, the oxygen is the active ingredient in respira- tion ; for nitrogen alone, as we have seen, causes suftbeation. EFFECTS OF CARBON GASES. 471 Hence oxygen has been named vital air. Considered in reference to its office, it is a supporter of life, or of the proper animal functions ; but, as regards the body itself, it is a de- structive, not a constructive, agent, operating constantly in its disintegi'ation and oxidation, in the various processes of animal life. The proper medium for healthy respiration, is pure at- mospheric air, which contains, besides a minirte trace of carbonic acid, four-fifths of nitrogen, and only one-fifth of oxygen. But an addition to the normal quantity of oxygen, is of more or less importance. Twice or three times the usual quantity in air, at first causes no apparent inconvenience, and no special change in the products of respiration ; but it is probable that, after a time, certain injurious consequences would ensue, though experiments are wanting to determine the point. Pure oxygen, however, is highly injurious; the vital functions are stimidated as if by a fever ; the pulse and respiration are in- creased in frequency ; after an hour, insensibility gradually comes on, complete coma then ensues, and death occurs in from six to twelve hours. On examination of the animal, the heart is found pidsating violently, although the motion of the diaphragm is arrested. The blood, after death, is of a bright colour in the veins, as well as in the arteries ; the mucous membranes are red ; the blood coagulates quickly ; oxygen has evidently been absorbed in large quantity ; the blood in the systemic capillaries is no longer properly changed to venous blood ; and, on the other hand, the presence of over-oxygenated blood in the nervous centres which govern respiration, lessens their activity, which is called into play apparently by the stimulus of a certain quantity ofcarbonic acid in the blood. The symptoms produced by breathing oxygen, are rapidly alleviated by respiration in atmospheric air. Of the three compound gases containing carbon, viz. car- buretted hydrogen C II.), carbonic oxide C O, and carbonic acid C O2, carbonic oxide is the most poisonous. This gas, which is produced by the imperfect combustion of carbon, is given off, together with carbonic acid, in the fumes of burning coke or charcoal. The addition of 5 per cent, of this gas to air, is sufficient to make it irrespirable, and to cause death, and it is this gas, rather than the carbonic acid, which pro- duces fatal results, in suicide by charcoal fumes. In these fumes, however, besides the carbonic acid and the carbonic oxide, there arc ammoniacal salts, an empyreumatic oil, some- times sulphurous acid, watery vapour, nitrogen, and traces of 472 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. free ox; gen. The symptoms produced by smaller quantities of carbonic oxide in air, are, giddine.ss, faintness, headache, convulsions, and irregularity of the pulse ; the freest in.spira- tions, or insufflations of pure air, or of diluted oxygen, are essential for recovery at such a crisis. When death ensues from the breathing of carbonic oxide, the blood is not found dark, as in asphyxia from carbonic acid, but even the venous blood is of a bright red hue, and the jiroperties of the corpuscles are permanently modified ; for they exhibit no further changes on exposure to oxygen or to carbonic acid. Carbonic acid being a natural product of the respiratory jfrocess, its injurious effects upon animal life, possess an inte- rest greater than that which attaches to those of other gases. The quantity of this gas in ordinary air, is about 4 parts in 10,000, -g-s^d-o^th part, or '04 per cent. In air once breathed, the proportion rises to about 4 j^er cent, i. e. part, or 400 parts in 10,000, a corresponding quantity of oxygen being simultaneously removed. If this air be respired a second time, a much smaller portion of carbonic acid is added to it, and still less, at each subsequent respiration. When air contains about 10 per cent, or yV^h its volume, of carbonic acid,Avhen one-half of the normal quantity of oxygen, has likewise dis- appeared, it is irrespirable, and fatal to man. Warm-blooded animals have been found to die in an atmosphere containing from 12 to 18 per cent. The symptoms of poisoning, may be said to begin with even a much smaller proportion in the air, even Avith as little as one-third per cent. For a time, no marked symptoms are observed, but after a certain interA'al, there occur headache, sense of fulness in the temples and occiput, giddiness, muscular prostration, oppression of the chest, difficult respiration, palpitation of the heart, subjective, disturbed sen- sations, such as singing noises in the ears and flashes of light, faintness, delirium, then droAvsiness, unconsciousness, convul- sions, coma, and death. Sometimes A’omiting occurs, and oc- casionally death ensues from apoplexy. On examination after death, the cerebral Amssels are found congested, and serous exudations to be present in the ventricles and at the base of the brain ; sometimes clots of blood are found in the sub- stance of the brain. Carbonic acid is the choke-damp of mines. PHENOMENA OF ASPHYXIA. 473 AspJnjxia. Wlien a person is completely immersed in an atmosphere of almost pure carbonic acid, as in brewers’ vats, in cellars in which wine is fermented, or in caverns, such as the Grotto del Cane, death occurs much more rapidly ; the glottis is some- times spasmodically closed, and respiration is as completely arrested by this impediment to the passage of air, as it is in strangulation, or in any other mechanical form of suffocation. Even if the glottis should remain patent, the entire absence of oxygen from such an atmosphere, wordd produce suffocation almost as speedily ; for twenty seconds is the extreme time during which the breath can be held by voluntary effort ; so tlrat suffocation might be said to commence at the expiration of that brief period. In any case, the form of death, which so rapidly ensues, is that by asphyxia, the essential characters of which, are, loss of muscular power and consciousness, cessa- tion of the movements of the chest, and then of the pulsations of the heart, with accumulation of blood in the right side of that organ, and in the whole venous system, so that even the skin becomes livid. The blood remains a long time fluid. The mode in which death occurs from asphyxia, whether caused by compre.ssion of the chest and abdomen, by direct suffocation from external strangulation, internal choking, or spasmodic closure of the glottis, or whether produced indi- rectly by immersion in some irrespirable gas, or in water, by paralysis of the respiratory nervous centres, or by narcotic poisonings, is somewhat complicated. The respiratory inter- changes of carbonic acid and oxygen, between the blood in the pulmonary capillaries and the air in the air-cells, diminish or cease ; the venous blood, reaching the lungs, no longer gives off its carbonic acid, and the pulmonary capillary circulation is more or less quickly stopped. The forward effects of this, are, that the left side of the heart receives, at first, imperfectly aerated blood, and then little or no blood at ;ill, so that the functions of the brain and nen/ous centres, of the muscu- lar system, and of the heart itself, all of which require, for their maintenance, a due supply of arterial blood, gradually or rapidly cease ; ultimately, the left side of the heart and the arteries, accommodating themselves by their muscular con- tractility and elasticity, are nearly or entirely emptied, or con- tain but very small quantities of dark non-aerated blood. On 474 SPECIAL PnrSIOLOGT. the other hand, the backward effects of the arrested circulation in the pulmonary capillaries, are ultimately, to distend the right side of the heart, and the entire venous system, with very dark blood. The stagnation of the blood in the pulmonary capil- laries, which is the first stage of the fatal process, has been attributed to some direct influence of the carbonic acid on the blood corpuscles ; for the circulation in the transparent parts of animals, may be arrested, by subjecting the capillaries to the action of carbonic acid ; moreover, as the red corpuscles of the blood undergo enlargement when acted upon by this gas, it has been supposed that these bodies may then obstruct the capillaries mechanically (Wharton Jones). It has also been sug- gested that there exist, in the healthy state, certain local attrac- tions and repulsions between the walls of the pulmonary ca- pillaries and the currents of the non-aerated and the aerated blood respectively, connected with the respiratory interchanges of the carbonic acid and oxygen, which are essential to the onward movement of the blood-cuiTent. In the slower forms of asphyxia, indicated by the more gradually-developed cerebral symptoms, the stagnation of the blood in the pulmonary capillaries, is preceded by a simple retardation of the blood-current in them ; but the entire blood is defectively aerated. Hence this fluid, owing to its ab- normal condition, passes imperfectly through the systemic capillaries; the arteries and the left ventricle become some- what distended, and the heart for a time beats more powerfully and more frequently, as if to overcome this resistance. But the activity of the nervous centres and muscular system is soon diminished, in proportion as the blood becomes less and less aerated ; at length, both are completely paralysed, the senses fail, consciousness is lost, the respiratory nervous centres lose their power, respiration becomes laboured and much in- terrupted, general convulsions ensue, and respiration ceases. The contractile power of the heart itself, becoming diminished, it beats more slowly, and at length ceases to contract. The left ventricle not only no longer receives its appropriate stimu- lating blood, but even loses its power of rhythmic contraction, owing to the poisoning of the blood in the nutrient vessels of the heart and its nervous ganglia ; whilst the cessation of the action of the right ventricle, is chiefiy the result of over-dis- tension, for venous blood is its proper stimulus, and the con- tractility of that side of the heart is retained, for more or less time, after it has ceased to beat sjmntaneously. If, indeed, CARBONIC ACID IS A BOISOX. •)75 the state of over-distension be relieved by puncturing the right auricle, or the great veins, the right ventricle will again begin to contract ; whilst the left venti'icle may be once more excited by duly arterialised blood. By some, it has been sup- posed that the obstruction to the pulmonary capillary circula- tion, is due to the mechanical non-expansion of the lungs, but it also occurs in asphyxia produced in animals made to respire nitrogen, in which case, the kmgs are not contracted. More- over, the vascular pulmonary obstruction, which is caused by asphyxia, is relieved by the inhalation of oxygen very rapidly, as compared with the gradual dilatation of the arterial system, when any mechanical obstruction to the circulation of the blood in them, has to be removed. The question has arisen, whether in asjihyxia from the inhalation of carbonic acid, the result is due to the diminished supply of oxygen, or to a directly poisonous eftect of the carbonic acid itself. The latter conclusion is supported by the fact that when animals are made to breathe an atmosphere consisting of carbonic acid, mixed with oxygen in the same proportion as exists in air, or even in much greater proportion, they are still quickly de- stroyed by asphyxia. It has been found, moreover, that a diminution in the proportion of oxygen, increases the poison- ous effects of the ct.rbonic acid ; wJiere the quantity of oxygen is reduced to 16 or 10-^ per cent., death speedily ensues, even though the carbonic acid is constantly being removed ; but if the oxygen be maintained at its ordinary proportion of 21 per cent., the ill effects of carbonic acid are not manifested more rapidly, even though as much as 20 per cent, of that gas be pre.sent in the respired air. A still more positive proof of the directly poisonous influence of carbonic acid, is furnished by the following singular experiment. One bronchus of a tor- toise was tied, and the animal lived apparently without incon- venience ; the respiration, accomplished by one lung, being temporarily sufficient. But if, by special arrangements, ordi- nary air was allowed to enter one lung, and carbonic acid the other, through their respective bronchi, the animal soon died, the introduction of carbonic acid into the system, being the sole difference in the two conditions. This experiment also proves that carbonic acid may, in certain conditions, not only not escape from the lungs, but may actually bo absorbed by them (Rolando). 476 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Suspended Respiration and Animation. The length of time which different animals, or Man, can sur- vive without resjiiration, varies, according to many conditions, chiefly referable to the relative degree of activity of the ani- mal functions in any given case, but sometimes also to special provisions. The more active the nirtritive and respiratory processes, and the greater the development of heat, the sooner does death by suffocation ensue. Thus, cold-blooded animals, with the feebler activity of all their functions, have less need for air than warm-blooded animals, the water-newt, e.g. fre- quently remaining, even in its active summer life, a quarter of an hour or more under water ; whilst frogs and lizards have been kept, in experiments, for years without food, en- closed in porous stones, or buried in earth ; but when they are hermetically enclosed, they sooner or later die. Warm-blooded animals and Man, on the other hand, are rapidly asphyxiated. Hybernating Mammalia are able to live, in their peculiar tor- pid condition, with a supply of air so defective, that they would die asphyxiated in it, during their active summer condition. Newly-born animals, being less dependent on the perfect state of respiration, survive submersion for much longer periods, especially when their temperature is low ; rabbits, under such circumstances, having survived as long as 26 minutes, and puppies even 50 minutes ; young guinea-pigs, however, do not seem to possess this immunity. Even full-grown animals resist the injurious effects of submersion in water, for a longer time than usual, when their temperature has been previously re- duced as low as 64°, but not lower ( Brown- Sequard). Again, it has been observed, that full-grown warm-blooded animals die sooner from drowning, than from simple apnoea caused by im- mersion in nitrogen or hydrogen, by choking, or by strangvda- tion, the more rapid fatal result in drowning, being due, not only to the deprivation of air, but to the partial filling of the air- passages and air-cells with water, and to the poisonous effects of carbonic acid. Thus, the average time in which rabbits, suddenly deprived of air, cease apparently to live, has been found to be 3 min. 25 sec. ; in the case of dogs, the time is 4 min. 5 sec. ; the action of the heart, however, was maintained for 7 min. 10 sec. ; moreover, the animals thus deprived of ail', could be restored to life ailcr 3 min. 50 sec. On the other hand, an immersion iii water for only 1|- or 2 minutes, HOLDING THE BREATH, 477 usually rendered recovery impossible. La-stly, if the trachea of an animal be divided and plugged, so that the water may be excluded from the air-passages, and it be then submerged, even for four minutes, it may recover its respiratory power (Kep. Med. Chir. Soc.). Animals subjected to a diminished atmospheric pressure under the receiver of an air-pump, are asphyxiated, sometimes, perhaps, owing to the liberation of gases in the blood of the small pulmonary bloodvessels. Li a few Warm-blooded Mammalia, destined for an aquatic life, as, e.g. in the Cetacea, there exist special provisions in the presence of arterial and venous pleuxuses or diverticula, in which the blood may accumitlate dtrring their submergence. The retia mirabilia, or Avonderful networks of the arteries, contain a supply of oxygenated blood, which is employed, as- requii-ed, by the submerged animal ; whilst the large venous plexuses receive a like quantity of deoxygenated blood. Whales can remain upwards of an hour beneath the water. Certain diving birds possess similar diverticula of both arteries and veins. In Man, under ordinary circumstances, the breath can be held for about 20 seconds ; but after an ordinary inspiration, the period of endurance without air, may be prolonged to 25 seconds. If, hoAvever, a single forcible expiration be made, and then a deep inspiration be taken, the period may be ex- tended to about 33 seconds. If five or six deep expirations and inspirations be made, one after the other, so as to clear the lungs as completely as possible of used-up air, and then a deep inspiration be taken, from one and a half to tAvo minutes may be alloAved to pa.ss Avithout inconvenience from Avant of air, Avith the exception of slight giddiness at first. This fact it is useful to remember in passing through rooms filled Avith smoke or on fire, or on entering such rooms, or descending a vat, or diving in water to save the life of another. In en- tering an apartment on fire, or filled Avith smoke, it is better to stoop or creep along the floor, as the air in that situation is cooler and less pungent; but in the ca.se of Avells, brcAvers’ 'vats, or sewers, the entrance of Avhich, for a time, is mo.st i hazardous, there is no great elevation of temperature, and the loAver strata of air arc the most poisonous. By practice, persons [may accustom themselves to an interruption of the respiratory [process for three or four mimrtes, without loss of consciousness, I or other serious consequences, three minutes being the ordinary rlimit attained by the skilled pearl-divers of Ceylon. 47S SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Some of these divers use a small spring-clip, made of horn, which they slip over the end of the nose, the instant before they enter the water. This, on the one hand, prevents the escape of air from the thorax through the nose, and, on the other, the entrance of water through the same passage ; without this contrivance, the diver must hold the nose with one hand, which would limit his powers of search and prehension at the bottom of the sea ; moreover, if the nosti-ils are not closed, the muscles of the glottis and of inspiration must be kept incessantly strained, or an irresistible expiratory effort would take place, and expel some air from the chest. With this protection on the nose, however, the diver has only to keep the mouth closed ; the inspiratory muscles are not required to act, and the contents of the chest are mechanically retained. Persons who have been submerged for four or five minutes, are rarely restored to life, and sometimes, often owing, doubt- lessly, to the entrance of water into the air-passages, persons who have been submerged scarcely a minute, cannot be resuscitated. A submergence of five minutes, is almost certainly fatal to hlan, still recoveries have occasionally taken place after much longer j^eriods, even a quarter of an hour, and it is said after half an hour or more. In such cases, however, it is believed that just before, or at the moment of immersion, syncope, from some cause or other, has taken place. In this condition, or in a state of trance, the heart beats feebly, or scarcely at all, the respi- rations are weak and shallow, and life may be said to be interrupted, or so feebly maintained, that it may be continued as well under the water, as above it ; venous blood is not propelled through the system, so that the nervous centres are not poisoned by carbonic acid; and, unless the temperature of the water be very low, the vitality of the respiratory nervous centres, of the muscles of respiration, and especially of the heart, may be suspended, but not altogether destroyed. Such a condition of syncope or fainting, may be produced, either by a severe blow causing concussion of the brain, by other plij^sical shocks to the body, by sudden fright, or violent passion. For these reasons, attempts at the resuscitation of apparently drowned persons, should always be resolutely’’ persevered in, . even under most unfavourable circum.stjvnces. Certain methodical rules have been laid down, by means of so-called artificial respiration, for the recovery of drowned persons; and, with the exception of such parts of those rules, as relate to the removal of water from the mouth and nostrils, and ArvTIFICIAL EESPIRATION. 479 the replacing of cold and wet, by warm dry clothing, similar instructions would apply to the recovery of persons suffocated in brewers’ vats, wells, and sewers, and also to those asphyx- iated in the administration of ether or chloroform. In the case of persons mechanically strangled or choked, the external or internal cause of obstruction in the air-passages, must of course be first removed. The earlier rules, published by the Koyal Humane Society, for the recovery of drowning persons, were improved by Dr. Marshall Hall ; but the most simple and convenient are those of Dr. Silvester, which have been incorporated with the present rules of that Society. Euxes of the Eotal Humane Society. Treatment to restore Natural Breathing. Eule 1. — To maintain a Free Entrance of Air into the Windpipe. Cleanse the mouth and nostrils ; open the mouth ; draw forward the patient’s tongue, and keep it forward : an elastic band over the tongue and under the chin will answer this purpose. Eemove all tight clothing from about the neck and chest. Eule 2. — To adjust the Patient’s Position. — Place the patient on his hack on a flat surface, inclined a little from the feet upwards ; raise and support the head and shoulders on a small Arm cushion or folded article of dress placed under the shoulder-blades. Eule 3.— To imitate the Movements of Breathing. — Grasp the patient’s arms just above the elbows, and draw the arms gently and steadily upwards, until they meet above the head (this is for the purpose of drawing air into the lungs) ; and keep the arms in that position for two seconds. Then turn down the patient’s arms, and press them gently and firmly for two seconds against the sides of the chest (this is with the object of pressing air out of the lungs. Pressure on the breast-bone will aid this). (The Silvester method.) Eepeat these measures alternately, deliberately, and perseveringly, fifteen times in a minute, until a spontaneous effort to respire is perceived, immediately upon which cease to imitate the move- ments of breathing, and proceed to Induce Cihculation and Warmth. Should a warm bath bo procurable, the body may bo placed in it up to the neck, continuing to imitate the movements of breathing. Eaise the body in twenty seconds in a sitting position, and dash cold water against the chest and face, and pass ammonia under the nose. The Patient should not bo kept in the warm bath longer than five or sis minutes. Rule 4. — To r.rcite Inspiration.— Tturing the employment of the above method excite the nostrils with snuff or smelling-salts, or tickle the throat with a feather. Eub the chest and face briskly, and dash cold and hot water alternately on them. 480 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. Treatment after Natural Breathing has been restored. Eule 5. — To induce Circulation and Warmth. — Wrap the patient in dry blankets and commence rubbing the limbs upwards, firmly and energetically. The friction must be continued under the blankets or over the dry clothing. Promote the warmth of the body by the application of hot fiannels, bottles or bladders of hot water, heated bricks, &c., to the pit of the stomach, the armpits, between the thighs, and to the soles of the feet. Warm clothing may generally be obtained from by-standers. On the restoration of life, when the power of swallowing has returned, a teaspoonful of warm water, small quantities of wine, warm brandy and water, or coffee, should be given. The patient should be kept in bed, and a disposition to sleep encouraged. During reaction large mustard plasters to the chest and below the shoulders will greatly relieve the distressed breathing. In the recovery from drowning, or from other forms of asphyxia, the various phenomena which characterise the pro- duction of that state, are, as it were, reversed or rmdone, beginning at the re-establishment of the flow of blood through the pulmonary capillaries. On the introduction of air into the lungs, by the artificial imitation of the respiratory movements, oxygen is once more absorbed by, and carbonic acid given off from, the venous blood reaching those organs ; these renewed chemical changes in the blood, induce again its onward motion through the capillaries into the pulmonary veins; thence it flows on, more or less oxygenated, into the left side of the heart, which resumes contractions of sufficient strength to propel this oxygenated blood into the nutrient arteries of tlie heart and its ganglia, as well as into the muscular and nervous systems generally. In this way, the rhythmic power of the heart itself, and the excitability of the respiratory nerves, the nervous centres, and muscles, are restored, and, subsequently, conscious ‘ sensation, perception, and volition. In the meantime, more- over, the restoration of the capillary circulation in the lungs, liberates the blood previously pent-up in the right cavities of the heart, gradually unloads those cavities, facilitotes, more and more, at each moment, their free action, and so by degrees empties the over-distended venous system. The freer return of the blood from the systemic capillaries, being thus permitted, that part of the circulation also is relieved, the lividity and coldness of the surface of the body, are removed, and simul- taneously, the vigour of the left side of the heart being in- creased, the flow of properly oxygenated blood, throughout the 1*1 k h f-t! I rirt ARTIFICIAL CIRCULATION. 4S1 whole system, and life itself is restored. The action of the air upon the blood in the capillaries of the skin, may slightly assist in these favourable changes ; for the lividity of the skin some- times diminishes, even when life is not restored. It has been found by Dr. Eichardson, that artificial respira- tion, by direct inflation of the lungs of animals, tails to restore the pulmonary capillary circulation, if the beats of the heart have actually ceased, an event which usually occurs alter five minutes. Insufflation of tlie lungs with hot air, is more stimu- lating to the heart, but yet not adequate to restore the pirlmo- nary blood-current. The employment even of oxygen or ozone, mixed wdth the air, is useless, unless the heart is still acting. Galvanism will revive the respiratory movements, but, unless the heart is still beating, it fails to re-establish the motion of the blood through the lungs. In short, if once the blood-ci;rrent in the pulmonary arteiy and its branches, be in- terrupted, the blood corpuscles in the small vessels speedily coalesce, and then the increasingly feebler contractions of the heart, merely propel blood into the trunk of the pulmonary artery, but not through the lungs. Artificial respiration by insufflation, or even by Silvester’s method, must not be at- tempted, or continued, when the feeblest natiu-al respiratory movements are discernible. The introduction of air into the lungs must then be veiy gentle ; the temperature of the air should, if possible, be as high as 120°, and never below 60°. Galvanism, being exhaustive of, as well as stimulating to the respiratory muscles, should either be emploj^ed for a limited time, or should be perha])s avoided. Certain experiments, on what Dr. Richardson terms artijicial circulation, encourage him to hope, that means may ultimately be found of restoring life, if the blood is not actually coagulated, an event which does not usually take place before twenty minutes, and may not do so within an hour, in unopened and unexposed bloodvessels. In- jections of oxygen into the circulation, or of peroxide of hydro- gen into the trachea, may excite the heart or muscidar system generally, but they do not restore the circulation through the lungs. The injection of vapour, and of hot water at the tempera- ture of 1 20°, into the veins, excites the action of the heart in an extraordinary manner ; wliilst that of wanu delibrinated and deoxygenated blood has no effect. Galvanism, applied to the heart jointly with artificial respiration, excites both sides of that organ, and, for a time, restores the pulmonary circulation. The forcible injection of blood into the jugular vein, with VOL. II. II 4S2 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY the view of overcoming the resistance to the motion of the blood in the lungs, entirely fails in its object. On the other hand, suction of the blood, by aid of a syringe introduced into a large artery, draws soTiie of that fluid through the pulmonary capillaries, in an oxygenated state, and on its being reinjected into the artery, so as to reach, amongst other parts, the walls of the heart through the coronaiy arteries, effectually re-es- tablishes the pulmonary circulation, and all the functions of the body. The injection of the blood back into the arterj", in a pidsatory or inteiTupted manner, revives the action of the heart most completely from its quiescent, cold, and partly I’igid state, even one hour and five minutes after death. These interesting experiments, though not yet of practical applica- tion in the treatment of asphyxiated persons, serve to corro- borate the generally-received opinion, that an essential fact in asphyxia, is the retardation, and subsequent arrest, of the move- ment of the blood through the pulmonary capillaries, and point to the reliefer removal of that condition, as the turning-point of success in all attempts at resuscitation. Effects oj- Breathing Impure Air. Instances have occurred, in which the carbonic acid exhaled by large numbers of persons crowded together in .small a]3art- ments, has been most destructive to human life. The Black Hole of Calcutta was a room only 18 feet square, having two small windows; into this apartment, 146 prisoners were literally crammed, and, during one night, 123 of them perished. 'I'he cruelty of an enemy, in 1756, was scarcely more disastrous than the ignorance of the captain of an Irish passenger steamer, in 1848, Avho, during a storm, confined under closed hatches, in a small crowded cabin, 150 passengers, of whom 70 died in the night. But carbonic acid produces injurious effects, even when it exists, in the air, in quantities too small to cause asphyxia; as, for exampile, when not more than one per cent, is pre.sent. Thus, in ill-ventilated apartments, the presence of an excess of car- bonic acid in the atmosphere, interferes with the proper oxy- genation of the blood ; for, as already mentioned, less and less^ 1 carbonic acid is exhaled, as the proportion of that gas increases » j in the inspired air. Headache, oppression of the senses, lassi--’ tude of the muscles, and languor of the mind, are the results ; * the oxidation of the eflete matters of the blood, is imperfectly AIR AND AIR SPACE FOR ROOMS. 483 performed or prevented, and they accordingly accumulate in tliat fluid ; the pulmonary and cutaneous exhalations become still more loaded with such substances, and, together with the carbonic acid itself, and the ordinary exhalations from the skin jind lungs — with which the air in such confined apartments, is already infected — produce still more depressing effects upon, and ultimate injurious consequences to, the system. During each minute, an ordinary adult inspires and expires f)60 cubic inches of air, exhales 14’4 cubic inches of carbonic acid, and absorbs at least 15 cubic inches of oxygen ; this renders 150 cubic inches of air totally irrespirable ; for, as already mentioned, this condition is arrived at, when half the normal quantity of oxygen (30 parts in 150) is replaced by carbonic acid. But in order that the air of any room, should be fit for continuous respiration, a much greater change must be effected in it, than that of merely replacing, minute by minute, the 360 cubic inches of air breathed in that time. For the 4 per cent, of carbonic acid contained in it, is sufficient, with the concitiTent loss of oxygen, to deteriorate a much larger quantity of air. It is 100 times more than tliat wdiich is present in common air, for this is only '04 per cent. ; and therefore, even when diluted with 100 times its volume of ordinary air, the mixture would still contain twice the normal quantity of carbonic acid, viz., '08 per cent., or 8 parts in 10,000 ; this is about the average quantity in the air of certain large manufacturing towns. For such a dilution, 36,000 cubic inches, or more than 20 cubic feet of air would be required. Owing, however, to the rapid, spontaneous, dry diffusion of the carbonic acid, a less degree of actual dilution is sufficient for the purposes of healthy respiration ; and it has been variously computed, that from 4 to l() cubic feet of air per minute, which last-named quantity, with the respired air, would yield an atmosphere containing 12 parts of carbonic acid in 10,000, are needed for each person, in sleeping or sitting apartments, schools, courts, theatres, workshops, factories, barracks, work- liouses, or prisons. Hospitals, especially for surgical cases or lever.s, refiuire at least double that quantity. Much depends on the temperature of the air, for a higher temperature requires a more rapid change. Moreover, besides the removal of car- bonic acid and the renewal of oxygen, it is of the utmost moment that other pulmonary and cutaneous exhalations, whicb contain volatile organic matter and ainmoniacal salts should be diluted, oxidated, or removed. If the i^roducts of 1 1 2 ■484 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. tlie combustion of artificial lights, especially of gas, enter the air of the room, a still further allowance of fresh air is ne- cessary. Were it not for the law of diffusion of gases, the evils arising from overcrowded and ill-ventilated rooms, would be much greater. In the air of a very close room, which had been occupied by 500 people, and in which fifty candles had been burning. Dr. Dalton found, after it had been shut up for two hours, one per cent, of carbonic acid. But Dr. Roscoe has shown that in theatres, the percentage is usually ’0321, and in schoolrooms '331 ; indeed, in no rooms did he ever find more than ‘5 per cent., owing, as he remarks, to the constant diffu- sion and interchange of air through the crevices and openings at the doors, windows, and fire-place. Furthermore, in proof of the rapidity and importance of the diffusion of carbonic acid in the air, he found that the percentage of carbonic acid was nearly uniform in every part of an occupied room, at the same time. Nevertheless, this accidental diffusion is insufficient for the proper change of the air in a crowded room. The escape and entrance of quantities of air, are indispensable for the re- moval of the noxious products thrown off from the living body, and for the renovation of the atmosphere. This is to be ac- complished, consistently with warmth and comfort, by artificial ventilation. Besides this motion of the respired air, and its replacement by fresh air, a certain actual breathing space should be allowed for each person occupying private sleeping apartments, or for those attached to barracks, workhouses, prisons, and, e.specially, to hospitals. The day rooms being more or less constantly opened may be smaller. The practice of architects and build- ers, up to a recent date, was to allow not less than 800 cubic feet of space for each person ; but this is too little, especially in infirmaries and ho.spitals, in which 1,200 cubic feet per head are not considered too much, and for military hospitals in warm climates, as much as 2,500 cubic feet per head have been recom- mended. The importance of sufficiency of breathing space and of ventilation, in sleeping apartments, can hardly he over- rated, especially when we reflect that, even in health, the bed- room is occupied, ft’om first to last, nearly 8 hours out of the 24, or nearly one-third of our existence. In ho.spitals and infirmaries, the same room is too frequently occupied both day and night. The deterioration of health, from neglecting to sleep in a EFFECTS OF BAD AIR. 485 pure air, is shown in many ways. Many competent authorities attribute the deposition of tubercle in the lungs, i.e., the early stage of phthisis, partly to inadequate respiration, and to im- perfect oxidation of the constituents of the blood and tissues. Consumption appears to have been engendered in the Quadru- mana coiTfined in the small overcrowded monkey -houses of the London and Parisian Zoological Gardens ; but after increased accommodation and proper ventilation were secured to those animals, tubercular disease almost disappeared from amongst them. The small, close, sometimes doubly-glazed houses in \Yales, contrast with the open dwellings of the inhabitants of Skye, and so does the prevalence of consumption in the former, with its rarity in the latter, districts. At an infant school at Norwood, a great mortality occun’ed amongst the children, clearly dependent on imperfect ventilation. Similar experience might be derived from every large town in the kingdom, pro- vided facts w'ere always duly i-ecorded and understood. In the infant hospital at Dublin, 2,944 children died dmdng four years, under a system in which ventilation had been utterly neglected ; whilst in a similar period, during which many improvements in this respect, were made, the mortality fell to 279. Sometimes the injury may consist in a lowering of the strength of the system, which exposes it to the attacks of im- pending epidemic or zymotic diseases. The effete matters retained in the blood, must deteriorate the fluids of the body, or escaping into the air, they may form an organic nidus for the development of some diseases, or they may ferment, be- come. putrescent, and so favour the multiplication and spread of poisonous fomites. Such effete matters may even undergo decomposition within the body. The lowered condition of health thus induced, favoims the continuance of the evil prac- tice of breathing impure air ; for in this depressed sbite of the respiratory and other functions, the need for fresh air is less felt, and habit reconciles the senses, and dulls the perception, to the effects of the suicidal practice of inhaling an atmosphere poisoned by oneself. Persons accustomed to hot, close, unven- tilated rooms, loaded with a vitiated atmosphere, do not recog- nise either by smell, or by the sensations of enfeebled bodily health and infirmity, the effects of the impurities which they breathe. Moreover, they often believe themselves, and are re- garded by others, to be in an average state of health ; but the onset of an e])idcrnic, or of a contagious disease, reveals their want of power to resist morbid iuiluences. As a most serious 48G SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. predisposing cause of disease and mortality, during such visita- tions, the overcrowding of rooms, whether large or small, public or private, is fully recognised. The overcrowding of the population in parts of towns or villages, is also very inimical to health. This is doubtless partly to be explained by the fact, that it is the poorer classes, less well provided for, in every way, which occupy' such neighbourhoods ; it is also partly due to the closer proximity of the inhabitants to each other, and to their increased lia- bility, from this circumstance, to communicate diseases to one another. But the increased accumulation, within a limited space, as in towns, or in the immediate neighbourhood of dwellings, as in villages, of the excreta, and of the waste animal and vegetable matters of the food, which constitute, when undergoing decomposition, sources of contami- nation to the air, cannot be here disregarded. Indeed, it has been shown that whereas, in the open coimtry near Manchester, the quantity' of organic matter in the air, is only 1 grain in 200,000 cubic inches, in the confined and overcrowded districts within that city, the pro- portion is, 25 grains in the same quantity of air. The open ditches for drainage, and the heaps of garbage and refuse, in villages, and the uncleansed sewers, defective drains, and untrapped water-closets and sinks, in cities and towns, by admitting the escape of foul air into the environs, the lanes, the streets, or the houses them- selves, are serious causes of insecurity to health. Sewer-atmosphere usually contains sulphuret of ammonium, or ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen, frequently carburetted hydrogen, and besides these, it is loaded with organic matter, decomposing or putrescent, mixed with the spores of fungi, and with the minute living organisms known as bacteria, or, at any rate, with the organisable material in which these are generated. A house into which such an atmosphere is conducted, by an un- trapped sink, or other defect, resembles, when closed at night, an inverted beli-jar over an open gas-pipe, or a receiver specially connected with the sewer, which acts as a retort for the evolution of poisonous vapours. It is necessary to exclude such chances of contamination of the air inside a dwelling-house ; and to prevent also the contamination of the atmos- phere in the immediate vicinity of the dwelling, from which tlie internal supply for ventilation is derived. This is the immediate sanitary purpose of a perfect system of sewerage and drainage. Water is, for large cities certainly, and perhaps also, wherever available, the most cleanly, and convenient vehicle for carrying away the excretory products of the inhabi- tants ; the sewers should themselves be ventilated. Great care is needed to prevent the sewage matter from contaminating wells, or other sources of drinking-water ; for water is, thus, as easily, and much more insidi- ously, contaminated than air. Earth closets are suitable for the country. It seems probable, though but little is certainly known on these sub- jects, that zymotic diseases, whether contagious or epidemic, spread them- solvo.s, at least to a groat extent, through the air, and enter the body through tlio lungs ; moreover, it is possible that the agents which cause them, have, if not an org-amc germinating, at least a cheTuical self-mul- tiplying property, and Unit impurities, whether in solid bodies, in water, or in air, may form a nidus for such increase, or growtli. The mortality from epidemic and contagious diseases, both local and PURE WATER. •187 general, has been repeatedly demonstrated to be proportional to the impure condition of the atmosphere of houses or localities. On the other hand, a decrease in the amount and severity, of zymotic diseases, and in the rate of mortality induced by them, has been shown to follow sanitary improvements in clifFereut towns. In the city of Salisbury, the annual average mortality during eight years previous to the complete drainage of Jhe city, was 27 in 1,000 ; whilst in the succeeding eight years, it was reduced to 2 1 in 1,000. In the city of Ely, with a population of 6,176 persons, living in 1,200 houses, the average annual death rate, in the seven years from 1843 to 1849 inclusive, was 26 per 1,000 ; in the year 1851, public sanitary works were brought into operation, and, in the seven years from 1851 to 1857, the death rate was reduced to 20^, whilst in the last of those years, it was only 19 in the 1,000. Besides securing a larger supply of better water, 4,000 cubic yards of cesspools were filled in, and trapped water-closets were substituted ; but, in 1857, 200 houses were yet unconnected with the public drainage, and the pigsties were left, as being too sacred to be touched. It is notice- able, that, whilst the death rate in this city, was reduced, subsequent to the sanitary improvements from 26 to 19, the annual death rate in the surrounding country was still 21, in 1857 (William Marshall). The annual mortality at Pau, one of the healthiest places in Franco, varie.s from 28 to 23 per 1,000; the highest actual mortality in England is 45, the lowest is 11, and the average, 22, per 1,000. A comparison with these figures, indicates the sanitary position of the city of Ely. The death rate of 11 per 1,000, is regarded as representing the inevit- able annual mortality oi this country; the additional deaths beyond that, constitute the ^reyew^iWe dependent almost entirely on zymotic diseases, the ravages of which might be more or less controlled by sanitary improvements. It has been quite recently shown, that one im- portant and unexpected result of public sanitary improvements, is a marked diminution in the number of deaths from phthisis ; this is pro- bably due to the better system of drainage, and to a general elevation of the health of the inhabitants (Dr. G. Buchanan). A supply of pure water to a town, is of immense sanitary as well as economical importance. It facilitates the cleansing and purification of both dwelling-houses and streets, and thus assists in the improvement of the air. It substitutes a wholesome beverage, for that contained in unclean tanks or butts, or for the water of surface wells, which from the soakage of filth, from pigsties, stables, or cesspools, is frequently converted into a deleterious, or even directly poisonous, drink. Impure water may act, by slowly introducing into the system, organic matter undergoing more or less change, and probably, capable of deteriorating directly, or indirectly, the composition of the blood, and thus ultimately lowering the health, and rendering the body more subject to the in- fluence of zymotic agents. At otlicr times, the water may act as the receptacle, the nidus, and the vehicle, of such zymotic poisons. The evidence collected first by Dr. Snow, in the epidemics of cholera in Lambeth, and afterwards by the Bov. H. Whitehead, in St. James’s, West- I minster, and by others, at Epping, and elsewhoro, concerning the influ- ence of water in intensifying, or probably in communicating cholera, is too strong to be resisted, though it has met with but a tardy acceptance. I The use of water, free, if possible, from organic impurities derived 488 SPECIAL rilYSIOLOGA*. from dwellings, or from other sources, is as essential to good health as pure air. Filtering and depositing heds fairly purify water, on a largo scale ; but in private houses, if any doubt exist as to the character of the drinking water, special filtration through animal charcoal, or through the magnetic oxide, or the carbide of iron, or if this be too expensive, boiling, and subsequent agitation or exposure to a pure air, are desirable precautions. ‘ In regard to public improvements, sanitary science consists in the perfection of cleanliness of the town, the house, the water, and the atmos-phere. The cost of such improvements, and the great question of the utilisation of sewage, have also an economical aspect. For the national welfare, it is essential that sanitary work should be done ; but it is not necessary that it should be directly profitable, or even free from cost. THE ORGANS AND FUNCTION OF RESPIRATION IN ANIMALS. As already stated, respiration is usually either aerial, or aquatic, according to the medium in which an animal is fitted to live ; but, in a few cases, both kinds of respiration are possible, as in the true Am- phibia. Examples of aerial, and of aquatic breathers, are met with in the Vertebrate, Molluscous, and Articulate Sub-Kingdoms ; but in the MoUufecoida and Annuloida, as well as in the Coelenterata and Protozoa, the respiration is, in all cases, purely aquatic. The respiratory organs afford no grounds for classification. Aerial Respiration. The general principles, physical and chemical, on which this kind of respiration is performed in animals, are the same as those which govern the respiratory process in Man ; but the organs concerned, vary accord- ing to the animal, and exhibit wide departures from the form and structure of the apparatus in Man, as we descend in the scale. Vertebrata. — In all Mammalia, the respiratory apparatus is similar in plan, and even in detail, to that of the human body. There is a complete thorax with movable walls, separated from the abdominal cavity by a perfect diaphragm, and containing lungs suspended freely in pleural chambers, resembling, in all essential particulars, those of Man. The respiratory movements are performed in the same manner ; their frequency also has a general relation to that of the pulse. The respirations are fewer, like the beats of the heart, in the larger Mam- malia than in the smaller ones, these latter requiring relatively, more frequent changes of air in the lungs, to maintain sufficient respiratory action for the development of heat, and for other purposes in their eco- nomy. In the Carnivora, the lungs are relativel}’ much larger than in the ITorbivora. The right lung is usually the larger. In the horse, and elephant, and in most Cetacea, they are .simple in form ; but more commonly they are divided into lobes; usually on the left side, these do not exceed three, and, on the right, five lobes. In Birds, besides a typical symmetrical arrangement, as to position and size, important peculiarities in the respiratoryapparatusaremetwith. The thorax and abdomen form but a single cavity, there being usually a rudimentary diaphragm only, which is spread out upon the base of the lungs, as in some llcptiles. In the ostrich tribe, however, the THE LUNGS OF BIRDS. 4S9 diaphragm approaches, by its greater clevelopmont, the Mammalian cha- racter, and in the Apteryx, this musculo-tendinous partition is quite perfect. The thoracic walls are constructed on a modified plan. The sternum, here expanded into the largo breastbone, which gives attach- ment to the muscles of flight, forms the greater part of these walls, and even supports the abdominal viscera ; whilst the ribs, which have a peculiar angular joint between their sternal and vertebral portions, occupy proportionally a smaller part. The absence of the diaphragm, and the difficulty of expanding a thorax thus constructed, by any active inspiratory movement, have led, as it were, to a complete reversal of the meclianism by which the air is drawn into, and expelled from, the chest. In Mammalia, and in Man, inspiration is an active, whilst expiration is, to a large extent, a passive movement ; but in Birds, expiration is active, whilst inspiration is chiefly, if not entirely, passive. In expi- ration, the large sternum is drawn towards the vertebral column by muscular effort; the ribs are approximated, and bent at the above-men- tioned angles, and so the thoracic part of the thoracico-abdominal cavity and therefore its contained lungs, are compressed, and air is driven from them. The expiratory muscles now cease to act, and the sternum, chiefly by the elastic resilience of the bent ribs, being drawn from the vertebral column, pressure is removed from the surface of the lungs, and air is inspired ; the expansion of the lungs, is probably favoured by the contraction of the incomplete diaphragm, which is attached to their base. The condition of the thorax and lungs when at rest, corresponds with the state of distension, whilst active breathing begins by an eflfort to force air from the chest, and not to draw it in, as is the case in Mammalia. The luvgs of Birds, are somewhat flattened, and fixed to the back of the thorax ; they are relatively smaller than in Mammalia ; their lobules are very distinct, each having its own bronchial tube and bloodvessels. Their interior is extremely subdivided, or celhdar ; the sacculi or cells thus formed, are at first supported by delicate cartilagi- nous trabeculce ; but some open into the ultimate air-cells. These cells are small ; whilst the capillaries upon them are exceedingly numerous, and their network very close, and owing to the frequent communications between neighbouring clusters of air-cells, and to other minute arrange- ments, come into relation with the air on both sides. These capillaries when injected, seem to bo varicose, and even to project into the air-cells, in such a manner as to appear naked, or not covered by mucous mem- brane ; this view is adopted by some, though, more probably, an exceed- ingly delicate membrane exists upon them. The high temperature, the active habits, and the rapid waste of tissue in Birds, are associated with a corresponding activity of the respiratory function. These animals absorb a larger amount of oxygon, and exhale more carbonic acid, in relation to their weight, than the Mammalia ; they are al.so much more dependent on a due supply of pure air, than the latter, and are much more quickly asphyxiated. Two supplementary anatomical conditions, peculiar to Birds, must more or loss aid in their active respiration. First, there are usually found in the neck, thorax, and abdomen, and even in the limbs, membranous bags, named air-sacs, into which the air gains acce.ss by extensions from certain bronchial tubes, which roach to the surface of the lungs, and there communicate with the thoracic or pleural air-sacs, from which other communications 490 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. extend to the abdominal, and remaining air-ca\'ities. These air-sacs are highly elastic, have a few plain muscular fibres in their walls, and are lined by a fine, moderately vascular, and partially ciliated mucous mem- brane. Secondly, in many Birds, most of the hones are hollow and ai'e filled with air. In certain Mammalia, some of the bones of the face and cranium, contain air ; but, in most Birds, besides these bones, the vertebne and sternum, and even the long bones, which, in Mammalia, and in the early condition of the Bird, contain marrow, such as the clavicle, humerus, and femm-, and even the merry thought and shoulder bones, are in the full- grown Bird, occupied with air, which finds access to their interior, by special membranous canals leading from the adjacent air-sacs. AATien the trachea is tied, respiration may be performed for a time through an aper- ture made in the arm-bone. These cavities in the bones, are lined with a membrane which, as compared with that of the air-sacs, is highly vas- cular. In Birds, killed suddenly, or destroyed slowly by drowning, the air in the air-sacs and bones, is often charged with from 8 to even 15 per cent of carbonic acid (Dr. Davy) ; respiratory interchanges of ox3'gen and carbonic acid, probably therefore here take place between the air and the blood, and these cavities must be regarded, not so much as sup- plementary, as sub-respiratory chambers, for the increase of the surface of absorption and exhalation. But their importance, in this respect, has perhaps been exaggerated. An equal extension of respiratory surface, if that only were needed in the economy of the Bird, might have been obtained by a trifling enlargement of the lungs themselves ; the mem- brane lining the cavities of the bones, is not so vascular as a respiratory membrane usually is, whilst that of the capacious air-sacs, is still less so ; moreover, there are some Birds which have no air in the long bones, or even in other bones ; such exceptions occur in various Orders, chiefly, however, amongst the smaller Birds, and some aquatic species ; lastly, the Apteryx has no air in any of its bones, and is even destitute of air-sacs, excepting the pleural chambers, in this respect being quite singular. The high temperature of Birds, has probably some other explanation than the presence of these sub-respiratory air-chambers. As already mentioned, vol. i. p. 236, these air-sacs, and the air-cavities in the bones, ainnot much diminish the weight of a Bird in the air, by the relative temperature of their contents, but they may aid in flight, by their dis- tending, and giving fixity to the thorax, which is the base of action for the wings; they may also, by the different pressure which is exercised upon them dui’ing flight, act as a sort of pneumatic apparatus for the movement of air through the lungs, at a time when ordinar}’ expiration is necessarily interfered with. In Reptiles, the highest of the Cold-blooded animals, the respirator}' apparatus is well developed ; but in comparison with the hlammalia and Birds, the lungs, though even larger in proportion to the size of the body, are not nearly so minutely subdivided in their interior, as in the Warm-blooded Vertobrata. Besides this, neither the arrangements of the heart and large bloodvessels, nor the structure of the thorax, are so well adapted for the perfect distribution of the blood to the lungs, and for the coutinuous introduction of fresh air into the air-cells ; lastl}’, the pulmonary capillaries are not so numerous. The greatest diversity is met with in these animals, as regards the THE LUNGS OF EEUTILES, •J91 structure and the mobility of the thoracic walls. In the Saurians, as in the Crocodiles and Lizards, the thorax is constructed somewhat after the Mammalian type, with movable ribs and a small imperfect sternum ; in the Chelonia or Turtles and Tortoises, the walls of the thorax are completely immovable, being fused, as it were, into the carapace and plastron ; whilst, in the Ophidians or Serpents, the thoracico-abdominal cavity is very capacious and expansible ; the exceedingly numerous ribs are disconnected in front, owing to the complete absence of a sternum ; they are extremely movable, and have powerful muscles attached to them. In the higher Saurians only, is any trace of a diaphragm found ; no such structure exists in the Chelonia, or Ophidia. The act of respi- ration is never performed in these animals, by an inhaling movement. In this respect they resemble Birds ; but they ditfer from these even more remarkably, for they all force air into the chest, by an act some- what similar to that of deglutition. Air being drawn into the pharynx, by the depression of the hyoid apparatus and its attached soft parts, the posterior nares are then closed, and, by an elevation of the same parts, the air is forced down through the glottis into the trachea. Expi- ration depends chiefly on the elasticity of the lungs, indeed, almost en- tirely so in the Chelonian Eeptiles, being assisted only by the abdo- minal muscles ; whereas, in the Saurians and Ophidians, it is aided by the intercostal muscles and the resiliency of the walls of the chest. The lungs of Eeptiles, fig. 116, are large in proportion to their bodies, and in the Chelonia, are attached to the sides of the chest. They are sometimes cellular, and sometimes saccidar. When they are cellular, as in the Sau- rians, and the Chelonians, 3, the cells are few, and form large alveolar spaces, presenting, on a section, a spongy structure, the bronchial tubes being soon lost in the wide cellules which communicate freely with ono another. In certain Saurians, the two lungs are unequally developed ; and, in the lower forms, the lungs become much elongated, and smoother in their interior. In the Ophidians and snake-like Saurians, it is the rule to find only a single, long, cylindrical, sac-like lung, in a fully developed state, viz. the right one ; the left lung is either slightly, or not at all, developed. The single lung, when distended, reaches through the greater part of the cavity of the body, and is saccular; the portion nearest to the trachea, however, has its sides marked with nu- merous alveolar depression.s or imperfect cellules, supported by a carti- laginous framework, and having vascular walls ; the larger portion of the sac has smooth and slightly vascular membranous parietos, fig. 1 15, i . Even in the Crocodiles and Turtles, owing to the large size of the cel- lules, and to their slightly subdivided form, the pulmonary mucous surfiice for the capillary network, is comparatively small ; in the Serpents, it is even proportionally less. Besides this condition, the less perfect nature of the inspiratory mechanism, the small quantities of air slowly and feebly impelled into the lungs, and the arrangements of the vascular system, imply a less active respiration, in accordance with their usually r slower life and habits. In the aquatic Ophidia, the buoyancy of tho body, is greatly aided by tho size of the lungs, especially in the Turtles, the shell of which is of great weight. In the Amphibia, which include the Frogs, Toads, Newts, Sirens, Proteus, and others, the anterior walls of tho thorax are defective, and there is no diaphragm. The air, as in Eeptiles, is drawn through tho 492 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. nostrils into the pharynx, by the depression of the hyoid apparatus and floor of the throat, and is propelled through the glottis, by the subse- quent elevation of the same parts. The lungs of the Frog, fig. 1 15, ^2, may be described as subcellular ; the internal subdivision of their surface into cells, is more simple than that of the Saurian Reptiles, though more complex than the alveolar structure of the Ophidian lung. The corre- sponding bronchus opens at once into this subcellular lung, the alveoli Fig. 115. Fig. 115. 1, Lungs of a serpent; the right one onl.v is fully developed; it is of such length, that the upper and lower portions alone are repre- sented ; the upper end is trahoculatcd and sacculated. 2, Lungs of the frog, showing their simple cellular character. 3. Portion of the lung of a turtle, showing its compound cellular structure. at the upper part of which, are supported by fine cartilaginous trabe- culte; it has been aptly compared to a single ultimate lobule of the lung of the Bird ; but the layer of capillaries is single, and is exposed to the air on one side only. The respiration of the Amphibia, is com- paratively imperfect, and their blood is cold ; moreover, it is ixirtly THE AIR-BLADDER OF FISHES. 403 performed by the surface of their moist skin, as lias been proved by their continuing to exhalo carbonic acid, after the removal of both lungs, an operation which they, for a time, survive. Even, in temperate climates, the Amphibia hybernate beneath the water ; and, in that state, they respire solely by the skin ; but in summer, simultaneously with a greater general energy, their respiration becomes more active, and then they breathe by the lungs also. The necessity for respiration, increases in these and in other cold-blooded animals, with the elevation of the temperature of the surrounding medium, which excites them to greater activity of body. In the Siren, and Amphiuma, the interior of the lungs is only slightly alveolar, presenting the last traces of a structure like air-cells ; in the Proteus, the lungs are smooth on their internal surface, like the air-sacs of the Fish ; the trachea is membranous, and the glottis is a simple cleft. In the early larval, or tadpole, state, all the Amphibia breathe aqua- tically, and some species retain the means of so doing, in the adult condition ; but all of them then have lungs, however simple. To Fishes, the aquatic form of respiration is proper ; but, as the ho- mologuo of the limgs of the other Vertebrata, the air-bladder of certain species requires mention. The air-bladder of the Fish, is a simple mem- branous sac or bag, placed beneath the spine, sometimes elongated, cylindrical, or fusiform, sometimes pyriform, sometimes provided with simple diverticula, more rarely with short branched tubuli ; sometimes it is double, one part being longer than the other, thus resembling the asjrmmetrical lung of the Serpents. The air-bladder always contains some air. It is usually a closed sac; but, in many cases, as in the pike, carp, salmon, and herring, it communicates, by means of a short open duct, the ductus pneumatieics, with the oesophagus, near the stomach or higher up ; in the Lepidosiren, it communicates with the pharynx, and even opens into it by a slit like a glottis ; it is also bifid, and slightly alveolar, closely resembling, therefore, a simple saccular lung ; it sometimes pre- sents vascular projections in its interior. The idea, that the air-bladder is the homologue of the lungs, is supported by the fact, that in the embryoos of the so-called pulmonated Vertebrata, the primitive lungs originate as little buds developed from the sides of the upper part of the oesophagus, which afterwards become hollowed out and branched. There is no homology between the gills and lungs in the Vertebrate series of animals ; they have analogous functions, but they are totally distinct parts of the organism. Certain fishes, as the Loach, can swallow air which probably enters the air-bladder ; but, in other cases, and especially when this organ forms a closed sac, air must be alternately excreted from the blood and ab- sorbed by it, according as the bladder is full or empty. In the Am- phioxus, the alimentary canal aids in tho respiratoi-y process. The analysis of tho air in the air-bladder, sometimes shows a largo propor- tion of carbonic acid, and sometimes little more than nitrogen. In a few species, in which it is of great size, and communicates freely with tho pharynx, tho air-bladder may be regarded as a feeble sub-ro.spiratory organ. In the great majority of cases, however, it is a rudimentary part, exercising little or no respiratory function ; it is largo in tho Flying fishes, and in some others capable of energetic and sustained ex- ertion. As elsewhere mentioned (vol. i. p. 232), when distended, it 494 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. diminishes the specific gravity of a Fish supported in water, and also alters the centre of gravity of the animal. It is usually absent in what are called ground-fishes, which live in deep water; but its pre- sence or absence appears to follow no precise rule, either as regards the habits, size, or generic position of the Fishes in which it exists or is wanting. Mollusca. — The Pidmogasteropods offer examples of Non-Vertebrated aerial breathers; they are terrestrial in their habits. In the Snails, for example, a large sac communicating with the external air, by an aper- ture situated on the left side of the neck, is found in the shelled varie- ties, beneath the back part of the mantle, in that portion of the body which occupies the smaller coils of the shell. It has numerous blood- vessels ramifying upon its walls, and is usually lined with cilia. This simple sac may be taken to represent the primitive idea of a lung, that is to say, a sac, formed by an inversion of the surface of the body, lined by a thin moist membrane, communicating with the air, and possessing, distributed upon its walls, bloodvessels, which have thin coats and a con- stantly moving blood-current in them. Such an organ becomes perfected by increase of size, by multiplication of its parts, so as to constitute a multilobular lung, by subdivision of its internal surface into saccules or air-cells, and by the penetration of air-tubes into its numerous lobules. The remaining Gasteropods, and, indeed, all other Mollusca and MoUus- coida, breathe aquatically. Annulosa. — Numerous instances of air-breathing animals, occur in this Sub-kingdom. Entire Classes without exceptions, such as the Myriapoda, the Arachnida, and the extensive and most important Class of Insects, breathe in this way. Of the Annelida, a few only are terrestrial and respire air; these, such as the earth-worms, have pairs of small sacculi opening on the sides of the body, in each segment ; but they are usually filled w'ith mucus. Similar structures exist in the leech. The air-breathing Annulosa, generally, however, do not breathe by soft membranous com- pound sacs like lungs, or by soft air-bladders, or even by simple soft sacculi like those of the land-snails ; but they have internal air-chambers, suiTounded by stiff walls, so that they are kept constantly patent, and are not easily compressed. In the Myriapoda, these chambers are saccular, a pair of sj-mnietrioal sacs existing in each of the many segments of the body ; they commu- nicate by short membranous tubes, the walls of which exhibit spiral lines, with little apertiu'es on the sides of the segments, named spiracles or stigmata. From these sacs, in one species, forming a step towards the condition of Insects, other short twigs ramify into tlie body, or laige .symmetrical lateral timnks connect them all together. In this wa}’, air is conveyed into close proximity with the nutrient fluids, and respiratory interchanges are accomplished. In the Arachnida, air-sacs exist in the spiders, communicating im- mediately with spiracles or stigmata on the surface of the body, and frequently having their internal membrane plicated, sons to increase the surface for exposure to air, for the aeration of the fluids of the body. This plicated structure is associated with a more perfect condition of the circulation, and compensates for the comparatively limited distribution of the air, in those active and powerful animals. In other Ai-achnida, the air-chambers are tubular, constituting trachea;, as found in the mites. respiration in insects. 40 r> The Insects possess in greatest perfection, this particular modification of an aerial respiratory apparatus, viz. a series of almost incompressible canals or tubes, instead of sacs. In these exceedingly active and ener- getic animals, most of which are organised for flight, the respiratory apparatus consists, first of tubuli, which commence at the sjnracles or stigmata found on each side of certain segments of the body, and, after a short course, lead into two longitudinal lateral tubes, extending from one end of the animal to the other. From those principal tubes, branches are given off for each segment; these branch again and again, until the finest ramifications penetrate the substance of every organ, especially the muscles, and even the ganglionic nervous centres, and the complex eyes. These tubuli, large and small, constitute the well-known trachea; of Insects. They are recognised under the microscope, by the beautiful structure of their walls, which are composed of coherent spiral fibres arranged in the most regular manner, and maintaining by their elasticity, the whole tracheal system in a patent sta*^e, resisting the pressure to which they are subjected during muscular effort. By these open canals, air is freely introduced into every portion of the Insect. In many perfect Insects, especially in those of powerful flight, the body or abdomen is made to perform active movements, by w'hich air is drawn in and out through the spiracles. Closure of the spiracles, or the filling of the tra- cheae with oil, speedily asphj'xiates these animals. Although, therefore, the circulatory apparatus is limited to a dorsal vessel, with largo venous sinuses and interstitial lacimae, without capillary vessels, yet the respira- tory apparatus is diffiised through every organ and portion of the bodj-, and the aeration of the blood is most complete. The respiratory function of these, the most perfectly developed examples of the Annulose animals, is, in the majority of species, extremely active, in harmony with their general energy and comparatively high temperature. In the largest Insects, and in those which, though of smaller size, possess remarkable powers of sustained flight, as the Bee-tribe, the longitudinal tracheal trunks are dilated in certain segments, so as to form air-sacs with rigid walls. The size of these, presents considerable variation, being largest in species possessing the greatest powers of flight. The wings of the perfect Insect have no homology with the true limbs, for they spring from the dorsal and not from the abdominal surface; in their structure and mode of evolution, they are more like respiratory organs, being filled with ramified trachea;. The trachea; and their dilatations in the flying Insects, sometimes de- signated the Birds of the Non- vertebrate Creation, have been supposed, like the membranous and osseous air-cavities in Birds, to diminish the specific gravity of the body during flight, by tlio warmer air in them ; but any such effect must bo immea,surablo. Their hollow, stiff structure, however, utilises the material employed in the most admirable manner, and so relatively diminishes weight ; wliilst the large dilatations or sacs met with, especially in Insects of flight, may serve as store- chambers for air, the spiracles being perhaps more or lo.ss closed during that act. Insects absorb, and convert into carbonic acid, a relatively largo quan- tity of oxygen, even during rest; but the respiratory interchanges aro much more active during locomotion. A bee will perform during the ex- citement immediately following its capture, as many as 125 respiratory 49f. special rnTSIOLOGT. movements of its body per minute ; but after an hour and a half, these may decline to forty-six per miinito. In the first hour of an excited respiration, one-third of a cubic inch of carbonic acid has been found to be generated, a larger quantity than -was produced in twenty-fours by a bee in its quiescent state, and far more than is given off by the lungs of a Man, in proportion to his weight (Newport). In the larval condition, as exhibited in caterpillars and grubs. Insects are also pro- vided with stigmata, lateral tubes, and tracheae ; and so is the pupa or chrysalis of those insects, which pass through the perfect stages of metamorphosis. But the respiratory process in the pupa, is less active than in the perfect Insect, and in the chrysalis, less active than in the larva. It is curious that the larva? of certain insects, as of the gnats and Ephemerte or day-flies, and the dragon-flies, are purely aquatic in their habits ; but still for the most part, they also breathe by tracheae, the spiracles of which exist only in the hinder portion of the animal ; these they protrude above the surface of the water, for respi- ratory purposes. In the larva of the gnat, one of the spiracles of the tail segment, is provided with a tubular prolongation, the mouth of which, beset with fine setae which retain vesicles of air, is made to reach the surface of the water, so that the creature can breathe whilst the rest of the body is submerged, and the head turned downwards, in order to watch for its prey. The larvae of the Ephemera?, still more curiouslj', breathe by external tuft-like or leaf-like thoracic or abdominal gills, con- nected with the tracheae or by similar organs situated in the intestinal canal ; but in the perfect state, like other Insects, they breathe by tra- cheae. Aquatic beetles come to the surface to breathe, or carry globrdes of air below the water. The same habit prevails among certain Arach- nida, some of the water-spiders even building nests beneath the water, and carrying down air to them, which they can afterwards respire. Aquatic Respiration. In this form of breathing, the physical process concerned, is simply that of the moist or false difmion of gases in a state of solution, those of the blood or nutritive fluids of the animal interchanging with those of the water, which, whether fresh, brackish, or marine, is the universal medium of aquatic respiration. That water contains air, is .shown by placing it under the air-pump, or by boiling it, which processes abstract or expel the air, and render it unfit to support aquatic animal life. The quantity of free oxygen contained in water, is, of course, much less, volume for volume, than it is in air, inasmuch as the source of the oxygen, is the air itself, held in solution. But the air, dissolved in water, is somewhat richer in oxygon than the ordinary atmosphere ; this is explained by the fact that oxygen is twice as soluble as nitrogen, in that fluid. Nevertheless, the gaseous interchanges in aquatic respira- tion, are necessarily slower and less energetic than in aerial breathing. The temperature of aquatic breathers is low ; they maintain a heat very little raised above that of the surrounding medium, which is also a much belter conductor of heat than air. and so robs them quickly of their caloric ; tlicir movements and otlier vital acts, arc comparatively sluggish and slight ; their life is more vegetative, and even those whicli have a perfect circulation, arc characterised by possessing cold blood. The RKSriRATION IN AMPHIBIA. 497 Mfimm.alian aquatic species, such as seals, porpoises, and whales, though chiefly or entirely inhabiting the water, are yet air-breathing animals provided with lungs, and warm-blooded. In water-breathing animals, in which a distinct circulation of blood exists, a special respiratory organ is always present, connected with the circulatory apparatus. With the exception of Insects, this is true like- wise of air-breathing animals. The more perfect the circulation, the more carefully must respiration be provided for ; otherwise, carbonic acid, accumulating in the blood, woidd be speedily conveyed to the nervous centres, and produce rapid poisoning. Such an event is more imminent in the warm-blooded air-breathing, than in the cold-blooded water-breathing animals. The most perfect breathing apparatus, for aquatic respiration, consists of exceedingly vascular projecting membranous processes of various forms and complexity. In the lower animals, such processes are more simple, and in the absence of a distinct circulation, they are ciliated upon their surface. These projections are named hranchia or gills ; they differ in structure, as much as the lungs of the air-breathing animals. Again, in certain forms of aquatic animals, and in some Entozoa, there are found, with or without gill-like projecting organs, remarkable internal ramified tubes or vessels, communicating, by an opening, with the surface of the body, and partially ciliated in their in- terior : these are the so-called water-vessels or water-vascular system ; they appear to have a respiratory office. In still lower aquatic animals, destitute altogether of vessels, certain hollow ciliated portions of the sur- face, or interior, of the body, exist, named ciliated sacs ; in others, ciliated discs are present ; often the cilia are methodically arranged on the surface, or in the interior of the body ; lastly, in tbe lowest forms, these micro- scopic moving organs cover a portion or every part of the minute or- ganism, and so are auxiliary to respiration. Vertebrata. — The highest of this Class which have gills, are the Ani- philria. In the larval or tadpole condition, all these animals have minute gills, and frequently even two sets of these organs. The first set are called the external gills, and consist of soft processes slightly branched, or very much subdivided, or even plumose ; they are attached to the side of the neck and project freely into the water. In the larva of the higher or tail-less Amphibia, the frogs and toads, the external gills remain only for a fewdays ; but in the tailed salamanders or newts, they exist for a longer period, and in the lowest Amphibia, they persist throughout life. They are, at least when newly developed, always covered with cilia, and each minute subdivision or branch contains a looped capillary vessel, one side of which convoys outwards, the de- oxygenatod venous blood, and the other inwards, the oxygenated or arte- rial blood. The second sot of gills, found in certain Amphibia only, are named the internal gills-, these appear in frogs and toads after the wasting of the external gills; they consist of niinulo fringes of vascular processes attached to tho cartilaginous branchial arches of the hyoid appa- ratus, and are protected by a fold of tho skin of tho nock, so as to lio in a sort o( branchial chamber, which comrminicates with tho pharynx; tho opening on tho right side of the nock, very early becomes closed. Water reaches these internal gills, by flowing in through tho month or nose, and then out through a small orifice on tho loft side of tho nock, tho movement VOL. 11. K K 49S SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGT. of the water being caused by an act resembling that of deglutition. It is these internal gills, found in some of the Amphibia, which are the repre- sentatives or homologues of the gills of Fishes ; they are not developed in Menobranehus and Amphiuma. In the frogs, toads, and true sala- manders, both sets of gills disappear; hence these are named Caduci- branchiate Amphibia ; they afterwards breathe by the lungs and skin only. In the salamandroid Amphibia, including the .-Axolotl, Menobranehus, Siren and Proteus, the gills are persistent ; they are really the external gills, though the)' may become attached, as in the Ajcolotl, to the first branchial arch of the hyoid apparatus. In Fishes, the branchise or gills, which are always internal or covered, attain their highest development and most complex forms. They usually consist of numerous comb-like processes, supported, like single or double fringes, on the branchial arches of the hyoid apparatus, and forming four or five laminse on each side of the pharynx. They are, in some cases, as in the Cartilaginous Fishes, concealed by the integuments ; but in others, as in the Osseous Fi.shes, by a moveable osseous and cutaneous covering, named the opcrmhiiyi. In the latter case, only one external gill opening exists on each side, the operculum overlapping all the branchial arches ; but internally the gill-chamber opens into the pharynx, by separate clefts or apertures between the branchial arches. In the former case, however, the gill chamber is completely divided into passages, vaiying from three to seven in number, each having a separate internal and external aperture, corresponding with the clefts or spaces between the branchial arches. In some of the lowest forms, the gills are mere folds of membrane, lining distinct sacs. In the Myxine, the branchial outlets unite into a single canal, which nms backwards, and opens on the under surface of the fish, at a sort of abdominal pore. The extent of surface obtained by the comb-like fringes of the gills of Fishes for exposure to water, is very large, especially in the rays and skates. The water drawn into the opened mouth, is forced, at intervals, by the hyoid and pharyngeal muscles, between and over the gills, in the direction of their fringes, and is rapidly expelled at the sides of the neck, the action, as seen in an ordinary fish, being ac- companied by regular movements of deglutition, and by a characteristic opening and shutting of the opercula. In the Cartilaginous Fishes, the water passes in streams from the lateral openings, which are sometimes more or less valved. Drawing a fish rapidly backwards in the water, may asphyxiate it, by bending up the branchial fringes, if the opercula be open, or by exclusion of water, if these be closed. Each fringe-like process of a gill-plate, is supplied by a brancli of the branchial artenj, which brings dark or venous blood from the heart and bulbus arteriosus ; this divides into minute vessels, which end in the branchial capillaries; from these again, the r’eins arise, which pass back to the base of the gill, and all combine to form the aorbi. In passing through the gills, the blood is oxygenated. As the heart of the Fish is branchial, all the blood returned from the body, is propelled through the gills, before it is again distributed to the body ; nevortholoss the respiration of fishes, being aquatic, is feeble, and their temperature is cold. The gills of fishes, are not ciliated on their surface ; but it is necessary that they should continue moist, or the usual respira- tory interclianges between the blood, and the air dissolved in the water, RESPIRATION IN MOLLUSC A. 499 would soon cease. Eespiration will, however, go on for a short time in the air, provided that the gills remain moist. Certain fishes, as the eel and others, leave the water for a time. The Anabas of Ceylon, is said even to climb up trees and bushes after food ; on the sides of its head, just above the gills, the pharyngeal bones are convoluted, and the anterior branchial arches support chambers with laminated walls, for holding quantities of water. Fishes are necessarily suffocated when removed from the water, the gills becoming first clogged and then dry, circulation and respiration in them being both arrested. They are also asphyxiated in water, which no longer contains oxygen in solution, or even when foreign substances are dissolved in it ; sugar speedily destroys them. In that exceptionally organised marine animal, the Amphioxus, the mouth is provided with ciliated lobes, which, by ciliary action, propel the water into the pharynx. This cavity is dilated, has its sides sup- ported by a complex lattice work of branchial cartilages, upon which the branchial vessels are placed ; its sides are perforated by numerous slits, upwards of 100 in number, the edges of w'hich are ciliated, and which lead into the perivisceral cavity of the abdomen. The water used for respiratory purposes, is expelled from this cavity, by an opening named the abdominal 'pnre. Moreover, the entire alimentary canal is ciliated internally, and the water which passes through it, may also be employed in the aeration of the blood. On comparing the entire series of the Vertebrata, as regards their mode of respiration, it is seen, that in the adult state, the Mammalia, Birds, Eeptiles, and Caducibranchiate Amphibia breathe by lungs ; that the Perennibranchiato Amphibia and the tadpoles of the Caducibran- cliiate kinds, breathe both by lungs and gills ; and lastly, if we disregard the sub-respiratorj- air-bladder occasionally present, that Fishes breathe entirely by gills. The respiratory process in these animals, is, however, much more active than in the aquatic Non-vertebrata, which we have next to describe. This is due to the comparatively greater size of the gills, to their more perfect and complex stnicture, to the special contri- vances for moving the water over their surfaces, and to the proximity of the heart to these organs. Mollusca. — Of these chiefly aquatic animals, the most highly developed gills exist in the highest Class, the Ceplialopods, in which the branchi®, being very largo but non-ciliated, consist of foliated laminte, united by a common stem, which supports the branches of the branchial arteries and veins. The gills are lodged, one or two on each side, in the cavity of the non-ciliated mantle, which has two orifices, one by the side of the nock, at which the water outers, and another placed at the extremity of the tubular process called the funnel, from which the water passes out. The movement of the water is accomplished by the alternate dilatation and contraction of the muscular walls of the mantle. In the Ptoropods, the branchite arc also laminated, being placed sometimes within, and some- times without, the mantle, and being always ciliated. In the naked species of Branchio-gastoropods, the gills consist of ciliated, fringed, sometimes tubular processes, projecting into the water (Niidibranchi- ata), and arranged either along the sides of the body in tufts (Tritonia), or else in a circular disc-like manner on the dorsal region (Dorsibran- chiata), or around the lower opening of the alimentary canal (Doris); sometimes a fold of the mantle partially or completely covers them. In K K 2 500 SPECIAL PIITSIOLCGY. those kinds which have univalved shells, the gills consist of ciliated pli- cated fringes, lodged in the last spire of the shell, the water gaining access to the cavity in which they are contained, sometimes by a long tube, and sometimes by a wide opening. Amongst the lowest Branchio-gastero- pods, are some species allied to the Nudibranchiate group, which have no branchite, but are believed to respire by means of their surface only, or by that, aided by certain ciliated extensions of the digestive cavity. A few genera, such as Onchidium, possess, besides arborescent branchia*, distinct air-sacs, showing a transition between the branchiate and pul- monate divisions of the Gasteropoda. In the bivalved Lammellibran- chiata, mussels, oysters, and others, the gills consist, as their name implies, of two pairs of flat laminae, composed of a double layer of mem- branous rods, covered with fine cilia, and supporting the bloodvessels. In some genera, these branchiae are freely exposed, when the valves of the shell are open (oyster) ; in others, they are enclosed by the ciliated lobes of the mantle, at each end of which, an aperture exists for the entrance and exit of the water, which is driven through, by ciliarj' action. MoUuscoida. — Amongst these, which are all aquatic, the Ascidioida. possess, in the anterior part of the body, large respiratory atria or chambers, or branchial sacs, lined with cilia, and communicating with the exterior. These atria are formed by an expansion of the part for- merly named the pharynx, which is supported by a rod, called the endostyle, the sides of which are, in some species, cleft by numerous .slits, through which water passes into an interval between the branchial atrium and the proper walls of the body, and then escapes at the opening of the mantle. In the Brachiopoda, the cavity of the mantle itself, is the chief respiratory chamber; it presents vesicular dilatations covered wth vessels, which probably act as gills. In the Polyzoa, the peri- visceral cavity, which contains nutrient fluid, is prolonged into the numerous, delicate, tentacular processes, arranged around the oral aperture, which are covered with rows of beautiful cilia ; hence the fluid in their interior, is aerated by the currents of water on their surface. Annulosa. — The aquatic Annulosa are represented only by the Crus- taceans, and the Tardigrade Arachnida. In the larger Crustacea, the gills or branchiiB present the form of flattened laminm, which, in the higher forms, such as the lobsters and crabs, are enclosed in proper bran- chial cavities within the shell ; in the lobster, there are twenty-two branchim on each side. Through tlmse cavities, copious streams of water are propelled by the continual movements of special flapping organs, consisting of the last joints of some, or all, of the abdominal limbs, which are flattened out for that purpose. In the hind crabs, which are drowned if kept in water, but which remain on hind a long time, the gills are moistened by the watery con- tents or secretion of a spongy or laminated organ, situated, witli the gills, in the gill-chamber. In still lower and smaller Crustaeea, the branchial consist of delicate foliaeeous or flabcllar organs, attfvehed tothe under side of the segments of the bo iy, which project into the water, and are usually kept in a constant state of motion. In the Crustacean Onisci or wood- lice, and allied forms, which inhabit moist places, there exist near the covered gills, networks of air-tubes, or even air-sacs, thus ap]iroaching the Insects. In some of the lowest aquatic Arachnida, us the P3'cnogo- USE OF CILIA IN EESPIRATION. 501 nida, no special respiratory organs have been detected. No cilia exist in any of the aquatic Arthropodous Anniilosa. It has already been mentioned, that the larvfe of certain Insects, which live in water, breathe by gill-like appendages connected with the abdomen, or with the intestituil canal. The Annelida or worms are generally hranchiatod ; the gills are composed of a highly-divided delicate membrane, either branched or tufted, and usually ciliated ; they are sometimes external and situated either on the back, on every segment of the body, as in Nereis and Eunice, or around the head only, as in Serpula ; sometimes they are internal or covered, as in Polynoe ; or they are represented merely by ciliated sacs, as in the leech. Anmdoida. — These are, also, either aquatic, or parasitic in the interior of other animals. Such as have soft integuments, probably respire through the skin. None ever possess branchiae ; but special provisions for the respiratory function are met with. Thus, in all tire worm- shaped Scolecida, there exist peculiar ramified contractile vessels, the trunks of which open on the surface of the body, and are in part ciliated in their interior; these are the so-called wafer-uessefe, which are supposed to be subservient to the respiratory process. In the Rotiferous animal- cules, ciliated disc# of the most varied shape, perform this function. In the Echinodermata, respiration seems also to be performed, partly by the sides of the perivisceral cavity which communicates generally with the exterior, admits the sea-water, and is lined with cilia; and partly by the contractile ambulacral vessels, which can also be distended with fluid. In the Holothurida, the perivisceral cavity is closed ; the ambidacral system is reduced to its lowest condition, but important ramified tubular organs, communicating by a trunk with the cloaca, and projecting into the perivisceral cavity, are regarded as respiratory organs; they aro contractile and are lined with cilia. Cmlenterata. — All of these are aquatic. They possess no distinct circulatory organs, and accordingly no separate respiratory apparatus ; respiration seems to be accomplished by the interchange of oxygon and carbonic acid, indifferently through any part of the external surface, or specially perhaps at certain ciliated portions of the internal surface of their body cavities, and withi n the numerous ciliated tubular prolongations of that cavity, which ramify in the soft disc of some of those animals. Protozoa. — These universally aquatic animals, exhibit the same want of distinct respiratory organs, unless the contractile vesicles bo of this character. In the Infusoria, more or less of the surface of the body is ciliated. In the Sponges, the tubular passages through the body, form respiratory surfaco.s, being in many species provided, at certain points, with cilia. L;tstly, in the Rhizopods, or Eoraminifera, and in the still humbler Grcgarinida, not oven cilia aro present ; but the almost structureless or simple c.oll-like body of those animals, must bo stimu- lated, disintegrated and purified, by direct absorption of oxygon, and exhalation of carbonic acid, so fir as is necessary for their sim|)lo life. The presence of vihratile cilia, on the respiratory surfic.es of the lower forms of most aquatic animals, is a noticeable anatomical fact ; they often occur in the embryonic, if not in the adult condition. They servo, when pnisent, to change continually the stratum of water in im- mediate conbict with the breathing sui-faces ; and, acconling to some, their motion is even to bo attributed to the active chemical changes 502 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. which take place on those surfaces. They are not, liowevcr, essential, for they are not always present. Their absence from the branchiae of the Cephalopods amongst Mollusca, and of the Crustacea, amongst Annii- losa, form the most striking exceptions. Amongst the aquatic Vertebrata, they are not found on the gills of fishes, unless upon the branchial ap- paratus of the singular Amphioxus ; they exist on the temporary gills of the Amphibia, but probably not on the permanent gills of the Perenni- branchiate forms. Amongst air-breathing animals, they are wholly absent in the sacs or trachese of the higher Annulosa. In the lowest air-breathing Vertebrata, viz. the Amphibia, they exist in the lungs as well as in the respiratory passages ; but, in all other instances, they appear to be confined to the air-passages and air-tubes, not extending to the air-cells. It must also be remembered that they are found on other organs, besides those concerned in respiration. ANLALUj heat, light, and electricity. ANIMAL HEAT. Inorganic bodies have a constant tendency, by losing or gaining heat, to adapt themselves to the temperature of sur- rounding media or objects. They may also be artificially cooled, or artificially heated, to all possible degrees. The same is true of dead organised bodies, within the limits of combustion, as of a dead tree, or of a dead human body. Living plants and animals also receive, or give off, heat physically, but they have, besides, a common power of re- si.sting external temperatures ; with plants, this power is very feeble, but with animals it is more marked. In the higher animals especially, there is an inherent power of maintaining a temperature differing from that of the surrounding media, which are in general cooler, but may be warmer, than their own bodies. Moreover, each kind of animal is able to maintain, within a certain range, a temperatiue proper to itself; but, since even living animals, like dead ones and inorganic bodies, exhibit the same physical phenomena of absorption, conduc- tion, and radiation of heat, they undergo constant changes, usually in the direction of a loss of heat. Hence, there must exist within them, a power of constant renewal, or production, of fresh heat. The standard temperature of an animal is understood to express its proper heat ; Avhilst the form of heat produced in its body, for the maintenance of this temperature, is known as Aiiimal Heat. TEMPERATURE OF ANIMALS. 6l'3 This function of producing heat, is universal in the Animal Kingdom, and all the processes of animal life are influenced by it. Animals have been dmded, according to their temperature, into the Cold-blooded and the Warm-bloodtd animals, the former being under- stood to include all the Non-vertebrate animals, and, amongst the Verte- brata, the Fishes, Amphibia, and Eeptiles ; whilst the Warm-blooded animals consist of the Birds and Mammalia, including Man. Amongst the Non-vertebrate Classes, the Protozoa and Ccelenterata, having no proper blood system, can hardly be designated cold-blooded ; yet they have a close relationship, as regards the phenomena of temperature, with' that division of animals. It has been proposed to name the Cold- blooded animals, animals of variable temperature, and the Warm-blooded creatures, animals of constant temperaiure ; because the former have their actual temperature greatly influenced by, that is to say, elevated or lowered, according to corresponding changes in the temperature of the media in which they live ; whilst, on the other hand, the latter exhibit nearly a uniform temperature, under important alterations in that of the surrounding media (Bergmann). In regard to the Protozoa, it has been shown, that when water con- taining Infusoria, is frozen, these minute creatures are not always neces- sarily destroyed by being likewise frozen, but each siu-vives for a certain time, surrounded by a little uncongealed watery space ; this can only be accounted for, on the supposition that the animalcule continues to produce a minute quantity of proper or individual heat. In tlie aquatic Non-vertebrate animals generally, a similar power of resisting cold exists ; though there are but few obseiwations on the heat-producing powers of those animals. The temperature of a number of earth worms, leeches, slugs, or snails, collected in heaps, has been found to be from to 2° higher than the air. In the air-breathing Insects, the heat evolved in the larval or caterpillar stage, is sufficient to maintain the body from to 2° in the Lopidoptera, and from 2° to 4° in the Ilymen- optora, above that of the surrounding medium. In the chrysalis stage, the temperature is nearly that of the surrounding medium, very little heat being evolved. In the perfect Insect, the temperature may vary in the bee from 3° to 10°, and in the butterflies from 5° to 9°, above that of the air. The temperature of bees, in numbers, as in a hive, may be as high as 16° above that of the air. The nursing bees sometimes reach a temperature of 22J° above that of the atmosphere. Insects, there- fore, under certain circumstances possess a heat-producing power nearly equal to that of the warm-blooded animals. The temperature of bees is raised by exercise and excitement, and diminished by rest, sleep, hybernation, and want of food. In Fishes, the temperature of the blood, is usually from to 1° warmer than the surrounding water at moan temperatures. In other instances, it is 2° to 3° higher, and in a few exceptional cases, in which the muscles and the blood are darker, the heart is larger, and the gills provided with enormous nerves, as in the tunny and bonito, the teinpo- peraturo is still higher; tluit of the bonito has been found to bo 99°, or 18^°above the tomj)oraturo of the sea (Davy). In the frog, when the external medium has a temperature of about 60°, the animal is from 20 fo Ii° warmer than it; but when the external temperature is lowered to about 43°, thou the animal is from 2° to 3^° warmer. 504 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The edible frog, enclosed in ice at 21°, has exhibited a temperature of 37^°. In ileptiles, the temperature of the body is still higher, though j*et it is dependent on the external temperature. The turtles produce less heat than the serpents, crocodiles, and lizards ; the temperature of some of the latter has been found to bo 86°, that is, 16° higher than that of the surrounding air. These facts show that in the cold-blooded animals, the temperature is greatly dependent on, and regulated by, that of the surrounding medium, but also that there is a moderate individual heat-producing power even in them. This power, moreover, absolutely increases, like the functions of the animal generally, at still higher temperatures ; but yet not so as to enable the animal to reach that temperature. In the Warm-blooded, animals, the temperature is high and constant, and, as already mentioned, is, within certain limits, plainly independent of the external temperature, owing to special powers exercised within their bodies. Amongst the Mammalia, the average temperature of the body, is lower than that of Birds, which present the highest temperature of any animals, although their general organisation places them in a lower rank than the Mammals. The ordinary range in the Mammaba, is from 97° to 104°; in Birds, it varies from 100° to 108°, or even 111°. In the sheep, the temperature has been found to be from 103° to 105°, in the pig, 106° ; but in the arctic fox, it has been found to be 107°, the air being only 14°. In sea-birds, as in the guUs, the temperature is lower than in other birds, varying from 100° to 105° ; in the common fowl it ranges from 107° to 110°, according to the climate and season, and in the swallow, it is even 111^° (J. Davy). The temperature of the tissues of the human body, speaking generally, ranges between 98° and 100°; but that of the blood, which is the hottest part of the organism, ranges from 100° to 102°. The blood varies in temperature in different parts, being hottest in the hepatic veins, which bring the blood from the liver ; this blood is somewhat warmer than that of the vena portce, and even 1° higher than the blood of the aorta (Bernard). Directly opposite statements have been made as to the temperature of the blood, before, and after, it has passed through the lungs ; but the most recent researches favour the conclusion that the blood in the left side of the heart, is nearly •^° lower than in the right side of that organ ; a slight cooling process is supposed to occur in the lungs from the air admitted into them. The blood of the superficial veins of the limbs, coming from the exposed skin is naturally cooler, from the influence of the atmosphere, than that of the arteries, which lie deeper ; the temperature of tlue blood in the deep veins, as in the femoral vein, is also said to be about 1° cooler than that in the femoral artery (Becquerel and Breschet). The relative warmth of the o}’gaus and tissues, ahvays less than that of the VARIATIONS IN THE HEAT OF THE BODY. 505 blood, depends on their vascularity, their distance from the central part of the body, or their proximity to the surface, and on the degree to which they are protected by external covering. Thus, whilst the temperature in the abdomen (in the bladder), has been found to be nearly 102°, even higher than that ol the thorax, the temperature under the tongue is about 98° ; and in the axilla 96°; that of the hands and feet may ordinarily be from 9° to 12° cooler than the central parts, i.e. from 90° to 93°. Various conditions modify the temperature of the human body ; neither age nor sex produce any remarkable difference'. The temperature of infants and of old persons, is about normal, so long as they are placed under favourable conditions of pro- tection. But the power of infants and very young children, as well as of the aged, to resist the lowering effects of cold, is less than in the adult. Experiments on the young of Mammalia and Birds, show this ; their small bodies, and also those of the human infant, will cool comparatively more rapidly by radi- ation and conduction, than those of adult animals and Man ; their calorific power may be as great, but they cool more quickly. Hence the greater necessity for the protection of clothing, and for artificial warmth. The influence of race is also slight or ineffective. In hot climates, and in hot seasons, the mean temperature of the body is somewhat higher than in cold climates and seasons, the dif- ference being more marked in animals than in Man. The difference, however, usually amounts to not more than from 1° to 2°, showing how slight is the influence of climate, and proving the independence of the temperature of warm-blooded creatures of external changes. According to Dr. I. Davy, however, in a long series of observations, whilst the external temperature varied as much as 22° Fahr., i.e. from 60° to 82°, that of the body fluctuated 5'5° Fahr., i.e. from 96'5 to 102°. The power ofMan to resi.st, and accommodate himself to,climatic variations of temperature, is greatly aided by shelter, clothe.s, fire, means of cooling the air, and peculiar selection of food ; he can create an artificial climate, and protect himself against its hostile influences. Sleep lowers the temperature of the body from 1° to 2°, all the organic functions, even circulation and respiration, being at that time likewise less active. No constant diurnal variations of the temperature of tlie body, iu Man, have been observed ; but, in Birds, the highest temperature seems to be attained at noon, and the lowest about midnight (Chossat). Exercise increases not only the sensation of warmth iu the 506 SPECIAL PHYSIO LOGY. body, but actuall3^ raises the average temperature ; the effects, however, being by far most evident in the extremities. Thus, the general temperature after quick running, may become nearly 2° warmer ; after walking, the deep-seated parts show little or no change, Avhilst the feet and hands are raised many degrees, the action of the heart and lungs being quickened, as well as that of the muscular system generally, so that more rapid metamorphoses take place (pp. 425, 465). Deficient _/boii and positive abstinence, lower the temperature, wh}', will be explained hereafter ; on the other hand, abundance of food and the use of stimulants, ultimately increase it ; but the immediate effect of a meal, or of taking wine, is said to be temporarily to lower the animal heat. The depression of the temperatiu'e, observed in animals, in Avhich the skin is covered with an impermeable varnish, has already been mentioned (p. 401). According to Becquerel and Breschet, in rabbits so treated, the temperature falls speedily from 100° to about 75°, before death takes jDlace. The change in the colour of the fur or feathers, to white as winter approaches, in the case of Arctic mammalia and birds, retards radiation, and so conserves their animal heat. In disease, the temperature of the human body, has been found to rise or fall many degrees above, or below, the normal temperature. Thus, in fevers with acceleration of the pulse and respiration, in active phthisis, in pyaemia, and other diseases, temperatures of 104°, 106°, and 108-|'°, have been noted, and in tetanus of 110f°, i.e. nearly 10° higher than the normal standard. On the other hand, in asthma and in cyanosis, or the so-caUed blue disease, in which, owing to a communication between the right and left auricles of tlie heart, the blood is imperfectly oxygenated in the lungs, the tempe- rature of the body is unnaturally low ; this is also the case in syncope, apparent death, and cholera, in which last disease, the blood becomes so thickened as scarcely to circulate. In the stage of collapse in cholera, the temperature of the surface of the body may be, according to different authorities, as low as from 80° to 67°, i.e. from 15° to 28° below the ordinary tem- ]3erature of the exposed skin. The sensation of heat, or the opposite one of cold, experienced by a person in disease, does not always correspond with the actual temperature of the body ; ibr in the cold stage of ague, though the feeling of cold is extreme, the temperature of the body may be actually raised (vol. i. p. 470). On the approach of death, generally, with a feebler jjulse and respiratory action, combined frequently with EFFECTS OF EXTREME COLD. 507 the evaporation of profuse perspiration, the tenpierature is gradually lowered : first, in the hands and feet, then in the forehead, ears and nose, and afterwards in the j^arts nearer to the centre of the body. It has been observed, not only in cholera, in which the temperature of the body is lowered from the disease during life, but also in yellow fever, in which the body is hotter than natural, that the temperature after death undergoes an actual elevation ; this is probably to be accounted for, by the conduction of heat from the central parts, together with the cessation of the cooling influence of the evaporation of the cutaneous exhalation. After death, the cooling process goes on, in accordance with the physical laws which regulate the temperature of inorganic moist bodies, the rate at which this cooling takes place, de- pending chiefly on the external temperature and relative motion of the air, on the degree of exposure of the body, its condition of emaciation or obesity, — fat being a bad conductor — and on the conducting power of the clothes, or other objects in immediate contact with the corpse. Effects of Cold on the Human Body. The power possessed by the human body, of maintaining its proper temperature, independently of external conditions, is limited within certain ranges; conditions of cold or heat are met with, which not only produce great inconvenience, but which, in the absence of special protection, may exercise a fatal influence. It has been shown experimentally, that, when a Mammalian animal has lost about 20° to 21°, or about ;|th of its normal heat, it suffers so greatly, that a further loss of heat is fatal to it, death ensuing from debility or congelation. On the other hand, an addition to the temperature of the body of a Mammiferous animal, of about 13°, is equally serious, con- stituting a limit beyond which death .speedily occurs. Hence in Mammalia generally, an artificial elevation of the temperature of the body, is sooner fatal than an artificial lowering of that temperature. The same is probably true of Man, a greater range of temperature, in disease, having been observed previous to death, in the descending than in the ascending scale of warmth. The relative degi’ees of external heat and cold, which are endurable by Man, with proper precautions, in the different climates of the world, also prove that he can sustain, without injury, a greater diminution than an elevation of the external 508 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGr. temperature. In the arctic regions, the thermometer has been recorded at temperatures as low as from — 55°to — 7 0°, the latter temperature being no less than 170° below the normal tem- perature of the blood ; whilst in tlie other direction the highest temperature registered in the tropics, is about 130° in the shade, viz. about 30° above the blood heat. Man is much more readily inured to cold than to heat; and the inhabitants of temperate regions, when they remove to the tropics, require to be more specially acclimatised, and can scarcely avoid be- coming ill ; whilst, in removing to colder latitudes, with due precautions, health may be more easily preserved. Nevertheless, cold, to the I’eeble and aged, is the great enemy of animal life, and the chief remote cause of human mortality. When the living human body is exposed to the prolonged action of extreme cold, without protection, a gradual benumbing of the sensibility, a lowering of the circulation and respiration, and a general torpidity of the system, are produced. These effects occur more readily in children, and in infirm, ill-fed, or starved persons, and also in aged persons ; and lastly, in those Avho are previously overcome by fatigue, or by the narcotic effects of alcohol. The nervous system is specially subjected to the influence of cold ; the senses frequently act irregularly, giving rise to noises in the ears, and spectral visions ; delirium often supervenes, and, finally, an irresistible tendency to, and desire for sleep, takes complete possession of the frame. Further exposure to cold, then produces a fatal coma. Isolated examples of death from this cause, happen in the experience of civilised life ; but large numbers of troops, and even entire armies, es- pecially Avhen ill-fed, clad, and protected, have been lost from the injurious effects of extreme cold. The effect of cold is most marked, when the body itself is motionless. Its evil or fatal effects occur more rapidly, however, Avhen the atmosphere itself is in motion ; because, then, fresh quantities of cold air are brought continually in contact with the body, and so conduct away its heat more rapidly. A moist atmosphere is also detrimental, on account of its being a better conductor than dry air. The local effects of extreme cold are usually manifested, first upon parts unprotected by covering, or most distimt from the centre of the body, such as the feet, hands, face, or ears, and especially the nose. In such case, the skin first becomes red, from congestion of the dilated small arteries and capillaries; next it becomes blue, from arrest of the circulation ; and after- EFFECTS OF EXTREME HEAT. 509 •wards of a tallowy Avliite, from the extreme constriction of tlie arteries suj)plying the part, so that the circulation is fii'st retarded, and then entirely arrested. In perfect congelation, minute particles of ice actually form in the tissues. The congealed tis.sues may sometimes be restoi’ed to their normal state, provided that the return to a higher temperature, be gradual, as is often and best accomplished, in extreme ca.«es oi frost-bite^ by triction with snow or ice-cold water. By warming the frozen parts too rapidly, the gases of the blood and tissues, set tree at the moment of congelation of the water, are expanded in the interior of the capillaries, or amongst the fine structural elements of the tissues, bursting the Ibrmer or destroying the latter, and so inducing gavgrene. In fatal cases of exposure to cold, the body may not, or may, be com- pletely frozen, for the process of congelation of the water in the tissues may penetrate through the whole dead body ; but death long precedes such a result, owing, on the one hand, to the fatal benumbing influence of cold on the nervous system, and, on the other, to the retention of some of the proper heat of the bodj', after actual death. Effects of Heat on the Human Body. These are also of great interest. In resisting moderately high temperatures, the problem to be solved, is that of main- taining the temjierature of the body, within ‘2°, oi- at most 5°, of its ordinary standard, at a time when it is not only pro- ducing heat within itself by its vito-chemical actions, but is also, like any other material mass, receiving heat from a surrounding medium, hotter than it.-^elf. Thus, the mean daily temperature of the air, in the tropics, during the six summer months, ranges as high as from 80° to 90°, in the shade, the highest daily temperature in the shade, varying from 104° to 118°, Jiud the lowest nocturnal temperature, ranging from G0° to GG°, the heat thus exhibiting a vtiriation of from 44° to to .G2° in the cour.se of 12 hours. In e.xceptiontd seasons, the highest temperature rises to I.‘iO°. Again, in the direct rays of tlie sun, the heat is, of cour.se, still greater. The elTect on the system, is aggnivatcd by motion ol the hot air. The adaptibility of Man to extrenics of temperature, enables him, however, to live in .such a climate. The chief means of maintaining the normal temperature of the body, in hot climates, consists in a large increase in the 510 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. amount of tlie water exhaled from the surface of the lungs and of the skin, especially, however, from the latter. The skin becomes bathed with fluid, the evaporation of Avhich, at the high temperature of the surface and of the surrounding air, occasions a loss of heat and a reduction in the temperature of the evaporating surface. In this way chiefly, the heat of the body is lowered, and maintained nearly at its normal standard. The effect in reducing the tempei’ature of the body, is greater, if the atmosphere be dry as well as warm, and then, also, if it be in motion ; these conditions favour cutaneous exhalation and evaporation. It has been shown, by an ingenious experiment, that the evaporation from the surface of the skin of the living frog subjected to high tem- peratures, is sufficient to maintain the temperature of the animal at a stationary point, after it has reached a certain height ; whereas moist mushrooms, .subjected simultaneously to the same conditions, soon obey the temperature of the surrounding air. The frog and the mushrooms were placed in a chamber filled with dry air, heated from 122° to 140° ; at the end of a quarter of an hour, both the frog and the mushrooms were nearly at an equal temperature, viz. from 62° to 72°, each having, by simultaneous evaporation into the hot air, maintained a comparative coolness. As the experiment proceeded, the temperature of both rose to about 100°, at which point, the frog’s temperature remained stationary, whilst that of the fungi, no longer able to undergo further evaporation, continued to rise. The continuous exlialation from the moist skin of the frog, was the only cause which could explain the non-occiu’rence of a further rise in its temperature (De la Eoche and Berger). The effect of evaporation, in reducing the temperature of the living body, may also be illustrated by the results of experi- ments made on sponges wetted, and porous vessels filled with hot water, and placed in a dry oven, in which the air was still hotter ; these bodies actually lose heat at first, evidently owing to temporary evaporation. It has been supposed that the living animal body may possess some special means of resistance to external heat, but of this there is no proof whatever. It may be entirely exjflained by the effects of evaporation. Thus, when the surrounding air is warm or hot, e.specially if it be dry, the evaporation from the skin is increased, and so the temperature of the body is lowered ; whereas, in colder air, especially if this be also moist, the diminished amount oi evaporation, tends so fiir, to conserve the animal heat. The increased perspiration excited by the great heat of the skin, furnishes, lor a certain time, suflicient material for evaporation. EFFECTS OF EXTREME HEAT, 51 1 There is a limit, however, to the amount of this excretion, and also to its rapidity of evaporation ; for when the surrounding air becomes moist, a check being put to the evaporation, the body is no longer thus defended, and its temperature begins to rise. Thus, in a room, the temperature of which was 260°, and the air dry, it was found possible to remain for 8 minutes, by which time, the body was not much elevated in temperature, although the clothes, and other articles in the room, became very hot (Blagden and Banks). A case is on record of a person re- maining 10 minutes in a dry hot air-bath at 284°; whilst Chabert, the so-called fire-king, went into ovens heated from 400° to 600° ; but of course, for a much shorter period. Many workmen employed in foundries or glass works, also withstand veiy high temperatures, the skin being profusely bathed with perspiration ; these men of necessity drink large quantities of fluid. When, however, the air is moist as well as hot, the temperature that can be endured is much less ; for, in a vapour bath, at a temperature of only 120°, the body rapidly gains heat, as much as 70° in 10 minutes, and a feeling of great and in- supportable discomfort is experienced (Berger and DelaKoche). It issjiid, however, that, from habit, the Finns can withstand, for upwards of half-an-hour, moist air or vapour baths gradu- ally raised to 158°, or even to 167°. Animals surrounded by air heated gradually to 200°, speedily die, their temperature being then raised about 13° above their natural standard (The same Authorities). This seems, accordingly, to be the extreme limit of heat endurable by a warm-blooded animal. Most cold-blooded animals are killed by a temperature of about 75°. In civil life, even in temperate climates, direct exposure to the rays of the sun, is often fatal, producing some profound disturb- ance of the nervous centres, caused either by congestion of the vessels of the brain, owing to quickening of the circulation, or, as some have supposed, by expansion of the blood, from ■ the heat acting on the contents of the skull, the capacity of which is unchangeable. This coup de soled occurs still more • frequently in the tropics, amongst troops on the march, or I amongst coolies or slaves working on railways or plantations. [ In Pekin, during about ten days in July 1743, the thermometer [stood at the extreme height of 104° in the shade, and in that 1 period 11,400 people died. Under extreme elevations of i temperature, the only safety consi.st« in retiring to the pro- j' tection of houses, and in reducing the tenijjerature of the 1 atmosphere in them by artiticial methods, such as by the use of 512 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. large fans or punkahs, wet hangings, and other means. Habit accustoms the Chinese, negroes, and others, to bear a greater heat than the natives of temperate climates can support. Theories of Animal Heat. Previously to the time of Lavoisier, the heat of the body was more or less vaguely referred to friction, the organic processes of nutrition, the influence of nervous action, and generally to what Avas understood as the action of the so- called vital force. In consolidating the discoveries of his predecessors, in regard to the chemical nature of carbonic acid, oxygen, and nitrogen, and in explaining therefrom, the chemical processes and products of respiration, Lavoisier propounded, for the first time, a distinct scientific theory of the production of animal heat. This, now known as the chemical theory of animal heat., regards this heat as the result of an oxidation or combustion process, affecting the animal frame. Carbon, when heated in the presence of oxygen, unites with that gas, forms carbonic acid, and evolves heat. In like manner, Lavoisier argued, that the formation of carbonic acid in the blood, as the result of respiration in living animals, must be accompanied by an evolution of heat. Though Lavoisier was Avrong in supposing that this union of oxygen with carbon, takes place in the pulmonary capillaries, nevertheless, his chemical theoiy of respiration is, Avith certain modifications and extensions, accepted as the true theory of animal heat. To found this theory of respiration, it Avas necessary to compare the amount of heat evolved, during the direct com- bination of a certain quantity of oxygen and carbon out of the body, Avith the amount of heat given off from a living animal during its consumption of a similar quantity of oxygen. This enquiry Avas surrounded by many difficulties. To obtain data for these purposes, Lavoisier made the first step in the science of calorimetry, by burning given quantities of carbon and hydrogen, in his so-called ice calorimeter. This Avas a closed metal case Avith double side.s, between Avhich ice Avas packed ; the source of heat to be subjected to experiment, Avas placed in the interior of the case, and the fiuantity of heat given off, Avas e.stimated by the quantity of ice Avhicli Avas melted. The tcaler calorimeter of Count CHEMICAL THEORY OP ANIMAL HEAT. 513 Ivumford is constructed on a similar plan, but is filled with distilled water of a known temperature, and measures the quantity of heat given out in the experiment, by the ele- vation of temperature of a known quantity of water. In the first accurate experiments on animals, which were made by Dulong and Despretz, a water calorimeter was em- ployed. The animal was placed in a metal chamber, which was sniTounded by a given quantity of water enclosed in a still larger vessel ; air was conducted to the internal chamber by one tube, whilst a second long spiral tube passing through the water, like the condensing tube of a still, conveyed away the warm air, which, before it escaped, gave up its heat to that fiuid. The stream of air was rendered uniform by an apparatus known as an aspirator, a large closed vessel filled with water, and connected with the tree end of the coiled air- tube, so that on the gradual escape of the water from the aspirator, through a stop-cock, air was drawn through the apparatus at a uniform rate. In the water of the calorimeter itself, a moving fan agitated the fiuid, so that its temperature was kept uniform duting the experiment. Lastly, the air, as altered by the respiration of the animal, or a part of it, the rest then being measirred, was analysed, in order to determine the quantity of carbonic acid produced. It was, at that time, erroneously supposed that this corresponded exactly with the quantity of oxygen consumed. Rabbits or dogs were subjected to experiments, varying from an hour and a half to two hours’ duration ; and the results obtained by Dulong and Despretz, showed that the amormt of heat given off, was from to ^ more than the quantity of carbonic acid produced would account for. In subsequent experiments, made by Despretz alone, it was found that from j to of the heat was thus imaccounted for. The excess in the heat actually produced by the animals experimented on, was supposed to be accoimted for, by the friction of the heart and the muscles, by that of the blood in the vessels, by the di.sengagement of heat taking place in the con- version of fiuid into .solid matter in the nutrition of the tissues, and by some possible action of the nerves. It has, indeed, since been shown, that heat is really given out in muscular contraction. Neverthele.ss, these supj)osed causes of animal heat are not primary, but secondary, causes. The heat given off in muscular contraction, is itself engendered by oxidation in the blood of a muscle, or in the muscle itself, during the VOL. II. L L 514 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. so-called parenchymatous respiration. The heat produced by mere friction in the body, must have its source in muscular con- traction, and this, as we have just said, is due to chemical change or oxidation. The conversion of fluid into solid sub- stance, in the nutrition of the tissues, is, as will be presently explained, an apparent, and not a real, cause of internal heat ; and lastly, any influence of the nervous system is indirect, operating only by exciting organic processes, themselves in- volving oxidation. The deficiency of heat-producing power in the quantity of carbonic acid given off by the animals experimented upon by D along and Despretz, in comparison with the heat Avhich they simultaneously evolved, may be otherwise accounted for. Iii the first place, these observers did not determine the tem- perature of the animals, before and after each experiment, which might have shown some retention of heat. But other points are of more moment. The modern researches of Favre and Silbermann, prove that the heat evolved by carbon in its combustion, is greater than that estimated by Dulong and Despretz. It is now known, that more oxygen is absorbed in respiration than is returned in the form of carbonic acid, and this oxj'gen doubtless is also combined in the system, partly with hydrogen, and partly Avith sulphur and phosphorus, in either case evohnng a certain amount of the heat of chemical combination. The hydrogen of the carbhydrates, being already associated Avith oxygen in the proportions to form Avater, is not supposed to be able to give out further heat ; but some of that contained in the fat and albuminoid bodies, must be oxidised in the system, as Avas first suggested by Barral, though much of the hydrogen of the lAitrogenous sub- stances, appears in the urea. The larger part of the heat is, hoAvever, due to the oxidation of carbon in the system. The nitrogen is neA’^er oxidised, but passes out almost entirely in the form of urea, and supplies no animal heat. Experiments have shoAvn that carbon, in different states of aggregation, yields slightly different quantities of heat in being burnt, Avood charcoal giAung out more heat than the more compact coke. The combination of carbon and hydi'ogcn, in the animal economy, is not like that Avhich occurs in artificial combustion, I simple and direct, but complex, and marked b}' intermediate de- ' compositions, and most varied products. By many, it has been supposed that these conditions might modify, in some Avay, the quantity of heat evolved ; but it seems more probable, that no CHEMICAL THEORY OF ANIMAL HEAT. 515 number of intermediate stages of decomposition, can alter the total quantity of lieat given out ; and that, according to the degree of oxidation which occurs, the same amount of heat is evolved, whether this be direct and rapid, or complex and slow. Such decompositions in the body, may affect the amount of heat evolved in particular organs or parts of the system, as in the liver, kidneys, or the muscles when in action ; but they cannot modify the ultimate or total heat product. It has even been conjectured that the oxygen of the atmosphere used in respiration, being partly ozonised, might evolve a larger amount of heat than in ordinary combustion ; but the same air is employed in both cases. The idea entertained by Dulong and Despretz, that a balance of heat might be evolved in the conversion of fluid into solid substances during the act of nutrition, has been mentioned as fallacious. If, indeed, new nutrient matter be solidified in the act of deposition, the process of disintegration of tissue, which precedes or accompanies this, implies a precisely similar amount of liquefaction, which would involve a disappearance of heat. In the digestive and secretory processes, too, the numerous acts of liquefaction imply absorption of heat. Bertholet has recently advocated the view, that molecular as well as chemical changes in the body, may give rise to heat. The mode in which a par- ticular, complex, organic compound splits up, may influence the amount of heat which it gives off, and, localUp this would affect the temperatiu’e ; but there is a balance in these actions, and the total result is that of simple change Certain pro- cesses of hi/dration, or the assumption and Jixation of consti- tutional water., which are supposed by Bertholet to be con- stantly occurring in the system, and to be the actual cause of animal heat, may likewi.se produce local evolutions of heat. The formation from starch, of sugar, lactic acid, and oxalic acid, imply successive acts of hydration, and so perhaps also do the changes of albumen into gelatin, glycocoll, creatin, creatinin, and urea. But a certain •quantity of o.xygen actually disappears in the body, and two of the chief ultimate products of excretion, carbonic acid and water, are oxidated, not simply hydrated. Urea alone can be considered such a product, being of course imperfectly oxidised. The sup- position, that hydration will explain the formation of all the animal heat, overlooks the far larger amount of heat evolved in the ultimate oxidation of the carbon and hydrogen, which leave the body as carbonic acid and water ; nor does it ex- 1. L 2 516 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. plain the higher temperature of those animals ^vhich consume a large quantity of carbon and hydrogen in their food. With regard to the human body, the estimates of Despretz were made on the supposition that a Man, according to his weight, expired seven times as much carbonic acid as the dog experimented on by him. The quantity thus arrived at, i.s much less than that computed by all subsequent experimenters, being only equivalent to 5^ oz. of carbon in the 24 hours. Other observers have estimated the daily excretion of carbon, in the form of carbonic acid, as 8 or 9 oz. The size and weight of these persons, have not been recorded. Vierordt’s estimate, in a number of individuals of different heights, ranges from 5 to 8 oz. In men of a mean height of 5 feet 9^ inches. Dr. Edward Smith estimates the quantity at upwards of 7 oz. The calculations hereafter given, for a person 5 feet 6^ inches, yield a quantity somewhat exceeding 6 oz. of carbon per day. These results are obtained by direct experiments on the absolute quantity of carbonic acid expired by animals or Man. Liebig’s estimate is still higher : thus, the quantity of carbon in the daily food, being determined on the one hand, and that contained in the urine and intestinal excretions, on the other, the difference, which was taken to represent the amount given off by the lungs and the skin together, amounted to 13'9 Hessian ounces, or to upwards of 15 oz. av., of Avhich ^ oz. might be exhaled Ifom the skin, and 14-g- oz. from the lungs. This large quantity was found in vigorous soldiers, actively exercised in the open air, and supplied with abundant food. In other ex- amples, viz. in prisoners compelled to labour, the quantity was about 11-^ oz. av. ; whilst in a prison, where no forced labom’ was practised, it was about 9^ oz. av. Similarly estimated, the carbon expired daily by sailors in the Danish Navy, was found to be about 10-^ oz. av. (Scharling). These results, taken generally, so tar confirm the chemical theory of animal heat, that they nearly explain the deficiency of ^ or ^ left by the daily combustion of 5^ oz. of carbon, calculated to be elimi- nated by Despretz ; the excess of oxygen absorbed, which unites Avith hydrogen, and to a small e.xtent with sulphur and phosphorus, may explain the rest. The chemical theory of the production of animal heat by oxidation, is in harmony Avith the fact, that increased respira- tion increases the amount of chemical decomj)osition in the body, and simultaneously, the amount of heat produced. Thus, all the conditions connected Avith mje, sex, period of the TEJirERATURE OF ANIMALS. 517 day and season, as well as those relating to food, whether in excess or deficiency, or whether absolutely Avithdrawn, as in starvation, and to exercise (pp. 4G3-9), Avhich increase the activity of the respiration and the amount of carbonic acid given off, raise the temperature of the body ; whereas all those which diminish the respiratory actions and their chemi- cal products, lower that temperature. The relations, as to respiration and temperature, in the lower animals, confirm this vieAV. It has been objected, that not only the respiratory function, but all the other functions of the body, are similarly modified under the above-named conditions ; and that, there- fore, the variations of temperature may be referable to other processes, as Avell as to the respiratory interchanges. But since no fimction of the body Avhatever, whether it be that of sensation, the guidance of motion, motion itself, nutrition, secretion, or any other function, can be performed without concomitant changes in the chemical molecules of the ti.ssues or organs concerned, and as all these changes are but steps or stages towards a more or less complete oxidation, so any production of heat by them, must ultimately be referred to this chemical action. According to any other view, the heat would be produced from nothing, or without that accom- panying conversion or change in the condition of force and matter, Avhich we now know is necessary for its production. The Cold-blooded animals expire but small quantities of carbonic acid, and their respiration is feeble ; whilst opposite conditions are noticeable in the Warm-blooded animals. The most active of these latter, give off more carbonic acid, and manifest a higher temperature, the Carnivorous Mammalia being, in both these respects, above the Herbivorous, the smaller quadrupeds above the larger ones, and, as a Class, the Birds above the Mammals. The relative complexity of the pulmonary organs, the extent of the respiratory surface for the exposure of the blood in the capillaries, and the contrivances for the more frequent reneAval of air in the air-cells, keep pace Avith the increase of temperature in the animals themselves. In the hottest animals knoAvn, viz. Birds, special peculiarities exist in the air-cells, and the air-cavities in the bones, Avith which are associated great force of the heart, gi’eat rapidity of its action, a high rate of motion of the blood through the capillaries, a large number of red blood corpusclo.s, a small amount of evaporation from the skin, and a solid condition of the urinary excretion, involving less loss of heat in its pro- 518 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. duction than if it were fluid. The urinary products of Birds, are, moreover, chiefly composed of urate of ammonia, which contains less oxygen than urea, so that more of that element passes olF as carbonic acid (J. Davy). The importance of the relation between the quantity of the red corpuscles in the blood, and the temperature of the body, is illustrated by the following numbers, which show the quantity of dried solids of the clot, in 1,000 parts of blood, in a series of animals belonging to the several Classes of the Vertebrata. The hen, 157T; the dog, 123'8; the tortoise, 80; the frog, 69; and the eel, 60 parts in 1,000 (Prevost, Dumas, J. Marshall). Animal heat being regarded as the re.sult of a process of oxidation, the small amount generated by the Cold-blooded animals, may be supposed to be derived from the metamor- phosis of their OAvn tissiies or blood. The same may be true as regards the large Carnivorous animals, the active habits of which, in high external temperatures, may furnish sufScient oxidisable material in the metamorphosed blood and mus- cular and nervous tissues, to maintain the temperature of their bodies ; but Carnivorous animals consume also large quantities of fat, proportionate, it may be remarked, to the coldness of the climate in which they live. In warm climates, Man also might thus sustain his temperature ; but in colder regions, Avhere the loss of heat from the body is more rapid, Man, like the Herbivora, Avhose habits are inactive, must rely upon food also, as one source of oxidisable material; and like them, upon food containing more carbon and hydrogen, and proportionally less nitrogen. In different persons, and in different seasons and climates, the extent to which carbonaceous and hydrogenous food is relied on, as a source of combustible material, may vary. An elevation of the external temperature, will lessen the amount of oxidised food ; whilst the opposite condition increases it. The excess of carbonic acid exhaled in cold seasons, can only be accounted for, by its proceeding from the greater quantity of food then consumed. On these principles may be explained the fact, that no one dietary is economically adapted to all constitutions, occupations, habits, races, seasons, or climates ; hence the labourer recjuires a different diet to the sedentary student, and the native of the tropics different food to the Laplander. NERYODS SYSTEM AUD ANIMAL HEAT. 519 Influence of the Nervous System in the production of Animal Heat. This was formerly greatly exaggerated, and was attributed to some direct action of the so-called nervous force. Many researches upon animals, have shown that injuries to the brain, whether by sections, or by the administration of narcotics, are followed by a lowering of the temperature of the body (Brodie, Legallois, Wilson Philip, Hastings, C. Williams, and Chossat). In paralysis from cerebral disease in Man, the paralysed limbs are usually of lower temperature than the sound limbs, the difference sometimes being as much as 7°. On the other hand, an elevation of temperature in certain regions, may follow local injuries of the nervous system. Thus, Avhen the spinal cord is divided in the middle of the back, in a Warm- blooded animal, the loAver half of the body may become Avarmer, and remain so for some time. In complete paralysis of the lower half of the body, in Man, from injury of the cord, a similar increase of heat has been observed in the groin, viz. 111° (Brodie). Besides these facts, there are many which shoAv, that general depressing causes acting on the nervous system, lower the temperature, whilst excited conditions of that system are accompanied by increased animal heat, for example, exhaustion or fear on the one hand, and strength or passion on the other. In the last instances, the influence of the nervoits system is plainly indirect, and mu.st be attributed to a corresponding diminution or increase of the pulse and respiratory acts. The rdtimate influence of alcohol, in raising the temperature of the body, may also be partly due to its specific stimulating effect on the nervous system, and through it, on the heart and respiratory organs ; but it may also yield a ready fuel or combustible substance, easily absorbed into the system, and easily oxidised in it ; these two last-named qualities may account for its great use in cases of exhaustion from fevers. Again, Avhen the sympa- thetic nerve is divided in the neck of an animal, or its chief cervical ganglion is removed, the temperature of the Avhole of that side of the face, may rise even as high as 11° above its normal standard ; and this may continue for mouths with increa.sed sensibility, and increased colour from vascular congestion. In such a case, when the distal end of the cut nerve is galvanised, the temperature for a time liills (Bernard). 520 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The elevation of local temperature, is also believed to be an indirect effect, and to depend on an increase in the flow of blood to the part, consequent upon a relaxation of the walls of the smaller arteries, owing to the loss of controlling power on the part of the vasi-motor nerves (vol. i. p. 389). Serious injuiy or disease of the spinal cord, may act in the same way, because the sympathetic system has connections with, or origins in, it (vol. i. p. 391). The lowering of the temperature after destruction of the brain, which continues in spite of artificial respiration, — not performed too rapidly, so as to cool the animal by that very process (Brodie), but more slowly (Wilson Philip and Williams), — has also been, of late, most frequently attributed to the loss of some indirect influ- ence of the nervous system, over the strictly chemical heat- producing changes in the system, whether of respiration, nutri- tion, or secretion. Lastly, it has been suggested that heat may be directly produced in the nervous substance itself, owing to the rapid metamorphoses to which it seems liable, in its healthy and active condition, or else to some transformation or passage of its ordinary force or mode of action, into a calorific action producing heat, in the same manner as, in the electric fish, it may be converted into electricity (Carpenter). The nervous substance must be decomposed in all cases in which it is in action, especially during exercise, when it contr-ols the muscular movements ; much movement always produces heat. In such instances, and also in psychical acts, the nervous substance is directly oxidated ; so that ultimately, the animal heat evolved, is the result of chemical action. That the nervous .system is not essential to the production of heat in living oi-ganisms, seems to be shown by the facts, that in many of the lower animals, no traces of a nervous system have yet been discovered, and, tlmt in certain pro- cesses of vegetable life, as in the fertilisation of the ovide and in the commencing stages of germination, heat is also evolved. When, however, in animals, that system is present, it is en- dowed with such power of control over all the functions gene- rally, and exhibits such innate activity, that it determines and excites wa.ste in other tissues, and undergoes waste in its ovm, thus indirectly or directly contributing to the production of animal heat. HYBERNATION. 521 Uses of Animal Heat. The modes in which the heat of the body, is expended, are several. First, it supplies the constant loss of heat from the body, by radiation and conduction to the clothes or other surround- ing objects or media, when, as is usual, these are cooler than the body. It also llirnishes the heat necessary to vaporise the water of the cutaneous and pulmonary exhalations; it warms the air expired from the lungs ; it heats the secretions as well as the body itself; and, lastly, it warms the food and drink taken into the body, when these are cooler than the internal organs, and aids in the solution of digestible substances, and in their metamorphosis for the purposes of absorption. Of 100 parts of heat given off by the body, 72'9 are lost by radiation from the surface, 14'5 by evaporation from the skin, 7'2 by evaporation from the lungs, 3’5 from warming the air used in respiration, and 1'8 by the urine and solid excreta. As the standard of temperature remains constant within 2° or .3°, between hot and cold seasons, and tropical and arctic climates, the quantity produced in the body, depends on the external temperature, and must be greater in cold climates, in which the loss is greater, than in warm climates. The amount required to be produced, is also modified by the degree of pro- tection of the body, either by shelter or clothing. Hphernation. Amongst the most remarkable phenomena preseaitod by animal life, in the temperate and cold regions of the earth, are those which are known under the name of hphernation. During the winter season, a few Mammalia retire into burrows or other shelter, and there, either under the influence of the low temperature, or guided by au inherent instinct or an acquired feeling, pass into a condition of torpor much more profound than ordinary sleep. The marmot, dormouse, and hedge- hog, arc the most familiar examples of this hybernation in the Mam- malia. It is remarkable that no Birch are known to bybornate, the belief once prevalent that swallows retired to the bottom of ponds to hybernato, being erroneous. Amongst Reptiles, both serpents and snakes, as well as land-tortoises, bybernate ; and in the Amjehibia, the frogs and newts. Both serpents and frogs have been kept in this condition, by artificial cold, for three years. Hybernation in Fishes, is not known, unless it bo compulsory from freezing of the water. Of the Non-vertebrate animals, only terrestrial Species are known properly to bybornate, such as the land-snails and slugs amongst tlio MolJusca, and (bo clirysalides of certain Insects, which pass through a winter, before they change into the imago state. Even in the Protozoa, examples are met with, of a winter state or condition, in which those animals undergo the process known as 522 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGY. cncystation, so called because in it, they surround themselves with a protective cyst, in which they remain dormant, until the return of warmth induces peculiar changes in them, for the reproduction of new animals. The condition of partial hybernation manifested by certain animals, which collect a store of winter food, such as the beaver and others, is named spurious hybernation. In this state, the circulation and respira- tion are not so diminished in activity, nor the temperature so reduced, as in true hybernation ; for though the animals sleep much, they, from time to time, arouse themselves to take food. In the true hybernating Warm-blooded animal, not only the nervous and muscular systems are quiescent, but digestion entirely ceases, no food being taken. The circulation is very slow ; the respiratory move- ments are almost, or according to some, completely, arrested ; the interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid in the air-passages, can take place by diflFusion only ; the absorption of oxj'gen and the evolution of carbonic acid, are very slight, and the animal heat accordingly sinks ; so that, without protection from the cold of the winter season, the animal would die. The respiration which continues, is supported by a store of fat, which serves as fuel during the dormant state ; when the creature is roused from this condition, by any irritation, by heat, or by great cold, distinct respiratory movements take place, the heart’s beats are quick- ened, and it manifests increased activity. If the animal be arotised by extreme cold, it soon becomes still more torpid, and may even die if the low temperature be long continued. If excited too completely by warmth, it is also apt to die, unless provided with suitable food, and carefully maintained at a moderate temperature. The suspension of animation in Reptiles and Amphibia, is still more complete ; but probably even here some vital action goes on. In many instances, in the lower Non-verte- brate animals, it is probable that all the organic processes are. for a time, completely suspended, as, e.g. when they are almost frozen, or first dried and then frozen. In the Animal Kingdom, considered generally, we observe that a high temperature of the body, not only increases the activity of the various functions, but that this very activity produces, in its turn, a demand for increased respiration, and so engenders an increased amount of animal heat. In the case of Cold-blooded animals, also, an elevation of the tem- perature of their bodies, by external heat, increases their activity and their demand for increased respiration ; and, accordingly, it is found that in Reptiles more carbonic acid is given otf in high temperatures, a result opposite to that which takes place in Warm-blooded animals, and in Man. The respiration of Warm-blooded and Cold-blooded animals is said also to differ, if not absolutely, at least relatively, in this particular; that it is only in the Warm-blooded creatures, that some portion of the food, when absorbed into the blood, is devoted at ouce to respiratory pur- poses, forming, as it were, fuel immediately destined for the production of heat by oxidation, without having previously entered into the tissues ; whereas in the Cold-blooded animals, the tissiies only, and not the food merely assimilated into the blood, except perhaps in exceptional cases, and then in a far lower degree, are oxidated, and so produce a small amount of animal heat. In the Warm-blooded animals the blood cor- puscles are much more, numerous, and the quantity of carbonic acid excreted is much greater, than in the Cold-blooded species. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. 523 Spontaneous Comhustion. The highest natural temperature attained, in the healthy- state, by any animal, is that noticed in the swallow, about 111° ; the highest temperatm-e observed in the healthy hitman body, is 102°; and in disease, 111°. Moreover, experiments have shown that an increase of 13° in the temperature of the body of one of the Mammalia, is fatal. It is obvious that the highest of these temperatures, is entirely inadequate to set on fire the animal tissues ; it is even insufficient to inflame the vapour of alcohol. It is, therefore, impossible to believe that the body of a drunkard, whose blood and tissues may even be supposed to be saturated with alcohol, or with some of the products of its de- composition, coidd spontaneously burn ; for the temperature of ignition of the tissues, or of such compounds, is much higher. Of the so-called cases of spontaneous combustion, not one has actually been seen to happen. Natimally, no eye-witness is present, but the more or less consumed body is found ; and such occurrences usually take place in persons addicted, dur- ing their life, to habits of intoxication. The event is rendered marvellous by the supposition of a spontaneous process of combustion. Of the possibility of burning the dead body with a due amount of heat, or even of parts of the body before life in the remainder of it, is entirely extinct, there is no doubt, the sensibility being supposed to be deadened by excessive alcoholism. But the heat, necessary for this combustion, is far greater than is generally suppo.sed. It is extremely difficult to bum a dead body. That the presence of alcohol in the blood and tissues, would increase the inflammability of the dead or dying body, is possible. The commencement of the combustion, is clearly to be looked for in external, not in internal, causes. In all recorded instance.s, these ca.ses have happened either in the night, or at other times when fire, (I candles, or matches were present, or might be supposed to be k present ; for frequently the evidence of this may be destroyed f by the spread of the combustion itself. On the whole, it is fi rational to conclude, more e.specially as habitual drunkanls are i incapable of exercising care in regard to these sources of I danger, that they have themselves, in a state of intoxication, N set hre, in falling or otherwise, to their clothes or other com- V bustible materials, or that they have been reached by flames jij otherwise occasioned by the falling of candles, or by the ■ emission of .sparks from the fire. It is significant that no case p of spontaneous combustion, has ever happened in an animal. 524 SPECIAL PirrSIOLOGT. EVOLUTION OF LIGHT. A few examples are on record, of the evolution of light from certain excretions or discharges from the living human body ; but most of these instances have been observed in diseased and dying persons. The perspiration after violent exercise, in one case, and the urinary excretion in several instances, have been seen to display a decided luminosity ; in the former ca.se, the luminous matter being even transferable to the clothing. In three instances of persons in the last stage of phthisis, a light, owing apparently to luminous breath, has been noticed playing about the features; the surface of a cancerous ulcer is also said to have exhibited a similar appearance. In these cases, the light is supposed to proceed from the slow oxidation of phos- phorus or of some phosphuretted compound, resulting fi-om the incipient decompo.sition of the excretions, or from their contain- ing some imperfectly oxidised compound of phosphorus, which had accumulated in the blood, and become eliminated in those fluids, but which would ordinarily be thronm off, in the shape of alkaline or earthy pho.sphates. Phosphorus dissolved in oil, injected into the veins of a dog (p. 444), produces a luminous condition of the breath ; and a luminous state of the urine has been observed in men who have taken phosphorus medi- cinally. It has been suggested that, as a large number of the cases of luminous breath in men, have occuiTed in persons addicted to excessive drinking, certain bodies, derived from the decomposition of alcohol, may impede the proper oxidation of the phosphuretted compounds, which then escape in the breath or other excretions. It is even presumed that the presence of such compounds in the blood, may impart an unusual degree of combustibility to the body. But the knovm compounds deri- vable from alcohol, even aldehyde, are not so readily oxidisable as the imperfectly oxidised compounds of phosphorus. This explanation is therefore speculative ; and the so-called cases of spontaneous combustion of the bodies of intemperate per- sons, as just stated, are unfounded, and capable of exjilanation on other and simpler grounds. Dead animal matter is frequently luminovs or phosphoresce/it. The surfaces of the muscles and other soft parts of bodies undergoing dissection in anatomical schools, have sometimes been seen to emit a brilliant light ; and luminous exhalations from graveyards, e.specially from the recently exposed soil, have not unfrequently been observed. The remains of de- caying animal matter generall}', may also become phosjihores- LUMINOSITY IN ANIMALS. 525 cent ; but this more particularly happens in the case of marine Fishes and the marine Mollusca, Crustacea, and Cmlente- rata. This is also at present attributed to a true phosphores- cence, sotneimperf'ectly oxidised phosphuretted ccmipound being supposed to be the result of an incipient stage of decomposition. It disappears on the occurrence of actual putrefaction. The warm-blooded Vertebrata apparently possess even less power than Man, of evohnng light from the living body, or authentic eases of such an event, woidd have been recorded. The light seen in the eyes of the cat , and other creatures, in the dark, is merely a reflection from the iridescent portion of the choroid coat within the eyeball. Amongst the cold- I'looded Vertebrata, the gi’ey lizard is said to deposit eggs which are sometimes luminous ; and a species of frog in Surinam, is described as emitting light, especially from the mouth. Certain cases of luminosity amongst marine Fishes, may be owing to the agitation and percussion of smaller luminous animals in the water ; but a marine species of Scopelus, allied to the Salnionida, is said to emit stars of light from the body and head ; it is in one of these fishes, that Leuckart has recently described scattered organs, containing lens-like bodies, which are regarded by him as eyes (vol. i. p. 60-1). These may be light-reflecting organs. The most remarkable and characteristic examples of the omission of light from the living animal body, occur amongst the Non-vertebrate creatures. Some of these are met with in air-breathing animals. Thus amongst the Anmdosa, two families of Coleopterous insects or beetles, vdz., the Elaterida and Lampyrida, furnish us with the well-known examples of the fire-flies and glow-worms. The fire-flies proper to hot climates, give out a very brilliant light from two spots, one on each side of the thorax, and from a third on the under side of the same part ; the light is present in both sexes. In the glow-worms, however, the light is softer, and though observed in the male, and, even more feebly, in the chrysalis, in the larvae, and in the egg, it is decidedly more striking in the female ; it is also chiefly obseiwod at particular seasons. It proceeds from the under side of the three last segments of the abdomen. Exa- mined under high magnifying powers, the luminous patches are seen to consist of little sacs, containing a yellowish granular matter, which is the luminous substance. These sacs are closed by horny lids, having peculiar flat surfaces, suited to the diffusion of tlio light ; the granular matter and sacs are traversed by numeroTis air-tubes, or tracheae. The light is given out, even after the segments arc removed from the rest of the body, and luminous streaks may be produced by rubbing the yellow matter between the fingers. There seems no douljt that the cause of the luminosity, is the feeble combustion of some organic com- pound excreted by the animal. It is said, however, not to contain phos- phorus in any appreciable quantity, and the product of its combustion is carbonic acid (Mattcucci). Other alleged instances of luminous winged Insects, are doubtful. Amongst the Annulosa, .some Centipedes, and, under certain circumstances, the common earth-wonu, also present examples of luminosity. Amongst the Mollusca, there are luminous air-breathing Gasteropods. I5y far the larger number of luminous Non- vertebra to animals, is 526 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. found amongst the aquatic Ijreathers, and exclusively, perhaps, amongst the marine species. Of the Molluscous marine animals, the Cephalo- dopous Octopus, the Pteropodous Cleodora, and the Lamellibranchiate Pholas, exhibit luminosity. Many Molluscoid animals, but especially the Tunicated Salpida and Pyrosomida, are eminently distinguished for this property. Again, many minute marine Crustacea appear like little lumi- nous specks in glasses of sea-water, especially when this is agitated ; and they are even discernible in the stomachs of larger Mollmscoid animals, which feed upon them. Some of the marine Annelida are distinguished by being able to emit sudden scintillations of light along the body, which may be repeatedly excited by mechanical irritation. It has been suggested that, in those cases, the light may be excited through nervous agency, which may possibly undergo conversion into light (Carpenter). Amongst the Annuloid animals, certain Star-fishes are said to be lumi- nous. But the Ccelenterata yield the largest number of luminous marine creatures, especially the Acalephae and the Hydroid Polyps, such as Pennatula and others. Lastly, a minute jelly-like creature, formerly assigned to the group Acalophse, amongst the Ccelenterata, but now classed amongst the Protozoa, by some as a Ehizopod, but by others as a pecTiliar and gigantic Infusorial animalcule (Huxley), the Noetiluca miliaris, is the most common of all light-giving creatures in the tem- perate oceans, and is the chief cause of the luminous nocturnal appear- ance in our Northern Seas. In the Tropics, the phenomenon is much more striking and brilliant, and depends upon a greater variety of animals, especially upon the Medusas and the Hydroid Polyps. The luminosity of these various marine animals, is said to depend upon a mucous secretion from their integument, which will even impart luminosity to water or milk, with which it is mixed. The so-c;illed phosphorescence is always more marked in warm than in cold climates ; it is increased by moderate elevation of the temperature of the water, and, most remarkably, by brisk agitation of the fluid, either because the secretion is detached from the animals, or simply owing to their excite- ment. The light is extinguished b}"^ extremes of either heat or cold; it disappears in vacuo, and is restored on renewed exposure to air ; it is rendered more vivid by various stimulating substances, if moderately used, and also by electricity ; but it is extinguished by the excessive employment of these, and especially by such vapours as those of ether and chloroform, whicli would interfere with oxygenation. Oxygen increases and maintains the phosphorescence ; carbonic acid first excites, and then destroys the luminous property ; sulphuretted hydrogen almost instantly ari’osts it. The luminosity may continue for a time after death, unless this has been produced by some specially poisonous sub- stance. It entirely ceases as soon as putrefaction begins. Prom the preceding facts, it is obvious that the luminosity of animals is owing to some living action, and not to decomposition. Its use is by no means understood. The supposition that it solves occasionally to guide one sex to the other, affords a very partial explana- tion of the facts ; for it does not apply to the cases of the multitudes of hermaphrodite marine luminous animals. It may conduce to their de- struction, by assisting other animals in seeking Ihomas food ; or it may serve to illuminate deep waters. But this curious phenomenon aft'ords a good e.xample of the imj'orfeetion of our knowledge o( final causes. ANIMAL ELECiraCITY. 527 In the glow-worm, it appears not to be phosphorus, but some earbon- compound, which produces the light. Even in the case of the numerous marine luminous animals, it is not proved that the light is owing to the slow oxidation of a phosphuretted substance. This, however, seems more probable in the case of animals living in water, in which the luminous oxidation of a phosphuretted body, is more conceivable than that of a hydro-carbonaceous substance. It is possible that some, at least, of the feeble light exhibited in these phenomena, or its intensi- fication, is due to fluorescence developed in a high degree ; fluorescent substances certainly exist in living animals. The term phosphorescence must be regarded as descriptive and provisional only, for the light may not depend, in any case, upon the oxidation of a phosphuretted compound. The evolution of light from these animals, as a normal phenomenon, and that from the human body, as an occasional or morbid occm-rence, must be accompanied by chemical change, in which the chemical energy passes into the form of light. The photic work of the animal body, must therefore depend on the chemical energy evolved by it. But the quantity of matter subjected to change in its production, is very small. EVOLUTION OF ELECTRICITY. • ' The electric cuiTents constantly present in the living nervous and muscular tissues, and the common electric current present in the entire human body, and in the bodies of the lower animals generally, especially noticeable in the frog, have been else- where mentioned (vol. i. pp. 106, 281). This common current usually passes from the lower extremities to the head of an animal ; but in the upper limbs of the human body, it is said to be directed from the shoulder to the fingers. Electric cuixents have also been detected upon different secreting surfaces and glands, and even between a secreting membrane and the veins returning from it. These phenomena cease Avith the life of the animal experimented upon. The direction of these cur- rents, is shown by delicate galvanometers. Thus, currents pass from the venous blood, which is positive, to the gland or se- creting surface, which is negative; no current passes between a gland and the arterial blood. Arterial blood is said to be positive, as compared Avith venous blood (Scoutetten). Between the coiTesponding points of the two sides of the body, or of opposite limbs, no electric currents are ordinarily found; but they occur betAveen non-correspondent points, and even betAveen corre- sponding points, if there is a difference Avith respect to their nutritive activity, as when one limb is at rest, and the other in motion, or as Avhen one limb is more or less inflamed (Matteucci, Du Bois-lieymond). The electricity of the human body under ordinary circumstance.s, is rapidly conducted from it, and thus 528 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. an equilibrium is maintained with respect to surrounding media. But when the body is insulated, its proper electric state is speedily manifested, either when it is brought into contact with non-insulated bodies, the galvanometer intervening, or Avhen two insulated persons are connected with the galvanometer, or touch each other. Thus examined, the electric condition of men is usually positive, that of women is said more frequently to be negative. Sanguine and irritable persons exhibit a more active electric condition, than others. It is Avell known that electricity is sometimes developed in the body, bj'^ friction, or by the rapid removal of stockings, e.specially silk ones, or of other articles of dress which fit closely to the skin. This phe- nomenon is accompanied by slight crackling noises, and even by sparks, especially in dry rveather, dry air being a better non-conductor than moist, and so preventing the escape of the electricity of the body. Remarkable and exceptional instances of the accumulation of electricity in the human body, are on record, in which, if the per.son were only moderately insulated, sparks could readily be drawn from any part of the body. The total quantity of electricity developed in the body, must be very large ; but owing to the quantity of water in the tissues, to the high conducting power of that fluid, and to the absence of aiTangements calculated to insulate the electric currents, the electricity passes as soon as it is generated, into a state of equilibrium. Moreover, this animal electricity speedily acc[uires a condition of equilibrium, as regards neighboiudng objects and media ; and it is only rvhen the body is more or less perfectly insulated, that other than static currents can be detected in it. a t Similar electric currents exist in all Warm-blooded Vertobrata, and are probably universal in the Cold-blooded Vertebrata. In the frog, they are remarkably strong, and the animal itself, so lar as its muscular ■system is concerned, and probably also as regards its nervous system, is peculiarly susceptible to electric influences. It is amongst the Cold-blooded Vertebrata only, and in the lowest Class of these, wz., in Fishes, that the singular power exists, of generating and accumulating, within certain organs, a largo amount of electricity which can be discharged from tho body, in the form of a shock, either in- voluntarily or, apparcntl}' also, at tho will of tho animal. Eleetilc fishes are found in almost all climates ; but they belong to different genera. There are eight species known at present to possess this power. Of these, five are marine ; three of these are Torpedoes, belonging to the Ray-family ; they inhabit tho iMediterrauean and tho Atlantic, and are sometimes even used as food. Tho fourth is tho Trichiurus, or Sword-fish of tho Indian Seas. Tho fifth marine species is the Tetraodon, found amongst the Comora Islands. Tho frcish-water or river species of electric ELECTRIC FISHES. 529 fishes are the Sihmis or Malapteriirus, a salmon-like fish of the Nile, Niger, and Senegal, rivers of Africa; the Momyrus, or Nile Pike, and lastly, the celebrated Gymnotus, or Electric Eel, found only in the Amazon and other largo rivers of South America. In the Torpedoes, which are true flat fishes, the electric organs con- sist of two compressed oval masses, lying ono on each side of the head, and reaching from between the gills into the body ; they are supported in front and externally, by a cartilaginoiis border. They consist of a strong membranous investment, enclosing a soft pulpy structure, divided by septa, into hexagonal columns, which have their ends directed towards the upper and under surface of the fish. Each column is subdivided, by delicate and extremely vascular partitions, into numerous separate cells, and each cell is filled with a clear fluid, of which ^th part is albumen, with traces of common salt. Owing to the large proportion of water in them, the specific gravity of the electric organs, is only 1026, wliilst that of the body of the fish, is 1060. These remarkable organs are supplied with very large nerves, larger than any other nerves in the body, and larger than any nerve in animals of the same size. The nerves arise from a special nervous ganglion, called the electric lobe, connected with the medulla oblongata, immediately behind the cerebellum ; at their roots, these neixes have apparent connections with the fifth and eighth pairs ; their finest branches end in close plexuses, tipou the delicate jiar- titions between the cells of the columnar portions of the electric organ. The electric organs of the Gymnotus, are four in number, arranged in two pairs, one larger than the other ; they form ono third of the entire bulk of the animal, and extend nearly its whole length. Their structure is similar to that just described in the Torpedo ; but the prismatic columns of cells are larger, fewer in nmnber, and of greater length, for they are placed lengthwise in the electric organ and body of the Eish. The nerves are derived, it is said, from the spinal cord only, and are up- wards of 200 on each side of the body. Some of its nerves proceed from the fifth cranial nerve, but most of them, it is asserted, from the spinal cord. In the Silurus, there is no such distinct electric organ ; but a dense fibrous tissue, having albuminous substance contained in its interstices, surrounds the whole body, and is regarded as the homologue of the more perfect organs of the Gymnotus and Torpedo. The power of the Torpedo to give shocks, is comparatively small, but these excite much pain. The sliock of the Sihu-us, and of the largest Gymnoti, which measure twenty feet in length, is sulliciont to kill small animals, and to paralyse men and horses, both as regards sensation and motion. The electric power depends upon the integrity of the nerves connected with the electric organs, as is proved by the results of par- tial or complete division of tlioso nerves. Small portions of the organ, connected with the body by no other part than a nerve, still retain their electric power. Destruction of (he electric loijo in the Torpedo, com- pletely destroys the electric power. The discharge of electricity in the Gymnotus, may be caused, by touching different points on the same side of the body, or different points on opposite sides of the body; in the Torpedo, it is excited by touching the upper and under surface of the animal. But it is said, that when exactly corresponding points on the two VOL. II. M M 530 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. sides, or on the same surface of the body, are touched, no shock occurs, and that not even a ciirrent passes through a galvanometer. Contact -Buth one point only, induces no shock, and a Gymnotus instinctively endea- vours to bring a second point into near relation Bith anything which touches it. The back of the Torpedo, is electrically positive ; the ventral surface is negative ; the strongest currents are obtained immediately over the electric organ. In the Gymnotus, however, the most powerful shocks are obtained, by touching the two extremities of the body, which here present opposite electric states, the head being positive, and the tail negative. The electric discharge from these Fishes, not only produces shock to the living nerves of one individual, or even of a chain of persons touching each other’s hands, but it affects the galvanometer, magnetizes needles, accomplishes chemical decompositions, and even produces a spark in a properly devised circuit (Faraday). There can be no doubt, therefore, of its perfect identity 'with the electricity developed by physical means. The energy of the electric discharge, depends on the size and strength of the animal. It is exhausted by too frequent use ; sometimes a powerful discharge precedes death. Torpedoes, in which the electric nerves have been divided, appear to live longer than those the electric organs of which are subject to repeated irritation. The electric energy, like that of the ■vital processes generally, is greater, and less easily exhatisted, in young Torpedoes than in older ones, and shocks have been felt even from the foetal Fish, as it has been extracted from the abdomen of the parent. Just as the embryo of the Snapping Turtle, has been seen to snap its jaws whilst still in the egg, so the foetal Tor- pedo has been seen to try and bring its surfaces in proper contact with foreign bodies, so as to pass the shock through them. The electric power is first excited, and then destroyed, by strychnia and morphia. A tem- perature of 32° suspends the power, which is again restored by immer- sion of the Fish in water at a temperature of from 58° to 68° ; at 86°, rapid and strong discharges take place, and the Torpedo soon dies. The use of this remarkable power, beyond that of serving for protec- tion, or for obtaining food, is not evident; indeed allied Species, ex- posed to the same enemies, and living on the same food, flourish ■without such organs. Moreover, the Gymnotus kills many more fishes than it eats, and Torpedoes, kept in confinement, have been found to destroy small fishes -without eating them. The electric discharge has been sup- posed to assist indirectly in the digestive process, inasmuch as animal substances subjected to powerful electric currents, undergo ready de- composition ; the intestine of the Toi'pedo is very short, but so also is the digestive canal of the allied Species. It has also been imagined that oxygen may be supplied to the gills, by decomposition of the water near tliem by those organs ; but this is improbable. Lastly, it has been thought that they may rendertheFish galvanometric,and thus enable it to recognise changes in the electric condition of the surrounding medium. The chief use, however, must surely be protective. It has been said, that certain Molluscs and Insects are able toemit feeble shocks of electricity; but this is doubtful. The Cmlonterata, as the Sea-Anemones and others, irritate and destroy their prey by stinging organs, which act suddenly, but are not really electric. STATICS AND DYNAMICS OF THE BODY. 511 The great size of the nerves distributed to the electric, organs, the special distribution of the extremities of the nei-vos upon the mem- branous u-alls of the cells, the results of division of those nerves, and. of destruction of the so-called electric lobe, the excitement of the organs by- irritation of the brain, and lastly, the apparent subjection of the -svhole apparatus to the -n-ill of the animal, sho-\v, that in some -u'ay, the elec- tric phenomena developed in these living galvanic batteries, are largely dependent on the nervous system. According to one -view, the electric force may be developed and accumulated in the electric organ, and may be merely discharged under the influence of the nerves. But it is diflflcult to understand, ho-sv this could happen in an organ apparently un- insulated, for its membranous envelope is as good a conductor as moist tissues or -water. Another theory supposes, that static electric currents, similar to those which are detected in muscidar tissue, but of a far more powerful kind, are constantly circulating through these organs ; and that the equilibrium of such currents being disturbed by some action of the nervous system, a discharge of the electric force then takes place. In accordance -with this view, the organs themselves, with their vascular cell-walls, seem constructed for a special purpose, being unlike any other known animal organ ; after repeated discharges, time must be allowed for the restoration of the power of giving shocks ; and lastly, the electric force is precisely proportioned to the general activity of the nutritive functions. Moreover, a difference has been observed in the character of the discharge or shock, between the Torpedo and the Gymnotus, a difference connected with peculiarities in the structure of their electric organs. The shock is more powerful in the Gymnotus, the piles of cells of the organ being extremely long ; whereas in the Torpedo, the shock is less powerful, and the piles of cells are sliorter. It has been supposed, by some, that the so-called nerve-force is directly converted, in these organs, into electric force ; and the fui’ther inference has been drawn, that the two forces are hereby shown to be identical. The former hypothesis may be correct, but the latter opinion is not so (vol. i. p. 291). The two forces are so far related, that either most easily excites the other. The ultimate source of the electric power, is chemical action, most probably oxidation. • STATICS AND DYNAMICS OF THE HUMAN BODY. Physiology is not sufficiently positive or perfect, as a science, to have its exact constants. But we may here collect certain numerical expression.s, concerning the specific gi'avity, height, and weight of the body; the weights of its various organs; the relative quantities of its chief proximate chemical con- stituents ; also, concerning the weight of the daily food, and its proportion to the weight of the body ; its proximate consti- II M 2 532 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY'. tuents, and the relations of these to the proximate constituents of the body ; their destination in the economy ; and the effects of deprivation of food. Besides this, we may examine, in a general manner, the chemical work performed within the body; and endeavour to estimate, numerically, its vito-chemical processes, and their relation, on the one hand, to the food, drink, and air, and, on the other, to the mechanical and calorific work, performed in, and by, the system. The nutritive, electric, and nervous work, may also be here again noticed. STATICS OF THE HUMAN BODY Specific Gravity of the Body.] The specific gravity of the body, depends upon that of its various tissues and organs. Essentially, all the materials of the body, with the exception of the fatty substances, are heavier than water, and the mean specific gravity of all the tissues, is higher than that of water. But the air retained in the lungs during life, even the residual and reserve air, is just suffi- cient to counterbalance the higher specific gravity of the body generally, and so enables it to float (vol. i. p. 227). The specific gi-avities of the chief tissues are given in vol. i. p. 78; that of the principal organs, is mentioned in their description. The specific gravity of the entire body, with air in the lungs, is usually stated to be from 1060 to 1070. As bone is the heaviest, and fat the lightest, of the tissues, the specific gi’avity of the entire body, is influenced by the relative proportions of these two tissues ; hence it is gi-eater in thin bony persons, but less than the average in children and women, who are generally fatter than men, and, also, in corpulent persons of either sex. But the practical buoyancy of the body in water, is, of course, chiefly determined by the size of the chest and lungs, the freedom of the latter from congestion or deposits, and their condition of inflation. On the least in- spiratory and expiratory movement, the body rises or sinks in Avater. Necessarily, the body is more buoyant in the sea, than in fi-esh water. The effect of clothing, or of any kind of Aveight, is, of course, adverse to buoyancy. WEIGHTS OF ORGANS OF THE BODY. 533 Height of the Body. The human body continues to grow, at least up to the age of twenty -live (Quetelet), and, as it woirld seem, even up to the age of thirty years (Dansonp The mean height of tlie male in Belgium, at tweuty-hve years of age, is 66 T inches, or 168 centimetres* (Quetelet). The mean height of males, at twenty-one years, in Germany, is found to be 68T inches, or 173 centimetres (Zeising). Measurements of 4,800 cri- minals, in England, give a mean height in the male, from twenty-five to thirty years, of 66‘5 inches, or nearly 169 cen- timetres (Danson). The extreme divergence of the German measurements, must be exceptional, and due probably to too limited a number of observations. The English stature is nearer to a mean. The height of the full-grown female, at thirty years of age, is 62’2 inches, or 158 centimetres (Quetelet). The mean difference between the height of the sexes, is about 4 inches. Weight of the Body. The estimated average weight of the body in the male, is also rather less, according to Quetelet, than acording to other ob- servers. From thirty to forty years of age, it is 140 lbs., or 63'66 kilogrammes.^ From twenty-five to thirty years of age, the mean weight of the male, according to Danson, is 143' 1 lbs., or 65 kil. Vierordt adopts the result of one observation on a powerful male, aged forty-two, whose weight was about 143’5 lbs., or 65’25 kil. The weight of the female, at thirty, is 121 lbs., or 55 kil., i.e. about 22 lbs. le.ss than that of the male ; but the weight increases in women up to the age of fifty, when it is about 123’2 lbs., or 56 kil. ifrom the preceding numbers, a mean height of 5 feet 6-^ inches, and a weight of 144 lbs. avoirdupois, may be as- sumed, for the average full-grown male. In the calculations made by English writers, on the working power of a man, 150 lbs. is, however, usually taken as his weight. Weights of different Parts and Organs of the Body. These are taken from Duroy and Krause, the weights given by them, having been converted into lbs. and ozs. avoir- dupois : — * A centimotro = '3937 inch, t A kilograinnio = 2'2 lbs. avoirdupois. 53-t SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The recent skeleton .... lbs. oz. 21 8 OZ. 344 Muscles and tendons 77 8 1240 Skin and subcutaneous fat 16 5 261 Brain ...... 3 2^ 60'5 Spinal cord ..... H 1-25 Eyes ...... 1 •5 Tongue and hyoid bone 3 3 OEsophagus ..... If 1-75 Stomach ...... 7 7 Small intestine ..... 1 lU 27'5 Large intestine ..... 1 1 17 Salivary glands .... 2-5 Liver 4 4 65'5 Pancreas . . . . . ' . 3 3 Spleen 8-0 Thyroid body and remains of thymus 1 4 ■75 Blood = -jL weight of body 11 0 176 Heart ...... 104 10-25 Eight and left kidneys 104 10-25 Larynx, trachea, and larger bronchi . 03 2 lo| 2-75 Lungs ...... 42-25 Unweighed parts .... 1 44 20-75 Total 143 8 2296 Proportions of the Proximate Constituents of the Body. All the constituents of the body, belong to five chief cate- gories ; viz. albuminoid substances and those immediately derived fi-om them, fats, salts, extractives, and water. The following Table shows the quantities of these substances in a body supposed to weigh 1.50 lbs. ; and also the proportions of each in 1,000 parts (Moleschott) : — Quantities in the body in lbs. Proportions in 1000 parts Albuminoid substances and their deriva- ? tives j 30 201 Fatty matters 4 25 Salts ....... 14 92 Extractives ...... 1 6 Total solids ...... 49 324 Water ....... 101 676 150 1000 DAILY QUANTITY OF FOOD. 535 Daily Quantity of the Food, and its Composition. It has been stated that a daily consumption of 2 lbs. of bread, with 12 oz. of meat, which contain 11'6 oz. of carbon, and •? oz. of nitrogen, will support a fully-exercised adult, (Bedard). According to another estimate, 1 lb. of meat, 1 lb. 3 oz. of bread, 3|- oz. of fat, and about 2^ imperial pints of water, are needed by a healthy, actively-employed man (Dalton). Vierordt’s estimate, as we shall see, assigns 4 oz. of dry albuminoid matter, 3 oz. of fat, 11-j of starchy food, and 1 oz. of salts. An ordinary English labourer is said to consume daily, a diet containing 12 oz. of carbon and 5 of nitrogen, and a dietary containing only 10-4 oz. of carbon, and '42 of niti'ogen, is stated to be insufficient to preserve his health (Ed. Smith). Cases, however, are on record, such as that of Louis Comaro, in which a much lower diet has served to maintain life and health for very long periods. The diet of men engaged to run, walk, or row, and also that of jockeys, has occupied special attention in England; and though entirely the result of empiricism, the rules laid down, correspond gene- rally with the suggestions of science. They usually include an excess of meat diet, a spare allowance of amylaceous and saccharine food, and a more or less strict abstinence from alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, and tobacco. Very active exercise, sweating, sponging, early rising and retirement to rest, are also enjoined. The daily food may be classified under four chief cate- gories ; viz. the albuminoid substances, the fatty and starchy substances, the saline or mineral substances, and the water. According to Vierorclt, a healthy adult is suffi- ciently nourished, by consuming daily, 4'2 oz. av. of dried albuminoid substances, 3T of fatty matter, 1T5 of amyla- ceous food, and IT of sfdine substances. Playfair has e.sti- mated that the daily diet of an active adult man is about 4'2 oz. of dry albuminoid substances, 1'8 of fats, 18‘7 of starch, and •9 of mineral substances. The difference between these diets, the former preponderating in fatty matters, and the latter in starchy substances, is doubtless owing to differences of national habit. To these .solid substances, viz. 19'9 oz. in the former, and 25T) oz. in the latter diet, must bo added 93 oz. of water, which, according to Vicrordt, includes tliat taken both in the food and drink, making a total of 112'9 oz. in the first 5S6 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. diet, and 118'6 in the second diet. The daily amount of new material taken into the body, will, in the former case, be about ■^tjth, and in the second, about of the total weight of the body. In the diet indicated by Vierordt, the proportion of non-nitrogenous to nitrogenous food, is as 3-|- to 1 ; whilst in that allowed by Playfair, it is as 4| to 1. But a compen- sation exists in the fact, that the fatty matters, in excess in the German diet, are much richer in carbon than starch; for, adopting the so-called starch equivalent for fat. which is as 2 '4 to 1, and expressing the fatty matters, in both diets, as if tliey were starch, the disparity between them is lessened. The starch equivalent in the former diet, would then be 19, and in the latter 23, which, as compared with the amount of nitrogenous matter identical in both diets, viz. 4'2 oz., would give a ratio between the non-nitrogenous, or hydro- carbona- ceous elements, and the nitrogenous, of about 4^ to 1 in the diet of Vierordt, and of about 5^ to 1 in that of Playfair. The annexed Table shows these facts more clearly. Daily food of an adult man, in oss. avoirdupois : — Playfair Vierordt Proportions in inOO parts (Vierordt) Albuminoid substances . 4-2 4-2 37 Fatty matters 1-8 31 28 Salts ..... •9 1-1 8 Starch ..... 18-7 11-0 103 1 Total solids . 2o-6 19-9 176 j Water .... 90 93 824 116-6 112-9 1000 j Relations between the Coiistituents of the Body and those of the Daily Food. Having determined the proportions of the different proxi- mate constituents of the body, in 1000 parts, and the same proportions in regard to the proximate constituents of the food, and knowing that the total weight of the daily food is about ■o’fjth of the total weight of the body, it is easy to ascertain approximately, the I'atio between the daily quantity of each of those proximate constituents of the food, and the quantity of COJISTITUEMTS OF THE BODY AND THE FOOD. 537 the same, or similar substances, present in the body. The results are shown in the annexed lable. 1 1 In 1000 parts of the body In 1000 parts of food In 50 parts of food, i. e, ^the •weight of the body Proportion per cent, of consti- tuents of food, to similar consti- tuents in body Albuminoids 201 37 1-85 •9 Fats .... 25 28 1-4 6-6 Salts .... 92 8 •4 ■4 Carbhydrates, viz., I starch, sugar, ex- 1 6 103 5-15 86 tractives J Water .... 676 824 41-2 61 Totals 1000 1000 60 From this comparison, it appears that, in round numbers, the daily supply of albuminoid substances in the food, is rather less than 1 for every 100 parts of albuminoid materials in the body; that the supply of fat, is parts for every 100 in the body; that of salts, less than a part ; and of water, G parts only for every 1 00. On the other hand, the proportion of the carbbydrates in the Ibod, as compared with the small quantity of substances of simi- lar composition in the body, is as much as 86 per cent. This obviously suggests that the amyloid and saccharine substances are not largely employed for conversion into tissue, but have .some other function in the economy, one of which, there is reasoir to believe, is to supply fuel for the purposes of generating chemical force, to be transformed into animal motion and heat. These, indeed, are the so-called calorific substances, heat-givers, or respirator jj food, as distinguished from the albuminoid substances, plastic food, or flesh- fanner s. From the small percentage of these latter bodies, daily supplied to the system, it is evident that not more than part of such sub.stances in the body, can, on an average, be replaced by nutritive metamorphoses in one day. Hence, we arrive at the conclusion, that 100 days, at least, are necessary, supposing waste and supply to be equal, for the complete transformation of a// the albuminoid, and their derived constituents, in the living body. But the actual rate of metamorphosis is so different in -^he several albuminoid tissues, as e.g. in muscular, as compared with tendinous, tissues, and moreover, .so inconstant, that no safe 53S SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. conclusions can be arrived at upon such general data. The fatty matters of the body, are possibly changed in much less time. It is difficult to estimate the ordinary daily waste of the human body. It has been shown, however, that the daily quantity of food, necessary to maintain an animal at its normal weight, is more than twice the weight of the daily loss Avhich it undergoes, when deprived of all food. When the weight of the food, is only equal to the loss during temporary starvation, the animal continues to lose Aveight, and the egesta given off by the alimentary canal, the kidneys, the skin, and the lungs, weigh more than the quantity of food taken. This has been attributed to the requirements of the processes of digestion, Avhich demand the formation of copious secretions containing much solid matter ; but as most of them are reabsorbed, it is more probably to be explained by the fact that, in a starving animal, the Avaste is reduced to a minimum, and that the effect of insufficient food, is to excite the system to an unaccustomed activity, and to loss by metamorphosis. Nevertheless, during health, Avith sufficient food, and in a sufficiently long period, there must be an actual balance betAveen the loss and the supply. Destination of the Food in the Living Economy. This subj ect includes tAvo points of investigation — viz. the intermediate, and the idtimate, chemical changes or meta- morphoses of the different proximate constituents of the food. The latter point may be first examined. In order to arrive at the ultimate destination of the proxi- mate constituents of the food, after these have compensated for the Avaste of tissue, or have been consumed in furnishing force for imparting motion and heat, it is necessary to deter- mine the intrinsic composition of those constituents, and that of the various excreted mattei’s. The chemical constitution of the ingesta Avhich pass into the body, must be compared Avith that of the egesta Avhich pass from it — tAVO terms of an equation, Avhich, if our means of experiment, and our knowledge, Avere exact, should be shoAvu precisely to correspond. This comparison has been attempted by Vierordt, as shoAvn in the following Tables, in Avhich the quantities, giAmn by him in grammes, have been reduced to ozs. avoirdupois : — DAILY INGESTA AND EGESTA. 533 A. Ingesta during 24 hours, in ozs. Food, drink, and air Quantities consumed H.,0 of starch, and water C H N 0 Salts Albumen 4-23 2-29 -28 -66 1 Fat 3T7 2-47 -36 -34 Salts M3 1-13 Starch 11-63 6-46 5-17 Water 93 93 Oxygen j of air J 26-24 26-24 Totals 139-4 99-46 9-93 -64 -66 27-68 1-13 B. Egesta during 24 hours, in ozs. Excretions Quanti- ties ex- creted Water C H N 0 Salts Breath ; Carbonic acid and Water . . . Perspiration ; do. do. r Urea Urine -J Water (_ Extractives Solid excreta . . . Water formed in the system .... 43-4 23-62 62-31 6-07 (4. 11-66 23‘3 59-98 4-52 8-79 -09 {:f -71 f-07 b-03 -1 •44 ? -56 -1 22-95 -23 -41 -43 f -27 I 3-29 -92 -21 ,4 139-4 99-46 9-93 -64 -66 27-58 1-13 In Table A, the quantities of the various constituents of the daily food, solid and fluid, are the same as those quoted in p. 535. The daily amount of oxygen introduced into the system, is calculated from the quantity known to be given off, in that period, as carbonic acid from the lungs and skin. The quan- tities of hydrogen and o.xygen which exist in the carbhydrates, in the proportions to form water, are set down as water. In Table B, the ultimate destination of all the chemical elements of the constituents of the ibod, is traced. The totals under each head in the two Tables, correspond, the decimals having been, in some cases, slightly altered in the reduction 540 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of grammes into ounces. The upper row of the figures which reter to the urine, re])resents the elements of the urea ; tlie lower row, those of the non-nitrogenous urinaiy constituents. Above two thirds of the hydrogen of the food, are converted in the body, into water, partly by uniting with oxygen already in the food, biit chiefly by combination Avith oxygen from the air. The remainder of the oxygen, unites Avith carbon, to form the carbonic acid of the pulmonary and cutaneous exhalations. Of the entire excreta, 32 per cent, pass oiF by the breath, 17 by the skin, 46’5 by the kidneys, and 4'5 by the alimentary canal. The ultimate products of the chemical metamorphoses of the food within the living body, are regarded essentially as urea, carbonic acid, salts, and ivater. The small residue consists chiefly of nitrogenous and other matters in the faces, and of epithelial, and epidermoid, losses. The intermediate stages of metamorphosis, which occur as the food is assimilated into blood, or solid tissue, and the fur- ther exceedingly complex, and only imperfectly knoAvn, changes Avhich these undergo, have been fblloAved, more or less com- pletely, in describing the composition and use of the different kinds of food (p. 2-7), the modes of their assimilation (p. 174), the office of the several constituents of the blood (p. 287), and the sources of the biliary and urinaiy pulmonary excretions (pp. 354, 377). A summary or general view of these meta- morphoses, may now be given. Water appears to undergo no decomposition into oxygen and hydrogen ; rather it is increased by additional Avater set free, or actually produced, by the union of oxygen and hydro- gen, in the body itself. It is probably concerned in processes of hydration and dehydration, thus effecting changes in the more complex elements of the body. The saline substances of the food, pass, for the most part, un- changed through the body, and reappear again in the excre- tions, especially in the urine ; but the chlorides must undergo temporary decomposition for the formation of the hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice, the chlorine, hoAvever, again meeting Avith appropriate bases. Additional sahne matters appear in the excreta, besides those in the food, chiefly alkaline sul- phates, formed by the oxidation of the sulphur in the albumi- noid compounds of the body, and magnesian phosphates, re- sulting from the oxidation of the phosphuretted fats of the blood corpuscles and the brain. The ammonia in the breath, in the perspiration, and in the urine, and also the urea, uric DESTINATION OF OLEOIDS. 541 acid, and hippnric acid, are saline substances, the products of decomposition of one or more nitrogenous matters in the body. The carbhydrates, starch, and sugar, are changed, the first into sugar, and both, probably after transitional mutations, into lactic, oxalic, or other acids. Their elements are ulti- mately traceable, the carbon, in the carbonic acid of the breath and perspiration, and the hydrogen and oxygen, in water. Sometimes starch or sugar may give rise, apparently by an upward metamorphosis, to biliary or other ftitty acids, and thus to fat, which may then be deposited in the tissues as fat, or they may protect and thus spare the fat already in the body. Sugar and starch given with meat or albuminoid food, produce obesity ; they are even more fattening than fat itself, as they are more easily oxidised, and act more effectually as protectors to the other constituents of the body. Ultimately, their ele- ments are, in any case, subjected to the same oxidising processes, yielding carbonic acid and luater. Their upward transforma- tion is probably exceptional, because they are more easily oxidisable than fat. The fattjj matters, or hydro-carbons, are usually decomposed into their fatty acids and glycerin, before they enter the chyle, and are probably recomposed there, or in the blood ; possibly, also, they are again decomposed, under the influence of the alkaline constituents of the blood, on the eve of being oxidised. This oxidation may be direct or immediate, into carbonic acid and water ; but the fat may be first employed, perhaps in the forma- tion of the choleic acid of the bile, or of the volatile fatty acids of the milk, butyric, capric, and caproic ; or it may be still fur- ther resolved into propionic, formic, or acetic acids, and so pass to the ultimate condition of carbonic acid and water. The hydrogen of fat, being in excess of its oxygen, and not in the proportions to form water, as in the carbhydrates, this ele- ment and the carbon, which also exists in exces.s, demand, for their reduction, a much larger relative supply of oxygen from the air. Hence, in regard to vito-chemical calculations, the fats may be represented by a starch equivcdent, 1 part of fat being erpial to 2'4 parts of starch. A minute portion of fat may remain almost unoxidiscd, in the form of cholesterin. Fat, like the carbhydrates, also saves the metamoqihosis of the albuminoid tissues and food; for if an animal be fed on insuffi- cient animal diet, to w'hich .sotne fat is added, there is less waste, and a smaller consumption, of nitrogenous matter than if it be fed on a scanty meat diet without lat. A normal pro- 542 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. portion of fat in the food, also saves the consumption of meat ; for the Aveight of an animal is then maintained wth one third or one fourth less meat, than when it is fed on meat alone. An excess of fat in the diet, however, has, as its chief result, an increase of weight, by accumulation of adipose tissue. The most siiccessful plan of fattening animals, is not to with- draw the albuminoid foods, but to allow these to remain the same in quantity, and to increase the hydrocarbons and carbhy- drates. The researches of Lawes and Gilbert, show that in the fattening of animals, much more fat is produced than there is flit in the food, only ^-th, or ^rd being contained in the food, and therefore, from f rds to f ths being produced from other sources, largely from the carbhydrates, but also from any excess of nitrogenous food, after the albuminoid tissues are supplied. This is especially the case, if the non-nitrogenous food be defective, or if an animal be fed on flesh only (Voit.) Alcohol, which may be considered as one type of hydrocar- bonaceous food, has been said, by some, to escape wholly un- changed, by the breath and the excretions; but it is generally believed to be, at least, partly oxidised, either with or without previous conversion into aldehyde, acetic acid, or some other in- termediate substance or substances. It is not supposed to contri- bute directly to the formation of tissue, not even of fat. It is not essential as an article of diet ; it may even be detrimental, by its chemical action on albuminoid substances, hardening and precipitating them, or by its physiological action, stimulating or even poisoning the nervous system, or producing slow and insidious changes in the blood, the tissues, and the secreting and excreting organs, which render the system unable to resist injury or disease ; it may even lay the foundation for irre- mediable organic changes in the brain, heart, bloodvessels, liver, and kidneys. In smaller and more moderate quantities, alcohol, however, is probably oxidised in the blood, and so serves for the development of motion and heat. It restores a feeble pulse, quickens the vascular action, and so raises, for a time, the vital activity of all the functions, vegetative as well as animal. Much diflerence of opinion exists as to the claim of alcohol to be regarded as an aliment, of course of the non- nitrogenous class. Alcohol certainly enters the circulation; but its eflect on the blood is not understood, though it has been supposed to I'ender that fluid thicker, and tlie blood plasma less fit for penetrating the tis.sues. Persons have been known to live long periods on alcoholic beverages, but not on pime DESTINATION OF ALCOHOL. .543 alcohol, unless this was accompanied by small quantities of bread or other food. So also persons who drink much beer become fat, but spirit drinkers do not. It has been supposed to be possibly nutrient to the nervous system, but this is not es- tablished, and its plastic properties may be doubted. Whether it may act by saving tissue, through its own oxidation, or whether it may senm as respiratory or calorific food, depends on its ability to undergo oxidation in the system. Accord- ing to Lallemand, Perrin, and Duroy, it leaves the body en- tirely, and unchanged; this view is also, in some measure, supported by Dr. E. Smith. By these authors, alcohol has been found 'unchanged in the blood, in the various organs, especially in the liver and the cerebro-spinal nervous centres, and also in the breath, the perspiration, and the urine; more- over, they have not formd aldehyde, nor acetic or oxalic acids, into which alcohol has been said to be changed in the body. It has also been shown that aldeh}fde, if administered, is itself unstable in the system, and appears as acetic acid. But the quantities of alcohol found in the excretions, do not appear to have been accurately compared, by those observers, with the quantity actually taken into the stomach. Baudot and Thudicum have shown that when this is done, the quantities eliminated are proportionally small. Even in theresults obtained by Lallemand, Perrin, and Duroy, only ;|^th of the alcohol taken, is thus accounted lor (Gingeot). In these cases, and also in those in which enormous quantities have been given in disease, more or less alcohol must therefore be appropriated, or assimilated, by the tissues, be retained in them, or be oxidised. The adminis- tration of alcohol does not increase, but diminishes, the tempe- rature (Perrin, Dumeril, Demarquay, Ringer, and Rickards), and also the quantity of carbonic acid gas evolved (Lehmann, Vierordt, Hammond, Bdcker, Lallemand, and Dr. E. Smith). The quantity of urea excreted, is likewise diminished. Duchek and Mialhe supposed, that this was owing to the formation of aldehyde, or some other compound not so perfectly oxidised as carbonic acid; but this is hypothetical. The efl'ect seems rather to be due to its lowering, in some manner, all those organic proce.sses, which lead to the formation of carbonic acid by the disintegration of blood and tissue (Moleschott, Carpenter); in this way, alcohol may retard waste, and conserve power. It may also favour the ibrmation of new tissue, and save the combustion of fatty matter (Hammond). Albuminoid bodies, the most complex substances in the animal 544 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGr. economy, undergo, as might he supposed, the most compli- cated intermediate changes, before they are ultimately resolved into their simplest excretory products. Albumen itself, con- stituting the pabulum of the tissues, does not undergo any upward chemical metamorphosis ; all its changes are nece.s- sarily retrograde. Slight modifications, perhaps of hydra- tion, convert it into albuminose, pepsin, salivin, and pan- creatin. Equally slight oxygenation probably changes it into globulin, fibrin, syntonin and casein ; this, together with a loss or total deprivation, of sulj^hur, is concerned in the produc- tion from it of keratin, chondrin, and gelatin ; the disappear- ance of the sulphur, must be an essential step in the nutrition of the gelatin-yielding tissues. The substitution of iron, perhaps, for hydrogen or carbon, with a loss of oxygen, is possibly the mode of derivation of the cruorin, or blood pigment, from albu- minoid matter ; whilst the other pigments, pulmonary, cuta- neous, biliary, and urinary, e.specially abound in carbon, and may be formed by processes of dehydration. The nitrogenous acid of the nervous substance, cerebric acid, is probably derived, directly or indirectly, from some breaking up of albumen, but this peculiar acid, which contains phosphorus, exists in Indian corn and other food ; the glycocoll and taurin of the glyco- cholic and tauro-cholic acids of the bile, also, perhaps, proceed from the dissolution of albuminoid substances ; and it is more than probable that glycogen, or animal starch, and taurin, are formed in the liver, likewise, by the splitting up of albumen. In this case, the glycogen contains the carbon, with hydro- gen and oxygen in the proportions of water, whilst the choleic acid, with the glycocoll and taurin, contain, besides those ele- ments, the nitrogen and sulphur. The formation of gelatinoid substances from albiunen, which must happen in nutrition, libe- rates sulphur, which may either be oxidated, or find its escape in the taurin of the bile. Albumen may even be a source of common fat ; for the biliary acids might ea.sily give ri.se to oleic and other fatt}’’ acids. During the changes due to the development of the eggs of the limna3us or water snail, the percentage of albumen in the ova, alter drying, is said to be diminished from 95‘2 to 91'8, whilst that of tlie fatty matter is increased from ‘G to 2'2 ; the percentage of sitlts is.increased from 4 to G (Burdach.) It is further alleged that albumen is resolvable into glycogen and urea, a change which is supposed to be the origin of the sugar formed in the system in diabetes, at least when no skirch or sugar is taken in the food (llaugh- DESTINATION OF ALBUMEN. 5J5 ton). In this case, the albuminoid mattei- is supposed only to have been assimilated into the blood, not to have entered into the formation of tissue. If albumen be broken up in the liver, then its non-nitro- genous products are resolved into carbonic acid and water ; the sulphur appears in the alkaline sulphates, except Avhen it passes off as dyslysin in the solid excreta, whilst the nitro- genous bodies ultimately reach the chemical condition of urea. But the more obvious metamorphosis of the albuminoid bodies, is that which consists of a series of retrograde chemical changes into more oxidised nitrogenous bodies, such as creatin, crea- tinin, leucin, tyrosin, inosinic acid, sarcin, xanthin, hippuric acid, and uric acid, by which path they ultimately reach the condition of urea, a substance identical with cyanate of am- monia, and wdiich has also been regarded as a carbamide or a carbide of amidogen, which contains cai’bon, hydrogen, nitro- gen and oxygen. The ammonia found amongst the saline con- stituents, is probably always derived from a further breaking up of urea. Albumen may be artificially decomposed, by acids or alkalies, or by spontaneous changes, into leucin, tyrosin, and gly- cocoll, all which nitrogenous compounds are found in the body, especially in venous blood, and in the liver and spleen ; whilst creatin, creatinin, and inosinic acid, are found in actively exercised muscles, and in the blood. Creatinin is, of all these substances, the nearest to urea, and is readily converted into it, by assumption of the elements of water. Urea itself has been found in the muscles of certain fishes. Gelatin and the gelatinoid substances, behave in their downward metamorphoses like albuminoid bodies, yielding especially urea, but no sul- phur compounds. It is doubtful whether they ever undergo an upward metamorphosis into albumen ; but they may spare the waste of this, and may save, and even nourish, the gelatin- yielding ti.s.sues. Large cjuantities alone are useful for this purpose ; when much gelatin is taken in the food, the urea is increased in the urine, the specific gravity of which has been known to rise to 1034. One important inference from our ])resent knowledge con- cerning the chemistry of the food in the body, is this : that all food may be either oxidised after being merely absorbed, or as- similated into the blood, as well as after its constituents have been converted into tissue. This is sufficiently obvious as regards carbonaceous and hydrogenous food, or the resparatory VOL. II. N N 546 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGA'. food ; but it is eqi;ally true of the plastic albuminoid and gelatinoid substances. The excretion of urea is not so much increased by muscular exertion, as was once supposed, but it i.s largely augmented by an excess of nitrogen in the food (E. Smith, Voit, Lehmann, Fick and Wiscileuus, and others). The excess of any substance in the food, beyond that wliich is necessary for the ti.ssues and for respiration,' is known as the luxus consumption, or diet of hixury ; it reappears in an in- creased excretion of urea, carbonic acid, and rvater. Interesting deductions may be drawn, Irom comparing the destination of the food in the Herbivorous and Carnivorous animals. In the Ilerbivora, a very large proportion of the carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen, of the food, passes off undigested from the alimentary canal; whilst in the Carnivora, nearly all the food constituents are absorbed into the chyle or blood Of the carbon which thus enters the blood, the ratio of that given off by the lungs and skin, to that excreted by the kidneys, is, in the Ilerbivora, about as 30 to 1, whilst in the Carnivora, the proportion is only a< 10 to 1. Of the hydrogen absorbed, a gTeater relative proportion is also found in the cutaneous and pulmonary excretions, in the Ilerbivora, viz. 25 to 1, as com- pared with the urine ; but in the Carnivora, the proportions in the urine, as compared with the breath, are reversed, being as 3‘25 to 1. The nitrogen, in the Carnivora, passes almost ex- clusively into the urine, the proportion to that in the skin and lungs, being as 99 to 1 ; in the Ilerbivora, the ratio is only as 1'5 to 1. The excreta in a Carnivorous animal, represent also the excreta of an animal fed on a pure flesh diet ; but those of an Herbivorous animal, exhibit tlie results of an e.xcess in the proportion of the carbhydrates, viz. an increased activity of the pulmonary and cutaneous exhalations. It must further be observed that the quantities of the al- buminoid substances, or their derivatives, removed in a solid form from the body, in the mucus and unused secretions of the digestive canal, in the epithelium from other mucous mem- branes, and with the epidermis, nails, and hair, are very .small, and escape all active metamoiqdiosis. Finally, the sum of all the chemical changes in the body, is oxidation. The carbon of all the carbhydrates and hydro- carbons, appears as carbonic acid, and their hydrogen and oxygen, as luater. A portion of the carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, of the deconi2)Oscd albuminoid bodies, also appears in the excreUi, as carbonic acid and water ; but a considerable DEPRIVATION OF FOOD. 547 portion of these elements, witli the nitrogen, is discharged in the Ibrm oiurea. The sulphur and phosphorus produce their respective oxygen acids. For these changes, a larger amount of oxygen, beyond that contained in the body, is needed ; and this is supjdied by the atmosphere in respiration. It has been computed, that 100 parts of dried meat require 1G7 parts, by weight, of oxygen, for their disintegration in the body. The results appear as 182 parts of carbonic acid, 52 of Avater, and 31 of urinary products; Avhilst only 2 parts escape unchanged Iroin the alimentary canal. No pure carbon, hydrogen, or nitrogen, is evolved from the body, but only cliemical combi- nations of these elements, Avith oxygen, or Avith each other. Ammonia is one of these. The minute quantities of carburetted and sulphuretted hydrogen, sometimes disengaged, are jArobably direct products of the decomposition of the food, and not the results of vito-chemical processes. Of the carbon, 8‘8 oz. are evolved as carbonic acid from the lungs, nearly OT oz. Irom the skin; 0'34 oz. escape by the i;rine, and 0'71 oz. by the solid excreta. All the nitrogen appears in the two latter excretions, 0’56 oz. in the former, and OT oz. in the latter. The so-called respiratory, calorific, or heat-giving, elements of the food, chiefly enter the blood, and there undergo oxi- dation ; Avhilst the plastic, histo -genetic, or tissue-forming elements, unless taken in excess, first build up the blood corpuscles and the solid tissues, and then undergo oxidation ; but these latter in reality contain fat and often sugar, Avhich may be immediately oxidised in the blood ; and so even an albuminoid diet, may in that case, act as respiratory food. This must be the case in starving men and animals, in animals fed on a pure flesh diet freed from fat, and, to a certain extent, in all Carnivora. On the other hand, the carbhydrates are probable sources of fat ; and fatty matter is essential to plastic or histo- genetic processes. The distinction of the tAvo classes of food is therefore, as previously sttitcd, inexact ; even the respinitory food is more or less assimilated, as it enters the chyle and the blood, and both the blood and the chyle are fluid parts of a tissue. Hence even respiratory food is plastic, as regards those fluids. Ejfects of Deprivation of Food. When an animal is entirely deprived of food, or Avhen the quantity supplied is insuflicient to compenstite for the Avaste of N N 2 548 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the tissues, the weight of its body gradually diminishes, and it ultimately dies of inanition or stai'vation. The phenomena attending this condition, have been best studied by Chossat. The surface of the animal’s body, looks paler and withered, and the skin seems wi-inkled, owing to the disappearance of adipose tissue. The secretions become more scanty and concentrated, hence the mouth is parched, and the digestive fluids wanting ; but the gall-bladder becomes distended with thick tenacious bile. From the first, the m-ine is scanty and strongly acid. The fieces are much reduced in quantity, are com- posed almost entirely of greenish biliary matter, and, shortly before death, contain an excess both of water and salts. Nutrition is interrupted or arrested. A warm-blooded animal becomes, after a time, restless and excited, and continues so till the last day of life ; a sudden fall in its temperature then occurs, and it passes into a state of almost complete insensibility. Birds, in this condition, no longer attempt to fiy ; they sometimes gaze at surrounding objects, sometimes seem to be asleep. The pulse and the respiration become gradually slower, and the limbs cold. The general debility increases, until at length, being unable to stand, the animal falls over on one side, and does not again move. Diarrhoea always comes on during the last twenty-four or forty-eight hours of life, and is attended with a peculiar foetid odour of the body, a sign that decomposition is commencing. The condition of stupor gradually becomes more profound, dilatation of the pupil ensues, and the animal dies, death being sometimes ushered in by violent contractions of the muscles of the back, so that the bod}' is drawn backwards, a condition known as opisthotonos. All the organs of the body suffer loss both in volume and weight, though in very different degrees. Death usually occurs when the animal has lost about ^ of its weight. In many cases, however, the loss of weight is equal to more than i and in others to only i of that of the body. This appears to be almost entirely dependent on the quantity of fatty tissue contained in the body, before food is withheld, the loss of weight being greater, the larger the amount of fat p>reviously in the system. In animals which had lost ^ of their weight, it was found that A of the fat had disappeared, A of the spleen, — of the liver and pancreas, ^ of the heart, muscles, and alimentary canal — the latter at the same time having undergone considerable shortening — A of the kidneys, A of the respiratory organs, 1 of the bones, A of the eyes, and only A of the nervous substance. Of the adipose tissue, the fat cells remain, the con- tents alone being re-absorbed. The diminution in the quantity of the blood, is very great, about 2 of it disappearing. Young and thin animals suffer much less loss of weight, but they die sooner. The duration of life appears to be but little affected, whether the animal be allowed to drink, or whether it bo totally deprived of water. It has, however, been shown that, if a dog bo kept without water, the tissues and organs lose weight, almost in the same proportion as if it had been deprived of solid food, with one exception, for there is little diminution in the adipose tissue. Every tissue becomes drier ; but the STARVATION. 549 glandular organs and the hrain do not suffer so much as the other parts. There can ho no doidjt that the drinking of water in starvation, prolongs animal life. The smaller Mammalia, and Birds, if tliey are at the same time deprived of drink, usually die in nine days. Cold-blooded animals live a long time witiiout food; frogs have been known to survive nine mouths. As shomi by experiments on Birds, the effect of starvation, is to diminish the average temperature for the first few days slightly, but as death approaclies, very rapidly, the fall being, in the last twenty-four hours, about 25°. The greatest waste of tissue occurs in the fat, whilst the nervous system scarcely experiences any loss ; so that the lowering of the temperatm-e, and the fatal result, seem to be due to the loss of oxidisable material, and not to a destructive waste of the nervous energy. The fatty nervous substance may support itself at the expense of the adipose tissue ; and this may, in part, account for the great waste of the latter. The effects of exhaustion in long continued fevers, may be similarly explained. The use of fat, as a restorative in the case of starving animals, seems to be, that it interposes an easily oxidisable substance, and so diverts the process of oxidation from the albuminoid tissues ; and, in ordinary cases, it preserves the fat already stored up in the body. In tlie human subject, death from starvation is, though rarely, but too frequently observed. At first, tliere is acute violent pain over tlie region of the stomach, which is relieved by pres- sure. In the course of ttventy-four or forty-eight hours, this passes off, and is followed by a sensation of weakness and sink- ing, which is principally felt over the same part. The mouth becomes dry and parched, the breath is hot, the eyes are wild, staring, and glistening, and there is sometimes a distressing feeling of cold over the whole body. One of the most cha- racteristic symptoms of starvation, is the intense thirst, which now supervenes. The entire body becomes reduced to a skeleton, the jtrominences of the bones are visible ; the face is pale and corpse-like ; there is sinking of the eyes and cheeks. A state of extreme debility ensues, so that the individual, in attempting to walk, totters like a drunken man. He is unable to make ;my efibrt, and sometimes has been observed to whine and bur.st into tears. The voice gradually becomes feebler. The weakness increases in intensity, and delirium supervenes. A peculiar fetid odour emanates from the body, the suriace of which becomes covered with a browni.sh offensAe e.xcretion. Occasionally, the mucous membranes of the different ojionings of the body, become red and inflamed. "The p.sychical functions arc variously affected; .sometimes imbecility, at others idiocy, is iuduced. During the fimine in Ireland in 1847, mania, which, according to Jlo.shui, forms a prominent symptom in 550 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. starvation, was never observed (Donovan). A fit of maniacal delirinin, or an attack of violent convulsions, Irequently, and, indeed, commonly, precedes death. The bodies of persons who have died from starvation, pre.sent siojns of great emaciation, with dryness of the skin, all the fat of the adipose tissue, and so much fluid, having been ab.sorbed. The stomach and intestines are emjjty, and, like the other large viscera, contracted and reduced in size ; their mucous mem- brane is occasionally found ulcerated. The coats of the small intestine, become ver}^ thin and almost tran.sparent, a condition considered, by some, as quite characteristic of death from star- vation. All the organs, except the brain, are almost destitute of blood. The large vessels connected with the heart and lungs, are collapsed and empty. The gall-bladder is distended Avith bile, and the neighbouring parts are much coloured Avith this fluid, from post-mortem transudation. In some cases, the eyes are open, and exhibit an intense red colour, as if they had been highly inflamed, resembling Avhat is sometimes seen in persons Avho haAm died from exposure to cold. Decomposition of the AA’hole body, quickly takes place. The time that a Man can live Avithout food, has been vari- ously estimated. It is generally supposed that a healthy person, dejAi’ived of both solid and liquid food, Avould die in from seA'en to ten days. Cases, hoAvever, are on record of men AAdio haAm lived moie than three Aveeks, Avithout touching solid food. DYNAMICS OF THE HUMAN PODY. The chemical processes continually occurring in the nutri- tion and Avaste cf the living animal body, throAv light upon many other phenomena Avhich take place in it. Besides these vito-chemical processes, it exhibits Auirions (hpiamic acts, viz. pia'eli/ dipiamic, as in the performance of certain internal and external mechanical Avork, by nervo-muscular action ; thermic^ as in the evolution of animal heat ; electric, as exemplified in the currerts of electricity AA'hich constantly play through all living nervous and muscular substance, and in the more poAverful discharges of the electric fishes ; and lastly, ;)/(0G‘c, illustrated by the evolution of light in the loAver animals. The living animal body is, according to this A’iew, a machine, in, and by, Avhich certain physical teerk is performed. In the Inorganic Avorld, chemical, dynamic, thermic, electric, and photic phenomena, are also continually occurring. They ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FORCES. r,51 are ahvays manifested in connection -with certain changes in the condition of a material substratum, or matter^ and modern physicists have arrived at the conclusion, that, however differ- ent these phenomena may be from each other in their outward manifestation, they may be referred, not to a different force in each case, but to correlated forces, or to one force, or energy, capal le of acting in many convertible modes. Each mode of manifestation of force, has been experimentally'- shown to be capable of giving rise to the others, or rather of changing into them ; for it disappears in so doing, and equivalent quantities of those other modes of action, are then called into play. Thus, for example, aiTested mechanical motion, or friction, produces a proportionate quantity of heat ; whilst heat, in the expansion of water into steam, gives rise to motion. Chemical action, in the explosion of gunpowder, produces motion, heat, and light, and doubtless also electrical phenoniena, whilst the moving cannon-ball develops heat as it strikes the target. Electricity also will give rise to chemical action, motion, heat, and light, and so on. Heat and all these other actions, are modes of motion, either of the masses or of the molecules of matter. In the various conversions of one into the other, there is neither loss nor production, but merely a transmutation of force. In the Organic world, similar manifestations of force occur : chemical, dynamic, thennic, electric, and photic. The mate- rial substratum concerned, consists of carbon, hynlrogen, ni- trogen, sulphur, phosphorus, oxy'gen, and so forth, all being elements which exist in the inorganic world. The ])heuomena are invariably prodirced, only in connection with certain changes in the condition of these elements and their com- pounds. Hence, it seems probable, first, that these organic manifestations of force, are likewise correlated within them- selves ; and, further, that they are also correlated with the cor- responding manifestations of force display’^ed in the inorganic world ; that they' are the same both in degree and kind ; and that they' are botli derived from a common cosmical energy, the organic modes being, tor a time, operative in a special sphere of action, but returnable again to the inorganic store. By including, in one view, the Vegetable and Animal King- doms of the Organic rvorld, the conversion of inorganic mate- rials into organised matter, and its restoration back to the inorganic world, may be readily traced. Ifiie carbonic ac’d, the ammonia represented in the urea, and the water, wliich, with certain .salts, are the ultimate products of the vito-chcuiical 552 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. processes of animal life, are the very substances needed for the nutrition of plants. They are themselves actually unor- ganised, or inorganic ; they are assimilated and deoxidised by growing plants, under the influence of solar light and the for- mative agencies of the vegetable cells, and, besides building up those cells, they are combined into all the higher chemical pro- ducts necessary for the food of animals, whether amyloid, oleoid, or albuminoid. The Herbivorous animals, supported by these products, transfer them to the Omnivorous and Carnivorous animals, including Man himself. By animals, as we have seen, these various products, oxidised by the air, once more revert to the same simple chemical compounds destitute of organisation. Now, the elementary substances, which enter into the ascending or j;?’ogi'essive metamorphoses in plants, pass out, after their ?’et?’ogressive metamorphoses in animals, with all their properties and qualities unchanged. Engaged in the organic vortex, vegetable and animal, they still retain their nature. However freqirently subjected to this temporarj^ di- version from the inorganic state, they are unchanged. It is dif- ficult to suppose that in their condition as parts of organised bodies, vegetable or animal, they manifest mere similitudes of their inorganic forces, which they afterwards lay aside ; but it is easy to comprehend, that they may carry vuth them, into their new position, all their properties and energies, and exer- cise them in the manifestation of those phenomena, which are identical in both Departments of Nature. The methods and reasoning employed in physical research, in the examination of the various external natural phenomena, may be applied to the study of the corresponding phenomena in physiological science. As physico-chemical action, in the inorganic world, is correlated with mechanical work, heat, elec- tricity, and light, so, in the organic world, vito-chemical changes may equally be associated with nervo-muscular or dynamic, thermic, electric, and photic phenomena, and eA’eu with the actions usually referred to the so-called nervous force. Thus, a chemical change of blood or tissue, or of both, is es,sential to muscular and nervous action, to the development, of animal heat, to the electrical phenomena of living bodies, and to the evolution of light in animals. So, too, certain mechanical Avork, performed exclusively within the animal body, must, when completed, pass into heat, as the result of arrest, concussion, or friction. Heat, again, is necessjiry for the solvent processes accompanying the digestion :md absorption of the food ; and ORGANIC AND INOEGANIC FOECE?. 553 it exercises a -well-known influence upon, and often deter- mines, the quantity of the chemical change and dynamic work performed in the body. In the Inorganic world considered exclusively, gravitation and solar heat are the chief modes in which force is manifested. The evaporation of water from the surface of the earth, its conversion into clouds, its descent in the form of fogs, rain, snow, or hail, the formation of glaciers, mountain-streams, and rivers ; and the production of ascending, descending, and hori- zontal currents in the atmosphere, are the evidences of these forms of energy. Oxidation and other chemical changes, though not absent, are comparatively inactive in the present condition of the inorganic world. In the Organic world, however, in plants and animals, chemical change constitutes the most essential modes or forms of force, and the source of the other forms of force manifested by them. Under the influence of certain of the solar I'ays, dif- tering from the simply heating raj'^s, viz. the luminous and the actinic I’ays, the deoxidation and fixation of certain elements, take place in plants; and iu these elements so fixed and combined, a force, derived from the solar rays, is then stored up. In animals, again, oxidation is the essential phenomenon, an opposite chemical change occurs, the force stored up in the animal blood or ti.ssues, which is but a transfer of that of the vegetable constituents of thefood,is, together with the force pro- per to the oxygen of the air, then liberated, and, by the special organic apparatus of the animal body, is changed, as retjuired, into other modes of action, Tnuscular, nervous, thermic, diges- tive, or excretory, necessary for the maintenance of animal existence. In supplementing the mechanical forces of nature dependent on gravitation or solar heat, such as wind- and water- power, Man has had recourse to chemical change, as a source for the production of lieat and mechanical force. The carbon and hydrogen of coal are made to unite with oxygen; from this combination, heat is evolved; by this, water is converted into steam ; and, by the expansive force of the latter, the re- quisite motion is oljtained. An obvious comparison is here suggested between a machine and the body, between the force obtained by the combustion of dead matter and the oxidation of the living tissues; and, la.stly, between the working of a steam engine and the muscular movements. In general j)hysics, restdts, to be of .scientific value, must be expressed numerically. The quantity of fuel and o.xygen 554 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. undergoing change in combustion, is accurately determined by weight or volume ; the relatii'e amount of heat evolved, is ascertained and recoixled ; and if the heat be applied, as by ex- pansion for mechanical purposes, the value of the work it per- forms is exactly measured. By such means, the amount of each kind of force manil'ested, is expressed in numbers, so that their mutual eqirivalents, when they are transformed one into the other, can be determined. The introduction of this method into the domain of phj^siology, necessitates the determination of the quantity of matter undergoing change by oxidation, and of the work performed by it, in the living body. The results, however incomplete, are full of interest and promise. In comparing the animal body with a machine having its source of poAver in combustion or chemical changes, it is usual to make this distinction : in the latter, the force is entirely j derived from the combvxstion of substances introduced into the machine, and acts ujjon parts of the machine, them.selves passive in the work ; whereas in the former, the parts of the machine not only perform the work, but, to a certain extent, their very matter undergoes the changes by which the force is produced. In the steam engine, the heat and the mechanical work are produced by the direct transformation of fuel distinct from the machine itself; in the animal frame, the warmth and motor force are evolved fr-om the direct transformation of the iluids and solids of the living apparatus. As will be here- . after seen, the quantity of work accompli.shed, in proportion to the amount of chemical change which takes place, is far greater in the animal body than in the most economical steam engine. But, although the solids or fluids of the animal machine undergo chemical metamorphoses, as the indisjDensable con- dition of its action, the waste occasioned by those changes, is, necessarity, ultimately supplied from the food. If food be taken in e.xce.ss, as in the luxus consumption, it undergoes oxidation in the blood, without passing into tissue ; if the (juantity be normal, it enters both the blood and the tissues, and then becomes oxidised ; lastly, if food be withheld, the blood and the tis.sues undergo oxidation, they having been themselves derived from previous!}'’ assimilated food. The food is, in the last resort, the source and measure of the jwwcr engendered, as a consequence of oxidation in the body. Ac- cordingly, exact numerical estimates of the work accomplished in the human body, must refer both to the amount of com- bustible or oxidi.sable material in the food, and to that of the products of its o.xidation found in the exci'ctions. HEAT-UNITS. 555 The two most obvious forms of work performed in tlie living bumun body, are the proper dynamic or mechanical work, and the calorific woi'k. Besides these, however, there are the nutri- tire work, and the mental work. The mechanical work isnervo- muscnlar, and is associated Avith electric work. Some of it is internal, siwh as that of the respiratory muscular ap^Aaratus, especially of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, of the organs of circulation, the heart and arteries, and that of the pha- rynx, cesophagus, stomach, intestines, and other internal mus- cular organs. Other internal mechanical Avork is that per- formed by the muscles Avhich maintain the position of the body, by themu.scles of mastication, and by those of the organs of speech and sense, and also the tonic contraction of the Avhole muscular system. A very large part of the mechanical Avork is, howcA'^er, ordinarily external, such as is manifested in the movements of locomotion and labour. The proportion of the internal to the external Avork, in a labouring man, is as 2 to 1. The calorific AS'ork relates to the formation of heat; this is generated, as Ave shall see, either, in part, directly through the oxidation of respiratory food, and, in part, indirectly from the idtimate transiiirmation of the mechanical Avork of the body into heat; or, according to some, it is entirely derived from the latter source. The nutritive Avork is the digestive, absorp- tive, assimilative, and secretive Avork, liquefacient or solidi- lacient, often dialytic, attractive, or repellent. The mental Avork is that Avhich is involved in the operations of the brain, acting as the bodily organ of sen.sation, emotion, and thought. The volitional Avork of the brain, and the non-volitional Avork of the spinal cord and ganglia, in controlling the voluntary and involuntary uiusclcs, cannot be separated from the exter- nal and internal mechanical work perlbnued by those muscles. Besides the electric Avork in Man and in animals generally, special electric Avork is performed by many animals, and photic phenoniena are manifested by a fcAv. In considering the relations between the.se forms of Avork in , the human body, and the source of the ])OAver in the o.xidation of the food, the following data, belonging to physical science, are usually emj)loyed, the calculations being expres.sed in the French metrical system, Avhich so readily adapts itself to such u.ses. Mcanurc of Heat, or Ikat-Uiiit. The thermomrtrr morely .slioAv.s tlio tempcraturo of solid, fluid, or giuseoiis sub-stancus. Tho actual art of that producible by the heat of the coal consumed. But in the human body, the economy of combustible material is much gi'cater. The total amount of heat given off from the body, in 24 hours, has been sho^vn to be from 2,500,000 to 2,750,000 heat-xinits. Tlie former or smaller quantity would lift a corresponding number of gi'ammes, or 2,500 kilo- grammes, to a height of 424 metres ; and would therefore yield a me- chanical equivalent of about 1,060,000 met. kils. or about 5 times as much as that which is requisite for the total daily work, viz. 250,000 met. kils. Whilst, therefore, in an engine, A part only of the fuel con- sumed is utilised as mechanical power, i of the food absorbed by iMan is so appropriated. This latter proportion agrees with Ilclmholz's calculations. SOURCES OF HEAT AND WORK. 561 Relations of the Kinds of Food, to the Modes of Work. The calorific and mechanical work of the body, being thus understood to have their immediate source in the power stored up in the food and in the oxygen of the air, and which is set free on the occurrence of chemical combination between them, after such food is assimilated into blood or tissue, — it may be admitted that, allowing for certain errors of calculation and de- ficiencies of knowledge, the numerical or quantitative method shows that sufficient matter is oxidised in the body, to account for both those modes of work. It must, however, next be en- quired, what are the relations of the different kinds of food to these two different modes of work. It has long been observed, that the carbon in the carb- hydrates and hydrocarbons, or amyloids and oleoids of the daily food, greatly exceeds that contained in the nitrogenous or albuminoid food. In Table A, p. 539, the ratio is shown to be 7'64 to 2'29, or rather more than 3 to 1 ; the number of heat-units developed by the former, would of course be pro- portionally large. If to this carbon, be added the hydrogen not united witli oxygen, this portion of the food seems to be the obvious source of calorific power in the body. Vierordt remarks, indeed, that, if from the carbon and hyclrogen of the nitrogenous food, enough of those elements be deducted to form the urea excreted by the kidneys, a quantity remains, totally insufficient to develop the heat-units neces.sary for the calorific work ; for then only 57‘3 grammes of carbon and 6'3 grammes of hydrogen, will be left, which, multiplied by their heat co- efficients 8,080 and 34,4G0, yield a total number of 680,082 heat-units, Avhich is only about ^ of the required daily amount, viz. 2,500,000. The non-nitrogenous ibod, in ac- cordance with the general opinion, is, therefore, regarded as the essential source of the aninud, heat. Indeed, 22 oz. of starch alone, not an unusual quantity in certain daily dietaries. Tables, p. 563, wotild yield 2,187,000 heat-units. As regards the mechanical work, it is well-known that this, whether internal or external, involuntary or volunttuy, is per- formed through ncrvo-mu.scular action ; that this implies fatigue and waste of the muscular .-.md nervous substance ; that so long as muscular contractility lasts, so long do oxidation changes go on in a muscle ((r. hiebig) ; that a due supply of oxygenated blood is necessary lor the continuance of this con- VOL. II. 0 0 552 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. tractility ; and that the quantity of carbonic acid contained in the venous bloodreturning from muscles, is in direct proportion to their activity. It is further certain that the muscular and nervous tissues must be largely siq^plied by the nitrogenous or albuminoid portion of the food. From these liicts, it might Avell be inferred, that the mechanical or nervo-muscidar work of the body, has its immediate source in the transformation and oxidation of the muscle itself, and, therefore, in the so- called histogenetic, plastic, or Hesh-forming nitrogenous food. The opinions and practice of agriculturists, railway contrac- tors, and trainers of men destined for athletic sports, further indicate, that a proportional increase in the quantity of Hesh- fonning food, is believed to be necessary for animals or men engaged in severe or protracted labour. The teaching of Liebig, on these points, is indeed very precise and decided. According to him, the hydrocarbons and carbhydrates are the exclusive hoat-fomiers ; whilst the sole source of mechanical power, is the oxidation of the nitrogenous substance of the muscles and nerves, built up again by the albuminoid or plastic constituents of the food. These views have been very generally accepted, and liave been especially supported, amongst others, by Eanke, Draper, Playfair, and Odling. Draper says of muscular contraction, that it may be supposed to be due to disintegration of the sarcous particles, and that the transformation of muscle by oxidation, may be tlie condition of muscular action. Odling regards the combustion of the carbon and hydrogen of fat, as liberating a force exhibited solely in the form of heat ; whilst the combustion of an equal quantity of the carbon and hydrogen of voluntary muscle, is ' expressed chiefly in the form of motion. Playfair has endeavoured to show, on numerical grounds, that although the chemical combination of the carbon and hydrogen of the albuminoid food, with oxygen, is insuflflcient to account for the calorific work, yet it is adequate to produce the mechanical work of the body. Hence he con- cludes that it is the ultimate magazine of force, for the production of its dynamical operations. The following are the jJrincipal facts and argu- ments to which he directs attention. From numerous English and foreign sources, he has collected a series of dietaries actually in use, under various conditions of rest or work, of which the annexed Table A, gives only the mean results. The starch equivalent includes the actual starch of the food, together with the carbon and hydrogen of the fat, expressed as starchy matter, 1 part of fat being considered equal to 2A parts of starch. The siihsisfcnce diet, is that which is considered neccs.sary to support life in a condition of rest, or the diet necessary for the vital mechanical work of the body ; it is illustrated by the convalescent diet of hospitals, and by the low diets of ill-fed persons. The diet needful for active emplo^-iucnt in health, is repre- sented by the diet of soldiers during peace. An improved diet necessary tor more arduous work, is that given to soldiers during war. The diet of active labourers, is exemplified in that of the corps of Hoyal Engineers SUBSISTENCE AND OTnEK DIETS. 563 engaged in civil employment. Lastly, a still fuller diet, is that of labourers and others employed in yet more continuous and heavy work. A. Mean results of Dietaries hi oz. avoirdupois. 1 1 1 tn u o a «s J3 So S 1 equi- lent B c 0 n and givers fl 0 3=1 0 1 1 % o •55 a “ ''0 C5 tn 0 f-g 9.^ 'eS 0 b, 03 03 03 Subsistence diet 2-33 ■84 11-69 13-68 _ 7-469 Soldiers’ diet during peace j 4-215 1-847 18-69 22-059 •714 2-267 9-72 11-987^ 1 Do. during war 5-41 2-41 17-92 23-48 ■68 2-9 9-81 12-71 j Do. in civil "1 1 work j [ Diets of la- '( bourers / 5-08 2-91 22-22 29-38 ■93 2-73 12-113 14-844 5-64 2-34 20-41 25-97 — — — 13-89 1 B. Average Quantities in oz. of different Food Constituents, consumed under different conditions of rest and work {Playfair'). Food Constituents Sub- sistence diet Diet in quietude Diet of healthy adult Diet of active labourers Diet of hard- worked labourers Addition required for active labourer Flesh-formers 2-0 2-5 4-2 5-5 6-5 3-5 Fat . O'D 1-0 1-8 2o 2-5 2- Starch . 12-0 12-0 18-7 20-0 20-0 8- Starch equivalent. 13-2 14-4 22-0 26-0 26-0 12-8 Carbon 6-7 7*4 11-9 13-7 14-3 7- 1 The subsistence diet in Table B, is supposed to show, amongst other facts, the quantity of albuminoid food consumed in the performance of the absolutely essential internal mechanical work of the body, when at complete rest. Taking this as a datum quantity, the additional amounts consumed in quietude, in full health, in active labour, and in hard labour, arc ’o, 2'2, 3'5, and 4‘5 oz. In extreme labour, the quantity of flesh-formers, is, therefore, more than trebled, as compared with the subsistence diet. The starch equivalent is also increased, being, how- ever, only doubled. This increase, Playfair considers as coincident with the additional animal heat given off in increased exertion, during which all the functions, digestive, assimilative, circulatory, and respiratory, are much excited. An increased consumption of non-nitrogonous food, is not only demanded by an increased waste of the nitrogenous tissues, but it may even cause the latter, by exciting the animal functions. As, for an active labourer, 3-5 oz. seems to bo the additional amount of albu- minoid food needed beyond the subsistence diet, so a horse, when at work, 564 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. is said, by Playfair, to consume 27 cz. more nitrogenous food than when at rest. The proportion between these superadded quantities, iu the Man and the horse, is about 1 to 7^, and, as already mentioned, the horse’s daily work is estimated as being equal to that of 7 or 8 men. It is further stated, that the work of a horse, is to the work of an ox, as 1-43 to 1 ; whilst the total albuminoid food consumed by those two animals, when engaged in labour, is as L46 to 1. In animals fed exclu- sively upon a flesh-diet, allowance being made, when necessary, for the fat contained in it, Bischoff, Pettenkofer, and Voit, found that the carbon excreted in the urea, is about ^th of the quantity given off iu the form of carbonic acid ; hence Playfair supposes that 1 part of albumen, if oxi- dised by 100 parts of oxygen, may be transformed into3T, or about 3 parts, of urea, which would contain 3 of carbon, into 21 parts of carbonic acid, which would contain 21 of carbon, and into 13 parts of water. The carbon in the urea and carbonic acid, is, here also, as 1 to 7. Urea itself is regarded as a compound of carbonic oxide and ammonia, and its carbon, as being only partially oxidised. Of the h}’drogen, three-fourths are deducted, as being either already combined with oxygen, or as belonging to the ammonia. The heat-units are accordingly calculated for so much carbonic acid, carbonic oxide, and water, and also for sulphuric acid formed by the sulphur of the albumen. One ounce of albumen, 437'o grains, or 28'35 grammes, if thus decomposed, would yield 126,500 heat-units, the mechanical equivalent of which, is 53,762 met. kils. Hence the 2 oz. of flesh-formers iu the subsistence diet, would afford 107,524 met. kils. of work, which exceeds the essential vital work performed in the body in the condition of convalescence, the, work of the heart representing the largest item of the internal mechanical or vital work, being taken at 37,781 met. kils., which, however, is too small an estimate. -Again, the 3i oz. of additional albuminoid food consumed by the active labourer, are mechanically equivalent to 188,167 met. kils.; whilst the mean amount of laborious work, is only equal to 105,605 mot. kils. Lastly, the 6^ oz. of albuminoid food consumed by the active labourer, jdeld 295.691 met. kils.; whereas his total mechanical work, external and internal, is, as we have seen, only 250,000 met. kils Even if each of the above-mentioned mechanical equivalents of the albuminoid food, be reduced by one-twelfth, for that which passes off in the solid excreta with- out undergoing combustive change, still, in each case, enough power re- mains, derived from the oxidation of the albuminoid food, to execute the mechanical work, whether internal or external, performed by the body. It is maintained by Playfair, that the blood cannot bo the source of the motor power, but this opinion is open to question. The quantity of fat in muscular tissue, only 2 per cent., is .too small to accomplish it. The fat in the heart, could only yield 10,157 met. kils., whilst the work of the heart is estimated as equal, at least, to 37,780 met. kils. In 4 oz. of dried flesh, there would be 150 grains of fat, which would yield 36,888 met. kils., whilst that amount of muscular substance itself, would yield 214,544 met. kils. The fat of muscle being therefore wholly inadequate to produce the mechanical work, it is pri'sumed, by Playfair, that tlie larger quantity yielded by the muscle itself, must be reg-arded as its source. Moreover, the fatty substances, ns we know, are wanted for heat-giving purposes. They are required, we may add, to supply the UREA AS A MEASURE OF WORK. 56.5 waste of the nervous substance in muscular action ; and tlie ftit in the muscles, may protect them from oxidation, when no movement is taking place; but fat alone cannot act vicariously as a substitute for albumi- noid food. In starving animals, the fat wastes gradually day by day, undei-going oxidation at an equal daily rate, whilst the muscle wastes irregularly, at first slowly, then more uniformly, but, at the approach of death, very slowly indeed, the mechanical work, external and internal, being reduced to a minimum. The amount of albumen allowed in the dietary of Vierordt (p. 539), after deducting the urea, and ^th for loss by the solid excreta, would yield 680,000 heat-units, or a mechanical equivalent of 261,152 met. kils., a quantity closely corresponding with the amount obtained by Playfair’s calculations, and likewise exceeding the estimated total daily mechanical work of 250,000 met. kils. The small balance of unemployed force, is regarded by Playfair as proving the extreme economy of the operations of the living body. If, indeed, the mechanical work derived from the chemical energy developed in the oxidation of 3^oz. of excess of albuminoid food, viz. 188,167 met. kils., be compared with the external mechanical work of an actively em- ployed labourer, 105,605 met. kils., the proportion of actual work to the total producible energy is about as 1 to If. In comparing the total work performed, 250,000 met. kils., with the total heat produced from aU the food, 295,691 met. kils., more than |thof the chemical energy developed are utilised, instead of ith, as estimated by Hehmholz, and others, and instead of ^th, as is the ease in the best steam-engines. Every particle of energy developed in the body, is probably, in some way, usefully employed. The researches of the Rev. Dr. Haughton on excreted pro- ducts, taken as the measure of work, bear on this question of the source of motor power in the body. By determining the quantities of urea excreted by the kidneys, under different circumstances of rest and labour, he endeavours to ascertain the potential energy represented by the urea, considered as a product of the decom[>osition of the albuminoid tissues. The work of th.e body, is classified, by him, into vital, mental, and mechanical. These he supposes to be represented resjiectively, by the daily excretion of 297, 217, and IdG’h grain.s, making a total of 050'5 grains of urea: the total daily amount e.x- creted by a person engaged in very active bodily and mental work, is, therefore, 050’5 grains. In routine labour, he infers that -loo grains of urea are sufficient to represent the vital and mechanical work ; but, in higher work, he allows 5313 grains of urea; and regards 575 grains, as the average for a healthy actively engaged adult. As 1 part of urea repre.sents 3T parts of dried albumen, this daily average quantity of urea, viz. 575 grains, represents 3‘!) oz. of dry albuminoid food ; 400 grains, 2-8 oz. ; and 050 grains, 4'3 oz. This quantity is thus ap- 566 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. portioned by Haugbton ; for the vital work, 297 grains, repre- senting 2 oz. of albumen; for the mental work, 217 grains, representing 1’4 oz. ; and for the mechanical work, 136-5 grains, ]-epresenting -9 oz. To raise these quantities into the actual quantities of allniminoid food consumed, T-Vtli more must be added, in each case, for the albumen eliminated, luichanged, in the solid excreta. Then it will be seen that the quantity of urea taken to represent the vital work, is more than equal to the desh-formers in the subsistence diet of Playfair. But the quantity said to correspond with the external mechanical work, is insufficient, rejrresenting, even with an addition of yVth, less than 1 oz. of albuminoid food ; whilst the mechanical work of an active healthy adult, demand.s, according to Playfair, an extra quantity of 2'2 oz. of flesh-formers, beyond the sub- sistence diet. The large qmintity allotted to mental work, is perhaps excessive, and may supply the deficiency ; for the quantity of albumen corresponding with the total amoimt of urea, is 4'4 oz. ; this, with its superadded j^th, would more than equal the full diet of Playfair, though it would not ap- proach the 5'5 oz. diet of the active, much less the 6'5 oz. of the hard worked, labourer. But the estimates of Ilaughton, as to the quantity of urea excreted daily under conditions of labour, are less than the quantities which have been observed by others. The quantity in convalescence, and in cases of starvation or hunger-cure, ranges from 263 to 300 grains; the average qirantity in health, appears to vary from 560 to 580 gi-ains; and the quantity excreted daily, by hard-worked labourers, has been found to differ, according to their work and food, from 600 to 700. or 800 grains. In Hammond’s e.xperiments on himself, whilst without exercise, the quantity of urea excreted daily, was 487 grains, and of uric acid 24’9 grains, — the quantities of those two substances excreted in moderate e.xercise, were 682 ’1 grains, and 13'7 grains ; and, in hard exercise, as much as 865 grain.s, and 8 -2 grains. The quantity of urea which corresponds with 5-5 oz. of albuminoid food, the active labourer’s diet, is 735 gi-ains. The estimates of Ilaughton are evidently low ; if augmented, in accordance with the ob.servations of others, as to the increase in the urea excreted during I’ull exercise, and 'with a full diet, they might, at iirst, ajipear to harmonise with the view, that the chemical energy developed by the o.xida- tion of the albuminoid food, is the source of all the mechanical work performed in the bodv. The production of the urea, is DREA NOT A MEASURE OF WORK, 567 not supposed, by itself, to develop the energy recpiired; bnt this substance is an index to the quantity of albuminoid sub- stance oxidated, in the body, into urea, carbonic acid, water, and sulphuric acid. This urea can be easily separated and weighed ; but the carbonic acid and w'ater, derived from the partial oxidation of the albuminoid food, mixing with the much larger quantities derived from the carbhydrates and hydrocarbons, completely escape measurement. But the theory of Liebig (1842-51), as to the special soiuce of the motor power of the system, thus illustrated by arguments and calcu- lations, derived from an advanced state of knowledge concerning the re- lations between chemical action, heat, and motion, is opposed by many authorities, especially by Mayer, Traube, Donders, Heidenhain, more re- cently by Pick and Wislicenus, and, in England, by Lawes and Gilbert, and by Frankland. The experiments of Lehmann, Ed. Smith, Voit, BischofF, Speck, and Dr. Parkes, have assisted much to elucidate this subject. It was long ago maintained by Mayow, of Bath (1681), that, for the occurrence of muscular action, combustible material, fat, must be con- veyed by the blood to the muscles, together with some principle derived from the air in respiration. According to Mayer, of Bonn (1845), an early obsen^er in the field of quantitative research as regards heat and its relations to other forms of force, a muscle is not the material by the chemical change of which, mechanical work is produced ; but an appa- ratus by means of which, the transformation of force is accomplished. If the former were true, he argues that the heart woidd be completely oxidised, in doing its own work, in 8 days. He believes the capillaries of the muscle, to bo the seat of the actual changes, and the blood to be the fuel consumed. Traube also has distinctly taught, that the sub- stances, by the burning of which, force is generated in the muscles, are not the albuminoid constituents of those tissues, but non-nitrogenous substances, either fats or carbhydrates. Bonders and Heidenhain coin- cide in these views. It has, moreover, been found that the amount of urea excreted, is regu- lated, not so much by the exorcise taken, as liy the quantity of albuminoid food which is consumed. Hence much of this substance must be formed independently of the metamorphosis of muscle; and therefore Haughton’s estimates of it, as a measure of work, become seriously invalidated. Lastly, much uncertainty prevails, as to the accuracy of the data em- ployed for the calculations of the heat given off in the oxidation of albuminoid food, and, therefore, as to the correctness of the deductions from them, made by Viorordt, Playfair, and others. Thus, Lawes and Gilbert (1852) obscn'cd, that of two pigs fed, one on lentils, which contain 4 per cent, of nitrogen, and the other on barley, which con- tains only 2 per cent., the excreta of the former yielded twice as much nitrogen as those of the Latter; from which they infer that the quantity of urea excreted, fie. of albuminoid substance decomposed, is no guide to the amount of work done, the o.xorcise taken having been the same in each case, but that it depends on the quantity of nitrogenous 568 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. food consumed. They, moreover, conclude that some of the muscular power depends on the oxidation of non-nitrogenous substances. Again, the researches of Edw. Smith, Voit, Lehmann, Bischoff, and Parkes, indicate that the urea excreted, bears no definite relation to the labour performed ; and that in prolonged exercise, the increase of urea is very small. The cfiFects of treadwheel labour, serve only to increase the quan- tity of urea, by 19 grains in 24 hours, as compared with that eliminated in easy labour’ (Smith). In fasting animals, the effects of increased exertion are also very slight as regards the urea, and seem to be regulated by the periods of ingestion of water, and by the increased respiration and circulation, rather than by the direct waste of the voluntary muscles (Voit, Bischoff). Lastly, the exqreriments of Dr. Edw. Smith prove, on the other hand, that the production of carbonic acid does increase, strictly in accordance with the exercise taken. During sleep, the quantity exhaled in an hour was, in his own case, 19 grammes ; whilst lying down before sleep, 23 ; in a sitting postiu-e, 29 ; whilst walking two miles an hour, 70’5 ; in walking throe miles an hour, 100'6 ; and upon the treadwheel, lifting his body, 28’65 feet in a minute, as much as 189’6 grammes per hour. The recent observations of Fick and Wislicenus, on the results of a certain amount of work performed by themselves, also point to the conclusion, that muscular eflbrt, on a non-nitrogenous diet, does not increase the quantity of urea excreted from the body ; moreover, they conchide that the oxidation of the quantity of albuminoid substiince, or plastic nitrogenous material, w’hieh would correspond with the urea and other nitrogenous compounds then excreted, does not yield sufficient potential energy to perform the work accomplished. The mechanical work undertaken by them, was the ascent of the Faulhorn, a mountain in the Bernese Oberland. From the middle of the day before, until the ascent was completed, no albuminoid food was taken, so that no excess, or luxiis consumidion, might interfere with the experiment. Diu’ing 11 hours of the night previous to the ascent, the quantities of urea excreted by them respectively, were by Fick, 12’5, and by Wislicenus, 11 ’75 grammes. During the 7 hoiu’s and 40 seconds occupied in the ascent, or work-hours, i.o. from 10 min. past 5 a.m. to 20 min. past 1 p.m., the quantities were 7' and 6'7 grammes. During the next 5 horirs and 40 min. of rest, or after work, in which an abundant meal of meat was con- sumed, the quantities were O’ and o’l grammes. The quantity of urea excreted per hoiu’ was, therefore, increased during exercise on a non- nitrogenous diet. In determining the relation between the quantity of albuminoid substance decomposed, and the mechanic;il work pcrforincd, tlioy take into account not only the urea, but tlie whole nitrogen eliminated in a more or loss oxidised form, and they find that this, during the actual period of work, would represent in F. 22’098, and in W. 20’89 grammes of albumen. The minute trace of nitrogen given off from the skin, is neglected, and so is the larger quantity contained in the fieces, because it passes off in almo.st unoxidi.sed compounds. The possible retention in the system, of some partially oxidised albuminoid sub- stances, such as creatin, is admitted ; but to compensate for this, they adil a quantity of albumen, equal to the nitrogen excreted in the period of after work, making the respective totals, 37’17 and 37’ grammes of REAL SOURCE OF MOTOR ROWER. 5C9 albumen oxidised. The heat given out by the oxidation of these quan- tities in the body, is unknown ; but from avowedly imperfect data, and making the fullest possible allowance, they conclude that the energy obtainable from its oxidation, might bo for F. 250,000, and for W. 249,000 heat-units ; giving respectively 106,250, and 105,825 met. kils. of mechanical power. Now the chief work actually performed by them, was lifting the weights of their bodies, as clothed, through the lieight of the mountain ; this is measurable by nndtiplying the former by the latter. Thus F. exerted a force of 66 kil. x 1,956 metres= 129,096 met. kils., and W. a force of 76 kil. x 1,956 metres = 148,696 met. kils. ; if to this, bo added the internal work of respiration and circvdation, the totals are for F. 159,637, and for W. 184,287 met. kils. These results show, therefore, that the moan work performed, in proportion to the power derivable from the oxidised albumen, was as 3 to 2. It is well known, however, that much other work is performed in the exercised body, which does not contribute directly to the external work performed ; and Heidenhain has computed that only one half of the energy of the force- generating processes, is really used as work. Hence, double the amount of work was actually performed in the bodies of F. and W., or 319,274 and 368,574 met. kils. ; in other words, the ratio of work performed, to the power derivable from the consumption of albuminoid substances in the body, was as 3 to 1. Since, therefore, it is impossible for the oxidised albumen, to be the sole and exclusive source of the power manifested in the work of the body, to which it can contribute so little, they conclude that the oxidation of non-uitrogenous substance, must yield, at least, the larger proportion of the force required, not only for the production of heat, but also of mechanical motion. Moreover, since it is improbable, that, in so delicately an organised apparatus as the muscular tissue, two sorts of decomposition should occur, for the purpose of liberating the same force, they believe that, as non-nitrogenous substances are decom- posed for that ‘purpose, those only are decomposed. The nitrogenous sub- stances of the muscle, however, simultaneously undergo waste or wear, and thus yield urea. In conclusion, they show that the resemblance of the living animal body to a steam-engine, is more close than is usually admitted; the muscle is an apparatus for burning its appropriate fuel, the hydro-carbons and carbhydrates, in the same manner as an engine burns its proper fuel, coal or coke; in action, the muscle does not specially oxidise itself, any more than the engine is burnt ; but in action, both the muscle and the engine undergo wear. In use, the wear, in either case, is not much increased, but the consumption of fuel is decidedly greater. It is possible, they remark, either that non-nitrogenous substances in the muscle, act as the combustibles, or that they pass through the muscle in a rapid stream, their particles being immedititely oxidised, and then carried away. , The general conclusions of Fick and Wisliconus, are strongthoned by the subsequent researches of Dr. Frankhuul, who has also suppliedmore secure data, for estimating the heat-units produced by the oxidation of albuminoid substances in the body. It was admitted by the German physiologists, that these could not Ijo equal to the heat-units evolved by the combustion of the separate elements of allmmon out of the body, although they allowed that quantity in their calculat ions. Hy mixing a certain quantity of musek deprived of fat, albumen, and urea, all dried at 570 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT, 212° F., with chlorate of potash, deflagrating the compounds, and measur- ing the heat evolved, by its effect in raising the temperature of water, Dr. Frankland shows that 1 gramme of each of these substances respectively evolves, 5,103, 4,998, and 2,206 heat-units. Now, as the muscular sub- stance is imperfectly oxidised in the body, forming urea, or some still less completely oxidised material, it can only yield the above-mentioned number of heat-units, minus the number producible by the quantity of the imperfectly oxidised nitrogenous substances into which it is converted in the system. Albuminoid bodies, in undergoing decomposition, yield about |rd their weight of urea. Hence, using the above given data, 1 gramme of dried muscle oxidised in the body, would yield 5103 — or 6103 — 735 heat-units = 4368 heat-units, or 1848 met. kils. of mecha- nical power; for 1 gramme of pure albumen, the results are 4263 heat- imits, or 1805 met. kils. of force. Applying these datato Fickand "Wisli- cenus’ experiments, it will be found that, as they eliminated resjiectively, nitrogen equal to 37'17 grammes, and 37 grammes of albuminoid sub- stance, the available energy they produced would bo only 08.690, and 68,376 met. kils. ; whilst their computed work was 319,274 and 368,574 met. kils. The mean ratio of the work performed, to the power derivable from the oxidation in the body of the nitrogenous substance of muscle, was, therefore, less than they had supposed, viz. as 5 to 1 . Again, if the method devised by Frankland. for measui-ing the energy derivable from the oxidation of albuminoid substances in tho body, he correct, then the determinations of Haughton and Playfair are inadmissible. Moreover, applying the same data to the observations of Edw. Sinitli on prisoners working on the treadwheel, to those of Haughton on men engaged at sliot drill, and to those of Playfair on fully employed labourers, Frankland found that the work accomplished was, in the first case, nearly 2 to 1, in the second case, more than 2 to 1 , and in the last case, P3 to 1, in proportion to tlie force indicated by the excreted nitrogen ; and yet, in each of these cases, unlike the experi- ments of Fick and Wislicenus on themselves, the food contained a largo amount of nitrogenous substances, which increased tho quantity of nitrogen eliminated. Fick and AVislicenus intentionally cousmued a non-nitrogenous diet. Dr. Franklaml agrees with the previous conclusions, that the trans- formation of muscle tissue, is almost entirely independent of tho amouvi of work performed ; that, in Man, non-nitrogenous substances must be the chief soiu'co of tho energy which is transformed into muscular work ; that the muscle is an apparatus in wliich tliis energy is evolved, at tho expense of lij^lro-carbonaceous fuel, or a machine for converting jmtential energy into mechanical force, and that it docs not undergo much more waste when in action, than when at comparative rest. Besides this, he believes that tho oxidisalilo material does not rciiuire to be previously organised or mailo part of tho muscle, but only to bo digesti'd and assimilated into tho blood, of which it forms a part. Ho conceives that tho materials of the food, together with oxygen, circulate in the blood going through tho muscle, and that when tho latter is quiescent, no chemical action takes ]fiace ; but that when a muselo is excited to act by a nerve, the nerve force determines the oxidation of non-nitrogenous matters in the blood, and so sets free jiotential energy, partly acting as heat, and partly as motion. Dr. Frankland admits, however, that REAL SOURCE OF MOTOR POWER. 571 nitrogenous matters may also bo employed for this purpose, as is illustrated by the work performed by men and animals fed on tlesh diet. But ordinary flesh contains much fatty matter. Dr. Parkes has observed the effects of exercise and rest, under dif- ferent diets, on the excretion of imea, over longer periods than those noticed by Pick and Wislicenus. His results likewise show, that on a «o«-nitrogenous diet, exercise produces no increase in the excretion of nitrogen ; that less lu-ea is excreted diu’ing the period of actual work ; and that, the elimination of nitrogen, is regulated, rather by the character of the diet than by the amount of exercise. The subjects of observation were two healthy soldiers, whose normal daily standard of excretion of nitrogen, was first ascertained diu-ing a period of six days, in winch they took their ordinary food and exercise. For two days, they consumed non-nitrogenous food, and rested ; the urea, and the total nitrogen ex- creted, then fell to a mean of less than one-half the normal quantity, and yet the men lost weight. They next returned for four days, to their ordinary diet and occupation ; the nitrogen excreted, as imea and other- wise, immediately increased from day to day, but did not, on the last day, reach its normal standard ; and the total quantity excreted in the four days, was less than half of that eliminated in four of the first six days ; some nitrogenous food was apparently retained for the nutrition of the tissues, or to supply the nitrogenous blood-material expended in the two days of non-nitrogenous diet. For the next two days, the men again took a non-nitrogenous food, but instead of resting, they underwent full exercise, walking, on the first day, 23'76, and on the second, 32'78 miles ; the food satisfied the sense of hunger which was felt ; much fatigue was experienced, especially on the second day ; the excretion of nitrogen decreased during the first thirty-six hours, but in the succeeding twelve hours, which were hours of rest, it showed a marked increase ; the pulmonary and cutaneous excretions increased, the former 100, and the latter 50 per cent. ; the men lost weight. Finally, being allowed their usual diet, with ordinary exercise, the quantity of urea again rose daily, and at last surpa.ssed the normal quantity. The chief difference in these results, as compared ^vith those of Fick and Wislicenus, whose observations were not sufficiently prolonged, is in the increased excretion of nitrogen, during the hours of rest, after severe exercise on a non-nitro- genous diet. This may merely show that the effects of the changes taking place in the muscles during exercise, arc slow to manifest themselves in the excreta. The diminution in the nitrogenous excretions, during actual work, on a non-nitrogenous diet, may, as Parkes suggests, bo owing to nitrogen being then retained and used, and not to the entire absence of decomposition in the muscular tissues. In subsequent experiments on this subject. Dr. Parkes found that, upon an ordinary mixed diet, containing a daily quantity of about 19 G grammes of nitrogen, rather less of that element was excreted during the early periods of exorcise, and during actual exercise, than during rest, especially during the rest immediately after work, when the quantity rose, so as to be excessive. Ho suggests a now explanation of the facts, viz. that a muscle increases in size when in action, then appropriating more nitrogen than it loses ; but that, when it is at rest, it lessons in bulk, losing more nitrogen than it api)ropriatos. Muscular movement is re- garded as duo to a process oi J'ormuiiun, and repose as accompanied 572 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. by disintegration. The non-nitrogenous substances surrounding the ultimate muscular elements, undergo change during the action of the muscle ; the effete products, chiefly of those non-nitrogenous substances, as Eanke and others have supposed, arrest the muscular contraction ; a period of rest follows, in which the effete products are removed, and nitrogen is eliminated ; and the muscle is once more fit for action. This view explains most of the facts very well ; it is also in accordance with experience, as to the necessity of nitrogenous food for persons engaged in prolonged muscular work ; and yet it admits that the changes in the nitrogenous elements of muscle, are inadequate to produce the move- ment, and refers these to the chemical energy evolved by some neigh- bouring non-nitrogenous substances. The views of Liebig, as to the separate and exclusive sources of heat and motion in tlie animal economy, are, therefore, controverted by more recent knowledge ; it is certainly dis- proved, that the disintegration of mu-scular substance, is the only source of muscular power ; and it is equally proved that, in Man, and probably in Omnivorous animals, the oxidation of non-nitrogenous materials is its chief source. But the chemical powers of the living animal economy, have perhaps been underrated ; and a priori theories may, in both direc- tions, limit too much our notions resj^ecting them. Carnivorous animals, as Avould ajDpear from the observations of Lawes and Gilbert on fattening animal.s, of Savory and others, upon rats and dogs fed on a flesh diet exclusively, have the j^ower of splitting up albuminoid bodies into fats and certain nitrogenous compounds. If so, this fat on being oxidised, may become the source of motor power. Besides, as albuminoid bodies are un- doubtedly oxidised in the body, they must furnish potential energy transformable either into heat or motion. It seems impossible to believe, with Dr. Frankland, that the blood o>dp, and not the nervo-muscular substance also, is oxidised in the production of muscular force ; or to deny that nitrogenous substances may also yield force, as well as heat. Work is well performed, for a short time, on a non-nitrogenous diet, but fatigue is at last felt, and nitrogenous matter must be Avasted ; otherwise it would not be retained in unusual quantity, when nitrogenous food is again taken, after a temporary abstinence from it. Nitrogenous food must therefore be supplied, pro- bably, in accordance with the amount of work done (Parkes). A muscle may be a machine, and the blood circulating through it, the fuel ; but being a living tissue, it, and its nerves and controlling nervous centres, waste, or they would not become fatigued arid exhausted by work. A muscle probably wastes IMrOUTANCE OF NON->’ITI{OGENOUS FOOD. 573 more than a machine -wears. This waste may depend largely on the loss of the hydrocarbons, and carbhydrates, in the muscle, and the nerves, yet the more abundant nitrogenous substances in them must likewise participate in the exhaustive process. Before, too, we accept Dr. Parkes’ view as to mus- cular action being accompanied by an absorption of nitrogenous substance, and by growth, it becomes necessary to determine the amount of brain-, spinal-cord-, and nerve-substance, which is consumed, or changed, in all motor acts. This is probably considerable, and possibly largely affects the fatty matter of those organs. Might not this oxidation, together with the nutritive changes accompanying it, explain, in part, the in- creased evolution of carbonic acid during exercise ? By oc- cupying the oxygen in the blood, it might also account for there being less to act upon the muscular tissue. Yet, we know nothing of the amount of change in the nervous substance considered separately. The exact destination of the potential energy, liberated by the double process of oxidation of nitrogenous and non- nitrogenous materials, which undoubtedly takes place in mus- cular motion, cannot at present be precisely pointed out. In Man, the latter substances undergo far more abundant decom- position than the former, and, as remarked by Frankland, whilst the nitrogenous materials are only partially oxidised, being discharged as urea, and retaining about ^th of their potential energy unexpended, the non-nitrogenous sub.stances yield all their energy in the body, being oxidised perfectly as carbonic acid and water. There are many facts Avhich indicate the necessity for large amounts of non-nitrogenous food, for the due performance of muscular work. It is in the larval stage, that Insects gene- rally consume the most albuminoid food, and perform the least amount of work, whilst, in the perfect condition, as in bee.s, butterflies, and moths, their muscular activity is remarkable, although their food is almost purely saccharine or non-nitro- genous (Verloren). The goat, chamois, gazelle, and many other Ruminants, are singularly swift and active creatures ; their food, however, is not highly nitrogenous, but chiefly consists of carbhydrates. It is not probable that the mu.scidar Avork in any of the.se cases, is performed by the oxidation of albu- minoid matters only ; for, in that event, the mnscle.s, especially the minute ones of Insects, Avonld soon be entirely oxidised, and could not be restored by the scanty supply of nitrogen in 574 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the food. The remarkable provisions for digesting tlie carb- hydrates and rendering them absorbable, appear therefore to have reference, not only to their nse as heat-givers, but also as sources of motor power. The production of sugar from starch, is a imiversal action of the saliva of all animals, and long- continued digestion in the Euminant stomach, will even change the cellulose. It has been remarked, that the chief food-manu- factures are concerned with non-nitrogenous articles of diet ; that eggs contain, Avhen dried, 40 per cent, of fatty matter ; that fat is always present in meat ; that the poor consume much bacon-fat ; and the rich, who eat most albuminoid food, likewise take more butter, sugar, and alcohol (Lawes and Gilbert). The use of bacon by the agricultural labourer, has given rise to a familiar epithet for him. The chamois- hunters prefer a store of bacon-fat and sugar, to any other provisions, on a hunting expedition ; and Fick and Wislicenus ascended the Faulhorn on non-nitrogenous diet, without special fatigue. But, on the other hand, Parkes found, that on the second day of severe exercise, on a non-nitrogenous diet, healthy soldiers complained of unusual fatigue. Practically, it would seem that sufficient nitrogenous food being supplied for the nutrition of the muscular and nervous system, then the most effective diet for a labourer, is that which contains a large proportion of non-nitrogenous substances. Athletes should train on meat, but enter into their contests, uj^on amylaceous, saccharine, or fatty food. Dr. Frankland has extended his method of determinin'! the heat-units by deflagration with chlorate of potash, to various articles of diet, in order to test, in this way, their mechanical ecjuivalents, or motor values. The actiral energy of a given Aveight, 1 gramme, of each substance, when burnt out of the body, is ascertained by experiment; and, in the case of albuminoid bodies, the energy Avhich would be developed from them, Avhen oxidised, in the body, is calculated, by deducting the energy remaining in a corresponding quantity of urea. The following Table gives some of the results : According to this mode of estimating the A’alue of food, as compared Avith that Avhich regards its composition only (p. 1 15), cheese still retains a very high position, being inferior only to oils, fats, butter, and cocoa nibs. It appears, moreover, that •55 parts of fat are equal to 1'15 of cheese, to I'.'l of pea meal, to 3‘5 of lean beef, and to 5 parts of potatoes. TRAxNSFOEMATION OF WORK. 575 Value of Food as a Source of Motor Pozvcr {FranMand). Article of Food in natural condition Met. Kils. of Force, from 1 Gramme oxidised in the body Weight in ozs. required daily, to support the move- ments of respiration and circulation Cod Liver Oil 3,857 1-5 Beef fat (dry) 3,841 1-5 Butter ..... 3,077 1-8 Cocoa nibs .... 2,902 1-9 Isinglass (dry) 1,914 — Cheese (Cheshire) . 1,846 3- Oatmeal ..... 1,665 3-4 Arrowroot .... 1,657 3-4 Flotir ..... 1,627 3-5 Peameal .... 1,598 3-5 Bice ..... 1,591 3-6 Gelatin (dry) .... 1,550 3-6 Sugar ..... 1,418 3-9 Egg (yolk) .... 1,400 3-9 „ (hard-boiled) . 966 5-8 Bread-crumb .... 910 6-4 Ham, lean (boiled) . 711 7-9 Mackerel .... 683 8-3 Beef (lean) .... 604 9-3 Veal (lean) .... 496 11-4 Stout ..... 455 — Potatoes ..... 422 13-4 Whiting. .... 335 16-8 Bass’s Ale .... 328 — Apples ..... 273 20-7 Milk 266 21-2 Egg (white) .... 244 23-1 Carrots ..... 220 25-6 Cabbage ..... 178 31-8 Transformation of iMechanicxd into Calorific Work in the Bodij. Every kind of internal work, wlietlicr vital, mental, nervo- muscular or meclianical, electric or nutritive, excepting the solvent processes, ultimately passes into heat witliin tlie body. The purely external mechanical work is thought by some, how- ever, to be an exception ; but this is nut entirely so ; it is only the case, when motion is communicated to external matter. At 576 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. the moment of action of a muscle, indeed, an inverse proportion exists between the Avork accomplished and the heat produced. A muscle develops more heat, when it cannot shorten itself, so as to produce external movement or Avork ; as, for example, A\'hen a person attempts to move an overwhelming Aveight, or over- come an unyielding resistance, as compared Avith the effect of free action in lifting a movable Aveight. Any effort or motion Avhich is stopped or resisted, or Avhich disappears in any Avaj^, passes necessarily into heat ; even the electric currents in muscles and nerves, Avhen they are lessened by disturbance, or rest, contribute, hoAVCA^er slightly, to raise the temperature of an acting muscle, and therefore of the body. In fever, the muscles may become as hot as 105° Fahr., and in tetanus, 111° Fahr. (Ludwig) ; they are then hotter even than the blood (Fick) ; but this happens Avhen most of their chemical energy of decomposition can pass into heat, none being required lor Avork. During muscular action, the chemical energy pas.ses into that perceptible motion, Avhich Ave call contraction or shortening ; during arrested effort, it appears in the invisible motion, Avhich joroduces heat. On the supposition, that the muscular force is deriAmd fi-om the oxidation of albuminoid substances, the greater part or the Avhole of it, is ultimately transformed into heat, and is added to the avoAvedly larger store derived from the non-nitrogenous food. But thetlieory Avhich regards animal motion, as chiefly, or entirely, derived from the energy supplied by the non- nitrogenous materials of the blood or tis.sues, and therefore from the non-nitrogenous food, is not inconsi.stent Avith the A-iew, that these latter are the calorific or heat-forming materials ; for they then serve both offices. The transformation of po- tential energy into muscular poAver, Avhether exerted inter- nally or externally, is necessarily accompanied by the iiltimate production of heat Avithin the body ; and this is the chief, and probably the only, source of animal heat (Frankland). Nutritive or Assimilative Work. The assimilative Avork performed in the body,isalso chemical, being partly liquefacient, ]:artly dialytic, and partly solidifa- cient. It must be performed at the expense of chemical energy, developed during the many transformations of the nutritiA-e materials, as these are, in turn, digested, hydrated, dissolved, absorbed, and converted into tissue. The amount of force NEllYOUS FOECE AND WOEK. 577 employed in digestion, is small, as compared with the other great demands of the system. Playfair suggests that it is measurable, by the amount of nitrogen of the nitrogenous sub- .stances tcmnd in tlie solid excreta ; and that it may, as he thought of the mechanical work, be ultimately referable to the energy of the albuminoid food. The quantity of nitrogen which escapes by the lungs and skin, is quite unimportant ; with ordinary diet, the urea includes -|4ths of that contained in the food, -whilst the solid excreta yield about (Kanke). This small quantity is the residue of the mucus, salivin, pepsin, pancreatin, glycocoll, and taurin of the digestive fluids, the solid constituents of all of which, in a Man, weighing 150 lbs., would be upwards of 8 oz. per diem. Playfair supposes that, whilst most of the substances are reabsorbed, a certain portion of each undergoes chemical change, being, as it were, degraded, and becoming unfit for entering the circulation. This remains, therefore, as a quantitative expression of the force which has been employed in (he processes of primary assimilation. It may be a residual index of such actions, but not a source ot power itself, for it escapes unoxidised. All nutritive work, implying solidification of material, likewise ultimately passes into heat. Electrical Work. The currents of electricity developed in the body generally, those found between arterial and venous blood, in muscle and in nerve, in secreting and in special electric organs, are developed through chemical action, involving waste by oxidation of the blood or tissues, and indirectly therefore of the food, whether of the nitrogenous or non-nil rogenous food, or of both, is not yet determined. They do not appear to be derived from friction, changes of temperature, or magnetism, as in the in- organic world. The chemical energv of the body, thus diverted to electric work, cannot, however, be expressed in numbers. Unless it passes off to surrounding objects or media, it is converted into heat, or into motion and heat, within the frame, and so assists in the calorific work. Nervous Force aud Work. As ehsewhere mentioned (vol. i. p. 284), there exists in nervous substance, a peculiar electro-polar condition of the nervous molecules, which is altered, not merely by the passage VOL. II. r p 578 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of an ordinary electric cun'ent through a whole nerve, as is the case with the muscular current, but also when that current, or any other stimirlus, traverses a small portion of the nerve. The existence of nervous STibstance, is essential to the mani- festation of this peculiar condition ; the force concerned in its production, may be itself what is called the nerve-force, or it may be transfoiaued into that force, serving, in either ca.se, to excite the contraction of a muscle, on the one hand, or the refle.x or sensitive excitability of a nervous centre, on the other. The reaction of a reflex nervous centre, may also require, or depend upon, such molecular polarity. Even sensation, and the higher and purely mental processes, are associated with, and rest upon, similar molecular conditions and properties. The special condition of the nervous matter, which accompanies sensation, emotion, thought, consciousness, and will, is unlcnoAvn to us ; but the molecular polarity of the nerve-substance, is, as much as the nervous substance itselfi a part of the constitution of the living animal body. The polar condition of the nervous molecules, represents a portion of the vito-physical woi’k of the system ; and variations in it, are associated with changes in the nervous matter itself. These changes are chemical, and imply Avaste, oxidation, and renovation. All nervous action, or work, requires both food and air, containing stores of force, Avhich, exhibiting itself first in chemical combination, is transformed into the electro-polarity proper to, and manifested only by the nervous substance built up within the bodies of animals, and capable of being excited by appropriate stimuli. The portion of nervous Avork, performed in the control of the various inrAScular acts, voluntary or involuntary, and belonging to the animal or vegetative functions, cannot, at present, be dis- sociated, in any calculations, from the muscular Avork itself. As to the nervous Avork connected Avith sensiition and other psychical actions and reactions unaccompanied by motor results, it is impossible, at present, to measure them, and Haughton’s allot- ment of the so-called mental work of the body, to a certain proportion of the urea, is purely conjectural. It is not even knoAvn hoAV far it may be due to changes in nitrogenous or non- nitrogenous matter; it probably depends upon both. Possibly some estimate of its amount, might be made, by studying the amount and the sources of the phosphates formed in the system. Ui-ea is probably produced by the decomposition of nerAmus substance, especially of the albuminoid a.xial fibres, and uon- medullated terminal portions of the motor nerves; urea has FORMATIVE FORCE. 579 been found in the muscles of certain Fishes. The phosphates of the juice of muscle, and the phosphorus in the red corpuscles of the blood, may be a source of phosphates in the urine ; but the cerebric acid of the grey nervous substance, is especially characterised by containing phosphorus, probably unoxidised; and over-activity and disease of the nervous system, are said to increase the amount of phosphates so excreted. The oxida- tion of phosphorus, or of phosphuretted fat, may be one source of electro-polar nerve-force. In any case, such molecular polarity is ultimately transformed into heat within the body, and affords another example of the economy with which the various forms of vito-physical force engendered in the animal system, are employed within it. The energy of every sub- stance oxidised in the body, into whatever form of force it may be transmuted, is doubtless applied Avith the least possible loss. In conclusion, it may be observed that, although the results of the application of the principles of physical research, to the explanation of the ph}"siological phenomena discussed in this Section, are at present incomplete, yet, considering the extreme complexity of the phenomena exhibited by living animals, and the difficulty, even in regard to Man alone, of obtaining coiTect average numerical data, enough has been determined to render it certain, that all the strictly physical processes Avithin the body, Avhether ' chemical, mechanical, thermic, electric, or photic, are performed by modifications of the common force Avhich produces similar phenomena in the inorganic world around us. There e.xists, hoAvever, in the living animal, as in the living vegetable organism, a special formative or organising energy, evolving the perfect animal or plant from the primitive ovum or ovule, developing its various tissues and organs, and con- seiwing these from the commencement to the termination of its individual exi.stence. The influence of this force, moi-eover, extends from the parent to the offspring, generation after generation. Its relations to the vito-physical and vito- chemical forms of force Avorking in the body, arc entirely unknown. Its truly marvellous results are con.sidered in the following Section on Ileproduction Development. 580 SPECIAL PIirSIOLOGT. PvEPEODUCTION. Spontaneous Generation. The life of individual organisms, whether vegetable or animal, is limited, death, at last, ensuing from accident, disease, or natural causes. The maintenance of the species, by the repro- duction of new individuals, is accomplished in different modes in different animals. All animals, so far as is known, even the very lowest, are produced from parents. The occurrence of the original genera- tion of an animal, without the intervention of a parent, or the so-called equivocal or spontaneous generation, is not believed in by the best authorities. All cases of supposed spontaneous generation, cited before the introduction of good mici’oscopes, may be set aside as valueless. The present condition of the question, is fully illustrated in the recent controversy between MM. Pouchet and Pasteur. It is admitted by both those ob- servers, that only the lowest Protozoic forms of animal life are concerned in this question, the assertions of Crosse and others, as to the spontaneous development of a complete Annulose animal, being unworthy of serious consideration. With regard to the Infusoria, however, it is alleged by Pouchet, that, if impure water be boiled, so as to destroy all organic life in it, and then be absolutely excluded Irom the air ; or if air only be admitted which has previou.sly passed through red-hot tubes ; or, again, if water be boiled in flasks which are then hermetically sealed — organisms, belonging to the simplest forms of Infusorial life, will make their appearance; and that these will even be followed by the subsequent appearance of higher ciliated Infusoria. It is strongly asserted that, in .such experiments, absolute care has been taken to prevent the acci- dental intrusion ol' germs, however minute, into the water or air. By Pasteur, on the other hand, it is affirmed that, if sufficient precaution be taken, no manifestation of life occurs in the fluid experimented upon, or, at least, so exceiitionally, that it may well be attributed to the accidental entrance of floating germs. The following experiments have been devised by Pasteur, to illustrate this subject. Small flasks of boiled water, luive been closely fitted, at the mouth, with tubes, into a bend or bulb of which, cotton-wool is inti’oduced ; this intercejits floating germs, but yet allows the interchanges jwoper to THE MODES OF REPRODUCTION. 581 gaseous cliffiision : in such experiments, no organisms are developed in tlie water. On the other hand, with the same fluid boiled, and placed in a flask, fitted with a similar tube without the cotton-wool, multitudes of Infusoria are de- veloped. In other experiments, instead of cotton-wool, gun- cotton was employed, and placed so as to intercept the germs in the air ; this gun-cotton being afterwards dissolved in ether, ova, and germ-forms were collected in the residue, and recognised under the microscope. Moreover, portions of the cotton-wool or gun-cotton charged with the germs, pro- duced, in water or in vegetable infusions, the same kinds of Infusoria as appeared in the liquids unprotected by the gun- cotton. It would seem, however, that in boiled vegetable infusions, hermetically sealed with a certain quantity of air, also pre- viously heated to a red heat, those singidar organisms, named bacteria, wdiich are probably vegetable, may, after several months, appear (Child). The position of the advocates of the doctrine of spontaneous generation, is a difficult one. An apparently positive result, in an experiment with hermetically-closed vessels, is attributed by their opponents, to want of care in the preparation of the water or the infusion, or to the accidental intrusion of germs. The position of the opponents of the doctrine, is also difficult, because they seek only to establish a negative. A sufficient number of negative re.sults, obtained by conscientious ob- servers, is all the evidence that can possibly be advanced in such a ca.se. The onus probundi is thrown upon the supporters of the doctrine. The Varums Modes of Reproduction. In the Vegetable Kingdom, two modes of reproduction are observed, viz. the 7wn, sexual and the sexual. The former presents several varieties, viz. (/emmation, or the formation of buds, as in ordinary plants, or in special eases, of bulbs which are detached buds, or sHbdwision or fission, as in the micro.scopic algre, and perhaps in the lower fungi. The sexual mode is by true spores or seeds, wliich require fertilisation. The two modes commonly occur in all plants. The mode of propagation by buds, or by cuttings, sonms to prolong a variely, cr a species, merely by multiplying the individual; but tlio sexual mode alone will render ponnanont an accidental variety, or will perpetuate, for a length of time, a specific form. In tlic fungi, and in the lower algaceous forms, it seems probable that an alternate form of generation may occur, such as will presently bo described, in the case of 582 SrECIAL PHYSIOLOGY certain animals : that is to say, the two forms of reproduction, sexual and nonsexual, may alternate in different generations ; in other words, spores may produce intermediate forms, which, in their turn, may directly reproduce the parent form. The reproduction of animals from parents, also presents the nonsexual and the sexual modes. The nonsexual mode of reproduction, may either consist in a simple cleavage or division called fission, or in the formation of hucls, known as gemmation or budding. Both these forms occur only in the lower Classes of animals. Fission, or fissiparous rejjroduction, consists of a constriction, once or several times repeated, in the soft body of an animal, followed by its com- plete division into two or more parts, each of which is then developed into an individual as complete, in every respect, as the parent animal. This form of reproduction is noticed as one mode of development in the Infusorial animalcules, the process being sometimes, as in Paramecium, extraordinarily rapid. It also occurs in the formation of the segments in some vermiform intestinal Entozoa, but not amongst animals higher in the scale. In artificial fission, as performed upon the Hydra, a similar ju-ocess is imitated. If, for example, a Hydra be cut, lengthwise or transversely, into several parts, each portion will complete itself. Some of the Annelida, or Woi'ms, on being cut across, develop a new head to the lower half, and a new tail to the upper portion, of the divided body. Gemmation, or gemmiparous reproduction, consists in the formation of an offshoot or hud, from the body of the parent animal, which either continues to grow in connection with the parent, so that composite animals are jrroduced, as the many- chambered Ilhizopods ; or aggregates or colonies of animals are formed, attached by a common stem, or stolon, as in the case of the Yorticellaj, amongst the Infusoria. This is, also, the ordinary mode of propagation of the Hj'dra, amongst the Coelenterata ; of the compound coralline Polyps, of the com- pound Ascidioida, and of Nais, amongst the Annelida. Geinma3 may also, after a time, detach themselves from the parent stem, move away, and develop as independent animals, which may themselves gemmate, and form a new colony, as in the com- poimd Poly])s and the compound Tunicata, or become new in- dependent animals, as in the IMedusns. Sponges are thus re- produced by detached bodies, known as geminules, Avhich, at first ciliated and free-moving, afterwards become smooth and fixed, and then grow into a new sponge. SEXUAL llErBODUCTION. 583 As representing a special form of internal gemmiparoiis re- production, may perhaps be included tliose remarkable cases, in which groups of minute cell-like bodies, sometimes named pseudova, to distinguish them from true ova or eggs, are de- veloped somewhere in the interior of the body of the parent animal, and, after a time, undergo successive stages of develop- ment, sometimes into forms externally resembling that of the parent animal, though not possessing rejn'oductive organs, but much more commoidy into forms not resembling the parent animal. By detachment, protrusion, or rupture of the parent, these new animals then become independent beings. This form of reproduction is observed in the Aphides only, among Insects, and in the Daphnia, among the smaller Crustacea. Light and heat are important agents in determining the oc- curi-ence of this process. The larger reproductive bodies foimd in the Sponges, and developed as cold weather approaches, called capsules, have by some, been regarded as of the nature oi pseudova, but they may be sexual products. The so-called germ-cells of the Hydra, which, towards winter, are sometimes developed in the walls of the gastric cavity in one individual, whilst a spenn- cell appears in that of another, though sometimes both kinds of cells are developed in the same Polyp, have likewise been referred to this class of bodies ; but their sexual character is more probable. In the sexual mode of reproduction, known as oviparous re- production, which is a higher form of propagation, an ovum, or germ-cell, and a fertilising cell, or sperm-cell, are ahvays neces- sary, and co-operative, in other words, a female and a male product, according to the distinction oi sex. In some animals, as in the Ccelenterata, in certain Scolecida, as in trematode Entozoa, in many Gasteropods, and in a few branchiated Annelida, the male and I'emale products are de- veloped in one individual, wliich is then said to be monvecious or hermaphrodite. In the Medusa’, and in the Entozoa, the germ-cells are fertilised by the sperm-cells of tlie same animal ; but in the Snails, and other Pulmo-gasterf)]iods, there is an intercliange of office, one individual I'ertilising the ova of another, and liaving its own ova fertilised in return. In the remaining animals re])roduced by true ova, viz. the higher Annuloida and tlie Annulosa, the Molluscoida, Mollusca, and Vertebrata, the re[)roductivc elements are Jbund in sepa- rate individiuils belonging to opposite sexes. Sucli animals 584 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. are named dioecious. The ovum is then, in some cases, as in Fishes and Amphibia, I'ei-tilised without, but in other cases, as in Reptiles, Birds, and Mammalia, within, the body of the female or ovigerous parent. In this ovum, when fertilised, the embryo is developed, undergoing a scries of important changes, which constitute the process of evolution or transformation. Some curious examples of the coexistence in the same in- dividual, but at different setisons, of a sexual with an appa- rently nonsexual mode of reproduction, have been met with, in the lower Classes of animals. This presents us with the various forms of parthenogenesis, or development by .so-called unferti- lised ova. This mode of reproduction, is illustrated in the Aphis, amongst Insects, in the female of which, one act of fer- tilisation is sufficient for a long succession of distinct repro- ductive acts. Another most striking example is exhibited by the Bee, as was first observed by Dzierson, and afterwards by Siebold, Berlebach, Leuckart, Owen, and others. The ova of the Queen-bee are deposited by her, in the cells of the comb, and in that act, according to the size and form of the cell, .she either fertilises the ovum, or not. This is accomplished by her pwinitting, or preventing, the escape of a small quantity of liuid from a sac in the interior of her body, named the spermotheca, which has been previously charged, by the act of the male bee, with fertilising liuid, during flight in the air. If the ovum be fertilised, it produces a working-bee, i.e. an tm- developed female, any one of which, by abundance of feeding, may beco.me a queen-bee. But if the ovum be not fertilised by the fluid of the spermotheca, it jwoduces only a drone, or male. This latter result may be brought about experimentally, either by interruption of the communication between the spermotheca and the oviduct, or by the effects of a temjjerature low enough to destroy the properties of the fertilising fluid. So also, if the wings of the queen-bee be cut, she remains with the sac uncharged with the fertilising fluid, and her eggs, which she will then deposit all the same, produce only drones. jMoreov’er, a working bee, not fed up to the condition of a queen-bee, may deposit eggs, which, not having been fertilised in the ordinary way, produce only drones. In the Bee, there- fore, the phenomenon occurs, of an ovum undergoing develop- ment, wiihout obvious direct iertilisjition. Hence the name parthenogenesis. Similar phenomena have now been observed in many other Insects. In certain remarkable cases, a sexual generation by true ALTERNATE GENERATION. as5 } fertilised ova, or germ-cells, may occur, togetlier with repro- duction, b}' apparently unfertilised pseudova, ov germinal cells. This happens, for example, in certain Entozoa, and also in the Aphis, or plant-louse. Sometimes these two modes of re- production alternate, in dqferent generations, more or less regularl3^ In such cases, the form of the animals produced from the true ova, or the first generation, differs, in some respects, from that of the parent, especially in being nonsexual ; whilst the offspring of these, or the second generation, derived from pseudova, may either resemble the original parents, or may produce, nonsexually, a third generation, or several gene- rations, the last of these producing animals, which are sexual and resemble the parents. This is named propagation by alternate generation. In it, a female parent animal produces ova, wliich are duly fertilised. The embryoes, or larvce, de- veloped from these, are, at no time, like the mother ; they grow, and then develop, in their interior, either a single in- dividual, which becomes like the parent; or they may, by external division, or external or internal gemmation, produce many such ; or they may Ibrm, either at once, or in succession, a series of young, derived from unfertilised pseudova, which at once, or after two, three, or even more generations, ulti- mately produce animals similar to the first parents. These again, like those parents, propagate sexually. The inter- mediate generation, or generations, of nonsexual proliferous larva;, have been called, by Steenstrup, nurses, to distinguish them from tmie mothers. This development by alternate generation, never occurs in the Vertebrata, and only rarely in the higher Non-vertebrata. Amongst the Mollusca, no proper examj)le of alternate genera- tion has yet been met with ; but it is almost constant in the Molluscoida. Amongst the Arthropodous Ammlosu, it has been ob.served in but one Crustacean, Daphnia, and in only a few Insects, such as tlie Aphides, but not in the Arachnida or Myriapoda. The vVphides pi-esent a remarkable cxfvmple of this alternation : in the hot season, they multiply i-apidly, by successions of internal generations of pseudova ; but as the temperature is lowered in the autumn, males and females appear, and dcvclo[)ment by ova ensues. In early spring, these ova again produce vivij)arous individuals, whicli multiply by pseudova, and, alter many generations, towards the ap- proach of winter, sexual ^Vphides once more afipear. This I alternate generation likewise occurs in many Annelida, its 586 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. asexual phase then constituting the so-called fission, as in Nemertes, Nais, and others. It is common also, and occurs in all degrees, in the Annuloida, as in the Scolecide, the Tre- matode, and the Cestode parasitic worms, in the Eotifera,’ and the Echinodermata, and also, generally, in the Coelenterata, and in many Protozoa. Amongst the Ccelenterata, and others, the form which is evolved from the fertilised ovrun, is named a scolex ; the compound forms arising from the budding or fis- sion of the scolex, are named strobila, and the perfect animals, again exhibiting true reproductive organs, are named “profiot- tides. In the Sponges, sexual reproductive organs have been seen, giving rise to bodies like ova, in which a spongilla is developed. These alternate with the gemmules. In the uni- cellular Protozoon, besides fission, the so-called nucleus and nucleolus, or double nuclei, are believed re.^jDectivety to repre- sent the male and female jDroducts, not germ- and sperm-cells, but germ- and sperm-nuclei. This mode of reproduction by alternate generation, often presents oi genetically-related animal forms, exhibit- ing not only a nonsexual character, but a totally different .shape and organisation, as comjDared with the parents. The ovum of certain Echinodermata, of the Echinida and Ophiurida for example, develops into a free-swimming ciliated embryo, which becomes converted into a medusa-like larva, known as the pluteus, a form which has quite a Coelenterate type; but in the body of this, near the digestive cavity, close upon the re- maining substance of the original ovum, or yolk -mass, a young Echinus appears, in the form of a circular disc, rvhich gradually assumes a quinary radiated form, and ultimately becomes a perfect Echinoderm. In the same way, the ova of the Tamia?, or Tapeworms, taken by animals which live upon oflal, or swallowed by Man in water, pa.ss into the alimentary canal, and there develop into Echinococci, or Cysticei'ci, which pene- trate, whilst ver}'^ minute, the surrounding tissues, by a process of boring, and so find their way into all jxarts of the body, and there grow as Cysticerci or Echinococci. The tissues ot an edible animal (as a pig, for example), thus infested, being then eaten, the Echinococci, if not destroyed by the cooking, attach themselves to the intestinal mucous membrane of the person ivho eats them, and form the head of a tamia, which then, by succe.ssive fission, produces its long segmented body,* each section of which, now named a proglottis, is really inde- pendent of the rest, and is provided with true re^moductive jMETAMOnrilOSIS. 587 organs, sperm-cells, and ova. The Trichina is not, as was once supposed, an intermediate ibrm, by alternate generation. Lastly, ill the interior of certain Trematode worms, such as the Planariie, and Distoinata, a succession of nonsexual larvEe is developed, each producing others within them, until, at last, sexual forms appear resembling the original parent. Thus a Distoiiia, lor example, which is found as an entozoary parasite in the Limnams, a fi-eshwater snail, develops ova, which are evolved into elongated larval of veiT simple oi-ganisation ; these larval are composed simply of nucleated cells, which gi-ow into ciliated organisms, and then burst through the skin of the larva, attach themselves to a Limnams, and, having become metamorphosed into a true Distoma, perforate the tissues of the snail. In these cases of alternate generation, there occurs, there- fore, a sort of metamorphosis, because the cycle of evolution is at last always completed, by a return to the parent form ; but the stages of the metamorphosis supervene in different gene- rations, and not in the same individual. So likewise, in all cases of nonsexual reproduction, whether by so-called fission, by gemmation, external or internal, or by recognised pseud- ova, a return, at last, takes place to sexual development, by true ova which require fertili.sation. Hence the latter mode of reproduction appears the more important i'unction, to which is assigned the continuance of the specific forms of animal life. In the Molluscoid Tunicata, hoAvever, and in Insects, Crustacea, and certain Fishes, and also in Amphibia, a true metamorphosis occurs in each single individual — i.e., a transs- formation takes place not in the embryo in ovo, but after the escape of the young from the ovum as an independent being. In such instances, the young animal, on emerging from a fertilised ovum, has at first no resemblance to the parent, but exhibits a provisional form and organi.sation, suited to its conditions of life. After a time, however, it undergoes changes ; some organs or ]>arts disappear, whilst others begin to bo formed, and, finally, it assumes a .state of mature existence, resembling its parent, and exhibiting one or other form of sex. Thus the larva, or wormlike caterpillar, of tlie Insect, pro- ceeds from the egg. Consuming large (piantities of food, it grows, and then changes into the pupa, or chrysalis ; in this condition, no food being taken, remarkable changes occur, of which the formation of wings is the most obvious. From 588 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. this, finally, it emerges as the imago or perfect insect. The relative degree or extent of the metamorpliosis, differs in different Orders and Families of Insects. Tlie suspension or arrest of the ordinary 23liases of this metamorphosis, occa- sionally gives rise to monstrosities, such as butterflies with caterpillars’ heads, and other curious forms. Metamorphosis may also be said to occur in some of the lowest Fishes, certain forms of Ammocete having been shown to be the larvte of the lamprey, Avhich after^^'ards undergo coinparatively slight changes in the buccal and branchial ap- paratus. In the Amphibia, the tadpoles of the frogs and others, as developed from the egg, present a fishlike form, and possess at first external and then internal gills; but ultimately, in the higher forms, they assume the perfect Batrachian conformation, lose their gills, and breathe by lungs. The extent of cluinge is most marked in the anourous or tail-less Amphibia. In the salamanders, however, no internal gills are developed, like those of the frog; and the tail, instead of undergoing inter- stitial absorption, is retained. The suspension of the meta- morphic process, at certa n early stages, leads to the formation of the Perennibranchiate Amphibia, in which lungs also exist, such as the Proteus, Siren, Axolotl, and Menubranchus. The preceding cases are instances of progressive metamor- phoses. But metamorphosis may be, as far as general organi- .«ation is concerned, retrograde, animals being, in the larval stage, actively locomotive, and, in the perfect stage, fixed or •sessile. 'I'hus, the young of the Ascidioida are free-swimming, tailed, and ciliated animals, whilst in their perfect condition they are fixed. In the Crmstacea, the larvaa exhibit progressive mettimorphoses of a remarkable character. In the Cirrhopods, the larvte are active, move freely in the water, and possess eyes, but, afterwards, they become se.ssile, fixed by the head, and lose those organs. They present an example of retrograde or recurrent metamorphosis. In the parasitical Crustacean Lerneada, which attach themselves to fishes, and even in the Laniellibranchiate jMollusca, the perfect animal is less highly endowed than when in its larval condition. The phenranena of individual metamorphosis, so obvious in the Insects and the Am[)hibia, after their escape from the egg, are, in reality, not singidar; \'ov phases of evolution, or Irans- formation, occur in the development of the embryoes of all animals, even of the highest A'^ertebrata ; but these are often- OITY OF THE REPRODUCTIVE PROCESS. 589 times rapid, and occur in such an early stage of embiyonic life, as not to be so obvious. Ova and Pseudova. — A true ovum, the product of a female organ or ovary, is a nucleated cell, jjossessing a delicate cell- ■\vall, a contained nucleus, within wliich is a nucleolus, and, besides that, certain cell- contents. It is a proper and special germ-cell, set apart for the reproduction of a new individual. The male product, or fertilising element, the product of the so-called sperm-cells, formed in the testes, is a fluid containing micro.scopic bodies named spermatozoa ; these are endowed with the power of active movement, which lasts, in the Warm- blooded Vertebrata, for a few minutes, in the Cold-blooded Fishes, for days, and in certain Mollusca and Anmdo.sa, even for months, when received into the special receptacle, or sper- molheca. From their mode of development, from the character of their movements, and from the effects of reagents upon them, they may be regarded as ciliated gymuopla.sts, or ciliated nuclei, which may be compared to single particles of ciliated epithelium. The sperm-cell in which they have their origin, and from which they escape, by rupture of the cell- wall, is the homologue of the germ-cell, or ovum. In true sexual reproduction, the product of the sperm-cell enters and fertilises the germ-cell, and imparts to it the power of specific reproduction, just as the pollen of the anther of a flowering plant, fertilises the vegetalile ovule. The unfertilised ovinn of a qne. n or female bee, and also the pseudova of the A])his, and of other animals prouagated by alternate generation, are also nucleated cells, portions of the parent animal, set apart for particular purposes, and retaining special ]>owers of further evolution; they are, therefore, also germ-cells, or rather germinal cells. They may be viewed as undeveloped, or ametamorpho.«ed, j)ortions of a itreviously fer- tilised blastema, which has itself resulted from the first stages of evolution of a true ovum ; they are, however, retained i in connection with some portion, usually internal, of the l nonse.Kual, and only indirectly fertilised, offspring, waiting i for their opportunity of individuid evolution. They have, in ’ truth, been fer ilised. According to this view, every individual animal form, whether the result of direct sc.xual evolution, or of parthenogenesis, or of any sttige of alternate generation, is produced from a primitive coll, which, having been directly or indirectly fertilised, undergoes multiplication and differen- tiation, so as to evolve the future animal. The simjtlest forms 590 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of reproduction, by gemmation or by cleavage, are but ex- tensions of individual animals, themselves traceable to the evolution of two primitive, sexually developed, fertilising, and fertilised cells. Even in the lowest Protozoa, evolutions of new beings, from time to time, occur by the conjugation of two nuclear particles in their interior, which, at least, imitate a sexual process. Whatever variety the reproductive process of animals may present, the primitive cell, Avhether it be a fertilised ovum, an unfertilised ovum, a or the commencement of a bud, is, in all known cases, a part or product of a pre-existing parent. No satisfactory proof has yet been adduced, of the spontaneous origin of such a cell. Hence the doctrine of spontaneous generation, collapses from failure of proof. The Ovum considered generally. The parts seen in an unfertilised animal ovum, as already stated, are the cell- wall, the contents, the nucleus, and the con- tained nucleolu^, fig. 116. The delicate cell-wall constitutes the vitelline membrane, or yolk-sac. The more or less transparent, granular, or coloured contents, constitute the yolk. The nu- cleus is a transparent, solid, or vesicular body, here named the germinal vesicle, or vesicle of Purkinje. Lastly, the nucleolus within it, is a fine granular or vesicular corpuscle, called the germinal spot. The germinal vesicle and spot are the essential parts, or active centres of growth, of the ovum. As to the Vegetable Kingdom, in the higher plants, which are produced from seeds, a part exists in the seed, known as tlie ovule ; within this, which is a vegetable cell, is found the gcrm-vesicle, a structiu’e homologous with the germinal vesicle of the animal ovum. Like it, its future de- velopment requires the co-operation of a fertilising agent, which is here derived from the pollen-cells. In the lower or flcwerless plants, the spores are usually fertilised by moveable filaments named zoosperms, or by simpler elements. The size of the ovum of difierent animals, differs very much, not in accordance with the size of the parent animal, but rather with the course and conditions of development of the future embryo. The dilference in size, depends almost entirely upon the quantity of the yolk or cell-contents. The cha- racter of this yolk also varies ; sometimes it is so finely granular and colourless, as to appear clear ; whilst, in other cases, it is so distinctly granular and colotired, as to contain large granules and even vesicles, with oil-globules, to be MEROBLASTIC AND IIOLOBLASTIC OVA. 501 more or loss opaque, and to present a pale or deep yellowish hue. The j/olk is a most important constituent of the ovum. In all cases, it \s formative, yielding material for the first formation of the embryo; sometimes it is also nutritive, or provides nourish- ment for it, during a considerable period of its growth. In one series of animals, oviparous, the development of the embryo within the ovum, occurs entirely after the latter has been deposited by the parent animal ; whereas, in another series, often viviparous, the embryo is more or less developed within the parent. In the first case, niitrient material must be specially provided in the ovum, for the future embryo, the various organs of which are developed at the expense of the yolk-contents, mitil the young animal has reached a phase of development, in which it can take external materials for its future nourishment. In such cases, the yolk is comparatively larcje in quantity, and rich in oi-ganic granular contents, opaque, and coloured ; it is chiefly nutritive, and, in small part only, fomnative. Such ova are named merob/ustic (/itprr, a part, fiXuarbc, a germ) ; they include the eggs of the higher Crus- tacea and Arachnida, those of the Cephalopods, and those of the Os.seous and Plagiostomatous Fishes, of Reptiles and Bh-ds, and of the Monotrematous order of the Mammalia. The ova of the Amphibia, are imperfectly meroblastic. In the second case, either a very slight part, or no portion, of the yolk is nutritive, but all, or almost all, is directly formative ; the yolk is comparatively small, frequently clear, and less rich in gra- nular organic contents. These ova are called Jioloblastic (oAoe, the whole). They are met with in the eggs of the Echino- dermata and of the Annelid.s, in those of the simplest Crus- tacea and Arachnida, in those of Insects, and of the Mollusca generally (excepting the Ce]dialopods), in the Cyclostomatous Fishes, and, lastly, in the Mammalia, including Man. The Jioloblastic ovum (tig. IK!) consists of a tran.sparent, homogeneous, or sfructurclesa vitelline me7nbrane, which, to- gether with a clear outer stratum of the yolk, sometimes of considerable proportionate thickness, constitutes the zona pcllu- cida. Within this, and completely filling it, is the limpid, or faintly granular, gertn-yolk, or formative yolk, with its germinal vesicle, and spot. The meroblastic ovum (fig. 1 1 9) consists, ex- ternally, of the vitelline or vitcllary membrane, which is thin, and often also homogeneous or .structureless, but, in some cases, slightly granular, or, in parts, indistinctly fibrous. There is 592 SPECIAL PIIYSIOLOGT. no zona pellucicla, hut the interior of the vitelline membrane is lined with a stratum of polygonal nucleated cells, knoAvn as the epithelial layer . Within this, is the distinctly granidar, nu- tritive yolk, a, which may either be whitish or yellowish. On one part of the surface of the nutritive yoUv, is a small circular disc, known as the cicatricula, or germinal disc. This is, in fact, the germ-yollc, or formative yolk, spi-ead out, in the mero- blastic ovum, upon a small part of the surface of the nutritive or food-yolk, instead of being spherical, and occupying the entire vitelline cavity, as in the holoblastic ovum. Lying, at one time, in the midst of the formative or germ-yolk, or ger- ininal disc, are found, as in the other ova, the germinal vesicle and spot (fig. 117). Fig. 116. Fig. 116. Holoblastic ovum or germ-cell, of a Mammalian animal, unferti- lised (Allen Thomson), n, vitelline membrane or envelope, thick, and clear, aftiTwards forming the zona pelhcciila ; within it, is the granular yolk, or cell-contents ; in this, the germinal vesicle, or nucleus; and in this, the germinal spot, or nucleolus, b, the ovum, or germ-cell, burst, part of the granular yolk, with the germinal vesicle and its contained germinal spot, having escaped, c, the germinal vesicle surrounded by a little granular matter. — Magnilied 80 diameters. lit the Mammalia, the yolk is so small in quantity, as tjuickly to become insufficient for the nourishment of tlie embryo, and special structures are very early formed, to enable it lo derive support from the nutrient fluids of the parent. These are imperfectly developed in the linplacental, but are more com- plete in the Placental, I\Iammalia. Of the meroblastic ova, tho.se of lleptiles and Bird.s, but particularly the latter, ]ire- seiit by fill- the most tibundant nutritive yolk. Prom the size of the egg, and from the occurrence of all the sbiges of development cluring an external incubating j^focess, which THE OTCM OF THE BIIU). 593 may be carried on by artificial meanf!, tlie egg of llie Bird es- pecially presents the most lavonrable opportunity ofwatcliing, from honr to hour, tlie stages of development of the Vertebrate embryo, within the ovum. The Ovaries and Ova of the Bird. The ecjri of the common fowl is first formed within the body of the hen, in the organ named tlie ovarjj, which is attached to the back of the abdominal cavity, in the lumbar region. In the female embryo of all Birds, two ovaries exist, but almost universally the left one only is present in the mature Bird ; the Dorking fowl is an exception, having both ovaries persistent. This is also the case in certain of the birds of prey. The ovary itself consists of a cluster of small spherical bodies, closely invested by membranous ovisues, and named the ova. These are at first destitute of the white, and consi.st only of minute yolks invested with the vitelline membrane. The ovi.sacs are all held together by a loose areolar stroma and bloodvessels, so as to form a bunch or raceme, and are invested by the peritouffium. To the lower part of the ovary, is attached the wide funnel-shaped opening, or infundibulum, of a long tortuous tube, named the oviduct, which is also single, being present only on the left side ; it opens below into the cloaca, or common outlet of the alimentary, urinary, and reproductive organs in the Bird. In the ovaiy, each yolk is enclosed in its ovisac, the narrow suspensory part of which is named the pedicle. The yolks are of all sizes, fi-om that of a pin’s head, or smaller, to the completely-formed yolk. In structure, the minute ova at first resemble the holoblastic I ovum ; but as they grow, they become meroblastic, and the cicatricnla, or disc (fig. 117) oit\\G (jerni-yolk, or formative yolk, is very early recognised upon the rapidly inercasing formative yolk ; it is nearly always at that part of the yolk whicii cor- re.sponds with the pedicle of the ovisac. It is now that the ger- minal vesicle, c,//, with its contained .spot, or macula (jerminativa of Purkinje, are distinctly seen ; but no juicleated cells exist. The vesicle and spot disap])ear as the yelk descends along the oviduct, whether the egg be fertilised or not; they are not found when the egg is laid, fig. 1 1 8, but the cicatrietda has then become subdivided into two layers, thcdeej)er one containing nucleated cells, many of which are also seen in the central parts of the yolh. As each yolk eidargc.s, its ovisac increases in vascularity, ! and, when the yolk approaches maturity, a non-vascular band, I VOL. II. Q y I 594 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGY. or zone, forms aronncl it, in wliich, at a part named the stifpna, a rupture occurs, and the yolk escapes into the infundibulum of the oviduct. The remainder of the ruptured ovi.sac, with its coverings, is cup-shaped, and Ibrms the calyx, which gi-adually shrinks, appearing for a time as a cup-.shai)ed body. As the yolk descends along the oviduct, the mucous membrane of this canal, which is vascular and glandular, secretes the albumen, or ^ullite ; this is now added to the surface of the yolk, being deposited in spirally-arranged layers, owing to the rota- tion of the ovum during its descent, in which it is guided by numerous spiral folds of the mucous membrane. The first or inner layers of the white, are the densest, and at each end or Tig. 117. Pig. 117. Part of the yolk of the hen’s egg. suiiposccl to be taken from the ovarium (Allen Thomsoii). A, ijortioii of the sui face of llic yolk, show- ing the cicatricula, vitelline disc, or germ-yolk, with the germinal vesicle, still present in its centre. (Magnified 6 diameters.) B, side view of cicatricula. C, vertical sectional plan of cicatricula; m, vitelline membraoe; i/, granular substance of disc; g, germinal vesicle. polo, are denser and semi-opaque, twisted portions of the Avhite, named the chalazce-, the turns of these are in opposite directions, and are also produced by the spiral movements of the yolk, in its descent. Towards the lower part of the oviduct, the egg, now composed of the J’^olk and white, enters a dilated portion known as the isthmus of the oviduct, which is lined by a thick mucous membrane, provided with innumerable villi ; it is here that the egg acquires a covering, which corresponds with the chorion of the Mammalian ovum, and becomes partly calcified to form the shell. The inner part forms the shell- membrane, and the outer part, becoming calcified, is the shell. These being secreted and deposited outside the Avhite, the egg is completed, and then passes through the cloaca to be dejiosited. Birds are called oinparous animals. THE hen’s egg. 595 The shell of the perfect egg (fig. 119, e) is composed of 9(? jiarts of earbouiite of lime, 2 of phosphate oflime, and 2 of animal matter. The earthymatter is deposited in minute ci’ystalline par- ticles, embedded in a delicate animal basis ; the shell is porous, admitting the evaporation of fluid from Avithin, and the passage of gaseous matters in both directions. The shell-membrane, d, next within the shell, has the appearance of tissue-paper, and consists of scA^eral layers of fine matted fibres, runnmg spirally, Fig. 118. Eiff. IIS. Cicatrioula of the hen’s cfrp, after it has been iaicl (Allen Thoinsoii). A, eicatrieiila, or f:onn-yolk in a fertilised egg; it shows a transparent central area, looking dark, and a few halones or haloes near the cireninfcriniee. J!, vertical sectional plan of the cicatricula and ad- jacent part of yolk, in a fertilised laid egg; a, vitelline membrane; 5, 5, thick part of cicatricula or germ-yolk, with thin part or area in the centre; c, group of gr.anules, occupying the iiosition of the former germinal vesicle, which has disappeared in the progress of evolution ; rf, the canal containing white yolk, leading to the lalebra; ce, the .vellow, or nutri- tive yolk. C, (acatricula of an nnfrrlilised egg; it has no germinal vesicle, and no trausjiarent area, but only irregular blotches. and compo.sed, it is said, of .solidified allmmcn. At tlic larger end of tiic egg, the shell-membrane separato.s, ;ifter a lime, into two layers, between which, from the tvasting of the iluid of the egr, air finds its way from without through the shell ; the interval is named the air-space, /'; it increases with the length of time that the egg is kept ; it is not essential to, though it 0 Q 2 59G SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY, may assist in, tlie respiration of the embryo-chick. The albu- men, or ivhite of the egg, is more fluid next to the shell- membrane, but becomes denser in its deeper parts, next to the yolk; it consists of 11'5 per cent, of albumen, 1 to 2 of fat, '5 of saline matters, chiefly chloride of sodium, 2 of extractives, and about 84 per cent, of water. Within the white, the large yolk is held in its place, or moored, by the two coiled elastic threads, named the chulazce, c c, and, being lighter than the white, floats in it. Moreover, owing to the chalazae being attached below the centre, or horizontal axis, of the yolk, a Fig. 119. Fig. 119. Section of the hen’s egg (Allen Thomson), a, meroblastic yolk, enclosed by the vitelline menibiane. 6, inner dense part of albumen. b', outer thinner or more fluid part, c, c, the chalazm. d, double shell- membrane. e, the shell. /, the air-space between the two layers of the shell-membrane. The section of the yolk shows the halones, or concen- tric layers, also the central cavity or latebra, and the canal leading up from this to the cicatricula or disc at its summit. Itarticular portion of the .surface of the latter, is always upper- most when the egg is laid upon its side ; during incubation, tlierefore, it is next to tlie hen's body, and more accessible to air and light. The^o//r, a, enclosed within its proper vitelline, or vitellari/ membrane, is of a ptile-yellow colour, and even ol' a lighter specifle giavit}^ than water ; it is composed of 2‘.) per cent, of fatty oi- oily matter, 17 of albumen, triices of phosphorised iatty matter, of cerebric acid, and of salt.s, amount- ing in all to 2 per cent., and of 52 per cent, of water. It presents a fluid basis, com^wsed of albumen in solution, mixed with fine THE MAMMALIAN OVUM. 597 graimles ; in this, are contained larger granules, and also larger bodies, called yolk-vesicles. These latter are not true cells, lor they contain no nuclei ; they vary from :f-i',7yth to -jr^jjth of an inch in diameter, and are composed chielly of fot particles atrcrrcffated together, but having no distinct cell-membrane or envelope around them, though they may be covered by an indistinct tilm of firmer albuminous substance. The outer parts of the yolk, as may be seen when it is boiled, are lamin- ated or stratified, the several concentric layers being called halones or haloes, fig. 119; in its centre, is a cavity, known as the central cavity or latehra, fig. 119, in Avhich the yolk is more fiuid and contains true nucleated cells, mixed with free oil-globules of different sizes, floating in an albuminous fluid, and forming what is called the ivhite yolk. This is an extension of the germ-yolk. Leading from this central cavity to that surface of the yolk which always floats uppermost, is a channel also filled with white yolk. At the upper end of this channel, is the pale, circular spot, or disc, known as the cicatricula or germinal disc, figs. IIG, 117. This, which is the essential part of the germ-yolk, consi.sts, even before the commencement of in- cubation, of two distinctly separable layers : the upper layer consists of firm and clear sub.«tance ; the under layer, Avhich is larger, is more opaque, and is composed of nucleated cells. The Manmalian Ovaries and Ovum. In the Mammalia, the organs in which the ova are formed, the so-called ovaries, are alwa)ns double, one on each side. They are solid and not racemose, as in the Bird, and are of .small proportionate size, corre.sponding with the smaller size of the holoblastic ova. Tiiey consist of a firm, indistinctly fibrous, vascular stroma, containing numerous vesicles, dis- tended with a clear fluid, and named the Graafian vesicles or follicles, homologous with the ovisacs of Birds. These vary in size, from that of a pin’s head to that of a pea, according to the stage of their maturity. The walls of each Graafian vesicle, consist of an enclosing vascidar stroma, within which is a memhrana propria, and, within that an epithelial layer or layers, forming the memhrana granulosa. Embedded in a part of this latter, n.'imcd the proligerous disc, is the minute holoblastic ovum, averaging about yiV(7th of an inch in diameter. The size of the Human ovum, varies fi-nm Trijith to i-jjth of an inch, that of the germinal vesicle, from -T-^^yth to of :in 598 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. inch in diameter. In the Mammalian ovary, the ovisac, or Avail of the Graafian vesicle, is not everyAvhere in close contact with the ovum, as in Birds. At a certain period, a Graafian follicle bursts, not by a fis- sure, but by a small opening, and the ovum, Avith some of the nucleated cells of the membrana granulo.sji, a fcAv of Avhich have noAV acquired a club-shape and cling to the ovum in stellate masses, enters the funnel-shaped end of the so-called Fallo])ian tube, Avhich corresponds Avith the oviduct in the Bird. DoAvn this tube, the ovum descends by peristaltic action, perhajAS aided by the movements of ciha, into the cavity ofthe or Avomb, Avithin Avhich it undergoes its futme dcA^elopment. Each ovary has its OAvn Fallopian tube. The emptied Graafian follicle, the Avails of Avhich have pre- viously become thickened and Amscular, is first filled Avith effused blood, Avhich becomes absorbed. A yelloAv substance is then deposited in its coats, and, becoming plicated, forms the so-called corpus luteuni] this is vascular, and consists of cells arranged in a columnar manner, mixed with soft fibres, and a yelloAvish fat. It gradually disappears. In the meantime, the lining-membrane of the irterus, Avith its columnar ciliated epithelium, has become thickened and more vascular, and certain glands Avithin it are highly deve- loped, so as to form perpendicular tubuli. The intertubular substance also undergoes hypertrophy, soon containing many ncAv cells, Avith much fluid and fatty matter, thus forming a soft nutrient matrix, from Avhich, by mere imbibition, the early ovum may be nourished. The sxiperjicial stratum of the altered mucous membrane, thus modified, becomes changed into the soft, pulpy, opaque membrane, knoAvn as the decidua, because it is throAvn off Avith the embryo at birth. This membrane consists, after a time, of two layers, knoAvn as the decidua vera, and the decidua rejiexa. The decidua Amra is cribriform, being perforated by little orifices corresponding Avith the enlarged uterine glands ; it lines the uterus, but is Avanting at the orifice, and also at the openings of the tAvo FallojAian tubes. It contains tortuous arteries proceeding from the uterus, together Avith large veins and venous sinuses, fine areolar ti.ssue, nu- cleated cells, and soft granular matter. As this structure groAvs, it ultimately forms the maternal portion of the pla- centa, Avith its arteries, and venous sinuses or lacuncv, AAdiich is intended to convey nourishment to the future embi'yo, and to accomplisli the respiratory changes in its blood. To some THE CHORION AND ITS CHANGES. 5!)!) part of tlie deciclua vera, the ovum soon becomes adherent, wliilst the decidua rejlexa, as its name implies, covers in tlie ovum, either owing to a sinking-in of that little body, or to a rising-up of the decidual membraue. Ultimately the two portions of the decidua, coalesce, or the reflected part disappears. At the same time that the decidua generally, is becoming converted into the maternal portion of the placenta, the ovum itself, having been fertilised, grows rapidly, and undergoes remarkable changes in its interior — some relating to the formation of the embryo itself, others referring to the coats or membranes, which constitute its means of protection and of attachment to the maternal placenta. The outer vitelline membrane, which, from its thick and transparent albuminoid character, is named the zona pellucida, having lost the club-shaped adlierent cells of the membrana granulosa, has developed around it, a thin but strong, whitish membrane, named the chorion, corresponding with the shell-membrane of the Bird’s egg. The chorion is a fibrous membrane, having a layer of tesselated cells outside it. At first, smooth on its outer surface, it speedily becomes covered over with minute, soft, scattered knobs, which soon enlarge and form simple villi. These, composed of nucleated cells only, like the outer tesselated layer of the chorion itself, grow rapidly, and form swollen or club-shaped ends, which embed themselves in the soft structure of the early decidua vera, from which they doubtless actively absorb nourishment for the ovum. Afterwards, these primitive villi are replaced by other branched or tufted villi, which form the so-called sliagg/j or villous chorion. These latter villi, after the others have dis- appeared, continue to cnlaige, receive bloodvessels proceeding from the embryo now forming within the ovum, and so pro- duce vascular processes or tufts, which project, or depend, into the venous sinuses or lacunaj of the maternal portion of the placenta. They constitute the embryonal ov faiUd portion of the placenta, and, coining into close relation with the maternal blood, are the organs by which the nutrition and respiration of the embryo are henceforth carried on. The cliorion itself soon becomes lined with another membrane, named the amnion, which, as will afterwards be described, is derived Irom tlie embryo, and contains a fluid, the liquor amnii, which serves to protect the foetus in v,tero\ until the moment of its birth. TTie Mammalia are called viviparous animals. 600 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. The Ovaries and Ova of other Animals. The description of the o^m of Mammalia and Birds, applies, in most respects, to the ova of the other Vertebrata ; bxit there are certain pecu- liarities in some of these, and in the ovaries in 'which they are formed. The same parts in the Non-vertebrate animals, also require notice. liepiilia. — In the Reptiles, which like Birds are oxiparous, the ovary is also, as in them, racemose, and, as a ride, single. The yolk is large, and covered with an abundant white, enclosed in a shell ; but this is soft, instead of being firml}' calcitied. When the yolk is formed, the ova escape, by dehiscence, into the abdominal cavity, and arc afterwards received into the oviduct, which is placed at a considerable distance higher up. By these, as in Birds, they are discharged into the cloaca, and thence are generally deposited externally, or oviparously. In the A'ipcr, the slow-worm, and green lizard, however, the development of the omlu-yo takes place partially within the body of the parent ; hence such reptiles are said to be ovovivvparous. Amphihia. — In the Amphihia, the ovaries are double, and the ova are no longer, as in the Mammalia, Birds, and Reptiles, brought to matm'it v in sMccessioJz, but simultaneously, being received into the oviducts, thej’ are conveyed to the cloaca, and are then deposited in the water, either singly, in chains, or in masses. They are surrounded by a soft, mucous, areolar tissue, which swells up in the water, keeps the ova apart, allows light and aerated water to got between them, and supplies temporary food to the young tadpoles. Fishes. — In Fishes, the ovaries are also double and symmetrical, and are chiefly remarkable for the enormous number of ova developed in them. The number of ova in a codfish, has been found to be upwards of 3,500,000, in a flounder 1,300,000, and in a mackerel more than 500,000. They are usually matured and deposited simultaneously, but in the case of migratory sea-fishes, like the herring, probably at suc- cessive periods. In certain Fishes which are' ovoviviparous. the ova are few in number, and are deposited at short intervals. iMost com- monly, the ovaries have an excretory duct, continuous with them, like the duct of a gland, by moans of which the ova are discharged into the water. The Cartilaginous, and a small number of Osseou.s Fishes, however, have no such excretory duct, but the ova pass into the peri- toiueal cavit}'', from which they escape, in the Cyclostomata, by an orifice on the under-side of the hinder part of that cavity, named the abdo- minal pore. In the sharks, a short tube, or rudimentary oviduct, first receives the ovum. In a sort of chamber, connected with this, the peculiarly-.shaped, horny, protective case is secreted, like a chorion,.in which the ovum is discharged. In the Non-vertobrated animals, the ovaries are neither solid and parenchymatous as in hlammalia, nor racemose as in Birds, Reptiles, Annihibia, and Fishes. In the higher forms, they consist of sacs, cecca, or tubuli, which may he simple or ramified, and which, like a gland, have an attached or connected duct, named the oviduct, which, however, is not sopara® from the ovary, as in most Vertebrata. In the lowest forms, the ova are developed, sometimes in a loose filamentous tissue, or in membranous plicm, or upon stalks or processes in the interior of the FERTILISATION OF THE OVUJI. 601 body, as in the Cadonterata, oi’ are actually embedded in its substance, as in the Protozoa. MoUusca and Molhtscoida. — In tlie Cephalopods, the ovaries are sac- cular. The ova are developed upon short processes in these sacs, and. when detached, leave a part behind, somewhat resembling a calyx. They are received into a special chamber, in which a protective covering i.s superadded to them. In the other Mollusca, the ovaries are found either arranged in strings, or in masses in the body-cavity. In the Lamelli- branchiata, the ovaries are follicular. In the Molluscoida, the ova, de- veloped in follicles, are discharged by the oral cavity. Anntilosa and Annuloida. — In Insects, the eggs are generally nume- rous ; the ovaries are crecal, like the follicles of glands ; they are double and symmetrical, but have a common outlet, in a sort of cloaca ; fre- quently, the eggs are laid by aid of an ovipositor. The females of many Insects, have a reservoir, known as the spermotheca, like the bee. In the Crustacea, the ovaries are also double, each having its own outlet; they form caeca, usually branched, but in the lower forms, simple. The oviducts are often provided with a spermotheca. The Arachnida h;lve clongateil vesicular ovaries. In the Myriapoda, they are like those of Insects. In the Annelids, the ovaries have no omducts, but the ova are set free in the perivisceral cavity. Amongst the Annuloida, in the vermiform Scolecida, the ovaries are either simple, or, more commoidj', consist of much-ramified tubuli. The ova are numerous, and arc dis- charged from a p>roper outlet, or from the anal orifice. In the Tienia, the ovaries are multiple, like the body; each segment has its ramified canals ; in one species, the total number of eggs, in all the segments, is said to be 64,000,000. In the Rotifera, the ovary is single and saccu- lar ; the young are sometimes developed, more or less completely, within the parent animal. In the Echinodormata, the ovaries are ramified tubes, modified according to the shape of the body of the animal, there being usually a pair in each arm or segment; but in the Holothurida, they are single, have terminal clusters of emea, and open near the mouth. Ccslmterata. — In .some of these, as in the Physograde and Cirrhigrade forms, the ova are developed in clusters on the base of the cirrhi. In the Pnlmogrado forms, they are developed in sacs in the body-cavity. In the Actinozoa, they adhere to plicated folds of membrane, in that cavity. There are no oviducts, and the ova are discharged from the oral aperture. Protozoa. — In these animals, the germ-coils, scarcely appear like true ova ; they form on, or in, the substance of the parent. From the jircceding account, it is evident that the ovaries are homo- logous with glands ; so that the germ-cells, or ova, may, as well as the spcrm-cells, bo regarded us the products of a special nutrient secre- tive act. The Feriilisation of the Ovum. The fertili.sa.tion of tlie ovum, Avhetlier it occur -within, or without, the body of tlie ovigerou.s parent, requires tlie con- tact of the male fertilising agent, whicli, in many cases, has 602 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. been recognised nnd(3r the microscope, by the actual presence of sj)ermatozoa upon, or even witliin, the zona pellucida of the Mammalian ova, or upon, or within, the vitelline mem- brane in other ova. In the IMammalia, fertilisation occurs in the Fallopian tube, or in the uterus. In Birds and Reptiles, and in the higher Car- tilaginous and a few Osseous Fishes, which are ovoviviparous, it takes place as the yolk enters the oviduct, before it receives its coating of albumen. In Amphibia, it happens at the time of dejDOsit of the ova, and in Fishes, with the exception of a few, immediately after. In the hlollusca and Molluscoida, Annulosa and Annuloida, and Coelenterata, fertili.sation occurs within the body, whether the sexes be distinct, or whether Pip;. 120. a, spermatozoa of the squirrel, h, spermatozoa of the ilosr, still enclosed in the sperm-cells. Three spermatozoa arc shown free, above. Very highly magnified (Wagner, Leuckhardt). hermaphrodite individuals contain both ovaries and fertilising organs. Even in the Protozoa, separate nuclear bodies exist, which combine or conjugate, jireviously to the reproduction of new individuals. In the Mammalian ovum, it is said that the germinal vesicle approaches one side of the germ-cell, and even has its germinal spot turned in the same direction — that is, towards the side directed to the place of rupture in the Graafian follicle. Such a movement would certainly facilitate the access of the fertilising agent to the germinal vesicle and .spot, that i.s, to the nucleus and nucleolus of this primitive cell. Fig. 120. ( CLEAVAGE OF THE YOLK. G03 In tlie Frog’s spawn, the spermatozoa have been seen in the jelly-like envelopes of the ova, and also within the ovum. In certain Osseous Fishes, a minute, lim nel-shaped aperture, named the microjii/le, forms, at one period, in the vitelline membrane, and admits the entrance of the spermatozoa. A micropyle has also been seen in the ova of the Lamellibranchiate MoUusca, of certain Insects, and of some Echinodermata. In these cases, the vitelline membrane is relatively thick. No micropyle has been seen in any of the Vertebrata, excepting in Osseous Fishes. DEVELOPiVIENT. CHANGES IN THE OVUJI. FIRST FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO, AND ITS APPENDAGES. The first essential change which occurs in the fertilised ovum, is the so-called cleavage or segmentation of the yolk. In the holoblastic Mammalian ovum, the yolk is seen to be agitated by a peculiar movement — to elongate, contract itself in the middle, and then to divide into two. Each half rapidly undergoes further movement, contraction, and division, so that it now consi.sts of form parts. By subsecjuent subdivision, these next form eight, sixteen, thirty-two parts, and so forth. The frst effect of this cleavage, is to transform the yolk into a mulberry-looking mass ; but, after repeated subdivision, the surface again becomes smooth, and uniform or granular, and is composed entirely of an immense number of polyhe- dral nucleated cells, which form a layer within the vitelline membrane, and constitute the so-called germ-sac of Coste, or blastodermic vesicle of Bischoff. The central fluid part be- comes clear. The segmentation of the entire yolk, has been observed in all cases of development from holoblastic ova, even in Non-vertebrate animals. In the eggs of certain Branchio- gasteropods, a remarkable revolution of the yolk takes place, subsequently to the period of its segmentation, the yolk turn- ing first in one way and then in another, within the vitelline membrane ; tliis is said to depend on ciliary movements. In the meroblastic ova of the Cephalopods, certain Fishes, Bop- tiles, and Birds, only a jiart of the yolk, viz. the germ-yolk:, in the neighbourhood of the germinal vesicle, undergoes this 604 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. segmentation, the result being the formation of tlie riennimtl disc or cicatricula, already mentioned, from -which, however, Fig. 121. Fig. 121. Changes in the ovum of a Mammalian animal, after fertilisation (.\llen Tliomson). a to e, successive .stages in the segmentation or cleavage of the yolk, a, yolk still undivided; 6, cleft into two masses, each surrounding a nucleus; c, divided into four; art of the germ-sac, a small opaque hemispherical mass, which soon spreads out into a disc-like layer, and constitutes the so-called fjei'ininal disc or area, area (jei'ininativa, embri/o-spof, or hlastodemi. It is the central part of this, which is directly concerned in the iormation of the embryo. In the Molluscous, and other animals just enumerated, no such germinal area is found. In all the meroblastic ova, Avhether of Non-vertebrate or Vertebrate type, as is well seen in the hen’s egg, the cicatricula, or germinal disc, already described, constitutes this germinal area or em- bryo-spot. In this area, as in that of the higher holohlastic ova, the first traces of the embryo are formed. Amongst the Non-ver- tebrate types, those of the higher Arachnida, and Crustacea, appear as a certain number of opaque spots, having a beautiful symmetrical arrangement, whilst in the Cephalopods, they commence by a small number of primitive masses. In the Vertebrate holohlastic or meroblastic ova, the commencement of the embryo is always indicated, amongst other things, by the appearance of a linear qjrimitive streak. This is quite characteristic of the Vertebrate type of ovum, not occurring even in the elongated Annulose type. The evolution of the Vertebrate embryo, can alone occupy our attention here. That of the chick in ovo, will be generally followed ; but the pecu- liarities ol'the ovum of the Mammalia, will also be indicated. When first formed, the appearance of the blastoderm, or blastodermic layer of the germinal tirca, is nearly or quite unilbrm, all its nucleated cells being tiliko, and the result of a homogeneous evolution. But soon, a heterogeneous develop- ment ensues, cells of difierent character, and collected in peculiar situations, iippear, and, by more special aggregations, and wider dift'erentiiitions, the various parts which ibrm the embryo, its organs, tissues, and aiipendages, are evolved. First, the germinal area or disc incri'ases in size or thicknes.s, by the Iormation of new cells; as already mentioned, it veiy early consists of two layers, named the upper, external, or serous, and the lower, internal, or mucous germinal lamina, or jdate-, between these, a middle germinal layer, lamina, or [)late, is .soon formed, but rather in cinncction with the serous THE THREE GERMINAL LAYERS. 6U7 layer. The internal layer, epithelial in structure, is soon pro- longed over the germinal sac, -which covers the yolk ; the outer layer also extends itself, but the middle layer does not pass be- yond the limits of the embryo-spot. As the germinal area enlarges, it presents a central transparent region, kno-wn as the transparent, area, or area pellucida, around -\vhich is a denser portion, named the opaque area, or area opaca-, beyond this, is the vitelline area. The transparent area is at first circular, but soon oval, and aftenvards pear-shaped ; in it, the first rudiments of the embryo appear, in the form of a linear oblong mark, or streak, called the primitive trace, or groove. This consists of a median or axial fuiTow, bounded by t-wo lateral longitudinal plates, named the laniinoi dorsales, -which enlarge and elongate, as the area itself becomes larger and j)yriform in outline. Beneath this groove, immediately below its floor, appears a delicate, semi-opaque thread, at first cel- lular, but soon becoming cartilaginous, named the chorda dor- S(dis or notochord, which part, so characteristic of the Vertebrate type, is recognisable in the chick, as early as 18 horn's after incubation. These ar'e the rudimentary parts of the embryo, one end giving origin to the head, and the other corresponding with the tail. The position of these rudiments is remarkaltly constant in the hen’s egg, always lying trau.sversely to the long axis of the egg ; as the embryo-chick develops, it turns upon its side, so that the forepart of the head usually faces the narrow end of the egg. In the rudimentary stage just described, a vertical section across the embryonal line of the germinal area, would show the edges of the three germinal lagers of the blastoderm, Avith the ])rimitive groove or furrow in the centre, and the cross-section of the chorda dor.salis beneath it. From these three layers, the parts of the future embryo are tlius evolved. From the upper external or serous layer, also njinied the sensorial layer, are developed, along its axial pcu'tion, the cerebro-spinal nervous axis, and the organs of the senses ; and, from its lateral portions, the cuticle or ouior skin, with its epidermic appendages, the feathers, bill, jind claws, and in Mammalia, the nails and hairs; lastly, the sebaceous and sitdo- riferous cutaneous glands and the Meibomian, certuninous, and mammary glands. From the middle layer, also called the motorio-sexual layer, are developed, by coinpliciited metamor- phoses of its substance, the bones, the muscular system, the peripheral spinal nerves, the sympathetic ucrve.s, the heart, blood ves.sels, and lymphatic .system, the so-called ductless G08 SrECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. glands, and the reproductive organs; also, next to the external layer, the time skin, and, next to the internal layer, the nuis- cidar and submucous coats of the alimentary canal. Lastly, from the internal layer, also called the mucous or intestinal layei', are developed, the epithelial lining of the alimentary canal, and all its glandular extensions, such as the mucous, gastric, and intestinal glands, the pancreas and the livei", also the lungs and respiratory passages, and the urinary apparatus, including the bladder, ureters, and kidneys. Whilst, therefore, the middle layer gives rise, by very strik- ing differentiations, to a great variety of tissues, the upper and lower layers, except that part of the former which gives origin to the brain and spinal cord, produce textures com- posed of simpler forms of cell-tissue. These layers also contribute, in a manner to be presently described, to the formation of three parts or appendages ex- ternal to the body of the embryo — viz., the amnion, the yolk- sac or umbilical vesicle, and the allantois. GENERAL DEVELORJfENT OF THE EMBRYO AND ITS APPENDAGES. The borders of the primitive or vertebral groove, including parts of the external and middle layer (the former named the medullary plate, and the latter the vertebral plate), rkse up on each side, and ultimately unite along the middle line, to form a canal, containing the rudiments of the future brain and spinal cord ; the anterior part or cejdmlic end of this canal, becomes more expanded than the rest, whilst the posterior part tapers to a point. In this way, the. so-called neural cavity (vol. !.■ p. 134) of the future animal, is formed above the chorda dor- sal i.s, traces of which are, lor a time, found jrassing through the bodies of the growing vertebra;. Soon, from the vertebral ])lates, where these tuni upwards, the external and middle layers extend sideways, constituting the so-called lateral plates, which, growing downwards, and bending inwards, IbiTu the walls of the abdomen, and enclose a cavity which is placed Inaieath the chorda dorsalis, immediately in contact with the yolk ; this ultimately constitutes the lia’inal or tlioracico- abduminal cavity of the I'uture animal; it soon contains the heart and great bloodves.sels, and the rudiments of the alimen- tary canal, which is eom]ileted by a corre.spondiiig fblding-in ol'the internal bla.stodermic layer which lies immediately upon the yolk. THE AMNION. C09 >•> The embryo, by the bending in of its sides, next appears to be raised from the yolk, and partially shut off' from it, by a sort of constriction which takes place, first beneath the head and the caudal extremity, and afterwards at each side. Ulti- mately, this constriction shuts off the body of the embryo from the yolk-sac, which then communicates only by a narrow passage, the ductus vitelli, or vitelline duct, with the central space in the interior of the embryo, now the rudimentary alimentary canal, lying in the ha;mal cavity. The yolk-sac thus cut off', shrinks, and forms the umbilical vesicle. The head of the embryo, now free, bends down towards the yolk, and forms the cephalic flexure. At the same time, a delicate transparent membranous fold, derived from the external germi- nal layer of the blastodenn, rises, like a hood, over that part of the embryo; a similar, but smaller, fold rises over the free caudal extremity, and, on each side, Avhere the lateral plates bend in to form the constriction just described, corresponding folds arise. These folds are double ; they gi'ow, and at length meet over the back of the embryo, and coalesce so as to form, by their innermost layer, a complete, but delicate, closed sac, called the amnion, Avhich, in the chick, is perfected as early as the third day of incubation. This is at first close to the em- bryo, but it soon expands, and carries with it the outer layer of the same folds, which afterwards reaches the shell membrane in the Bird, but in the Mammalian ovum, becomes attached to the inner surface of the chorion, and so forms the flalse amnion. The .°ac of the amnion surrounds the vitelline duct, in a sort of sheath, and thence becomes continuous with the skin cover- ing the body of the embryo (see fig. 121). The amnion is, thin, transparent, and non-vascular. It consists, at first, of a .stiatctureless basement membrane, lined with a delicate sf[uarnous epithelium ; afterwards it contains fusiform cells, and a fine areolar tis-sue, and, in Birds, even non- striated muscidar fibres. Its fluid contents, the litivor amnii, usually alkaline, consist of water, having in solution from 1 to 3 per cent, of solid matter: this is composed of a little albu- men, traces of urea and uric acid, allantoin and other extrac- tives, salts, such as lactate of soda and sul])hate and j)ho.sphate of lime, and lastly, sebaceous matter, epidermoid scales, and minute hairs thrown off from the embryo. The amnion, considered as an appendage of the embryo, is chiefly j>rotectivc, but may be re.s])iratory or eTiuinctory. It is present not only around the embryo of the Bird, but also VOL. II. I! u 610 SPECIAL PHTSIOLOGT. around that of Mammalia and Reptiles. The embryoes of the Amphibia and the Fish, however, which are developed in, and surrounded by, water, are destitute of an amnion, no such covering being formed, and no folding over of the external blastodermic layer taking place, as in the ovum of the Reptile, Bird, and ISIammal. The umbilical vesicle or yolk-sac already mentioned, may also be regarded as another appendage of the embryo. It is formed, as just described, by the lower part of the yolk-sac, sur- rounded by an extension of the innermost germinal layer, and connected Avith the intestinal canal of the embryo, by the con- stricted passage named the vitelline duct (fig. 121). It is not only external to the body of the embryo, but also outside the cavity of the amnion. Very early, certain bloodvessels are deve- loped in the middle germinal layer of the embryo, and, spread- ing into a netAvoi'k of vessels, they extend upon the surface of the yolk, and form the so-called vascular area. Two special branches, named the omphalo-mesenteric arteries, convey blood from the embryo thi'ough this area, and a vascular membrane is thus formed, which gradually covers the umbilical vesicle or yolk-sac, and also extends itself, at least in the Birds’ and Rep- tiles’ eggs, by numerous projecting folds, into the substance of the yolk. From the substance of the yolk, these bloodvessels absor’o dissolved nutrient material ; and, for a time, the blood contained in them, is aerated by interchanges of carbonic acid and oxygen between it and the other fluids of the egg or ovum. In the Bird, the yolk-sac is very large ; it is gradually drawn into the abdomen of the chick, and may be found in that cavity after the chick is hatched. In time, its contents are gradiuilly absorbed, and its remains are frequently traceable as a short blind sac or stem, the vitelline ccecum, connected Avith some part of the small intestine. Sitaiilar changes are observed in Reptiles. In the Plagiostoinatous Fishes, as in the sharks, the yolk-sac remains, for a long time, suspended to the abdomen of the young fish. In the Osseous Fishes, the yolk, being smaller, sooner disapjAears. In the Cyclostomatous Fishes, and in the Amphibia Avhich have holoblastic ova, the yolk-sac is still smaller and more ti-ansitory. Lastly, in the Mammalia, it is very minute, but undergoes slight groAvth, especially in the Carnivora and Rodentia. It is found, after a time, as a circular, pale-yelloAv disc, attached to the amnion, and having no further function ; sometimes, as in Ruminantia, it is completely ab- sorbed. THE ALLANTOIS AND ITS CHANGES. 611 Besides the amnion and the yolk-sac, another most import- ant appendage of the embryo in Birds, Beptiles, and Mam- malia, remains to be described. This is the so-called allantois. In the Bird’s egg, it appears as a small eminence, at first con- sisting of nucleated cells, but soon becoming vascular, situated on the under-side of the embryo, close to its caudal end. It is derived from portions of the internal and middle germinal layers, which, in this situation, ibrm the intestinal part of the alimentary canal. The allantois soon becomes a hollow protrusion of the intestinal wall, growing out, in the form of a sac or bladder, be- yond the body of the embryo, and being placed, like the um- bilical vesicle, outside the sac of tlie amnion (fig. 121). It carries out with it, numerous bloodve.ssels, which are developed in the middle germinal layer, and are connected with the great vascular trunks of the hinder part of the embryo. It cjuickly extends itself, tiU it reaches the inner surface of the shell- membrane of the egg, over the interior of which it spreads, with its walls closely applied to each other, so as to ibrm a double membrane, the outer layer of which, in contact with the shell-membrane, retains its bloodvessels, whilst those of the inner layer, next to the white of the egg, become shrunken. The hollow stalk or stem of the allantois, which is situated within the embryo, opens into a small cavity, developed in connection with the lower end of the intestine, named the urogenital sinus, which fonns the rudimentary Mrmnry iZacZtZer. Between this cavity and the opening in the walls of the embryo, through which the vitelline duct passes to the umbilical sac, hence called the umbilical opening, the allantoid canal closes, and is converted into the urachus, or superior ligament of the bladder. Outside the umbilical opening, the bloodvessels of the allantois, now named the umbilical vessels, ramify in the outer layer of the allantois, next to the sheU-mem- brane, forming a densely vascular structure applied to the inner surface of the whole shell, separated fi’om it only by the shell-membrane. In an early stage of development, the allantois of the Bird, is contractile, and acts as a sort of urinary bladder, its fluid containing urea, allantoin, sugar, certain salts corresponding with those of the blood, Avith slight traces of albumen. It receives, indeed, the secretions of certain organs known as the Wolffian bodies, or primordial kidne//s, and also tho.se of the rudimentary kidneys themselves. Its superficial vascular layer next to the shell-membrane, Avhich lias been named the endochorion, is the active respiratory jt u 2 612 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. organ of the embryo bird, after the vessels upon the yolk-sac have ceased to be sulRcient for this jmrpose. The blood to be aerated, passes from the embryo through the umbilical arteries on to the allantois, and retm-ns to the embiyo by the umbilical vein. As the period of hatching approaches, the vessels of the allantois and this membrane itself, become par- tially dried ; the young bird chips the egg, and begins to breathe by its lungs. By the time it escapes fi-om the shell, the allantois and its vessels are quite desiccated. The allantois is present also in Reptiles, the shell of the eggs of which is soft and thin, and the oxygenation of the blood easily performed. In Amjdiibia and Fishes, there is no allan- tois, the respiration of their embryoes, which are entirely aquatic, being at once accomplished by means of giUs, so that no allantois is needed. In the Mammalia, however, the allantois is invariably pre- sent, and fulfils a most important office ; for it is the means of conveying outAvards, from the embryo to the maternal struc- ttmes, the A'essels Avhich connect the two, and ser\'e in the func- tions of nutrition and respiration. Its inner part forms, as usual, the urachus, and joins the apex of the future urinary bladder ; and its outer part, for a time, constitutes the so-called allantoid sac. This outer part extends itself, till it reaches the inner surface of the chorion. As already described, this last- named structure is formed upon the altered vitelline membrane, and soon becomes coAmred, on its outer surface, Avith little knobs ; these are developed into temporary A-illous processes, composed entirely of nucleated cells, and employed in absorbing nourishment for the early mammalian embryo. After a time, these simple Aulli disappear, being, as it Avere, obliterated by the groAvth and distension of the chorion. But then, the cho- rion itself, and the outer Imjer of the amnion, ox false amnion, AV’hich is noAV in close relation Avith the chorion, becomes the seat of development of other processes, Avhich, Avith a thin covering of cells from the chorion itself, form the ramified tufted villi of the so-called s/mf//7// c/m/7(>«. As the allantoid sac of the Mammalia, Avith its contained bloodvessels, groAvs, it reaches the inner surface of the chorion, and, its ve.ssels entering the villous processes of the latter, form loops in their interior. These proce.sses, noAv vniscular, and constituting the embryonal or fwtal portion of the placentiv, jjonetrate, through the decidua, into the maternal portion of the placenta, pro- jecting into its venous sinuses and lacuiue, and form the so- THE TLACENTA. 613 called fatal villi. These are covered by their own epithelium and basement membrane, and also by a loose layer belonging to the lining-membrane of the maternal venoirs sinuses. The blood of the Mammalian embryo, passing along the umbilical arteries, upon the allantois, circulates through these fcetal villi, which are themselves bathed with the maternal blood. The two bloods come into close relation, being separated only by the most delicate tissues, but they do not intermingle. In this way, nutriment is absorbed fi’om the maternal blood, for the maintenance of the growth of the embryo ; and possi- bly effete matters are especially eliminated from the em- bryonal blood. This latter blood is oxygenated by a respi- ratory process, consisting of an interchange of carbonic acid and oxygen between the embryonal and maternal blood, jirst as occurs in the gills of the Amphibian tadpole, and of the Fish, which are bathed in water. The blood in the umbilical arteries of the embryo, is, as we shall see, nearly all dark or venoirs blood ; that in the maternal venous sinuses, is really arterial, for the maternal portion of the placenta contains no capillaries, the branches of the uterine arteries which enter it, terminating at once in the venous lacmiEe, from which the time uterine veins pass oblicprely. Having been properly purified and nourished, the embryonal blood returns from the placenta, enters the umbilical veins, and through them, reaches the embryo again. In the Reptile and Bird, the respiration of the embryo takes place between the embryonal blood in the vessels of the allantois, and the atmospheric air in the fluids of the egg, or outside the shell-membrane : in neither Class, do the ves.sels of the allantois or the branches of the umbilical vessels, penetrsite the outer coverings of the ovum, as occurs in the Mammalia generally. The exact relations of the allantoid sac and its vessels, with the chorion, and especially the extent to Avhich it covers the interior of that coat, vary in the different Orders of Mammalia. In the Monotremata and Marsupialia, for example, the allantois i.s small and pear-shaped ; its vessels are merely arborescent, and do not penetrate the chorion. Hence there is no special organ, or placenta, intermediate between the embiyo and the uterine walls, and these animals are therefore named Impla- cental Mammalia. In the porpoise, the pig, the horse, and, it is said, in the camel tribe also, every part of the chorion and the allantoid endochorion, which are coextensive, is covered with va.scular 614 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. processes ; these enter the hypertrophied uterine membrane at all points, and form the so-called diffused placenta. In the Euminants, with the possible exception of the camels, the vascular endochorion, or developed allantois, is also coex- tensive with the chorion ; the vascular processes project, and attaching themselves to the uterus at certain definite scattered points of the surface, form the embryonal cotyledons ; these consist of clusters of ramified villi, which fit into coivespond- ing ramified canals, arranged in cup-shaped depressions of the uterus, called the maternal cotyledons. No decidua exists, in these cases, between the embryonal and the maternal tissues, and they are easily detached from each other. The blood in both, is brought into close proximity, but the vessels of each are independent, and the two bloods do not intermingle. In the dog, cat, and Carnivora generally, the ovum, at first round, after- wards becomes oval, fusiform, or elongated, and occupies a com- partment in the elongated uterus. The endochorion, or allan- toid sac, is very extensive ; but the villous processes, absent from the ends of the ovum, form a broad zone around its middle. A true decidua exists, and the combined structures constitute the zonular placenta. In the Eodentia, as is well seen in the rabbit, the allantoid sac reaches a small part only of the inner siu-face of the chorion ; at this point alone, permanent vascular processes are developed, which, entering the hypertrophied uterine membrane, part of which forms a decidua, constitute a discoid placenta. In the formation of the discoid human placenta, it is noticed that the allantois is very small, appears early, and soon wastes; it reaches the chorion at only one point, not spreading out coextensively with it; and it conveys outwards, as usual, the umbilical arteries, the branches of which enter the jier- manent villous processes of the shaggy chorion, or fa?tal villi ; these are limited to one part of the ovum, penetrate the decidual and hypertrophied portion of the uterine walls, and enter the maternal venous sinuses. The tivo umbilical arteries and one umbilical vein, are supported upon the remains of the now impervious allantois, which grows into a soil mucous connective tissue ; with these parts also are ibund the Avasted ve.stiges of the v'itelline duct, with its atrophied ornphalo-mesenteric artery and veins; these structures becoming elongated, and surrounded with a tubular process of the amnion, form the umbilical cord or navel-string. This cord is, therefore, connected with the jdacenta at one end. DEVELOrMENT OF TEE SKELETON. 615 and Avith the naA'el of tlie embryo at the other. Its Amssels are ahvays more or less spirally twisted. At the birth of the Mammalian embryo — an event Avhich, with the human infant, happens at the end of the fortieth week — the foetus and its membranes are detached fi-om the inner surface of the uterus. The embryonal vascular portion of these membranes, Avhether it be a diffused, cotyledonous, zonular, or discoid placenta, is always detached. In the case of the zonu- lar and discoid forms of placenta, Avhere a true decidua is developed, a part of the maternal tissues is also separated at the same time. Where there is no decidua, as in the diffuse and cotyledonoirs forms, the foetal villi are merely detached from the surfaces or recesses into Avhich they fit. In the latter cases, parts of the maternal tissues, especially of the veins and venous lacunae, come away. Hemorrhage is ordinarily quickly aiTested, owing to the obliquity of the passages leading into the deeper uterine veins, and to the firm contraction of the uterine walls. If these become relaxed, arterial, but not venous, hemorrhage may occur. DEVELOPMENT OF TEE ORGANS. The share taken by each of the three germinal layers of the blastoderm, in the formation of the several systems of organs, having been described, their special development may now be considered. The Skeleton, 3Iuscles, and Integuments of the Body. The vertebral column is developed from the vertebral plates of the middle germinal layer, found on each side of the verte- bral groove and chorda donsalis. As the vertebral groove clo.ses along the back of the embryo, first opposite the cervical and dor.sal regions, small sriuare masses ai'e seen on each side of the median line, in the inner thicker portion of ihe Amrtebral plates. These were formerly considei’ed to be the rudiments of the bodies of the vertebim only, and were named the 2n‘imi- tive or p)'imordial vertebree ; but they are better named the dors(d segments, for other structure.s, besides the vcrtebim, are developed from them. In the thoracic region, the posterior ends of the rilis, and, throughout the whole length of the ver- tebral column, the roots of the sjfinal nerve.s, together Avith the ganglia on the posterior roots, Avhich are of great proportional size, the spinal muscles, and the cutis covering these parts, 616 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. are thus formed ; a small portion only, therefore, is developed into the future vertebras. The part which forms the skin and spinal muscles, is named the dorsal plate or division, whilst the rest is called the ventral plate or division. The innermost por- tion of this latter, which is called the vertebral plate, grows in- wards, and surrounds the chorda dorsalis, so as to enclose it in a thick, continuous, membranous sheath ; this divides anew, transversely, into annular portions, corresponding with the bodies of the future cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coc- cygeal vertebrte, into which they are developed, by passing first into a cartilaginous, and then into an osseous, state. The body of the atlas joins the axis, to form its odontoid proces.s. The remains of the chorda dorsalis are traceable, for a long time, through the centre of the bodies of the vertebrae, but ultimately they become absorbed. In the lowest or Myxinoid Fishes, however, the chorda dorsalis is recognisable through- out life. Between the vertebras thus formed, an intermediate soft tissue becomes developed into the intervertebral substances, in which the notochord persists, as the softer fibrocartilaginous centre. Whilst the bodies of the vertebrse are thus produced, another portion of the dorsal division of the vertebral plates, ascends towards the back of the embryo, grows around the vertebral groove, and then forms the arches and sjnnous pro- cesses of the vertebrae, so completing the vertebral column. These cartilaginous arches first close in the dorsal part of the column, and then meet everywhere, except opposite the coccyx, and sometimes at the lower end of the sacrum ; the non-formation or non-union of these arches, constitutes spina bifida. At the anterior or cephalic end of the embryo, as ah-eady mentioned, the sides of the vertebral groove, composed of the medullary and vertebral plates of the external and middle germinal layers, expand, and, meeting above in the middle line, enclose a space which forms the rudiment of the cranium and its contents. This is soon marked off into three pairs of symmetrical sacs or dilatations, named the cerebral vesicles, which, bending down towards the yolk, form the cephalic flexure, or bend of the neck. In that part of the walls of these vesicles, which corresponds with the middle germinal layer, the cephalic capsule or primordial shill is formed ; this is at first memlu-anous, then partly cartilaginous, and ultimately bony. Into the iloor of this cavity, the anterior extremity of the cartilaginous notochord, or chorda dorsidis, penetrates DEVELOPMENT OF THE LIMBS. 617 only a short distance, reaching, in the middle line, as far for- Avards as the future sella tiu’cica in the sphenoid bone, which lodges the pituitary body. The base only of the primordial skull, becomes cartilaginous, like the bodies of the primitive vertebra) ; the sides and upjjer part of the cephalic capsule remain membranous. The primordial skull does not divide into transverse segments, lilce the rudimentary annular verte- bra). Its cartilaginous portion is developed into the base and sides of the occipital bones or basi- and ex-occipitals, the ala) majores of the s^Dhenoid or ali-sphenoids, and the pre- sphenoids and orbito-sphenoids or ala) minores, also into the turbinate bones, the median po)-tion of the ethmoid bone, and the cartilaginous nasal septum. The vo7iier, however, is formed from a membrane, below the septum. The upper part of the occipital bone or supra-occipitals, the bones, the squamous part of the temporal bones, the frontal bones, and the nasal bones, are developed as distinct opercular bones, directly from special centres of ossification in mem- brane, and not from cartilage. The petrous and mastoid parts of the temporal bone, and the floor of the tympanum, are developed from osseous centres in the basal cartilage ; the tym- panic ring arises from a fibro-cartilage, specially connected with the ear. The bones of the /ace, including the upper and lower jaios, also the ossicles of the ear, the styloid process of the tem- poral bone, and likewise the hyoid bony apparatus, are deve- loped from the so-called visceral or branchial arches, which are formed, as will be hereafter described, from the lateral A'entral plates of the cephalic portion of the embryo. Opposite the trunk or body of the embryo, the outer or lateral part of the ventral plates, extends downAvards fi-om the vertebral plates, to surround the ha)mal cavity or future thora- cico-abdominal chamber of the embryo. Within these plates, in the thoracic region, opaque lines appear, Avhich ultimately form the ribs ; Avhere they close below in the middle line, the rudiments of the separate pieces of the sternum are developed ; these may remain ununited in the middle line, constituting a rare and remarkable deformity — -fissura sterni. In a similar manner, the pelvic or innominate bones, the ilmm, ischium, and pubes, arc formed near the hinder part of the body; and the scapular arch, consisting of the scapula and clavicle, at the fore-part of the trunk. A little later, the rudiments of the limbs appear, like small knobs, on e;ich side of the trunk. In the centre of these, Avhich G18 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. consist of extensions of the middle germinal layer, the rudi- ments of the bones are soon seen, and ultimately become dis- tinguishable as the bones of the arm, forearm, and hand, or of the thigh, leg, and foot. As the dorsal segments give origin, not only to the vertebraj, but also to the neighbouring muscles and to the covering of the cutis, so the lateral plates, -which produce the ribs and sternum, and the scapular and j^elvic arches, and also the extensions of those plates which form the future limbs, not only give origin to the bones of those parts, but also to the corresponding muscles and cutis. The epider- mis or cuticle covering all these parts, and, indeed, that of the whole body, is formed upon them, by the common external germinal layer. At first, the future skeletal parts are soft, and composed of cells but slightly differentiated from the rest of the cells of the germinal layer or blastoderm ; by degrees, these parts become cartilaginous or membranous, and -ultimately they undergo ossification. The process of ossification, with its order and times of occurrence, will be hereafter noticed. Not only are all the muscles, and also the true skin thus deve- loped, as well as the bones, ligaments, and joints, but likewise their re.spective vessels and lymphatics, and the nerves, both motor and sensory, tvhich constitute the peripheral part of the spinal and cranial nerves, excepting those of special sense. The first muscles to be developed are those of the vertebral grooves, next the muscles of the neck, then those of the abdomen, after- wards those of the limbs, and lastly the facial muscles. The limbs are at first like simple buds, derived from tlie lateral plates; but they soon show divisions into their respective segments, and expand and flatten at their extremities ; these next exhibit indentations corresponding with the future toes or finger-s, which, for a time, are webbed. The itpper limb is usually developed before, and more quickly than, the lower one. The limbs are at fir.st simple masses of blastema, which gradually change into cartilage, bone, muscle and skin. On the surface of the body and limbs, a layer of polygonal epidermic cells is very early traceable ; this is the commencement of the cuticle. The papillaj of the skin, the rudiments of the hairs, feathers, nails or claws, and also of the cutaneous glands, afterwards appear. The mamnarj/ rjlands, when first formed, resemble the cu- taneous glands, consisting of solid processes derived from the epidermic layer, and penetrating tlie cutis ; these afterwards DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN. 619 branch out, and ultimately become hollowed, to form the mam mary ducts and vesicles. The Brain and Spinal Cord. The sides of the vertebral groove are lined on their surface, by a special layer of blastema, known as the medullarij plates, derived from the external germinal layer. When the groove and its cephalic expansion are closed, first in the neck, and then along the middle line of the back of the embryo, a me- dullan/ canal with a cephalic enlargement, is formed; and the medullary plates, becoming thicker and growing from below upwards, are converted, subsequently to the appearance of car- tilages in the rudimentary vertebraj, into a tube of primitive nervous substance, the anterior part of which is expanded into three vesicles, placed at first one behind the other, but afterwards bent with the head and neck of the embryo, and named the anterior, middle, and posterior, primary cerebral vesicles ; of these, the middle one is much the largest. From them are developed, respectively, the prosencephalon, the hinder part of which has been named the diencephalon, the mesence- phalon, and the epencephcdon, of which latter the hinder part is called the metencephcdon. The tubular portion of this me- dullary canal, forms the spinal cord, which at first consists of numerous cells having a radiated arrangement around a cen- tral canal, and for a long time retains its hollow condition. Even in the perfectly-formed state, it presents a rudiment of this cavity, in the .so-called central canal of the spinal cord, (vol. i. p. 313). The cells ne.xt to the canal, form its epithelial lining, or ependyma, whilst the outer ones are developed into the nervous substance. The cord at first extends throughout the entire vertebral canal, but afterwards it gi-ows in lengtli less rapidly than the vertebral column, and the cauda equina is gra- dually formed. The .substance of the embryonic spinal cord, is composed of simple nucleated cells, which are developed chiefly into the grey sirbstance of the cord, but partly also into fine connective tissue and bloodves.sels. The white substance of the cord is .subsequently formed. The peripheral part of the sjjinal nervous .system, as already mentioned, is developed, with the framework of the head, trunk, and limbs, from the middle germinal layer. Fr< in the posterior cerebral vesicle, at fir.st smaller, but soon larger, than the middle one, is evolved, in the metence- phalon next to the spinal cord, the medulla oblongata. At 620 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. this point, the nervous substance, developed from tlie primitive medullary plates, does not form a complete canal, as in the spinal cord, but remains open behind, constituting the fourth ventricle, and is marked on its floor by the calamus scriptorius, which leads into the canal of the spinal cord. Anterior to the medulla, but still in the posterior cerebral vesicle or epencepha- lon, appear the pons and the rudimentary cei'ehellum, an angular projection forwards marking the line between them. At first, the cerebellum consists of a thin transverse plate of nervous substance ; then it enlarges, and becomes laminated ; the cen- tral part, or venniform jn’ocess, is recognised before the lateral parts, or hemispheres ; the grey matter gradually becomes thicker on the surface, and the corpora dentata are formed within ; the pons Varolii and the superior and inferior pedun- cles also gradually enlarge. Owing to the bend which occurs ' between the cephalic and cervical portion of the embryo, a posterior projecting angle is formed between the spinal cord iind the posterior cerebral vesicle ; this corresponds with the cervical tuberosity of the embryo. The middle cerebral vesicle, or mesencephalon, slightlj’^ bent forwards and downwards across its middle, is, at first, the largest, bnt grows relatively slower than the others. After a time, it is developed, on its dorsal aspect, into the corpora quadrigeinina, which form proportionally large masses, and are at first hollow — a condition which is permanent in Birds, bitt not in I\Iam- malia. On the under-side, the peduncles of the cerebrum are formed ; between these parts, a cavity remains, tvhich ultimately , shrinks into the small canal connecting the fourth ventricle with | the middle ventricles of the brain, named the aqueduct of Sylvius. The anterior cerebral vesicle is, at first, more prominent later- ally, though smaller, than themiddleone ; it isalsoatfirstsmooth, but soon exhibits a median sulcus, and gi'ows far more rapidly than the others, being destined to form the cerebritm. It soon bends directly downwards. The portion immediately in front ; of the middle vesicle, named the diencephalon, forms the two , optic thalami, which originally consist of a single hollow mass, but afterwards become solid ; they are divided by a fissure, Avhich remains as the third ventricle, and communicates behind with the Sylvian aqueduct. The pineal gland is either an off- shoot from the thalami, or it is derived from the pia mater. The optic nerve also originates in a part of this vesicle. The pituitary body, or hypojdiysis cerebri, in both its nervous DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN. 621 part, and its posterior thyroid-like portion, is said to arise from the base of the brain, or to be in part developed from tlie pia mater. The prosenaephalon, or portion of the anterior vesicle in ifont of the optic thalami, gives origin to the corpora striata, upon which the cerebral hemispheres, with the corpus cal- losum, the fornix, and the ventricles, are rapidly evolved. The corpora striata, and the hemispheres, are, it is said, at first separated by a slight constidction. The hemispheres are developed from before backwards, leaving between them the cavity of the third and lateral ven- tricles, which, for a time, open freely into the yet hollow corpora quadrigemina. Gradually the hemispheres overlap the ojitic thalami, and then, in the higher Vertebrata, thecorpoi’a quad- rigemina, and, lastly, even the cerebellum. At first smooth on the surface, and composed of thin walls enclo.sing a large cavity, the hemispheres, by degree.®, become thicker, and marked on the surface with the primarij grooves or fissures, which subdi- vide them into frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, and central lobes, and afterwards with the secondary sulci between the con- volutions— the grey matter on the surface also gradually becom- ing thicker. The cerebral hemispheres, develojred on each side of the middle line, are first connected only at their base and anterior part, by rudimentary commissural structures of nervous substance : these are the commencing peduncles, which may be traced, as white bands, upwards from the cord, the anterior commissure, and the rudimentary transverse com- missure or corpus callosum. But, as the hemispheres grow backwards, the transverse commissural fibres of the latter, extend in the .same direction, and thus the future corpus cal- losum is formed with the fornix, composed of longitudinal fibres, beneath it, and the septum lucidum, enclosing the cavity of the fifth ventricle, between them. From the under-.surfiice of the anterior part or frontal lobe of each hemisphere, a hollow process extends forward, forming the future olfactory lobes, the central cavities in which, in some animals, remain, in commu- nication with the ventricles of the hemi.sphercs, but, in others, are obliterated. From the hinder and lateral part of the an- terior cerebral vesicle, the primary optic or ocular vesicle, or rudimentary eye, is developed, forming connections with the optic thalamus and corpus quadrigeminum. From both these latter j)art.s, which are then hollow, two tubular processes of nervous substance, extend forward to the optic vesicles, and are ultimately developed into the optic tracts and optic 622 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. nerves. Farther back, on the sides of the future medulla oblongata, are the primary auditory sacs or vesicles, which are not developed, like the ocular vesicles, as outgrowths of the cerebral vesicles, but commence on the surface of the embryo, as will be immediately described. The membranes of the brain and cord, are formed between the nervous centres and the walls of the cranial and spinal cavities. The pia mater is first recognisable. The sympathetic nervous system is said to be developed from the middle germinal layer. The Organs of the Senses. The Nose. — As the olfactory lobes become consolidated, the nasal ca.vities, with the olfactory lining-membrane, are de- veloped as inversions of the integument of the face, in the so-called primary olfactory groove. This, remaining open, becomes subdivided, to form the two nasal passages or fosste. At one time, these fossa? are closed at the bottom, a condition Avhich is permanent in Fishes ; afteiuvards they com- municate, in fi-ont of the palate, with the mouth, as in certain Amphibia ; 'finally, they open only into the pharynx, as in Eeptiles, Birds, and Mammals. The Eye. — The primary ocular or optic vesicles commence, as already mentioned, as flask-shaped outgrowths of the first cerebral vesicle, with which they soon appear connected by a hollow stalk, the future optic tract and nerve. The interior of each optic vesicle, quickly becomes lined with nervous sub- stance. At the same time, the surface of the common integu- ment covering the vesicle, presents air inversion of the epidermic layer, which, becoming constricted at its orifice, closes and forms a sac; this is ultimately converted into the capsule of the lens, within which the lens-fibres are gradually developed, from radiating, epidermoid, nucleated cells. This growth, with other deeper tissue.s, pushes, as it were, the anterior and lower part of the nervous layer of the primary optic vesicle, upwards and inwards, against the posterior and ujtper part, giving rise to a cup-shaped nervous expansion, open below, named the secondary optic vesicle, wdthin which the vitreous humour is developed, this being also, like the lens, an integumentarj' struc- ture. The sides of this secondary vesicle, consist of two layers, which subsequently blend, and their edges, at first sejxirated below, close in that situation, include the central artery of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAE. 623 retina, and form the anterior part of the optic nerve and the retinal expansion. The anterior part of this secondary vesicle, corresponds with the pars ciliari.s of the retina, and gives origin to no nervous elements. The yellow spot does not appear until alter birth. The outer coats of the eyeball, or the sclerotic and cornea, are partly growths of the secondary vesicle.s, and partly derived from the neighbouring cutis. The choroid coat, also derived from the secondary vesicle, is at first adherent to the retina ; the iris, growing at a later peidod from the margin of the choroid, forms an imperforate curtain, the central part of which, or memhrana pupillaris, becomes transparent, then gradually loses its vessels, and finally disappears. The capsule of the lens is, for a time, invested by a vascular membrane, supplied by the central artery of the retina, and connected with the pupillary membrane and margin of the iris. The aqueous humour is secreted very late, the parts in front of the lens, pre- viously touching each other. For a time, the eyeball is simply covered with the integument, but this rises up, above and below, into small crescentic folds , which become the future eye- lids ; these, for a time, cohere at their edges, and then separate. The Ear. — The auditory sacs are not developed, like the optic vesicles, from the cerebral vesicles, but, like the lens and its capstde, from inversions of the common integument. They commence by a little pit or depres.sion, which afterwards be- comes completely shut off from the surface, and, receding, is eventually attached to the side of the medulla. This primitive auditory sac forms the sac of the labyrinth, with Avhich the auditory nerve, an independent formation from the medulla oblongata, is soon connected. From the sac of the labyu'inth, are gradually developed, the membranous semicircular canals, and the winding cochlea, with the fluids in those cavities. All the.se parts are at first straight processes, but afterwards become curved or .spiral. The cavity of the tympanum, with its ossicles, tlie tympanic bone, and the auricle, are formed ex- ternally to the deeper jiarts, in connection with the pharynx and Eu.stachian tube, as will bo described with the development of the face. 'I'he osseous walls, which afterwards invest the labyrinth, are formed from the primitive cartilage of the base of the cranium. The mastoid proce.ss is not holloAved out into large air-cells until after puberty. The external meatus and the auricle are outgrowths of the annular fibro-cartilage, which forms the tympanic bone. The auditory grey neiwous centre arises, near the posterior j)yramid and restiferm body 624 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. of the medulla oblongata, as two masses, the outer one of which gradually moves backwards into the cerebellum itself The auditory nerve consists of two portions, both of which become connected with these masses ; but the anterior portion of the nerve, also joins the superior peduncle of the cerebellum, and even reaches the interior vermiform process (L. Clarke). The Parts of the Face. The extension doAvnwards of the lateral ventral plates of the embryo, rvliich, opposite the trunk, fornr the sides of the harmal cavity, occurs also beneath the cephalic part. Here, however, where the future face is developed, the liEemal cavity is imperfectly closed in at the sides ; for these plates, ndth their coveiiirg and lining membranes from the external and inter- nal, or epidermic and intestinal germinal layers, split, on each side, into four processes or lohes^ with little clefts between them, forming the so-called visceral or hranchial arches, and the visceral or branchial clefts. The term branchial is applied to these arches, becartse the permanent gills or branchite of the Fish, and the corresponding temporary gills of the Amphibia, are developed from homologous parts ; but in the embryoes of the Ileptile, Bird, and Mammal, these arclies give rise, through very early metamorphoses, to other organs. Within theiii, minute, but impoi-tant vessels, as will be hereafter seen, are teinpo- rai'ily present. Gills are never developed on them, and they never exercise a respiratoiy function. In these three last-named Classes, the allantois, a part not present in Amjihibia and Fi.shes, is the embryonic respiratory organ. The first branchial cleft, above the first arch, sometimes named the maxillary cleft, forms the cavities of the mouth and nose; these are originally conjoined, but subsequently become separated, by the growth of the upper jaw, from the substance of the first arch, between the na.sjil cavities above, and the mouth below. The nasjil walls and septum grow downwards from the cranium, Avhilst the upper jaw and palate are developed transversely from the face, to meet them. From the posterior , part of the second hranchial cleft, between the first and second ‘ branchial arches, are formed, the cavity of the tympanum, ^ which at first contains soft connective tissue, the Eustachian tube, which is also at first filled with a similar tissue, the membrana tym]iani, and the extern.al auditory meatus and its ajqiendages. The auricle commences as a little ring around DEVELOPMENT OF THE FACE. 625 the margin of the meatus. Tlie third and fourth branchial clefts completely close up, and disappear very early. Within the branchial arches, little cartilaginous plates are soon developed. From the upper edge of the first of these arches, a process is formed, named the maxillary lobe, from ■which the upper jaw is developed, together with the whole side of the lace, including the internal pterygoid process and the palate-bone. The malar bones and lachrymal bones are tbrmed as opercular bones. The first arch also gives origin, by another process, to the rudimentary lower jaw, and likewise, it is said, to the tongue. From the cranimn, a median process, known as the frontal process, descends in the middle line of the liice; and with this, an external and internal nasal process are also connected. These, by their junctions, form the walls and partition of the nasal fossa;, and the centre of the upper lip. In this latter part, the intermaxillary bones, which carry the upper incisor-teeth, are independent ibrmations. The lachry- mal duct is a fissure which remains partly open, between the external cranial nasal process and the facial maxillary lobe. Sometimes these parts are arrested in development, and fail to unite properly, giving rise to the conditions of harelip and cleft palate. Certain other congenital defects, connected chiefly with the apertures of the body, as well as with the back of the head and spine, are explained by similar arrests of normal adhesive processes of development. From the middle part of the first branchial arch, to Avhich we now return, the incus of the tympanum is developed. From it, also, a remarkable cartilaginous process, named Meckel's process, or Meckel's cartilaye, arises, which gives origin to the malleus, and also extends forwards from that bone to the rudimentary lower jaw, which is developed indepen- dently upon it, after the manner of the opercular bones of the cranium, which rest upon the basal bones. Afterwards, iVIeckel’s process wastes, e.xccpt a part, which forms the j^co- cessus f/racilis of the malleus. From the second branchial arch, are developed the stapes, from a minute cartilage, and also the stapedius muscle, with its bony canal ; these belong to the tympanic cavity. In the neck, the second arch forms the .styloid process, the stylohyoid ligament, and the little cornu of the hyoid bone, which early unites with the tongue. The cartilage of the third branchial arch, gives origin to the yreat cornu and body of the hyoid bone; but the arytenoid cartilage, and the epiglottis, are develoi)cd from the first arch. The VOL. II. s s G26 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOfiT. fourth branchial arch soon coalesces with the side of the neck. All tliese changes occur very early in the jjulmonated Verte- brata. The, Alimentary Canal. The digestive canal is at first merely the interior of the body- cavity, which is formed by the folding downwards and inwards of the lateral ventral plates, and which, originally, communicate.s Avidely with the yolk-sac, by the open vitelline duct. The Avails of this common body-cavity, are derived principally from the middle germinal layer, but they are lined by the inner or in- testinal germinal layer. It is a short straight chamber, closed at both the cephalic and the caudal end of the embryo. Its innermost part soon separates from the sides of the embryo, and forms a tube, in Avhich an abrupt bend occirrs opposite the um- bilical opening, and for a time projects through it, being there connected Avith the vitelline duct. In the Bird, this duct con- tinues open, even after the chick is hatched ; but in the Mam- mahan embryo, it soon becomes closed, and, attached to the jArimary bend of the alimentary canal, fonns the slender jjedicle of the yolk-sac or umbilical vesicle. The part of the canal, or tube, above the bend, forms the pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, and a portion of the small intestine ; the part beloAV the bend, the remainder of the small intestine, and the large intestine : the distinction betAveen these, is soon indicated by the appearance of a cajcum, a little loAA^er doAvn than the bend. The closed upper end of this alimentary tube, extends to the base of the cranium, corresponding Avith the pharynx, the oesophagus being continuous Avith it beloAv. The lower closed eud corresponds Avith the loAver portion of the rectum. At a certain time, there is neither an oral nor an anal aperture. The buccal orifice is originally formed by a depression above the first branchial arch, and then opens into the pharynx, the tongue being already developed in its interior. At the lower end of the rectum, the anal orifice appears as a depression, Avhich uhimately opens into the boAvel. The stomach proper is, at first, a longitudinal dilatation of the alimentary tube, Avhich gradually as.sumes an oblicjue, and then a transverse, position. The primitiA’e ali- mentary tube is closely attached to the vertebral column, and is coAmred by the peritoiucum formed upon it and upon the Avails of the cavity of the body, as it sejiarates from the latter. But after the stomach has changed its position, the coiiA'olutions of the small intestine, and the remarkable bend of the large DEVELOKMENT OF THE TEETH. 627 intestine around them, occur. These changes are owing to a greater development of the intestine, than of the mesentery. Tliis latter structime and the omenta are now fully formed. The small intestine is, for a time, wider than the large intes- tine. The vermiform appendix of the cascum is, as it were, an incompletely developed, yet growing, part of the large intestine. The valvula3 conniveutes of the small intestine and the sacculi of the colon, appear afterwards. Fringed villi, at first, exist throughout the embryonic alimentary canal, but they are permanent only in the small intestine. The Teeth. In the cavity of the mouth, the middle and internal germinal layers give origin to the buccal papilla; and also to the teeth, which are themselves formed, partly by the corium, and partly by the epithelium of the buccal mucous membrane. At first, the rudimentary ripper and lower jawbones of Man, have no alveoli, and the membrane which covers their horse-shoe shaped borders, is quite smooth. After a time, however, a groove appears on the margin of each maxillary bone, which gradually deepens and widens, and becomes separated by thin osseous septa, into rudimentary alveoli. In the meantime, according to one authority (Goodsir), the mucous membrane over the margin of the jaws, also presents a groove, called the primitive dental groove, from the bottom of which minute imjnlla; arise, in the human jaw ten in num- ber, above and below. These are the rudimentary pulps of the future milk teeth. Those of the upper jaw appear first. In each, the order of their appearance, is as follows : — the first molar, the canine, the central incisor, the lateral incisor, and the second molar. Tliis is the papillary stage, which is soon converted into the follicidar stage, by the rising up of membranous folds, between and around the papillae. By this time, each papilla has enlarged, and asstimod the form of the crown of the future tooth ; whilst small inembTanous lids, or opercula, corre.spond- ing, in number and shajic, to the surfaces of each tooth, overlap the papilla. Sub.sequeutly these follicles become deeper, and are closed by the adhesion of their opercula and by the union of the borders of the dental groove, and, at their iqiper jiart, a thicker jiortimi is .seen, which comstitutos the enmnel organ. The .so-called dental sacs are thus formed, and the saccular stage is conqiletcd. According to Kiillikcr and other.s, however, the dental 628 SrKCIAL PHYSIOLOGY. papilla;, follicles, and sacs, are formed entirely beneatli the epi- thelium over the jaw. The enamel organ is the part first de- veloped, as a thickening of the deeper layers of the epithelium, Avhich grows down into a flask-shaped depression, formed in the vascular layer or corium of the mucous membrane ; the papilla then rises up as an extension trom this membrane. By renioving the epithelium, the dental groove, follicles, and opercula, of Goodsir, are seen. The form of the summit of the beingcompleted within the sac, a thin cap of dentine appears on it, which gradually increases at its edges, and becomes thickened on its inner sur- face ; whilst the papilla, at first groAving Avider, but then con- tracting at its base to form the cervix of the tooth, continues to grow longer, and commences to form the fang, Avhich shortly acquires its covering of crusta petrosa. In the meantime, by a separate proce.ss, the surface of the cap of dentine, on the croAvn, becomes covered by the groAving enamel, formed from the enamel organ. At last, by the gradual gi-oAvth of the fang, the tooth is pressed against the gum, Avhich, becoming absorbed, the finished surface of the enamel is exposed, and the tooth is cut. The fang is noAv completed to its point, and the papilla, noAv called thejsi^Zp, remains asavascular and nervous mass, occupying the pulp cavity, and receiving its vessels and nerves through an orifice left at the apex. In the meantime, the alveolus in the bone, has closely adapted itself, to the fang. In the groAvtli of a tooth having several cusps and fangs, a separate shell of dentine and enamel forms on each cusp, the Avhole afterAvards uniting ; Avhilst the dentine shoots in at opposite points of the base of the pulp, AA'here this begins to divide to form the separate fangs. Behind the groAving milk teeth, in each jaAv, recesses are formed in the corium of the mucous membrane, Avhich also become filled Avith epithelium, out of Avhich future enamel organs are developed. Moreover, a Avascular papilla arises from the bottom of these llask-.shaped depressions or cavities of reserve (Goodsir), Avhich finally close, and become the sacs of a like number of the permanent teeth. These sacs are at first oval, and adliere to the back of the sacs of the correspond- ing milk teeth, but aftenvards they become more elongated, and recede from the gum, to Avhich they are only attiiched by a fine cord or pedicle, found behind the necks of the other teeth. In thisAA'ay, in Man, the ten anterior permanent teeth in each JaAV, are develojjed. But the sacs for the three additional DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. 62arate precursory cartilage, which is enclosed in a definite perichontlrium, and is at first small and rudimentary in form, but gra- dually acquires, as it grows, the general shape of the bone which is to be developed from it. Practically, therefore, the skeleton is, at first, and for a long time, more or less cartilaginous. Certain centres of ossification, one, two, three, or even more, accor- ding to the size and form of the future bone, appear at definite spots in the cartilage, and extend into it as the latter increases in size. The cartilage continues to grow in the direction of the articular surfaces of the joints, and also in that of the various processes, until the develop- ment of the bone is complete. The bony tissue also goes on growing in the same direction, by the successive fonnation of the primary and secondary osseous tissue. But in other directions, and especially towards the sides of the bones, the precursory cartilages, sooner or later, cease to grow, and then the further increase in such directions, is accomplished by intra-membranous ossification beneath the soft and growing peri- osteum. Suppose in a long bone, for example, a single ossific centre to fonn in the middle of the precursory cartilaginous shaft, as, indeed, is always the case. Then, separate ossific centres subsequently appear at the ends, constituting what are termed epiphyses (etti epi, and 4ivu> phuo, I grow), and in the larger bones, other smaller pieces are developed at the apices of the more remarkable projections or processes. The precursory car- tilage of the bone, at last, ceases to grow in width, and, henceforth, the shaft of the growing bone is steadily increased in diameter, by successive subperiosteal intra-membranous deposits on its outer surface. At the same time, the medullary cavity is formed by a continuous absorption going on within. A platinum wire, placed around the growing humerus or femur of a young pigeon, is found, after a time, enclosed in the sub- stance of the bone, or, if examined a little later, in the hollow of the bone itself. But tlie precursory cartilage continues to grow in length long after, and the bony shaft, and the epiphyses developed at the ends, ultimately meet, but do not coalesce by osseous tis.suo, until the full length of the bone has been atbiincd. This is evidently a provision for securing a progressive elongation of the bone during many years, toge- ther with a proper development of the articular ends of the bones, all C52 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. that time. At the ends of the bones, very thin layers of the precursory cartilage, remain permanently unossified, and form the articular cartilages of the joints. Immediately beneath this articular cartilage, is a thin stratum of ossified cartilage or frimary bone, recognisable by being smoother and more compact than the rest. This is the only part of the primary bone which is permanent. The rest of this, and, indeed, the earliest formed, and many succeeding portions of the secondary bone, and also the subperiosteal intra-membranous bone, must be completely absorbed, before any long bone has completed its growth ; for the young bone would easily lie in what becomes, by continuous absorption, the medullary cavity of the full-grown bone. The mode of increase in long bones, is well shown by giving, at stated inteirals, to young pigs or other animals, madder mixed with the food. The colouring matter of this root, has an affinity for the salts of lime, and when it is being taken in the food, the bone then formed has a reddish tinge, whilst the bone deposited at other times, is yellowish white. By this means, it is proved that successive additions are made at the surface and ends of the grow- i ing bone, and that absorption of the bone is continually taking place in its interior. Again, the distance between two holes made, one above the other, in a young bone, is not increased by its subsequent growth (Hales, Hunter, Duhamel) ; whereas a ring of wire placed closely aroimd a growing bone, is soon foimd to be embedded in its substance, and at later periods, even in the medullary cavity (Duhamel and others). Most of the smaller bones have but one ossific centre. In the large hip-bones, tliree primary ossific centres are formed, one each for the ilium, ischium, and os pubis ; these grow and finally coalesce around, and at the bottom of, the acetabulum. In the vertebrse generally, three primary ossific centres appear, and then join around the vertebral ring, the bone being afterwards completed by five epiphyses. In both these instances, and also in the case of the occipital foramen, and the cranial cavity, the arrangement described, facilitates the expansion of the cavity or canal, around which the bones are destined to grow. The sternum is formed by the coalescence of many pieces. The cartilages of the ribs, and of the nose, are the unossified parts of the preciu’sory costal and nasal carti- lages. Sometimes the number of ossific centres, has reference to the homological relations of the bone. The order in which the ossific process begins in the various bones of the skeleton, is very singular, not always coinciding with that in which the cartilaginous rudiments of the bones appear. The clavicles are the first bones to show ossific centres, and then the lower jaw, which has one in each lateral half. Next in order, are the vertebrre, the humerus, the femur, the ribs, and the lower and larger portion of the occipital bone. Then, the upper jaw bones, the frontal bone, the scapula, the radius, and ulna, and the tibia and fibula. After that, most of the other cranial and facial bones ; the iliac bones, the metacarpus, the metatarsus, and the pha- langes of the fingers and toes ; the ethmoid, and turbinated bones, the sternum, the ischium and the os pubis ; the os calcis, and another of the tarsal bones, named the astragalus, and then the hyoid bone. At birth, and for sometime afterwards, all the carpal bones, the five smaller tarsal bones, the last pieces of the cocej^x, the patella, and the sesamoid bones, are still entirely cartilaginous, having no ossific centres in them. By STRUCTCEE OF THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON. 653 the end of the fifth year, all these, except the scaphoid, trapezoid, and pisiform carpal bones, are ossifying, the last-named bone not show- ing any ossific deposit until the twelfth year. The various epi23hyses of the long and other bones, are not all finally joined by osseous union to their respective shafts or chief masses, until after the completion of the full period of growth of the body, or about the twentieth or twenty-first year. The Vertebrate Skeleton generally. — In examining the skeleton of the Vertebrate series of animals, progressive stages of development, from a cartilaginous to a more and more osseous condition, may be recognised. Low in the scale, as in the amphioxus, the skeletal framework is com- posed of a hyaline substance, containing nucleated cells, between which are very fine fibres. In the Myxinoid fishes, it is composed of very distinct fibres, with cartilage cells intermixed. In the Chimsera, it con- sists, in some parts, of fibro-cartilage, and, in others, of cartilage. The vertebral column of the stiu’geon, is a mixture of cartilage, fibro-cartilage, and bone. In the skates and sharks, the cartilaginous skeleton is covered in parts, or entirely, with a crust of ossific matter. In the Lophius, the bones are fibrous and osseous. Lastly, in the so-called Osseous Fishes, the skeleton is entirely bony. In the ossified parts of the skeleton of the Cartilaginous Fishes, the bony matter consists either of an irregular granular deposit, between and within the cartilage cells, or of polyhedral bone cells, or of ramified bony laminae. In the less perfectly formed bone, neither lacrmse, canaliculi, laminae, nor Haversian canals exist. In the more complete bone of the Osseous Fishes, those elements are introduced by degrees. The Haversian canals, in some cases, appear as a few long channels, from which simple canaliculi are given off. In a still higher structure, lacunte, of a peculiar form, are introduced, of moderate size, tapering form, and sending out very short wide canaliculi. Frequently, the lacunse of diffe- rent layers of Fishes’ bone, cross each other at acute angles ; but more commonly, they are arranged in parallel lines. Sometimes no Haversian canals exist ; but usually they are jmesent, though small. In rare in- stances, fine concentric lines are visible around these canals, representing rudimentary laminae. In the lepidosiren, the lacunae are very large, and the canaliculi much branched; they thus approach the characters 1 of bone in Ampliibia. I In Amphibia, the skeleton is entirely osseous ; the bony tissue pre- I sents largo and wide lacunae, very complex and ramified canaliculi, f concentric laminae, and Haversian canals. In a few situations, the lacunte cross each other at acute angles. In the Reptiles, and also in Amphibia and Fishes, the bones are solid, or contain but a few recesses filled with fat. The Haversian canals in Reptilian bone are small, the concentric laminae irregular and wavy, the lacun;e of medium size and shorter than in the Fish, and the canaliculi very fine. Some lacunae cross at acute angles, as in crocodiles. In Birds, the lacunae are smaller than in Reptiles, but Airgor than in Mammalia. In the latter animals, the bony structure resembles that of Man. «> 654 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. Muscular Tissue. The fibres of both the smooth and the striped varieties of this tissue, have been traced in their development, from nucleated cells, derived im- mediately from the embryonal cells. In the case of the smooth fibres, the nucleated cells, at first roundish, become elongated and fusiform ; their cell walls and their contents blend into one mass, which assumes, by degrees, the sarcous character ; in the meantime, the nucleus of each fusiform cell, becomes much elongated. Many such fusiform cells produce, by their cohesion, a smooth mus- cular band. The striped muscular fibres have been described, by some, as arising, each from the coalescence of rows of nucleated cells (Schwann). But by other and more recent aiithorities, they are regarded as being each developed by the extreme growth of a single cell (Eemak, Fox). It has also been maintained that they originate wdthout the intervention of true cells, through the agency of rows of nuclei, lying in a blastema, which afterwards gives rise to the fibre, by a series of changes occurring in it (Savoi’y). These differences of opinion are probabl}^ as much due to the different interpretation of the same appearances by different observers, as to differences in the observations themselves. They illustrate the difficulties of microscopic research. If the primitive animal cell which fonns a muscular fibre, be regarded as a gj'mnoplast, easily fused with its neighbours, the discrepancy of opinion may, perhaps, be reconciled. Supposing rows of nucleated cells to coalesce, to form a single fibre, it is believed that the coalescing parts of the cell walls, are absorbed, and that thus a long tube is fonned, which ultimately becomes the sarcolemma ; the contents of the united cells, at first finely granular, are said to grow and become sarcous, their elements arranging themselves into linear and transverse series, first on the outer surface next to the sarcolemma, and then more centrally, so as to form the transversely marked fibrillae. In the meantime, as the cells grow in length, the nuclei separate from each other, and become obscured, but are never lost. If, however, only one long cell forms each fibre, the wall of such an elongated cell, is believed to constitute the sarcolemma, and the contents, originally granular, are said to be gi’adually increased and differentiated into the tibrillte, first becom- ing marked by longitudinal lines, and afterwards by transverse stripe. The nuclei multiply by successive subdivisions, and remain surrounded by granular matter. By many, it is thought that the original cell wall, or cell walls, do not form the sarcolemma, but that this is the result of a subsequent deposit of homogeneous membrane around the nearly per- fectly formed bundle of fibrillae. Whatever their precise mode of origin may be, the muscular fibres seem, when first recognisable, like very fine bands, sometimes not more than one-tenth of the diameter of the fully formed fibre, and having bulging nuclei in them at intervals. When composed of such fibres, the young muscles resemble their tendons. As the fibres gradually increase in width, they assume the adult characters, and become uniform in diameter, so that the nuclei are no longer so easily visible (fig. 122, g). At birth, all the muscles are said already to contain their full number of fibres, so that their future growth consists only in an increase of length and width DEVELOPMENT OF NERVOUS TISSUE. 655 of the pre-existing fibres. At, birth, the fibres are about one-fifth of their ultimate dimensions. The fibrilltE of each fibre, may during growth become a little wider ; but it is thought rather that they increase in number. In other words, the individual sarcoiis elements retain their size, but they are accumulated in a greater number of longitudinal rows. In the enlargement of the muscles, which takes place from exercise, in all probability the fibres do not increase in number, but in size, and contain either more or larger fibriUse. In the opposite condition of the wasting of a muscle, the fibres remain the same in number, but become smaller, owing to a diminution of their contents ; the fibrillse also decrease in number, grow indistinct, or even disappear altogether. In a wholly paralysed, unused, or diseased muscle, fatty matter is substituted for the characteristic sarcous elements. It is obvious that such striped muscular fibres as, like those of the heart, are but indistinctly striated, may bo regarded as less perfectly developed fibres. Certain of the smooth fibres, in which the sarcous ele- ments are very distinctly granular, or dotted, also approach in character and development, to the higher or striated form of fibre. The fusiform fibre cells, and last of all, the elongated, spindle-shaped, oval, or round contractile cells of the heart of the embryo, are the lowest form of all. There is thus a gradual transition from the simplest to the most com- plex form of muscle cells. In the case of the ramified form of the striated muscular fibre, noticed in the tongue, lips, and face, and of the reticular form observed in the walls of the adult heart, the primitive nucleated cells, out of which they are developed, either simply ramify, or ramify and coalesce with the branches of other cells, and then acquire their sarcous contents. Nervous Tissue. The ganglionic cells, fig. 122, h, are derived from metamoi’phosed embryo-cells, and from the direct descendants of those cells, by ordinary modes of multiplication. The rounded ganglionic cells are formed by a simple enlargement, and a gradual alteration of their contents ; the nuclei persist, and are very distinct ; the branched cells are formed by the out- growth of one or more of the peculiar processes with which they are provided. The envelope is prolonged on to the processes, and becomes connected with the homogeneous tubules of the nerve fibres ; the processes contain nervous substance. The very small roimdod colls, and the freo nuclei, found in some parts of the grey substance of the nervous centres, may be early stages of future ganglionic cells. The grey or gelatinous fibres, found chiefly in the sympathetic system, whether they be regarded as true nervous elements, or ns a peculiar form of connective tissue cells, appear to be produced by the coalescence of elongating fusiform nucleated cells, the contents of which, as the cells enlarge, become soft and finely granular, whilst the nuclei appear wider and wider apart. Even in the most highly developed of these fibres, there is but little evidence of a tubular character or wall. The medullary sheath or fatty layer is absent. They have been compared, by some writers, to the non-medullated portions of the white nerve fibres, or to the axis cylinder or ceniral band only of those fibres, which, however, have a tubular sheath. The most perfect grey fibres cer- 656 SPECIAL PirrSIOLOGY. tainly resemble a transitory condition of the fibres out of which the white or tubular nerve fibres are developed. The white dark-bordered, or double contoured tubular fibres, are themselves derived from fusiform nucleated cells, which are embryo cells, or their descendants. By coalescing, they first form grey granular fibres, with elongated nuclei at intervals, and, in that stage, resemble the grey or gelatinous fibres of the sympathetic system. But the grejdsh con- tents of these fibres, soon become opaque, and white, and resolve themselves into the central albuminoid band or axis cylinder, and then acquire the surrounding fatty layer or medullary sheath; whilst the walls of the coalesced cells, are said to unite, to form the outer tubular membranous sheath of the perfect fibre. Instead of imagining many cells to coalesce, a single cell may be supposed to go on dividing, to form a nerve fibre. The branched terminations of the nerves, according to what has been seen in the tadpole, originate in the junction of ramified formative cells, which keep on joining those already fimther developed. Sometimes more than one white tubular fibre has been seen forming in a single embryonic, or less developed, one — a fact which would show that the tubular membranous sheath might be developed otherwise than by the cell walls of coalesced formative cells. Bloodvessels, The arteries and veins, excepting the very finest, are, as already men- tioned, not so much tissues as compound structures, built up of several tissues. They are developed in two very different ways. In the first place, the principal vascular trunks, or the arteries and veins, of the germinal membrane of the embryo generalljq and of its commenc- ing organs, and indeed the heart itself, appear primitively as solid cords, composed of multitudes of embryonic nucleated cells. After a time, the innermost part or axis of these cords, becomes changed into blood, the soft spaces coalescing and forming a system of canals ; whilst the outermost cells are then gradually metamorphosed, in the ordinary man- ner, into the epithelial, elastic, muscular, and connective tissues which compose the coats of the vessels. This mode of formation is apparently limited to the early and principal vessels ; for subsequently, the arteries and veins, which are continuously being added, as the bodj- grows, are developed in another manner— viz. by the transformation of previously constructed large-sized capillaries, the calibre of which is increased, whilst the coats are gradually thickened, by the formation of additional tissues developed in the ordinary way. The capillary vessels originate in two modes, according to their size. , The larger capillaries are formed by the coalescence of linear series of nucleated colls, and the subsequent absorption of their attached ends, so that a homogeneous tube is produced, recently shown to bo lined with a fusiform epithelium, the nuclei of which seem to bo attached to the walls of the vessels. These soon become connected with previously existing vessels, and the blood then enters them. Tlic finer vessels, or those of the actual capillary networks, originate in nucleated formative cells, lying amongst the elements of a newly growing tissue; tliese become ramified or stellate, by sending out fine processes or branches, which run towards, meet, and coalesce with, other fine processes growing from DEVELOPEMENT OF THE BLOOD. G57 the larger capillaries just described ; afterwards they coalesce with pro- cesses of other ramifying cells which appear in succession. These coa- lesced processes and the cells themselves, become progressively enlarged and hollowed out, so that a tubular or vascular network is produced, the component vessels of which, though, at first, so fine as to convey only the liquor sanguinis or plasma of tho blood, become idtimately wide enough to carry the blood corpuscles also (fig. 122, It), New ca- pillaries may also be developed within tho meshes formed by the older ones. The walls of the coalesced ramified cells, constitute the homo- geneous membrane- of the coats of the capillaries, in which the nuclei of the formative cells, and especially those of the epithelial lining after- wards formed, c.in be recognised. The more numerous and closely set the stellate formative cells, tho closer is the capillary network developed from them. Blood. ■ This important fluid is primitively developed, as already mentioned, in the interior of tho newly forming heart and principal vascular trunks. At first, its structural elements — the hloocl-cdh or corpuscles, are colourless cells with faintly gi'anular contents and a distinct nucleus, in all rc.spects identical with tho embryonic cells. They soon become loosened, and then separated from each other, by the formation of an intermediate fluid plasma, the new liquor sanguinis) their contents be- come less granular, and coloured by tho formation of colom-ing matter in their interior, but their nucleus remains. They are now red blood-cor- puscles; but as compared with those of tho fully formed blood, they are mucli larger, spherical instead of discoid, darker in colour, and nucleated, instead of being destitute of a nucleus. Once formed, they" speedily enlarge, elongate, or assume a somewhat flattened and elliptical figure, somewhat resembling the shape of tho blood corpuscles of tho Amphibia ; the nucleus soon divides into two, or oven into tlireo or four portions, or young nuclei ; tho walls of tho so altered cells, then become constricted between these young nuclei, and, ultimately, the cells divide into as many new colls as there were nuclei ; this process, it is supposed, may bo repeated over and over again. After a time, corrc.sponding with the date at which tho liver begins to grow, this process of subdivision of the primitive nucleated red-cor- puscles ceases, and then multitudes of colourless nucleated cells appear, especially in tho blood of tho liver .and of tho spleen, and also in tho lymph.atic system ; and either without, or with, previous multiplicaf ion by subdivision of their nuclei, constriction of tho cell w.all, and actual partition, they acquire, oven within tho spleen and liver, some red colouring matter, and .are changed into nucleated red-corpuscles. Both sets of those spherical, nucleated red-corpuscles, are ultimatelv converted, by a slight diminution of size, by a flattening of two opposite sides, and by the gradmil wiisl ing and final disappeanuicc of the nucleus, into the typical non-nucleated disc-like rod-corpuselcs of tho fully formed 1 blood. This condition exists at, or even a considorablc lime before. I birth. After birth, during tlio growth of tho body, and in tho adult, the red-corpuscles of tho lilood are developed from tho colourless ones, as already els(ovhere described (ji. 315). The white blood-corpuscles are evidently the unaltered, colourless, VOL. II. U U G58 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. nucleated cells, derived, at first, from the blood itself, afterwards from the liver, and permanently from the spleen and the lymphatic system. Under certain circumstances, as in inflammation, colourless blood cor- puscles may perliaps originate in the blood itself, within the general capillary system. Th.0 2)lcisma of the blood, at first the product of the liquefaction of the intermediate blastema or matrix, probably effected under the agency of the formative cells, is afterwards the complex result of various acts not only of a formative, but also of an absorptive and excretory kind. Lymphatics or Ahsorhents. The mode of formation of the principal absorbent trunk, the thoracic duct, is probably like tliat of the primitive bloodvessels. The small lymphatics, according to observations made in the tadpole’s tail, originate by the junction of nucleated cells, in the same way as the large capillaries ; but they are said to anastomose much less fre- quently. The extension of the absorbents into newl}' growing tissues, is effected, as in the case of the capillary network, by the formation in the new tissue, of peculiar cells, which Ijranch out, and join certain very fine processes, given off from tlie lymphatics already developed. These stellate cells are said to be more jugged in their outline, than those of the capillaries. The lymphatic glands are believed to be developed from clusters of lymphatic vessels, which give out projections, afterwards converted into the alveoli or cells of the cortical portion of those glands. The chief microscopic structural elements of the lymph and chyle, the small and large nucleated corpuscles, most probably originate in the lymphatic vessels and glands, by subdivision of pre-existing corpuscles, and perhaps multiply by subdivision. Probably also some of those seen in the chyle and intestinal lymph, before it reaches the mesenteric glands, originate in the solitary or agminated glands. They also seem to be formed in the spleen, thyroid, and thymus glands, or even in the interior of the commencing lymphatics. At first, these cells are minute, and their envelope closely surrounds the nucleus. In this form, they constitute the small lymph corpuscles. They grow into the larger ones, by the deposition of soft granular matter between the exterior and the nucleus. They also multiply by elongation, subdivision of the nucleus, constriction of the delicate cell-substance, and partition into two new cells, each having its own nucleus. The molecular base of the chyle, is apparently the result of a process of aggi’cgation of the simplest kind, whiUt the fluid part of the lymph and chyle, may be regarded as an extremely diffluent blastema or fluid matrix. Vascular or Ductless Glands. The several organs thus grouped together, arise from masses of primitive embryonic cells and blastema, which appear in the situations already described with their development as organs. The closed sacs of the lingual, tonsillar, pharyngeal, gastric, and solitary and agmi- natod intestinal glands, and also the closed sacs or Malpighian corpuscles DEVELOrMENT OF EriTHELIAL TISSUES. 659 of the spleen, are deyelopod by the multiplication of cells or cell-nuclei, of which the outer ones form a membranous envelope, and the inner ones the special pulp, with its traversing bloodvessels. The cells of the thyroid body, and those of the supra-ronal body, originate also by cell- growth, which is most readily observed in these peculiar organs. The new colls of the thyroid are said to be formed by a process of budding or protrusion, and subsequent constriction and separation. The pa- renchyma of the spleen, the thick walls of the recesses of the thymus, as well as its fluid contents, and lastly the pituitary body, are formed of gyninoplasts, nuclei, and a matrix. Secreting Membranes and Glands. The subcutaneous synovial bursse, mere interspaces in the subcuta- neous connective tissue, probably arise, at first, by a process of softening and absorption of that tissue, and afterwards by an extension of their walls. In the true synovial membranes, in the serous membranes, and in the mucous membranes, the defined limiting or basement membrane is developed from very fine, almost homogeneous, connective tissue ; but in the glands, the well-defined glassy basement membrane is supposed to be a sort of excretion from the epithelial cells which cover the surface. The origin of the glands, as organs, has already been described. They commence as masses of nucleated cells, evidently destined to be epithe- lial ; these project into, and fill up, recesses in the corium beneath. They either remain simple, as in the case of the gastric tubuli, or they may extend so as to develop the most complex gland, like the liver or kidney. The cavities of the ducts, which are at first solid, are formed by a softening of the intercellular matrix, along certain special lines of cells. Epithelial and Epidermoid Tissues. These arise, generally, from the multiplication and metamorphosis of the embryonic cells of the outer and inner germinal layers of the embryo. In the case of the serous membranes and of the synovial mem- branes of the joints, they also originate from cells in deeper portions of the embryonic structure. The modifications which these cells undergo, however various, always permit them to retain their nucleated-cell character throughout their whole existence. The changes of shape, structure, and contents, neces- sary to transform them into the various kinds of epithelial and epidt r- nwid structures, can be understood by perusing the description of them in vol. i., p. 72. Pigmentary deposits may occur either in simple epithe- lial cells (fig. 43), or in ramified cells (lig. 122, f ). In the many-layered cpithelia, these changes maybe seen at one view, all occurring simultaneously (fig. 44). The cuticle at first cannot bo dis- tinguished from the cutis. All the epithelia, as well as the epidermis, exhibit a continuous growth. The glandular cpithelia show the witlest departure from the primitive cell-type, especially as regards the chemical composition of their contents. The mode in which cilia are developed on the ciliated epithelia, is not exactly known. It may be by outgrowths of the cell-wall, inchaling jirocosscs of the cell-contents, or by a fission of tho substance of the coll. The nails are developed, not on tho surface, but beneath a thin epi- c V 2 660 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. dormic covering; tlie young nail consists of compressed and easily separable cells. The hairs appear as little black specks under the cuticle ; these are clusters of coloured epidermic cells of the Malpighian layer, fitting into depressions in the cutis, which are lined by a basement membrane. This rudimentary follicle enlarges, and acquires its fla.sk-shaped character; its walls are formed by the thickened basement membrane, and by a layer of colls, belonging to the corium, outside it. The outer epidermic cells form the root-sheaths, and the central ones, resting upon a little vascular papilla, develop into the hair. This increases in diameter and length, and then pierces the cuticle, beneath which it is really formed, sometimes by its point, and sometimes in a bent position. The first hairs are very fine, and form the down or lanugo. All new hairs, when old ones are to be shed, commence by a cluster of epidermic cells, formed at the bottom of the hair-follicle, upon the side of the old papilla ; as these grow, they detach the old and falling hairs. Dental Tissues. The dentine is a dermoid hone, formed by the gradual transformation and ossification of the superficial portion of the dental papillae or pulps, and not by a mere excretion or deposit on their surface. The pulp is chiefly composed of rounded nucleated cells, in a clear matrix, but con- tains also a few areolar fibres, and many bloodvessels. The outer cells become lengthened, like colmnnar epithelial cells. Bysome, it is thought that a single layer of these cells, may, by elongation and other modifica- tions, develop into the whole length of a dentinal tubule. It is more commonly sripposed, that successive layers of pulp-cells are developed, coalesce with each other, undergo metamorphosis, and become ossified, in order to complete a tubule. Lastly, it has been suggested, that rows of secondary cells developed within one primary cell, and subsequently coalescing, are so transformed. There are dififercnces of statement, as to the mode in which this occurs. The nuclei of these sccondarj" cells, are supposed to coalesce, and, remaining hollow, to form the den- tinal tubuli. All the other parts of the cells, and of the intermediate matrix, become calcified, and constitute the walls of the tubuli and the intcrtubular dentinal substance. The fine bifurcated ends of the tubuli, are formed by branching and anastomosing processes of the cells. Uj on the surface of the growing dentine, next to the enamel, is seen a fine base- ment membrane, named the f reformative numlranc ; it is supposed to be the seat of commencing calcification, to bo very early converted into the more compact supei'ficial dentine, and to assist in connecting this with the enamel. The enamel organ (p. 625) consi.sts of a soft pellucid tissue, entirely epithelial in its utiture. It is composed, on its inner or deeper as] ect. of a layer of columnar epithelial cells, which are tippilied to the preforma- tivo membrane of the dentine. Outside these, is a thick stratum, com- posed of stellate colls, forming a network of fibres, enclosing multang- ular aroolio, filled with transparent substance, and having brilliant spots at the junctions of the fibres. Its outer part consists of epithelial cells, arranged in masses, between projections of the enclosing vascular mucous membrane. These masses are sometimes so large and prominent. REPARATION OF THE TISSUES. 661 as to appear like wliite bodies beneath tho gum, and have been erroneously regarded as glands — tho dental glands (Sorres). It is usually stated that the colls of tho enamel organ, become elongated, and calcified, with gradual absorption of their animal substance — at first forming a soft cretaceous mass, but afterwards becoming hard, and being firmly fixed to the surface of the preformativo membrane (Schwann, Kolliker, and others). Their nuclei disappear, or leave only a fine linear trace. It has been supposed that tho enamel-cells are developed beneath the prefomiative membrane (Huxley); but this view is not generally entertained. It is variously imagined that a single prismatic cell serves to form a single enamel prism, running through tho whole thickness of that structure ; or that several secondary cells combine to form each prism. As the enamel organ terminates at the cervix of the tooth, the formation of enamel is limited to the crown. The crusta petrosa is developed upon tho fang, probably by intra- membranous ossification. , REPARATION. The process by which injured or lost parts of the body, are repaired or reproduced, so tliat similar tissues are, after a time, developed in their place, is known as regentration or reparation. The formative power is here the .same as that by which the embryo is first developed, and the developmental processes concerned, are but extensions of those retained in mature life. This process of regeneration is most active during the earlier periods of existence. Thus, in cases of so-called spon- taneous amputation occurring to the foetus in utero from con- striction by the umbilical cord, fingers have been afterwards developed on the remaining portion of the limb. Instances, too, have been recorded, in which almo.st as remarkable re-forma- tions of lost parts, have occurred in infants, and even in children. In the same manner, the capacity of repair gradually diminishes as life advances, lost parts which, in early life, are regenerated, being afterwards imperfectly and incompletely re-formed. Hence, in a child, tho reparation of an injury may ea.sily take place ; whereas in old age, a similar lesion will remain unre- paired. Experiments have shown that the vigour and celerity of the repair of I'ractures, and the union of tendons in IMammalia, are in an inverse proportion to the age of the tinimal (Paget). Amongst tho lowest iinimiils, tlio process of reparation after injury, is identical witli the process of reproduction by gemmation or fission. If tho hydra bo cut up into a number of small pioces, each of these becomes developed into a perfect hydra, and this process can bo repeated, over and over again, with a similar result. The Annuloida likewise possess very great reparative powers ; thus it has been noticed that tho holothnrida, when pulled about or injured, expel tho wholo of their viscora; after a 662 SPECIAL PHYSIOLOGY. few months these are regenerated. Amongst the higher Nonvertehrate animals, however, in which reproduction by gemmation or fission does not occur, the power of reproducing a perfect body from a fragment does not e.xist. The Crustacea and Arachnida can, when fully developed, reproduce limbs and antennse. In the Myriupoda, on the other hand, the reparative power ceases when they have reached their full development ; whereas, previously to this, antennae and limbs may be reproduced. The larvae of Insects are endowed with like powers of reproduction ; but the perfect Insects, at least the higher ones, have no such regenerative power, lienee it appears that the amormt of reparative power, is in an inverse ratio to that of the development tlmough which the animal has passed in its attainment of perfection (Paget). The reproductive power of the Mollusca has not been much investigated ; it is said that the common snail can reproduce the head, if the cerebral ganglion be preserved. Amongst the Vertebrata, the Amphibia possess very great reparative jjower. After excision of an eye fipm the triton, or newt, a new one, it is said, may be developed in its place, and the reproduction of an entire limb, or of the tail, occurs readily in them. But in Man and the Warm-blooded animals, the true repara- tive process is much more limited, being confined strictly to the reproduction of certain tissues. In the first place, there are several parts, such as the epi- dermoid and epithelial tissues, and also the red corpuscles of the blood, which are naturally undergoing constant reparation or decay, and are as constantly being reproduced, by what has been termed continuous growth, or nutritive repetition. Secondly, certain tissues of comparatively simple structure and chemical composition, and of low vital endowments, appear to be capable of regeneration. Such are the ai'eolar and fibrous tissues, elastic tissue, and bone, which fulfil me- chanical uses in the body, serving to connect and support its various parts. Lastly, bloodvessels, lymphatics, and nerves, tissires which penetrate other parts or organs, are likewise endowed with this poAver. Other tissties and organs of a special kind, Avdiich ha^m a complex structure, higher chemical constitution, or peculiar properties or functions — such as true cartilage, muscle, the grey substance of the nervous centres, the essential parts of the organs of special sensation, the cutis and its glands, the secreting and excreting glands, and the ductless glands — are not regenerated alter injury or destruction. The regeneration of particular tissues, is accomplished by the multiplication and evolution of previously formed cell- elements, whether these be gymnoplasts, nuclei, or nucleoli ; and by the modification of the intercellular or internuclear REPARATION OF THE TISSUE.?. CG3 dements, or matrix, -^vithin the splicre of action of those nutri- tive centres. In tliis way, the epidermis and epithelium are speedily reproduced. The mode of formation of new Ipmph- corpuscles and blood-corpuscles, already described (p. G57), is to be explained in a similar way. The connective, mem- branous, fibrous, or tendinous areolar tissues, and the elastic tissues, are regenerated in the same manner as that in Avhich they are developed. Connective tissue is the chief medium of restoration or repair in wounds or ulcers of tissues or parts, which, like muscles, glands, and the cutis, are not repro- duced. In its growth, it becomes penetrated by new capil- laries and lymphatics, which are developed after the manner already described as their original mode of formation. The development of new vessels, in the meshes of effused ljunph or blood, in the restoration of the lost tail or limbs of the Amphi- bia, and also in tumours, is accomplished in the same Avay. Curtilage if removed by accident, or softened and ab.sorbed in disease, is not regenerated, but cup-shaped caAuties are left, which may Avear smooth ; if it be rent or broken across, it does not unite, but the separated parts become connected by strong fibrous or osseous belts. Nbav cartilage is produced in certain tumours. Bong tissue is regenerated Avith remarkable facility ; the process ahvays takes place by the intra-mem- branous form of ossification. The iutra-cartilaginous form, hoAvever, occurs in tumours. Injury to a muscle, such as divi- sion of its fibres, provided that the cut ends haAm not retracted too far from each other, is repaired by a uniting hand of dense connective tissue, Avhich re-establishes the continuity and office of the mti.scle ; but Avhen a Avhole mu.scle is torn across, it may retract, and form altogether ncAV connections, or it may cease to be used, and then undergo fatty degeneration. A divided nerve is quickly united by connective tissue; in the cicatri.x, nerve-fibres :ire aftenvards funned, Avhich join the divided fibres, and completely restore their functions, tvhether these be reflex, sensory, or motor. The nerve-fibres beyond the line of section, tisuall}'- lose their medulla, ry sul)sfance or sheath, Avhich previously undergoes :i granular and liitty dege- neration ; but the tubuliir .sheath, the axis-fibn', and the nuclei remain. When the ends of the nerve are once more united, the medullary sheath of the fibres is reformed, the reproductive process beginning at the cicatrix and extending downwards. In young animals, the medullary substance may be restored before the nerve is united. GC4 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGT. GRO'WTII. Tlie human infant, especial!}’, exhibits an imperfect and feeble condition at birtli, and many clianges, besides mere in- crease of size, take place in it, before it reaches the conditions of puberty and maturity. At birth, the average Aveight of the male infant is about 71bs., and of the female infant about G-jlbs. The lengths, in the two sexes, are about 18|- inches and 18 inches. The nutritive vegetative functions alone ex- hibit a special activity, those of animal life proper being com- paratively quiescent. The new-born child takes food, and sleeps ; at hrst, it passes upwards of twenty hours out of the twenty-four, in a state of slumber ; and during the first year, it requires from twelve to fifteen hours’ repose. The respiration, circulation, and development of heat are relatiA’ely more active than in the adult ; but the power of re.sisting cold is feeble, and hence protecthm clothing is necessary. The general groAvth of the body, is at first rapid, but affer- Avards much more gradual. Half the adult height is reached by about the end of the third year, Avhilst to attain the re- maining half, fifteen or eighteen years more are required. At 20 years of age, a Man is rather more than 3^ times his height, and about 20 times his Aveight, at birth. This groAvth is not equal in all parts of the body, the lower extremities, Avhich Avere less developed in the embryo, noAV becoming proportion- ally more developed : on the other hand, not only the head, but also many internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, and supra-renal bodies, Avhich are proportionally large at birth, aftenvards gTOAv relatively more sloAvly ; the thymus gland even shrinks. The muscular system and the volitional poAver Avhich commands it, are simultaneously developed and strength- ened. At the end of the third month, the infant easily supports the Aveight of its head ; at the fourth month, it is able to sit upright; at the ninth month, it craAvls on the ground ; before the end of a year, it can, Avith assistance, step ; and at A'arious times, from one to two years or more, it can .stand, and begin to run alone. At six months, it can lisp, and, before the end of the year, can imitate a few definite articulate sounds of one or two syllables. The senses and the mind are gradually bi'ought into exerci.se, hearing, as indicated by the effect of noises, before sight, as shown by the attractiveness of light or of bright-coloured objects. The development of sight, as a source of definite knoAvledge, under the education of touch, has DECAY AKD DEATH. 665 been already fully explained. Of the other senses, perhaps,' taste is tlie next to be developed, and after that, smell and touch. Tlie order of appearance of the milk and permanent teeth, has already been detailed. The food of the infant, before it acquires teeth, is fluid, and the entrance of this into the stomach, distends that organ, and completes its transverse direction ; after the teeth appear, the food may be increased in density, from semifluid to more or less solid nutrient sub- stances. Life has been divided into periods, rvhich may be physiolo- gically thus distinguished. From birth to the appearance of the first tooth, the child or infant may be called a sucHing •, fi'om thence to the time when the milk-teeth begin to fall out, is the period of childhood ; thence to the period of puberty, is the age of boyhood or girlhood ; from this to the final com- pletion of the statru-e, is the epoch of youth or maidenhood', after that, is the period of maturity. Beyond this, comes the decline of life, and afterwards old age. Puberty occurs in the male, at the age of from fifteen to eighteen, according to the climate, and in the female, from twelve to fifteen. After the full stature has been attained, a certain development still goes on. the skeleton especially strengthening and solidifying itself, even up to the age of 25 in women, and 28 or more in men. At this period, also, the intellectual powers attain perfection, and the balance betrveeu assimilation and waste, is fully established. DECAY AND DEATH. The life of every organi.sed being, depends ultimately on the due and persistent performance of the tissue-changes. These are not only constantly wasting and undergoing repair, through the whole organism, by which means the life of the individual is maintained, but they degenerate and decay. Their inrtritive energy becomes enfeebled ; they are no longer renewed or re- paired ; their further development is arrested ; the organs no longer perform their various functions; and then natural decline, decay, and finally death ensue. Death may affect a tissue, or :i part, or an organ only, of the body ; it is accordingly .said to be molecular, or jmrtial, tis the case maybe; this is illustrated in ulceration, 'mv\ gan- grene or mortijicution, of the soft ti.ssues, or caries, or necrosis, of bone. General death, also called somatic death ( coi/ni, the body), affects the entire system. I’artial or molecular death is 666 SPECIAL PUTSIOLOGT. only followed by general or somatic death, when it interferes with the processes of organic life. Somatic death is the result of a permanent arrest of the circulation. Besides this natural mode of death, or death from old age, or climacleric death, there are unnatural, premature, or accidental modes of death, which may occur at any period or moment. The immediate causes of accidental or unnatural somatic death, are syncope, asjjhyxia and coma-, these occur from injury or disease. Old age is the cause of natural somatic death. Coma and syncope have, been alluded to in the Section on the Nervous System, vol. i. pp. 296, 355 ; and a.sph}’xia is described at length under Ilespiration, vol. ii. p. 473. They may here be again briefly noticed. In syncope, death begins at the heart, this organ either losing its irritability and power of contractility, or being affected with a tonic spasm. In the former case, it is found, after death, flabby and flaccid, with its cavities either filled with blood, or empty ; in the latter case, it is firm and contracted, and almost or entirely empty. Death by syncope, may be occasioned by widely difterent causes. Thus, it may take place through the nervous system, as when a violent shock or concussion is com- municated to the body ; it is in this mode, that strong mental emotion, as intense fear, joy, or grief, or sunstroke, lightning, extensive burns of the surface of the body, and sedative poi- sons, are fatal to life. The effects of many sedative poisons — as, e.g. of aconite, digitalis, and tobacco — are produced by the passage of the deleterious substance into the blood, and by the action of the blood, thus vitiated, on the nerves of the heart. | Again, death by syncope may proceed from an enfeebled con- ( dition of the heart's substance, so that its contractile power gradually fails, a mode of death which is exceedingly common, j It occurs in persons affected with disease of the tissues of the heart, especially in cases of frxtty degeneration of this organ. Starvation (p. 549), exhausting diseases, and long-continued violent e.xertion, are further causes of death from feebleness of the heart’s action. Lastly, this mode of death may occur from sudden and profuse hemorrhage, the circulation being arrested, ^ not from loss of the contractile power of the heart, but owing to^ the insuflicient quantity of blood which passes into its cavities. ■ It takes place when a large bloodvessel is wounded, or wheni j it is ruptured owing to disca.se of its coats, and in cases of pro- ; fuse internal hemorrhage, as when an aneurism bursts. Death by asphyxia, or suffocation, occurs when the move- ' DECAY AND DEATH. 667 menta of respiration, or the access of oxygen to the lungs, ai'e arrested, the flow of blood through the jndmonary capillaries then ceasing. This mode of death occurs in cases of disease affecting the heart and lungs, and, though more rapidly, in chok- ing, strangulation, and drowning. The breathing ef cai'bonic acid and other poisonous gases, also kills by asphyxia ; but this fatal result is due both to the absence of free oxygen and to the deleterious properties of the gas. The simple privation of atmospheric air, acts only indirectly on the heart ; for the move- ments of this organ, and, indeed, even the pulsation of the smaller arteries, continue for a time, although all other signs of vitality have disappeared. The blood, as it traverses the pulmonary capillaries, now no longer undergoes the chemical changes es.sential to respiration, for it is non-aerated or venous, and cannot therefore sustain the functions of the various parts to which it is distributed. At first, it passes freely through the pulmonary veins to the left side of the heart, whence it is distributed through the arteries, to the different parts of the body. Its noxious action on the brain, is quickly shown, by the rapid suspension of its sensorial functions, unconsciousne.ss, and convulsions. The circulation in the pulmonary capillaries is at first gradually retarded, and at length totally arrested ; so that the lungs are gorged, and the right side of the heart over- distended with venous blood, which passes into the left cavities of the heart, in smaller and smaller quantities. Owing to this diminution in the supply of blood, and to its vitiated quality, the contractions of the heart become gradually more feeble, and finally all the vital actions are arrested. In the fir.st stage of asphyxia, the face is livid, although voluntary, or instinctive and conscious, efforts are made to breathe, but without success. In the second stage, volition and even consciousnc.ss are lost, though convuLsive movements are performed. In the third stage, all outward and respiratory movements have cea.sed, but the heart still beats. In an asphyxiated animal, the heart will beat for seven minutes, or three minutes after the arrest of external movements. In comn, death begins at the brain, the sensorial functions being those which are fir.st suspended. This mode of death occurs in fevers, in certain diseases of the brain, and in injuries of this organ, when these do not kill by shock or concussion. Thu.s, a person may receive a violent blow on Ihe head, giving rise to symptoms of syncope ; and after a time, although the heart regains its power, and respiration and circulation still 6G8 SPECIAL PIITSIOLOGY. continue, a state of profound stupor sets in, and death occurs in a comatose condition. Narcotic poisons, such as opium, bella- donna, and chloroform, also produce death by inducing coma. Death, however, frequently occurs in all these three modes. Thus, pressure on the brain, may not only induce coma, but also asphyxia and syncope, by paralysing the medulla oblongata, froiii which the pneumogastric nerves, supplying the heart and lungs, arise. The fatal effects of chloi’oform, on the other hand, may depend on asphyxia, coma, or cardiac syncope. Death from old age, or the gradual decay of nature, the natural mode of dying, is much less common than death from unnatural causes. Towards the decline of life, the formative power becomes defective ; the processes of nutrition, growth, and development of the tissue elements, no longer keep pace with the individual waste and death of these ; so that the various organs of the body suffer a marked and gradually in- creasing structural deterioration or degeneration, and their functional powers are consequently diminished. These dete- riorations or degenerations constitute senile atrophy, and are as natural and normal to the living organism as nutrition itself. The body either wastes and dries, or it grows fat, the indi- vidual either becoming emaciated or else corpulent. The coats of the arteries undergo fatty changes, the cornea exliibits the arcus senilis, and there is an increased quantity of fat in all the tissues and organs. The arteries become the seat of cal- careoirs deposits, the bones contain an increased quantity of earthy salts, and the cartilages undergo ossification. The walla of the bloodvessels and other structures become thickened ; the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal frequently presents an ash-coloured appearance, and the lungs, even early, exhibit deposits ( f black pigment. Lastly, if disease or injury in no way interferes Avith the ordinary duration of life, the activity of all the functions slowly dimirishes, until the vitality of the eirtire organism gradually becomes extinct. The ordinary external appearances Avhich indicate death, are, the cessation of breathing, the absence of pulse, a half-* closed state of the eyelids with dilatation of the pupils, clenching of the jaws Avith slight protrusion of the tongue, and partial contraction of the fingers. The skin is cold an'’ pale, or, if livid, is becoming paler. After a feAV days, a deceptive increase of colour of the skin, is sometimes noticed, oAving to the blood being forced, by the cAmlution of gases from the larger central vessels, into the small vessels of the skin. DECAY AND DEATH. 669 The only positive signs of actual death are those which depend on inolecidar change or death, viz. rigkliti/ of the mus- ;cles of the whole body, and putrefaction of tlie tissues. These are most marked in organs and tissues, the vital functions of which are the most active. They supervene more rapidly :in Warm- than in Cold-blooded animals. The action of the 1 heart and the movements of respiration, may be so muclt I reduced, as to be altogether imperceptible, so that the i'unctions of circulation and respiration, ajipear to be arrested. This is [Occasionally observed in temporary syncope, in which a person, :to all appearances dead, has, after a time, regained conscious- mess, and recovered. The peculiar condition of the nervous : system called catalepsy, and the state of trance, are likewi.se ! further examples of so-called apparent death. But, as previ- lously stated (vol. i. p. 1G3), on the occurrence of actual death, I the irritability of the mu.scles, by degree.s, disappears, elec- t tricity no longer excites their contraction, and then cadaveric rigidity sets in. The time at which this comes on, its duration, and many other points connected with it, have also been there [mentioned. The commencement of putrefaction is first in- dicated by the appearance of a bluish-green patch on the : surface of the abdomen or thorax ; this goes on increasing in : size, and becomes brownish, the margins by which it spreads, ■retaining, however, the primitive colour. Putrefiiction then i shows itself in other parts of the body. The rapidity of this I process, j)resents great differences, the tissues being much ■ more prone to putrefy after certain diseases; the temi’.eroture of the surrounding air, also influences, considerably, the quick- mess with which the dead body is finally decomposed. i • 1 ' \ ^ r - « 4 > M ■ *■•' ' ‘ •* ♦ , '>»; . V. ■ I' *■'■•* ^ 4 mil r-r ". Sr *.. •«:» » i'*' V «) ^g\ii7;;rr % 1^' • , r’i. *■ n • 4* III * • V ’ ^ ri *• “S .■ • ' ' ' t ' ■ ■ ■ h >V' > l--'.vi» fi , - . -.< ■ I • • * ;■- . . • ■-.'>( ‘>.';r. • k. i ' • T , . t tf * **. "r . t.. U ' -. ■ r - . . '4/.f 1 1 *d ■ ,< , . * - • j. V " * ' I 4 I 4 ■ »V J"-** V 1 V r *#m ■■•r. -i* *4n; ■• • I fj> ■ 1 *\« INDEX ABD ALB A BDOiTEN, cavity of, i. 31 Abdominal glands in animals, ii. 143 ; — pore of Amphioxiis, ii. 499 Abdncent nerve, i. 315, 333 Aberration, spherical, i. BO'J, 536 Abomasum of Ruminants, ii. 130 A bscess, ii. 986 Absorbent glands, i. 66, 111; ii. 155; — vessels, i. 65; ii. 153, 658. Lymphatics, i. 66 ; ii. 153, 658. Lacteals, i. 67 ; ii. 156 Absorbents, i. 33 . Absoiution, i. Ill ; ii. 151. General, ii. 153, 163 ; by alimentary canal, ii. 165 ; — vessels of , ii. 174; — Inngs.ii. 165,438, 439; — conjunctiva, ii. 165; — serous and synovial membranes, ii. 167 ; — skin, ii. 166; — areolar connective tisspe, ii. 167 ; — ulcers and wounds, ii. 168. Venous, ii. 16S, 171; cii'cnmstancos which indu- ence, ii. 169, 171, 177, 179. In non- va-scular parts, ii. 168. Lymphatic, ii. 171. Lacteal, ii. 175, IbO, 181. Rato of, ii. 170. Inlluence of nervous system on, ii. 171. Venous and hicteal, contrasted, ii. 176. Of food, ii. 174 ; — sugar, ii. 176 ; — saline substances, ii. 176 ; — albuminoid substances, ii. 177 ; — fatty matters, ii. 177, 178, 179, 180. In- trinsic, ii. 153, 182-185; interstitial, ii. 183 ; progressive, ii. 183 ; disjunctive, ii. 183 ; uses of, ii. 185 ; rapidity of, ii. 183, 184 ; e.v.nmples of, ii. 184; ulcerative, ii. 185. Uses of, ii. 185. In animals, ii. 186, 187. Of oxygen in respiration, ii. 438, 439 ; by stomach and intestines, ii. 402 Abstraction, faculty of, i. 378 Accessory nerve, i. 316, 335 Acervnlus cerebri, i. 305 Achromatic lenses, i. 552 . Achromatopsy or colour-blindness, i. 593 . Acm.s of the Body (proxiinalo constitu- ents!), i. 85, 86. Acetic, i, 86. Butyric, i. 86. Caproic, i. 86. Cerobric, i. 85, Cnolalic, i. 85, Cholic or glycocholic, i. 85. Formic, i. 86. Glyccro-phos- phoric, i. 86. Hippuric, i. 85. Lactic, i. 86. Lithio, i. 85. Oleic, i. 86. Oleo- phosiphoric. i. 86. O.xalic, i. 86. Pal- mitic, i. 86. Propionic, i. 86. Stearic, i. 86. Tnurocholio, i. 85. Uric, i. 85 Acotyledons, i. 140 Acrogens, i. 140 Actinic or chemical rays, i. .548 Actinozoa, iserivisccral cavity of, ii. 142 Adam’s apple, or pomum Adami, i. 250 Adipose tissue, i. 45 ; ii. 647 Adult age, ii. 665 Aerial breather.s, ii. 402 ; — respiration, ii. 402, 488-496 .aisthesodic substance of Spinal Cord, i. 342 JEsthesiometer, i. 463 Atterent nerve fibres, i. 277, 328, 349 After-sensations, i. 431, 465, 482, 495, 521, 583 Ago, effect of, on pulse, ii. 217 ; on quan- tity of o.vygcn absorbed and carbonic acid clirninated, in respiration, ii. 465 ; on quantity of urea excreted, ii. 378 ; on aninuil heiit, ii. 595 Air, ii. 437. Air-.sjKice for rooms, ii. 4S3 ; for individuals, ii. 484. Changes of, in respiration, ii. 435-4 14. Effect of a single respiratioti on the composition of, ii. 438. Quantity of, respired in one minute, ii. 435 Air-bladder of Fi.shes, ii. 493 Air-cells or air-sacs of lungs, ii. 411- 413 Air-i!aBSago.s, ii. 404-406. Air-sacs in Birds, ii. 489, 490 Albmneu, i. 81 ; ii. 3, 8. Vegetable, ii. 4, 8 Albuminoid substances. Do.stination of, in body, ii. 543. Jlctamorpho.sis of, in body, ii. 543. In the blood, ii. 299. U.ses of, ii. 290. In liaily fo(jd, ii. 536. Decomposition, artificial of, ii. .545. In body, ii. 534. Action of gastric jnico on.’ii. 86; of ])ancrc.atio juice on, ii. 98, 99 ; of intestinal juices on, ii. 102. — Excreta, uuoxidised, ii. 546 672 INDEX. ALB Albutninose, ii. 84, 86. DistinpiiiBlicd from Albuminoids, ii. 86. Formed from gelatiu, ii. 86 Albummiiri.r. ii. 389, 390 Alcohol, destination of, in body, ii. 542. U.se of, in body, ii. 543. An aliment, ii. 542 Alcoholic beverages, ii. 5 Aldehyde, destination in body, ii. 54.3 Alimentary canal, i. 31, lie. Length and capacity of, in reference to food, ii. 116. In animals, ii. 129 Allantois, ii. 611.612. Growth and desti- nation of, ii. 612, 635 Alveoli of teeth, ii. 16. Development of, ii. 629 Ambulacral vessels of Eohinodemiata, ii. 275 Amnion, ii. 599, 609. Fluid of, ii. 609 Aniphiarthroses, or nii.xed joints, i. 188 Amphibia. Prehension of food, ii. 118. Progression on solids, i. 225 ; in fluids, i. 230. Teeth, ii. 124. Jaws, ii. 127. Salivary glands, ii. 128. Pharynx, ii. 129. Alimentary canal, ii. 138. Integu- ment of, i. 473. Cloaca, ii. 138. Liver, ii. 144. Gall-bladder, ii. 146. Pancrea.s, ii. 147. Lymph, atic hearts, ii. 186. Portal circulation, ii. 267. He.art, ii. 26.5, 266. Circulation, ii, 266. Renal- portal system, ii, 267, Spleen, ii, 342, Supia-renal bodies, ii. 342. Thymus gband, ii. 343. Kidneys, ii. 392. Thorax, ii.491. Respiration by lungs, ii. 492 ; by gills, ii. 497, 498. Touch, i. 472, 474. Taste, i. 483, 484. Smell, i. 498. Hear- ing, i. 523. Sight, i. 601. Locomotion on solids, i. 225 ; in fluids, i. 230. A’oice, i. 271. Cerebrum, i. 407.408.411,413. Cerebellum. 1. 413. 414. Tongue, i. 484. Ova of, ii. 600. Heat of, ii. 503 Amphioxus. or Lancelet, i. 125. Alimen- tiu-y canal, ciliated, ii. 139. Blood cor- puscles of, ii. 264, 271. Circulation in, ii. 270. Blood-glands absent, ii. 343. Absorbents absent, ii. 187. Nervous system, i. 41 6. Sight, i. 601. Smell, i. 499. Resiuration, ii. 499. Chorda dor- salis. ii. 653. Heart is not simple, ii. 270 AmygdaliC, ii. 27 Amyliu. i. 86 {see Starch) Amyloid substance. In Tunicata, ii. 335. In healthy muscle, ii. 335 ; — degene- ration of tissues and organs, ii. 335 Analogies in animals, i. 137 Auelcctrotouus, i. 285 Animal, Dissection of, i. .34 Animal cells, i. 75 ; ii. 641. — Functions, general view, i. 107 ; table, i. 117 ; special ])hysioIogy of, i. 155. — Heat, ii. 502, 521 (.wlleat). — Electricity, ii. 527-531 (see lilectricity). — Light, ii. 524-527 (see Light). — Kingdom, Cuvier's arrange- ment, i. 120; modern arrangement, i. 122; outlines of. i. 120. — Magnetism, i. 402. — Sub-kingdoms, i. 124 Animals, Classilicatiou of, i. 120-122. AQU Expression and gesture in, i. 247. Com- pared with plants, i. 145. Hearing, organs and sense, i. 522. Locomotion in air, i. 234 ; in fluids, i. 228 ; on solids, i. 218. Nervous system and its functions, i. 403. Organs and function of sight in, i. 597. Ovaries and ova of, ii. GltO. Posi- tion of man amongst, i. 132. Prehension and Manipulation, i. 244. Reproduction of, ii. 380. Smell, organs and sense, i. 496. Special senses, i. 439. .Skin, i. 473. Taste, organs and sen.se, i. 4S3. Tonch, its sense and organs, i.471. Voice, i. 269. Cold-bloodetl. ii. 503, 517, 522. ■W,arm-bloodetl.ii..503, 504, 517, .522. Car- nivorous, ii. 517 , 518. .546. Herbivorous, ii. 517, 518, 546. Hybernation of, ii. 521 Ankle, adaptation to erect posture, i. 209 Annelida. Digestive organs and glands, ii. 141.145. Pseiulo-hmmal vessels, ii. 274. Respiration, ii. 494, 501 . Touch.!. 472,474. Hearing, i. 525. Sight, i. 606. Locomotion, i. 226. Nervous system, i. 128. Reproduction of, ii. 582, 586. Lu- minosity in, ii. .526 Asnuloida. General characters and classes, i. 129. Locomotion in water, i. 233; on solids.!. 226. Nervous system and actions, i. 423. Prehension, i. 246 ; ii. 118. Denticles, ii. 127. Salivary tiibnli, ii. 129. Alimentary canal, ii. 141, 142. Gastric glands, ii. 143. Liver, ii. 14-5. Pancreatic tiibnli. ii. 148. Circulation, ii. 274. Respiration, ii. 50] . Hearing, i. .525. Sight, i. 607. Touch, L 472. Smell, 499 Annulosa. Eyes of, i. 604. Development, ii. 585, 606. General characters and , cLisses, i. 128. Luminosity. ii. .52.5. Ner- vous system and actions, i. 420. Ova. ii. 601. Prehension, i. 246 ; of food, ii. 118. Mandibles mid m.vxill.T. ii. US. Pro- boscis. ii. 119. Salivary glands, ii. 129. Alimentary canal, ii. 140. Liver, ii. 145. Circulation, ii. 27:1. 274. Renal organs, ii. 394. Respiration, ii. 491-496, .500, 501. Touch, i. 472. 474. Smell, i. 499. Hearing, i. .521, .525. Sight, i. 604-607. Locomotion on solids, i. 226 ; in fluids, i. 233 ; in air, i. 235. Voice, i. 271, 272 Ant-eaters, salivary glands in, ii. 128 Antiperistaliic action, ii. .50 Antlers of stag, development of, ii. 287 ; falling of, ii. 2,88 Aorta, i. 29, 31 . In Reptiles and Amphibia, ii. 266. Primitive, ii. 634. 636. 637. 641 Aortic arch in Man and Mamm.alia. ii. 266. In Birds, ii. 267. — Arches in Reptiles, ii. 266. 267 Aphides, reproduction of, ii. 583, 585 Apnn n, i. .147 Appetite, i. I l l Aiinatic breathers, ii. 403. — Respiration, ii. 463, 496-502 INDEX, 673 AQU Aqnoous humour, i. M2, .'344, n55 ; ii. G23 Auacii-Sida. Digestive organa and glands, ii. 141, 145. Circulation, ii. 274. Renal organs, ii. 304. Respiration, ii. 494, .5()U. Touch, i. 472, 474. Hearing, i. 525. Sight, i. ()0fi. Locomotion, i. 226. Ner- vou.s system, i. 421, 422 Arachnoid membrane, i. 21, 295 Arantii, corpus, ii. 192, 194 Arbor vitas, or tree of life, i. 307 Arches, arterial, ii. 636. Branchial, or visceral, ii. 624 Arcus senilis, ii. 668 Area, germinal, ii. 606. Opaca, ii. 607. Pellucida, ii. t07. Vitelline, ii. 607. Vascular, ii. 610, 633 Areolar tissue, i. 13, 43. Intermuscular, ii. 646, 663 Aristotle, lantern of. ii. 128. Arm, adaptations of, i. 239 Arterial arches, ii. 636. — blood (see Blood). — bulb of fishes, ii. 267. Arteries, i. 18, 111. Development of, ii. 656. Influence of, on circulation, ii. 222. Elasticity, ii. 222, 223, 225. 226. Vital contractility, ii. 223, 224. Tone, ii. 224, 225. Character of cuiTent in, ii. 225. Branchings, bendings, and anastomoses, ii, 226, 227. Rate of motion of blood in different, ii. 228 ; slower in more distant arteries, ii. 228, 229. Blood pressure, ii. 229-234. Modified by respiration, ii. 232, 233. Effect of division of sympathetic, on, ii. 234. Pulse, ii. 235, 242. Ratio between dilation and contraotion of, ii. 240, 241. In Mammalia, ii. 265. Struc- ture of, i. 57. Omphalo-mesenterio, ii. 610, 634. Umbilical, ii. 614, 635, 639. Vitelline, ii. 634. Primitive, ii. 636. Hy- pogastric, ii. 635, 639. Mode of closure, ii. 314 Arthrodia, or planiforra joints, i. 190 Articnlata, General characters, i. 121,128 Articulations, i. 187 Artificial circulation, ii. 481. — respira- tion, ii. 478-481 Arytenoid cartilages, i. 250. — muscles,!. 252, 258 ; ii. 424 A.«!CiDioti)A. Digestive glands and organs, ii. 140, 144. Circulation, ii. 273. Re- spiration, ii. .500. Hearing, i. 524. Sight, i. 604. Locomotion, i. 233. Nervous system, i. 420. llcproilnction, ii. 582. Asphyxia, ii. 473. Essential characters, ii. 473. Death from, ii. 473-475, 66il. Recovery from, ii. 480. Treatment of, ii. 479, 480, 481. Cutaneous, ii. 401 Aspirator, ii. 513 A.s.similatiom Primary, ii. 276. Secondary, ii. 276. Nutritive, a metabolic effort, ii. 280 Assimilative glands, ii. 320 Asthma, ii. 430 As'igmatism, i. 565 Atmosphere, Composition of, ii. 437. 438 Atrophy, ii. 285. Senile, ii. 668. Of Muscle, 1. 162 BIB Attention, i. 376 Automatic acts, i. 347, 385 Auditory organs (see Hearing). — nerve, i. 315, 508, 521. — vi sides, ii. 622 Auricle, or pinna, i. 500, 512 Auricles of heart, ii. 189_, 193 Automatic movements, i. 385 Awaking, causes of, i. 393 Axile bodies, or tactile corpuscles, i. 454 Axis-cylinder of nerve, i. 54 Azote, ii.457 (see Nitrogen) Azotised constituents of the body,!. SI, 97 T3ABYROUSSA, tusk of, ii. 121 Bacteria, ii. 581 Balance of body maintained, i. 212 Bartholin, duct of, ii. 55 Basement membrane, i. 68, ii. 659 Basis of support of body, i. 197 Batrachia (see Amphibia) Bat, flight of, i. 234 Bauhin, valve of, ii. 48 Beef-tea, preparation and contents of, ii. 114 Bellini, tnbe.s of, ii. 369 Beverages, ii. 10 Bilateral action of the nervous system, i. 395 Bile, i. 111. Non-elimination, ii. 356. Source and composition, ii. 65, 354. Se- cretion, constant, ii. 74 : effect of injury of vagus nerve on, ii, 355, 356. Hepatic, ii. 74. Cystic, ii. 75. Constituents of, 75, 76, 77. Pettenkofer’s test for, ii. 76. Uses of, ii. 356. Action of, ii. 95-97 ; anti-putrescent, ii. 97 ; excreraentitious, ii. 96, 355 ; on fat, ii. 96, 97. Supple- mentary non-chemical uses, ii. 96. Scanty and excessive supply, ii. 96. Present in lower part of small intestine, ii. 103. Specific gnivity, ii. 75. De- composition, in intestines, ii. 98. Portal blood essential to formation, ii. 3.54. Not preformed in blood, ii. 355. Source of acids and colouring matters, ii. 355 Bilifulvin, i. 83, ii. 77 Bilin, ii. 76 Biliphatin, ii. 77 Bilipyrrhin, ii. 77 _ Biliverdin, i. 83 ; ii. 77 Bill, different shape of, in Birds, ii. 117, 118 Binocular parallax, i. 580 Birds. Prehension of food, ii. 117. Bills, ii. 117. .laws, ii. 127. Salivary glands, ii. 128. Pharynx, ii. 129. Crop, or in- gluvies, ii. 1.34,135,136. Proventrlculus. ventriculussuccenturiatus, or true glan- dular stomach, ii. 135, 136. Gizzard, gigerimn, vcnlricnlusbulbosus, third or muscular stomach, ii. 135, 186. Pyloric valve, il. 135. Heat of, ii, 504. Intes- tines, ii. 135, 136. Integuments, i. 473. Ilco-cmcal valve, abscnt,li. 135. Ciccum, usually douhle, ii. 137 ; — vitelline, ii. 137,610. Crcca sometimes wanting, ii, 137. Cloaca, ii. 137. Bursa Pnbrlcii, VOL. II. X X 674 IKDEX. BU 1S7. Esophagus, ii. 134. Liver, ii. 144. Gall-bladder, ii. 14G. Pancreas, ii. 14G, 147. Lymphatic system, ii. 186. Portal circulation, ii. 2G5. Heart, ii. 264, 265. Aortic arch, ii. 26G. Spleen, ii. 342, Supra-renal bodies, ii. 342. Thyroid body, ii. 342. Thymus gland, il. 343. Kidneys, ii. 392. Thorax, ii. 488, 489, Lungs and respiration, ii. 489. Air-sacs, ii. 489, 490. Bones, air-cavities in, ii. 490. Temperature of, ii. 504. Touch, i, 471,472. Taste, i. 483. Smell, i. 49». Hearing, i. -522. Sight, i. ,599, GOO. Lo- comotion on solids, i. 222-224 ; in fluids, i. 228,229 ; in air, i. 2.3-5-239. Voice,!. 269-271. Perching, i. 223. Prehension, 1. 245, 24G. Encephalon, i. 40.5, 406. Cerebrum, i. 407, 408, 411, 412, 413. Corpora qu.adrigemina, i. 412. Cerebel- lum, i. 413, 414. Spinal cord, i. 415. Hypoglossal nerve, i. 416 Bladder, urinai-y, i. 31. Inversion of, ii, 373, 374. Walls of, ii. 374 Blastema or matrix, i. 76 ; ii. 642. G43 Blastoderm, and its three layers, ii. 60S Blastodermic vesicle, ii. G03 Blind spot of the eye, i. 568, 570 Blood, i. 62. Affinity for oxygen, ii. 4.55, 4.56. Arterial, characters of, ii. 402, 444 ; uses of, ii. 288. Buffy coat. ii. 30-5, 306. Changes in quality, ii. 288 ; in fibi'in, ii. 4-50 ; in gases, ii, 451-462 ; in temperature, ii. 450, 461 ; in colour, li. 444 ; — ■ cause of, ii. 445-449. Clot, forms of, ii. 30.5-307. Coagulation of, i. 65 ; ii. 300-314 ; accelerated, retarded, or Interrupted, ii. 301, 302, 303, 304,305; Induced in animals, ii. 304 ; cause of, ii. 307 ; a vital act, ii. 807, 308, 309 ; a physical process dependent on escape of ammonia, ii. 309, 310 ; dependent on the colloidal action of fibrin, ii. 311, 312; dependent on reaction between fluid and solid constituents, ii. 312 ; dependent on catalytic action of corpuscles, ii. 312 ; dependent on influence of red corpus- cles,ii. 312,313; dependent on reaction of fibrino-genous and fihrlno-plttstic substances, ii. 313. Colouring matter, source of, li. 317, 51-t ; offcctof different substances on, ii. 415. Composition of, I. 911. Constituents ijroximate, i. 90 ; continually changed, ii. 318; uses of particular constituents of : — albumi- noid. 11.290 ; extractives, ii. 293 ; fatty, II. 292; fibrin, ii. 291 ; ga«es, ii. 29.5; salts, ii. 293, 295; sugar, ii. 292. Ef- fete matters in, ii. 293. Corpuscles, 1. 62. Ued corpuscle.s, 1. 63 ; affinity for oxygen, ii. 466; origin of, afterbirth, ii. 316 ; origin of, in embryo, ii. 667 ; decay of, ii. 316; function of, ii. 289; chemical changes in, ii. 316; collected In spleen, ii. 316 ; quantity in animal.s, li. 289,518 ; absent in Amphioxiis, ii. 261; absent in non-Vertebrnta, 271. White corpuscles, i, 63 ; origin of, ii. 314, BOD 315; changedintored,ii,31C; in goitre, ii. 327, 328; function of, ii. 2»U; in lencremia, ii. 323 ; development of, ii. 657 ; regeneration of, ii. 663 ; size of, i. 77 ; stasis of in inflammation, ii. 280. Cruorin, where added to corpuscles, ii. 316; changes in colour during respira- tion, dependent on oxidation of,ii. 447 ; scarlet, ii. 448 ; purple, ii. 448 ; affinity for oxygen, ii. 449; ctxygen chemically combined svith, il. 450. Determination of,ii.287. Develo))ment of, ii. 633. Ex- tractives.!. 91 ; ii.295. Extravasation of, li. 296. Fibrin, i. .90; office. li. 291 ; coa- gulation is sometimes injurious, ii. 291 ; changes in, during respiration, ii. 450 ; artificially formed, ii. 4-50 ; source of, ii. 317, 544 ; oxidised in liver and kidneys, ii. 317 ; splenic vein contains much. ii. 317. Gases In 100 volumes, ii, 4-55, Hmmatin of, i. 83 ; production, ii. 289; destination, ii. 289. Halitus, ii. 301. Heat or temperature, ii. 504. Impure, action of, ii. 318. Liquor sanguinis, 1. 62; fluidity of, essential to life, ii. 299, office of, ii. 290, source of its albumen, ii. 316, amyloid and saccharine matters, ii. 317, creatin and creatinin, ii. 317. fatty matters, li, 317, fibrin, il. 317, salts and earthy matters, ii. 316. Loss, orlnemor- rhage, ii. 296 ; effects of, ii. 2SS. Micro- scopic elements, i, 62. Nutrition, ii. 277. Nutritive properties, how affected, ii. 296. Odour, ii. 30 1 , Quantity in body, ii. 260-263 ; — projected through aorta per second, ii. 262 ; — at each systole, ii. 262 ; — sent through kidneys, ii. 366. Hatio between blood and body in Man, ii. 260, 262 ; in animals, ii. 261. Respi- ratory changes, ii. 111-150. Spectrum analysis, ii. 447. Transfusion, il. 297. Uses of, and of its circulation, ii. 263, 264 ; in nutrition, ii. 27.5, 287. Venous, characters of, i. 90 ; ii. 282.402, 444. Of animals, ii, 289, 518 ; of Amphioxus, ii. 264.271; of Non-vertebrata. ii. 271 ; cor- puscles, coloureil, i. 63 ; white, i. 64 ; red (size of), i. 77. Blood-glands absent in Non-vertebrata, ii. 343 (see Ductless Glands). Bloodvessels of Non-vertebrata, ii. 271 . Of liver, in animals, ii. 145. Regeneration of, ii. 663. Development of, ii. 633, 656. Structure of, i. 57 ; arteries, i. 57 ; veins, I. 58 ; capillaries, i. 59. Bony, Human. Effects of cold on. ii. .507- 509 ; of heat on, ii. 509—512. Electricity, ii. .527. Heat, ii. .504—521. Luminous- ness, ii, 524. Statics. ii.5:)2. Dynamics, ii. 550. Stature, ii. .533. Weight, ii. 533. Temix'raturo, ii. .504— 521. Spccifio gravity, ii. 532. Height, ii. 5;i;i. Pro- portions of jiroximate constituents, ii. 534. Transformation, substance of, ii- 537. Cliemicul clianges, sum of, in. ii- 546. Compand with a machine, ii. 560. Growth of, ii. 664. Decay of, ii- INDEX, BON 6G5, Height of, at birth, ii. 6G4. Weight of. at birth, ii. GG4 Bone, i. 40, 18o. Composition of, i. 88. Primai-y, ii. 049 , 052. Secondar.v, ii. 649. Development of, ii. 048. Kepara- tion of, ii. 003 Bones, i. 108. Adaptation to purposes served by them, i, 185. Air-cavities of, in Birds, i. 230 ; ii. 490. Long bones, development of, ii. 05i Bonnet, of Ruiniuants, ii. 130 Botal, duct of, ii. 270, 041 Brachiopoda, digestive organs of, ii. 140. Digestive glands, ii. 144, Circulation, ii. 273. Respiration, ii. 500 Brain, i. 23, 108 , 294. Mode of ascertain- ing composition of white substance, i, 87. Parts of, i. 297. (See those parts.) Size and weight of, i. 290. Develop- ment of, ii. 010, 020. Supply of blood, to, i. 296, ii. 250 Branchite, ii. 403, 497. Of Amphibia, ii. 497. — Fishes, ii. 498. — Mollusca, ii. 499. — Annulosa, ii. 500, 501 Branchial arche.s, ii. 024. — clefts, ii. 624. — arteriesof Fish, ii. 207. — vessels sup- plying gills of Fish, ii. 498. — arterial arches of Amphibia, . — sacs. Mol lus- coida, ii. 500. — heart of Fish, ii. 207 Branchiated or water-breathing Vertc- brata, ii. 264 Bright’s disease, urine in, ii. 375, 390 Breath {see Re.spiration) Breathing air, ii. 432, 433 Bronchi, i. 29 ; ii. 405, 406 Bronchia, or bronchial tubes, 1. 29 ; ii. 410 Bronchial sounds, ii. 420. — vessels, ii. 414 Brunner’s glands, ii. 80 Buds, animal, ii. 582 Buffy coat, ii. 305 Bulbus arteriosus, development of, ii. 634 Butter-milk, ii. 359 Butyric acid, i. 86 Byssus of Lamellibranchiata, ii. 395 ^ADAVERIC rigidity, i. 175 ; ii. 609 Caducibrancli late Amphibia, respira- tion in, ii. 498, 499 Omcnra, i. 33 ; ii. 40. Absent in certain Mammalia, ii. 134. XJsually prosout and double in Birds, ii. 137. Absent in Crocodile, ii. 137. Sometimes present in Fishes, ii. 138. — vitelline, ii. 010 Caillet of Ruminants, ii. 130 Calamus scriptorius, i. 309 Calculi, urinary, ii. 380, 387 Calorescence, i. 548 Calories, ii. 550 Calorific food, ii. 0, 537, 517, 501. — rays, i. 548. — work of body, ii. 555, 508 Calorimetry, ii. 512 Calorimeters, ii. 512, 513 Calyces of kidney, ii. 308 Calyx of ovary, ii 591 Camel, water-cells of, ii. 1-30 CT5 CAV Camera ohscura, i. 553 Canal of Wirsung, ii. 78 Canals, portal, ii. 71. — semi-circular, i. 500 Can.aliculi of bone, i. 47 ; ii. 650 Cancer, ii. 285 Capillaries, structure of, i. 59. Length of systemic, ii. 259. Development of, ii.'GSO Capillary circulation, ii. 242-247. Cause, li. 243. Theories, ii. 243, 244. Pheno- mena, ii. 245. Still layer of, ii. 245. Rate of motion of blood in systemic, ii, 240 ; in pulmonary, ii. 247. Retardation of blood in, ii. 247, Resistance in, ii. 248 Caproic acid, i, 86 Capsules of the kidney, ii. 396 Garbhydrates, ii. 6. Destination of, ii, 541. In relation to heat, ii. 501 ; to work, ii, 501. Necessity for in work, ii. 573 Carbon, a source of animal heat, ii. 514. Daily excretion of, ii. 516, Relation of to animal heat, ii. 558 Carbonic acid, i. 115. Quantity in atmo- sphere, ii. 438 ; in venous and arterial blood, ii. 451,452. Daily e.xcretion of, ii. 516, 517. Eliminated in respiration, ii. 439^43. Qu.antity determined, ii. 439-442 ; — modified, ii, 463-469, 517, Destructive to lifOj ii. 482. Injurious in small quantities, ii. 482. Diffuses from blood, ii. 457. Effects of breathing it, ii. 472 ; appearances after death, ii. 473 Caries, ii, 065 Carnivora, Digestive organs, ii. 116, 130, 134. Digestive glands, ii. 144, 140. Supra-renal bodies, ii. 342. Mammary glands, ii. 303, Kidneys, ii. 392. Re- spiration, ii. 488. Touch, i. 471. Taste, i. 483. Smell, i. 497. Sight, i. 598,599. Locomotion, i. 222. Prehension, i. 244, 245. Cerebrum, i. 407, 409, 410, 411. Cerebellum, i. 414. Corpora quadrigemina, i. 412 Carnivorous Animals, digestive organs of, ii. 110. Destination of food in, ii. 540, Respiration in, ii. 518. Oxygen ab- sorbed by, ii. 439 Cartilage, i. 12, 45 : ii. 048, 663. Compo- sition, i. 88. Precursory, ii, 049. Ossi- fying, ii. 049 Caruncle, i. 528 _ Casein, i. 83. Formation and use, ii. 300, 544 Castor of the beaver, ii. 395 Casta in urine, ii. 373, 390 Catalepsy, ii. 009 Caterpillar, ii. 587 Cathclcctrotoiius, i. 285 Cauda cquiua, i. 320 ; ii. 619 Cavities of tlie Body and contalhed organs, i. 19. Abdomen, i. 31. Cheat, i. 27. Skull and spinal column, i. 19. Face, i. 20. — of reserve (teeth), ii. 028, 209, llieinal, i. 134 ; ii. 008, Nclual, i, 134 i li. 008. X X 0 676 INDEX, CEL Oell. Germ-, ii. 5S3 589,642. Sperm-, il. .583,589,642. — theory, ii. 642. — nuclei and nucleoli, ii. 643. — force, ii. 643, 646. — life, ii. 643. — development and STOWth, ii. 643, 644. — division, ii. 604, 644 Cells, Animal, ii. 641 ; structure of, ii. 643 ; origin and development of, ii. 643 ; by various modes, ii. 644 ; metamor- phosis of, ii. 644 ; compared -\vith vege- table, ii. 646. Vegetable, structure of, ii. 642 Cellular tissue, i. 43 Cement, ii. 17 Central canal of spinal cord, i. 313. — grey commissure of spinal cord, i. 312. Centre of gravity of the body, i. 197 Cephalopoda. Digestive organs, ii. 139. Digestive glands, ii. 129, 144. Circula- tion, ii. 272. Renal organs, ii. 394. Re- spiration, ii. 499. Touch, i. 472. Taste, i. 484. Smell, i. 499. Hearing, i. 524. Sight, i. 603. Locomotion, 1. 233 Cerebellum, i. 23, 297. 307. Parts of,l. 307. Fibres of, i. 308. Functions of, i. 363. Of Mammalia, i. 413,414. Birds, i. 413, 414; experiments on, i. 363. Reptiles, i. 413,414. Amphibia, i. 413,414. Fishes, i. 413, 414 Cerebral hemispheres, i. 299. Develop- ment of, ii. 621. — lobes in Fishes, i. 408,412. — peduncles, i. 297; functions of, i. 358. — vesicles, ii. 616, 619 Cerebric acid, i. 85 ; ii. 114 Cerebro-spinal axis, i. 294 ; effects of irri- tation of, ii.341. — nerves, i. 313; func- tions of, i. 327. — nervous system, i. 294; summary of functions, i. 380 Cerebnmi, i. 23, 297, 29k Convolutions, i. 301, Cortical substance, i, 302, 367, Fibres, i, 303, Fissures, i, 299, 300, Hemispheres, i, 24, 292, 372. Lobes, i. 300. Medullary substance, i. 303. Pe- dmicles, i. 297, 357. Ventricles, i. 299, 306. Action on the muscles, i. 375. Experiments on, i. 370. Functions, i. 167. In MainmaUa, i. 406^08, 408-411, 412, 413; Birds, i. 407, 408, 411,412, 413 ; ReptUes, i. 407, 408, 411, 412, 413 ; Amphibia, i. 407,408, 411, 413; Fishes, i. 407, 408, 411, 412, 413. Development of, ii. 620, 621 Cerumen, or ear-wax, i. 501 CuTACKA. Digestive organs, ii. 133, 134. Digestive glands, ii. 128, 146. Supra- renal bodies, ii. 342. Mammary glands, ii. 363. Kidneys, ii. 392. Respiration, ii. 488. Touch, i. 471. Taste, i. 483. Smell, i. 497. Hearing, i. 522, Sight, i. 598,599, L/Ocomotion, 1. 222, 228. Voice, i. 269. Cerebrum, i. 410. Retia mira- hilia, in, ii. 477 Chiila7.!u, ii. 594 , 596 Clialk-stoncs in gout, ii. 381 Cheeks, ii. 25 CiiKiiioiTEiuv. Digestive organs, ii. 1.30, 133, 1;14. Sight, i, 598. Locomotion,!, 222, 234. Corebrum, i . 407 CLA Chemical changes in body, sum of, ii. 546. Relation of, to heat ii. 558. — of air, in respiration, ii. 435, 444. — of blood, ii. 451-462. — force, relation to heat and work, ii. 556-8. —composition of the body, i. 80 ; of constituents of (see Constituents). — processes of diges- tion, ii. 82 ; in animals, ii. 148 Childhood, ii. 665 Cholalic Acid, i. 85 ; ii. 76 Cholepyrrhin, ii. 77 Cholesterin, i. 86 Cholic or Glycocholic Acid, i. 85 Chondrin, i. 82 ; ii. 544 Chorda dorsalis, ii. 607, 648 ; changes in, ii. 616 Chorion, ii. 594, 599, 612 Choroid, i, 531, 537 Chromatic aberration, i. 552, 556 Chrysalis, ii. 587 Chyle, i. 67, 111 ; 11. 156, 182. Composi- tion of, i. 92. Molecular basis of, i. 68. Causes of Motion of, ii. 181, 182. In animals, 11.187 Chylification, i. Ill ; ii. 276 Chyme, i. Ill ; ii. 93-95 ; a product of digestion and absorption, ii. 95 Chymification. i. Ill ; ii. 93, 94 Cicatricula, ii. 592, 593, 597, 604, 606 Cicatrisation, ii. 286 Cilia, i. 73, 177,178. Movementsof, 1. 179 ; velocity, i. 179 ; effects, i. 179 ; con- tinuance of, i. 180 ; occurrence in man, i.177; • — in animals, i. 178. Size, i. 178. Uses, general, i. 181 ; in air-tubes, ii. 423 ; in aquatic respiration, ii. 501, 502 ; in tubuR uriniferi of cold-blooded Ver- tebrata, ii. 393 Ciliary ligament, i. 537. — muscle, i. 538. — processes, i. 538 Circles of dissipation, i. 5.52 Circulation, i. Ill, ii. 187. Course and causes of, ii. 200-203, 204. Pulmonary, i. 112; ii. 201. Systemic, i. 112; ii. 200. Portal, ii. 69. Discovery of. ii. 201. Through heart, ii. 204, 205 ; arte- ries, il. 222-234 ; capillaries, il. 242-247 ; veins, ii. 247-257. Effect of pavity on, ii. 2-54. Peculiarities, portal, ii. 255; cra- nial, ii. 256; pulmonary, ii. 256, 257. Period of a complete, ii. 257-260. Re- lation between frequency of pulse and period of circulation, ii. 258, 259 ; — in Man, ii. 259 ; in Mammalia, ii. 264 , 265 ; in Birds, ii. 265 ; in Reptiles, il. 26,5-267; in Amphibia, immature, ii. 26.8--270 ; in Perennibranchiata, ii.270; in Fishes, ii. 267, 271 ; in Ainphioxus, ii. 270;_in Lopidosiren, ii. 270; in Mollusca, ii. 272 ; Jlolluscoida, ii. 273 ; Annulosa, ii. 273, 274; Annuloida. ii. 274; Coclenterata, ii. 275 ; Protozoa, ii. 275. Embryonal, first, ii. 638; second, ii. 639. Allantoid or pla- cental, ii. 6,639. Foetal, ii. 638. Change in, at birth, ii. 640. Double, completed, ii. (ill. Artificial, ii. 481. Clairvoyance, i, 403 INDEX. 6T7 CLA Classification of Animals, changes in, i. 122 Cleavage of yolk, ii. 603, Cleft palate, 11. 625 Clefts, branchial or visceral, ii. 624 Clicking sounds in speech, i. 26S Climate, effects of, on animal heat, ii. 505 Cioaca, ii. 59.3. In Birds, ii. 137 ; in In- sect.s, ii. 1-10 ; in Reptiles, ii. 138 ; in Amphibia, ii. 138 ; in Monotremata, ii. 134 Clot, or Coagnlum, of blood, i. 65 (see Blood) Coagulation of blood, i. 65 (see Blood) Coagnlum of blood, i. 65 (see Blood) Cochlea, i. 506, 519. Functions of, i. 519. Development, ii. 623 Coefficient (mechanical) of heat, ii. 556 Ccelentehat.v. Reproduction of, ii. 582. Ova of, ii. 601. General characters and classes, i. 129. Nervous system and nervous actions, i. 424. Luminosity, ii. 526. Digestive canal, ii. 142. Formation of bile in, ii. 145. Circulation, ii. 275. Renal organs, ii.394. Respiration, ii. 501. Hearing, i. 525. Sight, i. 607. Touch, i. 473, 474. Locomotion in fluids, i. 233. Prehension, i. 246 ; — of food, ii. 119 Cold, eflfects of, on ifan,ii. 507 509. Power of resisting, ii. 508 Cold-blooded Animals (see Animals) Colloid bodies, ii. 84. 162. Energia pecu- liar to, U. 163, Effects of, in nutrition, ii. 280 Colon, i. 43 ; ii. 46 Colostrum, ii. 357. Corpu=cles of, ii. 358. Chemical composition, ii. 358 Colour-blindne.s.«, i. 595 Colour- top, i. 588 Colouring matter of blood (see Blood) Colours, i. .548 Coma, death by, ii. 667 Combustion, spontaneous, ii. 523. — of respiration, ii. 457-161. Complemental air, ii. 432, 433 Complementary colours, i, 548 Conductility of nerve-fibres, i. 102, 272 Conduction of sounds, i. Congelation, effects of, ii. 509 Conjunctiva, i. 527 Connective tissue, i. 42; ii. 646, 663. Areolar form, i. 42. Fibrous form, i. 43. Composition, i. 88. Corpuscles of, ii. 647 “ Consensual or Sensori-motor actions, i. 382 Con.sonants. i. 267 Constants, physiological, ii. 531 Consciousness, i. 376; — is ino.xplicahle, i. 425 Constituents of the body, i. 80. Proxi- mate composition of, i. 95,96. Ultimate composition of, 1. 94, 100 Continuous growth, ii. 283, 662 Contraction, idio muscular, 1. 157. — neu- romuscular, 1. 157. — of muscle, condi- CYS tions of, i. 161 ; force of, i. 161 ; pheno- mena of, i. 158 ; peculiarities of, i. 160 Convolutions of the cerebrum, i. 301 Coprolites, reptilian, ii. 138 Corium, i. 451 Cornea, i. 531, 537, 555, Supposed vessels of, ii. 243 Cornua of lateral ventricles, i. 306 Corpora amylacea, ii. 335. — dentata of cerebellum, i. 307 ; of medulla oblong- ata, ii. 310. — geniculata, i. 305 ; func- tions of, i. 359. — olivaria, ii. 309 ; — development of, i. 305 ; ii. 620 ; f unotioms of, i. 358 Corpus Aran tii, ii. 192, 194., — oalUrsum, i. 299, 303 ; ii. 621. — luteum, ii. 598. — striatum,!. 304 ; ii.621; functions of, i. 360 Corpuscles. Blood, i. 62 (see Blood). . Bone, i. 47. Lymph, i. 07. Nervous matter, i. 52. Pacinian, i. 455. Tac- tile, i. 57, 454. Salivary, ii. 57 Correlation of forces, i. 438; ii. 551, 552, 579 Cortical substance of cerebellum, i. 307 ; of cerebrum, i. 302 ; of kidney, ii. 368 Cotyledons, ii. 614 Cotyloid cavities, i. 191 Coughing, 1. 382 ; ii. 430 Coup-de-soleil, ii. 511 Cranial vertebraj. i. 21. — nerves (see Nerves) ; — of Vertebrata, i. 416 Craniology, 1. 369 Cranium and its bones, i. 7, 19. Circula- tion in, ii. 256 Cream, ii. 359 Creatin, i. 85, 98. — of urine, ii. 382 Creatinin, 1. 85. 98. — of urine, ii. 382 Crepitation of lung, ii. 407 Cretinism, ii. 328 Crop in Birds, ii. 134 ; use of, ii. 135, 136 Cruorin, i. 83 (see Blood) Crusta petrosa, ii. 17 ; ii. 628 CnnSTACEA. Digestive organs, ii. 141. Digestive glands, ii. 145. Circulation, ii. 273. Respiration, ii. 500. Touch, i. 472, 474. Smell, i. 499. Hearing, i. .52.5. Sight, i. 606. Locomotion, i. 226, 233. Reproduction of, ii. 583, 585 Crying, ii. 431 Cry-talline lens, i. .542, 555 ; ii. 622 Crystalloid bodies, ii. 81,162. — converted into colloids in vegetables, ii. 346. — escape in excretions, ii. 345 Crystals from blood, 1. 83 Curd, ii. 359 Cutaneous asphyxia, ii.401. — glands and excretion (see Skin and Perspiration). — excretion in animals, ii. 401 Cuticle, i. 449 Cutis vera or true skin, i. 419. Structure of. i. 451 Cuvier, ducts of, ii. 637 Cystic duct, ii. 70. Mechanical effect of spiral folds in, ii. 75 Cysticcrci, 11. 586 Cystoplasts, i. 75; ii. 043 1 C78 INDEX, DAL DEC TAALTONISM, or Colour-blindness, i. 595 Daphnia, reproduction of, ii. 583 Dazzling, i. 589 Death, i. 105 ; ii. G64, GGo. Somatic, ii. G().5. Molecular, ii. 28G, GG5. Climac- teric, ii. G6G. From syncope, ii. G6G ; asphyxia, ii. 6GG ; coma, ii. GG7 ; old age, ii. 6G8. Signs of, external, ii. GG8 ; positive, ii. G69. Apparent, ii. G69. Eifect of on animal heat, ii. 50G, GOT Decay, ii. 665, 6G8 Decidua vera and reflexa, ii. 598 Decussation of pyramids of medulla ob- longata, i. 309. — of optic nerves, i. 306, 3T4, 579 Defascation, ii. 11 Degeneration, ii. 285 Deglutition, i. 110 ; ii. 27-35. First stage, ii. 27-29 ; second stage, in 29—82 ; third stage, ii. 32-34. Stages regulated by nervous system, ii. 34, 35. In animals, ii. 129, 130 Dendro-dentine, ii. 125 Dental arch, ii. 14; — pulps, ii. 15. — sacs, ii. G27. — groove, ii. 627. — papillae, ii. 627. — follicles, ii. 627. ■ — glands, ii. 661. — tissues, i. 15 ; ii. 628, 660 Denticles of the Non-vertebrate animals, ii. 127 Dentine, ii. 15, 628, GGO Determination of blood, ii. 287 Development, i. 117 ; ii. 275 , 603. Meta- bolic and metamorphic, ii. 280. — of tissues generally, ii. 641, separately, ii. 646. Adipose, ii. 647. Bone, ii. 648. Cartilage, ii. 848 ; articular, ii. 652. Connective, ii. 646. Dental, ii. 660. Elastic, ii. 647. Epidermoid, ii. 659. Epithelial, ii. 659. Fibro-cartilage, ii. 648. Glandular, ii. 659. Muscular, ii. 654. Nervous, ii. 655. Bloodvessels, ii. 633. Blood, ii. 633, 657. Primitive arteries, ii. 636. Primitive veins, ii. 637. Ductless glands, ii. 658. Lymph, ii. 658. Lymphatics or absorbents, ii. 658. Thyroid boiiy, ii. 631, 658. Tliy- nms, ii. 631, 658. Epidermis, ii. 659. Hairs, ii. 660. Nails, ii. 659. The Em- bryo, general, ii. 60S; the appendages of, 60S ; organs of, ii. 615. Skeleton, u. 615. Brain, ii. 616. Heart, ii. 633, 635. Skull, ii. 616. Limbs, ii. 617. Muscles, it. 615, 618. Nerves, ii. 615, 618. Skin, ii. 618. Nervous system, ii. 619. Spinal cord, ii. 619. Medulla oblongata, ii. 6 1 9. Cerebrum and its ports, ii. 620, 621 . Cerebellum, ii. 620. Organs of Senses, ii. 622. Nose, ii. 622. Eye, ii. 622. Ear, ii. 623. Face, ii. 624. Tympanum, ii. 624. Tympanic bones, ii. 624, 625. Ali- mentary canal, ii. 626. The Teeth, ii. 627 ; in Mnmumlia, ii. 629. Digestive glands, ii. 630. Lungs, ii. 630, Liver, if. 630. Pancreas, ii. 631. Spleen, ii. 631,6.58, Urinary organs, ii. 631. Ile- ))rodiictive organs, ii. 631. Circulatorv organa in Amphibia, ii. 2Gs, 270 Dextrose or dextrin, i. 86 ; — produced by action of saliva on starch, ii. 84 Diabetes mellitus (see Sugar) Dialysis, ii. 160, 163, 164. Separates crystalloids and colloids, ii. 164. Occurs in absorption, ii. 176 ; in excretion, ii. 346 Diaijhragm, i. 27. Action of, ii. 417 ; — in Mammalia, ii. 488 ; in Birds, ii. 488,489-; in Reptiles, ii. 491 . Absent in Amphi- bia, ii. 491 Diartbroses, or movable joints, i. 190 Diastema, ii. 14, 121 Dichromism, i. 596 Diebrotism, or dichrotal pnise, ii. 236 Dicotyledons, or Exogens, i. 139 Diencephalon, ii. 619,620 Diet, tables of, ii. 563. Daily, 5.536 Diffusion, of ga.ses, ii. 452, 453. Law of, ii. 453. Simple and spurious, ii. 453 DiGE.s'noN, i. 116 ; u. 1 ; — in animals, u. 149-1 51 . Mechanical processes of, ii. 11. Chemical processes, ii. 82-109. Artificial, ii. 87-93. Summary of chemistry of, ii. 107-109. Circumstances which modify, ii. 109-113. Time occupied by, ii. 92, 93. Intestinal, ii. 102-104. Gastric, ii. 85- 95. Organs of, in animals, ii. 116-148 ; chemical processes in, ii. 148-151 Digestive fluids, u. 53. Action of, u. 82, 84. Artificial, ii. 87, 88 Diphyodonts, ii. 630 Dicecious animals, ii. 584 Disc, germinal, ii. 593, 597, 604. — proli- gerous, ii. 597 Disdiaclasts, i. 51 Disease, effect of on Animal heat, ii. 506 Distance, knowledge of i. 583 Distoraa, reproduction of, if. 587 Diving and divers, ii. 477, 478 Dorsal plates, ii. 616. — segments, ii. 615 Double consciousness, 1. 402 Drainage, importance of, ii. 486, 4S7 Draught, iu lactation, ii. 357 Dreaming, i. 400 Drinking, ii. 27. In Mammalia, U. 117 Dropsy, ii. 254 Drowning, recovery from, ii. 479 Drum of the ear, i. 501 Duct, cystic and hepatic, ii. 70. Panr- creatic, ii. 78. Stcuonian, ii. 54. Rivi- nian, ii. 55, Wbartoniau, ii. 55. Of Bartholin, ii. 55. Common bile, ii. 70. Thoracic, ii. 154. Galactophorous, ii. .357. Pneumatic, of fishes, ii. 493 Ductless glands, i. 74 ; ii. 319. Actions of, ii. 319, 320. Development, ii. 6.58. Con- sidered generally, ii. 331-334. Prepare .albuminoid constituents of blood, ii. .3,32, .333. Form white blood corpuscles, ii. 333. Active iu enihryouic life, iL ,333. Not essential to life, ii. 3,34 _ Duetns communis chehdochus, ii. 70. Vitelli, ii. 609, 610. Arteriosus, ii. 639, 611. Botalli, ii. 270, 641. MUlleri. it. 632. Cuviori. ii. 637. Ycuosus, develop- ment of, ii. 635, 641 IKDE5 679 DUL Dtilong arid Dcsprotz, Animal heat, il. 513 Uumlmess, i. 3(iS Duodenum,!. 33; ii. -1?. Contentsof, ii. 104 Dura mater, i. ‘Jl. 304 Dynamics of Human Body, ii. 532, 500-537 Dyslysin, iu 98. 545 Dyspua’a, i. 447 T7AB, Ossiclcsof, i. 501. Musclesof,i. 504, 517. E.\ternal. i. 500. Intcrunl, or laby- rinth, L 505, Middle, or tympanum, i. 501. Development of, ii. 023, 024 Echinococcu Reproduction of, ii. 580 Echi.n'odkr.mata. Digestive organs, ii. 142. Dige.stive glands, in 129, 143, 145. Am- bniacral ves-sels, ii. 275. Respiration, ii. 501. Sight, i. 007. Touch, i. 472. Lo- comotion, i. 220, 2S3. Reproduction, ii. 580. Nervous system, i. 424 EDENTAT.t. Digtstive organs, ii. 130,133, 134. Digestive glands, ii. 145. Sight, i. •5.99. Locomotion, i. 222 Efferent nerve-fibres, i. 328, 349 Egesta, ii. 11. Daily qu-iutity, ii. 539 Eggs, or ova, ii. 583. Of Bird, ii. 592, 593; shell of, ii. .595 ; albumen, ii. 590 ; yolk, ii. 590. Of Fishes, ii. 000. Of Amphibia, ii. OOn. Of Reptiles, ii. 009 Elastic tissue, i. 44 ; ii. 047 Elastin, i. 88 Electric organs in Fishes, ii. 529-.531. — work, of body, ii. 555, 577. — ctir- rejits of the body, i. 1 70. — phenomena in nerves, i. 280. — relations of mus- cular tis.siie, i. 100 Electricity, protiuction by respiration, i. 115; by oxidation, iL .577. Animal, ii. 527- 531 ; in Man, ii. 527 ; in Fishes, ii. 528- 531 Electro-polarity of nerves, i. 283 ; ii. 577 Elcotrotonieity of nerves, i. 283 Elephant, trunk of, i. 245 ; ii. 117. Tusks of, ii. 120, 121 Embryo, evolution of, iL .581. — cell, ii. 0O.5. — spot, ii. 000. Position of, in egg, ii. 007. (ieneral evolution of, ii. 008. Appendages of, ii. 008. Respiration of, in Bird.s. ii. 012; in Mammals, ii. 013, 039. Nutrition of, in Mammal, i. 013, 039 ; in Birds, ii. 010. Birth of, ii. 015. Circulation in, first, ii. 038 ; second, ii. 039 Emotion, i. 307, 371, 380, .381, 392 Emotional movements, i. 381 Enamel, ii. 10, 17. Development of, ii. 028, 600. — organ, ii. 028, 000. Enarthrodia, or tiall and socket joints, i. 1 9 1 Encephalon, i. 290. In Vertebrata, i. 405 Endochorion, il. Oil Endogens or .Monocotyledons, i. 139 Endogenous growth of cells, ii. 044 Endosmometer. ii. 101 Endosmoshs, il. 100. 101 Endnplast. 11. 012, 013 Entoptical images, i. 592 Ependyma, ii. 019 EYE Epcnceplialon, ii. 019, 020 Epidermic tis.sue,i. 72 ; ii. 059,003. Com- position of, i. 82 Eiiidermis, structure of, i. 449 Epiglottis, i. 20, 248. Use of, in degluti- tion, ii. 32 Epiphyses, development of, ii. 051 Epithelial cells, forms of, i. 72. Use of, iu glands, ii. 347, 348 Epithelial tissue, i. 72; ii. 059,003. Com- position of, i. 92 Equivocal generation, ii. 5.80 Equivalent, mechanical, of lieat, ii. 550 Erect posture, adaptation of laxly to, i 207 Eructation, ii. 50 Eustachian tube, i. 502 , 510 ; development of, ii. 024. — valve, ii. 189 Evolution, c.Tcle of, ii. 587. Phases of. ii. .588. — or transformation of euibryc ii. 584 Excitability, property of nervous tissues, i. 102, 272 Excito-motor acts, i. 347, 382 Excreta, ii. 305. In Herbivora. ii. 540; Carnivora, ii. 540. Daily, ii. 540 Excretine, ii. 105 ExciiF.riox, and Excretions, i. 114 ; ii. 343. Organs of, ii. 344. Crystalloids escape in, in 34.5, 340. Influence of epithelium on, ii. 347. Conditions which influence, ii. 348-351. Effect of nervous system on, ii. 349-351, Vicarious, ii. 351, Complementary, ii. 352. Con.stant, in- termittent, or remittent, ii. 352. Move- ment of along the ducts, ii. 3.52. Renal, ii. 30-5, 374-391. Cutaneous, 39.5-401. Cutaneous and renal, balanced, ii. 399, 400 ; in animals, in401. — of carbonic acid by stomach and intestines, ii. 402. Intestinal, ii. 104, 105,30.5. Pulmonai'y, 430-144 Exercise, effect of, on carbonic acid ex- lialed in respiration, ii. 40.5. Effect of on animal heat, ii. 50-5 ; on exhalation, cutaneous, and pulrnon.iry, ii. 398, 430 Exogens or Dicotyledons, i. 139 Exogenous growtli of cells, ii. 0 14 Exosmosis, ii. 100, 101 Expiration, ii. 421-124. Eln-sticity of lungs, in, ii. 421. Muscles of, ii, 42:i, 424. Force of, ii. 420. In Birds, active, ii. 4S9 Expression and gesture in Animals, i. 247. iu Man, i. 24 0 Extractive matters, i. 81 (see Blood and various organs) Extrnctum caruis, ii, 114 Eye and its appeudiiges, i. 520-514. Ad- juslmoiit to distance, i. 557 ; — affected by modicine. i. 501. Refraction ofliglit iu, i. 5.54. Convergence of, i. 573. Func- tion of (see Sight). Ill animals (see Kiglit). Duvnlopmciit of. ii. 022 Eyeball, coats of, i. 530. lUovemouts of, i. 534. Muscles of, i. 533. Nerves of, i. 530, Parts of, i. 531-544 680 INDEX EYE Eyebrows, i. 52G, 530 Eyelashes, or cilia, i. 528 Eyelids, or pali)ebra3, i. 52G, 530. Deve- loiiment of, ii. G23 "PACE, i. 7. Bonesof, i. 24. Development of, ii. G24 Facial nerve, i. 31 G, 333 Pieces, composition of ashes of, ii. 105 Fallopian tube, ii. 598 Falsetto voice, i. 2G3 Fal.v, i. 21 Fat, absorption of, by veins, ii. 177. 17S, 179 ; by lactoala, ii. 177, ISO. Action of bile on, ii. 9G ; of pancreatic fluid on,ii. 99 ; of intestinal juices on, ii. 102. Fattening animals, ii. 542 Patty degeneration, ii. 2S5 Fatty matters, i. 85. In daily food, ii. 536. Of body, quantity of, ii. 584. Destination of, in body, ii. 541. Source of, in body, ii. 541, ,544. Essential to nuclear and cell growth, and tissue formation, ii. 292. Fatty tissue, i. 46. Development of, ii. G47 Fauces, i. 2G, 1 10,474. ii. 27 FavTB and Silbermaun on Heat Units, ii. 514 Fenestra ovalis, i. 503. — rotunda, i. 504 Ferrein, tubes of, ii. 3G9 Fercili.satiou of ovuie, ii. 590. — of ovum, ii. 601 Feuiilet of Buminants, ii. 130 Fibre-cells, i. 49 Fibres of cerebellum, i. 308. — of cere- brum, i. 303. — of muscle, i. 48-50 Fibrillm of muscles, i. 50 Fibrin, i. 82. — of blood (see Blond) Fibrinogen, ii. 313. Fibriuo-plastic sub- stance, ii. 313 Fibro -cartilage, i. 46 ; ii. G48 Fibrous tissue, i. 43 ; ii. C4G,GC3 Fire-flies, ii. 525 Fishes. Prehension of food, ii. 11 8. Teeth and jaws, ii. 124-126, 127. Pharynx, ii. 129. CEsnpbngus, ii. 1.38. Stomach, ii. 138. Intestine, ii. 138. A))pendices ])yloric!E, ii. 138. Spiral valve in rectum, ii. 139. Peritoneal cavity, ii. 139. Liver, ii. 144. Gall-bladder, ii. 146. Pyloric appendages, ii. 147. Pan- creas, ii. 148. Lymphatic hearts, ii. 186. Portal circulation, ii. 268. Heart, ii. 267. Arterial bulb, ii. 267. Branchim, ii. 403, 498. Branchial artery, ii. 267. Air-bladder, ii. 267, 493. Bennl portal circulation, ii. 268. Spleen, ii. 342. Siipra-renal bodies, ii. 342 Thyroid body, ii, 342, 343. Kidneys, ii. 392, 393. Gills, ii. 403, 498. Touch, i. 472, 473. Taste, i. 484. Smell, i. 49,8. Hearing, i. 523. Sight, i. 601, 602. 603. Locomotion on solids, i. 225 ; in fluids, i. 230-233 ; in air, i. 234, 235. Sounds nnido by, i. 271. Enoepbalon, i. 405. Cerebrum, i. .107, 408, 411, 412, 413. TOO Cerebellum, i. 413, 414. Corpora bi- gem ina or optic lobes, i. 412. Medulla oblongata and spinal cord, i. 415. Hy im- glossal nerve, i. 416. Ova, ii. 600. Heat, ii. 503. Integuments, i. 473. Fly- ing fishes, i. 235. Electrical fishes, ii. 528-531 Fission of animals, or fissiparous repro- duction, ii. 582-586 ; of animal cells, ii. 644 Fissura Stemi, ii. 617 Fissures of brain, i. 299, 301 Flesh, or muscles, i. 13 Flesh-formers, ii. 537, 547, 561 Flight, i. 205. — in animals, i. 234 Fluorescence, i. 547 ; ii. 526 Fcetal placenta, ii. 599, 612, 638. — circu- lation, ii. 639 Follicles, i. 70. Graafian, ii. 597. Of Lieberkiihn, ii. 80-82 Food, ii. 1. Nature, sources, .and varieties, ii. 2. Classification, ii. 3. Chemical constitution, ii. 3 ; albuminoid, ii. 3 ; gelatinoid, oleaginous, amylaceous, or starchy, gummy, and saccharine, ii. 4 ; stimulating, ii. 4 ; saline, earthy, and mineral, ii. 5 ; water of, ii. 6. Prehen- sion of, ii. 7. Preparation of, ii. 9. Salt in, ii. 10. Besidue of, in largo intestine, ii. 104, 105. Changes in mouth, ii. 84, 8.5 ; in stomach, ii. 85-95 ; in small and large intestine, ii. 103, 104. Constituents, proximate, animal, ii. 3-6 ; vegetable, ii. 8 ; organic, ii. 82. 83. Use, ii. 6, 7. Action of heat on, ii. 9. Time occupied in digestion, ii. 92, 93. Prehension of, in Animals, ii. 117-119. Belative value of dilferent, ii. 113,114. Effect of, on elimination of carbonic acid gas from lungs, ii. 466-468. — of warm-blooded animals, ii. 522; cold- blooded animals, ii. 522. Daily quantity of, ii. 535 ; relation of, to constituents of body, ii. 537. Bespimtory, calorific, or heat-forming, ii. 6, 537, 547. Plastic, histo-genetic, or tissue-forming, ii. 6, 537, 547. Waste of, ii. 538. Destination of, ii. 538. Changes of, ultimate, ii. 538 ; intermediate, ii. 540. Nitrogenous, or albuminoid, ii. 3 ; in relation to work, ii. 562 ; do.stination of, ii. 543, 562. Non-nitrogenous, or hydrocarbons and carbliydrates, ii. 6 ; in relation to work, ii. 562 ; in relation to heat, ii. 561 ; to work, ii. 561 ; necessity for, in work, ii. 573. Kinds of, in relation to heat and work, ii. 561. Value of, ns source cf motor power, ii. 575. Ingesta and cge.sta, daily, ii. 539. Jlelnmor- pliosis of, intermediate, ii. 540 ; ultimate, ii. 538 (see also separate Constituents of Food). Lu.xus consumption of, ii. 546. Destination of, in Herhivora, ii. 546 : in Carnivora, ii. 546. Deprivation of. ii. .547 ; in Animals, ii. .548 ; in Man. ii. 549. — is fuel. ii. 554. — is nltimato source of force, ii. 554. Liebig's views INDKX, 681 FOO on, ii. 5G'2 ; opposed, ii. 5G7. Effects of on animal heat, ii. GOG Foot, adaptation of, to support weight, i. •J07 Foot pounds, ii. RoG Foramen ovale, ii. 1S9, GIG Foraminifera (see Protozoa) Force, formative or organising, i. 102 ; ii. 579. Germ-, i. 107 ; ii. U05, 601. Sperm-, ii. .589. Muscuiar-, i. IGl. Nerv'o-, i. 291. Vital, i. 105 Forces of Organic World, ii. 551-553. Corrclarion of, ii. 552, 579. . — of Inor- ganic World, ii. 550, 553. Correlation of, i. 438 ; ii. 551. Form in .Animals, Laws of, i. 135 Formative projierty of tissues, i. 102 ; ii. 597 Formic acid, i. 8G Forms of i)rogression, i. 203 Fornix, i. 303 ; ii. G21 Fossa ovalis, ii. 189 Fovea centralis, i. 540, 5G8 Frankland, on source of motor power, ii. 5G9 Friction, sounds of, pleural, ii. 427 ; in heart disease, ii. 222 Frost-bite, ii. 509 Functions, Animal, i. 108, 155. Vegetative i. 110. Nutritive, i. 110. Reproductive, 1.117 /^ALACTOPnOROUS ducts, ii. 357 Gall-bliulder, i. 31 ; ii. 73, 74. — in Vertobrata. ii. 145, 146. — in Nou- vertebrata, ii. 1 46 Galvanoscopic limb of a frog, i. 290 Ganglia, i. 108, 294. — of sympathetic system, i. 322 Ganglion of po.storior root of spinal nerve, i. 319 Ganglionic corpuscles, i. 52 ; ii. 055 Gangrene, ii. 280, 509, G05 Gases (see Respiration) Ga.'s.serian ganglion, i. 315 OA.STEnoi>oi).s. Digestive organs, ii. 139. Digestive glands, ii. 129, 144. Circula- tion, ii. 272. Renal organs, ii. 394. Respiration, ii. 494, 499, 500. Touch, i. 472. Taste, i. 484. Smell i. 499. Hear- ing, i. 524. Sight, 1. 004. Locomotion, 1. 225,233. Nervous system, i. 127,419 Gastric digestion, ii. 8.5-95. Glands, ii. .59 : in animals, ii. 143 Gastric juic(!, i. Ill ; ii. 01-G5. Artificial, ii. 87. Action of, ii. 85, Infiuence of nervous system on, ii. (i|. Quanti y, ii. 02, 03, 90 ; effect of different stimuli on, ii. 03. Siwciflc gravity, ii. 03. Com- position, ii. 03. Source of hydrochloric acid in, ii. 01. No action on starch or fats, ii. 87. Arrests putrefaction, ii. 92. Present in duodenum, ii. 103. Inflnencc of section of vagus on, ii. 01. Action of, on albuminoid and gclatinoid bodies, ii. 80 Gelatin, i. 82 ; ii. 544. — not found in GLA blood, ii. 290. Use of, ii. 290. Motamo- phosis of in body, ii. .545 Gemmation, intemal, ii. 583 ; or Gemmi- parous reproduction, ii. 582 ; in animal cells, ii. 044 Gemmules, ii. 582 Generation, i. 1 17 ; ii. 580 (ice Reprodne- tion). Spontaneous or equivocal, ii. 580, 590. Alternate, ii. 585, 589 Genetic relations of Animals, i. 138 Genetically related different forms, ii. 580 Germ-cells, ii. 5,83, 589, G42. — sac, ii. 003, G05. — force, i. 107 ; ii. G05, GUI ; is nu- tritive force, ii. 279 ; is reparative force, ii. (161 Germinal matter, ii. 042,643. — cells, ii. 585, 589. — centres, i. 280. — sac, ii. 604. — vesicle, ii, 590, 592, 593 ; desti- nation of, 605. — spot, ii. 590, 592. — disc, ii. 692, G05. — area, ii. fiOG Gesture, in Animals, i. 247. In Man, i. 246 Gidd ness, i. 442 Gigerium, or gizzard, in Birds, ii. 135 Gills (see Branchim) Gizzard in Birds, ii. 135, 13G. — in other animals, ii. 138. 139, 140, 141 Glaxd.s. Forms of, i. 70 ; simple, i. 70 ; compound, i. 71. Ductless, vascular, or blood glands, i. 74 ; ii. 318,334 ; spleen, i. 33, 74, 113 ; ii. 320, G31 ; suprarenal bodies, i. 33, 74, 113 ; ii. 325, 632 ; thy- mus gland, i. 74, 1 13 ; ii. 329, 631 ; thy- roid body, i. 74, 113; ii. 327, 631 ; pitui- tary body, i. 305 ; ii. 327, 621 ; closed sacs of alimentary canal, ii. 61, 82, 158, 160, in animals, ii. 342. Excreting glands, i. 114, ii. 34 ; kidney’s, i. 31, ii. 366, 632, in animals, ii. 391 ; lungs, i. 27, 114, 115, ii.406, 630, in animiils, ii. 488 ; sudoriferous or sweat glands, i. 69, 114, 459, ii. 618, 659. Secreting glands, in general, ii. 344 ; Brunner’s, ii. 80 ; c.audal of Birds, ii. 396 ; ceru- minons, i. 501 ; lachrymal, i. 26, 114, 529; liver, i. 31, 111 ; ii. 65, 334, 630, in animals, ii. 143 ; mamm.ary, i. 69, 114, ii. 356, 618, in animals, ii. 3G3 ; Meibomian, i. 459, 527 ; mucous, ii. 363; iianorcas, i. 33, 111 ; ii. 78, 631, in animals, ii. 146; salivary, i. 26, 110 ; ii. .54 ; parotid, i. 26, ii. .54, sulilingual, i. 26, ii. .55, submaxillary. i. 26, ii. 55 ; in animals, ii. 128 ; sebaceous, i, 69, 459, ii. 659 ; tubular, i. 70 ; tubular of stomach or gastric, ii. 5.8-60, 158. of intestines, or Licberklllm's follicles, ii. 80 Gl.AXIW, An.snnnKXT, i. 33, 66, 111, ii.1.54. Closed glands, ii. 158, 160; agmiimtcd, or I’t'yer's, ii. 81, 159, 160, solitary, ii. 61, 82, 1.58, 159; in Vertobrata, ii. 148. l.aoteal, i. 33, 66, 171 ; mc.senteric, ii. 155. Lymphatlo, i. 66. 112; ii. 154, 1.55, 058 ; in Mammalia, ii. 186; Birds, ii. 186 ; absent in Reptiles, ii. 18G ; absent 082 INDKX, GLA In Amphibia and Pishes, ii. 18G ; absent in Invertebrata, ii. 187. Gland-cells, office of, ii. 348 Glenoid cavities, i. 191 Glisson, capsule of, ii. 70, 71 Globulin, i. 81. Action in co.agnlation of blood, ii. 313. Use of in nutrition, ii. 290 Glomeruli of Ruysch, ii. 309 Glosso-pharvngeal nerve, i. 310, 3.34, 477 Glottis, i. 20, 2,31. Vocal, i. 207. Re- spiratory, i. 257 Glow-worm, ii. 525 Glucose, i. 80 Gluten, ii. 4 Glycerin, i. 80 Glycero-phosphoric acid, i, SO Glycocholic acid, ii. 70 Glycogen, i. 80 ; ii. 78, 335. Source, ii. 337, 339, 544. Destination, ii. 339 Glycocoll, or glycocin, i. 85 ; ii. 70 Goitre, ii. 327, 328 Gomphosis, i. 188 Goose's skin, or horripilation, i. 459 Graafian follicles or vesicles, ii. 597 Granulations, ii. 280 Grape-sngar, i. 80 Growth, i. 117 ; ii. 275, 004. —of cells, ii. 041. — of tissues (see Development and Reparation). Continuous, ii. 283, 002 Gullet or CEsophagus, i. 27, 29, 110 ; ii, 32 Gustatory nerve (see Trigeminal) Gyninoplasts, i. 75 ; ii. 043 Gy'mnotus, or Electrical Eel, ii. 528, 531 TT^JIADROMOMETER, ii. 227 HiEinadynamnmeter, ii. 229 Hn?mal cavity, ii. 008 Hiematin, or Hannin, i. S3 (see Blood) Hiematochometer, ii. 228 Hmmato-globiilin, i. 83 Hiematoidin, i. S3 Eiemorrhage, or loss of blood, ii. 290. Death from, ii. 290, 297. Tre.atmeut of , ii. 297. Arterial and venous, ii. 297. Effects of, ii. 288 Hairs, structure of, i. 450. Development of, ii. 000 Hair-follicle or sac, i. 457 Halitus of blood, ii. 301 Halones of egg, ii. 597 Hand in apes aud monkeys, i. 244. — in Mau, adaptations and charaoteristics, i. 213. The tactile organ, i. 400 Harelip, ii. 025 Harmouia. i. 1,88 ITaversiau caual.s, i. 47, 1.85 Head, i. 7. Adaptation to erect posture in Man, i. 21 1 Healing of wounds, ii. 287 Hearing, acuteno.ss of, i. 521. Organs of, 1. 500. Organs aud sense in animals, i, 522 525. Sense of, i. 50(1, 511. Subjec- tive sensations of, i. .521 Heaut, i. 29. 111. Structure of, ii. 188, 200 ; auricle, left, ii. 193, right, ii. 189 ; HEA auricles, fibres of, ii. 197 ; bloodvessels, of. ii. 199, 200 ; chordai tendinete, ii. 191, 194; columna; cameie, ii. 191, 194; endocardium, ii. 194; fibrous rings, ii. 190 ; lymphatics, ii. 200 ; mus- cuhir fibres of, i. -52 ; ii. 194 199 ; mu.s- culi papillares, ii. 191, 194; nerves, ii. 200 ; ventricle, left, ii. 193, right, ii. 190; ventricles, fibres of, ii. 197-199 ; valve, mitral, ii. 194, tricuspid, ii. 191 ; valves, semilunar, ii. 192, 194. Deve- lopment of, ii. 033, 034, 035. Action of, ii. 20.3-222; frequency of, ii. 217, cir- cumstances which modify, ii. 217-221 ; at different ages, ii. 217,218 ; period of a complete action, ii. 200; cardiac ganglia, nervous centres, source of force, ii. 210; contractions endure longer in cold- blooded and hybernating animals, ii. 214 ; corpora Arantii, use of. ii. 208 ; diastole, li. 204, cause of, ii. 200 ; dila- tation of cavities spontaneous, ii. 214 ; disease or injury, iufluenee of, on, ii, 215, 216; diseased actions of, ii. 221, 222; emotions and passions, induence of, on, li. 215; force of beats, circum- stances which modify, ii. 221 ; impulse of, ii. 207, how affected, ii. 221 ; move- ments of, ii. 205 ; nervous system, in- fluence of, on, ii. 215, 210 ; palpitation, ii. 221; pause, ii. 209; pouches of Valsalva, use of, ii. 208 ; ratio between beats of, and respir.ation. ii.220; rhythm- ic action, causes of, ii. 215, condition of blood in substance of, said to determine it, ii. 217 ; right auricle, the ultimnm moriens, ii. 214; sounds of. ii. 209-213, causes of, ii. 210, 21 Realise of difference of the two, ii. 211, characters of, ii. 209, condition of cavities and valves during, ii. 209, 210, relative duration of, ii. 213, where most distinctly heard on .surface of cliest, ii. 211 ; systole of, ii. 204. cause of auricular, ii. 200, cause of ventricular, ii. 200, 207 ; effect of. on shape of ven- tricular portion of heart, ii. 207 ; systoliO and diastolic conditions of cavities, re- lative duration of. ii. 213; valves of, action of. ii. 207 209 ; ventricles, capa- city of, ii. 213, relative thickness of, ii. 214; ventricular eou tractions, foi'ce of, ii. 214. In A'ertebrata, ii. 204-271. Sfammalia, ii. 204 ; Birds, ii. 205 ; Rep- tiles. ii. 205, 200 ; Amphibia, ii. 205, 200 ; I'ishes. ii. 207 ; Non-vertchrata. ii. 271- 274. Mollusca, ii. 272 ; Molluscoida, ii. 273 ; Auiitilosn, ii. 273, 274 Hearts, lympbntic, in Reptiles, ii. ISO; in Amphibia, ii. ISO ; in Eishes, ii. ISO Heartburn, i. 440 Heat, meetiauicnl eoefficient of. ii. 556, equivalent of, ii. 550 ; of combustion, ii. 557 ; of cheiniral change, ii. 557 ; a mode of motion, ii. 551 , 557 ; of body. compsrM with chemical changes in it, ii. 5.58; in relation to food, ii. 501 ; sensibility to, I. 408 ; produced in muscular action, i. INDEX 683 HEA 104 : power of resisting, ii. 509-511. Hent-fonners, ii. G, 637, 547, 5G1. ■ — units in physics, ii. 555, of body, ii. 558 Animal, i. 115 ; ii. 502-521 ; in Non-vertcbrata, ii. 503 ; in Vertebrata, ii. 503 ; in cold-blomled animals, ii. 503, 517 ; in warm-blooded animals, ii. 504, 617 ; in Man, ii. 504, 521, how modified, li. 505-507, effects of, on body, ii. 509- 612 ; how regulated, ii. 510 ; theories of, ii. 512-518 ; Lavoisier's views, ii. 512- 61G ; Dulong and Despretz, ii. 513 ; car- bon, a source of, ii. 512, 513 ; hydrogen, a source of, ii. 513 ; local, ii. 504, 515 ; hydration, a cause of, ii. 615 ; molecular change, a cause of, ii. 515 ; in Carnivora, I li. 517, 518; in Herbivora, ii. 517, 518 ; relation to red corpuscles, ii. 518 ; ner- vous system, influence of on, ii. 519; uses of, ii. 521 ; how expended, ii. 521 ■ Height of body, ii. 533. — at birth, ii. GG4 : Hemispheres of cerebrum, i. 24, 299. Functions of, i. 373. Development of, ii. 621 ! Hepatic artery, ii. 68. A nutrient vessel, ii. 72. Terminations of, ii. 72 Hepatic celLs, ii. 73 Hepatic ducts, ii. 70 Hepatic lobules, ii. 71. Colour of, ii. 72 Hepatic veins, ii. 70, 71 Hepatin, i. 86 ; ii. 335 Herbivora, Digestive organs of, ii. 116. Destination of food in. ii. 546. Ilespira- tion of, ii. 518. Oxygen absorbed by, ii. 439. Corpora quadrigemina, ii. 412 Hermaphrodite Animals, ii. 583 Heterologous or heteroplastic tumours, ii. 285 Hiccup, ii. 431 Hip-joint, evidences of special adaptation, i. 210 Hippocampus major, i. 306. Minor, i. 806 Hippuric acid, i. 85 ; ii. 381, 382 Histogenetic food, ii. 6, 537, 547, 501 Homologies in Animals, i. 136 Homologous or homoplastic tumours, ii. 285 Honey-comb of Ruminants, ii. 130 Horopter, i. 580 Horripilation orgoose's .skin, i. 459 Horse, daily work of, ii. 559, 564 Humours of the eye, i. 531, .542 Hunger, i. 444 Hybernation, ii. .521, 522. Respiration in, ii. 454 Hydra, reproduction of, ii. 582, 583 Hydration, a sourco of Animal Jfent, ii. 515. — in the prwluction of albumi- nose, ii. 86 ; — of sugar, ii. 84 Hydrogen, effect of breathing, ii. 470. A source of Animal Heat, ii. 514. Rela- tion of to Animal Heat, ii. 558 Hydrocarbons, ii. 6. Destination of, ii. 541. — in relation to heat, ii. 501 ; — to work, ii. 561 Hyocholic acid, ii. 77 INS Hyoid bone, i. 26 ; ii. 25. 625 Hypencsthesia, 1. 341 Hypermetropia, i. 565 Hyperplasia, ii. 285 Hypertrophy, ii. 285. — of muscle, i. 162 Hypnotism, or magnetic sleep, i. 402 Hypoglossal nerve, i. 317, 336, 477 Hypophysis cerebri, i. 305 TDEAS and Ideation, i. 367, 373, 374, 376, -L 380, ,381, 382 Ideo-motor acts, i. 381 Idiots, brain of, i. 296 Ileo-caical valve, ii. 48, 49 Ileum, intestine, i. 33 ; ii. 42, 43 Image of Purkinje, i. 593 Images, entoptioal, i. 592 Im.ago, ii. 587 Incubus, or night-mare, i. 400 Incus, i. 502 ; ii. 625 Induration, ii. 285 Infant, weight and length of, ii. 664 Infancy, ii. 605 Infants, milk for, ii. 363 Inflammation, ii. 285, 286 Infundibula of kidney, ii. 368 Infundibulum of oviduct, ii. 693. — of Fallopian tube, ii. 598 Ingesta, daily, ii. 539 Infusoria, rejiroduction of, ii. 580, 582, 586 (see Protozoa) Ingluvies in Birds, ii. 134. — of Rumi- nants, ii. 130 Ink-bag of Cephalopods, ii. 139, 395 Inhibition of effect of stimuli ou motor nerves, i. 286 Inorganic bodies, characters, i. 148 Inorganic proximate constituents of the body, i. 80, 95 Inosite, i. 86 ; ii. 293 Insnlivation, i. 1 10 ; ii.25. — in Animals, ii. 128 iN.SECTTVoiu. Digestive organs, ii. 130, 134. Locomotion, i. 222 INSECTA. Digestive organs, ii. 140. Di- gestive glands, ii. 143, 145, 148. Circu- lation, ii. 273. 274. Heat, ii. 60;i. Renal organs, ii. 394. itesiuration, ii. 495,496; — of certain larviu, ii.501 , Ln- minosity of. ii. 525. Touch, i. 472, 474, Smell, i. 499. Hearing, i. 524. Sight, i. 604-606. Locomotion, i. 226, 235. Sounds inmlo by, i. 271. Nervous Sys- tem, i. 420—122. Inspiration, ii, 414-420. Enlargement of thorax in, ii. 415-417. Alusclcs of, ii. 417-419. Force e.xerted in, ii. 426. — in Birds is passive, ii. 489. Quantity of air taken in, at each, ii. 432 ; quantity breathed in twenty-four hours, ii. 435. Snpplementary nses of, ii. 430-432. In- gress of air in, how facilitated, ii. 420, First inspiration at birth, ii. 429. Cir- cumstances wliich modify tho number of, ii. 424, 425. 684 INDEX, INS Instincts of Animals, i. 378, 418. — of Man, i. 378, 379, 392 Intellect, i. 377, 380 Intermuscular septa, i. 13 Intervertebral substances, development of. ii. G16 Intestinal canal (see Intestine). — diges- tion, ii, 102-104. — glands of Vertebrata, ii- \48. — juice, i. Ill ; sources and com- position of, ii. 80-82; action of, ii. 102; action of in animals, ii. 1.00 Intestines, i. 33, 111. Length of, in ani- mals, ii. 133. Development of, ii. 627. Small, ii. 40—43; coats, ii. 43,44; vilii, ii. 44; structure of villi, ii. 1.57, 108 ; vermicular or peristaltic movements, ii. 44, 40. Large, ii. 45, 46 ; structure of, ii. 46-49 ; coatsof, ii. 46, 47. Passage of foodalong.ii. 45,49. Contents of , ii. 103- 106. Descent of substances through, ii. 106. Digestion in, ii. 102-104. Juices of, 80-82. Glands, Brunner’s, ii. 80 ; Lieberkiihn’s follicles, ii. 82 ; Peyer’s patches, ii. 81, 109, 160 ; solitary, ii. 82, 331 ; agminated, ii. 81, 159, 160, 331. Changes of food in, ii. 103, 104. Action of juices of, ii. 102. Gases contained in, ii. 106. Valvulfe conniventes, ii. 44. Contents of small, alkaline, ii. 97. In Vertebrata, ii. 133-139; Mollusca, ii. 139 ; Molluscoida, ii. 140 ; Annulosa, ii. 140, 141 ; Annuloida, ii. 141, 142 ; Coelen- terata, ii. 142 ; Protozoa, ii. 143 Intrinsic forces of Animal mechanism, i. 203 Inveutebrata. Alimentary canal, ii. 139-143. Gastric glands, ii. 143. Liver, ii- 143, 144, 145. Pancreas, ii. 148. IBood, ii. 271. Bloodvessels, ii. 271, 272. Nervous system, i. 419-425. Touch, i. 472, 474. Taste, i. 484. Smell, i. 499. Hearing, i. 624-526. Sight, i. 603-607. Locomotion on solids, i. 226, 227 ; in fluids, I. 233; in air, i. 235. Voice, i. 271, 272. Prehension, i. 246. Heat of, ii. 503. Digestive organs, ii. 139-143. Digestive glands, ii. 128, 129, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148. Circulation, ii. 271-275. Renal organs, ii. 394. Respi- raiion, ii. 494-496 ; 497, 499-502. Pre- hension of food, ii. 118, 119. Denticles, ii. 127. 128, Salivary glands, ii. 128, 129. Pharynx, ii. 129 Involuntary movements, i. 381 Iris, i. .531, 538, 556, 557. Governmeutof, i. 567, Development of, ii. 023 Isthmus of fauces, ii. 27 Ivory, ii. 121 JACOB'S membrane, i. .540 Jaws, i. 110; ii. 21. — in animals, ii. 126, 127 Jaw, lower, develo])ment of, ii. 624, Upper, dovelopjnent of, ii. 625 Jejunum, i. 33 ; ii. 42. 43 Joiut-oil, or synovia, i. 12, 189 LAM Joints, i. 11, 108, 187. Immovable, 1. 188 Mixed, i. 188. Movable, i. 189; Bah and socket, i. 191 ; Hinge or gingljTorm: i. 190 ; Planiform, i. 190 ; Special formaj i. 192 Judgment, i. 367 X^EISTIN, ii. 384. Keratin, i. 83 ; ii. 584. KinxEYS, i. 31, 114. Description of, ii, 360-371. Chemical composition, ii. 366.- Atrophy or disease of one,ii. .367. Horse- shoe, ii. 367. Movable or floating, ii„ 367. Hilus, ii. 367. Sinus, ii. 367. Cor^ Ux— tical substance, ii. 368. Medullary snbt Uu'saj stance, ii. 368. Malpighian corpuscles, ii. 368,369,370. Pyramids (Malpighi), ii. 308. Papillm or mammillm, il. 368.' Pelvis, ii. 308, 371. Infundibula, ii.i 368. Calyces, ii. 368, 371. Tnbuli nriniferi, ii. 368. Tubes of Ferrein, ii. 369. Capsules, ii. 309. Ducts of Bellini, ii. 369. Cilia in, of cold-blooded Ver-r tebrata, ii. 369. Bloodvessels of Jlal- pigliian bodies, ii. 369, 370 ; portal cha-i racter of, ii. 370. Arteries, ii. 370. Veins, ii. 370. Lymphatics, ii. 370. Nerves, ii. 370, 371. Function of, iiJla!,:..^ 371. Office of Malpigliian corpuscles,! ii. 371 ; of spheroidal epithelium o^ Itie't-j tubuli, ii. 371, 372, 373. Effect on blood, of extirpation of, ii. 372 ; of ligature of ureters, ii. 372. Bright's disease, or granular degeneration, ii. 390. Renal organs in animals, ii. 391- 394. Primordi .1, ii. 611,631. Develop-: ment. ii. 632. Ureter, ii. 366, 371 Kinesodic substance (in spinal cord), i. i 344 Kissing, sound of, i. 268 Knee-joint, con.structive adaptation erect posture, i. 2u9 Kymographiou, ii. 231, 279 to; J ABTRINTH or internal ear, i. 505 Labyrintho-dentine, ii. 125 Laclirymal canals or caualicnli, i. .529. — glands, i. 26. 114, 526, 529. — lake, 1. 628. — papilla;, i. 528. — piincta, i. 529. > — .sac and groove, i. 530 Lactation, ii. 356 ; how influenced, ii. 362 Lncte.als, i. 33, 67, 111 ; ii. L56, 1.57. Com- mencemeut in villi, ii. 156. Absorption ^ by. ii. 175 Lactic acid, i. 86 ; ii. 64. 383 Lactin, i. 86 ; ii. 357. .359 Lncunm of hone. i. 47 Lamei.i.iuraxchl\ta. Dige-stive organa, ii. 139. Digestive glands, ii. 144. Cir- culation, ii. 272. Roual organs, ii. 394. Respiration, ii. 500. Touch, i. 4'2- Sight, i. 604. Locomotiou, i. 225, ‘233. Nervous System, i. 127, 419 1*295 -ixal jlsjuii- Ic-jo.fi 'j.-a.fi- h-u;; d.i>‘ Icji;-’ Uii. i laaoc Icrinis Li:i Ichii kiETJ its te.tm tiaio liEBX IttSUL fe,i.s g t: fe-i. ..tlli ' . ii;::'? f-ij. K' ;• !■ k ithi INDEX, f)85 XAil 1 Lamina spiralis, i. S06. — cribrosa, I. 537. — fusca, i. 537. — of cerebellum, i. 307. — dorsalis, ii. G07. Sensorial-, ii. G07. Motorio-sexual-, ii. G07. Mucous-, ii. 6u8 i Lanugo, ii. GGO ^ Lai'TOj, ii. 5S5, 587 I Laryngeal movements, i. 257. — nerves, functions of, i. 2G5. — muscles, action of, i. 257,258. — sac, i. 251 [Laryngoscope, i. 25G [Larynx, i. 2G, 115, 248. Cartilages,!. 249. Mucous membrane, i. 252. Muscles, 1. 252. Nerves, i. 252. Ventricle, i. 251. Functions of, i. 255 [ Latebra of egg, ii. 597 :Laughing, ii. 431. — gas, ii. 470 [Lavoisier's theory of Animal Heat, ii. 512-18 [Leaping, i. 217. Combined with running, i. 217 [Lecithin, i. SG , Lens, crystalline, i. 542. Development of, ii. G22 Lenses, errors of artificial, i. 651. Ee- fraction of light by, i. 550 [Lepidosiren, circulation in, ii. 270. Ko- spiration in, ii. 493 Lencmmia, ii. 323 Leuciu, i, 85 Leucocythsemia, ii. 323 Levers employed in the body, 1. 198 lieberkUhn’s follicles, ii. 80-82. — present in all Vertebrata. ii. 148 Life, or vital action, i. 105. Periods of, ii. GG5 Ligaments, i. 7, 11, 189. Elastic, i. 193 Ligamenta subflava, i. 194 Ligamentum denticulatum, i. 295. — teres, i. 191 Light, i. 545. Absorption of,i. .548. Effects Ion the eye, i. 589. Evolution of, by Man, Ii. 524 ; — by Animals, ii. 525—527 ; — cause of, ii. 52G. Refraction of, i. 549 , 554 Imbs, development of, ii. G17 ingu.al nerve (see Trigeminal) ips, absent in Birds, ii. 117 ; in Reptiles, ii. 118 iqnid diffusion, ii. 1G0, 1C2. Rate of, with different substances, ii. 102 iquor amnii, ii. 009. — lymphrn, i. C7. — sanguinis, i. 02 (see Blood) isping, i. 208. ithic acid, i. 85 ; ii. 380, 387. — calculi, ii. 387 rvKii, i. 31, 111. Description, ii. G5, Ligaments, ii. GO. Lolws. ii. CO, G7. 11 Lobules, ii. 71, 72. Fissures, ii. 08. n Bloodves.sels, ii. 08, 70. I.ymphatics, |{ ii. 70. I’roiier substance, ii. 71. Nerves, |l ii.70. Interlobular tissue, ii. 71. Secret- >1' Ing portion, ii. 73. In embryo, a true •' bIoo10 Sounds, pitch of, i. 253. Strength or in- tensity of, i. 2-53. Tone or timbre of, i. 253. Their production and modification, i. 2-52. Of heart, ii. 209-213 ; ch.aracters of, ii. 209 ; causes of, ii. 210, 211 Speaking, i. 260 ; ii. 430 Species, reproduction of, ii. 580, ,587 .Specific gravity of Human Body, ii. 532. Of organs (given with the Organs). Of animal fluids and tissues, i. 78 (Table) Spectra, i. 590 Spectroscope, ii. 440 Spectrum, solar, i. 540. Absorption or dark bands of, ii. 440. Colour b.ands of, ii. 446. — analysis, ii. 440 ; — of blood, ii. 447 Speech, i. 200. Imperfections of, i. 208 Sperm-cell, ii. 583, 589, 042 ; — force, ii, 001 Sijermatozoa, ii. .589, 602 Spertnotheca, ii. .584, 001 Spherical aberr.ation, i. 552, 550 Sphincters, ii. 49 Sphygmogr.aph, ii. 230-238 Spigelian lobe, ii. 07 Spina bifida, ii. 010 Spinal canal, i. 21. Column,!. 7. Acces- sory nervo, i. 317, 335. Cord, i. 24, 108, 294,297, 311; eentral canal of, i. 313; central gi'ey commissure of, i. 312; columns of, i. 311 ; enlargements of, i. 31 1 ; functions of, i. 338 ; reflex action of, i. 340; of .Tertebrata, i. 415; efTcct of injury of, on respiration, ii, 429 ; efl'ect of in glycogenic function, ii. 341 ; Development of, cord, ii. 010, 019. — nerves {nee Nerves) Spirometer, ii. 432 Spitting, ii. 430 Splanchnic nerves, influence on glycogenic function, ii. 341 SlT.unx, i. 33, 71, 113 ; ii. 320. Dc.scription of, ii. 320. Coats of. ii. 321. Trabeculiu of, ii. 320, 321. Parenchyma or pulp, | ii. 320, 321. Coloured cells of, ii. 321. < lUalpighian coriniscles, ii. 321. Arte- ries, ii. 321. Veins, ii. 322. Capillaries, ii. 321. Lymph.atics. ii, 322. Nerves, ii. 322. AVhlte blood corpuscles formed in. ii. 323. Corpuscles formed in, ii. 323. Bed eor))U.scles di.sintegrated in, ii. 323. tliemical composition, ii. 321. Variable size. ii. 321. I’rohablo ollice, ii. 324. In nuiinals, ii. 312. Development of, ii. 031, 058 Sponyida, reproduction of, ii. 582, 583, 580 STR .Spongilla, ii. .580 Spontaneous amputation, ii. 001. — com- bustion, ii. 523. — generation, ii. 580 Squint, i. 534 Stammering, i. 208 Standing, i. 213. — at ease, i. 213. — on one leg, i. 213 Stapes, i. 593 ; ii. 025 Starch, vegetable, i. 80. Action of saliva on, ii. 84, 85 ; of bile on, ii. 90 ; of pan- creatic juice on, ii. 98; of intestinal juices on, ii. 102. Destination of, in body, ii. 541. — eiinivnlent, ii. .541. In daily food, ii. 536 Starch, animal, ii. 78. Formed by hepatic cells, ii. 335 Starvation, i. 445; ii. 549. In Animals, ii. 548 Stasis of red corpuscles of blood in inflam- mation, ii. 280 Starics of H uman Body. ii. 532—550 Stature of Human Body, ii. 533 Steam Engine, IVoi'k of, ii. 5.54, 500. Compared to work of body, ii. 554, 500 Stearic acid. i. SO Stearin, i. 80 Stenonian duct, ii. 54 Stcreomonoscope, i. 582 Stereoscope, i. 581 Sterni flssura, ii. 017 Sternum, i. 10 ; ii. 017 Stethoscope, ii. 209 Stigma, ii. 594 Stimuli, action on the nerves, i. 273. Exciting muscular contractility, i. 150. Of nervous excitability, i. 272. Of the retina, i. 594. Of sensation, i. 420. Of vital projxirties of animal tissues, i. 103, 150 ; external stimuli, i. 103 ; internal stimuli, i. 104 ; mental stimuli, i. 104. Of vital properties, action of, i. 103, 104 Stolon, in animals, ii. 582 Stomach, i. 31. 110. Description and structure of, ii. 35-38. Digestion seen in, ii. 92, 93. Function of. ii. 3,8. Jiovenients of. ii. 39. Alveoli of, ii. 58. Tnbuli or glands of. ii. 5,8-oo. Peptic cells of, ii. 00. Solitary glands of. ii. 01. Post-mortem digestion of. ii. 89. 140. Of Saint Martin, ii. 01 , 87, 90-93. Gases contained in, ii. 105, 100. Juice of, ii. 01. Coats of, ii. 30. Temperature of, ii. 87. In Mammalia, ii. 130-133. In linminantia dividial into four distinct cavities, ii. 130, 131. In Birds, ii. 134, 135. In lloptilos, ii. 137. In Amphibia, ii. 138. In Fishes, ii. 138. In Mollusca, ii. 139. In Jlollnsooida, ii. 140. In Annulosa, ii. 140, 141. In Anmiloida, ii. I ll, 142. Closed sacs of. ii. 331. In animals, ii. 130-142. Development of, ii. 025 Strabismus, i. 534 Stridnlation, i. 271 StringcHl instruments, i. 253 Strohila, ii. 580 INDEX, 695 STU Stuttering, i. 2fiS Subarachnoid fluid, i, 205 Subcutaneous areolar tiis.-uc, i, 13 Subjective sensory stimuli, i, 427, 4fiC, 470, 4,S2, 405, 521 , 595, — “ Ego,” i, 378 Sublingual glands, i, 20 ; ii, .55 Submnxillary glands, i, 2G ; ii, 55 Submergence, effect of, in syncope, ii, 478 Succus entericus, ii, SO Sucking, il, 2(i, In Mammalia, ii, 117 Sudoric acid, ii, 397 Sudoriferous or sudoriparous gl.ands, ii, 39G SUG.VK, 1, 8(1, Grape, glucose, or dextrose, i, 8G, Inosite, 1, SG, Lactin, or sugar of milk, i, SG, Absorption of, by veins, ii, 17G : by lacteals, ii. 17G. From tran.s- formation of glycogen, absorbed by he- patic veins, ii. 33G. Average cinantity in liver of man and animals, ii. 337. Found in liver of iinimals, ii. 337. Pro- portion in different kinds of blood, ii. 337. Trommer's test for, ii. 85. Effect of covering animals with varnish on formation of, ii. 340. Accumulates for hybernation, ii. .340. In diabetes, ii. 340, 389, 544. In urine, ii. 375,389. In- creased or diminished by medicines, ii. 340. Increased by section of splanchnic nerves, or of sympathetic in neck, ii, 341 : by disturb^ respiratory functions, ii. .141 , 5Sil ; by irritating floor of fourth ventricle, i. 35G, 394 ; ii. 340, 341 ; by- certain portion of the cerebro-spinal axi.s, ii. 341. Ite.^-trained by section of vagu.s nerves, or of cord, below origin of phrenic nerves, ii. 341. Destination of in body, ii. .541, Sulci of cerebellum, i. 307. — of cerebrum, 1. 300 Sulphocyanirte of potassium, of saliva ,ii. 58 Sun-stroke, ii. 51 1 Supination, i. 242. Supplemental air, ii. 432, 433 Suppuration, ii. 28G Suprarenal bodies, i. 31, 74. 113 ; ii. 325. Description of, ii. 325. Structure of, ii. 325, 32G. Functions of, ii. 32G. In animals, ii. 342 Suspended respiration and animation, ii. 47G Sutures, i. 21, 188. Dentate or serrated, i. 188. I.imbou.s, i. 188. Sfiuamons, i. 188. Fal.se. i. 188 Stvallowing, ii. 27-35 (.we Deglutition) Sweat, ii. 39G (see Perspiration) Sweat glands, i. G9, 114; 11. 3I)G Swimming of animals, i. 228. — of man, i. 227 Sympathetic Ganglia and Nerves, func- tion.? of, i. 38G. Nerves, i. 31 , 3.f ; action on vessels, i. 391 ; section increases glycogenic function, ii. 341 Sympathetic ner\ons system, i. 294, 322. In animals, i. 41G. Influence of, on se- cretion and excretion, ii. 349-351. In Vertelwata, i. 41G Synopta, 1. 424 TAD Synarthroses, or immovable joints, i. 188 Syncope, death by, ii. CGG Synovia, or joint-oil, i. 12, 189 ; ii. 3G5 Synovial capsule, i. 189. — membranes, i. 12, G8 Syntouin, or fibrin of muscle, i. 82. Origin of, ii. 290, 544 Systole of ventricles, ii. 204 (see Heart) gtABLES showing : — (1) Analysis of 1000 parts of blood, i. 90. (2) Animal functions, i. 117. (3) Cranial nerves and their functions, i. 331. (4) Analysis of azotised substances, i. 98. (5) Analysis of organic proxi- mate constituents, i. 9G. (G) Measure- ments of eyeball, i. 544. (7) Quantities of water, chloride of sodium, and phos- phate of lime contained in 1000 parts of certain tissues, fluids, Ac., of the body, i. 94. (8) Senses, i. 437. (9) Size of red blood corpuscles in animals, i. 77. (10) Size of structural elements of tis- sues, i. 77. (11) Specific gravity of certain animal fluids and tissues, i. 78. (12) Ultimate chemical elements of body, 1. 100. (13) An.alysis of organic proximate constituents of vegetable food, ii. 8. (14) Analyses of food, ii. 115. (15) Length of intestines in different animals, ii. 133. (IG) Circumference of auriculo-ventricular and arterial open- ings, ii. 193. (17) Sounds and move- ments of the heart, ii. 212. (IS) Com- position of milk in woman, the cow, goat, sheep, ass, and mare,li. 3G2. (19) Daily quantity of constituents of urine for lib. weight of body substance in a man of 1451bs. weight (Parkes), u. 37G. (20) Composition of 109 parts of solid constituents of urine (Lehmann), ii. 37G. (21) Air used in respiration, ii. 433. (22) Percentage comimsition, in volumes of air, before and after it has been once breathed, ii.438. (23) Oxygen and Carbonic acid in venous and arterial blood, ii. 451. (24) Weights of the va- rious parts and organs of the body, ii. 633. (25) Proportions of proximate con.stitueuts of body, ii. 534. (2G) Daily food of adult man in ounces, ii. 63G. (27) llelations between proximato con.stituents of food and those of body, ii. 537. (28) Daily Ingosta and their compo.sition, ii. 539. (29) Daily Egessta and their composition, ii. 539. (3U) Various daily dietaries (Playfair), il. 5G3. (31) Dietaries iinderdilVercntcon- ditions of rest and e.xercise (Playfair), ii. 5G3. (32) Valno of food, as n sonreo of motor power (Frankland), ii. 575 Tachometer, ii. 228 Tactile corpuscles or nxilo bodies, 1. 4.54. Tadpole of frog, circnlntiou in, ii. 2G9. — newt, circnlation in, 11. 2GU, 270 ; respiration in, ii. 497 696 INDEX, TiE Tajuia, reproduction of, ii. 580. Ova of, li. 601 Tartar of teeth, ii. 58 Taste, after impressions, i. 482. Charac- ter of sense of, i. 479. Conditions of exercise of sense of , i.478, 481. Organ of, i. 474. Nerves of, i. 315, 310, 477, 478. Sense of, 1. 474, 477. Subjective impres- sions, i. 482. Without sapidity, i. 481. In animals, i. 483, 484. Taurin, i. 85 ; ii. 70. Tauro-chenollc acid, ii. 77. Taurocholic acid, i. 85 ; ii. 76. Tears, i. 530. Teeth, i. 110. Formulse of milk and per- manent. ii. 12. Description of, ii. 13- 16. Milk, ii. 12, 14. 15; peculiar do Mammalia, ii. 119. Permanent, ii. 12- 14. Structure of. ii. 1.5-18. Period of eruption of, ii. 1.8-21. Use of the dif- ferent, ii. 22. Canine, ii. 13. Incisor, ii. 13. Bicuspid ii. 13. Molar, ii. 13. Pulp of, ii. 15. Peculiar to Vertehrata, ii. 119. Of Mammalia, ii. 119, 120 ; de- velopment of, 11. 629; influence of sex on size of, ii. 122. In Beptiles, ii. 123, 124. Amphibia, ii. 124. Fishes, ii. 124- 126. Denticles of Non-vertebrata, ii. 127, 128. Absent in Manis and the Myrmecophaga, ii. 120 ; in Eoliidnn, ii. 120 ; in Birds, ii. 119, 123. Dovelopmeut of, ii. 627, 629. Tissues, development ii. 660 Temperature, sense of, i. 459, 467. Of body, &c. {see Heat) Of animals, ii. 503 {see Heat) Tendons, i. 13 Tentorium, i, 21 Testis, ii. 589. Development of, ii. 632 Tetanus, i. 157 Textures in the tongue and larynx of a sheep, i. 39. Of the body, i. 38 Thalamus opticus, i. 304 Thallogens, i. 140 Thaumatrope or stroljoscope, i. 588 Thebesius, valve of, ii. 189 Thermal sensations, i. 467 Tliirst, i. 443 Thoracic duct, i. 31 , 111. Description of, ii. 1-54, 155. In Birds, two, ii. 186 Thorax, i. 27. Capacity of. ii. 432. In Mammalia, ii. 488. Birds, ii. 488, 489. Reptiles, ii. 491. Amphibia, ii. 491 Thymus gland, i. 74, 113. Description, ii. 329. Function, ii. 330, 331. In animals, ii. 343. Development of, ii. 631, 6.58 Thyroid body, i. 74, 113. Description of, ii. 327. Goitrous enlargement, ii. 327, 328. Function, ii. 328. In animals, ii. 342. Development of, ii. 631, 658 Thyroid cartilage, i. 250 Tidal air, ii. 432, 433 Timbales, i, 271 Tis.sub.s. Chemical composition of, i. 87. Microscopio structure, i. 42 ; absorbent, i. 65 ; ii. 658 ; adipose or fat, i. 45 ; ii. TUB 647 ; areolar, i. 42 ; ii. 646, 663; blood, . i. 62 ; ii. 657 ; bloodvessels, i. .57 ; ii. 6.56, . 663; cartilage, i. 45; ii. 648 , 6.52 , 663;: connective,!. 42 ; ii. 646, 663 ; dental, ii. . 15, 16, 17, 628, 660 ; elastic, i. 44; ii. . 647 ; epidermic, i. 72; ii. 659. 663 ; epi- thelial, i. 72; ii. 6-59, 663; fibre.s, plain muscle, i. 48 ; ii. 654, 663 ; fibres, strijad . muscle, i. 49 ; ii. C-54, 663 ; fibro-carti- lage, i. 45 ; ii. 648 ; fibrous tissue, i. 43 ; glands, i. 68 ; ii. 659 ; Isicteals, i. 67 ; lymphatics, i. 66 ; ii. 0-58; marrow, i. 45; ii. 649 ; mucous membranes, i. 69 ; mus- cular tissue, i. 48 ; ii. 654, 663 ; nervous tissue, i. 52 ; ii. 655, 663 ; non-va.scnlar tissues, i, 62, 72 ; osseous tissue or bone, i. 46 ; ii. 6-18, 663 ; secreting membranes, i. 68 ; skin, i. 68 ; ii. 618 ; serous mem- branes, i. 68 ; synovial membranes, i. 68 ; yellow cartilage, i. 45 ; ii. 648. , Physical properties, i. 79 ; development of {see Development) ; rei)aration of {see Reparation). Size of structural elements of, i. 76 (Table). Specific gravity of, i. 78. Structural elements of, i. 75. Blas- tema or matrix, crystals, granules, liomogeneous or structureless mem- brane, nuclei, nucleated cells, simple fibres, nucleated fibres, compound fibres, tubes, vesicles, protoplasm, i. 75. Vital properties,!. 101. All are e.vtra-vascu- lar, ii. 279. Tone of voice, nasal, i. 262. — veiled, i. 263 Toxgue, nerves of, i. 477. Papilla; of, i. 475. Parts of, i. 474. Structure of, , ii. 25, 26. Use of, in mastication, ii. 25 ; in deglutition, ii. 29. Closed sacs of, ii. i 331. InBirds, i. 245, 246. In Gasterojxrda, ' ii. 127 Tongued instruments, i. 253-255 Tonicity of muscle, i. 162. 351 i Tonsils, i. 26 ; ii. 27. Present in Mam- malia, ii. 129. Clo.scd sacs of, ii. 331 Tor]«does, electrical, ii. 528—531 Touch, as the tactile sense, i. 459. After . sensations of, i. 465. Delicacy in differ- ent parts of the body. i. 461. Education * of, i. 466. Hallucinations connected with, i. 467. In ormation conveyed by ' the sense of. i. 459, 465. Organ of. i. | 449. Sensation exciteii by internal J causes, i. 466. Sense of, i. 449. Sense 1 and organs in Anim.ils. i. 471—174 Trachea, i. 26 ; ii. 404-406. Of Insects, * ii. 403, 495 Trance, ii. 669 Transformation {see Metamorphosis) Transfusion of blood, ii. 298 Tri :eminal or trifacial nerve, i. 314. 332. Third division, lingual or gustatory nerve, i. 315, 316, 477, 478 Trochlear joints, i, 190. Nerve, i. 314, 332 Trommer’s test for sugar, ii. 390 Trunk, i. 7 Tube, Eustacliian, ii. 502, 516. Fallopian, ii. 598 INDEX 697 TUB Tuhuli uriniferi, ii. 3(iS. In animals, ii. Tulp, valve of. ii. 48 Tumours, ii. -’8.5 Tunicata. amyloid substance in, ii. 335 Tympanum or middle ear. i. 501. Muscles of, i. 504, 517. Ossicles of, i. 602. — and its bone.', development of, ii. B24, 625 ■ Types of form in animal series, i. 133. Annuloid type, i. 135. Aunulose type, i. 133. Cielenterate type, i. 135. ilol- luscoid ty pe. i. 13-5. Molluscous type. i. 133. Pp-tozoic type, i. 135. Verte- brate type, i. 133 Typlilosole of Annelida, ii. 141 TyrubUi, i. 85 T’LCF.R, ii. 286 Ulceration, ii. 185, 286 intimate chemical con.stituents of the I boily, i. 94. Table of elements, i. 100 I Uliimum moriens, i. 163 ; — and primum 1 viveus, ii. 307 I Umbilical vesicle, ii. 609, 610, 626. Arteries, ii. (ill, 614, 63-5, 639. Opening, ii. 611. Cord, ii. 614. Vessels, ii. 611. Vein, ii. , 614, 635, 639 f Unity in variety in animals, i. 1-38 I Upper limb of man, adaptations, i. 239. Stnicture of, i. 240 I Urachus, ii. 611., 631 ; Urmmic poisoning, ii. 379 Un a, i. 85 ; ii. 376, 377. Mode in which it is obtained, ii.376, 377. Source.s of, ii. 377, 378. Effect of retention of, ii. 379. ! Quantity e.vcreted, ii. 377, 378, 379. E.xcretion of, increased, ii. 379. As a measure of work, ii. 565. Not dependent on exercise, ii. 568, 571. Dependent on food, ii. 568, 571. Source of, ii. 544, -545. Increased by food more than by exercise, ii. 546. Relation to mental work,ii. 566, 678 Ureters, i. 31 ; ii. 366. Effect of ligature of, on blood, ii. 373 Uric acid, i. 85; ii. 379. How obtained, ii. 3,80. Quantity diminished, ii. 381 ; e.xcretcd, ii. 380, 381. Quantity increasd, ii. 381. E.xcreted by Keptiles, ii. 380; by Birds, ii. 380 ; by Mollusca and An- nulosa, ii. 394 ; in chalk stones, ii. 381 . Calculi, ii. 387 Urina potfis, ii. 375. — cibi vel chyli, ii. 375. — sanguinis, ii. 375 -1 Urinary bladder, inversion of, ii. 373, 374. i htrueture of, ii. 374 I Urinary organs. Development of, ii. 631 1 Urine, ii. 371. Casts in, ii. 373. Albu- minous, M, 373, 389, 390. Passage of, from kidneys to bladder, ii. 373, 371. E.xcretion of, rapid and constant, il. 373, 374. Influence of nervous system on ex- cretion of, ii. 374. Dally (piantity ex- creted,ii. 374. Partly solid in Birds and Keptile.s, ii. 372. In Bright's disease, ii. 375. In diabetes mellitus, ii. 375. lle- VEI action of, ii. 375, 383, 384. Composition of, ii. 375, 376. Water of, ii. 376. Urea (see Urea). Uric acid (see Uric acid). Hippuric acid, ii. 381, 382. Creatin and creatinin, ii. 382, 383. Uro-h;ematin or colouring substance, ii. 383. Extractive matters, ii. 3,83. Lactic acid. ii. 383. O.xalic acid, ii. 384. Salts, ii. 385. Sedi- ments, ii. 385, 386. Calculi, ii. 386, 387. Substances which enter it unchanged, ii. 387. Alkaline in llerbivora, ii. 387, 388. Most substances enter it changed, ii. 387. Rapidity with which .soluble substances pass into, ii. 389. Bile in, ii. 389. Sugar in, ii. 389. Albumen in, ii. 389, 390 ; how produced, ii. 390 ; in Bright’s disease, ii. 390; how detected, ii.390. The most complex animal ex- cretion, ii. 391 Urn-genital sinus, ii. 611, 631 Uro-luematin, li. 383 Ui'opygii glanduliE, of Birds, ii. 396 Uterus, ii. 598. Venous sinuses of, ii. 615. Various lorms of, ii. 633 Utricle, primordial, ii. 642 Uvula, i. 26 ; ii. 27. Absent in animals, except in higher Quadrumana, ii. 129 ■yAGI nerves (see Pneumogastric nerves) ' Valsalva, Sinuses of, ii. 193, 194 Valve of Thebesius, ii. 189. Eustachian, ii. 189. Tricuspid, ii. 191. Semi-lunar, ii. 192, 194. Mitral or bicuspid, ii. 194. lleo-ctecal, ii. 48. Absent in Monotre- niata, ii. 134 ; — some Edentata, ii. 134; — certain Cheiroptera, it. 134 ; — Ce- tacea, ii. 134; — Birds, ii. 136. Indis- tinct or absent in Amphibia, ii. 138. No distinct, in Fishes, ii. 138. Of 'Pulp or Bauhin, ii. 48. Of veins (see Veins). Of lymphatics (see Lymphatics) VAlvulai conniventes, ii. 44 Varicose veins, ii. 2-54 Vasa serosa, ii. 242. — vasorum of arteries, i. 68 ; — of veins, i. 59 Viiscular glands (see Ductles.s glands) Vasi-motor nerves, inlluence of, i. 389 Vaso-dentine in tlio Fish, ii. 125 Vegetable albumen, i.4, 8. — cells,!. 141 ; ii. 64l. — Kingdom, general outlines, i. 139. — motion, i. 183. — textures, i. 14 1. Vegetative functions, i. lib ; ii. 1 ; nutri- tive, i. 11b ; reproductive, i. 117. Vhixs, i. 18, 1 1 1. Circulation through, ii. 247-257 ; systemic, ii. 248 ; pulmonary, ii. 248; causes of, ii. 248-2511; muscular )ire.ssurc aids, ii. 250, 251 ; respiratory movements aid, ii. 251,252; valves, ii. •2-')b, 252, 253. Diverticular action of, ii. 25b. llhythmio contractions in, il. 25b. Effects of gravity on circulation in, ii. 253 , 2.54. Varicose, ii. 2,54. Rate of motion of blood in, ii. 254 ; increases near the heart, ii. 254, 255. Disturbing causes of, 11.255. Valves of, i, 59; ab- sent in portal, ii. 2-:<5 ; and in hepatic. INDEX, 69 S YEN ii. 255 ; in cranium, ii. 255 ; in lungs, ii. 257. In Birds, ii. 2(i5. In Pishes, ii. 2BS. Introduction of air into, fatal, ii. 222. Structure of, i. 5S. Development of, ii. 65C. Cardinal or primitive, ii. 6it7. Umbilical, ii. 614, 6-35, 6.32. In- terlobular, ii. 72. Sublobuhar, ii. 72. Intralobular, ii. 72 Vena cava, superior i. 29 ; ii. 265 ; double in some animals, ii. 265. Inferior, i. 29, 31 Venaportie, ii. 69. Development of, ii. 635 Venous absorption, ii. 168-171. — blood, i. 90 (see Blood). — heart in eel, ii. 268 Ventricle of cerebellum, i. 308. Irritation of floor of fourth, produces diabetes, i. 356, 394 ; ii. 340, 341 Ventricles of the cerebrum, i. 299, 306. — of heart, ii. 190, 193 Ventriculus bulbosus in Birds, ii. 135. — succeuturiatus in Birds, ii. 135 Ventriloquism, i. 268 Vermicular or peristaltio contraction, i. 160 ; ii. 44, 45 Vermiform appendix, i. 33 ; ii. 46. Exists in the ape, gibbon, and wombat, ii. 134 Vermiform processes of cerebellum, i. 307 Vertebne, i. 21. Development of, ii. 615 Vertebral column, i. 7. Adaptations to erect posture, i. 211 Vertebral gi'oove, ii. 606, 608 Vertebral plates, ii. 608 Vertecbata. Characters and Classes, i. 121, 124. Placental, ii. 613. Impla- Cf-ntal, ii. 613. Warm-blooded, i. 125. Cold-blooded, i. 125. Abranchiate, i. 125. Branchiate, i. 125. Pulmouated or air-breathing, ii. 264. Warm- blooded, ii. 264. Cold-blooded, ii. 264. Branchiated or water-bi'eathing, ii. 264. Touch, i. 471—174. Taste, i. 483, 484. Smell, i. 496. Hearing, i. 522- 524. Sight, i. 597-603. Locomotion on solids, i. 218-225 ; in fluids, i. 228- 233 ; in air, i. 234-239. Voice, i. 269- 271. Encephalon, i. 405, 406. Cere- brum, i. 406-413. Cerebellum, i. 413, 414. Pons Varol, i. 414. Medull.a oblongata, i. 414. Spinal cord, i. 415. Cranial and spinal nerves, i. 416. Sym- pathetic nervous system, i. 416. I’re- hensiou, i. 244-246. Nervous actions, i. 417—119, Cerebral lobes, 1, 412. Olfac- tory lobes, i. 412. Optic lobes, i. 412, Blood glands, ii. 342. Integument, i. 47.3. Nervous system, i. 403—119. Cir- culation, ii. 264-271. Kidneys, ii. 391- 391. Blood corpuscles, quantity of, ii. 518. Oi'gans of digestion, ii. i30-139. Digestive glands, ii. 128, 143, 144, 14.5- 148. Uospiratiou in, ii. 488-191, 497- 499. Pharynx, ii., 129, 130. Stomach and intestines, ii. 130-139. Gastric glands, ii. 143. Livor,ii. 143, 144. Call-bladder, ii. 145, 146. Pancreas, ii, 146, 147, Ih'ehcusion of food, ii. 117,118. Teeth, ii. 119-126. .Taws, ii, 126, 127. Sali- vary glands, ii. 128 WAR Vertebrate skeleton, development of, il. 653 Vertigo, i. 442 Vesicle, germinal of Purkinje, ii. .590, .592, 593. Bhustodermic, ii. 603. Umbilical, ii. 609, 610. Auditor}', ii. 622. Gr.aa- fian, ii. 597. Optic or ocular, il. 621, Cerebral, ii. 616, 619 Vesicular re.spiratory murmurs, ii. 426 Vessels and Nerves, General position of, i. 18 Vessels (see Bloodvessels and Lymphatics) Vestibule of labjTinth of ear, i. 506, 519 Vibrations of solid bodies, i. 252 Villi, intestinal, ii. 44. Structure of, ii, 157, 1.58. In both small and large in- testines in Birds, ii. 137. — of chorion, ii. 599, 612 Visinsita, i. 101, 156, 173. — musculosa,i, 101, 156, 173. — nervosa, i. 102, 291 Visceral plates, arches, and clefts, ii. 6'24 Vision, double, i. 576, 577. Field of. i. 572. Of objects in erect position, i. 571. Range of, i. 663. Single, i. 579. With two eyes, i. 575. In animals, i. 598- 607 ' Vital action or Life, i. 105. — capacity of the chest, ii. 432-435 ; how modified, ii.- 434,435. — force, i. 105, 291. — knot, i. 354 ; ii. 428. — properties of tissues, i. 101; contractility, i. 101, 156; sensi- bility, i. 101; formative pro])erty, i. 102 ; uses of, i. 1 05. ■ — stimuli, i. 104, 157. — contractility, i. 101 Vitality, i. 105. — of the blood, ii. 299 Vitellin, i. 81 Vitelline membrane, ii. 590, 596. Duct, ii. 609, 610. -Arteries and veins, ii. 634. Ca'cmn, ii. 610 Vitellus, or yolk, ii. 590 Vitreous humour, i, 542, 555 ; ii. 622 Vitro-dentiue, ii. 125 Vocal apparatus in man, i. 259. Cords, i. 25il ; sui)erior or false, i. 250 ; true. i. 251. Vibratory action of. i. 255. Fremitus, ii. 427. Resonance, ii. 427 Voice and Speech, i. 248. In Man, organs of, i. 248. Modification of. i. 261. Per- sonal quality, i. 262. Quality or timbre, 1. 260. Strength, i. 261. Varieties, i. 260. Production and characters, i. 255. In animals, i. 269-272 Volition, seat of, i. 339 Voluntary motion, i. 381 Vomiting, ii. 50-53. An antiperistaltio act, ii. 50. Contraction of stomach in, ii. 50. Anti])eristnltic action of msopha- gus in. ii. 51. Influence of abdominal muscles in, ii. 51, 52. A rclie-x act, ii. 52. Cerebral, ii. 53. From emotional causes, ii. 52 Vowel sounds, i. 266 ' ' Want of breath, i. 446 ; ii. 427 Warm-blooded Animals (see Animals) INDEX. 699 WAT Water, use of in system, ii. 515. Destina- tion of in body, ii. 540. Constitutional, ii. 015. Formation of in body, ii. 514. A.S a constituent of the body, i. 94. Importance of pure, ii. 487, 4SS Water-bag of Ruminants, ii. 130 Water-cells of paunch in camel tribe, ii. 130 Water-vessels of Eutozoa, ii. 497. — of Rotitera, ii. 274. — of Scolecida, i. 129 Weight of body, ii. 533. At birth, ii. 694. — of Organs of the body, ii. 534 ; effect of starvation on, ii. -548 Whartonian duct, ii. 55 Whey, ii. 359 Whispering, i. 266 IVhistling, i. 268 ; ii. 430 White substance of brain, composition of, i. 87. Will, i. .367, 37 1 , 374, 375, 379, 380 Wind-instruments, i. 2.53 Wind-pi[)e, i. 26, 115 ; ii. 404-406 Winking, i. 530 Wirsung, canal of, ii. 78 Wolffian bodies, ii. 611, 631 Work, daily of man, ii. 559 ; of horse, ii. 559, 564 ; of ox, ii. 564 ; compared with ste.am-engine, ii. 560. Modes of, in re- lation to food, ii. 561. Electric, ii. 555, 577. Photic, ii. 555. Nutritive or as- ZOO similative, ii. 555, 576. Mental, ii. 555, 578. Mechanical, ii. -555, 559, 561 ; transformed into heat, ii. 575. Nervo- musoular, ii. 555, .578. Calorific, ii. 5.55, 558, 561.; Varieties of in body, ii. 555 Worms, heat of, ii. 503 Wounds, healing of, ii. 287 ^ANTHIN, i. 85 yawning, i. 383 ; ii. 431 Yellow cartilage, i. 46 ; development of, ii. 648 Yellow spot of the eye, i. 54ff ; ii. 623 Yolk, ii. 590, 593. — sac, ii. 590,626 ; of birds, ii. OKI. Cleavage or segmenta- tion of, ii. 003. Formative and nutri- tive, ii. 591, 593. Germ- and food-, ii. 592, 693, 597. — vesicles, ii. 597. 70-AMYLINE, ii. 3.35 ' ^ Zona pellucida, ii. 591, 599 Zoological Anatomy, objects of, i. 118. Physiology, objects of, i. 118 Zoo-sperms, ii. 590 THE END. I.OXDOX I’ II I .V T E fl llV R I' O TT I S W 00 I) E AXt) 0 0. XEWHTIIISKT SQfAUK —r Ce V ' • * ' ■ ic r «> / ^ ( ■■ ■■■ f'a* I- mm