22102055440 Med K4563 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https ://arch i ve . org/detai Is/b28080257 CRYRTOGAMIC BOTANY PRINTED BY S POTT IS WOO DE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON A HANDBOOK OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY BY ALFRED W. BENNETT, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S. LECTURER ON BOTANY AT ST THOMAS’S HOSPITAL AND GEORGE MURRAY, F.L.S. SENIOR ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, BRITISH MUSEUM AND EXAMINER IN BOTANY, GLASGOW UNIVERSITY WITH 878 ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK : 15 EAST i6"‘ STREET 1889 All rights reserved WELLCOME INSTITUTE LIBRARY CoH. welMOmec Call No. PREFACE. In presenting to the botanical public this ‘ Handbook of Cryptogamie Botany,’ the result of the labour of several years, the authors are deeply sensible of its inevitable defects. In traversing so wide a field, it is im- possible that a single worker, or even two, can be practically acquainted with more than a comparatively small portion of it. It is necessary, therefore, to consult a literature, the extent of which, even for a single year, is appalling, and in which it is often difficult to distinguish between trustworthy and untrustworthy observations. The attempt has, notwith- standing, been made by the authors to acquaint themselves with the contents of every important publication of recent years bearing on Cryptogamie Botany, and issued in English, French, German, Italian, or Latin. It is beyond hope but that inaccuracies have crept in, or that observations which should have been noted have escaped attention. We shall be grateful to workers and writers who will inform us of any such inaccuracies or omissions, and especially to those who will kindly supply us, with a view to future editions, with copies of papers containing records of new and original observations or theories. Those relating to Vascular Cryptogams, Muscinete, Algas, and Schizophycese should be directed to Mr. Bennett ; those relating to Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Schizo- mycetes to Mr. Murray ; these being the portions of the work actually written respectively by each of us, although we hold ourselves severally responsible for the whole contents of the volume. / So rapidly are facts accumulating, and • new- views of affinity being promulgated, that it may be necessary to change one’s opinion on some points even in the interval between the printing of the earlier and later sheets of a volume like this ; and this must be held to account for any VI PREFACE slight discrepancies that may be apparent between the general scheme of classification contained in the Introduction, and the details as carried out in the work itself. We have also to acknowledge the permission given by the publishers of the following, works for electros to be taken from the illustrations contained in them, viz. : — De Bary, ‘ Comp. Morph, und Biol, der Pilze, Mycetozoen, und Bacterien,’ and ‘Vorlesungen fiber die Bacterien’; Sachs, ‘ Lehrbuch der Botanik ’ ; Goebel, ‘ Grundzfige der Systematik ’ ; Luerssen, £ Die Kryptogamen ’ ; Schenk, ‘ Handbuch der Botanik ’ ; Zopf, ‘Die Spaltpilze’ : Hauck, ‘Die Meeresalgen ’ ; Reinke, ‘Lehrbuch der Botanik ’ ; Thome, ‘Lehrbuch der Botanik ’ ; Le Maout et Decaisne, ‘ Traite General de Botanique’; Solms-Laubach, ‘ Einleitung in die Palseophytologie.’ Of the remaining illustrations, many have been taken from nature ; others have been copied from the illustrations of previous works, especi- ally from Cooke’s ‘ British Freshwater Algje ’ ; and for others we have to thank the courtesy of the Councils of the Royal and Linnean Societies, and the publishers of the ‘Annals of Botany.’ In those branches of Cryptogamic Botany which have not been the immediate object of our own researches, we have freely consulted experts in these several departments, and have received from all the greatest kindness and most valuable assistance. In particular we wish to express our obligations in this respect to Mr. W. Carruthers, Pres. L.S., F.R.S. ; Mr. J. G. Baker, F.R.S. ; Professor F. O. Bower, F.L.S. ; Dr. R. Braithwaite, F.L.S. ; Mr. E. M. Holmes, F.L.S. ; and Mr. G. C. Karop, F.R.M.S. ALFRED W. BENNETT, December , 1888. 6 Park Village East, London, N.W. GEORGE MURRAY, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. CONTENTS • PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . ... . . i I FIRST SUBDIVISION: VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS . . . io IIeterosporous Vascular Cryptogams . . . .21 CLASS I. RHIZOCARPE.E . . . . 21 „ II. SELAGINELLACE.E . . . . . 38 Isosporous Vascular Cryptogams . . . . 53 CLASS III. LYCOPODIACE.-E . . . . . -53 ,, IV. FILICES . . . . . 64 ,, V. OPHIOGLOSSACE.E . . . . -95 „ VI. EQUISETACE.-E . . . . IOO Fossil Vascular Cryptogams . . . . . .114 SECOND SUBDIVISION: MUSCINE.E . . . . 132 CLASS VII. MUSCI . . . . . . .136 ,, VIII. HEPATIC.E . . . . . . 156 Fossil Muscineze . . . . . . .172 THIRD SUBDIVISION: CHARACE/E . . . . . 173 CLASS IX. CHARACE/E . . . . 173 Fossil Charace.e . . . . . . . . 183 FOURTH SUBDIVISION : ALG/E . . . . . 1S4 CLASS X. FLORIDE.E . . . . . . . 191 ,, XI. CONFERVOIDE.E HETEROGAM.E .... 219 ,, XII. FUCACE.K . . . . . . 228 ,, XIII. PH/EOSPORE.E ...... 237 ,, XIV, CONJUGAT.-E . . . . . . . 258 ,, XV. CONFERVOIDE/E ISOGAM.E .... 272 ,, XVI. MULTINUCLEAT.E . . . . . . 2S0 ,, XVII. CCENOBIE/E . . . . . . 29 1 Fossil Ai.g.e ........ 303 CONTENTS v i i i FIFTH SUBDIVISION: FUNGI . . . . ... '305 Group I. Phycomycetes . . . . . 323 CLASS XVIII. OOMYCETES . . . . . 323 ,, XIX. ZYGOMYCETES . . . . . ' . 335 Group II. Sporocarpe.e ...... 353 CLASS XX. ASCOMYCETES . . . . . . 353 ,, XXI. UREDINE3E ...... 383 ,, XXII. BASIDIOMYCETES . . . . . . 388 SIXTH SUBDIVISION: MYCETOZOA . . . r£ . 401 CLASS XXIII. MYXOhlYCETES . . . . ' , . 401 ,, XXIV. ACRASIE/E . . . . 405 SEVENTH SUBDIVISION : PROTOPHYTA . . . . 407 Group I. Schizophyce.e ...... 408 CLASS XXV. TROTOCOCCOIDE.E . . . . . 409 ,, XXVI. DIATOMACE.'E . . . . . -419 ,, xxvii. cyanophyce.t: . . . . . . 426 Group 11. Schizomycetes ...... 449 CLASS XXVIII. SCHIZOMYCETES . . . . . 449 Index .......... 457 Errata Pag*; 11, line 22,/ar ooplmrc read oophyte ,, 11, ,, 22, for sporophoie reeul sporophyte „ 122, description of fig. 94, for Haulea read Hawlea „ 186, line 10, for Ohnoiii.-e read CoiNorie.-k ,, 187, ,, 12, for Mesocarpece , Destnidiece read ,1 tesocarpacete, Desmidiaceer ,, 187, lines 19, 24, for Desmidieaj read Desmidiacem ,, 187, line 26, for Mesoearpeae read Mesocarpaeea: ,, 190, ,, 4, for Desmidieae read Desmidiaceae „ 208, last line, for Hyiwkace.e read Hypneace.i ,, 209, line 1, for Hypnaia read Hypnea ,, 209, ,, 4, for Rytiphlasa read Kytiphlcea ,, 213, description of fig. 191, line 1, for corymlosa read corymbijera ,, 250, ,, ,, ,, 223, ,, 2, for propagules read sphaceles „ 280, line 6 from bottom, for Dasycladaecea read Dasycladace* ,, 296, last line, lor polyhedra read polyhedree ,, 31 1, description of fig. 271, line 1, for Lib. read de By. >> 3r3) ), !>_ 275, ,, 1, for Portulaccee read Portulacte ,, 319, line 3, omit full stop after Johow „ 326, description of fig. 287, line 3, also last line of page, for Portidaceie read Portulacte „ 335, line 2, insert comma after Pythium , , 343, ,, 15 from bottom, for Tremellini read Tremellinea; ,, 381, ., 13 ,for Barenetski read Baranetzki I HANDBOOK TO c.vVptogamic botany. INTRODUCTION. No general handbook to Cryptogamic Botany has appeared in the English language since the Rev. M. J. Berkeley’s in 1857. Since then this department of botanical science has gone through little less than a revolution. Not only has the number of known forms increased enormously, but additions of great importance have been made to our knowledge of structure by the use of the microscope, and to the genetic connection of different forms by the careful following out of the life- history of particular species. The present work is an attempt to bring within the reach of botanists, and of the public generally who are in- terested in the study of nature, an acquaintance with the present state of our knowledge in this branch of science. It is not intended to replace in any way the numerous excellent handbooks or monographs which exist of special families or groups. Its scope is quite different. Neglect- ing the minor differences by which genera, or in many cases even orders, are distinguished from one another, the aim of the authors has been to bring before the reader the main facts of structure, of develop- ment, and of life-history, which mark the larger groups, contrasting them with one another, and referring only to the broader lines of demarcation within those groups. It is hoped that the work will be found useful to the beginner as well as to the more advanced student. One great difficulty in our work has been to observe a due propor- tion in the space allotted to the different groups ; and this has been in- creased by the necessity for a very different mode of treatment in the higher and the lower forms. Of the Vascular Cryptogams — more nearly allied in many respects to Phanerogams than to the lower Cryptogams — our knowledge is, with some exceptions, as minute and exhaustive as that INTRODUCTION \j of Flowering Plants ; and it is improbable that any living forms remain to be discovered differing in any material point of structure from those already known. Here, therefore, we are able to discuss systems of classification which claim something like finality ; and the difficulty of the compiler of a handbook is the enormous amount and the minute detail of the material to his hand, from which he has to cull those por- tions which seem suitable for his object. In order not to extend this portion of the work beyond due limits, it has been necessary frequently to practise rigid compression — beyond, probably, what many of our readers specially interested in these groups would have desired. The same remarks apply, to a large extent, to the Muscineae. But in the Thallophytes, and especially in the lower Algae and Chlorophyllous Protophyta, the case is very different. From the extremely minute size of many of these, and the much smaller extent to which they have been studied, new forms are constantly being discovered, and important ad- ditions are yearly being made to our knowledge of their life-history and of their structure. It is highly probable that among these groups, as well as in some of the orders of Fungi, forms will yet be discovered which cannot be assigned to any type at present known, gaps in the life- history of many species will yet be filled up, and organisms hitherto placed in widely separated families will ultimately be found to be phases in one cycle of development. We have therefore, in this branch of our subject, brought before our readers every fact of importance known to us which is vouched for by observers in whom we have confidence ; and the classification here submitted is a purely tentative one. In the Algae, the Fungi, and the Protophytes, we do not attempt an exhaustive enumeration of orders or families which shall include every known organism, but describe in detail only those types which are of greater importance, and of which our knowledge is more complete. Something must be said on the classification adopted. In the Vascular Cryptogams and in the Muscineae this proceeds on generally recognised lines, in which there is not much room for difference of opinion. But a very different treatment seemed necessary of the Thallophytes, and of the relationship to one another of the Algae and Fungi, and of the different orders within each of these groups. Here the systems pro- posed are almost as numerous as the original investigators, and it has been necessary to choose that which appeared to the authors to bring together those organisms which are most nearly related to one another. Whether these two familiar terms represent a natural bifurcation in the classification of the lower organisms, is a question which has been very variously answered by different observers and theorisers. About fifteen years ago a system of classification of the Thallophytes was pro- INTRODUCTION 3 posed, on authority entitled to the highest respect,1 which altogether abolished the bifurcation into Algae and Fungi. On this system the sole character made use of in their primary classification was the mode of reproduction. First came the Protophyta, in which no sexual mode of reproduction is known, followed by three primary classes (in ascending order)— the Zygosporete, Oosporeae, and Carposporeae — distinguished solely by the degree of complexity of the sexual process. Each of these four classes was then divided into a series containing chlorophyll and a series not containing chlorophyll, the former including the organisms hitherto known as Algae, the latter those hitherto known as Fungi. In support of this view it was urged, with great plausibility, that, reproduction being the most important event in the life-history of a plant, the mode in which this is brought about must become fixed in each group by heredity ; while such a subordinate character as the presence or absence of chlorophyll is seen, in the higher plants, to be entirely without importance in determining affinity. But a little consideration will show that it is unsafe to apply the same rule to more highly and to less highly organised forms. In the higher forms of life the mode of sexual reproduction becomes, in its main features, absolutely fixed ; and throughout the vast range of Angiosperms — as in the higher animals — there is entire uniformity in this respect in all important points ; while in external morphology, and in the mode in which they obtain their live- lihood, there is the greatest diversity, even within a narrow circle of affinity. In the animal kingdom we may point, as an illustration of this law, to the existence of such a family as the Cetacea among Mammalia; among flowering plants we have only to consider such phenomena as the occurrence of parasitism, insectivorous habits, or the suppression of chlorophyll, in individual genera dispersed through a large number of natural orders. Even in subsidiary characters connected with the pro- cess of reproduction there is not the uniformity that might have been expected. While such an apparently subordinate point as the number of cotyledons in the embyro is so constant as to give its name to primary divisions of Phanerogams, a character which might have been supposed to be much more important (but which, it is instructive to observe, is connected with the mode in which the germinating embryo receives its nutriment) — viz. the presence or absence of endosperm — is not always constant, even within narrow limits. The first necessity of a nascent organism is to live ; and hence it is not surprising to find that in the lower forms of life the one character which remains most constant within wide circles of affinity is the mode of life. In the course of development See Sachs’s Text-book of Botany\ 2nd English edition, p. 244. 1 4 INTRODUCTION of the higher forms nature may be said to have tried a variety of experiments in the mode of reproduction ; on the whole there is a con- tinual advance, but still by no means infrequent fallings back to simpler modes ; and unless this law of retrogression is taken into account, any system of classification must be pro tanto imperfect and misleading. If these considerations have any weight, it is not surprising that, although the system of classification of Thallophytes above alluded to has been adopted by a few authorities in this country and on the Continent, it has not met with general acceptance. The adoption of its leading principle, that ‘ in each class Fungi have diverged as ramifications from various types of Algae,’ 1 is seen to lead to such startling results as the collocation in the same class of Spirogyra and Mucor, of Volvox and Peronospora, of Callithamnion and Agaricus. It may, on the contrary, be safely asserted that several of the most important groups among Fungi (take, for example, the Uredineae and the Basidiomycetes) display no traces of genetic affinity with any known class of Algae ; and if, on the other hand, we have forms like Saprolegnia and Chytridium among Fungi, or Leptothrix and Beggiatoa among Protophyta, which betray strong indi- cations of a degraded affinity with groups of Algae, this by no means contradicts the general law that Fungi as a class form an altogether independent series. Retrogression may take the form of the suppression of either the vegetative or the reproductive organs ; and wherever you have one of these sets of organs displaying strong development, while the other set of organs is very feeble or altogether wanting, you have prima facie evidence of retrogression. Of this examples will be given in the sequel. While, therefore, we adopt the Protophyta as a primary class, with the general limits proposed by Sachs, we have no hesitation in reverting to the time-honoured division of the higher Thallophytes into the two great groups of Algae and Fungi. The classification of Fungi adopted is that of de Bary, consisting of a main series (called the series of the Ascomycetes), composed as follows : (i) Peronosporeae (with Ancylisteae and Monoblepharis), (2) Sapro- legnieae, (3) Mucorini or Zygomycetes, (4) Entomophthoreae, (5) Ascomycetes, (6) Uredineae ; and of divergent groups as follows: (7) Chytridineae, (8) Protomyces and Ustilaginese, (9) Doubtful Ascomycetes (Saccharomyces, &c. ), (10) Basidiomycetes. The groups 1-4 are Phycomycetes, and 7 and 8 of the second series go with them ; while 9 stands in relation to 5, and 10 to 6; and they are 1 Sachs’s Text-book , p. 244, foot-note. INTRODUCTION 5 so considered together in the linear series in which they come in the book. The Phycomycetes approach the Algae (Chlorophycese) very nearly ; and the other groups of Fungi bear a relation to the Phycomy- cetes which seems to negative any supposition of their independent connection with algal forms. One other point had to be decided, whether to commence at the bottom or at the top of the series. Had our purpose been to construct theoretically a genealogical tree for the lower forms of vegetable life, the former course must necessarily have been pursued, and in the laboratory there is no doubt much to be said in favour of proceeding from the simple to the more complicated types. But to the general student, ‘ from the known to the unknown ’ is a very sound principle. And, among flowerless plants, not only are the higher types far the best known to the ordinary observer, but they are also those about the life-history of which we have the greatest certainty of knowledge. We have been confirmed in our belief of the correctness of this decision by observing that in the last edition of Huxley and Martin’s ‘ Elementary Biology 5 these authors have (in the zoological section) abandoned the ascending for the descending order. The question of terminology is one of the greatest stumbling-blocks to the student of cryptogamy. Not only are new terms being constantly introduced, many of them quite needlessly or from an erroneous idea of structure ; but some that are in continual everyday use are employed in different senses by different writers of repute. The first requisite in a terminology, after accuracy, is simplicity ; and to this end we have, wherever possible, used anglicised instead of Latin and Greek forms. Many of the terms which we employ throughout this volume — such as sporange , archegone , ant her id, ca’nobe , s derate, epiderm , &c. — will probably be accepted at once ; and it seems strange that the awkward and un- couth foreign forms of these words should have held their ground so long. 'SVith others there will no doubt be greater hesitation ; but we hope to see all, or nearly all, of the anglicised forms we have used gradu- ally introduced into all English works on cryptogamic botany, and the same principle possibly extended in other cases where we have not ventured to apply it. A striking instance of the uncertainty which still surrounds crypto- gamic terminology is afforded by the various senses in which different writers use the everyday term ‘ spore.’ Le Maout and Deeaisne and Asa Gray speak of spores as ‘ the analogues of seeds ; ’ Berkeley de- scribes the unfertilised oospheres of Fucus as spores ; Vines includes under the term all reproductive cells produced either asexually or sexually ; while Sachs defines a spore as a reproductive cell produced 6 INTRODUCTION either directly or indirectly by an act of fertilisation, reserving the term ‘ gonidium ’ for those which are produced without any previous act of impregnation. It is obvious that one practical defect of this last sug- gestion is that it may necessitate a perpetual change of terminology as our knowledge advances. Every fresh extension of the domain of sexual fecundation — and it is probable that many such will take place — will involve the removal of a fresh series of reproductive cells from the cate- gory of gonidia to that of spores, even though they may not be the immediate result of an act of fertilisation. Again, if the spores of ferns and mosses are the indirect result of impregnation, it is difficult to say why the term should not ultimately include all reproductive bodies whatever, except the spores of the ‘ apogamous ferns ’ with which Farlow and de Bary have recently made us acquainted, and of other similar abnormal productions, which are certainly not the result of impreg- nation, direct or indirect. It seems a sounder principle — and is certainly more convenient to the student— to base a system of terminology on facts which can be confirmed by actual observation, rather than on unproved hypotheses. We propose, therefore, as the basis of our terminology, to restore the term spore to what has been in the main hitherto its ordinary significa- tion, and to restrict its use to any cell produced by ordinary processes of vegetation , and not directly by a union of sexual elements , which becomes detached for the purpose of direct vegetative propagation. The spore may be the result of ordinary cell-division or of free-cell-formation. In certain cases ( zoospore ) its first stage is that of a naked primordial mass of protoplasm. In rare instances it is multicellular, breaking up into a number of cells ( polyspore , composed of merispores, or breaking up into sporids ). The simple term spore will, for the sake of convenience, be retained in Muscineae and Vascular Cryptogams ; but in the Thallophytes it will generally be used in the form of one of those compounds to which it so readily lends itself, expressive of the special character of the organ in the class in question. Thus, in the Protophyta we have chlamydo- spores ; in the Myxomycetes, sporangiospores ; in the Saprolegnieae and many Algae, zoospores ; in the Uredineae, teleutospores , cecidiospores , urcdospores, and sporids ; in the Basidiomycetes, basidiospores ; in the Ascomycetes (including Lichenes), ascospores, polyspores, and merispores ; in the Diatomacese, auxospores ; in the QEdogoniaceae, androspores ; in the Florideae, tetraspores ; and others belonging to special groups. The cell in which the spores are formed will, in almost all cases, be called a sporange ; and this term will be compounded in the same way as spore. INTRODUCTION 7 In describing the heterosporous Vascular Cryptogams it is usual to speak of the spores which give rise to the female prothallium and those which give birth to antherozoids as ‘ macrospores ’ and ‘ microspores ’ respectively. The first of these terms is doubly objectionable : firstly, etymologically, the proper meaning of purpos being not ‘ large, ’ but ‘ long ; ’ and secondly, from the close similarity in sound of the two terms, an inconvenience, especially in oral instruction, which every teacher must have experienced. Seeing that the correct and far preferable terms megaspore and microspore are used by Berkeley, Areschoug, Carpenter, and others, it is difficult to understand how ‘ macrospore ’ can ever have got into general use ; and these terms, together with megasporange and microsporange , will be used in the following pages. For similar reasons megazoospore is always used instead of ‘macrozoospore.’ The male organs of fecundation are so uniform in their structure throughout Cryptogams that very little complication has found its way into their terminology. The cell or more complicated structure in which the male element is formed is uniformly known among Cormophytes as well as Thallophytes as an antherid ; the fecundating bodies are almost invariably naked masses of protoplasm, provided with vibratile cilia, endowed with apparently spontaneous motion, and bearing the appro- priate name of antherozoids or ‘ spermatozoids.’ The former of these is perferable for two reasons ; from its etymological connection with antherid, and because the use of terms compounded from ‘ sperm ’ should, for reasons to be detailed presently, be avoided for male organs. In only two important groups, Florideae and Ascomycetes, are the fecundating bodies destitute of vibratile cilia and of spontaneous motion : in the former case they are still usually termed ‘ antherozoids ; ’ in the latter £ spermatia,’ and their receptacles ‘ spermogonia.’ In order to mark the difference in structure from true antherozoids, it is proposed to designate these motionless bodies in both cases pollinoids ; the term ‘ spermogone ’ is altogether unnecessary, the organ being a true antherid. A satisfactory terminology of the female reproductive organs presents greater difficulties, from the much greater variety of structure, and the larger number of terms already in use. The limits we have placed to the use of the term ‘ spore’ and its compounds require the abandonment of ‘ oospore ’ for the fertilised ovum or oosphere in its encysted state (enclosed in a cell-wall), anterior to its segmentation into the embryo ; and this is the most important change involved in the terminology of the present volume. In devising a term which shall include all those bodies which are the immediate result of impregnation, it was necessary to take two points specially into account. Firstly, the term must be capable of ■8 INTRODUCTION defence on etymological grounds ; and secondly, it must, like ‘spore,’ be suited for ready combination. After much consideration we have de- cided on adopting the syllable sperm. No doubt the objection will present itself that the Greek a-n-ipixa, like the Latin ‘ semen,’ while origi- nally meaning the ultimate product of fertilisation, came afterwards to signify the male factor in impregnation ; and hence, in zoology, terms derived from these roots are used for the male fertilising bodies. But the objection applies to a much smaller extent to phyto-terminology, and the use in the proposed sense of the syllable ‘ sperm ’ is justified by the universal employment in phanerogamic botany of such terms as ‘ gymnosperm,’ ‘ angiosperm,’ ‘endosperm,’ and ‘perisperm.’ Of crypto- gamic terms, where the syllable is used in the reverse sense, ‘sperm-cell,’ for antherozoid or pollen-grain, has never come into general use in this country ; ‘ spermatozoid ’ is easily replaced by ‘ antherozoid ; ’ ‘ spermo- gonium ’ is simply a peculiar form of antherid, and ‘ spermatium ’ has already been referred to. Accepting this term as the least open to objection of any that could be proposed, it will be found to supply the basis of a symmetrical system of terminology, which will go far to redeem the confusion that at present meets the student at the outset of his re- searches. For the unfertilised female protoplasmic mass the term oosphere is already in general use ; and, though not all that could be desired, it is proposed to retain it. The entire female organ before fer- tilisation, whether unicellular or multicellular, is designated by a set of terms ending in gone , such as archegone and carpogone , again following existing analogy. The term reproduction itself is often far too vaguely employed by botanical writers. We propose to limit its use, in accordance with its etymology, to the production of a new individual, that is, to a process of impregnation ; all cases of non-sexual multiplication being described as propagation. The object of the writer of a handbook is to gather up and to collate material already existing, winnowing, to the best of his judgment, the wheat from the chaff. Except, therefore, where original observations may have been made by the compiler himself, it will contain nothing new. In compiling from the writings of the original observers it was thought best, as far as possible, to use their own words, and this will account for the frequent close resemblance in the following pages of the descriptions contained to those in such works as de Bary’s ‘ Comparative Anatomy of the Phanerogams and Ferns,’ the ‘ Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi, Mycetozoa, and Bacteria,’ by the same writer, the scheme of which has been mainly adopted in outline, and Goebel’s ‘ Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology.’ Admirable, on INTRODUCTION 9 the whole, as are the translations of these works by which the Clarendon Press has enriched English scientific literature, it is the original work rather than the translation that we have in all cases followed. We wish here to express the great obligation under which we lie to these writers, and to acknowledge the extent to which we have borrowed from them. In the chapter on Fossil Vascular Cryptogams we have, to a considerable extent, followed Graf zu Solms-Laubach’s excellent 4 Einleitung in die Pakeophytologie,’ though with some modifications. To the description of each group or family we have appended a bibliography of the researches on which that description is founded ; these having again been consulted, wherever possible, in the original language. 10 FIRST SUBDIVISION. VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS . The Vascular Cryptogams include all the highest forms of cryptogamic life, and constitute a well-marked group of plants intermediate between the Gymnosperms, or lowest division of Flowering Plants, and the lower or Cellular division of Flowerless Plants. From the former they differ mainly in the mode in which fertilisation is effected ; from the higher forms of the latter in the much greater differentiation of tissues. The term ‘ vascular 5 Cryptogams is, however, strictly speaking, correct only to a limited degree. Although the arborescent and fruticose species display as well-marked a differentiation of their tissues as Flowering Plants, into epidermal tissue, ‘ vascular ’ bundles, and fundamental tissue, and the bundles consist of distinct xylem and phloem (without any intermediate cambium, as in Gymnosperms), it is only rarely, as in that group of Flowering Plants, that the xylem is composed of vessels in the true sense of the term. The Vascular Cryptogams and the highest families of Cellular Cryptogams are distinguished from Flowering Plants by an obvious Alternation of Generations between Sexual Generation or Oophyte , and Non-sexual Generation or Sporophyte. The former is a small and purely cellular structure, usually of very temporary duration, the purpose of which is to bear the sexual organs of reproduction, male anthends and female archegones , the structure of which is uniform in all essential characters throughout the class, and which are borne on a cellular ex- pansion, the prothallium. This prothallium may be either monoecious or dioecious — that is, the male and female organs may be borne on the same or on different prothallia. The act of fertilisation consists in the impregnation of an oosphere , a naked mass of protoplasm contained within the central cell of the archegone, by one or more antherozoids , minute masses of protoplasm endowed with spontaneous motion by means of vibratile cilia, which escape from the cells of the antherid and penetrate to the central cell of the archegone. The immediate result of the impregnation of the oosphere is that it invests itself VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS 1 1 with a cell-wall of cellulose, and thus becomes an oosperm , which develops into the embryo , and finally into the sporophyte, which is often of great size and extended length of life. It is this that is com- monly known in popular language as the Fern, Club-moss, , air-cavity surrounding ‘vascular’ bundle. (After Goebel, magnified.) thin-walled phloem. The primary elements of the xylem, very narrow spiral tracheides, are formed at the angles of the bundle, and from them I 44 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS the development and lignification of the tracheides advance centripe- tally. The external layer of phloem is itself surrounded by two or three parenchymatous layers, constituting a bundle-sheath , belonging to the fundamental tissue, but within the large air-cavity. The mode of apical growth varies in the different species. In some the apex of the stem is occupied, as in Isoetes, by a group of equivalent meris- co-ordinate apical cells side by side, or a single one, which may be two-sided or three-sided. The leaves are simple and unbranched, and are traversed by a single ‘vas- cular’ bundle. They are always of small size, re- sembling those of Lycopo- dium, awl-shaped and acu- minate, or ending in a delicate awn, and usually with a cordate base. 1'he greater number of species are heterophyllous, the sterile leaves having two different forms ; those on the ventral or shaded side of the obliquely ascending stem are larger than those on the dorsal side exposed to the light. They are always in four rows, one dorsal and one ventral leaf forming a pair. On the upper side of the leaf near its base is the peculiar structure known as the ligule , from the presence of which the class has sometimes been called ‘ Ligulatae.’ The fertile leaves are uniform in size, and differ somewhat in shape from the sterile, forming a compact square terminal spike. The sporange springs from the upper surface below the ligule. In some species the epiderm is alike on the two sides of the leaf ; in others it differs. T he epidermal cells contain chlorophyll, as is the case in ferns, and frequently have beautifully serpentine lateral walls ; in some species they are so greatly thickened that the cell-cavity disappeais alto- matic cells ; while in others there are two Fig. 25.-5. inaqualifolia ; transverse section of stem ( x 150). (After Sachs.) SELA GIN ELLA CEJE 45 gether. The chlorophyll, both in the epidermal cells and in the meso- phyll, is collected into large lumps, in which are grains of starch. Stomates occur in the under, rarely also in the upper surface. The mesophyll consists of a loose spongy parenchyme ; when the leaves are very small it is developed only as a single layer surrounding the central ‘ vascular’ bundle, and is altogether suppressed near the margins, where the upper and lower epiderm are in actual contact. True roots occur in all known species belonging to the order. In some species of Selaginella a structure known as the rhizophore inter- venes between the stem and the root. The rhizophores resemble roots in general appearance, but are destitute of a root-cap. They may spring either from the dorsal side of the stem only, near the base of a branch, bend round and then grow downwards, or two may spring from each fork, one on the dorsal, the other on the ventral side, the former of which usually remains undeveloped in the form of a small protuberance, while the latter grows to the normal size. Their origin is very near the grow- ing point, and they appear to be formed in the same way as the branches. Unlike the roots, they are exogenous structures. After apical growth has ceased, the end of the rhizophore, which is still very short, swells up into a spherical form ; its cell-walls become thicker, and the first rudi- ments of the true root originate in the interior of the swelling, but do not break through the surface until the rhizophore has increased consi- derably in length by intercalary growth, and its swollen end has penetrated the soil, where its apical cells deliquesce into mucilage, through which the true roots reach the ground. In some species the rhizophores are frequently transformed into leafy shoots, which at first manifest some deviations from the normal structure of aerial shoots, but afterwards present the ordinary structure, and may even bear sporanges. The rhizophore is not, however, universal in Selaginelia. In many species the roots spring directly from the lowest fork of the stem, and branch monopodially before they reach the ground. They originate, like those borne by the rhizophores, near the growing point. All the roots branch copiously, the planes of the successive branchings crossing one another at right angles. They have a single apical cell, but this soon ceases to give off segments, and the subsequent increase in length is chiefly due to intercalary growth. Both kinds of sporange are shortly stalked nearly spherical capsules (fig. 22), closely resembling those of Lycopodium in appearance and structure, except in their being heterosporous. They are collected into dense spikes at the extremity of somewhat metamorphosed leafy shoots. The lower portion of each spike in some species consists of megaspo- ranges, the upper portion of microsporanges, and the former may be 46 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS reduced to only one. Each fertile leaf or sporophyll subtends only a single sporange, which is borne on the stem above the leaf-axil. The sporanges are of considerable size in proportion to that of the leaf, and are formed from a group of superficial cells at the growing point of the stem. They make their first appearance as flat, afterwards spherical or club-shaped, swellings, completely covered by the epiderm, which subsequently forms, by tangential divisions, the wall of the sporange, composed of three layers. By subsequent growth the sporange Fig. 27.— Section of megasporange of V. incrquali/olia, showing double wall of sporange, layer of tapetal cells, and mega- spores. (After Goebel, magnified.) comes to be placed in the axil or even on the base of the leaf. The ‘ vascular ’ bundle of the leaf passes beneath the sporange without sending a branch into it. As in the other heterosporous families, the two kinds of sporange present no differentiation in their early stages. The archespore is the terminal hypodermal cell of an axial row. This divides into the sporogenous tissue surrounded by the layer ot tapetal cells formed from the innermost of the layers of cells into which the wall of the sporange divides. In the megasporanges one of the spore-mother- cells grows more vigorously than the rest, which gradually abort. In this Fig. 26. — A, fertile branch of V. ituequali- folia. (half natural size). B , longitudinal section of upper part, showing microspo- ranges and megasporanges. (After Goebel, magnified.) SELA GIN ELLA CErE 47 privileged cell are formed four spores, the number usually present in the mature megasporange. The microspores are formed in the same way as in the other heterosporous families. After falling out of the sporange they frequently adhere together in fours. The microspore has three coats — endospore, exospore , and epispore — of which the inner- most is composed of cellulose. The coat of the megaspore is also treble, and the epispore is not unfrequently beautifully granulated and spiny. The dehiscence of both kinds of sporange is caused by the unequal contraction of the epidermal cells. The microsporanges are 2-valved, the megasporanges 3-4-valyed. The genus Selaginella (Spring) includes above 300 species, spread over the whole globe, but most abundant in the tropics. Many species resemble Lycopodium very closely in habit, but are more moss-like, and the leaves generally more delicate ; in others the stem is erect, and they reach the magnitude of small shrubs. Several species are favourite objects of cultivation from the beautiful metallic lustre of the leaves. They are readily propagated non-sexually, a small fragment of the stem producing a new plant if kept warm and moist on loose earth, owing to the production of adventitious roots in the angle formed by the branch- ing of the ‘vascular’ bundle of the leaf from that of the stem. No economical use is known of any species either of Selaginella or Isoetes. Order 2.— Isoeteze. In the single genus Isoetes the general phenomena of the life-history correspond to those of Selaginella, but with some important differences. Some weeks after the escape of the megaspore from the decaying mega- sporange its cavity becomes filled, by free-cell-formation, with a number of naked primordial cells, which gradually fill up the whole cavity of the endospore, and then become converted into a cellular tissue by the in- vestment of each with a cell-wall of its own. The endospore at the same time thickens, and separates into several layers with a finely granu- lar structure. The epispore, or outer layer of the coat of the megaspore, now splits at its apex by a three-rayed fissure, exposing the endospore, which also subsequently disappears, and a portion of the spherical pro- thallium is thus laid open. At its exposed apex appears the first arche- gone, which is followed by others if the first is not fertilised. The archegones resemble those of Selaginella, except that each of the rows which constitute the neck is composed of four instead of two cells. The microspores are yellowish grey, and of the form of the quadrant of a sphere. The antherozoids are very long, slender, and attenuated 43 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS at both ends, where they are provided with two tufts of very long cilia ; in some species they are remarkably large. T. heir period of £ swarming. * does not last more than about five minutes. Phe stem of Isoetes is distinguished by its extraordinarily restricted growth in length, and the complete absence of branching, as well as by a remarkable secondary increase in thickness. It is completely covered by the bases of the leaves, leaving no part exposed. Its upper portion has the form of a shallow funnel, with the apex depressed in its centre. SELA GIN ELLA CEsE 49 The long-continued increase in thickness which distinguishes this genus alone among Vascular Cryptogams — except possibly Botrychium (Filices) — is dependent on an internal layer of meristem which surrounds the axial ‘vascular’ cylinder, and continually produces new layers of paren- Fig. 30. — /. lacustris. A — D, microspore, showing stages in formation of antherid and antherozoids (X580). 7', sterile cell ; a— d, stages in formation of antherozoid ( x 580) ; f, f, mature antherozoid (X700). (After Millardet.) disc. In these furrows are produced a large number of rows of roots in acropetal succession. In the stem is a single cauline axial bundle com- posed of short reticulate and spiral tracheides, surrounded by a rudi- mentary phloem without sieve-tubes. From this axial bundle there Fig. 29. — A, megaspore of Isoetes acustris L. B, prothallium ; a, archegone (x about 50), (After Hofmeister.) chyme on the outside. This takes place especially in either two or three directions, so that a corresponding number of projecting masses of tissue are formed, which slowly die off on the outside ; and between them lie the same number of furrows meeting on the ventral side of the stem, which has hence the appearance of a laterally elongated plate or E 5o VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS proceeds a branch into each leaf and one into the root. The layer of meristem which surrounds the axial bundle increases chiefly in the centrifugal direction, fresh layers thus formed replacing the outer ones, which continually die off. The secondary long-enduring increase in thickness of the stem is chiefly due to increase in thickness of the cortical tissue, though new xylem-elements are also produced. The mode of apical growth differs from that in most species of Selaginella. There is no single apical cell, the apex of the stem being occupied by a group of equivalent merismatic cells. The leaves of Isoetes are very elongated, cylindrical, and quill-shaped, and are arranged in a complicated phyllotaxis on the veiv shoit stem. They are segmented into a basal portion, the sheath or glossofode , and an apical portion, the lamina. lhe sheath is nearly triangular in form with a very broad insertion, and does not completely embrace the stem. It is convex behind and concave in front, where it bears the sporange in a large depression known as the fovea ; the margin of this depiession rises in the form of a thin membranous outgrowth, the veil 01 / ndusium, which, in many species, extends above and beyond the sporange. Abo\ e SELA GINELLA CEE 5i the fovea, and separated from it by a ridge called the saddle , is a smaller depression, the foveo/a, the lower margin of which forms a lip-like struc- ture, the labium, and from its base rises a narrow membranous acuminate structure, the ligule , with a cordate base, and usually projecting above the foveola. The sheath passes above into the lamina, which is narrow and thick, almost cylindrical, but flattened in front, contains chlorophyll, and is traversed by four wide longitudinal air-cavities, segmented by transverse septa. A rosette of these fertile leaves or sporophylls is pro- duced annually, but between these whorls are alternate whorls of phyl- lades, or imperfect leaves, consisting, in the submerged species, of only a small lamina with no sheath, while in the terrestrial species they are reduced to mere scales. Stomates occur in the paludose and terrestrial, but not in the submerged species. Scattered spiral tracheides are found in the parenchymatous base of the leaf. The fundamental tissue, which Fig. 33. — Developmen* of microsporange of I. lacustris. t, tapetal cells; Tr, trabecules : the archespore and sporogenous cells derived from it are shaded. (After Goebel, magnified.) is not separated from the single ‘vascular’ bundle by a bundle-sheath, has a strong tendency to become sclerenchymatous, especially beneath the epiderm and in the sheath. The very simple bundle which occurs in each leaf is stated by Russow to be collateral, the xylem and phloem lying side by side. The roots spring from the furrows of the stem, and resemble, in structure and mode of branching, those of Selaginella. There is no rhizophore. The sporanges of Isoetes do not make their appearance until the third year after germination. Each sporophyll bears only a single sporange, which is undoubtedly a product of the leaf, and is situated below the ligule in the fovea, to which it is attached by a narrow base. The outer leaves of the fertile^ rosette produce megasporanges only, the inner leaves microsporanges only. Both kinds of sporange originate from a group of cells at the base of the leaf. The archespore is derived 52 VA SC ULA R CRYP TO GA MS from a hypodermal layer of cells. In the formation of the microsporange the archespore-cells elongate in a direction at right angles to the surface, and divide by transverse walls. Some of these rows of cells are then arrested in their growth, lose their abundant protoplasm, and divide into elongated tabular cells constituting the trabecules, which cross the sporange from the dorsal to the ventral side. The remaining cells develop into the mother-cells of the microspores, an external layer having been previously separated as tapetal cells. In the development of the megasporange the processes are the same as far as regards the formation of the tapetal cells and the trabecules ; the mature sporange may contain either four or a much larger number of megaspores. The mode of development of the megaspores presents perhaps the closest analogy to that of the secondary embryo-sacs of Gymnosperms that occurs in any order of Vascular Cryptogams ; and the same remark applies to the formation of the microsporanges and pollen-sacs. Both kinds of sporange are indehiscent, the spores escaping only by the decay of the tissue. In both kinds of spore the epispore is frequently granulated, tuber- culate, or echinate ; and in some species there are two kinds of microspore differing from one another in this respect. One or two species of Isoetes display the phenomenon of apogamy in various degrees. In extreme cases the formation of the megasporange is arrested at a very early stage, and its place supplied by a vegetative shoot, which becomes detached and develops into an independent plant. The number of species of Isoetes is about fifty, the greater part inhabitants of the warmer portions of the globe. '1 hey somewhat resemble Pilularia in general habit. Some species are aquatic and entirely or partially submerged, other paludose, and a very few terrestrial ; and they present corresponding differences in the structure of their tissue, presence of stomates, &c. Literature. Von Mohl — (Stem of Isoetes) Linncea, 1S40, p. 18 1. Braun — Ueber Isoetes, Monber. Berlin Akad. Wiss., 1863. Hofmeister— Entwick. d. Isoetes lacustris, Abhandl. Sachs. Gesell. Wiss., 1865. Pfeffer— Entwick. d. Reims Selaginella, in Hanstein’s Bot. Abhandl., iv., 1871. Tchistchakoff— (Isoetes) Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. , 1873, p. 207. Bruchmann — Wurzeln v. Lycopodium u. Isoetes, 1874. Hegelmaier — Bot. Zeit., 1874, p. 48 1. Goebel — (Apogamy of Isoetes) Bot. Zeit., 1S79, p. I. Mer— (Sporange of Isoetes) Compt. Rend., xlii., 1881, p. 310; and Bull. Soc. Bot. France, 1881, pp. 72> io9- Kienitz-Gerloff— (Embryo of Isoetes) Bot. Zeit., 1SS1, pp. 761, 785. Vines— (Isoetes) Annals of Botany, vol. ii. , 1S88, p. 117. L YCOPODIACE/E 53 ISOSPOROUS VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS. Class III.— Lycopodiaceae. The Lycopodiaceae are a comparatively small group of plants com- prised in only four genera, differing from one another greatly in habit, but agreeing in the prevalence of a dichotomous rather than of a mono- podial mode of branching in both stem and root, though this is by no means universal. Growth is effected by a group of equivalent cells in the growing point, never (except in Psilotum, Sw.) by a single apical cell. The leaves are always of small size and entirely undivided ; in Psilotum they are reduced to mere scales, and this genus is also entirely rootless ; while in Phylloglossum (Kze.) the underground stem is tuberous. The sporanges and spores are of one kind only ; the spore produces on germination (where this has been observed) a green or colourless pro- thallium, which carries on a much more independent existence than is the case in the heterosporous orders, and bears, in the cases which have been examined, both archegones and antherids. The position of the sporanges varies. In the Lycopodiere it corresponds to that of the Selaginellete, on the upper side of the base of the leaf, or they are crowded on special erect branches ; and here the sporanges are unilocu- lar ; while in the Psilotere they are plurilocular, and are grouped on the main stem or on short lateral branches. Further details are best described under the heads of the two orders into which the Lycopodiaceae may be divided. In the monoecious prothallium the Lycopodiaceae approach the Ophioglossaceae ; while in the structure of the sporophyte they display a remarkable resemblance to the heterosporous Selaginellaceae. Order i. — Lycopodie/E. In this order are included two genera of very different habit : Lyco- podium (L.), with nearly ioo known species ; and Phylloglossum (Kze.), with only one. The form and appearance of the oophyte vary greatly even in the different species of the typical genus Lycopodium. The ger- mination of the spores of L. inundatum (L.) has been described as follows by de Bary : — The endospore bursts in the form of a nearly spnerical vesicle through the exospore, which splits into three valves ; the ger- minating filament which originates in this way then divides by a septum into a basal cell, which undergoes no further change, and a larger apical cell, which divides into two rows of segments ; each segment further divides by a tangential wall into an inner and an outer cell, so that 54 VA SC ULA R CR YP TO GA MS the young prothallium now consists of an axial row of four short cells, the basal and apical cells, and two lateral rows. The cells contain a few grains of chlorophyll. The formation of the sexual organs was not observed. The mature oophyte of L. annotinum (L.) presents several important differences. The prothallium is underground and of a yellowish-white colour, destitute of chlorophyll, and consists of a tuberous mass with cushion-like ridges on the upper side and a few small rhizoids. On its upper side and completely imbedded in the tissue are a number of antherids, consisting of cavities covered by one or more layers of cells, and containing a large number of mother-cells of antherozoids. The antherozoids themselves appear to be minute bodies consisting of only a few coils, and probably with two cilia. The archegones have not been actually observed, but are evidently borne on the same prothallium Fig. 34. —Young plant of Lycopo- dium annotinum L. /, prothal- lium ; w, root (natural size). (After Fankhauser.) Fig. 3S-_y4i prothallium of Lycopodium ccrnunm L. ; t, tuberous outgrowth ( x 25). B, young plant of L . cernuum ( x 2). (After l'reub.) as the antherids, and in close contiguity with them, apparently on the upper side, in the depressions between the ridges. Only one archegone appears to be fertilised on each prothallium. The young sporophyte has no foot, its place being supplied by a tuberous swelling with root- hairs. A very different type of prothallium is presented, according to Treub, by L. cernuum (L.). It consists of a short cylindrical axis halt immersed in the soil, containing chlorophyll in its exposed portion, and putting out rhizoids from its lower end. The upper extremity bears a tuft L YCOPODIA CEJE 55 of small leaf-like lobes, beneath which are the archegones and antherids on the same prothallium, and buried in its tissue. Each antherid arises from a single superficial cell, which divides by a transverse septum into an outer stigmatic cell, subsequently splitting up into three, and a basal cell in which the antherozoids are formed. The archegone has a very short neck, consisting of three rows of cells. While the prothallium dis- plays greater differentiation than is the case elsewhere in Vascular Cryptogams, the embryo or young sporophyte is, on the contrary, of very simple structure, and entirely parenchymatous. A cotyledon is formed at one end, but there is no primary root, or other differentiation of organs. In L. Phlegmaria (L.) the prothallium is cylindrical, with- out chlorophyll, and branches freely. The rhizoids proceed from a super- Fig. 37 .—Lycopodium claoatum L. A , sporangiferous branch (natural size) : B, sporange and subtending leaf (greatly magnified) : C, spore, showing fines of fissure (still more magnified). ficial layer, which also branches laterally, by which means fresh prothallia are constantly being formed without any production of sexual organs. The archegones and antherids are borne on the upper surface of the prothallium, and are always accompanied by pat'aphyses, barren tubular cells of rare occurrence among Vascular Cryptogams. The 56 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS antherids are scattered or in groups, and produce biciliated antherozoids. The archegones appear later than the antherids on the thickened extremities of the same branches. They project above the surface of the prothallium, and have from three to five canal-cells. In the forma- tion of the sporophyte it is possible that we have a transition between Vascular Cryptogams and Muscineae. The oosphere divides by a wall vertical to the axis of the archegone into two cells, of which the one nearest the neck becomes the susJ>ensor, while the other is the mother- cell of the embryo. The first root is but slightly endogenous. The cells of the prothallium of all known species of Lycopodium are liable to be infested by an endophytic Pythium, the zoospores of which have very probably been taken for antherozoids. The oophyte of Phylloglossum is unknown. Of the development of the spo- rophyte of the Lycopodieae very little is known in its early stages. In the typical genus Lycopodium the sporo- phyte resembles Selaginella in habit. The stem of most species is procumbent, extending in the case of L. clavatum (L.) to several feet, and putting out here and there a few roots into the soil. Less vigorous branches rise erect, and are sporangiferous. The procumbent species display a tendency to bilateralness, especially in the structure of the axial ‘ vascular ’ bundle. In other species the much shorter stem grows erect, and puts out roots from its lower portion, which in some cases grow downwards through the tissue of the stem, emerging only as a tuft at its base. In some of these erect species, especially in the tropics, the stem is stout and shrubby. One or two species of Lycopodium have climbing stems; a few are epiphytic. The sporophyte of Phylloglossum, its only known condition, has a striking resemblance to the embryonic condition of Lycopodium. The erect unbranched stem is very short, rising into a slender scape, which bears at its extremity a spike of sporanges, and at its base a rosette of long subulate leaves ; otherwise the stem bears only a few very rudimentary leaves. The plant is reproduced by adven- titious shoots consisting of a tuber with a leafless rudimentary bud. As far as has been at present observed, the growing end of the stem of Lycopodium has no single apical cell, and the same is true of the leaves and of the roots. The growing point of the stem corresponds Fig. 38 .—Phylloglossum Drum- mondii Kze. /, leaves : r, roots ; tn old tuber ; /2) new tuber : a, sporangiferous axis (x 3). (After Bower.) L Y CO PODIA CEyE 57 closely with that of Gymnosperms. It is composed of a small-celled primary meristem, in which no differentiation can be detected into Fco«e9r?XlfHCtnrlfStem L' O, epiderm : A R, outer corte. • sclerotised fundamental tissue; P, vascular bundle-sheath H wlm portion of axial vascular cylinder ; Bsp, lcaf-traces (magnificd). ' ’ > ,n J R, inner B, phloem- 53 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS dermatogen and periblem, the rudiments of the c vascular ’ bundle penetrating nearly to its apex. In some species it projects in the young- est leaves in the form of a low cone ; in others the apex is flat. As in Flowering Plants, the leaves and rudiments of the shoots do not arise from single cells, but from groups of cells which include both the outer- most and the subjacent layers of the primary tissue of the growing point. The branching of the stem of Lycopodium is either monopodial or dichotomous in its origin ; but in the latter case one of the bifurcations usually greatly exceeds the other in vigour of growth. The branches are never placed in the axils of leaves, as in Flowering Plants, but usually arise from the stem above a leaf, but without any definite rela- tion to it. In several species two new growing points of equal strength appear side by side on the flat apical surface, and continue to de- velop dichotomously. In others the rudiment of the new branch takes the form of a lateral protuberance on the greatly elevated cone of growth. On the stems of many species the small leaves are so closely packed that the internodes are completely suppressed. The internal structure of the stem of Lycopodieae presents several peculiarities. The cells of the fundamental tissue are sometimes uniformly thin-walled, but usually the inner layers in particular have thicker walls, and the cells are prosenchymatous, or even have their walls strongly sclerotised, reminding one of the sclerenchymatous layer in ferns; but they are never coloured brown. The axial 4 vascular ’ cylinder is separated from the cortical fundamental tissue by a strongly developed bundle-sheath, composed of from one to three layers of cells. Air- cavities and mucilage- and gum-passages sometimes occur in the funda- mental tissue of the stem and the leaves. The ‘ vascular ’ bundles them- selves present a striking peculiarity in Lycopodium, forming in the stem and root a single axial cylinder, usually with a circular outline. In this compound bundle are plates or bands of xylem, which are either com- pletely isolated, or coalesce in various ways so as to form figures which are divided into two similar halves by an axial longitudinal section. The cylinder may therefore be described as displaying a bilateral symmetry. If transverse sections are made at different heights in the stem, the xylem presents different figures, in consequence of the bands anasto- mosing in their course. The elements of these xylem-bands are, like those of ferns, tracheides pointed at both ends, and increasing in breadth towards the interior, the most common form of thickening being pitted or scalariform rather than annular or spiral ; the latter are found only at the outer edges of the bands. The whole mass of xylem-bands is surrounded by a narrow-celled phloem, containing, in the larger species, sieve-tubes. Between the outer edges of the xylem-bands and the L YCOPODIA CEAE 59 periphery lie the bast-like cells known as ‘ protophloem-elements.’ Within the bundle-sheath the phloem is surrounded by several layers of larger cells, corresponding to the phloem-sheath of ferns. Though the sclerotised tissue is much less developed than in ferns, the axial ‘ vascular ’ bundle is, in the stouter species of Lycopodium, surrounded by a ring of fibres composed of several layers. The axial bundle is cauline, and may be followed out, in a rudimentary condition, to very near the apex. In Phylloglossum the short stem is traversed by a single narrow bundle, which is very weak, and has no scalariform, only a few spiral and annular tracheides. The roots of Lycopodium originate on the outside of the axial cylinder ; their internal structure is similar to that of the stem. In the erect species they have their origin at a considerable height in the stem, whence they strike downwards through its fundamental tissue, in which they sometimes even branch dichotomously, and emerge in the form of a tuft at the base of the greatly thickened stem. In the creeping and climbing species they emerge separately, and dichotomise in the soil in intercrossing planes. The epiderm of the root is often strongly cuticularised. In Phylloglossum the underground portion of the stem consists of two ovoid tubers of different age (see fig. 38), which are destitute of the least trace of ‘ vascular ’ bundles. From above these tubers spring a few adventitious roots, which are of endogenous origin, do not branch, and each of which has a single concentric axial bundle. The leaves are very small in most species of Lycopodium, and invariably narrow, simple, and sessile ; sometimes with a long apiculus. They are sometimes adpressed to the stem with the exception of the free apex ; more often they are entirely free. In some species the form and size of the leaves vary greatly even on the same individual plant, and these heterophyllous species often display more or less of a bilateral structure. The phyllotaxis is sometimes verticillate, sometimes spiral, or both arrangements occur together in the same species. In the verticillate species the leaves are either decussate, or in whorls of three, four, or more ; on creeping stems they are usually placed on a transverse zone oblique to the axis ; and the number of leaves in a whorl varies even on the same branch. The small and extremely variable divergences of the leaves in the species with spiral phyllotaxis are very remarkable. Each leaf is always penetrated by a single central ‘vascular’ bundle without any lateral branches ; it is of very simple structure, and is in connection with the axial cylinder of the stem. In L. albidum (Bak.) the leaves are membranous, and quite destitute of chlorophyll. The epiderm is provided with stomates, either on the under surface only or on both surfaces, and frequently collected into groups. The fundamental 6o VA SC ULAR CR YP TOG AMS tissue is sometimes furnished with air-cavities and gum-passages, usually in connection with the ‘ vascular ’ bundle. In some of the heterophyllous species these occur only in the sporangiferous or fertile leaves. In Phylloglossum the leaves all spring from the base of the scape (see fig. 38) ; they are narrow and subulate, about half an inch in length, and pene- trated by a single ‘ vascular ’ bundle. They are colourless in their basal half, green in their apical half, and have stomates only in the green part. In a large number of species of Lycopodium all the leaves serve the purpose of nutrition only, and the sporanges are borne in the axils of ordinary leaves. But in the remaining species of Lycopodium, and in Phylloglossum, the leaves which subtend the sporanges are greatly modified, being of a membranous texture and colourless. In these species the sporanges with their subtending leaves are usually collected into spike-like 1 inflorescences,’ which may be short, erect, bifurcate branches, as in L. clavatum, or an elongated naked scape, as in Phylloglossum. The sporanges of Lycopodium are seated each on the base of a leaf which has frequently undergone more or less metamorphosis (see fig. 37, B) ; by displacement they may subsequently become axillary. They are kidney-shaped, and are attached at their broader side by a short thick pedicel. They are unilocular, and dehisce by a fissure across the apex in the longest diameter. In all the Lycopodiacece the outer walls of the epidermal cells of the sporange are composed of pure cellu- lose, while the inner and side walls are lignified. Dehiscence takes place by the outer face of these cells contracting more than their inner face in dry air. The small and numerous spores are sphero-cubical, the exospore being marked in a variety of ways. On germinating the exo- spore splits by three fissures which meet in a point at the apex of the spore, the endospore projecting between the three valves thus formed. The sporange originates as a prominence from a group of superficial cells at the base of the leaf. The original cells from which it is formed are few in number ; the central one of these gives rise to the archespore. The wrall of the sporange ultimately consists of from two to four layers of cells ; the innermost of these forms the layer of tapetal cells. The mother-cells of the spores become separated from one another, and invest themselves with very thick cell-walls ; from each is developed four spores, and the exospore becomes elevated into warts, spines, &c., before the walls of the mother-cells have become absorbed. In Phyllo- glossum the sporanges are also unilocular, and are placed in the axil of short triangular apiculate metamorphosed leaves ; and a large number are collected into a spike-like ‘ fructification ’ at the extremity of a naked scape. They dehisce by a vertical longitudinal fissure. The spores L YCOPODIA CE/E 61 are excessively minute, and have three radiating lines meeting at the apex. Their germination is unknown. In most species of Lycopodium vegetative propagation takes place by means of axillary bulbils, which become detached ; and in some, adventitious buds are also produced lower down on the stem. L. cer- nuum produces similar gemmae or bulbils on the root. Phylloglossum is propagated bv the lateral budding of its underground tubers, in a manner somewhat similar to our native species of Orchis. The species of Lycopodium are scattered over the whole globe from the polar to the equatorial regions, the greater number growing on elevated ground or in swamps ; some are epiphytic. The monotypic Phylloglossum Drummondii (Kze.) is a native of swamps in Australia and New Zealand. Several species of Lycopodium have an ancient use as cathartics. The spores are used in the manufacture of pills, and have the property, from the large quantity of oil which they contain, of keep- ing the hands dry when dipped in water. Those of L. clavatum are collected in large quantities, especially in Northern Germany, for pyro- technic purposes. The British species are popularly known as ‘ club- moss ' and ‘ stag’s-horn moss.’ Order 2. — Psilote/e. This order is composed of the two very small tropical genera Psilo- tum (Sw.) and Tmesipteris (Bernh.), of the latter of which very little is known, it never having been examined in the living state. The stem is erect, and is penetrated, in Psilotum, by a eauline ‘ vascular’ bundle of very simple structure, which is circular on transverse section, and is surrounded by a bundle-sheath. It always branches dichotomously. Psilotum is entirely rootless, the function of roots being performed by remarkable underground branches of the stem, which dichotomise like the aerial shoots. These underground shoots have a three-sided apical cell, and are entirely destitute of a root-cap. Those only which are nearest the surface have a few whitish subulate rudimentary leaves ; these may turn upwards, develop chlorophyll, and become ordinary aerial shoots. Those branches which strike deeper into the soil are slenderer, and the rudiments of leaves are reduced to groups of a few cells which remain buried in the tissue, not projecting above the surface. They resemble true roots in their single axial ‘vascular’ cylinder. Psilotum triquetrum (Sw.) produces minute gemmae or bulbils, which remain dormant for a time, and from which the plant not unfrequently makes its appearance apparently spontaneously in orchid- and palm-houses. The leaves of Tmesipteris are erect, elliptical, 62 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS Fig. 40 ,—Psilotum triquetrum Sw. A , fertile branch (natural size) ; B, portion of the same (magnified) ; C, smaller portion and sporange (still more magnified). LYCOPODIA CEsE 63 and apiculate, and are penetrated by a single £ vascular ’ bundle ; those which subtend the sporanges are much smaller, and apparently deeply bifid, in consequence of their becoming connate at their base in pairs. In Psilotum the leaves are reduced to mere scales without any ‘vascular’ bundle. The sporanges of the Psilotete differ from those of the Lycopodiete in not being formed in connection with the leaves, and in being pluri- locular. They are collected into spikes which are formed at the growing point of a primary shoot. In Tmesipteris each spike usually consists of two sporanges only, situated in the fork be- tween two connate or one bifid fertile leaf ; they are oblong and bilocular, and dehisce by two vertical slits ; the spores are very minute, oblong, and curved. In Psilotum the sporanges are col- lected into groups of three or four on special short lateral branches, each in the axil of a rudimentary leaf, and forming a loose spike. They are turbinate in form, and are divided into three compart- ments, less often into two or four ; each locule dehisces by a vertical fissure. , The germination of the spores and the oophyte generation are entirely unknown in the order. Psilotum consists of two spe- cies, natives of the tropical regions of both hemispheres, having the appearance of small branching nearly leafless shrubs ; Tmesipteris of a single known species, epiphytic on the trunks of tree-ferns, with a pendulous habit, in the Southern Hemisphere. B Fig. 41. — Tmesipteris tannensis Bernh. A, por- tion of branch (natural size) ; t>; sporange and subtending leaves (magnified). Literature. Spring— Monograph des Lycopodiacees in Mem. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1S42 and 1S49. Cramer— (L. Selago) in Nageli u, Cramer’s Pflanzenphys. Unters. Heft i. , 1S55. De Bary — (Germination) Naturf. Gesell. Freiburg, 1S58. Mettenius — (Phylloglossum) Bot. Zeit., 1867, p. 97. Payer — Botanique Cryptogamique, 1 868. Juranyi — (Psilotum) Bot. Zeit., 1871, p. 177. Hegelmaier— Bot. Zeit., 1872, pp. 798 ct seq., and lS74^p. 773. 64 VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMS Fankhauser — (Prothallium) Bot. Zeit., 1873, p. r, Strasburger — Bot. Zeit., 1873, PP* 81 et seq. Bruchmann — Ueb. Wurzeln v. Lycopodium u. Isoetes, 1874. Beck— (Prothallium) Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr., 1880, p. 341. Bertrand — (Psilotum) Compt. Rend., xcvi., 1883, pp. 390,518; (Phylloglossum) do., xcvii. , 1883, pp. 504 et seq. Solms-Laubach — (Psilotum) Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, 1884, p. 139, and 1886, pp. 217, 233. Treub— (Prothallium) Ann. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, 1884, p. 307, and 1S86, p. 87 ; see Nature, xxxi., 1885, p. 317, and xxxiv., 1886, p. 145. Galloway — (Spores) Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 1885, p. 55. Bower— (Phylloglossum) Proc. Roy. Soc., xxxviii., 1885, p. 445. Bruchmann — (do.) Bot. Centralbl., xxi. , 1885, pp. 23, 309. Treub — (Prothallium) Ann. of Bot., i., 1887, p. 119. Goebel — (Prothallium) Bot. Zeit., 1887, pp. 16 1, 177. Class IV.— Filices. Ferns (under which term the Ophioglossaceae are also included in popular language) are by far the most numerous and best known class of Vascular Cryptogams. In some families, however, as the Marattia- cese and Schizseaceae, much yet remains to be made out with regard to the history of development, and their exact position in the circle of affinity must remain for a time doubtful. The germinating spore develops into the prothallium by the burst- ing of the cuticularised exospore, and the rapid growth and division of the contents of the endospore into a plate of cells. Before germination the contents of the spore become invested with a new cellulose mem- brane. But the tabular prothallium does not always result directly from the contents of the spore. In the Hymenophyllaceae the spore under- goes division, even before the rupture of the exospore, into three cells, one of which only attains great development, dividing by transverse septa, and branching until it greatly resembles the protoneme of a moss ; the flat prothallia then springing from lateral shoots. In most of the Polypodiaceae, which include by far the greater number of the genera of ferns, and in the Schizseacese, the contents of the spore develop directly into a short segmented filiform protonemal structure, which expands at the apex into a cordate or reniform plate of tissue, consisting at first of only a single layer of cells. If a single apical cell is present, it soon disappears, and is replaced by a growing point situated in a depression at the anterior end of the prothallium, behind which a cushion, several layers in thickness, is formed by tangential cell- FILICES 65 divisions. The prothallium is most commonly monoecious, though the sexual organs may not appear at the same time, and is strictly bilateral or dorsiventral, the result, according to Leitgeb (Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxxx., 18S0, p. 201), of the action of light. The archegones r ig. 42. Germination of prothallium of fern, with exospore still attached, n , Dicksonia antctrctica Lab. (x 240); c,