FOEMS OF ANIMAL LIFE ROLLESTON MACMILLAN AND CO. PUBLISHERS TO THE UNIVERSITY FORMS OF ANIMAL LIFE BEING OUTLINES OF ZOOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION BASED UPON ANATOMICAL INVESTIGATION AND ILLUSTRATED BY DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIMENS AND OF FIGURES BY GEOEGE EOLLESTON, D.M., F.E.S. LINACRB PROFESSOR OP ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY IN THE UNIVEBSIIX,OF OXFORD AT THE CLARENDON PRESS M.DCCC.LXX [All rigUa rmrved'] Ato Set ju,^ bv(rx€pa[v€LV 'TratStKO)? ttji/ irepl t&v aTifioTepav (awv €tt[ Rotifera cxxxviii-cxl » » Platyelmintlies cxl-cxliii Characteristics of tte Sub-kingdom Echinodermata . cxliii-cxlvii » Class Holothurioidea cxlvii-cl '» 55 Echinoidea cl-cliii »» » Asteroidea cliii-cliv » » Crinoidea cliv-clvi Characteristics of the Sub-kingdom Coelenterata . . clvi-clvii » Class Ctenophorae clvii-clviii " » Anthozoa clviii-clix » Hydrozoa clix-clx Characteristics of the Sub-kingdom Protozoa. , . . clx-clxi Relations of the various classes of this sub-kingdom, ^^^^ ^« [ clxi-clxii Means for distinguishing animal fi-om vegetable organisms clxii-clxiv Characteristics of the Class Infusoria clxiv-clxv " » Rhizopoda clxv-clxvi „ Spongiadae clxvi-clxvii „ Gregarinae clxvii-clxviii II. DESCRIPTION OF PREPARATIONS. From the Class Mammalia. Prep. I. Dissection of Rat {Mm decumanus), showing its craniospinal nei-vous axis, and portions of most of the organs of vegetative life . . . l_4 Prep. 2. Skeleton of Common Rat {Ifus decumanus) . . 5-9 Prep. 3. Cervical, Dorsal, and Lumbar Vertebrae of Rabbit {Lepus cuniculus) 10-12 From the Class Aves. Prep. 4. Dissection of Common Pigeon {Columba lima), showing neiwous, digestive, circulatory, and part of respiratory and renal systems 12-16 Prep. 5. Skeleton of Common Pigeon ((7o^M7?j,6a Ziuia) . . 17-25 Prep. 6. Skull and Trunk-bones of Common Fowl {Galbis gaUinaceus) 25-29 CONTENTS. xiii PAGE From the Class Reptilia. Prep. 7. Dissection of Common Ringed Snake {Tropido- notus natrix), showing the an-angement of the various organs of vegetative life 29-33 Prep. 8. Vertebrae of Constricting Serpent (Sp. 1) . . . 33-35 From the Class Amphibia. Pi'ep. 9. Dissection of Common Frog {Eana temporcma), sliowing its nervous, circulatory, and respira- tory systems, together with some of its repro- ductive and digestive organs 35-37 Prep. 10. Skeleton of Common Frog {Rcma temporaria) . . 38-40 From the Class Pisces. Prep. II. Dissection of Common Perch {Ferca Jluviatilis), showing its circulatory, nervous, digestive, re- spiratory, and reproductive systems in situ . 40-42 Prep. 12. Skeleton of Common Perch {Perca Jluviatilis) . 42-45 Prep. 13. Vertebrae of Common Cod {Gadus morrhua) . . 45, 46 From the Class G-asteropoda. Prep. 14. Shell of Edible Snail (jSeZia; ^omafo'a) .... 47,48 Prep. 15. Dissection of Edible Snail (Helix pomatia), showing its digestive and reproductive, together with parts of its circulatory and respiratory, systems 48-5 1 Prep. 16. Dissection of Edible Snail {Helix pomatia), showing the position of the heart and of the respiratory cavity 51-52 Prep. 17. Dissection of Edible Snail {Helix pomatia), showing its nervous system 52-54 From the Class Lamellibranchiata. Prep. 18. Shell of Fresh- water Mussel {Anodonta cygnea) . 54-57 Prep. 19. Dissection of Fresh-water Mussel {Anodonta c?/^- nea), showing the course of its digestive tract . 57-60 Prep. 20. Dissection of Fresh-water Mussel {Anodonta cygnea), showing its mantle 60-62 Prep. 21. Dissection of Fresh-water Mussel {Anodonta cygnea), showing its nerve system, and the route taken by the ova in passing from the ovary to the interior of the external gill . . . 62-66 xiv CONTENTS. PAGE Prom tlie Class Tunicata. Prep. 2 2. Dissection of Ascidian {Ascidia affinis), showing the homological relations of its various systems to those of the Lamellibranchiata 66-71 . rrom tlie Class Polyzoa. Prep. 23. Specimens of Broad-leafed Hornwrack {Flustn-a foliacea) 71, 72 Prep. 24. Specimen of Bugle Coralline [Salicornaria fa/rcv- minoides) 73 From the Class Insecta. Prep. 25. Specimen of Larva of Death's-head Moth (Ache- rontia atropos) 73-76 Prep. 26. Specimen of Pupa of same species . ..... 76-78 Prep. 27. Specimen of perfect Insect of same species . . . 78, 79 Prep. 28. Dissection of Larva of Goat Moth (Cossus ligni- perda), showing the organs of vegetative life . 79-82 Prep. 29. Dissection of Larva of Privet Hawk Moth (Sphinx ligustri), showing the nervous system . . . 82-85 Prep. 30. Dissection of Common Cockroach {Periplcmeta ~ orientalis), showing its digestive, renal, nervous and reproductive organs 86-90 Prom the Class Crustacea. Prep. 31. Specimen of Common Crayfish (^siacMs^wvia^tYis) 90-98 Prep. 32. Dissection of Common Crayfish {Astacus fluvia- tilis), showing the nervous, digestive, and circu- latory organs in situ 98-100 Prep. 33. Dissection of Common Crayfish (Astacus fluvia- tilis), showing the heai't and arteries .... 100-102 Prep. 34. Dissection of Common Crayfish (Astacus Jluvia- tilis), showing its digestive, respiratory, and reproductive organs in situ 102-105 Prep. 35. Dissection of Common Crayfish (Astacus fluvia- tilis), showing its nerve system. Tables of homologies of nerve-ganglia, and of appendages, arc to be found at pp. 110, 116, 117 .... 106-119 From the Class Annulata Proper. Prep. 36. Specimen of Common Earthworm (Lwnihricus terrestris) 119-121 CONTENTS. XV PAGE Prep. 37. Dissection of Common Earthworm (Lumbricus t&rrestris), showing its nervous system . . . 121-123 Prep. 38. Dissection of anterior segments of same animal, showing its reproductive organs 124-126 Prep. 39. Specimen of Medicinal Leech {Hirudo medicinalis) 127-129 Prep. 40. Dissection of Medicinal Leech {Hirudo medicinalis), showing nervous and digestive systems in situ . 129-131 Prep. 4 1 . Dissection of Medicinal Leech {Hirudo medicinalis), showing nervous system 131-133 Prep. 42. Dissection of same animal, showing the reproduc- tive and segmental organs in situ 133-136 From the Class Platyelminthes. Prep . 43 . Specimen of Many-headed Bladder-worm {Caenurus cuniculi) 136-140 From the Class Asteroidea. Prep. 44. Specimen of Common Crossfish {Asterias ruhens) . 141-143 Prep. 45. Dissection of Common Crossfish {Asterias rubens), showing digestive and motor systems . . . 143-145 From the Class Holothurioidea. Prep. 46. Specimen of Angular Sea-Cucumber {Oucumaria pentactes) 145-147 Prep. 47. Dissection of Angular Sea-Cucumber {Oucumaria pentodes), showing motor, digestive, respira- tory, and reproductive systems 148-158 (Eelations of Echinodermata to Coelenterata and to Vermes severally at pp. 152-157 of the Description of this Preparation.) From the Class Anthozoa. Prep. 48. Dissection of Sea-Anemone {Actinia crassicornis), showing its various external and internal organs 158—160 From the Class Hydrozoa. Prep. 49. Specimen of Sea-Fir (^S'er^M^arm a6ie PP- 5i4> S^Sj 532) under varying conditions of light, heat, and aeration. Dr. Charlton Bastian has drawn attention (Linn. Soc. Trans, xxv., p. 84, 1865) to the quantity of large fat globules often seen within the intestinal canal of free Nematodes as being ' remark- able, and also interesting in a physiological point of view, as an exemplification of the almost direct conversion of cellulose into fat and other products.' The facts of Com- parative Anatomy and Physiology as distinct, though not dissociated, from those of Comparative Pathology and Experiment, are appealed to by both sides in the ques- tions ' Ueber die Fettbildung im Thierkorper,' and that of the relations of various kinds of food to the various exigencies of the animal body. (See Donders, Nederl. Arch, voor Genees. en Natuurkunde, Deel. i., Uti-echt, 1864 ; translated, Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, 1866; Lawes and Gilbert, Phil. Mag., July and December, 1866 ; Volt. Zeitschrift fiir Biologic, Bd. v., Hft. i., pp. I47-155, 1869.) For the way in which the intimate relations of the fifth nerve to the optic may be illustrated by reference to Comparative Anatomy, see Mooren, Ueber S3Tnpa- thische Gesichtstorungen, pp. 11 7-1 19, Berlin, 1869 ; and for numerous illustrations of the fact that the organisms of the lower animals give answers in simple language to what are difiicult problems in Anthropotomy, see Schroeder Van der Kolk, on the Spinal Cord and Medulla Oblongata ; New Sydenham Society's Translation, passim, and especially chapter vi., pp. 170-178, 1859. For other points of connection be- tween Comparative Anatomy and Practical Medicine, see 'Medicine in Modern Times, pp. 79-91, London, 1869. General Considerations. xix contemplation of the subjects here treated of with reference to their bearings upon Classification, is calculated to impress upon the mind ; and these it may be well to state in a few words. After some study of the details of Comparative Anatomy we begin to see that the animal kingdom is divisible into a certain nimiber of Sub-kingdoms accordingly as the various structures or organs su.bserving' the functions of animal and vegetable life re- spectively are combined with, separated from, or otherwise arranged relatively to, each other. It is, in the next place, easy to see that whilst in the Sub-kingdom Vertebrata, motor, nervous, vascular, visceral, and perivisceral systems all exist in specialized and differ- entiated forms, no such ' division of labour' is recognisable in the structural arrangements of the Sub-kingdom Protozoa ; and that, by a farther and detailed reference to the principle just mentioned, we are justified in speaking of the one as the highest and the others as the lowest of the seven animal Sub-kingdoms. It is not easy, however, to assign to the three Sub-kingdoms known as Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Echinodermata their relative rank inter se ; and the Sub-kingdom Vermes would appear to underlie each and all of the three obliquely, rather than to be subordinated to any one of them in particular. The Coelenterata, finally, are approximated to the Protozoa by the low degree to which specialization has been carried out in their organization ; but they form a more than ordinarily well-circumscribed group, which we are in no way justified in regarding as forming a transitional stage intermediate between the Protozoa and the other Sub-kingdoms, from which latter it lies far apart. Within the limits of each Sub-kingdom the differentiation of organs, by the assignment of them to the more or less exclusive performance of particular functions, is very often carried out in the different classes to such a different extent as to allow us to speak without violence and without hesitation of such classes as being higher or lower in the scale of existence. Elevation in the scale of life is indirectly entailed in Sub-kingdoms which possess air- breathing representatives, as aerial respiration renders possible a greater activity of function than an organism differing in this, though similarly constituted in all other particulars, can put forth ; whilst the special habit of parasitism, which often renders not merely single organs but even whole systems superfluous, and is b % XX Introduction. then found to be correlated with the complete or nearly complete disappearance of such structures, must be regarded as entailing a true morphological degradation. Sharply circumscribed outlines are, in the second place, as com- monly wanting in the classifications we have to deal with as are precisely graduated scales of dignity. The boundaries of species, of orders, of classes, and, in more than one instance, even of sub-king- doms, may be closely apposed not only at many single points but even along considerable lengths and depths, so that in not a few cases it is a matter of difiiculty to decide whether a particular organism or set of organisms shall be placed within the one or the other of the thus complexly approximated groups. The distances, thirdly, which intervene between the various sub- kingdoms at their points of widest separation from each other are exceedingly unequal. And in particular, it may be said that, in spite of recent discoveries'', it would still appear that the Vertebrate Sub-kingdom lies at a greater distance from the group made up by all the other Sub-kingdoms than that by which any one of these is separated from its nearest neighbour. Groups, fourthly, which would be allowed on all hands to possess the same morphological or qualitative rank are found to difier very widely as to the numbers of the objects they severally include; and if, by the aid of diagrams, we represent to ourselves the quan- titative relations which the corresponding divisions in almost any two of the animal sub-kingdoms hold to each other as wholes of • extension' or of ' denotation,' we are at once struck by the great inequality of size indicated by the figures thus constituted. A similar result would ensue upon the application of a similar process to many non-biological classifications ; the especial significance which these difierences possess in organic classifications depends upon two singular but suggestive facts, actual observation having shown, firstly, that the poorer a species is numerically the more aberrant is it ordinarily found to be from the type of the group to which it is subordinated ; and secondly, that with a paucity of individuals or of species, as the case may be, a similar paucity of the localities on the earth's surface in which they are now to be •> For a Bummary of these diBcoveries, see the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, January, 1870. Gen ercd Cons icier ations. xxi found living is ordinarily correlated. The Ganoids among-st Pishes, the Perennibranchiata amongst Amphibia, the Crinoids amongst Echinodermata, and the Monotremata amongst Mammals, furnish us with illustrations of these laws for the enimciation of which we are indebted to Von Baer A remark of the late Mr. W. S. Macleay, to the effect that no character is natural until it has been proved to be so ^, has the merit of at once expressing tersely the necessity of constant recourse to verification when we make deductions from general principles, and of drawing attention to the striking morphological fact of the varying valne of class characters. In the face of statements as to the eligibility of particular systems ® as bases of classification, which are only less sweeping and general than they are mutually con- tradictory, it is a satisfaction to be able to quote the following words from the writings of another English naturalist, the late Professor Edward Forbes, — ' no character, whether of structure or form, preserves an equal value in every tribe, but varies in its im- portance, in one group characteming a class, in another scarcely determining a species;' whilst the words of Macleay should be <= See Nova Acta, xiii., i, p. 742, 1826, or Professor Huxley's Translation in ♦Scientific Memoirs/ pp. 180, 181, 1853. d See Linnaean Society's Transactions, xxiii., p. 75, i860. e For the applicability of the nervous system as a basis of classification, see Cuvier, The Animal Kingdom, English Translation, 1854, p. 31 j Lacaze Duthiers, Comptes Bendus, 1865, torn, ii., p. 800; Blanchard, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. v., pp. 276, 376, 1846 ; Dana, Crustacea, pp. 46, 59 ; Waterbouse, Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., vol. xii., p. 399, 1843 ; Professor Owen, Linnaean Society's Proceedings, 1857. For the applicability of the Reproductive, see Dana, I.e., p. 62 ; Professor Owen, cit. Darwin, Origin of Species, chap, xiii., p. 490, 4th ed. t866 ; Fischer, Orthoptera, p. 62 ; Stein, Vergleichende Anatomic und Physiologie des Insekten ; erste Mono- graphic ; Die weibHchen Geschlechts-Organe der Kafer, 1847, passim. For the appli- cability of the Respiratory, see Dana, I.e., p. 62. For the value of the changes gone through in development, see Professor Wyville Thomson, Phil. Ti-ans., vol. 155, pt. ii., pp. 514, 532, where attention is drawn to the power which circumstances of light, warmth, aeration and nourishment have in modifying and hurrying over certain stages of larval growth ; Oskar Schmidt, Sitzungsbericht, Nat. Wiss. Class. Kaia. Akad. Wien. xix., p. 193, 1856 ; Darwin, Animals and Plants under Domestication, vol. ii., pp. 366-368 ; Origin of Species, p. 494, ibique citata. For the value of the motor system as a basis for classification, in the sub-kingdom Echinodermata, see Brandt, Prodromus, 1835. For that of the Placental system in the class Mammalia, Bee Zool. See. Trans., vol. v., pt. 4, p. 285, 1865 ; H. Milne Edwards et Alphonse Milne Edwards, Recherches pour servir h. I'Histoire Naturelle des Mammif feres, Livraison i., p. 18, seq^q., ihiqiie citata, 1868. XXll Introduction. bome in mind with reference to certain otlier statements ^ of even greater generality as to the applicability or inapplicability of phy- siological differences as bases of zoological arrangements. Nothing is easier than to say that by the nervous, or by the reproductive, or by the respiratory systems, or by the history of the changes gone through in development, ' characters of the widest bearing in classification are furnished ;' but nothing is more certain, as a veiification of statements referred to below will demonstrate, than that what is true of one of these bases of classification within the limits of one Sub-kingdom, or within the limits of one Class, or even within the limits of yet smaller groups, will not be by any means invariably found to be true within the limits of another similar division. Our knowledge, again, of the power which organisms have of adjusting themselves to their environment, may incline us to think the motor and tegumentary systems to be bad bases for classification, as it is through them that the animal comes mainly and mostly into relation with external influences. Yet, if Seals and Whales exhibit marks of their aflanities to the Carnivora and the Artiodactyla respectively, even in such matters as the cha- racter of theii- placentae, the number of the bronchi in their lungs, and, in spite of the modifications which their motor and tegu- mentary systems have undergone, it is nevertheless true that the specialization of the same systems in Aves and Echinodermata appears to have entailed corresponding variations throughout the entirety of their respective organisms, and in organs of vegetable as well as in organs of animal life. The facts of the varying morphological value of zoological dif- ferentiae ; of the unequal quantitative extent of di\dsions of equal morphological rank ; and of the unequal distances separating such divisions, go some way towards accounting for the arbitrary way in which the same division has had very different morphological rank assigned to it by different classificatory writers. A pro- visional character however must always attach itself to a greater or smaller part of all our classifications ; if they succeed in pre- f See Erichson, Entomographien, p. i, 1840, 'Dies ist ein pliysiologischer, kein • zoologischer Character,' Semper, Reisen in Archipel der Philippinen, Theil. ii., Bd. i., p 52 ■ Carpenter, Foraminifera, Ray Society, p. 14, 1862 ; Herbert Spencer, Pnn- ciplea of Biology, vol. i, pp. 306. 307. 1864; D^^win, Origin of Species, 4th ed., p. 490. General Consideixitions. xxiii senting to our minds the knowledge we possess at the passing moment in a form which gives it compactness as to the past and availability for use in the future, that is all which in the nature of the ease they should be regarded as doing, or expected to do, for us. An increase in our knowledge may confirm, but it may, on the other hand, overthrow the most perfectly symmetrical of systems °. e It is not a little instnictive to note that Macleay, to whom Zoology is indebted for the 'grand principle' referred to above, should yet have been the inventor of the 'quiaary system,' with its independent but numerically identical groups arranged in circular series. For the history and for iHustrations of the working of this iclolon theatri, see Macleay, Horae Entomologicae, vol. i., pt. ii., p. 322, 1821 ; Swainson, Geography and Classification of Animals, p. 202, et passim, 1835; Edward Forbes, Starfi.shes, p. xvi. 1841 ; Milne Edward.s, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. i., p. 79, 1844 ; Agassiz, Essay on Classification, p. 344, 1859. Bacon's words are singularly appropriate in relation to these arbitrary assumptions : — ' Intellectus humanus ex pro- prietate sua facile supponit majorem ordinem et equalitatem in rebus quam invenit ; et quum multa, sint in nature monodica, et plena imparitatis, tamen affingit parallela et correspondentia et relativa quae non sunt. Hinc commenta ilia in coelestibus omnia moveri per circulos perfectos.' Nov. Organ, slv. Neither are the words of the modern poet quoted by Sir John Richardson (Introduction, Fishes, Museum Natural History), in relation to a recent attempt to unite Fishes, Amphibia, and EeptUes into one division, the Haematocrya, unworthy of being quoted here : — ' Our Uttle systems have their day, They have their day and cease to be. They are but broken lights of Thee, And Thou, 0 Lord, art more than they.' Tennyson, In Memoriam, vi. Striking evidence is borne to the scientific fact of the great difference which exists between the works which are and those which are not of man's creating, by the singular circumstance that of all the many metaphors which have been used to express the general or picturesque* effect produced on the mind by the study of a system of biological classification, those only retain a strong hold upon the imagination which are borrowed from natural objects ; whilst those which are borrowed from works of art, or from productions of the arts, are at once felt to be inadequate even when not untrue. In illustration of this, it is sufficient to lay specimens of the two kinds of metaphor mentally alongside of each other. In the latter we have the divisions of the organic world compared to the steps in upward-sloping stairs ; or to a series of columns placed upon a flight of such stairs ; or to the meshes of a net ; or to the artificial boundary-lines of neighbouring kingdoms ; the more modern and truer comparisons we refer to are drawn from such objects as single stars, each surrounded with its own proper atmosphere ; as aggregations of such stars in constellations ; as trees with stems, branches, twigs and leaves ; as hiUs clothed with woods, and sepa- rated by valleys dipping to various depths, and themselves bestudded with clumps xxiv Introduction. ■The above-quoted saying of Mr. Macleay's, by suggesting the question,, * When is a character to be considered as proved to be natural ? ' brings us face to face with the most distinctive pecu- liarity of zoological classification. A character is a good basis for classification in zoology, as in every other subject, when its presence enables us to predict the presence of many, or at least of some other characters besides those which its name implies etymolo- gically ; but when we are concerned with species in zoology, these other characters must relate not only to the entirety of the or- ganism as such, but also to the main facts of its life history. When we class two living organisms together in the same species, we include always among the other facts which their common specific name must connote, the particular fact that it is possible for them both to have descended from one ancestor or ancestors, which, either directly, or after certain stages in cyclical metamor- phosisj they could reproduce. For cyclical self-repetition in the way of parentage, being eminently the characteristic of living organisms, as opposed to non-living objects, no classification of such organisms would be either natural or valuable which did not lay that particular part of their history in a compact and manage- able form before the mind, whensoever evidence as to it was ob- tainable. It is true that such evidence is by no means invariably accessible ; and when it is not, we have only likeness to guide us as to saying that it is more or less probable that between any two organisms such prospective and retrospective community in parent- age might or did exist. On the other hand, where this evidence is forthcoming, the question of identity of species is instinctively and at once settled in the affirmative ; even when the unlikeness between the individuals compared may be as extreme as that which exists between the well-known larvae of Batrachia and their adult forms, or between the less familiar but even more strikingly difiering larvae and adults of Cirripedia, of other Crustacea, of the Platyelminthes, and of many Hydrozoa (see iiifra, pp. 162, 245, 252). The theory of evolution ^vith which Mr. Darwin's name is connected, asks us to deal with species in their relation of trees ; as systems of mountain-ranges, more or less connected by outliers ; or, happiest metaphor of all — as the islands of an archipelago, sometimes all but conti- nuous through the intermediation of connecting reefe, sometimes sharply separated by unfathomable seas. General Considerations. XXV to genera and still higher divisions, as we deal with individuals in referring' them to particular sj)ecies, and to believe that the 'secret bond' which colligates species under larger groups, is of the same genealogical character as that which we look for always, and often find in the case of individuals. Many of the peculiarities which attach to biological classifications would thus receive a reasonable explanation ; but where verification is, ex h^/po- thesi, impossible, such a theory cannot be held to be advanced out of the region of probability. The acceptance or rejection of the general theory will depend, as does the acceptance or rejection of other views supported merely by probable evidence, upon the par- ticular constitution of each individual mind to which it is presented. But whether the general theory be accepted as a whole or not, it must be allowed that in the face, on the one hand, of our know- ledge of the greatness of the unlikeness, which may be compatible with specific identity ; and, on the other, of our ignorance of the entirety of the geological record, the value of the special ' Phylo- genies,' or hypothetical genealogical pedigrees, reaching far out of modern periods, are likely to remain in the very highest degree arbitrary and problematical. xxvi Introduction. Tabular View of the System of Classification adopted in this work, shewing the various Sub-kingdoms in some of the relations of mutual affinity and of rank which they have been supposed to hold to each other. In the cases of several names an oblique position would have been truer to nature than the horizontal one which they occupy in the Table. The lines abut upon the names of the Classes or Orders by which the several Sub-kingdoms have been regarded as connected with each other. (Arrangement of Sub -kingdoms after Gegenbaur.) VEKTEBBATA (Pharjngobranchii) ARTHROPODA (Cmstacea) ECHINODERMATA (Crinoidea) (Holothurioidea) MOIiliUSCA (Polyzoa) (Tunicata) VERMES I (Annulata. Tubicolae) (Gephyrea) (Platyelminthes) (Eotifera) COELENTERATA PROTOZOA (Spongiadae) (Infusoria) Introduction. xxvn Tabular View of the System of Classification adopted in this work^ giving the various Classes into which the seven Sub- kingdoms are divided. The relative positions of the names of the Classes indicate the relations of affinity and of rank which each Class has been supposed to hold to the other Classes in its own Sub-kingdom. Mammalia Aves Reptilia VEBTEBRATA Amptibia Pisces Arachnida Myriopoda ABTHROPODA Crustacea Insecta Cephalopoda pt^^opoda Gasteropoda MOLLUSCA Lamellibranchiata Tunicata Brachiopoda Polyzoa Ctenophorae COELENTEBATA Anthozoa Hydrozoa Holothurioidea Echinoidea ECHINODBKMATA Crinoidea Asteroidea Anntdata Gephyrea VERMES ^ ^^^.^^^^ Nematelmintliea Platyelminthes Spongiadae Infusoria PROTOZOA Rhizopoda Gregarinae XXVUl Introduction. Tabular View of the System of Classification adopted in this work, giving- the pages at which the characteristics of the various Sub-kingdoms and of the Provinces and Classes subordinated to them ; those at which the Descriptions of the Specimens; and those at which the Descriptions of the Figures in illustration, are to be found. I. SUB-KINGDOM. VERTEBEATA, pp. xxxi-lxxxv. Allantoidea, p. xl. Subdivisions DrwsiONs < Mammalia = Class 1. Mammalia pp. xlii-xUx. pp. xlii-xlix. pp. i-i 2 PI. i. pp. 167-173 Sauropsida p. xli. Anallantoidea, p. xli-xlii = Subdivision' Class 2. Aves pp. xlix-lv. pp. 12-29 PI. ii. pp. 175-180 Class 3. ReptUia L pp. Iv-lxi. pp. 29-35 Ichthyopsida pp. xli-xlii. "Class 4. Amphibia pp. Ixi-lxviii. pp. 35-40 PI. iii. pp. 1 81-185 Class 5. Pisces pp. Ixviii-lxxxv. pp. 40-46 II. SUB-KINGDOM. MOLLTJSCA, pp. Ixxxv-ciii. Divisions - Molluaca Proper, pp. Ixxxv-lxxxvii. Subdivisions Class 1. Cephalopoda pp. Ixxxviii-xcii. PI. xi. fig. I Odontophora J Class 2. Pteropoda p. Ixxxvii. ' pp. xciii-xcv. Class 3. Gasteropoda pp. xcii-xciii. pp. 47-54 PI. iv. pp. 187-191 . 1 , V fClass 4. Lamellibranchiata Anodontophora ... n VPV i PP- XCV-XCVIU. pp. 54-66 p. xcv. Molluscoidea, pp. Ixxxvii-lxxxviii. . . 1^ PI. V. pp. 192-198 "Class 5. Brachioijoda pp. xcviii-c. PI. xi. fig. 2, pp. 232-234 Class 6. Tunicata pp. c-ci. pp. 66-71 PI. xi. fig. 3, pp. 235, 236 Class 7. Polyzoa pp. ci-ciii. pp. 71-73 PI. xi. fig. 4, pp. 237, 238 Introduction, xxix (Tabular View with Pages.) Ill, SUB-KINGDOM. ABTHBOPODA, pp. civ-cxxii. DDmsioNs Tracheataj pp. cv-cvi. Branchiata Class 1. Insecta pp. cviii-cxiii. pp. 73-go PI. vi. pp. 199-204 ■ Class 2. Myriopoda pp. cxiv-cxvi. Class 3. Arachnida pp. cxvi-cxviii. 'Class 4. Crustacea pp. cxviii-cxxli. pp. 90-119 PI. vii. pp. 205-210 IV. SUB-KINGDOM. VEBMES, pp. cxxii-cxliii. [Divisions « Annulata, pp. cxxi-cxxiii. . . Annuloida, p. cxxiii. Class 1. Annulata Proper pp. cxxvii-cxxxi. pp. 119-136 PI. viii. ix. pp. 211-222 Class 2. Gephyrea pp.cxxxi-cxxxiii. pp. 155-157 Class 3. Nematebnintlies pp. cxxxiii-cxxxvii. p. 155 Class 4. Eotifera pp. cxxxviii-cxl. p. 154 PI. xi. fig. 5, pp. 239, 240 Class 5. Platyelminthes pp. cxl-cxliii. pp. 138, 139 PI. xi. fig. 6. pp. 240-243 PI. xii. figs. 1-6, 245-252 W. SUB-KINGDOM. ECHINODEBMATA, pp. cxliii-clvi. 'Class 1. Holothurioidea pp. cxlvii-cl. pp. 145-158 Class 2. Echinoidea pp. cl-cliii. Class 3. Asteroidea pp. cliii-cliv. pp. 141-145 PI. X. pp. 223-229 Class 4. Crinoidea pp. cliv-clvi. p. 165 XXX Introduction. (Tabular View with Pages.) VI. SUB-KINGDOM. COELENTEKATA, pp. clvi-clx. Class 1. Ctenophorae pp. clvii-clviii. Class 2. Anthozoa pp. clviii-clix. pp. 158-160 Class 3. Hydrozoa pp. clix-cLs. pp. 160-163 PI. xii. fig. 7, pp. 253-255 VII. SUB-KINGDOM. PKOTOZOA, p. clx. Class 1. Infusoria pp. clxiv-clxv. PI. xii. fig. 8, pp. 255-257 Class 2. Bliizopoda pp. clxv-clxvi. PI. xii. fig. 9, pp. 257, 258 Class 3. Spongiadae pp. clxvi-clxvii. pp. 163-166 Class 4. Gregarinae pp. clxvii-clxviii. pp. 243, 244. CHAEACTERISTICS OF THE SUB-KINGDOM VEETEBRATA. Sub-Kingdom, Vertebrata^. Animals with bilaterally symmetrical bodies, divided internally into two perfectly distinct cavities, one of which is placed dorsally and contains the principal nerve-centres, whilst the other contains the organs of vegetative life. The ventrally-placed cavity of the Vertebrata must be considered to correspond to the entire in- terior of the body of the Invertebrata, and their dorsally-placed cavity, the cerebro-spinal canal, to be without any homologue in the inferior Sub-kingdoms. The motor organs of Vertebrata are directed towards their heart, and point away from their nervous systems, both cerebro-spinal and sympathetic; whilst in Inverte- brata the motor organs are developed upon the neural aspect of their bodies. Thus the arrangement by which the heart of the Invertebrate animal is dorsal and the nerve-system ventral in posi- » In the account here given of the characteristics of each Sub-kingdom and Class, a few general remarks are prefixed to a more detailed zootomical account of each Division. In that account the various organs and systems are treated of very nearly in the same order as that of the ' Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy con- tained in the Museum of the Royal CoUege of Surgeons in London,' vehich was fol- lowed by Professor Acland in the arrangement of a large part of the Christ Church Collection now contained in the University Museum. The inbegumentary and motor organs are first treated of ; then the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and renal ; a sketch of the nervous system is then interposed before the account of the reproductive organs. Objection may be taken to this method of arrangement on the ground of the separation it effects between the motor and the other organs of animal life ; but this theoretical drawback is more than compensated for by many practical advantages. A short notice of any peculiarities in the history of Development, which it may have seemed expedient to add, comes next in order ; and in some cases an account of its subordinate divisions is prefixed or appended to the description of a larger group. xxxii Introduction. r tion, is exactly reversed in the Vertebrate; and the former may consequently be spoken as ' neuropodous/ and the latter as ' haema- podous/ In both cases the digestive tube interposes itself for ' greater or smaller distances between the haemal and neural systems^ but the perforation of the nerve-system, by the anterior segments of the digestive tube, which constitutes the nerve-collar of Inverte- brata, finds no representation in the relations subsisting between the principal or cerebro-spinal nerve-centres of Vertebrata and their digestive tube, the anterior or oral opening of which is always directed towards the ventral, and away from the neural surface of their bodies. The perivisceral cavity of Vertebrata never com- municates with the blood-vascular, though it has recently been shown to communicate with the lymphatic system ; nor is it ever prolonged into their limbs, which possess always an internal and segmented skeleton either of cartilage or of bone. The limbs of Vertebrata diflPer further from the limbs of Arthropoda in never ex- ceeding the number of two pairs. Externally, the Vertebrata show no appearance of segmentation, and the segmentation which they do exhibit internally does not affect the organs of vegetative life, but is exemplified only in theii* skeleton, nerves, and muscles. The axial portion of the internal skeleton, which separates the body of the Vertebrate animal into a neural and haemal cavity, is not always divided by segmentation into the structures whence the Sub-kingdom takes its name. In the Ampliioxus, the endo-skeleton is represented simply by the rod-like aggregation of cells known as the cliorda dorsalis ; by the sheath surrounding this structure ; and by fibrous arches, which are developed above and below in con- nection with these axial structui-es, and give attachment laterally to the inter-muscular septa ; but it shows no other signs of segmen- tation except by the possession of series of mesially-arranged carti- laginous nodules, which correspond in position to the inter-spinous bones and fin-rays of more highly organized fish. In all other Vertebrata, the endo-skeleton becomes definitely segmented poste- riorly to the head, either by the development of cartilaginous neural arches alone, as in Petromi/zon, or by the development of axial, in addition to neural indurations. By the more or less perfect fusion, and, ordinarily, by the calcification of these elements, the structures known as 'vertebrae' are formed. In all Vertebrata, with the exception of Amjdioxus, which is Characteristics of the Vertehrata. xxxiii hence called ' Acranial/ the neural canal widens considerably in the anterior region of the body, in correspondence with the increased size of the neural axis it encloses, and with the organs of special sense to which its walls give support. The superior and the central elements of this portion of the axial skeleton make up the skull, and are differentiated from those of the vertebral series, not only by the greater size of the canal they form, but also by the fact that they undergo no segmentation until the stage of ossification is attained to. In the anterior portion, on the other hand, of the lower of the two cavities of the body, segmentation of a character- istic kind is established at an early period of the development of all Vertehrata, by the formation of the vertical 'branchial fissures,^ which, in the absence of any anterior prolongations of the peri- visceral cavity, lead directly from the exterior into the digestive tract. The first, and in part the second of these fissures are repre- sented permanently by the Eustachian tube, and the tympanic cavity in all air-breathing Vertehrata possessed of these structures ; the other fissures which are retained in relation with the gill-bearing arches of Fish and Perennibranchiate Amphibia, are, in the higher representatives of the Sub-kingdom, obliterated in the course of their development. The integumentary system of Vertehrata may develope either a dermal or an epidermal skeleton, or both; and muscular fibres are ordinarily interwoven in considerable abundance with its substance. But these structures are never, as in Invertebrata, of primary loco- motor importance, the more deeply-placed skeletal and muscular systems being little less characteristic physiologically than morpho- logically of this sub-kingdom. The jaws of Vertehrata are always modifications of the cephalic parietes, and never, as in Invertebrata, modifications of limbs. No vertebrate animal is aproctous; the digestive tract has the shape of a distinct and independent tube, except in the region of the cephalic parietes, to which, as also to the branchial arches when present, its walls are adherent. In the abdominal region, the digestive tube is suspended by membranous lamellae, which are never fenestrated except as a consequence of absorption in adult fish, but which do occasionally resemble the membranes with similar functions in Invertebrata by possessing muscular fibres. The digestive tract rarely takes a direct antero- posterior course. Its absorbing and secreting surface is often c xxxiv Introduction. increased by the addition to it of coecal diverticula^ which may be very numerous, and arranged in whorls in Fishes^ but are never 80 numerous, nor so arranged in higher Vertebrata. Oral salivary glands are often wanting in aquatic Vertebrata, the pancreatic are less frequently, and the hepatic is never absent. Microscopic ab- sorptive, as well as secreting glands, exist in great abundance in the walls of the digestive tube. With the exception of AnqjJiioxus, all Vertebrata possess a lymphatic as well as a blood-vascular system; and the ultimate ramifications of the former of these systems have been recently shown to be continuous with the perivisceral or pleuro -peritoneal cavities. The blood-vascular system, on the other hand, never communicates either with the perivisceral or with the inter- muscular spaces, and the efferent arteries are all but invariably connected with the efferent veins by means of capillaries, with walls distinct from the tissues they pass through. With the exception of Amphioxus, in which animal we find all the mam vascular trunks endowed with contractility, all Vertebrata possess a heart of saccular shape, consisting even when most simple of two chambers, one of which receives the blood returned by the veins from the system at large, whilst the other propels that blood into the aerating organs. Thus the heart of the Vertebrata is a respi- rator}'^, whilst that of the Invertebrate animal is a systemic heart. The formation of retia mirabilia, by the breaking up of arteries into plexuses, in the interstices of which no great amount of interstitial matter is deposited, appears to be a peculiarly verte- brate arrangement ; as is also the so-called ' portal system,' which appears to be formed by the development of retia 7nirabilia, in the course of the veins returning from the chylopoictic viscera, and the intercalation of the elements of the hepatic glands in the interstices of the plexuses thus formed. The blood of all Vertebrata, except Amphioxus, is red; the colouring matter being contained in corpuscles, which appear to be developed from the white corpuscles which are always found in company with them. The spleen and thymus glands are connected like the lymphatic glands, and many other but smaller bodies of somewhat similar histological character, found in the substance both of mucous and serous membranes, with the process of haemato- poiesis ; and appear to be structures peculiar to Vertebrata. Characteristics of the Vertebrata. xxxv Whether the respiration of Vertebrata be aquatic or aerial, the apparatus by which it is effected is always connected with the commencement, and never, as in some Invertebrata, with the outlet of the digestive tract. The efferent ducts, on the other hand, of the renal organs, are usually confluent and always in near relation with the anal, and also with the generative outlets. In Plagiostomous Fishes, and in all Vertebrata above the Amphibia, a primordial as well as a secondary kidney is developed; and in all cases, ex- cept those of the Cyclostomi and AmpMoxus, the renal are closely connected either in their development, or throughout life, with the generative glands. When a primordial kidney, the so-called ' Wolffian body,'' is replaced by a secondary and persistent kidney, the provisional gland and its efferent ducts are in the male sex partly converted into spermatic ducts, the so-called epididymis and vasa deferentia, and partly remain as the rudimentary ' cyst of Morgagni,"" and ' organ of Giraldes of the class Mammalia ; whilst in the female sex the primordial kidney and a certain part of its efferent apparatus become atrophied, and are known in Mammals as the organ of Rosenmiiller or ''parovarium,'' and the ''canals of Gaertner '' respectively ; and the remaining part of the efferent apparatus, the so-called ' duct of Miiller,-' becomes the functional oviduct. In the males of Amphibia, where no secondary kidney is developed, the efferent testicular ducts pass through the anterior part of the substance of their functional kidney, which in higher animals becomes limited to the functions of an epididymis ; and these ducts are, on the distal side of the uriaary gland, known as 'vasa tiro-sj)ermatica.' The posterior part of their functional kidney is exclusively urinary in function, and its ducts may coalesce more or less completely before joining the (Miillerian) duct, into which the uro-spermatic vessels from the anterior part of the gland open ; foreshadowing thus the more perfect dif- ferentiation of these structures which we meet with in the air- breathing Vertebrata. According to some authorities, however, the duct of Miiller, the parovarium, and the epididymis are deve- loped independently of the Wolffian bodies and their ducts. This appears to be certainly the case in Mammals In the Amphioxus, the brain can scarcely be said to exist at all, being represented merely by the nervous tissue surrounding the open ventricle, which is formed by a slight expansion of c a XXXVl Introduction. the central canal of their spinal cord, and has an aggregation of pigment granules, the rudimentary eye, placed anteriorly to it. The cerebro-spinal system of other Vertebrata resembles this axial nervous cord of the AmpUoxus, in being developed from the uppermost part of the three layers into which the germinal mem- brane divides itself in the embryo, but differs from it in the great size and complete differentiation which its anterior segments attain to in the brain and organs of special sense. The brain consists of three primary vesicles, the anterior one of which is subsequently differentiated into a ^prosencephalon'' and ''dien- cephalon/ the latter division corresponding to the parts sur- rounding the 'third ventricle' of anthropotomy ; the middle one of which, or ' mesencephalon,' remains undivided ; whilst the posterior, like the anterior, is ultimately distinguishable into two portions, an anterior corresponding to the cerebellum, and a pos- terior corresponding to the parts bounding the posterior parts of the ' fourth ventricle ' of anthropotomy, or to the single ventricle of the Amphioxus already mentioned. As in the higher Mollusca, the organs of smell, taste, sight, and hearing are always limited to the head; and with the exce]3tions of the AmpJdoxus and Cyclostomi, in which there is but a single nasal opening, and of the asymmetrical Pleuronectidae, these organs always consist of single bilaterally symmetrical pairs. The essential elements of the peripherally-placed portions of the organs of special sense, are mainly, though not exclusively, developed from the epidermic portion of the same uppermost layer of the trifid germinal mem- brane, whence the cerebro-spinal nerve-centres are themselves developed. The so-called olfactory and optic ' nerves ' are direct outgrowths of the anterior cerebral vesicle ; but in all other cases the central and peripheral factors of the sensory organs are brought into connection through the intermediation of nerves, strictly so called, and developed in the middle one of the three layers of the germinal membrane. In the peripheral apparatus also, certain enveloping and protecting structures, such as the sclerotic coat of the eye, and the skeletal elements in the auditory and olfactory organs are also productions of this intermediate layer ; and in the eye the cornea, and in part the lens, are also formed from it. The peripheral apparatus retains its typical character as an involu- tion of the integument in the olfactory, but loses it in the optic Characteristics of the Ve^'tehrata. xxxvii and, with the exception of the ElasmohrancMi, in the auditory organs. Tactile sensibility is possessed in a greater or less degree by the entire cutaneous system. Special tactile organs are developed in many Vertebrata around the region of the mouth, and in some upon the extremities ; and we find in Fishes, and in the larvae of Amphibia, an additional set of tactile organs in the structures which constitute the system of the lateral line, and are distributed over the walls of the head as well as along the sides of the trunk. Taste may be localized either in the tongue, or in the throat, or in both ; or is probably absent altogether, where the epithelium covering this region becomes indurated or spinous. The nerves, as opposed to the nerve-centres of Vertebrata, are developed in the middle, and not in the uppermost layer of the embryo ; they are divisible into dorsal, latero-motor, and splanchnic sets, accordingly as they are distributed to the structures formed by the dorsal laminae, by the ventral laminae, and by the visceral factor into which that middle layer divides itself. The sympathetic nervous system is not contained within the cranio-spinal canal, and its branches are mainly, though not exclusively, distributed to the viscera of organic life. It consists, firstly, of bilaterally symme- trical chains of ganglia arranged on either side of the thoracico- abdominal, of the cervical, and occasionally, as in osseous Fishes, also of the caudal vertebrae : and, secondly, of certain great prae- vertebral plexuses, partly lodged in the substance, but for the most part placed upon the exterior of the viscera they supply. With the first of these divisions are to be ranked four pairs of ganglia developed in connection with branches of the fifth cranial nerve, and in relation with the cephalic parietes. The entire sympathetic system is developed out of the middle layer of the embryo, and the greater part, if indeed not the whole of its first division, is a dependency of the similarly'- developed cerebro-spinal nerves with which it is connected functionally and anatomically in adult life, and which must be taken into account when the nervous systems of Vertebrata and Invertebrata are compared with each other. Certain ganglia developed upon the posterior roots of these spinal nerves in the intervertebral foramina, and upon the roots of certain cranial nerves, in or close to certain cranial canals, resemble the sympathetic ganglia in structure ; but from their very obvious and xxxviii Introduction. permanent condition of dependency upon the cerebi'o-spinal nerves, and also from their position, they are often ranked with these latter nerves rather than with the sympathetic system. Though the generative glands of all Vertebrata appear to be hermaphrodite at certain periods of foetal life, they are, with the exceptions of a few Fishes and Amphibians, differentiated as either male or female organs, before the attainment of adult life. In man}'- Fishes, in Amphibia, and in all higher Vertebrata, the ova are impregnated by sexual congress ; parthenogenesis and meta- genesis are entirely unknown in this Sub-kingdom, and metamor- phosis has only been observed amongst Amphibia and in a few lower Fishes. In all Vertebrata, except certain osseous Fishes, the ova are set free by dehiscence into the perivisceral cavity, whence they are ordinarily taken up by the infundibuliform orifices of bilateral oviducts, or as in a few Fishes left to find their way into the circumambient water, through an azygos orifice in the abdo- minal walls known as the 'porus genitalis.'' On the other hand, vasa deferentia, directly continuous with the capsular envelope of the testes, are found in all Vertebrata except the AnqiMoxus, ^ the Ct/clostomi, the Ganoiclei, and the Eel. The yolk of the impregnated ovum sometimes undergoes entire, sometimes only partial segmentation. The germinal membrane very early divides itself into three layers, from the uppermost of which the cerebro-spinal nervous centres and the cuticular systems are evolved ; from the lowermost the epithelial structures of the di- gestive tube, and its glands with the exception of the parotid ; and from the intermediate layer all the other structures of the body, the cutis vera, the nerves, muscles, bones, and the various vegetative organs with the exceptions given. The first indication of the forma- tion of the embryo is seen in the appearance of the 'primitive groove by the upgrowth of the walls of which, the cranio-spinal canal and the cerebro-spinal nervous axis are both formed as demi-canals at first, and as closed tubes ultimately, by the intermediate, and by the upper layers of the germinal membrane severally. The chorda dorsalis is developed along the infero-median line of these structures ; and at a point corresponding to the level thus marked out, lamellar prolongations are sent off" downwards, which form the walls of the inferior cavity of the vertebrate body, and are known as the laminae ventrales. The intestine in all Vertebrata except Amphioxus (and Characteristics of the Vertebrata. xxxix Cyclostomi and Amphibia ?) is formed by the junction to the third layer, which has tlie shape of a groove open towards the yolk cavity, of an outer fibrous covering, due to the splitting into two portions of the ventral part of the middle layer ; and by the sub- sequent conversion of the demi-canal, thus formed, into a tube at its two ends. The space contained between the two layers into which the downward prolongation of the middle layer divides itself, corresponds with the future pleuro-peritoneal cavity of the adult Vertebrate; and the orifice and canal of communication betwen the yolk cavity and the tube which the demi-canal is thus converted into, correspond with the more or less transitory om- phalo-mesenteric duct, which connects the vertebrate intestine with the umbilicus. In no Invertebrate animals are the walls of the perivisceral cavity thus constituted ; and in none does the intestine ever possess any umbilicus. In the Amphioxus, however, (as also in Cyclostomi and Amphibia ?) the intestinal tract is said to be formed, as it is in many Invertebrata, by a process of invagination commencing at the future anus ; and the larvae of certain Asci- dians have been stated to have their nerve-centre developed similarly to the tubular cerebro-spinal centres of Vertebrata, and to possess within the locomotor caudal appendage, with which they are fur- nished in their larval condition, a structure closely similar to the chorda dor sails of Vertebrata. In all Vertebrata, with the exceptions just mentioned, a larger or smaller ' umbilical vesicle' is formed by the separation of a distal or extra-abdominal portion of the yolk-sac from an intra-abdominal moiety, at the point where the ventral laminae close upon it in the medio-ventral line, and form the umbilicus.' The 'umbilical ve- sicle' is usually cast off when the embryo is set free from the egg ; the part of the yolk sac which is intercepted within the abdominal cavity, frequently persists for a considerable period after birth as the ' omphalo-mesenteric duct.' Divisions, Allantoidea and Anallantoidea. Vertebrata are divided into Amniota and Anamniota, accordingly as the dermal and cuticular elements of the ventral laminae are in xl Introduction. development reflected upwards from the medio-ventral line^ so as to meet along the medio-dorsal line^ and form thus the foetal envelope known as the Amnion ; or as no such envelope is superadded to the more or less complex ones, furnished by the maternal organism. In the Vertebrata Amniota, a second foetal envelope, the Allantois, is always developed^ originating from the anterior aspect of the poste- rior extremity of the trunk as a body, which is at first bilobed and solid^ but which subsequently becomes hollow internally, and covered externally with vascular ramifications, whereby in Reptiles and Birds the respiration, and in Mammals both the respiration and the nutrition of the developing embryo are provided for. From their possession of this structure, the Amniota are also known as 'Allantoidea and as gills are never developed upon their branchial arches, they are also called ' Abranchiata,^ whilst the Anamniota have in their turn the two additional names ^ Anallantoidea'' and ' Branchiata,'' as never develoj)ing an Allantois, at least beyond the stage of a urinary bladder, into which its proximal portion is converted in the higher Vertebrata, and as always developing either deciduous or permanent gills. Division, Allantoidea. The Allantoidea comprise the three Classes, Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia, and possess the following characteristics distinguishing them from the Anallantoidea, in addition to those which their several names given above connote. The axis of their basi-cranial bones always forms a considerable angle with the axis of their vertebral column ; the parasphenoid, which is large in the Anallantoidea, is in them rudimentary, whilst the basi -occipital and basi-sphenoid are always well ossified ; and the former is never anchylosed with any of the anterior vertebrae, of which more or fewer are always dis- tinguishable as cervical, from a thoracic or thoracico-abdomiiial series. Inferiorly-placcd ' stcrnar bones ordinarily complete the costal arches. They never have a permanent muscular bulbus arteriosus ; but they always have a trachea, and a secondary kidney. They never have more than five branchial arclies ; and it is only in Characteristics of the Vertehrata. xli the three most anteriorly placed of these that cartilaginous supports have been observed to be developed. Sub-division, Sanropsida. The two Classes Aves and Reptilia are united into a single province^ that of the ' Sauropsida,' by the possession of the following characteristics which distinguish them both from the other sub- division of Allantoidea, the class Mammalia. Their integumentary system always developes either feathers or scales ; their skull is articulated by a single occipital condyle to the cervical vertebrae ; they have their ankle-joint interposed between the proximal and distal bones of the tarsus, and not between the distal extremity of the lower leg and the proximal tarsal bones; they have also a single auditory ossicle, the stapes ; the malleus of Mammals being represented by their os quadratum, and the incus by their supra- stapedial process. Their blood corpuscles are oval and nucleated. They never have the single aorta turning over the left bronchus, nor a perfect diaphragm, nor a corpus callosum, nor mammae, all of which structural arrangements are found in all Mammals. Division, Anallantoidea. The Anallantoidea comprise the two Classes, Amphibia and Pisces, and the province thus constituted is known as that of the ' Ichthy- opsida,'' as well as by the names of ' Branchiata' and ' Auamniota,^ given above. They differ from the Abranchiate province in the following particulars in addition to those which their various names imply. Their integument never developes any epidermic skeleton, except in a few Amphibia (see p. 35, infra), and in some Fishes the bony structures of the cutis may cause the total or almost total disappearance of the cuticle. The axis of the head and vertebral column form one continuous line ; the basicranial bones are, except in some fishes which have not an osseous skeleton, underlaid by a large parasphenoid. The basi-occipital may be rudimentary or i xlii Introduction. cartilaginous, and may be connected by suture, and not by movable articulation, with the first vertebra of the trunk. The apex of the scapular arch, so far as it is constituted by true endo-skeletal elements, corresponds at its first appearance to the interspace be- tween the second and third vertebrae, marking off thus two cervical vertebrae ; but a cervical region is not by any means invariably recognisable in the adult condition of these animals ; when there are two occipital condyles, they are constituted by the ex-occipitals alone. They never possess a series of costal arches completed in- feriorly by sternal bones ; and it is only rarely that (in Amphibia) there is any sternum present at all. They always possess two aortic arches at least, and nearly invariably an aortic bulb. They are in many cases competent to the maturation of sexual products, before they attain their full size ; and in the case of the Amphibian Axolotl, before the gills characteristic of the larval or tadpole-stage are discarded. No Vertebrata are social, nor are any fixed to one spot. The power of repairing injuries and mutilations is, with possibly a few exceptions, confined to the cold-blooded Amphibia and Reptilia. As in the two higher Sub-kingdoms of the Invertebrata, the Mollusca and the Arthropoda, there are both air-breathing and water-breathing representatives of this Sub-kingdom, As in the Sub-kingdom Mollusca, so in that of Vertebrata, there are very few animals of parasitic habit. All parasitic "Vertebrata belong to the class Pisces, and amongst these we may mention the Myxinoids, which are not only ecto-parasitic, but penetrate even into the abdominal cavity of other Fishes, such as the Sturgeon. A Siluroid fish has been found to inhabit the branchial cavity of another fish {Platystonms) of the same family ; and the invertebrate Asterias discoidea is infested by Oxyheles limbricoides, and certain Holothurians by a Fierasfer. These latter cases, however, are considered by Van Beneden to be instances of ' commensalism' rather than of parasitism strictly so called. See Bulletins de I'Academie Royale de Belgique, 2™^ serie, torn, xxviii., no. 12, pp. 624-626, 642, 643, ibique citata. Class, Mammalia. Air-breathing, warm-blooded Vertebrata, in which the epidermis developes hairs over a greater or lesser extent of the surface of the f Characteristics of the Vertehrata. xliii body, either persistently or during foetal life only, as in most of the true Cetacea ; which are always viviparous, and always nourish their young- for longer or shorter periods after birth with the secretion of lacteal glands. The anterior pair of limbs is never wanting ; a perfect diaphragm always exists between the thoracic and abdominal cavities ; the aorta is single, and bends over the left bronchus ; the red-blood corpuscles are ' apyrenaematous,^ or ' non- nucleated/ In all Mammalia, with the exception of the Cetacea and Sirenia, the abdominal vertebrae are separated into a lumbar and a sacral division, by the abutment of the iliac bones upon the vertebrae immediately anterior to the caudal series. In the Marsupial Perameles, however, there may be but one 'sacral' vertebra, whilst in the Edentata, where the ischium as well as the ilium abuts upon the vertebral column, there may be as many as nine. The cervical vertebrae are, with a few exceptions, neither more nor less than seven in number. Of these, the two first arti- culate with each other and with the two occipital condyles by synovial joints, whilst all the other vertebrae have their centra articulated together by fibro-cartilaginous discs, in the axis of which remnants of the chorda dorsalis are to be found. The number of dorsal vertebrae is very frequently thirteen, but it may vary from ten to twenty-four; that of the lumbar is very fre- quently six or seven, but may vary from two to nine ; that of the sacral, as already said, varies from one to nine ; whilst that of the caudal varies from four, as in certain Simiadae, up to forty-six, as in Manis Macmra. As in Sauropsida, the centres of the vertebrae are always well ossified, but they differ from those of the cold- blooded representatives of that division of the Vertebrate Sub- kingdom, in being always anchylosed with the neural arch in adult life j and from those of both Birds and Reptiles in being during the period of growth provided with epiphyses. There are always two occipital condyles, each of which is constituted by factors from both basi- and ex-occipital. The lower jaw articulates directly vtdth the squamosal element of the cranial walls, the homologue of the OS quadratum of Sauropsida having been withdrawn into the cavity of the middle ear, where it is known as the malleus. The lower jaw itself consists always in adult life of a single bone on each side, which in some Mammals does, and in others does not, anchylose with its fellow of the opposite side at the mental xliv Introduction. symphysis. It does not however appear to be always developed, as usually stated^ from a single centre of ossification in the membrane covering- the distal portion of the cartilage (Meckel'' s) of the first branchial arch. In the human subject it has been observed to be developed from as many as four centres of ossification, of which one probably corresponds to the dentary bone of the Crocodile, and the other to the splenial. In the terminal segment of the limbs, the digits never consist of more than three phalanges each, except in the true Cetacea, which order also forms an exception to the rule that the terminal digital phalanges are always in Mammals pro- tected by a nail, a claw, or a hoof. In addition to, and together with the hairs so characteristic of this class, and found even in some adult Cetacea upon the lips, we find the integument developing structures as various as the vibrissae on the snout of Carnivom ; the scales on the body and limbs of the Pangolins, and on the tail of certain Eodents, and of Piilocercus amongst Insectivora ; the spines on many members of the two last-mentioned orders ; the horns as opposed to the horn-cores of the hollow-horned Euminants ; and the horns of the Rhino- ceros. The scutes of the Armadillo are exclusively dermal pro- ductions. Glands of various kinds are found on very various parts of the body. Some of them are known as sebaceous, sudoriparous, lacteal and lacrymal, according to the character of their secretion ; whilst others, which are usually modifications of the sebaceous type, are, according to the locality in which they are situated, known as anal, inguinal, interungular, and preputial. In all Mammalia, with the exception of the Hare, Lepus timidus, a layer of adipose tissue, the paimiculus adipos?is, sometimes of great thick- ness, is interposed between the etdis vera and the subjacent muscles or bones. The teeth, which are developments of the mucous mem- brane continuous with the external integument, are normally limited to the lower jaw below, and to the pre-maxillary and maxillary bones above. They may be absent altogether or replaced by horny plates, as in the Ornithorhynchis: Only a certain number of the teeth, the so-called ' milk teeth,' are ever replaced in Mammalia after being shed ; and in many Mammals no such replacement has ever been observed. In the Marsupials, none of which are ever edentulous, there is only a single ' dent de remplacement the one, namely, which corresponds to the second human premolar. In Characteristics of the Vertehrata. xlv some Mammals, such as the true Cetacea, which have only a single set of teeth, the pulp atrophies or undergoes calcification j and a term is thus necessarily put to the duration of the teeth, and of the life of the animal. In others, which are similarly ' Monophydont/ as the Sloths {Bradi/poda), amongst the Bruta, the pulp is persistent ; as it is also in the ' Diphyodont ' Armadillos belonging to the same order, and in the incisors of all, in the molars of some Rodents, and in the permanent incisors, or ' tusks'' of the Elephant. It is only in the Mammalian class that teeth have been observed to be implanted by more than a single fang, and the dentinal tissue is ordinarily free from anchylosis with the alveolus in which the tooth is lodged. The digestive tract is always rich in interstitially-placed glands, and of the larger glands appended to it by ducts, none are ever wanting except the oral salivary glands in the true Cetacea, and one pair of these glands, the parotid, in the Monotrematous EcJndna. There is much variety from order to order, as to the simplicity and complexity of the stomach, and as to the presence or absence of intestinal coeca. It is only in the OrnitJwdelpJda, thence called ' Monotremata,'' that the generative and renal ducts are confluent for any great distance with the terminal segment of the intestine, so as to form a true ' cloaca though in Marsupialia, as also in certain Rodentia, in Centetes amongst the Insectivora, and in certain Bruta, a common sphincter muscle may surround the distal orifices both of urogenital and of the rectal tubes. The red-blood corpuscles of Mammalia differ from those of all other Vertebrata not only in being ' apyrenaematous,^ but also in being, with the exception of those of the Camelidae, circular. Their heart is always quadrilocular ; their aorta always single, and bent over the left bronchus. The valves, which in other Vertebrata guard the entrance of the great veins into the right auricle, are either absent as usual, or rudimentary as in Bradypus, ElepJias, Simiadae. Correlated with this structural arrangement is the fact that in Mammals the ventricles are the first, the auricles the second in point of time to contract in each systole. In many Rodentia and Insectivora, and in all Marsupialia and Montremata, there are two superior venae cavae. The lymphatic and lacteal glands are always largely developed, as are also the tonsillar and Peyerian aggregations of adenoid substance in the walls of the digestive tube. The entrance to the larynx is always prdrtected xlvi Introduction. by an epiglottis, and with the exception of Bradypus tridactylus, the trachea always takes a direct antero-posterior course from the lai'ynx to its bifurcation. The lungs are always freely suspended in pleural cavities, and they are never prolonged into abdominal or other air-sacs. A perfect diaphragm is always present. Portions of this and of other muscles are always interposed between th.e kidneys and the lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae in the region of which they lie ; and their external surfaces are, conse- quently, not conformed, as in other Vertebrata, so as to fit into the sinuosities of the osseous structures in their neighbourhood. The kidneys are provided with a fibrous envelope, surrounded by a panniculus adiposus, the venous system of which is in anastomotic connection with that of the gland ; but this connection never attains to the functional importance of a 'renal-portal' sj^stem. Similar anastomoses, possessed similarly of merely morphological importance, exist between the renal arteries, which bring to the gland the blood upon which its secretion as well as its nutrition is entirely dependent, and certain branches of the lumbar arteries. The substance of the gland is always differentiated into an external cortical secretory, and an internal medullary excretory stratum. A urogenital canal, which is only occasionally found or rudi- mentarily represented in other Vertebrata, is always found in Mammals, except in the females of some Rodentia or Insectivora, where the clitoris forms a closed tube for the urethra. The cerebral hemispheres, as distinct from the corpora striata and optic thalami which they overlie, attain a greater development than in any other class of Vertebrata. Their external surfaces are in many small, and in most large representatives of the Class, convoluted, so as to allow of the ready access of blood to the sub- stance of the hemispheres, at the same time that the amount of the grey matter is greatly increased. The cerebral hemispheres are always connected by a more or less extensive 'corpus callosum,' and the mesencephalon is always represented by more or less sharply separated ' corpora quadrigemina.' In a few of the true Cetacea the olfactory bulbs are absent, and in certain burrowing Rodentia and Inseciivora, the eyes may be absent or rudimentary, but in all other Mammals the organs of special sense are all present. Special organs of tactile sensibility are very ordinarily developed upon the snout, as in the Carnivora and Solidungula. Characteristics of the Vertehrata. xlvii The malleus of Mammalia, though limited to auditory functions, and placed within the cavity of the middle ear, corresponds to the OS qnadrakm, which carries the lower jaw of Sauropsida, being- developed out of the proximal elements of the first visceral arch, whilst the stapes and incus hold a similar relation to the second, and represent the columella of those animals and its supra-stapedial appendage. All Mammalia have a urogenital canal independent for a greater or less length, or altogether, of the termination of the intestine ; all male Mammalia have an intromittent organ ; in all female Mammalia during the period of gestation, the blood-vessels of the uterus come into intimate relation with those of the foetus, and provide thus for its nutrition aud respiration during a longer or a shorter portion of its developmental life. The reproductive system has furnished a basis for the division of the Class Mammalia into the three Sub-classes, OrnithodelpMa, DidelpMa, and MonodelpMa. Sub-class, Ornithodelpliia. The Sub-class, Ornithodelphia, is represented by the single order Monotremata, and the two genera, Ornithorhpichis and EcJddna. In these animals, as the names Monotremata and Ornithodelpliia imply, the urogenital and the rectal canals both open by a common cloaca! outlet, and the oviduco-uterine ducts remain distinct up to then- points of entry into the urogenital canal. In the males, however, there is a perforated penis, which, though not continuous at its base with the urogenital canal, can be brought into apposition temporarily with the orifices of the vasa deferentia, so as to form a functionally distinct sexual canal. The mammary glands have no nipples ; in Echidna, the lacteal ducts open into a pouch-like invo- lution of the integument ; in the Ornithorhynchus they open upon a plane surface ; in both, the embryoes are extruded from the uterine cavities whilst in an exceedingly immature state. In the Monotremata, as in Sauropsida, the coracoid reaches the sternum ; they possess an interclavicle ; and the so-called ' marsupial ' bones, which are ossifications of cartilages segmented off from the pubic elements of the pelvis, and which give insertion to a portion of the tendon of the external oblique muscle. The Echidna is edentulous ; the Ornithorhynchus has horny plates in the place of teeth. xlviii Introduction. Sub-class, Didelphia. The Didelpliia are represented- by the single order Marsu- pialia, which resembles the Monotremata in the possession of ' marsupial ' bones, though in few other points besides those common to all Mammalia. The urogenital canal is much more distinct from the rectum than in the Monotremata^ but, as is the case also in certain Monodelphia, the external orifices of both canals are embraced by a common sphincter muscle. The testes are never retained in the abdomen, as in the Ornithodelpliia and in some MonodelpJda^ but are suspended in a scrotum placed an- teriorly to the penis. The young are extruded from the uteri in an imperfect condition of development, and whilst going through the further stages necessary for enabling them to provide for themselves, they are attached to a long mammary nipple, which is ordinarily contained within a marsupial pouch. The coracoid never reaches the sternum ; true teeth are never absent ; the angle of the lower jaw is almost always inflected. Sub-class, MonodelpMa. The Monodelphia, which are also known as ' Placentalia/ differ from the two other sub-classes in the following points : with a few exceptions, such as the Hare amongst the Eodents, and Orycteropm, amongst the Bmta, their female generative canals form an azygos corpus uteri of greater or less length, which opens into an azygos 'va;gina; which, again, with the exception of Brady pis, opens always by a single orifice into a urogenital canal. In all Mono- delphia the vessels of the allantois come into relation with the vessels of the uterus, and the two sets of vessels form a placenta, which has not been observed in the other two sub-classes. Accord- ingly as portions of the maternal structures come away with the foetal elements of the placenta at birth or not, the Monodelphia are divided into Becidmta and Non-deciduata^ the former of these groups corresponding to the Unguiculata, with the exclusion of Manis and probably also of Rhinoceros; and the latter to the Ungulata and Mutica of Linnaeus. The scrotum is never prepenial as in Marsupials ; the testes are, however, sometimes retained within the abdomen as in Monotremata : and in Centetes, in which this is the case, a tendency to develope an inflection at the angle CJiaracteristics of the Vertehrata. xlix of the lower jaw is observable, so that in the organism of a single Monodelphous animal are combined peculiarities of both the other Sub-classes. Marsupial bones are never present in MonodeljoJda. Class, Aves. Air-breathing warm-blooded Vertebrata, which have epidermal appendages of the structure of feathers, and which are always oviparous. Their anterior pair of limbs have the shape of wings, which are formed thus : the two digits of the ulnar side are aborted together with theii? metacarpals the remaining three metacarpals, and the os magnum of the carpus, are fused into a single bone, upon which three digits are carried, and which abuts proximally upon two free carpa,l bones. Of these digits the middle one, corresponding to the index finger, and the carpo-metaearpal bone, carry the ' primary ' quill feathers, whilst the ulna carries the ' secondaries,'' and the humerus the ' seapularies ' s. ' parapterum ' of pterylography. Most of the peculiarities which distinguish the Avian from the Reptilian organism, are to be correlated more or less directly with their power of flight. The necessity for the possession of the power of exerting great muscular force entails the possession of warm blood ; and the immobility of the dorsal, the pliability of the cervical, and the great extent of the sacral vertebral regions, are nearly as directly connected with the function of flight as the great development of the sternum, whence the muscles of flight take origin, or the conformation of the limbs upon which they act. The warm-bloodedness or ' homoeothermal ' character of Birds, might appear to connect them more closely with Mam- mals than with Reptiles ; but it will be found to be correlated with but few distinctively Mammalian characters, beyond those which may be expressed by saying that in both these homoeothermal classes, the venous and arterial systems are prevented from directly intermingling their blood by the existence of a quadrilocular heart, and of a single systemic aorta ; whilst the brain holds a more favourable relation quantitatively to the body and to the spinal cord ; and the spinal cord again is, with perhaps a few exceptions, larger relatively to the body than is observed to be the case in cold- blooded Vertehrata of any Class. On the other hand, the totality of the Avian organization, with the exception of the epidermal d 1. Introduction. system^ as observed in existing Birds, and the fossil remains of sueli transitional forms as are preserved in Archaeopieryx on the one side, and the Dinomuria on the other, show that their more essential morphological affinities are distinctly Reptilian. The aberrant integument of Birds, being, as it is, by virtue of its polished surface, an imperfect radiator, and, by virtue of the layers of air it entangles, an exceedingly bad conductor of beat, is a powerful auxiliary in the economization of the heat generated by the rapid rate at which their various functions are carried on. Both Reptiles and Birds are favourably conditioned for the conser\'ation of heat, by the semi-solid character of their excreta ; and at par- ticular seasons, as has been observed in the case of the incubation of the Python, Reptiles do appear to obtain the power of raising their temperature considerably above that of the medium in which they live. The skeleton of Birds contrasts with those of Reptiles and Mammals generally, by its greater hardness and lightness, and its greater readiness to form anchyloses. The cervical and dorsal vertebrae have their centra articulated by sj'^novial joints, in which cartilaginous menisci are to be found. The anterior surfaces of these centra have the procoelous appearance when looked at in situ and from in front; but when one of these vertebrae is removed from apposition with the one next in front of it, the anterior surface of its centrum is seen to be saddle-shaped or cylin- droidal transversely, whilst the posterior surface, being conformed so as to articulate with an anterior surface of that shape, is, in its turn, convex transversely, but concave from before backwards. On the other hand, the occipital condyle, at least of the more typical Birds, is more perfectly spheroidal as retaining less trace of its trifid composition out of the basi-occipital and the two ex-occipitals than in most Reptiles. The neck vertebrae may vary in number from nine to twenty-four, the dorsal from six to ten, of which the four or five most anteriorly placed are ordinarily anchylosed with each other, except where, as in the Ratiiae and some of the Cari- ' natae, as the Penguin, the power of flight is lost. The sacral vertebrae vary in number from nine to twenty, the enormously elongated ilia abutting directly upon them without the interposition of any sacral ribs as in Reptiles, or the separate centres of ossifi- cation which represent those ribs in Mammals. There are from cio-ht to ten caudal vertebrae, the last of which forms an ' os en « Characteristics of the Vei'tehrata. li chaiTue ' for the support of the ' rectrices ' feathers. The two anterior ribs having often no sternal element^ the character of ' dorsal or ' cervical ' comes to depend upon the relation these movahly articulated appendages hold to the subjacent lung. In the Ratitae, the osseous system of which order shows many Rep- tilian affinities^ the cervical ribs often remain unanchylosed. for considerable periods of their adult life. ' Processus Uncinati ' are attached by ligament or anchylosed to the dorsal ribs, with the exception of the first and last.- The largely developed sternum gives support to the strong coracoids anteriorly, and to the ossified sternal elements of the costal arches laterally, but it is never pro- longed outwards at its posterior angles into costal processes as in Reptiles. The clavicles are occasionally absent, but ordinarily form a furculum by fusion at their anterior extremities, with which, as also vdth their upper ends, elements segmented ofi" from the cora- coids are found to anchylose. The iliac bones extend so far forwards as to overlap some of the ribs, so that no distinct lumbar region exists. The ischiac and pubic bones are prolonged backwards, so as to be approximately parallel with each other and with the long axis of the body ; except in Rhea, the ischia never form any sym- physis ; nor do the pubic bones, except in StnUhio Camelus. The femur moves in the acetabulum in a direction parallel with that of the long axis of the body. The fibula never reaches the ankle joint, which is situated as in Reptiles between the proximal and distal row of the tarsus. In adult Birds, the tibio-tarsus and the tarso-metatarsus are each perfectly anchylosed into a single bone. This is not the case in Reptiles. The external toe is never present in Birds. The hallux is sometimes absent; when present, it is carried upon a metatarsal articulated to the tarso-metatarsus near its distal extremity, and consists of two phalanges. In the Ostrich, both hallux and index are absent, as well as the fifth toe, and the foot is reduced to the didactylous condition, though the tarso- metatarsus retains a rudiment of the third distal articular trochlea. ©gntal jpapillaej with caps of dentine, have been observed in the emb^oes^ of Psittaciclae ; in adult Birds, the digestive tract is characterized by the absence of teeth, of lips, and of a velum pendulum palati ; and by the presence of a horny beak, and of a muscular gizzard placed posteriorly to a glandular proventriculus. With the absence of comminuting organs anteriorly to the gizzard, d % lii Introduction. is correlated tlie width of the oesophagus, which often expands into a crop. The liver ordinarily consists of two lohes, into the fis- sure between which the apex of the heart is received. There are always two, and sometimes three bile-duets in Birds : they open separately into the intestine ; and on one of them a gall-bladder is usually developed. A large and compact pancreas, with two or three duets, is always to be found in a fold of the duodenum. With few exceptions, two coeca are appended to the intestine at the junction of the ileum to the colon ; and a third, representing the omphalo-mesenteric duct of embryonic, and of early life subsequently to hatching, is occasionally present at a point higher up in the small intestine. The urinary and genital ducts ordinarily open separately into the cloaca, but there may be a short m-ogenital cavity distinct from the lower segment of the digestive tube, but opening directly into it. The characters of the beak, tongue, crop, gizzard, and circum-oral salivary glands, vary much, in correspond- ence with the nature of the food. The heart is quadrilocular, and the right auriculo-ventricular valve_ muscular in all Birds. The fourth aortic arch of the right side^ instead of that of the left, as in Mammals, forms the single systemic aorta ; the fourth aortic arch of the left side is converted into the subclavian artery instead of forming a second, or left, sys- \ temic aorta as in Reptiles, though its homology with this latter vessel is spoken to in many Birds, especially Acdjntres, by its retention of a fibrous prolongation onwards to the functional aorta. The aorta and pulmonary artery have each three semilunar valves. The aorta divides after a very short course into three great trunks, by giving off two subequal innominate arteries. In Birds of powerful flight, these trunks are often of larger calibre than the continuation of the aortic trunk itself. There are always two superior venae cavae, which open separately from each other, and from the vena cava inferior, the sinus venosus having disappeared by absorption into the right auricle. The vena cava inferior is formed by the confluence of the efferent renal veins, with which the veins from the lower extremities are, as in Mammals, directly continuous; though, as in Reptiles, the blood which these latter vessels carry can find its way also into the kidney, forming thus a 'renal portal' system, as well as into the liver by anastomosis with factors of the true portal system. The trachea in Birds is always of considerable length ; it is often Characteristics of the Vertehrata. liii tortuous, and dilated at intervals. Its cartilaginous supports form usually perfect rings, and are not rarely ossified. In most Birds with the exception of the Uatitae, a lower larynx is developed upon the junction of the trachea with the two bronchi. The bronchi lose their cartilaginous rings when they enter the lungs, where they dilate into membranous canals which subsequently become smaller by giving off branches, and finally end by opening into air sacs. The lungs are deeply indented in correspondence with the ribs, but are not otherwise lobed. There are nine air sacs, of which one is placed asymmetrically between the furculum and the trachea, two in the abdomen and pelvis, four in the posterior and lateral parts of the thorax, and one on either side of the azygos interclavicular sac. Processes are prolonged from the anterior and posterior of these sacs into the bones. The bones of the skull are sometimes, as in Mammals, the only pneumatic bones ; the vertebrae, humerus and sternum come next in order as to the possession of air cavities ; whilst in some Birds all the bones of the body are said to have been obserred to be pneumatic. The bones of the fore-arm, on the other hand, of the lower leg, of the manus and of the foot, are often found to retain their medulla, and to be devoid of pneumatic cavities. , The kidneys are divided into three lobes, and have their outlines conformed to the sinuosities of the pelvic bones. There is never any urinary bladder ; the ureters open internally to the generative ducts, either directly into a cloaca, or into a urogenital pouch of small antero-posterior extent. The brain is much larger relatively both to the entire body and to the spinal cord than it is in Reptiles, and the spinal cord again holds a more favourable relation to the entire body than in those cold-blooded creatures. It occupies however a greater relative length in the spinal canal than it does in Mammals, and in this resembles the cord of the other Sauropsida. The cerebellum has only rudimentary lateral lobes ; its grey matter however is con- siderable in quantity, owing to its transverse lamination. It projects forwards so as to come into relation with the prosen- cephalon, and, as it were, to displace the bigeminal hollow optic or mesencephalic lobes on to either side of its forward prolongation. The cerebral hemispheres are represented by a thin shell of nervous matter, which covers the large corpora striata, and incloses the lateral ventricles. The corpus callosum is absent ; and the fornix liv Introduction. can only be considered to be rudimentarily represented by a portion of the inner wall of either lateral ventricle. The anterior com- missure is not, the posterior is largely developed. The optic thalami are smaller than the optic lobes. Tactile sensibility is limited to the beak. Smell and taste are lowly developed. The cochlea of the ear is a much simpler, the tympanum a much more extensive cavity relatively than in Mammalia. The eyes are never absent, and, though small in the Apieryx, are never rudimentary. The globe of the eye consists of two segments, the anterior one of which is more or less obtusely conical, whilst the posterior is spheroidal ; bony plates inlaid in the anterior part of the sclerotica preserve the relative conformation of the two portions. As in many lower Vertebrata, a vascular process is prolonged from the choroid into the interior of the bulb. This structure is known in Birds as the 'pecten,'' or,, from its shape in Ratitae, as the ' marsupium and in many, grallatorial and aquatic Birds it reaches to the lens. It is absent in Apteryx. The yitreons humour is relatively smaller than in Mammals. Except in Owls and aquatic Birds, the lens is flat. The ciliary muscle upon which the bird's power of accommodating the eye so as to obtain clear vision at very rapidly varying distances depends, is, in correspondence with this need, composed of trans- versely, striped muscular fibres. The muscular fibres of the iris are of similar character. A special muscular apparatus and a special (Harderian) gland are developed, in relation with the third eyelid or memhmna nictitans. As in the Sub-kingdom Arthropoda, the sexes differ much ex- ternally; and in the case of the Accipitres, the females, as is so commonly observable in that Sub-kingdom, are larger than the males. The testes are always retained within the abdomen anteriorly to the kidneys; the left is occasionally the larger of the two. Tlie vasa deferentia are often dilated towards their terminations, but in neither sex are there ever any accessory glands, distinct from and appended to the generative canals by ducts, as are the Cowperian, the prostatic glands and the vesiculae scmiuales of many ISIammals. The right ovary is usually atrophied, and when it is persistent, as in some Accipitres, its ova do not come to maturity. In the upper part of the oviduct the albumen, in the lower the calcareous shell of the egg is formed. Many young Birds are, as are also the young Characteristics of the Vertehrata, Iv of Chelonia and OphicUa, provided with a hard knob on their upper mandible^ for breaking through their shell when ready for hatching. In some Birds the fodd-yolk is largo, and the young are ordinarily more or less entirely competent to provide for themselves when hatched. "V\'Tiere the yolk is relatively small, the young are in- competent to locomotion when hatched, and require to be brooded upon whilst going through further stages of development. Birds which are possessed, immediately after hatching, of the faculty of self-help have been called ' Autophagi/ in opposition to those which require further maternal care, and are called ' Insessores/ Existing Birds are divided into two orders, the Raiiiae, in which the sternum has no crest and the wings are rudimentary, and the Carinatae, in which the sternum has a crest or keel, ossi- fied from an independent median azygos centre, and which have powerfid anterior limbs oi'dinarily organized for flight, though sometimes not, as in the Penguins. The former order- includes only the genera Strut/do, Bromaeus, Casuarim, AptevT/x, and is distin- guished not only by many modifications curtailed hy the stunting of their anterior limbs, but also by many morphological points of aflinity to the cold-blooded Sauropsida, amongst which the cha- racters of the osseous system are peculiarly striking. The Ratitae have_ the barbs of their feathers disconnected, have no inferior larynx, and no angle aF the junction of coracoid and scapula. A more perfect diaphragm exists in them than in the 'Oarinatae. This latter order comprises all other existing Birds. The fossil ArcJiaeopteryx appears to have differed from existing Birds by possessing a series of caudal vertebrae equalling the body in length, and in having well- developed non-anchylosed metacarpals. A sepa- rate order, that of Saururae, has been established for the reception of this transitional form. Class, Reptilia. Air-breathing cold-blooded Vertebra ta, with epidermal struc- tures of the character of scales, into which processes of the cutis vera are prolonged, but which are not developed like feathers within saccular involutions of the integument. Accordingly as bony scutes are combined with these scales, and constitute an osseous dermal skeleton or not, existing Keptiles are divided into the Ivi Introduction. two groups of Lor'icata and Scpiamata, tlie former containing the two orders, Chelonia and Orocodilina ; and the latter the Sauna and the OjMdia. The anterior limbs are sometimes en- tirely absent, together with the scapular arch ; they are never modified so as to form wings like those of Birds ; the caudal vertebrae very frequently form a series equal in length to the length of the rest of the body; the jaws are usually armed with teeth, which are constantly reproduced during the life of the animal. There__are two systemic aortae^ which either fase {Squamata) or tmastflffiogg {Loricata) with each other in front of the dorsal verte- brae; and in no Reptiles, except CrococUUna, is there a complete separation of the ventricular part of the heart into two cavities. And in Ch-ocodilina, the two systemic aortae arising from the two distinct ventricles, communicate with each other at the base of the heart by the foramen Panizzae j so that in all Reptiles the venous and the arterial blood come to be more or less freely intermingled without the interposition of capillaries, at, at least, two points of the vascular system, Copulatory organs are always present, except^in Hatteria ; for the peculiarities of which see Dr.__Griinther, JPhil, 1r^^i867^p. 5^5^ r^/u U ~TEe~skuTI isTess vaulted and less capacious than in Aves. Traces ^ of the entrance of the two exoccipitals into the formation of the occipital condyle are usually persistent. The os quadratum is sometimes movably, sometimes immovably [Loricata and HaUeria) articulated to the cranial walls, a considerable part of the antero- lateral elements of which remain in the condition of fibro- cartilage, except in OjMdia, \ r ^ \ ki Amphicoelian vertebrae are found in the existing Gechotidae \j iL^AsV"^^^ and HaUeria, where they are connected, as in Mammals, by inter- central cartilages, in the axis of which are persistent masses of substance representing the chorda dorsalis. Vertebrae of similar shape are found in the fossil Enaliosauria and Teleosauria. The Vertebrae are ordinarily procoelian ; and, with the exception of Crocodilina,_ in which a considerable quantity of intervertebral substance remains between the centra of the vertebrae, they are J. connected with each other simply by sj'uovial joints. In the «\ ^S^**^^^^ / Chelonia, the vertebral centra vary very much in shape, especially ^ g \ ivi the neck and tail, where they may either be amphicoelous, ^, j biconvex, or procoelous. The neuro-central sutures disappear Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ivii in Sqnamata, but are persistent in Loricata. The number of the vertebrae may amount to several hundreds in the OjjJddia, and in the Saurian Amplmhaenoidea may be as many as one hundred and thirty. Though ordinarily the number is much smaller in Reptiles provided with limbs, even in the non-serpenti- form Monitor it may be no less than one hundred and forty. There are two cervical vertebrae in Ophidia ; in Sauria their number may amount to ten ; in the Loricata it is usually eight. The dorsal vertebrae are movably articulated with each other^ except in Chelonia ; the sacral vertebrae are seldom more than two in existing Reptiles, though this number was often much exceeded in extinct forms of the Class. Lumbar vertebrae do not exist in OpJiidia ; they are present in Chelonia^ and in number from fom' to five^ whilst in Sauria they are reduced to two, or even one. The shoulder girdle is entirely absent only in OpJddia, but present in a rudimentary condition in the serpentiform Sauria. The clavicle is wanting in Loricata, CJiamaeleonoidea, and Sa^l- ropterygia. The sternum is wanting in OpJddia, Chelonia, and in some of the serpentiform Sauria. The ribs in the Chelonia form by fusion with exoskeletal ossifications the expanded lateral or 'costal'' plates of the carapace. The sternum is absent, and the ventral plates, constituting the 'plastron,'' are exclusively dermal ossifications. In the Crocodilina, the ribs of the anterior thoracic vertebrae, and, with the exception of those belonging to the atlas, of the cervical also, articulate with their respective vertebrae by two separate processes, the ' tuberculum,'' and the ' capitulum.'' The ribs of the Sauria have only a single articular facet, which, however, may show a tendency to bifurcate. The ribs carry pro- cessus 2mcinati in the Crocodiles and in Hatteria. Many Reptiles have free abdominal ribs, which may be either true endoskeletal elements, or ' parostotic ossifications of intermuscular fibrous septa, or, as in Hatteria, of the subcutaneous fibrous mesh. In Ophidia, the posterior pair of limbs is sometimes, represented by a pair of small bones placed anteriorly to the anus ; and in the serpentiform Sauria the pelvic girdle and its appendages are represented merely by a single iliac bone, attached on either side to a single ' sacral ' vertebra. But in all other Reptiles the three pelvic bones are present, forming pubic and ischiac arches by abutment upon the ossa ilii, which do not extend forwards anteriorly to the acetabulum. Iviii Introduction, The number of the phalanges increases in the digits of both extre- mities from the innermost digit outwards, and reaches its maximum in the fourth digit. In the foot of the Crocodilina this digit has no claw on its terminal phalanx, and the fifth digit is altogether lost. Teeth are always present; except in Chelonia, where a homy 1^ sheath covers the jaws, as in the bills of Birds. The teeth are limited in Crocodilina to the homologues of the bones which carry teeth in Mammalia ; but in many Sauria they are carried upon the pterygoid also ; and in Ophidia upon both palatine and pterygoid bones, in addition to the mandibular, maxillary, and premaxillary bones. Teeth are provided with sockets in Crocodilina, but in no other existing Reptiles ; they are reproduced, as shed, during the whole period of the life of these animals. The tongue may be either spatula-shaped and immobile, as in Chelonia and Crocodilina, and some Sauria, or bifid, elongated, and protrusible, as in other Reptiles. The wide oesophagus, and the muscular stomach, are ordinarily not unlike those of Birds ; and this resemblance is made more striking in the Crocodilina, which, in addition to the muscular ^^^^j^|r^^^gazzard^^a^^ a special 93ortio p^ loric such, as is developed in many "aJL/^ grallatorial and natatorial Birds. But the digestive tract of ' Reptiles, which are with few exceptions of carnivorous habits, exhibits, in correlation with this uniformity of diet, fewer varia- tions of arrangement than that of Birds. Labial and lingual salivary glands are occasionally present. Of the former of these, c\\iL£j^'^'*^® poison-gland of Ophidia is a modification. The liver and , xr- pancreas have, as in Birds, two or more excretory ducts ; the latter • ^^ B t of the two glands is ordinarily perforated by the hepato-enteric ducts ; a gall-bladder is always present, but is sometimes developed upon the biliary duct at a distance from the liver. This gland is unilobed in Sqiiamata, bilobed in Loricata. In the Squamate Reptiles and Chelonia, in which the heart has not four distinct and separate cavities, the venous blood returned from the system to the larger right auricle, is kept more or less completely apart from the arterial, returned from the lungs or lung to the left by the non-isochronism of the action of the anterior and posterior parts of the ventricular cavity. The anterior or inferior portion of the ventricular cavity is filled from the right auricle, and empties itself into the pulmonary artery, and partly into the Characteristics of the Vertebrata. Hx left aorta, before the posterior part of the ventricular cavity, into which the blood from the left auricle is discharged, commences to contract. When this part of the ventricular mass begins to con- tract upon its arterialized contents^ access to the pulmonary artery has been cut off by the closing up of the muscular demi-canal leading to that outlet ; and the arterialized blood is consequently thrown into the two systemic aortae. Of these, the one which C\yf^^ bends over the left bronchus, or, in Oplddia, to the left side of the ^ i body, and which is consequently known ordinarily as the left aorta, ^Q^^'^^J never gives any branches to the anterior parts of the body ; biit 5jl^,w(o/|L either as in Smcria and OpJddia^ simply joins the right aorta without 1] giving off any branches; or, as in Loricata, distributes itself to the chylo-poietic viscera, and communicates with the right aorta simply by a branch of anastomosis. In the Crocodilina this vessel arises from the right auricle, together with the pulmonary artery, and consequently never carries any arterialized blood. Its com- munication, by the foramen Panizzae, with the right aorta, which supplies the anterior parts of the body, may be held to foreshadow the conversion which the fourth left aortic arch undergoes into a left subclavian artery in Aves. The close proximity of the com- mencement of the left aorta to that of the pulmonary artery, enables it in all Reptiles alike to relieve the pulmonary circulation, when respiration may be put into temporary abeyance. The arterial outlets of Reptiles have only two semilunar- valves. In all Reptiles, as in all Birds, there are two superior as well as one inferior vena cava; but in Reptiles these three vessels open into a pulsatile venous sinus, and have their contents poured through it by an orifice guarded with eyelid-like valves into the ventricular cavity. In all Reptiles there is a ' renal portal ' circulation, by which the venous blood returning from parts placed posteriorly to the kidneys finds its way into these organs, at the same time that by means of anastomoses with factors of the true portal system, it may be returned to the heart by way of the hepatic system. The supra- renal bodies are, like the renal, possessed of a system of venous inferent vessels. The lymphatic vessels, which often take the shape of loose sheaths surrounding the large arteries, communicate with the veins both anteriorly in the brachiocephalic, and posteriorly in the caudal regions. Upon their junction with the veins of this latter region, contractile sacs, the so-called ' lymphatic hearts,-" are Ix Introduction. developed. Glands which in Birds are only scantily developed upon the cervical lymphatics, are not represented as distinct from lymphatic plexuses, except by a mesenteric gland in the CrococliUna. Tlie trachea of the Loricata has a more perfect larynx than that of the Scfuamata, and in some cases it describes a couple of convo- lutions before entering the lungs. These organs differ in the Lori- cata from those of other Eeptiles in having, in correlation with their non-transpirable integument, a much greater development of internal parenchyma; and in not projecting freely into the general cavity of the body, dissepimental processes of peritoneal membrane separating them from it and foreshadowing thus, as also by their possession of intrinsic muscular fibres, the diaphragm of warm- blooded animals. In the Squamata the lungs may be prolonged in air-sacs, with little or no reticulation of vessels developed upon them_, and these prolongations may be numerous as in Chamae- leonoidea, or simple as in OpJiidia. In some of the lower Lizards, again, as Hatteria, the lungs may be nearly as simple as those of the Amphibia. The kidneys are situated posteriorly in the trunk, and, except in the OpJdclia, within the pelvic cavity, and close to the cloaca. In the Crocodilina, indications of a separation of the substance of the kidney into a cortical and medullary stratum are not wanting. A urinary bladder is usually present in Sauria and Chelonia, but is absent in Opjddia and Crocodilina. In the Che- lonia, a simis urogenitalis is present. The kidneys are not con- formed to the sinuosities of the bony structures as in Birds. The cerebral hemispheres are smaller relatively to the rest of the encephalon, and to the spinal chord, than in Aves. The cerebral hemispheres, corpora bigemina, and cerebellum, are larger in the Loricata than in the Sq^iamaia. A tympanic ca\dty is present except in OpJddia, Anvpldshaenoidea, and Ilaiieria. This latter animal has the commencement of a spiral turn indicated in its cochlea, which in other Reptiles is, as in Birds, merely a flask- shaped cavity; but it differs both from Birds and from other Eeptiles in the absence of any intra-ocidar structure corresponding with the avian ^ pecten,' or the 'processus falciformis' of other Eeptiles. Copulatory organs of two distinct types exist in the Loricata and Sqmmata respectively; those of the former division being Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixi developments of the anterior wall of the cloaca, whilst those of the latter consist of two protrusible hollow conical bodies^ which open into that cavity from behind. In the Chelonia, two peritoneal canals are prolonged into the penis^ in the distal extremity of which they terminate blindly ; two canals^ probably homologous with them, and also with the similarly situated pores of the Selachian and Ganoid Fishes, exist in the Grocodilina, but open at the base of the intromittent organ. Tbe testes and ovaries are bilaterally symmetrical, except in the Ophiclia, where the right gland is placed anteriorly to the left, and in the females is the larger of the two. The ova often undergo development whilst in the oviducal canals, but the young are not set free from the foetal envelopes before extrusion from the maternal organism. For liberating themselves from these envelopes, the young of the really ovo-viviparous Viper, as also of many other Reptiles, are provided with a temporary premaxillary tooth. All Loricata are oviparous in the strict sense ; and amongst the Squamata, nearly allied forms may vary as to being ovo-viviparous or oviparous. Some lowly organized Lizards, such as Hatteria, possess the power of reproducing lost portions of the tail. The sub-division Loricata, under which are comprised the two orders of Crococlilina and Chelonia, differs from the sub-division Squamata, comprehending the two orders Satma and Ophiclia, in the following particulars besides those already enumerated. Their anal cleft is longitudinal, there is usually some calcareous deposit in the shells of their eggs, their ribs are double-headed in the anterior regions of the body. Setting aside a few points which may be correlated with their aquatic and less active habits, the Loricata may be considered as more highly specialized, and possessed of nearer affinities to the higher Vertehrata than the other sub- division of this class. Class, Amphibia. Cold-blooded Vertehrata, which for longer or shorter periods, or throughout the whole of their lives, are provided with gills for aquatic, in addition to lungs for aerial respiration, and which even when the gills are permanently retained go through some stages of metamorphosis after being set free from the egg. Amongst these m Ixii Introduction. stages of metamorpliosis, the development of limbs never exceeding a pentadactyle division in their terminal segment, and possessing the same segmentation as that seen in the higher Vertebrata, is to be reckoned as an obvious external characteristic, which, together with the absence of scales, differentiates them, with very few ex- ceptions, from Pisces. They never have median fin-rays supported by dermal spines ; and, in the absence of an ossified basi-occipital, they always have two condyles formed by the exoccipitals, for articu- lation with the atlas. The heart has always two auricles, perfectly separated ordinarily, and communicating with a single ventricular cavity. Their integumentary system differs from that of Fishes in not having either dermal ossifications or dermal scales developed in the region of the trunk ; Cera6o^/iiys, however, and Brachjceplialus amongst existing Amphibia, form exceptions to this rule, having dermal ossifications developed in their dorsal region; and the Caeciliae develope dermal scales. In the Salamandra unguiculata again, and in the DactyletJira cajoensis, a development of nails has been observed, contrary to the rule that in the branchiate Verte- brata there is no epidermal skeleton. The cutaneous system of Amphibia {Triton) has been observed to possess, during their larval life, rudimentary^ structures, resembling the sensory organs deve- lop ed^nl^, in connection with the /lateral line.' In adult Am- phibia, the cutaneous glandular system often attains a great deve- lopment as in the 'parotoids' and other glands of many Annra. The suspensorium is immovably articulated to the skull, and is continuous with the pterygo-palatine elements of the maxillary apparatus anteriorly, whilst externally it has applied to it a mem- ^,5.,-^Vt(^7vV^brane bone, homologous probably with the praeoperculum of Tele- tr^'^ ostean Fishes. No Amphibian, however, ever possesses in the cu- ' ' taneous opercular flap which it developes, any representatives of the operculum, sub-operculum, inter-operculum, or branchiostegal bones of Fish. The maxillary and praemaxillary bones are never absent, and are ordinarily dentigerous. The vertebrae are very numerous, and amphicoclian in the lower Amphibia; they are few, and show, ordinarily, the procoelian, though, sometimes, the opisthocoelian arrangement of the articular ends of their centra in the hio-hcr orders. The neurocentral suture is usually absent. Except*^ in the serpentiform apodal Caeciliae, the ribs are rudi- Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixiii mentary in this class. Thoug-li there is never any prolong-ation of costal structures to the medio-ventral line, there is a true sternum developed in relation with the coracoids in most Amphibia except Caeciliae and Proteus. The ilium never abuts upon more than a sing-le vertebra, but the ilium of one side has been observed to abut upon one, whilst the ilium of the other abutted upon another ver- tebra. No ^parostotic'' bones are ever developed in relation with either limb-girdle. In the highest order of Amphibia, the Amira, the tongue is attached to the front of the mouth and is protrusible ; with the exception of Pipa and Dactylethm, where the organ is altogether absent. It is not protrusible in other Amphibia. Amphibia are sometimes edentulous; but usually more or fewer of the bones forming the walls of the mouth, and amongst these, the vomerine, pterj'goid, and sphenoid as well as the lower jaw, the maxillary and the praemaxillary bones, are dentigerous. In Proteus, the digestive canal takes a direct antero-posterior course, without any specialization of the stomach as a segment of larger calibre than the intestine ; in other Amphibia a small and a large intestine are ordinarily differentiated as well as a stomach. The small intestine, of the larvae of the Anura, which, during that period, feed on vege-' table food, is of great length and disposed in numerous coils. Ati the conclusion of their metamorphoses, the digestive tract has as-\ sumed a comparatively simple character, though the calibre, direc- tion, mucous and muscular coats of the stomach, small intestine, and colon, severally, are most characteristically developed. A bilobed liver and a compact pancreas are always present, but oral salivary glands are represented only by small glandules impacted in the mucous membrane of the mouth. The heart consists of a sinus venosus, a right and left auricle, a single ventricle, and an arterial bulb. Within this latter portion of the organ, a longitudinal lamellar ridge is developed, which is attached along the dorsal line of the bulb and projects freely into its interior; being connected at either end with a semilunar valve, and describing a curve like that of an italic s, in the interval be- tween those points. This imperfect dissepiment may be held to foreshadow the differentiation of the pulmonary and systemic ar- terial trunks which we find in Eeptiles ; whilst physiologically, by its relation to the orifices of the branches passing to the anterior Ixiv. Introduction. and to the posterior parts of the body respectively and to the lungs, it provides for the more or less perfect separation of the streams of arterial and venous blood received from the two auricles. All Am- phibia possess a renal:j20£tal system, the factors of which anastomose freely with those of the true portal system. This latter system always receives, by the intemxfidiation of the epigastric veins, an important factor from the .allantoid bladder; by which' connection the connection of ^ the umbilical and placental veins, as seen in Mammals, is very olmQiislyLjQifishadpwed^^ The transpirable and glandular character of the skin would appear to confer an aerating function upon the vascular ramifications which it contains in great abundance. The lymphatic vessels are greatly developed ia the subcutaneous spaces ; and lymphatic hearts are present in the Anura, both upon the anterior and upon the posterior junctions of this system to the blood- vascular. In the Urodela, as in Reptiles, the posterior hearts only exist. In the higher Amphibia, two sets of gills are developed. One of these is the external set which corresponds to the permanent gills of the Perennibranchiate Am- phibia, and to the deciduous external giU filaments of the Plagio- stomous Eishes, which latter it resembles in being shed early. The other is the internal set which are developed subsequently to, and retained in the Urodela and A7mra longer than the ciliated external set. In certain Amphibia {Meiiopoma, AmpJiiuma, Crypto- hranclms, thence called Derotrematd), a fissure remaius in the pha- lyngeal walls after the shedding of the branchiae. This event does not always take place at the same date in the life of the larva. Cartilages representing a larynx are developed round the inlet from the phaiynx into the air passages. There is a trachea of con- siderable length in Menopoma, AmpUima, and the Caeciliae ; and there are bronchi of considerable length in Pipa and Bactylethra ; but ordinarily, these tubes are only rudimentarily represented in Amphibia. The Amphibia appear to have no secondary kidney developed; and the products of the urinary and sexual glands are always dis- charged into a cloaca by a single orifice, that of the duct of the Wolffian body, on either side. In Proteus, the transversely running ducts of the primary kidney remain distinct from each other, up to their junctions with the antero-postcriorly running duct of the primary kidney, the so-called ' Muller's duct.' In other Amphibia, Characteristics of the Vertebrata. Ixv the ducts of the Wolffian body form by fusion with each other a secondary duct, which opens into the primitive duct of MliUer at its lower end, leaving the upper portion of that duct to serve exclusively as a generative canal. The cerebral hemispheres always contain a lateral ventricle, which is prolonged into the interior of the sessile olfactory lobes. The optic lobes are smaller relatively than in Fish, in correlation with the smaller eyes ; the optic thalami are always differentiated from them, and from the corpora striata in front. The membranes of the brain and spinal cord have an abundance of pigment cells in their visceral laminae, and upon the exterior of these membranes, and especially upon their prolongations upon the spinal nerves, y f -1 deposits of crystalline carbonate of calcium are commonly observ- able. As in many Fishes, the portio dura often fails to be entirely differentiated from the fifth pair of nerves ; as in Lepidosiren, the glossopharyngeal is represented by branches of the vagus, and the hypoglossus by the first spinal nerve. The eye is small in com- parison with that of Fish, but as in that Class the lens is sphe- roidal, and the cornea, except in the Land Salamander, flat. There is jLO__tympanic cavity except in_the _.^^^r^. and no cochlea except in a ru.dimentary condition in the same order. In the aglossal Anura {Pipa, Bactyletlira), there is a single median pharyngeal orifice to the two Eustachian tubes. The two nasal cavities open into the mouth by a canal passing between the bones of the roof of the mouth in Anura, but between those bones and the lips in Perennibranch lata . Rudiments of an ovary have been observed to coexist with the testes in the male Biifo variabilis and einereus. The sexes are very frequently distinguishable by external differences of colour, size, and conformation, but there are no external copulatory organs in this Class. The ova and spermatozoa come into relation with each other externally to the maternal organism, but by means of congress between the two sexes in the Anura; they come into relation with each either externally to, or within the maternal organism in the Urodela, and probably also in the Perennibran- chiata, but without, at least in the aquatic species, any sexual congress. The Land Salamanders appear to be, under certain circumstances, such as those of the Alpine species living at points of great elevation in the mountains, ovo-viviparous or viviparous, e Ixvi Introduction. tlie larvae having in some cases shed their external branchiae previously to birth. The ova are small, the yolk undergoes nearly complete segmentation. With a few exceptions, the Amphibia are oviparous. In every case, except possibly that of tbe Caecilia compressicmula, the embryos very shortly after hatching develope branchiae, or, as in the case of Notodelphi/s, structures equivalent to them. Existing Amphibia are divisible into three orders. In the most highly organized of these, the swimming tail is discarded in the course of metamorphosis as well as the gills, and they are thence called Amira ; in the second order, thence called ' Urodela ' the tail is retained, whilst the gills are, in the sub-orders, Salamandrina and Derotremata, deciduous ; and in the FereiiJiibranchiata, retained permanently. In these two orders limbs are developed, at least on the pectoral arch ; but a third order, that of the Gymnopliiona, represented by the single family, Caeciliae, is constituted by Amphibia in which, though the gills are deciduous, no limbs are developed, and the body remains serpentiform. In development, the body cavity is not formed apart from and around the yolk sac, but the intestine is formed, as in Amphioxm and the Ci/clostomi, by a process of invagination, beginning from without at a spot corresponding with the situation of the future anus. The oral opening is not formed when the embryos are first set free from the egg. The Anura and the Caducibranchiate Urodela have two sets of gills, an external set of three pairs, which is soon lost, and in the land Salamanders partly or wholly before the end of intra-uterine life ; and an internal set. After the dis- appearance of the external set an opercular fold, in which however irn no Amphibia are bones ever developed, forms over the internal gills,- and within the branchial cavity thus produced the anterior extremities first bud forth. When in the course of metamor- phosis the gills disappear, the continuity of the circulation is main- tained, or, in other words, the primitive continuity of the proximal or cardiac with the distal or dorsal elements of the aortic arches is re-established, by the expansion in calibre of a branch of ana- stomosis, which, whilst the branchiae were functionally active, connected the efferent directly with the aflercnt branchial trunks, but was itself at that time functionally insignificant. The oper- cular structures close up the visceral fissures, except in the Dero- Characteristics of the Vertebrata. Ixvii imnata, and more or fewer of the cartilaginous branchial arches disappear after the disappearance of the branchiae they carried. The Alpine Triton, one of the Caducibranchiate Amphibia, has been observed to attain sexual maturity as indicated not only by external characteristics, but by the maturation of ova and sperma- tozoa, at a time when the branchiae were still in functional activity, and when the characters of the bones in the roof of the mouth, and the presence of a continuous non-constricted cylindriform chorda dorsalis, showed the animal to be really in a larval state. The Axolotl [Siredon pisciformis) has long" been known to be competent to sexual functions, whilst organs, regarded as provisional in other Amphibia, were still persistent; and it has consequently been classed with the Terennihrancliiata until recently, when it was discovered that its gills are really deciduous, though at varying periods in the life of the animal. Similar instances of larval Ichthyoids maturing sexual products are furnished to us by the immature Lamprey, and the young male Salmon, known as the ' parr.' Some Amphibia possess a great power of repairing injuries, and of reproducing destroyed or amputated organs. It has been stated, however, that it is necessary for such reproduction that the basal or some other portion of the mutilated organ or limb should be left in situ; and it is not certain that the Urodela with well- developed lungs, such as Salamandra terrestris, and the Anura generally, possess this power in their adult state, at least to the same extent as they do when larvae, or to the same extent as other Amphibia in which the organs for aerial respiration are less highly evolved. The Amphibia are placed together with the class Pisces in a single group, the Ichthyopdda, s. Anamniota. It is with the mote generalized forms of that class, viz., the Ganoidei and the Dijmoi, rather than with those which, as the Teleostei, combine in this organization the largest number of specially piscine characteristics, that the Amphibia are allied. The Dipnoi indeed have been ranked as a separate order of Amphibia, under the title ' Ichthyobatrachia,' though, if we have regard to the entirety of their organism, we are compelled to regard them as true Fish. The Elasmobranchii resemble certain of the Amphibia in developing external gills in embryonic life, and they were spoken of by Linnaeus as Amphibia nantia. The absence, however, in them of any save an occasional e % Ixviii Introduction. and rudimentary homologue of the pulmonary organs of the Amphibia, appears to put this order of Fishes into a position much farther removed from the higher Vertebrata with which they were thus classed, than that which the Dipnoi, and even the Ganoidei occupy. Class, Pisces. Branchiate Vertebrata with motor organs in the shape of fins, supported by numerous internal rays, and placed along the medio- dorsal and medio-ventral lines, or along these lines and bilaterally also. The endo-skeleton of Fishes takes far more various forms than that of any other vertebrate Class ; and their exoskeleton is simi- larly distinguished with reference to all other classes except the Mammalia. The dermal exoskeleton may take the form of scales, as in the great majority of Fishes ; of placoid or spiny dentinal formations, as in Masmobranchii ; of enamelled scales or of bony plates, as in Qanoidei ; and in Dipnoi, Ganoidei, and Teleostei, it extends into the sub-cutaneous fibrous mesh, and along intermuscular aponeuroses forming ' splint bones.^ There are no scales in Marsipohranchii, and the Spahdaridae, a genus of Ganoidei, have an almost entirely naked skin. There are no splint bones in the Elasmobranchii. The cutaneous system is further distinguished by the possession of the system of the 'lateral line,^ which has not been detected else- where, except in certain Amphibian larvae, and which is supposed to be sensory in function. The epidermis is ordinarily prolonged as a continuous, even if thin layer, superficially to the various dermal formations, except in the cases of some of the outgrowths deve- loped in the Masmobranchii, and sometimes of the enamelled scales of the Ganoidei. However various the endoskeletal structures of Fish may be, they all agree in the non-possession of a sternum, the absence of which is connected with the peculiarities of their reproductive processes ; * The low grade of organization to which the Phan/ngobranchii, as represented by the Lancelet, have attained, makes it convenient to omit this Order from consideration, whilst detailing the characteristics more or less universally found in the other five Piscine Orders, viz. Marsipobranchii, Teleostei, Ganoidei, Elasmobranchii, and Dipnoi. Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixix and in the presence of a lai'gely developed branchial apparatus, which is similarly correlated with their aquatic life. In the Mar- sipobranchii, vertebrae are indicated rather than differentiated by the development of a few cartilaginous neural and haemal arches, the sheath of the chorda dorsalis remaining unsegmented through- out. Indications of the formation of vertebral centra are presented to us in the calcified annuli developed in the sheath of the chorda in Chimaerae. The characters of the axial elements of the endo- skeleton vary much in Plagiostomi, attaining in some represen- tatives of this sub-order to perfect differentiation and partial calci- fication. Greater variety is observable in the same structures in the now numerically much smaller order of Ganoidei, where the centra may be represented by a cylindrical fibro-cartilaginous sheath surrounding the cylindrical notochord, as in the Sturgeons ; or by perfectly ossified opisthocoelian masses connected by anchylosis with perfectly ossified neural arches, as in the Bony Pikes {Lepi- dosteidae). In Teleostei, as the name implies, the vertebrae are differentiated, and, in various degrees, calcified, the amount of lime deposited rarely or never attaining the proportions it assumes in other classes of Vertebrata. The neural arches are in Teleostei ordinarily, but not always, anchylosed to the centra, without the interposition of any neuro-central suture. The number of the ver- tebrae may be as many as 365 in some Sharks ; in some Ganoids, and in some of the Phi/sostomi amongst Teleostei, it may amount to 200 ; in mo^i Phi/sostomi it is, about 80 ; it falls much lower in Acanthopteri, and may be as low as 15 in the Plectognaihi. The trunk is divisible into two main regions, the dorsal and the caudal ; from the former of which a cervical region may be said to be marked off, at least morphologically, inasmuch as the scapular arch makes its first appearance opposite the interval between the second and third vertebrae. The Elasmohranchii and most of the Ganoidei, have their greater geological antiquity spoken to by their retention of the more typical heterocercal form of the tail. This peculiar shape is produced by a disproportionate development of the haemal caudal arches, whereby the tail, which was in the early embryo equilobed, and, as in Marsipohranchii and Dipnoi, a direct continuation of the axis of the dorsal region, is bent upwards. An additional factor in the production of the heterocercal tail, is brought into play in the case of the Holostean Ganoidei, and the Physostomous Teleostei, 9 Ixx Introduction. which are nearly allied to them, by the stunting of the neural in correspondence with the greater development of the haemal arches. This form of tail may to a superficial examination appear quite equilobed^ and it is ordinarily spoken of as ' homocercal.' It is, however, morphologically ' heterocercal,'' as the haemal and neural arches enter into its composition in very unequal proportions, the chorda dorsalis being really prolonged to the upper angle of the tail fin, and the ' hypural ' plates being all modified haemal arches, and not half of them haemal, and half of them neural ossifications, A true ' diphycercal ' tail is finally produced in the Acanthopteri, by a reduction of the disproportionate size of the haemal, and by a simultaneous stunting of the central elements of the terminal vertebrae. Tlie difierences in the structural arrangements of the skulls of Fishes are very much greater than those observable in the skulls of members of any other Vertebrate class, relating as the}^ do to points of no less morphological and indeed physiological importance than the absence or j)resence of cranial bones; of freely movable gill- covers, and suspensoria; of maxillary and premaxillary, and of mandibular bones. In the Masmohranchii and Marsijwhranchii, there are no cranial bones ; and with regard to the praemaxillaiy and maxillary bones, it can only be said, that the sites which those membrane-bones occupy in other fishes may, perhaps, be considered as marked out in these orders by the presence of certain labial cartilages. The Chimaerae differ from the other Elasmoh-anchii, the Sharks and Rays, in having a movable operculum and an immovable suspensorium, and in this latter particular the non- mandibulate Marsipohranchii more or less closely resemble them. The Teleostei and Ganoidei differ from these Fishes by possessing cranial, maxillary, praemaxillary and opercular bones. Their oper- cula and suspensoria are always movable. In the Elasmohranchii the skull is distinctly articulated to the first trunk vertebra. In the Chondrosteal Ganoidei, the largely developed parasphenoid reaches for a considei'able distance back- wards underneath the anterior vertebrae ; whilst in the Holostean Ganoidei and many Physostomous Teleostei, the first and some of the following vertebrae may be suturally connected with the basi- occipital. In other osseous Fish the basi-occipital presents a concave conical cavity for apposition with the similar one upon the anterior Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxi surface of the first vertebra ; and the biconical cavity thus formed is filled with a structure formed by the development of the chorda dorsalis, and of semi-g-elatiniform consistence. Fish are very rarely edentulous. Teeth are ordinarily present, and are very variable in number, shape, and situation. Most of the bones of the oral and pharyngeal cavities may be dentigerous ; but in Cyprinoids, there may be only a single tooth superiorly, carried by the basi-occipital. The teeth are replaced as often as they are shed, and in the family just mentioned, the inferior pharyngeal are so shed and replaced periodically. It is only in Fish that the dental series is continued in an unbroken row across the middle line, without forming a diastema corresponding to either upper or lower median raphe. Fish have no oral salivary glands, and the tongue is only movable as a part of the hyoid apparatus upon which it is carried. In the IlarsipohrancJdi , the branchial sacs open both in- ternally and externally by the means of larger or smaller ducts, which again may form a common duct before their inner or outer termination respectively. In all other Fishes the branchial inlets and outlets both have alike the form of fissures, the inlets leading directly from the interior of the pharynx, and the outlets opening either directly on to the external surface of the body, as in the Sharks and Rays, or into a branchial cavity covered by the opercular apparatus as in Chiniaerae, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, and Teleostei. The oesophagus is ordinarily short ; and it is also, as the food is usually swallowed with little or no comminution, of considerable width. In the Marsipohrancliii, the digestive tract takes an antero-posterior course, without any external diflTerentiation into stomach and in- testine. In other Fishes the intestine is readily distinguishable from the siphonal or coecal stomach ; and describes one or two convo- lutions before terminating at the anus through the intermediation of a short rectum, from which a colon can scarcely be said to be differentiated. The length of the entire tract is shorter relatively to that of the entire body than in the air-breathing Vertebrata gene- rally ; it is however not inconsiderable in the species which support themselves upon vegetable diet ; and the absorbing surface of the canal is greatly increased in Dipnoi, Ganoidei, and Elasmohranchii, by the development of internal folds of the mucous membrane into a spiral valve, which appears to be rudimentarily represented in the Marsipohranchii by a longitudinal ridge running along the internal Ixxii Introduction. surface of the intestine. In the three more highly organized of the four orders just mentioned, a duodenal segment is distinguishable in the small intestine anteriorly to its valvular portion. This seg- ment is known as the ' V^wtr^ Ejitiana' in Elasmobranchii^ where it is of considerable size, and marked externally by the entrance of the functional biliary and pancreatic, and the rudimentary omphalo- mesenteric ducts. The rectum always opens anteriorly to the urinary and genital ducts ; except when these tubes open upon its dorsal surface near its termination, so as to constitute a cloaca. The suspensory mesenteric laminae often become largely fenestrated, or may disappear altogether in consequence of absorption, in adult Fish. . A liver is always present ; it is ordinarily unilobar ; in some Fish it is multilobar ; in the Cyprinoids it is trilobed, and interdi- gitates with the convolutions of their intestine, much as the lobes of the Hver do in many of the Gasteropoda. There may be several gall ducts, and a gall bladder is very rarely wanting. Secretory coeca, the so-called pyloric ajDpendages,^ are developed in many Fish upon the commencement of the intestine. They are very variable in number, and ordinarily simple and distinct, though sometimes ramified and bound together more or less closely. A glandular pancreas of smaller size but more compact structure, coexists some- times with these pyloric appendages. The heart consists of a branchial auricle and ventricle, to the former of which a sinus venosus is superadded, and to the latter, except in Marsipohranchn, an arterial bulb, which breaks up into branches corresponding in number to the gill arches. In the Ganoidei and Elasmobranchii, the arterial bulb has a layer of transversely striped muscular tissue in its walls, and several rows of valves in its interior; whereby it is enabled, as in Amphibia, to act as an accessory ventricle. The muscular fibre of the arterial bulb of Teleostei is not of the striped variety, and the bulb has only two valves internally. In the Dipnoi a second auricle exists, which receives blood brought back to the heart from the pulmonary air sacs. The systemic aorta is formed, in the embryo, by the confluence of the aortic arches into which the bulb divides ; and, after the develojiment of the gill fringes, for the supply of which these arches resolve themselves into efferent branches, by the confluence of the efllerent branchial veins with which those afferent vessels are continuous through the intermediation of the aerating capillary plexuses. In the Dipnoi, Characteristics of the Vertebrata. Ixxiii as also in certain Muraenoid Teleostei, more or fewer of the branchial arches fail to develope gills, and the direct connections between the sub-branchiall}'- jDlaced bulb and the sub-vertebrally placed aorta, which in other Fishes exist only in the foetal state, persist here throughout life. From each of the posterior aortic arches {Lepidosiren pamdoxa), or from each of the compound factors 1/ of the dorsal aorta, made up on each side {Uhinocryptis annectens), a branch is given off to the cellular air sac ; and during the period in which these animals live out of the water, the aeration of their blood is dependent upon the ramifications thus formed there. The vein which brings the blood from the pulmonary air sacs back to, the heart, instead of opening into the portal or hepatic vein, as the veins from the air-bladders of ordinary Fishes do, or into a vena cava inferior, as does the vein from the air-bladder of the Ganoid Tolypterus bichir, opens independently into the ventricular cavity after dilating within the pericardium ; and thus, though diverging but a very little from the arrangements common in (uni-auriculate) Fishes, it constitutes a system analogous to and homologous with the pulmonary veins and auricles of higher Vertebrata. Ordinarily in Fish, the blood from the parts of the body posterior to the heart exclusively of the chylopoietic viscera, is collected into the two subvertebral venae cardinales, v\^hich meet the two venae jugulares from the anterior parts of the body, and form with them the trans- verse ductus Cuvieri which open into the sinus venosus. The hepatic veins, which bring the blood of the chylopoietic viscera back to the heart, very ordinarily end by opening into the sinus venosus, with- out receiving any factors from any other than those organs. ^^,-%r»e~ v • '2- , vena cava inferior is constituted in some Fishes, as in the Perch c:- VSou^ amongst Teleostei, and in the Polyptenis amongst Ganoidei, by the + fusion either of veins from the air-bladder with veins from the j( X , genital glands as in the former of the two Fishes named, or of a ' * ' vena cava sub-vertebralis impar with veins from the bifid air-bladder •^z c.*^ + "O- c as in the latter. A renal-portal system is present, except in the ^^-b'-^t-^UAr. -IvJ-. Marsipobranchii ; it is constituted either by caudal and dorsal veins both or by the latter only ; and anastomoses, though not always, with the hepatic portal system. The Teleostei, Ganoidei, Dipnoi, and Chimaerae have free oper- cular valves covering a more or less extensive branchial cavity. The gills of Teleostei are ordinarily four, and are never more than Ixxiv Introduction. four in number. They are usually found to form double comb-like rows upon each branchial arch ; but the last of the branchial arches very commonly fails to develope more than a single row of gill- processes ; and not rarely is wholly gill-less. This reduction may be accompamed by a similar reduction in the giU arch immediately in front, and we find the third arch carrying a uniserial gill in Malthea, whilst it is gill-less in the Cuchia (Amphipnous). The fifth branchial ai'ch, which is dentigerous in most, and branchiferous in no Teleostei, has a uniserial gill developed upon it in the Dijmoi and in Hexanchus. All the Elasmohranchii, the Bijjnoi, and the Ganoidei, with the exception of Polypterus and Planirostra, have a uniserial gill developed upon the opercular arch anteriorly to the most anterior of the gill-laminae developed in Teleostei. In the Sharks and Rays this anterior gill forms the anterior fixed gill lamina of their anterior gill-pouch ; in the Chi- maerae and Ganoidei, it forms the so-called ' opercular' gill. In the Dipnoi, the development of the opercular gill appears to have prevented that of the two biserial gills placed next posteriorly in typical fish ; in the American species the gills of the third branchial arch appear to have been lost also, whilst they persist in the African, as do those of the fourth and fifth branchial arches in both species. Except in Hexanchus and Heptanchus, there are only five gill-sacs in the Sharks and Rays, the last of which contains only a single gill-lamina disposed upon its anterior wall. This half-gill is homologous with the posterior row of the biserial gill developed upon the fourth branchial arch of Teleostei, but it is not represented in the Chimaerae. The pseudobranchia of osseous Fish is homologous with the spiracular pseudobranchia of Ganoidei and Elasmo- hranchii, and not with their anterior functional half-gill, nor with the thyroid vaso-ganglion, which in many Fish underlies the anterior basi- branchials. In osseous Fish, the pseudobranchia receives arterialized blood from the first branchial efierent vein ; and it serves as a diver- ticular rete mirahile for the eye within which the vessels proceeding from it develope the so-called 'choroid gland.' In the Elfi^mohranchii, Ga- noidei, and Dijynoi, it seiwes as a rete mirahile for the brain as well as for the eye, but it has no ' choroid gland' developed in connection with it. Accessory aerating organs which enable the fishes possessing them to support respiration when out of the water, are developed in several genera of I'eleostei {Anahas, SaccohranchtLS, Amphiimou^^, in relation with the interior of their branchial cavity. The morphological identity of the functionally pulmonary air-sacs of the Dipnoi with the air-bladder of an ordinary Teleostean Fish, which Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxv is functionally all but exclusively hydrostatic, may be considered to be established by a comparison of those lung-like air-sacs with the air- bladder of the Ganoid Polypterus, which is somewhat similarly bifid, and opens similarly into the pharynx by an air-duct entering it on its ventral surface. From the air-bladder of the Polypterus to that of the Lepidosteus, which however opens into the pharynx from its dorsal side, and which, though divided internally into two longitudinal compartments, is yet externally a single sac, the transition is not abrupt ; nor that from such air-bladders as those of the Lepidosteus and the Physostomatous Teleostei, to the ductless air-bladders of the Acanthopteri and other bony Fish. The swimming bladder is developed as an outgrowth from the oesopliageal portion of the digestive tube, and its chictus pneuma- tmis, when persistent, ordinarily communicates with this portion of the tract. Both bladder and duct are absent in the Marsipo- branchii, and, except as rudimentary structures in certain Sharks, iu all MasmohrancJiii also. The duct is aborted in the majority of Teleostei (the Acanthopteri, Pharpigognathi, Lopkohrmicliii^ Plec- tognathi)^ but is present in the remainder of this order, nearly corresponding to the Malacopterygii of Cuvier, and hence called Phi/sostomi, as also in all Ganoidei and Dipnoi. With the presence or absence of an air-duct to the air-bladder, the presence or ab- sence of bone corpuscles appears to be nearly universally correlated. The shapes which the air-bladder assumes are very various, es- pecially when it is ductless. In many Acanthopteri it sends two prolongations into relation with the caudal muscles, whilst in many Phi/sostomi {Ci/jorinoideae, Siliiroideae , Clupeidae), its ante- rior prolongation is brought into relation with the auditory ap- paratus. It is only in the Masmohranchii that a secondary kidney takes the place of the primordial Wolffian body, which remains as the functional renal organ in other orders of Fishes. This difference is illustrated not only by the difference of form and of compactness of the renal organs in the Elasmobrayichii, but also by the facts that in the females of this order the oviducts open separately from the ureters into the cloaca ; that in the males the vasa deferentia are in some species {Muslelus laevis) bestudded with what is probably the remnants of Wolffian bodies for nearly their entire length ; and that the ureters are developed mainly along the internal, and not Ixxvi Introduction, as in Amphibia along the outer edge, or as in many Teleostei, along the anterior or inferior surface of the renal gl.nds. Uro- genital canals are formed in Ganoidei of both sexes, and in the males of Elasmobranchii. In the Teleostei, the ureters often fuse into an azygos duct, which opens above, or behind, or to- gether with the generative duct, but always posteriorly to the anus. The urinary bladder may take the shape of a bilateral dilatation, as in the Sharks and Kays; or that of a vesica bi- cornis, as in some Ganoidei ; or of that an azygos sac, as in many Teleostei. The encephalon fiUs the brain-case in the embryonic Fish, but subsequently, by the disproportionate growth of the cranial walls, it comes to occupy a very small space in the cavity which they inclose, the intervening space between it and the perichondrium or periosteum, as the case may be, of the cranial vault being filled with a mass of loosely compacted tissue, richly laden with fat. The membranes, in relation with the external and internal surfaces of the cerebro-spinal centres, develope pigment cells as in Amphibia. The nerve-centres are smaller in relation to the body in this than in any other vertebrate class; the relation of the encephalon to the body is stated as being on an average as low as i to 3000 ; and the spinal cord of a Sturgeon which weighed laolbs., has been stated to have been no thicker than that of a Frog. The spinal cord is ordinarily, but not always, devoid of any enlargements, and of uniform diameter throughout its length, which is usually com- mensurate with that of the spinal canal. The cerebellum is very variable in size, but it sometimes, as in Sharks and in the Ttmny, attains a greater size relatively to the rest of the brain in this than in any other vertebrate class. It is never bilaterally bilobed, as the divisions of the brain placed anteriorly to it are. The optic lobes are frequently in osseous Fish larger than any other division of the brain, a proportion which they never attain to in any other class. The diencephalon, the homologue of the optic thalami, fails in some Teleostei, as also* in the Dipnoi, to be differentiated from the mesencephalon or optic lobes behind, and the prosencephalon in front of it; but in many other Teleostei, in the Ganoidei, and Elasmobranchii, this division of the brain is considerably elongated antero-posteriorly, and bounds a ' third ventricle ' by its two halves. In the Sharks and Rays, the prosencephalon attains the preponder- Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxvii ance relatively to the other divisions of the brain, which it main- tains in the hig-her Vertehrata, and developes lateral ventricles in its two halves, which communicate with similar cavities in the rhinencephalon. These two divisions of the brain are solid in most Fishes, the rhinencephalic lobes appear to be attached laterally and by peduncles to the prosencephalic in the Elasmobranchii j they are pedunculate in many Teleostei, but sessile in the Ganoidei. Besides developing in Silwus and Cyprinoids a supero-median ' lobus impar,' or ' nodulus,' the medulla oblongata presents in various families certain lateral ganglionic enlargements, which^ from their connection with peripheral nerves, are known in Cypri- noids as ' vagal/ as ' lobi nervi trigemini ' in the Sharks, and as ' electric lobes ' in the Torpedo. In Dipnoi, and to some extent in MarsipohrancMi, the muscles of the eye are supplied by the fifth nerve ; and in most Fishes the nervous supply of the superficial structures in the maxillary, hyo- mandibular, and palatine regions supplied in higher Vertehrata, with the exception of the Anurous Amphibia, by the portio dura of the seventh pair, is dependent partly upon factors from the fifth nerve, as well as upon an independent stem. The nervus lateralis which supplies the sensory organs of the lateral line, as well as the medio- dorsal region of the trunk, anastomosing in its course with the spinal nerves externally, much as the sympathetic chain anasto- moses with them within the thoracico-abdominal cavity, is in ElasmobrayicJtii, Ganoidei, and many Physostomous Teleostei, con- stituted by the vagus. In some osseous Fish [Gadus), it is formed chiefly by the fifth nerve. The glossopharyngeal is not always difierentiated from the vagus, and in some Rays it interchanges fibres with the auditory nerves. The spinal accessory nerve does not exist in Fish, and the place of the hypoglossus is taken by the first spinal nerve. The existence of the sympathetic has not been demonstrated in MarsipohrancJiii ; in Teleostei the bilateral gang- liated chain does, in Elasmobranchii it does not, extend into the caudal region. Organs of tactile sensibility are constituted in some Fishes by the development of flexible rays upon their fins ; in some others, and more commonly, by that of similar structures, in the shape of barbules upon the snout ; but in most cases by the muco-nervous organs developed upon the head, where they are supplied by the Ixxviii Introduction. trigeminus, and upon the trunk along the lateral line. The ol- factory organ is an azygos sac in the Marsijjohranchii, hence called ' Monorrhina;' it ends blindly in the sub-order Tetromyzoniidae, which are hence called ' Hyperoartii,' but opens into the pharynx in the Myxinoids, hence called ' Hyperotreti.' All higher Verte- brata have paired nasal sacs, and have consequently been st}'led ' Amphirrhina.' In the Dipnoi, the nasal sacs have valvular poste- rior openings, externally to the pterygo-palatine teeth ; in all other amphirrhine Fishes they end blindly. The eyes are relatively large in Fish, the cornea is flat, the lens spheroidal. The Elasmohranckii possess eyelids, and sometimes a membrana nictitans. A peculiarly piscine rete mirabile, the ' choroid gland,' exists in most Fishes, except the Elasmobranchii and Ganoidei, between the layers of the choroid, where it surrounds the entrance of the optic nerve. A structure homologous with the ' pecten ' of Birds exists in many Teleostei, where it is known as the ' processus faleiformis.' Certain structures, consisting of pigment specks with lens-like bodies inlaid in their substance, have been found regularly arranged between the branehio-stegal rays, upon the head, and in two pairs of longitu- dinal rows on the ventral surface of Chauliodes and Stomias, and have been regarded as accessory eyes. The auditory apparatus of the Marsipobrajic/ni consists of a vestibule, with, in Myxinoids one, and in Tetromyzontidae two semicircular canals, contained in cartilaginous capsules attached to the skull laterally. In all higher Fishes there are three semicircular canals. In the Sharks and Eays, and in the Dipnoi, the mem- branous labyrinth is entirely surrounded by the cranial walls, but in the Chimaerae, the Ganoidei, and the Teleostei, a median portion is always to be found lying free in the cranial cavity. The air- bladder of some Acanthopteri, and of many Physostomous Teleostei, comes into relation with the membranous labyrinth, either directly or through the intermediation of ossicula. In Elasmobranchii canals exist, marking the line along which the integument was invaginated, to form the 'internal ear.^ The electric organs of Fishes are not represented in higher Vertebrata. They are most largely developed in the Torpedo and Gymnotns, and in a lower degree in Malapterurus and Mormyrus. They are found in various parts of the body, but consist essentially of prismatic columns, made up by the superposition of flat plates, to which nerves from Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxix the fifth and eig-hth pairs, and from the spinal series, are distri- buted. The nerves fuse with one surface of these plates, which is electro-negative, whilst the other is electro-positive. In several species of the genus Serramis, a testis has been ob- served overlying the ovary, and a similar hermaphroditism has been observed occasionally in Cyprinoids, and in some other Fishes. On the other hand, asj^mmetry is often, as in the Perch, seen to be produced by the stunting of one or other of the (tj^pically sym- metrical) ovaries. The reproductive glands in the two sexes are often so much alike externally, that an examination of their sub- stance is necessary for deciding the sex to which they belong. Sometimes, however, and especially at the breeding season, the sexes may be distinguished by external differences. Fishes are mostly oviparous, but are sometimes viviparous. Rudimentary in- tromittent organs exist in the male Elasmobranchii, as the so-called '^claspers.' Sexual congress or contact takes place in many ovi- parous as well as in the viviparous Teleosfei. The products of the generative glands sometimes find their way into the water by extrusion, by an abdominal pore or pores, as in Marsipohranchii, Anguilla, and the females of Salmonidae, from the abdominal cavity into which they have been set free by dehis- cence. But in most Teleostei, the walls of both the generative glands are directly continuous with their ducts, so that neither ova nor spermatozoa are ever set free into the peritoneal cavity. This is the case also in Lejndosteus amongst the Ganoidei ; but in the other members of that order, the sexual products of both kinds are taken up after dehiscence by the open mouths of ' Fallopian tubes.' In the Elasmohranchii, where the ovary is single, and the mouths of the oviducts approximated, the lower parts of the oviduct are specially modified to secrete the shell in the oviparous Scyllium and in the Rays, and to serve as a uterus in the viviparous species of Squalidae. In the males of MasmobrancMi, as of all higher Vertehrata, the testis is continuous on each side, with an epididymis and a vas deferens. The lower segment of the vas deferens is expanded into a vesicula seminalis. The Elasmobranchii have large yolked ova with partial segmentation, and in Miistelus laevis, the vessels on the yolk sac come into such relation with the ma- ternal vessels on the walls of the uterus^ as to form a sort of placenta. In osseous Fishes, where the ova are very much \ Ixxx Introduction. smaller, the segmentation of the yolk is more extensive than in Elasm.ohranclm, but less so than in Mammals or Amphibia. In Marsipohranchii, as in Amphibia and Amphioxus, the intes- tinal canal is formed within the yolk sac, as the result of an invagination commencing at the future anus, proceeding from without inwards, and forming thus a tube without any umbilicus, within a cavity which is at once yolk cavity and peritoneal sac. Fishes, like Amphibia, are competent not rarely to sexual fime- tions before they are mature in other particulars. Their power of repairing injuries, and reproducing lost parts, is confined to the fins. The capacity for growing as long as life lasts, which some Fishes are said to possess, may be explained by the facts that their bodies are, firstly, of very nearly the same specific gravity as the water in which they Kve ; and, secondly, of a temperature which is but a very little higher than that which they are there exposed to. Thus the force which in other animals is expended in the way of opposition to that of gravity, and in the way of producing heat, is available for sustaining continuous growth. The Class Pisces is divided into six orders — the Dipnoi, the Elas- mobrancMi, the Ganoidei, the Teleostei, the Marsipobraiichii, and the Pharyngohranchii. Of these the Dipnoi are to be considered the highest, as presenting in their organization many points of affinity to the Amphibia; the Elasmohranchii and the Ganoidei have the oldest known geological history of any members of the class ; they possess many characters in common with each other and with the Dipnoi, such as the abdominal position of the posterior pair of limbs ; the retention ordinarily of more or less of the axial endoskeleton in a cartilaginous condition ; the possession of an anterior functional uniserial gill, which is lost as such in osseous Fishes; and the possession of a spiral intestinal valve. Though coeval in geological time with the Ganoidei, the Elasmobmnchii are a distinctly specialized, whilst the Ganoidei are a generalized type of Vertebrata. The Teleostei, and amongst them the Physostomi especially, are linked by many afiinities to the Ganoidei, The Mar- sipohranchii may be looked upon as representing a very low grade of development of the type upon which the Eksmohranchii are con- structed ; the superaddition of specializations has however proceeded so far as to leave few points of positive similarity beyond those which an endoskeleton in great part or wholly cartilaginous ; a branchial Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxxi apparatus differing- iu its pouched arrangement and posterior po- sition from those of Ganoidei and Teleostei ; the absence of maxillary and intermaxillary cartilages ; and the presence of a raised ridge along the intestine constitute. The sixth order, that of the Pha- Tyngohranchii, are the lowest of Vertehrata; their claim to that title resting indeed not upon the possession by them of a vertebral column, but merely upon that of a chorda dorsalis, underlying a membranous neural canal, and overlying a cavity containing the organs of vegetative life. Its digestive tract appears to be formed as in many Invertebrata by an invagination commencing on the exterior of the germinal membrane, and it is to certain of the stages of its metamorphosis that certain similarly transitory phases in the life-history of certain sessile Ascidians have been stated to present a strong resemblance unknown in other Invertebrata. The Dipnoi are represented by the Mud-fishes, Lepidosiren and Ehinocryptis, of the South American and West African rivers. They possess, in addition to small external gills, seen elsewhere amongst Fishes only in developing ElasmobrancUi, and to func- tional internal gills covered by an operculum, a pulmonary auricle into which blood is returned from two pulmonary sacs. These sacs communicate with the digestive tract by a ventrally-placed opening guarded by cartilage ; they receive blood in a venous, and return it in an arterialized state. The Dipnoi differ further from the Ga- noidei, the piscine order with which they are most nearly allied, and resemble the Amphibia in the communication of their paired nasal sacs with the mouth, in the possession of three external branchiae, in the internal structm-e of their arterial bulb, and in the microscopic characters of their chorda dorsalis. The totality of their organism however shows them to belong to the Sub-kingdom Pisces; the persistence of the structure last mentioned; the absence of vertebral centra; the development of cycloid scales; and, more distinctively, of the system of the lateral line ; the presence of clavicular, of branchiostegal, of opercular bones, of dermal spines, and of a spiral intestinal valve ; constituting a sum of characters which justify us in referring them to that class. The order Dipnoi differs from the orders ElasmobrancUi and Ganoidei, to which in so many points it appears to be more or less closely allied in the non- heterocercal character of the tail. In this particular it resembles on the one hand the lowest of the Fishes; and on the other, / Ixxxii Introduction. the Urodelous and the larvae of the Anurous Amphibia; illus- trating well what is meant by the phrase ' a generalized type/ The Dipnoi resemble the ElasmobrancUi and Ganoidei in having the posterior pair of limbs placed near the anus, as in all Verte- brata above the Teleosfcean Fishes in which a posterior pair of limbs is developed. The second order of Fishes, that of the Elasmohranchii, is repre- sented by the Sharks, Rays, and Chimaerae. They differ from the Dipnoi and Ganoidei in the following points besides those which their name connotes. They never have an air-bladder, except occa- sionally as a rudimentary structure; they have no cranial, nor clavicular bones ; their exoskeleton has the form of ' placoid' granules, not of scales; and in the males, accessory copulatory organs are developed. They resemble the Ganoidei in the hetero- cercal character of their tail; in the formation of their caudal haemal arches by costal elements ; and in the possession of several rows of valves within their arterial bulb ; of a coating of transversely striped muscular fibre on the exterior of this structm-e ; and of an optic chiasma. The order Ganoidei is divisible into two sub-orders — the Chon- drostei represented by the Sturgeons ; and the Holostei represented by the Bony Pike, the Polypterus, and the Amia. They always possess a freely moving operculum, supported by one, as in Stur- geons, or by several bony plates, and an air-bladder pro^dded with an air duct. With a few exceptions, {Polypierus, Amia, ScajjU- rhyncJhUs,) they possess an opercular gill as well as a pseudobranchia ; and a blowing cavity, the remains of the first visceral cleft, may exist together with, or independently of one, or other, or both of these structures. The angular or round enamelled scales, whence their name is taken, are ordinarily but not always present, the skin being sometimes naked and sometimes developing bony plates as in the Sturgeons. The extent to which ossification proceeds in their axial skeleton is, as the two subordinal names above given indicate, very various. The Holostei and especially the genus Amia, make a considerable approximation towards the Physo- stomous division of the Teleostean Fishes, by the distinct speciali- zation of maxillary and intermaxillary bones, and by failing to develope either the enamel on the scales, the fulcra on the fins, or the gill on the operculum, so characteristic of Ganoidei generally. Characteristics of the Vertehrata. Ixxxiii The Tehostei comprise an immense majority of existing- Fishes. They may be subdivided into two great sub-orders : the Plhysostom% which possess an air-bladder and an air-duct, and, with the ex- ception of the Pike, bone corpuscles in their skeleton; and the Physoklisti (Haeckel) in which the air-duct is always absent, the air-bladder sometimes, and in which, with the exception of the Tunny, bone-corpuscles are wanting. The vertebrae vary much in number, and iu the extent to which calcificatory deposit takes place in them; but they are always individualized, though the most anteriorly placed of them may be suturally united with each other and with the basi-occipital bone. The gill-fringes may vary in number accordingly, as upon each of four branchial arches a biserial or uniserial gill is developed ; but they never exceed the number of four biserial gills, an opercular gill being never developed. They have always more than a single bone in the opercular valve. The cartilaginous cranium may either persist or disappear, but cranial bones are always developed in addition to it. The scapular arch has a clavicular element ; the anterior fins are rarely absent ; the position of the posterior, which are much more commonly absent than the anterior, varies from the 'abdominal' to the 'tho- racic,' and from the ' thoracic' to the 'jugular' region. The aortic bulb is not provided with more than two valves, nor has it a covering of transversely striated muscular fibre. The optic nerves decussate, but do not form a chiasma. The fifth order of Fishes, the MarsipolrancUi, consists of the two families of Myxinoidei and Petromyzontidae. Their sac-like gills are supported on a cartilaginous framework, which is more superficially placed than the analogous visceral skeleton of higher Fish. They have a single nasal opening, and have been hence called ' Monorrhina,' in contradistinction to all higher Vertebrata. TTiey have no mandible, and higher Vertebrata have, in contra- distinction to them, been on this account spoken of as ' Gnatho- stoma.' They have no traces of air-bladder, of limbs, of limb- gu-dles, of cranial bones, of scales, of spleen, or of pancreas. Their tail retains the homocercal form characteristic of the early embryo m other Fishes. They have no vertebral centra. The sympathetic system is wanting, and the commencement of their aortic trunk has neither striped nor smooth muscular fibres developed upon it. The Myxinoids are less highly organized, being of parasitic habits, than Ixxxiv Introduction. the Lampreys ; their single nasal sac eommunicates with the pha- rynx, whence they are called 'Hyperotreti whilst in the Petromy- zontidae, hence called ' Hyperoartii/ it ends blindly as in other Fish. The embryos of Petromyzontidae go through a metamor- phosis, being blind and edentulous when set free from the egg. These larvae were formerly supposed to be a distinct species, and were known under the name of Ammocoetes hrancJiialis. Like the larvae of some other Fish and of some Amphibia, they may attain sexual maturity whilst still in one of the stages preparatory to the perfect adult condition. The evolution of the sexual organs appears however to exhaust the powers of such larvae as attain to it, and to be incompatible with the completion of the entire curriculum of metamorphosis. The sixth order of Fishes, the PliaryngobrancUi, are represented by a single species, the Lancelet, Ampkioxus lanceolatus. These animals are somewhat vermiform in outline, semi-transparent, of small size, being only two inches in length even when adult, without either cranium or brain strictly so called, or any differen- tiation of the axial notochordal, or the primitive membranous neural canal. In this order we have pulsating vessels in the place of a saccular heai-t, whence the name ' Leptocardia' has been given to it in con- tradistinction to that of ^Pachycardia,' which expresses the condition of the central organ of the circulating system of all other Verte- brata. Another name, ' Acrania,' indicates the fact that in corre- spondence with the absence of any other encephalic nervous centre beyond a dilatation in which the myelon ends, and which may be considered as homologous with the medulla oblongata, no cranial cavity is developed upon the anterior prolongation of the notochord. The mouth is surrounded by a cartilaginous ring, carrying ante- riorly tentacular outgrowths, whence the name ' Cirrhostomi ' has been given to this order. The digestive tract immediately pos- teriorly to the mouth is constituted by a multiperforate branchial skeleton, along the bars of which blood is propelled by contractile branchial arteries, and through the fissures of which the inhaled water finds an exit into a cavity homologous with a branchial cavity, and opening by a single orifice on the medio-ventral line, posteriorly to the middle point of the animal's length. The blood- vessels, which pass from a sub-branchial vessel upwards along the Characteristics of the Mollusca. Ixxxv branchial bars, are collected into a dorsal aorta, which distributes blood to the various organs of the body. A portal system is rudi- mentarily represented by a vessel, which is formed by the veins of the intestine, and sends ramifications to a coecal outgrowth of that tube representing the liver. There is no lymphatic system, nor have any renal organs been discovered in this small Fish. The eye appears to be represented by an azygos pigment speck, sessile upon the anterior prolongation of the nervous axis. No auditory organ has been observed. The generative glands discharge their products by simple dehiscence into the cavity surrounding the branchial sac, whence they escape by the abdominal pore together with the respired water. The ova undergo complete segmentation; the ciliated embryo is set free before the primitive streak and chorda dorsalis are differentiated, and goes through a peculiar metamorphosis. Sub-kingdom, MoUusca. Invertebrata, in which the body is bilateraUy symmetrical, but often not obviously so ; in which it never is segmented nor pro- vided with articulated appendages ; and in which the length is usually less in relation to the bulk than in either Vertebrata, Ar- thropoda, or Vermes. The organs of animal life often attain but an insignificant degree of evolution in this sub-kingdom; whilst those of vegetative, which are ordinarily massed together in a sacciform envelope, may attain a great predominance in point of size, with which their precedence in order of development is to be correlated. The tegumentary envelope of these latter organs is almost always prolonged so as to form a mantle, which may itself entirely surround the body, and which usually furnishes it with an external shell, or shells, or test. A weU-developed digestive tract, consistmg of oesophagus, stomach, and intestinal segments, and never opening into the perivisceral cavity, though it is occasionally aproc- tons, IS always present in Mollusca. It very rarely takes a direct antero-postenor course, but has almost always its terminal segment bent round so as to be approximated to the mouth, and when it is Ixxxvi Introduction. proctuchous, tlie anal outlet is very usually in close relation to the respiratory inlet. The hepatic organ is very various in shape, but is usually, as in most water-breathing animals, largely developed. A heart is usually but not always present; it is, when present, always systemic, receiving blood, when afferent veins are present, from the aerating and renal organs, or from the general lacunar system when no such vessels exist, and propelling it by an aorta to the mam organs of animal and vegetable life respectively. In many aquatic MoUusca, the external water can find its way by variously situated apertures, so as to become directly intermingled with the blood ; in others, a multi-ramified water-vascular system appears to spread itself throughout the body, without becoming directly continuous with the blood-vessels. In some cases no specialized respiratory organs are present ; in a few Mollusca aerial respiration is attained to, in most it is aquatic. The renal organ may be represented by a simple non-glandular sac, which communicates internally with the lacunar blood-vascular system, and externally with tbe circum- ambient medium. When its walls are clothed with glandular cells, it receives an abundant supply of venous blood, some of whicb is passed onwards to the aerating organs, and some sent directly to the heart. The nervous system may be reduced to a single ganglion, as m Polyzoa and Tunicata, and in the former class organs of special sense are wanting, except occasionally as rudiments. Eeproduction may be either sexual or asexual ; and in the Po- lyzoa polymorphic zooids are produced by gemmation. The ova undergo entire segmentation, except in the Cephalopoda ; and with the exception of that class, and a few Gasteropoda, of the pulmonale order mostly, the embryos go thi'ough metamorphosis subsequently to being set free from the egg. The great majority of Mollusca are water-breathers, and marine in habitat ; some however are fluviatile, or lacustrine and a few are terrestrial and pulmonate. A few Mollusca are parasitic. Enioconcha mirahilis inhabits the perivisceral cavity of a SjTiapta; in the genus Eidima, which preys upon Holothurioidea, some species are ento-, others ecto-parasitic. SiyUfer lives ecto- or pseudo- parasitically attached to the soft tissues clothing the exterior of Asteriae and Echinoidea and Holothurioidea, as also within their digestive tract. Grenella infests Tunicata; and Vulsella, Gastro- Characteristics of the Mollusca. Ixxxvii cliaena, and Magilus infest certain Coelenterata ; but, like certain Polyzoa^ such as Loxosoma and Pedicellina, which attach them- selves to Vermes as to other marine objects, are not parasitic in a strict sense. The Sub-kingdom Mollusca contains two great divisions or pro- vinces— ^the Mollusca proper, under which are comprehended as classes the Cephalopoda, the Gasteropoda, the Pteropoda, and the Lamellibranchiata ; and the Molluscoidea, under which are compre- hended the Brachiopoda, the Tunicata, and the Poljzoa. The Mol- lusca proper are distinguished firstly by the great development of their organs of animal life. Their motor organs consist of a ' foot/ which may be of very various shapes, and is divisible morphologically, and sometimes actually, into a ' propodium/ ' mesopodium/ and ' me- tapodium;' and of an ' epipodium/ developed by the foot proper along its line of junction with the visceral mass. The names of the three classes. Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, and Pteropoda, relate to the dif- ferences observable in these motor organs. The nervous system in all four Classes of Mollusca consists of three pairs of ganglia at least, which are sensory, parieto-splanchnic, and motor respectively; and which, being mutually connected by commissures, form a collar round the commencement of the digestive tract. The organs of vegetative life in the Mollusca contrast with those of the Mollus- coidea in two chief points : firstly, their heart is all but invariably provided with one or two auricles, in correlation with their more perfectly developed and specialized respiratory apparatus, whence they have been called ' Otocardia ; ' and secondly, their digestive system is, also all but invariably, proctuchous. The three classes. Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, Pteropoda, are placed together in one sub-division as 'odontophorous' Mollusca, in contradistinction to the 'bivalve' Lamellibranchiata, b;^virtue of their uniformly possessing the peculiar dentigerous raspijj^ organ known as the tongue, and of their never pQssessing a l/valved shell. With these differences others are correlated, as will^ be detailed in the description of the class Lamellibranchiata. The Molluscoidea, as a sub-division, are distinguished from the Mollusca proper by the followmg characteristics. They are not only,^ like the Lamellibranchiata, destitute of any prehensile or masticatory apparatus, and dependent therefore upon ciliary action for the ingestion of alimentary matters, but they are, with the Ixxxviii Introduction. exception of the Nectascidiae and a few Polyzoa, also devoid of organs for motion from place to place^ at least in their adult state. The entire sub-division is aquatic, and, with the exception of a part of the Polyzoa, is marine. Most of its members are monoecious, and many are social, which the Mollusca proper never are. They always have a more or, less indm-ated external envelope, which in two of the classes, the Tunicata and the Polyzoa, into which the Molluscoidea are divided, is sacciform ; and in the third, the Bra- chiopoda, takes the form of a bivalve shell. In this latter case the nerve-system attains a higher development in certain species than it ever does in either of the other two classes of Molluscoidea ; but as no Molluscoid has a foot,^ pedal ganglia are never developed, nor the three pairs of ganglia characteristic of the higher sub- division of the sub-kingdom attained to. Class, Cephalopoda. Mollusca, in which the foot proper has its margins split up into tentacles, or into acetabuliferous arms, which are arranged so as to form a corona round the mouth. The epipodia, which in Pteropoda are the principal, remain, in Cephalopoda, important locomotor organs, forming as they do, by then- partial or perfect coalescence, the 'fimnel,'' which is lodged in their capacious nem-ally-situated mantle cavity, and which by the contraction of the muscular walls of that cavity has water so projected into it as to effect the peculiar backward swimming movement characteristic of the class. Move- ment from place to place in the way of crawling is effected by the multifid foot proper. By virtue of the high evolution of their organs generally, and especially of those of animal life, such as the eyes, the Cephalopoda are by common consent placed at the head of the Molluscan Sub-kingdom; by the retention, however, of a bilateral arrangement relatively to a median autero-posterior plane in many organs, and especially in those of vegetable life, they show indications of affinity to lower Mollusca, which are lost in the inter- mediate classes of Gasteropoda and Pteropoda. Tlie Cephalopoda are divided into two orders, according to the number of their gills ; the Tetrahranchiata being the less, and the Dibranchhixi the more highly organized of the two. All Cephalopoda possess an internal cartilaginous framework which supports and protects their nerve- » Characteristics of Cephalopoda. Ixxxix collar and their organs of special sense; the TetmlrancUaia, in which the internal skeleton attains much less importance than it does in the Dibranchiata, have an external shell; and the Bibran- cUata ordinarily possess an internal calcareous shell, as in Sepia, Belemiiitidae, and Spirula, or a rigid support of conchiolin, as in Lo- liginidae. The Octo^mlidae, however, in which locomotion ordinarily is of the crawling kind, are devoid, with the exception of Cirrhoteu- tlds, of any internal shell distinct from their various internal car- tHaginous supports. The external shell of the female Argonautidae is secreted by the external surface of the expanded ends of their two mesiaUy-placed dorsal arms; the body of the animal is not attached to it by the insertion of any muscles, and it is not homologous with the external sheU of the Nautilus, nor indeed with that of any other MoUusc. The tegumentary system is distinguished, except in the TetrabrancMata, by the absence of cHia, and by the presence of chromatophores, and of certain more deeply-placed lameUar cells upon which their well-known power of changing colour depends. The organs of animal life being aU highly developed, those of digestion, cii-culation, and respiration are so also in subservience to them. The entrance to the digestive tract, besides being armed with a rasping tongue, is frirther furnished with a powerful ex- ternally-placed beak resembling that of a parrot, but having its posterior segment the larger of the two. Though the animals are exclusively carnivorous and marine, they have always, with the exception of the TetrabrancJiiata, a very largely developed salivary system. A crop, and also a spiral stomachal coecum, are usually present ; as also glandular appendages, which, as bemg distinct, at least to the naked eye, from the great mass of the liver, have been regarded as pancreatic. The intestine proper does not describe any complex convolutions in its course to the anus which opens always in the middle line of the mantle cavity, and contributes thus, with other arrangements, to give these animals their very obvious appearance of bilateral symmetry. The systemic heart consists of a single ventricle, the walls of which, m the higher Cephalopoda at least, are composed of trans- versely-striated muscular tissue. The branchial veins which return the aerated blood to the heart have, in some species of those orders, dilatations developed upon them representing auricles : and in addi- tion to the systemic heart, we find in all the BibrancJdata accessory xc Introduction. branchial hearts, developed upon the great afferent branchial veins. In the BibrancMata the peripheral circulatory system appears to be closed, consisting of arteries connected by capillaries, in many organs at least, with the veins or great venous sinuses into which the veins expand. In the TetrabrancUata the blood appears to be more widely distributed throughout the various perivisceral cham- bers than it is, according to Mr, Hancock, in the BibrancJdata ; and as the external water finds in the former free access to the various perivisceral cavities, it would appear that it may thus come, as it does, according to some authorities, in the latter order also, to mix directly with the blood. The gills are in the Dibran- chiate order attached in their entire length to the interior of the mantle cavity, upon the contraction of the muscular walls of which they are, in the absence of any cilia upon their external surface, dependent for fresh supplies of water and aeration. The giUs of the Nmiiili differ from those of the BibmncUata not only in their number, but also in being attached only at their bases. The renal organs take the shape of bilaterally symmetrical spongy appendages to the stems into which the vena cava divides, and which carry its blood to the sunilarly bilateral gills. Certain orifices in the bran- chial chamber exist, by means of which the secretion of these organs can more or less directly find its way into the external water. The three typical pairs of excitomotor ganglia are readily recog- nizable in the Cephalopoda as in aU other MoUusca proper, the anterior position of the pedal ganglia and of their cerebro-pedal commissure to the visceral or parieto-splanchnic ganglia, and their cerebro-visceral commissure, being as readily demonstrable in these, the highest, as in the Lamellibranchiata, the lowest of the Mollusca proper. The accessory nerve-systems, however, which this latter class does not possess, attain a high development in the paired stomatogastric, parietal, and branchial ganglia, as also in the un- paired stomachal and other visceral ganglia of Cephalopoda. An olfactory organ appears to exist in Cephalopoda in addition to the highly-developed eyes and the auditory organs. The Cephalopoda are always dioecious. The reproductive glands differ from most of their other organs in not being bilaterally symmetrical, and they differ from those of all other Invertebrata, except certain of the Vermes, in setting free their respective Characteristics of Cephalopoda. xci products into the cavity of a compartment of the perivisceral space, whence they are taken up by the open mouth of the effe- Tcnt generative duct, as the ova in most Vertebrata are taken up by the Fallopian tubes. The oviducts are bilaterally symmetrical in the sub-order Octopoda, and in the genus Ommastrephes ; but both male and female efferent ducts are in all other Cephalopoda unpaired like the glands with which they are in relation. The male and female Cephalopoda are distinguishable from each other by external differences, and most markedly by the modification of one of the arms or tentacles of the males to serve as an intro- mittent organ, the so-called ' Hectocotylus,' which in some species, Argonauta argo, Octopus carena, Tremoctopus violaceus, and Tremoc- topus Qiioi/anus, is set free from the male animal, and, probably, reproduced after each act of sexual congress. The Cephalopoda differ from other Invertebrata in the very large proportion of the yolk which escapes segmentation ; and with the large size of the nutritive yolk we may correlate the fact that the embryos do not undergo any metamorphosis after leaving the egg. The Tetrabranchiate differ from the Dibranchiate Cephalopoda in the following particulars besides those which their name connotes. They have an external shell, to which the body is attached by strong muscles, but no ink-bag; their tentacles are much more numerous, but are not armed with the suckers which gave the mhmnchiata their name of ' Acetabulifera their internal cartila- ginous skeleton is limited to the head, and does not there form a perfect ring; the two halves of their 'funnel' are not anchylosed, but project by two free edges into the mantle cavity, where they form a tube by mutual apposition ; their blood- vascular system ap- pears to be less sharply differentiated from their water- vascular or perivisceral, and their eyes are pedunculate. The families Nantiliclae and Ammonitidae make up the entire order Tetrahranchiata, and are represented in the Silurian formations by numerous genera, species, and individuals, whilst at the present time the order is represented only by the rare Nautili, the living species of which are variously stated to be two, four, or six. The more highly- organized mhranchiata have attained their greatest development as an order in the modern Period, but make their first appearance in the Tnassic formation. They are divided into three sub-orders— the Becapoda calciphora, to which the existing Spimlidae and xcii Introduction. Sepiadae, and the extinct Belemnitidae are referred ; the Becapoda cJiondrojohora, which do not possess a calcified shell, hut a horny ' pen' or ' gladius / and the Octopoda, which, with the exception of Cirrhoteuthis, have no internal shell. Class, Gasteropoda. Mollusca, distinguished as a class from the Pteropoda and Cepha- lopoda most obviously by the characters of their ' foot/ which is ordinarily flat and sole-shaped, and adapted for crawling. Usually the foot is not divisible into a propodium, mesopodium, and meta- podium_, though the posterior part of the organ is nearly always well developed^ and even when no division exists to denote its typically trifid character^ the presence of an operculum frequently enables us to differentiate its metapodial portion. In the Hetero- poda however, and in the Stromhidae, the three divisions of the foot are very clearly distinguishable; and the epipodium is occasionally recognizable, as in Aplysia and Turbo. The foot proper may be longitudinally divided for crawling, as in PJiasianella, or expanded into lateral lobes for swimming, as in Gasteropteron and Bullidae ; or it may be adapted for the purpose of swimming by being con- verted anteriorly into a vertical fin, whOst it retains its ordinary caudate shape posteriorly, as in the Reteropoda. Finally, the foot may be merely rudimentary, as in Glaucus, lantJdna, and Termettis. The Gasteropoda count among their number the only representa- tives of the Sub-kingdom which have attained to aerial respiration, and they form by far the most numerous of all IMolluscan, and, with the exception of the Insecta, of all animal Classes. Their digestive tract is almost invariably more or less convoluted, and with the exception of the parasitic EntoconcJia mirabiUs, and possibly a few Apneusta (see Baur, Nova iicta, 1864, p. 71), it is always proctuchous. The mouth and anus are ordinarily near to each other, but are never in the same median plane. In certain Apneusta and NudibrancJiiata, the intestinal tract takes a straight antero-posterior course, but is provided with lateral gastro-hepatic diverticula, which give it much the appearance of the digestive tract of one of the Dendrocoelous Planarian or Trematode Vermes. The heart, which has been supposed to be absent in the Gasteropoda just mentioned, does not seem to be so in any member of the class Cliaracteristics of Ptero'poda. xciii except the MntoconcJia and Rhodope ; it is sometimes, as in Chiton, Neritina, Haliotis, perforated by tlie rectum, as is the case in the Lamellibvanchiata, to which some of these Gasteropoda furnish an additional point of resemblance in possessing two auricles. In many, though probably not in all Gasteropoda, the perivisceral cavity is in dii-ect communication with the blood-vascular system. There may be no specialized organ of respiration ; gills, however, are ordinarily present, except in the Ptdmonata, where atmospheric air is inhaled into a cavity formed by the mantle. The renal organ is single. The Gasteropoda may be either dioecious or hermaphrodite. In a few dioecious species which are, as Vermehis and Siliquaria, fixed to one spot, there is no sexual congress, but the ova are fertilized by the spermatozoa finding their way to them after being set free into the water ; and in a few of the hermaphrodite species, such as Tergipes JEclwardsi and Limnaea auricularis, heautandrous impreg- nation has been observed to take place. Eut with these exceptions, sexual congress always precedes impregnation, and indeed all re- production, in Gasteropoda. The accessory reproductive apparatus is greatly developed and complex in the hermaphrodite orders, Pul- monata and NudibmncJdata, whilst in some of the dioecious orders, CyclohrancUata and AspidohrancUata, even the intromittent organ may be wanting, and microscopic examination may be necessary for the distinguishing of the sexes. Gasteropoda are all but universally oviparous, the yolk undergoing segmentation, and manifesting the phaenomenon of rotation whilst within the egg. When the embryo is set free from the egg, it ordinarily goes through a metamorphosis which is marked by the possession of a provisional organ in the shape of a bilobed ciliated locomotor velum. The embryos of the Pid- mmata, in which order the ova may attain a very great size, may possess from the first the form and organization of the adult animal, but provisional organs have been observed in their development {Limax) as in that of Branchiogasteropoda. Class, Pteropoda. Mollusca of small size varyhig from i'" to 3" in length, of pelagic habitat, of nocturnal habits, with the head and eyes rudimentary, and with the epipodia largely developed and constituting swimming organs. The foot proper is ordinarily much reduced in size and xciv Introduction. importance, but its various divisions, propodium, mesopodium, and metapodium, may sometimes be all recognizable in the interspace between the epipodial alae. The processes corresponding to the propodium may be, like the arms of the Cephalopoda, armed with suckers ; and these latter structures may be, as in Clione Borealis, set in great numbers upon certain circumoral retractile upgrowths, which may correspond both to the acetabuliferous arms, and to the buccal membrane, (itself also sometimes, as in Loligo, acetabuliferous in members) of that highest class of MoUusca. The Pteropoda may fLirther resemble the Cephalopoda by having, as ia Cleodora, their ordinarily large mantle cavity opening on the ventral or neural sur- face. This cavity, however, may .open upon the dorsal surface, as ia Gasteropoda, and it may be absent altogether, as in Clione. The heai-t consists of a ventricle and auricle, and gives off an anterior aorta which passes forwards through the nerve-collar to supply the epipodial swimming organs. The small size of then- bodies enables them to dispense in most cases with branchial organs, both ia the femilies provided with a shell {Thecosomata), and in those destitute of it {Gymnosomata). Their renal organ has the normal internal communication with the pericardial blood-sinus, as well as an opemng on to the exterior, but its walls may be either merely hyaline, or con- tractile, without secretory tissue ; or thirdly, spongy and glandular, as in the conchiferous families Eyalea and Cleodora. The eyes and, usually, the sensory tentacles are more or less rudimentary. Auditory vesicles are always present, and in relation with the pedal ganglia. The Pteropoda are hermaphrodite. The embryos go through a metamorphosis, berag provided, when set free fi-om the egg, with a bilobed ciliated velum, which is replaced by the epipodia. The Gymnosomatous Clionidae and Pneumodermidae go through a second stage of metamorphosis, in which they have three zones of cilia. Most of the points of degradation, or simplicity, observable in the stractural arrangements of the Pteropoda, appear to be referrible either to their nocturnal habits, which have entailed a stuntiag of the cephalic organs, or to their minute size, which has rendered any complex evolution of the circulatory and respiratoiy organs imneces- sary. They have frequently been classed as an order of Gasteropoda, but the general relations of their motor organs and their mantle cavity appear to approximate them rather to the Cephalopoda, with- out however justifying us in ranking them as an order of that class. Characteristics of Lamellihranchiata. xcv On the other hand, the Pteropoda are closely allied to the Denta- Udae, the Solenoconchae of Lacaze Duthiers, or Prosopocephala of Keferstein ; and this aberrant order, though possessed of a ' tongue,' of cephalic tentacles, and of epipodial lobes, as well as a foot proper, has nevertheless been separated from the Odontophora, on account of the many points of affinity which subsist between it and the Lamellihranchiata. The most important of these appear to be, the bilateral character of the organ of Bojanus, and of the gene- rative gland; the absence of any accessory reproductive organs, either glandular or intromittent ; the absence of sexual congress and the consequent extra-corporeal fertilization of the ova; and the singleness of the larval velum. Each one of these points, however, is reproduced either amongst the Cephalopoda or the Gasteropoda, and the sum total of them therefore proves, not that the Dentalidae ought to be dissociated from, but merely that the Lamellibranchiata are rightly associated with the Odontophora, as Mollusca proper, notwithstanding these points of degradation. The organization of the Dentalidae is modified for their special habit of living immersed, during the daylight at least, in the sand ; and as many of the points of difference between them and the natatorial Pteropoda may be explained by a reference to this peculiarity, whilst such points of resemblance as the likeness of their larvae to those of Pmmodermon and Glione are of purely morphological value, the two sets of animals may, as suggested by Mr. Huxley, be placed together in a class which would have very generalized affinities on the one hand to the Cephalopoda, and on the other to the non-odontophorous Mollusca s. Lamellibranchiata. Class, Lamellibranehiata. Mollusca, which, while agreeing with the other three classes of the Sub-division of Mollusca proper in the properties distinguishing it from the Sub-division of Molluscoidea, differ from them in having a bivalve shell secreted by a medio-dorsally attached and bilaterally symmetrical mantle, in the absence of odontophore, of salivary glands, of stomato-gastric and sympathetic nerve-ganglia, in the great size of the collars formed by the cerebro-pedal and cerebro- visceral nerve-commissures, in the bilaterality of their reproductive glands, and in the absence of any accessoiy reproductive organs. Introduction. In having their organs bilaterally symmetrical in relation to a vei-tical antero-posterior plane^ the Lamellibranchiata diflFer from the Gasteropoda and Pteropoda, but not from the Cephalopoda. Their bivalve shells diflPer from those of the Braehiopoda in being placed one on either side right and left of the antero-posterior axis of the body ; in being scarcely ever equilateral ; in being very fre- quently eqmvalve, except as regards the hinge ; and in having the hinge opened by the action of an elastic ligament^ and closed by that of one or two transversely-running adductor muscles. Their foot is ordinarily compressed from side to side, so as to be hatchet- or ploughshare-shaped. It may be rudimentary, and not rarely secretes a ' byssus,' whereby the animal attaches itself to one spot. It never developes an epipodium, nor presents the trifid division into propodium, mesopodium, and metapodium. Movement is effected ordinarily by means of the foot j but in some instances, as Pecten, by the alternate opening and shutting of the valves. Two or more pairs of retractor, and one pair of protractor muscles, may be present to act upon the foot and visceral mass from bilateral points of attachment to the valves of the shell. In the absence of any pre- hensile or manducatory organs, the Lamellibranchiata are dependent for the ingestion of food upon the currents set up by the ciha covering not only all their external organs, except the outer surfaces of their mantle, but also lining their alimentary canal. The mouth is provided with labial tentacles^ which are homologous with the arms of the Braehiopoda. The digestive tract has its anterior segments closely and inse- parably connected with the visceral mass made up by the hepatic, and in some cases by the reproductive coeca, after disengaging itself from which it, with some exceptions {Ostrea, Aiiomia, and Teredo), passes through the ventricle of the heart, before passing over the main adductor muscle of the two valves to end in a cloaeal atrium. The ventricle of the heart is, with, the exception of Area, single, whilst the auricles are, with the exception of Anomia, bilaterally symmetrical relatively to a median vertical plane, like the gills and the organs of Bojauus. Gills are uni- versally present, and are in most cases two in number on each side. They take ordinarily the shape of laterally-compressed multi-fene- strated pouches, attached along the upper line of the mantle cavity, much as the leaves of a book are attached to the interior of its Characteristics of Lamellihi^anchiata. xcvii covers ; but in some cases, as Pecten, Sponclylus^ Trigonia, owing' to the absence of the antero-posterior elements of the lattice-work, the gills may be reduced to rows of comb-like processes, as in a Pectini- branchiate Gasteropod, or in an osseous Fish. Ordinarily, there are two gills on each side; there may, however, be only one, as in Lucina and Gorhis ; and in these cases it is always the external pair which is absent. It is later to be developed, and very often smaller, when present, than the inner gill ; and in some cases it serves as a marsupial pouch, in which the ova are imj)regnated by the spermatozoa brought to them by the inhaled water, and go through certain stages of embryonic development (see p. 65, infra). The renal organ is always bilaterally symmetrical ; it consists ordi- narily of an excretory sac, which opens into the mantle cavity, and of a secretory lamellar and glandular sac, which opens internally into the pericardial blood-sinus ; but it may consist only of a single sac on either side, which communicates with its fellow, but prob- ably not with the pericardial cavity. The external orifice of the organ of Bojanus may receive the duct of the generative gland of its own side of the body, or that duct may open within the organ, or independently of it, but at a short distance from its external orifice. The Lamellibranchiata never possess any stomato -gastric nor sym- pathetic ganglia; but they may have accessory ganglia developed for the innervation of certain of their organs of animal life when these are largely developed, as in the cases of the siphons of some of the siphonate families, and of the sensory organs developed along the free edge of the mantle lobes. The Lamellibranchiata are, with a few exceptions, such as 0*- trea and Cyclas, dioecious. The generative glands are alwa3's bilaterally symmetrical, and never possess any accessory glandular or intromittent organs. There is no sexual congress in this class ; the spermatozoa find their way to the ova either in the cir- cumambient water, or in the cavity of the mantle ; or in that of the outer gill; or in the cloacal space; or in the few viviparous species, Kellia, Galeomma, Mofitacuta, within the ovary itself. The embryos always go through a more or less complex metamorphosis, a See Description of Preparations, pp. 54-66, infra ; and Description of Plate V. PP- 193-198, ihique citata. 9 xcviii Introduction. in which they are provided with a unilobar ciliated velum. The fresh-water species, as is often the case^ go through less complex changes than the marine ; and in one instance, that of Cyclas Cor- 7iea, the foot, and not, as usual^ the mantle with its shell, has been stated to have been the first organ which difierentiated itself in the germinal membrane. The imilobar velum may be armed with a flagellum, and in the marine species come to resemble the homo- logous organ of the Dentalium. The Lamellibranchiata are mostly marine. They may be either fixed or free. They are never social in the sense of being organically connected, but the peculiarities of their reproductive functions render it necessary in their case_, as in those of many similarly conditioned creatures, that they should be massed in considerable numbers upon the same spot. Class, Brachiopoda. Molluscoidea with bivalve shells,, which admit of being opened, though usually not widely, either by means of a hinge acted upon by muscles, or by muscles alone, but which are not provided with an elastic ligament as are those of the Lamellibranchiata, to which the term ' bivalve' is sometimes exclusively applied. The shell of the Brachiopoda differs from that of the Lamellibranchiata further in being almost always equilateral, but not equivalve, and in having its valves articulated across and not along the dorsal ridge. They are in the adult state always fixed ; either, as ordinarily, by a peduncle which is attached to the internal surface of a ' ventral ' shell, placed in the living animal superiorly to a shell called, from its relation to the heart, ^dorsal,' or by the attachment of the ventral shell, then placed inferiorly, to* some marine object. Larval Brachiopoda have been observed to move from place to place in two ways ; viz. either by means of the ciliated epithelium covering their arms, which are then jirotruded as is the lophophore of a Polyzoon, or by means of spines implanted in the ventral lobe of the mantle. The Brachiopoda are ordinaril}'- said to be dioecious, and in Thecidinm the sex can be predicated from an inspection of the shell ; but observations exist to show that hermaphroditism also exists in this class, as in some representatives of every molluscan Class, except the Cephalopoda. They are never social, though, as is Characteristics of Brachiopoda. xcix ordinarily the case with animals which are destitute of the power of moving from place to place, and thus accomplishing sexual congress, they are found frequently placed closely together. They are always marine. They fall into two great Sub-classes, accordingly as they possess, or as they are destitute of an anus. The proctuchous Sub-class is represented hjLingulidae, Discinidae, and Craniadae; the aproctous by Uhynchonellidae and TerehratuUdae. The proctuchous Brachiopoda differ from the aproctous in having no hinge to their shell, in having a vasiform instead of a globular heart ; in having a convoluted intestine instead of one describing but a simple curve ; in the much smaller evolution of their nervous system, the existence of which has not, as yet, been fully demonstrated; and in the limitation of their generative glands to their perivisceral chamber. In the existing species of Brachiopoda provided with a hinge, a Q^^'H calcareous process of greater or less length and of various shapes is • 'l-^""' given off from it for the support of the arms. Some fossil arti- culate Brachiopoda were destitute of these calcified supports, and they are absent in all the hingeless Sub-class. The mouth opens as a simple unarmed transverse slit between the two arms; and it is by the action of the cilia covering their cirri that the ingestion of food, as also the aeration of the blood, is effected. The mantle cavity, a very large part of which is occupied in all Brachiopods, and especially in the aproctous Sub-class, by the arms, is continuous through the oviducts or ' pseudo-hearts,' with a multivamified sys- tem of interviscerally-placed cavities and canals, which make up the perivisceral system, and in TerehratuUdae are prolonged into the arms. The ''pseudo-hearts,-' or oviducts, consist each of them of two segments — the one which opens externally being tubular, and- the one which brings the exterior communication with the peri- visceral cavities being of wider calibre. They appear to correspond witb-Jilie_orgaQs. of Boj^^^^ the Lamellibranchiata. They give passage outwards to the products oTthe generative glands. A nerve-system has been demonstrated in the hinged Brachiopoda, and consists. of. five ganglia, connected so as to form a collar around the commencement of the oesophagus. Three of these ganglia are placed below the oesophagus, and the other two at the base of the arms. 9 2 c Introduction. For a monograph upon the organization of the Brachiopoda, see Hancock, Phil. Trans,^ 1 858 ; see also Lacaze Duthiers, Comptes Rendus_, 1 86 5, ii., p. 800. For a monograph of the species Thecidium Mediterraneum, see Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. Sci. Nat.^ Ser. iv., tom. xv., i86t. For the microscopic structure of the shelly see Carpenter, Palaeon- tographical Society's Memoirs, ^853, pp. 23-40. For an accoimt of a larval Brachiopod with figures, see Fritz Miiller, Reichert und Du-Bois Eeymond's Archiv., i860, p. 72, Taf. i., figs. I and 2. See also pi. xi, fig. %, and Description, pp. 233-234, infra. Class, Tunicata. Molluscoidea, which may be either solitary or social, either fixed or free, but which are exclusively marine and are never aproctous. The animals communicate with the exterior by two orifices, pierced in a sacciform envelope, and here regarded as homologous with the inhalant and exhalant siphons of the siphonate Lamellibranchiata. As in those animals, the inhalant orifice brings into the organism not only food and oxygen, but also spermatozoa, which find their way to the ova by a route homologous to that described as taken from the neural to the haemal surface of the gill, by the male element in the Anodon (see pp. 64, 65, infra) ; and consequently over and along a structure which is regarded as the homologue not of a dilated pharynx, but of the gills of the bivalves. The external envelope of the Tunicata, from the external form of which the name ' Ascidiae' was given to the class by Savigny, is of very various consistency, and of very various histological appearance ; but it ah\iaja_s£C):stesjcellii^^ and is made in the way of conversion, and not in that of excretion as is the case in other members of the sub-kingdom. In Tunicata as in Lamelli- branchiata, the anus and generative ducts open into a space lined by the internal tunic, more or less separable from the muscular mantle ; but in the cloacal space of the Tunicata there is no pos- terior adductor nor any specialized organ of Bojanus, though there is contained in it their single nerve ganglion, which supplies parts homologous with those supplied by the parieto-splanchnic of the Lamellibranchiata. The heart of the Tunicata is ordinarily elon- Characteristics of Polyzoa. ci gated and vasiform, with one end directly connected with that side of the branchial organ which is opposite to that nearest the rectum. Its action is periodically reversed during life ; but this end of the heart may be regarded as the homologue of the vessels which bring blood to the heart, whilst the other end may be considered to represent the systemic aorta of bivalves. The Tunicata are her- maphrodite, but may multiply by gemmation as well as sexually. With the exception of Salpa, they all go through a metamorphosis, the larval form being caudate and active. The larvae of certain sessile Ascidians, Phallusia mammillata, Phallusia intestinalis, and Phallusia canina, have been recently described by Kowa- lewsky and KupfFer a^^j^ossessing^ m_Jheir_jcau^^ appendage a structure closely similar to the chorda dorsalis previously held to be a - distinctive characteristic of Vertebrata ; as having their nerve-centres formed by the fusion of lamellar upgrowths into tubes, in the manner which had been similarly supposed to be peculiar to the higher Sub-kingdom, thence spoken of as ' bicavitary ; ' and finally as having the caudal axis- cylinder resembling the vertebrate chorda dorsalis either actually inter- posed between one part of their nerve-centres, or, at least, so placed, that if prolonged, it would come to be so interposed. ... It may be added that Professor Gegenbaur, in the recently published second edition of his 'Grundziige der Vergleichenden Anatomic,' p. 158, 1870, has placed the T^micata^in the Sub-kingdom_Yennes, assigning in justification of this step the fact that the peculiar specialization of the anterior segment of their digestive tract as a respiratory organ finds a parallel in the organ- ization of a rare order (or Class) of worms, the Unteropneusti, represented by two species, the Balcmoglossus clavigerus, and the Balanoglossus minutus found on the Neapolitan coast. See Kowalewsky, Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Petersburgh, Ser. vii., Tom, x. 3, 1866. Against this is to be set the close correspondence in the way of homologies which may be \ shewn (see infra, pp. 66-69, 235, 2,36) to exist between at least the \ adult Tunicate and the Lamellibranchiate organism. Class, Polyzoa. Molluscoidea which are always social; and, with the excep- tion of Cristatella and, perhaps, also Lophoptis and Selenariadae, always fixed in their adult state, in a 'polyzoary^ or ' coenoe- cium.' This structure, which is either erect or adnata, and, under cu Introduction. either of these conditions, may be either dendritic or foliaceous, is more or less flexible or rig-id, accordingly as the ectocyst of each polypide is more or less hardened by calcareous or siliceous deposit. The animals are never aproctous, but there is only a single orifice in each cell for both mouth and anus, though, when the polypide is protruded, a considerable interval intervenes be- tween these two terminal apertures. The digestive tract is freely suspended in a perivisceral cavity ; which, as these animals possess neither heart nor generative ducts, serves as a receptacle for the blood at all times, and for the products of the generative glands at the periods at which they come to maturity. The mouth opens always between the two lips of a lophophore ; both lips being also always, with the exception of Pedicellina, beset with tentacles. The lophophore itself may be circular, as in all marine species, with the exception of the family just named, and of Rkabdopleura ; or it may be prolonged into two arms, extending from the mouth towards the neural or rectal aspect of the animal, as in all fresh- water species, hence called ^ hippocrepia,n,'' except Paludicella and Urnatella. In the freshwater species the tentacles are con- nected at their bases by an infundibuliform membrane, known as the ' calyx and the mouth is guarded by a valvular organ, the * epistome,'' by virtue of their possession of which they have been classified as ' Phylactolaematous,^ in contradistinction to the ' Gym- nolaematous^ marine sub-orders. The lophophore, being attached round the mouth, either by its entire circumference, as in the marine Polyzoa, or by the base of its two arms, as in the hippo- crepian representatives of the class, forms a roof to the perivisceral space, with which cavity, the cavities of the lophophore, of the entire series of tentacula which it carries, and of the epistome when present, are freely continuous. The tentacles are not flexible in the Polyzoa, with the exception of the Pedicellineae^ and probably some allied forms. Both the external and the internal surfaces of the lophophore and its tentacles are clothed with cilia, the action of which subserves the functions of ingestion of food, and of aeration of the blood. The interior of the perivisceral space is also similarly clothed with cilia ; and the movements of the blood between the mutually intercommunicating cavities of the lophophore with its appendages and the general perivisceral system, are further carried out by the contractions of the muscular fibres of the endocyst, and Chai'acteristics of Polyzoa. ciii of the retractor and protractor muscles of the entire polypicle. The nerve mass situated between rectum and oesophagus^ has been figured and described as sending filaments to the lophophore, ten- taclesj epistome, digestive tract, evaginable endocyst, and retractor muscles, and as also throwing a collar round the oesophagus ; and it may consequently be considered as representing both the parieto- splanchnic and the cerebroid ganglia of higher Molluscs. Repro- duction in the Polyzoa is both sexual and asexual. The asexual takes place in the way of gemmation ; and in the case of the Fresh- water Polyzoa by means of ' statoblasts^ or gemmae, in which the developmental activity remains latent for a period. The Polyzoa are hermaphrodite ; the testes being situated near the bottom, the ovary beiag attached to the parietes of the upper part of the cell. It is by gemmation that the polymorphic organisms known in Polyzoa as ' ovicells,^ ' avicularia/ and ■' vibracula^ are produced ; and in Serialaria, where the entire colony may have its individual polypide brought into connection by a common nerve-system, we find some cells modified for the discharge of purely passive functions, as ' stem-'' cells and 'root-^ cells. The Polyzoa have, like the Tunicata, been removed from the Sub- kingdom MoUusca by Gegenbaur and Haeckel, and classed with the Yermes. The_iuos.culant form Loxosoma described by Kowalewsky (Mem. Acad. Imp. St. Petersburgh, Ser. vii., Tom. x. 2) has been sup- posed to connect them with this latter Sub-kingdom. Against this view we must set not merely the many structural homologies which can be pointed out as existing between adult individuals of the undoubtedly MoUuscoid Classes Brachiopoda and the Polyzoa ; (for which see p. 72, infra, ibique citato), but also the striking similarity which the larval form of a Brachiopod has been obsei'ved by Fritz Miiller to present to the Polyzoa with orbicular lophophores such as all the marine sub- orders with the exception of Pedicellinea. See Reichert und Du-Bois Reymond's Archiv. fiir Anatomic und Physiologie, p. 79, i860. For an account of the nervous system in Serialaria, see Fritz Miiller, Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte }S6o, p. 311, Taf. xiii. civ Introduction. Sub-kingdom, Arthropoda. Ajstimals consisting of a series of more or less heteronomous segments, the ' Metameren ' or ' Folgestiicke ' of Haeekel, to which jointed appendages are articulated ventrally in pairs, and, ordi- narily, in very different proportions and grades of development in the different regions of the body. These appendages are, in con- tradistinction to those of Vermes, hollow, and have muscles pro- longed into their interior. This external integument is rendered more or less rigid by chitinous deposit, which may be made still more resistent by calcification. Chitinization extends itself from the exterior into the interior, and in many cases an endophragmal skeleton is thus formed, which arches over the ventrally-placed portion of the nervous system. Tubular prolongations of the cuti- cular chitine extend inwards along the various duets and canals opening on to the exterior, and are shed together with the inte- gument in the moultings which these animals, so long as they continue to grow, must necessarily go through. The chitinous deposit at the commencement of the digestive canal may take the shape of ' lips,' or even of non-segmented processes, like the 'jaws" of certain Vermes, but the true functional jaws of Arthropoda are always produced by the modification of the hollow segmented appendages of more or fewer of the anterior segments of the body. The organs of special sense are orduiarily confined to the prae-oral segments, and, like the rest of the appendicular skeleton with which they are, either actually or morphologically, connected, contribute at least as much to the heteronomy of the external appearance as the segments upon which they are carried. The antennae, eyes, and auditory organs are all but invariably limited to the prae-oral cephalic segments, and the muscles of the chitinous elements of the segments are never found to form con- tinuous antero-posterior layers, as in Vermes, corresponding wnth the length and often with the circumference of the body. On the other hand, the chief intemally-placed system of animal life, the gangliated nerve-cord, presents a striking resemblance to the homo- logous system in Vermes ; and the respirator}'- system of certain Myriopoda appears to attain in its stigmata an approximation to Characteristics of the A7'thropoda. cv correspondence with the number of the seg-ments of the body, which resembles that manifested by the multiple respiratory organs of many Annulata. But the circulatory, depuratory, and reproductive organs are never found to be thus multiplied, such segmentation as they may exhibit being ordinarily limited to one, and that the abdominal region of the body. The digestive tract takes ordinarily a very direct antero-posterior course, rarely presenting any lateral diverticula except in Arachnida, or any convolutions, except in adult Insecta, and some Cladocera. This latter Crustacean family has the anus placed dorsally, and some way anteriorly to the termi- nation of the body segments, and furnishes an exception to the general rule, that the intestine in Arthropoda ends in the last segment of the body. Except in the larvae of Hymenoptera and of Myrmeleon, the intestine is always proctuchous. But in the suctorial Cirripedia, and ia the ' complementary males ' of the other families of that order, as also in a suctorial Entomostracan, Mon- strilla Banae, the digestive tract is wanting altogether, and the mouth when, as in the last case, present, leads directly into the general cavity of the body. A heart is very usually present, underlying the dorsal elements of the abdominal segments, and ending in an aorta in the thoracic region. It is usually vasiform and segmented, lateral apertures at the anterior end of each seg- ment serving as venous inlets for the blood filling the pericardial sinus in which the heart is suspended by means of the elastic alae cordis. The circulation is always more or less extensively lacunar ; even arteries may be wanting. Accordingly, as the respiration is aquatic or aerial, the Arthro- poda are divisible into two great groups, one of which is con-'^ stituted by the Crustacea, iu which respiration is branchial, or in the absence of branchiae, carried on in water by the general sur- face of the body ; and the other by the other three classes, Ara- chnida, Myriopoda, and Insecta, in which respiration is eflPected by the admission of air into the interior of the body by tracheae, or some modification of those organs. "The air-breathing Arthro- poda agree with each other, and differ from the Crustacea in the following points: — they ngyeEjiaye_tvro_^ii:s^^^ a^^ and, with the exception of certain Ephemeridae, Strepsipiera, and Diptera amongst Insecta, and certain Epeirae amongst Arachnida, their eyes are never pedunculate ; their mandibles are not palpate ; one cvi Introduction. or both pairs of maxillae are more or less completely fused mesially so as to form a functional lower lip; and, \vith the exception of the lower Myriopoda, their post-abdominal segments, when present, rarely or never carry appendages with locomotor functions in the adult state. The portion of the supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass which corresponds with the eyes, is much larger relatively to that which corresponds with the antennary organs than it is in Crus- tacea; and in exact opposition to what we observe in this latter class, we find the salivary and renal organs largely developed, and the hepatic only represented rudimentarily. The digestive tract is never aborted in air-breathing Arthropoda, nor aproctous in adult individuals. Except in certain lower Crustacea and Arachnida, where the supra-oesophageal nerve-mass is represented simply by a fibrous conmaissure, the nerve-system consists of supra-oesophageal and of ventrally-placed ganglia, connected with each other so as to form a collar round the oesophagus, and connected with a sympathetic system ordinarily consisting of a ' stomatogastric ' division and of ' nervi trans versi.' All Arthropoda, with the exception of the Cirripedia and Tardi- grada, are dioecious, and, with the exception of the Tetradecapodous or Hedriophthalmatous Crustacea, and comuted Insecta, the males are ordinarily smaller in size than the females. Reproduction is ordinarily sexual, but both parthenogenesis and asexual genesis by means of pseudovaria, if not also by internal metagenesis without the intermediation of such structures, are known to occur in this Sub-kingdom. The Arthropoda are ordinarily oviparous, but are sometimes viviparous, and even pupiparous. Except in the cases of certain of the lower Crustacea and Arachnida, the segmentation of the yolk is always partial, and the first appearance of the embryo takes the shape of a 'primitive streak.' Though the embryos of Arthropoda very ordinarily go through more or less numerous stages of metamorphosis, neither larvae nor adults ever possess cilia. In the more usually observable forms of metamorphosis, the embryo leaves the egg not only with its reproductive system, but also with its motor and sensory organs in a less perfect condition than those of the adult ; in the less ordinary, or retrogressive metamoqihosis, observable in parasitic families, the animal organs of the larva are more perfect than those of the adult. In both cases, change of tegument accompanies metamorphosis. CharacteHstics of the Arthropoda. cvii The most essential difference between the various Classes of the Sub- kingdom Arthropoda, is that which tracheal and branchial breathing re- spectively correspond to, and with this principle of classification in view, we place the Crustacea, the earliest representatives of the Arthropodal type in geological times, apart from the other three Classes. Within the limits of any one of these four Classes, the greater or lesser heteronomy of the several regions of the body, the greater or lesser extent, that is, to which the specialization of segments, and, even more, of appendages, has been carried out, constitutes the most important dif- ference between one order and another, next to that which the actual abortion of segments or appendages entails. The two Classes, Crustacea and Arachnida, differ from the Myriopoda and Insecta in comprehending much more varied forms ; the MjTiopoda contrast with the other three Classes by their low degree, whilst the Insecta are distinguished by their high degree of heteronomy. The Crustacea and Arachnida are very closely approximated by such forms as the Gyami(iae and the Pycnpgonidae. This latter family is re- ferred to the Class Arachnida mainly on account of the lateral diverticula which the digestive tract is furnished with, but there is reason to believe that some of its species possess free and functional antennae, and it should be considered therefore as Crustacean. If the parasitic Redriophthalmata, such as the Cyamidae, connect the Crustacea with the Arachnida on the one side, they connect them also with the Insecta through Pediculus on the other. A more striking, though perhaps not more real, link be- tween the Crustacea and the Insecta and Myriopoda, is presented' by the air-breathing Isopoda, such as Oniscus, on the one side, and the apterous Orthoptera and Glomeris on the other. The Arachnida approximate to the Insecta very obviously by such forms as Galeodes ; and though their marked heteronomy and the definite number of their body segments cause them to differ very widely in external appearance from the Myrio- poda, the peculiarities of their reproductive and respiratory systems appear to speak to the existence of a real affinity between them and the Chilognathous division of that class. The Arthropoda have frequently been classed together with more or fewer of the Vermes in one Sub-kingdom, that of the 'Annulosa;' and whilst by such highly-organized forms as the Marine Polychaeta an approximation appears to be made to certain of the less specialized of the Crustacea ; or even of the Myriopoda, or the larvae of Insects, amongst the air-breathing Arthropoda : the microscopic Kotifera connect the Vermes, to which Sub-kingdom they are to be referred, very closely to the Crus- tacea. The possession at one period, or, as usual throughout life, of cviii Introduction. hollow ai'ticulated and segmented motor organs, into the interior of which transversely striated muscles are prolonged, and the absence at all periods of cilia, are points which distinguish all Ai'thropoda from all Vermes ; and a third point of nearly equal generality is furnished by the early appearance of a ' primitive streak ' and the partial segmentation of the yolk in development. I'ourthly, whilst in Vermes it is only rarely possible to differentiate the postcephalic segments into several regions, this is always possible in Arthropoda ; the history of the development and that of the relation of the internal organs to the external skeleton rendering this possible even in the externally nearly perfectly homo- nomous Myriopoda, and in the most degraded representatives of the Crustacean Class as well as in such homonomous forms as certain of the Isopoda, Fifthly, true metagenesis is unknown in Arthropoda. The various organs and systems of the Crustacean, as being a water-breathing Class, appear to attain a lower degree of evolution than those of the other Arthropoda, and the Vermes may be supposed to approximate to them more closely than to any of the air-breathing classes ; but the points just specified will ahvays serve to differentiate the members of the two Sub- kingdoms, howsoever closely they may at first sight resemble each other. Still it must be said, that the two Sub-kingdoms have their boundaries approximated at many points, if not along great lengths, in space ; and for a concrete illustration of this principle, the student is referred to the description of Echioioderes Dujardinii, an animal which, though classed as a Crustacean, combines with many of the characters of Arthropoda many also of those of such Vermes as the NematelmintJies and the Oli- gocliaeta, and has been pointed out by Claparede, (Anatomie und Entwick- elungsgeschichte Wirbelloser Thiere, i86, p. 92,) as constituting a link between these two Sub-kingdoms. Class, Insectsu Air-breathing Arthropoda with well-marked lieteronomous divi- sion of the adult body into three distinct regions, the head, thorax, and abdomen. The middle region, or thorax, is composed of tliree segments, the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, each of which has a pair of jointed appendages, the legs, articulated to it ventrally, whilst each of the two posteriorly-placed segments has also, ordi- narily, a pair of unsegmented appendages, the wings, or the wing- covers, articulated to it dorsally. A post-abdomen is never very obviously marked off from the Characteristics of hisecta. cix abdomen, but there are not wanting more or less obscure indications of the presence of three segments between the generative outlet and the terminally-placed anus, which may be considered as representing the post-abdomen. The abdomen proper never carries any articu- lated appendages in adult insects, with the single exception of the Coleopterous Sjoirachtha Bntymedusa, in which the third, fourth, and fifth abdominal segments each carry a pair of biarticulated appen- dages. The post-abdominal segments however may carry segmented appendages both in the adult and in the larval condition, but these organs, though they may attain a considerable development, especially in Ortlioptera {Chloeon dimidiatum), do not appear to possess locomotor fonctions in adult insects. The motor organs are mainly localized in the thoracic, the vegetative in the post-thoracic regions. None of the thoracic segments are ever, except in certain Coccina, fused with the cephalic, nor are any thoracic appendages ever modified so as to serve as manducatory organs. The greater relative size of the eyes gives as distinctive a character to the head in this Class of Arthropoda as its freedom from fusion with the thorax. The mandible has never even a rudiment of a palp ; and the second pair of maxillae are always more or less completely soldered together so as to form a functional lower lip, the ' labium' of entomologists. The digestive canal is never aproetous except in the larvae of most Hpnenoptera, of the parasitic Diptera, and of Myrmeleo. In these larvae the renal organs open into what is subsequently by moulting brought into communication with the blind end of the digestive tube, and so converted into a ' rectum;' the entire apparatus previously to this change bearing a striking resemblance to the so-called 'water-vascular' or excretory system of certain Vermes. The digestive tract presents more numerous and more distinctly distinguishable divisions than in other Arthro- poda ; and it is often, at least in adult insects, arranged in convolu- tions, and is thus longer relatively to the body than in other mem- bers of the Sub-kingdom. The salivary glands may be large and racemose as in OrtJioptera, or very small and tubular as in the adult Lepidoptera. The liver appears to be represented by certain coeca which are set round the commencement of the digestive tract in varying numbers in the Ortlioptera and Hemiptera, the great development of the respiratory tracheal system appearing to com- pensate for this rudimentary or aborted condition of the hepatic cx Introduction. org^n, as in the reverse way the great development of the h'ver in Araehnida may be supposed to compensate for their less developed aerating organs. The other set of depuratory organs, those, namely, which are charged with the direct elimination of effete nitrogenous substances, are always, with the exception of Aphis, Coccus, and Ghermes, present in insects as the ' Malpighian vessels.' The tra- cheae of insects inosculate or anastomose in various parts of their course, but the capillary tracheae in which the spiral thickening of the inner lining membrane may fail to be developed, end blindly in the tissues to which they are distributed. The aquatic larva of one insect, Chloeon dimicliatum, has no tracheae developed in the first three stages of its larval life, but subsequently, like the larvae of many other Orthoptera, Neuroptera, and Diptera, has tracheae developed which are exposed to the action of the oxygen dissolved in outgrowths known as ' tracheal gills.' These organs do not ordi- narily possess any ' spiracle ' whereby to come directly into commu- nication with the air of the atmosphere, and must therefore obtain the oxygen they contain as gas from that which is dissolved in the water they live in. They may be said therefore to present us with an instance of an arrangement transitional in character between aquatic and aerial respiration. In a single insect, Ptero- narcys regalis, one of the Orthoptera Amphibiotica, which is of lucifiigous habits, and inhabits damp localities, tracheal branchiae are retained during adult life, but in other cases, when the insect leaves the water, the external lappets into which the internal tracheae send ramifications fall ofi", and the ordinary laterally- placed spiracles are formed at the points of their separation. The heart is a vasiform organ, consisting ordinarily of eight segments, with as many pairs of venous inlets. It imderlies the dorsal elements of the abdominal segments, is ordinarily closed posteriorly, but ends anteriorly at the thorax in an aorta which may be prolonged forwards as far as the cephalic ganglia. In Insects there is never wanting a ventrally-placed ganglionic mass in addition to the first sub-oesophageal centre, which by its commissural junction to the cerebroid mass forms the nerve collar. The first sub-oesophageal ganglia supplies the jaws, and thoiigh not so closely apposed to the supra-oesophageal centres as is the case in Araehnida, it is yet so close as often, but inconveniently, to have been spoken of as part of the ' brain.' Tlie ganglionic centres Characteristics of Insecta. cxi placed posteriorly to it may be represented by a single continuous mass giving- off nerves laterally and posteriorly; or tbey may take the shape of a chain of ganglia, which are never more than eleven, three being thoracic and eight abdominal, though by fusion or abortion they ordinarily fall below this number. The sympathetic system, both in its stomato-gastric division, and in that part of it which is in connection with the ventral ganglia and supplies the tracheae, attains in insects a large development. The eyes are always confined to the head; in a few instances, of which the Chloeon dimidiatum, one of the Orthoptera Amphihiotica, already mentioned, is one, as also in certain Dipterous, Strepsipterous, and Hemipterous genera, the eyes are elevated upon peduncles or pillars, which however are never movably articulated to the head. In most orders of insects, but most frequently amongst Hymenoptera, Diptera, and Orthoptera, the so-called ' simple eyes,' s. ' stemmata,' s. ' ocelli,' coexist with the larger multifacetted eyes. The males and females are ordinarily very different in insects ; the males, except in the cornuted species, being slighter in make, swifter, furnished with larger eyes and antennae, and more brightly colom-ed. The difference may be so great, especially when the females are apterous and the males winged, as to amoimt to a kind of Dimorphism. The generative organs of Insects are very varied in the details of their arrangement. The reproductive glands are always double and symmetrical, but the efferent ducts always fuse into a common duct before opening. This they do posteriorly to the eighth abdo- minal segment ; which is homologous with the third caudal segments of Scorpionidae and Crustacea, and therefore posterior by eight seg- ments to the genital segment of the Arachnida just named, and to that of Limulus ; and by three to the hinder of the two genital segments of the Decapodous Crustacea. The female generative organs of insects have often a large number of accessory appendages ; the most constant of these is the ' receptaculum seminis ;' but there may be present also an ' accessory gland ^ appended to the ' recepta- culum seminis;' secondly, a 'bursa copulatrix;' and thirdly, a num- ber of ' colleterial' glands which secrete a glutinous material for fixing the ova to various external objects. The male accessory organs are of two kinds, one of which is considered as analogous to the pro- static organ, and the other to the vesiculae seminales of Mammals. cxii Introduction. The segments of the body posterior to the eighth abdominal may be modified so as to serve in either sex as ' ovipositors' or as iatro- mittent organs. There are no hermaphrodite insects, and sexual reproduction is the rule in the class. Several forms of agamogenesis have been observed amongst Insects. In one of these^ females with a reproductive apparatus provided with a receptaculum seminis produce (without any congress with males), either embryos, as Lecanktm Jiesperidum, Chermes abietis, amongst the Coccina ; or ova, as, amongst Lepidoptera, Psyche helix, Solenobia lichenella, and Solenohia triquetrella-, and as, amongst Hi/menoptera, Cpiips, apterous Queen bees, and normal winged Queen bees before they leave the hive. In this class of cases sexual may alternate with asexual genesis, and it is to be noted that the male offspring of the Queen bees are only and exclusively due to the agamogenetic process. In a second class of cases^ females with a more or less imperfect reproductive apparatus produce either ova, as is the case with the ' workers' amongst the social Hymenoptera, Apis melUfica, Vespa^ Bomhus, in which the vagina as well as the receptaculum seminis is rudimentary, and which, with, possibly, the exception of the Vespidae, always produce males ; or embryos, as is the case with Aphis, in which certain generations without sper- mathecae or coUeterial glands are viviparous agamogeneticaUy, whilst others with a perfect sexual apparatus are oviparous gamo- genetically. This form of asexual genesis is called ' pseudopartheno- genesis,' and the reproductive gland a ' pseudovarium.' Asexual genesis was supposed to take place metagenetically, that is to say, by a process of internal gemmation in a non-differentiated part of the body, in the larvae of certain Diptera of the family of Ceci- domyidae; but the discovery, by Leuckart, of specialized germ- producing organs in these animals appears to show that the only differences between this process and that observable in A^jhis consist in its taking place in forms of a holometabolous order, which, as being larvae, are very different in external appearance from the perfect sexual insect, and in the ' pseudovaria ' being destitute of any ' pseudoviduct.' In the development of the ovum the yolk is surrounded by a germinal membrane, in which the first traces of the head and the ventral half of the embryo make their appearance as the so-called i primitive streak.' Insects are ordinarily oviparous, but they may Characteristics of Insecta. cxiii he viviparous, and the larva in one sub-order (the so-called Pupi- parae), is so far developed, by means of the nutriment furnished to it by a g'land opening* within the maternal oviducal canal, as to be nearly ready to enter upon the stage of chrysalis or pupa when set free from the mother's body. The form which an insect has on leaving the egg always differs more or less from that which it possesses when adult, and capable, as only full-grown insects ^-rej^ of reproducing its kind by sexual genesis. The larvae of apterous insects, such as certain of the Orthoptera and Hemiptera, differ fi-om the adult, irrespectively of the undeveloped state of the gene- rative organs, only in such points as size, the number of joints in the antennae, and the number of facets in the corneae. It is only in the quantitative increase accruing to these two sets of organs of special sense that the adult after the entire number of its moults comes to differ from the larva in the way of heteronomy. A greater degree of heteronomy is attained to in the families of the two orders specified which are endowed with wings, by the super- addition of those organs, and by the concomitant greater differentia- tion, of the thoracic from the abdominal region of the body. Insects which go through either of these two series of metamorphosis are called 'iimetabolous.' A third kind of metamorphosis is that in which the adult insect, whilst gaining certain organs which the larva does not possess, such as wings, loses certain others, which the larva does possess, such as the provisional structures making up the ' mask' of the LihelluUdae. Such insects are called ' Hemimeta- bolous,' and in them the tLeteronomy of the various regions of the body is always well pronounced. Insects, finally, which when adult do not only differ very markedly from their larval forms both by general heteronomy and by the conformation of their particular organs, but also attain to this condition after going through a period of quies- cence known as the ' pupa' or ' chrysalis' stage, preparatory to their final moult and the assumption of the adult condition, are called ' Holometabolous.' A period of quiescence as ' pupae,' in addition to the period of quiescence as ova, gives the Holometabolous orders of Insects an advantage as regards their distribution over the colder regions of the earth, relatively to the orders the pupae of which are active ; and, therefore though certain small Poduridae resist cold well, it is amongst the Holometabola that we find a nearer approach made to cosmopolitanism than is usual elsewhere amongst Insects. h cxiv Introduction. Class, Myriopoda. Air-breathing Arthropoda in whicli the segments and their ap- pendages make a nearer approach to homonomy than in either ^hsecta or Arachnida, and in which the post-cephalic locomotor appendages, even when least numerous, and amounting to nine gairsonly as in Pmoropus, are still more numerous than the similar organsln either of the two other classes mentioned, except in the larvae of certain Kymeno'ptem, Gimhex and Tenthredo, which possess eight and seven pairs, respectively, of prolegs, besides the three pau-s of true legs. In the homonomy and number of their segments and appendages, the Myriopoda resemble certaiu of the Crustacea, with which Class they have often been ranked, as also in having the first, or the first two pairs of post-cephaHc appendages, subordinated more or less completely to the manducatory organs, so as in one order, CJdhpoda, to form 'foot-jaws/ and in another, CJdlognatJia, to form 'labia^ by the partial fusion and other modifications of their coxae, whilst m Pmiropus the anterior pair of legs is rudi- mentary. There is however no fusion of segments in the [Myrio- poda of the kind which produces a cephalo-thorax in Crustacea,, It may be added here that an additional point of similarity to the Crustacea is manifested by the Myriopoda in their mode of growth ; as their larvae instead of leaving the egg, as insect larvae do, ^^^th at least as many segments and legs as they ever afterwards possess, leave the egg with a much smaller number of segments and legs than by the periodical addition of segments at successive moultings, they attain in the adult state. The Myriopoda however must be classed with the air-breathing Arthropoda, not only on account of their respiration being tracheal, except in the case of the diminutive Pauropus, but also on account of the singleness of their antennae; the sessile position of their eyes; their non-palpigerous mandibles; the fusion of their maxillae into a labium ; the large development of their salivary and renal, and the rudimentary condition of their hepatic glands. The Myriopoda appear to stand midway between the two other classes of air-breathing Arthropoda, as to the mutually correlated and mutual supplementing complexity and simplicity of the circu- latory and respiratory apparatus. Their digestive and nervous systems are closely similar to those of the larvae of Insects. Characteristics of Myriopoda. cxv The Class Myriopoda is orclinainly divided into two orders — the Chilo- poda and the Chilognatha or Diplojooda, from which the /Svphonizantia and the genus Paitropus ought, it is probable, to be separated. The Chilopoda are the most highly organized of the Myriopoda. They are distinguishable externally by the flatness of their bodies ; the large size of their antennae, which always possess fourteen joints at least ; by the modification of the two anterior pairs of post-cephalic appendages into foot-jaws, the hinder pair of which is armed with a sickle-shaped unguis and poison-gland ; and by their locomotor legs being attached in single pairs. With these external characters, the following points of internal structure are correlated ; the stigmata for the admission of air to the tracheae do not correspond with the number of segments, and are situated on the sides of the body between the bases of the feet and the dorsal shields ; the generative ducts open at the posterior extremity of the body ; and there is no intromittent organ. It is amongst the Chilo- poda only (in Scutigera) that we meet with compound facetted eyes. In another Chilopodous family {Scolopendridae) we find the generative ducts single, and the tracheae anastomosing as in Insects. The larval Chilo- poda may have as many as six or eight pairs of locomotor appendages when they leave the egg ; and the addition of fresh segments takes place in the way of intercalation at each moult, in the intervals between each pair of older segments. In the Chilognatlia the body is sub-cylindriform, the antennae are inconspicuous and do not possess more than seven joints ; the two anterior pairs of post-cephalic appendages, or at least the first of them, may be spoken of as ' foot-jaws,' or as forming ' labia,' inas- much as they are directed forwards like the operculiform ' foot-jaws' of Crustacea, and have their basal joints or coxae more or less enlarged, apposed mesially, and anchylosed, though they are much less altered in function and structure than their homologues in the Chilopoda; and their legs are, after the first six, or, in the males, seven post-cephalic segments, arranged in double pairs. Difiering thus externally from the Chilopoda, they differ from them also in the following points of structure and developmental history, and approximate more closely than they do to the Arachnida and Crustacea, and less closely to the Insecta. The stigmata leading into their tracheae correspond in number with their segments, and are situated on the anterior border of the ventral plates, under cover of the coxae of the legs, which are articulated to the pos- terior border of these plates ; the tracheae do not anastomose ; the gene- rative ducts are bilaterally symmetrical, having double openings in or upon the borders of the third thoracic segment, which never carries legs, h 2, cxvi Introduction. and con-esponds precisely with the genital segment of the Scoqiion (see p. 1 1 6, infra), and with that of the Poecilopodous Crustacea. The seventh post-cephalic segment ordinarily carries a double penis, which may how- ever, as in Glomeris, be removed to the posterior extremity of the body, indicating hereby an approximation to the Chilopoda. The larvae of Chilognatha, when they leave the egg, have ordinarily only three pairs of appendages, which are carried upon three of the fom* first post-cephalic segments ; and they contrast still further with the Chilojjoda, by at- taining their additional segments at each moult by intercalation only in that portion of germinal membrane which is interposed between the penultimate and ante-penultimate segments. Pauropus appears to resemble the Ghilognailia in having the generative orifices situated anteriorly instead of posteriorly in the body, and its larvae are hexapodal ; but it differs from them in many points of its external anatomy. The shape of its body as a whole, its dorsal plates, and elongated posterior legs, give it a resemblance to some Chilopoda. As tracheae may be absent in the early developmental stages even of an Insect, Ghloeon Dimidiatum, too much weight must not be laid upon their absence in Pauropus ; and it may be safely said that for our present purpose, that, namely, of showing the relationships which subsist between the various classes of Arthropoda, the most important morphological point in this genus (or order X) is its possession of bifid antennae, can-ying multi-articulate flagella, by which peculiarity, as also by the others specified above, a very distinct afl&nity is shown to exist between Myrio- poda and Crustacea. For tlie structure and affinities of the Myriopoda, see Sir Jolm Lubbock, on Pauropus, a new type of Centipede; Linn. Soc. Trans., xxvi., 1867, iUque citata ; and also Mr. Neuq^ort's Papers on the Myriopoda, in the Transactions of the Royal and Linnaean Societies. Class, Araehnida. Air-breathing Arthropoda, with well-marked heteronomy be- tween the several divisions of the body, which are usually only two, a cephalo-thorax to which the limbs are limited, and an abdomen, usually marked off from it l)y a constriction, a post- abdomen being developed only in the Scorpions. Their antennae are modified so as to serve in the prehension of food ; and they m Characteristics of Arachnida. cxvii h^e four pairs of limbs, which correspond to the maxillary, and to the labial palps, and to the two anterior pairs of legs in Insects. The fiision of head and thorax approximates the Arachnida to the Crustacea, and puts them into a position of contrast to the other Arthropoda ; the Mpiopoda furnishing here, as frequently else- where, an example of a transitional arrangement, by having the two anterior pairs of thoracic appendages subordinated functionally to the oral appendages, though the segments carrying them are not in them actually fused with the head. As the history of the development of the nervous system in the Scorpion appears to show that the first post-oral, which is the cheliferous appendage, corre- sponds to the mandible, and not, as is ordinarily stated, to the first maxilla of other Arthropoda; we may add that the Arachnida resemble the Crustacea in a second point of external anatomy, that of possessing a palp on the mandible, a structure never seen in the air-breathing Arthropoda except as a rudiment in some Chilo- podous Myriopoda. The lesser development of the respiratory apparatus is a point of internal anatomy which distinguishes the Arachnida from the other Arthropoda ; and the large development of the hepatic organ, which may be considered to compensate for this comparative deficiency, is another point of resemblance to Crustacea. As peculiarities which may possibly be correlated with these, and which certainly point in the same direction, we may mention the power of repeatedly moulting ; of reproducing at those periods limbs which have been detached or mutilated ; and of producing ofispring repeatedly in the adult state, which the Arach- nida possess in common with Crustacea. The higher Arachnida resemble the CMlognatha and the Crustacea, in the bilateral ter- mination of their generative ducts on anteriorly-placed segments of their body ; and they resemble the ChilognatJia in the non-anasto- mosis of their tracheae. The digestive tract of the Arachnida differs from that of all other Arthropoda in having in many cases lateral coeca appended to it, and prolonged into the interior of the limbs and mandibular palps. Their respiratory system consists either of tracheae alone ; or of the so-called ' lungs,' which are sacciform modifications of tracheae, alone ; or of both combined ; and in some cases, such as those of certain parasitic families and orders, and of the Tanligrada, a specialized air-breathing apparatus is wholly want- ing. The tracheae when present have very ordinarily a fasciculate cxviii Introduction. rather tlian an aborescent arrangement, and they not rarely differ also from those seen in Insecta and Myriopoda, by not possessing the internal spiral thickening, so characteristic of the respiratory tubes in those two classes. The limits within which the variations of the circulatory and ner- vous systems may range, are very wide ; the arteries and veins may attain, as in Scorpions, a very high grade of evolution and distinct- ness, or both sets of vessels and the heart also may be absent, as in such lower forms as the Acarina and Linffuatnlina, in which the nerve-system is reduced to a single ganglionic mass perforated by the oesophagus. The supra-oesophageal and the sub -oesophageal ganglia are always closely approximated in Arachnida, in corre- spondence with the assignment of the antennary to act in aid of the manducatoiy organs, and with the more or less suctorial modi- fication of their carnivorous habits, with which a small pharynx and oesophagus are correlated. The Arachnida, with the exception of the Tardi^rada, are dioecious ; and with the exception of the order just named, and the Linguatu- lina, the segmentation of the yolk is partial in the class. With the exceptions of Scorpionidae and some Acarina, the Arachnida are oviparous. Most Arachnida, when hatched, resemble the adult animal ; amongst the Acarina, however,, we meet with hexapod larvae, which attain their fourth pair of legs subsequently by moult- ing, whilst the Linguatulina reverse this history in their develop- ment, and undergo a retrograde metamorphosis from a larval form provided with two pairs of biarticulate and unguiculate appendages to a vermiform adult destitute of limbs. Class, Crustacea. Water-breathing Arthropoda, which may, in accordance with the grade of specialization attained to by their segments and appendages, be as markedly heteronomous as the Insecta, or as homonomous ex- ternally as the Myriopoda. Normally, every segment in the Crus- tacean body carries a pair of articulated appendages ; and two pairs of antennae are all but invariably present, indicating the presence of two cephalic segments between the jaws and the eyes. The append- ages of one or more of the three segments immediately posterior to the jaws, are always converted into auxiliary jaws, or ' maxdlipedes; Characteristics of Crustacea. cxix and the subordination of these thoracic segments to the cephalic, may he still forther manifested by a fusion of the segments them- selves into a cephalo-thoraeie carapace. The post-thoracic segments in Crustacea are more obviously divisible into an abdominal and post-abdominal series, than they are in such other Artliropoda as do possess a post-abdomen. The normal number of the abdominal segments is five, and the appendages they carry are in the adult state very ordinarily either alone, or in association with the post- abdominal segments and appendages, the locomotor organs. Ac- cordingly as only one of the three pairs of thoracic appendages, or 2^ t '*r r as all three lose their primordial and typical locomotor functions and become associated with the oral appendages, the higher Crus- tacea are classified as ' Tetradecapoda' (Dana) (the five abdominal segments furnishing ten, and the two posterior thoracic four limbs), or as ' Deeapoda.' The normal number of the caudal or post- abdominal segments is six, the appendages of the first four of which may be modified so as to carry ova, or branchiae, but do not attain the importance as locomotor limbs, which those of the five abdominal segments do. The appendages of the sixth segment, however, very ordinarily attain considerable importance as locomotor organs, and they con- stitute, together with a median azygos element, developed poste- riorly to the sixth segment, the powerful ' swimmeret' of the Macru- rous Lecajjocla. Their morphological importance is equally great, as they correspond with the caudal feet of naupliiform larvae, and together with the two pairs of antennae which they may resemble by carrying, as in Mi/sis, organs of special sense, and the mandibles, make up the entire sum of the appendages of the ' primitive body ' of Crustacea, as represented by those forms. The bilateral append- ages which certain lower Crustacea carry at the posterior extremity of their bodies, are not articulated ventrally as these caudal feet are, and on this account, as also upon others, they cannot be considered as homologous with them. There is much difference of opinion as to whether the mesially-placed azygos element of the swinmaeret ought to be counted as a seventh post-abdominal segment. (See p. 113, infra.) The mandible is ordinarily provided with a palp, which in a Class with but few exceptions aquatic in habit, serves to direct j(u?£ jf-cv* floating food towards the mouth. There are no salivary glands in ^ 1^- cxx hitroduciion. Crustacea, the so-called antennary glands of Decapoda, the ' cement glands' of Cirripedia, and the poison-glands of ^rg^.^^g^hough homo- logous probably with each other, not being homologous with salivary organs. The stomach consists very commonly of two portions, the anterior one of which corresponds in fvmction and position to the gizzard of Insecta, whilst the posterior receives the ducts of what when multi-ramified is spoken of as a ' liver ;' what when simply coecal is spoken of as 'hepatic coeca;' and, what is sometimes considered, as in Argiblus, to be simply 'lateral diverticula,'' such as those often ob- servable in Arachnida. The intestine, except in certain Cladocera, takes a straight course to the anus. This orifice is usually situated on the ventral aspect of the terminal segment, or the median appendage of the terminal segment of the post-abdomen, except in the Cladocera and Gopepoda. An azygos coecal sac may open into the digestive tract dorsally on the line of demarcation between the pyloric portion of the stomach and the duodenum; and three other [ coeca may similarly open on the dorsal surface of the duodenum at \ one or other part of its course. These latter coeca have been spoken of as urinary organs ; they are, however, as being by no means con- stantly present, probably homologous rather mth the midtiple hepatic organs of the Scorpion than with its renal organs, or with those of the other air-breathing classes. The heart is ordinarily oIa'^^O^ present, and is either elongated and vasiform, as in the sessile-eyed s and many of the lower Crustacea, or short and polygonal in the 7 Decapoda, where it gives origin to several arterial trunks ; or short and semiglobular, as in Copepoda, where no arteries exist. In every case blood finds its way into the interior of the organ through venous inlets, which are dilated as in other Arthropoda, by the recoil of the elastic alae cordis, p , L- I I Respiration is sometimes effected by the general surface of the /'^''^•''^'^"body, specialized branchial organs are however usually present, and take the shape either of tree-like or of leaf-like hollow outgrowths attached either to segments or to appendages, or to both. As there are' no jciliajin Arthropoda, the aerating surfaces have fresh supplies of water brought into relation with them either by the movements of appendages specially modified for the pui'pose, or by the movements of ordinary locomotion, or by both combined. The gill-covers of certain air-breathing Isopoda contain multi-ramified cavities, which have been supposed to constitute a rudimentary CharaGterlstics of Crustacea. cxxi tracheal system, but which with more probability have been con- sidered to have a glandular function, and to keep the gill-plates lubricated and transpirable by their secretion. The nerve-system resembles that of other Arthropoda in its ge- j]^' neral arrangement^ but differs in the two following points : — The! ^ commissural cords connecting their prae-oral and post-oral ganglia^ are of so much greater length, that their 'brain' is never described' as that of other Arthropoda sometimes is^ as consisting of an infra- oesophageal as well as of a supra-oesophageal mass, the ganglia of the jaw-bearing segments having receded so as to become apposed to the first of the thoracic series, with one or all of which they are always fused, whilst the ganglia of the two antennary segments maintain their usual continuity with those of the eye-bearing seg- ment. And, secondly, the paired^ and the azygos systems of stomato- gastric nerves, except in the terrestrial Isopoda, take origin from the commissural cords of the nerve collar, and from the prae-oral ganglionic mass instead of from any distinct ganglia, such as the lateral and frontal ganglia of other Arthropoda. The nervi transversi, however, appear to be represented in Crustacea by a nervous stem, passing off from each interganglionic segment of the cord, as is the case in other Arthropoda, and indeed also in those Vermes which possess a chain of ventral ganglia. The eyes may vary from the very simplest up to the most complex form observed in the Sub-kingdom ; two kinds may co-exist in the same individual, and in two genera, M(,p7ia2isia and Thi/sanopocla, eyes may be, contrary to the otherwise invariable i-ule in Arthropoda^ found elsewhere than upon the head. An auditory organ has been observed in Decapoda in the basal joint of the superior antennary organs; and in Mysis, in the lateral appendages of the last post-abdominal segment, which, together with the two pairs of antennary organs, were the only appendages developed in the earliest period of its larval life. ^ ca*-^' With the exception of the Cirripedia, all the Crustacea are dioe- ^^.y,^-* cious. 'Complementary males' are found in the order Cirripedia, ^ and also amongst the parasitic Entomostraca, and in the former order these 'pygmy' males are devoid of any digestive tract, and even of any oral opening. The sessile-eyed Crustacea furnish an exception to the rule, that in Arthropoda the females are larger in size than the males. The generative organs have bilaterally sym- metrical ducts^ opening a considerable distance anteriorly to the cxxii Introduction. anus, except in Daphnidae ; but not always on numerically corre- sponding teguments in the two sexes. Crustacea attain tlie power of sexual reproduction before they attain their full size, and they retain it, and repeatedly exercise it, in many cases at least, for an indefinite period. In development the yolk may undergo complete segmentation, and a larva of the form known as NaupUus may be produced with- out the formation of any primitive streak, as is the case with the Cirripedia, Entomostraca, Penaeus amongst Decapoda, and most BrancMopoda ; or, as in all the higher Crustacea, the yolk under- goes a partial segmentation, and the embryo, when ready to be set free from the egg, may either be of the larval form known as Zoea, as in most Decapoda ; or may differ from the adult form only by the possession of certain structures, which are subsequently aborted, as is the case with the outer division of the abdominal limbs of the common lobster, Romarus vulgaris ; or, finally, may, as is the case with Astacus fluviatilis, from the time it is set free from the egg, possess the same number and proportions of appendages as the adult. Instances of retrograde metamorphosis are common in this class, several of the orders of which possess pai-asitic families. Par- thenogenesis occurs in the Gladocera, the summer eggs' oi Daphiia being developed without sexual congress, and one genus, Cythere, of the allied family, Ostracodea, is viviparous. Sub-kingdom, Vermes. Bilaterally symmetrical animals, very various in shape and other external characters, but agreeing in the absence of heterouomy from their post-cephalic regions, in not possessing hollow seg- mented limbs, and in having their locomotor muscles closely con- nected with their integumentary system, not only on the ventral, but also on the dorsal and lateral aspects of their body walls. The Sub-kingdom Vermes consists of two Divisions, the Aunulata and the Annuloida. The first of these contains the multisegmental Vermes, which, in Mr. Herbert Spencer's language, would be spoken of as ' aggregates of the third order.' Their bodies are more or less Characteristics of Vermes. cxxiii distinctly divided externally by annulation, and internally by the development of dissepiments forming compartments. The nerve- ganglia, the organs of motion, and, sometimes, even those of special sense, exhibit a more or less closely corresponding multiplicity as do also the organs of vegetative life. The Annulata are divisible into two Classes, the Annulata proper s. Annelides and the Gephyrea. The Annuloida are unisegmental Vermes or 'aggregates of the second order.' Their nervous system consists (with, possibly, an exception in the case of certain Turbellarians, see p. 155, infra) at most of a simple oesophageal collar to which a few accessory nerve- centres, but now a chain of ganglia may be appended; and their water-vascular or depuratory system is (with an exception again in the case of certain Turhellaria, the Nen/iertinea,, see description of the class Platyelminthes given below, p. cxli.) the only vascular system which they possess. The Division Annuloida contains three Classes, the Nematelminthes, the Eotifera, and the Platyelminthes. The integument may possess a perfectly smooth chitinous ex- terior; or it may be covered with cilia; or it may develope nu- merous chitinous outgrowths in the shape of spines, hooks, bristles or hairs. These appendages often attain a very considerable degree of hardness ; but the chitinized cuticular secretions of the body- wall as opposed to these specialized developments which often pass right through the thickness of the visceral envelope, are usually much less resistent both to physical and to chemical agencies than the similarly placed structures of the Arthropoda; they never become indurated by calcificatory deposit, and have only rarely (in Nematoidea and Hirudineae) been observed to be changed by moulting as in that sub-kingdom. In some of the ento-parasitic Vermes [Cestodes), which lie immersed in an atmosphere of more or less perfectly digested and diflPusible albumen, and which by virtue of their readily permeable integument can imbibe nutriment at all points of their external surface, there is absolutely no digestive system present. In the parasitic Nematoids, on the other hand, in which the integument developes a much more considerable chitinous cuticular deposit, a proctuchous digestive tract is always present. The non-parasitic Vermes, with the exception of the male Eotifera, always possess a digestive tract, which is usually proctuchous, except in the case of the Dendrocoelous Turlellaria, which in this as in other points resemble the parasitic order Trematodes. cxxiv Introduction. The digestive canal in Vermes when present resembles their ex- ternal teg-umentary system in being homonomous exce^Dt in its anterior portion. In this part of the tract we often find a muscular protrusible and dentigerous oesophagus; the stomach is by no means always difierentiated from the intestine, and the segments which intervene between the oesophagus and the short often upward turning rectum, may be conveniently called ' gastro-ileal/ It may take a simple antero-posterior course, or it may have lateral diver- ticula of very various degrees of complexity developed upon it. It is seldom convoluted. " The salivary glands are usually, and the hepatic are always represented merely by layers of cells impacted in the walls of the digestive tube. Many Vermes possess an extensive vascular system, which, however, as containing usually a coloured, but not a corpusculated fluid, is called a ' pseudhaemal' system, and is to be considered respi- ratory in function. The corpusculated nutritive true blood is con- tained usually in the perivisceral cavity alone ; in a few instances it has been found to penetrate into the so-called pseudhaemal vessels. Specialized respiratory organs are rarely found in Vermes ; the possession of a peculiar depuratoiy apparatus is characteristic of the entire Sub-kingdom. This system appears to stand in a complementary relation to the branchial ; being largely developed where, as in the Oligochaeta and parasitic worms, that system fails to be developed, on account of the medium in which those animals live; and being reduced to comparative insignificance in the marine Polychaeta, where the branchiae are so prominent a feature in their organization as to have gained for them the name of ' Branchiata.' In the non-segmented worms these organs are known as the ' water- vascular' system; and they take the shape of two bilaterally symmetrical tubes, opening by one or two orifices on the external surface of the body, and ramifying abundantly in its interior. In the segmented Vermes or Annulata, these organs are known as ^segmental organs;' and may be repeated in nearly eveiy segment of the body. In most Vermes the internal terniiual segments of these tubes appear to be clothed with cilia ; the seg- ments in more imraeTTiate connection with the exterior outlet are very ordinarily possessed of much thicker, glandular, and contractile walls. In the Annulata, with a few exceptions, tbe inward pro- lono-ations open by infundibuliform orifices into the perivisceral Characteristics of Vermes. cxxv cavity; and in certain segments these organs are modified, so as to serve as efferent ducts for the generative products. The existence of a nerve-system appears to be doubtful in cer- tain of the Platyelminthes (Cestodes). In the parasitic Acantho- cephali it is reduced to a single anteriorly-placed ganglion. In certain both of the free and of the parasitic Platyelminthes^ it consists of two ganglia placed one on either side of the pharynx {Trematodes), or one on either side of the anterior extremity of the body {Twrhellaria), and connected with each other by a transverse commissure. The ordinary Nematoidea possess a complete circum- oesophageal collar^ which again is represented in the microscopic Rotifera by a single bilobed supra-oesophageal ganglion. The Gephyrea have in addition to the nerve-collar of lower Vermes a simple elongated band of nervous tissue, extending from the an- terior to the posterior pole of the body along its medio- ventral line. In the Annulata proper the ventral chain is distinctly bilaterally symmetrical, and its two halves are sometimes widely divaricated. In many Vermes the organs of special sense (optic and auditory) are very well developed ; in many, they are entirely absent. In the Annulata proper, with the exception of the DiscopJiora, the ova and spermatozoa are set from the secretory glands, by dehiscence into the abdominal cavity, and are conveyed thence to the exterior by modified ' segmental organs.' In the other Vermes, with the exception of the female Acanthocephali, the generative glands have their walls prolonged into ducts ; and their products are thus conveyed out of the body without falling into the perivisceral cavity. Structures corresponding to the intromittent organs of higher animals are found in representatives of every class of Vermes, not even exclusively of the Rotifera; the Platyelminthes almost invai-iably possess a complicated reproductive apparatus, in which, besides other accessory organs, vitelligenous exist independently of germigenous glands. The marine Annulata, on the other hand, are distinguished by a great simplicity in their reproductive appa- ratus, contrasting herein at once with the lowest Vermes, and with the Discophorous and Ohgochaetous members of their own class. Vermes may be either hermaphrodite or dioecious ; either vivi- parous or oviparous ; they may reproduce their kind either sexually or asexually, and their embryos may or may not go through a metamorphosis. When reproduction takes place asexually, it may cxxvi Introduction. take place either in the way of parthenogenesis, as in Rotifera and Ascaris nigrovenosa in its ento -parasitic stage ; or in that of meta- genesis from a part of a protozooid, which is not differentiated as a sexual gland. Metagenesis is observable both in the highest and in the lowest of the Vermes. In some instances, at the time of the setting free of the deu- terozooid produced by gemmation, both protozooid and deutero- zooid may be in the asexual condition, as is ordinarily the case with Nais and Chaetogaster amongst Annulata, and with Micro- stomeae amongst Turhellaria, In the cases of certain other Tur- hellaria {Strongylostoma and Catenula)^ no other than this simple metagenetic form of reproduction has been, as yet, observed. When this form of reproduction alternates as in the other Turhellaria, and in the Annulata just mentioned, with sexual reproduction, we liave a series of phaenomena before us which has been spoken of as ' Digenesis with Heterogony.'' In some cases, as occasionally in Microstomeae, and in the Annelidan Syllidea and Protula, a sexual protozooid has been observed to give origin by gemmation to a sexual deuterozooid, furnishing thus an example of digenesis with contemporaneous heterogony. In some rare cases, the sexual organs of the protozooid have been observed to be of one, and those of the deuterozooid of the other sex. In other cases, the protozooid is always asexual, when it is known as a 'nurse;' whilst the deuterozooids it gives origin to attain the sexual condition, either whilst still attached to the parent organism, as in the Taeniadae amongst Platyelminthes, and Autolytus amongst Annulata; or subsequently to detachment from it, as in Trematodes. These forms of reproduction may be spoken of as cases of ' digenesis with alter- nation of generations,' inasmuch as the asexual forms or stages of metamorphosis interposed between the products of sexual congress and another set of sexually perfect individuals may be regarded as sufficiently distinct and independent to merit the title of ' gene- rations.' The relations held to the adult forms by the provisional organs of the larvae of certain Turbellarian worms {Pilidimi), and also of certain Gephyrea (Aciinofrocha), bear a considerable resemblance to those observable in the larvae of Echinoderms. The Oligochaetous and the Discophorous Annulata do not go through any metamor- phosis. In worms of parasitic habits, even where, as in Nematoids, Characteristics of Annulata. cxxvii no alternation of generations is observablcj the history of the evolu- tion of the embryo is much complicated by the fact that two 'hosts' are necessarily required for its harbouring- and sustentation at dif- ferent periods ; in one only of which, usually a vertebrate animal, the sexual condition can be attained to. The enormous quantities of ova which parasitic Vermes produce, stand in direct relation to the very great difficulties which their peculiar mode of life opposes to the continuation of the species. Vermes of the same species in the higher orders of the sub- kingdom appear to be competent to the maturation of sexual products at very different ages. In thus assuming sexual functions before attaining their full size, these Vermes resemble the Fishes in the Vertebrate Sub -kingdom, but differ not only from the air- breathing classes of Arthropoda, but also from the lower members of their own Sub-kingdom. It is sometimes said that the power of repairing injuries and mutilations which distinguishes this sub-kingdom as a whole in an eminent degree, is connected with the possession of the faculty of metagenesis. The power of repair however is very great in the terrestrial Oligochaeta s. Lumbricidae, in which metagenesis has not been observed ; and though the two faculties are both alike absent in the Nematoidea and in the Discophora, it is better to explain this fact by a reference to the special habits of these animals, which, as testified to by the imiversal presence in the one, and the verj^ common presence in the other of caudal suckers, would appear to be more or less incompatible with reproduction by gemmation. Class, Annulata proper. Vermes of elongated and almost always cylindrical shapes, made up of a series of segments, which are homonomous except at either extremity of the body. They are annulated externally, and inter- nally their perivisceral cavity is divided by dissepiments into more or less perfectly separated compartments and chambers. They all possess a chain of ventral in addition to, and in commissural junc- tion by a circum-oesophageal collar with a prae-oral cerebroid mass ; the digestive tract is in all of them proctuchous, and, with the exception of the Hirudineae, suspended in a large perivisceral space. With a few exceptions they possess a closed system of cxxviii Introduction. ' pseudhaemal vessels/ and a series of depuratory organs, opening internally into the perivisceral cavity, as well as externally on the surface of the body. They are divided into two sub-classes, the Chaetopliora s. Chaetopodes, and the Discopliora, accordingly as their external locomotor organs are chitinous spines, or terminal suckers. The Cliaetopliora again are divided into Polychaeta s. Branchiata and Oligochaeta, according to the number of their locomotor and the presence of branchial appendages. The Disco- pliora, with the exception of Brancliellion, have no external append- ages locomotor, branchial, or tactile ; in the absence of appendicular organs of the two latter kinds, as also in being hermaphrodite, the Oligochaeta resemble the Discophora, and differ from the Polychaeta. The Annulata may form tubes for the lodgment of their bodies by the secretion either of calcareous matter (Serpula), or of organic (chitinous?) substance (Onuphis), or by the agglutination of are- naceous particles {Terehella), and their integument, which is always ehitiuogenous, even in the Hirudineae, where it developes no ex- ^ ■ ternal appendages, may develope chitinous appendages of the most varied forms. But these chitinized outgrowths are with the single exception of the operculum of Serpula, never indm-ated by any deposit of calcareous salts, as is the case in Echinodermata and Crustacea. The integument is frequently, even in adult Annulata, found to be beset with cilia, especially in the anterior regions of the body. This is the case with many Naidina, with Polyoph- thahnus, with Siphonostomum gelatinosum, and with Spio and Tomopteris ; and in these two latter, as in many other genera, the integument has been observed to contain tricho-cysts, or ' bacillar corpuscles,' which have been compared with the acicular or urti- cating organs of the Coelenterata, of certain Infusoria, of the Apneustie Mollusca, of the Turbellarian Vermes, and, according to M. A. de Quatrefages, of Synapia amongst the Echinoderms. y All Annulata possess two layers of muscles in their body-walls^ an external consisting of circular, and an internal of longitudinal tj(j>7 fibres. To these an additional layer may be superadded internally, and enter into the formation of the dissepiments which divide the perivisceral cavity into its transverse and longitudinal compart- ments. The digestive tract takes, with the exception of Chloraema, a direct antero-posterior course, without describing any convolu- Characteristics of Annulata. cxxix tions, but its absorbing" surface is very ordinarily largely increased by the development of lateral sacculations. It is very often armed with a protrusible, muscular and dentigerous, proboscis. The mouth opens ventrally, and the anus dorsally or terminally. A perivisceral cavity is present in all Annulata except certain Discophora, in which it becomes obliterated in the course of the evolution of the internal organs. In this cavity^ when present, the true corpus- culated blood is ordinarily contained. In some Annulata which are called 'anangian/ there is no 'pseudhaemaP vascular system deve- loped, and in them the internal surface of the perivisceral cavity is richly ciliated, and the circulation and aeration of the corpusculated fluid it contains thus secured. But in most members of the class we find a closed system of contractile vessels, which, as they contain a fluid which, though ordinarily coloured, is not corpusculated, are called ' pseudhaemal,'' and appear to be respiratory in function ; and in these worms the perivisceral cavity shows no other ciliation than that of the mouths of the segmental organs which open into it. In a few Annelids again {Sylliclea armata, the Opheliae, the Cirratulida, and the Staurocephali and BrancMobdella), the so- called ' pseudhaemaF system contains corpusculated blood, and com- municates with the perivisceral cavity so as to form a lacunar circulation. Arborescent branchiae are not rarely developed in the Polychaeta on the dorsal aspect of the parapodia ; and the tactile cirri ordinarily present on the same, as also on the ventral aspect of the locomotor outgrowth, must possess an aerating as well as a sensory function. The branchiae are often ciliated, aud contain afferent and efferent branches of the pseudhaemal system, which run parallel and are connected with each other by a double series bf vascular loops within the aerating lamina. Nearly all Annulata possess certain organs, known as the ' segmental organs,-" which open externally on the surface of the body, and internally into the perivisceral cavity. The internal orifice is wanting in some Pohj- chaeta [Capitellae) as also in some Discophora ; a part of the often complexly convoluted canal which they consist of is glandular, and as the movement set up by the cilia with which they are lined, ordinarily sets outwards, they may be supposed to be depuratory in function, except in those segments in which they are specialized, as they are in all Annulata except the Discophora, to act as efferent ducts for the generative products. In some cases, however, as in cxxx Introduction. Tomopieris, the ciliary movement within these organs has been observed to set inwards and to carry spermatozoa with it ; and this must be the case whenever the ova are impregnated within the maternal body. The nervous system consists of a ganglionic prae- oral mass, and a veutral ganglionic chain, which by their com- missural junction form the oesophageal collar. In the Polychaeta accessory ganglia are developed . upon their muscular proboscis ; in Oligochaeta upon the pharynx; and in Discophora in relation with the jaws (in the GnathoideUeae), and also with the ventral surface of the digestive tract. In some Annulata the cirri are supplied with nerves, and would appear to be tactile organs. The eyes are usually but not exclusively carried upon the praestomium ; they may be repeated in each segment {Myxicola and Polyoph- thalmus), or carried upon the branchiae (some Subellae and Tere- bellae), or carried upon the caudal extremity {Amphicora). Bila- terally symmetrical otolithic capsules have been found in a few Annulata {Arenicola, Fahricia, Sabella), in the neighbourhood of the oesophageal nerve-collar. In the Polychaeta, which with the exceptions of Protula, Spirorlis, and Exogone pusilla, are dioecious, the sexual glands develope themselves round branches of the pseud- haemal vessels, and discharge their products, as in Oligochaeta but not in Discophora, by dehiscence into the perivisceral cavity, whence they are taken up by specially modified segmental organs. In the Oligochaeta and Discophora, which are hermaphrodite, certain accessory generative organs are present, which are not found, except, possibly, as rudiments, in the Polychaeta ; and the Discophora differ from all other Annulata, in that their generative products do not find their way into the perivisceral cavity by dehiscence, but are conveyed along closed ducts to azygos efferent canals, the terminal segment of the male division of which is modified so as to serve as an intromittent organ as in the Platyelminthes. In development a ' primitive streak,-' out of which the various organs both of vege- table and of animal life, with the exception of the digestive tract, are evolved, has been observed to make its appearance ; it appears, however, subsequently, and not, as in Arthropoda, anteriorly to the formation of the primitive embryo. The embryos of the Oligo- chaeta and Discophora undergo no metamorphoses after being set free from the egg. Those of the Polychaeta are, with a few excep- tions [Amphicora), when set free from the egg, furnished with Characteristics of Gephyrea, cxxxi provisional organs, in the shape of terminal or biterminal (telo- troehal) or mesially-placed (mesotroehal) zones of cilia ; and some- times in that of long setae. In every case the cephalic and caudal segments alone are present when the Polychaetous embryo leaves the egg; and their full complement of segments is attained to in the way of intercalation anteriorly to the terminal segment. A few Folychaeta belonging to the genera Eunice, Nereis, Syllis, have been observed to be viviparous. The Discophora differ from the other Annulata, in never multiplying asexually ; and in pos- sessing but little power of repairing injuries, and none of repro- ducing lost organs. In these points the Discophora differ very widely from the Platyelminthes, with which they have sometimes been classed (see p. 138, infra), and resemble the Nematelminthes, a Class to which also they are approximated by the possession of a terminal sucker, though by few other properties beyond those common to all members of the Sub-kingdom Vermes. Class, Gephyrea. Marine worms, which have been supposed, as their name denotes, to furnish an example of a transitional form connecting two distinct types, and which not only in habits of life and in external appear- ance, but also in a few points of internal structm*e, do appear to be allied to the apodal Holothurioidea, though the totality of their organism causes us to class them amongst the Vermes, and to consider them as most nearly related to the Annulata proper. They are usually cylindriform in outline, their integumentary system is indurated by chitinous, but never by calcareous deposit; in two families [Sternaspidea and Echiuridea), it carries locomotor setae ; and in one species at least [Anoplosomatim antUlense) of another family [Friapwlaceae), it developes trichocysts. It ordinarily pos- sesses numerous follicular glands. The Gephyrea never have their bodies definitely segmented, but the integument is not rarely so corrugated as to form more or less distinct zonular folds ; and in one case {JPhascolosoma Cimaneme^), rudimentary dissepiments have been observed in the large perivisceral cavity. The mouth is surrounded in the SipuncuUdae with a coronet of ciliated tentacles, Keferstein, Zeitschrift fiir WisR. Zoologie, xvii., 1867, p. 53. i 2 cxxxii Inti'oduction. into which a circular vessel surrounding* the oesophagus, and fur- nished with contractile ampullae, sends prolongations. Though this vascular system has no locomotor feet, like those of the normal Echinodermata, in connection with it, yet, as it is clothed with cilia internally, and as it sends branches to the integument as well as to the tentacles, it would be considered homologous as well as analo- gous to the ambulacral system of the apodal Holothurioidea, were it not observed to contain a corpuscidated fluid of the same characters as the blood in the perivisceral cavity. Another point of resem- blance to the Echinodermata is furnished to us by the respiratory cloacal trees of the Echiuridea, which in Bonellia have been very clearly shown to open by numerous infundibuliform orifices into the perivisceral cavity. The cloacal respiratory trees or ' lungs ' are said by Semper, to open similarly in the Holothurioidea ; and the resem- blance between the two classes is made stronger by the fact that where these respiratory trees are absent, or, as in Sipunculus, only rudimentary, in both classes alike we find the intestinal mesentery beset with certain ciliated infundibuliform organs, which are, prob- ably, connected with a water- vascular system. The muscular sys- tem consists, as in Holothurioidea and Chaetophorous Annulata, of an external circular and an internal longitudinal stratum, to which in the Sipunculidae special retractor muscles may be superadded, as in the DendrocMrotae amongst the Holothurians. The chitinous armature of the proboscis, upon which these muscles act in the Sipunculidae, and the peculiar prolongation of the organ seen in the Echiuridea, are points which do not find any parallel in the Echinodermata. The digestive tract is usually complexly con- voluted ; the anus opens always on the dorsal surface, often at a point in the anterior third of the body's length, as in Sipunculidae. It is clothed with cilia internall}^, and richly glandular in its middle segments, from which an oesophagus and rectum are distinguish- able. The Echiuridea and Sternaspidea appear to possess a pseud- haemal system, which may be distinct from the vascular system already spoken of in the Sipunculidae. The nervous system con- sists of a ventral cord, and of a circum- oesophageal collar, in which, however, a supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass is not always present. The ventral cord, it would appear, does not ever deve- lope ganglia, as it has been stated to do ; and it resembles, in this absence of aggregations of nerve-cells, the band-like radial Characteristics of Nematelminthes. cxxxiii nerve-cords of the Echinodermata. There are no organs of special sense in this Class, with the exceptions of the tentacles of the Si- puncididae ; and of the eye-specks retained by some members of that family from their free larval into their adult life, which they spend immersed in mud or sand. The Gephyrea are not hermaphrodite ; the organs formerly con- sidered to be testes having been shown to be ducts for the gene- rative products, and homologous with the segmental organs so characteristic of the Annulata, The embryos go through more or less complicated metamorphoses ; the provisional organs of the larval form known as Actinotrocha, attaining proportions and rela- tions to the future Sipunculus, which are similar to those of the most characteristically developed Echinodermata ; whilst in other cases the larval may differ from the adult form only by its possession of locomotor ciliated zones, and of a relatively more prominent nervous system. For the anatomy and classification of the Gephyrea, see Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. Sei. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. x., 1858; Claparede, Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte Wirbelloser Thiere, 1863, pp. 61, 83; Keferstein und Ehlers, Zoologische Beitrage, 1861 ; Ehlers, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, xi. ; Keferstein, ibid, xii., p. 35, 1 86a ; Semper, ibid, xiv., p. 420 ; Keferstein, ibid. XV. and xvii., 1867. Class, Nematelminthes. Cylindriform non-segmented Vermes, in which the external layers of the integument ordinarily attain considerable rigidity by chiti- nization, and occasionally develope hooks and bristles, but in which true locomotor more deeply implanted setae, and cilia are absent. Three orders, the Chaetognatha, Nemaioidea, and Acanthocephali, are contained in this class, of which the first consists of a very few species which are always free ; the second comprises a very large number of species which may be either free or parasitic ; and the third is exclusively entoparasitic, and devoid of any digestive tract. Lateral and caudal fins, and suckers, as well as setiform spicula, are often present in this Class ; and in the two orders, Chaetognatha cxxxiv Introduction. and Nemaioidm, the muscular system does not possess the external circular layer so universal in other Vermes, its presence being ren- dered superfluous by the chitinization of the cuticular layer of the body walls. This chitinous deposit is secreted by a suljcuticular 'granular layer/ and as in Arthropoda it is frequently changed by moulting during growth and metamorphosis. In many cases the muscular envelope is divided into four bands by the median and lateral lines. In the Nematoids, bladder-like processes are some- times ffiven off from the muscle-cells, in such abundance and pro- portions as to fill up a large part of what in the entire class is ordinarily a large perivisceral cavity ; and a second set of processes given off from them make up the internal ' transverse muscles ' of authors. In the Chaetognatha the muscular fibres are very defi- nitely marked with transverse sti-iae. The digestive ti-act is entirely absent in the Acanthocephali, and the short oesophagus is said to open into the general cavity of the body in Gordius, and into a simple coecal sac in Mermis. In the Nematoidea, whether parasitic or free, a digestive tract is always present and always proctuchous ; the anus being situated some distance anteriorly to the caudal extremity in the free species, but terminally or sub- terminally in the parasitic. The oral opening is always placed terminally at the front of the body, a point of some consequence in differentiating certain forms, such as Ichthydium and Chaeto- notus, which have sometimes been referred to the Turhellaria, and sometimes to the Rotifera, as well as to the Nematoidea. The pharynx may be armed with horny plates or teeth, and the oeso- phagus is often highly muscular, and the remainder of the digestive tract simple, and of a uniform calibre. There is no blood- vascular system as distinct from the perivisceral cavity, nor any respiratory organs. The water- vascular depuratory system has, in compen- sation for the absence of special respiratory structures, and, in the parasitic Nematelminthes, in correlation also with their habits, a very considerable development. In the Nematoidea it opens. exter- nally by an azygos ventral pore, and in some cases by two sym- metrically placed lateral pores, both of which orifices are situated in the anterior portion of the body ; in the AcanthocepMi, the homologous system appears to have no external orifice, though its cutaneous ramifications are very extensive ; and it is possible, there- fore, that this system may be in this order circulatory and nutri- Characteristics of Nematelminthes. cxxxv tional rather than depuratory, as the water-vascular system of the Infusoria is supposed to be by some authors. The nervous system in the Chaetognatha consists of a single ventral and a single prae-oral ganglion, connected by commissures, so as to form a collar round the oesophagus ; in the Nematoidea we have a fibrous ring, with ganglion cells interspersed in its sub- stance, surroundi ng the oesophagus, and connected posteriorly with three main aggregations of ganglionic cells. Of these three ag- gregations the first is placed medioventrally, and consists of two symmetrical masses, one of which is on either §ide the middle line ; the other two are placed on either side in the substance of the two lateral bands j and the three ganglionic centres correspond thus with the triradiate cephalic lobes of some famiHes, a,nd the tri- quetrous division of the oesophagus of most Nematoids. In the AcaniJiocephali there is only a single ganglion, placed at the base of their proboscis, and resembling thus the structure which has been stated to exist in the anterior extremity, the so-called 'head' of the Tdeniadae. In the free Nematoids, certain aggregations of pigment granules, situated on the dorsal surface of the oeso- phagus, are spoken of as oceUi, but no nerve filaments have been traced into continuity with them, as there have been in the case of the similar organs in the Chaetognatha. The cephalic lobes when present, as also certain papillae developed on the ventral surface in many Nematoids, are considered to be tactile organs. With the exceptions furnished by the order Chaetognatha, and the Nematoid genus Telodytes (Schneider), all Nematelminthes are dioecious. Their generative organs resemble those of the Platyel- minthes and Discophora, in possessing an intromittent apparatus ; and, with the exception of the female Acanthocephali, where the ova escape by dehiscence into, and are taken up by an infundibuli- form oviduct from the perivisceral cavity, the Nematelminthes resemble the Eotifera, Discophora, and Platyelminthes, and differ from the Annulata in having the walls of their generative ducts continuous with the envelopes of their generative glands. The ovaria are greatly developed, and the ova very small and numerous in the parasitic Nematoids, the reverse being the case with the free species. The spermatozoa of the parasitic Nematoids are spherical or ovoidal cells, and move only by the protrusion of pseudopodial protoplasmic processes; in the free genera they are cxxxvi Introduction. cylindriform, and possessed of the power of oscillatorial move- ment. The impregnated ova of the Chaetognatha are developed vsdthout going through any metamorphosis, and without the formation of any ciliated coat. The first stage of the embryonic life of the Acanthocephali is constituted by a form armed anteriorly with deciduous spiny hooks, and containing internally a mass of germ- inal matter^ out of which the internal organs are developed after the animal has found its way into the appropriate portion of the body of its first host, and discarded its provisional organs. The sexual condition is only attained in the body of a second host, which is a Vertebrate, whilst the first is ordinarily (or always?) an Inverte- brate animal. In the free Nematoids the development appears to be direct ; but in the parasitic species it is complicated by the fact that the embryo is not developed in the same medium as that in which its mother lived, but migrates either into some other organ of the same animal, or into the exterior water or damp earth, whence it may find its way back into the body of the animal whence it was extruded, either directly or after a migration into some second host. A parasitic Nematoid may be undistinguishable in its free stage from a true free Nematoid, being of the same shape, and feeding-, growing and moulting in the same way. Ascaris nigrovenosa, when set free from the body of the frog where it is produced parthenogenetically, attains to sexual perfection in the free state which they spend in moist earth. The development of the Guinea-worm, Filaria Medinensis, within the subcutaneous tissues of the human subject, would appear to be similarly partheno- genetic, and probably alternative with a free stage, which, though it has not been observed, may be supposed to be similar to that of the Ascaris nigrovejiosa. Parthenogenesis has also been observed in a Nematoid worm infesting L 'wiax cinereus ; and Sphaer7daria hombi, if Schneider's explanation of Sir John Lubbock's account of this animal be correct, must be considered as furnishing a fourth instance of asexual reproduction in this class. No instances of reproduction by gemmation or metagenesis have been observed in the adult Nematelminthes ; the power of repairing injuries has, in the free Nematoids, been found to be low, or absolutely none ; and the breaking of the body of the Guinea-worm, Fihria Medi- nensis, appears to entail its death even under the condition of its Characteristics of Nematelminthes. cxxxvii entoparasitic life in the human subject, which is so favourable in this creature to the reproduction of the species. The tenacity of life, as against desiccation, which has been supposed to characterize many members of the class, is possessed in reality by only a few land and fresh-water genera, Ti/lenchus, Cephalohus, Aphelenchus, and Plectus; and in them is to be considered as partly, but, as it would appear, not wholly, dependent upon the power which they have of maintaining their tissues in a moist condition, and vsrhich they owe to the absence from their integument of the pores so characteristic of other free Nematoids. The Chaetognatha, an order of marine worms of small size, represented by the single gemis Sagitta, have been here ranked with the Nematoidea and Acanthocephali as Nematelminthes, instead of being placed in a separate Class. The diflferences which separate them from the free Nematoids appear to be in no respect of more than ordinal importance, consisting mainly in the facts of their hermaphroditism, and of their possession of transversely-striped muscles. The peculiar armature of the mouth, with two laterally and two dorsally-placed series of setae in the Sagittae, is obviously homologous with the intra-oral armature so common in Nematoidea ; and the production of the external layers of the integu- ment into fins, supposed to be characteristic of the Sagittae, is often observable both in the free and in the parasitic representatives of the order with which we are comparing them. The same remarks apply to the cuticular setiform spicula, and to the muscular structures of the Sagittae. The interior of the digestive tract in Sagitta is lined with ciliated epithelium, and Claparede has described a species, Sagitta Cepha- loptera, which has a semilunar area in its nuchal region surrounded with a band of cilia. Thus the Sagittae, and through them the entire class of Nematelminthes, come to coincide with the rest of the Sub-kingdom Vermes in the possession of ciliated epithelium. The animal described by Claparede, Anatomie und Entwickelungs- geschichte Wirbelloser Thiere, p. 88, Taf. xviii.. Figs. 2 and 3, under the name of Chaetosoma ophiocephalum, would appear to stand as a transitional form midway between Nematoidea and Chaetognatha ; whilst Gordius, and possibly also Echino- deres, described by Claparede, /. c, p. 92, and by Greef, Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte, 1869, connect the former of these two orders with the somewhat aberrant Acanthocephali. cxxxviii Introduction. Class, Rotifera. Vermes with a retractile ciliated disk at the anterior extremity of tlieir bodies, which are ordinarily microscopic in size, though they may attain as large a size as -^th of an inch in length. They are usually more or less plainly annulated externally, but they never are divided internally into compartments by auy transverse septa. In most Rotifera tbe entire body is divisible into a ' body ' proper, and a tail or foot, anteriorly to which tbe digestive and reproductive viscera with, their ducts and outlets are situated. The ' body ' can often be seen, when chitinization has not advanced so far as to form a carapace, not only to be distinctly annulated, but to possess both circular and longitudinal muscles in its walls. Cilia are never found on the external surface of the body, except upon the cephalic organ, whence they take their name ; the chitinous surface of the integu- ment may develope setiform outgrowths of various shapes, or the animals may secrete or agglutinate a tube for the lodgment of their body, or may clothe themselves, as Notommata centrura, with a mucous envelope. The ' tail' is usually annulated when its integu- ment is soft, or segmented when it is indurated ; it often carries paired claw-like processes, or a suctorial disk terminally, and it may be ciliated externally. Internally it contains muscles and a peculiar glandular body. It has been considered to represent a fused pair of arthropodal appendages, by those naturalists who would class the Rotifera with Arthropoda ; it is more correct to compare it with that portion of the body of a free Nematoid, anteriorly to which the anus and generative ducts open; and though the anal outlet is upon the ventral surface in the Nematoids, and upon the doi-sal surface anteriorly to the foot in the Rotifers, it must be recollected the anus is placed dorsally in a veiy great number of Vermes, as well as in a few of the lower Crustacea with which the Rotifera have been supposed to be allied. The opening, however, of the genital organ on the dorsal surface, is a point in which the Rotifera stand alone among Vermes, but in which they resemble not only the Arthropoda in question, but also many Echinodermata. The muscles of the Rotifera appear to be, in some cases at least, transversely striated; but their ciliated ' rotary ' disk is in most the Characteristics of Rotifera. cxxxix main organ of locomotion. The ingestion of food is dependent upon the agency of the same organ, on the ventral aspect of which it almost always lies ; though the anterior portion of the digestive tract is protrusible in the Rotifera, as in the most typical Annulata. In the male Rotifera the digestive tract is entirely absent, or repre- sented only by a rudiment of an oesophagus. In the females of certain orders, the digestive system consists merely of an oesophagus and a eoecal stomach, as in Ascomorpha, JSfotommata, Asplanchna ; whilst in others it possesses a proctuchous intestine which ends in a cloaca, together with the outlets of the water- vascular and oviducal apparatus. A gizzard armed with chitinous, often complex, characteristic jaws is interposed in all female Rotifera between the mouth and the stomach ; two or more coecal appendages are affixed to the commencement of this latter organ, which, as also the in- testine, is clothed internally with cilia. The Rotifera have no heart; the perivisceral cavity contains a corpusculated fluid. There are no specialized respiratory organs. The water-vascular depuratory system has a great development, taking the shape of symmetrical tubes, which open inferiorly into the cloaca, and ordinarily, after entering an azygos contractile vesicle ; and which have appended to them, peripherally at least, as many as five ciliated infundibula opening into the perivisceral ctivity. The nervous system consists of a bilobed ganglionic mass, which is placed above the oesophagus, but does not throw a collar round it. One or two eye-specks are sessile upon this ganglionic mass ; and certain spots beset with non-mobile bristles, as well as a tubular process, the so-called 'respiratory tube,^ are, inasmuch as they receive nerves carrying ganglioniform intumescences, to be re- garded as being probably sensory organs. The Rotifera are dioecious. The males, besides possessing no digestive tract, and living therefore but a short time, differ from the females in their external appearance ; in their much smaller size ; and in their much smaller numbers. The testis and ovary are azygos glands, and have their external walls continuous with those of the efferent ducts, opening at the posterior boundary of the body proper, anteriorly to the ' foot ' or ' tail ' when present, and on the dorsal surface. Reproduction takes place by means of two kinds of ova, the ' summer ' and the ' winter ova.-* Of these, the former are agamogenetic, like the summer ova of the Daphnidae and Cladocera cxl Introduction. amongst the Crustacea ; whilst the winter ova are gamogenetic. The embryos are developed from the entire yolk, without the formation of any primitive streak ; and they do not ordinarily go through any metamorphosis. They may be either solitary or social. They are mostly inhabit- ants of fresh water, but some are marine j a few are found living as parasites upon animal and vegetable organisms. They possess great powers of recovery after desiccation. Class, Platyelminthes. Vermes, with more or less completely flat, leaf-shaped, or tongue- shaped bodies, devoid both of external annulation and of internal perivisceral cavity. They are ordinarily aproctous, and, though possessed of complex reproductive organs, hermaphrodite. Meta- genesis, with ^alternation of generations/ is very common in this class. They are divisible into three orders — the Turbellaria, the Trematodes, and the Gestodes. Of these the two latter are para- sitic in habit, as is indicated by their possession of organs of adhe- sion in the shape of suckers or of hooks, or of both, and by their non-possession of cilia in their adult parasitic life ; whilst the Turbellaria have a ciliated integument, whence their name is taken, and never possess either suckers or hooks. Even in the richly ciliated Turbellaria, the muscular layers of their body-walls are their active locomotor organs. There are three of these muscular layers in most Platyelminthes, the innermost, however, is said to be wanting in certain Turbellarians j like the outer layer it takes, when present, a direction more or less completely at right angles to the long axis of the body. Layers of granular glandular substance are observable in the more deeply-lying of the cortical layers of the integumentary system of all members of this class ; and crystals of carbonate, and of phosphate of calcium are very commonly found in the cortical, and more sparingly in the more centrally placed por- tions of the body, especially of the Trematodes and Gestodes, and occasionally also of Turbellaria. Chitinous hooks and spines are very commonly present, but there is never any extensive induration of the integument in this Class, either by chitinous or calcificatory deposit. The Gestodes, which are always entoparasitic in their sexual Characteristics of Platyelminthes. cxli state, never possess any di^^estive tract ; Am,pUptijches nrna, which appears to be the connecting link between the Tremaiodes, to which order it belongs, and the Cestodes, is also devoid of this system, and dependent upon imbibition through the external integument for nutriment. In the Tremaiodes, and Turhellaria, with the exception of the Nemertinea in which there is a perivisceral cavity, the walls of the digestive tract are not separable ordinarily as distinct layers from the rest of the parenchyma, except so far as the contents of the hepatic cells, which clothe the interior of the system, may enable us to distinguish them. In the Trematodes, the digestive tract consists either of a simple stomachal coecum, or of two similar structures, appended to a short muscular pharjoix ; and the two coeca may either each end blindly, or may anastomose, or may give off great numbers of lateral ramifications. The Tre- matodes qxq never proctuchous ; and in this those Turbellaria which, from their possession of a multi-ramified digestive apparatus, are called ' Dendrocoelous,^ resemble them. The ' Rhabdocoelous ' Tur- lellnria may be either proctuchous or aproctous. The Nemertine Turhellaria, which are called ' Rhynchocoelous,' from possessing a proboscis armed with a calcareous style, and lodged in a tube distinct from the digestive canal, are always proctuchous. Their digestive tract takes a straight antero -posterior course, but is provided with lateral sacculations. The Nemertinea difier further from the other Platyelminthes in possessing a pseud-haemal vas- cular system, which consists of a dorsal and two lateral vessels connected with each other in the neighbourhood of their nerve- ganglia. All Platyelminthes possess a water-vascular depuratory system, which opens externally either by a single posteriorly placed pulsatile vesicle, or by two symmetrical orifices more anteriorly placed. Its walls are often of difierent characters in various parts, being contractile towards their outlets, and possessed of vibratile cilia in their peripheral ramifications, in which again the calcareous concretions already spoken of are often observed to be contained. The flatness of their bodies, which enables aeration to be so readily and thoroughly efiected in the most of the free and in the ento- parasitic representatives of this class ; and the multi-ramified character of the digestive and depuratory systems, enable the Platyelminthes to dispense with specialized respiratory and circu- latory organs, the more or less cylindriform Nemertinea alone cxlii Introduction. possessing any pseudhaemal respiratory vessels^ and in this as in so many other points approximating to the Annulata. The nerve-system consists, in the Trematodes and many Turhel- laria, of a single pair of ganglia, placed in the anterior part of the hody, and connected with each other by a transverse commissure. (See, however, p. 155 infra.) In the Nemertinea it consists of a double pair of ganglia,connected by two commissures, one passing above and the other below the proboscis. From these ganglia two main nerve- stems pass off down either side of the body. Certain Trematodes, in the free locomotor stages of their larval life, may possess eyes, but with this exception, it has only been amongst Turhdlaria that either these organs or auditory capsules have been observed to be present. In the Nemertine Turhellaria, two ciliated depressions on the anterior part of the body, underlaid by certain solid organs, are supposed to be sensory in function. It appears to be doubtful whether the Cestodes really possess any nerve-system at all; a structure similar and similarly placed to the single ganglion of the Nematelminthous Acanthocephali has been described as such. With the exception of the Nemertine Turhellaria and the proc- tuchous Ehahdocoela, which are sometimes placed in the same sub-order with them, all the Platyelminthes are hermaphrodite, and provided with accessory intromittent male organs, and accessory vitelligenous, uterine, and receptacular organs. The walls of the efferent ducts are always continuous with the envelopes of the sexual glands themselves, except in the Nemertinea, where the generative glands are sessile upon the body-walls, and no ducts exist as distinct from temporary, or permanent orifices in those walls. All Platyelminthes are oviparous, except a few Nemertinea and a few of the proctuchous Rhahdocoela amongst the Turhel- laria. In a few fresh-water Trematodes, and Turhellaria with large ova, the embryos undergo no metamorphoses after leaving the egg ; but in all other cases the embryos of the Platyelminthes go through more or less numerous stages of metamorphosis, which furnish typical instances of what is known as ' digenesis with heterogony/ and '^alternations of generations.' The histories of these metamorphoses are complicated in the parasitic orders by the fact that the different ' generations,' or, in other words, the sexual and the asexual stages in the metamorphosis, require different animals as ' hosts ' for their sustentation and lodgment ; and that Characteristics of the Echinodermata. cxliii in the Trematodes more than one asexual stage may interpose itself between the stage of embryo and that of the perfect sexual form. In the Cestodes, the sexual zooids are retained for con- siderable lengths of time attached to the asexual zooid, in the suc- cessive antero-posterior series in which they have been budded off from its posterior extremity. Compound colonies are thus formed, in which the setting free of the sexually perfect deuterozooid does not entail the death of the ' nurse.' In the Trematodes the deutero- zooids are contained within the body of the ' nurse/ and are only set free by its disruption and death. Several of the forms of reproduction observable in the Turhellaria, have been mentioned above in the history of the Sub-kingdom Vermes. The Turhellaria possess a great power of repairing injuries and mutilations, and differ herein very markedly from the Discophorous Annulata, which have sometimes been classed with them. Sub-kingdom, Echinodermata. Animals which may be spheroidal or vermiform, star- or disc- shaped, but which, whatever their external form, combine with a radial and, ordinarily, pentamerous arrangement, traces of a bilateral symmetry always detectible in developmental, and usually also in adult life. The Sub-kingdom is divided into four Classes, the Holothurioidea, the Echinoidea, the Asteroidea, and the Crinoidea. The Class Asteroidea is divisible into two Sub-classes, the Asteriae and the OpMiiridae. They possess a water- vascular system which surrounds the com- mencement of their digestive tract, and, from the central ring thus formed, sends out prolongations into the radii. Tubular pro- cesses are developed upon these radial water-vascular stems in all Echinodermata except the apodal Holothurioidea, and, except in the Crinoidea, are used for the purpose of locomotion. The water, with which this system is distended finds its way into it through the usually calcareous ^madreporic' canal and 'tubercle,' which are in all Echinodermata, except the Crinoids, appended to cxliv Introduction. the water-vascular ring-, and admit fluid to filter into it, through their pores, either from tbe exterior sea-water when they are part of the external skeleton (Astei'oidea, Echinoidea), or from the peri- visceral cavity when they are contained in it (Holothurioidea). Other appendages^ either of the nature of accessory reservoirs^ the ' Polian vesicles,'' or of a glandular character, the ' racemose ap- pendages/ are very ordinarily found in connection with the water- vascular ring. The madreporic system may consist of a single, or of multiple canals and tubercles. Triehocysts have been said to exist in the integument of Synaptidae, but some doubt appears to attach to this statement. (See Semper, Reisen nach Philippinen Hffc. iv. 164.) Their integument never developes any chitinous structures, but is always more or less indurated by calcareous deposits, and more or less roughened by spinous out-growths. The calcareous deposits may be almost, or quite microscopic ; or they may form a continuously and immovably articulated skeleton for the entire animal, or for its central disc ; the spinous outgrowths are similarly various in size, as also in shape, and they may be movably, or immovably articulated to the subjacent inte- gumentary system. In any case they are normally covered with an epidermal layer of sarcode, which is often richly cihated. Where the calcareous skeleton forms a continuous capsule for the animal's body, the muscular system is correspondingly reduced, and in Echinoidea there are no specialized muscles except for the movable spines, and for the pedicellariae homologous with them, and for the manducatory organs. Where the calcareous skeleton, though greatly developed, is yet made up of movably articulated pieces the muscular system may be moderately developed, as in Aste- roidea, where the water- vascular system is locomotor in function ; or greatly developed, as in Crinoidea, where it is not. Where, as ordinarily in Holothurioidea,. the calcareous deposits, botli external and internal, are reduced to a minimum, the muscular system attains a very high grade of evolution. There i<; always a large perivisceral cavity in the Echinodermata, into which the sea-water finds its way. The digestive tract never communicates with the perivisceral cavity directly, and is only rarely aproctous. Though it never possesses any specialized, salivary, or hepatic glands, by its possession of extensive radial diverticula {Asteriae) or of lengthy convolutions (Echinoidea and Holothurioidea), the digestive system Characteristics of the Echinodermata. cxlv comes to possess an absorbing surface which is by no means incon- siderable in relation to the other organs of the body. Coeca are appended to the anal segment of the digestive tract m AsUnae and Holothurioidea. In the Holothurioidea these coeca take a creat development, and are known as the ^ungs^ or « respiratory trees/ and their terminal ramifications are supposed to be perforated, and to admit the sea-water into the perivisceral space. Eespiration is fui-ther provided for by the existence of perforations in the nite- gument, through which tubular processes of the perivisceral spaces which contain true blood as well as sea-water, project into, the aerating medium. The very numerous but non-locomotor tubular processes of the water-vascular system of the Crinoidea must be supposed to exercise an aerating function, as must also the pro- cesses of the same system known in certain Echinoidea as ' ambu- lacral gills.' A system of 'pseudhaemal' vessels exists, in all Echinodermata, in connection with a ring-shaped vessel or plexus which surrounds the oesophagus between the nerve- and the water- rings; and in Asteroidea and Echinoidea it is further connected with 1 second and circum-anal ring. The branches of this system are distributed to the viscera and pass into the radial divisions of the body; when there are two rings present, they are connected by a pulsatHe sac, the so-caUed heart. The pseudhaemal system has been often supposed to communicate with the water-vascular and the perivisceral systems; it differs from them both in not possess- ing cilia on its internal surface; but this difference would not disprove the possibility of the several systems being continuous. The nerve-system .consists in all Echinodermata, so far as is at present known, with perhaps an exception in the case of the Crinoidea, of nerve-cords containing nerve-cells which run along the axis of each ray externally to the pseudhaemal and water- vas- cular radial stems, and have their proximal ends connected by com- missures of less complex structure than themselves, so as to form a more or less pentagonal collar in the peristomial region. The Echinodermata are, with the exception of the Symptidae, dioecious; there is no external difference between the sexes, nor between the generative glands. The generative glands very ordi- narily have a radiate arrangement ; the ova are usually very small, and impregnated externally to the body of the female ; but in some cases they are large, and several species of OpMuridae (Opholepis) k cxlvi Introduction. are viviparous. In probably every case, except perhaps the last- mentioned, the impregnated ovum takes the shape of a bilaterally symmetrical and ciliated larva, provided with more or fewer pro- visional organs. Where the ova are few and large, and during development, as in Pteraster, Echinaster, and some other Aste- roidea, protected by a dorsally or ventrally formed maternal marsu- pium, the provisional organs may be reduced to a minimum, and the development becomes ahnost direct. But in most cases the Echi- nodermata go through a very well-marked metamorphosis, which often has more than one larval stage. The distinctive character of the metamorphosis appears to be the possession by the larvae of at least a mouth and pharynx, which, whether absorbed or cast off, is never converted into the corresponding organs of the perfect Echinoderm developed inside of the provisional organism. The mass of more or less differentiated sarcode, of which the larva or pseudembryo as opposed to the Echinoderm within it, is made up, always carries upon its exterior certain bilaterally-arranged ciliated bands, by the action of which the whole organism is moved from place to place; and it may be strengthened by the superaddition to it of a framework of calcareous rods. In the larval Asteriae known as Bipiimariae, the provisional organism, when discarded, as it is, by the young Echinoderm, has been observed to retain an independ- ent vitality for some days ; but it has not been observed to give rise to any second zooid ; and when we consider the greater tenacity of life which isolated portions of these animals {Asteriae and Holo- thurioidea) have often been observed to possess, the history of a Bipinnaria might appear to be analogous rather to the ecdysis of a Crustacean, or the metamorphosis of a Dipterous Insect, than to true metagenesis. The history, however, given by Professor Grube (Monatsbericht. Konigl Akad. Wiss. zu Berlin, 12 Marz, 1868) of the discovery of an Echinoid, AnocJianus sinensis, which, while possessing the external organs, such as spines, pcdicellariae, and ambulacra, characteristic of adult Echiuodermata, had neither genital glands nor orifices ; but in place of them an apically situated sac containing several young Echinoidea in very various stages of development ; will, if confirmed, cause us to demur to the view adopted helow (pp. 147, 153), to the effect that in Eehinodcrmata metagenesis with alternation of generations, as distinct from mctamoiiihosis, is not to be found. At in-escnt, as hut a solitary specimen has been observed, it Characteristics of Holothurioidea. cxlvii n.ay be allowable to suggest that we bave in reality a case of intra-marsu- piaf development, sucb as that known to occur in Pteraster ra.Ua... The radial character of the future Echinoderm is first shown in the formation of the ambulacral elements of the water-vascular system, which first shows itself as a simple tubular depression, the future ^madi-eporic' system, on the dorsal surface of the larva. The Echinodermata are exclusively marme ; some of the Holothu- rioidea, however, can live in brackish water, or, rather, m the sand and mud of estuaries. They are never social ; and, with the exception of Fentacfims, all the living representatives of this sub- kingdom are free. Class, Holothurioidea. Echinodermata, varying in shape from being subcylindrical and vermiform to being plano-convex like an ordinary snail, with an in- tegument diiferent from that of other members of the sub-kingdona with the exception of a single Echinus, in being, through default of development of the calcareous skeleton, left supple and phab e. Their mouth is surrounded by a circlet of tentacles which are modi- fications of the ambulacral feet ; are frequently used as locomotor organs ; and in certain Bynaptidae, as also in the developing stages of other Holothurioidea, are provided with suckers. With a lew exceptions {Byna^tidae and Molpadidae), the Holothurioidea have a well-developed radial ambulacral system, in addition to their peri- stomial ambulacral tentacles. If the ambulacra are arranged m five functionally similar rows, the body of the animal obtams a somewhat pentagonal outline ; if they are scattered over the entire surface so as to leave no distinct inter-ambulacral areae, the body is vermiform m general outline ; if the five rows are divided into a ventral locomotor ?rivium ; and a dorsal bivium, the ambulacral feet in which may have no suckers, or be wholly absent ; the body comes to resemble that ot a Gasteropodous Mollusc. In the Molpadidae the radial stems ot the water-vascular system are present, as also certain tubular pro- longations of them which pierce the skin, but they have no ieet developed upon them; in the Synaptidae the water-vascular system has no radial stems, and consists simply of the circum-oral ring with its Polian and madreporic appendages, and its ampullae and branches for the tentacles. In some cases the Polian, glandular, and madreporic appendages of the water-vascular ring are very k 2 cxlviii Introduction. numerous, and the madreporic canals may be branched as well as multiple; but in all Holothurioidea the madreporic tubercle or tubercles are contained withui the perivisceral cavity^ and it is from thence consequently that the fluid for the ambulacral system is drawn. The madreporic canal, when single, is always to be found marking out the inter-radial space of the dorsal bivium by its suspensory lamellar mesentery. The ambulacral feet of the pedate Holothurioidea are very frequently strengthened, as in Echinoidea, by the addition to them of calcareous discs ; they may, however, and especially along the two rays of the dorsal bivium, as also when scattered over the inter-ambulacral areae, be tuberculate and conical, when they are called 'ambulacral papillae.-' All Holothurioidea possess an internal skeleton iu the shape of a calcareous ring in relation with the pharynx, and thus with the water-vascular ring, the nerve-collar, and the annular pseudhaemal plexus. It consists of five radial ossicles, which are either notched, or, as iu Synaptidae, pierced for the passage of the water- vessels and nerves, and of a cor- responding number of inter-radial pieces. The five radial ossicles are the fixed points to which the five radial muscular bands which give the body of all Holothurioidea a pentamerous character, are attached. As the calcareous skeleton, except in a very few cases (Psolus and Ocnus), is merely represented by spiculae scattered in the substance of the corium, the muscular system is more largely developed than in the other classes of this sub-kingdom, the externally-placed cir- cular layer being especially and distinctively prominent. By means of this highly-developed muscular system the Holothm-ioidea not only obtain the power of moving in the same way as the Vermes, but, so long as its connection with the nerve-system, and that of the several radial factors of their nerve-system with each other are uninjured, they possess also the singular faculty of ejecting their viscera, and in the case of Synapta digitata of dividing their bodies at various points when injured or alarmed. The digestive tract is, with the exception of a few Synapiidae, where it takes a straight antero-posterior course, arranged in convo- lutions, as in the Echinoidea. It consists of a pharynx and an intes- tine, between which a small and short muscidar stomach is distin- guishable as interposed. When these animals discharge their ^^sce^a upon irritation, the intestinal tract is always separated about the line of junction of the pharynx and stomach, and immediately posteriorly Characteristics of Holotliurioidea. cxlix to the water- vascular ring. The first segment of the digestive tract is suspended by a muscular mesentery along the middle line of the dorsal bivium, which is thus made actually as well as morphologi- cally a line for the bilateral division of the body. The terminal segment has, as in so many Invertebrata, a respiratory function, and, in the great majority of Holothurioidea, has certain multi- ramified coeca, the so-called ' lungs,' or ' respiratory trees'* of the ' Pneumonophorous-' order, appended to it. Where these ' trees' are absent, as in Byna'ptidae, certain ciliated ftmnel-shaped organs are to be found bestudding the mesenter j ; and as these organs are in the Gephyreau Worms similarly absent, or present, accordingly as in them cloaeal respiratory trees are present (EcJduridae), or absent {Sipunculidae), the two sets of organs may be supposed to stand to each other in a supplementary relation. The apical termi- nations of the respiratory trees are supposed to be perforated, and thus to furnish a route whereby the sea-water can find its way into the perivisceral cavity. As the cQiated infondibula are, accord- ing to the figm-es of them given by Sars, Norges Echinodermer, Tafs. XV. xvi. ; and Leydig, Lehrbuch der Histologic, p. 391, fig. 203; Miiller's Arch., 1852, p. 514; connected with a system of vessels in the mesenteric membrane, it would appear that they may discharge the same function. To the respiratory trees or to the cloaca whence they arise, the so-called ' Cuvierian organs ' are appended, which may have a glandular function, but which are probably organs of defence, as they are observed to be very readily discharged upon irritation. The pseudhaemal system consists of two main stems, connected the one with the dorsal, and the other with the ventral line of the digestive tube ; and of a circular plexus representing the circular pseudhaemal vessel surrounding the pharynx. These two vessels are connected with each other by reticulations in the walls of the intestine, and the 'rete mirabile' developed by the dorsal vessel is brought in many cases [Aspidochirotae) into intimate connection with the left respiratory tree. The nervous system is said to differ from the nerve-systems of other Echinodermata by having its circular commissural collar thicker than the radial ' Ambulacral-gehirne.' It appears, however, to be of less complex structure, and it must be recollected that in some other Echinodermata the radial stems taper towards their proximal cl Introduction. as also towards their distal ends. Organs of special sense, in the shape of otolithic vesicles, have been observed in Bynaptidae ap- pended to the radial nerve-cords just where they pass through the foramina in the radial ossicles of the internal calcareous ring. With the exception of the Synaptidae, the Holothurians are always dioecious, resembling in this all other Echinodermata, but differing from them in never having the radiate arrangement re- tained in their generative glands. These organs take the shape of longer or shorter, simple or branched coeca, which are attached to one or both sides of the inter-:^adial dorsal mesentery, and discharge their products by a single duct running in the same medio-dorsal line to open either posteriorly to, or within the circle of oral tentacles. In one case, Solothwia tremula, the development has been observed to be nearly direct, the provisional organs being represented merely by a rapidly-disappearing layer of ciliated sarcode ; but in most cases there are two larval or pseudembryonic forms, the earUer of which, Auricularia, possesses a mouth and alimentary canal, and special bilaterally symmetrical natatory lobes, whilst the second, the so-called ''pupa,-' is ban-el-shaped, devoid of mouth and of lateral outgrowths, and girded with five zonular ciliated bands, which dis- appear as the ambulacral system is developed. Class, Eehinoidea. Echinodermata varying in shape from that of a sphere to that of a disc, with, in all living species but one, in which the skeleton has been reported to be flexible, an immovably articulated external shell, the so-called 'corona,' which, with its ambulacral and inter- ambulacral spaces, occupies the entire exterior of the body, with the exception of a small circum-oral and a small anti-ambulacral cir- cum-anal area. When the mouth and anus are at opposite poles, the Eehinoidea are called ' regular,' or ' endocyclica ;' when the anus is placed excentrically, they are called * irregular,' or ' cxocyclica.' The two types are mutually connected by transitional forms ; the irregular shows bilateral symmetry very ob\aously ; the bivium, however, and the trivium do not hold the same relations to the dorsal and ventral surfaces as in Ilolothurioidea. The locomotor feet are in many of the regular forms uniformly sucker-shaped, and provided with a distal calcareous support ; but the dorsal feet, even in some regular forms, may lose their sucker-shape ; and in the Characteristics of Echinoidea. cli irregular forms Spatangiclae and Clypeastridae, they take very- various shapes, and amongst them that of the so-called ambulacral gills, which form a rosette of petaloid ambulacra limited to the apical half of the shell. The madreporic plate is always to be found at or near the apical pole of the body, and is usually fused with one or more of the genital plates. Five eye-bearing plates alternate radially with the inter-radially placed genital plates. The ambulacral plates lie ex- ternally to the free radial water-vascular trunks, but there are certain internal calcified processes, the so-called ' Auriculae/ which may, as in the genus Clypeaster (Lam.), EcJiinanthus (Miiller), attain a great development, homologous with the internally-placed ambu- lacral ossicles of the Asteroidea. Both the ambulacral and the inter- ambulacral plates are beset with very numerous movably-arti- culated spines of the most varied forms, between which pedicellariae are, as in Asteriae, interspersed. In Spatangidae certain areae, the ' semitae,' are occupied by bristle-like appendages, which have club- shaped ends, are strengthened internally by calcareous deposit, and are covered externally with cilia. The tentacular corona of the Holothurioidea is represented in Echinoidea by certain largely-developed ambulacral feet placed radially on the innermost circle of the peristomial area, and imme- diately therefore on the edge of the mouth. But in EcJiinidae and Clypeastridae, a complex prehensile masticatory apparatus exists as the so-called ' Lantern of Aristotle,' at the entrance of the diges- tive tract. The teeth of this apparatus are lodged in inter-radially placed, alveoli, composed of two main and two accessory pieces, and alternating with radially-placed structures, each consisting in Clypeastridae of one, and in Echinidae of three, ossicles. The elements in the radially-placed portion which both families alike possess, are known as the 'rotulae' or 'falces,' and as they, like the radial elements of the calcareous ring of the Holothurioidea, cover in the junctions of the radial water-vascular trunks to the central water-vascular ring, and as they resemble them still further in not belonging to the perisoma, but being true internal calcifications, they would appear to be, as Miiller taught, homo- logous with them. An oesophagus, and sometimes, as in Echinus saxatilis and Spa- tangus, a coecum, is distinguishable at the commencement of the clii Introduction. digestive tract ; wliicli, in the rest of its course, is intestiniform and attached by a fenestrated mesentery in festoons round the interior of the shell. They are never aproetous. The pseudhaemal system has a circular vessel developed both at the oral and apical poles, the ring- at the oral pole Ipng inferiorly to the water- vascular ring at the base of the dental apparatus. The two rings are connected by a pulsatile sac, the so-called ' heart,' and vessels are given off to the viscera, arid especially to the intestine. Special respiratory organs are developed in many Ecliinidae in the shape of arborescent outgrowths communicating with the peri- visceral, but, according to most authorities, not with the water- vascular system, and arranged in the peristomial area. They are absent in the Echinoidea with petaloid ambulacra, the widely expanded lamellar gills carried by which exercise an aerating function. The nerve-pentagon lies immediately below the oral peristoma, at a much lower level than the pseudhaemal and water- vascular rings. The nerve-stems, which are given off from it radially, are much wider in the middle part of their course than at either distal or proximal end. It is of importance to note, that, though growth ordinarily takes place in Echinoidea in the way of interpolating fresh plates at the apical pole of the corona, similar additions may be made in Cidaris at the oral pole to the movable plates which, in that genus, are prolonged on to the peristomial area from the immovably arti- culated corona. The generative glands in the regular forms are five in number, opening by five separate ducts in the five genital plates. In the irregular forms, Spatangidae and Clypeastridae, there are only four genital glands, ducts, and plates. The larva is pluteiform, and strengthened by a calcareous frame- work. The embryo appropriates no part of the larva except the stomach and some formative blastema which is aggregated round it. Professor Gnibe is rcpoi'ted by Dr. Semper, Eeisen im Archipel dor Philippincn, p. 163, to have met with an Echinid with a perfectly soft integumentary system. The structural diffei-ences between such an animal and a Holothurian would be comparatively small — the resemblances vciy numerous. Amongst them may be mentioned, as probably existing, the possession of calcareous discs by the feet ; the presence of specially mo- Characteristics of Asteroidea. cliii dified feet homologous with the Holothurian tentacles on the peristomial area, and the peeiiliarities of the digestive tract. The ordinary represen- tatives of these two classes resemble each other in the small size of their auti-ambulacral area, and in the tendency they have to assume bilaterally symmetrical forms. Their developmental history, however, is very different. Class, Asteroidea. Echinodermata, with flat, star-shaped, or simply pentag-onal, bodies, with a well-developed and functionally locomotor water-vascular system, the amhvilacral surface in relation with which is developed commensurately with the anti-ambulacral^ centrally or sub-centrally in which the. anus, when present, opens. The Asteroidea differ from the other Echinodermata in having a well-developed ' internal skeleton/ externally to which their nerve - cords and radial ambulacra! vessels lie. This system is represented rudimentarily by the auriculae of Ecliinidae, and the similar but more developed internal structures of Clypeaster ; but it is whoUy wanting in the Crinoidea. The Asteroidea are divided into two sub-classes^ the Asteriae and the Ophiuridae ; in the former of which the arms^ firstly, are pro- longations of the central disc ; and^ secondly^ contain within them prolongations of the digestive tract, and portions, or the whole of the reproductive organs j and thirdly, are furrowed on their medio- ventral surface for the reception and protrusion of the ambulacra! feet; whilst in the latter, the arms are difl^erentiated from the central disc, not only by their mode of taking origin from it, but also by not containing any portions of the viscera of or- ganic life, and by not having any medio-ventral ambulacral furrows, but in place of them, ordinarily, a row of dermal scales, on either side of which the feet are protruded. The verte- bral ossicles of the Ophiuridae resemble those of the Asteriae in being composed of two symmetrical halves ; but these two halves are articulated together immovably, except in the pair next the mouth, whilst the entire series of mesial ambulacral ossicles is in Asteriae composed of mesially and movably articulated bilateral halves, for the adduction and divarication of which special muscles are developed. The Ophiuridae have not the internal prolongations of the branches of the radial vessel to the feet, which are known in Asteriae and the other higher Echinodermata as ampullae; but cliv Introduction. these branches are lodged in a separate canal, leading from the central demi-canal, in which the nerve-cord and the radial water- vessel are both lodged, outwards. The madreporie tubercle, instead of being a prominent object on the dorsal surface as in Aster iae, is situated on the ventral surface, where it is either distinct but very small as in Astrophi/ton, or partially fused with, and concealed by one of the oral plates, so as to communicate only by a very small pore with the exterior. There are no pedicellariae in the OpMuridae. The OpMuridae have a digestive system consisting of a simple sac without diverticula or anus ; whilst, except in the thi-ee genera Astropecten, Ctenodiscus, and Luidia, the digestive tract of the Asteriae is always proctuchous, and is without any excep- tion even in the case of the genus Brisinga, which is described as being intermediate in character between the two Sub-classes, is prolonged for a greater or less distance into the arms. The feet of the OpMuridae differ from those of the Asteriae, with the exception of the three genera just mentioned, in not possessing terminal suckers. In some further points in which the OpMuridae differ from the Asteriae they appear to resemble the Echinoidea. Their feet sometimes show a tendency to eflBioresce into lateral ampullae, and thus to approximate in character to the ambulacra! giUs and tactile feet of certain Echinoidea ; they possess a calcified peristomial apparatus which finds its homologue in parts of the peculiar manducatory apparatus found in that class, but which is not represented in Asteriae ; and their larvae, finally, are plutei- form, whilst those of the Asteriae are vermiform, and never possess a pseud-embryonic calcareous skeleton. It is mainly upon the descriptions of such transitional or inter-connecting living forms as Brisinga endecaencmos ; and of such fossil forms as Protaster and Paleodiscus, that a justification of the placing the Asteriae and OpMuridae together in one Class must rest. Class, Crinoidea. Echinodermata with arms radially appended to a central disc or ' calyx,^ which disc at one period of their lives, or permanently, is attached by a segmented peduncle to marine objects. They pos- sess a well-developed dermal skeleton, which is movably articu- lated in the arms, but immovably in the region of the disc. The water- vascular system gives off a great number of tentacular tubules Characteristics of Crinoidea. civ along- the furrows, which radiating- from the mouth pass down the medio-ventral surface of the arms, and of their laterally arti- culated pinnulae. But the water-vascular system appears to be in the Crinoidea wholly, as it is in other Echinodermata partly, respiratory in function. The segmented arms can execute exceed- ingly active movements by means of the muscles with which they are provided; but these movements are mainly confined to the action of closing the arms upon the oral surface of the disc, and so protecting it from the contact of irritating matters. The act of swimming from place to place however by the alternate action of the arms, is by no means so habitual to the Crinoidea as has been supposed. The Crinoidea are dependent mainly upon the action of cilia lining their digestive tract, and partly upon that of the similar structures upon the integument of their arms, for the ingestion of alimentary matters. Their oral surface is, in the natural condition, always turned upwards ; the digestive tract, in the living genera, Antedon and Pentacrinus, possesses an anus opening in one of the spaces between two of the water- vascular furrows radiating from the mouth. The digestive system is confined to the central disc ; but the perivisceral space has tubular prolong- ations along the arms and their pinnules, whereby the nutritive fluid is on the one hand itself aerated, and on the other brought into relation with the powerful muscles whereby the movements of the arms are executed. Their generative organs differ from those of aU other Echinodermata in being lodged externally in the mem- branous lamellae developed from the ventral surfaceof the pinnulae, and in setting free their products' simply bydehiscence. TheT^va or pseud-embryo gives rise within itsehf to a second form, which, without taking up any part of the short digestive tract of the first, developes a peduncle which is discarded in Antedon, but is per- manently retained in Pentacrinus. Jointed cirri project at intervals from this peduncle in Pentacrinus, and in the non-pedunculate Antedon are attached to the aboral surface of the calyx. The existence of these cirri would appear to show that the true homologue of the 'arms' of the Crinoidea is to be found in the ambulacral tentacles of the Holothurioidea, whilst they themselves are homologous with the radial ambulacra of other Echinodermata. It shows further that the Echinodermata are in Mr. Herbert Spencer's language ' tertiary' rather than 'secondary aggregates,' a view to which clvi Introduction. elsewhere in tlie sub-kingdom, evidence is only obscurely borne in the mode of growth of the Echinoidea, and possibly also in the spontaneous self-mutilation and division observable amongst the Holothurioidea. See, for the development of Antedon Rosaceus, {Comatula Rosacea,) Professor Wyville Thomson, Phil. Trans., 1865 ; Dr. Carpenter, ibid., 1866. Sub-kingdom, Coelenterata. Radially-arranged or bilaterally-symmetrical animals, in which the general cavity of the body and that of the digestive sac are always continuous. They may be fixed or fi-ee, solitary or social ; they are exclusively aquatic, and almost exclusively marine. The walls of the body consist always of two layers, an ectoderm and an endoderm; both, but especially the outer layer may become in- dm-ated by interstitial deposit j and the outer layer may secrete a more or less hard exterior cell. Both laj^ers, but especially the exterior, are provided with ' thread-cells/ and both layers, but es- pecially the interior, are, at one period or other, ciliated. The mouth is the only outward opening of the digestive tract ; it is ordinarily surrounded by a corona of tentacles, the hollow interior of which is continuous with the general body cavity. This cavity may be a simple and direct prolongation of the digestive sac ; or this sac may, whUst suspended by its sides in the perigastric space, open at its bottom into it. Tlie interior of the stomach and of the general body cavity being ordinarily ciliated, circulation is maintained in the alimentary fluids; but there is no tubular vascular system of any kind, nor any specialized respiratory apparatus in these animals. The Sub-kingdom is divisible into three Classes, the Cteuophorae of which the Cesium Veneris^ the Ci/dippe, and the Beroe may be taken as examples ; the Anthozoa ; and the Hydrozoa. A nerve-system has been supposed to exist centrally in the Cte- nophorae ; and peripherally, as special sense organs in the Medusae in their marginal cysticles, but much doubt has been justifiably raised as to the really nervous character of the structures in question. (Sec Claus, Zeitschrift Wiss. Zool., xiv., 1864, pp. 385, 388). The Ctcnophorae are hermaphrodite ; the Anthozoa and Hy- Characteristics of Ctenophorae. clvii drozoa are ordinarily dioecious. The generative prodyicts are always developed between the two layers of the body walls ; and are dis- charged by dehiscence, either into the external medium in which the animal liveSj as in Hydrozoa ; or into the perigastric cavity, to be thence discharged by the digestive tract, as in the two other Classes. Reproduction may take place asexually by gemmation or by fission ; and the power of repair and regeneration is very great. The sexual method is very ordinarily accompanied by metamorphosis and meta- genesis; and the variety of forms found in any one of the compound specieSj is often increased by the specialization of certain zooids to particular functions, so as to be pm-ely agamic and digestive, purely motor as in Siphonophorae, or purely reproductive. Class, Ctenophorae. Bilateral Coelenterata, ordinarily oval, rarely cestoid in form; the place of the corona of tentacles seen in the two other Classes of Hydrozoa and Anthozoa, is taken ordinarily by a pair of long highly contractile cord-like prehensile organs, the interior of which communicates with that of the system of canals, representing the body cavity, and the exterior of which is armed with thread-cells. Their most distinctive characteristic, and the one whence they take their name, is the possession of four pairs of motor organs, con- sisting of parallel comb-like rows of plates, which work like paddle- wheels in propelling the creatures. They are all marine, and never microscopic in size, nor social, nor indurated by deposit of any kind. They differ from the Anthozoa in having the inter- mesenteric spaces of the body cavity reduced to a system of bilateral canals by the increase of the gelatinous parenchyma ; and from the Hydrozoa, in having the stomach surrounded by, and suspended, though not freely, in a perigastric cavity ; and from both, not only in their well-marked bilateral symmetry, but also in having a com- munication between the external medium and the body cavity, not only through the digestive tract and the mouth, but also by means of a funnel-shaped, and ordinarily bifid canal at the opposite pole of the body. A central nerve-system, consisting of a single or double ganglionic mass, has been supposed to be demonstrable in these creatures at the point where the funnel-shaped canal just mentioned comes into communication with the system of perigastric canals, and to send branches in correspondence with the rows of swimming clviii Introduction. plates. An otolithic cysticle, sometimes called the ' ctenocyst/ is situated at the point of junction indicated. (See, for the doubtM character of the nerve-system, Claus, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, 1864, p. 386.) The Ctenophora are hermaphi-odite, the testes and ovaries being placed on either side of each of the eight canals, cor- responding with the rows of swimming plates. The development of the embryos, which are as in Anthozoa set free through the mouth, is ordinarily simple; but they are in some instances fur- nished with provisional ciliated and other organs. Class, Anthozoa. Coelenterata, of sub-columnar form, with their mouth surrounded by a corona of tentacles, the number of which is either four or six, or some multiple of fom- or six, contrasting herein, as in so many other points, with the pentamerous Echinodermata. Their opposite imper- forate extremity is ordinarily fixed ; and they are ordinarily social. They are all marine, and may be no more than a line in length and breadth. With the exception of Actmidae and Cerianthidae, all have the external integumentary system more or less indurated by inor- ganic deposits, which form ' the coral structures.' These structures are ordinarily divided into two classes, accordingly as they have been supposed to be cuticular formations or ' foot secretions,' when they have been called ' sclerobasic / or to be due to deposition within the tissues, when they have been called ^sclerodermic;' but doubt has been thi'own on the soundness of this distinction by Kolliker (see Icones Histiologicae, ii., pp. 1 17-170). The body cavity is not only directly continuous with the cavity of the stomach by means of an orifice at the bottom of this latter cavity, but it is also continued upwards round the outside of the stomach, which is freely suspended in it by means of lamellar mesenteries. These lamellae divide the body cavity into a series of radially-ai-ranged chambers, which again are prolonged upwards so as to be continuous \\iih. the interior of the tentacles. The interior of the tentacles may communicate directly with the exterior by perforations placed at their lips, as may also the general cavity of the body by peripherally-placed aper- tures called ' ciuclides.' In Cerianthus and Fcachia, the axis of the foot may be perforate. The Anthozoa are, with the exception of Cerianthus, dioecious. The generative organs are developed in the mesenterial lamellae. Characteristics of liydrozoa. clix The embryos are discharged by the mouth of the i^areut as free ciHated larvae of smaller size and with fewer tentacula, or without any, but in other points they are like their parents. Reproduction may take place also in the asexual ways of gemmation and of fission, and the entire animal may be regenerated from a separated frag- ment ; but there are no ' Medusae' in this Class. Class, Hydrozoa. Coelenterata, which may be fixed or free, social or solitary, but which are often of much smaller size, and invariably of a simpler construction than either of the other two Classes in this Sub- kingdom. The wall of the digestive cavity is continued directly into that of the body cavity, or, in other words, the stomach is never suspended freely in a perigastric cavity. The general body cavity is prolonged, under the form of ' gastro-vascular canals,' through the parenchyma of the body, and into the interior of the, tentacles. The body wall is made up of two layers, an ectoderm, which in early stages is ciliated, and in later is very richly provided with thread-cells; and an endoderm, which is ordinarily ciliated, and keeps up a circulation in the gastro-vascular fluids, and contains also some, but fewer thread-cells than the ectoderm. The outer layer of the ectoderm secretes a chitinous tubular polypary in the fixed orders, with the exception of the Hydridae ; the deeper layers of the body may attain in the free forms a greater or less amount of induration, either in a disc-shaped (Medusae), or tube-shaped [SipJionopJiorae) mass ; but it is only rarely that in the fixed orders any calcareous deposit takes place, as in the Litliydrodea. (See, however, Kolliker, Icones Histiologicae, ii., p. ii7)- No central nerve-system has been demonstrated in these creatures j the mar- ginally-placed cysticles of the Medusae may represent special sense organs. The Hydrozoa are rarely hermaphrodite ; the generative organs are developed in them as in all Coelenterata between the two layers of the body walls, but owing to the absence of any perigastric cavity, such as that of the Anthozoa and Ctenophora, they come to be placed externally, and to be discharged into the water not through the mouth, but simply by dehiscence of the exterior layer. Reproduction may be asexual in the way of gem- mation frequently, and of fission rarely ; development may be nearly direct, as in Tuhularia and Coryne Van Benedenii, where the stage clx Introduction. of a ciliated embryo, s. 'planula/ is wanting; or it may be aceom- plished by metamorphosis, complicated with ' alternation of genera- tions.' In this latter case the specialized generative zooid may be either fixed to the asexual eoenoecium, or set free as a medusifbnn zooid.^ The power of repair and of regeneration after injuries, and from isolated portions of body substance, is very great. Sub-kingdom, Protozoa. Organisms, which, being ordinarily microscopic and unicellular, rarely have their exterior outlines fixed in definite forms, or their interior parenchyma distinguished by much histological difi-erentia- tion. By the absence of a rigid external envelope the unicellular Protozoon is distinguished from most forms of vegetable life, except the Mycetozoa and the locomotor gonidia of certain Ciyptogamia ; and by the absence of histological difierentiation in correspondence with the difierent vital functions, it is distinguished from most or all higher animal organisms. The greater part, or even the whole of the body of a Protozoon, may consist simply of Protoplasm, s. Cytoplasm, s. Sarcode, which may vary from being purely hyaline to being markedly granular, and from being semifluid to being exceedingly viscid and strongly coherent, but which, chemi- cally, is nitrogenous, and physiologically, contractile. The exterior or cortical layers of the body ordinarily difier more or less in con- sistence from the interior ; they may secrete a calcareous, or agglu- tinate an arenaceous shell; and the internal layers may, in their turn, furnish themselves with a solid support in the shape of an internal skeleton composed of inorganic, siliceous, or calcareous particles, or of organic homy substance. In some cases an exter- nal shell is secreted, of an organic substance resembling chitiue. Movement may be accomplished by the contraction of the general mass of the parenchyma, as in Gregarinae ; or the protoplasm may develope cilia, as in Infusoria; or pseudopodia, as in other Pro- tozoa. Nutriment is absorbed in some cases by the general paren- chyma of the body which envelopes the alimentary matter wdthin its own substance, as in Amoehina and Actinophryna; or the entire animal may live immersed in an atmosphere of assimilable albumen, Characteristics of the Protozoa. clxi as is the case with the parasitic Gregarinae, and absorb soluble pabulum at all points of its exterior. In other cases the pseudo- podia, in which a constant cyclosis of the granular cytoplasma may be observed to be carried on between the central part of the animal's body and its radial processes, act as suctorial and absorbing organs. In one class only, the Infusoria, do we find both mouth and anus ; but these two orifices are not connected with each other by any conti- nuous tubular canal, the ingested aliment passing from the mouth and oesophagus into the general parenchyma of the body, and the refuse matter finding its way into the neighbourhood of the anus, whence it is extruded by the contractile sarcodic substance surrounding it. In many Protozoa the vacuolation of the contractile protoplasm produces the structures known as ''contractile' or ''pulsatile vesi- cles,' which have sometimes been regarded as a rudimentary circula- tory apparatus, but which, as they have sometimes been observed to open externally, may with more probability be considered to be depuratory in function, and to correspond with the water-vas- cular system of higher animals. No specialized respiratory nor nervous system exists in this sub-kingdom, unless the red pigment- specks of certain Infusoria may be considered to correspond to eyes. Reproduction is ordinarily asexual, taking place in tbe ways of fission and gemmation, but in the Spongiadae and Infusoria we find true sexual reproduction by means of ova and spermatozoa. Encys- tation very frequently accompanies the agamogenetic, and conju- gation the sexual process. The Protozoa may be either solitary or social, and are found either in sea or fresh water, or as Entozoa, but their respiration is never aerial. The Gregarinae would by most writers be considered, as they are here, to be the lowest of the Protozoa. Their ento-parasitic habits, however, which will account for much of the simplicity or degradation of their organism, must not cause us to overlook their close affinity to certain forms of Rhizopoda, especially the Amoehina; and it has been rather from considerations of convenience, which, in the absence of any actual demonstration of genetic affinity, have weight in classification, that they have been here separated from that class. The Rhizopoda are by some writers placed higher, by others lower, in the scale of life than the lufu- l clxii Introduction. soria ; but tlie ' polyinor])liismus' of tlieir more complex forms, amongst wMdi the EadiolaHa are usually included, may be considered in some sense to counterbalance tlie higlier gi-ade of specialization to wliicb the Infusoria in virtue of tlieir digestive, reproductive, and motor organs, must be allowed to have attained. The Spongiadae should, for the same reason and in the same sense as the Ehizopoda, be placed in co-ordinate rank with the Infusoria. It is not rarely difficult to differentiate a unicellular organism as animal or vegetable, unless we happen to be acquainted with its past or future history. The gonidia of many Algae are locomotor, ciliated, possessed of contractile vesicles, and devoid, whilst yet active, of that eminently vege- table structure, an encapsulating envelope of cellulose. Whilst these organisms imitate the movements, structure, and chemical composition of the Infusorial Protozoa, the mycelium of certain Fungi, the Myxo- gastres, s. Myxomycetes, which have hence been called * Mycetozoa,' is similarly devoid of any cellulose envelope, and exhibits the pseudopodial movement so characteristic of Rhizopoda ; while such forms of life as Euglena Viridis and the Volvocineae must be held to belong to the vegetable kingdom, not so much on account of the abundance of chloro- phyll in their parenchyma, as because of the history of their develop- ment, in which a period of quiescence and encapsulation in cellulose is readily observable. ■ There are not a few organisms for the identification of which, as belonging to the animal or vegetable kingdom, we have no other guide than a consideration of their gradational affinities to other organisms, as to the position of which in one or other of the two kingdoms there can be no question. By the application of this test, it would seem that the Monera of Professor Haeckel should be ranked as animals, as they are so closely similar to certain of the Rhizopoda, as to the right of which Class to be considered as animal few other naturalists would raise a doubt. And as either from the point of view furnished by the facts of gi'adational affinity, or from that into which we are put by the knowledge of the history of development, probably all the other forms of life out of which the naturalist just mentioned has formed a third Kingdom of life, the Regnum Protisticum, can, without violence, be regarded as either animal or vegetable, the necessity for accepting such a third Kingdom would appear to be doubtful. In dealing with the microscopic organisms, about the position of which it is possible to raise a doubt, the most unambiguous criterion is that which the formation of an external envelope of cellulose, when present, furnishes. When this means of deciding is absent, the exhalation of The Regnum Protisticum. clxiii oxygen, aud the power of supporting life upon inorganic matters, are, perhaps, the two points to which we should next look, though both of them would fail us in the case of the Fungi. The presence of chlorophyll in very great abundance in the parenchyma of an organism points, though less certainly, than any of the three characters already specified, to the vegetable character of an organism. Stentor, however, among Infusoria, Hydra among Coelenterata, Vortex amongst the Turbellarian, and Bo- nellia amongst Gephyi-ean Worms, are said, though not in all cases upon the evidence of the spectroscope, to possess this chemical substance as an essential ingredient of their parenchyma irrespective of any which may be ingested with their aliment. An organism which should be seen to envelope alimentary substances within its own parenchyma would be, in almost any case, rightly considered an animal ; but this test would fail with the ento-parasitic forms of either kingdom which live by the ab- sorption of the soluble nutriment in which they live immersed at all" points of their exterior ; and would further be held by most naturalists to prejudge unfairly the allocation of organisms feeding by means of suc- torial pseudopodia, in the face of the preponderating evidence in favour of theii' animality which the totality of their history offers. It would fail also, in the cases of the spermatozoa, which may be called the male 'gonidia' of most animals, and the male zooids, the ' complemental males,' of a few animals, such as the Cirripedia. Irritability, contractility, locomotion and the ' cyclosis,' or circulation of absorbed and assimilated nutritive matters, are phaenomena universal in the animal, and occasionally observable in the vegetable kingdom ; whilst the secretion of chlorophyll, and of cellulose, and the power of regenerating an entire compound organism from a more or less frag- mentary portion, are properties nearly though not quite universal in vegetables, and only occasionally noticeable among animals. It may be anticipated that in the few cases in which it may at present be difficult to decide with perfect certainty as to the animal or vegetable character of an organism, an increase in our knowledge, if not of its very simple structure, yet of its development, and if not of either its development or its structure, yet of the development and structure of forms which by gradual transitions connect it with undoubted animal or undoubted vege- table forms, is likely at some time to enable us to place it in one or other of these two kingdoms of life. But it must be said that there are organ- isms which at one period of their life exhibit an aggregate of phaenomena such as to justify us in speaking of them as animals, whilst at another they appear to be as distinctly vegetable. A monad may at one period be possessed not only of a nucleus and contractile vacuole, but of a cilium, l2 clxiv Introduction. by the aid of which it swims about ; at another it may have lost its cilium, and effect locomotion by the protrusion of pseudoiiodia, like an Amoeba ; whilst in a third it may surround itself with an envelope of - cellulose. If it should prove to be true that organisms as high in the scale as the Amoebina and Aclinoplwyna, can have their development traced back to the specialization of protoplasm within vegetable cells, it Avould appear to be necessary to adopt a phraseology which should speak of such creatm-es as being at one time plants, and at another animals. Class, Infusoria. Protozoa^ which have the external layers of their bodies so far indurated as to give them more definitely-fixed external outlines than the other classes of the Sub-kingdom, and are provided, except in the case of the adult Acinetina, with cilia as motor organs. They may secrete a cuticular shell or carapace, distinct from their more or less indurated external cortical cuticular envelope, but they never form any shell or skeleton of inorganic substances. They always possess a nucleus and nucleolus, which are in function ovary and testis respectively, and a contractile vesicle ; and with the exception of the order Acinetina, which is provided with suctorial tentacula, and the parasitic genus Opalina, they have always a mouth and anus. From the mouth a short oesophagus lined with a prolonga- tion of the cuticle leads ordinarily, and opens by an oblique or transverse aperture, into the central parenchyma of the body, which is more loosely compacted than the cortical layers. In the inter- trabecular or vacuolated spaces of this central parenchyma, the ingested alimentary particles are circulated together with the water, along with which they are drawn in by the ciliary currents ; and from it the refuse particles are finally extruded by the anus, into which there is only rarely a tubular process of the cuticle prolonged. The cortical layers of the parenchyma are less difiluent than the central, and in them we find the contractile vesicle, the generative nucleus with its adherent or closely approximated nucleolus, the trichocysts, and a certain amount of very fine pale granular matter. By the use of reagents, it is easy to see that the cilia are in reality processes not of the cuticular membrane, but of the outer layers of the enclosed parenchyma ; and they must therefore when protruded find their way through very fine orifices in the external envelope. Characteristics of Rhizopoda. clxv This membrane is not always demonstrable, and appears to be occa- sionally wanting", as in Oxytrichina. The contractile vesicles may be very numerous, as in Trachelius ovum, but ordinarily they are not more than two in number. They are in some cases seen to give off vessels into the body ; and they are said to communicate with the exterior, and thus to become analogous to the water-vascular rather than, as is often said, to the circulatory system of higher animals. The so-called ' nucleus'' or ovary may vary in sbape from that of a spheroid to that of a horse-shoe. The ' nucleolus^ or testis is also very variable in sbape, but is usually closely apposed to or immersed in tbe substance of the ovary, which is much larger in size. In sexual reproduction the ' nucleus^ breaks up into a number of ova, which it is probable are directly transformed into embryos. It is often seen to be preceded by conjugation, in which the spermatic elements of the two individuals have been supposed to be inter- changed. Asexual reproduction takes place in the ways of gemmation, when compound colonies may be formed, as in Episiylis and Car- chesium; and of fission, which is ordinarily preceded by encystation. Class, Rhizopoda. Protozoa possessed of pseudopodia, by which, in the absence of cilia, the functions of locomotion and of ingestion of aliment are performed. Their bodies may consist of sareode alone without any morphological element except fine granules, and without any cell wall ; and in these cases a calcareous shell may be secreted, as in the majority of the Foramini/era, or a test of organic cbitin-like substance, as in Gromida ; or an external casing may be formed by the agglutination of arenaceous particles, as in Lituolida; or the sareode may show considerable difierences between its central and peripheral layers, and may contain a nucleus and a contractile vesicle, but be devoid of any external inorganic deposit of the nature of a shell, as in Amoehina and Actinophryna ; or, finally, the sareode may be divided into two portions by a central capsule, and be further supported by a siliceous skeleton, in which case both the extra-capsular and the intra-capsular sareode contains many and various morphological elements, as in the multi- cellular clxvi Introduction. Radiolaria. In all Rhizopoda^ except the Amoehina, the pseudo- podia are very namerous, ramify minutely, inosculate by their ramifications, and show in their interior a cyclosis or circulation of granular sarcode ; and it is by their suctional agency that nutri- tive matters are absorbed. In the Amoebina, which on this ac- count have been sometimes, as by Kolliker and V. Carus, separated from the Ehizo*poda and classed with the Infusoria, the pseudo- podia are few and large, and neither anastomose nor show any cyclosis of granular sarcode in their interior. The exterior layer of the bodies is better defined than that of other Rhizopoda, and they extract nutriment from their food by enveloping it, as indeed the Adinophryna do also, in the substance of their parenchyma. The differentiation of the outer layers or ' ectosarc-* of the Amoe- Una, from the inner or ' endosarc,^ is carried so far in the direction of increase of tenacity and consistence as to render it probable that a definite spot must exist in their external periphery, which acts as an oral inlet. No other Rhizopoda possess either a mouth or anus. Reproduction appears to be effected in the simpler Rhizopoda by fission of the protoplasmic mass, of which their bodies are exclusively made up j but in the higher forms of the class, the Amoebina and Actinophryna, it would appear that true sexual products may be formed. The Rhizopoda may be either solitary or social. They are mostly marine, but some Ainoebina, Actinophryna, and Groviida are found in fresh water. Class, Spongiadae. Social Protozoa, which form one or many aggregated colonies, each one of which possesses on its exterior a single exhalant ' os- culum,' and a great number of smaller inhalant ' pores whence the Class has taken its name of ' Porifera.^ The cells which make up each colony, are supj)orted upon an internal skeleton, which may be siliceous or calcareous, horny or leathery in consistence ; Halisorcina, which has been described as devoid of any skeleton, and as being merely a colony of naked amoebiform bodies, having been shown by Dr. Bowerbank to possess more or less of a siliceous skeleton. The cells are of very various forms in each colony ; some being ciliated, some amoebiform, whilst others may have their sar- codic substance so fused together as to form continuous masses, Characteristics of Gregarinae. clxvii which however do not lose the power of reappearing as separate organisms. The ciliated cells line the interior of certain spheroidal chambers in the suhstance of the Sponge ; and by their action water is drawn in through the smaller ' pores/ and with it the alimentary particles which the amoebiform cells appropriate. The larger ori- fices or 'oscula' are exhalant in function. Both sets of orifices are opened or closed at the will of the animal ; but the larger are permanent^ whilst the smaller are intermittently formed and in- termittently obliterated. A wide interspace intersected by irre- gular trabeculae may be interposed between the exterior layer of the Sponge in which these orifices are situated^ and the deeper layers which make up the great mass of the organism. The spi- cula have a cavity in their interior, which is occupied by sarcode, and are thus to be considered as produced like ' external skeletons^ or ' tests'" by an outward excretion-process. Reproduction may be sexual^ ova and spermatozoa being produced by the specialization of cells in the general parenchyma ; or asexual, in the way of fission, or in that of the production of gemmules. The gemmules of the fresh-water Sponge are formed towards the close of the warmer period of the year by means of the '^encys- tation' of portions of the parenchyma, whilst the sexual process takes place during the summer months ; so that the history of the ' winter'' and ^ summer^ ova of the Daphnidae and Rotifera is here exactly reversed. Class, Gregarinae. Protozoa, with an external envelope only obscurely limited off from the contained parenchyma, without either mouth or anus, of parasitic habits, moving in some cases with considerable energy, not, however, by the protrusion of pseudopodia, but by the contraction of their ordinarily vermiform bodies in a direction from behind for- wards. They are very ordinarily visible to the unassisted eye, presenting, when circular in shape, the appearance of small white specks, which may be as much as a millimetre in diameter, but which attain sometimes a length of as much as half an inch, when, as more usually, they are elongated and vermiform. They may have the appearance of being divided {Dicystidea) into two unicellular organisms : the septum, however, is stated by Kolli- ker to be produced, not by an involution of their extenial cell- wall. clxviii Introduction. but by the thickening of a part of the contained protoplasm, so that they are truly unicellular organisms. This cell-wall is readily permeable by water, which first separates it from the contained parenchyma, and ultimately^ as in the case of many other Entozoa, bursts it. The integument may be longitudinally striated or costatCj and may carry delicate or strong bristles, or even vibratile cilia, and more or fewer spines. The contents of the cell-wall are of three kinds : the nucleus, the hyaline protoplasm, and the fatty granules, which give the adult animals their milky appearance, but which may be wanting in young specimens. The nucleus is placed centrally in the Monocystidea, and in the anterior half of the posterior half of the body in the JDicystidea. It contains a nucleolus, or several small granules. The reproduction of the Gregarinae, so far as it is known, appears to be accompanied by the successive processes of encystation : of resolution of the nucleus and the paren- chyma, firstly, into small round corpuscles a little larger than a human red blood-cell ; and, secondly, into the organisms known as 'pseudo navicellae :' and, lastly, of the change of the amoebiform contents of those bodies into Gregarinae by direct growth. The resolving up, and the rearrangement of the contents of these uni- cellular organisms, resemble the process known in the higher ani- mals as the segmentation of the yolk ; and it is preceded, though not always, by ^ conjugation,' which might, had it been an inva- riable antecedent, been compared to sexual congress. The Gregarinae have been regarded as merely Amoebae, which are possessed of a better defined external envelope than other Rhizo- poda in adjustment to their parasitic habits. They have again been supposed to have, by virtue of the peculiarities of their reproductive process, and of their first stages of development, to show much affinity to certain fungi. And, finally, whilst the pseudo-navicular cysts bear some resemblance to the ' psorospermiae' of Fishes, the adult Gregarinae, as ordinarily, though not exclusively, found in the digestive or perivisceral cavities of luvertebrata, are by no means unlike the wormlike organisms found in the heart and the voluntary muscles of many Mammals, and known as ' pseudentozoa.' DESCRIPTIONS OF PREPARATIONS. 1. Common Eat {Mus Decumanus), Dissected so as to show its craniospinal nervous axis in its entire length as well as portions of most of the organs of vegetative life. A RED injection has been thrown into the veins, and the left halves of the walls of the craniospinal, thoracic, abdominal, and pelvic cavities, as well as the greater part of the integument in the facial region and the greater part of the left lung, have been removed so as to show in situ the organs previously concealed by these structures. Of the encephalic nerve-centres we see most anteriorly the olfactory lobes : next to them the cerebral, separated from each other by the longitudinal fissure in which is lodged the longitu- dinal sinus : next the cerebellum bounded off anteriorly from the posterior border of the cerebral ovoids by the diverging lateral sinuses, into which the longitudinal sinus divides. The presence of the lateral sinuses prevents us from seeing the corpora quadri- gemina which would otherwise be visible « in the middle line, owing to the divergence there from each other of the cerebral lobes. The medulla oblongata, which is, like the cerebellum, of considerable width, comes into view between the two occipital condyles, from which point down to the second dorsal vertebra, recognizable by its long spine carrying an ossicle articulated to its apex, the medulla spinalis is of much greater thickness than it attains posteriorly. It is seen in the lumbar region to break up into the cauda equina. In the dorsal region, a black bristle has been passed under the aorta where it underlies the bodies of the vertebrae, and this position • For the relations held by the cerebrum and cerebellum to each other and to the tentorium, see Turner, 'Proceedings Royal Society of Eidin burgh,' March 3, 1862. 2 Descri'ptions of Frejoarations. relatively to the craniospinal canal superiorly, as also to the digestive tract next inferiorly, and the heart most inferiorly, is held by the aorta in all vertebrata. The singleness of the aortic trunk in the adult state is characteristic of all warm-blooded animals ; but mam- mals, as is seen here, diifer from birds in having the single trunk arching from the heart over the left and not over the right lung's root. Behind and to the right of this black bristle from before backwards are to be seen, firstly, the fourth lobe of the right lung in its pleural cavity resting on the diaphragm below, and in relation above with the heart, and on the left with the phrenic nerve; secondly, the oesophagus, a lowly vascular tube the small cahbre of which is correlated with the working of the dental apparatus in these creatures j thirdly, the third lobe of the right lung placed far back and to the right, and, like the lungs of aU mammals, freely suspended in its pleural cavity and bearing no impressions on its exterior from the different bony constituents of the thoracic ca\dty ; fourthly, the vena azygos ^ of the left side between the aorta and the vertebral column, passing up to arch over the root of the left lung, and join the vena cava descendens of that side; and fifthly, the spinal cord. The complete diaphragm, forming a dome-shaped floor, with the heart and lungs in relation with its convex, and the liver, stomach, spleen, and kidney in relation with its concave surface, and receiving a large nerve, the phrenic, from the cervical region, is eminently characteristic of Mammalia. The upper part of the pericardial sac has been removed, and the two ventricles (less distinctly separated from each other than in many mam- mals) and the left aui^lS^are brought into %dew. The anterior surface of the heart is^'ore equally shared in by the two ven- tricles than is the case in many mammals, in which the right ventricle forms nearly the entire anterior aspect of the organ. The left vena cava descendens, a trunk which is found in most Rodents, except the Guinea Pi g^jnd. Agouti, is seen to pass in front of the root of the" left lung in company with the phrenic nerve round to the back of the heart to end in the right auricle. The vena azygos of the left side is seen to join it just above the root of the left lung, and at a point some way above this, the vein from the fore-leg, which is in connection with the nerves going to b For the various arrangements obser^■able in the system of the vena azygos, see Milne-EdwArds, 'Le^-ons Rur la Physiologie/ vol. iii. p. 598. ibiq"e citnta. Common Rat. 3 that limb, is seen passing* np to join another vein, which, from its being placed superficially to the sterno mastoid muscle, we know to be the homologue of the external jugular of anthropotomy. The ex- ternal jugular is the main trunk by which the blood from the interior of the skull returns to the heart in the Rodents and many of the lower Mammalia, and by its confluence with the vein from the anterior limb the vena cava descendens is constituted. Internally to the external jugular, just above its confluence with the subclavian vein, is seen a part of the hibernating" gland; externally to it lies the submaxillary ; above this again we see the parotid with its duct ; and above the pai'otid, the facial portion of the lacrymal gland sending up a duct, under which a piece of blue paper is placed, to - enter the orbit and join there with the duct of a second portion of the lacrymal gland, which is placed within the orbit, and an- teriorly to the duct of the extraorbitally-placed portion. Within the orbit we see the Harderian gland. For a fuller description of these glands, see Description of Plate I, which represents a dis- section somewhat diflerent from that which we have of these organs in this preparation. In the middle line of the body inferiorly to the heart we see the cut sm-faces of the six sternal bones, and in the angle intercepted between the lowermost of these and the diaphragm, we see some lobules of fatty tissue set in the process of serous membrane which connects the apex of tte pericardium with the sternal bones and with the diaphragm. From these structures a vein passes back along the pericardium to end in the vena cava descendens of the left side. In the angle between the inferior surTatte of the diaphragm and the lumbar muscles, the two psoas muscles and the quadratus lumborum of the left side, we see the smooth-surfaced kidney, which by this external character, as also by the internal one, of the separation of its cortical or secretory from its medullary or excretory parts, characterizes the class Mammalia. The spleen is in relation with it on the right ; to the right of the spleen we have the left end of the stomach, which is less vascular and" glandular than the pyloric half, which is here concealed and overlapped by the •= For the histology and literature of the Hibernating Gland, see Hirzel and Frey in Siebold's and KoUiker'a ' Zeitschrift fiir Wissenachaftliche Zoologie,' Bd. xii. Hft. ii. 1862. B 2 4 Descriptions of Preparations. left lobe of the liver. Fi-om tlie inferior or convex margin of the stomach the curtain-like omentum or ejjiploon, a process of perito- neum found only in mammals, hang-s down over the left cornu of the uterus, which is distended with emhryoes, and over portions of the intestines. Immediately below the kidney and the spleen, the left ovary and Fallopian tube and the upper end of the left cornu uteri are situated. A fibrous band, under which a black bristle is placed, and which is the remnant of the ligament d by which the Wolffian body in the foetus was kept in relation \vith the dia- phragm, attaches the ovary and tube to the peritoneal covering of that muscle. Below the upper end of the left comu uteri is seen the caecum, which is of less size and complexity than in Rodents with rootless molars and less varied and nutritious food than these omnivorous representatives of the order, or than those, such as the Squirrels, which live on seeds and have, like the Murini, rooted molars. It tapers off" superiorly into the large intestine, which however in many Eodents is not, when compared with the small intestine, as much inferior in length and larger in calibre and thicker in its walls as its name and the homology of anthro- potomy might lead us to expect. Below the caecum we see the cut ends of the veins from the hind-limb, and lower still we see a bristle passed underneath the ureter as it passes forwards to enter the base of the conically contracted bladder. The vagina, rectum, and bladder have, each of them, separate and independent outlets e; into those from the two latter organs black bristles have been passed. The flat nail on the rudimentary thumb, the presence of tactile vibrissae above the eyes as well as upon the snout, and of hairs of great coarseness along the mesial dorsal region, the absence of hair from a small area, in which are the orifices of the nostril, and which is called the ' muffle and its presence between the annulate scales on the tail, are points worthy of notice. d For a figure and account of this ligament in the foetal state, see Kolliker's ' Entwickelungsgeschichte,' p. 4.^8, fig. 215. c For an account of a similar arrangement in another Rodent, see ' Hunterian Catalogue of the Physiological Series contained in the Royal College of Surgeons,' vol. iv. p. 2745 ; for a similar an-angcment in an Insectivore and the Simiadae, see loc. cit. 2810, 2811, 2812. f For the various senses in wliich the word 'muffle' is used, see Waterhouse's •Natural History of the Mammalia,' vol. i. p. 5° ; vol. ii. pp. 7. 8. Skeleton of Coriimoii Rat. 5 2. Skeleton of Common Rat {Mus Decumaniis), The skeletons of many of the lower Mammalia bear a general resemblance to those of certain quadrupeds lower in the scale of life in such points as the nearness of the level at which their trunk is cai-ried by their limbs to that of the ground on which they move ; and in the maintenance by the long axis of their head, of much the same direction as that of the long axis of their entire trunk. But they invariably present the following distinctive characters, which are as peculiar to the Mammalian class as any of the points fur- nished by the soft parts, such as the blood-cells, the hairy integu- ment, or the mammary glands. In every Mammalian skeleton the lower jaw will be found to be made up of a single mandibular bone on each side, which articulates by a convex facet with the squamosal element of the cranial wall ; and the vertebrae in the trunk always differ from those of the different lower vertebrata in one or more or all of the following points : either in the anchylosis of their several elements, or in the size of their neural canal, or in the shape of the articular ends of their centra, or in the means whereby in the recent state these articular ends are brought into relation with each other. In the vertebra of a young mammal the neural arch may not have anchylosed with its centrum ; but in all such cases two discoid epiphyses belonging to the articular ends of the centrum would also remain unanchylosed, as they fuse with it at a later period than the neural arch, and they furnish a mark as distinctive of the Mammalian class as any other connected with the vertebrae. Some mammals have an opisthocoelian ball and socket articulation between the centre of their vertebrae ; and the crocodiles resemble the mammals in having interarticular fibrocartilaginous discs to connect their ball and socket centre-joints instead of synovial joints; but in such cases the greater size of the neural canal or the absence of neurocentral sutures, or the absence of sutures between the body and the lateral processes, would enable us, without having recourse to a microscopic examination of the bony tissue, to identify a ver- tebra as having belonged to a mammal. In all mammals, except the Cetacea, the maximum number of phalanges in any one digit is limited to three ; in nearly all the number of cervical vertebrae is 6 Descrijotions of Prejxirations. neither more nor less than seven ; and the number of the lumbar vertebrae is never less than two. There are very rarely any verte- brae with unanchylosed ribs anteriorly to the first dorsal vertebrae. The jaws are ordinarily dentigerous^ but teeth ai'e never found elsewhere than upon the mandibular, maxillary, and intermaxillary bones; the grinding teeth very frequently have more than a single root or fang, a method of implantation never observed in any other class. The most distinctive character of the Rodent order is the posses- sion of the pairs of scalpriform incisors in the upper and lower jaws, from the functions of which their class-name is taken. There is a single pair of incisors in the upper jaw in all Rodents, except those of the family Leporidae, in which there are two pau-s placed one behind the other, the hinder pair being the smaller. In the lower jaw there is a single j)air only in all Rodents, without exception. The upper incisors form a larger segment of a smaller circle, the lower a smaller segment of a larger circle. The peculiarities of their growth, which goes on uninterruptedly during the life of the creature from a persistent pulp, and of their functions, entail changes of great importance in the general conformation of the skull and of particular bones. The intermaxillaries, in relation with which the upper incisors are first developed, and which form a large part of the sockets in which they are permanently lodged, are larger in relation to the rest of the skull and of the animal than in perhaps any other mammals ; — they form the whole, or nearly the whole, of the sides and under surface of the bony snout, and in all Rodents they shut off the nasals from contact with the niaxil- laries. The maxillary bone, besides fonning' part of the socket for the lodgment of the teeth, furnishes in its malar process a point of origin for a deeply-placed part of the masseter, which co-operates very strongly with the temporal muscle in moving the lower jaw m a vertical direction, and bringing its incisors into play upon those of the upper jaw ; whence probably the inverse ratio which has been observed to obtain between the temporal and the antorbital fossae is to be accounted for. The masseter muscle arises from nearly the whole length of the malar arch, which is made up ordi- narily of the malar process of the maxillary, of the malar bone, and of the malar process of the squamosal, and sometimes of the lacry- mal also. It is by the contraction of those of its fibres which pass Skeleton of Common Rat. 7 backwards on to the posterior edge of the lower jaw, aided by that of the pterygoids, that the anteroposterior movement of the lower jaw with its molar series upon that of the upper jaw is effected. The glenoid cavity has, to allow of this movement, an anteropos- terior dii-ection throughout the order, with the exception of the Leporidae, and the unbroken molar series and the absence of canines is characteristic of the order without even that exception. Though the malar arch has a downward, rather than, as in Carnivora, an outward curve, still the interzygomatic diameter is in all Rodents the widest transverse cranial diameter. The temporal is never separated from the orbital fossa; the cranial cavity is always much compressed from side to side on a level with the optic foramina, so as frequently to leave an interorbital fenestra by the fusion of the two foramina into one, at a point a little behind that at which the olfactory chamber succeeds the cerebral internally. The length of the tail and the number of the caudal vertebrae vary much within the limits of this order, just as the external concha of the ear and the characters of the integumentary system do. But, in spite of the very various special habits of the animals belonging to this order, the two pairs of limbs almost invariably present the same ratio of development inter se, the hind limbs being the stronger and longer pair. The tibia and fibula are anchylosed, as they are here, more frequently than the ulna and radius. There is, however, little tendency to anchylosis in the skeleton of the Rodents ; in this specimen the posterior pair of sacral vertebrae are not anchylosed with the anterior, with which the ilia articulate, and the mandibular bones never throughout the order become an- chylosed with each other at the symphysis of the lower jaw, in spite of the great afilux of blood which their permanently growing inci- sors bring into them. In the trunk we observe that the spines of the dorsal vertebrae, from the largely developed spine of the second dorsal to that of the tenth inclusively, point backwards, whilst those of the six lumbar vertebrae and of the two last, the thirteenth and the twelfth dorsal, point forward towards the vertical spine of the eleventh dorsal, which has been called in consequence the * anticlinal ' vertebra. The anterior dorsal vertebrae diminish pro- gressively in size as they are placed nearer to this vertebra, whilst the vertebrae placed posteriorly to it, and markedly the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, increase in size as we pass 8 Descrijptions of FrejKtrations. backwards from it towards the sacrum. Well-marked and distinct anapopliyses and metapophyses are developed on the anticlinal vertebra,, and are to be seen on the succeeding vertebrae nearly or quite up to the sacrum. The direction of its spine relatively to those of the other vertebrae in front of and behind it causes it to be the point of greatest mobility in the trunk. Points of less striking proportions, but more or less distinctive of, and universal in, the order are presented in the skull by the presence of an interparietal bone ; by a vacuity in the skull walls for the blood to pass out from the lateral sinus, either as here by a conjugate foramen between the squamosal and the periotic, or by a foramen in the squamosal itself, the so-called ' canalis temporalis;'' by the develop- ment of the post-auditory process of the squamosal into a lamina of bone, which may reach as far back as the occipital, but serves always to keep the tympano-periotic, with which it never anchy- loses, in place ; and, finally, by the smallness of the angle formed by a line drawn from the posterior edge of the supraoccij^ital on to the basicranial line. The depth of the symphysis pubis, and the oblique forward direction of the transverse processes in the lumbar region, are points probably correlated functionally with the strength of the hind limbs. The large size of the abdominal relatively to the thoracic cavity may be connected with the multiparous character of the order generally. The spine of the second dorsal vertebrae has a small ossicle articulated to its apex, and pointing forward, much as in the long-necked grazing mammals the ligamentum nuchae is placed along the dorsal and cervical regions. The two first cervical vertebrae are, as is usual in mammals, much the largest in the series, and they contrast with the other cervical vertebrae, as also with all the rest of the moveable vertebrae, in having, when adult, the centre of the first fused with that of the second, and in being connected with each other and the skull by cartilages and synovial membranes without fibro-cartilaginous discs. The first rib has its head articulated to the bodies, and its tubercle to the transverse processes of both the last cervical and the first dorsal vertebra. There are two lateral epist^rnal bones between the first of the six sternal bones, the so-called manubrium' and the clavicle, one on each side, but there is no central episternum. In the carpus there are tlie same number of bones as in that of man, for though the scaphoid and lunar arc fused into one bone, the Skeleton of Common Rat. 9 scapho-lunar^ as they are also in Carnivora and Cliiroptera^ a howe, the OS centmle, exists between it and the os trapezium, or trapezoides, and OS magnum in the second row of carpals, which is not repre- sented by a distinct bone in the human carpus, nor in those of Ung-ulata, Cetacea, Chiroptera, Edentata, Marsupialia, and Mono- tremata, but only in those of Rodentia, Insectivora, and Simiadae, exclusively of the Chimpanzees. Asjn all mammals, though in no re]Dtile_ iiQr jamphi^ a single bone, the os unciforme, supports theJ}wq_outer metacarpals. In this enumeration the ulnar sesa- moid bone, or ' os pisiforme,^ is not reckoned as a carpal bone, nor any bone of similar function in connection with the tendons on the volar side of the hand. In Rodentia we find two more bones in the tarsus than we do in the human subject, owing to the division of the os scaphoides, and to the presence of an accessory bone on the inner side of the inner OS cuneiforme. For the general characteristics of Mammalian vertebrae, see Pro- fessor Owen, Descriptive Catalogue of the Osteological Series of the Royal College of Surgeons, vol. i. pp. 7, 8. For the nomenclature of the several elements of a vertebra, ibid. p. xliv. For the Osteology of the Rodentia, see Cuvier^s Ossemens Fossiles, 2nd ed., 1833, vol. v. pt. i. pp. 4, 14, 44; and GiebeFs Beitrage zur Osteologie der Nagethiere, 1859. For the Carpus and Tarsus and Shoulder-girdle, see Gegenbaur's Untersuchungen zur Vergleichenden Anatomic, Hft. i. ii. 1864, 1865. Carpus and Tarsus, Hft. i. pp. 42 seqq., 53, 109 — III, et passim. Schultelgiirtel, Plft. ii. p. 21. For the ' Canalis Temporalis,^ see Otto, Nova Acta, xiii. pt. i. p. 27, and Kolliker^s Entwickelungsgeschichte, p. 422. For the means whereby the vertebral centra are articulated in the different classes of vertebrata, see Rathke, Entwickelungs- geschichte der Wirbelthiere, mit eineni Vorwort von A. Kolliker, 1861, p. 130. For the characters of the order Rodentia, see Waterhouse, Natural History of the Mammalia, vol. ii. pp. i — 9. For the Osteology of the Muridae, see Osteological Catalogue, Royal College of Surgeons, vol. ii. Preparations 2223 — 2245. 10 Descriptions of Prejxirations. 3. Cervical, Dorsal, and Lumbar Vertebrae of Rabbit {Lepus Cuniculus). Geeat mobility is secured by the particular arrangements observable in the region where the two upper cer'sdcal vertebrae articulate with each other and with the skull^ and in the region of the lower dorsal and upper lumbar vertebrae. On the other hand, the transverse processes of the lower cervical vertebrae and the imbricated neural spines of the upper dorsal vertebrae prevent the possibility of any great range of movement between any two of the constituent segments of those portions of the spinal column. The cervical vertebrae are seven in number, as almost invariably in the Mammalian class; the numbers of the dorsal and lumbar series are variable, but twelve and seven, the numbers of the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae respectively in the Rabbit, are verj'^ common numbers for those series throughout the class. The number of the caudal vertebrae is the most variable, that of the lumbar next, that of the dorsal less than that of the lumbar, that of the cervical the least variable of these four sets of vertebrae. As the number of the cervical vertebrae is all but invariable, the variability of the length of the cervical region depends upon variations in the length of the bodies of the seven vertebrae. The first cervical vertebra or ' atlas^ is the widest from side to side of all the neck vertebrae ; it has a low but broad neural arch, and superadded to it in front a smaller arch which is in the perfect condition of the parts made into a ring for the reception of the 'odontoid process' of the next vertebra by a transverse ligament. Its neural arch is overhung by the spine of that vertebra, and it does not give any point of attachment to the ligamenium nuchac. It contains two moi'e or less separated canals for segments of the vertebral artery ; one of them pierces the base of its broad 'transverse process' from behind forwards, the other turns more or less horizontally from without, inwards, behind and below the articular processes. This latter canal may be represented merely by a groove in the Rat, and ordinarily has this imperfect character in the human subject. The former has generally a short horizontal canal leading forward from it and opening on the anterior surface of the transverse process it is Vertebrae of Rahhit. 11 however absent in the Leporidae, though present in the Rat and many or most other Rodents. The second cervical or 'axis' vertebra has its spine greatly developed, both auteroposteriorly and vertically, giving attachment by it both to the muscles which move, and the elastic Ugamentnm nuchae which supports the head. It has no anterior articulating processes upon its neural arch in mammals, but it comes into articular relation with the atlas by means of two oblique zygapophysial surfaces developed on either side of the base and a third on the front of its odontoid process, which is the backward!}^ displaced and anchylosed centrum of that vertebra. It is the deepest from above downwards, and the longest from before backwards, but also the narrowest from side to side of the cervical series. The first two cervical vertebrae articulate with each other and with the occiput by means of synovial joints as the neurapophysial processes are articulated to each other throughout the rest of the trunk, where however the centra are connected by interarticular fibrocartilaginous discs containing in their central pulp remnants of the primitive chorda dorsalis. The neural spines of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae are low but long, corresponding with the long neural roof which these two vertebrae possess ; the spines of the shorter neural arches of the fifth, sixth, and seventh vertebrae have more of the shape which their name implies. The lateral processes or 'cervical ribs' of these vertebrae are greatly developed; those of the atlas more or less obliquely outwards, those of the axis back- wards; those of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, both anteriorly and posteriorly, and those of the seventh outwardly. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh have prominent upgrowths developed on this process or rib which are homologous apparently with the prominent tubercles of the ribs of these creatures, or, possibly, with the metapophyses of the dorsal ribs. This process makes up by itself almost the whole of the transverse process of the seventh cervical vertebra, the inferior, anteroposteriorly-produced, process, which is much larger in the preceding vertebrae and largest of all in the one immediately preceding, being lost in this, the last of the series. These inferior elements of the transverse processes, by bending inwards form with the vertebral bodies furrows, in which the long anterior neck muscles are lodged, a central slightly-raised line marking the line of separation of these muscles and repre- 12 DescriiJtions of Preparations. senting the homologously-plaeecl hypapoi3hyses of lower verteLrata. The segment of bone which completes the ring of the atlas ante- riorly is homologous with these hypapophysial downgrowths. The last cervical vertebra in the Rabbit has not, as it has in the Rat, any connection with the tubercle of the first dorsal rib. Eight of the dorsal vertebrae, from the second to the ninth inclu- sively, have, each, two half facets on their centra, the first has one whole facet anteriorly and a half facet posteriorly, and the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth have, each of them, single whole facets placed on the anterior superior angle of the lateral aspect of their centra, for articulation with the heads of the ribs. The neural spines of the dorsal vertebrae are largely developed, their apices from the second to the ninth showing a tendency to become bifid antero- posteriorly. The tenth is the anticlinal vertebra, and upon it and upon each succeeding vertebra down to the sacrum a lai-ge meta- pophysis is developed. A small anapophysis is also seen to take origin from the base of its neural arch, and to be possessed by each succeeding vertebra up to the antepenultimate lumbar. Several of the anterior, as also of the posterior dorsal vertebrae, have low hypapophysial ridges developed subcentrally ; and longer ones pos- sessing the character of spines are developed on the three anterior lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae, their metapophyses, and their distally bifid transverse processes increase in size from before backwards as far as the penultimate one ; the transverse processes point obliquely forward, but form a more open angle with the long axis of the column than they do in the Rat. 4. Common Pigeon (Colamha Livia), Sho\ving nervous, digestive, circulatory, and parts of respiratory and renal systems. The brain has been exposed in situ by the removal of the roof of the cranium ; the integument has been removed from the right side of the front of the cervical region, as have also most of the feathers from the entire body ; an opening has been made into the right side of the crop, which has been distended ; the larger part of the right half of the body walls has been removed, together witli the muscles and the limbs which it supported, and a red injection has been thrown into and filled the venous system. Common Pigeon. 13 The surface of the cerebral ovoids is smooth S ; the proportion of the encephalic nervous mass to the intraspinal is much greater than in the cold-blooded vertebrata. The backward projection of the cerebellum is very considerable. The eyes are large. The vertical third eyelid is drawn forward. The nostrils open externally as long slits overhung by a tumid membrane ; the external audi- tory meatus, which has no concha, has the feathers arranged round it like a circlet of tentacles. The great pectoral h muscle, the main depressor of the humerus and the wing, is seen in section along its origin from the lower portion of the keel of the sternum, and from the furculum, the outer and lateral portions of the sternum, from which it also took origin, having been removed. Placed dor- sally with reference to this muscle we see the second pectoral, the main elevator of the humerus and the wing, arising from a larger portion both of the keel and of the lateral parts of the sternum than the pectoralis major, and passing internally to the coracoid to enter its pulley-like canal, formed by the clavicle or furculum, the cora- coid, and the scajpula. . , From this canal, its tendon, which is cut short, is seen issuing on the further side of the glenoid socket for the head of the humerus. The cut-short triangular end of the pectorahs major is seen to become partially bifid towards its apex ; in the perfect condition of the parts the smaller inferiorly-placed division of the muscle gave off two tendons, one to the long and the other to the short extensor plicae alaris an- terioris ; the larger division passed over a smooth facet on the humerus and over the coracoid head of the biceps to be inserted into the great triangular tuberosity of the humerus. Dorsally to the apex of the great pectoral we see a thin stratum of muscle in relation internally with the crop and homologous with the deltoid of anthropotomy. This muscle was divided into three portions, of which the first and most internally- placed joined the long extensor of the anterior fold of alar membrane ; the second and mesially-placed portion joined the short extensor, whilst the third was inserted into the outer aspect of the humerus from its S For the nervous system of birds, see C, G. Carus, 'Tabulae Anat. Comp. Illus.' pars vii. tab. v. fig, 7. •> For the muscular system generally, see Cuvier, 'Le9ons d'Anatomie Compar^e,' vol. i. For the muscles of the wing and shoulder, see Schoepss's Monograph in 'Meckel's Archiv,' 1829, and plate ii. with description in this work. For those of the ■ lower extremity, see Professor Haughton, ' Proceedings Royal Irish Academy,' May 23, 1864 ; Professor Owen, 'Comp. Anat.' vol.ii. p. 107. 14 Descriptions of Preparations. middle down to a nodule marking the commencement of its lower fourth and of the origin of the long radial extensor of the metacarpus. Under- neath the alar extensor portions of the deltoid are seen two thicker muscles cut short. They seem to coiTcspond to the shoi'ter coracobrachiales sometimes seen in the human subject'. The long tendon of the biceps may be seen passing internally to those two muscles to be inserted into the anterior and internal process of the coracoid. Immediately below the origin of the humeral poi-tion of the deltoid, from the anterior internal process of the scapula, is seen the origin of the long head of the triceps from the upper surface of the anterior external process which supports its glenoid facet. On the lower poi'tion of the coracoid are seen the remnants of the origins of the longer coracobi-achiales, the so-called coracobrachiales ' superior ' and ' inferior.' In the posterior tibiofibular region the peroneus medius muscle has been exposed, together with parts of the flexors of the toes, with the exception of the deeply -placed flexor perforans, and of the gastrocnemius. A black bristle has been placed under the tendon of the peroneus medius J*:, which a little below is seen to bifurcate and send one of its divisions inwards to lose itself in the fibrous tissues at the back of the tibiometatarsal joint, and the other onwards to pass under the sole and become a flexor of the middle toe. Superiorly between the under part of the origin of the peroneus medius from the fibula, and that of the outer head of the gastrocnemius from the femur, a muscle is interposed which bifurcates about opposite the junction of "the upper with the second fourth of the tibia. One of its divisions runs in close relation with the tendon of the external gastrocnemius, and is finally distributed to the index digit, whilst the other passes to the medius. This bifid muscle is known as the flexor perforatus et perforans. In the interval formed by its bifurcation we see parts of the flexor communis s. perforatus, which by one of its divisions is connected with the tendon of the peroneus medius, and by another with that of a muscle which, arising from the spine of the pubis, passes along the inner .side of the thigh and crosses in front of the knee- joint round to the flexor aspect of the lower leg. Most posteriorly we see the external gastrocnemius, in the muscular belly of which an artificial division has been made. The crop forms a bilateral poucli with glandular walls, at the lower end of the distended ocsophag-us. It rests on either side ' See Henle's ' Aiiatomie des Menschen. Muskellehrc,' pp. 172, 180. ^ See Curler, ' Le9on8,' pp. 542, 558. Common Pigeon. 16 upon the furculum and the muscles arising from it. In the cavity of the thorax a black bristle liae been passed between the proven- triculus and the aorta as this vessel arches over from the left to the right. The gizzard is concealed from view by the right lobe of the liver and the posterior or xiphisternal end of the sternum which supports and protects both these viscera. The distal segment of the duodenal loop of intestine is held in relation with the under surface of the right lobe of the liver^ which is excavated conformably to it. In the concavity of the duodenal fold is seen the longitudi- nally-fissured^ compact, elongated, largely-developed pancreas. An- teriorly to this duodenal fold are seen the two other main folds of smaller calibre which the lengthy small intestine of these birds describes. The right side of the heart rests upon the right lobe of the liver ^, from which the vena cava inferior is seen to pass up into the right auricle, entering it at a point a little superiorly as well as posteriorly placed to that at which the vena cava superior of the right side opens into it. The veins from the upper extremity and shoulder are cut short at their point of junction with the jugular to form the veiia cava superior. The pneumogastric nerve is seen in relation superiorly with the jugular vein ; superiorly again, and internally to the nerve, we see the proventriculus ; and supe- riorly again to it, the longi colli muscles arising from the vertebral hypapophyses. Tracing the aorta backwards towards the heai't from the point where it arched over the right bronchus, which, together with the pulmonary artery placed before it and the pulmonary vein placed behind it, has been removed in this dissection, we see it pass behind the vena cava superior dextra, and give oW the two arteriae innominatae, one for either side of the body, very close to the base of the heart. The right arteria innominata is seen to divide into its common carotid and subclavian trunks. This latter vessel, after giving off a small branch homologous with the in- ternal mammary artery of anthropotomy, divides into an axillaiy tnmk, which passes into the wing together with the brachial nerves, and into the much larger arteria thoracica externa which supplies the gi'cat pectoral muscles. The lung, which occupies a much smaller space in the dorso-sternal plane than in mammals, ' For the peculiarities of the circulatory system, see Cuvier and Duvenioy, 1. c. tom. vi. p. iiji; Barkow, 'Meckel's Archiv,' 1829, p. 493; and for a figure of the circuhitory system, 'Hunterian Catalogue,' Phys. Series, vol. ii. pi. xxv. 16 Descr ijJtions of Preparations. reaches backwards so far as to interpose itself for some distance between tbe anterior lobe of the kidney and the os ilii. It differs from the Mammalian lung also in being lodged conformably to the intercostal spaces, and being indented by the six unanchylosed ribs, instead of being freely suspended, as is invariably the case in mammals, and divided into lobes, as is very ordinarily the case in those animals. Another and most important point of difference is furnished by the prolongation of the lung, by means of its bron- chial stem and branches, into air-cells ™ permeating a very large part of the entire body. The largest of these receptacles are the infrarenally -placed ' abdominal air sacs/ the right one of which, presenting an appearance like that of the Mammalian omentum, is seen extending from the posterior border of the lung above and behind the liver, so as, firstly, to interpose itself between the inferior surface of the kidney and the intestines, and, secondly, to stretch beyond the region of the kidney into that of the rectum. The kidney, like the lung, is indented by the bones it is in relation with ; and it is divisible here into three lobes, increasing in size from before backwards conformably with the iliac and pelvic fossa. There are no specialized renal arteries in bii-ds as there are in mammals, but we see some branches passing to the organ from the ischiadic artery in the interval between the middle and posterior lobe, whilst one of the chief factors of their short vena cava inferior is seen in the interval between the middle and the anterior lobes. In all birds, and in no other class of animals, will the same description as that given here apply to the nerve-system, and the relations of the muscles of the anterior limb, and to the relations of the aorta to the right bronchus. The peculiarities of the pan- creas and duodenum are probably nearly equally distinctive. Tlie crop and the uropygial gland are peculiar to, though not universally found in Birds. m For an account of the air sacs, see Milne-Edwards, 'Lemons,' ii. 351, and for the relations of the air sacs shown in this preparation, see Natalis Guillot, ' Ann. Sci. Nat.' 1846, series iii. torn. v. p. 60 ; and for figure, C. G. Carus, 1. c. pars. vi. tab. vii. Skeleton of Common Pigeon. 17 5. Skeleton of Common Pigeon (Columba Livia). The relations held by the hind limbs and the pelvic bones to the rest of the body serve at once to distinguish the Bird from all other classes of animals. The peculiarly distinctive character of its skeleton as compared with that of the living and extinct animals which it most essentially resembles, viz. Reptiles, depends in the second place upon the relative proportions and the different degrees of mobility of the cervical, dorsal, sacral, and caudal vertebrae re- spectively ; upon the great development of the sternum relatively to the entire body, of the ilium anteroposteriorly relatively to the vertebral column, and of the tibia relatively to the bones of the whole hind limb ; and, thirdly, upon the greater proportion of in- organic elements, the greater tendency to anchylose with their fellows, and the greater pneumaticity which the individual bones ordinarily possess. Peculiarities less striking, but not less distinc- tively and universally avian, are furnished us in the hand and foot. Parts of the carpus and tarsus are in either extremity fused with three of the bones of the segment, placed distally to them into a single bone, which directly supports all, or, in the foot, all but one, of the terminal digits. In the foot the fifth or outer digit is never present ; in the hand neither fourth nor fifth, and in it the outer, the homologue of the middle finger, is never arwed with a claw. In very nearly all Birds, and in very few and in some cases in no other animals, may the following peculiarities be noted : — The articulations of the vertebrae when looked at from in front pre- sent the procoelian appearance, the anterior articular surface being concave from side to side, though convex, and therefore saddle- shaped, from before backwards. The basitemporals form a second- ary floor to the cranium, concealing the junction of the basisphenoid to the basioccipital . The caudal vertebrae vary little in number, are not numerous, are mobile, and are terminated by a single bone compounded of several fused segments and of a ploughshare shape. The ossa ilii and ischii coalesce posteriorly to the acetabulum to form a foramen more or less homologous with the sacroischiatic notch of anthropo- tomy. Finally, in most birds most or all of the vertebrae, with the exception of the atlas, and also sometimes of the caudal vertebrae, o 18 Descri'ptions of Preparations. are pneumatic (i.e. have air cells in tlie place of the fatty medulla of other bones). In all birds, though not exclusively in them, at least as regards some of the points to be heremth specified, the following structural arrangements may be noted : — The lower jaw, which is compounded originally of twelve distinct bones, swings upon a moveably articulated os quadratum, which has ordinarily two crura for articulation with the skull, and a largely-developed orbital process. The upper jaw is mainly made up of the premaxillary bone, the maxilla being lost or rudimentary, and its place being taken by the prevomerine bones, which by their outer surface articulate at once with the premaxillary bone and with the quadratojugal rod, and bring thus the upper jaw into connection with the os quadi'atum. A second chain, also consisting of two bones, viz. the palatine and the pterygoid, serves the same purpose as the quadra- tojugal in connecting the os quadratum with the upper jaw. The squamous never reaches the jugal bone. The occipital always articulates by a single head, which however may, like the occipi- tal condyle in Reptiles, show traces of its primitive composition out of three bones, by being bifid superiorly, with a more or less perfect cup on the atlas. The sclerotic is strengthened by bony plates. The scapular arch is completed inferiorly by the junction of the coracoids to the sternum. The number of the carpals existing in the adult bird as separate bones is, as a rule, two. The tarsals always coalesce, the proximal ones with the tibia above, and the distally-placed with the metatarsus below. The fibula never articulates with the tarso-metatarsus. There are no limibar verte- brae ; and respiration is mainly eflPected by the movement of the sternum from above downwards, the vertebral and sterual ribs mov- ing on each other, and on the sternum, all but exclusively in that direction. The length of the cervical region is never less than the height from the ground at which the body is carried by the legs, nor than the length from the root of the neck to the terminal ploughshare-shaped vertebrae which supports the uropygial gland. It depends not, as in mammals, exclusively upon the greater or less length of the bodies of its vertebrae, but also upon the in- creased or diminished number of these vertebrae, which may vary from eleven to twenty- four, being thus in birds the most, as it is in mammals the least, variable number of any of the numbers of the several vertebra series. The dorsal vertebrae, or vertebrae Common Pigeon. 19 carrying iiiianchylosed ribs, are much fewer and less variable in number than the cervical, their number varying- from six to ten ; they contrast even more strongly with the cervical in their posses- sion of scarcely any mobiHty, some of them being ordinarily fused with each other, and one or more with the ilium and sacrum. The sacral vertebrae vary in number from nine to twenty, the caudal from five to nine ; they resemble the cervical in being mobile, but differ from it, as also from the series homologous to themselves in mammals, in being the least variable in number of any of the seg- ments of the vertebral column. The neck vertebrae of this, as of other birds, differ from those of mammals in their greater number, in the conformation of the articular surfaces of their centres, and in the soft tissues, cartilages, and synovial capsules, with which those articular surfaces were clothed in the fresh state; in the attachment of the ligamentum nuchae to the bases and not to the apices of the neural spines, a condition by which, as by those previously specified, greater mobility was secured for this part of the column in the bird ; and, finally, by the development of hypapophyses in the anterior and posterior, and of a demi-canal in the middle portion of the region along and beneath the bodies of the vertebrae. The second cervical vertebra has articular processes developed upon its neural arch as well as upon the odontoid process, a point in which the Bird and Reptile coincide as in many others, and differ from the mammal, and which throws hght upon the homological nature of the odontoid. The neural arches of the cervical vertebrae posterior to the second are considerably emarginated in the middle line, both before and behind, so that a lozenge-shaped space crossed in the natural con- dition of the part from before backwards by the ligamentum nuchae is left uncovered by any bony roof in the middle line of the roof of the neural canal. The neural spines, or ratlier the central depi'essions at the base of the most elevated portions of each neural arch, to which each segment of the ligamentum nuchae is attached, being situated at about the central point from before backwards in each neural arch, greater length and greater range of extensibility and recoil is secured for the elastic ligament. In the Pigeon the four anteriorly and the two posteriorly-placed cervical vei-tebrae are provided with hypapophyses. The six centrally- placed, which make the entire complement of twelve cervical vertebrae which this 20 Descriptions of Prejoarations. bird possesses, have the place of the hypapophysis taken by the carotid demi-canal. The ten posteriorly-placed cervical vertebrae have by the anchylosis of the lateral process or cervical rib to the body of the vertebrae a lateral and complete canal formed for the deep portion of the sympathetic and the vertebral vessels. Between the cervical vertebrae and a projection which is the homologue of the ^ promontory^ of the sacrum in anthropotomy seven dorsal vertebrae, or vertebrae carrying unanchylosed ribs, in- tervene. Each rib is, as all but invariably in Birds, articulated to the anterior portion of the body, and also by its tubercle to the transverse process of its own vertebra. The two first ribs have no sternal element superadded to them, and fail conse- quently to reach the sternum ; the first, however, is in relation with the lung, and the second forms an indentation on its surface. Tlie four ribs which succeed them have ossified sternal ribs con- nected directly with the sternum, and the fifth has its sternal rib connected indirectly to it by means of that belonging to the ver- tebra next in front of it. Each rib, with the exception of the first and last, has an epipleural process, the so-called processus uncinalus, developed from its posterior edge and overlapping the rib next behind it ; the third, fourth, and fifth vertebrae have their spines, neural arches, transverse processes, and hypapophyses anchjdosed, as well as their centra, which are laterally compressed so as to pass into the greatly-developed hypapophyses quite gradually. The flexor muscles of the neck, seen in the preceding Preparation, take their origin from these hypapophyses. The sixth dorsal vertebra is not anchylosed either anteriorly or posteriorly; the seventh is anchylosed to the sacral vertebrae posteriorly, but its rib remains unanchylosed, and in the fresh state has the lower portion of the lung in relation with, and indented by, itself. The sacral ver- tebrae are thirteen in number ; their spines form a long, low, con- tinuous ridge, which is not in this, as it is in some Columbidae and in the Rasores, fused anteriorly with the ossa ilii; the foramina on either side are much encroach e ^nd description of Tab. ii., where he speaks of the ventral ganglia of the larva of Papilio Brassicae as being twelve in number ; the com- missural cords bet^reen the eleventh and twelfth being absent. For accounts of the first appearance of the nerve system, in the developing embryo of various orders of insects, see Weismann, ' Entwickelung der Dipteren,' 1864, pp. 38, 83, 190, 19a j Eathke, 'Zur Morphologic, Reisebemerkungen aus Taurien/ 1837, pp. 123-127; Leon Dufour, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. ii. tom. 18, pi. iv. and v. See also, for the relatively late period at which the nerve system is developed and differentiated from the structures which underlie it, Rathke, ' Bildung und Ent- wickelung des Flusskrebses,' p. 85 ; Zaddach, ' Die Entwicke- lung und den Bau der Gliederthiere/ For development of the first sub -oesophageal ganglion, see Metschni- kow,, ' Embryologische Studien an Insecten,' p. 79^ '^^^^ ^^^'^ fig. 33 ; Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Bd. xvi. For the 'nervi transversi,' see Newport, 1. c. 1834, p. 401 ; Leydig, Vergleich Anat. p. 205, Taf. vii. fig. i, Taf. ix. fig. 2. For descriptions and figures of the systems of tracheae and of muscles, see Lyonet, Traite Anatomique de la Chenille qui ronge le bois de Saule, 1762; and Newport, Phil. Trans. 1836 J and for descriptions of the variations in the muscles of the larva of Pygaera Bucephala, see Lubbock, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxii. pt. iii., 1857. For the relations existing between the external and internal struc- tures, see Burmeister's ' Manual of Entomology,' translated by W. E. Shuckard, p. 281 ; Blanchard, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. v., 1846, p. 281. 86 Descriptions of Preparations. 30. Common Cockroach {Periplaneta Orientalis), Female, Dissected so as to show its digestive, renal, nervous, and reproductive systems. The greater part of the dorsal integumental system has been removed by incisions carried along either side ; the short elytron, the only representative of the wings in the females of this species, has been left in situ on the right side, where it is seen reaching just far enough back to overlap a part of the metanotum ; the greater part of the fat body which abounds in the interspaces between the viscera, especially in the abdominal region of these insects even in their adult state, has been removed, and the digestive tract fastened out upon the left side of the body. The upper seg- ment of the digestive canal, seen in this preparation, is the crop, which is about three-fourths of the entire length of the body, and -is distended with food. The entire length of the digestive tract would be little more than twice that of the body, and this compara- tive shortness may be considered as compensated for partly by the -character of the food of this species, and partly by the large quan- tities which, as seen in this preparation, they devour, A muscular subcorneal gizzard, an organ which is not developed in the larvae of insects with a perfect metamorphosis such as the Coleoptera, even in species which have it when adult, but is developed in the larvae of Orthoptera, including Libellulidae, follows after the crop. Eight coeca are arranged in a whorl round the commencement of the 'chy- lific stomach,"' and a very much larger number of very much longer and more slender tubes are similarly arranged around its lower end. The gizzard does not open directly into the chylific stomach, a narrow neck of about the same length as the gizzard itself inter- vening between the apex of the gizzard and the zone marked out by the eight coeca just mentioned. These coeca appear, from the facts that they often contain a yellowish fluid, and that they never afford lodgment for particles of food even when the digestive tract is distended, to be analogous to the liver of higher animals, whilst the existence of uric acid in the other set of tubules already men- tioned, the so-called ' Malpighian vessels/ would appear to justify Commo7i Cockroach. 87 us in speaking of them as 'renaP organs. The colon, which is Lent upon itself, and has its external surface beaded over with granulation-like pouches by the action of its muscular coats, is connected with the lower end of the chyMc stomach by a short segment of small calibre, and of similar length to that which connects the upper end of the chylific stomach with the larger end of the gizzard. The colon ends in a rectum, which is divided into six longitudinal areae by as many longitudinal muscular bands, alternating with internally-placed lamelliform projections of the inner coats of the intestine. A somewhat similar arrangement has already been noted in the larva of the Goat-moth (p. 80) ; and in the larvae of certain Libellulidae the supply of tracheae to the ridged surface thus constituted, is so abundant as to convert it into a respiratory organ. On either side of the junction of the crop to the oesophagus is seen the bilobed salivary gland. On the right side in this preparation is seen the salivary recep- tacle, a pellucid bladder, reaching a little farther back than the gland. The duct from this receptacle fuses with that of its fellow of the opposite side, and into the common duct thus formed a second duct, formed by the junction of the ducts of the two glands, is re- ceived, so that all the four ducts find an outlet into the mouth by a short common canal. An azygos nerve, the nemis recurrens, from the 'ganglion impar' or ' ganglion frontale' of the stomato-gastric system, is seen passing from before backwards to join a triangular ganglion placed a little way in front of the middle point of the dorsal median line of the crop. Prom this ganglion a nerve passes off on either side to the posterior extremity of the crop, and may be seen to have an elon- gated thickening developed upon it at the lower third of its length. A third nerve, not seen in this preparation, has been described as passing off from the centrally-placed triangular ganglion to the salivary glands. The ganglion impar, from which the nervus re- currens takes origin, is not seen in this preparation, being situated anteriorly to the cerebral ganglia, with which it is connected by delicate filaments joining it just internally to the large antennary nerves. The paired ganglia of the stomato-gastric system are situated some way posteriorly to the cerebral ganglia; and the short nerve seen on either side of the nervus recurrens, just where the salivary gland abuts upon the crop, is given off by the posterior Descriptions of Preparations. of the two pairs of ganglia, of which the symmetrical portion of the stomatogastric system consists, in this as in most other insects. The paired ganglia are connected with each other, with the cere- bral ganglia, and finally with the nervus recurrens, which struc- ture, however, together with the ganglia in connection with it, constitutes in these and most other insects by far the most im- portant part of the stomato-gastric system. In the abdominal region are seen six ganglia corresponding to the six posterior ganglia of the Lepidopterous larva. The two first of the six, which correspond to the two which become obsolete in the butterfly, are more closely apposed to each other than are any of the succeeding four. The last ganghon is more or less cordiform, and larger than those which precede it, and gives off nerves to the lower portions of the generative and digestive tubes. The ovaries are of the kind called ^ verticillate by Miiller; and consist of eight moniliform tubes on either side, which are connected anteriorly with the dorsal element of the prothorax by means of a suspensory ligament, made up of the fusion of filaments given off from their apices ; and which inferiorly open upon the convex end of a pear-shaped oviducal infundibulum, as ordinarily figured. The infundibula of the two sides which may be seen, when imdistended, to have the egg-tubes inserted laterally as in other Orthoptera, pass beneath the terminal nerve structures and the ''oviscapt^ to form a common vagina, which opens in the interval between the eighth and ninth abdominal segments. Immediately posteriorly to the last nerve ganglion, in the angle limited by its branches, we may see with a lens the receptacula seminis, which take the shape of two short contorted coeca, one of which is rather larger in calibre than the other, and which open by means of a single short duct in the sternum of the ninth segment. The 'colleterial'' or 'sebaceous^ glands, which consist of numerous delicate tubules of much gi-eater length than the receptacula seminis, open by two ducts in an orifice upon the sternum of the tenth segment. The sternum of this segment developes the smaller and inner processes of the * oviscapt/ whilst that of the ninth developes the elongated ex- terior pieces of that apparatus; and as the lateral anal valves re- present an eleventh segment, we have thus the typical number of the segments of the Arthropodous abdomen made up. The recep- taculum seminis is ordinarily in insects an azygos vesicle, and it is Common Cockroach. 89 possible that the aberrant arrangement observable in the Blattinae may foreshadow the more usual one in which a single receptaculum seminis has a gland of a secretory character superadded to it. And, as the number of the ' colleterial ' tubules is very considerable, they may be taken, perhaps, to correspond not only to the colleterial glands of other insects, but also to their so-called ^scent glands/ The food, and to a considerable extent the habits, of the larvae and of the adult insect being identical in this family, we find little differ- ence existing between their internal structural arrangements beyond that which a greater prominence in the evolution of the reproductive apparatus constitutes. The retention of the ' fat body' is obviously correlated with the absence of any period of quiescence and absti- nence from food, such as that of the pupa stage of Metabolous insects, and of the need for a supply of force which the changes gone through by those classes entail. Externally the imperfect insect in the class Orthoptera does not, with the exception of the Orthoptera Amphibiotica, such as the Libellulidae and Ephemeridae, differ from the adult by the possession of any provisional organs of which the perfect insect is destitute, but contrasts with it almost exclusively by inferiority of size, by the smaller number of facets in its corneae, by the absence of wings, and in this family by a greater lightness of colour. Great differences, however, exist as to this latter particular between adult individuals of this species. Eor a monograph of the order Orthoptera, see the Latin work, 'Orthoptera Europaea,' Auctore Leop. Henrico Eischer, Lip- siae, 1853, where a general account of the external and internal anatomy of the entire order will be found, pp. 5-32, and an account of the anatomy of the family Blattinae will be found, pp. 84-88. See also Leon Dufour, Kecherches Anatomiques et Physiologiques sur les Orthopteres, 1834, Mem. Acad. Sci., tom. vii., des Savans fitrangers ; also in 4to, Paris, 1 841 . At pi. v., figs. 44—47, good figures of the digestive and reproductive systems are given. See also PI. vi. infra, with description. For a monograph on the digestive and renal systems of this insect, see S. Basch, Sitzungsberichte, Kaiser Alcad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 33, 1858, p. 234, Math. Nat. Classe. An account of the natural history, as well as of the anatomy of the common Cockroach, may be found in a short monograph. 90 Descriptions of Preparations. entitled ^Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss von Periplaneta (Blatta) Orientalis/ von C. Cornelius, Elberfeld, i^53- For an account of the various glands superadded to tte essential organs of the female reproductive apparatus, see Siebold, in Miiller's Archiv. for 1837, p. 393 seqq., and for their arrange- ment in Blatta (Periplaneta) Orientalis, p. 408. For figures of a female reproductive apparatus essentially similar to that here described, see Lespes' account of the Termes Lucifugum, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. iv., Tom. v., PI. 6, fig. 24-27. For the orifices of the various ducts in the reproductive apparatus, see Hux- ley, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxii. p. 231. For the 'suspensory ligament' of the ovary, see Stein, ' Vergleichende Anatomic imd Physiologic der Insecten,' pp. 36, 41-43; Miiller, Nova Acta, xii., pt. ii., p. 578. For the composition of the 'oviscapt' and the number of the abdominal somites, see Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., torn, xvii., 1852, p. 227 ; torn, xix., pp. 229-233, and Huxley, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxii., 1858, p. 231. For the development of the fat body independently of the yolk, see Elias Metschnikow, ' Embryologische Studien an Insecten,' p. 73, and for its connection with the production of phospho- rescence in such insects as the Lampyris sjilendidula, see Leydig, ' Lehrbuch der Histologic/ p. 342. For a description, with figures, of the stomatogastric nervous system, see Brandt, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. ii., tom. v., 1836, p. 103, pi. iv., figs. 4, 5. For Bibliographical references, see Scudder, Smithsonian Institu- tion's Catalogue of Orthoptera, Washington, 1868, pp. 17-63. 31. Common Crayfish (Astacus Fluviatilis), Female. This Crustacean's body consists of two great divisions, the so-called ' cephalo-thorax,' covered dorsally and at the sides by a carapace, and carrying fourteen pairs of articulated appendages, and the post-abdomen consisting essentially of six definitely an- nulate and calcified segments, to the posterior one of which a powerful natatorial organ, the 'swimmeret,' is articulated. The Common Crayfish. 91 ceplialo-thoracic carapace again is divisible into two regions^ an anterior and a posterior, by the well-marked curved line with its concavity looking forwards, which is known as the ' cervical su- ture/ The anterior portion of the carapace is eailled the ' cephalo- stegite ' and the posterior the ' omo-stegite inasmuch as an examination of the relation of the inner aspect of the cervical suture to the hindmost of the three pairs of jaws, that is to say, to the most posterior of the cephalic appendages, shews that the anterior portion of the carapace corresponds with the head, and the posterior with the post-cephalic segments. The crayfish furnishes an excellent example of the general law that every segment carries an appendage in the Crustacean, the jG.rst post-abdominal segment in this (female) specimen being the only segment in which a distinct pair of appendages is not readily recognizable. The pe- dunculate position of the eyes in the Decapodous Crustaceans makes it easy to understand, even without a reference to the history of development, or to instances of abnormal replacement of the eyes by articulated appendages ^, how the eyes may be regarded as homologous with articulated appendages ; and that the eyes and antennae do not really belong to the tergal aspect of the anterior cephalic segment, may be shewn not merely from the history of the reflection upwards and backwards of the developing cephalic blastoderm, but also from the direction and relations of these three pairs of sensory appendages in such Crustaceans as the Squillina. With the history of the relations of these organs in the developing Astacus, or with that of their disposition in the family just mentioned, before the mind, it is easy to see how the oph- thalmic peduncle may be spoken of as the most anterior of the ap- pendages, and as marking out the most anterior of the segments of the body. Next in order to the ophthalmic peduncles come the 'antennules/ consisting, as usual in Crustacea, of three basal joints, succeeded by a multi-articulate flagelliform element, which is here double. The 'antennules' are said to correspond to the antennae » See A. Milne-Edwards, Comptes Rendus, vol. Hx., p. 710, £, 1864. It may be added that the pedunculate position of the two centrally-placed eyes in certain Ephemeridae, for which see Westwood, Modem Classification of Insects, pp. 25, 31, De Geer, Histoire des Insectes, viii., pi. 18, torn. 2, fig. 10; Kirby and Spence, pi. XXVI, fig. 39, is, when we consider the many Crustacean affinities of the order Orthop- tera, not without significance. 92 Descriptions of Preparations. of perfect insects j in some Isopoda, however, which in many- points approximate to insects, they are rudimentary. The inner of the two antennulary flagella is the smaller, and correspond to the structure described in other Crustacea as a ' secondary ap- pendage/ Posteriorly, and a little externally to the antennules, come the antennae, each of which consists of a single multi- articulate flagellum cai*ried by a series of five basal joints, the second one of which, if we count the sternal or proximal joint as the first, carries the representative of the appendages which are developed early upon this joint, but are subsequently aborted in Carcinus maeiias, in the shape of two scales, one much the larger, somewhat of the shape of a short wide knife-blade, the other minute, prolonged into a spinous point externally, and ar- ticulating internally with the fourth basal segment. A com- parison of the five basal joints of the antenna with the five basal joints of such a typical seven-jointed appendage as any one of the four posterior ambulatory legs in the Astacus, wall leave no doubt as to their correspondence ; and the multi-articulate flagellum will thus come to be the homologue of the two terminal joints of those appendages which are known as the *" propodite'' and ''dactylo- podite,^ and are sometimes supposed to correspond to the ' tarsus' of insects. The proximal joint of the antenna has a conical process developed on its inferior surface, internally to the apex of which there exists an orifice leading into the antennary gland. On the triangular space between these two conical processes which is known as the 'epistoma/ and is constituted by the sternum of the antennary segment, are seen lying the anterior extremities of the palpiform exopodites of the two anterior maxillipeds, which correspond to the two anterior thoracic legs of insects. The pos- terior pair of maxillipeds have been displaced a little backwards, so as to give a better view of the two other pairs of foot-jaws, and of the three pairs of jaws which they partly conceal ; though they never form for them, either in Macrurous or Anomurous Decapods, such a perfect operculum as they do in the Brachj'urous. Posteriorly to the ' epistoma,' we see the upper lip or ' labium,' and between it and the first pair of thoracic appendages, or ' maxillipeds,' we have the three cephalic appendages essentiall}'- concerned with the preliension of food, and assisted in that function in the Hedri- ophthalmatous or fourteen-footed Crustaceans by two, and here in Common Crayfish. 93 the Decapods by all three pairs of thoracic limbs. Of the three true jaws the most anteriorly placed^ the so-called ^mandible/ carries a tri-articulate palp with an expanded terminal joints and corresponds as a whole to an ambulatory leg, or to the endopodite of a foot-jaw. The palp, as being of great use in directing floating food towards the mouth, is rarely absent in Crustacea, except in the terrestrial Isopods and Amphipods. The basal portion of the mandibular appendage* appears to correspond to the four basal joints of the ambulatory legs ; and it may be remarked that the denticulation and anchylosis of the second and third segments of the third pair of foot-jaws alFord an instructive example of transi- tion towards the modification of the basal segments seen in the mandible. The two pairs of foliaceous maxillae, the posterior one of which remains mesially divided, probably in rela,tion to the ingestion of floating food, and does not form a ' labium^ as in air-breathing Arthropoda, are not seen in this preijaration, being closely appressed by the foot-jaws in apposition with them. Of the five pairs of 'ambiilatory' or ' abdominal' legs, whence the order Decapoda take their name, the first has its two terminal joints or tarsus modified, so as to form a large pair of pincers, by having the posterior distal angle of the penultimate joint, or propodite, prolonged so as to be parallel with and commensurate with the dactylopodite. Similar but smaller pincers are developed similarly upon the second and third pairs of feet ; the fourth and fifth are not so armed, the penultimate joint not being prolonged beyond its distal articular surface. It may be noted that the chela of the Scorpion, which bears a considerable resemblance to the largest of the three chelae of the Astacus, has its pincer-like portion somewhat difierently constituted, the anterior or interior angle of the propodite being produced instead of the posterior or exterior; and the smaller of the two blades of the prehensile organs lying exteriorly, instead of interiorly as in the Crustacean. The large pincers of the scor- pion are homotypical, as representing the two terminal joints of an appendage with the large pincers of the crayfish, but they are not * See figure of edentulous mandible oiMatuta Victor in ' E^gne Animal,' Crustacds, pi. vii. fig. i. c, where the palp has six joints, the three proximal ones of which are very small, whilst the three distal have the proportions of those which make up the ordinary tri-articulate palp. 94 Descriptions of Preparations. its exact homologues, inasmucli as they correspond in strictness with the two terminal joints of its mandibular palp. The four posterior of the five abdominal legs of either side consist each of seven joints, seven being considered by Mr, Spence Bate to be the typical number of the joints in the normally developed appendage of every kind in Crustaceans. The second and third joints are anchylosed in the anterior of these five appendages, as they are in all the five of the Brachyura, so as to reduce the number of separate joints to six. The proximal joint is known as the ' coxopodite f a black bristle is in this (female) specimen introduced into the oviduct, which opens in Macrurous and Ano- murous Decapods, as also in Hedriophthalmata, in the coxopodite of the third abdominal appendage. The second joint is known as the 'basipodite/ or 'basis.^ It is in the interval between the ' basi-"* and ' coxopodite^ that the separation of the limb takes place when a Crustacean throws it ofi" in consequence of fright or injury. The third, or ^ischiopodite/ is marked by an annular constriction a little way distally to its articulation with, when it is distinct fi-om, the basipodite. This constriction may perhaps represent the aborted exopodite, which in the three posterior abdominal legs of Squilla is articulated to the third segment of the appendage ; by observing its presence we are enabled to identify the various segments in the appendages of the abdomen in Brachyura. The fourth, the longest of all the segments in all the five appendages except the first, is known as the ^meropodite,^ and has been compared with the 'femur' of insects ; the fifth is known as the ' carpopodite,' and the two terminal are known as 'propodite' and ' dactylopodite,' and have been compared to the ' tibia' and ' tarsus' of insects. The append- ages on the first post-abdominal segment are rudimentary; to the hairs upon the appendages of the succeeding segments, some of the large ova of this fresh-water Decapod may be observed to be attached. The appendages of the second, third, fourth and fifth post-abdominal segments consist of a biarticulate * protopo- dite,' the proximal segment of which is small and annular, and the distal cylindriform ; and of two multiai-ticulate filaments repre- senting an ' exopodite ' and an ' eudopodite,' the basal segment of the latter of which is much the largest in either series. The appendages of the sixth abdominal segment form the powerful ' swimmeret' of the crayfish. The lateral elements of this organ Common Crayfish. 96 correspond to the appendages already described in the five ante- rior post-abdorainal segments^ and consist each of an uniarticulate ' protopodite/ which carries on its apex a biarticulate ' exopodite' and a uniarticulate ' endopodite/ The mesial element of the ' swimmeret^ is constituted by the so-called ^ telson/ an azygos plate divided in the crayfish into an anterior and posterior portion by a transverse suture, immediately anteriorly to which the anus opens on the ventral surface of the body. The telson has some- times been reckoned as a seventh post-abdominal segment, but as it, with scarcely an exception, is without appendages ; as it is generally aborted, or rudimentary, or fused with the sixth segment in Hedriophthalmata ; and as, finally, it is developed after the other segments and from the dorsal surface of the body, it is better to re- gard it as being simply an outgrowth from the sixth segment of the post-abdomen, in the same way as the rostrum may be considered to be an outgrowth from the carapace. The proximal segment of the 'telson' is not calcified continuously across its ventral surface, whereas the true post-abdominal segments have each of them a horizontal calcified chitinous chord, connecting, without the inter- position of any suture, the opposed internal surfaces of the arc represented by their dorsal wall. At the junction of the chord and arc are the articular surfaces for the post-abdominal append- ages already described. The portion of the dorsal wall which is prolonged downwards beyond the level of the junction of the ventral and dorsal portions of the external skeleton of each segment is known as the ' pleuron.-' There is no such element in the telson. The pleura of the sixth, fifth, foiirth and third segments, and the convex tergal surfaces whence the pleurae arise in all the segments, have facets developed upon them anteriorly, which are overlapped by processes of the segments next in front. The pleura, however, of the second and first post-abdominal segments, develope processes which are not overlapped by, but themselves overlap, the one the pleuron of the first post-abdominal segment, and the other the posterior pleural edge of the carapace. A quadrangular area, corresponding pretty accurately with the position of the subjacent heart, is marked off* in the posterior portion of the carapace, or ' omo-stegite,' by two linear depressions on either side the middle line, and by an anterior faintly marked line, curving concentrically with the convexity of the cervical suture. 96 Descriptions of Preparations. and uniting the anterior extremities of the two laterally placed lines. The area on the omo-stegite intercepted between the curved line and the cervical suture represents the terga of the three thoracic segments j the area posteriorly to this line represents the terga of the five abdominal segments. The portions of the omo_ stegite which lie laterally to these mesial areae are the connate pleura of all the eight segments just mentioned ; from their function they are called ' branchio-stegites.' Their free border con- sists of a smooth rim, thickly fringed vnth hairs, arising along its inner edge ; between which and the coxopodites of the thoraxjico- abdominal segments, water can find free access to the branchial chamber. The branchial portions of the carapace may be considered as representing the fused pleura of the eight thoracico-abdominal segments. The cervical suture which separates the omo-stegite from the cephalo-stegite begins anteriorly opposite the middle line of the antennary sternum. From this point it passes at first horizontally backwards ; then it turns almost vertically upwards, bounding a surface of the omo-stegite, which is slightly convex forwards, and beset with from four to five spines ; finally, it bends boldly backwards, describing a curve the mesial portion of which bounds the cardiac area anteriorly. The cephalo-stegite is pro- longed anteriorly into a triangular mesial rostrum, terminating anteriorly in a sharp point, about on a level with the commence- ment of the antennary flagellum. The cephalo-stegite carries a sharp spine on either side, just externally to the basis of the rostrum. Immediately posteriorly to this spine is seen a convex surface, which is conspicuous even in early stages of development, and marks the origin of the powerful adductor mandibulae muscle. Inferiorly the cephalo-stegite is connected, though it is not anchy- losed, with the antennary sternum, as it is in the Brachyura, and indeed in the much more nearly allied species Eomarus V ulgaris. For a full description of the external and internal anatomy of Astacus Fluviatilis, see Huxley, Medical Times and Gazette, Feb. 7, 1857 seqq. ; and for the tegumentary skeleton and morphology of Decapodous Crustacea generally, see Milne- Edwards, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. xvi., p. 22\, 1851. For the development, see Rathke's Monograph, ' Ueber die Bildung und Entwickelung des Flusskrebses,' 1829; and for the de- Common Crayfish. 97 velopment of the 'telson' in particular, p. 27, and ' Zur Mor- phologies Reisebemerkung-en aus Taurien/ 1837, pp. 113-115. In this latter work about fifty pages are devoted to general remarks on the development of Crustacea. For the development of other Crustacea, see Spence Bate, Phil. Trans., 1858; Fritz . Miiller, Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte, 1862, 1863; Van Beneden, Recherches sur la Faune Lit- torale de Belgique, Crustaees, 1861 ; Claparede, Beobach- tungen iiber Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte wirbel- loser Thiere, 1863, ihique citata. For the morphology of the appendages, see Savigny, Memoires sur les Animaux sans Vertebres, 1816, vol. i., p. 4 Vll. viii. xi. Bilobate. Each two pairs of nerves, one lai'ge and one small. Five pairs of nerves, four of which are large. = u. = Aborted Aborted = IV. = V. = vi. = vii. Table of Post-oral Nerve Ganglia as observable in Amphipodous and Isopodous Crustacea and in Orthopterous Insects. Amphipodous Crustacea, Talitrus, Milne-Edwards and Spence Bate, AmphitJwe, Bruzelius, Hyperia, Straus Durckheim, Gammarus Pulex, mihi. u. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viiL XI. xii. Post-oral gangUon gives branches to jaws, !s not figured by Straus Durcklieim in Mem. du Museum, 1829, tom. xviii., in Hyperia Galba. But s«e Bruzelius' figures. Arch, fur Naturgeschichte, 1859, Taf. x., fig. 18. 1 1st Ambulatory foot] Fused in Hyperia with each other r and mth i. approximating De- " " capodous arrangement. Srd „ „ Distinct ganglion «h „ 5th „ 6th „ "h „ Ist Pleopodos „ „ 2nd >. Srd „ „ „ 4th Pleopodos. Distinct ganglion accordii|g to Spence Bate in Talitrus Locusta ; but in Talitrius, Hypem, and Amphithoe, as figured by Milno-^dwards, De la Valettc, and Straus Durckheim, and, in Gamma- rus Pulex where it is much elongated, silpplying the 5th and 6th Pleopodos also. ' 5th Pleopodos. Distinct gangUon in Talit^is Locusta, Spence Bate, in British Association Eopoiit, 1855, p. 56, PI. xxii. xiv. 6th Isopodous Crustacean, Oniscus Asellus, Woodlouae, Leydig, 1. c. Taf. iv. 7. i. Post-oral ganglion, very small and ordinarily overlooked. The nerves for the manducatory organs ai'e said to come from the commissures of the collar. Nova Acta, XX., p. 35, in Idothea and iEga, as also in the Scolo- pendra. ii. 1st Ambulatory foot iii. 2nd „ „ iv. Srd „ „ V. 4th vi. 5th vii. 6th „ „ viii. 7th „ „ ix. Supplies terminal segments, being itself distinguish- able fi'om the eighth ganglion by a foramen placed mesially. This ganglion represents the free terminal ganglia described by Rathko and Milne-Edwards in the marine species Idothea Entomon, Mga, Bicar- inata and Cymotlioe, and by Leroboullet in the air- breathing and closely allied Ligidium Persoonii. See Nova Acta, xx., Pt. i. p. 34 ; Hist. Crustac^s, Taf. xi. 2 ; Ann. Sci. Nat. xx. PI. v. 24. Orthopterous Insect. Periplaneta Onentalis. See Plate vi. Post-oral ganglion supplies mandibles and bifid labium ; is closer to supra-oesophageal mass than in Crus- tacea. 1st pair of feet 2nd 3rd This ganglion is probably to be considered as having become fused with No. iv. 1st abdominal ganglion 2nd Srd 4th 5th abdominal ganglion, coiTesponding as the tenth post-oral of the Larva) of Lepidoptera and tenth post- oral of the embryo Scorpion do with the first post- abdominal of the Crustaceans. 6th, bilobed terminal ganglion, corresponding to the three terminal ganglia of Gammarus Pulex. Common Crayfish. HI segments in the insect, a veiy close, even if not complete, correspondence exists between tbe arrangements of the ventral ganglionic chain in Insecta, Arachnicla, and Crustacea. In this Table the series of gang-lia as observable in the developing- and in the adult forms respectively of AstacuSj Scorpio^ and Sphinx, have been placed side by side in six columns, the maximum number of divisions in which is seventeen, the typical number, according to the view here adopted, of the post-oral segments in Arthropoda. Each actually existing ganglion is placed in the particular division of the scale of seventeen which is regarded as its homological relation to the complete series furnished by the developing Astacus. Thus a glance shows both where coalescence has taken place and where ganglia have failed to be developed, lu a second Table the ganglionic series of an Amphipodous, of an Isopodous Crustacean, and of an Orthopterous insect, have been similarly arranged in parallel columns, the Amphipodous Gammarus making the transition from the Decapodous Astacus to the Isopodous Oniscus easy, and the Oniscus in its turn approximating perhaps more closely than most or all other Crustaceans to the insects ^. The anatomical points ^ The order Ortboptera is believed to be the earliest representative of the class Insecta in geological times, see Gerstaecker, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. v., p, 292 ; and as an order they are distinguished by the possession of a number of characteristics which approximate them to the Crustacea, the earliest geological representatives of the sub-kingdom Arthropoda. Amongst these may be mentioned the possession of the processes figured at c in pL vi., and known as ' cerci anales,' which appear to be homologous with certain processes which Eathke has spoken of in Crustacea, e. g. Apus, BrancMpus, Cyclops (Morphologie, p. 115); the retention by the second pair of maxillae of something of their typical distinctness as opposed to fusion, as in other insects, into a 'labium ;' the presence of three basal joints as a support to the multiarticulate antenna which thus resembles the antennule of Crustacea; and, lastly, the functional peculiarity of ecdysis, which attaches even to adult Ephemeridae in this order of insects, and the pedunculate jDosition of the central eyes in certain male Ephemeridae, CJdoe diptera s. Ephemera hioculata, Linn. The internal structural arrangements of the order Isopoda, irrespective of those of their nervous system, present some points of interesting resemblance to those of Insecta, and especially of Orthoptera. Their long non-ramified hepatic coeca are essentially similar to those seen in the Orthoptera ; see above, p. 86, and pi. vi. h, and description; Leydig, Lehrbuch der Histologic, pp. 362, fig. 194 ; whilst in their air-breathing genera, Oniscus and Tylos, a system of canals has been discovered in the opercula of their branchial plates, which has been supposed to be a rudimentary tracheal apparatus. As these peculiarities do not relate to the nervous system, it is of the more importance to note that a sympathetic 112 Descriptions of Preparations. embodied in this Table can be illustrated by dissection of the readily procurable animals, Gmnmarus Pulex, Oniscus Murarius, and Peri- ])laneta Orientalis. Much has been written as to v/hether twenty or twenty-one is the typical number of segments in the Arthropoda. The gi'cat number of homonomous segments which in Myriapoda are developed posteriorly to their thoracic region, enables us to eliminate them from consideration, except so far as the thoracic and cephalic segments are concerned ; but in all other Arthro])oda, with the exception of the Trilobites and Phyl- lopoda amongst Crustacea, the number of actually, if not of homologically distinct segments, appears to be very definitely limited. The typical number of segments has been considered here as being twenty, in ac- cordance with the views of Professor Huxley, and in opposition to those of Professors Milne-Edwards and Van Beneden ; inasmuch as the ' telson' or terminal so-called segment of the Crustacea does not appear to possess the characteristics of a true segment. In the Sessile-eyed Crustacea, the telson is, according to Mr. Spence Bate, 1. c. p. xxi., who however appears to reckon it as making a twenty-first segment, " generally an abortive, and frequently a rudimentary part and in the Isopoda, with the excep- tion of two genera, it is always fused with the preceding segment. With one, or perhaps two exceptions, the telson never carries appendages, " whereas it is a law common to all Crustacea, that every segment has its appendage and Kathke, from whom however Van Beneden differs, describes it as being developed after the other segments, and from the dorsal aspect of the body. Even if it should be proposed to regard it as representing in a rudi- mentary form the very gi-eat or all but indefinite number of homo- nomous segments which we meet Avith in Apus amongst Crustacea, and in the Myi'iapoda, we should still be justified in eliminating it from the number of the typical segments of Arthropoda ; that is to say, from the number of segments to which some of the best marked representatives of three out of the four gi-cat classes into which the sub-kingdom is divided, can all alike be shown to conform. The history of the development, and to a considerable though lesser extent, that of the comparative ganglion corresponding in position and connections to the azygos ' ganglion frmiiaJe' of Insecta and Mjn-iapoda has been discovered by Leydig in Oniscus. In other Crustacea, the nervus recurrens has no ganglion fronfalc develojied, but ajipears to take origin from tlie supra-oesopliageal ganglia. Brandt has figured a lateral paired system of sympathetic ganglia in this Crustacean, see Med. Zool., Bd. ii. Taf. xv. fig- 27 ; but Leydig declares the structures thus described to be merely glands in connection with the stomach. Common Crayfish. 113 anatomy of the antennae and jaws in ^Vi-thropoda, pi'ovc that they are appendages in just the same sense as any of the ventrally placed append- ages attached to segments posterior to the cephalic ; and with them, most authors, with the exception of Glaus and Fritz Miiller, would be inclined to rank the eyes. The facts of the pedunculation of these organs in the Podophthalmatous, and indeed in some other Crustacea ; of the occasional replacement of their facets by a flagellum such as the antennae caiTy ; of their having a separate pair of lobes developed in connection with them in the supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass in ordinary De- capods, as shown by Rathkey, see p. io8, supra, in Amphipoda, and also y Bruzelm3, Archiv. fur Naturgeschiclite, torn, xxv., 1859, p. 306 ; Beitrag zur Kenntniss vom innern Baue der Amphipoden, has described the supra-oesophageal mass of an Amphipod, Amphithoe Podoceroides, as consisting of three pairs of ganglia, the most anterior of which is in relation with the eyes, the middle one with the antennules, and the one nearest the mouth with the antennae. Similarly Mr. Newport, Phil. Trans., 1834, p. 422, pi. xvii. fig. 40, a, h, c, has figured and de- scribed the supra-oesophageal nerve-mass in the common Lobster, Homarus Vulgaris, as consisting of three pairs of ganglia in relation with the three pairs of sensory organs specified. Though no air-breathing Arthropod has at any one period of its life more than a single pair of antennary organs, Rathke's figures of the cerebroid mass in the developing Scorpion, Morphologie, Eeise nach Taurien, Taf. i. fig. 10, and his description of it in contras't to the brain of the adult animal, as * composed of several pairs of ganglia lying one behind the other,' and also Metschnikow's figures, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zool., Bd. xvi. Taf. xxx., figs. 31, 33, though not his description of the brain in Aphis Rosae, lead us to think that the brain, even in these classes, may make its first appearance as a bilaterally trilobed mass, indicating thus the presence of three prae-mandibular segments. Mr. Newport indeed has put on record, Phil. Trans., 1843, p. 245, an observation to the effect that in the embryo of a Chilopodous Myriapod, Geophilus Longicornis, the brain is at the moment of its bursting its shell composed of four double ganglia. But here it is probable that one of the p;iirs, as Metschnikow I. c. has shown to be actually the case in Aphis Bosae, corresponded to the ' lobi optici,' which are lateral outgrowths of the cerebroid gangha, and do not therefore indicate the presence of a separate segment, though they may have been displaced inwards by lateral com- pression. See Leydig, Vergleich. Anat., p. 183. The brain in adult Myriapoda is very obviously quadrilobular, as has been noted by Newport, locc. citt., of Scolopendra, Polydesmus, Geophilus Subterraneus when adult, and by Zaddach of Lithohius Forfi- catus. This point is particularly well shown in the brain of Glomens Marginata, a Myriapod closely resembling the Oniscus in external appearance. It has been figured by Brandt, MiUler's Archiv., 1837, Taf. xii. fig. 7, p. 324, as consisting of two irregularly quadrangular masses, prolonged at either outer angle into ocular and antennary nerves respectively, and united at either inner angle to each other by commissures passing over the oesophagus, and inclosing a wide open space between them. For the development of the prae-oral ganglia in Astacus, see Rathke, Fluss- krebs, p. 50, For the segmentation of the head, Rathke, Morphologie, pp. 126, I 114 Descriptions of Preparations. in Myriapocla, Geophilus, Lithohius and Scolopendra ; and finally, that of tlieir having an all but independent annular segment, as well as a pe- duncle, developed for their support in Squilla, appear to justify us iu regarding the eyes aa either being or, when sessile, as representing ar- ticulated appendages, and, by consequence, a distinct cephalic segment 2. The apparent paradox of speaking of the eyes, which ordinarily have a more or less completely dorsal position as homologous not with such dorsal outgrowths as the wings of insects or the shells of certain Crus- tacea, but with the ventrally placed articulated appendages, is to be justified by the history of the development of the pro-cephalic lobes, which at an early period are bent upwards at a right angle to the rest of the blastoderm, and even backwards, so that the roof of the skull, which is really a sternal, appears to be a tergal surface. Taking then the eyes as indicating one segment, and the two pairs of antennae and the three pairs of jaws as indicating five segments, we find that the typical number of segments in the head of the Arthropod amounts to six. The segments anterior to the maxillae, together with that part of the body which ultimately becomes the swimmeret, in the Astacus, Fritz Miiller has called the ' primitive body,' as being that which makes up the 'Nauplius' form of larva, and which carries the sensorial appa- ratus, as, for example, the ear, which is lodged ordinarily in the scale of the second pair of antennae, but sometimes in the ' uropodos,' as in Mijsis. The sections of the body which are intermediate to these extreme points, he divides into a ' fore-body,' which corresponds to what is here spoken of as ' thorax,' and which is second in order of develop- ment ; into a 'hind-body,' the 'post-abdomen,' deducting the sixth segment, which is third in order of development ; and finally the ' middle body,' the ' abdomen' in the language here employed, which in Crustacea always puts forth limbs immediately after its segments are developed. 1 2 7. The demonstration of the points relating to the brain of Amphipoda, is made much more easy if acetic acid is added to the alcohol employed for hardening the specimens to be dissected. ' Two pairs of articulated appendages have been observed in the larval forms of Cirripedia anteriorly to the superior pair of their natatory antennae ; and if the posterior of these be taken as equivalent to the 'olfactory filaments' of the superior antennae, the anterior, the 'larger antennae' of Darwin, the so-called 'horns of the carapace' would still indicate the presence of a third pre-mandibular segment. For an account of these outgrowths, see Gerstaecker, Klassen und Ordnungcn des Thier- reichs, Bd v., p. soS ; Rpencc Bate. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. ii., vol. viii.,, p. .^27; Fritz Miiller, Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte, 186:, p. 7. 1863, p. 25, note 2 ; Darwin, Lepadidae, iS.m.p. 9; Balanidae, 1854, p. 105. Common Craijjish. 115 and which has a high degree of independence manifested by its nerve ganglia in Podoplithahnata and Hedriophthalmata. The number of the prae-oral segments being thus taken as three, and the so-called ' lips' of certain Crustacea being eliminated from tlic enu- meration as not i-epresenting appendages, but being merely indurations of the lining membrane of the digestive tract homologous with the 'jaws' of the leech, we obtain, by omitting, for the reasons above stated, to count the telson as a segment, seventeen as the typical number of post- oral, and twenty as the typical number of the entire series of segments in Artliropoda. The appended Table shows how these views may be applied to the Insecta, tlie Arthrogastrous Arachnida, Myriapoda, and to the two above-named orders of Crustacea, as also to the Coi^epoda ; which, in spite of their small size, with which inferiority of organization has been supposed to be commonly correlated in Crustacea, present many important points of affinity to the highest order in the class. Amongst these may be mentioned the degree to which heteronomy or diflferentia- tion is carried out in the various regions of the body ; and the external similarity which these small animals thus obtain to such Crustacea as Peneus and Mysis is made tlie more striking, when we recollect that they all alike leave the egg with no other appendages than those of the 'Nauplius ;' and that the adult Copepod corresponds very closely, if not exactly, as to the number of articulated appendages on its 'fore-' and ' middle-body,' with certain ' Zoea' stages in the development of Podoph- thalmata. See Spence Bate, Phil Trans. 1858, pi. xl. figs. A and B; Claus Die frei Lebenden Copepoden, 1863, Taf. xxxiii. fig. 6; Dias Longiremis, Taf. xix., fig. 2, Thalestris har23actoides ^. The non-seg- mentation of the post-abdomen in many of the parasitic Copepoda, as also in the Cladocera, Daphnis, the Ostracoda, Cypris and the Cirripedia, eliminates them as it does the non-Arthrogastrous Arachnida from con- sideration, except as to the anterior regions of the body. The Myriapoda together with a few Branchiopoda, Apus, and the extinct Trilobites, are similarly eliminated for the opposite reason. The term 'Hedriophthalmata,' Schiodte, Ann. and Mag, Nat. Hist., Ser. iv., vol. i., 1868, p 6, is employed in the following Table in the same restricted sense as its etymological equivalent, by Professor West- wood and Mr. Spence Bate, in their work on the Sessile-eyed Crustacea. * The internal anatomy of the Copepoda is well illustrated in the former of these two figures ; the dorsal opening of the anus being especially noteworthy, as corre- sponding with a condition observed by Rathke, in the early stages of the develop- ment of the Astacus, sec p. 97, saijra. 1 2 IIG TABLE OF OF POST-ANTENNARY SEGMENTS Nnmher of 8c{))iient. Insecta. Arachnida. Myriapoda. Crustacea. I. Mandible, never pal- pate. 'Chelae' of Scorpion are the palps of its mandible. The so-call- ed * maxillae' of Spiders are also palpate. Mandible, with rudi- mentary palp in Chilo- poda; not palpate in Oil 1 1 r»o^ 1 fi i"!! fi LLLLUg I iiX t XIU * Mandible, ordinarily carrying a tri-artit-u- late palp, except in tpTTP^tiHjil TsoDods and Ampliipods. II. Maxilla, palpate. First pair of legs are the palps of the 'la- bium.' Outer element of * La- bium/ in both orderSj Q o in T , pni fl nnf .PTrti i s cLj ill JJC^^LUU^IA^J. WUij larva. 'Maxilla' i. or 'SLig- onopodos ' i. Westwood and Bate in ' Sessile- eyed Crustacea,' p. 3. III. ' Labium,' palpate. Second pair of legs. Mesial elements of ' Labium.' ' Maxilla' or ' Siapono- podos' ii. Bifid, Cyclops. IV. First pair of legs. First spu'acle in Cater- pillar. Third pair of legs. Basal jomts forming a Labiiun by junction. * Maxilliped ' i. Audi. 'Siagonopodos' iii. Westwood and Bate. V. Second pair of legs. Foui'th pair of legs. Basal joints as in vii, and in Chilopoda arm- ed with claw and poi- son duct. 'MaxilUped' ii. or ' Gnathopodos ' i. Last foot of early Zoea Lar- va. VI. Third pair of legs. Genital segment m Scorpion. Grcnital opemng ni some Chilognatha. Simple pair of legs in Chilopoda. HXIl A 1 1 1 1 J itrU. 111. KJl ' Gnathopodos ' ii. Third swimming foot, Cyclops. VII. First abdominal seg- ment. Second spiracle in Caterpillar. Pectiniferous seg- ment in Scorpion. Sunple pair of legs m both Cliilognatha and Chilopoda. First ambulatory ap- pendage of Astaeus: third of AmphiiKxi. ' Pereiopodos ' i. West- wood and Bate. VIII. Second abdominal segment. First piilmoniferous segment in Scorpion. Ditto, ditto. • Pereiopodos' ii. IX. Third abdominal seg- ment. Carries first pro- leg of Caterpillar. Second pulmoniferous segment in Scorpion. Ditto, ditto. ' Pereiopodos ' iii. In basal joint of append- age or in stcnnnn of segment we find the fe- male generative outlet. X. Fourth abdominal segment. Second pro- leg of Caterpillar. Third pulmoniferous segment in Scorpion. Simple pair of legs in Chilopoda and female Chilognatha. Penis in male Chilognatha, ' Pereiopodos'iv.abort- ed. as also iii. and v. in Coi^epoda. XI. Fifth abdominnl seg- ment. Third prolog of Caterpillar. Fourth juilmoniferous segment in Scorpion. Simple pair of legs in Chilopoda. Double pair m Chilognatha. ' Pereiopodos ' v. In basal joint of append- age or in sternum of segment male penen- tive outlet in Podoph- tlialmata and liodri- oplitlialmata. HOMOLOGIES MARKED BY APPENDAGES IN ARTHROPODA. 117 Number of Segment. Inseda. Araehnida. Myriapoda. Crustacea. xn. Sixth abdominal seg- ment. Fourth proleg of Caterpillar. Eirst caudal segment in Scorpion. Simple pair of legs in Chilopoda. Double pair in CMlognatha. First post-abdominal segment. 'Pleopodos' i. Generative outlets in Copepoda. XIII. Seventh abdominal segment. Last gang Uon in larva. Second caudal seg- ment in Scorpion. Ditto, ditto. 'Pleopodos' ii. XIV. Eighth abdominal segment. Ninth spi- racle and horn of Sphinx larva. Third caudal seg- ment in Scorpion. Ditto, ditto. *"Plof\T»nrlnci in XT ICUputlUo XV. Ninth abdominal seg- ment. Vulva opens m front of it and outlet of Spermatheca upon its sternum in Cock- roach. Symmetrical depression on the me- sial ventral hue in pupae of Sphingidae. Fourth caudal seg- ment in Scorpion. Ditto, ditto. ' Pleopodos' iv. or 'Uropodos' i. XVI. Tenth abdominal seg- ment. Orifice of col- leterial glands of Cock- roach. Fifth caudal segment in Scorpion. Last segment in Pau- ropus, see Lubbock, Linn. Soc. Trans, xxvi. pp. 1S2, 184. ' Pleopodos ' V. or ' Uropodos ' ii. XVII. Eleventh abdominal segment. Anal orifice. The ' cerci anales ' are carried by it in Panor- pa, and are supposed to belong to it in other insects by Lacaze Du- thiers, Ann. Sci. Nat. iooi, iooo. xney aie probably homologous with tlie caudal ap- pendages of Apus and Brauchipus, see p. Ill, supra. Sixth caudal segment of Scorpion carrying sting on its apex. An appendage homologous probably with mesial element or 'telson' of Astacus. ' Pleopodos ' vi. or 'Uropodos' iii. This seg- ment has the lateral elements of the swim- meret articulated to it just as the other post- abdominal appendages are articulated to their respective segments. The mesial portion of the swimmeret or ' tel- son' may be articu- lated to it or fused mth it, and may be of very various forms. The 'furca' of Cope- poda, Cyclops, p. Ill, is held by Claus to repre- sent this segment. Compare trifid append- ages of Chloeon Di- midiatum. Linn. Soc. Trans, xxiv., 18C5. 118 Descrijptions of Preparations. A very clear account of the nerve system of the various orders of Crustacea may be found in Frey and Leuckart's Lelirbuch der Zootomie, 1847, PP- ^95? ^^3- For an account of the development of the nervous system of the Crayfislij see Eatlike, Ueber die Bildung und Entwickelung des Flusskrebses, 1829, pp. 32, 33, 50, 61, 6^, 85. For that of the Scorpion, see E-atbkCj Morphologic Reise nach Taurien, p. 2S, cit. Huxley, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxii., pp. 227, 228. For a figure of the nervous system in tbe common Lobster, Homarus Vulgaris, see Newport, Pbil. Trans., 1834, pi. xvii. fig. 40; where, however, the evident constriction of the first post-oral ganglionic mass has caused the writer to count it as two, and to speak of the entire number of ventral ganglia as being thirteen. The relative superiority in size of this first post-oral ganglion is not so marked relatively to those which come posteriorly to it in the marine as it is in the fluviatile species here contrasted. For the nervous system in the Decapodous Crustacea generally, see Leydig, Vergleichende Anatomic, Bd. i. p. 253, ihique citata. For the stomato-gastric system, see Huxley, Medical Times and Gazette, April 11 1857, p. 353; Brandt, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. ii. torn, v, 1836, p. 87, pi. 4, figs, i, 2, 3. For the nervous system of Myriapoda and Macrurous Arachnida, see Newport, Phil. Trans., 1843, pt. ii. pp. 243-272 ; and for the structure of the cord, p. 248, and Phil. Trans., 1834, p. 406, pi. xvii. fig. 42; Leydig, Vergleich. Anat., pp. 229- 241 ; and Helmholtz cit. in loc; Carpenter, Comp. Physiology, p. 669. For various views as to the homologies of the segments, see Savigny, Memoires sur les Animaux sans Vertebres, 1816; Milne-Edwards, Histoire Naturelle des Crustaces, 1834, p. 50; Ann. Sci. Nat., 1851; Erichson, Entomographien, 1840; Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii. torn, xvii., 1852, pp. 227, 232, 233, torn, xix., pp. 34, 40, 229-233 ; Dana, Crustacea, U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1852, p. 19 seqq. ; Zenker, Archi v. fiir Naturgeschiehte, 1854, p. 118; Van der Hoeven, nandl)ook of Zoology, English translation, vol. i., 1856, p. 557, ihique citata; Huxley, Linn. Soc. Proc, vol. Common Earthworm. 119 xxii., 1858, p. 238; Van Beneden, Recherches sur les Crus- taees, 1861, p. 29; Glaus, Copepoden, 1H63, pp. 13-J8; Gerstaecker, Klassen uad Ordnung-en des Thier-reiclis, 1866, Bd. v., pp. 38, 48, 333, 339 ; C. Spence Bate and Westwood, British Sessile Crustacea, 1868, vol. i. pp. viii.-xxi., 3-7, vol. ii. pp. 102-105. For the reclconing of the eyes as appendages indicating the presence of a distinct segment, see Zaddach, Untersuchungen liber die Entwickelung und den Bau der Giiederthiere, pp. 78, 87 ; Gerstaecker, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. v., pp. 203, 343 ; Aiphonse Milne-Edwards, Comptes Rendus, lix., p. 710, f. 36. Common Earthworm (Lumhricus Terrestris), Prepared so as to show the external organs which subserve locomotion and reproduction. The epidermis forms an iridescent capsule for the animaFs body, the tissues of which have shrunk a little away from it under the action of spirit. The integument is at various points to be here- after specified, thickened and intumescent, but these thickened portions are all developed in relation to the function of repro- duction, there being no specialized organs of respiration. A thickened white ring, the ' clitellus,^ made up of the fusion of the dorsal and lateral portians of about six segments, may be seen in the middle third of the body. The thickened glandular three- fourths of these segments are separated off from the ventrally placed and unthickened fourth, by a hyaline slightly elevated ridge, which is muscular and more constant in its characters from species to species than the glandular portion of the clitellus. On either side of this ridge may be seen the rows of setae, the inner one of which has its spines much lengthened. An orifice with pro- minent tumid lips produced similarly to the clitellus by the de- velopment of the glandular layer of the integument, is seen on the fifteenth segment of the body, and corresponds to the termination of the vas deferens on either side. A somewhat similar but smaller prominence may be observed on either side the middle line of a 120 D(iscri])tions of Preparations. segment sixth in order anteriorly to the clitellus. In this pro- minence there is no foramen_, but two spines modified so as to co-operate with the clitellus as an organ of adhesion in the act of copulation may be observed to be implanted in it. These spines belong to the inner series of locomotor spines, which are prolonged from the third or fourth or fifth segment of the body anteriorly, down to the posterior segments, upon the last of which they, as well as the spines of the outer series, fail to be developed. The outer row of spines is very visible along the line where the darker coloured dorsal region shades off into the lighter coloured ventral. Each series is represented in the Lmnbricidae by two spines only ; the multiple or fasciculate arrangement not being found in this family, which are therefore pre-eminently 'oligo- ehaetous.^ The external series is wanting not rarely upon the anterior segments, and may be wanting even as far back as the clitellus inclusively. The spines of the inner series are modified so as to subserve the mutual adhesion of the allotriandrous Lum- brieus in the act of copulation, not only in the segment ah-eady specified, but also in the entire series of segments occupied by the clitellus, and in the tenth and fifteenth segments, where they are thinner and twice as long as in other segments. The oviducts and the vasa deferentia open in the fourteenth and fifteenth seg- ments respectively, just externally to the outer of the two setae of the inner row. In large specimens of Lumbricus communis, an orifice may often be noted in the median dorsal line, in the inter- space between the rings from the tenth segment or so backwards. From this orifice, which opens into the interior of the posterior of the two segments between which it is placed, in a recently killed animal, the peri-gastric fluid may be seen to escape in small jets upon pressure. Much variety is observable in the condition of development of the clitellus, and even the number of segments composing it and interposed between it and the head are by no means unifoim within the limits of the same species. For the zoological characters of the family Lumbricidae, sec British Museum Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms, by George Johnston, M.D., 1865, pp. 57, 318, and especially p. 323 for the variability in external anatomy just mentioned. For the anatomy of Lumbricus, see E. Ray Lankester, Esq., Quar- Coinmo7i Earthivorm. 121 terly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1864-1865, ihique citata. See also D-'Ukedeui, Memoires de FAcademie Royale de Belgique, torn, xxxvi.j 1865. A monog'raph on the natural history and anatomy of the Lum- bricus Terrestris, of considerable merit, was published in Latin by C. F. A. Morren in 1829, under the title ' De Lumbrici Terrestris Historia Naturali necnon Anatomia Tractatus/ 37. Common Earthworm [Lumbricus Terrestris), Dissected so as to show its gangliated nervous system consisting of a bilobed supra- oesophageal mass and a ventrally placed nerve-cord, connected with each other by commissures, which give off numerous branches on either side to the large sympathetic ganglionic mass lying ujjon either side of the pharynx. The integuments having been divided down the middle dorsal line and fastened out on either side, the entire digestive tract with the exception of the commencement of the pharynx, through which a black bristle has been passed, has been removed, together with the pseud-haemal vessels in connection with it ; the segmental organs, and the muscular dissepiments dividing the body into compai-tments. The organs of reproduction have been similarly removed, with the exception of the two receptacula seminis of the right side, two globular white sacs which are seen opening in the line of the outer rows of setae, in the intervals between the ninth and tenth, and between the tenth and eleventh segments respect- ively. The two lobes making up the supra-oesophageal mass are pyriform, and have their broader ends apposed to each other in the middle line. From their outer and narrower ends a thick nerve passes off, bifurcating almost immediately, to supply the pro- boscidiform and tactile anterior segment or upper lip. These nerves would appear to be homologous with those given off from the post-oral ganglia, and the anterior or upper surface of the ganglionic mass whence they are given off to be homologous with the under surface of the ventral ganglia. The cords of commissm-e to the first ventral ganglion pass downwards and form the nerve 122 Descriptions of Preparatio7is. collar in which a part of the pharynx is still left. Upon either side of the pharynx a reticulation of ganglionic masses may be seen with a lenSj one_of which masses is much larger than the rest^ and running parallel with the commissural cords is connected with them by six or more nerve branches. Two distinct strands may be distinguished in the anterior portion of the ventral cord^ and they are underlaid by a continuous stratum ofjvesicjilajc gubstauce, which at intervals is aggregated into more or less distinct gangliaj from each of which a pair of nerves is given off on either side, whilst a single nerve is given off on each side from the portion of the cord interposed between each two pairs of ganglia. These latter nerves may probably be considered as homologous with the nervi transversi of the Arthropoda, and as serially homologous with the branches of the plexus already described as existing upon the pharynx. They are given off in each segment anteriorly to the paired nerves, and take a course outwards in relation with the posterior aspect of the anterior dissepiment of each segment. They are accompanied by a branch from the sub-neurally placed pseud- haemal vessel, whilst the paired nerves are similarly accomj^anied by a branch from one of the pseud-haemal vessels on either side of the nerve cord. The ventral cord takes the shape of a thick band in which the ganglionic enlargements are difficultly recognizable for a space corresponding with that occupied by pharynx oeso- phagus and reproductive organs ; posteriorly to the fifteenth seg- ment it becomes much slenderer, but the ganglia become much more distinguishable, though separated by wide interspaces up to a point a little way posterior to the middle of the entire length of the body. Finally, for a length nearly equal to that of the pos- terior half of the animal, the cord becomes much more distinctly moniliform, its ganglionic enlargements being very plainly marked though very closely apposed. The terminal ganglion of the chain is, contrary to what is seen in some other Annelids, as also in many Arthropoda, smaller than those which precede it. The ganglia do not maintain the same numerical equality with the segments in other Annelids as in Lumbricus, exceeding their number in some, as Aphrodite, and falling below it in others, as Hirudo, see Preps. 41, 4^. The two rows of paired setae are well seen on either side of the middle line ; the inner setae in the two segments fifth and sixth in order anteriorly to the clitellus are seen together with the Common Earthworm. 123 g-landular follicle secreting- them to be considerably enlarged in re- lation to their function as accessory generative organs. In the anterior fifteen segments in the interval between the inner row of setae and the nerve cord, a white jmuscular, fascicle is ^een passing forwards and finally upwards alongside of the commissural cords of the nerve collar, and dorsally to the nerves given off from the first ventral ganglion, to be inserted partly in the capsule of the cephalic ganglia, and partly in the muscular and tegumentary tissues above them. No mus- cular fibres are developed upon the commissural cords connecting the ventral chain with the supra-oesophageal ganglia, as there are upon the ventral cord itself ; and the function of retracting the supra-oesophageal ganglia, together with the structures above them, is performed by the muscle here described, which from its origin and course acts at great advantage. These two muscular bands have at first sight an appearance closely similar to that presented by the two somewhat widely separated halves of the ventral cord of the Tubicolar Annelids, and of Peripatus, or to that of the accessory nerve-chains, developed in the Amphinomidae in relation with the locomotor organs. For an excellent account of the nerve system of the Earthworm, see Lockhart Clark, Royal Society^s Proceedings, 1857, pp. 344-351- Eor figures of the general arrangement of the nerve system, see pi. viii., and Description. Quatrefages, Regne Animal An- neles, pi, i. e, fig. 2«, and Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. viii., 1847, p. 36, for discovery of sympathetic system in Lumbricus. See also D^Ukedem, I. c, pi. iii. fig. 4. For the histology, see Leydig, Tafeln zur Vergleich. Anat., iv., fig. 8, and the various authors cited in the letter-press of that work at pp. 138 seqq., 168 seqq. For figures of the nerve cord as existing in two separated halves, see Grube, in Miiller^s Archiv. for 1853, Taf. x., 14. Quatre- fages, ' Suites a Bufibn,^ Anneles, pi. iii., figs. 7 and 8 ; in Peripatus Edwardsii, and Sabella and Serpula. 124 Descriptions of Preparations. 38. Anterior Segments of Earthworm {Lumhricus Terrestris), In number about forty, and inclading three placed posteriorly to the clitellus ; dissected so as to show the reproductive system, the whole of which, together ^•ith the various accessory organs, is contained in or constituted by modifications of the structures of these segments ; as also the portions of the pseud-haemal and the digestive system which are contained in this part of the animal's body. The integument having been divided down the middle dorsal line and pinned out on either side^ the digestive tract is seen to occupy the middle line of the Preparation, and to have in con- nection with it the vascular system, which is called ' pseud-haemal/ because though the fluid which it contains is coloured and prob- ably respiratory in function, it is not corpusculated, and therefore not morphologically blood. The digestive tract manifests a very considerable degree of heteronomy, consisting of a pharynx which extends through the first six segments ; an oesophagus which extends through the succeeding ten ; a crop which occupies a large space in the sixteenth and seventeenth; a gizzard which is seen in the seventeenth and eighteenth ; and finally, the intestine which is laterally sacculated for its first eight segments, and posteriorly to them more evenly cylindriform. The pharynx has a coarsely villous exterior, owing partly to the breaking away in the dis- section of the muscular bands by which it was connected with the muscular dissepiments and with the body-walls, and partly to the salivary gland-tissue which composes part, and especiall}" the outer part, of its walls. The oesophagus is of much smaller calibre than either of the two segments of the digestive tube, the pharynx and the crop which it connects. The so-called 'hearts' are in close connection with it in the anterior segments of its course, and the reproductive and certain oesophageal glands are seen at its sides in the middle and posterior. Tlie crop is considerabl}'^ distended with dark coloured contents, and forms a larger mass than the thicker coated lighter coloured gizzard which comes next behind it. The dorsal pseud-haemal vessel is well seen along the median dorsal line of the crop and intestine, where owing to the con- traction of its muscular walls it has a moniliform appearance. Anterior Segments of Earthworm. 125 Posteriorly to the gizzard the dorsal vessel is seen to give off two, or sometimes three, vessels in each segment on each side, which pass round the intestine, in close connection with its walls, and indeed invested by the glandular hepatic tissue which forms here the exterior layer of the coats of the tube, to join a sub-intestinal vessel. This vessel is not so closely attached to the digestive tube as is the dorsal vessel, but is loosely suspended between the nerve cord and the intestine. It gives off branches to the segmental organs, and is connected with a third set of longitudinal vessels which are in close relation with the several aspects of the nerve cord, one inferiorly and two laterally, and send branches outwards with the nerves. In possessing this vascular supply to the seg- mental organs, and this third set of longitudinal vessels, the Lumbrici differ from other Oligochaetous worms. The commis- sural vessels connecting the dorsal and the sub-intestinal are reduced in number to a single pair in each segment, anteriorly to the crop and posteriorly to the pharynx; but they are so much enlarged in size as to have been called ' hearts,'' in about six segments posteriorly to the pharynx. In the first six segments of the body corresponding with the pharynx, both the dorsal vessel and the commissural vessels are resolved into plexuses. Anteriorly to the crop and in the line of the outer row of setae are seen the large pendulous lobes which are the vesiculae seminales, increasing in size from the ninth segment, where the first of the three is attached, backwards. On the left side, the posterior having been displaced a little backwards from the middle vesicula seminalis, the corrugated funnel-shaped opening of the posterior of the two branches of the left vas deferens is seen in the interval between them. Immediately exteriorly to the line of attachment of the vesiculae seminales are the so-called ^capsulo-genous' glands, which appear to be due to the development in these segments of the setiparous glands of the inner row of setae ; and more ex- teriorly again, in the intervals between the ninth and tenth and the tenth and eleventh segments, are seen the two globular recep- tacula seminis in the line of the external series of locomotor setae. On the walls of the oesophagus, in the segments corresponding to the two posterior vesiculae seminales, may be seen the oeso- phageal or ' calciferous' glands, structures said to attain a great development in the Perichaetous worms. On the internal surface 126 Descriptions of Preparations. of the body-walls are seen the remnants of the muscular dissepi- ments which gave to the body and to the digestive tract their annulate appearance. Near the line of the inner row of setae, a little way exteriorly to which they ordinarily but not invariably have their external outlet, are to be seen the ' segmental organs/ which are muciparous glands forming complexly convoluted coils, attached by a sort of mesenteric membrane to the muscular dis- sepimental walls of the segments in which the greater part of their length is lodged, and prolonged through the anterior wall of this segment into the segment next in front, to end by ex- panded and ciliated infundibula near the middle line and the ventral surface. For a description and figure of the reproductive organs of the Lumbricus Terrestris, see pi. viii. infra; and Heriug, Zeit- schrift fiir Wiss. Zool. viii., 1857, p. 400. See also D'Ukedem, Memoii'cs Couronnes Acad. Belg., 1856, torn, xxvii., p. 9 seq^q. ; Mem. Acad. Roy. Belg., torn, xxxv., 1865, pi. ii., figs. 2 and 3. For the ' segmental organs/ see Gegenbaur, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zool. iv., 1853, p. 221. See also a note by Hering, I. c. p. 40 T, and for the homologies of these organs with the efferent ducts of the reproductive glands, see Claparede, R,e- cherches Anatomiques sur les Annelides, Turbellaries, &c., 1861, p. 28; and Lankester, Journal Micr. Soc, 1865, p. 7. For the oesophageal glands, see Lankester, I. c, 1864, p. 265; and D^Ukedem, Mem. Acad. Roy. Belg., torn, xxxv., pi. i. fig. 10, p. 23. For the Perichaetous Worms, see D^Ukedem, I. c, pp. 30, 31; Schmarda, Neue Wirbellose Thiere, 1861, i. i, p. 13. For the classification of the Annelids generally, see Grube, Die Familien der Anneliden, 1851; Ehlers, Die Borstenwiirmer, 1 864- 1 868, vol. i., pp. 52—57 ; Clapaiede, Annals and Maga- zine of Natural History, Ser. iii., vol. xx., 1867, p. 337. Medicinal Leech. 127 39. Medicinal Leech (Ilirudo Medicinalis), Showing the terminal suckers, the segmentation and annulation of the body, and the distinctively coloured dorsal bands which difiFerentiate the variety Uirudo medicinalis from the variety Ilirudo officinalis. The number of annuli may be taken as about one hundred ; but these aunuli appear to be due merely to secondary corrugation of the primary segments of the body^ each of which comprises from three to five of the secondary annuli. The primary segments are not so readily distinguishable as the smaller rings ; but in a freshly killed specimen^ two white spots on either side the median line and in a line with the central pair of eyes are considered to mark out the anterior boundary of each segment ; whilst the posterior boundary is given by the openings of the two muciparous or seg- mental organs on the ventral surface, from which jets of fluid can be made to issue by pressure, especially on the posterior part of the body. The black pigment specks which are seen in this variety upon the outer and middle of the three tawny stripes on either side of the dorsum seem, by attaining a great size and prominence on every fifth annulus, to point in the same direction as those more constant land-marks just specified, and to mark out in each case a segment consisting of five annuli. Fewer annuli are interposed between each pair of the dorsally placed white specks at either extremity of the body, than in the intervening space occupied by the middle regions of the body. Upon the anterior sucker a pair may be found upon almost every one of four half- circles of which it is made up, whilst the posterior sucker appears at certain periods of its development to be made up of no less than seven segments, to which seven ganglia subsequently fased to- gether correspond, just as in the rest of the body each pair of white specks on the dorsal surface corresponds to the nerve ganglia on the ventral. This aggregation of segments at either end of the body corresponds firstly to the externally visible concentra- tion of the animal functions of special sense, prehension of food, and locomotion in the region of either sucker ; and secondly to a concentration of nerve ganglia and an abortion of the reproduc- tive and depuratory or muciparous organs which are vegetatively 4 128 Descriptions of Preparations. repeated in each of the intervening segments of the body's length. The anterior sucker is perforated centrally by the mouth, and is prolonged superiorly into an obtusely lanceolate lip consisting of four rings. It is not separated by any constriction from the rings immediately succeeding it, whilst the posterior sucker is very markedly so separated, has the anus opening in the line of this constriction, and differs consequently still farther from the anterior sucker in being imperforate and having an evenly circular un- interrupted rim. Ten eyes are carried in pairs upon the three first rings of the upper lip-like portion of the anterior suckers, and also upon the fifth and eighth segments, the ten eyes as thus arranged forming an ellipse. The male generative orifice from which the penis is sometimes in this species, and very ordinarily in the common Horse-leech, Aulostoma g%lo, protruded when the animal has been killed with chloroform, is visible in the interval between _th£.J\ve]^ and twenty-fifth segments ; and at an inteiwal of five segments posteriorly, the female generative orifice is seen in the interval between the twenty-ninth and the thii-tieth segments. A series of raised granular but minute tubercles may be observed crossing the dorsal line in many segments, and representing in miniature the warty exterior of Pontobdella. The external colouration of the Leech is very variable, and hence the more or less strikingly regular development of black patches at intervals of five rings in the rust-coloured line on the dorsal is of the greater morphological importance. The amount of pigment specks on the ventral surface is especially variable, and there does not appear to be any regularity as to their distribution when present. For an excellent monograph of Ilirudo Medicinalisy see Brandt and Katzeburg, Medizinische Zoologie, 1833, Bd. ii., pp. 230-297, Taf. xxviii., xxix. A, xxix. B, xxx. See also Moquin Tandon, Monographic de la Faraille des Hirudinees, 1 846 ; Lcuckart, Die Menschlichen Parasitcn, 1863, pp. 634-739 ; Claus, Grund- ziige der Zoologie, pp. 154-161; Gratiolet, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iv., tom. xvii., 1862, pp. 177-182, for the general out- lines of the body. For certain organs of which as many as sixty may be found upon Medicinal Leech. 129 the cephalic, and some upon other segments of the body, and which, as resembling the ' becher-formige Organe"" of fish, may be supposed to be sensory in function, and concerned possibly with the perception of chemical rather than of other stimuli, see Leydig, Archiv. fiir Anatomic und Physiologic, 1861, p. 599 j Tafeln zur Vergleich, Anatomic, iii. 1 ; F. E. Schultze, Zeitschrift Wiss. Zool. xii., 1863, p. 232. 40. Medicinal Leech {Hirudo Medicinalis), Prepared and dissected so as to show its laterally sacculated stomach and its in- testine, in their natural relations to the ventral chain of ganglia inferiorly, and the pharynx anteriorly, A STIITENING injection having been thrown into the digestive tube, the specimen was hardened in spirit. After this, the in- tegument having been divided down the middle dorsal line and reflected outwards, the portions of the j)seud-haemal system which were interposed between the digestive tract and the dorsal surface were removed, and the entire cavity of the ' stomach'' and of its diverticula exposed by the removal of its upper wall. Anteriorly to the stomach is seen the pharynx with a villous exterior, much resembling that in the earthworm'' as seen by the naked eye, as also when its constituent elements, unicellular gland cells and involuntary muscular fibre, are examined under the microscope. Partly concealed by this villous exterior of the commencement of the digestive tract, may be seen the prae-oral ganglionic mass. The walls of the portion of the digestive tube which comes next after the pharynx, are much thinner than those of the pharynx itself, and consist mainly of a structureless basement membrane and an internal layer of pavement epithelium ; its muscular coat being almost wholly aborted, as in the Ophidia (see p. 30), and its func- tions discharged by the muscular layer of the body-walls. This portion of the digestive tube has a much larger calibre than the pharynx, and has lateral diverticula appended to it on either side, which occupy five-sixths of the entire cavity of the body. These See Plate viii. b. K 130 Descriptions of Preparations. lateral diverticula are eleven in number, the two anterior being smaller than the nine succeeding' ones^ and differing from them also in not having their outer angles prolonged backwards. The last pair of diverticula are twice the length of any other pair, and bending sharply back almost immediately at their commencement, so as to become apposed to each other along the middle line, are prolonged backwards up to a point on a level with the commence- ment of the rectum, and nearly up to the termination of the body. The digestive tube is of very small calibre posteriorly to the point of origin of the two last diverticula, and lies in the interval between them superiorly. The diverticulate portion of the di- gestive tract is called a ' stomach by most writers, but it is considered to be homologous and analogous with a crop or dilated oesophagus by Gratiolet, on account of its resemblance to the crop of the Horse-leech {Aulostoma gulo), and on account of its functions, which appear to be merely the squeezing out the watery part of the blood which the animal swallows, and allowing it to be dis- charged by the segmental organs. Dissepiments run transversely across the body, and interpose themselves between the apposed walls of the several diverticula. The central emargination in each of the septa thus formed, corresponds to what was the antero- posterior part of the digestive tube in the region of the diverticula ; the method of preparation has given the shape of an ellipse to what was, in the natural state of the parts, a circular foramen in a diaphragm. A rudimentary dissepiment passes off from the pos- terior aspect of each of the eight larger dissepiments, inwards and backwards, within the cavity of each diverticulum towards the middle line ; J)ut it is not prolonged quite up to the line of the chain of nerve-ganglia. An accessory compartment is thus added on to each of the diverticula from the third to the tenth inclu- sively; whilst the eleventh pair has five pairs of accessory im- perfect dissepiments, iutrodigitating along their interior. The ganglia of the ventral chain are seen towards the posterior part of each compartment, constituted by the median portion of the di- gestive and its lateral appendages ; and in some cases they are m immediate relation with the anterior face of the dissepimental wall. A black bristle has been introduced into the segments of the di- gestive tract, posteriorly to the point where the last diverticula are given off. The ' oesophageal' portion of the tract projects and Medicinal Leech. 131 opens as a nipple-shaped process^ into the bilobed commencement of what Gratiolet calls the ' gastroileaF intestine^ the mucous membrane of which is prolonged into spirally-arranged valvular folds. This ' gastroileaP intestine ends in an ovoidal colon; and this again in a short rectum of very small calibre^ which terminates in a dorsally-placed anus, as in all Hirudineae except Acanthob- della. For description of digestive tract, see Gratiolet, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. iv., vol. xvii., pp. 182, 188, 197 ; Brandt, Medizin. Zoolog., Bd. ii., p. 246. For figures of the digestive tract of the Horse-leech, see Moquin Tandon, Monographic des Hirudinees; Atlas, pi. v. fig. u ; Gervais and Van Beneden, Zoologie Medicale, 1859, p. 186. 41. Medicinal Leech (Hirudo Medicinalis), Dissected so as to show its nervous system. A PAET of the pharynx and the jaws are still left in situ, and a black bristle has been passed through the remaining part of the pharynx, where it is embraced by the nerve collar. There are in the Leech twenty-two ventral ganglia, the most anteriorly placed one of which is connected by commissures with the supra-oeso- phageal mass. This mass is seen above the pharynx, part of the glandular and muscular walls of which have been removed to show it, in situ, and immediately posteriorly to the middle one of the three jaws. In the narrow interspace between these two structures is seen a minute mesial stomato-gastric ganglion, which is con- nected with the supra-oesophageal ganglia, and sends nerves to the semilunar saw-like jaw and its muscles ; and a similar gang- lion similarly connected with the supra-oesophageal mass, may be seen on either side, sending nerves similarly to either of the two lateral jaws. Each lobe of the supra-oesophageal mass gives off three other nerves, whence the five eyes of either side and certain other, probably sensory, organs, the ^ becher-formige Organe' of Leydig, are supplied. The first sub-oesophageal ganglion is much K 2 132 Descriptions of Preparations. larger than any which come after it; it gives off five pairs of nerves, and is connected by very short commissural cords to the supra-oesophageal ganglia anteriorly, as also to the second ventral ganglion posteriorly. The commissures between the second and third, and the third and fourth ventral ganglia increase in length, though they are shorter than those connecting the ganglia be- longing to the middle region of the body j the ganglia at the posterior extremity of the animal are again closely aggregated together. The last ganglion of the ventral chain is much larger than any of the series except the first, and gives off from seven to nine branches to the posterior sucker ; the other ganglia give off each two trunks, which distribute themselves to the muscles of the body, with the exception of the penultimate ganglion, which gives off only a single nerve on either side. The paired nerves are given off very close to each other, and the one which ramifies nearer to or in connection with the anterior wall of each disse- piment, and takes a dorsal rather than a ventral direction, arises above rather than behind the other. This latter nerve has, just at the point of its bifurcation, a small ganglionic mass developed upon it, which may represent the accessory ganglia seen upon the pedal nerves in Nereis, and called ' ganglions de renforcement ' by De Quatrefages. With a microscope, a small detached ganglion, probably homologous with the lateral ganglia of the system of the nervi transversi in insects, may be seen apposed to but not inclosed within the capsule of each ventral ganglion, in the interval between the points of origin of these paired nerves. A second element homologous to a portion of the Arthropodous system of nervi transversi is presented to us in the Leech by an 'intermediary' nerve, which runs in the interval between the two fibrous strands connecting the several pairs of ganglia, but which does not give off any branches. The bilateral character of the chain of nerve ganglia is as plainly seen in the Leech as in the worm but there are no nerves given off from the inter-ganglionic commissural cords in the Hirudineae. A third nerve of the sympathetic class exists in the Leech, in the form of an azygos nerve trunk, with ganglion cells appended to it throughout its course, which corresponds to the ventral aspect of the digestive tract, and has two lateral arms prolonged in relation with the two posterior lateral coeca of the 'stomach' or 'oesophagus.' The removal of the digestive tract Medicinal Leech. 133 prevents us from seeing this structure in this Preparation. It is figured, however, by Brandt, its discoverer. Tab. xxix. B, 7 d. e., where it is seen not to be distinctly prolonged upwards into con- nection with the stomato-gastric or supra-oesophageal ganglia. Its relation would appear to correspond to the nermis recurrens of Ai-thropoda, but that it is in relation with the ventral rather than with the dorsal aspect of the digestive tube. For the ' intermediary nerve,'' see the memoir of Faivre, its dis- coverer, in the Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. iv., torn, vi., p. 129. In this author^s previous memoir, published in the volume of the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, immediately preceding the one just referred to, will be found, at p. 361, an account of the various chemical reagents which may be employed in the microscopic investigation of the nervous system of An- nelids. For methods of preparation of entire specimens for the dissection under a lens, without which much of what is here described cannot be made out by the student for himself, see Leydig, Vergleich. Anatomie, pp. 164, 165; and Gratiolet, Ann. Sci. Nat. iv. 17, pp. 177, 178, 181. For the lateral ganglia in apposition with the ventral ganglia, see Leydig, Vergl. Anat., Taf. ii., fig. 3 e. For the lateral ganglia developed upon the inferior pair of nerves, see Leydig I. c, p. 146 ; Quatrefages, Histoire Naturelle des Annales, tom. i., p. 81, pi. iii., fig. i, i. k., Nereis regia. 42. Medicinal Leech {Hirudo Medicinalis), Dissected so as to show its reproductive and segmental organs in situ, the digestive and pseud-haemal systems having been in great part removed, and the integuments fastened out on either side. At about the point of junction of the first with the second sixth of the body^s length, is seen a globular body partly overhanging and partly projecting to the left of the nerve cord, communicating mesially with a siphon-shaped muscular tube, and receiving on either side two tubes of smaller calibre but similar structure. The globular organ is constituted partly l)y muscular and partly by 134 Descriptions of Prepayations. glandular tissue^ and is called consequently the prostatic part of the male intromittent apparatus; the mesial siphon-shaped tube representing- a penis, and the lateral ducts being ductus ejaculaiorii. Tracing the vas deferens of the right side outwards, we see that it passes under the nerve cord, to join a convoluted epididymis -like mass of a yellowish colour, which from its contents appears to be analogous to a vesicula seminalis. A slightly tortuous duct enters the organ from behind forwards, after receiving on its inner side the short transverse ducts passing to it from each of the nine globular testes which are seen close to the nerve cord, arranged one in each of nine segments, beginning with the one next but one in order to that in which the convoluted vesicula seminalis is lodged. The female generative apparatus is lodged in the seg- ment interposed between that which contains the first testis and that which contains the vesicula seminalis; and four secondaiy aunuli are seen to be interposed externally between those in which the outlets of the two sets of generative organs are pierced. The vagina has the form of an oval sac with thick muscular walls. From its apex a single tortuous oviduct arises which has its coils enveloped in loose tissue, the microscopic elements of which furnish us with large and beautiful specimens of unicellular glands dis- charging their secretion by isolated ducts. The oviduct divides into branches, one of which is seen passing under the nerve cord, on the apices of which the ovaries are carried. Externally to the line of the vasa deferentia and alternating in position with the testes, we see a row of globular sacs only a very little less in size than these organs. These sacs communicate with the exterior by the orifices already spoken of, Prep. 39, p. 127, as marking the posterior limit of each of the primary segments of the body. Exteriorly to each of these sacs we see a loop-shaped gland, the outer convex end of which is directed upwards, and in the natui'al condition of the parts almost vertically so, whilst internally it is connected with the globular sac by a short duct passing from the anterior limb of the loop backwards; and in the region of the testes has a coecal process prolonged on to each of those organs. The connection which subsists in the Lumbricidae between the open mouth of a modified segmental organ and the reproductive glands, may be regarded as represented in the Leech by the ar- rangement just described. There are eight of these segmental Medicinal Leech. 135 organs arranged opposite the interspaces of the testes, and two in the two anterior genital segments. Four more are to be seen in the segments anterior to those last named^ and the three first of these are in closer proximity than the rest of the series. There are three segmental organs in the segments posterior to that containing the last testis ; and they possess a coecal process pro- longed inwards beyond the line of the globular sac, by which their excretion is discharged on the exterior of the body. The coecal process of the most anterior of the three, comes into apposition with the posterior testis, but its homologue is not developed in the six anterior segmental organs. The segmental organs are much larger in the Medicinal Leech than in tlie Horse-leech ; and Gratiolet connects the greater power which the former animals have of living out of the water with the greater power of moist- ening the skin thus attained. Hirudineae, such as Branchellion, which possess only two pairs of segmental organs, and Nephelis and Clepsine, in which these organs attain but a small develop- ment, appear never to leave the water, as the other genera do, spontaneously; and in them, it should be added, the segmental organs open, which they do not in either of the Leeches men- tioned, by ciliated infundibula into the general cavity of the body. The various portions of the loop-shaped constituent of the seg- mental organs of the Leech, communicate with each other very freely by lateral branches of anastomosis, which make the gland to be labyrinthiform rather than merely tubular. It is of im- portance both to the morphology and- to the physiology of these animals, to observe that the failure of the organs of vegetative life here described to be developed at either end of the body, coincides with an aggregation both of segments and of animal organs in the same two regions. The azygos character of the generative ducts is noteworthy, as is also the development of an intromittent organ ; a structure not found in other Annelids, though existing both in Platyelminthes and Nematelminthes. For the segmental organs, see Gratiolet, Ann. Sci. Nat. iv. 17, p. 19a, pi. vii., fig. 4 ; Leuckart, Die Menschlichen Parasiten, i., p. 672. For the reproductive organs, see Leuckart, I. c, p. 673; and for the antagonism which subsists between the evolution of these 136 Descriptions of Preparations. organs and that of those of animal life, ibid., p. 549, and Art. ' Zeugnmg' in Wagner's Handworterbuch fiir Physiologie, Bd. iv., pp. lig-i^SS- 43. Many-headed Bladder-worm {Caenurus Cuniculi), In its cystic stage, from the region of the masseter muscle of a rabbit {Lepus Cuniculus). This specimen illustrates the cystic stage in the metamorphoses of the true Taeniadae. It belongs probably to the same species as the one individuals from which are, when in the cystic stage, lodged usually in the brain of the sheep, and are the cause of the disease commonly knoAvn as the ''sturdy/ 'gid/ ''staggers/ or ''turn- sick.-' The specimen consists of a white walled semi-transparent sac ; and a large part of its walls having been removed, one end of it is seen to be beset on its interior surface with a number of closely apposed but distinct opaque white bud-like bodies, the area occupied by which is prolonged out laterally into lobes indicating the conti- nuing proliferation of the cyst. Two smaller cysts, one of which is similarly bestudded internally, are attached by mere filaments of tissue to the lower parts of the large cyst, to the proliferation of which they may also be considered to be due. For, though it is possible to suj)pose that these all but perfectly isolated out- growths may have been produced by the pinching off from the mother vesicle of small portions of its walls, the large cyst having been necessarily subjected to much pressure from time to time by the masseter muscle; cysts of this tapeworm showing a ten- dency to form or forming similar accessory vesicles, have been figured from parts such as the brain, or lungs and liver, where no constriction could be effected by muscular pressure ; and the analogy of certain of the forms of the proliferating cysts of the Taenia Echinococcus would ajipcar to indicate that the formation of such jiedunculate outgrowths is one of the normal modes of self-multiplication in the C3'stic stage of the Taenioid metamor- phoses. The white gemmules represent the ' heads,' or ' nurses' Many-headed Bladder-worm. 137 of the cestode many-jointed tape-worms which this cyst might have given rise to if it had found its way into the intestines of a dog- ; and it is therefore as truly a social animal, or rather, a colony of animals in this its cystic, as it is in its cestode form. Each of these heads is called by helmintholog'ical writers a 'scolexj' and the sac upon which they have developed them- selves, and upon which the remnants of the six hooks of the embryo might be detected, is the result of the growth of such microscopic embryo, or ' proscolex,^ as the one figured pi. xii. fig. 6, when by the aid of its hooks it has bored its way from the intes- tinal canal into the blood-vessels of its 'host.' The 'scolices' possess two sets of organs for adhesion upon their proboscis ; viz. four suckers placed proximally to the sac, and two rows of hooks placed near their free apical extremity. The heads themselves, as well as the parent vesicle, are endowed with considerable contractile power; a layer of muscular tissue existing in their walls by the action of which the heads with their armature can be retracted as in this Preparation, or protruded. The cystic stage of the bladder- worm is passed in the organism of some herbivorous animal, and ordinarily in the brain of the sheep; and it has been shown by actual and repeated experiments with dogs, that when the cystic form of this Taenia is swallowed by them, its various heads will develope in their intestines into cestode worms, attaching themselves by their armed proboscides, and producing sexual hermaphroditic segments, the so-called ' proglottides," in the interval between the remnants of the embryonic vesicle and the asexual adherent head. The entire colony is called a ' strobile.'' The asexual character of its ' head" may remind us of the similar exclusion of the generative organs from the anterior segments of Hirudo Lumbricus ; and the successive repetition of the testes in nine segments, as described in the former of those animals, bears a distant resemblance to the successive antero-posterior development of sexual deuterozoids, as presented to us in the 'proglottides' of the 'strobile' in a Taenia. A process, however, all but identical with the budding off of sexual zooids by an asexual 'head' or 'nurse' as seen in the cestoid stage of the parasitic Taenia, takes place in Autolijtv,s (Grube), Nereis prolifera (O. F. Miiller), Mynanida (M. Edwards), which are Vermes of the most highly organized order of the Polychaeta ; and the resemblance pointed out in the preceding sentence, as 138 Descriptions of Preparatiom. existing between the Leech and the Tapeworm, must not be taken as justifying- the views of writers who would class Hirudineae with the Platyelminthes''. = The class Platyelniinthes is here taken as comprehending three orders — the Cestodes, Trematodes, and Turbellarians ; and it is with the Trematodes that the Leeches have been supposed to be so closely allied as to justify the removal of them from the class Annulata, which comprehends the Polychaeta, Gephyrei, and Oli- gochaeta. The principal reasons for this dissociation are those furnished by the absence of external appendiculate organs such as locomotor setae or gills, and the presence of suckers in both Trematodes and Leeches ; by the sacculate character of the digestive tract ; by the absence of a body cavity ; and by the structure of its skin. In answer it is to be said that the absence or presence of such organs as setae or giUs is not to be considered as of such consequence as the similarity or dissimilarity of such systems as the reproductive or nei-vous ; and that even if only external characters are to be compared together, the definite segjnentation of the Hirudineae differentiates them veiy sharply from the Trematodes, which are not even annulated. With reference to the similarity which the dendritic digestive tract of certain Trematodes presents to the diverticulate tube of the Hirudineae, it must be borne in mind that amongst the Polychaeta, forms with more complexly diver- ticulate intestinal tubes, Aphroditea, are to be found than amongst the Leeches ; whilst the presence of an anal sucker in other members of the same order, Leucodore and Clymejie, furnishes a similar answer to the argument for classing the Hirudineae with the Platyelniinthes which is based upon their common possession of these organs of adhesion. Another answer is furnished by the fact that the construction of the suckers is, as Leuckart has pointed out, by no means identical in the two classes under comparison ; and that the possession of suckers is a point of physio- logical rather than of morphological importance, is even more clearly shown by their existence on the caudal extremity of the free, and the ventral surface of the para- sitic Nematoids, which belong to a class very distinct from both Annelids and Platyelminthes. Neither are the Hirudineae truly ' parenchj-matous' or ' sterel- minthous' Vermes in the same sense as the Trematodes. For Leuckart has shown that in all Hirudineae more or less of a perivisceral cavity remains, after the full development of the large digestive tract, and of the ' dorso-ventral' muscles which encroach so much upon it. In Branchiobdella there exists a large perivisceral cavity, as well as a system of vessels, which appear to be homologous with the so-caUed 'pseud-haemal' vessels of the common Leech and other Annelids, though at the same time they are continuous with, and must be supposed to represent a part of the perivisceral cavity. And by consequence, therefore, the pseud-haemal vessels of other Hirudineae must be taken to represent the remnant of the peri- visceral cavity, when such a space appears to have become obliterated. So that the true way of expressing the facts would be to say, not that the Hirudineae re- semble the Trematodes in not possessing a perivisceral cavity, but that they differ from them in possessing a system of vessels which, as beijig continuous with a peri- visceral cavity in Branchiobdella, may be regarded as actually being in the species mentioned, and as representing in other species a part of a perivisceral ca^^ty. To this interpretation the fact that in certain Polychaetous Annelids, Glyccra and Phoronis Uippocrepia, the pseud-haemal vessels have been observed to contain true Many -headed Bladder-worm. 139 For a further account, with figures of the metamorphoses, of the Taeniadae, see Description of the semi-diagrammatic figures, 1-6/ in plate xii. infra. See also Gobbold's Entozoa, 1864, pp. 104 seqq. et passim; Leuckart's Menschlichen Parasiten, pp. i8i-a3o; and p. 251 for the formation of the proglottides by the development of annular constrictions in the vermiform corpusculated blood, appears to lend considerable probability. On the other hand, the Hirudineae do to a certain extent resemble the Treniatodes, in possessing a muscular system which is more complex, and more closely connected with the glandular and epithelial elements of the integument, than is usually the case in other Vermes. It may be suggested however that the changed relations of the contractile and other elements of the integument in the Leeches, may be correlated with the other changes which are ordinarily produced in subordination to the special habit of parasitism ; and which, in this sub-kingdom, appear to entail the loss of the setae, the gills, and the cilia. And the development of an additional transversely crossing set of muscles in addition to the external circularly arranged and the internally longitudinally arranged muscles of other Vermes, seems similarly referrible to com- munity of habits, and not to any morphological affinity subsisting between the Trematodes and Leeches. For a similar layer of muscles has been observed by Dr. Charlton Bastian to exist in the Nematoids (see Phil. Trans., 1866, p. 564) ; and as in all three orders alike, the special need for some such arrangements, for propelling and otherwise acting upon the contents of a digestive tube, altogether or nearly devoid of muscular fibres, may be considered to account for its presence, it cannot be held to furnish a good basis for classification. On the whole, the Hirudineae appear to be rather Annelida degraded by the special habit of parasitism, than to be intermediate forms in a series which should represent the various stages in progression upwards from the lower Platyelminthous Vermes to the highly organized Annelids. The characters which appear to approximate them to the Platyelminthes, relate mainly to such external points as the shape of the body, and the modifications of the tegumentary system ; and whilst these characters are probably to be regarded as explicable by reference to a community of habit, and therefore as devoid of classificatory value, those which connect the Hirudineae with the Annelids possess a real morphological importance. Among these we may mention the segmentation of the body not merely in the way of external annulation, but in that of internal division into more or less completely separated compartments by the development of dissepiments ; the possession of a chain of nerve ganglia, and in most cases of a similarly multiple series of segmental organs ; and the presence of the so-called 'pseud-haemal' system. And it should be further noted, that whilst in all these points the organizations of the Hirudineae and the setigerous Annelids resemble each other, and differ fi-om those of the Platyelminthes in the direction of greater complexity and perfection, they still further resemble each other but in the reverse direction, and as presenting lesser complexity and importance, when we come to compare their reproductive systems, which never possess either the high degree of morphological differentiation, or the actual bulk relatively to the rest of the body, which distinguishes the generative organs of the Platyelminthes. See pi. viii., ix., and pi. xii., figs. 2 and 4 with descriptions, infra. 140 Descriptions of Preparations. appendage of the -liead, and the constant intercalation of new seg-ments formed in the same way between the head and the earlier formed segments. See also Van Benedenj Memoire sur les Vers Intestinaux, 1858, pp. 235-251; and for an account of similar processes observed in the Polychaeta^ see Huxley, Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., Jan. 1855; Ehlers, Die Borstenwiirmer, Bd. i. 207 seqq., ibique citata ; and for the Oligochaeta, see Lankester, Linn. Soc. Trans, xxvi., Quart. Journ. Microsc. Science, 1869. For a special history of this Tapeworm, Caenurus Cerelralis s. Cuniculi, see Van Beneden, I. c, pp. 146-148 ; Cobbold, I. c, p. 116; Gamgee, Fifth Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council, 1862, pp. 234-237; Thudichum, Seventh Re- port of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council, i 865, p. 335; Numan, Verhandelingen der eerste Klasse van het Koninklijk. Nederlandsche Instituut, 1850, where many figures, micro- scopic and other, are given of this animal. For the classificatory relations of the Platyelminthes and the Hiru- dineae, see Grube, Die Familien der Anneliden, 1851, pp. 3-8 ; Schneider, Monographic der Nematoden, 1S66, p. 329; Leuc- . kart, Die Menschlichen Parasiten, pp. 156, 157; Claparede, Bibliotheque Universelle, tom. xxii. Bull. Sci., pp. ZA'^~2>SS^ 1865; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. iii. xvii., 1866, p. 100; and M. de Quatrefages, p. 108; Claparede, vol. xx., 1867, P- 337 5 ^3.n Beneden, Turbellaries, p. 48, i860. For the structure of the integument in the Platj^elminthes, see Leuckart, I. c, pp. 459, 645 ; Schneider, I. c, 333. For their *■ parenchymatous'' or ' sterelminthous ^ character, see Leuckart, L c, pp. 157, 666, 713; and for the presence in the pseud-haemal vessels of true corpusculated blood, such as is ordinarily found only in the perivisceral cavitj'', see Leuc- kart, I. c, p. 670; and Dyster, Linn. Soc. Trans., xxii., p. 254, 1858. Common Crossfish. 141 44. Common Crossfish [Asterias Ruhens), Linn. (Dried.) The animal consists of a central disk which is prolonged into five lobes, the so-called ' arms' or ^rays/ One surface of the specimen is hollowed out into a deep central cavity corresponding with the mouth, and made pentagonal by the abutment upon its edge of the rows of spines bounding the five ' avenues/ which radiate out from it on the same surface, and, from lodging the locomotor feet, have given this aspect of the animal the name of ' ambulacral.' The other surface is more or less convex, and beset with spines ; and in one of its interradial spaces it carries the concentrically striated disk known as the "^madreporic tubercle.' The two surfaces are nearly equally developed in Asteriae and Ophiurae. Along the middle line of each radial avenue there runs a central furrow, formed by and at the junction of the ^vertebral' ambulacral os- sicles. In this central furrow were lodged first and most superiorly the water- vascular canal supplying the ambulacral sucker-feet; then some transverse adductor muscles; and thirdly and most superficially, the gangliated nerve cord, the ' Ambulacral-gehirn ' of the German writers. Externally on either side to this central furrow, the lateral processes of the ambulacral ossicles form, by the apposition of their emarginated edges, two alternately placed series of conjugate foramina, for the vessels bringing the sucker-like exteriorly- placed portion of the feet into communication with in- ternally placed ampullae as seen in Preparation 45. These am- pullae are wanting in the Ophiurae, as also in the ambulacral tentacles of certain Holothurioidea, for which see Preparation 47. Each of the five radial avenues tapers up to its distal extremity where the eye was lodged, and where in the fresh specimen the suckers may be observed to attain a considerable relative length. On each side of each avenue we see two sets of spines, one of which is placed internally, and consists of two rows of long and slender spines ; whilst the more externally placed one is made up of three rows of stouter, shorter, and blunter spines. Towards the apex of each ray the external set of spines attains a greater de- velopment relatively to the internal ; and out of it is there evolved 142 Descriptions of Preparations. the circlet of specialized spines, which protect the eye and the contractile tactile organ in relation with it. A third set of spines marks the line of junction of the vertical and dorsal surfaces in each ray ; and the middle line of the anti-ambulacral surface has more or less of a keeled appearance^ from the more or less regular longitudinal arrangement there of the spines with which the dorsal surface generally is beset. Remnants of the organs known as pedicellariae/ which appear to be spines modified so as to be mobile and prehensile, are to be seen in the interspaces between the spines, and some, though of smaller size and not in especial abundance, may be seen also round the bases of the spines. The spines themselves are immobile in the Asteriae, and, though they may carry a coronet of numerous calcified setae on their apices when they are called paxillae,-' when modified into pedicellariae,'' they rarely carry more than two terminal processes, which make up a pincer-like organ. In the Echinidae, on the other hand, the spines are themselves mobile, and provided with a muscular apparatus j and the ' pedicellariae,^ which are mainly distributed about the oral region, are trivalved. Opposite one of the inter-radial spaces is seen a whitish, circular, raised, concentrically striated disk, the so-called ' madreporic tubercle.' In a fresh specimen of any one of the Asteriae which is provided with sucker-like and not with conical feet, the anus may be found near the centre of the dorsal surface a little to the left of a line drawn from this madreporic tubercle, down the longitudinal axis of the ray, oppo- site to the inter-radial space in which it is lodged. The same line will enable us to divide the five rays into a ' bivium,' between which the madreporic tubercle lies, and a 'trivium,' the two lateral arms of which lie on either side of the arm which is opposite to that tubercle. But we cannot speak properly of an anterior or posterior radius or inter-radius in these Echinodermata, inas- much as, like Echinidae and Ophiuridae, they move in locomotion indifferently in the direction of any one radius or inter-radius. The radius which lies to the right in the madreporic bivium in this specimen, when the central ray of the trivium is placed so as to point away from the observer, is much shorter than any one of the other four; having been reproduced after some injur}'-, l)ut not liaving attained the size of its fellows. The power of reproduction of injured parts is very great in these animals, having indeed Common Crossfish. 143 scarcely any limit short of the retention of the stomach, and of at least one coecal appendage uninjured. As the Echinodermata, on the one hand, all go through more or less complex metamorphoses, and, on the other, never when adult multiply by gemmation, it is obvious that the power of repairing injuries cannot be, as it has been held to be, correlated either with the absence of metamor- phosis, or with the power of reproduction by metagenesis strictly so called. For the account of the structure of the Echinodermata generally, see Johannes Miiller, Abhandlungen Kon. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, for 1853, translated in part by Professor Huxley in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for 1854, Ser. ii., vol. xiii.; Professor Sharpey, Article ' Echinodermata/ in Todd's Cyclo- paedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Eor a monograph of the Asteroidea, see Miiller und Troschel, System der Asteriden, 1 842. For an excellent account of the nerve system of the sensory organs, and of the power of reproduction of lost parts in the common Cross-fish {Asterias richens), as also of that of the Solaster papposa, and Crihella oculata, see Wilson, Linn. Soc, Trans., J 860, vol. xxiii., pt. i., p. 107. For an analysis of the tegumentary skeleton, see Gaudry, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. iii., tom. xvi., 1851. For reviews of Miiller's researches into the anatomy and develop- ment of the Echinodermata, see Huxley, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. ii., vol. viii., 1851; Baur, Nova Acta, 1864, PP- I7> 57- 45. Common Crossfish {Asterias Ruhens), Linn. Dissected so as to show its digestive and motor systems. One of the rays, the central one of the trivium, has been cut short, and more or less of the anti-ambulacral integument removed from each of the other four, and from the central disk. In the inter-radial space which is opposite to the ray which is cut short. 144 Descri'ptions of Preparations. is seen the madreporic tubercle ; and a little to the left of a line producing- the long- axis of that ray to the centre of the madreporic tubercle^ and near the centre of the disk, is seen the small piece of the apical integ-ument in which the anus opens. From the intes- tiniform portion of the digestive tract immediately following upon the anuSj two diverticula arise, and efflorescing into two or three coecal ampullae, reach a short way into each of the two inter-radial spaces in the disk, which lie on the left of the madreporic or anal inter-radius. In this species there are only these two inter-radial coeca; the one nearest the madreporic inter- radius is the larger of the two ; both have their internal surface plicated longitudinally, and from this it may be seen that, like the ' respiratory trees' of the Holothuriae, with which they are homologous, they are highly extensible. In a starfish which has died with its stomach pouted out, as it often is during life, these coeca may be observed to be drawn down much farther than the much longer coeca, which are prolonged into the interior of the rays from a lower level in the digestive tract, but are attached to the anti-ambulacral surface by a mesenteric membrane. These latter coeca are seen to take their origin from a much wider portion of the digestive tract as single trunks ; and very shortly after entering the rays they break up into two trees, which, with their foliaceous glandular ampullae, fill up, in this specimen in w^hich the generative glands are in a state of quiescence, the greater part of the interior of the ca\dty of each ray. At a lower level again than the plane whence the stems of these arborescent coeca take origin, the saccular dilatations of the stomach proper are seen bulging ifor a short distance into each radial space to the vertebral ossicles in which they are braced by ligaments. The Asteriae are the only Echinodermata in which any radial arrangement attaches to the digestive system beyond that of the calcareous apparatus set around the mouth in all of them, and subservient to the prehension or manducation of food in most except the Crinoidea. In the interior of each ray, and between the ramifications of the digestive coeca, which are here and there slightly divaricated to show them, are to be seen the bilaterally symmetrical biserial rows of ambulacral ampullae on either side of the central stem, resembling that formed by the bodies of a true vertebral column, and made up by the apposition of the mesially articulated ossicles called ' vertebral' from this resem- Angular Sea-Cucumber. 145 blance. The feet with which these ampullae communicate are seen to be provided with sucker-like ends, thoug-h not with calcareous terminal supports, as in the Echinoidea and Holothurioidea, In the three genera of Asteriae, Astropecten, Ctenodiscus and Luidia, the locomotor feet end by conical and not by sucker-like termina- tions; and with this point of inferiority is correlated also the absence of an anus. In the Ophim-idae, the digestive tract is a simple coecal sac, bulging somewhat like the true stomach of the Cross-fish radially, but not prolonged into the interior of the arms, as in all the Asteriae including the three aproctous genera just mentioned and Brisinga ; and with this increase of inferiority in the digestive apparatus, an increase of inferiority in the locomotor is found to correspond, as the feet are devoid not only of true suckers but also of ampullae. It is in the Asteroidea alone that the nerve- system lies externally to the ambulacral plates, which form thus an 'internal skeleton,'' absent in the Crinoidea, and existing in the Echinoidea and, possibly, in the Holothurioidea also, only as ru- diments. The nei"ve-cord is further protected in Ophiurae by a row of dermal ventral scutes. For a figure of the digestive tract, see pi. x. infra. For figures of the locomotor feet in Ophiurae, see Sars, Norges Echinodermer, 1861, tab. i., fig. 1-5. 46. Angular Sea-Cucumber (Cucumaria Pentactes), Forbes, Prepared so as to show the external characters of the class Holothurioidea ; and the traces of a bilateral symmetiy, the co-existence of which with the more obvious appearance of a radial arrangement is very well seen in these Echinodermata. The five rows of ambulacral feet and the ten arborescent circum- oral tentacles, which are merely modifications of ambulacral feet, give the Sea-Cucumbers at first sight a very markedly radiate appearance. But upon looking closely at these structures, both will be seen to admit of being divided into two bilaterally symme- trical halves, each of which is composed of heteronomous elements. The five rows of ambulacral feet are seen to fall naturally into a ventrally placed trivium, the feet in each of the rays of which are more numerous, more perfectly developed, and more regularly L 146 Descriptions of Preparations. disposed than those of the two rays of the dorsally placed bivium ; and of the ten tentacles the two which are placed immediately opposite the central ray of the dorsal trivium, and one of which is placed therefore on either side of the medio-ventral line, are veiy much smaller than any of the other eighf^. The ventral trivium gives the surface of the body which it occupies a somewhat flatter surface than is possessed by the surface corresponding to the dorsal bivium ; and this, together with the diminution in nvmiber and importance of those two rows of ambulacra, appear to constitute a transitional arrangement between the more perfectly pentagonal appearance which nearly allied species may present, and the close adumbration of the form of an ordinary Gasteropod which we note in Psolus (Cuvieria), where the dorsal bivium is wholly aborted. The ten tentacles are seen to be carried upon the outer rim of a cylindriform prolongation of the body-walls, which is transparent and carries no ambulacral feet. The anti-ambulacral surface is reduced in Holothurioidea as it is in Echinoidea to the small region immediately surrounding the anus ; in Cucumaria communis, indeed, the ambulacra almost abut upon that orifice ; and it may be here d Systematic zoologists differ as to whether the smaller size of the pair of ambu- lacral tentacles, which are placed opposite the central ray of the ventral bivium, is of generic, of specific, or even of less classificatory importance. Troschel, in the Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte for 1846, speaks of this difference as being of generic value, and as separating Cladodactyla (Cucumaria) doliolum, Brandt ; Cladodadyla Dicquemarii, Cuvier and Brandt, and Cladodactyla Syracusana from the species here described. Forbes, however, in his 'History of British Star-fishes,' 184 1, saya of Cucumaria pentactes, ' It is extremely variable in colour ; generally of a deep purple, sometimes altogether white, sometimes purplish white. The tentacula and head of both varieties vary equally, either purple or white. It varies also in the pinnation of the tentacula, and in their relative size and number. The Holothuria Montagui of Dr. Fleming, founded on a white variety described by ]SIontagu, has eight full-sized tentacula and two small ones, which are alternately in motion covering the mouth. The tentacula of this form are not so pinnate as in the common or purple state.' It has been said that the ' Cuvierian organs,' certain structures of various fonns and doubtful function attached to the stem of the respiratory trees or inserted upon the cloaca, are wanting in all Cucumariae with unequal tentacles ; but the readiness with which these organs are ejected by the Holothurians, when they are alarmed or irritated, is such as to make it unsafe to base a conclusion as to a specific difference upon their absence or presence. Semper, on the other hand, Reisen im Archipel der Philippiuen, p. 47, assigns this smaller size of the two medio-ventral tentacles as a generic property to the Cucumariae ; but he also specifies the presence of this peculiarity in individual cases of particular species as though it were not universally present. A^igular Sea-Cucumber. 147 remarked that the two classes just mentioned, though they may at first sight, owing to the great differences of their external tegu- mentary organs appear to be entirely unlike each other, are in reaHty more closely allied by structural, if not by developmental history, than any other two classes in this sub-kingdom. The Holothm-ians with rows of ambulacral feet are divided into two families, according to the shape of their ambulacral tentacles ; those in which the tentacles are, as in the Cucumariae, dendritic in appearance, and carried upon a cylindriform stem of different texture from that of the rest of the body, being called ' Dendro- chirotae •/ and those in which the tentacles are shield-, or rather shovel-shaped, and in which the integument is continued without any alteration in its texture up to the tentacles, being called 'Aspi- dochirotae/ With these external differences a considerable number of points of difference in their internal structures are correlated, for which see description of next Preparation. In all Holo- thurians, but especially in the otherwise apodal Synaptidae, the ambulacral tentacles are used as locomotor organs ; and in the Aspidochirotae they are also used for bringing the sand, in which these animals very ordinarily live partly immersed, into their digestive tract. The intestinal tract, on the other hand, of the Dendrochirotae, in which the tentacles could not be used for this purpose, is ordinarily found to contain no sand or stones. For an excellent account of the anatomy of the entire class Holo- thurioidea, see C. Semper^s beautifully illustrated Monograph, Reisen im Archipel der Philippinen, Theil ii. ; Wissenschaft- liche Resultate, Bd. i., Hft. i. 1867, pp. 1-6, Hft. iv. 1868, pp. 101-778; Emil Selenka, Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, Bd. xvii., Hft. 2, 1867. For the anatomy and development of the Synaptidae, see a me- moir by Dr. Albert Baur, Nova Acta, vol. xxxi., 1864; where, at p. 50-60, Ab. ii., some valuable remarks will be found upon the ' so-called alternations of generations in the Echinoderms and at p. 17, Ab. i., certain less convincing views as to the homologies of the calcareous ring in the Holothurioidea with the auriculae of Echinoidea. ^ For a note as to the existence of an Echinus with a soft integument, see Semper, I. c, p. 163, citing Grube. L 2 148 Descriptions of Preimrations. 47. Angular Sea-Cucxjmber {Cucumaria Pentactes), Forbes, Dissected so as to show its motor, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems. The integument has been divided down the middle line of the inter-radial space of the dorsal bivium, and fastened out on either side. Five double longitudinal muscular bands are seen to divide the bodj-walls into a corresponding- number of antero-posteriorly running zones, upon which the external circular muscular coat is very well seen. In the interval between the two factors of each double band is lodged the longitudinal water- vascular ambu- lacral vessel in all the pneumonophorous Holothurioidea, whether they possess ambulacral feet, or, as the Molpadidae, are devoid of them ; and, as in all Holothurioidea without exception, the longi- tudinal nerve-cord is to be found lying in the longitudinal plane corresponding to the interval between the two muscular bands im- mediately beneath the cutis ; and, as in the families which possess longitudinal ambulacral vessels, between the cutis and those vessels. The longitudinal muscles are prolonged from the region of the mouth, where they are inserted into the integument near its junction with the commencement of the digestive tract, down to the anus ; and in the Dendrochirotae, to which family the Cucu- mariae belong, each longitudinal muscle gives off a long slip, which passes to insert itself into the corresponding radial ossicle of the calcareous ring. In this specimen the slip given off is much thicker than the radial muscle itself; indeed, the slightness of the radial muscles, as well as the possession of these slips, is one of the many points in which the Dendrochirotae differ from the Aspi- dochirotae. On either side of the radial muscles the ampullae, which in Dendrochirotae are not usually present in their tentacular ambulacra, arc seen arranged alternately. The radial water-vessels with which these ampullae and the sucker-like feet are in con- nection, pass forward to join the circumoral water-riug, through an emargination in the anterior end of each of the radial ossicles in the calcareous ring; and as the radial nerve-cords hold the same relation to these ossicles, they have been viewed as homo- Angular Sea-Cucumber. 149 logons, not, as they really are, with the masticatory apparatus, the so-called ' Aristotle's Lantern,' of the Echinoidea, but with the * auriculae' of these Echinodermata, and with the proximal pair of 'vertebral ossicles' (see p. 144, S74,pra) of Star-fishes. The water- vascular ring surrounds the muscular pharynx a little way posteriorly to the calcareous ring ; two long air-bladder-like Polian vesicles are seen hanging down from it, and ending freely in the body cavity on the left side ; whilst the madreporic plate and the pedicle upon which it is placed are seen to join it in the medio-dorsal line. The internal position of the madreporic tubercle, characteristic of the Holothurioidea., renders it necessary that the water in the locomotor water- vascular system should be obtained from the fluid in the perivisceral cavity, from which the pores of the madreporic disk are, however, said to be separated by a layer of epithelium, continuous with that lining the perivisceral cavity ; so that the fluid they receive enters them not directly but by difi'usion through and by the intermediation of these cells. In immediate relation with the water-vascular ring is seen an annular plexus of pseud-haemal vessels, which represents the circular pseud- haemal sinus of the other Echinodermata. Erom it two principal vessels pass backwards ; one along the dorsal, the other along the ventral line of the digestive tract, in the substance of the walls of which they are connected with each other by plexuses. Of these two vessels, the ventrally-placed one is always comparatively simple and devoid of any ramifications of importance, though the segment of it in connection with the first descending convolution of the intestine communicates with that in connection with the first ascending, by one or more transverse commissural vessels; whilst the dorsal vessel may have a considerable rete mirabile developed in connection with it, which in Aspidochirotae comes into relation with the left ' respiratory tree' arising from the cloaca. This rete mirabile may be seen in this specimen in connection with the dorsal vessel in the first segment of the intestine ; it must not, however, be confounded with the reticular muscular mesentery, the very abundant fenestration of which gives it the appearance of a plexus of blood-vessels. The muscular pharynx is succeeded by a muscular stomach, which is much smaller in calibre and a little shorter in length than the portion of the pharynx which intervenes between the commencement of the stomach and the 150 Descriptions of Preparations. water-vascular ring anteriorly. The commencement of the intes- tine proper is seen to be connected with the convex portion of the second convolution of the tube by a considerable number of vessels passing between the segments of the ventral vessel in connection with each portion of the tract. The first convolution of the in- testine has its concavity looking forwards, its convex aspect being in relation with the posterior extremity of the animaFs body ; the second convolution or the first ascending segment of intestine reaches about as far forwards as the middle of the body, where it turns backwards to end in the ^cloaca/ This term may be applied to the terminal segment of the intestine, inasmuch as, though it does not receive the duct of the generative organs, it does receive those which lead from or into the so-called respiratory trees, the functions of which, there is good reason to think, are as much depuratory or renal as respiratory. These organs are seen to take origin on either side of the cloaca as hollow stems carrying somewhat scanty ramifications, and reaching a considerable but varying distance forwards in various specimens into the cavity of the body. They are both attached to the body-walls by mesen- teries, which are, however, reduced by extreme fenestration to mere series of filaments inserted along the left and right borders respect- ively of the ventral trivium. In the Dendrochirotae there is not, as in the Aspidochirotae, any connection between the respiratory tree of the left side and the pseud-haemal plexus developed upon the vessel in connection with the dorsal surface of the intestinal tube ; and in this sense, though not in that in which the word has been applied to them, the Dendrochirotae may be called ' Adetopneu- mones.'' The arborescent form of the tentacles of the Dendro- chirotae may, by exposing a greater surface to aeration than the short shield-shaped tentacles of the Aspidochirotae, compensate for this less perfect evolution of the internal aerating apparatus ; and with the greater evolution of the tentacular apparatus and its division into delicate twigs, we may connect again the evolution of the special system of retractor muscles already noticed. Accord- ingly as these respiratory trees are absent or present, the class Holothurioidea is divided into the two orders of Apneumona and Pneumonophora ; the Apneumona, Synaptidae, having, like such of the Gephyraean Vermes, Sipunculidae, as are similarly devoid of respiratory appendages to their cloacae, certain ciliated infundi- Angula7' Sea-Cucumher. 151 buHform organs developed upon their mesenteric membranes, tlie functions of vvhicli may be supposed to be identical with those of tlie organs they replace. With the absence of lungs the pecu- liarity of monoeciousness or hermaphrpditism is correlated in the Holothurioidea. On the right side in this Preparation is seen the generative gland, which consists of two bilaterally symmetrical fascicles of coeca, attached on either side of a thickened portion of the dorsal inter- radially placed mesentery. A single efferent duct, under which a slip of blue paper is passed, passes along in this mesentery to open inside the circle of oral tentacles, at the anterior end of the dorsal inter-radial ossicle ; and it is seen just posteriorly to it in the interval between the madreporic canal, which is "also in relation with the dorsal mesentery, and one of the retractor muscles which is passing to be attached to the radial ossicle on its right. Tlie structural arrangements of the Dendrochirotae, as illustrated by this Preparation, differ in the following particulars from those of the Aspidochirotae, as illustrated in the Hunterian Catalogue, vol. i. pi. iii., vol. iv. pi. xlix. Their arborescent tentacles are carried upon a cylin- driform prolongation of the body, which is differentiated from the part which carries the five rows of arabulacral feet, and thus comes to be not wholly unlike the proboscis of certain marine Annelids ; special retractor muscles are developed in correlation with this apparatus ; a muscular stomach is more commonly found in them than in the Aspi- dochirotae ; their respiratory trees are less developed in length and complexity, and the pseud-haemal system does not come into relation with them ; the ' Cuvierian organs,' certain structures developed upon the stem of the respiratory trees or upon the cloaca, and of various shapes, appear to be very commonly wanting in them, as are also the ampullae of the ambulacral tentacles nearly invariably, though their Polian vesicles are more prominently developed than those of the Aspi- dochirotae. In the peripheral part of the water -vascular system, the Dendrochirotae differ from the Aspidochirotae, in never having suckers or calcareous disks developed upon their tentacles : these structures may be absent also in the feet of the ambulacral, and especially of the dorsal ambulacral, rows, but they may be both present there. The generative gland is bilaterally symmetrical in the Dendrochirotae, consisting of two fascicles of short and non-bifid coeca, attached on either side of a thickened portion of the inter-radially attached dorsal me- sentery, and communicating with a single efferent duct of great length, 152 Descriptions of Preparations. which opens inside of the crovm of tentacles ; whilst in the Aspido- chirotae, the generative gland is made up of a single fascicle of long, sometimes bifurcating, coeca, which are attached on the left side of the dorsal mesentery, much nearer the oral end of the body, where they open posteriorly and exteriorly to the crown of tentacles, in the dorsal inter- radius opposite the medio-ventral line. The GvAivmxaria pervtactes here described, differs from the common Sea-Cucumber {Gucwmaria commtmia) in its smaller size, smoother inter-ambulacral areae, and in not having its rows of ambulacra prolonged so closely up to the anus. Internally the larger of the two species differs from the smaller in having a much longer intestine, more numerous generative coeca, and longer respiratory trees ' The two next Preparations are intended to illustrate some of the characteriBtics of the Coelenterata as seen in the two chief classes of that sub-kingdom, the An- thozoa s. Polypi, and the Hydrozoa ; and it may be well here to give some of the reasons which have induced Naturalists to accept the separation of the Echino- dermata, illustrated in the last four Preparations, from those animals with which, until the publication of Leuckart's views in 1848, they were classed under the common name of Radiata or Zoophytes. The resemblance connoted by the name Kadiata has no more than a superficial basis in the organization of the Echino- dermata. Not only are their radial divisions ordinarily pentamerous, whilst those of the Coelenterata are ordinarily four or six or some multiple of these even numbers, but they always in developmental, and usually in adult life show marks of bilateral symmetry. The plant-like character of fixation to one spot which the name Zoophyta may be taken to refer to, attaches to a very large number of Coelenterata, but to only two genera of existing Echinodermata throughout life, and to a third temporarily. The deposit of calcareous spicula in greater or less abundance within the perisoma, and the absence of any but histological sexual difierences, are points common to the majority of Coelenterata and to all Echinoder- mata, and both sub-kingdoms are exclusively aquatic and all but exclusively marine in habit ; but these points are probably the only points of real resemblance between the two subjects of comparison. The integumentary system of the Echinodermata never shows any traces of the possession of the 'nettle-cells,' all but universally found in Coelenterata, as also in certain Turbellarians and Nudibranchiate Mollusks, and not always absent in the higher Vermes, with which the Echinodermata are probably more closely connected than is usually supposed. They possess a large peri\4sceral cavity, in which not only an intestinal tract, but two other well-defined tubular sys- tems, the paeud-haemal and the water-vascular, are always, and a generative system with well-differentiated outwardly opening ducts, is almost always, contained ; whereas in the Coelenterata, as is shown in the next Preparation, the digestive tract is directly continuous with the body-cavity, and the generative products are set free from the generative glands directly by dehiscence, either into the perivisceral cavity or at once into the external water. The Echinodermata are multiplied ex- clusively by the intermediation of the congress of the two sexual elements ; and in this absence of agamogenesis of all kinds, they contrast as strongly with the Ar- thropoda and Vermes as they do with the Coelenterata ; the metamorphoses which Angular Sea-Cucumber. 163 For the danger which, owing to the habits of the Holothurioidea of ejecting their viscera when alarmed, may attend upon the basing of specific or other differences npon the presence or absence of the internal organs, see Forbes, History of British they do go through differing essentially from the phenomena known as 'alternation of generations/ in that a part, and usually a large part, of the larval organism, is worked up into the composition of the sexually perfect individual, WhUe the characters of the Coelenterata are such as to make them into a sub-kingdom with more sharply circumscribed boundaries than those of any other, except the Verte- brate sub-kingdom, it must be confessed that the characters of the Echinodermata, as presented to us not only in their life-history but also in their structure, ap- proximate them so closely and at so many points to the sub-kingdom Vermes, as to throw some doubt upon the propriety of separating them, as has been done here, and as is all but universally done by foreign Naturalists, from the Vermes, and elevating them to the rank of a separate and co-ordinate sub-kingdom. For viewing the Echinodermata as a sub-kingdom co-ordinate with the sub-kingdoms Arthropod* or Vermes the following justification may be offered. No Echinoderm ever presents any trace of transverse, as opposed to antero-posterior segmentation of its body, unless the jointed character of the peduncle of the Crinoidea constitutes a real ex- ception to this rule ; whilst the perhaps most nearly allied order (or class?) of Vermes, the Gephyrei, do occasionally, Phascolosoma Cumanense, Keferstein (Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, xvii. , 1867, p. 53), show rudiments of the same division of the body into transverse compartments, which we have so well marked in the typical Annelids. They never multiply except through gamogenesis ; gemmation, to the existence of which, actually or potentially, the presence of the transverse compartments just mentioned may be considered to speak, being aa entirely unknown in them as is parthenogenesis, whilst both forms of genesis are common in Vermes. The rarity of hermaphroditism amongst the Echinodermata, and the non-existence in them of any sexual differences except those of the ultimate histological structure of the respective sexual glands, are minor points of difference between the two groups of animals under comparison. Their possession in common of the power of repairing great mutilations and injuries, as also of maturing sexual products before attaining their full size, may be connected probably with their common aquatic habit, and may be considered as constituting a point of physiological rather than of morpho- logical affinity. On the other hand, there can be no doubt that the Echinodermata as a whole present, both in their life-history and in their anatomical structure, many points of affinity, firstly, to the Vermes as a whole, and secondly, to each of the four great orders into which they are here divided. The passing through a larval stage, in which locomotion is effected by zones or circlets of cilia, is common to the majority of Vermes and to almost every Echinoderm ; and the clothing of the interior of the perivisceral cavity and of the digestive tract with the same microscopic element is a second point common to the majority of Vermes and to all known Echinodermata. Thirdly, all Echinodermata and almost all Vermes possess a system of vessels, which in either may be either locomotor or depuratory in function, but which are distinct from the cavities in which the true blood is lodged, though they may communicate 154 Desc7'iptions of Prepara tions. Star Fishes, p. 199 ; and Peach, Annals and Mag-azine of Natural History, vol. xv. p. 171, 1845, for an account of one of the Aspidochirotae, belonging to the British Fauna, Holo- tTiuria nigra, which, from its constantly obsei'ved ejection of more or less indirectly with them as also with the exterior. And fourthly, the antithesis which might be supposed to exist between Vermes and Echinodermata by virtue of the chitinogenous character of the integumentary system universally found in the one, and the calcificatory character of the same system as observed in the other of the two sub-kingdoms, vanishes when we observe that amongst the Vermes at least, the integumentary system of the same animal in both the highest and the lowest orders, is competent to secrete or excrete both these chemical sub- stances. All the three orders of the class Platyelminthes, the -Taeniadae and Trematodes (Leuckart, Die Menschlichen Parasiten, p. 475), and the Turbellarians (Schmarda, Neue Wirbellosen Thiere, 1859, i., pp. xi. xiii. 29), have calcareous particles deposited abundantly in, as well as chitinous armature developed upon, their integument. And the secretion of a calcareous vermidom by certain of the Tubicolar Annelids (Serpulaceae), a family which, in their history as well as their structure, appear to combine the peculiar characteristics of the sub-kingdom Vermes in the most distinctive manner, points very clearly in the same direction. The relationship of the Rotifera to the Echinodermata is founded upon their resemblance to the larval forms of these animals, and upon their possession of a very well developed water-vascular system. The resemblance of the adult Rotifera, which it should be borne in mind do not themselves go through any metamorphosis, beyond that of attaining in some cases a few appendages wanting in the young state, to the larvae of various Echinodermata and Vermes, is very clearly shown in a series of semi-diagrammatic figures appended to Professor Huxley's Paper on Lanicularia Socialis, in the Transactions Microscop. Society, New Series, vol. i, 1853, pi. 3. But striking as this resemblance is, it may be said to approximate the Rotifera to the Vermes as much as to the Echinodermata, and may be, by persons who demur to allowing that a close parallelism exists between the two latter subjects of comparison, expressed as amounting to nothing more than a permanent retention by the Rotifera of certain of the characteristics of the larval state of higher Annelids. Tlie affinities again of the Echinodermata to the Platyelminthes must be held to be overstated by Semper, when I. c, p. 197, he speculates in a controversy with Haeckel as to the 'Phylogenie' of the Echinodermata, whether the Dendrocaelous Planarian may not have been the parent stock of the Gephyrean Sipnnculidae and of the Echinodermata. The Platyelminthes as a class do, it is true, present a singular resemblance in their developmental stages and metamorphoses to the Echinodemiata ; some of them possessing a pseud-embryo, as Pilidium, which may compare for com- plexity and importance with Bipinnaria Asterigcra, whilst others have their larval stages marked merely by the possession of some external ciliated integument, which is got rid of by ecdysis or absorbed, and may have as direct a development as Uoh- thiiria tremida. To this point of resemblance may be added the dislocation of the oral orifice from the anterior eye-carrying part of the body which the Turbellarians present us with, and which even in the face of the fact that in some Annelids every segment of the body may carry an eye, as in Polyophthalmus, bears no inconsiderable Angular Sea-Cucumber. 155 the ' Cuvierian organs/ has received the trivial name ' Cotton- spinner/ For figures of the Cuvierian Organs^ see Hunterian Catalogue, vol. i. pi. 3 ; J. Miiller, Abhandlungen Konigl. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1853, p. 208. resemblaDce to the relation Bubsisting between the compound eye of a Star-fish, carried at the apex of one of its rays, and its centrally-placed mouth. A double nerve-cord beset with pairs of ganglia has been figured by Schmarda, I. c, Taf. viii., fig- 83, c, in a TurbeUarian, Sphyrocephalus dendrophilus, as extending from the region of the eyes and frontlet backwards to that of the pharynx, and lends an additional feature of resemblance to the two sets of structures just compared to each other. On the other hand, the Turbellarians, with the exception of the Nemertinea (see Keferstein, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, xii. p. 68), and all the other Platyel- miuthes are sterelminthous^ and contrast herein very strongly with the Echino- dermata. Several points of resemblance have been pointed out by Dr. Charlton Bastian, as existing between the Nematoids and the Echinodermata (see Phil. Trans., 1866, pp. 622-627), and amongst these, the arrangement of the nervous system and of the various systems of vessels and integmnental pores, deserve especial notice. The Nematoids further resemble the Echinodermata in the large size of their perivisceral cavity, and the absence fi-om it of any of the transverse compartments which are so common amongst Annelids, and which so plainly show that they are, in Mr. Herbert Spencer's language, 'tertiary aggregates.' But they diflfer from them, as indeed fi-om the Vermes also, very markedly, in not going through any metamorphosis, and in the absence of ciUa from their entire organism at all times of their existence. The Acanthocephali, which have been placed together with the Nematoids and Chaetognatha as forming the class Nematelminthes, differ from both these orders, and resemble the Echinodermata in having their adult forms originating with a provisional larva or pseud-embryo. Perhaps more points of afiBnity exist between the Echinodermata and the highest class of Vermes, the Annelids, than between them and the lower classes just com- pared with them. The resemblance of the Gephyrean Vermes to the Holothurioidea is so striking as to have caused certain members of the order (or class ?), the Sipun- culidae, to be ranked in former times with the Echinodermata ; and this resemblance relates to matters of greater morphological importance than the resemblances of external form and of habits which are so obvious as existing between the Synap- tidae and the Sipunculidae. The absence or presence of cloacal respiratory trees is similarly correlated in the Holothurioidea and the Gephyrean Vermes with the presence or absence of certain ciliated infundibula opening into the perivisceral cavity. The existence however in the Sipunculidae of a system of internally ciliated vessels, which, from throwing a ring round the oesophagus, whence prolongations are given off into the interior of their peculiar tentacles, and to the skin, and upon which contractile Polian vesicle-like sacs are developed, must be taken to be homo- logous with as well as partly analogous to the peculiar ambulacral system of the Echinodermata, is of the very greatest importance as showing the real afiinity in question. It must here be said that the Tubicolar Annelids, which attain a 156 Descriptions of Preparations. For a discussion as to the nature of the functions of the Cuvierian organs, whether they are to be considered as weapons of defence, or as exciting organs in connection with reproduction, or as dej)uratory glands, see Semper, 1. c, pp. 136-142. considerable external resemblance to the lower Echinodermata, and especially to the Crinoidea, by the peculiar (Capitibranchiate) arrangement of their respiratory organs, possess structures which may with probability be considered to be rudimentary representatives of the tentacular vascular system of the Gephyrei, and, by con- sequence, of the ambulacral system of the Echinodermata. Professor Huxley, who (Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Jan. 1855), has drawn attention to the resem- blance of the branchial organs of a Tubicolar Annelid, described by him under the name of Prolula Dysteri, to the pinnate arms of the Crinoids, has figured from the same animal, I. c, fig. 3 b, a structure exceedingly like a rudimentary circum-oral water-vascular ring, with two stunted saccular appendages. This structure is de- scribed by its discoverer in the following words : ' On the dorsal surface of the head, a longitudinal canal, which sometimes appears to be ciliated, was visible at b. fig. 3 ; posteriorly it divided into two branches, which dilated into granular coeca, arranged in a kind of festoon in the first segment of the thorax.' The presence of cilia is of importance as difierentiating this structure from the non-ciliated pseud-haemal vessels both of Vermes and Echinodermata. It is possible that the somewhat similarly situated and similarly obscure organ in Arenicola piscatorum (see Grube in V. Cams' Icones Zootomicae, Taf. ix., fig. i x), may be, as has been suggested (Nat. Hist. Rev., Oct. 1 86 1, p. 487), a rudimentary structure of the same import ; at any rate, it is plain that the transition from the ' calcareoiis ring ' with a Polian vesicle appended to it, which has in the new Holothurian species, Rhabdomol^us rvier, described by Keferstein (Zeitschrift fiir Wias. Zoologie, xii., 1862, p. 34), taken the place of the entire water-vascular system of other Echinodermata, to the glands supposed to secrete the calcareous tubes of many Serpulaceae, and the homologous excretions of certain Terebellaceae and their alUes is but very slight. Grube has (Miiller's Archiv., 1853, Taf. ix. x., pp. 340-342), described in the aberrant terrestrial Annelid, Peripatus Edicardii, a system of vessels, one of which is dorsal, and two lateral, but none of which are branched or connected with each other. The two lateral canals lie each on the outer side of the halves of the nerve cord, which are in this Annelid, as in many Tubicolar species, widely divaricated ; their calibre is considerably larger anteriorly than posteriorly ; the stnicture of their walls is grumous or glandular, and no other contents than clear fluid could be found in them. In relation with and probably in connection with these canals on their under surfaces anteriorly, was a delicate looped tube ; and similarly constructed tubes were to be seen also in the posterior part of the body in relation with the feet. The lateral canals appear to be of diflferent structure from the dorsal ; at any rate, the absence of continuity between the two sets of vessels in a terrestrial Annelid goes far towards doing away with the difficulty of homologizing the, probably, simi- larly discontinuous pseud-haemal and ambulacral vessels of the Echinodermata with the ordinarily continuous and closed system of pseud-haemal vessels in Annelids. The divarication of the nerve-cord into two halves observed in Peripatm Edwardii, appears to correspond with the divarication from each other on the ventral surface Angulai' Sea-Cucnmber. 157 For a good figure of the pseud-haemal system, and the commis- sural junction between its ventral factors upon the first and second segments of the intestine, see Sars, Oversigt af Norges Echinodermer, 1861, Tab. xv. fig. i m, I. For the homology of the ' auriculae' of the Echinoidea, of the of the rows of feet which it supplies, and to be more or less physiologically similar to the allocation of a series of ganglions de renforcement (for which see p. 132, supra, ibique citato^, to the line of insertion of the feet as seen in Nereis regia. An exactly similar separation of the nerve-cord into its two component halves, is to be seen in many Serpulaceae ; see Quatrefages, Hist. Nat. Annel^s, pi. iii., fig. 7, 8 ; Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. x., pi. a, torn, xiv., pi. ro ; and when we couple these facta of comparative anatomy with the fact, that whenever the development of the%ierve centres of Invertebrata has been observed, that is to say, in Mollusca, Arthropoda, and Vermes, these centres have been observed to be differentiated at a late stage in the series of developmental changes (see page 109 supra, and Claparede, Beobach- tungen iiber die Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte wirbeUoser Thiere, 1863, p. 87), it will appear probable that the physiological necessity which the already radiate Echinoderm has for a radiate nerve-system, may be the regulating condition of its peculiar arrangement, and that they are therefore, pro tanto, and as regards their nerve system, approximated rather to the highest Annelids than to the Ne- matoids, as suggested by Dr. Charlton Bastian. A truer homology for the trifid nerve-system of the Nematoids, may be found in the nerve-cord of the singular Annelid, Sphaerodorum peripatus, as figured by Claparede, I. c, pp. 50-53, pi. xi., fig. 17, where the super-addition to an organism, in other respects closely akin to that of aNematoid, of motor organs, in the shape of numerous pairs of comparatively simple setigerous uniramous feet, has been accompanied by a corresponding addition of trifid nerve-ganglia, which are united by commissures into a continuous cord. Coming finally to the indications of affinity which the history of the various stages of development is properly held to point to, we may say that what is known of the development of the Polychaetous and especially of the Tubicolar or Capitibranchiate Polychaetous Annelids, shows that a closer relationship subsists between them and the Echinodermata than between even the Gephyrean Vermes and these latter animals. To judge of this similarity, it may be well to compare such figures as are given of the development of Antedon Rosaceus {Oomatula Rosacea) by Professor WyviUe Thomson, Phil. Trans., 1865, pi. xxiv., xxv., and xxvi. ; of Synapta digitata by Baur, Nova Acta, 1864, pi. iv. ; or such figures as are given of various forms of Echinoderm larvae, from the memoirs of Miiller and others, in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Taf. xxxv., xxxvi., xxxvii., and especially Taf. xlvi., with the figures given by Claparfede, I. c. ; of the development of Leucodore, Spio, Terebella and Magelona, Taf. vii., viii., ix., x., xi., and those given by Keferstein and Ehlers, in their Zoologische Beitrage, Taf. viii. of Sipunculus. See especially C'laparfede's remarks as to the Tubicolar Annelids going in their early stages through more typical forms than those they ultimately rest in, and as presenting us therefore with instances of retrogressive metamorphosis, a possibility which is not rarely lost sight of in such discussions as these. 158 Descriptions of Preparations. 'calcareous ring' of the Holothurioidea^ and the 'vertebral ossicles'' of the Asteriae, see Semper, I. c, pp. 161-163 ; Baur, I. c, p. 18 j Miiller, Anatom. Studien, 1850, p. 154. For the compensatory relation which exists between the respiratory trees and the ciliated infundibula upon the mesentery, see Brandt, Prodromus, Fascic. i., 1835, p. 59, who, in describing' the genus Chiridota, says, ' Respirationis organum ramorum nullum,- sed ejus loco corpuscula cylindrica, apice saepissime fissa, illae mesenterii parti, quae primam seeundamque in- testini curvaturam retinet afiixa/ See also Semper, I. c, pp. 4, 132. For figures of these organs in the Synaptidae, see Bronn, Die Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. ii., Taf. xliv., fig. i a, ; Sars, I. c, tab. xv.j xvi. 48. Sea-Anemone {Actinia Crassicornis), Dissected so as to show its various external and internal organs. A VERTICAL section having been made through the entire length of the sub-columnar body, one of the halves thus obtained has been suspended, so as to show the direct continuity, firstly, of the cavity of the stomach with the general cavity of the body, and secondly, of the general cavity of the body with the cavities of the tentacles. These latter organs are arranged in four rows, within the circumference of the oral disc, which forms a low parapet externally to them ; they are shorter than the diameter of the oral disc, even when fully extended ; in this specimen they are not fully retracted, the animal having, probably, been killed by the addition of fresh water; and their natural short and conical form is well seen. Each tentacle tapers somewhat abruptly to a point, appa- rently under the action of the muscular fibres, which act as a sphincter to the foramen in its apical extremity. The peristomial disc, internally to the inner row of tentacles, is divided into two concentric areae by a line of depression corresponding with the strong oral sphincter, which is seen in section at the entrance of Sea-A7iemone. 159 the digestive cavity. Both the peristomial disc and the internal surface of the dig-ostive cavity are marked by fine radiating lines, which are seen to correspond with the attachment to their under and outer surfaces respectively of the vertical muscular lamellar ' mesenteries/ which, radiating- from a point in the centre of the hydrorhiza to the outer wall of the body, as well as to the roof of the perigastric space, and to the outer sm'face of the tubular stomach, divide the body cavity into a number of radially-arranged, mutually inter-communicating, wedge-shaped compartments. Some of these mesenteries fail by greater or less intervals to reach the outer surface of the stomach, and they are called ^secondary* or ' tei-tiary^ mesenteries, whilst those which attach themselves to that organ as well as to the outer wall are called ' primary.'' The greater part of the external warty integument having been re- moved, the lines of attachment of the mesenteries to it are as plainly seen as those similarly produced on the digestive and peristomial surfaces. At the lower part of the Preparation one of the mesenteries has been reflected back, and the decussating muscular fibres which make up a large portion of its substance are well seen. At a little distance internally to this mesentery, and in connection with the free border of another similar lamella, where it projects into the general cavity of the body below the level at which the stomach opens into it, we see some of the generative glands surmounted by certain long convoluted filamentous organs, the so-called ' craspeda/ which are richly furnished with thread- cells; but which are often spoken of as renal organs, as concretions in which guanin is said to exist have been found in connection with them. The lower orifice of the digestive tube is seen to be of about the same size as the oral inlet, but it is not seen in this preparation to be guarded with a muscular sphincter as the mouth is. In Actiniae there exists a demi-eanal on each of the opposite sides of the mouth, which is prolonged down the inner surface of the stomach, and is continued a little way beyond the termi- nation of the sub-cylindrical organ, so as to project as a free languet into the general cavity of the body. The external surface of the body is similarly furrowed in this specimen, and an appear- ance of bilateral symmetry is thus produced. The Actiniae and Cerianthidae are the only Polypi s. Antljozoa in which the external integument is not more or less indurated by inorganic deposit. 160 Descriptions of Preparations. For the anatomy of the Actiniae, see Hollard, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., torn, xv., 1851, p. 257; Huxley, Med. Times, June, 1856. For a zoological description of Actinia Crassicomis, see Johnston, British Zoophytes, 1847, 2nd edition, p. 226. For the anatomy and morphology of the entire sub-kingdom Coelenterata, see G-reene's Manual of the sub-kingdom Coe- lenterata, 1861. For the points of distinction between the Coelenterata and the Echinodermata, see Van Beneden, Recherches sur la Faune Littorale de Belgique Polypes, 1866, pp. 55-62. 4^. Sea-Fib, {Sertularia Ahietina). A COMPOUND Hydroid Polype, plant-like in form, and differing from the preceding specimen in being fixed to one spot in adult life, and from the entire class to which the Sea-Anemones belong, by the much smaller size and simpler structure of each of its constituent zooids. The specimen consists of a number of regu- larly branched stems, which arise near to each other from a creeping stolon ; and are beset by series of closely arranged subal- ternate cells, the ^ hydrothecae^ containing the zooids. In the upper half of the specimen, the main stems and the pinnae may be observed to carry, besides the regularly arranged hydrothecae, certain larger cells, irregularly arranged along their upper surfaces. These latter cells are the 'gonophores' of Hincks, the 'teleophores' of Van Beneden ; they differ from the other cells or hydrothecae, in that their contents are the sexual products developed within processes of the ' coenosai'e,'' which possess neither the digestive cavity nor the prehensile tentacles of the smaller hydrothecae. Appended to the apices of some gonophores, may be seen the marsupial pouch, into which the ova are transferred' at a certain stage of their development. The gonozooids, or the contents of the gonophores, we may call 'medusiform buds,' but they never in the family Sertulariidae take tbe shape of Medusae. The em- bryos are at first spheroids richly covered with cilia ; subsequently Sea -Fir. 161 they become cylindriforin ; and finally they attach themselves by one extremity which widens into a Miydrorhiza/ and develope a circlet of tentacles and a digestive sac at the other. In the family Campanularidae, which difiers from the Sertularidae mainly in the pedunculation of its cells^ many species have Medusae set free from their gonophores. The outer layer of the ectoderm has secreted a firm but flexible polypary^ which is continued into the cups for the lodgment of the digestive and generative zooidsj as ' hydro- thecae^ s. ^calycles'' 8. 'cells/ and as 'gonothecae^ s. 'capsules/ in the language of different writers. The digestive or alimentary zooids are known as 'polypites/ their cavity^ which is not a distinct sac freely suspended, but a mere hollow scooped out in the part of the coenosarc which is prolonged into each cell^ is continuous with that of the coenosarc or ' coenenchyma^ by a narrow tubular passage^ the ' transition piece'' of Reichert, passing inwards from the bottom of the stomach. Representations of two other sub-kingdoms may be seen to have afiixed themselves semi- parasitically to the main stems of this zoophyte. One of them is the Spirorbisj a small Tubicolar Annelid, with a discoidal shell, somewhat like that of the fresh- water mollusc Planorbis ; the other is one of the Cyclostomatous Polyzoa, Ttibulipora patina, which with its aggregated calcareous cells presents an appearance not unlike that of a small tubiflorous flower belonging to a plant of the order Compositae. Coelenterata, with an external polypary, and a uniserial circlet of tentacles such as this specimen possesses, bear a superficial re- semblance to many Polyzoa, which indeed were formerly classed with them. But beyond these more- or less unimportant points of resemblance, the Hydroid Polypes and the Polyzoa have scarcely any points of real similarity, unless we reckon as such the absence of ducts to the generative glands, and the power of multiplying by gemmation, properties which attach to them however in common with representatives of several other classes of Invertebrata. In the absence of a digestive tube difierentiated from the peri-visceral cavity; in the absence of muscles differentiated into distinct fas- cicles and crossing that cavity ; in the absence of any nerve-centre, and in the presence of thread-cells (all points to be made out, and, Avith the exception of the one relating to the nerve system, with very little trouble, under the microscope, with a fresh specimen of the M 162 Descriptions of Preparations. present species) — the Hydrozoa differ widely and essentially from the Polyzoa. It may be further added that it is very usual in Polyzoa to have each cell cut off by a diaphragm or septum, into the forma- tion of which both ectocyst and endocyst enter, from continuity with the rest of the colony ; whilst it is only in the few cases such as Hydra, Corymorpha, Vorticlavaj Myriothela, in which the hy- drosoma consists of but a single polypite, that such independence is attained to in the Hydroid Zoophytes. In the form of ' Poly- morphismus/ which the 'medusoid bud-* presented to us in the 'gonophore' of the Sea-Fir exemj), we have the connecting link between the distinct testis and ovary of the Hydra, (for which see pi. xii., fig. 7, and description), and the free sexual zooids known as ' Medasae/ and exemplified in genera as nearly akin to the Sea-Fir as the Campanularia gelatinosa. And, as has been well observed, a study of such histories as those of the various modes of development of this class of Coelenterata, shows how impossible it may become to draw sharp lines of distinction be- tween individual animals or zooids and simple organs on the one hand; and on the other between asexual generation and simple growth. For a monograph of the British Hydroidea Diplomorpha, V. Carus, see Hincks, History of the British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, where a general account of their structure and life-history is given in the Introduction, pp. i.-lxv. For the Siphonophora, see Professor Huxley, Oceanic Hydrozoa, Eay Society, 1859. For the Hydrozoa generally, see Professor Huxley, Medical Times and Gazette, June 7, 1856, p. 563. For an account of the particular species to which the specimen here described belongs, see Hincks, I. c, i., 226. For an account of the development of the Sertularia cupressoides, see Van Beneden, Recherches sur THistoire Naturelle des Polypes, 1866, pp. 179-184, pi. xvi., where what is spoken of above as a ' marsupial sac,' and described and figured as such by Hincks, I. c, p. xvi., is figured at fig. 3, but spoken of, p. 180, as a 'hernie au bout de la capsule/ and for the de- velopment of the Hydroidea generally, see Allraau, British Assoc. Rep. for 1863, p. 351. For a short account of the Histology of this class, see Professor Fresh-water Sponge. 163 Reichertj on the contractile substance and intimate structure of the Campanularidae, Sertularidae and Hydridae, translated in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for Jan. 1867, from the Monatsbericht der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, July 1866, p. 504; and for the Histolog-y of the entire sub-kingdom Coelenterata, see Kolliker, Icones Histiologicae ii., Abtheilung, Hft. i., 1866. 50. Fresh-water Sponge (Spongilla Lacustris), From the Isis, growing on the wall of a lock. This specimen, like the preceding, is plant-like in appearance, consisting as it does of a root-like basis of attachment, and two upright stems arising close together from it. The stems are about five inches in height, and of the thickness of a drawing-pencil, but the Spongilla Lacustris not rarely attains a greater size than this. Owing to its having been preserved in spirit, this specimen has its surface more fenestrated than it was in the living condition ; its protrusible bladder-like cloacae are no longer visible ; and its eme- rald-green colour is nearly lost. Its exterior is hispid with fascicles of spicula, and the orifices in which the cloacal oscula were lodged are very plain; though the smaller inhalant orifices or 'pores' are not distinguishable, and indeed can only be seen in small and transparent specimens under the microscope. Towards the lower part of the stem, numbers of reddish globular seed-like bodies, the asexual reproductive gemmae, formed towards the close of the summer, are to be noted. The coriaceous capsule of these gemmae is strengthened in this species, not by the birotulate spicula known as ^amphidiscs' from their resemblance to a couple of toothed wheels connected by an axle, and existing in the other fresh-water Sponge, Spongilla fluviatilis, but by simple curved acicular spicula which lie in it parallel to its surface. These spicula are abundantly spinous, as are also the spicula which are to be found in the dermal membrane of this, though not of the other fresh-water species ; the spicula of the skeleton proper M 2 164 Descriptions of Preioarations. are smooth in both species. It is, of course, necessary to have recourse to the use of the microscope for the verification of these points ; and for the detection of the finer spicula, the specimens must be mounted in Canada balsam. Owing to the neglect of this latter method of investigation, the existence of spicula has frequently been overlooked, as, for example, in the case of the Halisarca Dtijardinii, which, on account of the supposed absence of these structures, has been elevated to the rank of a distinct genus. Discussions have been frequently raised, firstly, as to the claim of the Sponges to be considered animal organisms at all ; secondly, as to what is to be considered the unit of their organisms ; and thirdly, as to the rank which the class is to take relatively to other divisions of the animal kingdom. With reference to the first of these questions, which is now all but universally answered in the affirmative, it may be said that the motile phaenomena noticeable in these creatures, and their great need for, and rapid consumption of oxygen, without which, as supplied by constant additions of fresh-water, the SpongiUae may be observed to die and putrefy with very gi-eat rapidity, are, from the physiological point of view, very strong evidence for their animal character. The histo- logical evidence however drawn from the detection in them of ciliated as°well as non-ciliated epithelium, of cells for the formation of the spicula, and above all of contractile fibre-cells which, though not detected in Spongillae, do exist in the more highly organized Sponges, Cerato-spongiae and Corticatae, is, as Kolliker has remarked, quite con- clusive upon the question. It is not possible to give as distinct an answer to the second question, as to whether the Spongiadae are to be considered as colonies made up of uni-cellular but polymorphic organisms, or whether we ought not rather to regard each exhalant osculum as marking out a correspondmg zooid, into the constitution of which, as of all higher animals, a mul- titude of polymorphic 'cells' enter. For, as has been already said, with reference to the Hydroidea, it is not easy always in the lower sub - kingdoms to draw a sharp line of demarcation between what in a higher and indeed sometimes also in a lower organism would be unhesitatingly spoken of as an 'organ,' and what in nearly alUed genera to one which may chance to be under examination would be spoken as a specia ly modified ' zooid.' It is agreed upon all hands, that, in addition to the nucleated cells, ordinarily but not always, destitute of a cell wall, and Fresh-ivater Sponge. 165 capable of amoeboid movements, which make up the greater part of the non-skeletal elements of the Sijongiadae, there are to be found in them several other kinds of cells, and even tissue, which however readily re- assumes the form of the independent cells by the fusion of the sarcode of which it was composed ; and it is not therefore necessary to say more than that the better mode of expression for the facts acknowledged by both parties is the one which speaks of each exhalant osculum as corre- sponding not to an individual Sponge, but to an individual colony. With reference to the third question, that of the position which the Spongiadae may be considered to hold relatively to the Protozoa on the one hand, to which sub-kingdom they are ordinarily referred, and to the Coelenterata on the other, it is perhaps more correct to regard them as exemplifying the highest stage of evolution of the former, rather than as i)eing a transition towards the latter of these two types. The distinct- ness indeed of their 'oscula' from their 'pores' would appear to place them in a position of superiority as regards the Coelenterata, in which there is but a single orifice both for the ingestion of aliment and for the ejection from the system of refuse matter. KoUiker has thrown doubt upon the view that certain of the sclerous elements of the organ- isms of the Anthozoa are due to epidermal excretion, and thus one point of distinction between them and the Spongiadae would be done away with ; but the external chitinous polypary of the Hydroid Zoophyte will serve always to differentiate it from the Sponge, in which the skeletal elements are always internal. This, however, is perhaps a point of merely secondary importance, as is also the non-secretion by Coelenterata of the siliceous deposits so common in the Sponges. For the anatomy and physiolog-y of the Spongiadae^ see Dr. Bower- bank, Monograph of the British Spongiadae, 1864-1866, pp. 1-153. For the methods to be employed in the examination of Sponges, thicl. \., 225 ; and for their apphcation in the cases of Halisar- cina Bujarclinii and Sjoongilla lamstris, ibid, n., 225, and Zool. Soc. Proc 1863, p. 462. For the physiology of the ' oscula' and 'pores/ see Dr. Bowerbank, British Assoc. Report for 1857, p. 125, pi. i., ligs. r-7. For a diagrammatic representation of the mutual relations of the various parts of a Sponge, see Professor Huxley, Introduction to the Classification of Animals, 1869, p. 1 5, fig. 4. 166 Descriptions of Preparations. For the liistolog-y of the Spong-iadae, see Kolliker, Icones Histio- logieae, 1864, i,, p. ^6, and Dr. Bowerbank^ I.e., passim. For the various views which have been taken as to the position of the Spongiadae in the animal kingdom^ see KoUiker^ I. c, p. 73 J ihique citata ; Van Beneden^ Polypes^ 1866, p. 198; Claparede et Lachman, Etudes sur les Infusiores, i., p. 421, 1858-1859; Haeckelj Generelle Morphologie, 1866, ii.^ p. xxix. J Natiirliche Schopfungsgeschichte, 1868^ p. 396. For the different views which may be taken as to the ' indivuaV organism in the Spongiadae, see O. Schmidt, Handbuch der Vero-leichenden Anatomic, 1865, p. 25; Lieberkiihn, Archiv. fiir Anatomic und Physiologic, 1863, p. 728; Glaus, Grund- ziige der Zoologic, 1868, p. 52. DESCEIPTIO¥ OF THE PLATES PLATE 1. Common Rat (Mus Deciimanus), Dissected so as to show, superiorly, the cerebrospinal nervous system lodged in the craniospinal cavity, and, inferiorly, portions of most of the organs of vegetative Ufe. The distinctive characteristic of the Vertebrate type^ the pos- session^ namely, of an internal skeleton specially connected with the organs and functions of animal life^ is clearly shown in this figure. The internal skeleton is seen forming a separate chamber for the central nervous system which presides over motion and sensation, apart from the larger cavity in which the organs of vegetative life are lodged. By virtue of this arrangement Ver- tebrata may be spoken of as ^ Bicavitary animals, in contradis- tinction to Invertebrata which are ordinarily ' Unicavitary.^ Se- condly, we see that it is the internal, and not as in Invertebrata an external, skeleton which gives origin and support to the active and passive organs of locomotion. Thirdly, the limbs, which are never more in number than two pairs, are directed towards that surface of the body in apposition with which the heart, the great centre of the circulatory or haemal system, is placed (m) . Hence Vertebrata may be spoken of as ' Haemapods,''' in contradistinction * The Description of the figure given in this plate will be found to coincide in many particulars with the Description given at pp. 1-5 supra of the first series of Preparations. The Descriptions of plates vi. and vii. stand in a somewhat similar relation to the Descriptions of the Preparations 30 and 32. But in none of these cases are the Descriptions mere repetitions, but will be found to be complementary of each other. In the present Description, for example, the upper part of the figure has been drawn from a dissection distinct from that described at pp. 1-5 supra; and the structures lettered here g and Spleen. lu Stomach. 172 Description of the Plates. V. Liver; the line abutting- upon its left lobe. to. Omentum or epiploon^ a process of the peritoneum peculiar to mammalia. w. Coecum. The entrance of the small intestine into the coecum is not seen, but we may observe that the coecum becomes smaller in calibre where it is bent on itself superiorly. It passes thus into the 'large intestine/ which does not however contrast so markedly either in its relative shortness, or in the thickness of its walls, or in its calibre with the ' small intestine/ in the Rodentia, as in many other orders. These omnivorous Rodents, and also the Sciuri, have smaller coeca than the Rodents which live on less nutritious and coarser food and have rootless molars. w'. Convolutions of intestines. Upper end of left cornu of pregnant uterus, passing into the Fallopian tube, which together with the ovaiy fills up the space between this convolution of the uterus and the kidney. The ovary and tube are connected by a ligament to the peritoneum covering the diaphragm, the 'ligamentum diaphragmaticum ^ connected with the 'Wolffian body' in the foetus. /. Lower portion of same uterine cornu distended with foetuses. z. Bladder contracted into a conical shape and recei%^ng the ureter at its base on the left side. z. Outlet of urinary organs through a perforated clitoris distmct from the vagina. 77. Rectum. A. Flexor muscles of the tail, which arise from the internal surface of the pelvic bones. 8. Anterior portion of ilium, the posterior part of which has been removed, together with the pubis and ischium. Froni its internal surface the caudal flexors are seen to take origin, and in front of them and in a line with the point on which the letter 8 is placed, the cut end of one of the great veins returning blood from the hind limb is seen. The following peculiarities in the tegumentary system deserve notice:— the absence of hair from a part of the anterior portion of the snout, the so-called < muffle,' in which we see the orifices of Common Rat. 173 the nostrils; the presence on the snout, as also over the eyes, of long tactile bristles, which, like the larg-e eyes and ears, are correlated with the nocturnal habits of the creature ; the presence of a nail on the rudimentary thumb, which is occasionally over- looked or lost in adult specimens; the coarseness of many of the hairs along- the middle line of the back ; and the annular arrange- ment of the scales on the tail, and the outgrowth of hair in the intervals of the rings thus formed. For an account of the ' hibernating glands,^ see Hirzel and Frey, Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, xii., %, 16^, 1862; Ecker, Wagner^s Handworterbuch der Physiologic, iv., p. lai, 1853, ibigiie citata. I I I PLATE II. PiGEON; Columba Livia. PLATE II. A-e*. Common Pigeon {Columha Livia), Dissected so as to show, firstly, some of the main points of agreement and difierence between Aves, Reptilia, and Mammalia respectively ; and, secondly, the arrange- ment of the principal muscles of flight. In the possession of a single aortic trunk, as seen in tlie figure a little internally to the letter p, and above the letter birds re- semble Mammals, as they do also in the physiological peculiarity of being warm blooded, or ' homoeothermal.-' A few Mammals resemble all Birds in being testicondous, see h in figure, and in the possession of two coeca, see / in figure, as also in the possession of a coraeoid prolonged down to the sternum, see place of origin of muscle % in figure. But all Mammals difier from all Birds in that their single aorta crosses their left and not, as shown at g in this figure of a Bird, the right bronchus ; in the absence of any indent- ations of the lungs' surface to correspond with the ribs; and in the absence of any external conformation of the kidney in relation to the pelvic bones. In all Mammals there is a sinus urogenitalis, in none do the genital and urinary ducts open separately, as shown here at k and g, into a cloaca common to genital, urinary, and faecal products. These points are as constant as the possession by Mammalia of a hairy integument and of non-nucleated coloured blood corpuscles. The relation of the pancreas to the duodenum, as seen at e, is a minor point, but probably equally distinctive of Birds in opposition both to Mammals and Reptiles. In being testicondous ; in the absence of differentiation of the structures of the kidney into cortical and medullary portions, and in the supply of blood-vessels to the gland ; and in the absence of 176 Description of the Plates. a perfect diaphrag-m, and also of a corpus callosum^ — Birds and Eeptiles resemble each other as closely as they do in the micro- scopic character of their blood-corpuscles. In two points of second- ary importance Birds resemble the Loricate and differ from the Squamate Reptiles ; in this latter class there is a rudimentary urogenital apparatus^ and the genital gland is situated a certain distance anteriorly to the kidney ; whilst in Birds, Crocodiles, and Chelonia, the genital and m-inary glands have separate outlets, and the glands themselves are more or less completely in appo- sition with each other. On the other hand, all Birds possess a quadrilocular heart, and a single aorta belonging to the left ven- tricle, an arrangement by which they are secm-ed against any direct admixture of venous with arterial blood, and in which they differ as widely and constantly from Reptiles as in the peculiarity of their integumentary system. No Reptiles possess a true crop, such as is seen at b in the figure, nor two coeca ; but these structm-al arrangements are by no means constant in Birds. a. Right cerebral hemisphere. Its surface is smooth, contrasting herein with that of the transversely laminated cerebellum seen behind in the median line. b. The crop, which is bilocular in the Columbidae. It is con- tinuous above with an artificially distended oesophagus, and a window has been made in its right wall to show its divi- sion into two compartments. c. Right lobe of liver, on which the right side of the heart rests. d. Heart. The ventricular portion is more acutely conical in most Birds than in Mammals, and the auricles are smaller in relation to it. €. Loop of duodenum in which are contained the longitudinally arranged lobes of the pancreas. Into this loop of intestine three ducts open from the pancreas and two from the liver, which has no gall-bladder in this species. Two of the pan- creatic ducts open near the middle of the distal segment of the duodenum close to each other and to one of the gall- ducts; the third pancreatic duct opens near the distal end of the loop, and the second gall- duct near its proximal end. Common Pigeon. 177 e. I. Terminal segment of small intestine ending in the large intestine at f, whichj together with it, has been turned over out of the abdominal cavity, on to the animal's left. Two long coils of small intestine have been removed between its terminal segment and the distal end of the duodenum ; the first coil being a fold of great length spirally arranged, and the second a much shorter one arranged like the duodenal fold, which however it exceeds in length. f. Large intestine, two small coeca marking its commencement. In the small size of the two coeca the Columbidae contrast with the great mass of the Gallinaceae. g. Terminal dilatation of the large intestine which receives the vas deferens and ureter posteriorly and superiorly on each side. In this cloacal arrangement Birds resemble Keptiles and Amphibia ; in all mammals there is a sinus urogenitalis developed, into which these ducts open. In the absence of a urinary bladder Birds resemble Snakes and Cartilaginous Fishes, as also many Lizards. h. Testis. i. Kidney divided into three lobes, which are conformed to the sinuosities of the pelvic bones. Between the lower and middle lobes the large ischiatic artery and some nerves pass out to the lower limb. The artery gives a supply of blood to the gland. Between the middle and upper lobe of the kidney the small femoral artery passes outwards, and a large vein passes inwards. This vein, besides acting as a 'renal-portal' vein and supplying the glandular structure of the kidney, communicates directly also with the renal efferent vein. This latter branch is not possessed by cold- blooded Ovipara a. j. Vas deferens, dilating before its termination in the cloaca. k. Ureter. I. Teres major muscle, the subscapularis and great part of the scapula having been removed. m. Eight jugular vein receiving the veins from the oesophagus, and by virtue of these vessels, as also of a branch of anasto- » See Jourdain, Sur la Veine Porte Ednale, Ann. Sci. Nat. Ser. iv., torn. 12, i860, pp. 156 and 359, and plate 4, fig. 2. N 178 Description of the Plates. mosis with the left juguLar, attaining, as is usual in birds, a larger size than that vessel. n. Right jugular vein in thorax. The junction of the subclavian with the jugular vein is not effected until some way below the point on which this line terminates ; a portion of the former vein is seen in connection with the very short vena cava superior just above the right bronchus. 0. Vena cava inferior, entering the auricle to the right of and posteriorly to the entrance of the vena cava superior of the right side. p. Lung, showing on its exterior surface indentations correspond- ing with the ribs. q. Eight bronchus entering the lung. The right pulmonary artery and the pulmonary veins which held the same relation to the bronchus on this side which in the mammal they hold on the left have been cut away, together with a con- siderable portion of the spongy tissue of the lung on its internal aspect. The aorta is seen arching over the bron- chus, in its singleness contrasting with the aorta of Reptiles, and in its dextral flexure with that of Mammals. Between the bronchus and the vena cava inferior we see a portion of the glandular proventriculus, and immediately above the bronchus and below the arch of the aorta, which has been a little displaced upwards, the junction of the fragment of vein left to represent the subcla\dan trunk with the jugular. r. Right innominate artery, which is seen to break up into three main divisions, the common cai-otid, the axillary and the pectoral arteries. s. Great pectoral muscle, the main depressor of the humerus and wing seen in section on the right side as it arises from the lower portion of the keel of the sternum and from the clavicle. Its origin from the external lateral portion and processes of the sternum is not seen, those parts having been removed in the dissection; its main tendon is seen turned back at x ; two other tendons which it gives, one to the long extensor, the other to the short extensor of the alar membrane, are not shown in this figure. t. Second pectoral, the main elevator of the humerus, seen in Common Pigeon. 179 section along the upper part of the keel of the sternum and much of its lateral portion. It tapers anteriorly as it passes along the internal surface of the coracoid to enter the canal formed for it by that bone together with the furculum and scapula. This muscle is homologous with the comparatively insignificant ' subclavius^ of anthropotomy, Coracobrachialis inferior^ a muscle arising from the inferior and outer three-fifths of the distal part of the coracoid, and inserted into the internal and proximal lip of the cup-shaped pneumatic cavity of the humerus. The opposite lip of this cavity receives the tendon of the teres major I; and from the triangular space between the muscular bellies of these two muscles the subscapularis muscle, together with the upper portion of the scapula, and a small muscle, the ser- ratus anticus, which passed between the fibres of the sub- scapularis to be inserted into the inferior edge of the scapula, have been removed. Coracobrachialis superior, a bicipital muscle with a very ex- tensive origin ; arising, superiorly, from the inner surface of the vertebral end of the clavicle; inferiorly, from a facet on the lateral aspect of the upper surface of the sternal rostrum ; and between these two points of origin from the upper and inner surface of the fascia connecting the cora- coid, clavicles, and sternal rostrum. (See Descriptions of Pre- parations, p. 32.) Its tendon, which is joined by that of the subscapularis, is inserted proximally and anteriorly to that of the preceding muscle u. The relations which these muscles hold to each other are much the same as those subsisting between the obturator externus and internus, with which these muscles are serially homologous. One head of the extensor plicae alaris anterioris longus, arising from the upper end of the clavicle in continuity externally with a head of the extensor brevis. These muscular bellies appear to be divarications of the deltoid, and to be serially homologous with the outer head of the pectineus of anthropotomy. Muscle in connection with the long alar extensor tendons. Its fibres have in the natural condition of the parts much the same direction as those of the muscle and of the N % 180 Description of the Plates. deltoid; but its orig-in is mainly from the fascia which covers the biceps in front, and being iaterposed between that muscle and the tendon of the great pectoral, it is con- tinued up into the tendinous expanse by which the posterior layer of the tendon of the great pectoral connecting itself more or less intimately with the coracoid head of the biceps obtains an insertion into that bone. The muscle i// is inserted mainly into the inner of the two tendons at its distal extremity. This tendon is prolonged down to be inserted into the radial process of the carpometacarpal bone which carries the poUex. It is more or less intimately connected with the two other long extensor tendons from the muscle w and from the great pectoral, which are here drawn as one ; as also with the short extensor which is not shown in this figure. SO. Tendon of great pectoral muscle turned back and seen to be folded upon itself so as to form a pouch with its con- cavity upwards. The posterior portion of this tendon receives at its lower edge the tendon of a cutaneous muscle which is figured as attached to its outer angle, and higher up it receives the main tendon of origin of muscle w , and is ultimately prolonged either separately or in connection with the tendon of the biceps up to the coracoid. X. Biceps. Its tendon is seen running upwards to be inserted into the internal anterior process of the upper end of the coracoid; it had a small insertion into the humerus also, which is not shown here. Portion of inner tuberosity of humerus which overhangs the pneumatic foramen of the bone. z. Gizzard. For the bibliography of memoirs upon the Anatomy and Physi- ology of Aves, see Selenka in Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. vi. Abtheilung iv. i, pp. ia-13, 1869. For the homologies of the Muscles of the Shoulder Joint, see Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxvi., p. 609, 1869. Common Feog, Rnna Temjmaria. PLATE III. Common Frog {Rana Temporaria), Injected and dissected so as to show its circulatory organs, and especially its two systems of veins supplying the liver and the kidney, and known as the 'portal' and the ' renal portal' systems. The ramifications of a subcutaneous vein^ which must, like the renal and hepatic systems, have a depuratory action on the blood in these animals with transpirable skin; the renal, reproductive, and parts of the muscular, lymphatic, and other glandular systems of the creature are also shown in the figure. An injection having been thrown into the ' renal portaF or renal afferent vein of the left side, in a direction the reverse of that which the blood took in it during life, that is to say, towards and not away from the lower extremities, the figure shows that by this means the greater part or the whole of the main venous system can be injected. And it shows, secondly, that a very free anasto- mosis exists, not only between the two renal inferent veins of the two sides of the body, but also between each renal inferent vein and the epigastric, one of the main factors of the hepatic inferent, or true portal system in all cold-blooded air-breathing vertebrata. Hence the blood from the deeply-placed parts, muscular and other, whence the radicles of these vessels arise, can return to the heart tlirough the venous system of either liver or kidney, as circum- stances may require; whilst the blood of the more .superficially- placed organs, glandular, cutaneous, and other, is aerated to a con- siderable extent in the vascular network of the musculo-cutaneous vein seen at d in the figure. By these arrangements the functions of the lungs, which are lowly developed, and, in correlation with the periodically recurring vast turgescence of the generative organs, of small size in the Amphibia, are efliiciently supplemented. 182 Descri2)tion of the Plates. The integument has been turned back on the right side, together with the musculo-cutaneous vein, the superficial branches of which extend from the knee to the shoulder ; part of the muscular wall of the body has been removed on that side, but part has been left in situ J and the main trunk of the musculo-cutaneous vein is seen crossing" a slip which the obliquus externus muscle receives from the scapula ; on the left side the muscular and cutaneous elements of the wall have been turned back whilst remaining in their natural connection with each other and with the epigastric vein; the shoidder girdle has been cut through the middle line, and fastened out on either side so as to expose the lungs, heart, and great vessels j the liver has been removed with the exception of a small part of its substance, as have also the stomach and intestines down to the lower end of the rectum. a. Intermandibular space. The skin is left in situ anteriorly in the symphysial angle; immediately posteriorly to its cut edge is seen part of the mylohyoid or submaxillaris muscle ; and posteriorly again, and at a deeper level, tlie converging hyoglossi in the middle line, and on either side of them the geniohyoids, with a glandular body resting upon each of them. b. Tetradactyle hand. The thumb has its basal joint more or less tumid in this, a male, specimen. c. Muscles of thigh. The line points to the sartorius, which is bordered externally by the vastus internus, and internally by the adductores and recti interni. See Ecker, Die Ana- tomic des Frosches, p. ii5- d. Point where the musculo-cutaneous veins, constituted by factors from the regions of the head and face, as also and mainly from those of the back and flanks, turn inwards to pass over a slip going from the scapula to the external oblique muscle and join the axillary vein. See Ecker, 1. c, p. 81 ; Gruby, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. ii. torn, xviii., p. 224. e. Vein, called 'epigastric' by Rathke, ' umbilical' by Bojanus and Jourdain, ' vena portae accessoria' and ' vena abdominalis inferior s. anterior,' by other authors. This vein is mainly constituted by the convergence of the two descenduig branches from the femoral veins seen at / in the figure, but it receives twigs also from the abdominal parietes, and Common Frog. 183 a factor of especial significance in the shape of the hypo- gastric vesico-hemorrhoidal vein from the allantois and rectum. The occasional pathological distension in liver diseases of the veins of the anterior abdominal parietes in the human subject shows that an arrangement may exist in a rudimentary condition in the higher vertebrata similar to that shown here to exist functionally between the epigastric and the parietal veins; and its connection with a vesico-hemorrhoidal vein, whilst it may be held to foreshadow the arrangement of the umbilical vein in the foetus of mammals, puts prominently forward the fact that anastomoses exist between the portal and systemic veins. For the 'renal portal' of the Fi'og, see Jourdain, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iv., tom. xii., p. i8o. /. Point where the descending branch of the femoral vein of either side fuses with its fellow to form the trunk of the epigastric. g. ' Renal portal/ or renal inferent vein of the right side, being the other branch of the bifurcating femoral vein, which is thus seen to be freely and indifferently continuous with the portal systems of both liver and kidney. h. Bifid allautoid bladder distended, with ramifications upon it of the vesico-hemorrhoidal veins which are seen to have radicles of origin upon i. The rectum, which is cut short. Cf. Quain and Sharpey, vol. ii., pp. 478, 479, fig. 325, ed. 7th. j. A vesicular dilatation developed upon the duct, by which both testicular and renal products pass down to the cloaca. From it a vein passes directly into the kidney. Jc. Vena cava inferior, constituted mainly by the efferent kidney veins, but receiving also those of the testes and fat bodies. /. Testis of left side. It has, together with its fellow and with the kidneys, been displaced a little to the right side. The vasa efferentia of the testes are seen to pass inwards to the internal edge of the kidneys, which they enter, 'and some veins pass in the same transverse direction inwards to join the vena cava inferior. Between the lower ends of the kidneys we see a reticular appearance produced by a plexus of arterial blood-vessels, each accompanied by two lymph vessels, closely 184 Description of the Plates. apposed to and so appearing to surround it. See Langer, Lymphgefasssystem des Frosches, 1 866-1 867, Wien. Akad. Wiss. Sitz. Bericht. m. Fatty bodies. n. Spleen. To the left and a little above the spleen are seen the cut ends of two vessels, one of which receives a factor from that organ, coming itself from the intestine, and the other of "which took its origin in the stomach, and, like the former, joined a branch of the epigastric, and was distri- buted to the liver, a small portion of which is seen as left immediately above them. 0. Gall bladder left attached to the epigastric vein by a vein which passes from it to that vessel. ^. Lung of left side. The cavity seen on the outer side of either lung has its outer wall constituted by the internal abdominal muscle, homologous with the internal oblique and transver- salis which arches inwards in a dome shape, and is connected with oesophagus, pericardium, and the coracoid and hypo- sternal bones. In the natural condition of the parts these cavities are however mainly occupied by the lobes of the liver, wliich nearly entirely cover the lungs in an anterior view. q. Heart. From the base of the ventricle the muscular bulb is seen to take origin, a constriction known as \he:f return Hal- leri marking the line of separation of the two organs. The bulb bifurcates into two great divisions, which again are each firstly subdivided by two imperfect internal partitions into three canals, and then subsequently into three perfect tubes, the carotico-lingual, the aortic, and the pulmonary trunks, of which the first is most internal and anterior, and the last the most external and posterior. q. Musculus bulbus arteriosus, with the auricles one on each side. It inclines to the left, and is attached on that side to the ventricle by the frenulum hulhi of Briickc. Denkschrift. Akad. Wien. Bd. iii., p. 355, 185a. r. Lingual branch of the first of three trunks arising just inter- nally to a caverno -muscular dilatation of the artery known as the ' carotid gland,^ from the outer side of which the carotid artery, called sometimes the ' ascending pharyngeal,' Common Frog. 185 passes to the back of the oesophagus in close apposition with the second main trunk or aorta, with which it is usually- connected by a duchis JBotalli. s. Convergence of hyoglossi muscles, which, together with the diverging arterial trunks, enclose a diamond-shaped space, in the anterior angle of which a large glandular mass, and posteriorly in which several smaller masses of similar cha- racter, are lodged. Into the posterior angle of this space the right auricle, which is here, as in all cold-blooded verte- brata, possessed of two auricles, the larger of the two, pro- trudes itself from behind the arterial trunks. Underneath these structures the recurrent laryngeal nerve passes to the larynx. t. Thyroid proper, of which the glandular masses just spoken of may be considered as divarications. It is placed just inter- nally to the jugular vein. The Thymus is not seen in this figure, lying far back as it does near the angle of the jaw. See Ecker's Icones Physiologicae, tab. vi., fig. 5 ; Remak, Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbelthier, tab. viii., fig. 8. a. ; Kolliker, Entwickelungsgeschichte, p. 391. u. Left jugular vein passing down to receive the subclavian, and thereby constitute the left cava of that side. Eor the continuity of the lymphatic vessels with the various serous cavities of the body, see V. Recklinghausen, Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben, herausgegeben von S. Strieker, ii. Lieferung, 1869, p. 22a; Virchow^s Archiv., 1863, Bd. 26, p. 172; Dybkowsky, Schweigger-Seydel, Dogiel, and Ludwig in Ludwig^s Arbeiten aus der Physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig, 1867. PLATE IV. PLATE IV. Cellar Slug {Limax Flavus s. Variegatus), Dissected so as to show its digestive, circulatory, respiratoiy, nervouSj and reproductive systems. The muscular envelope has been separated from tlie foot proper along tlie left side, and turned over to the right, together with the shield-shaped mantle and the organs it overlies. The buccal mass and nerve collar, together with the salivary glands, have been displaced a little to the left, on which side of the animaFs body the stomach and bilobed liver have been fastened out, as the generative apparatus has been upon the right. Some of the nerves, muscles, and arteries have been cut away, but most of the organs in the animaFs entire system have been displayed in this view. The oesophagus and buccal mass have been pulled a little forward through the nerve collar, and occupy much the same position relatively to it as they do when in life the buccal mass and head is thrust forward. The two first convolutions described by the intes- tine have been uncoiled, and the intestine has thus been drawn as taking a much less sinuous course than it does in nature from its commencement at the pylorus to the point where it comes into relation with the dorsal integument and shield, and hooks round the stem of the muscle which retracts the buccal mass and the tentacles. The generative organs have been detached from their normal connections, and are arranged on the right side of the animaFs head. Their volume, as drawn here, is but small in comparison with that which it attains in the breeding season. The upper tentacles, together with the nerves which supply and the muscles which retract them have been cut through, and turned 188 Description of the Plates. forward so as to lie between the generative apparatus on the right and one of the salivary glands on the left hand. One of the lower tentacles is seen on the right side in the interspace between the right eye-bearing tentacle and the vestibulum of the reproductive system. a. Locomotive disk or ' foot' passing upwards at the sides into the general muscular envelope of the various organs of the animal's body, from which it is limited off by a furrow. Its internal circular coat is raised into two corrugated ridges along the middle line for the greater part of the length of the body by the underlying mucous gland. This gland has its bilaterally symmetrical halves arranged on either side of a single duct, which again is underlaid by a large venous sinus, very visible in the living animal along the middle line of the foot inferiorly. h. Shield and organs in connection with it projecting out beyond and above the general muscular envelope of the body. c. Stomach arranged, together with the two lobes of the liver, upon the animal's left. d. Generative apparatus arranged upon the animal's right. e. Nerve collar, consisting of two ganglia placed above, or rather at the sides of, the oesophagus, and two pairs of ganglia placed below it, and connected with the upper pair by com- missural cords. The two superiorly placed ganglia are con- nected with each other by a flat commissural band; and with the suboesophageal ganglia by a double commissure, the posterior cord of which joins the upper or parieto- splanchnic part of the mass formed by the fusion of the two inferiorly placed pairs of ganglia into a single centrally perforated body, whilst the anterior cord joins the more inferiorly placed or pedal portion from which nerves are seen to pass off" to the foot. The functions of the supra-oesopha- gcal ganglia may be judged of by the distribution of its nerves to sensory organs. The nerves which the parieto- splanchnic ganglia gave off to the retractor muscles, as well as to the parts their name denotes, have been removed in the dissection. /. Stomatogastric ganglion of right side placed in the angle Cellar Slug. 189 formed by the inferior surface of the oesophagus with the buccal mass just where it enters it, together with the duct of the salivary gland. The ganglion is connected by a long and delicate commissural cord with the supra-oesoj)hageal ganglion of its own side, and it gives off nerves to the buccal mass, to the oesophagus, and to the duct of the salivary gland. g. Salivary gland. h. Buccal mass containing the ' tongue.^ i. Semper^s organ ; a structure consisting of cells like those of a salivary gland, but devoid of a duct, and very richly sup- plied with nerves from the supra-oesophageal mass, and supposed by its discoverer to be, possibly, an olfactory organ. See Semper, ' Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physio- logic der Pulmonaten,^ in the Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft- liche Zoologie, Bd. viii., 1857, p. ^66. It is large in Li- maces, though small in the other aii-breathing Gastero- poda. j. Coecal projection at pyloric end of stomach. - ^ k. Liver, consisting of two main lobes opening each by a single duct into the digestive tube along the line of the opening of the stomach into the intestine. I. Intestine passing from pylorus to end close by the respiratory inlet, but a little in front and above it. Its two first convo- lutions have been uncoiled in separating it from the liver and reproductive apparatus, but as it approaches the dorsal integument and shield it describes a curve like that of an Italic 8. In the first concavity of this curve we see the stem of origin for the retractor muscles of the buccal mass and labial tentacles, and at its opposite extremity we see a straight coecum y pass ofi" and extend nearly to the posterior extremity of the body. m. Respiratory orifice, with the 'rectum' curving round it to open a little above and anteriorly to it. To the right of the rectum again is seen the duct of the renal organ. n. Portion of dorsal integument, by making an incision imme- diately to the right of which the shell would be found. Internally to it we see the respiratory sac, with the rami- 190 Description of the Plates. flcations of the pulmonary veins. The cavity of the respi- ratory sac is seen to be formed simply by the divarication of the two layers of the general muscular envelope of the viscera. 0. Renal organ, placed to the right of the heart in the natural position of the parts, and giving off a duct which passes backwards and curves round, inclosing between itself and its gland a portion of the pulmonary sac, to run in company with the rectum to open near the anus. See enlarged figure by Professor Leidy in Binney's Terrestrial Molluscs of the United States, vol. i., pi. i., fig. iv. p. Ventricle of bilocular heart. q. Hermaphrodite gland. r. Hermaphrodite duct. s. Albuminiparous gland. t. Vas deferens becoming distinct from oviduct v sooner than in Helix or Ai-ion, and richly beset with prostatic glan- dules. w. Penis, with part of its retractor muscle left attached to it; the origin of the muscle having been at a spot on the under surface of the muscular envelope of the viscera, close to the arterial outlet of the heart. V. Oviduct, like the vas deferens, glandular above, and membra- nous below j and opening into a dilated vagina. V). Beceptaculum seminis, opening in this species, though not in the closely allied Limax Cinereus into the vagina. X. Pedal portion of the suboesophageal nerve mass, enclosing, together with the parieto-splanchnic, an orifice through which the anterior aorta passes. The line is drawn to a spot where in Helicidae the otic vesicle is readily found, but where in Limax it is not easy to convince oneself that it exists, even as a rudimentary organ, without the use of reagents, such as the oxalic acid recommended by Lacaze Duthiers. V Coecum passing off from intestine just before it passes into rela- tion with the pulmonary cavity, and reaching down nearly to the termination of the body cavity. z Retractor muscle of the buccal mass and the tentacles. Its fascicles distributed to the parts mentioned passed with the Cellar Slug. 191 oesophagus through the nerve collar, being separated from the aorta by the parieto-splanchnic portion of the suboeso- phageal mass. They have been cut away in this Prepar- ation. For the anatomy of the Pulmonate Gasteropoda generally, see Semper, in Zeitsehrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, Bd. viii., 1857. For figures of the anatomy of Limax, see Leidy, in vol. i. of Binney's Terrestrial Molluscs of the United States, pi. i. For the reproductive system, see Baudelot, Ann, Sci. Nat., tom. xix., pi. 3, fig. 17, 1863. For the essential connection of the acoustic nerve with the supra- oesophageal ganglia, which has been overlooked on account of the close apposition to the pedal ganglia of the vesicles ap- pended to those nerves, see Lacaze Duthiers, L^Institut, No. 1 831, translated in Monthly Microscopical Journal, Feb. i, 1869 ; and for instances of the otic vesicle and its nerve maintaining in actuality those morphological relations undis- guised by approximation to the pedal ganglia, see Gegenbaur's and Souleyet's figures of the Heteropodous Carinaria and Pte- rotrachea in V. Carus' Icones Zootomicae, tab. xx., fig. 1%- Gegenbaur, Untersuchungen iiber Pteropoden, und Heteropo- den, 1855, tab. vii., fig. ij Vergleichende Anatomic, p. 325, fig. 83. The two sets of organs of special sense, the auditory and the ophthalmic, are thus seen in Gasteropoda to be both in connection with the same nerve-centres. The attachment, howevei-, of the otic vesicle and nerve can scarcely be different in reality from what it is in appearance in the Lamellibranchiata (for which see pi. v. j') ; and the multiplicity of the ' eyes' in Peeten and Spondylus set along the border of the mantle, to the nervous supply of which both cephalic and parieto-splanchnic ganglia contribute, would lead us to expect variability rather than fixity in the connections of the organs of special sense in Mollusca. The varying allocation of the organs of special sense in the two sub-kingdoms, Arthropoda and Vernus, would appear to point in the same direction. I I PLATE V. Fresh-water Mussel (Anodonta Cygnea), Dissected so as to show its muscular and nervous systems, as well as certain other organs in relation with them. The animal has been taken out of tlie shell ; the gills have been removed on the left side, as also the mantle, together with the labial tentacles and parts of the pericardium, and of the organ of Bojanus of the same side. a. Right mantle lobe, free along its ventral edge. a . Fimbriated portion of mantle corresponding to the inlet by which water is drawn into the branchial cavity. a" . Dorsal raphe along which the two halves of the mantle meet, and are more or less united. h. Foot. c. Gills of right side. c'. Process passing from external gill to join the mantle, just where its fimbriae cease and its anal region commences. d. Anterior adductor. e. Posterior adductor. f. Posterior retractor of the foot, passing to be inserted into either valve, anteriorly and superiorly to the posterior ad- ductor, the scar or muscular impression of the two being more or less confluent. Its muscular expansion in the foot is especially well developed along the free or ventral edge of the foot, but it inter-digitates very freely with the pro- tractor pedis, though it lies for the most part at a lower level than that muscle. o 194 Description of the Plates. g. Protractor of the foot. This fan-shaped muscle spreads over the external surface of the foot^ from an insertion into the shell, a little superiorly to the point where the pallial line joins the impression for the anterior adductor. It must act consequently, as an antagonist to the preceding and suc- ceeding muscles. Its impression is distinct in this animal from that of the adductor. Ti. Anterior retractor of the foot. The fibres of this muscle take origin from a point in the shell, towards the dorsal aspect of the anterior adductor, though some way from its dorsal border. They spread thence into the foot especially along its anterior edge, and down as far as its anterior angle, oc- cupying for the most part a deeper level than the preceding muscle. Some of its fibres, however, spread superficially over the liver region dorsally. Its action is that of a powerful retractor of the foot mass. K. Smaller retractor muscles with insertions just anteriorly to the umbones, whence they radiate over the regions of the stomach, and towards the pericardium. i. Labial ganglion lying upon the anterior retractor, and in the angle between that muscle, the anterior adductor, and the protractor pedis, above the entrance to the mouth. j. Cord of commissure passing from labial ganglion to pedal. The pedal ganglion of each side gives off twelve nerves, six from its neural, and six, more slender, from its lateral surface. They are not figured in this plate. /. Auditory vesicle appended to pedal ganglion. This vesicle is ordinarily found to be appended to a branch given oflf from the most backwardly-placed but one of the posterior branches given oflE" from the pedal ganglion. It is not always to be found symmetrically developed on both sides, and, when found on one side only, it has been found to con- tain two otoliths. It is situated in a part of the foot narrow from side to side, at the junction of its anterior two-thirds to its posterior third, and near to the purely muscular portion of the foot, into which the viscera do not enter. Cf. Moquin Tandon, Hist. Mollus. i., p. 136; Duvernoy, Memoires de I'Institut, torn, xxiv., p. 96. Tc. Cord of commissure between labial and parieto-splanchnic Fresh-water Mussel. 195 ganglia. It passes between the fibres of tbe retractor pedis anterior and those of the protractor through the upper part of the foot, just internally or inferiorly to the generative orifice, t ; then through the glandular portion of the organ of BojanuSj s ; and across the tendon of the retractor pedis posterior just where it bifurcates for insertion into either shellj to end in the parieto-splanchnic ganglion. I. Parieto-splanchnic ganglion. The two ganglia of the two sides of the body are closely apposed, so as to form a trans- versely oblong mass, which however still retains an in- dication of its morphological duality in the bilobed con- formation, which is somewhat exaggerated in this figure, and is much less definite than that of the pedal centres between j and f. Two nerves are figured in connection with it, one, a parietal nerve, going to the mantle, the other, a splanchnic nerve going to the gill. m. Rectum ending in the anal compartment of the mantle, a little beyond the posterior free edge of the posterior ad- ductor. A delicate nerve is figured by Duvernoy, I. c, as passing to it from the parieto-splanchnic ganglion. n. Heart ; the letter pointing to the slit left by removal of the left auricle. The rectum passes through the heart, having commenced by emerging from the foot-mass, in close con- nection with the aorta anterior, which lies above it and below the mantle raphe, at a point corresponding to the vertical plane of the orifices of the generative gland and of the organ of "Bojanus. 0. Pericardial space into which open the glandular portions of the organ of Bojanus, as also certain orifices belonging to the vas- cular system ; see V. Hessling, ' Die Perlmuscheln/ p. :339. p. Opening by which the excretory portion of the organ of Bojanus communicates with the branchial cavity. q. Opening by which the excretory portion of the organ of Bojanus communicates with the secretory. r. Wide opening by which the excretory portion of the organ of Bojanus of one side communicates with that of the other. This opening does not exist in Unio margaritifer. The two secretory sacs are similarly connected at a deep level in the same plane. o 1 196 Descrijption of the Plates. s. Secretory or glandular portion of tlie organ of Bojanus, reaching from the level of the anterior end of the peri- cardial space to the under surface of the posterior adductor. It opens into the pericardium hy a canal along which a bristle has been drawn as passing. It is seen to be covered by the excretory half of the bisacculate organ for a space corresponding with the under surface of the pericardium. With this sac it is seen to communicate by a very fine orifice at q. Posteriorly to this point it is prolonged into a convolutionary mass^ roughly drawn here in section as sub-triangular, in relation with the posterior adductor and the tendon of the posterior retractor. These glandular lamellar sacs communicate freely with each other_, as do also the excretory sacs in this species. t. Orifice leading to ramifications of the duct of the generative gland. This orifice is in the Anodon, though not in the Unios, concealed by the attachment of the inner gill-lamina to the visceral mass. See V. Baer, Meckers Ai-chiv., 1830, p. 318. From this semi-diagrammatic figure, the course which the ova take in passing from the generative orifice, f, to the external gill-cavity, where they meet with the spermatozoa inhaled with the water they breathe, and where they go through certain stages of development, may be understood. The ova are extruded from the orifice specified by the contraction of the several muscles, ff, h, //, and /; the shell valves being appressed by the adductors, cl and e. When they pass out from this orifice, they pass along a canal, which for the first part of its course corresponds in direction with the nerve cord seen passing through the organ of Bojanus to the parieto-splanchnic ganglion, I. This first part of the canal is divided into three portions. The first of these is formed by the attachment of the innermost gill-lamina to the vis- ceral mass, and into it the orifice t opens. The second is under ordinary circumstances only a demi-canal, but is completed during the act of the extrusion of the ova, by the close apposition of the inner gill-lamina to the side of the visceral mass, which under these circumstances becomes more globidar superiorly than when quiescent. The third Fresh-ioater Mussel. 197 portion begins immediately posteriorly to the tendon of the posterior retractor pedis, and extends as far back as the entrance of the branchial nerves into the gill. It is bounded below by the commissure of the two internal gills of the two opposite sides of the body, and above, like the rest of the canal, by the organ of Bojanus. Just beyond the line of entrance of the gill-nerves, the canal thus made up of three segments opens into a space, into which the ex- ternal gill's cavity also opens ; a canal having been left along the dorsal attached border of that gill by the failure of the dissepimental bands which connect the lower three- fourths of its two lamellae together, to be developed there. And as the rectum m also opens into this space, it may be called a ^cloaca/ Now it is easy to see how, under the extruding action of the foot muscles, the ova will succes- sively be pressed through the canal described into this small cloacal space. When there, if the shell or the mantle lobes are kept appressed posteriorly, or, as in the natural position of the animal, superiorly, it is plain that they must regurgitate, as additional relays of ova find their way into the cavity, into the external gill-cavity from the point c' forwards. In this figure the nerve system is of a somewhat smaller size than it is seen to possess, except when viewed in strict profile, in nature ; and it has been owing to the necessity for maintaining this position, which the demonstration of the relations of the pericardium, and the two sacs of the organ of Bojanus involved, that the distinction between the muscular free border and the main mass of the mantle has not been shown. The muscular portion of the foot is figured in a condition of extretne contraction. For excellent figures of the nerve ganglia seen from below, with their branches and commissural cords, see Duvernoy, Mem. Acad, des Sciences, tom. xxiv., 1854, pi. 7, fig, 2, pi. 8 and 9, figs, I and 2, For a diagrammatic figure of the organ of Bojanus, see Lacaze Duthiers, Ann. Sci. Nat,, Ser. iv,, tom, iv,, 1855, reproduced by V. Hessling, I. c, pi. v., fig, 6. 198 Description of the Plates. For a full account of the anatomy of the organ, see Langer, Denkschviften Akad. Wiss. Wien. xii., Bd. 1856, p. 39, Taf. i., figs. 3 and 4. For figures of the muscular system, see Poll, Testacea Utriusque Siciliae, tab. ix., fig. 2 ; and for the heart and rectum, the same plate, fig. 12 ; and Langer, I. c, Taf. ii., fig. 8, For an explanation of the route taken by the ova and spermatozoa, in these dioecious animals, see V, Baer, Meckel''s Archiv., 1830, p. 313; and also V. Hessling, Zeitschrift Wissenschaft Zoologie, X., i860, p. 358. For the various parts of the Lamellibranchiate organism, which in different species may be modified so as to serve as marsupia for the lodgment of ova and embryos, see Bronn, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. iii., p. 442, ibique citata. V I i PLATE VI. CocKEOACH^ Perijdaneta Orientalis. PLATE VI. Common Cockroach {Feriplaneta Orientalis), Female, Dissected so as to show its digestive, nervous, and reproductive apparatus ; the 'fat body,' and a considerable portion of the dorsal integuments having been removed. Of the external organs are seen tlie multi-articulate antennae^ the segmented anal appendages or ' cerei/ the compound eyes, por- tions of the epicranium, of the pronotal, mesonotaJ, and metanotal elements of the thoracic segments, and of the eight dorsal elements of the abdominal segments ; and finally, the three legs articulated to the three thoracic segments on either side, and consisting each of a proximal segment known as the coxa, a second and much smaller segment, distinct in these, though not in the saltatorial Orthoptera, from the coxa, and known as the trochanter ; a third, the fermir, beset below with spines ; a fourth, the tibia, more richly armed with spines than the femur ; . and the fifth, the tarsus itself, which is quinque-articulate. a. Antennae consisting of three elongated basal segments, and a multi-articulate appendage made up of as many as ninety- two joints. The antennae of Insects correspond to the so-called ' antennules' of Crustacea, and they are here made up of large and small joints in similar proportions, see p. Ill, supra. b. I, b. 2, b. 3. Tibiae, sub-quadrangular in shape, and beset along their two narrower sides with spines. c. ' Cerci anales,"* consisting of twelve segments, the terminal one conical, the others thickly beset with liairs. As sexual characters may be noted the absence of the sub-anal styles 200 Description of the Plates. possessed by the males^ and the median emargination of the supra-anal dorsal plate with which the cerci articulate. These cerci appear to represent the processes which the last segment of the post-abdomen so frequently gives off in certain lower Crustacea, as e. g. Apus, Cyclops, Lynceus, Caligus ; and, like the line of fission between the second pair of maxillae and the three basal joints supporting the antennary flagellum, to be structures by possessing which the Orthoptera resemble the Crustacea, see p. iii, supra; and Rathke, Morphologic, p. 115. d. Nerve ganglion developed upon the nervus recurrens, and seen to give off a nerve on either side, which passes back- wards upon the crop and has itself fusiform dilatations of a ganglionic character developed upon it. From the tri- angular ganglion, a nerve has been figured and described as passing off to the salivary glands. e. Common duct communicating with the two lobes of the dendritic salivary gland. The ducts of the two salivary glands fuse mesially vdth each other, in the angle formed by the convergence of the ducts of the two salivary bladders or reservoirs; and the common duct thus formed by the ducts from the two glands, fuses subsequently with the common duct from the two reservoirs, so that the two compound ducts find an outlet into the mouth by means of a short common canal. The figure does not accurately reproduce this arrangement, which cannot be demonstrated to the unassisted eye. All the four ducts and the compound ducts have their internal chitinized coat spirally thickened so as to resemble tracheae. f. Salivary bladder. g. Gizzard communicating inferiorly with the chylific stomach, through the intermediation of a short segment of small calibre. h. Whorl of eight coeca, analogous probably to a liver, arranged round the commencement of the chylific stomach, and re- sembling the simple hepatic coeca of Hedriophthalmatous Crustacea. i. Chylific stomach, smooth externally as is the upper half of the homologous segment in the Gryllotalpa, and limited Common Cockroach. 201 inferiorly by the insertion of the Malpighian tubules in a circle around the digestive canal. j. Malpighian tubules, in number from twenty-four to thirty; and by their insertion in a zone around the lower end of the chylific stomach, marking- the commencement of the short segment which may be spoken of as the small in- testine. k. Small intestine. I. Large intestine or colon j found ordinarily to be in its upper part distended with the refuse of the ingesta, and to be below of smaller calibre, a:nd corrugated so as to present a beaded appearance. m. Rectum divided into longitudinal areae by muscular bands, which alternate with internally placed lamelliform produc- tions of the intestinal walls. The ridges thus developed upon the rectum receive in the larvae of certain of the Libellulidae a very rich supply of tracheae, and, together with a valvular apparatus developed from the caudal tegu- mentary skeleton, constitute their aerating organ. %. First abdominal ganglion, closely approximated to the third thoracic, and placed at a little greater distance from the second abdominal ganglion posteriorly. The sixth abdo- minal ganglion should have been drawn as somewhat heart- shaped, but laterally constricted so as to have the appearance of being made up, as the history of its development, of its comparative anatomy, and of the distribution of its nerves shows it to be, of two distinct ganglia. The two oviducts pass to their point of fusion from the outside of the angle bounded by the nerves, seen to pass ofi' from this ganglion ; the receptacula seminis, which are small, and not given in this figure, are situated within that angle and at its apex ; distally to them, but within the angle, the two ducts of the numerous colleterial glands pass to the orifice within which they open on the sternum of the tenth segment. The first sub-oesophageal ganglion is not seen in this figure, being, as always in insects, in such close apposition to the supra-oeso- phageal or cerebroid ganglia, as to have been sometimes, but inconveniently, described, as together with them making up a ^ brain.' Counting however this ganglion whence the Description of the Plates. mandibles^ maxillae and labium receive their nerve supply, we find that the entire ventral cord is made up of" ten ganglia^ the last of which may be taken as representing two. This number is less by one than that of the Lepi- dopterous larva^ and^ on account of the large size of the third thoracic ganglion, we may suppose that in the Cock- roach, the ganglion homologous with the fifth post-oral ganglion of the Caterpillar has become fused, if it was not originally connate, with the posterior thoracic ganglion. Thus the thoracic ganglia of the Orthopterous insect, which remain always as distinct masses in this order as also in the Coleoptera, will correspond, as to the elements out of which they are composed, with the bilobular centrally per- forated mass whence the three pairs of legs and the wings are innervated in Lepidoptera. The six posteriorly placed ganglia of the Orthoptera and of the Caterpillar will corre- spond with each other ; and, allowing for the disappearance in the butterfly of the sixth and seventh post-oral ganglia of the larva, with the four posterior ganglia of the perfect Lepidopterous insect. ' Verticillate' ovary of right side, consisting of eight egg- tubes, connected by a suspensory ligament, which is made up by the fusion of filaments given off from their respective apices, and prolonged up to an attachment in the dorsal region of the thorax. The ovarian tubules are here figured as opening into the convex end of a pear-shaped oviducal infundibulum ; and this apical insertion has been supposed by Leon Dufour and Fischer to constitute an important difference between the arrangements of the female repro- ductive apparatus, as existing in the Blattinae and in other Orthoptera. The pyriform shape however of the oviducal infundibula depends merely upon temporary distension; and when these receptacles are not in this condition, the egg-tubes may be seen to have the same lateral insertion as those of other Orthoptera ; as, for example, the Forficula, as figured by Fischer in his work, Orthoptera Europaea, tab. i., fig. 4; or the Mantis Religiosa figured by Leon Dufour in his work, Recherches Anatomiques et Physiolo- giques sur les Orthopteres, les Hymenopt^res et les Neurop- Common Coch'oach. 203 teres^ pi. iv.^ fig". 42. The two infundibula pass ventrally to the terminal nerve structures and oviscapt, to form a common vagina, which opens between the sterna of the eig-hth and ninth abdominal segments. p. ' Colleterial ' or ^ sebaceous^ glands of the left side. These glands consist of long* delicate tubules, the contents of which are by no means always uniform in colour. The very numerous tubules of either side join a single stem, and the two ducts thus formed pass down near the middle line, and within the angle bounded by the nerves of the last abdominal ganglion, to end within a single orifice on the sternum of the tenth abdominal segment. Anteriorly to the two coUeterial ducts, and occupying the apical portion of the angular space limited by the nerve structures, may be found the receptacula seminis, which consist of two short tortuous coeca, opening by a very short common duct upon the sternum of the ninth segment. Spermatozoa are said by Siebold to be found in both these coeca ; otherwise, as one is of smaller calibre than the other, we might have considered one to be a receptaculum seminis and unpaired, as usual in insects, and the other to be a ^ glandula appendi- cularis,^ such as is so frequently attached to the recepta- culum seminis in other insects. In thus possessing two receptacula seminis instead of one, as also in having eight ovarian tubuli instead of twelve, as is usually the case in Orthoptera, the Cockroach presents us with more or less aberrant arrangements. Figures of the various forms which the female generative organs may assume in the Orthop- terous Termes Lucifngum, may be found in the plates ap- pended to M. Lespes-" memoir upon that species, in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Ser. iv., tom. v., pi. 6, figs. 34-27, where the colleterial glands and receptaculum seminis will be seen to present much the same arrangement as that which has here been described in the Cockroach. For the morphology, anatomy, and development of Insecta, the numerous memoirs by Sir John Lubbock, in the Transactions of the Royal and Linnaean Societies from 1857 onwards, should be consulted. Amongst these, see for Parthenogenesis 204 Description of the Plates. in the Articulata generally, Phil. Trans., for 1857, vol. 147, pp. 95~99 '} foi' tliG structure of the ova, pseud-ova, ovaria, and pseud-ovaria of Insects, ibid., 1858, vol. 148, pp. 341-369, 1 861, vol. 151, pp. 620-623; for the functions and structure of the tracheae. Linn. Soc. Trans., 1865, vol. xxv., p. 480; and for the subject of insect-metamorphosis generally, ihid.^ pp. 485-491. For the asexual propagation of Diptera, which takes place in larvae, and was at first supposed to do so by metagenesis inde- pendently of any ovarium or pseud-ovarium, see N. Wagner, Zeitschrift fur Wiss. Zool., xiii., 1863, p. 513 ; Pagenstecher, I.e., xiv., 1864, p. 410; Leuckart, Wiegman^s Archiv., 1865, p. 286, translated in the Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., iii., 17, March, 1866. For an account of the internal and external anatomy of the order Orthoptera and of the family Blattinae, see Fischer, Orthop- tera Europea, pp. 5-32, pp. 84-88, pis. i., ii., and vii. For an account of the receptacula seminis, see Siebold in Miiller's Archiv., 1837, p. 408. For the opening of these and the other ducts of the reproductive apparatus, see Huxley, Linn. Soc. Trans, ii., vol. xxii., p. 231, 1858. For number of joints in antennules of Crustaceans, see Spence Bate, British Sessile-eyed Crustacea, Introduction, p. xi. ; and for correspondence of the antennae of Insects, with imperfect metamorphosis both in the larval and in the adult state with the antennules of Crustacea, see Zaddach, Die Entwickelung des Phiyganiden Eies, p. 86. For the anal respiratory apparatus of the Libellulidae, which may be considered to be foreshadowed in the longitudinal folds developed upon the rectum of the Cockroach, see Dufom*, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., torn, xvii., 1852, p. 65, pis. iii., iv., v.; Leydig, Lehrbuch der Histologic, p. 337. 1 PLATE VII. Common Crayfish {Astacus Fluviatilis), Male, Dissected so as to show its nervous, digestive, circulatory, and reproductive systems in situ J the various organs having been exposed in an antero-posterior vertical view, by the removal of the teguraentary skeleton, the muscles, and the hepatic lobes of the left side. a. Oesophagus leading vertically upwards from the moutli into the stomach. The labrum^ the free edges of the mandibles, and of the two maxillae, are faintly indicated on the right side of the mouth anteriorly to the three foot-jaws. b. Cardiac portion of stomach. Superiorly and anteriorly the stomach is still retained in its natural position a long way anteriorly to the line of the entrance of the oesophagus, the anterior gastric muscles which took origin superiorly to the supra-oesophageal ganglia, o, from the under surface of the ventral wall of the .\ollow rostrum, and attached them- selves to the cardiac plate, having been left intact ; whilst the anterior wall of the stomach has been displaced a little backwards in order to give a better view of the stomato- gastric nerves. c. Lateral valvular prominence of pyloric portion of stomach. d. Hepatic lobes of right side where they came into apposition with those of the left side which have been now removed along the infero-median line. e. Orifice by which the hepatic lobes of the left side opened into the digestive tract immediately posteriorly to the pylorus, and below the coecal process, n. f Intestine passing with the straight course characteristic of Crustacea, with the exception of Lynceus, to the anus. 206 Descnption of the Plates. g. Anus, opening on the inferior surface of the ' telson^ in uncal- cified membrane, just anteriorly to the line of junction of its anterior and posterior halves. h. Heart, showing one of the lateral venous orifices, and its posteriorly placed bulbus arteriosus dividing into two main branches, the larger one of which passes vertically down- wards at j, and is known as the sternal artery ; whilst the other passes along the dorsal surface of the intestine at j, and may be called the post-abdominal artery, and taken to represent the posterior chambers of the elongated vasiform heart seen in many lower Crustacea. i. Post-abdominal artery, taking a course superiorly to the intes- tine, and inferiorly to the extensor muscles of the posterior segments. y. Sternal artery passing down towards the orifice in the com- missural cord connecting the third and the fourth abdominal ganglia. k. Hepatic artery of the left side, passing down from the heart on to the pylorus towards the hepatic lobes of that side which have been removed. I. Anterior left lobe of testis. I'. Azygos lobe of testis placed posteriorly to the paired lobes of the two sides with which it is continuous. m. Convolutions of vas deferens of left side, in length equal to that of the entire body. ' They probably secrete the agglu- tinating matter of the spermatophores. There are in most, if not all, Crustacea and Myriapoda, and in the higher Arachnida, two separate outlets for the vasa deferentia, one on either side of the body, howsoever much intercommuni- cation of the glands or ducts may take place distally to the outlets. The Insecta, on the other hand, have ordinarily a single ductus ejaculatorius, as also a single vagina, into which the generative ducts of both sides of the body open. In both Decapodous and Hedriophthalmatous Crustacea, the male generative outlet is to be found in relation with the last segments, and the female with the last but two of the ambulatory or abdominal segments. n. Coecal sac, the rudiment of the yolk-sac of the embryo. This sac is apparently the homologue of the two coeca, which in Common Crayfish. •207 Bracliyura oiDen into the upper part of the pyloric part of the stomach, just posteriorly to its valvular apparatus, and close to its opening" into the duodenum. In Brachyura there is a third sac homologous with the single sac observable in some, and the two sacs observable in other Amphipoda as opening into the duodenum just before its junction with the rectum, and sometimes called a ^ renal organ/ It is not found in the Fresh-water Crayfish, though it is in the Lobster. 0. Supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass, immediately posteriorly to the scaphocerite or squamiform exopodite of the inferior or externally placed pair of antennae, the ^ antennae properly so called. The likeness which this ' scale' of the antennae bears to the exopodite of the sixth abdominal segment is, as Fi'itz Miiller has remarked, curiously illustrated by the fact that its ordinary function of lodging the auditory organ is sometimes, as in Mi/sis, transferred from it to that appendage. Both facts find their explanation in the view which regards both segments and both sets of appendages as belonging to a 'primitive body' corresponding with that which the Naupliiform larvae of Cirripedia, Copepoda, and Phyllopoda bring with them out of the egg. The greater relative size of the scaphocerite is one of the external points of difierence between the Crayfish and the common Lobster. p. First post-oral ganglion, supplying the mandibles, the two pairs of maxillae, and the three pairs of foot-jaws, or thoracic appendages. In the developing Astacus this mass consists of six pairs of ganglia, in correspondence with the six sets of appendages it innervates. In Insects, the first post-oral ganglion is always distinct from the thoracic ganglia, whilst in all other Arthropoda it is fused with more or fewer of them. q. Nervus reeurrens, formed by the junction to an azygos nerve, homologous to the nervus reeurrens of Insects, and repre- sented by the single trunk q', of two pairs of nerves, which arise from the nerve-collar on either side of the oesophagus. This compound nervus reeurrens of the Crayfish passes up the anterior face of the oesophagus and stomach, and on the angle formed by the junction of this anterior with the dorsal wall of the organ, it has a ganglion developed upon 208 Description of the Plates. it between the anterior g'astric muscles, from which, as also from its posterior prolongation, nerves are given off down- wards on either side of the stomach. q. Azygos nerve, passing downwards from the middle of the posterior edge of the supra-oesophageal mass to meet two pairs of nerves given off from the thickenings developed upon the commissural cords of the nerve collar as they cross the oesophagus, and form with them the compound nervus recurrens, q. The forward position of the supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass would appear to render it impossible for the Crayfish to have any ganglion fi-ontale developed upon such as Insects possess. Leydig, however, appears to have discovered such a ganglion in the Oniscus. This nerve, q', seems to correspond with the nerve-cord passing backwards from the ganglion frontale in Insects before it receives any branches of communication fi-om the paired ganglia; the compound nerve, q, would then correspond to the similarly compounded nerve of Insects, upon which gangha are frequently developed successively from before backwards in relation with the digestive tract, whilst the ganglion frontale must be considered to have coalesced with the supra-oesophageal mass. r. Fifth abdominal, or sixth post-oral ganglion. It is more closely approximated to the ganglion next in front of it than any of the ganglia either in front of or behind it are to each other. Posteriorly to it are the six post-abdominal ganglia. From this ganglion and the two in front of it, long nerves pass off upwards to the reproductive organs and the superiorly placed muscles. s. Multi-articulate flagellum of inferior or outer pair of antennae, the ' antennae,' strictly so called, supported by a peduncle consisting of five joints, to which the scaphocerite and a smaller calcified nodule are laterally articulated. i. Paired flagella of upper pair of antennae, or anteuuules, carried by a triarticulate peduncle, as are the antennae of Orthop- tera. On the larger of these two flagella certain delicate membranous cilia are to be found, which, though of very various forms, are yet constant in Crustacea, and are sup- posed to be olfactory organs by many authors. Commo7i Crayrfish. 209 u. Second joint of posterior thoracic appendage^ or ' maxilliped,^ or ' foot-jaw/ This joint, as in the large cheliferous append- age V 1, next behind it, represents two joints, the basipodite and the ischiopodite of the normal seven-jointed endopodite, as seen in v 2, v v v 5. Its antero-internal edge is den- ticulate^ as in the Lobster, but its serratures are concealed by a fringe of setae. V I. First abdominal appendage, modified terminally by the pro- duction of the distal outer angle of its penultimate joint or propodite so as to form a pair of pincers with the opposed last joint, or dactylopodite. Two other joints, the ^carpo- podite^ and ^ meropodite/ are shown in this figure ; the two basal joints are not seen. The two first abdominal legs are not symmetrically developed in the Crayfish, nor in the Marine Lobster, foreshadowing thus the extreme inequality seen in the Hermit-Crabs. V 2 and V 3. Second and third pairs of abdominal or ambulatory legs, differing ft-om v i in their smaller size, and in not having the second and third joints fused. It is at the interval between the first and second joints, the 'coxopodite' and the 'basipodite,'' that the power of casting ofi" a limb, in conse- quence of a fright or injury, is put in play by Crustacea. V 4 and V 5. Fourth and fifth pairs of the ambulatory legs of the Decapod. The two terminal joints do not form pincers, otherwise they resemble v 2 and v 3. The vas deferens opens in the coxopodite or basal joint of v 5. w I and w 2. The appendages of the two first post-abdominal seg- ments modified so as to form an accessory copula tory organ, w 3, w 4, and to 5. Appendages of the third, fourth, and fifth post- abdominal segments, consisting each of two basal joints, which serve as a pedicle to two multiarticulate filaments representing an exopodite and an endopodite. The inner of these two filaments has its first joint longer and larger than the other joints in either filament. This greater relative importance of the endopodite is more plainly seen in the antennae and thoracic limbs, where the exopodite is markedly smaller than the endopodite, and most plainly in the abdo- minal limbs where it is absent, or only represented by the constriction marking the third joint, or ' ischiopodite.-' 210 Description of the Plates. w 6. Appendag-e of sixth post-abdominal segment, forming the right Literal element of the swimmeret. It consists of a single basal joint, supporting a biarticnlate squamiform exo- podite and a uniarticulate endopodite, which reverse thus the positions of relative size held by these elements in the segments anterior to the swimmeret. The telson is interposed mesially between the two appendages of the sixth post- abdominal segment. X. Flexor muscles acting on the swimmeret and post-abdominal segments in the animaFs rapid movements ; its slower movements being dependent upon the ambulatory feet. y. Extensor muscles^ in two layers like the flexors, but of much smaller size. For a full account of the anatomy of the Crayfish, see Huxley, Medical Times and Gazette, Feb. 7, 1857, et seqq. For figures of the various systems and organs of the animal, see Brandt, Medizinische Zoologie, Bd. ii., tab. xi., pp. 63-64. For the stomatogastric system, see Brandt, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. ii., torn, v., 1836, pi. iv., figs. I, 3, pp. 87-91. For the olfactory (auditory?) organ, as carried by the internal or superior pair of antennae, see Gerstaecker, Bd. v., p. 357, and La Valette, Leydig, and Fritz Miiller, cit. in loc. See also Spence Bate, Sessile-Eyed Crustacea, vol. i., p. ix. For the formation of the coecal sac opening into the commencement of the duodenum out of the yolk-sac, see Rathke, Entwick- elungsgeschichte der Flusskrebses, p. 64. For other coecal appendages to the digestive tract of Crustacea, see ISIilne Ed- wards, Hist. Nat. des Crustaces, 1834, pp. 76, 77; and for the formation of the liver by a bilateral out-pouching of the yolk- sac, see Rathke, c. p. 49, and Abhandlungen zur Bulduugs-und Entwickelungsgeschichte, Theil, i., 1832, p. 15; Theil. ii., 1833, p. 78, in which latter memoir the relation of intestinal tract and yolk-sac is shown to be different in Oniscus and Astacus. PLATE VIIT. PLATE VIII. Earth Worm {Lumhricus Terrestris). The fifteen anterior segments of an Earth Worm {Lumbricus Terrestris), numbered from before backwards, the upper lip counting as the first segment. The integument lias been divided^ except in the first segment, down the middle dorsal line, and the greater part of the digestive tract has been removed, together with the pseud-haemal vessels, so as to show the nervous, muciparous, and reproductive organs. a I. Bilobed supra-oesophageal ganglionic mass; giving off from either outer angle a nerve which bifurcates very soon after its origin, and passes to distribute itself in the tactile upper lip. a 2. Visceral or stomatogastric system of the right side, con- sisting of a long ganglion lying upon the lateral wall of the pharynx, and running parallel with the cord of commissure between the supra-oesophageal and the sub-oesophageal gan- glia, with which it communicates by several roots anteriorly, as it does posteriorly with a reticulate ganglionic plexus upon the posterior part of the pharynx. This plexus lies imme- diately externally to the mucous lining of the pharynx, and some of the glandular and muscular tissues of its outer walls must be cleared away in order to demonstrate it clearly. Figured roughly by Morren, I. c. Tabs, xix.-xxi., figs. I and 2 /c. I. ; and described more accurately by Qua- trefages, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. viii., 1847, p. 36. a 3. Commencement of chain of ventral ganglia. The ventral chain consists here, as in Arthropoda, of fibrous elements p 2 Description of the Plates. placed superiorly, and vesicular placed inferiorly. The latter form a continuous stratum with ag-g-regations at intervals corresponding to the middle of each segment, whicli are called ganglia, and give off two pairs of nerves on either side. The nerve-cord gives off in each segment anteriorly to the two pairs arising from the ganglioniform intumes- cence a single pair, which distributes itself along the line of the anterior dissepiment of each segment, and appears to correspond to the Nervi transversi of the Ai-thropoda. The four nerves given off in the middle of each segment are accompanied by branches from the pseud-haemal vessels which run on either side of the nerve-cord ; the two nerves given off anteriorly to them are similarly accompanied by branches from the azygos pseud-haemal vessel which under- Hes the nerve-cord. These nervous and vascular branches are not given in this Plate. Pharynx, turned aside to the left, the right half of the organ, except the small portion upon which the right stomato- gastric plexus, a 3, is seen, having been removed. The walls of the pharynx are of great thickness superiorly, glandular tissue forming the exterior, and muscular the middle layers, whilst the mucous membrane forms the inner- most, and attains a considerable thickness where it lines the saucer- or sucker-shaped cavity which opens from above into the cavity of the tube. I. First muciparous gland, or ' segmental organ,' opening externally in segment iv. Ordinarily the thickened mus- cular portion of the tube of the convolutions of which these glands are made, opens externally in the segment imme- diately posterior to that in which its internal funnel- shaped opening is situated, this internal funnel-shaped opening being carried upon a short hollow stalk prolonged through the anterior muscular dissepiment of each postenor segment of the two with which each segmental organ is connected. But as segment iv. is not limited off from seg- ment iii. by any such perfect or nearly perfect dissepiment as limits the "^segments after segment v. from the seg- ments next in front of them, the anterior funnel-shaped termination is not seen so distinctly to be in a different Earth Worm. 213 segment from the one in which tlie mass of the coils of the gland are lodged. c 2. Segmental organ similarly modified to c i. c^,c4.,c^. Normal segmental organs^ the opening on to the exterior being usually close to the inner row of setae, and in the anterior portion of each segment, though it may vary considerably, and even come to lie exteriorly and superiorly to the outer row of locomotor spines. The funnel-shaped internal opening is seen a short way from the outer edge of the nerve-cord, and near the ventral surface in the segment anterior to that in which the gland communicates with the exterior. The coils of the posterior, which is much the larger part of these organs, are connected by a mesentery-like lamina to each other and to the disse- piments of the segments. d. Muscle passing up from one of the ventral muscles to attach itself to the capsule of the supra-oesophageal ganglia and the circumjacent parts, to which it stands in the relation of a powerful retractor. ei, e%, e ^, e^, e ^. ' Capsulogenous glands.' These bodies appear to be specially-modified and greatly-developed seti- parous glands, which attain this prominence in the segments connected with the essential, and with the accessory organs of generation ; amongst the latter of which the inner setae of many segments may be reckoned, besides those here lettered e I to e 5. At (? 2 we see a slip of muscle passing across the glandular mass, and connecting the inner with the oviter row of setae. Over the capsulogenous gland lettered e 4 is seen the vas deferens passing forward and through the dissepi- ment separating segment xi. from segment x., to end in an infundibulum closely similar in form, relations, and connec- tions to the more delicate tubular stalk carrying the funnel- shaped ending of an ordinary segmental organ. On the capsulogenous gland labelled e 5 are seen the junction of the stem of a second vas deferens with the anterior one seen at (?4, and the commencement of the common duct. fi. Outer row of setae. Each seta is secreted by a separate gland, and has a separate insertion The setae of the aquatic Oligochaeta are, on the contrary, ' fasciculate' in their inser- 214 Description of the Plates. tion. The outer row of setae is often wanting in the anterior segments; in the others it is usually connected with the inner row by a transverse muscular slip, such as that seen here^ or at e 2. In the region of the elitellus the outer row of setae may be adapted to serve as accessory copulatory organs ; elsewhere they are purely locomotor. /2. Inner row of setae. The spines are solitary in their inser- tion as in the outer row, but they are in many segments, as, for example, in the tenth and fifteenth, besides the segments constituting the elitellus, modified so as to serve as organs of adhesion. g I . Anterior receptaculum seminis of the left side, opening in the interval between the ninth and tenth segments, and between the lateral and dorsal muscles in the line of the outer row of setae. g 1. Posterior receptaculum seminis, opening in the interval between the tenth and eleventh segments. These organs are very variable in size, and have had their existence over- looked and denied. Their outer opening is marked by a small elongated- papilla; but their development is not always exactly correlated with that of the rest of the gene- rative apparatus. Ti\. Anterior vesicula seminalis of the left side, attached to the posterior dissepiment of the ninth segment, and communi- cating, as does the middle vesicula seminalis h 2, with the anterior compartment of a sac with delicate walls which occupied a space in the tenth and eleventh segments cor- responding to that underlaid by the azygos ventral muscle, and received the openings of the vesiculae of both sides. h 2. Middle vesicula seminalis of left side. 7^3. Posterior and largest vesicula seminalis, opening into the posterior compartment of the azj^gos central atrial sac just described. i I. Funnel-shaped orifice of vas deferens anterior of left side. 11. Similar orifice of vas deferens posterior of left side. 23. Similar orifice of vas deferens anterior of right side. ^4. Similar orifice of vas deferens posterior of right side. Ex- ternally and interiorly to each of these infundibula there exists in each of these segments a segmental organ's Earth Worm. 215 posterior and larger portion; and posteriorly to each of these infundibula there exists also in each of these segments the funnel-shaped opening of the segmental organ of the segment next behind it. The coexistence therefore of the vasa deferentia with the very similarly constructed seg- mental organs would appear to be inconsistent with a view which should regard them as modihcations of those glands. Still the great development and increase of mass observable in other organs in these segments may_, as suggested by Mr. Lankesterj induce us to hold that the typical number of segmental organs in any one segment is four, and that this number is attained to in those generative segments only on account of their superabundant nutrition. Upon this view the vasa deferentia, as also the oviducts n, would be serially homologous with the segmental organs. j 1. Vas deferens from anterior spermatic infundibulum of left side. j2. Vas deferens from posterior spermatic infundibulum of left side. The junction of the two vasa deferentia to form one common canal is well seen in the twelfth segment on the right side, and the ending of the common canal there formed is well shown on both sides in the fifteenth seg- ment. The external opening of the common vas deferens has the shape of an oval slit, with its long axis transverse to that of the animaFs body, guarded at the breeding season by prominent tumid lips. k J . Anterior testis of right side. k 2. Posterior testis of right side. L The single ovary of the right side_, occupying the same posi- tion relatively to the nerve-cord and the inner row of setae as the testes. m. Infundibular ciliated mouth of oviduct, holding a similar position to that held by the infundibulum of the segmental organ c 5, which opens both internally and externally in the same segments. n. Oviduct in the posterior of the two segments in which its various parts are found. After passing through the dissepi- ment separating the thirteenth from the fourteenth segment^ the oviduct has a saccular dilatation, ordinarily found to 216 Description of the Plates. contain ova, appended to it. It then passes outwards in relation with the dissepimentj to end by opening externally immediately externally to the internal row of setae. It is crossed just before its termination by a part of one of the tubular muciparous or segmental organs which is passing forwards to pierce the dissepiment, and end in its infundi- bulum in the segment next in front. For the nerve system, see Lockhai't Clarke, Royal Society's Pro- ceedings, vol.viii.j 1857, p. 343 ; see also Quatrefages, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., tom. viii., 1847, p. 36; Morren, De Lumbrici Terrestris Historia Naturali necnon Anatomia Tractatus, 1829, tabs, xix.-xxi., figs, i and. 2, p. 1 1 9 ; and Leydig, Hand- buch Vergleich. Anatomic, tab. iv., p. 168. For the reproductive system, see Hering, Zeitschrift Wiss. Zool., vol. viii., 1 857 j Lankester, Quarterly J ournal of Microscopical Society, vol. v., 1865, p. 10. For the segmental organs, see Gegenbaur, Zeitschrift Wiss. Zool., vol. iv., 1853, p. 22,1 ', Hering, I. c, p. 401 ; Ehlers, Die Bors- tenwurmer, i., pp. S7~45> 1864; Claparede, Introduction to work on Annelids of Bay of Naples, translated by W. S. Dallas, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. iii., vol. x:x., 1867, p. 355. i r 11 I ( I ! H PLATE IX. Medicinal Leech^ Tlirudo 3fedicinali,9. PLATE IX. Figure of Medicinal Leech (Hirudo Medicinalis), Dissected so as to show its nervous, digestive, reproductive and segmental organs, as seen from below ; sliglitly altered from Moquin Tandon's figure, pi. viii., fig. lO, Monographic des Hirudin^es, 1846. The integuments are drawn as divided down the middle ventral line, from the posterior border of the anterior sucker to the an- terior border of the posterior sucker ; two of the testes and two of the segmental organs have been displaced outwards in the segmentj lettered 3, e 2 ; the rest of the organs have been left undisturbed in situ, after the fastening out of the integuments on either side. a I . Anterior sucker, formed by the proboscidiform upper lip, which is made up of four incomplete annuli, representing however probably at least as many segments, and by the first complete annulus surrounding the mouth. The mouth opens in the middle of this sucker ; six of the eyes are carried by the first, second, and third of the rays of the upper lip. a 2. Posterior sucker, formed by the fusion of seven distinct annuli, to which seven distinct ganglia subsequently fused into the single posterior ganglion of the ventral chain, corresponded at one period of the animaFs development. The stellate spot in the centre of the sucker must not be taken as representing the opening of the anus, which is situated anteriorly to the sucker in the line of constriction marking it off from the posterior annuli, which are not similarly modified. The amis does however open in the centre of the anal sucker in Acanthobdella, as also in the Polychaetous Annelid, Leucodore 218 Description of the Plates. h I. First and second pairs of sub-oesophageal ganglia, very closely apposed to each other. From the first sub-oeso- phageal ganglion, five pairs of nerves are given ofi"; from the second only two, as from all the other twenty ganglia placed posteriorly to it, with the exception of the two last. b 2. Last ganglion, the twenty-second of the ventral chain. This ganglion gives ofi' from five to nine pairs of nerves, which are distributed to the posterior sucker. The penulti- mate ganglion gives ofi" only one pair of nerves. The supra- oesophageal ganglion, with the three stomato-gastric gang- lia connected with it and supplying the jaws, is not shown here; nor the azygos sympathetic nerves with a course above the ventral nerve-chain, and between it and the digestive tract upon which it forms gangliated plexuses, and sends branches along its lateral diverticula, CI. First lateral diverticulum of the portion of the digestive tract, which comes next after the pharynx, and which is called ' oesophageal by Gratiolet, inasmuch as its functions are, according to him, merely those of a reservoir for the more solid parts of the animaFs food, from which the watery part is squeezed out hj the muscular contractions of the body-walls whilst it is contained there; and which, after remaining there thus condensed for several months, still retains the faculty of reddening, when exposed to the oxygen of the air. C2. 'Small intestine^ of most authors, gastroilear portion of dio-estive tube of Gratiolet, in which the blood undergoes the alterations ordinarily effected in it by digestion. It ends posteriorly in a short ovoidal colon, which again ends in a short rectum, which turns slightly upwards to end at the anus. The small intestine is a little dilated at its commencement in the interval between the two terminal sacculi c 3 ; this dilatation representing the much larger bilobed dilatation, with which the homologous segment of the digestive tract commences in the Horse-leech {Aulostoma Gulo) . c^. Eleventh lateral diverticulum of right side prolonged down- wards on either side of the small intestine and colon, as far as the point where the rectum begins. The calibre of either / Medicinal Leech. 2 1 9 of these terminal coeca is much larger than that of the segment of the digestive tube which lies between tliem, and which further differs from the homologous segment in the Horse-leech, in not possessing any lateral sacculations. di. The most anteriorly placed of the nine testes of either side, communicating by a short transverse duct passing outwards, with a common vas deferens, which receives posteriorly the secretion of the eight posterior testes, and anteriorly leads into a convoluted epidymis-like vesicula seminalis, which is seen in this figure in the space bounded by the lines lettered i and y. d2. Last testis of right side. The segments between this one and the most anterior of the genital segments /, have their cutaneous glands greatly enlarged at the time of ovi- position, and secrete the external chitinous shell of the ' cocoon'' in which the eggs are lodged ; whilst the glands of the female generative apparatus secrete the albuminous matter which fills the shell and surrounds the eggs. Sixth testis, displaced outwards so as to show its own con- nection with the vas deferens, and the relation of apposition with it, into which a coecal process from one of the seg- mental organs, e 2, comes. e I. Segmental organs consisting of one portion, which is tu- bular and loop-shaped to the naked eye, but so mutually inter-communicating when examined with the microscope as to be really labyrinthiform ; of a second portion, which is vesicular and opens on to the exterior ; of a third, which, as a slender but resistent duct, connects the loop-shaped with the vesicular portions; and, in the eleven posterior segments, of a fourth portion, in the shape of a coecal process, which is prolonged inwards in the two most pos- terior up to the nerve-cord ; in the ante-penultimate up to the vas deferens from the last testis ; and in the eight others up to the eight anterior testes. e2. Segmental organ, shown with all the four constituent por- tions just mentioned; the testis with which its coecal process comes into apposition, though not into any tubular continuity, having been displaced outwards. The vesicular part of the segmental organ lies in every case posteriorly Description of the Plates. to the looped portion, with the anterior element of which it is connected hy the duct ; and in the seg-raental organs, which are in the relation mentioned with the testes, the vesicular portions occupy the angle bounded by the vasa deferentia and the inner parts of the looped portions, and alternate in position with the testes. The eoecal process constituting a fourth portion in the segmental organs in relation with the nine testes, is always brought into relation with the anterior one of the two testes, with which the segmental organ alternates, except in the case of the last testis, in which the coecal process appears only to reach the vas deferens of that last gland. In this figure four seg- mental organs are represented as existing posteriorly to the last testis ; in nature there are only three, the most ante- riorly placed one of which is connected with the male organs as just mentioned j whilst the two posterior ones have their coecal processes prolonged nearly up to the middle ventral line occupied by the nerve-cord. The seven seg- mental organs situated anteriorly to the most anterior testis, are represented in this figure by four. None of these seven possess the inwardly prolonged coecal process, but consist of a simple loop-shaped portion, the outer and larger end of which lies almost vertically in the natural condition, whilst the inner and smaller is prolonged inwards, and more or less horizontally, beneath the digestive tube, as in the other segmental organs, a duct and a vesicle open exteriorly. The coecal process when present may be taken to be homologous with the open infundibulum of the ovi- ducts, and vasa deferentia of tlie Lumbricidae (see pi. viii., *3, i 4, m). In some Hirudineae, the segmental organs may resemble those of other Annelids, in opening by ciliated infimdibula into the general cavity of the body (Branchio- bdella), or into the interior of one of the pseud-haemal canals (Clepsine), but they never are subordinated, as in those orders, to the function of conveying the generative products. In the middle regions of the body, the segmental organs are repeated at regular intervals, five annuli being interposed between the outlets of each pair ; and the annulus imme- diately posterior to these outlets carries a nerve ganglion on Medicinal Leech. 221 its inferior and inner, and a pair of white spots on its supe- rior outer surface. The colouration also, it may be observed, of some varieties of the true Medicinal Leech, as also and more markedly of Hiruclo troctina, a distinct but closely- allied species, appears to indicate similarly that five smaller or secondary annuli enter into the composition of the primary segments, by the aggregation of which the middle body is made up. At the anterior part of the body the segmental organs are arranged with less regularity. The segmental organs of one family of marine Annelids, the Capitelleae, are said to resemble those of the Leech in having no inner orifice ; and in a few Annelids they may be absent, or represented simply by apertures in the body- walls. /. Muscular ductus ejaculatorius of left side, leading from the convoluted vesicula seminalis into the base of the flask- shaped intromitteut organ. It is by the secretion of the vesicula seminalis that the spermatozoa are agglutinated into a spermatophore. g. Club-shaped end of intromittent apparatus, glandular at its coecal convex end, and tapering off into the muscular penis below. h. Penis, surrounded where it passes out of the integument by a strong sphincter. This orifice is separated by an interval of five secondary annuli from that of the female organs. i. Ovary of left side, carried upon one of the short oviducts. The ovary of the other side is seen on the farther side the nerve-cord, underneath which its oviduct passed. j. Muscular vagina, in which after sexual congress the sperma- tophore is found. Between the vagina and the two oviducts, a common oviduct intervenes, which takes a tortuous course, and has its coils surrounded by a mass of loose tissue, com- posed of unicellular glands, which are probably the main agents in the secretion of the albumen which envelopes the eggs in the cocoon. The azygos character of the two gene- rative outlets is especially noteworthy. In all other Annelids the generative glands discharge their products by dehiscence into the perivisceral cavity, whence they are taken up by the open mouths of infundibular ducts, as in Ganoid Fishes, 222 Description of the Plates. and in the females of all higher Vertebrata; but in the Hirudineae the walls of the generative glands are continuous with the capsules of the generative glands; and, with the exceptions above stated, p. 220, the segmental organs have no opening internally. In the possession of accessory- sexual organs, the Hirudineae and Oligochaeta resemble each other^ and differ from the other Annelids. For the general anatomy of the Leech, see Brandt, Medizinische Zoologie, Bd. ii., pp. 239-253; or Leuckart, Die Menseh- lichen Parasiten, Bd. i., pp. 634-720. For the ^segmentar organs, see Gratiolet, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iv., torn, xvii.j 1862, p. 192, pi. vii., fig. 4. For the nervous system, see Leydig, Vergleichende Anatomic, p. 162, ihiqite citata ; and Taf. i., figs. 4 and 6; Taf. ii., figs. 1, 2, 3, 5 ; Taf. iii., fig. i ; Taf iv., fig. i ; and for the sensory organs called by him ' Becheiformige Sinnesorgane,^ see Ai'chiv. fur Anatomic und Physiologic, 1 861, p. 60T, For the ' ganglions de renforcement'' developed upon the inferior pair of nerves given off" by each ganglia of the ventral chain, except the first and the two last, see, in addition to the references given at p. 133 supra, G. E,. Treviranus, Zeitschrift fiir Physiologic, Bd. iii., Hft. 2, 1829, pp. 157-172; cited by Claparede, I. c, For the development, see Leuckart, I. c, 686 ; and Rathke, Bei- trage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Hirudineen (Nephelis, Clepsine), cit. in loco. For the existence of blood-coi-puscles in the pseudhaemal system, see Quatrefages, Hist. Nat. Annales, 1865, i., p. 63, ii., p. 168, where Sy/llidea armata is stated to possess blood-corpuscles in those vessels ; and the statement as to Glycera made in the Ann. Sci. Nat., 1850, iii. 14, p. 288, appears to be withdrawn. For a statement as to their presence in the ' pseudhaemaP system of some other Annelids, see Claparede, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. iii., vol. xx., 1867, p. 350, where Glycera is stated to be devoid of the vascular S3'stcm in question. For the pro- priety, however, of classing Plioronis as an Annelid, as is done at p. 138 supra^ see Allman, Fresh-water Polyzoa, pp. S^—^*], and Dyster, cit., p. 138. PLATE X. Common Star- Fish. Asterias Rubens. Linn. * PLATE X. Common Starfish {Asterias Ruhens), Linn., Dissected so as to show its motor, digestive, and reproductive systems. The dorsal integument, with its multitudinous imbedded ossicles, has been removed from the central ray of the trivium, I ; from its left ray ; and from both rays of the anal bivium, a part of it being left attached to the right ray of the bi\'ium at its apex, to show the attachment to it of the radial digestive coeca. 'The digestive and other viscera have been in great part removed from the interior of the two rays of the bivium and the ampullae d 2, and the ambulacral ossicles k 1 exposed in situ. The digestive coeca have been displaced from their attachments in the left ray of the trivium ; they have been left undisturbed in the central ray; and in the right ray all the organs, with the exception of a small part of the dorsal inte- gument next to the central disc, have been left undisturbed. The Roman numerals I, II, and III, denote the central and the right and left rays of the trivium, which is distinguishable from the bivium numbered IV and V, by the position of the raadreporic tubercle cj and the anus /, opposite to its central ray I, and to the interradial space between rays IV and V. In the irregularly-shaped Echinodermata, such as the Spatangidae, among the Echinoidea, and Cuvieria, the functions and structure of the bivium and trivium respectively may be very different, and may not only make it easy to demonstrate the existence of a bilateral symmetry, but may also constitute a ventral and dorsal surface respectively. .But 224 Description of the Plates. the regular Echinodermata, such as the Asteridae, Ophiuridae, and the regular Echinoidea^ to the ambulacral regions in which all the five rays contribute equally, do not in adult life keep, when in loco- motion, any one of these always pointiug anteriorly ; and it is by the relations of the anus in the proctuchous forms and of the madreporic tubercle when the anus is absent, that we are enabled to divide the five rays into two sets of them and two rays respec- tively. In the Ophiuridae, in which there is no anus, and in which the madreporic tubercle is not always visible externally, being fused with one of the interradially-placed circumoral plates, the adult animal may seem to be perfectly radiate, and we have to refer to the pluteiform larva for proof of its essentially bilateral character. I. Central radius of trivium; a line drawn along the long axis of this ray to the madreporic tubercle ff, w^ould, in the undis- turbed condition of the parts, have the anus a little on its left ; and if prolonged, would pass down the interradial space of the bivium IV and V. II. Right radius of trivium, with the greater part of the tegu- ment left in situ. The inward prolongation of the external ossiferous envelope is well seen in the interradial space be- tween arm I and arm II and the generative gland of either ray is seen on either side of the septum thus constituted, with w^hich it is connected by a single efferent duct with a cribriform opening on to the exterior. The dorsal integu- ment contains a large number of ossicula imbedded in its substance, some of which carry small conical prickly spines, whilst others simply connect the spinigerous ossicles into a reticulation. Down the centre of each ray the spinigerous tubercles are in this species arranged with considerable regu- larity, so as to form a mesial series ; in the other portions of the dorsal area, they are scattered irregularly. The in- tervals between the dorsal ossicula are perforated by respi- ratory pores, through which coccal processes of the pen- visceral sac protrude, and are exposed to the circumambient aerating medium. Pcdicelhiriae of considerable size are scattered over the interspinal areae, and smaller and incon- spicuous ones surround many of the spines in a circle. They Co7nmon Starfish. 225 may be so numerous in this species as to give the surface a villous appearance. III. Left radius of trivium. The two digestive coeca have been displaced from their normal connections within the cavity of the ray, and are displayed in the interradial space on either side. Towards the apex of the ray are seen the ambulacral ampullae belonging to one of the two biserial rows of locomotor feet, in the middle line are seen the ambulacral ossicles, and on either side the generative glands, IV and V. Left and right rays of bivium. The greater part of the digestive and reproductive organs have been removed, and the ambulacral ampullae, d i, forming four rows, corre- sponding to the two rows of sucker-like feet arranged on either side of the ventrally-placed ambulacral furrows, are seen on either side of the middle line occupied by the mesial articulations of the successive pairs of ^ vertebraF or ' ambu- lacral ossicles, ki, hi. Externally on either side to the rows of ampullae, are shown diagrammatically the more or less regularly quadrangular reticulations, formed by the ^ interambulacraF ossicles. Of these interambulacral ossicles, there are in this species eight rows, interposed between the ambulacral ossicles and the less regularly disposed ^ tergal ■* ossicles. Of the interambulacral rows, the first, third, and sixth carry spines on their ventral surfaces ; the second, fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth are devoid of them, and act simply as commissural bars uniting the whole series into a quadrangularly reticulate skeleton. Of the tergal ossicles, some are spinigerous and some simply connective; the ambulacral never carry spines. a. Intestinal cavity, communicating freely with the stomach proper, seen below at c, and giving off a stem which bifurcates as it enters each ray. h 1 . One of the arborescent divisions into which the radial diver- ticulum of radius I divides. It is only in the Asteriae that this digestive tract has this radial arrangement of digestive or ' hepatic' coeca. 226 Description of the Plates. b %. Arborescent coecum of radius IIIj displaced, as is its fellow, into the next interradial space. b 3 and b 4. Terminations of coeca of radius V attached to the dorsal integ-umentary skeleton by a mesentery. c. Stomach proper, bulging* into the cavity of the several rays at a lower level than the coeca, b, but only for a short dis- tance. Ligaments may be observed passing up on either side of c from the ambulacral ossicles, by means of which the stomach can be retracted after being protruded, as it often is by the animal when feeding. To the right of c is seen one of the interradial septa to which the ducts of the generative coeca on either side are attached. d I . Ampullae of ambulacral feet of radius IV ; they are biserial on either side, in correspondence with the four sucker-like feet which communicate with them through conjugate fora- mina formed by the alternating apposition of emarginations of the ambulacral ossicles j for which see fig. 3, pi. i., Wright, British Fossil Echinodermata from the Oolite, 1862 ; Gandry, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., torn, xvi., pL 13, fig. i. d 1. Ampullae of radius V. e. Subcentrally-placed anus. f. Origin of extensor muscle of radius I from inner surface of centre of dorsal integument. It is by the action of this muscle that the distal extremity of the rays and the com- pound eyes they carry, have their ordinary up-turned direc- tion, as shown in this figure, given to them. fi. Distal termination of extensor muscle of radius V. g. Madreporic canal and plate displaced backwards into the inter- radial space of the bivium, opposite to whicli it is placed in the natural position of the parts. The madreporic plate being porous, and the madreporic tube, in spite of a some- what complicated internal structure, being very readily permeable by fluid, it is easy to see how the sea- water can find its way into the water-vascular ambulacral system vdth. which the madreporic canal is connected by its junction to circum-oral water- vascular ring. The ' heart' of the pseud- haemal system is inclosed in the same membranous sheath with the madreporic canal, and, like it, communicates with a circura-oral annular vessel, which lies inferiorly to the Common Starjish. 227 water- vascular ring-, between it and the commissural ring, or rather commissural pentagon, formed by the nervous bands connecting the proximal ends of the gangliated radial cords. ' Polian vesicles muscular sacculi appended to the water- vas- cular circum-oral ring. There are in this species ten Polian vesicles, one corresponding to each biserial row of ampullae ; their functions, however, cannot be here of the importance which they may possess when of the proportions observed in the Holothurians (see Description of Preparation 47). Corresponding again to the Polian vesicles is to be foimd, on the internal aspect of the water- vascular ring, a series of glandular sacculi, the so-called ' racemose vesicles.'' Of these there are nine in this species, one being aborted at the point of insertion of the madreporic canal into the ring. j I andy a. Eeproductive glands of radius III, consisting of mul- tiramified coeca appended to a single efferent duct, as in many but not all proctuchous Asteriae, and in Ctenodiscus amongst the aproctous. The efferent duct of each gland comes into relation with the corresponding interradial sep- tum, and the small ova find their way into the sea-water through a cribriform external opening, which may be found on the corresponding side of the apex of each interradial angle on the dorsal surface of the body. See Miiller and Troschel, Die Asteriden, pi. xii., fig. 2, p. 133. J 3. Point of attachment of efferent generative duct of right generative gland of radius V to interradial septum, which is formed by the prolongation inwards of the external envelope containing a number of small flat ossicles. h I and k 2. Ambulacral ossicles forming by their mesial abut- ment the commissural ambulacral arches. There may be as many as 140 ambulacral arches in each ray, but as each arch is never in relation with more than a single pair of ampullae, and as the ampullae in Asteracanthion form two biserial rows, these rows are only half as numerous as the ambulacral arches. The apposition of the ambulacral arches forms inferiorly the ambulacral furrow, in the upper part of which is lodged the ambulacral water- vessel, and in the lower part of which, immediately beneath the integument, Q 2 228 Description of the Plates. runs the gang-liated nerve-cord. Eacii ambulacral ossicle abuts upon its fellow by a facet a little below the level to which the lines k z, k 2, are drawn, the interval between this level and that of the ai-ticular facets being filled up by muscular fibres, which by contracting must act as divari- cators of the ambulacral ossicles. Adductor muscular fibres, on the other hand, are found in the concavity of each ambu- lacral arch, crossing from one ossicle to the other in the interval between the radial water- vessel and the nerve-cord. The structui-es in the Ophiuridae, which are homologous with the ambulacral ossicles of the Asteriae, are the two immoveably Articulated halves of a vertebral ossicle, which, in the absence of any prolongations of the digestive or generative organs into the arms, occupies a much larger space relatively than the ambulacral ossicles of the Asteriae. The structures in the Echinoidea, which are homologous with the ambulacral ossicles of the Asteriae, are the so- called ' Auriculae' of Echinus, which in Echinanthus are repeated upon each ambulacral plate. The ambulacral plates, again, of the Echinoidea are not represented by any calcification in the Asteriae, being developed in the layer of perisoma which lies externally to the radial nerve-cords, and which remains free from induration in the order just named ; though it carries fom' rows of scutes, one dorsal, two lateral, and one ventral, in the Ophiurae. For the digestive system of the Asterim {Aster acantMoii) rubens, see Miiller and Troschel, System der Asteriden, Taf. xi., fig. i, p. 132. For the reproductive system, see Miiller and Troschel, ibid., pp. 133^ 134- For the motor and skeletal system, see Professor Sharpey, Cyclo- paedia of Anatomy and Physiology, article ' Echinodermata,' figs. 9 and 1 2, pp. 32, 34; Wilson, Linn. Soc. Trans., vol. xxiii., i860, p. 107, tab. 14, fig. 7. For the skeletal system, see Gaudry, Ann. Sci. Nat., Ser. iii., torn, xvi., 1851, pi. 3, fig. I. For the homology of the Auriculae of the Echinoidea and the cal- careous ring of the Holothuroidea with the ambulacral ossicles Common Starfish. 229 of the Asteroidea as invalidating-, pro tanto, Miiller's dictum, that this latter class alone of Echinodermata possesses an internal skeleton, see Semper, Eeisen in Archipel des Philli- piden, Theil. ii., Hft. iv., p. i6% ; see also Wright, British Fossil Echinodermata of the Oolitic Formations, Palaeontographical Society's Memoirs, 1862, vol. ii., p. 14. For a comparison of the osseous skeleton of Asterias {Uraster) ruhens vf\i\i that of a fossil species from the Middle Lias, Uraster Gaveyi, Forbes, see Wright, I. c, p. 1 00, pi. i. an account of the Pedicellariae, see Sars cit. Wright, 1. c, p. 19. The pedicellariae of the Asteriae and Echinoidea are not homologous with the avicularia of the Polyzoa, to which they bear a considerable resemblance. The pedicellariae are modified spines ; the avicularia are specially modified or poly- morphic individuals of the compound Polyzoan colony. The two sets of structures appear however to be analogous, being both alike prehensile organs. i i 1 I f: PLATE XI. o.oEvvnr.ifcZ ^ iTc Fie 1 Diagram of Cephalopod. Fig. 5. Rotifek. Eydatma Senta 2. Bkachiopob. BJ.jnciu>nclla Fig. 6. Tukbellabian. Moc i^^S- Plan of Polyzoon. 237 Figure 4. Plan of Polyzoon, from Bronn's ' Klassen und Ordnungen de8 THerreichs,' iii. i, Taf. xviii., fig. I. after Allman, ' Fresli-water Polyzoa/ figs, i and 2, p. 7, fig. 8, P- 45- The animal is figured as it is seen when its lophophore, with the tentacles it supports, the lower segment and outlet of the intestine, and the single nerve ganglion which is situated between them, are retracted into a cavity a, formed for their reception by the invagi- nation of the endocyst into the ' cell/ The double arrow above a indicates that the cavity thus temporarily formed is common to both inhalant and anal orifices. h. Nerve ganglion, situated between the two openings of the digestive canal. c. Lophophore, representing in this figure only one-half of the horseshoe-shaped or ' hippocrepian' structure, distinguishing all fresh-water species, except Paludicellea and Urnatellea, and replaced in all marine species, except Rhabdopleura and Pedicellina, by a simple orbicular collar. The hippocrepian form of lophophore may be considered as constituted by the prolongation into two arms of the simple circlet of the marine species. The mouth opens between the two lips of the lophophore in all species, marine and fresh-water alike ; and in all, except Pedicellina, both lips are beset with a row of ciliated tentacles. The two arms of the lophophore are attached to the polypide around its mouth, of which they appear to be a development, and they form thus the roof of its perivisceral space, with which their interior freely com- municates. They are free in the rest of their length, and project from the oral over towards the neural and rectal aspect of the animal. Hence in this diagram the anal orifice occupies the right, and the oral the left side of the nerve ganglion. There is no gizzard in fresh-water Polyzoa, but the stomach has a large pyloric coecum ; from the lower end of this a cord is figured as passing to the bottom of the cell. This cord represents the cylindrical granular 'fani- culus in connection with which the testis of the Polyzoa, Description of the Plates. and also in the fresh -water species^ certain non-sexual repro- ductive gemmae are developed. The ovary is figured on the oesophageal side of the cell, and towards its upper part. From the bottom of the cell, where in most cases a distinct septum separates the several polypides, retractor muscles are figured as passing upwards and attaching themselves to the sides and upper part of the oesophagus. As the nerve gan- glion has been described as sending filaments to these muscleSj as also to the evaginable endocyst, lophophore, tentacles, epistome, and digestive tract, it would appear to correspond not only to the cerebroid ganglia of higher molluscs, but also to the parieto-splanchnic. A nerve collar has also been figured as passing round the oesophagus from the infra-oesophageal mass. The Polyzoa are devoid of a heart ; and the blood contained in their perigastric cavities is aerated and kept in motion partly by the ciliary action of the inner surface of the endocyst; partly by its muscular contractions; and partly by the muscular movements re- tracting and protracting the entire polypide; which cause the contents of the perivisceral and of the tentacular cavi- ties to be freely interchanged. For a figure giving full details on a large scale of the lophophore, and its relations to the mouth, anus, nerve-ganglion, and epistome, see Allman^s Monograph, ' Fresh-water Polyzoa,' published by the Ray Society, pi. ii., fig. 24 ; and passim for information as to the entire class, and especially as to the fresh-water representatives of it. For an enlarged view of the nerve-ganglion, drawn as surrounding the oesophagus with a collar, see Nitsche, Dubois Reymond, and Reichert, Archiv., 1868, Taf. xiii., fig. 23. See also Du- mortier and Van Beneden, Mem. Acad. Bruxell., torn, xv., pi. iv., fig. 5, p. 85; Hyatt, Proceedings of Essex Institute, Salem, U. S. A., v. 4, Oct., 1867, p. 107. For a figure of a marine species, showing its orbicular lophophore, ovicell, and avicularia, see Bronn, Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs, iii. 9, Taf. v., fig. 3. For the existence of a nerve-system common to an entire colony, see Fritz Miiller, Archiv. fur Naturgeschichte, i860, p. 311. Figure of Rotifer. 239 FrGriRE 5. Figure of Rotifer {Hydatina Smta), Female, fi-om Pritchard's Infusoria. Natural size, ^ to of an inch. The body is divided into nine zonular segments by eigbt annular muscles ; its anterior extremity, which is much the larger of the two, carries the ciliated apparatus, from the appearance produced by the action of which the name of the class is taken, and its posterior end is a pincer-like foot. a. Emargination of ciliated border of anterior extremity of body, leading into digestive tract. b. Mouth, opening directly "into a muscular pharynx or 'mastax' c, armed with chitinous teeth, which leads, by a short and narrow canal d, into e. The stomach, a large sacculated and ciliated organ, with the upper end of which two large glandular organs are in rela- tion, one only of which, that of the right side, is here jBgured. /. Cloaca, into which open, not only the rectum and the oviduct, but also ff. The contractile vesicle, which receives the lateral terminations of the two water- vascular tubes. k. Ovary. i. Water-vascular tubes, convoluted at intervals, and giving off also certain pedunculate infundibula, which are richly ciliated, and open into the perigastric cavity, as do the segmental organs of the Annelids. There are never less than five of these ciliated infundibula in Rotifers. Jc. Nerve ganglion, on the side of the body away from which the mouth opens. I. Tentacular organ, consisting of a setigerous pit, situated on the dorsal surface of the body, and receiving filaments from the nerve ganglion. There are no eyes in the genus Hy- datina. The surface upon which the tentacular organ is developed, and which corresponds in genera provided with a lorica, to its convex portion, is kept upwards by the animal in moving. 240 Description of the Plates. m. Longitudinal muscles, the action of which, as also of the circular muscleSj giving* the body its annulated appear- ance, is counteracted by the elasticity of the chitinous integuments. For a description of the Hyclatina Senta, see Cohn, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. ZooL, 1 855 ; or Huxley, Med. Times and Gazette, J uly 26, 1856. For the anatomy and relationships of the Rotifera generally, see Huxley, Trans. Micros. Soc, 1853, 1-19; Moxon, Linn. Soc. Trans., xxiv., 1864, p. 459 ; Pritchard, ' Infusoria,^ 4th ed., pp. 468, 656. Figure 6. Figure of Turbellarian Worm (Dendrocoehom Nausicaa), after 0. Schmidt, Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaftliche Zoologies Bd. xi., Taf. ii., fig. i. This figure is intended to show, firstly, the general external appearance of this Turbellarian, which bears a strong resemblance to that of the common Dendrocoelnm lacteum, which is found abundantly in the streams and ditches of the south of England, especially in masses of the American weed {Anacharis Alsinastrum) ; and secondly, the peculiarities of the digestive system, whence the Dendrocoelous sub-order of Turbellarians takes its name. The cilia which cover the whole of the bodies of these worms, and from which the order takes its name, as also the nervous system, and the complicated organs of generation, with the exception of the intromittent organ with its capsule, and an organ of obscure func- tion but of similar outer form to the male organ, have been omitted in this figure. a. Muscular pharynx, communicating with the mouth, which lies a little posteriorly to the middle of the body. The pharynx is in this species so long as to require to be thrown into convolutions when retracted into its sheath, and it attains thus a deceptive similarity to the proboscis of the Nemcrtines or Rhynchocaelous Turbellarians. Probably in no true Turbellarian does the mouth open quite terminally at the cephalic extremity of the mouth, and the organ which Figure of Rotifer. 241 is described as sucli in V, Carus' Icones Zootomicae, Taf, viii., fig. i6j in Prosiomum lineare, is really homologous with the proboscis of the Nemertines, and probably also with a rudimentary structure which by careful focussing can be seen in the central lobe of the three into which the frontlet of many Dendrocoela is divided, as in this specimen. The Turbellarians never possess suckers^ differing herein from the two other orders of Platyelraiirthes, the Trematodes and the Cestodesj and the structure which has been described in FrostovHum lineare as being a sucker, has been shown by Claparede to communicate with its comparatively simple and aproctous digestive sac. See Claparede, Beobaehtungen iiber Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte Wirbellos. Thiere, 1863, pp. 16, 17, Taf. iii., fig. 3. Anterior coecal end of intestine, passing upwards between the two eyes, and seen very clearly in the marine species allied to this one to be underlaid by a band of nervous tissue, passing across as a commissure between the two nerve-ganglia in relation with the eyes. Of the presence however of even the nerve-ganglia it is not always easy to convince oneself with the semi-transparent fresh-water species Denclrocoelum lacteum under the microscope, and it must be borne in mind that in comparative anatomy, as in development, the evolu- tion of the organs of special sense may take precedence of the differentiation of central nerve-organs (see p. 157, supra). The digestive tract between the opening into it of the pharynx and this anterior coecal end gives off from eight to eleven lateral branches ; two other branches pass back from the point of junction of the digestive tract with the pharynx, and surround the area in which that organ, as also the orifice of the bisexual generative glands, and the male in- tromittent and another organ of uncertain function, are seen to be situated. These two branches fuse posteriorly, and from the arch formed by their anastomosis numerous branches pass backwards and outwards. This arborescent form of intestine is always correlated with the absence of an anus in the Turbellarians; and in the K,habdocoelous Prostomum and Vortex, where the digestive tract is aproc- tous, indications of a tendency to form lateral diverticula, 242 Description of the Plates. as in tlie Dendrocoela, and less markedly in Uhynchocoela, are not wanting to careful inspection. c. Orifice of female organs. The penis, and a pear-shaped organ which is of doubtful function, but which may be supposed to be concerned in the formation of the shell of the ova, have their openings distinct from, and placed posteriorly to, this orifice instead of within it, as in the genus Planaria, which is on this account separated from the genus Dendro- coelum. For detailed descriptions and for figures of the reproductive organs, see O. Schmidt, Zeitstfhrift fur Wiss. Zoologie, X., 1859, p. 34, Tafs. iii. and iv., xi., 1861, p. ii, Tafs. i., ii., iii., iv. The Turbellarian Worms show in various parts of their organisation points of affinity to several other orders of animals besides the Trematodes and Taeniadae, with which they have been here classed as Platyelminthes. In some of the smaller and almost microscopic forms of Ehabdocoelous Turbellarians the oesophagus opens into the general cavity of the body, no distinct intestinal wall being developed ; the resemblance of such forms to the larger Infusoria, and indeed also to the Coelenterata, is very close, so far as the digestive and tegumentary systems are concerned. Still even in a young Turbellarian, in which the digestive tract might not be distin- guishable within, nor the generative organs differentiated fi-om the general parenchyma of the body, the presence of such organs as the otohthic cap- sule would point to the real character of the animal. The presence of ' thread cells' in the integument is a point common to the Turbellarians, with the Coelenterata and many of the Holotrichous Infusoria {Parmmecium bursaria), but it has been noted also in certain Polychaetous Vermes, and in the Nudibranchiate Mollusca, which by their dendritic digestive tract present a real resemblance to the Dendrocoelous Turbellarians ; as also to some extent by their complex reproductive organs. The singular aproctous parasitic Mollusc Entoconcha mirabilis, which appears to be nearly allied to the Nudibranchiate Molluscs, is, as figured and described by Baur, Nova Acta, 1864, p. 35, by no means unlike, in the general rela- tions of its various systems, to an aproctous Khabdococlous Turbellarian. It is of more importance perhaps to note that the order Turbellarians comprises forms which, whilst inseparably connected with each other by connecting links, are yet so various as to present, at either end of the series they make up, close approximations both to the highest and to the lowest of the Vermes, to the unity and real compactness of which sub- kin-dom they thereby appear to speak very distinctly. Dinophilus, for example, has been ranked by Schmarda with the Naidina (see Nene Wn-- Figure of Rotifer, 243 bellosc Thiere, i. 2, p. 9), whilst by most othei- authors, as Van Beneden, V. Carus, and 0. Schmidt, it is ranked as a Turbellariau. Such a form as Macrostomiwi setosum (Schmarda, I. c, p. 7, Taf. i. 15 and 15 a) is espe- cially instructive as showing how direct the transition may be from the cihated integument, whence the Turbellarians take their name, to the setigerous exterior of the Annelids. The ISTemertina s. Khynchocoela, with which these minute worms are more or less closely allied, are by almost universal consent ranked as Turbellarians, and they by their pos- session of a perivisceral cavity, which is wanting in the Ehabdocoelous and Dendrocoelous sub-orders, bring the entire order into still closer relationship with the Annelids. On the other hand, the kinship of the Turbellarians with the lowest of the Vermes, the Trematodes and Taeniadae, is even more obvious, and by virtue of it these three orders are ordinarily classed together ; and it may be sufficient here to refer to the description of the class given in the Introduction, some of the chief points of resemblance specified in which may be illustrated from Schmarda's work, pp. xi., xiii., Taf. ii. 22. Tor the classification and for many points in the anatomy of the Turbellarians, see Max Schnltze, Archiv, fiir Naturgeschichte, 1849, p. 280 J Archiv. fiir Anatomic und Physiologie, p. 351; O, Schmidt, Sitzungsbricht. Akad. Wiss, Wien. xxii., 1857. p. 347- For the anatomy of tlie Nemertina s. Turbellaria Rhynchocoela, see Keferstein, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zool.j xii., 1 862, p. 66. Figure 7. Gregarine {Etylorhynchus Oligacanthus), a Parasite found in the intestinal tract of Callepteryx Vvrgo ; after Stein, in V. Carus' Icones Zootomicae, tab. i., fig. 3. This animal consists of two unequal parts, the smaller being the anterior, and armed with a coronet of spines ; the larger being the posterior. It contains a large nucleus. The division between the two parts of the body is formed, according to Kolliker, not by an involution of the integument, but by an induration of the hyaline cytoplasm or protoplasm, which, together with the nucleus and the fatty granules which in all but young specimens give a milky colour to these animals, make up its contents or paren- chyma. Gregarinae, therefore, even when ' dicystideous,^ as in this case, are really unicellular organisms. There are no sensory, circulatory, digestive, or other specialized organs in this animal. 244 Description of the Plates. Its power of executing active movements is due to the contractility of its amorphous protoplasm or cytoplasm. a. Anterior part of body or ' head.' The part upon which the line a abuts is of dark colour, to denote the presence there of the opaque fatty granules which give the adult Grega- rines their milk-white appearance. b. Posterior half of body, the integument or cell-wall being slightly removed from the contained parenchyma, as it may be by imbibition of water, though in the normal condition of the parts it is not very sharply limited off from it. c. Proboscis, into which it will be observed the granular opaque element of the parenchyma does not extend. d. Apical expansion armed with excretions of the cell-membrane in the form of spines. e. Should have pointed to the line of compartmental severance between the two halves of the body, and this diaphragm should, according to Kolliker, have been drawn as produced by the contained protoplasm, not by the enveloping cell- wall. /. Nucleus containing a number of brightly refracting granules. It is not known to be directly concerned with the reproduc- tion of these Protozoa, as is the ' nucleus' of Infusoria, or at least not more directly than by being involved in the general solution and rearrangement into small round masses, and ulti- mately into ' pseudonavicellae,' which the entire parenchyma undergoes after encystation, and which constitutes most of what we know of the developmental history of Gregarinae. See, for a general account of the Gregarinae, KoUiker, Icones His- tiologicae, i., p. 7. See also Lieberkuhn, Archiv. fiir Anatomie und Physiologic, 1865, p. 508 ; Lankester, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Society, vol. vi., p. 23 ; Stein, Der Organismus der Infusionsthiere, ii., 1867, pp. 6-8, 19, 20. For the possibility of a subsistence of a relationship between the organisms known as ' psorospermiae' and ' pseudentozoa' and the Gregarinae, see Lenckart, Die Menschlichcn Parasiten, pp. 14 f, 743 ; Bcale, Third Report of Cattle Plague Commissioners, 1866, Appendix, pp. 141-144; Cobbold, On the Nature of Pseudentozoa found in Diseased and Healthy Cattle, Entozoa, Supplement, 1869, p. 40. PLATE Xn. Fig. 1. Diagram of Tapewobm in Cestoid or Fig. Strobile Stage. Fig. 2. Halfof a young segment or Proglot- Fig. tis of Tapewokm {Tccnia Cccnu- rus) magnified. Fig. 3. Diagram of entire segment as de- Fig. tached when ripe or adult. Fig, Fig. 4. Ripe segment, twice the natural size, Fig of Tivnia Solium. 5. Embryo of Tapeworm wntliout the shell. 6. Diagram of Mant-headed Bladder WouM {Twnia Canuriis) in cystic stage. 7. Hydra Viridis. 8. Infusorium. Prororlon Teres, g. RuizoPOD. Amoeba Badiosa. PLATE XIL The figures i to 5 are intended to show semi-diagrammatically the different stages of the metamorphosis or the ' alternation of genera- tions' in the life of one of the typical Taenioid Flatworms or Platy- elmiuthes. Figure i represents the perfect animal as it is found in the compound form, called ' strobile/ from the analogy of the cone of a fir, in the intestinal canal of ordinarily a carnivorous or omnivorous vertebrate ' host/ such as the dog, or the human sub- ject. Figure 2 represents one of its segments, the so-called ' pro- glottides/ as it may be seen before the great development of the ova in the uterus has overwhelmed and caused the disappearance of the other sexual organs, female and male, which each segment after the sexless adherent ' head^ or ' nurse^ contains. Figures 3 and 4 represent ripe segments of the compound animal, so dis- tended with ova as to have caused the ripe proglottides, which retaia considerable locomotor powers, to be called 'ovaria ambu- lantia.'' Figure 5 shows one of the microscopic embryos, the so-called ' proscolex/ as it appears when set free from its shell by the action of the digestive secretions of the intestinal tract, into which it is introduced ; the entire ovum having been set free from the substance of the 'proglottis' by its spontaneous or other dehis- cence, inside or outside of the digestive tract of the animal, which is to be its host. Figure 6 shows the cystic stage into which such a proscolex as that shown in Figure 5 developes into, when it has belonged to Taenia caenunis, which diflFers from other Tapeworms except Taenia echinococcus , in having its proscolex proliferating as shown in the figure, instead of producing a solitary ' new head' or ' scolex/ This cystic stage is passed in the parenchyma of some solid organ, such as the liver or the muscles ; and in the particular 246 Description of the Plates. case of Taenia caemirus, in the brain of tlie sheep, most usually, though not rarely, in other parts of the body of this ruminant, as also of rodents. (See Description of Preparation 43, p. 136^ supra.) Figure i. Tapeworm, as found in the intestinal canal of man or of a dog, semi-diagrammatic ; after Van Beneden, M^moire sur les Vers Intestinaux, Paris, 1858, pi. xxvi., fig- 25. The asexual ' head' or ' nurse' is armed with a double circlet of spines, as is the case with Taeniae which are harboured in the in- testines of Birds and of carnivorous mammals ; whilst the Taeniae of fish, batrachians, and herbivorous mammals are not possessed of this armature. Posteriorly to the circlets of spines is seen a circlet of four suckers. The definition of the segments* begins to be evident a short way posteriorly to the head; the segments increase in size and ripeness from before backwards; the most posterior may be takeft to have been such segments as are figured at 3 and 4. " The entire compound animal as seen in this figure is trimorphic, consisting of a sexless armed adhesive 'head' or ' scolex ;' of unripe ' proglottides' secondly j and of ripe proglottides thirdly. FlGTJEE 3. Half of an unripe segment of Taenia Caenurus, to show the generative organs, male and female ; after Leuckart, Die MenschUchen Parasiten, p. 179. ^g- 3°. a. Water-vascular or excretory system. Two longitudinal vessels, one of which is often much larger than the other, and is not shown in this diagram, run along either side of each segment, parallel with and close to each other, and are connected with their fellows on the opposite side of each segment by a transverse annular anastomosis. This trans- verse connecting vessel takes in the last segment the shape of a median vesicle into which the lateral vesicles converge, and through which they open on to the exterior. In some cases similar openings have been observed in the anterior portions of the Tapeworm, posteriorly to the suckers, and Taenia Caenurus, 247 communicating- with the lateral trunks by short transverse anastomoses. These vessels are both contractile and ciliated. In their ramifications, besides other excretory matters which they may be supposed^ from the analogy of other allied animals (g-uanin having- been found in the water-vascular system of Trematodes) to contain, crystals of carbonate and phosphate of calcium are founds and sometimes^ as in both the other classes of Platyelminthes^ in great abundance. These calcareous corpuscles are found both in the central parenchyma and in the cortical layers of the Taenia, but in greatest abundance in the latter strata^ into which a dense reticulation of capillary vessels^ in which the corpuscles are lodged, may be observed to spread from the larger quadri- laterally arranged vessels which lie in the central paren- chyma. b. Uterus, in the unripe segment running as a straight tube from the posterior part of each segment to its anterior. c. Ovary, or rather, as the yolk is furnished in these as in other Platyelminthes by a separate set of glands, the 'germi- genous'' gland. This organ occupies a place quite at the posterior end of each segment, and has a reticular arrange- ment. d. Bilaterally symmetrical yolk-secreting gland or ' vitellarium,' lying anteriorly to the germigenous gland. The two stems carrying the digitate processes of either side unite into one common duct ; this common vitelliferous duct joins the vagina just above the spot where it dilates into a recepta- culum seminis. The common duct formed of these three factors carries its two kinds of contents into the dilated end of the uterus, just where it receives the duct from the germigenous gland, the products of which are thus brought at once into relation with the yolk and the spermatozoa. The granular layer of the cortical stratum which immedi- ately underlies and secretes the chitinous ' cuticular'' struc- ture of the cortex, and overlies the muscles, has been sometimes mistaken for the true vitelligenous glands here described. e. Testes appended in a racemose manner by very delicate ducts to the vasa deferentia. They were more abundant in the 248 Descrijption of the Plates. anterior half of the segment which is removed, than in this, the posterior. f. Intromittent organ, essentially a specialization of the muscular ductus ejaculatorius. It is armed with spines, which favour its retention in the vagina, in the act of self-impregnation ohservable in these ' heautandrous' hermaphrodites. It is here figured as retracted and coiled up spirally ; it is figured as protruded in Figure 3. g. Vagina dilating into an oval receptaculum seminis, before joining the duct of the two vitelligenous glands. The vagina opens externally in the posterior half of a saucer-like depression on one side of a segment ; in the anterior half of each the male outlet is situated. The generative outlets are similarly arranged in the Taenia cuc^imerina, a tapeworm commonly found in the dog; and in the Taenia ellijdica, a tapeworm which infests the cat; hut the glandular organs being double, the outlets are double also, and exist on both lateral edges in each segment. In the Taenia medioca- nellata of the human species, the common generative de- pression is situated some way behind the middle of the lateral border of each segment; in the Taenia solium it is nearer to the middle line, whilst in Bothriocephaliis latus, which, like the two tapeworms, infests the human subject, both orifices are situated on one of the flat aspects of the segment they belong to. In other species, the male orifice may be situated on the edge, and the female on the flat aspect of each segment. A segment with the generative organs in the condition here figured, would be found in either Taenia solium or Taenia mediocanellata, the two common human tapeworms, at about the 450th segment counting backwards from the head ; and the segments would assume the appearance given in Figures 3 and 4, after about aoo more segments in Taenia solium^ and 360 to 400 in Taenia mediocaiiellaia. Diagram of Proglottis. 249 Figure 3. Diagram of a ripe Proglottis, as cast free from the posterior end of the compound colony ; one of the 'Vermes Cucurbitini' of the older authors. Its edges are rounded off ; the penis is figured as protruded from the orifice into which the generative ducts open ; but the rest of the generative organs are overwhelmed by the abundant ova. But such a proglottis as this might retain, even when detached from the strobile, the power both of vegetative growth and of locomo- tion ; and whilst moving freely in the contents of the digestive tract it was infesting, might grow to be as large as the entire strobile. Such proglottides have been mistaken for Trematodes, or for Taeniae without segments. By means of the three muscular layers of the cortex, the proglottis can move with considerable power and effect from place to place, when discharged from the intestinal canal of its host, so long as it is in an atmosphere saturated with watery vapour. Such proglottides have been aptly styled ' ovaria ambulantia.'' The ova are ultimately set free by the spontaneous dehiscence of the cortical walls. See Van Beneden, Memoire sur les Vers Intestinaux, 1858, p. 249, and pi. xxvi., fig. 26, whence this figure is taken. For the muscular layers in the cortex of the Taeniadae and Trematodes, see Leuckart, Die Menschlichen Parasiten, Bd. i., p. 459. FlGTJUE 4. Segment of Taenia Solium, to show the dendritic outgrowing of the uterus, about twice the natural size ; after Leuckart, I. c., p. 177, fig. 29. This segment is not so far advanced towards maturity as the segment figured at 3, its angles not being rounded off; but the uterus and its contents have increased and encroached so much upon the rest of the generative organs, as to have caused their disappearance. In Taeriia solium, these dendritic ramifications would have a yellowish colour, and be found to be made up of aggregations of embryos, such as the one figured at 5, enclosed in a hard resistent shell. It has been remarked that the proglottides 250 Description of the Plates. of different species of Taeniae differ often very little or not at all from each other, even though their ova would give rise to as different a series of phaenomena as are presented by the histories of the Taenia caenzmis and the Taenia serrata, the ova from the former of which would produce in a sheep such an organism as that figured at 6 ; whilst the ova of the latter would produce in a sheep no appreciable effect at all. The Medusae of different species of Polypes are similarly much ahke ; and in each case it is possible that the similar mode of life which the sexual zooid in each set of cases goes throughj accounts for the loss at that particular stage of its specific and distinctive characteristics. The reverse is the case in the developmental history of the parasitic Crustacea, in which the larvae are alike, and the sexual animals very different in structure. See Van Beneden, I. c, pp. 113, 148; Polypes, Introd., p. 7- Figure 5. Embryo or proscolex of an ordinaiy Taenia, armed, as is the case except in certain marine fish-infesting Taeniae {Tetrarhynchus) with six spines ; after Van Beneden, I. c, pi. xxvi., fig. 27. Such an embryo as this would be of about three times the size of a human blood-corpuscle, o-022-o-028 Mm, and when set free from the hard shell, which is not drawoi in this figure, by the action of the digestive fluids of its host, it would bore and push its way from the mucous surface of the intestinal tract into the blood-vessels, and so pass along them into the liver, a very common place for the development of the cystic stage, or, subsequently, into other organs. The two spines of the central pair of the three are symmetrical, and, in piercing the portal radicles, they have an antero-posterior movement analogous to that executed by the oral stylet of certain parasitic Crustaceans. The two spines again on the extreme right and left of the series are symmetrical with each other, as are the two re- maining ones, which, in numbering the whole series from left to right, would stand as 2 and 5. These two latter pairs move in the piercing of the tissues much as the fore limbs do in swimming. The wound made is, on account of the small size of the embryo, readily overlooked ; and it has been incorrectly supposed that the embryos found their way into the liver by the way of the bile- Many-headed Bladder-ivorm. 251 ducts. The six spines are to be recognised again, though scattered and dislocated from their position as given here, in the more or less distended, cystic or cysticercoid vesicle, into which the proscolex expands when it reaches its place of lodgment in the tissues. See fig. 6 h for Caemirus cerehralis, Van Beneden, 1. c, pi. xxvi., fig. 34 ; for the six spines as seen in the cystic stage of Taenia ecUnococcus, Leuckart, I. c, fig. 51, Micrographic Dictionary, pi. 16, fig. 3 ; for the six spines in Taenia solium, Cysticercus cellulosae, see Cobhold, Entozoa, p. 235, fig. 48 ; for those in Cysticerms limacis, and Stein, for similar organisms from the perivisceral cavity of the larvae of Tenehrio molitor, which must be supposed to gain the cestoid form in the digestive tube of some insect-eating bird or mammal, Zeitschrift fiir Wissen- schaftliche Zoologie, Bd. iv., 196, Taf. x., figs. 12, 13, 14, 16, and V. Carus' Icones Zootomica ■, Taf vii., fig. 20. For a history of the migration of these embryos, see Van Beneden, I, c, p. 238 ; Leuckart, I. c, p. 198. FlGUEE 6. Cystic stage in the development of Many-headed Bladder-worm, Caenurus Cerehralis, after Van Beneden, I. c, pi. xxvi., fig. 31. The embryonic hexacanth embryo, figured at 5, has become greatly distended after coming to rest in the organ, ordinarily the brain of a sheep, into which it is carried by the blood after penetrating these vessels. The six hooks are observed to be scattered and dislocated over its surface at 6, and a number of *■ scolices/ the potential ' heads^ or ' nurses ' of a future tapeworm, are observed to be developed upon one of the poles of tbe enlarged vesicle. The way in which these heads are formed in the Taeniadae appears to be as follows. In the innermost submuscular cellular layer of the cyst, a proliferation of cells takes place, and forms a thickened disc. Into this a single depression in the monocephalous Taeniadae, and from 3 or 4 up to 300 or 400 in the Caenuri, make their way from the outside of the mother cyst inwards. On and out of the thus inverted external layer, the cuticular layer of the future scolex, with 252 Description of the Plates. its spines and suckers, is developed; whilst out of the thickened disc the deeper layers of the cortex are formed. Each head thus at first points inwards towards the interior of the parent cyst ; but by the contractions of the muscular layers of this cyst, as also by those of the intrinsic muscles of the cortex of each head, it may come to have its apex pointing in either direction, either outwards towards the circumambient tissues of its host, or inwards towards the interior of the maternal vesicle. a. Wall of embryonic dilated cyst, containing, as do the homo- logous structui-es in the other Platyelminthes, calcareous corpuscles. b. Hooks of embryonic vesicle scattered and dislocated by its distension. c I. Scolex fully protruded. c %. Scolex half protruded. d. Scolex as developed with its apex pointing inwards and its tubular body in communication therefore, not with the parent cyst, but with the cavity of the adventitious cyst thrown round the entire organism by the irritated tissues of its host. The central parenchymatous portion of none of these scolices is as yet developed, the sexual organs of which the central parenchyma is all but exclusively made up, not being developed except in the cestoid stage attained to in the intestine of the dog. For history of Caenunis cereh-alis, see Van Beneden, I. c, p. 146; Cobbold, Entozoa, p. 1 16 seqq, ; Gamgee, Report on the Para- sitic Diseases of Quadi-upeds used as Food (Med. Officers' Privy Council Office Report, v. 1862) ; Thudichen, ibid., vii., 1865. For other figures illustrating the various stages in the development of these Taeniadae, see Cobbold's Entozoa, p. a 16, pi. xii., et passim. Common Hydra. 253 FiGUKE 7. Common Hydra (Hydra Viridis) showing the perfectly free communication or con- tinuity vnth the body cavity which the digestive tract possesses ; the continuity of the cavities of the tentacles with the digestive sac, and their contractility, as indi- cated by the annulation of their external surface as at a ; and the reproductive organs in situ. After Greene ; Manual of Coelenterata, 1861, p. 24. The animal is di-awn as attaclied bj its ' hydrorliiza' to a piece of weed with the oral end downwards^, as in the position very ordi- narily assumed by it during life. It is much enlarged, its natural size being, at the greatest, little over three quarters of an inch in length. The Hydra differs from most other Hydrozoa, except the free forms of the class,, in the three following particulars : firstly, in consisting of but a single polype, in which point only a few Corynidae resemble it; secondly, in. being totally destitute of any external polypary; and, thirdly, in possessing the power of loco- motion as well as that of fixation to one spot. It differs again from all Coelenterata, with the exception of Cordi/lop/wra lacustris, by its fresh- water habitat. a. One of the tentacles, externally annulated, owing to the con- traction of the external layer or ectoderm, which, in the terminal part of the tentacles, can be very well seen to be bounded internally by a structureless ' basement membrane"*- like layer, which again forms here the innermost layer, the cellular endoderm not being developed. The ectoderm is very richly bestudded with the thread cells, so characteristic of all Coelenterata (except Ctenophora?), but, besides a few pigment cells, it is said by Keichert to contain no other morphological element, its contractility depending upon a perfectly homogeneous and hyaline substance, as in Rhizo- poda. The basement-like membrane is an excretion from the ectoderm, just as the chitinous external polypary is also in other Hydroid Zoophytes, but has been supposed to be muscular in character. As this figure shows that con- tractility resides in parts of the organism of the Hydra, where the purely cellular endoderm is absent, that layer of the body at all events may be supposed with some prob- ability to be devoid of this faculty. 254 Description of the Plates. b. Moutli, ^trompe buccale' of Van Beneden; a clear line mark- ing- the line of junction of endoderm and ectoderm. c. Body-cavity, directly continuous with the digestive, and so, indirectly, with the tentacular cavities. d. Conical testicular glands, which set free their spermatozoa by dehiscence outwards, and can be approximated by flexion of the animaFs body to the inferiorly placed ovaria. e. Large protuberance containing a single ovum, as seen in the autumn, proliferation taking place in the way of gemmation and separation of the buds during the summer months, just as agamogenesis prevails during the same period in the Daphnidae and Botifera, but is replaced by the sexual im- pregnation of the ' winter ova'' at the latter end of the year. In the Spongilla, and the fresh-water Polyzoa, on the other • hand (see pp. 163 and 238, supra), this history is reversed, agamogenesis by means of gemmules inclosed in a resistent capsule, taking place towards the close of the warmer months of the year, whilst a true sexual process takes place during the summer months. The ovum here is seen to be sur- rounded by a polygonally-shagreened capsule, which, how- ever, is not spinous here as in Eijdra vulgaris. The ovum is still enclosed within another capsule, furnished to it by the substance of the body-walls, in which, between the endo- derm and ectoderm, the generative products are developed. The Hydra is not always monoecioug, as figured here; most ordinarily the Hydroid Zoophytes are dioecious ; and as the Hydra possesses a cer- tain power of movement from place to place, while the other Hydroids do not, we should, cl i^riori, have expected to find the allocation of her- maphroditism to be the reverse of what it actually is. The history, how- ever, of Cerianthus, one of the Anthozoa Avhich possesses some slight power of locomotion, which is rare in the class it belongs to, and is at the same time hermaphrodite, which no other Anthozoou is known to be, is similarly surprising. The analogy of the language universally employed by us when speaking of animals in any one of the higher sub-kingdoms, would cause us to speak of the structures here lettered d and e, as ' orcrans whilst the history of the development of the various Hydroid Zoophytes, or an observation of the unbroken chain of gradations which connects these 'organs,' through such fixed gonozooid forms as those of Common Hydra. 265 the sea-fir, Sertularia ahietina (for which, see Description of Prei)ani- tion 48, p. 160), with the free 'Medusae,' would induce ua to speak of them as 'individuals.' /. Hydrorhiza, forming the single point of attachment of the animal, and supposed by some to be perforated so as to give passage outwards to certain secretions from the body cavity, the mouth being undoubtedly the channel by which the refuse of the ingested alimentary matter is ejected. The external layer of integument covering the adhering disc^ is made up of sub-cylindrical cells, larger and more closely set than those on the rest of the polype- stem. For the histology of the Hydridae, see Huxley, Miiller's Archiv., i85i,p. 381; Oceanic Hydrozoa, 1859, p. I^^J^^g'j MulWs Archiv., 1854, p. 276; Professor Rei chert, Monatsbericht der Akademie der Wissenschaf . en zu Berlin, July, 1866, translated in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History for January, 1867, p. 54. For the intermediate excretionary layer, see Claus, Zeitschrift fiir Wiss. Zoologie, x.. 1 860, p. 300. See also KoUiker, Icones Histiologicae, ii. Abtheilung, pp. 88, 100, 1866 ; Leuckart, Archiv. fiir Naturgeschichte, 1 854, i. 369 ; Leydig, I. c. For the discussions as to the individuality of the various Zooids, see Claus, I. c, pp. 326-329 ; Gegenbaur, Vergleichende Anatomic, pp. 94-103, where, as also in V. Carus^ Icones Zootomicae, p. ii., exceedingly instructive semidiagrammatic figures of those organisms in the Hydrozoa are given. See also Hincks, His- tory of British Hydroid Zoophytes, pp. xxxv— xxxix ; Leuckart, Polymorphismus der Individuen oder die Erscheinungen der Arbeitstheilung in der Natur., 1851. FiGTJEE 8. HolotrichouB Infusorium (Prorodon Teres), from Stein, in V. Carus' Icones Zootomicae, Taf. i., fig. 27. We see its armed oral inlet at one pole of the . body, its con- tractile vesicle at the other, the cilia which in the sub-order Holotricha clothe the entire surface with a uniform covering, the sexual organs, and the globular masses of nutriment, which having been ingested by the mouth have been distributed throughout the parenchyma of the body. 256 Description of the Plates. a. Cilia, of uniform size all over the body. These organs are supposed to belong to the parenchyma of the body, and to be protruded through innumerable very fine orifices in the indurated integument. The integument in the ciliated Infusoria is sufficiently resistent to give their bodies the definite outline which distinguishes them from those of the other Protozoa; but it is not ordinarily demonstrable as distinct from the contained parenchyma without the use of reagents. h. ' Nucleus' or ovary, with adherent ' nucleolus' or testis. c. Contractile vesicle, probably representing rudimentarily a water-vascular or depuratory system, and opening on the exterior of the body. It is always situated in the cortical layers of the parenchyma, but does not appear to have defi- nite walls of its own, as distinct from the contractile cyto- plasm in which we find it. Tubular ramifications exist in connection with it in some genera. d. Particles of alimentary matter, which, together with the struc- tures lettered b, c, e, and with pigment granules, oil globules, and very fine cortically-placed granules, malce up the mor- phological elements contained in the hyaline ' sarcode' or ' cytoplasm.' e. Oral inlet placed in this species, though not ordinarily in others, at the apical pole of the body. It is prolonged into an oesophagus lined by a prolongation inwards of the cuticle, and strengthened by the development upon it of longitudinal teeth forming a circlet. The oesophagus opens directly into the central parenchyma of the body, which is less closely compacted together than the cortical layers, and in which the particles of food, together with such water as is swal- lowed with them, can freely circulate. The undigested refuse of the alimentary particles are ultimately extruded by the anus, which has a fixed position in all Infusoria except the aproctous Opalinae and Acinetinae, and which in this species is near the contractile vesicle c, at the aboral pole of the body. It is ordinarily visible only at the moment of the extrusion of the faeces, except in the few cases, of which Prorodon is not one, in which the cuticle is prolonged inwards at that, as it is at the oral orifice. Tlie excess of Fresh-water Rhizopod. 257 ingested water must be supposed to be got rid of by passing into the vessels in connection with the contractile vesicle, and by being thus expelled from the body. For an account of the anatomy of the Protozoa, see Kolliker's Icones Histiologicae, Abtheil. i., pp. 9-24, 1864; Stein, Organismus der Infusionsthiere, Abtheil. ii., pp. 1-140, 1867; Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Ehizopodes, vols. i. and ii., 1 858-1 861 ; Extr. des tomes v. et vii. I'Institut Genevois; Leuckart, Die Mensehlichen Parasiten, p. 135. For an account of the genus Prorodon, see Claparede et Lachmann, /. c, vol. i., 318. ElGUEE 9. Amoeba Radiosa, a fresh-water Bliizopod ; after Auerbach, Zeitschrift fur Wiss. Zoologie, viii., Taf. xxi. Showing its pseudopodia, its contractile vacuoles, its nucleolated nucleus, and the algae and navicellae which it has enveloped in the substance of its parenchyma. The central portion of the body is very ordinarily of about the size of a human white blood-cell, and the pseudopodial processes may be as long as from twice the length of the diameter of the central mass up to as much as five times as long ; but the size and shape both of body and of pseudopodia are very variable, and make the distinction of species a matter of much uncertainty. a. One of the pseudopodia. The pseudopodia differ fi'om those of most other Ehizopoda in not being branched at their apices ; in not anastomosing with each other ; and, as this figure shows, in not having the granular substance of the central parenchyma body circulating within them. The ' sarcodic expansions,' as the pseudopodia have been called, are very usually more broadly lobate than those figured here ; it is by their alternate protrusion and retraction, from which these animals take their names, that locomotion is effected. b. Nucleus and nucleolus. c. Contractile vacuole. The possession of vacuoles, as also of the s Description of the Plates. nucleus and nucleolus, by the Amoebina and Actinophryna, differentiates them from the other Rhizopoda, and has caused them to be placed in a separate order, as ' Infusoria Ehizopoda,' or ' Rhizopoda Sphygmica,' The Actinophryna differ from the Amoebina in having- their granular cen- tral parenchyma carried by circulation into the interior of their pseudopodia, which also are delicate and filamentous, and anastomose apically, like those of the Foraminifera and Radiolaria; but they resemble the shelless Rhizopod here figured, not only by possessing the structures h and c, but also by enveloping alimentary substances within their paren- chyma, as the Amoeba is seen to do at d and e. At the same time, the circulation which takes place in the pseudo- podia of the Actinophryna is to be borne in mind as favour- ing endosmosis, and thus^ though it is much less ener- getically carried on in them than in the typical Rhizopoda, enabling them to extract nutriment from their prey by the same suctorial process which is the single method by which those animals absorb nutriment. d. Navicula, one of the Diatomaceae, swallowed as food. €. Spore of conferva enveloped as nutriment by the parenchyma of the body. It is only in the larger specimens that these ' vegetable remains are found ; and it is rare in any Amoeba to find any traces of any other kind of nutriment. The action of digestion is shown by the decolorization of the chlorophyll, as well as by other changes effected in the ingesta. It does not seem possible to demonstrate the pre- sence of an external enveloping membrane in the Amoebina, except in Amoeba bilimbosa, unless reagents be employed, which themselves probably cause the differentiation observ- able after their use. And there does not seem to be any positive reason for supposing that these animals possess a mouth which is only opened at the moment of swallowing, and has its lips so closely appressed at other times as to make the aperture invisible, as is the case in the Infusorial genus Amphileptus. The absence of mouth, anus, differen- tiated tegumentary envelope, and cilia, must be held to justify the separation of Amoebina from the Infusoria, with which however they are placed by Kolliker and V. Carus, Fresh-iuate7' Rhizopod. 259 on the g-roiindthat they not only possess, as do the Actino- phryna, a nucleolated nucleus and a contractile vesicle, but also differ, which the Aetinophryna do not, from the other Rhizopoda in having* no anastomoses between^ and no circu- lation of granular sarcode within their pseudopodia. For the anatomy and physiology of the Amoebae, see Auerbach, Zeitschriffc fiir Wiss. Zoolog-ie, vii., 1855, p. 365 ; Claparede et Lachmann, Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Ehizopodes, vol. i., P.4i3- For other figures of Amoeba radiosa, see Auerbach, I. c, Taf. xxi., and for descriptions^ p. 400 ; Pritcbard's Infusoria, pp. 204, .548. For the relationships of the Actinophrjoia to the Amoebean and the more typical Rhizopoda, see Claparede et Lachmann, 1. c, p. 418. For the recent Foraminifera of Great Britain, see Professor Wil- liamson's Monograph, published by the Ray Society, 1858. For the organization and classification of the Rhizopoda generally, see Carpenter's Introduction to the Study of the Foraminifera, (published by the Ray Society), 1862, pp. 12-17; and for the Rhizopoda of the deep sea^ see Carpenter, Royal Society's Pro- ceedings, JunCj 1869, vol. xviii,, p. 1 14. For the sarcodic substance of the Rhizopoda, see Professor Hackel, Zeitschriffc fiir Wiss. Zoologie, xv., 1865, p. 342. s 2 ADDITIONS AND EERATA. Page 8, 5 lines from bottom of the page ; in accordance with the language employed by Mr. William K. Parker, in his work on the ' Shoulder Girdle,' pp. 145, 209, 210, which was not in my hands when the first pages of this part of this book were printed off, for "There are two lateral episternal," read "There are two lateral omosternal ;" and at 3 lines from bottom of page, /or " there is no central epistemum," read "The praesternum does not develope a pro-osteon, as in Helamys and Coelo- genys." Page 9,11 lines from bottom of the page, add reference to Mr. Parker's work, " A Monograph on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder-Girdle and Sternum in the Yertebrata," by "W. K. Parker, F.R.S., F.Z.S., London, published for the Eay Society by Robert Hardwicke 102' Piccadilly, 1868. ^ Page 13, II lines from bottom of the page, add reference to Mr. Darwin's work, which, like Mr. Parker's, was not in my hands when these pages were struck off, " The Variations ot Animals and Plants under Domesti- cation," vol. i., pp. II 5-1 30, Osteological Characters of Rabbits. Page 39, 15 lines from top of page, add reference to Professor Huxley's Paper "On the Alectoromorphae," Proceedings of the Zoological Society, May 14, 1868, p. 294. r'age 33, 16 lines from bottom of the page, for "The Ophidia differ," read "The Ophidia and the apodal Sauria differ." See V. Carus, Handbuch der Zoologie, i. B''. p. 372. Page 138, note c, 7 lines from top of the page, dele " Gephyrei ;" — and 2 lines from bottom of page, erase words " Glycera and Fhoronis Mppocrepia,'" and substitute " Opheliae and Cirratulidae." See Claparfede, Ann^lides Ch^topodes du GoLfe du Naples, p. 19, 1868. Page 147, note e, for " an Echinus," read " an Echinoid." Page 149, line i, for "with the masticatory apparatus," read "with the radial elements of the masticatory apparatus." Page 152, note f, 32 lines from top of the page, after words " of the ' nettle-cells,' " add words, " See, however, p. cxliv supra, ibique citata." Page 153, 4 lines from the bottom of the page, for " to the majority of Vermes," read " to many Vermes, such as Apliroditca, Glyccrea, and Polycirrida." See Claparfede I. c. supra, and Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, vol- p. 348. Page 177, 8 lines from bottom of page, for "This latter branch is not," read "This latter branch, by which the blood from the posterior limlDs can find its way directly back to the heart, is not." INDEX. AbrancMata. Abranchiata, xl. Acanthobdella, 131. AcaBthocephali, 155. Acanthopteri, Ixxviii ; 40, 45. Accipitres, lii, liv. Acherontia atropos, 73, 78, 79. Acranial Vertebrata, xxxiii, Ixxxiv. Actinia, 158. Air-bladder, Ixxv ; 41, 43. Air sacs, 16. Agassiz, xxiii. Alae cordis, cv, cxx ; 10 1. Albuminiparous gland, 50, 190. Allantoid bladder, 183. Allantoidea, xl, xU. Allman, 70, 72. Ambul^cral system, cxlvii ; 141. Amniota, xxxix, xl. Amphibia, Ixv-lxvii ; 181-185. Amphidiscs, 163. Ampbinomidae, accessory nerve system of, 123. Amphirrhina, Ixxviii. Amphisbaenoidea, Ivii. Ampullae of feet in Echinodennata, 141, 144. Anallantoidea, xli. Animals, characters of, as opposed to Vegetables, clxii. Annelides, 119. Annulata, cxxii, cxxvii ; 138. Annuloida, cxxiii. Anodon, 54-66. Antedon rosaceus, 157. Antennae, homologies of, 75. Antennulea, 91. Anthozoa , clviii ; 152. Anticlinal vertebra, 7. Aorta of Mammals, xlv ; 168. — of Birds, xlix ; 176. — of Reptiles, lix. Botalli ductus. Aorta of Fishes, Ixxii. Aphis, 109-113. Aphrodite, 122. Apteryx, liv, Iv. Apus, III. Acarina, cxviii. Arachnida, cxvi; 110, 115. Archaeopteryx, 1. Arion, 190. Armadillo, xliv. Arthropoda, civ; 73, iig. Ascidia, c ; 66-71. Aspidochirotae, 147. Astacus, 90-119. Asterias, 141-145, 223-229. Asteriae, cliii. Asteroidea, cliii ; 141-145, 223-229. Astropecten, 145. Aulostoma gulo, 128, 130. Auriculae of Echinoidea, homology of, clii. Autolytus, 137. Autophagi, Iv. Aves, xl-xlix, lix, Ix ; 175. Axolotl, xlii. Azygos nerve, 132. — vein, 2, 171. B. Baer, v, xxi ; 65, 69. Barkow, 15. Bastian, Dr. Charlton, xvii ; 157. Bate, Mr. Spence, 94. Beneden, Van, 71, 119. Bipinnaria asterigera, 154. Bojanua, organ of, the renal organ of Mollusca, Ixxxvi, xc, xciii, xciv, xcvii, xcix ; 54, 60-62, 64, 69, 67. Botalli ductus, 185. 262 INDEX. Brachiopoda. Brachiopoda, xcviii ; 232. Brachycephalus, Ixii. Bradypoda, xlv. Branch ellion, 135. Branchiate Vertebrata, xli. — Arthropoda, cv, cxviii. — Vermes, cxxviii. Branchiae of Fishes, Ixxiv. — of Cephalopoda, xc. — of Lamellibranchiata, xcvi. — of Crustacea, cxx. — of VeiTnes, cxxix. Branchiobdella, 138. Branchipus, ill. Brisinga, 145. Bronn, 48, 70. Briicke, 32. Bruta, xlv. BruzeHus, 113. Buccal mass in MoUusca, 48, 189. Bugle CoralHne, 73. Bulbus arteriosus, Ixiii, Ixxii ; 40, 99. Bursa Entiana, Ixxii. Busk, 73. C. Caddis flies, 76. Caducibranchiate Amphibia, Ixvi, Ixvii. Caeciliae, Ixii, Isiii, Ixvi. Calciferous glands, 125. Camelidae, xlv. Campanularidae, 161, 162. Canalis temporalis, 8. Capsulogenous glands, 125. Carapace, 91. Carcinus moenas, no. Carinatae, Iv. Camivora, xlvi ; 7, 169. Carotid gland of frog, 184. Carpenter, Dr., 259. Carpus, of Mammals, 9. — of Birds, xlix ; 17, 23. Carus, C. G., 13, 16. Carus, v., clxvi. Casuarius, Iv. Cauda equina, i. Centetes, xlv, xlviii. Cephalopoda, 49 ; Ixxxvii. Cephalostegite, 96. Ceratophrys, Ixii. Ceratospongiae, 164. Cerianthidae, clviii ; 159. Cestodes, cxl ; 136. Cetacea, xliv, xlv, xlvi ; 5. Chaetognatha, cxxxvii. Chamaeleonoidea, Ivii. Chealiodes, Ixxviii. Chauveau, xvii. Chelonia, Ivi-lviii, Ix, Ixi. Chiaama optic, Ixxii. Cytoplasm. Chilopoda, cxiv, cxvi ; 108-113. Chimaerae, Ixix-lxxi. Chimpanzee, 9. Chiroptera, 9, 170. Chondrostei, Ixxxii. Choroid gland, Ixxviii. Cilia, absent in Arthropoda, cviii. — present in a Sagitta, cxxxvii. Ciliated sac of Ascidian, 67. Cirrhostomi, Ixxxiv. Cirripedia, clxiii. Cladodactyle, 146. Claparfede, xviii ; 97, 157, 259. Claus, clviii. Clepsine, 135. Clitellus of earthworm, 1 19. Cloaca, in Mammals, xlv. — in Birds, lii ; 175. — in Reptiles, Ixi. — in Eishes, Ixxii. — in Lamellibranchiata, xcvi ; 65, 197. — in Tunicata, c ; 67, 236. Clymene, 138. Clypeastridae, clii. Cockroach, common, 86, 199. Cod, common, 45, 46. Coeca of Birds, 177. — hepatic, of Arthropoda, cxx ; 104. — pyloric, of Fishes, xxxiv ; 40. Coecum of rodent, 4, 172. — azygos of Crustacea, 104. Coelenterata, clvi-clx ; 152, 158-163, 165. Coenosare, 160. Coenurus, 136. Coleoptera, 75. Colleterial glands, cxi. Coliunba livia, 12-25. Copepoda, 115. Corethra, 109. Craspeda, 159. Cremaster, 76. Crinoidea, cliv ; 144. Crocodilina, Ivi ; 176. Crop, 14. Crustacea, cxviii; 90-119, 205-210. Cryptobranchus, Ixiv. Cryptogamia, clx. Ctenocyst, chnii. Ctenodiscus, cliv ; 145. Ctenophorae, clvii, clviii. Cuchia, bixiv. Cucumaria, 145. Cuvier, xxi ; 9, 14, 15, 4i> 5i» 54- Cuvierian ducts, Ixxiii. — organs, 146. Cyclas, xcvii. Cyclostomi, xxxv-xxxix ; 46. Cyprinoids, Ixxii ; 45. Cystic stage of Tapeworm, 136. Cytoplasm, clx. INDEX. 263 Daphnidae. D. Daphnidae, cxlvii. Darwin, xxiv ; 114. Dart sac, 50. Decapodous Crustacea, 92. Deciduate Vertebrata, xlviii. Dendrocliirotae, 147. Derotremata, Ixvi. Deuterozooids, 137. Development of Vertebrata, xxxviii. — Amphioxus, Ixxx, Ixxxv. — Amphibia, Ixvi. — Fishes, Isxix. — Echinodermata, cxlvi. — Cephalopoda, xci. — Gasteropoda, xciii. — as a basis of Classification, xxi. Diaphragm, 2, 168, 1 76. Dias longiremis, 115. Dibranchiate Cephalopoda, xci. Dicystidea, clxviii. Didelphia, xlviii. Dinosauria, 1. Dipnoi, Ixviii, Ixxxi. Diphyodont Mammals, xv. Dominant systems, 35. Dondera, xviii. Dromaeus, Iv. Ductus Cuvieri, Ixxiii. Duodenum, 15. Duvemoy, 15, 32-66. E. Echinococcus, 136. Echinodermata, cxliii ; I4I, 223. Echinoidea, cl. Ecker, 173, 185. Edwards, Alphonse Milne, xxi ; 119. — Milne, xxi; 2, 16, 67, 70. Ehlers, cxxxiii. Elasmobranchii, Ixvii, Ixxxii. Endoskeleton, Ixviii. Endostyle, 67. Entomostraca, loi. Ephemeridae, 89. Epigastric vein, 36, 181, 183. Epipodites, 103, 104. Esocidae, 45. Exoskeleton, Ixviii. Eyes of Insects, 74. — of Crustacea, 113. — of Vermes, Ixxx. F, Eat-body in Snakes, 32. — in Frog, 184. — in Caterpillars, 73, 79, 81. — in perfect Insects, 86, 89. GuaniM. Fierasfer, xlii. Fins, function of, 43. Flagella, distal elements of antennules in Crustacea, 92. Flagellum, replacing eye-facets in a Crustacean, 113. — secretes epermatophore in certain Molluscs, 50. Flustra, 71. Foramen Pannizzae, Ivi. Fowl, common, bones of, 25-29. Frenulum bulbi in Amphibia, 184. Frog, 35-40, 181-185. Gadus morrhua, 45, 46. Gall-bladder, 184. Gallus Gallinaceus, 25-29. Gammarus pulex, 112. Ganglia ofTunicata, 67, 68. — Gasteropoda, 48, 49, 52, 54. — Lamellibranchiata, 62-64. — MoUusca and Molluscoidea, Ixxxvii, Ixxxviii. — Arthropoda, 83, no. — accessory of Annulata, 123, 132, 133. — of Lamellibranchiata, xcvii. — of Cephalopoda, xc. Ganglia, stomatogastric, of Gastero- poda, 53. — of Arthropoda, 87, 103, 107. — de renforcement, 132. Ganglion, frontali, 79, 87, 1 12. Ganoidei, Ixxiv, Ixxxii. Gasteropoda, xcii; 48-54, 187-191. Gaudry, 143. Gephyrea, cxxxi; 155, 156. Gerstaecker, 119. Giraldds, organ of, xxxv. Glands, antennary, 98. — carotid, 184. — choroid, Ixxviii. — Harderian, 3, 1 70. — hermaphrodite, 50. — hibernating, 3, 1 70. — salivary, 3, 49, 87. — silk, 75, 80. — uropygial, 16. Glycera, 138. Gnathostoma, Ixxxiii. Goat moth, 79. Gonophore, 160. Gonozooid, 160. Gratiolet, 135. Gregarinae, clxvii, clxviii. Gromida, clxv. Grube, cxlvi. Guanin, 159. 264 INDEX. Haeclcel. H. Haeckel, civ, clxii. Haemal flexure, 68. Haeraapodous character of Vertebrates, 167. Halisarca, 164. Hancock, Mr. Albany, 69. Harderian gland, 3. Heart of Vertebrata, xxxi. — Mammalia, xlv. — Birds, lii. — Reptiles, Iviii. — Amphitiia, Ixiii. — Fishes, Ixxii. — Arthropoda, cv. — Insecta, ex. — Crustacea, cxx; 98, 100, loi. Hedriojihthalmata, 92, loi. HeUx, 47-54> 190- Helmholtz, xvii ; 118. Hepatic Cocca, cxx ; 104. Heptanchus, Ixxiv. Hering, 216. Hermaphrodite gland, 191. Hessling, Von, 60, 65, 198. Hexanchus, Ixxiv. Hibernating gland, 3, 169. Highly specialized as opposed to high types, 42. Hincks, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 162. Hirudo, 122, 127-136. Holostean Ganoids, cxxxii. Holothurioidea, cxlviii ; 145. Homarus, 96. Homologies, tables of, appendages and segments in Arthropoda, 116, 117. — ganglia in Arthropoda, 110. Horse-leech, 135. Huxley, Professor, 48, 49, 57, 69, 75, 90, 96, 162. Hyatt, 72. Hydrotheca, 160. Hydrothiza, 160. Hydrozoa, clix. Hymenoptera, 75. Hyperoartii, Ixxviii-lxxxiv. Hyperotreti, Ixxviii-lxxxiv. I. Ichthyobatrachia, Ixvii. Icthyopsida, Ixvii. Imago of Insects, 78. Impregnation of ova in Fishes, Ixxix. in Amphibia, Ixv. — in LameUibranchiata, xcvii ; 65. — in Tunicata, c. Infusoria, clxiv. Insecta, cviii ; 73-9°. i99-'i°4- Macdonnell, Dr. Insectivora, 170. Intermaxillary bone, 6. Intermediary nerve in leech, 132. Interparietal bone, 8. Tsopoda, 92, 93, 110, III. J. Jourdain, 177. Jugular, external jugular vein, 3. — left jugular vein, 185. K. Keferstein, cxxxiii ; 156. Kidney in Vertebrata, xxxv. — in Mammals, xlvi ; 3, 168. — in Birds, liii ; 16, 177. — in Reptiles, Ix. — in Amphibia, Ixiv ; 183. — in Fishes, Ixxv. Kolliker, clxvi ; 46, 163. Kowalevesky, ci. Kupfier, ci. L. Lacaze Duthiers, cxxxiii ; 190. Lacrymal gland, double, of rat, 3, 1 70. LameUibranchiata, xcv ; 54-66. Languettes in Ascidians, 67. Lankester, Mr. E. Ray, 120, 126. Lantern of Aristotle, cli. Lateral ganglia in Annulata, 132, 133. — line, system o^ in Fishes, l»i, Ixviii, Ixxviii ; 41. Leydig, cxlix ; 1 1 1 . Leidy, 51. Lepidoptera, 74. Lepidosiren, Ixv. Leptocardia, cxxxiv. Lepus cuniculus, 10. Leuckart, 255, 257. Leucodore, 138. Libellulidae, 89. Ligamentum nuchae, 11, 169. Limacidae, 50. Limax, 187-191. Lister, Professor, xviii. Lithydrodea, clix. Loricate Reptiles, Ivi. Lubbock, Sir John, 117, 204. Luidia, 145. Lumbricus, 1 19-126. Lungs of Mammals, xlvi. — of Birds, liii. — of Reptiles, Ix ; 3. M. Macdonald, Dr., 70. Macdonnell, Dr., 42. INDEX. 265 Macleay, Mr. Macleay, Mr., x.\i, sxiv. Madreporic tubercle, cxlvii ; 141. Malacopteri, 43. Malacopterygii, Ixxv. Malpighiau vessels, cx ; 80-86. Mammalia, xlii-xlix. Marsipobrancliii, Ixx-lxxxiii. Marsupialia, xlviii ; 171. Masticatory apparatus of Mammals, 6. Matuta victor, 93. Medusae, clix ; i6r. Medusiform buds, 160. Membrana nictitans, Ixviii. Metagenesis, xxxviii, cviii, cxxvi, cxlvi ; 147. 153- Metamorphosis of Insects, cxiii ; 79. — of Echinodermata, cxlvi. — of Platyelminthes, cxlii. — of Vermes, cxxvi. — relation of fresh-water habitat to, cxlii ; 105. — parasitism to, cxxvii. Mollusca, Ixxxv; 47-66, 187-191, 231. Molluscoidea, Ixxxvii ; 60-73, 232-238. Monitor, Ivii. Monodelphia, xlix. Monophyodont Mammals, xlv. Monorrhina, Ixxviii, Ixxxiii. Monotremata, xlvii. Morphology as opposed to teleology, xxii. Morgagni, cyst of, xxxv. Moth, death's-head, 73. Muffle, 172. Muller, Fritz, 72, 97, 114. MiiUer, H., 55. Muller, J., cli. — duct of, XXXV, Ixiv. Mus decumanus, i, 167. Muscidae, 84, 109. Muscles of Birds, 13. — of Ophidia, 30. — compensatory relation of muscles of body-wall to internal muscles in Ophidia, 30. — in Hirudineae, 129. — of Helix, 48, 49-51. — of Anodon, 56, 193. — of Insects, 85. — of Crustacea, 108. — of Lumbricus terrestris, 123. — of Cucumaria, 148. — of Asterias rubens, 225. Mustelus laevis, Ixxv. Mycetozoa, clxii. Myrianida, 137. Myriopoda, cxiv-cxvi; 115. Myriothela, 162. My sis, 115. Myxinoids, Ixxviii- Ixxxiii. Ob en charrue. Myxogastres, clxii. Myxomycetes, clxii. N. Nauplius, 114. Nematelminthes, cxxxiii ; 135. Nematoids, 138. Nephelis, 135. Nereis, 132, 137. Nervi transversi, 106, 122, 132. Nervous system in Vertebrata, xxxi, XXXV. — in Mammals, xlvi. — in Birds, Hii. — in Reptiles, Ix. — in Amphibia, Ixv. — in Fishes, Ixx-vi. — in MoUusca, Ixxxvii. — in Molluscoidea, Ixxxviii. — in LameUibranchiata, xcvii. — in Brachiopoda, xcix. ■ — in Polyzoa, ciii. — in Arthropoda, cvi ; iii, 116, M17. — in Vermes, cxxv ; 121,133. — in Cestodes, cxlii. — in Nematelminthes, cxxxv. — in Echinodermata, cxlv. — in Rotifera, cxxxix. — in Coelenterata, clvi. — as a basis of classification, xxi. — late development of, in Arthropoda, 109. — development of, in Ascidians, ci. Nervus recurrens, 79, 87. Neural flexure, 49, 58. Neuropodous character of Invertebrata, xxH ; 168. Neuroptera, 75. ' Nurses ' in ]?latyelminthes, 136, 137. — in Vermes generally, cxxvi. 0. Occipital condyle in Birds, 25. — in Mammals, xliii. — in Amphibia, Ixii. Odontophorous MoUusca, Ixxxvii ; 63. Oesophagus in Ophidia, 30. — in Rodents, 2. Oligochaeta, cxxviii ; 120, 125. Omentim], peculiar to Mammals, 4, 168. Omostegite, 95. Oniscus miirarius, llo, 112. Ophidia, 29-35. Ophiuridae, cxlv. Orbit of Rodents, 7. Ornithodelphia, xlv. Orthoptera, 86, iii. Os en cJiarrue of Birds, 21, 26. T 266 INDEX. Otic vesicle. Otic vesicle, 190. Ovary, 88. Oviscapt, 88. Owen, Professor, 13, 24, 35, 102. P. Pancreas, 15. Pai-asitism in Vertebrata,'xlii. — in Mollusca, Ixxxvi. — in Nematelminthes, cxxxvi. — in Gregarinae, clxi. — entails morphological degradation, xi. Parker, Mr. W. K., 39. Parosteal bones, 36. Parovarium, xxxv. Patagia, 78. Paxillae, 142. Pecten, liv, Ix ; 191. Pectoral muscles, 13. — muscle, second, in birds, homology of, 179. Pedicellariae, 14 a. Pelodytes, cxxxv. Pelvis in Birds, 28, 29. — in Reptiles, Ivii. Peneus, 115. Penguin, 1. Perca fluviatiHs, 40-45. Perennibranchiate Amphibia, Ixvii. Perichaetous Annelides, 125, 126. Peripatus, 156. Periplaneta orientailis, 86, 112 Petromyzontidae, Ixxviii, Ixxxiii. Phalaena, 109. Pharyngobranchii, Ixxxiv. Pharyngognathi, Ixxv. Pharynx, externally villous in earth- worm, 124. — in leech, 129. Phascolosoma, cxxxi ; 153. Phoronis, 138. Phrenic nerve, 171. Phylactolaematous Polyzoa, ci. PhyUopoda, 112. Physoklisti, Ixxxiii. Physostorai, bcix, Ixxxiii; 46. Pipa, Ixiii. Pisces, Ixviii, Ixxxv. Plagiostomi, Ixix ; 46. Planaria, 154- Planula, clx. Platyelminthes, cxl; 138, 154, 240. Plectognatlii, Ixxv. Polian vesicles, 149. Polychaeta, cxxviii. Polymorphismus, 162. Polypterus, Ixxiii. Polyzoa, ci; 71-73. '^37> '38- Beproduction. Pontobdella, 128. Porifera, clxvi. Portal system of Vertebrata, xxxiv, — rudimentary, Ixxxv. Priapulaceae, cxxxi. Privet Hawk-Moth, 82. Processus uncinati, li ; 20, 26, 27. Proglottis, 136. Prolegs, 64. Proscolex, 136. Proteus, Ixiii. Protisticum Regnum, clxiii. Protoplasm, clx. Protozoa, clx. Pro tula, cxx. Pseudhaemal vessels, cxxiv, cxlv ; 122, 124, 149. Psittacidae, li. Psolus, 146. Pteropoda, xciii. Pterylography, xlix. Ptilocercus, xliv. Pupa, 73, 76. Pyloric coeca in Pishes, Ixxii ; 40. — in Orthoptera, 86. — portion of stomach in Reptiles, Iviii. Q. Quadrate bone, 18, 38, 43. Quekett, 46. R. Rabbit's vertebrae, 10. Radiolaria, clxii. Rana, 35-46, 181-185. Rasores, 20, 25, 29. Rat, i-^, 167-173. Ratitae, liii, liv. Rathke, 106, 107. Recurrent nerve, 133. Reichert, Professor, 163. Regnum Protisticum, clxii. Renal-portal system. Hi, lis, Ixiv; 177, 181, 183. Renforcement, ganglions de, 132. Reproduction in Fislies, Ixxix, — in Amphibia, Ixvi. — in Mollusca, Ixxxvi. — in Artliropoda, cvi. — in Vermes, cxxv. — in Echinodenuata, cxlv. — in Coelenterata, clvn. — in Protozoa, clxi. Reproduction of lost organs in Coelen terata. clx. — in Echinodermata, 143. — in Amphibia, Ixvii. — in Arachnida and Crustacea, cxvii. INDEX. ■267 Jleproduction, Reproduction in Beptiles, Ixi. Eeptiles, Iv. — relation of, to Bii'ds, 175. Retia mirabilia, 61, 149. Rhabdocoelous Turbellaria, cxli. Rhea, li. Rhinocryptis, Ixxiii. Rhizopoda, clsv, clxvi. Rhynchocoelous Turbellaria, cxli. Rodentia, xlv. Rotifera, cxxxviii-cxl. Ruminantia, 169. S. Saccobranchus, Ixxiv. Salicornaria, 73. Salivary glands, xlv, lii, Iviii, Ixxi. Salmonidae, Ixxix ; 45. Sarcode, clx. Sars, 145, 229. Sauria, Ivii. Sauropsida, xlvii, Iv. Savigny, c. Scaphirhynchus, Ixxxii. Sclunarda, 155. Schmidt, 0., xxi. Schneider, cxxxv. Schultze, F. E., 129. Sciuri, 172. Sclerotic, bony, 18. Scolex, 136. Scolopendridae, cxv. Scorpionidae, cxi ; 109, no, 117. Scutigera, cxv. Segmental organs in Annulata, cxxv; 126. — modified to serve as efferent genera- tive ducts, cxxx ; 215. Semper, xviii; 154, 229. Semper's organ, 53, i8g. Sensory organs in lateral line of Fish, Ixxvii. — on anterior segments in Leech, 128, 129. Sepia, Ixxxix. Serialaria, ciii. Serpula, cxxviii. Serranus, Ixxix. Sertularia abietina, t6o. Setae, 122. Setiparous glands, 125. Sharks, Ixix. Sharpey, Dr., 143, 228. Shell in Mollusca, 47, 48, 54-57. Siluroideae, Ixxv. Simiadae, xlv ; 170. Siphonizantia, cxv. Siphonostomum, cxxviii. Sipunculidae, cxxxii ; 1 54. Slug, 187-191. Solenobia, cxii. T 2 TeetJi of Bodents, Spencer, Mr. Herbert, cxxii, civ, Sphaerodorum, 157. Sphaerularia, cxxxvi. Sphingidae, 74. Sphyi'ocephalus, 155. Spicula, 163. Spinneret, 75-80. Spio, cxxviii. Spirachtha, abdominal appendages of, cix. Spiracle, 74. Spirorbis, 161. Spirula, Ixxxix. Spleen, 3, 168, 171, 184. — absent in Marsipobranchii, Ixxxiii. Spondylus, xcvii ; 191. Spongiadae, clxvi. Spongilla, 163. Squalidae, Ixxix. Squamata, Ivi. SquUlina, loi. Staurocephali, cxxix. Sternaspidea, cxxxii. Sternum in Amphibia, Ixiii. — absent in Fishes, Ixviii. Stomatogastric nerves, absent in Ano- dontophorous Mollusca, xcvii. — present in Odontophora, xc. — in Arthropoda, cvi. — undergo little change in the metamor- phosis in Insects, 79- — peculiarities of in Crustacea, 107. — in Oniscus, 112. Stomias, Ixxviii. Strepsiptera, cxi. Strobile in Tae.niadae, 137. Strombidae, xcii. Strongylostoma, cxxvi. Struthio, li. Sturgeon, Ixix. Suspensorium, Ixii, Ixx ; 43. Swimmeret, 90. Sympathetic nerve-system in Verte- brata, xxxvii. — in Fishes, Ixxvii. — absent in Marsipobranchii, Ixxxiii. — absent in Lamellibranchiata, xcvii. SyUidea, cxxvi. Synapta, Ixxxvi, cxxviii. Synaptidae, 147. T. Tables of Classification, xxvii-xxx. — of Homologies, no, 116, ii7- Taeniadae, 136-140. Tarsus of Birds, li ; 17, 18. Teeth of Mammals, xliv. — of Reptiles, Ixviii. — of Amphibia, Ixiii. — of Fishes, Ixxi. — of Rodents, 6. 268 INDEX. Teeth, embryonic, in Birds. Teeth, embiyonic, in Birds, li. Tel^ophores, i6o. Teleostei, Ixxii, Ixxxiii. TelsoHj as segment, 95. Testis, with a rudimentary ovary com- bined with it, Ixv. — supei-added to an ovary in certain Fishes, Ixxix. Thalestris, 115. Thread-cells, cxxviii ; 1 59. Thymus of Frog, 185. — homologue of, in Fish, 41. Thyroid of Frog, 185. Toad, skeleton of, 39. Tomopteris, cxxviii. Tongue, sheath of, in Ophidia, 30. Tracheata Arthropoda, cv, cvi. Transition piece in Hydroid Zoophytes, 161. Trematodes, cxl ; 1 38. Trilobites, 112. Tropidonotus natrix, 39. Tubicolar Annelides, 123, 157. Tubulipora, 147. Tunicata, c. — classed with Vermes by G-egen- baur, ci. — supposed similarity of development into that of Vertebrata, ci. — Turbellarian Vermes, cxl; 138, 155. Turner, Professor, i. U. Umbilical vein, 182. Unsymmetrical viscera of Ophidia, 29. Zooids. Unionidae, 54-66, 192-198. Uterus, 169, 172. V. Vas deferens, 177. Vegetables, distinction of, from Ani- mals, clxii, clxiii. Vena azygos, 2. Vena cava, 169. Vermes, cxxii ; 152, 153. Vertebrae, Ixix. Vertebrata, xxxi ; 167. Vesicular seminales, 125. Vibrios, xvii. Vibrissae, 4. Volvocineae, clxii. Vorticlava, 162. W. Waterhouse, Mr., 4. Water vascular system in Mollusca, Ixxxvi. — in Vermes, cxxiv, cxxxiv. — in Echinodermata, cxlv, cliv. Wolffian body, Ixv, Ixxv; 172. Z. Zaddach, 75, 85-113, 119, Zenker, 118. Zoea, larval foi-m in developing Crus- tacea, 115. Zooids, 164. — relation of, to organs, 162. February, 1870. BOOKS PRINTED AT THE CLAEENDON PEESS, OXFOED, AND PUBLISHED FOR THE UNIVERSITY BY MACMILLAN AND CO., 1 6, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. Many Books in this Catalogue have lately been much reduced in Trice. LEXICONS, GRAMMARS, &c. A G-reek-English Lexicon, by Henry George Liddell, D.D., and Robert Scott, D.D. Sixth Edition, Revised and Augmented. 1870. 4to. cloth, il. 1 6s. A Greek-English Lexicon, abridged from the above, chiefly for the use of Schools. Thirteenth Edition. 1869. square i2mo. cloth, 'js. 6d. A copious Greek-English Vocabulary, compiled from the best- authorities. 1850. 241110. bound, 3s. Graecae Grammaticae Rudimenta in usum Scholarum. Auctore Carolo Wordsworth, D.C.L. Sixteenth Edition. 1867. i2mo. bound, /^s. A Greek Primer, in English, by the Right Rev. Charles Wordsworth, D.C.L., Bishop of St. Andrews, etc. Preparing. A Practical Introduction to Greek Accentuation, by H. W. 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Homenxm, Index in: Seberi. 1780. 8vo. cloth, ts. 6d. Oratores Attiei ex recensione Bekkeri: I. Antiphon, Andocides, et Lysias. 1822. 8vo. cloth, 7s. II. Isocrates. 1822. 8vo. cloth, p. III. Isaeus, Aeschines, Lycurgus, Dinarchus, etc. 1823. 8vo. cloth, 7s. SchoUa Graeca in Aeschinena et Isocratem. Edidit G. Dindorfius. 1852. 8vo. cloth, 4s. ParoemiograpM Graeci, quorum pars nunc primum ex Codd. MSS. vulgatur. Edidit T. Gaisford, S.T.P. 1836. 8vo. cloth, 55. 6d. Plato : The Apology, with a revised Text and English Notes, and a Digest of Platonic Idioms, by James RiddeU, M.A. 1867. 8vo. cloth, 8s. bd. Plato : PMlebus, with a revised Text and EngUsh Notes, by Edward Poste, M.A. i860. 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. Plato: Sophistes and Politicus, with a revised Text and Enghsh Notes, by L. Campbell, M.A. 1866. 8vo. cloth, i8s. Plato : Theaetetus, with a revised Text and English Notes, by L. Campbell, M.A. 1861. 8vo. cloth, 9s. Plato : The Dialogues, translated into English, with Introductions, by B Towett, M.A., Fellow of BaUiol College and Regius Professor of Greek, in foii volmnes ; Vols. I-III will be published in the course of the piesent year. Plato: The Republic, with a revised Text and English Notes, by B. Jowett, M.A., FeUow of Balliol College and Regius Professor of Greek. Demy bvo. Preparing. Plotinus. Edidit F. Creuzer. Tomi III. iS^S- 4^0. cloih, il. Ss. Stobaei Morilegium. Ad MSS. fidem emendavit et supplevit T. Gaisford, S.T.P. Tomi IV. 1822. 8vo. cloth, il. Stobaei Eclogarum Physicarum et Ethicarum libri duo. Accedit Hieroclis Commentarius in aurea carmina Pythagoreorum. Ad MSS. Codd. recensuit T. Gaisford, S.T.P. Tomi II. 1850. 8vo. cloth, iis. Xenophon: Historia Graeca, ex recensione et cum annotationibus L. Dindorfii. Second Edition. 1852. 8vo. cloth, los. 6d. Xenophon: Expeditio Cyri, ex rec. et cum annotatt. L. Dindorfii. Second Edition. 1855. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. Xenophon: Institutio Cyri, ex rec. et cum annotatt. L. Dindorfii. 1857. 8vo. cloth, ICS. 6d. Xenophon: Memorabilia Socratis, ex rec. et cum annotatt. L. Dindorfii. 1862. 8vo. cloth, ^s. 6d. Xenophon : Opuscula Politica Equestria et Venatica cum Arriani Libello Venatione. ex rec. et cum annotatt. L. Dindorfii. 1866. 8vo. cloth, los. 6d. Printed at the Clarendon Press. 5 THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, &c. The Holy Bible in the earliest English Versions, made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe and his followers : edited by the Rev. J. Foi shall and Sir F. Madden. 4 vols. 1850. royal 4to. cloth. Price reduced from ^,s.6d. to 3/. 3s. The Holy Bible : an exact reprint, page for page, of the Authorized Version published in the year 1611. Demy 4to. half bound, il. is. Vetus Testamentum. Graece cum Variis Lectionibus. Editionem a R. Holmes, S.T.P. inchoatam continuavit J. Parsons, S.T.B. Tomi V. 1798- 1827. foliOi sheets. Price reduced from lol. to "jl. Vetus Testamentum Graece secundum exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum. Accedit potior varietas Codicis Alexandrini. Tomi III. 1848. lamo. cloth, 14s. Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt; sive, Veterum Interpretum Graecorum in totum Vetus Testamentum Fragmenta. Edidit Fridericus Field, A.M. Tom. IL Fasc. I. 1867. 4to. il. Tom. II. Fasc. II. 1868. 4to. 16s. Pentateuchus Hebraeo-Samaritanus Charactere Hebraeo-Chaldaico. . Edidit B. Blayney. 1790. 8vo. cloth, 3s. Libri Psalmortim Versio antiqua Latina, cum Paraphrasi Anglo- Saxonica. Edidit B. Thorpe, F.A.S. 1835. 8vo. cloth, los. 6d. Libri Psalmorum Versio antiqua Gallica e Cod. MS. in Bibl. Bod- leiana adservato, una cum Versione Metrica aliisque Monumentis pervetustis. Nunc primum descripsit et edidit Franciscus Michel, Phil. Doct. i860. 8vo. cloth, ICS. 6d. Libri Prophetarum Majorum, cum Lamentationibus Jeremiae, in Dialecto Linguae Aegyptiacae Memphitica seu Coptica. Edidit cum Versione Latina H. Tattam, S.T.P. Tomi II. 1852. 8vo. cloth, 17s. Libri duodecim Prophetarum Minorum in Ling. Aegypt. vulgo Coptica. Edidit H. Tattam, A.M. 1836. 8vo. cloth, 8s. 6d. No\ram Testamentum Graeee. Antiquissimorum Codicum Textus in ordine parallelo dispositi. Accedit collatio Codicis Sinaitici. Edidit E. H. Han- sell, S.T.B. Tomi III. 1864. 8vo. half morocco, 2I. 12s. 6d. Novum Testamentum Graeee. Accedunt parallela S. Scripturae loca, necnon vetus capitulorum notatio et canones Eusebii. Edidit Carolus Lloyd, S.T.P.R., necnon Episcopus Oxoniensis. 1869. i8mo. cloth, 3s. The same on writing paper, with large margin, small 4to. cloth, I OS. 6d. NovTim Testamentum Graece juxta exemplar Millianum. 1868. i2mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. The same on writing paper, with large margin, small 4to. cloih, 6s. 6d. The New Testament in Greek and English, on opposite pages, arranged and edited by E. Cardwell, D.D. 2 vols. 1837. crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6 Catalogue of Books Novi Testamenti Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana. Edidit Jos. White, S.T.P. TomilV. 1 778-1803. 4to. c/o/ib, i/. 8s. Novum Testamentum Coptice, cura D. Wilkins. 1*716. 4to. cloih, 1 25. 6d. Appendix ad edit. N. T. Gr. e Cod. MS. Alexandrino a C. G. Woide ■ descripti. Subjicitur Codicis Vatican! collatio. 1799. fol. cZo/i, zZ. 2s. Evangeliorum Versio Gothica, cum Interpr. et Annott. E. Benzelii. Edidit, et Gram. Gotli. praemisit, E. Lye, A.M. 1759. 4to. cloth, 12s. 6rf. Diatessaron ; sive Historia Jesu Christi ex ipsis EvangeUstanim verbis apte dispositis confecta. Ed. J. "VNTiite. 1856. izmo. doth, 3s. Canon Muratorianus. The earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament. Edited with Notes and a Facsimile of the MS. in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, by S. P. Tregelles, LL.D. 1868. 4to. doth, los. dd. The Five Books of Maccabees, in English, with Notes and Illustra- tions by Henry Cotton, D.C.L. 1833. 8vo. doth, los. 6rf. The Ormulum, now first edited from the original Manuscript in the Bodleian Libraiy (Anglo-Saxon and English), by R. M. mite, D.D. 2 vols. 1852. 8vo. doth, il. IS. Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, a J. Lightfoot. A new Editmi, by R. GandeU, M.A. 4 vols. 1859. 8vo. doth. Price reduced from 2I. 2s. to il. U. FATHERS OF THE CHURCH, &c. Catenae Graecorum Patrum in Novum Testamentum. Edidit J. A. Cramer, S.T.P. Tomi VIIL 1838-1844. Svo. cloth, il. 4s. dementis Alexandrini Opera, ex recensione Guil. Dindorfii. Tonu IV. 1869. Svo. cloth, 3Z. Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini in XII Prophetas. Edidit P. E. Pusey, A.M. Tomi II. 1868. Svo. clotb, 2I. 2s. Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini in D. Joannis EvangeUum Accedunt in D. Pauli Epistolas quasdam fragmenta quae supersunt necnon fragmenta aUa. Edidit P. E. Pusey, A.M. Tomi III. In the Press. Cyrilli Archiepiscopi Alexandrini Commentarii in Lucae Evangelium quae supersunt SyHace. E MSS. apud Mus. Britan. edidit R. Payne Smith, A.M. 1858. 4to. doth, il. 2s. The same, translated by R. Payne Smith. M.A. 2 vols. 1859. 8vo. clolh, 14s. 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Evagrii Historia Ecclesiastica, ex recensione H. Valesii. 1844. Svo. cloth, 45. Origenis Philosophumena ; sive omnium Haeresium Refutatio. E Codice Parisino nunc primum edidit Emmanuel Miller. 1851. 8vo. cloth, los. Patrum Apostolicorum, S, Clementis Romani, S. Ignatii, S. Polycarpi, quae supersunt. Edidit Guil. Jacobson, S.T.P.R. Tomi II. Fourth Edition. 1863. Svo. cloth, il. IS. Reliquiae Sacrae secundi tertiique saeculi. Recensuit M. J. Routh, S.T.P. Tomi V. Second Edition. 1846-1848. Svo. cloth. Price reduced from 2I. IIS. to il. 5s. Scriptorum Eeclesiasticorum Opuscula. Recensuit M. J. Routh, S.T.P. Tomi II. Third Edition. iS^^. ^yo. cloth. Price reduced from il. to los. Socratis Scholastici Historia Ecclesiastica. Gr. et Lat. Edidit R. Hussey, S.T.B. Tomi III. 1853. Svo. cloth. Price reduced from il. iis. 6d. to il. is. Sozomeni Historia Ecclesiastica. Edidit R. Hussey, S.T.B. Tomi III. 1859. 8vo. cloth. Price reduced from il. 6s. 6d. to il. is. Theodoreti Ecclesiasticae Historiae Libri V. Recensuit T. Gaisford, S.T.P. 1854. Svo. cloth, 7s. 6d. Theodoreti Graecarum Affectionum Curatio. Ad Codices MSS. re- censuit T. Gaisford, S.T.P. 1839. Svo. cloth, p. 6d. Dowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque vet. Eccles. Mon. quae in CoUectionibus Anecdotorum post annum Christi mdcc. in lucem editis continentur. 1S39. Svo. cloth, 4s. 6d. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, &c. Baedae Historia Ecclesiastica. Edited, with English Notes, by George H. Moberly, M.A., Fellow of C. C. €., Oxford. 1869. crown Svo. cloth, ICS. 6d. Bingham's Antiquities of the Christian Church, and other Works. 10 vols. 1855. Svo. cloth. Price reduced from 5/. 5$. to 3/. 3s. Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Chmxh of England. A new Edition. Carefully revised, and the Records collated witti the originals, by N. Pocock, M.A. "With a Preface by the Editor. 7 vols. 1865. 8vo. cloth, 4I. 4s. Burnet's Life of Sir M. 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Medium 8vo. cloth, il. is. Formtdaries of Faith set forth by the King's Authority during the Reign of Henry VIII. 1856. 8vo. cloth, 7s. Fuller's Church History of Britain. Edited by J. S. Brewer, M.A. 6 vols. 1845. 8vo. cloth, il. 19s. Gibson's Synodus Anglicana.- Edited by E. Cardwell, D.D. 1854. 8vo. cloth, 6s. Hussey's Rise of the Papal Power traced in three Lectures. Second Edition. 1863. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. Inett's Origines Anglicanae (in continuation of Stillingfleet). Edited by J. Griffiths, M.A. 3 vols. 1855. 8vo. cloth. Price reduced from il. IIS. 6rf. to 15s. John, Bishop of Ephesus. The Third Part of his Ecclesiastical History. [La Syriac] Now first edited by William Cureton, M.A. 1853. 4to. cloth, ll. I2S. The same, translated by R. Payne Smith, M.A. i860. 8vo. cloih, los. Knight's Life of Dean Colet. 1823. 8vo. cMi, ys. 6d. Le Neve's Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae. Corrected and continued from 1 71 5 ^0 1853 by T. Duffus Hardy. 3 vols. 1854. 8vo. cloth. Price reduced from ll. 17s. 6d. to ll. IS. Noelli (A.) Catechismus sive prima institutio disciplinaque Pietatis Christianae Latine explicata. Editio nova cura Guil. Jacobson, A.M. 1S44. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 6d. Prideaux's Connection of Sacred and Profane History. 2 vols. 1851. Svo. cloth, ICS. Primers put forth in the Reign of Henry VIIL 1848. Svo. cloth, 5s. Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum. The Reformation of Eccle- siastical Laws, as attempted in the reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Elizabeth. Edited by E. Cardwell, D.D. 1850. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Shirley's (W. W.) Some Account of the Church in the Apostolic Age. 1867. fcap. Svo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Shuckford's Sacred and Profane History connected (in continuation of Prideaux). 2 vols. 1848. Svo. cloth, los. Printed at the Clarendon Press. 9 Stillingfleet's Origines of Church Government. cloth. Price reduced from 13s. to los. Strype's Works Complete, with a General Index. 27 vols. 1821- 1843. 8vo. cloth, 7/. 13s. 6i. 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Stillingfleet's Rational Account of the Grounds of Protestant Religion ; being a vindication of Abp. Laud's Relation of a Conference, &c. 2 vols. 1844. 8vo. cloth, ICS. Wall's History of Infant Baptism, with Gale's Reflections, and Wall's Defence. A new Edition, by Henry Cotton, D.C.L. 2 vols. 1862. 8vo. cloth, ll. IS. Waterland's Works, with Life, by Bp. Van Mildert. A new Edition, with copious Indexes. 6 vols. 1857. 8vo. cloth, 2I. iis. Waterland's Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, with a Preface by the present Bishop of London. 1868. crow^n 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Wheatly's Illustration of the Book of Common Prayer. A new Edition. 1846. 8vo. cloth, ss. Wyclif. A Catalogue of the Original Works of John Wyclif, by W. W. Shirley, D.D. 1865. 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. Wyclif. Trialogus. With the Supplement now first edited. By Gotthardus Lechler. 1869. 8vo. cloth. 14s. Wyclif. Sermons and Select English Works. By T. Arnold, M.A. hi the Press. ENGLISH HISTORICAL AND DOCUMENTARY WORKS. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel, with Supplementary Extracts from the Others. Edited, with Introduction, Notes, and a Glossarial Index, by J. Earle, M.A. 1865. 8vo. cloth, i6s. Magna Carta, a careful Reprint. Edited by W. Stubbs, M.A., Regius Professor of Modern History. 1868. 4to. stitched, is. Britton, a Treatise upon the Common Law of England, composed by order of King Edward I. The French Text carefully revised, with an English Translation, Introduction, and Notes, by F. M. Nichols, M.A. 2 vols. 1865. royal 8vo. cloth, il. 16s, Burnet's History of His Own Time, vnth the suppressed Passages and Notes. 6 vols. 1833. 8vo. cloth, 2I. 10s. Burnet's History of James II, with additional Notes. 1852. 8vo. cloth, 9s. 6d. Burnet's Lives of James and William Dukes of Hamilton. 1852. 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. Carte's Life of James Duke of Ormond. A new Edition, carefully com- pared with the original MSS. 6 vols. 1851. 8vo. cloth. Price reduced from il. 6s, to ll. 5s. / 1 2 Catalogue of Books Casauboni Ephemerides, cum praefatione et notis J. Russell, S.T.P. Tomi II. 1850. 8vo. doth, 15s. Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. To which are subjoined the Notes of Bishop Warburton. 7 vols. 1849. medium Svo. cloth, 2/. 10s. Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England. 7 vols. 1839. i8mo. cloth, il. is. Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Eneland Also His Life, written by Himself, in which is included a Contmuation of his Histoiy of the Grand Rebellion. With copious Indexes. In one volume, royal Svo. 1842. cloth, il. 2s. Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) Life, including a Continuation of his History. 2 vols. 1857. medium Svo. cloth, il. 2s. . Clarendon's (Edw. Earl of) Life, and Continuation of his History. 3 vols. 1827. Svo. cloth, i6s. 6;/. Calendar of the Clarendon State Papers preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. II. From the Death of Charles I, 1649, to the end of the year 1654. Edited by W. D. Macray, M.A. 1869. Svo. clolb, 16s. Freeman's (E. A.) History of the Norman Conquest of England : its Causes and Results. Vols. I. and 11. Svo. cloth, each iSs. Vol. III. Svo. cloth, il. IS. Kennett's Parochial Antiquities. 2 vols. 18 18. 4to. clofh. Price reduced from il. 14s. to xl. Lloyd's Prices of Corn in Oxford, 1583-1830- 8vo. sewed, is. LuttreH's (Narcissus) Diary. A Brief Historical Relation of State Affairs, 1678-1714. 6 vols. 1857. Svo. cloth. Price reduced from 3Z. 3s. to xl. 4s. May's History of the Long Parhament. 1854. Svo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Rogers's History of Agriculture and Prices in England, a.d. 12 59-1 400. 2 vols. 1866. 8vo. cloth, 2I. 2s. Sprigg's England's Recovery ; being the History of the Army under Sir Thomas Fairfax. A ?iew Edition. 1S54. Svo. cloth, 6s. Whitelock's Memorials of English Affairs from 1625 to 1660. 4 vols. 1853. Svo. cloth, xl. los. 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The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the CXXIVth Olympiad to the Death of Augustus. Second Edition. 1851. 4to. cloth, il. I2S. Clinton's Epitome of the Fasti HeUenici. 1851. 8vo. clo/k, 6s. 6d. Clinton's Fasti Romani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople, from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Heraclms. 2 vols. 1845, 1850. 4to. cloth, 3/. 9s. Clinton's Epitome of the Fasti Romani. 1854. 8vo. cloth, ']$. Cramer's Geographical and Historical Description of Asia Minor. 2 vols. 1832. 8vo. cloth, IIS. Cramer's Map of Asia Minor, x^s. Cramer's Map of Ancient and Modern Italy, on two sheets, 15^. Cramer's Description of Ancient Greece. 3 vols. 1828. 8vo. clolh, 16s. 6rf. Cramer's Map of Ancient and Modern Greece, on two sheets, 15 J. GresweU's Fasti Temporis Catholici. 4 vols. 1852. 8vo. cloth, il. 10s. Greswell's Tables to Fasti, 4to., and Introduction to Tables, 8vo. cloth, 15s. 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Designed io meet the wants of Students in English Literature: under the superintendence of the Rev. J. S. Beewer, M.A., of Queen's College, Oxford, and Professor of English Literature at Kittgs College, London. There are two dangers to which the student of English Literature is exposed at the outset of his task ; — his reading is apt to be too narrow or too diffuse. Out of the vast number of authors set before him in books professing to deal with this subject he knows not which to select: he thinks he must read a little of all ; he soon abandons so hopeless an attempt ; he ends by contenting himself with second-hand information ; and profess- ing to study English Literature, he fails to master a single English author. On the other hand, by confining his attention to one or two writers, or to one special period of EngUsh Literature, the student narrows his view of it ; he fails to grasp the subject as a whole ; and in so doing misses one of the chief objects of his study. How may these errors be avoided? How may minute reading be combined with comprehensiveness of view ? In the hope of furnishing an answer to these questions the Delegates of the Press, acting upon the advice and experience of Professor Brewer, have determined to issue a series of small volumes, which shall embrace, in a convenient form and at a low price, the general extent of EngUsh Literature, as represented in its masterpieces at successive epochs. It is thought that the student, by confining himself, in the first instance, to those authors who are most worthy of his attention, will be saved from the dangers of hasty and indiscriminate reading. By adopting the course thus marked out for him he wiU become familiar with the productions of the greatest minds in English Literature ; and should he never be able to pursue the subject beyond the hmits here prescribed, he will have laid the foundation of accurate habits of thought and judgment, which cannot fail of being serviceable to him hereafter. The authors and works selected are such as ^vill best serve to Ulus- trate English Literature in its historical aspect. As " the eye of history, without which history cannot be understood, the literature of a nation is the clearest and most intelligible record of its life. Its thoughts and its emotions, its graver and its less serious modes, its progress, or its degeneracy, are told by its best authors in their best words. This view of the subject will suggest the safest rules for the study of it. With one exception all writers before the Reformation are excluded from the Series. However great may be the value of literature before that epoch, it is not completely national. For it had no common organ of language; it addressed itself to special classes; it dealt mamly with Clarendon Press Series. 23 special subjects. Again ; of writers who flourished after the Reforma- tion, who were popular in their day, and reflected the manners and sentiments of their age, the larger part by far must be excluded from our list. Common sense tells us that if young persons, who have but a limited time at their disposal, read Marlowe or Greene, Burton, HakewiU or Du Bartas, Shakespeare, Bacon, and Milton will be comparatively neglected. Keeping, then, to the best authors in each epoch — and here popular estimation is a safe guide — the student wifl find the following list of writers amply sufiicient for his ptupose : Chaucer, Spenser, Hooker, Shakespeare, Bacon, Milton, Dryden, Bunyan, Pope, Johnson, Burke, and Cowper. In other words, Chaucer is the exponent of the Middle Ages in England ; Spenser of the Reformation and the Tudors ; Hooker of the latter years of Elizabeth ; Shakespeare and Bacon of the transition from Tudor to Stuart; Milton of Charles I and the Commonwealth; Dryden and Bunyan of the Restoration ; Pope of Anne and the House of Hanover ; Johnson, Burke, and Cowper of the reign of George IH to the close of the last century. The list could be easily enlarged ; the names of Jeremy Taylor, Clarendon, Hobbes, Locke, Swift, Addison, Goldsmith, and others are omitted. But in so wide a field, the difficulty is to keep the series from becoming unwieldy, without diminishing its comprehensiveness. Here- after, should the plan prove to be useful, some of the masterpieces of the authors just mentioned may be added to the list. The task of selection is not yet finished. For purposes of education, it would neither be possible, nor, if possible, desirable, to place in the hands of students the whole of the works of the authors we have chosen. We must set before them only the masterpieces of Literature, and their studies must be directed, not only to the greatest minds, but to their choicest productions. These are to be read again and again, separately and in combination. Their piirport, form, language, bearing on the times, must be minutely studied, tifl the student begins to recognise the fiall value of each work both in itself and in its relations to those that go before and those that follow it. It is especially hoped that this Series may prove useful to Ladies' Schools and Middle Class Schools; in which English Literature must always be a leading subject of instruction. A G-eneral Introduction to the Series. By Professor Brewer, M.A, 1. Chaucer. The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales; The Knightes Tale; The Nonne Prestes Tale. Edited by R. Morris, Editor of "Specimens of Early English," &c., &c. Second Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, as. 6d. 2. Spenser's Faery Queene. Books I and II. Designed chiefly for the use of Schools. With Introduction, Notes, and Glossary. By G. W. Kitchin, M.A., formerly Censor of Christ Church. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, is. 6d. each. 3. Hooker. Ecclesiastical Polity, Book I. Edited by R. W. Church, M.A., Rector of "Whatley; formerly Fellow of Oiiel College, Oxford. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 2s, 24 Clarendon Press Series. 4. Shakespeare. Select Plays. Edited by W. G. Clark, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Public Orator ; and W. Aldis Wright, M.A., Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge. I. The Merchant of Venice. Extra fcap. 8vo. stiff covers, is. II. Richard the Second. Extra fcap. 8vo. stiff covers, is. 6d. III. Macbeth. Extra fcap. 8vo. stiff covers, is. 6d. 5. Bacon. Advancement of Learning. Edited by W. Aldis Wright, M. A. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. 6. Milton. Poems. Edited by R. C. Browne, M.A., and Associate of King's College, London. In the Press. 7. Dryden. Stanzas on the Death of OUver Cromwell ; Astraea Redux ; Annus Mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Religio Laici ; The Hind and Panther. Edited by W. D. Christie, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. In the Press. 8. Bunyan. Grace Abounding; The Pilgrim's Progress. Edited by E. Venables, M.A., Canon of Lincoln. 9. Pope. With Introduction and Notes. By Mark Pattison, B.D., Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. I. Essay on Man. Extra fcap. 8vo. stiff covers, is. 6d. II. Epistles and Satires. 10. Johnson. Rasselas; Lives of Pope and Dryden. Edited by C. H. O. Daniel, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Worcester College, Oxford. 11. Burke. Thoughts on the Present Discontents; the tw'O Speeches on America ; Reflections on the French Revolution. 12. Cowper. The Task, and some of his minor Poems. Edited by ' J. C. Shairp, M.A., Principal of the United Colleges, St. Andi-ews. Published for the University by MACMILLAN AISTD CO., LONDON. T/ie Delegates of the Press tnvile suggestions and advice from all persons interested in education ; and will be thaftkfiil for hints, &c. addressed to either the Rev. G. W. KiTCHiN, St. Giles s Road East, Oxford, or the Secretary to the Delegates, Clarendon Press, Oxford. fix ^jXaa^