\ l w ■ ) i - k* • ' fp V IL. .^r r'-. >>y^^Tji ■ > ** V,.-. . ^ . -ii 'i.l /:/.r^ utii ; ' n\yr • i , I.; * '• 1 ^ >i . i:- ' t j| •V iv HUNTERIAN LECTURED. VOL. II. •> I L, London : Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New- Street- Square. •a LECTURES ON THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY or THE VERTEBRATE ANIMALS, DELIVEHED AT THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND, IN 1844 AND 1846. BY RICHARD OWEN, F.R.S. HUNTERIAN PROFESSOR, AND CONSERVATOR OF THE MUSEUM OF THE COLLEGE. PART L — FISHES. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS WOODCUTS. LONDON : PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW, 1846. “ But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee ; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee : “ Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee ; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. “ Whoknoweth not in all these that the hand of the Loan hath wrought this?” Job, xii. 7, 8, 9. OF physicians OF % ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS LIBRARY CLASS ACCN. SOURCE DATE ADVERTISEMENT. The increasing professional avocations of my friend Mr. W. White Cooper having prevented his rendering the kind aid which led to the publication of the “ Lectures on the Inverte- brata” so speedily after their delivery, a longer delay has oc- curred in the preparation for the press of those on the Ver- tebrate Animals than was originally contemplated. Such notes of these Lectures as Mr. Cooper had leisure to take he has kindly placed at my disposal, and they have served to recal characteristic expressions and ideas which suggested themselves in the course of the oral demonstrations. The desire to verify some of the propositions then enunciated, by repeating the ob- servations on which they were founded, has led to many new dissections and examinations of numerous specimens, and re- ference is made to all those that form part of the Hunterian Museum. I have, also, reconsulted most of the original authorities from which the great bulk of the information im- parted in the Lecture-room had been derived: and a list is given of the Works referred to in the text. The utility of the present Volume has been further regarded, by ingrafting into the text some remarkable discoveries witii VI ADVERTISEMENT. which the Science of Comparative Anatomy has been enriched since 1844, and by adding details which the time allotted to the Hunterian course compelled me to omit in the theatre : but I have been careful to preserve the scope and opinions of the original Lectures, and, as far as possible, the very words in which they were delivered. The Volume concluding the Course will, I hope, appear in the earlier half of the ensuing year. London, 1846. CONTENTS. LECTURE I. Introductory. Advantages and Applications of Anatomical Science, p. 2. Ge- neral Characters of Vertebrate Animals, p. 5. Characters of the Class Pisces, p. 11. ; of the Class Re/JtzV/a, p. 13.; of the Class Aves, p. 16. ; of the Class Mammalia, p. 17. LECTURE II. General Characters of the Skeleton, p. 20. Endo-skeleton and Exo-skeleton con- trasted, p. 21. Splanchno-skeleton defined, p. 24. Bone; its chemical Com- position in Fishes, p. 25. ; in Reptiles, p. 25. ; in Mammals, p. 25. ; in Birds, p. 26. Development of osseous Tissue, p. 27. Plasmatic System, p. 28. Texture of the Bones in different Classes, p. 30. Growth of Bone, 31. Experiments of Du Hamel and Hunter, p. 32. Structure of the Bones in Reptiles, p. 33. ; in Mammals, p. 34. ; in Birds, p. 34. Definition of a Bone ; its difficulty, p. 36. Classification of Bones, according to their Form, their Position, and Mode of Development, p. 40. Homology, general, serial, and special, defined, p. 40. LECTURE III. General Type of the vertebrate Endo-skeleton, p.41. Definition of a Vertebra, p. 42.; its Elements and their Synonyms, p. 42. Typical Vertebra exemplified, p. 43. Number of Vertebrae governed by the nervous System, p. 44. Develop- ment of vertebral Column ; pcrm.anent Arrests of its Stages exemplified in Fishes, p. 45. Characters of the Vertebra: in different vertebrate Classes, p. 46. Classification of Fishes, p. 47. Vertebral Column of Myxines, p. 51.; of Lam- preys, p. 52. ; of Sturgeons, p. 53 ; of Chimaras p. 54. ; of Plagiostomes, p. 54. ; of osseous Fishes, p. 57. Intercalations of Parts of Exo-skeleton to form median Fin.s, 66. Caudal Fin, Characters of homocercal and heteroccrcal Fishes ; An- tiquity of the latter, and their Predominance in the earlier fossiliforous Deposits, p. 67. Characters of Malacopteryglans, and Acanthopterygians, p. 68. Modi- fication of dorsal .Spines as Weapons, p. 69. Icbthyodorulites ; Lock-and- Trig- ger Spine of Ballstes, p. 69. ; dentigerous Spines of Siluroids, p. 70. Vlll CONTENTS. LECTURE IV. The Skull of Fishes. Cranium not distinct from spinal Column in Lancelet. De- velopment of Skull in Fishes, p. 71. Permanent Arrests of its Stages exemplified in the Dermopteri, p. 72. ; in the Plagiostomes, p. 73. ; and Lepidosiren, p. 78, which is the Key to the Complexities of the Skull of Osseous Fishes. Piseine Characters of Skeleton of Lepidosiren, p. 83. LECTURE V. Skull of osseous Fishes. Its general Form, p. 84, and manifold Functions, p. 85. ; its Cavities, p. 85. ; its Ridges and Depressions for muscular Attachments, p. 85. Classification of its Bones, p. 86. ; Arrangement of those of the Endo-skeleton in vertebral Segments, p. 87. The Segments defined, p. 88. Primary Segments of Brain, which govern the vertebral Segments of Skull, p. 89. Neural Arches, p. 89. Sense-capsules, p. 101. Haemal Arches, and their Appendages, p. 104. Pal ato -max illary Arch, p. 105. Tympano-mandibular Arch, p. 110. Hyoidean Arch, p. 114. The splanchnic branchial Arches, p. 116. Scapular Arch, p. 117. Modifications of the pectoral Fins, p. 120. ; their special Homology with Wings, Fore-limbs, and Arms, p. 124. ; their general Homology, p. 125. Structure and Homologies of the ventral Fins, p. 126. Ichthyological Abbrevi- ations and Formulae of the Fin-rays explained, p. 126. Linnaean Characters, from ventral Fins, of the ‘ abdominal,’ ‘ thoracic,’ ‘jugular,’ and ‘ apodal’ Orders, p. 1 27. Fins of Plagiostomes, p. 128. LECTURE VI. Dermal cranial Bones elucidated by the Skull of the Sturgeon, p. 130. ; and Lepidosiren, p. 134. Relations of dermal Bones to mucous Ducts, p. 136. Homologies of the opercular Bones, p. 137. Dermal Bones of the Trunk, p. 141. ‘ Lateral Line,’ what, p. 141. Structure, Homology, and Development of Scales of Fishes, p. 141. ; their kinds defined, p. 142. Fishes with cycloid and ctenoid Scales comparatively modern, p. 142. High Antiquity of Ganoids and Placoids, p*. 143. Embryonic Characters of primaeval Fishes, p. 144. Development of Fins, p. 144. ; permanent Arrests of its Stages in extinct Fishes, p. 145. Teleology of the Skeleton of Fishes, p. 145. Adaptation of the gristly Skeleton of the Shark, p. 147, and Sturgeon, p. 148, to their respective Habits. Final Purpose of the large Head of Fishes, p. 149. Continued Growth of Cranium, adjusted to restricted Growth of Brain, by modifications of arachnoid Tissue, p. 150. Conditions of the Size, Mobility, and Complexity of the inferior Arches of the Skull, p. 151. Advantages of the Absence of a Sacrum, and of the restricted Development of the Homologues of Arms .and Legs, p. 153. Ex- periments .showing the Uses of the different Fins, p. 156. Synonyms of the Bones of the Mead of Fishes, according to their .special Homologies, p. 1.58. Synonyms of the Bones of the Head of Fishes, according to their general Homologies, p. 161. CONTENTS. IX LECTURE VII. Myology of Fishes, p. 163. General Disposition of their muscular System seg- mental, corresponding with the Vertebrae, p. 163 Special Description of the segments, or ‘ Myocommata,’ p. 164. Modified Myocommata of the Head, p. 165. Muscles of Torpedo, p. 167. Muscles of the Pectoral Fins, p. 167. ; of the Ventral Fins, p. 168. ; of the Vertebral Fins, p. 168. Characters of the Myonine in Fishes, p. 169.; Crimping, p. 169. Action of the Muscles of Fishes in swimming, leaping, flying, and wielding their various Weapons, p. 170. LECTURE VIII. Neurology of Fishes, p. 171. Simple neural axis of Lancelet, p. 171. Natural Division of neural axis into ‘ Brain’ and ‘ Myelon’ in other Fishes, p. 172. Cha- racters of Myelon or ‘ Medulla Spinalis,’ p. 172. Myelonal Ganglia and Canal, p. 173. ‘ Macromyelon’ or Medulla Oblongata, p. 174. Cerebellum, p. 175. Mesencephalon, p. 177 Optic Lobes, p. 177. Hypoaria, p. 178. Hypophysis, p. 179. Conarium, p. 179. Prosencephalon, p. 180. Rhinencephalon, p. 182. Distinction between Rhinencephalic Crura and Olfactory Nerves, p. 1 83. Ho- mology of Prosencephalon, p. 184. Physiology of the Vagal Lobes, p. 185.; of the Cerebellum, p. 186 ; of the Optic Lobes, p. 187. ; of the Prosence- phalon, p. 188. Membranes of the Neural Axis, p. 188. ; Olfactory Nerves, p. 189. Optic Nerves, p. 190. Oculo-Motorius, p. 191. Trochlearis, p. 193. Abducent, p. 1 93. Trigeminal, p. 1 93. Facial, p. 1 95. Acoustic, p. 1 95. Vagus, p. 195. Spinal Nerves, p. 197. Sympathetic, p. 198. Organs of Smell, p. 199. Organ of Sight, p. 202. Organ of Hearing, p. 207. Its Con- nection with the Air-Bladder, p. 210. Electric Organs in Torpedo, p. 212.; in Gymnotus, p. 213. Experiments on, by Matteucci, p. 215. ; and Faraday, p. 216. Baron Humboldt’s Account of the capture of Gymnoti, p. 216. Analogies of Action of Electric Organs to that of voluntary Muscle, p. 217. Muciferous Nerves, p. 218. Follicular Nerve.s, |). 218. LECTURE IX. Digestive System of Fishes, p. 219. The Teeth, p. 219. : their Number, p. 219.; Form, p. 219. ; Situation, p. 221. ; Attachment, p. 222. ; Substance, p. 224. ; Chemical Composition, p. 225. ; Structure, p. 226. ; Development, and Re- production, p. 227. The Mouth, p. 228. ; anterior and posterior Jaw.s, p. 229. Quasi- Salivary Glands, p. 230, ; Irritable Palate of Cyprinoid.s, p. 2.30. (Esophagus, p. 232. Stomach, p. 233. Regurgitation and Rumination of Fishes, p. 236. Peritoneum, its outlets, p. 231. ; Intestines, small, p. 237. ; large, p. 238. Spiral Valve, p. 239. ; its final purpose in Sharks, p. 240. Relative position of Anus characteristic of Fishes, p. 240. Mesogastry and Mesentery, p. 241. Variable Situation of Cloacal Outlet, p. 241. ‘ Cop- rolites,’ p. 241. Liver, p. 241. Gall-bladder, p. 243. Gall-ducts, p. 244. Pancreas, p. 244. In what Fishes it is absent, and why, p. 244. ; its progressive Development in Fishes, p. 245. X CONTENTS. LECTURE X. Vascular System of Fishes, p. 246. Absorbents, Lacteals, p. 247. ; Lymphatics, p. 248. Lymphatic Heart, p. 248. Veins, vertebral, p. 250. ; Visceral, p. 251. Portal System, p. 252. Portal Heart of Myxines, p. 252. Hepatic Venous Sinuses, p. 252. Genesis of Blood-discs, p. 253. The Heart, p. 253. Acar- diac Vascular System of Lancelot, p. 254. Pericardium, p. 255. ; its Outlets, p. 255. Homology and Analogy of the Fish’s Heart, p. 255. Auricle, p. 256. Ventricle, p. 257. Bulbus arteriosus, p. 257. Heart of Lepidosiren, p. 258. Essential Character of a second Auricle, p. 258. Branchial Artery, p. 258. Comparison of normal GiUs of Fishes with Gill-sacs of Myxinoids and Lam- preys, p. 259. Branchial Apertures in Lancelot, Myxine, Bdellostome, Lam- prey, Plagiostomes, and Osseous Fishes, p. 259. Branchiaj liberae and Branchiae fixae, p. 259. What kills a Fish when out of Water, 260. Modifications of Gill-chamber enabling a Fish to live out of Water, p. 260. Functions of Gills, p. 260. Gills plicated, tufted, pectinated, p. 261. ; uniserial and biserial, p. 261. ; variable Number in bony Fishes, p. 261. Defensive Valves and Processes of Gill- arches, p. 262. Branchial Circulation, p. 263. Development of Gills, p. 264. Hyoid uniserial Gill, p. 265. Retentions of embryonic branchial Structures, p. 266. Deciduous external Gills in Plagiostomes, p. 267. Accessory branchial Organs in the Labyrinthibranchii, in Heterobranchus, in Amphipnous, p. 267. ; in Saccobranchus, p. 268. Arteries, p. 268. Pseudobranchise, p. 268. Question of their Relations to thyroid Glands discussed, p. 269. Plexus mirabiles in Lamna and Thynnus, p. 271. Spleen, p. 271. LECTURE XL Pneumatic and Renal Organs. Air-bladder, p. 272. ; its Structure, p. 272. ; and gradual Metamorphosis into a Lung, p. 273. Inconstant Character of the ru- dimental Air-breathing Organ, and of the Ductus pneumaticus, p. 273. ; Vas- cularity of Air-bladder, its Diversities, p. 274. Unipolar Retia mirabilia, p. 275. Bipolar Retia mirabilia, p. 275. ‘ Air-gland’ present in some Fishes that have the Air-duct, p. 276. Magnus’s Discovery of free Gases in Blood, p. 276. Chemical Analysis of Contents of Air-bladders, p. 276. Primary Function of Air-bladder in Locomotion of Fishes, p. 276.; Objection from its Absence in Sharks obviated, p. 277. Adaptation of Gills and Air-bladder of Lepidosiren to its Habits, p. 278. ; Homology and Analogy of Air-bladder dis- cussed, p. 278. Renal System of Fishes, p. 282. Kidneys of Dermopteri, p. 282. ; of Osseous Fishes, p. 282. Urinary Bladder, p. 282. Renal System of Lepidosiren and Plagiostomes, p. 283. Relations of Kidneys of Fishes to the primordial Kidneys of higher Vertebrates, pp. 282. 285. Supra-renal Bodies, p. 285. LECTURE XII. Generative System, p. 286. ; its enormous Development and extensive Range of Varieties in Fishes, p. 286. These represent progressively arrested Stages of its Development, p. 286. ; Parallelism in this respect bctjveen Male and Female CONTENTS. XI Organs, p. 292. The Testis, where single, p. 286. ; where double, p. 287. ; where provided with a Duct, p. 287. ; Varieties of the Vas deferens, p. 287. ; its Ter- mination, p. 287. Further Complexities by an Epididymis, p. 288. ; by a cel- lular Receptacle, or ‘ Vesicula,’ p. 288. ; by a rudiinental Penis, p. 288. ; and Claspers, p. 288. Female Organs, p. 288. ; show corresponding arrests of de- velopmental stages, p. 289. ; the Ovarium, p. 289. ; at first without Oviduct, p. 289. ; various Conditions and Termination of Oviduct, p. 290. ‘ Stroma Ovarii,’ p. 289. Modification of Ovary in Fishes, with ovarian Gestation, p. 289. Ovarian Scrotum, p. 289. Stages in development of the ‘ Morsus Diaboli,’ p. 289. Fallopian, glandular, and uterine Divisions of Oviducts in Plagios- tomes, p. 290. Uterine Cotyledons, p. 291. Marsupial Pouches, p. 291. De- velopment of Fishes, its Seven Stages, p. 291. Semination, p. 292. Sperma- tozoa, p. 292. Germination, p. 293. Ovarian Ovum, p. 293. Fecundation, p. 293. Sexual Characters and migratory Instincts, p. 294. Combats of Males, p. 294. Spawning, p. 294. Foetation, p. 295. First Changes in the Ovum, Rusconi’s Observations, p. 295. ; compared with the Development of the Entozoon, p. 296. Rotation of Embryo in ovo, p. 296. Vertebral and visceral germinal Layers, p. 296. ‘ Laminae dorsales ’ and ‘ Lamin® ventrales,’ p. 296. Succession of vertebral Parts, p. 297. Development of alimentary Canal, p. 297. ; of Vessels, p. 297. ; of the Heart, p. 298. ; of the branchial Arches and Vessels, p. 298. ; of the Brain, p. 298. ; of the Liver, the Kidneys, and generative Organs, p. 298. ; of the Air-bladder and Duct, p. 299. ; of the Rostrum and Jaws, p. 299. Embryonic Position of Mouth retained in Plagiostomes, and embryonic Form of Head in all the ‘ Old Red ’ Fishe.s, p. 299. External and internal Yolk, p. 299. External Branch!®, p. 300. Singular Forms of Eggs in oviparous Plagiostomes, p. 301. Ovoviviparous and viviparous Plagiostomes, p. 301. Essential Distinction of latter from Mammals, p. 301. Growth of Fishes, especially of the Salmon, its Metamorphoses and Migrations, p. 302. In9ubation of Fishes, p. 303. ; in marsupial Pouches of the Male, p. 303. Nests and parental Instincts of certain Fishes, p. 303. HUNTERIAN LECTURES, 1844. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. CHARACTEES OF THE CLASSES OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. Mr. President and Gentlemen, In appearing before you on the present occasion, again honoured by the Council with the arduous and responsible duties of the Hunterian Professorship, it might be expected that time, and the repetition of their performance, would have abated much of that anxiety and diffi- dence which naturally oppress whoever undertakes to expound from this place, and before this audience, the principles of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. Seven successive annual deliveries of the Hunterian Lectures have, indeed, in some measure familiarised me with this department of the expository labours of the Museum ; but they have also tended to impress me with the necessity for increased exertion in order to their successful fulfilment. And now, more than on any previous occasion, when we have assembled in the Theatre of the College under the auspices of a new Charter, honoured, for the second time, by a special mark of the Royal condescension and favour*, it more especially behoves us, each in his respective sphere, and according to his capacity, to redouble our efforts to maintain, and, if possible, to raise, the high character of British Surgery. Called by the fruitful principle of the division of labour to the duties of the conservation, extension, and exposition of the pre- jiarations which enrich the Museum, — impi-essed by a sense of the intimate connection of the present estimation of Surgical Science with the labours in Comparative Anatomy of that immortal Physiologist by whom the Museum was founded, — convinced that what has before reflected lustre on the name of Sukgeon must continue to have the same influence, — I have felt it especially * The present Charter of the Royal College of Surgeons was graiUod September 4 th, 1843. VOT,. IT. n 2 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. incumbent on me to labour in the acquisition of that knowledge of the science of Animal Organisation, and of its varied and daily extending applications, which may enable me so to discharge my present duties that the valuable time, which you are not unwilling to spare for attendance on these Lectures, may be not unprofitably bestowed. And, first, permit me to dwell a little on the inestimable privilege which we enjoy, in entering upon our Professional studies by the portal of Anatomy. How vast and diversified a field of knowledge opens out before us as we gaze from that portal ! Consider what it is that forms the subject of our essential introductory study; nothing less than the organic mechanism of the last and highest created product Avhich has been introduced into this planet. Contrast this, Avhich both Sage and Poet have called the “ noblest study of mankind,” with the dry and unattractive preliminary exercises of the Lawyer or the Divine. Every new term which the Anatomical student has to commit to memory is associated with a recognisable object, with some part which may be vibrating, contracting, or pulsating, in his OAvn frame. First, we enter upon the study of Human Anatomy that we may know with what we have to deal as Operative Surgeons ; and, as Phy- sicians, may recognise the seat of disease. Then, that w'e may learn, by the structure and connections of the parts of the Human body, their office in the vital economy. We next test the physiological ideas, so acquired, by experiments on the lower animals, AAffiich we are thus led to dissect in order to find the amount of resemblance Avith the Human structure Avhich must guide the operation, influence the judgment as to the result, and indicate the conditions for new expe- riments. We cannot advance far into the loAver region of Anatomy without appreciating the same admirable adjustment of means to ends Avliich pervades the Human frame : thus the field of Physiology expands before us, and Ave are enabled to bear a part with a Ray or a Paley in illustrating the doctrine of final causes, and demonstrating the “ Wisdom of God in the Creation.” In extending our Anatomical comparisons, Ave cannot fiul to be struck Avith the close general resemblance of the structure of the loAver animals Avith that of Man : almost every part of the Human frame has its homologue in some inferior animal ; and Ave at length begin to perceive that Man’s organisation is a special modification of a more general type. From analysis, the philosojihic mind is irresistibly led on to comparison and synthetic combination of the multitude of particulars observed. In grasping the abstract idea of tlie general type, avc appreciate the precise nature of the charac- INTRODUCTORY LECTURE, 3 ieristic modifications of tlie Human frame ; and tlien only can we fie said to know properly our own structure, and, from Anthropo- tomists, to fiecome Anatomists in the true sense of the word. As such we begin to feel ourselves in possession of an instrument which can fie brought to operate successfully in the solution of deep and difiicult problems of more general interest in the common- wealth of knowledge, and which renders us indispensable auxiliaries in the advancement of Sciences which might at first appear to have but a remote relationship with Anatomy. I need not expatiate on the light which Anatomy lends to the Zoologist, in threading the in- tricate mazes of the natural affinities of animals ; it is, by universal consent, admitted to be the essential basis of a sound system of classi- fication. I need not dwell on the importance of the Comparative Ana- tomy of the minute and low organised Invertebrata in establishing true theories, and eradicating false notions, of the origin of living species ; of which different hypothetical secondary causes have been from time to time offered for the acceptance or speculation of the tliinking public. But I would allude to the power wffiich the appreciation of the co- relations and interdependencies of the several parts of each organic machine gives us to interpret the nature of the whole from the ob- servation of a part. By this principle its discoverer, the immortal Cuvier, and his successors in this application of Anatomy, have been enabled to re- store and reconstruct many species that have been blotted out of the book of life. By this we determine from fossil bones or fragments, submitted to us by the Geologist, the species which are charac- teristic of different strata. By physiological deductions we can prove that such species, now extinct, have lived and died, generation after generation, through the period when those additions were made to the eartli’s crust which their remains characterise. Thus, and thus only, can we obtain a clear idea of the lapse of time in which these formations have taken place. The order of superposition of strata indicates, indeed, their successive formation, but the determination of their organic remains proves that each formation was gradual and progressive. One of the results of this application of Anatomy has been no less than the discovery of the law of succession of animal life on this planet, or the determination of the relative periods at which the dif- ferent classes were successively called into being. / Another result may be expected, and is in progress, as a corollary of the preceding, viz. the determination of the true Chronology of the Earth. 11 a 4 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. We know that it has pleased God to grant us faculties, by the right use of which we may obtain a true knowledge of His works ; and it seems pai’t of His providence to permit certain parcels of knowledge to be thus introduced from time to time, to the dissipation of the erroneous notions which previously prevailed. By the exer- cise of these faculties, the true shape of our Spheroid was determined, and, after some opposition*, accepted : next, its true relation to the sun, as respects its motion. It has been reserved for the present generation to acquire more just ideas of the age of the world, and Anatomy has been, and must be, the chief and most essential means of establishing this important element in the earth’s history. But Anatomy aids not only the Geologist, but the Geographer : by -comparing the local distribution of I’estored extinct species from coeval geological strata over all the earth, with the geographical dis- tribution of existing animals, we obtain an insight into the past con- ditions of continents and islands ; we detei’mine that our own island, for example, once formed part of the continent, and obtain data for tracing out much greater mutations and alternations of land and ■sea. f Thus, upon Anatomy depends the safe and successful practice of •Medicine and Surgery : the knowledge of the uses of parts, and of their essential nature in Man, viewed as modifications of a general type. Anatomy is the basis of right classification and philosophical Zoology : it unfolds the law of the introduction of animal life on this planet ; it is essential to the right progress of Geology, and gives an insight into the true chronology and ancient geography of the globe. Almost every day brings some new proof of the importance of the knowledge of Animal Organisation, which bids fair to take rank as the first of all sciences ; and it is to Anatomy, that we have the high privilege to be introduced at the very outset of our professional studies. More might be said, and better, in praise of our peculiar science; but when I reflect on that department which I propose to treat of in the present Lectures, viz. the Comparative Anatomy of the Ver- tebrate Classes of Animals, its great extent, and the diversity of details which it embraces, I feel it incumbent to enter, without fur- ther preface, upon the proper subject of this Course. • See Lactantius, Inatit. lib. ili. c. 24, against the earth’s rotundity ; and Augus- tine, De Civit. Dei, lib. xvi. c. 9. against Antipodes. ■f Report of Ilritish Association for the Advancement of Science, 1844; and “ History of Hritish Fossil Mammalia,” 8vo. 1845, pp. xxvii. xlvi. CUAKACTEUS OF VEKTEBllATE ANIMALS. 5 In the numerous classes of animals which constituted that inferior, more extensive, and diversified group, linked together by the single negative character of the absence of a vertebral column, and thence termed “ Invertebrata,” we saw that, as the several series became ele- vated in the scale of organisation, they diverged from one another by reason of the preponderating development of some particular class of organs, and culminated in species, inferior either in their general form, or their powers of motion and perception, to some of the antecedent forms, through which the series had passed.* The spider and the crab are not the kinds of animals in which one should have anticipated that the type of organisation, so richly varied in the Insect class, Avould have ended, had that class been a step in the direct progress to the vertebrate series. The loss of wings, and the abrogation of the power of flight, would indicate a retrograde course of development. In the in- sect, the animal organs, more particularly those of locomotion, prepon- derate over the vegetative or plastic organs, and in the attempt, as it were, to restore the balance, by establishing, as in the Crustacea and .^achnida, a better defined system of circulation, and a more vigorous and concentrated heart, the general plan of the articulate structure appears not to be such as to bear this adjustment without a sacrifice of some of the faculties enjoyed by Insects. So likewise the route of organisation traceable through the molluscous type seems, on the other hand, to lead to an extreme subordination of the motive and sensitive to the vegetative systems. And in those species which make the nearest approach to the Vertebrata, we find the viscera of organic life occupying so large a proportion of the body, that no room is left for the development of nervous or muscular organs, except by what seems an undue expansion and overloading of the head, as, for ex- ample, in the Cephalopoda. In fact, the nervous system, the essence and prime distinction of the animal, had not, so to speak, any proper or defined abode in the bodies of the invertebrated animals. Its centres were sometimes dispersed irregularly through the general cavity of the body, sometimes aggregated around the gullet, some- times arranged with more symmetry along the abdomen ; yet seldom better cared for or protected than the neighbouring viscera. The grand modification, by which a higher type of organisation is established, and one which becomes finally equal to all the contin- gencies, powers, and offices of animated beings, in relation to tliis ])lanct, is the allocation of the mysterious albuminous electric pulp in 'a special cylindrical cavity, of which the firm walls rest upon a basal * Iluntvriun l.etliircs, IiivLnlclji'at;i, 8vo. IS'lO. fl S' 6 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. axis, forming the centre of support to the whole frame, and from which all the motive powers radiate, and this axial cylinder {Jig. 1. v) is called the “Vertebral Column ; ” vertebral, as consisting of seg- ments of the skeleton, which turn one upon the other, and as being the centre on which the whole body can bend and rotate ; from the Latin “ verto, verterej to turn. Ideal section of a Vertebrate (Mammalian) animal. The vertebrated animals have the nei’vous matter concentrated in this vertebral case, which expands at certain parts, where the largest currents of sensation enter, and those of volition go out ; and more especially at the anterior or upper extremity, where the impres- sions to be appreciated by the nervous centre are the most varied and the most distinct. The expanded mass of nervous matter, at this part, is called the brain {Jig. 1. b), the rest of the nervous axis, the spinal chord, {ch, cii) ; whence the highest primary group of animals is called “ Myelencephala,” from the Greek words signifying brain and spinal marrow. The prolongations and ramifications from these centres, forming the internuntiate channels of sensation and the will, are the nerves. There are five special modifications of sensation in the vertebrated animals, three of which have special nerves, viz. smell {ol), sight {ojj), and hearing {au). Taste {t) appears to be less generally enjoyed by the Vertebrata, and its nerve is a large branch of an ordinary nerve, the fifth pair. Feeling, which, in its more exquisite degree, constitutes touch, seems a common property of all those nervous fila- ments, which, passing into the posterior columns of the central axis, are continued to the brain. Speaking generally, such are the attri- butes of the recipient or sensitive portion of the nervous axis in the V ertebrated animals. They can take cognisance of all the imiiressing powers which surround them ; as the character and resistance of the surface which supports them, tlie flavour and fitness of the substances which nourish them, the purity of the atmosphere which tlicy breathe, CUiUtACTJiUS OF VFKXEBUATE ANIIVIALS. 7 the delicate vibrations of that atmosphere whicli follow the mutual contact or percussion of sonorous bodies, and the finer vibrations of a more subtle £ether, the appreciation of which produces the sense of sight. With these means of perceiving, knowing, and investigating the world around them, the Vertebrated animals possess a proportionate power of acting upon and subduing it. Not any species is fixed to the earth ; all can move, and every variety and power of animal locomotion is manifested in the vertebrated sub-kingdom. Yet some permanently retain the worm-like figure, which all primarily manifest in common with the embryos of the articulate series ; but always with the grand difference of the dorsal nervous column. Such vermiform species glide by undulatory inflections of the entire body through the waters, or on the surface of the ground. But in most Vertebrata special instruments of locomotion are developed; some single from the median line, some in pairs ; the latter never ex- ceed four in number, two before or above, called arms, or pectoral extremities (P), and two below or behind, called legs, or pelvic extre- mities ( V) : thus, the vertebrated type is essentially tetrapodal.* The solid mechanical supporting and resisting axis, framework, or lever- age (sk) of these members is internal, vascular, and commonly ossi- fied. It is eovered, and, as it were, clothed by the muscles (m), which are attached to its outer surface. The elementary contractile fibre of the voluntary muscular system is transversely striated. The internal position of the skeleton seems to be the chief con- dition of the attainment, by certain Vertebrata, of a bulk far surpass- ing that of the largest of the Invertebrata ; and the division of the skeleton into numerous pieces diversely articulated, gives great variety and precision to the movements of the Vertebrate animals. The forms and proportions of the Vertebrata are as varied as their kinds of locomotion, and the elements in which these are exercised. With very few exceptions the body is laterally symmetrical, the right and left sides corresponding. We may likewise discern a general characteristic of the Vertebrata in the tendency to a symmetrical development, or a repetition of parts in the vertical direction ; that is, in the dorsal and ventral regions. Each vertebral segment of the internal skeleton, for example, forms typically a dorsal and a ventral arch ; the one protecting the nervous axis, the other the vas- cular trunks and organs of plastic life. 'J'he nervous trunk itself * The homologiics of these special instruments of locomotion may exist in greater numbers, more or less developed and modified, in subserviency to other functions; as, for example, the opercular and branch iostcgal flaps of fishes, the simple appendages of the ribs in fislies and in birds. The arms and legs eonimenee in I.epidosiren, for example, as simple unbranched filamentary nppendiiges diverging from inferior vertebral arches. B 4 8 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. consists of doi’sal and ventral columns. Whilst the Invertehrata manifest a general tendency to development in breadth, the Ver- tebrata rather gain in height by this doubling or repetition of parts in the vertical or dorso-ventral direction : and in this we may discern tlie tendency to rise above the surface of the earth, until in man the entire body is uplifted ; and what is beloio and above in all other Vertebrata, in him becomes before and behind. The general external integument in the Vertebrata is rarely bur- thened and clogged by large and massive calcareous plates, but is usually defended by light, and sometimes exquisitely organised and singularly complex developments of the epidermal covering ; modified according to the spheres of existence, the habitual temperature and movements, and therefore eminently characteristic of the different classes of Vertebrated animals. The actions of the unusually developed nervous element, — whether the vibrating filament conveys to the sentient centre impressions from without, or, obedient to the inward intelligence, imparts from within the stimulus of volition to the moving fibre, — are essentially productive of change. It is most probable that the same nervous fibre is not equally fit for two successive actions ; but needs, after each, a certain amount of restoration. The same may be predicated of the action of the muscular fibre ; viz., that some change, no matter how small, but to that extent unfitting it for the due repetition of the act, is the consequence of its stimulated contraction : and thus the continued existence of the living animal requires the presence of organs of renewal and repair in intimate, but harmonious combination, with those of sensation and motion. The raw material of this restoration is derived from without : the alimentary canal, in which the conversion and animalisation of the food take place, is provided, in the Vertebrata, with two apertures, an entry or mouth (os), and an excremental outlet {as). The jaws {j) are two in number, and placed one below or behind the other, working vertically or in the axis of trunk ; the jii'incipal part of the alimentary canal is contained in an abdominal cavity, and is sup- ported by a reflection of the serous membrane upon the walls of that cavity ; and the canal is divided into oesophagus (ce), stomach {g\ and intestine (f). All Vertebrata have a liver (Z) which is usually a very complicated gland, with a special venous or portal system of vessels ; and the biliary secretion is conveyed into the commence- ment of the intestine. The pancreas {p\ which in most Vertebrata presents the form of a compact and conglomerate gland, adds its se- cretion to the bile in the duodenum. The spleen (.v), a cellulo- vascular ganglion, or gland Avithout a duct, makes its first appearance coiiicidontly with that of the portal vein, and manifests a progressive CHARACTERS OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. . 9 development closely corresponding ivitli that of the pancreas. Lac- teal vessels convey the nutident fluid to the veins, and thus it reaches the heart. The central organ of circulation, always present, and of a compact muscular character, always below or anterior in position to the ali- mentary tube and nervous axis, is situated towards the fore-part of the body, most commonly in a compartment distinct from the abdo- men, where it is suspended in a special bag or pericardium {Jig. 1. /^). The blood is red in all the Vertebrated animals, and the colouring matter is contained in microscopic discoid cells, of an oval or circular form {Jig. 4.). The whole or part of the cii’culating fluid is trans- mitted directly from the heart to the respiratory organ {Jig. 1. Ig'). The respiratory medium, whether air or water, is admitted to the respiratory organ by the mouth. From this organ the arterial blood is sent, sometimes directly, sometimes after a second return to the heart, or in both ways,_ to the rest of the system ; but the breathing organs are never developed, as we saw in many of the Invertebrata, from the returning venous channels. The venous blood in the lower Vertebrata is submitted to the depurating influence of the kidneys; but in the higher Vertebrata these de-azotising glands (7d) are supplied exclusively by arteries. A part of the venous blood in all Vertebrata circulates through the liver, as through a second and subordinate lung, before it finally reaches the heart. The system for perpetuating the species is not complete in any Vertebrated animal ; that is, the generative organs are divided be- tween two individuals, there being no natural Hermaphrodite in this sub-kingdom. Every Vertebrate embryo soon takes on its special and determinate sexual character, and ends a perfect male or per- fect female — a fertiliser or a producer. The instinctive sense of dependence upon another, manifested by the impulse to seek out a mate, — which impulse, even in fishes, is some- times so irresistible tliat they throw themselves on shore in the jnir- suit, — this first step in the supercession of the lower and more general law of individual or self preservation, although not first introduced at the Vertebrate stage of the animal series, is never dejiarted from after that stage has been gained. To this sexual relation is next added a self-sacrificing impulse of a liigher kind, viz. tlie parental instinct. As we rise in tlie survey of Vertebrate plienomena, we see the entire devotion of self to offspring in tlie patient incubation of ;the bird, in the unwearied exertions of the Swift or the Hawk to obtain food for their callow brood when hatched; in the bold de- monstration which the Ilcn, at other times so timid, will make to repel tlireatcned attacks against her cowering young. 10 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. Still closer becomes the link between the parent and offspring in the Mammalian class, hj the substitution, for the exclusion of a pas- sive irresponsive ovum, of the birth of a living young, making instinctive irresistible appeal, as soon as born, to maternal sympathy ; deriving nutriment immediately from the parent’s body, and both giving and receiving pleasure by that act. These beautiful foreshadowings of higher attributes are, however, transitory in the brute creation, and the relations cease, as soon as the young quadruped can provide for itself. Preservation of off- spring has been superinduced on self-preservation, but there is as yet no self-improvement : this is the peculiar attribute of mankind. The human species is characterised by the prolonged dependence of a slowly maturing offspring on parental cares and affections, in which are laid the foundations of the social system, and time given for in- stilling those principles on which Man’s best wisdom and truest hap- piness are based, and by which he is prepared for another and a higher sphere of existence. In this destination alone may we dis- cern an adequate end and purpose in the great organic scheme deve- loped upon our planet. In ascending to Man, we trace a very extensive and varied, but progressive course of development, through the great Vertebrated Series, which commences at a very low point. It might, perhaps, be imagined that the lowest Vertebrated form began where the highest Iiivertebrated form ended, and made a direct step in advance in the scale of Animal Organisation. Such, indeed, ought necessarily to follow on the hypothesis of the development of species by progressive transmutation, and of the arrangement of animal life in a single and uninterrupted chain of being. But truer views of the nature and direction of Zoological affinities, and a deeper insight into the laws of Development and of Unity of Organisation in the Animal Kingdom, concur to disprove those once favourite and I’ecently-revived hypotheses. "VVe have seen that the Invertebrata resemble each other only at the earliest and most tran- sitory periods of their development, diverging thence, in sjoecial directions, to the manifestation of very distinct types of animal struc- ture. So likewise we must look to the very beginning of the de- velopment of the Vertebrate animal before we shall discover that amount of concordance which will justify us in predicating “Unity of Organisation” between it and any of the Invcrtebrated forms. And when, with infinite care and minutest scrutiny, availing our- selves of all the aids and appliances of optical art, we have arrived at clear and satisfactory demonstration of tlie greatest amount of re- semblance, in constitution and properties, between the Vertebrate CHAKACTEES OP VERTEBEATE ANIMALS. 11 embryo and the Invertebrate adult, — it is not with any of the higher forms of Invertebrata, — with neither the Cephalopod, the Arachni- dan, nor the Insect, — that such organic correspondence is found to exist ; but it is with the lowest forms and simplest beginnings of animal life, — with the infusorial monads. Only, in fact, during that period of the ovum-life of the Vertebrated being, in which the mys- terious properties of the impregnated germ-vesicle are ditfused and distributed by fissiparous multiplication amongst countless nucleated cells — the progeny of the primary germinal vesicle and coheirs of Ova of the Rabbit, at four early stages of development (Barry). the seminal virtue — do we find such a form and such properties of the Vertebrated animal as justify us in affirming that there is “ Unity of Organisation” between it and an Invertebrate animal. (Compare Jig. 2. with cut 14., p. 24., Lectures on Invertebrata.) The next step in the development of the ovum — and it is so speedy a one, that those which precede it long escaped observation — im- presses upon the nascent being its Vertebrated type. Certain nu- cleated cells lose their individuality and powers of propagation ; they coalesce and fill the fine tubes so formed with albumen, as the final act of their assimilative power, and thus become converted into nervous tissue, in the form of a double chord {Jig. 3. cA), which, from its first beginning, marks the dorsal aspect of the embryonic trace : other nucleated cells lay the foundation of the vertebral column {v) around the spinal chord ; others again change into the softer tissues, and the rest, circulating with the nutrient fluid, as blood discs, through channels which sketch out the sanguiferous system, maintain life, and furnish materials by their powers of assimi- lation and spontaneous fission to the growing body. * All vertebrated animals, during a greater or less extent of these developmental processes, float in a liquid of similar specific gravity to themselves. A vast proportion, constituting tlie lowest and fun- Gcrm of a Rabbit (Barry). * “ The blood [dantio, //cir.] i.s the life.” — Dent. xii. 2.S. “ alfia . . . ev tovtc)) "Vyp ecTt 7/ \l>uxv-'’ — Joscplius, Antiq. 1. 3. 8. “ Empedocles,” says Plutarch, “con- siders the soul to ho the blood poured into the heart.” Homer (Odyssey, xi. .36. 97. 147.) says, “ The shades thirst after blood, for by its influence they escape from Erebus, and regain speech.” ' See also Sprcngel, “ Beitriige ziir Gcscbichte der Medizin,” i. 3. for the belief by the ancients in the vitality of the blood. 12 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. damental group of Vertebrated animals, are never destined to quit the watery medium ; these constitute the class of Fishes. A few species retain the primitive vermiform type, and have no distinct locomotive members ; and these members, in the rest of the Piscine class, are small and simple, rarely adapted for any other function than the pro- pulsion or guidance of the body through the water. The form of the body is, for the most part, such as mechanical principles teach to be best adapted for moving with least resistance through a liquid medium. The surface of the body is either smooth and lubricous, or is covered by closely imbricated scales, rarely defended by bony plates or roughened by hard tubercles ; still more rarely armed with sjiiues. The central axis of the nervous system presents but one partial enlargement, and that of comparatively small size, at its anterior ex- tremity, forming the brain, which consists of a succession of simple ganglionic masses 46.), most of them exclusively appropriated to the function of a nerve of special sense. The power of touch can be but feebly developed in fishes. The organ of taste is a very in- conspicuous one, the chief function of the framework supporting it, or the hyoidean apparatus, relating to the mechanism of swallowing and breathing. Of the organ of hearing there is no outward sign ; but the essential part, tlie acoustic labyrinth, is present, and the semicircular canals largely developed within. The labyrinth is without cochlea, and is rarely provided with a special chamber, but is lodged, in common with the brain, in the cranial cavity. The eyes are usually large, but ai’e seldom defended by eyelids, and never served by a lachrymal organ. The alimentary canal is commonly short and simple, with its divisions not always clearly marked, the short and wide gullet being hardly distinguishable from the stomach. The pancreas, for the most part, retains its primitive condition of separate CEecal appendages to the duodenum. The heart consists essentially of one auricle and one ventricle, receiving the venous blood, and propelling it to the gills ; whence the circulation is continued over the entire body in vessels only, which are aided by the contraction of the surrounding muscular fibres. Tlie blood of fishes is cold ; its temperature being rarely elevated above that of the surrounding medium. Tlie coloured discs are sometimes subcircular {fg. 4. g\ sometimes subelliptical (A) or ellip- tic : comparatively largo, but not the largest amongst vertebrate animals. The primordial elongated renal glands are persistent, and secrete the urine from venous blood. CHARACTERS OF THE CLASSES OP VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. 13 Procreation is rarely attended with a coitus or intromission, the requisite accessory organs being wanting in the majority of the class : and the product still more rarely receives, after exclusion, any pa- rental attention or ciire. Blood-discs, each magnified 300 diameters linear, a, Man ; b. Musk-deer ; c, Goose ; d. Crocodile ; e. Frog ; /, Siren ; g. Cod-fish ; h. Skate. In many respects Fishes typify the embryonic stages of develop- ment of the higher animals : they were the first created Myelence- phala ; and, through a series of vast geological periods, as the Silurian, Devonian, and, perhaps, the Carboniferous, the sole representatives of the Vertebrated sub-kingdom in this planet. The second class of Vertebrated animals, called Reptilia, by no means presents so uniform a type as that of Fishes. Reptiles have more varied spheres of action. Some retain the form and breathe the element of fishes, living and moving in water during the whole or a part of their existence. The transition, indeed, from Fishes to these lowest Amphibian or Batrachian forms is so close and gra- dual, that whilst some true Reptiles* have passed for Fishes, the higher Fishes f have been classed with Amphibia, and even at the present day, a true Fish — the Protopterus or Lepidosiren — has been described, and by some naturalists is still regarded, as a Reptile. But no Reptile has dorsal parapophyses or the scapular arch articu- lated to the occiput, and every Reptile has two auricles to the heart, and the nasal canal communicating with the mouth. The Tortoises {Chelonia) and Lizards {Sauria) have locomotive members adapted for progression on dry land ; but they can only raise the body a little way, if at all, above the ground, and creep ratlier than walk : tlie Serpents {Ophidia) have no visible members, but move by the reaction of the entire trunk upon the ground, and so drag their belly through the dust of the earth: whence the name “Reptilia^’ (repo, to creep), given to this class of Vertebrate animals. * Larvae of naita I’arado.xa, called Frog-fisli. f Sharks and Hays, called “ Ampliihia nanles ” by Linnaeus. 14 INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. Reptiles are cold-blooded, like Fishes ; but all of them possess lungs, or organs for breathing atmospheric air. Most of the class exercise the function of these organs ; but some, retaining gills, chiefly breathe water ; and those with lungs alone are less dependent on respiration than the higher Vertebrata. Hence the Reptiles were defined by Linnasus as “ arbitrary breathers,” — “ Pulmones spirantes arhitrarie^' — and were called by him “ Amphibia^' The blood is remarkable for the lai’ge relative size and constant elliptical form of its red particles 4. d, e), which, as in Fishes, have a distinct granular nucleus. And, what is more remarkable, the size increases in the ratio of the persistence of the branchial organs. You may, for example, discern the blood-discs with the naked eye in the Siren lacertina {fig. 4./*). The typical condition of the heart in Reptiles is three-chambered ; having two auricles and one ventricle ; one auricle receives the venous blood from the general system, the other that which has undergone chemical change in the lungs : both kinds of blood are mixed in the ventricle, and distributed in that state, partly to the lungs again, partly to the general system. The breath- ing apparatus is so far inferior to that of fishes, as that the whole mass of circulating fluid is not distributed through it ; but this appa- rently retrograde step in development seems as if preparatory to the establishment of a more perfect respiratory system, adapted to the exigencies of higher classes of animals. Always, however, in using or hearing this metaphorical language, it is to be borne in mind, that each condition, which represents a step in progress as regards the series of species, is complete and perfect in relation to the particular species in which it is manifested. The nervous system of Reptiles presents an advance in the larger proportional size of the cerebral lobes ; but the whole brain is still a mere linear series of smooth ganglionic masses, and the cerebellum is often inferior, in size and complexity, to that in Fishes. The eyes are smaller than in Fishes, but generally more perfect and defended by eyelids : the ears are provided with a vibratory membrane and chamber, called the “tympanum:” but the most characteristic feature of Reptiles in contrast with Fishes, which the organs of the senses present, is the establishment of a communi- cation from the eye, the ear, and the nose respectively, witli the respiratory tract or mouth ; the eye by the lachrymal duct, the ear by the Eustachian tube, and the nose by its prolongation into a meatus, with a posterior opening into the mouth, or fauces. This latter character the Siren manifests, but not the Lepidosiren, nor any true Fish. The sense of touch must be enjoyed by the naked CHARACTERS OP THE CLASSES OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. 13 Batracliians and the thin-skinned Lizards in a degree much superior to any of the scaly class of Fishes : but the integument in many of the Reptilia is covered or studded with horny or bony scutes. The generation of Reptiles has certain analogies with that of Fishes. It is still effected in some species, as the Frogs and Toads, without intromission, and in the same species we perceive a simultaneous development of very numerous ova ; but the Batrachia form the exception instead of the rule. The intromittent organ which exists in the great majority of the class is also double in most of these, as in Serpents and many Lizards. There are in the Reptilia both viviparous and oviparous species ; but the foetus in the former has no attach- ment to the womb, and the eggs in the latter are hatched by ex- traneous warmth ; the young, after exclusion, receive no parental care or tuition in any species of the class. In investigating the various strata of the Earth, which form, as it w^ere, the grave-yards of as many successive generations of species and classes, we meet with the earliest remains of air-breathing Vertebrate animals in the triassic or Permian series, subsequent to the deposition of the coal*, and we consequently infer that the date of their existence, in this planet, is much later than that of Fishes. But the Reptilian class seems soon to have acquired a vast extension, and to have flourished under a variety of forms, developed also to an enormous bulk, with powers for the acquisition and assimilation of both animal and vegetable substances, of which the present state of the class can affoi’d no adequate idea. The deposition of the chalk-formation seems to have been the date of the decline of the Reptilia, when they gave way to as varied and colossal forms of animals of a higher type of organisation. Amongst the numerous species, genera, and even orders of the Reptilia, which at that period became extinct, was one in which the anterior members of the animal were developed into wings ; these veritable “ Flying-Dragons,” the “ Pterodactyles,” as they are termed, seem to have perished when true winged Birds made tlieir appearance. The present is scarcely a suitable occasion for speculating, even if time permitted, on the probable changes in the atmosphere of our planet which accompanied those undoubted revolutions in its crust, by the investigation of which we obtain the evidence of this suc- cessive introduction of organic forms ; otherwise we might discuss the reasonableness of the surmise that the atmosiihere was unfit to be breathed by lungs during tliat vast lapse of time when fishes reigned supreme upon earth ; or we might enquire if the atmosphere of the * The less conclusive evidence of foot-prin'.s would carry back the datcof tlie Sala- mandroid Clieirotlicria to the coal formation. — LycU, in Silliiium's Journal, vol. ii. p. ‘25. IG INTRODUCTORY LECTURE. later secondary periods was so dank and dense, and overloaded with irrespirable elements, as to need the precipitation of so much carbon as has been consolidated in our coal-fields and chalk-hills, before it was fitted for the full development and vital enjoyment of the warm- blooded and quick-breathing classes? But these and other consi- derations suggested by the successive introduction of water-breathing and slow air-breathing Vertebrates, would lead us too far away from the proper subject of the present elementary discourse. Suffice it to say, that the oviparous class of animals which next makes its ap- pearance in the order of Creation, is remarkably characterised by the energy of the circulating and respiratory functions, and by the high temperature of the body. I allude to the class Aves, characterised as accurately, as brieffy, by the name of “ feathered bipeds : ” bipeds, because the anterior members are exclusively organised for flight ; feathered, because the body which is to soar in air must be lightly clad, and yet warmly clad, — must be covered by most efficient non- conductors, so as to retain that elevated temperature which is the necessary consequence of the organic combustion of so raucli mus- cular and nervmus fibre in the energetic actions of flight. But Birds enjoy almost every kind of locomotion : a few (Apteryx) burrow in the earth : some (Ostrich, Rhea) traverse its surface as swiftly as the most rapid courser ; many climb trees : an entire Order is aquatic, swimming or diving with facility. The legs and feet of Birds are accordingly variously modified for these different powers, and furnish the Naturalist with excellent characters for the primary divisions of the class. The lungs are now divided into very minute cells, pro- ducing a vast extent of the vascular respiratory membrane ; they also communicate with lai'ger cells, forming capacious reservoirs of air, which are continued through every part of the body, even into the substance and cavities of the bones. The heart is divided into four chambers, two muscular ventricles and two auricles ; a single artery arises from each ventricle, and a complete double circulation is es- tablished,— the left auricle and ventricle circulating the arterial blood, the right aui-icle and ventricle the venous, transmitting to the lungs the entire mass of the carbonized blood. The blood is of a deep but bright vermilion red, and richly laden with the discoid cells, which are elliptical, but smaller than in the Beptilia (Jiff. 4. c). The jaws of Birds ai’e always edentulous and sheathed with horn, of divers configurations, adapted to their different modes of life and kinds of food. The head is small, and supported upon a long neck ; the mandibles performing most of those purposes for which the anterior members, by their conversion into Avings, are unfitted; so that the beak combines the functions of hand and mouth. The CnARACTEUS OP THE CLASSES OP VEETEBRATE ANIMAtS. 17 gullet, being co-extensive Avith the neck, is of great lengtli ; the stomach is always divided into two cavities, the first glandular, the second muscular ; and the distinction between small and large in- testines is usually marked by the presence of two caeca. The in- testine terminates, as in the Reptiles, in a common cloaca. The cerebral hemispheres have acquired a large proportional size in Birds as compared with Reptiles, and the cerebellum is complicated by many transverse folds : but Birds are peculiarly distinguished by the inferior and lateral position of the optic lobes ; and the whole brain presents a more compact form and larger size, in proportion to the spinal cord and nerves, than in Reptiles. The partial enlargements of the spinal marrow, corresponding to the brachial and lumbar nervous plexuses, are more marked than in Reptiles, and the lumbar en- largement is distinguished by a ventricle. The sense of sight is peculiarly keen and perfect in the class of Birds, and the eye has some structures which are not found in other Yertebrata. The organisation of the ear has likewise advanced, a cochlea, though of simple form, being added to the semicircular canals. A circle of feathers radiates from the outer aperture of the ear, forming a con- cave disc or conch, to catch and concentrate the vibrations of sound ; and such an advance is in harmony with the varied power of ex- pressing the feelings and the passions with which Birds are gifted. We may still, indeed, hear in the aquatic members of the class the hiss of the serpent or the croak of the frog ; but as Birds rise in the scale their vocal powers rapidly develope : the cock “ with shrill clarion sounds the silent hours,” and the nightingale, bursting forth in song, fills all the grove with her varied melody. With regard to the sense of smell we estimate its improvement by observing the more extensive and complex turbinated cartilages in the present Class. But taste must still be dull ; there is no true gustatory nerve, and the tongue is commonly sheathed with horn. The beak is in some birds modified to communicate a delicate faculty of touch, but elsewhere this sense is very limited, the general surface of the body being defended by the dense, imbricated, insensible plumage. All birds are oviparous : only the aquatic birds enjoy intromission. The female constructs a nest and incubates her eggs, and, after ex- clusion, cherishes, feeds, and educates her young. The class Mammalia, which crowns the vertebrated series and the animal kingdom, is characterised by a double circulation, a quick respiration by lungs subdivided into minute cells, Avarm blood, and, witli few exceptions, a covering of hair. But the lungs are not fixed in the interspaces of the ribs, as in birds ; nor do they communicate Avith abdominal air-cells ; but are confined, with the heart, and freely VOL. rr. G 18 INTRODUCTOUY LECTURE. suspended in a pai'ticular compartment of the general cavity of the body, called “thorax,” which is partitioned off from the abdomen by a transverse vaulted muscular floor, called the “ diaphragm,” {fiy. 1 . cl). Neither the circulation nor the respiration are quite so active, nor is the animal heat so high, as in the class of Birds : few, indeed, of the Mammalia enjoy the power of flight : most of the class are quadrupeds, as they are commonly called par excellence, and support themselves and move by the action of four feet upon the ground. Some burrow : most can swim, and a few are exclusively adapted for living in water, and have the form of fishes ; in these the hinder limbs are wanting, and the anterior ones present the shape of fins : but all Mammalia breathe the air directly. The colouring particles of the blood are more minute than in birds, and for the most part of a circular form, {fig- 4, a, h). With a few exceptions the jaws of the Mammalia are armed with teeth, variously modified in subserviency to the habits and food of the different species. In like manner the stomach is sim- ple or complex, in relation to the amount of change to be effected in the assimilation of the food : the small intestine is usually divided from the large by the presence of a single coecum, and the rec- tum, with very few exceptions, has its outlet distinct from that of the genital and urinary systems. The kidneys are supplied with blood from the renal arteries exclusively ; but the liver continues to receive the superadded system of the vena portae. The secretion of the kidneys is always conveyed to a urinary bladder {fig- 1 . u), and the penis is traversed by the urethral canal. All Mammalia intromit in fecundation, and all are viviparous : in most the ovum, after quitting the ovary, becomes a second time at- tached to the parent, through a variously modified cellulo-vascular organ called “ placenta.” The young are nourished after birth by the secretion of glands, called mammary — whence the name of the class. Perhaps the peculiar and constant existence of a well-developed epiglottis, which Aristotle in one of his surprising generalisations states to be present in all hairy viviparous quadrupeds, may have its true relation of physiological co-existence with the mammary glands, being most essential as a defence of the glottis during the act of sucking. The bodies of the vertebra) are united to each other by concen- tric ligaments, attached commonly to flattened surfaces, forming the intervertebral substance. The cervical vertebra) are seven, not varying in number according to the length or sliortness of the neck. Hair is the characteristic clothing of the body ; but almost all the modifi- cations of the epidermal system which we meet with in the inferior vertebrated classes are repeated in tlie present : thus avc have quills CHARACTERS OP THE CLASSES OF VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. 19 in the “fretful porcupine,” spines in the hedgehog, scales '^in the manis, bony scutes in the armadillo ; whilst a few species at the two extremes of the series are naked, for example, the whale and the man. Thus far the review of the general anatomical characteristics of the Mammalian class seems not to indicate a very marked superiority : in the energetic contraction of the muscular fibre, in the rapidity of the actions of the heart and lungs. Mammals are surpassed by Birds : but the functions which attain their highest development in the Mammalian class are of far nobler character than those which are more immediately connected with the maintenance of animal life. The progressive expansion of the brain is greatest, and the final pre- dominance of reason over instinct is achieved, in the present class : sensation is its characteristic rather than muscular energy or irrita- bility ; the instincts become more varied, they are also less mechanical and more educable. In Mammalia we first find the cerebral hemi- spheres acquiring an additional extent of the grey and vascular surface by convolutions, which increase in number and depth as the species approximate Man : a fornix first, and then a corpus callosum, are introduced into the Mammalian, brain, to bring into mutual com- munication the various parts of the hemispheres. A new cranial bone, the squamosal, developed from the proximal piece of the man- dibular arch, now, for the first time, takes a share in the forma- tion of the walls of the cranial cavity. The organs of the senses attain their most complex structures in the present class. The ear has a perfect spiral cochlea, and the distinct aiipendage called outer ear. No bony plates are ever developed in the sclerotic coat of the eye. The turbinated bones and pituitary membrane of the nose present in most Mammalia a great, and in some a prodigious extent of surface. The tongue is large, soft, and papillose, and is supplied with a gusta- tory as well as a motor and respiratory nerve. We see the locomotive extremities progressively endowed with more varied and complicated powers. At first retaining, in the Cetacea for example, their primitive embryonic form of simple flattened fins ; they next, with ampler proportions, acquire the full development of the normal joints and segments, and have their extremities enveloped in dense hoofs : next we find the digits liberated, and armed with claws confined to the upper surface, leaving the under surface of the toes free for the exercise of touch : then we have certain digits endowed with special offices, and, by a particular position, enabled to ojipose the others, so as to seize, retain, and grasp : lastly, in Man, the offices of support and locomotion are assigned to a single pair of members, so organised as to sustain the body erect ; leaving the 20 LECTURE U. anterior, and now the upper, limbs free to execute the various pui’- poses of the will, and terminated by a hand, which, in the matchless harmony and adjustment of its organisation, is made the suitable instrument of a rational intelligence. LECTUKE II. THE SKELETON. Descriptive Anatomy usually commences with the bones, and the consideration of the passive organs of motion before the active ones is conformable to the sequence of development, since the fixed points are formed before the muscular fibres. The branch of anatomy which treats of the Skeleton of Vertebrate animals is designated “ Osteology,” because in anthropotomy it re- lates exclusively to the bones and teeth. But the skeleton, according to its etymological signification of hard and diy parts, might apply to the hair and nails, and, indeed, the entire epidermal system. When, also, in a general survey of the Vertebrata, we see the spinal column gristly in some fishes, and the tendons bony in some birds ; and when we call to mind such homological relations as that of the fibro-mem- branous sclerotic of the human eye with the cartilaginous sclerotic of the turtle and the osseous sclerotic of the cod-fish, it will be obvious that the present branch of anatomy ought naturally to embrace the aponeuroses, ligaments, and cartilages, since these are so many ar- rested stages in the histological development of the internal skeleton. In the Invertebrata we saw that the skeleton, or parts analogous* to the bones of the Vertebrata, commonly consisted of large, strong, thick, often unjointed plates, developed in or upon the skin, hardened principally by carbonate of lime, protecting the whole body, and having the muscles attached to the inner surface. In the Vertebrata the skeleton chiefly consists of diversely con- figurated, but most commonly cylindrical and articulated pieces, hardened chiefly by phosphate of lime, developed from fibrous and cartilaginous tissue in the interior of the body, of which it forms the internal framework, giving attachment to the muscles by the outer surface, and subserving their action as levers and fulcra. The exterior calcified shells and crusts of the Invertebrata are un- * For the sense in which the terms Iiomologous and analogous arc used in the present Lectures, see the Glossary appended to the “ Lectures on Invertebrata,” Svo. 184:3. THE SKELETON. 21 vascular; they grow by the addition of layers to their circumference, or they may be cast off when too small for the growing body, and be reproduced of a more conformable size ; but they have no inherent power of repair. The internal bones of the Vertebrata are vascular ; they grow by internal molecular addition and change, and have the power of repair- ing fracture or other injury. Such are the broad and obvious distinctive characters of the skeletons of the Invertebrate and Vertebrate animals ; the contrasts having relation chiefly to the difference in the development of the nervous system. Thus, when the powers of discerning and avoiding lethal or hurtful agencies are dull and contracted, the entire animal is protected by a hard insensible dermal armour, or exo-skeleton ; but, as those powers become expanded and quickened, the body is disencumbered of its coat of mail, the skeleton is put inside, and made subservient to the activities, and the skin becomes proportionally more susceptible of outward impressions of pleasure and pain. Some estimable anatomists, who have more especially devoted their attention to the detection of the corresponding parts in different ani- mals, have supposed that these different functions were performed by modifications of essentially the same or homologous parts of the skeleton. Observing that a segment of the outer skeleton of an articulate animal, the thoracic ring of a lobster for example 5.), formed a small canal (e s) for the nervous trunks, and a larger one {li) for the vascular trunks and plastic organs ; and that a thoracic segment of the skeleton of a Vertebrate animal 6.) also formed a small protecting canal for the spinal chord (c, ns\ and a larger hoop (c, lis) about the vascular and other viscera of that cavity, — they have con- cluded that both were modifications of the same elements or primary segment of the skeleton. Cams, for instance (No. i. p. 73.), calls both rings “ vertebras ; ” and Geoffroy St. Hilaire (ir. p. 119. pi. 7.) thought it needed but to reverse the position of the Crustacean, — to turn what had been wrongly deemed the belly upwards, — in order- Segment of exo-skeleton, Astacus. Segment of endo-skeleton, Mammal. 22 LECTURE II. to demonstrate the unity of organisation between the Articulate and Vertebrate animal. But the position of the brain is thereby reversed, and the alimentary canal still intervenes in the Invertebrate between the aortic trunk and the neural canal. The outer and the inner skeletons do agree in certain relations : neither of them are primitive parts of the organism, but are modifi- cations or metamorphoses of other pre-existing systems : both serve as fixed points of attachment to the muscles, aid their action as levers, and detennine the kind of movements by particular joints : both are organs of protection and support. But, besides the differences of tissue, mode of growth and vital properties, already noticed, the exo- and the endo-skeletons differ in the one being developed from the skin, the other from the internal cellular and fibrous systems. The exo-skeleton defends or surrounds the periphery of the animal ; the endo-skeleton the internal parts. The exo-skeleton is related to the muscles by its inner surface, the endo-skeleton by its outer svu’face. The exo-skeleton is the reflex of the circumambient medium and relations of the animal : the endo- skeleton is the index of its motive energies and its intelligence. Even the neural canal itself is differently constructed in the segments of the exo- and endo-skeletons selected for comparison : in the Vertebrate it is an arch developed from a central column 6.), which, in like manner, gives origin to the opposite or haemal arch ; in the Articulate the neural canal is formed by processes, apodemata, or entapophyses (^e,fig. 5.) sent off from the great peripheral arch. Moreover, the development of these processes relates rather to that of the muscular than of the nervous systems. We saw* how greatly the ganglions vary in number and position upon the abdominal nerve- trunks of insects. Now, if the entapophyses of the dermo-skeleton — the secondary vei’tebrae of Cams — were developed, like the neural arches of the vertebraj of the endo-skeleton, in special relation to the protection of the nervous centres, and conformable in number with the pairs of nerves thence sent offf, we ought to find them go- verned by the existence and position of the ganglions ; but it is not so. In the Myriapoda, as Von Baer well objects (m.), entapophyses are entirely absent ; and in winged insects they are confined to the thorax or locomotive segment, although there may be two, three, or four ganglions in the abdomen. And, what is further to be remarked, the thoracic entapophyses are not developed over the thoracic ganglions, but over the inter-communicating chords. In fact, their relation to * Lectures on Invertebrata, 8vo, 1843, p. 205. “ Numerus vertebrarum semper cum nuinero nervorum spinalium intinie co- bwret.” Otto I leer, De Ossium Concrctionc normali, &c., 4to. 1838, p. 6. THE SKELETON. 23 the nerve-trunks seems to be accidental, dejicnding upon the position of the muscular masses to which they give attachment, and which office is the essential condition of their existence. For this purpose the processes of the exo-skeleton of Insecta and Crustacea must go in- wards, and thus they happen to protect certain parts of the nervous system. Only the highest of the Mollusca possess a true homologue of the endo-skeleton, developed in relation to the defence of the nervous centres : but it is a feeble cartilaginous rudiment in the best organised Cephalopods ; and, in the cuttle-fish, is far outweighed by the calca- reous dorsal plate which stiU represents the exo-skeleton of the tes- taceous mollusks. Thus a cartilaginous cranial vertebra co-exists in the highest Invertebrata with a calcareous dermal skeleton ; and there is no abrupt contrast in passing thence to the consideration of the skeleton in the Vertebrata. The exo-skeleton is by no means indeed dispensed with in the Ver- tebrate series, although the endo-skeleton is constant, and here attains its full development. In the lowest class, most fishes, for example, pre- sent an imbricated outer covering of scales, developed like shells, between the derm and epiderm : other fishes have hard osseous plates or spines scattered over their exterior, or are entirely surrounded by a connected armour of dense enamelled bony scales, as in the Lepidosteus and the Ostracion, which latter fish offers an instructive example of the co-existence of an exo- with an endo-skeleton, and a convincing refutation of the idea of the homology of the annular segment of the crust of the lobster with a true typical vertebra. In the subjoined diagram, {fig. 7.) n is the cartilaginous neural canal; jpl, the membranous pleurapophysial wall of the abdomen ; A, the arterial and venous trunks of the abdomen ; dn, dp, dh, the der- mal ganoid plates. The ossified scutes of the Crocodiles and the tesselated armour of the Armadillos are examples of the exo-skeleton co-existing with a well-developed and ossified endo-skeleton ; and wherever the exo-skeleton of a Vertebrate animal is calcified, it presents the same organised vascular structure and vital properties as the bones within. Most commonly the exo- skeleton of the air-breathing Vertebrata is epidermal, as wlicre it forms the scales of the serpent or lizard, tlie large plates of tlie tortoise, the imbricated pointed scales of tlie manis, tlie spines of tlie hedgehog, the quills of the porcupine, the feathers of tlie bird, or the hair of the ordinary mammal. Segment of endo- and exo- skeletons, Ostracion. 24 LECTURE II. The skeleton is not entirely external or dermal in the Invertebrata. Independently of the true cartilaginous endo-skeleton of the Cepha- lopods, and of the entapophyses, sometimes also cartilaginous, of the annular segments of the exo-skeleton of Insects and Crustacea, there are parts, as the calcified framework supporting the gastric teeth, and giving attachment to the muscles which work them, in the lobster, and the calcareous gastric plates of the Bulla, which relate more particularly to the functions of the internal organs, or contained viscera ; and we find a corresponding group of parts of the general skeleton in most Vertebrate animals. The cartilages or bones of the larynx, trachea, and bronchia of the air-breathing Vertebrates, the bones and cartilages supporting the branchise in fishes and batra- chians, the bones in the hearts of certain birds and mammals, are examples of the visceral series of hard parts, or the “ splanchno skeleton,” as it has been termed by Carus ; and very nearly and naturally connected with this primary division of hard and dry parts are those bones and gristles which form capsules, or support the appendages of the special organs of the senses ; as, for example, the sclerotic osseous cups or plates of the eye, the petrous capsule of the labyrinth, the ossicles and cartilages of the tympanum and external ear, the turbinate bones and gristles of the nose. But some of these “ sense capsules ” are connected and intercalated with the true bones of the endo-skeleton, and subservient to similar functions, besides their own special uses, so that they are generally described as ordi- nary bones of the skull. As in all arrangements of natural objects, where nature is followed in selecting their characters, so in classi- fying the parts of the general skeleton of the Vertebrata, the primary groups blend into one another at their extremes, and make it difficult to draw a well-defined boundary line between them. Thus the hyoid and branchial arches closely resemble each other in fishes. Bones of the dermo-skeleton combine with those of the endo-skeleton to form the opercular and the single median fins. But we must not on that account abandon the advantage of arrangement and classi- fication in acquiring an intelligible and tenable knowledge of a complex system of oi'gans, when typical characters clearly indicate the general primary groups. Clearly appreciating the existence of such characters in the very numerous and diversified parts of thd general skeleton of the Vertebrate animals, I, therefore, adopt the primary division of those parts into endo-skeleton, exo-skeleton, and splanchno-skeleton. The endo-skeleton may present itself to our observation under three histological conditions, the fibrous, the cartilaginous, and the THE SICELETON. 25 osseous : the exo- and splanchno-skeletons may offer also another, or fourth condition, viz. the albuminous, or epidermal. The most common tissue of the endo-skeleton of the Vertebrata is that called “ bone,” and it is peculiar to this primary division of the Animal Kingdom. Bone consists of animal, chiefly gelatinous, matter, hardened by a general but regulated diffusion of earthy molecules ; the proportion of organic to inorganic matter varies in different classes. Fishes have the least. Birds the largest proportion of earthy matter ; and of the two, in this respect, intermediate classes, the Mammalia, espe- cially the active predatory species, have more earth, or harder bones, than Reptiles. This difference depends chiefly upon the quantity of fluid, or evaporable matter, in the cells and tubes of the animal basis, but not wholly, as some have supposed ; at least the apparently exact, certainly most carefully and scientiflcally conducted experi- ments of M. Bibra (rv.) on thoroughly di’ied portions of bone, show the following differences : — PKOPORTIONS OF EARTHY AND ANIMAL MATTER IN THE BONES OP VERTEBRATE ANIMALS. FISHES. Salmon. Carp. Cod. Salmo Salar. Cyprinus Carpio. Gadus Morrhua. Organic 60-62 40-40 34-30 Inorganic 39-38 59-60 65-70 — 100-00 100-00 100-00 REPTILES. Frog. Snake. Lizard. Rana esculenla. Coluber Natrix. Lacerta agilis. Organic 35-50 31-04 46-67 Inorganic 61-50 68-96 53-33 100 00 100-00 100-00 MAMMALS. ’ ( Dolphin. Ox. Wild- Cat. Man. Ddphinus Bos Taurus. Fclis Catus. Homo. De/phis. ( Femur. ) ( Femur. ) (Femur.) Organic - 35-90 31-00 27-77 3 1 -03 Inorganic - 64-10 69-00 72-23 68-97 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 26 LECTURE II. Goose. BIRDS. Turkey. Hawk. Anser (femur.) Gallopavo (femur.) Falco Gallinarius. Organic 32-91 30-49 26-72 Inorganic 67-09 69-51 73-28 100-00 100 00 100-00 In tlie above table it will be observed that tbe bones of the fresh- water fishes are lighter and retain more animal matter than those of the fish which swims in the denser sea, and that the Mammalian marine species, Delphinus, differs little from the sea-fish in this respect. The Batrachian Reptile has more animal matter in its bones than the Ophidian or Saurian, and thus more resembles the Fish. Serpents almost approach Birds in the great proportion of the earthy salts, and hence the density and ivory-like whiteness of their bones. The typical bones of Birds are the whitest and most compact of all bones, by reason of their large proportion of earthy matter, and also of the absence of marrow from their capacious pneumatic cavities, on which their lightness depends : in those bones of Birds from which air is excluded, the oily marrow deadens the whiteness of the tissue, and it is often difiicult to get rid of the greasy surface in skeletons. The nature of the inorganic or hardening particles, and of the organic basis, according to the analysis by Bibra of completely dried portions of bone, is exemplified in the subjoined table, including a species of each of the four classes of Vertebrata. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BONES. Hawk. Man. Tortoise. Con. Pliosphate of I^ime, with trace 52-66 of Fluat - - - 64-39 59-63 57-29 Carbonate of Lime 7-03 7-33 12-53 4-90 Phosphate of Magnesia Sulphate, Carbonate, and Chlo- 0-94 1-32 0-82 2-40 rate of Soda - 0-92 0-69 0-90 1-10 Glutin and Chondrin 25-73 29-70 31-75 32-31 Oil 0-99 1-33 1-34 2-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 100-00 In addition to the differences already noted in the proportions of earthy and animal matter, it is interesting to observe that the proper- THE SKELETON. 27 tion of soluble salts to the less soluble phosphates of lime is greatest in the fish, and that there is most carbonate of lime in the bones of the tortoise. The quantity of evaporable fiuid is greatest in the bones of Fishes, especially in those of the semi-osseous sharks and rays, in the skeletons of which also the salts of soda are in larger proportion than in the osseous fishes. The animal part of the shark’s skeleton differs from the glutin of ordinary bones, and from the ossifiable cartilage of higher animals; it has more analogy with mucus, requiring 1000 times its weight of boiling water for its solution ; and this is neither precipitated by infusion of galls, nor yields any gelatine upon evaporation. In the entirely unossified skeleton of the lamprey Bibra found only 1^ per cent, of earthy salts. How, we may next ask, are the inorganic earthy particles diffused through the animal basis, and whence are they obtained ? Bones are not a primitive formation, but the result of a transmutation of pre- existing tissues. The inorganic salts defined in the foregoing tables pre-exist in the albumen of the egg, in the milk which nourishes the new-born mammal, in the plasma or “liquor sanguinis ” of the circu- lating fluids. The blastema or primitive basis of bone is not originally cartilage, but more resembles mucus in its chemical characters : it appears at first to be a sub-transparent glairy fluid, but contains a multitude of minute corpuscles. Its assumption of the cartilaginous character and consistency is attended with the appearance in it of numerous small, sub- elliptic, nucleated cells. As the cartilage hardens, these cells increase in number and size, and begin to accumulate, and to be arranged in linear series at the part where ossification is about to commence. These series in the cartilage of long bones are usually vertical to its ends, and in flat bones are vertical to the peripheral edge i i. e. they are parallel to the axis of the long bone, and are radiated in the flat one, but not with mathematical exactness. The nucleated cells are the instruments by which the earthy par- ticles are arranged in order ; and, in bone, as in tooth, there may be discerned in this predetermined arrangement, the same relation to the acquisition of strength and power of resistance, with the greatest economy of the building material, as in the disposition of tlie beams and columns of a work of human ai’chitecture. (v. p. vi.) The power of the cells so to operate upon the salts of the plasma, which percolates the intervening tissue, seems to reside chiefly in the repellent property of their nuclei : I have been led by observation oi 28 lecture II. some of the phenomena of osteogeny to surmise that the walls and the nucleus of the cell were in opposite electric or magnetic states, one attracting, the other repelling, the surrounding earthy particles. Certain of the columnar series of nucleated cells become more aggx'egated or pressed together ; their nuclei become more concen- trated, and, according to Miescher and Gerber, they coalesce and be- come dissolved, leaving a cylindrical tube, parallel with the long axis of the future bone. First, a reddish lymph, and then a capillary vessel is prolonged into each of these cylinders, which is converted into a “ Haversian,” or vascular canal : before, however, the direct influence of the circulation has penetrated so far, the nucleated carti- laginous cells have arranged or propagated themselves in concentric series round the cylinder, and the intervening layers of the mole- cular blastema begin to be impregnated with the hardening salts, which, being repelled by the nuclei of the cells, are forced into the concentric laminated arrangement around the Haversian canal. The establishment of the capillary circulation in these canals accelerates the progress of ossiflcation by the rapid import of new material ; the resisting nuclei of the surrounding concentric cells, pressed on all sides, undergo a remarkable change, and the nucleolar matter is forced out in rays, but chiefly in the direction where the resistance is least, viz. towards the Haversian canal. The remaining central nuclear matter and that of the diverging rays finally become dis- solved, and establish permanent bone-cells and minute tubes, which tubes, traversing the concentric lamellas, open into the Haversian canal, and receive the transuded plasma from the blood- capillary. The tubes branch and anastomose, and form the medium of the trans- mission of the plasma through the densest osseous tissue. This sys- tem of cells and tubes, in fact, perform the same important function in the nutrition of the osseous tissue, which I ascribed in 1838 to the corresponding cells and tubes of the cemental tissue of the teeth of the Megatherium (vi. p. 104.) : and they might be appropriately termed the “ Plasmatic system.” They correspond with one of the series of the “ vasa lymphatica” of the older physiologists; the first kind, for example, specified in Noquez’s edition of Kiel, quoted by Hunter : “ Les premiers naissent des extremites arterielles ; on les norame ‘ arteres lymphatiques,’ qui peut-etre ne sont autre chose que les conduits excretoires d’une lymphe tres subtile, on de la matiere qui transpire” (vii. vol. ii. p. 1 1.). The dentinal tubes of teeth and the plasmatic tubes of bone are not, indeed, prolonged from attenuated ends of arterial capillaries, but tliey receive the plasma transuded or transpired from the parietal pores of the capillary system, and thus THE SKELETON. 29 they agree in their main physiological relations with the first class of Noquez’s Lymphatics : and the solid tissues of tooth and bone manifest under the microscope a system of nutrient vessels, which were only hypothetically known to the older physiologists. I have detected a similar system of plasmatic tubes in tendon ; and they probably exist, under characteristic modifications,' in all tissues, con- stituting the essential nutritive system of such. The remains of the metamorphosed cartilaginous cells in bone were first discovered by Purkinje and Deutsch, (viii.), arranged in concentric series around the Haversian canals : they be- lieved them to be solid, and called them “ corpuscula ossea.” Tre- viranus (ix.) first described them as cavities or “ lacunae,” in the intervals of the concentric ossified lamellae, and he believed them to be fiUed with fluid. Professor Muller (x.) was led by the whiteness of the radiated corpuscles when viewed by reflected light, and by its disappearance, accompanied with evolution of gas, when acted upon by dilute acid, to regard them as containing, either in their parietes or cavity, calcareous salts. Serres and Doyere and others have reproduced the idea of Treviranus, which is true to a certain extent, but have erred in denying that the radiated cells contain any calcareous salts, and have objected to the term “ calci- gerous” applied to those cells. But the effects of reaction of dilute acid in removing the opacity of the cell when viewed by transmitted light, and in removing its whiteness when viewed by reflected light, show that these optical phenomena are not due to the mere depth of empty cells : aggregated particles of the earthy salts become depo- sited after the solution of the resisting nuclear matter upon their parietes ; but the cavities are preserved by the slow but constant percolation of the plasmatic fluids. Thus bone, like dentine, “ pre- sents a two-fold arrangement of its hardening particles, which are either blended with the animal matter of the interspaces and parietes of the tubes and cells, or are contained in a minute and irregular granular state in their cavities;” and “the density of bone, as of dentine, arises principally from the proportion of earth in the first of these states of combination.” (v. p. iii.) The primitive arrangement of the osseous tissue, so composed, is lamellar, the lamelliE being arranged cither concentrically around the Haversian canal, or around the entire circumference of the bone, or in interrupted plates connecting together the Haversian cylinders, and those with the generally surrounding peripheral lainclliB. ' The Haversian canals usually contain, in addition to the capillary vessel, some oil, and this is the seat of the green colour in the bones of the Belone and Lepidosiren. 30 LECTURE II. In most osseous fishes the nucleus of the cartilage -cell quite dis- appears in the pi’ocess of ossification, and only the tubular prolon- gations of the nuclear matter leave permanent traces, as plasmatic tubes, which traverse the osseous lamellae in the intervals of the vas- cular canal, and freely open into the latter, which are unusually numerous. In the bones of Reptiles there is more diversity in the number of the Haversian canals, which is less in Ophidians and Saurians than in the fish-like Batrachian. The radiated cells are always present, but are less regular in form and rather larger than in Mammals ; they are rounder in Birds, with less conspicuous radiating plasmatic tubes ; they are usually more elliptic and compressed in Mammals, in the osseous tissue of which class the more appreciable difference in microscopic structure obtains in the relative size of the Haversian canals to the plasmatic, calcigerous, radiated cells. These cells vary little in diameter in different Mammalia ; but the Haversian canals which average inch in diameter in the mouse are -g-^^th of an inch in diameter in the ox, and -^gotli of an inch in the human subject. The Haversian canals are fewer in the dense osseous tissue of Birds than in that of Mammals : in the bones of Chelonia and Batrachia they are more numerous, larger, and more reticularly dis- posed ; the radiated cells are also larger. In my treatise on the teeth (v. pp. xvi — xxii.), I have shown that the osseous tissue corresponds in microscopic structure with that of the dentine in many fishes. In no class is the structure of the teeth more varied, and in none do we find such extreme modifications in that of the bones. Throughout a great part of the skeleton of the pike the osseous, like the dental, tissue is characterised by “a reticulo-medullary tubular structure : ” the meshes or interspaces being traversed by the rich series of plasmatic tubes communicating with the vascular or Haversian canals ; and there are few central dilatations radiating plasmatic tubes, in other words, few pui’kingian cells. • In tins section of the lower jaw of a Mureena (Prep. 2560 a.) we per- ceive, on the contrary, an abundance of radiated cells, but no Haversian canals. The cells, divided lengthwise, present a long, thin ellipse, with the ends prolonged into plasmatic tubes, larger than those which radiate from the sides ; and, as the terminal prolongations communicate with each other, a series of cells may often be traced resembling a monili- form or alternately dilated and contracted canal. In a section of a jaw of the common eel, large, irregular vascular canals are seen, combined with radiated cells like those in the Mura?na. In a section taken from the second thin longitudinal crest of the cranium of an THE SKELETON. 31 Ephipp2is, there are no radiated cells ; the dense tissue is traversed by parallel undulating plasmatic tubes, which liere and there present slight dilatations, divide, and give oflf minuter tubes which anastomose in their interspaces. The medullary canals, from which the tube derive their plasma, are few and large. Almost endless are the minor modifications of the structure of the osseous tissue of the Vertebrate animals, chiefly produced by varieties in size, course, and number of the vascular canals and the radiated cells and tubes : both vascular canals and radiated cells may be ab- sent in the portion of bone examined ; but the plasmatic tubes are always present. In the dermal bone-plates of the sturgeon, they become, in the dense exterior layer, as minute as in the so-called enamel of the shark’s teeth.* The growth of bone presents some modifications in the different classes of Vertebrate animals. In Fishes the bones continue to increase in dimension almost throughout life : this is best seen in the cranium, where the periphery of the bones, both of those which overlap by squamous sutures, and those which interlock by broad dentated surfaces, is cartilaginous, and, in the thin bones, sub-transparent. Here the development, serial arrangement and metamorphoses of the cartilaginous cells, in other words, the growth of temporary cartilage, are always to be seen in progress. The long bones of most Keptiles retain a layer of ossifying cartilage beneath the terminal articulating cartilage, and growth continues at their extremities throughout life. Few of the long bones of Birds have separate terminal pieces or epiphyses : the distal epiphysis of the tibia is an exception to tliis rule ; but the distinct single piece which forms the upper end of the ankle-bone in the young bird represents the tarsal segment, and rests, not on a single diaphysis, but on the still separate proximal ends of the three metatarsals. In tail-less Batrachians and in most of the Mammalian class, the ends of the long cylindrical bones, which support the articular cartilages, are distinct in the growing bone from the shaft, and are termed “ epiphyses,” the shaft being the “ diaphysis the seat of the active growth of the bone is in a carti- laginous crust at the ends of the diaphysis. When the epiphyses finally coalesce with the diaphysis, growth in the direction of the bone’s axis is at an end : but in tlie Mammalian bones, as in those of Birds and Reptiles, there is a slower growth going on over the entire peripliery of the bone, which is covered by the periosteum : the t * Tlie work of Bibra (iv.) contains good observations and illustrations of tbe comparative microscopic anatomy of the osseous tissue in the different classes of Vertebrata. 32 LECTURE II. periosteum is that membrane in which the vascular system of a bone undergoes the amount of subdivision which reduces its capillaries to the dimensions suited for penetrating the pores leading to the vascular and Haversian canals. These preparations of the bones of young pigs fed with madder (Nos. 190 — 201. Phys. Series), and those of young birds, showing artificial perforations (Nos. 188, 189.), illustrate some experiments by Hunter on the growth of bone. The strong afl&nity of phosphate of lime for the colouring matter of the Rubia tinctorum, which, when taken as food, passes into the plasma of the circulating fluids and combines with the phosphates of lime with which that fluid comes in contact, has been supposed to throw some clear light upon the growth of bone. AU the phosphate of lime which is deposited in tooth or bone, whilst the madder is in the system, is deeply tinged by it, and Hunter found that the exterior layers of the growing bone of a young pig which had been fed a fortnight on madder were most strongly coloured. But he observed also in another young pig similarly fed, but killed a fortnight after the madder had been omitted from its food, that “ the exterior of the bones was of the natural colour, but the interior red.” (xi. p. 75.) The inference deduced was, that a new layer of bone, during the absence of madder from the circulating system, had been formed, uncoloured, on the exterior surface. Mr. Gibson endeavoured to invalidate the conclusion, by hinting that the colouring matter might have been removed from the pre- viously stained bone by the serum of the blood, which fluid he be- lieved to have a greater affinity for the dye than phosphate of lime had ; but Mr. Paget has proved by experiment that the phos- phates have actually the stronger affinity for the dye. The well-known fact that the phosphates on every internal or external surface of the bone, which is exposed to the current of the dye-charged plasma, attract the dye, by no means invalidates the con- clusions from the ingenious experiments of Hunter ; for the quantity of colour so imbibed by the previously and completely formed bone is always much less than that which the growing bone receives from the phosphates deposited during the iiresence of madder in the cir- culating system. Hunter’s experiments, therefore, coincide with those of Du Hamel, made by encompassing shafts of growing bones with rings of wire, in proving that the increase in circumference is due to growth at the periphery beneath the periosteum, such rings having been found, after a certain period of growth, in the cavity of the enlarged bone. The growth in length is, however, much more active ; and this, in THE SKELETON. 33 the long bones of Mammalia, takes place chiefly at the cartilaginous ends beneath the epiphyses. This is proved by boring holes, or intro- ducing shots, at definite distances in the diaphyses of growing bones, and examining the perforations a week or a fortnight after the ex- periments. The interval between the holes next the ends of the bone is found much increased, whilst that between those nearer the middle is but little, if at all, changed. All these experiments concur to prove that the growth of a bone is not by uniform and general extension, but by accelerated increase at particular parts. But extension of parts is not the sole process which takes place in the growth of bone : to adapt the bone to its specific office changes are wrought in it by the absorption of parts previously formed, espe- cially in the higher classes of Vertebrata. In fishes we observe a simple unmodified increase ; but in some species, ossification com- mences at the periphery of the animal mould or basis, and is always limited to a thin outer crust of the bone, the rest remaining carti- laginous or gelatinous. In some of the higher cartilaginous fishes, for example, an osseous crust is formed upon the periphery of certain cartilages, in the form of prisms, which contain oval calcigerous cells, but without conspieuous radiated tubes. Such bones in a dried or fossil state seem to have had large internal or medullary cavities ; but they were filled by the unossified animal basis. To whatever extent the bone of a fish is originally ossified, such it remains, and con- sequently most of the bones of fishes are solid or spongy in their interior. The bones of the Chelonia are likewise solid ; a coarse diploe fills the interior of the long bones of the extremities ; and we find a similar structure in the bones of the Cetacea and of the Seal tribe. Among terrestrial mammals the inactive Sloths and their great ^ extinct congeners, the Megatherium and Mylodon (xii. p. 83.), have the long bones of the extremities solid ; whilst the agile Ru- minant shows each diaphysis in the condition of the hollow column, both the strength and lightness of the bones being increased by tlie progressive absorption of the first-formed substance, as new bone is de- posited from without. The condition which is illustrated by this section of the femur of the Nilghau (Prep. 856 c), is common, in fact, to the long bones of all land mammals, except the Tardigrades above specified. The Saurian and most of the Batrachian reptiles have likewise tlie cavity in each long bone, called “ medullary,” from its containing a cellular tissue filled by a fine, light, oily matter or marrow. Even the ribs of the large Ophidians have their medullary cavities : and the bodies of the vertebra) of some lizards and of the gi’eat extinct Poikilopleuron arc similarly excavated. The medullary cavities of the VOL. II. v> 34 LECTURE II. long bones of the extremities of the colossal Iguanodons and Megalo- saurs are as capacious as in any mammalian quadruped, and the white crystallised spar with which these petrified bones are often filled, is called, not unaptly, “ fossil marrow ” by the quarry-men. In the ordi- nary marrow-bones of quadrupeds the walls of the cavity are thickest and strongest at the middle, and become thin towards the ends, where the peripheral concentric lamellae are separated by wider interspaces, and are broken up into a fine lattice or lace work. All the cavity and the cells are lined by a delicate membrane, less vascular than the exter- nal periosteum, which secretes and immediately contains the marrow ; this fine oily fluid diminishes the brittleness of the bones. A special artery called the “ medullary,” supplies the lining membrane of the medullary cavity ; and the foramen and canal have the same relative position and course in most Mammalia as in Man ; to wit, the canal in the humerus and tibia inclines distad, in the femur and anti- brachial bones proximad, as it approaches the medullary cavity : the true Ruminants, however, present an exception as regards the femur, in whicli the medullary artery, instead of penetrating the back part of the shaft and running upwards, enters the fore part of the shaft at its upper third, and inclines downwards. The flat bones of Mammalia, e. g. those of the cranium, the sca- pulae, and ilia, have a spongy texture, called diploe, included between two compact plates ; the internal one in the cranial bones is called the “ vitreous table” from its density and brittleness. But the most compact example of the osseous tissue is the bone containing the organ of hearing, thence called “ petrous,” which, with the tympanic bone, reaches the maximum of density in the Cetacea, The bones of bii’ds, especially those of flight, present the opposite ex- treme of lightness ; not but that the osseous tissue itself is more com- pact than in most Mammalia, but its quantity in any given bone is much less, the most admirable economy being traceable throughout the skele- ton of birds in the advantageous arrangement of the weighty material for the ofiice it is destined to perform. Thus, in the long bones, the ca- vities, analogous to the medullary in mammals, are more extensive, and the solid walls of the bone much thinner ; a large aperture called the “ foramen pneumaticum,” near one or both ends of the bone, com- municates with its interior, and an air-cell or prolongation of the lung is continued into and lines the cavity of the bone, which is thus filled with rarefied air instead of marrow. The extremities of the bone, instead of being occupied by a spongy diploe, present a light open network, slender columns shooting across in different di- rections from wall to wall, and these columns are likewise hollow. The vastly expanded beak, with its hornlike process, in the Hornbill THE SKELETON. 35 forms one great air-cell, with thin bony parietes ; and in this bird, in the Swifts, and the Humming-birds, every hone of the skeleton, down to the phalanges of the claws, is pneumatic. The extent to v/hich the skeleton is permeated by air, varies in different birds, in relation chiefly to their different kinds and powers of flight. The opposite extreme to the Swift is met with in the terrestrial Apteryx and aquatic Penguin, in which not any bone of the skeleton receives air. In the piammalian class the air-cells of bone are conflned to the head, and are fllled from the nasal or tympanic cavities, never from the lungs. The frontal, sphenoidal, and maxiUary sinuses, and the mastoid cells, are examples of pneumatic bones in the human subject. The frontal sinuses extend backwards over the calvarium in most Ruminants, and penetrate the cores of the horns in oxen, sheep, and a few antilopes. The whole diploe of the uppei', back, and side walls of the cranium was inflated, as it were, with air in the great extinct Sloths ; the outer table was raised considerably above the vitreous, and the brain thus seemingly defended by a double skull; the advantage of which modification to these leaf-devouring animals, in the event of blows from the falling trees which they uprooted, is well displayed in the healed fractures of the skull of the Mylodon, in the museum of the College (xii. p. 157.). The outer table of the entire epicranium is similarly raised above the inner one by intervening large air-cells, and their sinuous septa, in the Giraffe ; the short horns are solid, but are sustained by the vaulted roof of the skull ; and, as the animal can deal heavy blows with these simple weapons, the concussion is diminished by the interposition of these air-chambers between the outer table and the immediate covering of the brain. The most remarkable development of air-cells in the mammalian class is, however, presented by the Elephant ; the intellectual phy- siognomy of this great Pachyderm being caused, as in the Owl, not by actual capacity of the brain-case, but by the enormous extent of the pneumatic cellular diploe between the two tables of the skull. In each of these modifications the vacuities of the osseous tissue, whether mere cancelli as in the Tortoise, or small medullary cavities as in the Crocodile, or larger medullary cavities as in Mammals, or pneumatic cavities and sinuses, are the result of secondary changes by absorption, and not of the primitive constitution of the bones. These are in all air-breathing animals solid at their first commence- ment, and the vacuities are formed by the removal of osseous inatter previously formed, whilst fresh bone is added to the exterior suri'ace. 36 LECXUliE II. The thinnest-walled and hollowest pneumatic bone of the bird of flight was first solid, next a marrow-bone, and finally the case of an air-cell. The solid bones of the Penguin, and the medullary femur of the Aptei’yx and Dinornis, are arrested stages of that course of development through whieh the pneumatic wing-bone of the soaring Eagle had previously passed. In proceeding after the foregoing survey of the general nature, chemical constitution, development, growth, and structure of the osseous system, to the description of the skeleton in the vertebrate animals, there next remains to define a bone ; and the endeavour to do this has not been the least difficult part of my task, with re- ference to the applicability of the definition to the vertebrate series in general. To the human anatomist the question — what is a honel — may ap- pear a very simple, if not a needless one : he will most probably reply that a bone is any single piece of osseous matter entering into the composition of the adult sheleton ; and, agreeably with this definition, he will enumerate about 260 bones in the human skeleton. Soemmering, Avho includes the thirty-two teeth in his enumeration, reckons from 259 to 264 bones ; but he counts the os spheno-occipitale as a single bone, and also regards, with previous anthrojiotomists, the os temporis, the os sacrum, and the os innominatum, as individual bones ; the sternum, he says, may include two or three bones, &c. (xip. p. 6.) : but, in Birds, the os occipitale is not only anchylosed to the sphenoid, but these early coalesce with the parietals and frontals ; and, in short, the entire cranium proper consists, according to the above definition, of a single bone. Blumenbach, however, applying the human standard, describes it as composed of the proper bones of the cranium consolidated, as it were, into a single piece (xrv. p. 56.). And in the same spirit most modern anthropotomists, influenced by the comparatively late period at which the sphenoid becomes anchy- losed to the occipital in Man, regard them as two essentially distinct bones. In directing our survey downwards in the mammalian scale, we speedily meet Avith examples of persistent divisions of bones Avhich are single in Man. Thus it is rare to find the basi-occipital confluent Avith the basi-sphenoid in mammalian quadrupeds ; and before Ave quit that class Ave meet Avith adults in some of the marsupial and monotre- matous species, for example, in aa^IucIi the supra-occipital, ‘‘ pars occipitalis proprie sic dicta,” of Soemmering, is distinct from the con- dyloid parts, and these from the basilar or cuneiform process of the os occipitis : in short, the single occipital bone in Man is four bones in the Opossum or Echidna; and just as the human cranial bones lose their individuality in the Bird, so do those of the IMaisupial lose theii THE SKELETON. 37 individuality in the ordinary mammalian and human skull. In many Mammalia we find the pterygoid processes of anthropotomy per- manently distinct bones ; even in Birds, where the progress of ossific confluence is so general and rapid, the pterygoids and tympanies, which are subordinate processes in Man, are always independent bones. In many Mammalia the styloid, the auditory, the petrous, and the mastoid processes remain distinct from the squamous or main part of the temporal, throughout life ; and some of these claim the more to be regarded as distinct bones, since they obviously belong to diflPerent natural groups of bones in the skeleton ; as the styloid process, for example, to the series of bones forming the hyoidean arch. The artificial character of that view of the os sacrum, in which this obviously more or less confluent congeries of modified vertebrae is counted as a single component bone of the skeleton, is sufficiently obvious. The os innominatum is represented throughout life in most reptiles by three distinct bones, answering to the iliac, ischial, and pubic portions in anthropotomy. The sternum in most quadrupeds consists of one more bone than the number of pairs of ribs which join it ; thus it includes as many as thirteen distinct bones in the Bradypus didactylus. The arbitrary character of the above cited definition of a bone, and the essentially complex nature of many of the single bones and independency of the processes of bone in anthropotomy, are taiight by anatomy, properly so called, which reveals the true natural groups of bones, and the modifications of these which peculiarly characterise the human subject. It will occur to those who have studied human osteogeny, that the parts of the single bones of anthropotomy which have been adduced as continuing permanently distinct in lower animals, are originally distinct in the human foetus : the occipital bone, for example, is ossified from four separate centres ; tlie pterygoid pro- cesses have distinct centres of ossification ; the styloid, and the mastoid processes, and the tympanic ring, are separate parts in tlie foetus. The constituent vertebra} of the sacrum remain longer dis- tinct ; and the ilium, ischium, and pubes are still later in anchy- losing together, to form the ‘ nameless bone.’ These and the like correspondencies between the points of ossifica- tion of the human foetal skeleton, and the separate bones of the adult skeletons of inferior animals, are pregnant witli interest, and rank 'among the most striking illustrations of unity of plan in the verte- brate oi’ganisation. Cuvier, commenting on the arl)itrary character of some of the 38 LECTURE II. definitions of single bones in anthropotomy, goes so far as to state that, in order to ascertain the true number of bones in each species, we must descend to the primitive osseous centres as they are mani- fested in the foetus.* According to this rule we ought to count the humerus as three bones, and the femur as four bones instead of one ; for the ossification of the latter begins at four distinct points, one for the shaft, one for the head, one for the great trochanter, and one for the distal condyles. But who will be induced to regard these parts and processes as dis- tinct bones ? No such distinction is kept up in any of the lower classes. In both Birds and Reptiles the femur is developed from a single centre. The rule laid down by the great French anatomist fails in its ap- plication to the difficult point under consideration, because he did not distinguish between those centres of ossification that have homological relations,’ and those that have only teleological ones : i. e. between the separate points of ossification of a human bone which typify per- manently distinct bones in the lower animals, and the separate points which, without such signification, facilitate ossification, and have for their final cause the well-being of the growing animal. The young lamb or foal, for example, can stand on its four legs as soon as it is born ; it lifts its body well above the ground, and quickly begins to run and bound. The shock to the limbs themselves is broken and diminished at this tender age, by the divisions of the supporting long bones, — by the interposition of the cushions of cartilage between the diaphyses and the epiphyses. And the jar that might affect the pulpy and largely developed brain of the im- mature animal is further diffused and intercepted by the epiphysial articular extremities of the bodies of the vertebra3. We thus readily discern a final purpose in the distinct centres of ossification of the vertebral bodies, long bones, and the limbs of mam- mals, which would not apply to the condition of the crawling reptiles. The diminutive brain in these low and slow cold-blooded animals does not demand such protection against concussion ; neither does the mode of locomotion in the quadruped reptiles render such concussion likely ; their limbs sprawl outwards, and push along the body, which commonly trails upon the ground ; therefore we find no epiphyses with interposed cartilage at the ends of a distinct shaft in the long bones of Saurians and Tortoises. But ivhen the reptile moves by leaps, then the principle of ossifying the long bone by distinct centres again * “ Mais CCS distinctions sont arbitraires, ct pour avoir le veritable nombre dcs os de cba(|ue cspecc, il faut rcinonter jusqu’ aux premiers noyaux osseux tcls qu’ils se montrent dans le Icutus.” (xni. tom. i. p. 120.) THE SKELETON. 39 prevails, and the extremities of the humeri and femora long remain epiphyses in the frog. A final purpose is no doubt, also, subserved in most of the separate centres of ossification which relate homologically to permanently dis- tinct bones in the general vertebrate series ; it has long been re- cognised in relation to facilitating birth in the human foetus ; but some facts will occur to the human osteogenist, of which no teleolo- gical explanation can be given. One sees not, for example, why the process of the scapula which gives attachment to the pectoralis minor, the coraco^brachialis, and the short head of the biceps should not be developed by continuous ossification from the body of the blade-bone, like that which forms the spinous process of the same bone. It is a well-known fact, how- ever, that not only in Man, but in all Mammalia, the coracoid process is ossified from a separate centre. In the Monotremes it is not only a distinct, but is as large a bone as in Birds and Eeptiles, in which it continues a distinct bone throughout life. Here, then, we have the homological, without a teleological explanation of the separate centre for the coracoid process in the ossification of the human blade- bone. This distinction in the nature and relations of such centres, which is indispensable in the right application of the facts of osteogeny to the determination of the number of essentially distinct bones in any given skeleton, has never been considered, so far as I know, in that application. Some homologists (n. xiv.) have gone beyond Cuvier, and still more beyond nature, in arguing the number of individual bones, as indicated by the number of separate centres of ossification in the embryo, to be the same in all vertebrate animals ; and that they afterwards diflfered, or seemed to differ, only by reason of the greater or less rapidity or extent of the conffuence of those ossific centres or essentially distinct bones. This primitive conformity of separate osseous pieces in the verte- brate series holds good, however, only in regard to the separate centres of ossification of those bones of higher animals which have homological relations to the permanently distinct bones of lower spe- cies ; it by no means applies to those which have merely teleological relations to the species in wliich they exist. But, besides tlie epiphyses of the long bones of Mammalia, which enter into the latter category, and cannot, therefore, be properly viewed in the light of distinct bones ; what are we to say to the ' intercalated, inconstant “ ossa wormiana,” or to the ossified tendons of birds, or to those developed in the tendons of the vertebral muscles of the musk-deer? Are these to be reckoned equally distinct and in- 40 LECTURE II. dividual bones of the skeleton, with the occipital and parietal bones, with the dorsal vertebras, or the tibias ? In considering this and other questions previously discussed, you will begin to appreciate the difficulties in defining or determining what shall be considered a distinct and an individual bone in the skeleton. If we apply to each species the anthropotomical definition of a bone, as “ any single osseous piece of which the skeleton of the ma- ture animal is composed,” we must qualify it by suboi’dinate de- finitions of the different natures of such separate pieces of the skeleton. Hitherto bones have been primai’ily classified according to their form, as long and cylindrical, broad and flat, thick and squab, symmetrical, or unsymmetrical (xn*. xi. pp. 9, 10.) ; or, according to their position, into median* and lateral (xvi. p. xviii.), or into endo- skeletal, exo-skeletal, and splanchno -skeletal bones (i. 113. 115.). But, besides these, the above discussed deeper and more essential differences of the bones require that they should be divided into simple, as being developed from a single centre, and compound, as developed from separate centres ; and the compound bones, in the human subject, for example, may be subdivided into the teleologically compound, as the ossa cylindrica, which are originally developed ft-om separate centres in relation to a sjiedal flnal purpose ; and the homologically compound, as most of the ossa lata (occiput, scapula), and many ossa mixta (vertebx’ce, sacrum), which are developed from separate centres, representing permanently distinct simple bones in other Vertebrata. The teleologically compound bones have their relations limited to the particular exigencies of particular classes, but the homologically compbuiid bones have relations extending over the whole vertebrate series. The great aim of the philosophical osteologist is to determine, by natural characters, the natural groups of bones of which a verte- brate skeleton typically consists ; and, next, the relations of individual simple bones to each other in those primary groups, and to deflne the general, serial, and special homologies of each bone throughout the vertebrate series. By general homology I mean the relation in which a bone stands to the primary segment of the skeleton of which it is a part ; thus, when the basi-occipital bone (basilar process of the os occipitis in anthropo- * These are mostly symmetrical ; but the youngest aiithropotomist must have met with instances of a curved vomer, and an unsymmetrical sternum ; and, on the other hand, most of the phalanges among the ossu. jiuria, scu IcUeralia, are sym- metrical. THE SKELETON. 41 tomy) is said to be the centrum or body of the occipital or posterior cranial vertebra, its general homology is enunciated. When it is said to repeat in its vertebra, or to answer to the basi-sphenoid in the parie- tal vertebra, or to the body or centrum in the atlas, dentata, or any other of the vertebral segments of the skeleton, its serial homology is indi- cated : when the essential correspondence of the basilar process of the occipital bone in Man with the distinct bone called “ basi-occipital ” in a Crocodile or Fish is shown, its special homology is determined. LECTURE III. THE VERTEBRA, AND VERTEBRAL COLUMN IN FISHES, To understand the fundamental type of the vertebrate skeleton its study must be commenced, not in the highest species, — not in that skeleton where irrelative repetition is least, and where modification of each part in mutual subserviency to another is greatest, — but in the lowest Class where, conformably with the law enunciated in the previous Course *, vegetative uniformity most prevails, and the pri- mitive type is least obscured by teleological adaptations. Such conditions are best displayed in the skeletons of fishes : fishes form, however, but one branch of the vertebrate stem, which, like other primary branches, ramifies in diverging from the common trunk. We should miss our aim, therefore, and be led astray from the detection of the true general type of the vertebrate skeleton, Avere we to confine our observations to fishes only. A comparison of their skeletons Avith tliose of the higher classes teaches that the na- tural arrangements of the parts of the endo-skeleton in Vertebrata, like that of the exo-skeleton in Articulata, is in a series of segments succeeding each other in the axis of the body. I do not find these successive segments composed of precisely the same number of bones in all Vertebrata; rarely, indeed, in the same animal. Yet certain constituent parts of each segment do preserve such constancy in their existence, relative position, and offices throughout the body, as to enforce a conviction that tliey are homologous parts, both in the con- secutive series of the same individual skeleton, and throughout the 'entire series of vertebrate animals. * Lectures on Invertcbruta, 8vo. 18‘J3, p. 364. 42 LECTUKE HI, To eacli of these primary segments of the skeleton I shall, with Geoffroy St. Hilaire (xiv. ii.), apply the term “ vertebra : the word may seem to the anthropotomist to be used in a different or more extended sense than it is usually understood ; yet he is himself, unconsciously perhaps, in the habit of including in certain vertebrae of the human body, elements which he excludes from the idea in other natural segments of the same kind ; influenced by dif- ferences of proportion and coalescence, which are the most variable characters of a bone. Thus the rib of a cervical vexdebra is the “ pro- cessus transversus perforatus,” or the “radix anticus processus trans- versi vertebrae colli : ” whilst in the chest, it is “ costa,” or “ pars ossea costae.” (xm. 239. 250.) But the ulna is not the less an ulna in the horse, because it is small and anchylosed to the radius. The osteology of Man, therefore, cannot be fuUy or rightly under- stood until the type of which it is a modification is known, and the first step to this knowledge is the determination of the vertebral segments, or natural groups of bones, of which the myelencephalous skeleton consists. I define a vertebra, as one of those segments of the endo-skeleton which constitute the axis of the body, and the protecting canals of the nervous and vascular trunks : such a segment may also support di- verging appendages. Exclusive of these, it consists in its typical completeness, of the following parts or elements : c. A body or centrum. * n. Two neurapophyses. f p. Two parapophyses. J 2^1. Two pleurapophyses. § h. Two hcemapophyses. || ns. A neural spine. ^ hs. A haemal spine. ** zygapophysis r . • I diapophysis... p.arapophysis Cl zygapophysis C- neural spine neurapophysis pleurapopliysis haemapophysis H hsemal spine Ideal typical vertebra. • Greek, hentron, centre. Syn. Corpus vcrtehrcB^, Corps de vertdbre, Cuvier; 'Terliar-wirhel, Gurus ; Wirhel-kdrper, German*; Cyclecd, Geoffrey; Cyclo-vertehral element. Grant. j Gr. neuron, nerve ; and apophysis, a process of bone. Syn. Arcus posterior vertebra:, sen radices arcus posterioris. Dechplatten and Grundplatten, Carus. Bogen- stiicke des Riichenwirbels, Carus. Obere Wirbclbogen, Germ. Partie annulaire, Cuv. Ferial, Geof. Peri-vertebral elements. Grant. I Gr. para, trans, across ; and apophysis. Syn. Radix prior seu antica processus. 1 The Latin synonyms are from Soemmerring’s Classical Anthropotomy, “ De .1.0.0 of Joho Mullor, W.goc, and mos. Gorman Zootomists, unless otherwise specified. THE VERTEBRAE IN FISHES. 43 These, being usually developed from distinct and independent centres, I have termed “autogenous” elements (xix. p. 518.). Other parts, more properly called processes, which shoot out as continu- ations from some of the preceding elements, are termed “ exogenous : ” e. g. (#) the diapophyses, or upper “ transverse processes,” * and (2;) the zygapophyses, or the “ oblique ” or “ articular processes ” f of human anatomy. The autogenous processes generally circumscribe holes about the centrum, which, in the chain of vertebras, form canals. The most constant and extensive canal is that (yfig. 8. 71) | formed above the centrum, for the lodgment of the trunk of the ner- vous system (neural axis) by the parts thence termed “ neurapo- physes.” The second canal i^fig- 8. /i)JJ, below the centrum, is in its entire extent more irregular and interrupted ; it lodges the central organ and large trunks of the vascular system (hasmal axis), and is usually formed by the laminae, thence termed “ haemapophyses.” At the sides of the centrum, most commonly in the cervical region, a canal {^fig. 9. v) is circumscribed by the pleurapophysis or costal process (ib. pTy, and by the diapophysis or upper transverse process (ib. £), which canal includes a vessel, and often also a nerve. Thus a typical or perfect vertebra, with all its elements, presents four canals or perforations about a common centre ; such a vertebra we find in the thorax of man, and most of the higher classes of Ver- tebrata {^fig. 6.), also in the neck of many birds. In the example from the latter class {Jig. 9.), the hasmapophyses {h, s) are anchy- transversi vertehr. S.*). )d. 4.), iregarded as a fo.ssil reptile by Dr. Grant (Lectnre.s, Lancet, .Tan. I8f!4, p. BIG.) : 170 vertebral bodies are included in tbe abdominal jinrt of llie eolunin ; and tlie part extending beyond tlie pelvic arch, if e(|ual to tliut in most Rays, jirohnbly did not contain less than four times the above number of abdominal vertebra;. 58 LECTURE III, members of the elass. So far as the observations of M. Agassiz have extended, not one of the fossil fishes hitherto discovered in the Silurian and Devonian rocks, the most ancient in which remains of that class have been found, manifest a vertebral centrum ; and not many have shown neural and ha3mal arches and spines,* As a rule we find that the existing bony fishes have well ossified vertebrae, but retain a greater proportion, than in higher classes, of the primitive gelatinous basis, which fills up the deep concavity of each articular end of the centrum 14, c). Only in the sala- mandroid Lepidosteus, with its lung-like air-bladder, does ossification encroach upon these cavities, so as to render the anterior end of the centrum convex, the posterior end concave {Jtg. 15.), and thus unite the vei’tebras together by ball and socket joints, (xxvi. p. 59.) In the rest of the class, the vertebral bodies are connected together by a strong elastic capsule, attached to the border of the base of each terminal hollow cone, and enclosing the gelatinous fiuid, which tense y fills the biconcave space and renders the entire column light an elastic. , The vertebra of a bony fish consists essentially o a icon cave body, of two neurapophyses {fig- 16. n) completing the canal of the spinal chord, and usually supporting a spinous process {ns) ; of two parapophyses {p) usually projecting from the lower pait o t le sides of the body, or bent down to form the canal for the aorta {fig. - ) ■ * Agassiz, Poissons Fossilcs dii Systeine Dcvonieii, 4to. p. xxvi VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF FISHES. 59 to which are added in the abdominal region of most fishes two pleura - pophyses (pi), or vertebral floating ribs. Ossification commences in the bases of the two neurapophyses and the two parapophyses, and in the terminal concave plates of the cen- trum ; the intermediate part of the centrum is sometimes completely ossified, when it is filled by a coarse cancellous texture. More com- monly a communicating aperture is left between the two terminal concavities, (as indicated by the dotted line in Jig. 16.) ; and, in many cases, the plates by which calcification attains the periphery of the body leave interspaces permanently occupied by cartilage, forming cavities in the dried vertebrae, especially at their under part, or giving a reticulate surface to the sides of the centrum. The expanded bases of the neur- and par-apophyses usually soon become confluent with the bony centrum : sometimes first expanding so as wholly to enclose it, as, for example, in the Tunny, where the line of demarcation may always be seen at the border of the articular concavity, though it be quite obliterated at the centre, as a section through that part demon- strates. In the Pike the neurapophyses seldom, in the Polypterus never, coalesce with the centrum: the letter s shows the neurapophysial suture in Jig. 17. In the SalmonidcB the parapophyses remain, for some time, distinct from the body of the vertebra as well as from the ribs. In the anterior vertebrae of the Carp the neurapophyses remain distinct, as they do in the atlas of many other fishes, and a sutm-e is observable between the parapophyses and centrum in embryo Cyprinoids.* In each vertebra the summits of the two neurapophyses usually become an- chylosed together, and to their spine ; but in the Lepidosiren {Jig. 27.) the spine retains its character as a distinct element, and is always at- tached by ligament to the tops of the neurapophyses, as it is in the Sturgeon {fig. 12.). In the anterior abdominal vertebrse of the Tetro- don, each of the neurapophyses, though they coalesce in the interspace of the two spines to form the roof of the neural canal, sends up its own broad truncated spine, and these are not, as might at first sight be supposed, enormously developed oblique processes, for they gra- dually approximate and blend together, to form the single normal spine at the sixth abdominal vertebra : in the Barbel the neural arches also support two spines, but one is placed bcliind the other. The interspaces of the neural arches are occupied by a fibrous aponeurosis — the remains of tlie primitive essential covering of the neural axis : but in most fishes the arches are additionally con- ' nected together by articular or oblique processes (zygapophyscs), which are developed from the base of each neurapoi)hysis ; sometimes * First noticed by Von Uacr. 60 LECTURE III. four, two anterior, two posterior, as in the Mullet {Mugil,fig. 16. z) ; sometimes two, as in the Perch, the posterior in this and most other fishes being ovei’lapped by the anterior articulating process of the .succeeding vertebra : commonly only the anterior zygapophysis is developed {fig. 17. z), which touches, but rarely overlaps, as in the Polypterus, the neural arch in advance. It is peculiar to fishes to have articular pi'ocesses developed from the parapophyses ; we have noticed these already in the abdominal region in the Ray; in the osseous fishes, when present, they are confined to the caudal vertebra • tfi^y fiTe particularly developed, sometimes branched. forming a network about the hajmal canal in certain species of Tunny ( Thynnus, xxm. i. p. 265.). In Loricaria peculiar accessary pro- cesses are sent out from the neural arch of the seven anterior ver- tebras which abut against the osseous lateral shields of the dermal skeleton. The parapophyses are very short in some fishes {Salmo, Clupea) : they are longest and most expanded in the abdominal region of the Cod tribe {fig. 19. j)% where they suppoi-t the air-bladder, which in- timately adheres to their under surface, and, in one species of Gadus, sends processes into expanded cavities of the parapophyses, thus fore- showing the pneumatic bones of birds. They gradually bend down near the tail, where they form, as in all fishes, the hajinal canal. The pleurapophyses of fishes correspond to what are usually termed in Comparative Anatomy ‘ vertebral ribs,’ and in Human Anatomy ‘false’ or ‘ floating ribs’ : for, with few exceptions, of which the Herring is one {fig. 23.), their distal ends are not connected witli any bones analogous to sternal ribs or sternum ; i. e. the abdomen is unclosed below by the crura and spines completing the hasmal arch. The true liomologues of sternal ribs or abdominal lia^mapophyses re- tain the primitive aponeurotic tissue, and may be well seen in the Bream, extending from the ends of the vertcbi-al ribs. These elements. VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF EISUES. Gi or j)leurapophyses {fig- 19. p/, jiV) are usually appended to the extremities of the parapophyses, the articulation frequently pres(!iit' , ing a reciprocal notch in each. But, in some bony fishes, as Platax, the ribs articulate with the bodies of the vertebrae, in depressions behind the parapophyses ; and in Polypterus beneath the para- 62 LECTURE III. pophyses, as in the cartilaginous Heptanchus, Carcharias, and Alopias. Between the floating ribs extends an aponeurosis, the remains or homologue of the primitive fibi'ous investment of the abdomen in the Lancelot and Lamprey. In the Salmon and Dory the ribs continue to be attached to some of the parapophyses after they are bent down to form the haemal canal and spine in the tail ; and we derive the same striking evidence of the true nature of these inferior arches from the skeleton of the Tunny, the Dory, and some other fishes. The costal appendages of the first vertebra of the trunk are usually larger than the rest, and detached from the centrum ; at least if we regard as such the styliform bones 19. 58) which project from the inner side of the scapula3, and which have been described as coracoids (Cuvier) and sometimes as displaced iliac bones (Cams). By the mus- cles attached to these styliform bones the succeeding ribs are drawn forwards and the abdomen expanded in the Cyprinoids. Pleura- pophyses are entirely absent in the Sun-fish, Globe-fish (Diodon), the 'fetrodon, the Pipe-fish {Fistularia and Syngnathus), the Lump- fish and the Angler. This of all osseous, or rather semi-osseous, fishes presents the simplest vertebral column : the abdominal ver- tebrae are not only devoid of ribs, but have the feeblest rudiments of parapophyses. The bodies of these vertebrae interlock at their lower and lateral parts by a short angular process fitting into a notch in the next vertebra ; the lower border of this notch repre- sents the lower transverse process in other fishes : it is obsolete in the anterior abdominal vertebrae ; begins to appear about the middle ones ; shows its true character in the tenth ; and elongates, bending downwards, backwards, and inwards, to coalesce with its fellow, and form the haemal arch at the twelfth or thirteenth vertebra, from whi(fii the haemal spine is developed. The interlocking process of the anterior vertebra disappears as the true inferior transverse process is increased. The side of the neural arch is perforated for the nerve, and that of the haemal arch for the blood-vessel.* The anterior abdominal vertebrae of the Tetrodon are more firmly clamped together by the parapophyses than in the Angler. A vegetative sameness of form prevails in Fishes throughout the vertebral column of the trunk, which is made up of only two- kinds of vertebrae, characterised by the direction of the parapophyses : • The gelatino-cartilaginous basis is progressively but continuously ossified around these foramina, which form part of a vast series of exceptions to the so- called “ loi de conjugaison ” of M. Serres; who, by this phrase, expresses Ins notion that every foramen is formed, like those that give passage to the spinal nerves in Mammalia, by the approximation of two notches of two distinct bones or bony elements. VERTEBRii.L COLUMN OE FISHES. 63 Q Emlo- and exo-ske- letal elements of a caudal vertebra of a Plaice {I’leuro- nectei), * tliese in the abdominal region are lateral, usually stand out and support ribs ; but in the caudal region they bend down and coalesce at their extremities. The caudal vertebrae of some flat-fishes {Pleuronectides, fig. 20.), the Polypterus and the Muraenas, would seem to disprove this homology of the haemal arches, since transverse processes from the sides of the body co- exist with them, as they do in the Cetacea. But, if we trace the vertebral modifications throughout the entire column in any of these fishes, we shall find that the haemal arches are actually parts of the trans- verse processes ; not independent elements, as in the Cetacea ; but due to a progressive bifurcation : this, in Murcena Helena, for example, begins at the end of the transverse processes of about the twenty-fifth vertebra, the forks diverging as the fissure deepens, until, at about the seventy-third, the lower fork de- scends at a right angle to the upper one (which re- mains to represent the transverse process), and, meeting its fellow, forms the haemal arch, and supports the antero-posteriorly expanded haemal spine. In the Plaice a small process is given off from the expanded base of the descending parapophysis of the first caudal ver- tebra, which increases in length in the second, rises upon the side of the body iu the third, becomes dis- tinct from the parapophysis in the fourth, and gra- dually diminishes to the ninth or tenth caudal vertebra, when it disappears. These false transverse processes never support ribs. The atlas may usually be distinguished by some slight modification of the anterior articular end of the body, by the persistent suture of the neural arch, or by the absence or detachment of its pleurapophyses : but none of these characters are constant. Peculiar processes are sometimes sent olF from the under part of the centrum : two very long and strong processes from this part are articulated with the basi-occipital in the great Sudis {Arapaima gigas). The second vertebra is never characterised by an odontoid pro- cess ; but the absence of this is not to be accounted * Compare this figure with nature, and with tlio figures of a corresponding ver- tebra in II. pi. 5., and in xxviii. p. 58. The names assigned by GeofTroy St. Ililaire 64 LECTURE III. i /■i foi' by the characteristically well-developed body of the atlas in fishes, since the atlas has a small centrum in crocodiles and birds, where the odontoid process likewise exists. The number of vertebrae varies greatly in the different osseous fishes : the Plectognathi (^Diodo?i, Tetrodon,) have the fewest and largest : the apodal fishes (Eels, Gymnotes,) have the most and smallest, in proportion to their size. It is not often easy to deter- mine the precise number, on account of the coalescence of some of the vertebras, or at least of their central elements, in particular parts of the column. Instances of anchylosis of some of the anterior ver- tebra, analogous to that noticed in the cartilaginous Sturgeons, Chimasras, Rhinobates, and some Sharks, occur also amongst the osseous fishes, as in many Siluroid and Cyprinoid species ; in the Loricaria and Fistularia : here is an example (Jfg- 21.) of the four singularly elongated anchylosed anterior abdominal ver- tebra, in the Tobacco-pipe fish {FisUdaria tabaccaria). A coalescence of several vertebrae is more constant at the opposite end of the column in osseous fishes, in order to form the base of the caudal fin. The bodies at least of the vertebrae situated here, at the part most remote from the centre of life, do not emerge separately from the primitive embryonic condition of the gelatinous ‘ chorda,’ but are continuously ossified to form a common, compressed, ver- tically extended, and often bifurcated bony plate (y?y. 18. n'hf), from which the neural and haemal arches and their spines radiate : from these elements alone can the niunber of vertebrae of the caudal fin be estimated ; normal de- velopment proceeding here in the peripheral elements, as throughout the vertebral column in Lepidosiren, whilst it is arrested in the central parts of the vertebrae. In the Sun-fish (^Orthagoriscus mola) it would seem as if a row of rudimental vertebrae had been blended together at right angles to the rest of the column, in order to support the rays of the short, but very deep caudal fin, which ter- minates the suddenly truncated body of this oddly shaped fish. Our common Pike affords a simple and intelligible view of this modified base of the tail-fin : in the Eels, the Polypterus, the Lepidosiren, the Trichiurus, and Pipe-fishes, the vertebrae always remain distinct to the end of the tail. Cuvier, in the tables of the number of vertebrae in various species to the several parts of this combined segment of endo- and exo-skeleton are oppo- site the left l.and of tlie reader ; those applied to them in the present work are placed opposite the right hand. Anchylosed anterior verte- bra;, Pi])e-fish {Fistularia). VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF FISHES. 65 of iislies contained in the “ Lemons d’ Anatomic Comparee,” * counts the anchylosed vertebriB of the caudal fin as one, and so assigns seven- teen vertebrtB to the Sun-fish. I find but sixteen according 22 /ll\ to the vertebral centres, eight abdominal, and eight caudal : but if we count the neural spines, we have then twelve caudal vertebra3 ; the spines of the last five being driven, as it were, by the extreme contraction of their anchylosed bodies, to rest their bases upon the back part of the seventh or last upright neural spine. In the Conger there are 162 vertebrae, in the Ophidium 204, and in the Gymnotus 236 vei’tebrae ; but even this number is surpassed by some of the plagiostomous fishes. Nor are the extremities of the ver- tebral column the only regions where anchylosis of the ver- tebrae takes place. Hunter had preserved this specimen of confluence of the first two vertebrae of the post-abdominal or caudal region in a large flat-fish (probably Rhombus, : Jig. 22.), forming a true sacrum. In the Halibut (JRippo- ^glossus') the parapophyses of the corresponding vertebras, with those of the last abdominal, are similarly united, though the bodies remain distinct. In Loricaria both the upper and lower arches of a considerable part of the caudal region are blended together into an inflexible sacrum ; but, as a general rule, there exists no such impediment to the lateral inflections of the tail in the present class. Although the vertebrae maintain a considerable sameness of form in the same fish, they vary much in different species. The bodies are commonly subcylindrical ; as deep, but not so broad, as they are long ; more or less consti'icted in the middle, in some to such a degree as to present an hour-glass figure. In the Spinachorhinus they are extremely short ; in the Fistularia extremely long ; in the Tetrodon they are much compressed ; in the Platycephalus they are AncMMed more depressed ; in the tail of the Tunny the entire ver- c,-mdiU ver- tebra is cubical, with the ends hollowed as usual, but the tcbrsc, or “ lour other-sides flat, the upper and lower ones being formed, in the connected series, by the neural and haimal arches of the vertebra in advance, flattened down and, as it were, pressed into cavities on the upper and under surfaces, of the centrum of the next vertebra ; so that the series is naturally locked together in tlie dried skeleton ; and these arches cover not tlie neural and haimal canals of their own, but of the succeeding, centrum. 'Tlie principle of vegetative repetition is manifested, in osseous * Ed. 1836, tom. i. p. 229. VOL. II. Xi- 66 LECTURE III. fislies, by the numerous centres of ossification, from which shoot out bony rays afifording additional strength to many of the intermuscular aponeuroses : some of these supernumerary or intercalary ossicles belong to the endo-skeleton, but most of them to the exo-skeleton. In the former system of bones may be ranked those spines which are attached to, or near to, the heads of the ribs, and extend upwards, out- wards, and backwards, between the dorsal and lateral masses of muscles : these are the ‘ diverging appendages ’ of the abdominal ribs 17. ip, fig. 23. pi a), and may be termed ‘ epipleural spines ; ’ though they sometimes pass gradually, as the vertebras approach the tail, from the rib upon the parapophysis, and even in the posterior abdominal vertebrm (e. g. Holocentrum), upon the bodies and neural arches. They are the “ obere rippe ” of Meckel, and at the fore-part of the abdomen, in Polypterus, the epipleural spines are stronger than the ribs themselves. The spinous appen- dages are remarkably developed in the Halecoid fishes, (Salmon and Herring,) in the Mackerel- tribe, and the Dolphin {CoryphcBtia). In our common herring you will find them attached not only to the ribs {fig. 23. pi, a), but also di- verging from the parapophyses (pa), and the neurapophyses {no), and the vertebra is further complicated by de‘rmal bones, those on the under surfaee of the abdomen {dJi) being eonnected, like the scutes of serpents, with the lower ends of the ribs {pi). The very distinet histological condition of the endo- and exo- skeleton of the Sturgeon {fig. 43.), shows clearly the nature of those spines {fig. 19. dn, dn), which form, in osseous fishes, a second row, of greater or less extent, above the true neural spines, and sup- port the dorsal fins. Thus, in Accipenser Ratzburgii, twelve of the hard enamelled calcareous plates (ganoid scales) along the mid-line of the back, send upwards and backwards a moderately long spine : the series is then continued in a cartilaginous state to support the dorsal fin. In the Polypterus sixteen accessary bones, in the form of longer and sharper spines, are extended over thrice as many vertebrm : and each dermal spine supports a membrane, strengthened at its upper part by four or five branched and jointed rays. From the base of the dermal spines, other spines {fig- 19. in, hi) usually shoot down- wards, into the intervals of the neural spines : these inverted spines may be the homologues of the wedge-shaped interneural pieces before noticed in the vertebras of Sharks, and may well retain that name in the osseous fishes. Sometimes they are double, as in the Flat-fish VEETEBRAL COLUMN OF FISHES. 67 (Plaice, Sole, he., fig. 20.), and in some parts of the vertebral column of the Deep-fish, as the Dory, the Chajtodon, the Sun-fish, &c. But whatever modifications these dei’mal and intercalary spines present above, the same are usually repeated below, in connection with the htemal arches and spines, for the support of the anal fin : and just as in the framework of the dorsal fin we find interneural spines and der- moneural spines, so in that of the anal fin we recognise interhiemal spines {fig. 19. iJi), and dermohasmal spines (ib. dJi), with the, some- times, expanded base from which they diverge. Both interneural and interhaemal spines are, in the osseous fishes, commonly shaped like little daggers, plunged in the flesh up to the hilt, which is represented by the part to which the true fin-ray (dermoneural or dermohiemal spine) is attached. These parts of the dermal skeleton, developed in the primitive continuous fold of skin which forms the groundwork of the vertical fins in the embryo fish, manifest the vegetative character, which is the usual concomitant of peripheral position, by the partial spontaneous fission which each ray has undergone in the progress of its development ; this is shown by the longitudinal raphe or suture along which each dermal spine or ray may commonly be divided into two lateral moieties. The framework of the caudal fin is composed of the same intercalary and dermal spines, superadded to the proper neural and haemal spines, of those caudal vertebrae which have coalesced and been shortened by absorption, in the pro- gress of embryonic development, to form the base of the terminal fin (fig- 18, 19. C, dn, dh). In the Sharks and Sturgeons this fin is not symmetrical as in most osseous fishes, but is formed chiefly by the haemal spines and their intercalary and dermal spinous appendages ; the progressively de- creasing bodies of the caudal vertebrae are continued along the upper border or lobe of the fin, sending off short neural spinous pro- cesses to increase the height of that border. M. Agassiz calls those fishes in which, from the peculiar development of the lower lobe of the caudal fin, the vertebral seem to be prolonged into the upper lobe, “ heterocercal ; ” and those with the lobes of the caudal fin equal or symmetrical, he calls “ homocercal.” The pre- ponderance of heterocercal fishes in the seas of the ancient geological epochs of our planet is very remarkable : the prolongation of the superior lobe characterises every fos.sil fish of the strata antei'ior to, and including, the Magnesian limestone. The homocercal fishes first appear above that formation, and gradually predominate, until, as in the present period, the heterocercal bony fishes are almost li- mited to a single ganoid genus, e. g. Lepidostcus. The shape, size, and number of the median azygous dorsal and F 2 68 LECTURE m. anal fins, depend on the development and grouping of the accessary and intercalary spines : the true vertebral, neural, and hasmal spines give scarcely more indication of the nature or existence of those fins, than the neural spines in the Porpoise or Fin-whales do of their not less essentially though more histologically dermal dorsal fin ; but the development of the dermo-skeleton, in the fish’s fin, and its inter- calation with the spines of the endo -skeleton, and consequently its retention in our prepared skeletons, lead me to notice it in connection with the vertebral column, as I shall subsequently, for similar reasons, have to describe parts of the dermo-skeleton which are intercalated with, or appended to, the vertebras and bony arches of the head. In the Dermopteri (Lampreys, Lancelet), the dorsal, anal and caudal fins are simply cutaneous folds, with scarcely distinguishable soft fibres for rays, and they are continuous, as in the embryos of higher fish. In the Gymnotus, a very long but shallow anal is continued into the caudal fin ; but, as the name of this fish implies*, there is no dorsal fin. In many, both cartilaginous and osseous fishes, a single group of dermal spines supports a single dorsal fin, as in the Sturgeon, the Grey Shark {Heptanchus'), and the Shad ; in others, as the Dog- fish ( Sjnnax), and the Mullet, there are two groups of dermo-neural spines and two dorsal fins ; in the Cod and its congeners there are three dorsals (Jig. 19. d) ; in the Polypterus there are, as its name implies, numerous (as many as sixteen) dorsal fins ; and many ac- cessary vertical finlets, both dorsal and anal, may be seen in the Caranx, or Mailed Mackerel. Cuvier called those bony fishes “ Malacopterygian,” whose verti- cal fins were supported by soft, jointed, and branched dermal spines, and he called those “ Acanthopterygian,” which had the fin-rays or some of the anterior ones in the form of simple, unjointed, and un- branched bony spines : but we have seen that these variable pai’ts of the dermo-skeleton form unsafe and artificial grounds for the larger groups of the class. Very rarely do the interneural and dermal spines coincide in number with the neural spines : they are often more numerous, as in Acanthurus and Pleuronectes ; more frequently less numerous, as in the Lepidosteus or Trachinus. The Lophius has only three long de- tached dermal rays, projecting from above the abdominal region of the spine, and two or three above the cranial vertebra3 ; the base of these dermal spines expands, bifurcates, and the extremities eurve inwards, to be inserted into lateral depressions, or a transverse per- foration, of the summit of the interneural spine, represented in Lophius by a small semi-osseous disc. Those dermal spines that sustain the caudal fin offer the lowest condition, as might be expected * Gr. -yvpLVos, naked ; votos, back. VERTEBRAX COLUSIN OP FISHES. 69 from tlieir terminal position ; they are almost always bifureated, or dichotomously subdivided, as the effeet of the continued spontaneous fission of their embryonic elements, or of the activity of the vege- tative force of irrelative repetition. This part is accordingly subject to monstrosity by excess, as is manifested by the double and triple tails of Gold-fish in confinement, where nutriment is not expended by the due action of muscular force. The singular sucking-apparatus upon the head of the Remora is an assemblage of peculiarly modified and connected dermal spines. The more common modification is the excessive development of one or more of the dermal spines, to form peculiar weapons of defence. The Chimeras, the Cestracions, and the Piked Dog-fish, show such a stout bony spine, sometimes, as in the last-named shark, sheathed with horn, at the front border of each dorsal fin, which it also serves to strengthen. The Fire-flares ( Trygon) and Eagle Rays {Myliobates) have one or more strong, detached, barbed or serrated spines, on the upper part of the tail. Agassiz has pointed out the close resemblance of the microscopic structure of the bone of these spines and the dentine of the teeth of the same kind of fishes : they are both hardened by an outer layer of modified dentine, but as hard as enamel. Many large fossil spines, called in Palaeontology “ Ich- thyodorulites,” have been determined by their form and structure to have belonged to extinct cartilaginous fishes, allied to the above-cited existing genera, of which they are sometimes the sole indications left by the wreck of former worlds. Amongst bony fishes, the Siluroids (Sheat-fish) and Balistes (File-fish) are most remarkable for these dermal weapons. In our rare Balistes capriscus the anterior dorsal is sustained by thi-ee such spines ; the first much the strongest, and the second subservient to the use of the first as a weapon, rather than for the support of the fin. The first spine is articulated by a very remarkable joint to the broad interneural osseous plate : its base is expanded and perforated, and a bony bolt passes freely through the ring. When this spine is raised, a depression at the back part of its base receives a corresponding projection from the contiguous base of the second ray, which fixes it like tlie hammer of the gun-lock at full-cock, and it cannot be forced down till the small spine has been depressed, as by pulling tlie trigger : it is tlien re- ceived into a groove on the supporting plate, and oifers no impedi- ment to the progress of the fish through the water. TIic name of the genus {Batistes') and the common Italian name of the species in question (Pesce balestra) refer to this structure : the spine of the ' Balistes is also roughened with ganoid or enamel grains like a file, whence our English name for it, ‘ File-fish.’ The margins of the ana- F 3 70 LECTUllE IV. logons but stronger weapon of the Siluroids is usually beset with den- ticles of the same hard substance, sometimes anchylosed to the spine, sometimes movably articulated with it. M. Agassiz has found that the fixed denticles have the same osseous texture, characterised by ra- diated corpuscles in concentric layers, as the spine itself ; whilst the movable denticles present a simpler structure, being permeated by calcigerous tubes, radiating from a central vascular pulp cavity, like teeth ; but the comparative anatomist who has extended his obser- vations beyond the class of Fishes, will pause before he admits the sweeping conclusion which the celebrated ichthyologist draws from his interesting microscopical observations.* The distinction between the internal or splanchnic and external skeletons does not rest upon the microscopic character of their tissues ; if it did, and if every calcified plate or spine that presented the cha- racteristic radiated cells of bone, were to be classed with the pieces of the internal skeleton, we must cease to regard the scales of the Cro- codile, and the tesselated carapace of the Armadillo, as parts of the external or dermal skeleton. LECTURE IV. THE SKULL OF FISHES. Passing from the trunk to the head, we find in the Lancelot {Bran- cliiostoma, xxx.), at the lowest step of the Vertebrate series, that the cranium is not indicated by difference of size or structure of the ru- dimental vertebral column, but consists of that gradually contracting anterior termination of the neural canal, which retains its primitive fibro-membranous wall, (Jig. 46. w), without any superaddition, of parts, and is supported by the tapering end of the gelatinous ‘ chorda dorsalis’ (ib. ch). This part, in the Lancelet, even extends farther forwards than the cranial end of the neural canal, indicating the non- development of the prosencephalon and corresponding part of the cranial cavity. In fact, thei'e is no ganglionic cerebral expansion whatever in this vermiform fish : the epencephalon or medulla oblon- gata is indicated by the origin of the trigeminal nerve (ib. oh\ in advance of which the mesencejfiialic segment sends off the short optic nerve to the dark ocellus (op), and there terminates, somewhat obtusely, beneath what Dr. Kolliker (xxxii. p. 32.) has described as a ciliated olfactory capsule (ib. ol). The cranium of the Lancelet, * Les genres Hypostoma ct Callichthys presentent cctte singuliere structure, et prouvent par la meme que les differences qu’on a voulu etablir, entre un squclctte paucier on cxterrie, ct un squclctte interieur ou intestinal, sont dcnuees do tout fondcment.” — roissons Fossilcs, tom. iii. p. 213. THE SKULL OF FISHES. 71 therefore, may be said to be eomposed of the primitive continuous fibro-gelatinous basis of the vertebral bodies, and of the membrane which is represented by our ‘ dura mater,’ without the superaddition of cartilaginous or osseous coverings. But if we were to limit our view of the skull of the Brancliiostoma by this primitive embryonic condition of the cranium proper, we should have an incomplete idea of it. A large, jointed, cartilaginous haemal arch 46. li) extends on each side, from below the cranial end of the chorda dorsalis, downwards and backwards to the orifice of the pharynx ; this represents the labial arch of higher Myxinoids, and it supports the jointed slender oral filaments, which may be regarded as a continued representation, in the Vertebrate series, of the cephalic tentacula of the Cephalopods. It is the sole chondrified part of the skeleton in the Brancliiostoma, a fact which must be borne in mind if we would avoid the common error of supposing the neural ver- tebral column to be the first and only rudiment of an internal skeleton in the lower Yertebrata. Before proceeding to the next stage at which cranial development is arrested in the ascending series of Vertebrata, I may briefiy de- scribe the form under which the cartilaginous tissue is superinduced upon the fibrous brain-sac in osseous fishes, according to the obser- vation of M. Vogt on the embryo of one of the Salmonidm (Core- gonus, xxn. tom. i. p. 3.). The chorda dorsalis advances as far as the pituitary sac, or ‘ hypophysis cerebri,’ where it terminates in a point ; cartilage is developed on each side of the chorda, forming a thick occipito-sphenoidal mass*, which extends outwards, and en- velopes the sac of the internal ear, forming the ear-ball or acoustic cap- sule. The cartilage rises a little way upon the lateral walls of the cra- nium, and is there insensibly lost in the primitive cranial membrane. At the end of the chorda, the basal cartilages diverge, surround the pituitary vesicle, and meet, in front of it, to join or be expanded in the prespheiioid pla.te'f : these arches I term “ sphenoidal.” (Jig. 24.) 24 Base olslcull, Ammocclc, Miillcr. side view of skull, AmmocHc, MUIler. * Plaque nuchale, Vogt ; Knochernc basis cranii, Miillcr, xxi. t Plaque faciale, Vogt ; Gaumenplatte, Miillcr. f Arises laterales, Vogt ; Fiugel-fors'dize basis eranii, Miillcr. F 4 72 LECTURE IV. The Sand-lance {Ammoccetes) presents a condition of the skull which corresponds with this first appearance of the cartilages in the embryo of higher fishes {fig. 24.). The occipital cartilages extend from the sides of the pointed end of the chorda (ib. ch\ and expand into the acoustic capsules {ib. le) : the sphenoidal arches {ib. 5), encompass the pituitary or hypophysial space (%), now closed by a membrano- cartilaginous plate, and unite anteriorly to form a small vomerine plate {ib. 13), in front of which is the single undivided nasal capsule {ib. 19). The now expanded cerebral end of the neural canal {fig. 25. n) is still defended by fibrous membrane only : but is divided from the vomerine plate {ib. 13), by a backward extension of the nasal sac {ib. 19) to the pituitary vesicle. In the Myxine the acoustic capsules are approximated at the base of the skull, near the end of the chorda : the sphenoidal arches are longer, and unite with the palatine plate and arches, from which are sent off the labial cartilaginous processes supporting the buccal ten- tacles, answering to those in the Lancelot. In the long hypophysial interspace of the sphenoidal arches a more or less firm cartilaginous plate is develojied, from which a slender median process is continued forward to the vomerine or palatine plate, which supports the nasal capsule ; another process extends backwards to the occipital cartilage. Other processes are also sent off from the sides, which form a complex system of peculiarly Myxinoid cartilages.* Li the Lamprey {Petromyzon, fig. 26.) the occipital cartilage is continued backwards, in the form of two slender processes (c), upon 26 the under part of the chorda dorsalis (cA) into the cervical ¥ region. The hypophysial space (Ay) in front of the oc- cipital cartilage remains permanently open, but has been converted into the posterior aperture of the naso-palatine canal. f The sphenoidal arches (s) are very short, ap- proximated towards the middle line ; and the presphenoid and vomerine cartilage (is) is brought back closer to the sphenoidal arches. Two cartilaginous arches (24) Base of skull circumscribe elliptical spaces outside the presphenoid ■(Mufierf. ' appear to represent the pterygoid arches ; but, as in the embryo of higher fishes, are not se- parated from the base of the skull by distinct joints. The basal cartilages, after forming the ear-capsules (16) extend upwards upon the sides of the cranium {fig. 11.), arch over its back part, and leave * See Miiller’s masterly Memoir, “ Ueber die Myxinoiden,” Abliandlung. der Berlin. Akad. 1835, p. 105. tab. iii. ^ f Agassiz (xxii.) describes this aperture as“untrcs petit espece presque circu- lairc (k) dans laquelle est logee Thypophyse du cerveau.” The figure to which his letter (e) refers is copied, like mine, from Muller. THE SICHLL OF FISHES. 73 only its upper and middle pai't membranous, as in tbe human embryo when ossification of the cranium commences. Two broad cartilages {ib. 20, 21) may represent, upon the roof of the infundibular suctorial mouth, the palatine and maxillary bones, and anterior to these there is a labial cartilage {ib. 22) : there are likewise cartilaginous processes ib. r, s) for the support of the large dentigerous tongue, and the attachment of its muscles ; besides the cartilaginous basket, before de- scribed, which supports the modified and perforated homologue of the large respiratory pharynx in the Branchiostoma {fig- 46.). As regards the development of the skull, properly so called, the ordinary course is pursued with very little deviation in the Der- mopterous fishes ; but is arrested at more or less early embryonic stages : yet at each of these, even the earliest, development proceeds in a special direction, to stamp the species with its own distinctive and peculiar character : in the Branchiostoma by the articulated cartilaginous labial arch and its numerous filaments ; and in the pro- per Myxinoids and Lampreys by the formation of the complex system of lateral and labial cartilages ; or by the modification of the palatine, maxillary, and hyoid rudiments, in relation to the suctorial function of the mouth. The more or less cartilaginous skull of the Plagiostomous fishes might be histologically regarded as the transitional step from the Cyclostomous to the Osseous fishes ; but, morphologically, it ofiers a very different type, apparently a simpler one, if compared with the Myxine or Lamprey, but one which in consequence of the progress of development in the direct vertebrate route, more nearly approxi- mates to the type of cranial organisation in the lower forms of Rep- tilia. The Monk-fish {Squatina, — an intermediate form between the Sharks and Rays) affords a good and typical example of the essential characters of the plagiostomous skull. The cranial end of the chorda dorsalis and its capsule are converted into firm granular cartilage ; and this cartilage extends from the prominent median basal ridge, indicative of the primitive place of the chorda, on each side and for- wards so as to constitute an oblong flattened plate forming the whole basis cranii. The posterior margin of this ‘ occipito-sphenoidal ’ plate supports two convex condyles, as in most of the Rays, for arti- culation with the body and parapophyses of the axis.* The lateral margins of the basal cartilage have two notches, the intervening pro- minence representing the primitive sphenoidal arch, here filled up and sending off a rudimental pterygoid process outwards. Just an- • The body of the atlas has coalesced with the basi-occipital, as is indicated by its slender but separate neural arch. The condyloid foramen is just above the outer end of the condyle. 74 LECTURE IV. terior to tlie median ridge there is a small fossa, (in the young Squatina a foramen,) the last trace of the pituitary canal : the basal cartilage then expands to form the lower border of the groove which receives the palatine process or point of suspension of the palato- maxillary arch, and the cartilage then suddenly contracts, and is con- tinued forwards to form the vomerine anterior base of the cranial cavity. The fibro-membranous parietes of this cavity are every where covered with, or converted into, the same firm granular carti- lage as the base, save at the anterior and upper end, where a large fontanelle, closed by the primitive membrane, remains : the cartila- ginous walls are perforated by the exit of the cerebral nerves, and the spinal chord. The cranial cavity is not moulded upon the brain, but is of larger size ; it communicates merely by the nervous and vascular foramina with the acoustic labyrinth, which is buried in the thick lateral cranial cartilage. This insulation of the ear- capsules from the brain-case is a high grade of development common to all the typical Plagiostomes : in the Chimserm the separation is only partial. The large pituitary de- pression, or ‘ sella,’ marked by a ridge across the fioor of the cavity, indicates the compartment between the orbits for the mesencephalon, and in front of this is the wide prosencephalic, or cerebral, compart- ment, which communicates by the two large foramina with the nasal cavities, and, in the dry skull, opens forwards by the wide persistent fontanelle. In the vertical lateral cartilaginous walls of the cranium we recognise the part representing the great ala of the sphenoid by the two perforations answering to the foramina oralia and rotunda for the exit of branches of the fifth pair of nerves. The orbital alo3 of the sphenoid are indicated by the foramina optica ; the part cor- responding to the bones in osseous fishes, called by Cuvier “ frontaux anterieures,” by the olfactory foramina, and by their articulation with the palatine process of the maxillary arch. Two broad and thin car- tilaginous plates, from the upper and anterior walls of the cranium, support anteriorly the nasal sacs, and thence extend backwards and outwards over the sides of the anterior half of the cranium forming the roof of the orbits. Two longitudinal and vertical lidges, which rise from the posterior and lateral cranial parietes, extend outwards at both extremities in the form of strong triedral conical transverse processes. The anterior one forms the post-orbital process ; the pos- terior answers to the mastoid ; between these is a long cavity lodging the temporal muscle, and beneath this the parallel articular cavity for the tympanic pedicle. The extreme point of the mastoid is per- forated by a mucous canal extending to the upper surface of the back part of the skull. The post-orbital processes touch, and some- THE SKULL OF FISHES. 16 times blend with, the supra-orbital plates, and circumscribe vacuities at the sides of the parietal region of tbe cranium. But tbe exterior of the skull is variously and singularly modified in tbe different Plagiostomous genera, development proceeding from tbe advanced cartilaginous stage just described, to establish peculiar plagios- tomous cbaracters, and to adapt tbe individual to its special sphere of existence. The same general confluence of cartilage, which pervades the protecting walls of the brain-case, characterises the appended arches of the cranium. A single strong suspensory pedicle, articulated to the side of the skull beneath the posterior angular (mastoid) pro- cess, has the hyoidean, and partly the mandibular *, arches attached to its lower end, the former by a close joint, the latter by two h'ga- ments. The maxillary arch, in Squatina, is suspended by a ligament from its ascending or palatal process, to the notch between the vomerine and the anterior supra-cranial cartilaginous plate. From this point the jaw is continued in one direction forwards and inwards, completing the arch by meeting its fellow, to which it has a close ligamentous junction ; and in the opposite dii’ection, backwards and outwards, as a coalesced divei’ging appendage to the outer side of the tympanic pedicle, where it forms the more immediate articulation for the lower jaw, or mandibular arch, like the hypo-tympanic continu- ation of the upper maxillary bone in the Batrachia. Each lateral half or ramus consists of a single cartilage, the two being united together at the symphysis by ligament. Two slender labial cartilages are developed on each side the maxil- lary, and one on each side the mandibular arch ; which complete the sides of the mouth. These cartilages Cuvier regarded as rudiments, respectively, of the intermaxillary, maxillary, and dentary bones ; the dentigerous maxillary arch being his palatine bones, and the mandibular arch the articular piece of the lower jaw ; but both palatines and articulars co-exist with labial cartilages, like those of the Squatina, in a Brazilian Torpedo {Narcine), and at the same time with distinct pterygoid cartilages, (xxi. 1835, pi. v. Jig. 3. & 4.) j" Four or five short cartilaginous rays, in Squatina, diverge from tlie posterior margin of the tympanic pedicle, and support a mem- brane answering to the opercular flap in Osseous fishes ; in their ultimate homology these rays are the skeleton of the diverging ap- pendage or limb of the tympano-mandibular arch. * Throughout these Lectures the term '‘mandible” is applied to the lower jaw, and the inverted cranial arch which that jaw completes is called “ mandibular : ” the arch formed by the upper jaw is called “ maxillary.” t It may be questioned wbetber the detached plate, called palatine by Dr. Ilcnlc, be not rather the cnto-iUerygoid. 76 LECTURE IV. The hyoid arch in the Squatina, as in most other Plagiostomes, con- sists of two long and strong lateral pieces or cerato-hyoids {cornua of Anthropotomy), and a median flattened symmetrical piece, the basi- hyoid, {corpus ossis hyoidei) below. Short cartilaginous rays extend outwards from the back part of the cornua, supporting the outer mem- branous wall of the branchial sac : these answer to the branchiostegal rays in osseous fishes, and support the diverging appendage or limb of the hyoidean arch. But the fold of integument in which they project is not libex'ated, and is continuous with that supported by the opercular rays from the tympanic pedicle. Five branchial arches succeed the hyoidean ; but are suspended, as in the Lamprey, from the sides of the anterior vertebrae of the trunk. The Cestracion, so interesting from its early introduction into the seas of this planet, is not so far advanced in cranial development as is the more modern Squatina. In the existing species of the Australian seas {Cestracion Phillipi, v. pi. 10.), the cartilaginous basi-occipital retains a deep conical excavation, adapted to a corresponding one in the atlas, which cavity is consolidated by cartilage in the Squatina ; the original place of the extended anterior end of the chorda, along the middle of the posterior half of the basi-cranial cartilage, continues membranous, and the pituitary perforation is permanently closed by membrane only ; the basal cartilage expands anterior to this, and comes into close connection with the maxillary arch, and is thence continued forwards, contracting to a point between the nasal capsules, which meet at the middle line above the symphysis of the upper jaw. The proper cranial cartilage is thinner than in the Squatina; the anterior or pineal fontanelle forms an extended membranous tract on the upper part of the cranium : the vertical ridges, which rise from the sides of this tract, extend forwards and outwards to support the nasal sacs, and are continued backwards, interrupted by a notch filled by membrane, to the posterior angular processes, which overhang the joint of the maxillo-hyoidean pedicle. The maxillary and mandibular arches are as simple as in the Squatina, but much stronger, since they support a series of massive grinding teeth, as well as pointed ones or laniaries. The rami of the lower jaw are confluent at the symphysis. The Skates and Rays have the skull movably articulated, as in Squatina, by two basilar condyles and an intervening space, to the axis.* The skull is flat and broad ; the upper wall merobranous for a greater or less extent, except in Narcine, where it is closed by • The basi-occipital also affords a small but distinct intermediate surface between the two large condyles in the Zygmna. THE SKULL OP PISHES. rr cartilage. The anterior or vomerine part forms a long pyramidal rostrum, to which are articulated cartilages connecting its extremities with the radial or anterior angles of the enormously developed hand (pectoral fin) : in the space between the skull and those fins, the Torpedo carries its electric batteries. The tympanic pedicles are short and thick ; the maxillary and mandibular arches long and wide, stretching transversely across the under part of the head. In the ordinary Sharks the anterior prolongation of the cranial cavity gives a quite anterior position, and almost vertical plane, to the fontaneUe : three columnar rostral cartilages are produced, two from above, and one from between the nasal cavities, which processes converge and coalesce to form the framework of a kind of cut-water, at the fore-part of the skull. In the place of articular condyles, pro- cesses extend backwards from each side of the occipital foramen and clasp, as it were, the bodies of three or four anterior vertebrae of the trunk. The pterygoidean arches extend outwards, in Carcharias, from the base of the cranium, but, as in embryo osseous fishes, are confluent therewith at both ends. The maxillary arch, suspended near its closed anterior extremity to the vomerine part of the base of the skull, is thence extended backwards to the articulation of the lower jaw. A simple cartilaginous pedicle forms the upper part (pleurapophysis) of the mandibular arch, which is completed below by the lower jaw. A few cartilaginous rays diverge outwards and backwards from the pedicle, and support a small opercular flap or fin. The hyoid arch consists of a basi-hyoid and two simple cerato- hyoid cartilages ; the stylo-hyoid is ligamentous, as in the Squatina. Short cartilaginous rays diverge from the cerato-hyoid to support the branchiostegal membrane, or hyoid fin. The scapular arch, which we shall find normally articulated with the occiput in osseous fishes, is attached thereto, at a little distance behind the head, by ligament and muscles in the sharks : from this arch, also, cartilaginous rays immediately diverge for the support of a radiated appendage or fin ; the third in the series counting backwards from the tympanic or opercular fin. The capsules of the special organs of sense are all cartilaginous : that of the ear is involved in the lateral walls of the cranium ; that of the eye is articulated by a cartilaginous pedicle with the orbit ; and the olfactory sacs are over-arched by the nasal processes of the epicranial cartilage. Amongst the stranger forms in which special development radiates, in diverging from that stage of the common vertebrate route attained by the Plagiostomes, may be noticed the lateral transverse elongations of the orbital processes, supporting the eyo-baUs at their extremity. 78 LECTURE IV. and giving the peculiar form to the skull of certain Sharks, thence called “ Hammer-headed” {Zygcena). In the Eagle-ray {Myliohates) a cartilage is attached to the anterior prolonged • angle of the great pectoral fin, and connects it with the fore-part of the cranial (inter- nasal) cartilage ; it supports a number of branched and j ointed car- tilaginous rays, which project forwards, and are connected at the middle line with a like series from the opposite side of the head ; they maybe regarded as. pai’tial dismemberments of the great pectorals; and in Rhinoptera Braziliensis their supporting cartilage is directly continued from that of the pectoral fins, though it is closely attached to the fore-part of the head. These form what Miiller has termed “ cranial fins but the parts more properly meriting that name are the opercular and branchiostegal appendages of the tympanic and hyoidean arches. Having traced in the examples of cartilaginous fishes selected for demonstration, the progressive steps by which the typical features of the ichthyic skull are modelled, as by the hand of the sculptor, in the yielding gristle, we have next to consider them with their leading varieties, as they are permanently wrought out in hard bone. We saw that the base of the skull was first formed by the anterior prolongation of the gelatinous chorda dorsalis, and that the cranial cavity resulted from the extension of the membrane from the fibrous sheath of the gelatinous chorda over the anterior end of the nervous axis. We saw next the superaddition of special capsules for the organs of sense ; and then the cartilaginous tissue developed from the basis cranii, according to a pattern common to the lowest forms of the class, and to the embryos of the higher forms which the Cy- clostomes permanently represent. We saw the cartilaginous tissue acquiring a firmer texture, hardened by superficial osseous grains, or tesserae, mounting higher upon the lateral and ujiper walls of the cranium, and at length entirely defending it : and we then also re- cognised the maxillary, mandibular, and hyoidean arches, established in a firm cartilaginous material, and on a recognisable ichthyic type. We have next to trace the course and the forms under which the osseous material is superadded to, or substituted for, the primitive cartilaginous material of the skull in osseous fishes ; and the I’emark- able transitional genus Lepidosiren, whose organisation I first made known under the name of Protopterus (xxxiii.), offers the most natural and instructive passage in the shape and structure of its skull, between the gristly and the bony fishes. In the Lepidosiren ossification of the cranial end of the chorda dorsalis extends along the under and lateral part of its sheath, back- wards to beneath the atlas and axis {fig. 27. i), the posterior slightly THE SKULL OF FISHES. 79 expanded end of this ossified part supporting, as in the Squatina, the neurapophyses of the atlas {fig. 28. ii), the bases of which expand and meet above that end of the ossified chorda and below the spinal Skeleton of Lepidosiren annectens. canal. Ossification of the fibrous sheath of the chorda, commencing posteriorly at its under part (ib. b), ascends upon the sides as it advances forwards, and incloses it above, where it supports the me- dulla oblongata, and the lateral bony plates (neurapophyses) called 28 ex-occipitals {ib. 2) ; leaving behind a wide oblique concavity lodging the anterior unossified end of the ‘chorda,’ which does not extend further upon the ‘ basis cranii.’ The ex-occipitals {fig. 27, 28. 2, 2), Atlas and expand as they ascend and converge to meet above occipital vertebra, i,.,, a Lepidosiren. the loramen magnum which they complete. A small mass of cartilage connects their upper ends with each other, and with the overhanging backward projecting point of the fronto- occipital spine {ib. 3). This cartilaginous mass answers to the base of the supra-occipital in better ossified fishes : a similar cartilage connects the ex-occipitals with the occipital spine in the Tetrodon. We clearly perceive in the Lepidosiren that ossification, advancing on the common cartilaginous mould of the plagiostomous skull, has marked out the posterior cranial vertebra, and not only its neura- pophyses but also its centrum ; the neural spine being left in a less com- pletely ossified state than in the vertebree of the trunk. The occipital pleurapophyses (scapulte, fig. 27. 5i) are much more developed, and appear as two strong, bony, styliform appendages, articulated by a synovial capsule and joint, one on each side, to the persistent carti- laginous base of the neurapophyses (ex-occipitals), and partly to the centrum or basi-occipital. To the lower and less expanded ends of the pleurapophyses are attached the extremities of the hcemapo- physes (coracoids, fig. 27. 52) ; and thus is completed the hosmal arch of the occipital vertebra, here unusually developed in relation to its office of protecting the heart and pericardium : the haimapophyses or coracoids belong to the same category of vertebral elements as the sternal ribs which protect the heart in higher Vertebrata. The costal ,or haemal arch of the occipital vertebra of the Lepidosiren supports an appendage {fig. 27. 67), projecting outwards and backwards like 80 LECTURE IV. tlie simple diverging ajipendages to the abdominal pleurapophyses of better ossified fishes, and like the costal appendages in the thorax of birds ; but it is here cartilaginous, and consists of many segments. It forms in fact the rudiment (a solitary ray) of the pectoral fin ; it IS the key to the homology of the anterior or upper limbs of the higher Vertebrata, showing them to be appendages of the liEemal arch (usually called scapular) of the occipital or posterior cranial vertebra. In the second (parietal) and third (frontal) cranial vertebrie, ossi- fication extends along the basal and along the spinal elements, but not into the neural pr lateral elements ; these remain cartilaginous in continuation with the cartilage surrounding the large capsule of the internal ear. The basal ossification, representing at its posterior end the body of the atlas and the basi-occipital, expands as it advances along the base of the skull in the situation of the sphenoids, consti- tuting the floor of the cerebral chamber, supporting the medulla oblongata, the hypophysis, the crura and lobes of the cerebrum, and terminating a little in advance of the olfactory lobes by a broad transverse margin, bounding a triangular space left between it and the converging palatine arches, which space is filled by cartilage representing the vomer. The occipital part of this basi-cranial bone may be defined by a slight transverse depression, where also termi- nates a median longitudinal groove, traversing the under part of the thus defined occipital portion of the bone ; and indicating, like the corresponding membranous fissure in Cestracion, the primitive place of the cranial end of the chorda. The expanded sides, originally arches of the cartilaginous portion, bend down to abut against the bases of the pterygoid plates. In this expansion of the basi-sphenoid the Lepidosiren resembles the Plagiostomes and also the Batrachian Reptiles. Two ridges rise from the upper surface of the occipito-sphenoidal plate, near its outer margin, and support the cartilaginous lateral walls of the cranium. The cranial cavity is defended above by a longitudinal bony roof (y?y. 27. 3, 7, li), nearly co- extensive with the bony floor beneath ; the roof commences behind by the spine or point which overhangs the ex-occipitals, gradually expands as it advances, resting upon the cartilaginous walls of the cranium, is then suddenly contracted, and is united anteriorly by fibrous ligament to the ascend- ing process of the palato -maxillary arch, and to the base of the nasal plate. A strong sharp crest or spine rises from above the whole of the middle line of the cranial roof-bone, which may be regarded as representing the mid-frontal, the parietal, and supra-occipital bones, or, in more general terms, the neural spines of the three cranial vertebra} : but this supra-cranial bone not only covers the medulla THE SKULL OF FISHES. 81 oblongata, cerebellum, optic lobes, pineal sac, and cerebral hemi- spheres, but also the olfactory lobes. The lateral cartilaginous walls of the cranium are continued forwards from the acoustic capsule between the basal and superior osseous plates : the part perforated by the fifth pair of nerves, and protecting the side of the optic lobes, represents the great ala of the sphenoid : the next portion in advance, protecting the sides of the cerebral hemispheres and perforated by the optic nerve, answers to the orbital ala of the anterior sphenoid : and the cartilage terminates by a part which is perforated by the olfactory nerve, and which abuts laterally against the ascending or palatine process of the maxillary arch. The outward extension of the lateral cartilages of the cranium downwards, in the form of a broad triangidar plate, the apex of which forms the articulation for the lower jaw, is like that which we see in the ChimEera ; but ossification has extended along two tracts, which converge as they descend, one 26. 2s) from behind to the outer, the other {ih. 23) from before to the inner side of the carti- laginous maxillary joint, which these bony plates strengthen and support like the backs of a book. The posterior of these bony arches is obviously the homologue of the tymjjanic pedicle in the Squatina : the anterior bony arch as plainly answers to the pterygoid buttress in osseous fishes ; but it is here confluent with the coalesced palatine and superior maxillary bones, the dentigerous part of which extends outwards, downwards, and backwards {Jig- 29. 2i), but does not 29. reach, as in the Sharks and Rays, the mandibular joint. From the upper part of the palato-maxillary portion a compressed sharp process (ib. 20) ascends obliquely backwards, and terminates in a point : the Cranial spines .and . . , „ , . • , , i . upperjaw of Lrpi- inner Side 01 this process is closely attached by liga- ment to the fore and outer part of the frontal por- tion of the epicranial bone (ib. 11) ; the outer side of the process is ex- cavated for the reception of the outer and anterior process of the remarkable bone, which in my Memoir (xxxili. p. 334.) I have compared with the post-frontal bone. This bone (Jig. 27. 12), in con- nection with the ascending process of the maxillary (ib. 20), forms the upper part of the orbit, and behind this connection it sends out the post-orbital process, beyond which it extends backwards, freely over- hanging the fronto-occipital, and gradually decreasing to a point, which terminates just above the occipital spine, in the position of the mas- toid, in bony fishes, and giving attachment to the anterior end of the great dorso-lateral muscles of the trunk. This bone is flat above like a scale, and from its superficial position might be classed, like the similar G VOL. II. 82 LECTURE IV. bones which project freely backwards from the occiput of theFistularia, with the dermal skeleton : the strong temporal muscle is attached to the two surfaces, divided by the ridge on its inferior part: it is movable up and down upon its anterior ligamentous union. In its relative position and functions, it combines the characters of post- frontal and mastoid ; and, since the basilar elements of these cranial vertebrm are confluent, and their spinal elements also form one piece, {fi9’ 29. 4, ii), we may here also have an example of a similar con- fluence of the parapophyses of two distinct vertebras. The mid- frontal {ih. 11 ) constitutes the anterior part of the epicranial bone, which is connected with the post-frontal and the cartilage perforated by the olfactory nerves and representing the pre-frontals. A more remarkable and less easily determinable bone is that tri- angular horizontal plate {ih. 15), the broad posterior base of which is attached by ligament to the mid-frontal, to the post-frontal, and to the pre-frontal processes of the palato-maxillary arch ; whilst the apex forms the anterior extremity of the cranium, and supports at its under part two vertical sharp-pointed teeth. I originally compared it to the combined nasal and intermaxillary bones ; but I now regard the cranial structure of the Murcenidce, in which the intermaxillaries are absent, and the nasal bone dentigerous, as giving the true key to the special homology of the bone in question. This nasal bone is movable, up and down, upon its basal joint, and reminds one of the similarly movable and attached appendage in the Callorhynchus, the free end or apex of which is beset at its under part with several small teeth. The triangular vomerine, or prefronto-vomerine, cartilage closes the anterior and under part of the cranial cavity, and supports the origins of the olfactory nerves, which perforate it in their passage to the cartilaginous nasal capsules. Each ramus of the lower jaw {fig. 27. 32) is composed of an articular and a dentary piece, the latter anchylosed together at the symphysis, and completing the inverted tympauo-mandibular arch. The articular piece is a simple slender plate, strengthening the outer part of the articular concavity of the jaw, and closing the outer groove of the dentary, along which it is continued forwards to near the symphysis, where it ends in a point. The articular trochlea is formed by a persistent cartilage, which penetrates the cavity in the dentai’y, escapes from the fore-part of the groove on the outer surface of the dentary, and joins its fellow, in a small cartilaginous mass, which Alls the hollow in front of the symphysis. The dentary piece lias the notched and trcncliant dentinal plate anchylosed to it, and sends up a strong coronoid process. THE SKULL OF FISHES. 83 Behind the tympanic pedicle is the pre-opercular bone {fig. 27. 34), elongated, pointed at both ends, triedral, with the outer sur- face concave : its lower two-thirds is attached by ligament to the mandibular or tympanic pedicle. Behind and below this is an in- equilateral triangular bone {ib. 37) closely attached by ligament to the expanded cranial end of the hyoidean arch : this I originally described as the styloid bone ; it may be the homologue of the inter- opercular.* Only a single ‘ cerato-hyoid’ {ih. 4o) is ossified on each side : they complete the arch by the ligamentous junction of their lower extre- mities, having no intervening basi-hyal : their upper expanded ends are suspended by a short ligamentous mass to the cartilage imme- diately behind the tympanic pedicle. The capsules of the organs of sense are of nearly equal size ; the eye is the smallest ; the nose the largest. The acoustic capsules are principally buried in the lateral cartilages of the skull ; but one of the otolithes protrudes through a moderately wide hole into the cranial cavity. The eye-ball occupies the space between the pre- and post- frontals above, and the outward prolongation of the maxillary below; its capsule, the sclerotic, is cartilaginous. The nasal capsules {ih. 19) are also cartilaginous, with vertical slits closed by membrane ; they are situated on each side and below the nasal plate. You may perhaps think that I have been biased by the extrinsic interest of personal discovery, in dwelling so long upon the cranial structure of the Lepidosiren ; but I persuade myself that the actual value and intrinsic importance of this remarkable type of Ichthyic organisation, will justify the time and attention we have been be- stowing upon it. The skeleton of the Lepidosiren affords the right key to the complexities of those of the typical and better ossified fishes. I believe it to manifest, upon the whole, the highest grade which is attained in the class of Fishes, in the direct pi’ogress to perfection, or, in what may be termed the Vertebrate high road. The true or typical osseous fishes deviate from this road into bye- paths of their own, and superadd endless complexities of which we shall seek in vain for homologous parts in Reptiles, Birds, or Mammals. Therefore it is, that, on the whole, the Lepidosiren’s skeleton presents the closest resemblance to that of the lowest class of Reptiles, though it differs therefi’om both by a little less and a little more development: the vertebral centres of the trunk, for ex- ample, have not risen above the embryonic state of soft conllucnce ; but secondary spines have been superadded to the neural and hannal Agassiz regards the pre-opereiilar in lislics as the lioinologiic of the styloid. a 2 84 LECTURE IV. spines ; a post-frontal extends, like a bony scale, above the roof of the cranium, and over the strong temporal muscles, which are at- tached to the inner surface of that bone, as to an exo-skeleton ; and one or two opercular bones are superadded behind the simple pe- dicle of the jaw. But the single concave surface presented by the basi-occipital to the vertebrte of the trunk, the lower transverse pro- cesses {parapoj)hyses) of the abdominal vertebr®, and the articulation of the scapulo-coracoid arch to its proper cranial vertebra, afford unequivocal evidence that the Lepidosiren is a true Fish. LECTURE V. THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. Having noticed the principal facts in the development of the skull in the embryo of an Osseous Fish, and the several stages at which that development is arrested, or diverted to acquire special modifications, in the Cartilaginous Fishes ; and having dwelt more particularly on the instructive semiosseous, semicartilaginous skull of the Lepi- dosiren, I proceed, in the present Lecture, to the demonstration of the complex skull of the Osseous Fishes, which constitute the great bulk and the typical members of the class ; and, for that purpose, I shall take one of our largest and most common species — the Cod-fish (^Gadus Morrhua) — in which you may easily repeat the observations and test the conclusions about to be submitted to you. In describing the general form and composition of this skull, according to my views of the homologies of its constituent bones, I shall also indicate the most instructive and remarkable modifications of the skull in other Osseous Fishes, and notice those which, stopping short of the acqui- sition of the most characteristic features of the fish’s skull, lead more directly to the cranial type of higher Vertebrata. The head is larger in proportion to the trunk in Fishes than in any other class of animals ; it forms a cone ivhose base is vertical, directed backwards and joined to the trunk without an intervening neck, and the sides three in number, one superior and two lateral and converging downwards : the cone is shorter or longer, more or less compressed, more or less depressed, with a sharper or blunter apex, in different species. The base of the skull is perforated by the foramen THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 85 magnum ; the apex is more or less widely and deeply cleft trans- versely by the aperture of the mouth ; the orbits are lateral, large, and usually communicating freely with one another ; and there are also two lateral fissures behind, called gill-apertures, with a mecha- nism for opening and closing them. The mouth receives not only the food, but also the streams of water for respiration, which escape by the opercular or gill-apertures. The head contains not only the brain and organs of sense, but likewise the heart and the whole re- spiratory apparatus. The inferior, inverted, hiemal protecting arches are greatly developed accordingly, and their diverging or radiated appendages support membranes re-acting upon the surrounding fluid, and more or less employed in locomotion : one pair, in fact, is the homo- logue of the pectoral extremities in higher Vertebrata, nnd the sus- taining (scapular) arch frequently also supports the homologues of the pelvic extremities. Thus jaws and tongue, heart and gills, arms and legs, may all belong to the head ; and the disproportionate size of the skull, and its firm attachment to the trunk, required by these functions, are precisely the conditions most favourable for facilitating the movements of the fish through its native element. It may well be conceived, then, that more numerous bones enter into the formation of the skeleton of the head of Fishes, than of any other animals. Most of these bones present the squamous character and mode of union, being flattened, thinned off, and overlapping one another like scales ; and although the skull, as a whole, has less mo- bility on the trunk than in higher animals, more of the component bones enjoy independent movements. The principal cavities, which are formed by this assemblage of bones, are, the ‘ cranium,’ lodging the brain and organs of hearing ; the ‘ orbital’ and the ‘ nasal’ fosso3 ; the ‘ buccal’ and the ‘ branchial’ canals. Few of these cavities are well defined, and in no class of animals is the exterior of the skull so broken by irregular depressions and prominent spines and protuberances. The upper surface of the cranium is commonly traversed by five longitudinal crests, inter- cepting four channels : the principal crest is the median one, formed by the frontal and occipital bones {Jig. 19. 3); next to this is the pair formed by the parietals {ib. 7) and par-occipitals ; and the lateral pair of crests is formed by the post-frontals and mastoids {ih. 12, 8) : the intervening depressions lodge the anterior origins of the great muscles of the back and of the scapular arch : very rarely do tlie temporal muscles extend their attachments (as in the Conger, Lepidosiren and Symbranchus) to the upper surface of the 'cranium. The upper boi’der of the orbit sometimes sends off strong G 3 86 LECTURE V. angulai* processes ; the lower border of the orbit, when present, projects freely downwai'ds ; and the posterior border of the bony operculum is often produced backwards in the form of spines. It would seem ah almost hopeless task to attempt to arrange naturally and determine satisfactoinly the numerous bones of this most complex part of the skeleton of Fishes, so as to convey as clear and tenable a knowledge of them as the Anthropotomist does of the human skull : we need but glance, indeed, at the labours which Com- parative Anatomists of the highest merit have bestowed on the cra- niology of Fishes, in order to. appreciate its difficulty, and at the same time its importance. By these labours, however, of which the best summary will be found in Cuvier’s great work on Recent Fishes (xxiii. t. i.), and in Agassiz’s most valuable and original Histoxy of Fossil Fishes* (xxii.), not only has the descriptive osteology of the head of Fishes been rendered as complete and minute as that of the human skull, but it may be truly avei’red to be more intelligible, more philosophical, more agreeable with the natural arrangement and true signification of the series of bones of which that complex part of the skeleton is composed. It must be confessed that, in this respect, Ichthyotomy, as true anatomical science, is at present in ad- vance of Anthropotomy. After an attentive study of the original authors in this field of Anatomy, testing their extensive series of compai'isons of the per- manent forms of the skull in the higher Vertebrate classes, and the transitory foetal conditions of each, with the results of my own ob- servations, I have been led to the following view of the craniology of Fishes. The bones of the skull are primarily divided, in Anthi-opotomy, into those of the cranium and those of the face ; but the propoitions which these divisions bear to each other in Man are revei'sed in Fishes. According to this binary classification, the facial seides in Fishes includes an extensive system of bones — the hyoid — of which part only, viz. the ‘ styloid element,’ is admitted into the skull by the Anthropotomist, who describes it as a process of the ‘ temporal bone.’ This very ‘ temporal,’ moreover, is originally and essentially an assemblage of bones, which are always distinct in Fishes and Reptiles ; and the squamous part, which enters so largely into the * The general results of the study of the skull of Fishes are briefly but clearly given in the recent compcndiums of Comparative Anatomy, by Dp Cams (xxxiv.), Prof. Grant (xxviii.), Prof, llymer Jones (xxix.), and Dr. Kdstlin (xxxy.). The generally accepted views of the classification and homolog.es of the cranial bones are those adopted in the very useful “ Elements of the Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrate Animals,” by the learned Gottingen Profc.ssor (Wagner), ably translated by Mr. Tulk (Longmans, 8vo. 184.5). THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 87 formation of the cranial cavity of man and most Mammals, has no share in its formation in the lower Vertebrata. The two classes of cranial and facial bones, having been originally founded upon the exclusive study of the most peculiarly and ex- tremely modified skull in the whole Vertebrate series — that of Man, — their characters, as might be expected, are artificial, and applicable to the same bones in only a small proportion of the V ertebrata ; the unity of the plan pervading the oi’ganisation of which it is the business of the Anatomist, properly so called, to demonstrate. The bones of the skull of Fishes are primarily divisible into those of A. Neuro-skeleton ; B. Splanchno-skeleton ; c. Dermo-skeleton. A. The bones of the neuro- or proper endo-skeleton are arranged here, as in the rest of the body, in a series of horizontally succeeding segments ; each segment consisting of an upper (neural) and a lower (haemal) arch, with a common centre, and with diverging appendages. As the bones, respectively entering into the formation of these seg- ments, are the same in relative position, and nearly the same in number, as in the typical vertebrm of the trunk — the excess arising from subdivision of peripheral elements — the same term ought to be extended to those cranial segments which has been usually restricted Uis.irticulatcd bones of the cranial vertebra: and sense-capsules, [the ha:mal arches (n, n) and appendages in diagrammatic outline,] Cod-fisli, Gadtis Morr/ma. G 4 88 LECTUllE V. to their neural arches, in which the typical characters of the vertebra are least departed from. The vertebrae of the head are usually enumerated in a direction contrary to those of the trunk, because, like the vertebras of the tail, they lose their typical character as they recede from the com- mon centre.* The names of the cranial vertebrse are taken from those applied in Anthropotomy to the bones composing their neural spines, and the names of the neural arches from the significant terms lately given (xxn. t. i. p. 145.), to the primaiy segments of the brain, which they respectively protect. Each cranial vertebra, or natural segment of the skull, is divided into a neural arch, with which the centrum and parapophyses are always more immediately connected, and a hcemal arch with its appendages. The neural arches are : — Nos. of component bones in the Cuts. I. Epencephalic arch (1, 2, 3, 4); II. Mesencephalic arch (5 to 8) ; III. Prosencephalic arch (9 — 12); IV. Rhinencephalic arch (13 — 15), The hasmal arches are : — i. Scapular, or scapulo-coracoid (50 to 52) ; ii. Hyoid, or stylo-hyoid (25, 38 to 43); iii. Mandibular, or tympano-mandibular (25 — 32) ; iv. Maxillary, or palato-maxillary (20 — 22). The appendages of the hasmal arches are : — 1. The Pectoral (54 to 57) ; 2. The Branchiostegal (44) ; 3. The Opercular (34 — 37) ; 4. The Pterygoid (23, 24). B. The bones of the splanchno-skeleton constitute : — The ear-capsule or petrosal, and otolite (16, 16"); The eye-capsule or sclerotic, and pedicle (17) ; The nose-capsule or aethmoid, and turbinal (18, 19) ; The branchial arches (45 — 49). ♦ We find the leading condition of these terminal modifications of the vertebral column in the fact, that the contained nervous axis shrinks and recedes centripctally at both ends. THIO SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 89 c. The bones of the dermo-skeleton are : — Nos. of bones. Supra-temporals Supra-orbitals Sub-orbitals Labials - - 71 - 72 73, 73' - 74* SUPEKIOR (neural) ARCHES OF THE CR^tNIAL VERTEBRAE. The first series of enclo-skeletal bones constitutes the axis or back- bone of the skull, as the rest of the vertebral neural arches do that of the trunk ; and it includes and protects the encephalon or anterior expanded extremity of the great nervous axis. The under and upper parts of the annular segments are commonly formed by single and symmetrical bones, as in the vertebral axis of the trunk ; but sometimes, even in the present low class, the expansion of the cranial cavity is accompanied, not only by a transverse development, but also by a median division of the upper piece or key-bone of one or more of the protecting arches. Though subject to various degrees of anchylosis, the cranial ver- tebras always accord in number with the primary ganglions or divi- sions of the encephalon in Fishes. For the better understanding of this important relation, I may premise that the brain of Fishes con- sists of four primary divisions succeeding each other in a linear series horizontally, which, viewed from behind forwards, are : — 1. The medulla oblongata, with the superimposed cerebellum, or the ‘ epencephalon.’ 2. The third ventricle, with its upper (pineal) and lower (hypo- physial) prolongations, and the superimposed optic lobes, or the ‘ mesencephalon.’ 3. The cerebrum proper, or ‘ prosencephalon.’ 4. The olfactory ganglionic or chord-like prolongation of the cerebrum, or ‘ rhinencephalon.’ In most osseous fishes, as in this disarticulated skull of the Cod ( Gadus Morrhua), the bones encompassing, or in vertebral relation with, the epencephalon are six in number (»/. 30. and y?f/. 31. i.). In the human skull the only bones that can, with any probability, be referred to the dermal system arc the ‘lachrymal.’ The splanchnic system is reduced to the capsules of the organs of sense, of which only those of the car and nose arc ossified. The endo-skcletal bones form the same number of neural and hicmal j arches as in the fish, but that of the occipital vertebra is far removed from its cen- trum, and neither the mandibular nor hyoidean arches retain diverging appendages. 90 LECTURE V. The first and lowest, called ba si-occipital {ih. i) is a short, sti ong, siib-rliomboidal bone, sub-cylindi'ical and truncate posteriorly, where it is excavated to form the articular cavity, united by a jelly-filled capsule with the corresponding hollow cone on the fore- part of the body of the atlas; the anterior pointed end of the basi-occipital is wedged into the basi-sphenoid, fitting and filling up the deep posterior cleft of that bone. The basi-occipital supports the ‘ oblong prolonga- tion,’ of the spinal chord in the skull ; and on each side offers a rough articular surface for sutural union with two lateral bones, the Disarticulated epencephalic _ ••ii r -i „ ii-i i-, arch, viewed from behind : CX-OCCipitalS \10^ 2, 2); behind which the Gadus Morrhua. i • • i i i* • basi-occipital, also, sometimes receives the anteriorly projecting base of the neural arch of the atlas, which, in the Cod, is wedged into the posterior angle between the basi- and ex-occipitals, and is firmly united to them by broad sutural surfaces. The articular cup for the atlas varies from the deep conical excavation seen in the Carp, to the almost flat surface in the Holibut ; it is ex- tremely rare to find, as in the Fistularia, the basi-occipital presenting a convex surface for articulation with the body of the atlas. In many fishes the under part of the basi-occipital is expanded and excavated ; in the Carp the under surface of this part forms a broad triangular plate, which supports the large upper pharyngeal grinding tooth f ; in the bony Gar-fish {Lepidosteus) the basi-occipital developes two plates from its upper and outer angles, w^hich complete the foramen magnum and support the ex-occipitals above. The ex-occipitals (neurapophyses of the occipital vertebra, ih. Q, 2) present, in the Cod, the form of oblong, sub-quadrate bones, thick, and with two rough deeply indented articular surfaces below, but expanded and produced outwards above ; they encircle the epen- cephalon, over-arching and often meeting above it, and completing the contour of the foramen magnum. They are perforated for the jjassage of the nervi vagi, sometimes for the first spinal or hypoglossal nerve ; the foramina being unusually large in the Carp- * The synonymes and corresponding numbers and letters of the bones of the skull are given in the tabular conspectus appended to this Lecture ; the numbers of the bones in the text correspond in each of the figures. ■f Dentigerous processes are developed from the under part of the cervical verte- bral centres in the Coluber scaher of Linna;us. THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 91 tribe (fig. 35. 2), where they relate also to the connection of the air- bladder with the organ of hearing, by means of the ossicles ot, 5, c, rf, and e. The ex-occipitals are immovably articulated in the Cod, below with the basi-occipital, behind with the neurapophyses of the atlas, above with the- supra-occipital and the par-occipitals, and in fi'ont with the petrous bones, or acoustic capsules, intercalated between them and the alisphenoids. In a few fishes (e. g. Fistularia') the ex- occipitals send backwards articular processes modified to allow a slight movement upon the corresponding anterior articular processes of the neurapophyses of the atlas. Like these elements of the ordinary vertebro3 of some fishes (e. g. Lepidosiren, Thynnus, Xyphias), the bases of the ex-occipitals expand, approximate, and in most osseous fishes, meet upon the upper surface of the basi-occipital, and imme- diately support the medulla oblongata ; but sometimes a space is left between them, which is filled up by the basi-occipital *, and in Lepid- osteus, as I have just observed, the basi-occipital protects the whole epencephalon. The supra-occipital (spine of the occipital vertebra, 30 & 31. 3), of an elongated rhomboidal form in the Cod, triangular in the Carp, is articulated by an inferior cellulo-sutural surface, with the summits of the ex-occipitals and the mesial angles of the par-occipitals, com- pleting the circle or forming the key-stone of the neural arch : it usually sends upwards and backwards a strong compressed spine from the whole extent of the middle line, and a transverse ‘ supra-occi- pital ’ ridge outwards from each side of the base of the spine, to the external angles of the bone. In most fishes this bone advances for- wards and joins the frontal, pushing aside as it were the parietals : in Balistes, the produced part of the supra-occipital is even wedged into the hinder half of the frontal suture. In the Carp, on the contrary, the anterior angle of the supra-occipital is truncated, forming the base of the triangle, and is articulated by a lambdoidal suture to the parietal bones, {fig. 35. 7), which here meet at the mid-line of the skull, and the upper part of the occipital spine is low and fiattened. The supra-occipital is also separated from the frontal by the parietals, in the Salmonoid, Clupeoid, Muraenoid, and Salamandi’oid fishes {Lcpid- osteus, Polypterus), and is itself divided, in Lejndosteus, by a median suture ; these modifications tell strongly against extending the homo- • M. Agassiz, who has noticed a similar interspace between the summits of the ex-occipitals, as well as between tbe par-occipitals and sur-occipital above, observes, “ On dirait alors qu’une large fente mediane entnme tout I’occiput.” (Poissons Fossiles, i. p. 118.) But this could only be affirmed correctly, if the basi-occipital pvere likewise divided, and separated along the median line, of which I know not any exam])lc. 92 I.ECTUUE V. logy of the supra-occipital with the supernumerary ‘ interparietal ’ bone of Mammals, beyond the anteriorly produced portion, whicli, however, is not developed from a separate centre in Fishes. When the skull is much compressed, the occipital spine is usually very lofty, and in the Light-horse-man fish {Ephippus), expands above its origin into a thick crest of bone, giving the skull the appearance of a helmet ; but in low fiattened skulls the spine is much reduced, projecting merely backwards in the Pike and Salmon, and being sometimes obsolete, as in the Remora ; in a few instances the broad posterior pai't of the supra-occipital ax’ticulates with the neural arch and spine of the atlas, and sometimes on the other hand, e. g. in the Holibut, the entire bone is pushed by the par-occipitals upon the upper surface of the skull, where it manifests the loss of symme- li’y by the absence of the expanded plate on the left side of the spine, which immediately articulates with the left paidetal. The par-occipitals (par-apophyses of the occipital vertebra, fig. 30 and 31.4, 4), are always wedged into the angles between the ex- and supra-occipitals : they are of a sub-rhomboidal or conical form, with the base towards the cranial cavity and the apex turned outwards and backwards. The outer surface, in the Cod, is traversed obliquely by a prominent ridge, ending at the lower and hinder projecting angle : in the Carp the process is short, and comes from the middle of the outer surface. In broad and depressed skulls the par-occipital forms a strong crest, and exceeds the ex-occipital in size : in narrow and deep skulls the proportions of these bones are commonly reversed, and the par-occipitals sometimes disappear ; but in Ephippus, they are as large as the ex-occipitals. In the Shad the par-occipitals unite with the mastoids almost as in the Chelonia : and in the Poly- pterus they become anchylosed to the ex-occipitals, as in Batrachian Reptiles. In Synodus, Callichthys, and Heterobranchus, the par-occipital is visible only at the back part, not at the upper part of the skull. The inner surface of the par-occipital, like that of the ex-occipital, is excavated for the lodgment of part of the posterior and exter- nal semicircular canal of the enormous internal organ of hearing in Fishes. The outer projecting process sujxports the upper fork of the first piece of the scapular arch, sometimes, as in Ephippus, by a distinct articular cavity. The parts of the occipital vertebra are those which are commonly in Fishes the most completely ossified at the expense of their primitive cartilaginoxis basis, and, in the Poly- pterus, they become anchylosed into one piece, like the occipital THE SKULE OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 93 bone of Antliropotomy. All the parts of the occipital vertebra are developed from or ossified in the pre-existing cartilaginous cranium. The second ring of bones, or that which encircles the mesencepha- lon, includes the ‘ basi-sphenoid,’ the ‘ ali-sphenoids,’ the ‘ parietals,’ and the ‘ mastoids ’ 30. ir. & fig. 32.). The hasi-sphenoid (centrum of mesencephalic vertebra, ib. 5), is ' always connate with the pre-sphenoid, {ib. 9), forming with it a long subtriedal bone (basi -pre-sphenoid*), usually bifurcate posteriorly, and more or less expanded beneath the cranial cavity ; it is then continued for- wards (sometimes after sending out a pair of lateral processes, as in the Perch, more commonly without such processes) along the base of the in- ter-orbital space to near the fore-part of the roof of the mouth : its pos- tebra, viewed from behind : Gadus Morr/iua. , • , tenor extremity is joined by a squa- mous suture, as in Diodon, to the basi-occipital ; or more commonly, as in the Cod, is firmly wedged by a kind of double gomphosis into the basi-occipital : its expanded part supports the petrosals and ali- sphenoids : the pre-sphenoidal prolongation (9) articulates with the or- bito-sphenoids and the ethmoid, when this is ossified, and it terminates forwards by a cavity receiving the pointed end of the vomer. It is this portion of the basi-pre-sphenoid which manifests the loss of sym- metry in the flat fishes {Pleuronectidce), being twisted up to one side of the skull. The basi-pre-sphenoid varies in form with that of the head in general, being longest and narrowest in long and narrow skulls, and the converse ; the whole of its upper surface is commonly rough for articulation with the petrosals and ali sphenoids ; rarely does any portion enter into the direct formation of the cranial cavity, and then, perhaps, e. g. in the Cod, a small surface may support the pituitary sac. When it enters more largely into the formation of the floor of Disarticulated neural arch of parietal ver- * The ossification of the basi-pre-sphenoid proceeds from a common centre ; but this does not invalidate its general homology with the bodies of the second and third cranial vertebra?, as manifested by tlieir neurapophyses (alisphenoids and orbito- sphenoids) and spines (parietal and frontal), any more than the ossification from a single centre of the common supporting bifurcate bone of the neural and hatmal spines of the caudal fin disproves the inference that that single bone represents the coalesced bodies of the terminal vertebrae to which those spines belong. The ])ar- tially united radius and ulna of the frog are ossified from a common centre at their coalesced proximal ends. 94- LECTURE V. the cranial cavity, it usually sends upwards a little process on each side ; or, as in Fistularia, a transverse ridge. The basi-sphenoid is smooth below, where it is usually flattened or convex, but sometimes IS produced downwards in the form of a median ridge, and sometimes is perforated for the lodgment of certain muscles of the eye-ball. In the Polypterus both the ali-sphenoids and orbito-sphenoids are anchylosed to the basi-sphenoid, and the result is a bone that answers to the major part of the ‘os sphenoides ’ in Anthropotomy. As two large and important haemal arches of the head are suspended from the parapophyses of the second and third cranial vertebrae, this seems to be the condition of the flxation and coalescence of the bodies of those vertebrae in all Fishes. The ali-sphenoids (neurapophyses of the parietal vertebra, ih. 6. 6.) are firmly articulated by broad sutural surfaces to the ex- panded sides of the basi-sphenoid, above which their bases usually meet and immediately support the third ventricle or mesencephalon, or leave an interspace for its pituitary prolongation, which then rests in a cavity or ‘sella’ of the basi-sphenoid. In some fishes, Perch and Carp, the base of each ali-sphenoid rises some way above the basi-sphenoid, and then sends inwards a horizontal plate, which, meeting that of the opposite ali-sphenoid, forms the immediate support of the mesencephalon, and at the same time the roof of a canal, ex- cavated in the basi-sphenoid, and which traverses the base of the skull, below the cranial cavity from before backwards, opening behind at the under part of the basi-occipital ; this subcranial canal exists in the Salmonoids, Sparoids, Scomberoids, and is very remarkable in most fishes with lofty compi-essed skulls, as the Ephippus : it exists in some Clupeoids, as the Herring, but not in the Salamandroid Fishes. The subcranial canal resembles, but is not homologous with, being difierently formed from, the posterior prolongation of the nasal pas- sages in the Crocodiles, and it lodges some of the muscles of the eye-ball. The form of the ali-sphenoids is influenced by that of the skull : when this is low and flat, their antero-posterior exceeds their vertical extent ; in deep and compressed skulls they are narrow and high plates ; in ordinary shaped skulls they present either a sub- circular form, and are perforated as in the Carp (Jip. 35. e), or are re- niform, the anterior border being deeply notclied, as in the Cod (Jiff. 30.6): they form a more definite and fixed proportion of the lateral parietes of the skull than do the peti-osals {ib. le), which are interposed between them and the ex-occipitals ; and they have their essential func- tion in sustaining and protecting the sides of the mesencephalon, and in affording exit to the second and third divisions of the fifth pair of THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 95 nerves. The ali-splienoid articulates in the Cod with the petrosal posteriorly, with the orbito-sphenoid anteriorly, and with the mastoid and post-frontal above. Where the ali-sphenoids have a greater relative size, as in the Perch, and where the less constant petrosal decreases or disappears, their connections are more extensive ; they then reach the ex-occipitals, and sometimes even join a small part of the basi-occipital. In the incompletely ossified skulls of some fishes, e. g. the Pike and the Salmon tribe, the basal and lateral cranial bones are lined by cartilage, which forms the medium of union between them, especially the lateral ones : in better ossified fishes, e. g. the Cod, the union of the ali-sphenoids is by suture, partly dentated, partly squamous. In the Cod the second and third di- visions of the trigeminal nerve pass out of the cranium by the an- terior notch ; in some other fishes they escape by foramina in the ali-sphenoid : a part of the vestibule and the anterior semicircular canal of the acoustic labyrinth usually encroach upon its inner con- cavity, whence some have deemed it to be the petrous bone.* The parietals (spine of mesencephalic arch, figs. 30. 32. 7), which complete above the osseous cincture of the most expanded segment of tlie brain in fishes, are most commonly two in number; in the Cyprinoid {fig. 35. 7) and Salamandroid fishes they meet and unite by a sagittal suture ; in the Salmonoids they soon coalesce ; and in some Siluroids not only with each other but also with the supra-occipital : in the Pike, the Perch, the Cod, and most osseous fishes, the parietals are separated from one another by the anterior prolongation of the supra-occipital. They are always flat, and present much smaller proportions than in the higher classes of Vertebrata. They are commonly articulated to the mastoids outwardly and below, to the supra-occipital above, to the frontal before, and fco the par-occipital behind ; sometimes, but rarely to the ali-sphenoids, and in a few fishes, as the Pike and Gurnard, where the parietals are more than usually developed, they appear upon the liinder as well as the upper surface of the skull. In some fishes they are perforated by the nervus lateralis which supplies the ver- tical fins. The left parietal is broader than the right in the Holibut and some other flat fishes {Pleuronectidai). The parietals are ossified in and from the perichondrium and continuous membrane closing the great fontanelle of the primitive cartilaginous cranium. Tlie mastoids (parapophyses of the parietal vertebra, ih. 8) bear • As, c. g. Meckel, Wagner and Hallman ( Vergleichende Ostcologie dcs Selilufcnbeines, p. 55.). Kiistlin, who approves of tills view, givc.s, however, the name of posterior all-sphenoid (hintern schliifen-llugel, xxxv, p. 315.) to the petrosal. 96 LECTURE V. the same relation to the mesencephalic bony girdle, which the par- occipitals do to the epencephalic one behind: and they project out- wards and backwards further than the par-occipitals, forming the second strong transverse process at each side of the cranium. This pi’ocess is developed from the outer margin of the mastoid ; the inner side of the bone is expanded, and enters slightly into the forma- tion of the walls of the cranial or rather the acoustic cavity, its inner, usually cartilaginous, surface lodging part of one of the semicircular canals.* It is wedged into the interspace of the ex- and par-occi- pitals, the petrosal, the ali-sphenoid, the parietal, the frontal and post- frontal bones. The projecting process lodges above, the chief mucous canal of the head, and below affords attachment to the epitympanic, or upper, piece of the bony pedicle from which the mandibular, hyoid, and opercular bones are suspended : its extremity gives attachment to the strong tendon of the dorso -lateral muscles of the trunk. The mastoid is ossified in and from the primitive cartilaginous waU of the cranium. The basal piece of the third cranial cincture, which defends the prosencephalon, is formed by the presphenoid (centrum of the fron- tal vertebra. Jigs. 30. 33. 9) already described as connate with or produced from the basi-sphenoid. The sides of the prosencephalon are de- fended by the orhitosphenoids (neu- rapophyses of the frontal vertebra, ih. lo) : these are osseous plates, usually of a square shape, sometimes semicircular or semi-elliptic, as in the Cod ; larger in the Malacopteri {Jig. 35. 10) but very small, usually, in Acanthopteri, and sometimes repre- sented by a descending plate of the frontal, as in the Garpike, or by un- ossified cartilage, as in Mail-cheeked fishes- They are occasionally separated from the pre-sphenoid by the ali-sphe- noid, to which they are articulated be- low and behind, whilst above they are joined to the frontal and post- frontal, completing the anterior part of the lateral walls of the cranium. Dis.irticuliited neural arch of frontal vertebra, viewed from behind : Gadus Morrhua. * The great cavity, ‘ otocrane,’ which the ex-occipital, par-occipital, ali-sphenoid, mastoid, and sometimes the parietal and supra-occipital form for the lodgment of the cartilaginous or osseous proper acoustic capsule, ‘petrosal,’ of the great labyrinth of fishes, may be compared to the accessary cavity or orbit, which lodges the car- tilaginous or bony capsule, ‘ sclerotic,’ of the organ of vision. THE SKULE OE' OSSEOUS FISHES. 97 In the GJarp their bases meet^ like those of the ali-sphcnoids, above the sphenoid : when osseous matter is developed in the interorbital septum the ' oi;bito, -sphenoids are- articulated by their; under and anterior part to that, bone or bones>f,; 'b'he^olfactory;jner,vt® pass put ;of the^ slsnU by the. superior. ■interspaoe, of the orbito-sphenoids, and the-(Optip nerves by theiiv inferior 'interspaceii or, by, a. direct perforation;;;! and tlie : essential functions ;of . thq.prbito-sphenoids,;:iielate. ,to, the; pror tection of the, sides of, the cerebrum or prosencephalon, and to the transmission of the optic nerves. The orbito-sphenoids frequently bound or complete, the foramen ovalei v.\, ■. The. frontal, or mid-frontal; 3 bone,,, (spine, ! of. the. , prosencephalic arch^ completes, tlie ,:prosenpephalic' arch . above,;, as the supra-occipital, does, that of the epencephalon,; hut it alryays, enters into the formation of. the cranial: cavity, i, though its major pai)t forms the roof. :of the qrbits, ,wbich;, accessary function, is i the-, chi^ , condition. ,o/.j the great ..expanseiiofnjtliis, neuraj [, spine in ,,fishe^. ^ngle^ and ,spn ding, up, a .modi an^ -crest; in, the God,, the .Eplpppus, and. some I other .fishes^; the,,; frontal. f, is more- commonly divided along the j median, line,,, the divisions having the. form, of long and ibroad .. subrtriangular:, plates ;ij narrower .in , the;. lofty: compressed skulls,, smaller, in those.withi large. orbits, an their true general homology. II 2 100 ^ ' LtecTuilK ‘ ' frbm wliiola the i^rilatine’ hone' is 'j3iisp'ended;*''' In the' also, the prefronikls’ arfe' plainly 'c'onfl'iient' With the nassil 'bohe; '^nd' fortn the Svell-marked 'articular surfaces for the pal'ato-maxillary bone. ' In sotne 'fishes' a p'recess of the pi’efr6ntarcircnitts6rib6S''thb forameii 'by ' which' 'the''blfa6to'ry''n’erVe firililly 'entbrges' frdin 'thfe ' anterior '’pr'e- IbUgatioh df the' 'Crani'e-veilebral Canal;' " In the Carj|) the 'olfaCtery hferve 'traVerses a'’deep ' rtbtdh 'bh 'the inner 'hide ef'^thb prefrontal {.fiO- 3'^* 'lii'thfe 'God the palatine' Urch' is chiefly but not’. wholly ■ Suspended, to the prefron'tals. The right 'prefrontal as 'the ^mailbst 'in “tlie'linsyniinetrical 'skulls bf the iflat-fisheSi' . jr,.-.. ! ■ .!; ilji.-,- The nasal hone (spine of the rhinencephalic arch, 30. "and ' S'4. i5)-ie ‘U^Ually''single; xlnd' terminates ferwards in a ^thi'ck obtuse ' 'ek'tremity.' ’ Ih" sbUie’ fishes, as the' 'iS'n/»n?nz'c?«,'' tlib' nasal is broad, ''bht''nbt 'deep in iStioplibfuh "li is' lohg''!and 'narrow :l in the 'Xlw- "fcb^xJ^eS'and Lophobr'anehti it is a short'vertifcal' comp'ressed plate': it is altogether absent' in the Eophius;'br''i's'repl^esbnted here, as ‘in' the Dibdbti,'' hy a ' fibrous ' m'ernb'rane,' "re'tainiug the' primitive' 'histologichl ' 'bonditibn' of the skeleton.' ' It Is" articulated 'abbve' and behind to 'the "fVbtttat''ahd' prefrbntals," and helbw ' Cither ' directly ‘br 'by a- "vertical ' cartilage,' 'as in the Gbd, " tb 'the vomer. ' 'In' the 'Flyhig Gurnard the nasal has no immediate connection with the vomer; hut this 'is a •“r'flre ex'Ce’ptionl " In n^ost' fishes the' nasal ' ca'tity is inbre'fcompletely ^di'vided 'by' the" ‘basal hone in'tb twb distinct lateral foSsbb 'than 'in' aUy "other "clasS’of Vertebrates. ' " ' "'' "' b i'"" ' "i '"i.n ..i!) ' The" backward 'pf blongatioh 'of the nsUally cartilaginous," 'Some’titnbs membbabous interorbital s'eptuni', in whi'Ch'one Gddiis)'hT mbrb (Percd) bSsebuS pla'teS niay''be''preseht,'ihterv'en‘e^' between ahd ''mbre'im'nVedi'ateiysUppbrtd the' blfactory' nerves.''' Irt'the SalaiUan'droid h’ishes' thfe 'basal ' is divided hy 'b 'biedian' 'suturb. ' The librb-like' pro- jection frobi the fore "part of the 'ticuU 'bf tbe'lAbSews unicornis ' Is fornidd 'ebiefly by a process of’ flie'fVobtarbone, to 'tbe'nbdfef 'part of wbicb a small nasal is articulated with a trifid anterior end, the ' lateral divisions' of Avhich articulate' witli flie 'premaxihax’i'bs,'' as hi Oitharinus-:- The auterior-eud of the nasal is deepest in those Fishes ' wbicb' bave a small bi'axilhvry arcli suspended ffbuF the eranial axis ' byi vertical palatines, and.r, which have, a lai’ge.hasi-!cranjal canal. The turbinate bones' (^y. 30. is), or 'osseous capsules of the nose, are ^situated at the sides pr above the' nasal the, lire-maxillary and the maxillary bones are usually attached to its c'xtremity through the -,.i ..-I ■ • .I. -I- I .■■■• ' . . ■ ■ .1 , . ' (• . *ilii the CongorV Cuvier ' reoogaisos, the, prefrontnls as .persistent cartilages.’ ’■ . ,1. . ) I — -I '■ 'I':- Op. cit. p, 235. (t 1 1 • . It >N t>.l ^ I ' i t THE SKULL ^ OF ,q§SEOUS FISHES. IQl piffi-rt;* •. . : . ■ M 1 ; I r fuecUum qf a. symmetrical! car wliich i? .ayticulfit^d with,|;he fore part,pf Ijlie Basal bon^, and extends forwards .to tlip interspace, of tjie upper ends of thejpre-maxillaries. This-,|‘pre[-nasal’, cartilage often fprnis a sept, urn. between , the, two ‘ pssa , turbinata : \ it is pa,rtially pssmed in tbe,Carp. ,, ,,, ,, ,, , .,( ,.„i ,.,ii ... In the, the' norm^ elements, of,, fourtlj or,rbineH- cephalic vertebra coal,escp into, a, single bone:,,, the p,re-frpptals ,or nem’apophysial elements, are plainly manifested, as has bpen alre^dj^ observed, by the articular surfaces whip, h, stand put, in .fropt of ,tlfe orbits for the ,su,spension of the the spine or nasal, bone fpiyns,the,uspal pbtuse , expansion at ,i|s, anterior exti’pr. niity, immediately, benpath [the skin, of the up ppr part Pf. .^lie .snopt? and it, supports teetlp as in the,Lepidosiren : it i?, intipaatply confluent anteriorly, with the centrum ,pe,vpme,i;, the limits l)ping,ipdipat, ed, by the ipterruptipn of thp median serip^ of vpmeripe,,ap,d iiasal,teetlu, ,, 1 I . ' • > . j j ) « • t I • I , • ir j • U { - . I I . \ f ; i . i I W • 1 1 < u I j n ff, m < f 1. ,SENSE-CApSULli;a. ,u,n <• .u I, ... 'Jl?he sense-capsules are'so intdrcalated,'with* ’tlie neu arches, which are moditied to form cavities ' or prll^^ reception, ’tliat'‘ tiie denionstration of the^skull will ’be best facilitated' by des|cr'ibin^lt^ before we proceed to the brnnim’ drcbes’ of tlie cramal veftebrie. ' ’ '' Xcbusti'c' capsule, of Pefrosat'\ 30. le), ’ ' ^ '' ^ ^ ' We have seen that the first developed cartilage' updp the primit'ive membranous walls of the ' sUull boring a special protecting "envelope for the labyriritb, which alone constitutes the organ of hearing in ’ U ' ■ '1 ii} I. •• l-.i.', ! ..■ » i.j.ni »;1. Inshes \Ammocetes^ jig.2^, 16). in the progressive accumulation oi cartilaginous tissue up'dh' the b'as'e* and sides 'of tlie crdhiuni, the ear- capsule loses its individuality, and becomes buried in the common thick basi-lateral parietes of the cranium. It is blended with that persistent cartilaginous part of the skull in the Lepidosiren ; but, in the better ossified Fishes, when the osseous centres of the neura- pophyses of the cranial vertebrae begin to be established in that car- tilaginous basis, a distinct bone is likewise, in most cases, developed for the more express defence of the labyi’ihtli.' Since, however, • Itiis is regarded by some hoinologists as the body of a fifth cranial vertebra; l)iit from its relations to the nasal bone it would have better claims to be considered the s])ine of such, if there were sullicient grounds for admitting vertebral segments beyond the nasal one : and the cephalic region of the skeleton might well dider, like the cervical and other regions, in the number of its vertebral segments; but I have not found good evidence of such variation. ' .In .jc . .n... ■ I t /^oeA«r,,Cuvie,r y^r.upiinl, GeoUVoy.| para ju.« o.flAnlbropolomy. The nature of the ‘os petrosiim ’ as an envelope of Ibe acoustic bijlb, and its seriiiT Ilom.tlogy witli the sclerotic c.Vp'sule i)l' tile oiVtic bidb, iife clearly’ enuiiciated , bydfrofeasor de lllainville, in the. first part of bis great." Osteograpliie,” dtol liSdl), pp. 13. ‘_’2. i.... I ...I H . I .. , . , 102 LECTURE V. functions are less specialised, less confined to the particular organ ultimately destined for their performance in the lower than in the higher classes, we find in Fishes several hones taking part with the special acoustic capsule in the lodgment of the labyrinth ; and it is only in the higher Vertebrata that the capsule, under the name of the ‘ petrous bone,’ entirely and exclusively envelopes the labyrinth. Its ossification commences later than that of the cranial neurapo- physes, in the series of Osseous Fishes : there are species (e. g. Pike) in which, after the ex-occipitals, ali -sphenoids, and orbito-sjihenoids have received their destined amount of ossification, the petrosal still remains in the cartilaginous state : it is very small, yet never- theless exists in the Carp (/%r, 35. 16) and Bream, where Cuvier and Bojanus* describe it as a dismemberment of the mastoid: in the Perch, however, where the petrosal is a little better developed than in the Carp, Cuvier recognises its true homology : it is somewhat larger in the fiat-fish (e. g. Holibut), and in the Cod tribe attains an equal size with the ali-sphenoid, which it resembles in form, except that the notched margin is posterior {Jig~ 30. IG). Here it forms the posterior lateral wall of the cranium; articulates below with the basi-occipital and basi-sphenoid, above with the mastoid and par- occipital, behind with the ex-occipital, and before with the ali- sphenoid: it supports the cochlear division of the labyrinth con- taining the otolites. The cavities (otocranes) lodging the petrosals and organs of hearing are completely separated from each other, and are formed, on each side, by the ex-occipital, par-occipital, ali- sphenoid, mastoid, and post-frontal : they are sometimes closed ex- ternally, but open widely into the cranial cavity. Tlie optic capsule, or sclerotic, {fig. 30. 17) like the acoustic cap- sule, is cartilaginous in all Chondropterygians, and also in the semi- osseous fishes, as tlie Lcpidosiren, the Lopliius, the Lophobranchs and riectognatlies. In most osseous fishes it is bony, and commonly xxxvj. j>. 50‘1. till). 7, Tigs, 1. itiiU 5. IC. THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 103 consists of two hollow hemispheroid pieces, each with two opposite emarginations ; the inner ones circumscribing the hole, (analogous to the meatus internus of the petrosal,) for the entry of the nerves and vessels to the essential parts of the organ of vision ; and the outer or anterior emarginations supporting the cornea. As this part of the skeleton of the head retains its primitive fibro-membranous condition in Man and Mammalia, it is called the sclerotic coat of the eye ; and the osseous plates developed in it in Birds, many Reptiles, and Fishes, are termed ‘ sclerotic bones.’ It bears, however, the same essential relation to the vascular and nervous parts of the organ of sight, which the petrous bone does to the organ of hearing, and which the turbinate bones do to the organ of smell : the persistent independence of the eye-capsule, which has led to its being commonly overlooked as part of the skeleton, relates to the requisite mobility and free suspension of the organ of vision. In the Cartilaginous Fishes, however, it is articulated by means of a pedicle with the orbito-sphenoid. The osseous cavity or ‘ orbit ’ lodging the eye-ball is formed by the pre-sphenoid, orbito-sphenoid, frontal, post-frontal, pre-frontal, and palatine bones : it opens widely outwards, where it is, often, further circumscribed by the chain of ‘ sub-orbital ’ scale-bones below, and, but less frequently, by a supra-orbital bone above. The bony orbits in most fishes com- municate freely together, or rather with that narrow prolongation of the cranial cavity lodging the olfactory nerves : but, in many Malacopteri, e. g. tlie Shads and Erythrmus, the Citharinus and Ilydrocyon, the Synhranchus, and the genus Cyprinus {Jig- 35. is), an osseous septum divides the orbits. In the Lepidosteus and Poly- pterus the orbits are divided by a double septum, forming the proper walls of the olfactory prolongation of the cranium, as we shall find to be the case in the Batrachia. Tlie bony capsules of the organ of smell pi-esent the same division into cranial and nasal {ccthmoidal, Jig, 35. is, turhinal,Jig. 30. 19) por- tions, in Fishes as in Man, and, as in Man likewise, other bones, the vomer and nasal, for example, contribute an accessaiy protective func- tion. All the parts of the proper capsule are cartilaginous in cartila- ginous and semi-osseous fishes ; the ethmoidal part continues cartila- ginous in many osseous fishes, closing the fore part of the cranium, assisting to form the interorbital septum, and contributing to support the olfactory nerves in their exit from the skull. When ossification is established in the ethmoidal cartilage, it is usually confined in fishes to the cranial end, forming there a single symmetrical, slender, bifur- cate or sub-quadrate piece, usually i)crforatcd by tlie olfactory nerves ; but never in two distinct pieces corrcsi)onding to the two II 4 J04 ‘ ' '■ ' I-ECTUKE' V<. ' ' • ■ ■■■ • ! ‘ • nerves. The ethmoid forms a slender vertical compressed plate, ex- panded' and bifurcate above, in the Perch ■: it is a broader and larger plate, bent upon*itself, with the concavity upwards, in the Gypri'noid (j%- 35; 18') and Siluroid Fishes, where it ai’tieulates below to the pre-sphenoid',- ■ behind * and above to- the orbito-sphenoids,: and above and before to the froritals and preffontalsj and forming the chief part of the interorbital septum.*' • •■'••• ■ ; ; r '"•The cartilaginous capsules of- the terminal or pituitary expansions of the organ of smell are, proportionally, large in the Ghondroptery- gians andthe Lepidosiren; They form a single tube, with interrupted cartilaginous parietes, like a 'trachea, in several of the Cydostomes ; and the interposed membranous slits ai’c present in the Lepidosiren {Jig. 27. 19), whercj as in all the higher hshesy the olfactory capsules 'cease to be confluent, as the ethmoid is, but form a pair. ' Tlx turbinals' {Jig. 30. or bones which are developed for the more immediate support of 'each 'Olfactory capsule, in osseous Ashes, are generally thin, more -or less ' elongated, and turbinated scales, situated at the sides of: the .nasal-, bone and of- the - ascending pro- cesses of the premaxillaries ;' usually free, but in the Gurnards arti- culated'with the- prefix)ntals and nasal, and in the Gock-fish {Argy- ?'e«osMs).suspended above the nasal bone, from the anterior prominence of the frontal spine. Inferior (Haemal) Argues of the Gkanial Vertebra. These, though apparently more numerous than the vertebral centres, * Oken and Bojanus regarded the ethmoid as. the body or centrum of their third (anterior) cranial vertebra ; and M. Agassiz, combating the' vi^rtebral theory of the skull, says — “ Ainsi que serait dans cette hypothese, le sphenoide principal, les grandes ailes du sphenoide, et I’ethmoide, qui forment pourtant le plancher de la cavite c^rebrale ? Des apophyses? Mais, les apophyses ne protegent les centres nerveux que du cbti et d’en haut. Des corps des vertebres ? . Mais ils se sont formes sans le concours de la corde dorsale; ils ne peuveut done pas etre des corps des vertebres.” (Poissons Fossiles, t. i. p; 229.) The ethmoid, liorvever, forms the ’anterior wall, rather than the floor of the cranium ; and since it is related in all Vertebrata to the support and protection of the olfactory organ, it enters into flte category of the ‘ Capsules of the organs of special sense,’ with the petrous and sckmtic bone.s, and hot into that of the neural arches or vertebral coverings of the cerebro-spinal axis. The ai-gumcnt of M. Agassiz would be good, if change of position involved an essential distinction of a bone, i. e. a diflerent homology, and a consequent change of name ; but M. Agassiz finds no difficulty in determining ■the frontal and the parietal bones in all bony fishes, notwithstanding their variety of proportion and position. Therefore, in determining and expressing their special homology, by the arbitrary names borrowed from Anthropotomy, why should not their general homology as spines of the prosenccphalic and mesencephalic vertebrm respectively be recognised ? If M, Aga.ssiz could show modifications of the reinflons of the frontal and parietal bones, so that they thereby ceased to he recogni.Kahle as such, then also their mote' essential .fnd general characters might hc’so ohsciiretl as to afford gtoundd for- rejecting their, vertebral homologies. . THE SKULL -OK. .066E0US IHSHES. 105 correspond witli’ them and the Inenral archedj and ai*0 essentially four ini nuinberii ini ithei osseous fishes ;iIViK4iithe'i?lpa)latOrniaxillairy,’j tlie ‘•tyTupano-mandibular,’ ithel.t hyoidean,’ and n the , fl scapular;’ . Most fishes have, likevvisie,. appendages, I which diverge/or radiate from these arhhes. .Aispecial.(:v;isceral.) system of ibony arches,. called .‘.brandiial;’ also persists in fishes, ifor the support and.' movenients of theigills.i. , III ) . 1 1 , <■ I f , . : , ■ 'll . 1 1. Ill 1 1. ; r'.i! ■ ' .I, - ,' ) .i . i n i ; I ii; 1 1 1: K"il ."i \.Palato-fiia^illary, Arch.i^fig. n\i\\ uri ' i'am indhc’eirft) regard this' aS essentially one' Uix;h,' ' frbni' itb 'con- dition ih'th'd' Lefiidtifeii'en 'ind Plagidstothbu's' fi'she's|'and*from!‘the clf- cnnisfanc'e'df it^ b'5in^'e'6nipleted'er'ciesed'at'6ne'^5int oriiy, tvhefy the premdxiilaifien' incet bf'ebale'see.'’' The p'altiti'iie bofiek are the piei's of this inverted £trch',‘‘afid'th;eir pbints yf''snspen^i6h are'tlleif attach- ments to tire pi’eftbntals; tlie 'Vomerine' and' the dasar bones’. ' ' ■'The ■ aVdh is completed by'the fiiakillafy and pretanxiliafy 'bbnesj the' symphysis 6'f the 'iatt'e'r Wining itS apeif';’ 'and ifiS inclined ’fbr\Valds, heaViyon quite' parallel Vtth the baise of the skull p'whieh, ' in' 'most fishes^ "ex'! tehd^ to'the' ipBk df ihe^arch, andin some'far'beyohd il!, Veing lisualiy more*bi''l'esS cloyely attached to it. ' In air-breathing' Vertebrates th'd arch is mole dependent, circumscribing bei'bw the'nashl br respiratory canal. ThV pterygoid bones project back-vtards and outwards as tlib appendages of ^the paiato-maxiillary arch.' * Both Waxillary and inteid maxillary bones' tend by their peCulidr development 'and independent movement in bony fishes to proj ect freely oUtWards, ' doWnwOVds] ' and backwards: We find, at least; that the general form, position, and attachments of the ^single an'd 'simple paiatoWaxillary arOli" 'in' 'tlie Lcpidosiren or Cestracion, are represented in most osSebuS' 'fi'she'sj by their several detached bones,' the names'of which have bben Just men- tioned, and'ivhibh I shall now proceed’ to point'but and 'describe "as they recede' from the p Wts" of 'the ‘'vertebra 'to' which they arb Ws'-^ pended ; taking as’before th'e*Codrfish as the 'type. ' ''1 t Tha palatine (pleurapOphysis of nasal Vertebra*’, /’p. 30. 20) is an inequilateral triaiigular bone, thick and strong at its upper part, Wlil6h' 'sends off two 'pimcesses ; one is' the essential point of sus- pension of the palato-maxillary arch,' 'land' articulates with the pre- frontal and Vomer at their qioint of union ; the other is convex, and passes' forwairls tb he ■ articulated ' to ‘af'concavity in the superior maxillary, to which, irf all 'Fishes, it affords a more or iCss inoYable * 1 0 ISojanus l)elongs the merit of liaving first cniincifitcil this general homo- logical rehnioii, in his rlescription of lah. xii.' fig.''|''^, of his’ famorrs nionogra]>h. “ Os palatmum, sen cnHa Coi-pori hiijii.s vertolmi- ' (.■i:th'm6i(1alis SCn capili'.s Ijiiar(a') .appensa.” ( Anatomc Tesludinis Europaa’, p. 'I'l'.')'" ' • """i. . i, • .,1,1.. 106 LECTURE V. joint. In tlie Parrot-fishes and Diodons the articulation is quite analogous to that of the mandible below with the tympanic pedicle. In the Salamandroid fishes it is a fixed suture. In the Shad the palatine articulates with the premaxillary as well as the maxillary. In the Mormyrus the palatines meet, and unite together at the median line. The posterior angle of the base of the palatine is attached, in the Cod, by short and strong ligaments to the prefrontal. The thin posterior and inner border of the bone is joined by liga- ment to the ento-pterygoid, and its outer angle is dovetailed into the pterygoid. The palatine contributes to form the fioor of the orbit and the roof of the mouth ; in many fishes it supports teeth, but is eden- tulous in the Cod. It varies much in form in different species ; is slender and elongated in the wide-mouthed voracious fishes, as the Pike, and is short and broad in the broad-headed, small-mouthed fishes. The maxillary (hsemapophysis of nasal vertebra. Jig. 30. 21) is usually a small edentulous bone*, concealed in a fold of the skin between the palatine and premaxillary : it lies, in the Cod, posterior to and parallel with the premaxillary, which it resembles in form, but is longer and thinner in most osseous fishes : the expanded and bifurcate end of the maxillary is produced inwards rather than up- wards, and forms a socket on which the ascending or nasal process of the premaxillary glides ; a posterior tubercle at this end is attached to the palatine, and ligaments connect the same expanded end to the nasal, the turbinal, the vomer, and the premaxillary : the lower and hinder expanded end of the bone is attached by strong elastic liga- ment, in which a labial gristle is developed, to the coronoid process of the lower jaw. In the Salmon tribe the maxillary is joined to the hinder and lower end of the short premaxillary, forming with it a continuous arch, and it supports teeth ; this normal and higher character of the maxillary j" prevails also in the Clupeoid fishes, and is here illustrated in the great Sudis {Jig. 36.). In the Plec- tognaihi (Globe-fish and File-fish), the )■/ maxillaries coalesce wholly or in part with the premaxillaries. In the Lepidosteus the contrary condition prevails : the premax- illary and maxillary bones constitute, in- deed, a single dentigerous arch or border of the upper jaw, but are subdivided Disarticulated bones of palato- maxillary arch {Arapaima gtRos). * Tlic Os mystuccum of iclitliyotomists. ■(■ Cuvier first recognised tlic special limnology of the ‘ os niyslacciim by ol>- serving its modifications in the salmon. TUE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES, 107 into many bony pieces, a condition which seems to have prevailed in some of the ancient extinct Salamandroid fishes ; for example, the genus of the Old-Red- Sandstone, which I have called Dendrodus. In the Polypterus the maxillary is large and undivided on each side ; it supports teeth, and sends inwards a broad palatine plate to join the vomer and the palatine bone ; thus acquiring a fixed position and all the normal features of the bone in higher animals. The maxillary bone is very diminutive in the Siluroid fishes, and appears, with the premaxillary, to be entirely wanting in certain Eels {Murcenidce). The premaxillary, or intermaxillary bone (haemal spine of nasal vertebra, fig. 30, 22), one of a symmetrical pair in the Cod and most other osseous fishes, is moderately long and slender, slightly curved, expanded and notched at both extremities : the anterior end is bent upwards, forming the nasal process, and is attached by lax ligaments to the nasal bone and prenasal cartilage, to the palatine, and to the anterior ends of the maxillary bones. The premaxillaries are movably connected to each other by their anterior ends ; the nasal processes are separated by the prenasal cartilage, the lower or outer branches project freely downwards and outwards : the labial border of each premaxillary is beset with teeth, whilst the maxillary bone is quite edentulous in most osseous fishes, as in the Cod. By those who may regard the prenasal cartilage as a vestige of a fifth cranial vertebra the premaxillaries may be viewed as its inferior arch : but such an arch would be incomplete, widely open ; the piers or crura diverg- ing, instead of converging, to unite, like other inferior or haemal arches. Li the Diodon the premaxillaries and their lamellated dental apparatus coalesce and constitute a single symmetrical beak-shaped bone : Muller also found a single premaxillary in the Mormyrus. The confluent premaxillaries constitute the sword-like anterior pro- longation of the snout in Xiphias, and are firmly and immovably articulated with the pre-nasal and maxillary bones, in both the Sword-fish and the Garpike. The premaxillaries are commonly more extended in the transverse than in the vertical direction, which latter most prevails in Mammals : but there are many examples in Fishes where their development is equal in both directions. The vertical extension, which forms the nasal branch of the premaxillary, is of unusual length in the fishes with protractile snouts, as, for ex- ample, in the Picarels {Menidm\ the Dories (^Zeus), and in certain Wrasses, as Coricus, and especially the Epilndus, or Spartts in- sidiatnr of Pallas {Jig. 37, 22).* In tliis fish the nasal brancli of * .See Cuvier and ValencienneR, Hist. der. I’oissons, (. xlv. p. 92. The liypn- , tympanic or suspensory pedicle of the lower jaw is there called the ‘ malar ’ bone. 108 Ml. f . 1 LECTURE V./ I '■n-' 1 ; > < ; I 1 f : f . • I . thei .iutermaxillary (ib. 22'): plays tin .a groove, on tlio i upper surface oflitlie skull,. 0 '“Out** (Upf/xi/Ks.jVjsftff-i.maxillarytglides forwards out of the, epi- ■ f'” ■ ri; uit ci’anialt groove in which. 1 it .usually dies. The protractile faction I is further favoured by ,a , peculiar 1 modiheaT tion of the hypo^-tympanic (26. 28), ithich, by its great 1 length and movable articulation ■ at both’ ends, coroperates ' with the long . pre- maxillary in 'the ' sudden projection of the mouthj .by which,, this tishf seizes ‘the small, agile, aquatic insects f that constitute .its prey. In the [Lop6222s the nasal processes of the premaxillaries enter , a groove in the frontal : in the C/7-a22oscoj02<^ they, also, reach the frontal, playing upon the small nasal bone and pressing it down,; as, it were, upon ' thei vomeri In the Z)«c(yZop^er22s. they, penetrate between the nasal and the vomer, and play in the cavity of the rhinencepbalic arch. • i;.'.’. . . n ..! II . :.'i f.:.. , „ !■ The small bony piece situated above the maxillary, in some Hale- fcoids (Trout, Herring) i and Lucioids (Pike) seems to belong to tjje Series of mucous or scale hones ;i.. the Flying Gurnard ,(,Zlac<;y- lojjterus) has two delicate cartilages in a similar position,.' and the Scicena aquila a large labial cartilage in the angle of .the, mouth, attached to the lower jaw; f*--.- .' , ... . f; P. The Diverging Appendage of the palato-maxillary arch consists,, in Fishes, of the pterygoid -and entopterygoid bones, ..which, as they, are the least important parts of the arch, so are theyfthe least constant : they are wanting, for example, iu the Synodon, Platystac.us, Hydro- cydn, andLophius'; are connate with, or, indistinguishable from, the palatine in most Salmonoidsmnd Eels ; whilst in the Muroena a single bone, the pterygoid, exists, hut is disconnected with the maxillary arch.' Most Fishes, howevorj present, as. in, the, God, the two bones above named. ento-pterygoid (Jig. 30. 23) is an oblong, thin, scale-like bone, attached to the inner border of the co-adapted halves of the palatine and tvuq q)tcrygo,id^, and.friyreasing THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. lOi) the ' direction ■ towards tile median' line. ' li is edentulous in the Cod ■and most other Ashes, but 'is ) richly beset with teeth 'in the paima gigas. It principally constitutes- lihe Aoor of the orbit, it's breadth depending much upon -thfe depth of that cavity I; it Sometiin'es is' joined ■ by its mediari 'margin' td the vomer'a'nd’'pre-sphenoid; as' ih the Goddribe^ Cai-p-tribe,' and Flat-Ashes ';'*afnd to' thcbasi-sphenoid in Lepidosteics, ^•Erythrinv;Si‘ '‘&ri(\. Polgpterus, ' then divided •’ the oi'bit from !the 'mouth ; but' m'ore commonly aivacuity here ^exists in the bony skidl',' Ailed up Only by inucous niembraue in the' xecerit'Ash : ih' Upeneus, Polyprion^ and"C/^e^7m^i; for example; the'ehto-pterygoid does not • join! 'tlie bashsphenoid'; -and in Lophius it appears ‘to: be .) J ■ it- »fjJ /!;:// ^ - • t‘ fiii- r -t • ji:i cJA • . J; to* The pterygoid * {Jig- 30. 24) forms in the Cod an inequilateral triangular plate, but more, elongated than the palatine, with which it is dovetailed anteriorly ; it becomes thicker towards its posterior end, ,yvhjch, is .truncated, arid, Arrn,ly.ingr.ained with jthe, anterior, |border of the h7P97tjuhpani,P".S28, .S29., , • , i , ,,i uc of .1 ' 110 LECTURE V. into close ai’ticulation with the palatines in the Plectognathes, and the consolidation of the whole series into its normal unity is effected in the Lepidosiren, The palatines form the true bases of the inverted arch at their points of attachment to the prefrontals ; the intermaxil- laries constitute the true apex, at their mutual junction or symphysis ; the approximation of which to the anterior end of the axis of the skull is rendered possible in fishes, by the absence of any air-passage or nasal canal ; the pterygoids are the diverging appendages of the arch * ; but are attached posteriorly to strengthen the pedicle sup- porting the lower jaw, and combine its movements with those of the upper jaw ; just as the bony appendages of one costal arch in Birds associate its movements with those of the next. Tympano-mandibular Arch (yjig. 30. h, in, 25 — 32). This presents its true inverted or hcemal character; its apex or key-stone formed by the symphysial junction of the lower jaw hang- ing downwards freely, below the vertebral axis of the skull. The piers, or points of suspension of the arch, are formed by the epi-tym~ panics {fig. 30. 25), or upper pieces of the tympanic pedicles (pleura- pophyses of the prosencephalic vertebra) : each epi-tympanic is articulated to both the post-frontals and the mastoids, and is divided artificially accordingly in fig. 30. ; its articular sui’face is formed in the Cod by a single elongated condyle ; in many other fishes by a double condyle, one for each of the above named cranial parapo- physes. In the Diodon the upper border of the epi-tympanic is ar- ticulated by a deeply indented suture to the frontal, the post-frontal and mastoid bones ; its posterior margin supports, as in many other fishes, a circular articular surface for the opercular bone. Below the condyle, the epi-tympanic in the Cod becomes compressed laterally, but is much expanded from before backwards. The almost constant bifurcation of both ends of the epi-tympanic in osseous fishes, for ar- ticulation with two cranial parapophyses above, and suspending two inverted arches below, make it appear like a coalescence of the upper- most pieces of both those arches. In most fishes the lower end is bifid, and supports two inverted arches, the mandibular and the hyoidean ; the stylo-hyoid being attached near the junction of the cpi-tympanic with the meso-tympanic. The contiguous ribs of the Chelonia are immovably connected together to ensure fixity and * By Bojanus they were regarded as the ribs of tlic second (parietal) vertebra of the head. {Anatomc Testudinis Europxa:, p. 'I'l.) THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. Ill Strength to the carapace ; the bulky apparatus suspended from the parietal and frontal vertebr® demanded the additional stiength to the supporting axis which is gained by the confluence of theii bodies, and apparently by the confluence of the pioximal pieces of the pleurapophyses by which the two luemal arches are suspended from those vertebne. The anterior division of the epi-tympanic piece articulates with the pre-opercular (34), the meso-tympanic (26), and pre-tympanic (27); the posterior division is again bifur- cate in the Cod, supporting part of the pre-opercular and part of the opercular bone. A strong crest projects from its outer surface in this and many other fishes. The epi-tympanic is simple at both ends in the Carp tribe. The meso-tympanic {fig. 30. 26), or ‘symplectic’ of Cuvier, is a slender, compressed, slightly curved, elongated, triangular bone, articulated by its upper part or base to the epi-tympanic and pre- opercular ; by its lower end to the inner side of the hypo-tympanic, reaching almost to the mandibular trochlea; and by its anterior border to the pre-tympanic. The upper part of its posterior border is free, and gives attachment to the membrane that fills up the vacuity between it, the pre-opercular and hypo-tympanic bones. The meso-tympanic is confluent with the epi-tympanic in the Siluroid, the Murajnoid, and some other fishes ; but does not join the epi- tympanic in the Lepidosteus, being in that fish supported by the pre-opercular. The pre-tympanic {fig. 30. 27), to which part of the suspensory pedicle of the jaw Cuvier restricts the name ‘caisse’ or ‘os tym- panicum*,’ is an oblong bony scale, with the posterior margin thick- ened and grooved for the reception of the fore part of the meso- tympanic and the upper and fore part of the hypo-tympanic. It is confluent with the hypo-tympanic in the Conger and Murasna : it does not join either this or the meso-tympanic in the Lepidosteus. The hypo-tympanic {fig. 30. 2s) is a triangular plate of bone, like the epi-tympanic reversed, bearing the articular convex trochlea for the lower jaw upon its inferior apex, and having its upper side or base more even than the opposite base of the epi-tympanic. The * This is perhaps one of the best examples of the extent to which Cuvier was influenced by tlie idea or principle of homology, when a determination had origin- ated from his own comparisons; few of the names imposed by Geoffroy St. Hilaire, in conformity with his peculiar views, seem more overstrained than the transference of the name and signification of the little process supporting the ear-drum in man to a small segment of a strong pedicle, wholly deprived of the proper tympanic function, and with which the homology of the human tympanic process of the tem])oral bone can only be established by taking the pedicle of the lower jaw in ' Fishes as a whole. 112 Mil '•LECTURE V. I II I postcl'ioT indrgir} of the ihypo-^tymjiaii'ic is' grooved for tlife reception 6f the’ part .'of the pre-opereular'('34i),'-iibs irm'eT sidelis'exca'V^^ated for the insertion ■ofi thfeiipointed endi of'dlie meso-tympanic" i(2e),',and the nntex'ior | angle - 'is ■ ^wedged between' the’ ' prei-tyinpanic (271) ■' anddthfe ptferygoid (24;), and ; ds I firmly ' united! to < the latter ; f the- trochlea is slightly; conoavei transversely!,’ convexdn a greater' 'degree from' beforfe backwards. The!iS^d?*2<.!? imidiator, or| Sly-!brOam (^^Epibulus^ Cuv.), presents' the miosti remarkable' | modification j of'; the' hypoi-tympanic '{i/*5'!'37ji28)<;' it lis imuch elo(ngdted> andj slenderj jearrying theilower jaw. at! an unusual, distanice fmm.' the base of the ^kull, ;and it is itself iliovablylcnnnepted at its upper end-#ith thermeso-ftympaniej''! Thu's, in the extensive protractile and retractile movements of the 'mouth, thq lundefi j aw 'swiings'.: backwards and forwards on its long pedicle, as on a' pendulum ; the ilo web jatv being further supported' or steadied in those movements.' by | a long iiganlent, extending 1 from , th^ pre-‘Oper- culumitoiitsjaiiguliar piedei 30).l>u-) i-.i; o! ; •.M;!ii')r>ij<> 1 ■ , ! By !the conflueneei of the meso-tym^aiiife 'with the 'Cpi-* tympanic, 'and of ther irre>-tytnpanic with)the'hypo-tympaniG,iin the'Eel ti’ibe,'ithe' Sus- pensory pedicljei of! the 1 lower ■ija'W 'is reduced to two!pieees, as'it is in .-the .i .'Inthe 'Lepidosiren it is represented, as we have seen, ^by a ) single' osseous piece ; but this I regard 'a's' the homologue of only the lo-tver'ihalfi' of the> pedicle >ih ’ 'the ' Tlfwrts??®,’ viz. i 'the confluent pre-tympanic j and hypoitympanip. ' pideesi ' ■ ' : This) progtcssive ■ simplifi- cation, or diminution of the multiplied centres of ossification of the tympanic pedicle, of li^'ishesi eveir within the) limits, of - the class,nias mainly weighed with meiin rejecting the Guvderiau vie'W of its special homologies ; ;aecording to! which, ,nbt only the ' squamo-temporal bone and the^malar bone- of. highet' animals, but; also the ‘■symplectic!’— a peculiar, ichthyic bonfe-^’ard'Superadded to the'.'itynipafiic’ or quad- ■ratejboue.' of Reptiles. .and Birds^i in'the formatibn Of the" suspensory pedicle; of ;the ' under ' jaw of ' ;rishes.' ' Ascending To! 'higher gene- rahsatioris of hohiology, 'we isee in thfe tympanic pedicle a 'Serial re- petition of 'the palatind bone ; arld,'inbo'th,' the ribs or ’pleurapophyse*s of Contiguous vertebras! specially imodified'for 'the 'masticatory func- tions of the arches they support.* ' "'I'l'' "" iM’lJ 11 /' ■! The mandible, or lower jaw (hasmapophysis of the frontal ver- .tplifa . 3Q- 29, 32),. ia.tbe lower, portion of the arch,, being arti- culated to the hypO-tympanics' nhoVe, and closed by a ligamentous union or bony symphysis -yvith its fellbw at its lower end. The term .h I.. I. 'll. I ■ I ,! .11 I. ,.ii* -The division of tlie pleurapopbysis of ilic frdntiil' vdrtehr.a 'into four tyinpnnfc ■pioecs ijo-rmoreulostroyg itsiindi'viduality than docs'thc division of the niaxillary ibont in Lcpidosteiis the individuality of that bone. " ’ THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 113 ‘ ramus ’ is applied in anthropotomy to each half of the mandible, and each ramus consists of two, three, or more pieces in different fishes. Most commonly it consists of two pieces, one (hiemapophysis proper), articulated to the suspensory pedicle, and edentulous, ana- logous to the maxillary ; and the other (hcemal spine) completing the arch, and commonly supporting teeth, like the premaxillary. In the Cod, and some other fishes, a third small piece is superadded, at the angle of the posterior piece. That {ib. 29) which forms the sig- moid concavity adapted to the tympanic trochlea is termed the ‘ ar- ticular piece ; ’ it sends upwards a pointed coronoid process, to which the ligament from the maxiUaiy hone, and the masticatory muscles are attached ; one short square plate downwards, to join with the angular {ib. 3o) ; and a long pointed process forwards, to be sheathed in the deep notch of the anterior piece. This (32) is characterised hy the teeth, which, when present in the lower jaw, are always supported by it ; whence its name of the ‘ dentary piece.’ The dentary is always deeply excavated, and receives a cylindrical car- tilage’'^ from the inner side of the hypo-tympanic, and the vessels and nerves of the teeth. The great Sudis {Jig. 38.) and the Poly- pterus have the splint-like plate along the inner surface of the ramus, answering to that which Camper and Cuvier have un- ^ Ijovier {Arapahna gtga$), lortunately called ^operculaire, in the mandible of Reptiles, but to which I have given the name of ‘ spleniaV to prevent the confusion from the synonymy with the true opercular bones of Fishes : and in both Sudis and Lepidosteus there is superadded a small bony piece {ib. 29 a), answering to that which Cuvier calls the ‘ sur-angulaire ’ in Reptiles. These modifications, co- existing with the true opercular bones, demonstrate the fallacy of the idea that those bones are much developed homologues of the posterior pieces of the lower jaw of Reptiles ; an idea wliich could never have been entertained by its propounders, had they appreciated the ge- neral homology of the opercular pieces, as the diverging appendage of the haimal arch of a cranial vertebra. The Diverging Appendage of the tympano-mandibular arch con- sists of the bones which support the gill-cover, a kind of short and broad fin, the movements of which regulate the passage of the currents through the branchial cavity, opening and closing the branchial aperture on each side of the head. The first of these oper- cular bones, which forms the chief medium of the attachment of the * M, Agassi* observes that this cartilage is the “ rcsle de I’ancien arc embryonal, antour duquel Ics pieces osseuscs se sont developpdcs.” (xxii. i. p. 138.) VOL. 11. I 114 LECTUUE V. appendage to the supporting arch, is the pre-opercular {Jig. 30. 34), which is usually the longest in the vertical direction, if not the largest of the hones : it commonly presents a crescentic or an angular form ; it is sometimes bifurcate above, as in the Cod, and with the lower slender angle continued downwards and forwards to beneath the hypo-tympanic. In the Gurnards, or ‘ mailed-cheeked’ Fishes, the pre-opercular is articulated with the enormously developed sub- orbital scale-bones. Three bones usually constitute the second series of this appendage : the upper one is commonly the largest and of a triangular form, thin and with radiated lines like a scale : it is the opercular {Jig. 30. 35) : in the Cod it is prineipally connected with the posterior margin of the pre-opercular, and below with the sub-opercular {ib. 36) ; but it has usually, also, a 'partial attachment to the outer angle of the epi- tympanic, and is sometimes {Diodon, Lophius, Anguilla^ exclusively suspended therefrom. In the Lophius piscatorius the opercular is a long and strong bone suspended vertically from the convex epi- tympanic condyle, and with a long and slender fin-ray proceeding from the back part of that joint. The sub-opercular forms the chief part of the opercular fin by its long backwardly produced lower angle. The sub-opercular bone in the Conger is soon reduced to a mere ray, which curves backwards and upwards like one of the branchiostegals. The opercular itself, though shorter and retaining more of its laminated form, also shows plainly, by its length and curvature in the Eels, its essential nature as a metamorphosed ray of the tympanic fin. We have seen that all the framework of this fin had the form of rays in the Plagiostomes. In Mursena the small opercular bones articulate only to the under half of the tympanic pedicle. The sub-opercular is wanting in the Shad. The lowermost bone, called the inter-opercular {^fig. 30. 37) is articulated to the pre- opercular above, to the sub-opercular behind, and usually to the back part of the mandible ; it is attached, also, in the Cod by ligament to the cerato-hyoid in front. The interopercular and preopercular are the parts of the appendage which are most elongated in the peculiarly lengthened head of the Fistularia. Hyoidean Arch {Jig. 30. ii, ii, 38 — 43). The third inverted arch of the skull is the ‘ hyoidean,’ and is sus- pended, in Osseous Fishes, through the medium of the epi-tympanic bone to the mastoid ; and I regard it as the costal or haBmal arch of the parietal segment or vertebra of the skull.* The first portion of * Bojanus, studying the vertebral homologies of the head in the fresh-water tortoise, deemed the cornua of the hyoid to be the last costal arch of the skull, and THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 115 the arch, stylo-hyal (pleurapophysis, in part, of the mesencephalic vertebra, fig. 30. 3s) is a slender styliform bone, which is attached at the upper end by ligament to the inner side of the epi-tympanic, close to its junction with the meso-tympanic, and at the lower end to the apex of a triangular plate of bone, which forms the upper portion of the great cornu, or hasmapophysial part of the arch. I apply to this second piece, which is pretty constant in fishes, the name of epi- hyal (ib. 39) : the third longer and stronger piece is the cerato- hyal {ib. 40). The keystone or body of the inverted hyoid arch is formed by two small sub-cubical bones on each side, the basi-hyals {ib. 4i). These complete the bony arch in some fishes : in most others there is a median styliform ossicle, extended forwards from the basi-hyal sym- physis into the substance of the tongue, called the glosso-hyal {ib. 42), or ‘os linguale;’ and another symmetrical, but usually ti’iangular, flattened bone, which expands as it extends backwards, in the middle line, from the basi-hyals ; this is the uro-liyal {ib. 43). It is con- nected with the symphysis of the coracoids, which closes below the fourth of the cranial inverted arches, and it thus forms the isthmus which separates below the two branchial apertures. In the Conger the hyoidean arch is simplified by the persistent ligamentous state of the stylo-hyal, and by the confluence of the basi-hyals with the cerato-hyals : a long glosso-hyal is articulated to the upper part of the ligamentous symphysis, and a long compressed uro-hyal to the under part of the same junction of the hyoid arch. The glosso-hyal is wanting in the Murmnopliis. The Diverging Appendage of the*hyoidean arch retains the form of simple, elongated, slender, slightly curved rays, articulated to de- pressions in the outer and posterior margins of the epi- and cerato- hyals : they are called ‘ brancliiostegals,’ or gill-cover rays, because they support the membrane which closes externally the branchial chamber. The number of these rays varies, and their presence is not constant even in the bony fishes : there are but three broad and flat rays in the Carp ; whilst the clupeoid Elops has more than thirty rays in each gill-cover : the most common number is seven, as in the Cod {fig. 30. 44). They are of enormous length in the Angler, adds a dotted outline of it to complete Ills Veriehra occipitalis, in xxxvnt. tab. xii. Jig. 32. B 1. He had not been prepared by the normal position of the true ha?mal arch of the occiput in fishes, and by the example of the extreme dis]ilacement to which a haimal arch and its appendages may be subject, as in the case of the pelvis and pelvic fin in fishes, to recognise the true hocmapophyses of the occiput in the displaced scapular arch, llojanus considered tlie “ jitcrygoids ” ns the ribs (costa) of the parietal vertebra (i/j. p. G4.). ' I 2 116 LECTURE V. and serve to support the membrane which is developed to form a great receptacle on each side of the head of that singular fish. Branchial Arches. Certain bony arches, which appertain to the system of the visceral skeleton, succeed the hyoidean arch, with the keystone of which they are more or less closely connected. Six of these arches are pri- marily developed, and five usually retained ; the first four of these supporting the gills {Jig. 39. 4”, 47), the fifth {ih. 47') beset with teeth and guarding the opening of the gullet : this latter is termed the pha- ryngeal arch, the rest the branchial arches. The lower extremities of these arches adhere to the sides of a me- dian chain of ossicles, which is continued from the posterior angle of the basi-hyal, or from above the uro-hyal, when this is ossified : the arches curve as they ascend ; and their upper extremities, which are usually distinct pieces, bend inwards and almost meet beneath the base of the cranium, to which they are attached by ligamentous and cellular tissue. The inferior median symmetrical piece is commonly divided into three ossicles, (the hasi-branchials, ih. 45), following each other in a linear series along the median line : the first rests upon the uro-hyal, when this is present ; or it is attached to the posterior interspace of the cerato-hyals : the second gives attachment to the first pair of branchial arches, and the third to the second pair of arches : the third pair of arches is attached to the extremity of the second pair and to a ligament continued from the third basi-branchial : the fourth pair of arches adheres to the same ligament in the angle of the third pair ; and the pharyngeal arches, forming the fifth pair, are attached to the angle of the fourth. Each branchial arch, independently of the basal key-bones, consists of three or four pieces, enjoying a certain elastic, flexible movement on each other. The first three arches consist each of a short piece below, the hypo-branchial {Jig. 39. 46), which, in the Halibut, sends a ridge or process downwards and inwards beneath the basi-branchials: next, of a long bent portion, the cerato-branchial {ib. 47), grooved on its outer convex side ; usually supporting dentigerous processes, tubercles, or fine plates on its concave side : and, above, of a shorter, similarly formed piece, bent inwards and forwards, the epi-branchial {ib. 48). To the epi-branchial of the second and third arches is com- monly attached a shorter and broader bone beset with teeth, the pharyngo-branchial. The fourth arch consists of the cerato-branchial, the epi-branchial, and the pharyngo-branchial pieces. The fifth arch {ib. 47') usually THE SKULL OP OSSEOUS IHSIIES. 117 consists simply of the cerato-branchial element ; but in Anahas supports a pharyngo-branchial {ih. 49). It is often expanded, and usually more or less beset with teeth : it has been termed the inferior pharyngeal bone {ps pharyngien inferieure, Cuvier), as if it were homologically distinct from the gill-bearing arches ; and in the same insulated sense the upper expanded dentigerous portions of these arches are termed by Cuvier the “ os pharyngiens supmdeures : ” they are sometimes blended together into one piece, as in the Coitus. The peculiar cribriform or labyrinthic cavities, lined by vascular membrane, and subservient to the continuance of respiration in certain fishes, which can live long out of water, the Climbing Perch (^Anahas') for example, and other genera of the Order called by Cuvier “ Pharyngiens labyrinthiformes,” are due to a peculiar deve- lopment of the epi-branchial and pharyngo- branchial pieces of the first, second, and some- times the third branchial arches 39. 48). All these giU- and tooth-bearing arches ap- pertain to the splanchno-skeleton, or to that category of bones to which the hard jaw-like pieces supporting the teeth of the stomach of the Lobster belong. The branchial arches are sometimes cartilaginous when the true endo- skeleton is ossified : they are never ossified in the perenni-branchiate Batrachians, and are the first to disappear in the larvae of the caduci-branchiate species ; and both their place and mode of attachment to the skull demonstrate that they have no essential liomological relation to its vertebral structure. All the primitive six pairs of branchial arches are present, but cartilaginous in the Lepi- dosiren; and the last, which answer to the inferior pharyngeal bones in normal Osseous Fishes, supports gills, and not teeth, whilst the second and third arches have no gills in this remarkable fish : they offer a striking contrast in tissue, connections, and development with the strong, bony, persistent hyoidean arch of the true endo-skeleton. Branchial arch, with iaby- rinthic pharyngo-branchials (Anabas). Scapular Arch {Jig- 30. n, i, 50, 5i, 52). The fourth cranial inverted arch is that which is attached to the par-occipital ; or to the par-occipital and mastoid ; or, as in the Cod, to the par-occipital and petrosal : or, as in the Shad, to the par-occipital and basi-occipital : thus either wholly or in part to the par-apophysis of the occipital vertebra, of which it is essentially the hiemal arch ; it is usually termed the ‘ scapular arch.’ In the Eel tribe, where it is very feebly developed, and sometimes devoid of any divei’ging appendage, it is loosely suspended behind the skull ; and in 1 3 1]8 LECTURE V. the Plagiostome Cartilaginous Fishes it is not directly attached to its proper vertebra, the occiput, but is removed further hack, where we shall usually find it displaced in the higher Myelencephala, in order to allow of greater freedom to the movements of the head. The superior piece of the arch {stqira-scajmla, Jig. 30. 50) is bifurcate in the Cod, or consists of two short columnar bones, at- tached anteriorly, the one to the par-occipital, the other and shorter piece to the petrosal, and coalescing posteriorly at an acute angle, to form a slightly expanded disk, from which the second piece of the arch is suspended vertically. Tliis second piece, called scapula" {ih.5\) is a slender, straight, styliform bone terminating in a point below, and morticed into a groove on the upper and outer side of the lower and principal bone of the scapular arch. The supra-scapula and scapula together repre- sent the rib or pleurapophysis of the occipital vertebra; they are always confluent in the Siluroids. The lower bone, or liasmapophysis (coracoid, ib. 52), which completes the arch below, is commonly termed the ‘ clavicle’ (as by Spix, Geoffroy, Meckel and Agassiz) ; but I am induced to regard it as homologous with that bone, the coracoid, which progressively acquires a more constant and larger development in descending from Mammals down to Fishes, and which is manifestly a more essential part of the arch than the clavicle, since it contributes more or less of the surface of attachment for the radiated appendage, which the clavicle never does. By Cuvier the lijemapophysial portion of the occipital inverted arch in fishes is termed the ‘ humerus but it is unquestionably a part of the arch, and the most important part in the present class, in no member of which does it present the slightest approach to the character of a diverging appendage, such as the humerus essentially is, whenever it has an independent existence. By some Ichthyotomists the bone in question has received the special name of ‘ coenosteon.’ Whether viewed insulated, i. e, merely ichthyotomically, or by the light of the modifications of the sustaining arch of the pectoral member in higher Vertebrata, the essential nature of the bone in question was little likely to be understood : its general homology can only be appreciated by studying its relations to the general vertebrate skeleton in the lowest class, where vegetative repetition most prevails, and the fundamental type is least depai’ted from. The relation to the primary constituent segment of the skeleton being thus ascer- tained, the special homology of the bone is to be determined by tracing the modifications of the scapular arch in the ascending di- rection. The serial homologies of the hoemapophyses of the scapular arch are obviously with the cerato-hyoids, the mandible, the cartilages THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 119 of the ribs, or sternal ribs, &c. The modification of the coracoids, most characteristic of fishes, is the symphysial union of their lower extremities, like the hajmapophyses of the maxillary and mandibular arches, either by ligament, or dentated suture ; or, as in Plagiostomes, by cartilaginous confluence. But this mode of closing the inverted arch seems inevitable in a class in which a true steimum ‘ hasmal spine’ is absent; and we shall find the same symphysis of the cora- coids in those fish-like Reptiles, the Enaliosauria, which are now extinct. In the Cod-tribe the pointed upper extremity of the coracoid {figs. 19. and 30. 52), projects behind the scapula and almost touches the supra-scapular bone ; below this part a broad angular plate of the coracoid projects backwards and gives attachment to the radiated appendage of the arch : the rest of the coracoid bends inwards and forwards, gradually decreasing to a point, which is connected by ligament to its feUow, and to the uro-hyal bone. The inner side of the coracoid is excavated, and its anterior margin folded inwards and backwards ; it is continued above into the posterior angular process, but in the rest of the coracoid it is simply bent upon the inner con- cavity of the bone, which lodges the origin to the great lateral muscle of the trunk. In most fishes the lower end of the arch is completed, as in the Cod, .by the ligamentous symphysis of the coracoids ; but in the Siluri and Platycephali the coracoids expand below, and are firmly joined together by a dentated suture. In all fishes they support and defend the heart, and form the frame, or sill, against which the oper- cular and branchiostegal doors shut in closing the great branchial cavity ; they also give attachment to the aponeurotic diaphragm dividing the pericaidial from the abdominal cavity. Like the tympano-mandibular and hyoidean arches the scapular arch supports, in most fishes, a Diverging or radiated Appendage on each side. This appendage consists in Lepidosiren of a single ray : but in Osseous Fishes it is composed usually, first, of two rarely of three bones immediately articulated with the coracoid ; next, of a series of from two to six smaller bones; which, lastly, support a series of spines or jointed rays. These rays in the scapular appendage, or ‘ pec- toral fin,’ are a repetition of tlie branchiostegal rays in the byoidean appendage, and of the opercular rays in the tympanic appendage. 01 the special homology of the pectoral fin-rays with the digits of the pector.al extremity in higher animals, there has been no question. Tlie vegetative repetition of digits and joints, and the vegetative sameness of form in those multiplied peripheral parts of the fins of 1 4 120 LECTURE V. fishes, accord with the characters of all other organs on their first introduction into the animal series. The single row of fewer ossi- cles supporting the rays, obviously represents the double carpal series in Mammals ; and the bones of the bracbium and anti-brachium seem in like manner to be reduced to a single series, unless the humeral segment be confluent with the arch. In the ventral fin no segment is developed between the arch and the digital rays : it is in this respect like the branchiostegal fin. The pectoral fin is directed backwards, and being applied, prone, to the lateral surface of the trunk, the ray or digit answering to the thumb is towards the ventral surface. The lowest of the bones sup- porting the carpus should, therefore, be regarded as the radius 19. and 30. 5s), holding the position which that bone un- questionably does in the similarly disposed pectoral fin of the Whales and Enaliosaurs. The upper bone, which commonly afibrds support to a smaller proportion of the carpal row, may be com- pared to the ulna {ib. 54). As a third small bone is articulated to the coracoid, in some Osseous Fishes, at least in their immature state, the name of humerus may be confined to that bone : but in these it is generally above and on the inner side of the ulna, and seems to be rather a dismemberment of it. In the young Tench, however, the humerus is a small ossicle, firmly attached to the inner surface of the coracoid, and articulated at the other end to both the ulna and the I’adius, but not reaching to the carpus. The ulna is beneath it, and of an annular form ; the radius is much larger, and of a triangular form, articulated by its smallest side with the humerus and ulna, by its an- terior and outer border with the coracoid, and by its upper and hinder border with the carpus. In the Cod, Haddock, and most other fishes, there is no separate representative of the humerus : in these the ulna is a short and broad plate of bone, deeply emarginate an- teriorly, attached by suture to the coracoid, and by the opposite expanded end to the radius, and to one or two of the carpal ossicles, and directly to the upper or ulnar ray of the fin. Tlie radius (ib. 55) is a crescentic or sub-triangular plate with an upper emargination completing an interosseous foramen with that of the ulna; articulated by a small part of its upper and anterior angle and by its produced lower and anterior angle with the coracoid, so as to permit a slight movement, and having its upper and hinder border equally divided between the ulna and the carpus. In the Bull-head and Sea-scorpion ( Coitus), the radius and ulna are widely separated, and two of the large square carpal plates in their' inter- space articulate directly with the coracoid. A similar arrangement obtains in the Gurnards and the Wolf-fish ; but the carpals in the THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 121 interspace of the radius and ulna are separated from the coracoids by a space occupied by an aponeurosis ; and in the Wolf-fish the inter- mediate carpals are almost divided by two opposite notches. The ulna is perforated in all these fishes. The radius is of enormous size in the Opal (^Lampris) and in the Flying-fish ; it is anehylosed with the coracoid in the Silurus, to give firmer support to its strong ser- rated pectoral spine. I find both radius and ulna, which are ex- tremely small, connate with the coracoid in a large LopMus {Jig- 40. 54, 55). This condition probably occasioned them to be overlooked by Geoffrey, whose figure of the bones of the pectoral extremity of this fish* moreover i-epresents the two long bones of the carpus, (ii. 56, 56), which he calls ‘radius’ and ‘ulna’ ujiside down. The ossicles called carpals are usually four or five in number, as in the Cod tribe {Jig. 19. 30. 56) ; they progressively increase in length from the ulnar to the radial side of the carpus, especially in the Parrot-fish ( Seams') and the Mullets {Mugil). They are three in number and elongated in the Polypterus {Jig. 41. 56), but are reduced to two in number, and more elongated in the Lophius {Jig. 40. 56) ; thus they retain in this species and in the Sharks their primi- tive form of ‘rays,’ but change to broad flat bones in the Wolf-fish, just as the rays of the opercular fin exchange that form in the Pla- giostomes for broad and flat plates in ordinary Osseous Fishes. The rays representing the metacarpal ouCl phalangeal bones 30. 40. 57) are in the Cod twenty in number, and all soft, jointed, and sometimes bifurcate at the distal end. Their proximal ends are slightly expanded and overlap each other, but are so articulated as to permit an oblique divarication of the rays to the extent permitted by the uniting fin-membrane, the combined effect being a movement of the fin, like that called the ‘ feathering of an oar.’ Each soft and * Anrmlcs du MuBcum, 1807, pi. 29. 122 LECTUUE V. jointed ray splits easily into two halves as far as its base, and ap- pears to be essentially a conjoined pair. In the series of Osseous Fishes the rays of the pectoral and ventral fins offer the same modifications as those of the median fins, on which have been founded the division into “ Malacopterygians ” and “ Acan- thopterygians in the former the last or ulnar fin-ray is usually thicker than the rest ; in the latter it is always a hard, unjointed spine : in some fishes it forms a strong pointed or serrated weapon (Silurus). In the Gurnards the three lowest rays are detached and free, like true fingers ; and are soft, multi-articulated, and larger than the rest ; they are supplied by special nerves, which come from the peculiar ganglionic enlargements of the spinal chord, and they appear to be organs of exploration. In all the Gurnards the locomotive part of the pectoral member is of large size ; hut in one species {Dacty- lopterus) it presents an unusual expanse, and is able by its stroke to raise and sustain for a brief period the body of the fish in the air. The pectoral fins present a still greater development in the true Flying-fish {Exocoetus). Only in the Polypterus can any segment analogous to a metacarpus be distinguished by modification of structure fi*om the phalangeal portion of the fin-rays : there are seventeen simple cylindrical meta- carpal bones {fig. 41. 57), the middle ones being the longest : they are supported on two carpal bones {ib. 56), almost as remarkable for their length as in the Eophius ; a third shorter and broader carpal is wedged into the interspace of the two longer Bones oi pectoral fin of pnes, but does not directly joiii the metacarpus. The carpus is supported by a small radius (55) and ulna (54), which articulate directly with the coracoid. A further approach to the higher conditions of the pectoral member is made by the same Salamandroid Fish in the carpal portion projecting freely from the side of the body, as in the Lophioid Fishes. In the Lepidosiren the diverging appendage of the scapular arch is reduced to the condition of a single jointed ray {fig- 27. 67). From this ele- mentary form, development may be traced in one direction, through osseous and cartilaginous fishes, in the progressive manifestation of irrelative repetition of parts, until the number of jointed rays exceeds a hundred, as in the fishes thence called Rays ; and in another direction, through the didactyle and tridactyle Pe- rcnni-branchiate Reptiles, to the perfection of the more^ normal type of the anterior member in higher Vertebrata ; in each class diverging in special directions, more or less, from that THE SKULL OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 123 common undivided embryonal bud, wbicb is permanently typified in the Lepidosiren. Since, however, in all its modifications, the anterior or pectoral member is essentially, in its widest homological relations, but the diverging or radiated appendage of the hfemal arch of the occipital vertebra, we must not be surprised to find that arch retained, as in the Synbranchi and Muraenae, where no vestige of its appendage is developed. To the inner side of the upper end of the coracoid there is attached, in the Cod and Carp, a bony appendage in the form of a single styli- form rib ; but in other fishes this is more frequently composed of two pieces, as in the Perch. This single or double bone, here called epi-coracoid {Jigs. 19. 40. 5S), is slightly expanded at its upper end in the Cod-tribe, where it is attached by ligament to the inner side of the angular process of the coracoid : its slender pointed portion extends downwards and backwards, and terminates freely in the lateral mass of muscles. In its mode of attachment to the cora- coid it resembles that of the hyoidean arch to the tympanic pedicle : but in the Batrachus its upper extremity rises above the coracoid, and is directly attached to the spinous process of the atlas. In some fishes, as the Snipe-fish ( Centriscus Scolopax), the Cock -fish {Argy- reiosus Vomer), the Lancet-fish {Siganus), it is joined by the lower end to the corresponding bone of the opposite side, thus completing an independent inverted arch, behind the scapular arch. There is some reason, therefore, for viewing the epi-coracoids as representing the inverted arch of the atlas, or its hasmapophysial portion, and not as parts or appendages of a cranial vertebra. The usually free lower extremities of the epi-coracoids, together with their taking no share in the direct support of the pectoral fin, and their inconstant existence, oppose more strongly the view of their special homology with the coracoids of higher Vertebrates. They have been regarded as advanced ‘ ossa innominata’ by Carus (xxxiv. p. 125.). To their special homology with the ‘ clavicles’ of higher classes it has been objected that these bones are always si- tuated in those classes in advance of the coracoids ; but this inverted position may be a consequence of the backward displacement of the scapulo-coracoid arch in the air-breathing Vertebrata ; and if, not- withstanding such displacement, we are able to discern the general homological relations of that arch as the hamial one of the occipital vertebra, we may, in like manner, discern in the clavicle a less dis- placed lucmal arch of the atlantal vertebra. Tlie epi-coracoids are either absent or are very slender spines in the Wolf-fish {Anarhichas), the Mullet, the Goby, the Stickleback, 124 LECTURE V. the Remora, the Ribband-fish (^Cepola), the Uranoscopus scaber, the Blennies, the Siluroids, and the Apodal Fishes, with the exception of the Sand-lance, which difiers from the Eels in having the epi-coracoids. That they belong to the system of hsemal or inferior vertebrate arches, and make a transition from the enormously developed arch of the occipital to the ordinary costal arches of the second and sub- sequent abdominal vertebrae, is indicated by their functions arising out of their muscular attachments. In the Carp two ‘ musculi quad- rat!,’ arising from the coracoid, are inserted into the epi-coracoid ; one entirely, the other partially, and this latter is continued backwards, to be similarly implanted into the rib of the second abdominal ver- tebra; similar but more delicate muscular bands, degenerating into aponeuroses, pass to the succeeding ribs, which are thus drawn forward by the protraction of the epi-coracoids, or haemapophyses of the atlas. By this action an effect analogous to the expansion of the thorax in Mammalia is produced, the air-bladder being permitted to dilate by the augmented capacity of the abdomen. As the terminal segment (hand or foot) of a locomotive member is the essential part, or the great aim, so to speak, of the development of such radiated appendage, it is the first part to appear and the last to disappear. It exists without intermediate segment in the ventral fins of all fishes, and in the pectorals of some, e. g. the Rays, and the Lepidosiren {fig. 27.) : in others there may be a carpal seg- ment, as in the Lophius {fig. 4D. 56), the antibrachial segment being confiuent with the arch : in most fishes both a carpal (se) and an anti- brachial segment exist, as in the Cod {fig. 19. 54, 55) ; in Polypterus a metacarpus makes its appearance : but in none is there a distinct brachial segment or humerus, interposed between the anti-brachium and the arch ; it is at best represented by some small, supplemental third bone manifesting that relation very dubiously. The special homology of the pectoral fins of fishes with the fore limbs of quadrupeds was indicated by Aristotle, and first definitely pointed out in later times by Artedi, in 1735, who says, — “ Ossa pec- toris et ventris in piscibus reperiuntur ; suntque in piscibus spinosis : 1. Claviculae; 2. Sternum; 3. Scapulas, seu ossa quibus pinnce pec- torales ad radicem affiguntur.” {Partes Piscium, p. 39.) Geoflfroy St. Hilaire, who has devoted special Memoirs to the determination of the bones of the pectoral fin, had no knowledge of the primary homology of the pectoral fin as the radiated appendage of the inferior arch of a cranial vertebra, or of its serial homology with the branchiostegal and opercular fins. He consequently speaks of the junction of the basis of the fin to the cranium as something very strange : — “ Disposition THE SKTJI.L OF OSSEOUS FISHES. 125 veritablement tres singuliere, et que le manque absolu de cou, et une combinaison des pieces dii sternum avec celles de la tete pouvoient seuls rendre possible.” (^Annales du Museum, ix. p. 361.) Oken’s latest idea of the essential nature of tbe arms and legs is, that they are no other than ‘liberated ribs:’ “ Freye Bewegungs- organe konnen nichts anderes als frey gewordene Rippen seyn. (^Lehrbuch der Natur Philosophie, p. 330. 8vo. 1843.) Carus (L), in his ingenious endeavours to gain a view of the primary homologies of the locomotive members, sees in their several joints repetitions of vertebral bodies {tertiar-wirhel) — vertebras of the third degree — a result of an ultimate analysis of a skeleton pushed to the extent of the term ‘ vertebra ’ being made to signify little more than what an ordinary anatomist would call a ‘ bone.’ But these transcendental analyses sublimate all differences, and de- finite knowledge of a part escapes through the unwarrantable exten- sion of the meaning of terms. We have seen, however, that a ver- tebra is a natural group of bones, that it may be recognised as a pri- mary division or segment of the endo-skeleton, and that the parts of that group are definable and recognisable under all their teleolo- gical modifications, their essential relations and characters appearing through every adaptive mask. According to the definition of which a vertebra has seemed to me to be susceptible, we recognise the centrum, the upper (neural) arch, the lower (hiemal) arch, and the appendages, diverging or radia- ting from the haemal arch. The centrum, though the basis, is not less a part of a vertebra, than are the neurapophyses, haemapophyses, pleu- rapophyses, &c. ; and each of these parts is a different part from the other : to call all these parts ‘ vertebrae ’ is in effect to deny their dif- ferential and subordinate characters, and to voluntarily abdicate the power of appreciating and expressing them. The terms ‘secondary’ or ‘ tertiary vertebrae ’ cannot, therefore, be correctly applied to the appendages of that natural segment of the endo-skeleton to which the term ‘ vertebra ’ ought to be restricted. So likewise the term ‘ rib ’ may be given to each moiety of the haemal arch of a vertebra ; although I would restrict it to that part of such arch to which the term ‘ vertebral rib ’ is applied in Com- parative Anatomy and the term ‘ pars ossea costae ’ in Anthropotomy : but, admitting the wider application of the term ‘ rib ’ to the whole haemal arch, yet the bony diverging and backwai’d projecting appen- dage of sucli rib or arch is something different from the part support- ing it. Arms and legs may be developments of costal appendages, but cannot be I’ibs themselves liberated : although liberated ribs may , perform analogous functions, as in the Serpents and Dragons. 126 LKCTUKE V. A series of developments may be traced from the primitive form of the appendage, as a simple plate, spine, or ray, through the many- jointed single ray in the Lepidosiren and the bifurcate jointed ray in the Amphiuma didactylum, up to the wing of the Bird and the arm of the Man, without the essential nature of the part being lost sight of ; for all these forms of the pectoral member are, in their ultimate or general homology, ‘ diverging ’ or ‘ radiated appendages ’ of a ha3mal arch ; but not ‘ribs,’ nor ‘ vertebras.’ We may further define the fore-limb, wing, or pectoral fin to be the radiated appendage of the arch called ‘ scapular,’ and this to be the ‘ haemal arch of the occi- pital vertebra.’ There remain to complete the analysis of the skeleton of the Cod, here taken as a type of Osseous Fishes, the bones of the ventral pair of fins and the cranial parts of the dermal skeleton. The rays of the ventral fin are supported by two bones, which represent the lower portion of an imperfect inverted or hasmal arch ; each bone is a sub-triangular bifurcate plate in the Cod tribe, with its apex an- terior and superiox’'^ joined by ligament to the same part of the cor- responding bone, and suspended beneath the coracoid arch. To the outer part of the base of each suspending bone the rays of the ventral fin are attached without the intermedium of any series of short ossicles ; in fact, the representatives of tarsal, tibial, and femoral bones are wanting in all fishes, and the lower half of the pelvic arch, {pv the pitbic hones, Jig. 19. 63), and the peripheral and essential parts of the fin, the metatarso-phalangeal ‘^ovateA rays {ib. 7o), alone repre- sent the hinder or lower locomotive member in fishes. In Acan- thopterygian Fishes one or more of the anterior rays of the ventral fin may be hard unjointed spines, as in the other fins ; in the Malacopte- rygians all the ventral rays are soft, multi-articulate, and bifurcate. * In no fish is this incomplete pelvic arch directly attached to the vertebral column. If we may judge from the position in which the ventral fin appears, in the development of the embryo fish, as a little bud attached to the skin of the belly, and from the fact that all the * Ichthyologists avail themselves of the number and kind of rays in the several single and parial fins to characterise the species of fishes, and adopt an abbreviated formula to express those characters : thus Mr. Yarrell (xxxix. i. p. 4.) uses the fol- lowing with reference to the Perch : — d. 15, 1 + 13 : p. 14 : v. 1 + 5 : a. 2 + 8 ; c. 17 : which signifies that n., the dorsal fin, has in the first fin 15 rays, all .spinous ; in the second fin, 1 spinous + (plus) 13 rays that are soft, p., the pectoral fin, 14 rays, all soft, v., the ventral fin, with 1 spinous ray + 5 that are soft, a., tlie anal’ fin, with 2 spinous rays + 8 that are soft, c., the caudal fin, 17 rays. The formula of the fin-rays in the Haddock is : n. 1 5, 21, 19 : p. 18: v. 6 : a. 24, 18 : c. 44. : i- e. all the rays are soft, and there are 15 rays in the first dorsal, 21 in the second dorsal, and 19 in the third dorsal ; 18 rays in the pectoral fin ; 6 rays in the ventral fin ; 24 rays in the first anal, and 18 in the second anal fins ; and 44 rays in the caudal fin. THE SKULL OP OSSEOUS PISHES. 127 fishes in the geological formations anterior to the chalk are abdominal, that is, have the ventral fins near the posterior end of the abdomen* ive may conclude that the supporting bones are, essentially, the hae- mapophyses of the last rib-bearing (or pelvic) abdominal vertebra ; and that the rays are the diverging appendage, but are attached, like the branchiostegal rays of the hyoidean (parietal hmmal) arch, Avithout the intervention of fewer short and broad bones, homo- logous with femoral, tibial, tarsal bones, &c. The hsemapophysial portion (pubis) of the pelvic arch is never joined to the pleu- rapophysial portion (iHum) of the same arch in fishes ; but is suspended more or less freely to other parts, always projecting from the under or ventral part of the body, but subject to great diversity of position in relation to the two extremes of the abdomen. On these differences Linnmus based his primary classification of fishes : he united together, for example, those fishes which have the pelvic or ventral fins near the anus, to form the order called Pisces Abdo- minales;'' those with the ventral fins beneath the pectorals, into an order called “ Pisces Thor acid and those with the ventrals in ad- vance of the pectorals, into an order called Pisces Jugulares p lastly, those fishes in Avhich the ventral fins are absent formed the order called “Pisces Apodes.” And by this name it will be ob- served that Linnams recognised the special homology of the radiated appendages of the pelvic arch of fishes with the hinder or lower extremities of the higher classes of animals. In the Angler {Lophius piscatorius') each pelvic bone is attached to the under and neai- the fore part of the long coracoid, expands at the opposite end, and bends inwards to meet its fellow at a kind of sym- physis pubis ; the fin, supported by six rays with expanded imbricated bases, diverges from the angle ; and the suspending branch above this seems to represent an iliac bone. The pubic bones are detached from the coracoid arch in Abdominal Fishes ; the Thoracic character de- pends upon the peculiar length of those bones, which carries back the ventral fins to beneath the pectorals. As the ventral fins are always the last to be developed in the embryo abdominal, thoracic, and jugular fishes, so the apodals may be regarded as analogous to permanent em- bryo forms of these fishes, in which development has been arrested be- fore arriving at the abdominal stage, and growth has proceeded, in most cases, to excess in the linear direction ; as is exemplified in the Eel tribe, where vegetative repetition of a vast number of incomplete vertebrae has taken the place of the perfection of part of a fewer number of vertebrae. * Ag.'issiz, Mist, dcs Poissons, t. i. p. 10.5. 128 LECTURE V. There are neither pectoral nor ventral fins in the Cyclostomous Fishes. In the Plagiostomes there are both: but the scapular arch is detached from the occiput, the condition of its displacement being the more posterior position of the heart in these fishes. In the Sharks and Chim£er£e it is loosely suspended by ligaments from the vertebral column : in the Rays the point of resistance of their enormous pectoral fins has a firmer, but somewhat anomalous attachment, by the medium of the coalesced upper ends of the supra-scapular pieces to the summits of the spines of the confluent anterior portion of the thoracic abdominal vertebras. In the Sharks the scapular arch con- sists chiefly of the coracoid portions 42. 5q), which are confluent together beneath the pericardium which they support and defend ; the scapular ends of the arch, connected to the coracoids by ligament, project freely upwards, backwards, and outwards. To a posterior prominence of the coracoid cartilage corresponding with the anchy- losed radius and ulna {ih. 54, 55) in the Lophius, there are attached, in the Dog-fish and most other Sharks, three sub-compressed, sub- elongated carpal cartilages, the uppermost {ih. 56) the smallest, and styliform ; it supports the upper or outer phalangeal ray. The next bone {ih. 56') is the largest and triangular, attached by its apex to the arch, and supporting by its base the majority of the phalanges. Cartilages of the pectoral fin and arch of the Dog-fish (Spinax acanlhias). The third carpal {ih. 56") is a smaller but triangular cartilage, and supports six of the lower or radial phalanges. Three joints (meta- carpal and digital) complete each cartilaginous ray or representative of the finger {ih. 57) ; and into the outer surface of the last are in- serted the fine horny rays or filaments {ih. 57"), the homologues of THE SKULL OP OSSEOUS FISHES. 129 the claws and nails of higher Vertebrata, but which on their first ap- 2‘>earance, in the ju’ssent highly organised class of fishes, manifest, like other newly introduced organs, the jJrinciple of vegetative repe- tition, there being three or four horny filaments to each cartilaginous ungual phalanx. On the fore part of the coracoid arch, near to the prominence sup- porting the fin, there are developed a vertical series of small bony cylindrical nuclei in the substance of the cartilage in most Sharks. In the Rays the coraco-scapular arch forms an entire circle or girdle attached to the dorsal spines : it consists of one continuous cartilage in the Rhmobates, but in other Rays is divided into coracoid, scapular, and suprascapular portions, the latter united together by ligament. The scapula and coracoid expand at their outer ends, where they join each other by thi’ee points, to each of which a cartilage is articulated homo- logous with the three above described in the Shark, and which imme- diately sustain the fin-rays. The jiosterior cartilage answering to, the upper one in the Shark curves backwards and reaches the ventral fin : the antei’ior cax'tilage curves forwards, and its extremity is joined by the ant-oi’bital process as it proceeds to be attached to the end of the rostral cartilage ; the middle proximal cartilage is comparatively short and crescentic, and sustains about a sixth jiart of the fin-rays, which are the longest, the rest being supported by the anterior and posterior carpals, and gradually diminishing in length as they ap- proach the extremities of those cartilages. In the common Ray there are upwards of a hundred metacarpo-phalangeal rays in each great pectoral fin. The longest rays begin after the tenth or eleventh joint to bifurcate ; the shorter ones bifurcate progressively nearer their origin. The ventral fin is better developed in the Plagiostonies than in any other fishes. The supporting arch consists indeed of the same simple pubic elements, united together by ligament in the middle line, and loosely suspended in the abdominal walls, but they do not immediately support the fin-rays. Two intermediate cartilages are articulated to the expanded outer end of each pubis ; the anterior is the shortest in the Dog-fish, and supports three or four rays ; the pos- terior one is much longer, and supports the remainder of the rays, fifteen or sixteen in number. To the end of this cartilage likewise is attached, in the male Plagiostomes and Chimaira;, the peculiar ac- cessary generative organ or clasjier. In the lorpedo the jmbic arch sends forwards two 2‘>i’ocesses like marsupial bones; these processes are longer in an extinct Ray to which its discoverer Sir P. de M. Grey Egerton has given the name oV Cyclohalcs olitjodaciylm (xL. p. 225. 2>1. 5.). VOL. II. K 130 LECTURE VI. LECTURE VI. DERMAL BONES AND TELEOLOGY OF THE SKELETON OF FISHES. The Sturgeon is one of the transitional steps from the Cartilaginous to the Osseous Fishes ; hut as its skeleton more especially elucidates those bones of the Osseous Fishes which have been superadded to the proper cranial and other bones of the endo-skeleton to form the dermal system or exo-skeleton, I have deferred a notice of it to this place. All the parts of the skull of the Sturgeon which belong to the endo- skeleton are, with the exception of the appended arches, one con- tinuous mass of cartilage, which is defended by a crust of shagreened, ganoid bones of the dermal system. It seems, as Agassiz well says, as if the space between the outer bony crust and the cerebral mem- branes within had formed a mould into which the liquid gristle had been thrown at a single jet, and there hai’dened. There is no membranous fontanelle in this cartilaginous cranium. The base of the skull shows the embryonic character of the prolongation of the pointed end of the ‘ chorda dorsalis’ as far forwards as the pituitary depression, which is persistent in the Stui'geons. The occipito- sphenoidal cartilaginous plate is developed around the ‘ chorda,’ and extends upon the base and sides of the skull, whence it is continued backwards, without an intervening joint, into the cartilage of the co- alesced anterior vertebra3 of the trunk. The upper surface of the cartilaginous skull is gently convex ; it extends outwards at its middle part between the large orbital and branchial cavities, and to the under part of this prominence the tympanic pedicle is articu- lated. The cartilaginous cranial mass contracts in front of the orbits, is deeply excavated on each side for the nasal cavities, and thence is continued forwards into a rostral process, which gradually tapers to a more or less obtuse point. A thin continuous crust of bone covers the lower surface of the occipito-sphenoidal cartilage, except at the middle line, beneath the cranial end of the chorda, where we saw the cartilage arrested in the Cestracion ; this crust extends backwards into the cervical region. The pituitary sella pierces the basal cartilage, but not the subjacent osseous crust. This crust seems analogous to the basi-sphenoid iilate in the Lcindosiren ; but its extension upon the neck, the absence of the articular concavity, and the persistence of the DERMAL BONES OF FISHES. 131 cartilaginous basis of the skull oppose the view of its homology with the basal elements of the cranial vertebras. With regard to the upper and lateral osseous plates of the head, they are, as Von Baer has indicated (lu.), the continuation of the series of dermal osseous plates upon the upper mid-line and sides of the trunk. Before, however, applying this instructive condition of the cranium of the Sturgeon to the elucidation of the nature and homologies of the bones which stiU remain to be noticed in the skuU of the Cod, I shall briefly describe the maxillaiy, mandibular, hyoid, and scapular hasmal arches of the coalesced cranial vertebrte of the Sturgeon. The first three of these arches are suspended from the tympanic pedicle ; but this, instead of being a single piece, as in the Plagiostomes and Lepidosiren, consists of three cartilages, articulated in Accipenser Ruthenus, according to Muller, by a small accessory or interarticular cartilage, with the under part of the mastoid process. The three principal bones describe a semicircle, concave forwards, and answer respectively to the epi-tympanic {fig- 43. 25), the meso-tympanic {ib. 26), and hypo-tympanic {ib. 28) bones of Osseous Fishes. Fore-part of endo- and exo-skeleton of Sturgeon. The upper jaw, or maxillary arch of Plagiostomes and Lepidosiren, is represented in the Sturgeon by a partly osseous, partly cartila- ginous, broad arch, in which the centres of ossification have been three in number on each side, and indicate both by their relative position, and by the direction in, and extent to, which the bony fibres have diverged from them, the pre-maxillary, maxillary, and palatal bones of the Osseous Fishes. The pre-maxillaries {ib. 22) Ibrm the anterior and inferior border of the arch : each bone is a sub-triangular plate, joined by ligament to its fellow at the middle line, trenchant anteiiorly, contracted and thickened posteriorly, whence it rises and extends in the form of an arched process, out- wards and downwards to the outer side ol’ the joint for the lower K 2 132 LECTURE VI. jaw. Tliis process corresponds with the outward and downward prolongation of the transversely developed pre-maxillary in Osseous Fishes. The maxillary hone (ib. 21) is a small and simple oblong plate, articulated to the under part of the base of the outer process of the pre-maxillary, and attached by the whole of its inner and posterior side to the palatine. Only the gradual transmutation of the similarly insignificant ‘ os mystaceum ’ in the Osseous Fishes to its higher form and functions in the Salmonoid and Salamandroid species, could have made the homology of this separate bone appreciable in the Sturgeon. The os palati (ib. 20) articulates by its anterior angle with both maxillary and pre-maxillary ; expands posteriorly in one direction towards the median line, along which a slender pointed process is directed forwards ; and in the opposite direction outwards and downwards to the inner side of the cartilaginous joint of the lower jaw ; like the pterygoid extension of the same part of the arch in the Lepidosiren. A slender ossicle (ib. 74) extends along the outer side of the cartilaginous joint, from the end of the premaxillary process to the posterior ridge of the palatine bone ; homologous with the angulo-labial cartilage in the Squatina. In the cartilagi- nous interspace between the anterior notch of the palatines and the premaxillary synchondrosis, I have found a small separate ossification in a very large and old Accipenser Sturio. The roof of the mouth is extended posteriorly by three cartilagi- nous plates : one single (ib. 20 a) and extending backwards, from the posterior interspace of the palatines ; this seems to be the homologue of the two median cartilages, called ‘ palatal ’ by Dr. Henle, on the roof of the broader mouth of the Narcine * : the two outer cartilages correspond with those called ‘ pterygoid ’ by the same author in the same Brazilian Torpedo, f The lower jaw (ib. 32), which is joined by a concavity to the trochlear cartilage supported by the pterygoid process of the palatine and the premaxillary, consists principally of a single bony ramus on each side, joined by ligament to its fellow at the symphysis, with a posterior excavation filled by cartilage, in which there is a small detached ossification in the old Accipenser Sturio above adverted to.J The whole of the above apparatus of the jaws is suspended to * Muller’s Myxinoiden, tab. v. fig. 3 and 4. e e. f Ib. d d. :j: The bones and gristles of tlie Sturgeon’s month are well described by J. Muller (xxi.); but iclitbyotomically, i. e. without determination of homologies, and accordingly under special names. DERMAL BONES OP PISHES. 133 tlic hypo-tympanics {ib. 28), which are attached principally to the pterygoid processes and the back part of the cartilaginous joint of the lower jaw. The mouth of the Sturgeon opens, as in Sharks, upon the under surface of the head, and is protruded and retracted chiefly by the movements of the tympanic pedicle, which swings, like a pendulum, from its point of suspension to the post-orbital process. Tlie hyoid arch is also small and simple in the Sturgeon. The epi-hyal is short and attached to near the upper end of the hypo- tympanic. The cerato-hyal (ib. 4o) of thrice the length, is expanded above, and is attached by ligament extending from that part to near the joint of the lower jaw. The basi-hyal is a short sub-cubical piece : it gives attachment anteriorly to cerato-hyals, and posteriorly to the anterior basi-branchial and hypo-branchial cartilages. The three first branchial arches consist of hypo-branchial s, pro- gressively decreasing in size, of cerato-branchials, epi-branchials, and pharyngo-branchials : the fourth arch consists of cerato-branchials and epi-branchials : the fifth arch of cerato-branchials only. In an old Accipenser Sturio I found the tympanic pedicle in two pieces, and partly ossified. The epi-tympanic was cartilaginous where it articulated with the post-frontal and mastoid, the osseous part commencing at a definite transverse plane. This, as it de- scended, expanded, and reverted to the cartilaginous state, forming a broad triangular flattened plate, which supported the large opercular dermal bone : the hypo-tympanic was a simple strong cylindrical car- tilage, giving attachment to the hyoid near its upper end, and to the ligaments suspending the palatine and mandibular arches at its lower end. The cartilaginous representation of the par-occipital projects boldly backwards from each angle of the occiput. A triangular supra-scapular cartilage (ib. so) has the angles of its base slightly produced, one being articulated to the end of the par-occipital, the other to the ex-occipital region. To the apex is attached the sca- pulo-coracoid arch (ib. 51, 52), which is completed below, as in Lcjn- dosiren, by ligamentous union, not, as in Sharks, by cartilaginous confluence. The scapulo-coracoid cartilage expands as it descends, sends inwards and forwards a broad wedge-shaped plate, and presents a large perforation at its thick posterior part, answering probably to the perforated ulna of Osseous Fishes, here confluent Avith the arch. The pectoral fin is articulated to the under pai’t of this perforated projection : the coracoid terminates below by sending inwai’ds and forwards a broad and thin plate beneath the pericardium, which is joined by strong aponeurosis to that of the opposite coracoid. There K 3 134 LECTURE VI. are no separate homologues in the Sturgeon’s fin of the bones called ulna and radius in Osseous Fishes : the carpal bones {ih. 56) imme- diately articulate with the coracoid, and support about thirty rays {ib. 57), two or three of which seem to have coalesced to form the strong bony spine {ib. 57') on the outer border of the fin. The ventral fins are small and are suspended each by a simple cartilaginous pubis to the abdominal muscles a little in advance of the anus. The osseous scales on the upper surface of the skull are so ar- ranged as, at first sight, to suggest certain analogies with the epi- cranial bones. Thus, the scale marked a {ib. d 3) in Brandt and Katzebui’gh’s figure of the head of the Accipenser Sturio* might be compared with the supra-occipital bone ; the pair in advance {ib. d 7), marked e (loc. cit.), with the parietals ; and the pair {d 11) marked g (loc. cit.), with the frontals ; but then these are sepa- rated by an interfrontal osseous plate, and in Accipenser Scypha by two or three such plates ; the supra-occipital plate is divided in the A. brevirostris and in the A. sturio of Pallas f, and other varieties occur which render the attempt to illustrate the homology of the true epicranial bones in Osseous Fishes by these dermal ganoid plates in the Sturgeons difficult and unsatisfactory. The median plates are more obviously and essentially a continuation forwards of the dermal spinous plates {ib. c?s), from the mid-line of the back ; and we may see their more veritable repetition amongst the Osseous Fishes in the dermal epicranial spines, for example, of the Angler {Lophius), which support the long fishing filaments upon the head, or in those modified ones forming the sucking disk on the head of the Remora. They are more obviously homologous with the dermal bones forming the helmet of the Armadillo, and bear the same relation in the Sturgeon to the cartilaginous skull as those bones do in the Armadillo to the osseous skull beneath. The lateral series of dermal bony plates {ib. dp) are also con- tinued upon the head, and seem to represent in the Sturgeons the supra-scapular {ib. d 50) and the opercular bones {d 35) in osseous Fishes. Other constant series of cranial scale-bones, in the Sturgeon, circumscribe the orbits below and the temporal spaces above. But before applying the well-contrasted states of the endo- and exo- skeleton of the Sturgeon to the determination of the bones of the skull in the Cod, I may advert to the reversed conditions of the cndo- and exo-skeletons in tlie Lepidosiren, which lends another valuable aid in the solution of this difficult and much discussed subject. The * Mcdizin Zoologic, band. ii. tab. ill. ■)• Fauna Rosso- Asiatica, iii. p 91. DERMAL BONES OF PISHES. 135 supra-cranial movable plates 27. 12) are the only bones of the head of the Lepidosiren which can be referred, with any probability, to the dermal system. It is plain that the subjacent epicranial plate 27. 11) in close connection with the cartilage of the cranium, is a true part of the endo-skeleton, and is as certainly the homologue of the mid-frontal, parietal, and supra-occipital bones. In the de- velopment of the skull of Osseous Fishes it is found, however, that, whilst the central or basilar, the neurapophysial, and the parapophy- sial elements of the cranial vertebrte are developed out of a pre- existing cartilaginous basis, the modified spinous elements, with the exception of that of the occipital vertebra, are formed by the depo- sition of the calcareous salts in the epicranial membrane ; and Dr. Reichert, apparently not remembering that the cartilaginous, or in- termediate histological, change between the primitive membranous and ultimate osseous stage has been as little recognised in the de- velopment of the epicranial bones of Man, would reject the parietal and frontal bones from the system of the endo-skeleton. To those who may be inclined to support this view, by reference to the epicranial dermal plates in the species of Sturgeon where their correspondence with the mid-frontal and parietal bones may be most easily recognised, it may be replied, that the pre-frontals, post- frontals, mastoids, and supra-occipitals, might also be referred to the exo-skeleton, by a like reference to dermal plates holding the corre- sponding positions in the Sturgeon’s head : but the skeleton of the Lepidosiren, with the known relations of the pre-frontals, post-fron- tals, mastoids, and supra-occipitals to the pi’imitive cartilaginous basis of the skull in Osseous Fishes, demonstrate the fallacy of the conclu- sions as to the dermal origin of the frontals and parietals, based upon the deceptive analogies of the dermo-cranial plates in the Sturgeon, and upon the absence or brief duration of the cartilaginous stage in the ossification of certain expanded spines of the cranial vertebrm. That the homologues of some of the dermal plates in the Sturgeon are retained in the skull of Osseous Fishes is, however, rendered extremely probable by the constancy of their relative position, by their development in a dermal basis, and by their relation to the dermal mucous canals. The accessary bones of the skull in Osseous Fishes, which I regard, on the above grounds, as appertaining to the exo-skeleton, and which arc more especially connected with the mucous organs of the skin, are the suh-orhilal, the syqjra-orhital, and tlie supra-lemporal ossicles. The first sul)-oi’bital bone {Jig- 19. 73) is always tlic largest : it is triangular in llie Cod, and covers the side of the muzzle, extending from the fore part of the oi’bit to the anterior end of K 4 136 LECTURE VI. the turbinate bone, to which it is attached by ligament, and it is articulated by its upper and posterior angle with the pre- frontal : from its position it might be termed the pre-orbital bone. The second sub-orbital, a much smaller and sub-quadrate bone, is attached to the lower and posterior angle of the first ; and the rest, four in number, of similar form, and gradually smaller in size, com- plete the chain extending to the post-orbital angle of the os frontis. There are no supra-orbitals in the Cod : the Carp has a single one on each side ; the Lepidosteus has three supra-orbitals, whieh quite exclude the frontal from entering into the formation of the orbit. The supra-temporal scale bones are three in number on each side in the Cod, extending backwards from the outer and hinder part of the mastoid : they are very thin, transparent scales, folded on themselves to form a prolongation of the mucous channel, which extends from above the mastoid and frontal bones. The large pre-orbital seale- bone is similarly folded upon itself, from above downwards, forming a mucous channel, extending from the orbit to the nasal sac, and analogous to the muco-lachrymal groove and canal in the lachrymal bone of higher Vertebrata, which always presents a similar position and connections. The smaller sub- orbitals are subservient, chiefly, to the formation of similar mucous ducts, which are completed in these, as in the supra-temporals, by aponeurotic processes of the corium, and are lined by mucous membrane continued from many small and numerous excretory pores on the outer surface of the skin, and forming, in the Cod, ramified secreting follicles in the in- terior of the bony canals. The bony canals themselves are ramified in the corresponding dermal ossicles of the Herring. The turbinate bones, from their intimate relation with the olfactory sacs, appertain by their form and structure to the same category as the sub-orbitals, and are, with the anterior of these mucigerous ossicles, the only bones of the dermal system eonstantly retained in the higher Vertebrata, even to Man, under the names of ‘ lachrymal’ and ‘ spongy’ bones. The turbinate bones are very small in the Conger ; and both these and the sub-orbital bones are wanting in the rest of the Eel tribe. The sub- orbital bones present their maximum of development in the Mailed- cheeked ( Trigla) and Sciasnoid Fishes ; in the Star-gazer ( Urano- scopus') and the Lepidoleprus : in the ScicBna gangetica they extend over the tympanic pedicle almost to the pre-opercular, and have a bold reticulate exterior, like that bone, the mastoid, and the supra- scapular bone. In the skull of the Cod you may observe many bones whieh send a scale-like process from their outer surfaee, whieh process forms a more or less complete canal for the ducts of mucous glands. Ihe frontal, the DERMAL BONES OF FISHES. 137 parietal, tlie mastoid, and the pre-opercular, as well as the turbinate, the sub- orbital, and the supra-temporal bones, offer this modification of their outer surface. The same correspondence in the pattern of the exterior markings usually prevails in all these bones, and is very conspicuous in some fishes ; as in the bold net -work and deep depres- sions of the surface, observable in the Pristipoma and some bciasnoids ; and in the entirely exposed, enamelled, and shagreened surface of the same bones, together with the maxillary arches, in the Polypterus. This correspondence of exterior character, though it diminishes the contrast between the endo- and exo-skeleton bones of the skull, does not destroy their distinction. In certain parts of fishes the endo- and exo-skeletons are so connected together that we can scarcely find the boundary line in nature ; yet the advantage to the Osteologist of classifying the multiform subjects of his study according to their typical characters must not, therefore, be abandoned. Guided by the skull of the Lepidosiren, and by the light of the general homology of the opercular bones as diverging appendages of the tympano-mandibular arch, I consider the pre-opercular, sub- opercular, and inter-opercular bones to be parts of the endo-skeleton. Tlie opercular bone is very constantly represented by the lai-ge dermal plate in the Sturgeon, which M. Agassiz regards as being, with the supra-scapular dermal plate, an anterior continuation of the lateral series of dermal scales. There is also a small dermal plate upon the opercular flap, below the large opercular plate, and which small plate might be regarded as the homologue of the sub-opercular bone. All the four opercular bones forming the diverging appendage of the tympano-mandibular arch were deemed by Cuvier to be peculiar ichthyic super-additions to the ordinary vertebrate skeleton ; whilst by Spix, Geoffroy, and De Blainville they are held to be modiflcations of parts which exist in the endo-skeleton of other Vertebrata. The learned Professor of Comparative Anatomy in King’s College, who regards this as “ the more philosophical mode of considering them,” * has briefly stated the homologies proposed by the supporters of this view, viz. that the opereular bones are gi- gantic representatives of the ossieles of the ear (Spix, Geoffroy, Dr. Grant j") : or that they are dismemberments of the lower jaw (Dc Blainville, Bojanus), — a view refuted by the discovery of the complicated structure of the lower jaw in ecrtain fishes, e.