ON TAPE AND CYSTIC WOMS, WITH AN INTEODUCTION ON. THE ORIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOMS. BY CARL THEODOR VON SIEBOLD, PKOFBSSOR IN THE UNIVBRSITT 01? MtTlTICH. TRANSLATED BY T. H. HUXLEY, F.R.S., WITH TllIRTY-SIX WOODCUTS. LONDON: ntlNTED roil THE SYDENHAM SOCIETY. MDCCCLVU. PRINTED IIY J. E, ADLARD, HARTHOl.OMEW CLOSE. VON SIEBOLD ON TAPE AND CYSTIC WOUMS. CONTENTS. PAGE Author's Preface • • • • • * ^ 3 Introduction . . • • • • • ' CHAPTER 1. Origin of Intestinal Worms . • - • • .3 CHAPTER II. On the Tape-worm . . • ■ • . . 31 Encysted Cestoidea . • • • • . 3o The Scolex state . . • ■ • . . 35 Development of Scolices . . • • • .37 Proglottides . - • • • • . . 41 CHAPTER III. Cystic Entozoa . . . • • • .47 CHAPTER IV. On the origin of the Cestoid and Cystic Entozoa . . . 57 1. Experiments on feeding with Cys/icercMsjsisi/brjMM . . .59 2. Experiments on feeding with Cysdcercus tenuicollis . . . 62 3. Experiments on feeding with Cysticercus cellulosce . . .66 4. Experiments on feeding with Ccenurus cerebralis . . . . 69 5. Experiments on feeding with Echinococcus Veterinorum . . .73 6. On diseases produced by Cystic worms and their prevention . . 77 Cysticerci in sausages . . . . .85 Cestoid epidemic of Iceland . . . . . . 87 AUTHOR'S PEEEACE. Investigations into the natural history of the entozoa^ con- tinued for many years, have taught me that it is impossible to obtain a complete view of the different stages of existence through which these parasites pass, if one's observations are restricted to but a few of the localities in which they are found. At an early period of my researches, it became evident that the same entozooh, in its young state, may have a very different habitation from that in which it is found in its adult condition; for these animals undergo the most remarkable metamorphoses, and their habits varying with their changes in form and age, they are necessitated repeatedly to change their residence. These peculiarities in the natural history of the entozoa, often most difficult of investigation, have rendered the task of the helminthologist, in seeking to obtain a just conception of their genera and species, a very difficult one. It has only too fi^equently happened that the different stages of development of the same species of entozoa, have been described as so many distinct species or genera ; and thus the systematic arrangement of the group has been built upon a faulty foundation. Hence, again, a difficulty has arisen in the way of attaining correct ideas with regard to the modes of propagation of the intestinal worms, and this obstacle could only be removed by determining, in defiance of the authority of the older helminthologists, to give up many genera and species established upon what they supposed to be independent forms. 1 2 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. The investigation of the natural history of the intestinal worms, at the same time, opened up a channel through which their mode of origin could be traced ; and indicated a way in which the attacks of those parasites which are dangerous or troublesome to man and animals, could be prevented; an object, in certain cases, of the highest importance, since the morbid changes induced by many entozoa in the organs which they infest, are not always removable. For a long period, I have been at much pains to inquire into the origin of the entozoa found in man and the domestic animals ; and in the present essay I lay before physicians, veterinarians, and breeders, a summary of the results of the observations and experiments which I have made upon the production and development of these creatures. My chief attention has been directed to the destructive cystic-worms, and I believe that the conclusions at which I have arrived are not merely a gain for science, but promise to be of useful practical application. Munich ; March 30M, 1854. INTRODUCTION. CHAPTER I. UPON THE ORIGIN OF INTESTINAL WORMS. Having been occupied for many years with inquiries into the natural history of the intestinal worms, a subject involved in much obscurity, I have gradually arrived at the decided conclusion that these parasites do not originate, as has been commonly believed, by "equivocal generation," from substances of a dis- similar nature. With the usual exaggeration and misuse of language, the doctrine of equivocal generation has been applied both to the infusoria and to the intestinal worms. It was diffi- cult, at first sight, to account for the origin and reproduction of these animals, and, even upon closer investigation, they presented many phenomena which could not be recognised in the organiza- tion and vital manifestations of other, especially of the higher animals ; but instead of seeking for the cause of these exceptional peculiarities, people, accommodating themselves to the usually accepted view as to the natural history of these lower creatures, set the matter straight in their minds, by supposing that the unusual phenomena occurred somehow or other in that way ; thus allowing the imagination to indulge in fancies of the wildest description, and even in opposition to the most important laws of nature. It was in this manner that physicians and naturalists thought themselves justified in assuming, that the parasitic worms in the intestines of men and animals owed their origin to ill-digested nutriment, or that they were developed in the most widely different organs from corrupt juices. They took it for granted, that certain 4 INTRODUCTION. morbid processes in any organ were competent to give rise to para- sites, assuming that the elementary constituents of an organ affected by disease, mechanically separated themselves from their natural connection, and not perishing, but transforming themselves into independent organisms, became parasites. Clothed in fine phrases, this idea was everywhere received with favour, and took such deep hold of the public mind, that it is now 'a matter of no small trouble to eradicate what has, with many, become an article of faith, and to substitute the laws of nature, drawn from experience, for the creation of their fancy. It was certainly more convenient and enticing to give free scope to one's thoughts, and to fill up the frequent gaps left in our knowledge of the origin and multipli- cation of the lower animals, with pure hypotheses, than as now, renouncing this faulty method of inquiry into nature, to attain, by troublesome researches and careful experiments, a secure insight into her hidden workings. It was by the latter method that a remarkable and hitherto unanticipated development of the sexual apparatus was discovered in many parasites, such as round-worms, thread-worms, tape- worms, and flukes,^ in which such an immense mass of eggs and young can be generated, that it seems unnecessary to look further in order to account for their origin. But the precise mode in which the countless brood of these parasites make their way into the interior of the animals they are destined to inhabit, was long but dimly understood, until by degrees attention was directed to certain peculiarities in the mode of life of these creatures, which threw great light upon the subject. It has been ascertained, in fact, that at particular periods of their existence, the intestinal worms undertake emigi'ations, and these often very extensive ones, in order to reach that animal whose organs are by nature fitted for their habitation. We now know that the young of the tape-worm, (which inhabits the intestine of the higher animals only,) leave the place where they were brought > With respect to the tape-worms, it is well known that a single individual is often com- posed of many hundred joints. Each joint is capable of laying many hundred ova, so that tlie number of the progeny of a single tape-worm is enormous. Professor Eschricht of Copenhagen (see his work ' Das Physische Leben iii populiiren Vortriigen, Berlin, 1852, p. 115) posesses a tape-worm, expelled by a patient of his, which consists of 1000 joints, and some of the joints contain more than 1000 ova. The same miter (ibid., p. 112) having carefully examined the reproductive organs of a female ^*eam Ivmbricoides, estimates the number of eggs in a single thread-worm at many millions. OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOEMS. 5 forth/ or laid as eggs (that is to say, they emerge from the intes- tine of their parent's host), and seek an opportunity to enter into the intestine of some other creature. It is easy to convince oneself of this emigration of the young of the tape-worm, by examining the excrement of animals infested by them, at those times of the year at which they attain their sexual maturity. We then observe, that sometimes single joints, or connected series of joints, full of ova ; sometimes immense masses of the ova, are passed with the faeces. The same thing holds good •with regard to the ova of the Distomata that infest the livers of our ruminating animals ; their eggs, after they have been trans- ferred from the liver to the gall-ducts, being washed out with the bile into the intestine, and evacuated with the dung. These emigrations of the young of the intestinal worms benefit not only the creatures they infest, but themselves. There are many kinds of intestinal worms, in whose eggs the embryo is never hatched if they remain in the place where they have been laid. They must wander to some other place in order to develop their young, or to allow of the escape of the young already developed in them.^ These young must then either wait for, or seek, an animal to lodge in, having entered into which, they are capable of attaining sexual maturity. By such emigrations the infested animals are at the same time freed from guests, whose increase would be both troublesome and prejudicial. For example, what would happen if the millions of eggs that a single round-worm or tape-worm can produce, were to develop and generate their young in the same intestine in which they were laid ? Would not the intes- tine, after the young had attained their full growth, and brought forth others in their turn, become at last so choked up as to disable this part of the digestive apparatus, so that the whole organism of the unhappy animal must perish, together with his parasites ? In any case, the emigration and immigration of the young of the intestinal worms, is a very important though long Tinregarded part of the history of their propagation; and since ' Hence a tape-worra ^vhich has found its way into the intestine of an appropriate animal will attain its sexual maturity, but will not, properly speaking, multiply its kind there. Forthis reason, the tape-worm {Tania solium) infesting the human subject, which 13 common in Germany, France, [and England,] is commonly called the solitary worm, (Einsiedler-wurm, ver solitaire,) although the name is not a very fit one as It depends entirely on accident nhether only a single individual or a whole society of these worms shall enter the human intestine in the course of their wanderings & INTRODUCTION. physicians and naturalists have devoted the requisite attention to the subject of these wanderings (to which I directed attention some years back^), a number of facts have been discovered, show- ing more and more that the origin of the intestinal worms in the viscera of animals can be readily accounted for according to natural laws; whereas formerly, hardly anything being really known of the natural history of these parasites, their mode of origin and propagation, already difficult enough of comprehension, ^ was rendered more and more mysterious by an hypothesis of " equivocal generation" entirely devoid of any direct support. An important circumstance, very favorable to the progeny of the intestinal worms during their wanderings, is the solidity of the egg-shell in which they are commonly contained. By its hardness and resistance, the egg-shell of many kinds of intestinal worms efficiently protects the enclosed germ and yelk, or the already developed embryo, against injury from without, and maintains within the ovum the degree of moisture requisite for the further development of the young. In this way the ova preserve their vitality for months together, not- withstanding the many vicissitudes to which they are exposed after lea^dng the dwelling of their parents. They pass into dust-heaps, pri^des, drains, &c., where, surrounded sometimes by a greater, sometimes by a lesser degree of moisture, they are subjected to various degrees of temperature, until, deposited in the diuig-heaps into which corrupt and mouldering organic 'substances are usually converted, they are, as manure, spread upon the fields and meadows, where, under favorable in- fluences of the weather, particularly if supplied with adequate moisture, they become further developed. It will be obvious that the young of the intestinal worms have not far to seek for an opportunity of re-entering other animals, when we consider that they are scattered through the manured soil amongst the seeds that have been sown there; that these produce plants which generally serve for the support of men and animals, and that the young worms adhering to them may thus be easily swallowed. Again, it may well happen that showers of rain occasionally wash out the ova of the intestinal worms from the dung-heaps or manured soil, carrying them off into streams and brooks, and . See my article " Parasiten" in R. Wagner's ' HandwOrterbucli dor Physiologic,' Bd. ii, 1844, p. 645. OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOKMS. 7 so affording another mode of entrance into men and animals, by the water which the latter drink. Many of the young intestinal worms, more or less developed, but still enclosed in the egg-shell, remain quite inactive in their wanderings, and for these passive emigrants it is, of course, a mere matter of chance whether they reach their goal or not. The young of others, having previously left their egg-shell, may take an active share in the process, creeping up out of their holes and corners in wet weather, or in the damp mornings, upon the slippery plants, and so entering the animals fitted for their habita- tion, when they come to seek for food. According to an old- standing custom which careful shepherds strictly keep up, sheep are never allowed to be driven out in the morning till all the dew is off the grass, nor yet to graze in damp swampy pastures. By this precaution the shepherds unwittingly protect their charges from the attacks of Strongyli and Distomata. It is on like grounds that seasons of wet weather are so frequently fatal to flocks, it being then easier for the young intestinal worms to enter the sheep and give rise to entozoic pestilence; whilst in continuously dry and hot seasons a great number of these young worms must be dried up and destroyed, and thus the sheep are delivered from their attack and all its evil consequences. But in thus expressing my opposition to the various hypotheses of the origin and multiplication of the parasitic worms, it might appear as if I had fallen into the very error I condemn, and the objection might be raised that the explanation I have just given of the singularities observed in the mode of occurrence of the intestinal worms is, like former hypotheses, merely imaginary, and that I am unable to support it by demonstrative experimental evidence. This I must beg leave to deny. It is true that what I have said respecting the origin of the Strongylus filaria and of the flulce {Distomum hepaticum) in sheep, is as yet only an assumption, and not to be regarded as directly proven. Nevertheless, my assumption rests upon the analogy of reliable facts, which I have established by observation in other intestinal worms. The recognition of definite, though at first isolated truths, has often done much for science, since by careful application of the laws of analogy they have furnished the key to phenomena long hidden in obscurity. In order to show that emigration and immigration are regular 8 INTRODUCTION phases in the life of many intestinal worms, I Avill here recaU certain observations of my own on the natural history of the following parasites. For a long time the origin of the thread-worm, known as Filaria Insectorum, that lives in the cavity of the bodies of adult and larval insects could not be accounted for. Shut up within the abdominal cavity of caterpillars, grasshoppers, beetles, and other insects, these parasites were supposed to originate by equivocal generation, under the influence of wet weather or from decayed food. Helminthologists were obliged to content them- selves with this explanation, since they were unable to find a better. Those who dissected these thread- worms and submitted them to a careful inspection, could not deny the probability of the view that they arose by equivocal generation, since it was clear that they contained no trace of sexual organs. Eut on directing my attention to these entozoa, I became aware of the fact that they were not true Filaria at all, but belonged to a peculiar family of thread-worms, embracing the genera Gordius and Mermis. Furthermore, I convinced myself that these parasites wander away when fdl grown, boring their way from within through any soft place in the body of their host, and creeping out through the opening. How many a butterfly-collector, keep- ing caterpillars for the breeding of fine specimens of butter- flies, must have seen one or more yellowish white thread- worms winding their way out of them ! These parasites do not emigrate because they are uneasy, or because the caterpillar is sickly, but from that same internal necessity which constrains the horse-fly to leave the stomach and intestine of the horse where he has been reared, or which moves the larva of the gad-fly to work its way out of the boils on the skin of oxen. The larvae of both these insects creep forth in order to become chrysalises and thence to proceed to their higher and sexual condition. This desire to emigrate is implanted in very many parasitic insect larvse, and has long been a well-known fact in entomology. Now I have demon- strated, that the perfect, full-grown, but sexless thread-worms of insects are, in like manner, moved by this desire to wander out of their previous homes in order to enter upon a new period in their lives which ends in the development of their sexual organs. It is true that in the boxes and other receptacles, in which one is generally accustomed to keep caterpillars, these creatures perish ; they roll themselves together, and from the absence of OEIGIN OP INTESTINAL WORMS. 9 the necessary moisture, they in a short time dry up. But their fate is very different when the infested insects remain under natural conditions ; the thread- worms, as they leave the bodies of their hosts, then fall to the ground, and crawl away into the deeper and moister parts of the soil. Thread-worms found in the damp earth, in digging up garden-beds and cutting ditches in the fields, have often been brought to me, which presented no external distinctions from the thread-worms of insects externally. This suggested to me that the wandering thread-worms of insects might be instinctively necessitated to bury themselves in damp ground, and I therefore instituted a series of experiments with such entozoa (which I procured in numbers from the caterpillars of a moth, Yponomeuta evonymella), by placing the newly emigrated worms in flower-pots filled with damp earth.^ To my delight, I soon perceived that these worms^ began to bore with their heads into the earth, and by degrees drew themselves entirely in. For many months (through the whole winter) I kept the earth in the flower-pots moderately moist, and on examining the worms from time to time I found, to my great astonishment, that the sexual apparatus became gradually developed in them, and that, after a time, eggs were formed and were eventually deposited by hundreds in the earth. Towards the conclusion of winter I could succeed in detecting the commencing development of the embryo in these eggs. By the end of spring they were fully formed, and many of them, having by this time left their shells, were to be seen creeping about the earth in the flower-pots, which I still carefully kept damp, I now conjectured that these young worms would be impelled by their instincts to pursue a parasitic existence and to seek out an animal to inhabit and grow to maturity in, and it seemed not improbable that the brood I had reared would, like their parents, thrive best in the caterpillar. In order, therefore, to induce my young brood to immigrate, I procured a number of very small caterpillars of Yponomeuta, of half a line in length, which the first spring sunshine had just called into life. For the purpose of my experiment I filled a watch-glass with damp earth, taking it from amongst the flower-pots where the thread- worms had wintered, and of course satisfying myself that it con- ' These experiments and their results have been already published in the ' Entomo- logische Zeitung,' 1848, p. 290. =" I have named this species of thread-worm Mermis albicans. 10 INTRODUCTION. tained a number of lively young of the Mtrmis albicans. Upon this I placed several of the young caterpillars of the Yponomeuta in order that the worms might gratify their immigrative propensities. I must explicitly remark, that before experimenting with the caterpillars, I carefully examined each with the microscope, in order to ascertain whether it was not already inhabited by young thread- worms. From their softness and transparency^ I could ascertain this point with certainty, without in the least injuring them. The event proved that this inspection was necessary, for out of twenty-five individuals which I at first selected, three contained a thread- worm embryo, which was excessively like those in the flower-pots. I published the results of these experiments a year or two back, in an essay upon the thread-worms of insects^, from which I quote the following : " From amongst those caterpillars which microscopic inspection clearly demonstrated to be free from thread-worms, thirteen were placed in a watch-glass filled with damp earth containing many lively Mermis-emhrjo^. After eighteen hours I was able to discover Mermis-emhrjo^ in five of the caterpillars. On a second occasion, three-and-thirty of the caterpillars of Yponomeuta cognatella, likewise carefully examined and found free from parasites, were in the same way placed in a watch-glass filled with damp earth containing Memis-embryos. After four-and- twenty hours, fourteen contained ilfermi^-embryos. Six of these little caterpillars each contained two small worms, whilst in two others there were as many as three worms. I also employed other caterpillars (of three lines in length) of Pontia Crataegi, Lijmris chrysorrJma, and Gastropacha Neustria, which I took out of coccobns where they had passed the winter. They were, in like manner, placed in a watch-glass upon moist earth containing JMermis-emhxjos. On the next day, among fourteen caterpillars thus treated, I found ten infested with ikfermw-embryos ; five of these contained two worms each, and into one even three worms had wandered.^' It was clear that these young thread-worms had bored their way through the soft skin into the interior of the young caterpillars. Prom the results of the experiments I have just recorded, one must conclude that it is not necessary to turn to the mystical doctrine of equivocal generation for an explanation ' See 'Entoraolngische Zeitung,' 1850, p. 239. OEiaiN 0$" INTESTINAL WOKMS. 11 of the presence of worms in insects, since here the origin of the parasites is sufficiently obvious. Those who cannot make up their minds to renounce the easy and convenient doctrine of equivocal generation, may perhaps object, that the history I have given of the propagation of the Mermis albicans stands alone, and only makes an exception from the rule. To this I answer, in the words of Goethe : " Nature goes her way, and that which appears to us as the exception, is the rule." That this is really the case in the present instance, is proved by recent investigations into the natural history of the intestinal worms. Since attention has been directed to their wanderings, more and more facts have been daily brought to light, all tending to show that the emigration and immigration of these parasites is a much commoner and more widely extended occurrence than was at first imagined. Habits, very similar to those which I have just described in Mermis albicans, are also to be observed in another thread-worm, the well-known Gordius aquaticus, which has also been shown to live parasitically in the cavities of the bodies of various insects, viz. : grasshoppers, terrestrial and aquatic beetles, and in their larvae ; and to grow from a most diminutive worm to one of several inches in length, which then makes its way out, to attain to sexual matui'ity elsewhere, often in the water. These facts were formerly wholly unknown, though it must have long appeared surprising that this thread-worm, which, on account of its form and colour has been compared to a horse-hair, is, whenever met with in the water, of its full size. But now that we know that the Gordius aquaticus, like the Mermis albicans, enters in the embryo state into insects, growing with them, and only quitting them when it has done growing, the striking phenomenon I have mentioned is easily accounted for. Just as, for the reasons abeady named, some kinds of para- sites that have emigrated are never met with below a certain size; so, some kinds of parasites that have abeady made their way into the interior of animals are not to be found imder a certain size, however often and carefully they may be sought for, a circumstance which must certainly have been noticed by many physicians and natm-alists, without their having paid further attention to it. It is now known that many para- sites do not enter into the animals in which they are to pass through their further stages of growth until they have attained a 12 INTRODUCTION. certain degree of development elsewhere. This is particularly the case with such intestinal worms as remain parasitic in the last stage of their existence^ viz. — that of sexual maturity, whilst the Gordiaccei [Gordius and Mermis), as soon as they are full- grown, quit their parasitical life, in order to become sexually mature, away from the animal they have infested. During these early wanderings, the worms in question commonly undergo a change of form — ^a sort of metamorphosis, often accompanied by other phenomena of so highly remarkable and abnormal a character, that naturalists could not at first understand the varied character and import of these phases of existence, nor comprehend their relation with hitherto known facts. ^ For a long time it was supposed that these discoveries were isolated facts, and they were regarded as a sort of curiosity; but here again the saying was verified, that that which at first appeared to be the exception, eventually proves to be the rule. By degrees, a mass of obser- vations upon certain remarkable metamorphoses of the intestinal worms accumulated, and constituted a complete chaos of seem- ingly irregular phenomena, which broke down every barrier hitherto set by the acknowledged laws of animal existence and propagation, until the penetration of the Danish naturalist, Steenstrup,^ succeeded in evolving a certain order out of this confusion, by the discovery therein of a hidden, underlying law of nature, by which all the phenomena that had seemed so devoid of plan could be reduced to order. Steenstrup named the newly discovered law, the " Alternation of Generations,'' a phrase which describes this phenomenon. " That an animal bears young which ' I may refer to the " king's-yellow" worms discovered by Bojanus in water-snails, and now become famous. (See Oken's ' Isis,' 1818, p. 729, plate 9, figs, a, t.) Of this discovery Oken says " Observations of this kind make one dizzy." No less attention was excited by Von Bar's description of the Bucephalus polymorphus of the fresh-water mussel. (See ' Verhandlungen der Kaiserl. Akad. d. Naturforscher,' B. xiii, 1826, p. 570, pi. 30) ; and by the Leucochloridum paradoxum, &r&t discovered by Ahrens, and afterwards described anew by Carus. (See ' Magazin der Naturforschenden Frennde zu Berlin, 1810, p. 292, pi. 10, figs. 12— 19, and the < Verhandlungen der Kaiserlicheu Akademie,' Bd. xvii, 1855, p. 87, pi. 7.) s See his important essay on the ' Alternation of Generations,' Copenhagen, 1842, [This essay has been translated by Mr. Busk, and forms one of the publications of the Kay Society. It must not be forgotten that the first conception of the doctrine of the Alternation of Generations," and the first use of the term, are due to Chamisso. See his 'De Animalibus quibusdam e classc vermium Linnaana,' 1819, and ' Reise urn die Erde.'— Ed.] OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOEMS. 13 are, and remain, dissimilar to their parent, but bring forth a new generation, whose members either themselves, or in their descend- ants, return to the original form of the parent animal/' Any one who has not familiarized himself with the fun- damental idea of this doctrine of the alternation of generations, may easily imagine it to be nothing but a modification of the long well-known metamorphosis, exemplified by the tadpoles of frogs and toads, or by the larvse and chrysalises of most insects. This is, however, by no means the case. Those reptiles and insects that are subject to metamorphosis, no doubt bring forth young that diff'er from the parent, but there are two respects in which the act of simple metamorphosis widely difi'ers from the highly complex alternation of generations. Although Steenstrup has already particularly noticed these two grounds of difierence in his definition of the alternation of generations, I deem it not altogether superfluous on my part once more to draw especial attention to these important diver- gences, if only for the benefit of those who are unfamiliar with the phenomena. The first point of difierence between the alternation of generations, and metamorphosis, is, that the young of those animals whose mode of development comes under the former head, are not only unlike their parent at first, but remain so : the second distinction rests on the important fact that this yoimg generation, so dissimilar to the parent animal, brings forth new creatures, which either themselves, or in their descend- ants, revert to the original form of the first parent. Whereas, on the other hand, in simple metamorphosis, the dissimilar young pass by gradual changes into the likeness of the parent animal, and until this metamorphosis is complete, are incapable of generation. Steenstrup has given the name of " nurse" to those young, which, whilst departing from the parent type, remain, and propagate under their own form. It thus happens that in the alternation of generations (to use the words of Steenstrup), the parent animal produces " nurses," whose descendants only, take her form. A most important circumstance which characterises these nurses or " Agamozooids"-^ ' I have rendered the word " keim-korper" by " sporula," meaning thereby a free germ which is capable of development without fecundation, just as is the spore of a cryptogamous plant. When the sporula; are developed in a special organ I term this organ (the " keimstock" of Von Siebold) the " sporularium." Any independent form from which sporulse or their equivalents alone are developed (the " ammen" or " nurses" of Von Siebold, Steenstrup, &c.) I terra " agamozooids," See concluding note.— [Ed.] INTRODUCTION. pliysiologically, is, that they bring forth young, without themselves possessing any real sexual apparatus. These Agamozooids, in tact, multiply by division, by external or internal gemmation ; they develop within their bodies germs which become fresh creatures. But these germs do not deserve the title of " eggs nor is the place where they are developed to be called an "ovarium," since the germs, which I shall for the future distinguish by the name of " sporulffi," are not only devoid of the ordinary constituents of an ovum, as vitelline mem- brane, yolk, germinal vesicle, and so called germinal spot, but the further development of the germ-body is not pre- ceded by those conditions, (I mean that "impregnation" by means of a special seminal matter produced in a testis,) which is essential to the development of true ova developed within an ovarium. The organ in which, in certain Agamozooids the "gemmae" are formed, cannot therefore be properly termed an ■" ovarium," and I shall distinguish it by the name of " sporula- rium." No " nurses" present any sexual distinctions, and hence their method of multiplication and propagation, which takes place by means of sporulse formed within sporularia, or by ordinary budding, or by division, must be an-anged amidst the modes of asexual reproduction. Very many cases of the alternation of generations occur among the Ti^ematoda. The relations that the various changing forms of these animals have to one another, remained long un- suspected, since it was not an easy matter to discover among the various successively alternating generations of a single fluke- worm, the clue to their origin from one and the same parent. The recognition of the connection of these forms, was ren- dered more difficult of discovery by the fact, that these alternating generations of animals not only changed their appearance, but also their dwellings, whereby their parentage was still further concealed. These multitudinous difficulties in the way of the observers of the alternation of generations, render it impossible for me to give a complete account of all the complex series of changes undergone by any single Trematode in the course of its development. Up to this time only longer or shorter fragments of the circle of vital phenomena, broken as they are into many phases by the alternation of generations, have been made out in a few Trematoda. However, these fi-agments do not relate to one and the same period in the life of these parasites, nor to the same generations OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WORMS. 15 c f Agaraozooids, but to the most widely various periods and stages of their deA^elopment. We can, therefore, by careful selection and judicious arrangement of these observations, build up a general view of the complicated process of the alternation of generations in the Trematoda in general. The so-called Cercaria offer the best exemplification of the alternation of generations as it occm's in the Trematoda. These Cercarioi, which swim about with great activity by means of a cylindrical tail, have long been known; but until the discovery of their real origin and signification, were taken, on account of their diminutiveness, for Infusoria. When, at a recent period, their parasitic nature was recognised, it became a matter of much astonishment that the Cercarice were not derived from parents resembling themselves, but that they originated in peculiar animated, worm-shaped sacs, which were found buried amidst the sexual and digestive organs, in various kinds of fresh- water snails and mussels. The form of the sacs that produce the Cercarice is, not- withstanding the simplicity of their organization, very various; in ac- cordance with the form and kind of Cercaria to be developed within them. Some kinds of Cercan«-sacs have an oral aperture, and a simple blind intestine, but in others this di- gestive apparatus is entirely want- ing. One series of Cercaria-sa.cs whilst others again are stiff and cular group, the Cercaria-sacs are simple shut receptacles; in another, the sacs ramify and anastomose to a great extent. The whole of these multifariously-shaped Cercaria-sacs enclose within the walls of their bodies a cavity which, besides the intestinal Fig. 1. possesses contractile walls, inflexible. In one parti- Fig. 1. A cercaria-sac (two lines long) provided with an elongated alimentary canal —the agamozobid of Cercaria ephemera, a. Oral cavity, b. Alimentary canal, c. A developed Cercaria ephemera, d. Sporula not yet developed into Cercarim. These sacs are found in Planorbis corneus. Fig. 2. A cercaria-sac-the agamozobid of Cercaria ar/«a/a- provided with a very short alimentary canal and remarkable for the two short lateral abdominal processes, found in Li/mno'us stagnalis. Fig. 3. A perfectly simple cylindrical cercaria-sac, having no digestive canal. I found it as the agamozobid of Cercaria sagittifera in Helix pomatia. 16 INTRODUCTION. c^cum (where such a structure exists,) contains nothing but yom.g Cercance, These yoTmg are developed, not from ova, but from gemmffi, which differ essentially from ova. They are solid, round, and somewhat flattened discs, which, growing and developing, become little caudate worms, resembling in form and organization certain Trematoda {Distomum, Monostomum, Diplo- discus, Gastrostomum) } ' Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6 Figs. 4 — 10. The various stages of development of Cercaria ephemera, from, the agamozooid, fig. 1. Fig. 4. Sporula. Fig. 5. Sporula thinned at the hinder end. Fig. 6. Sporula with this taper posterior extremity elongated into a tail. Fig. 7. The sporula ia this stage has assumed the form of a Cercaria. The tail is already defined. Two black pigment-spots appear on the fore part of the dorsal surface. Fig. 8. A still further developed Cercaria. a. The oral aperture, c, d. The urinary organ, e. The Tail. /. Two pigment-spots. Fig. 9. A fully formed C. ephemera (one millimetre long). a. Oral cavity, b. Alimentary canal, c, d. Urinary organ filled with granular iirine. e. Tail. /. Three Wack spots on the anterior part of the dorsal surface. The median pigment only begins to be developed in the last stage of development. The whole figure of the body of Cercaria ephemera corresponds with that of Monostomum. Fig. 10. Four cercarise, after Filippi, from Planorbis nitidus, whose posterior sucking apparatus (composed of two suckers, one enclosed within the other) is seen in different stages of contraction and expansion. When the tail is cast off these Cercarice are altogether similar to Diplodiscus. ' The Cercarice and the sacs have been so often referred to of late that I may leave OKIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOEMS. 17 It was a loug while after the origin of the Cercarice Avas known^ before any explanation offered itself as to how the parasitic Cere aria-sacs in water-snails and mussels arose^ and as to what became of the Cercarice, which^ when fully formed, always seemed to desire to leave the bodies of the dissimilar parents in which they had been developed ; penetrating the walls of their sacs, and boring through the substance of the bodies of the snails and mussels into the water, where they at first creep, and at length paddle swiftly about by the help of their tails. With regard to the origin of the Cercaria-s?ics, it cannot be supposed that they proceed from Cercarice, since, in these last, no organs of propagation are perceptible. In this perplexity the doctrine of equivocal generation was again invoked, and it was assumed that certain glandular caeca of the digestive or sexual apparatus, in the snails and mussels in which Cercaria-sa.cs are found, were converted into such sacs, and produced Cercarice by equivocal generation. This was, of course, a mere assumption based upon no direct observation. Now I was so fortunate as to make a discovery by which much light has been thrown upon the obscure history of these Cercarice and Cercaria-s&cs. It was in the year 1833, whilst ^ig. ii. Fig. 12. fulfilling my duties as district medical officer (kreisphysicus) at Heilsberg, in East Prussia/ that I had occasion to examine a large number of specimens of those Trematoda known to Helmintho- logists by the name of Monos- tomum mutabile, which were very commonly found in the geese of that locality, in the cavities which He underneath the eyebaUs. I convinced myself that these para- Fig 11. An infusoroid embryo of Monostomum mutabile which has just left the egg. (See my essay on this subject in Wiegmann's ' Archiv.,' 1835, i, p. 69 ) a Sucker La^L'oTtSrr'"'"'; a. The sporule cyst left fr'ee by thJ death of the ihfusoro.d embryo, b. The same viewed laterally. This body closely resembles the sporule cysts of Cercaria armata. ^ tb^i^^ gures wluch Von Bar, .„ h.s masterly ' Bcitrage zur Keuntuiss der niederen Thiere' Nova Acta vol. x.n, pars 2a, 1826,) and Steenstrup, in his • Alternation of Genera- tions,' have given. "cucra 2 18 INTRODUCTION. sites^ belonging to the order Trematoda, bring fortb living young, which assume the form of Infusoria, and SAvim about in the water by means of the cilia which cover the whole surface of their bodies. After some time, I observed that these embryos apparently died, their bodies seeming to break up and gradually disappearing, but always leaving behind a sharply defined, mobile, cylindrical body, provided with two short, lateral processes. In all the embryos, without exception, this body was visible through their parietes while they still lived. To my great astonish- ment, upon further observation of these contractile remains of the Monostomum embryos, I discovered that they agreed precisely in form, structure, and movement with certain young Cercaria- sacs. Hence I ventiu'ed to conclude that the Cercaria-sacs pro- ceed from Trematoda. At the same time, these observations seemed to indicate hoAv it was possible for the inert, helpless Cercaria-sacs to make their way into snails and mussels. The Monostomwn mutabile is known to reside in such cavities of the body of wading and swimming birds, as possess natural external apertures ; when, therefore, the embryos of a Monostomum muta- bile are born, they will issue without much difficulty from the animal infested by their parents, each carrying its Cercaria-ssiC within its body : and the habits of the infested animals are usually such that the embryos will at once pass into water, in which they can, by means of their cilia, swim swiftly about. In this element, the infosory Monostomum embryos will, in- stinctively and immediately, seek out those animals that are fit to serve as a nidus for the further development of the Cercaria- sacs enclosed within them. After the Cercaria-sacs have thus passively entered, by the natural apertures, into their appropriate animals, their carriers, the ciliated embryos which have hitherto enclosed them, die oflF. As a sort of animated covering to the Cercaria-sacs, they have performed their office ; and it is now left to the young that have just been released, to work themselves deeper into their new habitation by their own efibrts, and to seek out those places which will afford them the necessaiy nourishment for further growth, and for the development of their , brood of Cercarice. I have not yet been able absolutely to witness this process of immigration of Monostomum embryos containing Cercaria-sacs, and as I have filled up the gaps in observation with my own ideas on the subject, what really occurs may be somewhat OKIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOEMS. 19 different; still, the immigration of the Monostomtcm embryo, which is the principal point, must take place, since the singular relations of the infusorial Monostomum embryos and the young Cercaria-sacs they contain, point distinctly to this conclusion. Every one will understand, that the knowledge of even such a small fragment of the history of the development of the Monostomum mutabile as this, was of the utmost value, since it afforded the key to the long inexplicable mode of origin of the Cercaria-sacs. There now only remained the question as to what became of the Cercarice, and in what relation they stood to the Trematoda. It was an old idea that there was great similarity between the bodies of the Cercarice and certain Trematoda, viz., Monostomala and Distomata, and the force of the comparison was strengthened by the fact that the CercuricB cast off their tails after leaving the sacs, and thus become still less different from these Trematoda. Many Distomata whose bodies are encircled with spines at their anterior extremity, for example, Distomum irigonocephalnm, echinatum, uncinatum, and militare, are so like certain Cercarice, that when the latter have thrown off their tails, any unprejudiced person would take them for the young of these Distomata. In fact, in their whole organization, the Cercarice are really no other than young Trematoda. The circumstance that one never finds sexual organs in the Cercarice is strongly corroborative of the notion that they are young Trematoda not yet sexually developed. Here again we have to do with parasites destined to emigrate and immigrate, that in some other situation they may arrive at sexual maturity. The course which the Cercarice take in their wanderings is, however, a much longer and more complicated one, than that followed by the sexless Gordiacei. These need only leave the insects they have hitherto infested and withdraw into damp ground, where fully grown as they are, and provided with the necessary store of fat in their bodies, they can quietly await the development of their sexual organs. On the other hand, the emigrating Cercarice are destined to enter vertebrate animals, since it is only in the intestinal canal of certain mammals, birds, reptiles, or fishes, that they can grow and mature their sexual organs. Many of my readers may be unable to conceive how it is possible for Cercarice living in water, to enter into the intestines of such mammals and birds as live far away fi-om water, or, at any rate, never come into proximity with the 20 INTRODUCTION. Fig. 13. Fig. 14. waters in which the Cercaria live. I can^ however^ offer a solution of this apparent mystery, having surprised many Cercaria in the act of migrating. Before I say anything more about this, I must mention a peculiarity which is to be noticed in most of the Cercariai after they have left their sacs. This is their habit of encysting themselves, a process which is effected in the following manner. After a Cercaria has been for some time in the water, first creeping and then swimming about with mani- fest restlessness, it gathers itself up into a ball, and emits from its whole surface a mucous secretion which soon hardens, and since inside of this mucous mass the worm, coiled up into a little ball, turns round without stopping, invests it as it were in an egg-shell. During this process of encysting the Cercaria invariably casts off its tail, so that the capsule eventually encloses the body merely, (fig. 13). For a long time I vainly wondered what could be the object of this process, and, never understood what its signification in Cercarian life was, until, in dissecting some insects, I met with a fact which suggested how I might gain the knowledge I sought for. In the larvse of a great number of various kinds of aquatic insects, of Libel- lulidce, EphenieridcB, Perlidce, Phry- ganidae, I found encysted Cercaria?, which I again discovered in the same animals, after they had left the water, and had been trans- formed into winged insects. Not one of these encysted Cer- caridB lodged in an insect, was either full-grown or possessed sexual organs. I only observed one other slight step towards their further development ; the sexual apparatus, viz., the testis, the germarium, and the copulatory organs, were abeady faintly indicated. As, however, perfectly full-grown and sexually developed Trematoda are never met with in insects, I decided, after the discovery of the encysted Cercaria in them, that they merely sought out the insects as a temporary resting place. Fig. 13. Encysted Cercaria ephemera, a. Sucker, c, d. Urinary organ.— Fig. 14. Abdominal extremity of a Cercaria ephemera, in which, by the casting of the tail the urinary organ has been opened externally, a. Inferior expanded end of the urinary organ, g. Aperture out of which the granular urine is excreted. Before I pointed out the true import of this urinary organ these granules were regarded as eggs, and when the urine was excreted they were tliought to be laid. OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WOKMS. 21 Most of the sexually developed Trematoda are parasitic upon the higher Vertebrata, the Cercarioe being, in fact, nothing else than young sexless Trematoda, whose instinct it is, to pass out from the inferior animals where they are produced, into the higher forms in which they attain the power of sexual reproduction. Should those CercaricB which are generated in aquatic molluscs, be able to attain their sexual matm'ity in the intestines of insectivorous birds or mammals alone, they can only reach the latter locality by entering the larvae of aquatic insects, and then becoming encysted in the manner already described. In this condition they remain, until the new animal in which they have established themselves, having undergone its metamorphosis, leaves the water and is swallowed by some insectivorous vertebrate. In the act of digestion the body of the insect is destroyed, together with the capsule of the imprisoned Cercaria, which in this manner finds itself transplanted into those new circumstances which are alone fitted to permit of its further change into a sexual Trematode. That this instinctive impulse of the CercaricB to encyst them- selves after emigration, is accompanied by a desire to pass into insect larvae, I assured myself by ocular demonstration. I had procured a large number of specimens of Cercaria armata which had emigrated from the common Lymneeus stagnalis, and put them into a watch-glass filled \vdth water, in company with several live Neuropterous larvae (of the families of the Ephemeridce and Perlidce). I soon observed, with the microscope, that the Cercaria, which at first, flapping their tails, moved freely about in the water, at last betook themselves to the insect larvae, and crept restlessly about them. It was easy to see from their movements that the little worms had some object in view. The Cercaria armata, as is well known, is provided with a spine-like weapon, pointing Fig. 15. Fig. 15. A. A Cercaria armata viewed from the abdominal surface, a. Oral sucker with the frontal spine showing through it. b. Ventral sucker, c. Digestive apparatus. d. Urinary organ, h. Tail whose root plugs up a pit in the hinder end of theliody.in which the urinary organ opens.— fi. The same Cercaria viewed laterally a, h, d, have the same signification.— c. The frontal spine. The alimentary canal is left out in this view.— C. The frontal spine of thisCercaria very much magnified, and viewed from above. 22 INTRODUCTION. forward from the centre of the animal's head. (Fig. 15 B.) I could readily perceive, that these Cercarue which I was observing, fr-equently paused in their inspection of the insects, and inserted this weapon into their bodies as they crept over them. This probing experiment, for it was clearly nothing else, was repeated again and again, until the lai'va had discovered one of the soft places between the segments of the insect's body; this being reached, it never moved from the spot, but worked incessantly with its spine, until a way was bored through the soft place it had fastened on. Scarcely was the point of the spine fairly through, ere the supple worm inserted his thin anterior extremity into the wound, widened the opening a little, and by degrees drew in his whole body, which became wonderfully slender under the opera- tion. The tail of the Cercaria was not drawn inside the insect, but remained hanging outside the puncture, being doubtlessly seized and nipped off, by the sudden closing of the wound when the body of the Cercaria had slipped through. Having selected very young and delicate Neuropterous larvse for my inquiry, the transparency of their bodies enabled me to continue to observe the tail-less Cercaria after their entrance ; they forthwith lay still, drew themselves up into balls, and surrounded themselves with a cyst. During the process of encysting, the frontal spine fell off from the body of the Cercaria, and lay apart by its side, but enclosed within the cyst.^ This weapon. Fig. 16. therefore, undergoes the same fate as the tail of these animals, each apparatus being cast aside after fulfilling its intended end. The impulse to immigrate and become en- cysted is so strong in all the Cercaria, that their efforts appear to be occasionally over hasty, and perhaps lead them altogether astray. I have found in Aselli and Gammari, encysted Cercaria, which in every way resembled those which had passed into insects. Fig. 16. An encysted Cercaria armata. a. Oral sucker. b. Ventral sucker, c. Digestive canal which is connected with the oral sucker, d. Urinary organ filled with granular urine, e. Cast off frontal spine which now lies free in the cavity of the cyst. /. Aperture of the urinary organ, which hecomes visil)le after the tail is cast off. g. Cyst in which the tailless Cercaria remains encysted as an asexual Distomiim. 1 The ohservation above detailed (which I have already published in Wagner's ' Ilandworterbuch,' Bd. ii, p. 669,) can be easily repeated, since the sacs of Cercaria armata are excessively common in our fresh-water snails. ORIGIN OP INTESTINAL WORMS. 23 Now, if these Cercaria can only attain their sexual maturity in the warm-blooded vertebrate animals, which devour in- sects, and therefore seek their food in the air or on land alone, the Cercarice, that had established themselves in the Aselli and Gammari, would wait in vain for the time to arrive when they should be transported into the air, since the animals in which they were domiciled would never quit the water. Again, many Cercarice, in their haste, become encysted incautiously at so early a period, that the purpose of the process is defeated. I have already shown that the emigrated Cercaria ephemera attaches itself to water-plants, or any other objects in the water, by means of the cyst which it elaborates ; other Cercaria even be- come encysted before they quit the body of the aquatic snail in which they were generated ; whilst some, again, have even been found encysted within the Cere aria-sacs} Steenstrup takes this to be a normal phenomenon ; I should only consider it such, provided that the encysted Cercaria in the snails are intended to attain their sexual maturity, in the intestines of fishes or of water-bii'ds feeding on snails. Although the various facts I have communicated can only be regarded as fragments of the natural history of certain Trematoda, they are yet capable of being connected into a whole, if the theory of the Alternation of Generations be extended to them. For instance, from the foregoing statements, we perceive that certain sexually matured Trematoda {Monostomum, Distomum) generate young within their sexual organs, which are not developed into sexual individuals similar to their parents in form and structure ; but that, on the contrary, each embryo is converted into an animal of remarkably different form, viz., into a Cercaria-s&c, which has the import of a sexless nurse, since without possessing sexual organs, it nevertheless generates young Cercaria. These Cercaria again differ from their parents, but gradually become sexually perfect, and in form and structure take the likeness of their grandparents. The several embryos of these Trematoda, therefore, do not pass into an equal number of new and separate sexual Trematoda, but each embryo produces a nurse, which, by asexual generation, brings forth a greater or less number of sexual Trematoda. ' Steenstrup (1. c., p. 85, pi. iii [English translation]), has more particularly described and figured such Co-caria-sacs containing encysted Cercarice. 24 INTRODUCTION. If we follow those Trematoda which are subject to the Alternation of Generations, in their wanderings, we shall see that they are likely to meet with many obstacles to the completion of their developmental course, which is the entering into the viscera of an animal in which they can become sexually developed. It may happen that the various emigrations and immigrations of the infusorial embryo, or of the tailed Cercarice, may miscarry ; or it may be, that the exact time for the Cercaria to become encysted may be missed ; or that after the due occur- rence of the encysting process, the insect selected for its penulti- mate habitation may die at an inappropriate time or place, and so prevent the encysted Cercaria from reaching the last animal, or that one fitted for its final residence. This destruction of the various forms of Trematoda by untoward circumstances is com- pensated by the fact, that they are furnished by the Alternation of Generations with the means of greatly multiplying the various developmental stages of their descendants. By these means the propagation of these animals is secured, since, notwithstanding the mishaps by which many are arrested or destroyed, a sufficient number of individuals always remains ou.t of the numerous young of the nurses and larvae, who, in spite of all obstacles, achieve the end in view — the propagation of their species. The history of the Cercarice enables us to comprehend many phenomena which were necessarily quite erroneously interpreted by the older helminthologists, who were ignorant of these wan- derings and unacquainted with the occurrence of the Alternation of Generations. It is a common thing to find capsules or fcysts, in the midst of the tissues of the most widely difi"erent organs of men and animals, containing asexual and only partially developed intestinal worms. It was difficult to understand how such living Entozoa could have originated in the viscera of animals (sometimes in those which are deeply seated and cut off from all external communication) and could here propagate their kind. Hence it was taken for granted that they had been produced by equivocal generation from the surrounding parts, and the mode of origin thus assumed, conversely furnished the reason why these Entozoa were unprovided with sexual organs. Frequently too, free, young, or imperfectly developed intestinal worms were met with in the substance of organs, and their occurrence was in the same way attributed to equivocal generation, though in reality these Entozoa were either in the act of emigrating or of immigrating, ORiaiN OF INTESTINAL WORMS. 35 or else, having found a resting place in some organ, were tarrying till tlie creature they infested should be swallowed by some other animal, when the passive immigration for which they waited would take place. Many wandering parasites are unresistingly suffered to bore their way into and remain in, the organs of animals, whilst on the other hand, certain kinds are arrested and finally stopped, by becoming enclosed in a coagulable lymph thrown out by the organs which they traverse. Hereafter we shall have to dis- tingiiish two kinds of encysted intestinal worms. In the one kind the cyst is thrown out by the parasite itself, as I have already explained in the case of the Cercarice ; in the other, the organ in which the encysted parasite lies imbedded, furnishes the walls of the cyst. These last " extrinsic" cysts are easily recognised in the passively encysted parasites of vertebrate animals, being immediately and intimately connected with the neighbouring tissues and traversed by blood-vessels. In such capsules or cysts are found the most diverse kinds of intestinal worms, whose further course may be very various. Many of the encysted young of the intestinal worms experience no further change, but only remain for a longer or a shorter period until such time as they .may, together with their host, pass into the intestine of some animal of prey suitable for their future develop- ment. To this kind belong the Cercarice I have already mentioned (page 20). There is also a small, imperfectly developed, round worm, hitherto always erroneously described as a perfect intesti- nal worm, under the name of Trichina spiralis, which remains a long time in its cyst without either growing or developing sexual organs. This minute Trichina spiralis is not only met with in the substance of the muscles of man, but also in the pleura and peritoneum of the most widely difierent kinds of vertebrate animals, enclosed in oval capsules about a quarter of a line in length. Most probably a certain time of imprisonment is allotted to the little worm, and after this period has elapsed, should its deliverance not be effected by passive emigration, it dies, and its body, which has not in the least increased in size, is, without changing its outward form, transformed into a brittle glassy mass composed of carbonate of lime. This process of calcareous de- generation also takes place in other encysted and dead intestinal worms, in which, however, the form does not always remain 26 INTRODUCTION. perfect, but is either more or less altered, or else entirely destroyed. Other encysted intestinal worms succeed in obtaining nourish- ment through the walls of their prison, and thus go on growing. Those, however, amongst the encysted entozoa, which are in- tended by nature to attain their sexual maturity only in the digestive organs of certain animals, cannot arrive at this condition in their cysts, and must, in spite of their further growth, fail in the attainment of the power of sexual propagation, until the animal they inhabit is devoured by the predacious creature, whose intestine is alone fitted to allow of the passage of these asexual intestinal worms into the last stage of their development. I may cite here, as examples, various Nematoidea and Cestoidea. In many marine fishes the liver is covered with capsules, which often contain a well-grown nematoid worm more than an inch long. Naturalists have arranged this parasite among the in- testinal worms as Ascaris capsularis, Filaria piscium, Filaria cystica. I have never met with one of these round worms con- taining developed sexual organs. As in their further organization no less than in their whole form, these ascarids most strikingly resemble certain sexually-mature nematoid worms, namely, Ascaris osculata, spiculigera, angulata, aucta, and others, which infest the alimentary canal of seals, cormorants, divers, gulls, and predacious fishes, the idea presents itself that these encysted, not yet fully developed Nematoidea belong to either one species or another of the last-named Ascaridce. More par- ticular inquiries into the subject will instruct us what species of these round worms, which are now con- sidered to be distinct species, will hereafter have to be united into a single group, as younger or older individuals of one and the same species. The sexless Ascaris incisa, represented in fig. 17, Fig. 17. A convoluted piece of the intestine of the mole (nat. size), with many flat- tened, pedunculated cysts, each enclosing a little thread-worm, attached to its peritoneal investment. * * Such cysts viewed edgewise, b. A single capsule much magnified, 80 as to render the enclosed thread-worm more clearly visil)le. This parasite belongs to that group of the Ascaridce whose intestine is provided anteriorly with a cajcum directed upwards. Fig. 17. OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WORMS. 27 / which occurs encysted in the peritoneum of the Mole, must also be awaiting its transference to the intestine of some other anial, where it attains its sexual maturity. From what has been stated we gather, that those young intestinal worms which are developed at a distance from the nidus of their parents, succeed, in the end, in reaching those situations where they may repeat the part of their progenitors, and reproduce their kind. Impelled by instinct, the embryo parasites, that have only just left the egg, disperse in all directions, so that they may immigrate into other animals, whenever an opportunity offers. Many thousands of these embryos of necessity never attain their object, on account of the numerous casualties that beset them in their wanderings. The point of most importance is, that these embryos should select, as their temporary residence, such crea- tures as will be consumed by those animals, whose intestine served their parents, as a habitation and birth-place for their young. But many of these young, immigrated, intestinal worms will have undertaken their journey in vain, and will die without reach- ing the last stage of their development, in consequence of their host and involuntary carrier, escaping from his natural enemies. Again, many embryos will be led astray by the migratory im- pulse, and pass into animals which never become the prey of those whose digestive canal is then* goal. This I conclude from the frequent occurrence of one and the same kind of encysted para- site amongst the most various kinds of animals. And I shall regard those embryos which have failed in their object, in the way I have mentioned, as parasites which have strayed in their wanderings. I know that there may be some difficulty in accepting this theory of strayed parasites ; it will be urged that these, like all animals, have a sort of instinct implanted in them which never allows them to enter upon any fruitless undertaking, and which, without their knowing it, impels them to strike out the right path in their wanderings. If this were really the case, every tsenioid embryo must some day become a tape-worm, and we should be so overrun with nematoid worms that, judging from the enormous quantity of their eggs, the animals they infest would perish by wholesale from their countless numbers. Those who have occupied themselves with the collection of intestinal worms, must only too frequently have remarked, however, that these parasites are by no means so numerous as the immense numbers 28 INTEODUCTION. of their eggs would lead one to suppose. This inclines one more readily to the belief that nature, seeing how full of diffi- culties is the way of these parasites to sexual development, has endowed them with the power of generating millions and billions of eggs, when once they have overcome these obstacles and developed the necessary sexual organs. Through the un- ceasing spread of cultivation, the decrease and extirpation of certain animals, on the one hand, and the taming and increase of domestic animals on the other, the conditions of life of many of the intestinal worms have become so changed, and so widely diflFerent from their original state, that, with their inherent tendency to wander, many of these parasites must often go astray. The Trichina spiralis, which is found in human beings, and which, as I have already shown, must be regarded as an encysted sexless nematoid worm, can hardly have found its way into the muscular substance of man, except by having gone astray ; so also the Cysticercus cellulosce, which not unfrequently appears in the muscles and other organs of man, and which, as I shall hereafter show, is an asexual tajnioid agamozooid. The Cysticercus cellulosa changes to a sexual tape-worm in the intestinal canal of certain mammals ; the Trichina spiralis, after transportation to another and more favorable situation, will also become sexually de- veloped. That these two parasites should have been originally intended to pass into and establish themselves in, human beings, waiting for the opportunity to emigrate, which could only occur when the person who harboured the sexless parasite should be devoured by some appointed beast of prey, is an idea insufferable to the dignity of man,^ which every reader of these lines must of necessity reject ; and admit, instead, that the appearance of these parasites in the interior of man can only be accounted for by the fact of their having gone astray. Many of the young of the intestinal worms which only attain the last stage of their development in the digestive canal of the Vertebrata, chance, in the course of their wanderings, to pass into the wrong organs ; for instance, into the muscular substance, the liver, or the peritoneum; here they remain undeveloped, ' To appeal to the " dignity of man" in a zoological argument appears a little out of place. Nature seems to have had small respect for our "dignity" when she created Ihe fleas, lice, and hugs which annoy us ; the Ascaris, which reduces us below the level of the beast ; the Strongylus, and the Echinococcus, which destroy us outright.— [Ed.] OEIGIN OF INTESTINAL WORMS. 29 whilst other individuals of the same brood, which have found their way into the intestine of the same animals, arrive at matui-ity. Tricenophorus nodulosus, infesting fishes, offers an example of this, developing into a long, sexually-mature tape- worm, in the intestines of pikes and perch, whilst at the same time these fishes often harbour other tape-worms, which are, however, always sexless, in cysts in their liver. These last must certainly be also regarded as strayed parasites. In these wanderings through the bodies of vertebrate animals, the very small embryos of the intestinal worms, boring their way through the walls of the blood-vessels, not unfrequently fall into the current of the circulation, and so become distribvited with the blood. In fact, embryos of intestinal worms, to which the name of Hcematozoa has been given, have often been discovered in the blood of birds, reptiles, and fishes,^ These Hcematozoa neither be- come further developed in the blood, nor increase in size ; but many of them, whilst circulating in the vascular system, stick in the narrow blood-vessels of certain organs which afford a more congenial soil for their further growth ; such at least is the most natural way of accounting for the appearance of intestinal worms in the brain, in the spinal marrow, and in the eyeball of man and animals. These organs are so completely enclosed, partly by bones, and partly by dense fibrous membranes, that before the existence of animals in the blood was known, it was supposed quite impossible for parasites to penetrate into such well pro- tected organs ; but that they must have originated then and there through equivocal generation. The Cysticercus cellulosce, the Coemrus cerebralis, and the Echinococcus hominis and Veteri- nomm, have long been known as occasional denizens of the brain and of the spinal marrow in men and animals, and have, up to the very latest times, served as a stronghold for the sup- porters of the doctriue of equivocal generation. Having sub- jected these very cystic worms to particularly close inves- tigation, iu order to confute this fabulous hypothesis as to 1 I have collected together the different observations on hajmatozoa in the article «' Parasiten" in Wagner's ' Hand-worterbuch' already referred to (p. 648) ; subsequently, new facts of the same kind have been published by Ecker (MliUer's ' Archiv.,' 1845, p. 501), Wedl (in his ' Beitrage zu Lehre von den Hiimatozoen,' Wien, 1849), and Leydig (in Miiller's ' Archiv.,' 1851, p. 227). [See also the remarkable observations of Bilharz, ' Ueber das Distoma haematobium,' ' Zeitschrift flir Wiss. Zoloogie,' 1852. This dioecious bjematode is found in the portal Oloodofman.] — [Ed.] 30 INTRODUCTION. their mode of origin^ I will give au account of the results below. With the migrations and alternation of generations amongst the intestinal worms^ two other phenomena are connected^ which were formerly quite unnoticed, but which now, since attention has been directed to them, have been very generally observed. In the neighbourhood of those sexually perfect intestinal worms which, in their wanderings, are subject to the alternation of generations, only eggs, or recently hatched embryos are met with ; but the further stages of development are always wanting, since they first make their appearance after the emigi'ation of the young to other places. Further, many of these intestinal worms, taken whilst in the act of migrating, are never found below a certain size, since they do not commence their wanderings, either as nurses or larvse, until they have already reached a certain stage of their development. In this chapter I have expressed myself somewhat at large upon the wanderings and alternation of generations of the intesti- nal worms, in order that I may be fully understood in the ensuing ones, when I have occasion to refer to this generation by agamozooids. The history of the propagation of certain para- sites, in the foregoing pages, may seem new and astonishing to many readers, and yet the alternation of generations is not more wonderful than metamorphosis. We have been so long acquainted with the way in which metamorphosis takes place in the higher and lower members of the animal kingdom, that we no longer wonder at the various transformations of the frog, nor gaze with surprise when a caterpillar becomes a chrysalis, and after a certain time flies off in the shape of a butterfly. The many to whom the metamorphosis of frogs and insects is a common appearance, forget that there was once a time when it was unknown, and when the multiplication of grubs and larvae was ascribed to equivocal generation, their true origin being unsuspected. It is to be hoped that a time will also arrive when the complicated alternation of generations wiU not be known to naturalists alone. CHAPTER II. ON THE TAPE-WORM. The tape-worms [Cestoidea) constitute a peculiar group of entozoa which only attain their perfect development and sexual maturity in the intestinal canal of vertebrate animals. Those that are often met with in other internal organs than the intestinal canal, in fishes, reptiles, birds, or mammals, or in the interior of inferior animals, are always sexually undeveloped. In this sexless state the tape-worms wait for an opportunity to pass out, which occurs when the creature they lodge in is swal- lowed by some vertebrate carnivore. It is only when such sexless tape-worms have thus passively effected their entrance into the in- testinal canal of the appropriate Vertebrata, that their sexual matu- rity takes place, and they become capable of laying eggs for further propagation. In this wandering the remarkable circumstance occurs, that whilst these undeveloped tape-worms pass into the stomach of the predacious animal in a more or less uninjured condition, and establish themselves in its intestine, the soft parts of their former host yield to the digestive juices. Numerous examples attest the truth of this assertion, but of these I will only select the following. In certain neighbourhoods the sticklebacks are infested by a kind of tsenioid parasite which lies free in the cavity of the abdomen, and often distends the body to an unusual size. This parasite has been before described under the name of Bothrio- cephalus solidus. In the stickleback its joints and sexual appa- ratus are undeveloped and always remain so. In the intestine of many of the water fowl which prey upon these sticklebacks, a sexually matured tape-worm, known to naturalists by the name of Bothriocephalus nodosus, has been found. This is no other than the Bothriocephalus solidus in a further stage of development ; after its former host, the stickle- back, has been digested in the bird's stomach, it is released, 32 THE TAPE- WORM. and entering uninjured into the intestine of its new owner, arrives at sexual maturity. The extent of development in each individual will be found to be in proportion to the time it has passed in the bird's alimentary canal after its passive emigration. Since the connection between Bothriocephalus solidus and nodosus has been known, helminthologists have ceased to regard these two tsenioid worms as different species, but in accordance with the suggestion of Dr. Creplin, who first drcAv attention to the relationship between them, they have been considered to be different stages of the same species, Schistocephalus dimorphus. A similar instance occurs in the case of the Ligula simplicissima, infesting the abdominal cavity of various species of carp, whose sexual organs are, and remain, undeveloped, as long as the worm remains within the fish, whilst when the latter is eaten by, and the entozoon thereby conveyed into the intestines of, ducks, divers, waders, and other water-fowl, it attains perfect sexual develop- ment. In the older helminthological systems the sexually ma- tured Ligula simplicissima is described under various specific names, sometimes as Ligula sparsa, unisei'ialis, sometimes as Ligula allernans, or interrupt a. Many Cestoidea, during their youth, lodge in the liver and peritoneum of fishes. In these organs they excite a morbid exudation whereby a membranous substance is produced, which forms a kind of capsule round the worm, and thus, as it were, excludes it from the organism. This act, by which the organs seek to free themselves from such unwelcome guests, I shall designate by the name of " extrinsic"^ encysting process already given in page 25. The encysted Cestoidea increase in size, but do not become sexually mature, from the absence of the conditions necessary to the attainment of this state; and should then- hosts perish without having been devoured by an animal of prey, the sexless Cestoidea will die with them, without leaving any progeny. Various examples illustrate the truth of this statement. Mention has already been made (at page 29) of the Triaeno- phorus nodulosus which infests the intestme of the pike and the perch, where alone it is to be met with sexually mature. Helminthologists, however, give other localities of this worm, as 1 I liave added the word " extrinsic" here to distinguish this from the self-encysting process by exudation from the entozoon itself.— [Ed.] ENCYSTED CESTOIDEA. 33 certain species of salmon, for instance ; but in these it is met M-ith encysted in the liver and peritoneum, and is invariably sexless. The examination of the livers of a great number of the Salmo salvelinus caught in the Konigs-see, near Berchtesgaden, recently convinced me that this worm can only attain to sexual maturity in the alimentary canal of perch and pike. These livers Avere covered with various sized cysts containing larger or smaller individuals of Tricenopliorus nodulosus, which were every one sexless. The Cestoidea were obviously awaiting their sexual de- velopment, which could only take place when they should have passed into the intestine of a pike or perch, a migration which may easily occm-, since the lake is full of such predacious fish, who are always ready to seize upon the salmon. When the Tricenophorus nodulosus has come to sexual maturity and has deposited its eggs in the intestine of the pike and perch, these eggs will be passively extruded, since the cestoid embryos are never hatched in the spot where they have been laid ; that is to say, they will be expelled Avith the faeces through the anus of the fish. With regard to the ultimate fate of the young of the Trimnophorus nodulosus, I can state nothing from actual know- ledge, but from what has been observed in regard to other intes- tinal parasites, I think one may infer that the young of the former will be impelled by the same instinct, to wander, and to seek that situation which can alone develop their powers of repro- duction. Although I am unacquainted Avith the form in which the embryos of the Tr'mnophorus nodulosus commence their wanderings, yet, having found tolerably large individuals of this species encysted in the livers of various fishes (of salmon, sticklebacks, millers' thumbs, burbot, blennies, and others), I conclude that the young Trianophori have merely made these a temporary resting-place, and are waiting till their host becomes the prey of the above-nained fishes. Whether the young of the Tnanophorus always avail themselves of an intermediate host by whom they may be conveyed into the intestine of their final en- tertainer, the pike or perch — I cannot say. It is possible that they may pass, at once, into the pike or perch whenever an opportunity offers ; but under these circumstances it would be by no means immaterial into which organ of the fish they first entered. Since the intestinal canal is the only proper place for their sexual development, they will, by passing into the liver or 3 34 THE TAPE-WORM. peritoneum, most assuredly meet with the same fate as if they had entered the other fishes; they Avill become encysted, and may grow within the cysts, but will not become sexually matm-e unless their owner be swallowed by a larger creature of his own kind. Similar migrations and strayings from the right path are exhibited by the Tcenia longicollis and ocellata, Avhich are met with, not only in the intestine, but also encysted in the livers, of salmonoid and percoid fishes, in a jointed but sexless state. I must call attention to the fact that the Tricenophorus nodulosus, in its sexless condition, is not uncommonly found in the liver and peritoneum of the sticklebacks ; and as this fish, on account of its spines, is generally avoided by the pike and perch, the immi- grated young of the Tricsnophorus in the sticldeback must be certainly regarded as having gone astray. The various species of the cestoid genus, Tetrarhynchus, enu- merated by systematic helminthologists, are nothing more than imperfectly developed, sexless forms of Cestoidea^ which, in their fully developed and sexually mature condition, have been regarded as belonging to an entirely distinct genus. Following E,udolphi, later helminthologists termed this latter genus, Rhynchobothrium. The genus Tetrarhynchus must now, however, be set aside, since the forms of animals hitherto included in it must be considered as younger stages of development of true Rhyncho- bothria. The head end of many kinds of Tetrarhynchus, with its four protractile proboscides, armed with numerous sharp grappling hooks and provided with four moveable suckers, in form and organization resembles so exactly the fore part of the Rhynchobothria, that there is no doubt as to the origin of the former. The Rhynchobothria in their full grown and sexually matured state, are only found in the digestive canal of plagiostome fishes. In order to secure their migration into other individuals of this order, the young of the Rhijnchobothria make use of such marine creatures as serve the former for prey. As the ravenous shark or ray is not over nice in the choice of its food, it is not necessary for the young Rhynchobothria to select any par- ticular marine animal as its temporary host, in order to introduce itself into their intestine. Indeed one meets with Tetrarhynchi, (that is to say young Rhynchobothria), in soles, flounders, mullets, THE SCOLEX-STATE. 35 ill cod-fisli, gurnards, congers, and even in cuttlefishes. From the encysted condition in which the parasites are found in these animals, it is easy to see that they have only made them their temporary abode. That they are by no means at home in these intermediate hosts seems evinced by their lively and restless proceedings; their four protractile feelers, with their countless hooks, being employed most cleverly, to bore through the flesh, the walls of the stomach, and the tunics of the various organs. The head end of the young Cestoidea takes, at a very early period, the form of that of their sexually matured parents, whence it is easy to distinguish to which species of cestoid worm they belong. According to Van Beneden's suggestion, helminthologists have desig-nated such undeveloped sexless Cestoidea whose heads have already assumed the parental form, as " scolices." From their physiological signification these cestoid scolices have been compared with the larvse of insects ; the comparison, however, is not tenable, since every insect larva leaves the egg in its larva- form, and is gradually changed into an individual insect capable of propagation, whilst the scolices of the Cestoidea do not come forth from the egg in the condition of scolices, nor are converted into a reproductive tape-worm individual, but by sexless genera- tion give birth to a great number of sexual individuals. Here, therefore, we have to do, not with metamorphosis, but with an alternation of generations in which the scolex-forms play the part of agamozooids. In studying the history of the Cestoidea, it must be strictly borne in mind that all scolices, whatever be their form, are only different stages of cestoid worms ; and, on the other hand, that the cestoid embryos leave the egg in a form widely different from a scolex. The embryos of the genera Tania and Bothriocephalus are precisely similar, widely different as are the forms of the so-called " heads " of these worms subsequently. The whole or- ganization of these embryos seems specially adapted for the pm'pose of digging and boring, a circumstance most favorable to them in their wanderings. They possess, in fact, a very small rounded body, (fig. 18 a), at one end of which six little hooks or claws project, two in the middle and two on each side. Each pair of these hooks is differently shaped from the others (fig. 18 b, c, d), and they are so arranged, that one of each form is placed on each side of the embryo, so that the two innermost, the two middle. 36 THE TAPE- WORM. and the two outermost hooks are alike.^ If one of these embryos is set free (which can be effected by care- fully crushing the eggshell between two plates of glass), without destroying the living tape-worm embryo, its various movements may be examined under the microscope. It draws its round body together, and enlarges and contracts its transverse diameter, and by this operation protrudes, first in front and then at the sides, the six little hooks from that end of its body which, from these hooks being situated there, I shall call the fore part. The observer can readily understand how, by such movements, the excessively minute cestoid embryo succeeds in boring its way into the moist and tender soft parts of other animals and in traversing their interior in all directions. When the cestoid embryos have, by immigration and subse- quent encysting, lodged themselves in an animal by whose means they will eventually become introduced into the alimentary canal of one of the Vertebrata, and so reach the last stage of their development, a remarkable metamorphosis takes place by which they pass from the condition of embryos into that of scolices. In the interior of the embryo an organ is developed which gradually assumes the characters of the head of a cestoid worm, and always resembles that of the particular species fi'om which the embryo has been produced. When once the head of the cestoid is frilly formed it may become extruded from the interior of the body, and the entire worm then constitutes a scolex. The whole of this process of scol ex-development may be justly compared to an internal budding. According to the view of the earlier helminthologists, the scolices consist of the head end of a cestoid worm, out of whose posterior extremity the proper body is subsequently developed. In regard to the organization of the scolices, it must be par- ticularly noted that they possess no oral aperture, and are only nourished by the absorption of fluids through the surface of their Fig. 18. The embryo of Txnia crater if ormis. The six hoolclets are formed upon three different types; b, c, d, represent the three kinds more highly magnified, b. One of the two uppermost, c, one of the two median, and d, one of the two outermost booklets. • See my description of these hooks in Burdach's ' Physiologie,' Bd. ii, 1837, p. 204. DEVELOPMENT OF SCOLICES. 37 integument. In the substance of their bodies, spherical or cliscoidal bodies of a glassy appearance are often seen: these Fig. 19. have frequently been mistalten for eggs, whereby the nature of these creatures has been wholly misconceived. The particles are, in fact, nothing more than organized deposits of carbonate of lime. Integumentary concretions of the same kind are found in many other of the lower animals. The scolices have also been described as young cestoid worms : we shall, however, more readily comprehend the various stages through which the Ce*- Fig. 19. Series of developmental stages of a TefrarJiynchus, or rather of a scolex of Rhynchobothrium, represented diagrammatically, and partly after Van Beneden. The cestoid embryo becomes a receptaculum scolicis by the development of a scolex in its interior. With the progressive development of the scolex the body of the embryo [receptaculum scolicis) and the cyst containing it, increase in dimensions. 1. The encysted embryo. 2. The encysted embryo developes a bud internally, and so becomes the receptacle of a scolex. 3. The internal bud out of which a scolex is being developed has increased in size. 4. In the interior of the bud the head of the future Tetrarhynchus appears, and the suckers become perceptible. 5. The head of the Tetrarhynchus becomes more clearly defined ; and, 6, acquires a neck. 7. The neck elongates, the four hooked proboscides make their appearance. 8. The more elongated neck is forced to become curved in order to accommodate itself to the narrow space in which the scolex is undergoing its development. 9. The adult scolex out of its cyst, and beginning to be extruded from its receptacle. 10. The extruded scolex; which, in 11, has separated itself from its receptaculum. In this condition, the scolices of the Rhynchobothria have hitherto been described as species of Tetrarhynchus. * Scolex. ** Receptaculum scolicis. *** Cyst. For the further development of the Tetrarhynchus into ti Rhyncho- bothrium, see fig. 23. 38 THE TAPE-WORM. toidea pass, and be better able to bring them into unison with the phenomena presented by the other entozoa, if, as has been suggested above, we regard the scolices as agamozooids. In taking this view of the nature of the scolices of the Cestoidea, Ave assume that they are in that condition in which they may, by asexual reproduction, bring forth a series of sexual individuals. This in reality takes place, but only in the intestinal canal of vertebrate animals. Before entering more fully into the description of this process, however, it is advisable that I should refer to certain facts, known to helminthologists, which prove that the scolices really originate in the cestoid embryos furnished Avith six booklets. In this matter I avail myself of the CAddence of Stein of Tharand, who made the fol- lowing important observations. Stein discovered,^ on the exterior of the stomach of the meal- worm (the larva of the coleopterous Tenebrio molitor), small cysts about the size of a pin^s head, containing a cestoid embryo in whose body a more or less fully developed scolex was included. In those that Avere fully developed Stein recognised a perfect Taenia head. Stein distinctly convinced himself that the Tania embryo did not become a scolex by simple growth, but that the latter was produced by budding in the body of the embryo, having, amongst the numerous cysts that he examined, the most various transi- tional forms, ^'om the simple unaltered embryos to those con- taining" a fully developed scolex. During this development of a scoliciform agamozooid the embryo changes its form, growing rather longer on the one side than the other, in consequence of which its six hooks become irregularly scattered over the upper surface of the body and lose their import (fig. 26) ; a clear proof that they do not enter into the formation of the circlet of hooks of the tsenioid scolex. It is clear that these tsenioid embryos arrive by immigration into the abdominal cavity of the meal-worms, and in fact, as Stein suspected, through the walls of the stomach; for this observer more than once found tfenioid embryos in the stomach of meal-worms, which, judging fi-om their form, could only just have been hatched. Most likely these minute embryos had been taken in with their food by the meal- 1 See his ' Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Eingeweidewiirmer,' in the ' Zeitschrift fiir Wissenscbaftliche Zoologie,' edited by Kolliker and myself. Bd. iv» 1853, p. 207. DEVELOPMENT OF SCOLICES. 39 worms, and so conveyed into tlie stomach. By the help of their six booklets they pierce its walls and pass into the perivisceral cavity. Having got thus far, the immigrated tajnioid embryos find in the meal-worms a fitting intermediate residence, and the scoliciform agamozooid begins to be developed in them. The embryos having thus completed their wanderings, and arrived at their appointed end, throw ofi" their boring apparatus, and play a more subordinate part, the scoliciform agamozooid developed within them, henceforward taking the chief place. The scolex is itself sexless, but by asexual generation will bring forth sexual individuals ; this, however, can only take place in the intestine of some vertebrate animal, and it is now the turn of the scolices to wander, in order that they may pass from their intermediate host into their final one. In doing this the nurse is entirely passive, waiting until its intermediate host shall be devoured by that particular verte- brate animal which is fitted to serve as the nidiis for its sexual stage. What vertebrate animal this is, is at present unknown, so that I can only speak conjecturally, and indicate that these meal- worms are the favorite food of various small mammals, such as rats and mice, and of numerous birds, the red-start^ for instance ; and that the Tenebrio molitor, which flies about, and is produced from the chrysalis of the meal-worm, is often caught and eaten by bats, swallows and other insectivorous animals. A minute comparison of the scolices of the meal-worms with the heads of tape-worms from the intestines of the animals I have named, may perhaps assist in filling up the gaps in these observations. Another observation made long ago by myself, and which has since been more fully worked out by Dr. Meissner, serves to confirm the observations of Stein. In the substance of the pul- monary sac of Ai'ion empiricorum, (a slug), I discovered many encysted scolices,^ from the shape of whose heads I judged that they formed part of the developmental series of a Tania. The form of these scolices, is, however, very different from that of those which are found in the meal-worms. Their head end is always involuted in the short, and only partially developed, hinder part of the body (fig. 20, 21). One sees in the whole arrangement of the various parts of the ' See my essay ' Ueber den Generationswechsel der Cestoden,' in the ' Zeitschrift fur Wissenscliaftliche Zoologie,' 1850, p. 202. 40 THE TAPE-WOEM. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. encysted scolex with the retracted head, that the latter is pro- duced m exactly the same manner as that of the meal-worm scolex described by Stein, viz., by in- ternal budding, although I have never chanced to meet with such earlier stages of development of the scolex in the slug. However, that they do directly emanate from T(pnia embryos, is e^ddenced by the three pair of hooks or claws, which are firmly fixed in the substance of the sur- face of the posterior extremity of the body of these retracted scolices. We are indebted to Dr. Meissner for the discovery that these six claws are the remains of the embryonic condition of these cestoid agamozooids.^ The encysted scolices in the slug, therefore, are perfectly analo- gous in form and signification to the cestoid agamozooids in the meal-worm, with this diSerence, that the first are not elongated into a tail at the posterior extremity. The encysted cestoid agamozooids in the slug are evidently the result of the immigra- tion of cestoid embryos, and yet in spite of the fact that these parasites are very frequently met with in slugs,^ I have not been able to determine which species of Tfewm- embryo passes into this form of scolex, nor into the intestine of what particular vertebrate animal the scolex of the slug must emigrate, to give rise to sexual individuals. The sexually matured individuals of the Cestoidea are no other than their full-grown joints; in which are developed the male and female genitalia, by whose co-operation eggs capable of re- production are generated, and the continuation of the species is secured. Such a sexually-mature, hermaphrodite joint of a cestoid worm, which, in certain genera of Cestoidea, when fully formed, separates from the body of the scolex with great readiness, is denominated a Proglottis. The formation of these Fig. 20. A scolex of Tcetiia from Avion empiricorum included within its receptacle. Fig. 21. The same extruded, a. Head of the scolex. b. Receptaculum scolicis. c. The remains of the six embryonic hooklets. 1 See the ' Zeitschrift fur Wiss. Zool.,' B. v, 1854, p. 383. ' I have found, not only in Breisgau, but also in Schleswig, and here in Bavaria, the lung of the red slug {jJrion empiricorum) very frequently infested by the encysted scolices referred to above; and I learn from Dr. Meissner that the same is the case with ilie slugs found in the neighbourhood of Hanover. FEEE JOINTS, OE PEOGLOTTIDES. 41 Proglottides takes place at the posterior end of the scolex by- asexual reproduction; viz., by a simple process of growth and division. If we compare this process with the phenomena of the Alternation of Generations, we shall discover in it all the essential characters of the latter. The matured joints, or the sexual individuals, of the Cestoidea in their proglottis form, pro- duce a brood of embryos armed with six booklets, which are quite dissimilar in shape from their parents, the Proglottides, and remain so, since at a later period they assume the scolex form, and take on the functions of an agamozooid. From the posterior end of the body of such a scoliciform agamozooid a series of joints are developed; that is to say, a generation of sexual individuals, which again present the original proglottis form. In their organization, the Proglottides, apart from their sexual apparatus, so far resemble the scolices, from which they have been pro- duced, that they possess no oral aperture, and moreover are subject to a deposit under their integument, of those glassy cal- careous particles which I have already mentioned. It seems, at first, paradoxical to say that the joints of a tape- worm, which have hitherto been believed to be mere parts of one animal, should be considered as individuals ; but whoever will observe, with an unprejudiced eye, a fully developed Taenia with its sexually matured joints, must be convinced that it is no simple animal, but one composed of many individuals. The joints of a Tcenia, when quite mature, become detached from one another with the greatest ease ; the separated joints for a long while preserve their form and remain quite fresh and lively, being even capable of locomotion, and always seeking to dis- burden themselves of their eggs before dying. Even the older naturalists had regarded the single, separate joints of a Tcenia as separate individuals, whilst others again, described the joints of the common tape-M^orm of Man, [Taenia solium), as " Vermes cucurbitini." Later helminthologists, however, rejected the idea that a Tania was composed of ''Vermes cucurbitini," and especially objected 1 to the view of Vallisnieri and Coulet,^ who maintained that the TcenicB were produced by the mutual adherence of a number of the cucurbitine worms into a complex, jointed whole. ' See his ' Considerazioni ert Esperienze intorno alia Generazione do' Vermi del Corpo umano.' Padooa, 1710, p. 63. ' ' Tractatus de Ascaridibus et Lunibrico lato.' Lugduni Batavonim, 1729, pp 37 56, &c. 43 THE TAPE-WOEM. Blumenbach stood almost alone among tlie later naturalists, when, to the astonishment of his contemporaries, he defended the incorrect vieAvs of Vallisnieri.^ The older inquirers were quite right in regarding the various isolated Tcenia-joints as sepa- rate individuals, though they certainly fell into a gross error in imagining that the long, many-jointed Tania was composed of coalesced Vermes cucurbitini • in point of fact it is exactly the reverse, the Vermes cucurbitini owing their origin, to the break- ing up of the Tania into separate joints. That the first impres- sion of these old naturalists was a just one is evident, from the circumstance that even modern helminthologists, meeting now and then with solitary T(Enia-]omi^, with whose origin they were unacquainted, have regarded them as peculiar individual worms, and described them accordingly. A remarkable intestinal worm described many years ago by Diesing, under the name of Thy- sanosoma actinoides, which was foimd in the intestine of a species of deer from Brazil, created much sensation amongst helmin- thologists, until Diesing himself, not long ago, acknowledged it to be an isolated joint or Proglottis of Tcsnia fimbriata? Dujardin described the isolated joints of various Cestoidea as forms of a peculiar genus of worms, to which he gave the name of Proglottis.^ Although he believed them to be originally derived from T(Sni(B, he was, notwithstanding, so firmly convinced of their independent existence, that he made them into a sepa- rate genus in his systematic arrangement of the Cestoidea.^ However, since more has been known of the alternation of gene- rations, whereby the origin of one animal from another of quite dissimilar form, and their mutual relations to each other have been explained and familiarized, helminthologists generally admit that a cestoid worm is really a colony of animals. How dif- ficult naturalists formerly found it, to accede to a view that since the time of Blumenbach had been a subject of ridicule, ' ' Gottingisclien Anzeigen von gelehrten Sacheii,' 1774, No. 154. Blumenbach regards the anterior, smallest, joints of a tape-worm as the oldest, and he accounts for their being smaller than tlie posterior joints by supposing that they have to give up the nutriment which they take in, to their successors which have fastened on to them behind. He compares these worms to the mass of authors, the more modern of whom merely suck out of tlieir immediate predecessors, that which these had extracted in the sanie way from still older writers. - See his ' Systema Helrainthum,' i, 1850, p. 501. ' Annales des Sciences Naturelles,' t. xx, 1843, p. 341. * ' Histoire Naturclle des Ilelminthes,' 1845, p. 630, ])]. 10. li^-s. a, n, c. FREE JOINTS, OE PROGLOTTIDES. is sho^yn by F. S. Leuckart, who, rightly appreciating the true meaning of these jointed Cestodea, and yet apparently not liking to oppose his contemporaries too strongly, merely expressed himself thus upon the matter.^ " I was almost inclined to consider the jointed tape-worms as organisms, in which each joint is a separate animal, and the whole a compound animal, as has been before supposed by many distinguished zoologists." Steenstrup returned to the idea (loc. cit., p. 103) that the tape- worms are compound animals, and subsequently, Van Beneden in his admirable monograph, has pointed out and illustrated with excellent figures many striking and conclusive examples of the truth of the same view. In looking at Coulet^s (1. c, figs. r~\^'^ -n conception that these animal bodies are independent exist- ences. The separate joints (that is, the Proglottides,) of the other species of Taenia are perfectly similar to these ; and the Proglottides described by Van Beneden in the cestoid genera Echeneibothrium, Phyllobothrium, Anthohothrium, Acanthobothriuni, Onchobothrium, Calliobothrium,, and Tetrarhynchus, (all charac- terised by clearly marked articulations), closely resemble them. Since we must henceforward regard these Cestoidea as com- pound animals, we may compare the many-jointed tape-worm with a polypidom, although Ave must not forget that there are some points of difference between the two. In the compound polypes, the individuals bud out in various directions and relative positions from their parent stock, whereby the polypidom, accord- Fig. 22. Single and separated sexually mature joints of Tcenia solium (of the natural size) with lateral sexual apertures, (*) and in different states of expansion and contrac- tion (after Coulet). Each of these separate joints must be regarded as a sexual indi- vidual of the Tcunia solium, and is the proglottis of this Cestoid worm. ' ' Versuch einer naturgeraassen Eiutheilung der Helminthen,' 1827, p. 21. * ' Les Vers Cestoides,' 1850. It is to be regretted that Van Beneden has confined his investigations to the scolices and proglottides, and has not examined the development of the embryos. 3 — 16,) illustrations of the separate joints {Proglottides) of a Tania solitim in their various states of contraction and expansion, (fig. 22,) it is impossible not to admit the 44 THE TAPE- WORM. mg to its genus and species, receives a specific, ramified, folia- ceous, or encrusting form, whilst in the compound tape-worms, the individuals only grow out of the common stock in one direction, and in a single series. In the Cestoidea the stock is the posterior end of the scoliciform agamozooid. In the alternation of generations amongst the Cestoidea, there is this peculiarity, that the agamozooid preserves its efficacy and independence, whilst the agamozooids of other animals which undergo alternation either die after producing their brood or pass into it.-^ We must consider the head of every cestoid worm as the agamozooid still remaining and capable of reproduction, and its neck as the equivalent of the posterior extremity of the scolex. In all cestoids we see that fresh joints are continually being developed at the posterior part of the neck, which lengthens and becomes covered with transverse folds. These folds are at first very close together, but as the process of growth throws them backwards, fm-ther and further from their place of origin, they gradually change from indistinct wrinkles into sharp trans- verse lines of demarcation, between Avhich the substance of the body dilates into a joint (individual), and assumes its specific shape. At a later period, the rudiments of the hermaphrodite sexual apparatus make their appearance in the interior of the joints : and in proportion as the latter move backwards from their parent stock (the neck), so much the nearer do they approach to maturity, through progressive development of their sexual ap- paratus ; and finally they separate themselves from their younger fellows as independent individuals. I must not leave the fact unmentioned that the formation of marked proglottidiform joints does not take place in all Cestoidea. In the genera Tarda, Tetrarhynchus and several others furnished with cephalic hooks and suckers, the development and individualising of the pro- glottides occurs in perfection. In the genus Bothriocephalus , although the joints exhibit a distinct demarcation, they show little inclination to become separate. In Tricenophorus the articulation is still less marked; whilst in Ligula it is obso- ' The correctness of this statement appears to be doubtful. Tlie stock of the " Hydra tuba" remains after giving rise to a l)rood of Medmce, and neitlier dies nor can be said to pass into the brood. The like is true of those Sertularida, Diphyd(S, and PhysophoridcE which give rise to medusiform Zoiiids; nor does it seem to he otherwise in the remarkable Trematode Gyrodactylus described by Von Siebold himself. — [Ed-] OEiaiN OF THE PKOGLOTTIDES, 45 lescent, being only denoted by imperfect transverse folds on the sides of the body. Here, in fact, many groups of hermaphrodite Fig. 23. sexual apparatus become developed close together, in the ribbon- like body of the full-grown agamozooid, but the parts which surround them do not break up into joints. In this respect we may compare a Ligula, as a compound animal, with certain polypidoms in which the individuals become, in a similar manner, less distinctly separate from the parent stock. For how long a time the head end of the cestoid worm can play the part of an agamozooid, and how many sexual individuals such a tape-worm can produce, has not yet been certainly proved. The number of proglottides which a single scolex can bring forth. Fig. 23. Kepresents, diagrammatically the metamorphosis of a Tetrarhynchiis into a Rhynchobothrium (after Van Beneden, see also supra, fig. 19). a. A Tetrarhynchus scolex, whose posterior extremity is growing and elongating, b. The elongated hinder extremity exhibits transverse wrinkles which indicate the boundaries of the future joints, c. The posterior end of the same scolex appears clearly jointed, i. e. provided with proglottides. The Tetrarhynchus has thus become a Rhynchobothrium. a. One of the four sucking disks, b. Protruded part of the four proboscides provided with recurved hooks, c. Middle portion of the four proboscidean tubes, e. Unarticulated portion of the body, e* Transversely wrinkled portion of the body, c** Articulated part of the body giving rise to proglottides. 46 THE TAPE WOKM. mustj in many species, be enormous, since many hundred articu- lations may still be counted, in cestoid worms which have, for months, been giving off numerous joints every day. Whether a cestoid worm, after giving off a series of sexless individuals as joints, can, after a certain interval of rest, repeat this process, would be a difficult fact to determine either in man or in animals, since it is impossible to be sure if the renewed production of joints springs from one and the same agamozooid, or whether it may not be the product of a more lately immigrated one. THE CYSTIC ENTOZOA. 47 CHAPTEE III. ON THE CYSTIC ENTOZOA. Zoologists have hitherto founded the genera and species of Cestoidea on the characters presented by the head and by the fully developed joints only ; and even these characters have been but superficially and imperfectly employed, so that a close revision of this order of Entozoa has long been necessary. This task has been recently undertaken by Diesing and by Van Beneden, but the labours of these two helminthologists have led them to very different results. The great point in revising the old genera and species of the Cestoidea is, to discover what forms of proglottis belong to certain scolices which are commonly found without proglottides (and which, therefore, have long been regarded as distinct genera of Cestoidea), and to unite these together, Diesing has not attempted to do this, having appa- rently no conception of the bearing of the alternation of gene- rations upon the systematic arrangement of the lower animals. On the other hand, Van Beneden, guided by the light of the alternation theory, has justly recognised and given due promi- nence to, the affinities of certain Cestoidea. To this end the different kinds of scolex require to be more carefully defined than they have hitherto been, and the use of the microscope becomes indispensable. The forms of the apparatus of attachment must be determined and compared with the utmost care, and those hooks and protractile proboscides, armed with more or less moveable booklets, which are attached to the head of the scolices, are especially adapted, from their varying and well marked figure and disposition, to afford good generic and specific characters. If the form and arrangement of that apparatus of attachment of the TcBniadoi which is known as the circlet of hooks, of the proboscis which carries it, and of the sac which conceals it, had been carefully observed, the identity of many so-called species of Taniadce would long since have been recognised, and the close 48 THE CYSTIC ENTOZOA. relation of tlie Cystica with the Cestoidea would not have been a recent discovery. It must not be forgotten, however, that in very many Tceniadce, the scolices lose their circlet of hooks with advancing age, and that in many Cestoidea, the suckers of the scolices undergo great changes of form when the development of proglottides commences ; in consequence of M'hich it is often very difficult to demonstrate the connection of the older and younger individuals of one and the same species of cestoid. The proglottides of the Cestoidea, again, considered as individuals whoUy separate from the parental organism, present distinct specific characters, though they are not, perhaps, very obvious at first sight. In these it is the sexual apparatus more par- ticularly which, forming as it does the principal mass of the proglottis, presents excellent specific characters, in the form, dimensions, number, and arrangement of its parts. Van Beneden has the merit of having paid particular attention to these par- ticulars in distinguishing the different species of proglottis. As I have already hinted, the cystic worms, which were made by Rudolphi into a distinct order of Entozoa, are so closely allied to the Cestoidea that they have no claim whatever to be regarded as an independent group. Since, in addition, various kinds of scolices have been regarded as distinct genera of Cestoidea, it is high time that zoologists should resolve to erase from their systematic arrangements all these groups, which are in reality, based only on our ignorance of the natural history of the Entozoa. How great a number of these improper genera have been introduced may be judged by the fact that out of the order Entozoa cephalocotylea, alone, established by Diesing/ and containing thirty-two genera, ten genera must be eliminated, namely, Echino coccus, Cosnurus, Cysticercus, Piestocystis, Antho- cephalus, Acanthorhynchus, Pterobothrium, TetrabothriorMjnchus, Stenobothrium, Scolex. Many of the Entozoa arranged under these genera are merely the scoliciform agamozooids of other Cestoidea ; a fact which is demonstrated not merely by their undeveloped and sexless body, but by their habitation, since they are almost all found, not in the alimentary canal of a vertebrate animal, but in its other viscera. Another portion of these genera consists of the cystic worms, which arc also nothing but the scolices of certain Cestoidea, with this difference, however, that a portion of their body is enlarged into a vesicle. ' Diesiiig, ' Systeina Heliuinthum,' i, p. 478. THE CYSTIC ENTOZOA. 49 To prove tliat the cystic Entozoa are the sexless and va- riously degenerated nurses of the Cestoidea, I must once again return to the already mentioned (page 36) development of the cestoid agamozooids. When the cestoid embryo has immigrated and established itself in any organ of an animal, it begins to develop a scolex by internal budding, which takes the form of a 7