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" .. ‘V. r^B*; ;%,^'-!;;5tofc _• L - • *s — - “1 r^' A £ * - ' ‘ t’ - . ^ ' - ’ 4- j V 'vi ..'*"- '*i x;,^ I ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS LIBRARY CLASS (c7 1 1 ^ ACCN. 19 3/M' SOURCE f DATE I TO THOMAS BELL, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN KING’s COLLEGE, LONDON, &C. My dear Bell, Independently of the pleasure with which I embrace this opportunity of expressing the feelings of Friendship and Esteem which I have long entertained towards you, there is no one to whom the present Work could with ii^ore propriety be dedicated than the acute Observer who was the first to point out Pathological Phenomena in the Human Teeth, consistent only with a higher organization and mode of development than it has been usual to attribute to them, but which it is the chief object of the following pages to demonstrate as common to the teeth of all vertebrate animals. I am, Your’s, very sincerely, Richard Owen. LONDON, JUNE 18, 1845. X PREFACE. ♦ ance with the principle of arrangement of the Physiological depart- I ment of the Hunterian Museum, the Dental System is here traced i from its more simple to its more complex conditions. But this progress is partially subordinated to the limits of zoological arrange- ment. For, although the tooth of a Myliobates or a Labyrinthodon be, in structure, more complex than many Mammalian teeth, yet this complexity is associated with other characters, such as mode of attachment, frequent shedding and renewal, &c., which indicate an essentially inferior grade, and connect them, respectively, in closer natural relationship with the more simple teeth of other species of Fishes and Reptiles. A distinct Part, or division of the Work is, therefore, appropriated to the Dental System of each of the three great Classes of Vertebrated Animals which possess teeth. In the Mammalian series the course of progressive complication of the teeth is closely followed, irrespective of the general grade of organization of the species, and the Human dentition falls, accord- ^ ingly, into the middle of the series. Guided by the evidence of the teeth I have sometimes deviated from the accepted Zoological systems, as will be seen in the last Chapter, devoted to the complex den- tition of the great Family of Hoofed herbivorous quadrupeds, ; and especially in the value there assigned to the Ruminant modifica- j tion of the Ungulate type. ' In each Class, the chief characters of the teeth of the extinct species are described in connection with those of the allied existing forms. For so vast is now the extent, and so rapid j the progress of Palaeontology, and so important are the links in | the chain of Being thus recovered, that no treatise on the Compa- | rative Anatomy of the enduring parts of animals can fulfil its | expected purpose, if it be restricted to the description of such parts in existing species alone. | With regard to the Teeth, some of the most interesting and extraordinary modifications were peculiar to species that have long j since passed away from the stage of animated existence ; and, ' indeed, no comprehensive view could be obtained of the dental ' tissues without a knowledge of those intermediate conditions which ' PREFACE. XI they present in fossil teeth. I need only refer to the Acrodus,^ the 8ph(Erodus,\ the 8aurocephalus,\ the Dendrodus,^ the Labyrinthodon,\\ the Iguanodon,^ and the Megatherium,^^ in illustration of the value of Fossil remains, and of the microscope, as an instrument in the determination of their nature and affinities. This important application of the microscope has, however, its limits, and from the difficulty of testing the described results by repetition of the observations, and from other causes, it is liable to be abused. A knowledge of the structure of the entire fossil tooth should be obtained by longitudinal and transverse sections ; at least by a transverse section through the entire thickness of the crown. With this knowledge a fragment of the tooth of the same species may afterwards be determined : and also in many cases those of other species of the same genus, or natural family : without it, great mistakes may be committed. If, for example, a microscopic observer had begun his examination of an Iguanodon’s tooth by a slice of a fragment from the outer half of the crown, and had afterwards examined another fragment of the tooth of the same species taken from the inner half, he would, most probably have referred such fragments to two very distinct species of animals. The requisite knowledge of Pthe characteristic combination of one lateral moiety of dentine, and I another of vaso-dentine in the same tooth, pre-supposes the examina- lotion of a section of an entire specimen. In like manner, to pro- i' nounce on the generic and specific distinctions of fossil Proboscidians from the characters of portions chipped off the exterior of their tusks, j is an abuse of the microscope, and betrays an ignorance of the mode I and limits of its application. ff One consequence of an attempt, like the present, to determine * PI. 14. t PI. 32. X PI. 55. § PI. 62 B. The teeth of this extinct Fish afford a beautiful example of the unexpected i application of microscopic characters of dental tissue in the determination of an important I geological problem. — See Appendix to Mr. Murchison’s ‘Geology of Russia,’ p. 635. I 11 PI. 64 A. H PI. 71. PI. 84. 1 ft Thus, out of portions of tusks of young and old individuals of the Mastodon giganteus, I the genera Missourium, Tetracaulodon, and their different species, have been attempted to be 1 established. — See Geological Proceedings, June 29, 1842. XU PREFACE. the true nature and mode of development of a class of organs by tracing the modifications of such through the entire range of the series of animals to which it is peculiar, is, that, from the length of time required to complete and arrange the extended series of observations, partial glimpses and illustrations of the main con- clusions sought to be established are published by authors who are excited to pursue some limited branch of the subject, and have leisure for following it out. The right of priority of original observation thus affected, is, however, a matter only of personal interest, and of small moment in comparison with the benefit which science derives not only from the collateral and independent evidence thus adduced, but also from the stimulus to further research emanat- ing from the discussion of such right. Where the concurrent investigations are liberally pursued in the spirit of truth, they ought to produce no other feeling than that of friendly emulation. It is with unalloyed pleasure that I have seen the investigations com- menced in the first Part of the present Work, extended by the beautiful illustrations of the microscopic structure of the Teeth of Fishes in the later Numbers of the ‘ Poissons Fossiles,’ of M. Agassiz, in which most of my descriptions are verified,* and my indications of the labyrinthic structure of the teeth of certain Fishes have received direct illustration by the figures of the microscopic structure of those of the Lepidosteus. In like manner the Memoirs of M.M. Erdl, Bibra, and Duvernoy,! have confirmed and extended my * With regard to the Psammodus and allied extinct Fishes, in which the medullary canals are affirmed by M. Agassiz to open directly upon the grinding surface of the tooth, it would be as reasonable to suppose that the long vascular and sensitive pulp should be exposed upon the working surface of the perpetually growing incisor of a Rodent. But apart from any physiological objection to the opinion of the learned Ichthyologist of Neuchatel, I have made new sections of the teeth of different species of Psammodonts, and have demonstrated their perfect agreement with my descriptions, and with Plate 20, in the first Part of this Work, to the satisfaction of Sir Philip Egerton, Mr. Stokes, Mr. Broderij), and other scientific friends. All these specimens show that, as the grinding surface is worn down, the vascular contents of the medullary canals have become calcified within a short distance from that surface, and thus, in the existing Fish, were the cavities of the canals defended from the effects of friction. t I regret that the pages in Part III, descriptive of the Teeth of the Insectivora were printed off before I received the last memoir of M. Duvernoy containing his observations and beautiful figures of the microscoj)ic structure of the teeth of the Shrews. rUEFACE. Xlll earlier observations on the microscopic structure of the teeth of Mammals. The published Parts of the great Work by Prof. De Blainville, entitled ‘ Osteographie, ou Description Iconographique Comparee du Squelette et du Systeme Dentaire des cinq Classes d’Animaux Vertdbres/ contain accurate and beautiful figures of the external forms of the teeth of various genera of Mammalia. These Fasciculi, the immortal ‘ Ossemens Fossiles’ of Baron Cuvier, and the express Treatises on the Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth of Mamma- lia by M. Fr. Cuvier, and Dr. Rousseau, the able assistant in the Museum of Comparative Anatomy in the Garden of Plants, have supplied the third Part of the present Treatise with figures of some of the instructive and valuable specimens of the dental organs in that rich Collection ; but my descriptions have been taken, in every instance, from the specimens themselves, or from the teeth of the same species, which, when not present in the Collections of this country, I have examined in the Parisian Museum, or in the Anatomical and Zoological Collections at Leyden and Frankfort. My best acknowledgments are due to Prof. Temminck, Dr. Riippell, and M. Laurillard, for the facilities which they kindly afforded me in studying those valuable Foreign Collections, which impart essen- ”tial aid to all who would treat systematically of the dental or osteological characters of the Vertebrate Animals. The present Work would, however, have been very incomplete, if I had not been privately aided by the liberal contributions of teeth of rare fossil and recent animals, which were not available for the purpose of microscopic examinations when present in public collections. The Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton have supplied me with the requisite specimens of Cochliodus, Smirichthys, the Chimceroids, and other fossil Fishes. To Charles Darwin, Esq., I I owed the opportunity, at an early period of my investigations of dental structures, of examining microscopically the fossil teeth of the Megatherium, Mylodon, Scelidotherium, and Toxodon, Through Sir Woodbine Parish and M. Falconett, I have been able to examine the teeth of the Glyptodon. Prof. Pflieninger, of Stuttgard, most XIV PREFACE. kindly transmitted to me the portions of the tooth of the great Mastodonsaurus, or Lahyrinthodon, from which the sections described and figured in the present Work are taken. Dr. Lloyd of Leaming- ton, liberally consented to sacrifice his specimens of the extremely rare teeth of the English Labyrinthodonts, for the requisite com- parison of their structure with that of the teeth of the more gigantic species of the Wirtemberg Keuper Sandstones. To Alex. Robertson, Esq., of Elgin, and R. I. Murchison, Esq., P.G.S., I owe the opportunities of examining the teeth of the Dendrodus. Mr. George Bennett of Sydney, and Dr. Hobson of Melbourne, have transmitted to me the jaws and teeth of the rare Cestracion of the Australian seas. Dr. Mantell has supplied me wdth the teeth of the Iguanodon and Gyrodus, Dr. Buckland, Dr. Agassiz, Capt. Jones, R.N., Charles Stokes, Esq., Fred. Dixon, Esq., of Worthing, J. C. Bower- bank, Esq., and other friends and colleagues in the Geological Society, have most liberally contributed subjects described in the present Work. Messrs. Stokes, Bowerbank, and Lister, have also kindly granted me the use of their valuable miscroscopes when- ever I wdshed so to test or verify observations made with my own. My grateful acknowledgements are more especially due to the President and Council of the Royal College of Surgeons : for to them I owe the appointments which have made the pursuits most congenial to my tastes a duty, and at the same time have supplied the best means and opportunities of fulfilling it. In whatever degree, therefore, I may have contributed in this or previous Works to the advancement of Comparative Anatomy, or may have aided in its application to collateral sciences, I can only regard myself as instrumental, in such measure, in carrying out the great objects which the College of Surgeons had in view in accepting the important trust of the Hunterian Museum, and which the College has ever since most strenuously promoted. CONTENTS. Introduction • • • . . i — Ixxiv. PART L DENTAL SYSTEM OF FISHES. CHAPTER I. Page. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE TEETH OF Section 15. Squatina • 43 FISHES. 9> 16. Raiidse • ib. Page 99 17. Myliobates • 46 Section 1 . General characteristics 1 99 18. Cestracionts • 49 ,, 2. Number . . ib. 99 19. Acrodus . • 54 f „ 3. rorm 2 99 20. Hybodus. • 56 1 * 4. Situation . . 4 99 21. Ptychodus • 57 1? " „ 5. Attachment . 6 99 22. Psammodus • 59 b ,, 6. Substance . . 8 99 23. Petalodus. • 61 I ,, 7. Chemical Composition . 9 99 24. Cochliodus • 62 \ „ 8. Structure . • . 10 99 25. Chimeeroids • 64 ' „ 9. Development . 14 99 26. Spatularise • 68 [ CHAPTER II. r CHAPTER IV. TEETH OF CYCLOSTOMES. Section 10. Myxines . . 20 TEETH OF GANOID FISHES. „ 11. Lampreys . 21 Section 27. Lepidoids • • 68 CHAPTER III. 99 28. Pycnodonts • • 70 99 29. Sauroids . • • 74 TEETH OF PLAGIOSTOMES. 99 30. Gymnodonts s • 77 Section 12. General characters . . 23 99 31. Scleroderms • • 82 ,, 13. Squaloids. . 26 99 32. Goniodonts V • 85 ,, 14. Piistis . . 40 99 33, Siluroids • • 86 XVI CONTENTS CHAPTER V. TEETH OF CLENOID FISHES. Page Section 34. Percoids .... 88 9> 35. Cottoids .... 90 > y 36. Sparoids 91 > y 37. Chrysophrys 92 yy 38. Sargus .... 94 yy 39. Pagrus, Lethrinus, &c. 98 yy 40. Sciaenoids 100 yy 41. Tsenioids 101 yy 42. Gobioids 102 y y 43. Pharyngiens Labyrinth! - forms .... 103 yy 44. Theuties .... 104 yy 45. Chaetodonts 105 yy 46. Pleuronectoids . 106 CHAPTER VI. TEETH OF CYCLOID FISHES. Section 4:1. Labroids . . . .108 ,, 48. Scaroids . . . .112 Page Section 49. Mugiloids . 120 yy 50. Atherines . • . ib. yy 51. Scomberoids . 121 yy 52. Sphyraenoids . . 126 yy a. Sphyraenodus . 128 yy b. Sauroceplialus . 130 yy 53. Lucioids . . 131 yy 54. Clupeoids . 135 yy 55. Pisodus . . 138 yy 56. Phyllodus ib. yy 57. Salmonoids . 141 yy 58. Cyprinoids . 144 yy 59. Trachinoids . 152 yy 60. Lophioids . ib. yy 61. Blennioids . 156 yy 62. Gadoids . . 161 yy 63. Muraenoids . 164 yy 64. Lepidosiren . 165 yy 65. Sauriclithys . 170 y y 66. Dendrodus . 171 P A R T I I. DENTAL SYSTEM GENERAL CHAPTER 1. CHARACTERS OF THE TEETH OF Section 67. REPTILES. General characteristics Page . 179 yy 68. Number . . 180 yy 69. Situation . ib. yy 70. Form . ib. yy 71. Attachment . 182 yy 72. Substance . 183 yy 73. Structure . ib. y y 74. Development . . 185 Section CHAPTER 11. TEETH OF BATRACHIANS. 75. General characters . . 187 OF REPTILES. Page Section 76. Siren 188 y y 77. Axolotl . 189 yy 78. Menobranchus , ib. yy 79. Proteus . 190 yy 80. Amphiuma ib. yy 81. Menoporna 191 yy 82. Sieboldtia ib. y y 83. Andrias . 192 yy 84. Triton ib. yy 85 . Salamandra 193 yy 86. Rana ib. yy 87. Labyrinthodonts 195 y y 88. Lab. leptognathus 207 yy 89. Lab. pachygnathus 213 yy 90. Caecilia . 217 CONTENTS. Xvil CHAPTER III. Page Section 104. Hylaeosaurus . . 253 teeth of ophidians. yy 105. Lacertians . 245 Page yy 106. Mosasaurus . . 258 Sectional. General characters , . 219 yy 107. Leiodon. . 261 yy 92. Deirodon . 220 yy 108. Geosaurus . 262 9P 93. Boa . 221 yy 109, Varanians . 263 yy 94. Python . . 222 yy 110. Thecodonts . . 266 yy 95. Coluber . . 224 yy 111. Thecodontosaurus . . ib. yy 96. Poisonous Serpents . . 225 yy 112, Palseosaurus • . 267 yy 113. Cladeiodon . 268 CHAPTER IV. yy 114. Protorosaurus , ib. yy 115. Megalosaurus , 269 TEETH OF SAURIANS. yy 116. Thaumatosaurus 272 Section 97. Ophisaurians . . 234 yy 117. Ischyrodon , . 273 yy 98. Scincoidians . . 236 yy 118. Paecilopleuron . ib. yy 99. Chameleons . . 238 yy 119. Pterodactylus . ib. yy 100. Agamians . ib. yy 120. Ichthyosaurus . 275 yy 101. Geckotians . 240 y 9 121. Plesiosaurus , . 280 yy 102. Iguanians . ib. yy 122. Pleiosaurus . . 282 yy 103. Iguanodon . 246 yy 123. Crocodilians . . 285 PART I I I, DENTAL SYSTEM OF MAMMALS. CHAPTER I. CHAPTER III. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF THE TEETH OF TEETH OF BRUTA. MAMMALS. Page Page Section 124. Teeth absent or horny . 296 Section yy 135. Orycteropus . 136. Armadillos . 317 . 320 yy 125. Number . . . ib. yy 137. Sloths . . 326 yy yy 126. Form .... 297 127. Attachment . , . 300 yy 138. Megatherioids . 333 yy 128. Substance . . . 301 CHAPTER IV. yy yy 129. Structure . . . 302 130. Development . . . 304 CHAPTER II. TEETH OF CETACEA. Section 139. Balsenidse „ 140. Hyperoodon . . 345 . 347 HORNY TEETH. yy 141. Monodon . ib. Section \Z\. Monotremes . . . 309 yy 142. Delphinidae , . 350 yy 132. Whales . . ,311 yy 143. Physeter . 353 yy 133. Hyperoodon . , .316 yy 144, Structure . 355 yy 134. Rytina .... ib. yy 145. Development . . 358 xviii CONTENTS. Section 146. Zeuglodon • Page . 360 „ 147. Halicore . 364 „ 148. Manatus • . 371 „ 149. Halitherium . • . 372 CHAPTER V. TEETH OF MARSUPIALIA. Section 150. Sarcophaga . CO CO • >9 151. Entomophaga . 376 99 152. Carpophaga . . 381 99 153. Poephaga . 388 99 154. Rhizophaga . . 393 99 155. Diprotodon . . 394 99 156. Nototherium . . 396 99 157. Microscopic Structure . id. CHAPTER VI. TEETH OF RODENTIA, Section 158. Number and form . . 398 „ 159. Structure • . . 404 „ 160. Succession . * .410 CHAPTER VII. TEETH OF INSECTIVORA. Section 161. Talpidae . . .412 „ 162. Soricidse . . .416 ,, 163. Erinaceidae . . .419 ,, 164. Structure and Succession 420 CHAPTER X. TEETH OF BIMANA. Page Section 173. Number and Form . . 451 „ 174. Comparison of the deci- duous teeth of the Orang, Chimpanzee, and Human Subject . . .455 „ 175. Succession . . .457 „ 176. Microscopic Structure . 458 „ 177. Adaptation to the food and nature of Man . .471 CHAPTER XI. TEETH OF CARNIVORA. Section 178. General characters • . 473 99 179. Canidae . • . 475 99 180. Viverridse • . 480 99 181. Hyaena . • . 482 99 182. Felidae . • . 486 99 183. Machairodus . • . 490 99 184. Mustelidae • . 494 99 185. Melidae • . 498 99 186. Sub-Ursidae . • . 500 99 187. Ursidae . . 501 99 188. Phocidae. • . 505 99 189. Composition and Micro- scopic Structure • . 511 99 190. Classification of Molars of Carnivora . m . 514 CHAPTER VIII. TEETH OF CHEIROPTERA. CHAPTER XII. Section 165. Number and Form . 424 TEETH OF UNGULATA. 99 166. Structure and Succession 429 Isodactyle Ungulates . • . 523 CHAPTER IX. Section 191. Anoplotherium • . ib. 99 192. Rummantia . • . 527 TEETH OF QUADRUMANA. 99 193. Microscopic Structure . 537 Section 167. Galeopithecus. 433 99 194. Succession « . 540 99 168. Cheiromys . . 435 99 195. Suidae . • . 543 99 169. Lemuridae 437 99 196. Sus • . 544 99 170. Platyrhines . , 439 99 197. Phacochaerus . • . 549 99 171. Catarhines 441 99 198. Succession • . 554 99 172. Succession and Structure 447 99 199. Microscopic Structure . 557 CONTENTS. XIX Page Page Section 200. Chaeropotamidae • • 559 Section 216. Microscopic Structure . 596 >> 201. Hjrracotherium • • 561 99 217. Succession . 599 99 202. Chaeropotamus • ib. 99 218. Palaeotherium . , . ib. 99 203. Hippohyus • • 562 99 219. Macrauchenia. . 602 99 204. Hippopotamus • • 563 99 220. Tapirus . . 604 99 205. Hexaprotodon • • 566 99 221. Succession . 605 99 206. Merycopotamus • • ib. 99 222. Lophiodon . . 606 99 207. Anthracotherium m • 567 99 223. Coryphodon . . 607 9 9 208. Microscopic Structure • ib. 99 224. Dinotherium . . 609 209. Succession . • 571 Proboscidians. Anisodactyle Ungulates, 99 225. Mastodon . 613 99 210. Equidae # • 572 99 226. M. giganteus . . 616 99 211. Microscopic Structure • 576 99 227. M. angustidens . . 618 99 212. Succession « • 580 99 228. Transitional Proboscidians 624 99 213. Toxodon • • 582 99 229. Elephas • • . 625 99 214. Elasmotherium • • 587 99 230. Microscopic Structure . 640 99 215. Rhinoceros • • ib. 99 231. Development . . 648 INTRODUCTION. Teeth are firm substances attached to the parietes of the begin- ning of the alimentary canal, adapted for seizing, lacerating, dividing and triturating the food, and are the chief agents in the mechanical part of the digestive function. As secondary uses, arising out of the relations of co-existence with other organs and endowments, or from a special development of the teeth themselves, may be cited tbeir subserviency to speech(l), as ornaments, as characterizing age and sex (2), as in- flictors of wounds either in combat(3) or defence(4), as aids to locomotion (5), means of anchorage (6), implements of transport and for working of building materials (7). The dental system thus presents many and peculiar attractions to the anatomist and naturalist, for independently of the variety, beauty and even occasional singularity of the form and structure of the teeth themselves, they are so intimately related to the food and habits of the animal as to become important if not essential aids to the classification of existing species. And, while the value of dental characters is enhanced by the facility with which, from the position of the teeth, they may be ascertained in living or recent animals, the durability of the teeth renders them not less available to the Palaeontologist in the determi- (1) Mjan. (2) Orang, Narwhal. (3) Dog. (4) Elephant, Musk-deer. (5) Morse. (6) Dinothere. (7) Beaver. a 11 INTRODUCTION. nation of the nature and affinities of extinct species, of whose organisa- tion the teeth are not unfrequently the sole remains. Teeth consist of a cellular and tubular basis of animal matter containing earthy particles, a fluid, and a vascular pulp. In general the earth is present in such quantity as to render the tooth harder than bone, in which case the animal basis is gelatinous, as in other hard parts where a great proportion of earth is combined with animal matter. In a very few instances among the vertebrate animals, the hardening material exists in a much smaller proportion, and the animal basis is albuminous ; the teeth here agree in both chemical and physical qualities with horn. True teeth consist of two or more tissues, characterized by the proportions of their earthy and animal constituents, and by the size, form and direction of the cavities in the animal basis which contain the earth, the fluid or the vascular pulp. The tissue, which forms the chief part or body of the tooth, has, hitherto, received no distinct and specific name in our language ; a particular modification of it, which characterizes the tusks of the elephant, is called ‘ ivory.’ Some Anatomists have extended the application of this term to the analogous sub- stance in all teeth ; others have treated of it under the name of the ‘ bone of the tooth’ (1) or ‘ tooth-bone’; by the German Anatomists it is termed ‘ knochensubstanz’, ‘ zahnbein’ and ‘ zahnsubstanz’; and some of the latest and most close-thinking writers on dental anatomy have preferred the literal translation of one or other of these terms to the use of the word ‘ ivory’, which unavoidably recalls the idea of the peculiar modification of the (1) Hunter, Natural History of the Human Teeth. Bell’s Ed. 1835, 8vo. p. 15, 16. | INTRODUCTION. Ill ‘ tooth-substance’ in the elephant’s tusk, to which it is restricted in common language and in the best zoological works. (1) I propose to call the substance which forms the main part of all teeth ‘ den- tine.’(2) The second tissue, which is the most exterior in situation, is the ‘ cement’ (3). The third tissue, which, when present, is situated between the dentine and cement is the ‘ enamel’ (4). ‘ Dentine’ consists of an organized animal basis disposed in the form of extremely minute tubes and cells, and of earthy particles : these particles have a two-fold arrangement, being either blended with the animal matter of the interspaces and parietes of the tubes and cells, or contained in a minutely and irregularly granular state in their cavities. The density of the dentine arises principally from the propor- tion of earth in the first of these slates of combination ; the tubes and cells contain, besides the granulai earth, a colourless fluid, probably D transuded ‘ plasma’ or ‘ liquor sanguinis,’ and thus relate not only (,1) The accurate Illiger distinguishes the ‘substantia ossea ’ of a tooth from ‘ ebur/ and separately defines both these modifications of the tooth substance. Prodromus Systematis Mam- malium, 8vo. 1811, p. 20. (2) Dentinum. — Besides the advantage of a substantive name for an unquestionably distinct tissue under all its modifications in the animal kingdom, the term ‘ dentine’ may be inflected adjectively, and the properties of this tissue be described without the necessity of periphrasis ; thus we may speak of the ‘ dentinal’ pulp, ‘ dentinal’ tubes or cells, as distinct from the corresponding properties of the other constituents of a tooth. The term ‘ dental’ will retain its ordinary sense, as relating to the entire tooth or system of teeth. (3) C(Brnenium, Cortex osseus. Tenon. Crust a petrosa , Blake. (4) Encaustum, Adamas^ Substantia vitrea. a 2 IV INTRODUCTION. to the mechanical conditions of the tooth, but to the nutrition of the dentine. Dentine, thus organized, is ‘ unvascular’: the teeth of most mammals and reptiles, and of a few fishes present this modification of their main constituent. But the dentine in the teeth of most fishes, of a few mammals, and of still fewer reptiles, is traversed by canals containing blood vessels or a vascular pulp ; the tooth- substance, thus modified, I term ‘ vascular dentine.’ Both the ‘ vascular’ and ' unvascular dentine’ may he present in the same tooth, as in those of the sloth, the walrus, and the cachalot : the transition from the vascular dentine to true bone is gradual and close. ‘ Cement’ always closely corresponds in texture with the osseous tissue of the same animal, and wherever it occurs of sufiicient thickness, as upon the teeth of the horse, sloth or ruminants, it is also traversed, like bone, by vascular canals. In reptiles and mammals, in which the animal basis of the bones of the skeleton is excavated by minute radiated cells, forming with their contents the ‘ corpuscles of Purkinje’, these are likewise present, of similar size and form, in the ‘ cement’, and are its chief characteristic as a constituent of the tooth. The hardening material of the cement is partly segregated and combined with the parietes of the radiated cells and canals, and is partly contained in aggregated grains in the cells, which are thus rendered opake. The relative density of the dentine and cement varies according to the proportion of the earthy material, and chiefly of that part which is combined with the animal matter in the walls of the cavities, as compared with the size and number of the cavities themselves. In the complex grinders of the elephant, the masqued hoar and the INTRODUCTION. V capibara, the cement, which forms nearly half the mass of the tooth, wears down sooner than the dentine. The ‘ enamel’ is the hardest constituent of a tooth, and conse- quently the hardest of animal tissues ; but it consists, like the other dental substances, of earthy matter arranged by organic forces in an animal matrix. Here, however, the earth is mainly contained in the canals of the animal membrane, and, in mammals and reptiles, completely fills those canals, which are comparatively wide, whilst their parietes are of extreme tenuity. The hardening salts of the enamel are not only present in far greater proportion than in the other dental tissues, but, in some animals, are peculiarly distinguished by the presence of fluat of lime. The absolute and relative size, form, disposition, direction and intercommunication of the cellular and tubular cavities characterizing the several tissues of the teeth will be the subjects of the special descriptions of these organs in the different classes and species of animals ; but a brief notice of the leading steps to the present ^knowledge of the structure peculiar to each tissue may be appro- priately given in this place(l)c In a retrospect of the history of the science of the orga- nization of animal bodies, anatomy may always be perceived to have made a marked advance in connection with the progress of some collateral science. With regard to the hard parts of our frame in particular, our knowledge of the elementary constitution of the earthy salts has been due to the refinement of chemical (l) The review here given of the discovery of the tubular structure of the dentine is essentially the same as that prefixed to my own observations on the subject communicated to the British Association in August, 1838.— See Trans, of the Brit. Assoc. 1838, p. 135. VI INTRODUCTION. analysis : the late improvements in mechanical optics have led to a resumption of the microscopical observations originally commenced by Malpighi and Leeuwenhoek ; and the consequent acquisition of more exact knowledge of the mode in which the particles of the phosphate of lime and other salts are arranged in the animal basis or matrix of bone and tooth. As regards the teeth, the principle of chief import to the physio- logist arises out of the fact, which has been established by microscopic investigations, that the earthy particles of dentine are not confusedly blended with the animal basis, and the substance arranged in superim- posed layers; but that these particles are built up, with the animal basis as a cement, in the form of tubes or hollow columns, in the predeter- mined arrangement of which there may be discerned the same relation to the acquisition of strength and power of resistance in the due direction, as in the disposition of the columns and beams of a work of human architecture. The disposition of the calcareous particles of bone in the parietes of the Haversian canals, Purkinjian cells and of the fine tubes which radiate from these cavities, was ascertained before the ana- logous conditions of the intimate structure of dentine were discovered. Until a recent period the analogy of dentine to bone was supposed to be confined to their chemical constitution, and the nature of the hardening material ; while the arrangement, as well as the mode of deposition of the firm tissue, were considered to be wholly different from that of bone, and the dentine to agree in its general nature and mode of growth with hair and other extravas- cular horny parts, with which most teeth closely correspond in their vital properties. The structure of a tooth, in fact, was regarded as simply INTRODUCTION. VII laminated, and the ivory was described as being formed layer within layer, deposited by, and moulded upon the formative superficies of the vascular pulp. The illustrations and supposed proofs of this structure and mode of growth were derived from the apparently detached condition of the newly-formed particles of dentine on the pulp’s surface 'when exposed by the removal of the calcified part of the tooth ; from the appearances observed in the teeth of animals fed alternately with madder and ordinary food, which undoubtedly illustrate the true progress of dental development ; from the illusory traces of laminated structure observed in vertical sections of teeth when viewed by the naked eye, or with a low magnifying power ; and lastly, and chiefly, from the successive hollow cones into which a tooth is commonly resolved in the process of decomposition. With regard, however, to the appearances presented by the teeth i of animals under the influence of madder, and to the separation of the \ dentine into superimposed lamellce during decomposition, the same conclusions as to intimate structure and mode of development might be drawn respecting true bone, which also commonly resolves itself into concentric lamellae during decomposition, and presents the same appearance of alternate white and red layers in animals fed alternately with madder and ordinary food during the progress of its growth. The lines running parallel to each other and to the contour of the crown presented by the cut surfaces of vertical sections of teeth, especially of the elephant’s tusk, or of the tooth of the cachalot, are due to a totally diflerent structure from that to which they have been ascribed. The lamellated arrangement, thus seemingly demonstrated, is, moreover, far from being a constant appearance ; on the contrary the superficies of vertically cut or fractured surfaces of the human Vlll INTRODUCTION. and most other teeth, offer a very different character, and one | which has led to many approximations and allusions to the true structure of dentine, in the works of anatomists who have recorded i their own original observations. Whoever attentively observes a polished section or a fractured surface of a human tooth may learn, even with the naked eye, that the silky and iridescent lustre reflected from it in certain directions is due to the presence of a fine fibrous structure. Malpighi, in whose works may be detected the germs of many important anatomical truths that have subsequently been matured and established, says that the teeth consist of two parts, of which the internal bony layers (dentine) seem to be composed of fibrous, and as it were, tendinous capillaments reticularly interwoven. (1) Retzius cites many recent authors, as Soemmering, Schreger(2) and Weber, (3) who mention the silky glistening lustre of the dentine ; and Frederick Cuvier in the preliminary discourse of his admirable work the ‘ Dents des Mammiferes,’ observes : “ Les dents de Thomme, de singes, de carnassiers ont un ivoire d’apparence soyeuse, qui semble forme de fibres,’' p. xxvii. These intelligible hints of the true struc- ture of the dentine, which the foregoing observers received from a superficial but unprejudiced inspection, failed, however, to incite them to a closer interrogation of Nature. One of her more persevering investigators had, nevertheless, long before obtained a true and definite answer to his more direct in- quiries. Leeuwenhoek, having applied his microscopical observations (1) “ Duplici excitantur parte, quarum interior ossea lamella fibrosis et quasi tendinosi capillamentis in naturam implicetis constat.” — Anatome Plantarum, Lugd. Batav. 1687, p. 37. (2) Isenflamm und Rosenmullers Beitragen zur Zergliedemngskunst, band i, p. 3,(1800). (3) See his Edition of “ Hildebrand’s Handbuch der Anatomie,” band i, p. 206. INTRODUCTION. IX to the structure of the teeth, discovered that the apparent fibres were really tubes, and he communicated a brief but succinct account of his discovery to the Royal Society of London, (1) which was published, I together with a figure of the tubes, in the 140th Number of their Transactions. This figure of the dentinal tubes, with additional observations, again appears in the Latin edition of Leeuwenhoek’s works, published at Leyden in 1730. The dental substance (dentine) of the human teeth, and of those taken from young hogs is described as being “ formed of tubuli spreading from the cavity in the centre to the circumference.” He computed that he saw a hundred and twenty of the tubuli within the forty-fifth part of an inch. (2) Leeuwenhoek also shows that he was aware of the peculiar substance, distinct from the ivory and enamel, and now termed the cement or crusta petrosa, which enters into the composition of the teeth of the horse and ox (3) ; a component part of the tooth which Hunter speaks of as a second kind of bone ; and which was first accurately and specifically described by Tenon and Blake. ^ But these microscopical discoveries may be said to have appeared before their time : the contemporaries of Leeuwenhoek were not prepared to appreciate them ; besides, they could neither repeat nor confirm them, for his means of observation were peculiarly his own : and hence it has happened that, with the exception of the learned Portal, (4) they have either escaped notice, or have been (1) Microscopical Observations on the Structure of Teeth and other Bones. — Philos. Trans. 1678, p. 1002. (2) See Hoole’s Translation of the select works of Leeuwenhoek, 4to. 1798, p. 1 14. (3) Parvimolares, quos bos, dum ad hue admodum juvenis sive vitulus, habuerat, undiquaque alio osse circumduct! erant ConfAnuaiio Epistolarum, 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1689, p. 7. (4) 'Histoire de PAnatomie et de la Chirurgie, Paris, 1770, Tom. hi, p. 460, in which X INTRODUCTION. designedly rejected by all anatomists until the time of the confir- mation of their exactness and truth by Purkinje in 1835. The results of the laborious investigations of this most original and indefatigable observer were published, as is the custom in many German Universities, in two inaugural thesises, the one by Fraenkel entitled ‘‘ De penitiori dentium humanorum structura observationes the other by Raschskow, entitled “ Meletemata circa dentium evolutionem both of which were defended in the University of Breslau in the month of October, 1835. Purkinje states that the dentine (zahnsubstanz, substantia dentis) consists, not of superimposed layers, but of fibres arranged in a homogeneous intermediate tissue, parallel with one another, and perpendicular to the surface of the tooth, running in a somewhat wavy course from the internal to the external surface ; and he believed these fibres to be really tubular, because on bringing ink into contact with them, it was drawn in as if by capillary attraction. (1) Upon the publication of this discovery it was immediately put to the test by Professor Muller, by whom the tubular structure of the? ivory was not only confirmed, but the nature and one of the officesi ti f 1 c i( D1 fl Leeuwenhoek's Letter to the Royal Society is noticed as follows : “ Les dents sont composees de to tres petits tuyaux transparents et etroits, dont six ou sept cents egalent a peine un poil de la j • ffi barbe.” ITie merit of directing the attention of anatomists to Leeuwenhoek’s discovery of I the structure of dentine is due to Retzius. (1) Cruorine extra vasated during intense inflammation of the pulp, or by an over-disten- sion of the vessels produced mechanically as in hanging or drowning, would in like manner be carried, with the plasma, into the dentinal tubes, and occasion red spots in the tooth-substance ; ^ the bile-stained serum, in the case of jaundice, would equcdly affect the capillary tissue of the tooth with its peculiar tinge ; but it does not follow that the tubes which imbibe such coloured fluids must necessarily be capillary blood-vessels, and these phenomena, therefore, afford no' ^ proof of the vascularity of human dentine. INTRODUCTION. XI 3f the tubes were determined. He observed that the white colour of a tooth was confined to these tubes, which were imbedded in a jsemi- transparent substance, and he found that the whiteness and opacity of the tubes were removed by acids. On breaking a thin lamella of a tooth transversely with regard to its fibres, and examining the edge of the fracture, Muller perceived tubes pro- ijecting here and there from the surfaces ; they were white and opaque, stiff, straight, and apparently not flexible : this appearance is well represented in the old figure by Leeuwenhoek. If the lamellae had been previously acted upon by acid, the projecting tubes were flexible and transparent, and often very long. Hence, Professor Muller inferred that the tubes have distinct walls, consisting of an animal tissue ; and that, besides containing earthy matter in their |interior, their tissue is, in the natural state, impregnated with I Icalcareous salts. I Thus, the discovery by microscopical examinations that the dentine of the teeth in man and various animals was traversed by Luinute tubes disposed in a radiated arrangement in lines proceeding every where perpendicularly from the surface of the cavity containing the pulp, may be regarded as established, and to be due principally }to the learned and ingenious Purkinje, who, however, was all the while unconscious that he had been anticipated, as to the main fact^ a long time before, by Leeuwenhoek. i ; But the tubular structure of ivory is not the only important [fact in dental anatomy, made known in the Breslau Thesises Df 1835. Purkinje also discovered that the distinct layer of substance, previously known to surround the fang of the simple :eeth of man and many mammalia, contained corpuscles like those XU INTRODUCTION. which characterize the structure of true bone : and he observed in one instance that this bone-like substance was continued upon the enamel of the crown of a human incisor. This fact I have confirmed(l) as regards the human teeth and the simple teeth of many mammals and reptiles. The layer ol coronal cement varies in thickness ; its tenuity is extreme in the teeth of man and the quadrumana. Purkinj^ also found that the third substance, crust a petrosa or cement of compound teeth, as those of the horse and ox, was in like manner characterized by the presence of numerous bone- corpuscules or cells ; and thus proved that the difference between the so called simple and compound teeth depended, not on the pre- sence of a third and additional substance in the latter, but on its greater abundance and different disposition in the tooth. At the time that these observations were being made at Breslau and Berlin, it appears that similar investigations had been set on foot at Stockholm. Professor Retzius of the University in that cit} informs us that he had been led bv the iridescence of the fractured «/ surface of the substance of a tooth to conceive that that appearance was due, as in the crystalline lens, to a fine fibrous structure, and that he communicated his opinions as to the regular arrangement ol these fibres to some of his colleagues in 1834; and that the Uni- versityhaving obtained, in the summer of 1835, a pow^erful micros- cope, by Plessl of Vienna, he commenced a series of more exaci researches on the intimate structure of the teeth in man and the lower animals. He operated on thin sections of teeth both before, and after, the removal of the earthy matter by means of acid, and atten- i' I: I t 1 i: s; iT( to ito to k l[li io (I) Trans. Brit. Assoc. 1838, vol. vii. p. 136. INTRODUCTION. XllI lively examined the fractured and polished surfaces of the ivory part : le determined the exact arrangement, course, and size of the Jubuli in the teeth of different animals, and detected the finer rami- Iications given off by the tubuli during their divergence, (1) and the mastomoses of their finest terminal branches with the cells in the intertubular, or as it is sometimes termed, interfib rous tissue. Retzius also claims to have discovered the radiated or purkin- |ian corpuscles (2) in the dentine ; and to have thus succeeded in dis- playing a far greater identity between tooth- bone and proper bone than had been before anticipated. He exhibited the preparations and drawings illustrative of these interesting observations to Berzelius, Urede, and Professor Wahlberg at the latter end of 1835; being then unacquainted with the disco - v'eries of Purkinje ; and communicated his researches to the Royal A.cademy of Sciences at Stockholm on the 13th of January, 1836. I They were published in the same year in those Transactions and in the following year as a distinct treatise (3). ^ At the early part of that year, 1837, I received from Mr. Darwin (1) Leeuwenhoek appears to have suspected the existence of such branches ; he says/' upon 3xamining the tubuh round about this small cavity (the pulp-cavity) I perceived that they all irose from thence and spread themselves all round towards the circumference. I endeavoured to examine still farther, beyond the part where this cavity ended, in order to discover whether |From these first-formed tubuli others might not arise or branch forth ; but this part of nature’s iwork was inscrutable to me.” Hoole’s Leeuwenhoek, 4to. p. 113. I (2) J have not yet been able to detect the radiated cells or corpuscles in the dentine of the horse’s tooth, in which they are described by Retzius ; but they are very numerous and con- spicuous at the peripheral portion of the dentine of the dugong’s grinder, pi. 94. (3) Mikroskopiska Undersokningar ofver Jadernes sardeles Tandbenets struktur : Stock- holm, 1837. XIV INTRODUCTION. many fragments of the teeth of the extinct Megatherium^ Megalonyx Mylodon and Toxodon collected during his travels in South America Some of these fragments were in a state of incipient decomposition and my attention was forcibly arrested by the fact that these frag- ments, instead of being resolved, like the fossil tusks of the mammoth and mastodon, into parallel superimposed conical lamellae, separatee into fine fibres, arranged at right angles to the plane of the layen which, according to the lamellar theory of dental structure, ought to have presented themselves to view. I exhibited the most cha- racteristic of these specimens at my lectures on the teeth, at th( Royal College of Surgeons, in May, 1837, and stated that ‘‘ th( appearances which they presented were inexplicable on the lamellai hypothesis : hut that I should investigate the subject further, anc endeavour to elucidate the apparent anomaly before the following session.” At the conclusion of that course, I had sections of these fragments prepared for the microscope ; and stimulated by the amount of clearly defined and beautiful structure which they exhibited, (1) J proceeded to examine similar sections of the human teeth and ol those of many of the lower animals. The excitement of the research became heightened as the sphere of observation expanded, and I had collected extensive materials for a Treatise expressly on the Structure of Teeth, when the fourth number of Muller’s Archiv fur Physiologie, for the year 1837, containing an Analysis of Purkinje s and Fraenkel’s Treatise, came into mv hands, in December, 1837, and awoke me from the dream of discovery in which I had been indulging. I received, shortly after, the fifth number of the same volume of Muller’s Archiv, containing Dr. Creplin’s German Translation of the Treatise of Retzius. (1) See Plates 79 and 84. n INTRODUCTION. XV I j fjupon the perusal of which I abandoned my intention of publishing ijthose general observations on the structure of the teeth which I had ! before deemed to be new, but now found to have been mainly anti- jcipated by Purkinje and Retzius. I I was not, however, discouraged by this disappointment, but, jfeeling convinced that no work on the Comparative Anatomy of the I t|Teeth would henceforth be regarded as complete without an account of the leading modifications of the dentinal tissue in the different (^classes of animals, I proceeded to the microscopical investigation of lithat tissue in many animals in which it had not been previously so ilexamined. The number of characteristic differences which presented i|themselves, and which are described in the body of the present work, lied to the perception of the value of the microscopic structure of lithe teeth as a test of the affinities of extinct animals, and to the insti- fjtution of researches into the laws of development of the dental tissues, jwhich, as then accepted and taught, were irreconcileable with the Igeneral demonstration of the intimate structure of those tissues w^hich was yielded by the teeth of fishes, reptiles and mammals. (1) i The prelude to this generalization may be summarily recapitu- jlated as follows : the discovery of Leeuwenhoek that the dentine jwas made up of very minute tubes, which proceeded from the inner to the outer surface of the tooth, was confirmed by Purkinje, so far as regarded their existence ; but Purkinje added an exact and particular account of the direction of these tubes in the human dentine, and showed that, in addition to them the dentine contained an interme- (1) The chief results of these researches have been successively communicated to the I British Association at the Newcastle Meeting, August, 1 838, (Transactions of the Association, ivol. vii, p. 135;) in the Proceedings of the Geological Society for 1838 and 1839, and in the iComptes Rendus de I’Academie des Sciences, December 12, 1839. i XVI INTRODUCTION. diate or inter-tubular tissue ; this he describes as homogeneous and without structure, and as entering into the composition of the dentine in a greater proportion than the tubes themselves. The more extensive, varied and minute observations of Professor 1 Retzius led to the discovery of the cells of the intertubular i tissue, of the ramuli sent off from the main calcigerous tubes into that tissue, and of the anastomoses of the ramuli with each other, with the intertubular cells, and with the cells at the periphery of the dentine. According to the researches of Dr. Schwann the animal basis of the intertubular tissue possesses a fibrous structure. Besides the primary and secondary branches of the calcigerous tubes Retzius first clearly described their curvatures and undulations, which may be defined as follows : as a general rule the dentinal tubes are directed, as affirmed by Leeuwenhoek and Purkinje, from the inner to the outer surface of the tooth, and vertically to those sur- faces ; but in their course the tubes describe two, three, or more curvatures, appreciable by a low magnifying power : these I have termed the ‘ primary curvatures. ’(1) With a higher power, the tubes are seen to be bent throughout the whole of their flexuous course into minute and equal oblique undulations or gyrations, two hundred of which were counted by Retzius in one tenth part of an inch’s length of a human calcigerous tube ; these I have termed the ‘ secondary curvatures’ or gyrations. (2) Both the primary and secondary curva- tures of one tube are usually parallel with those of the contiguous calcigerous tubes, and from the radiated course of these tubes they occasion the appearance of lines running parallel with the external (1) Trans. Brit. Assoc, vol. vii, p. 148. See Plates 24, fig. 1 ; 64 a, fig. 2 ; 74, fig. 1 ; 94. (2) Ibid, p. 141. See Plates IG, fig. 3 ; 24, fig. 2 ; 64 a, fig. 3. INTRODUCTION. XVll contour of the tooth ; for, when the surface of a longitudinal section of a tooth is viewed with the naked eye, the light is differently reflected from the different parts of the oblique secondary curves of the ! tube on which it falls ; but the curves being parallel to each other and I to the superficial contour of the section, they appear like the cut I edges of a series of parallel and super-imposed lamellae. In many j teeth, moreover, and especially in the tusks of the elephant, the se- condary branches of the dentinal tubes dilate into intertubular cells along lines, which in like manner are parallel to the coronal contour of the tooth ; hence another cause of the appearance of concentric lamellae and of the actual decomposition of such teeth into super-im- I posed lamelliform cones. 1 Such appearances and modes of decomposition are peculiar to the dense or unvascular dentine ; but are by no means common to that modification of the tissue. They are never witnessed in any of the varieties of vascular dentine. (1) The prolongation or persistence 'of cylindrical canals of the pulp-cavity in the dentinal tissue, which is the essential character of vascular dentine, manifests itself under a variety of forms. In mammals and reptiles these canals, which I have termed ‘medullary ’(2) from their close analogy with the so called canals of bone, are straight and more or less parallel with each other ; they bifurcate, though rarely; and when they anastomose, as in the megathe- rium, it is by a loop at, or near, the periphery of the vascular dentine. In the teeth of fishes, in which the distinction between the dentinal (1) This substance was first characterised as a component of tooth, * distinct from ivory, enamel, cement, and true bone, and as easily recognisable,’ in my paper communicated to the British Association, in 1838; loc. cit. p. 137. (2) Ibid. h XVlll INTRODUCTION. and osseous tissues is gradually effaced, the medullary canals of the , vascular dentine, though in some instances straight and parallel and sparingly divided or united, yet are generally more or less bent, frequently and successively branched, and the subdivisions blended together in so many parts of the tooth as to form a rich reticulation. The calcigerous tubes sent off into the interspaces of the net-work partake of the irregular character of the canals from which they spring, and fill the meshes with a moss-like plexus. (1) Closely analogous to this modification of the vascular dentine, but differing in the presence of the radiated cells, is the tissue into which the residue of the pulp is converted in the teeth of certain reptiles, as the Iguanodon, Hylseosaurus and Ichthyosaurus, and of those of a few mammalia, as the Cachalot(2). This tissue approaches, in the combined presence of medullary canals and calcigerous cells, as closely to that of the skeleton of the species in which it occurs, as the reticulate modification of the vascular dentine in the teeth of fishes does to the osseous tissue of their skeleton. It has been uniformly described by the authors who have observed it, as Cu- : vier(3) and Conybeare,(4) as the result of ossification of the pulp. If the first described modification of vascular dentine, which forms the chief part of the teeth of the Sloths and Megatherium, be regarded as a fourth dental tissue, this second modification of vascular dentine, from its closer resemblance to bone might be reck- oned as a fifth ; in proportion, however, as it resembles bone, so likewise it approaches to the structure of cement. (1) See Plates 6, 7, 53, 54, 55. (2) Plate 89, fig. 2, c. (3) Le9ons d’Anat. Comp. 1«. ed. tom. iii, p. 113 ; Ossem. Fossiles, 2«. ed. tom. v. 2®. partie, p.274. (4) “ The teeth in these genera (the Lacertae) become completely solid, its interior cavit) being filled up by the ossification of the pulpy substance.’^ — Trans. Geol. Soc. vol. vi. p. lOC. INTRODUCTION. XIX The organized structure and microscopic character of the cement were first determined by Purkinje and Faenkel ; and the acquisition of these facts led to the detection of the tissue, as has been already observed, in the simple teeth of man and carnivorous animals. The cement is most conspicuous where it invests the fang of the tooth, and increases in thickness as it approaches the apex of the fang. The animal constituent of this part of the cement had been recognized by Berzelius, as a distinct investment of the dentine, long before the tissue of which it formed the basis was clearly recognized in simple teeth. Berzelius describes the cemental membrane as being less consistent than the animal basis of the dentine, but resisting longer the solvent action of boiling water, and retaining some fine particles of the earthy phosphates when all such earth had been extracted from the dentinal tissue. Cuvier, likewise, states that the cement is dis- solved with more difficulty in acid than the other dental tissues. Retzius, however, states that the earth is sooner extracted by acid from the cement than from the dentine of the teeth of the horse. In recent mammalian cement the radiated cells, like the dentinal tubes, owe their whiteness and opacity to the earth which they contain. According to Retzius, “ numerous tubes radiate from the cells, which, being dilated at their point of commencement, give the cell the appearance of an irregular star. These tubes form numerous combinations with each other, partly direct and partly by means of fine branches, of i^th to 50;^ of an inch in diameter. “ The cells often vary in size, and some put on the appearance of a canal or tube ; this is especially seen in recently formed cement. The average size of the Purkinjian cells in human cement is liuoth of an inch. In sections made transversely to the axis of the tooth it is clearly seen that these cells are arranged in parallel or h 2 XX INTRODUCTION. concentric strise, of which some are more clearly and others more faintly visible, as if the cement were deposited in fine and coherent layers. The layer of cement is found in the deciduous teeth, but is relatively thinner and the Purkinjian cells are more irregular. In growing teeth with fangs not fully formed, the cement is so thin that the Purkinjian cells are not visible : it looks like a fine membrane, and has been described as the periosteum of the fangs, but it increases in thickness with the age of the tooth, and is the seat and origin of what are called exostoses of the fang which are wholly composed of it.” These growths are subject to the formation of abscess, and all the other morbid actions of true bone. It is the presence of this osseous substance which renders intelligible many well-known experiments of which human teeth have been the subjects ; such as their transplantation and adhesion into the combs of cocks, and the establishment of a vascular con- nection between the tooth and the comb ; the appearances which the Hunterian specimens of these experiments present, and of the reality of which Professor Muller satisfied himself during his visit to London, are no longer perplexing, now that we know that the surface of the tooth, in contact with, and adhering to the vascular comb, is composed of a well organised tissue, closely resembling bone. This correspondence of the cement, which, when it exists in sufficient quantity, becomes almost identity, with true bone, is illus- trated by the varieties of microscopic structure which the cement presents in different classes of animals, and which always correspond with the modifications of the osseous tissue of the skeleton in those animals ; thus the cement in the osseous fishes, in which the bone is not characterized by the radiated calcigerous cells, likewise ceases to present that character ; and, in reptiles and mammals in which INTRODUCTION. XXI I I i| the radiated cells are present in the bone of the skeleton and in the I I dental cement there is a close conformity as to their size and shape I in both tissues. I The most remarkable^ modification of mammalian cement is I [j presented by the thick layer of that substance which invests the I I molars of the extinct megatherium ;(1) besides abounding in calcige- I ; rous cells it is here traversed by straight, parallel and occasionally i| bifurcated medullary canals, arranged with regular intervals, and f directed from the exterior of the tooth somewhat obliquely to the I surface of the unvascular dentine, close to which they anastomose I by loops, corresponding with, and opposite to those formed by the I medullary canals of the vascular dentine of the same tooth (2). Under every modification the cement is the most highly organ- I ized and most vascular of the dental tissues, and its chief use is to ^ form the bond of vital union between the denser and commonly un- j vascular constituents of the tooth and the bone in which the tooth is I implanted. In a few reptiles (now extinct) and in the herbivorous I mammalia the cement not only invests the exterior of the teeth, but I penetrates their substance in vertical folds, varying in number, form, ! extent, thickness and degree of complexity, and contributing to main- tain that inequality of the grinding surface of the tooth which is I essential to its function as an instrument for the comminution of vege- ! table substances. The higher an animal is placed in the scale of organization, the more distinct and characteristic are not only the various organs of the body, but the different tissues which enter into their composition. (l) Plate 84, b. (2) PI. 84, o. XXll INTRODUCTION. This law is well exemplified in the teeth, although in the comparison of these organs we are necessarily limited to the range of a single primary group of animals. We have seen, for example, that the dentine is scarcely distinguishable from the tissue of the skeleton in the majority of fishes : but that its peculiarly dense, unvascular and resisting structure, which is the exceptional condition in fishes, is its prevalent character in the teeth of the higher vertebrates. So likewise with the enamel ; this substance, which under all its conditions bears a close analogy with the dentine, is hardly distin- guishable from that tissue in the teeth of many fishes(l). The fine cal- cigerous tubes are present in both substances, and undergo similar sub- divisions ; the directions only of the trunks and branches being re- versed, agreeably with the contrary course of their respective develop- ments. The proportion of animal matter is also greater in the enamel of the teeth of fishes than of the higher vertebrata ; and the propor- tion of the calcareous salts incorporated with the animal constituent of the walls of the tubes is greater as compared with the sub-crystal- line part deposited in the tubular cavities. In reptiles, the proportion of the hardening salts and consequently the density of the enamel are increased, but the course, size, and ramification of the calcigerous tubes still bear considerable analogy to those of the dentine ; and the prismatic form of the calcigerous tubes, (2) their minute striations, and the superficial transverse wavy linear ridges, which constitute the characteristic features of the enamel in the mammalian class, are not present in that tissue in the cold-blooded vertebrates. The enamel is the least constant of the dental tissues : it is more (1) Sargus, PI. 43, fig. 2 ; Phyllodus, PI. 44, fig. 2 ; Scarus, PI. 50, PI. 52. (2) I apply this term to the so-called prismatic fibres of human and other mammalian enamel for reasons which will appear in the sequel. INTRODUCTION. XXiU [ ! frequently absent than present in the teeth of the class of fishes ; it I > I is wanting in the entire order Ophidia among existing reptiles ; and I it forms no part of the teeth of the Edentata and many Cetacea j among mammals. ! The enamel may be distinguished, independently of its micro- I scopic and structural characters, by its glistening, sub transparent I substance, which is white or bluish-white by reflected light, but of a I gray-brown colour when viewed, under the microscope, by transmitted ij light. The microscopical characters of the enamel have hitherto been I ;! taken from the modification of that tissue in the class Mammalia, i where it presents its most distinctive and consequently highest ^ condition. I This condition of the enamel, however, like the corresponding 1 li one of the mammalian dentine, in the same degree as it distinguishes I them from the true osseous tissue, and perfects them for their mechanical applications, removes them from the influence of the ^conservative and reparative powers of the living organism. The mammalian enamel, therefore, once formed and exposed, is least able to resist vitally the influence of the external decomposing forces ; i but this inferiority is amply compensated by its superior mechanical endowments. Nevertheless, it undergoes more change, after becom- ing exposed by the eruption of the tooth, than does either the dentine or cement, especially in regard to its original mem- branous constituent ; and no true idea of its organic structure can he obtained except by an examination soon after its formation. The enamel of the molar tooth of a calf, which has just begun to appear above the gum, and which can readily be detached from the dentine, especially near the commencement of the fangs, is resolvable XXIV INTRODUCTION. into apparently fine prismatic fibres ; if these fibres be separately treated with dilute muriatic acid and the residue examined, with a moderate magnifying power, in distilled water, or, better, in dilute alcohol, portions of more or less perfect membranous sheaths or tubes will be discerned, which inclosed the earthy matter of the minute prism, and served as the mould in which it was deposited. Professor Retzius, who obtained a small portion of organic or animal substance from the enamel-fibres of an incompletely-formed tooth of a horse, conjectured that it was a deposition of that fluid which originally surrounds the loose enamel-fibres, and that, ‘‘ in proportion as these fibres are pressed tighter together, and additional fibres are wedged between them, the organic deposition is forced away.” It is certain that the small proportion of animal matter which can be obtained from the enamel of a tooth, that has been completely formed and in use, does not yield any indication of its primitive or- ganic form ; this may, however, be ascertained, if the enamel be examined under the conditions above described. The tubular struc- ture of the membranous constituent of recently formed enamel has been observed by Dr. Schwann(l) in the teeth of the hog : and he has shown that the fine membrane of the enamel-prism is not a mere deposition from the fluid in which the new-formed prisms are bathed, but an organized part specially formed and arranged in the enamel pulp in order to ensure the right disposition and direction of the cal- careous salts of the enamel. Retzius accurately describes the enamel-fibres of the horse as presenting the form of angular needles, about -5-^^th of an inch in diameter, which are traversed bv minute and close-set transverse \ (1) Loc. cit. p. 118. INTRODUCTION. XXV striae, over the whole, or a part of the fibre ; and he conjectures that if the enamel-fibre be a mass of the calcareous salts, surrounded by an organic capsule, that the striae may then belong to the capsule and not to the enamel-fibre. The later researches of Dr. Schwann add to the probability of this conjecture, and the absence of the minute striae in the enamel of fossil mammalian teeth, at least in the examples which I have submitted to microscopic investigation, may depend upon the destruction of the original organic constituent of the enamel. I The enamel-fibres are directed at nearly right angles to the sur- face of the dentine, and their central or inner extremities rest in slight j but regular depressions on the periphery of the coronal dentine. Thus in the human tooth, the fibres which constitute the masticating surface 1 are perpendicular or nearly so to that surface, while those at the lower I part of the crown are transverse, and consequently have a position best i adapted for resisting the pressure of the contiguous teeth, and for I meeting the direction in which external forces are most likely to im- i^pinge upon the exposed crown of the tooth. The strength of the enamel II fibres is further increased by the graceful wavy curves in which they are disposed; these curves are in some places parallel, in others opposed ; [I their concavities are commonly turned towards each other where the il shorter fibres, which do not reach the exterior of the enamel, abut by (their gradually attenuated peripheral extremities upon the longer fibres. Other shorter enamel-fibres extend from the outer surface of the enamel I t towards the dentine and are wedged into the interspaces of the longer |i fibres. In the teeth of fishes, the calcigerous tubes or fibres of the enamel, which ramify and subdivide like those of the dentine, ii have their trunks turned in the opposite direction, or towards the j periphery of the tooth ; so likewise even in the human teeth the analo- XXVI INTRODUCTION. gous condition may be discerned in the slightly augmented diameter of the enamel'fibres at their peripheral, as compared with their central extremities. When the extremities of the human enamel-fibres are examined with a magnifying power of 300 linear dimensions, by ; reflected light, they are seen to be co-adapted, like the cells of a honey-comb, and like these to be, for the most part, hexagonal. The external surface of the enamel is marked by fine transverse lines or ridges, of which Retzius counted twenty-four in the vertical extent of one tenth of an English inch of the crown of a human { incisor ; these lines are parallel and wavy, and, like the analogous markings on the surface of shells, indicate the successive formation of the belts of enamel-fibres that encircle the crown of the tooth. These lines may be traced around the whole crown, but are very faint upon its inner or posterior surface. Retzius cites Leeuwenhoek as the discoverer of these superficial transverse lines of the enamel : but the older observer supposed them to be indicative of the intervals between the successive movements in the cutting of the tooth through the gum. The enamel by virtue of its physical qualities of density and durability forms the chief mechanical defence of the tooth, and is consequently limited, in most simple teeth, to the exterior surface of the exposed portion of the dentine, forming the ‘ crown ’ of the tooth. It sometimes forms only a partial investment of the crown, as in the molar teeth of the iguanodon, the canine teeth of the hog and hippopotamus, and the incisors of the Rodentia. In these the enamel is placed only on the front of the tooth, hut is continued alopg a great part of the inserted base, which is never contracted into one, or divided into more fangs ; so that the character of the crown of the tooth is maintained throughout INTRODUCTION. XXVII I its extent as regards both its shape and structure. The partial application of the enamel in these ‘ dentes scalprarii’ operates in 'maintaining a sharp edge upon the exposed and worn end of the I tooth, precisely as the hard steel keeps up the outer cutting edge of khe chisel by being welded against an inner plate of softer iron. ! In the herbivorous mammalia, with the exception of the Eden- tata, vertical folds or processes of the enamel are continued into the substance of the tooth, varying in number, form, extent and direction, i and producing, by their superior density and resistance the ridged linequalities of the grinding surface on which its efficacy, in the tritura- tion of vegetable substances, depends. i In the development of a tooth, composed of the above-mentioned jdifferently organised tissues, a matrix of equal complexity was first recognised to be concerned by John Hunter ; the several parts of this jmatrix, here termed respectively the ‘ dentinal pulp,’ the ‘ enamel Jpulp,’ and the ‘ capsule ’ or ‘ coemental pulp,’ being first distinctly ijindicated in the ‘ Natural History of the Human Teeth.’ ! In this otherwise instructive and original treatise the reader will, i ihowever, seek in vain for any definite or detailed account of the part jwhich each formative organ plays in the development of its corres- (ponding tissue, or of the development of the matrix itself. r ' The latter subject has been chiefly elucidated by the observations ^of Arnold(l), Purkinjeand Raschkow(2), Valentin(3), and Goodsir(4) : i: (1) Salzburg Mediz. Chirurg. Zeitung. 1831, ersterband, p. 226. (2) Meletemata circa Mammalium Dentium Evolutionem, 4to. 1835. i (3) Handbucb der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen, 8vo. 1835, p. 482. (4) On the Origin and Development of the Pulps and Sacs of the Human Teeth. Edinburgh ^Medical and Surgical Journal, vol. li, p. 1. XXVlll INTRODUCTION. the modifications in the development of the dental matrix in different animals and their analogies with those described by the foregoing authors in the Human Subject and other mammalia are detailed in the body of the present work. The dentinal pulp is always the first developed part of the matrix, and makes its appearance in the form of a papilla, budding out from the free surface of a fold or groove of the mucous mem- brane of the mouth, and generally of that which covers the inner side of the jaws or their rudiments. In certain fishes, as the shark, the tooth is completed without the development of the matrix proceeding beyond this ‘ papillary ’ stage. The first papilla may be distinctly recognized in the maxillary mucous groove of a human embryo, one inch in length ; the others quickly follow. By the growth of the contiguous mucous membrane, the papilla appears to sink into a follicle, and, by the development of three or four lamellar processes from opposite sides of the mouth of the follicle, and their mutual cohesion, the papilla is inclosed by a capsule ; this ‘ capsular’ stage of development is completed in the human foetus at the fifteenth w^eek(l). The capsule is the part of the matrix destined for the development of the cement. In many fishes and in serpents, the teeth are completed without the development of the matrix proceeding beyond this stage. In those teeth which are defended by enamel, a pulp destined for its production is developed from the inner surface of the capsule opposite that to which the dentinal pulp is attached. In the human subject the enamel-pulp makes its appearance as a soft gelatinous substance adhering to the opercular plates closing the capsule, andfc i Bi (1) Goodsir, loc. cit. p. 11. INTRODUCTION. XXIX the adjoining inner surface of the capsule, at the sixteenth week ; the surface of adherence of the ‘ enamel-pulp ’ is progressively extended until it is separated by a mere linear interspace from the base of the ‘ dentinal pulp.’ “ Whatever eminences or cavities the one has, the other has the same, but reversed ; so that they are moulded exactly to each other.”(l) With regard to the development of the dentine, Hunter describes it as an ‘ ossification,’ but without indicating the relation that the pulp bears to the process. “ As the ossification advances it gradu- ally surrounds the pulp till the whole is covered by bone, excepting the under surface ; and while the ossification advances, that part of the pulp which is covered by bone is always more vascular than the part which is not yet covered. The adhesion of the pulp to the new-formed tooth or bone is very slight, for it can always be separated from it without any apparent violence, nor are there any vessels going from the one to the other ; the place, however, where it is most strongly attached is round the edge of the bony part, which is the last part formed.” Both in the body and in the fang of a growing tooth, the extreme edge of the ossification is so thin, trans- J parent and flexible, that it would appear rather to be horny than i( bony, very much like the mouth or edge of the shell of a snail when it is growing ; and, indeed, it would seem to grow much in the same d manner, and the ossified part of a tooth would seem to have much le the same connexion with the pulp as a snail has with its shell.” (2) iij Hunter does not explain the nature of this connexion or the mode 4 isj of formation of shell ; but he has been generally regarded by Physiolo- ijj gists as having been the author of the theory that the pulp stood to I (l) Hunter, loc. cit. p. 42. (2) Ibid, p. 39, 40. XXX INTRODUCTION. the tooth-bone in the relation of a gland to its secretion ; that the, formative virtue of the pulp resided in its surface ; that the dentine was deposited upon and by the formative or secretive surface of the pulp in successive layers ; and that the pulp, exhausted as it were, by its secretive activity, diminished in size as the formation of the tooth proceeded ; except in certain species, in which the pulp was per- sistent, and maintained an equable secretion of the dentine throughout the life-time of the animal (1). This idea of the pulp’s function, modified only by the phraseo- logy required to express the later-acquired knowledge of the forir and condition of the newly-developed dentine in contact with the pulp, has predominated in the minds of most subsequent writers on the development of teeth. The successive steps to the establishment of the doctrine that the cells of the ivory, under which form Dr. Schwann has described the nascent dentine to make its first appearance, are actually part of the pulp itself, pre-existing in that body before their calcification and confluence, and continuing in organic connexion therewith after their conversion into the tubular dentine, are few, well-marked, and ( easily traced. The first advance was made by Purkinje and Rasch- j kow in submitting to careful microscopical observation the structure j of the dentinal pulp prior to the formation of the dentine, and j in similarly tracing the changes which it undergoes during that ^ process. ? c (1) Cuvier, by whom this opinion of the formation of dentine is most clearly set forth, premises the following acknowledgment : “ Quant a la raaniere dont les dents en general naissent et croissent, nos observations nous paroissent confirmer la theorie de Hunter , plutot { que toutes les autres, dans ce qui concerne la partie de la dent qu’on nomme substance osseuse.” — Ossem. Foss. 4to. 1812, p. 59. INTRODUCTION. XXXI j j These authors describe the parenchyrne of the dentinal pulp as being composed of minute uniform spherical granules, without any I of the characteristic filaments of cellular tissue, and, in this respect, I differing from the enamel-pulp. The free surface of the granular I tissue is covered by a peculiarly dense, structureless pellucid mem- I brane, which they term the ‘ preformative membrane ’ because the ! I formation of the dentine commences therein. Blood-vessels soon I penetrate the granular pulp, form several anastomoses in their course, ! through its substance, and terminate in a rich and delicate net- work j of capillaries on that part of the surface of the pulp where the i dentine has begun to be formed ; the rest of the pulp’s surface is I covered by the preformative membrane and does not display any ' capillary reticulation. True nervous filaments cannot be distinguished I in the pulp until after its vascularity has been established. The 1 I I granules of the pulp immediately beneath the preformative membrane II have a more elongated form than the rest, and are placed either i! vertically, or at an acute angle with the membrane. i! The formation of the dentine is preceded by the development { of numerous minute elevations on the surface of the pulp, at and near its apex ; these are conjectured to be subsequently transformed into the undulating ridges in which the enamel-fibres are firmly inserted. The preformative membrane becomes of a stony hardness, except at the margin of the recently formed dentine, where it is 1 soft and easily rent. The dentine begins to be formed at the apex • of the pulp immediately beneath the preformative membrane. I Of the exactness of the preceding observations by Purkinje and Raschkow I have had repeated evidence. The more obscure parts of their description of the development of the dentine are quoted and commented on by Dr. Schwann, whose observations on this XXXll INTRODUCTION. subject are as follows : after observing that the blood-vessels of I true bone are confined to the medullary canals, and that the presence or absence of blood-vessels in a tissue occasions no es- sential difference in its mode of growth ; he proceeds to classify teeth with bones in an order of tissues, characterized by the parietes of their primordial cells becoming confluent either with each other, or with the intercellular substance(l). Dr. Schwann identifies the pulp-granules of Purkinje with his | nucleated cells, and asks, “ In what relation does the dentine stand t to the cells?” He then proceeds to say, “ I must confess, at the outset, that I am unable to answer this question with certainty, and : that my observations are not mature. Purkinje and Raschkow describe the formation of the dentine as follows : — “ Primordio substantia den- | talis e fibris multifariam curvatis convexis lateribus sese cgntingentibus j ibique inter se concrescentibus composita apparet. — In ipso apice istae fibrae aequaliter quamcunque regionem versus se diffundunt, attamen parietes laterales versus directio longitudinalis praevalet, dum fibrae sinuosis flexibus aequalique modo se invicem contingentes ibique ubi concavae apparent lacunas inter se relinquentes, ab apice coronali radicem versus ubicunque procedunt. Nonnisi extremi earum fines tunc molles sunt caeterae autem partes brevissimo tempore indurescunt . .Postquam. . . .fibrarum dentalium stratum depositum est, idem processus continue ab externa regione internam versus progreditur, germinis dentalis parenchymate materiam suppeditante .... Convexae fibrarum dentalium flexurae, quae juxta latitudinis dirnensionem cres- cunt, dum ab externa regione internam versus procedunt, sibi f (1) Microskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dein Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen. 8vo. 1839, p. H7. INTRODUCTION. XXXIll invicem appositae continuos canaliculos effingunt, qui ad substantiae dentalis peripheriam exorsi multis parvis anfractibus ad pulpam dentalem cavumque ipsius tendunt, ibique aperti finiuntur, novis ibi, quamdiu substantiae dentalis formatio durat, fibris dentalibus aggre- gandis inservientes.” — Raschkow, 1. c. p. 6. “ I must confess,” Dr. Schwann proceeds to say, ‘‘ that there is much obscurity in this description. If I rightly understand it, the dentine consists of fibres, formed layer-wise out of material afforded by the pulp, which become confluent with each other but leave inter- spaces which are the dentinal tubes. But these tubes cannot be mere interspaces between fibres, since Muller has proved them to pos- sess distinct parietes.. .If a young tooth be removed from its capsule and steeped for one day in not too much diluted muriatic acid, the animal basis of the dentine, which, at the first removal of the earth, was of cartilaginous hardness, becomes quite soft, so that one can only detach small pieces from it by the forceps. If this pultaceous mass be examined, it will be seen to consist of fibres, which can be separated from one another. These fibres are too thick to be merely the walls of the canals ; they constitute the whole substance. Neither can they be a mere artificial product, since the acid penetrating the canals first dissolves the immediately contiguous substance, and then the intertubular substance remains as a fibre ; besides, they are too regular and smooth. It appears, moreover, that the dentine is com- posed of these reciprocally united fibres, since they are identical with the fibres which, according to Purkinje and Raschkow, form by their confluence the dentinal cartilage ; and this confluence of the fibres is not so complete but that they can be again artificially separated. The fibres in the human teeth run in the same direction as the canals. I could not discern the canals in their interspaces. The peripheral XXXIV INTRODUCTION. layer of the dentine, immediately beneath the enamel, which was more decomposed by the acid, could only be resolved into finer fibres of a different nature, crossing each other in the most various directions, and which I presume to be the remains of the dentinal tubes. i “ The dentine thus consists of interblended fibres between which run canals with proper parietes. Both the fibres and tubes in human teeth are nearly perpendicular to the pulp-cavity. What relation, then, do the fibres and the tubes bear to cells ? I might incline to the old notion that the dentine is the ossified pulp. According to Purkinje and Raschkow the pulp consists at first of granules nearly similar in size and form without vessels and nerves ; then vessels and lastly nerves penetrate it. At the superficies of the pulp the granules are more regularly arranged and more elongated, and are directed outwards either vertically or at a slightly acute angle. These longitudinally drawn out globules are plainly cylindrical cells. In recent teeth they very distinctly contain the characteristic nucleus and its nucleolar cor- puscles and closely resemble the prisms of the enamel-membrane i (Tab. iii, fig. 4). The interior substance of the pulp consists of >( round nucleated cells, between which run the vessels and nerves, i If the pulp be drawn out of the cavity of a young tooth, and the i dentine be observed either recent or after the earth has been removed ( by acid, there remains on its inner surface, at least where it is yet d thin and soft, a layer of the cylindrical cells that constitute the pulp : o these are about as thick as the solid fibres of the dentine, and have 1 1 the same course, and as they cohere more firmly with the dental substance tl than with the pulp and remain attached to the former, so I presume that i oi here a transition takes place, and that the cylindrical cells of the pulp j | in (1) ** Ich mochte mich zu der alteren Ansicht hinneigen, das die Zahnsubstanz die ver- knocherte Pulpa ist,” loc. cit. p. 124. Compare the Literary Gazette, September 21st, 1839, I p. 598, and Medical Gazette, January 3d, 1840, p p. 540, 541. I INTRODUCTION. XXXV ( I are only the earlier stage of the dentinal fibres, since these cells I are filled with organized substance become solid and osseous. Some- I I il times these cylindricules are not found on the dentine, but then we see in their place a number of cell -nuclei ; these are very pale and ultimately united with the dentine so that they may be easily over- I looked. When once attentively observed, they are not easily mis- j taken, and are separated by extremely minute intervals. Against j the opinion that the dentine is the ossified part of the pulp, the 1 li facility with which the one is separated from the other has been objected, and I allow the force of that objection. But it is at least i I weakened by the fact that a part of the pulp remains attached to the dentine, and that in half-ossified ribs, the cartilage can be easily detached from the ossified portion, and that in teeth the separation I must be so much the easier as the difference is greater between the ! dentine and the pulp. I There are at least sufficient grounds for going more closely ! into the detail of this view. The pulp agrees with all the II other tissues of the foetus, and more especially with cartilage, I inasmuch as it consists of cells ; it differs in consistence from mam- :i malian cartilage, inasmuch as whilst the quantity of cytoblasts )i (nucleated cells), on which the hardness of mammalian cartilage i! depends, is very small, the cylindrical cells, at least on the surface |i of the pulp, are closely aggregated together. In this respect the pulp ji more nearly resembles certain cartilages in the lower animals, in which r the cytoblasts are present in smaller quantity and the consistence y I of the cartilage depends upon the thickening of the walls of the cells, j Whether, in the presumed transition of the cells of the pulp I into the dentinal fibres, the obliteration of the cavity is effected I by the thickening of the walls of the cells, I know not, since c 2 i XXXVl INTRODUCTION. I have not observed this transition. If it really so happens, then the cavities of the cells so completely disappear, as to leave no trace of the cartilage-corpuscles. From the observations of Retzius it might be supposed that some of the cells retained their cavity and even were converted into radiated cells, since Retzius observed true bone corpuscles in the dentine. If, then, the super- ficial layer of the pulp, consisting of cylindrical cells, is converted by ossification into the dentine, then the subjacent layer of the pulp’s parenchyme, consisting of round cells, must first be converted into cylinders, the vessels of this layer become obliterated, and this layer then become ossified, &c. “ What then are the dentinal tubes ? Retzius compares them with the calcigerous tubes that radiate from the bone-corpuscles, and I was at first of the same opinion, and accordingly I regarded them as prolongations of the cells, the bodies of which lay in the pulp. If the pulp be drawn out of the pulp- cavity of a hog’s tooth and the margin of the pulp be examined, it is seen that each of the superficial cylindrical cells is prolonged, opposite the dentine, into a short fine fibre and that these fibres correspond in diameter with the dentinal tubes projecting from the surface of the pulp. I once believed that they projected into the dentinal tubes, and that the intertubular tissue was merely the intercellular substance between these elongations of the cells. But I have given up these ideas since I observed nothing of the kind in human teeth, and since this explanation brings with it a difficulty in regard to the teeth of the pike. In these teeth, accord- ing to Retzius, there is a direct transition from dentine to bone. If one of the large teeth of the lower jaw be sawed off, the earth dissolved by muriatic acid, and fine longitudinal sections removed, the dentine is seen to fortn a hollow cone which is filled bv bone. INTRODUCTION. XXXVll The dentine is transparent and consists of fibres which proceed from the point to the base of the cone. The bone is traversed by canals, which resemble the medullary canals of ordinary bone, except in being less regular. The dentinal tubes are connected with these medullary canals of the proper osseous substance, and it is plain that the tubes are continued funnel- wise from the medullary canals. The canals ramify in the dentine and as they proceed transversely across the thickness of the tooth-cone, so they decussate the dentinal fibres. Accordingly here the dentinal tubes correspond with the medullary canals of bone not with the calcigerous tubes which radiate from the bone-corpuscles. “ A more certain knowledge of the whole structural relations of dentine seems to be only possible when its development is studied in very differently constructed teeth.”(l) The main facts, then, which may be considered as established by the researches of Purkinje and Schwann, relative to the formation of dentine and the changes which the dentinal pulp undergoes during that process are the following : the proper tissue of the pulp consists of minute nucleated cells, with capillary vessels and nerves, invested by a dense structureless membrane (2) which disappears during the formation of the dentine. The superficial pulp-cells as- sume an elongated form ; they correspond in diameter and direction with the tubes of the contiguous cap of dentine. These or similar cells are observed, in a state of transition into dentine, in the interspace between the pulp and the previously formed cap of den- tine ; they adhere to the latter when it is displaced from the pulp. (1) Schwann, loc. cit. p. 128. (2) The capsule of the entire dental matrix will be understood to be quite a distinct part from the * preformative membrane ’ of the pulp. XXXVlll INTRODUCTION. The chief points that remain to be determined are the re- lation of the dentinal pulp to the transitional cells between it and the dentine ; the nature of the transition, and the relation of the cells to the dentinal tubes and the intertubular tissue. From the expression used by Purkinje and Raschkow in the passage already quoted ; — “ After a stratum of dental fibres has been deposited between the parenchyme of the pulp and the preformative membrane the same process is continued from the ex- ternal to the internal region, the pulp supplying the material — it may be inferred that they considered the formation of the dentine to be a process of deposition from the formative surface of the pulp, like a secretion from a gland. If such were not the idea of these authors of the relation of the formative pulp to the dentine they nowhere clearly express the contrary opinion, and the formation of the dentine by its deposition in successive strata from the pulp continued to be taught in the best works on physiology subsequently published. (1) (1) Miiller’s Physiology, by Baly, part i, 2nd ed. p. 429. Mr. Bell who appears to have clearly recognized, long before the publication of the Thesis of Raschkow, the * preformative ’ or external membrane of the pulp, supposed that it was persistent, and that it was the true formative organ of the dentine. (See Anatomy, Physiology and Diseases of the Teeth, 8vo. 1829). In his valuable edition of Hunter’s Natural History of the Human Teeth, in reference to Hunter’s statement that the teeth are formed from the pulp, Mr. Bell observes : The statement that the bone of a tooth is produced from the pulp is erroneous. This substance constitutes only the mould upon which the ossification is formed, between which and the pulp is placed a membrane of extreme tenuity, which I have termed the proper mem- brane of the pulp. It is slightly attached to the surface of the pulp, which it completely covers, and it is from the outer surface of this membrane that the bone is secreted. As the pulp recedes on the deposit of the successive laminae of bone, the ossific membrane continues to cover it, and ultimately forms the well-known membrane lining the internal cavity of the perfect tooth.” — Bell’s ‘ Hunter on the Teeth,’ 8vo. 1835, p. 38v I i 1 INTRODUCTION. XXxix I I : Dr. Schwann was the first to express his leaning to the ancient 1 j doctrine that ‘ the dentine is the ossified pulp.’ But the nature of I the subjects selected by him for his observations left him in a state ! of doubt and indecision on this point : and the author by whom !Dr. Schwann’s observations were communicated to the British Asso- jciation in August, 1839, although he adopted the doctrine of the formation of ivory by the ossific transition of cells, rejected the idea jthat the dental substance was the ossified pulp, and declared ‘ the cells of the ivory to be altogether a distinct formation. ’(1) ' In fact, the subjects chosen by both Dr. Schwann and his con- ' tradictor, for the examination of the development of the dentine, ^were I inadequate to the exhibition of the relations of that substance to the formative pulp during any part of the process of its formation. [The shape of the teeth of the mammalia selected by them for examina- tion will not yield a view of the cap of new-formed ivory and the sub- jacent pulp, in undisturbed connection, by transmitted light with the ! requisite magnifying power; and, if placed under the microscope as Ian opake object, the light is reflected from the cap of ivory, and dis- ! plays only the characters of its surface and not its relations to the j surface of the pulp in contact with it. To examine this surface micro- i scopically in either a human tooth or that of any of our domestic I quadrupeds the cap of dentine must be removed, and the exposed sur- iface of the pulp and the corresponding surface of the dentine be \ examined as opake objects by reflected light. Or, if the layer of the J dentine be thin enough to allow the transmission of sufficient light, it I must be removed from the subjacent pulp before it can be so examined. (1) Report of the Papers read at the Medical Section of the British Association at Bir- I mingham, Literary Gazette, Sept. 21, 1839, p. 59S. xl INTRODUCTION. It is, therefore, obvious that any inference as to the structure of the pulp’s surface, or the nature of its previous connection with the tran- sitional cells and the superincumbent layer of dentine, which may be founded on appearances observed under the circumstances above men- tioned, is liable to the objection that the natural relations of the parts observed have been destroyed. If the dentine be the ossified pulp, as Dr. Schwann was disposed to believe, then the calcified part of the growing tooth has been violently displaced from the uncalcified part, and the part of the pulp which thus presents itself for examina- tion is a lacerated and not a natural surface. But to the observer who regarded the dentine as a secretion from the pulp’s surface, every modification which he might detect : on that surface after the displacement of the dentine, would appear i I natural, and be perhaps described as such with the view to the eluci- dation of the secreting process. Thus the cells which might be observed in progress of ossific transition into dentine would appear as independent parts, and the products of a secreting property; their de- tached condition being, all the while, a necessary result of the artificial ! displacement of the new-formed cap of ivory, and the consequent laceration of the pulp’s substance. In the terms of the ‘ excretion theory ’ the exposed surface of the pulp over which the cells lie scattered is a ‘ formative surfaces ; the nucleated cells are naturally ‘ detached,’ and the ivory or den- tine resulting from their calcification and metamorphosis, is, in i respect to the pulp, ‘ altogether a distinct formation, and by no ; means an ossification of the pulp.’ Such is the interpretation which an advocate of the excretion- theory has given to the true phenomena of dental development first observed and described by Purkinje, Raschkow and Schwann. INTRODUCTION. xli Observations on the pulp, in its various stages of conversion into dentine, whilst in undisturbed connection with the calcified portion, in the thin, transparent, lamelliform teeth of a fetal Shark (Carcharias) , first yielded me unequivocal demonstration of the organic continuity of the cap of dentine with the supporting vascular pulp ; they also indicated some stages of the progress of the conversion of the pulp into dentine, and produced that clear idea of the nature and relations of dental development, which is expressed in the ‘ Theory of dentifi- cation by centripetal calcification of the pulp’s substance,’ submitted to the French Academy in December, 1839.(1) The following are the progressive steps of the calcifying pro- cesses, according to my microscopic researches on the formation of the different substances which compose the more complex teeth of Reptiles and Mammals, pursued in various species of both classes, but chiefly in the higher organized domestic animals. Three formative organs are developed, as already described, for tbe three principal or normal dental tissues. The dentinal pulp (PI. 122 a, figs. 5, 6, 7 & 8, d), or pulp proper, for the dentine ; the ‘ capsule’ (ib. c) for the cement, and the ‘ enamel-pulp’ (ib. e) for the enamel. The essential fundamental structure of each formative organ is cellular; but the cells differ in each organ, and derive their specific characters from the properties and metamorphoses of their nucleus, upon which the specific microscopical characters of the resulting calcified substances depend. (1) The general results only of this communication were given in the * Comptes Rendus,’ 1839, p. 784. The Commission appointed by the French Academy to report on a subsequent Memoir on the same subject advert to some of the phenomena previously communicated by me. “ Quant aux preparations qui montrent Tareolite de la pulpe, non seulement nous les avons reproduces avec succes, mais de plus nous avons constate, a I’etat frais, la granulation des ar^oles signalee par M. Richard Owen,” loc. cit. 1842, p, 1063. d 1 Xlii INTRODUCTION. In the cells of the dentinal pulp the nucleus fills the parent cell with a progeny of nucleoli before the work of calcification begins : in the enamel-pulp the nucleus of the cell disappears, like the cytoblast of the embryo plant in the formation of most vegetable tissues : in the cells of the capsule, the nucleus neither perishes nor propagates, but retains its individuality, and gives origin to the most characteristic feature of the cement, viz : — the radiated cell. The primordial material of each constituent of the tooth-matrix is derived from the blood, and special arrangements of the blood- vessels pre-exist to the development and growth of the constituent substances. A pencil of capillaries is directed to a particular spot in the primitive dentiparous groove, and terminates there by a looped net-work, from which spot a group of nucleated cells begins to arise in the form of a papilla. The cells of the papilla are, however, colourless, and the plexus of capillaries is confined to its base. In the Mammalia (embryo Calf of three inches in length) membra- nous septa are formed, into which the vessels extend, which cross the groove and inclose the papilla in a follicle. From the free 5 margin of this follicle the processes are developed, which indicate the configuration of the future crown of the tooth, and, in the molars of the calf, subsequently develope the re-entering folds on which the complex structure of the crown of the molar tooth depends. The primary dentinal papilla and its capsule rapidly increase by successive additions of nucleated cells, apparently derived from material supplied by the capillary plexus at the base ; the capillaries now begin to penetrate the substance of the pulp itself, where they , present a sub-parallel or slightly diverging penicillate arrangement, | but preserve their looped and reticulate termination near the apex INTRODUCTION. Xliii of the pulp. Fine branches of nerves accompany the capillaries and terminate also in loops. The primary cells of the papilliform pulp, the grana aequalia globosa” of Purkinje, are described by him as pre-existing to the appearance of vessels and nerves in the pulp ; they are undoubtedly unaccompanied by the blood-vessels at their first aggregation to form the papilla ; but they bear the same relation to the capillary net-work at the base of the papilla, which the subsequently formed I cells do to the capillaries that extend into the substance of the papilla or pulp, when it is more developed. The primary cells and the capillary vessels and nerves are imbedded in, and sup- ported by a homogeneous, minutely sub-granular, mucilaginous substance, the ‘ blastema.’ The cells (PI. 1, fig. 1 , a) which are smallest at the base of the pulp, and have large, simple, subgranular nuclei (ib. a’), soon fall into linear series directed towards the peri- phery of the pulp : where the cells are in close proximity with that periphery, they become more closely aggregated, increase in size, and present the following changes in their interior. A pellucid point appears in the centre of the nucleus which increases in size and becomes more opake around that central point, rendering the compressorium requisite for its demonstration. A division of the nucleus in the course of its long axis is next observed (ib. h). In the larger and more elongated cells, still nearer the periphery of the pulp, a subdivision of the nuclei has taken place, and the subdivisions become elongated with their long axes vertical or nearly so to the plane of the pulp, and to the field of calcification (ib. c). The subdivided and elongated nuclei become attached by their extre- mities to the corresponding nuclei of the cells in advance ; and the attached extremities become confluent (ib. d). Whilst these changes d 2 xliv INTRODUCTION. are proceeding, the calcareous salts of the surrounding plasma begin to be accumulated in the interior of the cells, and to be aggregated in a semi-transparent state around the central granular part of the elongated nuclei, which now present the character of secon- dary cells, and the salts occupy, in a still clearer and more compact state, the interspaces of such cells (ib e*) : the elongated granular matter of the terminally confluent secondary cells establishes the area of the tubes, by resisting, as it would seem, the encroachment of the calcareous salts ; the nuclear tracts (ib./.) receiving a smaller proportion of the salts, in the condition of minute disgregated particles, which are usually arranged in a linear series of nodules, and contribute to cause the white colour of the moniliform area, of the tube when viewed by reflected light, and its opacity when viewed by transmitted light. Thus the primitive existence of the granular nuclei, their multiplication in the primary or parent cell, their elongated form, their serial arrange- ment end to end, and terminal confluence, are indicated in the calcified pulp by the arese of the dentinal tubes (fig. 2, c) ; the interspaces of the metamorphosed nuclei being occupied by calcareous salts in a clearer and more compact state, with evidence, however, of a dis- tinctness of the nucleolar membrane or secondary cell (fig. 2, b) from the cavity of the common containing cell, which sustains the interpreta- tion of the proper parietes of the dentinal tube. The indications of the primitive boundary or proper parietes of the parent-cell (fig. 2, a) are in like manner more or less distinctly retained, through a modification of the arrangement of the calcareous salts in the boundaries and in the interspaces of the cells. The salts are sometimes blended with the blastema in these interspaces in a disgregated condition which renders them almost as opake as the arese of the tubes. When a layer of the calcified cells is carefully detaclied, the exposed INTRODUCTION. xlv uncalcified surface of the pulp (fig, 3, b) presents the appearance of a net-work, the meshes being formed by the exposed cells, and the intervening very thin layer of blastema. Each mesh, however, which gives a transparent or bright contour to the cell, when viewed by transmitted light, instead of presenting a single stellate nucleus, shows by well directed light under a higher power, several points, each of which is the centre of one of the meshes of a finer network : these points are the ends of the granular elongated nuclei, (1) which have been torn from the cavities of the dentinal tubes in the displaced cap of dentine. A piece of the thin trans- parent margin of the cap of a growing tooth, which may be cut off with a pair of fine scissors, easily affords the means of demonstrating the corresponding structure in that calcified part of the pulp. A slight change of focus is required to bring the ends of the tubuli in view, from that in which the clear outline of the dentinal cell is best seen. In proportion as the progress of calcification approximates the cells, and as these have undergone the changes in their nucleolar ^contents, preparatory to the proper arrangement of the hardening salts within, the proportion of the basal substance in the inter- spaces of the cells to the enlarged cells themselves decreases, and the cells become more readily detached and seemingly independent, when torn out in the displacement of the cap of dentine. Although they are less adherent laterally to the basal substance of the pulp, they are more coherent with the cells of the same linear series : the tubes of the calcified cell accepting or effecting an union with the peripheral ends of the elongated granular nuclei or nucleolar cavities (1) The term * granulation des areoles,’ used by the French Academicians in referring to my observations in support of the theory of centripetal calcilication of the pulp, expresses the appearance produced by the nuclei, which are converted into the dentinal tubes, as seen in the area of their parent dentinal cell. xlvi INTRODUCTION. of the contiguous cell in the next central layer ; the angles at which the elongated nuclei or successive portions of the dentinal tubuli thus unite constitute the secondary gyrations or curves of those cells. The primary curves depend upon the arrangement of the primary linear series of the parent-cells. The original contour of these cells is most discernible after calcification in the teeth of the Mammalian class, and here with different degrees of distinctness in different species. They are the true dentinal cells, and must not be confounded with the so called ‘ intertubular or interfibrous cells’, the first notice of which is due to Retzius.(l) The diameter of the dentinal or calcified (1) The able Translator of *‘Miiller’s Physiology,” Part I, 2nd. Edit., p. 431, gives the fact that the substance between the tubuli of the ivory is composed of distinct cells, some of which contain smaller cells, on the authority of a “ Report of the Meeting of the British Association,” Athenaeum, No. 620, 1839. Retzius (“ Mikroskopiska undersokningar ofver Tandemes, sardeles Tandbenets, struktur,” 8vo. 1837, passim) describes the intertubular cells in the dentine of several of the animal’s teeth which he examined. In the molar of the Hog, for example, he says : “ short branches proceed from the sides of the main tubes throughout their whole extent, i! some of which terminate in dilated ends, like cells and a little further on : only a few opake ,? i cellules” (kalk celler) “ were visible in the interspaces of the tubes,” (pp. 33 & 34.) In the , molar of a Rhinoceros, Retzius saw many of the lateral branches of the dentinal tubes terminating in large cells : — These cells,” he says, " were thinly arranged in the intertubular spaces,” (af hvilka manga tydligen syntes sluta sig i stora kalk celler ; dessa lago glest kring spridda i stamrbrens mellanrum) p. 32. M. Serres in his Report on certain Microscopic j)reparations, submitted by Mr. Nasmyth to the French Academy, in proof of his discovery of the intertubular cells, says of four sections from the teeth of the Megalichthys, Lamna, Cachalot, and Elk : — “ Sur ces preparations et sous un grossissement de deux a quatre cents diametres on distingue entre les fibres dont I’ivoire se compose, des areoles nombreuses a parois distinctes.” He verifies this as the “fait capital du travail de M. Nasmyth,” and gives it the character of novelty by contrasting it with an alleged opinion of Retzius, whom M. Serres affirms to have regarded the intertubular tissue {tissue interjibrenx) as amorphous! (‘Compte Rendu de Seance de I’Academie des Sciences,’ 5 Decembre, 1842, p. 1055.) On what authority M. Serres cites me (loc. cit. pp. 1056 & 1057) as contending for the priority of the discovery of the intertubiilar, or interfibrous cells, I know not : he does not t INTRODUCTION. xlvii I primary cells of the pulp is usually one fourth or one half larger, than that of the blood-disc of the species manifesting them. These cells are figured, in the present Work, in the molar of the Mylodon (PI. 79), in the incisive tusk of the Dugong (PL 95), in the pre- molar (PI. 113) and the canine (PI. 113 a) of the Pteropus, in the incisor of the Chimpanzee (PI. 119 a), and of the Pluman Subject (PI. 123), and in the molar of a Rhinoceros PI. 139. In the calcification of the dentinal pulp the thin transparent membrane which covers the free surface, or that in contact with the enamel- pulp, is the first to receive or become impregnated with the hardening salts ; and hence has been called the ‘ preformative membrane.’ But at this early stage the calcifying membrane yields to the pressure of the ends of the prismatic cells of the enamel pulp, which are, likewise, beginning to take from the surrounding plasma the hardening salts and impact them in their interior. Thus are formed the pits upon the outer surface of the coronal dentine of enamel-covered teeth, by which the enamel gains I a firmer mechanical connection with the dentine. As the process of calcification of the multi-nucleated cells of the dentinal pulp extends in its centripetal course, the pulp, in most teeth, progres- refer to any publication of mine from which he derived the idea. I describe the intertubular cells in many of the subjects of my Memoir” in the ‘ Transactions of the British Associa- tion/ 1838. Ptychodus, for example: “The interspaces of the canals are also occupied by the same minute anastomosing reticulate tube-work. Numerous minute calcigerous cells are also present in the interspaces,” p. 140. But instead of putting forth this as a discovery, and misrepresenting Retzius as describing those interspaces to be amorphous, I premise by citing Retzius’s discovery “of the cells in the clear interspaces of the tubes,” p. 136. The true dentinal cells, a figure of which in the tooth of the Mylodon was published in the 2nd Part of this Work, PI. 79, in 1840, are very different from the intertubular cells on which M. Serres reports. In most animals they include many tubes and intertubular spaces, and it is much more exact to say that those cells include a tubular structure, than that the intertubular space is cellular. xiviii INTRODUCTION. sively decreases in size, fewer nuclei are developed in the cells, and these do not acquire so large a size. The diminution in both respects proceeds, however, unequally, in the cells of the same stratum. Here and there the linear tract formed by the nuclear matter in a part of a smaller calcifying cell, containing fewer nuclei, may be observed to unite with the converging extremities of two residuary tracts (areae of dentinal tubes) of a calcified cell in advance (PI. I. fig. 1, ^). It is thus that the bifurcation of the tubes is produced, and a repetition of this confluence, which becomes more frequent as the calcifying process approximates the centre and base of the pulp, gives rise to the dichotomous divisions of the main tubes. In some of the cells at and near the central and basal part of the pulp, the nucleus has undergone no division, but has become merely elongated and sometimes angular or radiated. In others it has disappeared ; such cells occur not unfrequently close to the field of calcification, when the process has made much advance in its centripetal course. The altered mode of action or change in the nuclei of the smaller central cells of the pulp is the first and essential step in the modification of the dentinal tissue which produces the substances which I have termed osteo-dentine and vaso-dentine. In the former manv of the cells retain their nucleus undivided, and the hardening salts are impacted around it in the interior of the cell, but enter only partially into the granular substance of the nucleus, in the minutely disgregated form, which produces the opacity and whiteness of the resulting corpuscle. In the formation of vaso-dentine many of the cells lose their nucleus which seems to have become dissolved. In both the latter modi- lications of dental tissue the blood vessels remain, and establish the wide tubular tracts in the calcified substance to which the name of ‘ vascular canals’ is given. In true, hard, or unvascular INTRODUCTION. xlix (leutiiie no trace of the blood vessels remains ; all has been con- verted into a much more minute calcified tubular tissue by the assimilative or intus-susceptive properties of cells, and by the modi- fication of their nucleolar contents. (1) (1) That the dentine is the ossified pulp is, as Dr. Schwann observes, an old opinion ; but an opinion is not a theory. Almost every true theory has been indicated, with various degrees of approximation, before its final establishment ; but he has ever been held, in exact philosophy, to be the discoverer of a theory, by whom it has been first clearly enunciated and satisfactorily proved. Thus established, on the basis of careful and sound induction, it is sooner or later received to the exclusion of the, till then, prevalent and generally accepted erroneous doctrine, at which period the truth of the antecedent hints and indications of the true theory begins to be perceived, and it is not uncommon to find their value exaggerated in quotations by the emphasis of type. Thus the remark of Blake : — ** As the bone of the tooth increases in thickness, the pulp is proportionally diminished : and seems as it were converted into bone,” (Essay, 8vo. 1801, p. 7) is quoted in the article ” Zoology,” ^ Encyclop. Metropolit.,’ vol. vii, p. 232, with ” converted into 6o/ie” in italics. So also Mr. Conybeare’s observation that the interior cavity of the teeth of the Ichthyosaurus was obliterated ‘*by the ossification of the pulpy nucleus” ; and that ” the ossified pulp has become a spongy mass of reticulated bony fibres,” (Geological Transactions, Second Series, vol. i, 1824, p. 107) might be cited in italics, as the older hypothesis of Rau (De ortu et regeneratione dentium) has been, in depreciation of the value or necessity of researches establishing the true relation of dentification to ossification. But the actual value and bearing of such casual expressions would have been more fairly and truly set forth, if, when the theory of the formation of dentine by successively excreted layers, as promulgated by Hunter and Cuvier, universally prevailed in the systems of Physiology, that theory had been formally combatted on the strength of such facts and observations in the development of dentine, which it could be shown that Raw, Blake, Conybeare, and others, had advanced in support of their expressions of the seeming, or actual conversion of the pulp into bone. Such expressions are, however devoid of scientific value, in regard to the question of development on which they are quoted to bear, precisely because they are unsupported by the observations requisite to prove what they affirm, and they have, therefore, been deservedly neglected by the best authorities in Physiology, who have treated ex professo on the develop- ment of teeth, prior to 1839. In the edition of the English translation of ** Miiller's Physiology” of 1837, many facts are cited from Blake’s excellent Treatise, but not his idea of the seeming conversion of tne pulp into bone. The Translator, indeed, adds to the text the microscopic observations ot I INTRODUCTION. But the vascularity of the dentinal pulp, and, especially, the rich network of looped capillaries that adorns the formative peri- pheral layer at the period of its functional activity, have attracted Purkinje on the texture of dentine, which show that, if the pulp was converted at all, it must be into a very different tissue from bone, and consequently by a different process from ossification. The nature of the process not having been discovered at that period, the formation of dentine is described to be ‘^by the secretion of layers of dental substance,” and the shell of osseous substance so formed, is said to have no organic connection with the matrix ; it is formed by the deposition of the mineral components of the tooth mixed with some animal matter, and may be lifted off its matrix,” (pp. 391 & 392). So also Prof, de Blainville, in the fasciculus of his great work “ Osteographie d’Animaux Vertebres,” submitted by him to the French Academy, on the same day on which 1 communicated to that learned body, my “ Theory of the development of dentine by centripetal calcification of the pulp,” (December 16, 1839. See the ‘ Compte Rendu’ of the Stance of that day), says : “ Pour bien comprendre la forme generale d’un phaneros,” (by this name the Professor designates the class of organs called * teeth’) il faut savoir que c’est une partie morte et produite, exhalee a la surface d’un bulbe producteur ou phanere, en continuite organique avec le corps animal ; et implantee plus ou moins profondement dans le derme et meme dans \ les tissus sous-jacents ; et que, par consequent, la forme du bulbe producteur determine rigoureusement celle du produit on du phaneros. Or, par la production seule des couches de celui-ci appliquees successivement, en dedans les unes des autres, sur le bulbe producteur seul vivant, seul lie par le systeme vasculaire et par le systeme nerveux au reste de I’organisme, ce bulbe diminue de volume en meme temps que de puissance productrice ; en sorte qu’il arrive un moment ou les cones composants, ayant cesse de s’accroitre en diametre avec le bulbe lui-meme, commencent a diminuer avec lui.” — Fascicule Premier, Primates, p. 15. These formal expressions of well weighed ideas of the nature and formation of teeth, set forth by the celebrated Professors of Berlin and Paris, afford the true indications of the state and the needs of that branch of physiology at the close of the year 1839. By only one writer had the casual expression by Dr. Schwann, in his general Treatise on the Correspondance between Animals and Plants in their structure and development, of his leaning towards the old and exploded opinion, that the dental substance is the ossified pulp, been cited prior to that date, in reference to the question of dental development. It occurs in the full Report of the communications by Mr. Nasmyth 'to the * British Association’ at Birmingham, in August, 1839, in the ‘Literary Gazette’ of September 21st, 1839; and, as these ‘Communications’ betray a full knowledge of all that Schwann had published relative to the development of INTRODUCTION. li general notice, and have been described by Hunter and subsequent authors on Dental Development. By most this phenomenon has been regarded as evidence of the secreting function of the surface of the pulp, and the dentine as an out-pouring from that vascular teeth, the conclusion to which Mr. Nasmyth had then arrived as to the ‘ formation of ivory by ossification of the pulp/ may aflford some indication of the value of Schwann’s facts, and the cogency of his observations in establishing that theory. It is true that Mr. Nasmyth has formally denied, in his subsequent Communication to the French Academy, (Comptes Rendus, Octobre, 1842, p. 680), that he had any knowledge of Schwann’s Treatise when he read his Memoirs to the Meeting at Birmingham. Any one who may care to see to what extent deliberate plagiarism from an original Author may be impudently attempted to be foisted on the scientific public, as a record and evidence of original research, may compare the * Report’ cited, with the observations, which occupy the whole of page 125 and part of the preceding and succeeding pages of Schwann’s “ Mikroskopische Untersuchungen iiber die Uebereinstimmung in der Struktur und dem Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, 8vo. 1839.” The unacknowledged abstract fills more than a column of the 598th page of the Literary Gazette (Sept. 21). From the passage beginning with ‘‘According to Purkinje,” and ending with “ and of the dental bone,” the report of Mr. Nasmyth’s Memoir, excepting that where Schwann asserts “ Mr. Nasmyth observes,” and that where Schwann believes “ Mr. Nasmyth presumed,” is a coarsely literal translation of the German Author. * Some of the borrowed paragraphs might have excited a doubt, if rightly understood by Mr. N., of the truth of the idea at that time maintained by him, of the formation of dentine “ by the calcification of detached cells on the formative surface of the pulp,” or “ of the deposition of the ivory by thin ossific layers on the surface of the pulp.” As, for example : — Schwanriy 1. c. p, 125. “ Diese in die Lange gezogenen kugel- chen sind nun oflenbar cylindrische Zellen.” “ Da sie auf der anderer Seite doch mit der Zahnsubstanz fester zusammen- hangen als mit der Pulpa, und an der ersteren hangen bleiben so veimuthe ich, das bier ein Uebergang statt findet.” Literary Gazette, 1. c. p. 598. “ These longitudinally drawn out glo- bules, Mr, Nasmyth observed, are plainly cylindrical cells ” — Also Medical Gazette, Jan. 3rd, 1840, p. 540. “As they cohere more firmly with the dental substance than with the pulp, and remain attached to the former, Mr. Nasmyth presumed that here a transition takes place.” — Literary Gazette, \. c. p. 598, and Medical Gazelle. 1. c. p. 541. lii INTRODUCTION. surface, which was supposed to shrink or withdraw from the matter excreted. For, it has been asked, ‘ If the unvascular dentine be the effect of conversion of the vascular pulp, by what process is Then again, when Schwann admits the validity of an objection to the theory of the ossification of the pulp, which I have proved to have no real weight, Mr. Nasmyth likewise, admits its force in the words of his Author ; — Schwannn, 1. c, p. 126. “ Gegen die ansicht, dass die Zahn- substanz der verknocherte Thed der Pulpa ist, hat man die leichte Trennbar- keit beider von einander eingeworfen, und ich erkenne das Gewicht dieses Einwurfs wohl an,’’ But the influence of the old doctrine of the discontinuity of the pulp with the calcified layers of the ivory, was then dominant in the mind of the plagiarist of Schwann : he says in the original part of the Report : — “ Schwann regards the dental substance as the ossified pulp, whilst Mr. N.’s observations lead him to conclude that the cells of the ivory are altogether a distinct formation.” — Literary Gazette, p. 598. Mr. N., in fact, exaggerated at Birmingham every statement of Schwann which led towards the doctrine of ossification of the pulp in order that he might refute him. Thus, according to the ‘ Literary Gazette,’ he makes Schwann regard the dental pulp as a simple cartilage he drags the dubious expression of his inclination towards the ancient doctrine of the tooth being the ossified pulp, from a remote part of Schwann’s treatise, converts it into a positive affirmation, and ])laces it in juxta-position with the statement of Schwann’s ideas of the relation between the dental pulp and cartilage, in order to formally contradict the conclusions of the original German observer, who, Mr. Nasmyth says : “ starts with a ready-made hypothesis, and founds his opinion rather on the ob- servations of others, and on the inferences he draws from them, than on his own actual research.” — Literary Gazette, loc. cit. p. 598. Thus, whatever influence the observations of Dr. Schwann might have had in drawing Physiologists back towards the old doctrine expressed by Raw and Blake, must have been greatly deteriorated by those who might place any confidence in the labours of Mr. Nasmyth, on which his communication to the British Association, in August 1839 was based. The right interpretation of Schwann’s observations, required, in fact, a new series of researches, and that interpretation only became obvious to Mr. Nasmyth, after the publication of my “ New Theory of Dental Dev'elopment,” in the ‘ Compte Rendu’ of December, 1839. Literary Gazette, 1. c. p. 598. ** Against the theory that the dental substance is the ossified portion of the pulp, the facility with which the one is separated from the other has been ad- duced ; and he (Mr. N.) allowed the force of that objection.” INTRODUCTION. liii all trace of the vascular ramifications obliterated, since none can be detected in such dentine V The same question is equally ap- plicable to the nerves of the pulp. In the explanation of this New Reports of the * Communication to the British Association/ in August, 1839, were then inserted in the Medical Gazette and Lancet for 1 840, with various modifications, to make the Birmingham Memoir of August, 1839, accord with the ‘New Theory* of December, 1839. These interpolations may be judged of by the following paragraphs touching the ossification of the pulp : — “ Schwann regards the den- tal substance as the ossified pulp, whilst Mr. N.*s observa- tions lead him to conclude that the cells of the ivory are alto- gether a distinct formation.” — Literary Gazette, Septem- ber, 1840, p. 598. “ He concluded, therefore, that the ivory is neither more nor less than the ossified pulp, and that it can in nowise he con- sidered as an unorganized body/* — Lancet, June, 1840. “ L’ivoire n’est done pour moi qu’une portion de la pulpe ossifiee.” Comptes Rendus de VAca- demie des Sciences, Octobre 2. 1842,;?. 680:— and by many others which I pointed out in an exposure of Mr. Nasmyth’s attempt to appropriate to himself my discovery of the true ‘ Theory of Dental Development.’ When the inconsistencies between the reports of Mr. Nasmyth’s Papers read before the British Association at Birmingham, in August 1839, as published in the Literary Gazette and Athenaeum of September, 1839, and the Reports of the same Papers communicated by Mr. N. to the Lancet and Medical Gazette of June, 1840, were demonstrated : Mr. Nasmyth replied: — “ My answer to this is, that I did not furnish the Report to the Literary Gazette, and that the notice of my Papers which I sent to the Athenaeum, was so abbreviated and cut to pieces that I cannot be responsible for it.” — Medical Gazette, June 26th, 1840, p. 545. If this assertion j is to be credited, the Report in the Literary Gazette must be regarded, however marvellous the j fact, as the work of a bond fide Reporter taking down the communication of an English soi- i disant discoverer, and publishing it in the form of a literal translation of a German Work : l I or, that the Reporter mistook a quotation by Mr. Nasmyth from Dr. Schwann’s work for the i terms in which Mr. N. was narrating his own observations. I But Mr. Nasmyth, in his Communication to the “Academie des Sciences,” Oct. 3, 1842, in reference to Schwann’s work, from which a literal translation of the observations on the Teeth is given in the Literary Gazette of Sept. 1831, as a Report of part of Mr. N’s Paper read in the preceding month at Birmingham, states: — “ Son ouvrage ayant ete public a I’epoque liv INTRODUCTION. process attention must first be paid to the almost straight and sub-parallel course of the vessels in the pulp’s substance, and to the remarkable regularity of form and size of the meshes of the oil j’adressai mes premieres communications au Congres de Birmingham, je n* avals pu en avoir connais sauce'’ — Comptes Rendus, Octobre, 1842, p. 680, In the ‘Addendum to the Report of the Transactions of the Sections in 1839,’ published in the ‘Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the British Association,’ 1842 ; the Council of the Association adduce the following testimony of the Editors of the Literary Gazette and Athenaeum : — “ Notices of Mr. Nasmyth’s papers appeared in the Athenaeum and Literary Gazette of the period : those journals usually obtain such notices either from authors themselves or from reporters of their own ; in the present case the Council have been informed by the respective Editors, that the report in the Athenaeum of the two papers read to the Medical Section was supplied, and the proofs corrected, by Mr. Nasmyth himself, and the notice of the geological paper by the reporter of the Athenaeum ; and that the report in the Literary Gazette was draAvn up by the reporter of that journal, from a rough manuscript furnished to him by Mr. Nasmyth.” Upon these ‘ Reports,’ furnished and corrected by Mr. Nasmyth, the following opinion has been published : — “ Reference having been made to us by a Council of the British Association for our opinion whether the report of Mr. Nasmyth’s paper, as published in the Literary Gazette and Athenaeum, or in either of those two periodicals, or the report of that paper sent by Mr. Nasmyth to Mr. Phillips for publication in the Report of the Ninth Meeting of the Association, held at Birmingham, is more correct with regard to the points under discussion between Professor Owen and Mr. Nasmyth, we have carefully examined these several documents, and it appears to us that the main point under discussion between these two gentlemen is, whether the account of the process of dentition, contained in Mr. Nasmyth’s paper, did or did not comprise the theory that the ivory of the teeth is formed by the ossification of the pulp. We find, with reference to this question, that in the accounts of Mr. Nasmyth’s paper, given in the Literary Gazette and Athenaeum, his opinions on that subject are involved in considerable ambiguity ; for, while some passages in them would imply that he considered the proper substance of the teeth as being formed by the addition of ossific matter in the original structure of the pulp, commencing and proceeding on its surface, these reports contain, at the same time, other passages, in which the theory of the ossification of the pulp is distinctly and INTRODUCTION. Iv terminal reticulation on the surface of the pulp. At the part where calcification has commenced, I have commonly found the extremities of the capillaries in a state of congestion and crowded expressly disclaimed by Mr. Nasmyth ; whereas in the abstract of his paper, drawn up by himself, with a view to publication in the Report of the Association, this theory is very explicitly and unequivocally maintained. Whether this theory was distinctly advanced in the original paper read to the Medical Section at Birmingham, it is not in our power to determine, because that paper is not before us, and because we have no other evidence of the nature of its contents than the printed documents already referred to. (Signed) JAMES MACARTNEY, One of the Vice-Presidents of the Medical Section at the Birmingham Meeting, P. M. ROGET, One of the Vice-Presidents of the Medical Section at the Birmingham Meeting. G. O. REES, One of the Secretaries of the Medical Sec- I tion at the Meeting at Birmingham. Li November l6th, 1840. It will be found by comparing the Reports in the Literary Gazette and Athenaeum with Schwann’s Treatise above cited, that the passages which imply that the proper substance of the teeth is formed by addition of ossific matter in the original structure of the pulp, are verbal translations, taken, without acknowledgement, from that Treatise, which is only refeiTed to with a view of contradicting a conclusion to which Schwann inclines, without proving either satisfactorily to himself or to others. Whatever testimony Mr. Nasmyth may procure as to his private views on dental development in 1839, it is incredible that he should have discovered, in the proper sense of the word, that ** the ivory is neither more nor less than the ossified pulp,” and yet omit to state this discovery in the Reports which, the Editors of the Athenaeum and Literary Gazette affirm that he himself furnished, and, in one Journal, corrected the proofs. Mr. Nasmyth made another attempt to establish his date of priority ; the nature of which will be understood by the following extract from the “Adendum,” p. 11, ‘ Report of British Association,’ 1842 : — Ivi INTRODUCTION. with blood-discs, which were pressed together into polyhedrons, ' and apparently stagnated and left out of the current of circu- lation. These aggregated blood-discs exhibited, in various and often ** ITie Council have since thought proper to request the Committee, to whom they have added the President (a) and Vice Presidents (&) of the Geological Section of the Association at Birmingham, to inquire into the authority supposed to be given to Mr. Nasmyth’s abstract by a printed document, in the shape of a printer’s revise, purporting to be the report, by the Editorial Secretary, Dr. Lloyd, of another paper of Mr. Nasmyth’s read to the Geological Section, at the same meeting of the Association, which revise, he alleges, contains the following passage, viz., ‘ the ivory is neither more nor less than the ossified pulp/ and on which he founds an argument that an affirmation to that effect had been distinctly made by himself in that paper. The present Committee, to whom this question has been specially referred, have procured, through the kindness of Colonel Sabine, one of the General Secretaries, a certified copy (c) of the original manuscript report referred to by Mr. Nasmyth, and which it appears was drawn up immediately after the paper had been received, by Dr. Lloyd, one of the Secretaries of the Geological Section. It is as follows “(It is the subjoined document marked B.)” “ On comparing this manuscript copy with the printed revise, as quoted by Mr. Nasmyth at p. 3 of his printed letter to the Council, it appears that several alterations have been made in the original in its progress to that stage of revision in which Mr. Nasmyth now j)roduces it ; and in particular, that the expression quoted by him in italics, as especially corroborating the fidelity of his abstract, is not contained in it/’ This needs no comment : it is here cited along with Mr. Nasmyth’s assertion to the French Institute, that Schwann’s Treatise was unknown to him when he read his Memoir at Birmingham, and with the statements which he hazarded in print, that he did not furnish the Report to the Literary Gazette, and that the Report in the Athenaeum had been so mutilated that he could not be responsible for it, in order to show the value of that person’s subsequent assertions on other points relating to the present work.(,rf) I (a) Dr. Buckland. (6) Leonard Horner, Esq., Charles Lyell, Esq. j (c) “ A copy, certified by Dr. Lloyd, of the rough copy preserved by himself of the original j manuscript.” (c?) For the refutation of these assertions see Medical Gazette, July, 1S40. INTRODUCTION. Ivii ! in striking degrees, those changes of the contained matter to i I which I have elsewhere suggested that their own multiplication I might be due. In the present situation and condition it is obvious that such changes must be preparatory, either to their disappearance I and removal, or to some important share which they are destined to take in the development of the dental tissue. The stagnant I corpuscles nearest the vascular and unchanged pulp presented the irregularity of contour, which has given rise to the term ‘mulberry,’ i or ‘ granulated’ applied to such altered blood-discs, when seen in other circumstances. These corpuscles in other respects, as colour, [ 1 size, and general form, retained their usual character. The blood- discs nearer the cap of dentine exhibited more plainly the contained I * I granules, to the commencing development of which the irregular I contour above-mentioned is due : this appearance was associated 1 with an increase of size, a change from the circular to the elliptical form, and a gradual loss of the characteristic colour, which was i longest retained by the central granular matter. The tunics of the capillary vessel containing the above aggregated and altered blood- i discs become gradually attenuated, and disappear, as if dissolved, ! before reaching the field of conversion. I once inclined to the ji belief that these modified blood-discs afforded fresh cell-material I to supply the space left by the retreat of the circulating currents. I The open mouths *^of the central last-formed ends of the calcified dentinal tubes are always ready to receive the plasma transuded from the capillaries remaining in the uncalcified part j ( of the pulp or in those tracts of it which constitute the vascular canals. The enamel pulp differs from the dentinal pulp at its first formation by the more fluid state of its blastema and by the fewer land more minute cells which it contains. (PI. 1, fig, 4, h.) The Iviii INTRODUCTION. source of this fluid blastema (ib. g) appears to be the free inner vas- cular surface of the capsule. As it approaches the dentinal pulp the blastema acquires more consistence by an increased number of its granules, and it contains more numerous and larger cells ; many of these show a nuclear spot (ib. h') : others a nucleus and nucleolus : the spherical nucleolar cells in the part of the blastema further from the capsule are so numerous as to form an aggregate mass, with a small quantity of the condensed blastema in the minute interspaces left between the cells, which are pressed together into hexagonal or polygonal forms, (ib. fig. 2, i). In this state they constitute a great part of the enamel pulp, which is of consider- able extent in the complex molar teeth of the Ruminants. The appearance produced by these aggregated cells, in a section of the tooth matrix of a Calf’s molar, (PI. 122 a, fig. 9, e) is compared by Raschkow to the actinenchyma of certain vegetable tissues, and the connecting condensed blastema to threads of cellular tissue. The field of the final metamorphosis of the cells into the moulds for the reception of the solidifying salts is confined to close contiguity with the surface of the dentinal pulp (ib. e\ e'). Here the cells increase in length, lose all trace of their nucleus, and become converted into long and slender cylinders usually pointed at both ends, and pressed by mutual contact into a pris- matic form (PI. I. fig. 4, A:, /). These cylinders have the property of | imbibing the calcareous salts of the enamel from the plasmatic fluid, and ot compacting them in a clear and almost crystalline state in their j interior : the disappearance of the nucleus being evidently the condition of the absence of any permanent cavity, cell, canal, or other modification of the mineral matter, at least in the enamel fibres of the Calf. In the Human subject it is probable that the cavity of the cylinder may be subdivided by a multiplication of INTRODUCTION. lix delicate nucleoli into compartments ; or that the remains of such multiplied nucleoli may cause a modification of the walls of the cylinder, and so produce the characteristic transverse striae of the enamel-fibre. This appearance is not present in the enamel of the Frog's tooth, nor in that of the teeth of the Hog, or Calf, in which animals my observations of the development of this tissue have been chiefly made. As the development proceeds, the cells in , immediate contiguity with the calcified prisms undergo the same changes as their predecessors, and become united to them by their peripheral pointed extremities, whilst the fluid plasmatic contents of the cells are exchanged for the dense salts of which the enamel is chiefly composed. The selective surface formed by the organic membrane of the cell would seem to be destroyed by the very pressure resulting from its own action, and exerted by the contents of the closely-packed contiguous prisms, when the cavities of the cells are completely filled. The membrane ceases at least to be distinguishable under the microscope, from the solid contents of j the cell, except at that surface of the enamel next the capsule, and which is still in progress of growth, (as in PI. 123, fig. 2.) What is remarkable, here, is that not the wdiole of the actinen- chymatous part of the enamel-pulp is converted into the long and slender prismatic cellular basis of the enamel ; at least, in the valleys of the complex crown of the molar of the Ruminant and Pachyderm, (Calf and Colt), this part of the enamel-pulp originally occupies more space than the subsequent layer of enamel does : and the superfluous peripheral part seems to be absorbed, and its place to be occupied by a growth or thickening of the vascular capsule. No capillaries pass from the capsule into the actinen- chymatous pulp of the enamel : nor have I been able to trace a blood vessel into that part of the capsule which was actually the e 2 lx INTRODUCTION. seat of the calcifying processes. (1) Here, as in the dentinal and enamel pulps, the calcareous salts are selected and arranged by the assimilative, selective, or intus-susceptive, properties of the cell- walls and by the repulsive power of their nuclei. (2) The blastema or fundamental tissue of the capsule is, at first, semitransparent and of a pearly or opaline colour ; but is soon richly ornamented by the plexiform distribution of the blood-vessels, (PI. II). As the period of its calcification approaches, which is later than that of the dentinal pulp, it becomes denser, and exhibits nume- rous nucleated cells. The blastema itself (PI. I. fig. 5, n) presents more evidently a fine cellular or granular structure in which the calcareous salts are impacted in a comparatively clear state constituting the frame- work {n’) of the cemental tissue. The characteristic features of this tissue are due to the action of the proper nucleated cells (ib. m) upon the salts of the plasma diffused through the blastema in which those cells are imbedded. The cells being characterised by a single large granular nucleus (ib. p) which almost fills the clear area of the cell itself. If, when the formation of the cement has begun in the incisor or molar of a Colt, one of the detached specks of that substance, with the surrounding and adhering part of the inner surface of the capsule in which it is imbedded, be examined, these nucleated cells are seen, closely aggregated around the calcified part, in con- centric rows ; the cells of which are further apart as the rows recede from the field of calcification. Those next the cement (ib. 6) rest in cup-shaped cavities in the periphery of the calcified part just as the first calcified cells of the thick cement which covers the ( ( : t 1 c p c T it 11: (1) Tills has led me to doubt whether the altered blood-discs of the capillaries of the dentinal pulp are converted into the cells of the pulp which occupy the place of the capillaries in the calcifying field. (2) It might be supposed that the cell-membrane and the surface of the nucleus were in different electrical slates. INTRODUCTION. Ixi crown of a complex molar are lodged in cavities on the exterior of the enamel. These exterior cavities of the cement are formed by centrifugal extension of the calcifying process in the blastema in which the cells are imbedded. The calcareous salts penetrate in a clearer and more compact state the cavity of the cell, but their progress is arrested apparently by the nucleus which maintains an irregular area, partly occupied by the salts in a subgranular opake condition, but chiefly concerned in the reception and transit of the plasmatic fluid which enters and escapes by the minute tubes which are subsequently developed from the nucleolar cavity as calcification proceeds. The radiated cells or cavities (pO thus formed, are the most common characteristic of the cement, but not the constant one. The layer of the capsule which surrounds the crown of the Human teeth and of the simple teeth of Quadrumana and Carnivora, consists simply of the granular blastema, without nu- cleated cells, and the radiated corpuscles are, consequently, not developed in the cement which results from its calcification. In the thicker parts of the inflected folds of the capsule of the complex teeth of the Herbivora traces of the vascularity of that part of the matrix are persistent, the blastema calcifying around certain of the capillaries and forming the medullary canals. The varieties of these canals are traversed by minute tubules continued from or communicating with the radiated cells. These tubules, and the more parallel ones which traverse the thickness of the cement in many Mammalia, are the remains of linear series of the minute granules of the blastema. In the deep sockets of the teeth of persistent growth the matrix is maintained by the constant additions of new blastema and cell-material to the bases of the dentinal, enamel and cemental pulps. I have demonstrated the partial growth of the enamel pulp Ixii INTRODUCTION. along the side of the capsule corresponding to the convexity of the scalpriform incisor of the under jaw of the Porcupine in the prepara- tion, now in the Physiological Series of the Hunterian Collection, No. 375 A. Chemical analyses(l) of the composite substances, built up by the organising processes in the fundamental tissues of the matrix, above described, have yielded the following results. INCISORS OF ADULT MAN. Dentine. Enamel. Cement. I. II. Organic substance . 28.70 3.59 29.42 29.12 Inorganic substance . . 71.30 96.41 70.58 70.88 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 MOLARS OF ADULT MAN. - Dentine. Enamel. Phosphate of lime with a trace of fluate of lime • . 66.72 89.82 Carbonate of lime « • . 3.36 4.37 Phosphate of magnesia • • • . 1.08 1.34 Salts • • • , 0.83 0.88 Chondrine (2) • • • . 27.61 3.39 Fat • • • . 0.40 0.20 100.00 100.00 BERZELIUS* ANALYSIS GIVES: Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime • . 64.0 88.5 Carbonate of lime • • ** 5.3 8.0 Phosphate of magnesia • • . 1.0 1.5 Soda and muriate of soda • • • . 1.4 — Cartilage and other animal matter • • . 28.0 2.0 > 100.0 100.0 (1) These results are cited chiefly from Bibra’s “ Chemische Untersuchungen iiber die ) Knochen und Zahne/’ 8vo. 1844. } (2) “ Knorpelsubstanz.” INTRODUCTION. Ixiii CANINE OF A LION. Phosphate of lime with a trace of fluate of lime • Dentine. 60.03 Enamel 83.33 Carbonate of lime V 3.00 2.94 Phosphate of magnesia • • • 4.21 3.70 Salts . • • • • ' 0.7/ 0.64 Chondrine • • • 31.5/ 9.39 Fat • • • 0.42 A trace 100.00 TEETH OF A DOLPHIN. (Delphinus DelpMs.) 100.00 Phosphate of lime with a trace of fluate of lime * • Dentine. 66.3/ Cement. 69.42 Carbonate of lime • • • • 1.84 1.79 Phosphate of magnesia « • • • 1.36 1.47 Salts • • • • 0.99 0.93 Chondrine • • • • 28.62 25.73 Fat • • • • 0.82 0.66 Phosphate of Lime with TUSK OF ELEPHANT. a trace of fluate of lime • 100.00 100.00 Ivory. 38.48 Carbonate of lime • , • • 5.63 Phosphate of Magnesia • • • • 12.01 Salts . • • • • •0.70 Chondrine • • • 42.94 Fat • • • • 0.24 Phosphate of lime with a TUSK OF WILD-BOAR. trace of fluate of lime • • 100.00 Dentine. 60.00 Carbonate of lime • • • • • 2.51 Phosphate of magnesia • • 6.43 Salts . • • • • 0.43 Chondrine • • • • • 30.50 Fat . • > • • 0.13 100.00 Ixiv INTRODUCTION. INCISORS OF OX. Dentine. Enamel Cement. Phosphate of lime with a trace of fluate of lime 59.57 81.86 58.73 Carbonate of lime • . • « 7.00 9.33 7.22 Phosphate of magnesia . . . 0.99 1.20 0.99 Salts ..... 0.91 0.93 0.82 Chondrine 30.71 6.66 31.31 Fat ..... 0.82 0.02 0.93 100.00 100.00 100.00 CROCODILE, Dentine. Cement. Phosphate of lime, with a trace of fluate of lime 53.69 53.39 Carbonate of lime 6.30 6.29 Phosphate of magnesia . 10.22 9.99 Salts .... 1.34 1.42 Chondrine .... 27.66 28.15 Fat .... • 0.79 0.76 100.00 100.00 PIKE {Esox iMcius), Large teeth of lower jaw. Phosphate of lime with a trace of fluate of lime • 63.98 Carbonate of lime . ^ • 2.54 Phosphate of magnesia . , • 0.73 Salts ..... • 0.97 Chondrine . . . . • 30.60 Fat . • 1.18 100.00 The proportion of mineral or inorganic substance would seem vary, within certain limits, in different individuals of the same species : thus in the molar teeth of one man Bibra found 79.00 of inorganic matter, and in another 71.99; whilst Berzelius found 72.0. The proportion of inorganic matter in hard dentine will depend in some degree upon the number of dentinal tubes, from the areie of which the salts are in part excluded : thus in the modified dentine (ivory) of the Elephant's tusks, in which the tubuli are INTRODUCTION. Ixv more numerous, close-set, and extensively undulated, in a given space, than in ordinary dentine, the organic bears a greater propor- tion to the inorganic matter, than in the dentine of the teeth of most other Mammals. The cement of the composite molar teeth of the Ruminants and of the Elephant contains a little more organic matter than the dentine does ; but in the cetaceous Dolphin it contains a rather less proportion, and is consequently harder. The nerves of the teeth (1) are derived from the trigeminal, or fifth pair, of which the second division supplies those of the upper jaw, the third division those of the lower jaw. In the Human Subject the three dental branches of the infra-orbital nerve intercom- municate by their primary branches, from which, and from a rich • plexus formed by secondary branches upon the membrane lining the antrum, two sets of nerves are sent off to the alveolar processes of the upper jaw ; one set {rami dentales) supplies the teeth, the other t {rami gingivales) the osseous tissue and the gums ; the latter agree I in number with the intervals of the teeth, as the proper dental I nerves do with the teeth themselves. These two sets are not, however, so distinct but that some intercommunications are established between the fine branches sent off in their progress to the parts they are specially destined to supply. The rami dentales take the more direct course through the middle part of the osseous tissue to the teeth ; penetrate the orifices of the fangs, and form a rich plexus with rhomboidal meshes upon the coronal surface of the pulp ; the peripheral elementary filaments returning into the plexus by loops. In the lower jaw the dental nerve, besides supplying the proper nerves to the teeth, also forms a rich plexus, in which it is joined (1) Swan, Demonstration of the Nerves of the Human Body, fol. 1830, pi. xii. Schu- macher, Ueber die Nerven der Kiefer und des Zahnfleisches, 4to. 1839. Ixvi INTRODUCTION. by some branches from the division of the nerve that afterwards escapes by the foramen mentale, and from this plexus the cancellous tissue of the bone and the vascular gums are supplied. In the Dog and other Carnivora the nerve of the laniary tooth is conspicuous from its size ; that which supplies the still more developed analogous tooth or tusk of the Boar, is still larger having relation also to the continual reproduction of the matrix at the base of the tusk.(l) In the lower jaw of the Porcupine the nerve of the great incisor is given off from the dental nerve near the middle of its course through the osseous canal, and returns at an acute angle to penetrate the cavity at the base of the scalpriform tooth, and supply its persistent pulp. (2) This recurrent course indicates the progressive change in the relative position of the pulp to the origin of its nerve. Besides the branches for the molar teeth, many smaller filaments penetrate the spongy texture of the bone, and form a rich plexus from which the gum derives its filaments. The maxillary plexus is most developed, in the Horse, above and between the alveoli of the three premolar teeth ; it is less complex where it supplies the molar teeth, their alveoli and the gums. In the lower jaw of the Horse a very rich plexus begins 4 to be formed in the cancellous substance of the bone by branches of the dental nerve, soon after its entry into the canal. The intercommunications between the dental and gingival nerves, and those supplied to the osseous tissue from the supra- maxillary and infra-maxillary plexuses explain the sympathies manifested in neuralgy and rheumatic pains between the teeth and the osseous cavities in which they are implanted. I have been represented as having arrived at the conclusion (1) PI. 140, f\g. 2. (2) PI. 104, fig. 1, 1*. INTRODUCTION. Ixvii “ that the structure of the teeth, as manifested by means of the 1 microscope, forms a new, distinct, and specific guide for classifying j the different members of the animal kingdom, and determining their I respective types :’’(!) the absurdity of which will be obvious to the I youngest student of Zoology, who knows that true teeth are developed only in one of the primary divisions of the animal kingdom. What ! I have stated is, that the teeth, by their microscopic structure, as I well as their more obvious characters, form important, if not I essential aids to the classification of existing, and the determination of extinct species of Vertebrated animals : but in this compara- I tively restricted sphere the teeth have different degrees of value, 1 as zoological characters, in different classes ; the lowest degree i being in the Class of Fishes, and the highest in that of I Mammals. Numerous rows of teeth, for example, gradually suc- I ceeding and displacing each other, characterise the higher organized i: or Plagiostomous Fishes, and particular modifications of the form and ■[ I (1) The labours of Purkinje, Muller, and Retzius on the structure of the teeth have now been recorded, and the views entertained by these physiologists have been most ably investi- gated and confirmed by Mr. Owen, who has submitted to microscopical examination the teeth of several other animals, both recent and fossil. From an excellent Report of these Researches read at the last Meeting of the British Association, I have great satisfaction in finding that he has arrived at the same conclusion which 1 had previously embodied in the first announcement of this work, viz., that the structure of the teeth, as manifested by means of the microscope, forms a new, distinct, and specific guide for classifying the different members of the animal kingdom, and determining their respective types. From the enduring nature of these organs, the characteristic modifications which they present, will form, as Mr. Owen has admirably pointed out, a most valuable accession to geological science,” — Mr. Nasmyth, ‘Researches on the Teeth,* 8vo. 1839, p. 123. Where this Author obtained the idea, “which he had previously embodied** to the best of his comprehension, is of little moment. The paragraph is cited to show that when Mr. Nasmyth penned and printed his eulogy on my “ Report’* of 1838, he seemed not to feel it as “a strange and unlooked for opposition** as he has represented it since the exposure, in 1840, of the nature of his ‘ Papers* read at Birmingham. i Ixviii INTRODUCTION. size of these teeth distinguish the primary subdivisions of the same Order. A few other groups of Fishes are well defined by dental cha- racters, as the Pycnodonts, Gymnodonts, Goniodonts, and Chsetodonts. But in most of the natural Orders, and in many of the subordinate groups of the Piscine class, the dental system is subject to very great diversity in regard to the form, number, and position of the teeth ; and in some natural families there is also a want of constancy in the structure of the teeth. There are extremely few genera of Fishes that can be characterized by a definite numerical dental formula, like most of the Mammalian genera. Indeed, in the first introduction of true teeth into the animal series, regarded in the ascending order, they manifest, like the mouths of the Polypi, the stomachs of the Polygastria, and the generative organs of the TcenicB, the principle of vegetative or irrelative repetition ; and, in many Fishes, are too numerous to be counted. The limits within which the teeth are applicable as means of classification in Fishes will be readily, and I trust, accurately appreciated, by the descriptions in the first part of this Work. Traced from species to species they are of great importance in the determination of the fossils of this class. With regard to microscopic structure, the second and third of the modifications defined in Chapter I, Section 8, are peculiar to and characteristic of the Piscine Class ; the first modification is, with the exception of one Mammalian genus, Orycteropus, peculiar to Fishes ; unvascular or fine-tubed dentine forms the crown of the teeth in a few Fishes, but is more common in those of the higher Classes. In the Class Reptilia the teeth serve to characterize smaller and more definite groups than in Pisces, as, for example, the venomous and non-venomous Ophidians ; and the acrodont, pleurodont, and thecodont Saurians. Certain Genera, and even Species may known INTRODUCTION. Ixix by peculiar forms of teeth ; but a definite dental formula can rarely 1 be assigned as a generic character of a Reptile. There is no de- I cided modification of dental structure peculiar to any of the class I of Reptiles ; the poison-fang is rather a modification of form, i The labyrinthic structure reaches its maximum of complexity in j the great extinct Sauroid Batrachians of the Keuper Sandstones, 1 but “ it also exists at the base of the tooth in a few Fishes,’’ I ' I : (Part II, p. 201), and specific instances of it in that class {Lepu dosteuSj and a few other Sauroids) have, since Part II. was published, ' received illustrations in the works of Prof. Agassiz(l) and Dr. ^ Wyman. (2) The only constant and general character of the teeth of ' the cold-blooded classes of Vertebrata is derivable from the brief I period of their existence in the individual, so that the few teeth which develope roots have these always simple and undivided, usually ! hollow, and with the germ of a successor in or near them, j With the exception of the composite dental masses of the j Chim2eroids, and the anomalous rostral teeth in Pristis, no existing |! species of Fish or Reptile could be said to have permanent teeth ; I and no extinct species of either class has yet been found with teeth having divided roots implanted in sockets, or manifesting evidence of perpetual growth by a persistent pulp, excepting the singular I extinct Saurians of South Africa, with two long canine tusks in the I upper jaw, which must have grown and been maintained throughout I life, of due size and strength, like the tusks of the Boar and I Walrus. (3) With the exception of these two anomalous teeth, ' the jaws of the Dicynodonts were edentulous. In the Mammalian Class the value of the dental organs, as (1) Poissons Fossiles, Notice surles Sauroides, Janvier, 1843. (2) Trans. Boston Society of Natural History, August, 1843. (3) Memoir on the Dicijnodon, Geological Transactions, 2nd series, vol. vii. Ixx INTRODUCTION. characters of classification, is much greater than in Reptiles or Fishes, as will be seen in Part III. Yet there is a difference in this respect in the different Orders, and the Dental System of the Cetacea and Bruta has a much greater range of variation, and a less constant relation to the other characters on which the families and genera are founded, than in the Ungulate and higher Unguiculate Species. But, with respect to these also, the value of the teeth as zoological characters has been overrated. (1) It is true, indeed, that the most manifestly natural Mammalian genera are those, the species of which are provided with absolutely similar molar teeth : and, th^t those genera, which include species with molars of different forms, do not present the same character of unity. But it does not follow that, by combining species of Mammals with similar molars, a group will be formed perfectly analogous to those which may be considered as the most natural or perfect. Neither the molar teeth, nor any other solitary character will serve to establish a natural classification. The molar teeth will least mislead in this respect where their modification is most extreme, as when they are adapted to divide the flesh of animals, in which case they must of necessity be associated with the faculties and instruments for seizing and destroying prey. But molar teeth may be similarly modified, and equally well adapted for crushing vegetable substances, which substances may be sought for by one species on the dry land, by a second in (1) M. F. Cuvier says Cette recherche me fit reconnaitre que tous les genres manifeste- ment naturels, et admis comme tels par tous les naturalistes, etaient formas d’especes pourvues de machelieres absolument semblpbles ; que ceux qui comprenaient des especes dont les machelieres differait, n’offraient point ce caractere d’unite qui etait le partage des premieres ; et, enfin, qu’en reunissant les especes a machelieres semblables on reformait des groupes parfaite- ment analogues a ceux que Ton pouvait considerer comme les plus parfaits."* Dents de Mam- miferes, 8vo. 1825, p. ix. INTRODUCTION. Ixxi marshes, and by a third in the sea, or on the banks of rivers. The grinding surface of the molar tooth, for example, may for this purpose be elevated into a pair of transverse ridges, and we find such molars in the Kangaroo, the Tapir, and the Manatee, as also in the extinct Diprotodon, Nototherium, and Binothe- rium. The small anterior molars of the Mastodon giganteus likewise present this form. It would be difficult to select from the Mammalian Class the constituents of a more heterogeneous group than would be constituted by the character which M. F. Cuvier has assigned as the true guide to the formation of ! the most natural and uniform genera in Mammalogy. Even in regard to teeth adapted to carnivorous habits, were these characters to form the sole guides in classification, species of placental Mammalia would be associated with those of the ovoviviparous sub-class ; and M. F. Cuvier, in illustrating his I generalization, observes : “ Les sarigues, les p^rameles, et les dasyures se sont reunis aux Insectivores, &c., &c., et je crois The class of tissues in which teeth should rank, has fre- I the fact being overlooked that they have not the same unity of composition as bones or epidermal appendages. One constituent ; of teeth, viz., the cement, unquestionably ought to rank with the I osseous tissue ; and the dentine, or ivory, which was described ' for the last time in this country, in July, 1838, as being “ like the hair, arranged in concentric layers,” (2) bears, on the contrary, a close (1) Loc. cit. p. xi. (2) Medico-chirurgical Review, p. 43. In France the dentine continued to be described, as late as the end of 1839> as “ compose de cones lamelleux extremement minces, s’emboitant les unes les autres, &c.” De Blainville, ‘ Osteographie^ Fascicule premier. Primates, p. 14, 1839. modifications par des motifs legitimes. ”(1) quently been a subject of controversy in Systems of Histology ; Ixxii INTRODUCTION. structural resemblance to bone and is almost identical in chemical composition : its modifications, which I have called ‘ vaso- dentine* and ‘ osteo-dentine,’(l) forming intermediate gradations between the hard dentine and true bone. True enamel is a tissue yer se ; but in the teeth of Fishes there are several intermediate stages of gradation which link enamel to dentine, as the dentine itself, in most Fishes, passes gradually into bone. Heusinger admits that the relation of the teeth to the corneous tissue (Horngewebes) is not clearly elucidated in Human Anatomy, but he affirms that it is most conclusively established in that of the lower classes of animals. (2) No doubt in tracing the mo- difications of the dental system through the Animal Kingdom, we find true horny productions substituted for teeth in certain Vertebrate Species, as the Ornithorhynchus, Whale, Tortoise, &c. (1) These tissues are respectively defined, as follows, in the ' Report of the British Association, 1838.* “With respect to the component structures of a tooth. Professor Owen commenced by observing, that in addition to those usually described and admitted, there were other substances entering into composition of teeth, and presenting microscopic characters equally distinct both from ivory, enamel, and cement, and from true bone, and as easily recog- nisable. One of these substances was characterized by being traversed throughout by numerous coarse canals, filled with a highly vascular medulla or pulp, sometimes anastomosing reticularly, — sometimes diverging, and frequently branching, — sometimes disposed nearly parallel with one another, and presenting more or fewer dichotomous divisions. The canals in many cases are sun-ounded by concentric lamellae, and thus resemble very closely the Haver- sian canals of true bone ; but the calcigerous tubes which everywhere radiate from them are relatively much larger. The highly-organized tooth-substance just described differs from true osseous substance, and from the caementum in the absence of the Purkingian corpuscles or cells. This structure is exemplified in the teeth of many fishes and some Edentate Mammalia. Another component substance of tooth more closely resembles true bone and cement, inasmuch ) as the Purkingian cells are abundantly scattered through it ; it differs, however, in the greater number and close parallel arrangement of the medullary canals. This structure is exhibited in the teeth of the Meyatherium, Mylodon, and other extinct Edentata,” p. 137. (2) System der Histologie, 4 to. 1823, p. 160. INTRODUCTION. Ixxiii So likewise the office of teeth is performed, in the Articulate Classes, by parts (modified as to form) of the crustaceous and chitinous integuments. But I know of no transitional or intermediate structures, such as Heusinger alludes to, between teeth and nails, horns or hair. The lamellar disposition traceable in the texture of the hardest dentine, is much more closely similar to that of bone, especially to the concentric plates surrounding the Haversian Canals, than to the texture of nails. The structure of the tooth of the Oryc- teropus, is essentially like that of all true teeth : the apparent resemblance which it presents to the horn of the Rhinoceros, or to Baleen, arises from its being compounded of many minute parallel and elongated denticles. And the close resemblance in intimate structure and chemical composition between true teeth and bones being established, it may be observed that the osseous tissue is not confined to the endo-skeleton: it is developed largely to form the exo-skeleton in many Fishes, in the Loricate Reptiles, and even in the Mamma- P lian Class, as, for example, in the Armadillos (Dasypus), where, to strengthen the integument, bone is substituted for horn, which forms the scaled armour of the allied Pangolins {Manis.) Now the re- lation of the tooth of the Armadillo to that of the Ornithorhynchus is precisely analogous to that which subsists between the osseous plates of the Armadillo and the corneous scales of the Pangolin ; but this relation no more establishes identity of tissue or system of tissues in the one case than in the other. The general form of the dental matrix and its relation with its " calcified product, bear a close analogy with those of the formative organ of hairs, bristles, and other productions of the epidermal system. In these the papilla, or pulp, is developed from the external skin; in the teeth from the mucous membrane, or internal skin. / Ixxiv INTRODUCTION. Teeth further agree with the extravascular appendages of the skin in being shed and reproduced sometimes once, sometimes frequently, during the life-time of an individual : the latter may be termed ‘ interrupted’ reproduction. In some cases again, as with certain epidermal appendages, the reproduction of the tooth is uninterrupted, and goes on during the life-time of the indi- i vidual; new matter being added to the base as the old is worn \ away from the apex, or working surface of the tooth. A tooth, ^ when fully formed, is subject to decay, but has no inherent power ^ a of reparation. A tooth of limited growth can only increase in size ^ after its formation is completed by abnormal growth of its most highly organised constituent, the cement. Thus, then, it appears that, the analogy of the dental organs to those of the corneous system holds only in their mode of development (1), in their shedding and reproduction, and in their exposure to external influences and to the contact of extraneous bodies : but the antlers of Deer are similarly exposed, and are likewise shed and reproduced annually, and also contemporaneously with the fall of the hair ; but antlers are not, therefore, classed with the corneous tissues, any more than is the bony core of the horns of the cavicorn Ruminants. (1) The cells and fibres of tho horny tissues are formed in and not excreted from the surface of their formative pulps. cN^^dJI lof il^Bnaqqc odt iliiltrA - Jia/nUsflioif '^aono '^luiJsmbaffcaouboicK^fefl^^ 6&/f*®Sffli3d?4ji .aJ , 7- 'r- ; *-* 3 ’“.- _ •*, .a^f • :'^^ti^“^f#-■ ^ [■ fiB *ui43?iB a©8lsD ‘ >l9flif»8 onoiioijboiqst ij^m^gif .sdf ^ k.^ ■':^ % j _ ^ ^dlooJ o3j 1o W)i>Sbotqf )f3'»dJ ^^asgBbnsqqB^teji^ _L . r r-ii >* V *J .--^. *iv - ^ -5t/ • ... •■ |/\djQQi^A nd:>ooJ aflrio i^saBriJia fB’?4i4\v^ k. ^oea Bit Ibt^lwmn^ «liimo«dB>t9d^b^^iiro3F sir Ao&samft all , •liffiii ai "tti)J||pqo{8’r&6 afioiat m -tj v«J. V .:-j^6*«iC-'; .ifc. ^bim -saoaab b'nn borfa SNah^^Iil Ual' stdJ dJiwi\J6«oo»BSoqe8^iif3?*'oti^ ^wB •.^.- , "^Ijjpt^' -'#%♦* ‘V' ■ ~^30r. ' Vrf ardi' dJw ,.^86i.' [.'“■Tpi ’. . * «»’ • -^■. -r. -' ' »7ff^-. ' 'e-. -*• '^' 5Ti --i"’'4^,.r- , j' ';-9' :"' ^^|]l!^^' «aa»sf. ••■■.■'’• i-.sf;» ERRATA. Page 31 line 7 from top. for Goniadus read Goniodtis. 103 8 from bottom. . • Pharyngnies read Pharyngiens , 134 4 from top. . . figure h read figure 6. 136 15 . . (/) read (fig. 5, f) 147 18 .. 4) read 3) 188 8 . . fig. 1) read fig. 5. — 21 • . fig. 2) read fig. 6. 191 15 . . fig. 5 and 6, read figs. 1 and 2. 244 8 from bottom. • . laminaries read laniaries 311 3 from bottom of note, for palates read palate 396 Note (1) PI. 91 read PI. 90. 407 5 from bottom. for fig. 3 read fig. 2 408 2 from top. . . PI. 168 read PI. 108. 419 12 from bottom, •• 4—4 3—3 m. : = 42. read m. ; = 44. 4—4 3—3 443 11 from top. . . fig. 1 & 2 read fig. 2. 458 9 & 7 from bottom, for osseo-dentine read osteo-dentine. 460 Note (1) dele PI. 122 a, fig. 1. — Note (3) for PI. 124 «, fig. 4. read PI. 122 a, fig. 4, 465 Note (1) .. fig. 1 & 2 read fig. 1 e. 466 Note (2) . . p. Ixvi read p. Iviii. I j i j ODONTOGRAPHY. ! — — - - — — i PAR T I. I DENTAL SYSTEM OF FISHES. CHAPTER I. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE TEETH OF FISHES. I I If the ichthyologist have reason to complain of the monotony ,vhich unavoidably pervades his descriptions of the external charac- ters of the objects of his study, (1) the anatomist in treating of the lental system of fishes, finds, on the contrary, his difficulty in l)btaining the command of language sufficiently varied to pourtray ,he singular diversity and beauty, and the interesting physiological I’elations which are manifested in that part of their organization. The teeth of fishes, in fact, in whatever relation they are considered, ' vhether in regard to number, form, substance, structure, situation, i)r mode of attachment, offer more various and striking modifications ban do those of any other class of animals. 2. Number. — If we commence with the lowest species, as the glutinous hag and other myxinoid fishes, we find that, the armature )f the tongue excepted, the dental system is represented by a single ooth developed on the median line of the palate. In the carp, L single median tooth above the pharynx is opposed to two den- igerous plates below. In the Ceratodus and Ctenodus, the jaws are irmed with four teeth, two above and two below. In the chimaera, Ijwo lower maxillary teeth are opposed to four above. From these lipecies may be traced every gradation in the progressive multipli- • iiation of the teeth up to the pike, silurus, and other fishes in vhich the mouth is crowded with innumerable teeth. 3. Form. — The great variety of forms of the teeth of fishes (1) Cuvier, Eloges, iii, p. 313. B 2 FORM. has attracted the attention of most comparative anatomists, and yet such is the rapidity with which new species, either of the present or a past creation, are added to the catalogues of the ichthyologist, that this part of the subject is far from being exhausted. All the known differences wdiich the teeth of fishes present in this respect may, however, be referred to modifications, either of the cone, the plate, the prism or the cylinder. The conical teeth may be slender, sharp-pointed, and so minute, so numerous, and closely aggregated as to resemble the plush or pile of velvet; these will be termed villiform teeth, they are the dents en velours of Cuvier, and are sometimes so short as to be more easily felt than seen: when the teeth are equally fine and numerous but longer, they will be called ciliiform teeth : when long and slender, but a little stronger, they are the dents en hrosse (brush- teeth) of Cuvier. Conical teeth as close-set and sharp-pointed as the villiform teeth, hut of larger size, are the dents en rape, or en cardes of the French anatomist. These modifi- cations of the whole or a part of the dental series are common to a great number of fishes. The perch has all its teeth en velours ; the pike presents the rasp-like teeth on the posterior part of the vomer ; the armature of the palate bone of the silurus (PI. 1, fig. 1,) as well as that of other bones of the mouth of the same fish, presents all the gradations between the dents en velours, and the dents en cardes. The conical teeth may be so long and slender as to resemble bristles, as in the cheetodonts (PI. 1, fig. 2.) These setiform teeth are sometimes bifurcate at their free extremity, as in the genus Citharina ; or they may terminate in three diverging points, as ir the anterior maxillary teeth of the genus Ptatax (PI. 1, fig. 2"*^), anc here the cone merges into the long and slender cylinder. Or tin elongated cone may be compressed into a slender trenchant plate and this may be pointed, recurved, or even barbed like a fish hook, a{ in the Trichiurus (PL 1, fig. 8,) and some other scomberoid fishes ; oi it may be bent upon itself like a tenter- hook, as in the Pimelipteru. and Gonyodontes. In other species as in the bonito, (PI. 1, fig. 3,) th( conical teeth present a progressive thickening of the base, and thi. modification being combined in certain predatory fishes with ai increase of size and a slightly recurved direction, they resemble th( FORM. 3 i jlaniary or canine teeth of the carnivorous quadrupeds. Of this kind jare the larger teeth of the pike and Rhizodus (PI. 35), and the 1 anterior teeth of the Dentex, (PI. 41). A moderately long, stout iand more or less straight cone is a form exemplified in the anterior jteeth of the wolf-fish, (PI. 60 & 61 ,) and the transition by progressive iblunting, flattening and expansion of the apex is very gradual from I this form of the cone to the thick and short cylinder, such as is seen !in the posterior teeth of the wolf-fish, and similar grinding or crushing teeth of many other existing genera. The working surface |of these short cylindrical teeth may be rounded as in the sheep’s- Ihead-fish {Sargus, PI. 42, fig. 1,) or flattened as in the pharyngeal teeth of the wrasse, {Labrus, PI. 45, fig. 4). Sometimes the hemi- spheric teeth are so minute and numerous as to give a granulated jsurface to the part of the jaw to which they are attached (PL 45, fig. 1). I A progressive increase of the transverse over the vertical dia- meter may be traced in the molar teeth of different fishes, and [sometimes in those of the same individual, until the cylindrical form ds lost in that of the depressed plate. Of this change we have a good j example in the posterior teeth of the gilt-head (Chrysophrys) , when I arrived at maturity, and likewise in the fossil genus Placodus, ’(PI. 30). The dental plate, instead of offering the cylindrical form, jmay be elliptical, oblong, square, triangular, semilunar, sigmoid, iand with the grinding surface variously sculptured. The broadest :and thinnest depressed laminae are seen in the component denticles iof the molar tubercle of the diodon, and in the teeth of the Phyllodus. The incisors of the sargus, (PL 1, fig. 13,) flounder, and some I other fishes present the compressed laminated form, at least, in the iprotruded coronal portion. Numerous wedge-shaped dental plates are set vertically in the pharyngeal bones of the Scarus or parrot- ifish. A thin lamella, slightly concave like a finger-nail, is the sin- :gular form of the tooth of an extinct genus of cartilaginous fishes, I which I have, on that account, named Petalodus, (PL 22, figs. 2, 3, 4.) I I Sometimes the flattened incisive crown is notched in the middle of lithe cutting edge, as in the incisors of the species of bream [Sargus w unimaculatus) figured in PL 1, fig. 9. Sometimes there is a double i notch rendering the crown of the incisor trilobate, as in the genus B 2 4 FORM . SITUATION. Aplodactylus j (fig. 10) ; in the lower maxillary teeth of the Boops, the crown is divided into five lobes by a double notch on each side of the middle and largest lobe, (fig. 11). In the great barracuda-pike (Sphyroena) , the crown of both the large and small lamelliform teeth is produced into a sharp point, and closely resembles a lancet, (PI. 1, fig. 4, & PI. 53). A similarly shaped piercing and cutting tooth may he accompanied by one or more accessory compressed cusps at its base, as in the teeth of cer- tain sharks, (PL 3 & 4,) or the margins of the crown may be variously notched, serrate, e. g., as in the priodon, (PI. 1, fig. 12,) and in the teeth of the great sharks of the genus Carcharias, or crenate as in the genus, hence called Crenidens, (fig. 7,) and in the teeth of the Acan- thuri, (PL 44,) of which the species called Ctenodon is remarkable for the deeply crenated, expanded and spatulate crowns of its teeth, (PL i 1, fig. 6). Prismatic teeth of three sides are present in the jaws ; of the Myletes, where each angle of the coronal surface is produced ) into a point. The small teeth with which the jaws of the Beams are paved are four sided prisms ; the strong flat teeth which form the tesselated pavement of the jaws of the Eagle-rays (Myliobates) , present beautifully regular hexagonal or pentagonal forms (PL 25). 4. Situation. — Before proceeding to consider the situation of j the teeth of fishes, a few words may be premised respecting the bones which enter into the formation of the mouth in the ordinary osseous species. In these, the upper margin of the mouth is bounded generally by the intermaxillary bones alone, which extend backwards from the middle line to the angles of the mouth ; in this case, the superior maxillary bones(l) run parallel with and above the horizontal portion of the intermaxillaries ;(2) but when, as in the lophius and salmon-tribe, the intermaxillary bones do not || extend to the angles of the mouth, the osseous boundary is com-ij pleted above by the superior maxillaries.(3) The lower border of the mouth is formed by the premandibular bones, (4) this name being given to the anterior of the two pieces of which each ramus of the lower jaw consists in fishes. The roof of the mouth is formed | anteriorly by three bones which extend backwards from the inter- | space of the intermaxillary hones ; the two lateral ones are the pa- (1) PI. 41, h. (2) PI. 41, G. (3) PI. 60, fig. 1, h. (4) PI. 41, c. SITUATION. 5 latines, (b b PI. 61), the median one is the vomer, (c PI. 61). Two flat- tened bones on each side, called the pterygoid and transverse hones, complete the bony arch or buttress which extends from the inter- maxillaries to the pedicle supporting the lower jaw. Posteriorly, the Iroof of the mouth is completed by the sphenoid and sub-occipital bones. The floor of the mouth is supported by the median longitudinal jchain of lingual bones, to the sides of which are attached the infe- rior extremities of the branchial arches ; these form the sides of the posterior part of the mouth, which gradually contracts to the pharynx ; jthis orifice is strengthened by bones above and below, varying in I number from one to six, and called the pharyngeal bones. In the roach, dace, barbel and most other cyprinoid fishes, the teeth are limited to the pharyngeal bones ; in the carp, the upper pharyngeal dental plate is wedged into a cavity of the occipital bone. In the ordinary sharks and rays, on the other hand, the teeth are confined to the maxillary cartilages bounding the anterior aperture 3f the mouth. The wrasse, {Labrus), and parrot fish, {Scams), are instances in which the intermaxillary and premandibular, as well as [he pharyngeal bones are provided with teeth, both the anterior and Dosterior apertures of the mouth being thus surrounded by instru- Hnents for dividing or comminuting the food. In other fishes, we imd the teeth situated not only on the bones which bound the an- j erior and posterior orifices of the mouth, but in the intermediate Positions, as on the palatines, the vomer, the lingual bones, or the branchial arches ; sometimes, also, but more rarely, on the transverse, l)r pterygoid, the sphenoid, (1) and the superior maxillary bones, of jvhich latter situation the fishes of the Halecoid(2) tribe and the bxtinct Lepidotus, afford examples in the present class. Among he anomalous positions of teeth may be cited, in addition to the )ccipital alveolus of the carp, the accessory rostral cartilages, which n the Pristis are elongated, and so ossified as to be adapted to retain n sockets the strong sharp lateral teeth, constituting its formidable aw. In the lampreys, and in one of the osseous fishes {Helostomus) Qost of the teeth are attached to the lips. Lastly, I may observe, hat it is peculiar to the class of fishes among vertebral animals, to (1) PL 48, fig. 2. {Sadis). (2 In this family M. Agassiz includes the Salmonoid and Clupeoid fishes of Cuvier. 6 SITUATION. ATTACHMENT. present examples of teeth developed in the median line of the mouth, as in the palate of the myxines, or crossing the symphysis of the lower jaw, as in the scymims and myliobates. ^.Attachment. — The teeth of fishes present greater diversity in their mode, as well as place of attachment, than is observable in those of any other class of animals. In a few instances, they are implanted in sock- ets, to which they are attached only by the surrounding soft parts, as e. g., the rostral teeth of the saw-fish.(J) Some have their hollow base supported, like the claws of the feline tribe, upon bony prominences, which rise from the base of the socket ; the incisors of the file-fish afford this curious example of a double gomphosis, the jaw and the tooth reciprocally receiving and being received by each other. (2) The teeth of the Sphyrcena, Acanthurus, Dictyodus^ &c., are examples of the ordinary implantation in sockets, with the addition of a slight anchylosis of the base of the fully-formed tooth with the parietes of the alveolar cavity. But by far the most common mode of attachment of the fully-formed teeth in the present class, is by a continuous ossificatiorj between the dental pulp and the jaw ; the transition being gradual from the structure of the tooth to that of the bone : the tooth, prior to the completion of the anchylosis, is connected by ligamentous substance, either to a plain surface, an eminence, or a shallow depres-: c sion in the jaw-bone. Sometimes not the end, but one side of the base of the tooth is attached by anchylosis to the alveolar border of the jaw ; it might b( supposed that, in this case, the crown of the teeth in both jawi would project forwards instead of being opposed to one another and such, in fact, must have been their position were it not that, ii si some instances, as in the Pimelipterus , the teeth have the crowi (1 bent down at nearly a right angle with the base. In the scarus and likewise in the marginal teeth of the diodon, where the teetl si are straight, and attached horizontally to the margin of the jaws o their sides instead of their crowns are actually opposed to one another In the cod-fish, wolf-fish, and some other species, in proportion as the ossification of the tooth advances towards its base am along the connecting ligamentous substance, the subjacent portiol of the jaw-bone receives a stimulus, and developes a process corres (1) PI. 8, fig. 3. (2) PI. 40, figs. 3 and 5, a. ATTACHMENT. 7 ponding in size and form with the solidified base of the tooth. In this case, the inequalities of the opposed surfaces of the tooth and maxillary dental process fit into each other, and for some time ithey are firmly attached together by a thin layer of ligamentous ! substance ; but in general, anchylosis takes place to a greater or less ! extent before the tooth is shed. The small anterior maxillary teeth of !the angler (Lophius) are thus attached to the jaw, but the large posterior (ones remain always moveably connected by highly elastic, glistening ligaments which pass from the inner side of the base of the tooth to the jaw-bone. These ligaments do not permit the tooth to be bent outwards beyond the vertical position, when the hollow base of the tooth rests upon a circular ridge growing from the alveolar margin of the jaw ; but the ligaments yield to pressure upon the tooth in the contrary direction, and its point may thus be directed towards the back of the mouth ; the instant, however, that the pressure is re- mitted, the tooth flies back, as by the action of a spring, into its usual erect position ; the deglutition of the prey of this voracious fish is thus facilitated, and its escape prevented. The broad and generally bifurcate osseous base of the teeth of sharks is attached by ligaments to the ossified or semi-ossified crust of the cartilaginous jaws. The teeth I of the Salarias and of certain Mugiloids are simply attached to the gum. I The small and closely-crowded teeth of the rays are also connected by ligaments to the subjacent maxillary membrane. The broad tesselated teeth of the eagle- rays have their attached surface longitudinally grooved, to afibrd them better holdfast ; and the sides of the contiguous teeth are articulated together by true serrated, or finely-undulating sutures ; which mode of fixation of the dental apparatus is unique in the animal kingdom. If the engineer would study the model of a dome of unusual strength, and so supported as to relieve from its pressure the floor of a vaulted chamber beneath, let him make a vertical section of one of the crushing pharyngeal teeth of the wrasse. (1) The base of this tooth is slightly contracted, and is implanted in a shallow, circular cavity, the rounded margin of which is adapted to a circular groove in the contracted part of the base ; the margin of the tooth, which immediately transmits the pressure to the bone, is strengthened by an (1) PI. 46. 8 ATTACHMENT. SUBSTANCE. inwardly projecting convex ridge. The masonry of this internal buttress and of the dome itself, is composed of hollow columns, every one of which is placed so as best to resist or transmit in the due direction the superincumbent pressure. The advantages gained by this beautiful example of animal mechanics will be explained when the dental system of the labroid fishes is described. In another case, in which long and powerful piercing and lace- rating teeth were evidently destined, from the strength of the jaws, to master the death-struggles of a resisting prey, we find the broad base of the tooth divided into a number of long and slender cylindrical processes, which are implanted, like piles, in the coarse osseous sub- stance of the jaw ; they diverge as they descend, and their extremities i bend and subdivide like the roots of a tree, and are ultimately lost in the bony tissue. This mode of implantation of the teeth, which I have detected in a large extinct sauroid fish {Rhizodus) y{\) is, per- haps, the most complicated which has yet been observed in the animal kingdom. 6. Substance. — The teeth of fishes, in respect to their sub- stance, present various degrees of density and complexity. In most of the cheetodonts they are flexible and elastic, of a yellowish, shining, and subtransparent tissue. The labial teeth of the helostome are also of this kind, as are also the anterior maxillary teeth of the gonyo- donts, and of the percoid species, hence called Trichodon. In the cyclos- ■ tomes, the teeth consist of an albuminous tissue, of a somewhat denser nature. The upper pharyngeal molar of the carp, consists of a peculiar browm and semi-transparent tissue, harder than the true horny teeth of the lamprey. The greater number of fishes have their teeth composed of an osseous substance, somewhat denser than the jaws to which they are affixed. In some instances, as in the teeth of the flying-fish {Exoccetus), and sucking-fish (Remora) ^ the substance of the tooth is uniform, and not covered by a layer of a denser texture. In others, as the shark, sphyrsena, &c., the tooth is coated with a dense, shining, enamel-like substance ; but this is not true enamel, nor the product of a distinct organ ; it differs from the body of the tooth only in the greater proportion of the earthy particles, their more minute diffusion (1) PI. 3(5. SUBSTANCE. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. 9 through the gelatinous basis, and the more parallel arrangement of the calcigerous tubes ; but it is developed in and by the same matrix, and, resulting from the calcification of its external layer, is the first part of the tooth which is formed. In the Sargus and Batistes , the dentine, or proper osseous substance of the tooth, is harder than that of the fishes last cited, and is covered with a thick layer of a denser sub- stance, developed by a distinct organ, and differing from the enamel of the higher animals only in the more complicated and organized mode of deposition of the earthy particles. The ossification of the capsule of the matrix gives the enamel of the teeth of the file-fish, and some others, a thin coating of a third substance analogous to the “ C8ementum, 3r crusta petrosa,” of the mammalian teeth. And in the pharyngeal teeth of the parrot-fish, a fourth substance is added to the structure of the tooth by the coarser ossification of the pulp, after its peripheral jportion has been converted into the dense ivory. The teeth, thus j consisting of dentine, enamel, cement, and coarse bone, are the most omplicated as regards their substance that have yet been discovered. 7. Chemical composition. — With respect to the chemical compo- ition of the teeth of fishes, little remains to be added to what has been [jstated on this subject in the preliminary general observations. The ilmimal base of the horny teeth of the cyclostomes is albuminous, as l^n true horn ; that of the calcified teeth is gelatinous, and the pro- Iportion of gelatin to the usual hardening salts, diminishes as their density increases. According to the analysis of Lassaigne,(l) the teeth Df the shark yield Phosphate of lime . . 52, 6 Carbonate of lime . . 13, 9 Animal matter . . 33, 5 100, 0 The inferior pharyngeal teeth of the carp contain Phosphate of lime . . 49 Carbonate of lime . , 16 Animal matter ... 35 100,0 (1) Berzelius, Traite de Chimie, par Esslinger 1828, tom. vii, p. 480. 10 STRUCTURE. In the brown upper pharyngeal tooth of the carp, Stromeyer(l) detected a small proportion of magnesia. 8. Structure. — The tubular structure common to the dentine of all classes of animals, though not first discovered in the teeth of fishes, has been most frequently recognised, because most conspicuous, in them : and, as in several fishes, the coarser features of this structure are obvious to the naked eye, it was admitted as applicable to a greater or less proportion of that class by some comparative anatomists, before the researches of Purkinje and Retzius had established its existence in the teeth of the higher vertebrate animals. Leeuwen- hoek, indeed, in his account of the minutely tubular structure of the teeth of man and of the ox, (2) attributes the same structure to the tooth of the haddock, in which he states that the dental tubes are smaller than in the ox. Mr. Andre (3) detected the ramified canals which pervade the substance of the tooth of the Acanthurus. Cuvier (4) first i described the coarser tubes composing the teeth of the rays and of , the wolf-fish; and Von Born(5) ascribes to the teeth of a greater I number and variety of fishes the same structure, which was regarded by both these anatomists as analogous to the tubular structure of the teeth of the ornithorhynchus and orycteropus, and also compared with that of whalebone and of the horn of the rhinoceros. Such comparisons, ? however, are wanting in accuracy when applied in that loose and , general manner. i In the following pages there will be shown to he, at least, i four principal modifications of the tubular structure in the teeth | of fishes. Premising that the essential character of this structure , is a cavitas pulpi, or medullary canal, from which the calcigerous ^ tubes radiate, the first modification which may he noticed is , where the tooth is traversed by a number of equidistant and j parallel medullary canals, each canal and its system of medul- j lary tubes representing a cylindrical or prismatic denticle, and being ^ separated from the contiguous denticles by a thin coat of bone or j cement. This modification is exemplified in the rostral teeth ol ^ (1) Gilbert’s Annalen, Bd vii, 1811. |j C (2) Philos. Trans., 1678, p. 1003. ^ (3) Ib. vol. 74, Description of the teeth of Chaetodon (Acanthurus) nigricans. (4) Le9ons d’Anat. Comparee, tome iii, p. 113 (1805). (5) Heusinger’s Zeitschrift, Bd. i, 1827- C STRUCTURE. 11 I the saw-fish, fPristisJ, the tesselated teeth of the ea^le-rays, {Mylio- bateSy ZygohateSy and the maxillary plates of the chimse- roids. The dense dental case of the jaws of the parrot-fishes, (Scarus)y may likewise be regarded as an extreme instance of this modification, and we shall find the same structure re-ap- ' pearing in some of the inferior genera of the mammiferous class. In the parrot-fishes, the denticles are quite distinct from one another, but in the saw -fish, chimsera, and eagle-rays, the contiguous i medullary canals occasionally anastomose together. In the chimas- roid fishes these anastomoses are more numerous, and the boundaries of the component denticles less distinct, so that they form a transition between the preceding, and what may be regarded as the second variety of the tubular structure. In this modification, the substance of the tooth is traversed by medullary canals, somewhat less regularly equidistant and less parallel than in the first ; having the boundaries of their respective systems of radiated calcigerous tubes indicated by the minute calcigerous cells, with which the terminal branches of those tubes communicate ; these boundaries being more or less obscured by the terminal branches of the calcigerous tubes extending across |jinto the interspaces of the corresponding branches of an adjoining I system of tubes, and anastomosing with them immediately, or I through intervening dilatations or cells. The medullary canals here dichotomize more frequently than in the first modification ; their anastomoses are more numerous, and the whole tooth, which I is generally of large size, is consequently more individualized and I compacted. The teeth of the Port-Jackson shark {Cestracion PhilUppi,) afford a good example of this modification, which also prevails in those of the extinct genera PtychoduSy PsammoduSy Helodus, Ctenop- tychiuSy In the teeth of the extinct Acrodus, the medullary canals, wdiich likewise traverse in great numbers the body of the tooth, assume a more or less wavy course ; and this disposition, combined with their numerous anastomoses, leads to the third modifi- f i cation, which at tlie same time is the most common and characteristic of the dental structure, in the class of fishes. ; In teeth manifesting this variety of the tubular structure, the dentine is permeated by a network of medullary canals, of which the 12 STRUCTURE. interspaces are occupied by the calcigerous tubes and cells. The me- dullary canals are directly continued from those of the common bone with which the base of the tooth is anchylosed, or into which it has been converted. As the medullary canals proceed through the tooth, they maintain a course more or less parallel, and more or less straight, or wavy ; but they ramify abundantly, and gradually diminish in calibre as they approach the surface of the tooth. The illustra- tions of this modification of the dental structure in the present work, are taken from the teeth of the extinct La mna, DictyoduSy and Sauroce- phaluSy and from those of the recent Sphyroena and Acanthurus. In the latter genus the dendritic arrangement of the medullary tubes recognized by Mr. Andre, has subsequently been figured by V. Born. | V. Born and Retzius have described a similar structure in the teeth i of the wolf-fish {Anarrhichas) , of which Mr. Nasmyth has given a ; figure in his useful translation of some of the recent treatises on i dental anatomy. The reticulate medullary tubes pervade the structure of the i teeth of the percoid, scieenoid, cottoid, and gobioid families of fishes ; and of those of the Capros, Naseus, and other genera of the Theuties of Cuvier, besides the teeth of the Acanthuri already cited. A similar reticulate structure is common to the teeth of the Chwtodontes and the f s } Pleuronectes : in the cycloid fishes, we find it almost universal in the ' scomberoid, lucioid, salmonoid, and clupeoid families : it is ex- changed for a higher type of structure in the maxillary teeth of the lophioid fishes, and in the pharyngeal teeth of the cyprinoids, but it again reappears in the teeth of the blennioid, gadoid, and mu- rsenoid families ; and the same coarse bone-like structure pervades the dental plates of the supposed amphibious Lepidosiren. The higher type of structure just alluded to is that which characterises the teeth of most reptiles and mammalia. Here the dentine consists of a single medullary or pulp canal, and a single system of calcigerous tubes radiating from the central or sub-central canal, at right angles to the periphery of the tooth. The teeth ^ of the extinct sauroid fishes and pycnodonts, the maxillary teeth of ' the existing file-fishes (Balisies), and angler (Lophius), the incisors, | canines, and molars of the breams or sparoid fishes, the pharyngeal pavement-teeth of the wrasse-tribe (LahridcE)^ the maxillary and j STRUCTURE. 13 pharyngeal denticles of the scari, and the lamelliform denticles of the crop-fishes, diodon and tetrodon, likewise the maxillary teeth of some of the genera of sharks and rays, afford examples of this structure. I have spoken of it as belonging to a higher type because it is characteristic of the teeth of the vertebrate animals which are higher in the scale than fishes ; but if the grade of organization of a tooth be rated according to the proportion of vascular substance and vital power which it possesses, then those teeth which most resemble bone should be regarded as the most highly organized, and such are the jteeth most common in the class of fishes. As the inorganic calcareous particles are deposited principally n the parietes of the calcigerous tubes and their terminal ramuli jind cells, it follows that the density of the tooth will increase, and ts vital properties diminish as the calcigerous preponderate over the jnedullary tubes, and in proportion as the calcigerous tubes in a given jspace are more numerous and minute. But the change from one Inodification of dental structure to another, from bone to the densest I * vory, is so gradual, that the physiologist, entertaining a belief in the norganic nature of the teeth, would be at a loss where to draw |he line, or to determine where the vital forces ceased their manifesta- tion, and at which step in the series of tubular structures the ,;ooth became an inert body. The uniform result of my researches, )n the structure of the teeth in all grades of vertebrate animals, i ind in their natural and diseased states, has been a conviction of jhe untruthfulness of the terms inert, dead, and unorganized as i ipplied to the substance of any tooth whatever. Extra-vascular ' indoubtedly is all that portion which consists of the calcigerous ^ Lubes ; the capillary circulation is confined to the pulp or medul- lary canals; but since every secretive process and the development : )f the primordial cells of every tissue are due to changes produced I |n the liquor sanguinis transuded from and beyond the sphere of ' |:he ultimate capillaries, the absence of these vessels in the dense 1 dental substance is as little conclusive against its vital and organized I hature, as it would be to prove the inert condition of the germinal ijnembrane of the ovum before the thirtieth hour of incubation. In no teeth is the dentine rendered so dense as in those of certain 14 STRUCTURE. fishes, especially the Scarus and Diodon, which have been cited as ex- amples of the fourth modification of the dental structure. These teeth strike fire with steel, yet they present an organized structure of mi- nute complexity, and the calcigerous tubes are nowhere so numerous, so minute, so beautifully ramified and interlaced together. It has already been observed that the prismatic maxillary denticles of the Scarus, being compacted together side by side and with their single medullary canals parallel to each other, produce a compound dental plate analogous to those which were first cited in illustration of the present subject. In the Diodon, each denticle, which is composed as in the Scarus of a single system of minute calcigerous tubes, assumes the form of a thin plate : the pulp cavity instead of being contracted into a tube, as in the elongated teeth, is here spread over the under surface of the dental lamella ; the calcigerous tubes proceed in a di- rection more or less vertical to the upper surface (in the teeth of the lower jaw); and the compound dental mass results from the super- position and successive development of similar plates, separated only by a layer of thin bone or caementum. In the pharyngeal teeth of the Scarus, the denticles are also more or less lamelliform, but their position is vertical, and they are joined side to side by means of the intervening cement or the ossified capsule : compound dental masses | similarly constructed are present in the capybara, elephant, and others of the mammalia, generally cited as affording examples of the most complex teeth. 9. Development.' — The teeth of fishes are formed according to the general laws of dental development already discussed ;(1) but the pro- cess, in many instances, does not extend beyond the earlier and simpler stages observable in the higher classes of animals. In all fishes, as in other vertebrate animals, the first step is the production of a simple papilla from the free surface of either the soft external integument, as in the young Pristis,(2) or of the mucous membrane of the mouth, as (1) Introduction, p. vi. (2) A very close analogy exists between the dermal bony tubercles and spines of the cartilagi nous fishes and their teeth. The thick enamelled scales of the ganoid fishes of Agassiz exhibi an organization similar to that of the teeth : the system of minute parallel tubes, with theii branches and anastomoses, in the thick scales of the extinct lepidoius, is as complicated as ii DEVELOPMENT. 15 jin the rest of the class. In these primitive papillse there can be very jearly distinguished a cavity containing fluid, and a dense membrane, fmembr ana propria pulpij surrounding the cavity, and itself covered by the thin external buccal mucous membrane, which gradually becomes more and more attenuated as the papilla increases in size. In some fishes, as the sharks and rays, the dental papillae do not sink into the |Substance of the vascular membrane from which they grow, but be- come buried in depressions of an opposite fold of the same mem- brane ; these depressions enlarging with the growth of the papillae, land forming the cavities or capsules in which the development of the Itooth is completed. They differ from the capsules of the matrix of the mammiferous tooth in having no organic connexion with the pulp, and no attachment to its base : the teeth when fully formed are gradually withdrawn from the above described extraneous capsules, to take their place and assume the erect position on the alveolar border of the jaws. I Here, therefore, is represented on a large and, as it were, persis- tent scale, the first and transitory papillary stage of the develop- iment of the mammalian teeth ; and the simple crescentic cartilagi- inous maxillary plate, with the mucous groove behind it containing the germinal papillae of the teeth, offers in the shark a magnified re- presentation of the earliest condition of the jaws and teeth in the liuman embryo. In many fishes, as the lophius and pike, the dental papillae become iburied in the membrane from which they arise, and the surface to which their basis is attached becomes the bottom of a closed sac. iBut this sac is never lodged in the substance of the jaw, the develop- ment of the tooth being completed in the tissue of the thick and soft gum or mucous membrane from which the papillae were originally developed : hence teeth in various stages of growth are frequently brought away with that membrane when it is reflected from the jaw- bone. The ultimate fixation of the teeth, so formed, is effected by the development of ligamentous fibres in the submucous tissue between Ithe jaw and the base of the tooth ; which fibres become the medium I many teeth, and equally militates against the theory of formation by transudation of layers lijeing applied, at least, to the ganoid scales. 16 DEVELOPMENT. of connexion between those parts, either as elastic ligaments, or by continuous ossification. Here we have the second step in the development of the mammalian tooth represented, viz : the imbedding of the pulp in a follicle of the mucous membrane ; but the eruptive stage of the tooth takes place without any previous inclosure of the follicle and pulp in the sub- stance of the jaw. In the BalisteSy Sparoids, Sphyrcena, Scarus^ and many other fishes, i the formation of the teeth presents all the usual stages which have been observed to succeed each other in the dentition of the i highest organized animals : the papilla sinks into a follicle, becomes surrounded with a capsule, and is then included in a closed alveolus i of the growing jaw, where the development of the tooth takes place, i and is followed by the usual eruptive stages. ' The development of the dental pulp in fishes, prior to the deposi- tion of the calcareous particles in it, corresponds in the main with the process described by Purkinje and Raschkow in the mammalia. The ; pulp-substance, or contents of the membrana propria remain, in fishes, ^ for a longer period in a fluid or semi-fluid state, and the granules or ! nucleated cells which are first developed, float loosely or in small aggregated groups in the sanguineo-serous fluid : they first attach* themselves to the inner surface of the membrana propria^ if these be not originally developed from that surface, and the whole of the con- tents of the growing pulp becomes soon after condensed by the nu- merous additional granules which are rapidly developed in it after it has become permeated by the capillary vessels and nerves. The ar- rangement of these particles into linear series, or fibres, is first ob- servable at the superficies of the pulp to which the fibres are vertical •' > and, at this period, ossification has commenced in the dense and ^ smooth membrana propria of the pulp : it is thence continued centri- petally in the course of the above-mentioned lines, towards the base of the pulp, either regularly progressive, as in the incisors of the Sargusoind Balistes, or radiating, as in Sphyrcena and (if we may judge.j by a posteriori observation of the structure of the fully developed teeth) in most other fishes, from the various centres formed by the persistent^ ' capillaries of the pulp, around which the cells or granules become DEVELOPMENT. 17 condensed into concentric layers, which then become, as they are luccessively impregnated with the calcareous salts, the walls of the nedullary canals. (1) I In the shark, and all those fishes in which the teeth are completely formed without going beyond the papillary stage of development, there IS no distinct enamel-pulp ; the dense exterior layer of the tooth is 'ormed by the calcification of the ‘ membrana propria’ of the pulp, Ivhich, therefore, precedes the formation of the ordinary dentine. But In the file-fish fBalistesJy the sargus, the' gilt-head COhrysophrys) ^ and |Ome other fishes, a conspicuous enamel-pulp is developed from the nner surface of the capsule which surrounds the bone-pulp : this enamel rgan terminates, as in the human subject, before the capsule is re- ected upon the base of the pulp. It has a firmer tissue, more losely resembling that of the ordinary pulp, than in the mammalia : nd, when examined under the microscope, presents numerous and |lose-set fine fibres near that surface which is next the bone-pulp, jnd to which these fibres are generally' placed at right angles. The ijase of the enamel organ, which is attached to the capsule, presents granular and fibrous tissue blended together. I have not been able Id trace any capillaries from the capsule into the substance of the I (1) In those fishes, and they include the greatest part of the class, in which the teeth are at- I ched by anchylosis to the jaws, the mode in which the calcareous particles are deposited in the idatinous frame-work or pulp is modified as the calcification approaches more or less gradually wards the base of the tooth, until at length the pattern or texture of the calcified pulp cannot : 5 distinguished from that of the bone with which it thus becomes continuous. It is not with- » it interest to observe how Cuvier, who had clearly detected this actual ossification of the base r the pulp in the teeth of many fishes and reptiles, should have conceived it to be a process so Mstinct from that peculiar to the supposed inorganic tooth, that he felt himself called upon to : 'rrect the error he had fallen into in stating, in his Lemons d’Anatomie Comparee,*' this sified base of the anchylosed tooth to be its root. Describing the teeth of lizards, in his “ Osse- ens Fossiles,” tom. V, 2e partie, p. 274, Cuvier says : — ‘‘ Cette base ne se divise point I racines ; mais quand la dent a pris son accroissement, il arrive le m^me phenomene que .ns les poissons. Le noyau gelatineux s’ossifie ; il s’unit intimement d’une part, a I’os : la machoire, en contractant, de I’autre, une adherence intime avec la dent qu’il a ^ sudee. — J’avais deja expose I’histoire de cette dentition dans mes Le9ons d’Anatomie ^ )mparee. III. iii. 113, etc.; mais j’y ai aussi commis I’erreur d’appeler raciw> cette partie cellu- i ise et osseuse qui s’unit a I’os maxillaire.” The application of the microscope to the investiga- i !>n of the structure of the teeth has brought to light many instances in which the crown of f je tooth ought, for the same reasons, to have as little title to be considered a part of the tooth ; the root. C 18 DEVELOPMENT. enamel-pulp. In the incisors of the sargus, the development of thci enamel and dentine begins simultaneously upon the contiguous sur- faces, and when we observe how close and compact is the package of the matrix of the tooth in the alveolar cavity of the jaw, it is; hardly possible to conceive how either of these substances could be the product of transudation from their respective pulps. It is, how- ever, easier to separate the primary layers of the enamel and dentine from their respective pulps than from each other ; yet if the denuded surfaces of the uncalcified portions of the pulps be examined by re- flected light under a compound lens of a half-inch focus, they are seen to be ragged and punctate, and evidently different from the original surfaces prior to the commencement of the deposition of the calcareous salts in them. The formation of the enamel resembles more closely that of the dentine in the fishes cited than it does in the mammalia, and the enamel contains a greater proportion of persistent animal matter. The course of calcification of the two pulps takes opposite direc- tions, and in the balistes, the process finishes by the ossification oii the outer layer of the capsule itself, by which both the enamellec crown and the base of the tooth are coated with a thin layer of bone I have not been able to discern any radiated cells in this analogue o the “ crusta petrosa,” or cement of the mammalian teeth. It sooi wears off from the crown of the extruded tooth. In all fishes, the teeth are shed and renewed, and this not onc« only, as in most mammalia, but frequently and during the whoL life time of the animal. (1) Fishes, indeed, can hardly be said to hav, permanent teeth. The rostral teeth of the pristis constitute, perhaps: the sole exception ; and these may be regarded rather as modifie< dermal spines. In all cases where the first teeth are developed in alveolar cavities the succeeding ones follow them in the vertical direction, and owe th origin of their matrix to the continuation, from the mucous capsule (; their predecessors, of a C0ecal process, in which the papillary rudimer of the dental pulp is developed according to the laws explained in tb (1) In a few cases it is observed, that as the fish gets old, some of the deciduous teeth are n replaced ; in old Salmonidcu, the vomer thus becomes edentulous, or nearly so. DEVELOPMENT. 19 General Introduction. But in the great majority of fishes, the germs of the new teeth are developed, like those of the old, from the free mucous m.embrane of the mouth throughout the whole period of succession, a condition which is peculiar to the present class. The jangler, the pike, and many of our common fishes, illustrate this mode iof dental reproduction : it is very conspicuous in the cartilaginous fishes, in which the entire phalanx of their numerous teeth is 3ver moving slowly forward in rotatory progress over the alveolar border of both upper and lower jaws, the teeth being succes- sively cast off as they reach the outer margin, and new teeth rising In equal proportion from the mucous membrane behind the rear rank pf the phalanx. This endless succession of new and sometimes, as in Batistes, and ^argus, of highly complicated matrices, — this constant development )f a new apparatus for the production of each new tooth, even where Its final development is unaccompanied by an eruptive stage, and jvhere the destruction of any part of the formative apparatus is not li necessary consequence of the completion of the tooth, could iiardly seem other than a waste of the formative energies to the j-eflecting physiologist entertaining the doctrine of dental development ')y transudation, and by whom the dental pulp must have been i’egarded in the capacity of a gland. The destruction or waste )f other glands by no means follows the natural exercise of their ■unctions : the disappearance of the pulp pari-passu with the jjrowth of the tooth, is only an inevitable consequence when that growth is effected by deposition of the calcareous particles in the fubstance, instead of by transudation from the surface of the formative bulp, and when fresh material is not progressively added to the base )f the pulp. In the cyclostomous fishes, where the albuminous, 'lorn-like teeth seem really to be transuded from the pulp, these are bersistent ; and the new teeth are formed immediately beneath the )ld, and from the same surface of the reproductive pulp. i I I c 2 20 CYCLOSTOMES. CHAPTER II. TEETH OF CYCLOSTOMES. MYXINES. 10. In the class of fishes, as in that of reptiles and mammalia, there are species which are wholly destitute of teeth. These edentulous fishes are most common in the cartilaginous division of the class. The sand-prides {Ammocetes) , the sturgeons {Acipenser) , the paddle- fishes (^Planirostra Siud Aodon), are examples. The whole order of Lophohranchii of Cuvier, which includes the pipe-fishes (Syngnathus) , and the Hippocampus, is edentulous. The lowest organized fishes wdth worm-like bodies and parasitic habits, as the myxinoids and lampreys, are also destitute of true calcified teeth, but have them replaced by horny substances of s conical, sharp-pointed, and often slightly recurved form, resembling the teeth of the entozoa, the habits of which these suctorious fishes simulate. The hag-fish {Myxine glutinosa), and other cognate species now grouped together by Muller under the genus Bdellostoma, havel a single tooth on the median line of the palate, and a double serrateci horny plate on each side of the upper surface of the tongue. Th( palatal tooth(l) is moderately long, conical, and recurved, withatumic margin around its base, which is hollow, and supported upon a conica pulp, firmly attached to a fibro-cartilaginous plate, (2) situated beneatl the anterior commissure of the palatal cartilage. The basal-plat( of this tooth is further attached by ligaments, the anterior of whicl passes to the hinder part of the rostral cartilage, and the posterio one to a cavity at the commissure of the marginal palatal cartilage. The lingual dental plates (3) are four in number, two on each side of a curved form, hollow at the base, and implanted, like the palata tooth, on a reproductive pulp of a corresponding form. (4) This pulp and the margin of the base of the dental plates are attached to th perichondrium of the lingual cartilage. The dentations of thes lingual plates are conical, sub-compressed, sharp-pointed, with th (1) PI. 2, fig. 1, b. (2) ib. a. (3) ib. fig, 2, b. (4) ib. fig. 3, a. CYCLOSTOMES. 21 loints reflected backwards. They are usually described as distinct ieeth, and, viewed as such, form two concentric curved lines inter- upted at the middle of the tongue. In the Myxine glutinosa the umber of lingual teeth is ^9, i. e., there are eight teeth in both the ight and left anterior rows, while there are eight in the left posterior DW, and nine in the right posterior row\ In the Bdellostoma hep- itrema, there are fll lingual teeth ; in Bdell. heterotrema, the number 11-12 ; in Ih® Bdell. hexatrema, the lateral rows of lingual teeth are ^mmetrical, being }}Zn ; in Bdell. cirratum, there are nZlf teeth ; ii Bdell. dombeyi, the number is These formulae appear to be 1 Dnstant in the species ; this is, at least, the case in the glutinous ag. The middle teeth are always the longest, the rest gradually Iiminish towards the lateral extremities of the rows.(l) j I have already alluded to the parasitic habits of these low j'ganized fishes. When they first attach themselves to their prey, le single median recurved palatal tooth is thrust into its flesh, and }l;rves as a holdfast, while the work of destruction is carried on by I . . . . , Ike laterally opposed lingual saws, aided by the suctorious action ..i’the mouth. The usual situation in w'hich the myxine is found, I ^ l] the interior of a cod or other large fish, into whose carcase it has YUS penetrated, and on whose soft parts it has preyed. LAMPREYS. i 11. In the lampreys CPetromyzonJ ,{2) there are labial and inferior iiaxillary, as well as palatal and lingual teeth ; all these are likewise l>rny substances, of a simple, conical, sharp-pointed, form, and of a smewhat less dense texture than in the myxinoids. They are bllow, and supported on conical, reproductive pulps. The pulps < the labial teeth are firmly attached by their base to the fibrous 1 sue of the lining membrane of the lip. The labial teeth of the outer or marginal circle are the smallest ; fi)m these, the teeth increase in size as they approach the centre of ^e cavity of the mouth. The converging series in the mesial plane , p arranged in a straight line ; those of the sides in curved lines, l^lh the concavity towards the lower margin of the mouth. In the (0 See Miiller, iiber den Myxinoiden, p. 20. (2) PI. 2, figs. 4 and 5. 22 CYCLOSTOMES. Petromyzon marinus, the innermost teeth of four of the lateral series on each side are bicuspid, or consist each of two cones, which are confluent at the base. There are twenty converging rows of labial teeth in this species, and from four to eight teeth in each row. The single tooth supported by the palatal cartilage(l) and analo- gous to that in the myxinoids, consists here of two horny cones, placed in the transverse direction, and joined, in the Petr, marinus, in the median line. In the lampern (Petr, fluviatilis) the cones are more remote. The matrix of this tooth is hollow at the base, and is supported on a conical process of the palatal cartilage, which Cuvier describes as the upper jaw. The broad bicuspid palatal tooth is opposed by the dentated semilunar horny plate, with which the cartilage, representing the lower jaw, (2) is sheathed. This plate consists of eight conical teeth, laterally united together ; its repro- ductive matrix is fixed upon a prominent semilunar ridge at the anterior part of the mandibular cartilage. | The lingual teeth consist of three dentated horny plates, thej dentations being much smaller than in the palatal or mandibular plates, or than in the lingual plates of the myxinoids. But their analogy with the latter can be readily traced, the third or posterior lingual plate of the lampreys evidently corresponding with the two- posterior lingual plates of the myxinoids conjoined. Each of the anterior lingual plates is slightly concave, with the mesial extremity abruptly bent towards the upper surface of the mouth ; its anterior margin is divided into eleven sharp-pointedj recurved, minute, dental processes. The posterior and inferior dental ' plate may be said to' consist of two similar but smaller semilunai pieces, with the mesial margins approximated and conjoined ; the ' number of dentations on each of the lateral moieties of this linguaf* armature, is seven. ^ The mode of development and reproduction of all these teetl ' T [ is the' same both in the myxinoids and lampreys. The matrix ii persistent, as in most other horny productions, and the new conica tooth is developed immediately within and beneath the base of th( old one ; the same secreting surface which formed the one, produce,' (1) ri. 2, fig. 5, a. (2) ih. h, PLAGIOSTOMES. 23 the other. A vertical section of any of the teeth of the lamprey idisplays one or two cones of reserve, between the tooth in use, land the surface of the matrix ;(1) and the outermost is in general readily displaced ; often, indeed, difficult to preserve in situ in the preparation. ! Thin transverse sections of the teeth of the lamprey, viewed by a magnifying power of a quarter of an inch focus, (2) exliibit their [Structure as composed of closely-aggregated parallel tubes, placed {perpendicular to the secreting surface, and having a diameter of of an inch. j In chemical composition, the teeth of the Cyclostomes resemble horn. I i I CHAPTER III. TEETH OF PLAGIOSTOMES. ! SHARKS, OR SQUALOIDS, i 12. All the genera of true or fixed-gilled plagiostomes, save Pristis, are characterised by numerous teeth, which are restricted in their I {situation to the upper and lower jaws. Here, they are arranged in a greater or smaller number of rows, which succeed each other from behind forwards, and are attached only to the mucous and fibrous membranes covering the maxillary cartilages. Before entering upon the consideration of the teeth, a few words jseem necessary respecting the analogies of these dentigerous car- jtilages or jaws. In the common skate, they are in the form of Isimple arches, each arch consisting of a pair of cartilages joined together by a ligamentous symphysis at one extremity, and sus- pended by the opposite end through the medium of a common car- tilaginous pedicle from the sides of the cranium. This pedicle is obviously the homologue of that to which the lower jaw is suspended in the higher oviparous vertebrates, and which includes more or fewer (1) ?1. 2, fig. 6. , (2) The instrument employed in these observations, and referred to throughout the present work, is the compound achromatic microscope of Ross. 24 PLAGIOSTOMES. elements of the temporal bone. In its simplicity, in the plagios- tomes, it participates with the character of the rest of their cartilagi- nous cranium, in which the several distinct bony elements found in the reptiles and osseous fishes cease to be recognisable. Of the several bones concerned in the formation of the jaws, we have to seek, in the simple cartilaginous arches of the skate, the pterygoid, palatine, maxillary, intermaxillary, mandibular, and premandibular ; bones ; and to these may be likewise added the labial cartilages, which are so largely developed in the cyclostoraous fishes. Are all these elements combined in the dentigerous cartilages of the skate ? j or if not all, which ? These questions have been differently answered t by different comparative anatomists. The essential character of the f pterygoid and palatine bones manifests itself, in the oviparous classes, \ in the formation of buttresses extending between the vomer and the i articular pedicle of the jaw. In the Carcharias glaucus, or blue- shark, j and in the Lanina^ or porbeagle, a distinct flattened process of car- { til age extends from each side of the vomerine region of the skull, I and abuts against the proximal extremity of the pedicle, and the \ contiguous part of the cranium. These processes, I regard as analogous to the palato-pterygoidean buttresses. In the common torpedo, there is a distinct cartilage in the corresponding situation, and in the Brazilian torpedo, (1) Dr. Henle has discovered a second broader cartilage, anterior and internal to the pterygoidean pedicle, and which he considers to be the analogue of the true palatine bone ; this cartilage has not been found separately developed in any other plagiostome. With respect to the labial cartilages these are wanting, accord- ing to Muller, in the following subgenera of the ray tribe, Raia, Trygon^ Rhinobates, Cephaloptera^ and Myliohatea ; they are also absent in the Carcharias^ Cestracion^ and Pristis among the sharks, j They are present in the Tope {Galeus)y which has one on each side i of the upper lip ; in Scymnus there are corresponding cartilages, which i are elongated and extend below the angle of the mouth ; in Scy Ilium i and Mustelus, there is one on each side of both upper and lower lips ; (1) Ti.rpido hiaziliensis, the type of the sub-genus Narcine of Muller and Henle. PLAGiOSTOMES. 25 in Centrina, and Squatina, there are two on each side of the upper, and one on each side of the lower lip ; these are figured at a & and c, PI. 10, fig. 2, in the monk-fish. In the Narcine or Brazilian torpedo, distinct labial cartilages are associated with the dentigerous maxil- lary arches, and also with the palatine and pterygoidean cartilages ; Professor Muller has, therefore, rejected the interpretation of Cuvier, iccording to which, the anterior or superior dentigerous arch of the Dlagiostomes is the homologue of the palatine bones, and the posterior 3ne, the homologue of the post-mandibular element of the lower jaw, |he intermaxillary, maxillary, and premandibular bones being repre- j;ented by the edentulous labial cartilages. This interpretation, Resides being invalidated by the anatomy of the Narcine^ also involves ihe anomaly of the teeth being developed on the articular, or post- inandibular element of the lower jaw, where they are never situated 1 |n any other vertebrate animal. A more extended comparison than C^uvier had the means of instituting, and especially a study of the Structure of the cranium of the Cestracion, in which the labial car- 1 iilages have disappeared, and the development of the dentigerous rches have advanced nearer to the osseous type than in other I'lagiostomes, clearly prove that the dentigerous cartilaginous arches f the sharks and rays represent, the one, the combined maxillaries ,nd intermaxillaries, the other, the confluent articular and dentary lements of the lower jaw. The teeth are not immediately connected with these cartilagi- ;ous arches ; no cartilaginous fish has teeth implanted in maxillary al- eolar cavities, or confluent with the substance of the jaw even when le external crust is ossified, but they are always attached as already l:ated, to the fibrous and mucous membranes which cover the maxillary iirtilages ;(1) hence, it occurs in certain genera, as Myliohates and icymnus, that a single tooth in the median plane may lie directly pross the symphysis, and be supported by the two rami of the jaw. ihe plagiostomes, like many other natural families of fishes, pre- II (1) Any organic fossil which exhibits a tooth implanted by two fangs in a double l^ket must be mammiferous, since the only fishes’ te'eth which approach such a tooth in form li those with a bifurcate base, belonging to certain sharks, while the socketed teeth of reptiles ive only a single fang. 26 SHARKS. sent such modifications of their common and characteristic type of structure as fits them for very diflferent habits of life and the acqui- sition of different kinds of food. The active, and predatory sharks, are here associated with the sluggish omnivorous rays, and the, dental system presents every grade of modification from the laniary to the molary type ; the Lamna with its teeth exclusively adapted for holding, piercing, and lacerating, and the Myliohates with its maxillary mosaic pavement of flattened molars forming the two extremes of the series. 13. The sharks, or Squaloid plagiostomes, with few exceptions, have teeth of a conical, sharp-pointed, more or less compressed form ; sometimes with trenchant or serrate edges and accessary basal den- ticles ; they are arranged along the margin and posterior surface ol the jaws in close-set vertical rows, of from three to thirteen teeth ir each row, according to the species. The teeth of the contiguous rom in certain genera, as Selache, and Lamna, are parallel with each other but in Galeus, and Carcharias, they are placed alternately, so that th( base of one tooth advances laterally into the interspace of two teetl of the contiguous row, and reciprocally ; hut the laterally contiguoui teeth are never articulated with each other as in certain rays. Ii the Scymnus, the median row of teeth crosses the symphysis of the jaw and their base overlaps the adjoining margins of the contiguous teeth! the lateral teeth have an imbricated arrangement. I In general the anterior or external tooth only of each row il erect, the rest being recumbent ; the contrast, in this respect, is mos! marked in the lower maxillary lancet-shaped teeth of the ScymnmL (PL 4, fig. 3). In Lamna, however, the second and third teeth arl commonly seen in positions intermediate between those of the erecr anterior and the recumbent posterior teeth, (PL 5, fig. 1,) and in thi, rays where the teeth are much more numerous in each row than i 1 the sharks, they exhibit every gradation between the recumbenllj reflected, erect, and porrect positions. It is scarcely necessary tlj repeat, that although the teeth of the sharks possess greater individu