■tgggsggjg* MDXVI1I ESSE HPAS'lS X\v,_ - tSewii*u.D»t «tff*tf< ,o) ^X|Sb -b- X~7 STu Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Jisc and Wellcome Library https://archive.org/details/b2803790x_0003 i E L E M E'N T S O F NATURAL HISTORY AND CHEMISTRY. % By M. FOURCRQT; V ' DOCTOR OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT PARIS, OE THE ROYAL -ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, & C. P r an sited from the Icijl Paris Edition, 1789, being the third, in 5 vols 8vo. V/ I T H An Alphabetical Comparative View of the Ancient anclModern Names of Chemical Substances, with all the Tables and a Complete In dex. To which is prefixed by the Transi.ator, A PREFACE, containing Strictures on the Hiftory and prefent State of Chemistry ; with Obfervations on the Pofitions Fads, and Arguments, urged for and againffc.the Antiphlo- gistic Iheory, and the New Nomenclature,1 by MefTrs Lavoisier, Priestley, Kir wan, Keir, Sage' &c. . I N T H R E L V O L U hi R s. V O L. III. L O N D O N: (Timed for C. Elliot and T. Kay, at Dr Cullen’s ~L'' ’ Strand; and C. Elliot, Edinburgh, . m,dcc,xg. ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS LIBRARY CLASS 5> ACCN. 1 Xi 93 SOURCE DATE OF »HYSICIANS OF % ELEMENTS 0 F NATURAL HISTORY AND CHEMISTRY. PART III. continued . CHAP. VII. Of Vegetable Acids, formed by the Action of Fire , and by the Nitric Acid. IT has been long known to chemifts, that many ve- getable matters afford, by diftillation, phlegms, or acid liquors : thefe faline fubftances, altered by fire, were, however, but little attended to. Since jfuch a number of acids have been difcovered, really diftinft from one another, either in their intimate nature, or in the proportion of their principles, many of thefe falts have been found to poffefs peculiar and diffinftive pro- perties. It has been alfo afcertained that fome acids aft, like heat, on vegetable matters, and that the nitric acid, Vol, III, A in 2 • Vegetable Acids. in particular, converts mod of them into acids. Thefe new, or newly modified falts, need to be carefully exa- mined, in order that we may acquire a knowledge of their nature. We cannot avoid remarking, in the firffc place, that there muft be a general analogy of nature, or formation, among vegetable acids, produced by the a&ion of heat : On account of that analogy, we give them the generic name of empyreumatic falts; and apply to each of them, as a fpecific diftinclion, the fyl- lable pyro, joined to a term indicating the origin of the fait; thus we fay, the pyro-tartareous , the pym-mucous.- and the pyro- ligneous acids. § I. Of the Pyro-Tartareous Acid. JT has been already mentioned, that, by the diftillation of the tartareous acidulum, an acid phlegm is obtain- ed, which is not the pure tartareous- acid, but that acid altered in a particular manner. The hydrogenous gas, and the carbonic acid gas, that are, at the fame time, difengaged, (hew plainly that fuch an alteration muff take place ; for thefe can only be produced in confe- quence of the decompofition of the acid of tartar. As this alteration is owing to the a&ion of heat, and as an oil, mixed with the diftilled acid, is at the fame time volatilized, which modifies its colour, we have there- fore called that acid the pyro-tartareous , and its faline combinations pyro-tartarites, according to the laws of our nomenclature. The firfl chemifts who made experiments on this matter with any degree of accuracy, afcertained, that, by diftilling about a quarter of a pound of tartar, there might be obtained an acid phlegm of a very pungent fmell,' Vegetable Acids, fmell, or pyro-tartareous acid. The academicians of Dijon reprefent the fecondary rectification or diftillation of this acid, which has been recommended by fo many authors, as attended with one very great difficulty : — ■ notwithftanding every precaution which they could a- dopt to moderate the fire, and give room to the va- pours, they always found the liquid to rife fo quickly as to burfl the veffels containing it into pieces. This phe- nomenon they attribute to the aCtion of gas produced by the decompolition of the acid, and coroprelTed 'by the oil ; which preffure it at length overcomes, as it is more dilated. Befides, the rectification is not very ne- ceffary, as the acid feparated from the oil by the flill- pipe, is fo pure as to exhibit all its diftinCtive characte- rises. The pyro-tartareous acid has an empyreumatic tafle and fmell. It does not redden violets, but it produces that effeCt on turnfole and blue paper : It difengages the carbonic acid from its bafes with a lively effervescence. With the earths and alkalis it forms Tales very different from thofe which the tttrtareous acid forms with the fame bafes. Thefe faline compounds have not yet been examined j only, we know the pyro-tartarites of potafh and foda to be foluble in cold water, and cryflallizable : the acid decompofies nitrate of filver, producing from it a grey precipitate ; it by degrees renders nitrate of mercury turbid ; it does not decompofe calcareous mu- riate , and the fulphunc acid decompofes its neutral falts by diftillation. Chemiffs, before hydrogene, carbonaceous mattery and oxigene, were underflood to be the foie and genu- ine component principles of all vegetable acids, confli- luting different acids, only by being united in different proportions, had adopted opinions very remote from the A 2 truth/ 4 Vegetable Acids • truth, concerning the nature of this acid, obtained by diftillation from tartar. Venel averted it to be acid of nitre. M. Monnet concluded, from a more accurate in- veftigation of its nature, that it was muriatic acid dif- guifed by oil and mucilage. Eut, although Scheele found' tartar to contain a little muriatic acid, yet the cubic form of the neutral fait produced by the union of the pyro-tartareous acid with foda, and the precipitation of nitrate of mercury by this acid, the twro faffs on which M. Monnet eftablifhes the identity of the pyro- tartareous with the muriatic acid, are not fufficient evi- dence to induce modern chemifts to alfent to the con- clufion deduced from them. Befides, the chemifls of Dijon have repeated the fame experiments without ob- taining the fame refults ; nor have Meffrs Berthollet, Spielman, and Corvinus, been more fuccefsful. On the contrary, it is highly probable, that the principles of the pyro-tartareous acid, are the fame with thofe of the acid of tartar itfelf ; and that the two acids differ only in the proportion of their principles : the fmell and taffe of this empyreumatic acid, its not being fufceptible of cryftallization, and all its other properties, and flill more, -the difengagement of oil and carbonic gas. from the tartareous acidulum, when the pyro-tartareous acid is formed, — concur to prove the truth of what is here after ted. The charaffer of this empyreumatic acid has not yet beat fufficiently inveftigated, to enable us to determine the order of its chemical affinities with earthy, alkaline, and metallic bafes. § IE Vegetable Acids. 5 5 II. Of the Pyro-Mucous Acid. ’J'HE acid which we denominate Pyro-mucous, is that obtained from infipid, faccharine, gummy, farinace- ous, &c. mucilages, which was, at firft, denominated by M. de Morveau, the fyrupous acid. Chemifrs have long know that fugar affords, by diftiilation, a pretty ftrong acid phlegm. Neuman, Cartheufer, Geoffroy, and Bucquet have made particular mention of that acid, but without having examined its properties. M. Schric- kel has examined its nature with more minute attention than any other chemift. By diftilling 16 ounces of fugar, M. Schrickel obtain- ed 6 drachms of phlegm, which paffed into the receiver in the form of white vapour, and was condenfed'into un&uous flrice, of a pungent fmell, like that of horfe- radilh, or bitter almonds, roafted ; of an acid, acrid, and bitter tafle, and of a red yellow colour. He rectified this acid upon clay; it then paffed clear, with a lefs pungent fmell, and a four tafle. This acid, when thus purified, did not cryflallizc : but when expofed to cold, the aqueous part froze, and that part which ftill re- mained liquid became much more concentrated. M. de Morveau obferved, when preparing the pyro- mucous acid by the diftiilation of fugar, that the bot- tom of the retort was corroded during the operation. He does not attribute that to the acid, as it exhibits no fuch property, when rectified, or when left long in the glafs ; but rather to the attion and adhefion of the car- bure of iron, which exifls in the coal that remains after the decompofition of the fugar, and had been violently heated. This acid, therefore, cannot be concentrated by volatilizing the water that is united with it, as the fait i 'Vegetable Acids. fait Is no lefs volatile than the fluid. This acid, accord- ing to M. Morveau, exiftsin molaffes, and renders them deliquefcent and not fufceptible of chryftallization. The pyro-mucous acid, when concentrated by freezing, is very pungent, and communicates a deep red to blue vegetable colours. It produces red fpots on the fkin, as was long ago obferved by Cartheufer ; and the fpots thus produced, deflroy the epidermis before they difap- pear. When expofed to fire, it is totally volatilized, leaving no refidue, but a brown mark on the place where it lay. Molt of it may be converted into car- bonic acid gas, and hydrogenous gas, by diddling it, with proper precautions, in clofe veffels : it now affords a more copious carbonaceous refidue than when heated in open veffels. A part is volatilized without alteration. When combined with barytes, magnefia, lime, potafh, foda, and ammoniac, it forms neutral falts, which we cal! pyro-mucites , the properties of which haye not yet been examined with fufficient care, but which differ from all other known neutral falts. It difengages the carbonic acid from all of thefe alkaline bafes with a lively effervefcence. The property of diffolving gold w7as formerly afcrib- ed to the fpirit bf honey ; but it appears for certain, that the pyro-mucous acid does not affecl either that metal, or platina, or filver, or even mercury ; but it might poffibly diffolve the oxides of thefe metals. This acid corrodes lead, becoming opaque itfelf on the occa- fion ; which alteration it owes to the oxide of lead which it forms. Pyromucite of lead is in oblong cryftals. It acts upon copper, and becomes green by the reaftion of that metal; it diffolves tin; it affs upon iron, and com- bines with that metal to form cryftals. 7 Vegetable Aeids. Its chemical affinities ha.ve been determined by M. de Ivlorveau in the following order ; Potaffi, foda‘, barytes, lime, magnefia, ammoniac, aluminous earth, metallic oxi- des, water, alcohol. This empyreumatic acid has not, as yet, been applied to any purpofe. Spirit of honey, of manna, &c. were formerly made life of in pharmacy j but the ufe of them has been long given up. § III. Gf the Tyro-ligneous Acid . W°OD’. efpecially beech, birch, and box-trees, afford, by diftillation, a brown acid liquor, of a pretty ftrong, peculiar fmell, which reddens blue vegetable co- lours, and effervefces with alkaline carbonates. Boer- haave was acquainted with the produff of box, juniper, oak, and gayac : but the chemiils who have repeated Boerhaave’s procefs, have not examined the nature and peculiar properties of this acid. M. Goettling, in the year 1779, firfl publifhed, in Crell’s Journal, a memoir on the acid of wood, and more efpecially on its union with alcohol. That .chemifl diftillecl the bark of birch in an iron retort ; he obtained a brown, oily, acid pro- duff, which he left to fettle for three months 5 at the end of that time, he obferved drops of oil fwimming on its furface, which having feparated by filtration, he pour- ed into the filtrated liquor a folution of potafli. A lively effervefcence took place ; the liquor affumed a blood-red colour, and afforded, after being faturated with alkali, and evaporated, a black fait, which was melted in an iron pan, and purified by a fecond folution, and a fecond evaporation. A ^ The S' Vegetable Acids. The pyro-ligncous acid may be alfo rectified by difl.il- lation, according to M. Goettling. The pyro-lignite of potafh, formed of this rectified acid, becomes very hot when brought into contact with the fulphuric acid, and affords pyro-ligneous acid in a Hate of confiderable pu- rity. That chemift, to whom we are indebted for thefe faffs, obferves, that the pyro-ligneous acid, when fepa- rated by the fulphuric acid, has no longer an empyreu- matic odour, but a fmell of garlic. The chemift s- of Dijon extraffed this acid from beech, by diflillation, and afterwards rectified the liquid pro- duct : 55 ounces of this wood, well dried, and in fhavings, afforded 17 ounces of reffified acid, of an amber colour, not mixed with oil, and of which the gravity was to that of diftilled water in the prpportion of 49 to 48 : 23^ ounces of lime-water were required to faturate an ounce of this acid. When expofed to a gentle heat, it afeends in vapour. A ffrong heat decompofes this, as well as all other vegetable acids. It cannot be obtained in a concrete form. It combines with earthy and alkaline bafes, and forms with them peculiar falts which we call pyro-lignites of aluminous earth, barytes, magnefia, lime,, potafh, foda, and ammoniac. Thefe falts have not yet been exa- mined with fufficient care, to enable us to give here a particular account of them. M. Eloy Bourfier deCIervaux has communicated, in the Leffures of Chemiftry of Dijon, fome experiments very fuitable to determine the eleffive attraffions of the pyro-ligneous acid. Calcareous and barytic earths adhere to it with greater obftinacy than the alkalis ; lime has a flronger affinity with it than ba- rytes 5 and magnefta a flronger than ammoniac : and even thefe .affinities may ferve to diftinguifh it from moft other 9 Vegetable Acids . other vegetable acids. It a&s alfo upon many of the metals, and diffolves mod of their oxides. All kinds of wood, it appears, would afford the fame acid by diftillation ; for box, birch, and beech agree in affording one acid. But much enquiry and many expe- riments are neceffary, before we can be fully acquainted with the chara&eriftic properties of this acid. / § IV. Of Vegetable Acids, formed by the Nitric Acid. jDERGMAN has proved, that the nitric acid converts fugar into an acid, which, being at firft thought peculiar and different from all others, was therefore cal- led the Saccharine Acid. Scheele has fliown this fait to be precifely the fame with that which is, in part, neu- tralized by potafh, in fait of forrel : this very fait is there- fore in every refpeft the fame with the oxalic acid. Se- veral modern chemifls, and efpecially M. Berthollet, have proved, that almoft all animal and vegetable matters af- ford this acid, when treated with the acid of nitre. It is therefore certain, that the bafe or radical principle of the oxalic acid exifls in a great many bodies, and, in general, in all bodies which have been formed by vege- tation, or the funttions of animal life. The nitric acid afts in an equal and uniform manner on all fuch fub- ftances ; it always gives up to them either more or lefs of its oxigene, and pafles into the flate of nitrous acid, nitrous gas, or even azotic gas, according as it is de- prived of a greater or a lefs proportion of its oxigene. As the bafe, or radical principle of the oxalic acid, is more or lefs copious in the various organic matters in which it is found, thefe matters afford more or lefs of this acid, when treated with nitric acid. At the fame time, t o Vegetable Acids « time, when the acid of nitre is decompofed by organic fubftances, together with nitrous or azotic gas5 there is alfo difengaged a certain quantity of carbonic acid gas, which proves the organic matter to have loft a part of its carbonaceous fubftance, and, at the fame time, {hews the oxalic acid, thus produced, to contain lefs of that principle than the fubftance from which it is obtained. Since a number of vegetable acids, particularly the tar- tareous acid, &c. pafs into the ftate of oxalic acid, in confequence of being expofed to the aftion of nitrous acid ; and fince carbonic acid is difengaged while this change takes place ; it follows plainly, therefore, that all the vegetable acids have the fame radical principle, and differ only in their proportions of oxigene. In the Nouvelles de la Repub lique de Lettres for the year 1785, No. 42, and 44, it was related, that M. Kofegarten, by diftilling nitric acid on camphor, eight times fucceftively, had obtained from that matter a con- crete acid, in parallelipiped cryftals, of bitter tafte, and capable of reddening the tinffure of violets and turnfole. That fait, according to this chemift, differs from oxalic acid, as being incapable of feparating lime from the mu- riatic acid. With potafh it forms a fait in regular hexa- gons ; with foda, a fait in irregular cryftals ; with am- moniac, prifmatic or needled cryftals ; with magnefia, a foluble, pulverulent fait. It diffolves copper., iron, bif- muth, zinc, arfenic, and cobalt. But thefe fatts, which have not yet received confirmation, are not fufficient to enable us to enter into a minute account of the proper- ties of this acid, which is, perhaps, nothing but a parti- cular modification of fome one of thofe of which we have already fpoken. And if farther experiments on this acid fliall difcover it to poffefs peculiar properties, different from thofe of the other acids, its nature and chara&eriftic Vegetable Acids . 1 1 charateiflic properties muft then be examined under the name of the camphoric acid, and its neutral falts will be called camphorates. M. Brugnatelli difcovered, in the year 1787, that cork, on which he diftilled four times its own weight of nitrous acid, left a yellowifh mafs, thick, acid, foluble in water, and of a four or rather a bitter tafte. I his acid is not fufceptible of cryftallization ; when evaporated by a ftrong heat, it takes the form of a vifcous mafs, like wax, which is fo foft that it may be moulded with the fingers. It is foluble in alcohol ; on burning coals it is reduced to a coal without inflammation ; with earths and alkalis it forms deliquefcent falts, many of which cryftal- lize: laftly, it has as ftrong an affinity with lime as the oxalic acid, and forms with that earth a fait that is not foluble in water, but may be diffolyed in muriatic acid. Without prefuming to fpeak decifively of the peculiar nature of this acid, M. Brugnatelli appears, however, to think it different from the oxalic acid. Future experi- ments muft determine whether this be really a peculiar acid meriting a feparate examination ; and we muft, in the fame manner, leave the particular nature of that which has been difccvered by Meffrs Prouft and Angulo, in the neighbourhood of Madrid, on the furfaces of grey peafe, in veficulm at the extremity of the hairs of that leguminous plant, equally undetermined. Thus we have given an account of all known vege- table acids. We have ftill, however, to treat of thofe which are formed by fermentation. But as the chief, nay, the only one of thefe acids that is known, is produ- ced in confequence of an alteration taking place on li- quors that are already fermented, we will give its hiftory immediately after that of fpirituous fermentation, and its prodpa. CHAP, Saccharine Matter , 1 2 CHAP. VIII. Of Saccharine Matter , Gums , and Mucilages. TpHE faccharine matter, which many chemifts think JL to be a fort of elfential fait, is found in a great many vegetables, and is to be confidered as one of their immediate principles. — The maple, the birch, the red beet, the parfnip, the grape, wheat, &c. are found to contain it. Margraf extracted it from mod of thefe ve- getables. The petals of many flowers, and the nefta- ria placed in thofe organs prepare a principle of this kind. The fugar cane, arundo faccharifera,\s the plant which contains the moft of it, and from which it is extracted with the greatefl advantage. The fugar canes are crufhed to pieces between two iron cylinders, in a per- pendicular pofition. The expreffed juice falls upon a plain furface underneath j and is called melajfes. It runs off this furface into a boiler with allies and lime, where it is boiled and flammed ; and, in the fame manner, it is fucceflively boiled and fkimmed in three other boilers; and, after undergoing thefe boilings, it receives the name Gums and Mucilages . 1 3 name of fyrup. It is, after this, boiled anew, by a flrong heat, and for a confiderable time, with lime and alum. After being fufficiently boiled and concentrated, it is poured into a veffel called the cooler. When it is fo cool that the finger may be dipped in it without injury, it is poured into large barrels Handing over cifferns, and the bottoms of which are perforated with holes Hopped with canes. In the barrels, the fyrup takes the form of a folid mafs, part of it running off into the cifferns. The fugar, when thus rendered concrete, is yellow and unclu- ous ; it is now called inufcovado. In the Sugar IHands, it is refined by boiling it, and then pouring it fluid into inverted cones of earthen ware, called pans. That part which cannot be rendered concrete, runs through a hole in each of the pans, into a pot placed below : it is called coarfe fyrup. The bafe of the fugar-loaf is taken away, and white fugar in powder put into its place, and prefled well down : The whole is then covered with pure, moiff clay. The water of the clay filtrates through the fu- gar, carrying off with it a portion of the mother water of the fugar, which runs out by the holes in the pans, and is received into new pots. This is called fine fyrup , as being purer than the former. A fecond layer of clay is Jaid on, when the firff becomes dry, and the water fil- trates through a fecond time : When the water con- tained in the fecond layer of clay is drained off, the loaves are removed into a Hove \o dry. At the end of eight or ten days thefe loaves are broken, and fent into Europe in the form of brown fugar, where it is refined into fugar of different qualities. The refining of fugar is accompliflied by boiling it in lime-water, and with bullock’s blood, flamming it two or three times, filtrating the liquor, and running it in pans, to give it the fliape of loaves. Thefe loaves are then coated I tj. Saccharine Matter ? • i coated over with wet clay, the water of which is fuffcre<$ to filtrate through them. The filtration is repeated with frefh clay, till the fugar become diffidently white. The loaves are then removed into a flove, and at the end of eight days are wrapped up in paper for fale. The fyrup which cannot be cryflallized is called molajfes. Chemifts have univerfally been of opinion, that thefe different operations feparated from fugar a fat matter, and thereby rendered it fufceptible of cryftallization. Bergman thinks, that the ufe which the lime ferves, is, to carry off the excefs of acid, which hinders it from taking a folid form. The acid can be no other than the pyro-mucous acid which is formed by hear, as we have related in the foregoing chapter. As the liquor is expofed, during the operation, to a violent evaporation, it becomes a granulated, irregular mafs, agreeably to what has- been already obferved of fulphate of zinc. Sugar confifts of a peculiar acid, combined with a lit- tle alkali, and altered by a good deal of oil, or greafy matter. It cryflallizes in truncated, hexahedral prifms. In this date it is called fugar-candy. It affords, by di- flillation, water, pyro-mucous acid, and a few drops of empyreumatic oil. There is at the fame time difengaged from it a confiderable quantity of carbonic acid gas, and of hydrogenous gas, with coal diffolved in it. The refidue is a fpongy, light coal, containing a little carbonate of potafh. Sugar is inflammable : When laid on burning coals-, it melts and fwells ; it exhales a very pungent acid va- pour ; it takes a brown yellow colour, in confequence of which it receives the name of caramel. It diffolves very readily in water. It communicates to it a confiderable conflftency, forming with it a fort of faccharine muci- lage, which has received the name of fyrup. This fy- Fup?- Oums and Mucilages. rup, when diluted in water, is fufceptible of fermenta- tion ; it may even be converted into a vinous liquor, and alcohol diftilled from it. Bergman prepared from all the different faccharinc matters, efpecially from fugar, oxalic acid by means of the nitric acid. To obtain that acid from thefe matters, put into a retort one part of fugaf in powder, with fix of nitric acid : Expofe the mixture to a moderate heat ; continue the evaporation for fome time after red va- pours ceafe to pafs ; leave the folution to cool ; and it then precipitates white needled or prifmatic cryflals, which are concrete oxalic acid. Sugar is very much ufed. — It is an article of food which, when taken in too large a quantity, heats the animal fyflem; It is much ufed in pharmacy, being the bafis of fyrups, lozenges, and fome other preparations. It contributes to diffolve and fufpend in water, refins, oils, &c. It ferves to preferve fruits reduced to jelly. It may be even confidered as a medicine ; for it is incifive, aperitive, and, in a flight degree, tonic and ftimulant : And accord- ingly, there are fome inflances related, in which difor- ders arifing from obftru&ions have been cured by the continued ufe of fugar. There are fome juices of plants which have a tafle of ' fugar. Manna and neftar are of this kind. Manna is ob- tained from the leaves of fir, oak, juniper, & c. and maple- trees, &c. The afli, which is very plenteous in Calabria and Sicilly, affords that which is commonly fold. It runs naturally from thofe trees, but is obtained in flill greater abundance by making notches in the bark of the tree. — - That which is received on chips of wood, or fmall flicks introduced into artificial apertures in the trees, takes the form of hollow Aalafiites, and is called jnanna in tears. Manna in flakes runs down the bark, and contains fome impurities. Saccharine Matter , i $ / impurities. The inferior unftuous fort contains many extraneous matters, and is formed from the refufe pieces of the two former. It is always humid, and frequently altered. The tafte of manna is mild and infipid : That which the larch tree that abounds in Dauphiny affords, and that of the alhagi, which grows in Perfia, around Mount Tauris, are not in ufe ; the latter bears the name of tereniabin. — Manna is foluble in water , it affords, by diflillation, the fame products as fugar. There is ex- tracted from it, by means of lime and white of eggs, a matter refembling fugar, which, when treated with the nitric acid, affords concrete oxalic acid. It is given as a purgative, in dozes of from one to two or three ounces j or, when it is given as a difcuiTive, a few drachms of it are diluted in a large proportion of water. Another fort of proper juice, is that called gum , or mucilage . This fub fiance is very plenteous in the vege- table kingdom. It is found in a great many roots : Young ftejtns and leaves, immediately after their appear- ance, contain a good deal of it. This principle may be known by its vifeous, adhefive property. >In the feafon when the juice is mod copious, it runs naturally down ' the bark of trees, and thickens into gum on the furface. The gum is foluble in water, to which it communicates . a thick, vifeid confiftency. This folurion, known by the name of mucilage , becomes, when evaporated, dry, tranf- parent, and friable. Gum burns without emitting any perceptible flame. — * It melts, and fwells upon coals. It affords, by diflillation, a good deal of water and pyro-mucous acid, a little thick brown oil, and carbonic acid gas*, mixed with hydroge- nous gas : The refidual coal is very bulky, and contains a little carbonate of potafh. We Giims ar.d Mucilages » 1 7 We know of three forts of gum that are ufed in me- ' dicine, and in the arcs. 1. The gam of the apricot, the pear, and the plum- tree, &c. It is either white, yellow, or reddifh; the bed of this fort of gum may be applied to the fame purpofes with the other gums. A kind of gummy juice, of a beautiful orange-colour, flows front the elm ; confiderable quantities of it are fometimes found on the bark of the tree. I have found this gum to poffefs the properties of infipidity, infolubility, vifeidity, with the other character- iftics belonging to fuch juices. 2. Gum Arabic, which runs from the acacia in Egypt and Arabia. Gum Senegal is of the fame kind ; it is ufed in medicine as a mitigating and relaxing remedy. Cray- ons, and fome other fuch compofitions, are indebted to it for their confiftency. It is ufed in various arts. 3. Gum Adraganth, which flows from the adraganth of Crete; Tragacantha-Cretica. It is adminiflered in the fame cafes as Gum Arabic ; the folution of it is fome- v/hat thicker than the folution of Gum Arabic ; it foon depofites vifeid flakes, and requires more water to dif- folve it. Mucilages, of the fame nature with gums, are obtain- ed from various plants. The roots of mallows, marili- mallows, the greater comfrey,'the bark of elm, linefeed, the feeds of quinces, &c. afford, by maceration in water, vifeous fluids, which, when evaporated to drynefs, afford real gums. In medicine, decoftions of thefe plants are ufed inflead of folutions of gums. All of thefe matters, chemically confiderddj appear af firft view to be nearly llmple bodies ; for chemical ope' rations often offer to our obfervation fubllances of a ge- latinous form, much like that of gums and mucilages 5 yet, front thefe products of vegetation, which appear td Vol. Ill, B for hi 1 8 Saccharine Matter , &c. form a fort of excrementitious humour, are' extra&ecT Wa« ter, liquid pyro-mueous acid, carbonic acid, an oily prin- ciple, and fixed alkali United to a coaly refidue. This refidue likewife contains a fixed earth, the nature of which is (till unknown-. When mucilages and gums are treated- with nitric acid, and its a&ion affilted by heat, they afford oxalic acid in cryffcals. They contain therefore the oily or ra- dical principle. Which, in combination with oxigene, oon- ffitutes this- acid. This analogy between mucilage and faccharine matter is farther obfervable, in that the fmell of burnt gum is much the fame with that of caramel — that the produtts which both afford by diftillation are of a firtiilar nature— and that the balk and levity of the refidual coal are the fame for both. Some of thofe fruits which becomer faccharine, fuch as apricots, pears, &e. exfude, when ripe, a real gum. That fort of dry mucilage which we are hereafter to examine under the name of amylaceous fa- cula , is converted into faccharine matter by germination. Thefe fa&s, and many others which might be joined' with thefe, {hew that there is a near relation between fugar and gum. Perhaps the infipid or gummy muci- lage paffes by a fort of fermentation into the date of a faccharine body. Were this an afccrtamed fa&, this fermentation would come in order before that which Boerhaave has called fpiritous fermentation ; and muff eonffantly precede it, both in the natural procefs of ve- getation, and in the operations which art employs to pro- duce the faccharine tafte in barley, &c. CHAP, / fixed Oils t 19 CHAP. IX. Of Oils of a ficed Nature y that are extracted by ExpreJJion . OILS are proper juices, of a fat} un&uous nature, either fluid or folid, not foluble in water, liable td burn with flame, volatile in various degrees : They are contained in the proper veffels, or in particular veficulte. Thefe bodies are found exifling in two flates in vege- tables : They are cither combined with other principles, as in extracts, mucilage, &c. or they are free, and not united with any other principle. Thefe latter oily juices are thofe of which we are here to fpeak, Chemifts have fuppofed the exiflence of a Ample oily principle, as well as of a primitive fait. This oily prin- ciple, combined with different filbftances, and modified by thofe combinations, conflituted, according to them, the various forts of oils that were obtained by analyfing vegetables. The chara&ers which they afcribed to thac Ample primitive oil were, great fluidity, an high degree of volatility, privation of colour and fmell : — It burnt with flame and fraoke : — It did not combine with water; B 2 ■ — H Fixed Oils. #3 — It was thought to confiff of water and an acid com- bined with an earth and phlogiflon. It is certain that oils, when decompofed, always afford a fmall quantity of acid, and a good deal of hydrogenous gas: earth con- ffitutes but a very fmall part of them, for they leave but very little fixed Carbonaceous refidue. This notion of the oily principle deferves to be viewed only in the light of an bypothefis. Oils are never formed by any but organic beings ; and fuch bodies in the mineral kingdom as are of an oily nature, always owe their origin to the affion of vege- table or animal life. It is even highly probable, that vegetables are the only bodies in which oils are formed ; and that they pafs, without alteration, from vegetable in- to animal bodies. The oily juices of vegetables are diffinguifhed into fix- ed oils, and volatile oils. Fixed oils, called alfo fat oils,fweet oils , oils by expref- fion , are very un&uous : they have generally a mild and infipid taffe, and no fmell ; the heat requifite to volatilize them is above that of boiling water ; and they never take fire, till they are brought to that degree of heat which is requifite to volatilize them. — It is for this purpofe the wick ufed in burning fixed oil in lamps is employed ; it heats the oil to volatilization. Moff fixed oils are fluid, and require no confiderable degree of cold to' render them folid: Others, again, lofe their fluidity by the flighted: cold ; and, laftly, there are others always folid : Thefe laff are called, but vejy im- properly, vegetable butters . b ixed oils never flow from the furfaces of vegetables : T hey are contained in the kernels, the pippins, and e- mullive feeds. They are extra£led by bruifing the little cells Fixed Oils. 2 I cells in which they are contained ; that is, by pounding and fqueezing. Fixed oils, when expofed to the air, are altered, and become rancid ; their acid is liberated ; they lofe the pro- perties which they poffefled, and acquire others, in con- fequence of which they are nearly affimilated to volatile oils. Water and alcohol carry off the acid, and thus de- ftroy their rank tafle, but never reftore them to their primary flate. M. Berthollet has difeovered, that fat oils, when expofed to air, by being thinly fpread over the furface of water, become thick, and alfume pretty much the fame appearance with wax. It is at prefent known as an undeniable fa£l, that this thickening of oils is owing to their abforbing oxigene from the atmofphere ; for all fubflances that contain this principle, and refign it to fixed oils, — as for inftance, many of the acids, efpe- cially the oxigenated muriatic acid, and metallic oxides, — thicken fixed oils, and reduce them to a flate in which they refemble wax. Fixed oils afford by diflillation a little water, contain- ing a very acrid pungent acid, fome light oil, a thick oil, and a large quantity of hydrogenous gas mixed with carbonic acid : They leave but very little refidual coal. By diflilling thefe products a fecond lime, pure febacic acid is obtained, of which we will have occafion to fpeak in the animal kingdom, and fome oil, flill lighter than what was before obtained. — This oil is improperly called philofopheF s oil. The alchemifls prepared it by diflilling, feveral times fucceffively, a brick impregnated with fixed oil. It is not perfectly known how far this decompoii- tion may be carried : formerly, indeed, it was faid that a fixed oil might be reduced to a free inflammable prin- ciple j into water, acid, air, or earth. B 2 £pld n Fixed Oils. Cold water effe&s no alteration on fat oils ; it purifies them, by carrying off a part of their mucilage, which is likewife precipitated when they are fubmitted to com- buftion, and is the principle that renders them fufcep- tible of fermentation, and liable to become rancid. — It is well known, that water call; upon thefe oils, when burning, inftead of quenching, caufes them to burn with new violence ; the reafon of which is, that the water, being decompofed, fupplies oxigene to the oil, and at the fame time gives out a good deal of hydrogenous gas. When the vapour which proceeds from fixed oil in com- buftion, is colle&ed into a chimney terminating in a worm-pipe, a confiderable quantity is obtained ; which proves this immediate pripciple of vegetables to contain hydrogenous gas. Fixed oils do not combine with filiceous earth : With clay they form a foft pafle, which is employed in chemi- cal manipulations under the name of fat lute. They combine, by particular proceffes, with magnefia, and are thereby reduced to a faponaceous hate. Lime combines with them, but not in a very difcern- ible manner, when the combination is immediate. Pure alkalis combine eafily with fat oils, producing in this combination what is called foap. In making foap, oil of olives or fweet almonds is triturated with a concentrated lixivium of foda, render- ed cauftic by lime ; and this preparation is known by the name of foap-lye. — In the courfe of a few days, the' mixture becomes thick, and forms medicinal foap. Com- mon foap is prepared by boiling the lixivium with alter- ed oil ; it is then white. Green foap is made up of the refufe of olives and potafii. Soap diffolves in pure water : Heat decompofes it, dif- pr.gaging from it phlegm, oil, and ammoniac formed in confetjweocs Fixed Oils* confequence of the decompofition of the alkali and the fixed oil ; the coaly refidue contains a good deal of fixed alkali. This artificial compolit-ion of ammoniac feems to prove, that there is azote in the fixed alkali, which re- afts upon the hydrogene of the oil. Since water decompofes foap, as has been remarked by M. Thouvenel; an infoluble calcareous foap is then formed and depoficed in fmall lumps. Acids .poured on foap, difengage the oil, fcmewhat altered. Ammoniac does not eafily combine with fixed oils : however, by long trituration, the mixture acquires fome degree of confiftency, and becomes opaque. Fixed oils combine with weak acids to form peculiar foaps. MefTrs Achard, Ccumette, and Macquer, have ex- amined thefe compounds. M. Achard formed them by- pouring {lowly a quantity of concentrated fulphuric acid upon the fixed oil. By continued trituration, this mix- ture is formed into a brown mafs, foluble in water and alcohol. The oil obtained from it by the intervention of alkalis, is always more or lefs concrete, as well as that obtained by diflillation. Macquer advifes to prepare this foap by pouring acid on the oil ; but he informs us, that an acid foap, formed in this manner, is fcarce foluble in water. That which is prepared of concentrated ful- phuric acid, triturated with common alkaline foap, is more foluble. The concentrated fulphuric acid blackens fixed oils, and affimilates them to bitumens. This phe- nomenon feems to be produced by the rea&ion of the hydrogene of the oil on the oxigene of the acid. The fuming nitrous acid, blackens fixed oils inflanta- neoufly, and caufes fuch as are of a dry nature to kindle and emit a flame. Thofe, again, which cannot be fo readily dried, require, to kindle them, a mixture of this acid with the acid of fulphur, as has been fhown by B 4 Rouelle, Fixed Oils . H Rouelle, the elder', in his Memoir on the Inflammation pf Oils. Academy , Tear 1747. The muriatic and the carbonic acids aft with but little ftrength on fixed oils. — The former of thefe, however, in a concentrated ftate, combines with them to a certain degree, according to M. Cornette. The oxigenated muriatic acid thickens them a good deal, and feems to make them pafs, by abforbing their oxigene, into a ftate in which they bear a great refemblance to wax. We know nothing of the aftion of the other acids on fixed oils. It appears that they do not combine with neutral falts. Several of thefe, and efpecially all calca- reous falts, decompofe alkaline foap. In this inftance of decompofition, particularly when fulphate of lime, or of magnefia, which is often found in union with waters, decompofes this foap, the fulphuric acid combines with the fixed alkali of the foap, and thereby forms fulphate of foda ; the lime or magnefia combines "with the oil, and produces a fort of foap that is fcarce foluble, and fwims in whitifti lumps on the furface of the water. This is the caufe of the common appearance produced by hard waters, which curdle foap, but do not diflolve it. The aftion of hydrogenous gas on fixed oils has not yet been examined. Thefe oils diflolve fulphur, when their aftion is aflift- ed by a boiling heat. The folution is of a dark red co- lour, inclining to browm. It has a very fcetid fmell. It depofites, by degrees, fulphur in cryftals. On diftilling this combination, the fulphur is volatilized, being fo completely diflolved in the hydrogenous gas that is difen- gaged from the oil, that not an atom of it is to be af- terwards found. This faft deferves to be more particu- larly enquired into. There is alfo a little fulphureous gas obtained by this decompofitiono Fixed Oils. 2 5 Fixed oils Teem not to be fufceptible of combination with pure metallic fubflances, excepting iron and cop- per, upon which they acl in a fufficiently diftinft manner. But they combine with metallic oxides, and form with them thick concrete combinations, of a foapy appear- ance, as is obfervable in the preparation of unguents and plafters. Thefe preparations have not been yet chemically examined : only we know, that fome metal” lie oxides are reduced in the making up of plafters ; as, for iriflance, oxide of copper in the Divine Flatter, and litharge, or oxide of lead, in the Ointment de la mere. In the affaying of metals, fixed oils are employed to re- duce the metallic oxides. M. Berthollet has given an ingenious and fimple procefs for effecting inflantaneoufly a real combination between fixed oil and any metallic oxide, that is, for preparing a metallic foap. It confifts in pouring a metallic folution into a folution of common foap. The acid of the metallic folution combines with the fixed alkali of the foap ; and the metallic oxide is then precipitated in union with die oil, to which it com- municates a colour. In this manner, foap of a beautiful green colour may be prepared with fulphate of cop- per; and with fulphate of iron, a clear deep brown foap. Thefe compounds might be very ufeful in painting. Scheele has difeovered, that when oil of fweet al- monds, olives, rapefeed, or lintfeed, is combined with oxide of lead, with the addition of a little water, there is a matter feparated from the oil, which fwims on the fur- face of the liquor, and to which he has given the name of the mild principle. On evaporating this fupernatant water, the principle diffolved in it caufes it to take the confiftency of fyrup ; when expofed to a flroug heat, it takes fire : one part is volatilized, in diflillation, without burning : the coal which it leaves is light : it does Fixed Oils . 2 6 does not cryftallize ; nor does it feem to be fufceptible of fermentation. Nitric acid diftilled on this matter, four times fucceflively, changes it into oxalic acid. This mild principle of Scheele’s appears to be a fort of mu- cilage. Fixed oils diffolve bitumens, particularly amber ; but they mull be affifted by the action of heat, in order to effect this folution. They form a fort of greafy varnilh, which does not readily become dry. Fat oils may be diftinguilhed into three genera : To the jirfl clafs belong fuch pure fixed oils as are fixed by cold, are flowly thickened, form foaps with acids, and are kindled only by a mixture of fulphur and nitre. Such are, 1 . Oil of olives, obtained by bruifing that fruit between two millftones, and preffing it in bags made of rufhes. That which runs firft is called virgin oil ; that which is obtained from mark fprinkled with water is not fo pure, and depofites a lee j that obtained from unripe olives, is the oleum omphacinum of the ancients. Oil of olives freezes at io° degrees under Zero, in Reaumur’s ther- mometer, or tOj above that point in Fahrenheit’s, and will hand about twelve years without becoming rancid. 2. Oil of fweet almonds, extra&ed without the appli- cation of heat, becomes very foon rancid : it freezes at 6° under o in Reaumur’s fcale, or 17! of Fahrenheit’s. 3* Oil of rapefeed, obtained from the feed of a kind of cabbage called col/a. 4. Oil of ben, extracted from the ben nut of Egypt and Arabia. It is very acrid, and deflitute of fmell. It freezes very eafily. The fecond genus comprehends oils fubjeft to become dry, which are very eafily rendered thick, are not iixed by the a&ion of cold, are kindled by the nitric acid, an<3 Fixed Oils • 2 and form with fulphnric acid a fort of refin. Such are, 1. Lintfeed oil, obtained by preffurc from lintfeed* It is ufed for oily varnifhes, and in painting. 2. Oil of nuts, applied to the fame ufes. 3. Oil of carnations, or poppy feed ; which, as has been fully proved by the Abbe Rozier, is not at all nar- cotic. 4. Oil of hcmpfeed, which is very drying. Under the third genus, we comprehend concrete fixed oils, or vegetable butters ; among which we may diftin- guifh. the following : 1. Butter of cacao, extracted from the cacao nut. — There are four forts of cacao ; the large and the fmall caracca, the berbice, and that of the iflands. This but- ter is extra&ed from the nut by roafting, and fubfequent boiling in water ; it is purified by melting it by a very moderate heat. 2. The cocoa nut affords a fimilar butter. 3. Vegetable wax is of the fame nature, only more folid. It is the production of China. It is there made into yellow, white, or green candles, the colour vary- ing with the manner in which the wax is extracted. The catkins of birch and poplar afford a fmall quantity of a fimilar wax. — That of Louifiana is more plenteous. M. Berthollet eafily whitens it with oxigenated muriatic acid. Fixed oils are much ufed in the arts, and in medicine, and are applied to various purpofes. In the latter they are ufed as foftening, relaxing, calming, and laxative me- dicines. Some of them are even purgative ; as, for in- ftance, the oil of Ricinus, which has been found to de- ftroy the tmnia, or folitary worm, and caufe it to be e- vacuated. *8 fixed Oils , vacuated. They enter into a great many compound medicines, fuch as balfams, unguents, and plafters. — Laftly, they are fometimes ufed as feafoning, or food, on account of their agreeable tafle, and the mucilage which they contain. CHAP, \ Volatile Oils. U CHAP. X. Of Volatile Oils . i OLATILE or ejfential oils are diftinguifhed from fixed oils by the following peculiar properties. — Their fmell is flrong and aromatic : They are fo volatile, that they may be diflilled by the heat of boiling water: Their tafte is very acrid : They are much more combuf- tible than the other clafs of oils. Thefe oils are found to exifl in almoft all odorous plants. They are contained either in the whole plant, as in the angelica of Bohemia, or only in the root of the plant, as in flarwort, the iris, white dittany, and kidney ; or in the hem, as in fandal, faffafras, and pine- wood ; or in the bark, as in cinnamon. Sometimes it is confined to the leaves, as in balm, peppermint, worm- wood, &c. In other plants, it is found in the calices of the flowers : Of this kind are the rofe and lavender ; the petals of camomile and the orange-flower are filled with it. It is, at other times, fixed in the fruits, as in cubebs, pepper, and juniper-berries. Laflly, A number of Volatile Oils* 30 of vegetables contain it in the feed ; fuch as nutrileg, nife, fennel, and the many umbelliferous plants. Thefe oils differ from one another, t. In their quantity, which varies according to the ftate or age of the plant i 2. In confiftency ; fome are very fluid, fuch as thofe of lavender, rue, &c. ; fome congeal by cold, fuch as oil of anife, and fennel ; others are always concrete, of which kind are the oils of rofes, parfley, kidney-wort, and flar- wort : 3. In colour; fome are deflituteof colour; others, fuch as oil of lavender, are of a pale yellow ; or a dark yellow, as oil of cinnamon ; or blue, as oil of camomile; or fea-green, as oil of St John’s-wort; or green, as oil of par- fley : 4. In gravity ; fome fwim on the furface of water, molt of thofe, indeed, that are produced in temperate coun- tries ; others fink to the bottom of that fluid, as oil of faffa- fras, of carraway feeds, and mofl oils of this kind from hot countries : this property, however, is not conflant with refpeCt to climate, for the efTential oils of pepper, nut- megs, and mace, & c. are lighter than water : 5. In tafte and fmell : the tafle of an efTential oil is often very different from that of the plant from which it was ex- tracted ; pepper, for inftance, affords a mild oil, and oil of wormwood is not bitter. Volatile oils are extracted, 1. By preflure, from cedra^ bergamot, lemons, oranges, &c. ; this is called ejfence s 2. By diftillation ; the plant is put into the cucurbite of a copper alembic, with water ; the water is boiled, and the oil paffes together with the fluid, and gathers aboye it in a receiver prepared for their reception. Volatile oils are adulterated either by fixed oils, which is detected by their ftaining paper ; or by oil of turpentine, which may be difcovered by the ftrong fmell peculiar to turpentine, which always remains after the efTential oil is / Volatile Oils . 3‘ B evaporated ; or by alcohol and water, which, by ren- . dering the mixture turbid, detefts the alteration pro- duced by this fubftance. Volatile oils lofe their fmell by a moderate heat. As they are fo very volatile, fire does not decompofe them. When heated in clofe veflels, they give out a large pro- portion of hydrogenous gas. When heated in contaft with air, they take fire fpeedily, and exhale a very thick fmoke, which is condenfed into a very fine, light, carbonaceous matter : They leave but very little coaly refidue after inflammation, being fo volatile, that the car- bonaceous matter is formed in the part that afcends. When expofed to the air, they become thick, and, in procefs of time, are converted into refins. They depo- se needled cryftals, like thofe of fublimated camphire. Geoffroy the younger obferved thefe cryftals in the volatile oils of moth-*- wort, marjoram, and turpentine. Their fmell, he informs us, is much the fame with that of camphire. Acad. 1721 , page 163. They combine with fome difficulty with lime and al- kalis $ and form with thefe fubftances imperfeft foaps, to which we give the name of faponulce : Acids alter them ; the concentrated fulphuric acid changes them in- to bitumens ; when weak, it forms with them a fort of foap. The nitrous acid inflames them ; the muriatic acid reduces them to a faponaceous ftate ; the oxigenated muriatic acid thickens them. They aft not upon neutral falts. They combine very eafily with fulphur, with which they form compounds that are called balfams of fulphur , in which the fulphur is fo divided that it cannot be ex- trafted, but is feparated by heat in the form of ful- phurated hydrogenous gas, Mucilages 32 Volatile Oils • Mucilages and fugar render them foluble in water. They are ufed in medicine as cordials, flimulants, anti- fpafmodics, &c. Externally applied, they are powerful amifeptics, and hop the progrefs of caries in the bdnes. C H A P. % Camphor ate Principle. 33 a,). .=~==^ - — ' — CHAP. XI. Of the Camphorate Principle „ CAMPHOR is a white matter, concrete, cryftalline, and of a ftrong tafte and fmell ; in fome of its properties nearly allied to 'volatile oils, but widely di- ftinguifhed from them by others. Chemifts have, from a great variety of obfervations, concluded camphor to be an immediate principle of vege- tables, which, they think, exifts in all highly odorous plants that contain volatile oil. It has, in fact, been ob- tained from the roots of the cinnamon tree, zedoary, thyme, rofemary, fage, and many other labiated plants, either by diflillation or decoftion, as has been obferved by Cartheufer and Neumann. But the quantity of the camphor thus obtained is very fmall, and it always re- tains a fmell of the plant from which it was extracted. This fmgular fubflance appears to be combined with the volatile oils of thefe vegetables, as thofe oils have been obferved by Geoffrey to depofite needles of camphor. I have feen, in the poffeffion of M. JofTe, apothecary at Paris, true camphor extracted from the root of elecam- Vol, Ill, Q pane* 34 Camphor ale Principle . pane. Lorry thought camphor a very general principle in vegetables, and placed its aromatic flavour at the head of aclaffsof very powerful odours, the effe&s of which on the animal ccconomy well merit the attention of phyflcians. The camphor ufed in medicine is extratted from a fort of bay-tree that grows in China, Japan, and in the ifles of Borneo, Sumatra, Ceylon, &c. The tree which produces it, often contains it in fuch abundance, that very large and pure tears of camphor may be obtained from it folel'y by fplitting the wood. It is commonly, however, extracted by diftillation. The roots, or other parts of the tree, are put into an iron alembic with wa- ter, covered over with a capital containing ropes of rice ftraw, and thus expofed to heat. The camphor is fub- limated in fmall greyifli grains ; and thefe again unite into larger pieces. This crude camphor is impure. The Dutch purify it by fublimating it in a fort of bal- loon, and adding an ounce of lime to the pound of crude camphor. Camphor is much more volatile than the effential oils; for the gentled heat is fufficient to fublimate it. It cryftallizes in hexagonal plates, with a ftem in the mid- dle. When a flrong heat is applied, it melts before vo- latilizing. It does not appear to be decompofable by this means : however, when diddled a number of times fucceffively, it affords a reddifli phlegm, evidently of an acid nature ; and this fiiews, that if the procefs were carried farther, its nature might at length be altered. The temperature of dimmer is fufficient to volatilize camphor. When expofed to the air, it is entirely diffi- pated and lofl ; when inclofed in clofe veffels, it is fubli- mated in hexagonal pyramids, or in polygon crydals, which were in the year 1756 obferved and defcribed by liomieu. sit exhales a drong fmell, too flrong indeed for Camphor ah Principle. 35 For the nerves of fome people to bear. It takes fire very eafily, burns with a good deal of finoke, and leaves no coaly refidue. It is not folnble in water ; it will, however, commu- nicate its fmell to water : it burns on its furface. Romieu has obferved, that fmall pieces- of camphor, one third, or one fourth of a line in diameter, when put into a glafs of pure water, move round, till they are at length diiTolved in about the fpace of half an hour. He fufpecls this motion to be an effect: of electricity ; and obferves, that it ceafes when the water is touched with any body that can aft the part of a conductor, fuch as iron wire ; and that, on the contrary, it {fill continues, though the water be touched with an infulating body, fuch as glafs, reiin, fulphur, &c. Earths, falino-terreous fubftances, and alkalis are in- capable of afting on camphor. We rauft obferve, how- ever, that the power of cauftic alkalis on this fubflance has not yet been brought to trial. Acids, when concentrated, diffolve camphor. The fulphuric acid diffolves it, with the help of heat : the fo- lution is red. The nitric acid diffolves it flowly : this folution is yellow. As it fwims over the acid in the fame way as oils, it has been improperly called oil of camphor. M. Kofegarten has difcovered, as has been taken notice of in the Vllth Chapter, that the nitric acid, when diflilled eight times fucceffively upon camphor, changes into a cryftallizable acid, which he thinks to be of a peculiar nature. I he muriatic acid gas diffolves camphor; fo like wife do the fulphureous acid gas, and the fluoric acid gas. When water is poured into thefe folutions, they becOitie turbid; the camphor is feparated in flakes, which fw/rti on the furface of the liquor, and appear to have iuf- C 2 fered N ft jiff- 2 6 Camphor ate Principle fered no alteration. Alkalis, the falino-terreous ftfb* fiances, and metallic matters likewife precipitate thefe" folutions. Neutral falts a£t not upon camphor. We know not in what manner fulphur and bitumens aft upon this fub- flance; but they are probably capable of combining with it. The fixed and the volatile oils diffolve camphor with the help of heat. Thefe folutions, when cooled, depo- fite, by degrees, cryftals in a vegetative form, fimilar to thofe that are formed in folutions of ammoniacal muri- ate ; that is, confiding of a (talk, with very fine fila- ments extending from it horizontally. Thefe filaments, which in their difpofuion referable the beard of a fea- ther, exhibit a very beautiful and regular appearance, when viewed through a microfcope. We owe this fine fa£f to Romieu, ( Academy 1756, 448). The folu- tion of camphor in alcohol, which is much better known, and much more in ufe than the preceding folution, was obferved by the fame chemid to afford, by a particular procefs, a fpecies of cryflallization fomewhat different. Camphor is one of the mod potent remedies which medicine employs. It difpels inflammatory tumours in a very fhort time. It is ufed as an antifpafmodic and anti- feptic medicine, in infeftious didempers, the malignant fever, and all difeafes in general that are attended with affections of the nerves, and putridity. In France, it is given only in dofes of a few grains : In England and Germany, they go fo far as to give it in dofes of feveral drachms a day. It is alfo worthy of being mentioned, that camphor alleviates burnings, and pains In the uri- nary paffages, fo fpeedily, often, as might tempt the pa- tient to think his relief the effeft of enchantment. It is given, either triturated with the yolks of eggs, fugar, . and: 37 Camphor aie Principle. and gums, or in the date of oil of camphor, and always in certain drinks prepared for the purpofe. Surgeons apply camphorated aquavita?, of the compofition of which we fhall hereafter give an account, to external gangrenes j and the liquor often puts a flop to their prog refs. C 3 C I I £ F, ^ 8 Spintus Red or of Plants. C Pi A P. XII. \ Of the Spiritus Red or, or ihe Aromatic Principle v of Plants. BOERPIAxWE gives the name of fpiritus redor tq that principle to which plants owe their fmell : very little, however, is as yet known concerning the properties of this lingular fubftance, which, from its in- fluence on the animal oeconcmy, fo ftrongly attracts our notice. We ufe the name aroma, inflead of fpiritus rector , deriving it from the well known term aromatic. The aromatous principle of plants appears to be very volatile, very fugitive, and very lubtle ; it is continually difengaged from plants, forming around them an odo- rous atmofphere, of a wider, or a narrower extent. Plants differ all from one another in the quantity, the flrength, and the nature of their aromatous principle. Some are plenteoully provided with this principle, and lofe it only in part when dried, fo that it would appear to be in fome manner fixed in them : of this kind are in general all odorous woods, and all the dry and ligneous, odorate parts of vegetables.- In others this principle is fo Spiriitis Reftor of Plants. 59 fo fugitive and volatile, that though they be drongly odo- rous, they can fcarce be rendered permanently fo. Laft- ]y, there are fome plants which poffefs the odorous principle in fo low a degree, that they are faid to be inodorous, and their aroma has been diflinguiflied as herbaceous. The flighted degree of heat is fufficient to difengag,e the aroma of plants. To obtain it, the plant mud be diddled in a balneum-mar ice, and its vapours received into a cold capital, which may condenfe, ,and con- duct them in a fluid date into the receiver. The pro- duct is pure odoriferous water, and is known by the name of effential or diddled water.’-' This liquor is to be confidered as a folution of the odorous principle in water. That principle is more volatile than the water in which it is diffolved. This aromatic water, when heat- ed, lofes by degrees ad its fmell, and becomes inlipid. It differs a lingular alteration when expofed to air \ it then depofites very light flakes, of a mucilaginous ap- pearance, and acquires a fmell of mouldinefs. The principle of fined combines with oily juices, and even appears to conditnte one of the elementary princi- ples of volatile oils; for, 1. Thefe oils are always imr pregnated with it : 2. Thofe plants in which the prin- ciple or fmell is confiderably fixed, afford invariably more volatile oil than thofe of which the fmell is very fugitive, many of which, as, for indance, thofe of the lily kind, often afford no volatile oil at ad. The aromatic water of this latter clafs of plants, fuch as the tuberofe and the odoriferous lily, needs to be combined with fixed oils, in order to prevent its efcapc. The jafmine, too, is of the fame character. The flowers of thefe plants are put into a tin cucurbitc with cotton moidened ;vith oil of ben 5 the flowers and the cotton are difpofed c 4 in Spirit us Rector of Plants. in alternate layers ; the cucurbite is then {hut, and ex- pofed to a gentle heat : The aroma, difengaged from the flowers, then combines with the oil, fo as to become permanently fixed, 3. Plants that have no fmell, never afford a fingle particle of volatile oil. 4. Vegetables, from which aromatic wrater has been extraffed by diftil- lation on the balneum-mariae, no longer afford any vo- latile oil ; at leaft, unlefs they ffill retain fome little fmell ; and even in that, cafe they afford but a very fmall quantity of oil, 5. Volatile oil that has loft its fmell, readily regains it with all its properties, when diftilled on a frefh plant of the fame fpecies with thofe from which it was at firft extraffed. The action of faline matters on aromatic water has not yet been examined. M. Berthollet has difcovered, that the oxigenated muriatic acid often deftroys the fmell of vegetables, and of confequence alters their aroma. The nature of this principle is not the fame in all plants ; it varies according to the genera of the plants to which it belongs. Macquer follow's Boerhaave in thinking, that it is generally a compound of an inflam- mable fubftance with a faline matter ; but obferves, that it foraetimes partakes more of a faline nature, and at 0- ther times approaches nearer in nature to oily matters. The aroma of cruciform plants, he thinks to be faline ; and afcribes to it the charafferiftics of being pungent and penetrating, yet not affeffing the nerves : That, a- gain, which is infipid, or ftrong but not pungent, and aftcffs the nerves, fo as either to occafion, or to revive from, fits owing to the particular ftate of the nervous fy- ftem, — effects W'hich aromatic and narcotic plants ufually produce; — that, according to this celebrated chemift, has more of an oily than of a faline nature. Several faffs con- cur to fuppcrt this opinion. The fraxinelh diffufes an o- dcu? Spirit us Redcr of Plants. 4 1 dour which forms an inflammable atmofphere around it; g and whenever a burning body comes within this atmo- fphere, it takes fire ; and the vapour then burns from the lower to the upper part of the dem that fupports the flowers. The aroma of the fraxinella feems therefore to be of an oily nature. Venel, a chemid at Montpelier, who dudiedi under Rouelle, extracted an acid fpiritus re the foap occupies the middle j Refins. 49 middle ; and a portion of the oil, having affumed a red colour, fwims on the furface. M. Baume thinks that the alkali unites only with that portion of the oil which is in a refinous hate. M. le Gendre purfues this idea farther, and propoies to faturate a cold folution of the fixed alkali with concentrated oil of turpentine, or even with turpentine itfelf. This foap is in fome degree folid, and becomes gradually more fo : cryilals are form- ed in it, which have been confidered as a combination of the acid of the oil with vegetable fixed alkali. But, according to the academicians of Dijon, they are nothing but potalli faturated with carbonic acid, and cryftal- lized in that hate. As it is no eafy matter to make up this foap, and it is befides very liable to alteration ; Macquer thinks, that when a fubhance is wanted, pof- fefiing the properties of volatile oils, and thofe of foaps, in union, it were better on any occafion to incorporate a few drops of volatile oil with medicinal white foap, to ferve the prefent purpofe. Ammoniac, triturated with turpentine, forms a folid faponaceous compound, which dilfolves very readily with water, and renders it milky and frothy. 5. The refin of the fir tree is called turpentine of Strafburgh. It is obtained by piercing the veficulse of the bark of the fir tree, of which there are extenfive fo- refts on the hills of Switzerland. 6. Pitch is the juice of a fort of fir tree called abies picea. It is obtained, by incifion, from the bark of the tree. It is melted by a moderate fire ; preffed in bags of cloth; and received into barrels: This is Burgundy- pitch, or white pitch; by mixture with lamp-black, it is converted into black pitch. When it is kept long in fu- fion with vinegar, it becomes dry and brown, and fo forms ^hat is called Colophony. The more impure parts are Vol, III* D burnt burnt in a furnace, with a chimney paffing into a frnalT cabinet, terminating in a cone of cloth: the fmoke \ i condenfed in this cone, into a fine foot that is called lamp- black. 7. The Galipot is the refm of the pine which bears the foft apples'. T his tree is notched towards the bottom, and the refm runs out into troughs. "When the refn ceafes to run out by the lower holes, they are continued up the tree'. When it runs fluid, it is called Galipot; that which hardens upon the tree into yeliowifh mafles, is call- ed Barr as. Thefe juices are liquefied in boilers; and, after being concentrated by heat, arc filtrated through draw mats, and run into moulds in land, or formed into loaves that are called drear, son. or braj-fcc. When wa- ter is poured in, the matter becomes white, and forms refm , or pitch-refin. T he inhabitants of Provence di- fl.il galipot : they ext rad from it an oil which they calf huile de raze. Tar , which is the empyreumatic oil of this fubftance, is prepared from the trunk and roots of the pine. A quantity of the wood is heaped together, covered with turf, and fet on fire. The turf hinders the oil that is difengaged by the heat from being volatilized; and it pafles into a fliallow tub through a channel, out of which it is removed, without farther preparation, to be fold as tar. , 8. Tacamahaca, gum elemi, gum animus are very lit- tle ufed. The tree that affords the firfb is unknown. The elemi is produced by a fpecies of amyris. The orien- tal gum animse, or copal, the origin of which is unknown, and the occidental gum animee, or courbaril, which flows from the hymencea, a tree that grows in South America, are ufed for varnifhes. 9. Maftic is in white, farinaceous tears, of a faint fmell: It flows from the turpentine tree, and the maftic tree ; . . Refms. 5 1 It is ufed as an aftringent, and an aromatic ; it enters into the compofition of drying varnifhes. 104 Sandarac is in white tears, more tranfparent than thofe of maftic. It is obtained from the juniper tree, in which it occupies a place between the bark and the wood. It is likewife called varnifli, as it enters into thofe prepa- rations. It is ufed, in powder, to prevent ink from fink- ing on paper, from which the external coating of fize has been fcraped off. 1 1 . The relin of Guayacum, which is greenifh, is ufed as a remedy for the gout. It is obtained, byincifion, froni the guayacum tree. 12. Labdanum, the relin of a fnecies of ciffus in Can- dia, is of a blackilh colour. The peafants gather it by ftriking the trees with ftaves, having a number of leather thongs fixed to the one end. They make it up into cy- lindrical pieces, which they call ladanum in tortis. It is adulterated by a copious addition of blackifh fand : It is ufed as an aftringenr. 1 3. Dragon’s blood is a red juice, extra&ed from the dracana draco , and fome other trees of a fimilar nature. It comes to us in fmall flat cakes or round balls, or in little fpherical pieces, wrapped up in leaves, and knotted like § chaplet. It is ufed in medicine as an aflringent, & 2 CHAP, \ 1 ♦ Cum Rtfins. / CHAP. XV. Of Gum Ref ns. j GUM RESINS are mixed juices, confiding of refin and extractive matter, which has been taken for a gummy fubftance. They run by incifion, but never na- turally, from trees or plants, in the form of white, yel- low, or red emulfive fluids, which are fooner or later con- folidated. Water, alcohol, wine, vinegar — none of all thefe liquors diflolves more than a part of gum reflns. They differ in the proportions of the refin and the extract, and afford, by analyfis, many various refults. The following are the mod important fpecies : i . Olibanum confids of yellow, tranfparent tears, of a very drong and difagreeable fmell. It is not known from what tree it flows. It affords, by didillation, a fmall por- tion of volatile oil, and an acid fpirit, leaving a pretty large refidual coal, produced from the extrattive matter which it contains. It is ufed in fumigations as a refolvent medicine. 2. Galbanum is a fat juice, of a brown yellow colonr, and a naufeous fmell. It runs, in Arabia, Syria, and at the Cape of Good Hope, from inciflons in a ferulaceous plant 53 Gum Refins. L plant called Bubon Galbanum by Linnceus. When diftilled ( by naked fire, it affords a blue eflential oil, which after- wards becomes red, an acid fpirit, and a ponderous em- pyreumatic oil. It is an excellent difcuffive, and a power- ful antifpafmodic. 3. Sfammony is of a blackiffi grey colour, a firong naufeous fmell, and a bitter and very acrid taffe. I he fcammony of Aleppo is by far the pureff. That of Smyr- na is ponderous, black, and mixed with extraneous bodies. It is extracted from the convolvolus fcammonia of Linnaeus. The root of the plant, cut and fqueezed, affords a white juice, which, when dried, becomes black. The various fpecimens of fcammony contain various proportions of ex- trad and refin 5 on which account, its effeds as a medicine are far from uniform. It is given as a purgative, in dozes of from four to twelve grains. Mixed with a fweet extrad, fuch as that of liquorice, it forms the common diagredium. It is likewife ufed for this purpofe with the juice of quin- ces. It is ufually given in a powder with fugar and fweet almonds. 4. Gum guttte is yellow, reddifh, deftitute of fmell, and of a firong, acrid, and corrofive taffe. It comes from Siam, China, and the ifland of Ceylon. It is extraded from a large tree, very little known to us, and diffinguifhed in the countries where it grows by the name of Coddam Pulii. It contains a good deal of refin, which renders it ffrongly purgative, when adminiffered in dozes of four or fix grains. It fhould be very cautioufly adminiffered inter- nally. 5. Euphorbium is in yellow tears, which are of -a ca- rious, or worm-eaten appearance, and have no fmell. It runs from incifions in the plant euphorbium , which grows in Ethiopia, Libya, and Mauritania. It contains a very acrid refin. It is fo ffrongly purgative, as to be ranked a- D 3 mong 54 Gum Rcfins. raong poifons. The only medical ufe for which it ferves, is, in external applications to caries. 6. Afla-fcetida is fometimes in yellowith tears, but of- teneft in loaves, confining of different pieces agglutinated together. It has a very fetid fmell of garlic, and tafies bitter and naufeoufly difagreeable. It is extracted from the root of a fort of ferula that grows in the province of Chorazan in Perfia, and has been called by Linnaeus AJJa faetida. The root of that plant is flefhy, and fucculent. It affords, by expreffion, a white juice, of an abominable fmell, ufed by the Indians as a feafoning, and called by them food for the Gods. It is ufed internally as a power- ful antifpafmodic, and externally as a difcuffive. 7. Aloes is a juice of a dark red, and fometimes even a brown colour, with confiderable bitternefs of tafle. There are three kinds of it : fuccotrine aloes, hypatic aloes, and caballine aloes. The frrft is the pureft ; and it is only in purity the three forts differ. A. de Juflieu faw thefe feveral kinds of aloes prepared at Morviedro, in Spain, from the leaves of the common aloes. Deep inci- fions were made in the leaf ; the juice ran out by thefe : It was then decanted from above the fecula, and thicken- ed ‘by expofure to the fun. The aloes prepared 'in this manner is put up in leather bags, and fold under the name of fuccotrine aloes. The juice fqueezed from the leaves, purified by reft, and then dried, forms hepatic aloes. Laftly, the leaves are again prefied ; and the juice now obtained from them, mixed with the lees remaining from the two former operations, forms caballine aloes. The firlt of thefe different forts of aloes, contains much Ms refinous matter than either of the two latter, and is therefore much lefs purgative. It is ufed in medicine as g draflic purge, and is known to poffefs the property of bringing Cum Refuu* 55 ■bringing cn the menftrual flux with women, and the hpe? morrhoidal flux with men. i't is rcfipmmended as an exr cellent hydragogue. 8. Myrrh is in the form of rcddifli tears, of a brilliant appearance, of a pretty ftrong but agreeable fmell, of a bitter tafle, and exhibiting in their fraftore, when bro- ken, white lines of the form of a nail. Some of thefe tears are entirely gummy and inflpid. Myrrh comes from Egypt, but chiefly from the ancient country of the Troglodytes, in Arabia. The plant that affords it is unknown to us. It contains much more extract than re- fin. It is ufed in medicine as a very good ftomachic, an antifpafmodic, and a cordial. Cartheufer advifes literary people, who have delicate ftomachs, to chew and fwallow it with their fpitcle. It' is ufed in furgery for eleanfing putrid ulcers, and flopping the progrefs of caries, either in powder, or diluted in fpirit of wine. 9. Gum ammoniac fometimes appears in tears that are white internally, but externally yellow, and often in raaf- fes much like thofe of benzoin. They are eaflly difiinr guifhed, however, by their white colour and foetid fmell. This gum refin which we get from Africa, is thought, on account of the feed mixed with it, to be extracted from an umbelliferous plant. This fubflance being folu- ble in water and fpirit of wine, as well as inflammable, is nearly of the fame character with thofe which Rouelle has named refinous extractive matters. In medicine, gum ammoniac is ufed as a very good difcuflive, in cafes of obftinate obftruftion. It is given in dozes of a few grains, either in pills or emulfions : it enters alfo into the compofitiGn of many difcuflive and refolvent plaflers. 10. Elaflic refin, or Caout-chouc, is a fubflance, con- cerning the nature of which it is hard to fay any thing'. D 4 5^ Gum Rejins. I Its containing combuflible matter, a part of which is exr tra&ed in America for lights, is a charafteriftic in which it agrees with refinous fubftances : but its elafticity, foftnefs, and infolubility in the menfirua which ufually diffolve refins diftinguiih it as a fubftance of a different nature. The tree which affords it>grows in various parts in America. Incifions are made acrofs its bark, which mud always penetrate to the wood : a white juice, more or lefs fluid, flows from it, and is received into veflels, in order that it may be applied to the different purpofes for which it is fuitable : it is laid in layers on clay moulds ; and dried by expofure to the fun, or to fire. Various defigns are then Jketched upon them with the point of an iron inflrument : they are then expofed to fmoke ; and when diffidently dried, the moulds are bro- ken. In this way are formed the bottles, and other utenfiis of gum elaflic, that come into Europe. The veffels made of this matter are capable of hold- ing water, and fuch other fluids as have no power of a&ing upon it. If it be cut into pieces, and the edges applied to each other foon after they are cut, the pieces unite again. I examined juice of caout-chouc, which was fent me from Madagafcar. It Was white as milk, and its ffnell infufferably foetid. It contained a concrete, white, fpongy matter, in the middle of the bottle, of a fimilar form, and likewife elaflic. When the liquor was heated, a white pellicle of genuine elaflic refin was very foon formed on its furface. Alcohol, mixed with the juice, feparated from it flakes of that refin. When the caout-chouc, in a dry flate, fuch as it is fent into Europe, is expofed to fire, it becomes foft, fwe!ls, exhales a foetid odour, and fhrinks as it burns. Elaflic i Xj .1 . . « 57 Gum Refuis . Elaftic refill is not foluble in water. We know not in what manner faline matters aft upon this fubflance. Macquer, after trying to diffolve it in various men- ftrua, was convinced of what had been before afferted by MefTrs de la Condamine and Frefneau, ( Academy , year 1751), that alcohol was incapable of afting upon it, but that oils diffolved it with the help of heat. However, as he wifhed to reduce it to a liquid flare, fo that it might be made ufe of in that form, and might re- cov.er its properties by the evaporation of the folvent li- 1 quor, he was obliged to employ another menflruum than oils ; becaufe oils, however volatile, always altered the elaftic refin, and became fixed in it fo as to weaken its flrength, and deflroy its elaflicity. He, at length, diffolved this fubflance in highly reftified tether ; and it, being fo very fubjeft to evaporation, perfectly fuited his purpofe: ( Academy, year 1768). And, though that liquor be indeed very dear, yet he thought it might be of fome confequence to make known to the public a me- thod of making fome very ufeful inflruments, fuch as catheters, by putting, on a waxen mould, fucceflive layers of this lolution, till they be of the required thicknefs. When the catheter is dry, let it be immerfed in boiling water, which, by melting the wax, feparates it from the mould. The foftnefs and elaflicity of a catheter of this fubflance, render it the moft proper for perfons who find it neceffary to carry fuch an inflrument about with them. Thefe are all the particulars of the hiftory of gum elaftic that were known to the world before the month of April 1781 ; at which time M. Berniard, diftinguifh- ed by the accuracy of his experiments, inferted in the Journal de Rhyfique an excellent memoir on this lingu- lar 58 Gum Rcfins* Lar fubfiance. That chemirt concludes from his experi- ments, that elaflic refin is a peculiar fat oil, coloured by a matter foluble in alcohol, and contaminated with the foot of the fmoke to which each layer of the refm muft be expofed, in order to dry it. Water produces no al- teration upon it : alcohol, alii feed by a boiling heat, dif- colours it. Cauftic fixed alkali is incapable of acting upon k. The concentrated fulphuric acid reduces it to a car- bonaceous Hate, and is itfelf, at the fame time, tinged with a black colour, and takes, the fmell and the volati- lity of the fulphureous acid. The common, or weak ni- tric acid, adts on this refill in the fame way as on cork, and gives it a yellow colour ; the nitric acid, flrongly concentrated, decompofes it very rapidly ; the muriatic acid produces no fort of alteration upon it ; redfified fulphuric tether did not dififolve it : This fadt muft ap- pear fingular, as the author obferves, to all thofe who know the accuracy and veracity of Macquer. Nitric aether did diilolve it. This fclution is yellow, and affords, by evaporation, a tranfparent fubllance, friable, and foluble in alcohol ; — in a word, a genuine refin, formed, ac- cording to this author, by the adtion of the nitric acid on the elaflic caout-chouc. The volatile oils of laven- der, afpic, and turpentine dilfolved it with the help of a gentle heat ; but they form clammy fluids, which flick to the hands, and cannot therefore be applied to any ufeful purpofe. A folution of elaflic refin by oil of afpic, when mixed with alcohol, depofited white flakes, which were infoluble in hot water, but floated on the furface of that fluid, and became, by cooling, wdfite and folid like wax ; in a word, they formed a genuine, fixed, concrefcible oil. Oil of camphor dilfolved elaflic refin by Ample maceration. Y/hen the folution was evapor- ated. 1 ated, the camphor was volatilized; and there remained in c the capfule an amber-coloured matter, of a firm confift- ency, but fcarce gluey, and eafily foluble in alcohol. Fixed oils, when boiled upon elaftic refin, difiolve it : wax likewife difl'olves it. This fubfiance does not melt by a boiling heat ; but when expofed to the aftion of fire in a filver fpoon, it is reduced into a thick black oil t I *It then exhales while vapours; after which it remains fat and clammy, though expofed to the air for feveral months ; nor does it ever again recover its drynefs and elafticity, which are fo neceflary to fit it for the purpofes to which it is applied. Laftly, M. Berniard concluded his experiments on this fubfiance, by analyfing it by na- ked fire. From an ounce of gum elaftic he obtained a very little phlegm ; an oil, which, though at firft clear and light, became afterwards thick and coloured; and ammo- niac, the quantity of which he does not fpecify : There remained a coal, fimilar to thofe of other refinous fub- fiances, which weighed 12 grains. This chemift afcribes the origin of the ammoniac to the foot which colours gum elaftic. On this analyfis we may obferve, that it does not de- termine, in a very accurate manner, the nature of elaftic refm : for acids aft not on this fubfiance in the fame way as on fat oils: they aft on thefe bodies with much more rapidity than on gum elaftic : neither do cauftic alkalis reduce it to a faponaceous ftate ; nor does it melt, un- lefs a much ftronger heat be applied to it than what is fufficient to reduce the moft folid fixed oils to a ftate of fluidity : and, befides, no fixed oil ever becomes dry and elaftic like elaftic refin, &c. &c. In his fifrh experi- ment, too, the author aflerts this gum to confift of two diftinft fubftances, the nature of which he does not ex- plain j DO Gum Rejins . plain ; and concludes with reprefenting it as a product of human induftry. From thefe reflexions, and many others which might be added, concerning thefe experi- ments of M. Berniard’s, which are in other refpeXs very well performed, we are induced to think, that much ftill remains to be done, as he himfelf acknow- ledges, before we can be fully acquainted with the properties of this fubftance, or decide with certainty concerning its nature. Pure Facula of Vegetables* 61 7 CHAP. XVI. t Of the Pure Foscula of Vegetables . THE juices of vegetables, when elaborated in their veffels, become thick, and are, by degrees, depo- fited on the furfaces of their fibres, where they contribute to their increafe and nourilhment, or are accumulated in a more or lefs folid form, in the different organs ©f which the vegetable confifts. After fpeaking of the fluid parts of thefe organic fubflances, we come next to examine the fubftance of which the contexture of their folids is form- ed.— We are, as yet, far from being fufiiciently acquaint- ed with the nature of all thofe folid matters which com- pofe the organs of plants. However, thofe particulars which are known to us, on this head, fliew that thofe organs, when treated by proceffes which we are going to deferibe, are reducible to a dry, pulverulent, infipid, fubftance, either white, grey, or variegated with different colours, infoluble in cold water, and feemingly earthy, which is called faculum. To obtain this fubftance, the root, ftem, leaves, or feed of a plant, is pounded down to a pulp with a peftle. When Pure Facula of Vegetables, When thefe parts are fucculent, there is no occafion for adding water to aflifl the procefs ; but this fluid is ufu- ally employed to facilitate the reparation of the fibres, and to take up the attenuated, pulverulent parts. When reduced by this procels to pulp, the vegetable fubflance is then Iqueezed ; the juice, or water obtained from it by prefibre, is either turbid, white, or coloured ; and it gradually depofites, by refi, a flaky matter, partly fibrous, and fometimes pulverulent, which is the true faeculum of the plant. Some parts of vegetables appear to confift entirely of this matter ; fuch as the feeds of gramineous and leguminous plants, tuberculous roots, &c. Thefe parts ufually afford the fin eft fteculum, and the greatefl quantity of that matter. As to the tender Items and leaves, their texture, being more fibrous, never affords, when treated by this procefs, any thing but a coarfe, coloured, filamentous fubflance, which is known by the name of coarfe fceculum. If, after being thoroughly dried, thefe be reduced to powder, and the powder lixiviated, the water takes up a much finer feculum, precifely of the fame nature with that of tuberculous roots and gramine- ous feeds. In the eye of the chemifl, therefore, there is no other difference between thefe two kinds of fmcula, but that the fir A is produced from a part which is lefs fibrous, not fo perfectly organized, and apparently form- ed of fmall cells, in which Nature has depofited a dry or farinaceous mucilage ; whereas the fecond, being wrought into a tiflue of fibres, needs to have its organi- zation deftroyed, and to be attenuated by art. Strittly fpeaking, all the folid parts of vegetables are capable of affording a fort of fmculum. But that which is prepared for the arts, for pharmacy, and for aliments, muft here be more immediately the objefl of our atten- tion. The ftecula of briony, potatoe, caflava, fago, fa- Pure Facula of Vegetables. bp, (larch, are thofe which deferve to be particularly taken notice of, as applied to thefe purpofes. 1. To prepare the fcecula of briony ; take the frefil roots of the plant, (trip off the bark, rafp the root to pieces, and then.fubmit them to the prefs. The juice fqueezed out by the force of the prefs is white, and de- polites a very fine fceculum. At the end of four and twenty hours, decant off the juice ; dry the fcecula. As the juice muff have left in it a certain quantity of ex* tra«ff, it is very acrid, and purges violently. If waffled, before being dried, it becomes finer and whiter, but lofes at the fame time its purgative powers. • But this way of preparing the fcecula of briony affords only a very fmall quantity. Much more may be obtained by diluting in water the mafs which remains in the prefs, pafiing that water through a hair-fieve, and fuffering it to (land un- diffurbed, till it depoffte the fcecula which- it contains. When this is depofited, let the water be decanted off, and the fediment dried. This fceculum obtained by waffl- ing the lees, is not of a purgative nature like the former, as the water has carried off the extraffive matter in which that virtue refided. M. Baume has obferved, that the fceculum of briony, when well waffled, bears an exaff refemblance to ftarch, and that hair-powder might be made of it ; by which means, the wheat made ufe of for that article would be fpared for other purpofes. The faecula of the roots of calves-foot and cornflag are pre- pared in the fame way for medical ufe. 2. Potatoes, being fo plenteous, and affording in a crop fuch large increafe, form one of the mod ufeful ar- ticles of food. We can very eafily extraff from them a great deal of very fine white fceculum, that becomes, by roafting, boiling in water, &c. a nourilhing article of food. This fceculum may be obtained by grating down the 6/\ Pure Fa at l a of Vegetables , the potatoes on a fieve, and pouring plenty of water up- on them. The fluid carries off the fined and mod atte- nuated portion of the fcecula, and, after danding for fome time undidurbed, depofites it. Decant off the wa- ter ; dry the facculum by a gentle heat : it is now in the date of a very fine light white powder. For the preparation of large quantities of this powder, mills, or a fort of graters turning on cylinders, have been contriv- ed, which appear to be very happily adapted to the pur- pofe. / 3. The Americans extract, from the root of a very acrid plant called manioc , a very pleafant, nourifliing fre- culum, to which they give the name of Caffava. In preparing it, they firip the root of its bark, grate it down, and put it into a rulh-bag, of a conical figure* and a very flight loofe texture, and hang the bag upon a dick, reding horizontally on two wooden forks. To the lower end of this bag they fix a very heavy veffel, which, by its weight, fqueezes out the juice, and, at the fame time, receives it as it runs. The juice is a very acrid and noxious poifon. When the ftecula are fufficiently preffed, and all the juice drawn off, it is then dried by expofure to fmoke, and paffed through a fieve ; and now it is in a proper date for being baked into caffava. It is now fpread on an hot iron gridiron, and turned till it be fo completely roafled, as to take, on both fides, a xeddifli yellow colour. In this date it is called Caffava ' Bread. When expofed to heat in a bafon, and dirred from time to time, it takes, as it dries, a granulated form ; in which date it is called Couac. From the juice that was fqueezed from the ftecula, there is, by degrees, a very fine fw^et-taded fteculum precipitated, which is ^called Mouffache, and ufed in pa-dry.- 4. Sago Pure Fa cut a of Vegetables . 65 1 v 4. Sago is a dry feculum, reduced to grains, and a little reddened by the action of fire, which we get from Java, and from the Molucca and Philippine iflands. — It is extra&ed from a fort of palm-tree, called in the Mo- luccas Landan. The trunk of that tree inclofes a fweet marrow, which the inhabitants extract by fplitting the tree longitudinally. They then fcrape down this mar- row, put it into a fort of cone or funnel made of the bark of a tree, place the cone upon an hair-fieve, and pour upon it a good deal of water. — The fluid conveys with it, through the holes of the fieve, the fineft and whited part of the marrow, leaving the fibrous part Hill upon the fieve. — The water impregnated with the atte- nuated part of the marrow is received into pots, in which the fleculum is foon depofited, and it becomes tranfparent. — The water is now decanted ofF, and the fe- diment palled through fmall plates perforated with holes, which give it the granulated form by which lago is ufu- ally didinguilhed. — The reddilh colour of the furfaces of the grains is owing to the adion of the fire by which they are dried. — Thefe grains become foft and tranfpa- rent in boiling-water. With milk or broth they make a fort of foup, which is light, and far from difagreeable to the tade, and is greatly recommended in phthifical cafes. 5. Salep, falop, falab, &c. is a fubdance which the inhabitants of the Ead prepare from a fpecies of orchis. They feled the fined bulbs of that plant, firfl peel them, and then deep them in cold, and boil them in hot water j next, after the water is well drained from them, they are drung m bunches, and dried in the air. M. Jean Moult gives another procefs for the prepartion of falep, by which it may be prepared from any fpecies of orchis. V°l, III. E The 66 Pure Fee cilia of Vegetables. , The roots mu ft be rubbed, either dry or in water, with a brnfli, to remove the exterior pellicle, and then dried in an oven. They then become very hard and tranfpa' rent. But they may be very eafily reduced to a powder; and this powder, diluted in hot water, forms a nourifh- rng jelly, the virtues of which Geoffroy mentions with very lavifh praife, as highly efficacious againfl all difeafes occafioned by an acidity of the lymph, more efpecially againft confumptions and the bilious dyfentery. CHAP. i Farina of Wheat and Starch. 67 CHAP. XVII. » Of the Farina of Wheat , and of Starch * STARCH, properly To called, is a fmculum precifely of the fame nature with thofe of which we have already given an account : But as the farina of wheat, of which ftarch is a condiment part, is one of the mod important matters that can engage the attention of the chemift, we fhall defcend to a much more particular ac- count of this than we have given of any of the other faecula. What is called farina, is in general a dry, friable, in- fipid fubftance, capable of acquiring fapidity and digefti- bility by the a&ion of fire, and confiding of feveral matters which may be very eafily feparated from one another. This fubftance is difpofed by nature in the feeds of gramineous plants, efpecially in thofe of wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice. See. Even leguminous plants appear to contain a compound of an analogous nature. There is, however, no other fubftance but the farina of wheat, which poffefies all the fame properties : none but this farina poffeffes that juft proportion of the con- ftituent principles to which alone all its diftinguilhing E 2 properties 63 Farim of Wheat and Starch. properties can belong. Although the farina or flour cf wheat has, from time immemorial, been ufed as a prin- cipal article of food, yet it has only within tiffs fhort time begun to be chemically examined. Meffrs Bec- cari, an Italian phyfician, and Keffel Meyer in Ger- many, are the firfl chemifts who attempted to-feparate the different matters of which farina confifts. Meflfrs Rouelle, Spielman, Malouin, Parmentier, Poulletier de la Salle, and Macquer, have profecuted thefe refearches a great way farther than the above mentioned natu- ralifts. M. Parmentier efpecially has profecuted them with very uncommon zeal and induftry. His refearches into the nature of thefe alimentary fubflances, the prin- ciples of farina, the different kinds of fascula, and con- cerning nutritious vegetables in general, are undeniably the mod compleat and accurate of any thing that we have of the kind. Water is, of all agents, the mod ufeful, as it produ- ces the lead alteration on the various matters with which it becomes impregnated, or which it feparates, according to the laws of their folubility. Accordingly, it is by this fluid that the different matters of which the farina of wheat conflfts are mod fuccefsfully obtained fe- parate from one another. In performing this true analyfls, a pafle is firfl; to be compofed of the farina with water ; the pafle muft then be kneaded in an earth- en veffel, with water pouring upon it from a cock ; the fluid, as it falls upon the pafle, takes up from it a very fine white powder, by means of which it acquires the colour and confiflency of milk : let this procefs be continued till the Water run off clear. The farina is now found to be naturally feparated into three diftimfl fubftances — a grey elaftic matter that flicks to the hand, and on account of its properties has gained the name of the glutinous, or Farina of Wheat and Starch. *9 y •aegeto-animal parr, — a white powder which falls to the j bottom of the water, and is the fceeulum or (larch, — and a matter which remains diifolved in the water, and feems to be a fort of mucilaginous ext raft. Let us pro- ceed to an examination of the properties of each of i thefe three fubftances. matter, of a whitifh grey colour. It may be ex^ tended to twenty times its natural length ; and it then feems to confiftof fibres or filaments, difpofed befide one another in the fame direftion in which it has been drawn out. When the power by W'hich it was extended ceafes to aft, it then returns with elaftic force to its primary form. By drawing it out in different direftions, it may be render- ed fo fine as to refemble, in the polifli of its lurface, the texture of the membranes of animals. In this hate, it adheres with confiderable force to dry bodies, and forms a very tenacious glue, which was ufed by feme people,, for the purpofe of re-uniting pieces of broken porce- lain, long before chemifls had found out the way of obtaining it in large quantities. M. Beccari obferves, that in the beft flour the proportion of the glutinous matter is from a fifth to a third part, or even more : — he remarks, too, that this proportion varies, according to the feafon, and the nature of the corn. The glutinous matter has an agreeable and fome- what mucous fmell ; its tafle is infipid ; it fwells amar 2ingly when expofed to a flrength of heat fufficient to dry it quickly. It dries very well by a moderate heat, 91 even in the dry air. It then becomes femitranfpa- § I. Of the Glutinous Part of Wheat, glutinous part is a tenacious, duftile, eiaflie rent 7o Farina of Wheat and Starch. rent and hard, like a ftrong glue, and, like that iub- ftance, breaks with noife, and with a fmooth fra&ure. If, when in this date, it be laid on a burning coal, or held over the flame of a taper, it exhibits all the cha- ra&eriflics of an animal matter ; it crackles, fwells, be- comes liquid, is agitated, and burns in the fame way as a feather, or a piece of horn, exhaling a ifrong foetid fmell. When diddled in a retort, it affords, like ani- mal matters, water impregnated with ammoniac, ammo- niacal carbonate, and an empyreumatic oil : the carbo- naceous relidue is very difficult to incinerate, and is found to contain no fixed alkali. The gluten, when expofed freth to a moid and hot air, is altered, and actually putrefied in the fame manner as" animal matters. If it dill retain a little darch, then the darch, palling into the date of acid fermentation, re- tards and modifies the putrid fermentation of the gluten, and reduces it to a date in which it is much like cheefe. In this way Rouelle, the younger, prepared, from this gluten, a fpecies of cheefe, in tade and fmell much the fame with Dutch cheefe, and that of Gruyere. Water does not at all diffolve this glutinous matter. When boiled in that fluid, it becomes folid, and lofes its tenacity and eladicity, but neither acquires a tade, nor becomes foluble in the faliva. We may however ob- ferve, that to the water which was ufed in making the pade the gluten owes its eladicity and folidity. In the farina, this vegeto-animal matter, which is thus fufeep- tible of a folid eladic form, was in an incoherent and pulverulent date ; but when the water is poured upon the farina, and mixed with it, thofe panicles which are of a glutinous nature abforb the fluid, and are by its means fo clofely united as to form, in a fliort time, that fort of eladic folid which is known by the name of glu- ten. 7i Farina of Wheat and Starch. ten. Water, therefore, contributes greatly to the form-* ation of this fubftance, which is perhaps to be confider- ed as a peculiar compound faturated with water, and, for that reafon, not capable of abforbing any more. So true is this, that if it be deprived of its water by delic- cation, it lofes entirely its elaftic and adhefive powers. Molt faline fubftances aft either with more or lefs force on this gluten. Potalh and foda, in a cauftic and liquid (late, diffoive it with the help of a boiling heat. The folurion is turbid, and, on the addition of acids, de- pofites gluten, which, however, is deftitute of elallicity. The mineral acids diffoive this gluten. The nitric acid diffolves it with great aftivity; and M. Berthollet has obferved, that this gluten, as well as animal fub- fiances, gives out azotic gas, when expofed to the aftion of the nitric acid. After the emiilion of this elaftic fluid, the folution affords a great deal of nitrous gas, and takes a yellow colour. By evaporation it affords oxalic acid in cryltals. The fulphuric and the muriatic acids form with this fubftance brown or violet folutions. A fort of oily matter is feparated from thefe folutions : the gluten exifts in them, in a real ftate of decompofition. M. Poulletier, who has made many experiments on this matter, has difcovered, that, from thefe combinations, diffolved in water or alcohol, and evaporated in the open air, there may be ammoniacal falts obtained. Prom what we have related concerning this fubftance it appears, that it is entirely different from all of thofe which we have before taken notice of, as exifting in ve-. getables ; and that in many of its diftinguithing pro- perties, it bears a great refemblance to the fibrous pare of blood. It is to this gluten the farina of wheat owes its property of forming a clammy pafte with water, and its rcadinefs to rife with leaven. It appears either not to E exifl. 72 Farina of Wheat and Starch. exift, or to exift only in a very fmall proportion in the farina of other vegetable fubftances, fuch as rye, bar- ley, buckwheat, rice, &c. all of which form folid, opaque paftes, fcarcely duCtile, and brittle, and which can fcarce be raifed when expofed to the fame temperature by which pafte of the farina of wheat is raifed. No other fubftance but flour of wheat, therefore, is poffeffed of all the qualities neceffary for making good bread. M. Berthollet is of opinion, that this glutinous fub- ftance, like animal matters, contains phofphoric falts, which are the occaflon of its coal being fo difficult to incinerate. Rouelle the younger has difcovered a glu- tinous fubftance, refembling that ,of the farina of wheat, in the green faecula of plants, which afford, by analyfis, ammoniacal carbonate and empyreumatic oil, like the veg.eto-animal matter of which we have been fpeaking. § II. Of the Starch of Wheat. gTARCH, the amylaceous ffeculum, is the moft co- pious part of the farina. This is the fubftance which is carried off, and afterwards precipitated from the water with which the pafte is waflied in order to obtain the pure gluten- This fubftance is very fine, feels foft, and has no perceptible tafte. Its colour, when it is extracted by the procefs above defcribed, is a dirty grey white ; but the manufacturers of ftarch render it exceedingly white, by fteeping it in an acid water which they call four water. It appears, from the experiments of M. Poulletier, that the fermentation which takes place in that fluid whitens and purifies the ftarch, by atte- nuating and even deflroying the extractive mucous fub- ftance which is precipitated with it in the firft waffling. Starch, chemically confidered, is a mucilage of a peculiar pature. 73 Farina of Wheat and Starch . nature. This mucilage, which, by fome chemifts, has been miftaken for an earth, is very different from the gluten. It does not, like the gluten, diffufe an empyreu- matic fmell, when it burns. When diftilled by naked fire, it affords an acid phlegm, of a brown colour, and, towards the conclufion of the procefs, a very thick em- pyreumatic oil. The coaly refidue is eafily enough in- cinerated ; and its allies are found to contain fixed alkali. Starch is not foluble in cold water ; but when boiled in water, it forms with the fluid a glue, or rather what in French is denominated by the peculiar name of empois. This compound, when expofed to damp air, lofes by degrees its confiftency, ferments, becomes four, and is covered over with mouldinefs. The nitric acid affords, with this faeculum, oxalic acid, perfeffly the fame with that of which we have fpoken in the foregoing chapter. As ftarch forms the greateft part of flour, there can be no doubt of its being the principal alimentary fub- ftance contained both in flour and in bread. § III. Of the Extractive Mucilaginous Part of the Farina . gY evaporating the clear water that had been ufed in wafhing the pafle, and had depofited the flarch, M. Poulletier obtained a vifcous, adhefive matter, of a brown yellow colour, the tafte of which was faintly faccharine. This fubftance, to which he gave the name of mucofofac - charine , difplayed, in combuflion and diftillation, all the fame phenomena with fugar. By it, the acid fermenta- tion is produced in the water which fwims over flarch ; for, as Macquer has obferved, ftarch is not at all foluble ia col^ 74 farina of Wheat and Starch. told water. The mucofo-faccharine matter exids in the farina of wheat only in very a fmall proportion. It may, poffibiy, be more copious in the farina of fome other ve- getable fubdances. However fmall the proportion of this fubdance in the farina of wheat, yet there can be no doubt of its aiding a peculiar part in the fermentation which takes place in pafte, and caufes it to rife. The nature of this motion, fo neceffary to render bread wholefome, is dill but very iittle known. It would appear to be nothing more but the beginning of a putrid fermentation in the gluten, an acid fermentation in the darch, and perhaps a fpiritous fermentation in the mucofo-faccharine matter. Thefe x three incipient fermentations, which mutually oppofe each other, are perhaps what produces the compound, fo much lighter than dough, which, by baking, and a proper ex- pofure to heat, forms bread. One thing certain is, that, in bread, all the three fubdances which we have here ex- amined, are found exiding together, but fo much alter- ed, that they can no longer be extracted feparately. E- ven the a&ion of heat alone, without the motion of fer- mentation, is fufficient to change the nature of thefe three fubdances, and combine them in fuch a manner, that even from bread, unleavened, or baked without being raifed, Malouin and M. Poulletier tell us, the gluten can no longer be obtained. From thefe particulars we underdand, how that all dour but that of wheat, and, dill more, the leguminous or farinaceous feeds, fuch as beans, peas, chefnuts, & c. is far from podeffing the qualities requifite for making good bread. CHAP, Vegetable Colouring Matters . 7 a CHAP. XVIII. Of Vegetable Colouring Matters , and their Applied-* tion to the Art of Dyeing. EGETABLES contain colouring matters through all their organs. Thefe matters are extremely various. It often happens, that a vegetable matter which has, of itfelf, no apparent colour, alfumes a very diftinft one, when expofed to the a&ion of certain menftrua. The art of dyeing, all the procefles of which are entirely chemical, is founded on the knowledge of the folubility of thefe colouring parts of vegetables, in various men- flrua, — of the way of applying them, fo as to communicate colour to other fubhances, — and of rendering them perma- nent and tenacious on thofe fubhances. In examining the properties of each of the colouring matters, we Will have occafion to give forne account of the principles of this important art, on which MelTrs Hellot, Macqufcr, le Pileur d’ Apligny, Hecquet d’ Orval, and the Abbe Mazeas.have already publifhed excellent works. It appears that the colouring matter of vegetables, pro- perly fo called, is hill unknown. Roulle was of opinion, that the green part, fo copious in the vegetable kingdom. 76 Vegetable Colouring Matters, was fimilar in nature to the gluten of the farina. But it is certain, that this matter exhibits different chemical cha- ra&eriftics, according to the diverfity of the bafes with which it is united. It is, therefore, rather the bafe, than the colouring part itfelf, of which we fpeak, when we fay, fuch a colour is extractive, and fuch another colour refmoiis, &c. The fubftance which really colours thofe parts of vegetables that are employed in the arts, is, no doubt, a very fubtle body, perhaps not lefs fo than the principle of fmells. There is even fome reafon to think, that it confifls folely in a certain modification of the folid and liquid parts of vegetables. It may be proper to recoiled here, that the colouring of vegetables depends, in a great meafure, on the contaCi of light. But, in what manner the contact of light con- tributes to the production of colours, is a problem, of which the refearches of the natural philofopher have, as yet, afforded no folution. Whatever that may be, as it is im- pcffible to feparate the colouring matter entirely from the vegetable bafe to which it is united, it is generally agreed to confider thefe two fubftances together as the colouring matter of plants. Of all chemifls, Macquer has beft diftinguifhed the na- ture of the different colouring matters of vegetables, con- fidered with refpeCt to the art of dyeing : And his theory concerning the application and the fixation of colours on other fubftances in dyeing, is beyond a doubt the moft fatisfa&ory. As I intend here to connect that theory of dyeing, with the hiftory of the chemical properties of the colouring parts of vegetables, I fhall begin with the con- fideration of thofe properties. i . A great many vegetable colouring matters, which are either extractive or faponaceous, diffolve very readily in water. Baftard rocker, madder, logwood, redwood, and Brafil Vegetable Colouring Matters . • 7 7 Brafil wood afford yellow or red colours of this fort. It is eafy to fee, that matters dyed with thefe colours, muPt Iofe their tin&ure in wrater : on this account, there is employ- ed, to render thefe colours permanent, fome additional mat- ter capable of fixing and decompofing them ; fuch as crude tartar, alum, and other falts. Thefe falts are called corrofives. A folitary acid might produce the fame effetft; but would alter the colouring matter. The fuperfluous portion of the acid of the alum combines with the alkali of the faponaceous colouring extra£l, and occafions the precipitation of the refinous part of that extraft, w7hich is then infoluble in water, upon the fubftance intended to be dyed. This colouring part, however, which is rendered infoluble by the alum, or the corrofive, is of two kinds. The firff is very folid, and refills the a£fion of air, of foaps, and of all the liquors ufed by dyers as proofs. The other is liable to be altered by air, and (till more by the proof liquors : it is called a falfe dye. In order to afcer- tain the nature of thefe colours, and the durability of dyes in general, M. Berthollet has propofed the ufe of theoxi- genated muriatic acid. That acid effetts, in a very fhort time, by means of its excefs of oxigene, what the vital air of the atmofphere takes up a longer courfe of time to ac- complilh : And, by obferving what quantity of this acid is neceffary to difcolour and entirely whiten any dyed fluff, as well as the time which it takes to produce the ef- fect, a judgment may be formed of the folidity and the durability of the colours thus fubmitted to examination. It is obfervable that wool takes a dye better than any other fubftance ; and, next after wool, filk, cotton, and flax, in the order in which they are here mentioned, re- ceive fa dye, each of them with more difficulty than the preceding one, and lofe it fooner. Thofc 78 Vegetable Colouring Matters . Thofe authors who have written upon the art of dyeing* have maintained different opinions concerning the way in which colouring matters aft on the fubftances expofed to their operation. Many have fuppofed, that in proportion as the pores of the fubffance to be dyed are more or few- er, greater or fmaller, the colouring matter is more or lefs completely applied to it ; and that the reafon why wool takes a colour better than filk or thread, is becaufe its pores are more open and more numerous than thofe of either of thefe fubftances. But Macquer thinks the true caufe which renders the application to any fubftance more or lefs eafy, is, the relation between the colouring matter and the body to be dyed being nearer or more remote. Dyeing, in his opinion, is aftually nothing but painting, which fucceeds and lafts only by virtue of an intimate af- finity between the colouring matter and the dyed fubftance. That celebrated chemift adopted this opinion in confe- quence of the numerous experiments which he made in the art of dyeing ; which is indeed highly indebted to his difcoveries. 2. There is another clafs of colouring matters, which feem to confift of refm and faponaceous extraft. Mac- quer calls them refino-terreous matters. "When thefe mat- ters are boiled in water, the refinous fubftance which they contain is melted, and diffufed through the fluid, by means of the aftion of the heat, and the folution of the fapo- naceous part : but it is precipitated as the bath or decoc- tion cools. When, therefore, wool, or any other matter, is immerfed in a decoftiori of mixed colouring matter of this kind, the refin is feparated by cooling ; and, without requiring any farther procefs, fixes on the fubftance thus expofed to it. Not being foluble in water, it forms a permanent dye. Colouring matters of this kind are ob- tained from almoft all aftringent vegetables, fuch as the hulks Vegetable Colouring Matters. yp hufks of nuts, the roots of the walnut tree, or of dock, ■I fumach, bark of alder, fandal wood, &c. Thefe colours are all yellow, and are called by the dyers 'root-colours. They are generally ufed to form a good ground, on which colours of a higher Iuftre may be laid. We may further remark, that the colouring matters, for the application of which no particular preparation, either of themfelves, or of the bodies to which they are to be applied is requifite, afford the fimplefl tinfture, and are the eafieft applied to ufe. 3. The -colouring principle of various other fubfhmces exifts in a matter that is purely refinous, and infoluble in water. Several of thefe matters are not folublc even in alcohol ; but, in alkalis, they are all diffolved, and re- duced into a fort of faponaceous flate, in which they are foluble in water. — The following are the principal co- lours of this fort ufed in dyeing. A. The annatto, a kind of faecal um obtained by ma- ceration from the feeds of the urucu putrefied in water. This fteculum is depofited during the putrefafHon of the fubftances. It is at firfb red, but, in courfe of time, be- comes of a brick-duft colour. Stuffs intended to be dyed with this matter, are immerfed into a lixivium of this pafle, with the cendres grave Ices, which we are fhortiy to defcribe, mixed together in water. Without the af- fiflance of any corrofive, there is depofited on the fub- ftances immerfed into this lixivium a golden yellow, or orange colour, of confiderable beauty. R. The flower of Carthamus or haftard faffron af- fords, by the fame procefs, a very beautiful red colour. This flower has two different colouring parts; the one purely extractive, and foluble in water ; the other refin- ous.— I o obtain the latter, the foluble part of the car- thamus rouft fir ft be carefully wafhed away : What re- mains So Vegetable Colouring Matters • mains after the wafhing mud be mixed with the cendres gravelees , or foda ; this mixture is then to be formed in- to a lixivium, and employed in dyeing. But as the al- kali alters the colouring matter,, and tarnifhes the colour, the dyed fubdance is deeped in water, acidified by lemon juice. This acid, feizing the alkali, the colouring matter is left at liberty ; in confequence of which it regains its original properties, and becomes red. By a fimilar procefs, there is a coloured fteculum obtained from car- thamus, which, mixed with Briancon-chalk in powder, compofes the rouge made ufe of by the ladies. C. Arehil is a pade prepared from mofs and lichen, macerated in urine, with lime. The lime difengages the volatile alkali ; and that caufes the red colour to appear. Archil diluted in water communicates a dye without any other preparation with alkalis. It gives a violet co- lour ; but this is a falfe dye, which is altered in the air, and rendered yellow by the aftion of acids. D. Indigo, the colour of which is a deep violet blue, feemingly of a cupreous nature, is a fa?culum prepared at St Domingo, and in all the Antilles, &c. by macerat- ing the dalk of the Antillo or indigo plant in done troughs, with water. The water becomes blue ; and, after it has been for fome time violently dirred, the fee' culum is precipitated. The indigo feparated from the water is put into cloths to drain. It is then dried in fmall wooden boxes, and, when dry, broken into pieces. When it floats on water, and burns entirely away on a red-hot fhovel, it is edeemed good. The colouring part of it is extracted by alkalis, and applied to the matters intended to be dyed, without any farther preparation. — It cannot be brightened by acids, as thefe would alter the colour. 4. There \ Vegetable Colouring Matters. 8 1 4. There are certain colouring matters foluble in oils* Alkanet, or the red root of a fort of buglofs, communi- cates its colour to oil. Alcohol likewife diffolves feveral colouring matters : Green fmcula dinolve in it as well as in oil. It may be ealily underftood, that thefe colours cannot be ufed in dyeing ; becaufe the liquids neceffary to extract them cannot be employed. Such are the principal facts at prefent known concern- ing the nature of vegetable colours. From thefe it ap- pears, that any of the immediate principles of vegetables may become the bafe of their colouring parts ; as we find them to be faponaceous, refinous, and extra&ive. — Some of them even appear to be of the fame nature with fixed oils, and are not foluble either in water or in alcohol, but difiolve readily enough in alkali. Laftly, There are, according to Rouelle, fome of thefe colour- ing parts of the fame nature with the glutinous part of vegetables. There is every reafon to think, that future enquiries may difcover various other properties in thefe matters which are fo copious in vegetables, and thus carry to fiill higher perfection the art of dyeing, one of thofe arts to which chemifiry is capable of rendering the moft eflential fervices. P Vol. III. CHAP, Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. CHAP. XIX. Of the Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. FTER examining all the matters which can be ob- tained from vegetables, by fuch fimple means as produce no alteration in their nature, and confidering thefe matters as the immediate principles of thofe or- ganized bodies ; it will next be proper to confider what alterations they are liable to fuffer from fire. The ancient chemifts were acquainted with no other method of analyfing vegetables but this ; and all their enquiries into the nature of thefe fubftances were direct- ed only to difeover, how much fpirit, oil, and volatile fait they afforded by diflillation in the retort. At prefent, we give but little credit to the refults of this procefs. — * We know, that all plants give nearly the fame produfts; and the diflillation of a great many different vegetables, by chemifts in other refpe&s very fkilful and highly re- fpe&able, has only ferved to undeceive us with refpeft to this analyfis. Plow, indeed, can it be thought, that the action of fire, which is exerted on all the different prin- ciples contained in a vegetable, extract, mucilage, oil, re- fin, faline matter, gluten. Sec. and which decompofes each Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire , fc>3 each of them in a peculiar manner, can afford any cer- tain information concerning the nature and the quantity of thofe principles ? efpecially when we obferve, that the produffs of thefe different deconipofitions form, by mu- tual combination, new bodies, which did not exifl in the vegetable under examination. The analyfis of vegeta- bles in the retort is therefore falfe and complicated. However, as in a chemical examination of any fub- flance, we fhould not refufe the ufe of any means which art fupplies for the difcovery of its nature, we may have recourfe to this analyfis, and obferve its effects, provided we be fufficiently on our guard againft giving too much credit to its refults : Nay, it fometimes happens, that when, in a feries of experiments on any vegetable fub- ffance, in order to difcover its chemical properties, we compare the effects of aqueous, fpiritous, and oily men- ftrua on that fubitance, with the alterations which it fuffers from fire ; thefe alterations accord with the affion ! of the folvents, and fhew, by the produffs of the diftilla- tion, what matter is contained in a larger or a fmaller quantity in the vegetable, the nature of its fait, &c. But, that we may be able to make fuch important deduffions from an analyfis by naked fire, it is requifite, i. That we be well acquainted with the manner in which fire affs on each of the immediate or proximate principles of vegetables, the extract, the mucilage, the faline mat- ter, the oily juices, fluid or dry, &c. 2. That we compare the produffs of the dillillation of the whole ve- getable with thofe which its proximate principles gene- rally afford, when treated in the fame manner. 3. That we, at the fame time, analyfe the vegetable by men- ftrua, in order that we may diflinguifh its proximate principles, and draw fome ufeful inferences concerning tne alterations which it fuffers from fire, F 2 The; &+ Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. The procefs neceflary for the diflillation of vegetables by naked fire, is very eafy and very fimple. — Put into a glafs or earthen retort a certain quantity of the dry ve- getable : — care mufl be taken, however, to fill the veflel only half, or not more than two thirds full. Place the . retort in a reverberatory furnace ; to its neck adapt a balloon of a proper fize. There ufed to be formerly recommended for this purpofe, a balloon perforated with a fmall hole, to afford a palfage for the air which was faid to be difengaged, in a fmaller or a larger quantity, from the vegetables, and was likely, if confined, to break the vefiels. At prefent we know, that the aeriform fluid which efcapes from thefe bodies, when fubjccted to diftil- lation, is never air, but rather carbonic acid and hydro- genous gas, with carbonaceous matter diffolved in them. But as thefe elaffic fluids are produfts of the vegetable decompofed by the aftion of fire, as well as the phlegm, the oils, and the volatile falts ; it is no lefs neceflary to collect them than thefe latter fubftances. For this pur- pofe, there may be employed a perforated receiver, joined to a curved fyphon, entering by one end into a bell-glafs filled with water, or rather with mercury. By this means, the liquid produ&s are collefted into the receiver, and the aeriform produtts into glafs vefiels, placed on the flielf of a pneumato-chemical apparatus. When the fubftance diffilled is fuch as can afford any concrete fait, there is put between the retort and the re- ceiver an adapter, or long glafs veflel, in the form of a fpindle, on the fides of which the fait fixes as it is fubli- mated. In this fort of diflillation, the fire fhould be gra- dually and cautioufiy applied, that the products may be obtained in the order of their volatility, without being confounded together. The procefs begins with placing a few coals under the retort, and the fire is by degrees increafed ■ Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. 8_£ I kicreafed till the veil'd become red-hot, and the palling !of the products into the receiver appear to have ceafed. The retort is now fuffered to cool, the luting removed | from the apparatus, and the products examined,. Although the prodmffs obtained by the di it illation of vegetables are never to be entirely depended upon, yet fo much do they differ from one another, that they well deferve to be carefully diftinguiihed. The firft product obtained is an aqueous liquor, im- pregnated with fome odorous and faline principles. This phlegm affumes by degrees more colour, and more faline properties. After it comes a coloured oil, the colour of which becomes deeper, as the procefs advances. This oil is fometimes light and fluid, at other times weighty and liable to become folid. It^conffantly exhales a ffrong empyreumatic fmell. At the fame time with it, there is a fmaller or a greater quantity of elaitic fluids difen- gaged ; which are either carbonic acid, or hydrogenous gas, or, which is moil frequently the cafe, a mixture of thefe two fubffances. At the fame inftant, too, amffror niacal carbonate is fublimated, if the nature of the ve- getable be fuch a$ to afford it. After all thefe matters have paffed, the vegetable is found reduced to a carbona- ceous ftate. Let us now return to a more particular ex- amination of each of thefe produces, and attempt to dL ffinguifh what is their nature, and to what fubffances they owe their formation. The phlegm is owing to the water which enters into the compofition of the vegetable, and in part to the wa- ter of its vegetation ; and this efpecially, when the body analyfed is not entirely dry : and accordingly, the quantity of this phlegm is greater or lefs, in proportion as the vege- table has been more or lefs thoroughly dried before it Was fubmitted to diftillation. This phlegm is coloured F 3 ; of 86 Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. of a lighter or a deeper red by the final! portion of oily matter which it carries off with it, and which is reduced to a faponaceous hate by the fait that is ufually dif- folved in it. The faline matter in union with it, is mod commonly acid ; on which account this phlegm ufually reddens fyrup of violets, and produces an effer- vefcence with alkaline carbonates. This acid belongs to the mucilages and oils. The phlegm is fometimes of an alkaline nature, as in the diftillation of nitrous and cruciform plants, and of emulfive and farinaceous feeds. It is frequently ammoniacal ; becaufe the ammoniac which follows immediately after the acid, combines with it. Of this fact full evidence may be obtained, by throwing a little fixed alkali or quicklime into the phlegnr: When it is ammoniacal, there is a lively fmell diffufed from the ammoniac. The oils obtained from vegetables by diftillation in a retort, are all flrong-fmelling and high-coloured, and ex- hibit ail of them nearly the fame properties. Thofe parts of vegetables which contain a great quantity of thefe inflammable fluids, fuch as emulfive feeds, afford, when analyfed, a good deal of oil. The odorous plants afford an oil which, in the beginning of the procefs of diftillation, retains fomewhat of their fmell, but foon af- fuir.es the common chara&eriftics of all thefe oils, that is to fay, the colour, gravity, and empyreumatic fmell by which they are diftinguifhed. All of thefe fluids are highly inflammable ; the nitrous acid caufes them to flame : they are folpble in alcohol, and bear, all of them, fume refemblance to the vegetable from which they were obtained. By reflification, they may all be ren- dered very fluid, very light, colourlefs, foluble in alco- hol ; in a word, they may thus be reduced to the flute pf aethereal or. volatile oils. With Analyfis of Plants by Naked Fire. 87 With refpeft to the volatile fait, which is nothing but ammoniacal carbonate, it is obtained only from a few vegetables; but we mull not imagine, as has been ad- vanced by fome chemills, that it is to be obtained only from cruciform plants. All plants, in general, contain- ing a certain quantity of glutinous or vegeto-animal matter, afford more or lefs ammoniac .; becaufe, as has been fully proved by M. Berthollet, that principle of vegetables always contains azote. It very feldom hap- pens, however, that any quantity of it can be obtained, in a concrete Hate : it is often diffolved in the lafl por- tions of the phlegm. This fait is produced by the union of the azote with the hydrogene of the oil ; on which account, it does not ufually pafs till the end of the difliliation. It even appears, that what is carried up by the phlegm in the analyfis of fome plants, fuch as the cruciferous plants, poppy, rue, &c. is always the produft of fome new combination ; for Rouelle the younger has fhewn, that the plants themfelves do not contain it in their natural date. The elaftic fluids which are difengaged during the difliliation of vegetables, are to be included among the produ£ts that may be obtained from them. Their na- ture appears to depend on the nature of the vegetable. A plant which contains a good deal of oily combuflible fluids, affords hydrogenous gas. Mucilages, on the contrary, afford carbonic acid. We have mentioned, under the article Oxalic Acid, that Meffrs Bergman .and Fontana have obtained from them a large quantity of carbonic acid, and that Fontana thinks vegetable acids to be compofed chiefly of it. It is, therefore, not at all furpriflng, that mucilages, in which Bergman found the fame radical acid as in fugar, fhould afford carbonic gas when analyfed. Laflly, there are fome F q. vegetable 88 Analyfis of 'Plants by Naked Fire. vegetable matters which afford azotic gas. Thefe aeri- form fluids pafs only towards the end of the procefs of diftillation ; becaufe they are not difengaged till the in- flant when the vegetable is totally decompoled. Hales, who was not acquainted with their nature, obferved, that the more folid the vegetable, fo much the greater was the quantity of the air difengaged from it during its di (filiation : and he of confequence confidered that element as the cement which produced the folidity of vegetable bodies. From what we have had occafion to fliew, the reader may eafily judge of the truth of this hypothefis. Vegetable Coal , or Charcoal. «S> CHAP. XX. Of Vegetable Coal , or Charcoal. HARCOAL is the black refidue of vegetable matters, whofe volatile principles have been en- tirely decompofed in clofe velTels. None but organic matters, containing the combuflible fubflance known by the name of oil, afford charcoal. The production of the fubflance which we are beginning to confider, ufed to be aferibed to the decompofiticn of this latter Sub- stance ; but it is now beginning t£> be underflood as a fact, that the carbonaceous matter exifls ready formed in the vegetable ; and that which is accomplished by the operation of fire, is the Separation of the volatile prin- ciples that exifled in union with it. Charcoal is generally black, brittle, Sonorous, and light. If the vegetable of which it has been formed was very compact, and contained but a Small proportion of fluid fubflance, it flill retains a vegetable form. But again, when the plant decompofed, is tender, and con- tains a good deal of juice, the fluids, as they are difen- 8agedj deflroy the organic texture of the vegetable. and po Vegetable Coal, or Charcoal. and leave a friable coal, which exhibits not the form of a decompofed vegetable. Different vegetable matters afford coal in greater or lefs abundance, according to the folidity and the form of their texture. Wood af- fords- much more of this fubflance than herbs ; gums afford more than refills ; and refins more than fluid oils. Every different vegetable matter appears to contain this fubflance in a particular proportion, — if we confider charcoal as one of the immediate principles of vege- tables. Charcoal is a body poffeffed of fmgular properties, which are in general but very little known. — Though it be of the highefl importance in chemiflry, and exhibit phenomena entirely of a fmgular nature, yet no chemift has as yet engaged in a feries of experiments with a view to.afcertain its nature. Stahl, who paid more at- tention to it than it has fince obtained from any other perfon, thought it the principal repofitory of phlogifton. We know fcarce any thing concerning the properties of charcoal, but what relates to the oeconomical purpofes to which it is applied : the labours of the learned afford no full information concerning it. The phyfical properties of charcoal are different, ac- cording to the nature and the flate of the vegetables from which it is formed. It is fometimes hard, and retains in fome degree the organization of the vegetable ; at other times it is friable, and fomewhat pulverulent. Pure oils afford a coal in very fine, and feemingly levigated mole- cules, called lamp-black. Its gravity varies in like man- ner. When well made, it has no perceptible take or fmell. Its colour is fubjefl to as many varieties as its other phyfical properties ; it is either of a lighter or a , deeper, a fparkling or a dull colour. But the chemical pro- perties \ Vegetable Coal , or Charcoal. 9 r perties of this product of fire, defer ve the moft par- ticular examination. Charcoal expofed in clofe vcffels to the turnoff violence of fire, fuffers no alteration. When heated in a pneu- mato-chemical machine, it affords no hydrogenous gas, unlefs it happen to contain moifture : an intenfe heat re- duces it to vapours. When heated in contafi with air, it burns to allies ; but with fingular phenomena, which are to be carefully diftinguilhed from thofe of other com- buftible matters. Affoon as it takes fire, it becomes red, and exhibits a white flame, which is more confidera- ble in proportion as the mafs of charcoal is larger. No fort of fmoke exhales from it ; but it is reduced into car- bonic acid* an elaflic fluid, which, from the fine experi- ments of M. Lavoifier, appears to be nothing but a com- bination of the carbonaceous principle with the oxige- nous,— of the latter of which principles three fourths of it confift. It is on this account that charcoal con fumes fiowly, and leaves nothing but a cinder, more or lefs white, partly of a faline, and partly of an earthy nature. Different forts of charcoal are of different degrees of in- flammability ; and this diftinclion is the moft ufeful to the arts of all the facts refpe&ing charcoal. Some forts of it burn readily with flame, and are quickly confumed ; others are difficult to kindle, burn but fiowly, and remain a long time red-hot, before being reduced to afhes. Some of them, — for inftance thofe of oils, — burn indeed, but with the utmoft difficulty. This property they feem to owe to the obftinate adhefion of the carbonaceous prin- ciple to the fixed falts of the vegetables. Charcoal, when expofed to the air, attra&s moifture ; probably becaufe it is very porous; and perhaps, too, on account of its containing falts in a latent ftate. When pioiftened, it affords hydrogenous gas, which is produ- ced 92 Vegetable Coal , or Charcoal. ced by the decompofition of the water : for, when this fluid is pafled through an earthen tube, filled with red- hot charcoal, the two bodies are converted into hydroge- nous gas and aeriform carbonic acid. Nothing now remains but a little afhes. Rouelle has taken notice that fixed al- kali diflolves a pretty confiderable quantity of charcoal by fufion. The fulphuric acid, when expofed to a ftrong heat with powder of charcoal, is decompofed by this combuf- tible body, w'hich has a ftronger affinity with oxigene than fulphur has. The nitric acid is decompofed with much more rapidi- ty by charcoal. Dr Prieflley obferved that there was a good deal of nitrous gas produced from this mixture. Macquer faw the nitric ttcid, wdth the help of a certain degree of heat, produce a very discernible effervefcence with this body. M. Proufl has fucceeded in kindling charcoal with acid of nitre, the weight of which was one ounce four drams and twenty three grains, in a bottle contain- ingan ounce of diddled water. The refult of his experiments is of no fmall importance : And I (hall therefore here in- fert an account of it in his own words, taken from his Obfervations on Pyrophori without alum, &c. inferted in the journal de Medicine for July 1778. “ A coal of the extraft of carthamus, reduced to pow- “ der, and newly calcined, detonized in a very lively “ manner with the nitrous acid ; and the combuftion was “ fo rapid, as to raiie the powder in the form of a very “ beautiful fky-rocket. I calcined, likewife, very fine “ powder of common charcoal ; and the detonation fuc- *e ceeded very well. “ Into a glafs retort, perfe&ly dry, I introduced about ft a dram of powder of charcoal ; after which I poured into “ the fame retort about as much nitrous acid : the nitrous “ acid Vegetable Coal, or Charcoal. 93 « acid no fooner reached the bottom of the retort, than a « detonation was produced with the utmoft rapidity. There « proceeded out of the mouth of the retort, as 1 held it in « my hand, a dream of flame, more than four inches in “ length, carrying with it fome of the powder, and very dark- “ coloured vapours of the nitrous acid : The vapours were “ condenfed into a green and fomewhat fuming liquor, “ which proved to be nitrous acid weakened by the wa- “ ter which entered into the compofition of that which “ detonized firft. I poured a new quantity of nitrous acid “ on the coal which dill remained in the retort, and con- “ tinued to indame it in the fame way, till the whole quan- “ tity was exhaufted. “ This experiment I repeated with calcined lamp-black; “ the fame phenomena were exhibited. In the retort “ there remained only a very fmall portion of afhes, fome- “ times half vitrified, and dicking to the bottom of the “ retort. “ All charcoal is ufually impregnated with a confider- able quantity of moidure. 1 found that charcoal cal- “ cined in the evening, was next day unfit for this deto- “ nation, having acquired, 'during the intervening fpace, a “ fenfible quantity of moidure. But, what is very fingu- “ lar, thefe experiments are fo capricious, that they do not “ always fucceed, even with the fame charcoal, and the fame “ acid, intermixed in the very fame proportions. By the “ following expedient, I believe, fuccefs may be fecured : “ When the acid is poured on the middle of the charcoal, “ it does not take fire at all ; but, again, when the acid is ' “ made to trickle down the fides of the crucible or cap- “ fule, till it reach the bottom, then detonation infal- “ libly follows, and the powder is raifed and kindled by “ the nitrous acid. When the nitrous acid is all confum- “ ed. 94 Vegetable Coal , or Charcoal. “ ed, the detonation ceafes of courfe, and the reft of the “ charcoal remains black.” We know nothing concerning the a&ion of the other acids on charcoal. » This body, with the help of heat, decompofes all ful- phuric falts, forming in confequence fulphures with va- rious bafes. Charcoal caufes nitre to detonize; the nitre burns it by means of the vital air which that faline fubflance affords by the aflion of fire. There is a preparation made for the purpofes of chemiftry and pharmacy, which is called nitre fixed by charcoal. Mix two parts of nitre with one of powder of charcoal ; put the mixture into a red-hot crucible : A lively detonation immediately takes place : And, when this detonation ceafes, there remains a white mafs which attra&s moifture from the atmofphere, and is nothing elfe but the fixed alkali of the nitre and the char- coal combined with carbonic acid. On lixiviating this matter, the water dilfolves the fixed alkali ; and what re- mains, is a fubflance thought to be of an earthy nature. Sulphure of potafh dilfolves charcoal with great facility, both by the dry and by the humid way : it even combines with it more readily than any other fubflance. We owe this difeovery to Rouelle. Metals do not combine with charcoal ; but metallic oxi- des are reduced when expofed, in contaft with this body, to a heat more or lefs intenfe. We have already feen, under the article of Metals, that this phenomenon is owing to the near affinity between oxigene and pure carbona- ceous matter.' The action of vegetable fubflances on charcoal, has been but little examined. We know, only, that charcoal mixed with fat oils, renders them fufceptible of inflammation by the 95 Vegetable Coal, or Charcoal, the nitrous acid ; a fa Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. CHAP. XXI. Of the Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. WHEN a vegetable coal is burnt, there remains a grey, blackilh, or white matter, according to the nature of the coal. This fubftance, which is called afhes , is of a very compound nature. When the char- coal is thoroughly burnt, it contains only different faline and earthy fubftances, mixed with a little iron and a little manganefe. When, again, the charcoal does not burn very freely, the allies produced from it fometimes contain a little inflammable matter which has not been confumed. M. Lavoifler, on examining the afhes of the wood made ufe of by the manufacturers of faltpetre, found it to contain extractive and refino-extraCtive mat- ters. The faline fubftances obtained by lixiviation from the allies of charcoal, have received the name of the Fixed Salts of Plants. There are three forts of falts obtained by the incineration of vegetables, the nature of which we {hall here defcribe. i. Potalli, which is prepared in the North by burn- ing wood, which they there poflefs in great plenty. This / Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. 97 This fait is very impure ; it often contains combuflible matters by which its whitenefs is impaired, a varie- ty of neutral falts, fuch as fulphate of potafh foda and lime, muriate of potafh and foda, a little carbonate of foda, oxide of iron, and earthy matters. To purify this fait, and extraft from it pure porafh, it is diflolved in the fmallelt pofhble quantity of cold water. Tne fluid takes up the alkali, with fome neutral falts ; and the earth, charcoal, iron, and fulphate of lime which the potafh frequently contains, are feparated by filtration. The fo- lution is evaporated to a pellicle, and then fuffered to fettle and cool, in order that the different neutral falts which it contains may be formed into cryfials. When, at length, after repeated filtration, evaporation, and cryflallization, the lixivium ceafes to afford neutral falti, it is evaporated to drynefs, and calcined. The fait thus obtained is carbonate of potafh, intermixed with cauftic potafh. It always contains, however, fome neutral falts, and a fmall portion of earthy matters, which may be fe- parated by forming thefe falts and earthy matters into a- ftrong folution with water, fuffering that folution to fettle and reft for fome time, and then fepa rating, by filtra- tion, the fediment thus formed. The potafh may now be ufed with confidence as pure, even in the niceft che- mical experiments. 2. Soda is the refidue remaining after the combu- ftion of certain plants which grow on the fea fhore. It is prepared at Alicant, in Languedoc, at Cherbourg,- &c. by the combuflion of various plants. At Ali- cant, the kali is employed ; at Cherbourg, the algas and fucus, commonly known by the name of 11 are chi I he former of thefe plants contains a good deal more foda than the other; which indeed affords but. very little.- Thefe plants are made very dry, and burnt over a trench.- Vol. Ill, G M 9 3 Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. At Cherbourg, when the combudion is confiderably ad- vanced, and the aflies are become very hot, they are" violently ftirred and kneaded together with large poles. By this motion, the fub fiance, being hot enough to dif- fer a fort of femi-vitrification, is formed into folid, hard pieces, which are fold in commerce under the names of fone-foda, falicore, falicote, la marie, and alun catin. The' names by which it is chiefly diAinguifhed, and which de- note its particular date, are thofe either of the country from which it comes, or the plant from which it is ob- tained. The foda of Alicant, called alfo barilla^ is the beft for the purpofes of chemrftry, and of all thofe arts in which fixed alkali is neceflary. The foda of Cherbourg, or varech , contains lefs alkali, and ftiould not be ufed in chemidry ; but in glafs-works it is very advantageoufly employed ; for it contains vi- treous frit, which anfwers the purpofes of the glafs- maker, by promoting the vitrification of the other mat- ters. Common foda, chemically confidered, is a compound of cauftic foda, carbonate of foda, a fmall proportionxof carbonate of potafli, fulphate of potafli and foda, muriate of foda,, charcoal, iron in the date of Fruffian blue , as has been obferved by Henckel, and earth partly free, partly combined with fixed alkali, as in that of Cher- bourg. To feparate thefe fubdances, and obtain the carbonate of foda in a pure date, they are formed into a lixivium with cold didilled water : this lixivium is fil- trated, in order to feparate the earth, the iron, and the carbonaceoys matters : ladly, it is evaporated in the fame way as potafli. This alkali is more eafily pu- rified than potafh ; for as it crydallizes fooner, it fepa- rates more readily from the caudic foda. It however carries with it, when it crydallizes, fome of the neutral falts 99 Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. i falts and the Pruflian blue contained in the lixivium* I which can be feparated only by repeated folution, and fucceflive cryftallization. 3. There are fixed falts prepared in pharmacy, which j have been ftrongly recommended by Takenius, and (till : bear his name. That chemift’s procefs confifts in put- I ting the plant from which the fait is meant to be extra#- 1 ed into an iron pot, and heating that vefifel till its bottom ; become red-hot : the plant is conftantly fiirred, and ex- hales a good deal of fmoke : at length it kindles : it mufl now be covered up with a lid, which may fuifer the fmoke to efcape, but extinguilh the flame. By this' means the plant is gradually confumed. When reduced to a fort of blackifh cinder, it is lixiviated with boiling water ; and, on evaporating that lixivium to drynefs, a yellowifli or brown fait is obtained. That fait is of- ten alkaline, but very impure ; it contains a good deal of extractive matter from which it derives a colour, and which is mixed with all the neutral falts contained in the plant : it is in a fort of faponaceous fiate, which makes it very fit for being employed in medicine. But we mull not imagine that it pofi'efies all the virtues of the plant from which it was extracted j for the combuftion necef- farily alters the principles of the plant. It would be worth while to examine* by a chemical analyfis, the feve- ral fixed falts prepared in Takenius’s way, in order to difeover what faline and' extractive fubftances they con- tain ; and to afeertain their virtues, and the quantities in which they are to be adminiftered. 4. When the allies of vegetables are deprived, by lix- lviation, of all the faline matters which they contained, the refidue is nothing but a pulverulent fubftance, more or lefs white or coloured, infipid, infoluble in water, and which has been hitherto thought to confift of earths. G a- Th<9 ioo Fixed Salts and Earths of Vegetables. The magnet attra&s iron from this matter. This iron, as well as the manganefe which has in like manner been for fome time obtained from this refidue of vegetables, mull have exifted ready formed in the plant. A num- ber of naturalifts are of opinion, that plants owe their colours to iron. M. Baume, who, in his memoir on clays, mentions the earthy refidue of vegetables, affirms, that it forms, with the fulphuric acid, alum and fulphate of lime a little different from that which owes its form- ation to pure calcareous earth. From this M. Baume concludes, that the earth of vegetables confifts of clay, and of another earth, nearly of a fimilar nature with calcareous earths ; yet diftind from thefe, as it does not form quick-lime by the a£lion of fire. He thinks that clay is formed in thefe fubftances by the collifions to which filiceous earth is expofed in them, and by the aftion of the acids with which it combines ; and that clay, once formed, paffes into the Hate of calcareous earth, in confequence of undergoing new elaborations in the tubes of vegetables. We cannot help obferving in this place, that the dif- coveries made in Sweden concerning the faline nature of the bones of animals, — which are to animals precifely what the fibrous texture of plants is to vegetable bodies, — feem to fuggeft, that the refidue of vegetables is any thing rather than an earth. Perhaps an exad analyfis, fuch as has not yet been made, might ffiew, that what has been taken for an earthy matter, is rather calcareous phofphate; at lead we may fufpect as much from the experiments of Margraf and M. Berthollet, who have obtained phof- phorus from the grains of muftard, from the gluten, and from various other vegetable matters, — as well as from the experiments of M. Haffenfratz, who has extracted phof- phoric add from a great many marfli plants. CHAP. Fermentation. i os. CHAP. XXII. Of Fermentations in general , and of the Spiritous Fermentation in particular . FTER confidering vegetables in the Rate in which nature prefents them to our obfervation, we may attend to the alterations and changes which they are lia- ble to fuffer from various circumftances. The altera- tions depending entirely on their nature, are always the effect of a phenomenon, called fermentation. Fermentation is a fpontaneous motion which arifes in vegetables, and fometimes produces a total change of their properties. This motion is peculiar to the fluids of organic bodies ; and no fubftances, but fuch as have been elaborated by the functions of vegetable or animal life, are fufceptible of it. Chemifls have not infilled fufliciently on this important truth, the application of which to the phaenomena of organized fubftances is Angu- larly ufeful in medicine. There mull feveral circumftances concur to promote this fermentation. Such as, i. A certain degree of fluidity. Dry fubftances fuffer no fort of fermentation. A more 102 Spiritous Fermentation. 2. A more moderate or a more intenfe heat. The de- grees of heat vary with the forts of fermentation ; but cold hops the progrefs of every kind of fermentation. Boerhaave, and after him other chemids, have didin- guifhed fermentation into three kinds : Spiritous fermenta- tion, which produces alcohol acetous fermentation, which affords vinegar or acetous acid. ; — and putrid fermentation, or putrefaction, which produces ammoniac. It is to be obferved, that there are feveral fermenting motions, which cannot be referred to any of thefe three claffes of ferment- ation.— Such, perhaps, are the fermentations of bread, of infipid mucilages, of colouring matters, &c. It has been thought, that fermentations always fucceed each o- ther in the order in which we have mentioned them : but there are bodies which become acid, without paffing pre- vioufly into the date of putrefadlion j and, in other in- dances, putrefa&ion- takes place without being preceded by the two other fpecies of fermentation.— We may like- wife obferve, that the internal motion of maturation feems to conflitute a fpecies of primary fermentation, which calls forth the facch'afine matter from a latent date. It is fpiritous fermentation which affords alcohol. In order to become well acquainted with the phenomena of this fpecies of fermentation, we may ccnfider, i. The. condi- tions neceffary to its production ; 2. The phenomena which accompany it; 3. The feveral matters fufceptible of it ; 4, The caufe of that internal motion ; 5. The product which it forms. It is well known to chemids, that all vegetable matters are net fufceptible of fpiritous fermentation, and that, in order to its taking place, feveral different circumdances mud concur. Thefe we are to ccnfider as neceffary con- ditipps of fpiritops fermentation, 1 Tbffe Spiritous Fermentation. 103 Thefe conditions are, 1. A faccharine mucilage. No other matter is fufcep- j tible of fpiritous fermentation. 2. A fomewhat vifcous fluidity. Too fluid a juice is : no more fufceptible of fpiritous fermentation than one that is too thick. 3. The heat of — from ten to fifteen degrees in Reau- mur’s, or from fifty five to fixty-five of Fahrenheit’s. 4. A confiderable mafs of matter in which a rapid mo- tion may be excited. When thefe four conditions concur, fpiritous ferment- ation then takes place; and certain phenomena invariably accompany it. The following is what I have been able •to difcover by obfervation concerning it. 1. A motion is raifed in the liquor, which becomes more and more confiderable, till, at length, the fermehta- tion is fairly efiablifiaed through the whole mafs. 2. The bulk of the mixture is confiderably enlarged, in proportion as the motion is communicated through the whole mafs. 3. The liquor lofes its t-ranfparency, and is rendered turbid by opaque filaments appearing in motion through all parts of it. 4. There is a heat produced, amounting, according to the Abbe Rozier, to eighteen degrees of Reaumur, or feventy-two and one half, Fahrenheit. 5. The folid parts intermixed with the liquor are raif- ed, and fwim, in confequence of the difengagement of an elaftic fluid. 6. There is a confiderable quantity of carbonic acid gas difengaged. That gas forms a ftratum above the li- quor, in the veflel containing it, which may be cafily di- ftingw aed from common air. It was on air thus produ- ced, thct Dr Prieftley and the Duke de Chaulnes made G 4 their Spirt tons Fermentation. 104 their fine experiments. It extinguishes lights, and proves fatal to animals. It produces from lime-water a chalky precipitate: Cauftic alkali it caufes to cryftallize perfect- ly. This acid is what renders the employment of thofe who are engaged in conducting fermentation fo very dangerous to health. 7. The difengagement of this gas is attended with the formation of a great many bubbles, in the vifcid liquoF through which the carbonic acid muft pafs. All thefe phenomena ceafe by degrees, as the liquor lofes its fweet tafte and faccharine nature, and becomes brifk, pungent, and capable of producing intoxication. Men have been taught by neceffity to prepare ferment- ed liquors from many different vegetable fubftances. But experience has evinced, that none but faccharine mat- ters are properly fuitable for this purpofe. The faccha- rine matters which are molt commonly ufed in the prepa- ration of fermented liquors, and which, therefore, befl deferve to be examined here, are the following : 1. The juice of the grape, properly fo called, produces wine, the beft of all fermented liquors. In learning the art of cultivating vines, which is of great importance, it will be proper to examine, 1. The nature of the foil on which the vine grows ; a dry parched foil is known to be very favourable to this plant, as it does not thrive well in aftrong fat foil : — 2. The mode of managing and cultivating this vegetable ; it is to be pruned, and its branches bent down, to hinder the fap from flowing in its ufual direction. Care muft be taken to have the vine expofed to the fun, particularly to the reflection of his rays from the ground, &c. ; and it does not need to be fup plied with any fort of manure, &c. : — 3. TheTiftory pf the vegetation of the vine, its expofure, its flowering, and the formation and ripening of the grape 2; That Spiritous Fermentation. 105 or the accidents to which it is liable from froft, rains, jnoiflure: 5. The feafon of the vintage, which flionld be dry and hot. When this previous knowledge is ac- quired, the art of making wine is next to be confidered ; which confiils in putting the grapes, after pulling them, into a veffel expofed to the heat of fifteen or fixteen de- grees, and crulhing, flirring, and turning them: ferment- ation is then produced, with all its ulual phenomena. The juice of the grape, or mull, fliould not be either too fluid or too thick ; when too fluid, it may be thickened by boiling ; when too thick, it mult be diluted with wa- ter. When the wine is made, it is drawn off, and put into open calks. It there buffers infenfibly a fecond fer- mentation, by which its principles are more intimately combined. It precipitates a fine lye, and a fait known by the name of tartar , which we have examined in a for- mer chapter of this volume. To preferve wine, rags dip- ped in fulphur are burnt in the calk in which it is con- tained. It is farther of importance, to be able to diflinguilh the different forts of wine. France produces a great va- riety of excellent wines : thofe of Burgundy are the befc for conflant ufe : their principles are fo perfe&ly com- bined, that none is predominant over the reft. The vines of the diftricf of Orleans acquire nearly the fame quali- ties with thofe of Burgundy, when time has mellowed their harlhnefs, and combined the excels of fpirit or al- cohol which they contain. The red wines of Champagne are very excellent, and of a delicate flavour. The white wine of the fame country which does not fparkle, is much better than that which fparkles ; for the tafle of the latter is tart and fourilh ; and befides, it owes its quality of fparkling to its containing carbonic acid, in confequence of having been bottled before the ferment- ation io6 Spirit ous Fermentation . ation had been finifhed. The wines of Languedoc and Guyenne iare deep- coloured, and highly tonic and flo- machic ; efpecially when old. The wines of Anjou are ftrongly fpiritous, and therefore foon intoxicate. As to foreign wines ; thofe of Germany known by the name of Rhenifh and Mofelle wines, are white, very fpiritous, and of a frefh poignant tafle : They very foon intoxicate. Some Italian wines, fuch as thofe of Orviet- to, Vicenza, and Lachryma Chrifhi, & c. are well ferment- ed, and not much inferior to good French wines. Thofe of Spain and Greece are, in general, fweet, crude, im- perfectly fermented, and very unwholefome. We mull, however, except thofe of Rota and Alicant, which are del'ervedly efteemed very ufeful flomachics and cordials. 2. Apples and pears afford cyder and perry : Thefe are pretty good liquors ; and M. D’Arcet has fhown, that brandy may be obtained from them. 3. Cherries afford a pretty good wine, from which that fpecies of brandy which the Germans call kirchen- •w offer is extracted. 4. Apricots, peaches, and plums afford a fpecies, not quite fo good. 5. Sugar diffolved in water eafily ferments. From this, fort of wine, prepared from the juice of the cane, there is a fpirit extracted, which is known by the names of taffia , rum , gull dive , &c. 6. Gramineous feeds, and of thefe efpecially barley, afford a fort of wine, called beer. The following are the proceffes of the art of brewing : The barley is fleeped in water for thirty or forty hours, to foften it. It is then laid in a heap, and left in that hate till it begin to germinate. It is then dried in a kiln ; and the buds are feparated by lifting : after which, it is coarfely ground ijito what is called malt. The malt is put into a veffel, called Spirit ous Fermentation . 107 1 called the majb-tun , and hot water poured upon it to dif- j f0lVe the mucilage. This being drawn off, a fecond quantity of hot water is poured upon the malt ; and in like manner drawn off. This fluid is called wort, and boiled with hops ; after which it is. put to ferment, with j yeaft, into a veffel called the cooler. When the fermenta- tion begins to fubfide, the beer is ftirred, and drawn off into calks. The fecond fermentation throws up a fcum called yeajl , which is kept for fermenting future brew- ings. Germination calls forth, from a latent fiate, a cer- tain faccharine matter in barley, to which malt owes its property of affording a wine. A fimilar liquor might be prepared from molt other gramineous feeds. All thefe fafis concur to fliow, that the faccharine matter is the only principle of vegetables fufceptible of fpiritous fermentation, and that water is neceffary to the produ&icn of this intefline motion. M. Lavoifier thinks that the fluid is decompofed in the operation ; its oxige- nous part combines with the carbonaceous matter of the fugar to form carbonic acid, which is difengaged during the fermentation ; while the hydrogene, the other prin- ciple of the water, uniting with the oil of the faccharine body, forms a very light and fubtle combuftible body, which contains much lefs carbonaceous matter than fugar, and is much lighter, and much, more inflammable, and conftitutes what is called alcohol. The product of all thefe fermented fubftances is a pe- culiar liquor, more or lefs coloured, of an aromatic fmell, of an hot, poignant tafle ; which, when taken in a fmall quantity, re- invigorates the fibres, and, when drunk in too great abundance, intoxicates ; and is known over all the world by the name of Wine. The wine of grapes, for infiance, is a compound con- ing of a large proportion of water, — an aroma, peculiar to ro8 Spiritous Fermentation . to each different fort of wine, — alcohol, — an effential fak, called tartar, — and an extradfo-refinous colouring matter, to ’which red wines owe their colour. Before proceeding to explain the means by which thefe principles may be feparated, it may be proper to give fome account of the properties and ufes of pure un- altered wine. Wine, by means of the water, alcohol, and effential acid fait which it contains, is capable of dif- folving a great many bodies. It unites with extracts, re- fins, certain metals, & c. Thefe are the properties which render wine fit for entering into medical preparations. Thefe preparations are, 1. Emetic wine, which is pre- pared by macerating four ounces of crocus metallorum in two pounds of good white wine. The liquor is filtrated, or rather made ufe of in a turbid ffate, as a powerful flimulus in cafes of apoplexy, palfy, &c. — 2. Chalybeate wine, pre- pared by digefting an ounce of iron filings with two pounds of white wine. It is an excellent tonic and ape- rient.— 3. Vegetable wines, which are prepared, A, ei- ther with red wine, in which aflringent, aromatic plants are macerated ; or, B, with Spanifh wine. Both the wine of fquills, and the liquid laudanum of Sydenham, are prepared with this fpecies of wine. The latter of thefe is prepared by digefting, for a number of days, two ..ounces of opium cut into flices, an ounce of faffron, and a drachm of cinnamon and cloves, in a pound of Spanifh wine. This mixture, taken in dozes of a few drops, is an excellent calming medicine, efpecially when there is reafen to fear that 'opium might weaken the patient too much, or might hinder fome ufeful evacuation. The addon of fire is commonly ufed to decompofe wine, and feparate its different principles. Thq liquor is diflil- ied in an alembic of copper plated with tin, with a re- ceiver adapted to it. Affoon as the wine is heated to ebullition, 109 'Diflillation of Wine, ebullition, it affords a white fluid, in a fmall degree opaque and milky, of a hot, poignant fmell, and of a flrong, fweer talle. This fluid is colleded into the receiver, till fuch time as the vapours exhaling ceafe to be fufceptible of inflammation by the contad of light. This produd is what is called Brandy : It is a compound of water, alco- hol, and a fmall quantity of oil, which obfeures its trans- parency while it is diddled, and afterwards communicates to it a yellow colour. The colour of old brandy is not, however, owing folely to this oil which paffes with it when it is diddled, but rather to the extradive matter of that part of the wood of the ca/ks which it has diffolved. Alcohol, as we fliall hereafter fee, is extraded from brandy. Wine, after affording brandy, affumes a deeper colour, and a harfli, acid tade ; it is alio turbid, and may be obferved to contain a great many faline crydals, which are nothing but tartar. This fluid is now, therefore, to- tally decompofed, and its original properties cannot be a- gain communicated to it, by combining the fpiritous pro- dud with the refidue : The analyfls is therefore compli- cated. The refidue of wine from which brandy has been extraded, takes, by evaporation, the form and con,- fidency of an extrad. The colouring part may be fepa- , rated by alcohol, which, does not affed the tartar. This tindure is not liable to be precipitated by water. When evaporated to drynefs, the refidue readily takes fire, and is foluble in water. It is, in its nature, a true refinc- extradive, which the alcohol formed by the fermentation has taken up from the pellicles of the grapes. From this analyfis it appears, that wine is adually compofed of water, alcohol, tartar, a colouring matter, and an aroma* which is deftroyed or modified by the adion of fire. We already know the nature and properties of moil of thefe fubftances : we have only alcohol to examine. Before no Dijlillation of Wine. Before we proceed to fpeak of this product, it will be proper to fay fomething concerning a fubflance which is precipitated from wine while it ferments, and is called lees. It confifts of the feeds and fkins of grapes, impure tartar, and fulphate of potafli or vitriolated tartar. It is obtained from brandy by diflillation with naked fire. When treated in a retort, it affords an acid phlegm, and ammoniac ; and its coaly refidue contains carbonate and fulphate of potafli. The lees of wine, incinerated in the open air, afford cauflic potafh, mixed with carbonate and fulphate of potafli ; a fubftance known in the Arts by the name of cendres gravelees. The particulars which we are to relate concerning the properties of alcohol, will complete what has been here faid concerning the properties of lees. / CHAP. Alcohol. Ill CHAP. XXIII. Of Alcohol, or the ProduEl of Spin tons Fermentation. BRANDY, obtained from wine by diftillation with naked fire, is a compound of alcohol, water, and a fmall portion of oily matter. Diftillation is employed to feparate thefe fubftances, and give the alcohol pure. There are feveral proceftes for the diftillation of alcohol. M. Baume recommends the diftillation of brandy on a balneum-marise, to be repeated as often as may be ne- ceflary for the extraction of all the fpirit which it con- tains. He dire&s, to feparate the firft fourth part of the product of the firft diftillation, and, in like manner, the firft half of the product of the fucceeding diftillations ; then to mix all thefe fisft products together, and rectify them by a gentle heat. The firft half of the liquor which paftes in this reftification, is the pureft and ftrongeft al- cohol : the reft is a weaker alcohol, but ftill better for ordinary purpofes. Rouelle directs to extra#, by di- ftillation on a water-bath, one half of the brandy made ufe of : this firft product is common alcohol. By recti- fying it twice, and reducing it to about two thirds of its original quantity, the ftrongeft alcohol is obtained : This, Alcbhol. 1 I 2 This, according to KunckePs procefs, is to be again oiftiiled with water, to feparate the oil by which it is altered. This alcohol, after the didillation with water, is rectified ; and the operator is now certain of its be- , ing perfectly pure. The refidue of diddled brandy is nothing but water impregnated with home particles of colouring matter, with a peculiar oil floating on its fur- face. It may be naturally inferred, that this fluid being pre- pared by various proceffes, will be, at different times, of different degrees of ffrength. Attempts have long been made to difcover fome means of afcertaining its purity. It was at firfl: thought, that the alcohol which burns readily and leaves no refidue, muff be very pure : But, it is now known, that the heat produced by its com- buftion is fufficiently flrong for extrading all the phlegm which it may contain. Powder has been propofed as a teff of its purity. Alcohol that does not kindle gun-powder, when it is itfelf kindled and applied to it in a fpoon, is confidered as bad ; but, if it does kindle the powder, it is thought very good. This proof, however, is falla- cious ; for when any confiderable quantity, even of the bed alcohol, is poured on a little powder, the water which it affords as it burns, moidens the powder fo as to hinder it from kindling ; whereas, again, the fame pow- der may be kindled, by burning at its furface a very fmall quantity even of phlegmatic alcohol. This method of proof is, therefore, not more certain than the former. Boerhaave gives a very good procefs for afcertaining the purity of alcohol. It ccnfids in cading dry povydered potafli into the alcohol under examination. The potafh enters into union with the fuperabundant water of the alcohol, and forms with it a more ponderous and a higher- coloured fluid, which does not mix with the alcohol, but finks Alcohol* 113 finks under it. Laftly, M. Baume, proceeding upon this principle, that the purer alcohol is, fo much the more does its levity exceed that of water, has contrived an 1 areometer, by means of which the degree of the purity of this, or of any other fpiritous liquor, may be accu- rately afeertained. When that inftrument is immerfed in alcohol, the purer the fluid is, fo much the deeper does it fink. He has afeertained by a number of accu- rate experiments, that the purefl and mod highly recti- fied alcohol gives thirty-nine degrees of his areometer, equal to ten of Reaumur’s thermometer. The method of conftrufting this inftrument, with the reful ts which alcohol afforded when mixed with various quantities of water, may be feen in his Elements of Pharmacy, and may be applied to determine the ftrength of fpirit of wine by the hydrometer. Pure alcohol, obtained by the procefs above deferibed, is a tranfparent fluid, very moveable, and very light,, of which fix drachms and forty-eight grains may be contain- ed in a bottle capable of holding an ounce of diftilled water. Its fmeil is poignant and agreeable ; its tafte hot and pungent. Its is exceedingly volatile. When expofed even to a flight degree of heat in clofe veffels, it afeends, and ,paffes unaltered into the receiver. By this means it is concentrated ; and any little water which it might contain, is feparated from it. On this account the firft portions are the fweeteft, the pureft, and the moft volatile. It was formerly thought, that there was a good deal of air difengaged from alcohol when diftil- led ; but what was thought to be air, is now known to be rhe fpiritous part of the fluid, which efcapes from the wa- ter, and is volatilized in the ftate of gas. When alcohol is heated, in contact with air, it boon kindles, and burns with a light flame, the middle of which Vox.. III. Iff is Alcohol. ii 4 is white, and the edges blue : if it has been well dephlegm- ated, it burns in this manner without leaving any refi- due. Various chemifts have attempted to difcover what produfts alcohol afforded when burnt. They have afcer- tained, that its flame is not accompanied with any foot or fmoke, and that the prbdmfls volatilized prove to be no- thing but pure water, inlipid, inodorous, and perfectly in the fame (fate with diddled water. This phenomenon induced Boerhaave to think that the flame was owing to the water; and his opinion receives confirmation from what is at prefent known concerning the hydrogenous gas ob- tained from the decompofitiorrof water, — and concerning the compofltion of water by the combuflion of the fame gas with vital air. M. Lavoifier, on burning alcohol in a chimney, which was fo conftru&ed and difpofed as to collecl the vapours, difcovered, that the quantity of water obtained, is greater than the quantity of alcohol burnt : A faft from which it appears that alcohol contains a great deal of hydrogenous gas. On the other hand, M. Ber- thollet has remarked, that when a mixture of alcohol and water is burnt, the fluid refidue precipitates lime water. This experiment fhews, that alcohol contains a little car- bonaceous matter, which, by its combuflion, or combina- tion with oxigene, forms carbonic acid. Chemifls have entertained different opinions concerning its nature. Stahl, Boerhaave, and feveral others, have confidered this fluid as a compound of a very fubtle oil, with an attenuated acid, and water. According to this opinion, therefore, it is a fort of acid foap. Others, at the head of whom Car- theufer and Macquer deferve to be named, think alcohol to conflfl; of phlogiflon and water. The true nature of this liquor is flill unknown. Alcohol, when expofed to the air, is evaporated at the temperature of ten degrees above the freezing point, and leaves Alcohol . leaves no refidue, except a little water, when it has not been fufficiently dephlegmated. The hotter the atrao-. iphere, fo much the more rapid is this evaporation. It is attended with a greater or a lefs degree of cold, according to its rapidity. At 68 degrees of heat above o in Reau- mur’s thermometer, 185° Fahrenheit, alcohol takes the form of an elaftic fluid. ^ . Alcohol combines with water in any proportion; and is' perfectly foluble in it. This folution is attended with heat, and forms different forts of brandy, the ftrength of which is in proportion to the quantity of the alcohol. So' ffrong is the affinity of combination between thefe two fluids, that water is capable of feparating from alcohol many of the other bodies which may be united with it ; and again, alcohol decompofes mo, ft faline folutions, and preci- pitates the falts. On account of its poffeffing this pro- perty, Boulduc has propofed the ufe of alcohol to precipi- tate the lalts contained in mineral waters, and obtain them' without alteration. Alcohol does not act on pitre earths. We know not whether it be liable to be altered by barytes or magnefia; Lime appears to be capable of producing fome change up- on it; for when alcohol is diftilled on that falino-terreous' fubftance, the fluid acquires a peculiar fnriell. But this' phoenomenon has not been fufficiently attended to. The fixed alkalis actually decompofe alcohol, as is prov- ed by the preparation known in pharmacy by the name-’ of acrid tindure of tartar . In preparing this medicine,’ a quantity of potafti is melted in a crucible, 2nd either pul-' verized hot, or put into a matrafs : highly dephlegmatedf alcohol is poured, to three or four fingers depth, upon the Alt : the matrafs is clofed with another of a fmaller fize thefe are lured together, and the whole is digefted on a1 fund-bath, till the alcohol acquire a reddifb colour. Ei-' v IT 2 rfief Alcohdi. it6 ther more or Iefs alkali remains at the bottom of the veT fel. By diflilling the acrid tincture of tartar, we obtain an alcohol of a fweet fmell, but little altered ; and there remains in the retort a matter refembling a faponaceous extract, which, when diflilled by naked fire, affords alco- hol, ammoniac, and a light empyreumatic oil. After this operation, a little charcoal remains, which is found to con- tain the potafh. From this experiment it would appear that alcohol contains an oil which the fixed alkali feizes, and forms with it a real foap that is found in the portion ofithe alcohol which has not fuffered decompofition. The /ilium of Paracelfus differs from the acrid tinfture of tar- tar, only in that the fixed alkali employed in the prepara- tion of it, appears to have been reduced to a caaiftic ftate by the metallic oxides with which it was heated. The martial, jovial, and cupreous reguli of antimony, of each four ounces, are fufed together, reduced to powder, and detonized with eighteen ounces of nitre, and as much tar- tar : they are urged with fire till they melt ; the mixture is then pulverized, put into a matrafs, and highly dephlegm- ated alcohol poured upon it, to the depth of three or four fingers breadth. This mixture, digefled on a fand- bath, affumes a beautiful red colour, deeper than that of the acrid tinflure of tartar, and exhibits all the fame phaenomena. That tindhire may be rendered entirely fi- milar to the lilium of Paracelfus, by digefting alcohol on cauftic fixed alkali, inftead of ufing fixed fait of tartar, which is not entirely deprived of its carbonic acid by the action of fire, unlefs it be kept for a long time red-hot. M. Berthollet is convinced that thefe tinflures are no- thing but folutions of cauftic potafh in alcohol, and that they afford an happy mode of obtaining that alkali very pure, as they leave it feparate by evaporation. Alcohol a£ts in the fame way on pure foda. The acrid tinfture of tartar, and Alcohol, ii7 and the liiium, are very good tonics, and powerful difcuf- fives. They are employed in all cafes in which the na- tural drength of the patient is not fufficient to fupport the progrefs of his difeafe to a crifis, as in the malignant fe- ver, fmall-pox of a bad kind, &c. Thp action of cauftic ammoniac on alcohol has not yet been examined. > All the acids exhibit with alcohol phenomena highly worthy of observation. When a quantity of ftrongly concentrated fulphuric acid is poured on an equal quanti- ty of resided alcohol, a remarkable heat and hilling take place. The two fubftances become coloured ; and there is, at the fame time, exhaled from them a fweet fmell, refembling that of lemons, or the apple called the golden rennet. If the retort in which this mixture is ufually made, be placed On a hot fand-bath, with two large balloons adapted to it, the firft being immerfed in a velfel full of cold water, the produ&s obtained are, I. A fweet- knelling alcohol. 2. A liquor called aether, of a very fweet fmell, extremely volatile, and whofe prefence is indicated by the ebullition of the liquor con- tained in the retort, and by the large dria? with which the fides of the veffel are furrowed. Care mud be taken to cool the receiver with wet cloths. 3. After the tether, fol- lows fulphureous acid, the white colour and fmell of which Shew that it is time to change the receiver, in order to obtain the tether Separate. 4. There is at the fame time volatilized a light yellowilh oil, which is called fweet oil of wine. The fire mud be greatly mo- derated after the tether has paffed ; becaufe the matter now remaining in the retort is black, and thick, and Swells considerably. 5. When the fweet oil is all diddl- ed, there likewife pafles Sulphureous acid, which becomes gradually thicker, till at lad it is nothing but black and K 3 dirty Alcohol. i iS dirty fulphuric acid. 6. Continuing this operation by a moderate lire, the refidue is at length fo much dried as to take the form and confiflency of a bitumen. This bitumen expofed to a very' flrong fire, affords an acid li- quor, and a dry, yellowifti fubftance like fulphur. M. Baume, who has made a long train of experiments on fulphuric tether, has examined this refidue with a great deal of care : He has found in it fulphate of iron, Pruf- lian blue, a faline fubftance, and a peculiar earth, the nature of which he has not determined. He even af- fects, that the yellow fublimate which it affords is no- thing bur fulphur; and that it remains white and pulve- rulent, without being kindled on the coals. To thefe particulars we fhall add, that a new quantity cf aether may be obtained from the refidue from which aether has been once obtained, by adding to it, according to M. Ca- det’s procefs, one third part of alcohol dephlegmated by potafh, and diftilling that mixture. Thefe diftillations may be feyeral times repeated ; fo that from a mixture of fix pounds of fulphuric acid with alcohol, by adding po it fucceftively fifteen pounds of the latter of thefe fluids, more than ten pounds of good aether may be ob- tained. The operation which we have been describing, is, by the phenomena which it prefents, one of the moft lingu- lar, and at the fame time one of the moft important, in all chemiftry ; as it affords fome information concerning the principles of which alcohol is compofed. There b are two opinions concerning the formation of tether ; of which it is proper for us to give fome account. Mac- qucr, who, as has been mentioned, thinks alcohol a compound of water with phlogifton, is of opinion, that in the formation of tether, the fulphuric acid feiz- jng the water of the alcohol, brings it nearer in nature £0 vv/ i I JEther. i ip ''to oils. Thus, according to this opinion, there pafles, at the firft, alcohol a little altered ; — then a fluid of a middle character between alcohol and oil, which is ae- ther; — and, laflly, a genuine oil : becaufe the flronger „ the heat employed to obtain the aether, with the great- er energy does the fulphuric acid a£i on the principles of the alcohol. Bucquet, flruck with a ftrong objection which he made to this theory, namely, its being hard to conceive how the fulphuric acid, impregnated as it mull be, from the time when it begins to a£l upon the al- cohol, with a certain quantity of water, abftradled from that fluid, can, notwithftanding this dilution, reaCi with fuch force on another part of the fame alcohol, as to re- duce it into an oily flate, — has advanced another opinion concerning the production of aether. He coniidered al- cohol as a fluid compounded of oil, an acid, and water.: He thought that, when the fulphuric acid was mixed with alcohol, the refult of the mixture wa§ a fort of bi- tuminous fluid, which afforded, by heat, the fame prin- ciples with all the other bitumens, — that is to fay, a light oil, very odorous, and highly combultible, a fort of naphtha which was aether, and then an oil, lefs volatile, but higher coloured than the former, which is the fweet oil of wine. We will, in facl, fee, in examining the properties of aether, that this fluid has all the charaCferiflics of a very * fubtle oil, fuch as naphtha. This theory does not af- ford a fuflicienrly clear explanation of what pafles in the preparation of tether. It appears, that the alcohol de- prives the fulphuric acid of its oxigene — that a part of the hydrogenous principle contained in the alcohol, com- bines with this oxigene to form water ; — and that the alcohol, after loflng that part of its hydrogene, forms mther. But we are not acquainted with all that pafles in this operation. H i iEtherj 120 JiLther. Esther, obtained by the procefs here deferibed, is not very pure : It is combined with alcohol and fulphureous acid. To rectify it, it is diflilled in a retort, on a land- bath, with fixed alkali. That fait combines with the fulphureous acid, and the aether then pafles very pure by the mod moderate heat. By feparating the fird half of this product, the aether is obtained in the pured and rnoft highly rectified date. .Either is a fluid lighter than alcohol, of a flrong fweet fimell, fufceptible of great expanfion, and of a hot and pungent tade. It is fo volatile, that when dirred or fhaken, it is diffipated in an indant. When evaporating, it produces a cold diffident to freeze water, as M. Bau- me has diewn by his beautiful experiments. It is re- duced into a fort of se the real gas, which burns with ra- pidity. Air in which aether is contained, in a date of folution, will pafs through water without lofing its odour or inflammability. Esther is very eafily kindled, by being heated in the open air, or brought into contact with a burning body ; the elcdric fpark likewife kindles it. It difplays a very luminous white dame, and leaves a black, and feemingly carbonaceous mark on the furfaees of bo- dies expofed to its dame. M. Lavoifler has proved, that' carbonic acid is formed during the combudion of this liquor; and M. Scheele, that the refidue of aether burnt on a little water contains fulphuric acid. Either, according to the Count de Lauraguais, is dif- folved in ten parts of water. The phenomena which tether is capable of exhibiting with faline fubdances, have not yet been particularly examined. We know only how it rea&s on acids. Lime and the fixed alkalis do not appear capable of producing any alteration upon it. Caudic ammoniac mixes with it in all proportions, foriping with it a matter, the mi^ed fmell cf which JEther. I 2 I might produce very happy effects in fpafmodic complaints. The fulphuric acid becomes confiderably hot with aether, and is capable of converting a great part of it into fweet oil of wine, by diftillation. The fuming nitrous acid excites a confiderable effervefcence in tether ; and aether appears to become higher-coloured, and more oily, and to acquire greater confiftency in confequence of the ad- mixture of this acid. When mixed with the muriatic folution of gold, aether retains a part of the metal, ail- ing, it would appear, in the fame! way as volatile oils, which alfo retain a part of the oxide of gold. It dif- folves volatile oils and relins, like alcohol : And phyfi- cians often make ufe of aethereal tin&ures.. iEther is thought a powerful tonic, and a very good antifpafmodic medicine. It is adminiftered in hyfteric complaints, and in fpafmodic colics. It ails very fpeedily in promoting digeftion, when it is retarded by a weak- nefs of the ftomach. It mull, however, be adminiftered with prudence, for it is known to be dangerous when taken in too great quantities. It is alfo applied exter- nally, with very happy effects, to remove the headach, and cure burnings, & c. Hoffman, who paid much at- tention to the combinations of alcohol with the fulphu- ric acid, made ufe of a medicine confiding of fweet oil of wine diffolved in alcohol, which he called his anodyne mineral liquor. The .Faculty of Medicine of Paris have added aether to that liquor, and have, in their Dif- penfary, directed it to be prepared by mixing two ounces of alcohol, which paffes before the aether, two ounces of aether, and twelve drops of fweet oil of wine. This me- dicine is employed in the fame way as aether, but is greatly inferior in its effefls. The nitric acid ay bringing vapours of muriatic acid into contact \vith vapours of alcohol. — ■ Ludolf and Pott employed fublimated muriate of anti- mony with this view. Baron Bornes directs to diffolve oxide of zinc in muriatic acid, and to diifil that fait, af- ter- concentrating it by evaporation in clofe veffels with alcohol;- Jbther. I alcohol. This is an eafy enough way of obtaining mu- riatic a’ther. But nobody has paid fo much attention to I this 0bjed as the Marquis of Courtanvaux. Hisprocefs is, to pour into a glafs retort a pint of alcohol, with -two i pounds and a half of muriate of tin, or fuming liquor of . Libavius. A very flrong heat is thus excited ; and there i arifes a white fuffocating vapour, which difappears when the mixture is dirred. An agreeable fmell then exhales from it, and the liquor takes a lemon colour. Place the ; retort on a hot fand-bath : join to it with luting two bal- : locr.s ; and let the mod diftant of the two be immerfed in cold water. The fird produd which paffes is dephlegm- ated alcohol ; after it the tether afcends. The afcent of the tether may be diftinguifhed by its fweet fmell, and the drire which it forms on the Tides of the retort. When the fmell changes, and becomes flrong and fuffocating, the receiver mud be changed, but the didillation dill carried on. The product now obtained, is fird a clear acid liquor, with fome drops of mild oil fwimming on its furface; next, a yellow matter, of the confidency of but- ter, which is a true muriate of tin ; and, laftly, a brown, ponderous liquor, which exhales a confiderable quantity of white tapours. — There remains in the retort a grey pulverulent matter, an oxide of tin. The rethereal pro- dud mud now be poured into a retort, upon a quantity of potafh : The phenomena which follow are, a live- ly effervefcence, and a copious precipitation, both owing to the tin which the acid has carried up with it, when diddled. By adding a little water, and diddling the contents of the retort by a moderate heat, a product is obtained, equal to about one half of the former tethe- real produd. All the liquors which pafs after the mu- riatic tether, are drongly impregnated with oxide of tin : They attrad moidure from the atmofphere, and combine with 125 JSLlber. with water, without affording any precipitate. It was hot known to what caufe the rapidity with which the muri- atic acid contained in the fumingliquor afts upon alcohol, while the pure acid does not aft upon it at all, fhould be aferibed ; but from a difeovery of Scheele’s, it appears that it is owing to the acid being then in the ftate of oxigenated muriatic acid, in confequence of which the excefs of oxigene which it contains, converts the alcohol into tether. This theory was firfl advanced by myfelf, in the year 1781 ; and has been fince confirmed by the experiments of Meffrs Berthollet and Pelletier. M, de la Planche, apothecary, has propofed the pre- paring of muriatic tether, by pouring into a tubulated re- tort fuiphuric acid and alcohol upon decrepitated muriate of foda. The muriatic acid gas, difengaged by the fui- phuric acid, upon entering the receiver, comes into contaft with the alcohol in a vaporous ftate, and com- bines with it. The refult of the combination is, an sethe- » real acid, which, by rectification on fixed potafli, be- comes pure tether. It appears, that in this procefs, the muriatic acid deprives the fuiphuric acid of a part of its oxigene. Muriatic 'tether is highly tranfparent and volatile. It has nearly the fame fmell with fuiphuric tether. It burns in the fame way, and affords a fimilar fmoke. It differs from it, however, in two properties : Muriatic tether ex- hales, as it burns, an odour equally pungent and lively with that of the fulphureous acid ; and it has a fliptic tafle like alum. Thefe tw?o phtenomena indicate this tether to be of a different nature, and poffibly lefs per- feft than the two preceding forts of te'ther. No doubt, when its properties are more minutely examined, it may- be found diftinguifhed by other more remarkable pe culiarities. Alcohol. 12J After this account of the manner in which thefe three mineral acids aft upon alcohol, we are to proceed with tha hiftory of this fluid. Little attention has been paid to the action of the other acids on alcohol. We know only, that it combines readily with the boracic acid; that in confequence of combination with that acid, it burns with a green flame; and that alcohol abforbs a quantity of carbonic acid gas, more than equal to its own bulk. As to the neutral fairs, Macquer has afcertained, that this fpirit diffolves fulphuric neutral falts, but with great difficulty ; that nitric and muriatic falts combine with it much more readily ; and that the lefs intimately the acid is combined with the other principle of thefe fubftances, the more of them does the fpirit ufually diffolve. Alco- hol, boiled on fulphate of potafli and foda, diflolved none of either of thefe neutral falts. Neither does carbonate of potalh, or of foda, unite with it : Mod amrconiacal falts combine with it. Deliquefcent, earthy falts, fuch as calcareous and magnefian nitrate and muriate, diffolve very readily in it. Some metallic falts are alfo very fo- luble in alcohol; fuch as, fulphate of iron in mother- water, nitrate of copper, muriate of iron and of copper, oxigenated muriate of mercury, or corroflve fublimate. All cupreous falts caufe alcohol to burn with a beautiful green flame. M. de Morveau has flnce given a fuller table of the different degrees in which falts are foluble by alcohol, which is infected in the Journal de Phyfique .- Alcohol does not diffolve fulphur, either in maffes or in a powder ; but thefe two bodies unite, if brought in- to contact when they are both in a vaporous Hate, as has been difcovered by the Count de Lauraguais. His procefs conflfts in putting fulphur in powder into a glals cucurbite, putting into the fame veffel, above the flow- ers of fulphur, a bottle filled with alcohol, and heating Vol. III. I the 1-0 Alcohol. die cucurbite on a fand-bath, with a capital and a re- ceiver adapted to it. Both the fulphur and the alcohol are volatilized at the dime time : They combine, and pafs into the receiver, in a fluid which is fomewhat tur- bid, and diffufes a fcetid fmell. It contains about a grain of fulphur to the drachm of alcohol. I have difcovered, that the fame combination may be produced by diflilling fulphureous waters, fuch as the water of Enghien, with alcohol. Ardent fpirit, or alcohol, does not ad at all, on either metallic matters, or their oxides. It diffolves amber in part : It produces no effects on black carbonaceous bi- tumens. It is obferved, that it combines beft with am- ber, after being diffilled on fixed alkali ; and that fixed alkali, mixed with this bituminous fubffance, renders it much more foluble, by reducing it, no doubt, to a fapo- naceous ftate. There are few vegetable matters on which alcohol does not ad with more or lefs energy. It deffroys the colouring part, and frequently the whole fubffance of extrads, when they are of an extrado-refinous, or a refmo-extradive nature : the faccharine and faponaceous extrads combine with this fluid. Margraf has obtained, by alcohol, a faccharine effential fait from red beet, Ikir- ret, parfnip, &c. But the matters with which it com- bines the eafleft, are volatile oils, the aroma, camphor, balfams and refins. Alcohol impregnated with the aro- ma of plants, is improperly called dijlilled fpiritous waters . To obtain thefe fluids, diftil alcohol on a balneum-maria: with odorous plants. The liquid takes up the odorous principle,, and is volatilized with it, carrying off, at the ' fame time, a certain quantity of volatile oil, which caufes it to become white with diffilled water. But the oleagi- nous principle may be feparated, by redifying it on a water- Alcohol, 131 Water-bath by a very moderate heat ; and care muft be taken, that no more than three-fourths of the alcohol employed be drawn off-, left forrie other fbbftance, be- fldes the aroma, fhould be volatilized with it. The fmelf of thefe diftilled fpiritous waters becomes more and more agreeable as they grow older ; and it appears, that the odorous principle combines more intimately with the al- cohol, the longer they are in union. So great is the affinity between the aroma and alcohol; that alcohol detaches it from volatile oils and water. — = When alcohol is diftilled on volatile oils, and on water impregnated with the odorous principle of a plant, the alcohol feizes the odorous principle, leaving the oil and the water deftitute of ftnell. It is obferved, that alco- hol diffolves thick and ponderous volatile oils, more rea- dily than fuch as are very light and fluid. Water fepa- rates the principles of this compound : It precipitates the oil in the form of opaque, white globules; but the aroma ftill remains combined with the alcohol. This li- quid eaflly diffolves camphor in, a cold ftate; but it dif- folves ftill a greater quantity of it when affifted by the aftion of heat. This folution, in the proportion of two' drachms of camphor to the ounce of alcohol, with water added, drop by drop, affords a cryftalline vegetative fi- gure, which has been obferved by M. RomieU ; It is a- perpendicular filament, with needles riling upon it, un- der an angle of fixty degrees. This experiment fuc- ceeds but feldom ; as it is fo very difficult to employ pre- cifely the proper quantity of watery the proper degree of cooling, &c. Compounds of oily or reflnous juices With alcohol, iii which the alcohol is fo ftrongly charged with the oleagi- nous or reflnous juice as to be coloured by it, and to af- ford a copious precipitate in water, are called tindures? I 2- elixirs? Alcohol. elixirs , balfams, quinte (fences, &c. Like diddled fpirit- ous waters, thefe are either flmple, as when there is on- ly one matter diffolved in them, or compound, when they contain feveral matters together. Thefe medicines are generally prepared by expofing the juice in powder, or the plant, the volatile oil or refin of which is to be dif- folved, to the a&ion of alcohol, adided by dirring, and by the gentle heat of the fun or a fand-bath. To ex- traft the rejins, or any other vegetable matters from fe- veral different plants at onee, eare mull be taken, fird to digeff the matter which is the lead liable to be affeft- ed by the aciion of the alcohol, and then to expofe to it, fuceeffively, the other fubdances over which it has greater power. When the menftruum is charged with as much of thefe matters as it can receive, it is drained ’off. Sometimes a compound tincture is prepared at once, by mixing together feveral fimple tinctures. In this man- lier, the elixir proprietatis is prepared, by mixing the tin£tures of myrrh, iaffron, and aloes. Ilefins and bal- fams may be feparated from alcohol by pouring water upon the tinctures, or diddling them ; but in either of thefe cafes, the alcohol retains the odorate principle. Water is not capable of de'eompofing tin&urcs formed with extracto-refinous, or refino-extra£tive matters, fuch as thole of rhubarb, faffron, opium, gum-ammoniac, &c. j for thefe matters are equally foluble in both the mendrua. Alcohol and brandy are very generally ufed, and ap- plied to a great variety of purpofes. The lad of thefe liquors is drunk as a cordial, to revive the exhauded fpi- rits ; but in excefs it is dangerous, for it dries up the fibres, and occafions diaking, palfy, and dropfy. Al- cohol, either pure or mixed with camphor, is ufed to dop, by external application, the progrefs of gangrenes. Diddled fpiritous waters are adminidered in medicine, as tonics, cordials, antifpafmodics, domachics, See. They are Alcohol. s 3 3 *re given either diluted in water, or fweetened with fyrups. Of thefe waters with fugar, there are certain drinks prepared, which are known under the name of ratafias , or liqueurs. Thefe drinks, when properly prepared, and taken in final! quantities, may be of fervice ; but they commonly agree with very few people, and are hurtful to very many. Thefe liquors, taken in excefs, are extremely dangerous to the human conditution. I»- ilead of invigorating with new ftrength, and fortifying the tone of the ftomach, as they are commonly thought to do, they produce, mod frequently, a quite contrary effeft. Thofe which, drunk but feldom, and with great moderation,1 are the lead; injurious, -are prepared cold, with one part of alcohol didilled upon the aromatic fub- dance which is to afford the flavour, two parts of wa- ter, and one of the fined fugar. Tin&ures have nearly the fame virtues with diddled fpi- ritous waters, but they ad with much more energy; and therefore, they are to be ufed in much fmaller quanti- ties, and given in wine, in potions, and even in aqueous liquors. The precipitate which they yield in the lad of thefe, is equally fufpended through the mixture, and, befides, the odorous part remains diffolved in the alcohol. Ladly, alcohol, combined with the copal refin, with oil of afpic, or the greater lavender, or with oil of tur- pentine, forms varnifbes, which are called drying; be- caufe, when a coat of this compound is laid on any body to varnifh it, the alcohol Is foon volatilized, and leaves on the varnifhed body a tranfparent, refinous plating. The volatile oils, which are* mixed with this eompofition, hin- der the varnifh from drying too hadily, and, by commu- nicating to it fomewhat of an uncfuous nature, render it iefs brittle than it would otherwife be. I 3 C. H A P. ?34 Acetous Fermentation. *W"~ CHAP. XXIV. Qf Acetous Fermentation , and of the Acetous and the Acetic Acids. /I" ANY vegetable fubflances are fufceptible of acetous rVl fermentation. Of this kind are gums, and amy- laceous fmcula diflblved in boiling water ; but fpiritous and fermented liquors poflefs this property in the mod eminent dcgree. Acid fermentation may be excited in any of thefe fluids, by expofmg them to the achon of heat and air at the fame time, fo as to convert them into what is called vinegar. This liquor is chiefly prepared from the wine of grapes ; but very good vinegar might be alfo prepared from cyder, perry, * &c. There are three conditions neceflary to vinous fer- mentation : t.A heat of twenty or twenty-flve degrees of Reaumur’s thermometer, or from 750 to 90° of Fah- renheit’s : 2. A fubflance at once vifeous and acid, fuch as mucilage and tartar: 3. The contadl of air. The phange which wines undergo, when converted into vine- gar, f Vinegar is made in Britain from wort, the infufion of maU, Acetous Fermentation . *36' gar, can be attributed to nothing but an intedine motion excited in thofe bodies, in confequence of their contain- ing a certain quantity of mucilaginous matter, unaltered, and dill fufceptible of another fermentation. The pre- fence of an acid matter, fuch as tartar, is rcquilite to produce acid fermentation. Laftly, the contact of air is indifpenfibly neceflary ; and it appears,-^-it has indeed been proved by the Abbe Rozier, that the liquor ab- forbs a portion of air while it ferments. All kinds of wine are equally good for making vine- gar. The word are preferred, becaufe they are the cheaped. But the experiments of Beecher and Car- theufer fliew, that generous wines, not deditute of fpirit, afford generally the bed vinegar. Boerhaave, in his Elements of Chemidry, has given a very good procefs for the preparation of vinegar. Take two calks : at fome didance from the bottoms of thefe calks, form within each of them a falfe bottom of wicker- work : upon that falfe bottom fpread grape-dalks and vine-branches ; pour upon thefe wine, till one of the calks be entirely full, and the other half full. The fer- mentation will fird begin in the latter : when it is fairly commenced, fill up that calk with wine from the other : by this means the fermentation is moderated in the full calk, and begins in the other. After it has continued for a due length of time, fill up the latter calk again from the calk in which the fermentation fird began : — thus the fermentation is again excited in the former, and becomes languid in the other. The two calks are to be thus fuccefiively filled up and emptied till fuch time as the vinegar be entirely formed ; which is not, ufually, ia lefs than fifteen days. In obferving the phenomena of this fermentation, we perceive a good deal of boiling and hiding : — The liquor I q. becomes 1 3^ Acetous Fermentation. becomes hot and turbid ; and a great many bubbles and filaments appear to run through it in all directions': there exhales from it a lively, acid fmell, which is in no way dangerous : it abforbs a great deal of air. There is a neceffity for flopping the fermentation every twelve hours : by degrees thefe phenomena difappear ; the heat falls, the emotion ceafes, and the liquor becomes clear. It depofites a glareous fediment, in reddifh flakes which flick to the fides of the cafks. It appears, from a fuffi- c'ient number of experiments, that the fmaller the quan- tity of the wine, and the more it is expofed to the con- tact of air, fo much the more readily does it pafs into the (late of vinegar. Care mu ft be taken to draw off the vinegar clear, when it is thus prepared, in order to fepa- rate the lye, which, were this precaution negleCted, would caufe it to pafs into the ftate of putrid fermentation. — Vinegar does not, like wine, depofite tartar, by reft : that fait was diffolved, and combined with the alcohol and water, during the fermentation. It is even probable, that the prefence of fait has a principal influence in call- ing forth the properties of vinegar from a latent ftate. This vinegar is of a lighter or an higher colour, according to the nature of the wine from which it is prepared : but even the lighted: coloured vinegar is generally much higher coloured than any fort of white wine ; becaufethe colouring part of the tartar which has been called forth from a latent ftate by the production of the acid, is dif- folved in it. Vinegar prepared in the manner above deferibed is ex- tremely fluid, of an acid, fpiritous fmell, and of a tafte in a greater or a lefs degree four. It reddens blue vege- table colours. When expofed to a moderate heat, in veffels indifferently flopped, it is altered, lofes its fpiritous part, depofites a great deal of mucilaginous flakes and filament's, Acetous Fermentation. 137 filaments, and aflumes a putrid tafte and finell. M.Scheele has {hewn, that it mull; be boiled for a few minutes, in order that it may be preferved unfpoiled. When vinegar is diftilled by naked lire in a (lone cu- curbite covered with a capital, or in a glafs retort on a fand-bath, it affords a phlegm of a lively and agreeable l'mell, fcarcely acid ; to which immediately fucceeds a very white, and ftrongly odorous acid liquor : this is diftilled vinegar : What follows is lefs odorous, but more acid ; and the farther the procefs advances, the more acid does the product become. — Thefe ieverai products may be ta- ken feparately ; by which means, fo many different fdrts of diftilled vinegar will be obtained, of various degrees of acidity and fmell. The operator mu ft be fatisfied with obtaining two thirds of the liqupr which forms the pureft vinegar. The portion which paffes after that, is more acid ; but it has an empyreumatic fmell,' which may be removed by expofing it to the air. It like wife ac- quires a faint colour. This operation (hews the acetous acid to be more ponderous than water. The refidue is thick, and of a dirty, deep red colour. It depofites a cer- tain quantity of tartar, and is, in an high degree, acid. — Evaporated over an open fire, it takes the form of an ex- tract ; and if, when dry, it be diftilled in a retort, it af- fords an acid, reddifh phlegm, an oil which is at firft light and coloured, but becomes afterwards ponderous, with a little ammoniac. — The refidual coal, now left, contains a confiderable proportion of fixed alkali. Vinegar may be concentrated by expofing it to froft. — That portion which ftill remains liquid, becomes highly acid, and is decanted off. The frozen part is almofl en- tirely water. Only a very little vinegar is obtained by this operation. The acid of vinegar, when feparated from tartar and from Acetous Fermentation. •i 3« from its colouring part by diftillation, is fufceptibie of combination with a great number of bodies. It combines only in an imperfeft manner with alumi- nous earth, and forms with it needled cryflals, the pro- perties of which are but very little known. The name of this fait (in the new Nomenclature) is Acetite of alu- minous earth . It combines readily with ammoniac, affording in the combination a fait, which is extremely foluble in water, and does not cryflallize, but affords, by evaporation, a vifcid, deliquefcent mafs. Acetite of magnefia is decom- pofable by fire, by mineral acids, by barytes, by lime, and by the three alkalis. — It is very foluble in alcohol. The acetous acid combines with lime ; and decompofes chalk, difengaging its acid in the form of an elaftic fluid.—— The fait which it forms with lime, cryflallizes into very fine needled cryflals, of a gloffy appearance, like fatin. — Calcareous acetite is four and bitter : it efflorefces in the air. It is decompofed by fire; by fixed alkalis, which fe- parate the earth ; and by mineral acids, which difengage the acid. 5 'When cooled and at reft, it becomes a folid mafs, which, by degrees, feparates into two parts ; the one red and fupernatant, its colour dark, and its coufiftency con- crete, till fuch time as it fuffer an alteration ; — this is called the clot of the blood : the other occupies the bottom of the veffel, and is of a greenifh yellow colour, and adhefive; — it is called the ferum or lymph. This fpontaneous coagulation and reparation of the two parts of the blood takes place in the laft moments of an ani- mal’s life ; and produces thofe. concrete matters which are found in the heart, and the larger veflels of deceafed animals, and have been miftaken for polypi. Blood, expofed to a gentle and continued heat, paffes into the ftate of putrid fermentation. When diftilled on a water-bath, it affords a phlegm of a faint fmell, which is neither acid nor alkaline, but eafily putrefies, in con- fequence of its containing an animal fubftance diffolved through it. Expofed to a more intenfe heat, blood, as has been difcovered by De Haen, gradually .coagulates and becomes dry : it then lofes feven- eighths of its weight, and becomes capable of effervefcence with acids. By conducing the fire properly, it may be hardened into a fort of corneous fubftance. Deficcated blood, expofed. to the open air, attracts from it fome degree of moifture, and, in the courfe of a few months, there is formed on it afaline efllorefcence, which Rouelle has determined to be carbonate of foda. When diftilled by naked fire, it affords a faline phlegm, — that is, a phlegm holding in folution an ammoniacal fair, fuperfaturatecl with ammo- niac/ The nature of the empyreumatic acid contained in this ammoniacal falc, which was fir ft obferved by Wieuffens, and has given rife to fo many difputes among phyfiologifts, has never yet been fufficiently examined. After this phlegm, a light oil paffes, — then a ponderous, coloured oil, and ammoniacal carbonate contaminated L 3 wit;h 1 66 The Blood. ■with a thick oil. There remains in the retort a fpungy coal, very difficult to be incinerated, which is found to contain muriate of foda, carbonate of foda, oxide of iron, and a matter apparently earthy, which feems to be calcareous phofphate. Blood combined with alkalis, without previous decom- position, becomes more fluid by handing. Acids inflan* taneoully coagulate it, and alter its colour. By filtra- ting this fubftance, evaporating the liquor pafled through the filter, drying it before a moderate fire, and lixivia* ting the matter that has been dried, neutral falts are obtained, confiding of foda with the acid that was mixed with the blood. Alcohol coagulates blood. Experiments made on blood in its original hate, do not difcover the nature of the Substances of which it confifts. But the fpontaneous decompofition of blood, and the reparation of its two component parts, the clot and the Serum, afford us an opportunity of acquiring that knowledge by examining each of thefe matters by itfelf. Till within thefe few years, the chemical ana- lysis of the blood was confined to what has been related in the foregoing pages ; but Meflrs Menghini, Rouelle the younger, and Bucquet have examined this fluid in a very dilferent manner. The two laft of thefe che- mifts eipecially have conduced their experiments on this matter in a way which Shews to what perfection the ana- lyfis of animal matters may be carried, by proceeding on their plan. The following account of the properties of the Several fubftances which compofe the blood, is de- rived from the difcoveries of thofe philofophers. The ferum is very far from being pure water, but a peculiar matter, highly worthy of examination, to which we give the name of the albuminous fluid. It is of a yellowifh white colour, Somewhat inclining to green ; its tafte The Blood. 167 tafte is faltilh, but nearly infipid ; its confiPiency unftuous and adhefive. When expofed to the affion of fire, it coagulates and becomes hard, long before it can be heated to ebullition : it communicates a green tinge to fyrup of violets. By diftillation on a water-bath, it af- fords a phlegm of a mild, infipid tafte, which is neither acid nor alkaline, but fpeedily putrefies. After lofing this phlegm, it is dry, hard, and tranfparent like horn : it is no longer foluble in water : by diftillation in a retort, it affords an alkaline phlegm, a confiderable quantity of ammoniacal carbonate, and a very foetid, thick oil. All thefe products, in general, have a peculiar foetid fmell. The coal of the ferum, when diftilled by naked fire, almoft entirely fills the retort. It is fo dif- ficult to incinerate, that it muft be kept burning for fe- veral hours, and expofed to a great deal of frefli air before it can be reduced to allies. The allies are of a blackifh grey colour, and contain muriate and carbonate of foda, with calcareous phofphate. The ferum, if expofed for fame time to an hot tempe- rature, in an open veffel, paffes readily into a ftate of putrefaction, and then affords a confiderable quantity of ammoniacal carbonate, with an oil, the fra ell of which is infufferably naufeous. It putrefies fo fpeedily, that Bucquet could not difeover whether it paffed into an acid ftate before becoming alkaline. This liquor com- bines with water in any proportion ; and then it lofes its confiftency, its tafte, and its greenifh colour. To pro- mote the combination, the mixture needs to be fliaken ; becaufe the difference between the denfities of the two fluids obflru&s their union. The ferum, when poured into boiling water, coagulates almoft wholly and inftan- taneoufly. A portion of that fluid forms, with the wa- ter, a fort of opaque and milky white liquor ; which, L 4 according s68 The Blood. according to Bucquet, poffeffes all the charatteriftic properties of milk ; that is, is rarefied and caufed to mdunt tip, like that fluid, by heat, and is coagulated by the fame agents — by acids, and by alcohol. Alkalis render the ferum more fluid by effe£Iing a fort of folution of it. Acids alter it in a different manner, I increafing its conliftency, and coagulating it. This mix- ture, filtrated and evaporated after filtration, affords a neutral fait formed of foda and the acid employed : And this fact proves foda to exifl in the ferum in a naked ltate, in full poffeffion of all its properties. The coa- I gulum formed in this liquor by the addition of an acid, I is very fpeedily diffolved in ammoniac, which is the ge- nuine folvent of the albuminous part of the blood ; but it does nor diflolve at all in pure water. Acids precipi- tate this matter in union with ammoniac. The coagu- ]um, difliiled by naked fire, affords the fame products as the ferum defic.cated ; and its carbonaceous refidue contains a good deal of carbonate of foda; — a circum- fiance which, in Bucquet’s opinion, fhews, that there exifls a portion of that fajlt in a ltate of intimate com- bination, in the ferum, which the acid employed to co- agulate it does not faturate. The ferum, infpiffated, affords azotic gas by the a«hion of the nitric acid, with the help of a moderate heat. On increafing the fire, there is a quantity of pitrous gas difengaged from the mixture: the refidue affords oxalic acid, and even a fmall quantity of malic acid. The ferum does not decompofe calcareous or alumi- nous neutral falts ; but it acts with fufficient energy in deeompofing metallic falts. It is liable to be coa- gulated by alcohol : this coagulum differs confider- gbly frpm that formed in the ferum by acids, chiefly in The Blood . 1 69 in its folubility in water, as Bucquet has difcovered. This liquid appears, therefore, from thefe refearches, to be an animal mucilage, confiding of water, acidifia- I ble oily bafes, muriate and carbonate of foda, with cal- careous phofphate : The rofe-coloured precipitate which I have obtained by pouring a portion of a nitric folu- tion of mercury into the ferum, appears to be owing to the latter of thefe principles. Although this liquid has fcarce any eolour, yet nitric acid, and, dill more, nitrate of mercury, produces, when poured into it, a rofe or light flefti-colour, which I have had occafion to obfervein many other animal liquors. The mod fmgular property of this mucilage, — a property highly worthy of engaging the attention of phyficians, — is, its being liable to be- come concrete by the aecies and quadrupeds are the only animals that have faliva ; at leaft, fcarce any other animals have yet been found to poflefs falivary glands. Chemifts have not yet done any thing accurate on either of thefe fluids. The only reafon that can be af- figned for this, is its being fo very difficult to procure even a very fmall quantity of either. We know only, that the faliva is a very fluid juice, feparated by the parotides and many other glands, which is conflantly flowing into the mouth, but mofl copioufly during the aft of maflieation. This humour appears to be of a fa- ponaceous nature, and impregnated with air, which ren- ders it frothy. When evaporated to drynefs, it leaves b»t Gajlric Juice . 203 but little refidue : And yet concretions of the faliva are fometimes formed in the duffs by which it is conveyed into the mouth. It appears to contain an ammoniacal faJt ; for, lime and cauftic fixed alkalis difengage from it a poignant urinous fmell. — Pringle, from experiments which he made, concluded the faliva to be very feptic, and that it promoted digefiion, by occafioning a com- mencement of putridity in the mallicated aliments. Mr Spallanzani, and feme other modern naturalifts, think, again, that it poffeffes, in an eminent degree, the power of retarding and flopping putrefaction. The gaftric juice is feparated from the fmall glands or extremities of the arteries that open into the interna! tunic of the flomach. The oefophagus fupplies alfo a fmall portion of it, efpecially in the inferior region : in that region, many birds are obferved to have very large glands that open into very difcernible excretory duCts.. M. Vicq d’ Azyr has carefully deferibed thofe which ap- pear in the ftork, &c. Some modern naturalifls have been at great pains in examining the gaftric juice. Meffrs Spallanzani, Scopoli, Monch,Brugnatelli, and Carminati,fome years ago, examin- ed the properties of this liquor. They procured it from the ftomachs of fheep and calves, by opening them after the animals had faffed for fome time. They obtained it from carnivorous and gallinaceous birds, by making them fwallow metal tubes, perforated with holes, and filled with very fine fponge. Air Spallanzani examined the gaftric juice of his own flomach, by making himfelf vomit, and by fwal- 1 owing tubes of wood filled with different fubftances, that he might judge of the effects of the gaftric juice upon each of them. Experiments with tubes had been before tried by M. de Reaumur. Laftly, M. Goffe of Geneva lias had the courage to make himfelf vomit many times, by a certain procefs of his own, which confifts in fwal- 1 owing ttC'4 Gajlrlc 'Juice . lowing air. — From all tliefe modern obfervations, tlie gaflric juice appears to poflefs the following properties : This juice is the principal agent in digeltion : It con- verts the aliments into a fort of uniform foft pafte : It acls on the flomach even after the death of the animal : It ad's as a folvent ; but, what diftingiaifh.es it from all other fojvents, is, that it acls indifferently on animal and vegetable fuhftances, without {hewing any preference, or any flronger affinity with the one than with the other. Far from having a tendency to promote fermentation, it is one of the mofl powerful antifeptics known. As to its intimate nature, — it app'ears, from the experiments of the above-mentioned philofophers, to be different in dif- ferent claffes of animals. According to Mr Brugnatelli, the gaflric juice of birds of prey and granivorous birds Is very bitter, and confifls of a difengaged acid, refin, animal matter, and common fait : That of ruminating quadrupeds is very aqueous, turbid, and faltifh ; it con- tains ammoniac, an animal extracf, and common fait. M. de Morveau having digefled in water, fome parts of the interior tunic of the ftomach of a calf, found them to difplay an acid chara&er. Mr Spallanzani thinks this chara&er to be owing to the aliments on which the ani- mal feeds : he never found the gaflric juice of carnivo- rous animals, acid ; that of granivorous animals, he found always fo. M. Goffe experienced the fame thing in himfelf, after living long on raw vegetables.. Mr Brugnatelli thinks, that the white matter of the excre- ments of carnivorous animals contains phofphoric acid $ but M. de Morveau obferves, that his experiments are not conclufive. Mr Scopoli found in it ammoniacal mu- riate; and fufpe&s, that the muriatic acid is produced by the operation of the vital powers of animals : But he jhas p.o decihv.e fad to fupport this opinion ; on the con- trary. GaftYie Juice. 2oy trary, every fact concurs to evince that it proceeds from the aliments. Meffrs Macquart and Vauquelin have found the gaftric juice of the ox, the calf, and the fheep, to poflefs invajiably an acid character ; but from the ac- curate experiments which they have made, it appears to derive this character from the phofphoric acid in a naked hate. They have obferved, too, that thofe juices alter and putrefy even very fpeedily. The gaftric juice of carnivorous animals appears to poflefs antifeptic powers in a more eminent degree. From all thefe fafts taken together, it may be inferred, 1. That the gaftric juice is as yet but imperfe&ly known : 2. That it appears to be different in different clafles of animals, and modified according to the diverfity of the aliments on which they .live : 3. That we have yet no proof of its being a peculiar acid, or that we fhould ac- knowledge the exiftence of a gaftric acid : 4. That its moft remarkable properties are, a very extraordinary folvent power, which a£ls with fufficient energy even on bony and metallic fubftances, and is even faid to be ca- pable of attacking filiceous ftones, — with a fort of indif- ference on what matter it a fuch as Sweat, the Mucus of the Nofe , the Cerumen , fears , the Gum of the Eye , the Seminal Fluid , and the Excrements . HERE are ftili many animal fluids and matters that have not been examined : And therefore, rather with a view to engage young phyficians in fuch new and ufeful refearches, than to explain their nature, we fliall fay fomething of the humour which tranfpires by the pores, — the fweat, the mucus of the noftrils, the cerumen of the ears, the tears, the gummy matter of the eyes, the femiiial fluid, and the excrements. Phyficians have difeovered a great refemblance be- tween the humour which tranfpires by the pores, and the urine. They know, that on many occafions, both thefe excretions ferve the fame purpofe 5 and are there- fore naturally led to confider the vaporous fluid which tranfpires by the pores as of the fame nature with urine. In the prattice of medicine, its qualities are obferved to be Sweat, Mucus of the Nofe, Cerumen , Tears , 6'r. 207 be fubjeft to variation : Its fmell is faint, aromatic, alka- line, or four ; its confiftency, fometimes glutinous, thick, tenacious ; and it leaves a refidue on the lkin : It gene- rally communicates to linen-cloth, a yellow colour, of various fhades. I have twice obferved it to communicate to linen, and woollen fluffs, a fparkling blue colour. M. Berthollet affirms, that fweat reddens blue paper ; and obfcrves, that this phenomenon takes place chiefly on parts affected with the gout. He takes it to contain phofphoric acid. It has hitherto been found impoffible to collect a (ufficient quantity of this excrementitial hu- mour, for examining its properties carefully. A great many experiments, therefore, remain to be made on this matter, which only accidental and peculiar circumflances can enable naturalifls to undertake and profecute. The humour prepared by the membrane of Schneider, which is thrown out of the nofe by fneezing, highly merits the attention of phyficians. It is a fort of thick mucilage, either white or coloured ; in certain affe£lions, efpecially in catarrhs, more or lefs fluid or confiflent. Nobody has yet examined it. » The fame is the cafe with that fort of greenifh yellow, or brown matter which gathers in the auditory canal, becomes thick, and is, from its confiftency, known by the name cerumen. It is very bitter : it feems to be of a refmous nature : it is known to become fometimes fuffi- ciently concrete to clofe up the auditory canal, and hin- der found from entering it freely : it feems to be fome- what of the fame nature with the inflammable matter of the bile. The fame is to be faid of the tears which are prepared in a certain gland, fltuated near the external angle of the focket of the eye, and are defigned by nature to main- tain the moifture and fupplenefs of the exterior parts. This S'ivcal , Mucus of the Nofe, Cerumen, and Tears l" This liquor is clear, limpid, and difcernibly faltifh ; if fometimes runs very copioufly : In the ordinary date of the human frame, it runs by degrees into the noftrik, and feems to ferve the purpofe of moiflening the mucus. Mod of the authors that have fpoken of this liquor of tears, particularly Pierre Petit, a phyfician in Paris, who, about the end. of the lad century, publifned a treatife on tears, confider them as being nearly pure water. The gum, or humour that adheres to the borders of the eye-lids, and feems to be feparated by the glands of Meibomius, is not better known than the tears. The chemical nature of the feminal duid has not been more particularly examined than that of thofe duids above-mentioned. From the very few obfervations that have been made upon- it, it appears to be nearly of the fame nature with animal mucilages, to be liable to be- come duid either by cold or heat, and to be reducible by the aclion of dre, into a dry friable fubdance. On this head, anatomical and microfcopical ooferva- tions have gone much farther than chemical experi- ments. From thefe it appears, that the feminal duid is a fort of ocean, with fmall round bodies fwimming about in it with great rapidity of motion. Thefe are, by fome, conddered as living animals intended for the re- production of the fpecies, and, by others,' as organic particles which unite to produce a living animal. A late obferver has likewife difeovered, with the microfcope, crydals that are formed during the cooling and evapora- tion of the feminal duid. It mud be confeded, however, thefe due experiments have as yet contributed nothing to the advancement of the feienoe, and have only given ground for fome ingenious hypothefes. The aliments which animals fmallow, contain a great quantity ofmatter that cannot afford them nouridiment,and is ’ evacuated" Excrements. 2 off evacuated from the inteftines in a folid form. The ex- crements are coloured by a portion of the bile, which they carry off with them. The foetid odour which they exhale, is owing to their having begun to putrefy in their paffage through the inteftines. No chemift but Horn- berg has examined thefe matters. He obferved the phlegm obtained from the excrements; by diftillation off a water-bath, to have a naufeous fmell : by waffling and evaporation, he obtained from them a fait which melted like nitre, and kindled voluntarily in clofe veffels. This? matter, by diftillation in a retort, afforded the fame products as other animal fubftances. From putrid ex- crements he obtained an oil, deftitute of colour and fmell, which did not gratify his expe&ations of feeing; mercury converted by it into filver. It is to be obferved, that the fecal matter examined by Homberg, was that of men fed upon coarfe bread and Champagne wine ; which had been required as a condition neceffary to the fUccels of the alchemical expe- riment he had been direifted to make. The food muff doubtlefs peculiarize, in fome degree, the nature of thdr excrements, as thefe are nothing but the refidue of the food. 210 U rinc. CHAP. VIII. Of Urine . URTNE is a tranfparent, excrementitial fluid, of a lemon-yellow colour, of a peculiar fmell, of a fa- line tafte, feparated from the blood by two glandulous vifcera that are called the reins, and from thefe conveyed into a refervoir univerfally known by the name of the bladder, in which it remains for fome time : it is a fort of lixivium impregnated with the acrid matters of the animal humours, which, if too long retained in the body, might obflruci and diforder the functions of the fyftem. Urine is a folution of a great number of falts, and two extractive matters. It varies in quantity and in qualities* according to circurnflances. That of the human fpecies, which we propofe to examine more particularly, differs from the urine of quadrupeds. Among other clafles of animals the differences are fill greater. The fate of the flomach, and particularly the fate of the humours, produce an infinite diverfity of changes on this fluid ; to afcertain and eftimate which, a long feries of experiments would I J vould Be requifite, which have, as yet, only been pointed out as neceffary. Here, therefore, we (hall fpeak only 1 of human urine as it is emitted in a date of health. This fluid is, by good phyflcians, diftinguiftied into J two forts. The one called crude urine, flows off foon after i\ meals : it is clear, and almoft entirely without tafle or fmell : it is far from containing fo many different princi- ples as the other. It, again, is called urine of the blood, or of concodion, and is not emitted till after digeftion : it is feparated from the blood by the reins ; whereas the other fpecies appears to filtrate, in part, from the do- mach and the inteftines, diredly into the bladder, thro’ the cellular tiffue, or the abforbent veffels. The date of the health, and more efpecially the dif- pofition of the nerves, modify the urine in a Angular manner. After hyderic or hypocondriac fits, it flows copioufly; it is then inodorous, infipid, and colourlefs. Difeafes of the bones and joints have confiderable in- fluence on this animal lixivium. It often depofites a great quantity of matter, apparently earthy, but which, as we (hall hereafter fliew, conflds of lithic acid, and calcareous phofphate. The fediment of the urine of thofe who have the gout is of this fort. Phyflcians, particularly Heriffant and Morand, have obferved, that when the bones are altered or foftened, the urine depofites a good deal of this matter. It even appears, that the urine of peo- ple in a good date of health depofites a quantity of this matter, which conditutes the bafis of bones ; which is probably all of it that is formed in the body above what is requifite for the nutrition and reparation of thofe Organs. Many of the articles of food communicate fome pecu- liar properties to the urine. Turpentine and afparagus give it, the former a fmell of violets, the latter a very O 2 fcetid 2 I 2 U rine. fcefid fmell. The urine of people of weak flomach-r retains a fmell of their food : bread, garlic, onions, foup, and all vegetables, communicate each its pe- culiar fmell to the urine. From thefe particulars, it appears,, that an obfervation of the phenomena which urine exhibits, may be of confiderable ufe to the phyfi- cian in the practice of his art. We mufl, however, be- ware of imagining that, from fimple infpedion of the tirine, it is poffible for the phyfician to judge of the dif- eafe and fex of the fick perfon, and of the proper re- medies ; as fome empirics pretend to do. The urine of the human fpecies, confidered with re- fped to its chemical properties, is a folution of a great many different fubflances. Some of thefe are falts, fimi- lar to thofe of minerals, and, as Macquer thinks, proceed from the aliments, without alteration. Others of them are matters of the fame nature with the extradive prin- ciples of vegetables : And laflly, fome appear peculiar to animals, and even to urine ; — at leaf!; have not been found in any notable quantity among the produds of the other kingdoms of nature, nor even in any other animal fubflances but urine. After explaining the proceffes employed to extrad thofe different matters from urine, we fhall give the hiflory of fuch of them as are peculiar t-o the fluid, and therefore have not before come under cur notice. Urine ufed to be confidered as an alkaline liquor, or lixivium ; but M. Berthollet has remarked, that it al- ways contains a greater quantity of phofphoric acid than of any other fait, and reddens the tindnre of turnfole *. This phyfician has obferved, that the urine of gouty people * Coldevillars had before afferted, in his Courfe of Surgery, that urine conftantly reddened the tin&ure of turnfole. Urine, 2 13 people always contains lefs acid fait than that of people / in a date of perfect health ; and that, during the fit of the gout, their urine is (till lefs acid than at other times. i| Hence he conje&ures, that in gouty people the phofpho- j ric acid is not evacuated by the urine, as in people in perfect health ; that it lofes its way, (if the expreffion may be here ufed) and, being conveyed to the joints, there occafions irritation and pain. This excefs of acid in the urine appears to maintain in folution in it, a quan- tity of calcareous phofphate. Scheele thinks the acid of urine not to be altogether phofphoric acid, but partly the fame with the acid of the calculus in the human bladder, which we call the lithic acid. This acid being fufceptible of concretion and cryftallization, forms, according to that celebrated chemift, the red cryflals that are depofited in urine, as well as the brick-coloured precipitate obferved in the urine of feverifli perfons. The tophaceous concretions on the joints of gouty perfons, appear to be of the fame nature with the calculus, that is, to confift chiefly of lithic acid. x Frefli urine, diftilled in the water-bath, affords a large quantity of a phlegm which is neither acid nor alkaline, but foon putrefies. As this phlegm contains nothing peculiar, urine is commonly evaporated by naked fire. In proportion as the water, which compofes more than feven eighths of this animal humour, is evaporated, the urine affumes a brown colour : there is feparated from it a pulverulent matter of an earthy appearance, which has been taken for calcareous fulphate, but is really a mixture of calcareous phofphate with lithic acid. This fait is of the fame nature with the bafis of bones, and the matter of the calculus in the bladder. When the O 2 urine 214 Urine. urine has acquired the confiflency of clear fyrup, it k then filtrated, and removed into a cool place. In the courfe of a certain time, it depofites faline cryftals, con- fiding of muriate of foda, with two peculiar faline fub- ilances. Thefe laft falts are known by the name of fufible falts, 'native falts of urine, alkaline phojphates, &c.: their properties dial! be examined in the following chap- ter. Several different quantities of thofe cryflals may be obtained, by repeated evaporation and cryftallization. In thefe fucceffive evaporations, a certain quantity of muriate of foda and muriate of potafti is cryftallized. When the urine ceafes to afford faline matter, it remains in the date of a very thick brown duid, a fort of mother water, holding in folution two peculiar extractive fub- dances. By evaporating this fiuid to the confidency of a foft • extract, and treating the refidue with alcohol, Rouelle the younger difcovered, that one portion was foluble in alcohol, but another differed no folution in it. The fird of thefe matters he has called fafonaceous mat- ter ; the fecond extradive matter. The faponaceous fubdance is fomewhat faline, and fufceptible of crydallization. It is difficult to make it dry ; and, even when dry, it attracts moidure from the atmofphere. In the retort, it affords a quantity of am- moniacal carbonate equal to more than half its weight, a little oil, and fome ammoniacal muriate : Its refidue gives a green tinge to fyrup of violets. The extractive fubdance, which is foluble in water, though not in alcohol, dries as eafily in the water- bath as the extracts of plants : it is brown, and not fo liable to deliquiate as the former fait : it affords, by did illation, all the ufual products of animal matters. Such, accord- ing to Rouelle, are the charateridic and didintive pro- perties of thefe two fubdances which form the extrat of urine. U tine. 215 urine. To thefe particulars we may add, that this ce- lebrated chemifl obtained from an ounce to an ounce and a half of extra# from a pint of urine of conco#ion ; whereas, the fame quantity of crude urine afforded him only one, two, or three grains. If, inffead of feparating this extra# of urine into two diftin# matters by alcohol, we diftil it altogether by naked fire, — it affords a good deal of ammoniacal car- bonate, an animal oil, and a little phofphorus. Its coal contains a little muriate of foda, or common fait. This analyfis of urine fhews, therefore, that the fluid confiffs of a large proportion of water, both phofphoric acid and lithic acid in a difengaged ffate, muriate of foda, calca- reous phofphate, phofphate of foda, and ammoniacal phofphate, and two peculiar extra#ive matters which colour the fluid, With refpe# to the dark colour which- it acquires in various difeafes, efpecially in all cafes in which the bile is affe#ed, I have difeovered that it is owing to the refin of the bile ; and that the extra# of this urine, thus altered in colour, when diflolved by alcohol, (that portion of it which is foluble in this menffruum) is precipitated from it by water. Urine, expofed to air, is altered the fooner, the hotter the atmofphere. Sediments are firft formed in it Amply by cooling : feveral faline matters are cryftallized at the furface, and at the bottom of the liquor ; and among thefe, generally, a reddifh fair, which appears to be of the fame nature with the calculus in the bladder. No- body has obferved the fpontaneous alterations of this-ex- crementitial fluid with more attention than my colleague, M. Halle. In the decompofition which urine fuffers when left to itfelf, he has diftingui(hed feveral different periods at which fediments or cryftals of a different na- ture are found depofited ; as alfo the changes which the O 4 fluid V r'inc » &16 -fluid undergoes, in eoafequen.ee of depofiting thofe fedir Stnents and cryftals. We cannot enter here into a detail jof tliei’e particulars, relative to the changes of the fluid, and the matters which it depofites ; but the reader may find them accurately deferibed in a valuable Memoir, in- ferred among the Memoirs of the Royal Society of Me- dicine for the year 1779. We ^all only mention here the principal alterations which urine fuffers. Soon after it becomes cool, its fmell alters, becomes more pungent, and even ammoniacal ; its colouring part is .changed, and feparated from the reft of the liquor : at length the al- kaline fin ell goes off, and is fucceeded by another, not io pungent, but more difagreeable and naufeous : at laft the decompofii.ion is completely effected, llouelle, the younger, has obferved, that crude ferous urine does not putrefy fo fall: ; that its colour, when it is altered, is greatly different from that of urine of concoction; and that at laft it is covered over with mouldinefs, like the juices of vegetables, and the folutions of animal jelly. M. Halle has obferved fome urines to become highly acid before palling, into a ftate of putrid decompofition. Urine evaporated, after being faffered to putrefy for a year or more, affords fusible fait, as well as frefli urine : but it contains much more pholphoric acid in a naked fate, and effervefees with ammoniacal carbonate : a part pf its ammoniac has been yolatilized by the putrefaction, When it is evaporated, the fait that is depofited on the fides of the veffel is highly acid ; and to obtain a larger quantity of it, Ptouelle, the younger, directs to add am- moniacal carbonate, till the effervefcer.ee entirely ceafe, and the acid be completely faturated. Quicklime and dry fixed alkalis inftanraneouCy decOm- pofe the faline principles contained in urine. Nothing ^nore is neceffary, than to pour cauftic potafh or foda, or Ip U rine . at 1 7 to call quicklime into frelh urine, in order to make it yield an infufferable putrid ammoniacal fmell. It is by decompoflng the ammoniacal phofphate, that thefe fub- ftances produce fuch a fmell. M. Berthollet has difco- vered, that lime-water produces, in frelh urine, a preci- pitate from which phofphorus may be obtained: This phenomenon is occafioned by the union of the lime-water with the excefs of pholphoric acid : And the precipitate is formed, 1. Of the calcareous phofphate that naturally exifts in urine, and w'as maintained in folution only in confequence of there being an excefs of phofphoric acid; 2. Of new calcareous phofphate, formed by the union of the lime that has been added with the acid that was before in a hate of freedom. M. Berthollet having ob- ferved, that cauhic ammoniac Iikewife precipitates cal- careous phofphate from urine, by neutralizing the naked phofphoric acid by which that fait was held in folution, remarks, that the weight of this precipitate, compared with that which is produced by lime-water, indicates the .quantity of naked phofphoric acid contained in the urine; for, in faft, the ammoniacal phofphate formed on this occarion remains diffolved in the fluid, whereas the cal- careous phofphate produced by lime-water is precipitated, as infoluble, at the fame time with the calcareous phof- phate naturally exifting in the urine. The acids produce no elFe&s on frelh urine: but they fpeedily deprive putrid urine of its fmell ; and they, in the fame manner, deftroy the fmell of the lediments which it depofites in that Hate. Urine decompofes many folutions of metals. Lemery has made known, under the name of the rofe-coloured pre- update , a magma, of a rofe colour, that is formed by pouring the nitric folution of mercury into urine. That precipitate is formed partly by the muriatic acid, and partly 2l8 U rim. partly by the phofphoric acid contained in the fluid, M. Brongniart has obferved, that fometiraes this prepar- ation takes fire by fri£fion, and that it burns with rapi- dity on burning coals, — phenomena which he afcribes to its containing a (mall portion of phofphorus. Such is the fhate of our prefent knowledge concerning the chemical properties of urine. Much yet remains to be done, before we can obtain all the information con- cerning this matter that analyfis is capable of furnifhing. The feveral fediments that have been obferved in urine, and fo accurately diftinguifhed by M. Halle, fhould be analyfed : The red or tranfparent faline concretions that are formed in it, and have been taken by Scheele for lithic acid, fhould alfo be analyfed ; and in like manner, the copious fediment which urine affords after fits of the gout, from perfons affli&ed with the flone, &c. We (hall, however, in the following chapter, examine the feveral faline produtts that urine affords, with the properties of which phyficians ought to make themfelves ;vell acquainted. Ammoniacal Phofphate. 219 't CHAP. IX. ) Of the Ammoniacal Phofphate , the Phofphate of Soda , and the Stone in the Bladder , or the Lithic Acid , E have feen, that urine contains -certain peculiar halts. Thole are combinations of phofphoric acid with ammoniac, foda, lime, and the acid bafe of the Hone in the bladder. Continuing to ufe, for thefe fub- fhinces, the methodical denominations already mentioned, we (hall fucceffively examine the ammoniacal phofphate, the phofphate of foda, and the lithic acid. As to the calcareous phofphate, we fhall deferibe its properties under the article Bones. The fait obtained from evaporated urine by cooling and reft, has been called in general fufible fait ; becaufe, as we fhall immediately fee, it melts in the fire : it has been alfo called cfential fait of urine, microcofmic fait. In this primary ftate, it is a mixture of ammoniacal phofphate and muriate, and of muriate of foda, contaminated with an extra&ive matter. Several chemifts, particularly Margraf, have been of opinion, that, to avoid the mixture of ma- rine fait, the urine muft be fuffered to putrefy and the marine 2 it) Ammoniacal Phofphate . marine fait is, by the putrefa&ion of the urine, changed into phofphate. That opinion has been fince proved to be falfe : 120 pints of frelh urine afford, according to Margraf, about four ounces of ammoniacal phofphate, and two ounces of phofphate of foda. It is not eafy to effe£l an entire feparation of thefe fubflances of which the fufible fait confifls, that is ob- tained by a firfl cryflallization, and was confidered by Schockwitz, Le Mort, Boerhaave, Henckel and Schloffer, as a fmgle fait. To accomplifh this feparation, it has been recommended to diffolve the fait in hot water, evaporate, and cry ftallize it. But Rouelle the younger, and the Duke of Chaulnes, are the only chemifls that have men- tioned a very great and uncommon difficulty with u7hich this procefs is attended : Mod of the fait is carried off by the heat of the folution and evaporation, and about three fourths of it is loft. The Duke of Chaulnes has given a procefs for purifying it with as little lofs as poffible; which confifls in filtrating the folution, and leav- ing it to cool in clofe-flopped veffels. By either of thefe manipulations, there is obtained, firfl, a fait cryflallized in rhomboidal tetrahasdral prifms, very much compreffed, which is ammoniacal phofphate ; and, above thefe firfl cryftals, another fait, in cubes, or rather oblong fquare tables, very different from the former fait in fhape ; this, again, is phofphate of foda. This lafl fait, as has been remarked by Rouelle the younger, may alfo be feparated, by taking off the efflorefcence that gathers on the former fait, which is liable to no fuch alteration. Of Amtnoniaca 1 Phofphate. 22% Of the Ammoniacal Phofphate . THE ammoniacal phofphate, thus purified and fepa- rated from the phofphate of foda, is in the form of rhomboidal tetrahtedral prifms, much comprefled, and generally truncated in their length, and at the angles : in confequence of thefe circumftances, the prifms are, in fome meafure, hexagonal. There are likewife often enough found, according to M. Rome de Lille, from whom I take my defcription of this fait, longitudinal feg- ments of the prifms, of which fegments the fide that lies on the capfule is the broadeft ; it is alfo rhomboidal, and interfered by two diagonal lines, eroding at the middle. The tetrahasdral and oftahmdral form aferibed to it, ap- pears only while this fait yet retains muriate and phof- phate of foda. The power of communicating the o£a- hsedral form feems to belong peculiarly to the muriate of foda ; for, when the former fait is diffolved in urine, and the liquor expofed to the fun, regular oclahredral cryflals are obtained in the courfe of a few days. The tafte of ammoniacal phofphate is at fird freflh, and after- wards urinous, bitter, and pungent : When heated with the blow-pipe on a burning coal, it fwells, difi’ufes a fmell of ammoniac, and melts into a deliquefeent vitreous globule : When diflilled in a retort, the heat difengages from it fome very pungent and caudic ammoniac : the refidue is a very fixed and fufible tranfparent glafs, which corrodes- the retort. Margraf fays, that it is foluble in two or three parts of diflilled water, and exhibits the properties of an acid. Rouelle affirms it to be deliquef- eent, M, de Moryeau, again, thinks, that, with the help of 222 Ammomacal Phofphais . of a good fire, it may be reduced into an unalterable vi- treous date. M. Proud has aifcovered, that this vitreous relidue is a combination of phofphoric acid with a pecu- liar matter which he does not feein to have known, and which is 'nothing but phofphate of foda, as appears from the refearches of feveral modern chemids. But it is to be obferved, that this compound glafs is only obtained when the ammoniacal phofphate diddled dill retains a portion of phofphate of foda ; and that, in this cafe, the glafs appears to be always opaque, or liable" to be very eafily rendered opaque, whereas pure ammoniacal phof- phate leaves a very tranfparfent glafs. Ammoniacal phofphate is not liable to be altered bj the action of air. It appears to be very foluble in water, only five or fix parts of cold water being requifite to maintain it in folu- tion. Hot water, at the temperature of 170 degrees, decompofes it, and even volatilizes a part of its acid. Ammoniacal phofphate afts as a dux on filiceous earth, aluminous earth, barytes, magnefia, and lime : But thefe vitreous compounds are owing to the phofphoric acid ; for the ammoniac is difengaged before the fufion takes place. Lime, and the two fixed alkalis, in a pure date, de- compofe ammoniacal phofphate, and feparate the ammo- niac. Lime-water, poured into a folution of this fait, produces a white precipitate, which can be nothing but calcareous phofphate. Alkaline and earthy carbonates likewife decompofe it, and feparate the ammoniac in the date of ammoniacal carbonate. The effeds of the mineral and vegetable acids on am- moniacal phofphate, have not as yet been examined with fufficient care. It mud depend on the various ele&ive attra&ions which e.xid between the phofphoric acid and Annnoniacal Phofphate. 223 its alkaline bafe : We (hall treat of it when we come to fpeak of that acid. The fame is the cafe with refpeft to the alterations which ammoniacal phofphate fuffers from metals, and metallic oxides ; for thofe alterations depend entirely on the phofphoric acid. Ammoniacal phofphate, treated with coal in clofe vef- fels, affords phofphorus. Bergman propofes the ufe of it as a flux, in allays with the blow-pipe. Of Phofphate of Soda. WE have defcribed the manner in wrhich phofphate of foda is obtained. It will be proper to give the dates of the different difcoveries concerning it, before we pro- ceed to examine its properties. Hellot, in the year 1737, feems to have, been the frit who mentioned it ; but he took it to be fulphate of lime. Haupt, in the year 1740, gave a better account of it, under the name of fal mirablle per latum. Mar- graf defcribed it in the year 1745. Pott made mention of it in the year 1757, but, like Hellot, took it for ful- phate of lime. Rouelle, the younger, examined it in the year 177 6, and gave it the name of fufible fait , with a bafe of natrum. All of thefe chemifls perceived this fait to be different from the laft, chiefly by observing, that it did not afford phofphorus with coal. But llouelle has diftinguifhed its properties better than any of the reft. According to him, its cryftals are flat, irregular, tetrahedral prifms, with one of the extremities dihsedral, and 3 24 Phofphate of Soda. and confiding of two rhomboids, the other adhering to' the bafe. The four Tides of the folid are two alternate i irregular pentagons, and two oblong rhomboids, cut Hope-wife. JPhofphate of foda, expofed to heat in a crucible, melts, and affords a white, opaque mafs. When heated in a retort, it affords nothing but phlegm, without any acid or alkaline character ; and the refidue is an opaque glafs, or frit. In the air, this fait efflorefces, and falls all down into duff. It diffolves readily in diftilled water, and cryffallizesby evaporation : the folution turns the fyrup of violets green. Calcareous nitrate decompofes it : a precipitate of cal- careous- phofphate is formed ; and the fupernatant liquor affords nitrate of foda. This fait is equally liable to be decompofed by the ni- tric folution of mercury. It forms a white precipitate, which, wrhen diftilled in a retort, affords a little reddifti fublimate, and fome running mercury, and leaves in the bottom of the retort, an opaque white mafs, adhering to, and combined with the mercury. This mercurial precipitate forms again phofphate of foda, when boiled with a folution of carbonate of foda, and leaves the mer- cury in the ftate of a brick -red powder. Such are the fa£ts which the younger M. Rouelle difcovered concern- ing this fait. M. Prouft, being engaged by that cele- brated chemift, wrhofe pupil he was, in a new examina- tion of this matter, made a great many experiments upon it ; of which the following are the principal refults. On lixiviating the refidue of phofphorus, formed from fufible fait of thefirft cryftallization, from which he had obtained no more phofphorus but what was equal to an eighth* Phofphate of Soda. 225 eighth part of the weight of the fait, the lixivium af- forded, by evaporation in the open air, parallelogram- xnatic cryftals, an inch in length, and in the proportion of five or fix drachms to the ounce of the fufible fait from which the phofphorus was formed. It is to be ob- ferved, that this proportion would not be fo great, were it not for the water that enters into the cryftals. This fubftance melts in the fire into an opaque glafs : it com- municates a green colour to flame : it efilorefees in the air : it decompofes nitrates and muriates, by difengaging the acids : it forms glafies with earthy matters, by fu- fion : it faturates alkalis, like an acid. From thefe fatts M. Prouft concluded this faline fubftance to be different in nature from all that he was before acquainted with, — ■ to be combined with phofphoric acid, and ammoniac in ammoniacal phofphate, — and to form, with foda, Rouelle’s fufible fait with a bafe of nat rum. He obferved, that it performed the functions of an acid, and compared it to the boracic acid. On this idea, M. Prouft made new experiments on the fufible fait with a bafe of natrum, obtained by Rouelle’s procefs, above deferibed. According to him, lime decompofes this fait ; having a greater affinity than foda with the peculiar fubftance which performs in it the' funftions of an acid. Lime- water poured into a folution of this fait, produces a pre- cipitate ; and the foda is left in folution, in a pure cauf- tic ftate. The mineral acids, and even diftilled vinegar, decom- pofe it, in a way dire&ly contrary to this. Rouelle fup- pofed, that the fulphuric and the nitric acids did not acr on this fait, becaufe they produced upon it no vifible change ; but M. Prouft, on mixing the fulphuric, the nitric, the muriatic, and the acetous acids, with a folu- tion of fufible fait with a bafe of natrum , obferved, that Vol. III. P although 22 6 Phofphate of Soda. although there was no precipitate formed in thefe mix- tures, yet the liquors, when evaporated and cooled, af- forded fulphate and nitrate, muriate and acetite of foda : which proves, i. '1 hat the fait has been decompofed by thefe acids : 2. That it contains foda, as had been before ffiewn by the younger Rouelle. As to the feparate fub- flance which was before in union with the foda, it is plain that it remains in folution in the liquors, together with the new neutral halts. M. Proud didinguidred it very plainly in the mother -water, obtained after the mixture of vinegar with the folution of the fufible fait, and the crystallization of the acetite of foda. By pouring on that mother- water, eight or ten times its bulk of alcohol, the lad portions of the neutral acetous fait are diflolved, and a magma is formed, which mud be wadred with a new quantity of alcohol, and then diffiolved in diddled water. This folution of the magma, when evaporated in the open air, adbrds parallelogrammatic crydals, pre- cifely like thofe which are obtained by wadiing the red- due of phofphorus, formed from fufible fait of the fird crydallization, from urine. It is therefore, according to M. Proud, a peculiar fubdance, of the fame nature with the boracic acid, which faturates the foda, in fufible fait with a bafe of nairum. This difeovery feems to ex- plain the reafon why this fait does not afford phofphorus. To thefe particulars M. Proud added, that it was a new fubdance, which exided always in true fufible fait, or ammoniacal phofphate, and communicated to the phof- phoric acid the property of melting into a glafs'; and for this reafon, I gave it, in the iird edition of this work, the name of the bafe of phofphoric glafs. But M. Morveau has lince been convinced, on fudicient evi- dence, that the pure phofphoric acid, obtained from phofphorus by deliquefeence, and confequently contain- 227 Phofphate of Soda . jn!r none of that fubftance, is fufible, by heat alone, into a folid and permanent glafs. 1 his feries of experiments which M. Prouft made with great care, and of which the refults are particularly ftriking, induced Bergman to con- fider this fubftance as a peculiar acid : He gives a hifto- rv of it in the fecond edition of his Difiertation on Elec- tive Attractions, under the name of acidum per la turn, de- rived, no doubt, from the denomination given by M. Haupt, in the year i 740, to fufible iait with a bafe of natrum. i\l. de Morveau has introduced it, as a diftinCt article, into his Chemical Dictionary, under the name of the ouretic acid , from the Greek name of urine, which affords it. Bur, fmee M. Prcuft’s experiments, Berg- man’s Differtation, and the compilation of M. de Mor- veau’s article, M. Klaproth has published, in M. Crell’s Journal, an analyfis of fufble fait with a bafe of natrum ; which annihilates this pretended peculiar acid, and ihews it to be nothing but phofphoric acid in combination with foda. Mr Klaproth difeovered this truth by fuch ano- ther experiment as that of the younger Rouelle. On precipitating the folution of fufble fait with a bafe of natrum, by calcareous muriate or nitrate, the precipitate which Rouelle had before mentioned as analogous to the bafe of bones, actually affords phofphoric acid by means of fulphuric acid. Mr Klaproth adds, that, on faturat- ing phofphoric acid, obtained by the flow combuilion of phofphcrus with foda, with a fmali excefs of the foda, there is a fait formed, precifely of the fame nature with Haupt’s fal per la turn, or Rouelle’s fufble fait with a bafe of natrum; and that, in order to obtain the fubflance deferibed by M. Proufl, nothing more is neceffary but to deprive this neutral fait of its excefs of foda, by vinegar, or to add to it a little phofphoric acid. After this, we need not be furprifed to find Bergman representing the V 2 affinities 2' 2$ Phofphate of Soda. affinities of the acidum perlatum , as precifely the fame with thofe of the phofphoric acid. This detail of parti- culars has been given by M. de Morveau, in a fupple- ment to the acids of the mineral kingdom ; and he grants, that after this, the ouretlc acid, and ouretic falts, are no more to be mentioned. It is very extraordinary, that phofphate of foda is not decompofable by coal, like arnmoniacal phofphate ; — that coal cannot deprive the phofphoric acid, when in union with foda, of its oxigene. This bafe, therefore, renders this acid incapable of being decompofed by coal ; although it does not aft in the fame way on the fulphu- ric, and various other acids. This is a ftriking excep- tion from the general law of the attraftive eleftions of oxigene, of which no other inftance is yet known. It is not lefs remarkable, that an excefs of phofphoric acid, added to phofphate of foda, leaves to that compound, which, according to Mr Klaproth, is the peculiar fub- ftance of M. Prouft, the power of rendering fyrup of violets green. M. de Morveau adds to the hiftory of phofphate of foda, that a folution of muriate of lead poured into a folution of this fait, produces a precipitate of phofphate of lead. This laft fait, by diftillation with coal, affords phofphorus ; as M. de Laumont, infpeftor of the mines, has difcovered with an ore from the mines of Huelgoet. From this it appears, in what manner corneous lead, the ufe of which, in the diftillation of phofphorus of urine, has been propofed by Margraf, may augment the quan- tity of the produft, as we fhall explain in the following chapter. Uthic Acid. £2 , buftible body. M. Lavoifier, in order to diltinguifH wh$ happens in this combuflion, kindled, with a burning, glafs, a quantity of phofphorus in a belhglafs immerled in mercury. He obferved, that no more than a given quantity of this matter can be burnt in a certain bulk of air ; that the quantity amounts to one grain of phofpho- rus to fixteen or eighteen cubic inches of air ; that, after this combuflion, the phofphorus is extinguifhed, and the air rendered unfit to contribute to the combuflion of a new quantity of phofphorus ; that the bulk of the air is diminifhed, and the phofphorus converted into white, fnowy flakes, which fix on the fides of the bell- glafs : Thofe flakes arc equal to twice and one half more, the weight of the phofphorus from which they are formed ; and this increafe of the weight of the phofpho- rus correfponds exacliy to the diminution of weight which the air has fufFered, and is owing folely to the abforption of phofphorus by the oxigene. In tael, the white flakes are concrete phofphoric acid, produced by the combination of phofphorus with the oxigene, or bale of vital air, contained in the atmofpheric air which has contributed to the combuflion of that inflammable fub- flance. The theory of this fubftance is the fame with that of fulphur ; and it is therefore unneceffary to make any addition here to what was faid on that head, in the mineral kingdom. Phofphorus becomes liquid in hot water. Vital air, palled through phofphorus thus liquefied in water, burns it, and reduces it into the Hate of phofphoric acid. Phofphorus, though not foluble in this fluid, yet fut- fers, by degrees, an alteration in it. It lofes its tranf- parency, becomes yellow, and is covered over with an efflorefcence, or coloured dull. The water becomes acid, and KunckePs Phofphorus < and appears luminous when fhaken in the dark. The phofphorus is then flowly decompofed. Caurtic fixed alkalis difl'olve phofphorus, with the help of a boiling heat. While this Combination takes place, there is a foetid gas difengaged that was firft dif- covered by M. Gingembre, and pofTefTes the lingular property of kindling with an explofion, when brought: ■ into conta& with atmofpheric air, and more i'nftahtane- oufly (till, when brought into contaCt with vital air» This elaftic fluid conflfts of phofphorus diflfolvcd in hy- drogenous gas; and the hydrogenous gas is produced by the decompofition of the water. We call it phofphorated hydrogenous gas. Sulphuric acid, diftilled in a retort, with phofphorus^ burns almoll: entirely away, but without emitting any flame. Concentrated nitric acid acts upon it with vio- lence, and, if the phofphorus be hot, kindles it hidden- ly. When this experiment is made in a retort, with ni- tric acid not very highly concentrated, the phofphorus burns {lowly, robs the nitric acid of its oxigene, and forms phofphoric acid. This procefs ‘was deferibed by M. Lavoifier in the year 1780. The muriatic acid, even though oxigenated, does no aCt in a fenfible degree on phofphorus. Nitric fairs, with the help of a gentle heat, kindle k with great rapidity. Sulphur and phofphorus combine, according to Mar- graf, by fufion arid diflillation. The refult is a folidf compound, of a foetid fmell, w'hich burns with a yellov/ flame, and, in wTater, fwells, and communicates to it the acidity and fmell of alkaline fulphures ; which properties’ fhe.w, that thefe two bodies reaft on each other in a pe- culiar manner, as their union feems to occalion the de- compofltion of water. Vol. 111. jPbafphofa# Q. 242 KunckeVs Phofphorus. Phofphorus does not combine fo well as fulphur, with metals, though there be, in many particulars, a flrong analogy between phofphorus and fulphur. Margraf attempted to form thefe combinations by diflilling each of the metallic fubftances with two parts of phofphorus. None but arfenic, zinlc, and copper exhibited peculiar phenomena. None of the other metals was at all al- tered by the phofphorus, which was partly burnt or fub- limated in the receiver, without fuffering any difcernible change. Phofphorus fublimated with arfenic, afforded that ce- lebrated chemift, a matter of a beautiful red colour, not unlike realgar. Zinc, diddled twice in fucceffion with this combuftible fubftance, afforded yellow flowers, punctuated and very light. The fublimate, when expofed to the affion of fire, under a red muffle, kindled, and melted into a tranfparent glafs, like that of borax. Copper, treated in the fame way with phofphorus, loft its brilliancy, and became very compaff. Its weight was increafed fixteen grains in the half drachm, and it burnt -whep expofed to fiamh. M. Pelletier has obferv- ed, that copper combines very well with phofphorus, and that the refult of this combination is a fort of grey ore, brilliant, granulated, very hard, and very difficult to melt. To thefe compounds into which phofphorus enters unaltered, we. give the name of phofphures of cop- per, zinc, arfenic, iron, &c. The Marquis de Bullion and M. Sage have defcribed a remarkable alteration which phofphorus fuffers in me- tallic folutions. The firft of thefe chemifts difcovered, that finall pieces of phofphorus, introduced into folu- tions of gold, fiber, copper, &c., were gradually cover- ed with a cruft, or a fort cf bright metal cafe. Thefe elegant I KunckeVs Fhofphorus . 243 biegant experiments {hew, that phofphorus has a greater affinity with oxigene than fcveral of the metals, and is I capable of reducing their oxides. Bergman has efta- bliihed it as an unqueftionable fri<5h, that the arfenical | acid is blackened and reduced into the hate of arfenic I when heated with phofphorus ; which, at the fame time, as it deprives the femi-metal of its oxigene, is converted i, into phofphoric acid. Phofphorus is foluble in all oils ; and renders them luminous. Spielman has difeovered, that it dilfolves in alcohol, and that the folution emits fparks, when poured into water. In this operation, a part of the phofphorus is precipitated in a white powder. Phofphorus has not yet been ufed, either in medicine or in the arts. MeiTrs Menzius, Morgenftern, Hart- man, &c. fay, that they have found it to produce good effetfs in malignant and bilious fevers, when the ftrength has been exhaufted, and in the miliary fever. Some authors have recommended it in the fcarlet fever, the pe- ripneumony, rheumatic pains, epilepfy, &c. ; but, though, in Germany, feveral differtations have appeared, on the medicinal virtues of phofphorus taken internally, yet no- thing can be affirmed as certain on this head, till fuch time as experience Ihall pronounce concerning it in a more decihve manner. CHAP, Phofphoric and P hofphorous Acids. C H A P. XI. Of the Phofphoric' and the P hofphorous Acids. r | '1HE phofphoric acid has been fo called, becaufe It JL was thought to exift ready-formed in phofphorus, from which it is obtained by combuftion. But M. La- voifier has proved this fait to be a combination of fulphur with oxigene. — There are four different proceffes for obtaining this acid. The firfl confifts in burning phof- phorus haffiiy, under bell-glaffes, full of atmofpheric air, and immerfed in mercury, by the heat of a burning glafs, or by touching it with a red-hot iron. Care muft be taken, to put a little water on the fides of the glaffes before the procefs commence. This procefs, invented by M. Lavoifier, affords, in a ffort time, a quantity of phof- phoric acid, mixed with a fmall quantity of unburnt phofphorus, that is, of acid in part phofphorous. Vital air may be ufed in this aft of combuftion. In truth, the inflammation is fo rapid and fo violent, as often to break in pieces the glaffes with a noife. This procefs affords phofphoric acid, The Thefphorit and Pbofpborous Acids. £45' The fecond procefs, which we owe to MelTrs Woulfe and Pelletier, is performed by pafllng a dream of vital air through phofphorus melted under water. In the third, given by M. Lavoifier, the phofphorus is burnt by means of nitric acid, not very Arong. Both thefe proceffes produce phofphoric acid. The fourth procefs, a flow combuflicn, which has been improperly called the formation of phofphoric acid by deliquium, is very well defcribed by M. Sage. — Sticks of phofphorus are placed on the fries of a glafs funnel, the dalk of which enters a bottle ; and its bale is covered with a capital, the extremity of which remains open. A tube of glafs is put into the neck of the fun- nel, to prevent the phofphorus from efcaping, and to afford, at the fame time, a paffage, through which the air, difplaced by the acid, may move off. Care muff be taken to keep the flicks of phofphorus from touching each other, and to prevent the temperature of the plac'e in which the apparatus Hands from riling above fixty de- grees; otherwife the phofphorus may probably deflagrate. In more or lefs time, there is obtained by this procefs, for every ounce of phofphorus, three ounces of acid, which colle&s and flows, by degrees, into the water in the bottle : it is phofphorous acid. Thefe four proceffes afford acid of phofphorus, in two different dates, according as the phofphorus is either not decompofed, or entirely burnt and faturated with oxi- gene. Thefe two acids, between them, exhibit pheeno- mena, which may be compared to thofe of the fulphuric and the fulphureous acids. — Such is the origin of the dif- ferences between the refults obtained by Meflrs Sage and Lavoifier, in the combinations of this acid, which are re- lated in the Memoirs of the Academy for the year 1777. As already mentioned, we didinguiflr the former, that <1.3 m 246 Phofphoric Acid . in which the phofphorus is faturated with oxigene, by the name of th t phofphoric acid ; and the fecond, which is not entirely faturated with oxigene, we call the phof phorous acid. Of the Phofphcric Acid. PURE phofphoric acid, obtained without the addition of water, and in vital air, is in the form of white flakes, fnowy, light, aeliquefcent, and of a very ftrong acid tafte. When expofed to the air, it fpeedily attracts moifture.. When brought into contact with a little water, it eafily melts, and affords a white fluid, without fmell, of an oily coufiflency, very ponderous, of a tafle ftrongly acid, and capable of changing blue vegetable colours rapidly into red. If expofed to the affion of fire in a retort, it affords a pure phlegm : the acid then concentrates, and becomes even more ponderous than the fulphuric acid : it affurr.es, by degrees, confiftency and opacity ; it is then like a foft extrafh Laflly, when urged with a violent heat, it melts into a tranfparent glafs, which is hard, highly eleffric, and inloluble, but exhibits none of the properties of an acid. It appears, that this folid vitreous fiate of the phofphoric acid, is owing to a more intimate combination taking place between the acidifiable bafe and the cxi- gene, and to the feparation of a part of the latter. This idea, of a more intimate adherence taking place be- tween the oxigene and the acidifiable bafe in phofphoric glafs, which, as it is no longer acid, merits the name of vitreous phofphoric oxide , is confirmed, when we obferve how 247 Phofphoric Acid. how difficult it is to obtain from it phofpborus, with the help of coal, and how ftrong a heat mud aft op this mixture, to produce the defired effeft. Phofphoric acid obtained by ilow comb u ft ion, or phofphorous acid, when heated in an open veffel, emits, from time to time, a faint flame, which is* owing to its dill retaining a refidue of phofphorus that has not been all burnt, and the dame is accompanied with a fmell of garlic. It then is concentrated, becomes dry, and at lad melts like the former acid. The concentrated phofphoric acid very fpeedily attrafts moidure from the atmofphere. It combines with water, with the help of heat: it combines with a great many fubftances; and, in its combinations, exhibits fome pecu- liar phenomena. The liquid phofphoric acid does not appear to have any power over filiceous earth, according to the experi- ments of Bergman and M. de Morveau: But it has been fhewn by Dr Priedley and Mr Ingenhoufze, to aft on glafs. . /. The blow-pipe makes it bubble with aluminous earth. Phofphoric acid, when melted in Ileffian crucibles, has been remarked, by M. de Morveau, to- communicate to them a tranfparent vitreous covering. It combines with barytes, and feems to prefer it to all other bafes but lime, if the affinities of this acid have been rightly marked by Bergman. The. properties of barytic phofphate are dill unknown. The phofphoric acid diffolves carbonate of magnelia, with effervefcence. The fait which it forms with this fubdance is fcarce foluble. A-concentrated folution of it affords, by red, in the fpace of four and twenty hours, fmall flat needle '-crydals^very flender, feveral lines in length, and cut obliquely at the two ends: it often takes the $4$ Phofphoric Acid. jdie form of a tranfparent jelly. Thefe cryflals of phof- phate of magnefia, when expofed to a gentle heat, fall into powder. According to M. Lavoifier, the fulphuric acid decompofes this fait. Phofphoric acid, poured into lime-water, precipitates from it a' fcarce foluble fait, which does not effervefce ■with acids,— is decompofed by mineral acids, but proof again ft the attacks of cauflic alkalis. This fait is of the fame nature with the bafe of bones. — An excefs of phof- phone acid renders calcareous phofphate foluble in water; but magnefia, lime, caullic fixed alkalis, and even am- moniac, by carrying off from it the excefs of acid, preci- pitate the neutral fait. Calcareous phofphate is not de- compofable by cauftic alkalis ; but carbonates of potafli and foda decompofe it. The folid matter of bones con- iifts of phofphate fuperfaturated with lime. Phofphoric acid, faturated with potafli, forms a very foluble fait, which, by evaporation and cooling, affords, r hough not without difficulty, cry dais, in the form of te- trahedral prifms, terminating in pyramids, which have al(o four faces, correfponding to thofe of the prifms. This phofphate of potafli diffolves much better in hot jthaii in cold water it fwells on coals, but is fomewhat obflinate againd melting ; and when melted, has no longer a faline tafte. From the nitric folution of filver, it pro- duces a white precipitate; and from the nitric folution of mercury, a yefiowifli white precipitate. It is decompofed by lime-water, which has a greater affinity than potafli, with the phofphoric acid. Soda, in union with the phofphoric acid, affords a fait, pf an agreeable fade, much the fame with that of muriate of foda. 4 .'Phofphate of foda does not eaflly crydallize, and is often reduced, by evaporation, into a gummy mat- ter, which runs into threads, like turpentine, and is de- liauefcent. Phofphoric Acid. 24^ Kquefcent. I have obferved, in this thick matter, needles difpofed in radii, which indicate a beginning of crystalli- zation : But a little more foda than what is requilite to faturate the acid, added to this fait, inftantly effe&s a change of its properties : its tafte now becomes urinous; it turns fyrup of violets green, cryffailizes in large paral- lelograms, and efflorefces in the air ; in a word, it ac- quires all the properties of the fufible fait with a bafe of narrum, which we call fuperfaturated phofphate of foda . This fait does not afford phofphorus with coal; and nei- ther phofphate of barytes, of lime, of potafli, nor of foda, is liable to fuch a decompofition : Wherefore it appears, that the phofphoric acid muff be in a naked difengaged date, in order to be decompofed by coal. The ammoniacal phofphate produced by the combin- ation of phofphoric acid with ammoniac, is more foluble in hot than in cold water, and affords, by cooling, cry- ffals, which, according to M. Lavoifier, bear fome refem- blance to thofeofalum. I have remarked, that when the combination is truly neutral, it is very difficult to obtain it in cryftals ; for it is almoff all evaporated even by a mo- derate heat. But an excefs of ammoniac is favourable ► to the cryflallization of this fait : A little phofphate of foda produces the fame effeft ; and this is the ffate of that extra&ed from urine. Barytes, lime, and alkalis, decompofe ammoniacal phofphate : Fire ealily difengages the ammoniac ; and accordingly, this fait affords phof- phorus with coal. The phofphoric acid decompofes alkaline fulphates, nitrates, and muriates, by the dry way ; and, by its fixity, difengages the acids : but, in the humid way, it yields its bafes to thefe acids. The phofphoric acid, in a fluid ffate, afts only on a few metallic fqbffances, It diffolves zink, and iron, and copper. 25'0 Phofphoric Acid. v » copper, readily enough. None of thefe folutions affords cryffals by evaporation, except the folution of iron, which, indeed, feems fufceptible of cryftallization. The others form into foft du&ile maffes, like extrafts : when urged with fire, they emit fparks, and appear to form genuine phofphorus. Margraf, and the Academicians of Dijon have examined the different phenomena exhi- bited by this acid, in its aftion on metals and femi- metals. The phofphoric acid likewife precipitates fome folu- tions of metals, fuch as the folutions of mercury and filver by the nitric acid. The nitric and acetous folutions of lead are, in like manner, liable to be precipitated by phofphoric acid, and by foluble phofphates. The precipitate produced by the aecompofition of the latter, which is phofphate of lead, affords phofphorus, when diddled with coal. This acid re-a}< is no occafion for waiting till this refidue of the acid li- quor, after evaporation, be brought into the hate of an infoluble glafs. In that hate greater hrength of fire is requillte j and even with that it yields phofphorus much flower than when foft and deliquefcent. To reduce this glafs into phofphorus, it mull firh be brayed to powder ; then mixed with a quantity of dry charcoal, equal to one third of its own weight ; next put into a hone retort, with a balloon half full of water fitted to it, which balloon muh be pierced with a fmall hole, or con- 'nefted by a fyphon with Woulfe’s apparatus. Fire is to be gradually applied till the retort be firh reddened, and then rendered white ; the phofphorus then runs in drops ; and the operation lahs, altogether, from feven or eight, to ten or twelve hours, according to the quantity of the matter that is dihilled, and the degree of heat which the furnace is able to bear. Six pounds of bones ul'ual- ly afford twenty ounces, or fomewhat more, of a vitreous refidue ; and that refidue affords about three ounces of very fine phofphorus, and a few drachms of phofphorus half decompofed. When the defign is to prepare phof- phorus of the phofphoric acid of bones, the acid muff be evaporated to the confiftency of an extraft, and diftilled with coal. Phofphorus is much more readily obtained by this procefs than by any other. The cafe is the fame with the acid produft obtained from bones by the afiion of the fulphuric acid, as with the refidue of ammoniacal phofphate decompofed by fire. That produtt is not pure phofphoric acid ; for it never affords more than one fifth of its weight of phofphorus : it feems to contain a certain quantity of phofphate of foda. When this fait is mixed with calcareous phofphate produced from a little fulphate of lime, it ufually melts with that phofphate, and forms with it a very hard 233 Bones of Animals, I hard opaque glafs, which refifts the action of all men- hrua. M. de Morveau has propdfed a method for obtaining very pure ammoniacal phofphate from the phofphorid acid of bones. In order to that, diffolve the bones, after calcination, in Weak fulphuric acid ; afifay the fo- lution with a folution of bones in the nitric acid, in or- der to afcertain whether there hill remain in it any ful- phuric acid in a naked hate : then precipitate, by cauhic ammoniac, the calcareous phofphate which it contains, — as has been done by M. Wiegleb,in his procefs : filtrate the liquor ; and leave it to evaporate in the open air. You thus obtain very beautiful cryhals of ammoniacal phof- phate, mixed with a little phofphate of foda which fe- parates by efflorefcence : the calcareous phofphate re- maining on the filter may be likewife decompofed, in or- der to form phofphorus from it. CHAP. Subjlances of ufe in Medicine and the Arts . 2 6j CHAP. XIV. ) 1 t Of various Suhjiances of Ufe in Medicine and the Arts , which are obtained from Quadrupeds , the Cetaceous Animals , Birds , Fifes, WERE my defign to give a minute and accurate hiftory of all the animal fubftances ufed in me- dicine and the arts, I fhould have occafion to fay more on this fingle head, than I have hitherto faid concerning the whole animal kingdom ; efpecially when I fhould come to mention the different animal matters that were formerly introduced into medicine, by quackery or cre- dulity, as famous fpecifics, and are now happily confider- ed as entirely ufelefs. 1 intend only to mention the principal of thofe fubftances, — fuch as chemical and medical experience has determined to poffefs powerful virtues, and fuch as are at prefent much ufed in the arts. Of the matters which quadrupeds afford, we (hall con- ftder only caftoreum, mufk, and the hart’s-horn. The 'white of the whale, and ambergrife, are the only pro- ducts . • ■ ' • / ( t , 268 Subflances of ufe in Medicine and the Arts, du£ls of cetaceous animals which will be here treated of. Of the produfls of birds, we (hall give an arialyfis of the egg. Among oviparous quadrupeds and ferpents, the tortoife, the frog, and the viper, will deferve to be fepa- rately confidered. The only produft of fillies which we (hall examine, is the ichthyocolla. Infefls will aiford numerous fubje&s for examination : we fhall confider cantliarides, ants, wood-lice, honey and wax, filk and the filk-worm, gum lac, kermes, cochineal, and crabs Hones. Laflly, we lhall clofe our examination of the produ&s of the animal kingdom, with confidering the nature of the coral and corallines, which belong to the clafs of worms or polypi. From this brief enumeration of the matters which we mean here to confider, it will appear, that we mean to' take no notice of a great many other animal matters which were formerly ufed in medicine ; fuch as, among others, ivory, the unicorn’s horn, the teeth of the hippo- potamus, of the beaver, and of the boar, the bones of the flag’s heart, the feet of the elk, bezoar, civet, and the blood of the wild goat, among quadrupeds ; the f wallow’s nefl, goofe greafe, peacock’s dung, and the membrane of the flomach of poultry, among birds ; the toad and the lcincus, among oviparous quadrupeds ; the gall and Hones of the carp, the liver of the eel, the Hones of the perch, and the jaws of the pike, among fiflies ; the fcarabasus, the fpider’s web, the meloe or profearabeeus, and the claws of the crab, among infers ; laflly, fiielbworms, fnails, oyfier-fliells, nacres of pearls, and bones of cuttle fifii, among the naked or covered Worms. Of thefe fubHances, fome poffefs none but ima- ginary virtues ; and the ufes of others are better fupplied by the fubHances which we have feleHed for examina- tion. Si- of Cajloreum* '269. § I. Of Cajloreum. nrHE name of Cajloreum is given to two bags fituated in the inguinal region of the male or female 1 beaver, containing a ftrongly odorous matter, which, when they are newly taken from the animal, is foft and almoft fluid, but in the courfe of time becomes dry, and acquires the confiftency of a refin. This matter has an acrid, bitter, and naufeous tafte ; its fmell is ftrong, aromatic, and even fcetid : it confifts of a coloured refin, foluble by alcohol and aether ; a gelatinous, and partly extraftive mucilage, which are taken up by water ; and a fait, which cryflallizes when the aqueous folution is evaporated, but of which the nature -is not yet known. The refin of cafloreum, in which all its virtue confifts, feems to be very nearly of the fame nature with that of the bile. The whole of this animal produtt is included in membranous cells which proceed from the interna! tunic of the bag in which they are contained. Cafto- reum has never been yet properly analyfed : we know only that it affords a little volatile oil, and fome ammo- niacal carbonate, by diftillation ; and that, by means of tether, alcohol, and water, the feveral matters of which it confifts may be feparated. It is ufed in medicine as an antifpafmodic, in hyfteric and hypocondriac cafes, and in the convulfions occafioned by thofe affe&ions. It often produces the happieft ef- feffs very fpeedily ; but at other times it irritates, inftead of foothing ; its effects being either favourable or unfa- vourable, according to the particular charaffer of the ner- vous fyftem of the patient. It ought therefore to be adminiftered only in fmall dofes, when it is firft given. It has been alfo preferibed with fuccefs for the epilepfy » and 2 7 3 Mujk. Hartfhorn . and tetanus. It is ufually given in doles of from a few grains to half a drachm j it enters into the compofition of boles ; it is generally, and almoft always with good cifeCts mixed with opium, and all calming or narcotic ex- tracts It is likewife ufed in a fpiritous and an aethereal tinCture, of which, from a few drops to four-and-twenty pr fix- and- thirty grains are given in certain drinks. §11. OfMuJk. musk> a fubflance of which the flrong and permanent fmell is generally known, is contained in a bag iituated near the umbilical region of a ruminating qua- druped fo like the antelope, that it fcarce deferves to be ranked under a different genus. This matter, in its che* mical properties, refembles cafloreum. It is a refin, com- bined with a certain quantity of mucilage, bitter extraCt, and fait. Factitious mufk is often fold inftead of the real. Its virtues are fuperior to thofe of cafloreum : it is more aCtive ; and is therefore never employed but in cafes of extreme urgency. It is given as a potent antifpafmodic, in convulfive diforders, in the hydropho- bia, &c. It is likewife confidered as a viqlept aphrodi- fiac. It fhould be very cautioufly ufed ; for it often excites, inftead of allaying nervous affections. § III. Of Hartjhorn . JJJARTSHORN is one of thofe animal fubftances which are the moft ufed in medicine. It is a bony fubflance, and does not in any refpeCt differ from bones. It contains a cpnfiderable quantity of foft jelly, very light $nd Hartjhorn. 271 j and nourilhing, which is extracted by boiling it, after it has been fird reduced into fmall pieces, in eight or ten rimes its own weight of water. By diftillation in a : retort, it affords a reddilh ammoniacal phlegm called •volatile fpirit of hartfloorn , an oil more or lefs empy- j reumatic, and a great quantity of ammoniacal carbonate 1 contaminated with a little oil. There is difengaged 1 from it a very large proportion of elaflic fluid, confiding of a mixture of carbonic acid gas, azotic gas, and hy- drogenous gas with carbonaceous matter and even vo- late oil diflolved in it. The oil, however, is gradually precipitated by cooling; it then adheres to the fldes of the glafs veflels containing the elaflic fluid* As the vo- latile fait is coloured, it mud be digeded in a little alco- hol, to free it of the oil by which it is contaminated. The carbonaceous refidue, when incinerated, is found to contain a little carbonate, of foda, lome fulphate of lime, and a confiderable quantity of calcareous phofphate mixed with phofphate of foda — which, as has been men- tioned in the article of bones, is to be decompofed with fulphuric acid. The fpirit and fait of hartflhorn are ufed in medicine, as good antifpafmodics. The former, faturated with fuccinic acid, forms the fuccinated liquor of hartfliorn. Oil of hartfhorn, when re&ified by a gentle heat, becomes very white, Afongly odorous, highly volatile, and almofl as inflammable as aether. It is known by the name of animal fait of Dipped a German chemifl, who was the fird that prepared it. It ufed formerly to be rectified a great many times, in order to render it very white and fluid. But it has flnce been obferved, that two or three diflillations are fufflcient, provided care be taken, 1. To introduce the oil that is to be re&ified, into the retort, through a long funnel, in order that the neck C72 Harljhorrt. of the veffel may be very clean ; for, a fingle drop of coloured oil would be enough to colour the whole quan- tity under difiillation : and, 2. To take only the fird portions, which are the whited, and the mod volatile. For thefe obfervations, we are indebted to MeiTrs Model and Baume. — Rouelle has likewife given a very good procefs for obtaining this oil ; it confids in diddling it with water. As none but the mod volatile part, which is truly asthereal, and entirely contained even in the oil of the fird didillation, can be volatilized by the heat of boiling water, we are fure of obtaining, by this mode of operation, nothing but the mod fubtle and penetrating part. This oil has a lively fmell, and is amazingly light and volatile : it exhibits all the properties of vegetable volatile oils \ and feems to differ from them only in con- taining fome ammoniac ; for, it turns fyrup of violets green, as has been cbferved by M. Parmentier. This oil is ufed, in drops, in cafes in which the nerves are affe&ed, in the epilepfy, &c. § IV. Of the White of the Whale. rjPHE white of the whale, improperly called fperma ceti, is an oily matter, concrete, crydalline, femi-tranfpa- rent, and of a peculiar fmell, which is taken from the cavity of the cachalot, and is purified by liquefaffion, and by the feparation of another oil, fluid, and not fuf- ceptible of concretion, which is mixed with it. This JL v fubdance difplays very Angular chemical properties, in which it nearly refembles both fixed and volatile oils. The white of the whale, when heated in'contaff with air, kindles, and burns in an uniform manner, without diffufing any difagreeable fmell, Excellent candles are therefore White of the Whale. 1 73 ( • • • therefore made of.it, in thofe places where it is prepared, at Bayonne, at St Jean-de Luz, &c. In England, there are many manufactories of thefe candles : within thefe few years, fome fuch have been efhiblifhed at Baris. When dtftilled by naked fire, it does not, according to M. Thouvenel, yield any acid phlegm, like fixed oils, but paffes entire, and almofi unaltered, into the receiver, as foon as it begins to boil; leaving on the retort a car- bonaceous mark. On repeating the operation, it lofes its folid form, and remains fluid, without becoming more volatile. The white of the whale, when expofed to hot air, becomes yellow and rancid, but not fo eafily as other fixed concrete oils. Water in which it has been boiled, affords, by evaporation, nothing but a light mucofo- unCluous refidue. Cauflic alkali diffolves the wdiite of the whale, and forms with it a foap which, by degrees, becomes folid, and at length friable. The nitric and the muriatic acids are incapable of afting on this fubfiance. The concentrated fulphuric acid diffolves it, and, at the fame time, alters its colour : this folution is precipitated by water, like oil of cam- phor. The white of the whale combines with fulphur, like fixed oils. Fixed and volatile oils diffolve the white of the whale, with the help of heat. Hot alcohol lik,ewife diffolves it, but fuffers it to precipitate by cooling. JEther effeftS this folution cold, or, at lealt, without the help of a greater heat than the natural warmth of the hand. Perhaps, the white of the whale may bear the fame relation to fixed oils which camphor bears to volatile oils. Vol. III. S' ’ It 274 White of the Whale* It differs effentially from wax, which feems to bear the fame relation to the former, as refin to the latter. Formerly, this fubffance was very much ufed in me- dicine ; a great variety of medicinal properties were afcribed to it. It was ufed, efpecially, in cafes of catarrh, erofions, ulcers of the lungs and reins, &c. At prefent, it is employed as a calming medicine; and, even for that purpofe, in very fmall dozes, and mixed with mucilages; for it is allowed to be heavy upon the ftomach, and to occafion difguff, naufea, and even vomiting. 1 have found, in animal matters, efpecially in the parenchyma of the liver, after drying it in the air for fome years, and in the mufcles of animals altered by pu- trefaction, a matter poffeffing nearly the fame properties with the white of the whale. This fubffance, therefore, appears to me to be very copious among animal matters, and to be an oil peculiar to this department of nature. § V. Of Amb erg rife* ^MBERGRISE is a concrete matter, of a foft tenacious- ~ confiftency like wax, of a grey colour, marked with yellow or black fpots, and of a ftrong, fweet fmell, when it is heated or rubbed. It exifts in irregular maffes, which are fometimes round, and confift of layers of dif- ferent forts, and either greater or fmaller, according as the number united in the mafs is greater or lefs. There have been pieces of it leen, which weighed more than two hundred pounds. This fubffance appears evidently to have once been in a liquid ffate, as various extrane- ous matters are found incorporated with it ; fuch as the neb of the cuttle fhh, bones of fifties, and other marine bodies. Ambergrife is found floating on the waters of the ocean Amber grife. £j$ ocean near the Molucca Wes, Madagafcar, Sumatra, and On the coafts of Coromandel, Brazil, Africa, China, and' japan. Some American fifhermen informed Dr Schwe- diaur, an Englilh phyfician, that they had often feen this matter among the excrements of that fpecies of the whale which Linnaeus calls phy Jeter macrocephalus , in his fto- mach, and in a bag fituated near that region. Naturalifts take notice of a good many varieties of ambergrife,/ Wallerius reckons the fix that follow : Varieties : 1. Grey ambergrife, with yellow fpots. 2. Grey ambergrife, with black fpots. Thefe two varieties are the molt valuable'/ and the moft in requeft. 3. White ambergrife, of only one colour. 4. Yellow ambergrife, of no more but one cofotMV 5. Brown ambergrife, of a fingle colour. 6. Black ambergrife of a fingle colour. It is to be obferved, that thefe varieties are owing" fa* a mixture of fome extraneous fub fiances. There is a great disagreement among philosophers-' concerning the origin of ambergrife. By moft of them, it has been confidered as a bitumen, — a fort of petroleum, filming from the rocks, and condenfed by the action of the fun and the water of the fea. Others have imagined it to be made up of the excrements of birds nourilhed on’ odoriferous herbs. Others, again, have afcribed its origin to the foam of the fea, the excrements of the crocodile. See, Pommet and Lemery thought it a mixture of wax and • honey, hardened by the a4 General Refult of the hand. If, after wliat is contained in the foregoing chapters, this affertion can be thought to need any addi- tional proofs, thefe will be found in the following fhort recapitulation. The matters which are called immediate principles of organic fubftances ; that is to fay, fuch matters as are feparated from organized bodies, dire&ly, and without alteration ; bear a flrong analogy to thofc which are ex- tracted from vegetables. We find in animals, as well as in vegetables, extracts, a faccharine principle, infipid mu- cilages, acid and alkaline falts, fixed and volatile oils, refins, glutinous matter, an aromatic principle, and co- louring fubtlapces. But notwithftanding this analogy, which was long ago obferved, there are fome remarkable differences between thefe immediate principles of the two kingdoms, the examination of which is of fufficient importance to engage the attention of philofophers. 1. The extra# and the faccharine matter, are not near fo copious in animal as in vegetable matters. 2. The mucilages of animal are fomewhat different from thofe of vegetable bodies : they are fofter, eafier dried, and capable of attracting moiflure from the atmo- fphere ; they form into a jelly by cooling ; their tafte is Wronger, too, and they become four, and putrefy much fooner. 3. The fixed oils of the animal kingdom are alfo dif- ferent from thofe of vegetables. They are found in certain cells, in much larger quantities : they are always more or lefs concrete, and often fufceptible of defeca- tion and cryfiallization. 4. Volatile oils apd refins are in general much lefs copious among animals than among vegetables. It would appear, that nature has carefully removed from the fea- sible and irritable organs of animals, thofe acrid fub- flances 1 » • • * ■ Analyfis of Animal Subfiances. 295 4 ftances which would have continually flimulated the fibres : even in vegetables, they are difpofed near the x exterior tunics. 5. Albuminous matter, liable to concretion by hear, though to be found among the juices of vegetables, is Jefs copious in them than in animals, all whole parts ge- nerally contain a confiderable quantity of it. 6. The fubflance of the fibres of animals, though iomewhat fimilar to the gluten of flower, is however more tenacious and elaftic ; and belides, its proportion is fo confiderable, that were there no other difference be- tween animals and vegetables, this alone might well en- gage the attention, and employ the induftry of phyflo- logifts. All the mufcles or organs of motion are com- pofed of it ; and as animals difplay motive powers which are not obferved in vegetables, the parts in which thofe motive powers refide, muff be effen dally different from the motionlefs bodies of plants. 7. But animal differ (till more from vegetable matters, in the nature of the faline fubflances which they con- tain. Befldes the falts and radical principles of faline bodies in animal matters, of the fame nature with thofe which vegetables contain, fuch as lime, foda, the muria- tic, oxalic, malic, benzoic, febacic, and phofphoric acids ; they afford alfo the laftic, facchola&ic, lithic, formic, and bombic acids, whofe nature is not known, but which do not appear to exift in vegetables. In animals, too, the principles from which ammoniac acid is formed, exift in greater abundance than in vegetables' ; and this is what moft eminently diflinguifh.es animal Trom vegetable matters. The principles requisite to the formation of ammoniac and the pruflic acid, azote, hydrogene, arid carbone, are even fo copious in animal fubflances, that thefe compounds are very often ready formed, efpecially T 4 ia 2$ 6 General Refult of the in animals a.fhort time after death. I have found Pruffian blue in putrid animal matters. I have even feen the blood of a fick perfon, which was very much altered, alfume a bright blue colour, on expofure to the air. But it muft be acknowledged, that vegetables like- wife contain the principles of thepruffic acid, though not in fo great abundance. As to ammoniac, its being formed much eafier, and much more frequently in animal matters than in vegetables, fhows that the former contain its principles in much greater abundance than the latter : And in fa£f, M. Berthollet has proved, that rhofe mat- ters afford a .much greater quantity of azotic gas than the others, with the nitric acid. I have alfo proved, that after the azotic gas is extracted from animal fuh- flances, they np longer afford ammoniac. It is therefore to this principle they owe their property of affording, either by a natural or an artificial analyfis, a great quantity of this alkaline fait. If we enquire, then, what are the more fimple primary principles of which tbofe immediate principles are com- pofed ; it will be found, that the only component prin- ciples of animal matters, as well as of vegetable fub- ftances, are, hydrogene, carbone, azote, and oxigene, Thefe bodies, which, as they have not yet been decom- pofed, may be faid to be in fome meafure elementary, appear to conftitute, by various combinations with one another, oils, acids, mucilages, th.e fibrous part, &c. Thefe more immediate principles, again, differ from each other only in the number and the proportions in which the primary fubftances are combined in them. But, as animal matters, though confiding in general of the fame principles with vegetable fubdances, are however really different in their properties ; the difference muft bq owing to their containing the primary principles in dif- b’1' li-> *■* - . ... ferent Anaiyfu of Animal Sub/lances, &c. 297 ferent proportions. The fuperior proportion in whicty animal matters contain the principle of azote, accounts: for a nreat many of thofe differences : it explains why animal fubfiances afford a great deal of ammoniac by the aftion of fire ; why they putrefy fo foon ; why they are neceifary to the produdiion of acid of nitre, &c. — The only thing which pow remains to be enquired into, is, What change vegetable matters undergo, when they paf$ into animal bodies ? For it is certain, that none but ve- getable matters are proper for the nourilhment of ani- mals, or convertible into animal fubftance. It is firff to be obferved, that many of the immediate principles of vegetables pafs unaltered into the bodies of animals, hill retaining their peculiar nature, — or at leaff fuffer but very little alteration; fuch, particularly, are various fahs, fix- ed oils, &c. But the different forts of mucilage, the gluten, and colouring fubfiances, manifeftly undergo a change of nature : the gummy matter becomes gelati- nous, and the gluten is converted into the fibrous part ; the bafe of azotic gas, or azote, becomes fixed in thofe " fubfiances, and combines with them in a large propor- tion : and the fixation of this principle feems to convert vegetable into animal matter. This change, and the formation of the different animal fubfiances, fhould chiefly engage the attention of phyfiologifts : this, in fliort, is the great problem with regard to animal nature which remains to be folved. Analyfis has already fup- plied fome valuable fadls towards this folution ; but many more are flill wanting : and it is only by accurate chemical proceffes, that we can hope to obtain a fuffi- fient number for the accomplishment of fo definable a purpofe, i 1 * - v CHAP. -9^ Putrefaction of Animal Subfiances , CHAP. XVI. Of the Putrefaction of Animal Su fiances. VEGETABLE matters, though liable to be decompof- ed, and even entirely dehroyed by putrid fermenta- tion, are, however, far from being fo liable to that inteftine emotion as animal matters. The putrefaction of thefe laft matters is much more rapid than that of the others, and exhibits very different phenomena. All the fluids, and all the foft parts of animals, are alike fubjeft to it ; but many vegetable matters feem to be entirely fecure from it, — or, at lead, it takes place on them very {lowly, and with very great difficulty. The putrefa&ion of animals, which one cannot help confidering, with Boerhaave, as a real fermentation, is one of the moft important phenomena in nature, and, at the fame time, very difficult to underftand. All the refearches of philofophers, from the days of Lord Bacon of Verulam, who faw its importance, to the prefent time, have explained only a few circumftances, and examin- ed only the general phenomena of putrefying matters. Beecher, Putrefaction of Animal Subfiances . 299 Beecher, Hales, Stahl, Pringle, Macbride, Gaber, Bau- m6, the re fp enable Author of the Effays on Putrefaction, •j and the Authors of the Dhfertations on Antifeptics, which obtained prizes from the Academy of Dijon in the year 9 1767, have obferved the phsenomena which attend the / putrid alteration of fubftances, and deferibed them with 1 fufficient care. But, from the account which we are k about to give of what is known concerning this matter, f it will appear, that a great number of future experi- 3 ments are neceffary, to make us acquainted with all the particulars of what paffes in this operation of na- ture. / Every fluid, or foft extra# of an animal body, when expofed to the temperature of fixty-five degrees, or fomewhat more, undergoes, with more or lefs rapidity, the following alterations : Its colour becomes pale, its con- fiftency is relaxed : If a folid part, fuch as flefli, it becomes foft, and exfudes a ferous matter, the colour of which is very foon altered ; its (organization is deftroyed ; its fmell becomes infipid and difagreeable ; by degrees, this altered fubftance decreafes in bulk, and its fmell becomes ammoniacal. After this, if it be preferved in a clofe vef- fel, the putrefaction appears to proceed more (lowly ; none but an alkaline, pungent fmell is felt from it : — the matter eflervefees with acids, and turns the fyrup of vio- lets green. But, when air is admitted, the urinous ex- halation goes off, and a peculiar, infufferable putrid fmell rifes from it with a degree of impetuolity : this fmell continues for a long time, penetrates every where, and feems to affect the bodies of animals, like a fermenting fubftance capable of altering their fluids. This fmell is corrected, and in fome meafure confined, by the ammo- niac. After the volatilization of the ammoniac, the pu- trefaction proceeds with new energy : the putrefying mafs Tut ref act ion of Animal SubJ?ances„ piafs fuddenly fwells, and appears filled with bubbles of an eladic fluid ; but Toon flirinks a-new : its colour is ah rered, and the fibrous texture of the flefli is now fcarce didinguhliable : it is changed into a foft matter, of the confiden-cy of a poultice, and either brown or grdeniffi ; its finell is inlipid and naufeous, but aCts with great energy on animal bodies. This odorous principle by de- grees lofes its flrength : the fluid part of the flefli be- comes, in fome meafure, confident : its colour becomes deeper ; and it is at lad reduced to a friable matter, half-dry, yet fomewhat deliquefcent ; which, by friction with the finger, breaks into a coarfe powder, like earth, i This is the lad date that has been obferved of the pu- u irefa&ion of animal fubdances ; they take a confiderable time to reach ihis point, which is, however, fometimes longer, fometimes fhorter. Eighteen months, nay two it or even three years are fcarce fufEcient for the compleat dedruction of the whole texture of an animal body ex- pofed to the air ; and the length of time which pafles before the entire dedruCtion of carcafes buried in the ground, has not been yet afcertained. Not to fpeak of bodies which become dry in certain foils, and remain without differing farther alteration, — many faCts prove, 3 that dead bodies buried in moid earth, are not jfedroy? ed even in the fpace of 30 years. From thefe particulars, it follows, %• That the cir? cumdances neceflary to excite and carry on the putre- faction of animal fubdances, are, tfle contaCt of air, heat, moidure, and red or inactivity mafles of animal mat- ter, in order to putrefy, mud be fubje# to all thefe cir- cumdances : 2. That ammoniac is one of the products of putrefaction, and is formed during the fermentation ; as it did pot before exid ready-formed in thofe fubdances: 3. That the putrefaction, accomplilhed by an internal motion pe- culiar Tutrefaiiion of Animal Sulflandes. culiar to organized bodies, may be compared to the ac- tion of fire, as has been remarked by M. Goddard ; and confidered as a fpontaneous decompofition, as thinks M. Baume ; differing from that a&ion only in taking place more flowly: 4, That in this natural operation, the proximate principles of animals read on each other with the help of water and heat, which firfi: excite the emo- tion ; and accordingly, the newly-formed volatile matters are, by degrees, difiipated, in the order of their volati- lity, till nothing is left at the end of the putrefaftion, . but an infipid, and feemingly earthy refidue : 5. That ; the putrid exhalation, the character of which is fo well diftingu iflied by the olfa&ory nerves, and which a&3 | with fiich energy on the animal eeconomy, is to be confider- ! ed as one of the principal produ&s of putrefaction, fince it is peculiar to this operation, and not obferved in any other natural phenomenon ; and fince, befides, it ap- pears capable of exciting a putrefactive emotion in all other animal fubftances expofed to its a&ion. As to the nature of this fugitive odorous fubftance ; it is particu- larly on this point that our refearches have made but fmall progrefs, and fliould be farther profecuted. What we know of it, proves it to be extremely volatile, fubtle, and penetrating in its nature ; and that pure air, water in a large proportion, and acid gafes are capable of mo- derating its effeCls. Although it mult not be confound- ed with carbonic acid gas, a great deal of which is difenga- ged from putrefying bodies, and to the difengagement of which alone Macbride afcribed the caufe of this natu- ral phenomenon ; and although it muft not be confidered as refembling either the hydrogenous gas which is difengagecf from putrefying bodies, or the luminous matter which fpar- kles on the furface of putrid animal fibres, and renders them phofphoric ; yet it cannot be denied, that there fubfift be* tween £02 Putrefaction of Animal Subfiances. tween it and thofe fubftances fome pretty ftrong relations,- . as it invariably accompanies them, is equally fubtle and volatile, and a6ts with the fame energy on the organs of animals. W e may obferve, with M. de Boiffieu, that there arc four different degrees in the putrid fermentation of ani- mal fubftances. The firft, which that philofopher calls tendency to pu- trefaction, confifts in a flight alteration, which appears to take place by the diffufion of a fort of mufty fmell, and the foftening of the fubftances. The fecond degree, that of putrefaction commencing, is fometimes indicated by marks of acidity. Matters in this de- gree of putrefaction, lofe a part of their weight, become foft, and give out ferous matter, if in clofe veffels ; but, if expofed to the open air, they rather become dry and dark-coloured. in the third degree, that in which putrefaction has made fome progrefs , the putrefcent matters exhale an am- moniacal fmell, mixed with a putrid and naufeous fmell : they are then diffolved, and their colour more and more altered ; and they at the fame time fuffer a lofs of weight, and decreafe in bulk. Laftly, the fourth degree, that in which putrefaction appears compleated , is diftinguifhed by the ammoniac’s being now entirely diftipated, and no trace of it remain- ing : the foetid fmell is now fainter, and the weight and bulk of the putrefied fubftances are confiderably dimi- nifhed: a. gelatinous mucous matter is feparated from them ; they become gradually dry, and are at laft redu- duced to a friable, earthy matter. Such are the general phenomena obfervable in the putrefaction of animal fubftances ; but they are far from taking place uniformly in all inftances of the putrefaction of - Putrefaction of Animal Subjlances, 30^ of animal fubftances. In the firft place, there is a wide I diftin&ion between the manner in which parts of the nl living bodies of animals putrefy, and that in which this !B change takes place on dead carcafes. In the for- m mer, the vital functions modify the phenomena of M* this alteration in a particular manner : phyficians have i j frequently occafion to obferve the differences between 3 thefe two ftates of animal bodies, in refpeft to putrefac- , tion. Befides, every different humour, every different I folid part in an animal body putrefies in a peculiar man- ner. The mufcular, membranous or parenchymatous texture of the organs, — the oily, mucilaginous or lym- phatic nature of the humours, — their confiltency, — their ; 3 ftate with refpeff to that of the animal to which they ii; belong, — all influence the emotion of putrefa&ion, and B modify it in a thoufand different ways, which it would perhaps be impoflible to difcriminate. Laflly, the ftate of the air, its temperature, its elafticity, its weight, its drynefs or moiflure, the particular local fituation of the putrefying fubflance, and the very form of the veffel in which it is contained, are all likewife to be taken into account ; for all thefe circumftances contribute to diver- fify the phenomena of this fpontaneous decompofition of bodies. It muff therefore be acknowledged, that we are not yet acquainted with more than the outlines of the hiftory of the putrefaffion of animal fubftances; and that, to fill thefe up, a long feries of refearches and experiments is requifite. Thofe phaenomena of putrefaction which have been obferved, fhew that it is owing originally to water : moil probably, that fluid is decompofed ; and its oxigene com- bining with the azote of the animal fubftances, thereby produces the nitric acid which they are fo frequently found to contain ; and its hydrogene, again, may unite with Tut refaction of Animal Zub fiancee v/ith another part of the azote, which is very copious in thofe matters, to form the ammoniac that is difengaged. The oily principle is feparated, and remains Jongefl un- altered. The calcareous pho'fphate, and phofphate of foda, in union with a portion of pure carbonaceous matter, and perhaps a little fat matter, feem to compofe the apparently earthy refidue of putrefied animal matters. We have, as yet, defcri'bed only the phenomena which take place on animal matters, when they are de- cora pofed by putrefaction in the open air. As the phe- nomena of that decdmpofition in different media, tend to illuflrate the revolutions which take place on our globe; let us confider, for a little, what happens to thofe mat- ters, when they putrefy in water, or under ground'. The changes which take place in water are not quite the fame with thofe above deferibed. Animal bodies immerfed in that fluid, firfl fwell : elaftic fluids are next difengaged from them : the water diffolves a great part of their principles, decompofes another part, and dif- perfes thofe conffituent principles over large maffes of water: accordingly, many people have expofed their dead earcafes in rivers, and trailed to the waters for their deflruflion. Different phenomena take place when animal bodies are buried under ground. Obfervations, moft of which were accidentally made, have fliewn, that they are more rapidly or more {lowly deftroyed, according to the nature of the foil. Bodies are fometimes found to be totally de- ftroyed in a little time; and fometimes they are found in a good flate of prefervation, even after lying a long time under ground. It may be eafily conceived, that where the earth is very porous and light, and the animal mat- ter difpofed near the furface, air, and efpecially water, will then obtain eafy accefs, and contribute to its decom- pofnion, I ¥ nt refaction of Animal Subfiances. 305 pofition. In oppofite circumflances, the decompofition muft naturally be much flower. Dry earth, for inflance, abforbs water from bodies, renders them dry, and con- verts them into mummies. A fandy foil, in which bodies are expofed to the impreffion of a fcorching fun, pro- duces a fitiiilar effect, giving them a degree of hardnefs which renders them fecure againfl deflru&ion for ages. Argillaceous earth, again, retains water, and therefore favours the putrefaffion of bodies. In cafes in which it takes place, either fooner or later, the fluids and folids are at laft reduced almofl entirely into azotic gas, carbo- nic acid gas, hydrogenous gas, and ammoniac gas. All thefe elaflic fluids, as they filtrate through the earth, are in part flopped in their progrefs, and rendered fixed; and accordingly render the mould black, fat, and foetid. Thefe produ&s of putrefaftion faturate the mould in fome meafure, till they are at length carried off by the diffolving affion of water and air, evaporation by heat, and abforption by vegetables. Thus, nature, by a flow decompofition, reduces animal bodies, after they are de- prived of life, into more fimple fubllances, fitted to enter into new combinations. This decompofition confidered, as it takes place, all, over the globe, at once, on the earth, in the air, and in water, gives rife to fome important changes in nature, which philofophers fhould obferve and afcertain. When we obferve the wide extent of the fea, and the immenfe number of animals by which it is inhabited, it appears, that vafl quantities of animals perifli in it, which, by their fpontaneous decompofition, mufl give rife to a num- ber of phenomena that have been, as yet, but too little examined. What becomes of all thofe remains of animal bodies ? What fucceffive revolutions do they undergo ? Sea-water is known to contain muriate and fulphate of Yol. III. U foda, 3.0(5 'Putrefaction of Animal Subjlancei . foda, lime, and magnefia: No doubt, muriatic acid, mag- nella, lime, and foda, are continually forming in this la- boratory ; nay, perhaps, the formation of many of thefe Jubilances may be carried on by marine animals, during their lives ; but others of them can be owing only to the decompofition. of the fame animals after death. It can- not be denied, that the flrata of calcareous matters, which compofe, as it were, the fhell or cruft of our globe over a very confiderable part of its furface, have been originally produced from the remains of marine ani- mals, more or lefs broken by the action of the waters ; that thofe flrata have been primarily depofited at the bottom of the fea ; and that bitumen, and earth-coal which is depofited in very thin and extenlive flrata, both of which fubftances occupy a part of the globe, have been originally produced in this manner. In the feas, therefore, there is a decompofition of water conflantly carried on : innumerable agents are ever feparating its principles, and fuffering alterations themfelves. Immenfe mafTes of chalk, from time to time depofited on the bot- tom, abforb and fix, that is, convert into folid fubftance a part of the liquid with which that capacious refervoir is conflantly filled. From thefe reflexions on the decompofition of animal fubftances, in the earth, the air, and the waters, with all the affemblage of faXs which chemiftry fupplies con- cerning it ; it follows, that the exterior flrata of the globe are now different from what they originally were : that it is increafing in folidity and extent by the fuccef- five and uninterupted accumulation of calcareous matter from the deftruXion of animal bodies : that the foil of the earth which we inhabit is modern and faXitious : that minerals are not be confidered as forming a part of this foil : that it has been produced from a flow decom- pofition 1/ Tutrefafl'ion of Animal Sub/lances. 307 pofition of animal and vegetable bodies : that water is conftantly diminifliing in quantity, and afluming a new form : that one part of decompofed water forms one of the bafes of animal and vegetable bodies : that another part enters, in a folid form, into the calcareous flrata of the globe : that the atmofphere mu ft have been influ- enced and- modified by all thofe changes : that vegetables1 are continually influencing the ftate of atmofpheric air j and that the light of the fun afts an important part irr the production of all thefe mutual alterations. Although it may appear impoflible to determine the length of time in which the decomposition of water, vegetation; fermentation, putrefaction, the formation of faline mat- ters, bitumens, and calcareous fubftances, and their modi- fications, have been fuccefiively carried on ; yet the mo- dern difcoveries with which chemiftry and natural philo- fophy have been enriched, fliew, that thofe phenomenal have taken place at different periods ; that they conti- nue to modify the prefent ftate of our planet : And that; if matter be , as great philofophers affert, only one fub- ftance, as to its mafs and intimate nature ; yet its form'- is continually varying by new combinations, and gradu- ally experiencing great revolutions ; of which modern1 chemiftry, — and modern chemiftry alone, can afcertain the caufe, and may, one day, determine the ultimate efreCtsv \ C ON T P CONTINUATION Of the Animal Kingdom, Of the Methodical Clarification and the Natural Hifto « ry of Animals 0 S the inferior animals on our globe are fo numerous, it would be impoffible for mankind to diftinguifh them from one another, or gain any confiderable know- ledge of their nature and habits, if they did not exhibit remarkable differences, which render it eafy to eftablilh didinftions among them. Naturalifts have always been fenfible of the utility of thofe differences ; and by divi- ding animals according to them, either into more or fewer claffes, have happily formed what are called me- thods, Though it be certain that no fuch claffifications exift in nature, and all the individuals which fire has pro- duced I Methodical Clarification of Animals . 3 ey duccd form one continued, uninterrupted feries ; yet they muft be allowed to aflifl the memory, and to form truly ufeful guides in rhe fludy of natural hiftory. Me- thods are therefore to be confidered as inflruments fuited to our weaknefs, which may be happily made ufe of in tracing the wide, held over which the (lores of nature are ftrewed. The divifions which Ariftotle eftablifhed, were very general and fimple ; but his ingenious reflec- tions on the internal and external organs of animals, formed the bails on which mod of the firft naturalifls who attempted methodical divifions — fuch as Aldrovan- dus, Johnflon, Charleton, Ray, &c. eftablifhed them. Thofe naturalifls have been fucceeded by a number of others, by whom their methods have been improved, and much added to the knowledge which they had col- Iefted. Among the latter, thofe whofe works are mod W'orthy of being ftudied, and from which what follows here on this fubjeft is borrowed, are Meflrs Klein, Ar- thedi, Briflon, Daubeijton, Geoffrey, &c. After man, the organization of whofe body, and the intelligence with which he is endowed, entitle him to be ranked at the head of all the animals inhabiting our globe, in a feparate clafs, — all the other animals may be arranged in eight clafles : — Quadrupeds, Cetaceous Ani- mals, Birds, Oviparous Quadrupeds, Serpents, Fifties, Infects, and Worms, with which may be aflociated Po- lypi. Thefe clafles might perhaps be rendered much more numerous. But, with the divifions, the difficulties of the fludy would be increafed : and this is to be carefully avoided, in an artificial method ; as fuch a method mull owe all its value to fimplicity and perfpicuity. M. Dau- benton, who has laboured much on the claflifcation cf animals, has arranged them in the fame manner ; and, U 3 under gio Methodical Clarification of Animals , finder each clafs, has confidered the (tru&ure of the principal parts of the animals contained in it ; (hewing, .that from man to the worm, animals become gradually more imperfect in their organization. ( [See Table I. at l he end of this volume.) In the hiftory of animals, there are two principal ob- rje&s of attention : 1. Their external forms, and the me- thods founded on thofe forms : 2. Their internal organs, and the functions for the performance of which they are deflined. Thefe two djftinft obje&s we (hall confider in two feparate Se&ions. SEC- . I Quadrupeds, $U TT — ■’ ... *■ -- SECTION I. A Sketch of the different Methods of the Natural Hifory of Animals. ARTICLE FIRST. Of Quadrupeds. Zoolog y. QUADRUPEDS are animals with four feet, whofe bodies are generally covered with hair. They refpire by lungs, like the human fpecies : they have alfo a heart, with two ventricles: they are viviparous. Their ftrufture, more than that of any other animals, refcmbles the ftru&ure of the human body. Some of them, fuch as the ape, and a few others, have even been ranked by Linnasus in the fame clafs with man. That naturalill gives this clafs of animals the name of mammalia , — com- prehending, alfo, cetaceous animals, becaufe tnefe, too, have brealts, and fuckle their young. U4 Although 3 1 2 Quadruped f. Although this clafs of animals may feem to be nearly of the fame order with man ; yet, between the two, there are tome ftriking differences, which we may here enumerate : — The horizontal difpofition of their bodies, the form of the extremities, the grofTnefs of the body, the flifihefs of the fkin — which is either covered with hair, or with a hard and corneous cruft ; the prolonga- tion of the back bone into a tail ; the flat, horizontal form of the anterior part of the cranium, the length and breadth of the ears, the extreme length and oblique difpofition of the bones' of the nofe and the upper-jaw : — thefe are all properties in which this clafs of ani- mals differs from the human fpecies. The difpofition of the human body, again, is elevated and perpendicular ; the bone of the radius is moveable at the elbow, the fingers are feparate, the thumb placed oppofite to the other four, and the fkin fmooth and thin. — This differ- ence of druflure mud evidently improve the fenfibility of human beings, and render them much fuperior to the mod perfeft of the other animals. Ancient naturalids, at the head of whom are Aridotle and Pliny, did not think of didinguidiing quadrupeds any other way but by the regions which they inhabited : Accordingly, fuch is the inaccuracy of their defcriptions, and fuch the uncertainty of thofe chara&eridics which they have pointed out, that we are often at a lofs to dif- cover what animals they allude to. Naturalids, fenfible of the inconveniences attending this method, have fince adopted a very different mode, in their defcriptions of the objefts of natural hidory. From the exterior form of the mod confpicuous parts of animals, they have affum- ed characferidics eafily difcernible, and fufficient to eda- blifh certain didin&ions. We fhall here give an account Quadrupeds* 3x3 jof only three artificial methods of arranging quadru- peds : thofe of Meflfrs Linnmus, Klein, and Briffon. The Method of Linnaeus. LINNiEUS divides animals with teats, mammalia , in- to feven orders. The firb comprehends thofe which he calls primates, the charatteribics of which are incifory teeth in both jaws; in the upper-jaw, always four teeth; two teats on the bread ; and the arms feparated by a I collar-bone. In this order there are four genera ; name- ly, man homo, the ape fimia , the maki lemur or profimia , and the bat vefpertilio. It mud be acknowledged, that this method does not very well agree with nature; for there is fo wide a difference between man and the bat? that it is almod blocking to clafs them together. The animals of the fecond order are denominated brata. Their charafleridics are, the want of incifive teeth, feet with drong hooves, and downefs of motioq in walking. This order contains fix genera ; the ele- phant elephas, the fea-cow trichechus , the doth bradypus, the ant-eater myrmecophaga, the philodotus manis , and the tatou, or dafypus. There is a wide difference be- tween the two former genera, and the latter four. In the third order, which the Swedidi naturalid deno- minates fern, wild beads, he includes all animals with paps, whofe incifory teeth are of a conical form, and ge- nerally in the number of fix to both jaws, — the canine teeth very long, and the molares not battened, — thqir feet armed with claws, — and who, in their habits of life, ^re rapacious and devour their prey. In this order, there Limans’ s Method . there are ten genera ; the fea-cdlf phoca , the dog cants f the cat fells, the ferret viverra , the weafel muflella , the. bear urfus , the didelphis, the mole talpa , the moufe forex , and the hedgehog erinaceus. The fourth order, intituled glires , the dormoufe, is diftinguifhed by the following chara&eriftics. The ani- mals belonging to it have two incifory teeth on each jaw, but no canine teeth. On their feet, they have claws which fit them for leaping. They gnaw the bark and roots of trees, &c. This order comprehends fix genera; the porcupine hijlria , the hare lepus, the beaver caflor , the rat mus , the fquirrel feiurus, and the American bat, named by Linnaeus nodilio. Under his fifth order, pecora , this naturalift compre- hends all thofe quadrupeds which have incifory teeth on the under-jaw, but none on the upper, which have their hooves divided, and which chew the cud. The camel camelus , the animal which affords mufk mofehus , the flag cervus, the goat copra , the fheep ovis, and the cow bos, are the fix genera of .which this order con- fiffs. Under the denomination of belluce , the fixth order, he comprehends quadrupeds with obtufe, incifory teeth, and hooves on their feet. The four genera of which this order confifts, namely, the horfe equus, the river- horfe hippopotamus , the hogykr, and the unicorn rhino- ceros, are fufficiently dihinguilhed from one another, by the number of their teeth, and the form of the feet. Laftly, the feventh order, comprehending cetaceous animals, cete , is diffinguifhed from the other orders by the form of the feet of thefe animals, which refemble the feet of fwimming animals. As, however, we agree in opinion with feveral modern naturalifts, who think that Liniuzus's Method. 3*5 that cetaceous animals ®rould be ranked in a particular clafs, we fhall fpeak of them after quadrupeds. The method of Linnaeus appears to be in many in- ftances defective ; — not only in bringing man and the bat, See. improperly together, and in dividing with equal impropriety animals fo neatly refembling each other as the rat and the moufe, Sec. ; but its divifions are far from being fufficiently numerous; nor will they help the flu- dent to diflinguifli any particular quadruped : And this is what mufl conflitute the great merit of a fyflem of arrangement ; — this is indeed the only advantage that can be gained by it. Klei n’s Method. KLEIN divides quadrupeds into two great orders; the firfl, comprehending quadrupeds with hooves, pedes ungulati five cheliferi ; the fecond fuc’n as have their feet digitated, pedes digitati. The firfl order is divided into five families, which are diflinguifhed from each other according to the divifion of their hooves. The firfl family, called monochela , (in French folipede) fingle-hoofed, comprehends the genus of the horfe. — The fecond, the individuals of which are diflinguifhed by the name of dichela , confifts of thofe quadrupeds whofe hooves are parted into two, or bilin- ear bifulci. Some of thefe, fuch as the bull, the ram, the buck, the flag, the giraffe, See. have horns. Others again, fuch as the boar, the hog, the babyrouffa, are with- out horns. — The third family contains the trichela , or ani- mals Klein* s Method . p6 mals which have the hoof parted into three ; of which ther'* are none but the rhinoceros . — In the fourth family, whole peculiar chara&eriftic is, to have the hoof parted into four, tetrachela , there is only the hippopotamus, ■ — The elephant, the only animal whole foot is parted into five divifions, conllitutes the fifth family, penta - chela . The fecond order of quadrupeds, containing thofe which are digitated, is likewife divided into five families. The firft confiding of animals with two toes on the foot, didaclyla , comprehends the camel, and the Doth of Cey- lon.— The fecond family, animals with three toes on the foot, tridadyla , confills of the doth and the ant-eater. — In the third, Klein comprehends, under the name of tetradadyla, animals with four toes, tatous or amadil- loes, and the cavia, which feems to be a fort of rabbit.— The fourth family, chara&erifed by having five toes, pentadadyla , is more numerous than any of the former families : it contains the rabbit, the fquirrel, the dor- mo'ufe, the rat and the moufe, the didelphis, the mole, the bat, the weafel, the porcupine, the dog, the wolf, the fox, the coati , the cat, the tiger, the lion, the bear, and the ape : — a very confiderable number of fpecies are comprifed under thefe different genera. It is to be ob- ferved, that in all thefe charafteri flics, taken from the form of the feet, Klein, in diflinguilhing the families, confiders only the fore-part of the foot. — Lallly,. the fifth family of digitated animals conlills of animals whofe feet are irregular in refpeft to the number and divifion of their toes, anomalopoda ; fuch as the otter, the bea- ver, the fea-cow, and the phocas or fea-caif. The fame objection may be made to Klein, as to Lin- noeus. The families are, indeed, fufiiciently diltinguilh- ed from one another ; but the genera, efpecially thofe of Klein’s Method. $1? of the fourth family of cogitated animals, cannot be well difcriminated in his fydem. Method o/’M. Brisson. M. BRiSSON has avoided mod of the defers of other fy Items, by combining together all the chara&e- ridics which had been aflumed by preceding naturalifts : —The number of the teeth, the want of teeth, the form of the extremities, the Ihape of the tail, and the nature of the appendices — fuch as horns, fcales, and prickles. His fyltem cannot be denied to be the mod compleat, and the bed contrived to help us to didinguidi any qua- druped, and refer it to the genus to which it belongs. His divifions are here exhibited in a table : it contains the generic chara&eridics of animals ; and is very fimple and eafy. — See Table II. at the end of this volume . ARTICLE .11. Of Cetaceous Animals. ^jETACEOLJS animals, are great animals inhabiting the feas, which are enabled, by the drufture of their lungs and blood -veflels, to live under water, — as we I 3 1 3 Cetaceous Animals. we (hall explain more particularly in the hiftory of re- fpiration. Being viviparous, they refemble quadrupeds in the ftru&ure of their breafts, and of their internal or- gans in general ; but the form of their extremities is dif- ferent,— as thefe fpread into fins : And they have, be- fiaes, two apertures in the upper part of the head, through which they fpout water to a confiderable height. Thefe holes are called by naturalifts fpiracula. M. Dau- benton tranflates this word ( events ) vents. Thefe ani- mals are far from being equally numerous with quadru- peds. M. Briffon diftinguilh.es them, i. into Cetaceous animals ' wanting teeth, fuch as the whale baUna ; i. Cetaceous animals which have teeth only in the upper- jaw, fuch as the cachalot, monodon vel inonoceros ; 3. Ce- taceous animals with teeth only in the under-jaw, fuch’ as the narval or unicorn of the fea, phyfeter ; 4. Laftly, Cetaceous animals having teeth in both jaws, fuch as the dolphin, delphinus. ARTICLE III. Of Birds. Ornithology. TMRDS are animals with two feet, which move through the air by means of wings, are covered with feathers, and have bills of a corneous fubllance. Many facts con- cerning the forms of the bills, the ftrufture of the fea- thers,- Birds. 3f? t thers, the motions and the habits of chefs animals, are highly worthy of attention. The mod important of- thofe faSs will be given in an abridgement of phyfiology, which is to follow in this volume. At prefent, we are only concerned to give the external chara&eriftics by which the animals are diftinguilhed, and fyftematically arranged. The firft philofophers who treated of this part of natural hiltory, eltablilhed no dilfin&ions among birds, but fuch as depended on their inhabiting in diffe- rent Situations. They dillinguilhed them into birds of the woods, birds of the plains, birds of the thickets, fea fowls, river-fowls, and birds frequenting lakes, &rc. Others have diftinguilhed them by the fpecies of food on which they live, — into birds of prey, granivorom birds, See. See. But the moderns who have formed fyftems of natural hi dory, have taken a very different way of eftablilhing chara&eriltic differences among them. Linnteus has divided them, by the form of the bill, into fix orders, in the fame manner as quadrupeds, with which he com- pares them. But thofe divifions do not appear to be fuf- ficiently numerous; efpecially as the number of' the fpe- cies of birds is much more confiderable than that of qua- drupeds. Buffon makes the quadrupeds which are known, amount to two hundred different fpecies ; but the fpecies of birds to fifteen hundred or two thou- fand. We fhall here fpeak only of Klein’s and M. Briffon’s fydematical arrangements of birds. Klein divides birds into eight families, according to the form of their feet. The firfl, under the name of didaclylce , confills of fuch as have two toes on the foot : — the only bird belonging to this divifion is the ofirich. — The fecond confills of tridadyla , fuch as the cafuary, the buftard, the lapwing, the plover, — The third, ^2(5 birds* third, the tetradaSlylee, have two toes before, and two behind, fuch as the parrot, the woodpecker, the cuckoo, and the king’s-fifher. — The fourth comprehends the tetra- daclylcz which have three toes before, and one behind. . This family is more iiumefous than any of the reft : it comprehends both diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey, ravens, magpies, ftarlings, thruflies and blackbirds, larks, red-breafts, fwallows, tom- tits, woodcocks, bulfinches, rails, crofsbills, gallinaceous fowls, herons, &c. — -The I fifth family contains tetradadyla having their three fore-toes conne&ed by a membrane, but the toe behind feparate. Thefe birds are called palmipedes. This fa- mily confifts of geefe, ducks, fea-mews, and divers.-— - The fixth comprehends thofe tetradadtyhz which have all the four toes connected by a membrane. They are called in Latin planet. The pelican, the cormorant, the fool, and the anhinga, are ranked by Klein in this fami-t ly. — The feventh confifts of thofe who have only three i toes, and thofe conne&ed by a membrane : they are de- nominated tridadyU palmipedes. The guillemot, the penguin, and the albatrofs, belong to this family. — Laft- ly, the eighth confifts of tetradadylce having on their toes fringed or fcolloped membranes. They" are called alfo dactyloba. This laft family confifts of the colimba and the coot. Klein’s method, though it defeends to more particulars than that of Linnaeus, is ftill attended with numerous difficulties as to the diftin the oily juice with which birds drefs their feathers ; of the virulent humour of the viper ; of the glutinous fluid of the fcales of fillies; of the acid and acrid juices of the buprefles, flaphylini, ants, and wafps, among in- fers; of the vifcid mucilage of fnails ; of the colouring juices of purple ; and of many others, which come to be taken notice of under the natural hiflory of the different fpecies of animals. ARTICLE' III. Of Refpiration. RESPIRATION, confidered as it takes place in all ani- mals in general, is a funflion which brings the blood into contact with the fluid in which they live. For this purpofe, man and quadrupeds are poflefled of an organ called the lungs. — It is a cohesion of hollow veficles, which are nothing more but ramifications of a membranous and cartilaginous du£l, called the tracheal artery , — and of the blood-vefiels, which, with their rami- fications, form a great many areolte on the furface of the pulmonary veficles.* Thefe veficles and veflels are fup- ported by a loofe and fpongy cellular texture, which forms the parenchyma of the lungs. The air, when Y 4 inhaled, 344 Rtfpi ration. inhaled, diftends thefe veficles. The oxigene of the atmofphere combines with the carbone difengaged from the blood, and thus forms carbonic acid, which, toge- ther with azotic gas, is exhaled. The matter of heat, fepa- rated from the vital air of the atmofphere, combines with the blood, and reftores to it the properties which it has loll by circulation through the body. In cetaceous animals, this funttion is peformed in the fame manner : Only, as in thefe animals there is a di- re& communication between the two auricles, they are capable of remaining for fome time without refpira- tion. In birds, refpiration is performed much in the fame way as in the above mentioned animals j but its influ- ence extends much more through the body. Anatomifls have difcovered, in the belly of birds, fpongy veflcular organs, which communicate with their lungs ; and the lungs again extend to the bones of the wings, — which are hollow, but contain no marrow, — by a du£t which rifes from the upper part of the bread, and opens into the upper and inflated part of the os humerus. This noble difcovery, which was made by M. Campen, {hews, that the air pafles from the lungs of birds into the bones of their wings. And this fluid being rarefied by the heat of the body, renders them very light, and contri- butes greatly to their flying. Fillies have, inftead of lungs, gills or bronchim. Thefe organs confift of membranous fringes, difpofed on an arcuated bone, and full of blood-veffels. Water en- ters by the mouth, pafles among the fringes, feparating them from one another, preflfes upon, and agitates the blood, and pafles out by two lateral apertures behind the head, on which are two moveable ofleous valves, called opercula , fupported by the bronchial membrane* 345 Refyiration . membrane. Duverney imagined that the gills feparated the air contained in the water. M. Vicq d’Azir, who has employed himfelf a good deal on the anatomy of fillies, is of opinion, that, in their gills, water acts the fame part which air does in the lungs of other animals. One thing certain is, that, as thefe animals do not re- fpire air, or produce from it carbonic acid, their blood is not of the fame degree of heat which that elaltic fluid communicates to the blood of animals which refpire it. Infers are deftitute of lungs. They have two du£b, or tracheae, extending along the back, with which, on each fide, a number of other fmaller dufts communicate ; and thefe terminate, one on the outer fide of each ring, by fmall orifices, called fligmata. The fligmata rather appear to be defigned for the expiration of a particular elaflic fluid ; for infers do not die immediately in vacuo j but when the fligmata are clofed up, they are thrown into convulfions, and die in a few feconds. The organi- zation of worms is (till more imperfeft. Polypi are not known to refpire at all: in t^iis funttion, therefore, they are more imperfett than vegetables, in which trachem have been found. ARTI- 34<> ARTICLE IV. Of Digejtion. is the reparation of the nutritious mat- ter contained in food, — and its abforption by certain vedels, called chyliary. It takes place in a du# running between the mouth and the anus, which, in the human body, is dilated towards the upper part of the abdomen. The part dilated, is called the ftomacb , or ventricle. The alimentary canal then becomes narrower, and is wound into what are called the inteflin.es. This long tube, confiding of mufcles and membranes, is intended to detain the aliments till all the nutritious matter be ex- tracted from them. There are alfo other glandulous or- gans fituated round the domach, the purpofe of which is to prepare fluids for dimulating the domach and in- tellines, and to extra# the nutritious part of the ali- ments. Thefe organs are the liver, the fpleen, and the pancreas. The bile and the pancreatic juice run into the former intedine called the duodenum , and mix with the aliments : Before that mixture takes place, the aliments are didolved in the domach by the gadric juice. The Digejlion .• 34”? The primary tnteftines, through their whole length, are filled with the orifices of vefifels, the bulinefs of which is to carry off the chyle. Thofe veffels convey it into the lumbar, and the thoracic duff ; and the chy- liary fluid is thus difcharged into the left fubclaviar vein; where it mixes with the blood. — Such are the me- chanifm and the phaenomena of digeflion in the human body. Quadrupeds differ widely from one another, in the form of their teeth, ftomach, and inteftines. Some of thefe animals, as, for inftance, the philodotus and the ant-eater, are without teeth, and eat nothing but foft aliments. Others, fuch as the tatou and the floth, have only the molares. Some, fuch as the elephant and the fea-cow, have both the molares and the canine teeth. Laftly, moft quadrupeds have three forts of teeth — mo- lares, canine, and incifory. What is moft ftrikingly re- markable in the diverfified ftruffure of the teeth, as has been remarked by Ariftotle, Galen, &c. is, that there exifts, invariably, a relation between the number and pofition of the teeth, and the form of the ftomach. All quadrupeds having incifory teeth in the two jaws, — the horle, the ape, the fquirrel, the dog, the cat, &c., have only a membranous ventricle, like that of the hu- man fpecies. Anatomifts call thefe animals monogajlric. In them, the funffion of digeftion is performed in the fame way as in the human body. — Quadrupeds having incifory teeth only in the under jaw, are polygaflric and ruminating, — fuch are the camel, the Camelopardalis, the buck, the ram, the cow, the flag, and the kid. Thefe quadrupeds are generally bifulcar and horned ; they have, all of them, four ftomachs. The firft is call- ed, in the cow, the paunch : it is the largeft, and is di- vided into other four bags. It, together with the le- cond. 348 Digejlion . cond, which opens into the paunch by a large orifice, receives the aliments. — In thefe organs, herbaceous ali- ments are dilated, and air rarefied : thefe flimulate the nerves, and thus produce an anti-perifhaltic motion, which throws them back into the cefophagus and the month, where they undergo a new comminution by the dentes molares ; and being reduced into a fort of foft pafte, they are again fwallowed, and, together with the drink of the animal, conveyed into the third ftomach, the omafus , through a femi-canal extending between the osfophagus and that ventricle. Laftly, from the omafus they are conveyed into that ventricle, which, in calves, is called the rennet-bag, and there thoroughly di- gefted. — The inteflines of ruminating animals are alfo much larger than thofe of monogaflric quadrupeds. The mechanifm with which cetaceous animals are provided for this function, is exadtly like that of monogaflric qua- drupeds. Birds differ from one another in the ftru&ure of the ftomach : in fome, it is membranous, — in others, muf- cular. Thofe pofTeffed of the former chara&eriftic, which may be called hytnenogajlric, are carnivorous : All birds of prey belong to this fpecies. Their ftomach contains a very powerful juice, capable even of reducing bones to a foft fubftance, according to Reaumur’s expe- riments : their bile is likewife very acrid. — The fecond, which merit the name of myogajlric , live only upon grain : their ftomach confifts of a quadrigaftric mufcle, covered with a hard, thick membrane, fuitable for trituration. Thefe birds have likewife a double cte- cum. Fifties have a membranous ftomach, of an oblong form, with a good many appendices : their inteflines are generally fliort. They haye a liver, but no pancreas. . — Reptiles ♦ Digejlion. 349 Reptiles difplay the fame internal ftru&ure : their ftomach is capable of an amazing diftenfion. Serpents have been often feen to fwallow whole animals, much larger than themfelves. Infers have a ftomach and inteflines, regularly orga- nized. Swammerdam and Perrault affirm, that a parti- cular fort of cricket has four ftomachs ; — that is, one large ftomach divided into four bags, as appears when the animal is differed. — The ftomach of worms is very irregularly formed : they have alfo fmall inteftines.— The polypus feems to be nothing but ftomach ; for it digefts very faft. The fame orifice ferves it both for mouth and anus. ARTICLE V, Of Nutrition . ^"UTRITION is the confequencc of digeftion and circulation. As the folids are always fuffering a lofs by the motions which they carry on, they need to be repaired ; and this reparation they receive from the fun&ion of nutrition.— In the firft period of the life of the animal, they grow larger ; and the animal increafes m fize. The cellular tiffue is ufually confidered as the organ of this funftion, and the lymph as the humour from 35® Nutrition. from which the folids derive that reparation which they need. It appears, however, that each organ is nou- rifhed with a matter peculiar to itfelf, which it feparates either from the blood or from the lymph, or from fome other fluid. The mufcles, for inflance, are nouriflied by a fibrous matter which they feparate from the blood: the bones extrari: from it a calcareous phofphoric fait, and a lymphatic matter ; the pure lymph dries into plates in the cellular texture : concrefcible oil, depoflted in thefe, produces the fat. Every different part of the body is nouriflied in a way peculiar to itfelf : the nutri- tion of each of thefe parts is truly an ari: of fecretion. This fun&ion is carried on in quadrupeds and cetaceous animals, precifely in the fame way as in man : In birds, flill in the fame way ; in fiflies much flower, — and they therefore live very long. In general, the flower the nutrition and growth, the longer is the life of the ani- mal. There is nothing peculiar in the manner in which this fun&ion is carried on in infers. They grow only in the form of larvas ; but not when chryfalides or perferi: in- fers, Swammerdam and Malphigy have {hewn, that the larva contains the perfeft infeft, fully formed, under a number of fkins ; — the caterpillar inclofes the butter- fly, with its feet and wings folded. In worms and polypi, nutrition is carried on in the cellular tifliie ; and in vegetables, likewife, by means of the cellular and vehicular tiflues, A R T I- ♦ Generation. 35i ARTICLE VI. Of Generation. QENERATION, confidered through the whole ani- mal kingdom, is performed in many various ways. In mod genera there is a didin&ion of fexes, and copu- lation is requifite for the produftion of the fpecies ; — fuch, for indance, is the law with refpeft to man, qua- drupeds, and cetaceous animals. The females of quadrupeds have a matrix parted into two cavities, uterus bicornis, and a greater number of teats than the female of the human fpecies : they are not fubjeft to the mendrual flux : mod of them produce fe- veral young at one time, and the period of their gefta- tion is commonly fhorter. Several of them have a parti- cular membrane, for receiving the urine of the foetus : it is called allantoides. The manner of generation, in birds, is very different. The males have a very fmall genital organ, not perfora- ted, and often double. In the females, the vulva is ufually fltuated behind the anus : they have ovaria, but no matrix, and a duff through which the egg is convey- ed from the ovaria into the gut : this du Polypi are very irritable : they contra# into a round „ point ; they move their arms with amazing agility, and fold them very readily. Their ftruCture, however, does not appear to be mufcular. It is their irritability which renders animals capable of moving from one place to another, and performing fuch motions as are necelTary, that they may remove hurtful things to a diftance, and procure what they need. The hiftory of thefe motions is therefore refer- able to the hiftory of this function. Standing and walk- ing, leaping, flying, the pace of reptiles, and fwimming* are a combination of actions which depend on the muf- cular contractions of animals. Were we to enter into n minute detail of them, it would be neceflary to confider, in the human fpecies, with fefpeCt to (landing,-— the mufcles which ferve to extend the thigh ; with refpeCt to leaping, — the extremities, the form of the body, the length and acutenefs of the countenance, and the lateral compreflion of the thorax, in quadrupeds ; with refpedf to flying, — the ftruCture of the feathers, the bread- bone, the peCtoral mufcles, the bill, the tail, and the in- terior texture of the bones, in birds. It would be no lefs neceflary to confider the mufcular rings, and the fcales or tubercles which reptiles haveinftead of feet; in fifties, the form of the body, the ftruCture of the fins, the ftruCture of the air-bladder, and its communication with the ftomach ; in infeCfs, the ftruCture, the number, and the pofition of the legs, the appendices of the tarfi, the form, the pofition, and the nature of the wings, and of thofe organs which nature has given them to balance themfelves in the air, &c. But it is enough for us at prefent to have pointed out the importance of fuch re- fearches, and that they are highly worthy of the atten- tion of the phyfiologift. Z 2 Laftly, 35^ Irritability . Laftly, there is another confideration which does not appear to me to have been hitherto properly attended to. — Mufcles may be confidered as organs of fecretion, intended by nature for the feparation of the fibrous and irritable matter of which we have elfewhere fpoken. The diforders to which this fort of fecretion is liable, fhould be carefully obferved by phyficians. We have already had occafion to treat of this in our account of the blood. ARTICLE VIII. i Of Senjibility. gENSIBILlTY is a function, by means of which ani- mals are fufceptible of pleafure and pain, according to the refpe&ive natures of bodies in contaft with their organs. Senfations depend on the brain, on the marrow, on the fpine, and the numerous nerves which are diffufed from thefe parts, all over the body : without thefe organs, there could be no fenfibility. In order the better to explain the nature of this funftion, we may divide into three regions thofe organs which appear to form only one whole } which phyfiologifts have called the fenfible man. Thefe three are, the brain, the hinder part of the brain, and the fpinal marrow, — the nerves diffufed from thefe parts over the body, — and the fenfitive expanfion, or di- lated extremity of the nerves. This extremity or expan- fion exhibits a great diverfity of forms in the different organs : it is fometimes membranous and reticular, — as in the ftomach and the inteftines ; fometimes foft and pulpy, — as at the bottom of the eye, and within the la- byrinth of the ear. Under the fkin, on the tongue, on the Senjibllity. 357 the top of the glans, &c., it takes a different form ; and in other places, — as on the nafal membrane of Schneider, it is fpread out in long filaments, foft and fiat. The brain of the human fpecies is larger, and better organized than that of any other animal : it is the feat of thought. In quadrupeds, it is much fmaller ; but their nerves are more fenfible ; and their fenfes, parti- cularly the fenfe of fuelling, more acute, — the organ of this fenfe being very much dilated, and, as it were, multiplied, by the number of the ethmoidal plates. The Ikin being thick, and covered with hair, is, on that ac- count, not poffeffed of great fenfibility. The tafte of thefe animals is very delicate. The brain of cetaceous animals is exceedingly fmall, in comparifon with the fize of the body : it is encom- paffed by a thick, oily fluid : their fenfes are obtufe. The brain of birds is not of the fame ftru&ure, nor has it the fame folds, convexities, and concavities with that of the human fpecies and quadrupeds. The beau- tiful ftrutture of the eyes of thofe animals ; their thick and cartilaginous fclerotica ; the membrana niclitans, or interior eye-lid, moved by particular mufcles ; the bulk of the cryftalline and vitreous fubftances ; the bag of black matter, at the extremity of the optic nerve ; the brilliant cruft which coats the choroides — all thefe to- gether, difplay a very complicated organization, and Ihew, that nature has taken extraordinary pains to ren- der the powers of vifion of thefe animals keen and pier- cing ; and thus enable them to diftinguifh their prey at a diftance, and avoid the dangers to which they are expofed by the rapidity of their motion in flying t in a word, to favour the agility and attivity of motion, which feem to be the peculiar prerogatives of thefe animals. Their hearing i$ not fo perfett as their fight. They do not appear very Z 3 capable 35* Senfibility. capable of diflinguilliing either the tafle or the fmell of aliments. The fituation of the noftrils, and the hard membrane which covers the bill, account for thefe phe- nomena. Reptiles have but very little fenfibility. Their brain is very fmall : there are no knots on their nerves : their fenfes, in general, appear to poffefs but very little afti- vity. Vet Melfrs Klein, Geoffroy, and Vicq d’Azyr, have obferved the internal ftructure of both the eye and ear of thefe animals to be extremely beautiful and regu- lar. The brain, in fillies, is very fmall ; and the cranium is filled with a mafs of oily matter. Their fenfes, efpe- cially thofe of fight and hearing, are very acute. The conformation of the organ of hearing, in fillies, is very regular,— as has been obferved by Melfrs Klein, Geof- froy, Camper, and Vicq d’Azyr,— f-Thofe naturalills who took fillies to be deaf, were miftaken. Inledts have no brain ; but they have fpinal marrow, of a cylindrical form, and full of knots, which runs through the whole length of the body. Nervous fila- ments fpread out from that marrow, and accompany the .diftribution of the tracheae.- — Of the organs of fenfation, none but the eyes are known in infects. Swammerdam defcribes an optic nerve, under the cornea of the eyes of infects that are reticulated, which is there difiributed into filaments equal in number to the membranes of the reticulum. We know not whether they have ail organ of hearing. The organs of fenfation which have been obferved in worms, are fcarcely more numerous. Swammerdam found in the lnail, a brain with two lobes and move- able,— eyes, fometimes at the bafe, fometimes on the top pf |he tentacula,— rand an optic nerve, capable of pontraftipB 359 contra&ion as well as thefe horns. M. Adanfon tells us, that the eyes are fometimes wanting in worms, or at leaft covered with opaque Ikin. As to polypi ; they have no organs of fenfation, and yet they feem to have a fort of predile&ion for light. Man, therefore, poffeifes the fun&ion of lenfibility in a much more eminent degree than any other animal. This is what peculiarly diftinguiihes him, and entitles him to be ranked at the head of the animal creation. —The legiflator, the philofopher, and the phyfician ftiould be intimately acquainted with every particular re- lative to this function . SUPPLEMENT TO THE MINERAL KINGDOM, Of the Nature of Mineral Waters , and the Methods of analyfng them. . AFTER having copfidered all the bodies belonging to the mineral kingdom, and examined their phyftcal properties, it feems proper to introduce, in this place, the hifhory of mineral waters ; for, as thefe fluids gene- rally hold, in folution, terrene, faline, and metallic mat- ters, either together or feparately, it would have been jmpoflible to make the reader underhand their nature and compofltion, without making him previoufly acquaint- ed with the nature of the principles by which they are - mineralized. Another advantage ariflng from our intro- ducing, in this place, the account of mineral waters, is, that it may here fe rye as a fort of recapitulation of what has been faid of minerals in general ; as their principles pm ft be taken notice of? in confidering the manner of analyfing thpna? Definition and Hiflory of Mineral Waters. 36* § I. Definition and Hiflory of Mineral Waters. tyATERS holding minerals in folution, are called mineral waters. But as all water, in a natural flate, is impregnated, either more or lefs, with fome mi- neral fubltances, the name, mineral waters , fhould be confined to iuch waters as are fufficiently impregnated with mineral matters to produce fome fenfible eftedls on the animal oeconomy, and either to cure or prevent fome of the difeafes to which the human body is liable*. On this account, thefe waters might be, with much more . propriety, called medicinal waters , — were not the name • by which they are commonly known too firmly eftabliflaed | by long ufe. The firft knowledge which mankind acquired of mi- neral waters, was, like the other branches of human knowledge, obtained by accident. Their having acci- dentally produced beneficial effects on the health of peo- ple who made ufe of them, was, no doubt, the firft caufe which occafioned them to be diftinguilhed from common waters. The philofophers who turned their attention upon them, confidered only their fenfible qualities, — colour, gravity or lightnefs, tafte and fmell. Pliny took notice of a great many different forts of water, diffinguifh- ed either by confpicuous phyfical properties, or by the ufeful effe&s which they were capable of producing, But ' * It is to be obferved, that though waters contain no mineral principles which can be difcovered by analyfis, they may yet pro- duce fenfible effe&s on the animal ceconomy. For this purpofe, they need only to be very light and aftive, and of an hotter tem- perature than common water. Such are the waters of Plombieres and Luxeuil, which differ only in temperature from common water. 362 Definition and Hijlory of Mineral Wafers'. But it was only in the feventeenth century that people began to think of examining the principles diffolved in thcfe waters, by fubjefting them to chemical proceffes. Among the firft who attended to this objeff, was Boyle, who, in the account of his ingenious experiments on co- lours, published at Oxford in the year 1663, mentions various re-agents, which, when poured into water, fhew, by the alterations which their colours fuffer, what fub- flances are diffolved in the water. — The Academy of Sciences, ever fince their inftitution, have been highly fenfible of the importance of the analyfis of waters ; and in the year 1667, Duclos engaged in an examination of the different mineral waters in France. Among the earlier Memoirs of that Society, are the experiments of this chemift on thofe waters. Towards the end of the feventeenth century, Boyle engaged, in a more particular manner, in examining mineral waters ; and in the year 1635, he publifhed a work on the fubjeff. Boulduc, in the year 1729, publifhed an account of a procefs for analyfing mineral waters, greatly preferable to any of thofe which were commonly in ufe before that period : He direffed to evaporate the water under examination ; and, during the progrefs of the evaporation, to feparate, by a filter, the fubftances depofited. Various celebrated chemifts have fince been fuccefsful in refearches into the nature of mineral waters. None of them has failed to make important difeoveries con- cerning the different principles contained in thofe fluids. Thus Boulduc difeovered in them, natrum, the nature of which he afeertained, — Le Roy of Montpellier, calcare- ous muriate, — Margrafimagnefian muriate, — Dr Prieftley, carbonic acid, — Meffrs Monnet and Bergman, fulphur- ated hydrogenous, or hepatic, gas. The two laffc of thefe chemifts, befides enriching this department of chemical knowledge Definition and Hifiory of Mineral Waters. 363 knowledge with new difcoveries, have publilhed complete treatifes on the proceffes for the analyfis of mineral waters, and have introduced into it, more accuracy and precifion, by which it is greatly improved. There are, belides, many analyfes of particular mineral waters, which have been made by very ingenious chemifts, and throw much light on this part of experimental knowledge, which is, with good reafon, confidered as the mod difficult branch of chemiftry. Our limits do not here permit us to enter into a detail of all the information concerning mineral waters to be found in the different works on the fubje&: But we (hall take care to mention, occafionally, the au- thors from whom we derive the information which we communicate. § II. Of the Principles contained in Mineral Waters. r.. is only within thefe few years, that all the principles liable to be diffolved in mineral waters have been cer- tainly known. The reafon of this may be naturally un- derffood to be, that we have only of late acquired the chemical knowledge neceffary to enable us to determine the nature of tliofe matters, and that their exiftence could not be afcertained till the means proper for that purpofe were adopted. Another reafon which has re- tarded the progrefs of fcience in this department, is, that mineral matters arc never found diffolved in waters but in very fmall quantities, and a number of them al- ways mixed together ; and thefe circumftances conceal from obfervation the properties by which they are re- fpeftively diftinguilhed. Notwithftanding thefe and other unfavourable circumftances, the numerous refearches of the chemifts above mentioned, and of others to be here- after Principles contained in Mineral Waterto after taken notice of, have {hewn, that feveral mineral fubftances are very generally found in water ; that fome others are but feldom found naturally diflolved in that fluid ; and, laftly, that various mineral fubftances are never diflolved in it at all. Let us, however, review the different claffes of thefe fubftances, in the fame order in which we have already traced their hifhory . Siliceous earth is fometimes fufpended in waters ; and being then very much attenuated, it is not liable to be precipitated ; but the proportion in which it is found is always exceedingly fmall. Aluminous earth is likewife met with in waters. The extraordinary finenefs of that earth, which caufes it to be diffufed all through water, makes it alfo deftroy the tran- fparency of the fluid. Argillaceous waters are therefore foul and wbitilh,- and of a pearl or opaline colour : they likewife feel greafy, and have received the name of Ja- ponic c ecus. Barytes, magnefia, and lime, are never pure in water, but always combined with acids. Neither are the fixed alkalis ever found in water, in a ftate of purity, but often in neutral falts. The fame is the cafe with ammoniac and mofl of the acids. Yet carbonic acid is often found in waters, in a. flate of freedom, and peflefled of all its properties : It even characterizes a particular clafs of mineral waters, known by the name of gazeous, fpiritous, or acidulated •waters. There are none of the perfect neutral falts often found in folution in mineral waters, except fulphate of foda or Glauber -fait, muriate of foda, muriate of potafti, and carbonate of foda. Sulphate of lime, calcareous ' muriate, chalk, fulphate of magnefia or Epfom-falt, muriate of magnefia, and car- bonate Principles contained in Mineral Waters. 365 Ibonate of magnefia, are more commonly met with in water than any of the other terrene falts. As to nitrate of lime and nitrate of magnefia, which fome chemifts tell i us they have found in mineral waters j thefe falts are fcarce ever found but in fait waters, not in mineral waters properly fo called. Aluminous neutral falts, as W’ell as thofe which have a bafe of barytes, are almoft never found in folution in waters. Alum or aluminous fulphate appears to exift in fome umters. f Pure hydrogenous gas has not been hitherto found in mineral waters. Neither has pure fulphur been found in thefe fluids : fometimes, though bat feldom, they contain a fmall quantity of it in the ftate of fulphure of foda. But it is moft frequently fulphurated hydrogenous gas which mi- neralizes fulphureous mineral w'aters. Laflly, Iron is more commonly found in mineral waters than any other of the metals : It is found in them in two different ftates, — either combined with carbonic acid, or in union with fulphuric acid. Some chemifls have been of opinion, that it may alfo exifl in waters in a pure me- tallic ftate, without any intermediate acid. But as this metal is fcarce ever found in nature, unlefs in the ftate of oxide, and in combination with carbonic or fulphuric acid, — this opinion could never have been adopted, if its authors had not been ignorant of the exiftence of the former of thefe two acids, and at a lofs to conceive how iron could be diffolved in water, without the help of the fulphuric f We fpeak not, here, of the opinion of Givre, and other chemifts, who thought alum to be one of the principles the moft prevalent in mineral waters ; but of the accurate analyfes by which M. Mitouart difeovered the exiftence of alum in the waters of Dominique de Vais, — aud M. Opoix, in the waters of Provins. 3 66 Principles contained in Mineral Waters, fulphuric acid. Bergman afferts, that both it and man-* ganefe are found in fome waters in union with muriatk acid. Arfenic, fulphate of copper, and fulphate of zinc, which are found in many waters, communicate to them noxious qualities ; and the only reafon for being at pains to dete fpheric, than in pure vital air. But v/e mufl obferve, that there is not perhaps a fingle inflance of combuftion, in which the 28 parts of vital air contained in the com- mon air of the atmofphere, are entirely abforbed and fixed in the combuftible body ; and that accordingly, the aeriform refidue of atmofpheric air remaining after it has contributed to combuftion, is fcarce ever pure azotic gas, not even when the burnt body remains in a fixed and Xolid Difiourfe on Modern Chemiflry , 417 folid ftate, without mixing with the elaftic fluid. The gas mud therefore be 11 ill more impure, when the body is burnt under a bell-glafs filled with atmofphcric air, and affords a refidue in a permanent aeriform ftate ; as charcoal, and all organic matters containing it, do. There are a number of bodies which alter atmofpheric air, by abforbing the vital air which it contains. But: we know of none that renew and purify it, except the leaves of vegetables ; which, when expofed to the rays of the fun, effeft a deebmpofition of carbonic acid and water, in confequence of which, they afford a fupply of vital air to the atmofphere* III. Azotic gas, which exifls in the atmofphere in a large proportion, is thus named, becaufe it very foon proves fatal to animals, and extinguilhes combuflion ; and accordingly, appears to be in its nature direflly op- pofite to vital air. Dr Prieflley called this elaftic fluid phlogijiicated air ; imagining that it derived its noxious properties from phlogifton, difengaged out of burning bodies, or odorate matters ; — in a word, from all thofe operations of nature and art, which he has called phlo - gijlicating procejfes. — It has fince been proved, that this fluid exifls ready formed in the atmofphere, and is only feparated by the abforption of vital air. Modern philo- fophers have made more important difeoveries concern- ing this, than concerning any other elaftic fluid. — There are feveral ways of obtaining pure azotic gas. That which is moft generally in ufe, is the expofing of a quan- tity of liquid fulphure of potafh to a given quantity of atmofpheric air under bell-glaffes: the vital air is by de- grees abforbed ; and when it is entirely abforbed, the azotic gas remains pure. We owe this procefs to Scheele. M. Berthollet has difeovered, that it may alfo be obtain- Vol. III. Dd " ed, 4'i 8 Difcourfe on Modern Chemiflrj. ed, by treating mufcular flefh, or the fibrous part of the blood, after having waflied it well with nitric acid, in an apparatus fuitable for collecting and preferving gafest but thefe animal matters, when ufed for this purpofe, itiuft be perfectly frelh : if altered, they afford, together with the azotic gas, a mixture of carbonic acid. I my- felf have difcovered, that the air-bladder of the carp, which Dr Prieftley had before obferved to contain noxious air, is full of this fluid, which may be obtained Amply by burfling them under bell-glaffes filled with water. Azotic gas is lighter than atmofpheric air. It inftant- ly extinguiflies burning tapers; and aCts, with great ra- pidity and energy, in deflroying the life of animals im- merfed into it. When mixed with vital air, in the pro- portion of 72 to 28, it affords factitious atmofpheric air: in a larger proportion, it forms an air noxious to animals. Neither water, nor earths, nor acids, are known to aCl upon this gas : It appears, however, that it is liable to be abforbed by the nitric acid, which it renders ruddy. Mr Cavendifh has difcovered, that three parts of azotic gas, mixed in glaffes with feven parts of vital air, and expofed to the aftion of the eleCtric fpark, are by de- grees condenfed, fo as to form nitric acid: Hence the theory of the formation of this acid in the atmofphere. M. Berthollet has found, that ammoniac is decompofed by hot nitric acid, by oxigenated muriatic acid, and by the detonation of fulminating gold. He has difcovered, that ammoniac confifls of five parts of azote, and one of hydrogene. He has farther difcovered, that animal matters contain a great deal of azote, — that the ammo- niac obtained from them by the aCtion of fire and putre- faction, is formed by the union of that azote with hydro- gene,— and that plants, which afford this fame fait by. diffiilation, afford it in confequence of their containing azote. Difcourfe on Modern Chemijlry . azote, and therefore well deferve the name of animal plants, which has been given them by fome chemifts. I have fince fatisfied myfelf by experiment, i. That of all animal matters, the fibrous part affords the moft azotic gas by nitric acid; 2. That after putrefaction, ic contains no more azote, but becomes capable to afford a- confiderable quantity of ammoniac. Thefe remarkable qualities of azotic ga-s, are particu- larly worthy the attention of the phyfician. They con- tribute to explain the difference between animal and ve- getable matters, the formation of ammoniac putrefac- tion, and the production of the nitric acid from putrid- animal matters. As this elaflic fluid has been by fome people con- founded with carbonic acid, it is to be remembered, that azotic gas has no fenfible rafte, — is much lighter than that aeriform acid, — and neither reddens timflure of turnfole, nor precipitates lime water. IV. Nitric gas was in fome meafure known to Hales f but Dr Prieftley is properly the difcoverer of it. This elaflic fluid is difengaged from nitric acid by the aft ion of a great number of combuflible bodies, efpeciaily metals,- oils, mucilages, and alcohol. It extinguifh.es lights; it deftroys animals ; it is neither acid nor alkaline; it is not liable to be altered by pure water. By combination with vital air, it affords nitric acid ; being itfeif nothing but nitric acid, deprived of a part of its oxigene, and confequently a- compound of azote and oxigene, — -only, containing more azote and lefs oxigene than the nitric acid. Hence ther varieties of this gas, according as azote and vital air are mixed in it in different proportions; and hence the up.-' certainty of its effe&s on the eudiometer. From this we nnderftand, why, in feveral inflances, — efpeciaily when,- 430 Difcourfe on Modern Chemiflry . in order to obtain nitrous gas, we ufe a body very greedy of oxigene, and requiring a conliderable quantity of oxi- gene to faturate it, — the nitrous gas obtained, contains naked azotic gas ; and even, fometiraes, nothing is obtain- ed but azotic gas. Laftly, It is in confequence of nitric gas poflefling this property, that fulphure of potafh is enabled to aft upon it with fuch energy. A folution of fulphure of potafh, when put into a glafs filled with ni- trous gas, immediately ablorbs a part of the gas : In a fhort time, the gas is no longer reddened by the contaft of air, and becomes fit for maintaining combuftion, even better than atmofpheric air. It is aftually converted in- to air, fomewhat purer than the air of the atmofphere, or containing a larger proportion of vital air than atmofphe- ric air ufually contains : But if more nitrous gas be add- ed, and the aftion of the fulphure ftill continued, the whole of the vital air is foon abforbed, and what remains is nothing but azotic gas. We may farther obferve, that nitrous gas communicates to phlegm a green colour, be- fore extinguishing it ; and that, in many inllances, its co- lour is owing to compounds, of which azote forms a part. Thefe leading properties of nitrous gas, particularly the rapidity of its combination with vital air, fhew, that it bears an analogy to combuflible bodies; and it has been obferved by Macquer, that the artificial formation of nitrous acid by the mixture of thefe two gafes, is a fpecies of combuftion ; but as it is not accompanied with phlegm, I have not ventured to rank nitrous gas among the inflammable gafes, V. Carbonic acid gas was known before any of the o- ther elaftic fluids. Dr Black difeovered its exiftence in chalk and alkalis ; and at the fame time Chewed, that it rendered thofe matters effervefeent, mild, and fufceptible of Difcourfe on Modern Cbemijlry . 43 1 of cryftallization ; and that, when deprived of it, alkaline matters become acrid and cauftic, and are no longer liable to effervefce, &c. This gas exifts in the atmofphere, of which it compofes nearly one two-hundredth part ; in acidulous waters, and in feme fubterraneous cavities, fuch as the Grotto del Cano, &c. It is nearly twice as heavy as atmofpheric air ; its fmell is pungent, and its tafte acrid ; it extinguifhes burning bodies, — kills animals, — reddens tinfture of turnfole, — precipitates lime-water, — • renders chalk foluble in water, — forms, with all alkaline matters, carbonates, a fort of cry flallizable neutral fait, in which the properties of the alkali are hill difcernible, on account of the wTeaknefs of the acid. This acid gas, which afts an important part in the phacnomena of nature and art, is a compound of carbone and oxigene; of carbone, in the proportion of twenty-eight hundredth parts, — and oxigene, in the proportion of feventy-two hundredth parts. As carbone, of all known bodies, appears to have the Itrongeft affinity for oxigene, the carbonic acid is a- mong thofe compounds, of which the decompolition is the irioft difficult, and one of the produfts the mofl fre- quently obtained in chemical anaiyfes. It is formed in all inftances in which bodies containing oxigene are heat- ed with coal ; as in the redu&ion of metallic oxides by oils, — in coal itfelf, &c. — by the decompofition of organic matters containing coal and water, &c. VI. Sulphureous acid gas is obtained, either by the flow combuition of fulphure, or by a bit raft mg from ful- phuric acid a part of its oxigene; and is a compound of fulphure with oxigene, containing the latter principle in a more fcanty proportion than fulphuric acid. This gas has a fulphureous fmell, acrid and pungent, and a very four tafte ; it extinguifhes burning bodies, and kills ani- D d 3 rnal? ; 4-2 2 fDifcourfe on Modern Chemiftry, raals : Intenfe cold condenfes It into a liquid date : It reddens and difcolours mod vegetable blue colours : it combines with water and with ice, and melts the latter of jthefe fubdances by means of the heat which it gives out as it becomes fixed : it abforbs, by degrees, oxigene from the atmofphere ; and, in ccnfequence of that, pafles into the date of fulphuric acid. VII. Fluoric acid gas is difengaged from native fiuate of lime, or vitreous fpar , by fulphuric acid. Its fmell and rade are very drong : it dififolves filiceous earth, and holds it fufpended in an aeriform invilible date. The contad of water, by fixing it, feparates a portion of that earth : Alkalis feparate it entirely. The nature of this acid gas is unknown; and if it be like mod other mineral acids, a compound,' confiding of a fimple acidifiable bafe with oxigene, its acidifiable radical principle mud have a very drong affinity with oxigene; for even coal is not able tq decompofe this gas, by detaching that principle. VIII. Muriatic acid gas is nothing but muriatic acid, purified from water, and melted by caloric into an eladic fluid. Its fmell, which is lively and fufiocating, — its tade, which is very drong, — its folubility in cold water, which readily abforbs it, and feparates the heat by which it was maintained in a date of eladic fluidity, — the pecu- liar neutral falts which it forms with terrene and alkaline bafes, — and the white vapour which is obferved when- ever it comes into contad with water diflolved in the at- mofphere,— are its didinguifiiing charaderidics. Its in- timate nature, or component principles, are unknown; its acidifiable bafe has undoubtedly a very drong affinity with .oxigene, as thefe principles have never yet been leparat- jech Nay, we are about to fee, that this acid abdrads pxigene Dfcourje on Modern Chemijlry. 42^ oxigene from various other bodies, when they are fatu- rated with it. IX. Oxigenated muriatic acid gas is difengaged with great facility during the reciprocal action of native ox- ide of manganefe and muriatic acid. This peculiar gas is known to be produced by the tranfition of oxigene from the manganefe into the muriatic acid. This gas always retains a colouring part, of a grecnilh yellow : Its fmell is flrong and pungent : It is not acid : It weak- ens and reddens the flame of a taper, but does not extin- guifh it : It is very quickly fatal to animals: It difeo- lours fluffs, tin&ure of turn foie, and flowers, rendering them all white: It likewife difcolours and whitens yellow wax, &c. : It decompofes ammoniac, which may now be ufed as a prefervative againfl its noxious effefls : the azotic gas of the ammoniac is feparated, while the oxi- gene of the muriatic gas combines with its hydrogene to form water : It condenfes fixed oils : It oxidates metals ; and even mercury and gold are fubjedl to its influence : It is foluble in water, and communicates to that fluid all its properties : The contact of light by degrees decom- pofes it, and reduces it into the (late of pure muriatic a- cid. — The formation of oxigenated muriatic acid, and oxigenated muriatic acid gas, is one of the mcfl remark- able difeoveries of modern chemiflry. This difeovery fhews, that the relations of muriatic acid to combuflible bodies are direftly contrary to thofe of the other acids. All the other acids appear to be decompofable by mofl of the metals, which have in general a ftronger affinity with oxigene than the combuflible bafes of thofe acids have. The muriatic acid, on the contrary, is not de- compofed by any metal : none of them detaches its oxi- gene ; and in confequence of this, it fcarce a£ts on any D d 4 ®f 424 Difcourfe on Modern Chcmijiry. of the metals. Its bafe, which is hill unknown, is not only intimately connefted with the acidifying principle, but even detaches that principle from feveral other me-, tallic oxides, as well as from oxide of manganefe ; when faturated, it is no longer acid ; as excels of oxigene de- ft roys its acidity. The cafe is dire&ly contrary with many other combuftible bodies. Its excefs of oxigene enables it to aupon their folvents ; and that the fulphu- ric acid does not aft upon them till they be oxidated to a certain degree. Nitric acid is likewife decompofed by mod metals. They are oxidated or calcined to a certain degree by ab- forbing its oxigene, with which they have a greater affi- nity than azote. But they not taking up all the oxigene of the nitric acid, — not, at lead, unlefs too much of the metal be employed, and the mixture be too much heated, — the azote is feparated in combination with a portion of oxigene; and this particular combination conftitutes ni- trous gas. The nitric acid is more liable to decompofi- tion than any other acid ; its two component principles not being very intimately united. For this reafon, it has always been confidered as the chief folvent ; and it is owing to the fame circumftance, that water is feldom de- compofed during the mutual action of metals and the ni- tric acid, and that a large quantity of water puts a flop to this re-aftion. Accordingly, folutions of metals in the nitric acid afford only one fort of elaftic fluid, nitrous gas, which is fometimes mixed with a little azotic gas, efpecially if the metals employed have a very ffrong affi- nity with oxigene, and abforb a great deal of it. Metals which are foluble in the nitric acid combine, and remain in combination with it, only when containing a certain quantity of oxigene not equal to their fatura- ration. Many metallic oxides, therefore, fuch as thofe of bifmuth, antimony, mercury, tin, and iron, are very cafily feparated from nitric acid, folely by reff, by heat, or 44^ Dtfcourfe on Modern Chemijlry, or by expofure to the air. As they continue to abforb oxigene from the acid in which they are diffolved, or from the furrounding atmofphere, the quantity of nitric acid mud; alfo be very large ; that it may be fufficient, firfl:, to oxidate the metal, — fecondly, to diffolve the ox- ide. If you employ only what is rcquifite for the former purpofe, you obtain only a dry oxide ; as in the indances of bifmuth, zinc, tin, and antimony. The muriatic acid does not aft upon any metal with- out the affidance of water. Wherefore, as there are but few metals which aft upon water, there are but few direftly foluble -in muriatic acid ; and nothing but hy- drogenous gas is ever difengaged, in the cafe of dilution, by this acid. Every thing concurs to ffiow, that the principles of this acid adhere more obdinately together than thofe of any other acid ; and from this I am much Inclined to think, that the unknown bafe of the muriatic acid,- whatever it be, is the body wffiich has the greated poflible affinity with oxigene. None of the combudible bodies which detach that principle from the other fub- dances that contain it, takes it from this acid : but when metallic oxides are once formed, it diffolves them very rea- dily; it even detaches them from feveral other acids ; and it diffiolves them even when fully faturated with oxigene, which the other acids are not capable to do. The two lad of thefe properties, which are very remarkable, cer- tainly depend on the tendency which the muriatic acid has to abforb an excefs of oxigene ; a tendency fo fully proved by the formation of the oxigenated muriatic icid, See. The aftion of the other acids on metals is not yet dif- fidently known, to enable us to explain it fo accurately. We ffiall only remark, that metals cannot decompofe the carbonic acid j for coal, the radical principle of chat a- eidj Dlfcourfe on Modern Chem'ijlry. 447 acid, has a ftronger affinity with oxigene than oxigene has with metals ; as is proved by the decompofition of me- tallic oxides by the carbonaceous principle. Laftly, The precipitation of metallic oxides from a- cids, by other metallic fubftances, depends entirely on the diverfity of the affinities of oxigene with thefe fub- flances. When copper precipitates oxide of filver, and iron oxide of copper, in filver and copper ; the reafon of thefe phenomena is, that copper has a ftronger affini- ty with oxigene than filver, and iron than copper. XI. We are only beginning to underftand the forma- tion of the immediate principles of vegetables. It was long ago obferved, that plants grew very well in pure water ; and that all their conllituent principles were formed with water and atmofpheric air : From thefe two fources they derive all their nourifhment : From thefe, their extraft, mucilage, oil, coal, acids, colouring parts, & c., are produced. Since the difcovery of the different gafes, it has been obferved, that they grow very rapid- ly in air altered and mixed with carbonic acid, as well as in hydrogenous gas. We have already taken no- tice, that leaves decompofe water and carbonic acid. From the former, they abforb hydrogene ; and from the fecond, carbone ; difengaging, from both, vital air. They appear, likewife, to abforb azote. Thefe well- known phenomena explain the formation of coal and of oil : for there can be no doubt, that the latter of thefe principles confifls of fixed hydrogene, if the expreffio* may be ufed, as it affords a good deal of water during its combultion. But we are (till ignorant of the man- ner in which the colouring principle, the aroma, the fix- ed alkali, and the glutinous part, are formed ; and whence the varieties of the oils, & c. ; only we may venture to foretel. 44® Dijcourfe on Modern Chemijlry i foretel, that new experiments on vegetation, in prcfecu- tion of thefe new views, will hereafter explain the nature and the compofition of all thefe different immediate prin- ciples. We are now beginning to underftand the formation of vegetable acids, during vegetation, and even by that aft. In the hiflory of acids, we have already taken notice, that they appear to be all formed of fimilar bafes : that, by a laft analyfis, we obtain equally from them all, car- bone, hydrogene, and oxigene ; and that they feem to * differ only in the proportions of the principles, and itf the preflure or denfity of the fubflances. The more we extend our experiments upon acids, the more probable will this opinion appear. Scheele and M. Crell have found an analogy to exiff among feveral of them, Scheele, who at firfl thought the oxalic acid and the acid of fugar to be different from each other, was at length convinced, as we have men- tioned' elfewhere, that there is no difference between thefe acids, but that they are precifely the fame ; — i. By extracting the portion of potafli which conceals the pro- perties of the oxalic acid in common fait of forrel, and, by that means, reducing it to pure oxalic acid ; 2. By changing acid of fugar into fait of forrel, by the addition' of a little potafli. If to this mofl important faft in the analyfis of vege- tables, we add the valuable experiments of M. Crell, who has extracted tartareous acid from alcohol, and has changed tartareous acid into vinegar, and into oxalic acid, and oxalic acid, again, into acetous acid, — we fhall fee, that the oxalic, the tartareous, and the acetous a- cids, greatly refemble each other : that they are formed' from one bafe, and differ only in the proportions of the oxigene which they contain. It appears that the tartar reouS' 11 44 9 D'lfcourfe on Modern ChemiJIry. reous acid contains lead of this principle : that the oxalic acid contains a good deal more of it ; and that the acetous acid contains dill more than either of the other two. 1 cannot help thinking, that if four vegetable a- cids, which were at fird thought to be effentially differ- ent from each other, have been already found to confid of the fame bafe, combined with different proportions of oxigene ; future experiments may in like manner difco- ver the fame analogy to fubfid among others, particular- ly between the citric and the malic acids, which are fo often found together in vegetable juices. XII. Spiritous fermentation, — the fimultaneous forma- tion of the carbonic acid and alcohol, — the neceffity of water and a faccharine principle to begin that fermen- tation,— all together afford us reafon to think, that it is produced by the decompofition of water. The oxigene of the water combining with the coal, forms carbonic acid, which is difengaged ; and the alcohol is formed by the fix- ation of the hydrogene in the oily bafe, which, with different quantities of oxigene, forms the tartareous, the oxalic, and the acetous acids. This theory explains fully the reafon why alcohol affords fo much water in combudion, — why it is changed by mineral acids into oxalic acid, acetous acid, &c. It is true, we do not yet well underdand how it paffes into the date of cether ; only it is probable, that in fuch operations, the alcohol lofes a portion of its oxi- gene, which goes to the formation of water. t \ XIII. Chemids are beginning to conje&ure, how far the fcience can conduft them in their enquiries into the formation of animal matters. Digedion feems to be fim- ply an extraftion or folution by the gaftric jiTice. The fix- ation of azotic gas is one of the principal fun&ions of or- Yol. III. F f ganization. 45° t)ifcourfe on Modern Chennjlr ; j * ganization. From the experiments of Scheele, and, fliil more, from thofe of M. Berthollet, it appears to occalion the principal difference between animal matters and ve- getable fubftances. It contributes to the formation of the ammoniac which thefe fubftances afford in fuch a- bundance by diftillaticn, &c. We know not yet in what manner azotic gas is fixed in animals, whether by the ftomach or by the Ikin, &c. The differences a- raong the animal fluids defigned for the nourilhment of the different organs, and the peculiar nature of the gela- tinous humour, of the albuminous liquor, and of the fi- brous parr, which is melted and diffolved in certain fluids, are now fufficiently afeertained. We know that the former is the lead; animalifed, — that the fecond is more fo, — and that the third i3 the Jaft fubflance pro- duced by the adlion of the vital fundiions upon the fluids : We know, alfo, that this lafi humour is reunited Amply by red into a tiffue of folid fibres ; and that the albu- minous part is thickened, and rendered concrete by heat ; whereas the gelatinous fubflance is fooner de- compofed, but alfo more readily reproduced. Peculiar acids have been found in the excrementitious humours, but we know nothing of their formation : we are par- ticularly ignorant of the manner in which the phofphoric a^cid, which abounds fo generally through this kingdom,, is formed. The nature of the folids of animals has engaged the attention of modern chemifis. The diftindtive nature of the fibrous texture of the mufcles, — of the membra- nous plates, — of the hard laminm of the bones, &c., is now known. Medicine expedis, from the difeoveries of chemiflry, a fflution #of the problems which fliil fubfifl concerning the formation of the feveral matters which conflitute thefe parts j efpecially of the phofphoric acid, the Difcourfe on Modern ChemiJIry. ^53 the albuminous juice, the fibrous matter, calcareous phofphate, and the peculiar oils which are found in this kingdom of nature. The formation of ammoniac, which was g Defied at by Bergman and Scheele, and has been fince fully explained by M. Berthollet, afibrds us reafon for thinking, that all thefe problems may be fuccefiively folved. In all probability, we want only a few princi- pal faCts, to enable us to reach feveral important refults: The hope of this mud encourage thofe phyficians who know the importance of chemiftry. XIV. Ever fince the days of Chancellor Bacon, the hiftory of putrefaction has been acknowledged as an im- portant objeCt in medical enquiries. Several eminent: naturalifis have Iludied it with fome fuccefs : But the caufe of this decompofition, and the manner in which it is effected, have not been yet discovered. The late dis- coveries throw fome light on this important point. Wa- ter, which promotes and excites putrefaction, is under- flood to be decompofed in that inteftine emotion. We underhand how ammoniac is formed in fuch abundance, — by the fixation of azotic gas and hydrogenous gas. The flow decompofition of greafe, its prefervation and condensation, which in fome indances proceeds to Soli- dity and hardnefs in confequence of the fixation of vital air from water, are now accounted for : In like manner have been explained, the volatilization and reduction of dead ani- mal fubdances expofed to the air, into eladic fluids ; in a word, the complete feparation of all thofe principles, and their dif- perfion in the atmofphere, which conveys them into new combinations ; with that whole feries of compositions, and tranfitions of Subdances out of one kingdom into ano- ther,— So happily exprcfled by Beecher under the philoso- phical emblem, cir cuius eterni motns , which he ufes to Sig- nify the indefatigable activity of nature. F f 3 IXPLA* EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE OF THE NOMENCLATURE. WE {hall begin with obferving, that it was not our intention to exhibit, in this Table, the whole of the chemical nomenclature : Our defign was only to arrange together, under feveral clafles of com- pounds, fuch a number of feleft examples as might en- able any perfon, with a little ftudy, to apply the princi- ples of our fyftetn of nomenclature to all the compounds With which chemifls are at prefent acquainted, as well as to thofe which may be hereafter difcovered. For this purpofe, we have divided the table into fix perpen- dicular columns, with the general titles at their heads, exprefling the date of the bodies whofe names they contain. Each of thefe columns confifls of 55divifions, — that being the number of the undecompofed fubftan- ces with which we are acquainted, and which fucceed in order in the firft column. The correfpondent horizontal divifions of the other five columns, comprehend the principal combinations of thofe Ample fubflances, and muff of confequence be equally numerous. We fliall trace each of thefe columns through its prin- cipal divifions. Column 'Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature. 453 Column I. The title of the firft column is, Substances that have not yet been decomposed. The reafon why we confider thefe bodies as fimple, is, that we have not yet been able to analyfe them. All the accurate experiments which have been performed daring thefe Jail ten years, concur to fhew, that thefe bodies can neither be feparated into more fimple fubftances, nor reproduced by artificial combinations. Thefe fubftances are, as we have already mentioned, 55 in number. They, with their correfponding compounds are number- ed with Arabic numerals, running down both the right and the left fides of the table. The 55 fimple fubftances of the firft column are divid- ed into five clafles, according to the differences of their nature. The firft of thefe clafles confifts of four bodies, which appear to come nearly under the charafter that has been afligned to the elements, and aft the mod im- portant part in combinations. Thefe are, 1. Light \ 2. Caloric , which has hitherto been named matter of heat : 3. Oxigene , or that part of vital air which becomes fixed in burning bodies, increafes their weight, and changes their nature, and of which the mod eminent property being to conftitute acids, has induced us to give it a name alluding to that remarkable charafteriftic : 4. Hy- drogene, or the bafe of the elaftic fluid which is called Inflammable Gas, and which, as it is one of the princi- ples of water, exifts in ice in a folid ftate. Thefe firft four principal bodies are connefted by a brace. The fecond clafs of the undecompofed fubftances in the firft column, confifts of 26 different bodies, — all of which are liable to become acid, by combining with T f 3 oxigene $ 454 Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature. oxigene ; and in confequence of their poffefling this chara&erifiic in common, we diftinguifh them by the name of acidifable bafes. There are only four of thefe 2 6 bodies that can be obtained in a fimple uncombined ftate. Thefe four are, azote , — the radical principle of the nitric acid *, or the folid bafe of atmofpheric me- phitis, well known at prefent to chemifts, in the fifth divifion ; pure coal , carbonic , or the radical principle of the carbonic acid, in the fixth divifion ; fulphur, or the radical principle of the fulphuric acid, in the feventh divifion ; and phofphore , or the radical principle of the phofphoric acid, in the eighth divifion. The other 22 are only known as they exilt in combination with oxigene, and in the Rate, of acids. But in order to extend and fimplify the Science, we have fuppofed them feparated from oxigene, and exifting in that pure hate to which it is probable they may one. day or other be reduced by art. They are all, therefore, inferted in the firft column, as exifting in this fuppofed fimple ftate, and oif- tinguilhed as the radical principles of the acids into which they enter. The third clafs of the undecompofed fubftances of the firft column, confifts of metallic matters, in number 17, extending from the 31ft to the 47th divifion, inclufive. They all retain the names by which they have been hi- therto known. The three firft are liable to pafs into an acid ftate, — agreeing, in this charadteriftic, with the pre- ceding acidifiable bafes. In the fourth clafs, are the earths which have not yet been decompofed,— filiceous earth , aluminous earthy baroteSy * It is alfo to be obferve'd, that azote is never obtained in a feparate inflated ftate, but always in a gazeous ftate, and in combination with caloric. Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature. 455 !h aretes, lime, and magncfia, in fo many fucceflive divi- fions. None of thefe five earths has yet been decom- q pofed ; and they are therefore to be confidered, in the I prefent ftate of our knowledge, as fo many fiinpie bodies. Laftly, the fifth clafs of undecompofed fubftances, confifts of the three alkalis, — pota/b, foda, and ammoniac. I The laft of thefe fubftances has been decompofed by Meflrs Bergman and Sehoele ; and M. Berthollet has determined, in a precife manner, the nature and the quantity of its principles: But we were unwilling to fe- parate it from the fixed alkalis, the component princi- ples of which we hope alfo to difeover in a fhort time : It would be improper to break through the order, and overlook the mutual relations of thole fubftances, which in many refpe&s a the 13th. Thefe acids exift in two ftates of combina- tion with oxigene, according to the quantities which theii: acisiifiable bafes contain. When the bafes are completely Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature . 457 sompletejy faturated, the acids produced are, the fulphu- ri(, the acetic, and the phofphoric : When the bafes are not faturated, and do not contain oxigene in a due pro- portion, we call the acids that are then formed, the ful- { phureous, the acetous, and the phofphorous. We have followed the fame general rule in the denomination of all the other acids. When an acid is known only in one {late, and, in that hate, the bafe is fully faturated with oxigene, fuch as the carbonic or the boracic acid, its name then terminates in ic : when it is known in two hates, it is dillinguifhed, in the hronger hate, by the termination ic ; in the weaker, or that in which there is an excefs of the acidifiable bafe, its name terminates in ous. Accordingly, in thofe acids which are known only ; in one hate, and yet have their names terminating in ous, it may be underhood that there is an excefs of the acidifiable bafe : fuch are, the tartareous acid, in the 14th divifion; the pyro- tartareous, in the 15th; the pyro- ligneous, in the 2 ih ; and the pyro-mucous, in the 2 2d. The muriatic acid, in the 9th divifion, is in a hate different from any of the others. Befides its combina- tion, in w'hich it is faturated with oxigene, it is alfo ca- pable of receiving an excefs of oxigene, which commu- nicates to it fome remarkable properties. To dihinguilh it as it exihs in this lah hate, we call it the oxiienated o muriatic acid ; and the epithet oxigenated, may be in like manner applied to any of the other acids that {hall be found exihing in the fame hate. The lower divifions of this third column, from the 31ft to the 47th inclufive , exhibit the nomenclature of another fyhem of bodies. The word oxide is there found at the beginning of the compound denomination. The reafon which induced us to fubhitute this name to that of metallic calces, has been explained in our memoir on this nomenclature. It does not 45.8 Explanation of the Table of the ’Nomenclature . not exprefs a faline quality, as the word acid does, and yet denotes a combination of oxigene : and it may be applied to all bodies that are fufceptible of a combination with oxigene without palling into a flate of acidity ; and this, whether their not becoming acid be owing to the fcanty proportion of the oxigene, or to the nature of their bafes. Thus, for inftance, the phofphoric acid, vitrified, or deprived of a part of its oxigene, by the action of a flrong heat, becomes a fort of phofphoric oxide. Nitrous gas, too, which is not more acid than phofphoric glafs, is properly a nitrous oxide ; and hydrogene, in combination with oxigene, forms not an acid, but water, which, in tills light, may be confidered as an oxide of hydrogene. Of the 17 metallic oxides, between the 31ft and the loth divifion, there are 3 which are only in intermediate flares between the metallic and the acid. It is for want of oxigene that the oxides of arfenic, molybdena, and tunghen, in the 3 1 ft , the 3 2d, and the 33d di vifions, are not yet become acid. A greater quantity of the acidifying principle conflitutes them the arfenic , the mclybdic, and the tunjlic acids. Epithets taken from colour ferve to diflinguifh the different oxides of the fame metal, as may be obferved of the oxides of antimony, lead, and mercury. Column IV. The 4th column, intituled, The same substances in a gazeous oxigenated state, contains fimple fubftances combined both with oxigene and with a fuffi- cient quantity of caloric to reduce them to permanent gafes, under the ufual preffure and temperature of the atmofphere. There are only fix fubftances known to exift in that flate, — nitrous gas, nitrous acid gas, car- bonic acid gas, fulphureous gas, muriatic and oxigenated muriatic Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature. 45?. muriatic acidi gas ,and fluoric acid gas No other oxigen- ated fubffance having been reduced into a gazeous hate , by caloric, we have therefore introduced into this column < fome peculiar combinations of metallic oxides, or oxigen- j ated metals, with different bafes : It is accordingly di- vided in the middle ; and the lower part intituled. Metallic oxides with different bases.— From the 31ft to the 45th divifion inclufive , are the com- binations of metallic oxides with fulphur and alkalis. The former are called fulpburated oxides of arfenic, lead. See. ; the latter, alkaline metallic oxides. When any of thefe compounds varies in, the proportions, and confe- quently in its properties, we diftinguifh it in the fame manner as the limple oxides, by epithets taken from co- lour : thus we fay, grey , red, orange , &c. fulpburated | oxides of antimony. Column V. The 5th column, confiding of the fimple sub- stances in the iff column oxigenated and neu- tralised by the addition of bases, or, neutral falts in general, exhibits many more names than any of the preceding columns : and we have therefore found it neceffary to give, in this column, a greater number of examples, in order to fhow the fuperiority of this fyftetn of nomenclature over the ancient names ; moff of which, though expreffing ffmilar combinations, were in nowife analogical. Any perfon may fee, by looking flightly over this co- lumn, that the names contained in it, and expreffing fimi- lar combinations, have all one termination. It is eafy to fee, that this muff greatly facilitate the ftudy of the feience, and contribute greatly to the perfpicuity of works Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature , Works in chemiflry in which this mode of denomination fhall be adopted. The bodies belonging to this column are compounds of three Jubilances, — acidifiable bafes, the acidifying principle, or oxigene, and terrene, metallic, or- alkaline bafes. But we ufe only two words to exprefs their nature ; for, the firft of thefe being derived from the name of the oxigenous or acid combination, ferves to denote that part of the body ; the other refers folely to the bafe with which the acid is faturated. The names of all thefe compounds terminate in ate, when they contain acids completely faturated with oxigene : but when the acids are not completely faturated with that, principle, the name of the neutral fait then termi- nates in ite. We have given more inftances of neutral £dts formed from thofe acids which are bed known and mod ufed, than of the falts formed with the acids which are lefs common The * The neutral falts are now exceedingly numerous. There are 20 acids known, which, as each of them may be faturated by 4 foluble earths, 3 alkalis, and 14 metallic oxides which are not acidi- fiable (for it appears, that the. acidifiable oxides, fuch as thofe of srfenic, molybdena, and tungften, do not neutralife the mineral acids), form 609 fpecies of compound falts. Add to this, that ,5 of thefe acids, the nitric, the fulphuric, the muriatic, the acetic, and the phofphoric, combine with neutralifable bales in both of their different ftates ; and that a number of acids, fuch as the ful- phureous, the tartareous, the oxalic, and the arfenic, admit of fa- turation with different quantities of the bafe, in confequence of which they form what are called acidulci, of which there are al- ready 8 different fpecies very well known *. With this addition, the number of the neutral falts will amount to 722 fpecies, the rames of which may be methodically formed, from the 46 or 48 examples given in this table, * Such arc, acidulous fulpbate of potafi, or vitriolated tartar with an excefs of the acid ; tartaritcs, or acidulous oxalates of potajb, foda, and ammoniac., or creams of tartar, and falts of forrel, artificially prepared with the pure tartareous and oxalic acids combined with a fmall quantity of the alkaline bafes; and the aiidu’.ous arfeniate of potaf), or arfenical neutral fait of Macquer. Explanation of the Table of the Nomenclature. 4 5i The names of 18 genera of neutral falts in this table I terminate in ate. This termination of their name {hews, that the acid to which they owe their formation is known only in the {fate of the complete faturation of the acidi- fiable bafe with oxigene : and accordingly, the names of all the acids to which thefe neutral falts belong, termi- nate in ic , by the rules of our nomenclature, as appears in the 3d column. The 14th, 15th, 2 1 ft, and 2 2d divifions, exhibit names of neutral falts, terminating in ite. The termi- nation of thefe falts is meant to indicate, that in the acids from which they are formed, there is an excefs of the acidifiable bafe. There are other divifions in this column, exhibiting both the terminations ate and ite : thus, in the 5th column, nitrate and nitrite ; in the 7th, fulphate, and fulphite ; in the 8th, phofphate and phofphite ; in the 13th, acetate and acetite. Thefe terminations fliew, that the falts to which they belong owe their formation to acids exifting in two different ftates. Nitrates , for inftance, are formed by the nitric acid, in which the a- cidifiable bafe is fully faturated with oxigene ; and nitrites again are formed by the nitrons acid, in which the bafe is not completely faturated with the acidifying principle. In fome others of thefe divifions, there are neutral falts different from any of the above. Thus, in the 9th divilion, we have oxigenated muriate of potafh , the combination of the oxigenated muriatic acid of potafh, a fait very different from fimple muriate of potafh, and which M. Berthollet has difcovered to poffeffs the pro- perty of detonizing on burning coals. In other divifions in this fame column, we have expreffed fatine combina- tions in which the acids predominate, by adding to the fyftematic 4• E R R A- ERRATA. v o P. 9. L. 1 4. 49. 12. from the top. 59. 8. from the top. 107. 12. from the bottom. 244. 12. from the bottom. 306. 11. from the bottom. 314. 1. of the note. 319. 6. from the bottom. 353. 1 1. from the top. 448. 6.8C9. from the bottom. For called, read able. For fulphureuus, read fulphuric. For defer t , read detach. For calonic, read caloric. For fulphur , read fu/phure. For acid, read caujlic. For acids, read alkalis. Dele the. For folid, read elajlic fluid. For foda, read potajh. VOL. II. r 781. 6. from the bottom. For bitumen, read bitumens. 639. 9. from the top. For aciduLe, read acidula. 639. II. For acidula, read acidulum, VOL. III. 15. 7* from the bottom. For Sicilly, read Sicily. \ ^ / For alumines, wherever it occurs, read alumina. COMP A- i r— ■ 1.:-^- ■— :r '■ srsrrrr^^rss , l COMPARATIVE VIEW b f ANCIENT and MODERN NAMES O F CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. 1 Old Names. Ne& or Adopted Names* • I A Acetated Ammoniac. Acetated lime. Acetated clay. Acetated copper. Acetated magnefta. Acetated lead. Acetated foda. Acetated potajh. Acetated zinc. Acetated iron. Acetated mercury. VOL. III. f Acetitej ammoniacal. X Acetite of ammoniac. {A'cetite, calcareous. Acetite of lime. J Acetite, aluminous. ^Acetite of aluminous earth.' Acetite of copper. / Acetite, magnefian. Acetite of magnefia. Acetite of lead. Acetite of foda. Acetite of potato. Acetite of zinc. Acetite of iron. f Acetite of mercury.: ^Acetite, mercurial. A Ancient and Modern Names 2 Old Names. Acid , acetous. Acid, aerial . Acid, arfenical. Acid of benzoin. Acid of borax. Acid, carbonaceous . Acid of citrons. Acidy cretaceous . Acid of ants. Acid of apples. Acidy benzonic. Acid of fait » Acid of fnlphur . of amber.. Acid of fugar. Acid of tallow. Acid of vinegar. Acid of Wolfram, according to Mefrs D’’Klhuyar. ■ Acidy fluoric. Acid , formicinc, Acidy galaElic. Acid, gallic. Acid, lignic. Acid , lithiaflc. - Acid, maluflan. Acid, , marine. Acid , dephlogiflicated marine . Acid, mephitic. Acid, molybdic. Acid , white nitrous. Add, nitrous , without gas. Acid , dephlogiflicated nitrous. Acid , phlogtfticated nitrous. Acid, oxaline. Acidum perlatum. Acid, dephlogiflicated phofphoru A New Names.- Acid, acetous. Acid, carbonic. Acid, arfenic. Acid, benzoic- Acid,, boracic. Acid, carbonic.. Acid, citric. . Acid, carbonic.. Acid, formic. Acid, malic. Acid, benzoic. Acid, muriatic. Acid, fulphuric- Acid, fuceinic. Acid, oxalic. Acid, febacic. Acid, acetous. j- Acid, tunllic. Acid, fluoric. Acid, formic. Acid, la£fic. Acid, gallic. Acid, pyro-ligneo'JS. Acid, lithic. Acid, malic. Acid, muriatic. Acid, oxigenated muriatic. Acid, carbonic. * Acid, molybdic. Acid, nitric. Acid, nitric. Acid, nitric. Acid, nitrous. Acid, oxalic. Superfaturatedphofphateoffoda- Acid, phofphoric. of Chemical Subflanies «’ g Old Names. A New Names. Acid, phlogifiicated phofphoric. Acid, phofphorous. Acid, faccharine. Acid, oxalic. Acid, facchalaclic. Acid, faccho-laCtia. Acid, filaceous. Acid, febacic. Acid, fe dative. Acid, boracic. Acid, fparry. Acid, fluoric. Acid, fulpkureous. Acid, fulphureous. Acid, fyrupous. Acid, pyro-mucous. Acid, tartareous. Acid, tartareous. Acid, tung/lic. Acid, tunfti'c. Acid , vitriolic. Acid, fulphuric. Acid, phlogiJUcated vitriolic . Acid, fulphureous. Acidum pingue. Imaginary principle of Meyer,’ Affinities. Chemical affinities or attraction's. Aggregation. Aggregation. Aggregates. Aggregates. Air, vitriolic acid. Sulphureous acid gas. Air, alkaline. Ammoniacal gas. Air, dephlogijlicated, . Oxigenous gas, or vital aiih’ Air, atmofpheric. Atmofpheric air. Air of fire, Scbeele’s „ Oxigenous gas. Air, factitious. Carbonic acid gas. Air , fixed. Carbonic acid gas. Air, impure. Azotic gas. Air , inflammable. Hydrogenous gas. Air of fulphur, Jl inking.' Sulphurated hydrogenous gas? Air, putrid. > .* /* Air of Hales, folid. ' Carbonic acid gas.; Air, vitiated. Azotic gas. Air, vital. Oxigenous gas. rUniverfal folveht, the exiltenee Alkahefi.' J r of which was fuppofed by the 1 w Alchemifts. Alkahefi of Refpour , Potafh mixed with oxide of 211SS.' Alkahefi of Van Helmont . Carbonate of potafli. Alkalis , in general. Alkalis. . Alkali of tartar, fixed, not eaufiic. Carbonate of potato J A? Aiicient and Modern Jfifafnei A Old Names. A Alkalis , caufiic. Alkalis , ejfiervefcent. Alkali of tartar, fixed, caufiic. Alkali , vegetable fixed. Alkali , caufiic marine. Alkali , marine , not caufiic . Alkali , aerated mineral. , Alkali , caufiic mineral. Alkali , ejfiervefcent mineral. / Alkali , phlogifiicated. Alkali , Prnjfian. Alkali, aerated vegetable . Alkali, caufiic vegetable. Alkali , caufiic volatile. Alkali , concrete volatile. Alkali , ejfiervefcent volatile. Alkali , fluor volatile. Alkali^ urinous. Alloy of Metals .■ Alum. Alum , marine. 1 Alum , nitrous. Amalgam of fiver. Amalgam of bifmuth. Amalgam of copper. Amalgam of tin. Amalgam of geld. Amalgam of lead. Amalgam of zinc. Amber , yellow-. , Ammoniac , arfcnical. Ammoniac , ' cretaceous . Neiv N/UrfeS* « Alkalis. Alkaline carbonates. Potafh. Carbonate of potafh. Soda. Carbonate of foda. Carbonate of foda. Soda. * Carbonate of foda. f Ferruginous prufliate of potafh, not faturated. Ferruginous prufliate of potafh. Carbonate of potafh. Potafh. Ammoniac. Ammoniacal carbonate. Ammoniacal carbonate. Ammoniac. Ammoniac. Alloy. Sulphate of alumines. Aluminous fulphate. Muriate of alumines. Aluminous muriate. Nitrate of alumines. Aluminous nitrate. Amalgam of filver. Amalgam of bifmuth. Amalgam of copper.' Amalgam of tin. Amalgam of gold. Amalgam of lead. Amalgam of zinc. Amber. {Ammoniacal arfeniate. Arfeniate of ammoniac, f Ammoniacal carbonate. (.Carbonate of ammoniac.' 5 of Chemical Subflanccs. Old Names. A . N.eit Names. Ammoniac t nitrous. Ammoniac , phofphoric. Ammoniac , J parry . Ammoniac , tartareous. Ammoniac , vitriolic. Antimony , ore of. Antimony , crude. Antimony , diaphoretic. Aqua Jlygia. Aquila alba. Arcanum duplicatum. Arfenic , regains of. • Arfenicy white calx of. Arfenic , rfj. Arfeniate of pot a [h. Attractions , eletiive. Azure of cobalt , or e/* _/o«r fres. {Ammoniacal nitrate. Nitrate of ammoniac, f Ammoniacal phofphate. iPhofphate of ammoniac, f Ammoniacal fiuate. f Fluate of ammoniac. {Ammoniacal tartarite. Tartarite of ammoniac, f Ammoniacal fulphate. "^Sulphate of ammoniac. Native fulphure of antimony. Sulphure of antimony. White oxide of antimony by nitre, f Nitro- muriatic acid by ammo- niacal nruriate. fMild fublimated mercurial mu- \ riate. Sulphate of potafh. Arfenic. Oxide of arfenic. Red fulphurated oxide of arfenie. Arfeniate of potafh. Eleftive attra&ions. f Vitreous oxide of cobalt with \ filiceous earfh. Barotes. Barotes, ejfervefcent. Bafe of vital air. Bafe of marine fait. Balfams of Bucquet. See the new Nomenclature. Balfam of fulphur. Benzoin. Benzenes. B Barytes. Carbonate of barytes. Oxygene. Soda. Balfams. Sulphure of volatile oil. Benzoin. J3enzoates, 3 A 3 § fAnchnt and Modern Names Old Names. B New Names. Butler of antimony. Butter of arfenic. Butter oj bifmuth . Butter of tin. Baurne’s folid butter of tin . Butter of zinc. Bezoar mineral . Bifmuth. Bitumens. Ble?ide, or falfe galena. Blue , Berlin. Blue , PruJJian. Borax , ammoniacal . > ■ { \ { i Borax , argillaceous „ Borate , crude. Borax , calcareous . Borax of antimony. Borax of cobalt . Borax oj copper. Borax of zinc. Borax , magnefian. i # 1 Borax j martial. Borax , mercurial . Borax, ponderous or barctic. Borax , •vegetable . •* " } • ' v Brafs. bronze . i- •' ■ • Sublimated muriate of antimony. Sublimated muriate of arfenic. ‘ Sublimated muriate of bifmuth. Sublimated muriate of tin. Concrete muriate of tin. Sublimated muriate of zinc. Oxide of antimony. Bifmuth. Bitumens. Sulphure of zinc. Prufliate of iron. Pruffiate of iron. Ammoniacal borate, f Aluminous borate. [Borate of alumines. f Borax of foda, or borate fuper~ X faturated with foda. J Calcareous borate. [ Borate of lime. Borate of antimony. Borate of cobalt. Borate of copper. Borate of zinc, f Magnefian borate. [Borate of magnefia. Borate of iron. Borate of mercury. f Barytic borate. [Borate of barytes. Borate of potafh. rloy of copper and tin, braf$ or bronze. f Camelecn , mineral. Camphor . G i>-t . ‘ « C Oxide of manganefe and potafii. Camphor. of Chemical Subfiances. 'i Old Names. C Nur Nam is. CatnphoriteSy [/alts.) Caujitcum. Cerufe. Cerufe of antimony. Coal y pure. Calx of antimony , vitrified. Calces , metallic. Cinnabar. Citrates , ( falts ) Cobalt , or cobolt. Colcothar. CopperaSy white. CopperaSy green. Copperas , blue. Chalky ammoniacaL Chalky barotic. Chalk of lead. Chalk of foda. Chalk of zinc. Chalky magtieftan. Chalky martial. Chalky or calcareous /par. Clay. Clay , pure. Clay } cretaceous. Clay, fparry. Cream of lime. Cream or cryfals of tartar. Cryflal mineral. Cryfals of foda. Camphorates. Imaginary principle of Meyer, f White oxide of lead by acetous ^ acid, mixed with chalk. ("White oxide of antimony by f precipitation. Carbone. Vitreous oxide of antimony. Metallic oxides. Red fulphurated oxide of mercury. Citrates. Cobalt. Red oxide of ironbyfulphuric acid. Sulphate of zinc. Sulphate of iron. Sulphate of copper. Ammoniacal carbonate. Barytic carbonate. Carbonate of lead. Carbonate of foda. Carbonate of zinc. fMagnefian carbonate, f Carbonate of magnefia. Carbonate of iron. {Calcareous carbonate. Carbonate of lime. fArgilla, mixture of alumines; \ and Cilices. Alumines. f Aluminous carbonate, f Carbonate of alumines. f Aluminous fluate. fFluate of alumines. Calcareous carbonate. Acidulous tartarite of potafli. f Nitrite of potafh, mixed with \ fulphate of potafh. Cryftallized nitrate of Giver* 3 A 4 Ancient and Modern Names l Old Names. Cryjlals of the ipoon. Cryfals of Venus. Crocus metallorum. Copper. Copper, yellow. Diamond. New Names. Cryftallized carbonate of foda. Cryftallized acetite of copper, f Semi -vitreous fulphurate oxide ( of antimony. Copper. ( Alloy of copper and zinc, or \ latten. D Diamond. E Emetic. Antimonial tartarite of potafh^ Empyreal air. Oxigenous gas. Effences. Volatile oils. Ether , acetous. Acetic aether. Ether, marine. Muriatic tether. Ether, nitrous. Nitric tether. Ether, vitriolic. Sulphuric tether. Ethiops, martial . Black oxide of iron. Ethiops, mineral. (Black fulphurated oxide of mer- cury. Ethiops per fe. Blackifh mercurial oxide. Extraft. Extractive principle. F Feculum of plants. i Feculum. Flowers, ammomacal of copper. (Sublimated ammoniacal muriate of copper. Flowers, martial ammomacal. (Sublimated ammoniacal muriate • / L ol iron. Flowers, fiver of regains of antimony. } Sublimated oxide of antimony. of Chemical Subfiances. Old Names. F JV£/r Names. Flowers of arfenic. Flowers of benzoin. Flowers of bifmuth. Flowers of tin. Flowers , metallic. Flowers of fulphur. Flowers of zinc. Fluids , aeriform • Fluids , elafic. Fluor, ammortiacal. Fluor , argillaceous. Fluor of potafj. Fluor of foda. Fluor, magnefian , Fluor, heavy. Formiates , ( [alts.) Sublimated oxide of arfenic. Sublimated benzoic acid. Sublimated oxide of bifmuth. Sublimated oxide of tin. Sublimated metallic oxides. Sublimated fulphur. Sublimated oxide of zinc, Gafes. Gafes. {Ammoniacal fluate. Fluate of ammoniac, f Aluminous fluate. Fluate of alumines. Fluate of potafh. Fluate of foda. (Magnefian fluate. Fluate of magnefia, fBarytic fluate. \ Fluate of barytes, Formiates. Galacles, ( falts. ) Gas, acetous acid. Gas, cretaceous acid. Gas, marine acid. Gas, aerated muriatic acid. Gas, nitrous acid. Gas, /parry acid. Gas, fulphurecus acid. Gas, alkaline. Gas, hepatic. Gas, infammable. Gas, carbonaceous infammable. Gas, infammable , of marfes. La&ates. Acetous acid gas. Carbonic acid gas. Muriatic acid gas. Oxigenated muriatic acid gas, Nitrous acid gas. Fluoric acid gas. Sulphureous acid gas. Ammoniacal gas. Sulphurated hydrogenous gas. Hydrogenous gas. Carbonated hydrogenous gas. Hydrogenous gas of marfhes, (a mixture of carbonated hy- drogenous gas with azotic gas,.) 10 Ancient and Modern Names Old Names. G New Names, Gas, mephitic. Gas, phlogijlicated. Carbonic acid gas. Azotic gas. .Gas, nitrons. Nitrous gas. Gas,phofphoric,ofM.Gengembre . Phofphorated -hydrogenous gas. Gas , PruJJian. Pruffic acid gas. Gazeous waters . (Waters impregnated with car* bonic acid. Gilla vitrioli. Gluten of wheat. Gold. Gold, fulminating „ Sulphate of zinc. Gluten, or glutinous principle. Gold. Ammoniacal oxide of gold. Hepars. Heat, latent. H Sulphures, Caloric, Inh, fyrnpathetic , by cobalt . Iron, or mars. Iron , aerated. Iron of water . Jupiter. I Muriate of cobalt. Iron. Carbonate of iron. Phofphate of iron. Tin, l Kermes, mineral. K fRed fulphurated oxide of anti- mony. Latten. Lapis cauficus. Limefone. Lixivium offoapmakers. Lignites , (J alts .) L Alloy of copper and zinc, or latten. Concrete potafh or foda. Carbonate of lime. Solution of foda. Pyro-lignites. of Chemical Subflances. Old Names. L New Names, n Lilium of Paracelfus . Liquor of flints. Liquor , Boy Ns fuming. Liquor , fuming , of Libavius, Litharge. Alcohol of potalh. Siliceous potalh in liquor* f Ammoniacal fulphure. \ Sulphure of ammoniac. Fuming muriate of tin. f Semi-vitreous oxide of lead, or \ litharge. £,W faturatei viti tie a- 1 pruffiate of pota(]u louring part oj rruflian blue. J r Light. Light. Luna. Silver. Luna , corneous. Muriate of filver. Liver of antimony. Sulphurated oxide of antimony* Liver of arfenic. Arfenical oxide of potafh. Liver , volatile alkaline of fid - f Ammoniacal fulphure. phur. ^Sulphure of ammoniac. Liver, antimoniated, of fulphur. Antimoniated alkaline fulphure* , . r r 1 fBarytic fulphure. Lwer, baroLc, of fulphur. |Sul'hure Jf barytcs. T . , r r f Calcareous fulphure. L,ver, calcareous, of fulphur. j Sulphure of lime. , . r r r i i f Sulphure of magnefia. Lroer, magnef.au, of fulphur. jMagnefian fulphSure. Livers of fulphur. Livers of fulphur , earthy. Lead , or faturn. Lead, corneous . Lead, fpathofe. Alkaline fulphures. Earthy fulphures. Lead. Muriate of lead. Carbonate of lead. Magiflery of bifmuth . Magiflery of fulphur. Magiflery of lead. Magnefia, white. M Oxide of bifmuth by nitric acid* Precipitated fulphur. Precipitated oxide of lead. Carbonate of magnefia. Magnefia of Bergman , aerated. Carbonate of magnefia. Mognefla, cauflic. Magnefia. f* Ancient and Modern Names Old Names. Magnefia, cretaceous. Magnefia, ejfervefcent. Magnefia , jluorated. Magnefia , black. M.gne/ta, /parry. Malufites , {/alts.) MaJJicot. Matter of heat. Matter of fire. M Nzir Names, Carbonate of magnefia. Carbonate of magnefia. Fluate of magnefia. Black oxide of manganefe. Fluate of magnefia. Malites of potafh, foda, &c. Yellow oxide of lead. Caloric. This word has been u fed to ftgnify light, caloric, and phiogifton. Materia perlata of Kerkrin- C White oxide of antimony by gius. Mephite , ammoniacal. Mephite , barotic. Mephite , calcareous , Milk of lime. Mephite of magnefia . Mephite of lead. Mephite of zinc. Mephite, martial. 1 precipitation. C Ammoniacal carbonate. 2 Carbonate of ammoniac. C Barytic carbonate. 2 Carbonate of barytes. C Calcareous carbonate. 2. Carbonate of lime. Lime diluted in water. C Magnefian carbonate. 2 Carbonate of magnefia. Carbonate of lead. Carbonate of zinc. Carbonate of iron, Matter, colouring, of P ruffian blue. Pruffic acid. Mercury. Mercury of metals. Mercury, mild. Mercury , white precipitated. Minium. M fetes, atmofpheric. Molybdes, ( falts .) Molybdc, ammoniacal. Molybde , barotic. Molybde of potafh. Mercury. Imaginary principle of Beecher. Mild mercurial muriate. C Mercurial muriate by precipita- \ tion. Red oxide of lead, or minium. Azotic gas. . Molybdates. C Ammoniacal molybdate. 2 Molybdate of ammoniac, f Barytic molybdate. 2 Molybdate of barytes. Molybdate of potafh. \ t»f Chemical Suhflances, Old Names. M New Names, Molybde of foda. Molybdena. Mucilage. Muriates, ( [alts.) Muriate of antimony. Muriate oj fiver. Muriate of bifmuth. Muriate of cobalt. Muriate of copper. Muriate of tin. Muriate of iron. Muriate of manganefe. Muriate of lead. Muriate of zinc. Muriate or regaline fait of platina. Muriate or regaline fait of gold. Muriate , cor rofve mercurial. Molybdate of foda. Molybdena. Mucilage. Muriates. Muriate of antimony. Muriate of filver. Muriate of bifmuth. Muriate of cobalt. Muriate of copper. Muriate of tin. Muriate of iron. Muriate of manganefe. Muriate of lead. Muriate of zinc. Nitro-muriate of platina. Muriate of gold. Corrofive mercurial muriate. N Nat rum, or natron. Carbonate of foda. Nitre. Nitrate of potafh, or nitre. Nitre, ammoniacal. Ammoniacal nitrate. Nitre, argillaceous . Nitrate of alumines. Nitre, calcareous. f Calcareous nitrate. "^Nitrate of lime. Nitre, cubic. Nitrate of foda. Nitre of filver. Nitrate of filver. Nitre of arfetiic. Nitrate of arfenic. Nitre of bifmuth. Nitrate of bifmuth. Nitre of cobalt. Nitrate of cobalt. Nitre of copper. Nitrate of copper. Nitre of tin. Nitrate of tin. Nitre of iron. Nitrate of iron. Nitre of magnefa. fMagnefian nitrate. {^Nitrate of magnefia. 14 Ancient and Modern Names Old Names. N New Name;. Nitre of manganefi. Nitrate of manganefe/ Nitre of nickel. Nitrate of nickel. Nitre of lead. Nitrate of lead. Nitre of terra ponderofa. fBarytic nitrate. \ Nitrate of barytes. Nitre of zinc. Nitrate of zinc. Nitre , fixed, by itfelf. Carbonate of potafh. Nitre , lunar. Nitrate of filver. Nitre , mercurial. Nitrate of mercury. Nitre , prifmatic. Nitrate of potafh. Nitre , quadrangular. Nitrate of foda. Nitre , rhomboidal. Nitrate of foda. Nitre , faturnine. Nitrate of lead. - o Ochre. Yellow iron ochre. Oils , animal. Oil of lime. Volatile animal oils. Calcareous muriate, f Potafh, mixed with carbonate' Oil of tartar per deliquiim. < of potafh, in a deliquefcent (. ftate. Oil, philofopherys. Empyreumatic fixed oils. Oil of vitriol. Sulphuric acid. Oil of %uine, fweet. Ethereal oil. Oils , empyreumatic. Empyreumatic oils. Oils, ethereal. Volatile oils. Oils, fat. Fixed oils. Oils, effential. Volatile oils. Oils by exprejfion. Fixed oils. Ore of antimony. Native fulphure of antimony. Ore of iron, from maifhes. flron ore, holding in folution 1 phofphate of iron. Orpiment. f Yellow fulphurated oxide of 1. arfenic. Oxygene. Oxygene.- ff Chemical Subjlances. Old Names. Nejv Namss. Phlogjloti, Philosophic wool. Phofphate , ammoniacal. Phofphatey barotic. Phofphate y calcareous. Phofphate of magnefia. Phofphate of potaflo. Phofphate of facta. Phofphorus of Baudouin. Phofphorus of Kunckel. Phofphorus of Homberg. Ponderous Jlone. Platina. Plajler. Plumbago.- Pompholyx. Potafhes of commerce. Putty of tin. Powder of Algaroth. Imaginary principle of Stahl. Sublimated oxide of zinc. / Ammoniacal phofphate. (Phofphate of ammoniac. / Barytic phofphate. "f Phofphate of barytes. / Calcareous phofphate. ( Phofphate of lime. j Magnefian phofphate. (Phofphate of magnefia. Phofphate of potafh. Phofphate of foda. Dry calcareous nitrate. Phofphorus. Dry calcareous muriate. Calcareous tunftate. Platina. / Calcareous fulphate, or calcined X plafter. Carbure of iron. Sublimated oxide of zinc. Impure carbonate of potalh. Grey oxide of tin. ^ Carbonate of magnefia. / Oxide of antimony by muriatic \ acid. Powder of Count Palma. Powder of Sentinelly. Precipitate r white , by muriatic /Mercurial muriate by pTecipi- acid. / tation. Precipitate of gold by tin , or f Oxide of gold precipitated by ( tin. /Yellow oxide of mercury by / fulphuric acid. Red oxide of mercury by fire. {Red oxide of mercury by nitric acid. purple of Caffius. Precipitate y yellow r Precipitate per fe. Precipitate , red- l6 Ancient and Modern Names Old Names. New Names, Principle , acidifying. Principle , ajlringent. Principle , carbonaceous. Principle , inflammable. (See phlogiflon.) Principle , mercurial. Principium forbile of M. PruJJite, calcareous . PruJJite of potajhi Prujflte of foda. Pyrites of copper. Pyrites , martial. Pyrophorus of Hombcrg. Oxygene. Gallic acid. Carbone. Imaginary principle of Beecher; Ludbock. Oxygene. f Calcareous pruffiate. \ Pruffiate of lime. Pruffiate of potaffi. Pruffiate of foda. Sulphure of copper. Sulphure of iron, f Carbonated fulphure of alumines; (_Pyrophorus of Homberg. R Realgar , or real gal. Regaltes, (J, alts formed with aqua regia.) Regia , aqua. Regulus. Regulus of antimony. Regulus of arfenic . Regulus of cobalt. Regulus of manganefe. Regulus of molybdena. Regulus of fyderite. Rejins. Rufl of copper. Rufl of iron. Rubine of antimony. I. Red nitrated mercury. Red fulphurated oxide of arfenic* -j^Nitro-muriates. Nitro-muriatic acid. cA word ufed to denote the pure ■< metallic, in oppofltion to ores, and oxides. Antimony. Arfenic. Cobalt. Manganefe. Molybdena. Phol'phure of iron. Refins. Green oxide of copper. Carbonate of iron. Sulphurated oxide of antimony* {Red oxide of mercury by nitric acid. of Chemical Subfiances t? Old Names. Nor Names. Saffron of mars. Saffron , aperient , of mars. Saffron , afiringent, of mars. Saffron of metals. Saltpetre. Saturn. Soaps , acid. Soaps, alkaline. Oxide of iron. Carbonate of iron. Brown oxide of iron, f Semi-vitreous fulphurated oxida X of antimony. Nitrate of potafh, or nitre. Lead. Acid foaps. Alkaline foaps. Soaps, earthy, or oleo-terrene f £ 1 foans combinations of M. Berthollet. | 7 apS* Soaps, metallic , or elco-metallic / Metall:c foaDS combinations oj M. Berthollet. |Metamc loaPs- Soap of Starkey. Saponula of potafh. Sebates, (/alts.) Salt, ammoniacal acetous. Salt, calcareous acetous. Salt, acetous of clay. Salt, acetous of zinc. Salt, magnefan acetous. Salt, acetous martial. Salt , acetous mineral. Sal admirabile per latum. Sal Alembroth. Sal ammoniac. Salt, cretaceous ammoniacal. Sal ammoniac, fixed. Sul ammoniacal, nitrous. Vol. III. Sebates. f Ammoniacal acetite. "^Acetite of ammoniac* f Calcareous acetite. "^Acetite of lime, f Aluminous acetite. \ Acetite of alumines. Acetite of zinc, f Magnefian acetite. Acetite of magnefia, Acetite of iron. Acetite of foda. Superfaturated phofphate of feda, Am'moniaco-mercurial muriate* {Ammoniacal muriate. Muriate of ammoniac. Ammoniacal carbonate, f Calcareous muriate. ^Muriate of lime. {Ammoniacal nitrate. Nitrate of ammoniac, 3 B Ancient and Modern Names A Old Names. S Net? 1jamksj Sal ammoniacal , ( a fecret of Glauber's.) Salt , bitter cathartic. Salty ammoniacal fedative. Salty ammoniacal fparry. Salt, ammoniacal vitriolic. Salt, common. Salt, Englijh. Salt of colcothar. Salt, kitchen. Salt , Glauber’s. Salt of Jupiter. Salt of milk. Salt of wifdorn. Salt of Epfom. Sal de Duobus. Salt of Scheidfchutz. Salt of Sedlitz. Salt of Segner. Salt of Seignette. Salt of amber, obtained by cry- fallization. Salt of fiorrel. Salt, febrifuge, of Sylvius. Salt, fixed, of tartar. Salt, fufible, of urine. Sal gem. Salt, marine. Salt, argillaceous marine. Salt , barotic marine . f Ammoniacal iulphate. (.Sulphate of ammoniac. {Magnefian fulphate. Sulphate of magnefia. f Ammoniacal borate. (Borate of ammoniac, f Ammoniacal fluate. (Fluate of ammoniac. {Ammoniacal fulphate. Sulphate of ammoniac. Muriate of foda. {Ammoniacal carbonate. Carbonate of ammoniac. (Sulphate of iron, [its particular fate not well known.) Muriate of foda. Sulphate of foda. Muriatfe of tin. Sugar of milk. Ammoniaco-mercurial muriate, f Magnefian fulphate. (Sulphate of magnefia. Sulphate of potafh. Sulphate of magnefia. Sulphate of magnefia. Sebate of potafh. Tartarite of foda. j- Cryftallized fuccinic acid. Acidulous oxalate of potafh. Muriate of potafh. Carbonate of potafh notfaturated. Phofphate of foda and ammoniac. Foffil muriate of foda. Muriate of foda. {Aluminous muriate. Muriate of alumines. f Barytic muriate. (Muriate of barytes. if Chemical Sub fiances. '9 Old Names. Od//, calcareous marine . Salt, marine , of iron. Salt, marine, of zinc. Salt, magnejian marine. Salt, native, of urine. 3 New Names. f Calcareous muriate. 1 Muriate of lime. Muriate of iron. Muriate of zinc. fMagnefian muriate. Muriate of magnefia. Phofphate of foda and ammoniac. Salt, neutral arfenical, of Macqucr. Acidulous arfeniate of potafh. Salt or fugar of faturn. Salt, polychrefl, of Glafer. Salt, polychref , of Rochelle. Salt, regaline , of gold. Salt , fedative. Salt', fedative mercurial. ■Salt, fublimated fedative. Salt, f antic-nitrous. Salt, fulphureous, of Stahl. Salt , vegetable. Salt, volatile , of England. Salt, volatile, of amber. Selenite. Smalt. Soda , caufiic. \ Soda, cretaceous. Soda , fpathofe. Sulphur. Acetite of lead. Sulphate of potafh. Tartarite of foda. Muriate of gold. Boracic acid. Borate of mercury. Sublimated boracic acid. Nitrate of tin. Sulphate of potafh. J Tartarite of potafh. Ammoniacal carbonate. Sublimated fuccinic acid. Sulphate of lime, f Oxide of cobalt vitrified with \ filices, or finalt. Soda. Carbonate of foda. .Fluate of foda. Sulphur. Sulphur, gilded, of antimony. (Sulphurated, orange, oxide of r 5 6 3 J J t antimony. Spar, ammoniacal. Spar, calcareous. Spar, Jluor. Spar, ponderous. Spiritus fylvefris. Snow of antimony. Spirit, acid, of wood. Ammoniacal fluate. Carbonate of lime. Calcareous fluate. Sulphate of barytes. Carbonic acid. f White fublimated oxide of sn- X timony. Pyro-ligneous acid. 3B 2 20 Ancient and Modern Names Olo Names. Spirit , volatile alia line. Spirit , ardent , or J pirit of wine, Spirit of Mender erus. Spirit of nitre. Spirit, fuming, of nitre. Spirit, dulcified, of nitre. Spirit of fait. Spirit offal ammoniac. Spirit of wine. Spirit of vitriol. Spirit of Venus. Spiritus rector. Spirits , acid. Spirit, volatile, offal ammoniac . Sublimate, corrofive. Sublimate, mild. Lemon, or citron juice. Semi-metals. Succinum. Stone, infernal. Sugar. Sugar candy. Sugar of faturn. Sugar or fait of milk. Syderite. Stearch. Syderotete of M. de Morveau. Steel. Stone in the bladder. ■ Tartar . ’Tartar, amrnoniacal. Tartar, antimoniated . Tartar , calcareous. S New Names. G ns ammoniac, or amrnoniacal gas. Alcohol. Amrnoniacal acetite. 'Nitric acid diluted in water. Nitrous acid. Nitric alcohol. Muriatic acid. Ammoniac. Alcohol. Sulphuric acid diluted in water. Acetic acid. Aroma. Acids diluted in water. Ammoniac diluted in water. Corrofive muriate ox mercury. Mild muriate of mercury. Citric acid. Semi-metals. Amber/ " Melted nitrate of filver. Sugar. Cryftallized fugar. Acetite of lead. Sugar of milk. Phofphate of iron. Stearch. Phofphure of iron. Steel. Lithic acid. • T Acidulous tartarite of potafli. Amrnoniacal tartarite. Antimoniated tartarite of potafli. Tartarite of lime. 2l cf Chemical Subjlances. Old Names. ‘ Tartar , chalybeate. Tartar , cretaceous. Tartar , crude. Tartar, cupreous. Tartar of magnefia. Tartar of potafh • Tartar of foda. Tartar , emetic. Tartar , foluble martial. Tartar , mephitie. Tartar , mercurial. Tartar, faturnine. Tartar, fpathofe. Tartar, foluble. Tartar, fibiated. Tartar, tartarifed. Tartar, tartarifed, containing antimony. Tartar, vitriolated. Tartar, acrid tincture of. Tinctures, fpiritous. Terra animalis. Terrene bafe of alum. Terrene bafe of ponderous fpar. Terra calcaria. Terra alumina. * Terra foliata, cryjlallizable. Terra foliata tartari. Terra foliata mercurialis. Terra foliata mineralis. Terra magnefana. Terra muriatica of M. Kirvan. Terra ponderofa . Terra ponderofa, aerated. Terra filicea. T Nf.iv N/imrs. Ferruginous- tartarite of potafh. Carbonate of potafh. Tartar. Tartarite of copper. Tartarite of magnefia1. Tartarite of potafli. Tartarite of foda. Antimoniated tartarite of potafh. Ferruginous tartarite of potafh. Carbonate of potafli. Mercurial tartarite, Tartarite of lead. Fluate of potafh. Tartarite of potafli, Antimoniated tartarite of potafli. Tartarite of potafh. fTartarite of potafh, with an ad- \ dition of antimony. Sulphate of potafli. Alcohol of potafh. Refinous alcohol, f Calcareous phofphate, (^Phofphate of lime. Alumina. Barytes. Lime, or calcareous earth. Alumina. Acetite of foda. Acetite of potafli. Acetite of mercury. Acetite of foda. Carbonate of magnefia. Magnefia. Barytes. Carbonate of barytes. Silices, or filiceous earth. 3^3 22 Ancient and Modern Names Old Names. T Nfjv Names. 'Tungstic falts. Tunflates. Tungstic fait , ammoniacal . Ammoniacal tunftate. Tungstic fait of potajh. Tunftate of potafh. Turbith , mineral. f Yellow mercurial oxide by ful- £ phuric acid. Turbith , nitrous . f Yellow mercurial oxide by ni- X trous acid. Tin. Tin. Tin, corneous. Muriate of tin. V Verdigris. Green oxide of copper. Verdigris of commerce. f Acetite of copper, with an ex- \ ccfs of oxide of copper. Venus. Verdet (Fr.), or verdigris . Verdigris, dijlilled. Vitrum antimonii. Copper. Acetite of copper. Cryftallized acetite of copper, f Vitreous fulphurated oxide of \ antimony. Vivum argentum. Mercury. Vinegar , diftilledr Acetous acid. Vinegar of faturn. Acetite of lead. Vinegar, radical. Acetic acid. Vitriol, ammoniacal. Ammoniacal fulphate. Vitriol, ‘white. Sulphate of zinc. Vitriol, blue. Sulphate of copper. Vitriol , calcareous. Sulphate of lime. Vitriol of antimony . Sulphate of antimony. Vitriol of ftlver. Sulphate of fdver. Vitriol of clay. Sulphate of alumines. Vitriol of bifmuth. Sulphate of bifmuth. Vitriol of lime . Calcareous fulphate. Vitriol of Cyprus. Sulphate of copper. Vitriol of cobalt. Sulphate of cobalt. Vitriol of copper. Sulphate of copper. cf Chemical Suhflances. = 3 Old Names. Vitriol of luna. Vitriol of manganefe. Vitriol of mercury. Vitriol of nickel. Vitriol of platina. Vitriol of lead. Vitriol of pctafj. Vitriol of foda. Vitriol of tin. Vitriol of zinc. Vitriol , magnefian. Vitriol , martial. Vitriol , green. New Names. Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of Sulphate of W filver. mangariefe. mercury. nickel. platina. lead. potafh. foda. tin. zinc. maenefcu o iron. iron. Water. Water , aerated. Watery lime. Water , P ruffian-lime. Watery difilled. Watery frong, or aqua fortis. Waters , gazeous. Waters , mother. Water, mercurial. Watery royal, or aqua regia. Waters, acidulous. Waters, hepatic. Water. Carbonic acid. Lime-water. Prufliate of lime. Diftilled water. Nitric acid of commerce. x * / Waters impregnated with car- bonic acid. Saline deliquefcent refidue. f Nitrate of mercury in a flate \ of folution. Nitro-muriatic acid. f Acidulous waters, or waters im- \ pregnated with carbonic acid. /Sulphureous or fulphurated wa- X ters. Wolfram of Mejfrs d' Elhuyar. Tungften. Zinc. Zajfre. Zinc. f Grey oxide of cobalt, with fili- \ ceous earth, or zajfre. 3 B 4 DIC- DICTIONARY I 0 R THE NEW CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE. New Names. A C ETA T E S. Acetns , tis. f. m. Acetate, aluminous. of alumines. Acetns aluminofus. Acetate, ammoniacal. of ammoniac. * Acetas ammoniacalis . Old Names. A . 1 Thefe are falts formed by the combination of the acetic acid (or radical vinegar) Moth differ- ent bafes. The following names-, with which there are none fyno- nymous in the ancient Nomen- Lclature, belong to this genus. * For the future, we (hull not repeat thefe two modes of exprefling the bale of a neutral fait together, but ule them indifferently. Thefe inflances already" given, are enough to Ihow, that either the fubftantive or the adjedlive may b* ufcd', at pltafure This obfervation extends dfo to the Latin Nomenclature, Dictionary for the New Chemical Nomenclature. Nut? Names. A Old Names* i. Acetate of antimony. Acetas fibii. Acetate of filver. Acetas argenti. Acetate of arfenic. Acetas arfenici. Acetate of barytes. Acetas barytis, or baryta. Acetate of bifmuth. Acetas bifmuthi. • * Acetate of lime. Acetas calcis. Acetate of cobalt. Acetas cobalti. Acetate of copper. Acetas cupri. Acetate of tin. Acetas Jtanni. Acetate of iron. Acetas ferri. Acetate of magnefi2. Acetas mcgnefia. Acetate of manganefe. Acetas magnejii. Acetate of mercury. Acetas hyclrargyri. Acetate of molybdena. Acetas molybdeni. Acetate of nickel. Acetas niccoli. Acetate of gold. Acetas auri. Acetate of platina. Acetas platini. Acetate of lead. Acetas plumtfi. Dictionary for the New Names. Acetate of potafh. Acetas potajpe. Acetate of foda. Acetas foda. Acetate of tungflen, Acetas tunjleni. Acetate of zinc. Acetas zinci. Acetite. Acetis , it is. f. m. Acetite, aluminous. Acetis aluminofus. Acetite, ammoniacal. Acetis ammoniacalis. Acetite of antimony, Acetis Jiibii. Acetite of filver. Acetis argenti. Acetite of arfenic, Acetis arfenicalis. Acetite of barytes. Acetis baryticus. Acetite of bifmuth, Acetis bifnuthi. Acetite of lime, Acetis calcareus. Acetite of cobalt. Acetis cobalti. Acetite of copper. Acetis cupri. Acetite of tin. Acetis Jlanni. Acetite of iron. Acetis ferri. A Old Names. {Salts formed by the union or the acetous acid, or diftilled vi- negar, with different bafes. f Acetited clay. Acetous fait of clay. {Ammoniacal acetite. Ammoniacal acetous fait . Spirit of Mendcrerus. f Fuming arfenico-aceious liquor of X M. Cadet. f Acetited lime . \ Calcareous acetous fait. r Acetited copper. J Verdigris. ] Difilied verdigris of commerce. 5- Cryfals of Venus. Acetited iron. Martial acetous fait. New Chemical Nomenclature. Nsrr Names- A 27 Old Names. Acetite of magnefia. Acetis magneji ee. Acetite of mercury. Acetis hydrargyri. Acetite of molybdena. Acetis molybdeni . Acetite of nickel. Acetis niccoli. Acetite of gold. Acetis auri. Acetite of platina. Acetis platini. Acetite of lead. Acetis plumbi. Acetite of potafh. Acetis potaffc, vel potaffeus. Acetite of foda. Acetis fod- Arfenical ammoniac, arnmoniacalis . J Arfeniate of filver. Arfenias argenti. Arfeniate of baryta. Arfenias baryta. Arfeniate of bifmuth. Arfenias bfmuthi. Arfeniate of lime. Arfenias calcis. Arfeniate of cobalt. Arfenias cobalti. Arfeniate of copper. Arfenias cupri. Arfeniate of tin. Arfenias Jlantii. Arfeniate of iron. Arjenias ferri. Arfeniate of magnefia. Arfenias magnefia. Arfeniate of manganefe. Arjenias magnefii. Arfeniate of mercury. Arjenias hydrargyri. Arfeniate of molybdena. Arfenias molybdeni. Arfeniate of nickel. Arfenias niccoli. Arfeniate of "old. AT- ® . A rj etnas nun. Arfeniate of platina. Arfenias platini. i ♦ I 32 Dictionary for the Nirr Names. A Old Names* Arfeniate of lead. Arfenias plumbi. Arfeniate of potafh. Arfenias potaffx. Arfeniate of foda. Arfenias foda. Arfeniate of tungften. Arfenias tutijleni. Arfeniate of zinc. Arfenias zinci. Azote, Barytes, or baryta. Baryta. Balfams. Balfama. Benzoin. Benyoe. Bafe of atmofpheric mephitife , B r Terra ponder of a. ■< Earth of ponderous fpar , b Barotes . J- Balfams of Bucquet. # } Benzoin. Benzone . Benzoate. Benzoas , j?zV. yi Benzoate of alumina. Benzoas aluminofus. Benzoate of ammoniac. Benzoas ammoniacalis. Benzoate of antimony. Benzoas fibii. < A fait formed by the unioif of the benzoic acid with differ- ent bafes. Salts of this kind have no names in the old Nomencla- ture. * Refills combined with a concrete acid fait* New Chemical Nomenclature* si N£TT NAMES* B Old Names.- Benzoate of filver. Benzoas argenti. Benzoate of arfcnic. Benzoas arfenicalisK Benzoate of barytes. Benzoas baryticus. Benzoate of bifmuth. Benzoas bifmuthi. Benzoate of lime. Benzoas calcareus. Benzoate of cobalt. Benzoas cobalti. Benzoate of copper. Benzoas cupri. Benzoate of tin. Benzoas Jlanni. Benzoate of iron. Benzoas ferri. Benzoate of magnefia. Benzoas magnefue. Benzoate of manganefe^ Benzoas magnefti. Benzoate of mercury. Benzoas hydrargyri. Benzoate of molybdena,- Benzoas molybdeni. Benzoate of nickel. Benzoas nicccli. Benzoate of gold. Benzoas auri. Benzoate of platina. Benzoas platini. Benzoate of lead. Benzoas plumbi. Benzoate of potafh. Benzoas potajj'ee, Vol. III. 2 G i 34 Dictionary for the Nejt Names. B Old Names* Benzoate of foda. Benzoas fodr Namij. B Old Names. Borate. Boras , tis. f m. Borate, aluminous. Boras aluminofus. Borax, \ [■ Argillaceous hot ax Borate, ammoniacal. Boras ammoniacalis . Borate of antimony. Boras fiibii. Borate of filver. Boras argents. Difllonary for the 3 « N*fr Names. B Old Name's. Borate of arfenic. Boras arfenici. Borate of barytes, or baryta. j Ponderous or barotic bora*. Boras baryta. J Borate of bifmuth. Boras bifmuth ':. Borate of lime. Boras calcis. Borate of cobalt. Boras cobalti. Borate of copper. Boras cupri. Borate of tin. Boras Jlauni. Borate' of iron. Boras Jerri. Borate of magnefia, Borns magr.ejta. Borate of manganefe. Boras magnefi. Borate of mercury. Boras mercurii. Borate of molybdena. Boras molybdeni. Borate of nickel. Boras niccoli. ^ Borax of cobalt. j- Borax of copper . Borax of iron. J- Magnefu Ian borax. f Mercurial borax. \ Mercurial fedative fait. Borate of gold. Boras auri. Borate of platina. Boras platin': . Borate of lead. Boras plitmbi. Borate of potafh. Boras potaffa. Borate of foda. Boras foda. V egctable borax. f Common borax faturated with (. racic acid. New Chemical Nomenclature. 37 Neiv Names. Borate of tungffen. Boras tunjieni. Borate of zinc. Boras zinci. Borate of foda, or borate fuperfaturated with foda. B Old Names. \ } Borax of zinc. r Crude borax . J Tinckal. j Chryfocolla • «- Borax of commerce ) : Caloric. Caloricum. Camphor. Camphora. Camphorate. Camphoras , its. f. m. Camphorate of alumina. Camphoras aluminofus. Camphorate of ammoniac. Camphoras ammoniacalis. Camphorate of antimony. Camphoras Jlibii. Camphorate of filver. Camphoras argenti. Camphorate of arfenic. Camphoras arfenicalis. Camphorate of barytes. Camphoras baryticus. r Latent heat. •< Fixed heat. Principle of heat. Camphor. ' A fait farmed by the combin- ation of camphoric acid with different bafes. Thefe falts were not known formerly ; and accordingly they have no names in the old No- menclature. 3 c 3 / 4 I 38 Dictionary for the Nsrr Names. C Camphorate of bifmuth- Gamphoras bifmuthi. Camphorate of iime. Gamphoras calcareus. Camphorate of cobalt. Camphor as cob alt i. Camphorate of copper. Gamphoras cupri. Camphorate of tin. Gamphoras Jianni. Camphorate of iron. Gamphoras ferri . Camphorate of magnefia. Gamphoras magnefia. Camphorate of manganefe. Gamphoras magnefii. Camphorate of mercury. Gamphoras mercurii. Camphorate of molybdena. Gamphoras molybdeni. Camphorate of nickel. Camphoras niccoli. Camphorate of gold. Camphoras auri. Camphorate of platina. Camphoras platini. Camphorate of lead. Camphoras plumbi. Camphorate of potafh. Camphoras potaffa. Camphorate of foda. Camphoras foda. Camphorate of tungften. Camphoras tunjieni. Camphorate of zinc. Camphoras z incu 0l& Names. New Chemical Nomenclature. 39 Old Names. C Nsir Names. Carbone. Carbonicum. Carbonate. Carbonas, tis, f m. Carbonate of alumina. Carbonas aluminofus. Carbonate, ammoniacal. Carbonas ammoniacce. Carbonate of antimony. Carbonas antimonii. Carbonate of filver. Carbonas argenti. Carbonate of arfenic. Carbonas arfenici. Carbonate of barytes. Carbonas baryticus. Carbonate of bifmuth. Carbonas bifmutki. Calcareous carbonate. Carbonas calcareus. Carbonate of cobalt. Carbonas cobalti. Carbonate of copper. Carbonas cupri. Carbonate of tin. Carbonas Jlanni. J- Pure coal. r A fait formed by the union < of carbonic acid with different ^bafes. J- Cretaceous clay. r Ammoniacal chalk. I Cretaceous ammoniacal fait. <| Concrete volatile alkali. j Ammoniacal mephite. fEnglijh fal volatile. f Bnrotic or ponderous chalk. t Aerated ponderous earth. Ejfervefcent barotes. Barotic mephite. <5 'Chalk. Limejlone. Calcareous mephite. Aerated calcareous earth. Ejfervefcent calcareous earth. Calcareous fpar. Cream of lime. 3 C 4 Dictionary for the Neiv Names. C Old Names, Carbonate of iron. Carbonas ferri . Carbonate of magnefia. Carbonas magnifies. Carbonate of manganefe. Carbonas magnefii. Carbonate of mercury. Carbonas hydrargyri. Carbonate of molybdena. Carbonas molybdeni. Carbonate of nickel. Carbonas nicco/i. f~ Aperient faffron of mars . j Rtf of iron, f Aerated iron. j Martial chalk. C Martial mephite. Magnefian earth. White Magnefia. Aerated magnefia of Bergman. Cretaceous magnefia. Magnefian chalk. Fffervejcent magnefia. Mephite of magnefia. Kir-wan’s muriatic earth. Po-wder Formiate of alumina. Formias aluminojus. Formiate of ammoniac. Formias ammoniacalis . Formiate of antimony. Formias Jiibii. Formiate of filver. ■ Formias argenti. Formiate of arfenic. Formias arfenicalis. Formiate of barytes. Formias baryticus. Formiate of bifmuth. Formias bifmuthi. Formiate of lime. Formias calcareus. {Far tare ous jluor. Sparry tartar. f Fluor of foda. \ Sparry foda. * Salt formed by the combina- tion of the formic acid with dif- ferent bafes. This genus of fait has no .name in the old nomenclature. 4^ i Dictionary for lh( New Names. Old Names, F Formiate of cobalt. Formias cobalti. Formiate of copper. Formias cupri. Formiate of tin. Formias Jlanni. Formiate of iron. Formias ferri. Formiate of magnefia. Formias magnefia. Formiate of manganefe. Formias magnefii. Formiate of mercury. Formias mercurii. Formiate of molybdena. Formias molybdeni. Formiate of nickel. Formias niccoli. Formiate of gold. Formias auri. Formiate of platina. Formias plaimi. Formiate of lead. Formias plumbi. Formiate of potafli. Formias potajfa. Formiate of foda. Formias foda. Formiate of tungften. Formias tunfeni. Formiate of zinc. Formias zinci . New Chemical Nomenclature. Nnr Navis. Old Names. Gas. Gas. Gas, acetous acid. Gas acidum acetofum. Gas, carbonic acid. Gas acidum carbonicum. Gas, fluoric acid. Gas acidum Jluorlcum. Gas, muriatic acid. Gas acidum muriaticum. Gas, oxigenated muriatic acid. Gas acidum muriaticum oxi- genatum. Gas, nitrous acid. Gas acidum nitrofum. Gas, prufTic acid. Gas acidum prujjicum. Gas, fulphureous acid. Gas acidum fulphureum. Gas, ammoniacal. Gas ammoniacale. f Gas. •j Elaflic jiuids. L Aeriform Jiuids. } Acetous acid gas. f Fixed air. | Solid air of Hales. -r ,i i * r Muriate of bihnuib. Murias bijmuthi. J Muriate, fublimated, of bif-"} muth. > Butter of bifmuth. Murias bifmuihi fublimatus. J r Mother water of marine fait. -j Calcareous marine fait. [Fixed fal ammoniac. Muriate of cobalt. j Ink 0ffympathy. Murias cobalti. j J J Munate of copper. } Afur.'nre o/- Murias cupn. J air Muriate, fublimated ammo-') niacal, of copper. Cupreous ammoniacal fowers. Murias cupn ammonia- j 1 calis fublimatus. J Muriate of tin. Murias fantii. Muriate, concrete, of tin Murias fantii concretus. Muriate, fuming, of tin. fliurias fanni J'umans. Muriate, fublimated, of tin. 1 D .. - . Murias fanni fublimatus. J U e* °f Lin‘ Muriate of iron. "1 Muriate of iron. Murias ferri. j Marine fait of iron . 3 D 4 Salt of Jupiter. f Solid butter of tin of M. Bautne. Corneous tin. J- Fuming liquor of Libavius. $6 Di ft ionary for the Nsir Names. M Old Names. Muriate, fublimated ammo-~) niZf}’ ’r°n‘ . . Martial ammoniacal flowers. JVLurias Jem ammonia- | calls fublimatus. Muriate of magnefia. Murias magnefuz. Muriate of manganefe. Murias magnefli. J ") Marine fait with a bafe of mag- J nefia. ^ Muriate of manganefe. Muriate, corrofive, of mercury.") n r r ... . r 1 \ Corrohve ublimate. JVLurias hydrargyri corrojivus. J J J Muriate, fweet, of mercury. ) c . r , ,/r ’ ■ j !■ J Y oweet ublimate. JVLurias hydrargyri dulcis. J J Muriate, fweet fublimated,") of mercury. • f Aquila alba . Murvcis hydrargyri fublimatus . J Muriate of mercury and am-~] moniac. 1 c ; i i JVLurias hydrargyri et am - j moniacalis. J Muriate of mercury by pre-| &/( o/- - ,(Jn' . . . t White precipitated muriate. JVLurias hydrargyri pracipitatus- J r r ■ Muriate of molybdena. Murias molybdeni. Muriate of nickel. Murias niccoli. Muriate of gold. Murias auri. Muriate of platina. Murias platini. Muriate of lead. Murias plu'mbi. Muriate of potalh. Murias potaffee. Muriate of foda. Murias foda. $ Muriate of gold. Regaline fait of gold. f Muriate of platina. \Regaline fait of platina. f Corneous lead. \ Muriate of lead. j- Febrifuge fait of Sylvius. J Marine fait. Nezv Chemical Nomenclature. 57 New Names. M Old Names. Muriate, foflil, of foda. Murias foda fofftlis. Muriate of tungften. Murias tunfeni. } Sal gem. Muriate of zinc. Murias zinci. Muriate, fublimared, of zinc. Murias zinci fublimatus. C Marine fait of zinc. Muriate of zinc. ^ Butter of zinc. Muriates, oxigenated. i 1 f New combinations of the ! oxigenated muriatic acid with j potafh and foda, difcovered by t-M. Berthollet. Muriate, oxigenated, of potafli. Murias oxigenatus pot off a. Muriate, oxigenated, of foda. Murias oxigenatus fodce. N Nitrate. Niiras, tis. f. m. Nitrate of alumina. Nit r as aluminofus. Nitrate of ammoniac. Nitras ammoniacalis , Nitrate of antimony. Nitras Jlibii. Nitrate of fiver. Nitras argenti. Nitrate, melted, of filver. Nitras argenti fufus. Nitrate of arfenic. Nitras arfenicalis. {Salts formed by the combin- ation of the nitric acid with different bafes. f Nitrous alum. \Argillaceous nitre. f Ammoniacal nitrous fait. \Ammoniacal nitre. { Lunar nitre. Nitre of filver. Cryjlals of the moom 5 8 Dictionary for the \ Nzir Names . N Old Names. f Nitre of ponderous earth. \ Bar otic nitre. Nitre of bifmuth. f Calcareous nitre. X Mother "water of nitre. } } Nitre of cobalt. Nitre of copper. Nitrate of barytes. Nit r as b ary tints. Nitrate of bifmuth. Nitras bifmuthi. Nitrate of lime. Nitras calcareus. Nitrate of cobalt. Nitras cobalti. Nitrate of copper. Nitras cupri. Nitrate of tin. Nitras fanni. Nitrate of iron. Nitras ferri. Nitrate of magnefia. Nitras magnefuz. Nitrate of manganefe. Nitras magnefii. Nitrate of mercury. Nitres hydrargyri. Nitrate of mercury in a ftate'j of folution. > Mercurial water. Nitras hydrargyri folutus.j Nitrate of molybdena. Nitras molybdeni. Nitrate of nickel. Nitras niccoli. Nitrate of gold. Nitras auri. , Nitrate of platina. Nitras platini. Nitrate of lead. Nitras plumbi. Nitrate of potafh, or nitre. f Nitre. Nitras potajfkj vel niirutn. \Saltpetre. f Nitre of tin. \Stanno-nitrous fait. {Nitre of iron. Martial nitre. {Nitre of magnefia. Magnefian nitre. Nitre of manganefe. f Mercurial nitre. \ Nitre of mercury. Nitre of nickel. f Nitre of lead. \Saturnine nitre. New Chemical Nomenclature . 5? Nesr Names. Nitrate of foda. Nitras foche. Nitrate of tungften. Nitras tunjleni. Nitrate of zinc. Nitras zinci. Nitrite. Nitris , tis.f m. Nitrite of alumina. Nitris alinninofus. Nitrite of ammoniac. Nitris arssnsoniacalis. Nitrite of antimony. Nitris Jiibii. Nitrite of filver. Nitris argent's. Nitrite of arfenic. Nitris arfenicalis. Nitrite of barytes. Nitris baryticus. Nitrite of bifmuth. Nitris bifmuthi. \ Nitrite of lime. Nitris calcar e us. Nitrite of cobalt. Nitris cobalts. Nitrite of copper, Nitris cupri. Nitrite of tin. Nitris Jlanni. N Oi.d Names. f Cubic nitre . \ Rbotnboidal nitre . ^j- Nitre of zinc. ' Salt formed by the combina- tion. of the nitrous * acid with different bafes. Flowers of antimony. Silver flowers of regulus timotsy. ingius. of ana New Chemical Nomenclature. Nr ir A Tamss. O Old Names. Oxide of antimony, by the mu-1 riatic acid. I ' J Oxidutn fibii acido muriatico f ^>0WL^e> °f -Algaroth. confeBum. i Oxide, fulphurated, of anti-"] mony. ?■ Liver of antimony. Oxidutn fibii fulphuratum. J Oxide, fulphurated femi-vitre-"] ous, of antimony. I p /r r . 1 Oxidum f ibii fulphuratum j affron °f me n s- femi-vitreum. J Oxide, orange - coloured ful--| phurated, of antimony. | , r ul r r ,) j nL ■•rut j > Glided luiphur of anttmonv. Oxidum Jtibu Julphuratum j J 1 J J uurantiacum. J Oxide, red fulphurated, of an-' timony. Oxidutn fibii fulphuratum rubrum. Oxide, vitreous fulphurated, of antimony. Oxidum fibii fulphuratum vitreum. Oxide, brown vitreous fulphur-' ated, of antimony. Oxidum fibii fulphuratum vitreum fufcum. Oxide, white fublimated, of ar-' fenic. Oxidum arfenici album fubli- matum. Oxide, yellow fulphurated, of arfenic. Oxidum arfenici fulphuratum luteum. Oxide, red fulphurated, of ar-‘ fenic. Oxidum arfenici fulphuratum rubrum. Kermes mineral. Glafs of antimony. Rubint of antimony. Flowers of arfenic , Orpiment. Red arfenic. Realgar , or realgal. / i m 64 Dictionary for the Nsrr Names. O Old Names. Oxide, white, of bifmuth, by- the nitric acid. Oxidum bifmuthi album acido nitrico confeBum. Magiflery of bifmuth. * White paint. Oxidum bifmuthi fublimatum. J Flowers of bifmuthi Oxide, grey, of cobalt with fi-' lex,- or zafFre. Oxidum cobalti cinerHim cum ftlice. Oxide, vitreous, of cobalt. Oxidum cobalti vitreum. Zaff, ■re. Oxide, green, of copper. Oxidum cupri viride. Oxide, grey, of tin. Oxidum fanni cinereitm. Oxide, fublimated, of tin. Oxidum fanni fublimatum. Oxides of iron. Oxida ferri. Oxide, brown, of iron. Oxidum ferri fufcum. Oxide, yellow, of iron. Oxidum ferri luteum. Oxide, black, of iron. Oxidum ferri nigrum. Oxide, red, of iron. Oxidum ferri rubrum. Oxide, white, of manganefe. Oxidum magnefi album. Oxide, black, of manganefe. Oxidmn magnefi nigrum. Oxide, yellow, of mercury, by the nitric acid. Oxidum hydrargyri luteum Qcido nitrico confeBum. {Azure. Smalt. f Verdigrfe. \ Ruf of copper. J- Putty of tin. ^ Flowers of tin. Saffrons of Mars. ^ Afringent faffron of Mars. Ochre. J- Martial Ethiops. J- Colcothar. J- White calx of manganefe. {Black magnefa. Glafs-maker s foap. Stone of Perigueux. Nitrous turbith. t New Chemical Nomenclature. New Names. O Old Names Mineral turbith. Yellow precipitates, Oxide, yellow, of mercury by the fulphuric acid. Oxidum hydrargyri luteurn acido fulphurico cotfeclum.- Oxide, blackifh, of mercury. ] . r n j la • • ; >- Ethtops per fe. < Jxidum hydrargyri nigrum. J r r Oxide, red, of mercury by the") nitric acid. I v , . . r, j L j • i r Eed precipitate. Uxidum hydrargyri rubrum J r acido nitrico conjeBum. J Oxide, red, of mercury by fire.') Oxidum hydrargyri rubrumper k Precipitate per fe. ignern. J Oxide, black fulphiirated, of- Mineral ethiops.- mercury. Oxidum hydrargyri fulphu- ratum nigrum. Oxide, red fulphurated, of mer CUJ7* . . ■ ri 7 Cinnabar. Oxidum hydrargyri Julpbu- ratum rubrum. Oxide, an.moni.cal, of gold. 1 Fu,mi„ating gM. Oxidum auri ammoniacale. J ° Oxide of gold by tin. ") Precipitate of gold by Oxidum auri per Jlannum. J Purple of CaJJius. Oxides of lead. 1 T ■ r i a Oxida plurnbi. J J Oxide, white, of lead by the a-^) cetous acid. Whit, of lead, Oxidum plurnbi album per a- cidum acetofum. f Oxide, femi-v:treous, of lead,") or litharge. I Litharge. Oxidum plurnbi femi-vitreum.j Ox.de yellow oflead, _ \ MaJfcaU ' Uxidum plurnbi luteurn. J ^ Oxide, fed, of lead, or minium. } Miniums Oxidum plurnbi rubrum. Vol. III. 3 B 56 Difhonary for the New Names. O Old Names. Oxide, fublimated, of zinc. Oxidum zi/ici fublhnatum. Oxides, metallic. Oxida metallica. Oxides, metallic fublimated. Oxida metallica fublimata. Oxygene. Oxygeniunu, f Philofophic wool. J Philofophic cotton. | Flowers of zinc. L Pomp holy x. Metallic calces. ^ Metallic fiowers. r Oxygene. j Bafe of vital air. Acidifying principle. j Empyreal air. \JPrincipium forbile. i Phofphatc. Phofphas, tis. f. tit. Phofpbate of alumina. Phofphas aluminofus . Phofphate of ammoniac. Phofphas ammoniacalis. Phofphate of antimony. Phofphas fibii. Phofphate of fdver. Phofphas argenti. Phofphate of arfenic. Phofphas arfenicalis. Phofphate of barytes. Phofphas baryticus, Phofphate of bifmuth. Phofphas bfmuthi. Phofphate, calcareous, or lime. Phofphas calcareus. P f Salt formed by the union of -I the phofphoric acid with dif- {.ferent bafes. Phofphoric ammoniac. Ammoniacal phofphate. \ ■ Earth of bones. Calcareous phofphate. Animal earth. New Chemical Nomenclature. Neif Names. Old Names. Phofphate of cobalt. P hofp has cobalt /. Phofphate of copper. Phofphas cupri. Phofphate of tin. Phofpkas Jlanni. Phofphate of iron. Phofphas ferri. Phofphate of magnefia. Phofphas magnefia. Phofphate of manganefe. Phofphas magtiefti. Phofphate of mercury. Phofphas hydrargyri. Phofphate of molybdena. Phofphas molybdetii. Phofphate of nickel. Phofphas tiiccoli. Phofphate of gold. Phofphas auri. Phofphate of platina; Phofphas platini. Phofphate of lead. Phofphas plumbi. Phofphate of potafh. Phofphas potaffa. . Phofphate of foda.' Phofphas foda. Phofphate of foda and ammo- niac. Phofphas foda et ammonia- calls. Phbfphate, fuperfaturated, of foda. P hofphus fuperfaturatus fod> ' Syderite. Iron of water. Ore of iron from marfoes. Phofphate of magnefia. ^ Rofe precipitate of l emery. Native fait of urine . Fufble falts oj urine. on Sal admirabile perlatum. 68 Dictionary for the New Names. P Old Names. Phofphate of tung-ften. Phofphas tunjieni . Phofphate of zinc. Phofphas zitici. / Phofphite. 1 Pbofphis, ids. f. m. ■ Salt formed by the union of the phofphorous acid with dif- ferent bafes. Phofphite of alumina. Pkofpbis aluminofus. Phofphite of ammoniac. Pbofphis ammoniac alls. Phofphite of antimony. Pbofphis ftibii. Phofphite of Giver. Pbofphis argenti. Phofphite of arfenic. Pbofphis arfenicalis. Phofphite of barytes. Pbofphis baryticus. Phofphite of bifmuth. Pbofphis bifnutbi. Phofphite of lime. Pbofphis calcareus. Phofphite of cobalt. Pbofphis cobalti. Phofphite of copper. Pbofphis cupri. Phofphite of tin. Pbofphis Jlanni. Phofphite of iron. Pbofphis ferri. Phofphite of magnefia. Pbofphis magnefus. Phofphite of manganefe- Pbofphis magnefii. 1 - Phofphite of mercury. Pbofphis hydrargyri. New Chemical Nomenclature. 69 Ns.iv Names. { Phofphite of molybdena. Phofphis tnolybdeni. II Phofphite of nickel. Phofphis niccoli. Phofphite of gold. Phofphis auri. Phofphite of platina. Phofphis plat ini. Phofphite of lead. Phofphis plumbi. Phofphite of potafh. Phofphis potajfa. Phofphite of foda. Phofphis foda. Phofphite of tungften. Phofphis tunjleni. Phofphite of zinc. Phofphis zinci. Phofphorus. Phofphorum. Phofphure. Phofphoretnm. Phofphure of copper, Phofphoretum cupri. Phofphure of iron. Phofphoretum Jerri. Pyro-lignite. Pyro-lignis , tis. f m. Pyro-lignite of alumina. Pyro-lignis aluminofus. Pyro-lignite of ammoniac, Pyro-lignis ammoniaealis. P Old Nam fs. J- Phofphorus cf Kunclcl. C Combination of non-oxigenated \ phofphorus with different bales. f Syderum cf Bergman. -s Syderotete of At. de Alorveau. (. Regains of fy derite. f Salt formed by the union of I the pyro-ligneous acid with dif- ferent bafes. Thefe falts had no name in Lthe old Nomenclature. 3E 3 70 Diflionary for the New Names. P Pyro-lignite of antimony. Pyro-lignis JUb'ti. Pyro-lignite of filver. Pyro-lignis argenti. Pyro-lignite of arfenic. Pyro-lignis arfenicalis. Pyro-lignite of barytes. Pyro-lignis b ary tic us. Pyro-lignite of bifmuth. Pyro-lignis bifmuthi. Pyro-lignite of lime. Pyro-lignis calcaneus. pyro-lignite of cobalt. Pyro-lignis cobalti. Pyro-lignite of copper. Pyro-lignis cupri. Pyro-lignite of tin. Pyro-lignis Jlannt Pyro-lignite of iron. Pyro-lignis ferri. Pyro-lignite of magnefia^ Pyro-lignis magnejia. Pyro-lignite of manganefe. Pyro-lignis magnefii. Pyro-lignite of mercury. Pyro-lignis hydrargyri. Pyro-lignite of molybdena. Pyro-lignis molybdeni. Pyro-lignite of nickel. Pyro.-lignis niccoli. Pyro-lignite of gold. Pyro-lignis auri. Pyro-lignite of platina. Pyro-lignis platini . Pyro-lignite of lead. Pyro-lignis plumbi. Pyro-lignite of potafh. Pyro-lignis potajfa. Old Names. % New Chemical Nomenclature. 7 1 Nov Names. P Old Names. ‘Pyro-lignite of foda. Pyro-lignis fodct. Pyro-lignite of tungften. Pyro-lignis tunjieni. Pyro-lignite of zinc. Pyro-lignis zinci. Pyro-mucites. Pyro-mucis , tis, f. m. Pyro-mucite of alumina. Pyro-mucis aluminofas. Pyro-mucite of ammoniac. Pyro-mucis ammoniacalis. Pyro-mucite of antimony. Pyro-mucis Jlibii. Pyro-mucite of filver. Pyro-mucis argent's. Pyro-mucite of arfenic. Pyro-mucis arfenicalis. Pyro-mucite of barytes. Pyro-mucis baryticus. Pyro-mucite of bifmuth. Pyro mucis bifmutbi. Pyro-mucite of lime. Pyro-mucis calcareus . Pyro-mucite of cobalt. Pyro-mucis cobalts. Pyro-mucite of copper. / Pyro-mucis cupri. Pyro-mucite of tin. Pyro-mucis Jlanni. Pyro-mucite of iron. Pyro-mucis ferri . i f Salts formed by the union Jof the pyro-mucous acid with different bafes. This fpecies of falts has not yet obtained a name in the old ^Nomenclature. 3 E 4 Didionary for the 1 2 Nerr Names. P Old Names. Pyro-mucite of magnelia. Pyro-mucis magnejia. Pyro-mucite of manganefe, Pyro-mucis magnefii. Pyro-mucite of mercury. Pyro-mucis hydrargyri . Pyro-mucite of molybdena. Pyro-mucis Anolybdcni. Pyro-mucite of nickel. Pyro-mucis niccoli. Pyro-mucite of gold. Pyro-mucis auri. Pyro-mucite of platina. Pyro-mucis platini. Pyro-mucite of lead. Pyro-mucis plumbi. Pyro-mucite of potafh. Pyro-mucis potaJJ'a. Pyro-mucite of foda. Pyro-mucis foda. Pyro-mucite of tungften, Pyro-mucis tutifteni. Pyro-mucite of zinc. Pyro-mucis zincL Pyro-tartarites. Pyro-trataris , tis.f. in. Pyro-tartarite of alumina, Pyro-tartaris aluminofis . Pyro-tartarite of ammoniac. Pyro-tartaris ammoniacalis . Pyro-tartarite of antimony. * Pyro-tartaris Jiibii. Pyro-tartarite of filvev. Pyro-tartaris argcnti. Pyro-tartarite of arfenic. Pyj-o.- tartaric arfenicalis % 4 { Salts formed by the urpon of the ' pyro-tartareous acid with different bafes. New Chemical Nomenclature. Nsir Names. P Pyro-tartarite of barytes. Pyro-tartaris baryticus. Pyro-tartarite of bifmuth. Pyro-tartaris bifmuthi. Pyro-tartarite of lime. Pyro-tartaris calc arcus. Pyro-tartarite of cobalt. Pyro-tartaris cobalti. Pyro-tartarite of copper, Pyro-tartaris cupri. Pyro-tartarite of tin. Pyro-tartaris Jlanni. Pyro-tartarite of iron. Pyro-tartaris ferri. Pyro-tartarite of magnefia, Pyro-tartaris viagnejia. Pyro-tartarite of manganefe. Pyro-tartaris magnefii. Pyro-tartarite of mercury. Pyro-tartaris bydrargyri. Pyro-tartarite of molybdena, Pyro-tartaris molybdeni. Pyro-tartarite of nickel. Pyro tartaris niccoli . Pyro-tartarite of gold. Pyro-tartaris auri. Pyro-tartarite of platina. Pyro-tartaris platini. Pyro-tartarite of lead. Pyro-tartaris plumbi. Pyro-tartarite of potafh. Pyro-tartaris potajfie. Pyro-tartarite of foda. Pyro-tartaris foda:. Pyro-tartarite of tungften, Pyro-tartaris tunfieni. Pyro-tartarite of zinc. Pyro-tartaris zincs , Old Names V 74 Dictionary for the New Names . P Old Names. Platina. Platinum. r Juan blanca. Platina. \_Platina del pinto. , Potafh. "] PotaJJa, a. J ■ Vegetable caujic fixed alkali. Potafh, melted. ] PotaJJa JuJa. J • Lapis caufiicus. Potafh, filiceous fluid. ' PotaJJa ftlicea fiuida. ■ Liquor ofifiints. Prufhate. P rift as, tis. f. m. " Salts formed by the union of the Prufhc acid, or colouring matter of Pruflian blue, with different bafes. This genus of falts had no jiame in the old Nomenclature, Prufhate of alumina. PruJJias aluminofus. Prufhate of ammoniac. PruJJias ammoniac alls t Prufhate of antimony. PruJJias fiibii. Prufhate of hlver. PruJJias ar genii. Prufhate of arfenic. PruJJias arjenicalis . Prufhate of barytes. PruJJias baryticus. Prufhate of bifmuth. PruJJias bijmuthi. \ Prufhate of lime. PruJJias calcareus. Prufhate of cobalt. PruJJias cobalti. Prufhate of copper. PruJJias cupri. Prufhate of tin. PruJJias fanni. f Calcareous prujjate. \PruJJian lime-water. . New Chemical Nomenclature . 75 New Names. Old Nams,s. 'Prufliate of iron. Prujfas Jerri. Prufliate of magnefia. Prujfias magnefia. Prufliate of manganefe, Prujfias magnefti. Prufliate of mercury. Prujfias hydrargyri. Prufliate of molybdena, Prujfias molybdeni. Prufliate of nickel. Prujfias tiiccoli. Prufliate of gold. Prujfias auri. Prufliate of platina. Prujfias platini. Prufliate of lead. Prujfias plumbi. Prufliate of potafli. Prujfias pctajfe. Prufliate, ferruginous faturated, of potafh. Prujfias potajfa JerrugincJus Jaturatus. Prufliate, ferruginous, not fa- turated, of potafh. Prujfias potajfa Jerruginofus non Jaturatus. Prufliate of foda. Prujfias foda. Pyrophorus of Homberg. Pyrophorum Hombergii. {Prujftan blue. Berlin blue. ') Liquor faturated with the co« J louring part of Prujftan blue . Prujftan alkali . Phlogijicated alkali. I Pyrophorus of Homberg. R Refins. Refna. Ref ns. t Dictionary for the 76 New Names. Old Names. S Saccho-late. Saccholas, /is. f. m. Saccho-late of alumina. Saccholas aluminofus. Saccho-late of ammoniac, Saccholas ammoniacalis . Saccho-late of antimony, Saccholas Jiihii. Saccho-late of filver. Saccholas argenti. Saccho-late of arfenic. Saccholas arfenicalis. Saccho-late of barytes. Saccholas baryticus. Saccho-late of bifmuth. Saccholas biftnuthi. Saccho-late of lime. Saccholas calcaretis. Saccho-late of cobalt. Saccholas cob a It i. Saccho-late of copper, Saccholas cupri. Saccho-late of tin. Saccholas Jlanni. Saccho-late of iron. Saccholas ferri. Saccho-late of magnefia. Saccolas magnefia:. Saccho-late of manganefe. Saccholas magnefii. Saccho-late of mercury. Saccholas hydrargyri. " Salts formed by the union of the faccho-la£Hc acid with dif- Tferent bafes. This fpecies of falts has no name in the old Nomenclature, New Chemical Nomenclature. 77 Nt.tr Names. Saccho-late of molybdena. Saccholas molybdent. Saccho-late of nickel. Saccholas niccoli. Saccho-late of gold. Saccholas auri. Saccho-late of platina. Saccholas platini. Saccho-late of lead. Saccholas plumb 's. Saccho-late of' potalh. Saccholas potaffee. Saccho-late of foda. Saccholas fodee. Saccho-late of tungften. I Saccholas tunftetii. Saccho-late of zinc. Saccholas zinci. Saponulae. Saponuli. Saponuke, acid. Saponuli acidi. Saponula of alumina. Saponulus aluminofus. Saponula, ammoniacal. Saponulus ammoniacalis. Saponula of barytes. Saponulus baryta. Saponula of lime. Saponulus calcarcus. Saponula of potafli. Saponulus potaffa. Saponulse of foda. Saponuli fodee. Saponulse, metallic. Saponuli metallici. S Old Names. f Combinations of volatile or ef- (_fential oils with different bafes. f Combinations of volatile or ef- (_fential oils with different acids. f Soap compofed of volatile oil, ^combined with the bafe of alum. {Soap compofed of volatile oil, combined with ammoniac. {Soap compofed of volatile oil, combined with barytes. {Soap compofed of volatile oil, combined with lime. { { ! Soap compofed of volatile oil, combined with potafli, or foap of Starkey. Soaps compofed of volatile oils, combined with fixed mineral al- kali, or foda. Soaps compofed of volatile oils, united to metallic fubftances. Dictionary for the Ar s S Old Names. f Salts formed by the union of j the acid of greafe, or the febacic Antimoniated liver of fuiphur. J- Blende , or fdtfe galena. } Earthy livers of fuiphur. Earthy hepa'rs. T Tartar. ‘ Tartarus . Tartarite. Tartaris, tis, f m. } Crude tartar. {Salt formed by the combin- ation of the tartareous acid with different bafes. Tartarite, acidulous, of potafli. C^frtnr' Tartans acidulus potato. i Cfe^fif tartar. 1 M t. Cryfals of tartar. Tartarite of alumina. Tartaris aluminofus . Tartarite of ammoniac. Tartaris ammoniacalis. Tartarite of antimony. Tartans fiibii. 1 Atnmoniacal tartar. J Tartareous ammoniacal fait. 3 F 4 88 Dictionary for the Nett Names, T Old Names. Tartarite of filver. Tartaris argenti. Tartarite of arfenic. Tartaris arfenicalis. Tartarite of barytes. Tartaris baryticus. Tartarite of bifmuth. Tartaris bifmuthi . Tartarite of lime. Tartaris calcareus. Tartarite of cobalt. , Tartaris cob alt i. Tartarite of copper. Tartaris cupri. Tartarite of tin. Tartaris Jlanni, Tartarite of iron. Tartaris ferri. Tartarite of magnefia. Tartaris magnefia . Tartarite of manganefe, Tartaris magnefii, Tartarite of mercury. Tartaris hydrargyri . Tartarite of molybdena. Tartaris molybdeni. Tartarite of nickel. Tartaris niccoli. Tartarite of gold. Tartaris auri. Tartarite of platina, Tartaris platini . Calcareous Tartar. New Chemical Nomenclature. 89 JYsir jVamss . Old Names. Tartarite of lead. T artaris plumbi. Tartarite of potafh. Tartaris potajfce. J. Saturnine tartar. r Soluble tartar. J ' Tartarized tartar. j Tartar of potnjh. [.Vegetable fait. rStibiated tartar. 1. I Tartar emetic. Tartarite, antimoniated,ofpotafh. Tartaris potaffa Jlibiatus. j Antimoniated tartar . (_ Emetic. Tartarite, ferruginous, of potafh. f Chalybeated tartar. Tartaris potajfe ferrugineus. \ Soluble martial tartar. Tartarite of potafh, compofed') n- . • , , , . . . of antimony. I T«rt°™d “r> Tartaris potajfa Jlibiatus. s antimony. Tartarite of foda. Tartaris foda. Tartarite of tungflen, Tartaris tunfeni . Tartarite of zinc. Tartaris zinci. Tin. Stannum. Tunflate. TunfaSy tis. f m. Tunflate of alumina. Tunjlas aluminofus. Tunflate of ammoniac. Tunjlas ammoniacalis. Tunflate of antimony. Tunjlas Jlibii. J Tartar of foda. Polychrejl fait of Rochelle. (_ Salt of Seignette. f Tin. 1 Jupiter. f Salt formed by the combin- j ation of the tunflic acid with different bafes. j This genus of fait has no fjiame in the old Nomenclature. 90 Dictionary for the Nett Names. T Old Names. Tunftate of filver. T unjlas argenti. Tunftate of arfenic. Tunjias arfenicalis. Tunftate of barytes. Tunjias baryticus. Tunftate of bifmuth. Tunjias bijmuthi . Tunftate of lime. Tunjias calc are us. Tunftate of cobalt. Tunjias cobalti. Tunftate of copper, Tunjias cupri. Tunftate of tin. Tunjias Jianni. Tunftate of iron. Tunjias Jerri. Tunftate of magnefia. Tunftate of manganefe, Tunjias magneji. Tunftate of mercury. Tunjias hydrargyri. Tunftate of molybdena. Tunjas ??iolybdeni. Tunftate of nickel. Tunjas niccoli. Tunftate of gold. Tuajas auri. Tunftate of platina. Tunjas plat ini. Tunftate of lead. Tanjas plumbi. New Chemical Nomenclature, 9* New Names. % Tunftate of potafh. Tunflas potajfa. Tunftate of foda. Tanjias foda. Tunftate of tungften. Tunflas tunfleni. Tunftate of zinc. Tunflas zincs. Water. Water, lime. Water, diftilled. Waters impregnated with carbonic acid. Waters, fulphurated. Zinc. v F I T Old Names. W Water. Lime-water. Diflilled water. f Acidulous waters , \Gazeous waters. Hepatic waters , z N I S. » I N D E X. A Acids, • — a£tion of, a chara£teriftic of (tones, concrete fulphuric, Acid, acetic, - benzoic, - bombic, - boracic, - found on Lakes in Tufcany, carbonic, - citric, - cretaceous, - fluoric, - formic, - fuming muriatic, gallic, - lactic, - lithic, - malic, - marine, , mephitic, - molybdic, - muriatic, - ■ nitric, - Vol. Pag. I. 34*- I. 197. I. 387- III. *37* II. 633* III. 288. I. 388. I. 388. I. 342- II. 621. h 342. I. 359* III. 282. I. 352- II. 626 . III. 177. III. 229. II. 631. I. 452. I. 342. II. 200. I. 352- T. 364. I 94 Index. Vol. Pa a. Acid, nitro-muriatic, - I. 367* nitrous, - I. 365- of arfenic, - II. 186. oxalic, r - - II. 659. oxigenated muriatic. I. 357- phofphoric, - III. 245. phofphorous, - - III. 151. pyro-ligneous, - ~ III. 7- pyro-mucous, - - III. 3- pyro-tartareous, - III. 2. fulphuric, - I. 378. tunftic, - II. 207. ■Acidulumj tartareous, II. 639/ Aetiolation, - I. 87. Writes, - - - II. 400. Affinities, chemical, I. 35- • Geoffroy’s table of, I. 66. Affinity or attradlion of aggregation. I. 37- reciprocal, - I. 68. Aggregate bodies, different kinds of, I. 38. Air, fixed, - I. 342. Boyle’s difcoveries concerning, I. 32- Hales’ difcoveries concerning, I. 32- Albert the Great, an Alchemifi, I. 2 5' Alchemy, hiftory of. I. 2 5- Alcohol, - IH. 3’ Algaroth, powder of. II. 3 3 Alkalis, - 1 328. Alteration by fire, a charadleriftic of ftones, I. 195. Alum, - - II. 25* Aluminous earth, its properties. I. I79' Amber, - - - II. 572. volatile fait of, II. 577- Ambergrife, - III. 274,' Ammoniac, - I. 33fr- M. Berthollet’s experiments concern- ing the compofition of, I. 338- r INDEX. 95 Vol. Pag Analyfis, what. - - - I. Animal fubftances, chemical analyfis of, - III. putrefaction of, - III. Animals, - II. bones of, III. cetaceous, - - III. functions of, - - III. mufcles of, - - III. Antimony, - II. butter of, - - II. cinnabar of, - - II. fulphure of, » - II. Antomology, - - III. Ants, - III. Aqua regia, I. Arcanum duphcatum, I. Arnold of Villeneuve, I. Arfenic, butter of, - - II. and its acid, - - II. Afphaltus, - - - - II. Atmofpheric air, general hiftory of - I. its principles, and the propor- tions in which they are mixed, - I. Attraction or affinity of compofition, - I. Avicenna, applied chemiftry to medicine. - I. 3 *55 298 357 261 3*7 339 253 250 334 335 251 329 282 366 397 25 333 186 581 *33 354 42 24 B Bacon, Roger, - - I. 25. Barnet, James, his phjlofophy of chemiftry, - I. 30. Barytes, - - - I. 317. Bayen, M. his examination of the calces of mer- cury, - - - - . I- 33- Beccher’s opinion concerning the principles of bodies, - - - - I. 77- 96 INDEX. Vol. Pag. Beecher’s phyftca fubterranea, I. 3°' ■ J.Ernefk Stahl’s com- mentary on, - I. 31* Benzoin, - - - III. 45- Bile, - III. 194. Biliary calculi, - III. 199. Bifmuth, - II. 224. Bitumens, - II. 566. Black, Dr, his difeovery of the carbonic acid, - L 3S1* Blende, - II. 281. Blood, - - - III. 163. Boerhaave, a cultivator of chemiftry. I. 34- Bohnius, - - - - ■ I. 3°* Borate, aluminous, II. 40. — ammoniacal. I. 474- • barytic, - - - II. 51* calcareous, - - - I. 497- magnefian. II. J3* mercurial, - - II. 342- of potafh, I. 448. Borax of foda, - - - I. 440. Boyle’s hell, II. 3X3* Brafs, - II. 496. C 1 Calamine, - II. 2S2. Calcareous fubftances, natural hiftory of, I. 5°7- Calcination, - I. 125. Caloric, what. I. 97' Camphorate principle. III. 33- Carbonate, aluminous, II. 40. — ammoniacal, I. 347- barytic, - II. 52- magnefian. II. 14. of lime, or chalk . I. 5°3- INDEX. 97 Carbonate of potath, - of foda, - Carbure of iron, - Caftoreum, - Cementation, * Charcoal, - - Chemiftry, definition of, — hiftory of Macquer’s labours beneficial to utility of to the arts and fciences, - to natural hiftory, to medicine. Cinnabar, - Circulation, - Clay, Cobalt, - - - - Cochineal, - - Colour confidered as a chara£teriftic of (tones, Combuftible bodies, - Combuftion, Lavoifier’s difcoveries concerning, — theory of Compounds, J. Erneft Stahl’s theory of the pro- perties of, - Concentration, - Copper, - vitriol of - - - Copperas, white, - Coral, - Coraline, - - - Crab’s (tones, ... Cryftallization, account of, Cupellation, - • « D Deco£tion, - Deliquefcence, account of Vol. III. 3 G Vol. Pa q. I. 4S°- I. 457* II. 463. III. 269. I. 126. III. 89. I. 1. I. 20. I. 3*- 1. 7- 1. 10. I. 1 1. II. 3°7* III. 34°- I. 273- II. 215. III. 290. I. 194. II. 99. I. 33- I. I45* I. 53- I. 130. II. 474- II. 483. II. 291." III. 292. III. 292. III. 291. II. 66. III. 291. I. I3I • II. 78. <✓ INDEX. Detonation, - of nitre, Diamond, - - - - Diana’s tree, - Digeflion, - - I. 130. 1 Diftiliation, - examination of mineral waters, by Docimafea, or the art of allaying ores. VOL. Pag. I. 127. I. 412. II. ic6. 11. Sx4* 11 r* 346- 1. 128. hi. 398- 11. 165. E Earth, ponderous. ment of. calcareous, chemical analyfis of, compofed of lhells, Efflorefcence, account of Eggs of birds, Elc&ive attractions, double, Elaftic fluids, formation and fixation of, Ens martis, Epfom fait of Lorraine, Ether, - muriatic, Ethiops, martial, - mineral, Evaporation, examination of mineral waters by, III. I. x74- I. e- 269. I. 267. of I. 323- I. S11’ I. 296. - I. 508. - I. 283. I. 405. II. 79- III. 277. II. 8?- I. 63' III. 410. II. 457- I. 43 x* • IN. 1 19. III. 128. II. 416. II. 344- I. 127. III. 401. 99 / I N D E X. F Vol. Pag. Falfe analyfis, what. - i- i. 4* Fat, - - - 1 - hi. 1 8(5. Fermentation, - nr. IOI. : acetous, - hi. 134* Ferrum fpeculare, - ir. 404. Fire, - 1. 80. Flowers, in chemiftry, - 1. 0 • Fluate, aluminous, - 11. 40. ammoniacal. - 1. 475- barvtic, - 11. 71- calcareous, - .1. 497- magnefian,' ir. 14. of potalh, - 1. 448. — of foda, - 1. 45°* Form, confidered as a charadteriftic of Hones, 1. 188. Fracture, confidered as a charadteriftic of ftones, 1. 192. Frog, * m. 28a. Fufion, - 1. account of. 11. l6- G Galena, - - II. — antimoniated, - - If. Gas, azotic, - - - ' I. — — hydrogenous, - - - II. mephitic, - - - 1. : — — nitrous, - - - - I. Gem fai, - - - I. Generation, - - - * III. Gold, - - - -II. Gold and filver, M. Sage’s work on the art of allaying, II. 3 G 2 377* 380. 149. x 16. 34 2 • 37°* 428. 3?1* 524. 545* \ 16© INDEX. H Vol. Pag. Hardnefs, confidered as a chara&eriftic of Hones, I. 190. Hartfhorn, ' r III. 270. Heat, - - I. 89. chemical effects of, I. III. Helminthology, - III. 336- Hematites, II. 400. Honey, - III. 386. I Ichthyology, - III. 325- Ichthyocolla, - III. 279. Incombuftibility, a charadteriftic of falts, I. 3°9' Infufion, - I. 13°. Inftrument for meafuring the heat difengaged from bodies, - - I. 94. Intermediates, affinity of. I. <58 »-« 0 3 V* 1 t 1 s 1 II. 397' “ — - call, - II. 407. Irritability, - - - - III. 354' Ifaacs of Holland, - - I. 26. x • J Tet, - J t * - II. 584. Juice, pancreatic, - - III. 202, gaflric, - - III. 202- Juices and extracts, - II. 6 io- . refinous inflammable. Ill 44, E Hermes, - III. 289. r mineral, preparation t>f, II. 268, INDEX. to* L Vo L. Landriani, M. his experiments on the produ£tion Pag. of carbonic acid, I. 351* Lead, - II. 374- corneous. II. 389* Libavius’s fuming liquor. II. 368. Light, ... I. 83- Lime, _ I. 270. Linnaeus, method of, - III. 3*3- Litharge, II. 382. Lithologic method of M. Daubenton, I. 201. Lixiviation, ; - - I. 131- Loadftone, - II. 401. Lully, Raymond, r - I. 25* M Magnefia, - I. 272. & 320, Manganefe, - II. 247. Marble, T I. SJ2- Mars, . - II. 397- Maflicot, - II. 384- Mercury, - II. 3OIt tin&ure of, - II. 342- Metallic fubftances in general, II. 15 6. — — chemical properties of, r II. I71* methodical divifion of, II. 184. natural hiftory of, - II. 161. phyfical properties of, - II. 157- Metallurgy, - - II. 168. Milk, III. 173- Mineralogy, what. I. 185. Mineral waters, definition and hiftory of, - III. 361- different claffes of, III. 366. fa£litious, III. 407* - — — — principles contained in, - III. 3^3? ) io2 INDEX. VOL. Pa 6. Minium, II. 391' Modern chemiftry, difcourfe on its firfb principles, III. 4°y* Molybdena, 1. 1 20C*. Muriate, aluminous, II. 39- ammoniacal, I. 466. — barytic. II. 5°* calcareous. I. 492. of copper, II. 491. magnefian. r - II. 10. of potafh. I. 425- of foda, I. 428. Mult, III. 273- N Nickel, - II. 232. Nitrate, aluminous, - II. 39- ammoniacal, - I. 464. barytic, - II. 49. ■ calcareous, - I. 488. cubic, - I. 422. magnefian, - - II. 7- *- of foda, - I. 422. of zinc, - II. 292. Nitre or nitrate of potafh, _ I. 408. or nitrite of potafh. - I. 411. quadrangular, „ I. 422. rhomboidalj - I. 422. Nutrition, - III. 349- 0 / Oils, fixed, — L in. 19. volatile, m •» - white, - II. 328. Prieftley, Dr, his dii'covery concerning the aCtion of the eleCtric fpark on ammoniac gas, I. 337- difcoveries concerning air, I. 32- procefs for making acidulated water. - I. 345- Principles of bodies, I. 73- Pruffian blue, - . - - II. 427- native, - - *» II. 405. Pyrites, martial, •) - II. 402, Quadrupeds, Briflbn’s method of III. 3*7 Klein’s method of III. 3X5- ■ — oviparous - - III. 321. R RarefaCtion, - I. 98. Re-agents, examination of mineral waters by - III. 374- Rectification, - - - I. 129. Reduction, - I. 125. Refin, lac, - - III. 289. Refins, - - < - III. 47- - gum, III. 5 2- Refpiration, - III. 343- Roalting, T - - I. 125. i°4 I N D E X. Vol. Fao. Roficrucians, I. 28- Rouelles, advocates for Stahl’s theory I. 31* S Saccharine matter. III. 12. Saffron, aperient, of Mars, II. 414. aflringent, of Mars, - II. 414. Sal de Duobus, - - I. 397- Saliva, - III. 202. Saline matters, general nature and compofition of I. 3llj divifion and arrangement of - I. 3X3- Saline fubflanees in general, - - I. 3°o. Salino-terrene fubflanees, - I. 3*5- Salt, common or culinary, - - - I. 428.- febrifuge, of Selvius, I. 425. polychrefl, - - I. 397* regenerated marine. - I. 425. — fedative, - - I. 388. • fpirit of - - I. 352, fublimated fedative. - I. 389- Salts, aqueous fufion of I. 404. igneous fufion of r - I. 404. mineral, comparifon of II. 54. neutral, - - I. 393- perfedl neutral. L 3°4- 397* fecondary, - -- I. 393- * flanno-nitrous, - - - II. 359* Saturn, - - II. 374- Secretion, - III. 342- Sel de Gabelle, - - I. 429. Senfibility, - - III. 356* Serpents, - III. 323- Siliceous earth, its properties, I. l19- considered as a genus in Bergman’s chemical analyfis of earths and Hones, - I. 277. Silk, - III. 288. Silk-worms, - III. 288. Silver, - - II. 501. t INDEX . Fol. Pag* Soda, “ I. 333- Solubility, a chara&criftic of falts. I. 308. Solution of falts, account of II. 81. Spar, fluor, - I. 497* — ponderous, - - II. 43* Spiritus rector, - III. 38. Stratification, • I. 126. Sublimate, corrofive, - rr. 328. fweet, - 11. 338- Sublimation, - 1. 127. Sulphate, aluminous, - 11. 25* ammoniacal, - 1. 461. barytic, - n. 43* of copper, - 11. 488. of lime, - 1. 480. of magnefia, - 11. 2. of potalh, 1. 397- of foda, 1. 403* Sulphite of potalh, 1. 402. of foda, - 1. 408. Sulphur, - ir. 125. fuccinated balfam of 11. 579* Sulphure of lead - 11. 392* Syderite, - 11. 409. T Tartar ftibiated, - II. <549. vitriolated, I. 397* Tafte, confidered as a chara&eriftic of falts, 1. 3°3* Tendency to combination, confidered as a charac- teriftic property of falts, 1. 302. Tin, - 11. 349- of Banca and Malacca, 11. 354* Englilh, - - . - 11. 354* Tortoife, ' hi. 280. Tungllen, - 11. 207. True analyfis, what. - - 1. 3- Vol. III. > 3 H INDEX. Vo L. Pag. Urine, - - _ - III. 210. V Valentinus, Bafilius, I. 2 6. Vegetable colouring matters. . m. 75- Vegetables, effential falts of. ii. 617. fixed falts and earths of. T III. 96. — natural philofophy of, II. 602. pure fascula of. HI. 61, putrid fermentation of. - III. 151, Viper, - - III. 280. Vitrification, - I. 125. Vitriol, fuming oil of, -I. 386. Volcanic products, I. 233> W W ater, - - • , I. 151. — acidulated, * - I. 344. & III. 368. aerated, - - - I. 344- chemical properties of. - I. 162, ferruginous, III. 371* mercurial. II. 32 3- phyfical properties of, - I. 132. faline or fait - HI. 369* Wax III. 286. Wheat, farina of, - III. 67. glutinous part of, III. 69. — fttarch of - - III. 72. White of the whale. III. 272. Wood-lice, - - III. 284. Z Zinc, - II. 279. : vitreous ore, or fpar of. II. 281. Zoology, - III. 311, FINIS. NAMES NlWLt !*»*** ANCIENT NAME*- — ’ — tr~ EXHIBITING THE C H E M Trops'lcd by Meflieurs De MORVEAU, LAVOISIER* BER THF. SA!in SUBSTANCES REDUCED 0 T Mi STATE OF GAS BY THE addition of caloric. NVtN* ANCIENT NAMES. J^.tsnt le.lt, »r n of beat Tie bs/< 'f J H,d,nE™c. Spiff. w, »** &*/m£z principle of th^ ni- J.r' Oxigenou«j 3i'« lion li OX : gazeouslls .1 Hydrogcr.o Azotic gas. if tli| Carbone, tr the radi- cal principle of the carbonic acid. I Sulphur, cr the i ndical principle of rhe ful- jhuric acid. ft hue mephitis. Phofphore, dicalprihcipleci ihc phofj horic acid ra- — — ICAL NO MEN THOLLET, and De FOURCROY, C L A T May 1787. U R E i N B It Defi/'lezi/liedlrd or e3it.1l light con- air. ' reduc- Pblogif dated air, 01 mcjfteric mepbili. .Radical principle the fluoric acid Radical principle -oi the fuccinic acidfj Radical llic ai of — -- of — Radical principle the tartarcousa adical princip the pyr-Urtar< n acid. Radical principle ical pm le oxalic acidi Radical principle the galli Radical principle ilic citric .-cid. Radical princip! the malic acid. Radical princip' 1 he benzoic acif Radical principlcol lie ly.o-lignVousat Radical principle the pyro-mucotii a- cid. Radical principle the camphoric i Radical principle the lad! ic acid.. Radicalprincipleuf hi facclio-laclic acii Radical principle the formic acid. Radical principle the Pruflic acid. of ■ of ■ of the lilhic acid. Radical princip) the bombic aci Molybdena. TungQen. Mangrmfc. Rrgului of mangantfe. Regqtue le. Lemon juie, a4. till of affh 1 . Flowers ofh n Spirit of wet I. Spirit of Let y, fuga, y IciJ of raili. Acid effugat Acid of ante. Colauringmal trefPruf- ftan Hue. A tid of grejj r. Stone in tie Acid of the ft, cfarferu Calx of mcly . Yelhrjj calx tunjfhn. Manganfe. III. THE SAME SUBSTANCES COMBINED WITH OX1GENE. ,Vl THE SAME SUBSTANCES IN AN _ox'- GENaTED gazeous si ai e. NAMES NEWLY INVEN ANCIENT ItAMEf. NAMES NEWLY INVEN- ANC,ENT NAMES. TED OR ADOPTED. - 1 Water. Water. - The bafe of nitrous gas. With an tx.-efs of azote. Nitrous acid Carbonic acid. The bafe of ni White nitrous Burning nitron Fixed air, or rout gas. acid. acid. sjitrous gas. — Nitrous acid gas. Carbonic acid gas. Fixed air, meplitu air. Sulphuric acid. Vitriolic atid. With lefs exigent. Sulphureous acid. Sulpbuncus c id. Sulphureous acid gas. Sulphureous acid gas. Phofphoric acid. Pbofpboric J. - ~ With <1 fir.aller proper- Phofpliorou* acid. Muriatic acid. With an extefs of oxi- Fuming or vc, lvfarine acid. Ipefbof- Muriatic acid gas. Marine acid gas. Oxigcnated muriatic Boracic acid. Depllegijlicet add. Sedative fall. d marine Oxigena'cd muriatic DepbtogificatiJ marine acid gas. acid gat. Fluoric acid. Acid of ffar. Fluoric acid gas. Spalbtfc gas. Succinic acid. Volatile fall f amber. - - - Acetous acid. Diflilled vintg)ir. With mere exigent. Acetic jacirl. TarUreous acid. Radical vine - Pyro-tirtareous acid. Ewpyreumat t [pint of THESE OXIGENATED SUBSTANCES NEUTRALISED BY THE ADDI- TION OF BASES. NAMES NEWLY iNvcte. ANCI£:1T NAMES. ED OR ADOPTtD. Nitrate of potafli- of foda, & Nitrite of potafli. THE SAME PRIMARY SUBSTANCES COMBINED WITH OTHER SUBSTAN- CES, BUT NOT ACIDIFIED. r of lime. ,H‘ ) of potafli e £ of iron, fof potafi. of fuda. | of lime. CLali. dec. Effervefcent alkalies. Rufi of iron, tfc. Vitriolated tartar. Glauber fall. Selenite. | of bar) 1“ (_of iron, ' Sulphite of potafli, White ~) Magiflsry efiif wlb, or /oxide of writ, pail' j Yel'ow fbirmuih. Y.Ho, y » "'4 Vitreous ) Glaf, of bifmutb by the nitrous Pinpbcretic antimony. by the muria- Powder of / llgarctli , e _ tic aciil 1‘ . fubhmated. Slower. IS Alum Ponderous fper 6cc. Vitriol of 'iron, &C. Stall',, fulpbu, rieipbcric fall will 0 b.f, of no, rum. Eat lb of bene,. Haupt's ftl per latum. Phofphate of foda. Calcareous phofph Superfaturated phi f- pha-c of foda. Phofphitcof potafli Muriate of potafh Muriate of 10 Caicarcouj muriatt AmmoniacM ntun Oxigenated muriatt of foda, &c. Borate fnperfarurtf cd Common borax. with foda, or borate. Boratcof foda, SiC.Jcda fjturate.l with tie el id. fluate of lime, &c Succinate of fuda, of potafh Aceti 'of copper Acetate of foda, &< , Acidulous tartarittfO potafli. Tartarite of potaflijX Tartaritc of I'oda 4ec Pyro-tartarite of lime Pyro tartaritc of idon. -See. Acidulous oxalatej of Salt of Sorrel. potafli. Oxalate of lime. of foda, S&. Gallarc of foda. — of magnefii, of iron, Citrate of potafli. Febrifuge fait of Sylvius Marine fait. Se.z. Calcareous marine fait. Sal ammoniac. Fluor ffar. Terra foliata tartar i. Mineral terra foliata. Calcareous acetous fait. Spirit of Mender eras. Sntcharumf. turns. Verdigris. Cream of tartar. Vegetable fait. Salt of Seignette. NC1ENT NAMES. Carbure of iron. of iron . FaSitieus iron pyrile, Sulphure > of antimony. Antimony. 3 of lead. Galena Sulph.hydrogenousgas Hepatic gas. Sulphure of potalh. ? A,lallnt ffulpbur. Sulphure of foda. $ Alkaline fulphures with Metallic liver, of ful- meta's fufpendetl ill pbur. them. Alkaline fulphure with liver of fulpbur with csrlibuacrou- matters carbonaceous matters fufpended in it. fufpended in it. Phofphorifed hydro- Pbofpboric gas. geuous gar. Phofphure of iron. Sydcrite. Terra foliata with le- ft p< of lead, &evt Malate of lime, dt^. — — Aluminous heuzoxfe., — — Benzoate "f iron. &c. I’yro-lignite of lime. — — P > ro- ligm te of zinc, &c. Pyro muciteof rragnefia. — Ammoniacal, &c.pyro- Camphorate of foda, — — &c. La&ate of lime, dec. — — Saccho-ladlate of iron, — — dee. Ammon ideal, dec. for- Spirit of magnanimity. Prulhate of potafh, &c. PJIogiflicated allali, or Prufftan alkali. Prufliate of iron , &c. Prufftan blue. Sebaic of lime, 3cS — — Lirhiate of foda, !jtc. — — Bnmbiatc of ii l, dec. - OXIDES WITH VARIOUS BASES*. Yellow ^ Arfenical oxidrof potafli Sulphure of molybdena Orpiment. Realgar. . Liver of arfcnic. Molybdena. A'-feniatc of poi Arfeniate of co Molylidate. Calcareous tunl Precipitates of cobalt a- guin diffUved by at- Bifmutb precipitated by Ever off.hbur. Sulphurated G'rd C"U if antimony . oxide of Rcrsnes mineral. IC. Masquer's arfenical nr. trat fait. Swedifo lungflen. 'cd jr-o-he-. xvh eli e Alloy of arfenic and Arfenicated tin. Alloy, dec. ■ — — Alloy, &c. — — Alloy of manganefe — — Alloy of liiclclc, dec. — — Alloy, dec. — — Alloy, dee. — Alloy, dec. — Alloy, dec. — Alloy, dec. — Alloy, dec. — Alloy or amalgam of, — Sic. Alloy, dec. — Alluyofplatina degold. — Des0M|KA"10»s newly ap, ropriated to leveral SublVances, which are more componnd m their Nature, yet enter into new C~ without bong tlecompofeU.' 3 4 I 5' “ 12 71 ” 1; 1 6 Effentiol oil. Spirita rcSor. 9 - IO **' 12 Extra drive rrA'ter. Ex fra ft 0- fin whir h the rcGtu us J c -"-ct vc mitt,, / 1 ‘r 5 ' '' (. dumniatc- Rcfinous- T in which thr :sr adivcS refi pre- matter 3 dominate-. feculum. ExtruSive asm. § Ferula,, 'le-hol ctr r rofp.tafl,. of puaia- hul { • f fcam- | of myrrh, L c l alcohol Muriatic j >" if tr % Alkaline^ Fatthy / , . Aci! f'- M tallicj Sa, nnuli of turpen- tine. dec. - Table II. Without teeth QUADRUPEDS, With teeth. Quadrupeds, divided according to the Syjlem of B r i s s o n. Orders. With grinders only — Grinder and canine teeth only — Incifive teeth in the lower jaw only — < I. II. III. IV. V. Incifive teeth in both jaws. Ungulated feet Ungulated feet, and two incifive teeth in each jaw. Four incifive teeth in each jaw. Four incifive teeth in the upper, fix in the lower fVI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. eth "I and i- jaw. J Six incifive teeth in the upper, and four XV. in the lower jaw. J Six incifive teeth in each jaw. Six incifive teeth the upper, ande in the lower jaw Ten incifive teeth in') the upper, and in the lower ‘ ;eth in') d eight y jaw. J :eeth in~j id eight W jaw. J SECTIONS. XIV. t - - f Hairy /kin — _ \ Scaly f Hairy /kin — _ \ Bony covering or flictl J Two long tulles and a trunk genera. — Ant-eater — - Manis . — Sloth — Armadillo — EJfeph nt f Ruminant, with -j cloven feet ; eight (_ incifive teeth. [Two long tuflcs, no trunk Ruminant, ungulated ; fix incifive teeth — f Turned f Fore legs longer than hinder legs Simple J upwards. The legs of equal lengths — horns, j Turned back — — L Turned Tideways — — — Branched horns — — No horns — — - ___ The hoof entire The hoof cloven — Three ungulated toes on each foot Four ungulated toes before, three Four ungulated toes on each foot 'Spines on the body behind, /Two incifive teeth in each jaw - (_ ien incifive teeth in each jaw Without canine teeth < Without fpines. < With canine teeth ► XIII. — Camel ipardalis Goat Sheep Ox . Stag Muilt Horfe Hog Rhino River jHog . Tapir I . . River Horle Porcupine Beavet . . Hare . . Coney) . . Squirrel Dormpufe . Rat "Tail flat and fcaly — — Short tail ( T°"g - ^ Snort ears — — Lo"g tail{^nd - _ - _ Naked tail — — "Without fpines on the body — Shrew With fpines — — — Hedge Hog "Separate toes — — Monkuy Toes joined by a membrane fo as to form wings J" Separate toes — — Maucqi (.The fore toe joined fo as to form wings — - Bat XVI. XVII. Four toes on the fore, and five on the hinder feet Five toes on the fore, and four on the hinder feet — The toes feparate fro ml Five toes on each f Fir ft toe remote from the other eaph other. ) foot, ^Firft toe near the other — Feet which reft on the heel in walking — Hooked claws which may be drawn back and concealed _The toe$ joined together by a membrane — — — XVIII — Seal Fly asm — Dog — Weezql Badge — Bear _ — Cat — Otter Mole Oppflim Moufe . Mynvecopkaga. Pholidot'us. . Tardigradut. Cataphralrus. . Eiephas . 0 dob eft us. . Camclus. Girajfa. . Hircus. /dries. . Bos. Cervus. . Tragutus. Equus. . Sus. Rhinoceros. . Hydrochcerus. Tapir us. . Hippopotamus. Hy/irix. . Cajior. Lepus. . Cunictdus. Sciunts. . G/is. Mus. . Mufaraneus • Erinaceus . . Sincia. „ Pteropus. . Projimia. VefpertiUp « Phoca. Hyana. Canis. MuJU'la. Metes. Urftis. Felis. Lutra. To /pa. Philander. Table III. The Ornithologsc Syjlcm of Be T S S 0 N. 9 R D E R S. sections. Either CLOVES-FOOTED ; that is, they have the toes naked, and apart from each other : If The legs fea- thered as low as the calca- i neum, or bonel which fullains the toes. Four toes all feparate from each other, quite to their bafe. BIRDS/ ARE \ r The lower part of the legs without feathers. Three toes before, and one behind. — — 1 he beak ftrait; the upper man- ~ dible thickened, and (omc- wliat curved at the point ; the nollrils half-covered with a thick foft membrane. It confifts of one genus only. genera. It confifts of fix genera. 1. The head ornamented with appendices, 2. No appendices on the bead, jjj F The beak Ihort arid crooked. J (. It couGfts of five genera. 'IV. f The beak long and conical. (. It confifts of fix genera. {The beak ftrait ; the upper mandible grooved on each J fide towards the point. It | confifts of four genera. f The beak ftrait, and the man- 1 v j dibles not grooved. It con- j P fifts of two genera. ' VII. f The beak (lender, and rather ] I bent. Itconfiftsoftwogenera. J {The beak very (mail, flattened'' horizontally at its bafe, and bent at the point ; the open- ing of the mouth appears larger than the head. It conGfts of two genera. {The beak conical, and gra- dually diminifhing to the point. It confifts of eight " genera. y f The beak awl-fhaped. It con- 'll fifts of three genera. f The beak wedge-fliaped. It p confifts of one genus only. XII f The ^’T°rm* I1 confifts P of three genera. Two toes before, and two behind. — — XIII. Confiding of nine genera. — The mid le toe united with the exterior for the fpace of three pirn*”) lange , and with the interior for the fpace of one phalanx ; four L three before, one behind. J XIV. ■ feven genera. — < Wings too fmall for flight, — — — — XV. . four genera. — < Wings enough foi >rj,ght. Three toes only, all before. — — — ■ four gener3. — < i Three toes before, and one behind. — XVII. • eighteen genera. The membranes of the feet divided. Four toes ; three before and one behind, which 1 arc divided, and have membranous cdge8. I The membranes partly divided; the toes Joined together near their bafe; the lees placed 1 behind near the amis. b v L Th«il,g. Placed ftiw0”’ b? ’ > »° 1 behind near theJ J 1 Three toes before, connefled by a membrane : one 1 P. feparate toe behind. J. Without a pofterior toe. WEB-FOOTED ; I that is, they havc< I the toes furnilhed I with membranes. The membranes entire. The legs placed n the middle of the body, and-5 fliorter than it, The three ante- rior toes con- nefted by a* membrane. A fourth toe behind, ft- parate from the others. ("Indented beak. Beak not indented. The four toes connefted by a membrane. _ The legs longer than the body. _ __ XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. ■ three genera. - one genus. - - three genera. - three genera. - one genus. - fix genera. - three genera. - five genera. - three genera. • - ( - - { :in. 1. The bafe of the beak covered with a naked (kin, 2. The bafe of the beak covered with feathers turned ") forwards. - - J 1. The feathers on the bife of the beak turned for- ward, and covering the noftrils. 2. The feathers at the bafe of the beak turned back- ward ; the noftrils uncovered. - ■” 1. The beak convex above. — — 2. The beak flattened horizontally towards the bafe, and nearly triangular. - - - igeon - - Colamia. Turkey - - Gallo Pavo. iuck and Hen • Galltn. guinea Hen - Meleagris. irrous - Lagoput. cartridge - - Pcrdix. jheafant - Phafianus. Hawk - - - Accipiter. Eagle - - • Aquila. fulture - - Vultur. M - - • (Ajio. P Strix. Chough Coracia. Crow - - - Corvus. Magpie - Pica. Roller - - - Galgulus. Driolc - - - iRcrut. iird of Paradife Manucodiata. ■ The two mandibles ftiait. . The two mandibles c , The noftrils uncovered. , The noftrils covered of the beak. o fling each other. Butcher Bird Lanius. Thrufli - - Turd us. Chatterer - Colinga. rly-catchcr - Mufcicapa. 3eef eater - - Buphagus. Starling - - Slur nus. doopoe - - - Upupa. Proroerops Provierops. Doat-fucker - Caprimulgut. Swallow - Hirundo. Tanager - Tangara. Soldlinch — Carduelis. jparroiv - - Pa ffer. Crofbcnlc - Coccothraujiei Bunting - - - Jitnberiza. Coly - - Colitis. Bullfinch - Pyrrhtda. - { Crofsbill - - Lark - ■ Beccafico - ay the feathers at the bafe ") f ut-moufe - — — * Nuthatch - . The beak curved. — — — f Crecpi , The beak flattened horizontally, and a little en- -! larged at the point; the feet very (hort. - [ Humming Bird The tongue very long and vermiform, but not f Wryneck longer than the brill I Woorl-pcckcr , The beak very long, Iquadrangular, and pointed. - |acamar - , The beak fomewhai curved, convex at its upper f Barbet - - part, and flattened laterally. - - - Cuckow - {Curucui - Ani' Parrot - - . The beak long, and ap thick as the head, indent- ed like a faw ; tile point of each mandible l Toucan * turned downwards! - - - - J . The beak (hort, and flattened laterally near the f . - _ . . point. - - I - - - I Manakin - . The beak conical, and indented like a faw; the" end of each mandib e bent downwards. The beak ftrait, and of a moderate length. — , b l lody harp. — — - Bee-eater - - orrned like a feyth. — - Hornbill : belling ; the beak ftrait, orizontally, and curved at ^ Oftrich loxia. • - Alauda. - Ficedula. - Purus. Sill a. Certhia. f Poly tutus. { Mellifuga. TorquiUa. - Picus. Ga/bula. - Bucco. Cue ulus. - Trogr.n. Crotophagus. - PJiltacus. Rupicola. Manactit. Motmot --- Momohu. The beak curved and The beak thick, and Two toes before, non fomewhat flattened the point; the upper part of the head bald & fealy. Three toes before, nope behind. f King’s-fifher - l r ■ ■t.-j at l ( y-j Cafuary Three toes before, onjj behind; the beak long and ^ ^ - Bulhrd {Long-Legs • Oyller-catclu Plover f Lapwing - P Jacana The beak a little turned up, and fomewhat- flat- 1 tened horizontally. - - - - ) Turndone - "live, and flattened laterally. - Pratincole uncccncd laterally. - - Hail - - {Sandpiper Woodcb i iic ocas curved in an arc downwards. The beak llrait, flattened horizontally, arid d at its extremity like a fpatula. Ilrong ; both mandibles hooked at the point. . The beak conical and curve I. — — . The beak ftrait, and thickcft at the point. - . The beak ftrait, and thickcft near the point. - 3. The beak convex abriv 4. The beak ftrait, and 5. The beak ftrait and (lender. 6. 7- roodcbck ■ jjfurlew Ifpida. ■ Todus. Apiajlcr. ■ Hydrocorax. Struthib. ■ Rhea. Cajitarius. ■ Raphus. Otis. ■ Himantopus. Oflrakga. ■ Ptuvialis. VancHus. < - Jacana. Arenaria. 1 - tVarrrJa. _ Ra/lus. - Tringa. Liniofa. - Scold pax. | N tun cuius. \ 8. The beak long and thick. 9. The beak (hort and thick, the upper mandible the form of a fpoon. . IC. The beak (hort and ftrait, conical at the point ; the head adorned with a crown of feathers. 1 1. The beak conical and curved. The beak conical, flattened at the (ides, and the T" fore part of the head without feathers. - f 1 of tilt tots fimple, the be,), gr„-, ■ . The membrai and acute. , The membranes of the toes jagged. , The beak ftrait and acute. — _ , The beak flattened at the fidcs, with tranfvcrfe ftrix. - - , The beak ftrait, the extremity of the upper mai dij'le bent. . The beak ftrait and acute. — -} 1. The beak bent near it* point. - [ {jpoonbill - Platea. Jijtork - - - Ciconia. Heron - - - Ardea. Wmbre - - Scopus. Boat-bill - Ccchlearius. Grown B i rd - Balectrica. Cariaraa - ' - -o Cariama. Screamer - - Anlima. ffiallinule Porphyrio. Water Hen - GoUinula. Phalarope - Phalaroptis. (Coot - Fulica. (Grebe - - Coly ml us. (Guillemot - - Uria . Pullin - ' Fratercula. Auk * - -v Alca. Pinguin - - Spbenifcus. Catarrades. Diver - - JUergur. Albatrofs - - Albatrus. hcarwater - Puffinus. , The beak flattened at the (ides. . The beak rather cylindrical ; the extremity of the upper mandible bent. - - r The beak convex on >ts upper part, and flat be- - neatli. - )uck , The beak acute. — — -J . ?”'•%- j - - L- T°P,C Bird - , ,tft . p looby - - The beak hooked at tne point. — J Cormorant - U Mican . The beak indented, curved in the middle, and") j. ihe inferior mandiblglargcft. - _ j ilammgo - fAvofct - P Courier - - ’etrel - - - \ riSkic Bird - lull - - - Razorbill - - lerganfer - r fcoofe - - - . The beak not indcntedJ _ Procellaria.% - Stercorarius. Larut. RygchopfiHa. - Merganfcr. .Anhinga. ■ Lepturus. Sida. Ph.ilacrocorax. Onocrocalut. ■ Phxnicopterus. Avoatta. ■ Corrira. % Table IV. OVIPAROUS QUADRUPEDS. The jDlvifiou of Oviparous Quadrupeds, by Daubenton. CLASS I. The bo, Tofl tys0EreJ "1Ch a n^1'- } Courlftil.g Of IS fpecie. Genus I. Lizards 1 which have the body fomewhat tubercu- ? Confifting of 8 fpecies. lated, and the tail I flat. J Genus II. Lizards i . which have the tail ? Confifting of 12 fpecies. verticillated. J CLASS II. Thebofly naked, with a tail. Genus III. Lizards 1 which have the tail round, fcaly, and ? Confifting of 5 fpecies. fhorter than the | body. J Genus IV. Lizards which have the tail I round, fcaly, and f Confifting of 1 7 fpecies. longer than the bo- I dy. j Genus V. Lizards'! which have four | j ... toes on the fore- j> Confifting of 5 fpecies. feet, and the body | fmooth. J Genus VI. -Winged ? xhe Dragon. Lizards. 3 r Genus I. Toads the body round, I Ctjnfift;ng 0f ,4 fpeeics. CLASS III. The body naked, without a tail. and tuberculated, [ the legs fhort. Genus II. Frogs 1 I .vhich have the > CdnCfting of 1 1 fpecies. J body long: Genus III. Frogs , which have the toes terminating in a broad flat fur- . face. J nfifting of 9 fpecies- Table V. A Syftematic Table of Oviparous Quadrupeds, by M. de la Cepede; class i. Oviparous Quadrupeds, < having a tail. Genus I. Tortoises. The body covered with a flicll. Genus II. Lizards; I. The toes are very unequal, "I and a flu me, towards the . extremities, the form of confifts °f 6 lPecies- fins. J II. The toes very Ihort, and 1 Ti rn c , , ' > It confifts of 1 8 fpecies. nearly equal. J I. The tail flat, and five toes 1 _ me r , f . J- It confifts of 1 1 fpecies. on the fore-fCct. J 1 II. The tail round, five toes") on each foot, and feales I riling on the back in ?I« confilts of s fpecies. the form of a creft. J III. The tail round, five toes on the fore -feet, and fcaly ftripes running a- p*1 confifts of 7 fpecies. crofs the belly. IV. The tail round, and five toes on the fore- feet, but no fcaly ftripes un- Confifts of 21 fpecies; der the belly. Thcbodynot coveredwith afhell. V. The under part of the toes"] covered with feales, rif- 1 ing one over another, like flates on the roof of a houfe. >It confifts of 3 fpecies. VI. Three toes oh both the ’ fore and the hinder feet. . It confifts of 2 fpecies. VII. Membranes, of the form ' of wings. It confifts of 1 fpecies. VIII. Three or four toes on the' - fore-feet, and four or five toes on the hinder- feet. >It confifts of 6 fpecies. Genus I. Frogs. The head and body oblong, and I It confifts of 1 2 fpecies, either the one or the other f | CLASS II- Oviparous Quadrupeds, < without a tail. angular. Genus II. The body oblong, and balls of ( — 1 — — — — — — vifeid matter under the toes. J Genus III. The body bloated and round. . } It confifts of 7 fpecies. It confifts of 14 fpecies. TWO -TOOTED REPTILES. — a '.'wo fore-feet. It confifts of 1 fpecies. i'wo hinder-feet It confifts of 1 fpecies. \ * ' .! ' tf \ Table VI. The Divifon of Serpents , by Daubenton. SERPENTS. Genus I. Rattle - fnakes ; ot fuch as have a Rattle ^ at the extremity of the tail. > It confifts of four fpecies. Grotalus, Limuei. J Genus II. Serpents which have large feales (Scuta) beO ncath the body and tail ; without a Rattle. > It confifts of ten fpecies. Boa, Linn. 3 Genus III. Serpents which have large feales (Scuta) be-'} ncath the body, and fmall feales (Squamx)f T r„ r . . , beneath the tail. 7 Q confifts of ninety-fix fpecies. , Coluber, Linn. J Genus IV. Serpents which have fmall feales beneath the body and tail. Anguis, Linn. It confifts of thirteen fpecies. Genus V. Serpents which have the body divided into annuli or rings. Amphilbxna, Linn. It confifts of two fpecies. Genus VI. Serpents which have the fkin naked fmooth.7 rn- r „ Cecilia, Linn. 1 Itconfiftsoftwofpcc.es. Table VII. ‘The Ichthyologic Syjlem of Gouan. Table VIII. ! The Entomologic Method of Geoff rot. S E C T O N S. A R T I C L E S. GENERA. II. . . . Hemypt half era, or infe£ls whofe nembranaceous. . . . upper \ zings are half cruftaceous, ” Cicada. Cime.yt. Nal/coris. Notonecla. Corixa. Hepa. PMla. Aphis. Chernies. _ Coccus. III. . . . Infctts vitli four farinaceous wings, . ' Papilie. Sphinx. Pterophorus. Phahtna. Jiineea. SECTIONS. articles. R S. GENERA. Sect. I. Coleoptera, or Infe£ls with cruf-< taceous fhells i ver their wings. , Either the II covers the and their f 1 is hard, and hole abdomen ; : have Either five articulations to all the feet, fuch as the- II Or, four articulations to all the feet, fuch as the . Or the (hell is hard, and covers f H. only part of the abdomen III. and their feet have ^ • - The Ihell is foft, and their feet have Platycerus. Ptilinus. Scarabeeus. Copris. Attelabus. Dermefes. Byrrhus. Anthrenus. Cifela. Pellis. Cucujttt. Elater. B up ref is. Bruch us. Lampyris. Cicindela. Onialyfus. Hydrophylus. Dyticus . _ Gyrinus. Melolontha . Prionus. Cerambix. Leptura. Stcnocorus. Lupertts. Cryptocephalus. Crioceris. Attica. Galeruca • Chryfomela. Milabris. Rhinotnaccr . Curculio. Bofrichus. Glerus. Anthribus. Scolytus. Crfda. -.Anafpis. Coccine/la . Tritoma. Diaperis. Pyrochroa. Cantharis. Tenebrio. Mor della. Notoxus. l Cerocoma. . Either five articulations to all the feet, Staphylinus. . Or four articulations to all the feet, Necydalis. . Or three articulations to all the feet, Forfcula. . Or five articulations to the two firfl pair of feet, 1 . » . and four to the latter, ... - J e oe' . Either five articulations to the two firfl pair of feet, 1 and four only to the latter, J a a- . Or two articulations to all the feet, Trips. . Or three articulations to all the f^et, ^Aerydium Or four articulations to all the feet, ......... Locuf a. Or five articulations to all the feet, Mantes . , Infe&s with four naked membranaceous wings. . Three articulations to the feet . Four articulations to the feet . III. . . Five articulations to the feet . f LibcUula. ' l Per/a. . . Ruphidia. ' Ephemera. Phryganea. Heme/abius. Formicaleo. Panorpa. Crabro. Urocerus. . .J Tenthredo. Cynips. Diplotepis. Eulophus. Ichneumon. Vefpa. Apis. Formica. . Or, three articulations to all the feet, fuch as . . Or, five articulations in the two jfirft pair of feet, and four only in the hinder pair, fuch as . . . . V Infefls .with two wings. : i Oefrus. Tabanus. Aflus. Stratiomys. Mufca. Stomoxys. V olucetla. Nemo/elus. Scntopjr. Hyppobofca. Tipu/a. Bibio. Cu/ex. VI Infe£ls without wings, Pediculus. Podura. Ftrbicina. Pu/ex. Ghelifer. Arams. Pbalangium. Aranea. Monoculus. Binoculns. Cancer. Oni/cus.. Afctlus. Scolopendra. lulus. Table IX. A methodical Dlvl/toii of Wont WORMS Se&ion I. Naked Worms. Order I. With uuivalvc Ihells. Se£lion II. Covered Worms. Order II. With bivalve Ihells. GENUS. f i . Gordius. {2. Lumbricus. 3. Afcarides. 4. Sanguifuga. 5. Liniax. 6. fflsenia. f 1. Patella. 2. Haliotis. 3. Tubulus. 4. Nautilus. 5. Cochlea. 6. Ncrites. 7. Trochus. 8. Cilindrus. 9. Voluta. 10. Slrombis. n. Buccinum. 12. Murex. 13. Purpura. 14. Porcellana. 15. Globus. f 1. Oftrea. 2. Chama. 3. Concha cordis. 4. Peften. . 5. Mytulus. I 6. Solen. Order III. With 1 Seftion III. Cruftaceous Worms. — ! f 1. Pholas. polyvalvc Ihells. i 2‘ Balanus. 3. Concha Anatifera. I 4. Chiton. f 1. Afterias. — i 2. Echinus. Seftion IV. Polypi. Order I. Naked polypi. S x* Hy** Order II. Polypi, or lig Order IIR Polypi cells. Order TV. Polypi fpong ^ 2. Urtica Marina. in corneous C 1. Lithophyton. leous cells. £ 2. Corallina. n cretaceous r 1. Corallium. r 1. Coralliun £ 2. Madrepo in toft and f 't Fd“?' cells. 2. Spongia. I 3. Alcyonium. r, • t, / ■< ■ I I > f , \ ( I I I ’ * / ./' / / i \ I ■ ■ -