t REPORT, CHEMICAL AND MEDICAL, OF THE MINERAL SPRINGS AND A LIST OF PH^NOGAMOUS PLANTS COLLECTED IN THEIR VICINITY. By WILLIAM HUTTON FORREST, LICENTIATE OF THE MEDICAL SCHOOL, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA; AND OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, EDINBURGH ; ORDINARY MEDICAL ATTENDANT > OF THE STIRLING DISPENSARY, &C. STIRLING: MDBLISHED BY JOHN HEWIT ; ^AiUjJsOLD BY ADAM BLACK, EDINBURGH; M. LOCHHEAD, AND ATKINSON & CO., GLASGOW. 1831. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/b21970439 TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LORD ABERCROMBY OF ABOUKIR, THESE PAGES ARE, WITH HIS lordship's PERMISSION, MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS lordship's obedient and OBLIGED SERVANT, WILLIAM H. FORREST. Bridge Street, Stirlinc/, ^ May 2Qth, 1831. S PREFACE. The followiBg is an attempt to furnish what has been considered for some time past, a desideratum in this neighbourhood, viz. a succinct account of the chemical and medicinal properties of the Airth* rey Springs. These Springs having been examin« ed by Dr Thomson of Glasgow, their chemistry, it may be said, is perfectly imderstood ; -and little, therefore, can be expected from any fitture in- quirer into this subject. It is not so, however, with -their medical history. This, so far as I know, has not yet been touched -upGn by -a*iy -of our pro«- vincial practitioners, a circumstance not a Httle surprising when the peculiar and mteresting na- ture of the inquiry is considered. Tn the attempt which I have made to supply this desideratum, I wish it to be understood, that I offer it, not as a A iv PREFACE. complete medical history of these Springs, but rather as a few general conclusions deduced from such facts as have presented themselves in the course of my practice. The time, I conceive, has not yet arrived for wi-iting a complete medical his- tory of these Springs. Although not in any ■ way connected with the present inquiry, I have taken the liberty of ap. •pending to it a Catalogue of Plioenogamous Plants growing in this vicinity. It may prove useful to Botanists visiting the iVfrthrey Springs. For the habitats of several of the plants, I am indebted to Messrs. WiUiam Drummond, Coney Park ; Peter M'Kenzie, gardener to Robert Lowis, Esq. J and James Drummond, gardener to Henry Home Drummond, Esq. INTRODUCTION. The hill in which the Airthrey Springs take their origin is composed of TraptuiF, intersected hy sev- eral veins of Sulphate of Barytes.* One of these veins has a thin layer of Copper Ore traversing it. This vein, Dr. Thomson informs us, was wrought at two different times, and abandoned, on both oc- casions, in consequence of the ruin of the adven- turers. . During the working of the copper vein, sever- al Mineral Springs were discovered, issuing from the eastern wall of the mine. The time of their discovery cannot, I believe, be precisely ascer- tained. Dr. Thomson, in his Paper on the Min- eral Waters of Scotland, published in the first vol- ' ume of the Glasgow Medical Journal, states, that * See Appendix, 6 INTRODUCTION. they have been known to the country people for upwards of forty years ; but one of the old inmers, an mteUigent man, and an enthusiastic admirer of the medicinal virtues of these waters, informs me, that they have been known for at least one himdred years. Thirty-five years ago, according to my informant, the watei* waS' collected in a wooden trough, for the use of the miners, and of the country people, some of whom used it as att aperient, whilst others, deeming the water impreg- nated with common salt merely, employed it for culinary purposes. The only stranger who used the water medicinally at this time was Dr. Porteous of Glasgow. It was, however, much used as a liiedicine by the country people of the neighbour- hood, who attended regularly every Sunday morn- ing to partake of it. About the year 1807, the Airthrey Mines were abandoned and locked up ; and the springs being inaccessible, were for some years almost entirely forgotten. At length, in consequence of the suc- ces5-of the Dunblane Springs, they attracted the attention of several persons residing in the neigh- .1 INTRODUCTION. 7 bourhood of Airtlorey, who were induced to solicit Sir Robert Abercromby, the lord of the manor, to have the Mineral Springs, formerly enjoying some local distinction, examined by men of science. Sir Robert, conceiving that these springs might be really medicinal, acceded readily to this propos- al, and about the year 1820, he caused the mine, which had fallen in and become choked, to be cleared and repaired. A specimen of the water, as it issues from the rock, was then procured, and sent to Dr. Hope, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh. The Professor, how- ever, was at this time so busUy engaged with his pupils, that he could not undertake its analysis. In the winter of 1821-2, Dr. Thomson, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Glasgow, ana-, lysed two of the springs. He foimd their ingre- dients similar to those of the Dunblane water — : the Airthrey water, however, being by far the stronger of the two. Sfr Robert Abercromby being now convinced of the medicinal properties of the Airthrey Springs, adopted measures for having the water conveyed a2 ■ ■ in-production; •fo a, situation accessible to visitors. He caused the water of the two Springs analysed by Dr. Thomson, one of which was characterised by its strength, the other by its comparative weakness, to be carefully collected and conveyed apart in earthen pipes, to two stone troughs placed in a convenient situation, from which it was raised by two weU-constructed forcing pumps. Over these pumps a commodious house was erected. In 1822, several thousand copies of Dr. Tliom- son's analyses were cu-culated ; and the water ac- quired'immediate' celebrity. Invalids from all parts' of the country, but especially from Glasgow, and its vicinity, resorted to Afrthrey. Every house, in fact, m its neighbourhood, however mean and incommodious, was occupied by sti-angers ; and so great was the popularity of the new springs that even in 1823 they tlireatened to supersede' all the other sahne sprmgs of Scotland. About this time an attempt was made by per- sons interested in the success of the Dunblane Springs, to depreciate the character of the Afrthrey Water. It was confidently stated by tliese per- INTRODUCTION. 9 sons, that this water, from its vicmity to the cop- per vein, must be necessarily impregnated with copper, and that, although it was not altogether poisonous, it was, said they, certainly highly in- jurious to the constitution. This gratuitous as- sertion was easily refuted. Rigid chemical analysis proved that the water contained no copper; and daily experience with it in various diseases showed in a manner no less decided, that it might be used, not only with safety, but with great and perma- nent benefit to the patient. The assertion, m con- sequence, was justly interpreted by the pubUc ; and the celebrity of the Airtln-ey Springs remain- ed unimpaired. During the past year, 1830, not fewer than one hundred strangers were com- pelled to leave these Springs in the course of one week, for want of accommodation, although several houses have been built in the viUage adjacent to them, since 1823, The demand fortius water having been steadily on the mcrease since 1823, Sir Robert Abercrom- by determmed, in 1826, to secure it in a perma- nent manner, for behoof of the public. In tliia 10 .INTRODUCTION. year consequently, the mine was surveyed by Messrs. Stevenson and Bald, civil engineers. These gentlemen reported the arrangement of the whole work as good, and incapable of improve ment. They recommended, however, the earthen pipes, which had hitherto been supported on wood, ' to be supported on brick, and those parts of the roof of the mine hable to decay, to be arched. These alterations, they stated, would afford a per- manent support to the pipes and prevent the mme becoming again choked by the falhng m of the roof Before these alterations were carried into effect, several specimens of the water were agam subject- ed to analysis by Dr. Thomson, and their excel- lence established by this consummate chemist, be- yond all manner of doubt. The alterations recommended by Messrs. Stev- enson and Bald, were then executed with great care, and in a very substantial manner. A series of brick pillars was erected about a yard distant from each other, and over these a continuous course of flags was laid for the pipes to rest upon. To enable it to resist the damp of the mine, the INTRODUCTION. 11 mortar employed was composed of lime intimately mixed with calcined ironstone ;. and the earthen pipes which were laid anew were carefully luted with Roman cement. The arches recommended by the engineers were also built, and the water, it may be now said, is, by the patriotic exertions- of the late Sir Robert iVbercromby, permanently se- cured to the comitry. The arrangement of the whole work, as it at present stands, may be learned by referring to the section of the mine. In it the relative situations of the different springs and troughs, and of the copper vein are distinctly indicated. The reader win perceive at a glance that the springs and this vein of which so much has been said, are in no ways connected. The vein is situated in the roof of the mine, and the sprmgs, with one exception, issue from the rock at the base of its eastern wall. The water, again, which drops from the roof of the mine in which the vein is situated, is insipid, and possesses all the characters of ordinary spring water, and from it the mineral water is carefully potected by the pipes in which it is conveyed. 12 INTRODUCTION . This water and the waste mineral water, run along the sole of the mine, three feet below the level of the earthen pipes, and issue into day at the mouth of the mine. Some time after the mineral water was perma- nently secured in the manner described, the Cale- donian Mining Company made overtures to Sir Robert Abercromby, for having the copper vein again worked ; but so great was the importance attached by this gentleman to the mineral watei-, that he dechned their proposals, although in every respect highly advantageous to him. By working the mine. Sir Robert thought it possible that the> water might be injured or lost ; and as he had re- solved, at whatever expense, to presence it to the public, he cheerfully submitted to the sacrifice. That Sir Robert Abercromby was not actuated in the foregoing decision by mercenary motives, the munificent offer of these Springs which he made some time afterwards to the Town of Stir- ling clearly proves. The Abbey Craig, a barren but beautiful and highly pictui-esque rock, which overlooks the estate of Airthrey, and which in fact INTRODUCTION. 13 forms naturally a part of it, belongs to one of the Hospitals in Stirling, over whose funds, the Ma- gistrates, as patrons, have the sole control. For this rock and the other Hospital lands attached to ■it, contiguous to the Airthrey estate, Sir Robert Abercromby offered to exchange other lands be- longiog to him, which are contiguous to lands be- longing to the Hospital. The exchange, it is thought by many persons, would have been mu- tually advantageous to the proprietors. In the bargain, the quantity and quality of the land were to be considered ; and, without any equivalent. Sir Robert offered to convey to the Magistrates the sole right to the mineral water, it being under- stood that it was to be carried by them in earthen pipes to the Causewayhead or Bridge of Stirling. The Magistrates declined the proposal, unless a road of forty feet wide along the brow of the Abbey Craig was reserved by the hospital for the use of the inhabitants of Stirhng. Sir Robert would not agree to this, but offered a right of entry at all times to the Magistrates, and to persons recom-. mended by them; and to secure this effectually, ^ INTRODUCTION. axe would agree that a .key to the grounds should he keptby the Chief Magistrate. The Magistrates, however, declined also this proposal, and the cor- respondence ceased. Had Sir Robert Abercrom- by succeeded in effecting this exchange, it was his mtenlion, I have been told, to plant the Abbey Craig„and erect onits summit, an obehsk or apy- ramid, commemorative of his brother's brilHant martial achievements and glorious death in EgjTt- Whatever may be the attachment of the inhab- itants of Stirling to their scenery, and the view from the Abbey Craig is perhaps unrivalled in Scotland, and indeed in any other coimtry, there can be no doubt that Stirlmg, in a commercial point of view, has lost much by the refusal of Sir Robert Abercromby's offer. Judging irom the great immbers of persons who, during the summer months, are compelled to leave Airthrey for w,ant of accommodation, and from the uniform sucoess which has attended the mineral springs in other parts of Great Britain, most of which axe infinitely less valuable than the Afrthi-ey Springs, it is surely not too nmch to say,tlmt at the present day ihe i INTRODUCTION. 15 rental of the Wells would have been betwixt two and three hundred pounds annually, . and that our merchants and householders would have been now enjojdng all the emoluments arismg from a resi- dence of at least two hundred opulent individuals amongst us during six or eight months. of the year. These advantages, however, some, may be inclined to say, would not have compensated, us for the. re- straint imposed upon us in our rambles upon the Abbey Craig. I confess I think otherwise. Who would not rather visit, under a little restraint, this romantic hill, adorned with its obeUsk, and woods, and beautiful walks, than ramble, in ideal, hberty, amidst its present desolation ? Since the idea of conveying the Airthrey Water to Stirling has been abandoned, several proprietors in the neighbourhood of the Sprmgs are erecthig suitable houses for the accommodation of the visitors ; and one gentleman, I imderstand, has it in contemplation to build a large and commodious inn at Bridge of Allan.* These buildings, there * We would particularize the Bridge of Allan, 16 INTRODUCTION. can be no doubt, will amply repay their owners. Airthrey, at no distant date, must necessarily be- come the Cheltenham of Scotland. Its water, as I shall afterwards prove, is much superior as an aperient to any other in Scotland, and its situa- tion,, commanding as it does the scenery of the Forth, is generally acknowledged, even in this picturesque land, to be quite unrivalled. as every thing which a village ought to be ; soft, sunny, warm; a confusion of straw -roofed cot- tages and rich massy trees ; possessed of a bridge and a mill, together with kail-yards, bee-skeps, colleys, callants, old inns with entertainment for man and horse, carts with their poles pointing up to the sky, venerable dames in drugget, knitting their stockings m the sun, and young ones in ging- ham and dimity, trippmg along with milk pails on their heads. Besides all these characteristics as a village, the Bridge of Allan boasts of a row of neat little villas, for the temporary accommodation of a number of fashionables who flock to it in sum- mer, on account of a mineral well in the neigh- bourhood.—CTiamJers's Pidure of Scotland, vol. ii, p. 320. INTRODUCTION. 17 Aware of the danger, I shall not attempt to de-, scribe this scenery. The inhabitants of this dis- trict have ah-eady been accused of over -rating its beauties, and drawing invidious comparisons be- twixt it and other celebrated Scottish scenes. It will be much better therefore, to adopt the descrip- tions of strangers. Of these I shall select two, the one by a distinguished philosopher, the other by a celebrated tourist. " Airthrey," says Dr. Thom- son, " is situated at the bottom of one of the west- ernmost of the OchUs, about two miles north of Stirling, and commands a magnificent prospect of one of the richest districts in Scotland. The view to the west is boimded by the Grampians, which are seen from hence or at least from the Castle- lull of Stirling, to more advantage than from any other place. Four peaks tower conspicuous above all the rest, and are not more remarkable for their size than for the varied elegance of their form. These are Ben Lomond, Ben Ledi, Ben More, and Ben Voirlich — mountains which must be fa- miliar to every one who has ever been in Stirling. The Ochils constitute the northern boundary, be- 18 INTRODUCTION. ginning apparently where the Grampians recede from the view/and continuing without intemiption to the east, as far as the eye can reach. These mountains, though very steep on the south side, are mostly covered with grass or wood, and pre- sent a back groimd at once lovely and magnificent, 'riie Touch mountains on the south-west, skirted with wood — the numerous little hills that rise like castles from the carse of Stirling — the Forth flow- ing majestically through the level ground, and winding in so intricate a manner between Stu'ling and Alloa, that the eye even in the most favour- able situations, cannot trace its course, and spread- ing, out into an extensive Frith, which maybe fol- lowed without interruption till it mingles with the eastern horizon. All these and a thousand other beautiful, rich, and picturesque objects which it would be vain to attempt to particulai'ize, render the view from Airthrey at once one of tlie most magnificent and beautiful that Scotland can pro- duce. The roads during summer are excellent in levery direction. The rides to the west, east, and south, possess numerous beauties to attract the INTRODUCTION. 19 attention of the man of taste ; and being the spots where many of the most eventful actions connect- ed with, the history of Scotland were performed, they have claims upon our curiosity of no ordinary nature?"—" The Castle-hill," says Mr. Chambers, " is an extensive esplanade between the Castle and the town, from which a vast prospect presents it- self to the eye in all directions. On the north side are seen the windings of the Forth through the carse of Stirling, with the Ochil hiUs for a back ground. On the west lies the vale of Menteith. In the remoter parts of the scene the spectator sees Ben Lomond, and his fraternity of lesser brothers, including Ben Ledi and Ben Voirlich, which give an inconceivably magnificent air to the pic- ture. Here it is curious to consider, that from the Castle above you, you can see, on one hand, the towers of academic Edinburgh, a place where civihzation may be said to be carried to a pitch of exquisite perfection, while, on the other, you gaze on an Alpine region, where the people yet wear part of the dress, and mostly speak the language which obtained in Europe before even the early 20 INTRODUCTION. ages of Grecian and Roman refinement. It is strange thus to link together the extremes of human society, — thus to associate the nineteenth century before Clu-ist and the nineteenth century after him, for no less remote from each other ui reality are the ideas arising fi-om a view of Edin- burgh and the Highlands." These views, so forcibly described by the authors quoted, have been frequently delineated by artists, but I have not seen any picture of them which con- veys even a remote idea of their magnificence. On looking upon these views for the first time, the stranger is lost ia admiration of their extent. The eye, at one sweep, travels over a distance of at least seventy miles, and yet, every thing, save the wmdmgs of the Forth, is perfectly distinct. No paiuter since the days of Claude LoiTaine could possibly paint such a landscape ; and m fact the Mid-Day of this master resembles more the western view, as seen fi-om a certain position, than any picture of it which I have had an oppor- tunity of seeing. In this celebrated picture, the idea md feeling of distance are beautifully preserve- INTRODUCTION. 21 ed, so much so indeed, that a critical writer has remarked, that a spectator in looking upon it al- most anticipates the fatigue of a long journey, so great is the extent of distant country opened to his view. It is the absence of this charm of distance, so beautifully alluded to by Campbell in the open- ing part of the pleasures of Hope, which renders our modern landscapes, especially those of the Airthrey scenery, almost entirely devoid, of interest. " At summer eve, when Heaven's aerial bow Spans with bright arch the glittering hills below. Why to yon mountain turns the musing eye, Whose sun bright summit mingles with the sky ? Why do those cUfFs of shadowy tint appear More sweet than all the landscape smiling near ? 'Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, ' And robes the moimtain in its azure hue." Whatever benefits may accrue to the public of Scotland from the Airthrey Wells, (and the excel- lence of their water coupled with their sublime scenery, renders it extremely probable that at no distant day these will be of no ordinary description,) it ought always to be borne in mind, that it is to 22 INTRODUCTION. the liberality and kindness of the late Sir Robert Abercromby we are indebted for them all. " We cannot," say Messrs. Stevenson & Bald, " conclude this report without noticing the very kind and lib- eral manner in which Sir Robert Abercromby has for the public good alone, at a very considerable expense, brought these mineral waters into gen- eral use. Their salubrious effects on the constitu- tion are acknowledged ; and many persons of all ranks have by their means, under God, been re- stored to the high blessing of health ; and there is no doubt thousands will succesively reap equal benefits when the present generation shall have passed away."* * Manuscript Report, by Messrs. Stevenson & Bald. CHKMlCAt HtSTORT. 23 CHEMICAL HISTORY. The only chemist, so far as my knowledge ex- tends, who has analysed the Airthrey Water, is Dr. Thomson of Glasgow. This gentleman informs us, that he analysed two Springs in 1821-2, and other four in 1827. The results of the analyses of the first two Springs were published by the late Sir Robert Abercromby, and freely distributed by the tacksman of the Springs. . The following is a copy of these results as published in the Airthrey table. 24 CHEMICAL HISTORY. AIRTHREY MINERAL SPRINGS, AS ANALYSED BY DR. THOMSON OF GLASGOW. Springs, No. 1 and 2. Specific Gravity 1.00714. 1000 grains contain Common salt, 5.1 grains. Muriate of lime, 4.674 Sulphate of lime, 0.26 13.034 One pint contains Common salt, 37.45 grains. Miu-iate of lime, 34.32 Sulphate of lime, 1.19 73.68 Spring, No. 3. Specific Gravity 1.00915. 1000 grains contain Common salt, 6.746 grains. Muriate of lime, 5.826 Sulphate of lime, 0.716 Muriate of magnesia, 0.086 13.374 A wine pint contains Common salt, 47.534 grains. Muriate of lime, 38.461 Sulphate ofHme, 4.715 Muriate of magnesia, 0.450 89.160 CHEMICAL HISTORY. 25 In the first number of the Glasgow Medical Journal, a recent work containmg much useful and original matter, Dr. Thomson published, in an interesting paper on the Mineral Waters of Scotland, the analyses of the other fom* Springs, together with the two former analyses somewhat modified. The following table exhibits the results of all the analyses. Specific Gravity. No. 1, 1.00915 2, 1.00714 3, 1.00611 4, 1.00346 5, 1.00984 6, 1.00984 No. 1. Common salt, . .423.843 grains. Muriate of lime, 4 1 1 .55 1 Sulphate of lime, 50.578 Muriate of magnesia,. . . . . . 6.075 - 892.047 No. 2. Common salt, 359.616 grains. Muriate of Hme, 329.560 Sulphate of lime, 18.341 Muriate of magnesia, 4.168 711.685 26 CHEMICAL history; No. 3. Common salt, 263.948 grams. Muriate of lime, 185.655 Sulphate of lime, 29.776 Muriate of magnesia, 1-597 480.976 No. 4. Common salt, 135.792 grains. Muriate of lime, -^^^'^no Sulphate of lime, 9-'798 Muriate of magnesia, 9.546 277 416 No. 5. Common salt, 513.060 grains. Mm-iate of lime, "o?'?q^ Sulphate of lime, it'l^t Muriate of magnesia, 13./ 13 808.256 No. 6. Common salt, S"Sn Muriate of lime, n/'aol Sulphate of lime, 26.084 Muriate of magnesia, --438 848.858 I have repeated Dr. Thomson's analyses of Springs No. 1, and 2, and 3 ; and can, consequent- ly, hear testimony to their accm-acy. The follow- CHEMICAL HISTORY. 27 ing are the results of my investigation into the physical and. chemical properties of these Springs. I shall begin with No. 3, because it is the strong- est and most important Spring. I. Strong JVaier. — Spring No. 3. On the 18th of November last, the temperature of the water of this Spring, as it issues from the rock m the mine, was 51° 25. At the same time the temperature of the air of the mine was 52°. The temperature of the water about an hour after the preceding observations in the mine, as it falls from the pump in the pump-room, was 49° 25., the air of the room being at the same time 49° 50. On the 18th of November last, therefore, the water of Spring No. 3 lo?t in its progress from its source in the mine to the pump-room, 2° of heat. The quantity of water delivered by this Spring in twenty-four hours, was, on the 18th of Novem- c 28 CHEMICAL HISTORY. ber last, in roTmd numbers, 1260 imperial gallons ; and the tacksman informs me that the -supply is not much affected by the seasons. The water of this Spring is transparent, and colom-less, and destitute of smell. Its taste is bitter and unpleasant. Its specific gravity, on the 28th of November last, was 1.00932. Reagents give the following results. 1. It does not redden litmus paper, nor is it rendered milky by lime water. The residue left after the evaporation of a portion of the water does not effervesce with dUute mxmatic acid. These tests indicate the absence of free carbonic acid, alkaline carbonates, and earthy carbonates. 2. It is copiously precipitated by nitrate of sil- ver, and the precipitate is soluble in ammonia ; in- dicating muriatic acid. 3. It is precipitated white by muriate of barytes, and the precipitate is not soluble in nitric acid ; indicating sulphuric acid. 4. It is precipitated white by oxalate of ammo- nia ; indicating lime. 5. A portion of the water concentrated by evap- 4 CHEMICAIi HISTORY. 29 oration, ailcl freed from its lime by oxalate- of am- monia, is precipitated white by carbonate of ammo- nia and phosphoric acid ; indicating magnesia. 6. It is not affected by infusion of galls, or the prussiate of potash ; indicating the absence of iron. 7. A portion of the water evaporated to dryness- in a glass capsule, left a residue in which numer- ous crystals were visible. These crystals pos- sessed the form and taste of those of common salt, and they communicated a yellow colour to the flame of the blow pipe : these indicate the pre- sence of soda. That the alkali was soda, and not potash, was also proved by- the following negative teat. Some of the- crystals were picked out and dissolved in distilled water, a fe,w drops of muriate of platinum were then added to the solution, but no precipitate took place. 8. The reagents of several other substances sometimes found in water were then tried, but failed, so far as I could observe, to detect the pre- sence of any other substance. The ingredients, then, of Airthrey Water No. 3, are 30 CHEMICAL HISTORY. 1. Muriatic Acid. 2. Sulphuric Acid. 3. Lime. 4. Magnesia, 5. Soda. - The quantity of all and of each of these sub- stances in a given portion of the water was deter- mined in the following manner. 1. A 64 of an imperial gallon of the water at the temperature of 50" was evaporated to dryness in a six ounce phial, which was afterwards placed for some time in a temperature above 400°. The salts thus obtained weighed 11.9 grains. 2. Lvme. A' 64 of an imperial gallon of the water at the temperature of 50" was heated, and then precipitated by oxalate of ammonia. The precipitate was carefully collected, washed, and dried, on a double filter. It weighed 5.5 grains. The precipitate is oxalate of lime. 64 grains of oxalate of lime contain 28 of lime. 5.5 grams, therefore, of oxalate of hme are equivalent to 2.406 grains of lime. 3. Chlorine. A 64 of an imperial gallon of the water at the temperature of 50", was precipitated by nitrate of silver. The precipitate was collected CHEMICAL HISTORY. 31 on a double filter, washed, dried, and fused. It weighed 26.6 grains. The precipitate is chloride of silver. 146 grains of chloride of silver contain 36 grains of chlorine. 26.6 grains, therefore, of chloride of silver are equivalent to 6.558 grains of chlorine. 4. Sulphuric Acid. A 64 of an imperial gallon of the water at the temperature of 50 ° was preci- pitated by muriate of barytes. The precipitate was collected on a double filter, washed, and dried. It weighed .9 gi'ain. The precipitate is sulphate of barytes. 118 grains of sulphate of barytes contain 40 grains of sulphuric acid. .9 grain of sulphate of barytes, therefore, is equivalent to 0.30.5 grain of sulphuric acid. 5. Magnesia. A 32 of an imperial gallon of the water at the temperature of 50° was concenti-ated by evaporation, and then freed fi'om its lime by oxalate of ammonia. A little phosphoric acid and carbonate of ammonia were then added, and the precipitate produced by them was collected on a double filter, washed, and dried carefully in the open air. It weighed .6 grain. The precipitate c2 32 CHEMICAL HISTOKY, is the phosphate of ammonia and magnesia. 129 grains of the phosphate of ammonia and magnesia contain 20 grains of magnesia. .6 grain, there- fore, of the phosphate of ammonia and magnesia is equivalent to 0.046 grain of magnesia m a 64 of an imperial gallon of the water. 6. Sodium. A 64 of an imperial gallon of the water, at the temperature of 50° was freed from its sulphuric acid, lime, and magnesia, by means of muriate of barytes, oxalate of ammonia, and carbonate of ammonia and phosphoric acid. The liquid was then mixed with carbonate of ammo- nia to throw down any excess of barytes that might have been , added. The liquid, after bemg filtered, was gradually evaporated to dryness in a platinum crucible. The residue was then exposed to a red heat, to drive off the ammoniacal salts. It was afterwards weighed. Its weight was 6.1 grains. The residue was common salt. 60 grains of common salt are composed of 24 grains of so- dium and 36 grains of chlorine. 6.1 grains, there- fore, of common salt, are equivalent to 2.440 grains of sodium. 4 CHEMICAL HISTORY. 33 .■ From these experiments it follows that a 64 of an imperial gallon of Airtlirey Water No. 3. contains Fixed mgredients, 11.9 grains. Lime 2.406 gi'ains. Chlorine, 6.558 Sulphm-ic acid,. . . .0.305 Magnesia, 0.046 Sodium 2.440 11.755 Loss 145. . 11.900 grains. Dr. Thomson states that these constituents are probably united together in the following manner. 1 . A portion of the chlorine with the sodium, form- ing common salt. 2. Another portion of the chlo- rine with a portion of the lime, forming muriate of lime. 3. The sulphuric acid with the remain- ing portion of the hme, forming sulphate of lime. 4. Another portion of the chlorine with the mag- nesia, forming miuiate of magnesia. If these are the combinations, a 64 of an imperial gallon of Airthrey Water No. 3, contains according to our analysis the following salts in the following pro- portions. 34 CHEMICAL HISTORY. 6.100 grains. 5.012 0.518 0.128 11.758 These multiplied by 64, give, in the imperial gallon, Common salt, 390.400 grains. Muriate of lime, 320.768 Sulphate of lime, 33.112 Muriate of magnesia, 8.192 752.472 According to Dr. Murray's metliod of determin- ing tlie manner in which the different ingredients are combined, a 64 of an imperial gallon of Air- tiirey Water No. 3., contains, instead of the salts just mentioned, those which follow. Common salt, 5.642 grains. Muriate of Ume, 5.499 Sulphate of soda, 0.488 Muriate of magnesia, 0.128 Common salt, Muriate of lime, . . Sulphate of lime, . . Muriate of Magnesia, 11.757 CHEMICAL HISTORY.' 35 These multiplied by 64 give in the imperial gallon Common salt, 361.088 grains. Muriate of lime, 351.936 Sulphate of soda, 31.232 Mmiate of magnesia, 8.192 752.448 •■ From the activity of the Airthrey Water, I am inclined to think, that the latter tables exhibit the true combinations of its ingredients. II. Weak Water. — Sprimjs No, 1. and 2. . On the 18th of November last, the average temperature of the two Springs vt^hich supply this water, was 50 °. The temperature of the air of the mine at the same time was 52°. Some time after the preceding observations were made, the 36 CHEMICAL HISTORY. temperature of the water of these Springs, as it fell from the pump in the pump-room, was 47° 50. On the 18th of November last, therefore, this water in its progress to the pump-room lost 2' 50. of heat. The quantity of water delivered by these Springs in twenty-foiu- hours, was, on the 18th of November last/ 360 imperial gallons. The tacks- naan, however, states that this supply is far below the average ; and he attributes the deficiency to leakage in the pipes. The tacksman even states that in general the supply of the weak water equals that of the strong. The weak water, like the strong, is transparent and colourless and destitute of smell. Its taste, al- though rather bitter, is by no means impleasant. Its specific gravity on the 28th of November last, was 1.00441. Reagents indicate the same ingre- dients as those found in the strong water. By a similar analysis to that formerly detailed, the par- ticulars of which I deem it unnecessary to state, a 64 of an imperial gallon contains tlie following salts in the following proportions. L CHEMICAL HISTORY; 37 Common salt, 3.300 grains. Muriate of Kme, 1.074 Sulphate of lime, 0.345 Muriate of magnesia, 0.086 4.805 Or, according to Dr. Murray's method of deter- jnining the combinations. Common salt, 2.997 grains. Muriate of Ume, 1.398 Sulphate of soda,. . . » . . . . 0.324 Muriate of magnesia, 0.086 4.805 These, multiplied by 64, give in the imperial gallon Common salt, 211.200 grains. Muriate of lime, 68.736 Sulphate of lime, 22.080 Muriate of magnesia,. , . .. 5.504 307.520 Or, following Dr. Murray, Common salt, 191.808 grains. Muriate of lime, 89.472 Sulphate of soda, 20.736 Muriate of magnesia, 5.504 307.520 38 CHEMICAL HISTORY. The numbers employed by Dr. Tliomson to des- ignate the springs are not those used at Airthrey ; and instead of six springs, as stated by Dr. Thom- son, there are only four. Of these, Nos. 1 and 2, ihe weak water, are used together ; No. 3, the strong water, is used alone; No. 4, which issues from the rock on the western wall X)f the mine, is not used. It is a scanty spring, termed the black spruag in con- sequence of its deposituag in the natural basm into which it is received, a black substance, which T have not had an oppoi-tunity of examimng. Accordhag to Dr. Thomson's table, pubUshed in the Glasgow Medical Journal, Nos. 1 and 6 are the strongest springs, and Nos. 3 and 4 the weakest, but accordmg to the Akthrey table, Nos. 1 and 2 are the weakest, whilst No. 3 is the strongest. TMs dis- cordance in the numbers, I am the more at a loss to reconcile, m consequence of both tables having been constructed by Dr. Thomson, whose accu- racy is so generally and so deservedly acknow- ledged. My Opmion, however, is, that Nos. 1 and 2 of the Airthrey table are the same as No. 2 of Dr. Thomson's table. This, I infer from the ap- CHEMICAL HISTORY. 39 pi-oximation of the quantities of their ingredients, and from theii- speciiic gravities being the same^ No. 3, again, of the Airthrey table, is without doubt No. 1 of Dr. Thomson's table. The speci-, fie gravities of these Springs are the same, and the amount of their ingredients does not materially differ. With regard to the other four Springs in Dr. Thomson's table, I am inclined to think them nothing else than the analyses of all the Springs, according to the Airthrey numbers. If this is the case, and there is no reason for doubting it, Nos. 1 and 5 are analyses of the same Spring, and No. 2 is an analysis of Nos. 3 and 4 combined, or, ac- cording to the Airthrey numbers, of 1 and 2 com- bined. Hence it would appear, that our analysis of the strong water should correspond with I^'os. 1 and 5, and that of the weak water with No. 2, or with the average of Nos. 3 and 4. In 1 826, then, which, every person will recollect was a very dry summer over all Europe, the strongest water contained 892.047 grains of salts in the imperial gallon. In the year 1827, the quantity fell off to 808.256 D ♦ 40 CHEMICAL HISTORY. grains, whilst in 1830, which was remarkable for its humidity, I found the quantity only 752.472 orains. In 1826, again, the weak water contain- ed not less than 711.685 grains. In 1827, the quantity, according to the average of 3 and 4, diminished to 379.196 grains, whilst in 1830, I found it 307.520 grains. These results, which £ think may be rehed on, proA^e, notwithstanding the statement formerly made, that the strength and volume of the Airthrey Springs are much affected by the seasons. In the subsequent part of this paper, I shall re- tain Dr. Thomson's analyses. In doing so, how- ever, I beg the reader to bear in mind, that I con- sider them merely as the analyses of 4 springs, the number wliich is known at Airtln-ey. No. 4, I should state, is the " black spring." It is the No. 6 of Dr. Thomson's table. An opinion prevails at Airthrey, that this spring is the strongest of the four. This, however, is not supported by the ana-> lysis, as may be seen by referring to Dr. Thorn- sou's table. MEDICAL HISTORYi 41 MEDICAL HISTORY. Physicians entertain various opinions regarding the efficacy of mineral water as a remedial agent. Some of them, from the paucity of ingre-' dients with which it is generally impregnatedy contend, that.it must be nearly inert, and affirm, that the benefits which so frequently accrue to in- valids from .a visit to a watering place, arise chiefly from a change, of air, and from the enjoyment of scenery and society to which they had previously been unaccustomed. Other physicians, equally, entitled to our attention, mamtain, that mineral water is m itself medicinal, and that its efficacy de- ft 42 MEDICAL HISTORY. pends on tlie nature and amount of the substances with wliich it is impregnated. The former prefer a spring, whatever may be its chemical character, situated in a salubrious coimtry, distinguished for the amenity of its cUmate, and those physical beau- ties, which tend, it is said, to calm the mind, en- gender peaceful feelings, and inspire the patient with a hope of recovery. The latter, casting aside this poetry of medicine, and estimating the efficacy of a mineral water by the established rules of ther- apeutics, prefer a spring impregnated wdth sub- stances whose properties are known and gener- ally acknowledged, whatever may be the charac- ter of the country in which it is placed; It may "be worth wMe, ere inquiring into the medicinal properties of the Airthrey Sprmgs, to advert briefly to these questions. The air of a place or country is generally recog- nised by physicians as a powerful cause of dis- ease. I do not here allude to those combinations of atmospheric heat, moisture, weight, and electri- city, which produce what is generally termed a climate, but to those additions of certain foreign MEDiCAi. history; substances to an atmosphere which render; it. ob4 noxious to the inhabitants who breathe it. Ammf for example, breathing an atmosphere rendereii impure by the presence of the naiasm or ccaitagioir of typhus, will, in all probability, suffer an attack of that fever, whatever may be the hygrometrical^ barometrical, thermometrical, or electrical states of the atmosphere in which the miasm is conveyed to him. Now, if it be admitted, that air occasion:^ ally acts as a cause of disease, in consequence.' oE the addition of some foreign substance to it, it must also be admitted, that air, pure and uncontamin- ated, will occasionally prove sanative. Physicians are aware of this fact ; and hence they reckon na remedy in fever more valuable than pure air. From what has just been stated, it may beiri-> ferred, that all diseases, produced by a peculiar .oe specific miasm, will be benefited by a change of air. This is undoubtedly true. Miasmic diseases, however, are, in general, rapid in their progress,- running their course in periods, varying from one to three weeks ; and this circumstance, taken' in connexion, with the usual severity, of their, symp* d2 44 MEDICAL HISTORT. toms, renders, for the most part, the removal of the patient into- a pure air impracticable. But there: is a class of diseases, originating also in atmos- pheric impurity, whose progress is so slow, and! whose, symptoms are so mUd as to admit of the re- moval of the patient from the air charged with the cause producing his disease. I mean here, tliose low, chronic, and insidious affections, chiefly of the digestive organs, usually attributed to the con- fined and polluted atmosphere of a large and densely populated city, such as London, Glasgow, Manchester, &c. These diseases are invariably- mitigated, and . sometimes even cured by the re- moval of the patient into a pure air, and often, too,, after every effort of the physician, however judi-. eiously conducted, has proved unavailing. Hence, it would appear, that the pure country air is not to- be thrown out.of the calculation, when estimating . the benefit likely to accrue to a town patient from, a visit to a watering place. . There is no . cause which contributes more powerfully to the production of the clironic dis- eases alluded to in the preceding section, than ■ MEDICAL HTSTORY: 45 bodily inactivity. A sedentary life, natm'al to some men, and to which almost all literary men. are from habit inveterately addicted, is the parent of most of those ailments usually ascribed to im- paired digestion. Exercise in the open ak is the natural remedy for these ailments, and hence too, in computing the efficacy of mineral watei*' in^ cases of this description, it will be necessary to. make an. ample allowance for exercise, whenever, it has been employed. Even beautiful and picturesque scenery and agreeable society, there is reason, to believe, con-f tribute occasionally to the . restoration of health.. Here, however, every thing depends, as in the for- mer cases, on the nature of the malady, and. also' on the capacity of the patient for appreciating physical and moral beauty. A painter, or a poet, affected with gastric dis-: ease, associated with mental despondency, a com- pound malady usually termed hypochondrism, or ■ low spirits, will, m all. probability, derive much- beneiit from examining in detail, the varying fea-' tures of a beautiful or magnificent landscape.! 46 MEDICAL HISTORY. But it wotild be folly surely, to anticipate a similar result to a person insensible to the beautj' and grandeur of scenery, by merely making Mm reside^ for any given length of time, in a country'- remarks able for its mountains, and lakes, and rivers, and vallies. In like manner, a change of society may contribute, in certain cases and constitutions, to the restoration of health. Whatever, in fact, arrests the attention of the hypochondriac, and withdraws it from his malady, may be considered remedial. But there are cases of chronic disease, which neither a change of air, nor exercise, nor novelty of scenery and society, will subdue ; but which, not-- withstanding, yield readUy to a course of mineral water judiciously selected. It is of importance, then, to ascertain the composition of mmeral waters, and the manner in which they act on the system in curing disease. • Mineral waters vary among themselves in then- chemical and in their medicinal properties. They are in general divided by chemists into four classes, the acidulous, the saline, the sulphiu-eous, and the chalybeate. MEDICAL history; Acidulous waters owe their acidity to carbodic acid gas. Water strongly impregnated with, this, substance, possesses a sparkling appearance, aiid a taste agreeably pungent. Its effect on the system, is stimulant, and some persons of high authority af- firm, that it is. even capable of producing a certain, deoree of transient intoxication. It is deemed, serviceable in some chronic diseases of the stomach and liver, and all fevers partaking of a typhoid character.* * The most celebrated acidulous, or carbonated' springs are those of Seltzer, Spa, Pyrmont, and Carlsbad. Dr. Thomson says that there are no acidulous springs in Great Britam, although those of Cheltenham and Scarborough are usually reckoned as such. In Scotland there are certamly no acidulous springs, unless it be, as Dr. Thomson conjectm-es, those at Tnverleithen. From the quan- tity of carbonate of magnesia found in these- springs by Dr. Fyfe, Dr, Thomson is inclined to- think that they contain free carbonic acid in con- siderable quantity. The Doctor adds, " it would be interesting to ascertain whether this conjecture be well founded. Should it be so, Inverleitheu 48 MEDICAL HISTOEY. : Saline waters possess aperient properties. These depend on their impregnation with one or more of the five following salts, sulphate of soda, sulphate of magnesia, muriate of soda, muriate of lime, and muriate of magnesia.* The waters . of this class act chiefly on the bowels, increasing and improv- ing their secretions. Hence they are generally prescribed in those diseases which originate in,, and depend on a vitiated and diminished state of the ahmentary secretions. Used in such casesy their operation, it is said, instead of debiUtating the patient, increases his appetite, health, and strength.f Sulphureous waters contain sulphuretted hydro- gen, an acidulous gas, easily recognised in watei^ would be an acidulous spring, and would belong, to a class of waters not hitherto discovered in Great Britain." * Sulphate of lime, frequently found , in saline waters, is inert. ' t Cheltenham is the strongest and most cele- brated of the English saline springs. MEDICAL HISTORY? 48- by its peculiar and disagreeable odour. This sub • stance possesses a heating and stimulating pro - perty. It acts chiefly on the bowels and skin. It is usually prescribed in cutaneous and glandular diseases.* Chalybeate springs owe their medicinal pro- perties to iron, generally in combination with car- bonic, muriatic, or sulphuric acid. Carbonate of iron, however, is by far the most prevalent in chalybeate waters. These waters are character- ized by a strong styptic inky taste,, and by ochre- ous deposits in the vicinity of their courses. They are used by physicians as a tonic in diseases of debility, either local or constitutional, especially those of a nervous character.f Here, then, are four distinct classes of mineral * The best known sulphur springs are those of Aix la Chapelle, Harrowgate, and Moffat. t Chalybeate waters are by no means uncom- mon. The most noted in Great Britain are Chel-- tenham, Tunbridge, and Brighton. 5b MEDICAL HISTOKY; waters, each possessing its own specific ingre- dients, and its own specific modes of operating on the constitution. One class contains carbonic acid, and proves stimulating ; another class con- tains aperient salts, and is laxative ; another, sul- phuretted hydrogen, which acts specifically on the skin, and as a general stimulant ; and afom-th class contams iron, universally allowed to be a powerful tonic. From these facts, physicians infer, that the efficacy of mineral waters depends on the nature and amount, absolute or relative, of their ingre- dients, and on a skilful and judicious selection of the diseases in which they are prescribed. Upon the whole it may be mferred, 1 . That all diseases of a chronic nature generat-- ed in the atmosphere of a densely populated city will be benefited, and sometimes even cured by country air and exercise, and the enjoyment of new scenery and society. 2. That many diseases benefited only by these agents, will be cured by a course of mineral water judiciously selected and administered. I MEDICAL HISTORY. 51 3. That the efficacy of mineral waters depends on the nature and amount, absolute or relative, of their ingredients. I come now to consider the medicinal proper- ties of the Airtlirey Springs. These Springs, as we have seen from their ana- lyses, belong to the class of mineral waters ternied saline. Their ingredients are muriate of soda, muriate of hme, muriate of magnesia, and sulphate of Ume. Their medicinal properties, then, will de- pend on the medicinal properties of these sub- stances, and on the absolute or relative amount of their impregnation with them. Let us examine these in detail. 1. Muriate of Soda, or common salt, is too well known to require any description. It is the most common of all the neutral salts. It is found in immense masses on the surface of the earth. Sea water and salt springs contain it in great abun- dance. It is also an almost constant ingredient in spring water, and in the animal and vegetable .substances used as food by man and the lower animals. Common salt is prescribed by physi- E / 52, MKDICAL HISTORY. cians in small doses as a tonic and a laxative, and in large doses for the piu^ose of restraining hemor- rhage from the stomach. But besides these medi- cinal properties, common salt imdoubtedly per- forms some important office m the animal econo: my, durmg health. It is necessary to the well be- ing, nay the existence of all animals. Tliis is. proved by a thousand facts. Experience in all ages and nations shows, that salt is a condiment essential to man ; and all animals, wild and domes-, ticated, search after it with the utmost avidity-. The latter fact is not so apparent to the inhabit- ants of insular and maritime situations. In these situations the food of animals appears to be suffi-, ciently impregnated with salt for the purposes, to which it is appHed in the animal economy, and hence no great desire for it is manifested by the animals Uving in the vicinity of the sea. But in. situations far distant from the sea, the animals, both wild and domesticated, search eagerly after salt aiid seem instinctively to reckon it a condiment uecessary to their health. Travellers inform us, that in the Western States of America, the domesti-. MEDICAL HISTORY. 33 cated animals will not fatten, however nutrient their food may be, unless they are regularly sup- plied with sah ; and that their eagerness to obtain it is such, that they will frequently spend whole hours in licking a manger in wliich a httle of it has been sprinkled. The wild animals, again, we are also informed, frequent regularly " the Licks," as they are termed, in America, and seem even to prefer at all times, their braclcish water to the water of the adjoining streams. So general, in fact, is the use of tliis water, that the immense herds of buffa- loes, seen by Captains Lewis and Clarke in their interesting journey from.the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, had formed roads to. these Licks I'esem- bling the roads leading to a great capital. This instinctive desire for salt by animals, has led some philosophers to suppose that it is really essential to their existence. The following opinion by Professor Thomson regarding its use, is, to say the least of it, highly ingenious. He seems to con- sider it the grand agent in digestion. Assuming an identity of action of the nervous fluid of the 54 MEDICAL HISTOBY. stomach, and of galvanism, as proved by the ex- periments of WUson Piiilip, he says that the nerves of the stomach act upon the liquids contained in it, precisely as a galvanic current does. By the nerves of the stomach the common salt held in so- lution by the liquids in the stomach, is decompos- ed, and its muriatic acid set at liberty. The acid thus disengaged, acts upon the food and converts it: into chyme. Thus the first step of digestion appears to be the decomposition of common salt by the nerves of the stomach, and the settiag mu- riatic acid free in a dilute state. This dilute acid, the Doctor repeats, acta as a solvent to the food, and converts it into chyme. This view of digestion is corroborated by thei fact, that the stomach of aU animals contains free muriatic acid. Tiedeman and L. Gmehn examin- ed no fewer than forty-tlu-ee diflferent animals, and found muriatic acid in the gastiic liquid of them all. Muriate of soda, therefore, may prove beneficial in some forms of dyspepsy, by supplymg a substance necessary to digestion . Independently MEDICAL HISTORY. 55 of this, it is unquestionably tonic and aperient ; and if it be so, water holding it in solution, must necessarily possess the same medicinal properties. 2. Muriate of Lime, another saline ingredient of the Airthrey Springs, is never found naturally but in solution in water. Its crystals, however, may be obtained by mixing common chalk with dilute muriatic acid, and evaporating the solution. These crystals are six sided prisms, very deli- quescent, even in a comparatively dry atmosphere,' and consequently, very difficult to preserve. The taste of muriate of Ume is pungent and bitter. It has long been extoUed as a remedy in scrofulous and glandular diseases, but since the introduc- tion of iodine as an antiscrofulous remedy, it is not so generally employed. It is still, however, used with much advantage in scrofulous diseases, especially when conjoined with a light nourishing diet, and country air and exercise. Muriate of lime is also aperient. Water impregnated with tliirf .substance, possesses of course its medicinal properties. It is, at the same time aperient and antiscrofulous. •3. Muriate of Magnesia. — This salt is found e2 56 MEDICAL HISTORY. abundantly, in sea.water,, and in' many saline min- eral springs. The liquid called littern, left after the removal of common salt from sea water by crystallization, is chiefly impregnated with muriate of magnesia. Like those of muriate of lime, the crystals of this salt are highly deliquescent, and of difficult preservation ; like them, too, they are very bitter. Muriate of magnesia, artificially pre- pared, is not used as a medicine by physicians ; but, as it occurs in mineral waters and in sea water, it is frequently prescribed. It possesses an aperi- ent quality. 4. Sulphate of Lime, occurs abundantly as a na- tural production. It is found compact and crys- tallized. Almost aU waters, too, from its existing so abundantly in the earth, contain it. It hardly possesses any taste, and, according to the imani- mous opinion of physicians, it is quite inert as a medicine. In estimating, therefore, tlie efficacy of any mineral water containing it, tlais salt may be thrown out of the calculation. The medicmal properties, then, of the Airthrey Sprmgs, estimated according to the medicinal pro- perties of their ingredients, are aperient and anti- MEDICAL HISTOET. 57. scrofulous. The aperient property, as we have seen, is derived from the aperient salts, muriate of soda, muriate of magnesia, and muriate of hme, and the antiscrofulous property, from the antiscro- fulous property of the mm'iate of Ume. In esti- mating their value, compared with one another, and with other saline springs, it will be of import- ance to preserve these distinctions, as in the one case it wiU appear that their efficacy depends on the absolute amount of their impregnation with aperient salts, whilst in the other it depends on the relation which the quantity of muriate of lime bears to that of the other ingredients. 1. Considered as Aperient Springs. — The smallest quantity of an aperient salt which will operate under the most favourable circumstances, viz. taken on an empty stomach and in a state of great dilution,, may be mentioned at 200 gi-ains. According to some experiments which I have made on the sub- ject, the strength of sulphate of magnesia [Epsom Salt) as an aperient, is increased by dilution until this reaches a certain amount,, beyond which its strength does not appear to be much affected. I 58 MEDICAL HISTORY. found that 200 grains of this salt dissolved in 5000 grains of water, operate as well as the same quan- tity dissolved in 10,000 grains. From this it ap- pears, that although dilution is useful to a certain extent in aiding the operation of saline medicines, there is nothing gained by continuing it inde- finitely. Now, as 5000 grains of the strongest saline water do not contain aperient salts equal in amount to the quantity contained in the artificial solution alluded to above, the smallest quantity be it remembered that will operate, it follows, coeteris paribus, that the value of a saline spring will be in the direct ratio of its impregnation with ape- rient salts. At Cheltenham they seem to be aware of this fact ; and hence it is a common practice there, to strengthen the water by adding an arti- ficial solution of salts to it. — (Scudamore, p. 198.) If what has just been stated be true, the quan- tity of aperient salts contained in a given quanti- ty of saline water, will indicate the value of that water as an aperient. In this way we may con- trast the Airthrey Springs with one another, and with the other celebrated saline springs in Great MEDICAL HISTORY. 59 • Britain. It ought to be remarked, perhaps, that some allowance should be made for a diflference of ingredients wherever this exists. Tliis allow- ance, however, must be very trifling, as all aperi- ent salts possess nearly an equality of power. There is little difference, for example, betwixt the strength of sulphate of magnesia and sulphate of soda, the Epsom and Glauber salts of the shops. The following saline springs are enumerated hi the order of their strength and value. The quan- tity expressed is that contained in an imperial gallon. grains. 1. Cheltenham, Original Spa, No. 4. 1138.76 2. Leamington, Royal Pump-room, . . 1059.93 3. , Marble Baths Pump- } iqh gj room, right urn 5^ 4. ,Mr. Bobbin's Spring, 930.90 5. Cheltenham, Montpeher Spa, No. 6. 901.29 6. Leamington, Mr. Wise's Spring .. 868.83 7. Airthrey, No. 1. 841.46 8. , No. 6. 822.77 9. Cheltenham, Sherborne Spa, No. 2. 810.84 10. , Original Spa, No. 2. 804.30 11. ,MontpeUerSpa, No. 1. 794.22 12. ,Origmal Spa, No. 1. 782.70 13. Airthrey, No. 5. 780.12 14. Cheltenham, Montpelier Spa, No. 4. 709.45 60 MEDICAL HISTORY. grains. 15. LeamingtoD, Lord Ay lesford's Spring 755.43 16. , Mrs. Smith's Spring . . 733.82 17. Airthrey, No. 2. 693.34 18. Cheltenham, Montpelier Spa, No. 5. 680.14 19. ., Origmal Spa, No. 3. 645.10 20. , Montpelier Spa, No. 3. 553.97 21. , No. 2. 502.11 22. Dunblane, 497.73 23. Airthrey, No. 3. 451.20 24. Pitcaithly, 315.82 25. Leamington, Marble Baths Pump- > 296 8 1 room, left urn § 26. Aulhrey, 267.61 27. Leamington, Marble Baths Pump- > 263 20 room, middle urn 3 " 28. Cheltenham, Sherborne Spa, No. 1 . 85.55 29. , . . . . . . No. 3. ■ 57.13 . It will be seen frOm this table, that tlie Airtlirey Springs, especially Nos. 1. and 6., are entitled to high consideration as a saline aperient. In this respect they surpass far those of Pitcaithly and Dunblane ; and are only mferior in the amount of their impregnation to some of the sprmgs at Chel- tenham and Leammgton. It may be even doubt- ed, if they are not, in reality, entitled to take the precedence of these springs on the list. ^Yith re- gard to the Cheltenham Springs marked original MEDICAL HISTORY, 61 Spa, No. 4., there can be no doubt whatever of this, for Dr. Scudamore informs us, that the water sent to him for analysis had been strengthened or adulterated, by the addition of a concentrated so- lution of the evaporated salts. " No. 4," says the Doctor, " appears from the analysis to be the most active of the sahne waters. Making a course of experiments with two specimens of this water sent to me within a short interval, I was surprised by the difference of result, and after a strict inquiry into the cause, I found that the pro- prietor was in the habit of adding a concentrated solution of the evaporated salts to this water." — Scudamore, p. 178. 2. Considered as Antiscrofulous Springs. —yiu.- riate of lime, the antiscrofulous remedy found in saline springs, operates, in curing scrofula, as a- specific. To enable it, therefore, to produce its action to its full extent, the salt should remain as ■ long as possible in the system. Instead of being hurried off by the bowels, in other words, it should - be detained in them, that it may be carried into . the system by absorption. Hence it follows that. (32 MEDICAL HISTORY. the addition of aperient salts to a water containing muriate of lime deteriorates it as an antiscrofu- lous remedy. Physicians, consequently, are in- clined to estimate the value of antiscrofulous sa- line waters, rather according to their relative, than their absolute impregnation with muriate of lime. Dr. Thomson, for example, after having stated the contents of the Pitcaithly water, adds, " the proportion of the muriate of hme contained in this water, compared with that of the common salt, is .rreater than either in Dunblane or Airthrey Water. It is possible from tliis that it may be better adapted for certain diseases than either of these. The comparative weakness of the water is of little importance when the drinkers are on the spot, because that is easily compensated by drinking a greater quantity of it." Estimated, then, according to theii- relative rich- ness in muriate of Ume, the following table, stat- •ing the quantity of this salt found in 100 grains of the medicinal salts contained in the springs for- merly enumerated, will express the value of these springs as a remedy for scrofula. MEDICAL HISTORY. ' 63 Per Cent. 1. Pitcaithly, 59.25 -2. Airthrey, No. 1. 48.90 3.. , No. 2. 47.53 4. , No. 4. 45.69 5. , N&. 3. 41.14 6. Leamington, Lord Aylesford's Spring 35.89 7. Dunblane, 35.30 8. Airthrey, No. 6. 34.36 9. , No. 5. 32.47 10. Cheltenham, Sherborne Spa, No. 3. 31.08 11. Leamington, Marble Baths Pump- ^ room, left urn ^ 12. ■ , Mrs. Smith's Spring . . 26.48 13. , Royal Pump-room . . 25.00 14. , Marble Baths Pump- } ^ , room, right urn ^ ^ ' 15. , Mr. Wise's Spring . , 22.78 16. , Mr. Bobbin's Spring . 17.74 17. Cheltenham, Sherborne Spa, No. 1. 13.80 18. Leamington, Marble Baths Pump- > n 19 room, middle urn ^ 19. Cheltenham, Original Spa, No. 1. 7.61 20. , Montpelier Spa, No. 5. 6.94 21 . . , ■ Spa, No. 2. 6.32 22. , Sherborne Spa, No. 2. 5.07 23. , Original Spa, No. 3. 4.58 24. , Original Spa, No. 2. 4.39 25. , Montpelier Spa, No. 1. 4.00 26. , Spa, No. 4. 3.83 27. , Original Spa, No. 4. 3.01 28. , Montpelier Spa, No. 6. 3.26 29. , Spa, No. 3. 3.18 F 64 MEDICAL HISTORY. This table, according to our premises, proves, that the Scottish springs are much superior to the English springs as a remedy in scrofula. It also proves, that the Pitcaithly Springs, although a weak saUne water, is much better adapted than the Sprmgs of Airtlirey and Dunblane for the cure of this disease. Of the Airtlirey Springs, I am per- suaded that No. 4, taking into consideration at the same time its relative strength in muriate of lime (45.69 per cent) and its weak absolute strength in aperient salts (267.61 grains only in the imperial gallon) is the best adapted for the treatment of scrofula. The loss of 3 per cent of the mm-iate of lime by preferring this spring to No. 1, will surely be more than compensated by the abstraction of so much aperient salt (573.85 grams in the impe- rial gallon) from the water. This, however, is matter of opinion merely ; and, perhaps, the medi- cal reader will be inclined to think that as the re- lative amoimt of the muriate of hme varies so little in them all, it will scarcely be necessary to sug- gest any alteration in the arrangement of these springs. MEDICAL HIST0R1. 65 The value of a mineral water is inferred by physicians, not only from the facts fm:nished by its chemical analysis, but also from those acquired by careful observation during its use as a remedy. " Chemical analysis," says Dr. Scudamore, " con- stitutes an important source of information, and is a material requisite in first conducting us to a scientific acquaintance with the water, but subse- quent experience and unprejudiced observation are necessary to give us practical knowledge, and a proper confidence in our remedy." — (Scudamore, p. 19.) It win, therefore, be of some importance to in- quire into the success which has attended the use of Airtlirey Water in various diseases. Before do- ing this, however, I beg leave to call the attention of the reader, to the extravagant and absurd no- tions entertained by some persons, professional as well as extraprofessional, regarding the power of mineral water in curing diseases, however dissimi- lar, however hopeless. Dr. Armstrong, an intelligent and distinguished physician, who could have been biassed by no im^ 66 MEDICAL HISTORY. proper motive, in speaking of the efficacy of the Harrowgate Water, says, "During a series. of years, I have traced the sulphuretted hydrogen gas from one organ of the body to another, from the sldn, joints, and eyes, to the viscera of the head, chest, and belly ; and the sum of my obser- vation authorises me. to declare, that it is one of the most powerful antiphlogestic agents which can be foimd ; for, wherever the chronic inflammation be seated, it will more frequently remove it than any other single expedient which has hitherto been used and recommended by the medical faculty." — Har- rowgate water does unquestionably possess great power in certain forms of disease, but it is folly surely to expect from its healing properties so much as is ascribed to them in this extract. Such indiscriminate praise, I conceive, is more calcu- lated to lower, than raise the character of any min- eral spring. . Persons, again, labouring -under hopeless organic disease, frequently arrive at a watering place, fondly anticipating that relief, nay cure, wliich medicinp, artificially prepared, cannot impart. MEDICAL HISTORY. 67 They conceive that mineral water, Mke every other natm-al remedy, possesses a virtue which cannot be given by the chemist to any preparation of art ; and they argue from this, that although their physician has failed to relieve their malady, nature, employing one of her simplest remedies, may yet succeed. A coui'se of mineral water is then determined on ; and the unhappy sufferer forsakes his home and his friends, the only sources perhaps of what little comfort yet remains to him, to close his eyes among strangers. In such hope- less cases, it is the duty of every physician to op- pugn these popular and erroneous ideas, and to assure his patient that no benefit whatever can be reasonably expected from a visit to a watermg place. By doing this, the character of a remedy, really possessing, when judiciously prescribed, much efficacy, may often be preserved from un- merited obloquy. The extraordinary popular notions of the effi- cacy of mmeral waters, mentioned in the preceding section, there is much reason to fear, have been chiefly derived from the enthusiastic and extras f2 68 MEDICAL HISTORT. vagant manner, in which physicians practising in the vicinity of mineral springs, have spoken of their properties. " Those who have written," says Dr. Falconer, in his preface to his Practical Dis- sertation on the Medicinal Effects of the Batli Waters, " specific treatises on the virtues of parti- cular remedies, have contributed much to mislead the opinions of mankind concerning their ef&cacy. Medicinal substances seem to be selected rather as subjects of panegyric, than of impartial exami- nation. Sometimes unworthy motives, and at others the caprice of prejudice, joined with a san- guine disposition, have contributed to cherish this empirical presumption, and to corrupt the fountains of information derived from matters of fact, nearly as much as those that spring from the most fanciful theory. When we peruse the cases which have been the subjects of such ti-ials, we are apt to think the character of the favourite re- medy fully estabhshed, mitil melancholy experi- ence replaces it in its true station, by teaching us that it is possible, by florid description, amplifica- tion of success, and suppression of unfavourable MEDICAL HISTORY. 69 events and circumstances, to mislead almost as ef- fectually as by advancing a positive falsehood." Acquiescing in this statement, as every man must of necessity do, I have liitherto cautiously avoided, so far as I am capable of judging, even a sem- blance of partiality. I have, always stating the facts on which my opinions are founded, extolled the Airthrey Water ; but I have not, when facts demanded it, refused a similar distinction to a rival spring. In what remains yet to be done, I must necessarily preserve the same impartiality, and en- deavour, as Dr. Falconer would express it, to keep the Airthrey Springs in their true station. The diseases in which Airthrey Water has been chiefly used, by the practitioners in tliis neigh- bourhood, are some chronic affections of the stom- ach, liver, head, and skin. I have also seen cases of sUght pulmonary disease, of a catarrhal nature, much benefited by a course of this water. Scrofulous affections, too, have yielded in a cer- tain extent to its use ; and there is reason to be- lieve, although I am not in possession of many facts corroborative of the statement, that certain 70 MEDICAL HISTORY; forms of gout and gravel would be mucli amelior- ated by it. I shall offer a few general remarks, deduced from actual observation, on the efficacy of Airthrey Water in these diseases. 1. Diseases of {lie Stomach. — The diseases of this organ are either functional or organic. The prin- cipal functional disease is dyspepsy, and the prin- cipal organic disease, is chronic inflammation, ending frequently in ulceration. These two dis- eases comprehend almost all those affections usually designated in common discourse, stomach complaints. It is m the first of these cases, dys- pepsy, that Airthrey Water has been used with advantage. In the latter, according to my obser- vation, which, however, extends only to one case, this water proved not only inefficient but decided- ly hurtful. It is of importance, then, ere prescrib- ing the Airthrey Water in stomach complaints, to distinguish accurately betwixt these affections. When the case origmates, as it very fi-equendy does, in repletion, and is accompanied only by furred tongue, slow pulse, and a sense of coldness and creeping on the surface, with gi-eat. suscepti- MEDICAL HISTORY. 71 bility of the nervous system, dyspepsy in its sim.' plest form is indicated, and the water may be freely employed. But when the case has not ori- ginated m repletion, or if it has, when its symp- toms are, instead of those just mentioned, a red and clean tongue, contracted and quick pulse, flushing of the face, and burning of the hands and feet ; and more especially when these symptoms are associated with progressive emaciations, pain in the. stomach, referable to a particular spot, and aggravated by pressure, and by takmg food, therq is reason to suspect the presence of chronic inflam- mation, if not ulceration of the stomach, a disease in which, I apprehend, the use of salhie aperients, whether natural or artificial, is contraindicated. In tliis affection the mucous membrane is too ir- ritable to bear the operation of any aperient, un- less of the most bland and soothing description. In a well marked case of chronic inflammation of the stomach with ulceration, the patient was com- pelled after a trial or two, to abandon enthely the use of Airthrey Water. It aggravated to a seri- ous extent all the symptoms, and induced long 72 MEDICAL HISTORY. continued and very distressing retching, which could only be appeased by solid opium and blisters. In fact, it appears, that when a disposition to in- flammation of the mucous coat, whether of the stomach, or intestinal canal, exists, saline water will not unfrequently act as its exciting cause, and call it into being. Dr. Scudamore informs us, that he has known a degree of dysentry, which is nothing else than the disease I am speak- ing of, situated in the lower intestines, produced by the use of the Cheltenham Waters. But there is even a form of dyspepsy, termed by Dr. Clarke, in his excellent work on climate, gastritic dyspepsy, in which, from what observa- tion I have been enabled to make, I am disposed to think saline water a doubtful remedy. This af- fection appears to be a mixture of chronic inflam- mation of the stomach and dyspepsy. Dr. Aber- cromby considers it the highest form of dyspepsy, in which he says the disease amounts to inflamma- tion of the mucous membrane. Its symptoms are, a combination of those of clrronic inflammation of the stomach and of dyspepsy. The patient com- MEDICAL HISTORY. 73 plains of pain in the stomach, especially during di- gestion, but it is not severe. His tongue is partly clean and partly coated. He is occasionally very cold and occasionally very hot ; and his mind, for the most part, is desponding and irritable and impa- tient. Yet there is no emaciation, or if there is any, it is not progressive, nor to the extent that would lead to the supposition of the presence of organic disease. Such persons frequently use the Airthrey Water without deriving any bene- fit, or sustaining any injury from it. In these cases, I either advise the patient to abstain from the water altogether, or to use it sparingly and diluted. 2. Diseases of the Liver. — The diseases of the stomach mentioned in the precedmg section, as well as those now to be considered, and many more besides, are comprehended, by that fashion- able, yet, used in the sense which we find it, absurd phrase, bilious. Every disease having any connec ■ tion, however slender or remote, with the stomach, is, with many people, a bilious aflFection ; and in this way a person with a fertile imagination, has little difficulty in attaching almost every human 74 MEDICAL HISTORT/ ailment to the liver. The only fact necessary' to - enable him to do this is, slight disturbance of the functions of the stomach. A more precise phrase- • olog-y is necessarily employed by physicians. By. the term bilious, they understand, those states of the Uver in which its secretion is either increased or vitiated, or diminished and ^dtiated. In the one case, a large quantity of bile is thrown into the intestines and stomach. This bile, there is reason to beheve, deranges the functions of these organs in several ways. In some instances it seems to arrest, and sometimes even to invert their ver- ■ micular action, producing constipation and vomit- ing, whilst in others, it mcreases this action, pro- ducing diarrhoea or even dysentry. Agam, in the other case, the bile appears to be retamed m the circulation, in consequence of its secretion being suppressed, givmg rise to jaimdice, or other mor- • bid states of the system, accompanied by various shades of yellow in the skin, eye, and urine. These two cases, I apprehend, will embrace all those affections of the liver in which saline water has been beneficially employed. A very common case of mcreased biliary de- MEDICAL HISTORY. 75 rangement, for which Airthrey Water is much used, occiu-s during spring or autumn. The pa- tient at first complains of load at the stomach, nausea, headach, paia in the eyes, and imusual drowsiness. After a while he loses his appetite, becomes fretful and depressed, and spends his nights in anxiety and without sleep. On ex- amining him, we find his skin hot and parched, his bowels constipated, or irritated with scanty bihous stools, and his urine diminished and high- coloured, yet his pulse is not much afiected, per- haps a Uttle fuller than natm-al, and he is able, by a Uttle exertion, not only to attend to his business, but even to get up early and pay a visit on foot to the Wells. In this affection, usually termed bile by the vulgar, Airthrey Water is a valuable rem- edy; but, in general, it will not of itself accomplish the cure. I am often consulted by persons who have failed in removing this affection by this water used largely and daily for a week. Tn such cases I usually prescribe a dose or two of calomel and jalap, or calomel and extract of colocynth, and follow up these by an alterative pill, generally a merciuial or Plummer's pill, taken every night at G 76 MEDICAL HISTORY. bed time, and a competent dose of Airthrey Water taken early in the morning. Under tliis ti-eatment these cases always yield' readily. ^ere is another affection analogous to the pre- ceding, but dififering in some respects from it, in which Airthrey Water is also a valuable remedy. It occurs chiefly among persons addicted ha^ bitually to intemperance in eating and drinldng, especially the former, but whose constitutions are not much impaired by their excesses. Tliis affec- tion is usually manifested by pain, more or less severe, in the region of the Uver, and by loss of appetite, nausea, loaded tongue, abdominal disten- sion, dark coloured bilious stools, and not unfre- quently by pain high up in the left side, which I beheve to be situated in the transverse arch of tiie colon. The pulse, as in the former case, is not much affected; and the patient is able to move about, loathing his food, and inattentive to Ms pursuits. In this affection, Airthrey Water, in conjunction with blue pill, proves veiy service- ■able. It is necessary, however, in many cases to precede the use of these by free piu-ging. Persons of sound constitution who have lived MEDICAL HISTORY. in a warm climate are in general very liable, for some time after their retrnn to their native couni- try, to periodical attacks of increased biliary secfig>- tion. In tliese attacks, I have known the Airthrey Water and the blue piU used with much benefit. In the bilious diseases just mentioned, the bile is secreted in excess. But tl ere is an important form of disease affectmg the liver in which this secretion is either very much diminished, or alto- gether suspended, and yet we have no reason whatever to suppose the presence of structural dis- ease. The case here alluded to is an obscure af- fection, usually termed toi-por of the liver. It is known by the presence of dyspeptic symptoms, clay colom-ed stools, and what has received the vulvar appellation of goose skin. In this affection, Airthrey Water, conjoined with blue pill, has been employed with marked success. I could mention several cases of this kind, especially one occurring in a clergyman, but I deem it inexpedient to load thi» brief memoir with a detail of cases. The next aflfection of the hver which demands our attention is jaundice, a disease, the pathology. 78 MEDICAL HISTORY. or nature of which is not well understood. It may in general, I think, be divided into two species, one of which depends on torpor of the liver, the other on a mechanical obstruction to the flow of the bile. In the' one case, the action of the liver is suspended, and the bile is of consequence re- tained in the circulation. In the other case, the action of the Uver is entire, and the bile is secret- ed as in health, but it cannot, in consequence of obstruction in the gall ducts, arising, either from spasm or the lodgement of a gall stone, escape into the intestines. In this case, the bUe, accu- mulated in the gall bladder and ducts, appears to be absorbed into the system after its secretion. It is of some importance to the physician ere re- commending a course of mineral water in this af- fection, to distinguish accm-ately betwixt these species. Jaundice depending on simple torpor of the liver, or, as Dr. Abercrombie supposes, on an inflammatory condition of it, existmg in an ob- scure form and often to a small extent, seems to demand an early use of saline water. In this case little preliminary treatment, or preparation, as the MEDICAL HISTORY. 79 phrase goes, is required. All' that appears re- quisite is, perhaps, a short course of mercurial purging. But in jaundice depending on me'- chanical obstruction, much preliminary treatment will, in general, be required. The obstruction, whatever it may be, must be removed, ere any benefit can be reasonably anticipated from the water. For the mode of distinguishing these species of jaundice, I refer the reader to the elementary works on medicine, especially the Study of Medi- cine, by Dr. Good. I may remark, however, that the first species (Icterus choloeus — Icterus hepa- ticus, Study of Medicine, vol. i, pp. 411 and 428,); will, in general, be found as a slow and obscure affection, attended only by general langour, nau-v sea, and slight pain or feehng of fulness in the region of the Uver ; whilst the second species- (Icterus chololithicus — Icterus spasmodicus, Study of Medicine, vol. i, pp. 414 and 415,) will be re- maricable for the suddenness of its attack and the severity of its symptoms, especially severe vomit- ing and pain at the pit of the stomach extending g2 80 MEDICAL HISTORY. . to the back. Used according to the method herein recommended, Airthrey Water is fomid to be a powerful adjuvant to the other remedies usually employed in jaundice. It seems to im- part a tone and vigom* to the system, and to con- firm in a remarkable manner, the patient's health. The only other aflfection of the liver which claims notice is chronic hepatitis, or chronic inflamma- tion of the liver. This is a remarkably insidious and obscure affection. It frequently exists for a very great length of time without the patient or his physician being aware of its presence. It may "be suspected, when a patient complains of paiu, however slight, in the region of the hver and right shoulder, aggravated by pressure over the liver, and by lying on the left side; and when his stools are clay coloured, and the skin, and eyes, and urine, tinged yellow, there cannot, I conceive, be any doubt regarding the nature of the affection. Although by no means peculiar to such persons, this disease is usually found among those who have resided in a tropical climate, and whose con- stitutions have been injured, or, to use the common MEDICAL HISTORY. 81 phrase, undermined by it. Chronic hepatitis, how- ever, is frequently met with in persons whose con- stitutions have been undermined by severe and protracted study,, thoughtless dissipation, and the like, although they may have never breathed any other than their native air. In this affection, the impaired state of the consti- tution renders, for the most part, active treatment quite inadmissable. The patient may sometimes lose with advantage, a few omices of blood by leeches. He may take, too, with advantage, a few grains of blue pUl conjoined with sahne medicine, as an alterative, and he may even have a succes- sion of blisters applied to his side. But further interference on the part of the physician than this, is quite out of the question. The patient wUl not bear general bleeding, or a course of mercury, however slight, and if these are had recourse to, it is generally at the expense of the remaining powers of the constitution. In these circumstances, Airth- rey Water conjoined with blue pUl, as formerly re- commended, offers itself as a valuable remedy, which will, from day to day, act on the bowels, 82 MEDICAL HISTORY. without inducing the debiUtating effects of ordin- ary medicine. Tlie various forms of hepatic disease which we have considered, are occasionally accompanied by inflammation of the mucous coat of the intestines. This combination is readily recognised by pain in the bowels, increased on pressure, and by the pre- sence of chronic diarrhoea, or dysentery. I mention this affection, merely to state, that it is the only modification of hepatic disease in which I have found the Airthrey Water hurtful. In these cases, the intestinal disease must be subdued ere the water can be safely used. It may then be sometimes taken with advantage. Its administra^ tion, however, is always hazardous. 3. Diseases of the Head.— Under this designa- tion I include all those affections usually ascribed to a morbid condition of the encephalon, or brain, and spinal marrow. Although not a nmnerous, they form a severe, and not an uncommon order of diseases, the principal genera of wliich benefit- ed by saline water, are palsy, vertigo, epilepsy, chorea, hysteria, and an affection of Hie spine, MEDICAL HISTORY. 83 akin to paralysis and rheumatism, to which T shall afterwards advert. I shall offer a few re- marks on the use of Airthrey Water in each of these affections. ' This water has been employed in palsy, to some extent. The rehef, however, afforded has been only partial. A clergyman from the west coun- try, for example, labouring under this affection, used it for a fortnight with much benefit. It im- proved, he said, his digestion, and removed certain uneasy sensations which he experienced in the head. Sometime after his return home, however, . he died suddenly in a fit of apoplexy. In other cases of palsy, Airthrey Water has been used in the form of a warm bath, with relief to the patient. The water, at the same time, was generally taken internally. In this affection, which, for the most part, is a hopeless disease, my observation enables me only to state, that Airthrey Water will occa- sionally prove serviceable when the functions of the stomach are disordered, or when any shght determination to the head, threatening a second attack of the disease, is present. 84 MEDICAL HISTORY. Much benefit has accraed to patients labouring under vertigo, or dizziness, from a course of this water. I have at this moment a patient labouring under this afiection, who is deriving great rehef from it and compound calomel pill. I have seen a case of epilepsy, in a gentleman from Glasgow, in which the benefit irom a course of this water was very strikiag. This gentleman had been long afOicted with this grievous malady. He was attended, for a considerable length of time, by an eminent practitioner in Glasgow, but did not derive much benefit fi-om his prescriptions, which were those usually employed. A course of Airthrey Water was at length recommended. Du- ring its use, and for long after it, he enjoyed an entire immunity fi'om the disease. It returned, however, in a mitigated form, in the ensuing win- ter, and he was induced, at the instigation of his friends, to return to Airthrey. A similar result attended this second course ; and the patient and his fiiends left the springs quite delighted witli their efficacy. From this case, I infer only, that a course of saline water, other remedies having MEDICAL HlSTORYi 85 been premised, will occasionally prove serviceable in epilepsy. Hysteria and chorea, have, in lOce manner, been benefited by a course of Airtln*ey Water. I by no means affirm, that this water, imaided, will re- move either of these affections ; but I have seen several cases of the former, and one of the latter, in which, after a protracted, and rather inefficient treatment, the best, however, which medicine fur- nishes, the disease was entirely removed, and the system invigorated, by the employment of this water. Tlie only other malady under this head, to which I mean to advert, is an obscure affection of the spine, attended by impaired sensation and mo- tion in various parts of the body, especially the lower extremities. Every practitioner must have frequently met with cases of this kind. In some instances, it is difficult to distinguish them from chronic rheumatism : in others we are apt to sus- pect serious disease in the spinal maiTow. I have seen several cases of this nature of late, and at present I am attending a man who has been la- g0 MEDICAL HISTORY. bouring under it for more than six months, but who is now rapidly getting weU. THs affection will, in general, yield, to a certain extent, to bleed- ing, local or general, free purging, warm bathing, and counter-irritation along the spine. But its progress is tedious and very harrassing, alike to the patient and his physician. After the severity of the symptoms is overcome, and a few mieasy feehngs only are remaining, the patient, tired of or- dinary treatment, wiU readily, accede to a course of saline water, from which, in connection with the warm bath, he wiU for the most part, derive de- cided and lasting benefit. The use of Airthrey Water in diseases of the head and spinal marrow may be objected to by some practitioners, on the ground that it will prove too stimulating, in consequence of the mu- riates which it contains. Thus, Dr. Scudamore attributes those paroxysms of gout, wMch some- times occur a short time after commencing the use of Cheltenham Water, to what he calls the stimulating qualities of the muriates. But I have only to remark, that I have never, in tlie course MEDICAL HISTORY. 87. of my experience with Airthrey Water, and I have known it used in a great number of cases, seen any stimulating effects produced by it ; and on in- quiry among my brethren here, I find that this statement coincides exactly with their experience. The fact. is, that in all affections of the head and spine, whatever may be their nature, where it is desirable to keep up a fi-ee discharge from the bowels for a considerable length of time, without weakening the patient, Airthrey Water is not only a safe, but the most valuable remedy we possess- in this coimtry for that purpose. 4. Diseases of the Skin. — Saline water has never been much extolled, even by its most devoted ad- mirers, as a remedy in cutaneous disease. Sulphur springs, such as those of Harrowgate and Moffat, are much more efiicacious,and consequently much more esteemed in these affections. Yet there are cases of cutaneous disease associated with morbid conditions of the stomach and liver, in which saUne water is unquestionably a remedy of great value. The chief of these are, erysipelas, ery- thema, roseola, urticaria, and acne, u 88 MKDICAIi HISTORY* Persons liable to periodical attacks of the first four of these afifections, will, in general, derive great benefit fi-om a com-se of Aii'tln-ey Water , taken either after an attack, or some time before one is ex- pected . In the one case it will correct the ahment^ ary secretions, and invigorate the system. In the other, I have reason to knowj that it will not imfi:equently act as a powerful prophylactic and prevent the anticipated attack. Airthrey Water i« much employed by young persons in this neighbourhood, for the removal of acne punctata ( maggot pimple,) but I beUeve it is generally al- lowed to be an inert remedy in tliis form of tlie disease. I have, however, seen it used in acne indurata, simplex, and rosacea, which are respect-, iyely known by the vulgar terms, stone pock, simple pimple, and rosy drop or grog blossoms, with decided advantage. 5. Diseases of the CJiest. — I introduce this sec- tion merely for the purpose of alluding to an ob- scure case of pulmonary disease, in wliich I have repeatedly found Airtlurey Water, after the em^ ployment of other and more efficient means, de^ MEDICAL HISTORY. 89 cidedly serviceable. From this I would not have the reader infer that I am an advocate for the indisr criminate use of this water in chest affections. In most of these, x\irthrey Water, I believe, will be found not only an inert, but often a hurtful expe- dient. In such hopeless diseases, for example, as simple phthisis or cln-onic pleurisy, it would be folly, nay madness, on the part of any practitioner, whatever may be his pretensions, to advise a course of this water. Yet there are cases of puU monary disease, connected with a disordered state of the stomach, in which we have reason to think, that the affection of the chest depends in a great measure, if not altogether, on that of the stomach. Mr. Abernethy, in fact, in a very sti'iking case de- tailed in his work on the Constitutional Orifjin and Treatment of Local Diseases, not only proves this dependence, but also shows that the chest disease may be cured by merely curing that of the stomach. This case is so very interesting that I am induced to transcribe it. " A servant of mine told me that his wife was dying of a con- sumption, which had been rapidly increasing fop 90 MEDICAL HISTORY. six months, and had baffled all attempts to reheve it. Thinking I could procure her some medical assistance from the hospital, I went to see her. The case, however, seemed past hope. She was •extremely emaciated, her pulse beat 140 in a minute, her face was flushed ; she had a most dis- tressing cough, and spit up more than a pint of mucus, mixed with pus and streaked with blood, in twenty-four hours. The circumstance, how- ever, which most disturbed her, was a continued pm-ging of black and offensive matter. She told me that her bowels were first disordered ; that an unhealthy state of those organs had preceded the pulmonary affection, and was indeed habitual. I thought it unnecessary to trouble my medical friends in so hopeless a case, and ordered some pills containing one grain of opium, to be taken in such quantity as was necessary to stop the purging. As she informed me that the disorder began in the bowels, I added to each pill half a grain of calomel. By these means the purging was so much checked that she did not find it ne- cessary to take more than two pills in twenty -foiu^ MEDICAL HISTORY. 91 hours ; and when she had taken twelve, the mer- cury^, very unexpectedly, affected her mouth. From that period the stools became of a natural colour and consistence ; the cough and expectora- tion ceased; and she was soon sufficiently re- covered to go into the country, from whence she returned apparently in good health." This com- bination of stomach and pulmonary disease has also been considered, under the appellation of dyspep- tic phtMsis, by Dr. Wilson Philip, in the seventh volume of the Transactions of the Medico- Chirur- gical Society. " Drimkards, he says, " at that time of life which disposes to phthisis, frequently fall a sacrifice to this form of the disease, and those who have been long subject to severe attacks of dyspepsia, and what are called bihous complaints, are liable to it." He adds, " In by far the ma- jority of cases, in which both the lungs and diges- tive organs are affected, the affection of the diges- tive organs precedes that of the lungs." These extracts, I apprehend, are sufficient to show that in many cases of chest affection, the disease is to be considered rather as a sequence of gastric dis- h2 92 MEDICAL HISTORY. ease, than as a primary affection ; and that the malady is to be chiefly, although not exclusively, combated through the medium of the stomach. 'In phthisis, thus modified, it may be fairly questioned how far saline water will prove ser- viceable. If it is beneficial in some forms of idiopa- thic dyspepsy, may it not also prove beneficial in that form of it producing phthisis, and, in this way, in phthisis itself ? I confess I am not, at present, able to answer these questions, as I have never prescribed Airthrey Water in any case of dyspep- tic phthisis when the disease was fully develop- ed. I lately attended a very interesting yoimg man who died of this afiection, but from the hope- less character which the case assumed, I deemed it inexpedient to employ the water. But I have seen several cases, one of which I shall relate, where I dreaded the occurrence of tliis disease, and in wliich Airtlirey Water, after the employ- ment of the other usual remedies, was used vnth decided advantage. A gentleman, twenty-five years of age, fond of company and late hours, al- though by no means an intemperate man, com- MEDICAL HISTORY. 93 plained in the winter 1827-8, of pain in the chest, cough, difficult breathing, nausea, and loss of ap- petite. His pulse varied from 80 to 100 : his skin was hot ; his tongue foul ; and liis bowels consti- pated. He had also a good deal of mucous ex- pectoration, more or less streaked with pus. I purg- ed him freely with calomel and extract of colo- cynth ; and put him afterwards on a course of Plummer's pill and weak saUne aperients. Under this treatment his tongue cleaned to a certain ex- tent ; and his stomach complaints, in a great meas- ure, disappeared. His chest symptoms, however, continued unimpaired. He was then cupped on the chest to the extent of twelve ounces ; and af- terwards a succession of blisters was had recoiu-se to. He took, also, a variety of mixtures, usually- prescribed in chest affections. The amendment, however, was not decided. During the whole winter, he complained alternately of his chest, and stomach, sometimes using remedies for the one, sometimes for the other. In spring, after being somewhat harassed by the treatment, and reduced by the disease, I advised a course of 94 MEDICAL HISTORY. Airthrey Water with Plummer's pill. Under it he soon recovered ; and he has ever since enjoyed perfect health. Every practitioner must have frequently met with cases of this description. They are probably nothing else than chronic catarrh depending on, or modified by, a disordered state of the stomach. 6. Scrofulous 4^ecS. Undoria. Hab. Woods of Monzie. CARDUUS. 1. C. marianus. Hab. Hill, Stirling, immediately behind the Castle. r.IST OP PLANTS. 127 BIDENS. 1. B.. tripartita. Hab. Near Port-of Menteith. EUPATORIUM. 1. E. cannabinum. Hab. Tullyallan. TANACETUM. 1. T. vulgare. Hab. Hill, Stirling, and banks of the Allan, near its mouth. GNAPHALIUM. 1. G. dioicum. Hab. Touch HUls- 2. G. sylvaticum. Hab. Ardoch- 3. G. germanicum. Hab. Abbey Craig ; abundant. ASTER. 1. Tripolium. Hab. Banks of the Forth, above the Cambus. SOLIDAGO. 1. 5'. Virgaurea. Hab. Hill above Airthrey. CHRYSANTHEMUM. 1. C' segeium. Hab. Com fields; but rare. PYRETHRUM. 1. P. Parthenium. Hab. Hill, Stirling. SCABIOSA. 1. S. arvensis. Hab. Pastures ; common^ 2. S. columbaria. Hab, Blackford. l2 128 jiiST OF plants; VALERIANA. 1. V' officinalis' Hab. Banks of the Forth ; very abundant. SHERARDIA. 1' S. arvensis' Hab, Hill, Slii-ling. ASPERULA. 1. odoraia- Woods, very abundant. GALIUM. 1. G. cruciaiuni' Hab. Hill, Sthiing, in the Hainiug; abundant. 2. G.paludre. Hab. Ditch, Tullibod3-. 3. G. uli(jinosum. Hab. Ditch, Craigtbrth. 4. G. saxatile. Hab. King's Park, Touch HiUs, (fee, abundant. 5. G. boreale. Hab. Bridge of Bracklin. VIBURNUM. 1. V' Opulus. Hab. Wood below St- Ninians. SAMBUCUS. 1. S. Ebulus. Hab. Blair Drummond. CONIUM. 1' C' maculaium' Hab. Hill, Sthiing- LIST OF PLANTS.' 129 ANGELICA. \> A. sylvestriS' Hab. Blair Drummdnd Moss. SIUM. ]. S. latifoliiim, Hab. Menstry Glen ; Ditch, Corn town. ANTHRISCUS. 1. A' vulgaris. Hab. Hill, Stii'liug. CH^ROPHYLLUM. 1. €• odoratum. Hab. Hill, Stirling; abundant. SMYRNIUM. 1. -S*. Olusatrum. Hab. Hill, Stuiing. CARUM. I. C Carui. Hab. Blair Drummond, near the west end of Bankhead House. SAXIFRAGA. 1. stellaris. Hab. Campsie Hills. 2. aizoickf,- Hab Hill abuve Callander. 3. graiiulata. Hab. Abbey Craig, and King's Park ; abundant. 4. S. ccBspitosa. Hab. Touch Hills, immediately above Gilmore's Linn- 130 LTST OF PLANTS. ADOXA. 1, A. moschatellina. Hab. On a small island, in the river Teath, near Blair Drummond. RIBES. 1. R. Grossularia. Hab. Hill, Stirling, 2. jR. nigrum. Hab. Banks of the Allan, HIPPURIS. 1. H. vulgaris. Hab. Ditch near Stnling. CIRCiEA. 1. C. Lutetiana. Hab. Near old Sauchie House. EPILOBIUM. 1 . E. angustifoUum. Hab. Ochils, Craig-rosy. 2. E. hirsutum. Hab. Ditch, Stirling. ROSA. 1. R. spij^sissima. Hab. King's Park, Stirling. 2. R. rvkiginpsa. Hab. Hill, Stu-Ung, immedi- ately behiri'd the Castle. 3. R. arvensis. Hab. Borders of fields ; common. GEUM. G. urbanum. Hab. Hedges^ ; common. ^2ir:'6r:'rivale, Hab. Marsh.es and rivers ; common. .LIST OF PLANTS. 131 AGRIMONIA. 1. A. Eitpatoria. Hab. King's Park, Airthrey, &c. RUBUS. I. R. saxatiUs. Hab. Earl's-burn, not far from Wallace's dam. TORMENTILLA. 1. T. officinalis. Hab. Hill, Stirling ; very abun- dant. Used medicinally, and by the Lapland- ers for staining leather of a red colour. ALCHEMILLA. 1. A. aJpina Hab. Bridge of Bracklin. One of the most elegant of our native plants. PRUNUS. 1. P. Fadus. Hab. King's Park; abundant. 2. P. Cerasus. Hab. Woods ; abundant. 3. P. domestica. Hab. Banks of the Teath. SPIR^A. 1. >S'. salicifolia. Hab. Blair Drummond Woods. GENISTA. 1. G. anglica. Hab. Comrie Moors. ULEX. 1. U. nanus. Hab. Ochils, near Menstry. 132 tlST* OF PLANTS. ONONIS. 1. 0. arvensis. Hab. Rare in this neighbourhood. Banks of the Allan, a little above "Laird Airly's." ANTHYLLIS. 1. yl. vulneraria. Hab. Abbey Craig. VICIA. 1. F. syhatica. Hab. Cakh-on Linn, Woods of Kippenross, and Bridge of Bracklin. There is a large and veiy beautiful specimen of this plant near the Bridge of Bracklin. The late Dr. Hamilton of Leny informed me, in 1827, that he remembered it growing there forty years be- fore. LOTUS. 1 , Jj. corniculatus. Hab. Hill, Stu-hng ; abmulant. The larger variety is common in the carse. ILEX. I. I.aquifolia. Hab. Blah- Drummond Woods; abundant. HYPERICUM. 1. H. AndroscEmum. Hab. Leny Glen. 2. H. dubium. Hab. Woods, Kippenross. 3. H. humifusiim. Hab. Road side opposite Plean House. 4. H. pulchrum. Hab. Hills, near Callander. LIST OF PLANTS. 133 MALVA. 1. M.' moschata. Hab. Abbey Craig ; abundant. ALTH^A. 1. A. officinalis. Hab. Near Doune. GERANIUM. 1. G. sanguineum- Hab. King's Park, 2. G.phceum. Hab, Touch Hills. 3. G. sylvaticum, Hab. Woods, abimdant. 4. G. pratense. Hab. Field near Airthrey, banks of the Allan, near its mouth ; abundant. 5. G. lucidum. Hab. Hill, Stirling, in the Haining. 6. G. molle. Hab. Hill, Stirling. A variety with white flowers is common. 7. G. dissectum. Hab. Fields, abundant. In 1827, the hay crop in this neighboui-hood was very much injured by this plant. It had evidently been sown with th-e hay seed. OXALTS. 1. 0. Acetossella. Hab. Woods; abundant. There is a patch of this plant immediately below « Hurly Hawkie." I have not met with the 0. corniculaia, said to be found " near Stirling." RADIOLA. 1. R- millegrana' Hab. Touch Hills ; abundant. 134 I-IST OF PLAIsTS.. SAPONARIA. 1. /S. officinalis. Hab. On a wall near Dunblane. LYCHNIS. 1. L. Viscaria, Hab. Abbey Craig; abundant. SPERGULA. 1. 5*. nodosa. Hab. Marsh, near Stirling. ARENARIA. 1. J. verna. Hab. Ochils. 2. JJ. trinervis. Hab. Hill, Stirling. STELLARIA. 1. F. Nemorum. Hab. Plantation, Cow Park, Stirling ; rare. 2. gkmca, Hab. Marshy Ground, Connal's Park. SEMPERVIVUM. 1. Teciorum- Hab. House tops ; common. SEDUM, 1. S. Tekphium. Hab. Hill, Stirling, in the Haining, near the Butt ^Yel!. 2. F.anglicimu Hab. Hill, SlirUng. 3. F. acre, Hab. Hill, Stirling. 4. F. relJexum. Hab. Roof of a house in Cause- wayhead, growing beside Semjjervivum Tec- torum. IIST OP PLANTS. 135 5. S. villosim. Hab. Dumyat. DROSERx\. 1. D. Totundifolia. Hab. Polmaise Moss, Blaip Drummond Moss. 2. D. longifolia. Hab. Blair Drummond Moss. CISTUS. 1. C. Helianthemum. Hab. Abbey Craig; abun- dant. VIOLA. 1. V. hirta. Hab. Blackford Hills. 2. l^. odorata, Hab. HiU, Stirling; abimdant. It is not found in any other situation in this neigh- bourhood. 3. V. palustris. Hab. King's Pai'k. 4. y. tricolor. Hab. Pastures ; common. Large and beautiful varieties are found in great abund-r ance in the King's Park. COCHLEARIA. ]. C. officinalis. Hab. Banks of the Forth, Alloa. Cx\RDAMINE. 1 . C. amara. Hab. Rivulet near Gartur. 2. C. praiensis. Hab. King's Knot, &c.; abundant. 3. C. hirsuta. Hab. Hill, Stirling ; abundant. M 136 LIST OF PLANTS. BARBAREA. 1. B. vulgaris. Hab, Woods, Blair DrmnmoDd. NASTURTIUM. 1. N. officinale. Hab. Ditches, King's Park ; an excellent salad. BRASSICA. 1. B. Napus. Hab. HiU, Stirling. FUMARIA. 1. F. capreolata. Hab. Near Doune. 2. F. claviculata. Hab. Ochils, near Lipna. PAPAVER. 1. P. Argemone. Hab. Corn fields, Blair Drum- mond. 2. P. cambricum. Hab. Blair Drummond. CHELIDONIUM. 1. C.majus. Hab. Hill, Stirling ; rare. NYMPH^A. 1. N. alba. Hab. Locli Watison. NUPHAR. 1. N. lutea. Hab. Loch Watison. BERBERIS. 1. B, vulgaris. Hab. Touch Hills; rai-e. LIST OF PLANTS. 137 RANUNCULUS. 1. R. Lingua. Hab. Ditch near Tullyallan. 2. R. hederaceus. Hab. Ditch, Blair Drummond. 3. R. auricomus. Hab. King's Park. 4. R. hirsutus. Hab. Field, StirUng. TROLLIUS. 1. T. europosus. Hab. Touch HUls. CALTHA. 1. C.palustris. Hab. Banks of the Forth, &c.j very common, in all its varieties. PARNASSIA. 1. P.palustris. Hab. Sauchie Moors; abundant. AQUILEGIA. 1. A. vulcjaris. Hab. Gowlan HUls, Stirling; abundant. MIMULUS. 1. M. luteus. Flora Americce Septentrionalis, p. 426. Hab. Banks of the Forth betwixt the Lime Ivilns, near Causeway Head. At a great distance from gardens and perfectly naturalized. PRINTED AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE, STIRLING. V