ars", Wealgast ai, P, : 1 . A “e larged G. his Herbal, 2730. "Folio. "Ferandus Imperatus, an Apotheca- ry of Naples, writ much of natural things, 1599. Folvo. India Occidentalis Hif. The Wef- Indian Hiftory, in ro Parts, 1599- Indie Orientalis Hift. The Ea/- Indian Hiftory. Dionyfius Fonquettus, a Phyfician of Paris, writ Hortum frve Indice Onomafticum Plant. 1659. Quarto. Fob. Fonftonii Dendrologia. Folio. “Yobn Fofceline his New-England’s Rarities. Andreas Lacuna, he commented on Diof. 1552. Folio. Sob. de Lact Hift. Ind. Occidentalis. Folia. Leonard Laurembergius writ Dz Plantis Tuberofis, Bulbofis G de Torti cultura, with Icons. 4f0. Lemncus. ' Sob. Hugo Linfchottus, he writ Indi@ Or. Hift. and afterwards add- ed an Itinerary thereto. Matthias de Lobel writ Hiftoria Plant. with Icons, 1576. Folia. Lebel’s Stirpium Iluftrationes, by Guil, How, 1655. Quarto. Lobel’s Stirpium Obfervationes, the which was joined to his Adverfaria, 1576. After that, he fet forth Hi. Plant. feu Stirpium Belgie, contain- ing 2116 Icons ; printed afterwards in a longith form, with the Latin Names. Adam. Lonicerus writ Herbarium Plant. Germanicum, 1582. Icons 833. Folio. Fob. Lofélius writ Catalogns Plant. Rariorum in Boruffia [ponte nafcentium, 1654. Quarto. Hiftoria Generalis Plant. Lugdunen- fiss Tet out by Fobn Molineus, con- taining all before it, 1587 Icons 2686. but about 4co two or three times repeated. Amatus Lufitanus, a Phyfician, whofe Comments on Diof. came out 1558. Quarto. Petius Magnol, M. D. of Montpel- lier, writ Botanic: Monfp. Lugduni, 1676. Oavo. Marcellus Malphigius, who hath writ moft fagacioufly on the Anato- my of Plants. Folic. Georg. Maregravius recorded the Natural Hiftory of Brafl, put out by Pie. Frederici Martii Itinerarium Spite- bergicum, 1675. with Icons, Quarto. Petrus Andreas Matthiolus, an Ita- lian, who fet forth large Commen- taries oe Toone taries on Djof. with very fair and large Icons, 1568. Icons 957. Folio. Chriftianus Mentzelius, Ms D. writ Index Nominum Plant. Multilinguis, 1682. Folio. Chrif. Merrit, M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and College of Phyficians, London, his Pinax rerum naturalium Britannicarum, 1667. 8vo- Monardus. Ovidius Montalbanus writ Hort. Bo- zonographum, Binone 1676. Oétavo. Montanus. Robert Morifon, Phyfician, late Botanick Profeffor to Charles the Se- cond, King of Great-Britain ; he writ De Plantis Umbelliferis, printed at Oxon, 1672. and five Sections Plantarum Hifforia@ univerfalis Oxoni- enfis, 1680. Ic. 1394. Fol. the which was carried on by Facob Bo- bert, 1685. now Botanick Profeffor of Oxon, and Mafter of the Phy- fick-Garden there. 1687. R. Morifon, his Preludium Botani- cum, fou Hortus Regius Blafenfis, 1669. O&avo. In thefe his Works he re- duced many Plants into a far better method than any before him. Mufeum Regalis Societatis Londi- nenfis. Abraham Munting, M. D. and Botanick Profeffor of Groning. writ Ware affiningder Planten, 1672. Icons 54. Quarto ; and De vera Antiquo- yum Herba Britannica, © Aloidarum Hift. 1681. Icons 34. - Quarto. Nieremberg. Hift. Exot. Novelles Infiruttions pour connoiftre les bon fruits ; or, New Inftruétions whereby to Know good Fruits, ac- cording to the Months ; originally written by Father Feui/lent, and publithed by C. Cercy, at Paris, 1670. Offavo. : Ludovicus Oviedus, a Spanifh Ph. writ Medicamentorum Simplicium, 1595. Alfo another, Confaluis Ferdinandus Ovicdus, writ Indie Oc. Hif}. Generalem ; put out by Duretus. Bernardns Paludanus. Tho. Pancovius, a German Phyfici- an writ Herbarium Portatile, with many Icons, 1664. 4/0. ‘John Perkinfon, Apothecary and Herbarift to Charles 1. King of Great Britain, his Theatrum Botanicum, 1640, Icons 2786. Folio. ; “Sohn Perkinfon, his Paradifus Ter- refris 3 or, Garden of pleafant Flowers, 1629. Ic. 813. Fol. Simon Paulus, a Danith Phyfician, writ Quadripartitum Botan. 1667. Quarts, — re Phytologia Britannica, by Dr. How, 1650. 80. Guil. Pifo, a Phyfician of Amffer- dam, writ Hift. Naturalem Brafile, &c. 1648. and the Natural Hiftory of both Indies, 1658. Ie. 224. Filio. ( Caius Plinius, an Italian, who writ the Hiftory of the World, and died in the Year of Chrift, 70. Dr. ci Pict, his Natural Hif- tory of Oxford/bire, 1677. and Staf- fordppire, eae Kolin f ‘oh, Pona, an Apothecary of Ve- rona, Writ Catalogum Plant. in monte Baldo crefentium, annexed to Cluf.. Hiftory of rare Plants. Pugillus Plant. rariorum, annexed by Menzelius to his Index Nominum Plant. 1682. Ic. 46. Fol. Leonard Rauwolfius, M. D. a Ger=+ man, who writ Itinerarium Germanic. . 1582. Icons 42. 4fo. obn Ray, M, A. Fellow of the: Royal Society of London, a learn-- ed and very worthy Perfon, our: good Friend, a moft accurate Bota-- nift ; witnefs his Catalogus Plant. Anglia, 1678. Cat. Stirpium in Ex-- teris Regionibus, 1678. Methoduss Plant. nova, 1632. all in 8vo. andi laftly, his Hif?. Plant. taking in alll hitherto extant, with Additions,, without Icons, 1688, Fl. Fobn Rea, his Flora, 1676. Fol. Nardus Antonius Recchus, Phyfici-. an to the King of Spain, he digeft-. ed into a Volume Rerum Medicarumy Nove Hifpanie Thefaurum, &c. firtti compiled by Hernandez, 1648. Fold wherein are about 800 plants, and 600 Icons, but many of them very, imperfeétly, others not at all de~ {cribed. Paul Renealnus Blafenfis Specimen Tijt. Plant. 1611. Icons 434 Quarto. Guil. ten Rhine, a Dutch Phyfici- an, whofe rare Plants are fubjoina ed to Breyn. his firft Century. Roberti Icones, which is of the King’s Gardens at Paris. Folio. Fob. Robinus, Herbarift to Henry TV. King of France, he publifhec that King’s Garden, Anno 1608! Folio. ‘Mr. Rochefortius his Natural Hif! tory of the Antilles, or Caribbyy Ifands. Folio. Sobn Ruellius writ of the Nature of Plants, 1537. Folio. — SFulius Cafar Scaliger writ Com) mentaries on Theoph. his Hiffory of Plants, 1566. Ot?avo. Fob! Pe a ee! CU Qe tae Fie pg Schwenckfeldius writ Cata- hg. Stirpium ©@ Foffilium Silefia,\ rbor. Quarto. ninth Century, who writ a Brevia- “if ry of Simple Medicines, printed | 1497, Ge. Folio. Arnold Seyn, he commented on the firft Part of H 2. Reb. Sibaldus, M. D. his Prodro- mus Hift. Naturalis Scotia, 1684. with 16 Icons of Plants, Fol. Francif. Sterbeeck, his Citra Cultura, & Theatrum Fungorum, 1675- Quarto. Eman. Swertiushis Florilegia, 1647+ with good Icons. Folio. Facob. Theodorus Tabernamontanus, he fet forth Herbarium German. 1588. and 12 years after, 2087 Icons, wherewith G. his Herbal was printed. fob. Terrentii, his Notes upon p P eC. Fobn Thalius, a German Phyfician, who writ Sy/vam Hercyniam, the Catalogue of the Plants of Hercyze, and the places adjacent, 1584. 4f0. Theopbraftus Erefius, a Grecian, Arifiotle's Succeffor, 322 years be- fore Chrift, who, among other things, writ an Hiftory of Plants, printed by Badeus a Stapel, 1644. Folia, Andreas Thevetus, a French-man, who writ of Plants, 1557. Quarto. Heronymus Tragus writ Hift. Her- barum German. 1552. Ic. 567. Fel: Obferwationes de Ortu ac Vegetatione Plant, Fob. Baptift. Triumfctit. Dr. Turnefort, M. D. and Bota- nick Le€turer at the Reyal Garden ef Paris. g: Foli | Fob. Serapio, an Arabian, in the} Will. Turner, M. D. London, for forth a little Book with the Greek, Latin, Englifh, Dutch and Frencta Names, 1548. & 1551, his Her- bal, with Fuchfivs his Icons. ‘ Georgit Turre Hift. Plant. Yt treats only of the Faculty and Virtue of Plants, from Diofc. Theoph. and Gal, 1684. Fotto. to the King of France ; he writ Hortus Regius, 1665. Fotto. Fob. Veflingius, Anatomick and Rotanick Profeffor of Padua, writ Catalog. Plant. Hort Medici Patavinity in 12m0. Marcellus Virgitius, Secretary to the State of Florence ; he fet forth Diof. in Greek and Latin, with Commentaries. Sir George Wheeler, his Journey into Greece ; where, among many other curious things, he treats of fome rare Plants, 1682. Folio. Jobn Worlidge, Gent. his Treatife of Cyder, &c. Ofavo. Mufeum Faccbi Wormii. Folio. Jacob Zanonius, an Apothecary of Bononia, who writ in the Italian Tongue, SIferia Botanica di Facoms Zanoni, Ec. in Bologna, 1675. tc. 88. Folio. Barthol. Zornius, a famous Phy- fician of Berlin ; who enlarged and corrected Herbarium Portatile Pance- vianum, 1678. Quarto. Thefe, efpecially their Botanick parts, are all brought into this one Manual ; together with what is more new of our own, and communicated to us by ingenious and wor- thy perfons, whofe refpe€tive names thal be fubjoined to their Gifts, that Pofterity may know to whom they are obliged for the fame. € Antonius Valet, M. D. Phyfician a vi ae ee aa te r es Soar see ae a4 Sar eld eae tr, vis ea Pn ~ * y es alle it) < Pe eo ort : Ba eer 4 aE : ae ee et Se a en >REFACE HIS Herbal was begun by James Newton, M. D. about 1680, and the great Affiftances he received From Abroad, and at Home, from the ableft Bo- mifis of bis Time, and bis own great Abilities, Care, nd many Years Study and Expence, to render it the moft wrious and univerfal of its Kind then publifbed, may be. o well known to need any Enlargement. But confidering this Herbal might be the Work of bis ginger Days, fo on a Review of it in his more mature nd knowing Years, it might not pleafe him, as he might ink, and very juftly too, that then be could compofe ano- er of a more ufeful, curious, and univerfal Nature; and aving fuch good Materials before him to work on as his rft Herbal, he might therefore the more readily enter bon bis other univerfal and compleat Hiftory of Plants, uth their Icons, comprebending all hitherto extant, with idditions. As bis firft Herbal begins with Grafs, the other begins uth Apples; and had he lived a few Months longer, be ight have publifbed it compleat and entire ; for at his Neath be had printed bis Firft Book of Apples, and Part "the second Book, but dying fuddenly, this valuable Work as lain by till now of late. Liber el Dette Se Oe, —apileenp i - henge. pep RE PACE —— Liber I. De Arboribus Pomiferis ; or, of Apples in ger meral, treats of above eleven Hundred different Sorts comprehending the feveral Kinds and Species of Apples bii therto known; and about three Hundred of their mo). principal Icons, neatly engraved on Copper- Plates. Liber Il. De Arboribus, & Fruticibus Bacciferis ; o7 of Trees, and Shrubs bearing Berries in general, may bi rather more curious and comprehenfive than the Firft Book Over the Icons fand their Englith, and in the defcrip' tive Part their Latin Names. Since the Icons are re: auced into their proper Clafles, and the Index contains th! Wames of each Clats, it may therefore equally anfwer tbi Intention of a more general one, which might have fwelle to a great Size; as you may take in at one View, by turn ing to its proper Clafs, the feveral Species belonging to it. | As for the antique Spelling, it is to be hoped the Reader will excufe that, fince there's no Pofibility of altering it. The capital Letters ftanding by the Icons denote thi Authors they were taken from, as P from Perkinfon’ Herbal, G from Gerard's, and B from Bauhinus’s, ane R from Ray's, Ge. A Bryony 93 Bindweeds 99, 1!00 % SPODILLS 22|Baftard Dittany - 101 A Apples raging 64] Befom Plant 103 op Apples thorny 65| Borge and Buglofs 104 ‘mones 69| Buglofs Sea Marfh - 105 ders Tongue 72| Bugle 106 ors 84] Bafills 109 art, Alifeed or Rupture-wort 90} Bawme Tit ibacca 94| Bacchar French 124 pt) 97 | Butterbur 125 103 | Blewbottles 127 105 | Benwhite 128 ’ 112] Bearfbreech and Bearwort 132 angell 114] Bindweed Indian, or Beetle 133 ony, Achilles’s yellow ' 17, | Burnet Saxifrage 135, 136 Wound- wort 121 | Bifhop{weed 138 lonis Flower 120| Blackherb Frankincenfe 141 rimony Hemp-leav’d 124| Burnet 144 tichok I gsi Wild and Water 135, 1 32| Barnacle 15 36| Bead Tree 162 ex ders ; 136|Balfam Tree 164 138| Burnet Goatfthorn 167 al of Efculapius 139 | Buckthorns 72, 168 s 141| Boxthorns, Barbery Buth,Bram- 2 ¢¢ wheads 146} ble Brufh ples, and Apple Trees 155, 159|Bladder Nut, and Beech Tree 172 Tree wild 164, Birch Tree 176 der and Aller Trees 165, 176 mond Trees 171 Cc. B. PRUSSES and Rufhes 10 . Corn of feveral forts 12 EANS of feveral forts 13|Ciches, and Chichlings 14, 15 ) Beets and Blits 47|Clavers Catterpillars 2t tony 52| Cherries Winter black 24 e-Blade, T'way-Blade, or Bi- Cow Wheat 2z foil bre Crocus or Saffrons 3 Il Flowers 5 | Charlocks 35 chelours Buttons 76|Creffes of feveral forts 39, 40 rds Ryne $9|Coleworts and Cabbages 46 ars Ear 89) Chickweeds of feveral forts 50 rthworts 95 |Sea Chickweeds 5 * Coxcomb sty é I Cocci Coculus Indicus & Cubebs 175 Cedar Tree ND OE ee Felworts and Fox Gloves Fumitory Frefhwater Souldier Tas. Tat Coxcomb 53 D. é Croffwort and Cleavers 54 _ Cranebills, Crowfeet, Cranebills 2 59| FW AFFODILLS 26, 23 and Crowfeet 60 Dogftooth 3’ Crowfoot Mountain Grafs leaved, 61 | Degitones 3 i and Rue leaved t Dittander 2 Crowfoot woody and marfh 62! Dandelion 4 Cherries Winter 64) Docks é Coventry Bells, Cardinal Flowers 74|Dames Violets . 8 Campions wild, Campions Rofe, 2 76,| Dragons 9 and Campions 77 | Dogfbane 100, 1¢ Catchflies 77 \ Dyers-weed or Would 1c Carnations 79 | Dodder Ic Columbines 8a | Dittany I¢ Centory {mall 86] Daifies ii Cowllips 89} Dreamer Indian rhe Citruls, or Coloquintida and Cow- 6| Devils Bit 1: cumbers 9°! Daukes 136, 1: Climers 98, 99) Dropworts a Cinkfoiles 102 | Dill 1 Comfrey 105 | Ducks Meat, and Diers Sea t 2 Caffidony, or Lavender 107} Wrack Clowns Allheal 112} Dragon and Date Tree 1 Cherries of feveral forts 113] Dogberry Tree 1 Cammomill 120| Dwarf Meglar Tree 1 Coftmarie 121 Confound 124 E, Coltsfoot, Cudweed, and Cot- ton Rofe t “ie ARTH Nuts Caflidony golden 126 Endive Centory great 127 |Eyebright Cirfium ¥29 | Ellicampane bt Cexfarfbook artium . 132 }E‘culapius’s Wound-wort on Cumin and Chervel 135 |Endive Sea curled 1 Carways 138 Carrots 140 F. Chervils 143 Coriander 142 ETCHES Cumin wild 144 Faenugreek Coltrops water ¥45 | Four leaved Grafs Corallines and Coralls 148 | Flower de Luces Comel male, and Cherrie Frees 162 | Flower of Tigris J Caffia berried Shrub 165 | Frittilarias Curans 166 | Flixweed Coral Tree ever green 167 | Flower gentle — Cork Tree 171 |Fluellen and Figwort Chefnut and Coco Trees 172|Fernes of feveral forts Tas. Tas. 86} Haresfoot 20 eed of feveral forts 87 | Hare-bells 24 93|Hawkweed 43 101 !Hedge Hyfope 53 , 121|Hollihocks, Harts-tongue 56 banes 123, 124] Helmet Flower, or Monkshood 63 ankincenfe Herb 135, 139| Henbane ne aa 135| Hellebors 69 nel Gyant, Sow Fennel 140| Hounds. tongue, and Herb True i 72 ipendula, or Dropwort 144} Lace Trees 158| Houfleeks ‘ 92 tick Tree 171 | Houfleeks Sea and, Mountain 93 Fruit Trees of divers forts, and es 3,| Harts- tongue 97 ftrange 174| Hopps 100 its. foreign 175|Honywort 105 ara, the greater, and lefler 175|Hyfope 106 Horehound Tit G. Hemp iz Herb terrible 117 Ff XRASSES of feveral forts 2, 3, 4,| Hartworts 137, bat 5, 6, 73 8, 9} Hemlocks £37 don ftinking 23| Hares-ears 139 Grape Flowers 25 | Hartwort Milkie 142 Garlicks 30| Hairy Riverwrack 146 Gould of Pleafure 40|Herb- banes 154 am Succorys 4z|Heath-bearing berries, and 3 66 oosfoot 48 Honyfuckle- berries Le Ginny Peppers 65 | Hawthorne 167 entians 73|Hafle Nut Trees 171 ill 7g|Hony Tree Indian, and Hafel- ; gi| huts puring 73 95 103 | sround Pines 114 ermanders 115| FRIS 23 entwort or Trouble- belly 117 Jacinths flarry, and Autum =. 24. zoulden Rods 124 | Jacinths 25 olden Mothwort 126| Janquills 27 Goldilocks, Golden - tufts, 6 Jack by the Hedge Sr ‘Goats. beard t 120) Tucca or Yucca 84 zal anga 133 Se. Johns- wort 85 soofberry bufh, and Guiacum 68 Ivie 98 _ Tree 109) Tobs-tears 1OE yall Tree, and divers Galls 170] {ron-worts 112 he Gracians Macer 175|Indian Hoplike purger 133 suiacum like Indian Tree 175 | Jujube Tree 162 Juniper Tree 164 : i Indian Leaf 175 F FORSETAILS 11 BE Hatchet Fetches, Honi- -duckles French, Horfefhoes i ¥* 2 K. I K. IDNEY Vetches Knot Grafs Kidney or Navel-wort Kneeholm Knapweeds UPINES Lentils Licoris Liverwort Day Lill Tels é Lillys Ladies Traces Loves plant Lady Smocks Lungworts Lettuces of feveral forts Loofeftrife Ladies Bedftraw Ladies Mantle Lillies convall Lark({purs Laurel of Alexandria Lady and Virgin Bowers Lavenders and Caffidony Lavender Cottons Live for ever Water Lilly Lacerwort Lungworts Limons Larch Tree M. ATWEED Milk Vetches Molys Muttard of feveral forts Mercurys Monufe-ears Monywort Madder Mules Fern, and Maidenhair 56 Mallows Marfh Mallows and others oe ae q Tas. Tat Mandrakes 6 Mountain Grafs leaved, and Rue 6 18] leaved be 9° | Mconwort nN 93 | Mouttail 97|The Melancholy Gentleman, or a 127, 128} the Melancholy Flower Madwort and Mountain Saldanella 8 Mullein, and Moth Mullein 8 Melons 9 13 | Marjorome 10 14] Mints of feveral forts 11 18| Motherwort 11 20 | Milkworts 11) 22| Mugwort 1 29| Marygoulds 11 32| Mayweed 12 34.| Mandeline 12: 38] Milifoile 12 39, 40] Mafterwort 13 44] Meadow f{weet, and Rue 14) 46} Marfh Marrigoulds 14) 53] Moffes 150, 16) 54| Mufhromes of feveral forts 151, 15% 58 15) 72|Medlar Tree i: 82, 83]|Melon Goard 15) 97| Myrabalans 16 99} Mulberry and Mattick Tree 16) 107| Miffelros 17, 118| Malacca Beans 17; 125 145 N. 139) 151 IPPLEWORTS A: G7 Navelwort iS 176|Night Shades 6! Nonfuch rh Nigella 8 Dead Roman, and Stinging Nettle ir 1t 17'|Nettle Tree 16! 30, Nutmeg Tree 17) 36, 37, 38|Nut Trees of feveral forts Indian 177 48 49 oh 51 54) ROBUS 1 Onions 22 57 |Orchis’s, or Satyrions 33 Orach) 58 Tas.| + a Tas. 48|The Low- Palm, Purging) gt| Thorn, greater and lefler, @ 167 108] and Palmito Thorn ‘ of Cappadocia 117] Pitch and Pine Tree 176 x-eyes 119 fter-green a go = s Q Witer-wé r Sea Gar > 146 eee Oe Bt : Orange-like Fruit 157|\_9 Quick fading Flower 88 ees sat Orang 162| O&cken Tree, or Wild-ath 164 ive Spurry Tree 165; Low Quince Tree 166 aks and their Excrefcences 170 aks of fome forts 471 R. Pp, USHES and Cypruffes 10 Reeds It EASE of feveral forts 14, 15, 16|}Reeds Aromatic 23 " Pellitory of the Wall 48 | Rockets of feveral forts 38 mpernell 51 | Ragwort 40, 41 pliipody 55| Rape 46 »ppies and Paffe Flowers 66| Rattle -grafs 54 intains 71|Rubarb 67 ks 77+ 78) Rampions 74, 75 . Peter’s Wort 86) Rue 83 imrofes 89| Rupturewort go lai 91 | Rofe-root or wort OL ick-madam gz |Rough bind- weed 98 rate - 95} Rafperry-buth 168 pmpions 95, 96|Rofes of feveral forts 169 flion Flowers 98 ‘rwincle 9 S. ony Io! TICK WORT 21 ly Mountain, and Penny Royal 109 Spiderwort 22 ma Chrifti 116] Sweet-flags 23 pwman’s Spikenard 124{Star flower, and Squills 29 es and Pilewort Indian 133| Saffron, or Crocus’s 36 136|Satyrions, or Orchis’s 33 7 136, 14.1 |Shephard-purfe 40 llitory of Spain 138|Succory 4t rly baftard 140, 141|Succory-like Hawks. weed 42 rly wild milkie 142] Sowthiftles 45 nd-weeds and Pennywort 145 | Speedwell $2 ATS ’ 156|Spury 53 megranate 157 | Squinancywort 54 ar, Plum and Peach Trees, of Spleenwort and Sundew 56 india i "59! Sanicle 58 ach and Plum Trees I60| Sorrel, Snake- weed, and Scurvy- ms 161, 163| grafs ye Pliant, or Wayfering Tree 165 |Soapwort, and Sweetwilliams 77 Sea Gilly-fiowers, or Thrift 78 | Stock a ae ee ee ee eee ee ee (eet 2° 8 =~6CC® i Tans "fh id Ei Gilly. flowers, and Sattin- }80 Storax-Tree ‘hs bicritee wet Bi Sanders-Tree a Stone crop, and Sen green 92 T Saxifrage 93 ws Sow bread 94 RIFOILS 18, 19, 2095 ea el A Tulips of feveral Aiton : u Swallow-wort, and Staves.acre 101 arse Setfoile,Silverweed,and Straw- ‘Turnfole berries Ae Tobacco Sparrows-tongue 103} Throatworts Selfheal : 106} Tooth’d-violet Savory-time 107} Tutfon serio istties =n 3| Thiftles of feveral forts 128, 12 Spurges ae Teafels ea ; Salt-wort : 117] Indian Thiftles 1 Breyects : 18 Turmeric and Turbith 1) al owers 119} Toothpick 1 ero a a I re Soh and Thrapfia t - ’ oot t Stebe and Saw- wort I 28 Fitrpentine ‘Teves : | eo 129] The Tree of Life 1" ea-holly 132 : Snake-woods firft and fecond. Vv. of Acafta 133 Scabious 134 ETCHES and Violets bul- ?! Spignel, Saxifrage, and Ser- é V borg mountain >» 35] Violets ; | Skerrits 136} Vervai a% Samphire a8 Weleriang ‘ Shephard’s-needle 142}The Vine rl Spikenards 14 Wee Sea Lentiles, and Sea Grafs- ; wracks i OOD-Sorrel Sea-wracks, Sea-moffes, and Worm-feed Sea-corallines 147 Whitlow-grafs So eee Sea-fea- 148 ee or Looftrife thers and Coralls oodroo Sea Plants of different Forms Wallrue and Subftances 149) Wolfsbane Sea-foams, Spunges and Mof- 2 | _,] Winter-Cherries fes 3°] Wildwind flowers eo. ee Ri ervice Tr 158, 1 ake. Robin Sycomore Tree 158} Would Y fe ane net Sea Vr offafras Tree 164) Water-hemps 1 Spindle. Tree, andShrubby ;el- 4 Water Gilliflowers 1 low Jefmine 5 Wour ol Ue ee Se Tas. ndwort ndw¢ 124 er-coltrops, and Water lilly 145) ({7ARROW er - houfleek of Egypt, Yew-Tree later -joy, and Water-% 146 naiden-hair , Z allnut-Tree 171 Secon ¢ Wound-Tree 1751 Tas: 122 164. 133 ie ae Nee te a el | | . H k ’ i j t ' mS ae Ete? > ae J 4 i taht ei; iy it 7 > aT he aeeae Td, Bie Mw OST iy is ‘ 8 SoftMe- 9 Golde eae ted i ee Curld : Grnor 1 6 Grn Real 6) ; ie ws ; panicle= ea ‘ieee wpErmgres one, Ba, , u/s, ee ate’: i ‘ g Ws orG- a pica 22 Beard gore Grafs: staan oa 2 8: Grafs 21kany ck Com Ww. adwidedl, oe font [i gle dL, Fuck Prego ke yisrce eee eS WAG? Coes eng FF & Sy A 4 of zie ; . a Oj, Pein i é Grwith nw fy = S 37Vo0d oaten jeHarry raf sP. wood ate Ig 0at Gr with fer Seeds Lk. Mart Ollou- oat GrafsP. { i bie. Darnell, Millet, Cristed, & Spiked | jrafs, Lib Tiga Bit Gh 4 a HY ( Af Czy: ¢ Ra ea AS \ i Wa f \ WZ Zs WIZZ A: ana Dub ogeg Bie Az oe A GrafGh water Ural, ra, / pr Peal Gra. G. jaar ee ‘The trew Fox. 7 Z 7 of a ae ee ee ee a P ” ’ x ee eS a ee eee ee ee a eo a ee eee ee Fe * 7 ; ing oak att - pae a 8 ae vi Ae ee Can ee Sa etn hee Aaah wt fae em he Si | ee ie a OM Sy 7 4 S MN %. oh Ce Qyperus Me Bafta LYp er DW fr Sriptleard: Ppendu Yy | Leda 4 Lt ch, Water Kneed and es Gre, | Ta0.7 5 nee IED Bere ae es aps i” os. strc rent ger The defrer’ buble ag ete tater egre v ne nla Kneed= EP a ood G 1 3 buthed GrP. Aneed i e a Ae Ps | . at ee ee oad baa Cocksfoot like Guith Gr2. pee Wr MOS FAWN A Prick H headed ~ prickly hi ” Gaef Orde The greater and Qno ther le/ser narrow leafed MY alan od ha wordyaf, rae wa) NANG WT awe Hh PTT Round anifh Arrow SP headed if (a gr Ped Gat Graft. TAA WW) TAN 34 | Us £L 4i= FUJOC® C44ELE BROCE HUE fod CIM. reater .¢:Ru 5.Math.his oMontune 7Dhe ae -oDal. hes v Mike palin eee ca with gatlant fits rufh Gra. y/ 0a. : i pt PThe he Com: Sa aes b Bfh Gre. 5 eae a age ’ = ai (Aen Ga DF foe hihi, ib I Theg ag Lhe tefser | Reed-Gra. Sh ee. ae a ‘SP. ge See \ \ AN (ie ea \) % yn y ced-Gr. of Set ead tod. Rp Fe Pa ee Oe a EDO OL The heatiSwhce “ ——— Z ~ awry Gnother The finer rooted Water Unfavory ro: Sweet fmel- Cyprush. d rooted wa: ling Ry yP. | ) \ » _ A Common Welfh Small ufhes Sea Sea ha sites, ee Bills jittiock Srl otis YP / Row LE 7 Sf Ww 7 wr —\ Ir 4ilers Vax. bit SS FIN Wier Pirie | » AS NS 2 7; = \) 0 vy . " Vz te fo, Al iN) Y y SS y ~ Sp =S NJ E peo OY q =a) —yz YS PDA AW. =_ Ves ‘ great bley Pe thet we, ——— MY 4 ] WA Z A \ \ Ss ‘ aL Fe ee Se ae ae, ee ee ot eee ae Se ee ee 7 = ? m " - * 4 ° iene i Virginia Karth: fortof Harthnut pink 7 muucP. P.weod orHeath of or tiga, eafeF- grand Ameri wuadig Cornered s Ordinary Orobus P. Cail tg ly WoodOrobusP. wooddrbus pe Ba] ae % ss ie AW, age - Ea Bg tee ieee IS Oe nl ay Se ITs yy” EY ¢ . i / | | { ap | ; | a 5 , , | a | 7. ¥} 7.* | StaKidney Vetch of Spainor a \ . - yy The gi - Birds foot P.F S of The lefrer eek G. - Budsfoot PF. Manse Bons se = white: Tefal L. Soil Jgreat er SY - A greater The lofger pith pileDroferlP. ‘Ce te wv in D LPT® - ae ~~ oo x een x 3s Squat Crim: Pett fn ‘peafe ¥ ‘a 4 ~ . J x hake = 2 "Ree ° j . cm » = oe 4 oe Pan Sn hs. bai ) r, i é ww i % aoe * ai 7 ‘. ‘ ; ot. aie . ts Shin 7 ’ t ————EEE—— Bes So hegre (0) ly Daf. eater Tinhan OA l exand. Ne if whitDefor DafGor Daffodil / fpraig ter aff 6H. Frimtofe ry kite The Sea NY The Lhe pice Dafedill fer a fee pee BPE En PLD Se . 4s he eae aa wt a em ar Saget : aw wnanred beer wy Bid ee bie Bes piers, ONIONS, fe ee eee tack on Pecuilarlt rial, rte of Hic Fritla@riz : fice 2 0 Porte reat: SThefpihe White 4 ouflrur fulioned far fpthed LG fg fete oy Cures or Chiues GF: Her Mee A TUN Ae Vb inaks Teakvorpore g- Leek, Yo" ah ere ‘4 . wuld Cow »Garlick Garlick with red G- Loves F - pers rarlick F. Mb bbet, gritlarhygate Garlick}. ~ withbulbed and - ; a Meinetheads EP. . at\fe Teele ( f Uy, v y ] Vg i 7 | Thetbrotd "TheZ . 2= @loured Muntain Miuntasn Autumn % : : . : ‘ ‘ , - ¥ iM t tuuk - - awe? . . re # : 4 , 5 ,. “4 a 4 0 ’ bbe ‘ ‘ a me ‘ i thy ee; 4 " . ‘ Y i J ‘ v . > ‘ i 7 4 4 ri Va \ ; ” . = " ee feign eat) . * a ee re ee ee io - ae ee co ee a ae ee Loge Phooey ry et { ‘ ‘ : ‘ vy é . ’ Yipe —~ Dogstoot: Rigieed fete. Bisco pUfrflourh. grasta Sonldiers ‘ould. the lefser = aed ee en ee Ee Me eae eee eee nt ae ds £ Birds Narrow | Laffer breatr baz ‘ed, f wee hi ee Fe, | tg Lk, Ti; WS as FE ® ZN \ 4 Wi SS j WW pi y \4 (Ee NG Opps Kfmeall Anolker Charlo Zz TY TinftardP. Tuftard fedg Tuftard pe te es of Naples with wicut 5 E.* Pz LeauesP. , y ve F } Lee Bara Bowvers Cretan Mufts f 6.GreatTreakle tituflaraG. G6.yellow feild Wuftard P. narrow leafed Treakle Mio? . poke Hitufberd date vith Broadflat Miuffard GP. y 23 A Dp eee ee a eee. ee everall forts o bards. Hanyu y mYerRe- TIT wee eyratt ‘Mov a ay oe Meine wtnit. Spal lax ky ey MufE- Strang tity leased The Uke TA Mufrd P Muflard P. Tr ee ; *) Rial sraegys re ‘ nee te! Ye . + i. ee ee conte mere \ Ge ires Lurky Crofves F- d | COMM J t " a ‘ “Severall forts of lrepes & Lady Smocks, tab. 99 MaTTOW ew he “aera 3 $4 NN ew ‘RR NSE) Sih ere 4 40Tub. O Gehead eed Tease Ge Teafure, Worm Seatca Sciatica Cefves GP. a dnt Tiegh rd Moon hap hoards Peri = Shep : ry SVL Lbacothe ee. yh Ge stage Pir ten ey in ae eth ot pean Ae bediea tt. bes ote alta" eed weed I Bulbel Dan: _ dehon orHawk-P. ‘ oo me lLaveP. gf SUccOrLe Gy ae ‘ wy Bias 4 7. ae. Dandehon lke Dawkhw ceed P. ra renege , Os a Se2 a: ws < ann! Z SS ae é pe hire Ls Ai eet AN Gy RY White and red Beets P. 2g. : Narrow a4 See leaved wild Comon and the otherwild greater and cr Comon wildArachP. Orach orach F. the Lf Soy Ss “Z —— Fy y ", » Soe ere ee ay Ee Bey © Fr 4 4 & MEE Dod Lob. dz. — . A hike aR. zragh ‘’ ane a, of Naples TAPE Sines 2. pn Pitti ‘ SeaPing- oe , hs Andro- pies Sbiphcipie yg dies, Somers Napedwore a- rahi, ye GEMZE The lomm ight Spiked . Zi ‘alas ge Beet alae Ps joe ‘Greatleapad Eh endyP decbbad roves EE Al Ree ao Se, SB 2 ( sso Willow Hor’, Hedy HyJop Ladle Grafs K Coxcomb: Lib. 5°. rime an | Ceoitmn dd P. Sloutrs round headed yell wil- oh \Wig Small sigs D Ae Pillow Baile. Tingresni oe ge: Gieg Sf Staly B - OS A. Byer ee aa Crefaewor bier Ladies belfoam nigoth. fa hy Ofsrwor Aya = St - Fo fom ort 7 ; ; ser withpur- Inavad Goff: « with wihdouble Madderwith wildmadder Madde paflhs wore » double rough hfeed feedkuitige of Candy fmall wasP.” Bf Be SE hey Ho page S&S made . aay ladder ! a ny ee ep eee iy ve7 Se 7 | Ki ZB: tard Sg 7 LECTED OP # .) 3901 she +. i le eg mrclanani ee ee * at gay A> e's > * — CRITE: bill BL, | bed Crartes Bil ~The Gpfee op dig Sorte : aid oa A Ted lFg . og cee Gor: "ition Pn Round leaved he ; Water l) ronefoolt Mah CromfootP. Sardeian and Tyy-leaved m, CRIP ILETEY ag GonpootB .F- Wolf os : / Larks hele Ni, Larkehede, Vhatcl, : aneB. » AlofSer Greater. bane with Larks= piptbencesh ae The oe at: bs rare Oisbane Varieties aairice. — ae Pane abtans Doro: mm FANS onucurne by Lona Mad Aplesr of FurcopeP Spange He C7e- Ginny Peppers, Herb, Fite lo Ta Yankee a, eee er ot Le is re aed 4 ern ase leksargtn fire rime oy OES Siomy ro i fe, \ | Lhefirgle Sriglewkity Sing Doble onppne with bL Wary, Yi \\\y NAL \ y (ae fi tars = e init il it F ny * t,o - SO se a } BPN ides y l Fa Y Re : headed fat nilgle Bef ap : a RibbwertB- sword Harefoot « Lhe lefrer Saaplan:_ Spanish fea - water tain 6. Crdt- M227. 4 . = & lan: Le 2 ; t » “y 2 Sie ya a A el aa ae al ¥ y SS ar cuss ie pote nallgentan-ww leaved GEL Gu i ke Be 7 OG wer PP. Ap. Cre / NOEL AL pokes SLB MM nef ET wz i: i, R4lab. 1 hroatworrs, Coventry Bels, Cardinals friar; & Ramprons. ne eh eR ee ¥ real ai> : ia. AZ Teal e lobe-= The sk AEE LERE: ofspeatege hee gh ccblte icin ‘ ; @ F o free . a E pup Ge : a =MOTES Lh Nut Dio £ a, “eet oh! LW “aa, mas NI }: ey ae) MR et OF asthe Fie Piutks2. Marden Che. han wild CaPHkG Pink G Mountam Fuk GP LT | » 2 Cried purplefageat fret parks %, Me eee oat APrd--2 ee 8 a ee a ee Fe hy ae oe ; ns oy ——— B0Tnab. Stock &Wall Gillafloures, Dares Violas, K Salts _ Srdtpary Sock: Deuble Party Sto ch bul poppies Uehie: Ble ec Mb B B : great Double The Wild rb, f- heaps hay a 0 hile Clg Bo = Ma 5 (NS \ j > a wr VES ie \ aS hres ee \\ 0%! a NL \h . Ee? ety | /gi fF Cs re pally lg Garden Y" Wanared Wr 821ab__ Fumitoric, Columbins, & Lark[pur. wnifirin ppgeb Pinning 7 BE ee big ele A Ve Wi A\ MB WW, ComonFumtiterieP, Fine leaved orpurple FumitricG. Fiereiivyge rey \ Fa SAA SSS NY gal . a rare farkshedll | y; | ie : wipers spears: ve ~ Walt Cotati Benth. ee Se 2 ; \ bie SS : yg | The trueWeft Indrani Leap Udter-P- oftive y forts P: SS ee ported ear g redler} Wer ! Vio fobs, & SS! Fohns wort- Tab. G8: 80.Tab. SF? Peters-wor helen, TtG - , CatS. Peters = Opinarg teh wong tees - ee eee ee ee ee eee ee ee Ne ee 88Tab. Snap:dragons, Mullein Moth-Mullein & Quick faa lonfipsP. 0 aa ei g 2 KO; SLE. ig Ox- amapes it a horfe back re abe, BP. e} a a a GEG E 4) Sow UN aNS NS , ef ; = greater. Knot grafs Si Whate Wiaunn= Mountarn Spans alhrbia =Aaa K70; 2 Kena, 4Anot gra/eP. ed. aloe A Valiuah Rnot-- Graft es TYs.G- side ae Grafs g. zig 2 oe VN Vj Uee S we Pi rae is NN . “9 Zab. Houfl ek? Stone GopPrickmadam, or Sengreen- . effet ELE en hE Ba 4p Re i SNS \ ; ae sohet * ic a} conf anak, Pa res Barre or creep Chmers, Lahek Virgin Bowers, Pew indde& Bindweeds .T. 99 7 StngleLadtes Bower Doublepurgle leP. Blew Lagies borer? ngle double ara: and greater Plies Redon jer x , Tread - i: " Pie aed overs: wndrp ced pith mal creeping ce Li) Lo. Stammnonie like Sheng oe io 4\ xd wy te . EP = Dagshatn, Swallon-wort,Prame B. lerand jain” aftard Dag fharn* prigkte ‘Canadamwith TELA D, wfhamnP.Lutfon like Jajmine P, d . leaves TE - worth. Ss va bitanre, Staves acre f leanortJohstat1y0% White and. blackSwalloy wort G; Swallow wortiith whateand black TES are in? , | _ pees wipare Sh MSE Ep phew sn ® al * (& The BefomP Rt * BufhieToad Flax My , ~ = b~ A Germant “French Gromell GromelhP. Spar: with Flaxen tome Toadflarc. leaves P. Spar: G6 -Tom tongue & - tops. ured yro= = Ad rt erete Borage 2 Crerhrin, . » Small Sm. CuiPhs 4 Gurden Borage fy. Borage i Never Geeping, aragpe mild B male $50 ‘ ying Borage G . PG: Ure, Great, oolgrafs “Bugloff £ ; “Y J’ MI Bo j 7 Wi ‘ phy b by 2 BSB ¢ Sey = Ory Yn) MOAN aN ZN =f. ’ sy X « . ~y 4 ) . Ss it “ WY = f. 3 Bere ee t rota Gnallnild The tough 7 Z | BGPP. Bagh pee wit Bult, Belper Ee ii 6) alVs aby Paes 2N eee arr Fling 2” “of Can eG Wet Hee Bebs dl H] me ‘ca Mar/h Bug lofs, Comfrey &Honyworts ab. toe ‘ellow » Lhe Alkanet of 00. vatandial FB Dhkanet Pr fet fi Magee ae. aa Lee - nidderite, er wy 9° Bes sy fh eh Meme « fee Bailey Paitin SY 0 a > vz bs andloweP. “Si a Leap, 4 Ha llory leaved caLaverider- F. thehollow leaved Srag plant P. a i, ee ee —— +. eS 3 q ; Buglerrith b, : Gilpired ago? (vs Wy lg ty. Pagged’ Short /prked Fijfop P.white ar a Hele ’ Fined Aefiep Fifer , TS Hy mithred Dya Lon white or narrow : 2g o pe Bz, : es gue sy Ar ‘its - The, greater Ordinar: ime Mother of Irme jiotheroflineP. o, ; \ G-P P nildlimeg. * iv vey at AT", eT tate Ns ‘ae Wy A, “es nears a) OP eo Saeki EE REP Pri gia take See Ls SakO iste AE Sh or + 1081. Maryerome, Organy or B Poley Mountain” Penny Royall? & Bafillr, Tab.109- rordinary Small White pole. Geepu poly h ere der TnounttinP. Spagyh up. Mpurctaing Hera CrrepD Lav tPoleyF. Ae Z P= phi pole Tench Mey F Fehe a By hele Poly unten G, TWHour x Wlountrine 2. Pooley F . 7 urplePoley G.. African ar, TAR TA ee So ~ SPRITE he Severall Sorts of Mints , Red Garden Hart ipinty. - G mP. Gry rit Brchn panne AEG: or Ctebninag. armas at Tink P. P. , &- BD. « aria . ELIS sy yes EY fpr F tz } S. +, ThoGreate’ Cala: Excellent Calamant , Motherrvort, & orehourds Labi. Boe abana ore Lorre spn Mg I MoluccaBawm Bayne G ae R . - Re a: y : ra, = es '/ 9 DONT a teD bis b aN oye Stinking Worehound G- P. aye with party arene a in OR Cae ee a ee te! ty Fa oe ee 11z.Tab._ Tronworts, Clowns allheal Hemp, %Alehvof, Tues Tron= Small Fues Another mall ; ; worth. Sraths TronwortlP- Sues ForimortP. Batne orlues Nothranched Creeping ; AL feale G GeprgInn TIronwort g ; pe 2wort $ - ON UL Gn Re = hoofeP. Aleho Pn oe fo iat "aes Sis! * i ei ee Pit nN Peciie'(. > ee ce ame SOS ry A) < PN erin arn ders UWkAwoOrets .- ! Water Thorny The PIL iN mak x 7 ’ NS [3 4) aR) GlaLy 6 Siaallnarron or B. Depon ote “Lavedmild. wearer Ger. Hy i Sapo Neotel aay «3 sae bamtaonneee = is aa e i. ae . Beda vne es « * 216 Tab. ~~ Palma Chri Dur. LS Palnea. bit igh Fglma-lhy 5 es Lreeipugee- Plot Byoed Narr orgreagSpu 4 : , OEE eae “nie GO Tenge" iprae F ms Hg : pe passed an \ Oe ® & $ denJSZ G- onlay tgine 3) orl, Vervain,Agrimony Mugiv0r beak tap UE Say ee hy OT Spurge P. Spurge LE.» Merb Terrible J - - Lod * ™ aw te a, il = pe POU, DearS BA 4184 Za BD « TheWormrmoods, So thernwoods, ¥Lmandeh i, ane na ee tomas Te ie Mocits Bal: = Ly P.ard unfia- P. ke TD er agTIoed weprgmoep of mwa orm Tench Worm avn aod. Sta worm- Seamormn oodP. aD Worm ruprmpcodntt Wei Caoh aver white feamorm: =wood P- Seda Ttugwore: PaGysr ; y Fi) > arigouwlds, Surfplowers, & OXC-=CY eS - reater Ih Zh. Double Th ics gash fyiGd wife, ded ofend = Marigouldand therfore thereof IP wldlP. dovible gould. dolion "i — j MEAS un’ & ff ia RG 4) * i =| a Aaaet, Aas gn ne ee as Pa tro mill, Mi P 2 ae 7} ar with Lanfie The Thegreate Sm 2fetRE pete Pefitinie Bip hin (liege sis Gridigier ~F* Pe ee ae ee Ce TD he mn \ Re The juille ~ “Toys , hl wild Darfie G - Wy SE . Mg EES: dou ee fle Oa he lefler ats 0, az fie rete) asfie fue. Ginfee Tg = CIEER Th LL AS Branched Lhe lefer and larger es vd Blow , fiesP. Bla Mountainyel- a es low Dayfi2Ph- = IS me ze ta» = > i> —*- ee )) fara, Snecfewort Oftmarie Mandeline, Water Hemp AgrimonyLanfié & Yellow wintworel 21. ve «2% + , * , Ror 7 ” g22dab. Yarrow, or Millforle, Watergillaflower,& Starwortr . Como; pea ieS 2 Woolly Achille : Li f era lia Sy ime MIG Yarrga! Sehdies foe ara and red ope Lo a A polly: wm- wounPworef. PP. a EW Fin PIS Water yarrow G. Bread * Ordinary water ledved water“ water yarrow LP. yarow PP. ~ yarrow fay Sar 53 hig Soya horpelews | Seah LLo, = (tar- we. att Taro far head! ‘G- aN fennel P. Stor eP la low praleeF \ Star. Feehan rhnte Starwort?. Starmwort leaved Star- ‘ purplePialan G: * smerk GP - a Filth am tke Flébanelike StarwortP. Gg - Starmort of Africa P. Flea: ab ame. mullee PP. multe Aft Watrie Flea: Hoary Flea: Fi a as py come ie we panel Hoary sine Pe oe FleabaneP. blew headed Blea Fleahane ches pe¥ bree) Goake Dupe) Flebane -bane Te, -da LE- aves TH. e - e™, , 4 ee ee ei oo as \ ( reas Sf) 8 2 7 Se Lei loa boulder f ould ER culden toad lax G - tthe bi fouliatochs of g ee leaves: GudireD Pg0r a P. tk ee oe x i ee % y ay” 72 ‘3 7* weed bs eudaveety. The: G Lipon foe k- > $ ' at ie + me iz iia ee hepa g leaves 6s niet he woe. with larg Laffidens Caffido BY he P. oe 2. boris WEE ory S) > We WH aN 2) Oe \Y ieee WB a9 : \ eee, Comm Ve. Jeithe Seah wheel wai Seay et ral Spa ni Vipers graff oie ee Yeo Deg? Lies ORE fle Bate eg? tee ee 2 > Great filver ke. 2G. chee 7g part h Sade 5 ca eit by Fe a i, Lhe: tb, oe Gees e Sy ifles, Cirfium, © Baftard Saffron. Lab. 129- ered ello Jagge? Theway thifle Peale: are or Lhe fall uw en. g oriole T1: vee, ole WS Se Y hi/ & \ Yy, i? ss —— “> - = Camerar tus entte thfle P Dock BlavesP. Leased thle 7 le gi va? oy 5 = gE. ce a's! , t WY hie ay if Ay 7. . ; ; ; ; The Larkne Gon Ylobe K Goulden Thifles Keck Lab. 2 iL ” , Wile = The great tH, sie a Griine wild ce bine e iflerithaflalk thifleDod- ge P. ya 4 High S Onthe heads “oH i 132, Tab. Seaholly, Artichoks Siial fe x gordon Wildl pafll» Shepheards tnd re fy of’ STA Small /mooth he vuptth flea SeaHto lly of SpamnP. Sea Pb ly P. ay Pearl Sea Jto lly Smeg thy ihe hack G. a/eles, Bearesbreech, Bearmort Corfars be The ae Ke Lape PeRe Wie yreichokhe sy, or Prickly Meth of kina’ Coofim Prickly vars breech of woolly ov. -P PlantarB carArctiib wort P . a 1 Bure agam/t thepoy= Plant z= rome _Sonous ny #e i c/ . ri Soe F e - =) ‘ . . 7 t > A - » i» y ; ‘ “; 7 re : ~ id * = ~ . . Ps . ; ? * 4 2 : ‘ 5 > : z s d . - . Eso X ‘ > Gaon ‘ . 4 ’ . 2 = : 13 4.-La6, '. Common Stabr- Middle ee ‘" White Tatoress barr Stabious Fi white 7 Ig® - TUTLAITL LS Meabrous of Hun = TEE HaygarianfiabousP. Tenses! Te. Keath tabio ws o, ofAuf: tabions aa Att ae Be as 9 ding Scabe Bet alee ai € J “oheg ego gee. heat Veghighe ae - Franckinfence, Fennel, Cumin, Spygnel, Saxifrag ¢Looth pick Chervel Lovage Sermon taink2LA55 I Te nfencewth Franckinfencensth _ Lomgn Stall toured 7 > eed, with le- and. / E az = 1] eee GA lomnSpy- TLheprfer- _Ttaldsn eT ane Wade 7 - Fea : SRY NT Vie bias VW) a) ‘ = Oi . us es WS ee a Ay pA LC LULU m— of ; Sasa y EEC we yaa, = eee ee ee ee B36L, Ang clia herb Gerrard, Maflerw ort Alexanders, Si hurils, Burnet Saxifinge wildparfy lana= (bmionhoh afte ded pok ae SeradP._ Common Se ME of oe wore : reat Umallround pyrene we, rate ledzredt Bisneke Binet Sarcyrage Saxifrage ager. 3 > ae ar wy . ? GomparleyP. TheGrea WA * cogs or HomusbiG. bor palfag Pfrat-tagfeGh water, > wankrTpa 4: = nep F ‘ Ss LD Saga) Sn a unseen wild Doh wilor fl bch Hartwort wz mar htP - Marsh SiveteMan = lock P-nild. sai eck "- ae : a * 2 hate te oe 4 3 8.Lab, Samprre Byhoprrv cd Par/ly, Smalls 7¢ Laraay Anis Pebtory of Sp a Rock -~ Samprreo Lhorny 72 Ly Ga = te Tecbahay . Geligrn, Pip ze ore wee f RS at Herb great white, : “Franckin leneg. P Wild. Carat. or Birds net. Grant Ftalianalow UZ AB Bini ies ves a Oe Luge Smoothmountary a 2 Pafaep PB i ‘ $ c ; $ r eet , - of . é ‘ ee q e ‘ ° ’ a «< ’ é ” , é 4 a ’ ‘ ps , ' 3 ‘ ‘ &, ‘ , Aw Ske, ¢ , 7 4 . . ‘ % ‘ : F « 4 ms + as . " Se ‘ a \ ’ i ; + r ete oat wee. se ry ” ? 7 Li Z . q by wt Wild Thlkre Milke mar; Mh ; Parfley Pyild Wartwort PB. CTT ‘P. lountamme Starheade: Pariley ve Sermany P. Bape with Dike heora Lary a Greaterfu ect. Chery lle. CAL py Chervillor _ Mountiine : 7 pu oer ae Bulb ve Oumtai. = WMLous FV. LL of Ce wt SEES eS J ies —— 7 BG ~< _ Corton Buractf Ordinary — _ Great Burnetof~ Garden BrornetGe Create Bin GP: Canadawitha y wild Burnetye head and red flow CG pitas merica P. > : Le ~~ _ Common Teads x ter_Meadow SweetP. Queer of the 27 a a dl Ab 0B & oo co AY * Se yA fina NY tie 7 wa all _ iy oc x ad ~ Srener oe Mahe Marg ouldr, Penny wort Wake Lily La45 “heron So Hie svete ae padi & ek ‘ v Nea= - Ordr Gut Loti pHi SealentilpPp. haved Sea water Narrow leaved loitils GP. Lentler fealeph Gb ; f ph it PSY VORP, NA i: OY AN As? a q «al AN Wie iD Farms, Feathers, FEE | White Red Se. Gee Sea SS black Scrines or ripe Hes Pages of Hex, Sa ad Seake a aD p \ Ns $ alte \ BUS i ne. “a ee Ang z . * a + . + “a t= = bone 3 . x “ ‘ Em Aa <8 a li oo at ED oo wt a : : » * , » ee -* “df a x - ; - i : AOE a 9 - A Line « ” vv a 4 4 rE ; a8 em: cs t ‘ * eh } 3 s- c 4 - ‘ “ : {> 5 Q 7 ak * ; Se eh * . = . . . onan) - ; Pe ‘ ; ’ % Be) See 5s : Pte: * : ; wire . ¥ of : : ree: te Ries gl tee ily, hat mali ay SacBee . a ‘Cam, Spitng es and 2, Hays eh oan vi The Mo, rned h Py oe be gph. “seh isviinga Mao, a. ee ee Pe Sree ETSY Do fe Vey yea eA & ; : % 5 SY _AMufhromes. a- Edible LA 5 thhle The ad. “gle: wood. Edible Mufkrom clus. eae rae a9 z aa cpio Hh a RELI Ae Fae roms rif he RBs 4I52 Lab; wee Seem i Meee ae amelie _ i ; ocee ‘, 5 i) qi (5 ey ies TOMS, Loghwor ts, Herb-banes,Stonyw ood Barnackley . Lhe foulded Coralllike crgf7- } fhe bra che Mallee fp Coathadaniy §— LO igihie pl 2 7 72s [from hy i Wee Aypentning Hf i ae Qk ’ AMA: KY AS Greatand fall Zé BS swore or Lungw ortG. BLS Granipeger. yligwrif Fags ae Lge oe B yle and an Agmirs te D pag Fee ss felts sag Sy apc Ze 4 \ pe ble ere Le fistat BE Se toe doar zie Me wee ~ - > es ZB . or Goab tree GP. 5 3. 256.Ta6. Themanured Pear tree P. eee et wnoncaled Lun4, Crangcs Oi tag Hie F Lome gy ranatetreerl 1. beLumons The Roman: hep the on y Thofwet Lumannch a Seems lng gad. Th, erg bee ah pune Stattr A 7 ‘tp 25 pull Te a is ee wih for Lh Lom Tt % tre G the . rae, sagpsbpisoable WLAILIL + ata FP. ow LEELab. The?fedlar, true CIYVILE, Ti he, reatinamu- dlarP, ao ee ee comore and Fig tree The olten ad lay red Wtedlar- Y Nap. £. lon, prard, Apply Pear, Plane and Peachtres.of India. Tabh.15.9- dian. Aco fta has Prickly frute= ~ 4cDrameg Cite’ fusing pa ge oe pe faw cl ie pe 3 free TE ee a ie » - vf . DS > TE et” Vee a 7 POY i Pa - t60.lab. Peach, Apricock, and Plumitrees aaa : ae ee ay ee fer Apri LOE. i 3 . The yellow The purple Waredaigesr Tiyretaler g 2are7p, i Z = Z OE (\) Nin 16 2,dab. "THE uspube, O lire Beaa Male cornell, and Cherry treepy Or ae a aE tree P, x Arch wards Cherry we z : y S / | \ sty es Ae diablo Double Lhe fate assim. * = floured Cher: a ~Ty her > yan tree beareug Tern eee "ee G SY ET; B es Soctey eG: f awceg: 7 The Vag Date or. meliggats | i ape ye Ye oy Venere a ee ay 2 ury hve, Clder Phant Mealy, Dogt Aller and Spindle trees Ky berried fhrub loffia kT. uy Olive. Smallrock Smooth The fecond. The Poli ae Up S pure Olive Sputg Ole dove 2 Olve aa ae Geze Ea Tose 5 ithe the Z feath f 4 Heath |pury Africa P. . A a, 71 Ag be ie, re 2 ir a So a aa ge a \ nT wn Ray v ==. i pr A SRR PAs . Ce ee ei £66 Tab. Curans, Low Quince, Dwarf Medlar Worts, Serried Hath Kony } Theredand The black Ranuwa bias D. Duan w thi -oreogs GuransP. Min Curwninand ir , la Tar-F3, ee akiund 2 wild g Wwortle barrier. or Bull, oP French Whitederri: ero ed hao. wreck -edPfeath F. laath P. hes eG 168Tab. Bucks ald Box horns, Barbary, Goof Sea Biucksthorn , White Redflou- Black z with willow like PP oe hes YP es oY, J >. B). 29 ne De = aa 3 oy 2754 = eA) orn eee i ele) TT we, J yk, este. # mh TD) 2 — BZ > = Sy! 7 “a ns ef \ MO <—~F AN ~~ ys SS )\ SO ‘P Ra Vasa The Rafe oe. : Sweet. ore. oa ng le uble Te White » The plate t fpaes Fb eee ge ee oe liion ad es double “RofeP. wild Rife Rafe of 3 Zz. AifriaP. Zz. ¥ 33 ee “ae Rofel. 17a. Lag. Several forts o Oaks, Ther Cxcrefiences Lhe ee z “ BE sigh iatten Ge SY, OMY he Tale bitter . thehcbr 0. Lgl ea. gt Sak os oes reer Bolt and ERE f. Gaul ain 3. “t amd a gallo Llly- \ rice #.- : vith rvaria berre “4h ee . Cakg a faye: TOMO DS Nai Tries Bi og * rape f- Wee z ; ve \ TheTlarrow Lhebroder greatfearlee The fcarle The Cork re / - 2 j great carl 0; P urth broad and leaved whrte leaved white ; eh e aps narra feaves Crk Oak P. lork ak P- The round or bret. the ord le Theta ¢ nary Wee PS egos 72. eae $ The Mund LP Tk : - nine oS aa Zz Jicfite: Zee onfignuneple iG. —< OH a hae ace - aS y-dvnzg F.~ + Gordnig Gof “Mut tree Zee, Lid alhifeueD BC . Lhe Beech treeP. Lhe Indian. the Beech Gr BconutieP. LF, pura > = Indi Spaz ‘ ee Ti Ripa OW — Deg Strain ‘ : wil F Thegrat Broad “Coco, gra and -loured pale aroird. i ei VE mamc.APor We, Galen toee [if ibis ler Pac fie TEM’ - MEANT C7) we Ne everall Varieties of the Smale Lhe Lev, iL, Tare Growing ted Tad utP. Laufel, L or Arecawhich 72; ar haz tag ethe’P, Gyrny the druncken 4nd Sf Pal, - - x 7 Hike: wae THULG de hitle | Date ee,.G, . SS Futian nut " “ Muten" fur splitter inter ae. The Tuuferous Gee of: re \\ \\’ (she OA A frute mith a paca IT OUS Ve, Yy Lhe greater and leper: 1 cocallius m1 Pd Gag = Indi £.-an Like feat for the RAY 229 7 9s 52702 20 22 SQa I SS) wie ay 19 6 Tah. The Furr Pitch, Pine trees, Lhe tree of Tiife, Cedar Larch, Buch bl. Al "GH Die Mp Bihoe dedeo? leg . The GyprofftreeP | The gudaty ref: pe American cor . : (i i, with ie en nee ee cee