53~ '-5.









OF Vf tv, .



Class MAMMALIA, other than Man.










The first printed list of the Osteological Specimens contained in the Museum was published in 1831. It soon, however, became evident that a more complete catalogue was required ; and at a meeting of the Museum Committee, held on the 6th of January, 1842, Professor Owen, then Conservator of the Museum, presented a report " On the advantages of combining the Fossil and Recent Osteological Specimens in one Catalogue and system of arrangement " ; and at a meeting on the 8th of February of tbe same year it was resolved, " that, in pursuance of the authority given to the Committee by the Council, the fossil and recent osteology be incorporated in one series, and that, in accordance with this view, tbe Catalogue of the same be pre- pared by Mr. Owen."

For some motive not explained upon the Minutes, the method of arrangement approved by the Committee and Council, and which had been recommended with much urgency and excellent reasoning by the Conservator, was not carried out. The spe- cimens continued to be divided primarily, not according to

their zoological or anatomical relations, but by a most incon-



venient and artificial system, according as the animals from which they were derived lived before or after a particular period of the world's history. Hence each series was incomplete, and required reference to the other for its perfect illustration and comprehension.

The ' Catalogue of Fossil Eemains of Mammalia and Aves ' appeared in 1845 ; the ' Catalogue of the Osteological Series ' (comprising only the specimens of existing species) in 1853; and the ' Catalogue of Fossil Remains of Reptilia and Pisces ' in 1854.

These very valuable and detailed Catalogues, for which the Museum was indebted to the assiduous labours of Professor Owen, are, owing to the numerous additions made to the collection, as well as to the advances in zoological classification since their publication, gradually ceasing to fulfil the present requirements of the Museum; and the necessity for new ones is becoming obvious to every one engaged in studying the collection. The desirability of returning to the resolution of the Committee of 1842 is also continually becoming more evident.

It is always difficult, in the case of a growing collection, to fix the best time to print a Catalogue, as it is necessary to choose between the danger, on the one hand, of incurring much labour and expense in the production of a publication which may before long require to be superseded, and, on the other, of allowing the interests of the collection and of the workers in it to suffer by the condition of confusion into which it necessarily falls when a vast quantity of new material has


been incorporated into a framework not sufficiently compre- hensive or elastic to adapt itself to its l'eception.

Under the circumstances, the best principle appeared to be not to attempt, with the present greatly enlarged collection, to give a minute description of every individual specimen, as had previously been done, but rather to aim at making a complete list of the contents of this department of the Museum, arranged upon a system which should combine modern scientific views of classification with convenience of reference and capability of ex- tension, and to pay great attention to accuracy of nomenclature, and especially to the preservation of every record relating to the history and authenticity of each specimen, laying stress on all particulars which are not to be seen in the specimen itself, rather than on those which can at any time readily be found there. To do this a very great amount of time has been consumed in searching through old documents, letters, and publications, though often with little visible result ; and, notwithstanding all the pains taken, some specimens will be found in the Catalogue, received into the collection in former times, the history of which is doubtful or unknown.

That the value of the former full descriptions may be retained, references will be given in the new Catalogue to its predecessors in all instances of specimens mentioned in them.

As the additions to the collection have been especially numerous among the specimens illustrating the anatomy of Man and the higher forms of Vertebrates, it has been con- sidered advisable to reverse the order of the last Catalogue,



and to commence at the higher instead of the lower end of the series. The first , portion will relate to the section of the collection devoted to Human Osteology, including the series of skeletons and crania of the various races of Man ; and, for the convenience of those who make this branch of the subject a speciality, it will be issued separately.

Boyal College of Surgeons, September 12, 1879.


The part of the Catalogue containing the specimens illustrating Human Osteology having been issued separately with a special Introduction, the present volume is devoted to the remainder of the Class Mammalia.

As there is no matter of such great importance in a Catalogue as the correct naming of the objects described in it, this part of the subject has engaged a very large share of attention in pre- paring the work. I am not sanguine enough to suppose that the names I have adopted, always after careful research and consideration, will in every case be deemed satisfactory by other zoologists, yet I hope that some advance will have been made towards that most desirable end, a fixed and generally recognized nomenclature of all the best-known species of mammals. Having selected the generic and specific name which I considered most appropriate, I have given the place and date of their first occurrence, but have only admitted such synonyms as have found their way into standard works, judging it better that the remain- der should be buried in oblivion, or at all events only retained in professedly bibliographical treatises. In selecting the name chosen I have been mainly guided by the viows which have been gradually gaining general currency among conscientious natu- ralists of all nations, and which were formulated in what is



commonly called the " Stricklandian Code," adopted by a Com- mittee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1842, and revised and reprinted by the Association in 1865 and again in 1878. These are nearly the same in principle as those concisely and clearly laid down by Isidore Greoffroy Saint-Hilaire in the introduction to his unfinished Catalogue of the Mammalia of the " Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris " (1851), and those so copiously elaborated in Mr. DallJs Report of the Committee on Zoological Nomenclature to the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the Nashville meeting in 1877. The regulations laid down in these codes for the formation of new names are unimpeach- able ; and although some of the rules for the selection of names already in existence have given rise to criticism, and are occa- sionally difficult of practical application when an endeavour is made to enforce them rigidly, they do in the main, when inter- preted with discretion and common sense, lead to satisfactory results. As what we are aiming at is simply convenience and general accord, and not abstract justice or truth, there are cases in which the rigid law of priority, even if it can be ascer- tained, requires qualification,- as it is certainly not advisable to revive an obsolete or almost unknown name at the expense of one which, if not strictly legitimate, has been universally ac- cepted and become thoroughly incorporated in zoological and anatomical literature ; and it is often better to put up with a small error or inconvenience in an existing name than to incur the much larger confusion caused by the introduction of a new one.

Of all the various groups into which animals are conven- tionally divided by zoologists; such as classes, orders, families, genera, species, &c, the last two are of greater importance than any of the others, as upon the limits assigned to them the name of the animal depends. It matters comparatively little how we arrange and rearrange orders and suborders, families and sub- families in our endeavours to express our views of the affinities



of their members to each other ; but directly we apply the same process to genera and species we begin to introduce that greatest cause of trouble and perplexity to students, and most fertile source of impediment to the progress of zoological knowledge, the multiplication of names of the same object. All zoologists seem to be agreed as to the value of the system introduced by Linnaeus, by which the name of the animal is determined by the genus and species under which it is placed, and all attempts to improve and modify this method of nomenclature have ended in failure. It might have been supposed that this general agreement would have preserved these groups, especially the former, from the inconsiderate, hasty, and useless alterations to which they have been incessantly subjected by zoologists who have often contributed nothing else to the development of their science. I do not mean that with the advancement of knowledge improvements cannot be continually made in the current arrange- ment of genera. The older groups become so unwieldy by the discovery of new species belonging to them that they must be broken up, if only for the sake of convenience ; newly dis- covered forms which cannot be placed in any of the established genera must have new genera constituted for them, and fuller knowledge of the structure of an animal may necessitate its removal from one genus into another : all these are incidents in the legitimate progress of science. Such alterations, how- ever, should never be made lightly and without a full sense of responsibility for the difficulties which may be occasioned by them, and which often can never be removed. Complete agreement upon this subject can never be expected, as the idea of a genus, of an assemblage of animals to which a common generic name may be attached, cannot be defined in words, and only exists in the imagination of the different per- sons making use of the expression ; but there might be no difficulty in coming to some general agreement, if individual zoologists would look at the idea as held by the majority, and would not give way to the impulse to bestow a name wherever there is the slightest opening for doing so. In the following



Catalogue not a single new division lias been proposed, or a new name introduced ; but, on the contrary, very many of the generic divisions of modern zoological writers, founded upon most trifling characters, often artificial or even erroneous, have been ignored, as it is thought that the sooner such names are discarded the better. Others have certainly been admitted which, according to my judgment, it would have been better never to have invented; but as they exist and are generally recognized, less confusion and alteration of existing nomenclature is caused by retaining than by abolishing them.

Subgenera with names attached to them have always been avoided, as they cause confusion of nomenclature, and nearly always end sooner or later in being promoted to the rank of true genera. It seems preferable in the case of large genera, showing much diversity of characters among their members, to group together those which resemble each other most into sections, but avoiding the use of any distinctive name that would clash with the binomial principle. In the case of both generic and specific names, I have always endeavoured to give the original authority and date, which have in almost every case received careful verification in the last proof, although some few of the works cited could not be found even in the scientific libraries of this metropolis. Judging from what I have observed in works of this kind by others, even those from whom a high standard of accuracy might have been expected, I cannot help fearing tbat many errors may have crept into these references, although the pains taken both by Dr. Garson and myself to avoid them have been considerable.

In citing the authorities for the generic names, the first (Lin- nean or post-Linnean) date of the occurrence of the word as indi- cating a distinct group of species is always quoted. Many of the older genera have been gradually restricted ; but in such cases it has not been thought necessary to mention, even if it could be ascertained, by whom they were first used exactly in the sense



adopted in this Catalogue. Many of the terms originally proposed only in a subgeneric sense have been gradually elevated into generic rank. Thus in each successive revision of any group by Dr. Gray the subgenera of one memoir became the genera of the next, and so on. In such cases the first use of the name, whether as a subgenus or genus, is quoted.

In order to make the work of greater utility than a mere list would be, the modifications of the dentition, so characteristic of the different groups of the Mammalia, are given so far as they can be represented by the usual formulae. To avoid repetition, when all the members of a family agree in this respect, the formula is given under the heading of the family. When differences occur in genera included under the same family, these are indicated under the generic heading. In all complete skeletons, the numbers of the vertebrae of the different regions is also added ; but in this C£lS6j clS individual variations are not infrequent, this is given under the heading of the particular specimen referred to.

The principles adopted in the arrangement and description of the specimens have been as follows :

The scientific name of the genus and of the species, and the authority for these, and the most important synonyms having been determined, the best-known English name, when any exists, and the general habitat (without entering into details of geo- graphical distribution) are given. In the case of extinct species, the names are printed in Old English characters, and the geological horizon in which their remains are found is added. Each number usually represents the whole, or such parts as the Museum contains, of a single individual animal. The complete skeletons are placed first, afterwards the skulls or crania (the latter term meaning a skull without a lower jaw), and then detached bones of the skeleton.

The specimen may be presumed to belong to an adult animal,



unless otherwise stated. In the case of young animals, the con- dition of the dentition is almost always described, both as affording an approximate indication of the age, and for the guidance of those who are engaged in studying this important part of the animal economy.

In giving the numbers of tbe vertebra?, the specimen is always presumed to be in a perfect condition, unless otherwise stated. Certain of the terminal caudal vertebra? are unfortunately very often lost in preparing skeletons j when this appears to have been the case the word " incomplete 31 is added.

The cervical vertebi^a? are those in front of the first which bears a rib directly articulating with the sternum. Tbe dorsal or thoracic vertebra? are those which bear movably articulated ribs. The lumbar vertebra? are those that intervene between the dorsal and sacral regions. The distinction between the sacral and caudal vertebra? is more difficult. The artificial and conven- tional definition of the former as those that are ankylosed to- gether in an adult state to form a single bone has been generally adopted in this catalogue in default of a more scientific one of universal application. In the Cetacea, the first caudal is that which bears upon its hinder edge the first pair of chevron bones. It must never be forgotten that although the division of the vertebral columns into distinct regions is convenient for descrip- tive purposes, at the contiguous extremities of the regions the characters of the vertebra? of one region are apt to blend into those of the next, either normally or as peculiarities of individual skeletons.

When the sex of the animal from which the skeleton was pre- pared is known from certain evidence, it is stated in full, "male" or "female"; if only inferred from the character of the speci- men, it is indicated by the signs <$ or 2 . When no such sign is appended, the characters are not sufficiently distinctive to attribute it to either sex.



The name of the donor, the date at which the specimen was acquired, and the locality whence it was obtained are recorded in every case in which they could be ascertained. Such details are often of importance in tracing the history or esta- blishing the authenticity of specimens which might, perhaps, otherwise be subjects of doubt, and they form a material element in tracing the growth and progress of the Museum. With the specimens added since the commencement of the year 1862, this has been almost invariably carried out ; but with the earlier ones, owing to the imperfect state of the Museum register, it has often been impossible to do so, and of the numerous specimens which had accumulated in the stores, now for the first time entered in the Catalogue, the origin had to be left blank, or in the latter part of the volume given, for greater precision, as having been "in the Museum before 1862." References are always given to any published descriptions or figures of the specimens ; and the number in the former Catalogues, 0. C* or 0. C. F.f, is given in the case of all the specimens mentioned in them, that the more detailed descriptions in those works may be referred to, for which purpose copies will be retained in the Museum.

A few words respecting the various public or private col- lections from which specimens have passed into this department of the College Museum may be interesting, and will be pre- ceded in each case by the designations by which they are indicated in this Catalogue :

Hunterian. The private collection formed by John Hunter (who died in 1793), purchased from his executors by the British Government in 1799, and held in trust for the nation by the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons. The in- crease of the collection since it has been under the care of the College is shown by the fact that, out of the 3972 specimens

* Descriptive Catalogue of the Osteological Series contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2 vols. 4to. 1853.

t Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Fossil Organic Remains of Mammalia and Aves. 4to. 1845.



recorded in the present volume of the Catalogue, only 668 are Hunterian. In the year 1846 it was deemed advisable by the Council of the College, and sanctioned by the Trustees, to remove a number of Hunterian specimens of " external natural history " from the collection, and to offer them to the British Museum; but, in order to maintain the Hunterian Collection at its original value, a number of osteological specimens (chiefly birds) belonging to the College were transferred to the Hunterian Collection and placed under the care of its Trustees. To distinguish such specimens (a few of which are included in the present volume) the words " Hunterian Substitute, 1846 " are added.

A similar transfer of anatomical preparations in spirit, in place of dried specimens which had become valueless, was made in 1877. The details of these transfers, and the negotiations which led to them and to the extension and definition of the powers of the Trustees with regard to the disposal of duplicate or useless specimens, are recorded in the Minutes of that body.

British Museum. At a meeting of the Trustees of the British Museum, held on the 20th of April, 1809, it was determined that all osteological, anatomical, and pathological specimens, being unfit to be preserved in the Museum, should be no longer retained. The specimens coining under these categories were purchased by the College at a valuation, and many of them are contained in the portion of the collection treated of in the present volume of the Catalogue. It was in this way that the College became possessed of some remarkable specimens (as No. 2499) which formed part of the Museum of the Boyal Society at Grresham College, and are described in Grrew's Catalogue of that collection, published in the year 1681. It may be men- tioned as a matter of history that the large skulls of the Green- land Whale and Sperm- Whale, still in the British Museum, were included in the purchase, but were allowed to remain at the British Museum " until the Museum of the College should bo in a fit state for their reception " (as recorded in the Minutes



of the Board of Curators, 3rd July, 1809). It does not appear that they were ever reclaimed.

Brookes Collection. The Anatomical and Zoological Museum of Mr. Joshua Brookes, F.R.S., in Blenheim Street, was, next to Hunter's, the largest private collection ever formed in this country. The greater part was sold by auction in 1828, on the 14th of July and the twenty-four following days, when the College was a purchaser to the amount of £800. A few specimens were also bought at a subsequent sale of the remain- ing portion of the collection in 1830.

Langstaff Collection. A considerable part of a very large private collection, chiefly of pathological and anatomical spe- cimens in spirit, formed by Mr. George Langstaff, was purchased by the College in 1835, and some more were added when the remainder of the collection was sold by auction in 1842. There are but few osteological specimens from this source.

South Collection. A collection of articulated skeletons of mammals and birds, prepared by Mr. J ohn Flint South, Surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital, and afterwards President of the College, was privately purchased by the College in 1835.

Parker Collection. An osteological collection, formed by Mr. William Kitchen Parker, F.R.S., afterwards Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the College, was purchased in 1858.

Yarrell Collection. A few specimens in the present volume, and many skeletons of birds, were purchased at the sale, in 1856, of the collection of Mr. William Yarrell, author of the Histories of British Birds and of British Fishes.

Gould Collection. Tho specimens under this designation, con- sisting of a considerable number of skeletons of mammals and birds, were all collected by Mr. John Gould, F.E.S., the distin- guished ornithologist, during his tour in Australia in the years 1838 and 183!), and purchased by the College in 1840.



DxiChaillu Collection. This consists chiefly of skeletons of the Anthropoid Apes collected in the Gaboon district of Africa by the well-known traveller M. Paul DuChaillu, purchased in 1863.

Barnard Davis Collection. The great osteological collection of the late Dr. Barnard Davis, F.R.S., of Shelton, Staffordshire, purchased by the College in 1880, contained, besides human skeletons and skulls, those of several other mammals, which are mentioned in the present Catalogue.

By " Zoological Society," so often referred to in this volume, must be understood "The Zoological Society of London." " Geological Society " is also used for " The Geological Society of London/'

I am greatly indebted to my friend Mr. J. W. Clark, M.A., Superintendent of the Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy of the University of Cambridge, for his kindness in reading the whole of the proofs and in offering many valuable suggestions. I may also state, in conclusion, that the excellent 1 Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta,' by Dr. John Anderson, Part I., containing the Primates, Pro- simise, Chiroptera, and Insectivora, though dated 1881, did not come into my hands until the part of the present Catalogue relating to the first two of these groups was already printed ; so that I was not able to avail myself of its aid in determining certain difficulties of nomenclature.


January 1st, 1884.


[Extinct species are denoted by an asterisk.]


Suborder ANTHR 0P0 IDEA 1

Family HOMTNIM 1

Homo sapiens 1

Family SIMHDJE 2

Troglodytes niger 2

Gorilla savagii 6

*Dryopitbecus fontani 9

Simia satyrus 10

Hylobates syndactylus 14

lar 17

hoolock 17

*Oreopithecus bambolii 18


Subfamily Colobin^ 18

Colobus vellerosus 19

satanas 19

ursinus 19

Scmnopithecus entellus 20

schistaceus 21

cristatus 22

chrysomelas 23

maurus 23

Nasalis larvafcUS 24




Family CEECOPITHECID^E (continued). ^

Subfamily Ceecopithecin^; 24

Cercopithecus patas 25

sabaeus 25

lalandii 26

callitricbus 26

albigularis 27

campbelli 27

mcraa .... 27

diana .1 28

cephus 28

petaurista 28

Cercocebus collaris 30

fuliginosus 30

sethiops 30

albigena 31

Macacus cynomolgus 31

pileatuB 33

sinicus 33

sileuus 34

rhesus 35

nemestrinua 36

inuus 37

* priscus 38

Cynopithecus niger 39

Theropitbecus gelada 39

Cynocephalus hamadryas 41

babouin 41

anubis 42

porcarius 43

leucopbaeus 44

maimon 45

Family CEBID^E 45

Chrysothrix sciurea 46

Oebus capucinus 47

Ateles pan is cus 48

gcoffroyi 49



Ateles ater 49

bybridus 49

bartletti 50

marginatus 50

Lagothrix humboldti 51

Nyctipithecus vociferans 51

Callitbrix personata 52

Pithecia monachus 52

satanas 53

Hycetes seniculus 54

laniger 54

palliatus 55

Family HAPALLDiE 56

Midas oedipus 56

rosalia 56

Hapale jacchus 56

penicillata 57

Suborder LEMUR 01 LEA 57

Family LEMUEID^E 57

Subfamily Indrisin^: 57

Indris brevicaudatus 58

Propithecus diadema 58

vorreauxii 59

Avahis laniger 59

Subfamily LemtjriNjE 59

Hapalemur griseus 60

simus 60

Lemur varius 60

catta 61

albifrons 62

mongoz 62

rufipes 63

Lepidolemur mustelinus 63

Chirogalcus furoifcr 64

l> 2



Family LEMURIDiE (continued).

Subfamily LEMUK,rN.ffl (continued). ^ ^

Chirogaleus milii 64

pusillus 64

Galago crassicaudatus 65

monteiri 65

sennariensis 66

alleni 66

Subfamily Loeisin^e 66

Loris gracilis 66

tardigradus 67

javanicus .... 67

Perodicticus potto 68

calabarensis 68

*Adapis parisiensis 68

Family TARSIIM 70

Tarsius spectrum 70


Cbiromys madagascariensis 71



Family FELID^E 72

Felis leo 72

* spelsea 74

tigris 75

* cristata 78

pardus 79

uncia 82

onca 82

concolor 82

macrocelis 83

eh^sothrix 83

serval 84

SYSTEMATIC INDEX. xxi Family FELIDiE (continued).


Felis viverrina 84

bengalensia 84

pardalis 85

yaguarundi 85

catus 85

caffra 86

domestica 86

caracal 89

lynx 90

pardina 90

* brevirostris 91

Cynaelurus jubatus 91

*Macbaerodus latidens 92

* cultridens 93

* megantereon . . 93

* neogaeus 93

Family VIVERBIDjE 94

Cryptoprocta ferox 94

Viverra civetta 94

zibetha 95

tangalunga 95

malaccensis 96

scblegeli 97

* antiqua 97

* lemanensis 97

Genetta vulgaris 97

tigrina ' . . 98

Nandinia biuotata 98

Hemigalea bardwickii 99

Paradoxurus typus 99

tytleri 100

larvatus 100

musariga 100

bondar 101

Arctictis binturong 102

Cynogalc bouncttii 102

Euplcrcs goudoti 103



Family VIVEREIM (continued).

Galidia elegans 103

Herpestes ichneumon 103

griseus 104

nepalensis 105

galera 105

Crc-Bsarchus obscurus 106

Suricata tetradactyla 106

Family PROTELIDE 107

Proteles cristatus 107

Family HY^NIDJS 107

Hyaena striata 108

brunnea 109

crocuta 109

* spelaoa 110

Family CANIDiE Ill

Lycaon pictus Ill

Icticyon venaticus 112

Canis javanicus 113

primaevus 113

familiaris 114

lupus 125

occidentalis 126

latrans 127

antarcticus 128

aureus . . . . 128

mesomelas 129

vulpes 129

decussatus 131

fulvus 131

velox 2.31

virginianus 132

lagopus 132

bengalensis 133

zerda I34

prooynoides 134


Family CANDLE (continued).

Otooyon megalotis 1 35

*Amphicyon major 136


Mustela martea 136

flavigula 137

zibellina 137

americana 138

pennanti 138

putorius 139

sibirica . . . . 141

ermmea . . . . 141

vulgaris . . . . 141

lutreola 143

vison 143

Gulo luscus 143

Galictis barbara 144

vittata 145

Ictonyx zorilla 145

Helicfcis nepalensis 146

Mellivora indica 146

Taxidea americana 147

Meles taxus 148

My da us meliceps 149

Arctonyx collaris 150

Mepbitis mepbitica 150

Conepatus mapurito 151

Lutra vulgaris 151

canadensis 153

felina 154

Aonyx lcptonyx 154

Enhydra lutris 154

Family TROCYONIDiE 155

Procyon lotor 155

Nasua rufa 157

narica 158



Family PEOCYONID^E (continued). ^

Baasaris astuta 158

Cercoleptes caudivolvulus 159

Family AILUBIDiE 160

Ailurus fulgens 160

Family URSIM 160

*Hysenarctos sivalensis 160

Ailuropus melanoleucus 161

Ursus malayanus 162

ornatus 163

americanua 163

tibetanus 165

arctos 166

isabellinu8 169

horribilis 169

* fossilis 172

* bourguiguati 173

* arvernensis 173

* spelseus 174

maritimus 181

Melursus ursinus 183

Extinct Camivora of uncertain position 185

*Hysenodon brachyrhynchus 185

* vulpinus 185

*Arctocyon primsevus 186

Suborder PINNIPEDIA 186

Family OTARIIDiE 186

Otariajubata 187

stelleri 190

californiana 190

australis 191

lobata 192

pusilla 193

ursina 193




Trichechus rosmarus 195

* huxleyi 203

Family PHOCIDJE 204

Subfamily Phocin^; 204

Halichoerus grypus 204

Phoca vitulina 205

hispida 207

groeulandica 208

barbata 210

Subfamily Stenorhtnchinjs 210

Monacbus albiventer 211

Stenorbyncbus leptonyx 211

carcinopbagus 213

Subfamily Cxsxophokhin^s 214

Cystopbora crista ta 214

Macrorbinus leoninus 215

Order UN6ULATA 219

Suborder ARTIODAOTYLA # .... 219

Section Pecora 219

Family BO VIM 219

Bos taurus 219

* primigenius 225

grunniens 227

gaurus 227

Bubalus depressicornis 228

buffelus 229

caffer 230

pumilus 230

Bison americauus 231

bonasus 232

* priscus 232



Family BOVIDiE (continued).


Ovibos moschatus , . . . 236

Ovis aries 237

musimon 243

vignei 244

cycloceros 244

polii 245

sculptorum 245

hodgsoni 246

montana 246

nahoor 247

tragelapbus 248

Capra ibex 248

arabica 249

pyrenaica 250

jemlaica 250

hircus 251

Kemas bylocrius 254

Nemorbaedus goral 254

bubalina 255

sumatrensis 255

Rupicapra tragus 256

Haploceros montanus 257

Oreas carina 258

Strepsiceros kudu 258

Tragelapbus scriptus 259

sylvaticus 260

Boselapbus tragocamelus 260

•Oryx leucoryx 261

beisa 262

Hippotragus leucopbaeus 262

equinus 262

niger 263

Gazella dorcas 263

bennetti 264

eucbore 264

Saiga tartarica 265

Procapra gutturosa 2(il>


Family BOVIDiE (continued).


Antilope cervicapra 266

Kobus ellipsiprymnus 268

Neotragus saltianus 268

Cephalophus maxwelli 269

mergens 270

Tetraceros quadricorois 270

iEpyceros melampus 272

Alcelaphus caama 272

pygargus 273

lunatus 273

Cormochsetes gmi 274

taurina 275

Antilope acuticomis 275

subulata 276

* cordieri 276


Antilocapra americaua 277

Family SIVATHEKIIDiE . 279

*Sivatherium giganteum 279

*Bramatb.erium perimense 280


Giraffa camelopardalis 281

* biturigum 283

Family CERVIM 283

Subfamily MoscHiN-ae 283

Moschus moschiferus 283

Subfamily CERYiNiE 285

*Dremotherium feign ouxii 285

Cervulus muntjac 286

Cervus aristotolis 289

equinus 290

porcinus 290

eldi 291

rlavidianus 291.



Family CERVIDiE (continued).

Subfamily Cervine (continued).

Cervus axis 293

elaphus 293

canadensis 298

dama 299

* hibernicus 307

Rangifer tarandus 312

Alces machlis 316

Capreolus caprea 318

Hydropotes inermis 321

Cariacus virginianus 322

leucuruB 323

mexicanus 323

macrotis 324

campestris 324

Pudua humilis . 325

Section Tragulina 325

Family TRAGULIM 325

Tragulus javanicus 326

stanleyanus 327

napu 328

Hyomoscbus aquaticus 329

Section Ttlopoda 329

Family CAMELIM 329

Camelus bactrianus 330

dromedarius 331

Auchenia glama 333

pacos 334

vicugna 334

Extinct Artiodactyla not belonging to either of the Sections

into which the Group is at present differentiated . 335


*Xiphodon platyceps 335

*Caenotherium commune . 335




*Anoplotberium commune . . 336

*Tapirulus byraeinus 338


*Antbracotherium magnum 338

*Hyopotamua bovinus 339

* americanus 340

*Merycopotamua dissimilia 340


*Elotherium magnum 341

*Choeropc-tamus gypsorum 341

*Cebocho3rus minor 342

Section Stjina 343

Family DICOTYLID^E 343

Dicotylea labiatua 343

tajacu 344

Family SUID^E 345

Sus cristatus 345

barbatus 347

papuenaia 347

scrofa . 348

* hysudricus 354

* giganteus 354

Potamocbcerus africanus 355

porcus 356

Babirussa alfurus 356


Phacochoerus africanus 360

setbiopicua 363


Hippopotamua liborionsis 365

ampbibius 365



Family HIPPOPOTAMIM (continued). p

*Hippopotamus major 372

* pentlandi 375

*Hexaprotodon sivalensis 377

Suborder PEEISS OB A GTYLA 379


*Lophiodon tapiroides 379

*Hyracotherium leporinum 380

. Family TAPIRIDiE 381

*Tapirus prisons 381

* arvernensis 382

indicus . .' 383

americanus 384

bairdi 385


*Pala3otherium magnum 386

* crassum 387

* medium 388

* minus 390

* aimectens 390

*Anchitherium aurelianense 391

* bairdi 392

*Hipparion gracile 392

Family EQUIDJE 394

*Equus curvidens 394

* sivalensis 395

caballus 395

asinus 410

hemionus 412

quagga 413

burchelli 414

zebra 4^4




♦Rhinoceros minutus 415

unicornis 416

sondaicus 418

sumatrensis 421

bicornis 423

simus 424

* antiquitatis 428

* leptorhinus 430

*Cadurcotherium cayluxi 432

*Elasmotherium fischeri 433


*Macrauchenia patachonica 433

* boliviensis 434

Ungulata of uncertain position 435

*Coryphodon eocsenus 435

*Nesodon imbricatus 436

*Toxodon platensis 436

*Typotherium cristatum 437

Suborder HYRACOIDEA 438

Family HYRACIDiE 438

Hyrax capensis : . . . 438

Dendrobyrax arboreus 439

dorsalis 440

Suborder PROBOSCIDEA 441


Elephas indicus 442

* primigenius 464

* columbi 476

* hysudricus. 477

* namadicus 477

* antiquus 478

t Accidentally omitted in the Cnialogup.


Family ELEPHANTIDJ3 (continued).

Elephas africanus 484

* meridionalis 489

* planifrons 490

* insignia 492

* bombifrons 495

* clifti 495

*Mastodon sivalensis 496

* longirostris 497

* latidens 498

* arvernensis 499

* amencanus . . . 500

* borsoni 512

* angustidens 513

* andium 514


*Dinotberium penfcapotamise 515

* giganteum 515

Order SI REN I A 521

Family HALICORID^E 521

Halicore dugong 521


*Halitherium canbami 526

Family RHYTINIM 527

*Rbytina gigas 527

Family MAN ATID^E 528

Manatus americanus 528

senegalensis 529

Order CETACEA 531

Suborder MYSTACOCETI 531

Family BALiENIDiE 531

BaUena mysticetus 531

australis 533

SYSTEMATIC INDEX. XXxiii Family BALJEN1D-<E (continued).


Balaenoptera musculus 534

rostrata 535

borealis 536

Tympanic bones of Wbales 537

Suborder AR CITJEO GET I 546


*Zenglodon cetoides 546

* sp.?. 547

Suborder ODONTOCETI 548


Physeter macrocephalus 548

Kogia breviceps 555

Hyperoodon rostratua 556

Ziphius cavirostris 558

Mesoplodon bidens 559

grayi 559

baasti 560

layardi 560

europseus 560

densirostris 561

Berardius arnuxii 561


Platanista gangetica 564


Squalodon, sp. ? 566

Family DELPHINIDiE 566

Monodon monoceros 566

Delphinapterus leucas 569

Phocsena communis 570

Orca gladiator 572

Pseudorca crassidens 573

Globiceps melas 574

macrorhyncbus 577

Tursiops tursio 677

catalania 679

PART ri. 0



Family DELPHINID^E (continued).

Steno rostratus 579

Sotalia sinensis .... 580

Lagenorhynchus electra 581

acutus 582

clanculus 582

albirostris 582

Clymenia leucorhamphus 583

obscura 583

dubia . 584

longirostris 585

Delphinus delphis 586

Order RODENTIA 590



Anomalurus fraseri 590

Family SCIUKHLE 590

Pteromys nitidus 590

Sciuropterus volucella 591

Sciurus vulgaris 591

bicolor 592

indicus 592

stangeri 593

rufo-bracbiatus 593

pyrrhopus 594

carolinensis 594

budsonius 594

Xerus rutilus 595

capensis 595

erytbropus 595

Taraias asiaticus 595

Spermophilus citillus . 596

mongolicus . 596

Cynomys ludovicianus 597

Arctomys marmotta 597

monax .* 593



Family CASTORID^E 598

Castor fiber 598

canadensis 600

*Diobroticus schmerlingii 602

Family MYOXID^E 602

Myoxus glis 602

Muscardinus avellanarius 603

Family MUEIM 603

Hydromys chrysogaster 603

Gerbillus indicus 604

Nesokia kok 604

Cricetus frumentarius 604

Cricetomys gambianus 605

Mus rattus 605

decumanus 606

malabarieus 607

fuscipes 607

musculus 608

minutus 608

Hapalotis albipes 609

Fiber zibetbicus 609

Arvicola amphibia 610

agrestis 610

My odes lemmus 611

Ellobius talpinus 611

Family SPALACIDJ3 611

Spalax typhlus 611

Rhizomys pruinosus 612

sumatrensis 612

badius 612

Batbyergus maritimus 613

Georychus capensiB 614

Family GEOMYIDyE 614

Geomys bursarius 614




Family ZAP0D1M 614

Zapus hudsonius 615

Family DIPODIM 615

Dipus sagitta 615

Alactaga jaculus 616

acontion 616

Pedetes caffer 616


Ctenomys magellanicus 617

brasiliensis 617

Octodon cumingi 617

Myopotamus coypus 618

Capromys pilorides 619

brachyurus 619

Aulacodus swindernianus 620

Family HYSTRICIDiE 620

Synetlieres mexicanus 621

insidiosus 621

Erethizon dorsatus 621

Atherura fasciculata 622

Hystrix cristata 622

hirsutirostris 623

javanica 624

alophus . 624


Chinchilla lanigera 625

Lagidium cuvieri 625

Lagostomus tricbodactylus 626


Dasyprocta acouchy 626

aguti 626

fuliginosa 627

Coelogenys paca g27

Family CAVIID^E 628

Cavia porcellus g28

Dolichotis patachonica .... 629

HydrochoeruB capybara 630




Family LEPORIDiE 631

Lepus timidus 631

variabilis 632

sinensis 633

ruficaudatus 633

americanus 633

campestris 634

sylvaticus 634

cuniculus 634




Chrysoebloris aurea 638

trevelyani 638

Family CENTETID2E 639

Subfamily Centetin^ 639

Centetes ecaudatus 639

Hemicentetes semispinosus 639

Ericulus setosus 640

Subfamily Ortzokictin^ 640

Microgale longicaudata 640


Solenodon cubanus 641

Family TALPIM 641

Subfamily Talpin^e 641

Talpa europsea 641

Subfamily Mtogalin^; 643

Myogale moschata 643

pyrenaica 643

Family SOEICEDiE 644

Crocidura cserulescens 644

Sorex vulgaris 644

Crossopua fodicns 645




Family ERINACEID2E 645

Subfamily Erinacein^e 645

Erinaceus europseus 645

Subfamily Gtmnuein^; 647

Gymnura rafflesi 647


Macroscelides intufi 648

Petrodromus tetradactylus 648

Rbyncbocyon cernei 649

Family TTTPAIIM 649

Tupaia javanica 649

tana 650

Suborder DERMOPTEBA 650


Galeopithecus volans 650

philippinensis 651




Epomopborus franqueti 652

Pteropus rubricollis 652

edulis 653

medius . . . 653

Cynopterus marginatus 654



Rbinolophus hipposideros 655

Phyllorbina tridens 655

diadema 656

caffra 656

Family NYCTERID^E 656

Megaderma frons 656




Plecotus auritus 657

Vesperugo serotinus 657

Doctula 658

pipistrellus 658

nanus 658

Vespertilio daubentoni 659

nattereri 659

Miniopterus schreibersi ....... 660


Molossus obscurus 660


Cbilonycteris parnelli 661

Mormops blainvillei 661

Arfcibeus perspicillatus 661

Desmodus rufus 662

Order EDENTATA 663


Bradypus tridactylus 663

Choloepus didacfcylus 664

hoffmanni 665


*Megatberium americanum 666

*Mylodon robustus 669

* darwini 672

* barlani 673

*Scelidotberium leptocephalum 674

*Megalonyx jeffersoni 676

* rodena 678

*Valgipes deformis 679


Myrmecopbaga jubata 679

Tamandua tetradactyla 680

Cycloturus didactylus 681



Family DASYPODID^E 681

Tatusia novemcincta 681

hybrida 682

Dasypus sexcinctus 683

villosus 684

minutus 685

Xenurus unicinctus 685

lugubris 686

Priodon giganteus 686

Tolypeutes conurus 686

CbJamydopborus truncatus 687


*Glyptodon clavipes 687

* ornatus 690

* reticulatus 691

* tuberculatus 691

Family MANID2E . 692

Manis pentadactyla 692

aurita 692

javanica 693

gigantea 693

macrura 694


Orycteropus capensis 694

setbiopicus 695


*Ancylotberium priscum 695



Phascolomys wombat 696

platyrbinus 698

latifrona 699




Subfamily Phascolarctin^: 699

Phascolarctos cinereus 699

Subfamily Phalangistin^: 701

Cuscus maculatus 701

Pbalangista vulpina 701

canina ' 704

cooki 704

Petaurus taguanoides 705

australis 705

sciureus 706

Tarsipes rostratus 706


Macropus giganteus 707

rufus 710

antilopinus 711

bennetti 711

derbianus 713

houtmanni 713

billardierii 713

leporoides 714

hirsutus 714

xanthopus 715

* anak . . 715

* atlas 716

* titan . .• 717

* affinis 719

* gouldii 719

* mimas 720

* goliah 720

* rapha 721

Dendrolagus ursinus 724

Dorcopsis luctuosa 724

Hypsiprymnus murinus 725

Bettongia gaimardi 726

grayi 727

-S/pyprymnufl rufescens 727






*Diprotodon australis 728

*Nototherium mitcbelli 732


*Thylacoleo carnifex 734


Peragalea lagotis 736

Peramales obesula 736

fasciata 737

nasuta 738

Choeropus castanotis 738

Family DASYUKIDiE 739

Subfamily Myrmecobiin^: 739

Hyrmecobius fasciatus 739

Subfamily Dasyuein^; 739

Phascogale penicillata 739

calura 740

flavipes 740

Dasyurus maculatus 741

viverrinus 742

ursinus 743

* laniarius 744

Tbylacinus cynocepbalus 745

* spelseus 747


Didelphys virginiana 747

cancrivora 749

azarae 7^9

Chironectes variegatua . . . 750




Family ECHIDNID^E 751

Echidna aculeata 751

bruijni 753


Ornithorhynchus anatinus 753





This order, as at present constituted, contains all the Primates of Linnaeus, excluding the Bats. It is equivalent to the orders Bimana and Quadrumana of Cuvier's 1 Regne Animal ' *.



The specimens belonging to this family, constituted of the single species Homo sapiens, Linn., are contained in Part I. of the Catalogue, published in 1879.

* An excellent analysis of the synonymy of the species of Primates, as far as thoy were known up to the dato of publication, is contained in the ' Catalogue Methodique de la Collection des Mammiferes ' &c. in the Museum d'llistoire Naturelle of Paris, by Isidore Geoffrey Saint-Ililairo, 1851. More recently Schlegel has published a descriptive catalogue of the specimens of tho Order contained in the Mus6um d'llistoire Naturelle des Pays-Bas (1870), reference to which is made in the present Cataloguo in cases where a different nomenclature is adopted.





Anthropomorpha, Huxley.

Dental formula as in Man, viz. : i. f, c. \, p. §, m. §, =| : total 32.


Troglodytes*, E. Geoffroy St.-Hilairo, Tableau des Quadrumanes,

Ann. du Museum, tome xix. p. 87 (1812). Anthropopithecus, Blainville, Lecons Orales, 1839.

In this and the next genus, the carpus has the same number of bones as in Man. In all the other members of the suborder the os centrale is a distinct bone, making, with the radial sesa- moid, altogether ten.

The number of presacral vertebra taken together is the same as in Man ; but thirteen bear movable ribs instead of twelve.

Troglodytes niger.

Troglodytes niger, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 87 (1812). Simia troglodytes, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 1788 ; Schlegel's Cat. Mus.

des Pays-Bas, p. 8 (1876). Anlhrojjopithecus troglodytes (Gm,), Sclater's List of Animals in the

Gardens of the Zoological Society of London, p. 1 (1879).

The Chimpanzee.

Hah. West and Central ^Equatorial Africa.

1. Articulated skeleton of male.

The vertebral formula in this and the other specimens of this species (unless otherwise noted) is : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 5.

* As this name was previously (1806) applied to a genus of Aves, some authors have considered it inadmissible for a mammalian genus ; and Mimetes, Leach, 1819 (open to the same objection, having been in 1816 applied to a genus of Lepidoptera), and Anthropopitheeus, Blainville, 1839, hm e been proposed as substitutes (cf. Teters, Monatsbericln Alt. Berlin, 1870, p. 470). Troglodytes, however, is now so thoroughly established in zoological litera- ture for the Chimpanzee, as well as for the Wrens, that less confusion will be entailed by retaining than by changing it.


The last lumbar vertebra bas a tendency to become sacral in its characters, as seen better in the nest, still older, specimen. Prom the Gaboon.

Du Cliaillu Collection, Purchased, 1863.

2. Articulated skeleton of aged female. 0. C. 5082.

This specimen, when compared with the last, shows that the Chimpanzee differs from the Gorilla in the absence of any marked disparity between the sexes, either in size or in the conformation of the skull, although the male can always be distinguished by the larger size of the canine teeth.

This and the following were sent to England in brine, having been shot " within a day's journey of the port of Jaeko Jackeo, Mudwood Coast, Gulf of Guinea."

Purchased, 1840.

3. Skull and separated bones of the skeleton of male. 0. C.

5086, the skull ; 5088 to 5170, the bones, which are separately described and compared with the corresponding parts of the Orang.

The oil-painting by Zeittcr in possession of the College was made from this specimen before it was macerated. The pha- langes are wanting.

Purchased, 1840.

4. Skeleton of female.

This specimen was marked by M. Du Chaillu as belonging to the variety called by him T. calvus. It was received with the vertebral column united by its natural ligaments, and has one dorsal vertebra and one pair of ribs less than the usual number, the formula being: C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 5, C. 5.

The right femur, tibia, fibula, and patella are wanting; in all other respects it is perfect.

From the Gaboon.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1863.

5. Skeleton, wanting the hands and feet, of female.

It has the usual thirteen dorsal vertebras. Tho fourth lumbar is united with the sacrum. From the Gaboon.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1866.

15 2


Troglodytes niger.

6. Skeleton, not quite complete, of female.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

Purchased, 1860.

7. Skull, scapulae, ilia, and long bones of the extremities of

adolescent male. 0. C. 5087.

The roots of the teeth have been exposed on the right side of both jaws. The large canines characteristic of the sex have been fully acquired, but the left last upper molar has not come into place. The suture between the basioccipital and basi- sphenoid is not united.

The teeth of this specimen are minutely described in 0. C.

Presented by Captain Harris, 1851.

8. Skull with the hyoid and four upper cervical vertebra? of male.

Prepared from a head sent, with some other parts of the body, in spirit from the West Coast of Africa by Captain R. Burton. Although certainly a male, the temporal ridges do not meet at the vertex.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1862.

9. Skull of male, wanting most of the teeth.

The temporal ridges are widely separated at the top of the skull.

From the Gold Coast.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. R. Thomas, 1869.

10. Skull of male.

The temporal ridges meet over the sagittal suture. This and the three following were sent from the Gaboon to Dr. Barnard Davis by Mr. R. B. Walker.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

11. Skull of female.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

12. Cranium.

Apparently a male. The temporal ridges are widely separated at the top of the skull.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

13. Articulated skeleton of young.

The central permanent incisors and the first permanent molars are in place. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. & C. 8. This specimen was named by M. Du Chaillu T.'calvus.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1863.

14. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 5084.

The milk-dentition is in place, and the first molars are just appearing.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

15. Articulated skeleton of young.

The milk-dentition is in place ; but the canines are not fully exserted. There are thirteen dorsal and but three lumbar vertebrae.

16. Natural skeleton of very young. 0. C. 5085.

The milk-teeth are in place, except the canines and posterior upper molars. There are thirteen dorsal and four lumbar ver- tebrae. Though both the last lumbar and first sacral vertebra? articulate with the ilia, the distinction between them is clearly seen in the presence of a distinct pleurapophysial ossi- fication in the transverse process of the latter.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.


17. Skull of young. 0. C. 5171.

The milk- dentition is in place

/'resented by Earl Spencer.

18. Skull of young.

The milk-dentition is in place. From the Gold Coast.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. R. Thomas, L869.

19. Right manus of adult.



Genus GORILLA. Is. St.-Hilaire, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. dcs Sciences, t. xxxiv. p. 84 (1852).

Gorilla savagii.

Troglodytes gorilla, Savage, Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. of Boston,

vol. v. (1847). Troglodytes savagei, Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1848, p. 29. Gorilla gina, Is. St.-Hilaire, Comptes Rendus, t. xxxvi. p. 933


Gorilla savagei, Gray, Catalogue of Monkeys &c. in Brit. Mus. p. 7 (1870).

Simia gorilla, Schlegel's Cat. Mus. des Pays-Bas, p. 8 (1876).

The Gorilla.

Hab. West Equatorial Africa.

20. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. 0. 5178.

This is the first skeleton of a Gorilla which was brought to Europe. It is described in great detail in 0. C. and in Prof. Owen's memoir in the ' Transactions ' of the Zoological Society, vol. v.

The animal had just attained maturity : all the permanent teeth are in place ; but some of the larger epiphyses are still ununited, and the sagittal and occipital crests have not reached their full development. The greater part of the sternum, the seventh cervical vertebra, the left leg and foot, and the right manus are wanting, and have been replaced by plaster models. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 5, C. wanting. The right transverse process of the last lumbar vertebra is expanded and articulates with the ilium.

Presented by Captaiyi Harris, 1851.

21. Skeleton of male.

The left radius and ulna, two vertebra), and some of the bones of the manus and pes are wanting. Traces of immaturity



remain in the absence of union of the basal suture of the cranium and the freedom of the epiphyses of the crest of the ilium, suprascapular border, and upper end of the humerus. All the other epiphyses of the long bones are united. There are but three lumbar vertebras ; the one corresponding to the fourth in the younger specimens, and the fifth in man, is united with the sacrum.

Obtained at the Gaboon by Mr. R. B. Walker.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

22. Skull and imperfect skeleton of male.

The alveolar wall has been removed on the right side to show the roots of the teeth. Though by no means an aged individual, the supraorbital ridges and cranial crests are largely developed.

Many of the bones of this skeleton are mounted in the- separate series.

Purchased, 1860.

23. Articulated skeleton of an old female.

This specimen shows well the inferiority in size and in deve- lopment of the canine teeth and of the cranial crests in the female sex of the Gorilla. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 5, C. 2 (incomplete). The vertebra corresponding- to the last lumbar of Man and the younger skeletons of the Gorilla has both its transverse processes expanded to articulate with tho ilium, and is by its body united with the sacrum ; so that func- tionally it is converted into a sacral vertebra, as is partially the case in the male skeleton No. 20 *.

From the Gaboon.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1863.

24. Incomplete skeleton of female.

The skull is perfect, with complete unworn dentition. Many of tho bones aro mounted in the separato series.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1863.

25. Mutilated cranium of male. 0. C. 5179.

Presented by <'<t/>i<iin Harris, 1851.

* The same condition occurs on both sides in the female Bushman, No. 1301, and on the left side of tho female Australian, No. 1088 (Osteo- logical Catalogue, Tart I.).



Gorilla savagii.

26. Cranium of female.

Obtained at the Gaboon by Mr. K. B. Walker.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

27. Skull of adolescent female.

The basal suture is still open. The upper posterior molars (m. 3) are not fully in place.

Obtained at the Gaboon by Mr. E. B. Walker.

Purchased, 1876.

28. Skull of young male.

The canines alone of the milk-teeth are retained. The lower third molars are in place, but not those of the upper jaw. The temporal ridges do not quite meet at the vertex ; and there is consequently no sagittal crest.

From Eloby, Western ^Equatorial Africa.

Purchased, 1881.

29. Articulated skeleton of young.

All the milk-teeth are in place, with the first permanent molars. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 5, C. 4 (complete). The vertebra here reckoned as the first lumbar, in accordance with its characters in the other skeletons, has a pair of short movable ribs, and might therefore be considered as belonging to the dorsal region. The fourth lumbar vertebra has no union with the ilia or sacrum.

Du Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1863.

30. Natural skeleton of very young.

The milk-dentition is complete, and the crowns of tho first permanent molars are just appearing. Ycrtebrcc : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. & C. 10.

Purchased, 1879.

31. Basi-byal of male.

Purchased, 1872.


32. Cast of cranium of male. 0. C. 5180.

Though the amount of wear of the teeth indicates an animal of advanced age, the sagittal crest is small, and divided hy a longitudinal median groove. .

The originals of this and the two following were obtained from the Gaboon river. They are in the Museum of the Philosophical Institution of Bristol.

Presented by the Bristol Philosophical Institution, 1848.

33. Cast of cranium of male. 0. C. 5181.

Though the teeth indicate a younger animal than the last, the sagittal crest is more fully developed.

Presented by the Bristol Philosophical Institution, 1848.

34. Cast of cranium of female. 0. C. 5182.

Presented by the Bristol Philosophical Institution, 1848.

35. Cast of cranium. 0. C. 5183.

From the vicinity of the river Danger, West Coast of Africa. The points in which this specimen differs from those from the Gaboon are fully described in 0. C.

Presented by the Bristol Philosophical Institution, 1848.


Lartet, Comptes Eendus des Seances de l'Acadcmie des Sciences, xliii. p. 219 (1856).

UryoptthecuS fontmu.

36. Cast of mandible.

The original, in the Paris Museum of Natural History, was found in a mioccne deposit at Saint Gaudens (Haute Garonne), France, and is described and figured by M. Lartet as above. It is probably from a female, and of the same size as tho existing Chimpanzee, though in denial characters more resembling tho Gorilla.

Presented by Professor Gervafo, L869.



Genus SIMIA.

Simia*, Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, edit. xii. i. p. 34 (1760). Pithecus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 88 (1812).

In seven out of eight skeletons of animals of this genus in the Museum, the number of dorso-lumbar vertebrae is sixteen, viz. twelve dorsal and four lumbar. The distinction between the last lumbar and the first sacral vertebras is clearly marked in all the young specimens by the additional pleurapophysial ossifications in the transverse processes of the latter. Thus, though Simia presents a closer resemblance to Man than does Troglodytes in the number of ribs, it differs in the more important character of that of the whole series of trunk-vertebrae. The one exception is the large articulated skeleton No. 37, which has an additional lumbar vertebra. This, having for a long time been the only one in the Museum, has often been described as typical, and has given origin to the common statement that the Orang has the same total number of vertebrae as in Man.

Simia satyrus.

Simia satyrus, Linnseus, Sysfc. Nat. edit. xii. i. p. 34 (1766). Pithecus satyrus, Geoffrey, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 88 (1812).

The Okang-Otjtang. Hab. Borneo and Sumatra.

37. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 5050.

Vertebra : 0. 7, D, 12, L. 5, S. 5, C. 2 (incomplete). Prom Sumatra.

Presented hy Sir T, Stamford Raffles, 1822.

38. Skeleton of a larger male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 5, C. 3.

* The Linnean genus Simia included all known Monkeys. It is now by general consent limited to the Orangs. If Pithecus were adopted for these, Simia would cease to exist as a genus.



The twelfth dorsal has no rib on the left side, and a very short one on the right. From Borneo.

Received in exchange from the Royal Museum of Natural History, Brussels, 1871.

39. Skull, left radius and ulna, and right ulna of a still larger

male. 0. 0. 5051, 5052, and 5053.

From Borneo.

Presented by Sir William Blizard, 1809.

40. Articulated skeleton of adolescent female.

All the permanent teeth are in place.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 5, C. 4. The last quite rudi- mentary.

Prepared from an animal which died in the Eotterdam Zoological Gardens.

The length and the curves of the spine are retained exactly as they were before the removal of the muscles and ligaments. The brain and most of the viscera are preserved in the physio- logical series. The right clavicle is with the preparation of the air-sacs connected with the larynx.

Purchased, 1867.

41. Skull of male.

From the neighbourhood of Sarawak.

The position of the left upper canine is abnormal, being dis- placed backwards and lying to the outer side of the first pre- molar, which it has pushed towards the middle line.

Received in exchange, 1877.

42. Skull of male.

The facial bones are somewhat injured. Collected in Borneo by Mr. A. R. Wallace.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

43. Skull of male.

Many of the teeth are wanting. Collected by Brookmcijor.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.



Simia satyrus.

44. Skull of female.

Eemarkable for the complete absence of nasal bones (which, are greatly reduced in some of the other specimens) and of the upper third right molar.

From near Sarawak, Borneo.

Purchased, 1876.

45. Skull of a male, of the variety called by the donor " Mias Eambi." 0. C. 5054 and 5055.

From Borneo.

Presented by Sir James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak.

46. Skull of a female of the same variety. 0. C. 5056.

The roots of the teeth are exposed on the right side of both jaws, showing that the upper premolars as well as true molars are implanted by three distinct roots, two external and one internal.

Presented by Professor Owen.

47. Skull and greater part of skeleton of young female. 0. 0.

5060 to 5079.

The milk-teeth are being replaced by the permanent series, the central incisors of the upper jaw, all the lower incisors, and the first and second molars of the latter being already in place, with the milk-molars and canines.


48. Skeleton of young female. 0. C. 5057.

The milk-dentition and first permanent molars are in place.

The animal from which this skeleton was prepared was brought to England by Dr. Abel, who accompanied Lord Amherst in the Embassy to China in the year 1817. It was a native of Borneo. It arrived in England in August 1817, and survived its transportation to this country until the 1st of April, 1819, during which period it was kept in the Menagerie at Exeter Change.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Bart., 1819.



49. Skeleton of young. 0. C. 5059.

The milk-teeth with the first permanent molars are in place.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, 1820.

50. Skeleton of young. 0. C. 5058.

The milk-teeth are in place, and the first true molars are beginning to rise from the alveolus. The vertebral formula is C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 5, C. 4, the last being quite rudimentary. The state of ossification of the sacrum shows that there are three sacral vertebrae connected with the ilium by means of distinct pleurapophyses.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

51. Skeleton of young.

The milk-dentition is complete.

Vertebra] formula : C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 5, C. 3.

Presented by the Managers of the Royal Institidion, 1870.

52. Skeleton of young, with complete milk-dentition.

53. Skeleton of young, with milk-dentition.

The lower canines have scarcely risen above the alveolus. From an animal killed near Sarawak, in Borneo.

Purchased, 1879.

54. Skeleton of young, with milk-dentition. 0. C. 5080.

Presented by Professor Owen.

55. Cranium of young, wTith milk-dentition.

56. Hyoid bone of adult male.

Purchased, 1873.

57. Skull of old male.

It has been the subject of extensive fractures, which have completely separated the facial portion from the brain-case, and divided the lower jaw into three pieces. Now bone has been thrown up round the fractured edges, the condition of which shows that the animal must have lived some time after receiving these frightful injuries.

From Borneo.

Purchased, 1880.



Genus HYLOBATES. Illiger, Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium, p. 67 (1811).

Gibbons or Long-aemed Apes. a. Genus Siamanga, Gray. Hylobates syndactylus.

Svmia syndactyla, Eaffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 241 (1822). Siamanga syndactyla (Baffles), Gray, List of Mammals Brit. Mus. p. 1 (1843).

The Siamang or Ungea Ape. Hob. Sumatra.

58. Skeleton of male. 0. C. 5032-5049.

The right manus and left pes are wanting. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 5.

Prepared from an animal obtained in the Menangkabau country, in the interior of Sumatra, and which lived for some time in the possession of the donor. It is described and figured in 'Loudon's Magazine of Natural History,' vol. v. p. 131 (1832).

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1831.

59. Skull of male.

Prom Mr. A. E. Wallace's collection.

Purchased, 1872.

60. Cranium of young.

The first and second true molars and the permanent incisors have been acquired.

61. Skeleton of young. 0. C. 5031.

The first permanent incisors and the first true molars are in place, with the milk lateral incisors, canines, and molars. Vertebra} : C. 7, D. 13, L. 4, S. 4, C. 4.

Prepared from an animal shot in Sumatra, and presented to Mr. Brookes by Evan Evans, Esq., Surgeon R.N".

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



62. Cranium apparently of young Siamang, with the milk-


The ridge between the antero-internal and posteroexternal cusp of the second molar is very strongly marked.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

b. Hylobates proper.

Excluding the Siamang, the Gribbons differ but little in size and general conformation, and the colour of individuals of undoubtedly the same species is remarkably variable. Hence there is much uncertainty about the number of species, and much confusion in the nomenclature. The names given to the specimens in the Old Catalogue cannot, therefore, be altogether trusted ; and, owing to the want of authenticated skeletons in any collection in the country, they cannot be rectified. Among the following, two distinct species can be recognized, charac- terized chiefly by the proportional length of the limbs.

63. Skeleton (wanting the skull). 0. C. 5028, where it is

called H. variegatus.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 5, C. 2.

The anterior end of the crest of the ilium is more prominent and angular than in the other skeletons. The lower limbs are proportionally longer, the femur being to the humerus as 85 to 100.

From the forests of Deval, Bengal.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

64. Skull and bones of the extremities of a female*.

In the length and proportions of the extromities, this agrees with the last ; but the bones are all more slender. The man- dible is remarkable for the lowness of the ascending ramus, want of development of the angle, and backward direction of the neck and coronoid process, in which respects No. 72 comes nearest to it.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

This and Nos. 71 and 72 were taken in L864 from skins which had entirely lost all the hair.



Hylobates, sp.

In the remaining specimens, the angle of the lower jaw is more or less developed, though the height of the ascending ramus varies considerably. The anterior angle of the crest of the ilium is rounded off ; and the length of the femur is to that of the humerus about as 74 to 100. There appears to be nothing in their osteological characters by which they can be separated specifically ; and the skulls agree with authenticated specimens of lar in the British Museum ; so they probably belong to that or to some closely allied species.

65. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 5026 (where it is called

H. lenciscus).

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 5, C. 2 (imperfect).

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

66. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 5027 (where it is called

H lar).

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 5, C. 2.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

67. Bones of the trunk and scapular arch. 0. C. 5029.

The number of vertebra; is the same as in the preceding skeletons of Gibbons ; but in this specimen there are 14 pairs of ribs, a short and straight pair being developed from the vertebra corresponding to the first lumbar in the others.


68. Cranium of young. 0. C. 5030.

The milk-canines and molars remain in place with the first permanent incisors and first true molars. An extension of the frontal bone reaches backwards in the middle line as far as the occipital, completely separating the parictals.


69. Omnium of young.

The third molars are not yet in place.


70. Skull (mutilated behind) of adult.

Taken from a skin of a uniform pale ycllowish-whito colour.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

71. Skull and bones of the extremities of young male.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

72. Skull and bones of tbe extremities of young female.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Hylobates lar.

Homo lar, Linn. Mantissa Plantarum, Regni Animalis Appendix, p. 521 (1771).

The White-handed Gibbon.

Hah. Malay Peninsula.

73. Pelvis, sternum, right clavicle, and hyoid bone of male.

Prepared from a specimen from Mcrgui, "which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society id 1870.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1870.

74. Hyoid bone.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869.

Hylobates hoolock.

Simia hoolocJc, Harlan, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. n. s. t. iv. p. 52 (1834).

The Hoolock Gibbon.

Hob. Assam.

75. Hyoid bone of female.

From a specimen from Assam, which died in tho Zoological Socioty's Gardens, Jan. 1, 1873, having lived there more than four years.

Presented by the Zoological Society. PART ir. o




Gervais, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. de Paris, tome lxxiv. p. 1217 (1872).

(©reopttfjmui bamboltt.

76. Cast of mandible.

77. Cast of the same mandible after the germ of the posterior

molar had been exposed.

The original from which these specimens were taken was found in the lignite beds of Monte Bamboli, Tuscany. It is described in the ' Comptes Rendus ' for 1872, and also, with figure, in the ' Journal de Zoologie,' vol. i. (1872), p. 228, pi. xiv.

This animal was probably one of the Simiidse, though differing in details of dentition from any of the existing forms, especially in the great antero-posterior length of the third molar— a cha- racter to which the Gorilla slightly approximates, but which is more fully developed in the members of the next family.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1872.

Family CERCOPITHECnXE. Cynopithecina, Is. Geoff. Archiv. du Museum, ii. p. 495 (1811). Dental formula as in the Simiidas.

Subfamily Colobin^e.

The genera which constitute this group differ from all other monkeys in the singularly complex character of the stomach.

Genus COLOBUS. Tlliger, Prodromus Syst. Mam. et Avium, p. 69 (1811).

The monkeys of this genus are all natives of Africa. They are distinguished from the closely allied Asiatic forms of the family by the very rudimentary character of the pollcx.



Colobus vellerosus.

Semnopiihecus vellerosus, Is. Geoff. Zool. du Voyage de Belanger, p. 37 (1834).

Colobus bicolor, Wesmael, Bull. Acad. Sc. Bruxelles, ii. p. 237 (1835).

The White-thighed Colobus.

Hub, West Africa.

78. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 30. Prepared from a specimen received in spirit from the West Coast of Africa.

Purchased, 1862.

79. Cranium of female, probably of this species.

Colobus satanas.

Waterhouae, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1838, p. 58.

The Black Colobus. Hub. West Africa.

80. Skull, j.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

81. Skull, 2-

Prom the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

Colobus ursinus.

Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1835, p. 98.

The Ursine Colobus.

I lab. West Africa.

82. Hyoid bone of male.

From an animal which diod in tho Gardons of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1870. C 2




Semno^pitheque, F. Cuvier, Hist. Kat. des Mammifcres, 1821. Presbytis*, Eschscholtz, in Kotzebue's Entdockungsreise, iii. p. 196 (1821).

Pollex as long as the second metacarpal, with both phalanges completely developed, though small. Asiatic habitat.

Semnopithecus entellus.

Simia entellus, Dufresne, Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. 1797, p. 49.

The Entellus or Hanuman Monkey.

Hob. India.

83. Skeleton of nearly adult female.

AH the permanent teeth are in place, but not worn. Verte- bra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 32.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1870.

84. Skull, <? . 0. C. 5005.


85. Skull, J. O. C. 5006.

The calvarium has been detached to show the interior of the cranial cavity. The incisor and canine teeth are wanting.


86. Cranium, 6

The incisor and canine teeth are wanting.

87. The teeth separately displayed of a nearly adult male.

Prepared from an animal received from the Zoological So- ciety's Gardens, July 26, 1862.

88. Cranium, ? . O. C. 5007.

It shows the sexual inferiority of size of tho canines. The animal had suffered from a severe fracture of the parietes of the loft orbit.


* There is some doubt as to the priority of theso two names ; but Semno- pithecus is that which is most commonly adopted,


89. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected, of female.

90. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 5004.

The milk-molars and canines are retained. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 2, C. 25 (not quite complete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

91. Skull of young.

The milk -molars and upper canines are retained; but the permanent incisors and first and second true molars are in place.

92. Cranium of a somewhat younger individual, apparently of

the same species.

93. Skull of a slightly younger animal.

94. Skull of a still younger animal.

The lateral milk-incisors are retained above and below, as well as the canines and molars. The first permanent molars are in place in both jaws.

95. Skull of a younger monkey, apparently of the same species.

It retains all the milk-teeth, with the first permanent molars.

Semnopithecus schistaceus.

Hodgson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, ix. p. 1212 (1840).

The Langue, Monkey.

I lab. Northern India.

96. Bones of the trunk of adult.

Vertobrtc : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 12 (incomplete). From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan IF. Hodgson, Esq.



Semnopithecus schistaceus.

97. Bones of the trunk and extremities of nearly adult.

This species is considered by some authors merely a variety of S. entellus. Schlegel (Museum des Pays-Bas, Simiee, 1876, p. 61) is of the contrary opinion. On comparing the present specimen (which was named and presented by the describer of the species) with the skeleton of S. entellus of corresponding size and age, though probably different sex, it will be seen that though the femur and radius are of almost identical length, the tibia is slightly shorter and the humerus longer, so that there is not so great a disproportion between the length of the ante- rior and posterior extremities as in S. entellus. The hands and feet are also slightly larger. Whether these differences are really specific can only be determined by the examination of a larger series of specimens.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

98. Skull of young male.

The milk-teeth and first permanent molars are in place. This and the following specimen were obtained by the donor at Simla in 1866.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

99. Skull of young female.

The central permanent incisors have just come into place. From Simla.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

Semnopithecus cristatus.

Simia cristata, Eaffl.es, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 533 (1822). Semnopithecus pruinosus, DeBmarest, Mamm. Supplement, p. 533 (1822).

J lab. Sumatra, Borneo

100. Skeleton, wanting the hands and feet, of male

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 17 (incomplete). From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.


101. Skull and vertebral column of female.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

102. Skull of a very young Semnopithecus, probably of tbe same

species as the above.

Tho milk-dentition is in place.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Semnopithecus chrysomelas.

S. Mueller and Schlegel, Verhandl. over de Nat. Geschied. der Neder- landsche overzeesche bezittingen, p. 61, plate xi. fig. 3 (skull), 1839-1844.

This species wants the fifth lobe to the posterior lower molar, found in most of the Colobinae.

Hab. Borneo.

103. Skull of male.

From Borneo. Marked " Lutung."

Purchased, 1872.

Semnopithecus maurus.

Simia maura, Schreber, Saugthiere, i. p. 107, tab. xxii. B. (1775).

104. Hyoid bone.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869.


Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 00 (1812).

The skull can be distinguished at a glance from that of any Colobus or Semnopithecus by the lower border of the nasal bones being considerably below the lower margin of the orbits, as in the Cercopitheci and all the other genera of this family, whereas in the other Colobime the anterior narial aperture extends up- wards botween tho orbits.



Nasalis larvatus.

Cercopithecus I vatus, Wurmb, Vcrhand. Batav. Gonootsch. iii. p. 145 (1781).

Simia wasiccr, Daubenton, in Audebert, Hist. Nat. des Singes (1797).

Simia nasalis, Shaw, Gen. Zool. i. p. 55 (1800).

Semnopithecus nasicus, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 66 (1876).

The Proboscis Monkey. Hab. Borneo.

105. Skeleton of male.

Prepared in 1870 from a specimen received from Borneo in spirit. The skin of the face, with the characteristic elongated nasal appendage, is preserved in the Physiological Series (Organs of Smell).

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. 3, C. 27 (complete). It has therefore, as an individual peculiarity, one presacral vertebra less than all the other specimens of Colobinte in the Museum.

Purchased, 1840.

106. Skull of male.

Purchased, 1868.

107. Skeleton of female.

It is very inferior to the male in size and in the develop- ment of the canine teeth.

YertebraD : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 24 (incomplete).

Presented by John Flower, Esq., 1873.

Subfamily Cercopithecin^e.


Erxlebon, Syst. Peg. Animal, p. 22 (1777). All the species of this genus are of African habitat.



Species incerta.

108. Skeleton of nearly adult male. 0. C. 5018.

Vertebrco : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 2, C. 22. Prepared from an animal which died in the Menagerie at Exeter Change.

Presented by William Home Clift, Esq., 1823.

Cercopithecus patas.

Simia patas, Sehreber, Siiugthiere, i. p. 98, tab. xvi. (1775). Cercopithecus patas, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 34 (1777). Simia rubra, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. p. 34 (1788). Cercopithecus ruber, Geoff. Ann. du Mus. xix. p. 96 (1812).

The Patas Monkey.

Hab. West and Central Africa.

109. Skeleton of young. 0. C. 5009.

The first permanent molars and central incisors have been cut. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 1, C. 28.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

110. Skull.

Prom an animal -which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1877.

111. Hyoid bone of male.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1877.

Cercopithecus sabaeus.

? Simia sabcea, Linnams, Syst. Nat. cd. 12, i. p. 38 (1766). Cercopithecus sabceus, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 22 (1851), and

Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Has, p. 74 (1876). Cercopithecus (jriseo-viridis, Dcsinarest, delator's List of Animals,

1879, p. 6.

The Guivet Monkey. Hub. East and Central Africa.



Cercopithecus sabseus.

112. Skeleton of young female.

The milk-teeth have all been shed ; but the third true molars are still within the alveoli. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 25. The thirteenth trunk-vertebra bears a pair of short movable ribs. The animal had lived two years in captivity ; and the articular extremities of many of the long bones are deformed. The right manus and pes are mounted in the Physiological Series (Organs of Locomotion).

Brought by way of the Nile from the Soudan.

Presented by C. E. Flower, Esq.

Cercopithecus lalandii.

Cercopithecus lalandii, Is. Geoff. Archiv. du Museum, ii. p, 561 (1841).

? Simia pygerythra, F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, 1821.

The Vervet Monkey.

Hab. South Africa.

113. Skull of male.

As an individual peculiarity, the inferior canines aro recurved and pass behind the upper ones.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

114. Skull of nearly adult female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 1861.

Presented by Professoi' Flower, 1881.

115. Skull of female.

Taken from a skin in the stores, 1876.

Cercopithecus callitrichus.

Cercopithecus callitrichus, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. Paris, 1851, p. 23. Cercopithecus sabceus auct. rccentiorum.

The Giieen Monkey.

Hub. West Africa.



116. Skull of nearly adult male, probably of this species. 0. C.



117. Skull of young.

The posterior milk-molars remain, with the first and second permanent molars.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1881.

Cercopithecus albigularia.

Semnopithecus ? albogularis, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 105. Cercopithecus albogularis, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 18.

Sykes's Monkey.

Hab. East Africa.

118. Bones of the trunk.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. wanting. From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

Cercopithecus campbelli.

Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1838, p. 61.

Campbell's Monkey. Hab. West Africa.

119. Skull.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1881.

Cercopithecus mona.

Simia mona, Schrebor, Siiugthiero, i. p. S)7, tab. xv. (1775).

The Mona Monkey. Hab. Weal Africa.



Cercopithecus mona.

120. Skull of young female.

The milk-dentition and first lower true molars are in place. From the West Coast of Africa. Prepared from a specimen in the spirit stores.

Cercopithecus diana.

Simia diana, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 38 (1766).

The Diana Monkey. Hob. West Africa.

121. Skull.

"West Coast of Africa.

Purchased, 1881.

122. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1870.

Cercopithecus cephus.

Simia cephus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 39 (1766).

The Moustache Monkey.

Hah. "West Africa.

123. Skull of young female.

All the milk-teeth have been shed ; but the permanent teeth are not fully in place, and the crowns of the third molars arc still within the alveoli.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

Cercopithecus petaurista.

Simia petaurista, Schrebcr, Siiugthiore, i. tab. xix. b (1775).

The Lesser "White-nosed Monkey.

llab. West Africa.



124. Skeleton of young female.

The milk-canines and molars and the permanent incisors and first and second molars are in place. Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 2, C. 19 (imperfect).

Prepared from an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1862.

The specific determinations assigned to the following crania of young individuals of the genus Cercopithecus cannot be de- pended upon.

125. Cranium of young, with milk-dentition. 0. C. 5011 (where

it is called C. albogularis).


126. Cranium of young, with the milk-teeth and first permanent

molars. 0. C. 5012 (where it is called C. albogularis).

British Museum.

127. Cranium of young, with the milk-dentition. 0. C. 5022

(where it is called C. albogularis) .


128. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected, of a species of

Cercopithecus. 0. C. 5019 (where it is called C. cepha- lopterus).



Geoffrey, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 97 (1812).

This genus differs from Cercopithecus, and resembles Macacus in tho presence of a fifth tubercle to the posterior lower molar. All the species are of African habitat.



Cercocebus collaris.

Gray, List of Mamm. Brit. Hus. p. 7 (1843).

The White- collared Mangabey.

Hab. West Africa.

129. Skull, rf.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

130. Skull, ?.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

Cercocebus fuliginosus.

GeofFroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 97 (1812).

The Sooty Mangabey.

Hab. West Africa.

131. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1870.

Cercocebus sethiops.

Simia cethiops, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, p. 28 (1758); Schreber, Saugthiere, i. p. 105 (1775).

The White-crowned Mangabey.

Hab. West Africa.

132. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1870.



Cercocebus albigena.

Presbytia albigena, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850, p. 77.

The Grey-cheeked Mangabey.

Hob. West Africa.

133. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1870.


Macaque (French), Cuvier et Geoffroy, Magasin encyclopedique,

1795 (fide Is. Geoff.). Macaca, Lacepede, Memoires de l'lnstitut, iii. p. 490 (1801). Macacus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 63 (1820). Inuus and Cercocebus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. pp. 97-100


The crania of animals of this genus can be distinguished from those of Cercopithecus by the front margin of the interorbital septum being concave in profile, and depressed below a transverse supraorbital ridge, and by the lower border of the nasals being broader. In most species the muzzle is more produced, giving greater length between the lower margin of the orbit and the upper margin of the anterior narial aperture than in the Cerco- pitheci. They all are natives of the Oriental or the Palasarctic region.

a. Species with the tail as long as or longer than the body. These are included by Geoffroy (Ann. du Mus. xix.) and Schlegel (Cat. Museum des Pay-Bas, 1876) in the genus Cercocebus.

Macacus cynomolgus.

? Simia cynomolgus, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 38 (1766). Simia cynamolgus, Schrcber, Siiugthiere, p. 81, tab. xiii. (1775). Cercocebus cynomolgus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 99 (1812); Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 101 (1876).

The Common Macaque Monkey.

1 1"!). India and Indo-Malayan Archipelago.



Macacus cynomolgus.

134. Skeleton, wanting the hands and feet, of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26.

The Sumatran variety of this Macaque was described by Sir Stamford Raffles as a distinct species under the name of Simia fascicularis, the " Kra" of the Malays (Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 246).

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

135. Skeleton of nearly adult male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 21 (imperfect). From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

136. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20 (imperfect). Although the animal is somewhat smaller, the bones of the tail are longer than in either of the preceding specimens.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

137. Skull of male of the variety described as M. philippinensis

by Is. Geoff. (Archiv. du Mus. ii. p. 568, 1843).

Collected by Mr. Everett at Zamboanga, Mindanao Island, Philippines.

Purchased, 1878.

The following specimens are probably of this species.

138. Skull, cj. 0. C. 4999.

The facial bones have undergone pathological changes.


139. Skull, the bones of which are separated and mounted at short

distances apart.

Prepared in Paris.




140. Skull of nearly adult. $ .

141. Skull of young. 0. C. 4998.

The permanent canines are not fully developed, and the last molars are still concealed in their alveoli.


142. Skull of young. 0. C. 5024.

The milk-teeth are present, with the first permanent molars. The lower permanent incisors are just appearing.


Macacus pileatus.

Simia jpileata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. p. 53 (1800).

Cercocebus sinicus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Mus. xix. p. 98 (1812).

Cercocebus pileatus, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 98 (1876).

The Toque Monkey.

Hah. Ceylon.

143. Skull of male.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Gardens, 1875.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

144. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult, probably of this


Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3* C. 24. The tail is intermediate in length between those of Nos. 135 and 145. The posterior molars are not in place.

Macacus sinicus.

Simia sinica, Linnams, Mantissa Plantarum, Appendix, p. 521 (1771) (ex Buffon, vol. xiv. p. 241, Bonnet Chinois*).

* This name was not given from any idea that it was a native of China, but on account of the resemblance of tho arrangement of the hair on the scalp to a Chinese hat.

PART n. I)



Macacus sinicus.

Cercocebus radiatus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 98 (1812). Macacus sinicus, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. p. 26 (1851). Cercocebus sinicus, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 99 (1876). Macacus radiatus, Sclater's List of Animals, p. 13 (1879).

The Bonnet-Monkey. Hob. Continental India.

The following specimens appear to belong to this species :

145. Articulated skeleton of adult male. 0. C. 4996.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

146. Skull of female. 0. 0. 5001.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

147. Skull of young. 0. C. 4997.

All the permanent teeth have come into place ; but the last molars and the canines are not fully developed. The facial bones bear marks of inflammatory action, so frequently to be seen in Monkeys which have died in captivity in this country.


148. Skull of young.

The milk-molars and upper milk-canines are retained.

b. Macaques with the tail considerably shorter than the body.

Macacus silenus.

Simia silenus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 36 (1766).

The Wanderoo Monkey.

Hab. Malabar coast of India.


149. Skull of male, probably of this species. 0. C. 4854.


150. Skull of young. 0. C. 5003.

The permanent canines and third molars are not in place.


Macacus rhesus.

Simia rhesus, Audebert, Hist. Nat. des Singes, &c, 1797. Inims rhesus, Geoff. Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 101 (1812). Macacus rhesus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 66 (1820). ? Simia erythrcea, Schreber, Saugthiere, Supp. tab. viii. d (date?). Macacus erythrceus, Schlegel, Cat. Hus, Pays-Bas, p. 112 (1876).

The Rhesus Monkey. Hob. India.

151. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 4991.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 15 (not quite complete).


152. Articulated skeleton of male. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18.

153. Articulated skeleton of a not quite adult Monkey, stated in O. C. (No. 4990) to be the Rhesus.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 15 (a few missing).


154. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 4992.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 12 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

155. Incomplete skeleton, 2

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S.-3, C. 17.

D 2



Macacus rhesus.

156- Skull, 2 . 0. C. 4995.

The teeth have been removed from the right side of both

jaws. .


157. Skull assigned to this species. O. C. 4994. $ .

158. Skull of young female.

Prepared from a specimen in the spirit-stores.

159. Skull of a new-born male.

Prepared from a specimen which was born and died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 12 May, 1863.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

Macacus nemestrinus.

8imia nemestrina, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 35 (1766).

The Pig-tailed Monkey.

Hab. Sumatra, Java, Borneo.

160. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 4826.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 17.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

161. Skeleton, not quite complete, of male.

(Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.)

162. Skull of male.

From near Sarawak, Borneo.

Purchased, 1879.

163. Skull of adult male. 0. C. 4828.



164. Skull of male. 0. C. 4918.



165. Skull of female.

Prepared from a specimen in the spirit-stores.

166. Skeleton (not perfect) of young female.

The posterior molars are not in place. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

167. Skull of young.

The milk-molars are retained with the permanent incisors and the first and second permanent molars. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

168. The skull of a younger individual.

The central permanent incisors and the first molars only are in place.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

169. The skull of a still younger individual.

The milk-dentition only is in place. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

c. Macaques with the tail rudimentary or obsolete. Genus Inuus, Geoff. Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 100 (1812).

Macacus inuus.

Simia inuus ct Simia sylvanus, Linnoeus, Syst. Nat. od. 12, i. pp. 34 and 35 (1766).

Inuus ecaudatus, Gcoffroy, A.nn. du Museum, xix. p. 100 (1812).



Macacus inuus.

Macacus inuus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 67 (1820). Inuus pithecus, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 31 (1851). Macacus sylvanus, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 115 (1876).

The Barbary Ape.

Hab. North Africa and Gibraltar.

170. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult male. 0. C. 4919.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 3 (imperfect). The skull differs from that of other Macaques iu the small extent of contact between the praemaxilla? and nasals.


171. Skull of young male.

The milk-dentition only is in place.

Prepared from an authenticated specimen in the spirit-stores.

172. Skull of nearly adult female (probably of this species, but

called M. rhesus in 0. C. 4993).


173. Pelvis of young.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

ffllacacws pvtecua.

174. Cast of anterior portion of right ramus of lower jaw.

The original was found in a fluviatile deposit of pliocene age at Montpellier, and is described and figured by the donor in his * Zoologie et Paleontologie Franchises,' 2nd edit. 1859, p. 11.

Presented by Professor Gervais.




Is. Geoffroy, Voyage de Belanger, p. 66 (1834).

Cynopithecus niger.

Cgnocephalus niger, Desmarest, Mainmalogie, Supp. p. 534(1822). Cynopithecus niger, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 32 (1851). Macacus niger, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Pas, p. 119 (1876).

The Black Ape. Hab. Celebes.

The skull of this species differs from that of the Macaques in the development of longitudinal ridges on the sides of the upper surface of the maxiltee, as in some of the Baboons.

175. Skeleton of young female. 0. C. 4855 to 4917.

The posterior molars are still concealed in the alveoli.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

176. Skull of male.

Collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in Celebes.

Purchased, 1872.

177. Skull of young.

The milk-molars are retained, with the permanent incisors and first and second true molars. From the same collection.

Purchased, 1872.


Is. Geoffroy, Archives du Museum, ii. p. 576 (1841).

Theropithecus gelada.

Macacus gelada, Riippell, Neuc Wirbolthicro von Abyssinicu, p. 5 (1835) ; Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 107 (1876).



Theropithecus gelada.

Cynocephalus gelada, Sclater, List of Animals, p. 23 (1879). Gelada rwppellii, Gray, List Mammals Brit. Museum, p. 9 (1843).

The Gelada. Hah. Abyssinia.

178. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26. Prepared from an animal brought alive to England from Abyssinia by Mr. Hagenbeck.

Purchased, 1877.

179. Skeleton of female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26. Brought from Abyssinia with the last.

These specimens supplied the materials for Mr. A. H. Garrod's " Notes on the Anatomy of Gelada rueppelli " (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1879, pp. 451-457).

Purchased, 1877.


Cynocephalus* , Lacepede, "Nouvelle table methodique" (1799)

in Mem. de l'lnstitut, iii. p. 490 (1801). Papio*, Ersleben, Syst. Beg. Animal, p. 15 (1777).

* These two names are of equal antiquity in zoological literature, both occurring in Brisson (1756), but applied to different members of the group. In a generic sense Papio has the priority. The Baboons were separated from the other Simice by Linnaeus, in the ' Systema Naturae,' as a distinct group or subgenus under the name of Papiones, and were definitely formed into a genus called Papio by Erxleben (1777). This name was adopted by Geoffroy (Ann. du Museum, xix. 1812), and is revived by Schlegel in the 'Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas.' On the other hand, Cynocephalus, which does not appear in post-Linnean literature till Lacepede in 1799, has received the sanction of the two Cuviers, Desmarest ('Mammalogie'), Wagner ('Schreber'), Is. Geoffroy (' Cat. Mus. Paris '), and Sclater (' List of Animals ') and is now almost universally used.



Cynocephalus hamadryas, Linn. Simia hamadryas, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 36 (1766).

The Arabian Baboon. I lab. Arabia and Abyssinia.

180. Incomplete skeleton of male. 0. C. 4920 to 4989.

The facial portion of the Bkull displays an unusual defect of symmetry.


181. Skull of an adolescent male.

All the milk-teeth have heen shed ; hut the last true molars are not in place, and the upper canines hut partially developed.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 9 June, 1863.


Cynocephalus babouin.

? Simia cynocephalus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 38 (1766). Cynocephalus babouin, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 68 (1820). Papio cynocephalus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 102 (1812).

The Yellow Baboon. Hub. West Africa.

182. Skull of young male.

The milk-molars are retained ; and the last permanent molars have not yet appeared.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1868.

183. Skull of young female.

Tho last molars have not appeared ; and the upper milk- canines have not been shod.

From an animal which died in tho Gardens of tho Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1878.



Cynocephalus babouin.

184. Skeleton of an adolescent male.

All the milk-teeth have been shed ; but the last molars are not in place.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 20.

The last lumbar has assumed the form of a sacral vertebra.

From an animal "which died 19 June, 1863, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, where it bore the name of Cynocephalus papioides, Gray. Externally and osteologically it closely re- sembles C. babouin, of which it is probably only a variety. The molar teeth are smaller than those of No. 182, but about the same size as the last.

Purchased, 1863.

185. Imperfect skeleton of a male Baboon, probably of this

species. 0. C. 4829 to 4853.


186. Cranium of a female long-tailed Baboon, of this or an allied


Shot by the donor at Logier Hill, Zambesi river, 26 Jan., 1863.

Presented by T. Barnes, Esq., 1865.

Cynocephalus anubis.

Cynocephalus anubis, F. Cuv. Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, pi. 50 (1825).

Papio anubis, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 125 (1876).

The Anubis Baboon. Hab. West Africa.

187. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 23.

Some of the vertebra have exostoses growing from their bodies ; and the bones of the left lower extremity are unnaturally curved ; otherwise the skeleton is in good condition. Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

Prepared from an animal which lived in the Gardons of the Zoological Society from 16 Nov., 1860, to 25 May, 1868.

Purchased, 1868.



188. Anterior part of skull of young.

The milk-dentition and first permanent molars are in place. From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens in 1875.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1875.

189. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

190. Skull of young, apparently of this species. 0. C. 4823

and 4824.

The permanent canines and last molars are not in place.


Cynocephalus porcarius.

Simia porcaria, Boddaert, Naturforscher, xxii. p. 17 (1795). Papio porcarius, Geoffroy, Ann. du Hus. xix. p. 102 (1812) ; Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 124 (1876).

The Chacma Baboon. Hob. South Africa.

191. Skull of male.

From Dr. W. G. Atherston of Port Elizabeth.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

192. Skeleton of young male. 0. C. 4747 to 4821.

The permanent teeth, with the exception of the canines and last molars, are in place.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 14 (imperfect).


193. Skull of young male.

The milk-teeth, except the central upper incisors, are retained. Tho first permanent molars arc nko in place.



Cynocephalus porcarius.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 19 Feb., 1862.

Purchased, 1862.

194. Hyoid bone.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1875.

195. Skull of young female, apparently of this species. 0. C.


The upper permanent canine and first premolar, completely formed but still concealed within the alveoli, have been ex- posed on the left side. The posterior molars are not yet fully in place.


Cynocephalus leucophseus.

Simia leucopluea, F. Cuvier, Ann. du Mus. t. ix. p. 477 (1807).

The Drill.

Hab. West Africa.

196. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 4720 (where it is

assigned to C. maimon).

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 2, C. (imperfect).


197. Skeleton of male. 0. C. 4723 to 4746.


Cynocephalus maimon.

Simia maimon, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 35 (1766). Simia maimon and S. mormon (Alstroemcr), Schreber, Saugthiere,

i. pp. 74 and 75 (1775). Pajpio maimon, Schlogel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 130 (1876).



CynocepJialus mormon, Is. Geoffroy, Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 35 (1851); Sclater, List of Animals, p. 22 (1879).

The Mandrill.

Hah. Tropical West Africa.

198. Articulated skeleton of male. O. C. 4719.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. 4, C. 9 (not quite perfect).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

199. Skull of young female. 0. C. 4721.

All the milk-teeth have been shed ; but the posterior perma- nent molars and the upper canines have not yet emerged from their alveoli.


200. Skull of female.

From tbe Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

201. Skull of young female, probably of this species.

Tbe milk-teeth and first permanent molars are in place. The latter are rather small for the Mandrill ; but the locality from which it was obtained, and the statement of the collector that the tail was only 1| inch long, are strong indications in favour of its belonging to this species.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1876.

Family CEBLDiE. Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. §, m. §=§, total 36.

This with the next family constitute the Platyrrhini of Geoff. St.-Hilaire. They are all natives of the New World.

The skulls of both families of American Monkeys are distin- guished at a glance from those of the Old World by the absence of a prolonged bony auditory meatus, the annulus tympanicus remaining through life near the surface of the cranium, as in the new-born Simiida,' and Man.




Chrysothrix, Kaup, Thierreich, i. p. 51 (1835).

Saimiris, Is. Geoffroy, Lemons de Hammalogie, p. 19 (1835).

In osteological and dental characters Chrysothrix closely resembles Cebus.

Chrysothrix sciurea.

Simia sciurea, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 43 (1766). Sdimiri sciureus, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 242 (1876).

The Squirrel Monkey.

Hab. Northern part of South America.

202. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 4667.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 26.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

203. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult male. 0. C. 4666.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 23 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

204. Skeleton. O. C. 4668. 6 .

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 23 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

205. Skull. O. C. 4669.


206. Skull of nearly adult female.



Genus CEBUS. Erxleben, Syst. Reg. An. p. 44 (1777).

Cebus capucinus.

? Simia capucina, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 42 (1766). Cebus capucinus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. Ill (1812).

The Weeper Capuchin.

Hab. Guiana, Brazil.

207. Skull of a nearly adult female.

The posterior upper molars are not fully in place. From an animal received from the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 17 Feb., 1872.

Purchased, 1872.

Of uncertain Species.

208. Articulated skeleton of Capuchin Monkey ( Cebus capucinus,

Geoffroy ?). 0. C. 4670.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 23.

Presented by John Gunning, Esq., 1818.

209. Skeleton of Capuchin Monkey. O. C. 4673, 4677, 4678,

and 4679.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 24.


210. Skull. O. C. 4675.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

211. Skull. 0. C. 4674.

British Museum.

212. Skull.

213. Separated bones of cranium. 0. C. 4676.

Presented by Prof. Owen.



Cebus ?

214. Skeleton young Capuchin Monkey. 0. 0. 4672.

The milk-molars and first permanent molars are in place. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 3, C. 25.


215. Skull, vertebral column, sternum, and ribs, with the bones of the right anterior and posterior extremities of a young Cebus. 0. C. 4680 to 4686.

The alveolar wall of both jaws has been removed on the right side, showing the roots of the three milk-molars and milk-canine and their successors. The first permanent molar is in place.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 3, C. 24.



Geoffrey, Ann. du Museum, vii. p. 260 (1806).

Distinguished from the other Cebidce by the absence, or very rudimentary condition, of the pollex, and by the very long and highly prehensile tail.

Spider Monkeys.

(Except in the case of animals received from the Zoological Society's Gardens, the specific names given to the specimens of this genus cannot be relied upon, as the osteological differences are very slight, and have not yet been properly determined.)

Ateles paniscus.

Simia paniscus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 37 (1766).

The Ked-eaced Spider Monkey. Hob. Guiana.

216. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 4691 to 4716.




Ateles geoffroyi.

Kuhl, Beitriigc zur Zoologio, p. 26 (1820).

The Black-handed Spider Monkey. Hab. Central America.

217. Skeleton. 0. C. 4687.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 4, S. 3, C. 31. The fourteenth pair of ribs is missing.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

218. Skull of young male.

The milk-dentition is in place, with the first permanent molars of the lower jaw.

From a specimen which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 19 Jan. 1863, then referred to A. belzebuth, Geotf.

Purchased, 1863.

Ateles ater.

F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, pi. 64 (1823).

The Black-faced Spider Monkey. Hab. Eastern Peru.

219. Skull of young female.

The milk-canines are in place, with all the permanent teeth except the last molars.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 29 Nov. 1866.

Purchased, 1866.

Ateles hybridus.

Is. Geoffroy, Mem. du Museum, xvii. p. 121 (1829).

The Brown Spider Monkey.

[Tab. U. S. of Colombia.




Ateles hybridus.

220. Skull of young.

The milk-canines and second and third milk-molars are retained, with the permanent incisors and first true molars.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

Ateles bartletti.

Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 992.

Bartlett's Spider Monkey.

221. Skull of young female.

The permanent canines are just coming into place ; but the last true molars are still concealed in the alveoli. Prom Ecuador. Collected by Mr. Buckley.

Received in exchange, 1878.

Ateles marginatus.

Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xiii. p. 90 (1809).

The Chtjva Spider Monkey.

Hab. Lower Amazons.

222. Hyoid bone.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1870

Of uncertain species.

223. Skull of young Spider Monkey. O. O. 4689.

The permanent teeth are in place, except the canines and posterior molars.


224. Skull, hyoid, and bones of the left upper extremity of a Spider Monkey.



225. Portions of the upper and lower jaws of a Spider Monkey. 0. C. 4717.

The mode of implantation of the teeth is exhibited on the right side.

Presented by Professor Owen.


Geoffrey, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 106 (1812).

Distinguished from Ateles by the possession of a well-developed pollex.

Lagothrix humboldti.

Geoffrey, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 107 (1812).

Humboldt's Lagothrix. Hab. Upper Amazons.

226. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 4, S. 3, C. 29.

The fourteenth pair of ribs is rudimentary.

Prepared from a specimen which lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens from 2 Oct. 1863, to 8 Feb. 1864. Figured in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, pi. xxxi.

Purchased, 1864.


Spix, Simiarum et Vespertilionum species novae, p. 24 (1823).

Nyctipithecus vociferans,

Spix, he. cit. p. 25 (1823).

The Feline Dotjroucouli. Hab. Brazil and Ecuador.

E 2



Nyctipithecus vociferans.

227. Articulated skeleton of female.

The upper posterior molars and right upper canine are not fully in place.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 15, L. 7, S. 3, C. 27.

Prepared from an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 14 Feb. 1862.

Purchased, 1862.

228. Skull.

From Macas, Ecuador. Mr. Buckley's collection.

Purchased, 1872.


Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 112 (1812).

Callithrix personata.

Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 112 (1812).

229. Skull, mutilated behind.

In the conformation of the mandible it resembles the two following genera.

Purchased, 1867.

Genus PITHECIA. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 115 (1812).

The angle of the mandible is expanded, though to a less ex- tent than in Mycetes.

Pithecia monachus.

Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 116 (1812).

Humboldt's Saki.

Hob. Amazons.



230. Articulated skeleton of young female.

All the permanent molars are in place ; but the two posterior milk-molars have not been replaced by the premolars.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 23.

Prepared from an animal which lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens from 14 Oct. to 24 Oct. 1862. Described and figured in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, p. 326, pi. xxxvii.

Purchased, 1862.

231. Skull of male.

It is of much larger size than the last. Ecuador ; from Mr. Buckley's collection.

Purchased, 1881.

232. Skull, probably of female.

Ecuador. Mr. Buckley's collection.

Purchased, 1881.

Pithecia satanas.

Cebus satanas, Hoffmannsegg, Mag. d. Gesellsch. z. naturf . Ereunde Berlin, x. p. 93 (1807).

The Black Saki.

Hab. Lower Amazons.

233. Skull of young.

The premolars are in place, but not the posterior molars or permanent canines.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1875.

234. Skull, probably of this species, J .

Genus MYCETES. Eliger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 70 (1811).

Howling Monkeys.

The truncated occipital region, and the extraordinary develop- ment of the rami of the mandible, especially of their angular and ascending portions, aro tho chief peculiarities by which the skulls



of animals of this genus are characterized. The latter, which is more marked in the male than the female sex, is related to the enormous size of the vocal organs, which the rami of the mandible enclose and protect.

Mycetes seniculus.

Simia seniculus, Linn. Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 37.

The Red Howler. Hab. U. S. of Columbia.

235. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 3, C. 27.

Prepared from an animal brought from the Dekke river, near Cartagena (see Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 374), and which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society from 28 Aug. to 7 Oct. 1863.

The hyoid bones are with the vocal organs in the Physiologi- cal Series.

Purchased, 1863.

236. The left half of a vertically bisected skull and hyoid bones

of an adult but younger male.

The other half is mounted in spirit in the Physiological Series. The dilatation of the basihyal is less pronounced than in the last.

Prom an animal from the same locality, which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 25 Sept. 1863.

Purchased, 1863.

237. Skull of male. 0. C. 4718.

Langstajfs Collection. Purchased, 1835.

Mycetes laniger.

Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1845, xvi. p. 214.

The Silky Howler.

The four following specimens belong to the form so named by Gray, probably only a variety of M. seniculus. They were col- lected by Mr. Buckley at Macas, Ecuador.



238. Skull of male.

From Macas.

Purchased, 1872.

239. Skull of nearly adult female.

The canines and upper posterior molars are not fully in place.

From Macas.

Purchased, 1872.

240. The expanded basihyal of a male.

From Macas.

Purchased, 1872.

241. The less expanded basihyal and the thyro-hyals of a female. From Macas.

Purchased, 1872.

Mycetes palliatus.

Gray, Troc. Zool. Soc. 1848, p. 138.

The Mantled Howler. Hab. Central America.

242. Skull of nearly adult, probably female.

The posterior upper molars are not fully developed. From Costa Rica.

Purchased, 1879.

Of uncertain species.

243. The anterior portion of the upper jaw of a Mycetes, including the incisors, canines, premolars, and first molar teeth.



Family HAPALIDJE. Dentition : i. f, c. \, pm. f , m. § =f : total 32.

Genus MIDAS. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 120 (1812).

Midas cedipus.

Simia cedipus, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 41 (1766).

The Pinche Monkey.

Hab. U. S. of Colombia.

244. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 25. The thirteenth pair of ribs is rudimentary. Prepared from an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 3 Dec. 1863.

Purchased, 1863.

Midas rosalia.

Simia rosalia, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 41 (1766).

The Silky Marmoset. Hab. South-eastern Brazil. '

245. Skull.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1879.


HapaU, Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 71 (1811) Jacchus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 118 (1812).

Hapale jacchus.

Simia jacchus, Linnajus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 40 (1766).

Common Marmoset. Hab. South-eastern Brazil.


246. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4664.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 23. The thirteenth pair of ribs is missing.


247. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4663.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 19 (incomplete).


248. Imperfect skeleton of adult.

249. Skeleton. 0. C. 4665.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

250. Skull.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

Hapale penicillata.

Jacchus penicillatvA, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 119 (1812).

The Black-eared Marmoset.

Hab. South-eastern Brazil.

251. Skull of young.

Presented by C. E. Flower, Esq., 1871.


Family LBMURIDiE. Subfamily Indrisin^e.

Dentition : i. c. \, p. §, m. | = f : total 30.

The homologies of the lower procumbent front teeth are not satisfactorily determined ; but the above formula is that usually adopted. The presence of a small tooth in the milk-dentition (see No. 256), first noticed by A. Milne-Edwards, between the posterior of tho predecessors of these and the first milk-molar, is against this view, as it looks like the homologuo of a canine not represented in tho permanent dentition.



Genus INDRIS.*

Indri, Geoffroy, Eapport nat. des Makis, Mag. Encyclop. 2e annee,

t. i. p. 46 (1796). LicJuinotus, Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. 1811. Indris, Geoffroy (1812) and many modern authors.

Indris brevicaudatus.

Lemur indri, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 17 (1788). Indri brevicaudatus, Geoffroy, loc. cit, p. 46 (1796).

The Indri.

Hab. Madagascar.

252. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4631.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 9, S. 4, C. 9 (according to 0. C. ; several are now missing).


253. Skull.

Purchased, 1882.

254. Right pes.

Presented by J. W. Clark, Esq., 1871.


Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 20.

Propithecus diadema.

Bennett, loc. cit. 1832.

Hab. Madagascar.

255. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 8, S. 3, C. 28.

Received in exchange, 1874.

* This genus was first separated from the other Lemurs by Ouvier and Geoffroy in their a Memoire sur une nouvelle division des Mammiferes" (Mag. Encyclop. 1795, t. i. p. 182), but not distinguished by any Latin name, the animals composing it being only spoken of as ' les Indris.1 Geoffroy in 1796 (ut suprct) first used Indri as a Latin generic name ; but he subse- quently (M6ru. du Mus. xix. p. 157, 1812) modified it to Indris. Later authors have used both forms about equally, as seen in the copious biblio- graphy in the 'Mammiferes de Madagascar' of A. Milne-Edwards and Grandidier.

lemuriDjE. 59

256. Skull of very young.

The milk-dentition is in place, consisting apparently of i. f , c. {, m. |.

Purchased, 1875.

Propithecus verreauxii.

Grandidier, Rev. et Mag. de Zoologie, 1867, p. 84.

257. Skull, mutilated at the base.

Taken from a damaged skin assigned to P. coquerelii, A. Milne-Edwards ; now considered to be a variety of P. verreauxii (see A. Milne- Edwards and Grandidier, Mammiferes de Mada- gascar, i. p. 314, 1875).

Purchased, 1872.


MicrorTiynchus, Jourdain, These inaug. a la Fac. des Sciences de

Grenohle, 1834. Avahis, Jourdain, l'Institut, t. ii. p. 231 (1834).

The former name was proposed first, but was withdrawn by its author in consequence of its having previously been applied to a genus of Coleoptera. Nevertheless it has been revived by Gray and others.

Avahis laniger.

Lemur laniger, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 44 (1788).

The Woolly Lemur.

Hab. Madagascar.

258. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 3, C. 23.

Purchased, 1871.

259. Skull.

Subfamily Lemurin^e.

Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. |, m. |=| : total 36.

In the fore part of the lower jaw are six, closely approximated, elongated, procumbent teeth. It is usual (after Geoff. St.- Hilaire) to consider the outermost of these as representing the



canine, and thus to reduce the dental formula to that of the Cebidse. The tooth generally considered as the first premolar, on account of its situation, assumes the form and function of a canine.

Genus HAPALEMUR. Is. Geoffroy, Cat. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 74 (1851).

Hapalemur griseus.

Lemur griseus, Geoffroy, Rapport nat. des Makis, Mag. Encyclop. 2e annee, i. p. 48 (1796).

The Gkbt Lemur.

Hah. Madagascar.

260. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. 3, C. 27.

Received in exchange, 1874.

Hapalemur simus.

Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, p. 829.

261. Skull and bones of the right fore and hind extremities.

Purchased, 1870.

Genus LEMUR. Linnseus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 44 (1766).

Lemur varius.

Is. Geoffroy, Cat. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 71 (1851).

The Ruffed Lemur.

Hah. Madagascar.

The skull of this species is readily distinguished from that of any other members of the genus by its superior size.

262. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 27. Prepared from an animal received from the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 27 Oct. 1862.

Purchased, 1862.



263. Skull. 0. C. 4661.

The roots of the teeth are exposed on the left 6ide.


The specific determinations of most of the remaining specimens of the genus cannot be relied upon, as no fixed osteological or dental characters have as yet been shown to accompany the nume- rous variations of external colouring and character of the fur to which these animals are liable. The specimens in the collection are, however, readily divisible into two sections by the characters of the skull.

A. With comparatively narrow muzzle, and with the anterior part of the frontal bone depressed between the orbits, in consequence of the small size of the frontal sinus. Some, if not all the individuals of this section belong to

Lemur catta.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 44 (1766).

The Ring-tailed Lemur.

Hah. Madagascar.

264. Skull. Purchased, 1879.

265. Skeleton, wanting the right hinder extremity. 0. C. 4641-


Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 3, C. IS (incomplete).

Though the fore limbs are smaller, the hind limbs are fully as large as in L. varius ; and the tail, if complete, would be longer, the individual vertebrae being much more elongated.


266. The cranium and right humerus, radius, ulna, femur, and

tibia longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 4652-4657.

The proportions of the bones agrco with the last.




Lemur catta.

267. Skull. O.C. 4639. Hunterian.

268. Skull. O.C. 4640. British Museum.

269. The separate bones of the cranium of young. 0. C. 4660.


B. With comparatively short, broad muzzle, and large frontal sinuses, causing a rounded prominence of the frontals between the orbits.

a. Large size.

Lemur albifrons ?

Geoffroy, Rap. nat. des Makis, Mag. Encyclop. ann. t. i.

p. 48 (1796).

270. Skeleton. 0. C. 4638.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

b. Smaller size.

Lemur mongoz ?

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 44 (1766).

271. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4635.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22 (incomplete).


272. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4636.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 27.

Brookes Museum. Purchased, 1828.

273. Skull. O.C. 4637.

The teeth have been removed from the left side of both upper and lower jaws, and are separately displayed.



274. Skull. Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

275. Cranium, vertically and transversely bisected through the

auditory bulhe. 0. C. 4659.

Presented by Professor Owen.

Lemur rufipes.

Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1872, p. 852.

276. Natural skeleton of very young.

The milk-incisors only are in place. Collected by Mr. Crossley in Madagascar.

Purchased, 1875.


Lepilenmr, Is. Geoff. Cat. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, p. 75 (1851). Qaleocebus, "Wagner, Schreber, Saugthiere, Supp. p. 147, 1855. Lepidolemur, Peters, Monatsbericht. Acad. Berlin, 1874, p. 690.

The animals of this genus have no incisors, except in the very young state.

Lepidolemur mustelinus.

Is. Geoffroy, loc. ext. p. 76. Hah. Madagascar.

277. Skull. Purchased, 1872.

278. Skull. Purchased, 1879.


Chirorjahus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, t. xix. p. 171 (1812). Microcebus, Geoffroy, Cours de l'Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, 1828.

In this genus and the next the tarsus is elongated by the great development of the anterior portion of the os calcis and the naviculare.



Chirogaleus furcifer.

Lemur furcifer (not described), Blainville, Osteographie, Lemur,

p. 35, pi. vii. fig. 2 (1839). Chirogaleus furcifer, Is. Geoffrey, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des

Sc. xxxi. p. 876 (1850) ; Cat. Mus. Paris, p. 77 (1854). PJianer furcifer, Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 319 (1876).

Hab. Madagascar.

279. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 28.

Received in exchange, 1874.

Chirogaleus milii.

Geoffroy, Cours de l'Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, p. 25 (1828). Hab. Madagascar.

280. Anterior portion of skull and lower jaw, with complete


Purchased, 1882.

Chirogaleus pusillus.

Lemur pusillus, Geoffroy, Bull. Soc. Philomat. i. p. 89 (1795). Chirogaleus smithii, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1842, x. p. 257.

Hab. Madagascar.

281. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult.

Tbe posterior milk- molars of botb jaws are still in place, witb all tbe permanent molars, causing tbe dentition to simulate tbat of Galago.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 24. From Mr. Crossley's Madagascar collection.

Purchased, 1875.

282. Imperfect skull.

All tbe permanent teeth are in place.

Purchased, 1879.




Galago, Geoffroy, Kapp. Nat. dos Makis, Mag. Encyclop. ann.

t. i. p. 49 (1796). Otolicnus, Illiger, Prodromus Mamm. et Avium, p. 74 (1811).

Distinguished from the last by the quadrituberculated third upper premolar. All the known species inhabit continental Africa.

Galago crassicaudatus.

Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, t. xix. p. 166 (1812).

The Grand Galago.

Hob. Eastern Africa.

283. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 25.

Purchased, 1869.

284. Imperfect skeleton.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

Purchased, 1870.

Galago monteiri.

Bartlett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 231.

Monteiro's Galago.

285. Skull.

From Angola. Taken from the type specimen described and figured in tbe Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1863.

Presented by J. Monteiro, Esq., 1864.





Galago sennariensis.

Gray, Proo. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 147.

286. Skull.

Obtained by the donor on the White Nile.

Presented by Dr. James Murie, 1863.

Galago alleni.

Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1857, p. 87.

Allen's Galago.

Hab. West Africa.

287. Skeleton of young.

The milk-teeth and the first permanent molars are in place. Vertebras : 0. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 21.

Prepared from a specimen in the spirit stores, 1867.

Subfamily LorisiN-e.

Genus LORIS.

Loris, Geoffroy, Kapp. Nat. des Makis, Mag. Encyclop. ann. i. p. 48 (1796).

Stenops, Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 73 (1811). Loris and Nycticebus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. pp. 162 and 163 (1812).

Loris gracilis.

Loris gracilis, Geoffroy, loc. cit. 1796.

The Slender Loris.

Hab. Ceylon.

288. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4633.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 8, S. 2, C. imperfect. The fifteenth ribs arc rudimentary and ankylosed to the ver- tebra on both sides.



289. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4632.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 9, S. 2, C. 7.

290. Skeleton (not quite perfect) of female.


Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, S. 9.

From an animal wbicb died in tbe Zoological Society's Gardens, 24 June, 1862.

Purchased, 1862.

Loris tardigradus.

Lemur tardigradus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 44 (1766).

Loris tardigradus, Geoffroy, loc. tit. (1796).

Stenvps tardigradus, Illiger, Prod. Syst. Nat. Mamm. et Av. p. 73

(1811) .

Nycticebus bengalensis, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xix. p. 164

(1812) .

The Slow Loris.

Hab. Malay countries, Sumatra, Borneo.

291. Imperfect skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 7, S. 3, C. 12. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Loris javanicus.

Nycticebus javanicus, Geoff. Ann. du Museum, six. p. 164 (1812). Stenops javanicus, auct.

The J a van Loris.

Hab. Java.

292. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 17, L. 6, S. 3, C. 12.

Purchased, 1875. F 2



Loris javanicus.

293. Skull of female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, Jan. 1862.


Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 109.

Perodicticus potto.

Lemur potto, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. p. 42 (1788).

Nycticebus potto, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, t. xix. p. 165 (1812) ;

Schlegel, Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas, p. 287 (1876). Perodicticus geoffroyi, Bennett, loc. cit.

Bosman's Potto.

Hab. West Africa.

294. Articulated skeleton of female.

The right manus and pes are mounted in the Physiological Series (Organs of Motion).

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 20.

Prepared from the animal described in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1869, p. 1.

Presented by F. M. Skues, Esq., 1869.

295. Skull, mutilated in the occipital region.

Prom the Gold Coast.

Presented by Staff -Surg eon J. R. Thomas, 1868.

296. Hyoid bones of male. Purchased, 1874.

Perodicticus calabareusis.

Perodicticus calabareusis, J. A. Smith, Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edin. 1860, p. 172.

Arctocebus calabarensis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 150.

The " Awantibo " on Tailless Potto.

Hab. "West Africa.


297. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 7, S. 3, C. 9. Prepared from the specimen (from Old Calabar) described in Profossor Huxley's memoir in Proe. Zool. Soc. 18G4, p. 314.

Presented by Andrew Murray, Esq., 1864.

Genus ADAPIS. Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, iii. p. 265 (1822).

Adapis par isiensis, Cuvier, loc. cit.

Paleolemur betillei, Delfortrie, Comptes TCcndus de l'Acad. des Sciences, lxxvii. p. 64 (1873).

298. Cast of the cranium.

The original was found in the phosphate-of-lime beds (Upper Miocene) at Beduer, Department du Lot, France, and described by M. Delfortrie in the 'Actes de la Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux,' t. xxix. lre liv. 1872. It was subsequently identified by Prof. Gaudry with the genus called Adapis by Cuvier, which, when only known by imperfect remains, was attributed to a pachyderm. This identification was afterwards fully confirmed by Filhol, who, however, does not consider it a true Lemurine, but as belonging to a group intermediate between the Lemurs and Pachyderms, to which he gives the name of Pachylemur (Annales des Sciences Geologiques, t. v. no. 4, 1874).

299. Cast of portion of the ramus of the mandible. From the same locality.

Presented, toith the above, by the Museum of Natural History at Paris, per Professor Oervais, 1873.



Family TARSIIM}. Dentition : i. c. |, p. §, m. §, : total 34.

Genus TARSIUS. Storr, Prodromus Methodi Mammalium, 1780.

Tarsius spectrum.

Lemur tarsier, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 71 (1777). Lemur spectrum, Pallas, Glires, p. 275 (1778).

The Tarsier.

Hab. Borneo, Celebes.

300. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, 8. 3, C. 27.

Besides the very large size of the orbits, ■which, unlike those of the Lemuridaa, arc separated by a nearly complete bony partition from the temporal fossa?, the chief peculiarity of the skeleton of this animal is the excessive elongation of the os edicts and naviculare, far exceeding that of Galago and Cheirogaleus. The fibula differs from that of all the other Lemurs in being united at its distal end to the tibia.

Prepared from a specimen in the spirit stores, 1867.


Dentition of adult : i. -j-, c. p. m. § , =| : total 18. In- cisors greatly developed, scalpriform, laterally compressed and of persistent growth.

Milk-dentition : i. f , c. J, m. f.




Daubmtonia, Geoffroy, De'cado Philosophique, iv. p. 193 (1795)*. Cheiromys, Cuvior, Tab. do Classif. in Lecons d'Anatomio Comparee, i. (1800).

Chiromys, Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 75 (1811).

Chiromys madagascariensis.

Seiurus madagascariensis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. p. 152 (1788).

The Aye-Ate.

Hob. Madagascar.

301. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 27. The extreme attenuation of the third digit of the manus is a remarkable feature in the skeleton of this animal.

Purchased, 1865.

302. Skull and portions of the skeleton of female.

Prepared from the animal which lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens from August 1862 to April 1867, having been presented by Edward Mellish, Esq. The incisor teeth, which have grown abnormally, are figured by Dr. Murie in the ' Trans. Odontological Soc.,' vol. vi. pp. 63, 65, and 66 (1868).

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

303. Cast of skull. Purchased, 1862.

* Subsequently withdrawn by tlio author in favour of Cuvier's name, Daubentonia having been previously given to a genus of plants. It therefore should not have been revived, as by Gray (Cat. Monkeys &c. Brit. Mus. 1870) and Schlegel (Cat. Mus. Pays-Bas).





Family FELLDiE.

Goms FEUS.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 60 (1766).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f , m. \, =|- : total 30. Upper ante- rior premolar (p— ), sometimes absent.

Felis leo.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 60 (1766).

The Lion.

Hob. Africa and South-western Asia.

304. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4475.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19 (incomplete).


305. Skeleton of rather small size, probably female.

Many of the hones are mounted in the separate series. The atlas, axis, and some other vertebrae are missing.

Hurderian ?

306. Skull, 6. O. C. 4480.


307. Skull, 6. O. C. 4479.


308. Skull of an old animal, in which many of the teeth are absent or broken, 6 . O. C. 4478. Hunterian.



309. Skull, ?. 0. C. 4481. Hunterian.

310. Skull, ? . 0. C. 4482. Hunterian.

311. Cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected, 2 0. C.

4483. Hunterian.

312. Skull.

The left zygoma has been broken during life. The anterior line of fracture (across tho malar bone, just behind its junction with the maxilla) has been smoothly rounded, showing that the injury must have happened long before death. From this point to the junction of the malar and the squamosal the arch is deficient ; but whether all was lost during life, or a portion remained united by suture with the squamosal and has been lost in cleaning the skull, cannot be ascertained, as no history was obtained with the specimen.

Presented by John Birkett, Esq., 1876.

313. Skull of young, probably female.

The first lower milk-molars are retained.

314. A section of the left superior maxilla with the three pre-

molars and the tubercular molar. 0. C. 4486.

315. A left lower molar. 0. C. 4487.

316. Deciduous canine and sectorial tooth shed by a young lion

at the Zoological Society's Gardens, Juno 1849.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

317. Articulated bones of the right anterior and posterior ex-

tremities. 0. C. 4476 and 4477.



Felis leo.

318. Eight and left clavicles of female.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1880.

319. Hyoid of adult female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1873.

320. Skull of an Asiatic Lion. 0. 0. 4484.

From Northern Guzerat.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

321. Skull of an Asiatic Lion, j . 0. C. 4485.

From an animal killed 20 May, 1827, near Assund, North- western Hindoostan.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

Jfclte gpelaea.

Goldfuss, Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. x. p. 489 (1821).

The Cave-Lion.

This nominal species is probably identical with Felis leo.

322. Cranium and part of the left ramus of the lower jaw.

From a cave in Belgium.

Presented by Professor D. T. Ansted, 1845.

323. Left superior canine tooth. 0. C. F. 167.

From Kent's Hole, Torquay, Devon.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

324. Casts of various bones found in the Bone-cave at Gailen-

reuth, near Streitburg, Bavaria. 0. C. F. 168 to 209.

Presented by Sir Philip de M. Grey-Egerton, Bart.



Felis tigris.

Linnreus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 61 (1766).

The Tiger.

Hob. Southern and Eastern Asia.

325. Articulated skeleton, d1 .

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, 8. 3, 0. 22 (incomplete).

326. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra : 0. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 25.

Shot by the donor at Jeypore, North India, 5 Feb. 1876.

Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, KG., 1876.

327. Incomplete skeleton of adult male, wanting the skull and

bones of the feet.

Northern India.

Presented by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K. G., 1876.

328. Skeleton of adult male.

The animal measured 10 feet 4 inches long from the nose to the tip of the tail before skinning. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 12. The remaining caudal vertebra and some of the phalanges are wanting.

Shot by Captain Rennick at Erinpoora, Eajputana.

Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., K.C.S.I., 1877.

329. Imperfect skeleton.

From Assam.

Presented by Captain W. J. Williamson, Inspector of Police, Shillonr/, Assam, 1878.



Felis tigris.

330. Imperfect skeleton.

From Assam.

Presented by Captain W. J. Williamson, 1878.

331. Imperfect skeleton.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

Hunterian f

332. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 4523 to 4534. Hunterian.

333. Skull, tf. 0. C. 4506.

334. Skull. 0. C. 4507.

Hunterian. Hunterian.

335. Skull. 0. C. 4508.


336. Skull. 0. C. 4509.


337. Skull, ?. 0. C. 4511.


338. Skull, 2 O.G. 4515.

339. Skull, 2 C. C. 4516.

340. Cranium, ? . 0. C. 4517.

Hunterian. H unterian. Hunterian.

341. Cranium. 0. C. 4520.


342. Skull,; S 0. C. 4510. Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.


343. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected, £ .


344. Skull, J1

345. Skull of female.

From Bengal.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

346. Skull. 0. 0. 4514.

Artificially stained a dark colour to show by contrast the dental system.

Presented by Sir William Blizard, 1813.

347. Skull, ?.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1846.

348. Cranium, <$ .

Prepared to show the structure of the tympanic cavities. Figured in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 16.

349. Anterior portion of the skull of an albino, or white variety, of the Bengal Tiger, <y . 0. C. 4519.

The head of the recent animal is depicted in the oil-painting by Robert Home in the Conservator's Office.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Bart., 1807.

350. Skull of young male. 0. C. 4513.

The permanent dentition has beon acquired.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, 1821.


Felis tigris.

351. Skull (much mutilated) of a Chinese Tiger.

From an animal killed in a pitfall near Amoy.

Presented by George Hughes, Esq., Commissioner

of Customs at Amoy, 1865.

352. The anterior part of the skull and lower jaw of a Tiger,

with perfect dentition.

From Bengal.

353. Skull of a new-born Tiger.

From an animal born in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1868.

354. Eight canine teeth. 0. C. 4535. Hunterian.

355. Canine tooth longitudinally bisected. 0. 0. 4536.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Bart., 1807.

356. Hyoid bones. Purchased, 1875.

357. Right clavicle. Presented by Prof. Struthers, 1868.

jjtlfe rristata.

Falconer and Cautley, Asiatic Kesearches, xix. p. 135 (1836).

358. Cranium. 0. C. F. 210.

From the tertiary strata of the Sivalik Hills.

Presented by Walter Ewer, Esq.

1 I'.l.l 1 > .'I . .


Felis pardus.

Linnams, Syst. Nat. od. 12, i. p. 61 (1766).

The Leopard or Panther. Hub. Southern Asia and Africa.

359. Skull and imperfect skeleton of adult of large size, S

From the "West Coast of Africa.

Da Chaillu Collection. Purchased, 1866.

360. Skull, <? . 0. 0. 4540.

From Africa.


361. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 4585.

Described in the Osteological Catalogue of 1831, p. 63, as a " small Indian Tiger, which died in the menagerie at Exeter Change."

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, 8. 3, C. 23.


362. Skeleton.

From an animal killed in North-east Bengal by Captain Lewins.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 23. Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, M.D., K.C.S.I., 1876.

363. Skull of a Black Leopard, J. 0. C. 4561.

From India.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson ,1822.

364. Skull of a Black Leopard, <$ . 0. C. 4560. From India.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.


Felis pardus.

365. Skull of a Black Leopard, ? . 0. C. 4562.

From India.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

366. Incomplete skeleton of a Leopard. 0. C. 4544 to 4559


The skull has been divided into three transverse sections.


367. Skeleton (nearly complete)*.

368. Skeleton (nearly complete).

Labelled " Bones of a Tiger."

369. Imperfect skeleton.

370. Imperfect skeleton.

371. Imperfect skeleton.

Labelled " Black Leopard."

372. Skull, S-

373. Skull, <J.

374. Skull of small size.

* This and the nine following specimens were found in the stores in 1862 without histories. Some are probably Hunterian.


375. Skull. 0. C. 4541.



376. Mutilated cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 4543. Hunterian.

377. Skull of young. 0. C. 4542.

The milk-teeth are still mostly in place.


378. Mutilated cranium of young.

The premaxillary and nasal bones are wanting ; but the maxillary dentition is shown. The milk-canines and sectorial teeth are still in place. The permanent sectorial and tubercular molars are just appearing.

379. Skull of young.

The milk-dentition is in place.

Shot at Maunbhoom, Ambekanuggar, 1865. Marked " Small hill variety."

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

380. Skull of very young.

From an animal born in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1868.

381. Hyoid bones.

From the west coast of Africa.

Presented by Andrew Murray, Esq.

382. Hyoid bones.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1873.




Felis uncia.

Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. tab. c. (1778).

The Ounce.

Hob. Central Asia.

383. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. incomplete. From Thibet.

Presented by Maj.-Gen. Richard Strachey, P.E.,1S51.

Felis onca.

Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 61 (1766).

The Jaguar. Hah. America.

384. Skeleton, nearly complete. 6

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18 (incomplete).

385. Skull, tf. 0. C. 4537. Purchased.

386. Skull, d 0. C. 4538. Purchased.

387. The right upper jaw and both rami of lower jaw of a young

Jaguar, with a great part of the deciduous dentition. 0. 0. 4539.

Presented by Prof. Oiven.

Felis c one o lor.

Linnaeus, Mantissa Plantarum, p. 522 (1771).

The Puma.

Hob. America.


388. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 4563 to 4579 inclusive.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. incomplete.

" The animal was for some time alivo, in the possession of Edmund Kean, Esq., by -whom it was presented after death to Mr. Brookes." Osteological Catalogue, 1831.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

389. Skull.

Of very small size, probably $ . Erom Costa Rica.

Purchased, 1879.

390. Maxillary and palatal bones and mandible of a young Puma.

0. 0. 4580.

The milk sectorial teeth are retained in both jaws.


391. Hyoid bones.

Purchased, 1870.

Felis macrocelis.

Temminck, tonographies de Mammalogie, i. p. 102 (1827).

The Clouded Tiger.

Hah. Assam, Malay countries.

392. Skull. O.C.4586.

Dentition : i. f, c. j-, p. § , m. \ : total 28.

This was originally labelled " Leopard, killed at Casir, North Africa." No specific determination was assigned to it in the Old Catalogue ; but as it presents the usual cranial characters of this spocies, it must be supposed that there has been some error as to the locality.


Felis chrysothrix.

Felia av/rata, Temminck, Monographics de Mammalogie, i. p. 120

(1827) (withdrawn). F. chrysothrix, Temminck, ibid. p. 251. F. rutilus, Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 130.

The African Golden Cat. Hob. West Africa.

G 2



Felis chrysothrix.

393. Skeleton.

The anterior upper premolar is extremely small, and has one root.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19. From the west coast of Africa.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. R. Thomas, 1873.

Felis serval.

Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. tab. cviii. (1778).

The Serval. Hab. Africa.

394. Hyoid bones. Purchased, 1869.

395. Hyoid bones. Purchased, 1870.

Felis viverrina.

Felis viverrinus, Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 68.

The Viverrine Cat.

Hab. India.

396. Skull.

Of small size ; probably female. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1846.

Felis bengalensis.

Felis bengalensis, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 541 (1822). Leopardus ellioti, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. x. p. 260.

The Bengal Leopard Cat.

felidjE. 85

397. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1846.

Felis pardalis.

Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 62 (1766).

The Ocelot.

Flab. America.

398. Hyoid bones. Purchased, 1874.

Felis yaguarundi.

F. yaguarundi, Wagner, Schreber Supp. ii. p. 542 (1841). F. yagouaroandi, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 230 (1820).

Hah. Central and South America.

399. Hyoid bones.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens in 1874.


Felis catus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 62 (1766).

The European Wild Cat.

400. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20. Dentition : i. |, c. \, p. m. \, = 30.

From Scotland. The animal w as presented to the Zoological Society by the Earl of Seafiold, 7 May, 1864, and lived in the Gardens till 22 Nov., 1866. The skin is in the British Museum.

Purchased, 1866.


Felis catus.

401. Skull.

From Dunrobin, Sutherland.

Presented by Colonel Teesdale, 1872.

402. Skull, wanting the occiput.

Presented by the Earl of Selkirk.

403. Cranium of male.

Killed in Sutherlandshire in 1867.

Presented by Laivson Tait, Esq., 1881.

404. Skeleton of hybrid between F. catus and F. domestica.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22.

Presented by Frank Buckland, Esq., 1871.

Felis caffra.

Felis cafra, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 510 (1822). F. maniculata, Eiippell, MS. in Temminck, Monographies de Mam- malogie, i. p. 128 (1827). F. caligata, Temminck, op. cit. p. 123.

The African Wild Cat. Hob. Africa and Southern Asia.

405. Skull, 6. O. C. 4606. Purchased.

Felis domestica.

The Domestic Cat.

The Common Cat of English households was imported into Europe from the East, probably from Egypt, and is supposed to be derived from the last-mentioned species, and not from the Wild Cat of our own country.

406. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 4608.

Dentition : i. |, c. -f , p. ■§, m. |, total 30. Vertebra : C. V, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.



407. Skeleton of male.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

Presented by Mr. J. M'Ara, 1865.

408. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22.

Presented by W. Clift, Esq., 1834.

409. Cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C.

4609. Hunterian.

410. Skull. O. C. 4610. Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

411. Skull. Presented by Mr. Philip Wright, 1866.

412. Skull. O. C. 4611. Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

413. Skull. 0. C. 4612. Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

414. Skull.

It has a supernumerary premolar on the left side of the upper jaw, internally and partly posteriorly to 3, of which it appears to be a reduplication.

Presented by R. Lydelcker, Esq., 1872.

415. Cranium. 0. C. 4613.

The usual anterior premolar (}—) is absent on both sides.

Prepared in 1845.

416. The separate bones of the skull. 0. C. 4615.

Presented by William Home Clift, Esq.

417. Skeleton of a kitten, six weeks old.

Purchased, 1875.



Felis domestica.

418. Skeleton of a kitten, fourteen days old. Purchased, 1875.

419. Skeleton of a new-born kitten.

Presented by Mr. Philip Wright, 1868.

420. Skull of a kitten, about three months old.

Most of the milk-teeth are retained.

Prepared in 1867.

421. Skull of young cat, showing changing dentition. 0. C.

4614. Prepared in 1845.

422. Skull of a kitten. Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

423. Skull and hyoid bones of a kitten eight weeks old.

Purchased, 1870.

424. Skull of a new-born kitten.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

425. Skull of a new-born kitten.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

426. Skull of a new-born kitten.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

427. A series of preparations illustrating the development of the

teeth of the Domestic Cat.

The numbers on the bones show the age of each animal in weeks. A MS. description by the donor accompanies the speci- mens.

Presented by Caleb B. Rose, Esq., 1856.



428. Articulated skeleton of a female of the tailless or Manx

variety of cat.

Tho caudal vertebraB are quite rudimentary ; and two of the lumbar are ankylosed together, although the animal was quite young, having died in labour with her first litter of kittens.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 3.

Presented by Lawson Tait, Esq., 1877.

429. The reduced caudal vertebrae of a short-tailed variety,

called Malay Cat. 0. C. 4616.

From Manilla. The specimen is described and figured in the 1 London Medical Gazette,' vol. viii. (1831), p. 333.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1831.

430. The reduced caudal vertebras of another Malay Cat, from

Manilla. 0. C. 4617.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1831.

Felis caracal.

Gueldenstaedt, Nov. Comm. Acad. Imp. Petrop. xx. p. 500 (1776).

The Caracal or Persian Lynx. Hab. South Asia and Africa.

431. Skeleton, not quite complete.

Labelled formerly, " Bones of a Shargoss " *. In the Hun- terian MS. published by Prof. Owen, vol. ii. p. 50, is au account of the dissection of the " Shargoss," doubtless the individual which furnished this skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 11 (incomplete).


* The Persian name of the Caracal is Siyah Gosh = black ear.


Felis caracal.

432. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 4587 to 4605 inclusive. Dentition : i. |, c. -j-, p. -§, m. -^,=28.


433. Skull of female.

Prom an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, after a short residence there.

Purchased, 1868.

434. Skull of young male.

The milk-dentition is present. Taken from a skin of a wild animal.

Purchased, 1868.

435. Hyoid bones of female.

Presented by J. B. Perrin, Esq., 1870.

Felis lynx.

Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 62 (1766).

The Northern Lynx. Hah. North Europe.

436. Skeleton.

From Mezen, North Russia. Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f , m. J-,=28. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, C. 3, C. 14.

Purchased, 1873.

Felis pardina.

Lynx pardina, Oken, in Temminck, Honographies de Mammalogie, p. 116 (1827).

The Spanish Lynx.

Hob. Spain.



437. Skull, mutilated in occipital region.

From an animal killed near Cordova.

Presented by Howard Saunders, Esq., 1869.

Felis brevirostris, Croiset et Jobert, Oss. fossiles du Puy de Dome, i. p. 200 (1828) ; Gervais, Zool. et Paleontol. Franchises, 2e edit, p. 229 (1859).

F. leptorhynclia, Gervais, ibidem, pi. xxvii. figs. 3 & 4.

438. Cast of skull.

Tbe original was found in the " alluvions ponceuses de Perrier " at Arde, near Issoire (Puy de Dome), France.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History,

per Prof. Gervais, 1869.

Genus CYNffiLURUS.

Cynailurus, "Wagler, System der Amphibien, &c. p. 30 (1830).

Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. f, ra. i, = &: total 30. Inner tubercle of the upper sectorial (— ) nearly obsolete, though the root is present.

Cynselurus jubatus.

Felis jubata, Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. tab. cv. (1778).

The Cheetah.

Hab. Africa and South-west Asia.

439. Articulated skeleton of female.

Prepared from a specimen from South Africa, which lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens from 14 Octobor, 1857, to 6 March, 1863.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22.

The anterior upper premolar (p^?) is retained on the left side, but is absent on the right side.

Purchased, 1863.



Cynselurus jubatus.

440. Imperfect skeleton, without cranium, of young.

From the stores ; labelled " Hunting Tiger, young."


441. Skull and atlas vertebra. 0. C. 4581 and 4582.

The calvarium has been removed. The anterior upper pre- molar (Eii?) is retained on the right side, but is of extremely small size. It is wanting on the left side.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

442. Right and left clavicles of female.

Presented by the Zoological Society.


Machairodus, Kaup, Ossements Fossiles de Darmstadt, ii. p. 24 (1833).

fflLattytvattui latfBensS.

Owen, British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 179 (1846).

443. Canine tooth. 0. C. F. 103.

Figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 180. From Kent's Hole Cavern, Torquay.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

444. Two casts of canine teeth. 0. C. F. 103'.

The originals are from tho same locality as the above.

Presented by Very Rev. Dr. Buckland.

445. Cast of upper left lateral incisor.

Apparently the one figured by Owen, op. cit. p. 182, reversed. The original, from Kent's Hole, is in the British Museum.

Received in exchange.


4ftflachmotM£f titltittJcn^.

Ursus cultridens, Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, t. v. pt. ii. p. 517 (1824).

446. Cast of canine tooth. 0. C. F. 104.

The original is from the drift or diluvium of the Val d'Arno, Italy.

Presented by J. B. Pentland, Esq.

;fHad)jenititut megantcveon.

Felis meganthereon, Bravard, Monographie de deux Felis d'Auvergne, p. 143 (1828).

447. Cast of cranium.

The original, from " les alluvions ponceuses de la montagne de Perrier," near Issoire (Puy de Dome), France, is figured by Gervais, 'Zoologie et Paleontologie Frangaises,' pi. 27. fig. 1, where it is considered to he only a small variety of M. cultridens.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History.

Plac!)jcvoiJu£i ncogmtf.

Hycena neogea, Lund, Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selskabs, viii. p. 94

(1841), memoir dated 1837. Smilodon populator, Lund, ibid. ix. p. 293 (1842).

Sabre-toothed Tiger.

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. m. \, = 26.

448. Anterior part of the cranium and lower jaw.

Tho immense sabre-like upper canines have been broken off two inches from tho alveolar border. From South America.



ilWadjcerotlug neogmts.

449. Cast of skull, with canine teeth complete.

In this specimen, the original of which is in the Paris Museum, and is figured in De Blainville's ' Osteographic,' there is (as pointed out by Gervais, in the ' Comptes Bendus,' t. 87. p. 582, 1878) a small premolar tooth, of different sizes on the two sides of the lower jaw, not usually found in examples of this species.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History, 1847.



E. T. Bennett, Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. i. p. 137 (1833). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. i=£, = 36.

Cryptoprocta ferox.

Bennett, he. ext.

Hab. Madagascar.

450. Articulated skeleton of male.

In this specimen is very minute on the left side, and has been lost on the right side, ^-j is absent on both sides. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 29.

Purchased, 1872.

Genus VIVERRA. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 63 (1766).

Dentition: i. f, c. }, p. swi, m. f, = 40 or 38.

Viverra civetta.

Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. tab. cxi. (1778).

The African Civet Cat.

Hab. Africa.


451. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4264.

Dentition : i. § , c. -f, p. |, m. f.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19 (imperfect).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

452. Skeleton, nearly complete. 0. C. 4266 to 4282.


453. Hyoid bones of female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, December 1870.

Purchased, 1871.

454. Skull of young, with the milk-dentition.

Purchased, 1871.

Viverra zibetha.

Limueus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 65 (1766).

The Zibet.

Hob. India ; Malay peninsula ; South China.

455. Skull.

—J is absent on the left, but present on the right side. From Malacca.

Purchased, 1871.

Viverra tangalunga.

Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 63.

The Sumatean Civet.

Hab. Malay peninsula and islands.

456. Skull.

From Malacca.

Purchased, 1871.

457. Anterior portion of skull, with complete dentition.

Purchased, 1868.



Viverra malaccensis.

Viverra malaccensis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 92 (1788).

Viverra indica, Geoffroy, in Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat.

vii. p. 170; Mammalogie, p. 210 (1820). Viverricula indica, Hodgson, J. Asiatic Soc. Beng. x. p. '909 (1841).

The E/Asse.

Hab. India ; Malay countries ; China ; Madagascar.

458. Skull.

From Umballah.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1852.

459. Skull.

Distinct alisphenoid canals are present, as is usual in the family Viverridse, but not in this species. The canine and last upper molar of the right side are absent.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

460. Skull.

It has an alispbenoid canal on the left side only. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

461. Skull.

From Nepal.

462. Skull.

From Nepal.

463. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

464. Skull of young.

All the permanent teeth have been acquired ; but the canines and posterior premolars are not fully developed. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.



Viverra schlegeli.

Pollen, Nederl. Tijdschr. voor de Dierkunde, iii. p. 78 (1866).

Schlegel's Civet.

Hab. Comoro Islands.

465. Hyoid bones.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens. September 1874.

ZUtbevva anttqtta. Pomel, Bull. Soc. geol. Fr. 1846, p. 379.

466. Cast of skull.

The original is from the Miocene at Treteau, Departement de l'Allier, Prance.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1869.

<ZftOerva IraanemftS.

467. Cast of skull.

Miocene, Prance.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1869.

Genus GENETTA. Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 156 (1817), subgenus of Viverra. Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. f, =40.

Genetta vulgaris.

Viverra genetta, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 65 (1766). Genetta vulgaris, Lesson, Manuol do Mammalogie, p. 173 (1827).

The Common Genet.

Slab. South Europe.




Genetta vulgaris.

468. Skull. 0. C. 4284.

Said in 0. C. to be of this species ; but it wants tbe lobe on the inner side of the third upper premolar, usually present in the genus Genetta.

The teeth are removed from the right side and are separately displayed.


Genetta tigrina.

Viverra tigrina, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 425, pi. cxv. (1778).

The Blotched Genet. Hob. South Africa.

469. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 2, C. 29.

Presented by St. George Mivart, Esq., 1881.

470. Anterior part of skull.

Genus NANDINIA. Gray, List of Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 54 (1843). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. £ or f, =38-40.

Nandinia binotata.

Viverra binotata, Eeinwardt, in Gray's Spicilegia Zoologica, ii. p. 9 (1830).

The Two-spotted Paradoxure.

Hab. West Africa.

471. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4285.

Vertebras: C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 26 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.



472. Skull and imperfect skeleton of male.

The second upper molar is rudimentary on the right side and absont on the left.

Prom an animal (received from the Gold Coast) which had lived two years in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.

473. Skull.

The second upper molar is absent on both sides.

Purchased, 1868.


Hemigahts, Jourdan, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. des Sciences, v.

p. 442 (1837). Hemigalea, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 524.

Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. m. §, =40.

Hemigalea hardwickii.

Viverra hardwicMi, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, ii. p. 9 (1830). Paradoxurus derbianus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 67.

Hub. Borneo and Malacca.

474. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26.

Presented by St. George Mivart, Esq., 1881.


P. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, No. 186 (1821). Dentition : i. c. {, p. f , ml f , =40.

Paradoxurus typus.

P. Cuvier, loc. cit.

The Common Paradoxure or Palm-Civet.

flab. India.

475. Skeleton, not complete. 0. C. 4286 to 4303.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

o 2



Paradoxurus typus.

476. Skull of young.

The teeth are in process of heing changed.

From an animal that lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Presented by J. Beswick Perrin, Esq., 1871.

Paradoxurus tytlerii.

Tytler, J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1864, p. 188.

Tytler's Paradoxure.

Plab. Andaman Islands.

477. Hyoid bones.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

Paradoxurus larvatus.

Viverra larvata, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, ii. p. 9 (1830). Paguma larvata, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 95.

The Masked Paradoxure. Hob. China.

478. Hyoid bones of male.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

Paradoxurus musanga.

Viverra musanga, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 252 (1822).

The Musanga Paradoxure.

Hab. Indian Archipelago.

479. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 25.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

480. Skull. Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.



Paradoxurus bondar.

Ichneumon bondar, MS. Dr. F. B. Hamilton, Drawing in Mus.

India Company ; on which was founded Viverra bondar, Blainville, in Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 210


481. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Of uncertain species.

482. Skull.

The second upper molar (— ), usually present in the Viverridac, is absent on both sides. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

483. Skull.

484. Skull of young, showing milk-dentition. 0. C. 4304.



Arctictis, Temminck, Prospectus de Monogr. des Mammiferes,

March 1824 ; Monographies, i. p. xxi, and ii. p. 310 (1827). Ictides*, Valenciennes, Ann. des Sciences Nat. iv. p. 57 (1824).

Dentition: i. §, c. \, p. f, m. §, =40. ^ and often absent.

* The priority of these two names has been a subject of dispute ; but, as in the first publication of Ictides by Valenciennes (loc. cit.) a reference is made in a footnote to Temminck's name Arctictis as occurring in the Prospectus of the Monographs, the latter has clearly the priority, even if the earlier publica- tion (in 1820) referred to by Temminck cannot bo verified: cf. F. Cuvier, Mammiferes, article Binturong (footnote), and Temminck's Monographies as cited above.



Arctictis binturong.

Viverra ? binturong, Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. [Dec. 5, 1820], xiii. p. 253 (1822). "

Paracloxurus albifrons, F. Cuv. Mem. du Museum, ix. p. 41 (1822).

The Binturong.

Ilab. Malay Peninsula and Islands.

485. Articulated skeleton.

The ungual phalanges and hyoid bones are -wanting. Dentition : i. c. \, p. -f, m. J, =36. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 3, C. 34.

Purchased, 1868.

486. Skeleton of young.

Many of the milk-teeth are still retained. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 34.

Purchased, 1868.

487. Hyoid bones.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens in 1873.

488. Skull of young, with milk-dentition.

From Malacca.

Purchased, 1871.

Genus CYNOGALE. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 88. - Dentition : i. § , c. \, p. f , m. f , =40.

Cynogale bennettii.

Cynogale bennettii, Gray, loc. tit.

Potamophilus barbatus, S. Miiller, Tijdschrift v. natuurl. Geschie- denis, v. p. 142 (1838-39).

Hob. Borneo.

489. Skull and bones of the limbs.

From Borneo.

Purchased, 1876.



Genus EUPLERES. Doyere, Ann. Sci. Nat. 1835, iv. p. 281. Dentition :— i. §, c. \, p. £, m. f , =40.

Eupleres goudoti.

Doyere, loc. cit.

Hab. Madagascar.

490. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Purchased, 1872.

Genus GALIDIA. Is. Geoffroy, Mag. de Zool. 1839, pp. 27, 37.

Galidia elegans.

Is. Geoffroy, loc. cit.

Hab. Madagascar.

491. Imperfect skeleton of female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 1869.

Dentition: i. •§■, c. \, p. f, m. J-, =36.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 10 (incomplete).

Purchased, 1869.

Genus HERPESTES. Illigor, Prodr. Syst. Mamm. p. 135 (1811). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. £ or m. |, =40-36.

Herpestes ichneumon.

Viverra ichneumon, Linnoeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 63 (1766). Herpestes pharaonis, Geoffroy, Descr. do l'Egypto, Hist. Nat. ii. p. 139 (1812).

The Egyptian Ichneumon.

Hab. North Africa.



Herpestes ichneumon.

492. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 4306.

The milk-canines and some of the milk-molars are still in place.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

Herpestes griseus.

Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 212 (1820).

The Geey Ichneumon.

Hab. India,

493. Incomplete skeleton of female. 0. C. 4309 to 4312.

Dentition : i. |-, c. \, p. f , m. f, =38.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 2 (incomplete).


494. Skeleton.

Dentition : i. $ , c. \, p. -|, m. •£ , =40. Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 21. From Umballah.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1849.

495. Skull.

From "Umballah.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1849.

496. Skull and incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 4313 to 4322.


497. Skull. 0. C. 4307.


498. Skull.

Probably of this species.



Herpestes nepalensis.

Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist. 1836, p. 578.

The Nepalese Ichneumon.

Hob. Nepal, Assam, and Malay Peninsula.

499. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H Hodgson, Esq.

500. Skull.

Prom Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

501. Cranium.

Prom Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Herpestes galera.

Mustela galera, Erxleben, Syst. Keg. Animal, p. 453 (1777). Herpestes paludinosus, Cuvier, Eeg. Animal, ed. 2, i. p. 158 (1829).

Mangusta urinatrix, A. Smith, Zool. Journ. iv. p. 437 (1829).

The Marsh Ichneumon.

Hab. South Africa.

502. Skull. O. C. 4324.

Dentition : i. f, c. j, p. f, m. f, =36.


503. Skull of young. O. C. 4325.

All the permanent teeth are in place, except the canines.


Of uncertain species.

504. Skull. 0. C. 4323.

Attributed to the "Egyptian Ichneumon (Mangusta pha- raonis)."





F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, No. 199 (1825). Dentition : i. |, c. -]-, p. § , in. f , =36.

Crossarchus obscurus.

F. Cuv. loc. cit.

The Kusimanse.

iJa&. West Africa.

505. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 2, C. 19. From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 11 Sept. 1870.

Purchased, 1870.


Suricata, Desmarest, Tabl. Meth. Mamm. in Nouv. Diet. d'Hist.

Nat. ed. 1, xxiv. (1804). Rhyzcena, Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 134 (1811).

Dentition : i. § ; c. \, p. § , m. f, =36.

Suricata tetradactyla.

Viverra suricatta, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. An. p. 488 (1777). Viverra tetradactyla, Schreber, Saug. iii. p. 434, tab. cxvii. (1778).

The Sueicate. Hob. South Africa.

506. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 4326.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 20.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

507. Skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 20.

Purchased, 1871.



508. Skull of young female. 0. C. 4327.

Several of the milk-teeth are retained.



Genus PROTELES. Is. Geofiroy, Mem. du Museum, xi. p. 354 (1824).

Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. and m. ^ : total 30 or 32. Molar teeth very small and rudimentary in character.

Proteles cristatus.

Viverra cristata, Sparrman, Eesa till Goda Hopps-Udden, &c.

p. 581 (1783). Proteles lalandii, Is. Geofiroy, loc. cit.

The Aakd-Wolf.

Hob. South Africa.

509. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 2, C. 24.

Prepared from an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens in June 1869, and which furnished the ma- terials for the memoir on its anatomy in the Proceedings of the Society, 1869, p. 474.

Purchased, 1869.

510. Anterior portion of upper and lower jaws with the teeth.

O. C. 4359.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq. Family HYiENIDiE.

Genus HYiENA. Zimraormann, Specimen Zoologisc Geographica;, p. 365 (1777). Dentition : i. c. -J, p. m. \ , =8 : total 34.



Hyaena striata.

Canis hycena, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 50 (1766). Hyama striata, Zimmermann, Specimen Zool. Geogr. p. 366 (1777),

and Geographische Geschichte, ii. p. 256 (1780). Hycena vulgaris, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 215 (1820).

The Striped Hy^na.

Hob. South-western Asia and North Africa.

511. Skeleton, not quite complete. 0. C. 4449 to 4473.


512. Skeleton, incomplete.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.


513. Skeleton, incomplete. O. C. 4474. Hunterian.

514. Skull. O. C. 4448.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

.Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

515. Skull.

From the Punjab.

Purchased, 1868.

516. Imperfect skeleton of young.

Most of the milk-teeth are present. The skull has been much mutilated.

From Umballah.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1852.

517. Skull of young.

Many of the milk-teeth remain. The occiput is broken away



Hyaena brunnea.

Thunberg, Svenska Vetenkaps Akad. Handl. 1820, p. 59.

Brown Hyaena.

Hab. South Africa.

518. Skeleton of an old female.

The teeth are much worn, and the bones, especially the vertebrae, much disfigured by exostoses.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 4, S. 4, C. (incomplete).

The sixteenth rib is ankylosed on the left side, but articulated on the right, the corresponding vertebra being intermediate in character between a dorsal and a lumbar.

From an animal which lived for more than thirteen years in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1866.

519. Skull.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Purchased, 1866.

520. Skull.

From a collection formed in South Africa by the late R. Gordon dimming, Esq.

Purchased, 1866.

521. Hyoid bones.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1871.

Hyaena crocuta.

Cards crocuta, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animalis, p. 578 (1777). Hyama maculata, Zimmermann, Specimen Zoologiae Geographical, p. 470 (1777).

In the ' Geographischo Geschichte ' &c, p. 256 (1780), Zimmermann abandoned maculata and adopted crocuta from Erxleben.

This species is sometimes separated generically from the two former, under the name of Crocuta maculata (Zimm.).

The Spotted Hyaena.

Ifah. Africa.



Hyaena crocuta.

522. Articulated skeleton of an old male. 0. 0. 4446.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 19.

The animal from which this skeleton was prepared was pur- chased by Dr. Buckland in the year 1821, in order that observa- tions upon its mode of feeding and other habits might throw light upon the nature of the remains found in ancient caves inhabited by Hyaenas, as detailed in the ' Reliquiae Diluvianae,' p. 15 et seq. It lived in Mr. Cross's Menagerie until 1845.

Presented by the Very Rev. Dr. Buckland, Dean of Westminster.

523. Skull.

From the collection formed in South Africa by the late R. Gordon Cumming, Esq.

PurcJiased, 1866.

524. Skull. 0. C. 4447.

The alveolar border has been removed on the right side, to show the form and relations of the teeth in their sockets.


flfymia opcLca. Goldfuss, Nova Acta Acad. Leop. xi. pt. 2, p. 456 (1823).

The Cave-Ht^na.

Hab. Europe in Pleistocene Period.

This species is closely allied to, if not identical with, the last.

525. A third premolar tooth of the left side of the lower jaw.

0. C. F. 152. Hunterian.

526. Several fragments of bones and teeth. 0. C. F. 105, &c.

From a cavern in the limestone quarries at Oreston, near Plymouth.

For a description of the cave and the fossils found in it, see the memoir by Messrs. Whidbey and Clift in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1823.

Presented by Sir John Barrow.


527. Several portions of the jaws and teeth. 0. C. F. 108, &c. From Kent's Hole Cavo, Torquay.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

528. Portions of jaws and teeth. 0. C. F. 107, &c.

From Kirkdale Cavo, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

529. Fragments of bones and teeth. 0. C. F. 126, &c.

From Kirby Moorside, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

530. Portions of jaws and teeth.

Locality unknown.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

Family CANIDiE.


Brookes, Griffith's Animal Kingdom, vol. v. p. 151 (1827).

Dentition : i. f-, c. \, p. f, m. f, =42. Lycaon differs from all the other Canidse in the absence of the pollex.

Lycaon pictus.

Hycena picta, Temminck, Ann. gen. des Sciences physiques, iii.

p. 54, pi. 35 (1820). Hyena venatica, Burchell, Travels in Southern Africa, i. p. 456


Canis pictus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 538 (1822).

The Cape Hunting Dog.

Hub. South Africa.



Lycaon pictus.

531. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 14 (incomplete). Prom an animal which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society from 15 Feb. 1871 to 29 Nov. 1875.

Purchased, 1875.

532. Skull.

From the collection of the late R. Gordon Cumming, Esq.

Purchased, 1866.

Genus ICTICYON. Lund, Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selskabs Afhand. xi. p. 62 (1845). Dentition (usually) : i. § , c. \, p. f , m. \, = 38.

Icticyon venaticus.

Cynogale venatica, Lund, Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selskabs Afhand. ix. p. 201 (1842).

The Bush-Dog.

Hah. Guiana and Brazil.

533. Articulated skeleton of female.

Dentition : i. f, c. p. \, m. f,=40.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 14.

From an animal from British Guiana, which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society from 20 Aug. to 12 Dec. 1879, and is figured, with notes on its anatomy, in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1880, p. 70, pi. x. In the possession of two upper true molar teeth on each side, it differs from all the previously described specimens.

Purchased, 1879.



Genus CANIS. Canis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 56 (1766).

A. Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. §, =40. Cuon, Hodgson, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 205 (1842).

Canis javanicus.

Canis javanicas, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 198 (1820).

Canis familiaris, var. sumatrensis, Hardwicke, Trans. Linn. Soc.

(read 1820), xiii. p. 235 (published 1822). Canis rutilans, S. Miiller, Zoogdieren Indisch. Archipol, p. 27, in

Verhandl. Neederl. Bezitt. (1839-44).

The Stjmatran Wild Dog.

Hab. Java and Sumatra.

534. Skeleton of young.

The dentition is in a transitional state : most of the permanent teeth have been acquired; but some of the milk-molars still remain in place.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 17.

Obtained in Java by Dr. Ploem.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.

Canis primsevus.

Hodgson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 111.

The Indian Wild Dog.

Hab. India and Malay Peninsula.

Probably not specifically distinct from the last, or from C. duhhunensis, Sykes (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 100).

535. Bones of the trunk.

Vortebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. incomplete. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan II. Hodgson, Esq. PART II. I



Canis primsevus.

536. Skeleton, wanting the skull.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 16.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

537. Skull.

From Cuttack, Lower Bengal.

Presented by Mrs. J. P. H. Walker, 1873.

B. Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. in. §, =42.

Canis familiaris.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 56 (1766).

The Common Dog.

Hab. The whole habitable world.

538. Articulated skeleton of a Dingo or Australian Dog. 0. 0.


Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19. From an animal wbicb died in the Menagerie at Exeter Change.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Bart.

539. Skull and atlas vertebra of a Dingo. 0. C. 4390.

Presented by Sir George Grey.

540. Skull, somewhat mutilated, of a female Dingo. 0. C. 4391.

Presented by Sir George Grey.

541. Articulated skeleton of a female Eskimo Dog, about two

years of age.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18. From Disco Island.

Presented by R. McCormick, Esq., R.N., 1852.


542. Skeleton of a female Eskimo Dog.

Dentition: i. |, c. -f, p. f, m. |. The first premolars are not present in either jaw.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 14 (incomplete). From "Winter Island, Molville Peninsula.

Arctic Expedition, 1822.

543. A skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 4398.

Said to be that of an East-Indian wild dog.


544. Skull of a dog.

" Picked up at Tamouy, in the North-western part of the island of Pormosa, being that of one of the ordinary dogs kept there by the Chinese. It is in most respects similar to the form prevalent in South China, and known in Europe as the ' AVolf Dog.' This dog has doubtless been introduced into Formosa by the Chinese colonists, as the Dutch, according to early records, found the Formosan aborigines without dogs."

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., H.M. Vice-Consul

at Formosa, 1865.

545. Bones of a young dog.

Found buried with the mummy of a Peruvian child, No. 1009 (Osteol. Cat. part i. p. 176), in an ancient burial-ground at Arica.

Presented by the Rev. F. W. Holland, 1 869.

546. Cranium of a dog. 0. C. 4400.

From a bog near Drogheda, Ireland.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

547. Cranium of a dog. 0. C. 4401.

From the same place as the last specimen.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

' i 2

116 CARNIVORA. Canis familiaris.

548. Skeleton of a large Newfoundland Dog. 0. C. 4392.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 3, C. 17 (incomplete).


549. Skull of a Newfoundland Dog. 0. C. 4403.


550. Skull of a Newfoundland Dog.

" Neptune," aged 10 years and 8 months, winner of about one hundred prizes, champion for three years. The occiput has been cut off.

Presented by W. Waller, Esq., of Redcar, 1874.

551. Skull, hyoid, and three cervical vertebrae of a Newfoundland


" Franklin," aged 3 years 7 months.

For full particulars regarding the breeding &c. of these two fine Newfoundland dogs, see letter from the donor, dated 3 August, 1874 (Museum letter-book).

Presented by W. Waller, Esq., of Redcar, 1874.

552. Skull of a St. Bernard's Dog.

The animal was of the long-haired or rough- coated variety, and brought by the owner from the Monastery of St. Bernard, where it was bred.

Presented by Dr. Albert Gilnther, 1872.

553. Articulated skeleton of a large Mastiff. 0. C. 4393.

Vertebraa : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 3, C. 23. The hallux or inner toe of the hind foot is fully developed, but small.

The animal from which it was prepared belonged to Count A. d'Orsay.

Presented by G. J. Guthrie, Esq., 1832.

CANID.iE. 117

554. Skeleton of an old female Mastiff.

Mr. Edwin Nichols's ' Venus.' Winner of several prizes. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 16.

Presented by Mr. W. Shaw, 1872.

555. Skull of a female Mastiff.

The premolar teeth of both jaws are of unusually small size.

Presented by H. Lainson, Esq., 1874.

556. Skeleton of a thorough-bred German Boarhound.

The animal was three years of age, and measured 82' 5 centi- meters in height at the shoulders.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Presented by Mr. George Richmond, 1875.

557. Articulated skeleton of a male French Bloodhound.

A remarkably handsome and well-bred dog, about six years old.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Presented by S. A. Lane, Esq., 1867.

558. Imperfect skeleton of a very large dog. Hunterian.

559. Skull of a Bloodhound. 0. 0. 4404. Purchased.

560. Articulated skeleton of Sir Edwin Landseer's favourite Deerhound " Hafed."

Purchased at the sale of Sir Edwin's effects by the donor, July 1874.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Presented by Thomas Taylor, Esq., 1874.



Canis familiaris.

561. Skull of a Scotch Deerhound.

Presented by J. Walters, Esq., M.B., 1874.

562. Articulated skeleton of a Greyhound. 0. C. 4394.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 19.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

563. Skull of a Greyhound. 0. C. 4405. Purchased.

564. Skeleton of a male Foxhound.

" Fugleman." From the North-Hampshire pack. A parti- cularly well-bred dog, born May 1867, died Nov. 1869. Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22. Some of the vertebra) and other bones are diseased.

Presented by James Salter, Esq., 1870.

565. Skeleton of a Pointer Dog. 0. C. 4009.


566. Skull of a Pointer about 10 years of age.

Presented by T. Carr Jackson, Esq., 1872.

567. Skull of a male Pointer.

Presented by Thomas Taylor, Esq., 1879.

568. Skeleton of a Black Retriever.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by Mr. Philip Wright, 1866.


569. Skull of a Water-Spaniel. 0. C. 4411.



570. Skull of a male Prize Field-Spaniel.

" Sailor," 18 years of age. See letters from Mr. W. H. Leslie, 3 August and 29 August, 1872.

Presented by Chas. Read, Esq., of Bedford, 1872.

571. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected, of a Common

Spaniel. 0. C. 4413.


572. Cranium of a Blenheim Spaniel. 0. C. 4415.

The teeth are closely crowded together.


573. Skull (wanting the right ramus of the lower jaw) and os

penis of a Spaniel. 0. C. 4414.

Presented by Wm. Clift, Esq.

574. SkuU of a Common Spaniel. 0. C. 4412.


575. Skull of a King Charles Spaniel. 0. C. 4416.

The teeth aro closely packed, and EJ? is placed quite trans- versely to the axis of the skull.

Presented by Wm. Clift, Esq.

576. Skull of a young King Charles Spaniel. 0. C. 4417.

The milk-dentition is present.


577. Skull of a large Terrier. 0. C. 4406.



Canis familiaris.

578. Skull of a Terrier. 0. C. 4407.


579. Skull of a Terrier. 0. C. 4408.


580. Skull of a Fox Terrier four years old.

From Scotland.

Presented by Mr. John M'Ara, 1873.

581. Skull of a female smooth-haired English Bull Terrier.

Presented by E. F. Flower, Esq., 1872.

582. Skull of a female smooth-haired Toy Terrier.

The ossification of the skull is very defective. The dentition in the upper jaw is complete ; but in the lower jaw is unde- veloped and also I j. The upper milk-canines are retained in addition to the permanent canines.

Presented by Henry Searle, Esq., 1872.

583. Articulated skeleton of a very small male smooth-haired

black-and-tan Toy Terrier.

The animal was one year and nine months old. Some of the milk-teeth are still present. Tertebrse : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 15.

Presented by Mr. S. Sutton, 1877.

584. Skeleton of a well-bred male Skye Terrier.

Several of the teeth are wanting. The third upper premolars are placed transversely to the long axis of the skull. Owing to the unequal length of the jaws, the lower canines pass in front of the outer incisors when the mouth is closed.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19.

Presented by John Hilton, Esq., 1874.



585. Cranium of a pure-bred Scotch Collie Dog.

From the Isle of Skye. An animal of first-rate intelligence, four years old. Most of the teeth havo been lost.

Presented by Edward Gtreaves, Esq., M.P., 1872.

586. Skull of a Shepherd's Dog. 0. C. 4399.


587. Skull of a Shepherd's Dog.

588. Skeleton of a Shepherd's Dog about seven months old.

The skull is mounted in the Separate Series. Vertebra: C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.


589. Articulated skeleton of a female Bulldog.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

" Nell." Bred by the Duke of Hamilton.

Among many deformities perpetuated and intensified by selective breeding in this race of dogs, that affecting the skull is the most remarkable. The facial bones (maxilke, prsemaxillae, and nasals) are shortened, without corresponding alteration in the mandible, the anterior part of which consequently projects far beyond the upper jaw. The upper teeth, especially the pre- molars, having undergone no diminution in size corresponding to that of the bone in which they are implanted, are exces- sively crowded, and placed obliquely or even transversely to the long axis of the skull.

Presented by Mr. W. Shaw, 1872.

590. Imperfect skeleton of a male Bulldog of very pure


Presented by R. J. Lloyd Price, Esq., 1871.

591. Skeleton of a female Bulldog of very pure breed. Vertebras : 0. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. wanting.

Presented by R. J. Lloyd Price, Esq., 1871.



Can is familiaris.

592. Skeleton of a thoroughbred Bulldog.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 3, C. incomplete.

As an individual peculiarity there is an additional vertebra interposed between the dorsal and lumbar region, with a rib- like transverse process 6 centimeters in length.

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1874.

593. Skeleton of a female Bulldog.

"The Abbess," winner of numerous prizes, by the "Abbot," out of " Lola." See entry-book, 21 February, 1877. 1 2i-3 undeveloped ; ^ also undeveloped in either ramus. Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 7 (incomplete).

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1877.

594. Skull of a very pure-bred Bulldog.

The " Abbot," aged 2 years and weighing 68 lb. The upper premolars are closely packed and set in an oblique position.

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1872.

595. Skull of a female Bulldog.

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1876.

596. Skeleton of a new-born thoroughbred Bulldog.

(For pedigree see letter-book, Aug. 1874.)

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1874.

597. Skull of a young brindled Terrier.

"With milk-dentition.

Presented by Mr. Philip Wright, 1867.



598. Skull of a young thoroughbred Pug Dog.

Some of the milk-teeth are retained.

Presented by F. Adcock, Esq., 1873.

599. Skull of a Japanese Dog.

Presented by Wm. Lockhart, Esq.

600. Skull and imperfect skeleton of a dog. 0. C. 4420-



601. The right anterior and posterior extremities of a New-

foundland Dog. O. C. 4440 and 4441.


602. The right anterior and posterior extremities of a Greyhound.

O. C. 4442 and 4443.


603. The right humerus of a dog longitudinally and vertically

bisected. O. C. 4445.


604. The bones of the anterior extremity of a Spaniel. O. C.



605. The vertebral column and innominate bones of a dog

(Greyhound ?).

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

606. The cranium of a dog divided transversely into three

sections. O. C. 4439.

/'resented, by Prof. Given.



Canis familiaris.

607. Skeleton of a Black Betriever Dog, wanting the skull.

Well-developed free ribs are attached to the seventh cervical vertebra.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. imperfect.

Purchased, 1871.

608. Skeleton of a young dog.

The complete dentition is present ; but the teeth are perfectly unworn. The epiphyses are not united to the shafts of the long bones.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19.

Purchased, 1870.

609. Skeleton of a dog six weeks old, showing an os centrale

in the carpus.

This specimen is described and figured in the ' Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,' vol. vi. p. 62 (1872).

Purchased, 1870.

610. Skull of a young dog in the transitional stage of denti-


In the upper jaw the milk-incisors are retained, though the permanent ones are almost fully in place. The latter are situated

directly behind or within the former. I is undeveloped.

Presented by Mr. Philip Wright, 1870.

611. Skull of a young dog.

The bones are mounted a slight distance apart from one another.

Pa.rker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

612. Skeleton of a new-born North-German Boarhound.

Presented by Mr. Richmond, 1873.

CANIDiE. 125

613. Skeleton of a new-born North-German Boarhound.

Presented by Mr. Hopkins, 1873.

614. Incomplete skeleton of a new-born North- German Boar-

hound of the same litter as the last.

Presented by Mr. Hopkins, 1873.

615. Skeleton of a dog at birth. Purchased, 1873.

616. Skull of a dog three days old. Purchased, 1870.

617. Skull of a foetal dog near the time of birth. 0. C. 4419.


618. Teeth of a dog separately displayed.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

619. A preparation showing the milk-teeth and the germs of

the permanent teeth of a young dog.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

Canis lupus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 58 (1766).

The Common "Wolf.

Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. f, m. §, =42.

Hab. Europe and North Asia.

620. Skull.

From Mezen, North Russia.

Purchased, 1873.


Canis lupus.

621. Skull of a large male. 0. C.4365.

Presented by Henry Cline,Esq., 1824.

622. Skull of male. 0. C. 4366.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, 1821.

623. Skull.

624. Skull.


625. Skull of female. 0. C. 4369.


626. The anterior portion of a skull and the mandible.

Canis occidentalis.

Canis lupus occidentalis, Richardson, Fauna Boreali Americana, p. 60 (1829).

Lupus occidentalis, De Kay, Zoology of New York, i. 1842, p. 42.

The Akctic Wolf.

Hab. North America.

This is probably not specifically distinct from the last.

627. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4364.

Presented by Alexander Fisher, Esq.

628. Skull of a male. 0. C. 4367. From Melville Island.

Presented by Captain Sir E* Parry, R.N., 1820.

canidjE. 127

629. Skull of a female. 0. C. 4370.

From Melville Island.

Presented by Capt. Sir E. Parry, R.N. , 1820.

630. Skull.

From Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

631. Skull.

The teeth are much worn. From Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1869.

632. Upper and lower jaws, showing dentition. 0. C. 4372.

From Labrador.


Canis latrans.

Say, in Long's Exped. Rocky Mts. i. p. 168 (1823).

The Prairie-Wolf.

Hab. North America.

633. Skull of male.

From Fort Kearney.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

634. Skull.

From Grand Isle, Platte River.

Presented by Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



Canis antarcticus.

Shaw, General Zoology, i. pt. 2, p. 331 (1800).

The Antarctic Pox.

Hab. Falkland Islands.

635. Skull. 0. C. 4363.

Presented by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort.

636. Skull.

Found by the donor on West Falkland Island.

Presented by E. A. Holmsted, Esq., 1878.

Canis aureus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 59 (1766).

The Common Jackal.

Hab. India.

637. Skull. 0. C. 4360.

From India.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

638. Skull. 0. C. 4361.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

639. Skull of an aged animal.

From India.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

640. Skull, with perfect dentition. From Maunbhoom.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.


641. A skull.

Picked up at Mauubhoom.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

642. A cranium.

The upper part of the supraoccipital bone bears a median conical osseous process.

Presented by Prof. Quekett, F.R.S.

Canis mesomelas.

Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 370 (1778).

The Black-backed Jackal.

Hah. South Africa. 643. Skull. 0. C. 4362. Purchased.

Canis vulpes.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 59 (1766).

The Common Fox.

Hab. Europe.

644. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4328.

Dentition : i. |-, c. \, p. m. =42.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18 (not quite complete).


645. Skeleton of a female.

From Stratford-on-Avon.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20 (probably one missing).

Presented by Mr. G. W. Quatremaine, 1875.

646. Skull. 0. C. 4329.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.




Canis vulpes.

647. Skull, hyoid, and atlas.

From Stratford-on-Avon.

Presented by Mr. G. W. Quatremaine, 1874.

648. Skull.

From an animal killed near Stratford-on-Avon, with defective development of the anterior part of the lower jaw. The lower canine of the right side shuts behind the corresponding tooth of the upper jaw ; but on the left side the teeth maintain their normal relative positions. Several foxes killed in the same neighbourhood have exhibited a similar peculiarity.

Presented by Mr. G. W. Quatremaine, 1878.

649. Skull. 0.0.4330.


650. SkuU.

From Sutherlandshire. Killed in 1867.

Presented by Lawson Tait, Esq., 1881.

651. Skull of a " Black Fox." 0. C. 4332.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

652. Skeleton of young.

The milk-teeth are still in position. Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 19. One of the fore feet has been injured by the trap in which the animal was caught.

Presented by J. B. Perrin, Esq., 1870.

653. Skull of the variety called by the donor Vulpes melanogaster. 0. C. 4333.

From Italy.

Presented by Charles Lucien Bonaparte, Prince of Canino.



654. A skull, said to be that of " a female Fox," but apparently not of this species. 0. C. 4331.


Canis decussatus.

Desmareat, Mammalogie, p. 203 (1820).

The American Cross-Pox.

Hab. North America.

655. Skull. 0. C. 4334.

Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D., 1822.

Canis fulvus.

Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 203 (1820).

The Red Fox.

Hab. North America.

656. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution.

657. Skull and hyoid bone of a female.

From an animal which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869.

Canis velox.

Say, in Long's Exped. Kocky Mts. i. p. 487 (1823).

The Kit Fox. Hab. North America.

658. Skull.

Presented by tlie Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

K 2



Canis virginianus.

Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 567 (1777).

The Grey Fox. Hab. North America.

659. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Canis lagopus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 59 (1766).

The Arctic Pox.

Hab. Arctic Regions.

660. Skeleton of female.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Arctic Expedition, 1821.

661. Skeleton of male : white variety.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Tbe right fore foot is mounted in the Physiological Series.

From Exeter Fiord, lat. 66° 26' H".

Presented by J. W. Taylor, Esq., 1868.

662. Skeleton of female : blue variet}'.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 21. From Exeter Fiord, lat. 66° 26' N.

Further information about these two specimens, and the distinction between the " white " and " blue " Arctic Foxes is contained in letters from the donor, dated 28 October and 30 October, 1868 (Museum Letter-Book).

Presented by J. W. Taylor, Esq., 1868.

CANIDiE. 133

663. Skull and incomplete skeleton of female. 0. C. 4337-4357.


664. Skull. 0. C. 4335.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

665. A mutilated cranium. 0. C. 4336.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

666. Skull, with milk-dentition.

Purchased, 1874.

Canis bengalensis.

Shaw, General Zoology, i. pt. ii. p. 330 (1800).

The Bengal Eox.

Hah. India.

667. Skeleton.

From India.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 15 (incomplete).

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq.

668. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

669. Cranium.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.



Canis bengalensis.

670. Cranium.

From Maunbhoom.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1865.

Canis zerda.

Vulpes minimus saarensis, Skiddebrand, K. Vetensk. Akad. Hand. 1777, p. 265.

Canis zerda, Zimmermann, Geogr. Geschichte, ii. p. 247 (1780). Canis cerdo, Gmelin, Sysfc. Nat. i. p. 75 (1788). Fennecus zaarensis, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 519.

The Fennec Fox. Hab. North Africa.

671. Skull. 0. C. 4358.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

Canis procynoides.

Canis procyonoides, Gray, Illustr. Indian Zool. ii. pi. i. (1834);

Loudon's Mag. Nat. Hist. 1837, p. 578. Nyctereutes viverrinus, Temminck, V. der Hoeven's Tijdscbrift, v.

p. 285 (1838).

Nyctereutes procynides, Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1874, p. 323, pi. l. ; List of Animals Zool. Gardens, p. 70 (1879).

The Raccoon-like Dog.

Hab. North-eastern Asia.

672. Skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 15 (incomplete). From an animal received from Amoorland, which died in tbe Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1878.



Genus OTOCYON. Lichtenstein, Wiegm. Archiv, 1838, i. p. 290*. Dentition :— i. §, c. \, p. £, m. 3-^, =46 or 48.

Otocyon megalotis.

Canis megalotis, Cuvier, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 538

(1822) .

Cams lalandii, Desmoulins, Diet. ClaBsique d'Hist. Nat. iv. p. 18

(1823) .

Otocyon caffer, Lichtenstein, Wiegm. Archiv, 1838. ±. p. 290. Otocyon lalandii (Desm.), Sclater's List of Animals Zool. Gardens, p. 70 (1879).

The Long-eared Fox.

Hab. South Africa.

673. Articulated skeleton of male.

Dentition : i. -|, c. \, p. m. |, =46. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18 (incomplete). .From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1866.

674. Natural skeleton.

Dentition: i. -|, o. \, p. m. |, =46. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22. Probably from a wild animal.

In Museum before 1862. History unknown.

675. Imperfect skeleton.

Dentition : i. £, c. {, p. f , m. -J, =48.

In Museum before 1862. History unknown.

Wiegmann speaks of the animal under the name of Otocyon caffer of Lichtenstein ; but whether the name had been previously published by that author or not I have been unable to discover.



Genus AMPHICYON. Lartet, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sciences, v. p. 424 (1837).

^mpfitcwon majoti Blainville, Oste'ographie (Subursus), p. 78, pis. 14, 15 (1839).

676. Cast of left upper jaw and teeth.

From the original (from the Miocene of Sansans) in the Paris Museum, figured in De Blainville's ' Osteographie.'

Presented by the Paris Museum.


Genus MUSTELA. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 66 (1766).

Section A. Subgenus Mustela.

Mustela, Cuvier, Eegne Animal, i. p. 149 (1817). Martes, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 41 (1820).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. =^%: total 38.

Mustela martes.

Mustela martes, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 67 (1766). Martes sylvatica, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 41 (1820).

The Pine-Marten.

Hab. Northern Europe, including the British Isles.

* For critical remarks upon the nomenclature of many members of this family, see Elliott Coues's " Fur-bearing Animals, a Monograph of North- American Mustelidae," U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories (Washing- ton, 1877).


677. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4152.

Tho upper milk-canines are not yet shed, although all the permanent teeth are in place.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 10 (incomplete).


678. Skull and imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 4154-4166.


679. Skull. 0. C. 4153.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

680. Skull. 0. C. 4171.

The teeth have been removed from the right side of both upper and lower jaws, and are separately displayed.


681. Skull, assigned to this species.

The anterior premolars are absent in both jaws, as in the next section.

Mustela flavigula.

Boddaert, Elenchus Animalium, i. p. 88 (1785).

The Yellow-throated Marten. Hah. India, Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra.

682. Skull. 0. C. 4167.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

683. Skull.

Prom Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Mustela zibellina.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 68 (1766).

The Asiatic Sable. Hab. Northern Asia.


Mustela zibellina.

684. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 4168.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 16 (incomplete).


Mustela americana.

Mustela americanus, Turton, ed. Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 60 (1806).

The American Sable.

Hab. North America.

685. Skull. 0. C. 4169.

Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D., 1822.

686. Skull. $ 0. C. 4170.

Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D., 1822.

687. Skull.

From Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

688. Skull.

From Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Mustela pennanti.

Mustela pennanti, Erxleben, Syst. Keg. An. p. 470 (1777). Mustela canadensis, Schreber, Saugtbiere, iii. p. 492 (1778).

The Pekan or Canadian Martin.

Hab. North America.

689. Skull.

From Lake Superior.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



Section B. Subgenus Putorius.

Putorius, Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 141 (1817). Mustela, Mlsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 41 (1820).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. §, m. =§: total 34.

Mustela putorius.

Mustela putorius, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 67 (1766). Putorius fcetidus, Gray, List Mamm. Brit. Mus. p. 64 (1843).

690. Articulated skeleton, called "Alpine Polecat" in 0. 0.


Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 8 (incomplete).

British Museum.

691. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18.


692. Skeleton, nearly complete. 0. C. 4201-4213.


693. Skull and almost complete skeleton.

694. Skeleton.

From tbe neighbourhood of Oxford.

Many of tbe bones are mounted in tbe Separate Series.

Purchased, 1864.

695. Skull. 0. 0. 4197. Hunterian.

696. Skull. 2. O.G. 4198. British Museum.

697. Skull. 6 . 0. C. 4199.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.



Mu stela putorius.

698. Skull. <J.

Purchased, 1858.

699. Skull. ?.

700. Skull.

701. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. 0. 4200.

The following specimens belong to tlie albino domesticated variety, commonly called "Ferret," Mustela furo, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 68 (1766) :—

702. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18.

The 15th dorsal vertebra has a rib articulated to it on the left side, while the right side has all the characters of a lumbar vertebra. It may be considered a typical transitional vertebra.

703. Skeleton, wanting the cranium.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 7 (incomplete).

704. Imperfect skeleton, of small size. 2 ?

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 16.

705. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 4218-4229.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 16.


Presented by J. B. Perrin, Esq., 1870.


706. Skull. 0. C. 4214.


707. Skull, transversely bisected. 0. C. 4217.



708- Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 4216.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

Mustela siberica.

Pallas, Reise, ii. p. 701 (1773).

The Siberian Mink.

Hab. Northern and Eastern Asia.

709. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 21. From Pekin.

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1867.

Mustela erminea.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 68 (1766).

The Stoat or Ermine.

Hab. Northern Europe, Asia, and America.

710. Natural skeleton of male. O. C. 4188.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18 (complete).


711. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. incomplete.

712. Cranium.

From Chigwell Row, Essex, Feb. 9th, 1811.

Mustela vulgaris.

Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 471 (1777).

Tee Weasel.

Hab. Northern Europe, Asia, and America.


Mustela vulgaris.

713. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4193.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 16.

Brookes Museum. Purchased, 1828.

714. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 15.

715. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4189.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. incomplete. The last dorsal is transitional in character between a dorsal and a lumbar vertebra.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

716. Skull. Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

717. Skull. 0. C. 4191.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

718. Skull. 0. C. 4190. Hunterian.

719. Skull. 0.0.4192.

The teeth on one side of both jaws have been removed, and are displayed separately.


720. Skull.

From Speldhurst, Kent.

Presented by Prof. Flower, 1869.

721. Skull.

From Speldhurst, Kent.

Presented by Prof. Flower, 1869.

722. Skull.

From Speldhurst, Kent.

Presented by Prof. Flower, 1869.


723. Skull. O.C.4195.



724. Cranium. 0. C. 4194.

Presented by Henry time, JLsq.

Mustela lutreola.

Linnteus, Syst. Nat. ed 12, i. p. 66 (1766).

The Mink.

Hob. Northern Europe and Asia. 725. Skull. 0.0.4231.

Presented by Henry Ckne, Esq.

726. Skull, mutilated posteriorly.

Hunterian (?).

Mustela vison.

Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. p. 463 (1778).

The American Mink.

North America. 727. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Genus GULO. Storr, Prodromus Method. Mamm. p. 34 (1780). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. \, —fa : total 38.

Gulo luscus.

Mustela gulo, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. od. 12, i. p. 67 (1766). Ursus luscus, id. ibid. p. 71.

Gulo lorealis, Nilsson, Ilium, fig. till Skand. faun, {fide Wagner, Schreber, Suppl. ii. p. 245, 1841).

The Glutton or Wolverene. Hah. Northern Europe and America.


Gulo luscus.

728. Skeleton. 0. C. 4133-4148.

The incisors of the lower jaw are closely packed together, so that Tg is quite behind the line of the others.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 8 (incomplete).


729. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 15.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Obtained by Mr. Wheelwright in Lapland.

Purchased, 1864.

730. Imperfect skeleton. Hunterian.

731. Skull. 0. C. 4149.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.

732. Skull. 0. C. 4150.

Presented by Henry Ciine, Esq.

733. Cranium of large size. 0. C. 4151.

From Melville Island.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.

734. A mutilated cranium. No. 266, Catalogue of 1831.

The teeth have been removed from the upper and lower jaws of one side, and are displayed separately.


Genus GALICTIS. Bell, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 45. Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. m. \, =f : total 34.

Galictis barbara.

Mustela barbara, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 67 (1766). Galera barbara, Gray, List of Mamm. Brit. Mus. 1843, p. 69.

The Tayra.

Hab. South America.



735. Skull and bones of the limbs.

The skull is mutilated behind ; but the teeth are perfect. Taken from a skin received from Bogota.

Purchased, 1868.

736. Skull. 0. C. 4132. Purchased.

737. Skull. Purchased.

From Brazil.

Galictis vittata.

Viverra vittata, Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. p. 447 (1778). Grisonia vittata, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 122.

The Grison. Hob. South America.

738. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 16, L. 5, S. 3, C. 21. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series. Prepared from an animal which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1868.


Ictonyx, Kaup, Thierreich, i. p. 352 (1835). Rhabdoc/ale, Wiegmann, Archiv, 1838, iii. p. 278.

Dentition : i. c. \, p. m. \, =§: total 34.

Ictonyx zorilla.

? Viverra zorilla, Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. p. 445 (17781. ex Buffon. Viverra zorilla, Thunberg, Mem. de l'Acad. do St. Petersbourg, iii.

p. 306 (1811). Ictonyx capensis, Kaup, Thierreich, i. p. 353 (1835). Rhabdogale mustelina, Wagner, Schrebor, Suppl. ii. p. 219 (1841). Zorilla striata (Shaw), Gray, List Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 67


//V'. South Africa.




Ictonyx zorilla.

739. Skull. O.C.4172.

From the Cape of Good Hope.


740. Skull and atlas and axis vertebrae.

Genus HELICTIS. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 94. Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. \, m. \, =^ : total 38.

Helictis nepalensis.

Ghdo nipalensis, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. p. 237 (1836). Hab. Nepal.

741. Skull.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

Genus MELLIVORA. Storr, Prodromus Method. Mamm. p. 34 (1780).

Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. f, m. \, : total 32.

Mellivora indica.

Meles indicus, Boddaert, Elenchus Animalium, i. p. 80 (1785).

The Indian Ratel. Hab. India.

742. Skeleton. 0. C. 4112.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 4, S. 4, C. 15.

Presented by William Crozier, Esq., 1852.



743. Skeleton, nearly complete. 0. C. 4113-4131.

Presented by Colonel Everest, 1841.

744. Skull, $. 0. C. 4114.


Genus TAXIDEA. Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1838, p. 154. Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. § , m. : total 84.

Taxidea americana.

Ursus taxus*, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. tab. cxlii. b. (1778). Meles taxus (3. Americanus, Boddaert, Elencbus Animalium, i. p. 80 (1785).

Meles americanus, Zimmermann, Pennant's Arktiscbe Zool. i. p. 74 (1787).

Ursus labradorhis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 102 (1788).

The American Badger.

Hab. North America.

745. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 16 (incomplete).

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

746. Skull.

Prom Labrador.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1869.

Genus MELES. Storr, Prodromus Mctbod. Mamm. (1780). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f, m. \, =^°o : total 38.

* This specific name is now universally adopted for the European Badger, though the above appears to have been its first application after the estab- lishment of the binomial system of nomenclature.




Meles taxus.

Ursns meles, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 70 (1766) ; Schreber,

Saugthiere, iii. p. 516, tab. cxlii. (1778). Meles taxus, Boddaert, Elenchus Animalium, i. p. 80 (1785). Meles vulgaris, Desmarest, Hammalogie, p. 173 (1820).

The Common Badger.

Hob. Europe and Northern Asia.

747. Skeleton. 0. C. 4091.

The first premolar is absent on both sides above and quite rudimentary below.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 18.


748. Skeleton. O. C. 4092.

The first premolar is absent from both maxillae. The cor- responding tooth of the right side of the mandible is extremely small ; the left is also small.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 18.

Presented by Wm. Clift, Esq.

749. Skull, and nearly complete skeleton. O. C. 4097-4110.

The first premolar is absent from both maxillae, and of small size in the mandible.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. absent.

The last or fifteenth dorsal vertebra is intermediate in form between a dorsal and a lumbar vertebra, having a small anky- losed pleurapophysis on the right side.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

750. Skull, vertebral column, and pelvis.

The full dentition is present.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 3, C. incomplete.

Purchased, 1858.

751. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 4094.

The full dentition is present.




752. Skull. 0. C. 4095.

There is no trace of the first premolar in either maxilla ; but the corresponding teeth are present in the mandible.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

753. Skull. 0. C.4096.

There is no sign of a first premolar ever having been deve- loped in either maxilla ; and Ei_2 is close to the canine tooth. ^ pTT is absent, but r ^\ present.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

754. Skull. O.C.4093.

The first premolar is absent on both sides in the upper jaw and mandible.

Presented by Sir R. W. Vaughan.

755. Skull of young.

The permanent dentition number of teeth is present, size, both in the maxillae and

From Worcestershire.

has been acquired ; and the full The first premolar is of very small mandible.

Purchased, 1875.

Genus MYDAUS. Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1821). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f, m. =-§ : total 34.

Mydaus meliceps.

Fred. Cuvier, loc. cit.

The Javan Skunk or Teledu.

IJab. Java.



Mydaus meliceps.

756. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4111.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 9 (not complete).

Hunter ian.

Genus ARCTONYX. Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Hammiferes (1825). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. : total 38.

Arctonyx collaris.

Fred. Cuvier, loc. tit.

The Indian Badger or Bhalu-soor. Hab. Northern India.

757. Articulated skeleton of female.

The first and second upper premolars are very feebly developed, as is the first in the mandible.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 16, L. 4, S. 4, C. 20.

The skeleton was prepared from an animal (from Tavoy) which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society from 6 August 1867 to 29 January 1874.

Purchased, 1874.

Genus MEPHITIS. Cuvier, Tab. de Classif. in Lecons d'Anat. Comp. i. (1800). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. : total 34.

Mephitis mephitica.

Viverra rnephitica, Shaw, Mus. Leverianum, p. 173 (1792).

The Common Skunk.

Hab. North America.

mustelidjE. 151

758. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 16, L. 6, S. 2, C. 21.

Purchased, 1868.

759. Skull. 0. C. 4232.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

Genus CONEPATUS. Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, i. p. 581 (1837). Teeth usually : i. c. \, p. §, ru. \, : total 32.

Conepatus mapurito.

Viverra mapurito, Gmelin, Syst. Wat. i. p. 88 (1788). Mephitis nasuta, Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 39.

Hab. Central America, and parts of North and South America.

760. Skull.

From Costa Rica.

Purchased, 1879.

Genus LUTRA. Erxleben, Syst. Regn. Animal, p. 445 (1777). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f , m. : total 36.

Lutra vulgaris.

Mustela lutra, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 66 (1766). Lutra vulgaris, Erxleben, op. cit. p. 448.

The Common Otter.

//"/>. Europe and North Asia.

152 CARNIVORA. Lutra vulgaris.

761. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 2, C. 26. From Norfolk.

Purchased, 1872.

762. Skeleton. 0. C. 4233.

Vertebrse : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 21 (incomplete).

Presented by William Yarrell, Esq.

763. Skeleton of a male. 0. C. 4234.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 25.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

764. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 4242-4262.


765. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 4237 & 4238.


766. Skull of male. 0. C. 4235.

The teetb have been removed from the upper and lower jaws on tbe right side and are displayed separately.


767. Skull of male. 0. C.4236.

Hunterian .

768. Skull. O.C.4263.


769. Skeleton of young.

Tbe dentition is in a transitional state.




770. Skull of young female. 0. C. 4239.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

The two following specimens belong to the variety described by the donor (Journ. Asiatic Society of Bengal, viii. 1839, p. 320) under the name of Lutra monticola :

771. Skull.

From Nepal.

772. Mutilated cranium.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.

Lutra canadensis.

Mustela canadensis, Turton, ed. Linn. Syst. Naturae, i. p. 57 (1806).

The North-American Otter.

Hab. North America.

773. Skull of female. 0. C. 4240.


774. Skull.

The first premolar is absent in both maxillae.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

775. Vertically and longitudinally bisected skull of an old

female. O. C. 4241.

All the Butures are obliterated.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.



Lutra felina.

Mustela felina, Molina, Saggio Stor. Nat. del Chili, p. 284 (1782).

776. Skull.

Prom San Lorenzo, Ecuador.

Presented by Charles Ede, Esq., R.N.

Genus AONYX. Lesson, Manuel de Mammalogie, p. 157 (1827). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. = § : total 36.

Aonyx leptonyx.

Lutra leptonyx, Horsfield, Zoological Researches, no. viii. 1823-4.

The Javan Otter.

Hab. Java, Sumatra, Borneo.

777. Articulated skeleton.

Eii is absent on the left side.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 20.

From Java, collected by Dr. Ploem.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.

Genus ENHYDRA. Fleming, Philosophy of Zoology, ii. p. 187 (1822). Dentition : i. ■§, c. \, p. §, m. \, =| : total 32.

Enhydra lutris.

Mustela lutris, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 66 (1766). Lutra marina, Erxleben, Syst. Animal, p. 445 (1777). Enhydris marina of many authors.

The Sea-Otter.

Hab. Coasts of North Pacific.



778. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 16 (incomplete). Presented by Wallis Nash, Esq., and H. N. Moseley, 1881.

779. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 21. From Alaska.

Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 1868.

780. Mutilated skull of young.

The permanent incisors of both upper and lower jaws have been acquired. The upper left milk-canine is in place ; close to this is a very minute tooth, evidently 2il (absent on the right side). The small permanent EiJ is next ; and then follow dm- 1 and dm- 2.

Purchased, 1877.


Genus PROCYON. Storr, Prodromus Method. Mamm. p. 35 (1780). Dentition : i. § , c. \, p. f , m. f , : total 40.

Procyon lotor.

Ursus lotor, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. cd. 12, i. p. 70 (1766).

The Raccoon.

Ilab. North America.

781. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4051.

Vertebra; : C. 7, 1). 14, L. 6, 8. 3, C. 16 (incomplete).




Procyon lotor.

782. Skeleton. 0. C. 4052.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 15 (incomplete).


783. Skeleton.

The first upper premolar is absent on both sides.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18.

The first lumbar vertebra appears to have borne a rudimen- tary free rib on the left side, but has the normal lumbar trans- verse process on the right.


784. Skeleton. 0. C. 4053-4056.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 14 (incomplete).


785. Skull and bones of the extremities.

Of smaller size than the others, probably § . The first upper premolar is absent on both sides.

786. Skull. O.C.4057.

The teeth have been removed from the upper and lower jaws of the left side, and are displayed separately.


787. Skull.

Prom New Jersey.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

788. Skull of young.

The milk-molars are still present, although much worn. Both first and second permanent molars arc also in place.

Purchased, 1881.


789. Four specimons of the os penis. 0. C. 40G0-40G3.


Genus NASUA. Storr, Prodroinus Meth. Mamm. p. 35 (1780)*. Dentition :— i. f, c. |, p. f , m. f , = : total 40.

Nasua rufa.

Viverra nasua, Linnoeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 64 (1766). Nasua rufa, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 170 (1820).

The Ring-tailed Coati ; Brazilian Coati.

Hab. South America.

790. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 4065.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 19 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

791. Skeleton. O. C. 4064.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 2, C. 19 (incomplete).


792. Skeleton. O. C. 4070-4079.

The cranium has been injured ; and the atlas and some other bones are missing.


793. Skeleton. O. C. 4068 and 4080-4084.

The cranium has been vertically and longitudinally bisected, and the right half only preserved.

Presented by Professor Oicen.

* For the nomenclature of the species of this genus, see J. A. Allen, ' Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geograph. Survey of the Territories,' vol. v. no. 2 (1879).


Nasua rufa.

794. Skull. 0.0. 4066.

The teeth of the left side of the upper and lower jaws have been removed and are separately displayed.


795. Skull. 0. C. 4067. Purchased.

796. Skull of male.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1870.

797. Some of the bones of the skull of a young Coati.

The deciduous canines and molars are retained.


Nasua narica.

Viverra narica, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 64 (1766). Nasua nasica, Alston, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Hamm. p. 74 (1880).

The White-nosed Coati ; Mexican Coati.

Hah. Central America and Peru.

798. Skull of young, with milk-dentition.

From Central America.

Presented by Osbert Salvin, Esq., 1867.

Genus BASSARIS. Lichtenstein, Isis, 1831, p. 512. Dentition : i. c. \, p. f, m. §, =}g : total 40.

Bassaris astuta.

Lichtenstein, loc. cit. p. 513.

Hab. Mexico.

procyonid.<e. 159


799. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 3, C. 23.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological

Society, 1854. .

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1854.


Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 127 (1811). Dentition :— i. f, c. {, p. f , m. § , =$ : total 36.

Cercoleptes caudivolvulus.

Viverra caudivolvula (Pallas), Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. p. 453 (1778).

The Kinkajou. Hab. South America.

800. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26 (complete). From a wild animal, shot in South America.

Purchased, 1869.

801. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 4085.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 28.

802. Skeleton of male.


Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 26. From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, May 1871.

Purchased, 1871.

803. Imperfect skeleton, wanting the skull. O. C. 4087-4090. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 29.




Cercoleptes caudi volvulus.

804. Skull.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1875.

805. Skull. 0. C. 4086. Hunterian.


Genus AILURUS. Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1825). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f, m. f, =-\o ' total 38.

Ailurus fulgens.

Fred. Cuvier, loc. cit.

The Panda.

Hab. Eastern Himalayas.

806. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 18.

From the animal the anatomy of which formed the subject of a memoir in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1870, p. 752.

Purchased, 1869.



Hycenarctos, Falconer and Cautley (1845 ?).

Agriotherium, "Wagner, Miinchener gelehrte Anz. 1837 ( fide Agassiz).

f^ufenarctos Stbalciuate.

Ursus sivalensis, Cautley and Falconer, Asiatic Researches, vol. xix. p. 193 (1836).

* For the history of this genus and the difficulties of its synonymy, see Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1877, p. 535.



807. Cast of the right upper first molar tootb.

From the original, in tho Canliam Collection in the Ipswich Museum, from the Red Crag of Suffolk. Described and figured in tho ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London,' August, 1877, p. 534.

Presented by the Rev. H. Canliam, 1877.

808. Cast of the left upper first molar tooth.

The original, also from the Rod Crag of Suffolk, is in the Reed Collection in the York Museum, and is referred to in the above-cited paper.

Presented by W. Reed, Esq.


Ailurqpoda, Alph. Milne-Edwards, Ann. des Sc. Nat. serie 5, xiii. art. no. 40 (1870). Withdrawn in favour of

Ailuropus, Alph. Milne-Edwards, Nouvelles Archives du Museum, vii. Bulletin, p. 88 (1871).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. m. §, =40.

Ailuropus melanoleucus.

Ursus melanoleucus, David, Nouvelles Archives du Museum, v. Bulletin, p. 13 (1869).

Hal>. Eastern Tibet.

809. Cast of skull of male.

Prom the original in the Paris Museum.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1874.

810. Casts of the upper and lower series of teeth of the right

side of adult.

From the originals in the Paris Museum. Presented by Professor Alphonse Milne-Edioards, 1872. PART II. M



Ailuropus melanoleucus.

811. Casts of the upper and lower series of teeth of the right side of a younger individual.

From the originals in the Paris Museum. Presented by Professor Alphonse Milne-Edwards, 1872.

Genus URSUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 69 (1766). Dentition : i. c. \, p. m. §, =42.

The three anterior premolars above and below are very small, one-rooted, and often early deciduous, especially the second, which is rarely present in adult animals.

Ursus malayanus.

Ursus malayanus, Baffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 254 (1822). Helarctos malayanus, Horsfield, Zool. Journ. ii. pp. 221-234 (1825).

The Malayan Beau.

Hah. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo.

812. Skull.

From an animal which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. The bones are in a rather porous state.

Purchased, 1868.

813. Skull of young.

The permanent teeth are in place.

Purchased, 1868.

814. Skull of a still younger individual.

The milk-canines remain ; but the rest of the teeth present belong to the permanent series.

Purchased, 1868.



Ursus or n at us.

Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1825).

The Spectacled Bear. Hab. Andes of Peru.

815. Skull.

Dentition complete, with a supernumerary tooth on the left side of the maxilla, placed internally and slightly posteriorly to the third premolar.

Received in exchange from the Paris Museum, 1870.

816. Casts of the dentary portions of the left maxilla ana tne

right ramus of the mandible, with the teeth.

Of larger size than the previous specimen. Prom originals in the Paris Museum.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

Ursus americanus.

Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, xiv. p. 6 (1780).

The American Black Bear. Hob. North America.

817. Skeleton. 0. C. 4013.

In the upper jaw the full dentition is present; but in the lower jaw p. 2 and p. 3 are absent.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 10 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

818. Skull and bones of female.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 5, C. incomplete. From a very old animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, Nov. 18G3.

Purchased, 1863. M 2


Ursus americanus.

819. Skull. O. C. 4047.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

820. Skull.

From Labrador.

Purchased, 1877.

821. Skull.

From Labrador.

This and the previous specimen were obtained at the same time and from the same locality ; they are also of the same age, size, and general form, but show interesting individual vari- ations in two characters often thought of specific or even generic importance, viz. the form of the hinder margin of the palate, and the extent to which the premaxillaries and frontals approach each other on the sides of the nasal bones.

Purchased, 1877.

822. Skull. 0. C. 4015.

The teeth of the left side of the upper and lower jaws have been removed and are separately displayed.


823. Skull. 0. C.4014.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.

824. Skull of a Bear.

From the animal figured and described by Sclater (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 73, pi." viii., see also 1871, p. 232) from external characters when alive in the Society's Gardens, under the name of Ursus nasutvs ; the cranial and dental characters, however, correspond with those of U. americanus. The bones are in a very diseased state.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1871.



Ursus tibetanus.

Fred. Cuvier, Diet, des Sciences Nat. xxxvii. p. 56 (1825).

The Himalayan Black Bear. Hob. Northern India and China.

825. Skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 5, C. imperfect.

The patella? are wanting.

From an animal shot near Hussourah, Bengal.

Presented by Dr. Alfred J. Wall and Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.L, 1877.

826. Skull, 6. O.O. 4044.

From an animal shot on the Gogan range in Kumaon, North India.


827. Shull, $. 0. C. 4045.

From the same locality.


828. Skull.

From Cashmere.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A., 1871.

829. Skull.

From Cashmere.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A., 1871.

830. Skull of young.

The milk-canines and outer incisors remain. The posterior permanent molars have not yet risen above the alveoli. From Cashmere.

Presented by Captain H. V. Brooke, d2nd Regiment, 1876.



Ursus tibetanus.

831. Mutilated skull of young.

Of smaller size, but with tbe dentition slightly more advanced than the last, probably a female. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq.


832. Cranium of a Bear, apparently of this species.

Origin unknown.

833. Cranium of a Bear ( U. ?).

Found in the stores among Hodgson's Nepal Collection, and certainly from India.

It differs from all the other crania of bears in the collection in the shortness of the premaxillary bones.

834. Cranium of a young Bear (£7. ?).

From India. Found in the stores "with the last; without history.

Ursus arctos.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 69 (1766).

The Brown Bear.

Hab. Europe and Northern Asia.

835. Skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 5, C. wanting. From Telemarken, in Norway.

Received in exchange from the Christiania Museum, 1878.

836. Skull.

Purchased, 1868.

UESIDiE. 107

837. Skull of young. 0. C. 4046.

Tho permanent dentition is acquired ; but the canines are not fully exserted.

Presented by Samuel Stutchbury, Esq., 1820.

838. Skull of young.

All the permanent teeth are in place ; but the canines are not fully developed. The specimen has probably been taken from an animal in confinement, as the teeth are not well formed.

839. Eight ramus of mandible, with the canine and the majority of the premolar and molar teeth.

From the Gower Cave, South Wales. (Dr. Falconer's Col- lection).

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

The following casts, illustrating the range of variation of the teeth of this species, were presented by George Busk, Esq., in 1882.

840. Casts of the teeth of the right maxilla and of the left


From a specimen in the Paris Museum, marked " Martin."

841. Casts of the teeth of the left maxilla and of the left man-


From a specimen in the British Museum, No. 218 g.

842. Cast of the left maxillary teeth.

From a specimen in the British Museum, No. 218.


Ursus arctos.

843. Cast of the left mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the British Museum (218 e), called Myrmarctos eversmanni by Dr. Gray.

844. Cast of the right maxillary and left mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the Paris Museum, where it is marked U. norvegicus, Fred. Cuvier.

845. Cast of left mandibular teeth.

From the same specimen.

846. Cast of the right mandibular teeth.

From a specimen found in the Genista cave in the Eock of Gibraltar*.

847. Cast of the left mandibular teeth.

From a specimen found in Brixbam Cave, near Torquayf.

848. Three casts of canine teeth.

From specimens found in Brixham Cave.

849. Cast of left posterior upper molar tooth.

From a specimen found in Brixham Cave.

* See Busk, " On the Ancient or Quaternary Fauna of Gibraltar," Trans. Zoological Society, vol. x. p. 73 (187G).

t See " Report on the Exploration of the Brixham Cave," Philosophical Transactions for 1873, vol. 163, p. 471.



Ursus isabellinus.

Horsfield, Trans. Linncan Soc. vol. xv. p. 332 (1826).

The Isabelline Beae.

Hob. The Himalaya Mountains.

This species is closely allied to, if not merely a local variety of, U. arctos.

850. Skull.

From Cashmere.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A., 1871.

851. Skull.

From Cashmere.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A., 1871.

852. Skull.

From Cashmere.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A., 1871.

853. Skull.

The occiput is mutilated. From Simla.

Purchased, 1868.

Ursus horribilis.

Ursus liorribilis, Ord, in Guthrie's Geography, 2nd American ed. ii. pp. 291, 299 (1815) (jfSefo Baird) ; Journ. de Physique, lxxvii. p. 152 (1818) ; Say, in Long's Exped. Rocky Mountains, ii. p. 52 (1823) ; Baird, Mammals of North America, p. 219 (1859).

U. cinereus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 1G4 (1820).

U.ferox (Lewis and Clarke, Travels to Missouri), ibid. p. 164*.

The Grizzly Bear.

Hab. North America.

* This name is given hy Dcsmnrest as a synonym of his U. cinereu*. It was adopted by Richardson (Fauna Borcnli-Americana, vol. i. p. 24, 1829) ; but it docs not occur in the work of Lewis and Clarke cited, published in 1814.


Ursus horribilis.

854. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 6, C. 9. The os penis, sent with the skeleton, is in the Physiological Series.

Prepared from an animal killed on the Yellowstone Kiver, Montana, U. S. America.

Purchased, 1875.

855. Skull and imperfect skeleton of adolescent male. 0. 0.


From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society. (Hunterian Substitute, 1843.)

856. Skull.

Prom an animal killed near Port Edmonston on the North Saskatchewan.

Presented by Dr. John Rae, 1878.

857. Skull.

Prom an animal " shot near Cheyenne in the Wyoming Ter- ritory, about 200 miles from the foot of the Rocky Mountains ; regarded by the slayer as a young Grizzly."

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1869.

858. Right ramus of mandible, assigned by the donor to this


Prom Gower Cave, South Wales. (Dr. Falconer's Collection.)

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

859. Left ramus of mandible, assigned by the donor to this


From Gower Cave, South Wales. (Dr. Falconer's Collection.)

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.



The following casts, illustrating the range of variation of the teeth of this species, were presented by George Busk, Esq., in 1882.

860. Casts of the left maxillary and left mandibular teeth.

From specimens from California in the Paris Museum, figured by De Blainville, ' Osteographie,' vol. ii. pi. 6.

861. Casts of the left maxillary and mandibular teeth. From a specimen in the Paris Museum.

862. Casts of the maxillary and mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the Paris Museum marked $ , and pre- sented by Col. Fremont, from California.

863. Casts of the right maxillary and mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the museum at Haslar Hospital, pre- sented by Sir J. Kichardson.

864. Casts of the maxillary and mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the Leeds Museum.


Cast of the right maxillary teeth.

From a specimen in the British Museum.


I ;ist of the left mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the British Musoum (No. 1137 k).



Ursus horribilis.

867. Cast of the dentary margin of the right ramus of the

mandible with the milk-dentition.

868. Oasts of the much-worn right and left maxillary and right

mandibular teeth.

From a specimen in the British Museum marked " Barren- Ground Bear "*.

Ursus fossilis, Goldfuss, Acad. Cses. Leop. Nov. Acta, x. (1821) pp. 259-276.

Ursus priscus, Goldfuss, ibidem, xi. pt. 2, p. 468 (1823) ; Cuvier, Ossem. fossiles, iv. p. 380 (1823).

This and the next nominal species are, according to Mr. Busk, undistinguishable by dental and osteological characters from the existing Grizzly Bear of North America f.

869. Anterior extremity of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 37.

This specimen was numbered r 18 in the original Hunterian Catalogue of Fossils, and is said to be from Germany.


870. Six teeth (viz. upper incisor, three canines, right upper

penultimate molar, and left lower penultimate molar) re- ferred to this species. 0. C. F. Nos. 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, and 41.

See Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' 1846, p. 84. Found in 1820 in one of the limestone caverns at Oreston, near Plymouth:}:.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq.

* This is regarded by Mr. Busk as in all probability a distinct species, apparently the form named U. hoiriaeus by Baird (see Phil. Trans, for 1873, p. 547).

t See Philosophical Transactions for 1873, vol. 163, p. 543 ; and Transac- tions of the Zoological Society, vol. x. p. G4.

X For an account of these caverns and their contents, see Philosophical Transactions, 1821, pp. 133-5, and 1823, pp. 78-90.



The following casts from specimens attributed to tbis species were presented by George Busk, Esq., in 1882.

871. Casts of the right and left maxillary and right mandibular


Prom the type specimen of Goldfuss in the British Museum.

872. Cast of the dentary border, with some of the teeth, of the

left ramus of a mandible.

From a specimen found in Brixham Cave.

873. Cast of a canine tooth.

From a specimen found in Brixham Cave.

iSrsm; fcourcjutgnatt, Lartet, Ann. Sciences Nat. ser. 5, vol. viii. p. 161 (1867).

874. Cast of cranium.

The original is from " la caverne de Mars," near Vence, Alpes Maritimes, France.

Presented by Prof. Milne Edwards, 1868.

2UnfuS avbcvncmfte,

Croizct et Jobert, Rech. s. les ossemens fossiles du Dep. du Puy-de- Dome, p. 188 (1828).

875. Cast of the dentary border and teeth of the right maxilla.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.



Kosenmueller, Oss. fossil, animal, p. 18 (1794).

876. Cranium, <J. 0. C. F. 1.

Described and figured by John Hunter, Phil. Trans, vol. lxxxiv. p. 416, pi. xix. fig. 1 (1794). It was presented to Hunter by the Margrave of Anspach.

Prom the Bone-cave at Gailenreuth near Streitburg, Bavaria.


877. Cranium. 0. C. F. 2.

Described and figured by Hunter, loc. cit. pi. xix. fig. 2. From Gailenreuth*.


878. Mutilated cranium. 0. C. F. 3.


879. Poster or portion of cranium. 0. C. F. 4.

Described and figured by Hunter, loc. cit. pi. xx. fig. 1.


880. A mass of stalactite enveloping a portion of the cranium. 0. C. F. 5.


881. Portion of the left maxilla and palate-bones, including the three posterior molar teeth. 0. C. F. 6.


* When not otherwise expressed, all the Hunterian specimens of Ursus spelcBus form part of the original collection from the bone-cave of Gailenreuth, presented to Hunter by the Margrave of Anspach, and noticed in the above- cited paper in the Philosophical Transactions.



882. Left superior maxilla, with the three posterior molar teeth. 0. C. F. 7. Hunterian.

883. Portion of the left superior maxilla with the last molar. 0. C. F. 8.

The surface of the tooth is quite entire and unworn.


884. Portion of the right superior maxilla containing the three unworn posterior molars. 0. C. F. 9. Hunterian.

885. Prasmaxillse and part of the maxillae, with the sockets of the incisor and canine teeth. 0. C. F. 10.


886. Right ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 11.


887. Posterior part of left ramus of mandible, with the last two molar teeth. Hunterian.

888. Right ramus of mandible, with canine and molar teeth. 0. C. F. 12. Hunterian.

889. Left ramus of mandible, with canine and molar teeth. 0. C. F. 13. Hunterian.



890. Left ramus of mandible. 0. 0. F. 14.


891. Posterior portion of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 15.


892. Fragment of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 16.

This specimen is included in the original Hunterian Catalogue of Eossils (No. r 17), where it is ascribed to the " White Bear," and stated to be from Bauman's Cavern in Germany.


893. Portion of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 17.

894. Anterior portion of left ramus of mandible, with the canine

895. Fragment of right ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 19.



tooth. 0. C. F. 18.


896. Left upper first incisor. 0. C. F. 21.


897. Left upper lateral incisor. 0. C. F. 20.


898. Crown of canine tooth. 0. C. F. 26.


899. Left upper penultimate molar. 0. 0. F. 31. Hunterian.



900. Throe upper posterior molars. 0. C. F. 32, 33, &34.


901. Eight upper posterior molar. 0. C. F. 35.

This specimen was numbered "r 14" in the original Hunterian Catalogue of Fossils, in which it is stated to be from Bauman'a Cavern in the Hartz Forest, Germany.


902. Right lower sectorial or first molar. 0. C. 36.


903. Right lower posterior molar. Hunterian ?

904. Cranium of large size.

From the south of France.

This specimen was presented by M. Filhol, Director of the School of Medicine, Toulouse, to Mr. H. Christy, on xohose decease, in 1865, it was trans- ferred by his Executors to this Museum.

905. Anterior portion of both rami of the lower jaw.

From a cave in Belgium.

Presented by Professor D. T. Ansted, 1845.

906. Cast of the greater part of the left ramus of the lower jaw.

From a specimen found in a cave in the Apennines, with human remains of the polished-stone period.

Presented by Sir John Lubbock, 1868.

907. Right ramus of mandible.

The posterior portion is supposed to have been gnawed by Hysenas.

From L'Herm (Ariege), France.

Presented by George Buskf Esq., 1882. vajit n. N



908. Two canine teeth. 0. C. F. 23.

One of these is figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds' (1846), fig. 29, p. 91, as a specimen from Kent's Hole, Torquay, which illustrates " the formidable size which the old males of the Ursus spelceus attained in this country ; " but they are stated in the Catalogue to be both from the cave at Kiihloch, Saxony*, and presented by

M. Augustus Vautier de Saltilcoff.

909. Three upper canine teeth.

Prom L'Herm (Ariege), .France.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

910. Three lower canine teeth.

From L'Herm (Arie'ge), France.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

911. Cast of a large lower canine tooth.

The original was found in Wokey Hole, Somersetshire.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

912. Two posterior lower molars.

From L'Herm.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

913. A left posterior lower molar.

From Victoria Cave, Settle.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

* A graphic description of this cave is given in Bnckland's ' JReliquire Diluviante/ p. \'}>7.

i-rsidjE. 179

914. Two small canine teeth. 0. C.F. 24 & 25.

Doiibtfully referred to Ursus spelceus. From Kent's Hole, near Torquay.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

915. Portion of the posterior part of left ramus of the lower

jaw, with the three true molars in place. 0. C. F. 38.

This specimen, (which may not belong to U. spelceus) is "p 11 " of the Hunterian Catalogue of Fossils ; but the locality from which it was obtained is not given.


916. Atlas, axis, and three lumbar vertebra?. 0. C. 42, 43, 44,

45 & 46.


917. Some lumbar vertebrae and other bones cemented together

by a mass of stalactite. 0. C. F. 47.


918. Sacrum. 0. C.F. 48.


919. A right and a left humerus. 0. C. F. 50 & 51.

The left corresponds with the lower figure of the humerus in pi. xx. of Hunter's memoir, Phil. Trans. (1794). It has a large intercondyloid foramen.


920. Right humerus. 0. C F. 49.


921. Right radius. 0. C. F. 55.

From the bone-cave at Muggendorf.

Presented by M. August Vautier de Saltikoff, 1831.




922. Proximal half of left ulna. 0. C. F. 53.

From Oreston.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq., 1820.

923. Right ulna. 0. C. 52.

From Gailenreuth.

924. Right femur. 0. C. F. 58.

From the bone-cave at Muggendorf.

Presented by M. A. Vautier de Saltikoff, 1831.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

925. Left femur. 0. C. F. 59.


926. Right femur, wanting the proximal extremity.

927. Right and left fibulae.

From near Toulouse.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

928. Left pisiform bone. 0. C. F. 57.


929. Middle metatarsal of right foot. 0. C. F. 60.

I Tun t man.



Ursus maritimus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p, 70 (1766).

The Polar Bear. Hob. Arctic regions.

930. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 3988-4011.

The skull is divided transversely and vertically into three segments.


931. Imperfect skeleton of an adolescent animal.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 5, C. incomplete. Several of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

932. Articulated skeleton, young. 0. C. 3979.

Vertebrae ; C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 5, C. incomplete.

Brookes Collection, Purchased, 1828.

933. Skull. 0. C. 3982. Hunterian.

934. Skull, o* . 0. C. 3984. Hunterian.

935. Skull, 6 .

936. Skull. 0. C.3985.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty.

937. Skull, ? .


Ursus maritimus.

938. Skull. 0. C. 3886.

Presented by W. Gaitshell, Esq., 1820.

939. Skull. 0. C. 3987.

Presented by Sir W. B lizard, 1812.

940. Skull, 2.

From Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

941. Skull.

942. Skull.

943. Cranium. 0. 0. 3980.

Evidently that of a very old animal. The alveolar borders are diseased.


944. Cranium, longitudinally and vertically bisected : <$ . 0. C.

3981. Presented by Dr. Leach.

945. Cranium, tf. C. C. 3983.

It has heen longitudinally and vertically bisected.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.


Melursus, F. A. A. Meyer, Uebersicht der neuesten zoologischen

Entdeckungen, &c, p. 155 (1793). Prochilus, Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mam. et Av. p. 109 (1811).

Dentition : i. c. \, p. in. §: total 40.

The first upper incisor appears to be represented only by a minute tooth in the milk-dentition. In all adult skulls it is absent.



Melursus ur sinus.

Bradypus ursinus, Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, no. 19. pis. 58 & 59 (1791), Gen. Zool. i. pt. 1, p. 159 (1800).

Melursus lybius, Meyer, loc. cit. p. 156 (1793).

Orsus labiatus, De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. p. 74 (1817).

The Sloth Bear.

Hub. India.

946. Skeleton.

The last two segments of the limbs are wanting.

The skull and left scapula show marks of recovery from serious injuries. The alveolar margins of the jaws are ex- tensively diseased, and many of the teeth lost.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 6, C. incomplete.

Shot by the donor in the Eohilkand Terai, Northern India, 14 February 1876.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., 1876.

947. Skeleton.

The last two segments of the limbs are wanting. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 5, C. inconrplete. From the Eohilkand Terai.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., 1876.

948. Articulated skeleton of female. 0. C. 4037.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 5, C. 11. From an animal which had been kept alive in this country for many years.

Purchased, 1828.

949. Skull. 0. C. 4038.

This specimen is figured in Cuvier's ' Ossemeus Fossiles,' iv. pi. xxiii. fig. 6, and referred to at p. 334 of the same volume (ed. 1823).

Presented by Sir /"Jvcrarcl Home.



Melursus ursinus.

950. Skull of male.

From Maunbhoom, Bengal, 1865.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

951. Skull of male.

From Maunbhoom, Bengal, 1865.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

952. Skull of male.

From Maunbhoom, Bengal, 1865.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

953. Skull of female. 0. C. 4040.

Traces of the alveolar sockets of the central upper incisors remain.

The teeth have been removed from the left side, and are dis- played separately.


954. Skull of female.

Sockets of the central upper incisors are present.

955. Skull of female. 0. C. 4039.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

956. Cranium, 6 .

957. Cranium, <3 .

958. Skull of very young.

The milk-dentition is present, with the minute first upper incisor in place.

From the Rohilkand Terai.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., 1876 ,




Genus HY^iNODON. De Laizer et de Parieu, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. vii. p. 442 (1838).

nnoHo n I) rari) v fijunci) \ii . De Blainville, Osteographie, Gen. Canis p. 113, Subursus pi. 17.

959. Cast of skull.

The original from Rabastens (Tarn) is figured by De Blain- ville, loc. cit.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History.

^wenoUon bulpmusf.

Gervais, Journal de Zoologie, ii. p. 374 (1873).

960. Portion of the right ramus of the lower jaw.

From the phosphoritic deposits of Quercy, south of France.

Presented by M. H. Filhol, 1878.

961. Portion of the lower jaw of a 3roung specimen of a larger

species of ITycenodon, showing the milk-molars and crowns of the permanent premolars in their formative alveoli.

The completely diphyodont character of Ilycenodon, and its consequent disagreement in this respect with the Marsupialia, in which order it has been placed by some zoologists, is demon- strated in this specimen.

From the samo deposit as the last.

Presented by M, H. Filhol, 1878.




" Palceocyon ou mieux Arctocyon," De Blainville, Osteographie, ii. Gen. Subursns, p. 73.

&rctocptm pnm«ebu$.

Palceocyon p/rimcevus, De Blainville, op. cit. p. 121, pi. 13.

962. Cast of cranium.

The original, from the Inferior Eocene of La Fere, Aisnee, France, is figured in De Blainville 's ' Osteographie.'

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1870.

963. Cast of interior of cranial cavity.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1870.



Genus OTARIA. Peron, Voyage aux Terres Australes, ii. p. 37 footnote (1816). Dentition :— i. f, c. j-, p. f, m. ^ =34 or 36.

* The nomenclature of this group has recently been carefully revised by J. A. Allen (' History of North- American Pinnipeds,' Washington, 1880). As this work is likely to become a standard authority on the subject, the names used in this Catalogue have been brought, as much as possible, into harmony with it, except in following the excessive multiplication of generic divisions instituted by Gray and Gill.



Otaria jubata.

Phoca jubata, Schreber, Siiugthiere, Hi. p. 300, tab. 83 b (1776?) ; Erxleben, Syst. Reg. An. (quoting Schreber), p. 582 (1777).

The Southern Sea-Lion. Hob. Coasts of Southern America.

Dentition : i. ■§, c. \, p. ±, m. =36.

964. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 8. From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., Secretary to the Falkland Islands Company, 1877.

965. Bones of the trunk of a young individual.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. incomplete. From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869.

966. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected, of male.

0. C. 3971.

The animal from which this specimen was taken, was killed in Public Sound, Falkland Islands, by Lieut. Robinson, R.N.

Presented by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort, Ilydrographer to the Admiralty, 1842.

967. Skull, with the hyoid arch, of male. 0. C. 3970. From the same locality.

Presented by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort, 1842.



Otaria jubata.

968. Skull of female. 0. C. 3968.

From the same locality.

Presented by Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort, 1842.

969. Skull of male.

Prom the Falkland Islands.

Presented by the Falkland Islands Company, 1867.

970. Skull of an old male.

Found at Dungeness Point, South-east Patagonia, Jan. 12th, 1867, by Dr. R. 0. Cunningham, H.M.S. 'Nassau.'

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty, 1868.

971. Skull of male.

From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by Dr. Horace N. Watts, Colonial Surgeon, Falkland Islands, 1874.

972. Cranium of an old male.

From Walker Creek, Falkland Islands.

Presented by Mr. James Campbell, 1880.

973. Cranium of an old female.

From the Bame locality.

This and the preceding specimen, both of aged animals, show very well the characteristic differences in the crania of the two sexes. While the brain-cavity is nearly of the same size and figure in both, the jaws, teeth, and all the processes for the attachment of muscles are greatly more developed in the male, producing an extremely different general appearance. These sexual differences in the crania are exactly parallel to those seen in the Gorilla.

Presented by Mr. James Campbell, 1880.



974. Cranium, froru which most of the teeth have been lost. 0. C. 3966.

This specimen was brought to England in 1769, by Commo- dore Byron, as is stated, from Tinian, one of the Ladrone Islands, and was for many years preserved in the British Mu- seum. It is not improbable that there has been a mistake as to the locality assigned to it, or that it was brought to the island by some human agency or accident, as living Sea- Lions of this species have never been met with nearer to Tinian than the Galapagos Islands. There is no mention of it in Byron's published narrative. De Blainville has given a very incorrect description and figure of this specimen in the ' Journal de Physique,' tome xci. pp. 287 and 300 (1820), under the name of Phoca byronia, whence Phoca byronii, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 240 (1820).

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

975. Skull of female. O. C. 3969.

The teeth have been removed from the right side of the upper and lower jaw, and are displayed separately. From the Falkland Islands.


976. Skull of young.

Stated by the donor to be about a year old. All the permanent teeth have been acquired. From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by Admiral Sir B. J. Sulivan, K.C.B., 1844.

977. Skull of a younger animal.

Estimated by the donor at about a fortnight old. The only milk-teeth remaining in place are the canines. From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by Admiral Sir B. J. Sulivan, K.C.B., 1844.


Otaria jubata.

978. Skull of a very young animal.

Most of the milk-teeth were in place when received ; but they were accidentally removed in cleaning the skull, and are pre- served separately.

Prom the Falkland Islands.

Presented by F. Coleman, Esq., 1870.

Otaria stelleri.

Otaria stellerii, Lesson, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 420 (1828). Eumetopias stelleri (Lesson), Allen, North- American Pinnipeds, p. 232 (1880)*.

Steller's Sea-Lion. Hab. North Pacific.

979. Articulated skeleton of female.

Dentition : i. c. p. -f-, m. i, =36. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 14. From California.

Received in exchange from the University Museum,

Cambridge, 1871.

Otaria californiana.

Otaria californiana, Lesson, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 420 (1828).

Otaria gillesjni, M'Bain, Proc. Edinb. Roy. Soc. i. p. 422 (1858). Zalophus californianus (Lesson), Allen, North-American Pinni- peds, p. 276 (1880)t.

The Calieornian Sea-Lion.

Hab. North Pacific.

* Genus Eumetopias, Gill, Proc. Essex Institute, v. 7, 11 (July 1866). t Genus Zahphus, Gill, Proc. Essex Institute, v. 7, 11 (July 1866).



980. Articulated skeleton, of male.

Dentition : i. f , c. -J-, p. f, m. |, =34. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 10. From an animal from California -which died in the Southport Aquarium.

Presented by C. L. Jackson, Esq., 1880.

981. Mutilated skull of female.

From an animal from California which died in the Southport Aquarium.

Presented by C. L. Jackson, Esq., 1880

Otaria australis.

Phoca australis, Zimmermann, Geogr. Geschichte, iii. p. 276 (1783). ,

PJioca fallclandica, Shaw, General Zoology, i. pt. 2. p. 256 (1800). Arctocephalas australis (Zimmermann), Allen, North-American Pinnipeds, p. 210 (1880)*.

South- American Fur-Seal.

Hob. South-American coasts.

982. Articulated skeleton of male.

Dentition : i. |, c. \, p. m. j-, =36. Vertebras: C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 9. From Lobos Island, mouth of Rio de la Plata.

Presented by A. La/one Quevedo, Esq.\, 1875.

Genus Arctocephalm (" Les Arctocdphales "), F. Cuvier, MtSm. du Mu- seum, xi. p. 205 (1824).

f This and the next skeleton were obtained for the Museum by Mr. Quevedo at the request of Mr. F. Coleman, Secretary of the Falkland Islands Company.


Otaria australis.

983. Skeleton of female.

Dentition : i. c. -}-, p. m. f, =36. Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. incomplete. From Lobos Island.

Presented by A. La/one Quevedo, Esq., 1875.

984. Articulated skeleton of a young male.

Dentition : i. 4, c. -}-, p. -|, m. i, =34. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 10. From tbe Falkland Islands.

Presented by F Coleman, Esq., 1873.

Otaria lobata.

Arctocephalus lobatus, Gray, Spicileg. Zool. i. p. 1 (1828) ; Cat.

Seals and Whales Brit. Mus. p. 50 (1866). Zalophus lobatus (Gray), Allen's North-American Pinnipeds, p. 209


Australian Sea-Bear. Hab. Australian Seas.

985. Mutilated cranium. 0. C. 3964.

Dentition : i. -, c. i, p. A, m. -L.

Found eighty miles inland in South Australia.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

986. Upper and lower jaws, with the teeth, of this or an allied species, but of much smaller size than the last specimen. O. C. 3965.

Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. \, m. {, =34.

The alveolar wall is removed on the right side to show the roots of the teeth.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.



Otaria pusilla.

1 Phoca pusilla, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 314 (1778), and other authors ; based on " Le Petit Phoque " of Buffon.

? Phoca antarctica, Thunberg, Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. iii. for 1810, p. 321.

Arctocephalus delalandi, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, pp. 107, 357. Arctocephalus antarcticus (Thunberg), Allen, North-American Pinnipeds, p. 212 (1880).

Hob. Cape of Good Hope.

987. The right radius and ulna with the manus, and the right

tibia and fibula with the pes.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden, 1865.

988. The right ramus of the mandible of a very young specimen,

showing the milk-dentition.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden, 1869.

989. The cranium of an Otaria. 0. C. 3977.

Very like the specimen described by W. Turner as 0. schist- hyperoes (Journ. Anat. and Physiology, vol. iii. 1868, p. 113), which Allen refers to this species.

Dentition : i. c. p. ^, m.


Otaria ursina.

Phoca ursina, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 55 (1766). Callorhinus ursinus (Linn.), Allen, North- American Pinnipeds, p. 313 (1880)*.

The Northern Pur-Seal or Sea-bear.

Hab. North Pacific.

* Genus Callorhinus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, p. 357. PART II. O



Otaria ursina.

Dentition: i. f, c. ]■, p. £, m. ^, = 36.

990. Articulated skeleton of male.

There are two supernumerary teeth on each side of the upper jaw, of smaller size than the normal teeth one interposed between the second and third premolars, the other between the premolars and molars.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 11.

From St. Paul's Island, Prybilov group, North Pacific.

Presented by the Alaska Commercial Company, 1880.

991. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 11. From the same locality.

Presented by the Alaska Commercial Company, 1880.

992. Skull, <J.

Owing to an old injury, most of the teeth have been lost from the left side of both upper and lower jaws.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



Linnasus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 49 (1766)*.

The complete dentition appears to be i. f, c. \, p. m. ^, =34, of which the following teeth only are commonly present in a

* In the 12th edition of the ' Systema Naturae,' the Walrus stands at the head of the heterogeneous list of animals forming the genus Tricheehus. Consequently this name has been almost universally accepted for it since 1766 by systematic zoologists. Recently, however, objections to its use (fully stated in Allen's ' North-American Pinnipeds,' p. 15), founded on references to literature of an earlier date, have led to the revival of the obsolete names



functional state in the adult : i. J, c. \, p. =18. The upper canines are immensely developed. All the other teeth are much alike, simple, one-rooted, and with crowns, rounded at first, wearing to a flat or concave surface.

Trichechus rosmarus.

Trichechus rosmarus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 49 (1766). Odobamits rosmarus (Malmgren), Allen, North-American Pinni- peds, p. 23 (1880).

The Walrus. Hub. Arctic Ooean.

Allen distinguishes the Atlantic from the Pacific Walrus spe- cifically under the names of 0. rosmarus and 0. obesits. In the absence of knowledge of the locality of most of the following specimens, and of strongly marked differential characters, they are all included under the former name, in accordance with the hitherto prevailing opinion.

993. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 3860.

Dentition : i. ^, c. j-, p. -|, =18.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

From Spitzbergen.

Presented by General Sir Edward Sabine, K.C.B., 1823.

994. Mutilated cranium of very large size. 6 . 0. C. 3864.

Dentition : i. -L, c. j-, p. with traces of the sockets of two additional molar teeth on both sides of the upper jaw.


of Odobamus by some, and Rosmarus by others, for tlie Walrus, and the transference of Trichechus to the Manatee, by which the confusion originally existing in the nomenclature of these animals, and which had been overcome by the almost universal consent of zoologists, has been introduced afresh, with no obvious advantage to the progress of science. Adhesion to Rule 2 of the British-Association Code would have averted this.




Trichechus rosmarus.

995. Skull of an old animal, . 0. C. 3863.

A rudimentary incisor (£_?) is retained on the right side. The sockets of two rudimentary posterior molar teeth are pre- sent in the left maxilla, and one in the right. The tusks have been removed.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty*.

996. Skull, with the skin of the head dried, vertically and longi- tudinally bisected. 0. C. 3868.

The left ramus of the lower jaw has been injured during life, and the third premolar tooth consequently lost. In the right maxilla only is there a socket for a small fourth premolar.


997. Skull of young male.

On the right side is moderately developed ; and indications of the former presence of a corresponding tooth of very small size are seen on the left. A rudimentary tooth situated exter- nally to the second upper left premolar, and between it and the canine, may be either a retained milk-tooth, or a, reduplication of the premolar. In both maxillae are small distinct sockets at some distance behind the premolars, and in the intervals are scars indicating the former existence of teeth.

From Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

998. Skull, ? . 0. 0. 3874.

The rudimentary second upper incisor is retained on the left side ; and in the lower jaw there.are sockets behind the developed premolars, that on the left side containing the rudiments of a tooth.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty*.

* These specimens were collected by the Arctic Expeditions between the years 1820 and 1824.



999. Skull of young. 0. C. 3876.

Each pramiaxilla shows tho cicatrix of a small obliterated incisor-alveolus ; and there is a shallow, partly bifid socket for a small posterior molar.


1000. Skull of young. 0. C. 3875.

tw -1.2 1.1 3.3 0.0

Dentition : l. ^ c. j-j , p. 3-3, m. —0.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty *.

1001. Mutilated skull without the tusks. O. C. 3871.

A socket exists behind the last premolar tooth on each side of the upper jaw.


1002. Cranium in three transverse sections. <J . O. C. 3867.


1003. Cranium of large male. O. C. 3861.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty*.

1004. Cranium of large old male. O. C. 3862.

Presented by the Lords of the Admiralty* .

1005. Cranium. O. C. 3870. Hunterian.

1006. Imperfect cranium, without teeth. O. C. 3866.


1007. Cranium, $ . O. C. 3877.

Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D., 181 !•.

* Thcso specimens Were collected by tho Arctic Expeditions between the yeaw 1820 and 1824.



Trichechus rosmarus.

1008. Imperfect cranium of young. 0. C. 3872 and 3882.

Only the left canine and one premolar are present; but there are sockets for two incisors and four of the molar series, the hindermost being extremely minute.


1009. The upper and lower jaws. O. C. 3878.

There is a remnant of a socket behind the upper premolar teeth of both sides.


1010. The upper and lower jaws, with the dried skin covering them. O. C. 3879. Hunterian.

1011. The upper and lower jaws with the dried skin covering them.

1012. Upper jaw, ?. 0. C. 3880.

The tusks are peculiarly long and slender.

There is a very distinct socket for on the right side.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

1013. Upper jaw. 0. C. 3881.

A minute molar is present behind each series of premolars. There is also a trace on the right side of the socket of a rudi- mentary incisor.


1014. Upper jaw.

All the teeth have been lost except the canines.

In Museum before 1862.


1015. Lower jaw. 0. C. 3861.



1016. Lower jaw. 0. C. 3865. Hunterian.

1017. The mamillaries, premaxillaries, and sockets of the canine

teeth of a large Walrus. 0. C. 3883.

The outer wall of the socket of the left canine has been re- moved, showing the large open conical cavity for the persistent pulp, into which stalactite-like ossifications project from the apex of the pulp-cavity and the base of the socket.


1018. A right tusk of remarkably large size.

It measures 820 mm. in greatest length in a straight line, and 230 mm. in girth.

Purchased, 1879.

1019. A tusk of large size. O. C. 3898.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1020. A tusk.

1021. A tusk. 0. C. 3885. Hunterian.

1022. The right and left tusks. 0. C. 3899.

From the western coast of North America.


1023. The right and left tusks. O. C. 3889 and 3890. ,

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.


Trichechus rosmarus.

1024. A tusk. 0. C. 3896.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1025. A tusk. 0. 0. 3886. Hunterian.

1026. A tusk. 0. C. 3892.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1027. A tusk. 0. C. 3897.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1028. A tusk, with a portion of the alveolar process attached. 0. C. 3893. Hunterian.

1029. A tusk. 0. C. 3888. Purchased.

1030. A tusk. 0. C. 3895. Hunterian.

1031. A tusk. 0. C.3887. Purchased.

1032. A tusk, longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 3901.


1033. A growing tusk, longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 3900.


trichechidjE . 201 1034. Transverse section of a tusk.

Purchased, 1874.

1035. Transverse sections of a tusk, deprived of the calcareous salts by acid. 0. C. 3903. Hunterian.

1036. A right upper premolar tooth. O. C. 3904.


1037. Three teeth from the lower jaw. O. C. 3905.


1038. The bones of the right manus.

From Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

1039. The bones of the right pes. From Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

1040. A longitudinally bisected femur.

1041. A right fifth metatarsal bone.

Although the epiphysis is not united, it is of very largo size, greatly exceeding the corresponding bono of the mounted skeleton.

1042. The os penis of a large Walrus. O. C. 3906. The surface has boon polished.




Trichechus rosmarus.

1043. Os penis. O.C.3907. From Greenland.

Presented by Lieut. Colquhoun, 1823.

1044. Os penis.

From Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

1045. Os penis. O. C. 3908.


1046. Os penis. 0. C. 3909. From Greenland.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

1047. Os penis. 0. C. 3910.

It shows a united fracture of the bone.

Presented by Mr. Portis.

1048. Os penis. 0. C. 3912.


1049. Os penis. O.C.3913.


1050. Os penis. 0. C. 3914.


1051. Os penis of a young Walrus. 0. C. 3916. Hunterian.

1052. Os penis of young "Walrus. 0. C. 3917. Purchased.


1053. Os penis of young Walrus. 0. C. 3918.



1054. The pubic extremity of the os penis, longitudinally bi- sected to show its structure. 0. C. 3919.


Trichechus, sp. 7

1055. A portion of the anterior part of the skull of a Walrus.

From Martha's Vineyard, an island on the coast of Massa- chusetts, North America.

This specimen is figured in Ly ell's ' Travels in North America ' (1845), vol. i. p. 251, plate v.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

Cwf)?ri)U£i Ijurlem.

Trichecodon huxhyi, Lankester, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. p. 226 (1865).

Trichechus huxleyi, Lankester, Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. ii. Zool. vol. ii. p. 213 (1882).

1056. Transverse section of tusk.

From the Red Crag, Suffolk.

Purchased, 1874.

1057. Cast of basal portion of tusk.

The original (from the Red Crag of Suffolk), figured in the 'Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' 1865, pi. xi. fig. 3, was formerly in the Whincopp collection, and is now in the York Museum.

Purchased, 1874.

1058. Cast of terminal portion of tusk.

Purchased, 1874.



Family PHOCIDiE.

Subfamily Phocin^:. Dentition : i. f, c. |, p. £, m. -J-, =34.


Nilsson, Faun. Skand. i. p. 377 (1820).

Halichcerus grypus.

Phoca grypus, Fabricius, Skriv. af Nat. Selsk. i. pt. 2, p. 167,

pi. xiii. fig. 4 (1791). Halichcerus griseus, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 377 (1820). Phoca gryphus, Fischer, Syn. Mamm. p. 239 (1829).

The Grey Seal. Hah. North Atlantic.

1059. Skull and imperfect skeleton of an aged individual. 0. C.

3943 to 3960.

Of this Bkull it is stated in O. C. : " This appears to be the original of the figure by Mr. Clift, in Plate xxvii. of Home's paper in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1822. It is certainly of the same species, and belongs to an imperfect skeleton stated to have been presented to Mr. Hunter by a Mr. Oxendon, pro- bably the gentleman who went two years in succession to the Orkney Isles for the purpose of shooting it. This animal had been known for thirty summers to come to the same rock, and lie basking in the sun. It had a grey beard."


1060. Articulated skeleton of young.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 14.

Received in exchange, 1870.

1061. Skull of young.

Purchased, 1877.

phocidjE. 205

Genus PHOCA. Linnaras, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 55 (1766).

Phoca vitulina.

Linnaeus, op. cit. p. 56.

The Common Seal.

Hob. North Atlantic and North Pacific.

1062. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 11. Prepared from an animal caught in the river Welland, near Stamford, thirty miles from the sea.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1063. Skeleton of female.

From an animal which died after parturition in the Zoological Society's Gardens, where it had lived only a few weeks. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 9 (imperfect).

Purchased, 1868.

1064. Skull.

From an animal killed in Loch Aline, Sound of Mull, Argyle- shire, in 1870, and which measured eight and a half feet in length.

Presented by Dr. E. Hamilton, 1870.

1065. Articulated skeleton of young.

Vertobrsc : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 12.

Purchased, 1870.


Phoca vitulina.

1066. Skeleton of very young.

All the permanent teeth have been acquired.

1067. Skull of young.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Gardens. It presents the individual peculiarities of possessing a supernume- rary molar tooth on the left side of the upper jaw, behind and in the line of the normal molar series, and, on the same side of the lower jaw, a supernumerary tooth situated to the inner side of and parallel with the last normal tooth.

Purchasd, 1870.

1068. Disarticulated skull of young.

1069. Skull of the young of No. 1063.

Born and died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, June 1868, having survived its birth exactly one week. The perma- nent teeth are just piercing the gums. The milk-teeth have all disappeared, with the exception of remnants of the upper canines and of the left upper first milk-molar.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1 868.

1070. Anterior portion of skull and lower jaw, with complete dentition, of young.

Prom an animal taken at Cromer in the autumn of 1866.

Presented by Edmund Story Maskelyne, Esq., 1866.

1071. Anterior portion of skull and lower jaw, with complete dentition, of young.



Phoca hispida*.

Plioca hispida, Schreber, Siiugthiere, iii. tab. lxxxvi. (1776 ?). P. fcetida, Fabricius, Muller's Zool. Dan. Prod. p. viii (1776), not

described, and withdrawn by author (Skriv. af Nat. Selsk. i. pt. 2,

1791, p. 74) in favour of P. hisjrida. P. annellata, Nilsson, Skand. Faun. i. p. 362 (1820).

The Ringed Seal.

Hob. North Atlantic ; Arctic Seas ; North Pacific.

1072. Articulated skeleton of male

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 15. From the North Sea.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1878.

1073. Skeleton of female.

Yertebra3 : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 13.

The seventh cervical vertebra has articular facets, as if for a rudimentary rib, on the ends of both transverse processes. The first lumbar has also small free floating ribs, so that but for the analogy of other specimens it might almost be considered as belonging to the dorsal region. The second lumbar has a normal transverse process on the right side, and a free " pleurapo- physis" on the left. The differences between this and the last specimen in the characters of the posterior sacral and ante- rior caudal vertebras show the large amount of individual vari- ation which may occur in one species, as well as the difficulties of fixing the limits to be assigned to these two vertebral regions.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1878.

* The difficult question of the nomenclature of this species is fully discussed in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 507, and subsequently by Allen (op. cit. p. 616). I find nothing advanced by the latter to induce me to change my former opinion, that tho evidence inclines, however slightly, in favour of hispida. The strongest argument is, perhaps, its adoption by Fabricius in 1791, in preference to his own original name, a course rarely taken by an author without a sufficient reason, although the reason may not be, after such a lapse of time, apparent to us.



Phoca hispida.

1074. Skull.

Prom near Mezen, North Russia.

Purchased, 1873.

Phoca grcenlandica.

Fabricius, in Mutter's Zool. Dan. Prod. p. viii (1776).

The Harp Seal.

Hab. North Atlantic ; Arctic Seas ; North Pacific.

1075. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3961.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).


1076. Skeleton (naturally articulated) of male.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 4, C. 15. Obtained by the donor at Disco, Greenland, iu 1876.

Presented by Captain H. W. Feilden, 1877.

1077. Skull. O. C. 3962.

This is the specimen figured by Mr. Clift in Home's paper on the Skulls and Teeth of Seals in the Philosophical Transactions ' for 1822, pi. xxviii., and in his ' Lectures on Comparative Ana- tomy,' vol. iv. tab. xix.


1078. Skull.

Prom Novaia Zemlia.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

1079. Skull.

Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1867.

ruociDji. 209

1080. Skull.

Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1867.

1081. Skull.

Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 186 7.

1082. Skull. 0. C. 3963.

The right ramus of the lower jaw is wanting.


1083. The left half of the skull of a foetal seal, probably of this species.

In the lower jaw the milk-molars are still in position, with the germs of the permanent teeth below them. In the upper jaw the milk-teeth have been lost, with the exception of the third incisor and the last milk-molar, which is associated with the permanent fourth premolar. The germs of all the perma- nent teeth are displayed.

Prepared from a specimen from the Stores, 1868.

1084. The teeth removed from the left side of a fcetal seal, appa- rently of this species.

The animal measured 18 inches from nose to tail ; and the dentition is rather more advanced than in the last specimen. No teeth appeared above the gums. The crowns of all the permanent teeth are formed ; but of the milk-dentition, all that could be found were the partially absorbed canines, and three molars above and below, associated with tho second, third, and fourth permanent premolars.

Prepared in 1868.





Phoca barbata.

Phoca barbata, Fabricius, in Miiller's Zool. Dan. Prod. p. viii (1770). Erignaihus barbatus (Fabricius), Allen, North- American Pinnipeds, p. 654 (1880)*.

The Bearded Seal.

Hah. North Atlantic ; Arctic Seas ; and North Pacific.

1085. Skull.

From the west coast of Greenland.

Purchased, 1870.

1086. Skull of female, from which most of the teeth have been

lost during life.

It is characteristic of this species that the crowns of the teeth are lost at a comparatively early age, and that not unfrequently the roots also fall out, leaving the animal in the condition seen in the next specimen.

From Novaya Zemlya.

Presented by J. Lamont, Esq., 1870.

1087. Skull of an aged and completely edentulous animal.

From Greenland. Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1867.

Subfamily Stenorhynchin^;. Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. \, m. \, =32.


Monachus, Fleming, Philosophy of Zoology, ii. p. 187 (1822). Pelagius (" Pelage "), F. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, xi. p. 193 (1824).

* Genus Erignathus, Gill, Proc. Essex Inst. v. p. 9 (186G).



Monachus albiventer.

Phoca albiventer, Boddacrfc, Elenchus Animal, p. 170 (1785). Phoca monachus, Hortnann, Beschaft. d. Berlin. Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde, iv. p. 501 (1779).

The Monk Seal.

Bab. Coasts of the Mediterranean and adjoining portion of Atlantic.

1088. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 3942.


1089. Skeleton of young female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 15. From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 18 May 1882.

Purchased, 1882.


" Stenorhinque" F. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, xi. p. 190 (1824). Ogmorhinus, Peters, Monatsb. K. P. Akad. Wissensch. zu Berlin, p. 393, footnote* (1875).

Stenorhynchus leptonyx.

Phoca leptonyx, De Blainville, Journal de Physique, xci. p. 298 (1820).

The Leopard Seal.

Bab. South Atlantic and Pacific.

* This name was given because Stenorhynchus was found to be preoccupied for a genus of Crustacea. The same remark will apply in this case as to Troglodytes (see p. 2). Ogmorhinus has, however, been adopted in Allen's ' North-American Pinnipeds,' and will perhaps prevail over Cuvier's name.

p 2


Stenorhynchus leptonyx.

1090. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 14. From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

1091. Skull. 0. C. 3938.

This is the original of Mr. Cliffs figure, published in Home's paper in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1822, pi. 29, and in his ' Lectures on Comparative Anatomy,' vol. iv. pi. 20.

From the Island of New Georgia.

Presented by William Keane, Esq.

1092. Skull of very large size.

The alveolar margins of the maxillary bones are diseased ; and several of the premolar teeth have been lost. From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by the Falkland Islands Company, 1867.

1093. Skull.

From an animal killed, while lying asleep, by a blow on the head from the bolos of a passing Guacho, on the sand beach of Berkeley Sound, East Falkland, in 1879.

Presented by H. Mansel, Esq., 1880.

1094. Skull.

From New Zealand.

Presented by W. D. Napier, Esq., 1858.

1095. Skull.

The form of the palate differs from that of the other skulls of this species in the collection in being crescentic posteriorly instead of V-shaped.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1866.


1096. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 3939.

Presented by Thomas Chevalier, Esq., 1814.

1097. Right upper and lower jaws, with the outer alveolar wall removed, so as to show the roots of the teeth in situ. 0. C. 3940.

Presented by Professor Owen.

1098. First and second premolar teeth of the left side of the lower jaw. 0. C. 3941.

Presented by Professor Owen.

Stenorhynchus carcinophagus.

Phoca carcinophaga, Hombron and Jacquinot in Dumont d'Urville's Voy. au Pole Sud, Atlas, Mam. pi. x. & x. a (1842).

Stenorhynchus serridens, Owen, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xii. p. 331 (Nov. 1843).

Lobodon carcinophaga, Gray, Zoology of ' Erebus ' and ' Terror,' Mammalia, p. 5 (1844); Jacquinot and Pucheran, Dumont d'Urville's Voyage, iii. p. 27 (1853).

The Saw-toothed Seal. Hab. Antarctic Seas.

1099. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3937,

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 12.

The skeleton was prepared from a specimen obtained in a high latitude in tho Australian seas during the Antarctic Ex- pedition commanded by Sir James Clark Ross.

Presented by Robert McCormick, Esq., Surgeon to H.M.S. 'Erebus; 1843.



Subfamily Cystophorin^. Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. £, in. \, =30.


Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 382 (1820).

Cystophora cristata.

Phoca cristata, Erxleben, Syst. Eeg. A.nimal. p. 590 (1777). Cystophora borealis, Nilsson, Skand. Fauna, i. p. 383 (1820).

The Bladder-nosed Seal. Hab. North Atlantic.

1100. Articulated skeleton of male.

Prepared from an animal which died in the Zoological Gardens.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 14.

Purchased, 1875.

1101. Skull of a male.

The large supranasal air-sac of the same individual is pre- served in the Physiological Series, No. 1556 d. From Greenland.

Purchased, 1870.

1102. Skull, J.

From Greenland.

Received in exchange from the Qojienhagen Museum, 1867.

1103. Skull, 2-

From Greenland. Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1867.


1104. Cranium, $ . 0. C. 3935.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

1105. Incomplete skeleton of young female.

The head forms a preparation in the Physiological Series (No. 1556 c) showing the rudimentary condition of the air-sac in this sex and age.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1870.


Macrorhine, F. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, xi. p. 200 (1824). Mirounga, Gray, Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 179 (1827). Morunga, Gray, List Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 103 (1843).

Macro rhinus leoninus.

Phoca leonina, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 55 (1766). Phoca elephantina, Molina, Saggio sul. Stor. Nat. del Chili, p. 280 (1782).

rhoca proboscidea, Peron, Voy. aux Terr. Austr. ii. p. 34 (1817).

The Elephant Seal.

Hah. Southern Ocean ; Pacific coast of North America.

1106. Articulated skeleton of male.

It measures 4500 mm. from end of nose to end of tail ; and 4890 mm. to end of posterior digits in straight line, as mounted. The right scapula and humerus, the fifth left rih, the sternum, and some of the bones of the manus are wanting.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 11. The first lumbar appears to have borne a rudimentary rib on the left side.

Length of cranium from foro end of premaxillaries to occipital condyles 561 mm. Extreme length (including occipital crests) 507 mm.

The epiphyses of the bodies of the vertebra? and the principal bones of the limbs are not yet united.

The os penis is in the separate collection in fcho Physiological Series.



Macrorhinus leoninus.

The skiill is described and the dentition figured in the ' Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1881, pp. 145-162, -where also will be found an account of the circumstances under which the animal was killed on the coast of East Falkland in 1879.

The skull was brought to England by Mr. Mansel, the body being left upon the spot where it was killed ; but the bones were afterwards collected by Captain Packe and forwarded to the Museum.

Presented by Herbert Mansel, Esq., and Captain R. C. Packe, 1881.

1107. Articulated skeleton of a very young male.

Erom the fore part of the nose to end of tail it measures 1340 mm. ; to end of posterior digits 1580 mm. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 9.

Received in exchange from the Museum of Saint Bartholomeio' s Hospital, 1867.

1108. Skull. 0. C. 3921.

Length from fore end of premaxillaries to occipital condyles 463 mm.

Brought from Australia by Captain Langham.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1109. Skull. O. C. 3920.

Length from fore end of premaxillaries to occipital condyles, 438 mm.

Purchased, 1812.

1110. Imperfect cranium, transversely bisected across the tym- panic cavities. 0. C. 3922.

Presented by the Ven. Archdeacon Williams.



1111. The anterior portion of the upper and lower jaws with the teeth. 0. C. 3923.

The outer wall of the alveoli of the canine and molar teeth on the right side have been removed to show their roots.

These formed part of the original specimen brought to England by Lord Anson from Juan Fernandez in 1744. See Anson's ' Voyage round the World,' p. 122, pi. 19, where the species is called " Sea Lyon," and upon the description and figure of which was founded the Phoca leonina of Linnaeus. They were preserved for many years in the stuffed skin in the British Museum, from which institution they were transferred, with other osteological specimens, to the College of Surgeons in 1809.

Purchased 1809.

1112. Skull of young, $ . 0. C. 3934.

The sex is indicated, even at this early age, by the compara- tively small size of the crowns of the canine teeth. Prom the Crozet Islands.


1113. Right upper canine tooth, longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 3924.


1114. Twenty specimens of canine teeth.


1115. Left upper canine of an adult Elephant Seal.

The crown is much abraded, the root fully formed, and the pulp-cavity closed.

From the Falkland Islands.

Presented by Cajitain R. C. Packe, 1881.

218 CARNIVORA. Macrorhinus leoninus.

1116. The corresponding tooth of a young Elephant Seal.

The root is imperfectly formed and widely open. Prom the Falkland Islands.

Presented by Captain R. C. Packe, 1881.

1117. The upper and lower milk-teeth of the left side, with the ramus of the mandible of a foetal female Elephant Seal.

The upper series consists of two incisors, one canine, and four molars, the first of which, rather later in development than the others, is probably the germ of the anterior permanent premolar (which appears to be never represented in the milk-dentition) ; the last three are the true milk-molars.

In the lower jaw are one incisor, one canine, and three molars, the formula of the mdk-dentition being d.i. \ , d.c. J-, d.m. -|, = 22. The animal from which they are taken is 11 inches (28 centim.) in length from nose to end of hind feet.

These teeth are described and figured in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1881, p. 154.

Prepared in 1868.



Order UNGULATA. Suborder ARTIODACTVLA. Section Pecora.

Family BOVIDJE.*

Equivalent to the Cavicornia, or " Hollow-horned Rumi- nants," i. e. having the horns consisting of conical epidermic sheaths, encasing, and supported by, processes of the frontal bones.

The dentition of the whole family (with very few exceptions, which will be noted as they occur) is i. c. J, p. -§, m. § , =yq : total 32. The lower canine is placed in close contact with, and resembles in form, the outer incisor. A rudimentary upper canine may occasionally be present ; and the premolars may be reduced to § .

Genus BOS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 98 (1766).

Bos taurus.

Linnaeus, he. cil.

The Common Ox.

Hab. Europe, and, as a domestic animal, the greater part of the habitable world.

1118. Articulated skeleton of an Italian Bull.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, 8. 5, C. 19. From Piedmont.

The animal from which it was prepared was presented to the Zoological Society (3 November 1862) by Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, and lived in the Gardens of the Society about throe years.

Purchased, 1866.

* The generic divisions of this family are still in an unsatisfactory state, and require careful and critical revision. Many, oven of those adopted in this Catalogue, are founded on trivial characters very difficult of definition.



Bos taurus.

1119. Skull and horns of a Cow from Chartley Park, Stafford, the seat of Lord Ferrers.

The animal was white, with black ears and tips of horns ; the hair on the forehead long and slightly curled. It was one of a herd which, like the Chillingham cattle, are supposed to be descended from the original wild cattle of the country, and have been kept without intermixture from time immemorial.

Presented by John Macmeikam, Esq., 1863.

1120. Skull and horns of a Cow of the Hamilton breed of " "White wild Cattle."

As it was taken from a head which had been stuffed, it is somewhat mutilated. The head was white, with black muzzle and lower lip, ears, and eyelashes.

Shot in Cadzow Forest, Lanarkshire, 26 December 1870.

For the history of this herd, see Storer's ' Wild Cattle of Great Britain.'

Presented by E. R. Alston, Esq., 1880.

1121. Cranium and horns of long-horned variety of the Common Ox. 0. C. 3826.

It wants the nasal bones.


1122. Cranium of long-horned variety of Common Ox. 0. C. 3827. Hunterian.

1123. Cranium of short-horned or Guernsey Bull. 0. C. 3827.

Presented by the Very Rev. Dr. Bitckland, 1830.

1124. Skull of a short-horned Cow.

BOVID^E. 221

1125. Skull of polled or hornless variety of Common Ox. 0. C. 3829.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

1126. Cranium of hornless variety of Common Ox. 0. C. 3830.


1127. Skull of a young heifer of the hornless variety of Ox. 0. C. 3831.

The milk-dentition is present with the first true molars.


1128. The disarticulated bones of the head of a calf. 0. C. 3839. The milk-teeth are in place.


1129. Skull of a new-born calf. 0. C. 3838.


1130. Skull of a new-born calf, partially disarticulated.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1131. Separated bones of the cranium of a calf.

1132. Skeleton of a foetal calf, about the middle of intrauterine


Purchased, 1870.

1133. Skull of a foetal calf at about the same period of develop- ment as the last.



Bos taurus.

1134. Anterior portion of the cranium and lower jaw of a young

Ox, with the milk-teeth and first and second permanent molars.

Purchased, 1875.

1135. Anterior portion of the cranium and lower jaw of a younger

Ox, with the milk-teeth and first permanent molars.

Purchased, 1875.

1136. Mandible of a still younger Ox, with the milk-teeth only

in place.

Purchased, 1875.

1137. Anterior portion of the mandible of a calf, showing the

milk and permanent incisor teeth in situ.

Purchased, 1873.

1138. A series of eleven preparations showing the growth and

wear of the inferior incisors of the Common Ox.

Purchased, 1870.

1139. An upper molar tooth in transverse section. 0. C. 3841.


1140. An upper molar tooth in longitudinal section. 0. C. 3840.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1141. Pelvis of a cow. 0. C. 3837. Purchased.

1142. Bones of the manus.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1865.

BOVIDiE. 223

1143. Bones of tho pes.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1865.

1144. Horns of a Transylvanian Ox. 0. C. 3833.


1145. Horns of an Italian Ox. 0. 0. 3834.


1146. A pair of large horns of an Ox. 0. C. 3836.

Brought from America, about the year 1770, by Admiral Warren. Their length from tip to tip, following their greatest curve, is 10 feet 4 inches.

Presented by William Long, Esq., 1811.

1147. A pair of horns of the Galla, or Sanga variety of Ox. 0. C. 3835.

From Abyssinia. They are described and figured at p. 258 of Salt's « Voyage to Abyssinia' (1814).

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq.

1148. Skull of a variety of the Common Ox, called "Niata," which is propagated in the Pampas of South America. 0. C. 3832.

" It is remarkable for the stunted development of the nasals, premaxillaries, and fore part of the lower jaw, which is unusually curved upwards to come into contact with the premaxillaries. The nasal bones are about one third tho ordinary length, but retain almost their normal broadth. A triangular vacuity is left between them, tho frontal, and tho lacrymal, which latter bone articulates with the premaxillary, and thus oxcludes the maxil- lary from any junction with the nasal." 0. 0.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq., 1840.



Bos taurus.

1149. Articulated skeleton of a male of the dwarf variety of the Zebu, or Indian Humped Ox {Bos taurus, var. indicus). 0. C. 3842.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 18. From an animal brought from Bengal, which died in the Menagerie at Exeter Change.


1150. Skeleton of a small Zebu, or Indian Humped Ox.

1151. A pair of small horns of an Indian variety of Ox. 0. C. 3843. Hunterian.

1152. Horn of an Ox in longitudinal section.

1153. Cast of a mutilated cranium of an ancient Scandinavian

variety of Ox, called Bos frontosus by the donor.

Presented by Professor- Nilsson.

1154. Cranium, mutilated anteriorly, of a small ancient domesti-

cated variety of the Ox, called by Prof. Owen Bos longi- frons. 0. C. F. 1419.

From the freshwater deposits of shell-marl beneath a bog at Longford, Ireland.

Preserved by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1155. Cranium of the same variety of Ox.

Found at a considerable depth with human skeletons in the Black Bog, co. Meath, Ireland.

In Museum before 1861.

'BOVIDiE. 225

1156. Calvaria and horn-cores of Bos longifrons. 0. C. F. 1420.

From a bog in Ireland.


1157. Part of the cranium of Bos longifrons.

Found sixteen feet below the surface in Tooley Street, Borongb of Soutkwark.

Presented by Seymour Teuton, Esq., 1864.

1158. A right humerus, left iliac bone, and left metatarsal bone

attributed to Bos longifrons. 0. C. F. 1423, 1424, and 1425.

Found beneath a bog at Longford, Ireland.

Presented by the Earl of Ennishillen.

1159. The bones of the right fore and hind foot of an Ox, from a

British " Long Barrow " at the end of the Cursus, near Stonehenge.

The skull found with them is said by tbe donor to have been tbat of a typical Bos longifrons.

Presented by Dr. J. Thurnam, 1 867.

33o£( primtjrcntusf.

(Cuvier), Bojanus, Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. xiii. pt. 2, p. 422, pi. 24 (1827).

Hub. Europe (Pleistocene).

Probably not specifically distinct from tho last.

1160. Upper part of cranium and horn-cores. Locality unrecorded.

//; Museum before 1861.




33 o4 primtcrnmitf.

1161. Greater part of the two horn-cores. 0. C. F. 1410 and 1411.

The circumference of the core of each horn, when entire, measured at the hase twenty-two inches. They were " dug out of the Till or maiden earth twenty-two feet below the surface at Ilford in Essex, in the year 1786, by Mr. John Gilbert."


1162. Fragment of skull, with base of the core of the left horn of considerably smaller size. 0. C. F. 1413.

" It was discovered in drift or diluvium, associated with No. 1035 (0. C. F.), the canine of a hippopotamus."


1163. Portion of a skull, with the right horn-core of similar size to the last, perhaps from the same individual. 0. C. F. 1414.

The curves of these horn-cores, as far as they are preserved, more resemble those of the modern Chartley Ox (No. 1119) than the typical Bos primigenius (No. 1160).


1164. Fragment of the left ramus of the mandible with three teeth (dm. 3, m. 1, and m. 2) in situ.

From Crayford, Kent.

Presented by Charles Butter, Esq., 1854.

1165. Right and left metacarpal bones. 0. C. F. 1415 and 1416. Locality unrecorded.




Bos grunniens.

Linnteus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 99 (1766).

The Yak. Hob, Tibet.

1166. Cranium, with the right horn. <j.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1167. The greater part of the vertebral column, pelvis, and scapula of a male.

From an animal which lived for many years in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Society, 18 6" 9.

1168. Some bones of the fore and hind feet. 0. C. 3851 to 3859.

Presented by General R. Strachey, R.E., 1851.

Bos gaurus.

Bos gaurus, Hamilton Smith in Grifflith's Animal Kingdom, iv. p. 399 (1827).

Bibos cavifrons, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, vi. p. 747 (1 837).

The Gour or Indian Bison.

I fab. India.

1169. Skull and horns of male. 0. C. 3821.

Purchased, 1840.

1170. Skull and horns of female.

Purchased, 18(58- q 2

228 UNGULATA. Bos gaurus.

1171. Mutilated cranium and horns of male, in vertical trans- verse section.

Presented by Captain H. Toynbee, 1863.

1172. Frontlet and horns of young male.

Presented by Edward Blyth, Esq., 1865,


Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 371 (1827) (as a subgenus of Bos).

Bubalus depressicornis.

Anoa depressicornis, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal King- dom, iv. p. 293 (1827).

The Anoa.

Hah. Celebes.

This species constitutes the genus Anoa of Hamilton Smith. Its skull closely resembles that of the Common Buffalo {Bubalus buffelus) even to the continuation of the vomer as far back as the posterior margin of the palate ; but it wants the first lower pre- molar tooth, the dentition being i. £, c. p. |, m. •§, =30.

1173. Skull and right born of an immature animal, $ . 0. C. 3692.

The posterior milk-molars are retained, and all the true molars are in place.

Presented by Dr. B. C. HendersonA822.

1174. Skull and horns of a somewhat younger animal. O. 0. 3693.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

B0VID^2. 229

1175. Frontlet and horns of male. C. 0. 3695.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

1176. Frontlet and horns of an older male. 0. C. 3694.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

Bubalus buffelus.

Bos bubalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 99 (1766). Bos buffelus, Blumcnbaoh, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, edit. 10, p. 121 (1821) (fide Fischer).

The Indian Buffalo.

Hab. Wild in India, and domesticated in south-east Asia, Egypt, and Southern Europe.

1177. Cranium and imperfect skeleton.

In Museum before 1861.

1178. Skull and horns. 0. C. 3849.

The horns have been polished.

Presented by Dr. Gideon Mantell.

1179. Cranium and horns of the large wild variety called Arnee.

0. C. 3848.

From India.

Presented by Dr. Buchan, 1810.

1180. Skull and horns of an Arnee Buffalo.

From an animal shot in the Bengal Sundcrbunds.

Presented by Charles J. Bamber, Esq., 1876.

1181. Cranium and horns of an Arnee Buffalo.

Presented by T. A. Shaw, Esq., 1856.



Bubalus caffer.

Bos caffer, Sparrman, K. Svcnsk. Vctensk. Akad. Handl. 1779, p. 79.

The Cape Buffalo. Hob. South Africa.

1182. Skull and horns. O.C. 3845.


1183. Frontlet and horns. 0. C. 3846.


1184. Frontlet and horns. 0. C. 3847.


1185. Frontlet and horns.

The horns meet in the middle line in front.

In Museum before 1861.

Bubalus pumilus.

Bos pumilus, Turton's ed. Linn. Syet. Nat. i. p. 121 (1806).

The Central- African Buffalo.

Hab. Central and Western Equatorial Africa.

1186. Frontlet and horns. 0. C. 3844.

Attributed in 0. C. to Bos frontalis. It is one of the types of Blyth's Bos planiceros (see ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society ' for 1863, p. 157, and Sir Victor Brooke, ibid. 1873, p. 482).

The skull of this species differs from that of B. caffer in the prscmaxills; not extending as far as the nasals.




Genus BISON.

Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 373 (1827) (as a subgenus of Bos).

Bison americanus.

Bos bison, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 99 (1766). Bos americanus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 204 (1788).

The American Bison.

Ilab. North America.

1187. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 15.- Prom Kansas.

Purchased, 187 G.

1188. Skeleton of nearly adult male.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 13 (one or two ■wanting).

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. The bones are ill-developed and show traces of disease.

Purchased, 1865.

1189. Cranium and horns of male.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1190. Mutilated cranium with horns of female. From Wyoming.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1191. Mandible.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



Bison bonasus.

Bos bonasus, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 99 (176G).

The European Bison or Aurochs. Hub. Europe. Now restricted to Lithuania.

1192. Skull of male. 0. C. 3818.

From Lithuania.

Presented by Professor Otto, 1838.

1193. Bones of the trunk of a young male. 0. C. 3819.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, 0. 17.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, having been presented by the Emperor of Russia in 1847 (see ' Proceedings ' of the Society, 1848, p. 16).

Presented by the Zoological Society.

1194. A pair of horns, said to be those of a young female Aurochs.

0. C. 3820.

Hunter iati.

Vrus priscus, Bojanus, Nov. Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. xiii. pt. 2, p. 427 (1827).

The Great Possil Aurochs.

Hab. Europe. Pleistocene.

This is probably not specifically distinct from the last ; but the horn-cores are generally much larger and less curved than in the modern Aurochs.



1195. Calvarium and horn-cores. 0. C. F. 1254.

This specimen is figurod in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds ' (1846) p. 401. It was dug out of a stratum of dark- coloured clay, below layers of brick-earth and gravel, thirty feet from the surface, at Woolwich.

Brought to Mr. Hunter by Mr. Johnson, Banker, Bond Street, in the year 1702.


1196. Portion of skull, with both horn-cores. 0. C. F. 1255.

From the brick-earth at Ilford, Essex.

Presented by Wm. Thompson, Esq.

1197. Fragments of a cranium, with the greater part of both

horn-cores. 0. C. F. 1256.

From the brick-earth at Ilford.

Presented by William Thompson, Esq.

1198. Extremity of a horn-core. 0. C. F. 1257.

" From Stonesfield, Oxfordshire."


1199. Fragment of a cranium, with the bony core of the left

horn of a young or female Aurochs. 0. C. F. 1258.


1200. A collection of bones, principally, if not altogether, belonging

to Bison priscus, or to a smaller variety called by Prof. Owen Bison minor*. 0. C. F. Nos. 1259 to 1324.

From the cavernous fissures at Orcston, Flymoutht.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq.

British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 407 (1846).

t See J. Whidbey and W. Clift, "On some Fossil Bones discovered in C&vwna in the Limestone Quarries at Oreston," Philosophical Transactions for 1823, p. 78.


33ufon prterus.

The three following specimens are also from the same caverns.

1201. A mass of breccia, with a fragment of the shaft of the tibia of a small or young Aurochs. 0. C. F. 1325.

1202. A mass of breccia, containing fragments of long bones and one of the proximal phalanges. 0. C. F. 1326.

1203. The proximal half of the right metacarpal bone. 0. C. F. 1327.

It shows the effects of long-continued ossific inflammation and ulceration on its anterior surface.

Described and figured in Clift's memoir referred to above.

Presented by Jvsepli Whidbey, Esq.

1204. A considerable number of the bones of the skeleton, pro-

bably of one individual.

Discovered in a Pleistocene freshwater deposit at Brickle- hampton Bank, near Cropthorn, Gloucestershire*. 0. C. F. 1351 to 1393.

Presented by Hugh E. Strickland, Esq.

1205. Axis, third cervical vertebra, an anterior dorsal vertebra,

anterior part of sacrum, and proximal half of left meta- carpal of a large Bovine animal. 0. C. F. 1399 to 1403.

From the same locality.

Presented by Hugh E. Strickland, Esq.

* See Murchison's ' Silurian System,' p. 555 (1830), for a description of these deposits.



1206. Bones and teeth of fossil bovine animals of uncertain


The bones are chiefly of the feet. 0. C. F. 1328 to 13-14. From Kirkdalc Cave, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

1207. Axis, an anterior dorsal vertebra, right radius, right meta-

carpal, and proximal half of the left tibia. 0. C. F. 1394 to 1398.

From a Pleistocene deposit in Essex.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq., 1827.

1208. Distal end of left humerus.

From Grays, Essex.

Presented by P. Ball, Esq.

1209. Two fragments of the mandible, each with two molar teeth,

and a second right lower premolar. O. 0. F. 1346, 1347, and 1348.

Said to have been found with remains of the Mammoth in Pleistocene freshwater deposits or drift in Warwickshire.


1210. A penultimate and posterior left lower molar. 0. C. F.

1349 and 1350.

From red brick-earth, found associated with the tip of the incisor tusk of a Hippopotamus (No. 1032, 0. C. F.).


1211. A dorsal vertebra. 0. C. F. 1404.


1212. A left scapula.

From the drift at Itawden.




Genus OVIBOS. De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Philomath. 1816, p. 76.

Ovibos mosehatus.

Bos mosehatus, Zimmermann, Geograph. Geschichte, ii. p. 86


The Musk-Ox.

1213. Skull and horns, J . 0. C. 3813.

1214. Skull and horns, <$ . 0. C. 3815.

Hunterian. Hunterian.

1215. Cranium and horns, £. 0. C. 3814.


1216. Cranium and horns, 6

From the Barren Grounds between Bear Lake and the Copper- mine Eiver, about lat. 67° 30' N., long. 117° W.

Presented by Dr. John Rae, 1875.

1217. Mutilated cranium and horns, <3 . 0. C. 3816.

Presented by Admiral Sir Edioard Parry .

1218. Mutilated cranium and horns, 2 0. C. 3817.

Presented by Admiral Sir Edward Parry.

1219. Part of the skull and the horns, 2 .

In Museum before 1861.



1220. A number of bones, being portions of two individuals, one

quite adult and the other nearly so, without the skull. Some are mounted in the Separate Series.

Purchased at the sale of Dr. Baikie's Collection, 1865.

1221. Posterior part of the cranhim of the fossil Musk-Ox de-

scribed as Ovibos pallasii (De Kay) . 0. C. F. 1429.

From Siberia. Pleistocene.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

Genus OVIS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 97 (1766).

Ovis aries.

Linnaeus, loc. ext.

The Domestic Sheep.

Hab. Originally some portion of the Palasarctic Eegion. Now spread, by the agency of man, throughout the greater part of the habitable world.

1222. Articulated skeleton of a male, or Earn. 0. C. 3751. Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 7 (incomplete).

Presented by the Earl of Clarendon, 1823.

1223. Skull and horns of a Ram. 0. C. 3752.


1224. Skull and horns of a Merino Ram. 0. C. 3755.




Ovis aries.

1225. Skull and bonis of a Merino Ram. 0. C. 375(1.


1226. Skull and horns of a Merino Ram. 0. C. 3757.


1227. Part of the cranium, with the horns, of a Merino Ram.

0. C. 3758. Huntei'ian.

1228. Skull of a Ram of the Norfolk breed. 0. C. 3759.


1229. Skull of a female or Ewe of the Norfolk breed. 0. C.


The sexual distinction is chiefly manifested by the small size of the horns.


1230. Skull of a wether, or castrated male, of the Norfolk breed.

0. C. 3761.

The development of the horns has been not only arrested at the degree which it presents in the female, but the growth has been abnormal in its direction, the curve being such that the points would have entered the orbits had they not been sawed off during the lifetime of the animal.


1231. The skull and some of the bones of a Highland sheep, eight years old.

The atlas and axis have received a severe injury some time previous to the animal's death, and have united together in an abnormal position.

Presented by Professor Quekeit, 1858.



The following eight skulls of domestic varieties of the Com- mon Sheep are from animals exhibited at the Smithfield Club Show, December 1879, and therefore well authenticated.

Presented by J. IT. Steel, Esq., 1880.

1232. Leicester Wether. Aged 20 months.

Second Prize. No. in Catalogue of Show 242. Bred by B. Painter, Burley-on-the-Hill, Oakham, Kutland.

The posterior milk-molars are on the point of being shed, and the posterior true molars just rising into place.

1233. Lincoln Wether. Aged 20 months 3 weeks.

Third Prize. No. 264. Bred by Charles Sell of Basing- bourne, Iloyston, Cambridgeshire, from the stock of Mrs. Wright.

The permanent dentition has been acquired ; but the posterior milk-molars and true molars of the upper jaw are not fully in place.

1234. Southdown Wether. Aged 20 months.

First Prize, Silver Cup and Champion Plate. No. 293. Bred by H. Humphry of Ashington, Pulborough, Sussex.

Most of the milk-molars are still in place, and the third true molars are just rising above the alveoli.

1235. Shropshire Wether. Aged 20 months 1 week.

Third Prize. No. 322. Bred by Lord Chesham, of Latimers, Chesham.

Dentition as in No. 1233.

1236. Oxfordshire Wether. Aged 21 months.

Eighly commended. No. 343. Bred by William Cooper of Houghton Begis, Dunstable, from the stock of Mr. Treadwell. Dentition as in No. 1234.



Ovis aries.

1237. Cheviot Wether. Aged 3 years 7 months.

first Prize. No. 354. Bred by T. Elliot, Hindhope, Jed- burgb, Boxburgh.

Complete adult dentition.

1238. Exmoor Wether. Aged 3 years 8 months.

First Prize and Silver Cup. No. 362. Bred by Mrs. Maria Langdon of Flitton Barton, Nortb Molton, Devon. Complete adult dentition.

1239. Black-faced Mountain Wether. Aged 2 years 7 months.

First Prize. No. 368. Bred by William White, of Spott, Kerriemuir, Forfar.

Complete adult dentition.

1240. A preparation of the cranium and right horn-core of

a Sheep, showing the extent to which the air-sinuses penetrate the latter. 0. C. 3753.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

1241. The corneous sheath of the horn of a Ram, in longitudinal

section. 0. C. 3754.


1242. Pelvis, right scapula, humerus, ulna and radius, femur,

tibia, fibula, and patella.

Mounted in the Separate Series.

1243. Bones of right manus and pes.

Mounted in the Separate Series.

Purchased, 1865.



Development and Dentition. 1244. Skeleton of a new-born Lamb. Purchased, 1870.

1245. Skull of a new-born Lamb. Purchased.

1246. Skull of a Lamb, partially disarticulated.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1247. Skull of a Lamb, with the milk-teeth fully developed and

the first permanent molars just coming into place, mounted to display the bones separately.

Prepared in 1869.

1248. Skull of a Lamb.

The milk-teeth and the first permanent molars are in place.

Purchased, 1875.

1249. The upper and lower jaws of a Sheep a year and a half


All the milk-teeth are still in place, except the central incisors. The first and second true molars are also present.

Presented by J. C. Chaytor, Esq., 1870.

1250. Skull of a Sheep, with a similar condition of dentition, in

longitudinal section. Purchased.

1251. Skull of a slightly older Sheep.

The roots of the teeth are exposed on the right side.


Purchased, 1875. B


Ovis aries.

1252. The calcified portions of the teeth removed from the right

side of both jaws of a fetal Lamb, and separately dis- played.

Prepared in 1867.

1253. The teeth of the right side of a new-born Lamb, shown in

the same manner.

Calcification has commenced in the first lower permanent molar.

Prepared in 1867.

1254. Two lower molars of a Sheep. 0. C. 3768.

One of them is longitudinally divided ; and a transverse section has been removed from the crown of the other. The cut surfaces of both have been polished.


1255. A portion of the right maxilla, containing three molar

teeth (dm. 2, dm. 3, and m. 1) of a Sheep. 0. C. 3766.

The enamelled surfaces are coated by a substance having a metallic lustre. Originally labelled " Presented by Dr. Need- ham, Oct. 20th, 1673," and probably part of the Museum of the Eoyal Society in Gresham Street.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1256. Three premolars, with the enamelled part of the crown

presenting a similar appearance. 0. C. 3767.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809. Varieties.

1257. Cranium and horns of a four-horned Sheep. 0. C. 3764.


B0VIDJ3. 243

1258. Cranium and horns of a four-horned Sheep.

1259. Mutilated cranium of a Sheep with five horns. 0. C. 3765.


1260. Frontlet and malformed horns of a Sheep. 0. C. 3771.

The horns have grown parallel to each other, and are firmly united throughout their whole extent, producing the appearance of a single horn, the extremity of which has been sawed off, probably to relieve the animal from the inconvenience of its pressure upon the neck.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1261. The mutilated skull of a small variety of Sheep, with nearly straight, erect, and spirally twisted horn-cores. 0. C. 3750.

Sent from Sumatra by Mr. William Bell.


Ovis musimon.

Aegoceros musimon, Pallas, Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, i. p. 230 (1811).

The Mottflon.

Hab. Sardinia and Corsica.

1262. Skull and horns.

The right ramus of the mandible is wanting. From Sardinia.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.


244 UNGULATA. Ovis musimon.

1263. Vertebral column, sternum, and some other bones of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. (imperfect). From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 25 March 1869.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

1264. Hyoid bones of male.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869.

Ovis vignei.

Blyth, Proe, Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 70.

Vigne's Wild Sheep.

Hab. Himalaya Mountains.

1265. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3778.

From Tibet.

Presented by General R. Strachey, R.E., 1851.

Ovis cycloceros.

T. Hutton, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. 1842, p. 514.

The Punjab Wild Sheep.

Hab. Persia and Northern India.

1266. Skull and horns.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1868.

1267. A right horn and horn-core.

From the hill country to the east of Bushire, Persia.

Presented by W. H. Colvill, Esq., 1865.



Ovis polii.

Blyth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 62.

Marco Polo's Sheep.

Ilab. Pamir Range of Central Asia.

1268. Portion of skull, with horns of large size.

Obtained by Lieut. Wood in 1838 on his return from his journey to the sources of the Oxus, when detached from Sir Alexander Burne's Mission to Cabul. Described and figured by the donor in the * Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1860, pp. 443 & 444.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1868.

1269. Portion of skull and horns of smaller size, apparently of

this species.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1881.

Ovis sculptorum.

Blyth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 12.

1270. Left horn. 0. C. 3773.

This is the specimen indicated by Blyth under the name of O. sculptorum (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 12), and afterwards (ibid. p. 63) fully described and referred with doubt to O. polii. It is figured in ' Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist.' vol. vii. 1841, plate v. figs. 3 and 4, under the name of O. sculptorum. Sir Victor Brooke identifies it with O. Icarelini of Severtzoff (Trans. Imp. Soc. Naturalists of Moscow, vol. viii. 1873), in which case the latter would become a synonym of O. sculptorum*.


* See Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 524, where the identification was nindo "with some hesitation." It has, however, since been confirmed by compari- son with photographs of typical specimens of O. kwelini.



Ovis hodgsoni.

Blyth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 65.

Hodgson's Wild Sheep.

Hab. Tibet and Northern India.

1271. Mutilated cranium and horns. 0. C. 3772.

From Afghanistan.

Presented by William Darby, Esq., 1851.

Ovis montana.

Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 267 (1817).

The Eockt-Mountain Sheep or Bighorn. Hab. North America.

1272. Skull and horns, 6. O.C.3774.


1273. Skull and horns, ^ .

Presented by Dr. John Rae, 1868.

1274. A pair of horns, 6 . 0. C. 3775.

Presented by the Hudson's Bay Company.

1275. Skull of male, without horns.

From Fort Laramie, "Wyoming.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



1276. Skull (wanting the nasal bones) and horns of female.

From Fort Tejon, California.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1277. Left horn of male.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Ovis nahoor.

Ovis nahoor, Hodgson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1834, p. 107. 0. burrhel, Blyth, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, pp. 13 & 67.

The Nahoor or Burrhel.

Ilab. Nepal and Tibet.

1278. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3779.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10. Prom Tibet.

Presented by General R. Strachey, R.E., 1851.

1279. Mutilated skull and horns.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1280. Frontlet and horns. O.C. 3776.


1281. Horns and horn-cores. O. C. 3777. Purchased.

1282. Frontlet and horns, ? . 0. C. 3747.

Prom the Himalayas.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.



Ovis tragelaphus.

Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 268 (1817).

The Barbary "Wild Sheep or Aotjdad. Hab. North Africa.

1283. Skeleton, tf . 0. C. 3780 to 3807.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 14.

The right horn had been broken off during the animal's life- time ; and the base of the horn-core, which was covered by a callous dermal cicatrix, is widely open, showing the communi- cation of its cavity with the frontal sinuses. A section of the cranium shows the complete septum which divides the extensive frontal sinuses of one side from those of the other.

Prepared from an animal (from the Atlas Mountains) which died in Mr. Cross's Menagerie.

Purchased, 1839.

1284. Frontlet and horns.

1285. Hyoid bones of male. Purchased, 1874.

Genus CAPRA. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 94 (1766).

Capra ibex.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 95 (1766).

The Alpine Ibex. Hab. Savoy and Piedmont.

1286. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3742.




1287. Imperfect skeleton of male.

Tho skull is much mutilated. The right ramus of the man- diblo is wanting, as are the foet, vertebral column, and pelvis. From Piedmont.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.

1288. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 9. The skull is much mutilated. The left ramus of the mandi- ble, the atlas, and the phalanges are wanting. From Piedmont.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.

1289. Skull (mutilated behind), vertebral column, and pelvis of


From Piedmont.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1866.

Capra arabica.

Capra nubiana, Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1825). Capra arabica, Riippell, Neue Wirbelthiere von Abyssinien, p. 17

(1835) *.

Aegoceros beden, A. Wagner, Schreber fortgesetzt, von, p. 1303

(1836) .

The Beden or Arabian Ibex.

Hab. Arabia and Egypt.

1290. Skull and horns.

Purchased at Cairo.

Presented by Professor Flower, 1874.

1291. A pair of horns. 0. C. 3743.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

As the species does not occur in Nubia, this name (which was affixed to a specimen in the Vienna Museum, received from Mount Sinai in 1807) is preferable to that of F. Cuvier {cf. Riippell, loc. eit.).



Capra pyrenaica.

Copra pyrenaica, Schinz, Neue Denkschriften d. allg. Schweiz.

Gesellsch. ii. p. 9, tab. i., ii., & iii. (1838). C. hispanica, Schimper, Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc. Paris, xxvi. p. 318


1292. Skull, horns, and bones of right fore and hind feet of male.

Shot in the Sierra de Ronda, Andalusia, by Captain Anstru- ther, Rifle Brigade, 11 April, 1865.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1866.

1293. Skull of male.

From the Sierra de Gredos, Central Spain.

Presented by Don Mariano de Graells, Director of the Nat. Hist. Museum at Madrid, 1865.

1294. Skull, with one horn, of female.

From the Sierra de Gredos.

Presented by Don Mariano de Graells, 1865.

Capra jemlaica.

Capra jemlahica, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, iv. p. 308 (1827).

The Thar or Jharal. Hob. The Himalaya Mountains.

1295. Frontlet and horns of male. 0. C. 3744.


1296. Frontlet and horns of male. 0. C. 3745.


BOVID^!. 251

1297. Frontlet and horns of young male. 0. C. 3749.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

Capra hircus.

Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 94 (1766).

The Common Goat.

Hab. South-western Asia. Introduced by man into most parts of the habitable world.

A. Wild variety. Capra wgagrus (Gmelin, Syst. Nat. p. 193, 1788).

1298. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3746.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

The following series of skulls and horns (to No. 1306 inclusive) were collected by the donor in the hill country to the east of Bushire, Persia.

Presented by W. H. Colvill, Esq., H.M. Indian Army, 1865.

1299. Skull and horns of male, 4 years old*.

"With complete adult dentition.

1300. Skull and horns of male, 2 years old.

"With the milk-molars, and first and second true molars.

1301. Skull and horns of male, 2 years old.

"With the same condition of dentition, rather less worn.

* Tho ages given are those ascribed to the animals by the native hunters.


Capra hircus.

1302. Skull and horns of female, 4 years old.

With complete adult deutition.

1303. Skull and horns of female, 3 years old.

With complete adult dentition.

1304. Skull and horns of young.

Sex not stated. Probably female. With milk-molars and first and second true molars.

1305. A pair of horns with horn-cores of a male, 8 or 10 years


1306. A pair of horns of a male of the same age.

B. Domesticated varieties.

1307. The horns of one of a feral race of the Domestic Goat in-

habiting the Old Head of Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland.

" A number of Goats, said to have presented the usual twisted horn of the domesticated variety, were turned loose on the Old Head at Kinsale about twelve or fifteen years ago ; and gradually assuming the habits of C. cegagrus, the horns became at the same time like those of the latter. The specimens belonged to a male, and, although of large size, are not so massive as others from the same herd." Donor's Letter.

Presented by Professor A. Leith Adams, M.B., 1874.

1308. Articulated skeleton of a Domestic Goat from Nepal.

O. C. 3748.

Yertebrsc : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 13.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

BOVIDiE. 253

1309. Articulated skeleton of a Domestic Goat. 0. C. 3736. Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 9 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

1310. Skeleton of a Goat, six weeks old. The milk-teeth are in place.

Purchased, 1870.

1311. Horns of a Goat. 0. C. 3739. Hunterian.

1312. Skull of a female Cashmere- Shawl Goat.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1869.

1313. Skull of a young Cashmere-Shawl Goat.

The milk-teeth and first true molars are in place.

From an animal bred in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchasd, 1869.

1314. Frontlet and horns of an Angora Goat. 0. C. 3740.

1315. Frontlet and horns of a four-horned variety of Goat. 0. C. 3741.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Genus KEMAS. Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 81 ,

Kemas hylocrius.

Kemas hylocrius, Ogilby, loc. cit.

Capra (Ibex) warryato, Gray, Ann. & Mag. N. H. x. p. 267 (1842).

The Neilgherry Ibex. Hab. Southern India.

1316. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. (incomplete).

Presented by Dr. John Shortt, Deputy Surgeon- General, Madras Army, 1877.


Nceniorliedus, Hamilton Smith, in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 352 (1827), as a subgenus.

Nemorhaedus goral.

Antilope goral, Hardwicke, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 518 (read 1823, pub. 1825).

The Goral.

Hah. The Himalaya Mountains.

1317. Skull. 0. C.3735.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest, 1841.

BoviD^E. 255

1318. Skull of young, wanting the nasal bonss. 0. C. 3734.

The milk-molars and first and second true molars are in place.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1319. Skull of female.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

Nemorhaedus bubalina.

Antilope bubalina, Hodgson, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 12.

The Serow.

Hab. India.

1320. Skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1321. Mutilated skull.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

Nemorhaedus sumatrensis.

Antilope sumatrensis, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, ii. pt. 2, p. 354 (1801).

The Sumatran Antelope.

Hab. Sumatra.

1322. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 3730.

All the true molars are in place ; but the posterior milk-molars have not been shed.



Nemorhsedus sumatrensis.

1323. Skull. 0. C. 3731.

The dentition is in the samo stage as the last.


1324. Upper part of the skull, with the horns. 0. C. 3732.


1325. Skull of female. 0. C. 3733.


Some, if not all, of the above were sent from Sumatra to Hunter by his former pupil Mr. William Bell.


De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Philomatique, 1816, p. 75 (as a subgenus).

Rupicapra tragus.

Copra rupicapra, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 95 (1766). . Rupicapra tragus, Gray, List of Mammals Brit. Mus. p. 167 (1843).

The Chamois. Hob. Europe.

1326. Skeleton of male.

The horn-cores have been sawn off the skull ; otherwise the skeleton is perfect. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Prom Piedmont.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.

1327. Skull and horns.

Purchased, 1865.


1328. Frontlet and horns. 0. C. 3725.



1329. A pair of horns. 0. C. 3726.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1330. A horn and horn-core of " The Caucasian Chamois, from Northern Tartarj." 0. C. 3729.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.


Aplocerus, Hamilton Smith, in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v.

p. 354 (1827). Haplocerus, Wagner, Supp. Schreber, iv. p. 462 (1844).

Haploceros montanus.

Ovis montana, Ord, in Guthrie's Geography, 2nd American edit.,

ii. pp. 293, 309, 1815 (fide Baird). Antilope (Rupicapra) americcma, De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc.

Philomat. 1816, p. 80. Antilope lanigera, Hamilton Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 38


The Rocky -Mountain Goat.

1331. Skull and horns.

From Fort Tongass, Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution) 1871.





Genus OREAS. Dosmarest, Mammalogie, p. 471 (1822), as a subg. of Antilope.

Oreas canna.

Antilope oryx, Pallas, Sjricilegia Zool. i. p. 16 (1767), changed to Antilope oreas, ibid. xii. pp. 5 & 17 (1777).

Damalis (Boselaphus) oreas, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal

Kingdom, iv. p. 355, and v. p. 364 (1827). Damalis (Boselaphus) canna, ibid. iv. p. 357, and v. p. 365 (1827).

The Eland. Hah. South Africa.

1332. Skull and horns of female. 0. C. 3702.

The base of the cranium is imperfect.


1333. Horns and portion of the cranium of male. 0. C. 3700.


1334. Horns of female. 0. C. 3701. Hunterian.

1335. Hyoid bones of male. Purchased, 1871.


Gray, List of Mammalia in British Museum, p. 155 (1843).

Strepsiceros kudu.

Antilope strepsiceros, Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, i. p. 17 (1767). Strepsiceros kudu, Gray, loc. cit. (1843).

Damalis (Strepsiceros) capensis, Andrew Smith, Illust. Zoology of S. Africa, no. 20 (1844).

The Koodoo.

Hah. South Africa.

BOVID.K. 2f>9

1336. Skull and horns. 0. 0. 3705.

The base of the cranium is imperfect.


1337. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3703. Hunterian.

1338. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3704. Hunterian.

1339. Portion of cranium and horns. 0. C. 3707.


1340. Portion of cranium and horns. 0. C. 3708.


1341. Horns. 0. C. 3706. Hunterian.

1342. Horns. 0. C. 3709. Hunterian.

1343. Horns. O. C. 3711. Hunterian.

1344. Horns. 0. C. 37 12,

Presented by Sir William Blizard, 1804.


De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1810, p. 75.

Tragelaphus scriptus.

Antilope scripta, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. i. p. 15 (1767).

The Haknessed Antelope. Bab. West Africa.

1345. II void bones of male. Purchased, 1870.

8 2



Tragelaplras sylvaticus.

Antilope sylvatica, Sparrinan, Kongl. Vetenskaps. Akad. Hand- ling. Stockholm, 1780, p. 197.

The Bosch-bok. Hab. South Africa.

1346. Horns and portion of cranium. 0. 0. 3685.



Boselaphus, De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 75. Portax, Hamilton Smith, Griffith's An. King. v. p. 366 (1827).

Boselaphus tragocamelus.

Antilope tragocamelus, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. i. p. 9 (1767) ; ibid, xii. p. 13 (1777), founded on Parson's description and figures in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1745, p. 465, tab. hi. fig. 9.

A. picta, Pallas, ibid. xii. p. 14 (1777). Portax picta, Hamilton Smith, loc. cit. p. 367. Portax tragocamelus, Gray, Cat. Ungulata Furcipeda Brit. Mus. p. 141 (1852).

Boselaphus pictus, Sclater, List of Animals in Zool. Gardens, p. 128 (1879).

The Nylghau. Hab. India.

1347. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting.

In Museum before 1861. Probably Hunterian.



1348. Skeleton of male (imperfect).

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. G, S. 5, C. wanting.

In Museum before 1861.

1349. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra): C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting.

In Museum before 1861.

1350. Horns. 0. C. 3724. Hunterian.

Genus ORYX. De Blainville, Bull. Soo. Philomat. 1816, p. 75.

Oryx leucoryx.

Antilope leucoryx, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. xii. p. 17 (1777).

The Leucoryx.

Ilctb. North Africa.

1351. Mutilated cranium and horns. 0. C. 3686.

Purchased .

1352. Part of the skin of the head with the horns. 0. C. 3687.


1353. A pair of horns. 0. C. 3688. Hunterian.

1354. Horns (separate). 0. C. 3689.




Oryx beisa.

Antilope beisa, Kiippell, Neue Wirbclthiere von Abyssiuien, p. 14, Taf. 5 (1835).

The Beisa Antelope. Hab. North-east Africa.

1355. Horns. 0. C. 3691. From Abyssinia.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.


Egocerus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 475 (1822). Aigocerus, Hamilton Smitb, Griffith's An. King. v. p. 324 (1827). Hippotragus, Sundevall, Kongl. Vetenskaps Akad. Hand, for 1844, p. 196*.

jEgocerus, Gray, Cat. TJngulata Purcipeda Brit. Mus. p. 102 (1852).

Hippotragus leucophseus.

Antilope leucophaa, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. i. p. 6 (1767).

The Blue Antelope. Hab. South Africa.

1356. Horns, $. In Museum before 1861.

Hippotragus equinus.

Antilope equina, Geoffroy, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 204 (1816).

The Equine Antelope.

Hab. Africa.

* This name was given by Sundevall to the present group in consequence of 2Egoceros having been employed by Pallas (in 1811) for a genus containing the Goats and Sheep, and adopted in the same sense by Wagner and others,



1357. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3696.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L, 6, S. 4, C. 12 (incomplete).

Purchased, 1830.

From Senegal.

Hippotragus niger.

Aigocems niger, Harris, Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 213 (read 1838).

The Sable Antelope. Hob. South Africa.

1358. Portion of cranium with horns. 0. C. 3697.

Presented by J. Adamson, D.D.

Genus GAZELLA. De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 75.

Gazella dorcaa.

Capra dorcas, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 96 (1766)i

The Common Gazelle. Hob. North Africa.

1359. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3648.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 14.

Brookes Collection, Purchased, 1828.

1360. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1861.



Gazella dorcas.

1361. Skull and horns. 0. C. 3649.

The milk-molars are still iu place, with the three true molars.


Gazella bennetti.

Antilope benndtii, Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 104.

The Indian Gazelle. Hob. India.

1362. Skull and horns, 6 . 0. C. 3665.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest, 1841.

1363. Skull, d". In Museum before 1861.

1364. Skull, ? . In Museum before 1861.

Gazella euchore.

Antilope euchore, J. Ii. Forstcr, MS. : Lichtenstein, Berlin. Gesell. naturforsch. Freunde Magazin, vi. p. 169 (1814).

The Spmng-bok. Hah. South Africa.

1365. Imperfect skull with the horns. 0. C. 3654.

There are but two premolars on each side of the lower jaw.


1366. Horns. 0. C. 3657.

Presented by William Norris, Esq.

Bovine. 265

1367. Horns. 0. C. 3655. Hunterian.

1368. Horns. 0. C. 3656.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

Genus SAIGA.

Gray, List Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 160 (18-13) ; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist, xviii. p. 231 (1846).

Saiga tartarica.

Capra tatarica, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 97 (1766). Antilope seyihica, Pallas, Spicileg. Zool. i. p. 9 (1767). A. saiga, Pallas, ibid. xii. p. 5 and p. 14 (1777).

The Saiga Antelope.

Hab. Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

1369. Articulated skeleton of adidt male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10. From a wild animal from South Russia.

Purchased, 1867.

1370. Radius, ulna, tibia and fibula, and bones of the manus and pes.

Mounted in the Separate Series. From a wild animal.

Received in exchange, 1868.

1371. Bones of the trunk and extremities.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting. From a young animal which diod in confinement in this country.

Presented by l>r. J. Muvie, 1867.



Saiga tartarica.

1372. Skull of female.

From Central Asia.

Purchased, 1873.

1373. One horn. 0. C. 3659.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

Genus PROCAPRA. Hodgson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, xvi. p. 696 (1847).

Procapra gutturosa.

Antilope gutturosa, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. xii. p. 14 (1777).

The Chinese Antelope. Hob. Eastern Asia.

1374. A pair of horns. 0. C. 3661. Hunterian.

1375. One horn. 0. C. 3660. Hunterian.

Genus ANTILOPE. Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. i. p. 3 (1767).

Antilope cervicapra.

Capra cervicapra, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. Y2, i. p. 96 (1766).

The Indian Antelope. Hah, India.



1376. Skeleton, not quite complete.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. G, S. 4, C. wauting. There are only two premolars in the lower jaw.

In Museum before 1861.

1377. Skull and horns. 0. C. 36(54.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest, 1841.

1378. Cranium and horns. 0. C. 3663.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1379. Cranium and horn-cores. 0. C. 3662.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest, 1841.

1380. Horns. 0. C. 3666. Hunterian.

1381. Horns. 0. C. 3668. Hunterian.

1382. One horn. 0. C. 3667. Hunterian.

1383. Horn and horn-core in longitudinal section, showing the

solid structure of the latter. 0. C. 3669.


1384. Horn. 0. C. 3670.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1385. Horn in longitudinal section. 0. C. 3671.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.



Antilope cervicapra.

1386. Bones of the right anterior and posterior extremities. 0. C. 3672 and 3673.


Genus KOBUS.

Andrew Smith, Illust. Zoology of South Africa, no. 12 (1840).

Kobus ellipsipryranus.

Antilope ellipsiprymna, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 47.

The Water-Buck.

Hab. South Africa. 1387. Skull and horns. 0. C. 3698. Purchased.


Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, iv. p. 269, v. p. 349 (1827).

Neotragus saltianus.

Antilope saltiana, De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 79.

Salt's Antelope.

Hab. Abyssinia.

The third lower molar tooth of this species has but two lobes, instead of three, the number almost universal in the Pecora.



1388. Skull and horns.

From Abyssinia.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1875.

1389. Mutilated skull, with one horn.

Purchased, 1871.

1390. Portion of skull with the skin of the head, the horns, and the feet. 0. C. 3684.

From Abyssinia. The type of the species. Figured by De Blainville in 'Journal de Physique,' August 1818, and Oken's ' Isis,' 1819, Taf. 12. figs. 5 and 9.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.


Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, iv. p. 258, and v. p. 344 (1827).

Cephalophus maxwelli.

AntUope {Cephalophus) maxwellii, Ham. Smith, op. cit. iv. p. 267 (1827).

The Philantomba Antelope,

Hab. West Africa.

1391. Skull of young.

The milk- molars arc retained, with the first and second true molars.

From the west coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865,



Cephalophus maxwelli.

1392. Skull of young.

The milk-molars are present, with the first true molars. From the west coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.

Cephalophus mergens.

Antilope mergens, De Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 193 (1816).

The Duyker-bok.

Hob. South Africa.

1393. Skull and horns, <j . 0. C. 3679.


1394. Cranium and horns of young male.

The milk-molars are retained, though all the true molars are in place.

Presented by B. Trovers, Esq.

1395. Cranium of female of this or an allied species. O. C. 3683.



Tetracerus, Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xiv. p. 524 (1823).

Tetraceros quadricornis.

Antilope quadricornis, De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 78.

Antilope chicJcara, Hardwicke, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 520 (read 1823).

The Pour-horned Antelopk.

Ilab. India.



1396. Articulated skeleton of mule. 0. C. 3715.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

Tbe animal from which this skeleton was prepared was brought alive to this country from Bengal. For an account of its measurements and external characters, with a very good figure, see " .Remarks on the Antilope chickara," by Robert Hills, in the ' Transactions of the Linnean Society,' vol. xv. p. 501 (1827).

Presented by Sir Anthony Carlisle, 1827.

1397. Cranium. 0. 0. 3718.

The posterior horn-sheaths are wanting ; the anterior differ from those of the skeleton, no. 1396, in being more acu- minate and obliquely compressed on their inner side, which, in a transverse section, would give them something of a lozenge form.

From Hoorshedabad, Bengal.

This is the specimen upon which Blainville founded the species (Bull. Soc. Philom. 1816, p. 78). It is also figured by him in the 'Journal de Physique,' August 1818, and in Oken's 'Isis,' 1819, pi. xii.

Purchased, 1806.

1398. Skull of old female.

From Maunbhoom, Bengal.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867,

1399. Skull of young male, with complete milk-dentition. From Maunbhoom.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

1400. Calvaria and horns of young. 0. C. 3719. From Moradabad, Bengal.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest, 1841.


Tetraceros quadricornis.

1401. One of the posterior horns. 0. C. 3720.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

Genua .fflPYCEROS.

Suudevall, Kongl. Vetensk. Akad. Hand, for 1845, p. 271.

/Epyceros melampus.

Antilope melampus, Lichtenstein, Berlin. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde Magazin, vi. p. 167 (1814).

The Pallah.

Hah. South Africa.

1402. Cranium and horns of young male. 0. C. 3650.

The milk-molars have been removed to show the germs of the premolars. The third true molar is just coming into place. From Kaffraria.


1403. Portion of calvaria and horns of adult male. O. C. 3651.

From Kaffraria.



De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 75.

Alcelaphus caama.

Antilope caama, Cuvier, Diet, des Sciences Nat. ii. p. 242 (1816).

The Hartebeest.

Hob. South Africa.



1404. Skull and horns of young. 0. C. 3674.

The third milk-molars are still retained, the other teeth present being those of the permanent series.


1405. Imperfect cranium with horns.

In Museum before 1861.

1406. Horns. 0. C. 3675. From Caffraria.


Alcelaphus pygargus.

Antilope pygarga, Pallas, Spicilegia Zool. i. p. 10 (1767).

The Bonte-bok. Hab. South Africa.

1407. Calvaria and horns. 0. C. 3652. . From Caffraria.


Alcelaphus lunatus.

Antilope lunata, Burchell, Travels in Southern Africa, ii. p. 334 (1824).

The Sassayby. Hub. South Africa.

1408. Skull of young. 0. C. 3677.

The milk-molars aro in place with the first true molars.



274 UNGULATA. Alcelaphus lunatus.

1409. Portion of cranium and horns, <$ . 0. 0. 3878.



Connodiaetes, Lichtenstein, Berlin. Gesellsch. naturforsch. Freunde

Magazin, vi. pp. 152 and 165 (1814). Catoblepas, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, iv.

p. 366 (1827).

Connochsetes gnu.

Antilope gnou, Zimmermann, Geograph. Geschichte, ii. p. 102 (1780).

Antilope gnu, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 189 (1788).

The White-tailed Gnu.

Hah. South Africa.

1410. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 3808.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 14 (incomplete).


1411. Skull and horns. O. C. 3809. Hunterian.

1412. Cranium and horns. O. C. 3810. Purchased.

1413. Cranium, without horns, of young. O. C. 3811.

The milk-molars are still in place, with the first and second true molars.




Connochsetes taurina.

Antilope taurina, Burchell, Travels, ii. p. 277 (1824).

1414. Cranium and horns of young. 0. C. 3812.

The milk-molars are still retained, with the first and partly developed second true molars.


Antelopes of uncertain Generic Position.

The two following species are placed by Hamilton Smith in his subgenus Raphicerus.

Antilope acuticornis.

De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 79.

1415. Mutilated cranium. 0. C. 3721.

This specimen, the type of the species, is figured by Blainville in the ' Journal de Physique ' for August 1818, fig. 8, and in Oken's ' Isis ' for 1819, Taf. 12. fig. 8. Also (front view) on a very small scale by Hamilton Smith in Griffith's ' Animal King- dom,' iv. p. 198 (1827).

Speaking of this specimen, Hamilton Smith says (loc. cit. p. 252) : " The fragment belonged to a young animal, and was brought from India ; and upon comparison with the Chickara [Tetraceros quadrieornis] we have some doubt whether the aculicorhis be not the eame species, with the spurious horns and anterior part of the frontals wanting, but this, nevertheless, much smaller."

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1416. A single horn attributed to the same species. 0. C. 3722.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.




Antilope subulata.

Hamilton Smith, ia Griffith's Animal Kingdom, iv. p. 253 (1827).

1417. Frontlet and horns. 0. C. 3723.

The type of H. Smith's description and figure. Upon the latter (facing p. 198) it is called A. subulosa.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

Antilope covtitm.

De Christol, Ann. Sc. et Ind. Midi de la France, t. ii. p. 20 (1832),

fide Gervais.

1418. Cast of portion of cranium and horn-cores.

The original is from the " sables marins pliocenes de Mont- pellier." It is figured in Gervais's ' Zoologie et Paleontologie generales,' pi. xx. (1869).

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History,

per Prof. Gervais, 1871.

Family ANTILOCAPRIDiE. Dentition: i. c. ^, p. f, m. §, =^ : total 32.


Antilocapra, Ord, Journal de Physique, lxxxvii. p. 149 (1818) ;

Isis, 1819, p. 1106. Dicranoceros, Hamilton Smith, Griffith's Anim. Kingd. v. p. 312




Antilocapra americana.

Antilope americana, Ord, Guthrie's Geography (2nd Amer. edit.),

ii. 1815, pp. 292, 308 {fide Baird). Antilocapra americana, Ord, Journal de Physique, lxxxvii. p. 149


Antilope furcifer, Hamilton Smith, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 28 (read 1819, publ. 1822).

The Prong-horned Antelope. Hob. North America.

1419. Skull and horns. 0. C. 3713.

Presented by Joseph Sabine, Esq.

1420. Skull and horns of male.

The old horns are about to be shed. Prom near Denver, Colorado.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1877.

1421. Skull of young male ; wanting the horns and horn-cores.

All the true molars are in place j but the premolars have not been acquired.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1422. Skull of female.

Prom the Platte river.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.



Antilocapra americana.

1423. Mutilated skull of a young female.

The milk-molars are retained ; and the posterior true molars are only appearing above the upper margin of the alveolus.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1424. Skull and horns of young male.

The milk-molars and the first true molars are in place. Killed 1st November, 1872, near Port Hays, Kansas, U. S. America.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1876.

1425. Mutilated cranium with the horns of male.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1426. A horn.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1427. A horn.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

1428. A pair of horns. 0. C. 3714.

From the Eocky Mountains, near the River Jaune.

They have a small additional process near the point of bifurcation of each horn, which does not usually exist. These specimens are described and figured by Hamilton Smith, in the Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 31, pi. 3 (1822), under the name of Antilojoe palmata. They are also described by De Blainville as Cervus hamatus in the ' Bulletin de la Societc Philomatique ' for 1816, p. 78.






Falconer and Cautlej-, Asiatic Researches, xix. p. 1 (1836).

Stbatfterium gtgantcum.

Falconer and Cautlej-, he. cit. Hob. Plio-miocene of the Siwalik or sub-Himalayan hills.

1429. The greater part of the cranium, with the molar teeth.

From near Hoshiapur, between the rivers Sutlej and Beas.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Captain T. C. Blagrave, 1852.

1430. Portion of the left maxilla, with the two posterior pre-

molars and the first molar.

From the same locality.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Captain T. C. Blagrave, 1852.

1431. A last right lower molar tooth. 0. C. F. 1251.

Presented by the Rev. R. Everest.

1432. A mutilated cervical vertebra. 0. 0. F. 1252,

Presented by Walter Ewer, Esq.



Stbatijrrium gt'ganteum,

1433. A right astragalus. 0. 0. F. 1 253.

Presented by Walter Ewer, Esq.

1434. A right astragalus.

1435. A left astragalus.


Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. i. p. 363 (1845).

iSramatljtvtum ptrimcnSe. Falconer, loc. ext. p. 365.

1436. Cranium.

From the Tertiary strata of Perim Island, in the Gulf of Cambay.

This specimen is described by its discoverer, Mr. Bettington, in the ' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ' for 1845, vol. viii. p. 340.

Presented by A. Bettington, Esq., 1846.

Family GrIRAFFIDiE. Dentition : i. c. ^, p. m. =^ : total 32.


Giraffa, Zimmermann, Geograph. Geschichte, ii. p. 125 (1780) ;

Storr, Prodromus, p. 41 (1780). Camelopardalis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 181 (1788).



Giraffa camelopardalis.

Oervus camelopardalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 92 (1766). Giraffa camelopardalis, Zimmermann, loc. cit. (1780) ; Gray, Cat.

Ungulata Brit. Mus. p. 181 (1852). Camelopardalis giraffa, Gmelin, loc. cit. (1788)*, Cuvier, and


The Giraffe or Camelopard.

Hab. Africa.

1437. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 19.

Vertical height to top of head 3-960 metres, or 13 feet.

Prepared from an animal born in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, Regent's Park, 23 April, 1846, and died in January 1867.

Purchased, 1867.

1438. Skull and many of the bones of the skeleton of male. 0. C.3618 & 3621 to 3639.

These, together with the skin, which is stuffed and has been transferred to the British Museum, were brought to England by Lieut. William Paterson, who had been sent by Lady Strathmore on a botanical expedition into Caffraria and other parts of Africa, till then unexplored, and were by her presented to Mr. Hunter. ( Vide Paterson's ' Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots in 1777, 1778, 1779,' p. 126.)


* Gmelin quotes " Scbreber, tab. eclv.," as his authority for this name. It would be difficult, if not impossible, now to ascertain the date of the publi- cation of this plate ; but it was almost certainly not before 1780, when both Zimmermann and Storr adopted Giraffa camelopardalis from Brisson. Tho description in Schreber's work did not appear until long afterwards.


Giraffa camelopardalis.

1439. Longitudinally and vertically bisected skull, 0. C. 3620.

The horns have been removed, probably with the skin.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1440. Skull of female. 0. C. 3619.

Though all the permanent teeth are in place, the bony horn- cores retain their independence and well display their relations to the frontal and parietal bones.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1441. Lower jaw.

In Museum before 1861.

1442. The milk-teeth, with abraded crowns and absorbed roots, shed by the first Giraffes which lived in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

The animals were brought from Nubia when between one and two years of age, in May 1836.

a. Left first lower incisor, shed May 1838. 0. C. 3640.

b. Left second lower incisor, shed May 1838. O. C. 3641.

c. Left upper first molar, shed October 1838. 0. C. 3642.

d. Left upper second molar, shed November 1838. 0. C. 3643.

e. Right upper second molar, shed December 1838. 0. C. 3644. /. Left upper third molar, shed February 1840. 0. C. 3645.

g. Left lower first molar, shed October 1838. 0. C. 3646.

h. Right lower third molar, shed January 1840. 0. C. 3647.

Presented by the Zoological Society.



ffifvaffa bitungtim.

Camelopardalis biturigum, Duvernoy, Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 3, i. p. 47 (1844).

1443. Casts of the two rami of the mandible. 0. C. F. 1119.

The originals were discovered in a yellowish argillaceous stratum in digging a well in the town of Issoudun (Departement de l'lndre). It is figured by the donor, loc. cit. pi. 2.

Presented by Professor Duvernoy.

Family CERVIM].

Dentition : i. c. ^f^, p. f , m. §, = ^ or^ : total 32 or 34.

The upper canine is usually present in the male sex, some- times, as in Moschus and Hydropotes, attaining a very great size.

Subfamily MosCHiNiE.

Genus MOSCHUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 91 (1766).

Moschus moschiferus.

Linnaeus, loc. cit. (1766).

The Mtjsk-Deer. Hah. Central Asia.

1444. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 3490. Vertebne : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 6.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.



Moschus moschiferus.

1445. Skeleton of female.

Not quite complete. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. wanting.

Prepared from the animal (from Cashmere) presented to the Zoological Society by General Sir Kichard Pollock, 31 March, 1869, which died 27 October, 1869, and formed the subject of a memoir on its anatomy published in the ' Proceedings ' of the Society for 1875, p. 159.

Presented by the, Zoological Society, 1869.

1446. Natural skeleton of the bones of the trunk, wanting the atlas.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 6.

This and the following specimen were labelled by the donor " M. saturatus " (vide Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, viii. p. 203 1839).

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1447. Natural skeleton of the bones of the trunk.

Vertebras: C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 7. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1448. Skull of male. 0. 0. 3491.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks.

1449. Skull of male. 0. C. 3492.

The outer alveolar walls have been removed from the right side of both jaws to expose the roots of tho teeth.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

CHRVlDili. 285

1450. Skull of male.

Vertically and longitudinally bisected.

In Museum before 1861.

1451. Mutilated cranium of male, with the teeth complete.

Presented by Captain C. H. T. Marshall, 1870.

1452. Anterior portion of the upper and lower jaws of a male,

with the long upper canines and the inferior incisors and incisor-like canines. 0. C. 3493. Hunterian.

1453. Right bind foot, wanting the astragalus and calcaneum.

In Museum before 1861.

Subfamily Cervine*.


Geoffroy, Revue Encyclope'dique, lix. p. 82 (1833).

Drcmotijertum fctgnourn.

Geoffroy, he. cit.

1454. Cast of cranium of female.

The original is from a Miocene deposit at St. Gerand le Puy (Allier), France.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History, 1869.

* For the nomenclature of the existing members of this group, see Sir Victor Brooke, "On the Classification of the Cervidai, with a Synopsis of the Existing Spwies," Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 883.




Cervulus, De Blainville, Bull, de la Soc. Pbilomat. 1816, p. 74. Stylocerus, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Anim. Kingd. v. p. 319 (1827).

Prox, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 135.

Cervulus muntjac.

Cervus muntjah, Zimmermann, Geograph. Geschichte, ii. p. 131 (1780).

Cervus muntjak and C. vaginalis, Boddaert, Elench. Anim. i.

p. 136 (1785). Cervus muntjac, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 180 (1788).

The Common Muntjak.

Hob. India, Burmah, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo.

1455. Incomplete skeleton of female.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. incomplete. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by Sir Stamford Raffles.

1456. Incomplete skeleton of female. From Sumatra.

In Museum before 1862.

1457. Skull and antlers of male. 0. C. 3607. From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.



1458. Skull of male. 0. C. 3613.

The antlers are imperfectly developed. The cranium has been vertically and transversely divided. From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1459. Skull of female. 0. C. 3612.

Stated to have been shot at Natmuthal.


1460. Skull of female.

An upper caniue is present on the left side only. There is no trace even of a socket on the right. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan II. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1461. Skull of young female. 0. C. 3614.

The milk-molars and first true molars are in place. Small upper canines are present.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1462. Cranium of adult male. 0. C. 3606. Hunterian.

1463. Mutilated cranium and atlas. 0. C. 3610.

This specimen was described by Do Blainvillo under the name of (Jervus subcarautus (Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. 1816, p. 77).

Presented by Sir Fverard Home, 1807.

288 UNGULATA. Cervulus muntjac.

1464. Mutilated cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3611.

A longitudinal section has been made through the left antler and its pedicle.


1465. Calvaria and antlers of large size. 0. C. 3608. Probably from Sumatra,

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

1466. Portion of calvaria and antlers.

In Museum before 1861.

1467. Portion of calvaria and antlers. 0. C. 3609.

The antlers are small, aud the brow-tyne rudimentary.


1468. Portion of calvaria and antlers.

In a similar condition of development.

In Museum before 1861.

1469. Mutilated cranium of young. 0. C. 3615.

The two posterior milk-molars remain; and the last true molar has been but recently acquired. The pedicles are very long, and the antlers imperfectly developed.

Upon this specimen M. de Blainville founded his Cervus moschatus (Bull, de la Soc. Philomat. 181G, p. 77).

Sent from Sumatra by Mr. William Bell.




Genus CERVUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 92 (1766).

A. Rusine Group.

Cervus aristotelis.

Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, ed. 2, iv. p. 503 (1823).

The Sambtjr Deer. Hab. India, Burmah, Siam.

1470. Skull of adult female. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1471. Facial portion of skull and antlers of male.

In Museum before 1862.

1472. Left antler. O.'O. 3592.


From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1473. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3589. From the Coromandcl Coast.





Cervus equinus.

Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, ed. 2, iv. p. 45 (1823).

The Equine Deer.

Hab. Borneo and Sumatra.

1474. Cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3588.

From Sumatra, whence it was probably transmitted to Mr. Hunter by bis former assistant, Mr. William Bell.


1475. Frontlet and antlers.

In Museum before 1862.

1476. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3591.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

1477. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3590.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Cervus porcinus.

Zimmermann, Specimen Zool. Geogr. Quadr. p. 532 (1777).

The Hog-Deeu.

Hab. India.

1478. Skull and antlers.

In Museum before 1862.


1479. Cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3593.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1480. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3594.

From the Himalaya Mountains.

Presented by Colonel Finch, 1830.

1481. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3595.

From the Terai, at the foot of the Kumaon mountains.


B. Rucervine Group.

Cervns eldi.

M'Clelland, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 417 (1842).

The Panolia Deer.

Hah. Burmah, Siam.

1482. Imperfect cranium and antlers.

In Museum before 1862.

C. Elaphurine Group.

Cervus davidianus.

Elajohurus davidianus, Alph. Milne-Edwards, Nouv. Arch, du Mus.

ii. p. 27 (1866).

David's Deer. Hah. Northern China.

u 2



Cervus davidianus.

1483. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 14 (incomplete).

The antlers are not quite fully developed, as they were still covered with the " velvet " at the time of the animal's death. It was obtained for . the Zoological Society from the park of the Emperor of China's Summer Palace, near Pekin, by Sir Ruther- ford Alcock, K.C.B., H.M. Envoy to China, but died before it was shipped to England. The skin is in the British Museum.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1868.

The following antlers (to No. 1486) were presented with the above skeleton :

1484. A right and left shed antler, probably from the same animal.

1485. A right shed antler.

1486. A left shed antler.

1487. Incomplete skeleton of young.

From Pekin.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1869.

1488. Bones of the cranium and some of the bones of the ex-

tremities of two very young animals.

Erom Pekin.

Presented by Robert Sioinhoe, Esq., 1869.



D. Axine Group.

Cervus axis.

Erxleben, Syst. Keg. Anim. p. 312 (1777).

The Axis Deer. Hob. India.

1489. Skull of female.

From Maunbhoom, Bengal.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

1490. Skull of young female.

The milk-molars and first and second permanent molars are in place. '

From Maunbhoom.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

1491. Skull of female.

From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

E. Elaphine Group.

Cervus elaphus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 93 (1766).

The Red Deer.

Hqh. Europe ; Western Asia ; North Africa.



Cervus elaphus.

a. Recent specimens.

1492. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11. Prepared from an animal killed at Glenquoich by Invergarry, 15 February 1866.

Presented by Edward Ellice, Esq., M.P., 1866.

1493. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10. Tbe antlers are of comparatively small size. Killed 13 January 1868, near Stornaway, Island of Lewis, Scotland.

Presented by Sir James Mattheson, M.P., 1868.

1494. Skeleton of female.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 8 (incomplete). A pair of rudimentary canineB were present in the maxilla? ; but tbey were lost in preparing the skeleton. From Inchbea, Garve, near Dingwall.

Presented by E. Vaughan, Esq., 1866.

1495. Skull of female.

From Scotland.

Purchased, 1865.

1496. Anterior portion of skull of female, prepared to show the


From Colebrooke Park, Fermanagh, Ireland.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1878.


1497. Hyoid bones of male. From Scotland.

Presented by Edgar Flower, Esq., 1873.

1498. Frontlet and antlers of male. 0. 0. 3575. Hunterian.

1499. A right antler. 0. C. 3576. Hunterian.

1500. A right antler with well-developed crown.

In Museum before 1862.

1501. A right antler. O. C. 3577. Hunterian.

1502. A left antler. In Museum before 1862.

1503. Frontlet and antlers of stunted growth, said to have been associated with injury to one of the legs.

The left antler is quite rudimentary. The exact seat and nature of the injury to the limb has not been recorded ; but an illustrative case will be found in the Pathological Series, No. 1730, of wound of the left tibio-tarsal joint followed by exten- sive inflammatory action with formation of new bone, associated with stunted growth of the right antler.

The present specimen is from a Stag shot by H.R.H. The Prince Consort, 8 September, 1856, near Balmoral.

Presented by Sir James Clark, M.D., 1856.

1504. A pair of antlers of a young Stag. O. C. 3579.




Cervus elaphus.

b. Subfossil specimens.

1505. Frontlet and antlers of large size.

In a subfossil condition. They were in the Museum before 1862, but without history.

1506. The greater part of a large right antler. History unknown.

In Museum before 1862.

1507. A right antler. 0. C. 3578.

Obtained from a bog in Ireland. It has not been shed, but broken off the skull.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1508. Fragment of skull, with base of an antler. O. C. F. 1177.

From the brick-earth of Essex.


1509. Two fragments of antlers. O. C. F. 1178.

They appear to have been obtained from the subjacent gravel of some bog, and are incrusted with fragments of stone and brick cemented together by black mud. Locality unrecorded.


1510. Portion of an antler and of a scapula. O. C. F. 1180 and 1181.

Both the«e specimens were obtained at Loughborough, Leicestershire, in the year 1786 ; their condition is indicated by a memorandum attached to them in the original Hunterian Catalogue, where they are called " two bones calcined." They have lost most of their animal matter.




1511. Three fragments of antlers in the same condition as the preceding. 0. C. F. 1182, 1183, and 1184.

Locality unrecorded.


1512. Shaft of a right femur. 0. C. F. 1185. Hunterian.

1513. Various bones. 0. C. F. 1191 to 1203.

Discovered by Mr. Joseph Whidbey in one of the cavernous fissures of the limstone-quarries at Oreston, and noticed by Mr. Clift, in his memoir on the bones there discovered, in the ' Phi- losophical Transactions ' for 1823, p. 86.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq.

1514. Various bones from the cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire.

O.C.F. 1204 to 1214.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

1515. Various bones found associated with remains of the

Gigantic Deer ( Cervus hibernicus) in the Pleistocene freshwater deposit beneath a bog in Ireland. 0. C. F. 1215 to 1226. Hunterian.

1516. A left metatarsal bone. 0. C. F. 1227.

Prom beneath a turf-bog in the county of Tipperary.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1517. One of the tines or branches of an antler. 0. C. F. 1230.

Prom Canstadt, in "Wurtcmberg.


298 UNGULATA. Cervus elaphus.

1518. A lower molar. 0. 0. F. 1231.

From Bauman's Cave, in the Hartz Forest, Germany.


1519. Portions of the calvaria and antlers from a cave near

Palermo in Sicily. 0. C. F. 1232, 1233, and 1234.

Presented by J. Robertson, Esq.

1520. Posterior part of cranium, with pedestal and base of an

antler of a large species of Cervus of the round-antlered or Elaphine group. 0. 0. F. 1235 and 1236.

From the tertiary deposits of the sub-Himalaya range, India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

Cervus canadensis.

Erxleben, Syst. Keg. An. p. 305 (1777).

The Wapiti.

Hab. North America.

1521. Skull and antlers. 0. C. 3585. Purchased.

1522. A pair of shed antlers. 0. C. 3587.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

1523. A pair of antlers.

Presented by Sir William Lawrence, 1855.



1524. Skeleton (not quite complete) of young female.

The milk-molars are still in place. The lower permanent canines and last true molars have not appeared. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. incomplete.

In Museum before 1862.

F. Damine Group.

Cervus dama.

Cervus dama, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 93 (1766). Dama vulgaris, Gray, List Mammals Brit. Mus. p. 181 (1843).

The Fallow Deer.

Hab. South-eastern Europe and South-western Asia.

1525. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 3536.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting.


1526. Skeleton of male. 0. C. 3537.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

1527. Incomplete skeleton of female.

Many of the bones are mounted in the separate series.

In Museum before 1862.

1528. Skull and antlers of male. 0. C. 3538. Hunterian.

1529. Skull of male. 0. C. 3541.

The antlers have been sawn off close to the frontal bone.



Cervus dama.

1530. Skull of female.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1531. Skull of female.

From Colebrooke Park, County Fermanagh, Ireland.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1876.

1532. Cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3543.

The antlers are fully developed, but " in velvet " that is, prior to the shedding of the vascular integument subservient to their growth.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

1533. Cranium,with the recently shed antlers of the same Deer. 0. C. 3540.

Presented by the Duke of Marlborough, 1851.

1534. Cranium of male. O. C. 3539.

The antlers have been sawn off above the base.


1535. Cranium, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3542.

Presented by Professor Owen.

1536. Upper and lower jaws, showing the molar teeth of the left side. 0. C. 3554 and 3555.



1537. Teeth of male, separately displayed.

Prepared in 1809.

1538. Hyoid bones of female.

From Colebrooke, Ireland.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1875.

1539. Articulated skeletons of an anterior and posterior ex- tremity. 0. C. 3556 and 3557.


1540. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3544.

The animal was killed before the hairy integument or " velvet " had been shed.


1541. A pair of growing antlers with the " velvet " retained and dried upon them. O. C. 3545.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

1542. A shed left antler. 0. C. 3546.

The surfaco below the base, where the process of separation has taken place, is convex, showing it to have been taken from an entire or non-castrated buck.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

1543. The left shed antler of a younger animal, the baso of which is also convex. 0. C. 3547.




Cervus dama.

1544. The antlers of a buck ten years old, showing their dimi-

nished bulk and deterioration as offensive weapons in old age. 0. C. 3553.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Eyerton.

1545. A right antler fully developed.

1546. Right antler of a buck about four years old.

1547. Right antler of a buck about three years old.

1548. Right antler of a two-year-old Fallow Deer or " Sorel."

1549. Right antler of a one-year-old Fallow Deer or " Pricket."

The Jive last specimens, showing the gradual development of the antlers with the increasing age of the animal, were in the Museum before 1862, without history.

1550. Antler of a young male Fallow Deer or " Pricket."

0. C. 3548.

Presented by Robert Hills, Esq.

1551. Antler of young. 0. C. 3549. Hunterian.

1552. Antler of young. 0. C. 3550.



1553. Antler of young. 0. C. 3551.



1554. Antler of young. 0. C. 3552. Hunterian.

1555. Cranium of a male castrated at birth.

The antlers of this and the next were persistent, stunted, and covered with a hairy skin, like the horns of a Giraffe, instead of the usual " velvet" of the growing antler.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

1556. Portion of cranium and antlers of a male castrated at birth.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

The following eleven specimens from Deer kept at Oulton Park, Cheshire, illustrate the effects of castration upon the growth of the antlers. The descriptions and appended observa- tions are extracted from the Catalogue of 1853.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

1557. The antlers of a Fallow Deer, from which half of each testicle had been removed soon after birth. 0. C. 3558.

These were shed when the animal had passed its fourth year. The absorbing process has excavated the base of each antler above the level of the burr, leaving a rough flat surface. The antlers were annually formed and shed in this instance, but without acquiring their normal size, and with the difference in the degree and direction of the absorbent action exhibited by the base of the specimens as compared with No. 1542. It is ob- served by the Keeper at Oulton Park, that bucks semicastrated, as in the present instance, go into rut, but not, as entire bucks do, to that degree which produces emaciation/



Cervus dama.

1558. The antlers of a Fallow Deer, from which the testes, but not the spermatic cords, had been removed soon after it was born. 0. C. 3559.

The antlers were formed and shed annually in this instance ; they differed from those of the entire deer in being somewhat smaller and retained longer ; when shed, the absorbed surface at the base of the antler was always carried internally above the level of the burr, and was flat or slightly concave. The present pair of antlers were shed when the " hevier," as such castrated bucks are termed, was five years old.

1559. The left antler of the same castrated Fallow Deer ( Cervus dama), which was killed in its sixth year, October 25th, 1837. 0. 0. 3560.

The antlers had retained their velvet full two months longer than the entire bucks usually do in the same park (Oulton, Cheshire).

1560. The antlers of a Fallow Deer. 0. C. 3561.

They were shed in October 1837, the buck having been cas- trated in the month of August in the same year, when the same antlers were clean or burnished, that is, had cast their vascular integument. The effect of castration upon these appendages was manifested by their speedy fall and by the activity of the absorbent process producing it, which has left a slightly concave surface to the base of each. Under ordinary circumstances the antlers would have been retained until the end of April in the following year.

1561. The shed antlers of a castrated Fallow Deer. 0. C. 3562.

They are of diminutive size and abnormal form, and illustrate, by tbe excavation at their base, the active absorbent process through which they were cast off.



1562. A shed left antler of a castrated Fallow Deer. 0. C. 3563.

The absorbent process by which it was undermined has ex- tended above the level of the burr, as far as the base of the brow- snag.

1563. One of a pair of antlers that were put up by a castrated

buck and retained. 0. C. 3564.

Both were small and unbranched, and showed the influence of the persistent vascular periosteum and integument by the formation of several irregular tubercles of bone.

1564. A shed antler of stunted growth of a castrated Fallow

Deer. 0. C. 3565.

The absorbent process has excavated the base of the antler and detached it from above the level of the burr.

1565. The antlers of a castrated Fallow Deer eight years old.

0. C. 3566.

They were developed after castration, and were retained two years before the animal was killed.

1566. The calvarium and antlers of a castrated Fallow Deer.

0. C.3567.

The antlers were retained long after the usual period of shedding, and had become much malformed by exostoses deve- loped from the persistent periosteum.

1567. The cranium of a Fallow Deer from which the left testis

had been removed, showing a corresponding arrest of development of the left antler. 0. C. 3568.

The velvet was retained longer than usual on both antlers. The arteries have been injected, showing the branch of the ex- ternal carotid which passes over the zygoma and behind the orbit for tho supply of the periosteum and integument of the antlers. The calvarium has been removed to show the plexus, or " rete mirabile," formed by tho internal carotid on each side of the " sella turcica." PART II. X



Cervus dama.

1568. Part of the calvarium, with the antlers, of a mature Fallow

Deer (Cervus dama), with the integument or velvet re- tained. 0. C. 3569.

The memorandum with this specimen states that " they were not shed at the usual time, in consequence of the castration of the animal, from which period that process ceases."

Obs. Neither the place nor date of the operation is men- tioned. The latter part of the statement seems to have heen made in accordance with the current belief in the effect of cas- tration from the time of Rem, who states, " Si cervus juvenia castretur, nondum emissis cornubus, cornua nunquam emittit : si castretur jam emissis cornubus, cornua nunquam mutat ; sed qua? dum castratur habet, castratus semper retinet." (Experi- menta Naturalia, 12mo, 1675, p. 162.)

That these propositions are not in accordance with nature, at least as regards the Fallow Deer ( Cervus dama), is proved by the experiments instituted by Sir Philip de Malpas Grey Eger- ton, of which the specimens Nos. 1557 to 1567 are the results. No. 1560, for example, shows that the antlers which the buck had when it was castrated, instead of being always retained, were shed six months sooner than usual, the effect of the operation having been to stimulate the absorbent action, which the base of the antlers shows to have gone on with un- usual activity. Specimen No. 1558 also disproves the first part of Eedi's statement, showing that when a young buck is cas- trated before it has developed any antlers, it nevertheless does, develop them, although of abnormal size and shape, and that they are retained longer than usual, but in some instances arc shed and renewed always, however, when shed exhibiting the characteristic excavation at the base noticed in the specimens No. 1561. 0. C. p. 592.

Presented by Sir Ererard Home.

1569. Calvaria and antlers much malformed by exostoses.

This specimen, which was in the Museum before 1862, is figured ii- the article Cervidai, in Knight's ' English Cyclopaedia of Natural History,' vol. i. p. 844 (1854), as " the horns of a Eallow Deer that were not shed at the usual time in consequence of the castration of the animal."



1570. Another specimen of deformed and diseased antlers.

Probably also due to the effects of castration.

In Museum before 1862

1571. Natural skeleton of a Fawn or young Fallow Deer.

The milk-teeth are in place. There are no traces of upper canines.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).


1572. Natural skeleton of a foetal Fallow Deer, about one month

short of the full period of gestation.

Taken from a Doe killed in the end of November 1878. Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4; C. 10.

Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., 1878.

1573. Disarticulated skull of a Fawn, in which all the separate

bones are mounted at a short distance from each other.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

G. Megacerotine Group.

Cerbutf ijflbevmcua.

Cervus hibernus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 446 (1822).

C'ervus megaceros, Hart, Description of the Skeleton of the Fossil

Deer of Ireland (1826). Megaceros hibernicus, Owen, Report of British Association, 1843,

p. 237.

The Megaceros or Irish Elk.

Ilab. Western Europe in the Pleistocene period.

The upper canine teeth do not appear to have been developed in this species.

x 2



£crbu£( ijtbermcusl.

1574. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. F. 1120.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 4 (incomplete).

The span of the antlers, measured in a straight line between the extreme tips, is eight feet (2-490 m.) ; the length of a single antler, following the curvo, is seven feet three inches (2*210 m.).

The weight of the skull and antlers is 76 lb. avoirdupois (34*4 kilos.).

Prom a freshwater Pleistocene deposit of shell-marl beneath a bog near the town of Limerick.

Purchased, 1843.

1575. The cranium and perfect antlers of male. O. C. F. 1121.

The antlers measure in a straight line between the extreme tips eight feet four inches (2-670 m.) ; each antler, from the burr to the extreme tip, following the curve, measures five feet nine inches (1-750 m.). The number of tines or branches of the beam and palm (excluding the brown-tine) is seven, one arising from the hind margin about one third of the way from the base.

Prom the Pleistocene freshwater marl beneath a bog in the county of Limerick.


1576. Cranium and mutilated antlers. 0. C. F. 1122. Locality unrecorded.


1577. Cranium and mutilated antlers. 0. C. F. 1 1 23. Locality unrecorded.


1578. Portion of cranium and beam of right antler.

Labelled " Prom Pleistocene Strata, Essex."

In Museum before 1862.



1579. Cranium and mutilated antlers of male in vertical longitu- dinal section. 0. C. F. 1124.

From the Pleistocene freshwater marl, hencath a bog in the county Down, Ireland.


1580. Beam of an antler with part of the calvaria from which it grew, in longitudinal section. 0. C. F. 1125.

It shows the compact cellular tissue of the pedestal or stem of the antler between the skull and the burr, and the looser cancellous tissue and cavity in the centre of the beam.

Prom the Pleistocene freshwater marl, beneath a bog in the county Down, Ireland.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1581. A section of a smaller portion of the base of an antler,

showing the separation between the beam and the pedicle, commencing in the centre of the antler.

In Museum before 1862.

1582. Cranium of a male which had recently shed its antlers.

Purchased, 1851.

1583. Cranium of female. 0. C. F. 1127.

Prom the Pleistocene freshwater marl beneath a bog in the county of Longford, Ireland.

Purchased, 1843.

1584. Mandible, wanting the incisor teeth. 0. C. F. 1128. Prom the same locality.

Presentea by the Earl of Enniskillen.



(EnbuS htbmuntfj.

1585. Left ramus of mandible, showing the effects of inflammation

and ulceration on its outer and under surfaces. 0. C. F. 1129.

From the same locality.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1586. Right ramus of mandible, with the outer wall of the sockets

of the molar teeth removed to expose their roots. 0. C. F.1130.


1587. Left ramus of mandible, with the course of the dental

canal exposed. 0. C. F. 1131.


1588. Left ramus of mandible.

In Museum before 1862.

1589. Stylo-hyal bone.

Presented by Professor A. Leith Adams, M.B., 1878.

1590. The seven cervical vertebrae. 0. C. F. 1134 to 1140.

Locality unrecorded.


1591. Six of the dorsal vertebrae. 0. C. F. 1141 to 1146.

Locality umecorded.



1592. Four lumbar vertebrae. 0. C. F. 1147 to 1150. Locality unrecorded.


1593. Sacrum. 0. C. F. 1151.

Locality unrecorded.


1594. Various bones of the limbs. 0. C. F. 1152 to 1176 (ex- cluding 1160).

Locality unrecorded.


1595. A left cuneiform bone, one surface of which seems to have been in a state of ulceration. 0. C. F. 1160.

From the gravel beneath a bog in Ireland.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

1596. A right metatarsus affected with exostosis.

From the shell-marl under a bog near Dungarvan, county Waterford. Remains of upwards of sixteen individuals of Me- gaceros were found with this specimen in 1875.

Presented by Professor A. Leith Adams, M.B., 1876.

1597. Various bones.

No history recorded.

In Museum before 1862.



Genus RANGIFER. Hamilton Smith, in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 304 (1827).

Rangifer tarandus.

Cervus tarandus, Linnteus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 93 (1766).

The Reindeer.

Hob. Northern Europe, Asia, and America.

In this species, alone among the Cervidae, both sexes are pro- vided with antlers.

1598. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 3512.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 11. Prom the neighbourhood of the Yoringfoss, Hard anger district, Norway.

Presented by Sir Thomas Marion Wilson.

1599. Articulated skeleton of female. 0. C. 3513.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 11. Prom the same locality.

Presented by Sir Thomas Marion Wilson.

1600. Imperfect skeleton, wanting the skull.

Vertebra : C. 7, H. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 2 (incomplete).

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1868.

1601. Imperfect skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 6 (incomplete). Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

cbrvid^:. 313

1602. Skull and antlers of male. 0. C. 3515-


From Lapland.

Presented by Mr. Leadbeater, 1821.

1603. Skull of male. 0. C. 3522.

The antlers have been shed; and tho[short pedicles terminate in slightly convex surfaces.


1604. Skull of male with the antlers removed. O. C. 3521.


1605. Cranium and antlers. O. C. 3516.

From Lapland.

Presented by William Bulloch, Esq., 1821.

1606. Frontlet and fully developed antlers of male. O. C. 3519.

From Siberia.


1607. Frontlet and antlers of male. O. C. 3518.

From Lapland.

Presented by William Bullock, Esq., 1821.

1608. A left shed antler. 0. C. 3523. Hunterian.

1609. Antler of an old male. O. C. 3520.

The palmated branches are broad in proportion to their length, which (except in the case of tho brow-tine) is much curtailed. The terminal divisions or points number thirty-seven.

From Siberia.



Rangifer tarandus.

1610. Right antler of male. 0. C. 3524.

From Lapland.

Presented by William Bullock, Esq.

1611. Frontlet and antlers of young male. 0. C. 3531.

From Lapland.

Presented by William Bulloch, Esq., 1818.

1612. Frontlet and antlers of female. 0. C. 3527. From Lapland.


1613. Frontlet and antlers of female. 0. C. 3528. From Lapland.

Presented by William Bullock, Esq., 1821.

1614. Frontlet and antlers of female. 0. C. 3529.


1615. Left antler of female. 0. C. 3530. Hunterian.

1616. Imperfect antler, showing two branches growing from the base, besides the brow-tine. 0. C. 3532. Hunterian.

1617. Cranium and antlers of young male. 0. C. 3517. From Greenland.


cervid^e. 315

1618. Facial portion of cranium and antlers of female. 0. C. 3526. Prom Greenland.


1619. Frontlet and antlers of male. 0. C. 3534.

The left brow-tine is palmated and much expanded verti- cally ; the right is bifurcated. Prom Newfoundland.

Presented by Edward E. Rushwortli, Esq.

1620. Frontlet and immature pair of antlers, which had not shed

their velvet. 0. C. 3572.

These antlers were entered in the Catalogue of 1831 as those of "A young American Elk," and in the Catalogue of 1853 as belonging to " a Deer resembling in the general characters of the antlers the Cervus virginianus."

Leverian Collection. Purchased, 1806.

1621. Antler of young. 0. C. 3573.

This was originally labelled " No. 171. This Home grew in the frontlet of a Doe in New England in America, 1607." It was entered in the Catalogue of 1831 as " A single horn of an American Fallow-Deer," and in that of 1853 as " an antler which in the bifurcation of its beam and the proportions of its brow-snag approaches nearest to the type of the antler of the Cervus virginianus."

British Museum. Purchased, 1 809.

1622. Base of an antler, with a long subcompressed brow-antler, broken at the extremity. 0. C. F. 1237.

From Etampes, France. Figured in 'Parkinson's Organic Remains,' vol. iii. pi. xx. fig. 3, and noticed at p. 319.

Parkinson Collection. Purchased.



Genus ALCES. Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 303 (1827).

Alces machlis.

Cervus alces, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 92 (1766). Alces machlis, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 135.

The Elk or Moose.

Hab. Northern Europe, Asia, and America.

1623. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 3503.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10 (not quite complete). Prepared from an animal originally from North America, which lived in the Knowsley Menagerie.

Presented by the Earl of Derby.

1624. Skeleton of young male. 0. C. 3509.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. incomplete. Stated to be that of a " European Elk."

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1625. Incomplete skeleton of female.

In Museum before 1862.

1626. Two crania of males, with the antlers interlocked. O. C.


The history of these, according to a memorandum left by Hunter, is as follows : " They are from New Carolina ; and the animals to which they belonged were two large males, which, in the season when sexual excitement is strong, becoming pug- nacious, were engaged in fighting, and their horns, as usual,



employed as weapons of offence ; these, by violent contact, becamo so firmly locked within each other, by means of their points or snags, that the animals wore incapable of liberating themselves ; and in this state they were discovered, starvod to death."


1627. Skull and antlers of male. From Sweden.

Purchased from Mr. L. Lloyd, 1852.

1628. Mutilated cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3510. Said to be of the " European Elk."


1629. Mutilated skull of female. In Museum before 1862.

1630. Facial portion of cranium. 0. C. 3505. From America.


1631. Teeth of an adult male separately displayed.

Erom an animal shot in New Brunswick by the donor in tho winter of 1862-63.

Presented by Colonel H. A. Smyth, R.A.

1632. A pair of antlers. 0. C. 3506. From America.



Alces machlis.

1633. An antler. 0. C. 3508. From America.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1634. A pair of antlers, both of which present a remarkable de- formity, being duplex in the palm. 0. C. 3507.

From America.


Genus CAPREOLUS. Hamilton Smith in Griffith's Animal Kingdom, v. p. 313 (1827).

Capreolus caprea.

Cervus capreolus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 94 (1766). Capreolus caprcea, Gray, List Spec. Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 176 (1843).

The Roe.

Hab. Europe and Western Asia.

1635. Articulated skeleton of male. O. C. 3598.

Vertebra) : C. 7, B. 13, L. 6, S. 6, C. incomplete.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1636. Skeleton of male about two years old.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8.

Most of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

From Perthshire.

Presented by Mr. John M'Ara, 1867.



1637. Skull of female.

From Aberdeenshire.

Purchased, 1868.

1638. Skull of young male.

The milk-molars are in place, with the first permanent molar. The second is coming into place.

1639. Skull of an old female with two imperfectly formed antlers, which were covered with a hairy skin.

This specimen was formerly in the series of " Monsters and Malformed Parts" (see Catalogue of that Series, 1831, no. 16,

It is figured by Mr. E. E. Alston in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1879, p. 297.

The animal was shot in 1810 at Petworth, Sussex, and was described, by the donor as " a very old and uncommonly large female with two young ones in her."

From Aberdeenshire.

Purchased, 1868.

p. 17).

Presented by the Earl of Egremont, 1810.

1640. Calvaria and antlers.

1641. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3600.


1642. Frontlet and antlers. O. C. 3601.


1643. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3602.




Capreolus caprea.

1644. Frontlet and somewhat malformed antlers. 0. C. 3603.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1645. Frontlet and antlers. O.C. F. 1241.

From the peat-field at Newbury, Berkshire.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

1646. Antlers of young. 0. C. F. 1242.

From the same locality.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

1647. Left ramus of lower jaw.

Figured in Oweu's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 486 (1846). From the subturbary marl, Newbury, Berkshire.

1648. A pair of abnormally developed antlers, most probably those

of a young Roebuck. 0. C. 3596.

This specimen was entered in the Catalogue of 1831 as the antlers of a " Dwarf Axis, Cervus pumilio. Habitat unknown, but probably from India."


1649. A left antler, described in the Catalogue of 1831 (p. 136,

no. 947) as that of a Tartarian Roe (Cervus pygargus, Pallas). 0. C. 3605.




Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, p. 90.

Hydropotes inermis.

Swinhoe, he. cit.

The Chinese Water-Deer. Hab. China.

The following specimens are all from the neighbourhood of Shanghai.

1650. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10. The canine tusks are closed at the roots, and very loosely im- planted in shallow sockets.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

1651. Skull of male.

On each side of the upper jaw is a supernumerary tooth. That on the right side is situated immediately to the inner side of the first premolar, that on the left rather more posteriorly.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

1652. Skull of male.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

1653. Skull of male.

Presented by Dr. Edward Hamilton, 1880. PART II. Y



Hydropotes inermis.

1654. Skull of male.

Presented by Dr. Edward Hamilton, 1880.

1655. Cranium of male.

Presented by Dr. Edward Hamilton, 1871.

1656. Skull of young female.

The milk-molars are in place, with the first, second, and almost fully developed third true molars.

One of the type specimens described by the donor in the ' Proceedings of tho Zoological Society ' for 1870, p. 89.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1870.

1657. The canine tusks of an old animal.

They had been observed during life to bo very movable in the jaw.

Presented by Robert Sioinhoe, Esq., 1872.

Genus CARIACUS. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850, p. 237.

Cariacus virginianus.

Cervus vinjinianus, Boddaert, Elenchus Animal, i. p. 136 (1785).

The Virginian Deer. Hab. Eastern North America.

1658. Skull and antlers of male.

Purchased, 1881.



1659. Skull of young male.

Formerly labelled " Small Doer from South Carolina."

Probably Huntenan.

1660. Frontlet and antlers.

In Museum before 18G2.

Cariacus leucurus.

Oervus leucurus, Douglas, Zoological Journal, iv. p. 330 (1829).

The White-tailed Deer.

Hab. Western North America. 1661. Frontlet and antlers.

In Museum before 1862.

Cariacus mexicanus.

Cervus mexicanus, Lichtenstein, Darstell. d. Thiere, Taf. 18 (1827- 1834).

Carvus nemoralis, Hamilton Smith in Griffith's An. King. iv. p. 137 (1827).

The Mexican Deer.

Ilab. Southern North America and Central America.

1662. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 13. Many of the bones aro mounted in the Separate Series. From an animal which lived several years in the Gardens of tho Zoological Society.

Presented by the Society, 1869. y2


Cariacus mexicanus.

1663. Skull and antlors of male of this or a closely allied species. 0. 0. 3574.

Said to bo from Guiana.


Cariacus macrotis.

Cervus macrotis, Say, Long's Exped. Rocky Mount, ii. p. 88 (1823).

The Mule Deer.

Hub. Western North America.

1664. Imperfect cranium and antlers. 0. C. 3570.


1665. Frontlet and antlers. 0. C. 3571.

Leverian Collection. Purchased, 1806.

Cariacus campestris.

Cervus campestris, F. Cuvicr, Diet. Sc. Nat. vii. p. 484 (1817).

The Pampas-Deer.

Hob. South America.

1666. A pair of antlers.

In Museum before 1862.

1667. Frontlet and antlers.

Barnard J)avis Collection. Purchased, 1880.

C KHV1 DM, TR AG 0 L 1 1 ) M .


Genus PUDUA.

Puck, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850, p. 242. Pudua, Brooke, ibid. 1878, p. 026.

Pudua humilis.

Cervus humilis, Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. -7.

The Pudu Deer.

I lab. Chilian Andes.

1668. Articulated skeleton of young female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 8. The milk-molars are still in place, and the posterior true molars are not fully acquired.

Purchased, 1870.

Section Tragulina.


Dentition : i. c. \, p. §, in. $, = -^0- : total 34.

The upper canines in the male sex are long, curved, and have persistent roots.


Pallas (ex Brisson), Spicilegia Zoologica, xiii. p. 27 (1770).

The specific determination of the specimens of this genus can- noi be absolutely relied upon, having been made from the oste- ological characters alone, with the aid of the memoir by A. Milne-Edwards, "Recherch.es anatomiques, zoologiques et palcon- tologiques sur la famille des Chcvrotains " (Annales des Sciences Naturelles, ser. v. Zool. t. ii. p. 49 et seqq., 18G4).



Tragnlus javanicus.

Mosclms javanicus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 174 (1788)*.

The Javan Chevrotain. Hub. Java.

1669. Articulated skeleton, J . 0. C. 3498.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 13.


1670. Articulated skeleton, 6 . 0. C. 3495.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 13.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

1671. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 3499.

Tbo milk-dentition is present with the first permanent molars.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 14, L. 0, S. & C. 9 (incomplete).


1672. Skull of female.

In Museum before 1862.

1673. Skull of young, with the milk-teeth and first permanent molars.

In Museum before 1862.

1674. Left ramus of lower jaw, with the roots of the teeth of the molar series exposed from the inner side. 0. C. 3501.

Presented by Professor Owen.

* Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, fasc. xii. p. 18, note (1777), and fasc. xiii. p. 28 (1778), is generally quoted for this name ; but, although he gives a care- ful description of the animal, he does not appear to have assigned a definite specific designation to it.


1675. Teeth of aduli male, separately displayed.

Purchased, 1870.

1676. Lumbar vertebrae and pelvis of the same individual, with ossified lumbar fascia.

For an account of the frequent occurrence of tins condition in old males of this genus, see Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 226.

Purchased, 1870.

Tragulus Stanley anus.

Moschus (Tragulus) stanleyanus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 65.

Lord Stanley's Chevrotain. Hab. Java.

1677. Skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 8 (incomplete). Many of the bones are mounted in the Separato Series.

Presented by Captain Gideon, 1864.

1678. Skeleton of young male.

The first and second permanent molars have been acquired ; but the milk-molars are not yet shed.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. incomplete.

Presented by Captain Gideon, 1864.



Tragulus napu.

Moschus javanicus, Pallas, " Napu," Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii.

p. 261 (1820-22). Moschus napu, Fred. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, Nov. 1822.

The Napu Chevrotain. Hab. Sumatra.

1679. Articulated skeleton, 6 . 0. C. 3494.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 10 (incomplete).

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

1680. Articulated skeleton, $ . 0. C. 3497.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

1681. Incomplete skeleton.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

1682. Incomplete skeleton of young.

Though the animal was full-grown, the milk-molars are still present, and the third permanent molars have not risen into place.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. wanting.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.




Ilyemoschus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. xvi. p. 350 (1845).

Hyomoschus aquatic us.

Moschus aquaticiis, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 35.

The African Chevrotain. Hob. West Africa.

1683. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 6, C. 13. Prom the Gold Coast.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. K. Thomas, 1868.

1684. Anterior portion of skull with the teeth and the bones of the extremities of young.

The milk-teeth and first permanent molars are in place.

Purchased, 1865.

Section Tylopoda.



Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 90 (17G6).

Dentition of adult : i. \, c. \, p. §, m. § , = $ : total 34. In young animals the incisors are § .



Camelus bactrianus.

Linnrcus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 90 (17GG).

The Bactrian or Two-huhped Camel.

Hob. Central Asia.

The following specimens are attributed to this species in the former Catalogue ; but it is possible that some of them may be- long to the next.

1685. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3445.

Vertebroe : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 15 (incomplete). The teeth are much worn ; and somo have been lost during life.


1686. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 3447 and 3448.

The skull is longitudinally bisected.


1687. Skull, wanting left ramus of lower jaw, and incomplete

skeleton. 0. C. 3449-3478.


1688. Skull. 0. C. 3446.


1689. Cranium of young male. 0. C. 3479.

The last true molar in the upper jaw has not fully risen into place, and the milk-canincs have not been shed ; the laniari- form upper incisors (i. 3) and premolars (p. 1) aro just emerging ; the molariform premolars (p. 3 and 2) are not quite in place. In the lower jaw the last milk-molar is not shed, although the last true molar has nearly risen into place ; the milk-canines aro still retained, and only the first pair of permanent incisors are fully developed.




1690. Hyoid bones of female.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 30 April 1873, having lived there upwards of eighteen yoars.

Presented by the Society, 1873.

Camelus dromedarius.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 90 (1766).

The Common or One-humped Camel. Hab. South Asia and North Africa.

1691. Skull.

From Cairo.

Presented by James Broadway, Esq., 1874.

1692. Cranium.

From Golosenah, Middle Egypt.

Presented by Mrs. H. Lainson, 1874.

1693. Cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected. The canines are of large size.

In Museum before 1862.

1694. Hyoid bones of female.

From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 20 March 1871.

Presented by the Society, 1871.



Camelus dromedarius.

1695. Bones of the four feet, wanting the terminal phalanges.

Prepared in Egypt, and used to illustrate the donor's work on " The Camel."

Presented by Elijah Walton, Esq., 1807.

1696. Skull of young.

The animal was about eighteen months old, having been born in England. The milk-dentition is present, with the first per- manent molars coming into place. There are two rudimentary incisors in the upper jaw, not represented in the permanent dentition.

Purchased, 1877.

1697. Disarticulated skull of a younger Camel. 0. G. 3481.

The full milk-dentition has been present, as indicated by the sockets of the teeth, consisting of i. c. j-, m. |. The lower canine has a crown more resembling the incisors in shape than the corresponding permanent canine.


Lama, Cuvier, " Tableau general," appended to 'Lecons d'Anatomie

Compares,' ed. 1 (1800)*. Auchenia, Illiger, Prodromus, p. 103 (1811).

Dentition of adult : i. ^, c. -]-, p. §, rn. = ^ : total 32. The lower premolars are frequently reduced to one.

* This generic name has the priority ; but it was abandoned by Cuvier himself in the first (1817) and all the subsequent editious of the ' Regue Animal/ in favour of Auchenia, which has now been generally adopted.



Auchenia glama.

Camehts glama, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 91 (1700). Lama peruana, Tiodomann, Zoologie, p. 421 (1808,).

The Llama.

ILib. Peru. Domesticated.

1698. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3482.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 5, C. 13 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1699. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

1700. Cranium. In Museum be/ore 1862.

1701. Axis, third and fourth cervical vertebrae. O. C. 3483-


Presented by the Zoological Society.

1702. Hyoid bones.

These are remarkable for the absence of the basihyals and coalescence of the thyrohyals.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1870.

1703. Bones of right manus and pes.

Purchased, 1873.



Auchenia pacos.

Camelus pacos, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 91 (176G).

The Alpaca.

Hob. Peru and Bolivia. Domesticated.

1704. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3488.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 5, C. 11 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

1705. Natural skeleton of young.

Two milk-molars and the first true molars are present on each, side of each jaw. Behind the third incisor of the lower jaw is a minute canine. There are no teeth present in the praemaxilke or anterior part of the maxilla?.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 5, C. 13.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

Auchenia vicugna.

Camelus vicugna, Molina, Saggio sulla Storia Naturale del Chili, p. 313 (1782).

The Vicugna.

Hob. Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.

1706. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3489.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 14.


1707. Skull of very young.

The left ramus of the lower jaw is wanting. The only teeth present are two milk-molars above and below, and the lower milk-incisors ; but there are sockets for the rudimentary upper incisors.

From South America.

Purchased, 1871.





Those have all the typical Mammalian dental formula, viz. : i- 1 c h P- |, m. f , =H : total 44.


Genus XIPHODON. Cuvier, Ossemena Fossiles, 2nd edit, iii. p. 02 (1822).

^tpfiotJon platycfps.

Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 3.

1708. Cranium without teeth.

Locality unknown, but supposed to be from the bone-bed be- neath the Suffolk Crag. Tbe type specimen described and figured in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1876, pi. i.

Presented by the Hon. Auberon Herbert, 1873.


Cainotherium, Bravard, Monogr. du genre Cainotherium, 1835.

Cimothmum commune.

Bravard, loc, cit. Hob. Europe Lower Miocene Period.

1709. Anterior portion of cranium and right ramus of mandible.



Cfcnotftcrium commune!

1710. Loft ramus of mandible.

1711. Nearly complete cranium of young, with the milk-molars


These specimens of Cvenoiherium are from the Miocene of France.

Presented by Professor Alphonse Milne-Edwards, 1872.



Cuvier, Ann. du Museum, iii. p. 370 (1804).

^nopiotftcvtum commune.

Cuvier, loc. cit. p. 469. Hab. Europe. Upper Eocene Period.

1712. A portion of the alveolar series of the left ramus of the

lower jaw, with the inner surfaces of the crowns of five of the molar teeth exposed to view. 0. C. F. 1084.

The specimen is imbedded in a block of gypsum, and is most probably from the eocene quarries at Montmartre, Paris.


1713. A portion of the left ramus of the lower jaw, with the

penultimate and part of the antepenultimate and last molars in situ. O. C. F. 1085.

It is imbedded in a block of Montmartre gypsum.


1714. A left upper molar and right lower molar. Probably from Montmartre.


1715. Crown of a right lower molar.

Probably from Montmartre.

1716. Three upper molars and a canine.

From the lignites of Debruge, near Apt, Vaucluse.

In Museum before 18fi2.

1717. Cast of skull in profile relief, with the series of teeth com-

plete in both the upper and lower jaws. 0. C. F. 1086.

The originals of this and the three following casts are from the Eocene deposits of gypsum at Montmartre.

Presented by Professor de Blainville.

1718. Casts of the bones of the right fore foot. 0. C. F. 1087-


Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1719. Cast of the radius.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1720. Casts of the bones of the left hind foot. 0. C. F. 1105- 1117. Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1721. The head and a considerable portion of the shaft of the

femur. 0. C. F. 1104.

This specimen is partly imbedded in a block of Montmartre gypsum.

Presented by William Clift, Esq. pabt ri. z




Gervais, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. xxx. p. 604 (1850).

Captrulusi Ijuracmug.

Gervais, loc. cit. Hab. France. Upper Eocene.

1722. Cast of ramus of mandible.

The original is from the phosphoritic deposits of Quercy.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1878.



Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, 2nd edit. iii. p. 396 (1822).

£liitfiracotftutum magnum.

" Grande espece d'Anthracotherium," Cuvier, loc. cit. p. 398. Hab. Europe. Lower Miocene.

1723. Cast of the fragment of the right ramus of the lower jaw, with the penultimate and last molar teeth. 0. C. F- 1076.

The original was discovered in the lignite beds at Cadibona in ' Italy, and is described and figured in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' ed. 1822, iii. p. 398, pi. lxxx. fig. 2.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.


1724. Cast of the upper jaw, with the complete dentition except

the anterior pair of incisors.

The original, which was found in Franco, is in the British Museum.

Purchased, 1873.


Owen, Quart. Journ. Geological Soc. London, iv. p. 103 (1848).

f^jjopotamiuj uobuiuss.

Owen, loc. cit. Hab. Europe, Lower Miocene.

Some of the following specimens may belong to the smaller species H. vectianus, described by Owen at the same time as H. bovinus ; but, owing to the difficulty of distinguishing isolated teeth, they have not been separated. They are all from Hemp- stead, in the Isle of Wight.

1725. Two upper molars, and two fragments of the lower jaw

with molar teeth.

Presented by the Hon. Auberon Herbert, 1879.

1726. Cast of perfect crown of a left upper molar.

Presented by Sir Victor Brooke, 1873.

1727. Crown of an unworn upper molar, broken through the

anterior lobe.

Purchased , 1873.

1728. Various teeth. Purchased, 1875.

z 2


f^nopotamug wolrimis.

1729. Portion of upper jaw with molar teeth.

Presented by Lady Everest, 1882.

f^uopotamuS anuricanutf. Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1869, p. 65. Hab. North America. Miocene.

1730. Cast of two unworn upper molars.

Presented by Professor Leidy, 1876.


Falconer, MS., 1844, see Palseontol. Memoirs, i. p. 138 (1868) ; Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. 62 (1847-9).

^trycopotamusi toteaumlfa.

Hippopotamus dissimilis, Falconer and Cautley, Asiatic Researches, xix. p. 51 (1836).

Hab. Asia. Plio-Miocene.

1731. Two upper molars of the right side.

From the Subhimalayan range.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Everest.

1732. Last lower right molar.

From the same locality.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Everest.


1733. Portion of right nun us of mandible with two posterior molars.

From the Siwalik hills, India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881.



Elotherium, Pomel, Bibl. univ. de Geneve, Archives, t. v. p. 307 (1847, fide Gervais, Zool. et Pal. Prang, p. 194, 1859).

Entelodon, Aymard, Mem. Soc. Agric, Sc., Arts et Belles-lettres de Puy, xii. p. 240 (1848, fide Gervais).

(f lotljcrium magnum.

Entelodon magnum, Aymard, loc. cit. Hab. France. Upper and Lower Miocene.

1734. Casts of the upper molar teeth, of the rami of the lower jaw, and of a canine tooth.

The originals are from Puy, Haute Loire.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History,

per Professor Gervais, 1873.


Cheer opotame, Cuvier, Ossemens Possiles, 2nd edit. iii. p. 260 (1822).

Cfioeropotamus gvpoorum.

C. rjypsorum, Dcsmarest. Mammalogie, p. 545 (1822). C. cuvieri, Owen, Geol. Transactions, 2nd scr. yi. p. 41 (read 1838, published 1841).

Hab. Europe. Upper Eocene.



Choeropotamus gppsorum.

1735. Cast of a mutilated cranium, showing the upper series of molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1080.

The original was discovered in the gypsum-quarries at Mont- martre, and is described in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' ed. 1822, iii p. 262, pi. lxviii.

Presented by the Museum of Natural History, Paris.

1736. Cast of right ramus of lower jaw. 0. C. F. 1081.

The original is from the Eocene freshwater deposits at Bin- stead, Isle of Wight. It is described and figured by Owen in the ' Transactions of the Geological Society,' 2nd ser. vi. pi. iv. (1841), and ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 413 (1846).

Presented by the Rev. C. Danvin Fox.


Gervais, Zoologie et Paleontologie Franchises, le edit. ii. explic. no. 35.

Ceboctjceruo minor, Gervais*.

1737. Casts of portion of upper and lower jaws, with molar teeth.

The originals are from the phosphoritic deposits of Quercy. Presented by the Museum of Natural History, Paris, 1878.

* The specimen was received with this name attached ; hut I have not teen able to discover where it has been published.



Section Suina.


Genus DICOTYLES. Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 237 (1817). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. = j9 : total 38.

Dicotyles labiatus.

Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 238 (1817).

The White-lipped Peccaby,

Hab. Central and South America.

1738. Skull.

This and the two following specimens are from wild animals killed in the Province of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Purchased, 1883.

1739. Skull of young.

Although it has almost attained its full size, the milk-molars and upper and lateral lower milk-incisors are in place, and the posterior true molars are still concealed within the alveoli.

Pur chased, 1883.

1740. Skull of young female.

The milk-teeth are in place, with the first permanent molars.

Purchased, 1883.



Dicotyles tajacu.

Sus tajacu, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 103 (1766). Dicotyles torquatus, Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 237 (1817).

The Collared Peccary.

Hab. Southern part of North America, Central and the whole of South America.

1741. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3380.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 7.


1742. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 7.

In Museum before 1862.

1743. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 3384-3403.


1744. Imperfect skeleton' of adult female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. wanting.

Prepared from an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1873.

1745. Skull.

From the Province of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Purchased, 1883.

1746. Skull. Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1747. Bknll, Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.


1748. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3381-



1749. Skull of young.

The milk-teeth are in place, with the first permanent molars. The premaxillary bones have been injured, and the upper in- cisors lost.

Purchased, 1870.

Family SUID^J.

Genus SUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 102 (1766). Dentition : i. § , c. \, p. ^, m. f, = ^ : total 44.

Sua cristatus.

A. Wagner, Munch, gelehrt. Anzeiger, ix. p. 535 (1839).

The Indian Wild Swine.

Hab. India.

1750. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3248.

A supernumerary premolar is present in the left maxilla. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 23 (one or two wanting).

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson, 1822.

1751. Skull. 0. 0. 3240.

Presented by W. Storey, Esq.


Sus cristatus.

1752. Skull. 0. C. 3251.

Presented by Colonel Sir G. Everest.

1753. Skull. 0. C. 3250.

Presented by Dr. N. Wallich, 1812.

1754. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

1755. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

1756. Skull.

The prenasal ossicle has been preserved.

In Museum before 1862.

1757. Skull.

The third molars have been only recently acquired. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H. Hodgson, Esq., 1845.

1758. Four skulls of very young animals. From Nepal.

Presented by Bryan H Hodgson, Esq.

1759. Skull of young. 0. C. 3254.

The third molars have not been acquired.

Said to be from India, and therefore probably of tbis species.




Sus barbatus.

S. Miiller, Van der Hoeven's Tijdschrift, v. p. 149 (1839). Hob. Borneo.

1760. Skull, apparently belonging to a female of this species.

The teeth are considerably worn. The posterior lower molars are displaced, their anterior ends being rotated inwards.

In Museum before 1862.

Sus papuensis.

Lesson & Uamot, Voyage de La Coqnille, i. p. 171 (1826).

The Papuan Pig. Hob. New Guinea.

The following specimens are from Huon Gulf, Eastern New Guinea.

Presented by Dr. Peter Comrie, H.M.S. 'Basilisk,' 1876.

1761. Cranium.

1762. Cranium.

The last molars have only recently been acquired.

1763. Mandible.

The first premolar is absent on the left side.

1764. Mandible of young.



Sus scrofa.

Linnteus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 102 (1766).

The European Wild Swine. Hab. Europe and North Africa.

1765. Articulated skeleton of male, or Wild Boar.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 21. From Konigs Wusterhausen, near Berlin.

Presented by H.I.H. The Crown Prince of Germany, 1868.

1766. Skull.

From the North of Italy.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.

1767. Skull.

From the North of Italy.

Presented by Sir James Hudson, G.C.B., 1868.

The four following specimens are said to be from Germany.

1768. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3263

and 3264.

The roots of the molar teeth are exposed on the right side.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1769. Skull of young, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

0. C. 3258 and 3259.

Of the teeth of the adult dentition, the second premolars and the third molars have not been acquired.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

suwm. 349

1770. Bisected skull of young. 0. C. 3256 and 3257.

The teeth of the milk-dentition and the first true molars are in place.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1771. Bisected cranium. 0. C. 3260.

The last molar has not been acquired. The milk-teeth have been shed, except the second incisor, which is situated externally to the crown of its successor.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1772. Anterior part of upper jaw, including the incisors, canines,

and premolar teeth. 0. C. 3255.

The partial disposition of the enamel in longitudinal bands on the upper canines of the Boar is well illustrated in this specimen.


Domesticated Varieties of Sioine.

1773. Skeleton of a feral Boar from New Zealand.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 24.

From one of the herds of Swine which, originating in domestic animals introduced by the European colonists, have lived for many generations in a wild state.

In the concavity of the outline of the- upper part of the cranium it much more resembles the following specimens than it does the German Wild Boar.

From Canterbury Province.

Presented by Dr. Julius von Haast, 1871.

1774. Articulated skeleton of a Boar. 0. C. 3252.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 4, C. 15 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828,


Sus scrofa. (Domesticated Varieties.) 1775. Skeleton of a Hog, or castrated Boar. 0. C. 3266. Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. wanting.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

1776. Skull and imperfect skeleton.

A small socket behind that of i. 2 indicates the former pre- sence of a supernumerary tooth in each praemaxilla.


1777. Imperfect skeleton, without skull. 0. C. 3276 to 3291.


1778. Skull and imperfect skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 5, C. wanting.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

1779. Skeleton of a young Pig.

Vertebras : 0. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting.

All the permanent teeth have been acquired, except the third molars, the crowns of which are just appearing above the alveoli.


1780. Skull, c?. 0. C. 3271. Purchased.

1781. Skull.

The ossified prenasal ossicle is preserved.



1782. Skull. 0. C. 3267. Ilunterian.

1783. Skull, $ . 0. C. 3272. Purchased.

1784. Skull, $ . 0. C. 3273.

The first lower premolar is absent on both sides.


1785. Skull of young.

The milk-dentition and first true molars are in place. The alveolar walls have been removed to show the germs of the per- manent teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

1786. Skeleton of a Pig, eight months old.

The milk-teeth and first permanent molars are in place. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. wanting.

Purchased, 1877.

1787. Skull of a Pig, about six weeks old.

The milk-teeth only are in place.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1788. Skull of a Pig of about the same age.

The bones are separated and mounted at short distances apart.

Prepared in 1877.

1789. " The skull of a young Pig, with the bones separated, arti- ficially connected together, and numbered on coloured



Sus scrofa. (Domesticated Varieties.)

labels according to the ' Table of Synonyms,' so as to illustrate the segmental or vertebral constitution of the skull." 0. C. 3328.

This specimen, prepared to illustrate Professor 0 wen's theory of the skull, is described in great detail in the Old Catalogue.


1790. Skeleton of a Pig, five weeks old.

The posterior milk-molars are just appearing. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 19.

Purchased, 1870.

1791. Skull of a Pig, somewhat younger than the last.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

1792. Mounted skeleton of a new-born Pig.

The lateral incisors and the canines of the milk-series are fully developed. The anterior incisors and first molars are appearing.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

Purchased, 1875.

1793. Skeleton of a new-born Pig.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 20.

Purchased, 1870.

1794. Skeleton of a foetal Pig.

Purchased, 1870.

suidje. 353

1795. Skull of a foetal Pig.

Parker Collection, Purchased, 1858.

1796. The complete set of permanent teeth of a domestic Pig,

separately displayed.

1797. Various teeth of domestic Pigs. 0. 0. 3300 to 3327.


1798. The fore part of the lower jaw, with the incisors, canines,

and premolars, of a Boar. 0. 0. 3265.

It shows the effects of the unchecked growth of the lower canines through some defect in the upper ones. The points of both the lower canines, following their normal curve, have re- entered the mouth, piercing the integument and the substance of the jaw itself, the apex of the right tusk projecting forwards on the inner side of the base of the same tusk, whilst the apex of the left tusk presses against the more advanced extremity of the right tusk, where it is buried in the substance of the bone. This specimen is figured by Cheselden in his ' Osteographia,' frontispiece to Chapter vii. (1733.)


The following specimens (to No. 1803 inclusive) are from young Pigs that have been fed with madder in the course of Hunter's experiments upon the growth of bone (see Catalogue of the Physiological Series, Edit. 1852, vol. i. nos. 190 to 201). As the colour with which portions of the bones were tinted has now almost entirely faded, they are only preserved for their historic interest.

1799. Imperfect skull, wanting the nasal bones. 0. C. 3269.





Sus scrofa. (Domesticated Varieties.)

1800. Skull, wanting the nasal and occipital bones. 0. C. 3270.


1801. Mandible. 0. C. 3293 and 3294. Hunterian.

1802. Left ramus of mandible, the tibiae, and some ribs. O. C. 3295


1803. Teeth. O. C. 3299. Hunterian.


Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. 70 (1847-49).

1804. Portion of the palate with four teeth of the right molar series, and also of the right ramus of the mandible with the molar teeth.

From the Siwalik hills of India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881.

&u<3 gtganteus.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. 69 (1847-49).

1805. An upper molar, and a portion of the left ramus of the mandible with the molar teeth.

From the Siwalik hills of India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881.




Choirqpotamus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. x. p. 281

(1852), withdrawn by author in favour of Potamochcerus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xv. p. 66


Dentition : i. $, c. \, p. § , m. f , = : total 40.

Potamochcerus africanus.

Sits africanus, Schreber, Saugthiere, tab. 327 ; Thunberg, Mem. de

l'Acad. de St. Petersbourg, iii. p. 320 (1811). Sus larvatus, Fred. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, viii. p. 447 (1822).

The South-African River-Hog. Hdb. South Africa.

1806. Skull of male. 0. C. 3329.

The alveolus shows that the first premolar, usually absent in this genus, must have been present in the left maxilla. The right lower second premolar is not developed.


1807. Skull of female. O. C. 3330.

The right upper first premolar has been developed in this example.


1808. The four canine teeth of male.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Presented by Dr. W. T. Black, 1866.

2a 2



Potamochoems porcus.

Sus porcus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 103 (1766). Sus penicillatus, Schinz, Monog. d. Saugethiere, Pachydermata, p. 12 (1848).

Choir opotamus pictus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. x. p. 281 (1852).

The Red River-Hog. Hab. West Africa.

1809. Skull.

From Fantee, "West Africa.

Purchased, 1879.


" Les Babiroussas," Fred. Cuvier, Dents des Mammiferes, p. 212 (1825).

Babirussa, Lesson, Man. de Mammalogie, p. 337 (1827). Porcus, "Wagler, Syst. Amphibien, p. 17 (1830).

Dentition : i. f, c. p. § , m. § , = § : total 34

Babirussa alfurus.

Lesson, he. cit. p. 338.

The Babirussa.

Hab. Malay Archipelago.

1810. Articulated skeleton of female.

There are no traces of upper canines ; and the lower canines are quite rudimentary compared with those of the male. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 13 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.


The great development of the canine teeth of all the following specimens shows that they belong to the male sex.

1811. Skull. 0.0.3331. Hunterian.

1812. Skull. 0.0.3332.

The dried integument has been left upon the fore part of the face, to show the mode in which it is pierced by the long ascending recurved upper canines, which, from their peculiar direction, never enter the mouth.


1813. Skull. 0. C. 3333. Hunterian.

1814. Skull. 0. C. 3334.

Presented by Colonel Sir George Everest.

1815. Skull. 0.0.3335.

Presented by John Gaitskill, Esq., 1828.

1816. Skull. 0. C.3336.

Presented by Br. Nathaniel Wallich, 1812.

1817. Skull. 0. C. 3337. Hunterian.

1818. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected, and with the dried skin attached, showing the mode in which it is pierced by the upper canines. 0. C. 3338.




Babirussa alfurus.

1819. Skull. O. C.3339...

The upper canines are small but much curved, and have caused an indentation of the skull at the fronto-nasal suture by the pressure of their points.

Presented by Dr. Babington, 1816.

1820. Skull. O.C. 3340.

The right upper canine tooth is much larger, and has a wider curvature than the left.


1821. Skull. O.C. 3341.

The upper canines are curved backwards to such an extent as to have come into contact with the anterior part of the frontal bones, the surface of which is consequently depressed.

Presented by Daniel Moore, Esq., 1818.

1822. Skull. O. C. 3342. Hunterian.

1823. Skull. O.C. 3343. Hunterian.

1824. Skull, mutilated.

Presented by Thomas Keate, Esq.

1825. Skull, with the occipital region mutilated. 0. C. 3347.

The dried integument remains on the anterior part. The canines are greatly developed ; those of the upper jaw cross each other above the head.


SUID2E. 359

1826. Skull, mutilated. 0. C. 3348.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1827. Skull, wanting the canine teeth. 0. C. 3349.


1828. Cranium.

The left canine has been lost ; the right is of great size, and with comparatively little curve. An additional premolar (p. 2) is present on each side.

In Museum before 1862.

1829. Cranium, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C.

3346. Presented by William Long, Esq., 1813.

1830. Cranium, transversely and vertically bisected. O.C.3345.


1831. Skull, with the bones separated from one another.

Presented by T. Howard Stewart, Esq., 1860.

1832. Mandible.

The crowns of the molar teeth are much worn.

Presented by Dr. Babington, 1816.

1833. Mandible.

The last molars have been only just acquired.

1834. A left upper canine of small size.



Babirussa alfurus.

1835. Three lower canines, the surfaces of two of which have been polished. 0. C. 3352. Hunterian.



" PJiacocJicere" Fred. Cuvier, Bull, de la Societe Philomat. 1810, p. 139.

PhacocJioerus, Cuvier, Eegne Animal, i. p. 236 (1817).

Dentition : i. |^-s, c. \, p. §, in. § , = § or total 32 or 34.

As age advances, all the teeth, except the canines and the posterior molars, have a tendency to disappear. These changes and other peculiarities of the dentition of the genus, which are illustrated in the following specimens, are fully described and figured by Prof. Owen in the 1 Philosophical Transactions ' for 1850, part ii. p. 481, plates xxxiii. and xxxiv.

Phacochcerus africanus.

Sus africanus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 220 (1788). Phacochcerus aliani, Eiippell, Atlas zu der Eeise im nbrdlichen Africa (1826).

^Elian's Waet-Hog. Hab. Africa generally.

1836. Skull. O. 0. 3353.

The teeth of the molar series present in the upper jaw are p. 3 (socket only), p. 4, m. 1 (worn to a mere fragment), m. 2, and in. 3 ; in the lower jaw p. 4 (socket only), m. 2, and m. 3.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



1837. Skull. O.C.3354.

The molariform teeth present in the upper jaw are p. 3, p. 4, to. 2, and m. 3 ; in the lower jaw p. 4, to. 2, and to. 3.


1838. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 3355.

Only the large third molars are present ; but the sockets of m. 2 are still visiblo, and in the upper jaw that of p. 4. The large compound third molar (0. C. 3368) has been removed from the right side of the mandible, and a horizontal section taken from the upper part of the crown to show it3 structure. This skull and the tooth are figured in the ' Philosophical Trans- actions ' for 1799, tab. xviii. and xix.


1839. Skull.

In the upper jaw to. 2 and m. 3 are much worn. The socket of p. 4 is present ; but no trace of the other premolars or of m. 1 can be seen. In the mandible m. 3 is present, and the sockets of p. 4 and to. 2.

In Museum before 1862.

1840. Skull with the dried integument adhering, longitudinally

and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3360.

A remnant of m. 1 remains on the left side of both upper and lower jaws ; and there are traces of its socket on the right.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1841. Skull.

In the upper jaw p. o,p. 4, to. 2, and m. 3 aro present, to. 1 having entirely disappeared. In the lowor jaw p. 4, to. 2, and to. 3 ; to. 2 is very much worn. The lower lateral incisors have been shed and their alveoli closed up.

Barnard Davis Collection. Purchased, 1880.


Phacochcerus africanus.

1842. Anterior portion of cranium. 0. 0. 3356.


1843. Anterior portion of cranium. 0. C. 3357.


1844. Anterior portion of cranium, with the canines and poste-

rior molars. 0. C. 3358.

The incisors have been lost, and their sockets nearly oblite- rated. Traces only of tbe sockets of m. 2 remain ; those of p. 4 are more distinct.

Presented by Professor Owen.

1845. Anterior extremity of cranium with upper canines. 0. C.


British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1846. Anterior extremity of cranium with the canine teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

1847- A large pair of tusks or upper canine teeth. 0. C. 3365. The left tusk measures along its outer curvature 53 cm.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1848. Eight right upper canine teeth. 0. 0. 3366.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1849. Four left upper canine teeth. 0. C. 3367.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.



1850. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 3361.

The skull of this specimen, with dentition rather more perfect than at present, is figured by Professor Owen in the ' Philoso- phical Transactions ' for 1850, plate xxxiii. The permanent incisors and canines are coming into place. In the upper jaw there are three milk-molars. Above the roots of tho last two the germs of p. 3 and p. 4 are to be seen. m. 1 is fully in place with very long roots; m. 2 is just appearing; and of m. 3, which attains such an immense development in the adult animal, but a small germ has been formed. In the lower jaw there are but two milk-molars, with the germ of a premolar beneath each. The true molars correspond in development to those of the maxilla.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 2, C. 23.


1851. Skull of a very young animal.

The milk-teeth are coming into place. Prom Abyssinia.

Purchased, 1872.

Phacochcerus sethiopicus.

Aper cethiopicus, Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, ii. p. 2 (1767). Sus cetJiiopicus, Linnaeus, Syst. Wat. ed. 12, iii. p. 223 (1768). Phacochosruspallasii, Yan der Hoeven, Acad. Cass. Leop. Nova Acta, xix. 1, p. 171 (1839).

Pallas' s Wart-Hog.

Hah. South-eastern Africa.

In the adults of this species the upper incisors are absent, and those of the mandible worn down to the roots.

1852. Skull. 0.0.3363.

Tho nasal septum is completely ossified, and united with the prenasal ossicle. All tho teeth of the molar series have been shed, except the great complex m. 3, and remnants of p. 4 on the right side of both upper and lower jaws.




Phacochoerus sethiopicus.

1853. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3362.

The dried sldn remains attached to the bone. The right ramus of the mandible has been prepared to show the roots of the teeth in situ. Of the molar series, p. 4, to. 2, and to. 3 remain on each side of each jaw.


1854. Dried integument of head, with the extremities of the upper and lower jaws adhering. 0. C. 3364.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.

1855. Left upper canine. 0. C. 3369.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1856. Premolar and molar teeth separately displayed. 0. C. 3371-3379.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.



Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 101 (1766).

Section A. Chceropsis. Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 2nd Ser. vol. ii. p. 213 (1853). Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. f , m. f , = ^ : total 38.



Hippopotamus liberiensis.

Hippopotamus minor, Morton, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sciences Philad.

1844, p. 14. Withdrawn, as preoccupied, in favour of H. liberiensis, Morton, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 2nd ser.

vol. i. p. 232 (1849). CJiceropsis liberiensis, Leidy, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 2nd

ser. vol. ii. p. 213 (1853).

The Libeeian Hippopotamus.

Hab. West Africa.

1857. Cast of skull.

Received in exchange, 1875.

Section B. Hippopotamus proper.

Tetruprotodon, Falconer and Cautley, Asiatic Researches, xix. p. 51 (1836).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. £ , rn. § , = fo: ^otal ^0.

Hippopotamus amphibius.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. edit. 12, i. p. 101 (1766).

The Hippopotamus.

Hab. Africa.

1858. Articulated skeleton, ? . 0. C. 3404.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 6, C. 11 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Hippopotamus amphibius.

1859. Skeleton of young.

The epiphyses are not yet united to the shafts of the long hones. The milk-molars are in place, with the first permanent molars.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 6, C. incomplete.

The vertebra which is here, in conformity with the last speci- men, reckoned as the fifteenth dorsal is intermediate in characters, having on the right side the transverse process characteristic of the lumbar series, and on the left a free rib.

In Museum before 1862.

1860. Imperfect skeleton, with mutilated skull, of adult.

The orbital processes of the frontal and malar bones almost meet on the left side.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

1861. Skull of old male. 0. C. 3405.

The grinding-teeth in the upper jaw have been reduced to the last two premolars and the three molars, from the first and second of which the cusps have been worn down to the common dentinal base. In the mandible the sockets of the three poste- rior premolars remain ; the molars are worn as in the upper jaw.


1862. Skull of male. 0. C. 3406.


1863. Skull of male.

In the mandible there are only two true molars developed in the left ramus, the first being absent. The orbital processes of the frontal and malar bones unite to complete the margin of the orbit behind. The orbital bulla?, expansions of the lacrymal bones, are well developed and entire.

The specimen was taken from an animal shot on the 23rd Oct. 1867, in the Lower Shire river by E. D. Young, Esq., Commander of the Livingstone Search Expedition.

Presented by Sir Roderick I. Murchison, K.C.B., 1868.



1864. Skull.

Tho fourth left upper premolar is irregular in position, being situated nearer the mesial line than the other teeth of the series. The orbital processes of the frontal and malar bones almost unite to close in the orbit behind. The orbital bullae (complete on the right side, broken on the left) are of smaller size than in the preceding specimen.

From au animal shot in the Zambesi by J. C. Miller, Esq., M.K.C.S.E., Surgeon to the ( Pioneer,' of the Livingstone Search Expedition.

Presented by H. Spencer Smith, Esq., 1872.

1865. Skull. 0. C. 3407.

The last molars have come into place, but are unworn. The last milk-molar is retained on the left side, but has been shed or removed on the right side to show the summit of the more sim- ple premolar, p. 4, which was about to emerge. There is no trace of p. 1.

Presented by Richard Welbank, Esq.

1866. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 3408.

The sockets of p. 1 are obliterated. The last molars have only recently been acquired. The lower fourth premolars have attained their full height ; but the corresponding teeth in the upper jaw are not so advanced.


1867. Skull. 0. C. 3409.

Neither p. 4 nor m. 3 have attained their full size.


1868. Skull. 0. C. 3410.

The third true molars are just appearing above their alveoli. The posterior milk-molars have not yet been shed.




Hippopotamus amphibius.

1869. Skull of young. 0. C. 3412.

The milk-molars are still in place, with the first and second true molars appearing above their formative cavity. The ex- ternal alveolar margins have been removed, to show the portions of the teeth concealed by them.


1870. Skull of young.

The dried integument remains on the skull, p. 1 is well developed.

1871. Cranium of young. 0. C. 3411.

The posterior molars (m. 3) have not been acquired. The sockets of p. 1 are present.


1872. Mounted natural skeleton of young male two days old.

The milk-teeth are coming into place, the canines being the most advanced.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 8, C. 13.

Prepared from an animal which was bom 21 Feb. and died 23 Feb. 1871 in the Zoological Society's Gardens, Eegent's Park.

Purchased, 1871.

1873. Separate bones of skull of new-born or very young animal. 0. C. 3413.

The milk-teeth are only appearing above the alveolar margin. The germs of the permanent incisors, canines, and first molars have begun to calcify.

Presented by Professor Owen.


1874. Skull of fetus. 0. C. 3414.

The germs of the milk-teeth have been formed, those of the


Presented by W. Clift, Esq., 1826.

canines being most advanced

1875. Mandible.

In Museum before 1862

1876. Anterior portion of mandible of large size, with canine and incisor teeth. 0. C. 3419. Hunterian.

1877. Left humerus. Hunterian,

1878. Longitudinally bisected right femur. Hunterian.

1879. Tarsal bones and some of the metatarsals of the left foot.


1880. Three right upper incisor teeth. 0. C. 3417.


1881. Eight upper incisor. 0. 0. 3416.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1882. Three left upper incisors. 0. C. 3418 and 3438.


1883. Five lower incisors. 0. C. 3423, 3424, and 3428.


PART n. 2d



Hippopotamus amphibius.

1884. Two lower incisors. 0. 0. 3421 and 3422.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

1885. A lower incisor. 0. C. 3429.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1886. A large lower incisor. 0. C. 3425.

It bore the following inscription : " Hippopotamus' front tooth, weighs 2 lbs. 6 oz. 4 drams avoirdupois, presented to John Hunter, Esquire, by his pupil Martin van Butchell of Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London, 23rd April, 1793."


1887. Two lower incisors. 0. C. 3426 and 3427.

From a very young animal. Apparently owing to some morbid condition, the cap of enamel has split open, showing the apex of the dentine within.

Presented by Mr. Greville, 1800.

1888. Right upper canine.

1889. Right upper canine. 0. C. 3430.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1890. Right lower canine. 0. C. 3432.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1891. Right and left lower canines. 0. 0. 3431.




1892. Lower canine tooth. 0. C. 3438.


1893. Two right lower canine teeth of large size. 0. C. 3440 and



1894. Eight lower canine. 0. C. 3437.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased.

1895. Right lower canine.

In Museum before 1862.

1896. Left lower canine. 0. C. 3436.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

1897. Two specimens of left lower canines. 0. C. 3434, 3335.


1898. Left lower canine. 0. C. 3439.


1899. Left lower canine of large size. 0. C. 3442.


1900. Right lower canine which, probably in consequence of a

defect in the opposing tooth, has grown to a great length, forming an almost complete circle.

In Museum before 1862.

1901. Left lower canine having a spiral curvature. 0. C. 3433.


1902. Right lower canine, irregularly nodulated in consequence

of disease of the pulp. In Museum before 1862.

2b 2

372 TJNGULATA. Hippopotamus amphibius.

1903. Right half of a longitudinally bisected left lower canine

which has been fractured and reunited during life.

Figured and described in Owen's ' Odontography,' p. 569 and pi. cxlii.

From Zanzibar.

Presented by J. G. Malcolmson, Esq.

1904. Six specimens of premolar teeth.

1905. Seven specimens of molar teeth. 0. C. 3444.


1906. Two molars in polished section. 0. 0. 3443.

The longitudinal vertical sections marked a and b are halves of a right posterior upper molar ; c is a transverse section of a penultimate left lower molar.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

1907. Portions of the left upper and lower jaw prepared by the

removal of part of the alveolar wall to show the three molar teeth in situ.

In Museum before 1862

f^tppopotamuS major.

" Grande Hippopotame fossile" Cuvier, Annal. du Museum, v. p. 106 (1804).

Hippopotamus major, Owen, Report of British Association, 1843, p. 223.

1908. Right median incisor of large size. O. C. F. 1041.

It has lost much of its animal matter and is considerably decomposed. When entire it must have measured 45 cm. long.

hippopotamid^:. 373

It is described in Parkinson's ' Organic Remains,' iii. p. 375 (1811).

Obtained from the Pleistocene Till, Walton, Essex.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased.

1909. Two portions of a left lower canine. O. C. F. 1042 and 1043.

Prom the Pleistocene Till at Walton, Essex.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased.

1910. Fragment of left lower canine of young. 0. C. F. 1044.

This and the previous specimen have been described by Parkin- son, loc. ext.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased.

1911. A third right upper premolar. 0. C. F. 1045.

This specimen was dug up in a field at Burfield, Leigh, five miles west of Worcester.

Presented by Sir Everard Home

1912. Portion of a first left lower molar. 0. C. F. 1046. Prom the Hysena-cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

1913. Crown of the posterior left lower molar. 0. C. F. 1039.

Prom the freshwater deposits overlying the fluvio-marine Crag at Cromer, Norfolk.

Presented by Miss H. Gtirney.



pjtppopotamusi major.

1914. Apex of an inferior incisor. 0. C. F. 1032.

Found associated -with the molars of a large Ox or Bison Locality unrecorded.

Hunter nan.

1915. Extremity of a right upper canine imbedded in a mass of breccia." 0. C. F. 1033.

Locality unrecorded.


1916. External portion of a longitudinally split right inferior canine. 0. C. F. 1034.

Locality unrecorded.


1917- Internal portion of apparently the same tooth. 0. C. F. 1035.


1918. Crown of upper molar, much worn. 0. C. F. 1036. Locality unrecorded.


1919. Anterior part of a lower molar. 0. C. F. 1037. Locality unrecorded.




hippopotamus pwtlanttt.

Hippopotamus penilancli, H. v. Meyer, Palaologica, zur Geschichte

der Erde &c, 1832, p. 533. H. medius, Owen, Cat. Foss. Mamm. & Birds in R. Coll. Surg.

Museum, p. 240 (1845).

The following specimens (to No. 1931 inclusive) were found by the donor, J. Morrison, Esq., near Carini, Palermo, under circumstances fully described at p. 239 of the 1 Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia and Aves' (1845).

1920. Greater portion of cranium. 0. C. F. 1047.

The anterior portion is broken off, and the whole of tho teeth except the last two molars are absent ; the zygomata are broken ; otherwise the cranium is perfect.

1921. Portion of the left ramus of mandible, with the penulti-

mate and ultimate molars. 0. C. F. 1048.

1922. Two upper molars, with a portion of bone, cemented to a mass of breccia. 0. C. F. 1049.

1923. Right lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 1052.

1924. Left lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 1051.

1925. A left lower molar. 0. C. F. 1050.

1926. Fourth cervical vertebra. 0. C. F. 1053.

1927. Fourth and fifth metacarpal bones of the right fore foot. 0. C. F. 1054 and 1055.


f^tppopotamusi pcutlanHt.

1928. Left acetabulum. 0. C. F. 1056.

1929. Distal end of left femur. 0. C. F. 1057.

1930. Right astragalus. 0. C. F. 1058.

1931. Left os calcis. 0. C. F. 1059.

The following specimens (to No. 1938 inclusive) are from the Tertiary deposits of Candia, and were presented by Captain Graves, R.N., H.M.S. < Beacon.'

1932. Crown of left upper posterior premolar. 0. C. F. 1061.

1933. Left upper posterior premolar.

1934. Crown of right upper first molar. 0. C. F. 1063.

1935. Left upper first molar. 0. C. F. 1064.

1936. Left lower posterior molar. 0. C. F. 1065.

1937. Left lower posterior molar. 0. C. F. 1066.

1938. Crown of the right lower posterior molar. 0. C. F. 1067.

1939. Crown of molar. 0. C. F. 1060.





Falconer and Cautley, Asiatic Researches, xix. pb. i. p. 51 (1836). Dentition :— i. f, c. {, p. £, m. f, = ft : total 44.

f^eraprottrtfon at&atmgte.

Falconer and Cautley, Asiatic Researches, vol. xix. pt. i. p. 40 (1836). Figured in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pis. 59, 60.

1940. Posterior part of skull, with three molar teeth on each

side, and on the right side the first premolar also. 0. C. F. 1068.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sewalik hills in the Suh-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Everest.

1941. Symphysial portion of mandible with the incisor teeth.

0. C. F. 1069.

The crowns of the teeth have been broken near their sockets. From the Tertiary deposits of the Sewalik hills.

Presented by the Rev. Robert Everest.

1942. Symphysial portion of mandible, with the incisor teeth,

which have been broken off close to their sockets.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Captain T. C. Blagrave, 1852

1943. Symphysial portion of mandible.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Captain T. C. Blagrave, 1852.



f^eyaprototton stfialtntffe.

1944. Portion of the left ramus of mandible with the three pos- terior molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1070.

From the Sewalik hills.

Presented by the Rev. R. Everest.

1945. Portion of the crown of a left upper incisor. The tooth is abraded at its extremity. 0. C. F. 1074.

From the Sewalik hills.


1946. The abraded extremities of the right upper and lower canine teeth united together. 0. 0. F. 1075.

From the Sewalik hills.

Presented by Thomas Bacon, Esq.

1947. An upper molar almost complete. 0. C. F. 1072.

From the Sewalik hills.


1948. Crown of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 1073.

From the Sewalik hills.


1949. A penultimate molar.

From the Sewalik hills.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881 .

1950. An ultimate molar.

From the Sewalik hills.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881.





Genus LOPHIODON. Cuvier, Ossemens Fossilea, ed. 2, ii. p. 176 (1822). Dentition : i. f, c. |, p. §, m. §, = -fg- : total 40.

ilopijtooon taptvofOca.

Palceotherium tapiroides, Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, 1st edit. (1812).

Lophiodon tapiroides, Cuvier, ibid. 2nd edit. ii. (1822).

1951. Cast of the anterior portion of the right ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 822.

The original was discovered in a freshwater calcareous Ter- tiary formation near Buchsweiler (Departement du Bas-Ehin), and is described and figured by Cuvier in bis ' Ossem. Fossiles ' (1822), torn. ii. pt. 1, p. 200, pi. 7. fig. 1.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1952. A cast of a portion of maxilla with the ultimate and pen-

ultimate molars of the right side. 0. C. F. 823.

From the same place as the last specimen ; also described and figured by Cuvier, loc. cit. p. 206, pi. vii. fig. 3.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1953. Cast of the unworn crown of an upper molar, apparently

of this species. 0. C. 824.

The original is figured in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' ii. pt. 1, pi. i. fig. 3.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.



Owen, Trans. Geological Society, 2nd ser. vi. p. 203 (1839 - 1841).

Dentition: i. c. \, p. m. §, =44.

SJyvacotfjcrtum Icportmtm.

Owen, loc. cit. Hab. Europe. Lower Eocene Period.

1954. Imperfect cranium. 0. C. F. 1082.

The type specimen, found in the London Clay at Studd Hill, near Heme Bay, Kent, and described and figured by Owen as above, and also in the ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds ' (1846), at pp. 419 and 422.

Presented by William Richardson, Esq.

1955. Cast of a more perfect skull of a closely allied, if not iden- tical, species.

The original, found with other bones of the same individual in a septarian nodule of the " Boman Cement Bed " of the London Clay near Harwicb, was described and figured by Owen under the name of Pliolophus vulpiceps in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' vol. xiv. p. 54 (1857).

Purchased, 1873.





Tapirus, Brisson, Regne Animal, p. 118 (1756).

Tapir, Zimmermann, Geogr. Geschichte, ii. p. 153 (1780) .

Tapir, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 216 (1788).

Tapirus, Cuvier, Tab. Element, de l'Hist. Nat. p. 152 (1798).

Dentition : i. §, c. |, p. f , m. f , = |0 : total 42.

Kaup, Ossements fossiles de Darmstadt, ii. p. 1 (1833)

1956. Cast of portion of right ramus of mandible with six molar teeth. 0. C. F. 828.

The original, which is in the Darmstadt Museum, was dis- covered in the Miocene strata of Eppelsheim. It is figured by Kaup, loc. ext. tab. vi.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.

* Brisson (1756) made the genus Tapirus for the Tapir, and Hydrochosrus for the Capybara . In the tenth edition of the ' Systema Naturae ' of Linnasus (1758), the American Tapir is placed in the genus Hippopotamus as H. ter- restris; in the twelfth (1766) it was entirely omitted. The first post-Lin- nean systematic author who mentions the Tapir is Erxleben (1777), by whom it was erroneously included with the Capybara in the genus Hydrochosrus, under the name of H. tapir. Zimmermann (Geog. Geschichte, ii. p. 154, 1780) has the genus Tapir, with one species, T. anta. To which of those now known this is to be referred cannot be determined perhaps T. doioi or T. bairdii, as it is founded chiefly on a Central-American form. The genus Tapir occurs next in Gmelin (Syst. Nat. i. p. 216, 1788), the one species recognized being T. americanus. The form Tapirus was revived by Cuvier and has beeu adopted by nearly all subsequent authors.



CaptruS avbmtensfts.

Deveze et Bouillefc, Essai sur la Mont, de Boulade, 1827 {fide Gervais).

1957. Cast of part of the skull with the upper molar series of


From Auvergne.

1958. Cast of mandible.

From Auvergne.

1959. Cast of radius and ulna. From Auvergne.

1960. Cast of part of the ramus of mandible with the molar teeth.

The original, from the Pliocene marine sands in the neigh- bourhood of Montpellier, is figured in Gervais's ' Zoologie et Paleontologie Franchises ' (1859), pi. v. figs. 5 & 5', and men- tioned at p. 104.

The specimens of Tapir from this locality are described by Marcel de Serres under the name of T. minor.

The above four casts were presented by the Paris Museum, through Prof. Gervais, 1869.



Tapirus indicus.

Tapirus indicus, Cuvier, Nouveau Dictionuaire d'Hist. Nat. xxxii p. 458 (1819) ; Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 411 (1822).

T. malayanus, Eaffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 270 (read Dec. 5, 1820 ; publ. 1822).

The Malay Tapir.

Hob. Malay peninsula ; Sumatra ; Borneo.

1961. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 2866.

The posterior molars are not in place, although all the epi- physes, even those of the bodies of the vertebra, are con- solidated.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, S. 6, C. 4 (imperfect). From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S., 1820.

1962. SkuU.

All the molar teeth are in place.

In Museum before 1862.

1963. Skull and imperfect skeleton of a smaller (probably female) animal. 0. C. 2867-2878.

The posterior molars are not fully in placo, although the epiphyses of the skeleton are united.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S., 1820.



Tapirus americanus.

Hydroclioerus tapir, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 191 (1777). ? Tapir anta, Zimmermarm, Geog. Geschichte, ii. p. 154 (1780). ? Tapirus americanus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 216 (1788). Tapirus americanus, Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 242 (1817). Tapirus terrestris (ex Hippopotamus terrestris, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 10) of some modern authors.

The American Tapir.

Hab. South America.

1964. Skull. 0. C.2879.

The posterior molars are not yet in place.


1965. Skull. 0. C. 2880.

The posterior molars have just risen into place, but are still unworn, and their roots are not fully developed.


1966. Skeleton of young. O. 0. 2881-2932.

The first true molar only is in place in both jaws, with all the premolars except the last. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 4.

Evidently from an animal which has died in captivity, as the brain has been removed.


1967. Skeleton of a somewhat younger animal.

The first true molars are in place with the milk-molars. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, S. 6, C. 9 (about three wanting).

T Al'IKlD-K.


1968. Left tympanic bone of female.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Gardens in 1870. This bone is so small and loosely connected with the rest of the skull, that it is nearly always lost in macerated speci- mens.

1969. Hyoid bones of nearly adult female.

Purchased, 1870.

Tapirus bairdi.

Elasmognathus bairdii, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1865, p. 183.

Baird's Tapir.

Hab. Central America.

1970. Skull and incomplete skeleton.

The ossification of the strong nasal septum (mesethmoid), characteristic of the adult condition of this species, is complete. From an animal killed in Panama, 1866.

Purchased, 1866.

1971. Skull of young.

The last molars are not yet in place, and the nasal septum is incompletely ossified. From Oaxaca, Mexico.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1873.

1972. Skull, wanting the nasal bones, of young.

The first true molars only are in place, and the last milk- molars are retained. The nasal septum is very little ossified. From Oaxaca, Mexico.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1873. PART II. 2 C



Tapirus bairdi.

1973. Articulated skeleton of very young animal.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, S. & C. 19.

The elongated transverse processes of the anterior lumbar ver- tebrae are seen to be autogenous elements like the thoracic ribs, and are not yet united with the vertebrae.

Purchased, 1872.

1974. Hyoid bones of young.

Purchased, 1871.



Cuvier, Annales du Museum, iii. p. 289 (1804).

iPaltfothmttm magnum.

Cuvier, loc. cit. p. 367. Hah. Europe. Upper Eocene Period.

1975. Greater portion of the right ramus of mandible, imbedded

in a block of gypsum, with the outer surface exposed to view. 0. C. F. 829.

Locality unrecorded, but probably from Montmartre.


1976. A right lower molar.

From Perreal, near Apt (Vaucluse).

In Museum be/ore 1862.



1977. A left radius, probably of this species.

From Biustoad Quarry, near Ryde, Isle of Wight.

Presented by Gen. Sir Henry James, R.E.

1978. Cast of a right astragalus. 0. C. F. 845.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

1979. Cast of a right calcaneum. 0. C. F. 846.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

J9aI.cotl)tn;im iiaSSum.

Cuvier, Annales du Museum, vi. p. 348 (L805), described in t. iii. but not named ; Ossemens Fossiles, iii. p. 68 (1822).

Hab. Europe. Upper Eocene Period.

1980. Cast of cranium. 0. C. F. 830.

The original was obtained from the gypsum of Montmartre, and -was figured by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' iii. pis. liii. and liv., described at p. 33 (ed. 1822).

1981. Cast of the mandible belonging to the above specimen ; also figured loc. tit. 0. C. F. 831.

1982. Cast of the left radius.

The above were presented to the Museum by Baron Cuvier.



$)al<eoti)crium crasttum.

1983. Cast of the radius and bones of the right fore foot. 0. C. F. 833.

Presented by the Museum of Nat. Hist, of Paris.

1984. Cast of left hind foot. O. C. F. 834-844.

Presented by Baron Cuvier,

italftotfymum mrtftum.

Cuvier, Annales du Museum, iii. p. 289 (1804).

Hab. Europe. Upper Eocene Period.

1985. Cast of skull.

The original hi the Paris Museum was found at Montmartre, and is figured in De Blainville's ' Oste'ographie,' vol. iv. pi. i.

Presented by the Museum of Nat. Hist. Paris, per Prof. Gervais, 1873.

1986. Portion of left maxilla with four premolars and first molar. From Binstead Quarry, near Ryde, Isle of Wight.

Presented by Gen. Sir Henry James, R.E.

1987. Two upper molars.

Labelled " Binstead Quarry, Sept. 1834."

Presented by Gen. Sir Henry James, R.E.


1988. First and second premolars of right maxilla. From Binstead.

Presented by Gen. Sir Henry James, R.E.

1989. Right upper molar.

In Museum before 1862.

1990. Part of left ramus of mandible, with the four posterior molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

1991. Part of the right ramus of the same mandible with four molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

1992. Two lower molars.

Labelled " Binstead Quarry, Sept. 1834."

In Museum before 1862.

1993. A lower molar found with the last specimen.

In Museum before 1862.

1994. Left articular condyle and part of the lower edge of mandible.

Probably British.

In Museum before 1862.

1995. Cast of the right tibia.

Figured by Cuvier, 4 Ossem. Fossil.' (ed. 1822), iii. pi. liii. fig. 2, and referred to in the text at page 155.

Presented by Baron Cncier.



39al<fotl)crtum minus.

Cuvier, Annales du Museum, iii. p. 471 (1804). Hab. Europe. Upper Eocene Period.

1996. Portion of left maxilla with four molars.

In Museum before 1862.

1997. Two upper posterior molars of the left side.

From Perreal, near Apt, Vaucluse.

1998. Portion of ramus of mandible with the three molar teeth. Probably from the same locality.


Pahjplotherium annectens, Owen, Hab. Europe. Middle Eocene


Proc. Geol. Soc. iv. p. 28 (1847). Period.

1999. The complete mandible of a young animal.

The milk molars are in place ; and the first two perma- nent molars have been acquired. The germs of the premolars and the last molar have been exposed on the left side.

This is the type specimen described and figured by Prof. Owen in the Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. iv. p. 20, pi. iii. figs. 3 & 4 (1848).

Prom Hordwell Cliff, Hampshire.

Presented by Alex. Pitts Falconer, Esq., 1847.



2000. Portion of mandible, including symphysis and incisor teeth and the greater part of the right ramus with the molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

2001. Left horizontal ramus of mandible, nearly complete, with the molar teeth.

Figured in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' iv. pi. iv. fig. 1 .

In Museum before 1862.

2002. Left horizontal ramus of mandible, with the molar teetb.

In Museum before 1862.

2003. Various teeth.

The above are all probably from Hordwell.

In Museum before 1862.


H. von Meyer, Neues Jahrb. fiir Mineralogie, &c. 1844, p. 298.

3nrhtti)crium aiurUancnSr.

" Palceotherium des environs cl' Orleans," Cuvier, Ossemens Eossiles,

2nd edit. iii. p. 254 (1822). Palceotherium aurelianense and P. Tiippoides, De Blainville, Osteo-

graphie, iv. p. 43, pi. vii.

Hab. Europe. Miocene Period.



Snrfttthcrium aurtliaiuntff,

2004. Cast of portion of skull of young, showing all the molar teeth of both the milk and permanent dentition.

The milk-molars and first and second permanent molars are in place, with the germs of the premolars and third molars in their alveolar cavities.

The original, found at Sansans (Gers), is in the Paris Museum.

Presented by the Paris Museum, per Prof. Gervais, 1872.

&nrf)tti)mum batrtJt.

Palceotherium bairdii, Leidy, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1850, p. 122.

Anchitherium bairdii, Leidy, Anc. Fauna Nebraska, p. 67, Smith- sonian Contrib. vi. (1853).

Hab. North America. Miocene Period.

2005. Portion of cranium, showing the grinding surfaces of the molar teeth.

Pound by the donor near the John Day Paver, Oregon, in 1872.

Presented by Lord Walsingham, 1879.


Hipparion, De Christol, Ann. des Sciences et de l'lndustrie du Midi

de la Prance, i. p. 180 (Peb. 1832)*. Hippotherium, Kaup, Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, &c, 1833,

p. 327.

I^t'ppanon grarilc.

Eauus {Hippotherium) gracilis, Kaup, Neues Jahrbuch fiir Mine- ralogie, &c, 1833, p. 327.

Hippotherium gracile, Kaup, Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leop. xvii. pt. i. p. 174 (1833, publ. 1835).

Hab. Europe. Upper Miocene Period.

* I have not been able to verify this reference ; but it is given by Gaudry, Gervais, and others. The name Hipparion is commonly used for this genus by French, and Hippotherium by German, authors.

I' \ l..i:oTIlHR]ID2E.


2006. Portion of right maxilla, with five upper molar teeth in situ.

From Mont Leberon, Vauclusc. Upper Miocene.

Presented by Professor A. Gaudry, 1872.

2007. Portion of mandible with three lower molars in situ. Prom the same place.

Presented by Professor A. Gaudry, 1872.

2008. Cast of a right manus.

The original, from Pikermi, near Athens, is in the Paris Museum.

Received in exchange, 1883.

2009. Cast of a right pes.

Prom the same locality.

Received in exchange, 1883.

Of uncertain Species. 2010. Transverse polished section of an upper molar. Prom the Red Crag near Pelixstow, Suffolk.

Purchased, 1875.

2011. Right and left upper molar from about the middle of the series.

Prom the Sewalik hills of India. Received in exchange from the Calcutta Museum, 1881.



Family EQUIDiE.

Genus EQUUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 100 (1766).

Dentition : i. f, c. p. §, m. |, = : total 40.

A rudimentary anterior premolar (completing the typical hete- rodont dentition) is often present, . especially in the upper jaw. The canines are absent or very little developed in the female sex.

Owen, Catalogue Fossil Mammalia, Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg, p. 236 (1845).

2012. A left upper middle molar. 0. C. F. 1030.

Discovered by the donor, associated with the remains of My- lodon, Megatherium, and other extinct animals, in the Tertiary deposits of Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca, South America.

Presented hy Charles Darwin, Esq.

2013. A left upper middle molar. O. C. F. 1031.

Discovered in the red argillaceous earth of the pampas at Bajada de Santa Pe, in the province of Entre Bios, South Ame- rica. It agrees closely in colour and condition with the remains of the Mastodon and Toxodon from the same locality*.

These specimens are briefly described, but not named as di- stinct from Equus caballus, in the ' Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' parti. Fossil Mammalia, by Prof. Owen, p. 108 (1840). The second is figured on plate xxxii. figs. 13 & 14, of the same

* Mr. Darwin has more particularly described the circumstances of the embedment of this tooth in his ' Journal of Researches during the Voyage ot the Beagle,' p. 149.



work. They are of much interest as the first-discovered evidence of the former existence of the Equidas in the New World, where their remains have since been found in such abundance and under such various modifications.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

(£cttiu£J £StbaIenSte.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. lxxxi.

2014. A portion of the upper jaw, with the three milk-molars on each side, and the first true molar appearing above its formative cavity. 0. C. F. 1029.

From the Tertiary deposits of the Sewalik hills of India.

Presented by Thomas Bacon, Esq.

2015. A right upper molar tooth.

From the Sewalik hills, India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

Equus caballus.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 100 (1766).

The House.

Hub. As a domestic animal the greater part of the habitable world.



Equus caballus.

2016. Articulated skeleton of a thorough- bred English Race-

horse. Male.

" Orlando," by " Touchstone " out of " Vulture," foaled in 1841, winner of the Derby in 1843 ; was sold in 1860 by- General Peel for 3100 guineas to Mr. Groville, by whom he was bequeathed to the Queen ; died at the Royal paddocks, Bushey Park, 23rd Dec. 1868.

The teeth are very much worn.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, S. 6, C. 15 (incomplete).

Presented by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 1868.

2017. Articulated skeleton, <j. 0.0.3133.

The presence up to the time of death of the left upper rudi- mentary first premolar is indicated by the alveolar socket, the tooth itself having been lost.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 19, L. 5, S. 5, C. 11 (incomplete).


2018. Skeleton, nearly complete, 6- O. C. 3176-3204.

Sockets of p. 1 are present on both sides. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 19, L. 6, S. 5, C. incomplete.


2019. Partially articulated sheleton of a Shetland Pony. O. C.


Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 18, L. 6, S. 6, C. wanting.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

2020. Skull, 6. O. 0. 3135.


2021. Skull, 6. O. C. 3136.


EQUIDJ5. 397

2022. Skull, with the hyoid bones, 6 .

A New-Forest Pony upwards of thirty years of age. The teeth are very irregularly worn.

Presented by Dr. W. S. Church, 1864.

2023. Skull of female. 0. C. 3137.

This sex is characterized by the rudimentary state of the canines, of which the right upper one has been shed and its socket obliterated.


2024. Skull of female. 0. C. 3138.

The upper canines have been shed ; but those of the lower jaw are larger than in the preceding specimen.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

2025. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. O. C. 3139. The right ramus of the mandible is wanting.


2026. Cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected. O. C. 3175.

The rudimentary first upper premolar (p. 1) is present on the left side.


2027. Posterior portion of the right side of a vertically bisected cranium. 0. C. 3140.




Equus caballus.

2028. Skull of old Horse, J .

The outer walls of the alveoli of both upper aud lower teeth have been removed on the right side, to show, in contrast with the next specimen, the reduction of the length of the crowns by- wear at their surface, and the coincident advance of the position of the base of the teeth towards the alveolar border.

In Museum before 1862.

2029. Skull of a younger but full-grown Horse, $ .

The outer alveolar walls have been removed in the same manner, to show the length of the crowns before they have been mate- rially shortened by wear. As a rare individual peculiarity (seen also in No. 2062) there is a large supernumerary molar situated behind and in regular sequence with the third molar in both rami of the mandible. In consequence of having no cor- responding tooth in the upper jaw to oppose it, the surface of its crown is unworn, and projects beyond the level of the other molars. An upper rudimentary first premolar is present on the right side.

In Museum before 1862.

2030. Left half of the facial portion of a longitudinally bisected skull. O. C. 3148.

The permanent dentition is complete. The outer alveolar wall has been removed to show the teeth in situ.


2031. Anterior portion of skull.

The small anterior premolar (p. 1) is unusually well deve- loped, and separated by a considerable interval from p. 2.

Purchased, 1875.



2032. Skull of a young Horse. 0. 0. 3144.

Tho first permaneut incisor is in place in both upper and lower jaws ; the second is on the point of emerging ; the third has not displaced its deciduous predecessor. Tho crowns of the permanent canines are just visible. The two anterior functional premolars ( ». 2 and p. 3) are in place, with the first and second true molars. The greatly reduced crown of the posterior milk- molar still remains on the summit of its successor. The small anterior rudimentary premolar (p. 1) is present on the right side, but has been lost on the opposite side, though its socket is present. The outer alveolar wall has been removed on the right side of the upper jaw, where the crown of the last true molar is exposed in its formative socket.

This condition of dentition is characteristic of a Horse about three and a half years old.


2033. Right half of a longitudinally and vertically bisected skull, young. 0. C. 3145.

The dentition is in precisely the same state of development as that of the previous specimen.

Presented by Henry Chine, Esq.

2034. Skull of a younger Horse. 0. C. 3143.

The dentition indicates an age between eighteen months and two years. All the milk-teeth are retained. The first perma- nent molar has been acquired ; and the second is appearing. The outer alveolar wall of the right maxilla has been removed to show the formative sockets of the teeth and the roots of those in position. The rudimentary first premolar {p. 1) has been present in both sides of the upper jaw, though lost on the left ; and a Bmall socket on the right side of the lower jaw indicates the rare circumstance of the former presence of this tooth in the mandible.




Equus caballus.

2035. Skull of a Horse, somewhat under twelve months old. 0. C. 3146.

The milk-teeth are all in place, and the crown of the first permanent molar just appearing. The first premolar (p. 1) is seen on both sides of the upper jaw in its formative socket, not having yet fully risen above the alveolar border. The late ap- pearance of this tooth and its frequent persistence throughout life indicate that it should be classed rather with the perma- nent than with the milk set of teeth.


2036. The longitudinally and vertically bisected facial portion of a skull of a young Mare. O. C. 3142

About the same age as the previous specimen. The rudi- mentary premolar has been present in both upper and lower jaws. The left ramus of the mandible is wanting.


2037. Anterior portion of the upper and lower jaws, showing the milk-incisors. 0. C. 3149.

The summits of the middle permanent upper incisors are shown by removal of portion of the covering bone.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

The following specimens, showing the effects of wear upon the permanent incisor teeth, are arranged according to their pre- sumed ages. It will be observed that they show considerable irregularities in the mode of attrition, which must cause great difficulties in the way of any exact determination of the age of a Horse by this means, after the permanent incisors are fully in place.



2038. Fore part of lower jaw. 0. C. 3154.

The canines and latoral incisors are unworn. The central incisors are worn so far that the cavity is ohliterated, the middle part of the abraded surface or " table " being formed by the cementum which fills the bottom of the inflection of enamel, characteristic of the Horse's incisor.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2039. Fore part of lower jaw. 0. C. 3153.

The surfaces of all the incisors are abraded, but with a lai'ge cavity left in each case.


2040. Fore part of upper jaw. 0. C. 3150.

The cavity in the crown of each incisor remains, but is very small in the central teeth, which were first developed and in use. The points of the canines are worn.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2041. Fore part of upper jaw. 0. C. 31 51.

In a somewhat similar stage of wear ; but the cavity of the left lateral incisor is obliterated.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2042. Fore part of upper jaw. 0. 0. 3152.

The central incisors arc worn to the bottom of the cavity, a surface of cementum surrounded by enamel being exposed. In the second, and still moro in the third, incisors some portion of the cavity remains.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2043. Fore part of upper and lower jaws. 0. C. 3173.

All the upper incisors are worn to the bottom of the cavity, leaving a small ring of enamel enclosing cementum, and raisod PART II. 2 D



Equus caballus.

above the level of the dontino. In the lower tooth the abrasion has proceeded quite to the depth of the onamel-inno^tion, and the surface of the tooth is evenly cupped.


2044. Fore part of lower jaw. 0. C. 3155.

The canines are little worn. The incisors show, as is nor- mally the case, three different stages of wear, the enamel-fold being almost obliterated in the first, less so in the second, and retaining a portion of the original cavity in the third. In each case the remnant of the closed pulp-cavity is seen in the middle of the worn surface, in front of the eDamel-fold. This condition is held to be characteristic of a Horse at seven years old or thereabouts.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2045. Fore part of lower jaw.

The canines are much abraded, and the incisors worn to near the bottom of the enamel-inflection, which is, however, still to be seen, having a flattened form, and situated close to the pos- terior margin of the tooth, with the closed pulp-cavity in front of it.

In Museum before 1862.

2046. Fore part of the lower jaw of an old Horse. O. C. 3156.

The canines are less worn, but the incisors more so, all traces of the enamel-fold being lost. The round mark in the centre of each worn surface indicates the position of the closed pulp- cavity.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2047. Anterior portions of both upper and lower jaws of an old

Horse, in which the teeth project abnormally forwards. 0. 0.3157.

The incisors are irregularly worn, those of the upper jaw


very obliquely, while those of the lowor jaw are truncated. In the latter the enamel-fold is entirely obliterated, though the baso of it remains in tho upper teeth.

Presented by Bransby B. Cooper, Esq.

2048. The teeth, separately displayed, of the right side of the upper and lower jaws. 0. C. 3158 and 3159.

The rudimentary first premolars are not present ; and the lowor canine has been lost.


2049. An upper premolar with the remnant of the crown of the milk-molar which it was about to displace. 0. C. 3160.


2050. An upper molar. 0. 0. 3174.

In the first edition of the ' Osteological Catalogue' (1831) it is stated that this specimen had the following description in John Hunter's handwriting attached to it : " A Horse's tooth of the under jaw ; had ground out the tooth above ; the wound mortified, and the Horse died " (p. 125, no. 870).


2051. Portions of two longitudinally bisected incisors. 0. C. 3162. Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2052. Germ of upper central milk-incisor just before cutting the gum.

Prepared to show the infolding of the enamel layer of the crown.

Prepared in 1871.

2053. Left lower canine. 0. C. 8163.

Hunterian. 2d2



Equus caballus.

2054. Left upper premolar (p. 3). 0. C. 3164.

A transverse section has been made through the crown and the surface polished, showing the arrangement of the three con- stituent elements of the tooth enamel, dentine, and cement.


2055. Right upper first molar (m. 1) similarly prepared. 0. 0. 3165. Hunterian.

2056. Left upper first molar (m. 1) longitudinally bisected. 0.

C. 3166.

The depth of the complex internal enamel-folds are well seen in this specimen.


2057. Transverse section of the crown of the first functional upper

premolar (p. 2). 0. C. 3167.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2058. Portion of transverse section of the corresponding tooth of the lower jaw. 0. C. 3168.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2059. Transverse section of a middle upper molar. 0. C. 3169.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2060. Half of a longitudinally bisected lower molar tooth. 0. C. 3170.

An oblique section has been removed from tho crown and the cut surface polished.




2061. Skull, in which the molar teeth of the left side, in conse- quence of imperfect apposition arising from slight dis- tortion of the left ramus of the mandible, have worn each other obliquely to almost trenchant edges, and are un- usually protruded from their sockets. 0. C. 3172.


2062. Dentary portions of skull with the teeth. 0. C. 317J.

As in No. 2029, the mandible presents the rare anomaly of a supernumerary molar in each ramus behind the normal third molar. These having no homotypes in the upper jaw, have played obliquely on the back part of the third molars of that jaw, and project so far above the normal series as to have occasioned ulceration and absorption in the opposite part of the upper jaw.


2063. Section of facial portion of cranium. 0. C. 3147.

The posterior premolar {p. 4) projects further than the other teeth of the series, probably from its development having been in advance of that of its homotype in the mandible. The former presence of p. 1 is shown by the socket.


2064. Hyoid bones.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1871.

2065. Hyoid bones.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

2066. Bones of fore and hind limbs of a very small Pony. 0. C. 3207 and 3208. Hunterian.

2067. Right metacarpus. 0. C. 3192.

There is an ossification of the partly fibrous, partly muscular structure called by veterinarians the "suspensory ligament of the



Equus caballus.

fetlock," which resembles a third splint bono at the back of the principal metacarpal or cannon bone.

Presented by Sir Philip Grey-Egerton.

2068. Bones of the manus of a cart-horse.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1865.

2069. Bones of the right pes of the same animal.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1865.

2070. Bones of the left carpus and tarsus of the same animal.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1865.

2071. Separate bones of head of a Foal six days old.

All the milk-teeth except the lateral incisors have emerged from their alveolar cavities.

Presented by George Fleming, Esq., 1876.

2072. Disarticulated cranium with the hyoid bones of an animal

of about the same age.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

2073. Skull and bones of right fore leg (showing a complete

ulna) of a foetus about the ninth month of intra-uterine lite.

Presented by George Fleming, Esq., 1879.

2074. Skeleton, naturally articulated, of very young foetus.

In Museum before 1862.



Subfossil specimens of this or allied species of Equm. Some of these may be referred to E./ossilis (H. von Meyer, Palceo- logica, 1832, p. 79) ; others to E. plieidens (Owen, Trans. Brit. Assoc. 1843, p. 231).

2075. An inferior molar. 0. C. F. 955.

From the drift-deposits at Iffley, near Oxford.


2076. Inferior molar of a recent Horse, placed by Hunter by the

side of the preceding fossil to illustrate its nature. 0. C. F. 955'. Hunterian.

2077. An extremely worn inferior molar. 0. C. F. 956.

From the drift deposits at Iffley.


2078. A proximal phalanx. 0. C. F. 957.

Locality unrecorded.


2079. A right upper middle molar. 0. C. F. 958.

The crown is as much curved as in the South-American speci- men (No. 2012) to •which the name E. curvidens has been given.

Three specimens are recorded in the former catalogue from Kent's Hole, Torquay, of which this is one, although apparently not that figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals ' (1846), fig. 143, p. 383, under the name of Equus fossilis. The other two arc missing.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

2080. Left os calcis. 0. C. 1018.

From the Hyrena-cavo at Kirkdale, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

408 UNGULATA. Equus cab alius ?

2081. Left lower second incisor. 0. 0. F. 101 9.

From the drift gravel above 'the chalk at Hcssle, near Hull. Figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 389, fig. 148.

Presented by William Spence, Esq.

2082. Left upper molar.

From a gravel-pit at Cropthorne Ford.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

The following specimens (to No. 2091, inclusive) were dis- covered by Mr. Joseph Whidbey, Civil Engineer, in the cavern- ous fissures at Oreston, near Plymouth, and were presented through Sir John Barrow, Secretary to the Admiralty. They form part of the specimens referred to by Dr. Buckland in the ' Reliquia Diluvianae,' pp. 72, 73, and 75, in which work will be found a full description of the caverns in the Oreston lime- stone*.

2083. Left lower third molar. O. C. F. 977.

The grinding-surface is figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 387, fig. 145, as Equus fossilis.

2084. Six upper and seven lower molars, of apparently the same


2085. Five incisors.

2086. Right upper second molar. 0. C. F. 964.

Described in the Catalogue as remarkably distinguished from the corresponding tooth in the recent Horse by the more com- plicated and elegant plications of the central islands of the

* See also ' Fkilosoplncal Transactions ' for 1817.



enamel, as also by the greater proportional antero-posterior diameter of the crown. It is figured in the ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 393, fig. 153, as Equus plicidem, this and the next being the specimens upon which that species was founded.

2087. Left upper first molar. 0. C. F. 967.

Figured as E. plicidens in ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 392, fig. 152.


2088. Unworn left lower canine. 0. C. F. 975.

Figured in ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 394, fig. 154.

2089. Left astragalus. 0. C. F. 1005.

Figured in « British Fossil Mammals,' p. 395, fig. 155.


Ungual phalanx. 0. C. F. 1015.

Figured in ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 395, fig. 156.

2091. Twenty-nine other bones or fragments of bones.

The three following specimens are referred to in Owen's 1 British Fossil Mammals,' p. 396, as examples of the Fossil Ass or Zebra, Asinus fossilis.

2092. Left upper middle molar. O. C. F. 1023.

From the drift above the London Clay at Deptford or Chatham.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

410 UtfGULATA.

Equus caballus ?

2093. Right upper middle molar. O. C. F. 1024?

Fig. 157 (reversed, as in most of the other specimens of teeth figured in this work). Stated in the text to be from the drift at Kessingland, Suffolk, in the description under the figure to be from Oreston, and in the Cataloguo from Grays, Essex.

Presented by William Ball, Esq.

2094. Left upper posterior molar. 0. C. F. 1025.

.Fig. 153, with the same discrepancy as to locality, Hut marked on the specimen and in the Catalogue " Kessingland."

Presented by William Ballj Esq.

2095. Left lower middle molar. O. C. F. 1026.

From a pleistocene freshwater deposit in Essex.

Presented by William Ball, Esq.

Equus asinus«

Linmeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 100 (1 766).

The Common Ass.

Hab. Probably North-east Africa originally. In a domesti- cated state, nearly the whole habitable world.

2096. Skeleton. O. C. 3216.

The sockets of the upper rudimentary premolars (p, 1) are present.

Vertebras C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, S. 5, C. 11 (incomplete).





2097. Skull, cJ.

The loft rudimentary upper premolar {p. 1) is present. That of the right side has heen lost aud the socket partially obliterated.

Stores, 1869.

2098. Skull, 6. O.C. 3217.


2099. Skull of aged female.

The upper canines are absent. The right lower canine is more fully developed than in a Horse of the same sex ; that of the left side has been shed and its socket partly obliterated. The premolars of the right side have been irregularly worn.

Presented by George Gulliver, Esq., 1868.

2100. Skull of young. O. C. 3218.

The only permanent teeth in use are p. 2, m. 1, and m. 2. i. 1 and p. 3 are on the point of appearing above the gums, being rather more advanced in the lower than in the upper jaw. i. 2, i. 3, p. 4, and m. 3 are still concealed within the alveoli. p. 1 is represented in the upper jaw by minute rudiments.

Presented by William Clift, Esq.

2101. Skull of a younger animal. O. C. 3141.

The milk-teeth alone are in place, p. 1 has been present and well developed on both sides of the upper jaw, as shown by the large size of the sockets.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

2102. Skull of a very young Ass.

The central incisors and the three molars of the milk aeries are just appearing above the gums, those of the lower being more advanced than those of the upper jaw.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.



Equus asinus.

2103. Disarticulated skull, cervical and anterior dorsal vertebra?,

and pelvis of an Ass, soon after birth.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

2104. A preparation of the upper molar series of teeth of both

sides of a young animal.

It shows the three milk-molars, the three premolars, and the three true molars of each side. The milk-molars and the ante- rior true molars were in use, the premolars and the ultimate and penultimate true molars being not fully developed. The anterior premolar (p. 1) is not represented.

Presented by Mr. E. Horniblow, 1875.

2105. Anterior portion of mandible, showing the incisor teeth,

the surfaces of which are considerably worn. 0. C. 3220.


2106. Skull of a Mule, or hybrid between this species and Equus


Presented by Sir Astley Paston Cooper.

Equus hemionus.

Pallas, Nov. Comm. Acad. Sc. Im. Petrop. xix. 1774, p. 394 (1775).

The Dshikketai or Kiang.

Hab. Central Asia.

2107. Skull, 6.

There are no traces of the rudimentary first premolars (/>. 1 ). Prom an animal shot in Ladak by Dr. Stoliczkaof the Indian Geological Survey.

Purchased, 1868.

Ki>r i n.K.


2108. Skull of young.

The milk-teeth and first true molars are in place. There are sockets for p. 1 on both sides of the upper jaw, and a very small ono on the left side of the mandible.

The basioccipital is wanting.

Shot in 1879 in the Changchenmo valley, Ladak.

Presented by Richard Lydekker, Esq., 1883.

2109. Casts of the left upper and lower molar series of teeth. Prom a specimen in the British Museum.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.

Equus quagga.

Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 213 (1788).

The Quagga.

Ilab. South Africa.

2110. Skull of male. 0. C. 3212.

Brookes Museum. Purchased, 1828.

2111. Skull of male. 0. C. 3213.

The animals from which theso two skulls were prepared bo- longed to Mr. Sheriff Parkins, and were driven by him in harness in Hydo Park. After their death they were presented to Mr. Brookes. A small oil-painting of one of them taken from life by Agasse is in the Conservator's Office.

In neither is there any trace of the rudimontary p. 1.

Brookes Museum. Purchased, 1828.



Equus quagga.

2112. Casts of the grinding-surfaces of four upper and four lower molar teeth.

Presented by George Bush, Esq., 1882.

Equus burchelli.

Asinus burcJiellii, Gray, Zool. Journ. i. p. 247 (1824).

Burchell's Zebra. Hub. South Africa.

2113. Casts of grinding-surfaces of two upper and three lower left molar teeth.

From a specimen in the British Museum.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1883.

Equus zebra.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 101 (1766).

The Zebra.

Hob. South and East Africa.

2114. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 3214.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 18, L. 6, S. 5, C. 17.

A small rudimentary tooth is present on the right side of the mandible, between the outer incisor and the canine.

Prepared from an animal formerly in the possession of His Majesty King George the Fourth.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

2115. Imperfect skeleton.

In Museum before 1862.



2116. Skull and bones of the extremities of young.

The milk-teeth and first and second molars are in place. Tho four small canine teeth camo out during maceration, and, as they could not be replaoed with certainty, are preserved separately.

Taken from a spoilt skin, tho markings on the legs of which showed that it certainly belonged to this species.

Purchased, 18 09.

2117. Mandible. 0. C.3215.

Presented by Mr. Cross.

2118. Casts of tbe grinding-surfaces of tbree upper and four lower left molar teetb.

From a specimen in tho British Museum.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.



Linnteus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 104 (1766).

Dentition : i. f , c. p. m. §, =-| : total 36.

Tbe large lateral tootb in tbe front of tbe mandible, bere reckoned an incisor, is considered by some anatomists to be a canine. Tbe incisors vary mucb, and may be rudimentary or entirely wanting. The anterior premolar {p. 1), though often early deciduous, is more constant than in the Equidce.

Iftbmocnos! nu'uutus.

Rhinoceros minutus, Cuvier, Ossemens Possiles, 2C edit. ii. p. 93 (1822).

M. pleuroceros, Duvernoy, Archives du Museum d'Hist. Nat. vii. p. 42 (1854).

Hub. Europe. Upper Miocene.

It is only by using the generic word Rhinoceros in its widest



aftljmocerofl mtnutua.

sense that this species (which has a pair of laterally placed conical eminences on the nasal bones, apparently for the support of horns) can be included in it. It may belong to the genus Di- ceratherium of Marsh.

2119. Cast of left side of cranium, and of portion of the ramus of the mandible.

The original, discovered in 1850 at Gannat (Allier), Prance, is described and figured by Duvernoy (Archives du Museum, vii. pis. i. & hi.).

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History.

2120. Cast of a considerable portion of both rami of the lower jaw of another individual.

From the same locality.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History.

The existing species of Rhinoceros are naturally grouped into three sections, which some zoologists consider genera*.

A. Ehinoceros proper.

Rhinoceros unicornis.

Rhinoceros unicornis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 104(1760). B. indicus, Cuvier, Menag. du Museum d'Hist. Nat. (1801).

The Indian Rhinoceros.

Hab. Nepal, Bhotan, and Assam.

* For the characters of these sections, with notes upon the specimens in the Collection, see " On some Cranial and Dental Characters of the Existing Species of Rhinoceroses," by W. H. Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 443.



2121. Articulated skeleton.

Tho posterior upper molars are not fully in place ; and the epiphysis of the upper end of the femur is not quite united. The hind feet and the patellae are wanting, and have been modelled from another specimen.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 3, S. 6, C. 21 (not complete).


2122. Incomplete skeleton without skull. 0. C. 2945-2956.

Formerly erroneously ascribed to R. bicornis.


2123. Skull. O.C. 2969.

The left upper posterior molar has been removed and hori- zontally bisected and polished (0. C. 3077).


The three following specimens are from the Nepal Terai, and were presented to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales during his visit to India in 1876 by Sir Jung Bahadoor.

2124. Skull of an old animal with nasal horn much worn.

There are three small incisor teeth in the front of the mandi- ble, between the large pointed lateral teeth.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., 1878.

2125. Skull with nasal horn.

All the permanent teeth are in place. A malformed supple- mentary incisor is present in the right prsemaxilla, in front of the ordinary large incisor. The central lower left incisor has a bilobed crown.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, KG., 1875.




Rhinoceros unicornis.

2126. Skull of younger animal, with nasal horn.

The third milk-molars are retained ; and the posterior true molars are not yet in place.

Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., 1878.

2127. Skeleton of young female. 0. C. 2975-3074.

The milk-teeth are in place, with the first true molars.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 3, S. 4, C. 22.

From an animal which died in captivity in this country.


2128. Skull, wanting the praemaxillae, of a still younger animal.

The milk-teeth alone are in place. From the Bhotan Terai.

Presented by A. H. Garrod, Esq., 1875.

Rhinoceros sondaicus.

Rhinoceros sondaicus, Cuvier, in Desmarest's Mammalogie, p. 399 (1822).

R. javanicus, Fred. Cuvier, Mammiferes, 1824.

The Sondaic Rhinoceros.

Hab. Bengal Sunderbunds, Burma, Malay peninsula, Java, Sumatra, and Borneo.

2129. Skull. 0. C. 2971.


2130. Cranium. 0. C. 2934.

This specimen is described and figured by Gray (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 1015) under the name and as the type of Rhino- ceros floiveri. In the former catalogue it is ascribed to R. suma- trensis.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, 1820.



2131. Skull of nearly adult.

The last molars arc not yet in place. Most of the teeth have heen lost.

Presented by T. A. Shaw, Esq., 1850.

2132. Skull.

The last molars are not fully in place. The proeniaxillae have been lost.

From an animal killed in the Bengal Sunderbunds in 1859.

Presented by Arthur Grate, Esq., 1882.

2133. Skull of young, wanting the praemaxillse and most of the

teeth. 0. C. 2970. The permanent premolars are still in their formative sockets.


2134. Skull of a younger animal.

The milk-teeth are in place, with the first true molars not fully developed. In the fore part of the mandible, three milk- teeth have been in place on each side the large lateral milk- incisor (or canine), the usual small central incisor (as shown by the socket), and another between or rather behind these two.

Presented by J. H. Green, Esq., 1843.

2135. Skull, wanting the praemaxillse, of a very young animal.

0. C. 2973.

The anterior premolars (p. 1), which have no predecessors, have not yet emerged from their formative alveoli, though the milk-molars which precede the second and third premolars are fully developed and slightly worn.

Presented by J. II. Green, Esq., 1843.

2136. The separated bones of the skull of a still younger animal.

0. C. 2974.

The milk-molars corresponding to the second and third pre-

2e 2



Rhinoceros sondaicus.

molars have begun to protrude from their formative sockets ; but their summits are unworn. The germ of the smaller molar (jo. 1) anterior to these may be seen in its socket ; and in front of this is a minute, simple, conical, obtuse tooth, placed like a canine close to the premaxillary suture. (See Owen's ' Odonto- graphy,' p. 592, and pi. 138. fig. 13.)

From a young female, killed by the side of its mother on the Malay coast, opposite Penang, in 1816.

Presented by J. H. Green, Esq., 1843.

2137. Mandible of an old animal, with the teeth much worn.

The two small central incisors found in all the other speci- mens of this and the last species are absent, and have left no trace in the alveolar border.

Presented by T. A. Shaw, Esq., 1856.

2138. Mandible. 0. C. 2972. Purchased.

2139. A pair of upper second molars.

Obtained by the donor in Sumatra, and described by Mr. Busk in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society ' for 1869, p. 415.

Presented by A. R. Wallace, Esq., 1869.

2140. The germs, or unworn crowns, of the right and left upper

middle molars.

They are in a simifossilized state.

Sent from Sarawak, Borneo, by Rajah Brooke, to Sir Charles Lyell. and described and figured by Mr. Busk in the ' Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society ' for 1869, p. 409.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.



B. Ceratorhinus. Gray, Proc Zool. Soc. 1867, p. 1006.

Rhinoceros sumatrensis.

Rhinoceros sumatrensis, Cuvier, Kegne Animal, i. p. 240 (1817). B. sumatranus, Baffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 268 (1820-22).

The Sumatran Rhinoceros.

Hab. Burma, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo.

2141. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2933.

Prom a perfectly adult and probably female animal. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 3, S. 4, C. 22. This skeleton is badly figured in tbe ' Philosophical Trans- actions ' for 1821, pi. xxii. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2142. Incomplete skeleton of male. (Cranium, O. C. 2935; pel-

vis, 2940.)

The premolars have been acquired ; but the posterior true molars are not yet in place.

The mandible, atlas, one rib, and the left radius are wanting. Vertebra : D. 19, L. 3, S. 4, C. 22. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, 1821.

2143. Skeleton. (Skull, 0. C. 2937, 2938, and 2939.)

From an animal of smaller size, probably a female.

It is somewhat younger than the last, as the posterior milk-



Rhinoceros sumatrensis.

molars are retained in both jaws. The alveoli of the Bmall lateral upper incisors are present in both prajmaxillae.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 20, L. 3, S. 4, C., incomplete.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2144. Skull of young. 0. C. 2936.

All the milk-molars are retained. The prsemaxillae are want- ing ; and the anterior part of the conjoined nasals has been cut off.

This specimen was sent to England from Sumatra by Mr. William Bell, and is stated, in the first edition of the Catalogue, to be the one figured in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1793, vol. lxxxiii. pis. iii. and iv.; but it differs so materially from the drawing, that, with every allowance for inaccuracy on the artist's part, it is impossible to believe that it could have been the subject intended.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

2145. Skull of young.

The posterior upper milk-molars are retained ; and the last true molars have not yet been acquired. The prEemaxillse are wanting.

Erom North Borneo.

Presented by W. B. Tegetmeier, Esq., 1882.

2146. Skull.

The posterior molars are not yet in place.

from an animal killed near Comillah in Tipperah.

This specimen is described in the ' Proceedings of the Zoolo- gical Society ' for 1878, p. 634, where the differences which it presents from the ordinary form of JR. sumatrensis are pointed out, with the suggestion that it may belong to the species de- scribed by Sclater under the name of lasiotis, the skull of which is at present unknown.

_ Presented by W. D. Stewart, Esq., 1878.



C. Atelodus.

Tomel, Ann. Scient. Lit. et Indust. do l'Auvergne, xxvi. p. 114 (1853).

Rhinoceros bicornis.

Rhinoceros bicornis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 104 (1766).

R. africanus, Cuvier, Eegne Animal, i. p. 240 (1817).

R. fceitloa, A. Smith, Cat. South African Museum, p. 7 (1837).

The Two-horned Rhinoceros.

Hah. Sonth and East Africa.

2147. Skull. 0. C. 2941.

The posterior molars are not yet in place ; but all the milk- molars have been shed, except the hindermost of the right side of the mandible.


2148. Mutilated upper part of cranium, comprising the greater part of the supraoccipital, parietal, frontal, and nasal bones.

2149. Cranium, with the dried skin and horns. 0. C. 2942.

The milk-molars only are in place, with the first premolar ( p. 1), which has no predecessor and is soon shed. The summit of the first true molar is just appearing,


2150. The bones of the left fore foot and the right hind foot.

0. C. 2957 and 2958.

Probably from the same individual as the last,




Rhinoceros bicornis.

2151. The disarticulated bones of the skull of a very young ani- mal. 0. 0. 2943 and 2944.

The crowns of the penultimate and ultimate milk-molars are beginning to protrude from their formative alveoli. The dried gum which covered the anterior end of the mandible has been removed to expose the four rudimentary incisors, two on each side of the symphysis, the outer ones being the largest. These are figured in Owen's ' Odontography,' pi. 138. fig. 14.


2152. Skull of a still younger animal.

Obtained by Mr. Esler in the Bogos district, Abyssinia. It was killed by the side of its mother, whose horns presented the characters commonly assigned to those of the variety called M. Jceitloa by Andrew Smith.

Purchased, 1873.

2153. A much-worn lower molar tooth. 0. C. 2961.


Rhinoceros simus.

Burchell, Bull. Soc. Philomat. 1817, p. 96.

Btjrchell's Rhinoceros.

Hab. South Africa.

2154. Skull with the two horns.

From an aged animal shot in South Africa by the late E. Gor- don Cumming, Esq.

The anterior horn measures 34 inches (86 cm.) in a straight hue, the posterior 10£ inches (27 cm.).

Gordon- Cumming Collection. Purchased, 1866.



2155. The calcified but unworn crown of a left upper molar at-

tributed to this species. 0. C. 2959.

In the freedom of the extremities of the combing-plates, which cut off no accessory valleys, it more resembles R. bicornis.

Presented by W. J. Burchell, Esq.

2156. A much-worn tooth, said to be the posterior upper milk-

molar. 0. C. 2960.

Presented by W. J. Burchell, Esq.

The determination of the species to which the following speci- mens of the nasal horns of Rhinoceroses belong is somewhat un- certain, having been made, in most cases, without any information regarding the animal from which they were obtained. They are therefore placed together in this place, instead of under the re- spective species to which they are assigned. The inclusion of these epidermal appendages in the osteological series is only justified by convenience in the arrangement of the Museum.

2157. Anterior and posterior horns. R. simus. 0. C. 2968.

The length of the front horn is 39 inches (99 cm.), its basal circumference being 26 inches (66 cm.).

Presented by W. J. Burchell, Esq.

2158. Anterior and posterior horns. R. simus. 0. C. 2965.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.

2159. Anterior horn. R. simus.

2160. Anterior horn. R. simus. 0. C. 3090.

I Innterian.


Rhinoceros simus.

2161. Anterior horn. R. simns. 0. C. 3091.


2162. Anterior horn. R. simus. 0. C. 3089.


2163. Anterior and posterior horns. R. bicornis. 0. C. 2963.

From Abyssinia. The posterior horn presents the compressed form assigned to the variety called JR. keitloa.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.

2164. Anterior and posterior horns. R. bicornis. 0. C. 2967.


2165. Anterior and posterior horns of young. R. bicornis. 0.

C. 2962.

Presented by Henry Salt, Esq., 1811.

2166. Anterior and posterior horns. R. bicornis. 0. C. 2964.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

2167. The left half of a vertically bisected posterior horn and

part of the integument of the nose. R. bicornis. 0. C. 3078. Hunterian.

2168. The horn of a young male Indian Rhinoceros (R. unicornis)

accidentally torn from the head of the living animal in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 10th August, 1870.

A new hom speedily grew in its place ysee ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1871, p. 8).

Presented by the Society, 1871.



2169. Horn. R. unicornis. 0. C. 3088.


2170. Horn. R. unicornis. 0. C. 3084.


2171. Horn. O.C.3082.


2172. Horn. 0. C. 3083.


2173. Horn. 0. C. 3081.


2174. Anterior horn. R. sumatrensis. 0. C. 3086.


2175. Anterior horn. R. sumatrensis. 0. C. 3087.

2176. Anterior horn. R. sumatrensis. 0. C. 3085.


2177. Posterior horn. R. sumatrensis. O. C. 3079.


2178. Posterior horn. R. sumatrensis ? O. C. 3080.


2179. A small and straight horn.



Bfitnoccrog anttguttatts,

Rhinoceros antiquitatis, Blumenbach, Handbuch der Naturge- schichte *.

B. tichorhinus, Gr. Fischer, Zoogr. Syst. 1813 ; Cuvier, Oss. Fos- siles, 2nd edit. ii. p. 93 (1822).

The Tichorhine or Woolly Rhinoceros.

Ilab. Europe and North Asia. Pleistocene Period.

2180. Cast of cranium . 0. 0. F. 847.

The original was discovered in the drift formation in Siberia, and is figured in Cuvier's ' Ossemens Fossiles,' 2nd ed. (1822), pi. 12.

Presented by the Very Rev. Dr. Buckland.

2181. Portion of the left ramus of the lower jaw containing the

last premolar and the three true molar teeth, the third not having yet risen into place.

Dredged from the sea-bottom off Brighton.

Presented by P>. Waterhouse Hawkins, Esq., 1872.

2182. Twelve teeth obtained by the donor in the cave called

" Wookey Hole," Mendip Hills, Somerset.

a. Unworn crown of right upper second milk-molar.

b. Unworn crown of right upper third milk-molar.

c. Slightly worn crown of left upper third milk-molar.

d. Broken unworn crown of right upper fourth milk-molar.

e. Worn right upper fourth premolar. /. Worn left first premolar.

g. Worn right upper second molar.

h. Right lower second milk-molar, t. Right lower third milk-molar. k. Right lower third premolar.

/. Much-worn right first molar. m. Right second molar.

Presented by W. Boyd Dawkins, Esq.


* As the early editions of this work are not to be found ia the libraries to which I have had access, I have not been able to ascertain the date of the first occurrence of this name. It is found in the French translation of the sixth German edition (1803) vol. i. p. 408.



2183. Four teeth from Kent's Hole, Torquay.

a. Right upper fourth milk-molar. 0. C. F. 855.

b. Left upper first molar. 0. C. F. 857.

c. Unworn crown of right third molar. 0. C. F. 856.

d. Right lower second molar. 0. C. F. 866.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

2184. Right upper second and third molars. 0. C. F. 858 and 859.

From the drift, five miles west of Worcester.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Bart.

2185. Two upper molar teeth. 0. C. F. 860 and 861. From the drift of Gloucestershire.

Presented by Mr. Fisher.

2186. A left upper second molar. 0. C. F. 862.

From the unstratified drift of Brunu, near Enzersdorf, in Lower Austria.


2187. A portion of the crown of a right upper posterior molar. 0. C. F. 863.

Locality unrecorded.


2188. A right lower molar. 0. C. F. 865.

From the cave at Kirkdale, Yorkshire.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

2189. A right lower molar. 0. C. F. 867. Locality unrecorded.




3£U)tnoccro£f anttguttatte.

2190. Right humerus.

Prom an alluvial deposit in Lincolnshire.

Presented by John Wood, Esq., 1870.

2191. Distal extremity of the left femur. 0. C. F. 876.

From the drift in the neighbourhood of Moscow.


2192. Four fragments of bones, gnawed by Bears or Hysenas.

0. C. F. 872 to 875.

From Kent's Hole, Torqua)'.

Presented by Gerard Smith, Esq.

ISAjinoctvoti leptovhmug.

Rhinoceros leptorhinus, Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, 2e edit. ii. p. 93 (1822).

R. megarhinus, De Christol, Ann. des Sc. Nat. 2e ser. iv. p. 76 (1835).

Hab. Europe. Pleistocene Period.

The following teeth and bones (to No. 2199 inclusive), appa- rently of the same individual, were discovered by the donor in a cavernous fissure in the limestone-quarries at Oreston, near Plymouth, in 1816 (seethe former edition of this Catalogue, and Sir E. Home in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1817). They are the subject of a paper by Mr. Busk, " On the Species of Rhinoceros whose Remains were found in a Fissure-cavern at Oreston in 1816," published in the ' Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society,' xxvi. p. 457 (1870), in which memoir reasons are given for their specific determination.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq.

2193. Mutilated crown of right upper molar. 0. C. F. 877. Figured by Busk, loc. cit. p. 416.



2194. Mutilated crown of the corresponding left upper molar.

0. C. F. 878. Figured by Busk, loc. cit. p. 460.

2195. Left upper second milk-molar. 0. C. F. 879.

2196. A right lower molar. 0. C. F. 880.

Figured by Busk, loc. cit. p. 463.

2197. Worn crown of left lower fourth milk-molar. 0. C. F.


Figured by Busk, loc. cit. p. 463.

2198. Anterior portion, apparently of the left lower third pre-

molar. 0. C. F. 882.

2199. Various bones and fragments of bones. 0. C. F. 883 to


The epiphyses of the bodies of the vertebrae and of the long bones are detached, showing that the animal had not arrived at maturity.

2200. Portions of the argillaceous sand which filled the cavern

in which the foregoing fossils were discovered. 0. C. F. 917.

2201. Part of the head of the right humerus of an older Rhino-

ceros than that which furnished the foregoing remains, the proximal epiphysis being ankylosed. 0. C. F. 916.

From one of the Oreston limestone caverns.

Presented by Joseph Whidbey, Esq.



Of uncertain S])ecies.

2202. Fragment of maxilla with an upper molar tooth. 0. C. F.


Prom the tertiary formations of the Subhimalayan district, India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2203. Fragment of mandible, with two worn lower molars. 0.

C. F. 854.

From the same locality.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2204. A lower molar.

From the Sewalik hills, India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, 1881.

The following genera are placed provisionally in this family.


Gervais, Compt. Rend, de l'Acad. des Sciences, lxxvii. p. 106 (1873).

Catfttrcotljmum caplurt.

Gervais, loc. ext. Hah. Europe. Miocene Period.

2205. Casts of teeth.

a. Upper posterior molar, very little worn.

b. Upper posterior molar, much worn.

c. Germ of a lower molar.

d. A worn lower molar.

The originals are from the phosphoritic deposits of Quercy (Lot), France, and are described and figured by Gervais in the ' Journal de Zoologie,' ii. p. 362, pi. xiv. (1873).

Presented by the Museum of Natural History, Paris, 1874.




G. Pischer, Mem. de la Soc. des Naturalistes de Moscou, ii. p. 255 (1809).

dnSmotljmum fi'sicficvt. Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 546 (1822).

2206. Cast of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 923.

The original, on which the genus was founded, discovered in the frozen drift of Siberia, is in the Museum of Moscow.

It is figured by Cuvier (Oss. Fossil. 2nd edit. ii. p. 98, 1822).

Presented by Sir Roderick T. Murchison-.

2207. Cast of a lower molar tooth.

Presented by the Museum of Natural History, Paris, 1869.


Owen, Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Beagle,' part i. p. 35 (1840).

Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. §, = -fj : total 44.

fHafrnucheiu'a patadjonua.

Owen, loc. cit.

The following are the original specimens (all probably of one individual) upon which the genus and species were founded. They were discovered by the donor in an irregular bed of sandy soil, overlying a horizontal accumulation of gravel, on the south side of Port St. Julian, Patagonia, and are described and figured in the ' Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle.'

Presented by Charles Danoin, Esq.

2208. Two middle cervical vertebras. O. C. F. 924 and 925.




JtTacraucbmta patacfttnuca.

2209. Twelve fragments of lumbar vertebrae. 0. 0. F. 926 to


2210. Fragments of the pelvis. 0. C. F. 935.

2211. A considerable portion of the left scapula. 0. C. F. 936.

2212. Proximal extremity of the ankylosed radius and ulna. 0.

C.F. 937.

2213. Metacarpals and many of the phalanges of the right fore

foot. 0. C. F. 938 to 946.

2214. Right femur. 0. C. F. 947.

2215. Detached proximal and distal extremities of the right tibia

and fibula. 0. C. F. 948 and 949.

2216. Right astragalus. 0. C. F. 950.

2217. A metatarsal bone. 0. C. F. 951.

3ftflacvauci)ema uoltbmtste.

Huxley, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, xvii. p. 73 (1861).

2218. A cervical vertebra, left astragalus, and portions of skull

and scapula.

They are impregnated with copper, and were discovered in the mines at Corocoro, Bolivia, by Mr. David Forbes. Described and figured by the donor, loc. cit. plate vi.

Presented by Professor Huxley, 1862.





Owen, History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 299 (1846).

Corppftotftm tortcmtfl.

Owen, loc. cit.

2219. Cast of a fragment of the right ramus of the lower jaw, with the last molar and part of the penultimate molar in situ. 0. C. F. 826.

The original was dredged from the bottom of the sea, between St. Osyth and Harwich on the Essex coast, and is probably from the Eocene London Clay. It is figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 299.

Presented by John Broion, Esq.

2220. A canine tooth, apparently from the right side of the lower jaw. 0. C. F. 827.

Discovered at a depth of 160 feet, in sinking a well through the London Clay, near Camberwell.

Figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 306.

Presented by Mr. Allport.

2221. Cast of the crown of the right upper posterior molar.

The original, in the Canham Collection in the Ipswich Mu- seum, is from the bone-bed at the base of the Red Crag, near Woodbridge, Suffolk ; but its rolled condition shows that it be- longed to some earlier formation, probably the Eocene Clay.

Presented by the Rev. H. Canham.




Genus NESODON. Owen, Report of British Association, 1846, p. 66.

ficSoUon tmbvtcatug.

Owen, loe. cit.

2222. Anterior portion of lower jaw, with the teeth.

The type specimen figured in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1853, p. 291, pi. xv.

From the banks of the river Gallegos, Patagonia.

Presented by Admiral Sir B. J. Sulivan, K.C.B.


Owen, Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Beagle,' part i. p. 16 (1840).

Dentition : i. §, c. ^, p. m. —\§ : total 40.

Corotlon platcn6t<>.

Owen, loc. cit.

The following specimens, discovered by the donor in South America, are those upon which the genus and species were ori- ginally founded.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

2223. A nearly complete cranium, from which the teeth have been lost. 0. C. 560.

Discovered in a whitish argillaceous earth, on the banks of the Sarandis, about 120 miles to the north-west of Monte Video, and described and figured in the 'Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' pp. 16-35, and plates i., ii., iii., and iv.



2224. A right penultimate upper molar. 0. (J. F. 561.

From the tertiary doposits in the bunks of the Rio Tercero, or Carcacaua, near the Parana, South America. Figured in the ' Voyage of the Beagle,' plates i. and ii.

2225. A fragment of the right ramus of the mandible, with roots

of the incisors and the greater portion of the molar series of teeth. 0. C. F. 562.

Discovered at Bahia Blanca, in latitude 39°, on the east coast of South America. Figured in the ' Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' plate v. figs. 1 to 4.

2225. A large fragment of the left ramus of a mandible, with portions of four molar teeth.

2227. A right lower molar.

2228. A left lower incisor. 0. C. F. 565.

From the cliffs at Bahia Blanca. Figured in the ' Voyage of the Beagle,' pi. v. fig. 5.

2229. Various fragments of teeth.


Typotherium, Bravard, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. xliv. p. 961 (1857).

Mesotherium, Serres, ibid. p. 961. Dentition :— i. c. p. 2 m. ^ = 6 : total 24.

Eupotijmum crisftatum.

Mesotherium cristatum, Serres, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. lxv. p. 142 (1867).

2230. Cast of skull.

The original, from the provinco of Santo I V, Argentine Ke-


Cypothm'um crtetatum.

public, is in the Museum of Natural History, Paris, and is figured by Gervais in ' Zoologie et Paleontologie generates ' (1867-69), plates 22 and 23.

Presented by the Paris Museum of Natural History,

per Prof. Gervais, 1869.



Genua HYRAX. Hermann, Tab. Affinit. anim. p. 115 (1783). Dentition : i. c. g, p. £ , m. = | : total 34.

Hyrax capensis.

Cavia ccijpensis, Pallas, Spicilegia Zoologica, ii. p. 32 (1767).

The Cape Hyrax.

Hab. South Africa.

2231. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 22, L. 8, S. 7, C. 4.

Prepared from a specimen which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 2 Jan., 1864.


2232. Skeleton, nearly complete, of young. 0. C. 3092-3112. The posterior molar teeth have not como into place.



2233. Skeleton, nearly complete.

The teeth are much worn.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 22, L. 8, S. 7, C. wanting.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1864.

2234. Skull. 0. C.3113.

The left lower first premolar (p. 1) is rudimentary; hut the others are completely developed. The posterior molars are not fully in place.


2235. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected.

The last molars are not in place.

Presented by Professor Owen.

2236. Mutilated skull of young female. 0. C. 3114 and 3115.

The milk-incisors, the four milk-molars, and the first perma- nent molars are present.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

2237. The calcified germs of the milk-teeth, removed from the

skull of a foetus and separately displayed.

Presented by Professor Huxley, 1866.


Gray, Annals & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, i. p. 48 (1868).

Dendrohyrax arboreus.

Hyrax arboreus, Andrew Smith, Trans. Linneau Soc. xv. p. 468 (1827).

The Tree Hyrax. 1 1 ah. South Africa

1 to


Dendrohyrax arboreus.

2238. Nearly complete skeleton. 0. C. 3116-3132.

The milk-incisors and molars are in place, with the first per- manent molar.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 21, L. 7, S. 6, C. 7 (incomplete).

Presented by the Zoological Society.

Dendrohyrax dorsalis*.

Hyrax dorsalis, Praser, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1852, p. 99. Hob. West Africa.

2239. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 21, L. 7, S. 6, C. 8. Prom the West Coast of Africa.

Purchased, 1870.

2240. Naturally articulated skeleton of young.

The milk-teeth are in place, with the first true molars par- tially acquired.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 21, L. 7, S. 6, C. 7.

Prepared from a specimen sent from the Bight of Benin in spirit.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. R. Thomas, 1868.

* Possibly only a variety of the last, with which it appears to correspond in osteological and dental characters.



Suborder 1' Rt > HOSCIDEA.


Usual dentition : i. c. g, d.m. §, m. §,=| •: total 26.

The large incisors or tusks are preceded by small milk-teeth shed at an early age.

The mode of succession of the grinding-feeth is very peculiar. During the complete lifetime of the animal there are usually but six on each side of each jaw. The last three represent the true molars of ordinary mammals ; those in front appear to be milk-molars, which in existing Elephants are never replaced by permanent successors ; but the whole series gradually moves forward in the jaw, and the teeth become worn away and their remnants cast out in front while the development of others pro- ceeds behind. The individual teeth are so large, and the pro- cesses of growth and destruction by wear take place so slowly, that not more than one, or portions of two teeth are ever in place and in use on each side of each jaw at one time, and the whole series of changes coincides with the ordinary duration of the animal's life. The grinding-teeth usually present are some- times described, as in the former catalogue, as the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth molars respectively ; but the occa- sional presence of a rudimentary tooth in front of these, bringing up the number of the molar series to that of the typical hetero- dont placental mammals, renders this nomenclature inadmissible. To avoid confusion it has therefore become usual to follow Dr. Falconer in speaking of the teeth commonly present as the antepenultimate, penultimate, and ultimate milk-molars, and the antepenultimate, penultimate, and xiltimate true molars, which respectively represent the teeth indicated in the typical formula by the signs d.m. 2, d.m. 3, d.m. 4, m. 1, m. 2, and m. 3.



Genus ELEPHAS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 48 (1766).

Section A. Elephas proper. (Euelephas, Falconer.)

The molar teeth of this section or subgenus differ from those of the others in possessing more numerous, elevated, and at- tenuated plates. The average ridge-formula of the six molars, which, however, is subject to considerable individual variation especially in the posterior teeth, is 4, 8, 12, 12, 16, 24.

Elephas indicus.

Elephas indicus, Linnaeus, Mus. Frid. Adolph. i. p. 11 (1754) ;

Cuvier, Tab. d'Hist. Nat. des Animaux, p. 148 (1798). E. maximus (pars), Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 48 (1766). E. asiaticus, Blumenbach, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte*.

The Asiatic Elephant. Hab. Southern Asia.

2241. Articulated skeleton of a nearly adult male. 0. C. 2654.

The penultimate molars are in place ; and the epiphyses are not united to the shafts of the long bones.

The distal ends of the tusks have been fractured and abraded, as is usually the case with animals which have lived some time in captivity. The base of the left tusk has been cut off and made into a separate preparation (No. 2241 a ; 0. C. 2655). It shows, hy the irregular deposit of osteodentine in the pulp- cavity, and by the destruction of part of the parietes of the same cavity, evidence of a previously inflamed state of the matrix.

YertebraB : C. 7, D. 20, L. 3, S. 4, C. 29 (not quite com- plete). The twentieth pair of ribs, which must have been very small, are missing t- The long bones measure as follows : Humerus 90 cm. ; radius 75 cm. ; ulna 85 cm. ; femur 108 cm.; tibia 65 cm. ; fibula 61 cm. The width between the iliac crests is 108 cm.

* See note to p. 428. This name is probably the most correct according to the British Association Rules, but almost universal custom has sanctioned E. indicus.

t For some notes on this skeleton see Falconer's ' Palseontological Memoirs,' vol. ii. p. 268 (1868).



The animal from which this skeleton was prepared was known by the name of " Chunee," and was brought to England in 1810, when it was of a size not too large to perform on the stage of Covent Garden Theatre in a pantomime. It was next exhibited in a travelling menagerie by Mr. Polito, at whose death in 1814 it was purchased by Mr. Cross for the collection of animals then kept at Exeter Change, Strand. Here it continued to live and grow, and was submissive to the control of its keepers until the year 1820, when it was first subject to excitement and attempted to kill a keeper. Similar paroxysms recurred with increasing force annually until the year 1826, when the violence of the animal was such as to compel the proprietor of Exeter Change to put it to death. The particulars of the catastrophe are detailed in Hone's ' Every-day Book,' and in Griffin's translation of Cuvier's ' Regne Animal,' vol. iii. p. 348.

Purchased, 1831.

2242. An imperfect skeleton, without the skull, of a nearly

full-grown animal. 0. C. 2678-2713, 2731-33, and 2742-44.

The left radius and tibia have been divided longitudinally to show the structure and arrangement of the cancellar tissue of the long bones.


2243. Part of the skeleton of a very large animal.

The bones present are three anterior dorsal vertebrae, seventeen ribs, the scapula}, the humeri (which measure 90 cm. in length), the innominate bones, and the right femur (which measures 112 cm. in length).

Presented by T. A. Shaw, Esq., Bombay Civil Service, 1856.

2244. Skull of a large male. 0. C. 2656.

From Ceylon.

The penultimate and ultimate true molars are in use. It is doubtful whether the tusks placed in the sockets belong to this skull. They appear to be those of a smaller animal.



Elephas indicus.

2245. Skull and left femur.

The ultimate molars are fully developed ; but the tusks are of very small size. From an animal shot by the donor at Tam- bligam, Ceylon, 17 July, 1874.

Presented by F. C. Fisher, Esq., Ib78.

2246. Skull, 2 0. C. 2660 and 2677.

The ultimate molars and the posterior part of the penultimate molars were in use. From Ceylon.

Purchased, 1821.

2247. A longitudinally and vertically bisected skull, with the tusks, S 0. C. 2657, 2676, and 2824.

The last seven plates of the penultimate molars and the first four or five plates of the ultimate molars were in use in both jaws.

From Malacca.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2248. A mutilated cranium, $ . 0. C. 2662.

The ultimate molars have been acquired.

2249. Skull, S 0. C. 2659 and 2675.

The penultimate molars have been acquired.



2250. Skull, ? . 0. C. 2661.

The last nine plates of the penultimate, aud the first five or six of the ultimate, molars are in use. From Malacca.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.



2251. Skull transversely and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2658 and 2673.

The immense development of the air-cells surrounding the brain-cavity and separating the outer and inner tables of the skull is well seen in this section.


2252. Skull. 0. C. 21563 and 2672.

The malar bones and the teeth of the left side are wanting. The right antepenultimate molar is present and has been in use.


2253. Skulk 0. C. 2664.

The antepenultimate molars are present. The right malar bone is wanting.


2254. Skull of a young male. 0. C. 2665 and 2751.

The molar teeth present a remarkable abnormality in both upper and lower jaws. The tooth in use, the antepenultimate, is joined to the one behind it by a thick mass of cement, the division between the two being indicated only by a slight con- striction on each side.


2255. Skull of a young male. 0. C. 2666 and 2670.

The ultimate milk-teeth are in place. The malar bones are wanting.


2256. Skull of young. 0. C. 2667.

The malar and exoccipital bones are wanting. The ultimate iind penultimate milk-molars are present in the upper jaw.




Elephas indicus.

2257. Mutilated skull of an animal of about the same age. 0. C.

2794, 2669, and 2816.

Seven plates of the ultimate milk-molar have been in use.


2258. Mutilated cranium of a still younger animal. 0. C. 2793.

The penultimate milk-molars have been acquired. The right tusk has been lost ; the left is just protruding from the socket. It is indented longitudinally at the base above and below, so that if it had continued to grow it would have resembled the specimen No. 393 of the Teratological Series, described as a " double tooth of an Elephant." The effect of a similar mal- formation of the formative pulp of the tooth upon the right socket was mistaken in the former description of the specimen for that produced by the presence of a milk-tusk external to the permanent one.


2259. Skull of young. 0. C. 2668.

The right milk-tusk and the germs of both permanent tusks have been preserved. The penultimate milk-molars are in place.


2260. Imperfect skeleton of a young animal.

The skull is wanting. The animal was about 1-83 metre high, and was supposed to be three years of age. It died a few days after landing at Southampton. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 19, L. 5, S. 4, C. 2 (imperfect).

Presented by G. T. Whiting, Esq., 1870.

2261. Skeleton of a very young animal not quite complete. 0. C. 2714-2723, 2792, and 2810.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 4, S. 4, C. 24.

The summits of the crowns of the antepenultimate and penultimate milk-molars have appeared above their sockets, but have not been used.




2262. Section of a cranium. O. C. 2724.

The outer table of bone has been removed so as to show the aii -cells between it and the inner table.


2263. Section of cranium of young. 0. C. 2728.

The meatus auditorius externus, membrana tympani, tym- panum, and upper part of the Eustachian canal, with some of the surrounding air-cells, are displayed. The otosteals are shown in situ.

This specimen is the original of the figure in the Lectures on Comparative Anatomy by Sir Everard Home, vol. iv. tab. xcviii. ; and it is noticed in the Croonian Lecture by the same author in the Philos. Trans, vol. xc. p. 4.


2264. The otosteals or ossicula audit-As of an Elephant three

years old. O.C. 2729.

Prepared from an animal which was purchased by the College in 1810 for dissection.


2265. A right, and the contiguous portion of a left nasal bone.

The latter has been vertically and longitudinally bisected, so as to show the large air-cells within, which are continuous posteriorly with those of the frontal bones. 0. C. 2726.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2266. A left nasal bone with the thin parietes at the back part

broken away to expose the air-cells. 0. C. 2727.


2267. Mandible. 0. C. 2821.

The penultimate molar is in its most complete state; and twelve of its plates have been used. The remnant of the antepenulti- mate is still present in the left ramus ; and the germ of the ultimate molar behind it is exposed by the removal of the internal alveolar wall of the ramus.




Elephas indicus.

2268. Mandible. 0. C. 2674.

The last ten plates of the antepenultimate molars are abraded ; and the summits of five plates of the penultimate molars are exposed.


2269. Mandible. 0. C. 2671 and 2818.

All the plates of the antepenultimate molars, except the last two, are -worn ; the right penultimate is seen iu its formative socket ; but the left has been removed. The inner alveolar wall has been removed from the left ramus to show the ante- penultimate molar in situ.


2270. Left ramus of mandible of young. 0. C. 2813.

The ultimate milk-molar has nine of its plates worn. The inner alveolar wall has been removed from the left ramus.

Hunterian .

2271. Mandible of a very young animal. 0. C. 2811.

The antepenultimate and penultimate milk-molars are visible above the alveolus.

Presented by Dr. Henderson.

Separate incisor teeth, or tusks.

2272. A pair of tusks. 0. C. 2745.

One of these measures 1-20 metre in length and 32 cm. in basal circumference ; the other measures 1*27 metre in length and 32 cm. in circumference. Both exhibit a slight spiral curve.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S.



2273. A single tusk. 0. C. 2746.

It measures 1-345 metre in length and 29*5 cm. in circum- ference at its baso.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S.

2274. A pair of tusks. 0. C. 2747.

These are of a smaller size and slightly curved.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S.

2275. A pair of tusks. 0. C. 2748.

Of similar size to the previous pair, but more curved.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S.

2276. A pair of tusks. Hunterian.

2277. A pair of tusks. 0. C. 2749.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S., 1822.

2278. A pair of tusks. 0. C. 2750.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S., 1822.

2279. A tusk of a young animal. 0. C. 2752.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles, P.Z.S., 1822.

2280. A pair of small tusks. 0. C. 2755.

They aro nearly straight and abraded obliquely at the point.

Presented by Mrs. Robinson. part H. 2 G

450 UNGULATA. Elephas indicus.

2281. A small tusk longitudinally and vertically bisected. The apex of one half is wanting.


2282. The base of a tusk of an adult male, with the portion of the alveolus in which it was imbedded, longitudinally bisected to show the pulp-cavity.

From an animal which died in the Surrey Zoological Gardens in the summer of 1847.


2283. A transverse section of the base of a tusk of a young Elephant. 0. C. 2758.

On the cut surfaces may be discerned the decussating curved striae characteristic of true ivory, an appearance which is due to the refraction of light caused by the parallel secondary gyra- tions of the dentinal tubes. (See Owen's ' Odontography,' p. 640.)

Presented by Professor Owen.

2284. An oblique section of a tusk showing the structure characteristic of true ivory. 0. C. 3423. Hunterian.

2285. A section of the base of a tusk, in the substance of which a brass bullet has b^en imbedded in a closed cavity which has smooth and entire inner surface. There is no outward indication of the presence of such foreign body. 0. C. 2761.

The phenomena exhibited in this and the following similar specimens may be thus explained : A ball aimed at the head



of an Elophant may penetrate the thin bony socket and the thinner ivory pariotos of the wide conical pulp-cavity occu- pying the inserted base of the tusk. If the projectile force be then spent, the ball gravitates to the opposite and lower side of the pulp-cavity. The presence of the foreign body exciting inflammation of the pulp, an irregular course of calci- fication ensues, which results in the deposition around the ball of a certain thickness of osteodentine. The pulp, then resuming its healthy state and functions, coats the surface of the enclosing mass of osteodentine, together with the rest of the conical cavity into which that mass projects, with layers of normal ivory, closing the breach in the thin parietes of the pulp-cavity by which the ball entered ; and as the growth of the tusk proceeds, the ball, so enclosed, is carried forwards into the solid exserted part of the tusk. Should the ball have penetrated the base of the tusk of a young Elephant, it may be carried on by the uninterrupted growth and wear of the tusk, until the base has become the apex, and be finally exposed and discharged by the continual abrasion to which the apex of the tusk is subjected.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2286. A section of a tusk in which an iron ball is imbedded. 0. C. 2762.

Presented by Sir William Blizard.

2287. A transverse section from near the base of a tusk ex- posing half a leaden bullet imbedded in a mass of osteo- dentine, which fills up a great part of the pulp-cavity. 0. C. 2763. Hunterian.

2288. A section of a tusk, showing a cavity near the outer sur- face, in which a flattened leaden bullet is fixed. 0. C 2764.

Presented by William C/ift, Esq. 2u 2



Elephas indicus.

2289. Two sections of the base of a tusk, into the pulp-cavity of

which the iron point of a javelin has penetrated and lias been broken. 0. C. 2765.

Presented by Thomas Keate, Esq.

2290. Three sections of the base of a tusk, with an irregular

mass of osteodentine filling up part of the pulp-cavity, in which mass is imbedded a large iron slug. 0. C. 2766.

Presented by Lord Denman.

2291. A mass of osteodentine from a tusk perforated by an irre-

gular central canal, in which some foreign body may have been contained*. 0. C. 2767.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2292. A portion of the basal part of a tusk with a large irregular

stalactic mass of osteodentine growing into the pulp- cavity.

Presented by W. J. Bernhard Smith, 1878.

2293. A portion of a diseased tusk. 0. C. 2768.

Presented by Sir Philip de M. Grey Egerton.

2294. Two thin transverse slices removed from one end of the

preceding specimen, showing the proportions and relative position of the ivory, cement, and osteodentine. 0. C. 2769. Presented by Sir Philip de M. Grey Egerton.

* Several similar specimens of foreign bodies lodged in the tusks of Elephants are arrangi d in the Pathological Series of Injuries and Diseases of the Teeth.



2295. A diseased tusk of a young Elephant from Ceylon.

Tho neck of the tooth is extensively and irregularly absorbed. The root is contracted towards the base, and the pulp-cavity tilled up.

Tho specimen was given to the donor in Ceylon by Mr. Swinburne "Ward, who stated that the animal had knocked out the tusk by a blow against the trunk of a tree. Some small, hard, cylindrical bodies, probably egg-capsules of a dipterous insect, are adhering to it. The specimen has beeu mentioned by Dr. Spencer Cobbold, in his paper on the Para- sites of Elephants, Trans. Linn. Soc. New Ser. vol. ii. p. 223.

Presented by G. H. K. Thwaites, Esq., 1866.

2296. A tusk of a female.

From a wild animal killed in Malabar. There is an erosion on the surface of the specimen where it protrudes beyond the gum ; and it is covered with closely adherent hard bodies, like the egg-capsules of a dipterous insect. Described in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 145, by the donor, and by Dr. Sponcer Cobbold in the Trans. Linn. Soc. New Ser. vol. ii. p. 223.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1871.

Separate Molar Teeth.

2297. The remnant of a much-worn right upper penultimate

milk-molar (dm. 3). 0. C. 2796. Hunterian.

2298. The remnant of a much-worn left upper penultimate milk- molar (dm. 3) of the same animal. 0. C. 2797.


2299. Right lower penultimate milk-molar (dm. 3) longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2780.

It consists of nine plates, all of which are united at their bases. The extreme length of the tooth is 7*5 cm.

Presented by Sir Everard Jlome.


Elephas indicus.

2300. Right lower penultimate milk-molar {dm. 3). 0. C. 2812.

It consists of six plates, the bases of which are confluent. The apices of the first and second plates have been in use.


2301. Right upper ultimate milk-molar {dm. 4). 0. C. 2796.

It consists of twelve plates, of which the summits of the first six have been in use. The extreme length of the tooth is 12-2 cm. The penultimate (No. 2297) fits on in front of this speci- men, both having belonged to the same animal.


2302. Left upper ultimate milk-molar. 0. C. 2797.

From the same animal. The penultimate milk-molar (No. 2298) fits on in front of this tooth.


2303. Right lower ultimate milk-molar. O. C. 2814.

It consists of twelve plates, all of which have been in use. The length of the tooth is 13*5 cm.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2304. Left lower ultimate premolar of the same animal. O. C. 2815.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2305. Right upper antepenultimate or first true molar (m. 1). O. C. 2802.

It measures 17 cm. in length, and is composed of twelve plates, of which the six anterior ones have been in use.




2306. Right upper antepenultimate molar. 0. C. 2803.

It measures ] 6 cm. in length, and consists of thirteen plates, excluding talons. The tooth is in its most complete state, the first plate not being worn away, and the last plate being completely formed and united with the others.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2307. Left upper antepenultimate molar, vertically bisected. 0.

C. 2782.

It consists of eleven plates, all of which are confluent at their bases ; and all but the last have been in use, the anterior ones being worn down to the common dentinal base. It measures 16 cm. in length.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

2308. A moiety of an upper antepenultimate molar. 0. C. 2781.

It is composed of thirteen plates, excluding talons, and mea- sures 17 cm. in length. The cut surface is polished to show its different structures.


2309. Right lower antepenultimate molar. 0. C. 2819.

It measures 16 cm. in length, and consists of thirteen plates and a large talon, all of which have been in use except the last.

British Museum. Purchased,, 1809.

2310. Remnant of a right lower antepenultimate molar. 0. C.


It has been reduced to the eight posterior plates.


2311. Germ of a right upper antepenultimate molar, including nine of the constituent plates. 0. C. 2798.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.



Elephas indicus.

2312. Germ of the corresponding tooth of the left maxilla, in eluding eight plates. 0. C. 2799.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2313. Germ of an upper antepenultimate molar, including eleven plates. 0. C. 2800. Hunterian.

2314. Portion of a germ of a lower antepenultimate molar. 0. C. 2817. Hunterian.

2315. Left upper penultimate molar (m. 2). 0. C. 2806.

A few of the anterior plates have been worn down to their common uniting base of dentine ; and the other sixteen plates are confluent at their bases, except the last six, which are sup- ported by distinct roots arranged in pairs.


2316. Eight upper penultimate molar. 0. C. 2807.

A few of the anterior plates have been worn away.


2317. Right upper penultimate molar.

Eleven plates remain, the anterior ones being worn away.

Presented by T. M. Stone, Esq., 1877.

2318. Right lower penultimate molar. 0. C. 2822.

It is reduced to its twelve posterior plates.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2319. The corresponding tooth of the left side of the same ani- mal. 0. C. 2823.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.


2320. Part of a gorm of a right upper penultimate molar. 0.

C. 2804.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2321. Part of the germ of the corresponding tooth of the left side

of the same jaw. 0. C. 2805.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2322. Left upper ultimate molar (m. 3). O. C. 2808.

It consists of twenty-two plates ; but some appear to be wanting from the hinder end, where they are not yet confluent and have been fractured. The eight anterior plates have come into use.

Presented by Mrs. Robinson.

2323. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. 2809.

The hinder part of the tooth is folded forwards, as it were, on the inner concavity. It consists of at least twenty-six plates, ten of which have come into use ; but the number is not dis- tinctly definable, from the distorted character of the tooth.


2324. Pught upper ultimate molar. 0. 0. 2770.

It consists of twenty-two plates ; and two or three in course of formation at the back part of the tooth have been detached and lost. The nine anterior plates have come into use. The maximum antero-posterior length of the tooth is 30 cm., the greatest height of any individual plate 21 cm.


2325. A moiety of a vertically and longitudinally bisected right upper ultimate molar.

It consists of nineteen plates. Several of the anterior ones have been worn away.

Purchased, .1878.

458 UNGULATA. Elephas indicus.

2326. Left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. 2825.

It consists of eighteen plates, some of those in front having been worn away.

J Iunterian.

2327. A portion of the left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. 2829.

It includes eleven plates, all of which have been in use.


2328. Part of a germ of a right upper ultimate molar. 0. C.


It consists of the sixteen anterior plates and a talon in front.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2329. Part of a germ of an upper ultimate molar, including

the twelve anterior plates and an anterior talon. 0. C. 2831.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2330. Part of a germ of an upper ultimate molar. 0. C. 2833.

The first three plates are confluent at their bases.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2331. Part of a germ of an upper ultimate molar. 0. C. 2834. The first two plates are confluent at their bases.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.


2332. Part of the germ of a left lower ultimate molar. 0. C.


It consists of seventeen plates, of which the first five are con- fluent at their bases, and an anterior talon.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2333. Part of the germ of the corresponding tooth of the left

side of the same mandible. 0. C. 2827. It consists of thirteen plates and the anterior talon.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2334. Part of the germ of a right lower ultimate molar. 0. C.


It includes the ten anterior plates.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2335. Part of an inferior ultimate molar, including the nine

anterior plates. 0. C 2835.

' Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2336. Fourteen plates of the germ of an ultimate molar, pro-

bably of the upper jaw. 0. C. 2832.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2337. Five plates of the germ of an ultimate molar, probably

of the lower jaw. 0. C. 2836.

Presented by Dr. Henderson, 1822.

2338. A remnant of a lower molar. 0. C. 2837.

It is reduced to the bases of four plates ; and the fangs have been absorbed, so that it fell out naturally from an Elephant of about twenty-four years of age.

Presented by Colonel Everett.



Elephas indicus.

2339. A corresponding remnant of the opposite molar of the same

animal. 0. C. 2838.

It was shed about two months after the preceding.

Presented by Colonel Everett.

2340. The last remnant of a molar of a young animal, which has

been naturally shed and the major part of the fang ab- sorbed. 0. C. 2839. Hunterian.

2341. The hinder part of a molar, showing the plates worn very

obliquely. 0. C. 2840. Hunterian.

2342. The hinder part of a lower molar with the plates worn

rather obliquely, and supported by a long root of con- fluent fangs. 0. C.2841.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2343. The hinder part of a lower molar, supported on a long and

hollow compressed root. 0. C. 2842.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2344. The hinder part of an upper molar, said to be the penulti-

mate, obliquely and irregularly worn, and with the roots absorbed and apparently carious at the fore part of its base. 0. C. 2843.

The following note was transmitted with the specimen : " This grinder was extracted from the mouth of one of the Hon. East India Company's Elephants at Trichinopoly, in the year 1814. The animal having become much emaciated and refusing his rations, the cause was sought for, and found to arise from a carious tooth, which it was determined should be extracted. To this end an instrument was formed similar to a



balling-iron, or such as is commonly used for administering a ball of medicine to a horse ; only that it was made of very tough wood. The animal was then placed in such a position under a large banyan tree that his tusks could be lashed to two of its branches, and his proboscis or trunk secured to one of his own tusks by a rope. The before-mentioned instrument was then introduced between his jaws, when his keeper, passing a small but strong rope through the orifice, hitched it over a small notch which may be observed in the tooth, and giving a strong and steady pull brought away the tooth, the animal very shortly after recovering his health and strength.

(Signed) " W. Ireland Jones,

" 25th Sept. 1824." « Major, 18th Eegt. M.N.I."

Presented by Henry Cline,Esq., 1824.

2345. A portion of the molar tooth from a corresponding part of

the lower jaw of the same Elephant.

It is less obliquely worn, but shows a similar absorbed or carious condition of the base of the crown. It was extracted in the same manner as the preceding molar.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

2346. Various separate plates or imperfectly formed constituents

of the complex molar teeth in different stages of growth. 0. C. 2776 and 2777.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, Dr. Henderson, and others.

Separate Bones.

2347. Hyoid bones of female.

From an animal 21 years old, which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, Kegent's Park, in 1875. The bones have never been separated, and the unusual attachment of the stylo-hyal ligaments to the thyro-hyal bones is preserved. This, however, is only apparent, as the ligamonts are really con- tinued to their ordinary insertion, but bound down to thethyro- hyals in the inferior part of their course.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1875.


Elephas indicus.

2348. Hyoid bones of young male.

These are described by the donor in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1875, p. 365.

Presented by A. H. Garrod, Esq., 1875.

2349. The basi-hyals and the thyro-hyals of an adult animal.

Taken from a spirit-specimen in the stores. The cartilages of the larynx of the same animal are preserved and mounted in the Comparative-Anatomy Series in the gallery.

2350. The stylo-hyals of a young animal.

In Museum before 1862.

2351. A transverse section of the left humerus of a young animal. 0. C. 2730. Hunterian.

2352. Four transverse sections of the left ulna of a young ani-

mal. 0. C. 2734. Hunterian.

2353. The upper half of the diaphysis of a left femur from which

a longitudinal section has been removed. 0. C. 2735.


2354. The section removed from the previous specimen. 0. 0. 2736. Hunterian.

2355. The lower half of probably the same femur longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 2737 and 2738. Hunterian.


4 63

2356. The diaphysis of the left femur of a young animal longi-

tudinally bisected. 0. C. 2739, 2740, and 2741.


2357. The bones of the four feet of a large animal.

Many of the phalanges are wanting. The right manus is mounted in the Series of Separate Bones.

Presented by Major H. Basevi, Bengal Staff Corps, 1871.

2358. Bones of the right manus of a young Elephant.

The skin of the sole of the foot with the nails is preserved.

Cartilages, apparently representing radial sesamoids, which were found when the foot was dissected, are reproduced by models in this and the next specimen.

Prepared from a specimen sent from India in spirit.

Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., 1873.

2359. Bones of the right hind foot of the same animal.

Presented by Sir Joseph Fayrer, K.C.S.I., 1873.

The following specimens were entered in the Old Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia as Elephas primigenius, but have been identified by Falconer and others as Elephas indicus.

2360. A vertically and longitudinally divided upper penultimate

molar, with the surfaces of the section polished. 0. C. F. 568 and 0. C. 2783. Hunterian.

2361. Upper penultimate molar, much worn. 0. C. F. 587. Said to be from the Pleistocene beds near Cambridge.




Elephas indicus.

2362. An ultimate upper molar of the right side. 0. C. F. 566.

Said to be from the British Pleistocene beds.


2363. Lower antepenultimate molar. 0. C. F. 606.

Locality unrecorded.

Parkinson Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2364. Left lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 608.

Locality unrecorded.

Parkinson Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2365. Left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 567.

Described and figured by Prof. Owen in his ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 226, fig. 90.


2366. Right lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 576.

Some of the anterior plates are wanting. Locality unrecorded.


(£ltpfta£i pvtmtgemutf.

Blumenbach (see note to p. 428).

The Mammoth.

Hah. Northern Europe, Asia, and America. Pleistocene.

2367. A complete right tusk. 0. C. F. 626.

It measures 3-1 metres in length and -533 metre in circuni-



forcnce at its base, and is characterized by the degree and direction of its doublo curvature.

From the neighbourhood of the Ohio, North America*.

Ingham's Collection. Purchased, 1836.

2368. A left tusk with less curvature than the previous specimen.

Ingham's Collection. Purchased, 1836.

2369. A right tusk of a young animal. 0. C. F. 627.

It measures 152'4 cm. in length and 28 cm. in circum- ference at the thickest part, and 71'1 cm. across the chord of its curve. This specimen is mentioned in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 248 (1846).

From the drift gravel near Cambridge, twelve feet below the surface.

Purchased, 1842.

2370. The extremity of a right tusk. 0. C. F. 637.

From the neighbourhood of the Ohio, North America.


2371. The right tusk (imperfect) of a young or female animal. 0. C. F. 636.

From the neighbourhood of the Ohio, North America.


* Of the bones and teeth of the Mammoth and Mastodon from the neigh- bourhood of the river Ohio, some were purchased at the sale of Mr. Bullock's collection in 1820, and others at that of Mr. Ingham's in 1836. The latter are stated, in the sale catalogue, to have been found 22 feet below the surface at Big Bone Lick in Boone County, State of Kentucky, in the autumn of 1830, and dug up by Capt. Benjamin Finnell and others. Big Bone Lick lies back from the Ohio about 10 or 12 miles, and is about GO miles below Cincinnati. The specimens from the two collections are not distin- guished in the Old Catalogue, but some of them are labelled " Bullock's Collection."



(Elepfias primtgfmuS.

2372. Imperfect tusk of a young animal in three parts. 0. C. F. 635.

From the British drift or Pleistocene beds.


2373. Portion of the base of a large tusk. 0. C. F. 632. From the British drift.


2374. Portion of a tusk. 0. C. F. 631. Locality unrecorded.

Brookes's Collection. Purchased, 1828.

2375. Portion of a tusk. 0. G. F. 638. Locality unrecorded.


2376. Section of the base of a tusk. 0. C. F. 630. From the British Pleistocene beds.


2377. Portion of a tusk consisting of the outer basal laminae. 0. C. F. 633.

From the Pleistocene beds of Flintshire.


2378. Portion of the basal part of a tusk, in which the various laminae of which it is composed have by exposure become separated. 0. C. 2760.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.


2379. A fragment of a tusk. 0. C. F. 634. Locality unrecorded.



2380. A transverse section of a large tusk. From Siberia.

Purchased, 1870.

2381. Two transverse sections of a tusk. From Siberia.

Purchased, 1874.

2382. Transverse section of a tusk.

From British Pleistocene gravel.

Purchased, 1874.

2383. Transverse section of a tusk. 0. C. 2759.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2384. An imperfect skull. O. C. F. 586, 020, and 622.

It consists of the maxillary and palatal portions of the cranium and the two horizontal rami of the mandible. The antepenultimate molars are in place in both upper and lower jaws. That in the left ramus of the mandible is displayed in situ by the removal of the inner alveolar wall. The remains of the sockets of the ultimate upper premolars, which have been shed, are visible on each side in front of the molars. Behind the molars, in tho upper jaws, are the sockets for the penulti- mate molars ; but in the mandible these teeth are in position, though not come into use. Each antepenultimate molar has from 13 to 15 plates in use. On the anterior aspect of the cranium is seen a portion of the posterior wall of tho socket of the right tusk. Dr. Falconer mentions this specimen as

2 ll 2



(GrlrpljflS ptunitgfntttjf,

exhibiting very characteristic examples of both upper and lower antepenultimate molars. (Palajontological Memoirs, vol. ii. pp. 163 and 171.)

Prom the neighbourhood of the Ohio, North America.

Ingham's Collection. Purchased, 1836.

2385. A portion of a cranium. 0. C. F. 621.

The ultimate molar of the right side is in place, and has been somewhat worn away anteriorly. The corresponding tooth of the left side has been lost. On the anterior aspect are portions of the sockets of both tusks.

From the neighbourhood of the Ohio.


2386. The symphysis of a mandible. 0. C. F. 625. From the neighbourhood of the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2387. Right upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 615.

Falconer has described this specimen as " a very fine illus- tration .... which yields all the typical characters of the true Mammoth." About seventeen of the transverse plates are worn on the surface, and about seven or eight have not yet come into use.

From the neighbourhood of the Ohio. Labelled " From Dr. Casper "Wister."


2388. Left upper ultimate molar.

From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2389. A lower molar, probably the antepenultimate. From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

elemantidjE. 469

2390. A lower molar much worn. 0. C. F. 593. From the Ohio.

Bullock'' s Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2391. A lower molar. 0. C. F. 618. From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2392. An almost complete mandible.

The nearly obliterated sockets of the penultimate molars re- main; the ultimate molars are partially in use. From the gravel near Crayford.

Presented by J. Grantham, Esq.

2393. A mandible not so complete as the previous specimen'.

A portion of the right ramus is wanting. The penul- timate molar is reduced in size by wear. About ten plates of the ultimate molar have come into use.

In Museum before 1862.

2394. Right upper ultimate milk-molar. 0. C. F. 585.

From the drift or Pleistocene beds at Hinton, Somersetshire. This specimen is mentioned by Falconer ( Palseontological Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 160) as " a fine illustration of this tooth," and also by Leith Adams (' British Fossd Elephants,' p. 80, Palaeouto- graph. Soc. 1879).

JIk nl erian.

2395. Right lower ultimate milk-molar. 0. C. F. 584. Locality unrecorded.




GlepTjaa primtgenfu*.

2396. Right upper penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 590.

This tooth has been much worn by mastication. Locality unrecorded.


2397. Left lower penultimate molar.

Dredged from the bottom of the sea off Yarmouth.

Presented by T. M. Stone, Esq., 1877.

2398. Left lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 609.

This presents considerable resemblance to E. indicus. Its history is unknown.


2399. A much-worn left lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 592. Locality unrecorded.


2400. Right upper ultimate molar.

From the gravel at Green Street Green, near Bromley, Kent.

Presented by Sir John Lubbock, 1878.

2401. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 588.

From the drift or Pleistocene beds of Cambridge.


2402. Right upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 575. Locality unrecorded.




2403. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 611. Locality unrecorded.


2404. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 619.

From the Pleistocene beds of Siberia. Sent by Dr. Eogerson

of St. Petersburg.


2405. Right upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 610. Locality unrecorded.


2406. Right lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 572.

From the freshwater Pleistocene beds of Bridport, Dorset- shire.

Presented by H. B. Way, Esq., 1809.

2407. Left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 571.

From the same locality.

Presented by H. B. Way, Esq., 1809.

2408. A worn fragment of an upper molar exhibiting a longi-

tudinal median division of the plates.

From a gravel-pit near Fladbury, Evesham.

Presented by Spencer G. Percival, Esq., 1880.

2409. A portion of a molar. 0. C. F. 579. Hunterian.

2410. Anterior portion of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 607.

From the drift of Halston Field near Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire




(Elepijaa prtmi'gem'us,

2411. Two portions of a molar tooth.

From the gravel at Green Street Green, near Bromley, Kent.

Presented by Sir John Lubbock, 1878.

2412. Portion of a molar. 0. C. F. 578. Hunterian.

2413. Portion of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 581. Hunterian.

2414. Portion of a molar. 0. C. F. 582. Hunterian.

2415. Portions of two plates of a molar. 0. C. F. 573.

Presented by Prof. Owen.

2416. A single plate of a molar. 0. C. F. 574.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

The following molar teeth of Elephas primigenius (to No. 2442 inclusive) formed part of the collection of the late John Gibson, Esq. 3 F.G.S., of Stratford, Essex, and were mostly presented to the College after his death by his widow in 1846. They were probably all found in the Pleistocene drifts at Ilford, Essex (see Owen, Brit. Foss. Mam. p. 245).

2417. A portion of the upper maxilla with the left penultimate

milk-molar. 0. 0. F. 583.

Prom the Pleistocene beds at Ilford. This specimen is re- ferred to by Palconer (Palaeontological Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 160) as belonging to E. primigenius ; in his annotated copy of the Catalogue of the Museum it is marked thus : " E. antiquus, second milk-molar well worn, 7 plates." It was presented by Mr. Gibson to the Museum before his death.



2418. Upper penultimate milk-molar.

This is stated by Prof. Leith Adams to be the largest speci- men of this tooth he had seen (' British Fossil Elephants,' p. 90, Paheontograph. Soe. 187lJ).

2419. Right upper penultimate milk-molar.

2420. Left upper penultimate milk-molar.

2421. Left upper penultimate milk-molar.

2422. Right upper penultimate milk-molar.

2423. Portion of a posterior milk-molar much worn.

2424. Right lower ultimate milk-molar.

2425. Left lower ultimate milk-molar.

2426. Right upper antepenultimate molar.

2427. Much-worn upper antepenultimate molar.

2428. Right upper penultimate molar.

2429. Right upper penultimate molar.


(flcpfyns prtmtcremug.

2430. Left upper penultimate molar.

2431. Left upper penultimate molar.

2432. Eight upper ultimate molar.

2433. Right ramus of the mandible with the ultimate molar ex-

posed in situ, in front of which is situated the remaining portion of the penultimate tooth.

2434. Left lower ultimate molar.

2435. Right lower ultimate molar.

2436. Posterior portion of the right lower ultimate molar.

2437. Portion of a molar tooth somewhat deformed.

2438. Portion of a molar tooth.

2439. Portion of a molar tooth.

2440. Portion of a molar tooth.

2441. Portion of a molar tooth.

2442. Portion of a molar tooth.



2443. Two portions of the right and left rami of a mandible with the sockets of two teeth. 0. C. F. 623 and 624.

Locality unrecorded.

ParkinsorCa Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2444. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 600.

Of small size. Described by Owen as the "fifth in succession in tbe upper jaw," and figured in ' British Fossil Mammals,' figs. 91 and 92, p. 237, where it is erroneously stated to be from Essex Till. Parkinson mentions this specimen in his ' Organic Eeniains,' vol. iii. p. 345. Prof. Leith Adams ('British Fossil Elephants,' p. 115, Palaeontograph. Soc. 1879) agrees witb Falconer (' Palaeont. Memoirs,' vol. ii. p. 168) in con- sidering it to be an ultimate molar.

Found 15 feet deep in a stone-quarry near Wellesbourn, Warwickshire.

Parkinson' s Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2445. Right upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 612.

It closely resembles the previous specimen, and is described and figured by Parkinson in his ' Organic Eemains,' vol. iii. p. 346, pi. xx. fig. 5, also by Owen in his ' British Fossil Mam- mals,' pp. 241 and 242, fig. 94, and mentioned by Prof. Leith Adams in his ' British Fossil Elephants,' Palseontograph. Soc. p. 115 (1879).

Purchased by Mr. Parkinson at the sale of Eackstrow's Mu- seum, and described in the Catalogue of that collection as having been taken up with ballast from the bottom of the Thames (Organic Eemains, vol. iii. p. 346).

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2446. Right upper molar. 0. C. F. 614.

Probably the last, much worn. Entered in the Old Catalogue as " a left lower molar," but determined by Falconer, apparently with good reason, to belong to the right side of the upper jaw.

Parkinson s Collection. Purchased, 1827.


ffilepfjaa prtmtcjemua,

2447. A remnant of a much-worn molar. 0. C. F. 613.

Described and figured by Parkinson in his ' Organic liemaius,' vol. iii. pp. 347-348, pi. xx. fig. 7, also by Owen in ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 243, fig. 95. It was purchased by Parkin- son at the sale of Mr. Foster's Collection, the locality from which it was obtained being unknown.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2448. A portion of the hinder part of a molar, including five lamel- lar divisions of the crown. 0. C. F. 603.

Locality unrecorded.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2449. A portion of a much-worn molar. 0. C. F. 597. From British Pleistocene beds.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

(Elephasi tolttmbt.

E. columbi, Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. vol. xiii. Synop. Tab.

opposite p. 319 (1857) ; Palseont. Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 212. E. texianus, Owen, Report Brit. Assoc. Leeds, 1858, Address,

p. lxxxiv ; Blake, Geologist, 1861, vol. iv. p. 470. E. primigenins (pro parte) of American Palaeontologists.

Hob. North and Central America. Pleistocene.

2450. Left lower antepenultimate molar.

This specimen is described and figured by Falconer, ' Nat. Hist. Review,' Jan. 1863, and ' Palseont. Memoirs,' vol. ii. p. 212, pi. x. fig. 2.

From Mexico.

Presented by Taylor, Esq., about 1856.

elephantiDjE. 477

2451. Body of a dorsal vertebra, probably of the same Elephant.

Labelled " Mexico, Mr. Taylor."

2452. A lower penultimate molar.

Labelled, in Falconer's writing, "Elephascolumbi, Falc, fossil found near Zacateras in Mexico. Penult, lower molar."

Presented by Carey Bowden, Esq., 1864.

(£l«pbas i)i>£iuonru£f.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, p. 41, pi. i. fig. (1846).

Hob. Sewalik Hills, India. Pliocene.

2453. A vertically and longitudinally bisected left upper molar

(probably the penultimate). 0. C. 2865.

Presented by Dr. Falconer.

24:54:. Portion of a left maxilla, containing the upper ultimate molar, which has not come into use.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

Clepfiag namatotcirt.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Ant. Sival. p. 45, pi. xii. a (1846) ; Palseont. Mem. vol.i. p. 435 (1868).

Ilab. Nerbudda valley, Central India. Pliocene.

2455. Portion of a cranium, comprising the maxillaries, the palate, molars, and portions of the tusks, apparently of this species.

This specimen is mentioned by Prof. Leitb Adams in his mono- graph on Elephas antiquus, Pala3ontograph. Soc. 1877, p. 43. Locality unknown.

In Museum before 1862.



(£lrphag antiquum

Falconer and Cautloy, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. xiv. a (1847?). See Falconer, Paheont. Mem. vol. ii. pp. 81 and 176 (1868).

Hab. Europe. Early Pleistocene.

2456. Right upper penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 580.

From the Pleistocene beds forming the brick-earth of Grays in Essex. Mentioned by Leith Adams in his monograph on Elephas antiquus, Palajontograph. Soc. for 1877, p. 28.

Parkinson' 's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2457. Eight upper penultimate molar. 0. C. F. G05.

Much smaller than the preceding specimen. Locality unrecorded.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2458. Right lower penultimate molar.

Dredged from the sea-bottom near Yarmouth by fishermen ; originally from the " Forest Bed."

Presented by Edward Cooke, Esq., 1875.

2459. Right lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 599.

Mentioned by Leith Adams in his monograph on Elephas antiquus, Palaeontograph. Soc. 1877, p. 29. From the drift of Staffordshire.

Parkinson 's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2460. An upper ultimate molar, probably the left. 0. C. F. 602.

This tooth has not come into use, and is invested with a thick outer coat of cement. It is mentioned by Leith Adams, loc. cit. p. 40.



Found in tho brick-earth in the village of Grays in Essex up- wards of 30 feet below the surface.


2461. Left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 601.

Mentioned by Leith Adams, loc. cit. p. 32.

From the Pleistocene brick-earth of Grays in Essex.


2462. Right lower ultimate molar. No history.

Mentioned by Leith Adams, loc. cit. p. 41, where he says of this and the following that " their light colour is indicative of Grays Thurrock specimens."

In Museum before 1862.

2463. Left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 589.

Mentioned by Leith Adams, loc. cit. p. 41. From British drift or Pleistocene beds.

Parkinson's Collection. Purchased, 1827.

2464. A horizontally bisected left lower molar. 0. C. F. 569 and 570.

From the drift or Pleistocene at Breutford.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

2465. Posterior portion of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 577.

From the Pleistocene beds at "Walton in Essox, 1804. Pre- sented to Sir W. Wizard by Mr. Cock of Colchester.

Presented by Sir William Blizard.



(flepljaa anttquitff,

2466. Cast of a left humerus of large size, measuring 135 cm. in length.

This is regarded by Leith Adams as belonging to Elephas antiquus (see memoir in Palaeontograph. Soc. 1877, pp. 58 and 61). The original was discovered in 1866 in a gravel-pit at Montreuil, near Paris (see Belgrand, ( Basin de Paris,' p. 176, pi. xiv.).

Presented by the Museum of Natural History, Paris,

per Professor Gervais, 1869.

Of uncertain Species. The following bones belong to extinct British Elephants.

2467. An atlas dredged up by a Yarmouth trawler in the North Sea, 150 miles N.E. of Yarmouth.

Presented by R. R. B. Norman, Esq., 1877.

2468. A posterior dorsal vertebra. 0. C. F. 642.

Prom the Pleistocene brick-earth at Ilford, Essex, 22 feet below the surface.

Presented by John Gibson, Esq.

2469. A fragment of the head of a humerus. 0. C. F. 644.

Prom the Pleistocene beds at Bridport in Dorsetshire.

Presented in 1810 by the Earl of Essex to Sir Joseph Banks, by whom it was presented to the College.

2470. Part of the shaft of a humerus. 0. C. F. 645.

Prom the Pleistocene beds at Bridport.

Presented by H. B. Way, Esq., to Sir Joseph Banks, by whom it teas presented to the College.



2471. The inner condyle and part of the shaft of a right humerus. 0. C. F. 647.

Prom the Tleistocene beds forming the cliffs near Manning- ton, Suffolk. " Prom Dr. Woodward's collection."


The following six specimens are casts of some of the bones of a very large right foot of a fossil Elephant found in the brick- earth at Grays, Essex, referred to by Leith Adams as most probably belonging to Elephas antiquus (see Monograph on Elephas antiquus, Paljeontograph. Soc. 1877, p. 90). The ori- ginals are in the British Museum.

Presented by W. Ball, Esq., F.G.S.

2472. Cast of right os cuneiforme. 0. C. F. 649.

2473. Cast of right os magnum. 0. C. F. 650.

2474. Cast of the right os unciforme. 0. C. F. 651.

2475. Cast of the right second metacarpal bone. 0. C. F. 652.

2476. Cast of the right third or middle metacarpal. 0. C. F. 653.

2477. Cast of a phalanx. 0. C. F. 653 a.

2478. The epiphysis of the head of a femur, measuring 18 cm.

across the detached surface. 0. C. F, 657.

From the freshwater deposits of the cliffs at "Walton in Essex, 1804.

Presented by Sir William Blizard. part II. 2 I

482 UNGULATA. Uncertain Species.

2479. The epiphysis of the head of a still larger femur, measur-

ing 22*5 cm. across the detached surface.

Presented by W. Ball, Esq.

The five following are Hunterian specimens, but are without record of the locality from which they were obtained.

2480. The body of an anterior dorsal vertebra. 0. C. F. 640.

2481. A dorsal vertebra. 0. C. F. 641.

2482. A left os cuneiforme. 0. C. F. 648.

It is noted in the Manuscript Catalogue as being "half- petrified."

2483. Second metacarpal bone of the left fore foot. 0. C. F. 655.

It is heavily impregnated with iron.

2484. The proximal half of a right tibia, with the articular sur-

faces mutilated. 0. C. F. 659.

The bone seems to have been imbedded in a reddish calcareous matrix, some of which still adheres to its posterior surface.

2485. A right tibia, wanting the proximal end. 0. C. F. 660.

From the Drift of the neighbourhood of Moscow.



2486. Body of a lumbar vertebra of a fossil Elepbant. 0. 0. F. 679.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2487. Proximal end of a left femur. 0. C. F. 680.

The great trochanter has been broken off.

From the Tertiary deposits of the Sub-Himalayan district.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2488. Distal end of a right femur from the same locality. 0. C. F. 681.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2489. Distal end of left femur from the same locality. 0. 0. F. 682.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2490. Right astragalus from the same locality. 0. C. F. 683.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

Section B. Loxodon.

Loxodonta, Fred. Cuvior, Hist Nat. des Mammiferes (1835). Loxodon, Falconer, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Nov. 1857, p. 318.

Average ridge-formula of molar series of teeth : 3 6, 7 7 8 10 3' 6 V 7' 8 or 9' 10 or 11*




Elephas africanus.

Elephas africanus, Blumenbach, Handbuch der Naturgeschichte*. Elephas capensis, Cuvier, Tableau d'Histoire Naturelle des Ani-

maux, p. 142 (1798). Elephas maximus (in part), Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, ed. 12, i.

p. 48 (1766).

The African Elephant.

Hab. Africa.

2491. Skull, probably of an old female. 0. C. 2845.

The tusks are wanting. The ultimate molars are present in both upper and lower jaws. Seven plates of those of the upper jaw and eight of those in the mandible have been in use.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

2492. A mutilated cranium of a large male, with the tusks.

The penultimate molars are in use. The ultimate molars are just coming into place : of these, the right is shown in situ by the removal of its external alveolar wall ; it has ten plates and a talon.

Obtained by Consul Petherick on the White Nile.

Purchased, 1860.

2493. Cranium, vertically and longitudinally bisected, of a large male.

The tusks are wanting.

The ultimate molars are in place, and eight of the plates have been in use. In addition to these are two unused plates and

* I have not been able to verify the earliest date of the occurrence of this now universally adopted name, for the reason given at p. 428. In the French translation of the sixth German edition (1803) it occurs at vol. i. p. 155.



a talon. The surface shown in section is figured in Flower's ' Osteology of the Mammalia,' ed. 1876, p. 181.

From the Camaroon River, Bight of Biufra, west coast of Africa.

Presented by Dr. Hugh Falconer, 1863.

2494. A mutilated cranium of a smaller animal, vertically and

transversely bisected.

The antepenultimate molars are in place, all of the seven plates of which they are composed having been in use. From the Camaroon River.

Presented by Dr. Hugh Falconer, 1863.

2495. A longitudinally and vertically bisected skull of a very

young animal.

The right exoccipital and the lacrymal bones are wanting.

The left half, which is mounted in the Separate Series, shows the milk-tusk and the germ of the permanent tusk in plaoe together.

This specimen is figured in Flower's ' Osteology of the Mam- malia,' ed. 1876, p. 181. From the Camaroon River.

Purchased, 1874.

2496. The left half of the skull of an animal supposed to have been

six months old when shot by the donor.

The milk- tusk is present, with the cavity for the germ of the permanent tusk beside it.

From Lake Ngami, South Africa.

Presented by J. JBaines, F.sq., 1865.

2497. A mandible, . 0. C. 2846.

The molars present appear to be the antepenultimates, each having seven plates, all of which have been in use. The right molar has been bisected longitudinally and vorticallv.

' Hunterian.



Elephas africanus.

2498. A mandible, $ . 0. C. 2847 and 2859.

The penultimate molars are in place ; all their plates except the two last have been in use.


2499. A tusk, with an abnormal spiral curvature, evidently de-

pending on a diseased condition of the pulp, leading to incomplete formation of the ivory on one side of the tooth. 0. C. 2757.

This specimen is figured in Grew's ' Musseum Eegalis Socie- tatis,' 1681, p. 31, and described as follows: "A spiral or wreathed tusk of an Elephant. Presented from the Eoyal African Company by Thomas Crispe, Esq. It is twisted or wreathed from the bottom to the top with three circumvolutions standing between two straight lines. 'Tis also furrow'd by the length. Yet the furrows surround it not as in the horu of the Sea Unicorn, but run parallel therewith. Neither is it round as the said horn, but somewhat flat. The top very blunt (fig. tab. 4)." The collection of the Eoyal Society was transferred to the British Museum on the removal of the Society from Crane Court to Somerset House in 1781.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2500. A tusk showing a somewhat similar spiral curvature.

This also was caused by disease of one side of the pulp, resulting in defective growth of a limited tract of the cir- cumference of the tooth. The spiral is not so regular as in the preceding specimen, the disease and resulting deformity having increased in intensity as time advanced, until growth must have been completely arrested, and the tusk probably dropped out of its socket.

From the Gaboon.

Purchased, 1875.

2501. A tusk with spiral curve. 0. C. 2756.

A fissure in the pulp-cavity leads to a longitudinal groove on the outer surface, where the ivory has been incompletely formed.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.


2502. A tusk grown from an abnormally shaped pulp, furrowed

on one side.

In Museum before 1862,

2503. A tusk of a young animal considerably curved and with a

slight tendency to a spiral direction. 0. C. 2753.


2504. An abnormally curved tusk. 0. C. 2754.


2505. Transverse section of a tusk.

This specimen shows very well the characteristic structure of ivory.

From Angola.

Purchased, 1875.

2506. Two germs of tusks showing the rough enamel with which

they are tipped. Purchased.

2507. A left upper molar, probably the penultimate. 0. 0.


It consists of eight plates, five of which have been in use.


2508. An upper molar, probably the right penultimate. 0. C.


It presents seven plates, but some that were behind these have been broken away. The first six plates have been in use.


2509. A right upper penultimate molar. 0. C. 2861.

It consists of eight plates and a talon. Four of the plates have been in use. The tooth has been longitudinally and verti- cally bisected.


2510. A right upper molar, probably the penultimate. 0. C.


It includes six plates and a talon. Some of the anterior plates have been broken off and lost.




Elephas afrlcanus.

2511. A left lower molar, probably the penultimate. 0. C. 2853.

It consists of seven plates and a talon, all of which have been in use. One or two plates seem to be wanting in front. The tooth is much worn.


2512. A left upper penultimate molar, probably of a female. 0. C. 2854.

It consists of eight plates and a talon. Five of the plates have been in use.


2513. A left lower penultimate molar, probably of a female. O.C. 2860.

It consists of nine plates and a talon. All of the plates have been in use.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2514. A left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. 2848.

It possesses nine plates, but is imperfect behind. The six anterior plates have been in use.


2515. A right lower ultimate molar.

It possesses nine plates, but is imperfect in front, being much worn.


2516. A remnant of a much-worn upper molar. 0. C. 2856 It consists of seven plates.




2517. A remnant of a much-worn upper molar. 0. C. 2855. It consists of five plates.

British Museum.

2518. A remnant of a much-worn molar, longitudinally and ver-

tically bisected. 0. C. 2863 and 2864.

One moiety has been polished.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

2519. A remnant of a worn molar, consisting of four of the con-

stituent plates. 0. C. 2849 and 2850.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

2520. Part of a germ of a right upper molar. 0. C. 2851.

It includes five plates, the first of which is slightly worn.


2521. Part of a germ of a lower molar. 0. C. 2862.

It includes four plates, the first two of which have coalesced at their base.


(SrUphas merfatonalte. Nesti, Ann. Mus. Imp. Firenze, i. 9, t. i. (1808). Hub. Europe. Pliocene.

2522. Left upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 596.

Figured and described by Parkinson in his ' Organic Re- mains,' vol. iii. fig. 6, p. 344 ; and also in Owen's P>rit. Foss. Hamm. fig. 93, p. 239. Parkinson states that it was pur- chased at the Bale of the Calonnian Museum by Mr. George Humphries, and that it was said to have been found in Staf- fordshire. Falconer describes this tooth in his ' Palreontological Memoirs,' vol. ii. p. 139.

Parkinson Collection. Purchased, 1827.



GBlcpfjag mtrfrtonalfc.

2523. Posterior portion of a longitudinally bisected left upper molar.

From the Forest-bed, Norfolk.

2524. Section of a molar tooth.

From the Forest-bed, Norfolk.

2525. Horizontal section of a molar tooth.

From the Forest-bed, Norfolk.

2526. A similar section to the last.

From the Forest-bed, Norfolk.

Purchased, 1881.

Purchased, 1875.

Purchased, 1881.

Purchased, 1881

2527. A transverse section of a tusk, probably of this species. From the Forest-bed, Norfolk.

Purchased, 1874.

©Icpftas plantfromJ.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, pi. ii. figs. 5 a and 5 b, p. 38 (1846).

Hab. India. Plio-Miocene.

2528. A cranium almost complete.

The tusks have been broken off short, and the molar teeth are much worn.

This specimen was in the Museum before 1862, but not cata- logued. It may be one of the duplicate specimens of the Fal- coner and Cautley collection, presented by the British Museum, Jan. 3, 1848, or one of those presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Captain T. C. Blagrave, as recorded in the Minutes of the Museum Committee, 6 Dec, 1852.


2529. A portion of the right ramus of a mandible, containing the last molar.

This was labelled " E. (Loxodon) planifrons " in Dr. Falconer's handwriting.

In Museum before 1862.

2530. A portion of a mandible containing the last molar.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

Undetermined Species.

2531. A case containing casts of teeth of extinct pygmy Elephants from Malta. Described and figured in the ' Trans. Zool. Soc' vol. vi. p. 227 et seq. pi. liii. (1865) by Mr. Busk, by whom they have been named as follows :

a, b. Deciduous incisor of E. melitensis ? (p. 284). c, d. Antepenultimate lower milk-molars (p. 286). e, f. Fragment of probably the penultimate lower milk-molar (p. 287).

g, h. Left lower penultimate milk-molar (p. 288).

Last lower milk-molar of the left side (p. 288). 7c, /. Penultimate upper milk-molar, in germ (p. 289). m, n. Fragment of germ of last upper milk-molar. o,p. Portion of last upper milk-molar? (p. 290). q, r. First upper true molar of E. falconeri? (p. 295). *, t. An upper molar of the right side (p. 290, fig. 44). u, v. Last (?) lower molar of the left side of E. melitensis ? (p. 294). w. Greater part of the last lower molar of the right side (p. 291). x. Posterior half of the last lower molar of the right side (p. 293). y. Portion of a germ of a milk-molar (?).

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1882.



Section C. Stegodon. Falconer and Cautley, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1857, p. 318. Average ridge-formula of molar series of teeth: 2 5 6 or 7 6 or 7 8 10 or 11 2' 5' 6 or 7' 6 or V 8 or 9' 11 to 13*

CMrufiaS iwfigntfj.

Elephas insignis, Falconer and Cautley, Faun. Ant. Sival. p. 37. Mastodon elephantoides (in part), Clift, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. ii. p. 372 (1829).

Hab. Asia. Plio-Miocene.

2532. Cranium, nearly perfect. 0. C. F. 663.

The large cancelli which compose the greater bulk of the Elephant's head are well seen in this specimen, filled with petrified material.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by Walter Eicer, Esq.

2533. A palate with the right and left upper penultimate molars

in use and the ultimate molars appearing behind them. 0. C. F. 664.

This specimen is mentioned in a footnote to Falconer's ' Palae- ontological Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 461, as E. clifti. It does not agree, however, with the essential characters of that species, as defined by Dr. Falconer, either as regards the disposition of cement or the number of ridges.

From the Sub-Himalayan district of India.


2534. Eight ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 665.

Described and figured by Falconer in the ' Fauna Antiqua Si- valensis,' pi. xxiv. a. figs. 3 and 3 a. See also ' Palaeontological Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 456.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sub-Himalayan district of India.




2535. Cast of the left ramus of a mandible somewhat mutilated.

0. C. F. 666.

The original, in the Museum of the Geological Society, was obtained by Mr. Crawfurd on the left bank of the Irawadi during his mission to the Burmau Empire, and was presented by him to the Society.

It is described and figured by Clift as Mastodon elephantoicles in the ' Trans. Geolog. Society,' 2nd series, vol. ii. 1829, p. 372, pi. xxxviii. fig. 2 ; also mentioned and re-named by Falconer, ' Palseont. Mem.' vol. i. pp. 453 and 461, and vol. ii. p. 85 ; also pi. xx. figs. 9 and 9 a, and pi. xx. a. fig. 6 of the ' Fauna Ant. Sival.'

Presented by the Geological Society about 1828.

2536. Part of the left ramus of a mandible. 0. C. F. 667.

Two molar teeth are present.

From the Sub-Himalayan district of India.


2537. The right and left rami, somewhat mutilated, of the mandible

of a young animal apparently of this species. 0. C. F. 669 and 670.

Two molars are in place ; the crown of the first has seven transverse ridges, that of the second nine or ten.

From the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

This specimen is mentioned by Falconer (Palseont. Mem. vol. i. p. 469, note 1), and named by him Mastodon sivalensis. There appears, however, to be some error regarding it, as it un- doubtedly belongs to his subgenus Stegodon, and is not a Mas- todon.

Presented by Thomas Bacon, Esq.

2538. Portion of the left ramus of a mandible, with a molar tooth

in situ, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. F. 671.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.


2539. A fragment of the right ramus of a mandible. 0. C. F. 675.

From the Sub-Himalayan district.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2540. Portion of the left ramus of a mandible, longitudinally and vertically divided into three sections to show the structure of the teeth. 0. C. F. 668.

From the Sub-Himalayan district.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2541. Portion of a mandible, with the corresponding part of a molar tooth. 0. C. F. 674.

2542. Cast of a portion of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 676.

The original, in the Museum of the Geological Society, was obtained by Crawfurd on the left bank of the Irawadi, Ava.

It is figured and described by Clift as Mastodon elephantoides in Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. ii. pi. 39. fig. 6, and renamed by Falconer (Palaeont. Mem. vol. i. pp. 453 and 461).

Presented- by the Geological Society.

2543. Portion of the crown of an upper molar. 0. C. F. 672.

From the Tertiary formations of the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.

2544. Portion of an ultimate lower molar tooth. From Northern India. Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.



ffilepfjaa bombifrottf.

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, p. 46.

2545. Cast of a lower ultimate milk-molar.

The original was found in the Siwalik hills of the Punjab, and is figured and described by Lydekker in his Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, pi. xlv. fig. 3, pp. 83 and 264.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

€Itpfta0 cltftt.

Elephas cliftii, Falconer, Faun. Ant. Sivalensis (Palaeont. Mem. i. p. 82). '

Mastodon elephantoides (in part), Clift, Trans. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. 2nd series, pi. xxxix. fig. 6 (1829).

2546. Cast of an antepenultimate upper molar. 0. C. F. 677.

Figured by Clift in the Trans. Geol. Soc. vol. ii. 2nd series, pi. xxxix. fig. 6, and mentioned by Falconer (Palaeont. Mem. i. p. 108).

From the Tertiary deposits of the left bank of the Irawadi river, Ava.

Presented by the Geological Society.

Of uncertain Species.

2547. Portion of a tusk of a fossil Elephant. 0. C. F. 678. From the Sub-Himalayan district of India.

Presented by the Rev. E. Everest.



Uncertain Species.

2548. A transverse ridge of a large upper molar, displaying the course of the enamel-fibres on the fractured surfaces. 0. C. F. 673.

Prom the Sub-Himalayan formations at Nahn.

Presented by II. Clarke, Esq., Surgeon, H.E.I. C.

Genus MASTODON. Cuvier, Ann. du Museum, torn. viii. p. 270 (1806).

a. Tetralophodont Series.

Usual ridge-formula :

2 3 4 4 4 5 2' 3' 4' 4' 4' 5'

Falconer and Cautley, Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis, p. 49 (1846). Hab. India. Plio-Miocene.

2549. Portion of the left ramus of the mandible with a molar tooth, probably the penultimate. 0. C. F. 690.

There are four transverse ridges and a talon, all of which have come into use.

From the Sub-Himalayan district of India.


2550. Portion of a mandible containing part of a molar tooth.

From India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum,

Calcutta, 1881.



JWagtottoit longtrojJtvte.

Kaup, Oss. Foss. de Darmstadt, iv. p. 65 (1835).

Hab. Europe. Miocene.

2551. Cast of portion of the right maxilla of a very young

animal, showing the antepenultimate molar with two ridges, and the penultimate and ultimate molars each with four ridges. 0. C. F. 693.

The original, from which this cast was taken, was found at Epplesheim, Hesse Darmstadt, and is in the possession of the Earl of Enniskillen. It is figured by Kaup, op. ext. pi. xx. fig. 2, and also by Falconer, ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. xl. figs. 6 & 6«.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.

2552. Cast of the palatal and alveolar portions of the maxillary

hones, with the antepenultimate molar of the right side and the penultimate molars of both sides. 0. C. F. 694.

From a specimen found at Epplesheim.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.

2553. Cast of a large portion of the maxillaries, showing the

whole palate with the ultimate and penultimate molars of both sides. O. C. F. 695.

The original was found at Epplesheim.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.

2554. Cast of the crown of a molar which has not come into use. 0. C. F. 696.

The original is from Epplesheim.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.




iUftaatoKon longtvostrfe.

2555. Crown of a right lower ultimate molar.

History unknown.

In Museum before 1862.

2556. Cast of a portion of a mandibular tusk. 0. C. F. 704.

The original was found at Epplesheim.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

JHaltotton latttlcmi. Clift, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vol. ii. p. 371 (1829).

2557. Cast of portion of the right maxilla with the ultimate and penultimate molars. 0. C. F. 686.

The penultimate molar has four ridges, the anterior of which is much worn ; the ultimate has five ridges and a talon on the last ridge.

The original, from which this cast was taken, is the type of the species, and was described and figured by Clift in the 'Trans. Geol. Soc' 2nd series, vol. ii. p. 368, pi. xxxvii. fig. 1, and also figured by Falconer in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. xxxi. figs. 3 & 3 a. It was obtained by Mr. Crawfurd during his mission to the Burman Empire, on the left bank of the river Irawadi, and is now in the Museum of the Geological Society.

Presented by the Geological Society.

2558. Cast of part of the right ramus of a mandible with the ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 688.

The original, from which this was taken, is described and figured by Clift in the ' Trans. Geol. Soc' 2nd series, vol. ii. p. 368, pi. xxxviii. fig. 1, and also by Falconer, 1 Fauna Antiqua Siva- lensis,' pi. xxx. figs. 6, 6 a. It was obtained by Mr. Crawfurd on the left bank of the river Irawadi, and presented by him to the Museum of the Geological Society of London.

Presented by the Geological Society.



2559. Cast of a fragment of a molar presenting two unworn ridges. 0. C. F. 689.

Figured by Cliffc, ' Trans. Geol. Soc' 2nd ser. vol. ii. pi. xxxvii. fig. 4, and by Falconer, ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalonsis,' pi. xxxi. figs. 5 & 5 a.

From an original in the Museum of the Geological Society, obtained by Mr. Crawfurd on the left bank of the Irawadi.

Presented by the Geological Society.

2560. Cast of a right upper molar. 0. C. F. 687.

Figured by Falconer in the 4 Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. xxxi. figs. 2 & 2 a.

The original, collected by Mr. Crawfurd on the left bank of the Irawadi, is in the Museum of the Geological Society.

Presented by the Geological Society.

2561. A portion of a last lower molar. From India.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

iHagtofcon arbrntenste.

Croizet et Jobert, Eecherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles du De'partement du Puy-de-Ddme, p. 138 (1828).

Hab. Europe. Miocene.

2562. Cast of a portion of a mandibular tusk from the fluvio- marine Crag, Norwich.

The original is in the possession of R. Fitch, Esq., of Nor- wich, and is figured in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' fig. 101, p. 291.

Presented by Robert Fitch, Esq. 2k 2



JINastoKon arbcntcnsfe.

2563. Crown of a molar, longitudinally and vertically bisected

and polished.

Prom the Suffolk Crag.

Baker Collection. Purchased, 1875.

2564. Cast of the crown of a left lower molar. 0. C. F. 691.

The original was found in the fluvio-marine Crag of Norfolk.

Presented by Robert Fitch, Esq.

2565. A polished section of a fragment of a molar.

From the " bone-bed " at the base of the Red Crag, Suffolk.

Purchased, 1874.

2566. Cast of the crown of a left lower molar which seems to

be indistinguishable from this species. 0. C. F. 692.

From the Miocene Tertiary formations of Baltimore, U. S. America.

Presented by Dr. Richard Harlan.

b. Trilo2^hodont Series.

Usual ridge-formula :

1 2 3 3 3 4 1' 2' 3' 3' 3' 4"

jHasstoKon americanusf.

Elephas americanus, Cuvier, Tabl. Elem. Hist. Nat. p. 149(1798) ;

Mem. de lTnstitut, ii. Memoires, p. 21 (1799). Mammut ohioticum, Blumenbach, Handb. der Naturgesch. 6th ed.

p. 698 (1799) *. Mastodon giganteum, Cuvier, Eegne Animal, i. p. 233 (1817).

Hab. North America. Pleistocene.

* From Leidy, who gives a very copious synonymy of this species. " Synopsis of Extinct Mammals of North America," Journ. Acad. Nat. Sc. Pkiladelph. 2nd series, vii. p. 392 (1869).



2567. Cast of a mutilated cranium.

The ultimate molars have been newly acquired, the anterior plates only having come into use. The sockets of the penulti- mates remain as well as those of the tusks.

The original from which this cast was taken is in the British Museum.

Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum.

2568. Cast of a very perfect skull of a young animal.

The ultimate milk-molars and the antepenultimate true molars are present on each side of the maxillae and mandible, and are three-ridged. The sockets of the penultimate milk-molars are present, and the crowns of the penultimate true molars are just appearing.

Presented by Dr. John C. Warren of Boston, 1852.

2569. Right ramus of a mandible. 0. C. F. 716.

The ultimate and penultimate molars are in place ; the former has five ridges, the latter three ; the socket of the antepenulti- mate molar remains.

From the neighbourhood of the river Ohio *.


2570. Imperfect left ramus of a mandible. 0. C. F. 715.

The ultimate and penultimate molars are present. The last molar has five ridges, the penultimate three. From near tho river Missouri.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2571. Imperfect left ramus of a mandible. 0. C. F. 719.

The ultimato molar (which is of smaller size than the same

* See note to p. 465.



iUfTastolron amm'tamitf.

tooth in the previous specimen) is in situ, with the socket of the penultimate molar. From the Ohio.


2572. An imperfect right ramus of a mandible. 0. 0. F. 720.

The ultimate molar is present. From the Ohio.


2573. Left ramus of a mandible, with part of the symphysis and the last molar in situ. 0. C. F. 718.

From the Ohio.


2574. A portion of the right ramus of a mandible, with the last molar much worn. 0. C. F. 721.

From the Ohio.


2575. A portion of the right ramus of a mandible, with the ante- penultimate and penultimate molars in situ and the socket of the last molar. 0. C. F. 714.

From the Ohio.


2576. A portion of the maxilla and palate, with the left ante- penultimate and penultimate molars in situ. 0. C. F. 711.




2577. Cast of the mandible of a young animal, with the milk-

dentition present. 0. C. F. 712.

The antepenultimate, penultimate, and ultimate milk-molars are present in the left ramus, and in the right the antepenulti- mate milk-molar is absent, but the antepenultimate true molar is present. The left tusk is in situ, but the right has fallen out, though its socket still remains.

The original of this specimen is preserved in Peel's Museum, New York, and was first described by Dr. Godman as the type of the genus of Proboscidians to which he gave the name Tetra- caulodon, in the 3rd vol. of the New Series of the ' Transactions of the American Philosophical Society.' It has likewise been figured and described by Isaac Hays in the 4th vol. of the same work, pi. 26. figs. 1 & 2. It is from the post-tertiary deposits about twelve miles from Newbury, in Orange County, New York.

Presented by the Geological Society.

2578. Cast of the mandible of a young animal with the milk-


The ultimate milk-molar has three transverse ridges, the pen- ultimate two, with a talon on the second ridge, and the ante- penultimate two ridges. The sockets of two incisors are present in the anterior part of the symphysis.

In Museum before 1862.

2579. A portion of the right ramus of a mandible, showing the

sockets of the penultimate and last molar teeth. 0. C. F. 717.

From the Ohio.


2580. Symphysis of the mandible of a young animal, showing the remains of the alveoli of the two deciduous incisors. 0. C. F. 713.

From the Ohio.



jHaltotJon ammcamts.

Detached Teeth. 2581. The basal conical lamellae of a tusk. 0. C. F. 742. From Kentucky.


2582. A tusk, nearly complete, of a young or female animal. 0. C. F. 743 and 744.

From Kentucky.


2583. A tusk, nearly complete, of a young or female animal.

0. C. F. 745.

It measures 61 cm. in length, by 31*5 cm. in circumference at the base.

From the neighbourhood of the Missouri.


2584. A tusk, nearly complete.

It is 68 cm. long, without the terminal part, which has been broken off.

In Museum before 1862.

2585. A portion of a tusk. 0. C. F. 746.

From the Ohio.


2586. A portion of a tusk, one half of which has been worn away lengthwise. 0. C. F. 747.

From the Ohio.


2587. A portion of a tusk worn in a similar manner, with the pulp- cavity laid open. 0. C. F. 749.

The marks of abrasion in this and the previous specimen

elephantidjE . 505

are most probably duo to inorganic forces acting after death. Prom the Ohio.


2588. An upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 722.

It has four transverse ridges, and a talon attached to the last.

From the Ohio.


2589. An upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 723.

It has four ridges, the last of which is rather small, and with a talon attached to it. From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2590. An upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 724.

It has five transverse ridges, and a very small talon attached to the last.

From the Ohio.


2591. An upper ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 725.

It has four transverse ridges, and a talon attached to the last. The grin ding-surface has been abraded by mastication, and the whole of the inner surface of the tooth worn away and polished by some accidental circumstance connected with the stratum in which the tooth was embedded.

From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2592. A lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 727.

It has five ridges, and a talon attached to the last. From the Ohio.




;l$a$totfon ammcamid.

2593. A right lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 726.

It has four ridges, and a talon on the last. Prom the Ohio.


2594. A lower ultimate molar, in perfect condition.

It has five ridges, and a small talon on the last.

In Museum before 1862.

2595. An ultimate molar.

It has four ridges and a talon, much worn on the grinding- surface.

In Museum before 1862.

2596. An ultimate molar.

One half of the crown has been broken off.

In Museum before 1862.

2597. A left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 729.

It has four transverse ridges and a talon. From the Ohio.

2598. A left lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 730.

It has four transverse ridges and a talon. From the Ohio.



2599. An ultimate lower molar of the left side, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. F. 728.

It has four transverse ridges and a talon. From the Ohio.


elephantidjE. 507

2600. The posterior half of a right lower ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 731.

From the Ohio.


2601. The crown of an ultimate molar, the roots of which had not yet been developed. 0. C. F. 737.

From near the river Missouri.

Presented by S. P. Pratt, Esq.

2602. A left upper antepenultimate molar of a young animal. 0. C. F. 733.

The base, in which the indentations indicative of the three roots have just begun to appear, is a thin shell of dentine bounding a large and widely open pulp-cavity.

From the Ohio.


2603. The corresponding molar of the right side, apparently of the same animal, with one extremity vertically split off. 0. C. F. 734 and 735.

The detached portion shows the thickness of the enamel and the direction of its fibres and also that of the dentinal tubes. From the Ohio.


2604. An intermediate molar, further advanced in its develop- ment, as indicated by the commencement of the forma- tion of the divisions of the roots. 0. C. F. 738.

From the Ohio.

Purchased .


Pla^to'Bon ammcamu!.

2605. A left lower antepenultimate molar, fully developed. 0. C. F. 739.

From the Ohio.


2606. A much-worn intermediate molar. 0. C. F. 740. From the Ohio.


2607. A similar but still more worn molar. 0. C. F. 741. From the Ohio.



2608. An atlas vertebra. 0. C. F. 750. From the Ohio.


2609. An atlas vertebra.


2610. An atlas vertebra. 0. C. F. 751. From the Ohio.


2611. An axis vertebra. 0. 0. F. 752. From the Ohio.


2612. A fourth cervical vertebra. 0. C. F. 753. From the Ohio.


elephantidjE. 509

2613. A dorsal vertebra, wanting the spinous process. 0. C. F. 754.

Locality unrecorded.


2614. The neural arch and spine of an anterior dorsal vertebra, somewhat mutilated. 0. C. F. 755.

From the Ohio.


2615. The base of a spine of an anterior dorsal vertebra. 0. 0. F. 756.

From the Ohio.


2616. An imperfect os sacrum. 0. C. F. 757.

From the Ohio.


2617. A portion of an os sacrum. 0. C. F. 758.

From the Ohio.


2618. Eight fragments of ribs. 0. C. F. 759 to 766.

From the Ohio.


2619. A manubrium sterni. 0. C. F. 767.

From the Ohio.


2620. A left humerus, almost complete, except the proximal ex-

tremity. 0. 0. F. 769.

From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.



iJMaStotJon amcrtcnmia.

2621. A portion of the head of a left humerus. 0. C. F. 768.

From the Ohio.


2622. The distal extremity of a left humerus. 0. C. F. 770.

From the Ohio.


2623. A right ulna. 0. C. F. 771. From the Ohio.

2624. A left os cuneiforme. 0. C. F. 772. From the Ohio.

2625. A right second metacarpal. O. C. F. 773. From the Ohio.




2626. A right third metacarpal. 0. C. F. 774.


2627. A left fourth metacarpal. 0. C. F. 656.

From the Pleistocene deposits of the Ohio. From Bullock's Collection, entered as belonging to the Mammoth.

Purchased, 1820.

2628. A left fifth metacarpal bone of a much larger animal. 0. C. F. 775.

From the Ohio.



2629. The greater portion of a right innominate bone. 0. C. F. 776.

From the Ohio.

Bullock's Collection. Purchased, 1820.

2630. A right innominate bone of a smaller animal, not quite complete. 0. C. F. 777.

From the Ohio.


2631. A left innominate bone, apparently belonging to the same

animal as the previous specimen. 0. C. F. 778.

From the Ohio.


2632. A left femur, complete. 0. C. F. 779.

It is 90 cm. long. From the Ohio.


2633. The proximal end of a femur. 0. C. F. 781.

From the Ohio.


2634. The distal end of a right femur. 0. C. F. 782.

From the Ohio.


2635. The distal epiphysis of a left femur. 0. C. F. 783.

From the Ohio.


2636. A right patella. O. C. F. 784. From the Ohio.





JKastofcon antmcamta.

2637. A portion of the thick compact part of a femur. 0. C. F.


From Kentucky.

2638. A right tibia. 0. 0. F. 786.

From Kentucky.


2639. A left tibia, probably of the same animal. 0. C. F. 787.

From Kentucky.


2640. A right tibia of large size. 0. 0. F. 788.

It is about 68 cm. long. From the Ohio.

2641. A left astragalus. 0. C. F. 789.

From the Ohio.

2642. A right os calcis. 0. C. F. 790.

From the Ohio.




iKMastotton bovaont. Hays, Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. new series, iv. p. 334 (1834). Hab. Europe. Miocene.

2643. Cast of an intermediate left upper molar.

The original, which was found in the Eed Crag near Wood- bridge, Suffolk, is now in the possession of Mr. Eeed, of York, and has been described and figured by Prof. E. E. Lankester in the ' Journal of the Geological Society,' 1870, xxvi. p. 507, pi. xxxiv.

Purchased, 1877.



2644. Cast of a first milk-molar, probably of tbis species.

The original, in the collection of the Rov. H. Canham, was obtained from the bone-bed at the base of the Red Crag, near Woodbridge, Suffolk.

Presented by the Rev. II. Canham.

JWasStotton angusttflens.

Mastodonte a dents etroites, Cuvier, Ann. du Mus. viii. p. 412 (1806).

Hab. Europe. Miocene.

2645. Cast of a penultimate upper molar. 0. C. F. 698.

The original was discovered at Simorre, and is described and figured by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' ed. 1821, torn. i. p. 255, and pi. i. fig. 4. It is also figured by Falconer in the ' Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis,' pi. xl. figs. 9 and 9 c. See also ' Palaeont. Mem.' vol. i. p. 89.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2646. Cast of a lower antepenultimate molar. 0. C. F. 697.

The original of this cast was transmitted from Saxony by Prof. Hugo, of Gottingen, to Bernard de Jussieu.

Cuvier has figured it in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' 1821, torn. i. pi. ii. fig. 11, and has noticed it at page 267.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2647. Crown of an upper antepenultimate molar. 0. C. F. 699.

From the Miocene formations of the south of France.


2648. Portion of a mucb-worn molar tooth, probably of tbis species. 0. C. F. 700.

Locality unrecorded.

J Itinterian.




ifllailtotJtm antJtum.

Mastodonte desCordilieres, Cuvier, Ann. duMus. viii. p. 413 (1806).

2649. Unworn crown of a left lower penultimate molar.

This is the specimen described and figured hy Prof. Owen as " a fossil molar tooth of a Mastodon discovered by Count Strz- lecki in Australia," Mastodon australis, Owen, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1844, vol. xiv. p. 268, and referred by Falconer to M. andium ; see ' Palseont. Mem.' vol. ii. p. 271, where its characters and probable origin are fully discussed.

Presented by Count Strzlecki.

The following specimens have been assigned by Prof. Owen to this species, and are therefore retained under the name, though, owing to their imperfect condition, it is impossible to identify them with certainty.

2650. Portion of the ramus of a mandible with a molar tooth

much worn. 0. C. F. 707.

From Tarija, Upper Peru.


2651. Fragment of an upper molar tooth. 0. C. F. 705.

From a Tertiary deposit in South America.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

2652. Portion of a molar tooth. 0. C. F. 706.

From Tarija, Upper Peru.


2653. Proximal half of a right femur. 0. C. F. 708.

From Tarija, Upper Peru.




2654. Distal half of a right tibia, broken longitudinally and vertically. 0. C. F. 710.

From Tarija, Upper Peru.




Kaup, Isis, xxii. p. 401 (1829).

Dentition: i. c. p. §, m. §, = 22. All present at the same time, there being no horizontal succession, and the pre- molars replacing milk-molars in the ordinary manner. The presence of incisors in the upper jaw has not been proved.

23moti)mum ptntapotamuf.

Falconer, MS. See Lydekker, Indian Tertiary and Post-tertiary Vertebrata, i. p. 54 (1876).

2655. Cast of a lower ultimate molar.

The root supporting the first ridge is wanting. From the Sewalik hills.

Received in exchange from the Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1881.

Jimotijcrium gtcranteum.

Tapir gigantesque, Cuvier, Ossem. Foss. ii. pt. 1, pp. 165-175 (1822).

Dinotherium giganteum, Kaup, Isis, vol. xxii. p. 401 (1829).

The following casts of Dinotherium giganteum were presented by Dr. J. Kaup, except where otherwise stated, and were taken from specimens discovered by him at Epplesheim, Hessen- Darmstadt, and now in the Museum of Darmstadt.

2656. Cast of the palatal and alveolar portions of the upper jaw

of a young animal, with the ultimate and penultimate

2 l 2



©utotfimttm gtganteum.

milk-molars and the first permanent molar present on each side. 0. C. F. 791.

The original is figured and described by Kaup in his ' Os- semens Fossiles du Museum de Darmstadt,' V cah. pi. i. p. 4 (1832).

2657. Cast of the crown of the penultimate permanent premolar

of the left side, which was removed from the closed alveo- lus in the preceding specimen. 0. C. F. 792.

Specimen figured by Kaup, op. cit. pi. iii. fig. 5.

2658. Cast of the crown of the ultimate permanent premolar of

the left side, which was removed from the closed alveolus of the same specimen. 0. C. F. 793.

2659. Cast of the anterior part of the palatal and alveolar pro-

cesses of the upper jaw of a mature animal, with the ulti- mate and penultimate premolars of the left side, and the penultimate premolar of the right side in place. 0. C. F. 794.

2660. Cast of a portion of the right maxilla with three true

molars in situ. 0. C. F. 795.

JFigured and described by Kaup, op. cit. pi. ii. fig. 1, p. 6.

2661. Cast of the left ramus of a mandible, with the penulti-

mate and antepenultimate molars, and the ultimate and penultimate premolar in place. The incisor tusk is also present. 0. C. F. 796.

2662. Cast of the left ramus of a mandible, with the ultimate,

penultimate, and antepenultimate molars, and the ulti- mate and penultimate premolars. The incisor tusk is present. 0. C. F. 797.



2663. Cast of a larger left ramus of a mandible in two pieces, with

the symphysis complete. 0. C. F. 798.

The ultimate and penultimate true molars only are present ; the left tusk is complete, but the right has been broken at the junction of its middle and proximal thirds.

This specimen is figured by Kaup in 'OssemensFossiles,' lrcah. pi. iv., as originally restored, with the ends of the tusks pointing upwards, an error which Kaup afterwards corrected.

2664. Cast of a first milk-molar of the upper jaw. 0. C. F.


2665. Crown of a right upper third (ultimate) milk-molar.

0. C. F. 800.

In the original Hunterian Catalogue this tooth is described as " part of a griuder without the root, consisting of three risings or prominences, of a Hippopotamus."

Locality unrecorded.


2666. Cast of a left upper penultimate premolar. 0. C. F. 801.

Figured by Kaup, pi. ii. fig. 6.

2667. Cast of the crown of a left upper ultimate premolar.

O.C.F. 802.

2668. Cast of the crown of a left upper ultimate premolar.

0. C. F. 803.

2669. Cast of a right upper ultimate premolar, much worn.

0. C. F. 804.

Figured by Kaup, pi. ii. fig. 4.

2670. Cast of the crown of a right upper antepenultimate molar.

0. C. F. 805.



Dtnothmum gigantcum.

2671. Cast of a left upper penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 806.

2672. Cast of the crown of a similar molar which has been

crushed by some geological force in the stratum in which it was imbedded. 0. C. F. 807.

The original of this tooth is in the possession of the Earl of Enniskillen, and was obtained from Epplesheim.

Presented by the Earl of Enniskillen.

2673. Cast of the crown of a right lower ultimate milk-molar.

0. C. F. 808.

Figured by Kaup, op. cit. pi. iii. fig. 8.

2674. Cast of the crown of a left lower antepenultimate molar.

0. C. F. 810.

Figured by Kaup, op. cit. pi. v. fig. 3.

2675. Cast of a left inferior antepenultimate molar. 0. C. F.


Figured by Kaup, op. cit. pi. iii. fig. 7.

2676. Cast of a left inferior ultimate molar. 0. C. F. 814.

Figured by Kaup, op. cit. pi. iii. fig. 6.

2677. Cast of an unworn crown of a left inferior ultimate molar.

0. C. F. 816.

2678. Cast of a much-worn right inferior ultimate molar. 0. C. F.817.



2679. Cast of a cranium somewhat imperfect in its facial and

anterior parts.

Tho original is in the Paris Museum, and was found at Samaran, Departement du Gers. Three molars and two pre- molars are present on each side, all of which agree entirely in character with the specimens from Epplesheim.

Presented, per Prof. Gervais, by the Museum of Natural History of Paris, 1870.

2680. Cast of the crown of a left lower penultimate molar.

0. C. F. 812.

The original was discovered 6 feet below the surface of the ground in a stratum of Miocene tertiary saiid at Arbeichan near Auch, Departement du Gers, and is figured and described by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Possiles,' ed. 1822, torn. ii. pt. 1, p. 166.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2681. Cast of the worn crown of a left lower penultimate molar.

0. C.F. 813.

The original, the origin of which is unknown, is described and figured by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' torn. ii. pt. 1, p. 1G6, pi. iv. fig. 3.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2682. A model of the cranium and mandible with complete

dentition, much reduced in size.

In Museum before 1862.

The following specimens were formerly named Dinotherium cuvieri, Kaup. The later researches of Kaup, as well as the observations of de Blainville and Falconer, show that the species can be no longer retained, as the specimens by which it is re- presented only differ from those of D. giganteum in size. See Falconer, Palaeont. Mem. vol. i. p. 408.

2683. Casts of both rami of a mandible. 0. C. F. 819.

The right ramus contains three posterior molars and the socket of the fourth in advance; the left ramus has four teeth.



JBttiothertum gtganteum,

Described by Bourjot (Comptes Rendus, 1838, p. 1081), and figured byGervais, * Zoologie et Paleontologie franchises' (1859), pp. 70 & 71. From Chevilly.

Presented by the Professors of the Museum of

Natural History, Pans.

2684. Cast of a right lower ultimate milk-molar. 0. C. F. 809.

The original was discovered in the Miocene tertiary forma- tions at Chevilly in the plain of Beauce, near Orleans ; described and figured by Cuvier, ' Ossemens Fossiles,' 1822, torn. ii. pt. 1, p. 171, pi. iv. fig. 5, and referred to by Kaup, ' Ossemens Fossiles du Darmstadt,' lr cah. p. 15.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2685. Cast of a right inferior penultimate molar. O. C. F. 821.

The original was discovered in the Miocene strata at Chevilly ; described and figured by Cuvier in the ' Ossemens Fossiles,' 1822, torn. ii. pt. 1, p. 170, pi. iv. fig. 1, and referred to by Kaup, ' Ossemens Fossiles du Darmstadt,' lr cah. p. 15.

Presented by Baron Cuvier.

2686. Cast of the crown of a right upper ultimate premolar.

0. C. F.818.

The original is mentioned by Kaup in ' Ossem. Foss. du Darmstadt,' lr cah. p. 15, and compared with Cuvier's specimen figured in ' Ossemens Fossiles,' torn. ii. 1822, pt. 1, pi. viii. fig. 4.

From Epplesheim.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.

2687. Cast of the crown of a left lower ultimate molar, imperfect

in front. 0. C. F. 820.

From Epplesheim.

Presented by Dr. Kaup.





Genus HALICORE. Illiger, Prodrom. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 140 (1811).

Halicore dugong.

Trichechus clugung, Erxleben, Syst. Eeg. Animal, p. 599 (1777). Trichechus dugong*, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 60 (1788).

The Dugong.

Hab. The Indian Ocean and its dependencies, from the Red Sea to Northern Australia.

2688. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2543 and 2547.

It is uncertain whether the skull belongs to the same animal as the rest of the skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 4, C. 17 (incomplete). Length 6 feet 9 inches (2-060 m.). From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2689. Incomplete skeleton of female. O. C. 2553 to 2625.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 18, L. 4, C. 20. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles. * This mode of spelling has been generally adopted.



Halicore dugong.

2690. Incomplete skeleton of male. 0. C. 2546.

The sockets of three molar teeth are present on each side of each jaw.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 19, L. 3 (1 wanting), C. 23 (incomplete). Prom Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2691 . Incomplete skeleton of young, $ .

In Museum before 1862.

2692. Incomplete skeleton of a younger animal, $ . 0. C. 2549.

The sockets of four molars are present in the mandibles. In the upper jaw there are five well-marked sockets on either side, and apparently the remains of a sixth in front.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 18, L. 5, C. 22 (incomplete).

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1831.

2693. Articulated skeleton of young, $ . 0. C. 2544.

Four molar teeth have been acquired in each jaw, though not completely developed. The germ of the last molar can be seen in its socket. The deciduous tusks are present, together with their permanent successors.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 19, L. 5, C. 27.

From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2694. Skull of male. 0. C. 2545.

The molar teeth are reduced to two on each side of both jaws, except on the left side of the mandible, where a third is pre- sent in front of the others.

From the Indo-Malayan Archipelago.

Presented by Hugh Cuming, Esq.

2695. Skull of young, . 0. C. 2548.

The cranium has been longitudinally and vertically bisected,



and on the left side the roots of the teeth havo been exposed by the removal of the bone covering their inner surfaces. A section of the tusk has also been made, and its root exposed in situ. There are five sockets on each side of the jaw for the molars.

Presented by Professor Owen.

2696. Mutilated skull of young, $ .

The sockets of six teeth are present in each side of the max- illa, and those of five in the mandible.

In Museum before 1862.

2697. Articulated skeleton of female. 0. C. 2632. Length 7 feet (2-130 m.).

The deciduous upper tusks have not been shed. The alveolar wall of the left permanent tusk has been removed to show it and the deciduous tusk in situ.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 19, L. 4, C. 27 : total 57.

From Shark's Bay, North Australia*.

Presented by Lieut. Helpman, R.N., 1851.

2698. Skull, S 0. C. 2633.

Only two molars are present on each side, and in both jaws.

From Australia.

Purchased, 1852.

2699. Skull, $.

The milk-tusk on the left side is still retained in front of the permanent tusk. From Queensland.

Presented by E. Thome, Esq., 1872.

* The Australian Dugong has been described by Prof. Owen as a distinct species under the name of Ilalkore australis (Jukes, Voyage H.M.S. ' Fly,' ii. p. 323, 1847).



Halicore dugong.

2700. Skull, ? . 0. C. 2634.

From Port Essington, North Australia.

Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq.

2701. Skull. O.C.2635.

There are sockets for six teeth of the molar series on each side of both maxillae and mandible. The sockets of the deciduous tusks are present as well as the germs of their permanent successors.

Presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq.

2702. Mutilated skull, young $ .

Locality unknown.

In Museum before 1862.

2703. Mandible.

In Museum before 1862.

2704. Tympanic and periotic bones and auditory ossicles. O. C.


Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2705. Periotic bones and auditory ossicles. O. C. 2551.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2706. Auditory ossicles. O. C. 2552.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2707. Pair of tusks.

Presented by R. J. Hulme, Esq.

2708. Upper tusk of male. O. C. 2626.

Presented by Professor Owen.

2709. Upper tusk of female. O. C. 2627.

Presented by Professor Owen.

halicoriDjB. 525

2710. Rudimentary or abortive incisor of mandible of adult

male. O.C. 2628.

Presented by Professor Owen.

2711. Second, third, fourth, and fifth upper and lower molar

teeth. 0. C. 2629.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

2712. Molar tooth, vertically bisected, and with the cut surfaces

polished. 0. C. 2630.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2713. Polished transverse section of a molar tooth. 0. C. 2631.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2714. Left scapula and a rib.

From Freemantle, Western Australia.

Purchased, 1871.

The following specimens (to No. 2720 inclusive) from North Australia were presented by J. B. Jukes, Esq.

2715. Penultimate molar. 0. C. 2636.

2716. Ultimate molar of old animal. 0. C. 2637.

A small bony tumour is attached to one margin of its base.

2717. Tusk of female. 0. C. 2638.

The pulp-cavity is almost obliterated.

2718. Eight ribs. 0. C. 2639 to 2644.



Halicore dugong.

2719. Right and left scapulse. 0. 0. 2645.

2720. Tympanic and periotic bones with the malleus and incus.




Kaup, Neues Jahrbuch f. Mineralogie, &c. 1838, pp. 319 & 536.

f^atttftmum canftamt.

Flower, Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, xxx. p. 1, pi. i. (1874).

2721. Cast of a mutilated and water-worn cranium.

The original (the type of the species, and interesting as pre- senting the first-discovered evidence of the former existence of Sirenia in England) was found in the bone-bed underlying the Eed Crag at Foxhall, near "Woodbridge, Suffolk, and is now in the Canham collection in the Ipswich Museum. It is described and figured as above.

Presented by the Rev. H. Canham, 1873.

2722. Cylindrical portion of bone which appears to be the distal

end of a rib of Halitlierium.

From the bone-bed at the base of the Red Crag, Suffolk.

Presented by Professor Flower.

Of uncertain Species.

2723. Cast of pelvic bone.

The original was found at Flonheim, near Darmstadt.

Presented, per Professor Gervais, by the Museum of Natural History of Paris, 1870.



2724. Four portions of ribs.

From Decatur Co., Georgia, U. S. A.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2725. Transverse process of vertebra and eleven portions of ribs.

Prom Sauderville, Georgia, U. S. A.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2726. Portion of base of skull, and fragments of vertebrae and

ribs, of dark colour.

From the Upper Miocene at La Chausserie, Eennes, Brittany.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1866.

2727. Four portions of ribs.

These specimens are of a yellowish-brown colour, but are said to have come from the same locality.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1866.


Genus RHYTINA. Bytina, Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mammal, et Av. p. 141 (1811).

3ftf)i)ttna gtcra;S.

Manati gigas, Zimmermann, Geogr. Geschiehte, ii. p. 426 (1780). Trichechus manatus, var. borealis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 61 (1788).

Trichechus borealis, Shaw, General Zoology, i. p. 240 (1800). Bytina stelleri, Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxix. p. 574 (1819).


Ilab. North Pacific. Recently extinct.



3£lf»pttna stjjajf. 2728. Model of skull.

From the original in the Zoological Museum of the Imperial University of Moscow.

Presented by M. Anatole Bogdanow, Director

of the Museum, 1876.



Storr, Prod. Meth. Mamm. p. 41 (1780) ; IUiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 140 (1811).

Manatus americarms.

Trichechus manatus, var. australis (in part), Grnelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 60 (1788).

Trichechus australis (in part) *, Tilesius, Tiles. Jahrbuch der Natur-

geschichte, i. p. 23 (1802). Lamantin d'Amerique, Cuvier, Ann. du Museum, xiii. p. 282


Manatus americanus (ex Cuv.), Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xvii. p. 262 (1817).

The American Manatee.

Hab. Coasts and rivers of eastern side of Tropical America.

2729. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 6, D. 17, L. 2, C. 23. Length 8 feet 7 inches (2-640 m.). From the south coast of Cuba.

Presented by Henry Christy, Esq., 1863.

This name belongs properly to the African species (if distinct), as that locality is mentioned first both by Grnelin and Tilesius, and is the only one given by Shaw (1800). Cuvier first distinguished the two forms by their osteological characters, and his names, subsequently Latinized by Desmarest, are the most convenient. Some authors believe that there are more than one distinct species in America— in which case Cuvier's name should be retained for the one from Cayenne, as it was founded on a skeleton from that locality.



2730. Articulated skeleton of young female. 0. 0. 2(547.

Tho two deciduous teeth in the anterior part of the upper jaw have been shed. There are six molar teeth in place on each side of both upper and lower jaws.

Vertebra : C. 6, D. 17, L. 2, C. 23.

Prepared from a specimen which was sent from Jamaica by the Duke of Manchester when Governor of the island, and described and figured by the donor in the ' Philosophical Transactions,' vol. cxvi. pi. xxvii.

Presented by Sir Ever ard Home, 1821.

2731. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 2618. Hunterian.

2732. Portion of vertebral column of young male.

The specimen includes the last 6 dorsal, the 2 lumbar, and the 24 caudal vertebrae, with their 12 chevron bones.

From an animal, originally from Trinidad, which lived for seventeen months in the Brighton Aquarium.

Most of the viscera and other parts of the body are preserved in the Comparative Anatomy Series in the Galleries.

Presented by the Directors of the Brighton Aquarium, 1881.

2733. A rib.

From an animal killed on the river S. Juan, on the north coast of Honduras, in 1845.

Presented by S. C. Harrington, Esq., 1877.

Manatus senegalensis.

Trichechus manatus, var. australis (in part), Ginelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 60 (1788).

Trichechus australis, Shaw, General Zoology, i. p. 244 (1 800)*. Lamantin clu Senegal, Cuvier, Ann. du Museum, xiii. p. 294 (1809). Manatus senegalensis (ex Cuv.), Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xvii. p. 262 (1817).

The African Manatee.

Hob. Coast and rivers of the western side of Tropical Africa.

This name has been so generally used for the American form, that no little confusion would arise from restoring it to its original owner. PART II. 2 U



Manatus senegalensis.

2734. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 6, D. 17, L. 2, C. 25.

The axis and third cervical vertebrae are united together by their bodies and spinous processes. None of the chevron bones are joined in the middle line below. One of the ribs of the left side has been broken during life, and a false joint formed be- tween the fragments.

Sent from the River Gaboon, West Africa, by M. Du Chaillu.

Purchased, 1864.

2735. Skeleton.

The skull is mutilated, its anterior portion being entirely wanting. The hyoid, sternum, and pelvic bones are missing, but the rest of the skeleton is complete.

Vertebra : C. 6, D. 17, L. 2, C. 24.

The axis and third cervical vertebrae are ankylosed together by their bodies and spinous processes. From the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain Harris, 1872.

2736. Skull. Presented by Andrew Murray, Esq., 1866.

2737. Cranium. 0. C. 2649.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

The species to which the following specimens belong is un- certain.

2738. A left rib of large size.

Said to have been dug out of the gravel in making the East London Railway in 1880.

Purchased, 1880.

2739. Five ribs. 0. C. 2650 & 2652.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2740. A right rib of a young animal. 0. C. 2651. Hunter ian.

2741. A longitudinally bisected. rib. 0. C. 2653. Hunterian.





Family BALiENIDiE.

Genus BALffiNA. Knnreus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 105 (1766).

Balsena mysticetus.

Linnaeus, loc. cit.

The Greenland Right Whale. Hab. The Arctic Seas.

2742. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 14, C. 22 : total 55.

The animal from which this skeleton was prepared, a gravid female, was captured off the Danish Settlement of Holsteins- borg, South Greenland, during the winter of 1861-62.

The bones were sent to the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen, from which Institution they were purchased by the Council of the College in 1864. The skeleton is complete, and as now mounted measures, in a direct line from the anterior extremity of the skull to the last caudal vertebra, 46 feet 2 inches, or 13*930 meters. The greatest length of the crauium in a straight line is 17 feet, or 5*180 m.

The fore limbs were sent entire, with the cartilaginous por- tions connecting the bones ; these have been carefully repro- duced by models in cork on the left side. In the right manus, the ossified portions of the skeleton alone have been kept, fixed exactly in the relative position they occupied in nature. The pelvic bones and both femurs are present ; but the tibias, if they existed, as is usually the case in this species, have not been pre- served. Some of the baleen-plates from the anterior and poste- rior extremities of each lateral series are retained and attached to the skeleton. The right tympanic bono has been detached from the cranium, and is preserved separately for convenience

2 M 2



Balaena mysticetus.

of comparison, being numbered 2766. Some descriptive notes relating to this specimen, with figures of the cervical vertebrae, pelvic bones, and olfactory organ, will be found as an appendix to Eschricht aud Roinhardt's memoir on the Greenland Right Whale, in ' Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea,' edited by W. H. Flower, and published by the Ray Society, 1866, p. 145.

Purchased, 1864.

2743. Skull. 0. G.2432.

The greatest length of the cranium between the occipital condyles and the tip of the premaxillae is 17 feet 3g inches (5-270 m.). Each ramus of the mandible from the most posterior part of the condyle to the symphysis in a straight line is 17 feet 9 inches (5-410 m.).

This is the specimen referred to in Hunter's " Observations on the Structure and (Economy of Whales," ' Philosophical Transactions' for 1787, p. 401.


2744. The united cervical vertebrae.

The true number of vertebrae coossificd in this and the fol- lowing specimens is shown by the intervals for the passage of the nerves between the neural arches.

In Museum before 1862.

2745. The united cervical vertebrae.

In Museum before 1862.

2746. The united cervical vertebras. 0. 0. 2435.

These three specimens, presumably belonging to this species, present considerable individual differences.


2747. Cast of the right pelvic bone, with the rudimentary femur

and tibia of an adult male.

The original, from Greenland, is in the Paris Museum.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1870.

2748. Rami of the mandible of a young Whale, probably of this


In Museum before 1862.



Balsena australis.

Desrnoulins, Diet. Classique d'Histoire Naturelle, ii. p. 161 (1822).

The Southern Right Whale. Hob. Temperate Southern Ocean.

2749. Natural skeleton of a very young or foetal animal. 0. 0. 2436 and 2437.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 10, C. 25 : total 57.

Length 13 feet 4 inches (4-060 m.).

Brought from the Cape of Good Hope by Verreaux.

The skull is figured in Huxley's 'Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals ' (1871), p. 396, and also in section in Flower's ' Os- teology of the Mammalia,' ed. 1876, p. 197.

Purchased, 1838.

Of uncertain Species.

2750. A lumbar and two caudal vertebrae of a Right Whale, but

differing from those of B. mysticetus. O. C. 2456, 2457, and 2458.

Presented by Sir William Blizard.

2751. A caudal vertebra. 0. C. F. 1446.

The transverse processes are broken away. From the gravel in the old bed of the Thames ; found 30 feet below the surface in excavations near the Temple Church.

Purchased .

2752. Eight ribs of the left side. 0. C. 2459.

Presented by Sir Anthony Carlisle.

2753. A right humerus.

It is larger and more massive in proportion to its length than that of the mounted skeleton of Balcena mysticetus.

Said to have been dug up in the Wandsworth Road, Surrey, at the depth of 14 feet below the surface.

Presented by W. H. Jackson, Esq., 1881.




Lacepede, Hist. Nat. des Cetaces, Tab. dos Ordres &c. p. xxxvi


Balaenoptera musculus.

? Balcena musculus, Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 106 (1766).

Balcenoptera rorqual, Lacepede, Cetaces, pp. xxxvii & 126 (1804).

Balcena antiquorum, Fischer, Synopsis Mamm. p. 525 (1829).

Balcenoptera musculus (Linn.), Companyo, Mem. descr. delaBaleine echouee pres de St.-Cyprien, p. 23 (1830); VanBeneden & Gervais, Osteographie des Cetaces, p. 167 (1869-80), and most modern authors.

Balcenoptera physalus (Linn.), Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 18 (1846).

Physalus antiquorum, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1847, p. 90.

The Common Rorqual or Fin-Whale.

Uab. North Atlantic and Mediterranean.

2754. Portion of a skeleton, consisting of the complete cervical

vertebrae, the first, fourth, seventh, and twelfth dorsal, the first, seventh, eleventh, and fifteenth lumbar, and the first, fifth, eighth, twelfth, seventeenth, and twentieth caudal vertebrae, the fifteen ribs of the left side, the ster- num, hyoid bones, and right scapula, humerus, radius, and ulna.

From a nearly adult animal stranded at Margate in 1850. The skull and most of the remaining bones of the same indi- vidual are in the Cambridge University Museum.

Purchased, 1865.

2755. Skull of young.

Part of the baleen is preserved in position.

From an animal, said to have been 48 feet long, which was driven ashore in a gale at Winterton, near Great Yarmouth, on the 5th of January, 1857. (See ' Illustrated London News,' 24 January, 1857.)



2756. Cast of the pelvic bone and femur of a male.

From an animal taken in the li. Scholde in 18G9, described by Prof. Van Beneden in tho ' Memoirea de 1' Acad. Roy. des Sciences de Belgique,' xxxviii. (1871).

Presented by Prof. Van Beneden, 1870.

Balaenoptera rostrata.

Balcena rostrata, Fabricius, Fauna Grcenlandica, p. 40 (1780) ; Hunter, Phil. Trans. 1787, p. 373.

The Lesser Rorqual or Pin-Whale. " Piked Whale " of Hunter.

Hal. North Atlantic.

2757. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult male.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 11, L. 12, C. 19 : total 49.

The baleen of the right side is preserved in its natural posi- tion in the mouth. The length of the skeleton is 24 feet (7-325 m.)*.

From an animal washed ashore at Overstrand, near Cromer, in November 1860. The skeleton is described in the ' Pro- ceedings of the Zoological Society ' for 1864, p. 252.

Presented by John Henry Gurney, Esq., 1864.

2758. Articulated skeleton of a young female. 0. C. 2444.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 12, C. 18: total 48. Length 15 feet 9 inches (4-790 m.).

From an animal, caught upon the Dogger Bank, dissected by Hunter, and of which numerous preparations are preserved in tho Museum. The external characters are well represented in Hunter's figure in tho ' Phdosophical Transactions ' for 1787, pi. xx., of which tho original is among the Hunterian drawings in the possession of the College.

* The length of the skeletons of Cetacea is always taken in a straight line from the most anterior portion of the skull to the terminal caudal vertebra.



Balaenoptera rostrata.

This, with the exception of one of the same species at Bremen, is probably the oldest Cetacean skeleton preserved in any Mu- seum.

The right side of the cribriform plate, turbinals, and surround- ing bones have been removed from the skull, and form a separate preparation. The corresponding parts of the opposite side are ' mounted in spirit, and numbered 1546 in the Physiological Series.


2759. A specimen which was labelled " Cribriform plate and

ossa spongiosa, Piked Whale, Hunterian/' but not entered in the Catalogue.

It is from a larger animal than the preceding.


2760. Cast of the atlas of a young animal.

From the specimen described by Carte and Hacalister in the 'Philosophical Transactions' for 1868, p. 201, where' certain peculiarities in the mode of ossification of the bone are pointed out.

Presented by Dr. A. Carte, 1867.

2761. Pelvic bones of a young female.

They are almost entirely cartilaginous, with a single centre of ossification in each near the middle of the bone.

From an animal caught at Weymouth in 1870, and described by Mr. Perrin in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society ' for that year, p. 805.

Presented by J. Beswick Perrin, Esq., 1870.

Balsenoptera borealis.

Balosnoptera borealis (in part), Lesson, Hist. Nat. Cetaces, 1828

(fide Van Beneden). B. borealis (in part), Fischer, Synopsis Mammalium, p. 524 (1829). B. borealis, Lesson, Hist. Nat. des Cetaces, p. 342 (1834). B. laticeps, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 20 (1846). Sibbaldus laticeps, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 223.

RUDOLPHl's UOEQUAL. Hab. North Atlantic.



2762. The rami of the mandible, the first and seventh cervical

and one caudal vertebrae, the hyoid, four ribs (the first having the bifid head), and both scapulae, apparently of an individual of this species.

History unknown.

In Museum before 1862.

Of uncertain Species.

2763. An atlas vertebra. 0. C. 2446. Hunterian.

2764. The atlas, axis, two other cervical vertebrae, a double-

headed first rib, another rib, and the malar bone of a Rorqual.

Locality unknown.

Purchased, 1867.

2765. Several of the disk-like epiphyses from the ends of bodies

of the caudal vertehrae of a Whale. 0. C. 2440 and 2441.


Tympanic Bones.

The tympanic bones of Whales, owing to the excessive density of their structure and the readiness with which they become detached from the rest of the cranium, are very frequently preserved when all other parts of the skeleton have perished; and as they appear to afford characters useful in distinguishing the species to which they belong, they have received special attention from cetologists. Most of the specimens in the Museum have unfortunately no history, or any indications connecting them with the particular animal from which they were derived. For these reasons it has been thought ad- visable to place them together in one series, instead of under the respective species to which they may be presumed to belong. The specimens to which no histories are attached were found in the Museum Stores in 1862.



Tympanic Bones.

2766. Right tympanic bone of Balcena mysticetus.

From the skeleton from Greenland, No. 2742.

2767. Right tympanic bone.

This agrees in all essential characters with the last. The keel is even sharper and the anterior extremity produced to a more decided angle.

Purchased, 1875.

The two following specimens present the usual characters of Balo3na mysticetus.

2768. Right tympanic bone.

2769. Left tympanic bone.

The next four, though agreeing with Balama mysticetus gene- rally, differ in the greater curvature of the inferior margin and the less development of the anterior extremity.

2770. Right tympanic bone.

2771. Right tympanic bone, mutilated.

2772. Left tympanic bone, considerably mutilated.

2773. Right tympanic bone, from which a section has been taken

from the anterior extremity to show the dense character of the osseous tissue composing it.

The four following specimens, evidently from young animals, may be referred with great probability to Bakena mysticetus.

2774. Right tympanic and periotic bones.

The auditory ossicles removed from this specimen are in the special collection of Ear-hones in the gallery, and are figured in



Mr. Doran's memoir, published in the ' Transactions of the Linnean Society,' 2nd series, Zoology, vol. i. p. 371 (1876).

Purchased, 1875.

2775. Right tympanic bone.

2776. Left tympanic bone, with the outer wall broken away.

2777. Right tympanic bone of a very young "Whale, with part

of the overarching plate sawn off to show the density of its structure. 0. C. F. 1450.

The two following are attributed by Professor Van Beneden to B. japonica, but they resemble the tympanic of B. mysticetus more closely than those of the group to which B. japonica be- longs. The originals, in the Leiden Museum, were brought from Japan by Von Siebold, and are described and figured by Van Beneden (' Bull, de l'Acad. Roy. de Belgique,' 2e ser. xli. p. 28, 1876).

2778. Cast of left tympanic bone.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden.

2779. Cast of mutilated left tympanic bone.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden.

The remaining eight specimens of tympanic bones attributed to the genus Balozna differ from those of B. mysticetus in the rounded curve of the inferior margin, the absence of produced anterior inferior angle, and the greater extension downwards of the anterior (Eustachian) end of the aperture, and also of the fissure opening behind the process to which the malleus is at- tached. In these characters of the tympanic bone all the Right Whales of the temperate and southern seas appear to agree.

2780. Left tympanic bone.

Presented by T. W. Erie, Esq., 1877.



T ympanic Bones.

2781. Cast of the left tympanic and periotic bones of a Whale

caught on the Atlantic coast of the United States, and described by Cope (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1865, p. 168) under the name of Balama cisarctica.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden, 1869.

2782. Right tympanic and periotic bones.

From Tasmania.

They closely resemble the figures in Van Beneden and Gervais's ' Osteographie des Cetaces,' pi. i. fig. 2, of those of Balmna aus- tralis from the Cape of Good Hope, in the Paris Museum.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1840.

2783. Cast of right tympanic bone.

The original belongs to a skeleton sent from New Zealand to the Paris Museum by Mr. Hutton. It is figured by Gervais in the ' Journal de Zoologie,' vi. pi. x. (1877).

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1878.

The three last specimens resemble each other very closely in all their characters.

2784. Right and left united tympanic and periotic bones of the

same Whale. 0. C. 2438.

From the South Seas. The left is figured by Huxley in the ' Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals,' ed. 1871, p. 397.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.

2785. Cast of the right tympanic and periotic bones.

The original, from the coast of Chile, is in the Louvain Mu- seum.

Presented by Professor Van Beneden, 1869.



2786. Eight tympanic and periotic bones. 0. C. 2439.

Thoy are said to havo been brought from the southern hemi- sphere, and much resemble the last in their characters.

Presented by J. Babington, Esq.

2787. Left tympanic bone of a Rorqual, probably Balcenoptera


Purchased, . 187 '5.

2788. Cast of the right tympanic bone of Rudolphi's Rorqual

{Balcenoptera borealis).

The original is in the Paris Museum of Natural History, and belongs to an animal stranded on 29th July 1874, between Bidart and Biarritz (Basses Pyrenees). See Fischer, * Journ. de Zoologie,' v. p. 462 (1876).

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1878.

2789. Left tympanic bone of the Lesser Rorqual (Balwnoptera


From the skeleton from the Norfolk Coast (No. 2757).

2790. Right tympanic bone, resembling, but smaller than, the


This was labelled "Ear of "Whale, Miocene, Virginia."

In Museum before 1862.

The following specimens of more or less waterworn tympanic bones are from the so-called " Coprolite " beds at the base of the Red Crag of Suffolk. Unless otherwise stated, they were collected at the localities indicated, in the year 1873, by Professor Flower. Without any knowledge of the remainder of the organization of the animals to which they belonged, their generic and specific determination must be attended with some uncertainty. Differ- ences observed in several of the earliest discovered specimens, however, enabled Professor Owen (' Proc. Geol. Soc' 13 Dec. 1843, vol. iv. p. 283, and ' British Fossil Mammals,' p. 526, 1846)



Tympanic Bones.

to distinguish four distinct forms, to which names were assigned, and with one or the other of which nearly all the subsequently collected specimens are found in the main to agree, though presenting considerable variations in detail.

Specimens resembling 33al<cna afitntfS, Owen.

2791. Cast of left tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1448.

From the type specimen from Felixstow, described in the Proceedings of the Geological Society,' iv. p. 283.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Henslow, 1843.

2792. Right tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1449.

From Felixstow.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Henslow, 1843.

2793. Right tympanic bone.

From Mr. Whincopp's collection.

Purchased, 1874.

2794. Right tympanic bone.

In Museum before 1862.

2795. Right tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2796. Left tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2797. Right tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2798. Left tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2799. Right tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.



2800. Right tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2801. Left tympanic bone.

From Felixstow, 1873.

2802. Left tympanic bone.

From Felixstow, 1873.

2803. Left tympanic bone.

From Felixstow, 1873.

Specimens resembling 33al«cna Uefi'ntta, Owen.

2804. Cast of a mutilated rigbt tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1451.

From the type specimen found near Felixstow.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Henslow, 1843.

2805. Rigbt tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1452.

From Felixstow.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Henslow, 1843.

2806. Right tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2807. Right tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2808. Left tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2809. Left tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.



Specimens resembling 33. tJefim'ta, Owen.

2810. Left tympanic bone.

From Trimley, 1873.

2811. Right tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2812. Right tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2813. Right tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2814. Left tympanic bone.

From Felixstow, 1873.

2815. Left tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2816. Right tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

Specimens resembling ISaltma jrtrjboaa, Owen.

2817. Right tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1453.

One of the type specimens from Felixsto-w.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Henslow, 1843.

2818. Right tympanic bone.

In Museum before 1862.

2819. Left tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

BA L.I': Nil MC.


2820. Bight tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2821. Right tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

Specimens resembling JSaliena cmargtuata, Owen.

2822. Cast of left tympanic bone. 0. C. F. 1454.

From the type specimen found near Felixstow.

Presented by the Rev. Professor Hensloio.

2823. Left tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2824. Right tympanic bone.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2825. Left tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2826. Right tympanic bone.

From Falkenham, 1873.

2827. Left tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2828. Left tympanic bone.

From Walton, 1873.

2829. Left tympanic bone.

From Felixstow, 1873.

2830. Left tympanic bono.

From Felixstow, 1873. part li. 2n



Tympanic Bones.

The two following specimens do not appear to agree with either of the forms defined by Professor Owen.

2831. An unusually perfect specimen of a right tympanic bone.

It resembles B. affinis in the form of the thickened inner margin, but differs in the general external form and in the contour of the lower margiu. As far as the condition of the specimen permits of comparison, it does not differ from some of the existing Eight Whales of the type to which B. australis and B. Mscayensis belong.

Formerly in Mr. Baker's Collection.

Purchased, 1883.

2832. Left tympanic bone of a Balcmoptera.

From Felixstow, 1873.




Basilosaurus, Harlan, Bull. Soc. Geol. de France (1833), iv. p. 124

(1835), withdrawn by author in favour of Zeuglodon, Owen, Lond. & Edinb. Philos. Mag. xiv. p. 302 (1839) ;

Proc. Geol. Soc. (9 Jan. 1839), iii. p. 24 (publ. 1842).

ZntglotJon cctottfeg.

Owen, Trans. Geol. Soc. 2nd ser. vi. p. 69 (1841).

2833. Two sections of a molar tooth, taken near the base, where the two roots have become nearly separated from one another, producing the appearance of " yoked teeth," whence the generic name was derived.

These are the original specimens described and figured by Owen, loc. cit.

Presented by Dr. Richard Harlan.



2834. Three sections of a rib. 0. C. 1442.

From the Tertiary deposits of the State of Alabama, U. S. America.

Presented by Dr. Richard Harlan.

Of uncertain Species. 2835. Body of a lumbar vertebra.

The terminal epiphyses are detached and one of them is pre- served, showing the remarkable extent to which the two ossi- fications interlock with one another.

From a formation of Eocene age, in Crawford County, Georgia, U. S. America.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2836. A posterior dorsal vertebra, probably of tbe same indi-


The epiphyses are in the same condition.

The short transverse processes, with excavated surfaces for the attachment of the ribs, show that in this important struc- tural character Zeuglodon differs widely from the Mystacocetes, and from both Physeteridse and Delphinidas among the Odonto- cetes, but resembles the Platanistidae.

From the same locality as the last.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1808.

2837. Two fragments of bones of Zeuglodon.

From the same locality.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2838. Body of a dorsal vertebra, probably of a Zeuglodon.

From Sandervillc, Georgia, U.S. America.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.




Uncertain Species.

The following casts of portions of Zeuglodon were in the Museum before 1862.

2839. Cast of cranium.

Although not agreeing exactly, the teeth having been re- stored and portions of the matrix cleared in the interval be- tween taking the cast and drawing the figures, this is evident!}' from the specimen figured hy G. C. Cams under the name of Z. hrjdrachos (Acad. Cres.-Leop. Nova Acta, 1847, xxii. figs.* 39, A & B) and by J. Miiller as Z. brachyspondylus (' Foss. Eeste der Zeuglodonten von Nordamerica,' tab. xxvi. 1849).

2840. Cast of part of ramus of mandible and molar tooth.

2841. Cast of part of ramus of mandible and molar tooth.

2842. Cast of molar tooth.

2843. Cast of part of molar tooth.

2844. Cast of anterior single tooth.

2845. Cast of part of tympanic bone.



Genus PHYSETER. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 107 (1766).

Physeter macrocephalus.

Linnaeus, loc. cit.

The Cachalot or Sperm-Whale.

Bob, Ti ■opicul and temperate seas throughout the world.


2846. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 8, C. 24 : total 50.

The extreme length of the skeleton is 15-270 m. (50 feet 1 inch), of the cranium 5-110 m. (16 feet 9 inches), of the lower jaw 4-420 m. (14 feet 6 inches). One of the pelvic bom s only was received with the skeleton ; from this the other now mounted with it has been modelled. The rudimentary teeth which were embedded in the gum of the upper jaw are pre- served separately in one of the cases on the floor.

This skeleton was prepared from an animal caught off tho south coast of the island of Tasmania in 1864, and is the sub- ject of a fully illustrated memoir, by W. H. Flower, published in the ' Transactions of the Zoological Society,' vol. vi. p. 300 (1868).

Presented by William Lodowyck Crowther, Esq., 18(16.

2847. Skull of young male.

From an animal killed in the South Seas by the side of its mother. The teeth, of which but few remain, had not pierced the gum. This specimen is figured in the memoir on the " Os- teology of the Cachalot," referred to above.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1866.

2848. Skull of foetus. O. C. 2447.

The relations of the osseous elements of which it is composed are described in great detail by Prof. Owen in the former Cata- logue. It is also described and figured in Huxley's ' Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals,' p. 401 (1871).


2849. Lower jaw and teeth.

This is the largest specimen known to have been taken in the Tasmanian Whale-fishery, and was preserved for some time at Hobart Town on account of its great size. It measures, from the anterior part of the symphysis to tho centre of a straight line drawn across the most prominent part of (lie condyles, 16 feet 2 inches (4-930 m.).

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1865.

2350. Lower jaw and teeth.

The fibrous gum which holds the teoth in pkoa, and by which



Physeter macrocephalus.

they are almost concealed duriug life, is preserved. The length of this specimen is 14 feet 2 inches (4*330 m.).

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1862.

2851. Lower jaw and teeth.

Length 13 feet G inches (4-110 m.). The fibrous structure round the teeth has been removed, showing their mode of im- plantation.

This and the last specimen are from animals captured near the South-west Cape of Tasmania. They formed the entrance- doors of the Tasmanian trophy in the London International Exhibition of 1862.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1862.

2852. Two rami of the lower jaw, wanting the teeth. 0. C.


They are slightly imperfect at the anterior extremity.


2853. The dentary portion of the rami of the lower jaw. 0. C.


The teeth are of large size and much worn, showing that the animal was of considerable age.

If unterian.

2854. Lower jaw of very small size, although adult, and there-

fore probably that of a female. 0. C. 2450.

It measures 6 feet 10| inches (2-100 m.) in length.

Presented by F. D. Bennett, Esq.

2855. Anterior portion of the rami of a lower jaw of corresponding

size, without the teeth. 0. C. 2451.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



2856. The dentary portion of the right ramus of a small lower

jaw, with a very remarkable abnormal curve. 0. C. 2452.

Such specimens are not uncommon in Museums. See Dr. Murie, " On Deformity of the Lower Jaw in the Cachalot " (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 390), where the present example is described and figured*.

Presented by F. D. Bennett, Esq.

2857. A transverse section from one of the rami of the lower jaw.

0. C. 2453.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.

2858. A portion of the superior maxilla, exhibiting the thin com-

pact outer layer, and the coarse cellular structure of which the greater part of the bone is composed. 0. C. 2724.


2859. The right and left tympanic and periotic bones. 0. C.

2454 and 2455.

One of these is figured of the natural size in Owen's ' British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 526 (1846).

Presented by George Bennett, Esq.

2860. The right and left tympanic and periotic bones of an adult


From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1865.

2861. The right and left tympanic and periotic bones of an adult


From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

See also Fischer, " Sur une deformation pathologique de la machoire infgrieure du Cachalot," Journ. de l'Anat. et de la Physiol, t. iv, p. 382 (18B7).



Physeter macrocephalus.

2862. The twelve terminal caudal vertebra? of an adult male, with

the posterior chevron bones.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Cr mother, Esq., 186G.

2863. The articulated bones of the right anterior extremity.

The bones are all in their correct relative situations, having been received in connection and carefully marked before cleaning. The pisiform bone and terminal phalanx of the second digit are wanting. This specimen is figured in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vi. pi. 61 (1868).

The other fore limb of the same animal is in the Cambridge University Museum. From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1865.

2864. The bones of the right anterior extremity.

This is of smaller size than the preceding. The pisiform bone was composed of a large number of osseous nodules embedded in cartilage.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1866.

2865. Pelvic bone of male.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1865.

2866. Pelvic bone of male.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1871.

2867. Pelvic bone of male.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowthcr, Esq., 1866.


2868. Pelvic bone of smaller size and different form. 0. 0. . 2460.

Perhaps from a female Cachalot.

Presented by the Very Rev. Dean Buclcland.

2869. A tooth from which the summit has been removed by a

transverse section, to show its internal structure. 0. C. 2461.


2870. A tooth, longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 2465.

One of the cut surfaces is polished. This specimen is de- scribed and figured in Owen's ' Odontography,' pp. 355-357.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

2871. One half of a longitudinally bisected tooth. 0. C. 2462.

The cut surface has been polished.


2872. One half of a longitudinally bisected tooth. 0. C. 2463.


2873. A longitudinally bisected tooth showing ossification of the


Presented by J. T. Quekett, Esq.

2874. Two teeth of very large size.

A female head surrounded by a circlet of leaves is engraved upon each.

From Tasmania.

Presented by Dr. E. L. Crowther, 1876.

2875. Fifteen teeth of various sizes, forms, and conditions of

wear. 0. C. 2466, 2467, and 2475.


2876. Thirteen teeth. 0. 0. 2464, 2468, 2469, 2472, and 2174.

British Museum. Purchased, 1801).



Physeter macrocephalus.

2877. A tooth. 0. C. 2470.


2878. Two teeth. 0. C. 2471.

Presented by Okey B elf our, Esq.

2879. Two teeth.

Presented by W. Wyatt, Esq.

2880. A tooth.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1859.

2881. A tooth worn down very obliquely to the base of the


Purchased, 1883.

2882. A posterior tooth, with the root much expanded in the

antero-posterior direction.

Presented by A. S. Flower, Esq., 1867.

2883. A malformed tooth.

It is constricted longitudinally on each side by a deep groove, which divides it into nearly equal lobes, and may have originated from the coalescence of two dental papillae.

From Tasmania.

Presented by Dr. E. L. Crowther, 1876.

2884. Two stalactitic masses of osteodentine, found loose in the

sockets of the lower jaw of a Cachalot, the result of irre- gular ossifications of the remnants of the dentinal pulp after the formation of the ordinary body of the tooth. 0. C. 2478.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.

2885. Two teeth from the upper jaw of a female. 0. C. 2476

and 2477.

One has been longitudinally bisected ; the other is curved in the form of a semicircle, and obtusely pointed at both ends, one of which is polished on the convex Bide, probably by abrasion against the larger teeth of the lower jaw. In two mature

I'll YSKTKkl 1>.K.


Cachalots which Mr. Bennett examined he found on each side eight of these teeth embedded in tho thick callous gum which covers the alveolar borders of the upper jaw.

Presented by F. D. Bennett, Esq.

2886. Three teeth.

Brought from North America and marked " Supposed to have been found in Martha's Vineyard, Mass."

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2887. A tooth which has lost most of its animal matter, and is

partly decomposed in successive layers. 0. C. F. 1445.

Said to be from the newer pliocene strata of South America.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

Genus KOGIA.

Koyia, Gray, Zoology of Erebus and Terror, p. 22 (1846). Euphysetes, Wall, Hist. & Descrip. New Sperm-Whale (Sydney, 1851).

Kogia breviceps.

Physeter breviceps, De Blainville, Ann. franc, et etr. d'Anat. et de Physiol, ii. p. 337 (1838).

The Short-headed Cachalot.

I lab. Tropical and temperate seas of both hemispheres.

2888. Skull of young.

The mandible is imperfect.

From Port Stephens, New South Wales.

Purchased, 1875.

2889. Cranium of young.

Taken at the same time and place as the last, both animals having been strauded together. They present, however, indi-



Kogia breviceps.

vidual differences in the arrangement and relations of the bones, especially in the temporal fossa?, as great as those which some zoologists consider to indicate specific distinction.

Purchased, 1875.

2890. Dentary portion of mandible with the teeth.

Said to bo from the South Seas. It is figured in the ' Osteo- graphie des Cetaces ' by Van Beneden and Gervais, pi. xx. fig. 3.

Purchased, 1806.

2891. Cast of hyoid bones.

From the original in the Sydney Museum.

Presented by Gerard Krefft, Esq., 1869.


Lacepede, Hist. Nat. des Cetaces, Tab. des Ordres &c. p. xliv (1804).

Hyperoodon rostratus.

JBalama rostrata, 0. F. Midler, Zool. Dan. Prod. p. 7 (1776) ; Chemniz, Beschaft. der Gesellsch. Naturf. Berlin, iv. p. 183 (1779).

Delphinus bidentatus and Delphinus butsJcopf, Bonnaterre, Ceto- logie, Tab. Encycl. et Method, des trois Regnes de la Nature, p. 25 (1789).

Delphinus diodon, Lacepede, Hist. Nat. des Cetaces, p. 309 (1804). Hyperoodon butskopf, id. ibid. p. 319.

The Hyperoodon or Common Bottle-nosed Whale.

Hob. North Atlantic.

2892. Articulated skeleton of female. O. C. 2479.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 9, L. 10, C. 19. Length 20 feet 10 inches (6-350 in.).

Prom an animal taken in the river Thames above London Bridge, in the year 1783, and described and figurod by John



Hunter in the ' Philosophical Transactions' for the year 1787, pi. xix. Numerous preparations of the viscera are preserved in the scries of Comparative Anatomy in the gallories.


2893. Skull and imperfect skeleton of a young male.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series. From an animal taken off the coast of Devonshire in Sep- tember 1846.

Purchased, 1846.

2894. Skull of adult male.

The great development of the maxillary crests in animals of this sex and age caused them to be regarded by Dr. Gray as a distinct species, Hypcroodon latifrons, and subsequently as be- longing to another genus, Lagenocetua. For an account of the changes which take place in the development of the cranium, well illustrated in this and the following specimens, see Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882, p. 722.

From the North Atlantic, between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1881.

2895. Skull of young male.

Supposed by the donor to be about one year old. It mea- sured 19 feet 6 inches in length, by 11 feet in circumference, and was caught 9th July 1883, in 71° 19' N. lat., 5' W. long.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1883.

2896. Skull of a younger male.

From an animal taken by the side of its mother, and which had only milk in its stomach. It measured 16 feet in length by 10 feet 6 inches in circumference.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1883.

2897. Skull of a male foetus.

Taken from the uterus of its mother, caught in May 1883 in



Hyperoodon rostratus.

68° 43' N. lat., 11° W. long. It measured 10 feet 11 inches long, by 5 feet 8 inches in circumference*.

Presented by Captain David Gray, 1883.

2898. Symphysial portion of the mandible with the two teeth.

0. C. 2480.

The teeth are almost entirely embedded in the alveolar cavity and can scarcely have projected beyond the level of the fibrous gum. They have acute, conical apices and bulbous roots, com- pletely closed at the base, showing that the animal to which they belonged must have been of mature age. This is probably the only portion preserved of the specimen alluded to by Hunter, when, after describing the female, of which the skeleton is now No. 2892, he says " I have a skull of the same kind, nearly three times as large, which must have belonged to an animal thirty or forty feet long " (" On the Structure and (Economy of Whales," Phil. Trans, vol. lxxvii. p. 373, 1787).


2899. Right and left tympanic and periotic bones.

Purchased, 1875.

Genus ZIPHIUS. Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, 2e edit. v. p. 352 (1823).

Ziphius cavirostris.

Cuvier, loc. cit.

2900. Cast of the rostrum and lower jaw.

From the original from the Indian Ocean, in the Louvain University Museum, described by Prof. Van Beneden under the name of Ziphius indicus (Mem. de I'Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 8vo, xvi. 1863).

Presented by Prof. Van Beneden, 1866.

* In a letter accompanying these specimens, Captain Gray says that Whales of this species bring forth their voung towards the end of June and in July.




Gervais, Ann. Sciences Nat. 3e scr. xiv. p. 16 (1850).

Mesoplodon bidens.

Physeter Helens, Sowerby, British Miscellany, p. 1 (1840). Delphinus (Heterodon) soiverbiensis, Blainville, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist.

Nat. ix. p. 177 (1817). Delphinus sowerbyi, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 521 (1822).

Sowerby' s Whale. Hob. North Atlantic.

2901. Cast of skull, mutilated posteriorly.

From the type specimen, taken off the coast of Elgin, Scot- land, in 1800, now in the Museum of the University of Oxford.

Presented by Professor Acland, M.D.

2902. Cast of the skull of young female.

From the original, stranded at Ostend in 1835, now in the Brussels Museum, described by Dumortier (Mem. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, xii. 1839) under the name of Delphinorhynehus micro- pterus, and subsequently by Yan Beneden (Mem. Acad. Bel- gique, 8vo, xvi. 1863).

Presented by Professor Van Beneden, 1866.

Mesoplodon grayi.

Mesoplodon grayi, Haast, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 9. Oulodon grayi, Haast, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 457.

2903. Articulated skeleton of young male.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 10, L. 12, C. 19. Length 12 feet 11 inches (3-940 m.).

Tho rudimentary teeth attached to the gum of the upper jaw are preserved.

From one of several individuals stranded together near Salt- water Creek, about 30 miles north of Banks Peninsula, New Zealand (see Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 457, and Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x.).

Presented by Dr. Julius von Haast, 1877.


Mesoplodon grayi.

2904. Four teeth from the upper jaw of a female.

These are figured and described in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1876, p. 10.

Presented by Dr. Julius von Ilaast, 1877.

Mesoplodon haasti.

Flower, Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. x. p. 419 (1877).

2905. Rostrum and part of the mandible with the two teeth.

From an animal stranded on the east coast of the Northern Island, New Zealand, Dec. 1875. The specimen is described and figured in the ' Transactions of the Zoological Society,' x. plates lxxi. & lxxii.

Presented by Dr. Julius von JIaast, 1877.

Mesoplodon layardi.

Ziphius layardii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 358.

2906. A left mandibular tooth.

In this species the small, conical, enamelled crown of the tooth is raised upon a large, flattened, strap-like pedestal of osteodentine, which grows from its base, gradually elongating and curving inwards until it meets its fellow of the opposite side above the rostrum. The point of contact in the present speci- men is distinguishable as a small flattened surface near the apex.

From St. Helena Bay, South Africa.

Presented by Edgar Ij. Ijayard, Esq.

Mesoplodon europseus.

Diophdon europcms, Gervais, Zool. et Pale'ont. franc. lc edit. t. ii. Explio. no. 40 (1850).

2907. Cast of left mandibular tooth.

The original is in the Museum at Caen.

Presented by Professor Gervais.



Mesoplodon densirostris.

DelpJiinus (Heterodon) densirostris, De Blainville, Nouv. Diet.

d'Hist. Nat. ix. p. 178 (1817). Zijphhis densirostris, De Blainville, Ann. des Sciences Nat. 3°ser.xv.

p. 58 (1851).

Zijjhius secliellensis, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 28 (1846).

2908. The densely ossified rostrum.

This specimen, which was found in its present condition on the shore near Algoa Eay, South Africa, shows how this portion of the cranium resists longer than the remainder of the skeleton the destructive effects of rolling upon the beach, to which it has been subjected, and thus illustrates the frequency with which rostra of allied species are preserved in the Suffolk Crag, after all other remains of the animals to which they have belonged have perished or have been reduced to undistinguishable fragments.

Presented by C. Westendorp, Esq., 1872.

Genus BERARDIUS. Duvernoy, Ann. des Sciences Nat. 3e ser. Zoologie, xv. p. 41 (1851).

Berardius arnuxii.

Duvernoy, he. cit. p. 52. Hab. New-Zealand Seas.

2909. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 10, L. 12, C. 19 : total 48. Length 29 feet (8-840 m.).

From an animal stranded near New Brighton, Canterbury, New Zealand, December 1868. The skeleton is fully described and figured in the ' Transactions of the Zoological Society,' vol. viii. pp. 203-234, plates xxvii., xxviii., and xxix. The right tympanic and periotic bones, and the two teeth of the right side of the mandible, which have been divided longitu- dinally, are removed from the skeleton, and exhibited in the floor case.

Presented by Sir Erasmus Wilson, 1871. PArtT ir. 2 o



Uncertain Species.

The following specimens of water-worn fragments of Physe- teroid and Zipbioid Cetaceans are from the " Coprolite " beds at the base of the Red Crag of Suffolk. Their specific determina- tion is in most cases a matter of great uncertainty.

2910. The water-worn rostrum of a Ziphioid Cetacean, probably

of the genus Mesoplodon, and resembling ZtpfituS ancmStus of Owen (" Brit. Fossil Cetacea from the Red Crag," Palaeontograph. Soc. xxiii. pi. iii., 1870).

From near "Wbodbridge, Suffolk. Formerly in the collection of Mr. Acton.

Purchased, 1873.

2911. Terminal portion of the rostrum of a Ziphioid Cetacean.

From the same locality and collection as the last.

Purchased, 1873.

2912. The basal portion of the rostrum of a Ziphioid Cetacean.

A vertical transverse section has been made through it, and the cut surfaces polished.

Purchased, 1883.

2913. Three polished transverse sections of a rostrum.

Purchased, 1875.

2914. Cast of a rostrum.

The original is in the Reed Collection in the York Museum.

Purchased, 1875.

2915. Cast of a rostrum.

The original, now in the Canham Collection in the Ipswich Museum, was found at Trimley, and is described in the MS. Cata- logue of the Collection, by the Rev. H. Canham, under the name of iftflfgoplotlon thriven'.

Purchased, 1878.


2916. Tooth of a Physoteroid Cetacean, longitudinally bisected

and polished. Formerly in tho collection of Mr. Baker.

Purchased, 1875.

2917. Tooth, longitudinally bisected and polished.

Purchased, 1875.

2918. A longitudinally bisected tooth.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2919. The apical portion of a tooth, with the cut surface


Purchased, 1874.

2920. The apical portion of a tooth.

In Museum before 1883.

2921. Ten specimens of teeth of Physeteroid or Ziphioid Ceta-

ceans, varying considerably in size and amount of wear.

From the neighbourhood of Felixstow.

Presented by Prof. Flower, 1873.

2922. Portion of the atlas of a Cetacean.

From Falkenham.

Presented by Prof Flower, 1873.

2923. Body of a dorsal vertebra.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq., 1873.

2924. Five caudal vertebra?.

Presented by E. Packard, Esq.

2925. Portions of ribs and other bones of Cetaceans, showing tho

fragmentary and water-worn condition in which they are found abundantly in the coprolite or bone bed at the base of the Suffolk Red Crag. 0. C. P. 1455 to 1459.

Ilunterian, with some later addition*.



Uncertain Species.

Fossil Bones from other Localities.

2926. A vertically bisected anterior caudal vertebra, probably of

Hyperoodon. 0. C. F. 1440 and 1441.


2927. Lumbar vertebra of a Zipbioid Cetacean, allied to Hyper-

oodon. 0. C. F. 1443.

From the Tertiary deposits of the State of Alabama. Formerly attributed to Zeuglodon cetoidts.


2928. A smaller lumbar vertebra of similar character. 0. C. F.


From the same locality.


2929. A dorsal and two caudal vertebrae of a Hyperoodon.

From Martha's Vineyard, Mass., U. S. A.

Presented by Sir Charles Lyell, 1868.

2930. Caudal vertebra of a Cetacean. 0. C. F. 1447.

Locality unknown.




Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphibien &c. p. 35 (1830)*.

Platanista gangetica.

Delphinus gangeticus, Lebeck, Neue Schrift. d. Gesell. Naturforsck. Freunde zu Berlin, iii. p. 280 (1801).

The Platanista or Sousou.

Hab. The rivers Ganges and Indus and their tributaries.

* " De tous les dauphins a bee, le plus extraordinaire, celui qui me>iteroit peut-etre le plus de faire un genre a part, e'est le dauphin du Gauge, .... e'est probablement le platanista de Pline." (Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, '2° eU v. p. 279, 1823.)



2931. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 10, L. 9, C. 26 : total 52.

Length 7 feet 11 i inches (2-420 m.).

From a perfectly adult animal taken in the Ganges.

This specimen is described and figured in Dr. Anderson's 'Ana- tomical and Zoological Researches, comprising an Account of the Zoological Ecsults of the two Expeditions to Western Yunnan ' (1878).

Presented by Dr. J. Anderson, 1876.

2932. Articulated skeleton of young.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 10, L. 9, C. 20 (incomplete). From an animal caught in the Ganges, 200 miles above Cal- cutta, by T. P. Griffiths, Esq.

Received in exchange from the Oxford University Museum, 1873.

2933. Skull, intermediate between the two last in age.

From Honghyr on the Ganges.

Purchased, 1868.

2934. Upper and lower jaws of an aged animal. O. C. 2482.

This is the specimen described and figured by Dr. Roxburgh in the 'Asiatic Researches,' vol. vii. p. 1 70 (1801), and which was presented by him to Sir Joseph Banks. It is also figured by Sir Everard Home in the ' Phil. Trans.' for 1818, p. 417, pi. xxi., and by Van Beneden and Gervais in the ' Osteographie des Cetaces,' pi. xxxi. fig. 1. In conjunction with the preceding specimens it illustrates very well the remarkable changes in the teeth of this species during their development and wear.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, PM.S.

2935. Nearly complete skeleton of young.

Presented by Dr. George Wallich, 1853.

2936. Skull of young. O. C. 2481.

From the Indus. The specimens from this river have been described by Blytb as a distinct specios under tho name of Plata-



Platanista gangetica.

nista indi; but Anderson, after the examination of a considerable number of specimens, was unable to find any distinctive characters by which to separate them from the Gangetic Dolphins.

Presented by Dr. David Wallich, 1852.


Genus SQUALODON. Grateloup, Actes de l'Acad. de Bordeaux, 1840, p. 208.

2937. Casts of three molar teeth of Squalodon (sp. ?).

The originals, in the Canham Collection in the Ipswich Mu- seum, are from the bone-bed at the base of the Suffolk Eed Crag, near "Woodbridge.

Presented by the Rev. H. Canham.


Genus MONODON. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 105 (1766).

Mo no don monoceros

Linnoeus, loc. ext.

The Narwhal.

Hah. Arctic Seas.

2938. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 11, L. 6, C. 26 : total 50. Length of the skeleton 12 feet 2| inches (3-710 m.) ; of the exserted portion of the tusk 6 feet (1*830 m.). From an animal captured at Omcnak, Greenland.

Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1867.


2939. Skeleton, nearly complete, of male.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 7, C. 23 (about 2 wanting).


2940. Skeleton of female. 0. C. 2521.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, C. 24 : total 50.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

2941. Cranium of male. 0. C. 2523.

Tbe abortive rigbt tusk and tbe inserted part of tbe left developed tusk are displayed in situ by removal of the alveolar wall.


2942. Cranium of male. 0. C. 2524.


2943. Cranium of male. 0. C. 2525.

Of tbis specimen it is stated in the Old Catalogue that the left tusk is abortive. It, however, does not depart from the usual condition.


2944. Skull of female. 0. C. 2522.

The rudimentary tusks are exposed in their formative cavities.


2945. Mandible. 0. C. 2526.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

2946. A tusk. 0. C. 2529.


2947. A tusk. 0. C. 2535.


2948. A tusk. 0. C. 2540.



Monodon monoceros.

2949. A tusk, with a portion of the alveolus in which it was em-

bedded. 0. C. 2531.


2950. A tusk. 0. C. 2533.


2951. A longitudinally bisected tusk. 0. C. 2532 and 2534.

The distal extremity has been broken off.


2952. A longitudinally bisected tusk. 0. C. 2530.


2953. The tusk of a young male. 0. C. 2538.


2954. The proximal portion of the tusk of a young male. 0. C.



2955. The undeveloped growing tusk of a young animal.

The pulp-cavity is open at the base.


2956. An abortive tusk, the growth of which is completed, as

shown by the closure of the pulp-cavity. 0. C. 2541.

It either belongs to a female or is the right tusk of a male.


2957. An abortive tusk. 0. C. 2542.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.




Delphinapterus, Lacepede, Hist. Nat. dea Cetaces, p. xli (1804)*. Beluga, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, i. p. 2 (1828).

Delphinapterus leucas.

Delphinus leucas, Pallas, Reise &c. hi. p. 85 (177G). Balcena albicans, 0. F. Miiller, Zool. Danica3 Prodr. p. 7 (1776). Delphinapterus beluga, Lacepede, Hist. Nat. des Cetaces, p. 243 (1804).

Beluga catodon (Physeter catodon, Linn.), Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 29 (1846).

The Beluga or White Whale. Hob. Arctic Seas.

2958. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 9, C. 22 : total 49. Lengtb 12 feet (3-660 m.).

A rudimentary cervical rib is present on tbe right side.

Purchased, 1870.

A second articulated skeleton, prepared from an animal taken near Dunrobin Castle, and presented by tbe Duke of Sutherland in 1879, is No. 2935 a of the Pathological Series. It affords a remarkable example of recovery from lateral dislocation of the atlas from the occipital condyles with subsequent bony union. The cir- cumstances of its capture and the condition of the injured parts are described in Proc. Zool. Soc. 1879, p. 667. Its length is 12 feet 2 inches (3-700 m.), and its vertebral formula C. 7, D. 11, L. 9, C. 23 : total 50.

2959. Skeleton (not quite complete).

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 9, C. 19 (imperfect).

In Museum before 1862. Hunterian ?

* The Beluga being first mentioned and the typo of this genus, in fact the only species of those now recognized known to Lacepede, should remain as its representative ; although by some zoologists it has been removed to anew genus, and Delphinapterus transferred to species unknown to its founder.



Delphinapterus leucas.

2960. Imperfect skeleton.

In Museum before 1862.

2961. Skull. 0. C. 2505.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

2962. Bisected cranium. 0. C. 2506.


2963. Lower jaw. 0. C. 2507.

The outer alveolar wall has heen removed on the right Bide, to show the mode of implantation of the teeth.


2964. Skull of foetus.

Purchased, 1877.

Genus PHOC/ENA. Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 279 (1817).

Phocsena communis.

Delphinus phocama, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 108 (1766). Phoccena comnnmis, Lesson, Manuel de Mammologie, p. 413 (1827).

The Common Porpoise.

Hab. Atlantic Ocean.

2965. Articulated skeleton of female.

Yertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 14, C. 32 : total 66. Length 5 feet 3 inches (1-600 m.).

It has been prepared with very great care, the exact relation which the bones held to each other in the recent animal having been preserved throughout.

From a specimen taken off Brighton, which lived for a short time in the Gardens of the Zoological Society. The dorsal fin, which has a series of horny tubercles developed upon the anterior edge, is preserved in spirit in the Gallery. This was one of the animals upon which Dr. Gray founded his Phoccena hiberculifera (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xvi. p. 138, 1865).

Purchased, 1866.


2966. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2509.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

2967. Complete skeleton of adult female, not articulated.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 14, C. 31 : total 65. The animal, which was caught in the English Channel, 20 Nov. 1879, contained a foetus about 6 inches long.

Purchased, 1879.

2968. Skeleton, not quite adult.

Yertebne : C. 7, D. 12, L. 14, C. 30 : total 63.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

2969. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 2512.

Presented by William Clift, Esq.

2970. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.

2971. Left moiety of vertically bisected cranium. O. C. 2511.


2972. Disarticulated skull of young.

In Museum before 1862.

2973. Bones of skeleton, wanting the cranium.

In Museum before 1862.

2974. Portion of vertebral column of male (not quite adult), with

pelvic bones mounted in their exact natural position.

Prepared in 1865.

2975. Right and left pelvic bones of adult female.

Purchased, 1881.

2976. Cranium of Porpoise from Eastport, Maine, presented as

" Phoca>na americana, S. F. Baird," but which differs in no appreciable character from Phoccena communis.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1872.



Genus ORCA. Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 33 (1846).

The specific determination and geographical distribution of the animals of this genus present many difficulties. In the ab- sence of distinctive osteological characters, all the specimens in the Museum are provisionally included under the name of the best known species.

Orca gladiator.

Delphinus orca, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 108 (1766). Delphinus orca and D. gladiator, Bonnaterre, Cetologie, pp. 22 & 23 (1789).

Orca gladiator-, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 33 (1846).

The Killer or Grampus.

2977. Articulated skeleton of male. 0. C. 2515.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 10, C. 23 (incomplete).

Length 21 feet 6 inches (6-550 m.). The bones of the manus being absent, those of the left side have been modelled from a perfect specimen in the Cambridge University Museum.

Erom an animal, said to have been 24 feet long, caught in the mouth of the Thames in 1759, and figured by Hunter in the 1 Philosophical Transactions ' for 1787, plate xvi. The original coloured drawing from which tbe engraving is taken is among the Hunterian drawings in the possession of the College.


2978. Skull. 0. C.2517.

From the Cape of Good Hope.

Purchased, 1828.

2979. Skull, bones of the anterior extremities, four cervical and

some of the posterior caudal vertebras, and hyoid bones.

Erom Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1865.

delphinium. 573

2980. Dentary portion of the cranium and lower jaw.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1863.

2981. Lower jaw.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1862.

2982. Right tympanic and periotic bones. 0. C. 2516.



Reinhardt, Oversigt Kong. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Forhandl.

1862, p. 151.

Pseudorca crassidens.

Phoccena crassidens, Owen, Brit. Fossil Mammals and Birds, p. 516 (.1846).

Pseudorca crassidens, Bernhardt, loc. clt.

Orca meridionalis, Flower, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 420*.

2983. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 10, L. 9, C. 23 : total 49. Length 17 feet 4 inches (5*290 m.).

This and the next specimen are from a herd of animals stranded together in Adventure Bay, Tasmania, the skeletons of four of which were prepared by direction of Mr. Crowther. The others are in the British Museum and in the Cambridge University Museum. ,

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1866.

* The widely separated habitat and slight differences in the skulls first ex- amined induced me to refer tho Southern specimens provisionally to a distinct species under this name ; but comparison of a larger series of skulls and skele- tons from the North Sea and from the coast of Tasmania has shown that no constant distinguishing characters can be pointed out between them ; they are therefore now all included under the original specific designation, the type of which, belonging to the Stamford Museum, has unfortunately been lost.


Pseudorca crassidens.

2984. Skeleton.

From, a younger animal of the same herd. Vertebra: C. 7, D. 10, L. 11, C. 21 : total 49.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1866.

2985. Skull.

From an old animal from Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1874.

2986. Skull.

From Tasmania. This is the type of Orca meridionalis, and is described and figured as such in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society,' 1864, p. 420. In the woodcut of the upper surface (p. 421) the artist has neglected to reverse the drawing on the block.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1863.

2987. Skull.

From a younger animal ; received with the last.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1863.


Globicephala, Lesson, Nouv. Tab. du Kegne Animal, Mammiferes, p. 200 (1812).

Globiocephalus, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 32 (1846).

Globiceps melas.

Delphinus melas, Traill, Nicholson's Journ. xxii. p. 81 (1809). Delphinus globiceps, Cuvier, Ann. du Mus. xix. p. 14 (1812). Globiocephalus svineval (Lacep.), Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 32 (1846).

The Pilot-Whale, Ca'ing Whale, or Black-fish.

Hob. Apparently cosmopolitan.

A. Specimens from the Northern Hemisphere.

2988. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 13, C. 28 : total 59. Length 19 feet (5-780 m.). From the Faroe Islands.

Received in exchange from the Copenhagen Museum, 1865.



2989. Cranium. 0. C. 2520.

Presented by Lieut. Colquhoun, 1823.

2990. Mandible;

" From an animal shot by the keeper of the Rev. M. F. TWnsend in the harbour of Castle Townsend, County Cork, Ireland, Feb. 1854. About eighty others were killed on the same day, just before a heavy galo. Many of the teeth were broken by the champing of the animal when wounded." MS. label.

Presented by Lieut. Townsend, 2nd Life Guards.

2991. Skull of young.

This specimen is figured in Flower's ' Osteology of the Mam- malia,' ed. 1876, p. 187.

From an animal stranded, with several others, in the Firth of Forth, in April 1867. See Murie, Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. viii. p. 235, for an account of the external characters and anatomy of one of the same herd.


2992. Skull and many of the bones of a foetus.

The animal from which the foetus was taken was cast ashore dead near Brighton in the early part of the year 1864.

Presented by Dr. E. L. Ormerod, 1864.

B. Specimens from the Southern Hemisphere* .

2993. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 11, L. 13, C. 29 : total 60. Length 17 feet 6 inches (5-330 m.). From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crorvther, Esq., 1865.

* No differences of specific value, either in external or osteological cha- racters, have as yet been indicated between these and the Northern specimens. Until such differences can be shown they must be included under the same specific designation.


Globiceps melas.

2994. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 11, L. 13, C. 28 : total 59. From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1865.

2995. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 11, L. 14, C. 27 : total 59. From the same herd as the last.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

2996. Skeleton of young.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 13, C. 27 : total 58. Taken on the coast of Tasmania at the same time as the two last.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

2997. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 13, C. 28 : total 59. From New Zealand.

Presented by the Colonial Museum of Neio Zealand,

Wellington, 1878.

2998. Skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 11, L. 14, C. 21 (incomplete). From New Zealand.

Presented by the Colonial Museum of New Zealand,

Wellington, 1878.

2999. Skull. 0. C. 2518.

The locality from which this specimen was derived is unknown. It presents some slight differences from the others, and has been described by Dr. Gray under the names of Globiocephalus affinis (Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 32, 1S46 ; Cat. Seals and Whales in Brit. Mus. 2nd edit. p. 317, 1866) and Grampus affinis (Cat. Seals and Whales, 2nd edit. p. 300), of both of which supposed species it is the type.




Globiceps macrorhynchus.

Globiocephalus macrorhynchus, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 33 (1846).

The Large-headed Pilot-Whale.

3000. Skull. 0. 0. 2519.

This is the type skull. It differs from G. melas in the prae- maxillse expanding in the anterior half of the rostrum so as completely to cover the maxillae.

Skulls of exactly the same form have been figured by Cope (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, 1876, p. 129) under the name of G. brachypterus, and by Gervais (' Osteographie des Cetaces,' tab. Hi. fig. 3) as G. intermedins.

Presented by F. D. Bennett, Esq.


Tursio, Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 37 (1846).

Tursiops, Gervais, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, ii. p. 323 (1855).

Tursiops tursio.

? Delphinus tursio, Fabricius, Eauna Grocnlandica, p. 49 (1780). D. tursio, Bonnaterre, Cetologie, p. 21 (1789). D. truncatus, Montagu, Mem. Wern. Soc. iii. p. 75 (1821). Tursio truncatus, Gray, Cat. Seals and Whales Brit. Mus. p. 258 (1866).

Tursiops tursio, Van Beneden & Gervais, Osteographie des Cetaces, p. 589 (1880).

The Tursio. Hob. Atlantic Ocean.

3001. Articulated skeleton of female. O. C. 2483.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 16, C. 27 : total 63. Length 10 feet 7 inches (3-220 m.).

Prepared from an animal taken in the mouth of the Thames below the Nore, in June 1828.


Presented by John Iloxvship, Esq.




Tursiops tursio.

3002. Skeleton, <J . 0- C. 2485 and 2488.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 12, L. 17, C. 10 (imperfect).

The teeth, have been lost, and the sockets obliterated except at the anterior extremity of the jaws, which have been the sub- ject of inflammatory disease.


3003. Incomplete skeleton, ? .


Dentition : |^J| = 98.

3004. Skeleton of young.

This and the last are probably the skeletons of the animals (mother and young) taken near Berkeley, Gloucester, and sent by Dr. Jenner to Hunter, as described in the ' Philosophical Trans- actions ' for 1787, p. 447, under the name of " Bottle-nose Whale."


3005. Skull, ? .

Dentition: f^=88.

From an animal taken near Margate in the autumn of 1872.

Presented by Sir Erasmus Wilson, 1872.

3006. Mutilated skull, with the hones of the pectoral extremities

and the tail, of a young animal.

Taken at Herne Bay in the summer of 1868.

Presented by Francis T. Buckland, Esq., 1868.

3007. Cranium, with the cervical and two dorsal vertebrae, ? .

O. C.2484.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3008. Tympanic and periotic bones. 0. C. 2487.




3009. Calvarium, through which a longitudinal section has been

made to display the cerebral cavity. 0. C. 2501.


3010. Mandible.

Dentition : il^Ii- It presents no distinguishing characters from the British specimens. From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Croivther, Esq., 1871.

3011. Skull, <J O. C. 2486.

Dentition: f=ff-

In the narrowness of the rostrum it resembles the specimen named Delphinus metis by Gray (figured in the ' Voyage of the Erebus and Terror,' pi. 18) ; but this is probably only a sexual character.


Tursiops catalania.

Delphinus catatonia, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, p. 143.

3012. Skull.

Dentition: |=|.

In Museum before 1862.

Genus STE3NTO. Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 43 (1846).

Steno ro stratus.

Delphinus rostratus (Cuv.), Dcsmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. ix.

p. 160 (1817) ; Mammalogie, p. 515 (1822). D. frontatus (in part), Cuvier, Ossemens Fossiles, 2e edit. t. v.

pt. 1, p. 278, also p. 400, pi. xxi. figs. 7, 8 (1823). D. rostratus, Fred. Cuvier, Cetaces, p. 156 (1836) ; Cuvier, Oss.

Foss. 4e edit. viii. p. 121, pi. cexxii. figs. 7, 8. Steno frontatus, Gray, Cat. Cetacea Brit. Mus. p. 233 (1866). Steno (Ghjphidelphis) rostratus, Gervais, Osteographie des Cetaces,

p. 594, pL xxxvii. figs. 8-11 (1880).

3013. Skull.


Purchased, 1867. 2p 2



Steno rostratus.

3014. Skull.

Dentition : fj^g-

Purchased, 1872.

3015. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 2497 and 2498.

Dentition : ^Zli'


3016. Skull.


Dentition ;


In Museum before 1862.

3017. Dentary portion of rostrum. O. C. 2496.

The alveolar wall has been removed from the right side to show the teeth, which are 20 in number, in situ.


3018. Mandible. O. C. 2499. Hunterian.

3019. Skull.

Dentition: ^=f*-

2o— 24

This specimen differs from the foregoing in having a more compressed rostrum, and corresponds to the species or variety called Delphinus reinwardtii by Schlegel (Abhandl. Geb. Zool. &c. p. 27, 1841) and Steno conipressus by Gray (Zool. Erebus and Terror, 1846).

In Museum before 1862.

3020. Mutilated cranium of a Dolphin, apparently belonging to

this group. O. C. 2500.

The tentorium is strongly ossified.


Genus SOT ALIA. Gray, Cat. Seals and Whales Brit. Mus. pp. 393, 401 (1866).

Sotalia sinensis.

DelpMnits sinensis, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 514 (1822).

The Chinese White Dolphin.



3021. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 12, L. 9, C. 23 : total 51. Length 7 feet 5 inches (2-260 m.).

Dentition : 55331*

Prepared from an animal taken in the harbour at Amoy, China. The skeleton is described and figured in the ' Transac- tions of the Zoological Society,' vol. vii. p. 151 (1869).

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1866.

3022. Portions of skeleton, consisting of hinder part of the cranium, the mandible with teeth complete, one lumbar vertebra, two ribs, and the two scapulae.

From Amoy.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1868.

3023. Cranium of a Dolphin.

Found upon the beach at Aripo, on the north-west coast of Ceylon, in 1866. It is very nearly allied to S. sinensis, from which it is only distinguished by its smaller size. It also re- sembles Delphinus lentiginosus, Owen (Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vi. p. 20), from which it differs, however, in the larger size of the brain-case compared with that of the rostrum.

Presented by E. W. II. Holdsworth, Esq., 1872.


Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 34 (1846).

Lagenorhynchus electra.

Gray, Zool. Erebus and Terror, p. 35 (1846).

3024. Skull.

Dentition : Hzfj.

This specimen, of which the original locality is unknown, corresponds closely with the type of Gray's L. electra in the British Museum.

Purchased, 1876.


Lagenorhynchus acutus.

Delphinus acutus, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, i. p. 2 (1828).

D. eschricJitii, Schlegel, Abhandl. Gcbiete Zool. &c. p. 23 (1841).

D. leucopleurus, Rasch, Nova Spec. Descript. &c. (1843).

The White-sided Dolphin. Hob. The North Atlantic.

3025. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 20, C. 35 (several wanting) : total 77 or more.

Length 8 feet 9 inches (2-660 m.). This probably exceeds the real length of the animal, as the vertebra? are too far apart. Prom the coast of Norway.

Purchased, 1875.

3026. Skull.

Dentition : gg_^.

From one of the herd which came ashore at Drobak, in Nor- way, in June 1842, and formed the subject of Rasch's Memoir on Delphinus leucoplmrus (Christiania, 1843).

Received in exchange from the Christiania Museum, 1873.

Lagenorhynchus clanculus.

Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1849, p. 2.

3027. Skull.

29 29

Dentition : 37^-

From the Pacific coast of North America.

Received in exchange, 1880.

Lagenorhynchus albirostris.

Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat, Hist. xvii. p. 84 (1846) ; Zool. Erebus and

Terror, p. 35 (1846).

3028. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. & C. 67 ; total 88. Length 7 feet 5 inches (2-260 m.), the intervertebral sub- stances being greatly shrunken.

Received in exchange from the Cambridge University

Museum, 1882.




Glymene, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 237.

Clymenia, Gray, Synopsis Whales and Dolphins, p. 6 (1868).

Prodelphinus, Gervais, Osteograph. des Cetaces, p. 604 (1880).

Clymenia leucorhamphus.

Delphinus leucorhamphus, Peron, in Laoepede's Cetaces, p. 316 (1804).

D. peronii, Laeepede, ibid. p. 316.

Leucorhamphus peronii (Lacep.), Lilljeborg, Upsala Univ. Arsskrift, 1861, Mat. & Naturvet. p. 5.

Peron's Dolphin.

3029. Skull.

Dentition : t2__4().

Prom Tasmania, where the species goes by the name of " Right- Whale Porpoise," on account of the absence of dorsal fin.

Presented by W.L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

Clymenia obscura.

Delphinus {Grampus) obscurus, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, i. p. 2 (1828),

3030. Skull.

Dentition: |=g.

From near the south coast of New Zealand.

Presented by Captain T. M. Almond, 1875.

3031. Skull.

n .... 32-32

Dentition : gg^.

Purchased, 1879.



Clymenia dubia.

Delphinus dubius, Cuvier, Annales du Museum, xix. p. 14 (1812) ; Ossemens Fossiles, edit. v. pfc. i. pp. 289, 295 (1823).

Under this insufficiently described species are provisionally placed a series of skulls presenting so many individual varia- tions that they have been referred by Gray to several different species and even genera, but which pass by intermediate forms into each other, and the differences between which it is im- possible to characterize in the absence of all knowledge of the remainder of the skeleton or of the external characters.

3032. Skull. 0. C. 2494. Dentition :

This specimen is referred to in Gray's ' Zoology of the Erebus and Terror,' p. 40, under the name of Delphinus ewphrosyne. It corresponds, however, more closely with Steno attenuatus of the same work.

Sir Ashton Lever's Collection. Purchased, 1806.

3033. Skull.

Dentition: s

**— 36

Resembles Gray's Steno attenuatus.

Purchased, 1867.

3034. Skull.

Dentition : fgEf^

Corresponds to Gray's Steno attenuatus. From Dr. Blundell's Museum.

Presented by Dr. S. A. F. Wilks, 1878.

3035. Skull.


Corresponds to Gray's Steno attenuatus.

Dentition: j£=±?

41 40

Purchased, 1867.



3036. Skull.

Dentition :

33—35 35— 3V

Corresponds closely with the type of Gray's Olymenia doris.

Purchased, 1867.

3037. Anterior portion of skull.


Dentition . 38_39. Resembles Gray's Clymenia doris.

Purchased, 1868.

35- 33

36— 34"

3038. Skull.

Dentition :

It closely resembles the last two, but is of rather larger size.

Presented by F. Hutchinson, Esq., 1881.

Clymenia longirostris.

Delphinus longirostns, Gray, Spicilegia Zoologica, i. p. 1 (1828).

3039. Skull.


51 51

It resembles the type of this species which is in the Leyden Museum, and also Clymenia microps of Gray (Zool. Erebus and Terror, pi. 25).

Locality unknown.

Purchased, 1867.

3040. Skull. O. C. 2495.

Evidently closely allied to the last, but of smaller size.



Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 108 (1766).

The skulls of the members of this genus are distinguished from all the foregoing by the deep longitudinal grooves on each side of the palate. The various specimens in the collection, though from different localities, present no characters by which they can be distinguished from Delphinus delphis of our coasts.



Delphinus delphis.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 108 (1766).

The Common Dolphin. Hab. Cosmopolitan ?

3041. Articulated skeleton of nearly adult. 0. C. 2489.

Dentition : g=g. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 21, C. 29 (in- complete). Length 6 feet 1 inch (1-860 m.). Taken near Worthing, Sussex.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

3042. Articulated skeleton of young female.

Dentition : J|=g. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 21, C. 32 :

total 75. Length 4 feet inches (1-430 m.).

From an animal taken at Mevagissey, Cornwall, the external characters of which are described and figured in the ' Transac- tions of the Zoological Society,' vol. xi. p. 1, pi. 1 (1880).

Presented by Matthias Dunn, Esq., 1879.

3043. Articulated skeleton of adult.

Dentition : ^J. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 21, C. 32 : total 74. Length 6 feet 4| inches (1-950 m.). From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1868.

3044. Skeleton of male.

Dentition : Vertebne : C. 7, D. 15, L. 20, C. 34

44 44

total 76.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1870.



3045. Skeleton of female.

Dentition: ^ Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 20, C. 34: total 75.

Received from Tasmania with the last.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1870.

3046. Skeleton of male.

Dentition : g=g. Vertebree : C. 7, D. 14, L. 21, C. 32

total 74.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

3047. Skeleton of young.

Dentition : g=g. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 19, C. 33 :

total 74.

From Tasmania.

Presented by W, L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

3048. Skull.


Dentition : ,

44 44

From Tasmania.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1871.

3049. Skull.

Dentition: g=g-

From an animal harpooned by the donor in lat. 33° 37' S. and long. 15° 59' E.

Presented by Captain Robert Studdart, 1869.

3050. Skull. Pitrchased, 1867.

3051. Skull. Purchased.

3052. Skull. O. C. 2493.






Delphinus delphis.

3053. Skull. 0. C. 2491.

Dentition :

41— 42f 44—44*

3054. Skull.

3055. Skull.

Dentition : |=i*-

45 14

Hunterian. Purchased, 1872.


3056. Skull.

Dentition :

3057. Skull.

Dentition: ^

3058. Skull.

Dentition :

3059. Skull.

Dentition :

46—44. 50—50*

44—45. 43-43*

Purchased, 1867.

Purchased, 1874.

Purchased, 1867.

Purchased, 1867.

3060. Skull.


45 45

3061. Skull.

Dentition :

44—45. 51—19*

3062. Cranium. O. C. 2492. Dentition: ^=^-

Purchased, 1874.

Purchased, 1872.




3063. Anterior portion of rostrum. 0. C. 2490.

The external alveolar wall has been removed, and a vertical section though the roots of the teeth has been made, exposing their pulp-cavities.


3064. Mandible. 0. C. 2504.






The arrangement and limits of the families and genera of this order adopted in this Catalogue are taken, with some slight modi- fications, from the memoir " On the Classification of the Order Glirbs," by Edward R. Alston, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 62.


Family ANOMALURIDiE. Dentition : i. \, c. g, p. \, m. f , = f : total 20.


Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 124.

Anoraalurus fraseri.

Anomalurus fraseri, Waterhouse, he. cit.

Pteromys derbianus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. x. p. 262 (1842).

3065. Skull.

Taken from a skin brought from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain li. Burton, 1865.

Family SCIURID^. Dentition : i. \, c. §, p. \ or \ , m. § , = ^-f1-6: total 20 or 22.

Genus PTEROMYS. Cuvier, Legons d'Anatomie comparee, i. tabl. 1 (1800). Pteromys nitidus.

Geoffroy, Cat. des Mammiferes du Museum (1803).

3066. Skull.

From Borneo.

Purchased, 1871.




«Sciwr<&t*ret''Fr6(L Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, x. p. 116 (1823).

Sciuropterus volucella.

Scmnts volucella, Pallas, Novas Species Quadrupedum e Glirium Ordine, p. 353 (1778).

The American Elying Squirrel.

Hob. North America.

3067. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 2263.

The accessory cartilages projecting from the ulnar side of the carpus are preserved.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3068. Skeleton of male.

Vertebras: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 16 (incomplete). Prepared from a specimen which lived for some time in England in the possession of the donor.

Presented by Miss E. N. Paget, 1875.

Genus SCIURUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 86 (1766).

Sciurus vulgaris.

Linnaeus, loc. cit.

The Common Squirrel. Hab. Europe and Northern Asia.

3069. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2268.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 21.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.


Sciurus vulgaris.

3070. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 22.

In Museum before 1862.

3071. Skeleton of young.

The permanent teeth have been acquired.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 18 (incomplete).

Presented by Mr. P. Wright, 1870.

3072. Skeleton of young.

The crowns of the molar teeth are but just appearing above the alveolar margin.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20.

Purchased, 1870.

Sciurus bicolor.

Sparrman, Gotheb. Wetenskaps Handl. i. p. 70 (1778).

The Jelerang Squirrel.

Hab. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java.

3073. Skull. O. C. 2266. From Java.


Sciurus indicus.

Endeben, Systema Eeg. Animal, p. 420 (1777).

The Malabar Squirrel.

Hab. India.

3074. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 2264.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 24.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.


3075. Skeleton of male.

Vertebra : 0. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 25.

Presented by Captain Gideon, 1864.

3076. Skull. 0. C. 2265.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

Sciurus stangeri.

Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 127.

Stanger's Squirrel.

Hab. West Africa.

3077. Mutilated skull.

Taken from a skin brought from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.

3078. Mutilated skull.

From a skin from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.

3079. Skull.

From a skin.

In Museum before 1862.

Sciurus rufo-brachiatus.

Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 128. I fab. West Africa.

3080. Skull.

From a skin from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.




Sciurus pyrrhopus.

Fred. Cuvier, Mammiferes, iv. (1833). Hab. "West Africa.

3081. Skull.

Taken from a skin sent from the Gold Coast.

Presented by Staff-Surgeon J. R. Thomas, 1868.

Sciurus carolinensis.

Grmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 148 (1788).

The American Grey Squirrel.

Hab. North and Central America. .

3082. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 2273-2289.

The skull has been longitudinally and vertically bisected. The teeth have been lost.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 19 (incomplete).


3083. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Sciurus hudsonius.

PaUas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 376 (1778).

The Chickaree Squirrel.

Hab. North America.

3084. Skull. O. C. 2267.

The teeth have been removed from the left maxilla and ramus of mandible and are displayed separately.




Genua XERUS. Heraprich and Ehreuberg, Symbol. Pliys. Mamm. i. cjcj (1832).

Xerus rutilus.

Sciurus rutilus, Cretzschmar, Atlas zu der Reiso in nordl. Afrika, i. p. 59 (1826).

ITab. Africa.

3085. Mutilated skull.

Purchased, 1871.

Xerus capensis.

Sciurus capensis, Kerr, Animal Kingdom, p. 206 (1792). Sciurus setosus, Smuts, Enum. Mammal. Capens. p. 33 (1832).

Hob. South and West Africa.

3086. Skull.

All the molar teeth have been lost and their sockets obliterated. Erom tbe West Coast of Africa.

Purchased .

Xerus erythropus.

Sciurus erythropus, Geoffroy, Cat. des Mammiferes du Museum, p. 178 (1803).

Hah. Africa,

3087. Skull.

Taken from a skin.

In Museum before 1862.

Genus T AMI AS. Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. p. 83 (1811).

Tamias asiaticus.

Sciurus striatus, a. asiaticus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 150 (1788). Tamias asiaticus, Allen, Monogr. N. American Rodentia, p. 793 (1877).

Hub. Northern Europe, Asia, rind America.




Tamias asiaticus.

3088. Partially articulated skeleton, $ .

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20. From Mezen, North Russia.

Presented by E. R. Alston, Esq., 1874.


" Spermophile" Fred. Cuvier, Mem. du Muse'um, ix. p. 293 (1822).

Spermophilus citillus.

Muscitellus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 80 (1766),

The European Sotjslik.

Hob. Europe and North Asia.

3089. Cranium. 0. C. 2262.


3090. Cranium.

This specimen is smaller than the previous one, but resembles it very closely in other respects.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

Spermophilus mongolicus.

A. Milne Edwards, Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool. 5e se'rie, vii. 1867, p. 376.

The Mongolian Sottslik.

Hob. China.

3091. Partially articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 17. From Chefoo, China.

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

3092. Skeleton, wanting the cranium.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 17. From Chefoo, China.

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.



Genua CYNOMYS. Eafiuesque, Amer. Monthly Mag. ii. p. 45 (1817).

Cynomys ludovicianus.

Arctornys ludovicianus, Ord, Guthrie's Geography, 2nd Amer. ed. ii. pp. 292-302, 1815 {fide Baird).

The Prairie-Marmot. Hab. North America.

3093. Skeleton of female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 16. From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1874.

Genus ARCTOMYS. Schreber, Siiugthiere, iv\ p. 721 (1792). Dentition : i. \, c. p. f, m. ■§, : total 22.

Arctornys marmotta.

Mus marmota, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 81 (1766).

The Alpine Marmot. Hob. Europe.

3094. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2254.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 24.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3095. Imperfect skeleton of old female.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 9 (incomplete). Prepared from an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.

3096. Skull.

Presented by Mrs. J. Toynbee, 18G6.



Arctomys monax.

Mns monax, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 81 (1766).

TlJE WOODCHUCK. Hub. North America.

3097. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3098. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3099. Mutilated skull. O.C.2256. Hunterian.

3100. Mutilated skull, 2. 0. C. 2255.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3101. Cranium.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

Family CASTORID^. Dentition: i. \, c. p. \, m. |, =| : total 20.

Genus CASTOR, linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 78 (1766).

Castor fiber.

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 78 (1766).

The European Beaver.

Hab. Europe.


3102. Cranium.

From an animal taken in Lapland about the year 1830.

Presented by John Wolley, Esq.

3103. Anterior part of cranium. 0. C. 2162 and 0. C. F. 211.

Discovered in a moss-pit in Berkshire.


3104. Cranium.

This specimen is figured in Owen's 1 British Fossil Mammals and Birds,' p. 190 (1846).

From the Fens of Cambridgeshire.

In Museum before 1862.

The following specimens were in the Museum before 1862, un- catalogued and without history :

3105. Cranium.

3106. Fragment of cranium, with molar teeth.

3107. Right ramus of mandible.

3108. Left ramus of mandible.

3109. Left ramus of mandible.

3110. Right ramus of mandible.

3111. Right ramus of mandible.

3112. Right and left innominate bones.

3113. Right femur.


Castor canadensis.

Kuhl, Beitr. z. Zoologie, p. 64 (1820).

The American Beaver*. Hah. North America.

3114. Articulated skeleton of adult female.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 24. Prepared from an animal wbicb died in tbe Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1862.

3115. Articulated skeleton, young. 0. C. 2157.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3116. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 2160.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete).

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3117. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 2161.


3118. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 2165.

The cranium is longitudinally and vertically bisected. The inner alveolar wall has been removed to show the teeth in situ. The mandible is wanting.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C.22 (incomplete).


3119. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 2166.

The cranium has been divided into three transverse sections, and many of the bones have been longitudinally bisected. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).


* Zoologists are not yet of accord as to whether the American and Euro- pean Beavers should he regarded as specifically distinct or as local varieties. A full account of the various opinions on the subject, and the grounds upon which they have been formed, is given by J. A. Allen ("Monogr. of the North- American Rodentia," U.S. Geol. Survey of the Territories, Washington, 1877), with the conclusion that they are well-marked subspecies.


3120. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2158.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3131. Skull. 0. C. 2159.

Presented by Sir John Richardson, M.D.

3122. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 2164.

The alveolar wall has been removed to display the teeth in situ.


3123. Skull.

The upper molars are wanting. From Alaska.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3124. Skull.

Prom Newfoundland. The animal was killed in a stream running into the " Great Pond," near the northern part of the island.

Presented by T. G. B. Lloyd, Esq., 1875.

3125. Mutilated skull of a young animal. 0. C. 2163.


3126. Mandible. 0. C. 2167. Hunterian.

3127. Mandible. 0. C. 2168. Hunterian.

3128. The right ramus of a mandible, in wbicb the incisor, by want of opposition from that in the upper jaw, has con- tinued to grow until its point has again penetrated the mouth between the coronoid and condyloid processes, as far as the base of its own socket, having described a com- plete circle, but a little obliquely. The atrophied con- dition of the articular process and ascending ramus of the jaw indicates the impediment to its movements which this anomalous growth of the incisor has occasioned. 0. C. 2203. Hunterian.




Pom el, Arch. Bibl. Univ. Geneve, ix. p. 167.

UtobvottcuS tfrijmcrh'ngtt.

Pomel, loc. cit. (fide Gervais, Zool. et Paleont. Generates, p. 81,


3129. Right lower incisor tooth. 0. C. F. 213.

This specimen is No. 21 of the Hunterian Catalogue, where it is mentioned as " a long cutter of the Scalpris dentata, or Olires genus," without locality. It was described by Owen (0. C. F. p. 35, 1845, and ' Brit. Foss. Mammals and Birds,' p. 184, 1846), with other more complete specimens from Norfolk, under the name of Trogontherium cuvieri ; but, according to Pomel and Gervais, it does not belong to that species or genus.


Family MYOXIDiE. Dentition : i. -J-, c. p. \} m. f , : total 20.

Genus MYOXUS. Schreber, Saugthiere, iv. p. 824 (1792).

Myoxus glis.

Sciurus glis, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 87 (1766).

The Fat Dormouse.

Hab. Europe.

3130. Skull.

From South Germany.

Purchased, 1875.




Kaup, Entw. Europ. Thierw. p. 139 (1829).

Muscardinus avellanarius.

Mus avellanarius, Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 83 (1766).

The Dormouse. Hah. Europe.

3131. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 22. From Kent.

Presented by Miss V. J. Flower, 1871.

Family MUKIDiE. Dentition : i. -]-, c. p. m. -|*, =f : total 16.

Genus HYDROXYS. Hydromis, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, vi. p. 81 (1805). Dentition : i. \, c. p. m. §, = § : total 12.

Hydromys chrysogaster.

Geoffroy, he. ext. p. 90.

The Golden-bellied Rat.

Hab. Australia.

3132. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2243.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 4, C. 27. From Australia.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3133. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 4, C. 30.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

* Except in Hydromys.


Hydromys chrysogaster.

3134. Skull. 0. C. 2244. Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3135. Skull, ? . 0. C. 2245.

Presented by the Nat. Hist. Society of Calcutta.

Genus GERBILLUS. Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxiv. p. 22 (1804).

Gerbillus indicus.

Dipus indicus, Hardwicke, Trans. Linnean Soc. viii. p. 279 (1804- 1807).

The Indian Gerbille.

Hab. India.

3136. Skull. Presented by R. C. Bevan, Esq., 1867.

Genus NESOKIA. Gray, Aim. & Mag. Nat. Hist. x. p. 264 (1842).

Nesokia kok.

Mus hole, Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist, new ser. i. p. 585 (1837). Hab. India.

3137. Skull. Presented by R. C. Bevan, Esq., 1867.

Genus CRICETUS. Cuvier, Kegne Animal, ed. 1, i. p. 198 (] 817).

Cricetus frumentarius.

Cricetus frumentarius, Pallas, Zoogr. Eosso-Asial. i. p. ] 61 (1811). Mus cricetus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 82 (1766). Cricetus vulgaris, Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. 2e edit, xiv. p. 168 (1817).

The Common Hamster.

Hab. Europe and North Asia.



3138. Naturally articulated skeleton.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 17. From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.


Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 2.

Cricetomys gambianus.

Waterhouse, loc. cit.

The Gambian Pouched Rat. Hob. West Africa.

3139. Mutilated skull.

Taken from a skin brought from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.

3140. Mutilated skull.

Taken from a skin brought from the West Coast of Africa.

Presented by Captain R. Burton, 1865.

Genus MUS. Linnaius, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 79 (1766).

Mus rattus. ».

Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 83 (1766).

The Black Rat.

flab. Europe.

3141. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2223.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 29.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Mus rattus.

3142. Partially articulated skeleton, $ . 0. C. 2224. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 32.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 91 (1778).

The Brown Rat. Hab. Europe.

3143. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 2225.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete).

3145. Partially articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, 0. 27.

Yarrell Collection. Purchased, 1856.

3146. Partially articulated skeleton.

3147. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2230.

Mus decumanus.

Presented by Dr. Robert Willis.

3144. Articulated skeleton, $. 0. 0. 2226.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 27.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

Prepared in the College, 1877.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3148. Skull.

Prepared in the College, 1871.

3149. Skull. 0. C. 2228.

Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

3150. Skull. 0. C. 2227.

Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

murida:. 607

3151. Skull. 0. C. 2229. Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

3152. Skull. 0. C. 2234.

The teeth of the left side are displayed separately.


3153. Cranium.

3154. Skull of young.

Prepared from an animal caught in the College, 1867.

3155. Teeth, displayed separately. 0. 0. 2235.


3156. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 2232 .

The incisors are of unusual length, in consequence of want of mutual apposition.

Presented by Dr. Leach.

Mus malabaricus.

Mus malabaricus, Shaw, Gen. Zool. ii. pt. 1, p. 54 (1801). Mus giganteus, Hardwicke, Traus. Linn. Soc. vii. p. 306 (1804).

The Bandicoot Rat.

Hob. India.

3157. Skull. O. C. 2236.

Presented by Dr. Patrick Russell.

3158. Skull.

From India.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1848.

Mus fuscipest

Waterhouse, Zool. Voy. Beagle, Mammalia, p. 66 (1840).

The Dusky-footed Rat.

Hab. Australia.

3159- Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2241.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 26.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1846.



Mas mus cuius.

Linnaeus, Syet. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 83 (1766).

The Common Mouse. Hab. Europe.

3160. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2239.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 4, C. 13 (incomplete).

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3161. Articulated skeleton of white variety.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete).

Mus minutus.

Mus minutus, Pallas, Reise, i. Append, p. 451 ; Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 345 (1778).

Mus messorius, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, ii. pt. 1, p. 62 (1801).

The Harvest-Mouse.

Hob. Europe.

3162. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 30 (complete).

In Museum before 1862.

3163. Skull.

In Museum before 1862. Of uncertain Species.

3164. Skull.

Called "Jerboa Rat, Umballa."

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., 1848.

3165. Cranium.

From India.

Presented by R. C. Bevan, Esq., 1867.



Genus HAPALOTIS. Lichtensteiu, Darst. neuer Saugeth. Th. iv. pi. 29 (1829).

Hapalotis albipes.

Lichtcnstein, loc. cit.

Hab. Australia.

3166. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 2242.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete). From Australia.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1846.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

Genus FIBER. Cuvier, Le§ons d'Anatomie comparee, i. tab. 1 (1800).

Fiber zibethicus.

Castor zibethicus, Linnasus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 79 (1766).

The Musquash or Musk-Rat.

Hab. North America.

3167. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 25 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3168. Skull. 0. C. 2205.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

3169. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3170. Skull. 0. C. 2206.

The teeth have beon removed from the right side of both jaws, and are displayed separately.


3171. Cranium.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.




Fiber zibethicus.

3172. Upper and lower jaws. 0. C. 2207.

The teeth, of the left side are displayed separately.


Genus ARVICOLA. Lace'pede, Mem. de l'lnstitut, iii. p. 495 (1801).

Arvicola amphibia.

Mus amphibius, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 82 (1766).

The Water- Vole.

Hab. Europe and North Asia.

3173. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 221 1-2220.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 20 (incomplete).


3174. Skull. 0. C. 2208. Presented by W. CUft, Esq.

3175. Skull. Parker Collection. Pxtrchased, 1858.

3176. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3177. An upper jaw in which, from some accident to the lower

jaw, the incisors have not been opposed, and have conse- quently grown to an unusual length and are curved and pointed. 0. C. 2210.

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

Arvicola agrestis.

Mus agrestis, Linnaeus, Fauna Suecica, ed. alt. p. 11 (1761). Mus gregarius, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 84 (1766). Arvicola agrestis, De Selys, Blasius, Bell (Brit. Quad. 2nd edit, p. 323, 1874), and others.

The Field- Vole.

Hab. Europe.


3178. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2221.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 12 (incomplete).

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S., 1830.

Genus MYODES. Pallas, Zoogr. Rosso-Asiatica, i. p. 173 (1811).

My odes lemmas.

Afus lemmus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 80 (1766).

The Norwegian Lemming.

Hob. Northern Europe.

3179. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : G. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10 (incomplete). Prepared in 187 5 from a specimen in the Spirit Stores.

Genus ELLOBIUS. Fischer de Waldheim, Zoognosia, iii. p. 72 (1814).

Ellobius talpinus.

Mils talpinus, Pallas, Nov. Com. Petrop. xiv. p. 568 (1770). Hah. Russia.

3180. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10. From the Volga.

Presented by Professor Peters, 1871.


Genus SPALAX. Giildenstadt, Nov. Com. Petrop. xiv. 1, p. 409 (1770). Dentition : i. \, c. g, p. in. f, : total 16.

Spalax typhlus.

Mm typhlus, Pallas, Nov. Spec Glirium, p. 76 (1778). Hab. Eastern Europo and Western Asia.

2r 2



Spalax typhlus.

3181. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 6. From the Volga.

Purchased, 1871.

Genus RHIZOMYS. Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1831, p. 95. Dentition : i. c. p. §, m. f, =f : total 16.

Rhizomys pruinosus.

Blyth, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, xx. p. 519 (1851). Hab. Eastern Asia.

3182. Skeleton of male.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 5, C. 18.

The last dorsal vertebra has transitional characters between a true dorsal and a lumbar vertebra.

From the Kakhyen Hills, east of Tsithan. Collected in the Expedition from Burma to Western China, Feb. 1875.

Presented by Dr. John Anderson, 1875.

Rhizomys sumatrensis.

Mus sumatrensis, Baffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 258 (1820- 1822).

Hab. Sumatra.

3183. Mutilated skull.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Rhizomys badius.

Hodgson, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 60.

The Bay Bamboo-Eat. Hob. India.

3184. Skull.

From India.

Purchased, 1868.




llliger, Prodr. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 86 (1811). Dentition : i. \, c. p. \, in. §, =# : total 20.

Bathyergus maritimus.

Mua maritimus, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 140 (1788).

The Coast Rat or Sand-Mole. Hob. South Africa.

3185. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2246.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 12 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3186. Skeleton, <J . 0. C. 2247.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 13 (one or two wanting).

Presented by Thomas Keate, Esq.

3187. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 7 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

£188. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2248.

Somewhat smaller than the previous specimens. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

Langstaff Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3189. The anterior portion of the jaws with the dried skin covering them, showing the contracted aperture of the mouth, and the mode in which the large inferior incisors perforate the skin and protrude below that aperture. 0. C. 2250.

British Museum. Purchased, 1809.

3190. Mandible. 0. C. 2249.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.



Genus GEORYCHUS. Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 87 (1811).

Georychus capensis.

Mm capensis, Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 76 (1778).

The Silky Ground-Eat.

Hab. South Africa.

3191. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2251.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 5, S. 4, C. 5 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

Family GEOMYIDiE. Dentition •. i. \, c. p. \, m. ; total 20.

Genus GEOMYS. Eafinesque, Araer. Monthly Mag. ii. p. 45 (1817).

Geomys bursarius.

Mus bursarius, Shaw, Trans. Linn. Soc. v. p. 227 (1800).

The Pouched Rat.

Hab. North America.

3192. Articulated skeleton of male.

The skin of the head, with the pouches, is mounted in the Comparative Anatomy Series in the Gallery. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 5, C. 17. Prepared from a specimen, from Indiana, preserved in spirit.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1873.


The characters of the family and the reasons for separating it from the Dipodidw, and also for adopting the generic name Zapits, are discussed in the Monograph on this family by E. Coues, published in the U.S. Geological Survey of the Territories, vol. xi. pp. 461-479 (1877).



Genus ZAPUS.

Jaculus, Wagler, Syst. Amphib. &c. p. 23 (1830). Zapus, Coues, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. 2nd ser. no. 5, p. 253 (1875).

Zapus hudsonius.

Dipushudsonius, Zimmermann, Geogr. Gescbichte, ii. p. 358 (1780).

The American Jumping Mouse. Hab. North America.

3193. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 35. Prepared from a specimen received in spirit from Stuart Lake, British Columbia.

Presented by Dr. J. Rae, 1878.

Family D1POD1ML

Genus DIPUS. Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 157 (1788). Dentition :— i. \, c. $, p. ^ m. f, : total 18 or 16.

Dipus sagitta.

Mus sagitta, Pallas, Beise, ii. p. 706 (1773) ; Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 306 (1778).

The Jerboa.

Hab. North Africa and Syria.

3194. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2253.

All the cervical vertebrae, with the exception of the atlas, are ankylosed together in this species.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 23.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3195. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra* : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 23.

Prepared from a specimen in the Spirit Stores.



Dipus sagitta.

3196. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 27. Some of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Purchased, 1869.


Alactaga, Fred. Cuvier, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 141. Scirtetes, J. A. Wagner, in Schreber, Supp. iii. p. 283 (1843).

Dentition : i. {, c. g, p. I, m. = £ : total 18.

Alactaga jaculus.

Mus jaculus, Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 275 (1778). Hah. Russia.

3197. Skeleton.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 31. From Russia.

Purchased, 1873.

Alactaga acontion.

Dipus acontion, Pallas, Zoogr. Eosso-Asiatica, i. p. 182 (1811). Hah. Russia.

3198. Skeleton.

The right pes is mounted in the Separate Series. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 25. From Piussia.

Purchased, 1872.


Pedetes, llliger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 81 (1811). Helamys, Fred. Cuvier in Cuvier 's Eegne Animal, i. p. 202 (1817).

Dentition : i. \, c. g; p. \, m. § , =4 : total 20.

Pedetes caffer.

Mus cafer, Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 87 (1778).

The Cape Jumping Haue.

Hah. South Africa.



3199. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2252.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 30.


Family OCTODONTIMI. Dentition : i. \, c. g, p. \, m. §, =f : total 20.

Genus CTENOMYS. De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Pbilomatique, 1826, p. 64 (1826).

Ctenomys magellanicus.

Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 190.

3200. Mutilated skull. O. C. 2012.

Presented by Captain P. T. King, R.N.

3201. Facial portion of cranium and left ramus of mandible.

0. C. 2013 & 2014.

Presented by Captain P. T. King, R.N.

Ctenomys brasiliensis.

De Blainville, Bull. Soc. Philomatique, 1826, p. 64.

3202. Facial portion of cranium. 0. C. 2015.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

Genus OCTODON. Benuett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1832, p. 46.

Octodon cumingi.

Bennett, he. ext. p. 47.

Cuming's Octodon.

ITab. Chile.

618 K0DENT1A.

Octodon cumingi.

3203. Articulated skeleton of adult female.

Vertebra?: C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 25. Prom an animal bred in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.

Presented by Professor Flower, 1873.

3204. Skull.

From Chile.

Purchased, 1871.

3205. Skull of young, six weeks old.

Bred in captivity.

Presented by Professor Flower, 1873.


Commerson, Ann. du Museum, torn. vi. p. 82 (1805).

Myopotamus coypus.

Mus coypus, Molina, Saggio Storia Nat. del Chili, p. 287 (1782).

The Coypu.

Hab. South America.

3206. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 2039.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 19 (incomplete).

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

3207. Skeleton.

Yertebrce : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 25.

In Museum before 1862.

3208. Mandible. O. C. 2040.

Prepared to show the dentition. The teeth in place are the milk-molar, and the first and second true molars. The crown of the third is just level with the alveolar border. The germ of the premolar is not yet calcified.

Presented by Captain P. T. King, R.N.



Genu3 CAPROMYS. Desmarcst, Mem. Soc. d'Hist. Nat. torn. i. p. 43 (1823).

Capromys pilorides.

Jsodon pilorides, Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ii. p. 333 (1822).

Fotjrnier's Capromys.

Hab. Cuba.

3209. Skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 17, S. 4, C. 17 (incomplete). From an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1868.

3210. Skull of young.

The last molar has not come into place, the crown only appearing. Prom Cuba.

Purchased, 1868.

Capromys brachyurus.

Hill, Gosse's Naturalist's Sojourn in Jamaica, p. 471 (1851).

The Short-tailed Capromys. Hob. West Indies.

3211. Skull.

Prom Jamaica.

Presented hy Lucas Barrett, Esq., 1868.

3212. A right inferior incisor of a Rodent, probably of this genus, which, from want of apposition, has continued to grow until it has formed a complete circle and a segment of a second. 0. C. 2237.

The following is a translation of a letter iu Spanish which accompanied the specimen :

" I send it you that you may admiro tho extraordinary tooth


Capromys brachyurus.

of this little animal. Believe me, it is true, it was found in the Nazareth Garden (to which Order I belong), near the Bar (en- trance to the port), and when it was killed I took the tooth : I know not its virtues, nor have the natives ever discovered them."

Presented by Sir Joseph Banks, P.R.S.

Genus AULACODUS. Temminck, Monogr. de Mamm. torn. i. p. 245 (1827).

Aulacodus swindernianus.

Temminck, op. cit. p. 248.

The Ground-Rat.

Hab. Africa.

3213. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 6 (incomplete). The acromion processes of the scapula? are free, and are con- nected to the spine only by fibrous tissue.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Gardens.

Purchased, 1873.

3214. Cranium.

From St. John's River, Amaponda Land, S. Africa.

Presented by R. J. Garden, Esq., 1854.

Family HYSTRICIDiE. Dentition : i. \, c. p. \, m. § , : total 20.


" Sinethere " and " SjpTiiggUre," Fred. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, ix. p. 413 (1822).

Cercolabes, Brandt, Mem. de l'Acad. de St. Petersb. 6' ser. iii. p. 391 (1835).



Synetheres mexicanus.

Hystriv mexicana, Kerr, Linn. An. Kingdom, p. 214 (1792).

The Mexican Tree-Porcupine.

Hob. Central America.

3215. Imperfect skeleton, wanting the skull.

Vertebra: : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. 3 (imperfect). From an animal captured in Honduras, which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, 9 March, 1871.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1871.

Synetheres insidiosus.

Hystiix insidiosa, Lichtenstein, in Kuhl, Beitr. z. Zool. p. 71 (1820).

Hob. South America.

3216. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 17, L. 5, S. 3, C. 36.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

Genus ERETHIZON. Fred. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, ix. p. 413 (1822).

Erethizon dorsatus.

Hystrix dorsata, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 76 (1766).

The Canadian Porcupine.

Hab. North America.

3217. Imperfect skeleton of young. 0. C. 2114-2134.

The milk-molars are still in place, and tho epiphyses are not united to the shafts of the long bones.


3218. Skull of adult. 0. C. 2135.

Labelled " Franklin's Northern Land Expedition."

Presented by Sir John Richardson.



Genus ATHERURA. "Atherure," Cuvier, Regne Anim. edit. torn. i. p. 215 (1829).

Atherura fasciculata.

Hystrix fascicitlata, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, ii. p. 124 (1801).

The Indian Brush-tailed Porcupine.

Hob. Siam and Malay Peninsula.

3219. Imperfect skeleton of young. 0. G. 2136-2156.

The last true molar is not in place, and the milk-molar has not been shed.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

Genus HYSTRIX. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 76 (1766).

Hystrix cristata.

Linnaeus, op. cit. p. 76.

The Crested or Common Porcupine. Hab. Southern Europe ; Africa.

3220. Articulated skeleton of female. 0. C. 2075.

The milk-molars are still in place, and the epiphyses not completely united.

Vertobrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 12.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3221. Skull.

From an animal killed in the Campagna of Rome, 1859.

Presented by Lord Arthur Russell, M.P., 1873.

3222. Skull. 0. C. 2088. Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

3223. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2087.

The teeth have been removed from the right Bide and are displayed separately.




3224. Skull of young.

The last xipper molar has not been acquired, and the basilar suture is still open.

In Museum before 1862.

3225. Left ramus of mandible of " an old European Porcupine."

0. C. 2089. Hunterian.

The three following specimens are from the Cape of Good Hope, and are obviously different from the preceding :

3226. Skeleton. 0. C. 2076-2086.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 12.


3227. Skull of a " female Cape Porcupine." 0. C. 2090.


3228. Skull of a " male Cape Porcupine/' 0. C. 2091.


Hystrix hirsutirostris.

Brandt, Mamm. Exot. Nov. &c. p. 39 (1835).

The Hairy-nosed Porcupine.

Hab. India.

3229. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 2093-2110.

The skull has been divided transversely and vertically into three portions. The teeth of the right side have been removed, and aro exhibited separately. Those of* the left side are dis- played in situ by the removal of the external alveolar walls.

Vertebra) : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 11.

Presented by Dr. N. Wallick.

3230. Skull. 0. C. 2092.




Hystrix javanica.

Acanthion javanicum, Fred. Cuvier, Mem. du Museum, ix. p. 431 (1822).

The Javan Porcupine.

I Jab. Java, Sumatra, and Borneo.

3231. Skeleton.

The skull is edentulous, and the maudible is diseased.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 10 (incomplete).

Several preparations of the viscera of this animal, which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, are preserved in the galleries.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1871.

3232. Cranium. 0. C. 2111.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

3233. Mutilated skull of young. 0. C. 2112.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

3234. Separated bones of skull.

In Museum before 1862.

Hystrix alophus.

Hodgson, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Aug. 1847, pt. 2, p. 771.

The Crestless Porcupine. Hab. Nepal.

3235. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 2113.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 10 (incomplete).




Family CHINCHILLIML Dentition :— i. |, c. g, p. {, m. f , = $ : total 20.


Bennett, Gardens &c. Zool. Soc. pt. i. p. 1 (1830).

Chinchilla lanigera.

Mus laniger, Molina, Saggio Storia Nat. del Chili, p. 301 (1782).

Chinchilla lanigera, Bennett, loc. tit. (1830).

The Chinchilla.

Hob. Chile and Bolivia.

3236. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2008.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 21 (incomplete).


3237. Skull.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1875.

Genus LAGIDIUM. Meyer, Nov. Act. Acad. Caes. Leop. xvi. p. 576 (1833).

Lagidium cuvieri.

Lagotis cuvieri, Bennett, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 59.

Cuvier's Chinchilla.

Hob. Western South America.

3238. Imperfect skeleton. O. C. 2016-2038.

Presented by J. B. Pentland, Esq., H.B.M. Consul- General in Bolivia.





Brookes, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xvi. p. 102 (1828).

Lagostomus trichodactylus.

Brookes, loc.cit.

The Viscacha. Hab. La Plata.

3239. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebras : C. 7, L\ 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 20. From an animal wbicb died in tbe Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1868.

Family D AS YPROCTIDiE . Dentition : i. \, c. §, p. \, m. §, = i : total 20.


Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mammal, et Av. p. 93 (1811).

Dasyprocta acouchy.

Cavia acouchy, Erxleben, Syst. Beg. Anim. p. 354 (1777).

The Acouchy.

Hab. Guiana.

3240. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2046.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 10 (incomplete).


Dasyprocta aguti.

Mus aguti, Linmeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 80 (1766).

The Golden Agouti.

Hab. South America.

3241. Skeleton. O. C. 2052-2073. Hunterian.

3242. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. O. C. 2050.

Presented by Captain P. T. King, R.N.


3243. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

3244. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3245. Skull. 0. C. 2047. Hunterian.

3246. Skull. 0. C. 2049.

The teeth of the left side have been removed and are dis- played separately.


3247. Skull of young. 0. 0. 2048. Hunterian.

3248. Cranium, transversely and vertically divided into three

parts. 0. C. 2051.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3249. Separate bones of cranium. 0. C. 2074.

Presented by Professor Owen.

Dasyprocta fuliginosa.

Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 1220.

The Sooty Agouti.

Hob. Brazil.

3250. Mutilated skull.

Taken from a skin.

In Museum before 1862.


Ccelogenus, F. Cuvier, Ann. du Museum, x. p. 203 (1807). Ccelogenys, Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p,. 92 (1811).

Ccelogenys paca.

Mus paca, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 81 (1766).

The Spotted Cavy.

Hob. South America.

28 2

628 RODBNTIA. Ccelogenys paca.

3251. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2041.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 7 (incomplete).


3252. Skeleton, partially articulated.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 7 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3253. Natural skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 5 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3254. Skull. O.C.2042.

The teeth of the left side have been removed and are dis- played separately.


3255. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2043.

Presented by Charles Stokes, Esq.

3256. Skull, wanting the right ramus of the mandible, divided

transversely and vertically into three portions. 0. C. 2044. Presented by W. J. Broderip, Esq.

Family CAVIIDJE. Dentition : i. \, c. §, p. \, m. f, = f : total 20.

Genus CAVIA. Pallas, Miscell. Zool. fasc. 2, p. 16 (ex Klein, 1751), (1767).

Cavia porcellus.

Mus porcellus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 79 (1766). Cavia porcellus, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. An. p. 349 (1777). ? Cavia aperea, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 122 (1788).

The Restless Cavy or Guinea-pig.

Hub. South America. Domesticated in Europe.


3257. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2001.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 4 (imperfect).


3258. Skeleton, naturally articulated. 0. 0. 2002.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 4 (imperfect).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3259. Skeleton, naturally articulated, of young. 0. C. 2003.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 2 (imperfect).


3260. Skeleton, naturally articulated, of young.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 7.

Purchased, 1875.

3261. Skull. 0. C. 2004. Hunterian.

3262. Skull. O. C. 2006. Hunterian.

3263. Skull. O. C. 2005. Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3264. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. O. C. 2007.


3265. Skull. Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

3266. Skull. Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

3267. Three skulls, young.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.


Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 360 (1822).

Dolichotis patachonica.

Cavia patachonica, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, ii. p. 226 (1801).

The Patagonian Cavy.

I fab. Patagonia.


Dolichotis patachonica.

3268. Articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 8, S. 3, C. 9 (incomplete). From an animal -which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society.

Purchased, 1871.

3269. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 1972.

The roots of the teeth are exposed in the left maxilla and in the right ramus of the mandible by the removal of the alveolar wall.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.


Erxleben (ex Brisson), Syst. Eeg. Animal, p. 191 (1777).

Hydro choerus capybara.

Sus hydrochceris, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 103 (1766). Hydrochcerus capybara, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 193 (1777).

The Capybara.

Hab. South America.

3270. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 8. From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1869.

3271. Skeleton. 0. C. 1977-2000.

The teeth of the right side have been removed and are dis- played separately ; those of the left side are exposed in situ by the removal of the external alveolar walls.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 6.

From an animal which died in the Surrey Zoological Gardens.

Purchased, 1837.

3272. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. O. C. 1976.

Presented by Professor Owen.



3273. Skull. 0. C. 1974.


3274. Skull. 0. C. 1975.


3275. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 1973.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 7 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3276. Skull of young, eight days old.

The complete set of permanent teeth have been acquired ; but as they represent only the apical portions of the ever-growing dental organs, they are of much smaller size than in the adult animal.

From an animal born 30 Nov. and died 8 Dec, 1874, in the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.



Dentition : i. f , c. p. § , m. |-, = & : total 28. At birth there are three incisors in each side of the upper jaw, but the outer one is soon lost.

Genus LEPUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 77 (1766).

Lepus timidus.

Lepus timidus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 77 (1766). Lepus europceus, Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 30 (1778).

The Common Hare. Hah. Europe.

3277. Articulated skeleton of female. 0. 0. 1914. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 10.

3278. Partially articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 1915. Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 13.

Purchased, 1875.





Lepus timidus.

3279. Skeleton of adult female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. (incomplete). Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Purchased, 1875.

3280. Skull and some bones. 0. C. 1916-1928. Hunterian.

3281. Skull.

The bones have been separated, and articulated together at a Blight distance apart.

Parker Collection. Purchased, 1858.

Lepus variabilis.

Pallas, Nov. Spec. Glirium, p. 1 (1778).

The Varying Hare.

Hah. Europe.

3282. Skull and some bones. 0. C. 1929-1945.

Presented by Sir Philip de M. Grey Egerton.

3283. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 13. From Perthshire.

Presented by A. Basil Brooke, Esq., 1876.

3284. Imperfect skeleton.

Some of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.


3285. Skull.

From Lochiel, Argyleshire.

Presented by Edgar Floiver, Esq., 1873.



Lepus sinensis.

Gray, Illustrations of Indian Zoology (1830-32).

The Chinese Hare. Hob. China.

3286. Skeleton.

From Shanghai.

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

Lepus ruficaudatus.

Is. Geoffroy, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. ix. p. 381 (1826).

The Red-tailed Hare.

Hob. India.

3287. Skull.

From Mauubhoom, Bengal.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

3288. Skull, probably of this species.

From India.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

Lepus americanus.

Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 330 (1777).

The American Hare. Hob. North America.

3289. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 11. From Nova Scotia.

Presented by T. G. B. Lloyd, Esq., 1875.

3290. Skeleton, imperfect.

From Nova Scotia.

Presented by T. G. B. Lloyd, Esq., 1875.



Lepus campestris.

Bachman, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vii. p. 349 (1837).

The Prairie-Hare.

Hab. North America.

3291. Skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 13.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Lepus sylvaticus.

Bachman, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vii. p. 403 (1837).

The Wood-Hare.

Hab. North America.

3292. Skull.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

Lepus cuniculus.

Linnams, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 77 (1766).

The Rabbit.

Hab. Europe.

3293. Articulated skeleton of the domestic variety called " Bel-

gian Giant."

When alive the animal weighed 16 lbs. = 7'23 kilos. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 15. The bones are slightly diseased, and the joints affected with rheumatic arthritis.

Presented by J. A. Salter, Esq., 1874.

3294. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.


3295. Skull and other bones. 0. C. 1950-1960.

The long bones have been longitudinally bisected.


3296. Skull. 0. C. 1961. Hunterian.

3297. Skull. 0. C. 1964. Hunterian.

3298. Skull of long-eared variety. 0. C. 1962.

Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

3299. Skull. 0. C. 1965.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3300. Skull. 0. C. 1963.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3301. Skeleton of young (13 weeks old), domestic variety.

The permanent teeth are in place. The outer alveolar wall has been removed on the right side to show the teeth in situ. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 4, C. 16.

Presented by Mr. J. Marie, 1877.

3302. Skeleton of animal four months old.

The permanent teeth are in place. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 7, S. 4, C. 11.

Purchased, 1874.

3303. Skull of a younger animal than the last. Purchased.

3304. Skeleton of still younger animal.

The milk-teeth are coming into place. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, Sacro-caudal 20.

Purchased, 1872.

636 RODENTIA. Lepus cuniculus.

3305. A series of preparations showing the early dentition in the

upper jaw up to the fall of the milk-teeth.

The three-rooted milk-molars are well seen in the first pre- paration, as is also the deciduous incisor.

The figures on the skulls indicate the ages of the animals in days.

Presented by Caleb B. Rose, Esq., 1856.

3306. A series of corresponding preparations showing the de-

velopment of the teeth in the mandible.

Presented by Caleb B. Rose, Esq., 1856.

3307. Skull, in which the incisor teeth have acquired an abnor-

mal development, the growth at their bases not being compensated for by abrasion of their cutting-edges, owing to want of apposition, the result of an injury to the left incisor of the lower jaw. 0. C. 1966.

Presented by William Pretty, Esq., 1822.

3308. Skull of a wild Eabbit, with incisors singularly elongated

in consequence of their want of apposition. O. C. 1967.

Presented by Roger Wilbraham, Esq.

3309. Skull, with incisors in a similar state. 0. C. 1968.


3310. Skull, with incisors in a similar state. 0. 0. 1969.

Presented by Dr. Leach.

3311. Skull, with incisors in a similar state. 0. 0. 1970.

Presented by Hampton Weekes, Esq.

3312. Skull, with incisors in a similar state.

In Museum before 1862.

LRPORIl)^. 637

3313. Skull, with incisors in a similar state.

In Museum before 1862.

3314. Cranium, with elongated and greatly curved incisors.

0. C. 1971.

Presented by Robert Keate, Esq.

3315. Facial portion of cranium, with abnormally elongated


Presented by Joseph Swan, Esq., 1874.

3316. Hyoid bones of domestic variety.

Prepared in 1869.






Lacepede, Mem. de l'Institut, iii. p. 493 (read 1799, publ. 1801) ; Cuvier, Legons d'Anat. Comp. tab. i. Classif. des Mammiferes (1800).

Dentition : i. § , c. \, p. §, m. = total 40.

Chrysochloris aurea.

Talpa asiatica, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 73 (1766). Talpa aurea, Pallas, in Schreber's Saugthiere, iii. p. 562 (1778). Talpa inaurata, Pallas, ibid. tab. clvii.

Talpa aurea (Pallas), Zimmermann, Geogr. Gescb. ii. p. 391(1780). Sorex auratus, Cuvier, Tab. Element. d'Hist. Nat. des Animaux, p. 110 (1798).

ChrysocMoris capensis, Lacepede, loc. cit.; Desmarest, Mammalogie, p'. 156 (1820).

The Cape Golden Mole.

Hob. South. Africa.

3317. Naturally articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 3, S. 5, C. 8.

Purchased, 1865.

3318. Skull. O. C. 2401.


Chrysochloris trevelyani.

Giintber, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 311. Hah. South Africa.

3319. Mutilated skull.

From tbe Pirie Forest, near King William's Town, Caffraria.

Presented by H. Trevelyan, Esq., 1876.

* The arrangement of the families and genera of this order is that adopted by Mr. G. E. Dobson in the article " Mammalia," ' Encyclopaedia Britannica/ 9th edition, vol. xv. (1883).




Subfamily Centetin^e.

Genus CENTETES. Centetes, Illiger, Frodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 124 (1811). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. § , m. = -j^ : total 38.

Centetes ecaudatus.

Erinaceus ecaudatus, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 590 (1778).

The Tenrec.

Hah. Madagascar and Mauritius.

3320. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 19, L. 5, S. 3, C. 8.

Prepared from a spirit-specimen in 1863.

3321. Skull of young, with imperfect dentition.


Mivart, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 72. Dentition : i. c. \, p. ^, m. f, = \% : total 40.

Hemicentetes semispinosus.

Erinaceus semispinosus, Cuvier, Tab. Element. d'Hist. Nat. p. 108 (1798).

Erinaceus madagascariensis, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, i. 2, p. 548 (1800).

Hemicentetes madagascariensis, Mivart, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 58.

Hob. Madagascar.

3322. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 16, L. 5, S. 3, C. 9. From Vohema, north of Tamatave, on the east coast of Mada- gascar.

Purchased, 1869.




Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, Ann. des Sciences Nat. ser. 2, viii. p. 60 (1837).

Dentition : i. c. \, p. § , m. § , = $ : total 36.

Ericulus setosus.

Erinaceus setosus, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 590 (1778). Ericulus nigrescens, Is. Geoffroy, Guerin's Mag. de Zoologie, 1839, p. 29.

Hah. Madagascar.

3323. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 17, L. 6, S. 4, C. 9.

From Vohema, north of Tamatave, east coaBt of Madagascar.

Purchased., 1869.

3324. Skull. Purchased, 1877.

Subfamily Oryzoriotin^!.

Genus MICROGALE. Oldfield Thomas, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xvi. p. 319 (1882). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f; m. f, = : total 40.

Microgale longicaudata.

Oldfield Thomas, loc. cit.

Hah. Madagascar.

3325. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 7, S. 2, C. 43. From the Ankafana forest, Eastern Betsileo, March 1880 (Eev. W. D. Cowan).

Purchased, 1882.



Family S0LEN0D0NTIDJ3.

Genus SOLENODON. Brandt, Mem. de l'Acad. de St. Petersbourg, 1833, ii. p. 459. Dentition : i. § , c. \, p. $ , m. § , = : total 40.

Solenodon cubanus.

Peters, Monatsb. K. Preuss. Akad. d. "Wiss. zu Berlin, 1861, p. 169 ; Abhandlungen, 1863, p. 1, Taf. i.-iii.

Hah. Cuba.

3326. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 5, C. 23.

Prepared from a specimen obtained by Dr. Gundlach in Cuba. The animal corresponded in colour with the type specimen (a female) described by Dr. Peters, but, although perfectly adult, is somewhat smaller, and the tail is considerably shorter, though it has the same number of vertebrae. The dimensions were length from nose to anus, in a straight line, 265 mm. ; length of tail 160 mm.

Received in exchange from the Smithsonian Institution, 1872.

Family TALPIMJ. Subfamily Talpinjs. Genus TALPA. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 73 (1766). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f , m. §, = j^- : total 44.

Talpa europsea.

Linnaeus, op. cit.

The Common Mole.

Hab. Europe.

3327. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2402.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. (incomplete).

Presented by Henry dine, Esq., 1824. PART II. 2 T


Talpa europsea.

3328. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 11.

3329. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrse : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 11.

Presented by G. W. Mackmurdo, Esq., 1867.

3330. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 11.

Presented by Joseph Swan, Esq., 1874.

3331. Partially articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2404.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3332. Skeleton. 0. C. 2403.

Presented by Thomas Bull, Esq., 1822.

3333. Anterior portion of articulated skeleton.

3334. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 2407 to 2415.

The cranium is longitudinally and vertically divided.


3335. Skull. 0. C. 2405. Hunterian.

3336. Mutilated skull, with the teeth of both upper and lower jaws displayed separately. 0. C. 2406. Hunterian.

3337. Mutilated skull.



Subfamily Myogalin^:.


Desman, Lace'pede, Mem. de l'lnstitut, iii. p. 493 (read 1799, publ. 1801) *

My gale, Cuvier, Tab. de Classification, appended to Lecons d'Anat.

Comp. i. (1800). Myogalea, Fischer, Synopsis Mammalium, p. 250 (1829).

Dentition: i. ^, c. \, p. m. = \\ : total 44.

Myogale moschata.

Castor moschatus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 79 (1766). Mygale muscovitica, Geoffroy, Ann. Mus. xvii. p. 192 (1811).

The Russian Desman. Hab. South-eastern Russia.

3338. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 27.

Prom near Sarepta, on tbe Yolga, Province of Astrakhan.

Received from Prof . Peters in exchange, 1871.

Myogale pyrenaica.

Mygale pyrenaica, Geoffroy, Ann. Museum, xvii. p. 193 (1811).

The Pyrenean Desman. Hub. South of France.

3339. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 30. Prom Bagnores de Bigorre.

Presented by E. F. Flower, Esq., 1870.

* If Lac6pede's names take priority from the date of reading of tbe memoir (1799), and not from publication (1801), this name preceded Cuvier's ; never- theless the latter has been universally adopted. Fischer's modification of the epelling distinguishes it from the Aranean genus Mygale, Latreille, which, though slightly posterior (1802) to Cuvier's, is generally received by zoologists.

2t 2




Genus CROCIDURA. Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 275. Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. \ , m. f , = §• : total 30.

Crocidura caerulescens.

Sorex ccerulescens, Shaw, Gen. Zool. i. pi. 2, p. 533 (1800). S. indicus, Geoffroy, AnD. du Museum, xvii. p. 183 (1811). S. giganteus, Is. Geoffroy, Me'm. du Museum, xv. p. 137 (1827).

The Musk-Shrew. Hab. India.

3340. Naturally articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 17 (incomplete). The lateral cutaneous musk-glands of this specimen are mounted in the Physiological Series in the Gallery.

Purchased, 1878.

3341. Skull, probably of tbis species.

Genus SOREX. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 73 (1766).

Sorex vulgaris.

Sorex vulgaris, Linnaeus, Mus. Adolp. Frid. p. 10 (1754); Na-

thusius, Wiegmann's Arch. i. p. 46 (1838). Sorex tetragonvrus, Hermann, Obs. Zool. p. 48 (1780).

Hab. Europe.

3342. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 2398.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 15.


3343. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 14.

In Museum be/ore 1862.


3344. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 15.

In Museum before 1862.

3345. Skull.

3346. Skull. 0. C. 2400. Hunterian.

Genus CROSSOPUS. Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 275.

Crossopus fodiens.

Sorex fodiens, Pallas in Schreber's Saugthiere, iii. p. 571 (1778).

The Water-Shrew.

Hab. Europe.

3347. Skull. 0. C. 2399. Hunterian.


Subfamily ErinaceiNjE.

Genus ERINACEUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 75 (1766). Dentition: i. f, c. \, p. |, m. §, = V>: total 36.

Erinaceus europaeus.

Linnaeus, loc. cit.

The Common Hedgehog. Hab. Europe and Asia.

3348. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2388.

Vertebrse: C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.


Erinaceus europseus.

3349. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2389.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 10 (not quite complete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3350. Skeleton.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 16, L. 6, S. 3, C. 9 (incomplete).

Purchased, 1873.

3351. Naturally articulated skeleton, vertically and longitudi-

nally bisected. 0. C. 2391.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. 12.

Presented by Prof. Owen.

3352. Articulated skeleton, wanting the extremities. 0. C.


Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11.

Hunter ian.

3353. Skull. 0. C. 2392.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq., 1824.

3354. Skull. Purchased, 1872.

3355. Skull.

3356. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

3357. Cranium. 0. C. 2393.

British Museum, Purchased, 1809.

3358. Basal portion of the cranium, with the hyoid arch. 0. C.

2394. Hunterian.

3359. Skull of young.

The dentition is in a transitional state.

Purchased, 1868.



3360. The bones of the left forearm and fore foot. 0. C.

2395. Himterian.

3361. The bones of the left hind foot. 0. C. 2396.


The two following specimens belong to the variety described by the donor (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1870, p. 450) as Erinaceus dealbatus :

3362. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6 (5th wanting), S. 4, C. 12. From Chefoo, China.

Presented by Robert Sunnhoe, Esq., 1873.

3363. Skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11. Foom Chefoo, China.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

Subfamily Gymnurin^e.

Genus GYMNURA. Horsfield & Vigors, Zool. Journ. iii. p. 246 (1828). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. £, m. , = \\ : total 44.

Gymnura rafflesi.

Viverra gymnura, Baffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 272 (1822). Gymnura rajjlesii, Horsfield and Vigors, loc. cit.

Ilab. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo.

3364. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 5, S. 3, C. 28. The clavicles are wanting. From the north of Borneo.

Purchased, 1874.



Gymnura rafflesi.

3365. Skull.

From the north of Borneo.

Purchased, 1871.

3366. Cranium. 0. C. 2397. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.



Andrew Smith, S. African Quarterly Journal, ii. no. 1, p. 64


Dentition : i. f, c. {, p. f , m. f , : total 40.

Macroscelides intufi.

A. Smith, Rep. Exped. Explor. Central Africa, 1834 : Appendix,

p. 42 (1836).

3367. Skull of young, wanting the right ramus of the mandible.

The milk-dentition is in place, with the first permanent molars of both jaws.

Presented by the Zoological Society , 1867.


Peters, Bericht der Konigl. Preuss. Akad. der Wisscnsch. zu Berlin, 1846, p. 257.

Dentition: i. |, c. \, p. f, m. total 40.

Petrodromus tetradactylus.

Peters, he. cit. p. 258.

Hob. South Africa.



3368. Skeleton.

Prepared from a specimen from Cape Colony.

Presented by Sir Thomas Maclear, 1864.

3369. Skull and bones of feet. Purchased, 1881.


Peters, Bericht der Konigl. Preuss. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1847, p. 36.

Dentition :— i. £ or c. \, p. § , m. f, = a-~ : total 36 or 34.

Rhynchocyon cernei.

Peters, loc. cit.; and Beise nach Mossambique, p. 106 (1852). Hob. South-east Africa.

3370. Articulated skeleton.

Yertebraj : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 3, C. 28.

Purchased, 1868.

Family TUPAIID^.


Tupaia, Baffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 256 (1822, read 1820). Cladobates, Fred. Cuvier, Dents des Mammiferes, p. 60 (1825).

Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. m. -f , = j2^ : total 38.

Tupaia javanica.

Horsfield, Zoological Besearches in Java, no. iii. (1822). Hab. Java, Sumatra, and Borneo.

3371. Articulated skeleton.

. Vertebrte : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 4, C. 26.

Purchased, 1868.



Tupaia tana.

Raffles, Trans. Linn. Soc. vol. xiii. p. 257 (1822). Hab. Sumatra and Borneo.

3373. Skull.

From Sumatra, being from one of the type specimens described by the donor.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.

3373. Mutilated skull of a younger specimen.

The permanent dentition has been acquired ; but the posterior molars are not fully in place. From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.




Pallas, Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petropol. iv. 1, p. 208 (1780). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. §, m. : total 34.

Galeopithecus volans.

Lemur volans, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 45 (1766). Galeopithecus volans, Pallas, loc.cit. p. 215 (skull, tab. viii. figs. 2-5). Galeopithecus temmincJcii, Waterbouse, Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 336 (1838, publ. 1841).

Hab. Siam, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago, including the Philippines.

3374. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 5, C. 14 (incomplete). From Sumatra.

Presented by Sir T. Stamford Raffles.



3375. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

Brought from the Philippine Islands by Mr. Hugh Cuming, and described by Mr. "Waterhouse in the Transactions of the Zoological Society,' vol. ii. p. 342, under the name of 0. tern- mi nc/cii.

The comb-like character of the four central incisors of the lower jaw is well illustrated in this specimen.

Purchased from the Zoological Society, 1862.

3376. Left ramus of the mandible, with the teeth complete.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

3377. Articulated bones of the hands and feet.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

3378. Naturally articulated skeleton of young.

The posterior molars are not yet in place. Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. 5, C. 15. Obtained in Java by Dr. Ploem.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1872.

Galeopithecus philippinensis.

Waterhouse, Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ii. p. 339 (1838, publ. 1841), pi. lviii. fig. 2 (skull).

Hab. Philippine Islands.

3379. Almost complete skeleton. 0. C. 4618 to 4630 a.

Vertebrae: C. 7, D. 14, L. 6,S. 4, C. 17 (incomplete). From the Philippine Islands.

Presented by Hugh Cuming, Esq.






Bennett, Trans. Zool. Soc. 1835, ii. p. 33. Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. § , m. '• total 30.

Epomophorus franqueti.

Tomes, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 54. Hab. West Africa.

3380. Naturally articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 5, S. & C. coalesced. From Cape Coast Castle.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.

Genus PTEROPUS. Geoffroy (ex Brisson), Ann. du Museum, xv. p. 90 (1810). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. §, m. f, : total 34.

Pteropus rubricollis.

Geoffroy, loc. cit. p. 93. Hab. Mauritius, Bourbon.

3381. Natural skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 12, L. 5, S. & C. coalesced.

* The specimens belonging to this Order are arranged according to the ' Catalogue of Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum,' by G. E. Dobson, M.B., F.R.S. (1878).



Pteropus edulis.

Geoffroy, loc. cit. p. 90. Hab. Indo-Malayan Archipelago.

3382. Skull and most of the bones of the extremities. 0. C. 2422.


Pteropus medius.

Temminck, Monogr. Mammal, i. p. 176 (1827). Hab. India and Burma.

3383. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2417.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. & C. coalesced.

Presented by Dr. B. C. Henderson.

3384. Skull. Purchased, 1873.

3385. Skull.

From India.

Presented by R. C. Beavan, Esq., 1867.

3386. Mutilated cranium. 0. C. 2420.

The teeth are much worn.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

Of uncertain Species.

3387. Skull. 0. C. 2419. Hunterian.

3388. Skull. 0. C. 2418. Hunterian.

3389. Skull.

3390. Cranium of a large species. Purchased, 1881.



Uncertain Species.

3391. Three ribs of a Pteropus which are united together by

ossification of the interosseous substances. 0. C. 2423.

Hunterian .

3392. Two other ribs of the same Pteropus, similarly united.


3393. The lumbar vertebrae, pelvis, and femora of a Pteropus.

0. C. 2424. Hunterian.

3394. The bones of the wing, or anterior extremity, of a Pteropus,

with the interdigital membranes dried and preserved. 0. C. 2426. Hunterian.

3395. The left humerus and ulna of a Pteropus, longitudinally

bisected. 0. C. 2430 and 2431.

The walls are thin and compact; the medullary cavity is large, and filled with the dried remains of an oleaginous marrow.



" Cynopttre," Fred. Cuvier, Dents des Mammiferes, p. 39 (1825). Dentition : i. c. \, p. f, m. \, = ^ : total 30 or 28.

Cynopterus marginatus.

Pteropus marginatus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xv. p. 97 (1810).

Hab. India and Malay Archipelago.

3396. Naturally articulated skeleton of female.

Dentition : i. f , c. \, p. f , m. £, = g : total 30. Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 4, S. & C. 12. From Mangalore, Southern India.

Prepared from a specimen preseiited by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.






Geoffroy, Desm. Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xix. p. 383 (1803). Dentition : i. c. \, p. §, m. = £ : total 32.

Rhinolophus hipposideros.

Noctilio hipposideros, Bechstein, Naturg. Deutsch. i. p. 1194 (1801).

The Lesser Horseshoe Bat.

Hab. Europe, part of Asia, and N.E. Africa.

3397. Skeleton.

Prom a cave in Belgium.

Presented by George Busk, Esq., 1871.


Leach, Syst. Cat. Indig. Mammalia and Birds Brit. Mus. p. 5 (1816) ; Bonaparte, Saggio di una distrib. Anim. vertebr. p. 16 (1831).

Dentition :— i. \, c. \, p. if-2, m. §, =^-7 : total 28 or 30.

Phyllorhina tridens.

Rhinolophus tridens, Geoffroy, Descr. de l'Egypte, ii. p. 130 (1812).

Asellia tridens, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1866, p. 82. Hab. Eastern Africa.

3398. Naturally articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 7, S. & C. 16. Prepared from a specimen taken by the donor in a tomb at Thebes, Egypt, February 1874.

Presented by Professor Flower, 1874.



Phyllorhina diadema.

Rhinolophus diadema, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xx. p. 263 (1813).

Rhinolophus nobilis, Horsfield, Zool. Researches in Java (1823). Hab. India and Malaysia.

3399. Naturally articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 7, S. & C. 18.

Prepared from a specimen in the Spirit Stoi-es, 1871.

Phyllorhina caffra.

Rhinolophus caffer, Sundevall, CEfvers. Akad. Forh. Stockholm, iii. p. 118 (1846).

Hab. Tropical Africa.

3400. Naturally articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 6, S. & C. 12. From Cape Coast Castle.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. JDobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.


Genus MEGADERMA. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, xv. p. 197 (1810). Dentition :— i. g, c. \, p. m. f, = ^ : total 28 or 26.

Megaderma frons.

Geoffroy, loc. ext. p. 198. Hab. Tropical Africa.

3401. Naturally articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 3, C. 0. From Sierra Leone.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.




Genus PLECOTUS. Geoffroy, Descr. de l'Egypte, ii. p. 112 (1812).

Dentition : i. §, c. ^, p. |, m. = fo-: total 36.

Plecotus auritus.

Vespertilio auritus, Linnaaus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 47 (1766).

The Long-eared Bat.

Hab. Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

3402. Skull.

From "Warwickshire.

Presented by Professor Floioer, 1862.

Genus VESPERUGO. Keyserling & Blasius, "VVirbelthiere Europa's, i. pp. xiv & 45 (1840).

Dentition : i. c. i-} p. |, m. §, =| , : total 32.

Vesperugo serotinus.

Vespertilio serotinus, Schreber, Siiugthiere, i. tab. liii. (1775). Hub. Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and Central America.

3403. Naturally articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 5, S. 3, C. 11. From Algiers. Belonging to the variety V. isabellinus, Temminck.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.

PART I/. 2 U



Vesperugo noctula.

Vespertilio noctula, Schreber, Siiugthiere, i. tab. Hi. (1775). Scotophilia noctula, Gray, Mag. Zool. & Bot. ii. p. 497 (1838).

The Common Noctule Bat.

Hab. Europe, Asia, and Africa.

3404. Naturally articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra*: C. 7, D. 11, L. 5, S. 3, C. 11.

Prepared in 1863.

3405. Skull of female.

From Warwickshire.

Presented by Professor Plotver, 1862.

Vesperugo pipistrellus.

Vespertilio pipistrellus, Scbreber, Siiugthiere, i. tab. liv. (1775).

The Pipistrelle Bat. Hab. Europe, Asia, North Africa.

3406. Skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 12, L. 4, S. 3, C. 11.

In Museum before 1862.

Vesperugo nanus.

Vespertilio nanus, Peters, Reise nach Hossambique, p. 63 (1852). Hab. Africa.

3407. Naturally articulated skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 11, L. 5, S. & C. 13. From Cape Coast Castle.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.




Linna3us, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 4G (1766), Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f , m. f, = -fa: total 38.

Vespertilio daubentoni.

Leisler in Kubl, Deutsch. Fledermause. Wetterau. Gesell. neue Annal. i. p. 195 (1819).

Daubenton's Bat.

Hob. Europe and Asia.

3408. Skull of female.

From Warwickshire.

Presented by Professor Floiver, 1862.

Vespertilio nattereri.

Kuhl, Wetterau. Gesell. neue Annal. i. lste Abt. p. 33 (1818).

Natterer's Bat.

Hob. Europe.

3409. Skull.

From Warwickshire.

Presented by Professor Floiver, 1862.

3410. Skull.

From Warwickshire.

Presented by Professor Flower, 1862.


Bonaparte, Fauna Ttalica, f'asc. xxi. (1837). Dentition : i. ff, c. | , [>. j-, m. 3, =180-: total 36.

2 u 2




Miniopterus schreibersi.

Vespertilio schreibersii, batterer, in Kuhl, Deutsch. Fledermause, Wetterau. Gesell. neue Annal. i. p. 185 (1819).

Hab. Southern Europe and Asia, Africa, and Australia.

3411. Naturally articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae ; C. 7, D. 12, L. 5, S. & C. 15. From France.

Prepared from a specimen presented by G. E. Dobson, Esq., M.B., 1881.


Genus MOLOSSUS. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, vi. p. 150 (1805). Dentition :-i. ^ c. \, p. L««, m. f, : total 26 or 30.

Molossus obscurus.

Geoffroy, loc. cit. p. 155. Hab. Tropical America.

3412. ^Skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 11.

Prepared from a specimen in the Spirit Stores, 1876.

3413. Cranium.

From Jamaica.

Presented by Lucas Barrett, Esq., Director of the West-Indian Geological Survey, 1862.

3414. Skull.





Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. iv. p. 4 (1839). Dentition : i. c. }; p. §, m. f, =| : total 34.

Chilonycteris pamelli.

Phyllodia pamellii, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1843, p. 50. Hab. West Indies.

3415. Skull.

From Jamaica.

Presented by Lucas Barrett, Esq., 1862.


Mormoops, Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 74 (1820- 22). Mormops, Peters, Abhandl. Akad. Berlin, 1856, p. 287.

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. § , ru. f, = | : total 34.

Mormops blainvillei.

Leach, loc. ext. p. 77.

Hab. West Indies.

3416. Skull.

From Jamaica.

Presented by Lucas Barrett, Esq., 1862.

Genus ARTIBEUS. Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 74 (1822). Dentition :— i. §, c. j, p. §, m. =f£|: total 28 or 32.

Artibeus perspicillatus.

Vespertilio perspicillatus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 47 (J 766).

Hab. West Indies, Central and South America.



Artibeus perspicillatus.

3417. Skull.

From Jamaica.

Presented by Lucas Barrett, Esq., 1862.

3418. Skull.

Genus DESMODUS. Wied, Beitr. zur Naturgesch. Brasil. ii. p. 231 (1826). Dentition : i. \, c. \, p. § , m. §, : total 20.

Desmodus rufus.

Wied, loc. cit. p. 233. Ilab. Central and South America.

3419. Naturally articulated skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 6, S. & C. coalesced.

Prepared from a specimen presented by Professor Huxley, 1865.

3420. Dried foetus.

Taken from the last specimen.

Presented, by Professor Huxley, 1865.

3421. Skull of foetus.



Family BRADYPODIDiE. Dentition: m. total 18.

Geuus BRADYPUS. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 50 (1706).

Bradypus tridactylus.

LinnDeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 50 (1766).

The Thkee-toed Sloth.

Hab. South and Central America.

It is probable that more than one species are included under this name ; but the distinctive characters of the members of this family are not yet satisfactorily determined.

3422. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2367.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 6, C. 11.

Presented by Samuel Stutchbury, Esq.

3423. Skull of male.

Prom an animal received from the Zoological Society's Gardens in May 1863. It had a bright orange patch, with black median stripe, between the shoulders, and appears to belong to the species or variety called Arctopithecus gularis by Gray. The greater part of the animal is mounted in the Physiological Series in the Gallery, to show the vascular plexuses, reproductive orgaiis, &c.

Purchased, 1863.

3424. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 2370.

The teeth of the left side of both jaws are separately dis- played.

Latigstaff Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3425. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.


Bradypus tridactylus.

3426. Bones of the limbs, longitudinally bisected, showing the

shaft almost wholly occupied by a fine cancellous struc- ture instead of a medullary cavity. 0. C. 2378-2386.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

3427. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 2368.

Vertebra : C. 9, D. 15, L. 4, S. 6, C. 8.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3428. Imperfect skeleton, wanting the skull, of young.

Vertebra) : C. 9, D. 14, L. 4, S. 5, C. 11. The rudimentary ribs on the ninth cervical vertebra are par- ticularly well developed.

In Museum before 1862.

3429. Imperfect skeleton of a somewhat older individual, want-

ing the skull. 0. C. 2371-2377.

Langstaff Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3430. The bones of the limbs.

3431. The bones of the limbs of a young animal.

Langstaff Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3432. Skull of young. 0. C. 2369.


3433. Skull of young.

Genus CHOLCEPUS. Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 108 (1811).

Cholcepus didactylus.

Bradypus didactylus, Linnaeus, 8yst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 51 (1766).

The Two-toed Sloth.

Thih. Brazil.



3434. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebra : 0. 7, D. 24, L. 3, S. 7, C. 6. Prepared from an animal which lived in the Zoological Society's Gardens from February 1851 to November 1862.

Purchased, 1862.

3435. Articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 2387.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 23, L. 3, S. 8, C. 4. Prepared from a specimen presented by the Zoological Society.

3436. Skull of an old animal, vertically and longitudinally

bisected, and wanting the teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3437. The vertebrae, lower jaw, hyoid, pelvis, and ribs.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 23, L. 4, S. 5, C. (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3438. The bones of the fore and hind feet.

The right pes is mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

Cholcepus hoffmanni.

Peters, Monatsbericht Akad. Berlin, 1858, p. 128.

Hoffmann's Two-toed Sloth.

Hah. Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador.

3439. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 6, D. 22, L. 3, S. 7, C. 5. Prepared from an animal which died in the Gardens of the Zoological Society, September 1874.

Purchased, 1874.



Cholcepus hoiFmanni.

3440. Natural skeleton, wanting the skull.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 23, L. 3, S. 8, C. 4.

Received in exchange from the Berlin Museum, 1865.

Family ME GATHERUM!. Dentition: m. |, total 18.


Cuvier, Tabl. Elem. de l'Hist. Nat. des Animaux, p. 146 (1798).

JKfgatljcitum ameriennum.

Megailierium americanum, Cuvier. (Quoted iu Shaw's General Zoology, i. p. 165 (1800), and Blumenbach's Handbuch der Naturgeschichte*. )

M. cuvieri, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 365 (1822).

3441. Articulated skeleton, partly composed of the actual bones,

and partly of casts from specimens in the British Mu- seum. The bones arc Nos. 234 to 345 in 0. C. F.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 5, C. 17. Prom the bed of the Rio Salado, one of the tributaries of the Eio Plata, situated to the south of the city of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish, 1832.

3442. The facial portion of a cranium. 0. C. F. 218.

Prom the same locality.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3443. The middle part of a cranium. 0. 0. F. 219 and 220.

A vertical section has been made through the teeth on the right side.

Prom Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq. * See note to p. 428.


3444. The dentary portion of a cranium containing the five teeth

of the left side, and the four anterior teeth of the right side.

Locality unknown.

In Museum before 1862.

3445. The posterior portion of a cranium. 0. C. F. 221.

From Punta Alta, Eahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3446. Portion of the left maxillary bone, with the second and

third left upper molars, through which a horizontal section has been made. 0. C. F. 227.

From Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3447. A right first molar tooth of the upper jaw. 0. C. F. 222.

From the Rio Salado, Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3448. A right first molar of the upper jaw of a larger specimen.

3449. A right second lower molar. 0. C. F. 224.

From Buenos Ayres.


3450. A left third upper molar. 0. C. F. 226.

From the Bio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3451. A left fourth upper molar.

3452. A right second lower molar. 0. C. F. 223.

From the. Bio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.


fiflfgatijmum ammcamtm.

3453. A left lower molar, most probably the first. 0. C. F. 229.

From the Rio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3454. A left second lower molar. 0. C. F. 225.

From the Rio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3455. A left third lower molar. 0. C. F. 231.

From the Rio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3456. The basal portion of a tooth. 0. C. F. 230.

From the Rio Salado.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3457. Portion of the left temporal bone. 0. C. F. 346.

From the cliffs of Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3458. A cast of the anterior portion of the left ramus of the


The original was found in Brunswick Canal, Georgia, TJ. S. America.

Presented by Dr. Harlan.

3459. The right stylo-hyal bone. 0. C. F. 511.

From the Tertiary deposits of Buenos Ayres.


3460. The last thirteen caudal vertebra with the chevron bones.

From the banks of the Rio Salado, close to the spot where the Glyptodon (No. 3585), presented by the same donor, was found.

Presented by Maximo Terrero, Esq., 1865.



3461. A left os calcia.

3462. A left os calcis.

These two specimens were in the Museum before 1861, without history.

Genus MYLODON. Owen, Fossil Mammalia of the Voyage of the < Beagle,' p. 63 (1839).

Jilylofcon volmstug.

Owen, Description of the Skeleton of an Extinct Gigantic Sloth (1842).

3463. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. F. 377.

Discovered in 1841 by M. Pedro de Angelis, seven leagues north of the city of Buenos Ayres, in the fluviatile deposits constituting the extensive plain intersected by the great Rio Plata and its tributaries. All the bones are genuine.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, Lumbo-sacral 10, C. 21.

The lumbar and sacral vertebra? being ankylosed, it is impos- sible to determine the precise number of each.

A detailed and illustrated account of this specimen is given by Professor Owen in his monograph entitled ' Description of the Skeleton of an Extinct Gigantic Sloth' (4to, 1842), published by the College.

Purchased, 1841.

3464. A portion of the right ramus of the mandible, including

the two posterior molar teeth, and part of the socket of the second molar. Purchased.

3465. The symphysis of the lower jaw. 0. C. F. 391.


3466. Several teeth of the molar series. 0. C. F. 378-389.



Jftflylottoit robusstua.

3467. A portion of the right malar bono. 0. C. F. 392.


3468. The basi-hyal and ankylosed left thyro-hyal. 0. C. F.

393. Purchased.

3469. Two portions of dorsal vertebra?. 0. C. F. 396 and 397.


3470. A portion of the ankylosed lumbo-sacral vertebrae. 0. C.

F. 398. Purchased.

3471. Five portions of sternal ribs, more or less complete. 0. C.

F. 402-410. Purchased.

3472. A portion of a vertebral rib. 0. C. F. 399. Purchased.

3473. A portion of the sternum. 0. C. F. 411. Purchased.

3474. The proximal ends of two clavicles. 0. C. F. 512.


3475. The greater portions of the right humerus, radius, and ulna.

0. C. F. 313, 316, 318, and 319.


3476. The greater portion of the left humerus, radius, and ulna.

0. C. F. 314, 315, 317, 321, and 322.

The humerus and radius have been longitudinally bisected.


3477. The proximal end of the left humerus. 0. C. F. 412.




3478. A fragment of the distal end of the left radius. 0. C. F.

420. Purchased.

3479. The bones of a right manus from the same locality and

stratum as the articulated skeleton. 0. C. F. 423- 440 a.

Mounted separately.


3480. The proximal half of a right femur. 0. C. F. 441.


3481. The distal half of a right femur of a different individual.

0. C.513.

From the Tertiary deposits of Buenos Ayres.


3482. A right tibia of large size. Purchased.

3483. A right tibia. 0. C. F. 442.

3484. The separate bones of the left pes, mounted separately.

0. C. F. 443-452 inclusive.


3485. A left astragalus. 0. C. F. 454.

3486. Five specimens of the external and middle cuneiform bones.

0. C. F. 455-459. Purchased.

3487. Fragments of cranial bones, including the left squamosal,

the left periotic, portion of parietal bone, of supraoccipital plate, and of the right and left exoccipitals. 0. C. F. 460-465 and 469. Purchased.

3488. Fragments of the right and left scapula). 0. C. F. 466 and 467. Purchased.



Jftflulotton robuatuS.

3489. The proximal extremity of the left ulna. 0. C. F. 468.

From the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.


JKuloUon tJarim'm.

Owen, Fossil Mammalia of the Voyage of the ' Beaglo,' p. 68 (1839).

3490. Mandible. 0. C. F.472.

From the cliffs at Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

This is the type specimen described and figured in the Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' part i. p. 69, and pi. xvii. fig. 5, pi. xviii. and pi. xix.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3491. Portion of cranium. 0. C. F. 470.

From the bed of the Sarandis river, a small stream entering the Bio Negro about 129 miles to the N.W. of Monte Video, Banda Oriental. It was described by Prof. Owen in 1 The Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' vol. i. p. 57, under the name of Olossotherium, of which it is the type specimen. In the same work it is also figured in pi. xvi. Prof. Owen subse- quently came to the conclusion that this specimen is most pro- bably identical with " Mylodon darwinii, with which the term Glossotlierium may be regarded synonymous " (' Memoir on the Mylodon; 1842, p. 154).

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3492. Part of the left ramus of the lower jaw, from the upper

border of which a portion has been removed, showing the forms of the transverse sections of the teeth, and the depth of their implantation in the alveoli. 0. C. F. 473.

From the cliffs, Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Danoin, Esq.

3493. Transverse section of a third molar tooth of the left side -of the mandible. 0. C. F. 474.

From the cliffs at Bahia Blanca, Patagonia.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.



3494. Transverse section of a fourth and fifth molar from the left

side of the mandible. 0. 0. F. 475.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3495. Tibia, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. F. 515.

History unknown.

3HSU)lotoon fiarlaut.

Owen, Fossil Mammalia of the Voyage of the ' Beagle,' p. 68 (1840).

3496. Cast of a portion of the right ramus of the lower jaw,

with the three posterior molar teeth.

The original is described and figured by Harlan in his 'Medical and Physical Researches,' 1835, p. 334, pi. xv. figs. 1, 2, and 3, where it is assigned to Megalonyx laqueatus. It was redescribed and figured by Prof. Owen in the ' Zoology of tbe Voyage of the Beagle,' pt. i. p. 68, pi. xvii. figs. 3 and 4 (1840), as Mylodon harlani, being the type of both genus and species.

In Museum before 1862.

3497. Cast of the left ramus of the mandible of a smaller but

allied animal. In Museum before 1862.

3498. The third molar tooth of the left side of the lower jaw.

0. C. F. 476. Purchased.

The specific determination of the following specimens is un- certain, but they probably belong to Mylodon darwini.

3499. Portion of the atlas vertebra. 0. C. F. 477.


3500. Basi- and thyro-hyals. 0. C. F. 478. Purchased.

3501. A stylo-hyal bone. 0. C. F. 479.

3502. Distal portion of the stylo-hyal bono. 0. C. F. 480.




Uncertain Species.

3503. Manubrium sterni. 0. 0. F. 481.

3504. The sternal end of the first pair of ribs, which were con-

nected with the preceding manubrium sterni. 0. C. F. 482.

3505. The shaft and distal extremity of a humerus, partly em-

bedded in a mass of coarse limestone. 0. C. F. 483.

The form of the distal articular surface corresponds with that of Mylodon robustus. The specimen was found at Bahia Blanca in the same stratum as the lower jaw of the Mylodon darwini.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.


Owen, Fossil Mammalia of the ' Beagle,' p. 73 (1840).

5? a Ittf o thmum lepto ceplj alum .

Owen, loc. cit.

The following specimens (to No. 3520 inclusive) belong to the same skeleton. They were found in a bed of partly consolidated gravel at Punta Alta, Bahia Blanca, by Mr. Darwin, and have been described and figured by Prof. Owen in the ' Zoology of the Voyage of the Beagle,' pt. i. p. 73, pis. xx.-xxviii. They are the type specimens of both the species and the genus.

3506. Mutilated skull. O. C. F. 486.

A horizontal section has been removed from the lower part of the right ramus of the mandible, to show the character of the teeth. This portion was numbered 488 in 0. C. F.

3507. An upper molar tooth. 0. C. F. 487.

3508. The cervical and the first seven dorsal vertebrae united

together in a mass of gravel, in their correct sequence. 0. C. F. 489 and 490.



3509. The sacral vertebrae united together in a mass of gravel.

0. C. F. 492.

3510. Four caudal vertebrae.

3511. Portions of seven ribs. 0. C. F. 493.

3512. A portion of the right scapula and proximal end of the

right humerus attached together by a mass of gravel. 0. C. F. 495 and 496.

3513. Left scapula. 0. C. F. 494.

3514. Left humerus, nearly complete. 0. C. F. 497.

3515. Left radius. 0. C. F. 499.

3516. Upper part of left ulna. O. C. F. 498.

3517. Right femur, wanting the distal extremity. 0. C. F. 500.

3518. Left femur. 0. C. F. 501.

3519. Right astragalus, united by the calcareous matrix of the

stratum to the distal end of the tibia. 0. C. F. 503.

3520. Left astragalus. 0. C. F. 504.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3521. Imperfect right ramus of the mandible, with three teeth

and the socket of the fourth.

Presented by J. Baxter Langley, Esq., 1867.



ifcrcltUotftmum Icptoctphalum.

3522. An imperfect caudal vertebra.

This and the last were labelled " Hueso fosil encontrado a 20 vara de profundidad en la tierra cabando in poso frente a Sn. Francisco, Buenos Ayres."

Presented by J. Baxter Langley, Esq., 1867.

Genus MEGALONYX. Jefferson, Trans. American Phil. Soc. 1799, iv. p. 248.

iWtgalonpr jcffertfom.

Megatherium jeffersonii, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 366 (1822).

The following specimens illustrative of the osteology of Mega- lonyx are mostly casts of fossil bones discovered in one of the limestone caverns called "White Cave," Kentucky, or "Big-bone Cave," Tennessee, both of which localities are assigned to them by Dr. Harlan, by whom the originals, now in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, have been described and figured in his ' Medical and Physical Eesearches,' 8vo, 1835, p. 319, pi. xiii.

3523. Portion of molar tooth, including the termination of the

pulp-cavity. 0. C. F. 348.

3524. A vertebra and a neural arch of the dorsal series. 0. C. F.

349 and 350.

3525. A lumbar vertebra. 0. C. F. 351.

3526. Cast of the left humerus of a full-grown animal. 0. C. F.


From Big-bone Cave, Tennessee.



3527. Casts of the right humerus and radius of a young animal,

wanting the articular epiphyses. 0. C. F. 354.

From Big-bone Cave, Tennessee.

3528. Casts of the right radius and ulna of an adult animal. 0.

C. F. 358 and 355.

From the cavern in Green-briar County, Virginia.

The original specimens from which the casts were taken are described and figured by Cuvier in the ' Annales du Museum,' torn. v. (1804) p. 372, pi. xxiii. figs. 6 and 7.

3529. Casts of most of the bones of the left fore foot. 0. C. F.

359 to 367.

From the originals described and figured by Cuvier in the ' Annales du Museum,' torn. v. (1804), p. 362, pi. xxiii. figs. 1-9.

3530. Cast of the distal epiphysis of the right femur. 0. C. F.


From Big-bone Cave, Tennessee. The original is described and figured by Dr. Harlan, ' Medical and Physical Researches,' p. 327, pi. xiv. fig. 19.

3531. Cast of the left tibia. 0. 0. F. 369.

From the same locality, and described and figured in the same work.

3532. Cast of the distal epiphysis of the right tibia. 0. C. F.


Described and figured in the same work.

3533. Cast of a right os calcis. 0. C. F. 371.

From Big-bone Cave. Described and figured by Dr. Harlan as the " os ilium " (loc. cit. p. 33G, pi. xvi.).

3534. Cast of the ungual phalanx of the middle digit. 0. C. F.




JHcgaloniu- jeffersoni.

3535. Cast of a corresponding phalanx, probably of the adjoining

toe. 0. 0. F. 374.

3536. Cast of the anterior half of an ungual phalanx of similar

form, but intermediate in size between the two preceding specimens. 0. C. F. 375.

The above casts o/Megalonyx jeffersoni were presented by Dr. Harlan.

Megaloenus rodens, Leidy, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia, June 1868, p. 180.

Myomorphus cubensis, Pomel, Comptes Rendus de l'Acad. Paris, t. lxvii. p. 665 (Sept. 28, 1868).

3537. Cast of mandible.

The original was found at Ciego Montero, Cienfuegos, Cuba, and is now in the Paris Museum.

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1872.

The genera and species to which the following Megatherioid fossils belong cannot be determined.

3538. Body of a vertebra, probably the last cervical. 0. C. F.


Prom South America.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3539. Two dorsal vertebrae from the Tertiary deposits of Buenos

Ayres. 0. C. F. 507 and 508. Purchased.

3540. The inferior bony arch of a caudal vertebra. 0. C. F.


From the Tertiary deposits of Buenos Ayrcs.





3541. A right astragalus. 0. C. F. 514.

From the Tertiary deposits of Buenos Ayros.


Genus VALGIPES. Gervais, Journal de Zoologie, iii. p. 1G2 (1874).

©algtprS oeformte.

Gervais, loc. cit.

3542. Cast of a calcaneum.

The original, from a cavern in Brazil, is in the Paris Museum.

Presented by Prof. Gervais, 1877.



Linmeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 51 (1766).

Myrmecophaga jubata.

Linnaeus, loc. cit. p. 52.

The Great Ant-eater. Hab. Central and South America.

3543. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2366.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 15, L. 3, S. 5, C. 29.


3544. Imperfect skeleton.

From an adult female which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens about 1854. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 3, S. 5, C. 28, one or two terminal caudal vertebra; absent.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

3545. Disarticulated skull.

In Museum before 1862.



Genus TAMANDUA. Gray, Annals of Philosophy, n. s. x. p. 343 (1825).

Tamandua tetradactyla.

Myrmecophaga tetradactyla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 52 (1766).

The Tamandua Ant-eater.

Hab. Central and South America, from Mexico to Para- guay-

3546. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2365.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 5, C. 37.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3547. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 17, L. 3, S. 5, C. 24 (incomplete). Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series. From Bio Grande, South America.

Ptirchased, 1865.

3548. Skeleton of young male.

Prepared from a specimen received from the Zoological Society's Gardens, 8 Dec, 1871.

Most of the viscera are preserved in the Physiological Series in the Gallery, the mandible being mounted with the tongue and salivary glands.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 18, L. 2, S. 6, C. 34 (one missing).

Purchased, 1871.

3549. Natural skeleton of young.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 18, L. 2, S. 6, C. 35.

Presented by Prof. A. H. Garrod, 1877.


Cyclothurus, Gray, Annals of Philosophy, n. s. x. p. 343 (1825). Myrmcdon, Wagler, Nat. Syst. Amphibien, p. 36 (1830).



Cycloturus didactylus.

Myrmecophaya didactyla, Linnoeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 51 (1766).

The Little Ant-eater. Hob. Central and South America.

3550. Articulated skeleton of female.

Prepared from a specimen sent to tho donor from Panama by Mr. Charles Gilmore.

Yertebrfe : C. 7, D. 16, L. 2, S. 4, C. 40.

Presented by P. L. Sclater, Esq., 1870.

3551. Imperfect skeleton. In Museum before 1862.

3552. Cranium. In Museum before 1862.



"Tatusie," P. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1822)*. Tatusia, Lesson, Man. de Mammalogie, p. 309 (1827). Praopus, Burmeister, Syst. Uebersicht Thier. Brasiliens, p. 295 (1854).

Tatusia novemcincta.

Dasypus novemcinctus, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 54 (1766). Dasypus peba, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 368 (1822).

The Nine-banded or Peba Armadillo.

/fa/). Central and South America.

* Under this nameF. Cuvier placed all the Armadillos, excepting Priodon and those which have teeth in the premaxillte, which he called Tatou. It ha«, however, become gradually restricted to the small but very natural and distinct group to which it is here confined.


Tatusia novemcincta.

3553. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2296.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 10, L. 5, S. 9, C. 16 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3554. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 5, S. 9, C. 22.

In Museum before 1862.

3555. Separated bones of the skull.

3556. Ossified cephalic dermal shield.

3557. Complete exoskeleton of a young specimen.

3558. Carapace.

3559. Carapace.

3560. A large carapace, denuded of its horny epidermal plates.

3561. A still larger carapace, wanting the scapular shield, and

denuded of its epidermal plates.

The specific identity of tbe last two with Tatusia novemcincta is very doubtful. They are referred to by H. N. Turner (Proc. Zool. Soc. 1851, p. 213) as probably belonging to T. punctata of Lund.

The above were in the Museum before 1862, without history.

Tatusia hybrida.

Dasypus hybridus, Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. edit. 2, xxxii. p. 492 (1819).

The Mulita Armadillo. Hab. The Argentine Republic.

3562. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 9, L. 5, S. 8, C. 15 (wanting one or two vertebra).



Teoth ^. A rudimentary fifth digit consisting of three bones is present in both fore feet of this specimen. From the vicinity of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Maximo Terrero, Esq., 1861.

3563. Skeleton of young.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 9, L. 4, S. 8, C. 20.

A special preparation has been made of the jaws, to show the change of the teeth which was in progress at the time of the animal's death. This specimen has been described by Prof. Flower in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p. 378.

From the vicinity of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Maximo IWrero, Esq., 1861.

3564. Skull and exoskeleton.

Teeth g.

From Buenos Ayres.

Presented by George Wilks, Esq., M.D., 1869.

3565. Skull and exoskeleton.

Teeth g.

From Buenos Ayres.

Presented by George Wilks, Esq., M.D., 1869.


Dasypus, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 53 (1766). Eivphractus, Wagler, SyBt. der Amphibien, p. 36 (1830).

Dasypus sexcinctus.

Dasypus sexcinctus, Linnaeus, loc. cit. p. 54.

Dasypus encoubert, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 370 (1822).

The Six-banded or Weasel-headed Armadillo.

Hub. Brazil ; Paraguay.

Teeth t% of which the first of the upper jaw is implanted in the premaxillary bone.



Dasypus sexcinctus.

3566. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2290.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 9, C. 16.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3567. Skull and ossified cephalic dermal shield. 0. C. 2291.

The prominent part of the right frontal bone has been removed, to show the rhinencephalic and olfactory chambers.

Presented by the Zoological Society.

3568. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 2299.

The teeth have been removed from the left side of both upper and lower jaws, and are displayed separately.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3569. Disarticulated cranium. In Museum before 1862.

3570. Bones of the hind feet, naturally articulated. 0. C. 2294.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3571. Exoskeleton. Purchased, 1858.

Dasypus villosus.

Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. edit. 2, xxxii. p. 489 (1819).

The Hairy Armadillo.

Hab. Argentine Republic and North Patagonia.

3572. Skeleton and exoskeleton.

Vertebree : C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 8, C. 19. From Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Maximo de Terrero, Esq., 1861.

3573. Skull.

From Buenos Ayres.

Presented, by Maximo de Terrero, Esq., 1861.


3574. Carapace.

3575. Ossified cephalic shield or casque. 0. C. 2295.

Presented by Professor Owen.

Dasypus minutus.

Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 371 (1822).

The Little Armadillo.

Hab. La Plata.

Teeth |, none of which are implanted in the premaxilla. On this account it is sometimes separated generically from Dasy- pus, to which in all other respects it is closely allied.

3576. Skeleton and carapace.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 8, C. 12 (incomplete).

Purchased, 1881.

3577. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 2306 and 2316 to 2335.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 8, C. 10 (incomplete). The sixth cervical, second dorsal, and some of the caudal vertebrae are wanting.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

. Genus XENURUS. "Wagler, Syst. d. Amphibien, p. 36 (1830).

Xenurus unicinctus.

Dasypus unicinctus, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 53 (1766). Dasypus tatouay, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 369 (1822).

The Broad-banded Armadillo.

Hab. Brazil.

3578. Skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 12, L. 3, S. 10, C. 12 (incomplete). From the Rio Grande.

Purchased, 18(55.



Xenurus lugubris.

Ziphila lugubris, Gray, Hand-list of Edentate Mammals in Brit. Mus. p. 23 (1873).

3579. Skull. Purchased, 1877.

Genus PRIODON. " Priodontes," F. Cuvier, Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes (1822)*.

Priodon giganteus.

Dasypus giganteus, Geoff, and Cuv. Cat. Mamm. Mus. d'Hist. Nat.

p. 207 (1802). Dasypus gigas, Cuvier, Kegne Animal, i. p. 221 (1817).

The Great Armadillo. Hub. South America.

3580. A rticulated skeleton, and skin and exoskeleton of the same


Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 12, L. 2, S. 13, C. 23. Teeth

From Surinam. One of the six specimens described by Prof. Krauss in "Wiegmann's ' Arcbiv,' 1867.

Purchased, 1865.


Illiger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. Ill (1811).

Tolypeutes cormrus.

Is. Geoffroy, Comptes Eendus de l'Acad. Paris, t. xxiv. p. 575 (1847).

The Three-banded Armadillo. Hab. La Plata.

* This was evidently not intended as a Latin form, as is often assumed, but as a French plural word. It has been Latinized into Priodon aud Prio- nodon. As the latter has now been bestowed upon a genus of Carnivorn, it will be most convenient to retain the former, though less correct, rendering for the present genus.



3581. A nearly complete skeleton and exoskeleton of the same

individual. 0. C. 2297 to 2305, and 2307 to 2315.

Teeth f.

Vertebras: C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 13, C. 11.

Presented by Charles Darwin, Esq.

3582. Carapace. Purchased, 1858.


Clilamyphorus, Harlan, Ann. New York Lyceum Nat. Hist. vol. i.

p. 237 (1824). Chlamydopliorus of most later authors.

Chlamydophorus truncatus.

Chlamyplwrus truncatus, Harlan, loc. ext. Hab. Western provinces of the Argentine Republic.

3583. Articulated skeleton and stuffed skin of female.

Teeth £ .

Vertebra :" C. 7, D. 11, L. 3, S. 10, C. 15.

Prepared from a specimen from Mendoza which formed the subject of Prof. Hyrtl's Monograph published in the ' Denk- schriften der Kais. Akad. "Wien/ Math.-naturw. Classe, ix. 1855, p. 1.

Purchased, 1862.


Genus GLYPTODON. Owen, Proc. Geological Society, iii. p. 108 (27 March, 1839).

d&lwptotJon clabtpcS.

Owen, loc. cit. p. 112.

3584. The carapace, portion of the cranium, and terminal portion

of the tail. O. C. F. 541.

This specimen is the type of Owen's Glyptodon davipes, and



(SHuptoVon clabtpts.

has been described and figured in his catalogue of 4 Fossil Mam- malia and Aves,' yds. i., ii., iii., and pi. iv. figs. 1-5.

From the Tertiary deposits of the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.

Purchased, 1841.

3585. An imperfect articulated skeleton and carapace.

The left fore limb is wanting. A considerable number of ossicles of the carapace wbich could not be fitted together are preserved in a cabinet in the fossil-room.

The skeleton has been described and figured by Prof. Huxley in the ; Medical Times and Gazette,' 1863, vol. i. pp. 205 and 232, and partially in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1865, p. 81.

Found in 1860 on the estate of Senor Don Juan N. Terrero on the banks of the river Salado, Partido de San Miguel del Monte, Province of Buenos Ayres, about 80 miles due south of the city of that name.

The margin of the carapace placed over the head in the speci- men corresponds to that figured by Burmeister as situated above the tail (' Anales del Museo Publico de Buenos Aires,' ii. pi. xli. fig. 6). The portion of the tail resembles that of Glypto- don asper or G. elongatus of that work (loc. cit. pis. xxxvii. and xxxviii.).

Presented by Don Juan N. Terrero, 1861.

3586. Cast of a complete skull.

The original is in the Museum of Natural History, Paris.

Presented by the Professors of the Paris Museum,

through Prof. Gervais, 1869.

The specimens of Glyptodon presented to the College by Sir Woodbine Parish, K.H., were obtained from a low marshy place, about five feet below the surface, in the bank of a rivulet near Rio Matanza, in the Partido of Canuelas, about 20 miles to the south of the city of Buenos Ayres.

3587. Fragment of the anterior part of the left ramus of the

lower jaw, including portions of the sockets of the four anterior teeth. 0. C. 517.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Paj'ish.


3588. A fragment of jaw, with the inner surface grooved for the

sockets of the teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3589. Ten specimens of teeth. 0. C. 516.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3590. An imperfect left anterior extremity, consisting of the

humerus wanting its proximal end, the radius, and the distal phalanx of a digit. 0. C. 518, 519, 522.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3591. An imperfect left posterior extremity, consisting of the

femur wanting its proximal end, the ankylosed distal extremities of the tibia and fibula, the tarsal and meta- tarsal bones, and phalanges of the foot. 0. C. 523-540.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3592. Models of the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and of the

bones of the right hind foot.

In Museum before 1862.

3593. Casts of the bones of the left forearm and of an imperfect


In Museum before 1862.

3594. Casts of the bones of an imperfect left hind foot.

In Museum before 1862.

3595. A fragment of a tail.

In Museum before 1862.

3596. Two portions of the carapace.

Figured in pi. iv. figs. 4 and 5 of the ' Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia and Aves.'

/ 'urchased.




(Kluptotfon clabtpctf.

3597. Various detached marginal ossicles of the carapace. 0. C.

542-545. Purchased.

3598. A marginal and eight contiguous ossicles of the carapace.

0. 0. 547.


3599. A portion of the carapace, including three marginal


3600. Various detached portions of the carapace. 0. C. 549.


3601. Various detached ossicles of the carapace. 0. C. 550.


3602. Several portions of the carapace, apparently of the same

individual. 0. C. 552.

From the Pleistocene deposits near Rio Matanza, about 20 miles to the south of the city of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

(KluptoHon ornatujf.

Owen, Cat. Fossil Organic Remains of Mammalia and Aves in Mus. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, p. 119 (1845).

3603. A portion of the carapace. 0. 0. 554.

From the Pleistocene deposits near the Rio Matanza, about 20 miles to the south of the city of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

3604. A smaller portion of the carapace. Probably from the same locality.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.



3605. A portion of the carapace, on one side of which is a row of the projecting angular ossicles of the margin. 0. C. 555.

Prom the same locality.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

CKIwptotoon rcttculatus.

Owen, he. cit. p. 119.

3608. A portion of the carapace. 0. C. 557.

Figured in Owen's ' Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia and Aves,' pi. v. figs. 1 & 2.

From the Pleistocene deposits near Eio Matanza, 20 miles south of Buenos Ayres.

Presented by Sir Woodbine Parish.

(Slpptotttm tubemtlatiuf.

Owen, he. cit. p. 120.

3607. A portion of the carapace. 0. C. 558.

From the Pleistocene deposits of the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.


3608. Various portions of the carapace.

In Museum before 1862.

3609. A fragment of the carapace. O. 0. 559.

Figured in Owen's ' Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia and Aves,' pi. v. figs. 3, 4, and 5.

From the Pleistocene deposits of the Pampas of Buenos Ayres.


3610. Various similar portions of carapace.

In Museum before 1862.

Of uncertain Species.

3611. A portion of the casque or ossified cephalic shield.

In Museum before 1862. 2 y 2



Family MANID2E.

Genus MANIS*. Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 52 (1766).

Manis pentadactyla.

Manis pmtadactyla, Linnaeus, loc. cit.

Manis brachyura, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. Animal, p. 98 (1777).

Indian Pangolin. Hab. India and Ceylon.

3612. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 5, C. 28.

From an animal caught at Attock, Punjab, April 1851.

Presented by W. Crozier, Esq., and Colonel T. C. Blagrave, 1852.

3613. Disarticulated skull.

In Museum before 1862.

Manis aurita.

Manis auritus, Hodgson, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. v. p. 234 (1836). Manis dalmanni, Sundevall, Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. Stockh. for 1842, p. 256.

Chinese Pangolin.

Hab. Northern India ; China and Formosa.

3614. Articulated skeleton of adult male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 5, S. 4, C. 26. From Amoy.

Presented by Robert Swinhoe, Esq., 1870.

* For the synonymy of the Asiatic species of Manis, see Anderson, 'Ana- tomical and Zoological Researches, and Zoological Results of the Yunnan Expedition,' p. 341 (1878).

MANIDJ5. (>!)3

3615. Imperfect skeleton of young.

Vertebrae : C. 7, 1). 17, L. 5, S. 4, C. 13 (incomplete). From Shanghai.

Presented by R. Swinhoe, Esq., 1873.

Manis javanica.

Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 377 (1822).

Javan Pangolin.

Hob. Burmah, Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, and Borneo.

3616. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 4, C. 28. Obtained in Java by Dr. Ploem.

Presented by the Council of the Zoological Society, 1870.

3617. Skeleton of young.

Vertebras: C. 7, D. 15, L. 6, S. 3, C. 30. Obtained in Java by Dr. Ploem.

Presented by the Council of the Zoologiccd Society, 1870.

3618. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 2363.

Hoivship Collection. Purchased, 1841.

Manis gigantea.

Illiger, Abhandl. d. Kong. Akad. d. "Wissenschaft. zu Berlin, 1811, pp. 78 & 84 (1815).

The Giant Pangolin.

Ilab. West coast of Africa.

3619. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : 0. 7, D. 14, L. 5, S. 4, C. 28.

Received in exchange, 1881.



Manis macrura.

? Manis tetradactyla, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 53 (1766). Manis macroura, Erxleben, Syst. Eegn. Animal, p. 101 (1777).

The Long-tailed Pangolin.

Hab. West Africa.

3620. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 14, L. 6, S. 3, C. 49. Prepared in 1882 from a specimen which had been for a long time in the Spirit Stores.

3621. Imperfect skeleton of young. 0. C. 2364.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Geoffroy, Decade Philosophique, 1795 (fide Agassiz).

Orycteropus cap en sis.

Myrmecoplmga afra, Pallas, Miscell. Zool. p. 64 (1778). Myrmecophaga capensis, Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 53 (1788)*.

The Cape Ant-eater or Aapjd-vark.

Hah. South Africa.

3622. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 2336.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 6, C. 26.


3623. Skeleton. 0. C. 2337-2362.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 8, S. 6, C. 24 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3624. Bones of the right and left hind foot.

3625. Hyoid bones of female.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1869. * All subsequent authors have used this specific name.



Orycteropus sethiopicus.

Suadevall, Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Handl. Stockh. for 1842, p. 236.

The Ethiopian Ant-eater.

Ilab. East Africa.

3626. Skull of young.

From Sennaar.

Purchased, 1875.



Gaudry, Animaux fossiles et Geologie de l'Attique, p. 129 (1862).

&nq>Ioti)mum prtecum. Gaudry, Journal de Zoologie, iv. p. 519 (1875).

3627. Casts of a proximal and an ungual phalanx.

The originals, from the " Phosphorites du Quercy," at Mouillac, Canton de Caylus (Tarn et G-aronne), are in the Paris Museum. They are described and figured by Gaudry, loc. ext. pi. xviii. figs. 3 to 6.

Presented by the Museum of Nat. Hist, of Paris,

per Prof. Gervais, 1878.

3628. Cast of a small ungual phalanx of some unknown animal,

described and figured by Gaudry in the above memoir (pi. xviii. figs. 7 and 8).

The original, in the Paris Museum, is from the phosphoritic deposit at Cantayrac, Canton de Caylus.

Presented by the Museum of Nat. Hist, of Paris,

per Prof. Gervais, 1878.




A. Diprotodont Semes. Family PHASCOLOMYIDiE.


J'hascolomis, Geoffroy, Ann. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. ii. p. 365 (1803). Dentition : i. c. p. \, m. f , =■§ : total 24.

Phascolomys wombat.

Peron et Lesueur, Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres Australes, vol. ii. pi. xxviii. (1807).

The Common Wombat.

Hob. Tasmania and the Islands in Bass's Straits.

3629. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1792.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 11. From an animal which lived for some time in the menagerie at Exeter Change.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

3630. Skeleton. 0. C. 1798-1840.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3631. Incomplete skeleton.

The teeth are much worn.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 8 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3632. Incomplete skeleton of young.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 4, C. 7 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3633. Naturally articulated skeleton of young.

Vertebras C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 3, C. 14.

In Museum before 1862.



3634. Skull. 0. C. 1795.

Tho cranium has been longitudinally and vertically bisected ; several of the teeth have been lost.

3635. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

In Museum before 1862.

3636. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

In Museum before 1862.

3637. Skull, vertically and transversely divided into three sec-


In Museum before 1862.

3638. Imperfect skull. 0. C. 1796 and 1797.

The teeth have been removed and are displayed separately.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3639. Facial portion of the cranium and mandible, prepared to

exhibit the teeth. 0. C. 1794.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

3640. Cranium. 0. C. 1793.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1807.

3641. Skull of a young animal, which measured 28 cm. in length.

It has been prepared to show the dentition, and has been described and figured in Prof. Flower's memoir " On tho Deve- lopment and Succession of the Teeth in the Marsupialia," Phil. Trans, for 1867, pi. xxx. fig. 7. The teeth in position all belong to the permanent set.

From the Spirit Stores.

3642. Hyoid bones.

Purchased, 1870.



Phascolomys platyrhinus.

Owen, Cat. Osteol. Series Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg. vol. i. p. 334 (1853).

The Plattrhinb Wombat.

Hob. South Australia.

3643. Skeleton of female.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 15, L. 4, S. 5, C. 15.

The first sacral vertebra is intermediate in character between a lumbar and a sacral ; it articulates with the ilium on the left side only.

From Victoria. See Murie, "On the Species of Phascolomys," Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. 838.

Presented by J. Bush, Esq.

3644. Cranium. 0. C. 1841.

The type specimen described by Professor Owen.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3645. Skull. 0. C. 1842.

The teeth are remarkable for the unequal manner in which they have been worn.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

The following specimens, described by Professor Owen under the name of Phascolomys mitchelli (Appendix to Sir Thomas Mitchell's ' Three Expeditions into Australia,' ii. p. 363, 1838), have been referred by Dr. Murie to this species :

3646. Right upper incisor and an upper molar. 0. C. F. 1540

and 1541.

From a cave in Wellington Valley, Australia.

Presented by Colonel Sir T. L. Mitchell.

3647. Fragment of mandible, with a molar tooth in situ. 0. C. F.


From a cave in Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki.



Phascolomys latifrons.

Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. 82.

The Hairy-nosed Wombat. Hab. South Australia.

3648. Skull. O.C. 1843.

The type specimen described by Owen in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1845, p. 82 ; also figured and described in the Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. iii. p. 303.

Prom South Australia.

Presented by Sir George Grey.

3649. Incomplete skeleton of young.

Vertebras : C. 6 (incompl.), D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 8 (incompl.).

In Museum before 1862.

3650. Hyoid boues of adult male.

Prom an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens, 10 March, 1870.

Purchased, 1870.


Subfamily PhascolarctiNjE. Genus PHASCOLARCTOS.

De Blainville, Bullet, de la Soc. Philomat. de Paris, 1816, p. 108. Dentition : i. c. p. \, m. : total 30.

Phascolarctos cinereus.

Lipurus cinereus, Goldfuss, Isis, p. 271 (1819). Phascolarctos fuscus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, p. 276 (1820).

The Koala.

flab. Australia.

3651. Articulated skeleton of male.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 11, L. 8, S. 3, C. 7.

Purchased, 1878.



Phascolarctos cinereus.

3652. Skeleton, partially articulated and not quite complete.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 11, L. 7, S. 4, C. 7.

In Museum before 1862.

3653. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 1844, 1847, and 1848.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1804.

3654. Imperfect skeleton, wanting the skull.

The epiphyses of the long bones are not united.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1804.

3655. Articulated skeleton of young.

The posterior molars are not yet in place. Vertebra: C. 7, D. 11, L. 7, S. 3, C. 8.

Purchased, 1863.

3656. Skeleton of a very young animal. O. 0. 1845.

The third and fourth molars have not come into place. From the banks of the river Nepean, New Holland.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1804.

3657. Disarticulated skull of young. 0. C. 1846.

Presented by Sir Everard Home, 1804.

3658. Mutilated skull of young.

The teeth which are in place (the incisors and first molar) appear all to belong to the permanent series ; the premolar has not yet cut the gum, and there is no appearance of a deciduous predecessor.

Presented by Mr. E. Gerrard, Jun., 1867.

3659. Bones of right hind foot.

Presented by J. W. Clark, Esq., 1869.



Subfamily Phalangistin2e.

Genus CUSCUS. Cvescoes, Lace"pede, Mem. de l'Institut, iii. p. 491 (1801). Cuscus, Lesson et Garnot, Voyage de la Coquille, Atlas Zool.

(1826) pi. iv. ; Ferussac, Bull, des Sc. Nat. torn. viii. p. 96


Dentition :— i. f, c. \, p. §, m. £ , =i^: total 38.

Cuscus maculatus.

Phalangista maculata, Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 472 (1817).

Cuscus maculatns, Lesson et Garnot, Voyage de la Coquille, Atlas, pi. iv. (1826).

The Spotted Cuscus.

Hob. New Guinea and neighbouring islands.

3660. Skull, mutilated in the occipital region.

From the island of Aroo.

Purchased, 1875.

3661. Skull, mutilated in the occipital region.

From Port Moresby, New Guinea.

Purchased, 1882.

3662. Skull of young.

The milk-molar is in place, with the first and second true molars. The germ of the posterior premolar of the right side of the upper jaw is exposed by the removal of the outer wall of its formative cavity.

From Port Moresby, New Guinea.

Purchased, 1882.


Cuvier, Lecons dAnatomie Compare, i. tab. 1 (1799).

Dentition :-i. f, c. {, p. fgj, m. £, =a%S : total 34 to 40.

Phalangista vulpina.

Didelphis vulpina, Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. pt. 2, p. 503 (1800).

The Vulpine Phalanger.

Hab. Australia.


Phalangista vulpina.

3663. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1851.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 22 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3664. Skeleton of smaller size, but presented as that of an animal

of this species.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 27. From Grafton, New South Wales.

Presented by C. E. Porter, Esq., 1865.

3665. Imperfect skeleton.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

3666. Skull. O.C. 1853.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3667. Skull.

3668. Skull.

3669. Skull.

3670. Skull.

3671. Skull.

3672. Skull.

The above six specimens were in the Museum before 1862, without history.

3673. Skull. 0. C. 1852.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3674. Vertically and longitudinally bisected skull. 0. C. 1856.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3675. Skull.

Presented by C. E. Porter, Exq., 1865.



3676. Skull. 0. C. 1854.

This formed part of the original Hunterian Collection, and the name " Wha-tapoa-roo " was attached to it, indicating it to have been of the same species as the Phalangista vulpina, de- scribed by Hunter under the above native name in "White's ' Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales,' p. 278 (1790).


3677. Skull, of smaller size than the preceding. 0. C. 1860.

From the Murray River, South Australia.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3678. A similar skull. O. C. 1861.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3679. Cranium. 0. C. 1855.

It has been transversely and vertically bisected through the brain-cavity.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3680. Cranium. 0. C. 1857.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

All the foregoing specimens exhibit the complete adult denti- tion.

3681. Skull of young.

Prepared in 1867 from a specimen in spirit, to show the dentition. It has been described and figured by Prof. Flower in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1867, p. 634, pi. xxix. fig. 6. The teeth which in the upper jaw have risen above the level of the alveoli are the first and second incisors, the milk-molar, and the first true molar. The germ of the third incisor, the canine, two premolars, and second molar are exposed in situ.

3682. Pelvis and two caudal vertebrae. O. C. 1859.

Presented by Henry Cline, Esq.

3683. Pelvis and three caudal vertebrae. 0. C. 1858.



Phalangista vulpina.

3684. Bones of the right hind foot.

Prepared from a specimen in the Spirit Stores, 1870.

3685. Hyoid bones.

Prepared from a specimen in the Spirit Stores, 1869.

Phalangista canina.

Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. (1835), p. 191.

The Short-eared Phalanger.

Hah. New South Wales.

3686. Skull. 0. C. 1862.

From the Scrub-districts, New South Wales.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Phalangista cooki.

Phalangista cooJcii, Geoffroy in Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. vol. xxv. p. 476 (1817).

Cook's Phalanger.

Hab. Australia.

3687. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 25.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq. Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3688. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 25. From Brighton, Tasmania, 15 Dec, 1869.

Purchased, 1870.

3689. Skull. O. C. 1864.

Presented by II. Everett, Esq.

3690. Skull. O. C. 1865.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3691. Skull. 0. C. 1866.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.



Genus PETAURUS. Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, ii. pi. 60 (1791). Dentition :— i. f , c. }, p. jJL_, ra. £, =j|- : total 38 or 40.

Petaurus taguanoides.

Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 400 (1817). Hub. New South Wales.

3692. Imperfect skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 10, L. 6, S. 2, C. 25 (incomplete).

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Petaurus australis.

Petaurus australis, Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, ii. pi. 60 (1791). Didelphis petaurus, Shaw, General Zoology, i. pt. 2, p. 496, pi. 112 (1800).

Petaurus fiaviventer, Desmarest, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxv. p. 403 (1817).

Belideus fiaviventer, Gould, Mammals of Australia, i. pi. xxiii. (1863).

Hab. New South Wales.

3693. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 1849.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 17 (incomplete).

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3694. Skull.

The posterior upper molar is not developed.

In Museum before 18<J2.

3695. Mutilated skull.

Labelled " Large Flying Opossum, N. S. Wales."

In Museum before 18G2. PART ii. 2 z

706 M ABSUP I A LI A .

Petaurus sciureus.

Didelphis sciurea, Shaw, Genera] Zoology, vol. i. pt. 2, p. 498 (1800).

Hub. New South Wales.

3696. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1850.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 15 (incomplete).


3697. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.L, 1882.

Genus TARSIPES. Gervais and Verreaux, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 1. Dentition : i. f, c. L, p. & m. variable and rudimentary.

Tarsipes rostratus.

Tarsipes rostratus, Gervais and Verreaux, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 1.

Hob. Western Australia.

3698. Mutilated skull, bones of extremities, and tail.

Dentition : i. f=f, c. g, p. & m. jg : total 20.

Taken from a skin which is preserved with the specimen.

In Museum before 1862.


Dentition :— i. f , c. p. §, m. f , = 9-^° : total 32 or 34.

Canines, when present, often deciduous, always small. Ante- rior premolar always deciduous, being lost at about the time when the second replaces the milk-molar, so that both premolars are



never found in place and in use in the same individual. In the species of the first section of the genus Macropus the posterior premolar and first true molar are also lost as life advances.


Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, i. pi. 33 and accompanying

text (1790).

Section A. Macropus proper.

Macropus giganteus.

Terboa gigantea, Zimmermann, Specimen Zoologise Geographical, p. 526 (1777).

Didelphis gigantea, Schreber, Saugthiere, hi. p. 552, tab. 154 (1778).

Macropus giganteus, Shaw, Nat. Miscell. i. pi. 33 (1790). Macropus major, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, i. pt. 2, p. 505 (1800).

The Great Kangaroo.

Hah. Australia and Tasmania.

3699. Articulated skeleton of a nearly adult male. O. 0. 1724.

The anterior premolar of the upper jaw has been shed, the teeth in place being the railk-molar and the three anterior true molars.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 23. Prepared from a specimen from Tasmania.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3700. Articulated skeleton of a somewhat younger animal. O.


The upper anterior premolar is retained on the right side, with the milk-molar and two anterior true molars. The third true molar is not fully in place.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 21.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

IJunterian Sidistitute, 1846. ■2z2



Macropus giganteus.

The following specimens are arranged according to their age, as shown by the state of development of the teeth.

3701. Cranium of a very large and old animal.

The incisors are worn down almost to their roots. The three posterior molars only remain in place.

Bronght by Lady Franklin from Point Nepean, Port Phillip.

Presented by Miss Florence Pollock, 1877.

3702. Skull of female. O.0. 1735.

The four upper and three posterior lower molar teeth are in place and use. The calvarium has been removed.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3703. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 1732.

Three true molars are in place in the upper jaw, with, on the right side, the milk-molar, about to be replaced by the posterior premolar. The anterior premolar has been shed on both sides.


3704. Skull of female. 0. C. 1734.

The milk-molars are shed. The posterior premolars and three anterior true molars are in place. The fourth is just rising above the alveolus.

From an animal which died in the Menagerie at Exeter Change.


3705. Skull. 0. C. 1733.

The dentition corresponds with that of the last specimen.


3706. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 1726.

The milk-molars and the three anterior true molars are in place.




3707. Skull. 0. 0.1731.

The anterior premolars are shed ; the right upper milk-molar remains, but the corresponding tooth on the left side is replaced by the posterior premolar. Three true molars are in place.


3708. Cranium.

The milk-molars, with the left upper anterior premolar and the first and second truo molars, are in place.

In Museum before 1862.

3709. Skull. 0. C. 1730.

The anterior premolars, the milk-molars, and the first and second true molars are in place. The germ of the posterior premolar is exposed in situ bjr the removal of part of the outer alveolar wall on the right side.


3710. Skull.

The anterior premolars, milk-molars, and first true molars are in place.

In Museum before 1862.

3711. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 1729.

The dentition is in a corresponding state to that of the last.


3712. Skull. 0. C. 1728.

In a corresponding state of dentition. The germ of the pos- terior premolar is exposed in the left side of both jaws.

Presented by Mr. Momay, 1809.

3713. Skull.

The dentition is as in the three preceding specimens. Figured in the memoir " On the Development and Succession of the Teeth in the Marsupialia," Philos. Trans. 1867, pi. xxix. fig. 3.

In Museum before 1862.

3714. Left ramus of mandible. 0. C. 1738.

The tcoth in situ are the milk-molar, and the first, second, and third true molars. The posterior premolar is shown, by the


Macropus giganteus.

removal of part of the alveolar wall, to be in a very advanced state, and about to replace the milk-molar.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3715. Left ramus of a mandible of a younger animal. 0. C.


The teeth in place are the anterior deciduous premolar, the milk-molar, and the first true molar. The germ of the posterior premolar is exposed in its alveolar cavity and is much less advanced than in the last specimen.

Presented by Professor Owen.

The two preceding specimens are figured in the article " Teeth," ' Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology,' vol. iv. p. 934.

3716. Disarticulated bones of a skull. 0. C. 1727.

The teeth are displayed separately.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3717. Various bones, including four cervical, two dorsal, five lum-

bar, and one caudal vertebrze, the pelvis, both femurs, both tibiae and fibulae, the left foot, the right astragalus, cal- caneum, and naviculare ; the left scapula and radius, and the right manus. 0. C. 1757-1773.


3718. Pelvis of an animal of large size.

In Museum before 1862,

Section B. Osphranter. Gould, Monograph of Macropodidae, i. (1841).

Macropus rufus.

Kangurus rufus, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 541 (1822). Kangurus laniger, Gaimard, Bull. Sci. Philomat. 1823, p. 138.

The Red Kangaroo.

Nab. Australia. . .



3719. Mutilated skull.

Tho teeth present are the three postorior molars, and in the upper jaw tho first molars also, on the point of being shed.

In Museum be fere 1862.

3720. Portions of the right maxilla and mandible, with the molar

teeth in situ. 0. C. F. 1510' and 151 V.

Figured in ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 1 and 14. The animal to which these belonged was killed by Mr. Gould between the rivers Murray and Adelaide, Australia ; it measured 8 feet 2 inches from the nose to the extremity of the tail, and was the largest Kangaroo which he saw in Australia.

Presented by John Gould, Esq.

3721. Hyoid bones of female. Purchased, 1870.

3722. Skull of young of an allied species. 0. C. 1744.

The anterior premolar, the milk -molar, and the first true molar are in place.


Macropus antilopinus.

Osphranter antilojjinus, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1841, p. 80.

The Antelopine Kangaroo.

Hab. Australia.

3723. Skeleton, $.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. fi, S. 2, C. 23.

Purchased, 1882.

Section C. Halmaturus.

Uliger, Prodromus Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 80 (1811) (as a synonym of Macropus).

Macropus bennetti.

Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 103.

Bennett's Wallaby.

Hal). Tasmania.



Macropus bennetti.

3724. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 22.

Presented by Jacob Bell, Esq., M.P.

3735. Imperfect skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 24.

In Museum before 1862.

3726. Skull. 0. C. 1743.

Tbe posterior premolar and the four true molars are present in both jaws, constituting the complete adult dentition.


3727. Skull.

The dentition is in the same condition as in the last speci- men.

In Museum before 1862.

3728. Skull, wanting the right ramus of the mandible.

In the same condition of dentition.

In Museum before 1862.

3729. Skull. 0. C. 1742.

The anterior premolar and milk-molars are present, with the three anterior true molars. The germs of the posterior pre- molars of both upper and lower jaw are exposed in situ on the left side.


3730. Skull of young.

The deciduous anterior premolar, the milk-molar, and the first and second permanent molars are in place.

In Museum before 1862.

3731. Skull of young. 0. C. 1741.

The deciduous anterior premolar, the milk-molar, and the first true molar are in place ; the second molar is just rising above the alveolar margin.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.



Macropus derbianus.

Hahnaturus derbianus, Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist, new scries, i. p. 583 (1837).

Lord Derby's Wallaby. Hab. Australia.

3732. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 1745.

It has the complete adult dentition, much worn.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

Macropus houtmanni.

Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1844, p. 31.

Hotjtmann's Wallaby.

Hab. Western Australia.

3733. Skull of male. 0. C. 1749.

With complete adult deutition.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3734. Skull of female. 0. C. 1750.

"With complete adult dentition.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Macropus billardierii.

Kangurus billardierii, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 542 (1822).

Labillardiere's Wallaby.

Hab. Tasmania.

3735. Skull. 0. C. 1748.

The complete adult dentition is present, with rudimentary canines in the maxilla.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.

3736. Skull. 0. C. 1747.

fh'ookcs Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Section D. Lagoechestes. Gould, Monograph of the Macropodidae, i. (1841).

Macropus leporoides.

Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 93.

The Hare Kangaroo.

Hab. South Australia.

3737. Skull.

The posterior (permanent) premolar has been acquired, with the first, second, and third true molars.

In Museum before 1862.

3738. Skull. 0. C. 1751.

The anterior (deciduous) premolar, the milk-molar, and the first, second, and third true molars are in place, the last being not fully developed.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3739. Skull.

Rather younger than the last, the third molar being still below the level of the alveolar margin.

In Museum before 1862.

Macropus hirsutus.

Lagorchestes hirsutus, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1844, p. 32. Hab. Western Australia.

3740. Skull. 0. C. 1752.

The upper anterior (deciduous) premolars have been shed. The milk-molar remains on the left side, but has been lost on the right, showing the crown of the posterior premolar just about to replace it. The three anterior molars are in place.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3741. Skull. 0. C. 1753.

From a younger animal, the anterior premolar, the milk- molar, and two true molars only being fully in place. The germ of the permanent premolar is exposed on the right side.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.



Section E. Petkogale. Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist, new ser. i. p. 583 (1837).

Macropus xanthopus.

Petrogale xanthopus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1854, p. 249.

The Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroo.

Hob. South Australia.

3742. Skull and imperfect skeleton of female.

The adult dentition has been acquired. In both upper and lower jaws the first molar is pressed upon and displaced by the premolar in front and the second molar behind, and its roots are undergoing absorption.

The right manus and pes are mounted in the Separate Series.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, Nov. 1874.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1874.

Extinct Species of Macropus from Deposits in Australia presumably of Pleistocene age.

JHacropuS anait.

Macropus anak, Owen, Proc. Geol. Society, xv. p. 185 (1859). Protemnodon anak, Owen, Phil. Trans. 1874, p. 275.

3743. Portion of right maxilla. 0. C. F. 1519.

The first and second molars are preserved, with the milk- molar and portion of the anterior premolar. The internal alveolar wall has been removed, showing the germ of the per- manent premolar in its cavity. Figured in the ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 4, 5, and 6.

From the Wellington VaHey, New South Wales.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3744. Small portion of right maxilla of a young animal similar

to the last. 0. C. F. 1520.

From the Wellington Valley, New South Wales.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.



fWarropmJ anah.

3745. Portion of left maxilla, with the three anterior molars and

the anterior (deciduous) premolar and the milk-molar. 0. C. F. 1513.

A portion of the internal alveolar wall has been removed to show the germ of the posterior or permanent premolar in situ in its cavity. Figured in tho ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 7, 8, and 9.

Prom the Condamine lliver, west of Moreton Bay, Queensland.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3746. Portion of the left maxilla, with the molar teeth.

From the caves in the "Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3747. Portion of maxilla, with two molar teeth.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3748. Greater portion of right ramus of mandible with three molars, the anterior of which has the crown broken off.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

iSdacropus atlas.

Macropus atlas, Owen, Mitchell's Three Expeditions into Australia,

ii. p. 359 (1838). Sthenurus atlas, Owen, Philos. Trans. 1874, p. 265.

3749. Portion of right maxilla with two molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1514.

From the Condamine Kivcr, west of Moreton Bay, Queensland.

Presented by Col. Sir T, L. Mitchell, C.B.



3750. Portion of left maxilla with two molar teeth.

From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3751. Portion of left ramus of mandible with three molar teeth.

From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3752. Portion of left ramus of mandible with three molar teeth.

0. C.F. 151fi.

From the Condamine Eiver.

Presented by Col Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3753. Portion of the left ramus of mandible with two molar

teeth. 0. C. F. 1515.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3754. Portion of left ramus of mandible with two molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3755. Portion of left ramus of mandible with one molar tooth.

In Museum before 1862.

JHacropttsi tttan.

Owen in Mitchell's Three Expeditions into Australia, ii. p. 360 (1838).

3756. Portion of the right maxilla. 0. C. F. 1510.

The molar series is preserved. Figured in the ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 2 & 3. From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C B.


fKacropu^ tt'tan.

3757. Portion of the right maxilla with the molar series of


From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3758. Portion of the right ramus of the mandible with the three

posterior molars.

Figured in the ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 12 & 13. From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3759. Portion of right ramus of mandible with the two posterior


From New South "Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3760. Greater portion of the right ramus of mandible with two

molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3761. Portion of the right ramus of mandible with the posterior

part of the last molar tooth. 0. C. F. 1512.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3762. Greater portion of the left ramus of mandible with the

molar series of teeth.

From Darling Downs, Queensland.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1881.

3763. Portion of a ramus of mandible with the three molar teeth

and portion of the incisors.

From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.



iJMacropufl afitnta.

Owen, Cat. Fossil Mammalia and Aves, Mus. Roy. Coll. Surg.

p. 328 (1845).

3764. Portion of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 1524.

This is the type specimen, and is figured in the ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 10 & 11. From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

;tfHacropu£l jjoulBu.

Osphranter gouldii, Owen, Philos. Trans. 1874, p. 261.

3765. Portion of the left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 1521.

Figured in the ' Philos. Trans.' 1874, pi. xxiii. figs. 15 & 16. From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3766. Portions of the right and left rami of mandible.

From Wellington Yalley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3767. Portion of the right ramus of mandible with the molar


In Museum before 1862.

3768. Portion of the right ramus of mandible with three molars.

From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3769. Fragment of right ramus of mandible with two molars.

0. C. F. 1522.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.


PlacvopuS goulBtt.

3770. Portion of left ramus of mandible of a young animal.

0. C. F. 1523.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

4Ufla£ropus mtmag.

Protemnodon mimas, Owen, Philos. Trans. 1874, p. 278.

3771. Dentary portion of the left maxilla, with the molar series

of teeth complete.

From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3772. Left ramus of mandible with the molar series of teeth. From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3773. Portion of right maxilla with the two last molars.

In Museum before 1862.

S774. Left ramus of mandible of a somewhat larger animal with the molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

iUflacvopug goltai).

Macropus goliah, Owen, in Waterhouse's Mammalia, i. p. 59 (1846).

Procoptodon goliah, Owen, Philos. Trans. 1874, p. 791.

3775. A nearly perfect mandible.

" Found at a depth of 40 feet below the surface by a miner on bottoming his hole at Young, one of the gold-fields, 250 miles south-west of Sydney." It has been described and figured in the « Philos. Trans.' by Prof. Owen, 1874, p. 794, pi. lxxx. figs. 6 and 7.

Presented by Dr. Robert Falder, 1863.



3776. Portion of right ramus of mandible with two molars and

part of a third.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

;HHncvopu£f rapfia.

Procoptodon rapha, Owen, Phil. Trans. 1874, p. 788.

3777. Portion of left maxilla with three molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3778. Left ramus of mandible.

In Museum before 1862.

Of uncertain Species.

3779. Portion of right ramus of the mandible with the throe

molar teeth.

These present characters intermediate between those of the genera Protemnodon and Procoptodon of Owen. From New South Wales.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1882.

3780. Portion of right ramus of mandible with the two last

molar teeth.

Though the teeth are smaller in this than in the previous specimen, they present the same form, so that, judging from the dental characters, the two specimens belong to identical or closely allied species.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3781. Portion of left ramus of mandible from which the crowns

of the molar teeth have been broken off. 0. C. F. 1517.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.



Uncertain Species.

3782. Caudal vertebra. In Museum before 1862.

3783. Distal end of right humerus. 0. 0. F. 1526.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3784. Shaft of right humerus. O.C.F. 1525.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3785. Distal end of left femur.

In Museum before 1862.

3786. Distal end of left femur. 0. C. F. 1528.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3787. Distal end of left femur. 0. C. F. 1527.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3788. Distal end of right femur. 0. C. F. 1529.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3789. Segment from the middle of the shaft of the left tibia.

0. C. F. 1530.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3790. Os calcis. 0. C. F. 1531.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.


3791. Proximal phalanx of the fourth toe of the hind foot.

0. C. F. 1532.

From the Condamine Eiver.

Presented by Col Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3792. Second phalanx of fourth toe of hind foot. 0. C. F.


From "Wellington Valley Caves.

Presented by Count Strzelechi, 1844.

3793. Shaft of ulna. 0. C.F. 1534.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3794. Mutilated os calcis. 0. C. F. 1535.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

The following specimens of jaws of a small species of Kangaroo were described by Owen (Catal. Fossil Mammalia and Aves, Mus. Coll. Surg. p. 332, 1845) under the name of f^gpStprtmnug gpelmis, but the characters of the molar teeth do not agree with those of that genus as now restricted.

3795. Portion of right maxilla, with the permanent premolar

and two molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1537.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3796. Portion of left maxilla, with the anterior premolar, the

milk-molar, and two true molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1536.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3a 2



Uncertain Species.

3797. Portion of left ramus of mandible with dentition corre-

sponding to the last. 0. C. F. 1538.

The germ of the permanent premolar has been exposed in its alveolar cavity.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3798. Portion of left ramus of mandible with three molars. 0.

C.F. 1539.

Prom Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.


Schlegel & S. Miiller, Verhand. Natuurl. Geschied. Nederland. Overzeesche Bezittingen, Zoogdieren, p. 130 (1839-44).

Dendrolagus ursinus.

Schlegel & S. Miiller, op. cit. p. 131.

The Ursine Tree-Kangaroo. Hob. New Guinea.

3799. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 10 (incomplete). The terminal phalanges of the digits are wanting.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1853.

Genus DORCOPSIS. Schlegel & S. Miiller, op. cit. p. 130.

Dorcopsis luctuosa.

Halmaturus lurtuosus, D'Albertis, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1874, p. 110. Hob. New Guinea.

3800l Skull, mutilated in the occipital region. Prom Port Moresby, New Guinea.

Purchased , 1882.



Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 79 (1811).

Hypsiprymnus murinus.

Macropus minor, Shaw, Gen. Zoology, i. pt. 2, p. 513 (1800). Hypsiprymnus murinus, Illiger {op. cit. p. 79), Waterhouse, Gould, &c.

The Rat-tailed Potoroo. Hah. New South Wales.

3801. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1781.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 23. The complete adult dentition is present, but the epiphyses of some of the long hones are not united to their shafts.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3802. Skeleton. O. C. 1782.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. (wanting).

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.

3803. Skull. O. C. 1780.

Taken from the skin originally described and figured by Hunter in White's ' Journal of a Yoyage to New South Wales,' p. 286, as the Potoroo. The teeth are much worn. It is smaller than any of the other skulls assigned to this species in the collection, the facial portion especially being shorter and relatively broader. It is stated in the former Catalogue to be that of a female.

Hunterian .

3804. Skull. O.C.I 783.

From the Murray River, South Australia.

Presented by Governor Sir George Grey.

3805. Skull. O. C. 1784.

Goidd Collection. Purchased, 1840.


Hypsiprymnus murinus.

3806. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.

3807. Skull.

In Museum, before 1862.

3808. A cranium from which the calvaria has been removed.

In Museum before 1862.

3809. The left moiety of a vertically bisected skull. 0. C. 1785.

Goxdd Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3810. Innominate bones. O.C.I 791.

A Bmall ossicle intervenes between the pubic bone and the acetabulum.

Presented by Professor Owen.

Genus BETTONGIA. Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist, new ser. i. p. 584 (1837).

Bettongia gaimardi.

Kangurus gaimardi, Desmarest, Mammalogie, Suppl. p. 542 (1822). Hypsiprymnus hunteri, Owen, Cat. Osteol. Scr. Koy. Coll. Surg. i. p. 328 (1853).

Gaimard's Rat-Kangaroo. Hub. New South Wales.

3811. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 1777.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 23.

Hunter ian.

3812. Skull. O. C. 1778.

The large permanent posterior premolars have recently been acquired, except in the right ramus of tbe mandible, in which the anterior (deciduous) premolar and the milk-molar are still in place.

Presented by Dr. Hobson,


3813. Skull vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 177lJ.

Presented by Professor Owen.

3814. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.

Bettongia grayi.

Hypsiprymnus graii, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1840, p. 178.

Ghat's Rat-Kangaroo.

Hub. Western and Southern Australia.

3815. Skeleton of young.

The teeth of the molar series in place are the anterior (deci- duous) premolar, the milk-molar, aDd the first and second true molars. The germ of the large posterior (permanent) premolar is exposed in its formative cavity on the left side.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 23.

The epiphyses of the long bones are not yet united to the shafts.

Purchased, 1868.

3816. Skull.

The complete permanent dentition has been acquired.

Purchased, 1871.


Garrod, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 59.

iEpyprymnus rufescens.

Bettongia rufescens, Gray, Mag. Nat. Hist, new ser. i. p. 584 (1837).

The Rufous Rat-Kangaroo.

Hab. New South Wales.

3817. Skull, mutilated behind.

The teeth of the molar series in place are the anterior (deci- duous) premolar, the milk-molar, and the first and second true



iEpyprymnus rufescens.

molars. The germ of the large postorior permanent premolar is exposed in its formative cavity on the right side of both jaws.

This specimen is figured in Waterhouse's ' Natural History of Mammalia,' i. pi. x. fig. 1*.

In Museum before 1862.

3818. Skull.

The permanent dentition has been acquired.

Purchased, 1872.

Family D IPROTODONTIDJE. Dentition : i.f, c. p. {, m. f, = | : total 28.


Owen, Mitchell's Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, ii. p. 362 (1838).

UtpvototfoiT attStvalte.

Owen, loe. cit. Hub. Australia. Pleistocene.

3819. Portion of the left maxilla and premaxilla, and the nearly

complete mandible with the teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3820. Anterior portion of right ramus of mandible with the

incisive tusk, the first and second molars, and the socket of the premolar. 0. C. F. 1460.

Figured in the ' Catal. Eossil Mammal, and Aves,' pi. vii. From the Condamine Biver, west of Moreton Bay.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

* A skull of Bettongia cumculus, figured in the same plate, and described at p. 202 as belonging to the College Museum, could not be found in the collec- tion in 1862.



3821. Posterior portion of the right minus of mandible with the

roots of the two last molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1461.

From the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3822. Symphysial portion of mandible, with the left incisive


The rami are ankylosed at the symphysis, so that the animal must have been adult. It is of smaller size and of different form from the preceding specimen, and may belong to another species. The jaw is broader and more square in front, and the tusk less laterally compressed.

3823. Portion of right ramus of mandible with the last molar

tooth in situ.

3824. Portion of ramus of mandible with two much-worn molars

in situ.

3825. Portion of right maxilla with the penultimate molar

in situ.

3826. Portion of maxilla with a much-worn second molar

in situ.

3827. A very perfect right upper incisor.

3828. Section of a lower incisor.

3829. A thin section of the same mounted on glass.

3830. Longitudinal section of the same.

3831. Three portions of unworn crowns of molar teeth.

The above ten specimens were in the Museum before 1862, without hitter;/.



JDt'prototfon austvalte.

3832. Various fragments of bones, including the following : an

atlas vertebra nearly complete, and two other fragments of atlas (0. C. F. 1486) ; two portions of scapula ; two portions of humerus (0. C. F. 1474 & 1475) ; proximal end of left ulna (0. C. F. 1476) ; portion of iliac crest ; three portions, probably, of femur ; two portions, probably, of tibia ; distal end, probably, of fibula.

Some of the above specimens were in the Museum before 1862 without history ; as they very closely resemble other cata- logued specimens they were probably obtained with them from the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3833. A much-worn upper molar tooth.

From Darling Downs, Queensland.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett, 1881.

3834. Crown of a much-worn molar tooth. 0. C. F. 1487.

From Darling Downs.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B., 1S42.

3835. Fragment of spine of scapula. 0. C. F. 1488.

From Darling Downs.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B.

3836. Mutilated femur. 0. C. F. 1489.

From Darling Downs.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B., 1842.

3837. Lower tusk.

Probably from Mount Macedon, Melbourne.

In Museum be/ore 1862.



The three following specimens were discovered by Patrick Mayne, Esq., during the operation of sinking a well at Mount Macedon, near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

3838. Right lower second molar. 0. C. F. 1492.

Presented by Dr. Hob son.

3839. Left lower second molar, much worn. 0. C. F. 1493.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3840. Some fragments of bones consisting of : a portion of

caudal vertebra (0. C. F. 1498) ; a fragment of rib (0. C. F. 1499) ; a fragment of scapula (0. C. F. 1500) ; epiphysial portion of proximal end of femur (0. C. F.

1501 ) ; portion of the shaft of a long bone (0. C. F.

1502) .

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3841. Proximal half of the shaft of right femur. 0. C. F. 1504.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3842. Lower end of the humerus of an animal allied to Dipro-


It much resembles the corresponding part of D. austrcdis, figured by Prof. Owen in the Philos. Trans. 1870, pi. xlvi., but is smaller in the proportion of 7 to 9|.

Found in the bank of a tributary of the Murray Eiver about 400 miles north of Adelaide.

Presented by George Lindsay Johnson, Esq., M.B., 1876.




Owen, Catal. Foss. Mammalia and Aves Mus. Hoy. Coll. Surgeons,

p. 314 (1845).

jlototijmum mttcftellt.

Nototherium mitchelli, Owen, op. cit. p. 316. Nototherium inerme, Owen, op. cit. p. 314.

Hub. Australia. Pleistocene.

3843. Mutilated posterior half of left ramus of mandible, con-

taining the two last molar teeth, the crowns of which are much fractured. 0. C. F. 1506.

The type specimen. Figured at pi. ix. 0. C. F. It differs from most of those subsequently described, both in the ' Philosophical Transactions' and in this Catalogue, in the advanced position of the hinder molar with respect to the anterior edge of the ascend- ing ramus of the jaw. This, however, may be the result of age.

From the Pleistocene deposits in the bed of the Condamine River, west of Moreton Bay, Australia.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B., 1842.

3844. Mutilated right ramus of mandible, with the roots of the

molar teeth, the crowns having been broken away. 0. C. F.1505.

The elongated symphysis supporting the large incisor teeth has been broken off, and the fractured surface much abraded ; hence the specific name inerme applied to this, the first frag- ment of the genus scientifically examined and described. Figured at pi. viii. 0. C. F., and in the ' Philosophical Transactions ' for 1872, pi. viii.

From the bed of the Condamine River.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell, C.B., 1842.

3845. Anterior part of mandible, including the symphysis with

the two large incisors, and the greater part of the left ramus with the molar teeth.

A longitudinal section has been made through the right



incisor, showing that its root does not extend backwards so far as to lie beneath the true molar teeth.

In Museum before 1862.

3846. Portion of right maxilla, with the premolar and two ante-

rior molar teeth.

This may have belonged to the same individual as the last.

In Museum before 1862.

3847. Anterior portion of upper jaw, with the broken first pair

of incisors and the sockets of the other incisors.

From a cave in the Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3848. Left ramus of mandible, with the three posterior molar teeth

in situ.

In Museum before 1862.

3849. Part of left ramus of the mandible with the penultimate

molar entire, the others with their crowns broken.

In Museum before 1862.

3850. Mutilated cervical vertebra.

It closely resembles the fifth cervical vertebra of a Wombat, but from its size it is probably Nototherium.

In Museum before 1862.

3851. Upper extremity of left fibula of probably the same animal.

In Museum before 1862.

3852. Left astragalus of a large Marsupial, probably Nototherium.

0. C. F. 1509.

From the Condamine Itiver. Figured at pi. x. figs. 1 and 2, 0. C. F.

Presented by Col. Sir T. L. Mitchell.





Owen, in Gervais's Zoologie et Paleontologie Francaises, i. p. 192 (1848-52, jfafe Owen); Philos. Trans. 1859, p. 309.

Dentition : i. f-, c. ^, p. f, m. ^, = | : total 24.

Cfiplacolto carmfer.

Owen, Philos. Trans. 1859, p. 309.

3853. Mutilated cranium, with the large posterior premolar and

the single molar tooth of the right side.

The type specimen. Figured and described by Prof. Owen in the Philos. Trans, for 1859, p. 309, pis. xi., xiii., xiv., and xv. See also " On the Affinities and probable Habits of Tliylacoleo carnifex" by W. H. Flower, Quarterly Journal of Geological Society, 1868, p. 307.

From a calcareous conglomerate stratum eighty miles south- west of Melbourne, Victoria.

Presented by W. Adeney, Esq., 1846.

3854. Portion of left lower premolar tooth.

Described and figured by Prof. Owen, loc. cit. From the same locality.

Presented by W. Adeney, Esq., 1846.

3855. Anterior portion of right ramus of mandible.

It shows the socket for the large incisor, that of a small tooth immediately behind it, the two roots of the great premolar, and the root of the first molar, the crown having been broken off, and the socket of the second molar.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.


3856. Cast of anterior part of the right ramus of mandible with

the incisor, large premolar, and first molar tooth.

Taken from a specimen in the Sydney Museum obtained from a cave in the Wellington Valley.

Presented by G. Krefft, Esq., 1872.

3857. Cast of a right upper first incisor. Prom the same locality.

Presented by G. Krefft, Esq., 1872.

Cast of upper third incisor. From the same locality.

Presented by G. Krefft, Esq., 1872.

Cast of upper canine. From the same locality.

Presented by G. Krefft, Esq., 1872.

3860. Metacarpal bone of an unknown animal, perhaps Thyla- coleo.

From the same collection as the cranium, No. 3853. Figured by Prof. Owen in the Philos. Trans. 1859, pi. xiii.

Presented by W. Adeney, Esq., 1846.

B. Polyprotodont Series.

Family PERAMELIDiE. Dentition : i. |, c. \, p. §, m. \, =\\ : total 48.


Macrotis, Reid, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 131 *.

Peragalea, Gray, List of Mammalia Brit. Mus. p. 96 (1843).

* Previously (1833) applied by Dejean to n gonus of Coleoptera.





Peragalea lagotis.

Perameles (Macrotis) lagotis, Reid, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 129.

The Rabbit-eared Perameles. Hob. Western Australia.

3861. Skeleton, nearly complete. 0. C. 1880.


3862. Mutilated skull. 0. C. 1881.

Presented by the Zoological Society of London.

3863. Bones of the fore and hind limbs.

Those of the right side are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

Genus PERAMELES. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, iv. p. 56 (1804).

Perameles obesula.

DidelpMs obesula, Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, vol. iii. tab. 298 ;

Gen. Zool. vol. i. pt. 2, p. 490. Perameles obesula, Geoffroy, Ann. du Mus. iv. p. 64, pi. 45 (1804).

The Short-nosed Perameles. Hob. Australia and Tasmania.

3864. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 1873.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 15.

Presented by Dr. Hobson. Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3865. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.L, 1881.

pekamblidje; 737

3866. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., 1881.

3867. Skull. 0. C. 1874.

Presented by Governor Sir George Grey, C.B.

3868. Skull.

In Museum be/ore 1862.

3869. Skull.

Purchased, 1875.

The following specimens are somewhat smaller than the pre- ceding, and may possibly belong to an allied species :

3870. Skull. 0. 0. 1875.

From Port Phillip.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3871. Skull. 0. C. 1878.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

Perameles fasciata.

Gray, Appendix to Grey's Journals of two Expeditions of Discovery in North-west and Western Australia, vol. ii. p. 407 (1841).

The White-banded Perameles.

Hah. Australia.

3872. Skull. 0. C. 1876.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3873. Skull. 0. C. 1879.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3874. Skull of young. 0. C. 1877.

The milk-molar is retained in both upper and lower jaws ; the germ of the premolar which replaces it is exposed in its alveolar cavity on the right side. Tho fourth true molar is not fully in place. Figured in tho ' Philos. Trans.' for 1867, pi. xxx. fig. 1 .

Gould Collection. Purchased, 18-10. PAST II. 3 B



Perameles nasuta.

Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, torn. iv. p. 62, pi. 44.

The Long-nosed Perameles.

Hab. New South "Wales.

3875. Incomplete skeleton.

From Sydney.

In Museum before 1862.

3876. Skull.

Purchased, 1875.

Genus CHCEROPUS. Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1838, p. 26.

Choeropus castanotis.

Choeropus ecaudatus, Ogilby, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1838, pp. 25, 26 *. Choeropus castanofis, Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. vol. ix. p. 42 (1842).

The Choeropus.

Hab. Southern Australia.

8877. Skeleton, somewhat mutilated, of young.

Vertebrae : C. (missing), D. 13, L. 6, Sacro-caudal 22.

The animal was caught by a dog and much injured, as stated on a label -attached to the specimen ; but it still shows many in- teresting points in the osteology of this rare species. The right foot is mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

* This name, originally given to a specimen of which the tail had been accidentally lost, has beeri discarded as obviously inappropriate.



Family DASYURIDjE. Subfamily Myrmecobiinji.


"Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 69, aud Trans. Zool. Roc. vol. ii. p. 149 (read 1836, pub. 1841).

Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. f, =1^ : total 54.

Myrmecobius fasciatus.

Waterbouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1836, p. 69.

The Banded Myrmecobius. Hab. Western and Southern Australia.

3878. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1882.

Vertebne : C. 7, D. 12, L. 7, S. 3, C. 24.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3879. Skull, longitudinally and vertically bisected. 0. C. 1883.

Four molars only are in place in tbe upper jaw.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Subfamily Dasyurinjs.


Temrainck, Monographic de Mammalogie, i. p. 56 (1827). Dentition : i. f, c. \, p. f, m. f, =|f : total 46.

Phascogale penicillata.

Didelphis penicillata, Sbaw, Gen. Zool. i. pt. 2, p. 502 (1800).

The Brush-tailed Phascogale.

Hab. Australia.

3 b 2


Phascogale peuicillata.

3880. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., 1881.

3881. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., 1881.

Phascogale calura.

Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1844, p. 104. Hab. Southern Australia.

3882. Mutilated skull and bones of the tail and limbs. 0. C. 1885 & 1886.

Gould Collection. Pwchased, 1840.

Phascogale flavipes.

Phascogale flavipes, Waterhouse, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 75. Antechinus flavipes, Gray, List of Mammalia in the Brit. Mus. 1843, p. 99.

The Yellow-footed Phascogale. Hab. New South Wales and South Australia.

3883. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 1884.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 4, C. 10 (incomplete).

Gould Collection. Ptirchased, 1840.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3884. Skeleton of young.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, Sacro-caudal 22.

Purchased from Mr. Gould, 1872.

DASVUKin.B. 7-11

3885. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.I., 1881.

Of uncertain Species.

3886. Skull.

From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.L, 1881.

3887. Skull of a small species.

Labelled " Bush-Mouse." From Queensland.

Presented by Sir Walter Elliot, K.C.S.L, 1881.

Genus DASYURUS. Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, iii. p. 353 (1804). Dentition : i. c. \, p. §, m. f , =io : total ^2.

Dasyurus maculatus.

Viverra maculata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. pt. 2, p. 433 (1800). Dasyurus macrourus, Geoffroy, loc. cit. p. 358.

The Spotted-tailed Dasytjre.

Hob. Australia and Tasmania.

3888. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1887.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 19 (incomplete).

Goidd Collection. Purchased, 1840.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3889. Naturally articulated skeleton, wanting the skull.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 24.

Gould Collection. Purchased, 1840.

3890. Skull, <J. O.O. 1888.

Presented by If. Everett, Esq.


Dasyurus maculatus.

3891. Skull, $ . 0. C. 1889. Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3892. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3893. Skull, mutilated behind. In Museum before 1862.

3894. Longitudinally and vertically bisected skull.

In Museum before 1862.

3895. Anterior part of mutilated skull. 0. C. 1890.

Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3896. Mutilated skull, with complete dentition.

The two maxillary premolars of the right side are united so as to form a single tooth. On the left side they present the usual characters.

In Museum before 1862.

3897. Hyoid bones.

From a specimen in spirit. Prepared in 1869.

Dasyurus viverrinus.

Didelphis viverrina, Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. i. pt. 2, p. 491 (1800). Dasyurus maugei et viverrinus, Geoffroy, Ann. du Museum, torn. iii. pp. 359 & 360 (1804).

The Viverrine Dasture.

Hab. Australia and Tasmania.

3898. Natural skeleton. 0. C. 1893.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 13 (incomplete).

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3899. Skull, vertically and transversely bisected. O. C. 1897.

Presented by Ponald Gunn, Esq.


3900. Skull, vertically and longitudinally bisected. 0. C. 1895.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3901. Skull. O..C. 1894. Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3902. Skull. 0. C. 1896. Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3903. Skull. 0. C. 1892. Hunterian.

Dasyurus ursinus.

Dideljphis ursina, Harris, Trans. Linn. Soc. ix. p. 176 (read 1807, pub. 1808).

The Ursine Dasytjre.

Hab. Tasmania.

3904. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1898.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 16 (incomplete).

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq. Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3905. Skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. (incomplete). Most of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by W. L. Crowther, Esq., 1866.

3906. Imperfect skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 3, C. 15 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3907. Skull. O. C. 1899. Presented by H. Everett, Esq.

3908. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3909. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3910. Skull.

In Museum before 186 2.

74 I MARSUPIALIA. Dasyurus ursinus.

3911. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3912. Skull. In Museum before 1862.

3913. Skull, slightly mutilated. 0. C. 1901.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3914. Dentary portions of jaws, with the teeth. 0. C. 1902.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3915. Bones of the right fore and hind feet.

From the skin of a wild animal.

Received in exchange from the University of Cambridge.

Uagnuvutf lantflvtug.

Owen, Mitchell's Three Expeditions into the Interior of Australia,

ii. p. 363 (1838).

3916. Portion of right maxilla, with two premolar and two molar teeth. 0. C. F. 1543.

Prom Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3917. Portions of the right maxilla, premaxilla, and nasal bones.

The canine and two premolars are preserved. The second is of large size compared to the corresponding tooth in the previous specimen or in the recent D. ursinus.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3918. Fragment of the right ramus of mandible, with the last

molar tooth. 0. C. F. 1544.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.



3919. Portion of the left ramus of mandible, with two molar

teeth. 0. C. F. 1546.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.

3920. A right and a left lower molar tooth, and the crown of a

canine tooth. 0. C. F. 1545, 1547, and 1547'.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki, 1844.


Temminck, Monographic de Mammalogie, i. p. 60 (1827). Dentition : i. §, c. \, p. f, m. ^, = }f : total 46.

Thylacinus cynocephalus.

Didelphis cynocejohala, Harris, Trans. Linn. Soc. ix. p. 174 (read 1807, pub. 1808).

The Thtlacine.

Hab. Tasmania.

3921. Articulated skeleton of male. O. C. 1903.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 23.

Prepared from a specimen presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3922. Articulated skeleton of female. O. C. 1904.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 22 (incomplete).

Prepared from a specimen presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

Hunterian Substitute, 1846.

3923. Skeleton, nearly adult.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 9 (incomplete). Most of the bonos are mounted in the Separate Scries.

Presented by IT. L. Crowther, Esq., 1866.



Thylacinus cynocephalus.

3924. Incomplete skeleton.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 22 (incomplete).

In Museum before 1862.

3925. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 1911-1913.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3926. Incomplete skeleton of female. 0. C. 1906.

The skull has been longitudinally and vertically bisected. Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 19.

Presented by Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N.

3927. Skull.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3928. Skull. 0. C. 1905.

Presented by II. Everett, Esq.

3929. Cisarticulated bones of skull. 0. C. 1908.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3930. Partly disarticulated cranium. 0. C. 1907.

Presented by Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N.

3931. Mutilated skull of young, showing the dentition.

It is slightly older than the specimen figured in the memoir, " On the Development and Succession of the Teeth of the Jfarsupialia," Philos. Trans. 1867, pi. xxx. The small milk- molars, one on each side of each jaw, are retained, and the apices of the permanent teeth are beginning to appear above the gums.

Presented by Professor Huxley, 1867.

3932. Disarticulated skull of a still younger animal. 0. C. 1909.

The milk-molar of the right side of the mandible is in place. The others have been lost.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.


3933. Hyoid of adult female.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1870.

Ci)j)lacmu£f gptlrttta.

Owen, Cat. Fossil Mammalia Mus. Eoy. Coll. Surgeons, p. 335


Hab. Australia. Pleistocene.

3934. Portion of left ramus of mandible. 0. C. F. 1548.

Two molars are present. From Wellington Yalley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki.

3935. Eight lower penultimate molar. 0. C. F. 1549.

From Wellington Valley.

Presented by Count Strzelecki.

Family DIDELPHYIOSE. Dentition: i. f, c. }, p. §, m. f, =|| : total 50.


Didelphis, Linnseus, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, i. p. 71 (1766). Didelphys, Schreber, Saugthiere, iii. p. 532 (1778).

Didelphys virginiana.

Kerr, Linn. An. Kingd. p. 193 (1792).

The Virginian Opossum.

Hub. North America.

3936. Articulated skeleton. 0. C. 1867.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 18 (incomplete).

The bones are all in a more or less diseased condition, as is usually the case with these animals when they have lived in captivity in this country.

Brookes Collection. Purchased, 1828.



Didelphys virginiana.

3937. Partially articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 25.

In Museum be/ore 1862.

3938. Incomplete skeleton (without skull).

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 24. From a wild animal.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3939. Incomplete skeleton.

Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

In Museum before 1862.

3940. Skull.

It is of larger size than any of the other skulls in the col- lection, the facial portion especially being more elongated and relatively narrower, and the premolar teeth further apart.

Presented by the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.

3941. Skull. 0. C. 1869.

This was marked " Rat-tailed Opossum." In the shortness and breadth of the face it presents a marked contrast to the last. Most of the following specimens are intermediate in their characters, or more resemble the present one.


3942. Skull. O.C. 1868.


3943. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.

3944. Skull, with the bones disarticulated. 0. C. 1870.


3945. Cranium.

In Museum before 1862.

3946. Axis and third cervical vertebra, showing the remarkable

height and thickness of their spines. 0. C. 1871 and 1872. Hunterian.



3947. Natural skeleton of young.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 26. The bones are affected with rickets.

The teeth in place are the permanent incisors, canines, first and second premolars, milk-molar, and in the upper jaw the first true molar. In the lower jaw, the second true molar is fully in place, and the third making its appearance above the alveolar border. The germs of the third premolars, the only teeth which replace milk predecessors in the Marsupials, are exposed on the right side in their formative cavities. This specimen is figured in Prof. Flower's Memoir on the dentition of the Marsupials, Philos. Trans. 1867, pi. xxx.

Yarrell Collection. Purchased, 1856.

Didelphys cancrivora.

Gmelin, Syst. Nat. i. p. 108 (1788).

The Crab-eating Opossum. Hob. South America.

3948. Skeleton.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 24 (incomplete). From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 10 October 1880.

Purchased, 1880.

Didelphys azarse.

Temminck, Monogr. Mammalogie, i. p. 30 (1827).

Azaea's Opossum.

Hab. South America.

3949. Natural skeleton of young male.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 29.

The milk-molar is still in place, with the first and second true molars in the upper, and the first, second, and third in the lower jaw.

From an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gar- dens, 1 April 1868.

Purchased, 1868.



Of uncertain Species.

3950. Skeleton of a small species of Didelphys.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 26.

In Museum before 1862.


Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 76 (1811).

Chironectes variegatus.

Lutra minima, Zimmerman, Geogr. Geschich. ii. p. 317 (1780). Chironectes variegatus, Illiger, Abhandl. Akad. Berlin, 1811, p. 107.

The Yapock or "Water-Opossum.

Hab. Central and South America.

3951. Skeleton.

Vertebra; : C. 7, D. 13, L. 6, S. 2, C. 29. Obtained at Medellin, U.S. Colombia.

Received in exchange, 1876.






Echidna, Cuvier, Tableau elementaire d'Hist. Nat. p. 143 (1798). Tachyglossus, Illiger, Prod. Syst. Mamm. et Av. p. 114 (1811)*.

Echidna aculeata.

Mymiecoplmga aculeata, Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, iii. pi. 109 '(1792).

Ornithorhynchushystrix,~B.Qxa.e, Philos. Trans. 1802, p. 348. Echidna hystrix and setosa, Cuvier, Kegne Animal, i. p. 226 (1817).

The Echidna.

Hab. Australia and Tasmania.

3952. Articulated skeleton.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 4, C. 11.

Purchased, 1868.

3953. Articulated skeleton, young. 0. C. 1704.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 3, C. 5 (incomplete).

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

* This name is often used now under the impression that Echidna is pre- occupied by Forster (1778) for a genus of Pisces ; but as that was not characterized in a recognizable manner, the author not even mentioning the species for which it was constituted, it is now generally considered a synonym for Murana (see Giinther's ' Catalogue of Fishes Brit. Mus.' vol. viii. p. 93, 1870), and is certainly insufficient to bar a name so universally acknowledged and so deeply rooted in Mammalian literature. Merrem's genus Echidna (Beptilia) is of later date, viz. 1820.



Echidna aculeata.

3954. Partially articulated skeleton of a young male.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 3, C. 11. Prepared from an animal which died in the Zoological Society's Gardens.

Purchased, 1862.

3955. Imperfect skeleton. 0. C. 1705, 1709-1722.

Presented by Ronald Gunn, Esq.

3956. Imperfect skeleton of young. 0. C. 1708.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 16, L. 3, S. 4, C. 1 (incomplete).

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3957. Skeleton of young male.

Prom Tasman's Peninsula, Tasmania. Collected by G. S. Baden-Powell, Esq., 6 Dec. 1869.

Purchased, 1871.

3958. Skull.

Purchased, 1868.

3959. Skull.

Presented by C. E. Parker, Esq., of Grafton, Clarence River, N. S. W., 1865.

3960. Cranium, longitudinally and vertically bisected.

One half is mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by the Zoological Society, 1867.

3961. Anterior part of a cranium, prepared to show the extent and complexity of the superior part of the turbinal capsules of the organ of smell. 0. C. 1707.

Prepared from a specimen presented by Dr. Hobson.

3962. Pelvis.

In Museum before 1862.


0 R N IT J 1 0 R H Y NO II I DJE .


Echidna bruijnii.

TacKyglossus bruijnii, Peters and Doria, Annali del Mus. Civ. di

St. nat. di Genova, ix. p. 182 (1876-77). Acanthoglossus bruijnii, Gervais, Osteographie des Monotremes,

p. 43*(1877). Proechidna bruijnii, Gervais, ibid.*

Hah. New Guinea.

3963. Cast of skull.

The original, in the Paris Museum, is described and figured by Prof. Gervais in his ' Osteol. des Monotremes ' (1877-78).

Presented by Professor Gervais, 1878.



Platypus, Shaw, Naturalist's Miscellany, x. pis. 385, 386 (1799)t. Ornithorhynclius, Blumenbach, Voigt's Magazin, ii. p. 205 (1800).

Ornithorhynclius anatinus.

Platypus anatinus, Shaw, Nat. Miscell. x. pi. 385 (1799). Ornithorhynclius paradoxus, Blumenbach, Voigt's Magazin, ii. p. 205 (1800).

The Duck-billed Platypus or Ornithorhynchus.

Hub. South-eastern Australia and Tasmania.

3964. Articulated skeleton. O. C. 1G99.

Vertebra: C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 3, C. 19.

Presented by W. Clift, Esq.

* This generic name was proposed as a substitute for Acanthoglossus, which was objectionable as too nearly resembling Acanthoglossa, already in use for a genus of Coleoptera.

t This name was previously (in 1793) applied by Herbst to a genus of Coleoptera, and hence Ornithorhynchus has been universally adopted. PABT II. » C


Ornithorhynchus anatinus.

3965. Articulated skeleton. 0. 0. 1700.

Vertebra : C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 3, C. 20. A few of the posterior ribs are missing. The integnm entary parts of the beak and of the digits are preserved.

South Collection. Purchased, 1835.

3966. Articulated skeleton, imperfect. 0. C. 1701.

Vertebrae : C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 3, C. 4 (incomplete).

Presented by Sir Kverard Home.

3967. Articulated skeleton of young female.

Vertebras : C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 3, C. 11 (incomplete). Prora a specimen " killed 8 June, 1869, at Cope's Creek, New South Wales."

Purchased, 1871.

3968. Partially articulated skeleton of young. 0. C. 1698.

Vertebra? : C. 7, D. 17, L. 2, S. 3, C. 19.

Presented by Dr. George Bennett.

3969. Incomplete skeleton. 0. C. 1703.

A transverse vertical section has been made through the skull to show the structure of the olfactory region. Many of the bones are mounted in the Separate Series.

Presented by Dr. Hobson.

3970. Skull. 0. C. 1702.

Presented by Sir Everard Home.

3971. Skull.

In Museum before 1862.

3972. Cranium.

In Museum before 1862.




Acanthion javanicuni, 624. Acantboglossus bruijnii, 753. Adapis parisiensis, 69. Aegoceros beden, 249.

musimon, 243.

^Egocenis, 262. iEgyprynmus rufescens, 727. ^Epyceros melampus, 272. Agriotherium, 160. Aigocerus niger, 263. Ailuridffi, 160. Ailuropoda, 161. Ailuropus melanoleucus, 161. Ailurus fulgens, 160. Alactaga acontion, 616.

jaculus, 616.

Alcelaphus caama, 272.

Iunatus, 273.

pygargus, 273.

Alces machlis, 316. Amphicyon major, 136. Anchitherium aurelianense, 391.

bairdi, 392.

Ancylotherium priecum, 695. Anoa depressicornis, 228. Anomaluridse, 590. Anomalurus fraseri, 590. Anoplotheriidae, 336. Anoplotherium commune, 336. Antechinus flavipes, 740.

Anthracotberiidas, 338. Antbracotberium magnum, 338. Antbropopitbecus troglodytes, 2. Antilocapra americana, 277. Antilocapridte, 276. Antilope acutioornis, 275.

americana, 257, 277.

beisa, 262.

bennetti, 264.

bubalina, 255.

caama, 272.

cervicapra, 266.

cbickara, 270.

cordieri, 276.

ellipsiprymna, 268.

equina, 262.

eucbore, 264.

furcifer, 277.

gnou, 274.

gnu, 274.

goral, 254.

gutturosa, 266.

lanigera, 257.

leucopba?a, 262.

leucoryx, 261.

lunata, 273.

maxwelli, 269.

melampus, 272.

mergens, 270.

oreas, 258.



Antilope oryx, 258.

palrnata,' 278.

picta, 260.

pygarga, 273.

quadricornis, 270.

saiga, 265.

saltiana, 268.

scripta, 259.

scythica, 265.

strepsiceros, 258.

subulata, 276.

subulosa, 276.

sumatrensis, 255.

sylvatica, 260.

taurina, 275.

tragocanielua, 260.

Aonyx leptonyx, 154. Aper setbiopicus, 363. Aplocerus, 257. Arctictis binturong, 102. Arctocebus calabarensis, 68. Arctocepbalus antarcticus, 193.

australis, 191.

delalandi, 193.

lobatus, 192.

Arctocyon prirnsevua, 186. Arctomys ludovicianus, 597.

marmotta, 597.

monax, 598.

Arctonyx collaris, 150. Arctopithecu3 gularis, 663. Artibeus perspicillatus, 661. Artiodactyla, 219. Arvicola agrestis, 610.

ampbibia, 610.

Asellia tridens, 655. Asinus burchellii, 414.

fossilis, 409.

Ateles'ater, 49.

bartletti, 50.

geofiroyi, 49.

hybridus, 49.

niarginatus, 50.

paniscus, 48.

Atelodus, 423.

Atberura fasciculata, 622.

Atherure, 622.

Auchenia glama, 333.

pacos, 334.

vicugna, 834.

Aulacodius swindernianus, 620. Avabis laniger, 59.

Babii-ussa alfurus, 356. Balsena affinis, 542.

albicans, 569.

antiquorum, 634.

australis, 533, 540.

cisarctica, 540.

definita, 543.

emarginata, 545.

gibbosa, 544.

japonica, 539.

musculus, 534, 541.

mysticetus, 531, 538.

rostrata, 535, 556.

Balsenidae, 631.

Balsenoptera borealis, 536, 541.

laticeps, 536.

musculus, 534, 541 .

pbysalus, 534.

rorqual, 534.

rostrata, 535, 541.

Basilosaurus, 546. Bassaris astuta, 158. Batbyergus maritimus, 613. Bebdeus flaviventer, 705. Beluga catodon, 569. Berardius anmxii, 561. Bettongia gaimardi, 726.

grayi, 727.

rufescens, 727.

Bibos cavifrons, 227. Bison bonasus, 232.

minor, 233.

priscus, 232.

Bos americanus, 231.

bison, 231.

bonasus, 232.

bubalis, 229.

butfelus, 220.

caffer, 230.

frontabs, 230.

frontosus, 244.



Bos gaurus, 227.

grunniens, 227.

indicua, 224.

longifrons, 224.

moschatus, 236.

planiceros, 230.

priniigenius, 225.

pumilus, 230.

taurus, 210.

Boselapluis caama, 258.

oreas, 258.

pictus, 260.

ti-agocamelus, 260.

Bovidse, 210. Bradypodidne, 6(i3. Bradypua didactylus, 664.

tridactylus, 663.

ursinus, 183.

Bramatheriuin perimense, 280. Bubalus buffelus, 220.

caffer, 230.

depressicornis, 228.

pumilus, 230.

Cadurcotherium cayluxi, 432. Cainotherium, 335. Callithrix personata, 52. Callorhinua ursinus, 103. Camelidte, 320.

Cainelopardalis bituriguin, 283.

giraffa, 281.

Camel us bactrianus, 330.

dromedarius, 331.

glama, 333.

pacos, 334.

vicugna, 334.

Canidae, 111.

Cania antarcticua, 128.

aureua, 128.

bengalensis, 133.

cerdo, 134.

crocuta, 100.

decusaatua, 131.

dukhunensis, 113.

familiaris, 113, 114.

fulvua, 131.

byrena, 108.

Cania javauicua, 118.

lagopus, 132.

lalandii, 135.

latrans, 127.

lupus, 125.

niegalotis, 135.

rneaornelas, 129.

occidentalia, 126.

pictus, 111.

primsBTua, 113.

procynoides, 134.

rutilana, 113.

sumatreusis, 113.

velox, 131.

virginianus, 132.

vulpes, 129.

zerda, 1 34.

Capra segagrus, 252.

arabica, 240.

cervicapva, 266.

dorcas, 263.

bircus, 251 .

bispanica, 250.

ibex, 248.

jemlabica, 250.

jemlaica, 250.

nubiana, 240.

pyrenaica, 250.

rupicapra, 256.

tatarica, 265.

-warryato, 254.

Capreolus caprasa, 318.

caprea, 318

Capromys brachyxirus, 619.

pilorides, 619.

Oariacus campestiis, 324.

leucurus, 323.

macrotis, 324.

mexicanus, 323.

virgi maims, 322.

Carnivora, 72.

Castor canadensis, 600.

fiber, 598.

moschatus, 643.

zibetbicus, 609.

Castoridse, 598. Catoblepaa, 274.


Cavia acouchy, 626.

aperea, 628.

capensis, 438.

patacbonica, 629.

porcellus, 628.

Cavicornia, 219. Caviidae, 628. Cebidae, 45.

Cebocboerua minor, 342. Cebus capucinus, 47.

satanas, 53.

Centetes ecaudatus, 639. Centetidse, 639. Centetinae, 639. Cepbalopbus maxwelli, 269.

mergens, 270.

Ceratorhinus, 421. Cercocebus setbiops, 30.

albigena, 31.

collaris, 30.

cynomolgus, 31.

fubgmosus, 30.

pileatus, 33.

radiatus, 34.

amicus, 33, 34.

Cercolabes, 620.

Cercoleptes caudivohulus, 159.

Cercopithecus albigularis, 27, 29.

callitricbus, 27.

campbelli, 27.

cepbalopterus, 29.

cephus, 28.

diana, 28.

griseo-viridis, 25.

lalandii, 26.

larvatus, 24.

mona, 27.

patas, 25.

petaurista, 28.

ruber, 25.

sabarns, 25, 26.

Cervinse, 285. Cervulus muntjac, 286. Oervus alces, 316.

aristotelis, 289.

axis, 293.

camelopardalis, 281 .


Uervus carupestris, 324.

canadensis, 298.

capreolus, 318.

dama, 299.

davidianus, 291 .

elapbus, 293.

eldi, 291.

equiaus, 290.

hamatus, 278.

bibemicus, 297, 307.

humilis, 325.

leucurus, 323.

macrotis, 324.

megaceros, 307.

mexicanus, 323.

moscbatus, 288.

muntjac, 286.

nemoralis, 323.

porcinus, 290.

pumilio, 320.

pygargus, 320.

subcornutus, 287.

tarandus, 312.

vaginalis, 286.

virginianus, 322.

Cetacea, 531. Cbeiromys, 71. Cbilonycteris parnelli, 661. Cbincbilla lanigera, 625. Cbincbillidfe, 625. Cbirogaleus furcifer, 64.

milii, 64.

pusillus, 64.

smitbii, 64.

Cbiromyidse, 70. Cbiromys madagascariensis, 7] Cbironectes variegatus, 750. Cbiroptera, 652. Cklamydopborinse, 687. Chlamydopborus truncatus, 68 Chlamypborus, 687. Cbceropotamidae, 341. Ohceropotamus cuvieri, 341.

gypsorum, 341.

Cboeropsis liberiensis, 365. Cbceropus castanotis, 738. ecaudatus, 738.



Ohoiropotamus pictus, 856. Cholcepus didactylus, 664.

bofi'manni, 665.

Cbrysocbloris aurea, 638.

capensis, 638.

trevelyani, 638.

Cbrysotbrix sciurea, 46. Cladobates, 649. Clyinene, 583. Clyruenia dubia, 584.

leiicorhampbus, 583.

longirostris, 585.

microps, 585.

obscura, 583.

Coelogenus, 627. Ccelogenys paca, 627. Ccenotberiiim comrnune, 335.

Ccescoes, 701 .

Colobus bicolor, 19.

satanas, 19.

ursinus, 19.

vellerosus, 19.

Conepatus raapurito, 151.

Connocbtetes gnu, 274.

taurina, 275.

Corypbodon eocaenus, 435.

Cricetomys ganibianus, 605.

Cricetus frurnentarius, C04.

vulgaris, 604.

Crocidura cserulescens, 644.

Crocuta maculata, 109.

Crossarcbus obscurus, 100.

Crossopus fodiens, 645.

Cryptoprocta ferox, 94.

Ctenomys brasiliensis, 6J7.

magellanicus, 617.

Cuscus maculatus, 701.

Cycloturus didactylus, 681.

Cynselurus jubatus, 91.

Cynocepbalus aniibis, 42.

babouin, 41.

gelada, 40.

hamadryas, 41.

leucopbiBus, 44.

maimon, 44.

mormon, 45.

nigcr, 39.

Cynocepbalus papioides, 42.

porcarius, 43.

Cynogalo bennottii, 102.

venatica, 112.

Cynomys ludovicianus, 597. Oynopitbecus niger, 39. Cynopterus margiuatus, 654. Cystophora borealis, 214.

cristata, 214.

Cystopborinre, 214.

Daina vulgaris, 299. Damans canna, 258.

capensis, 258.

oreas, 258.

Dasypodidas, 681. Dasyprocta acoucby, 626.

aguti, 626.

fuliginosa, 627.

Dasyproctidse, 626. Dasypus encoubert, 683.

giganteus, 686.

gigas, 686.

bybridus, 682.

minutus, 685.

novenicinctus, 681 .

peba, 681.

sexcinctus, 683.

tatouay, 685.

unicinctus, 685.

yillosus, 684.

Dasyuridse, 739. Dasyurinse, 739. Dasyurus lauiarius, 744.

rnacrourus, 741.

maculatus, 741.

inaugei, 742.

ursinus, 743.

viverrina, 742.

Daubentonia, 71. Delpbiuapterus beluga, 569.

leucas, 569.

UolpliinidiL', 566.

Delpbinorbyuchus microptenit, 559. Delpbinua acutus, 582.

bidentfttus, 556.

butskopf, 556.



Delpbinus catalania, 579.

delphis, 586.

densirostris, 561.

diodon, 556.

dubius, 584.

eschrichtii, 582.

euphrosyne, 584.

froutatus, 579.

gangeticus, 5li4.

gladiator, 572.

globiceps, 574.

lentiginosis, 581.

leucas, 569.

leucoplewns, 582.

leucorhamphus, 583.

longirostris, 585.

tnelas, 574.

obscurus, 583.

orca, 572.

peronii, 583.

phocsena, 570*.

reinwardtii, 580,

rostratus, 579.

sinensis, 580.

sowerbiensis, 559,

sowerbyi, 559.

truncatus, 677.

tursio, 577.

Dendrohyrax arboreus, 439.

dorsalis, 440.

Dendrolagus ursinus, 724. Derruoptera, 650. Desman, 643. Desmodus rufus, 662. Dicotyles labiatus, 343.

tajacu, 344.

torquatus, 344.

Dicranoceros, 276. Didelpbis cynocepbala, 745.

gigantea, 707.

obesula, 736.

penicillata, 739.

petaurus, 705.

sciurea, 706.

ursina, 743.

viverrina, 742.

vulpina, 701.

Didelphyidse, 747. Didelphys azarae, 749.

cancrivora, 749.

virginiana, 747.

13inotberiida3, 515. Dinotherium cuvieri, 519.

giganteuin, 515.

pentapotamise, 515.

Diobroticus scbmerlingii, 602, Dioplodon europseus, 560, Dipodidse, 615. Diprotodon australis, 728. Diprotodontidae, 728. Dipus acontion, 616.

budsonius, 616.

indicus, 604.

sagitta, 615.

Dolicbotis patacbonica, 629. Dorcopsis luctuosa, 724. Dreniotberiuni feignouxii, 285. Dryopitbecus fontani, 9. Duplicidentati, 631.

Echidna aculeata, 751.

bruijnii, 753.

bystrix, 751.

setosa, 751.

Echidnidse, 751. Edentata, 663. Egocerus, 262. Elapburas davidianus, 291. Elasmognatbus bairdii, 385. Elasmotherium fischeri, 433. Elepbantidoa, 441. Elephas africanus, 484.

araericanus, 500.

antiquus, 478.

asiaticus, 442.

bombifrons, 495.

capensis, 484.

clifti, 492, 495.

columbi, 476.

falconeri, 491.

hysudricus, 477.

indicus, 44l\

insignis, 492.

maximus, 442, 484.


Eleplms melitensis, 491.

meridionalis, 489.

nam adieus, 477.

planifrons, 490.

primigenius, 404, 470.

texianus, 470.

Ellobius talpinus, Oil. Elotheriuui magnum, 341. Emballonuridse, 600. Enbydra lutris, 154. Enhydris marina, 154. Entelodon magnum, 341. Epomophorus franqueti, 652. Equidse, 394. Equus asinus, 410.

burchelli, 414.

caballus, 395.

curvidens, 394.

fossilis, 407, 408.

gracilis, 392.

hemionus, 412.

plicidens, 407, 409.

quagga, 413.

sivalensis, 395.

zebra, 414.

Erethizon dorsatus, 621. Ericulus nigrescens, 640.

setosus, 640.

Erignatbus barbatus, 210. Erinaceidae, 045. Erinaceinre, G45. Erinaceus ecaudatus, 639.

europfeus, 045.

madagascariensis, 639.

semispinosus, 639.

setosus, 640.

Euelephas, 442. Eumetopias stelleri, 190. Euphractus, 083. Euphysetes, 555. Eupleres goudoti, 103.

Felida?, 72. Felis aurata, 83.

bengalensis, 84.

brevirostris, 91.

caffra, 86.

Felis caligata, 86.

caracal, 89.

catus, 85.

chrysothrix, 83.

concolor, 82.

cristata, 78.

domestica, 86.

jubata, 91.

leo, 72.

leptorbyncha, 91.

lynx, 90.

macrocelis, 83.

manicidala, 86.

megantereon, 93.

onca, 82.

pardalis, 85.

pardina, 90.

pardus, 79.

rutilus, 83.

serval, 84.

spelsea, 74.

tigris, 75.

imcia, 82.

viverrina, 84.

yaguarundi, 85.

Fennicus zaarensis, 134. Fiber zibethicus, 609. Fissipedia, 72.

Galago alleni, 66.

crassicaudatus, 65.

monteiri, 65.

sennariensis, 66.

Galeocebus, 63. Galeopitliecidas, 650. Galeopitbecus pliilippenais, 051.

temminckii, 050.

volans, 050.

Galera barbara, 144. Galictis barbara, 144.

vittata, 145.

Galidia elegans, 103. Gazella benuettii, 204.

dorcas, 263.

cuchore, 204.

(ielada riippellii, 40. Qenetta tigrina, 98.



Genetta vulgaris, 97. Geomyidaa, 614. Geoniys bursarius, 614. Georyckus capeusis, 614. Gerbillus indicus, 604. Giraffa bituriguni, 283.

canielopardabs, 281.

Giraffidaj, 280. Globicepbala, 574. Globiceps bracbypterus, 577,

intermedius, 577.

tnacrorbyncbus, 577.

melas, 574.

Globiocepbalus affinis, 576.

macrorbyncbus, 577.

svineval, 574.

Glossotberiuni, 672. Glypbidelpbis rostratus, 579, Glyptodon asper, 688.

clavipes, 687.

elongatus, 688.

ornatus, 690.

reticulatus, 691 .

tuberculatus, 691.

Glyptodontidae, 687. Gorilla gina, 6.

savagii, 6.

Grampus affinis, 576.

obscurus, 583.

Grisonia vittata, 145. Gulo borealis, 143.

luscus, 143.

nepalensis, 146.

Gymnura rafflesi, 647. Gymnurinae, 647.

Halicbcerus griseus, 204.

grypus, 204.

Habcore australis, 523.

dugong, 521.

Halicoridae, 521. Halitheriidaj, 526. Habtberiuna canbanii, 526. Halmaturus derbianus, 713.

luctuosus, 724.

Ilapale jaccbus, 56. penicillata, 57.

Hapalemur griseus, 60.

simus, 60.

Hapalidte, 56.

Hapalotis albipes, G09.

Haploceros, 257.

Ilaplocerus, 257.

Helamys, 616.

Helarctos nialayanus, 162.

Helictis nepalensis, 146.

Hemicentetes madagascariensis, 639.

semispinosus, 639.

Hemigalea bardwickii, 99. Herpestes galera, 105.

griseus, 104.

icbneurnon, 103.

nepalensis, 105.

paludinosus, 1 05.

pbaraonis, 103.

Heterodon densirostris, 561.

sowerbiensis, 559.

Hexaprotodon sivalensis, 377. Hipparion gracile, 392. Hippopotamidae, 364. Hippopotamus anipbibius, 305,

dissimibs, 340.

liberiensis, 365.

major, 372.

medius, 375.

minor, 365.

pentlandi, 375.

terrestris, 381, 384.

Hippotberium gracile, 392. Hippotragus equinus, 262.

leucopbaeus, 262.

niger, 263.

Homo lar, 17.

sapiens, 1.

Hyaena brunnea, 109.

crocuta, 109.

maculata, 109.

neogea, 93.

picta, 111.

spelaea, 110.

striata, 108.

venatica, 111.

vulgaris, 108.

Hyacnarctos sivalensis, 160.



Ilyaenidre, 107.

Hyaenodon brachyrhynchtis, 185.

vulpinus, 185.

Hydrochcerus capybara, 030.

tapir, 381, 384.

Ilydromys chrysogaster, 003. Hydropotea inermis, 321. Hylobates hoolock, 17.

lar, 17.

leuciscus, 10.

syndactylus, 14.

variegatus, 15.

Hyomoscbus aquaticus, 829. Hyopotanius americamis, 340.

bovinus, 339.

vectiauus, 339.

Hyperoodon butakopf, 550.

latifrona, 557.

rostratus, 550.

Hypsiprimnus apelaeua, 723. Hypsiprymuua bunteri, 720.

graii, 727.

murinua, 725.

Hyracidae, 438. Hyracoidea, 438. Hyracotheriuni leporinum, 380. II y rax arbor eus, 439.

capensis, 438.

doraalia, 440.

Hyatricidae, 020. Hyatiix alopbua, 024.

cristata, 022.

doraata, 021.

faaciculata, 622.

hirautiroatris, 623.

inaidioaa, 021.

javanica, 024.

mexicana, 621.

Ibex warryato, 254. Ichneumon bondar, 101. Icticyon venaticua, 112. Ictides, 101. Ictonyx capenaia, 145.

zorilla, 145.

Indri, 68.

Indria brevicaudalua, 58.

Iudrisinas, 57. Inaectivora vera, 038. Iuuua ecaudatus, 37.

pithecua, 38.

rhesus, 35.

Isodon pilorides, 010.

Jacchus penicillatus, 57. Jacuhis, 615.

Kangurus billardieri, 713.

gaimardi, 726.

laniger, 710.


Kemas hylocrius, 254. Kobua ellipaiprymnua, 268. Kogia breviceps, 555.

Lagenocetus, 557. Lagenorhynchus acutus, 582.

albirostria, 582.

clanculus, 582.

electra, 581.

Lagidiuin cuvieri, 625. Lagorcheates hirsutus, 714. Lagoatomu3 trichodactylus, 626. Lagothrix humbolti, 51. Lagotis cuvieri, 625. Lama peruana, 333. Lemur albifrons, 62.

catta, 61.

furcifer, 64.

griseus, 60.

indri, 58.

laniger, 59.

mongoz, 62.

potto, 68.

puaillua, 64.

rufipea, 63.

spectrum, 70.

tardigradua, 07.

tarsier, 70.

varius, 00.

volans, 050.

Lemuridas, 67. Lemuroidea, 57. Leopardus cllioti, 84.



Lepidolernur mustelinus, 63. Lepilemur, 63. Leporidae, 631. Lepus americanus, 633.

canipestris, 634.

cuniculus, 634.

europaeus, 631 .

rufrcaudatus, 633.

sinensis, 633.

sylvaticus, 634.

timidus, 631.

variabilis, 632.

Leucorbampbus peronii, 583. Licbanotis, 58. Lipurus cinereus, 699. Lobodon carcinopbaga, 213. Lopbiodon tapiroides, 379. Lopbiodontidae, 379. Loris gracilis, 66.

javanicus, 67.

tardigradus, 67.

Lorisinae, 66. Loxodon, 483. Loxodonta, 483. Lupus occidentabs, 126. Lutra canadensis, 153.

felina, 154.

leptonyx, 154.

marina, 154.

minima, 750.

vulgaris, 151 .

Lycaon pictus, 111. Lynx pardina, 90.

Macacus cynomolgus, 31. erythraeus, 35.

gelada, 39.

inuus, 37, 38.

nemestrinus, 36.

niger, 39.

pileatus, 33.

priscus, 38.

radiatus, 34.


silenus, 34.

sinicus, 33, 34.

sylvanus, 38.

Macbaerodus cultridens, 93.

latidens, 92.

megantereon, 93.

ueog83US, 93.

Macraucbenia boliviensis, 434.

patachonica, 433.

Macropodidse, 706. Macropus affinis, 719.

anak, 715.

antilopinus, 711.

atlas, 716.

bennetti, 711.

billardieri, 713.

derbianus, 713.

giganteus, 707.

goliab, 720.

gouldii, 719.

birsutus, 714.

boutmanni, 713.

leporoides, 714.

major, 707.

mimas, 720.

minor, 725.

rapba, 721.

rufus, 710.

titan, 717.

xantbopus, 715.

Macroibinus leoninus, 215. Macroscelidae, 648. Macroscelides intufi, 648. Macrotlieriidae, 695. Macrotis lagotis, 736. Mamniut obioticuni, 500. Manatidae, 528. Manatus americanus, 528.

gigas, 527.

senegalensis, 529.

Mangusta urinatrix, 105. ManidiB, 692. Manis auritn, 692.

bracbyura, 692.

dalmanni, 692.

gigantea, 693.

javanica, 693.

macro ura, G94.

macrura, 694.

pentadactyla, 692.



Manis tetradactyla, 694. Marsupialia, 696, Martes sylvatica, 13G. Mastodon americanus, 500.

andium, 514.

angustidens, 513.

arvemensis, 490.

australis, 514.

borsoni, 512.

elepkantoides, 492, 495.

giganteiun, 500.

latidens, 498.

longirostris, 497.

sivalensis, 498.

Megaceros hibernicus, 307. Megachiroptera, 652. Megaderina frons, 65(!. Megalcenus rodens, 678. Megalonyx jeffersoni, 676.

laqueatus, 673.

rodens, 678.

Megatberiidse, 666. Megatberium arnericanum, 666.

cuvieri, 666.

jeffersonii, 676,

Aleles americanus, 147.

indicus, 146.

taxus, 148.

taxus, /3. americanus, 147.

vulgaris, 148.

Mellivora indica, 146. Melursus lybius, 183.

ursinus, 183.

Mephitis mepbitica, 150.

nasuta, 151.

Merycopotamus dissimilis, 340. Mesoplodon bidens, 559.

densirostris, 561.

europasus, 560.

floweri, 562.

grayi, 559.

haasti, 560.

layardi, 560.

Mesotherium cristatum, 437. Microcebus, 63. Microchiroptera, 655. Microgale longicaudata, 040.

Microrhyncbus, 59.

Mi das oedipus, 56.

rosalia, 56.

Miniopterus sebreibersi, 660.

Mirounga, 21 5.

Molossus obscurus, 660.

Monacbus albi venter, 211.

Monodon monoceros, 566.

Monotremata, 751.

Morrnoops, 661.

Mormops blainvillei, 661.

Morunga, 215.

Moschina;, 283.

Moschus aquaticus, 329.

javanicus, 326, 328.

moscbiferus, 283.

napu, 328.

saturatus, 284.

stanleyanus, 327.

Muraena, 751,

Muridse, 603.

Mus agrestis, 610.

aguti, 626.

amphibius, 610.

avellanarius, 603.

bursarius, 614.

caffer, 616.

capensis, 614.

citillus, 596.

coypus, 618.

cricetus, 604.

decumanus, 606.

fuscipes, 607.

giganteus, 607.

gregarius, 610.

jaculus, 616.

kok, 604.

laniger, 625.

lemmus, 611.

nialabaricus, 607.

maritiinus, 613.

ruarmotta, 597.

uiessorius, 608.

minutus, G08.

monax, 598.

musculus, 608.

paca, 627.



Mus porcellus, 628.

rattus, 605.

sagitta, 615.

sumatrensis, 612.

talpinus, 611.

typblus, 611.

Muscardinus avellanarius, 603. Mustela americana, 138.

barbara, 144.

canadensis, 138, 153.

erminea, 141.

felina, 154.

flavigula, 137.

furo, 140.

galera, 105.

gulo, 143.

lutra, 151.

lutreola, 143.

lutris, 154.

martes, 136.

pennanti, 138.

putorius, 139.

siberica, 141.

vison, 143.

vulgaris, 141.

zibellina, 137.

Mustelidse, 136. Mycetes laniger, 54.

palliatus, 55.

seniculus, 54.

Mydaus meliceps, 149. Mygale muscovitica, 643.

pyrenaica, 643.

Mylodon darwini, 672, 673.

barlani, 673.

robustus, 669.

Myodes lemrnus, 611. Myogale moscbata, 643.

pyrenaica, 643.

Myogalea, 643. Myogalinae, 643. Myomorpbus cubensis, 678. Myopotamus coypus, 618. Myoxidae, 602. Myoxus glis, 602. Myrmecobiiuae, 739. M yrmecobius fasciatus, 739.

Myrmecopbaga aculeata, 751,

afra, 694.

capensis, 694.

didactyla, 681.

jubata, 679.

tetradactyla, 680.

Myrmecopbagidae, 679. Myrmedon, 680.

Naemorbedus, 254. Nandinia biuotata, 98. Nasalis larvatus, 24. Nasua narica, 158.

nasica, 158.

rufa, 157.

Nemorbaedus bubalina, 254, 255.

goral, 254.

sumatrensis, 255.

Neotragus saltianus, 268. Nesodon irnbrieatus, 436. Nesokia kok, 604. Noctilio bipposideros, 655. Nototberium inertne, 733.

mitcbelli, 733.

Nyctereutes procynoides, 134.

viverrinus, 134.

Nycteridae, 656. Nycticebus bengalensis, 67.

javanicus, 67.

potto, 68.

Nyctipitbecus vociferans, 51 .

Octodon cumingi, 617. Octodontidae, 617. Odobaenus obesus, 195.

rosmarus, 195.

Odontoceti, 548. . Ogmorbinus, 211. Orca gladiator, 572. meridionalis, 573, 574. Oreas canna, 258. Oreopitbecus bambolii, 18. Ornitborbyncbidae, 753. Ornitborhynchus hystrix, 751.

paradoxus, 753.

Orycteropus aetbiopicus, 695. capensis, 694.


Oryx beisa, 262.

leucoryx, 261.

Oryzorictinaa, 640. Ospbranter antilopinus, 711.

gouldii, 719.

Otaria australis, 191.

californiana, 190.

gillespii, 190.

jubata, 187.

lobata, 192.

pusilla, 193.

scbistbyperoes, 193.

stelleri, 190.

ursina, 193.

OtariidsB, 186. Otocyon caffer, 135.

lalandii, 135.

megalotis, 135.

Otolicnus, 65. Oulodon grayi, 559. Ovibos nioscbatus, 236.

pallasii, 237.

Oris aries, 237.

burrbel, 247.

cycloeeros, 244.

bodgsoni, 246.

karebni, 245.

montana, 246, 257.

musimon, 243.

naboor, 247.

polii, 245.

sculptorum, 245.

tragelapbus, 248.

vignei, 244.

Pacbylemur, 69. Paguma larvata, 100. Palreotberiidffl, 386. Pala3otberium annectens, 390.

aurelianense, 391 .

bairdii, 392.

crassum, 387.

bippoides, 391.

magnum, 386.

medium, 388.

minus, 300.

tapiroides, 379.

Paleolemur betillei, 69. Paloplotherium annectens, 390. Papio anubis, 42.

cynocepbalus, 41.

maimon, 44.

porcarius, 43.

Paradoxurus albifrons, 102.

bondav, 101.

dei'bianus, 99.

larvatus, 100.

musanga, 100.

typus, 99.

tytlerii, 100.

Pecora, 219. Pedetea cafier, 616. Pelagius, 210. Peragalea lagotis, 736. Perameles fasciata, 737.

lagotis, 736.

nasuta, 738.

obesula, 736.

Peramelida3, 735. Perissodactyla, 379. Perodicticus calabarensis, 68.

geoffi-oyi, 68.

potto, 68.

Petaurus australis, 705.

flaviventer, 705.

sciureus, 706.

taguanoides, 705.

Petrodromus tetradactylus, 648. Petrogale xantbopus, 715. Pbacochceridse, 360. Pbacocbcerus asliani, 360.

aethiopicus, 363.

africanus, 360.

pallasii, 363.

Phalangista canina, 704.

cooki, 704.

maculata, 701.

vulpina, 701.

Pbalangistidce, 699. Pbaner furcifer, 64. Phascogale calura, 740.

flavipes, 740.

penicillata, 739.

Pbascolarctos cinereus, 699.



Pbascolarctos fuscus, 699. Pbascolomyidte, 696. Pbascolomys latifrons, 699.

mitchelli, 698.

platyrbinus, 697.

wombat, 696.

Phoca albiventer, 211.

annellata, 207.

atitarctica, 193.

australis, 191.

barbata, 210.

byronia, 189.

carcinopbaga, 213.

cristata, 214.

elepbantina, 215.

faMandica, 191.

foetida, 207.

grcenlandica, 208.

grypbus, 204.

grypus, 204.

bispida, 207.

jubata, 187.

ieonina, 215, 217.

leptonyx, 211.

inonachus, 211.

proboscidia, 215.

pusilla, 193.

ursina, 193.

vituliua, 205.

Pboccena americana, 571.

communis, 570.

crassidens, 573.

tuberculifera, 570.

Pbocidae, 204. Pbocinae, 204. Phyllodia parnelbi, 661. Phyllorbina caffra, 656.

diadema, 656.

tridens, 655.

Pbyllostomidse, 661. Physalus antiquorum, 534. Pbyseter bidens, 559.

breviceps, 555.

catodon, 569.

macrocepbalus, 548.

Pbyseteridae, 548. Pmnipedia, 186.

Pitbecia monacbus, 52.

satanas, 53.

Pithecus satyrus, 10. Platanista gangetica, 664.

indi, 565.

Platanistidae, 564. Platypus anatinus, 753. Plecotus auritus, 657. Porcus, 356. Portax picta, 260.

tragocamelus, 260.

Potamocbcerus afticanus, 355.

porcus, 356.

Potamopbilus barbatus, 102. Praopus, 681. Presbytis albigena, 31. Priodon giganteus, 686. Priodontes, 686. Proboscidea, 441. Procapra gutturosa, 266. Procoptodon goliab, 720.

rapba, 721.

Procyon lotor, 155. Prodelpbiuus, 583. Proecbidna bruijnii, 753. Propitbecus coquerelii, 59.

diadema, 68.

verreauxii, 59.

Proteles cristatus, 107.

-. lalandii, 107.

Protelidae, 107. Protemnodon anak, 715.

mimas, 720.

Prox, 286.

Pseudorca crassidens, 573. Pteromys derbianus, 590.

nitidus, 590.

Pteropodidae, 652. Pteropus edulis, 653.

marginatus, 654.

medius, 653.

rubricollis, 652.

Pudu, 325.

Pudua bumilis, 325.

Putorius foetidus, 1 39.

Rangifer tarandus, 312.



Rhabdogale mustelina, 145. Rhinoceros africanus, 423.

antiquitatis, 428.

bicornis, 423, 426.

floweri, 418.

indicus, 416.

javanicus, 418.

keitloa, 423.

lasiotis, 422.

leptorhinus, 430.

megarkinus, 430.

minutus, 415.

pleuroceros, 415.

sinius, 424.

sondaicus, 418.

sumatranus, 421.

sumatreusis, 418, 421, 427.

tichorhinus, 428.

unicornis, 416, 426.

Rhinocerotidas, 415. Rhinolopbidse, 655. Rliinolophus caffer, 656.

diadema, 656.

hipposideros, 655.

nobilis, 656.

tridens, 655.

Rhizomys badius, 612.

priiinosus, 612.

sumatrensis, 612.

Rkynchocyon cerni, 649. Rhytina stelleri, 527. Rhytinidse, 627. Rhyzaena, 106.

Rodentia simplicidentata, 690. Rupicapra americana, 257. tragus, 256.

Saiga tartarica, 265. Saimiri sciureus, 46. Scelidotherium leptocepbaluni, 674. Scirtetes, 616. Sciuridse, 590. Sciuropterus volucella, 691. Sciurus asiaticus, 695.

bicolor, 592.

capensis, 695.

carol inensis, 694.


Sciurus erythropus, 595.

glis, 602.

hudsonius, 594.

indicus, 592.

madagascariensis, 71.

■; pyrrhopus, 594.

rufo-bracliiatus, 593.

rutilus, 695.

setosus, 595.

stangeri, 593.

striatus, 595.

volucella, 591 .

vulgaris, 591.

Scotophilus noctula, 658.

Semnopithecus albogularis, 27.

chrysomelas, 23.

cristatus, 22.

entellus, 20.

maurus, 23.

nasicus, 24.

pruinosus, 22.

schistaceus, 21.

vellerosus, 19.

Siamanga syndactyla, 14.

Sibbaldius laticeps, 536.

Simia sethiops, 30.

capucina, 47.

cephus, 28.

cristata, 22.

cynocepbalus, 41.

cynomolgus, 31.

diana, 28.

entellus, 20.

erytbraea, 35.

gorilla, 6.

haniadryas, 41.

hoolock, 17.

inuus, 37.

jacchus, 56.

leucophaea, 44.

maimon, 44.

maura, 23.

mona, 27..

mormon, 44.

nasalis, 24.

nasica, 24.

nemestrina, 36.

3 D


Sirnia cedipus, 66.

paniscus, 48.

patas, 25.

petaurista, 23.

pileata, 33.

porcaria, 43.

pygerythra, 26.

rhesus, 35.

rosalia, 56.

rubra, 25.

sabsea, 25.

satyr us, 10.

sciurea, 46.

seniculus, 64.

silenus, 34.

sinica, 33.

sylvanus, 37.

syndactyla, 14.

troglodytes, 2.

Sirenia, 521. Sivatberiidfe, 279. Sivatherium giganteum, 279 Smilodon populator, 93. Solenodon cubanus, 641. Solenodontidae, 641.

Sorex auratus, 638.

cserulescens, 644.

fodiens, 645.

giganteus, 644.

indicus, 644.

tetragonurus, 644.

vulgaris, 644.

Soricidse, 644.

Sotalia sinensis, 580.

Spalacidse, 611.

Spalax typhlus, 611.

Spermophilus citellus, 596.

mongolicus, 596.

Squalodon, 566.

Squalodontidae, 566.

Stegodon, 492.

Steno attenuatus, 584.

compressus, 580.

frontatus, 579.

rostratus, 579.

Stenops javanicus, 67.

tardigradus, 67.


Stenorhynchinse, 210. Stenorhynchus carcinophagus, 213.

leptonyx, 211.

serridens, 213.

Sthenurus atlas, 716. Strepsiceros capensis, 25S.

kudu, 258.

Stylocerus, 286. Suidse, 346. Suina, 343.

Suricata tetradactyla, 106. Sus sethiopicus, 363.

africanus, 355, 360.

barbatus, 347.

cristatus, 345.

giganteus, 354.

bydrocboeris, 630.

hysudricus, 354.

larvatus, 355.

papuensis, 347.

penicillatus, 856.

porcus, 356.

scrofa, 348.

tajacu, 344.

Synetberes insidiosus, 621. mexicanus, 621 .

Tacbyglossus bruijnii, 753. Talpa asiatica, 638.

aurea, 638.

europsea, 641 .

inaurata, 638.

Talpidae, 641. Talpinae, 641.

Tamandua tetradactyla, 680. Tamias asiaticus, 595. Tapiridse, 381. Tapirulus hyracinus, 338. Tapirus americanus, 381 , 384.

anta, 381, 384.

arvernensis, 282.

bairdii, 385.

indicus, 383.

malayanus, 383.

minor, 382.

priscus, 281.

terrestris, 384.


Tarsiidaa, 70. Tarsi pes rostratusj 706. Tarsius spectrum, 70. Tatusia bybrida, 682.

novemcincta, 681.

Taxidea americana, 147. Tetracaulodon, 503. Tetraceros quadricornis, 270. Theropitliecus gelada, 39. Thylaciuus cynocepbalus, 745.

spelaeus, 747.

Thylacoleo carnifex, 734. Thylacoleontidae, 734. Tolypeutes conurus, 686. Toxodon platensis, 436. Tragelapbus scriptus, 259.

sylvaticus, 260.

Tragulidse,' 325. Tragiilina, 325. Tragulus javanicus, 326.

napu, 328.

stanleyanus, 327.

Tricbecbidas, 194. Tricbechus australis, 528, 529.

borealis, 527.

dugong, 521.

buxleyi, 203.

manatus, 527, 528, 529.

rosmarus, 195.

Tricbecodon buxleyi, 203. Troglodytes calvus, 3.

gorilla, 6.

niger, 2.

savagei, 6.

Trogontberium cuvieri, 602. Tupaia javanica, 649.

tana, 650.

Tupaiidse, 649. Tursio truncatus, 577. Tursiops catalania, 579.

tursio, 577.

Tylopoda, 329. Typotherium cristatum, 437.

Ungulata, 219.

Ursidse, 160.

Utsua americanns, 163.

Ursus arctos, 166.

arvernensis, 173.

bourguignati, 173.

eiuereus, 169.

cultridens, 93.

ferox, 169.

fossilis, 172.

borriaeus, 172.

borribilis, 169.

isabellinus, 169.

labiatus, 183.

labradorius, 147.

lotor, 155.

luscus, 143.

malayanus, 162.

maritimus, 181 .

melanoleucus, 161.

meles, 148.

ornatus, 103.

priscus, 172.

sivalensis, 160.

spelseus, 174.

taxus, 147.

tibetanus, 165.

Urus priscus, 232.

Valgipes deformis, 679. Vespertilio auritus, 657.

daubentonii, 659.

isabellinus, 657.

nanus, 658.

nattereri, 659.

noctula, 658.

perspicillatus, 661.

pipistrellus, 658.

schreibersii, 660.

serotinus, 657.

Vesperugo nanus, 658.

noctula, 658.

pipistrellus, 658.

serotinus, 657.

Viverra antiqua, 97.

binotata, 98.

binturong, 102.

bondar, 101.

caudi vol villa, 159.



Viverra civetta, 94.

cristata, 107.

genetta, 97.

gymnura, 647.

hardwickii, 99.

ichneumon, 103.

indica, 96.

larvata, 100.

lemanenais, 97.

maculata, 741.

malaccensis, 96.

mapurito, 151.

mephitica, 150.

musanga, 100.

narica, 158.

nasua, 157.

schlegeli, 97.

suricatta, 106.

tangalunga, 95.

tetradactyla, 106,

tigrina, 98.

vittata, 145.

zibetha, 95.

zorilla, 145.

Viverricula indica, 96. Viverridae, 94.

Xenurus lugubris, 686.

unicinctus. 085.

Xerus capensis, 595.

erythropus, 595.

rutilus, 595.

Xiphodon platyceps, 335. Xiphodontidae, 335.

Yerboa gigantea, 707.

Zalophus californianus, 190.

lobatus, 192.

ZapodidaB, 614. Zapus hudsonius, 615. Zeuglodon brachyspondylus, 548.

cetoides, 546.

hydrachos, 548.

Zeuglodontidae, 546. Zipbila lugubris, 686. Zipbius angustus, 562.

cavirostris, 558.

densirostris, 561 .

indicus, 558.

layardii, 560.

secbellensis, 561.

Zorilla striata, 145.




Aard-vark, 694. Aard-Wolf, 107. Acouchy, 626. Agouti, Golden, 626.

, Sooty, 627.

Alpaca, 334. Anoa, 228.

Ant-eater, Cape, 694.

, Ethiopian, 694.

, Great, 679.

, Little, 681.

, Tamandua, 680.

Antelope, Beisa, 262.

, Blue, 262.

, Chinese, 266.

, Equine, 262.

, Four-horned, 270.

, Harnessed, 259.

, Indian, 266.

, Philantomba, 269.

, Prong-horned, 277.

, Sable, 263.

, Saiga, 265.

, Salt's, 268.

, Sumatrau, 255.

Aoudad, 248. Ape, Barbary, 38.

, Black, 39.

, Ungka, 14.

Armadillo, Broad- banded, 686. , Great, 686.

Armadillo, Hairy, 684.

, Little, 685.

, Mulita, 682.

, Nine-banded or Peba, 681.

, Six-banded, 683.

, Three-banded, 686.

, Weasel-headed, 683.

Ass, 410. Aurochs, 232.

, Great Fossil, 232.

Awantibo, 68. Aye- Aye, 71.

Babirussa, 356. Baboon, Anubis, 42.

, Arabian, 41.

, Chacma, 43.

, Yellow, 41 .

Bactrian Camel, 330. Badger, American, 147.

, Common, 148.

, Indian, 150.

Bat, Common Noctulo, 658.

, Daubenton's, 059.

, Lesser Horseshoe, 655.

, Long-eared, 657.

, Natterer's, 559.

, Pipistrelle, 658.

Bear, American Black, 163. , Brown, 166.



Bear, Grizzly, 169.

, Himalayan Black, 165.

, Isabelline, 169.

, Malayan, 162.

, Polar, 181.

, Sloth, 183.

, Spectacled, 163.

Beaver, American, 600.

, European, 598.

Beden, 249. Beluga, 569. Bhalu-soor, 150. Bighorn, 246. Binturong, 102. Bison, American, 231 .

, European, 232.

, Indian, 227.

Black-fish, 574. Bonte-bok, 273. Bosch-bok, 260. Buffalo, Cape, 230.

, Central African, 230.

, Indian, 229.

Burrhel, 247.

Cachalot, 548.

, Short>headed, 655.

Camel, One-humped, 331.

, Two-humped, 230.

Camelopard, 281. Capromys, Fournier's, 619.

, Short-tailed, 619.

Capuchin Weeper, 47. Capybara, 630. Caracal, 89. Cat, African Civet, 94.

, African Golden, 83.

, African Wild, 86.

, Bengal Leopard, 84.

, Domestic, 86.

, European Wild, 85.

, Viverrine, 84.

Cave-Hyaena, 110.

Cave-Lion, 74.

Cavy, Patagonian, 629.

, Restless, 628.

, Spotted, 627.

Chamois, 256. Cheetah, 91.

Chevrotain, African, 329.

, Javan, 326.

, Lord Stanley's, 327.

, Napu, 328.

Chimpanzee, 2. Chinchilla, 625.

, Cuvier's, 625.

Choeropus, 738. Civet, African, 94.

, Palm, 99.

, Schlegel's, 97.

, Sumatran, 95.

Coati, Brazilian, 157.

, Mexican, 158.

, Ring-tailed, 157.

, White-nosed, 158.

Colobus, Black, 19.

, Ursine, 19.

, White-thighed, 19.

Coypu, 618. Cuscus, Spotted, 701.

Dasyure, Spotted-tailed, 741.

, Ursine, 743.

, "Viverrine, 742.

Deer, Axis, 293.

, Chinese Water, 321.

, David's, 291.

, Equine, 290.

, Fallow, 299.

, Hog, 290.

, Mexican, 323.

, Moose, 316.

, Mule, 324.

, Musk, 283.

, Pampas, 324.

, Panolia, 291.

, Pudu, 325.

, Red, 293.

, Rein-, 312.

, Roe, 318.

, Sambur, 289.

, Virginian, 322.

, Wapiti, 298.

, White-tailed, 323.



Desman, Pyrenean, 648.

, Russian, 643.

Dog, Australian, 114.

, Bull, 121.

, Bush, 112.

, Cape Hunting, 111.

, Collie, 121.

, Common, 114.

, Deerhound, 117.

, Dingo, 114.

, Eskimo, 114.

, Foxhound, 118.

, French Bloodhound, 117.

, German Boarhound, 117.

, Greyhound, 118.

, Indian Wild, 113.

, Japanese, 123.

, Mastiff, 116.

, Newfoundland, 116.

, Pointer, 118.

, Pug, 123.

, Raccoon-like, 134.

, Retriever, 118.

, St. Bernard's, 116.

, Shepherd's, 121.

, Spaniel, 119.

, Sumatran Wild, 113.

, Terrier, 119.

Dolphin, Chinese White, 680.

, Common, 586.

, Peron's, 583.

Dormouse, 603.

, Fat, 602.

Douroucouli, Feline, 51. Drill, 44. Dshikketai, 412. Dugong, 521. Duyker-bok, 270.

Echidna, 751. Eland, 258.

Elephant, African, 484.

, Asiatic, 442.

, Maltese, 491 .

Elk, 316.

, Irish, 307.

Ermine, 141.

Ferret, 140.

Fox, American Cross, 131.

, Antarctic, 128.

, Arctic, 132.

, Bengal, 133.

, Common, 129.

, Fennec, 134.

, Grey, 132.

, Kit, 131.

, Long-eared, 135.

, Red, 131.

Fur-Seal, Northern, 193. , South-American,. 191.

Galago, Allen's, 66.

, Grand, 65.

, Monteiro's, 65.

Gazelle, Common, 263.

, Indian, 264.

Gelada, 40.

Genet, Blotched, 98.

, Common, 97.

Gerbille, Indian, 604. Gibbon, Hoolock, 17.

, White-handed, 17.

Giraffe, 281. Glutton, 143. Gnu, White-tailed, 274. Goat, 251.

, Angora, 253.

, Cashmere-shawl, 253.

, Domestic, 252.

, Four-horned variety, 253.

, Rocky-Mountain, 257.

, Wild variety, 251.

Goral, 254. Gorilla, 6. Gour, 227. Grampus, 572. Grison, 145. Guinea-pig, 628.

Hamster, Common, 604. Hare, American, 633.

, Cape Jumping, 016.

, Chinese, 633.

, Common, 631.



Hare, Red-tailed, 633.

, Prairie, 634.

, Wood, 634.

, Varying, 632.

Hartebeest, 272. Hedgehog, Common, 645. Hippopotamus, 365.

, Liberian, 365.

Hog, ^Elian's Wart, 360.

, Pallas's Wart, 363.

, Red River, 356.

, South-African River, 355.

Horse, 395. Howler, Mantled, 55.

, Red, 54.

, Silky, 54.

Hysena, Brown, 109.

, Cave, 110.

, Spotted, 109.

, Striped, 108.

Hyperoodon, 556. Hyrax, Cape, 438. , Tree, 439.

Ibex, Alpine, 248.

, Arabian, 249.

, Neilgherry, 254.

Ichneumon, Egyptian, 103.

, Grey, 104.

, Marsh, 105.

, Nepalese, 105.

Indris, 58.

Jackal, Black-backed, 129.

, Common, 128.

Jaguar, 82. Jerboa, 615. Jharal, 250.

Kangaroo, Antelopine, 711.

, Gaimard's Rat, 726.

, Gray's Rat, 727.

, Great, 707.

, Hare, 714.

, Red, 710.

, Rufous Rat, 727.

, Ursine Tree, 724.

, Yellow-footed Rock, 715.

Kiang, 412. Killer, 572. Kinkajou, 159. Koala, 699. Koodoo, 258. Kusimanse, 106.

Lagothrix, Humboldt's, 51. Lemming, Norwegian, 611. Lemur, Grey, 60.

, Ring-tailed, 61.

, Ruffed, 60.

, Woolly, 59.

Leopard, 79. Leucoryx, 261. Lion, 72.

, Cave, 74.

Llama, 333. Loris, Javan, 67.

, Slender, 66.

, Slow, 67.

Lynx, Northern, 90.

, Persian, 89.

, Spanish, 90.

Mammoth, 464. Manatee, African, 529.

, American, 528.

Mandrill, 45.

Mangabey, Grey-cheeked, 31 .

, Sooty, 30.

, White-collared, 30.

, White-crowned, 30.

Marmoset, Black-eared, 57.

, Common, 56.

, Silky, 56.

Marmot, Alpine, 597.

, Prairie, 597.

Marten, Pine, 136.

, Yellow-throated, 137.

Mastodon, 496. Megaceros, 307. Mink, 143.

, American, 143.

, Siberian, 141.

Mole, Cape Golden, 638. , Common, 641.



Mole, Sand, (513.

Monkey, Bartlett's Spider, 50.

, Black-faced Spider, 41).

, Black-handed Spider, 49.

, Bonnet, 34.

, Brown Spider, 49.

, Campbell's, 27.

, Cliuva Spider, 50.

, Common Macaque, 81.

, Diaua, 28.

, Eutellus, 20.

, Green, 26.

, Grivet, 25.

, Hanunian, 20.

, Langur, 21.

, Lesser White-nosed, 28.

, Mona, 27.

, Moustache, 28.

, Patas, 25.

, Pig-tailed, 36.

, Pinche, 56.

, Proboscis, 24.

, Ked-faced Spider, 48.

, Rhesus, 35.

, Squirrel, 46.

, Sykes's, 27.

, Toque, 33.

, Vervet, 26.

, Wanderoo, 34.

Moose, 316. Mouflon, 243.

Mouse, American Jumping, 615.

, Common, 608.

, Harvest, 608.

Muntjak, 286. Musquash, 609. Myrmecobius, Banded, 739.

Nahoor, 247. Narwhal, 506. Niata, 223. Nylghau, 260.

Ocelot, 85.

Octodon, Cuming's, 617. OpOSflUm, Azara's, 749.

, Crab-catiiifr, 74!>


Opossum, Virginian, 747.

, Water, 450.

Ontug-Outang, 10. Ornithorhynchus, 753. Otter, Common, 151.

, Javan, 154.

1 , North-American, 153.

, Sea, 154.

Ounce, 82.

Ox, Ancient, 224.

, Common, 211).

, Indian Humped, 224 .

, Musk, 236.

Pallah, 272. Panda, 160.

Pangolin, Chinese, 692.

, Giant, 693.

, Indian, 692.

, Javan, 693.

, Long-tailed, 694.

Panther, 79.

Paradoxure, Common, 99.

, Masked, 100.

, Musanga, 100.

, Two-spotted, 98.

, Ty tier's, 100.

Peccary, Collared, 344.

, White-lipped, 34: i.

Pekan, 138.

Perameles, Long-nosed, 738.

, Rabbit-eared, 73(>.

, Short-nosed, 736.

, White-banded, 737.

Phalanger, Cook's, 704.

, Short-eared, 704.

, Vidpiue, 701.

Phascogale, Brush-tailed, 739.

, Yellow-footed, 740.

Pig, European Wild, 348,

, Indian Wild, 345.

, Papuan, 347.

Platanista, 564.

Platypus, Duck-billed, 768.

Porcupine, Canadian, 621.

, Crested or Common, 622,

, Orestless, 624.

3 k


Porcupine, Hairy-nosed, 023.

, Indian Brush-tailed, 022.

, Javan, 024.

, Mexican Tree, 02] .

Porpoise, 570.

Potoroo, Rat-tailed, 725,

Potto, Bosnian's, 08.

, Tailless, 08.

Puma, 82.

Quagga, 413.

Rabbit, 034. Raccoon, 155. Rasse, 90.

Rat, Bandicoot, 007.

, Bay Bamboo, 012.

, Black, 005.

, Brown, 000.

, Coast, 013.

, Dusky-footed, 607.

, Gambian Pouched, 605.

, Golden-bellied, 003.

, Ground, 620.

, Musk, 609.

, Pouched, 614.

, Silky Ground, 614.

Ratel, Indian, 146. Rat-Kangaroo, Gaimard's, 720.

, Gray's, 727.

, Rufous, 727.

Reindeer, 312. Rhinoceros, Burchell's, 424.

, Indian, 410.

, Sondaic, 418.

, Sumatran, 421.

, Tichorhine, 428.

, Two-homed, 423.

-, Woolly, 428. Rhytina, Steller's, 527. River-Hog, Red, 550.

, South-African, 355.

Rock-Kangaroo, Yellow-footed, Roe, 318.

Rorqual, Common, 534.

, Lesser, 535.

, Rudolphi's, 536.


Sable, American, 138.

, Asiatic, 137.

, Canadian, 138.

, Pekan, 138.

Saki, Black, 53.

, Humboldt's, 52.

Sassaby, 273. Sea-Bear, Australian, 192.

, Northern, 193.

Sea- Lion, Californiau, 190.

, Southern, 187.

, Steller's, 190.

Seal, Bearded, 210.

, Bladder-nosed, 214.

, Common, 205.

, Elephant, 215.

, Grey, 204.

, Harp, 208.

, Leopard, 211.

, Monk, 211.

, Ringed, 207.

, Saw-toothed, 213.

Serow, 255. Serval, 84.

Sheep, Barbary Wild, 248.

, Domestic, 237.

, Hodgson's Wild, 246.

, Marco-Polo's, 245.

, Punjab Wild, 244.

, Rocky-Mountain, 240.

, Vigne's Wild, 244.

Shrew, Musk, 044.

, Water, 645.

Siamang, 14. Skunk, Common, 150.

, Javan, 149.

Sloth, Hoffmann's Two-toed, 665;

, Three-toed, 003.

, Two-toed, 064.

Souslik, European, 596.

, Mongolian, 596.

Sousou, 564. Spring-bok, 264. Squirrel, American Flying, 501 .

, American Grey, 594.

, Chickaree, 594.

, Common, 591.



Squirrel, Jelerang, 592.

, Malabar, 592.

, Stanger's, 593.

Stoat, 141. Suricate, 106.

Swine, Domesticated varieties, 349.

, European Wild, 348.

, Indian Wild, 845.

Tapir, American, 384.

, Baird's, 385.

, Malay, 383.

Tarsier, 70. Tayra, 144. Teledu, 149. Tenrec, 639. Thar, 250. Thylacine, 745. Tichorhine Rhinoceros, 428. Tiger, 75.

, Clouded, 83.

, Sabre-toothed, 93.

Tree-Kangaroo, Ursine, 724. Tursio, 577.

Vicugna, 334. Viscacha, 626. Vole, Field, 610. , Water, 610.

Wallaby, Bennett's, 711.

, Houtmann's, 713.

, Labillardifere's, 713.

, Lord Derby's, 713.

Walrus, 195.

Wapiti, 298. Water-Buck, 268. Water-Hog, ^Elian's, 860.

, Pallas's, 363.

Weasel, 141. Whale, Ca'ing, 574.

, Common Bottle-nosed, 556.

, Common Fin, 534.

, Greenland Right, 531.

, Large-headed Pilot, 577.

, Lesser Fin, 535.

, Piked, 535.

, Pilot, 574.

, Southern Right, 533.

, Sowerby's, 559.

, Sperm, 548.

, White, 569.

Wolf, Aard, 107.

, Arctic, 126.

, Common, 125.

.Prairie, 126.

Wolverine, 143. Wombat, Common, 696.

, Hairy-nosed, 699.

, Platyrhine, 697.

Woodchuck, 598.

Yak, 227. Yapock, 750.

Zebra, 414.

, Burchell's, 414.

Zebu, 224. Zibet, 95.

Printed by Tayluh and Fiukcis, Hud Lion Court, Fleel Street.