Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/b24976362 THE NAMES OF HERBES. By WILLIAM TURNER. A.D. 1548. THE NAMES OF HERBES. By WILLIAM TURNER. c~ A.D. 1548. EDITED (WITH AN INTRODUCTION, AN INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES, AND AN IDENTIFICATION OF THE PLANTS ENUMERATED BY TURNER) BY JAMES BRITTEN, F.L.S., OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, JOINT-AUTHOR OF ‘A DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH PLANT-NAMES,’ editor of Aubrey’s ‘remaines of gentilisme,’ etc. $ LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE ENGLISH DIALECT SOCIETY BY N. TRUBNER & CO., 5 7 81 59, LUDGATE HILL. ■CYAL COLLWOE OF P**SICIAK* LIBRARY CLA33 | \&i$ Z 2 AOCN. 3&0JT SOURCE | DATE | IBangag : CLAY AND TAYLOR, THE CHAUCER PRESS. V PREFACE. The reprint of the “ Names of Herbes,” by William Turner, which is now offered to the Members of the English Dialect Society, renders easily accessible a rare and interesting little book. It appeals to many classes of readers, and although not strictly a Dialect work, it has sufficient connection with the objects of the Society to justify its appearance among our publications. It forms a fitting companion to the “ Dictionary of English Plant-names ; ” it will interest those who study the history of cultivated plants, inasmuch as it is the earliest authority to which the introduction of certain plants can be traced ; and to the botanist it will be especially useful, inasmuch as it embodies a careful attempt to identify the species recorded with their modern synonyms. I have divided the work into three parts, which I may briefly define. The first is an exact reprint of the work, the only alter- ations being in the pagination, and of the insertion at the foot of each page of the “fautes escaped in the printyng,” which will be found collected (as in the original) at p. 90. The original pagination is indicated at the bottom of each page of the reprint, where I have also occasionally placed, in square brackets, a correction of certain other errata, which escaped the notice of Turner when he drew up his list of “fautes.” The second part consists of a list, alphabetically arranged, of the English names given by Turner (whether invented by him or in actual popular use), each name being followed by (1) its modern scientific equivalent, (2) the Latin heading under which Turner places it, and (3) the page of the reprint on which it will be found. I say “the Latin heading ” rather than the Latin name, because VI Turner often includes several different plants under the same head- ing ; hut I have thought this plan the easiest for facilitating refer- ence. A few blanks will be found in the second column; they indicate that I have been unable to ascertain satisfactorily the modern name of the plants to which Turner alludes. The third part is an index, similar to that in the “ Dictionary of English Plant-Names,” in which the modern Latin names of the plants are given in alpha- betical order, followed by the various English ones by which they are mentioned in the body of the work. In this way I hope I have rendered the information contained in the “Names of Herbes” available for the use of all who may wish to obtain it. Many dialectal names find a place in the work : e. g. for Northumberland, Speregrass (p. 24), Lucken gollande (p. 26), New Chapel flower (p. 58), Eldens (p. 61), and Redco (p. 78); for Durham, Speknel (p. 53); for Yorkshire, Cudweed (p. 25); for the North Bracon (p. 38), and Crawtees* (p. 43) ; and for Cambridge- shire, Whin (p. 73), and Waybent (p. 43). I have not attempted to arrange or correct the French and German names ; but in the English Index I have taken some trouble to spell both Turner’s English and Latin titles as he himself writes them. That the work is useful in fixing the date of the introduction of certain plants to English gardens is clear, from the fact that it stands at the head of the books cited by Aiton in the “ Hortus Kewensis ” (ed. ii. , p. x). Many British plants also date their record as natives of this country from this little volume. From these records, as well as from the names which he gives as then in actual use, we can trace Turner’s travels in various parts of England, as well as on the continent. It is unnecessary to enter into any account of the life and works of William Turner, as a full account of both will be found in Mr. B. D. Jackson’s preface to his reprint (issued in 1877) of the “ Libellus ” — Turner’s first work ; — as well as in Trimen and Dyer’s “Flora of Middlesex” (published in 1869), pp. 364 — 369. He was born at Morpeth in Northumberland between 1510 and 1515, went to Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, and became Fellow of that College in 1531. He afterwards took up the religious views which were then Vll becoming prominent, and went through a series of vicissitudes which are duly chronicled by Mr. Jackson. He was a prolific writer, many of his works being directed against the Catholic Church, and ex- hibiting the heated controversial tone characteristic of the period in which he lived. Like many other controversialists, he was not always very particular as to the accuracy of his accusations — an example of this will be found in the note upon “ Palm ” in the “ Dictionary of English Plant-Names.” He died in 1568. I may perhaps be allowed to draw attention to the fact that the “ house of Syon,” where the “ Names of Herbes ” was prepared, is within a mile of the place where this Preface is written ; and that the Protestant author of 1548 is introduced to the reading public by a Catholic editor in 1882. “Thus the whirligig of Time brings in his revenges.” James Britten. Isleworth , January , 1882. The na- mes of herbes in Greke, Latin, English, Duch & Frenche wyth the commune names that Herbaries and Apoteca- ries vse. Gathered by Wil- liam T ur- ner. Aj. B 1To the mooste noble & mighty Prince Edward by the grace of God Duke of Summerset Erie of Hertforde, vicount beuchamp, lord Semour vncle vnto the Kynges highnesse of Englande, gouernour of his moste roy- all person and Protectour of al his realmes dominions and subiectes, lieuetenaunt ge- nerall of al his maiesties armies boeth by lande and sea, Treasurer and Erlmarshal of Englande, Gouernoure of the lies of Gernesey and Jersey, Knyght of the garter, William Turner his seruaunte wisheth prosperi- ty boeth of bodie and Soule. 1 A ij. B 2 Inacertain litle bokewiche I set furth, iiii yeres ago and somthynge more, which I dedicated vnto the Kynges Grace that nowe is I promised that if I perceyued that he woulde take in good worth that litle treaties, to set furth an herbal & an other boke also of fishes. Partly to fulfyl this my promise streight way after, I began to labour 1to make vp a latin herbal, whiche thynge I haue finished ii yeres ago, but when I had inteded this yere to haue set it furth, & axed the aduise of Phisicianes in thys matter, their aduise was that I shoulde cease from settynge out of this boke in latin tyll I had sene those places of Englande, wherein is moste plentie of herbes, that I might in my herbal declare to the greate honoure of our countre what numbre of souereine & strang herbes were in Englande that were not in other nations, whose counsell I haue folowed deferryng to set out my herbal in latin, tyl that I haue sene the west contrey, which I never sawe yet in al my lyfe, which countrey of al places of England, as I heare say is moste richely replenished wyth al kindes of straunge and wdderfull workes & giftes of nature, as are stones, herbes, fishes and metalles when as they that moued me to the settyng furth of my latin herbal, hearde this so reasonable an excuse they moued me to set out an herbal in Englishe as Fuchsius dyd in latine wyth the discretions, figures and properties of as 1 A ij, back. 5 many herbes, as I had sene and knewe, to whom I could make no other answere but that I had no such leasure in this vocation and place that I am nowe in, as is necessary for a ma that shoulde take in hande suche an interprise. 1 But thys excuse coulde not be admitted for both certeine scholars, poticaries, and also surgeans, required of me if that I woulde not set furth my latin herbal, before I haue sene the west partes, and haue no leasure in thys place and vocation to write so great a worke, at the least to set furth my iudge- met of the names of so many herbes as I knew whose request I haue accoplished, and haue made a litle boke, which is no more but a table or regestre of suche bokes as I intende by the grace of God to set furth here after, if that I may obteine by your graces healp such libertie & leasure with a coueniet place, as shall be necessary for suche a purpose. Thys litle boke coteineth the names of the moste parte of herbes, that all auncient authours write of both in Greke, Lattin, Englishe, Duche and Frenche, I haue set to also the names whiche be comonly vsed of the poticaries and comon herbaries. I haue tolde also the degrees of so many herbes as Galene the chiefe Doctour of al phisicians hath written of, and because men should not thynke that I write of it that I never sawe, and that Poticaries shoulde be excuselesse when as the ryghte herbes are required of the, I haue shewed in what places of Englande, Germany, & Italy the herbes growe, 2 and maye be had for laboure and money, whereof I declare and teache the names in thys present treates. Whiche howe profitable it shall be vnto al the sicke 2 A iij, back. 1 A iij. 6 folke of thys Realme, I referre the matter vnto all them whiche are of a ryght iudgemet in phisicke. Thys small boke of myne I dedicate vnto your grace, signifiyng thereby, onely what mynde I beare vnto your grace, desirynge you to take thys in good worth tyll that I maye haue leasure and occasion to write some greater & more wor- thy worke to your highnesse, who almightie God long continue in all vertue and honoure to his pleasure Amen. From your graces house at Syon Anno Dom. M.CCCCCxlviij Martii. xv. 1 Adzes . Bies is called in greke Elate, in english a fins tree, in duch, Ein dannen, in french Sapin, it groweth in the alpes naturally and in certeyne gardines plated and set by mannes hande boeth in Englande and in Germanie. Abrotonum. Abrotonu is called in greke, Abrotonon, in englishe Sothern- wod, in duche Affrush, in frenche Auronne. There are two kyndes of Sothernwod, the male and the female. The male groweth plentu- ously in gardines in Englande, but the female dyd I neuer see growing in Englande, it is founde in Italy in plentie inough. Sothernwod is hote and dry in the thirde degree. Absinthium. Absinthium is called in greke, Apsinthion, in englishe wormwod, in Duche wermout, in french, Absince or Aluyne. There are three kyndes of wormwod, beside the commune wormwod, wormwod pontike, called in latin Absinthium ponticum, in en2glishe maye be also called wormwod gentle, it is called of Mesue and of the Potecaries of Germany Absinthium romanum the Coloners call it graue crut, the Freses call it wylde rosmary. The beste kynde of thys wormwode gentle or pontike that I haue sene came from Rome, an other kynde of the same is to be had in Anwerp and thorowe al Germany in plentie. The seconde kynde is called in latin Absin- thium marinum and Seryphum, it groweth comonly in diches where- into, the salte water vseth at certeyne tymes to come, it is plentuous in Northumberlande by holy Ilande, and in Northfolke beside Lin, at Barrowe in Brabant, and at Norden in est freslande. Some take thys herbe agaynst the trueth for pontike wormwod. The thirde kynde is called in latin Absinthium santonicum, I neuer se the 1 A iiij. 2 A iiij, back. 8 herbe but ones, it may be called in englishe frenche wormwod* Oure commune wormvvod is called in latin Absinthium rusticum. And here is to be marked that they are farre deceiued that vse this for potike wormwod. I report me to Galene (xi Methodi medendi) whether it be so or no. Pontike wormvvod, is hote in the fyrste degree and dry in the thirde. Sea wormwod is hote in the seconde degree and dry in the 1 fyrste, frenche wormwod is weaker then Sea wormwod is. A canthium. Acanthium is called in greke Acanthion, it is named of some herbaries carduus asininus, I haue not hearde the name of it in englishe, but I thynke it maye be called in englishe otethistle, because the seedes are lyke vnto rough otes, or gum thistle, or cotten thistle, because it is gummy and the leaues haue in the a thynge lyke cotten, which appeareth when they are broke. It groweth in gardines in Bonony, I haue also sene it in England in gardines, but neuer a brode. The herbe is of an hote & a subtile nature. Acanthus. Acanthus is called in greke Acantha, in englishe Branke vrsin, in duche welshe bearenklawe, in frenche branke vrsine, branca vrsina groweth in many places of Englade in gardines and in the greatest plentie that I euer sawe it, I did see it in my Lorde Pro- tectours graces gardine at Syon, some erre sore whiche abuse for thys herbe berefote. The rote of brakeursine drieth and cutteth humours lyghtly, and is of subtile partes, the leaues haue power metely to dryue humours to their places. 2 Aconitum. There are .ij. kindes of the herbe called Aconitum, the one kynde is called Pardalianches, whiche we may call in englishe Libardbayne or one bery. It is much in Northumberland in a wodde besyde Morpeth called Cottingwod. It hath foure leaues lyke vnto great plataine, & in the ouermost top a litle blacke bery 2 A v, back. 1 A v. 9 lyke a blacke morbery, but blacker & greater. The other kynde is called Lycoctonum, & in englishe it maye be called wolfes bayne. But this kynde is deuided into two other kyndes, of whiche I neuer sawe any kynde in Englande, the one hath leaues lyke crowfote, and blewe floures lyke hodes, and it is called muench kappen in duche, and it maye be called in englishe mokes coule or blewe wolfs baine. The other kinde hath leaues lyke a playne tree or like Palma christi & y el owe floures, thys maye be called in Englishe yelowe wolfesbayn. I haue sene the former kind in great plentie vpon the alpes betwene Clauena & Spelunca, and in manye gardines in Brabant, the latter kynde dyd I neuer se but in gardines. Acorus. Acorus groweth not in England, wherfore they are farre deceyued that vse the yelowe flourdeluce, whiche some call gladen, Hor Acorus, for Acorus is hote, bytinge and opening, but gladen is colde, vnsauery and astringent. I thynke that the great Galanga is the true Acorus. If they haue not it they maye vse Calamus aromaticus, or Asarabacca for Acorus. Acorus is hote and dry in the thirde degree. Adiantum. Adiantum is called in greke Adianton, in duche iunkfrawen hare, of the herbaries Capillus veneris & groweth not in englad for it that is take here for Adiantum is trichomanes in Dioscorides. Howe be it ye may vse trichomanes for Adianto, for they are of lyke virtue. Adiantum groweth in Italy in welles, and in the alpes in watery or drepyng rockes, and especially whereas the first water begynneth to stande, if that a rocke lyke a browe, hange ouer the wel or water, it may be named in englishe Venus heir or Coloder maidens heir. Venus heir is in a meane tempre betwene hote & colde. Agaricus . Agaricus is called in greke agaricos, in english agarike, in duch dannesthawm. Agarike groweth not in Englad, but in the alpes 1 A vj. 10 which deuide Germany and France fro Italy. Agarike is hote & dryueth awaye and breaketh in smal pieces, humours. 1 A Ibucus . Albucum is called also Hastula regia, and in greke asphodelos, asphodillus groweth not in Englande. It groweth in gardines in Anwerp, it maye be named in englishe whyte affodil, or duche daffodil, this that we take for daffodil is a kinde of Narcissus men- tioned in plinie, it dryeth away humours and sendeth them abrode. A Icea. Alcea is called in greke alcea, Duche sigmarswartes, of the Herbaries Herba hungarica, in frenche gunnane, it hath no name in englishe that I knowe, it may be named Veruen mallowe, or cut mallowe. It groweth plentuously in Germanie at Bon by the Rhene side. A Ilium. Allium is called in greke scorodo, in Englishe garlike, in duche knobloch, in french anlonaux, it is deuided into three kyndes, the first kynde is the comon garlike, the seconde kynde is called allium anguinum in latin, and ophioscorodo in greke, in englishe crowe garlike, or wylde garlike. The third kinde is called in latin Allium vrsinum, and in english Ramsey, or bucrames or rames. The first kynde groweth in gardines onely. The seconde kynde groweth in the fiel2des. The .iij. kind groweth also in gardines. Garlyke is hote & dry in the fourth degree. A Inus. Alnus is called in greke Clethra, in Englishe an alder tree or an aller tree, in duche erlinbaum, it groweth by water sydes and in marrishe middowes. Aloe. Aloe is so called in greke, latin & english, It groweth not in Englande but by the sea side & in Hands. I haue sene it in 1 A vj, back. 2 A vij. gardines in Italy, but it dureth not in gardines aboue three yeres. Aloe is after Paulus hote in the first degree and dry in the third. Mesue sayeth that it is hote in the seconde and dry in the thirde, but thys is so to be understande that it is very hote in the first degree and meanly hot in the seconde. Alsine. Alsine is called in englishe chike weede, in duch vogell craute, in french mauron, of the herbaries Morsus galline, it is moyste and colde, it groweth on olde houses and in all places all most in summer. A l ter cum. Altercum, siue Apollinaris is named in greke hyosciamos, in englishe Henbane, in duch bylse craute, in frech Alahabane, of the Poticaries Jusquiamus. It is colde in the thirde degree. 1 Althea. Althea called also Hibiscus, and Euiscus, is named in greeke althaia, in Englishe marish mallowe or water mallowe, in duch ibish, it groweth in watery places, some take not as they should do holyoke for althea, Mershe mallowe. Alysson Plinii. Alyscon Plinii is a rare herbe whiche I coulde neuer see but once in Englande and that was a litle from Syon. It had leaues lyke madder and purple floures, it maye be named in Englishe purple goosgrafe.2 A marantus . There are two kindes of Amaratus, the one kynde is called in greeke of Discorides Helichryson, and thys kynde is founde in Italy. The other kynde is called here in Englande of some purple veluet floure, of other flouramore. 1 A vij, back. 2 [This should be goosgrase.] 12 Amygdala. Amygdala is called in greke amygdale, in englishe an almon tree, in duche en mandel baum, in frenche amander, it groweth in Italy and in high Germany in the fieldes, but in England, only in gardines. Almondes haue a temparate heate. Ami. Ami is called in englishe amy, of the po1ticaries ammeos, it groweth not in Englande, it groweth in many gardines in Italy and in Germany. It is hote and dry in the thirde degree. Amomum. Gmomum were Rosa hierecuntis if it sauoured well, but for lacke of that, thys rose of hierico semeth to be amomis. A jiagallis . Anagallis, siue Corchorus, is called in englishe pympernel, in duche gauchheyl, in french morgelina, it groweth commonly amonge the corne. The male hath a crimsin floure, & the female hath a blewe floure. They are somethynge hote and dry. A nagyris. Anagyris groweth not in Englande, it hath seede lyke a beane and I haue sene it in Bonony, it maye be called stynkynge- trifoly in englishe, or beane tree. It is hote of complexion. Anchusa. Anchusa groweth in sady groundes and somtyme amonge the corne wyth a red rose and leaues like Buglos, it is called in frech orchanet, it may be named in englishe wilde Buglos or orchanet, as the french men do. The herbe is colde and dry. A ndrosaemon. 2Androsaemon is the herbe (as I dooe gesse) whiche we call 2 A viij, back. 1 A viij. 13 totsan, and the Poticaries falsly cal Agnus castus, it groweth in gardines in Englande and no where elles that I haue sene, it drieth by his natural power. A nemone. Anemone groweth muche about Bon in Germany, I haue not sene it in Englande, it is called of the como herbaries Herba veti, it may be called in english rose perseley. A net hum. Anethum is called in greeke anethon, in englishe and duche, dill, in french anet, anet is hote far in the seconde degree and is duller in drines in the same degree, Anethum is wronge englished, of some, anise. A nisum . Anisum is called in greke anison, in Englishe anise, the anise whiche we vse nowe adayes is not so hote as Galen sayeth that his anise is, for he sayeth that anise is hote and dry in the thirde degree. Anonis . Anonis called also Ononis is called of the herbaries Resta bouis, Remora aratri and acutella, and in duche hawhekell & stalcraute, and in frenche Bugraues, in Cambryge Shyre a whyne, it groweth in many places aboute cambryge. The roote of thys herbe is of an hote nature. Aparine. Aparine siue Philanthropos, siue Omphacocarpos is called in english goosgrasse or Goosehareth, in Duche Klebkraute, in frenche Grateron, the herbe scoureth away and dryeth. Anthenus .2 Anthenus 2 siue Chamaemelo is called in englishe Cammomyle, in duch camillen, in frenche camomille, Camomilla is deuided into 2 [This should be Anthemis .] 1 B i. H three kyndes, the firste kynde is called leucanthemo because it hath a vvhyte floure, and of the commune herbaries Camomilla romana, and in englishe cammomyle, thys herbe groweth on Rychmund grene, and in Hundsley heth in great plentie. The secund is called in greke chrysanthemon because it hath a golden flouer. I founde it once in a corne fielde betwene Basyle and Surike, and haue neuer sene it any where els in all my lyfe, it maye be called in englishe yealowe camomyle. The thirde kynde is named in greeke Eranthemon because it groweth in the sprynge of the yere. I haue sene it in Englande but very rare, some call it amariscam rubeam, and they call it in Englishe red mathes, alij, red mayde wed, alij, 1 purple camomyle. Camomyle is hote and drye in the fyrste degree. A ntirrhinon. Antirrhinon is of two sortes, the one is described of Plinie wyth leaues lyke flax, and the other is described of Dioscorides with the leaues of pimpernel, Plinies antirrhinon groweth in many places of Germany in the corne fieldes, and it maye be called in englishe calfe snoute. The other kynde haue I in my gardine whose seede came fro Italy, it maye be called brode calfe snoute. Apios. Apios is called also Ischas, chamebalanos, and carica, it is called in englishe an ernute or an earth nute, it groweth plentuouslye in Northumberland, beside morpeth & in Germany betwene Redkyrke & Cold. Apiastrum. Apiastru siue Citrago, is named in greke Melissophillon, aut Meliphillo, in english Baume, in duche Melesson oder Hertes kraut and Confili, in frenche Melesse. The Baume that we haue in Englande here is not the ryghte Melissophyllon, but it groweth in Germany in many gardines, and hath a greate deell better smell then thys comon Melissa hath, it may be called in englishe Baum 1 B i, back. i5 gentle, Baume is hote in the !seconde degree, but it dryeth not so muche. Apium. Apium is named Selino, in english Perseley, in duch Peter- linge either Petersely, in french Persil. It is hote in the second degree and dry in the middest of the thyrde. Some vse for it wyth an errour Paludapio, that is Smallage for apio. Perseley groweth no where that I knowe, but only in gardines. Aristolochia. Aristolochia is of three sortes. The fyrst is. called in latin aristolochia rotunda, and it may be named in englishe round Ofter Luci2 or astrolochia or round hertworte. Some abuse for this herbe, Holwort, whiche is in Pleni Capnos phragmites. But their error is easely perceyued by the readvnge of the discription of Dioscorides. Thys kind groweth not in Englande, but in Italy and in Fraunce plentuously. The second is called Aristolochia longa, and it groweth very litle in Englande that I haue sene, but about Bon in Germany it groweth in many hedges by the vineyardes, but there it bringeth furth no fruite, but besyde Lake decome, it bryngeth furth fruite lyke blacke peares and seede lyke mennes hertes, thys kynde may be called in englishe longe Hertworth or longe Astolochia. The third kinde is cal3led Clematites & it may be called in english small Hertworte, it groweth in high Almany, in Basile. Herteworte is hote and drye about the thirde degree. Armor acia. Armoracia is named in greke Raphanis it groweth not in Eng- land that I wotte of, but it groweth in Italy and it is called Lar- moratia, it myght be called in englishe if we had it, wyld Radish, it is hote of coplexion. Arum. Arum is called in greke aron, in english Cuckopintell, Wake 1 B ij. 2 Osterluci. 3 B ij, back. 1 6 Robin, or Rampe, in duche Pfaffen bynde, in frenche, Vidchaen,1 the Poticarie calleth it Pes vituli, Serpentaria minor, Luph minus groweth in euery hedge almost in Englande aboute townes in the spryng of the yere. Some wryte that it is but hote & drie in the fyrst degree, howe be it our aron is hote in the thirde degree. A rbutus. Arbutus groweth in Italy, but hath leaues like Quicketree, a fruite lyke a strawbery, wherefore it may be called in english strawbery tree, or an arbute tree. A rtkemisia. Arthemisia otherwyse called Parthenis, is commonly called in englishe mugworte, and in duch Bifusse, it is not the very same 2 that Dioscorides describeth. I saw the right Mugwort in an Ilande beside Venice, and it may be called in englishe litle Mugwort. Arthemisia is of three sortes, the fyrst is the herbe that I cal sea Mugworte, the seconde kynde after Fuchsius, is Feuerfew, and the thyrde kynde Tansey. Thys brode and comon kynde maye be vsed for the ryght tyll we maye get better. Mugworte heateth in the seconde degree, and dryeth either vehemently in the ende of the fyrst degree, or els lyghtly in the begynnyng of the seconde. A rundo. Arundo is called in greeke Calamos, in englishe a reed, in duch Ein ror oder ried, in frenche nug 3 roseau, it groweth in water sydes, & in fennes, & such other watery places. As arum. Asarum is named in greke asaron, in englishe azarabacca or Folefote, in duche Haselwortz, in frenche Cabaret, it is hote and dry in the third degree. It groweth in Germany wylde vnder Hasell trees, wherupon it hath the name. It groweth in Englande onely in gardines that I wotte of. 1 [Vit du chien.] 2 B iij. 3 [ung.] 7 Ascyron . Ascyron is not very comon in England, howe be it I sawe it thys last yere in Syon parck, it hath a foursquared stalk e, & is like xsaynte Johans grasse, but it is greater and not wyth suche holes as are in saynte Johans grasse, wherefore it maye be called in english square saint Johans grasse or great saynt Johans grasse. Asclepias. Asclepias is called of the Herbaries Hirundinaria, of the duche men Schwalben2wirt and of some poticaries Vincetoxicum. It groweth in Germany in highe mountaynes, and in stony grounde amonge busshes. I haue not sene it in England, it may be called in englishe Swallowurt. Asparagus . Asparagus is of .ij. kyndes, the one kinde is called in latin asparagus altilis, or asparagus alone, of the poticaries sparagus, in Englishe Sperage, in Duche Spargen, in french Esperage, it groweth very plentuously in the Ilandes of east Freeseland, but in Englande it groweth no where els that I knowe, but in gardines. The other is named in latin Corruda or asparagus syluestris I neuer sawe thys kynde but onely in Italy in the mounte apenine, it maye be called in englishe pricky Sperage, because it is all full of pryckes. Asplenum. Asplenum or asplenium named in greke 3asplenon, or Scolo- pedrion, in duche Steinferne, is called of the poticaries Citterache. It maye be called in englishe Citterach, or Scaleferne, or Finger- ferne. Thys herbe groweth communely in greate rockes and in moyste walles, it is very muche in highe Germany besyde Embis bath, and besyde S. Goweris. I heare say that it is also pletuous in the west countrey here in Englad. Astragalus . Astragalus is called in lowe duchelande Erde nut, & in Berg- 1 B iij, back. 2 wurt. 3 B iiij. C i8 lande Erdeklin, it may be called in english peaserthnut. It groweth in the mountaynes of Germany, and hath leaues and stalkes lyke a pease, blacke litle rotes with knoppes lyke acornes, Fuchsius toke thys herbe to be apios, but the discription agreeth not. Astragalus hath a nature to drye, I haue sene thys herbe of late in Coome parke more astringet the it of Germanie. Atractilis altera. Atractilis altera, named of the poticaries Cardo benedictus, and so is it also named in Englishe, it groweth no where in Englande that I knowe, but in gardines. It dryeth humours by nature. A triplex. Atriplex called in greke atraphaxys, or 1Chrysolachano, in english Orech or Orege, in Duche Milten, in Frenche arroches, is moyste in the seconde degree and colde in the fyrste, it groweth in gardines & in some Cornefieldes. Auena . Auena named in greeke Bromos, in englishe Otes or hauer, in duche Haber or hauer, in french auoine, is somthing of a colde nature and a stoppyng. Bacchar. Bacchar or Baccaris is the herbe (as I thynke) that we cal in english Sage of Hierusalem, but I wyll determine nothynge in thys matter tyl I haue sene further. Let lerned men examine and iudge. Balanus myrepsica. Balanus myrepsica, is called of the Poticaries Ben, and so maye it be also named in englishe, it scoureth and cutteth wyth a certeyne astriction. It groweth not in Europa that I haue hearde tel of. Ballote. Ballote named of some marrubiastrum or marrubium nigrum is 1 B iiij, back. 19 named in english stynkyng Horehound or blacke Horehound in duche stynkend andorne, in frenche marrubin nore, it groweth in hedges communely in euery countrey. 1 Barba Hirci . Barba Hirci named in greeke Tragopogon or Come, groweth in the fieldes aboute London plentuously, and it groweth muche in the middowes of Colon and in many places in duch land. The duch herbe hath some bitternes in the roote & a whyte seede, but oures is swete and hath blacke seede, therfore oures is the better herbe. It maye be called in englishe gotes bearde. Beilis . Beilis or Bellius named in Englishe a Dasie, is called of the Herbaries Cosolida minor, in duch Massible and Cleyn Izitlossen, in french Margarites or Petit consyre. Dasies growe in al grene places in greate plentie. Beta. Beta named in greeke Seutlon & Teutlon, is called in Englishe a Bete, in Duche Mangolt, in frenche Porree, ou Jotte. It is called of Plenie2 and Theophrastus, Sicula. Betes growe in England, as farre as I knowe in gardines only. Betonica. Betonica called in Greeke Cestron or Psychotrophio, is named in englishe Betony or Beton, in duche Betonien, in frenche Betoine, it groweth muche in woddes and 3wylde forestes. Betony is hote and drye. Betonica Pauli aeginete. Betonica Pauli, is a litle herbe growing not higher than Peny ryal wyth leaues also lyke Peny ryal wyth seedes in coddes lyke Bursa pastoris, it groweth pletuously in Germany about Bon, and in Englande in a parke besyde London, it maye be called in englishe Paules Betony or wodde Peny ryal. 1 B v. 2 Plinie. 3 B v, back. c 2 20 Betula . Betula or as some wryte it, betulla, is called in greeke Semida, in englishe a birch tree or a birke tree, in duche ein birck baum, in frenche bouleau ou beula. It grovveth in woddes and forestes. Blitum . Blitum is named in greeke blito or bleto in duch maier, in frech dublite, I neuer saw it in Englad but in my lordes gardine, and there it was unknowen. It may be named a blete. Blete after Galene is colde & moyste in the seconde degree. Botrys. Botrys is called in english Oke of Hierusalem, in duche trauben kraute, in frenche pijmen as some teache. It groweth in gardines muche in Englande. Brassica. Brassica is named in greeke krambe, in 1 englishe colewurtes, cole or keele, in duche kol, in frenche chaules, in the Poticaries latin caulis. Brassica marina . Brassica marina is called in greeke krambe thalassia, in duche meer kole, in frenche soldana. I haue not sene it in England, but I thynke that it groweth pletuously in Englande. It may be called in english seafolfote, it groweth plentuously in east Freeslande, about the bankes of ditches, whereinto the salt water cometh at euery sprynge tyde, it groweth also much in middowes by the sea syde, whiche are somtyme ouerflowed with the salte water. Brassica syluestris . Brassica syluestris groweth in Douer cliffes where as I haue onely seene it in al my lyfe. It may be named in english sea cole. 1 B vj. 21 Bryon thalassiuti , Bryon thalassio named in latin Muscus marinus is of two sortes, the one is described of Dioscorides to be very small after the maner of heires, thys kynde is of two sortes. The one kynde is called Vsnea marina, & it may be called in english sea mosse, it groweth aboute stones and shelles in the sea. An other of the same kynde is called of certeyne Herbaries Corallina. Both these 1haue very smal brauches, the first like wod, the other lyke stone. The other kynde is described of Plenie & Theophrastus to haue leaues lyke letties, and thys kynde is called in englishe slauke. It groweth in the sea about shelles and stones also. It coleth and dryeth. Bryonia . Bryonia called in greeke Ampelos leuce in english bryonie or wylde Neppe, in duch wylde Kurksz or teufels Kirs, it is named in frenche Couleuree and de fen2 ardant. It groweth in many places of Englande in hedges. It scoureth away and dryeth vp. Buglossum. Buglossum called of the Poticaries borago, is called in englishe borage, in duche borretsch, in french borache, borage is moyst and warme. I heare saye that there is a better kynde of Buglosse founde of late in Spayne, but I haue not seene that kynde as yet. The commune buglosse that we vse, is not cirsion, as afterwardes I shal declare but a certeyne kynde of ryght buglosse. Bulbine. Bulbine called in Duche hundes vllich maye be called in englishe dogges Leike, it groweth much about Bon in Germany. It hath a rounde roote and a yealowe flower. 3 Bunium . Bunium is a rare herbe in Englande, to me at the least, for I 1 B vj, back. 2 [feu.] 3 B vij. 22 coulde neuer fynde it here, but Lucas the reader of Dioscorides in Bonony shewed it me. It may be called in englishe square perseley. Bunium is hote of complexion. Buthalmus . Buthalmus is lyke Chrysanthemon, but the floure is a greate deele greater. I haue seene it in Italy and in high Germany, but no where in Englande. It may be called in englishe Oxeye. Buxus. Buxus named in greeke Pyxos is called in englishe box, in duch bucksz-baume, and in frenche bouys. Calamintha. Calamintha is of three kyndes, the firste kynde is lyke wilde Meriorum and it groweth muche aboute Syon in Englande, and by Bon in Germany. It maye be called in englishe bush calamint, because it groweth euer amonge the busshes, or hore calamynt. The seconde kynde groweth muche in the corne, and therefore it is called in duch cornemynt. It is also called in english cornemint and calamynt. The thyrde kynde is called in latin Nepeta, in englishe Nepe, in Duche 1 Katzenkraute oder Katzenmuntz, in frenche herbe Auchat.2 Calamynt is hote and dry in the third degree. Caltha . Caltha is called of the Herbaries calendula, in englishe a Mary- golde, in Duche Ringebloumen, in frenche Soulsie. Canabis. Canabis is called in Englishe Hemp, in duche Hanffe in french chanure. Cantabrica . Cantabrica of Plenie, is called in english wylde Gelouer or gele- 1 B vij, back. 2 [herbe au chat.] 23 floure, in duch wylder neglebloum, in frenche Armoris. Some cal •Or the same herbe Garyophillata siluestre. Capnos. Capnos called in latin Fumaria, and in englishe Fumitarie, in duche Keruell oder Erdrauch, in frenche fumiterre, it groweth amonge the corne, and it hath a sharp and a bytter qualitie. Capnos phragmites. Capnos prior Plinij, or Capnos phragmites in Theophrastus, is called in duche, Holewurte, and falsly of the commune sorte Aristolochia rotunda. It groweth plentuously in Germany aboute Bon in the hedges, it may be called in englishe Holewurte. Capparis. 1Capparis or Inturis is called in english Capers, in duche Kappers, in frenche Capres. Capers is hote in the seconde degree, and dry in the thirde after Auerois. Carduus. Carduus called in latin Scolimus after Galene, Aetius & Paulus is a sundry herbe fro Cinara. But other authours make only thys difference that Carduus shoulde be wylde Archichoke and Cinara shoulde be the gardin Archichoke. Careum . Careum called also Carium, and in greeke Karos, is called in englishe Carruwayes, in high duch Weisz kymmer, in lowe duch Hoffe cumyn, in frenche Carui, the poticaries cal it also Carui, it is almoste hote and dry in the thyrde degree. Car ex. Carex is called in englishe a Sege, it groweth in fennes and in 1 B viij. 24 watery places, it is called in Northumberlad Shearegrasse .because it cutteth mennes hades that touche it. Cassutha. Cassutha called in greke Cassitas, is named in english Doder, in duch Filtz kraut, Doder, and wrang, in french Goute de line, the Poticaries cal it Cuscutam and Podagram lini. Some abuse thys herbe when it Jgroweth aboute smal grasse, or Tyme, or- Sauery for Epithymo of the olde writers. Howe be it they are deceyued. For the Doder that groweth about Tyme is only Epithymum Mesues, and not Galeni and Dioscoridis. Doder groweth aboute Flax, Tares, Nettels, Tyme, Sauery, Hoppes, and many other such lyke, it is much more pletuous in Germany the it is in Englade. Castanea. Castanea called Castonos in greke, and of some Dosbalanos,2 is named in englishe a Chesnut tree, in duche en Kesten baum, in frenche Castaiginey. Celtis. Celtis named in greke Lotos is called in frenche as Gesnere sayeth, Algsier or Ledomier, but how that it is called in English and in duche I ca not tel, for I neuer sawe it neither in Germany nor in Englande, but I haue seene it in Italy, it hath a leafe lyke a Njttel, therfore it may be called in englishe Ntetel3 tree or Lote tree. Centaurium, Centaurium is of two sortes, the one is called centaurium magnum and it is called of the Poticaries Ruponticum, and in Englishe Rupontike. It groweth onely in gardines, I neuer sawe it sauyng only in Italy 4 and Germany. The seconde kynde is called in latin Cetaurium minus, in englishe Cetorie, in Duche Tusent gulden, in frenche Fiel de terre. Cetorie scoureth away & dryeth vp. 1 B viij, back. 2 Diosbalanos. 3 [Nettel.] 4 C i. 25 Centunculus. Centunculus named in greke Gnaphalion is named in duche Kurkraut and in englishe in some places Cartaphilago. Howe be it that is an other herbe as afterwardes I shal declare. It maye be called in englishe Chafweede, it is called in Yorke shyre cudweede. Cepe . Cepe or Cepa called in greke Crommyon is of diuerse sortes, the first kynde is called in latin Cepa ascalonia, in greke Crommyon askalonion, and in english a Scalion. The seconde is called Cromyon Schiston, in englishe in some place Hole leke, it were better to call it Wynteronyon, because it hath blades as Onions and not like leekes and endureth all the wynter. The Duche cal thys Onyon Seer or Suer. I see it no where elles but in gardines, Onyons are hote in the fourth degree. Cepaea . Cepaea is diuersly described of Dioscorides & Plini, Cepaea that Dioscorides de1scribeth as I iudge is the herbe whiche is called in englishe Brooklem, and in Duche Bauchbung. It groweth in water sydes, and by brookes, & sprynges. Cepaea Plinij groweth by the sea syde, and because it is very lyke Purcellayne, it maye be called in englishe sea Purcellayne. Chamaecypcirissus. Chamaecyparissus is supposed of some men to be the herbe that we cal Lauander cotten, whose opinion as I do not vtterly reiect, yet I founde an herbe in the mountaynes aboue Bon, which being in al poyntes much more lyke a Cypres tree, then Lauander cotten is, me thynke is rather Chamaecyparissus then it is, it may be called in englishe heath Cypres, because it groweth amonge heath, or dwarfe Cypres. 1 C i, back. 26 Camedrys. Chamedrys called in latin Trissago, in englishe Germander or englishe Triacle, in duche Gamanderlin, in frenche Gelimandre. It is called of the Potecaries Chamedryos. Germander groweth in the rockes of Germany ouer agaynste Byng besyde Crefielde. In England I sawe it no where sauying onely in gardines. It is hote & drye in the thyrde degree. Chameleuce . 1Chameleuce named in latine Populago, Farfagium and Farranu is called in Northumberlande a Lucken gollande. It groweth in watery middowes with a leafe like a water Rose, wherefore it may be called also Petie nunefar.2 Chamepeuce . Chamepeuce is a very rare herbe, whiche I neuer sawe growyng, sauyng only in the alpes, it boweth lyke the eare of rye, wherefore it may be called in englishe Alpeare or Petie Larix. Ckamepitys. Chamepitys called in latin Ainga, and of the Poticaries Iua muscata, is called in duche Ye ieuger, and in french Iue muscate and it maye be called in englishe Grounde pyne. It groweth muche in the mount Appenine besyde Bonony and aboue Bon in Germany. I haue not seene it in Englande. It is drye in the thyrde degree and hote in the seconde. Ckondrilla. Chondrilla is not in Englande that I haue seene, it is muche in highe Germany and because it hath leaues lyke Succory, and stalkes lyke Rysshes, it maye be named in englishe Ryshe Succory' or gum Succory because it hath a clammy humour in it. 1 C ij. 2 [Nenufar.] 27 1 Cicerbita. Cicerbita is named in greeke Sogchos,2 in englishe a Sowthistle, in duche Sasenkoel3 or gensz distel, in frenche Latterd, it groweth comune inough in al countreis. The nature of the herbe is to coole. Cicer . Cicer is called in greeke Erebinthos, in duche Kicherus, kicherbs, and Zisserne, in frenche Cich ou Pois riches. Cicer is much in Italy and in Germany. I haue sene them but seldom in Englande. Cicer may be named in english Cich, or ciche pease, after the frenche tonge. Cicer aila. Cicercula named in greeke Lathyros, groweth in Germany in greate plentie aboue Bon, the puls maye be called in Englishe cichlynge, or litle or Petie ciche. Cicera. Cicera & cicercula diffre by these markes. Cicercula hath white seede and ful of squares, and Cicera hath blacke seedes. Cicera maye be called in englishe blacke cichlynge. Cicuta. Cicuta is called in greeke Coneion, in englishe Homlocke or Hemlocke, in duche Shierlynge, in french Cigue or secu. The leaues of oure Hemlocke are not so smal as 4Dioscorides requireth in his cicuta. Helocke is colde in the extremitie, that is in the fourth degree. Cingulum . Cingulum is named in greeke Zoster, it groweth in the sea, & is like a gyrdel, wherefore it maye be named in englishe, fysshers gyrdle or sea gyrdel, or sea belte. I haue sene it in east Freslande by the sea syde. 1 C ij, back. 5 [Sonchos.] 3 Hasenkoel. 4 C iij. 28 Cirsium. Cirsium named in greeke Cirsion hath ben supposed of many to be oure Buglosse, but they are decyued. I thynke that oure Langdebefe shoulde be the ryghte Cirsion, if it had purple floures, as it hath yealowe. Howbeit I thynke that it is the right Cirsion, for the coloure of the herbe1 is diuerse in diuerse places. Cisthus. Cisthus groweth plentuously in Italy and one kinde of cisthus groweth in my lordes gardine in Syon. Cisthus is called of some Herbaries Rosa canina and rosago. It that groweth in Italy, which I sawe in Ferraria hath shorter leaues, then thys cisthus that groweth in Syon. Cisthus may be named in english cistsage or bushsage, for the lykenes that it hath with sage. Cisthus bindeth and dryeth. 2 Cistus ladanifera . Cisthus ladanifera hath loger and smaller leaues, then hath the cisthus, it groweth muche in Spayne and also in Italy, whereas I haue sene it, it may be named in England, London3 or Ladon- shrub. It is almost hote in the seconde degree and bindeth som- thynge. Clematis daphnoides . Clematis daphnoides is called of the latin wryters Vinca peruinca, and in englishe Perewincle, in duche ingrien, and in frenche peruitica. Clematis altera. Clematis altera is not wythwynde, as Ruellius gessed, but an other herbe far vnlyke, which I sawe once in Farraria, it hath sharper & loger leaues the peruinca hath. It may be named in englishe bush Perewincle. Clinop odium. Clinopodium groweth plentuously aboute Bon by the Rehne4 1 flour. 2 C iij, back. 3 Laudan. 4 Rhene. 29 syde. I heare saye that it groweth also about Oxford. It may be called in englishe horse Tyme, because it is like greate Tyme, it is hote and dry in the thyrde degree. Clymenum. Clymenum semeth not to be al one herbe in Plinie & Dioscorides, clymenum of DPoscorides, is water Betonie as I suppose called of some Herbaries Scrofularia maior. Clymenos of Plinie semeth to ibe2 an herbe called in duche aboute Colon, saynte Iohns kraute, it groweth in wodes aboute hedges, and the other kynde groweth euer in water sydes. Cnecus. Cnecus or cuicus is called in greeke cuecos,3 in englishe Bastarde saffron or mocke-saffron, in duche wylde saffron, in frenche saffran bastarde, it is hote in the thyrde degree. It is muche in highe Germany sowen in fieldes, as saffron is set here. The Poticaries call thys herbe carthamus. Cholchicum. Cholchicum is abused of some Poticaries for Hermodactylus. Cholchicum hath leaues and seedes in sommer, and flowres lyke saffron flowres aboute Mihelmesse. It is muche in Germany about Bon in moyst middowes and in woddes. It maye be called in englishe, wylde saffron. Colo casta. Colocasia called in greeke Cyamos aegyptios and in latin Faba, also Egyptia, it may be called in english a Bene of Egypt. I haue seene the right colocasia in Italy, and a kynde of the same in Germany. 4 Colutea. Colutea as Ruellius iudgeth is the tree, which is called of the Poticaries Sene, and in englishe Sene. I haue sene it a litle from Bonony in the mount Appennine. 1 C iiij. 2 [be.] 3 [cnecos.] 4 C iiij, back. 30 Coniza. Coniza is of two sortes, the greater and the lesse. I haue sene both the kyndes in Italy betwene Cremona and Farraria by the Padus banke, the lesse groweth muche in Germany by the Rhene, they are both hote and dry in the thryde degree. Coniza maye be called in englishe Flebayne. Consiligo, Consiligo whereof is made mention is Columella and Plenie, is the herbe whiche is called in english bearfot, in duch Christwurtz, in frenche Pate delyon. Conuoluulus. Conuoluulus is called in greeke Helxine Cissarnpelos, it is the herbe which is called of the herbaries Volubilis, in english wyth- wynde or byndeweede, in duche Winden, in french Lizet, lizeron, or campanet. Cduoluulus wyndeth it selfe aboute herbes and busshes. Coriandrum . Coriadru or Corianu is called in greeke Corio & coriano in englishe Colader or corPander, in duch koriader, & in french coriadre. It is hote in the fyrst degree after Auerrhois, I thynke that he meaneth of the seede. Cornus. Cornus is called in greke crania, in duch thierlinbaume, in frech Cormier or cormer, the male of thys kynde haue I sene often in Germany, but neuer yet in Englande. It maye be called in englishe longe chery tree. The female is pletuous in Englande & the buchers make prickes of it, some cal it Gadrise or dog tree, howe be it there is an other tree that they cal dogrise also. Coronopus. Coronopus named in greke coronopous is called in Cambryge, i C v. 3i herbe Iue, and it myghte also wel be named crowfote weybreade, it groweth muche aboute Shene aboue London, it loueth wel to growe by the sea bankes also. Corylus. Corylus called in greeke Carya Potike, is called in englishe an Hasyle tree, in duche Ein haselstad, in french couldre. The fruite of thys is called in latin, Auellana. Crataeogonum. Cataeogonu siue crataegonum, is the herbe which the herbaries name Parsicariam, englishe men cal Arssmerte, duche men 1floech- kraut, and frenche men Rassel and curage, it groweth in watery & moyst places. Cr it hums. Crithmus named also crithamus & Batis is called in englishe Sampere, it is named of some Herbaries creta marina, it groweth much in rockes & cliffes beside Douer. Crocus. Crocus is named in greeke Crokos, in englishe Saffron or safforne, in duche, Saffran, in frenche Safrone, it is hote in the seconde degree and dry in the fyrst. Cucumis. Cucumis is called in greeke Sicyos or Sicys, in english a cucummer, in duch Cucumren, in french a cocombre. It is in a maner colde and moyst in the seconde degree. Cucumis syluestris. Cucumis syluestris called in greeke Sicys agrios, & of other cucumis anguinus, of the como Herbaries Asininus, groweth pletuously aboute Bonony in Italy, & in some gardines in Eng- 1 C v, back. 32 lande. It maye be called in englishe wylde cucummer or leapyng cucumer. It is hote in the seconde degree. Cucurbitct. Cucurbita is called in greeke Colocynthe, in englishe a Gourde, in duche Kurbsz, in frenche Courge, a Gourde is colde and 1moyste in the seconde degree. Cucurbita syluestris. Cucurbita syluestris is called in greeke Colocynthis, it is called in englishe, and of the apoticaries coloquintida. It groweth in certeyne gardines in Germany. Cuminum. Cuminum is called in greeke Cyminon in englishe cummyn, in duche cummich or cumyn, in frenche cumyne. Cumine is hote in the thyrd degree, it groweth in Candy, I haue not sene it in Englande. Cupressus . Cupressus is named in greeke Cyparissos, in englishe a cypresse tree. Cypresses growe in great plentie in my Lordes graces gardine at Syon. Cyanus. Cyanus is named in greeke Cyanos, in english Blewbottel or a blewblaw, in duch Blaw Cornblowme, in french Blaueole, or blauet, the herbe groweth among the corne. Cyclaminus . Cyclaminus otherwyse called Ichthyoteron, Rapum terre, vm- bilicus terre, panis porcinus, is named in duche erd apsel,2 seubrot, in french payne de porceu, it groweth plentuously besyde Bonony in the mount Appenine, and in swechyrlande be3side Wallense, I heare saye that it groweth also in the west countrey of Englande, 2 [apfel.] 3 C vj, back. 1 C vj. 33 but I haue not hearde yet the englishe name of it. Me thynke that it might wel be called in englishe Rape Violet because it hath a roote lyke a Rape & floores lyke a Violet or sow-brede. It is hote and dry in the begynnynge of the thyrde degree. Cynaglossus. Cynaglossus the second of Plenie, which he describeth to haue litle bures, is the como cynaglossus, whiche the Poticaries vse, and is called in englishe Houndes tong or dogs tonge. It groweth in sandy groundes and aboute cities & townes, I haue not sene that I wotte of yet cynaglossum Dioscoridis, whiche hath no stalke at all. Cynorrhodus . Cynorrhodus named of the latines Rosa canina, is called in englishe a swete brere or an Eglentyne, in duche wylde Rosen or Eglenter, in frenche Rose sauage or eglentier. It groweth in Germany muche in the fieldes and in gardines in Englande. Cyperus. Cyperus is called in latin Juncus angulosus, in englishe Gala- gal, in duch wyld Galge, in frech Souchet. The best & rightest Cyperus groweth in Rome in cerheyne gardines. One kynde of it which we call Galangal groweth in many gardines in Englande. Cyperus Babilonicus is the commune Galanga solde in the Poticaries shoppes, after Ruellus and after the same, cyperus indicus is a roote called of the Poticaries curcuma. Cyperus is hote & dry. Cytisus . Cytisus groweth plentuously in mount Appennine, I haue had it also growyng in my gardine in high Germany, I haue not sene it in Englande. Cytisus may be called in englishe tretrifoly. Daphnoides. Daphnoides called of the commune sort Laureola, in englishe 1 C vij. D 34 Lauriel, Lorel or Loury, groweth pletuously in hedges in England, and some abuse the seede of it for coccognidio. Daucus. There are many kyndes of Daucus after Dioscorides, three at the least, wherof I knowe none suerly but one, whiche is called in latin pastinaca syluestris, in english wild carot & in greeke Sta- philinos agrios, for the other kindes ye may vse carawey seede, or carot seede. Some learned me not without a cause hold that both the Saxifrages, that is the englishe, and the Italion may be 1 occupied for Dauco. Daucus is sharpe and heateth. Dictamnus. Dictamnus groweth in Cady and hath rounde thicke rough leaues, I haue not sene It growyng, but dry ofte. It may be had in Venice & at Anwerp. Some abuse for thys Fracinella,2 Dic- tamnus maye be named in englishe righte Dittany, for some cal Lepidium also Dittany. Dipsacos. Dipsacos called in latin Labrum Veneris, is called in english wilde Tasel, in duch Karten distel, in french Chardo a Carder, it groweth by dich sides & in watery ground es, it is dry in the second degree. The comon Herbaries cal thys herbe Vugam3 pastoris. Dracunculus. Dracunculus is named in greeke Dracontia, in englishe Dragon, in duche grosse naterwurtz, in french Serpetarie. The Poticaries cal it Serpentaria maiorem. It groweth onely in gardines in Englande, it is sharper then Aron. Dryopteris . Dryopteris groweth in olde Okes and in olde walles with wal Saxifrage & Trichomanes in Loua and Anwerp. Some abuse it 1 C vij, back. 2 Traxinella [Fraxinella]. 3 [Virgam.] 35 for ryght Venus heir. I haue founde Lt in bushe rootes ofte tymes in Germany, it may be called in englishe petie Feme, or okeferne. Ebulus. Ebulus is called in greeke Chameacte, in english Walvvurt or Danevvurt, in duch Allich,2 in frenche Hieble, it groweth abrode in Cambryge fieldes in great plentie. Elatine. Elatine is lyke wythwynde, but it hath seedes and floures lyke Buckwheate, it groweth amonge the corne & in hedges, it maye be named in englishe running Buckwheate or bynde corne, it is colde in the roote. Elioselinum. Elioselinum is called in latin Paludapium of Gaza, it is called in englishe Smallage, it groweth in watery places and also in gardines. Some haue taken thys for Apio, but the errour was not very greate because they are lyke in strength. Ephemerum non lethale . Ephemeru is called in duch meyblumle,3 in french Muguet. It groweth plentuously in Germany, but not in England that euer I coulde see, sauynge in my Lordes gardine at Syon. The Poticaries in Germany do name it Lilium couallium, it maye be called in englishe May Lilies. 4 Erice. Erice is called in greeke Ereice, it is named in english Heth hather, or ling, in duch Heyd, in french Bruyer, it groweth on frith 5 and wyld mores, some vse to make brusshes of heath both in Englad and in Germany. E rue a. Eruca is named in greeke Euzomos, in englishe rokket, in duch also rokket, in frech Roquette. After Dioscorides & Plinie there 1 C viij. 2 Attich. 3 [meybluma.] 4 C viij, back. 5 Hethes. D 2 36 are two kyndes of rokket. The one is gardine Rokket, whiche is much greater then the other, & it hath a white leafe, some abuse thys for whyte mustarde. The other kynde called in latin Eruca syluestris, is comunely called in englishe Rokket, it hath a yealowe floure, & both these kyndes are founde no where in Englande, sauynge onely in gardines. Eruilia . Emilia groweth in Italy, I haue had it also growynge in my gardine in Colon. It is lyke a pease, the shale is roughe wythin, and the seede hath litle blacke spottes in it. It maye be called in englishe pease eruyle. Eruum . Eruum is named in greeke Orobos, it groweth in Italy and in highe Germany aboute Mense, it is greater & bytterer than *a Fych, it maye be called in englishe bitter Fyche. Bitter Fyche dryeth farre in the seconde degree, and is hote in the fyrst Eryngium. Eryngium is named in englishe sea Hulver or sea Holly, it groweth plentuously in Englande by the sea syde. The herbes that Fuchsius and Riffius paint for Eryngium are not the true Eryngium. Euonymos . Euonymus is called of some wryters Fusago or Fusaria, it is a very brytel tree yealow within & the yonge brauches which come streyghte from the roote are al foure square, wherfore some cal it Euonomum, I haue sene it betwene Bark way and Ware in the hedges. It maye be called in englishe Spyndle tree or square tree. Eupatorium . Eupatorium named in greeke Eupatorion, is called in english Agrimony, in duch Agrimonien, in frenche Aigremoine. Thys is 1 D i. 37 not Eupatorium Mesues, for that is called in englishe Maudlene. It is hote in the fyrst degree. Faba. Faba is named in greeke Cyamos, in englishe a beane, in duche Ein bon, in frenche 1Febue. Beanes growe in al coutreis in pletie inough. Fagus . Fagus is named in greeke Phegos, in duch Ein buchbaume, in french Fan. Bech trees growe plentuously in many places of Eng- land. Two of the greatest that euer I sawe, growe at Morpeth on .ij. hylles right ouer the Castle. Ferula. Ferula is called in greeke Narthex, but howe that it is named in englishe, as yet I can not tel, for I neuer sawe it in Englande but in Germany in diuerse places. It maye be named in englishe herbe Sagapene or Fenel gyante, it is hote and maketh suttle. Ficus. Ficus is called in greke Syce, in english a fig tree, in duch Ein fyge baume, in frech vng figuer. There are diuers Fyg trees in Englande in gardines, but no where els. Ficus Aegyptia. Ficus Aegyptia is called also Morus Aegyptia and Sycomorus, it is one tree, hauyng a name of a Fyg tree and a Mulbery tree, wherefore it may be called a Mulbery fyg tree, it is to be found in Aegypt, but not in thys parte of Europa that I knowe of. Filix. 2 Filix is called in greeke Pteris, in english a Feme or a brake, in duche Ein wait farn, in frenche Fauchier. There are two kindes 1 D i, back. 2 D ij. 38 of brakes. The one kynde is called in latin Filix mascula and in greeke Pteris, it groweth communely vpon stones, it is al ful of litle wynges euen from the roote. The seconde kynde is called in greeke Thelypteris, in latine Filix femina, this is the commune Feme or brake, which the Northerne men cal a bracon. It hath a long bare stalke and the leaues onely on the toppe of that. Filicula . Filicula is called in greeke Polypodion in inglishe Polipodium or walferne, in duche Engelfuet, in frech Polypody. It groweth in Oke trees, and in olde walles. It dryeth wythout bytyng. Feniculum. Feniculum is called in greke Marathro, in english Fenei or fenkel, in duch Fenchel, in french Fenoul. Fenei is hote in the thyrd degree and dry in the fyrst. Fenei groweth in gardines in al countreis. Fenum grecum. Fenum grecum is called in greeke Telis, in englishe Fenegreeke, in duche Bukshorne, in frenche Fenecreke. It groweth in Italy, and in Germany. Fenegreke is hote 1 in the seconde degree and dry in the fyrste. Fragraria. Fragraria is called in english a strawbery leafe, whose fruite is called in englishe a strawbery, in duche Erdeber, in frenche Fraysne. Euery man knoweth wel inough where strawberies growe. Fraxinus. Fraxinus is called in greeke Melia, in english an Ashe tree, in duch an Ashe baume in frenche Fraisne. Asshes growe in euery countrey. Galion . Galion or gallion is named in englishe in the North countrey 1 D ij, back. 39 Maydens heire, in duch Bethstrowe, in french Petit Muguet. It groweth muche in busshes and it is lyke Goosgrasse or gooshareth. Galeopsis. Galeopsis after my iudgemente is the herbe, whiche is called in englishe red Archaungel. It is lyke Archaungel, but it hath a purple floure, and lesse leaues and shorter. It groweth in hedges. Genista. Genista is named in englishe Broume, in duch Genist, in frech Dugenet.1 Broume groweth in al countreis of England, where as I haue ben. Genista is not Spartum, as 2 1 shall proue in my latine Herball. Gentiana . Gentiana called in greeke Gentiane, is called in englishe Gen- tiane, in duche Entian, in frech de la entienne. It groweth much in the Alpes, and a basterde kinde of it groweth in the middowes about Bon. Geranium . Geranium is of two kyndes. The one kynde is called Pinke nedle or Cranes byl the other is called Pes columbinus of the com- mune Herbaries, and it maye be called in englishe Douefote. Getkium. Gethium is called in englishe a Syue, a chiue, or a ciuet, in duche Suitlauch, in frech Ciues & cucions. Ciues growe only in gardines that I know of, in Englad, but a litle aboue Bon they growe in great plentie by the Rhene syde vnset or sowen. Geum . Geum is called in englishe Auennes, in duch Benedicts kraut, in french Salmond. It is named of the Herbaries Garyophyllata Sanamunda and benedicta. It groweth communely about hedges. 1 [du genet.] 2 D iij. 40 Gingidium . Gingidium except I be deceyued with a great sort of learned me, is the herbe whiche lis called in englishe Cheruel, in duche Kernel oder korbel kraute, in frenche Cerfuile. Cheruel is called of some wryters Cherephillum, & of the comune sorte Cerefolium. Git. Git is named in greeke Melanthion, in englishe herbe Git or Nigella romana, in duche Schwartz hummich, in frenche Niel. It groweth in gardines onely that I haue sene, sauynge that in Germany there groweth in the corne fieldes after the come is caried away a certeyne kinde of Git which hath a good sauour, & is in al poyntes lyke the gardine Nigella, sauynge that the veselles whiche holde the blacke seede are not al in one, as the other haue, and smelleth2 not so wel ful out, as the other do. It is hote & dry in the thyrde degree. G las turn. Glastu is called in greke Isatis, in english wad, & not Ode as some corrupters of the englishe tonge do nikename it, in duch waid or weid in french Guesde. Wad is como in Juliker land, & some is now set in England. The wild wad groweth pletuously in Germany beside the Rhene, & in many corne fieldes in hye Almany. Wyld wad is called in Englishe ashe of Hierusale. It dryeth muche. Glaux. 3Glaux is very straunge in Englande, for I neuer sawe the ryghte Glaux in England, sauing it that was brought out of Italy by John Falconer. It groweth in Flauders by the sea syde, as I remebre .iij. myles fro Dunkyrke. It may be called in englishe sea Trifoly. Glycyrrhiza . Glycyrrhiza called in latin Radix dulcis is named in english Lycores, in duch Sueszholtz, or Lycoris or Clarish, in frenche Ercu- 1 D iij, back. 2 [swelleth.] 3 D iiij. 4 lisse or Rigolisse. It groweth in the Rockes of Germany wythout any settynge or sowyng. It is warme and in a manner hote. Gossipium. Gossipiu is called of Barbarus wryters, Bombax and Cotonum, in englishe Coton in greeke Pylon,1 in duche Baumewoll, in frenche ducotton.2 I neuer sawe it growyng sauyng onely in Bonony. Gramen . Gramen is called in greeke Agrostis, in english great grasse, in duch, grasse. Some take Stichwurt for the true grasse, but they are deceyued. The best Gramen and moste agreyng with Dioscoridis description, dyd I see in Germany with other maner of rootes, then the commune grasse hath. Halimus. 3 Halimus groweth plentuously in the Ilandes of east Freselande where as the inhabiters make veriuce of the red beries. I haue sene it also in Flaunders by the sea syde. It may be called in englishe sea wyllowe or prickwylowe because it hath the leaues of a wylowe and prickes lyke a thorne. Heliotrop ium . Heliotropiu called also scorpyuros groweth plentuously aboute Bonony. I haue had it growynge muche in my gardine in Germany. They are foully deceyued and shamefully deceyue other whiche holde in their wrytynges that our Marigold is Heliotropium Dios- coridis. Heliotropium mai be called in englishe Scorpiones tayle. It is hote in the thyrde degree and dry in the second. Helxine. Helxine or pardition is called in englishe Parietorie or Pelletorie of the wal, in duche saynt Peters kraut, or Tag vnd naught, in frenche Du parietaire. The Herbaries cal it Parietariam. It groweth on walles. 1 Xylon. 2 [du cotton.]. 3 D iiij, back. 42 Hieracium. Hieracium is of two kyndes. The one is called in latin Hiera- cium magnum. It may be called in englishe greate Haukweede or yealowe Succory. It groweth in Germany about Colo. The second is like Dandedyon, it groweth in many myddowes in Germany. I thynke it maye be founde also in Englande. It maye be called in englishe lesse Hauke weede. Hippoglossum. Hippoglossum is called of the Poticaries and the Herbaries of Germany and Italy Vuularia, in duche Zaflinkraut. I haue not sene it in England. It is called of some writers Laurus alixandrina. It maye be called in english Tonge Laurel because it hath litle leaues lyke tonges growyng out of the greater leafe, whiche is lyke a Laurel leafe. It is manifestly hote. Hirundinaria . Hirundinaria called in greeke Chelidonion is of .ij. kyndes. The one kinde, that is the greater, is called in englishe Seledine, in duch Schelwurtz, in french Chelidoine or Esclere. It groweth in hedges in the spring & hath a yealowe iuce. The second kynde called in latine Chelidonium minus, is called in englishe Fygwurt, it groweth vnder the shaddowes of ashe trees. It is one of the fyrst herbes that hath floures in the spring. Celendine is hote & dry in the thyrd degree. Hirundinaria minor is hote in the fourth degree. Hordeum. 2 Hordeum called in greeke Crithe, in englishe Barley, in duche Gerst, in frenche Orge, it is of diuerse kyndes. The fyrste kinde is called in latine Hordeum distichum is englishe Barley. The seconde kynde is called in latin Hordeum tetrastichum, in englishe Byg Barley or beare, or byg alone. Thys kynde groweth muche in the North countrey. The thyrde kynde is called in latin Hordeum Hexastichum, I haue not sene thys kynde in Englande, but ofte 1 D v. D v, back. 43 tymes in high Germany, wherefore it maye be called in englishe duch Barley. The fourth kynde is called of Galene in the greeke tonge, Gymnochrithon, in latin Hordeum nudum, of other some Hordeum mundum. It maye be called in englishe wheate Barley because it hath no mo Huskes on it the wheat hath. It groweth in Italy. Hordeum murinum . Hordeum murinum, whiche Plenie1 callethalso Phenicea semeth to be in Dioscorides Phenix, as touchynge the name, but in the thynge they seme somewhat to vary, for Phenicea or Hordeum murinum of Plenie, is the wal Barley, whiche groweth on mud walles. Phenix Dioscoridis semeth to be the herbe which is called in Cabrigshire Way bent. It is like vnto barlei in the eare. 2 Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus verus groweth plentuously in the mount Appenine. The comune Hyacinthus is muche in Englande about Syon and Shene, and it is called in Englishe crowtoes, and in the North partes Crawtees. Some vse the rootes for glue. Hyosiris . Hyosiris is a litle rough herbe like Dandelyon, lesse than litle Haukweede. It groweth in baron groundes & in sandy diches. Hypericon . - Hypericon is called of barbarus writers Fuga demonum, in eng- lishe saynt Iohans wurte or saynt Iohans grasse, in duch saynt Iohans kraut. It groweth comunely in al places of Englade, & especially in woddes. Hissopus. Hissopus is called in englishe Hysope, in duch Ispe, in french Dehysope.3 Plysope groweth in gardines onely, in Englande as far as I haue sene. 1 Plinie. 2 D vj. 3 [de hysope.] 44 Iasme . Iasminu otherwise called Iasme, is caled in englishe Gethsa- myne, in frenche Iasmin. It groweth communely in gardines bout London. Iberis. Iberis otherwyse named Kardamantike 1 groweth plentuously in Germany aboute Bon where as it is called Besemkraute. It groweth in greate plentie in east Freselande aboute the sea bankes. Fuch- sius taketh the herbe which I take for Iberis, to be Thlaspi secundum. Intubus . Intubus whiche is named in greeke Seris, ;s of two sortes. The one is called Intubus hortensis, and the other is called Intybus syl- uestris. Intybus hortensis is of two sortes, the one is called En- dyue, or whyte Endyue, & the other is called gardine Succory. Intybus syluestris is of two sortes, the one is called in latin Cichorium, and in englishe Succory or hardewes, and the other is called of Theophrastus Aphaca, of Plinie Hedypnois, in englishe Dan de lyon or priestes crowne, in duche Pfaffenblat, it groweth euery where. These kyndes are colde and dry aboute the seconde degree. Inula. Inula is called in greeke Helenion, in englishe Alecampane, or Elecampane, in duch Alantz wartz, in frenche, and in the Poticaries shopped 2 Enula capana. It is hote and dry in the seconde degree. Irio . Irio is named in greeke Erisimo, in en3glishe wynter cresse, it groweth about tbwnes and aboute water sydes, but not where as the water cometh, as watercresse doeth. The Coloners cal this herbe winter cersse.4 1 D vj, back. 2 [shoppes.] 3 D vij. 4 Kersse. 45 Juglans. Juglans called also Nux regia, & in greeke Carya Basilica is called in english a walnut tree, in duche Ein nosz baume, in french Vng noier. y uncus odoratus . Juncus odoratus sive rotundus, is called in greeke Schenos, in englishe squinant, in duche Kamelhewe, in the Poticaries shoppes Squinantum. It is measurably hote and byndynge. Iuniperus . Juniperus is called in greke Arceuthos, in englishe ieneper or iuniper, in duche Kekholterbaume, in frenche Geneure. It groweth muche in Germany and in many places of Englande also. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Labrusca. Labrusca which is called in greeke Ampelos agria or Omphax, is of two sortes, the one kynde is so wylde that it hath onely floures and goeth no further, and thys is called Enathe. The other hath floures and also litle grapes. I haue sene of both the sor1tes ple- tuously in Italy in diuerse places, by the floude Padus, and in highe Almany also. It may be called in englishe a wild vine. Lactuca . Lactuca called in greeke Thridax, in englishe Lettis, in duch Lattich, in french Vug laictue, is of diuerse sortes. One is called in latin Lactuca capitata, and in english Cabbage lettis, an other is called in latin Lactuca sessilis, in englishe spredynge Lettis. The thyrde sorte is called in latin Lactuca syluestris, in englishe greene Endyue, the Poticaries haue longe abused thys herbe for right Endyue, but they haue bene deceyued. It is measurably colde and moyst. 1 D vij, back. 46 Lagopus. Lagopus called also Logopyros groweth much amog the corne, it hath a rough toppe lyke Doune, and leaues lyke a Clauer, wher- fore it maye be named in englishe rough Trifoly or harefote, the duch me cal it, Katzenklee, the french men Pede de leure. It dryeth manifestly. Lamium. Lamium called also Vrtica iners and Anonium, is named in englishe dead nettle or whyte nettle, in duche Weiszneslen, in frech Ortie morte, it groweth comoly in hedges. Lamp sana. 1 Lampsana Plinij, semeth to be the weede that we cal com- munely in englishe wylde Cole, and in other places Carlocke, it groweth comunely amonge the corne. Dioscorides describeth one wyth smouther leaues, whiche I haue sene in Bonony and in Colon also. Larix. Larix or larex groweth in the highest toppes of the Alpes higher then the firres do, the duch me cal Laricem ein larchen bau me, the frenche men cal it Dularge.2 It maye be called in englishe a Larche tree. Laserpitium gallicum. Laserpitium gallicum as Ruellius iudgeth, is the herbe called of the Herbaries Angelica, but I rather holde wyth Fuchsius whiche sayeth that the herbe, whiche englishe me call Pillitorie of Spayne, the duch men Meisterwurtz, the Herbaries Osturtium and magis- trancia, is Laserpitium gallicum, for the leaues of it are lyke vnto Perseley. Lathyris. Lathyris is called in englishe communely Spourge, in duch Sprynkorner, in frech Espurge. It is called of some Esula maior. 1 D viij. [du large.] 47 Thys kynde of Spurge hath swete seedes as witnes Dioscorides and Plinie. 1 Lauer . Lauer or Sion is called of some englishe men Bellragges, of other some yealowe watercresses. Howe be it there is an other herbe lyke Rocket whiche groweth in the waters and brokes which is the ryght watercresse. Yealowe water cresse groweth in water sydes and in sprynges & wel heades. Laurus. Laurus is called in englishe a Baye tree or a Laurel tree, in greeke Daphne, in duche a Lorber baume, in french Vng laurier. Bay trees are comune in gardines in the South parte of Englande, but they are very skarse in Germany. It is vehemently hote & drye. Lens. Lens is named in greeke Phacos, in englishe Lentil, in duche Linses, in french Lentille. Lentilles are sowen in corne fieldes and growe as Tares do. Lens palustris. Lens palustris called in greeke Phacos epiton teimato, is called in englishe Duckes meate or water Letilles, in duch wasser linse. Lentiscus . Lentiscus is called in greeke Schinos, in duche Mastix baume, in french Lentisque, I neuer sawe it sauynge onely in Italy. It maye be called in englishe Mastike tree. 2 Lepidium. Lepidium is wel knowen in Englande and is called wyth a false name Dittany, duche men cal it Pfefferkraut, it groweth in Morpeth in Northumberlande by a water called Wanspeke in great pie tie 1 D viij, back. 2 E j. 48 alone without any settyng or sowyng. It is hote in the fourth degree. Libanotis . Libanotis called in latin Rosmarinus is of .iij. kyndes, where we haue none sauyng only Rosmarinum Coronarium, which we cal in englishe Rosmary, whiche groweth plentuously in gardines in Englande. It is hote in the seconde1 and dry in the fyrst. \_Lichen.~\ Lichen is called in englise Liuerwurte, in duch Steinliberkraut, in french Hepatique, the Poticaries cal it Hepatica. It groweth vpon stones and moyst groundes, & where as the sunne cometh not. Ligusticum. Ligusticum or Libysticum groweth neither in England nor Germany that euer I could see or heare tel of. I haue sene it in Italy, but no where els. It maye be called in englishe Lumbardy Louage, it is manifestly hote. Ligustrum . Ligustrum is called in greke Cypros, in 2 englishe Prim print or priuet, though Eliote more boldely then lemedly, defeded the con- trary as I shal prove in my latin herbal when it shal be set fourth. Lilium . Lilium is named in greke Crinon, in englishe a Lily, in duche Ein gilgen, in french Vng Lis. Limonium. Limonium named of the Herbaries Pyrola, is named in duch wintergrowe,3 it groweth in woddes in Germany in great pletie, and in an Hand of east Freseland called Nordeney. It maye be called in englishe wyntergrene. 1 Add degree. 2 E j, back. 3 Wintergrune. 49 Linum. Linum is called in englishe Flax, lyne or lynte, in duche Flachs, in frenche du lyne. Lithospermon. Lithospermon is called of the Herbaries Milium solis, in englishe Grummel, but it shoulde be called Gray myle, in duch steensome, in frenche Gre myl. It groweth pletuously aboute woddes and busshes. Lolium. Lolium is named in greke Ara,1 in english Darnel, in duch Kuweitze or Lolch, or dort in frech. Some take cockel for lolio, but thei are far decyued as I shal declare at large 2 if God wil, in my latin herbal. Darnel groweth amonge the corne and the corne goeth out of kynde into Darnel. Lotus vrbana. Lotus vrbana called in greeke Lotos emeros is not growynge in Englande that euer I could spie. It groweth in Ferraria in the blacke friers gardine, and in clauena, it is lyke cuckowes meate, but that it hath a yealowe floure. It maye be named in english gardine Clauer or gardine Trifoly. Lotus syluestris. Lotus syluestris is called in greke Lotus agrios, in duche stund kraute, in Freseland, wyt Nardus. It groweth muche in east Freselande in gardines, of thys kynde are the herbes whiche are called here in english Melilotes. Thys herbe groweth nowe in Syon gardine. It maye be called in english wylde lote. Lupus salic tarius . Lupus salictarius is named in greeke Bryon, in englishe hoppes, in duche hopfen in frenche Hupelon. Hoppes do growe by hedges and busshes both set and vnset. 1 Aera. " 2 E ij. E 5o Lycopsis. Lycopsis Dioscoridis semeth to be vnto Ruellius, and to diuersc other learned men Cynaglossa, of the Poticaries which is cal1 led in englishe Houndestonge, & after my iudgemente the description in al poyntes agreeth wel sauyng that there is no mention made of the burres in the toppes. Lycopus. Lycopus is called of the commune Herbaries Cardiaca, in englishe Motherwurt, in duche Hertzgespan, in frenche Agri palma. It groweth in hedges & about walles. Lysimachia. ' Lysimachia is of two sortes. The one is described of Dios- corides, and it hath a yealowe floure. Some cal it Lycimachiam luteam, it groweth by the Temes syde beside Shene, it may be called in englishe yealow Lousstryfe or herbe Wylowe. The other kynde is described of Plinie, and it is called Lysimachia purpurea, it groweth by water sydes, also and maye be called in englishe red loosstryfe, or purple losestryfe. Malua . Malua is called in greeke Malache, in englishe a Mallowe or a Mallo. Malua is deuided into Maluam hortense and syluestrem. Malua hortesis is of two kindes. The one is called alone in greeke Malache in englishe Holyoke, and of thys sort is the iagged mallowe. The other kynde as Plinie sayeth is called in greeke Molloche, or 2malope, it is called in englishe french Mallowe. Malua syluestris is of .ij. sortes. The one is called in latin Malua syluestris, in greeke Malache Chersaia, in englishe a wylde Mallowe, in duche Halen pappel, in frenche Malue sauage. The other kynde is called of Dioscorides Althea & Hibiscus, of Plinie Aristalthea, of Galene Anadendron, of Etius Dendromalache, in englishe marrishe Mal- lowe. 1 E ij, back. 2 E iij. 5i Mandragoras. Madragoras is called in english a Madrage, Madrag is wel knowen in Englad, & it groweth in diuerse gardines. The duch men cal it Alram. Mandrage is colde in the thyrde degree, but the Apples haue some heate in them. Marrubium. Marrubium' is called in greeke Prasion, in englishe Horehound, in duch Wesen 1 Audorn, in french Du marrubium, it groweth aboute townes and villages. It is hote in the seconde degree and dry in the thyrde. Medica . I haue not sene Medica growe in Englad, wherefore I knowe no englishe name that it hath. It hath leaues like a clauer and horned cods wherein it hath sede somthynge facioned lyke Fene- greeke. Therefore it maye be cal 2 led in englishe horned Clauer or snail Trifoly because the coddes are so wry then in agayne as a water snayle or saynte corniliusses home. It groweth in many places of Italy. Malits . Malus is named in greke Melea, in englishe an Apple tree, in duche Ein Opfel baume, in french Vn pommier. Malus medica. Malus medica otherwise called Malus Assyria, or Citrus is called an Orenge tree and vnder the name of Citrus are conteyned both Limones & also Cytrones & Oreges. These trees growe in Spayne and Italy. Malus Cotonea. Malus Cotonea is called in greeke Melea Cydomos, in englishe a Quince tree, in duch Kutte baume or ein quidde baume, in frenche Vn Coignier. 2 E iij, back. 1 Witen. E 2 52 Malus Per sic a. Malus Persica is called in greeke Melea Persice, in englishe a Peche tree, in duch Ein pfersike baume, in french vn Perchier. Malus punica . Malus Punica is called in greeke Roia in englishe a Pom- granat tree, in duche Ein Granat baume, in french Vng Pomier des granades, Pomgranat trees growe plenHuously in Italy and in Spayne, and there are certayne in my Lordes gardine at Syon, but their fruite cometh neuer vnto perfection. The poticaries cal the fruite of this tree Pomum granatum. Malus armeniaca. Malus armeniaca is called in Greeke, Melea armeniace, in highe duche Land ein amarel baume, in the dioses of Colo kardumelker baume, in frech Vng abricottier, and some englishe me cal the fruite au Abricok. Me thynke seinge that we haue very fewe of these trees as yet, it were better to cal it, an hasty Peche tree because it is lyke a pech and it is a great whyle rype before the pech trees, wherfore the fruite of thys tree is called malum precox. There are in Colo great plentie of hasty peche trees. Melfrugum. Melfrugum named in greeke Meleas, sitos groweth muche in Germany besyde Bon, and that alwayes amonge the corne it is very lyke the commune Melilote, but that it hath whyte floures. It maye be called in englishe whyte melilote. Mentha. Mentha is called in greeke Ediosmos, in englishe Mynte, in duche muntzen, in french de la ment, Mynt is como inough in 2al countreis. Mynte is hote in the thyrde degree. 1 E iiij. 2 E iiij, back. 53 Menthastrum. Menthastrum is called in greeke Ediosmos agrios, in englishe wylde mynte, it groweth in watery places wyth a rounde leafe & thycke with a longe eare in the top. Mercurialis . Mercurialis is called in greeke Ermoupoa or Linozostis, in englishe Mercury, in duche Recroute and Bingelkraute, in frech mercuriallo. The herbe whiche is comunely called in englishe mercury hath nothyng to do wyth mercurialis, whereof I spake nowe. Let the Poticaries vse thys mercury and let the commune mercury alone. Mercury is as cdmune about Colon in the gardines, as any weede is commune in gardines in England. It is hote and dry in the fyrste degre. Mespilus. Mespilus called in greeke mespile, is of two sortes, the one hath three stones in the fruite, and that kynde is not wyth vs. The other kynde hath in the fruite, fyue stones, and thys kynde is commune in Englande, and it is called in englishe a medler tree or an open ars tree. Meum. xMeum called of the grecians Meon and Meion is called of the Poticaries Meu, in duch Bearwurtz. Some Poticaries in Anwerpe vse thys herbe for Peucedano and so they cal it. I neuer sawe thys herbe in Englande sauynge once at saynte Oswarldes where as the inhabiters called it Speknel, it groweth in greate plentie eighte myle aboue Bon in a fielde besyde Slyde in Germany. It may be called in englishe mewe or duche Dyl. The rootes are hote in the thyrde degree and dry in the seconde. M ilium . Milium is called in greeke Cegchros, & Piston, in duch Hirsz, in french Du millet. I haue not sene it in Englande, but very 1 Ev. 54 muche in high Germany. It maye be called in englishe Hirse or millet. Milium indicum . Milium indicum is no we muche so wen in Italy, and it is in some gardines in Germany where as it is called turkishe corne, and some cal it in Englande wheate of turkey. Howe be it there is an other thynge that is the true turkish wheate, it were better to cal it after my iudgemet turkish millet. Morus. Morns is called in greeke morea, in english a mulbery tree, in duch maulberbaum xin french murier, it groweth in diuerse gardines in Englande. Myrica . Myrica, otherwyse named tamarix, and of the Herbarics Tamar- iscus is named in duche tamariske, in frenche tameris. I dyd neuer see thys tree in Englande, but ofte in high Germany, and in Italy. The Poticaries of Colon before I gaue them warning vsed for thys, the bowes of vghe, & the Poticaries of London vse nowe for thys quik tree, the scholemaisters in Englande haue of longe tyme called myrica heath, or lyng, but so longe haue they bene deceyued al together. It maye be called in englishe, Tamarik. Myrrhis. Myrrhis is called in Cabrygeshyre casshes, in other places mockecheruel, in duche wilder Peterlin, in frenche Persil de asne. It groweth in hedges in euery countrey, but the best that euer I sawe was in Germany besyde Bon. Myrtus . Myrtus is called in greeke myrrine, in english a myrtle tree, or a myrt tree, in frech meurte. Myrt trees growe in great plentie in Italy in the mount Appenine besyde Bonony. Some abuse a litle 1 E v, back. 55 shrub called Gal 1in englishe, whiche groweth in fennes and waterish mores for myrto, but they are far deceyued. Napus. Napus is named in greeke Bounias, in duche Stekruben, in french Rauonet or naueau, I haue hearde sume cal it in englishe a turnepe, and other some a naued or nauet, it maye be called also longe Rape or nauet gentle, as a rape hath a round roote, so hath a nauet a longe roote and somthynge yealowishe. Thys herbe groweth plentuously at Andernake in Germany. Narcissus. Narcissus is of diuerse sortes. There is one wyth a purple floure, whiche I neuer sawe, & an other wyth a white floure, which groweth pletuously in my Lordes gardine in Syon, and it is called of diuerse, whyte Laus tibi, it maye be called also whyte dafladyl. Plenie2 maketh mention of a kynde called Narcissus herbaceus, whiche is after my iudgement our yealowe daffodyl. Nardus. Nardus is named in greeke Nardos, in englishe Spyknarde, the Potecaries name it Spicam Nardi, it groweth not in Europa that I haue heard tel of. It is hote in the fyrst degree and dry in the seconde. 3 Nardus Celtic a. Nardus celtica, otherwyse called Saliunca, is in great plentie growyng in the alpes. The Germanes cal it mariend magdalene kraut, it may be called in englishe frech spiknarde, when the indish spiknard is olde and dusty and rotten, it is better to vse thys in medicines then it. Nasturtium. Nasturtium is called in greeke Cardamon, in englishe Cresse or Kerse, in duche Cresuch, in frenche Cresson, Aleuois, and 1 E vj. 2 Plinie. 2 E vj, back. 5« nasuorte. Cresses growe no where, but in gardines. It is drye and hote in the fourth degree after Averrois. Nerion . Nerion otherwyse called Rhododendro, and Rhododaphne, is named in duch Olader, in frenche Rosage. I neuer savve it but in Italy. It maye be called in englishe Rose bay tree or rose Laurel. This tree is named of some oleander. Nux castanea . Nux castanea is called in greeke Castanon, in englishe a Chesnut tree, in duch Castene, in frech, Vng Chastagne. Ches- nuttes growe in diuerse places of Englande. The maniest that I haue sene was in Kent. Nymphea , 1Nymphea is also named in greeke nymphaia, & madonais & is called in english water Roses, & some wyth the Potecaries cal it nenufar. The duch me cal thys lierbe Seeblumen. Boeth the kyndes of water Roses growe in standyng waters. Ocymurn. Ocymum is called in englishe Basyl, in duche Basilien, in frenche du basilike, the Poticaries cal it Basilicon. It groweth in Englande onely in gardines. It is hote in the seconde degree. Oenantke . Oenanthe is called boeth of the Herbaries and of al our countrey men Filipendula, in duch Rotensteynbrech. Some say that the same herbe is called Phellandryon in Plinie. Filipendula groweth in great plentie beside Syon & Shene in the middowes. Olea. Olea or oliua is called in greeke Elaia, in englishe an Olyue 1 E vij. 57 tree, in duche Ein olbeaume, in french Vng oliuerier. Oliue trees growe plentuously in Italy. Olus atrum . Olus atrum is called in greeke Hyposelinon, in english Alexader, in duch schwartz, Petersily or grosse eppich, in frenche meichero or Alexadry. Some poticaries though ^alsly, cal it Petroselinum macedonicum. Opulus . Opulus is a tree commune in Italy & Germany, but I haue not sene it that I remembre in Englande. It is called in frenche as Gesnere sayeth opier, and so maye it be also called in englishe tyl we fynde a better name. Origanum . Origanum is called in englishe organ, howe be it I neuer sawe the trewe organ in England. I haue sene diuerse times organe whiche grewe in Candy, muche hotter then thys our commune organ is, whiche is called origanum syluestre in latin, and in some places in England wylde mergerum. It is hote and dry in the thyrde degree. Orminum . Orminum is called in english Clarie, in duche Scharlach, in french oruali, howe be it the description of Dioscorides doeth not in al poyntes agree, some cal thys herbe sclarea. Orminu syluestre is supposed to be the herbe, whiche is called oculus Christi. Orn ithigalum. Ornithigalum is ’called in Colon Hondes vllich, but I can not tel howe that it is called in englishe, for I neuer sawe it in Englande, sauyng onely besyde Shene herde by the Temmes syde, howe be it after the fo2lowynge of the duche tonge it may be called dogleke or dogges onion. 1 E vij, back. 2 E viij. 58 Orobanche. Orobanche is so rare an herbe in Englande, that I neuer sawe it in al Englande, but in Northumberlande, where as it was called newe chappel floure. It may be of his propertie called Chokeweede, because it destroyeth and choketh the herbes that it tyeth and claspeth wyth his roote. It is colde and dry in the fyrst degree. Oryza. Oryza is called in english Ryse, in duch and french ryze. Ryse groweth plentuously in watery myddowes betwene Myllane and Pauia. Osyris. Osyris or osyrias groweth plentuously in Englande, but I do not remember what name it hath. If it haue no name it maye be called in englishe Lynary or todes flax, for the Poticaries cal it Linariam, and the duch cal it Krotenflaks. Oxyacantha. Oxyacantha is called in englishe as it is named of the poticaries berberes. Of some, pipriges, in duch Sanrich, in frenche Espineniuet, or de Berberis. Berberies growe wylde in the hedges and woddes in Germany, but in Englande onely in gardines. Oxyphenix. Oxyphenix is called of the Poticaries Tamarindus, and it maye be called in englishe a tamarinde. I neuer sawe the tree it selfe, but the fruite alone. It is colde in the thyrde and dry in the seconde degree. Oxys. Oxys is called in English Allelua, Cockowes meate, and wod sorel, in duche Hasen ampfer. in frenche payne de Coquu. It groweth in woddes aboute tree rootes and amonge busshes. 1 E viij, back. 59 Peonia. Peonia is also named in greeke Glicyside, it is called in englishe peony or pyony, in duch peonienrose, in french penoisne and pinoine. Peony the female groweth in euery countrey, but I neuer sawe the male sauing only in Anwerp. Peony roote is hote in the fyrst and dry in the thyrde degree. Palma . Palma is called in greeke phenix, in english a Date tree, in duch Ein dattel baume, in french Ung arbri diet palme. I neuer saw any perfit date tree yet, but onely a litle one that neuer came to perfection. Date trees growe in Asia in great plentie, but none in Europa, whiche brynge furth any fruite. 1 Panicum. Panicum is called in greeke Elymos or melinos, in duche Fenike, in french paniz. I haue not sene it in Englande, sauyng in my Lordes gardine at Syon, but it may be called Panike, it groweth in Italy and in high Almany in the fieldes. Papauer. Papauer is called in greeke Mecon, in englishe Poppy or Ches- boul, in duch magsom or mausom,2 in french du pauot. It groweth sowen in gardines. Papauer erraticum. Papauer erraticu is called in greeke Roias, in englishe Redcorn- rose or wylde popy, in duche wilde man, korne rosen, or klapper rosen. Papauer corniculatum. Papauer corniculatum is called in greke mecoon ceratites, in englishe horned poppy or yealow poppy, in duch Gaelma. It 1 F i. 2 Mansom. 6o groweth in Douer clyffes, and in many other places by the sea syde. It is cold in the furth degree. Papyros . Papyrus groweth not in Englande, it hath the facion of a greate Docke. I haue sene it diuerse tymes in Anwerp, wherein was sugar and diuerse other marchaundise wrapped. It maye be called in englishe water paper, or herbe paper. Parthenium . Parthenium after the mynde of Hermolaus, Ruellius and diuerse other lerned me, is the herbe which is called in barbarus latin Matricaria, in english feuerfew, in duch Mater, whose iudgemet I rather alowe in this matter, then the iudgement of Fuchsius whiche would Parthenium to be stynkyng maydweede. Pastinaca. Pastinaca is called in greeke Staphilinos in englishe a Carot, in duche pasteney, in frenche Cariottes. Carettes growe in al countreis in plentie. Peplis. Peplis groweth by the sea syde, not far from Venice. It is very like vnto wartwort but that it is shorter, thicker and spred vpon the grounde. It may be called in english sea wartwurt. Peplum . 1 neuer sawe peplum but once in Bonony, it had litle smal leaues lyke tyme, and in other facion lyke spourge, wherfore it may be called spourge tyme in englishe, tyl we ca fynde a better name. Periclymenum . 2 Periclymenum is called of the herbaries and poticaries Capri- folium and Matrisylua, in english wod bynde and Honysuccles, in 1 F i, back. 2 F ij. 6 1 duch wait gylge, in frech Cheure fuelle. Wodbyne, is commune in euery wodde. Personata. Personata is called in greeke Arceion or prosopion, in english a Bur, in duche grosse kletten, in frenche Gletteron or Gluteron. The Herbaries cal it Lappam maiorem. It groweth comoly about townes and villages. Petasztes. Petasites is called in the South partes of Englande a Butter bur, in the North, it is called about Morpeth Eldeus1, the duch cal it pestilentz kraute. It groweth in broke sydes and in moyste middowes whiche are ouerflowen some tyme wyth the water. It dryeth in the thyrde degree. Petroselinum. Petroselinum named in latine Apium saxatile is not our comune persely, as many haue beleued, but it is an other herbe, as I do thynke, whiche is called in some places of Italy Imperatoria. Whiche may be called in englishe stone persely or Lumberdy parsely. I neuer sawe it in England neither in Gernany, sauynge onely dry, I proued ofte in Germany, but I coulde neuer make 2 the seede growe there. For lacke of thys me maye vse the seede of pilletory of Spayne called masterwurt, or the seede of Angelica. Stone perseley hath seede hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Peucedanum. Peucedanum is called in duch harstrang it groweth plentuously in Germany beside Erensfielde ouer agaynste Byng, and also in the middowes beside Mence, called other wyse Maguncia. Phalaris. Phalaris is founde in many places of Italy. It hath seede like Panicum, wherfore it maye be called in englishe petie panicke, 1 [Eldens.] 2 F ij, back. 62 or because it is partly lyke grasse and partly lyke corne, it maye be called grasse corne. Phasiolus. Phasiolus otherwyse called Dolichos, maye be called in englishe longe peasen or faselles, in duche it is called Welshe bonem or faeselen, in frenche phaseoles. Faselles grow in great pletie in Italy about Pauia. Phu . Phu is called in englishe setwal, of other some Capones tayle, in duche Garten baldriane, in frenche Vertentrete. The poticaries in Germany cal it Valerianam. There are two other kyndes of Valeriane besyde !thys. Of the whiche, the one is growing about water sydes, and in the moyst plasshes and in morish groundes, and it is called in englishe wylde Valerian. The other kynde is called Valeriana greca, and thys is oure commune Valerian that we vse agaynste cuttes wyth a blewe floure. Phyllitis. Phyllitis as Cordus iudgeth, is the herbe whiche we cal in englishe Hartes tonge, the duch cal Hirtze zumge, the french me Lang de Cerfe, the poticaries Lingua ceruinam. To whose iudge- mente I rather assent, then to Ruellius & Fuchsius. . Hartes tonge groweth in welles and olde walles. Picea . Picea is called in greeke as Theodore Gaza turneth, pitys, & after Ruellius peuce and it is called in duch rotte Dan, wherfore it maye be called in englishe a red firre tree. Pinus . Pinus as Theodore translated^ is called in greeke Peuce, in englishe a pyne tree, in duch Ein forthen, in french Vng pin. Pines growe fayrest in gardines. There groweth one fayre one in Richmund Pine nuttes are hote and drye. 1 F iij. 63 Piperitis. Piperitis called also Siliquastram after 1the iudgemente of Fuchsius is the Herbe whiche is called in englishe Indishe peper, in duche indisshouer pfefer. If thys herbe be not it that it is take for, the yealowe seedes whiche oughte to be whyte do onely hynder. The herbe groweth in certeyne gardines in Englande. Pistacia . Pistacia are called of the 'poticaries Fistica, they may be called in english Fistikes or Festike nuttes. I neuer sawe the Fistike tre sauing only in Bonony, the leaues were somthyng rounde and ful of red spottes. Pisum . Pisum is called in greeke Lecithos, in english a pease, in duch Erbes, or Erwiten, in frenche Pois. They growe communely in the fieldes. Pityusa . Pityusa is called of some Herbaries Esula minor, and in englishe Spourge, but it oughte to be called litle Spourge, or Lint-spourge, for it hath smal leaues like Flax, or an other herbe called Linaria, whereby the one is ofte taken for the other, but the difference is knowen by thys verse. Esula lactescit, Linaria lac dare nescit. The other kinde of this whiche groweth almoste into the heighte of a smal tree, groweth a myle 2beneth Colon in a watery closse whiche is ofte ouerflowen wyth the Rhene. It maye be called in englishe, Spourge gyant. Plantago . Plantago is called in greeke Arnoglossos. There are two sortes of Plantaginis, the one is called in englishe alone Plantaine or waybread, or great waybread. The other is called Rybwurte, or Rybgrasse, and of some Herbaries Lancea lata. They are cold and dry in the seconde degree. 1 F iij, back. 2 F iiij. 64 Platanus. Platanus is called in englishe a playne tree, in frech playne. I neuer saw any plaine tree in Englande sauing once in Northum- berlande besyde Morpeth, and an other at Barnwel Abbey besyde Cambryge. Polium . I haue sene Polium of two sortes, the one had hore leaues with the figure of time, and the other had leaues lyke wyld Tyme, but they were a greate dele loger and greater. Polium maye be called in englishe Poly. The fyrst kynde dyd I see in Italy. The second in the Alpes of Rhetia beside Cure. It is hote in the second and dry in the third. Polygoncitum . Polygonatu is called of Herbaries Sigillum Solomonis, in englishe Scala celi, Tin duch wisz wurtz. It maye be called in englishe white wurte, it groweth plentuously in the woddes of Germany, but I neuer sawe it out of a gardine in Englande. Polygonum. Polygonum is called in latine Sanguinaria. There are two kindes of Polygonu, the former kinde is called in englishe knot- grasse, or swyne grasse, in duche Weggrasz wegdrat or wegtede, in frenche de la corrigiole. The second e kynde, whiche is called Polygonum femina is called in Englishe thycke Shauegrasse, or short Shaue grasse. The firste kynde groweth in highe wayes, the seconde kynde groweth in many places by water sides, & some time amog the corne. Knotgrasse is colde in the seconde degree. Populus. Populus is of two kyndes, the fyrste kynde is called in greeke Leuce, in latin Populus alba, in englishe whyte Popler or white Esptree, in duch wisz sarbach. Thys kynde is commune about the bankes of the floude Padus. The seconde kynde is called in 1 F iiij, back. 65 Greeke Argeiros, in englishe alone, a popler, or an Asp tree, or a blacke popler. P or rum. Porrum is named in greeke prason, in englishe a Leke, in duche Ein lauch, in frenche 1Vng porreau. Besyde the commune Leke there are two other kyndes, the one is called in latine porrum sectiuum, in englishe a frenche Leke. The other kynde is called in greeke Ampelo prason, in latine porrum syluestre, in duch wyld Lauch. I neuer sawe thys kynde but in certeyne closes in Germany aboute Bon. Lekes are hote in the fourth degree. Potamogeton. Potamogeton is called in duche Samkraute, it maye be named in englishe Pondplantayne, or swymmynge plantayne, because it swymmeth aboue pondes and standyng waters. Portulaca . Portulaca is called in english purcellaine. in greeke Andrachne, in duch Burgel greusel, and in neither2 land purcellane, in french porcellina. Primus . Prunus is called in greeke Coccimelea, in englishe a plum tree, in duche ein pslaumen baume, in frenche Vun prunier. Prunus syluestris is called in english a slo tree, or a sle tree. Psyllium. Psyllium is called in duch psilien kraut, in french herbe puces or herbe a pulce, it gro3weth plentuously in Italy and in certeyne gardines in Germany. It may be called in english Flewurte. Flewurt is colde in the seconde degree, and is in a meane tempre in dryinge and moyst makyng. Pulegium. Pulegium is called in greeke Glechoon, in englishe Penyryal or 1 F v. [2 Nether.] 3 F v, back. F 66 puddyng grasse, in duche poley, in french du pouliote. Peny ryal groweth in suche diches and watery places as are ful of water in wynter, and are dyred1 vp in the begynnyng of Summer. Pyrus . Pyrus is called in greeke Apios, in englishe a Peare tree, in duche ein byrbaume, in frenche Vng poprier. Quercus. Quercus is named in greeke Drys, in english an Oke or an Eke tree, in duche ein eich baume, in frenche vng Chesne. Quinque folium. Quinquefolium is called in greke Pentaphyllon, in english Cynkfoly or fyue fyngred grasse, in duche Funffynger kraute, in frenche quinte fuele. Cynkfoly is commune in al places. Radicula. Radicula called otherwyse Lanaria, is called in greeke struthion, and of the com2mune Herbaries it is called Saponaria and Herba fullonum, it groweth in certeine gardines of Germany, but I neuer sawe it in Englad, therfore I know no englishe name for it. Howe- beit, if we had it here, it myghte be called in english sopewurt or skowrwurt. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Radix. Radix is called in greeke Raphanos, in englishe a radice or radishe, in duche rattich, in frenche raforte. There are two kindes of radice, the one is the commune radice wyth the longe roote, and that is called in latine Radix Cleonea and algidesis radix. The other kynde hath a rounde roote lyke a rape, and thys is called radix Beotia and radix Syriaca. The former kynde groweth communely in England e, but I haue sene the seconde kynde no where els sauynge onely in high Almany, thys maye be called in P dryed.] 2 F vj. 67 englishe, an Alman radice, or rape radice. Radice is hote in the thyrde degree and dry in the seconde. Ranunculus . Ranunculus is called in greeke Batrachion, in englishe Crowfote or a Gallande.1 The kyndes of crowfote are al wel inough knowen sauyng the second, whiche if it be vnknowen, it maketh no matter, for it hath 2 more hurte then goodnesse in it. Rapurn. Rapu or rapas3 is called in greeke stroggyle, in englishe a rape, in duche ein ruben. Rapes are commune in al countreis. Rhamnus . Rhamnus groweth in the mount Appenine aboue Bonony, it hath very sharppe prickes, rounde leaues and fruite lyke a litle buckeler. The inhabiters cal it there spina Christi. Wherefore it maye be called in english Christes thorne, or buckeler thorne. Rhus. Rhus after Dioscorides is but of one kynde, but Galene in the boke of the compositio of medicines according to the places nameth two kyndes, the one he calleth Culinaria, and the other Coriaria. Plinie maketh three kyndes of Rhois, of the whiche kyndes I knowe one certaynly, whiche is called of the Poticaries Sumache, and it maye be so called also in Englishe. I haue sene it growyng besyde Bonony in certeine gardines besyde the blacke frieres. I think e that I knowe also Rhoa Coriaria, for I suppose that the shrubbe which the Italians about Bonony cal Scotonum and aboute Cremona cal Rhous, is Rhus Coriaria, for the Italians vse the same to tanne lether 4wyth. Thys kynde dyd I firste see in Bonony after- warde besyde Cremona, laste in the rockes besyde Lake de Come. Rhus is drye in the thyrde, and colde in the seconde degree. 1 Golland. 2 F vj, back. 3 Rapa. i F vij. F 2 68 Ricinus. Ricinus is called in greeke Cici or Crotoon, in english Palma Christi, or ticke sede because it is lyke a tycke, it is called in duch wunden baume, kreutz baume and Zekken corner, in french Palma Christi. It groweth onely in gardines that I haue sene. Rosa. Rosa is called in greeke Rhodon, in english a Rose, in duch ein rosen, in french vne rose. It is cold and drye in the fyrst degree. Rubia . Rubia is called in greeke Erythrodano, in englishe madder, in duche rot, in frenche Garance. Rubia groweth in diuerse places of Germany in the fieldes in greate plentie both set and vnset. Wilde madder groweth in diuerse wods of Germany, & in greatest plentie about Bon. It is hote in the seconde degree and dry in the thyrde. Rubus. Rubus siue sentis is called in greke Batos, in englishe a Bramble or a blacke bery bush, in duche ein bromber, in frenche ronce. 1 Rubus canis . Rubus canis is called in greeke Cynosbatos, in englishe a Brier tree or an Hep tree, in duche wylde rosen. Rubus ideus. Rubus ideus is called in greeke Batos idaia, in englishe raspeses or hyndberies, in duch hyndberen, in frenche framboise. Raspeses growe most plentuously in the woddes of east Freselande besyde Aurik, and in the mountaynes besyde Bon, they growe also in certayne gardines of Englande. 1 F vij, back. 69 Rumex. Rumex is called in greeke Lapathon, in english a Docke or a docken. There are .iiij. kyndes of Dockes. The fyrst kynde is called in greeke Oxylapatho, in english Waterdocke or sharpdocke. Thys is lesse then Pacience and wyth a sharper toppe or ende of the leafe, and groweth in diches & slowe runnyng waters, The second kynde is called Rumex satiuus, thys is called in barbarus latine Reubarbarum monachoru. The thirde kynde is the litle commune Docke. The fourth kinde called in greeke Oxalis. in barbarus latin Acetosa or Acidula, in englishe Sorel or sourdocke, in duche saur ampsfer. 1Ruscus. Ruscus is called of the Poticeries Bruscum, in english buchers brome or Petigrue. Petigrue groweth in Kent wilde by hedge sydes, but it beareth no fruite as it doeth in Italy. Rut a. Ruta is called in greeke Peganon, in englishe and frenche, Rue and herbe grace, in duche Ruten. Rue is hote and drye in the seconde degree, but wylde Rue is hote and drye in the fourth degree. Sabina. Sabina is called in greeke Brathy, in englishe Sauyne, in duche seuinbaume, in frenche sauinera or du sauiner. Sauin groweth in many gardines in Englande. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Sambucus. Sambucus or as some wryte Sabucus is called in greeke Acte, in englishe an Elder tree or a Boure tree, in duche Holde or Hollender, in frenche Vng Suseau.2 Salix. Salix is called in greeke Itea, in english a wylow tree, a salowe 1 F viij. [2 Sureau.] 70 tree or a saugh tree, in duch weidenbaume, in frech Vng saulge. Salix as Columella wryteth is deuided into two principal kyndes the one is cabled Perticalis, and the other is called Viminalis. Particalis salix is the greate Wylowe tree whyche hath longe roddes and staues growynge in it. Viminalis is an Osyer tree, suche as bryngeth furth roddes that baskettes are made of. Viminalis is of diuerse sortes, the fyrste is called salix greca, the seconde gallica, the thyrde sabina. Salix greca whiche is yealowe in coloure grow- eth in east Freselande aboute a Citie called Aurik. Salix gallica whiche hath red twigges groweth in many places of Englande. Salix sabina whiche is also called amerina groweth in Italy and in certeyne places of east Freselande. Saluia. Saluia is called in greeke Elelisphacos, in englishe sage or sauge, in duche salbey or selue, in french saulge. It heateth and somthynge stoppeth. Satureia . Satureia is called in greeke thymbra, in englishe saueray or sauery, in duch saturei, in frenche sarriette. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Satyr ion. Satyrion is very commune in Germany, and a certeyne ryghte kynde of the same groweth besyde Syon, it bryngeth furth 2whyte floures in the ende of harueste, and it is called Lady traces. The great Satyrion may be called in englishe whyte satyrion or great satyrion. There is an other kynde of Satyrion whiche is called satyrion regale in latine, in duche Kreutzblumen, in frenche du satyrion royal. Thys maye be called in englishe satyrion Ryal or hand satyrion, because it is like a mannes hande in the roote. Satyrion is hote & very moyste. Scandix. Scandix groweth in Germany among the come. The greatest 1 F viij, back. 2 G i. 7 1 pletie of it that euer I sawe, was betwene Bon and Popelsdorp in a corne fielde. It may be called in english corne Cheruel. It is hote & dry in the thirde degree. Secale. Secale is called in englishe Rye, in duche Roggen or rug, in frenche Segle. There is plentie inough of rye in al countreis, and no where more the in Germany, that I wot of. Scilla. Scilla is named of the Poticaries squilla, in english a sea'Onion, and in some places, a french Onyon, in duch Meusz Zwybeln. Squilles growe in the sea coste of Spayne in greate plentie. Scilla is hote in the seconde degree. 1 Scirpus. Scirpus siue Juncus is called in greeke Scoinos Eleos, in english a rishe or a rashe, in duche Bauchbint, in frenche Jonc. Scordium. Scordium groweth in diuerse places of Germany, & is solde at Franckeforde mart in greate plentie, & I heare saye that it groweth also besyde Oxforde. It is called in duche Wasser batenig, and it maye be called in englishe water Germander or Garleke Germander. Sc or dot is. Scordotis altera wherof Plinie maketh mention, is in leaues muche lyke a Nettle, but deaper endented wyth a foure squared stalke, and wyth a somthynge sharpe taste, it groweth aboute the Rhene syde. Some take thys for Verbena recta, but it hath no purple floures, wherfore they are deceyued. It maye be called in englishe banke Nettle. Securidaca. Securidaca called in greeke Edysaron and Pelecinos, is so 1 G i, back. 72 vnknowen in Englad, and in Germany that I neuer sawe it in either of these regions, but I haue sene it in Italy dyuerse tymes, and it maye be called in englishe Axfiche or Hachetfiche, because the seede resembleth an Hatchet. 1 Sedum . Sedum is called in greke Aeizooon, and the fyrste kynde and moste spoke of, of writers, is called in englishe Housleke or syngrene. The seconde kynde is called in English thryft or ston- croppe. The thyrd kinde is called in Englishe Mouse tayle or litle stoncroppe, and in duche Maur pfeffer. A1 these kyndes growe on walles and houses. It is colde in the thyrde degree. Senecio. Senecio is called in greke Erigeroon, in english Groundswel or Groundsel, in duch Gryntkraut, in frenche du Senesson. Serpyllum . Serpyllum called in greeke Ipryllon,2 is of .ij. sortes. The one is called in latin serpyllum Hortense, and in englishe runnyng tyme. The seconde kynde is called in latine serpyllum syluestre, and in englishe wylde tyme. The one groweth in gardines & the other in sandy fieldes and bare groundes. Sertula campana . Sertula capana siue corona regia, is called in greeke Melilootos, in duch Guldenkle, in Welsher, steyncle, in french du Melilote. I neuer sawe the ryghte Melilote yet in England, but I haue sene the right Melilote which groweth in Italy, & hath seedes 3 in litle homes. This herbe whiche ye vse in Englande for Melilote, is a kynde of Lotus syluestris. The ryght Melilote may be called in englishe Melilote, or right Melilote, or Lumberdy Melilote. Meli- lote is hote and dry en the fyrst degree. 1 G ij. 2 Erpyllon. 3 G ij, back. 73 Sesama. Sesamam dyd I neuer see in England, but I haue sene it in Italy, and it maye be called in englishe, sesame or oyle seede, for of al seede it is moste oylie. Seseli massiliense . Seseli massiliense is called in the Poticaries shoppes, siler montanum, it may be called in englishe, siler montayne. The seede of thys herbe is commune in euery Poticaries shoppe. Siligo . Siligo is not as the commune sorte of grammarians and phisicians suppose, the corne called in englishe Rye, and in duche Rog, but it is a kynde of ryghte wheate, as Columella and Plinie do testifie. Therfore let it be called in englishe lyght wheate. Sideritis. Sideritis prima, groweth vpon Colon walles and also in sandy groundes aboute Colon. It is called in duch Glyderant,1 and may be called in englishe walsage or stoni2sage. Sideritis secunda, is moste lyke to Osmunde of the Poticaries, of al herbes that euer I sawe, and nothyng is contrary vnto the description sauynge onely the seedes. Sideritis tertia semeth to be the herbe called in englishe, herbe Roberte wyth the leaues lyke Colander. Siliqua. Siliqua is not as the commune sort take it for the shale onely of a peascod, or of such lyke pulse, but it is taken for a certeine tree, and fruite which is called in greeke Ceretia, or Ceratonia, in Italian Carobe, in duche saynte Iohans Brot. I met wyth certeyne Grecians whiche dwelled in Pelopeneso, that called it in their speache Xyloceraio. It may be called in english a Carobe tree, and the fruite Carobes or Carobbeanes. I se in Colon one litle Carobe tree, and no where els that I remembre. 1 Glideraut. 2 Giij. 7 4 Sinapi. Sinapi is called in greeke sinepi, in englishe Mustarde, in duche senfe, in frenche Mustarde. It groweth in al countreis in plentie. Sisaron. Sisaron siue siser, is called in englishe a Persnepe, in duche grosse Zammoren, and also Pinsternach. Fuchsius rekoneth that 1 our skyrwort, or skyrwit is a kynde of siser. Persnepes, and skirwortes are commune in Englande. Sis on. Sison called of other Sino, is the herbe whose seede the Poticaries in Anwerp vse for Amonio. Ther groweth a kinde of this besyde Shene, and it maye be called in englishe wylde Perseley. The best kinde groweth in Anthony the Poticaries gardine of Anwerp. Sisymbrium. Sisymbrium hortese is called in englishe, baume Mynte, or water Mynte, in duche fishe Mynt, or Wasser Muntz. Many learned me cotayne the red Mynt that groweth by water sydes, and is called of some horse Mynt vnder sisymbrio. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Sisymbrium alterum. Sisymbrium alterum is called also Cardamine, and in english water cresses, or rocket water cresses, in duche wasserkressich, in frenche du Cresson. Thys is not the herbe with leaues lyke Perseley communely called water Cresses, but it is the true water Cresse wyth leaues lyke Rocket, and some cal it in latine Nastur- tium aquaticu. It groweth muche in brokes and water sydes. 2 Smilax hortensis . Smilax hortesis is called in duch welshe arbs or welshe Bonen, 1 G iij, b ack. 2 G iiij. 75 in frenche as some wryte Phaseole. It may be called in english Kydney beane, because the seede is lyke a Kydney, or arber beanes, because they serue to couer an arber for the tyme of Summer. Smilax aspera. Smilax aspera groweth not in Englade that euer I coulde see, I haue sene it in Germany where it is called grosse Stechend wynde, or shraffe wynde. It maye be called in englishe Pryckewynde gor Sharpbynde. Smyrnium . Smyrniu is neither Angelica nor yet Louage. I dyd see it once in Bonony. It maye be called in englishe blacke Louage, because it hath leaues lyke Louage, and yet blacke seede. It is hote & dry in the thirde degree. Solanum hortense . Solanu hortese which is called in greke Strichnos Cepaios is called in Englishe Nyghtshade, or pety morel, in duche Nachshat, in frenche Morel. The Poticaries cal it Solatrum. Solanum vesicarium . Solanum vesicarium is called in greeke Strichnos halicacabos, in Pottcarie latin Alkakenge, in englishe Alcakeng or wynTer cheries, in duche Judenkyrse, in frenche Baganauldes. Thys herbe groweth much in my Lordes gardine at Syon. S or bus. There are foure kyndes of sorbus after Plinie, of the which I knowe three kyndes. The fyrst kynde that I knowe is commune aboute Bon. It hath leaues lyke a quicken tree, and a fruite lyke a litle Peare, the duch cal it ein spierlyng, and ein sporopfel. Thys tree maye be called in englishe a sorb tree, and the fruite a sorb Appel. The seconde kynde is called in duche ein Hauer ashe, in Englishe a rountree or a Quicken tree. The third kinde 1 G iiij, back. 76 that I knowe of sorbus and the fourth kynde in Plinie is called sorbus torminalis, in englishe a seruice tree. Spartum frutex. Spartium or spartum is not the Broume that we make besomes of in Englande, but it is a bushe called of some gardiners frenche broume. It groweth naturally by it selfe in mount Appennine, and it is founde nowe in many gardines in England, in my Lordes gardine at Shene, and in my Lorde Cobbams gar din a litle fro Graues Ende. Spartum herba . Spartum is also an herbe as Plinie wryteth, by whose description I gather that it 1is the rishe that the Fig frayles be made of. I haue sene the rishe in the Ilandes of east Freseland, and the people there make ropes of that rishe & thach their houses also wyth the same. It may be called in english Frailbente. SphondiLium. Sphondilium is called in duche wylde Pateney,2 or wylde Beren- klawe, in frenche Pan ate sauage. It may be called in englishe Cow- persnepe or rough Persnepe. It groweth in watery middowes and in ranke groundes about hedges. Spina alba. Spina alba mentioned in Columella is spina Appendix in Plinie, and it is called in englishe an Hawthorne tree, or a whyte thorne, in duche ein wissen dome, or ein Hagendorne. Stachys. Stachys semeth to Gesner to be the herbe that we cal in english Ambrose, & I deni not but that it may be a kynde of it. Howe be it I haue sene the true Italian staches, whiche hath narower and whyter leaues then Ambrose hath. It maye be named in englishe 1 Gv. 2 Pasteney. 77 litle Horehounde or strayte Horehound. It is hote in the thyrde degree. St aphis agria . JStaphis agria is called in englishe Staues aker, in duch Bisz muntz or Lanskraut, in frenche de lee staues agrie. I haue sene it growyng in certeyne gardines in Italy. Stechus. I haue sene in Italy diuerse kyndes of Stichados growyng. One was called stechas motana, an other stechas prouincialis, and the thyrd stechas Arabia.2 I neuer sawe any of these kyndes growyng in England, but I haue had them growynge in my gardines in Germany. The herbe may be called in english stichas or Laueder gentle, the Poticaries cal thys herbe stichados. I suppose that our laueder is a kinde of stichas. It is hote in the first degree & dry in the second. Symphytum. Symphytum is of two sortes, the former is called Symphytum petreum, and this herbe groweth about Syon, seuen myles aboue London. It is lyke vnto wylde Mergerum, but it is neither so hote neither so wel smellyng. It may be called in english vnsauery Margeru. The other kynde called in latin Symphytum alterum, is called in englishe comfery or Blackewurt, and in duche walde wurtz, or schwartz wurtz, in frenche de la confire. Tar chon. 3Tarchon is wel knowen in Englande, and is called wyth vs Tarrago. Some cal thys same herbe Dracone hortese in. Some other do put thys herbe vnto the kyndes of Sauery. Taxus . Taxus is called in greke Smilax or taxes, in englishe an Vghe tree, or an yew tree, in duch ein Iben baume, in french Yff. The G y, back. 2 Arabica. 3 G vj. 7« beste Vghe groweth in the Alpes. Comune Vghe, groweth in diuerse partes of Yorke shyre. Thapsia . Thapsia groweth in diuerse places of Italy that I haue sene, and the beste learned of that countrey thynke that Mesues turbit is Thapsia. Thapsia maye be called in englishe thapsene or thapsia. Thlaspi . Thlaspi or thlaspium is called in duche Baurenfenfe.1 It groweth wonders plentuously about Bon in the corne fieldes, and among the corne. It groweth also pletuously besyde Syon. It may be named in englishe dyshmustard, or triacle Mustard, or Boures Mustard, because the seede is lyke mustarde seede in colour and in tast, and the vessel that coteyneth the seede is lyke a disshe. There is yet an other kinde of thlaspie me2tioned of Dioscorides and called thlaspi alterum & sinapi perficuum. Thys kynde groweth in Morpeth in Northumberland and there it is called Redco. It shoulde be called after the olde saxon englishe Rettihcol, that is Radishe colle. The high Germans cal it mere Rettich. Thymus . We gather boeth by Dioscorides & Plinie, that there are two kyndes of Thyme, whereof I see but one kinde as yet in Englande, for that runnyng thyme that we take for thymo, is serpyllum and not thymus. The greate kynde of thyme, wherof Dioscorides maketh metion of in Epithymo, is called nowe Venetian thyme, and the blacke kynde that Plinie speaketh of, is oure commune thyme that groweth ryght vp in our gardines. Thyme is hote in the thyrde degree. Tussilago . Tussilago is called in greeke Bechion, in englishe Bulfote or horsehofe, in duche Roshub or horse lattich, in frech Pas de Asne, 1 Baurensenfe. 2 G vj, back. 79 the Poticaries cal it Vngulam caballinam. Thys herbe groweth by water sydes, and in marishe groundes. Typha. Typha groweth in fennes& water sy1des amog the reedes, it hath a blacke thinge Almost at the head of the stalke lyke blacke veluet. It is called in englishe cattes tayle, or a Reedmace, in Duche Narren Kolb, or Mosz Kolb. Verbascum. Verbascum is called in greke Phlomos, in englishe Mullen higgis taper or Longe wurt, the Poticaries cal it tapsus barbatus. Verbasculum. There are .iij. Verbascula called in greke Phlomides. The fyrste is called in barbarus latin Arthritica, and in englishe a Primerose. The seconde is called in barbarus latin Paralysis, and in englishe a Cowslip, or a Cowslap, or a Pagle. The third is called Thryallis, and Rosecampi in englishe. Verbenaca. Verbenaca recta is called in greeke Peristereon yphos, in english Veruine, in duch Eiser kraute, in frenche Veruayne. Thys herbe groweth in many places of Englad. Verbena supina, is harde to fynde in Englande I neuer sawe it in any place sauynge in Swycher- land. It is lyke Bugle, but the leaues are deaplyer endented & grener then bugle leaues be. It may be called in english geagged 2 Bugle. It groweth in shadowye places about tree rootes. 3 Veratrum. Veratrum is called in greke Helleborus, in duche Neisz wurtes, in frenche Viraire. It maye be called in englishe Nesewurte. There are two kyndes of Helleborus, the one is called Veratrum album, and it is called in duche Wisz Neiszwurtes, in englishe Nesewurt or whyte Nesewurt. This kinde groweth in Syon Parcke in Englande, 3 G vij, back. 1 G vij. 2 [jagged-] 8o in the woddes of Bon in Germany, in the Alpes betwene Cureland and Lumberdy, but it that groweth in Eglad, and in Germany hath not the strength that it hath whiche groweth in the Alpes. The other kynde is called Veratrum nigrum. I haue not sene thys herbe in Germany, neither in Englande. For the herbe called in englishe bearfote, in duche Christwurte, which hath bene hytherto taken for blacke Nisewurt, or Veratrum nigrum : is Consiligo in Columel and Plinie, and not veratrum nigrum. Vicia. Vicia is called in greeke Bicion, in Englishe a Fiche, in duche Wicken, in frenche La vesce. Viola alba. Viola alba is called in greeke Leucoion. There are diuerse sortes of Leucoio. One is called in english Cheiry, Hertes ease or wal 1 Gelefloure, it groweth vpon the walles, and in the sprynge of the yere, it hath yealowe floures. The Arabians cal it Cheiri. An other kynde hath whyte floures, whiche some cal whyte stocke gele- floure, or Geleuoures. The other haue purple and blewe floures, and are called purple & blew stock-gelefloures. Viola nigra. Viola nigra siue purpurea is called in greeke Ion melan, in englishe a Violet, in duche violen, Viole or Violette, in frenche Violet martie. It is colde and moyste in the seconde degree. Viola fiammea . Viola flommea otherwyse called Phlox or Phlogion is the herbe as Gesner thynketh, whiche is called in duche Fluelblum, and in englishe veluet floure or french Marigoulde. Viscum. Viscum is called in greeke Ixos, in english Miscelto or Miscel- din, in duch Miscel, Vogellym, and Affoler in french. This shrub groweth only in trees & no where els. 1 G viij. 8 Vitex . Vitex is called in greeke Agnos, of the Poticaries of Italy Agnus castus, the Poticaries of Germany in netherlande abuse iLigustro for Agno. And we abuse Tutsan for Vitice. The true Agnus or Vitex groweth in the blacke friers in Farraria where as I sawe it, and it groweth in diuerse other places of Italy, as I heare saye. It is a tree and hath leaues lyke Hemp, euer fyue growyng together. Wherfore it may be called in englishe Hemp tree, or Chast-tree, or Agnus tree. It is hote and drye in the thyrde degree. Vitis vinifera vrbana. Vitis vrbana is called in greke Ampelos emeros or oniophoros, in english a vyne, in duche in win reb, in frech vn vigne cultiue. V itis syluestris . Vitis syluestris solani folijs is called in greeke Ampelos agria, in duche Melcu, in frenche Viorne, and Haide. It maye be called in englishe Heguine,2 or Downiuine. It groweth plentuously betwene ware and Barckway in the hedges, whiche in summer are in many places al whyte wyth the downe of thys Vine. Vlmus. Vlmus is called in greeke Ptelea, in englishe an Elme tree, or a Wich tree, in duch ein vlme baume, or Ylmen or Rust baume, in frenche Orme. Vrtica. 3 Vrtica is called in Greeke Acalyphe or Cnide, in english a Nettle, in duche ein Nessel, in lowe duche ein Netel, in frenche Ortie. The true Netel groweth not in Englande out of gardines, but it groweth in Italy & at Mense in Germany vnset or sowen abrode in the fieldes and hedges. Xanthium . Xanthium is called in english Dichebur or Clotbur, in duch Betlersleusz kleyn kletten, in frenche glowteron. 1 G viij, back. 2 Hedgvine. 8 H i. G 8 2 Zizypha. Zizypha or Serica are called in frenche luiubes, the Poticaries cal the fruite Iuiuba. It maye be called in english Iuiuba tree and the fruite Iuiubeis. I neuer sawe mo trees of this kynde, but one, in Ferraria. Names of newe founde Herbes, wherof is no meution in any olde auncient wryter. ALchimilla other wyse called Pes leonis, is called in english our Ladies Matel or syndow. It groweth in middowes like a Mallowe. A tliaria. Alliaria is called in english Sauce alone or Iacke of the hedges. Some dotyng Po bicaries in Germany abuse thys herbe for Scordio. Thys herbe groweth in hedges and diches in the sprynge of the yere. Balsamine. Balsamine is called of other Pomu Hierosolymitanum, & Pomum mirabile. Some cal it Charatia. It is called in duch Balsam kraute, it maye be named in englishe Balsam aple. It groweth muche in Italy and in some places of Germany, but onely in gardines. Bar bare herba. Barbare herba groweth aboute Brokes and water sydes. It hath leaues lyke Rocket, wherefore it maye be called in englishe wound- rocket, for it is good for a wounde. Some cal thys Carpentariam. Bipennella Italica . Bipennella or bipenula Italica, is called in english Burnet. It 1 H i, back. 83 groweth much about Syon and Shene, and in many other places of Englad. The Poticaries cal it Pimpinellam. Bipennula Germanica. Bipennula Germanica, is Saxifragia Italorum, and it is called in englishe Pimpinel, the duche cal it Bibinellen. Bistorta. Bistorta is called of the Northerne men 1Betes, in the South countrey Astrologia, in east Freselande Leuercraut. Thys herbe groweth in Englande onely in gardines, in the woddes of Frese- land, it groweth without any settyng alone. Bursa pastoris. Bursa pastoris is also called in englishe of many Bursa pastoris & of other Shepherdes bag or Shepherdes purse. It groweth by high wayes, almost in euery place. Cartafilago. Cartafilago otherwise called Ceratophilax, is called in english Cudwurt, or Chafewurte. It groweth gladly where as turues haue ben digged. Consolida media. Cosolida media is called in english Bugle. It is a blacke herbe and it groweth in shaddowy places and moyst groundes. Cornu ceruinum . Cornu ceruinum is the name of three herbes. The fyrst is Coronopus, the seconde is Hartes home lyke a rishe, the thyrd is como in the dioces of Colo, which is so called, because it hath leaues lyke an Hartes home. Christophorian a . Christophoriana groweth pletuously in the woddes aboute Bon, 1 Hij. G 2 84 but I haue not hearde any duche name that it hath. It may 1 be called in englishe Grape wurt, because it hath many blacke beries in the toppes lyke Grapes. Centimorbia. Centimorbia otherwise called Nummularia, is called in duche Pfenikraute and schlangkraute. It maj be called in englishe Herbe .ij. pence or two penigrasse because it hath two and two leaues standyng together of ech syde of the stalke lyke pence. It groweth in moyste groundes and in diches whereas water hath stande in wynter, and are drye in summer agayne. Digitalis. Digitalis is called in english Foxgloue. It groweth in hedge sydes, in woddes and wylde places. Eufragia. Eufragia or Opthalmica is thoughte to haue bene called of the later Grecians Euphrasyne. It is called in englishe Eye bryghte, and in duche Ougen troit. Eupatorium vulgare. Eupatorium vulgare, whiche the Poticaries vse in many places is not Eupatorium Dioscoridis. It may be called in english water Hemp, because it groweth about watersydes, and hath leaues lyke Hemp. Flamula. 2Flamula is the herbe whiche we cal in englishe Sperewurte or spergrasse. It groweth in moyste places. Genistella. Genistella is a litle herbe wyth leaues, floures and coddes like Broume, but many partes lesse, and it is ful of prickes. I haue not sene it in England sauyng once besyde Coome parcke, but often in 1 H ij, back. 2 H iij. §5 Germany by the Rhen side, whereas it is called stechend gnist. It maye be called in englishe Thorn-broume or prickly broume. Lunaria. Lunaria is of two kyndes, the one is called in latine Lunaria maior, which hath leaues lyke wylde Cucumer & coddes rounde almost as the mone, and as thyn as a Cole leafe. It maye be called in englishe great Lunari. Some cal it Shabub. The other kinde is called in latin Lunaria minor, which may be called in englishe litle Lunary or Maye Grapes, the duch cal this herbe Monkraut and meydrune. The former herbe groweth onely in gardines, the other in middowes and pastur groundes. Lingua serpentina . Lingua serpetina groweth in many places of England. It may be called in greeke Ophioglosson, in englishe Adders tonge, Jthe duch cal it Natter Zunglin. It groweth pletuously in middowes where as Lunary groweth. Leuisticum . Leuisticum is called in englishe Louage in duche Lubstocke or Lieb stokel, in french Liueshe. It groweth onely in gardines so muche as I haue sene. Martagon. Martagon is an herbe wyth two leaues onely, one of ech syde. It groweth in many places of Englande in watery middowes and in woddes. It is also called in englishe Martagon. Perfoliata. Perfoliata is an herbe wyth a leafe lyke a pease, & litle blacke seedes in the top. The Germans cal it Durchwassz. It maye be called in englishe Thorowwax, because the stalke waxeth thorowe the leaues. Pes anserinus. Pes anserinus is called in duch geusz fusz and it may be called 1 H iij, back. 86 in englishe Goosefote. It groweth in the fieldes of Germany among the corne and aboute townes & cities. Pilosella . Pilosella is of two kyndes, the one hath a yealowe floure and is communely called in english Mouseare, and for difference sake 1it may be called in english yealowe mouseare. The other kynde hath purple floures mengled wyth whyte altogether, and thys groweth in heathes where as Ling or heath groweth, and may be called in english purple Mouseare or litle Mouseare. Portentilla. Portetilla or as some write Potentilla, is named also Tanacetum syluestre. It is named in englishe wylde Tansey, in duche Genserich, & in french Taunasi Saluage. Regalicum. Regalicum is also named Ruta cararia, Galega, & Gaiarda. It groweth very plentuously about the bankes of Padus in Italy. It maye be called in englishe mocke Licores, because the leaues are lyke Licores. Rhibes. Rhibes is called in duche saynte Iohans Treublin, and it is called in some places of Englande a Rasin tree. Sanicula. Sanicula is named in englishe Sanicle, in duche Sanikel or Shar- nikel. It groweth communely in woddes. Saluia vita. Saluia vita or Ruta muralis is called in duche Maurranten & steinrauten. It maye be called in english Stone Rue, or wal Rue. 2 Some haue vsed this for Capillo Veneris. 1 H iiij. 2 H iiij, back. 87 Solidago saracenica. Solidago seracenica, otherwyse called Herba fortis or Herba Iudaica, is called in duch Heidnishe wuntkraut. I haue not sene it in Englande, but diuerse tymes in duchland. It may be called in english Woundewurte. Scabiosa. Scabiosa is called in englishe Scabious or Matfellon, in duche Scabiosen, in french la scabieuse. Saxifragia. There are foure herbes, whiche al are called saxifragia. The englishe mens Saxifragia, which they cal Saxifrage, hath leaues lyke smal perseley, & it groweth in middowes. The Italians saxifragia is lyke the same, but it hath rougher leaues and greater, & an hotter roote. The Germayns haue two Saxifrages, whiche other countreis know not by those names. The greater hath greate leaues, lyke smallage, and yealowe iuce in the stalke, and this is called of other wryters Viride Marcum. It maye be called in englishe, grene Marke. Thys groweth muche by the Temmes syde about Shene. The other duche saxifrage hath leaues lyke Tyme & it may be called in english Time^stonebreake. I haue not sene it in England. It groweth in sandy groundes aboute the Rhene. Tormentilla . Tormentilla is called in greeke Heptaphyllon, in englishe Tor- mentil, or Tormerik, in duche Tormetil. It groweth in Mores and Heaths. Trinitaria or Trinit atis herba . Trinitatis herba, is of two sortes. The one hath leaues lyke a Clauer, and it groweth in the Alpes, and other highe mountaynes. It may be called in english mount-trifoly. The other kinde is called in english two faces in a hoode or panses. Thys is like vnto a Violet in the floures, and it groweth ofte amonge the corne. 1 H v. 88 Vua crisp a. Vua crispa is also called Grossularia, in english a Groser bushe, a Goosebery bush. It groweth onely that I haue sene in England, in gardines, but I haue sene it in Germany abrode in the fieldes amonge other busshes. Veronica. Veronica groweth in many places of England, and it is called in englishe Fluellyng, in duche Erenprise. Vuluaria. 1Vuluaria is a stynkyng herbe creapynge by the grounde with leaues of Mergerum or Organe. It groweth muche aboute the walles of Bon in Germany. I did se it also in my Lorde Cobbanrs gardine at Calice. A table for the commune english names vsed nowe in al countreis of Englande. ALoe, Agarik, Auenes, Arssmert, Astrologia, Adderstong, Apple tree, Abrecok, Alexander, Alkakenge. Baye tree, Barley, Basyll, Burnette, Broume pricki, Broume, Belragges, Brier brake, Bramble, Bulfote, Butter bur, Buchers broume, Bulfot, Brake vrsine, Baume, Baume Mynte, Birche, Bene, Brokelem, Beech tree, Blewblawe, Bynde corne. Camamil, Chickeweede, Citterach, Cetory, Capers, Cuckowe pintle, Caraweis, Caret wylde, Corne Mynte, Comyn, Cotton, Cheruel, Celendine, Crowe toes, Carlocke, Cresse of the gardine, Cresse of the water, Chesnut, Clarie, Cuckowes meate, Comfery. Duckes meate, Dittany, Dittany of Cady, Darnel, Dragon, Date tree, Dogges 2tonge, Docke, Daffadyl, Daffadyl duche, Dasy, Doder. Ehu tree, Earthnut, Egletine, Endyue, Elecampane. Foxgloue, Fluellin, Filipendula, Fiche, Firtree, Flouramor, Fumitory, Figtree, Feme, Finel, Fenegreke. 1 H v, back. 2 H vj. Galaga, Garleke, Garleke wylde, wild Goosegrasse, Gotesbearde, Gourd, Gentiane, Gooseberies, Grasse, Gethsamyne, Grummell, Groundsel. Hartes home, Hysope, Hoppes, Horehounde, Honisucc.les, Hartes tonge, Houseleke, Hebayne, Horehounde stinky ng, Hura- locke, Herbe Iue, Hasel, Heath, Huluer or Holy of the sea. Iacke of the hedge, Iuniper. Knotgrasse. Ladies mantle, Lunary, Louage, Licores, Lettes, Laurel, Lauriel, Letilles, Liuerwurt, Louage of Lumberdy, Litle licke, Lange de beefe, Ladies traces. Mallowe, Mallovve verueyn, Mosse, Mynt, corne Marigolde, Mayden heire, Martagon, Mouseare, Mastike tree, Madragge, Mynt, Mercury, Medler, Mewe, Mulbery, Melilote, Mustarde, Mullein, Muscelto. 1Nigella romana, Nettel, Nighteshade, Nepe, (Orege, Orenge, Otes, Oke, Oke of Hierusalem, Onyon, Organ. Prymet, Pomgarnat, Piony, Popy, Papyre, Pyneaple, Pease, Plantaine, Popler, Purcellaine, Plame2 tree, Penirial, Peartree, Palma Christi, Peach tree, Persnepe. Quicken tree. Rasin tree, Rosemary, Ryse, Radice, Rape, Rosa, Raspises, Rue, Rye, Ryshes, Rapions, Ramses, Rampes, Reede, Rocket. Sowthistle, Saynte Iohans grasse, Spourge, Sperage, Slauke, Saffro, Setwall, Saffron wylde, Sene, Sampere, Stoncrop, Strawbery, Syues, Shepherdes bag, Sanicle, Saxifrage, Staues aker, Succory, setwal, Scala celi, Sauine, Sallowe, Sage, Sauery, Satyrion. Twopeny grasse, Thorowwax, Tormentil, Two faces in a hode, Tamariske, Turnepe, Tyme, wylde Tyme, Thorne-tree, Tarragon, Thistle cotton, Trifoly, Tutsan, Tasel wylde. Wormwodde, Wulfes bayne, Venus heire, Veluet floure purple, water lyly, Water betony, Wodbyne, Vinde, Wad, Walwurt, Wey- bent, Walnut, Vine wild, Water rose, waybrade, Whyte roote, Wylowe, Vghe, Verueyne, Violet. Finis, 1 H vj, back. 2 Palme. 90 1 Fautes escaped in the printyng. In Aristolochia ; read Osterluci, for Oster Luci. In Asclepias, reade wurt, for wirt. In Beta, reade Plinie, for Plenie. In Castenea, read Diosbalanos, for Dosbalanos. In Cicerbita, read Hasenkoel, for Sasenkoel. In Circium, read flour for herbe. In Cisthus ladanifera, read Laudan, for London. In Clinopodium, read Rhene, for Rehne. In Dictamnus, reade Trarinella,2 for Tracinella. In Ebulus, reade for Allich, Attich. In Erise, for Frith, Hethes. In Goscipium, for Pylon, Xylon. In Hordium murinum, for Plenie, Plinie. In Irio, for Cersse, Kersse. In Libanotis, reade second degree. In Limonium, read for wintergrowen : wintergrune. In Lolium, read Aera, for Ara. In Marubium, read witen for welen. In Narcissus, reade Plinie, for Plenie. In Papauer, read Mansom, for Mausom. In Ranunculus, read Golland for Galland. In Rapum, reade Rapa, for Rapas. In Serpyllum, reade Erpyllon, for Irpyllo. 3 In Sideritis, reade Gliderant for Glideraut. In Sphondilium, reade Pasteney, for Pateney. In Stechas, reade arabica, for Arabia. In Thalspi4, for Baurenfenfe : reade Baurensenfe. In vitis Syluestris, for Heguine, read Hedguine. 1 H vij. 2 [Traxinella.j 5 H vij, back. * [Thlaspi. ] 91 Imprinted at London by Iohn Day. and Wyllyam Seres, dwel- lynge in Sepulchres Parish at the signe of the Resur- rection a litle aboue Hol- bourne Conduite. Cum gratia & privilegio ad imprimendum solum. 93 The following is a list of tlie English names given by Turner, arranged in alphabetical order, each name being followed by the modern scientific appellation, the Latin heading under which Turner refers to it, and the page of the reprint on which it will be found. Turner’s English Name. Modern Scientific Name. Turner’s Latin Heading. Page in Re- print. Abricok Prunus Armeniaca, L. Malus armeniaca 52 Adders tonge Ophioglossum vulgatum, T Lingua serpentina 85 Affodil, whyte Asphodelus ramosus, L. Albucus 10 Agarike Boletus laricis, Jacq. Agaricus 9 Agnus tree Vitex Agnus-castus, L. Vitex 81 Agrimony Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. Eupatorium 36 Alcakeng Physalis Alkekengi, L. Solanum vesica- rium 75 Alder tree Alnus glutinosa, L. Alnus 10 Alecampane Inula Helenium, L. Inula 44 Alexander Smyrnium Olusatrum, L. Ulus atrum 57 Allelua Oxalis Acetosella, L. Oxys 58 Aller tree Alnus glutinosa, L. Alnus 10 Alman radice Kaphanus sativus, L. Radix 66 Almon tree Amygdalus communis, L. Amygdala 12 Aloe Aloe vulgaris, Lam. ] Aloe 10 Alpeare Camphorosma monope- liacum, L. Ghamepeuce 26 Ambrose Chenopodium Botrys, L. Stachys 76 Amy Am mi majus, L. Ami 12 Anise Anethum graveolens, L. Anethum 13 Anise Pimpinella Anisum, L. Anisum 13 Aple, Balsam Lycopersicum esculen- tum, Mill. Balsamine 82 Apple, Sorb Pyrus domestica, Sm. Sorhus 75 Apple tree Pyrus Malus, L. Malus 51 Arber beanes Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Smilax hortensis 75 Arbnte tree Arbutus Unedo, L. Arbutus 16 Archaungel, red Stachys sylvatica, L. Galeopsis 39 Archichoke Cynara Scolymus, L. Carduus 23 Arssmerte Polygonum Hydro- piper, L. Cratceogonum 31 94 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Ashe of Hierusa- Isatis tinctoria, L. Glastum 40 lem Ashe tree Fraxinus excelsior, L. Fraxinus 38 Asp tree Populus tremula, L. Populus 65 Astolochia, longe Aristolochia longa, L. Aristolochia 15 Astrolochia Aristolochia rotunda, L. Aristolochia 15 Astrologia Polygonum Bistorta, L. Bistorta 83 Auennes Geum urbanum, L. Geum 39 Axfiche Securigera Coronilla, DC. Securidaca 72 Azarabacca Asarum europaeum, L. Asarum 16 Balsam aple Lycopersicum esculen- Balsamine 82 turn, Mill. Banke nettle Barley * } Nepeta Scordotis, L. Scordotis 71 Barley, Byg Barley, duch ) Hordeum vulgare, I.. Hordeum 42 Barley, wal Hordeum murinum, L. Hordeum muri- 43 num Barley, wheate Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum 42 Bastarde saffron Carthamus tinctorius, L. Cnecus 29 Basyl Ocymum basilicum, L. Ocymum 56 Baum gentle 1 Baume j Melissa officinalis, L. A piastrum 14 Baume mynte Mentha sylvestris, L. Sisymbrium 74 Bay tree, Rose Cerium Oleander, L. Nerion 56 Baye tree Laurus nobilis, L. Laurus 47 Beane Faba vulgaris, L. Faba 37 Beane, arber 1 Beane, kydney j Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Smilax lioiiensis 75 Beane tree Anagyris foetida, L. Anagyns 12 Beare Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum 42 Bearfot Helleborus niger, L. Consiligo 30 Bech Fagus sylvatica, L. Fagus 37 Bellragges Nasturtium amphibium, Lauer 47 Br. Belte, sea Laminaria saccharina, Cingulum 27 Lam. Ben Moringa pterygosperma, Balanus myrepsica 18 Gaertn. Bene of Egypt Nelumbium speciosum, L. Stipa tenacissima, L. Colocasia 29 Bent, Frail Bent, Way Spartum herba 76 Hordeum murinum, L. Hordeum muri- 43 num 95 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Berberies Berberis vulgaris, L. Oxyacantha 58 Bete Beta maritima, L. Beta 19 Betes Polygonum Bistorta, L. Bistorta 83 Beton Stachys Betonica, Benth. Betonica 19 Betonie, water Scrophularia aquatica, T Clymenum 29 Betony Stachys Betonica, Benth. Betonica. 19 Betony, Paules Yeronica officinalis, L. Betonica Pauli 19 Birch tree | Birke tree j Betula alba, L. Betula 20 Bitter Fyche Yicia Ervilia, Willd. Eruum 36 Blacke cichlynge Lathy rus Cicera, L. Cicera 27 Blacke Hore- Ballota nigra, L. Ballote 19 hound Blacke lovage Smyrnium Olusatrum, L. Smyrnium 75 Blacke popler Populus tremula, L. Populus 65 Blacke bery bush Eubus fruticosus, L. Rubus 68 Blackewurt Symphytum officinale, L. Symphytum 77 Blete Blitum virgatum, L. Blitum 20 Blewblaw ) Blewbottle j Centaurea Cyanus, L. Cyanus 32 Blew stock gele- Mathiola incana, Br. Viola alba 80 floures Blewe wolfsbane Aconitum Eapellus, L. Aconitum 9 Borage Borrago officinalis, L. Buglossum 21 Boure tree Sambucus nigra, L. Sambucus 69 Boures Mustard Thlaspi arvense, L. Thlaspi 78 Box Buxus sempervirens, L. Buxus 22 Bracon | Brake j Bramble Pteris aquilina, L. Filix 38 Eubus fruticosus, L. Rubus 68 Branke vrsin Acanthus mollis, L. Acanthium 8 Brere, swete Eosa rubiginosa, L. Cynorrhodus 33 Brier tree Eosa canina, L. Rubus canis 68 Brode calfesnoute Antirrhinon 14 Brooklem Yeronica Beccabunga, L; Cepaea 25 Broume Sarothamnus scoparius, Genista 39 Wimm. Broume, frenche Spartium monospermum, T Spartum frutex 76 Broume, prickly -Li. Genista anglica, L. Genistella 85 or Thorn Bryonie Bryonia dioica, L. Bryonia 21 Buchers brome Euscus aculeatus, L. Ruscus 69 Buckeler thorne Paliurus aculeatus, L. Rhamnus 67 96 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. ! Page. Buckwheate, Polygonum Convolvulus, Elatine 35 running Bucrammes L. Allium ursinum, L. Allium 1° Bugle Ajuga reptans, L. Consolida media I 83 Bugle, geagged Ajuga genevensis, L. Verbenaca 79 Buglos, wilde Lycopsis arvensis, L. Anchusa i 12 Bulfote Tussilago Parfara, L. Tussilago | 78 Bur Arctium Lappa, L. Personata 61 Burnet Poterium Sanguisorba, L. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Bipennella Italica 82 Bursa pastoris Bursa pastoris 83 Bush calamint DC. Calamintha officinalis, Calamintha 22 Bush Perewincle Mcench. Clematis altera 28 Bushsage Cistus salvifolius, L. Cisthus 28 Butter bur Petasites vulgaris, Desf. Petasites 61 Byg barley Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum 42 Bynde, sharp Smilax aspera, L. Smilax aspera 75 Bynde corne Polygonum Convolvulus, L- Convolvulus arvensis, Elatine 35 Byndeweede Conuoluulus 30 Byg L., and C. sepium, L. Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum 42 Cabbage lettis Lactuca sativa, L. Lactuca 45 Calamint, bush Calamintha officinalis, L. Calamintha 22 Calamynt Calamintha Acinos, L. Calamintha 22 Calamynt, hore Calamintha officinalis, L. Calamintha 22 Calfe snoute Antirrhinum Orontium, L. Antirrhinon 14 Calfe snoute, • ^ Antirrhinon 14 brode Cammomyle Anthemis nobilis, L. Antlienus 13 Camomyle, Purple Camomyle, Adonis autumnalis, L. Anthenus 14 Anthemis tinctoria, L. Antlienus 14 yealowe 23 Capers Capparis spinosa, L. Capparis Capones tayle Valeriana pyrenaica, L. Phu 62 Cardo benedictus Carduus benedictus, L. Atracti.lis altera 18 Carlock Sinapis arvensis, L. Lampsana 46 Carobbeanes 1 Carobe tree Cercis Siliquastrum, L. Siliqua 73 Carobes I 97 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Carot Daucus Carota, L. Pastinaca 60 Carot, wild Daucus Carota, L. Daucus 34 Carruways Carum Carvi, L. Careum 23 Cartaphilago Gnaphalium sylvaticum, L. Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm. Centunculus 25 Casshes Myrrhis 54 Cattes tayle Typha latifolia, L. Typha 79 Celendijie Chelidonium majus, L. Hir undin aria 42 Centorie Erythraea Centaurium, L. Centaurium 24 Chafewurte Eilago germanica, L. Cartajilago 83 Chafweed Gnaphalium sylvaticum, L. Yitex Agnus-castus, L. Centunculus 25 Chast-tree Vitex 81 Cheiry Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Viola alba 80 Cheries, wynter Physalis Alkekengi, L. Solanum vesica- rium 75 Cheruel Anthriscus Cerefolium, Hoffm. Gingidium 40 Cheruel, corne Scandix Pecten, L. Scandix 71 Cheruel, mocke Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm. Myrrhis 54 Chery tree, longe Cornus Mas, L. Cornus 30 Chesboul Papaver somniferum, L. Papaver 59 Chesnut tree j i T i Castanea 24 Chesnut tree ) Castanea vesca, L. Nux castanea 56 Chike weede Stellaria media, L. Alsine 11 Chiue Allium Schoenoprasum, L. Orobanche Eapum, Thuill. Gethium 39 Chokeweede Orobanche 58 Christes thorne Paliurus aculeatus, L. Rhamnus 67 Cich Cicer arietinum, L. Cicer 27 Ciche, litle, or Lathyrus sativus, L. Cicercula 27 Petie Ciche pease Cicer arietinum, L. Cicer 27 Cichlynge Lathyrus sativus, L. Cicercula 27 Cichlynge, Lathyrus Cicera, L. Cicera 27 blacke Cistsage Cistus salvifolius, L. Cisthus 28 Citterach Ceterach officinarum, Willd. Asplenum 17 Ciuet Allium Schoenoprasum, L. Salvia Sclarea, L. Gethium 39 Clarie Orminum 57 H 98 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. [Page. Clauer, gardine Melilotus coerulea, Lam. Lotus vrbana 49 Clauer, horned Medicago scutellata, L. Xanthiuin Strumarium, L. Lychnis Githago, Lam. Medico, 51 Clotbur Xanthium 81 Cockel Lolium 49 Cockowes meate Oxalis Acetosella, L. Oxys 58 Colander Coriandrum sativum, L. Coriandrum 30 Cole Brassica oleracea, L. Brassica 20 Cole, Sea Brassica oleracea, L. Brassica syluestris 20 Cole, wylde Sinapis arvensis, L. Lampsana 46 Colewurtes Brassica oleracea, L. Brassica 20 Coloquintida Citrullus Colocyntliis, Cucurbita sylues- 32 Comfery Schrad. tris Symphytum officinale, L. Symphytum 77 Commune thyme Coriander Thymus vulgaris, L. Coriandrum sativum, L. Thymus Coriandrum 78 30 Corne cheruel Scandix Pecten, L. Scandix 71 Corne, grasse Phalaris canariensis, L. Phalaris 62 Corne, turkishe Zea Mays, L. Milium indicum 54 Cornemint Calamintha Acinos, Calamintha 22 Clairv. Cornrose, Red Papaver Rhoeas, L. Papaver erraticum 59 Coton Gossypium herbaceum, L. Santolina Chamaecypa- Gossipium 41 Cotton, Lauander Ch amaec yparissus 25 rissus, L. Cotten thistle Onopordum Acanthium, L. Heracleum Sphon- Acanthium 8 Cowpersnepe Sp)hondilium 76 dylium, L. Cowslap ) Cowslip ) Primula veris, L. Verbasculum 1 79 Cranes byl Erodium cicutarium, Geranium 39 L’Her. Crawtees Scilla nutans, Sm. Hyacinthus 43 Cresse Lepidium sativum, L. Nasturtium 55 Cresse, wynter ( Barbarea praecox, Br. Nasturtium officinale, 4 Irio j 44 Cresses, Water <’ Br. 1 Helosciadium nodi- [ Sisymbrium alterum 74 ( fiorum, Koch. Crowe garlike Allium vineale, L. Allium 10 Crowfote Ranunculus bulbosus, L. Ranunculus 67 Crowfote wey- Plantago Coronopus, L. Coronopus 31 breade 99 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Crowtoes Scilla nutans, Sm. Hyacinthus 43 Cuckopintell Arum maculatum, L. Arum 15 Cuckowes meate Oxalis Acetosella, L. Lotus vrbana 49 Cucumer, leaping or wyld Ecbalium Elaterium, A. Rich. Cucumis sylvestris 32 Cucummer Cucumis sativus, L. Cucumis 31 Cudweede Gnaphalium sylvaticum, L. Eilago germanica, L. Centunculus 25 Cudwurt Cartcifilago 83 Cummyn Cuminum Cyminum, L. Cuminum 32 Cut mallowe Malva Alcea, L. Alcea 10 Cynkfoly Potentilla reptans, L. Quinquefoluim 65 Cypres, dwarfe, or heath Lycopodium alpinum, L. Chamaecyparissus 25 Cypresse tree Cupressus sempervirens, T Cupressus 32 Cytrones Citrus medica, L. Malus medica 51 Daffadyl, whyte Narcissus poeticus, L. Narcissus 55 Daffodil, duche Aspliodelus ramosus, L. Albucus 10 Daffodyl, yealowe Narcissus Pseudo-nar- cissus, L. Narcissus 55 Dan de lyon Leontodon Taraxacum, L. Sambucus Ebulus, L. Intubus 44 Danewurt Ebulus 35 Darnel Lolium temulentum, L. Lolium 49 Dasie Beilis perennis, L. Beilis 19 Date tree Phoenix dactylifera, L. Palma 59 Dead nettle Lamia m album, L. Lamium 46 Dichebur Xanthium Strumarium, L. Anethum grayeolens, L. Xanthium 81 Dill Anethum 13 Dittany Origanum Dictamnus, L. Dictamnus 34 Dittany Lepidium latifolium, L. Lepidium 47 Dittany, righte Origanum Dictamnus, L. Dictamnus 34 Docke Rumex (various species). Rumex 69 Docke, Sharp Rumex acutus, L. Rumex 69 Docke, Sour Rumex Acetosa, L. Rumex 69 Docke, Water Rumex Hydrolapathum, T Rumex 69 Docken Jj, Rumex (various species). Rumex 69 Doder Cuscuta europaea, L., and C. Epithymum, L. Cassuthci 24 Dog tree Cornus sanguinea, L. Cornus 30 Dogges Leike Gagea lutea, Ker. Bulbine 21 H 2 100 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. .Page. Dogges onion | r Ornithogalum umbella- tum, L. Euonymus europaeus, L. Ornithigalum 57 Dogleke ) Dogrise Cornus 30 Dogs tonge Cynoglossum officinale, T Cynaglossus 33 Donefote Geranium molle, L. Geranium 1 39 Downiuine Clematis Yitalba, L. Vitis syluestris 81 Dragon Arum Dracunculus, L. Dracunculus ! 34 Duch Barley Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum i 42 Duche daffodil Asphodelus ramosus, L. Albucus j 10 Duche Dyl Meum athamanticum, L. Meum 53 Duckes meate Lemna minor, L. Lens palustris 1 47 Dwarfe cypres Lycopodium alpinum, L. Meum athamanticum, Thlaspi arvense, L. Chamcecyparissus 25 Dyl, duche Meum 53 Dyshmustard Thlaspi 1 78 Earth nute Bunium flexuosum, Apios 1 14 Eglentyne With. Rosa rubiginosa, L. Cynorrhodus 33 Eke Quercus Robur, L. Quercus 66 Eldens Petasites vulgaris, Desf. Petasites ! 61 Elder tree Sambucus nigra, L. Sambucus 69 Elecampane Inula Helenium, L. Inida 44 Elme tree Ulmus campestris, L. Vlmus ! 81 Endyue Cichorium Endivia, L. Intubus 44 Endyue, greene Lactuca Scariola, L. Lactuca 45 Endyue, whyte Cichorium Endivia, L. Intubus 44 Englishe Triacle Teucrium Scordium, L. Camedrys 26 Ernute Bunium flexuosum, Apios j 14 Erthnut, Peas With. Lathyrus macrorrhizus, Astragalus 18 Eruyle, pease Wimm. Latbyrus latifolius, L. Eruilia 36 Esptree, whyte Populus alba, L. Populus 64 Eye bryghte Euphrasia officinalis, L. Eujragia 84 Faselles Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Phasiolus 62 Fenegreeke Trigonella Foenum- Fenum grecum 38 Fenel graecum. Foeniculum vulgare, Feniculum 38 Fenel gyante Gaertn. Ferula communis, L. Ferula 37 IOI English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Fenkel Fceniculum vulgare, Gaertn. Feniculum 38 Fern, Wall Polypodium vulgare, L. Filicula 38 Feme Pteris aquilina, L. Filix 37 Feme, finger Ceterach offieinarum, Willd. Asjplenum 17 Feme, oke or petie Polypodium Dryopteris, L. Dryopteris 35 Feme, Scale Ceterach offieinarum, Willd. Asplenum 17 Festike nuttes Pistacia vera, L. (fruit) Pistacia 63 Feuerfew Pyrethrum Parthenium, Sm. Artliemisia 16 Fenerfew Pyrethrum Parthenium, Sm. Parthenium 60 Fiche Vicia sativa, L. Vicia 80 Fiche, Ax or Securigera Coronilla, DC. Securidaca 72 Hachet Fig tree Ficus Carica, L. Ficus 37 Filip endula Spiraea Filipendula, L. Uenanthe 56 Finger-ferne Ceterach offieinarum, Willd. Asjplenum 17 Firre tree Pinus Abies, L. Abies 7 Firre tree, red Pinus Picea, L. Picea 62 Fistiketree ; the fruit, Fistikes Pistacia vera, L. Pistacia 63 Flax Linum usitatissimum, L. Linum 49 Flax, todes Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Osyris 58 Flebayne Pulicam dysenterica, Gaertn. Coniza 30 Flewurte Plantago Psyllium, L. Psyllium 65 Flouramore Amaranthus tricolor, L., and allied species Amarantus 11 Flourdeluce, Iris Pseudacorus, L. Acorus 9 yelowe Fluellyng Veronica officinalis, L. Veronica 88 Folefote Asarum europseum, L. Convolvulus Soldanella, T Asarum 16 Folfote, sea Brassica marina 20 Foxgloue 1j. Digitalis purpurea, L. Digitalis 84 Frailbente Stipa tenacissima, L. Bjpartum herba 76 Frenche broume Spartium monospermum, T Sjoartum frutex 76 Frenche Leke Ait Allium Porrum, L. Porrum 65 French Mallowe Lavatera Olbia, L. Malua 50 102 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. French Mari- Tagetes indica, L. Viola flammea 80 goulde French Onyon Scilla maritima, L. Sc ilia 71 French spiknarde Valeriana celtica, L. Nardus celtica 55 Frenche worm- wod Artemisia (A. gallica, wmd.?). Absinthium 8 F limit arie Fumaria officinalis, L. Capnos 23 Fyche, bitter Vicia Ervilia, Willd. Ervum 36 Fyg tree Ficus Carica, L. Ficus 37 Fyg tree, Mul- Ficus Sycomorus, L. Ficus VEgyptia 37 berry Fygwurt Ranunculus Ficaria, L. Hirundinaria 42 Fysshers gyrdle Laminaria saccharina, Lam. Cingulum 27 Fyue fyngred Potentilla reptans, L. Quinquefoliwn 66 grasse Gadrise Cornus sanguinea, L. Cornus 30 Gal Myrica Gale, L. Myrtus 55 Galangal Cyperus longus, L. Cyperus 33 Gardine Clauer Meiilotus coerulea, Lam. Lotus vrbana 49 Gardine Succory Cichorium Endivia, L. Intubus 44 Gardine Trifoly Meiilotus coerulea, Lam. Lotus vrbana 49 Garleke Ger- mander Teucrium Scordium, L. Scordium 71 Garlike Allium sativum, L. Allium 10 Garlike, crowe Allium vineale, L. Allium 10 or wylde Geagged bugle Ajuga genevensis, L. Verbenaca 79 Gelefloure Dianthus Caryophyllus, L. Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Cantabrica 22 Gelefloure, wal Viola alba 80 Gelefloure, } whyte stocke > Matliiola incana, Br. Viola alba 80 Geleuoures ) Gelouer, wylde Dianthus Caryophyllus, L. Gentiana lutea, L. Teucrium Chamsedrys, L. Cantabrica 22 Gentiane Gentiana 39 Germander Camedrys 26 Germander, gar- Teucrium Scordium, L. Scordium 71 leke or water Gethsamyne Jasminum officinale, L. Iasme 44 Git, herbe Nigella sativa, L. Git 40 Gladen Iris Pseudacorus, L. Acorus 9 Golland Ranunculus bulbosus, L., and allied species Banunculus 67 103 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Gollande, Lucken Caltha palustris, L. Chcimaleuce 26 Goosebery bush Eibes Grossularia, L. Vua crispa 88 Goosefote Chenopodium murale, L. Pes anserinus 85 Goosehareth Galium Aparine, L. Galium Aparine, L. Aparine 13 Goosgrasse A parine 13 Goosgrase, Sherardia arvensis, L. Alysson Plinii 11 purple Gotes bearde Tragopogon pratensis, L. Barba Hirci 19 Gourde Cucurbita Pepo, L. Cucurbita 32 Grapes, Maye Botrychium Lunaria, L. Lunaria 85 Grapewurt Actaea spicata, L. Christophoriana 84 Grasse corne Plialaris canariensis, L. Plialaris 62 Grasse, great It is not possible to say Gramen 41 what grass is here in- tended Grasse, puddyng Mentha Pulegium, L. Pulegium 66 Gray myle Lithospermum officinale, T Lithospermon 49 Great grasse See Grasse, great. Gramen 41 Greate Hauk- Picris hieracioides, L. Hieracium 42 weede Great Lunari Lunaria biennis, L. Lunaria 85 Great saynt Hypericum quadiangu- Ascyron 17 Johans grasse Great satyrion lum, L. Satyrion 70 Great waybread Plantago major, L. Plantago 63 Greate wylowe Salix alba, L. Salix 70 tree Greene Endyue Lactuca Scariola, L. Lactuca 45 Grene Marke CEnanthe crocata, L. Saxifragia 87 Groser bushe Kibes Grossularia, L. Vua crispa 88 Grounde pyne Ajuga Chamaepitys, L. Chamepitys 26 Groundsel or Senecio vulgaris, L. Senecio 72 Groundswel Grummel Lithospermon 49 Lithospermum officinale, L. Chondrilla juncea, L. Gum Succory Chondrilla 26 Gum thistle Onopordum Acanthium, T Acanthium 8 Gyrdel, sea ) Gy r die, JLi • Laminaria saccharina, Lam. Cingulum 27 fysshers ) Hachet fiche Securigera Coronilla, DC. Securidaca 72 Hand Satyrion Orchis maculata, L. Satyrion 70 104 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Hardewes Cichorium Intybus, L. Intubus 44 Harefote Trifolium arvense, L. Plantago Coronopus, L., Lag opus 46 Hartes home Cornu ceruinum 83 Hartes tonge and other plants. Scolopendrium vulgare, Phyllitis 62 Hasty peche tree Sm. Prunus Armeniaca, L. Malus armeniaca 52 Hasyle tree Corylus Avellana, L. Corylus 31 Hather Cailuna vulgaris, Salisb. ! Erice 35 Hauer Avena sativa, L. Avena 18 Haukweede, Picris hieracioides, L. Hieracium 42 greate Haukeweede, A species of Hieracium, Hieracium 42 lesse Hawthorne tree or some allied plant. Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. Spina alba 76 Heath Tamarix gallica, L. Myrica 54 Heath Cypres Lycopodium alpinum, L. Ch amaecyparissus 25 Hedg vine Clematis Yitalba, L. Vitis syluestris 81 Hemlocke Conium maculatum, L. Cicuta 27 Hemp Cannabis sativa, L. Canabis 22 Hemp tree Yitex Agnus-castus, L. Vitex 81 Hemp, water Eupatorium cannabinum, Eupatorium vul- 84 Henbane L. Hyoscyamus niger, L. gare Altercum 11 Hep tree Posa canina, L. j Rubus canis 1 68 Herbe Git Nigel la sativa, L. Git 40 Herbe grace Ruta graveolens, L. Ruta 69 Herbe lue Plantago Coronopus, L. Coronopus 31 Herbe ij pence Lysimachia Nummularia, T Centimorbia 1 84 Herbe paper Jj. Papyrus antiquorum, L. Papyros 60 Herbe Roberte Geranium Robertianum, L. Ferula communis, L. Sideritis 73 Herbe Sagapene Ferula 37 Herbe Wylowe Lysimachia vulgaris, L. Lysimachia 50 Hertes ease Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Aristolochia rotunda, L. Viola alba 80 Hertworte, round Aristolochia 15 Hertworte, small Aristolochia Clematitis, T Aristolochia 15 Hertworth, long L. Aristolochia longa, L. Aristolochia 15 Heth Cailuna vulgaris, Salisb. Yerbascum Thapsus, L. Erice 35 Higgis taper Verbascum 79 Hirse Panicum miliaceum, L. Milium 54 Hole leke Allium fistulosum, L. ? Cepe 25 Holewurte Corydalis tuberosa, DC. 1 Capnos phragmites 23 io5 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Holly, sea Eryngium maritimum, L. Alcea rosea, L. Eryngium 36 Holyoke Malua 50 Homlocke Conium maculatum, L. Cicuta 27 Honysuccles Lonicera Periclymenum, T Periclymenum 60 Hoppes Humulus Lupulus, L. Lupus salictarius 49 Hore calamynt Calamintha officinalis. Calamintha 22 Horehound Marrubium vulgare, L. Marrubium 51 Horehound, Ballota nigra, L. Ballote 19 blacke or stynkyng Horehound, litle Sideritis syriaca, L. 1 Stachys 77 or strayte Horned clauer Medicago scutellata, L. Medica 51 Horned poppy Glaucium luteum, Scop. Papauer corni- culatum 59 Horse Mynt Mentha hirsuta, L. Sisymbrium 74 Horse Tyme Calamintha Clinopo- dium, Benth. Clinopodium 29 Horsehofe Tussilago Earfara, L. Tussilago 78 Houndes tong Cynoglossum officinale, i Cynaglossus 33 Housleke L. ( Lycopsis 50 Sempervivum tectorum, L. Eryngium maritimum, T Sedum 72 Hulver, sea Eryngium 36 Hyndberies JLi, Rubus Idseus, L. Rubus ideus 68 Hysope Hyssopus officinalis, L. Hissopus 43 Iacke of the hedges Alliaria officinalis, Andrzj. Alliaria 82 lagged Mallowe Alcea rosea, L. Malva 50 Ieneper Juniperus communis, T Iuniperus 45 Indishe peper -Li, Capsicum annuum, L. Piperitis 63 Iuiuba tree ; the Zizyphus Jujuba, Lam. Zizypha 82 fruit Iuiubeis Iuniper Juniperus communis, L. Iuniperus 45 Ive, herbe Plantago Coronopus, L. Coronopus 31 Keele Brassica oleracea, L. Brassica 20 Kerse Lepidium sativum, L. Nasturtium 55 Knotgrasse Polygonum aviculare, L. Polygonum 64 Kydney beane Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Smilax hortensis 75 io 6 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Ladies mantel, Alchemilla vulgaris, L. Alchimilla 82 Our Ladon or Landon Cistus ladaniferus, L. Cistus ladanifera 28 Shrub Lady traces Spirantkes autumnalis, Eich. Satyrion 70 Langdebefe Helminthia echioides, L. Cirsium 28 Larche tree Pin us Larix, L. Larix 46 Larix, Petie Camphorosma monspeli- acum, L. Santolina Chamsecypar- issus, L. Chamepeuce 26 Lauander cotten Cliamaecyparissus 25 Lauender Lavandula vera, DC. Stechas 77 Lauender gentle Lavandula Stcechas, L. Stechas 77 Laurel, rose Neriurn Oleander, L. Nerion ! 56 Laurel, Tonge Euscus Hippoglossum, T Hippoglossum 42 Laurel tree Laurus nobilis, L. Laurus I 47 Lauriel Daphne Laureola, L. Daphnoides ! 33 Laus tibi, whyte Narcissus poeticus, L. Narcissus 55 Leapyng cucumer Ecbalium Elaterium, A. Eich. Cucumis syluestris 31 Leike, dogges Gagea lutea, Ker. Bulbine 1 21 Leke Allium Porrum, L. Ornithogaluni umbella- tum, L. Poi'rum 65 Leke, dog Ornitliigalum 57 Leke, frenche Allium Porrum, L. Porrum 65 Leke, Hole Allium fistulosum, L. ? Cepe 25 Lentilles, water Lemna minor, L. Lens palustris 47 Lentil Ervum Lens, L. Lens 47 Lesse Hauke- See Haukeweede, lesse. ) Hieracium 42 weede Lettis Lettis, Cabbage > Lactuca sativa, L. Lactuca 45 Lettis, spredynge j Libardbayne Paris quadrifolia, L. Aconitum 8 Licores, mocke Galega officinalis, L. Regalicum 86 Lilies, May Convallaria majalis, L. Ephemerum 35 Lily Lilium candidum, L. Lilium 48 Limones Citrus Limonium, L. Malus medica 51 Ling Calluna vulgaris, Salisb. Price 35 Lint-spourge Euphorbia Esula, L. Pityusa 63 Litle ciche Lathy r us sativus, L. Cicercula 27 Litle Horehounde Sideritis syriaca, L. 1 Stachys 77 Litle Lunary Botrychium Lunaria, L. i Lunaria 85 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Litle Mouseare Antennaria dioica, Gaertn. ? Pilosella 86 Litle Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris, L. Artliemisia 16 Litle spourge Euphorbia Esula, L. Pityusa 63 Litle stoncroppe Sedum acre, L. Sedum 72 Liuerwurte Marchantia polymorpha, L. Aristolochia longa, L. Lichen 48 Longe Astolochia Aristolochia 15 Longe chery tree Cornus Mas, L. Cornus 30 Longe Hertworth Aristolochia longa, L. Aristolochia 15 Longe peasen Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Phasiolus 62 Longe Rape Brassica Napus, L. Napus 55 Longe wurt Verbascum Thapsus, L. Verbascum 79 Loosstryfe, red Lythrum Salicaria, L. Lysimacliia 50 Lorel Daphne Laureola, L. Daplinoides 33 Losestryfe, purple Lythrum Salicaria, L. Lysimacliia 50 Lote tree Celtis australis, L. Celtis 24 Lote, wylde Melilotus officinalis, Willd. Lotus syluestris 49 Louage Levisticum officinale, Koch. Leuisticum 85 Louage, blacke Smyrnium Olusatrum, L. Smyrnium 75 Louage, Lum- Laserpitium Siler, L. Ligusticum 48 bardy Loury Daphne Laureola, L. Dajplmoides 33 Lousstryfe, Lysimacliia vulgaris, L. Lysimachia 50 yealowe Lucken gollande Caltha palustris, L. Chameleuce 26 Lumbar dy Laserpitium Siler, L. Ligusticum 48 Louage Lumbardy Meli- Melilotus italica, Lam. 1 Sertula campana 72 lote Lumberdy Petroselinum 61 parsely Lunari, great Lunaria biennis, L. Lunaria 85 Lunary, little Botrychium Lunaria, L. Lunaria 85 Lycores Glycyrrhiza glabra, L. Glycyrrhiza 40 Lyght wheate Triticum sativum, L. var. hybernum. Siligo 73 Lynary Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Osyris 58 Lyne Linum usitatissimum, L. Linum 49 Lyng Tamarix gallica, L. Myrica, 54 Lynte Linum usitatissimum, L. Linum 49 Madder Rubia tinctorum, L. Rubia 68 io8 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Madder, wilde Rubia peregrina, L. Rubia 68 Maidens heir Adiantum Capillus- Adiantum 9 Mallo ( Mallowe ) Veneris, L. Malva sylvestris, L. Malva 50 Mallowe, cut Malva Alcea, L. Alcea 10 Mallowe, french Lavatera Olbia, L. Malua 50 Mallowe, jagged Alcea rosea, L. Malua 50 Mallowe, marish or marrishe, or mershe t Althaea officinalis, L. j Althea Malua 11 50 Mallowe, Veruen Malvea Alcea, L. Alcea 10 Mallowe, water Althaea officinalis, L. Althea 11 Mallowe, wylde Malva sylvestris, L. Malua 50 Mandrage Mandragora officinarum, L. Prunella vulgaris, L. Mandragoras 51 Margerum, Symphytum 77 vnsauery Marigoulde, frpTl oil Tagetes indica, L. Viola jlammea 80 Marish mallowe Althaea officinalis, L. Althea 11 Marke, grene GEnanthe crocata, L. Saxifragia 87 Marrishe mal- Althaea officinalis, L. Malva 50 lowe Martagon Listera ovata, Br. Martagon 85 Marygolde Calendula officinalis, L. Caltha 22 Masterwurt Peucedanum Ostru- Petroselinum 61 thium, Koch. Mastike tree Pistacia Lentiscus, L. Lentiscus 47 Matfellon Centaurea Scabiosa, L. Scabiosa 87 Mathes, red Adonis autumnalis, L. Anthenus 14 Maudlene Achillea Ageratum, L. Eupatorium 37 May Lilies Convallaria majalis, L. Ephemerum 35 Maydens heire Galium verum, L. Adonis autumnalis, L. Galion 38 Mayde wed, red Anthenus 14 Maydweede, Anthemis Cotula, L. Parthenium 60 stynkynge Maye Grapes Botrychium Lunaria, L. Lunaria 85 Medler tree Melilote Mespilus germanica, L. ) Mespilus 53 Melilote, Lum- > Melilotus italica, Sertula campana 72 ber dy or right ) Lam. 1 Melilote, whyte Melilotus alba, Lam. Melfrugum 52 Melilote Melilotus officinalis, L. Lotus syluestris 49 Mercury Mercurialis perennis, L. Mercurialis 53 109 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Mergerum, wylde Origanum vulgare, L. Origanum 57 Mershe mallowe Althaea officinalis, L. AliJiea 11 Mewe Meum athamanticum, L. Meum 53 Millet Panicum niiliaceum, L. Milium 54 Millet, turkish Zea Mays, L. Milium 54 Mint, corne Calamintha Acinos, Calamintha 22 Clairv. Misceldin or Yiscum album, L. Viscum 80 Miscelto Mocke licores Galega officinalis, L. Regalicum 86 Mo eke saffron Carthamus tinctorius, L. Cnecus 29 Mockecheruel Anthriscus sylvestris, Myrrhis 54 Hoffin. Monkes conle Aconitum Napellus, L. Aconitum 9 Morbery Morus nigra, L. Aconitum 9 Morel, pety Solanum nigrum, L, Solanum hortense 75 Mosse, sea [A Zoophyte] Bryon thalassion 21 Motherwnrt Leonurus Cardiaca, L. Anemone Hepatica, L. Lycopus 50 Mount-trifoly Trinitaria 87 Mouse tayle Sedum acre, L. Sedum 72 Mouseare Hieracium Pilosella, L. Pilosella 86 Mouseare, litle, or purple Mouseare, yea- Antennaria dioica, L. % Pilosella 86 Hieracium Pilosella, L. Pilosella 86 lowe Mugwort, litle, or Artemisia Absinthium, Arthemisia 16 Mugworte L. Mugworte, sea Artemisia maritima, L. Arthemisia 16 Mullen Yerbascum Thapsus, L. Verbascum 79 Mulbery tree Morus nigra, L. Morus 54 Mulbery fyg tree Ficus Sycomorus, L. Ficus Aegyptia 37 Mustard, Boures, Thlaspi arvense, L. Thlaspi 78 dysh, or triacle Mustarde Sinapis nigra, L. Sinapi 74 Mynte Mentha viridis, L. Mentha 52 Mynte, baume Mentha sylvestris, L. Sisymbrium 74 Mynte, horse, or vpd Mentha hirsuta, L. Sisymbrium 74 JL CU Mynte, water Mentha sylvestris, L. Sisymbrium 74 Mynte, wylde Mentha rotundifolia, L. Menthastrum 53 Myrtle or myrt tree Myrtus communis, L. Myrtus 54 Naued, Nauet, or Brassica Napus, L. 1 Napus 55 Nauet gentle 1 10 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Nedle, pinke Erodium cicutarium, Geranium 39 L’Her. Nenufar, Petie Caltha palustris, L. Cliameleuce 26 Nepe Nepeta Cataria, L. Calamintha 22 Neppe, wylde Bryonia dioica, L. Bryonia 21 Nesewurt, or Veratrum album, L. Veratrum 79 whyte Nese- wurt Nettel tree Celtis australis, L. Celtis 24 Nettle Urtica dioica, L. Vrtica 81 Nettle, banke Nepeta Scordotis, L. Scordotis 71 Nettle, dead or Lamiuin album, L. Lamium 46 whyte Newe chappel Orobanche Rapum, Orobanclie 58 flourc Thuill. Nigella romana Nigella sativa, L. Git 40 Nisewurt, blacke Heileborus foetidus, L. Veratrum 80 Nut, Festike Pistacia vera, L. Pistacia 63 Nute, earth Bunium Hexuosum, A})ios 14 With. Nyghtshade Solanum nigrum, L. Solanum liortense 75 Ode Isatis tinctoria, L. Glastum 40 Oke Quercus Robur, L. Quercus 65 Oke of Hier- Chenopodium Botrys, L. Botrys 20 usalem Okeferne Polvpodium Dryopteris, L. Nerium Oleander, L. Dryopteris 35 Oleander Nerion 56 Olyue tree Olea europaea, L. Olea 56 One bery Paris quadrifolia, L. Aconitum 8 Cnion, dogges Ornkhogalum umbella- Or nit hig alum 57 tum, L. Onion, sea ) Onyon, french i Scilla maritima, L. Scilla 71 Onyon, Wynter Allium Cepa, L. Cepe 25 Open ars tree Mespilus germanica, L. Mespilus 53 Opier Viburnum Opulus, L. Opulus 57 Orchanet Lycopsis arvensis, L. Ancliusa 12 Orech ) Atriplex hortensis, L., \ Atriplex 18 Orege ) and allied species. ) Or eng e tree Citrus Aurantium, L. Malus medica 51 Organ Origanum vulgare, L. Origanum 57 Osterluci, round Aristolochia rotunda, L. Aristolochia 15 Osyer tree Salix viminalis, L. Salix 70 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Ote thistle Onopordum Acanthium, L. Avena sativa, L. Acanthium 8 Otes Avena 18 Our Ladies mantel Alchemilla vulgaris, L. Alchimilla 82 Oxeye Anacy clus rad iatus, Lois. Buthamus 22 Oyle seede Sesamum orientale, L. Sesamum 73 Pacience Kumex Patientia, L. Rumex 69 Pagle Primula veris, L. Verbasculum 79 Palma Christi Picinus Palma-Christi, L. Phalaris canariensis, L. Ricinus 68 Panicke, petie Phalaris 61 Panike Panicum italicum, L. Panicum 59 Panses Viola tricolor, L. Trinitaria 87 Paper, Herbe or Papyrus antiquorum, L. Papyros 60 water Parietorie of the Parietaria officinalis, L. Helxine 41 wal Parsely, Lum- berdy Paules Betony Petroselinum 61 Veronica officinalis, L. Betonica Pauli 19 Peare tree Pyrus communis, L. Pyrus 65 Pease, a Pisum sativum, L. Pisum 63 Pease, ciche Cicer arietinum, L. Cicer 27 Pease, eruyle Lathy rus latifolius, L. Emilia 35 Peasen, longe Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Phasiolus 62 Peaserthnut Lathyrus macrorrhizus, Astragalus 18 Peche tree Wimm. Amygdalus persica, L. Malus Persica 52 Peche tree, hasty Prunus Armeniaca, L. Malus armeniaca 52 Pelletorie of the Parietaria officinalis, L. Helxine 41 wal Penyryal Mentha Pulegium, L. Pulegium 65 Peny ryal, Wodde Veronica officinalis, L. Betonica Pauli 19 Peony Pseonia officinalis, L. Peonia 59 Peper, indishe Capsicum annuum, L. Piperitis 63 Perewincle Vinca minor, L. Clematis daph- 28 Perewincle, bush noides Clematis altera 28 Perseley Petroselinum sativum, L. Apium 15 Perseley, Pose Anemone hortensis, L. Anemone 13 Perseley, square Bunium Bulbocastanum, L. Sison Amomum, L. Bunium 22 Perseley, wylde Sison 74 Persely, stone Petroselinum 61 12 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. |page. Persnepe Pastinaca sativa, L. Sisaron 74 Persnepe, Cow or rough Heracleum Sphondylium, L. Sphondilium 76 Petie ciche Lathyrus sativus, L. Poly podium Dryopteris, L. Camphorosma monspeli- acum, L. Cicercula 27 Petie feme Dryopteris 35 Petie Larix Chamepeuce 26 Petie nenufar Caltha palustris, L. Cliameleuce 26 Petie panicke Phalaris canariensis, L. Phalaris 61 Petigrue Ruscus aculeatus, L. Ruscus 69 Pety morel Solanum nigrum, L. Solanum hortense 75 Pillitorie of Peucedanum Ostru- J Laserpitium galli- 46 Spayne thium, Koch. | CUT)}/ Petroselinum 61 Pimpinel Pimpinella Saxifraga, L. Bipennula ger- manica 83 Pinke nedle Erodium cicutarium, L’Her. Geranium 39 Pipriges Berberis vulgaris, L. Oxyacantha 58 Plantaine Plantago major, L. Plantago 63 Plantayne, Pond Potamogeton, probably Potamogeton 65 or swymmynge P. natans, L. Playne tree Platanus orientalis, L. Platanus 64 Plum tree Prunus domestica, L. Prunus 65 Polipodium Polypodium vulgare, L. Filicula 38 Poly Teucrium Polium, L. Polium 64 Pomgranat tree Punica Granatum, L. Potamogeton, probably P. natans, L. Malus punica 52 Pond plantayne Potamogeton 65 Pontike-worm- wod Artemisia Absinthium, L. Absinthium 7 Popler ) Popler, blacke ] Populus tremula, L. Populus 65 Popler, whyte Populus alba, L. Populus 64 Poppy Papaver somniferum, L. Papauer 59 Poppy, horned Glaucium luteum, Scop. Papauer comi- culatum 59 Poppy, yealow Glaucium luteum, Scop. Papauer corni- culatum 59 Popy, wyld Papaver Rhoeas, L. Papauer err aticum 59 Prickwylowe Hippophiie rharn- noides, L. Halimus 41 Prickly broume Genista anglica, L. Genistella 85 Pricky Sperage Asparagus acutifolius, L. Asparagus 17 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Priestes crowne Leontodon Taraxacum, L. Ligustrum vulgare, L. Intubus 44 Prim print Ligustrum 48 Primrose Primula vulgaris, L. Verbasculum 79 Priuet Ligustrum vulgare, L. Ligustrum. 48 Pryckewynde Smilax aspera, L. Smilax aspera 75 Puddyng grasse Mentha Pulegium, L. Pulegium 66 Pnrcellaine Portulaca oleracea, L. Portulaca 65 Purcellayne, Sea Atriplex portulacoides, T Cepaea 25 Purple camomyle Adonis autumnalis, L. Anthenus 14 Purple goosgrase Sherardia arvensis, L. Alysson Plinii 11 Purple Mouseare Antennaria dioica, L. h Pilosella 86 Purple losestryfe Lythrum Salicaria, L. Lysimachia 50 Purple stock- Mathiola incana, Br. Viola alba 80 gelefloures Purple veluet Amaranthus tricolor, L., Amarantus 11 floure and allied species. Pympernel Anagallis arvensis, L. Anagallis 12 Pyne, grounde Ajuga Chamaepitys, L. Chamepitys 26 Pyne tree Pinus sylvestris, L. Pinus 62 Pyony Paeonia officinalis, L. Peonia 59 Quicken tree ) f Sorbus 75 Quik tree ) Pyrus Aucuparia, L. ^ Myrica 54 Quince tree Cydonia vulgaris, Pers. Malus Cotonea 51 Radice, or A Radishe ( Radice, alman 1 Raphanus sativus, L. Radix 66 or rape j Radish, wyld Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. 1 Allium ursinum, L. Armoracia 15 Rammes Allium 10 Rampe Arum maculatum, L. Arum 16 Ramsey Allium ursinum, L. Allium 10 Rape Brassica Rapa, L. Rapum 67 Rape, longe Brassica Napus, L. Napus 55 Rape radice Raphanus sativus, L. Radix 66 Rape violet Cyclamen europaeum, L. Cyclaminus 33 Rashe Various species of Scirpus 71 Juncus Rasin tree Ribes rubrum, L. Rliibes 86 Raspeses Rubus Idaeus, L. Rubus ideus 68 Red Archaungel Stachys sylvatica, L. G-aleopsis 39 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Red firre tree Pinus Picea, L. Picea 62 Red loosstryfe Red mathes ) Lythrum Salicaria, L. Lysimacliia 50 Red mayde wed i Adonis autumnalis, L. Anthenus 14 Red mynte Mentha hirsuta, L. Sisymbrium 74 Redco Armoracia rusticana, Thlaspi 78 Rupp. Redcornrose Papaver Rhoeas, L. Papauer erraticum 59 Reed Arundo Phragmites, L. Arundo 16 Reedmace Typha latifolia, L. Typlia 79 Right melilote Melilotus italica, L. ? Origanum Dictamn us, L. Sertula campana 72 Righte dittany Dictamnus 34 ( Spartina stricta, Roth. Spar turn herba 76 Rishe { Various species of Scirpus 71 \ Juncus Rocket water Nasturtium officinale, Br. Sisymbrium 74 cresses Rocket, wound Barbarea vulgaris, L. Barbare herba 82 Rokket Eruca sativa, L. Eruca 35 Rose Various species of Rosa Rosa 68 Rose bay tree ) Rose laurel j Nerium Oleander, L. Nerion 56 Rose perseley Anemone hortensis, L. Anemone 13 Rose, water j Nymphsea alba, L. ) Nuphar lutea, Sm. ) Nymphea ■ 56 Rosecampi Lychnis Coronaria, L. Verbasculum 79 Rosmary Rosmarinus officinalis, L. Libanotis 48 Rose of hierico Anastatica hierochun- Amomum 12 tica, L. Rough Persnepe Heracleum Sphondy- Sphondilium 76 lium, L. Rough Trifoly Trifolium arvense, L. Lagopus 46 Rountree Pyrus Aucuparia, L. Sorbus 75 Round hertworte ) Aristolochia rotunda, Aristolochia 15 Round Osterluci j L. Rue Rnta graveolens, L. Ruta 69 Rue, Stone, or wai Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Polygonum Convolvulus, Saluia vita 86 Running Buck- Elatine 35 wheate L. Runnyng tyme Thymus vulgaris, L. Serpyllum 72 Rupontike Centaurea Rhapontica, L. Centaurium 24 Rybgrasse ( Rybwurte ) Plantago lanceolata, L. Plantago 63 Rye Secale cereale, L. Secale 71 English Name. Scientific Name.- Latin Heading. 1 Page. Ryse Oryza sativa, L. Oryza 58 Ryshe Succory Chondrilla juncea, L. Chondrilla 26 Safforne ) Saffron j Crocus sativus, L. Crocus 31 Saffron, Bastard, Carthamus tinctorius, L. Cnecus 29 or mocke Saffron, wylde Colchicum autumnale, L. Ferula communis, L. Cholchicum 29 Sagapene, herbe Ferula 37 Sage Salvia officinalis, L. Saluia 70 Sage, Bush, or Cistus salvifolius, L. Cisthus 28 Cist Sage, Stoni, or Sideritis 73 Wal Sage of Hier- Phlomis fruticosa, L. Bacchar 18 usalem Saint Johans grasse Hypericum perforatum, L. Ascyron 17 Salowe tree Various species of Salix Salix 69 Sampere Crithmum maritimum, L. Sanicula europsea, L. Crithmus 31 Sanicle Sanicula 86 Satyrion A name for Orchids in general Satyrion 70 Satyrion, great Satyrion 70 Satyrion, hand Orchis maculata, L. Satyrion 71 Satyrion, whyte Satyrion 70 Satyrion Ryal Orchis maculata, L. Satyrion 70 Sauce alone Alliaria officinalis, Andrzj. Alliaria 82 Saueray, or Satureia hortensis, L. Satureia 70 Sauery Sauge Salvia officinalis, L. Saluia 70 Saugh tree Various Species of Salix Salix 70 Sauyne Juniperus Sabina, L. Sabina 69 Saxifrage Silaus pratensis, Bess Saxifragia 87 Saynt Iohans > grasse, or f Saynt Iohans ( Hypericum perforatum, L. Hypericon 43 wurte ) Saynt Iohans grasse, Square Hypericum quadrangu- lum, L. Ascyron 17 or great Scabious Centaurea Scabiosa, L. Scabiosa 87 6 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Scala celi Polygonatum multi- Polygonatum 64 florum, All. Scaleferne ] Ceterach officinarum, Asplenum 17 Wind. Scalion Allium ascalonicum, L. Cepe 25 Scorpiones tayle Heliotropium europseum, T Heliotropium 41 Sea belte, or Sea Laminaria saccharina, Cingulum 27 gyrdel Lam. Sea Holly, or Sea Eryngium maritimum, L. Eryngium 36 Hulver Sea mosse fA Zoophyte] Bryon tlialassion 21 Sea Mugworte Artemisia maritima, L. Scilla maritima, L. Artliemisia 16 Sea onion Scilla 71 Sea Purcellayne Atriplex portulacoides, L. Astragalus Glaux, L. Cepaea 25 Sea Trifoly Glaux 40 Sea wartwurt Euphorbia Peplis, L. Peplis 60 Sea wormwod Artemisia maritima, L. A bsinthium 8 Sea wyllowe Hippophae rhamnoides, L. Brassica oleracea, L. Halimus 41 Sea cole Brassica syluestris 20 Seafolfote Convolvulus Soldanella, L. Various species of Carex Brassica marina 20 Sege Carex 23 Selendine Chelidonium majus, L. Hirundinaria 42 Sene Colutea arborea, L. Pyrus torminalis, Sm. Colutea 29 Seruice tree Sorbus 75 Sesame Sesamum orientale, L. Sesama 73 Setwal Valeriana pyrenaica, L. Phu 62 Shabub Lunaria biennis, L. Lunaria 85 Sharpdocke Pumex acutus, L. Rumex 69 Sharpbynde Smilax aspera, L. Smilax aspera 75 Shauegrasse, i Hippuris vulgaris, L. j Polygonum 64 short, or thycke ( Equisetum arvense, L. Shearegrasse A Carex : or perhaps Carex 23 Cladium Mariscus, L. Shepherdes bag, Capsella Bursa-pastoris Bursa pastoris 83 or purse Short shaue ( grasse ( Hippuris vulgaris, L. ) Equisetum arvense, L. ) Polygonum 64 Siler montayne Ammi Visnaga, Lam. Saponaria officinalis, L. Seseli massiliense 73 Skowrwurt Radicula 66 Skyrwit, or Sium Sisarum, L. Sisaron 74 Skyrwort English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Slauke Ulva latissima, L. Bryon thalctssion 21 Sle tree, or Slo Prunus spinosa, L. Prunus 65 tree Smallage Apium palustre, L. Elioselinum 35 Small Hertworte Aristolochia Clematitis, L. Medicago scutellata, L. Aristolochia 15 Snail Trifoly Medica 51 Sopewurt Saponaria officinalis, L. Radicula 66 Sorel Kumex Acetosa, L. Rumex 69 Sorel, wod Oxalis Acetosella, L. Oxys 58 Sorb Appel, or Pyrus domestica, Sm. Sorbus 75 Sorb tree Sothernwood Artemisia Abrotanum, L. Abrotonum 7 Sourdocke Bumex Acetosa, L. Rumex 69 Sow thistle Sonchus oleraceus, L. \ Cicerbita 27 Speknel Meum athamanticum, L. Meum 53 Sperage Asparagus officinalis, L. Asparagus 17 Sperage, pricky Asparagus acutifolius, L. Asparagus 17 Spergrasse, or Kanunculus Flammula, Flamula 84 Sperewurte Spiknarde, french L. Valeriana celtica, L. Nardus celtica 55 Sponrge Euphorbia Lathyris, L. Lathyris 46 Spourge Euphorbia Esula, L. Pityusa 63 Sponrge gyant Euphorbia palustris, L. Pityusa 63 Spourge lint or Euphorbia Esula, L. Pityusa 63 litle Spourge tyme Euphorbia Peplus, L. Peplum 60 Spurge Euphorbia Lathyris, L. Lathyris 46 Spredynge Lettis Lactuca sativa, L. Nardostachys Jatamansi, Lactuca 45 Spyknarde Nardus 55 Spyndle tree DC. Euonymus europteus, L. Buniurn Bulbocastanum, L. Euonymus europseus, L. Euonymos 36 Square perseley Buniurn 22 Square tree Euonymos 36 Square saint Hypericum quadran- Ascyron 17 Johans grasse Squinant gulum, L. Andropogon Schoenan- J uncus odoratus 45 Staues aker thus, L. Delphinium Staphis- St aphis agria 77 Stichas agria, L. Lavandula Stcechas, L. Stechas 77 Stichwurt Stellaria Holostea, L. Gramen 41 Stocke gelefloure Mathiola incana, Br. Viola alba 80 Stoncroppe Sedum reflexum, L. Sedum 72 1 1 8 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Stoncroppe, litle Sedum acre, L. Sedum 72 Stonebreake, time Saxifragia 87 Stone persely Petroselinum 61 Stone Rue Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Saluia vita 86 Stonisage Sideritis 73 Strawbery tree Arbutus Unedo, L. Arbutus 16 Strawbery Strawbery leafe | Fragaria vesca, L. Fragrana 38 Strayte hore- Sideritis syriaca, L. 1 Stachys 77 hound Stynkyng Hore- Ballota nigra, L. Ballote 11 Stynkynge mayd- Anthemis Cotula, L. Parthenium 60 weede Stynkynge trifoly Anagyris foetida, L. Anagyris 12 Succory Cichorium Intybus, L. Intubus 44 Succory, gardine Cichorium Endivia, L. Intubus 44 Succory, gum Chondrilla juncea, L. Chondrilla 26 or Ryshe Succory, yealowe Picris liieracioides, L. Hieracium 42 Sumache Rhus Coriaria, L. Rhus 67 Swallowurt Vincetoxicum officinale, Asclepias 17 Moench. Swete brere Rosa rubiginosa, L. Cynorrhodus 33 Swymmynge plantayne Swyne grasse Potamogeton natans, L. Potamogeton 65 Polygonum aviculare, L. Polygonum 64 Syndow Alchemilla vulgaris, L. Alchimilla 82 Syngrene Sempervivum tectorum, L. Allium Schoenoprasum, L. Tamarindus indica, L. Sedum 72 Syue Gethium 39 Tamarinde Oxyphenix 58 Tamarik Tamarix gallica, L. Myrica 54 Tansey Tanacetum vulgare, L. Arthemisia 16 Tansey, wylde Potentilla Anserina, L. Portentilla 86 Tarragon Artemisia Dracunculus, L. Dipsacus sylvestris, L. Tar chon 77 Tasel, wilde Dipsacos 34 Thapsene, or Thapsia villosa, L. Thapsia 78 Thapsia Thistle, cotten, Onopordum Acanthium, Acanthium 8 gum, or ote L. Thorn-broume Genista anglica, L. Genistella 85 19 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Thorne, bnckeler Paliurus aculeatus, L. Rliamnus 67 or Christe’s Thorne, Whyte Spina alba 76 Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. Bupleurum rotundi- Thorowwax Perfoliata 85 folium, L. Thryft Sedum reflexum, L. Sedum 72 Thycke shaue- ( grasse ( Hippuris vulgaris, L. ) Equisetum arvense, L. ) Polygonum 64 Thyme Thyme, commune | Thymus Serpyllum, L. Thymus 78 Thyme, Venetian Thymus cephalotos, L. 1 Thymus 78 Ticke sede Ricinus Palma-Christi, L. Ricinus 68 Time stonebreake Saxifragia 87* Todes flax Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Osyris 58 Tonge laurel Ruscus Hippoglossum, T Hippoglossum 42 Tormentil, or Potentilla Tormentilla, Tormentilla 87 Tormerik Totsan Nestl. Hypericum Androsae- mum, L. Spiranthes autumnalis, Androsaemon 13 Traces, Lady Satyrion 70 Rich. Tre trifoly Cytisus hirsutus, L. Teucrium Scordium, L. Cytisus 33 Triacle, English Camedrys 26 Triacle Mustard Thlaspi arvense, L. Thlaspi 78 Trifoly, gardine Melilotus coerulea, Lam. Lotus vrbana 49 Trifoly, mount Anemone Hepatica, L. Trinit aria 87 Trifoly, rough Trifolium arvense, L. Lagopus 46 Trifoly, sea Astragalus Glaux, L. Glaux 40 Trifoly, snail Medicago scutellata, L. Medica 51 Trifoly, stynk- Anagyris foetida, L. Anagyris 12 ynge Trifoly, tre Cytisus hirsutus, L. Cytisus 33 Turkishe corne, Zea Mays, L. Milium indicum 54 or millet Turnepe Brassica Napus, L. Napus 55 Two faces in a Viola tricolor, L. Trinitaria 87 hoode Two penigrasse Lysimachia Hummularia, L. Calamintba Clinopo- Centimorbia 84 Tyme, Horse Clinopodium 29 dium, Benth. Tyme, runnyng Thymus vulgaris, L. Serpyllum 72 20 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Tyme, spourge Euphorbia Peplus, L. Peplum 60 Tyme, wylde Thymus Sepyllum, L. Serpyllum 72 Valerian Polemonium coeruleum, L. Valeriana officinalis, L. Phu 62 Valerian, wylde Phu 62 Veluet floure Tagetes indica, L. Viola flammea 80 Velnet floure, purple Amaranthus tricolor, L., and allied species Amarantus 11 Venetian thyme Thymus cephalotos, L. 1 Thymus 78 Venus heir Adiantum Capillus- Veneris, L. Adiantum 9 Veruen mallowe Malva Alcea, L. Alcea 10 Vghe Taxus baccata, L. Myrica 54 Vghe tree Taxus baccata, L. Taxus 77 Vine, wild Vitis Labrusca, L. Labrusca 45 Violet Viola odorata, L. Viola nigra 80 Violet, rape Cyclamen europseum, L. Cyclaminus 33 Vnsauery Marge- Prunella vulgaris, L. Symphytum 77 rum Vrsin, Branke Acanthus mollis, L. Acantliium 8 Vyne Vitis vinifera, L. Vitis vinifera 81 Wad Isatis tinctoria, L. Arum maculatum, L. Glastum 40 Wake Robin Arum 15 Wal Barley Hordeum murinum, L. Hordeum muri- num 42 Wal gelefloure Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Viola alba 80 Wal Rue Asplenium Ruta-muraria, L. Polypodium vulgare, L. Saluia vita 86 Walferne Filicula 38 Walnut tree Juglans regia, L. Juglans 45 Walsage Sideritis 73 Walwurt Sambucus Ebulus, L. Ebulus 35 Wartwort Euphorbia Helioscopia, T Peplis 60 Wartwurt, sea J-J. Euphorbia Peplis, L. Pepjlis 60 Water Betonie Scrophularia aquatica, L. Nasturtium officinale, Br. Clymenum 1 29 Water cresses j Helosciadium nodi- florum, Koch. Nasturtium officinale, Br. j Sisymbrium 74 Water cresses, Sisymbrium 74 Rocket Watercresses, yealowe Nasturtium amphibium, Br. Lauer 47 12 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Water Ger- Teucrium Scordium, L. Scordium 71 mander Water Hemp Eu patorium cannabinum, Eupatorium vul- 84 L. gare Water Lentilles Lenina minor, L. Lens palustris 47 Water mallowe Althaea officinalis, L. Althea 11 Water mynte Mentha sylvestris, L. Sisymbrium 74 Water paper Papyros antiquorum, L. Papyros 60 Water Rose j Nymphaea alba, L. ) \ Nuphar lutea, Sm. ) Nymphea 56 Water docke Rumex acutus, L. Rumex 69 Way bent Hordeum murinum, L. Hordeum muri- 42 num Waybread Waybread, great | Plantago major, L. Plantago 63 Weybreade, Plantago Coronopus, L. Coronopus 31 crowfote Wheate barley Hordeum vulgare, L. Hordeum 43 Wheate, lyght Triticum sativum, L., Siligo 73 var. hybernum Wheate of turkey Zea Mays, L. Milium 54 White wurte Polygonatum multiflo- Polygonatum 64 rum, All. Whyne Ononis arvensis, L. Anonis 73 Whyte affodil Asphodelus ramosus, L. Alhucus 10 Whyte daffadyl Narcissus poeticus, L. Narcissus 55 Whyte Endyue Cichorium Endivia, L. Intubus 44 Whyte Esptree Populus alba, L. Populus 64 Whyte Laus tibi Narcissus poeticus, L. Narcissus 55 Whyte melilote Melilotus alba, Lam. Melfrugum 52 Whyte Nesewurt Yeratrum album, L. Veratrum 79 Whyte nettle Lamium album, L. Lamium 46 Whyte Popler Populus alba, L. Populus 64 Whyte satyrion Satyrion 70 Whyte stocke Mathiola incana, Br. Viola alba 80 gelefloure Whyte thorne Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. Spina alba 76 Wich tree Ulmus montana, With. Vlmus 81 Wild carot Daucus Carota, L. Daucus 34 Wild vine Yitis Labrusca, L. Labrusca 45 Wilde Buglos Lycopsis arvensis, L. Anchusa 12 Wilde Tasel Dipsacus sylvestris, L. Dipsacos 34 Wod bynde Lonicera Periclymenum, L. | Oxalis Acetosella, L. Periclymenum 60 Wod sorel Oxys 58 22 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Wodde Peny ryal Veronica officinalis, L. Betonica Pauli 19 Wolfes bayn, yel- owe Aconitum Lycoctonum, L. Aconitum 9 Wolfes bayne Aconitum Aconitum 9 Wolfsbane, blewe Aconitum Napellus, L. Aconitum 9 Wormwod Artemisia Absinthium, L. Artemisia gallica, Willd. ? Absinthium 7 Wormwod, Absinthium 8 frenche Wormwod gentle Artemisia Absinthium, L. Artemisia Absinthium, L. Absinthium 7 Wormwod, pon- tike Absinthium 8 Wormwod, sea Artemisia maritima, L. Absinthium 8 Woundrocket Barbarea vulgaris, Br. Barbara herba 82 Woundewurte Senecio saracenicus, L. Solidago sara- cenica 87 Wyld cucummer Ecbalium Elaterium, A. Rich. Cucumis syluestris ' 31 Wyld Radish Raphanus Raphanistrum, I % Armor acia 1 15 Wylde Cole Sinapis arvensis, L. Lampsana ! 46 Wylde gar like Allium vineale, L. Allium i 10 Wylde Gelouer Dianthus Caryophyllus, L. Melilotus officinalis, Willd. (Jantabrica 22 Wylde lote Lotus syluestris 49 Wylde mallowe Malva sylvestris, L. Malua 50 Wylde merger nm Origanum vulgare, L. Origanum 57 Wylde mynte Mentha sylvestris, L. Menthastrum 53 Wylde Neppe Bryonia dioica, L. Bryonia 21 Wylde Perseley Sison Amomum, L. Sison 74 Wylde popy Papaver Rhoeas, L. Papauer erraticum 59 Wylde saffron Colchicum autumnale, L. Cholchicum 29 Wylde Tansey Potentilla Anserina, L. Portentilla 86 Wylde tyme Thymus Serpyllum, L. Serpyllum 72 Wylde valerian Valeriana officinalis, L. Phu 62 Wylow tree Various species of Salix Salix 69 Wylowe, herbe Lysimachia vulgaris, L. Hipphophae rhamnoides, L. Lysimachia 50 Wylowe, prick or sea Halimus 41 Wylowe tree, Salix alba, L. Salix 70 greate Wynter cheries Physalis Alkekengi, L. Solanum vesica- rium 75 123 English Name. Scientific Name. Latin Heading. Page. Wynter cresse Barbarea prsecox, Br. Ir.'o 44 Wynter onyon Allium Cepa, L. Cepe 25 Wyntergrene Pyrola rotundifolia, L. Limonium 48 Wythwynde Convolvulus arvensis, L. Conuolvulus 3° Yealow poppy and C. sepium, L. Glaucium luteum, Scop. Papauer corni- 59 Yealowe camo- myle Yealowe daffodyl Anthemis tinctoria, L. culatum Anthenus 14 Narcissus Pseudo- Narcissus 55 Yealowe Lous- narcissus, L. Lysimachia vulgaris, L. Lysimachia 50 stryfe Yealowe mous- Hieracium Pilosella, L. Pilosella 86 eare Yealowe succory Picris liieracioides, L. Hieracium 42 Yealowe water- Nasturtium amphibium, Lauer 47 cresses Yewtree Br. Taxus baccata, L. Taxus 77 25 INDEX OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF THE PLANTS MENTIONED 11$ TURNER’S ‘NAMES,’ WITH THE ENGLISH NAMES ASSIGNED BY HIM TO EACH. Acanthus mollis, L. Branke ursin. Aconitum Napellus, L. Blewe wolfsbane, Monkes coule. Act^ea spicata, L. Grapewurt. Adiantum Capillus- Veneris, L. Maidens beir, Venus heir. Adonis autumnalis, L. Purple Camomyle, Red mathes, Red mayde- wed. Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. Agrimony. Ajuga Cham^epitys, L. Grounde pyne. Ajuga geneyensis, L. Geagged Bugle. Ajuga reptans, L. Bugle. Alcea rosea, L. Holyoke, lagged mallowe. Alchemilla yulgaris, L. Ladies mantel, Syndow. Alliaria officinalis, Andrzj. Jacke of the hedge, Sauce alone. Allium ascalonicum, L. Scalion. Allium Cepa, L. Wynter Onyon. Allium fistulosum, L. ? Hole leke. Allium Porrum, L. Frenche Leke, Leke. Allium satiyum, L. Garlike. Allium Schgenoprasum, L. Chive, Syve. Allium ursinum, L. Bucrammes, Rammes, Ramsey. Allium yineale, L. Crowe garlike. Alnus glutinosa, L. Alder tree, Aller tree. Aloe yulgaris, Lam. P Aloe. Althaea officinalis, L. Marrishe mallowe, water mallowe. Amaranthus tricolor, L., and allied species. Flouramore, Purple velvet floure. Ammi majus, L. Amy. Ammi Visnaga, Lam. Siler montayne. Amygdalus communis, L. Almon tree. Amygdalu-s persica, L. Peche tree. Anacyclus radjatus, DC. Oxeye. Anagallis aryensis, L. Pympernel. Anagyris foetida, L. Beane tree, Stynkynge trifoly. Anastatica Hierochuntica, L. Rose of hierico. Andropogon Schcenanthus, L. Squinant. Anemone Hepatica, L. Mount- trifoly. 126 Anemone hortensis, L. Bose Perseley. Anethijm grayeolens, L. Anise, Dill. Antennaria dioica, L. P Litle mouseare, purple mouseare. Anthemis Cotxjla, L. Stynkynge maydweede. Anthemis nobilis, L. Cammomyle. Anthemis tinctoria, L. Yealowe cammomyle. Anthriscus Cerefolium, Hoffm. Chervel. Anthriscijs sylyestris, Hoffm. Cassh.es, Mocke chervel. Antirrhinum Orontium, L. Calfe snoute. Apium palustre, L. Smallage. Arbutus Unedo, L. Arbutus tree. Arctium Lappa, L. Bur. Aristolochia Clematitis, L. Small herteworte. Aristolochia longa, L. Longe Astolochia, Long Hertworth. Aristolochia rotunda, L. Astrolochia, Bound Osterluci, Bound Hertworte. Armoracia rustic ana, Bupp. Bedco. Artemisia Abrotanum, L. Sothernwood. Artemisia Absinthium, L. Litle mugworte, Pontike-wormwod. Artemisia Dracunculus, L. Tarragon. Artemisia gallica, Willd. ? Frenche wormwod. Artemisia maritima, L. Sea mugworte. Arum Dracunculus, L. Dragon. Arum maculatum, L. Cuckopintell, Bampe, Wake Bobin. Arundo Phragmites, L. Beed. Asarum europium, L. Azarabacca, Folefote. Asparagus acutifolius, L. Prickly Sperage. Asparagus officinalis, L. Sperage. Asphodelus ramosus, L. Duche daffodil, Whyte Affodil. Asplenium Buta-muraria, L. Stone rue, Wal Bue. Astragalus Glaux, L. Sea Trifoly. Atriplex hortensis, L. Orech, Orege. Atriplex portulacoides, L. Sea purcellayne. Ayena satiya, L. Haver, Otes. Ballot a nigra, L. Blacke Horehound. Barbarea praecox, Br. Wynter Cress. Barbarea vulgaris, L. Wound rocket. Bellis perennis, L. Dasie. Berberis vulgaris, L. Berberies, Pipriges. Beta maritima, L. Bete. Betula alba, L. Birch tree, Birke tree. Blitum yirgatum, L. Blete. Boletus laricis, Jacq. Agarike. Borrago officinalis, L. Borage. Botrychium Lunaria, L. Maye grapes, Little lunary. Brassica Napus, L. Naved or Navet, Navet gentle, Longe Bape. Brassica oleracea, L. Cole, Colewurtes, Sea Cole, Keele. Brassica Bapa, L. Bape. Bryonia dioica, L. Bryonie, Wylde neppe. Bunium Bulbocastanum, L. Square persely. Bunium flexuosum, With. Earth nute. Bupleurum rotundifolium, L. Thorowwax. Buxus sempervirens, L. Box. 127 Calamintha Acinos, dairy. Calamynt, Cornemint. Calamintha Clinopodium, Benth. Horse Tyme. Calamintha officinalis, Moench. Bush calamint, Hore calamynt. Calendula officinalis, L. Marygolde. Calluna vulgaris, Salisb. Hather, Ling. Caltha palustris, L. Lucken Gollande, Petie Nenufar. Camphorosma monspeliacum, L. Alpeare, Petie Larix. Cannabis sativa, L. Hemp. Capparis spinosa, L. Capers. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, DC. Bursa pastoris, Shepherdes bag, Shepherdes purse. Capsicum annuum, L. Indishe pepper. Carduus benedictus, L. Cardo benedictus. Carex. Sege, Shearegrass. Carthamus tinctorius, L. Bastarde saffron, Mocke saffron. Carum Car vi, L. Carruwayes. Celtis australis, L. Lote tree, Whyte nettle. Centaurea Cyanus, L. Blewblaw, Blewbottle. Centaurea Scabiosa, L. Matfellon, Scabious. Cercis Siliquastrum, L. Carobbeanes, Carobe tree, Carobes. Ceterach officinarum, Willd. Citterach, Linger feme, Scale feme. Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. Cheiry, Hertes ease, Wal gelefloure. Chelidonium majus, L. Celendine. Chenopodium Botrys, L. Ambrose, Oke of Hierusalem. Chenopodium morale, L. Goosefote. Chondrilla juncea, L. Gum Succory, Kyshe succory. Cicer arietinum, L. Cich, Ciche pease. Cichorium Endivia, L. Endyve, Whyte Endyve, Gardine Succory. Cichortum Intybus, L. Hardewes, Succory. Cistus ladaniferus, L. Ladon or Landon Shrub. Cistus salvifolius, L. Bushsage, Cistsage. Citrullus Colocynthis, Schrad. Coloquintida. Citrus Aurantium, L. Orenge tree. Citrus Limonium, L. Limones. Citrus medica, L. Cytrones. Clematis Yitalba, L. Downivine, Hedg vine. Colchicum autumnale, L. Wyld saffron. Colutea arborea, L. Sene. Conium maculatum, L. Hemlocke. C on v all aria majalis, L. May lilies. Convolvulus arvensis, L., and C. sepium, L. Byndeweede, Wyth- wynde. Convolvulus Soldanella, L. Sea folfote. Coriandrum sativum, L. Colander, Coriander. Cornus Mas, L. Longe chery tree. Cornus sanguine a, L. Dog tree, Gadrise. Coronilla Securigera, DO. Axfiche, hachetfiche. Corydalis tuberosa, DC. Holewurte. Corylus Avellana, L. Hasyle tree. Crataegus Oxyacantha, L. Hawthorne, Whyte thorn. Crithmum maritimum, L. Sampere. Crocus sativus, L. Saffrone. Cucumis sativus, L. Cucummer. Cucurbita Pepo, L. Gourde. 128 Cuminum Cymintjm, L. Cummyn. Cupressus sempervirens, L. Cypresse tree. Cuscuta europ^ea, L., and C. Epithymum, L. Doder. Cyclamen europium, L. Rape violet. Cydonia vulgaris, Pers. Quince tree. Cynara Scolymus, L. Archichoke. Cynoglossum officinale, L. Dogs tonge, houndes tong. Cyperus longus, L. Galangal. Cytisus hirsutus, L. Tre trifoly. Daphne Laureola, L. Lauriel. Daucus Carota, L. Carot. Dianthus Caryophyllus, L. Wylde gelover. Digitalis purpurea, L. Poxglove. Dipsacus sylvestris, L. Wilde tasel. Ecbalium Elaterium, A. Ricli. Leaping or wyld Cucumer. Equisetum arvense, L. Short or thycke shavegrasse. Erodium cicutarium, L’Her. Cranes byl, Pynke nedle. Eruca sativa, L. Rokket. Ervum Lens, L. Lentil. Eryngium maritimum, L. Sea holly, sea hulver. Erythr^ea Centaurium, L. Centorie. Euonymus europ^eus, L. Dogrise, Squaretree. Eupatorium cannabinum, L. Water hemp. Euphorbia Esula, L. Lint or Litle spourge, or Spourge. Euphorbia Lathyris, L. Spourge. Euphorbia palustris, L. Gyant spourge. Euphorbia Peplis, L. Sea Wartwort, Spourge Tyme. Euphrasia officinalis, L. Eye bryghte. Eaba vulgaris, L. Beane. Fagus sylvatica, L. Bech. Ferula communis, L. Fenel gyante, Herbe Sagapene. Ficus Carica, L. Fig tree, Fyg tree. Ficus Sycomorus, L. Mulbery fyg tree. Filago germanica, L. Chafewurte, Cudwurt. Fceniculum vulgare, Gaertn. Fenel. Fragaria vesca, L. Strawberry. Fraxinus excelsior, L. Ashe tree. Fumaria officinalis, L. Fumitarie. Gagea lutea, Ker. Dogges Leike. Galega officinalis, L. Mocke licores. Galium Aparine, L. Goosegrasse. Galium verum, L. Maydens heire. Genista anglica, L. Prickly or Thorn broume. Gentiana lutea, L. Gentiane. Geranium molle, L. Dovefote. Geranium Robertianum, L. Herbe Robert. Geum urbanum, L. Avennes. Glaucium luteum, Scop. Horned poppy, yealowe poppy. Glycyrrhiza glabra, L. Lycores. 29 Gnaphalium sylyaticum, L. Cartaphilago, Chafweed. Gossypium herbaceum, L. Coton. Heliotropium europium, L. Scorpiones tayle. Helleborus Niger, L. Bearfot. Helminthia echioides, L. Langdebefe. Helosciadium nodiflorum, Koch. Water Cresses. Heracletjm Sphondylium, L. Cow persnepe, Rough persnepe. Hieracitjm Pilosella, L. Mouseare, yealowe mouseare. Hippophae rhamnoides, L. Prick wylowe. Hippuris vulgaris, L. Short shave grasse. Hordeum murinum, L. Way bent, Wal Barley. Hordeum yulgare, L. Beare, Wheat Barley, Byg Barley, Duch Barley. Humulus Lupulus, L. Hoppes. Hyoscyamus Niger, L. Henbane. Hypericum Andros^emum, L. Totsan. Hypericum perforatum, L. Saint Johans grasse. Hypericum quadrangulum, L. Great saynt Iohans grasse. Hyssopus officinalis, L. Hysope. Inula Helenium, L. Alecampane. Iris Pseudacorus, L. Yellowe flour de luce. I satis tinctoria, L. Ashe of Hierusalem, Ode. Jasminum officinale, L. Gethsamyne. Juglans regia, L. Walnut tree. Juniperus communis, L. Jeneper, Juneper. Juniperus Sabina, L. Savyne. Lactuca sativa, L. Cabbage lettis, spredynge lettis. Lactuca Scariola, L. Greene endyve. Laminaria saccharina, Lam. Fysshers gyrdle, Sea Belte. Lamium album, L. Dead nettle, Nettel tree. Laserpitium Siler, L. Lumbardy lovage. Lathyrus Cicera, L. Blacke cichlynge. Lathyrus latifolius, L. Pease eruyle. Lathyrus macrorrhizus, Wimm. Peas erthnut. Lathyrus satiyus, L. Petie, or litle ciche. Laurus nobilis, L. Baye tree, Laurel tree. Lavandula Stcechas, L. Lavender gentle, Stichas. Lavandula vera, DC. Lavender. Lavatera Olbia, L. French Mallowe. Lemna minor, L. Duckes meate, Water lentilles. Leontodon Taraxacum, L. Dan de lyon, Priestes crowne. Leonurus Cardiaca, L. Motherwurt. Lepidium latifolium, L. Dittany. Lepidium sativum, L. Cresse, Kerse. Levisticum officinale, Koch. Lovage. Ligustrum vulgare, L. Privet, Prim print. Linaria vulgaris, Mill. Todes flax, Lynary. Linum usitatissimum, L. Flax, Lyne, Lynte. Listera ovata, Br. Martagon. Lithospermum officinale, L. Gray myle, Grummel. K 130 Lolium temulentum, L. Darnel. Lonicera Periclymenum, L. Honysuccles, Wod bynde. Lunaria biennis, L. Great Lunari, Shabub. Lychnis Coronaria, Lam. Bosecampi. Lychnis Githago, Lam. Cockel. Lycopersictjm esculentum, Mill. Balsam Apple. Lycopodium alpintjm, L. Dwarfe or heath cypres. Lycopsis arvensis, L. Wilde buglos, orchanet. Lysimachia N ummularia, L. Herbe 2 pence, Two penigrasse. Lysimachia yhlgaris, L. Herbe Wylowe, Yealowe Lousstryfe. Lythrtjm Salicaria, L. Purple losestryfe. Malya Alcea, L. Cut mallowe, Yeryen mallowe. Malya sylyestris, L. Mallo, Mallowe, Wylde mallowe. Mandragora officinarhm, L. Mandrage. Marchantia polymorpha, L. Liyerwurte. Marrubium yulgare, L. Horehound. Mathiola incana, Br. Geleyores, Blew, purple, or whyte stock gelefloures. Medicago sctttellata, L. Horned clayer, Snail trifoly. Melilottjs ccerijlea, Lam. Gardine clayer or trifoly. Melilotus italica, Lam. ? Lumbardy Melilote. Melilotus officinalis, Willd. Wylde lote. Melissa officinalis, L. Baum gentle. Mentha. Mynte. Mentha hirshta, L. Horse Mynt, Bed Mynte. Mentha Pulegium, L. Pudding grasse, Penyryal. Mentha sylyestris, L. Baume mynte, Water mynte, wylde mynte. Mercurialis perennis, L. Mercury. Mespilus germanica, L. Open ars tree, Medler tree. Metjm athamanticum, L. Duche dyl, mewe, Speknel. Moringa pterygosperma, Gaertn. Ben. Morus nigra, L. Morbery, Mulbery. Myrica Gale, L. Gal. Myrtus communis, L. Myrtle or myrt tree. Narcissus poeticus, L. Whyte daffodyl, Whyte Laus tibi. Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus, L. Yealowe daffodyl. Nardostachys Jatamansi, DC. Spyknarde. Nasturtium amphibium, Br. Bell ragges. Nasturtium officinale, Br. Pocket watercresse, Watercresses. Nelumbium speciosum, L. Bene of Egypt. Nepeta Cataria, L. Nepe. Nepeta Scordotis, L. Banke Nettle. Nerium Oleander, L. Oleander, Bose bay tree, Bose laurel. Nigella satiya, L. Herbe git, Nigella romana. Nuphar lutea, Sm. Water rose. Nympho a alba, L. Water rose. Ocymum basilicum, L. Basyl. (Enanthe crocata, L. Grene Marke. Olea europ^ea, L. Olyve tree. Ononis aryensis, L. Whyne. i3 Onopordum Acanthium, L. Cotten thistle, Gum Thistle, Ote thistle. Ophioglosstjm yulgatum, L. Adders tonge. Orchis macttlata, L. Hand Satyrion, Ryal satyrion. Origanum Dictamnus, L. Righte Dittany. Origanum yulgare, L. Wylde mergerum, Organ. Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Dogges onion, Dogleke. Orobanche Rapum, Thuill. Chokeweede, Newe chappel floure. Oryza satiya, L. Ryse. Oxalis Acetosella, L. Allelua, Cuckowes meate, Wod sorel. PiEONTA officinalis, L. Peony, Pyony. Paliurus aculeatus, L. Buckeler thorn, Christe’s thorn. Panicum miliaceum, L. Hirse, Millet. Pap ayer Rhceas, L. Red Cornrose, Wild poppy. Papayer somniferum, L. Ohesboul, Poppy. Papyrus antiquorum, L. Herbe paper, water paper. Parietaria ofpicinalis, L. Pelletorie of the wal. Paris quadrifolia, L. Libardbayne, One bery. Pastinaca satiya, L. Persnepe. Petasites yulgaris, Desf. Eldens, Butter bur. Petroselinum satiyum, L. Persely. Peucedanum Ostruthium, Koch. Pillitorie of Spayne, Masterwurt. Phalaris canariensis, L. Grasse corne, Petie panicke. Phaseolus yulgaris, L. Arber beanes, Easelles, Kidney beane, longe peasen. Phlomis fruticosa, L. Sage of Hierusalem. Phcenix dactylifera, L. Date tree. Physalis Alkekengi, L. Alcakeng, Winter Cherries. Picris hieracioides, L. Greate Hawkweede, Yealowe succory. Pimpinella Anisum, L. Anise. Pimpinella Saxifraga, L. Pimpinel. Pinus Abies, L. Eirre tree. Pinus Larix, L. Larche tree. Pinus Picea, L. Red firre tree. Pinus sylyestris, L. Pyne tree. Pistacia Lentiscus, L. Mastike tree. Pistacia yera, L. Festike nuttes, Fistike tree. Pisum satiyum, L. A Pease. Plantago Coronopus, L. Crowfote weybreade, Herbe Ive. Plantago lanceolata, L. Rybgrasse, Rybwurte. Plantago major, L. Great waybread, Plantaine. Plantago Psyllium, L. Plewurte. Plat anus orientalis, L. Playne tree. P olemonium cceruleum, L. Valerian. Polygonatum multiflorum, All. Scala celi, White wurte. Polygonum ayiculare, L. Knotgrasse, Swyne grasse. Polygonum Bistorta, L. Astrologia, Betes. Polygonum Conyulyulus, L . Running buckwheate. Polygonum Hydropiper, L. Arssmerte. Polypodium Dryopteris, L. Petie or oke feme. Polypodium yulgare, L. Wal Eerne, Polypodium. Populus alba, L. Whyte esptree, whyte popler. Populus tremula, L. Asp tree, Popler. Portulaca oleracea, L. Purcellaine. K 2 132 Potamogetox, probably P. xataxs, L. Pond plantayne swymmynge plantayne. Potextilla Axserlxa, L. Wyld tansey. Potextilla reptaxs, L. Cynkfoly, Fyye fyngred grasse. Potextilla Tormextilla, Nestl. Tormentil. Poterium Saxgtjisorba, L. Burnet. Primula veris, L. Cowslap, Cowslip, Pagle. Primula vulgaris, L. Primrose. Pruxella vulgaris, L. Unsavery Margerum. Pruxus Armexiaca, L. Abricok, Hasty peche tree. Pruxus domestica, L. Plum tree. Pruxus spixosa, L. Sle tree, Slo tree. Pteris aquilixa, L. Bracon, Brake. Pulicaria dysexterica, Gaertn. Flebayne. Puxica Graxatum, L. Pomgranat tree. Pyrethrum Parthexium, Sm. Feuerfew. Pyrola rotuxdifolia, L. Wyntergrene. Pyrus Aucuparia, Gaertn. Quik tree, Quicken tree, Bountree. Pyrus commuxis, L. Peare tree. Pyrus domestica, Sm. Sorb apple. Pyrus Malus, L. Apple-tree. Pyrus tormixalis, Sm. Service tree. A Quercus Bobur, L. Eke. Baxuxculus bulbosus, L. Crowfote, Gollande. Baxuxculus Ficaria, L. Fygwurt. Baxuxculus Flammula, L. Spergrasse. Baphaxus Baphaxistrum, L. Wyld radisb. Baphaxus sativus, L. Alman radice, rape radice, radishe. Bhus Coriaria, L. Sumache. Bibes Grossularia, L. Gooseberry bush. Bibes rubrum, L. Basin tree. Bicixus Palma-Christi, L. Palma Christi, Ticke sede. Bosa caxixa, L. Brier tree. Bosa rubigixosa, L. Swete brere. Bosmarixus officixalis, L. Bosmary. Bubia peregrixa, L. Wilde madder. Bubia tixctorum, L. Madder. Bubus fruticosus, L. Blackberry bush. Bubus Hxasus, L. Baspeses, Hyndberries. Bumex. Docke. Bumex Acetosa, L. Soui* docke. Bumex acutus, L. Sharpe docke. Bumex Hydrolapathum, L. Water docke. Bumex Patiextia, L. Pacience. Buscus aculeatus, L. Buchers brome, Petigrue. Buscus Hippoglossum, L. Tonge laurel. Buta graveolexs, L. Herbe grace, Bue. Salix. Wylowtree, Salowe tree, Saugh tree. Salix alba, L. Great wylowe tree. Salix vimixalis, L. Osyer tree. Salvia officixalis, L. Sage. V 33 Salvia Sclarea, L. Clarie. Sambuctjs Ebtjlijs, L. Danewurt. Sambucus nigra, L. Boure tree, Elder tree. Sanicula europvEA, L. Sanicle. Santolina ChaMtECYparissus, L. Lavander cotton. Saponaria officinalis, L. Showrwurt, Sopewurt. Sarothamnus scoparius, Wimm. Broume. Satureia hortensis, L. Saveray. Scandix Pecten, L. Corne chervel. Scilla maritima, L. French onyon, Sea onion. Scilla nutans, Sm. Crawtees, crowtoes. Scolopendrium vulgare, Sm. Hartes tonge. Scrophularia aquatica, L. Water betonie. Sec ale cere ale, L. Rye. Sedum acre, L. Litle stoncroppe, Mousetayle. Sedum reflexum, L. Stoncroppe, Thryft. Sempervivum tectorum, L. Housleke, Syngrene. Senecio saracenicus, L. Woundwurte. Senecio vulgaris, L. Groundsel or groundswel. Sesanum orientale, L. Oyle seede, Sesame. Sherardia arvensis, L. Purple goos grase. Sideritis SYRIACA, L. ? Litle or strayte horehound. Silaus PRATENSIS, Bess. Saxifrage. Sinapis arvensis, L. Carlock, wyld cole. Sinapis NIGRA, L. Mustarde. Sison Amomum, L. Wylde Parseley. Sium Sisarum, L. Skyrwit, Skyrwort. Smilax aspera, L. Sharp bynde, Pryckewynde. Smyrnium Olusatrum, L. Alexander, Black Lovage. Solanum NIGRUM, L. Pety morel, Nyghtshade. Sonchus oleraceus, L. Sowthistle. Spartina stricta, Roth. Rishe. Spartium monospermum, L. French broume. Spiraea Filipendula, L. Filipendula. Spiranthes autumnalis, Rich. Lady traces. Stachys Betonica, Benth. Beton, Betony. Stachys sylvatica, L. Red Archaungel. Stellaria media, L. Chike weede. Stipa tenacissima, L. Frail bent. Symphytum officinale, L. Comfery. Tagetes indica, L. French marigoulde, Yeluet floure. Tamarindus indicus, L. Tamarinde. Tamarix gallica, L. Heath, Tamarik. Tanacetum vulgare, L. Tansey. Taxus baccata, L. Ughe, Ughe tree. Teucrium Cham^edrys, L. Germander. Teucrium Polium, L. Poly. Teucrium Scordium, L. Englishe Triacle, Garleke germander. Thapsia villosa, L. Thapsene. Thlaspi arvense, L. Dysh Mustard, boures mustard, Triacle mustard. Thymus cephalotos, L. F Venetian Thyme. Thymus Serpyllum, L. Thyme, commune thyme, Wylde thyme. Thymus vulgaris, L. Commune thyme, Running tyme. *34 Tragopogon pratensis, L. Gotes bearde. Trifolitjm arvense, L. Harefote, Bough trifoly. Trigonella Fcenum-gilecgm, L. Fenegreeke. Triticum sativum, L. , var. hybernum. Lyght wheate. Tussilago Farfara, L. Bulfote, horsehofe. Typha latifolia, L. Beedmace, Cattes tayle. Ulmus campestris, L. Elme tree. Ulmus Montana, With. Wich tree. Ulya Lactuca, L. Slauke. Urtica dioica, L. Nettle. Valeriana celtica, L. French spiknarde. Valeriana officinalis, L. Wylde valerian. Valeriana pyrenaica, L. Capones tayle, Setwal. Veratrtjm album, L. Whyte nedewurte, nesewurte. Verbascum Thapsus, L. Higgis taper, Longewurt, Mullen. Veronica Beccabijnga, L. Brooklem. Veronica officinalis, L. Paules betony, fluellyng, Wodde peny ryal. Viburnum Opulus, L. Opier. Vicia Eryilia, Willd. Bitter Fiche, pease ervyle. Vicia sativa, L. Fiche. Vinca minor. Periwinkle. Vlncetoxicum officinale, Moench. Swallowurt. Viola odorata, L. Violet. Viola tricolor, L. Panses, Two faces in a hood. Viscum album, L. Miscelto. Vitex Agnus-castus, L. Agnus tree, Chast tree, hemp tree. Vitis Labrusca, L. Wild vine. Vitis yinifera, L. Vyne. Xanthium Strumarium, L. Clotbur, dichebur. Zea Mays, L. Turkishe corn, Turkishe millet, Wheate of Turkey. Zizyphus Jujuba, Lam. Juiuba tree, Juiubeis. PRINTED BY CRAY AND TAYLOR, THE CHAD CER PRESS, BUNGAY, SUFFOLK.