- *■ ' ' ' ’ "'ll mM V A n 'k / SYSTEM O F VEGETABLES 1 IN TWO VOLUMES. V O L. I. f -5 -*r ■ f \ \ > w < ' # >'» 4' v" -t f A SYSTEM O F VEGETABLES, ACCORDING TO THEIR CLASSES ORDERS GENERA SPECIES WITH THEIR CHARACTERS and DIFFERENCES. IN TWO VOLUMES. L » >, ■ , TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRTEENTH EDITION (As PUBLISHED BY Dr. MURRAY ) OF THE SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM OF THE LATE PROFESSOR LINNEUS; AND FROM THE SUPPLEMENTUM PLANTARUM OF THE PRESENT PROFESSOR L I N N E U S. VOL. I. By a Botanical Society, at LICHFIELD. LICHFIELD: Printed by John Jackson, for Leigh and Sotheby, York Street, Covent Garden, LONDON. MDCCLXXXIII. I<)775 f A H,STORlCAt. ■ MERlCAi. / To Sir JOSEPH BANKS, Bart. Prefident of the Royal Society. SIR, THE rare and excellent example you have given, fo honourable to fcience, by foregoing the more brilliant advantages of birth and fortune, to feek for knowledge through difficulties and dangers, at a period of life when the allurements of pleafure are leaft reliftable, and in an age when the ge- neral effeminacy of manners feemed beyond that of former times to difcourage every vir- tuous exertion, juftly entitles you to the preeminence you enjoy in the philofophical world. In your extenlive purfuits after na- tural knowledge, Botany has been difting- uifhed by your peculiar attention ; of this, the DEDICATION. • • ii. the princely work in which you are at prefent engaged, and of which the public has con- ceived fuch high expectations, will furnifh a noble example to pofterity. At the fame time therefore that we are happy in an op- portunity of paying public homage to your virtue, we have the pleafure to think that this attempt to advance the ftudy of Botany in thefe countries will meet with your par- ticular approbation : by placing this work in the hands of the perfon beft qualified to judge of its merits or imperfections, we at leaft avow the difinterefted wifh, that it may receive no protection but fuch as it really deferves. Accept, Sir, of this mark of our refpeCt and efteem ; and allow us the honour of fubfcribing ourfelves your mo ft obedient humble fervants, The EDITORS. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. THE future improvements in Agriculture, in Medicine, and in many inferior Arts, as dying, tanning, varnifhing; with many of the more important Manufactures, as of paper, linen, cordage; muft principally arife from the knowledge of BO- TANY. For how can we afcertain the more recon- dite properties of bodies, without tirft being able to diftinguilh them from each other ? From the want of this fcience almoft ail the medicines, and many of the arts of the ancients have been loft to their def- cendants. The labours of LTNNEUS are generally acknow- ledged to have beft llipplied this great fource of future improvement, and yet his works have not hitherto ap- peared in the englifh language. Mr. Lee indeed in his Introduction to Botany has well tranflated and explained many parts of the Philofophia Botanica ; Dr. Be rkenhout has given a Lexicon of Terms ex- tracted from the fame work; and Mr. Milne has difpofed a great part of it with other botanical know- ledge in the form of a Dictionary . All thefe labours have their merit ; but why fhould not the works themfelves be tranflated into our language? the con- cife and beautiful arrangement, for which they are fo remaikabxe, is loft in theie diftufeexplanations of them. Dr. ii. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. Dr. Withering has given a Flora Anglica under the title of Botanical Arrangements , and in this has tranflated parts of the Genera and Species Plantarum of Linneus; but has intirely omitted the fexual dif- tin&ions, which are effential to the philofophy of the fyflem ; and has introduced a number of englifh ge- neric names, which either bear no analogy to thofe of Linneus, or are derived from fuch as he has rejected, or has applied to other genera ; and has thus rendered many parts of his work unintelligible to the latin Bo- tanift ; equally difficult to the englifh fcholar ; and loaded the fcience with an addition of new words. We propofe to give a literal and accurate tranflatioa of the SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM of LINNEUS, which unfolds and defcribes the whole of his ingenious and elaborate fyflem of vegetation. The terms, which he invented, or appropriated to thofe parts of veget- ables, which he either firft difcovered, or on which his fyflem is erefted., are retained in the tranflation with englifh terminations. As new ideas require new words to reprefent them, and muft therefore be ex^ plained to the young Botanifl, it is of no confequenc$ from what language they are derived. Thofe therefore which are already in ufe, are prefered to fuch as might be found in our own language, though fimilar in their primitive fignification ; as fuch words would be liable to prefent to the mind their vulgar meaning* which is not fufficiently precife for the purpofes of fcience. Thus Calyx is ufed by Linneus for the green cup beneath fome flowers, for the fheath from which others burft longitudinally, for the leaves beneath the umbels of others, for the hufks of graffes, the cat- kins of willow, nettle, &c. the veil over the flowers of PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. HL of mofies, and the fkin beneath the heads of muffi- rooms. All this muft be explained, whether it is reprefented by the word calyx , or by the word im- palementwhich latter, though ufed by fome of the writers above-mentioned, is as difficult to the englifti fcholar, as the word calyx ; is not underftcod by thofe who are already acquainted with the language of Linneu's ; and does not affift the young Botanift in his ftudy of the original. So the word Legumen means a pod, in which all the peas or feeds are attached to the upper edge or future ; Siliqua a pod in which they are alternately attached to the upper and under one. If the former fhould be termed Jhell , and the latter pod, they muft ftill be defined ; and thus the meaning of them would be as difficult to acquire by the englifti reader as that of the words legumen, and ftliqua ; and would be fo unin- telligible to the latin Botanift, that they could not con - verje together . Hence we have retained the words calyx for flower- cup ; corol for bloflom ; Jlamen for chive ; pijlil for pointal ; pericarp for fruit-veflfel ; and fome other technical terms; fuch as would necejfarily he ufed in an engli/h converfation by Botanijis acquainted with the original of Linn e us : to thefe words we found it neceffary to give englifh terminations, becaufe their diminutives and their participles frequently occur in the courfe of the work, and they are iometimes com- pounded with other words ; thus corolla is tranfiated Corol, petalum Petal , anthera Anther, panicula Panicle , verticillus Verticil, for the purpofe of ufing corollet. Jive-petal’ dy ant her -bearing, panic led, verticil’ d, and iv. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. the like. For the explanation of thefe we refer the reader to the BOTANICAL T ERMS and DEFI- NITIONS prefixed to this work; which we have tranflated from a thefis of Dr. Ei mgren, written under the eye of Linneus, and published by him in the iixth volume of the Amoenitates Academic# . The determining the ex aft number of thefe words, neceflary to be naturalifed into our language,- was a talk of much nicety and confideration. We were afraid of rendering our work difficult to the engliffi reader, if we introduced many innovations, or did much violence to our vernacular tongue ; or of making it unintelligible to the latin Botanilt, if we were too par- fimoniousin the engraftment or tranfplantation of exotic terms. We hope we have ileered between thefe two extremes, for wre have had the opinion of many and of fkilful pilots to diredt our voyage ; the celebrated Mr. Rousseau, in a pofthumous Botanical work had adopted a fimilar plan ; and has attempted to naturalife into the french language many of the technical words of Linneus ; as corymhe , panicle , cyme>jiliquey Jilicle> fpathe , perianth , and many others, which we hope will not be more dilfonant to an englifh ear than to a french one. Linneus has arranged the individuals, or Species9 of vegetables into families, or Gen eta ; and thefe again into Orders and C Ioffes : As there are fo few generic namesln our language, wehave univerfally adoptedthofe of our author ; thus the words Triticwn, Hordeumy Avena , Secale are family names; which include variety of other grafles, as well as the Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Rye, which we cultivate for our food : the generic ' name PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. v. name Amygdalus includes the Peach as well as the Almond ; Prunus includes the Cherry , Apricot , and LaureU as well as the Plum ; and Pyrus the Apple > fweet-flowerd Crab9 and the Quincey as well as the Pear ; whence it would have been productive of much confufion to have given any of thefe englifh names to families, which belong to individuals. The englifh generic names however, which are wTell eftablifhed, we have occasionally added in italics after the latin ones. In relpeCt to the individuals or Species of Plants we have, by the advice of many of our botanical cor- refpondents, retained the "Trivial Maw ufed by Lin- neus ; as it is become a kind of cognomen along with the generic name ; and where it is expreflive of any pe- culiarity of the plant, we have tranflated it by an equi- valent englifh word. The Quotations from other works we have placed in the index-form, as our author has difpofed them ; and have added the beft received englifh names in their proper places from Miller, Hudson, Lightfoot, &c. and referred to them in our Index of Synonymies . The learned reader will perceive, that we have made a flight change in the conftru&ion of the fexual dif- tinCtions of the Clafles on account of the greater deli- cacy of modern language ; hence the words, one male> and one female , are ufed in preference to one virility one feminality . In regard to the general language, we have endeavoured to copy that of Linneus with the moft fcrupulous exaftnefs ; for as this illuftrious Naturalifl may be faid to have formed a language , rather than to have found one, fuitable to his purpoie ; and appears to have ftudied every part of his work, from the great outline of the fyftem to the moft minute 2 circumftance vio PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. circumftance of conflruCtion and arrangement, with induftry and fagacity almoft peculiar to himfelf, we have tranflated it, as far as might be, page for page, and line for line : have accurately attended to his mode of pun&uation, and have introduced the aftro- nomic characters with all the numerous capital and italic types, which are ufed in the original. As Linneus formed numerous diminutive and com- pound words from the latin and greek languages, we have endeavoured to conftruCt correfpondent ones from the englifh ; it were impoffible othervvife to equal the concifenefs and precifion of the original. We have attempted to compofe the former, fo as to be eaiily familiarifed to an englifh ear, and intelligible to the latin botanifl ; as leaf leaflet , ftalk, flalklet , valve valvelet , tooth toothlet , fpathe fpathelet , tube tubelet , crown coronet , calyx calycle ; of fuch dimi- nutives the words tablet, circlet, bracelet, ringlet, rivulet, icicle, particle, are examples in daily ufe. Some of the common diminutive adjeCtives of the la- tin, and thofe formed by the prepofition flub, whofe correfpondent word in englifh would not allow of the termination ijh , were found more difficult to manage without periphrafes, as fubramofus thinly -branched. Where they were evidently derived from the latin lan- guage, we have fometimes retained the particle flub . We come now to thofe numerous compound words conftrufted by our author in fo artful a manner, as to depiClure fuch a variety of forms, of leaves, fruits, flowers. Hems, feeds, as no language was before ever made to deferibe. He has taken words expreffive of well-known figures, as the words oblong and egg, and by compounding thefe has given a form between them both ♦ PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS, vii, both ; which new form partakes more of the egg, if that word precedes in the compound, as egg-oblong ; or more of the oblongs if that word precedes, as oblong - egg d. Hence thefe two words are made to reprefent forms of four kinds very nearly allied ; but to thefe he has added oval, and elliptic , and again compounded thefe with oblong and egg, and has thus, as it were, conjured up before our eyes the outlines of forms as numerous and as accurate by the magic of a few words, as the pencil alone was thought capable of producing. Our readers will perceive, that to equal all thefe niceties of combination with precifion and concilenefs in our tranflation was an undertaking that required fome degree of hardinefs ; this was the Gorgon-feature, that had hitherto frozen the defigns, or blafted the progrefs of all, who looked upon this giant Naturalift, and deterred them from the encounter. In the conftrudtion of thefe numerous and difficult compound words we have laboured their concifenefs and diftindtnefs, as our author has done, rather than the elegance of their combinations ; and as our language allows of great variety of compound words, and thofe terminating either as fubilantives, adje&ives, verbs, or participles both adtive and paffive, we have found it as well adapted to this purpofe as the latin, and perhaps not much lefs fo than the greek. We had great difficulty however in determining the two follow- ing circumftances, about which we confulted many of .our ingenious friends. The firft was, whether the la- tin words cordatum , ovatum, lunatum , lanceolatum , Jpatulatum , carinatum , ferratum, haflatum , peltatum , and the like, expreffive of the forms of leaves, would better be tranflated by their correfpondent englifh words, hearted , eggd, moon dy lanced, fta.uled, keel’d viii. . PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS keel'd, , Jaw'd, h albert ed, targeted , or by the com- pounds heart-japed , egg-japed, moon-japed, lance - Japed, f patule Japed, keel-japed , faw -Japed, halbert- japed, target-japed and the like. After having much canvaffed the fubjedt, we were at length re- folved to adopt the former, i. becaufe the engliffi botanical language became thus a more exadt refem- blance of the original ; 2. becaufe it became thus much more concife; 3. becaufe Jape includes the whole external furface, whereas the words above mentioned mean only to exprefs the outline of a particular fedtion. 4. becaufe when thefe words already compounded with the participle Japed, become compounded a fecond time, (feveral of which double combinations would occur in almoft every page of the work) as egg-lance - Japed , lance-egg- Japed, egg- heart- Japed, heart -egg- Jhaped, they were more difficultly affociated with the ideas they were defigned to exprefs, than the compounds of the fimple words, egg-lanced, lance- egg’d, egg-hearted, heart-egg’d. We found ourfelves further under the neceffity of forming participles from our numerical adjedtives, ufing the words two d three d. four d, five d, eight ed, for the words bina, terna, quaterna, qjiina, odlona ; becaufe binata, ter - nata , quaternata, had previoully been tranflated by the words twofold, threefold, fourfold, &c. bis by twice, duo by two, jugum by pair, geminus by double, and didymus by twin ; and the fame of the other numerals. Though fome of the compound words above mentioned are perhaps rather warped from their ufual fignifica- tions, yet the fame ohjedtion lies againft the correfpon- dent original ones of Linneus. His words are indeed not claffical, they are not to be found in the works of Cicero, but they might have been, as Mr. Rouffeau well obferves, had Cicero written a Syftemof Botany. The PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. ix. The fecond difficulty was, whether fome of thefe compound words ffiould be ufed as adjectives or as par- ticiples paffive ; as in fome of them the fignification differs with this difference of their conftruCtion ; thus a thread-form flowerftem is one every where of equal thicknefs like a thread, but a thread-formed flowerftem would mean one formed of thread ; fo axe form means of the form of an axe, but axe-formed would mean formed by an axe ; a threefold garment means a tripple garment, but a three-folded garment would mean thrice folded ; a threefoot rule is one of the length of three feet, but a three-footed ftool is one having three feet. After much deliberation, and by the advice of our ingenious friends we at length refolved to ufe thefe words, and a few others, adjeCtively ; becaufe their precife fignification was thus better afcertained, and they became more euphonious from their being lefs loaded with confonants, and our language affords many in fiances of compound words of fimilar conftruc- tion. Thus a grit-ftone wall, a hair-breadth fcape, a broad-cloth coat, foot-path way, fmall-tooth comb, one-horfe chair, two-man beetle, three-foot rule, four-mile ftone, five-card loo, fix-penny loaf, ten- pound weight, twenty-fhilling bill, fifty-gun (hip; to thefe may be added the words uniform, multiform, two-fold, manifold, blindfold ; and the words com- pounded with like, wife, full, and fome; as caftle-like, crofs-wife, fpoonful, burthenfome ; all which are ufed as adjectives either in familiar converfation, or by refpeCtable writers. By this aptnefs of our language in compounding variety of words, we flatter ourlelves that we have been able to exprefs in fome inftances the meaning of our author, as explained and defined by himfelf or 4 ' ' by x , PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. by his pupils, with greater precifion than the latin language would allow ; thus the word dentata applied to a root fignifies teethlike , applied to leaves it means toothed ; the word end-nicked gives a more accurate idea than the word emarginatum , the words fouth -turned than adverfum , and one-ranked than fecunda*, tjie latin words biternatum and triternatum either mean twice and thrice thofe numbers, or the /qua re and cube of them, and bidentatum having two teeth, or two Jets of teeth . Hence we truft that our tranflation will thus reflect the very image of the original ; but, as happens in fome optical experiments, with greater diltinCtnefs, and brighter illumination. We have further to add, that to render this work more extenfively ufeful and compleat, we have not only tranflated the SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM pub- lifhed by Dr. Murray from the papers of the deceafed Linneus, containing one hundred and nineteeen ad- ditional Genera, and variety of Species and alterations; but have been favoured with a part of a new work now publifhing by the prefent Dr. Linneus, termed Sup- plementum Plantarum , which will deferibe ninety four new Genera, with many additional Species : the effen- tial Characters of which we have interwoven in our tranflation in their proper places. The prefent ingen- ious ProfefTor has indeed made one alteration in the Gaffes in this new work ; and that is, the omiffion of the clafs Polvgamia, as far as his additional Genera ex- tend, which are principally plants from Surinam, and fome from Africa. Thefe he has placed in the other Claffes, according to their fexual diftinCtions; in which we have copied him. The Botanic Terms and Definitions tranfr lated from the Thefts of Dr. Elmgren, we had once PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS, xi. once arranged in the form of an alphabetical Glof- fary; but we perceived, that by removing the terms from under their proper heads, their definitions became much more difficult ; for the fame adjundt has fre- quently five or fix different meanings according to the fubjedt to which it is referred. We have there- fore preferved the ingenious arrangement of the o- riginal, and added an Alphabetical Index , by which any word may be referred to under each of its figni- fications. To thefe we have fubjoined the Plates from the Philofophia Botanica , fo that we hope by thefe means to prefent the public in our native tongue the moft compleat edition yet extant in one work of the celebrated Sexual System. Of that Syftem which hitherto like the Bible in catholic countries, has been locked up in a foreign language, acceffible only to the learned few, the Priefts of Flora, whilft the gardiner, the herb-gatherer, the druggift, the farmer, and all who are concerned in cultivating the various tribes of vegetation, in detedting their native habitations, or in vending or confuming their produdts, could by no induftry arrive at that Syftem, which they wiffied to attain, and were capable of enlarging. It remains only, that we fhould here make our moft grateful acknowledgements to the President of the Royal Society, who with his ufual liberality allowed us the ufe of his Botanic Library ; to Dr. Linneus, the prefent Botanic Profeffor at Upfaly for fupplying us with a part of his Supplementum Plantarum, before the whole was published ; to that great Mafter of the engliffi tongue Dr. Samuel Johnson, for his advice in the formation of the botanic language ; and for variety of opinion, remark, and affiftance, to the learned Professors of Botany in the xii. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. the Univerfities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Ed- inburgh ; Dr. Sibthorpe ; Rev. T. Martin ; Dr. Hope ; Mr. Wheeler, Botanic Lecturer to the Apothecaries Company ; Mr. Foxley, Prefident of the Botanical Society, at Mane h eft er ; Dr. Poultney, F. R. S. Author of a General View of the Writings of Linneus ; Mr. W. Hudson, Author of the Flora Anglican Rev. J. Lightfoot, Author of the Flora Scotica ; Mr. Lee, Author of the Introduction to Bo- tany ; the learned and ingenious Ladies Mrs. Eg- erton, Oulton-Park , Chefhire ; Mrs. Blackburne, Orford , Lancajhire ; and Mrs. Cummins, Kenftngton . Drs. Duncan and Hutton, Edinburgh ; Dr. Per- cival, Manchefter ; Dr. Oakes, Mansfield ; John Pitchford, und John Crowe, Efqrs. Norwich; R. Calvert, Efq; Lincoln s- Inn; Rev. Dr. Good- enough, Ealing; John Sneyd, Efq; Belmount, St af- for djhire ; Dr. Aldrich, Cocklow, Nottinghamjhire\ Dr. Evans, Shrewfhury ; Rev. G. Jackson, Penny- bridge, Lancajh. Rev. Mr. Davy, Mitham , Norfolk ; T. Woodward, Efq ; Bungay, Suffolk; John Hough- ton, Efq; Baguley, Chefhire; Rev. Mr. Dickinson, Blymhill , St affor djhire; Mr. Wm. Alexander, Hali- fax; Rev. W. Fashly, Balbro\ Derbyfhire ; and many other of the learned and ingenious. BOTANIC BOTANIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. i V V V r ' ( XV. BOTANIC TERMS AND ROOT, (radix) an organ nourifhing the plant. Duration. 1 Annual , ( annua ) perilling with the year. 2 Biennial , ( biennis ) flowering another year and then perifliing. 3 Perennial , (perennis ) flourifhing again through many years. Figure, 4 Fibrous , (fibrcfa) confifting intirely of threads, 5 Branchy , ( ramofa ) fubdivided into fibres. 6 Spindle-form , (fufiformis) fimplifh tapering. 7 End-biiten , (pramorfa ) as if lop’d at the point, 8 Creeping , ( repens ) running fome length and then budding, 9 Jointed , (" articulata ) intercepted with joints. 10 Teeth-like , ( dentata ) necklace-form, with joints chained together. 11 Globular , (globofa) roundifh ( 156) with lateral rootlets. 12 Tuber ous, ( tuber of a, ) flefhy parts connected at the bafe by a thread. 13 Fafcicled , (fafcicularis) flefhy parts connected at a feflile (148) bafe. 14 Hfnded , ( palmata ) flefhy lobed. (182) I *5 Bulbous , (bulbofa) furnifhed with a bulb. (652) 16 Granulated , (gr anulata) befprinkled with flefhy particles, TRUNK, f truncus ) an organ multiplying the plant, Kinds, 17 5/m, (caulis) a trunk elevating the fructification and leaves. 18 Culm , (culmus) appropriated to grafles. 19 Scape, (fcapus) elevating the frudtification, but not the leaves. 20 (fipes) a trunk becoming leaves. * c 2 Duration BOTANIC TERMS XVI. Duration. 21 Herbaceou , (herbaceus) certainly annual (not woody). 22 Somewhat-fhrubby , (fujfruticofus) permanent at the bafe, the yearly branches withering. 23 Shrubby , (fruticofus) perennial with many flocks. 24 Arborefcent , f arboreus) perennial with a Ample flock. Substance. 25 £0/«/, (folidus) Abed full within. 26 Empty , ( inanis ) fpungy internally with pith. 27 Piped (fijiuiofus ) tubelar within. Direction. 28 Eredi) (ereSius) raiflng itfelf almofl. perpendicularly. 29 Straight , (Jlridius) quite, perpendicular without bending. 30 Rigida ( rigidus ) impatient o£ flexure. 31 Flexible , (laxus) eafily bent into a bow. 32 Oblique , (obliquus) between a perpendicular and horizontal line. 33 Amending) ( ajcendens ) archwife upwards. 34 Declined, , f declinatus) defcending archwife. 35 Incurvate , (incurvatus) nodding upwards. 36 Nodding , f nutans ) bent down outward from the top. 37 Spreading , (diffufus) with expanding branchlets. 38 Procumbent , (procumbens) weak, fupported on the earth, 39 Stole-bearing , ( Jloloniferus ) giving out fcions from the root. 40 Sarmentous , (farmentofus) thread-form with root-ftricking branches. 41 Creeping , (repens) lying on the earth and ftri king roots. 42 Rooting , (radicans) Axing itfelf by deep lateral roots. 43 Knotted) (geniculatus) intercepted by knots. 44 Winding) (flexuofus ) bending from bud to bud this way and that. 45 Climbing) (fcandens) riAng high, fuftained on others. 46 Twining) (volubilis) afcending fpir ally by other bodies. ' From the right) ( dextrorfum ) to the left. From the lefty (finijlrorfum ) to the right. Figure. 47 Columnar) (teres) without angles. 48 5 micolumnar , (femiteres) flat on one Ade, roundifli on the other. 49 Compreffed) (comprejjits) the two opoflte Aides flat. 50 Two-edged) (anceps) the two oppoflte angles rather acute. 51 Angled) (angulatus) grooved longitudinally with more than two hollow angles, Acuteangular , ( acutangulus ) from the Agure of the angles. 52 three-corner' d9 ( trigonus ) with three prominent longitudinal angles. 53 Three-fided) (triqueter) with three Aides exadlly flat. Cloathing and definitions. XVII. Cloathing. 54 Naked , (nudus) opofed to the 5 following (55. 56. 57. 58. 59.) 55 Leafefs , (aphyllus) deftitute of leave8. 56 Leafy, (foliatus ) furnifhed with leaves. 57 Sheathed (vaginatus) furrounded with fheaths of leaves. 58 Scaly ^ (fquamofus ) fprinkled with fcales. 59 Imbricated ', (imbricatu ) covered fo as not to appear naked. Surface. 60 Corky , (fuberofus) cloathed with an exterior bark, fofter but not elaftic. 61 Chinky, (rimofu .) fpontaneoufly forming cracks in the exterior bark? 62 Coated , ( tunicatus ) cloathed with membranes. 63 Polijh'd, ( leevis ) with an equal furface. 64 Striated , (friatus) engraved with very fine hollow lines. 65 Furrow'd, (fulcaius) ploughed with deep lines. 66 Smooth , (glaber) 213. 67 Rugged , (fcaber) 240. 68 Murex' d, ( muricatus ) fprinkled with awl-fhape points. 69 Downy , (tornent ofus) 235. 7.0 Villous , (villo fus) 234. 71 Flifpid. , (hifpidus) 241. 72 Prickly, (acculeatus). 242. 73 Thorny , (fpinofus) armed with fpines. 384. 74 Stinging , (urens) fprinkled with flings. 391. 75 Stipule d, (fipulatus) having ftipules. 29 1. 76 Membranous , (membranatus) flattened like a leaf, 77 Bulb-bearing , (bulbiferus) producing bulbs, 653. Structure. 78 Knotlefs , (enodis) continued without joints. 79 /^ry fvnple, (fimpliciffimus) withfcarcely any branches. 80 Simple , (fimplex) extended into a continued feries towards the top. 8 * Intire, (integer) ver^hmple with fmall branches, 82 Jointed, ( articulatus ) intercepted with knots. 83 Proliferous, (prolifer) putting out branches only from the center of the top. 84 Two-fork' d, (dichoiomus) divided always by 'pairs. 85 Crofs-arm'd, (brachiatus) with branches oppofed crofs-wlfe. 86 Somewhat -branchy, (fubramofits) with very few lateral branches. 87 Branchy, (ramofus) with many lateral branches. 8 8 Very branchy, ( ramofifimus ) thronged with many branches without order. 89 Twiggy, (virgatus) with weak unequal branchlets. 90 Panicled, (paniculatus) with branches varioufly fubdivided. 9 1 Level- xviii, BOTANIC TERMS. 91 Level-top’ dy (faftigiatus) with branches of equal height. 92 Expandings (patem) (131.) 93 Divaricated) (divaricatus) (103) BRANCHES, ( rami ) parts of the Item. 94 Alternate) ( alterni ) (113) 95 Two-rank’ d) (diflichi) (114) 96 Scatter’d) (fparfi) (u6). 97 Crouded) (conferti) (117) 98 Oppofite , ( oppofiti ) (124). 99 Verticil d) (verticilldti ) many furrounding the trunk at the joints. 100 Ere ft) ( erefti ). ( 1 2 j) . 101 Condenfed) (coarftati) almofl: leaning over toward the top. 102 Diverging ( divergentes) parting from the trunk at a right angle. 103 Divaricated) (divaricati) parting from the trunk at an obtufe angle. 104 Defle ft ed) (deflexi) inclining downwards in anarch. 105 Refleftcd) (reflexi) hanging perpendicularly. 106 Retro fie ft ed) (retroflexi) this way and that way diftorted. 107 Prop’d) (. fulcrati ) (289J furriiihed with props. LEAVES, (folia) organs of motion of the plant. Determination: Place. 108 Radical) or root-leaf) ( radicale ) fitting on the root. 1 09 Stem-leaf ( cauiinum ) inferte d on the Idem 110 Branch-leaf ( rameum ) fitting on the branches. in Axillary , ( axillare ) inferred at 1 1 e bafe of the branch. 1 1 2 Floral) ( for ale ) neareft to the flower. The number is to be noted. Situation. 1 13 Alternate) ( alterna ) ariflng by Heps about the branch. 1 14 Two-rank’ d) (difticha) bending towards the fides of the branch, though inferted on all parts of it. 1 15 Two-faced) ( bifaria ) fpringing only on the two oppofite fides of the branch. 1 16 Scatter’d) (fparfi) growing without certain order. 1 17 Crouded) (conferta) numerous almofl: hiding the whole branch or Rem. 118 Imbricated) ( imbricata ) covering half of each other. 1 19 Fafcicled) (fafciculata ) many from the fame point at the joint of the branches, 120 Two-fold) three-fold) five-fold) &c. (bina) terna) quina) &c.) ac- cording to the number at the joints of the branches. 121 Confluent) ( confluentia ) cohering together at the bafe. 122 Approximated) ( approximat a) c oming very near each other. 123 Remote , (remota) diftant from each other. 124 Oppofite AND DEFINITIONS. xix. X24 Oppofite , ( oppofita ) placed crofs-wife by pairs. 125 DecufiatecU ( decujjata ) fo difpofed cppohtely, that the branches, as we look down on the top, refemble four orders. 126 Star'd, (Jlellata) more than two leaves furrounding the ftem. Direction. 127 Erefi, (erettum) rifing almoft to a perpendicular. 128 Straight , (Jlrittum) quite perpendicular without bending. 129 Rigid , ( rigidum ) impatient of flexure. 130 Apprejf'd , ( apprtjjum ) approaching the ftem with its diflc. 1 31 Expanding , ( patens ) growing from the ftem at an acute angle. 132 Horizontal , (horizontale) departing from the ftem at a right angle. 133 Arifmg. , ( affurgens ) archwile eredf, firft declining, then eredt at the point. 1 34 Inflefiedj ( injiexum ) arched upward towards the top. I 35 Reamed , (reclinatam) bent down that there may be an arch below the bafe, with an afcending point. 1 36 Recurvate , ( recurvatum ) bent down fo that the arch looks upwards. 137 Revolute , (revoiutam ) bent fpirally. 138 Depending , (dependens) looking ftright on the earth. 139, Oblique^ (obliquum) looking towards the fky, with the bafe towards the horizon. 140 South-turn' d,, (adverfum) turning the upper fide to the South, (not to the fky. ) 141 Vertical , ( verticale ) inverted, fo that the region of bafe is narrower than the region of the point. 142 Refupine , (rejupinatum) the upperfide being under, and the under fide uppermoft. 143 Immerfed , {Jubmerfum ) hid under the furface of water. 144 Swimming , (natans) lying on the furface of the water. 145 Rooting. , ( radicans ) ftriking roots. Insertion. 146 Petioled , (petiolatum) a petiole (292) inferted at the bafe. 147 Targeted. , (peltatum) the petiole inferted into the difk of the leaf. 148 SeJJile , (JeJfile) fitting immediately on the ftem without a petiole. 149 Adjoin' d, (adnatum) joined to the bafe of the branch by its upper furface. 150 Coadjoin'd , (coadunatum) many joined together. 1 5 1 Decurfive , ( decurrens ) extended downwards along the ftem by the bafe of the leaf. 152 Stem-clafping , ( ample xicaule) the bafe furrounding the ftem. 153 Leaf-pierced. , (perfoliatum) the bafe tranfverfely Unrounding the ftem and not gaping before. 354 Conjoin'd XX* BOTANIC TERMS 154 Conjoin’d , ( connata ) the pairs of oppofite leaves conjoin’d at their bafe. 1 55 Sheathing , (vaginans) the bafe forming a tube cloathing the ftem. Structure: Figure. 156 Roundifh , (fubrotundum) approaching to an orbicular (157) figure. 157 Orbicular , ( orbiculatum ) a furrounding circle [the longitudinal diameter equal to the tranfverfe one.] 158 Egg’d, (ovatum) the longitudinal diameter of which is greater than the tranfverfe one, circumfcribed at the bafe by a fegment of a circle, the top being narrower. 159 Oval, (ovale.) from a circle becoming oblong, each extremity being rounded and equal. 160 Oblong , (oblongum) the longitudinal diameter a few times greater than the tranfverfe one. 16 1 Parabolic , (parabolicum) round towards the top gradually narrower. 162 Wedge-form , (cuneiforme) gradually narrowed towards the bafe. 163 Spatuled , (fpatulatum ) roundifh (156) with a narrower linear (l6y) bafe. 164 Rounded , ( rotundatum ) deprived of angles. 165 Lanced, ( lane eolatum) oblong taper’ d, at both ends. 166 Elliptic , ( ellipticum ) lanced with the breadth of an egg’d leaf, 167 Linear, (linearis) everywhere of an equal breadth. 168 Awny , (acerofum) linear, (167) permanent, [272). Angles. 169 Intire, (integrum) undivided without any hollow. 170 Triangular, &c. ( Triangulare , &c. ) according to the number of angles. 17 1 Delta-like , ( deltoideum ) rhomb-form (172) of four angles, of which the collateral ones are lefs remote from the bafe than the others. 172 Rhombic, ( rhombeum ) the form of a rhombus. 173 Trapeze-form, (trapez forme) the form of a trapezium. Hollows. 174 Hearted, (cordatum) fomewhat egg’d, hollow’d at the bafe without pofterior angles. 175 Kidney-form , (reniforme) roundifh, hollow’d at the bafe without pofterior angles. 176 Moon’d, (lunatum) roundifh, hollow’d at the bafe, with pofterior acute angles. 177 Arrow’d AND DEFINITIONS. xxi. 177 Arrow' di (fagittatum) triangular, with pofterior acute angles di- vided by an interftice. 178 Halberted , ( haftatum ) arrow’d (177) with pofterior angles divi- ded by an interftice, prominent at the fides. 179 Runcinate , (runcinatum) feather-cleft, (187) To that the lobes, convex before, are the contrary behind, as Dandelion. 180 Violin-form , (panduriforme) oblong contracted below at the Tides. 181 Cleft, (fiffum) divided by linear hollows, with ftraight edges. 182 Lobed) (lobatum) divided by the middle into diftant parts. 183 Twice-fivecleft) (bi-quinquefdum) according to the number of the fiffures. (181) 184 Parted) (partitum) divided almoft to thebafe. 185 Handed) ( palmatum ) divided beyond the middle into equallifli lobes. 186 Lyred) (lyratum) divided tranfverily into fegments, of which the inferior lefs ones, are more remote. 187 Feather-cleft) (Pinnatifidum) divided tranfverily into horizontal oblong fegments. 188 Sinuous ) (fnuatum) with wide hollows on the Tides. 189 fagged) (laciniatum) cut into various and indeterminate parts. 190 Ragged) (fquarrofum) divided into elevated Ihreads, parallel to the plane of the leaf. Margin. 191 Very intire) (integerrimum) the very edge linear, not in the leaft: cut. 192 Notch'd) (crenatum) the margin cut into nicks without any ref- pedl to the extremities. 193 Saw'd) (ferratum) all the nicks of the margin looking .towards the extremity. 194 Fringed) (ciliatum) parallel briftles, longitudinally placed on the margin. 195 Tooth'd) (dentatum) diverging remote points on the margin. 196 thorny) (fpinofum) awi’d, rigid prickly points on the margin. 197 Griffy) (cartilagineum) with a boneyilh margin. 198 Scollop'd) (repandum) the margin winding yet ftat. 199 Torn) (lacerum) the margin varioufly divided in different lhaped fegments. 200 Gnaw'd) ( erofum ) finuous (188) with very fmall obtufe hollows, and with equal fegments. Top. » 231 Dadal) (dadaleum) at the Tame time winding and torn. (199)* 202 Obtufe ) ( obtufum ) terminated with a fegment of a circle. 203 End-nick' d) (e marginatum ) terminated with a nick, * & 204 Retufe xxii. BOTANIC TERMS f 205 Retufe , ( retufum ) terminated with an obtufe hollow,. 205 End-bitten , (pramorfum) terminated obtufely, with unequal di~ vifions. 2c6 Lop'd) ( truncatum ) terminated with a tranfverfe line. 207 Acute s (acutum) terminated with an acute angle. 208 Pointed) ( acuminatum ) terminated with an awl’d (267) point. 209 Piked , ( cufpidatum ) terminated with a briftly point. 210 Dagger'd , ( mucronatum ) terminated with a dagger Handing out. 21 1 Tendril' d) (cirrhcfum) terminated with a tendril. Surface. The upper fide generally looks towards the fky, amd the under one towards the earth. 212 Naked) (nudum) deflitute of hairs or brillles. 213 Smooth ) (glabrum) with a flippery furface. 214 Cloffy, (nitidum) with a fhining fmoothnefs. 215 Bright) (lucidum) as if illuminated. 2 1 6 Colour'd) ( coloratum ) with any colour but green. 217 Nervy) (nervofum) with very ample veins from the bafe to the point. 218 Three-nerve, (trinerve) three nerves meeting together at the bafe of the leaf. 219 Triple-nerve (triplinerve) nerved with three nerves meeting to- gether above the bafe of the leaf 220 Three-nerved) (trinervatum) nerved with three nerves meeting to gether behind the bafe of the leaf. 221 NervelefS) (enerve) oppoled to nerved. (217 220.) 222 Lined) ( lineatum ) with depreffed nerves. 223 Striated) (friatum) with parallel lines flightly hollow’d. 224 Furrow'd) (fulcafum) with deep hollow lines. 225 Vein'd) (venofum) with veflels varioufly divided. 226 Wrinkled) (rugofum) full of wrinkles. 227 Bubbled) ( bullatum ) form’d from a wrinkled (226) leaf, the veins being contracted on the other fide. 228 Pitted) (lacunofum) the difk being depreffed between the interfer- ing veins. 229 VeinleJS) (avene)) oppofed to veiny. (225.) 230 Dotted) (punftatum) fprinkled with hollow points. 231 PapillouSy (papillofum) covered with flefhy, points. 232 Pimply ) (papulofum) covered with little blifters. 233 Vifcid) ( vifeidum ) fmeared with a tenaceous moifture. 234 VillouS) ( villofum ) covered with foft hairs. 235 Downy ) (tomentofum) covered with an undifcernable intertexture of hairs. 236 Silky, (fericeum) covered with very foft clofe-preffed hairs. 237 Woolly t AND DEFINITIONS. xxiii. 23 7 Woolly , (lanatum) cloathed as with cobweb (the hairs fpontane- oufly curling. 238 Bearded , ( barbatum ) fet with parallel hairs. 239 Hairy , (pilofum) covered with diftintft longhair. 240 Rugged , ( fcabrum ) rough with prominent ftiflifh points. 241 Hifpid. , (hifpidum) befprinkled with ftifFbriftles. 242 Prickly , (aculeatum) armed with prickles. (378.) 243 Lance-prickled , (drigofum) with lanced (165.) ftiff (30*) prickles. Expansion. 244 Flat , (planum) with an equal furface. 245 Channeled) (canaliculatum) longitudinally hollow’d with a deep furrow. 246 Concave , (concavum) with the edge more contradled than the difk, fo that the difk is deprefled. 247 Convex , f convexum ) with the edge more contra&ed than the difk, fo that the difk is elevated. 248 CowVd , (cucullatum) the fides approaching at the bafe, but the top fpreading out. 249 Plaited , (plicatum) the difk alternately bent with acute folds 250 Wav ed, (undatum) the difk alternately bent with obtufe folds. 251 Curl'd , (crifpum) the margin being luxuriant, the difk becomes larger than its ribs. Substance. 252 Membraneous , (membranaceum) the proper fubftance of the leaf. 253 Parch'd , (fcariofum) the fubftance dry, parch’d founding to the touch. 254 Gibbous , (gibbum) both furfaces being convex, containing a more copious plup. 255 Columnar , (teres) almoft cylindrical. 256 Deprefs'd, (deprejfum) a pulpy (261) leaf, the difk more flatten’d than the fides. 257 Comprefs'd , (ccmprejjum) a pulpy leaf, the Tides more flatten’d than the difk. 258 Keel'd , (carinatum) the under part of the difk prominent longi- tudinally. 259 Compaft, (compaftum) ccnfifting of Tolid fubftance. 260 Tubular , (tubulofum) internally concave or empty. 261 Pulpy, (pulpofum) filled with atenaceous material. 262 Flejhy , (carnofum) filled internally with a Tolidifh pulp. 263 Three-fided. , (triquetrum) three longitudinal Tides in an awl’d (167.) leaf. •264 Two-edged , (anceps) two prominent longitudinal angles, the difk being more convex. * d 2, 265 Tongued ' XXIV, BOTANIC TERMS 265 Tongued , ( lingulatum ) linear (167) flefhy (262) convex (247) underneath. 266 Sword-form , (enf forme) two-edged (264) gradually leflening from the bale to the top. 267 Awl'd ( fubulatum ) linear at the bale, lefiening towards the top. 268 Scymiter-form, ( acinaciforme ) comprefi’d (257) flefliy (262) with one edge convex, narrow, the other itraighter thicker. 269 Axe-form , ( dolabriforme ) dompreflf’d, roundifh, outwardly gib- bous (254) with a lharpedge roundifh beneath. Duration. 270 Deciduous, (deciduum) falling after one fummer. 271 Falling , (caducum) falling in a fhort time, not enduring the whole fummer. 272 Permanent , ( perfiflens ) not falling when the fummer is over. 273 Perennial , (perenne) living through fome years. 274 Evergreen , (fempervircns) flourifhing through all feafons of the year. Composition. 275 Compounded , (compofitum) the petiole (290) fupporting more than one leaf. Compounded. 276 fainted , (articulatum) leaf growing out from the top of the leaf, 2 77 Pair'd, (conjugatum) feather’d (281) with only two lateral leaflets. 278 Finger'd , (digitatum) a Ample petiole joining the leaflets to it at the top. 279 Two-fold , (binatum) finger’d (278) terminated with two leaflets, 280 Footed, (pedatum) the petiole two-cleft, the interior fide only joining to it many leaflets. 281 Feather'd , (pinnatnm) a Ample petiole joining to it at the fides many leaflets. 282 Twice-pair'd , (bijugum) fo thrice-pair'd, (trijugum) four -time s- pair'd , ( quadrijugum ) See. feather’d, but with only four leaflets, &c. with an odd one,(cum impari) feather’d, terminated with a Angle (unpair’d) leaf. abruptly , (abrupte) feather’d, terminated neither with a tendril nor with a leaflet. (69) Tendril d, ( chirrhofum ) terminated with atendril. (292) with leaflets oppofite , (foliolis oppofitis) (124) alternate. interrupted , (ruptis) with the alternate leaflets lefs. decurflve XXV. AN D DEFINITIONS. decurfive , (decurfivis) with decurrent (151) leaflets on the petiole. Decomposed. 283 Twice-double , ( bigeminum ) a two-fork’d (84) petiole joining many leaflets at the top. 284 Thrice-three'd , ( biternatum ) thrice three-finger’d. (279) SuPERDECOMPOSED. 285 Twice -feather'd,, (bipinnatum) doubly feather’d. (281) 286 Thrice-doubley ( trigeminum ) triply double. Petiole twice-cleft bearing two leaflets at each fummit, and tw© other leaflets at the forking of the common petiole. 287 Three-times thrice-three' dy ( triternatum ) triply threefold, 288 Thrice .feather' d ( tripinnatum ) triply feather’d. 289 SUPPORTS ( fulcra ) afliftances for the more commodious fupport of the plant. 290 Petiole , ( petiolus ) a prop fupporting the leaf. 291 Stipule , (fiipula ) a fcale {landing at the bafe of the rifing leaf- ftalk. 292 Tendril^ ( cirrhus ) a fpiral threadform band, by which a plant is tyed to other bodies. 293 Pubefcence, (pubes) every kind of hairynefs of plants. 294 Arms) ( arma ) points preventing animals from injuring the plants. 295 Brady ( bradea ) floral leaf (1 12) differing in appearance from other leaves. 196 Peduncle , ( pedunculus ) a prop fuflaining the falsification. PETIOLE. Figure. 297 Lineary ( linearis ) (167) 298 Wing dy (alatus) dilated at the fides. 299 Club' dy (clavatus) thicken’d towards the top. 300 Membranous. , (membranaceus) flatten’d. 301 Columnary (teres) (255). 302 Semi-colnmnary (femiteres) (48) 303 Three- fide dy (triqaeter) (53) Size. 304 V tryjhorty (breviffmus) not reaching by much the length of the leaf. 305 Shorty (brevis) not reaching the whole length of the leaf. 306 Middlefizey ( mediocris ) as long as the leaf. 30 7 Very *xvi. STIPULES, BOTANIC TERMS. 307 Long , ( longus ) exceeding the leaf in length. 308 Very long , ( longifftmus ) exceeding the leaf in length feveral times. Insertion. 309 Infer ted) ( inferius ) fitting perpendicularly on the- branch. 310 Adjoin'd) ( adnatus ) (149.) 311 Decurfiye , ( decurrens ) ( I 5 1 ) 312 Stem clafdng) (ample xic aulis) (152.) 313 Appendaged) (appertdiculatus) with leafy films at thc-bafe. Direction. 314 EreSl , (127) 315 Expanding , (patens) *(13’). 316 Arifing , (affurgens) (133.) 317 Recurved , (recurvatus) (136.} - r Surface. 318 Smooth) (glaber) (213.) 319 Prickley , (aculeatus) (242.} 320 Naked) (nudus) (212) 321 Jointed) (articulatus) (82.) 322 Spine f cent) (jpinefcens) growing hard and fharp, (Jlipulaf) 323 Double ) (gemina:) two and two in pairs. 324 Solitary) (folitaria) fimple, fcatter’d, 325 Lateral) (lateralis) inferted on the fides. 326 Behind the leaf ) (extrafoiiacea) placed beneath the leaf, 327 Before the leaf) (intrafoliacea) placed above the leaf, 328 Leaf-oppofed) (op pofiti folia) placed oppofite on the fide of the leaf. 329 Falling) (caduca) (271) 33 o .Deciduous) ( deci- dua) (270.) 330 Permanent) (perfijl entes) remaining after defolia- tion. 332 Spinefcent) (fpinefcentes) (322). 333 Seffile (fef- files) (148.) 334 Adjoin'd) (adnata) (149.). 335 Decurrent , de- currentes) (15 1.) 336 Sheathing XXVlU A N D D E F I N I T I O N S. 336 Sheathing, (v aginantes) ("155«) 337 Awl'd, (fubu- lata) (267 .) 338 Lanced , ( lanceolate ) {165.J 339 Arrow'd, (fagit - fcte) (177.; , , , - 340 Moon'd , ( lunata ) (176.), 341 Eredi, {eredi ce) (1277) - 342 Expanding , (patentes') (131*) 343 intirc, ( integer rbiue ) ( 1 91 . ) 344 Saw'd, (ferrate?) (193.) 345 Fringed, (ciliata) .(I94-) 346 Tooth* d , (dentata) (195.) 347 (fijfa) (181.) . . TENDRIL, (cirrhus.) 348 Axillary , ( axillaris) (1 1 1. ) 349 Leaf-tendril , (foliaris) growing on the leaf. 350 Petiole-tendril, (petiolaris) fitting on the petiole (290.) 351 Peduncle-tendril , ( peduncularis ) fitting on the pe- duncle. (296.) 352 Simple , (fimplex) undivided. 353 Three-cleft, (trifidus) 'divided into three parts. 354 Many-cleft, (multifidus) divided into many parts. 355 Convolute, (convolutus) bent in rings. 356 Revolute , (revolutus) a fpiral line turned back in the middle of its courfe. PUBESCENCE, 357 Hairs , (pill) excretory du&s of the plant briflly. 358 Wool, (lana) curved denfe hairs. 359 Beard, (barba) parallel hairs. 360 Down, (tomentum) foft interwoven hairs fcarcely difcernable. 361 Lance-brijlles, (Jlriga) Eliffilh flattifh hairs. 362 Brifiles, (feta) ftiffifh roundifh hairs. 363 Simple, (fimptices) equally extended lon- gitudinally. 364 Hook'd, (hamofee) eafily adhering to animals. 365 Branchy , ( ramofa ) fubdivided as if into branchlets. 366 Feathery, (plumofa) compounded lhag- gy- 367 Star'd , (Jlellatce ) difpofed decuflately. 368 Hooks xxviii. B O TAN I C TERM S. 368 Hooks y ( hand ) daggers pointed curved. 369 Barbs , [glochides) daggers bent back at the top. 370 Gland , [glandula) a teat excreting a fluid. 371 Bladder , [utriculus) a Veflel filled with a fecreted fluid. 372 Leaf-bladders, [foliaceae) inferted on the leaves. 3,73 Petiole-bladders , [petiolares) (^350.) 374 Peduncle -bladder S) [pedunculares) (35 1.) 375 Stipule-bladders 9 [Jlipulares) inferted on the ftipule (291.) 376 Vifcofity , [vifcofitas) the quality of a tena- cious fluid. 377 Glutinofiiy , [glutino fit as) the quality of a flippery fluid. ARMS, ( arma .) 378 Prickles , [aculei) pricking daggers fixed only on the bark of plants. 379 Straight , [refti) without bendings. 380 Incurved , [incurvi) bent inwards. 381 Recurved , [recurvi) reflected outwards. 382 Porks, [furca) prickles divided into many. 383 Two-cleft , & three- cleft, [bifida & trifi- da.) from the number of the divifions. 384 Thom , [fpina) a dagger protruded from the wood of the plant. 385 Terminal , [terminalis) placed at the point of the plant. 386 Axillary, [axillaris) (hi.) 387 On the calyx , [calycina) fitting on the calyx. 388 On the leaf, [foliaris) (349-) 389 Simple, [fimplex) (363.) 390 Divided , [divifa) parted at top. 391 Stings, ( ftimuli) daggers producing inflamatory itching pUndhires. BRACTS, [bradlce) leaves ofthe following year. 392 Colour'd, [color at ce) (216.) 393 Falling [caducoaf '(271.) 393 Deciduous, [deciduae) (270.) 395 Perma- nent9 [perfiftens) (272.) 396 Tuft XXIX» and definitions. 396 Tufty (coma) bracts terminating the ftem, re- markable for their ftze. PEDUNCLE. 397 Partial., (partialis) bearing fome flowers of the common peduncle. 398 Commoriy (communis) common to many flow- ers. 399 Pedicely (pedicellus) proper to the flowers of the common peduncle. 400 SCAPE, putting on the appearance of a ftem with rooted pe- duncles. Place» 401 Radicaly (rddicalis) (108.) 402 Stem-fcapey (caulinus) (109.) 403 j Branch -fcapey (rameus) (no.) 404 On the petiole y (petiolaris) (350.) 405 Tendril-bear ingy (cirrhiferus) (292.) 406 Terminaly (terminalis) (385.) 407 Axillary , (axillaris) (hi.) 408 Leaf oppofedy (oppofitif alius) (328.) 409 Side-flower’ dy (lateriflorus) (325.) 410 Before the leafy (interfoliaceus) (327) 41 1 Behind the leafy ( extrafolia ecus ) (326.) Situation. 412 Alternate , ( alternus ) (112.) 413 Scatter’ dy (fparfus) (1 16.) 414 Oppofitey (oppofitus) (124.) 415 Verticiirdy ( verti cillat us ) (99.) Number. 416 Solitary , (folitarius) (3 24.) 417 Double y (ge- u • minatus) (323.) 418 Sejfde umbellety (umbellula fejfilis) many pedun- cles proceeding from the fame center with ah equal circumference. Direction. 419 Apprefs’dy (adpreffus) (130.) 420 Eretty (erettus) (127.) 221 Expandingy (patens) (131.) 422 Bowingy (cernuus) the top bending towards * the earth. 423 Refupiney ( refupinatus ) (142.) 424 Declin’d \ (declinatus) (34.) * E 42,5 Nodding XXX. BOTANIC TERM S.< 425 Nodding , (nutans) (36.J 426 Flaccid , (flaccidus ) weak, bending beneath the weight of its flower. 427 Amending , (afcendens ) ( 33.) 428 Pendulous , (pendulus) loofe, hanging down- wards with its leaf. 429 Straight , (ftriftus) (29.) 430 Winding , (fiexucfus ) bending from flower to flower. 431 Retr of rafted, ( retrofraftus ) as if forcibly brought to hang down. 432 Many -flow er' d, (multiflorus) from the number of flowers on one ftalk. Structure. 433 Columnar, (teres) (47.) 434 Three-fided, (triqueter) (53.) 435 Four -corner'd, (tetragonus) f52.) 4 fo Thread-form, (filiformis) every where of equal thicknefs. 437 Tbper'd, ( attenuatus ) gradually lofrng its thicknefs towards the top. 438 Ciub'd, (clavatus) (299.) 439 Thicken'd, (incr affatus) gradually acquiring a greater bulk towards the top. 440 Naked, (nudus) (212.) 44 1 Scaly, (fquamofus) (58.) 442 Leaved ( foliatus ) (56.) 443 Brafted, ( brafteatus ) furnifbed with a bradt. 444 Knotted, (geniculatus) (43.) 445 Jointed, ( articulatus ) (82.) 446 INFLORESCENCE, (inflor efcentia) is the manner in which flowers are joined to their peduncles. 447 VERTICIL, (verticillus) many flowers furrounding the ftem like a ring. 448 Seffile, (feffilis ) without apparent pedicils. 449 Peduncled, (pedunculatus) with peduncles elevating the flower. 450 Naked, (nudus) oppofed to 451, 452. ' 451 Involucred, (involucratus) furnifhed with an invo- lucre. 452 Brafted, (brafteatus) (443.) 453 Crowded, ( confertus ) the peduncles near together (n7-) 454 Dijlant , (diflans) the peduncles remote. 455 HEAD XXXI. AND DEFINITIONS. 455 HEAD, (capitulum) with many flowers colledled in a globe. 456 Roundijh , (fubrotundum) almoft globular, (457,) 457 Globular , (globofum) round on all Tides. 458 Halved , (dimidiatum) round on one fide flat on the other. 459 Leafy , (foliofum) leaves intermixed with the flowers. 460 Naked , ( nudum ) deftitute of leaves and briftles. 461 Fafcicle , (fafciculus) a collection of eredt parallel flowers, approaching each other level at the top. 462 SPIKE, (fpica) alternate feflile flowers on a Ample common peduncle. 463 Simple , (fmplex) continued undivided. 464 Compound , ( compofita ) many fpikelets growing on a peduncle. 465 Glomorate , ( glomorata ) fpikelets varioufly heaped together. 466 Egg'd. , (ovata), (158.) 467 Bellied , (ventricofa) gibbous on the fides (254) 468 Gylindric , f cylindrica ) taperifh. One-rank' d, (fecunda ) means the above halved. 469 Interrupted , (interrupta) with lefs alternate diftindt fpikes. , 470 Imbricated , (imbricata) (118.) 471 Jointed , (articulata) (82.) 472 Branchy , (ramofa) varioufly divided. 473 Linear , (linearis) (167.) 474 Fringed. , (ciliata) (194.) 475 Leafy, (foliacea) divided by leaves. 476 Tufty , (comofa) terminated with leaflets. 477 CORYMBE, (corymbus) is formed from a fpike (462) when all the flowers are furniflied with their appropriated petioles, and proportionally elevated. 478 THYRSE, (thyrfus) a panicle, (panicula) (490J condenfed into an egg’d form. 479 RACEME, (racemus) with peduncle furniflied with lateral branches.. 480 Simple , (fmplex ) undivided. 48 1 Compound , f compofitus ) divided into many. 482 One-fided , ( uni lateris ) 3.W the flowers inferted on one fide. 483 One-row’ d, (fecundus) all the flowers bent to one fide. *E2 484 Footed xxxii. BOTANIC TERMS. 484 Footed , ( pedatus ) (280.) 485 Pair’d, (conjugatus) (277.) 486 Ereft) ( ereClus ) (127.) 487 Flexible) (laxus) (3 1.) 488 Naked) (nudus) (460.) 489 Leaved) (foliatus) (56.) 490 PANICEE, (panicula) fcatter’d flowers on a peduncle yarioufly divided. According to the Structure of the trunk. 491 FRUCTIFICATION, ( 'fructificatio ) a temporary part of vege- tables dedicated to germination. 492 Simpk) (fimplex ) confifling of lew flowers. 493 Compound) ( compofita ) with many confluent florets. 494 CALYX, (calyx) the bark of the plant prefent in the fructifica- tion. 495 Perianth) (perianthium ) a calyx contiguous to the fructification. 496 Of the fructification) (fruCiificationis ) in- cluding the ftamens and germ. ' 497 Of the flower) (flirts) containing the fla- mens without the germ. 498 Of the fruit , (fruCius) containing the germ \yithout the ftamens. 499 Proper , (proprium ) refpeCting each flower. 500 One leaf (monophyllwn) form’d of a Angle leaf. 501 Many cleaved) ( polyphyllum ) confuting of many leaves. 502 Two-cleft) five-cleft) ( bifidum , quinquefi- dujn J ( 1 8 1 ) 503 Two-parted) five-parted , ( bipartitum t quinquepartitum ) ( 1 84. ) 504 Intire) (integrum) (169.) 505 Tubular) (tubulofum) (260.) 506 Expanding) ( patens ) ( 1 31 . ) 507 Reflected) ( reflexum ) the parts bent back- wards. 508 Inflated) (inflatum) hollow like a bladder. 509 Abbreviated) (abbreviatum) not fo long as the tube. 510 Obtufe ) ( obtufum ) (202.) 511 Acute) (acutum) (207.) 512 Thorny , (fpinofum) (73.) 3* 3 Prickly xxxiii. AND DEFINITIONS. 1513 Prickly , ( acculeatum ) (242.) 514 Above, (fuperum ) when the germ is below the receptacle. 515 Beneath , ( inferum ) when the germ is above the receptacle. 516 Common, ( commune ) containing many congre- gate flowers. 517 biibricated , ( imbricatus ) covered with various fuperimpofed fcales. 518 Pugged, ( fquarrofum ) with fcales every where disjointed. Parch’d , (fcariofum) with fcales at the margin membranous dry, fonorus ( 25 3 ) 519 Topjhape , ( turbinatum ) inverfly conical. 520 Calycled , ( calyculatum ) the calyx furround- ed at the bafe, as if with a lefTer calyx. 521 Involucre, (involucrum) a calyx remote from the flower. 522 Univerfal , (univerfale) beneath an uni- verfal umbel. 523 Partial , (partiale) beneath a partial um- bel. 524 Proper, ( proprium ) beneath each flower. 525 Glume, (gluma ) the calyx of grafs , with embracing valves. 526 One-flower’ d, ( uniflora ) embracing a Angle flower. 527 Many-flowerd, ( multiflora ) including many flowers. 528 One-valved, (univalvis) confifting of one valve. 529 Two-valved , (bivalvis) confifting of two valves. 530 Many-valued, (multivalvis) with more than two valves. 531 Colour’d, (colorata) { 216.) 532 Smooth, (glabra) (2I3-) 533 Hifpid, (hifpida) (241,) 534 Awn, (arijla) an awl’d dagger growing on the glume. 535 Awnlefs, (mutica) without a point. 536 Terminal , (terminalis) fixed to the point of the glume. 537 Dorfal, (dorfalis) placed on the exterior fide of the glume. 538 Straight, (retta) coming out perpendicularly. 539 Twifled, (tortilis) bent like a cord. £40 Knotted, (geniculata) (43.) 541 Recurved XXXIV BOTANIC T E R M S 541 Recurved) ( recurvata) .. (136.) 542 Ament) (Amentum) from -a chaffy buddy common recep- tacle (633) 543 Spathe , (fpa'thd) a calyx burfting longitudinally. 544 One-valved , [univ alvis) gaping on one fide. 545 Halved , (dimidata) , covering the fructification only with the interior fide. 546 Calyptre , (calyptra) a cowl’d calyx of MOSS covering the anther. 547 Straight, (reft a) every where equal. 548 Oblique , (obliqua) bent to one fide. 549 Volve) (volva) the membranous calyx of a FUNGUS. 550 Approximated) ( approximaia ) near the head. 551 Very remote) (r emoti fftmaj diftant from the head. 552 COROL, ( corolla ) the inner rind of the plant prefent in the flower. . . 553 Petal) (petalum) part of a coiol divided into many. 554 Vubey .(tubus) the inner part of a one-petal corol. 555 Clavj) (unguis) the inferior part of a many-pe- tal’d corol fix’d to the receptacle. 556 Boarder , ( Lmbus ) the fuperior dilated part of the coroL 557 Fold) ( lamina ) the fuperior fpreading part of a one-petal’d cor of One-petal’d, or many pe- tal ’d, according to the number of petals. 558 Regular , ( regularis ) equal in figure, magnitude, and proportion of parts. 559 Irregular) (irregularis) in the parts of the border being different in figure, magnitude and pro- portion of the parts, 560 Unequal) (inaquatis) the parts correfponding not in magnitude, but in proportion, 561 Globular) (glob of a) like a globe. 562 Bell’d) (companulata) bellied (467) without a tube, 563 Funnel-for?n. (infundibuliformis) conical placed on a tube. 564 Wheel’d) (rotata) flat, not placed on a tube. 565 Grinning) (ringens) irregular, gaping with two. lips. 566 Helmet of a grinning corol) [galea rigentis) the upper lip. Lip XXXV. AND DEFINITIONS. Lip , ( labium ) is often ufed for the lower lip of a grinning corol. - 567 'Throat*, (faux) the opening between the diviflons of the corol where the tube ends. 568 Majk’d, (perfonata) grinning (565) but with the palate doled between the lips. 569 Crofs’d , (cruciata) expanding with four equal petals i 570 Concave, ( contava ) -(246.) 571 Expanding , (patens) \ 131.) 572 Papilionaceus , (papilionacea) irregular, with the inferior petal boat-fcrrn, [the keel) (carina) the upper one afcending,(7^ banner)( vexillum) the lateral ones folitary, (the wings) ( ala,) 573 Compound , (compofita) confifting of many florets with a common perianth, upon a common receptacle. 574 Ligulate, ( ligulata) all the corollets of the florets flat towards the outward fide. 575 Tubular > ( tubulo fa ) all the coi diets of the florets tubular nearly equal. 576 Radicated , (radiata) the corollets of the difk tubular, but thofe of the circumference mif- fhapen ligulate. The colour is to be noted. 577 Neftary, (neSlarium) the honey bearing par«fc proper to the flower. 578 Proper , ( proprium ) diltinCt from the petals and other parts. 579 On the petal, (petalinum) from its infertion on the petals. 580 STAMEN. (Jlamen) an organ for the preparation of the duft. 581 Filament, (filamentum) the part elevating and' connecting the anther, conftituting the male. 582 Equal, ( aqualia) having the fame length. 583 Unequal, (inaqualia) fome larger fome lefs. 584 Conjoin’d , (connata) many joined into one. 585 Anther, (anther a) a part of the flower big with dull, which when mature it fcatters. 586 Dijlintt, (diflindla) not cohering toge- ther. 587 Conjoin’d, (connata) many join’d [into one. «588 Dull xxxvi. BOTANIC TERMS 58 8 DuJI, ( pollen ) the duft of the flower, to' be burft by moifture, throwing out elaftic atoms, the origin of the plant. 589 PISTIL, (pifti/lum) an organ adhering to the fruit for the reception of the duft, couftituting the female. <190 Germ, (ger men) the rudiment of the imma- ture fruit in the flower. 591 Above $ (fuperurri) included in the corol. 592 Beneath , ( inferum ) placed beneath the corol. 59 3 Style9 (Jiylus) part of the piftil elevating the ftigma from the germ. 594 Stigma , (Jligma) the top of the piftil, moift with fluid. 595 PERICARP, ( pericarpium ) an organ of the plant big with feeds which when mature it fcatters. 596 Capfule , (capfula) a hollow pericarp gaping in a determinate manner. 597 Valvlet, ( valvula ) the coat, by which the fruit is covered externally, 598 Cell, (loculamentum) a hollow chamber as a place for the feeds. 599 Partition , ( dijjepimentum ) the wall by which the fruit is divided internally in- to many chambers. 600 Two-capfuled , ( bicapfularis ) from the number of the capfules. 601 Two- cell'd, (bilocularis) from the num- ber of the cells. 602 Three-grain' d, (tricocca) a capfule pro- tuberant with three knots, and divided within into three cells* 603 Twin, ( didyma ) a capfule gibbous with two knots. 604 Silique, (filiqua) a two-valve pericarp, the feeds being fixed along the futures. 605 Comprefs'd, ( comprejfa ) the oppofite fides approaching near together. 606 Protuberant, (torulofa) here and there gibbous with prominent parts. 607 Jointed, ( articulata ) intercepted with tight knots. 608 Parallel AND DEFINITIONS. xx$y«* 6c8 Parallel partition , (parallelum dijfepimen - /wwj approaching the valvelets by its breadth and by itstranfverfe diameter. 609 Tranfverfe partition , (tranfverfum diffe- pimentum) narrower where the con-* tra&ed valvelets become concave. 6ip Legurqe [legumen) atwo-valv’d pericarp* the feeds being fixed along one fide only* 61 1 Intercepted with ijlhmufes, (i/lhmis inter - ceptum) divided tranfverlly within into various cells* 612 Folicle, (foliculus) a one^valve pericarp* ga- ping longitudinally on one fide, the feeds not being fix’d to the future* 613 Drupe , ( drupa ) a valvelefs fill’d pericarp, containing a nut* 614 Juicy, [ fucculenta ) containing a fluid* 615 Dry, (ficca ) oppofed to the preceding* 616 Pome , [pomum ) a valvelefs filled pericarp Con- taining a capfule* 617 Berry, [kacca) a valvelefs fill’d pericarp* con- taining feeds, in other refpeCis naked. 618 Nidulant, ( nidulahtia ) feeds fpread through the pulp. 619 Strobile , [Jlrobilus ) form’d of an ament, with hardened fcales* 620 SEED, (femen ) the rudiment of the new plant. 62f Hile? ('hilum) the external fear of a feed* where it was fixed in the fruit. 622 Corcle. or Heart , ( corculum ) the rudiment of the new plant within the feed. Plumelet, (plumula) part of the corcle fcaly, afeen- ding. Roflel , or Beak , ( rojlellum ) part of the corcle fim- pie defeending. Cotyledon, (cotyledon ) the lateral body of the feed bi- bulous falling off. . 623 Crown, (corona) a calycle adhering on its top, by which it $ys, 624 Pappus , ( pappus ) a feathery, or hairy fly- ing crown. 625 Stipe d, ( JHpitatus J by a thread elevating and connecting the n; • . ^ tuft and feed* F 626 Capillary xxxviii. BOTANIC TER M S 626 ' Capillary , ( capillaris ) with un- branch’d hairs. 627 Feathery , (plumo f us) confifting of feathery hairs. 628 Tail , (cauda) a feed terminated by a thread. 629 Hook, (hamus) by which it adheres to animals. 630 Calycle^ ( calyculus ) the proper cover of the feed. 631 Nut , ( nux) a feed covered with a bony cuticle 632 Aril , ( arillus ) the proper exterior coat of the feed falling off fpontaneoufly. 633 RECEPTACLE, (receptaculum) the bafe by which the parts of the fructification are connected. 634 Common , ( commune ) containing many flowers and their fruit. 635 Dotted, (punttatum) fprinkled with hollow dots. 636 Hairy , ( pilofum ) (239.) 637 Chaffy , (paleaceum) dividing the florets by interpofed feales. 638 Flat , 4 ( planum ) ( 244. ) 639 Convex , ( convexum ) (247.) 640 Conical , ( conicum) round tapering towards the top. 641 AwPd , (fuhulatum) (267.) 642 Compound flower, (compofitus flos) with a broad intire receptacle and with feflile florets. 643 Aggregate flower , f aggregatus flos ) with a broad receptacle, with florets lubpetioled, 644 Umbel , ( umhella ) a receptacle elongated from one center into thread-form pro- portional peduncles. 645 Simple , (fimplex ) all the pedun- cles arifing from one and the fame receptacle. 646 Compound , ( compoflta ) all the peduncles bearing umbellets on their tops. 647 Univerfal , (univer falis) com- pofed of manynmple ones. 648 Partial, XXXIX, AND DEFINITIONS. 648 Partial, (partialis) anumbellet part of an univerfal one. 649. Proliferous , {prolifer a) an um- bel more than decompoun- ded. 650 Cyme , ( cyma ) a receptacle elongated in- to level-top’d peduncles, from the fame univerfal centre, but with the partial ones uncertain. 651 Rachis , ( rachis ) a thread-form recepta- cle connedting the florets longitudinally into a fpike. 652 Spadix , (fpadix ) the receptacle of aPALM coming out of a fpathe, divided into fhrubby branchlets. 653 BULB, ( bulbus ) the hybernacle of the plant from the rudiments of the paft leaves. 654 Solid, ( folidus ) flefhy, undivided within. 655 Coated , ( tunicatus ) a bulb with coat upon coat. 656 Scaled , (fquamatus ) with imbricated fcales. 557 Stem-bulb , ( caulinus ) growing on the item. petiole-bulb , (petiolaris) from the rudi- ments of a petiole. Jlipule-bulb , (flipularis) made from a ftipule. cortical , ( corticalis ) from the films of the bark. leaf-bulb , (foliaris) containing leaves, not flowers. floral-bulb , (floralis ) containing flowers not leaves. common , ( communis ) containing both leaves and flowers. 658 BUD, (gemma) the hybernacle of a plant from the rudiments of future leaves. 659 VERNATION, ( vernatio ) the difpofition of the leaves in the, bud, (658.) 660 Conduplicate , (conduplicaia) the fides of the leaves applied parallel to each other. 661 Convolute , (convoluta) fpiral like a paper-cone. 662 Involute , (involuta) the edges fpirally turned in on the upper furface on both fides. y - * F 2 663 Equitant , xl. B O t A N I C f E R M §. 663 Equitant y ( equitantia ) approaching with their oppo- fite margins, fo that one includes the other. 664 Obvolute , ( obvoluta ) with refpedt to the upper fur- face with the fides approaching, fo that each fide thews a different leaf. 665 Plaited , (plicatum ). bent into various folds. 666 Spiral , ( circinnale ) bent into a tranfverfe fpiral line, fo that the point is in the center. MEASUR ES. 667 A Line , ( linearis ) the breadth of a moonlet, at the root of the fin- ger nail, (not the thumb.) 668 Half an Inch , (ungui cularis) length of a nail. 669 An inch , (pollicaris) length of the lafi: joint of the thumb. 670 A handy (palmaris) the length of the breadth of the hand. 671 Six inches , (fpithameeus) the fpace between the points of thethutnb and the firft finger when extended. 672 A Spany (dodrantalis) the fpace between the points of the thumb and leaft finger when extended. 673 A Footy (pedalis) from the bend of the elbow to the bafe of the thumb. 674 Six feet , (orgyalis) the length of a man. INDEX. 3 Abbreviated 509, Above 514, 591 Abruptly 282 Acutanglar 57 Acute 207, 51 1 Adjoin’d 149, 310, 334 Aggregate flower 643 Alternate 94* 4I2> Ament 542 Angled 51 Annual 1 Anther 585 Appendaged 313 Apprefs’d 130, 419 Approximated 122, 55° Arborefcent 24 Aril 632 Arifing 133, 316 Arms 294 Arrow’d 177, 339 Afcending 33, 427 Awl’d 267, 337, 641 Awn 534 Awnlefs 535 Awny 168 Axeform 269 Axillary ill, 348, 386, 407* Banner 257 Barb 369 Beard 359 Bearded 238 Behind the Leaf 326, 41 1 Before the Leaf 327* 4 10 Bell’d 562 Bellied 467 Beneath 515, 59? Berry 617 Biennial 2 Bladder 371 Bulb-bearing 77 Border 556 Bowing 422 Bra&e 295 Bradted 443, 452 Branch-leaf no Branch-fcape 403 Branchy 5, 87, 365, 472 Branches 94 Bright 215 Briftles 362 Briftly 533 Bubbled 227 Bud 658 Bulb 653 Bulbous xlir. I N D E X. Bulbous 15 C Calycle 630 Calycled 520 Calyx 494, 387 Calyptre 543 s. JX. Capillary 626 Capfuie 596 Cell 598 Chaffy 627 Channeird 245 Chinky 61 Claw 555 Cleft 1 8 1, 347 Climbing 45 Club’d 299, 438 Goadjoin’d 1 50 Coated 62, 655 v Colour’d 2165 392, 53 r Columnar 47, 255, 301, 433 Common 398, 516, 634, 657 Compact 259 Compound 464, 481, 493, 573, 646 Compounded 175 Compound- flower 642 Comprefs’d 49, 257, 605 Concave 246, 570 Condenfed 101 Conduplicate 660 Confluent 121 Conical 640 Conjoin’d 154, 584, 587 Convex 247, 639 Covolute 355, 66 r Corcle 622 Corky 60 Corol 552 Cortical 657 Corymbe 477 Cotyledon 622 Cowl’d 248 Creeping 8, 4 1 Crofs’d 569 CroflT-arm’d 85 Crouded 97, 117, 453 Crown 623 Culm 18 Curi’d 251 Cylindric 468 Cyme 650^ D Daedal 20 1 Dagger’d 210 Declined 34, 424 Deciduous 270, 330, 394 Decurrent 335 Decurfive 151, 311, 2.82 Decuffated 125 Deflected 104 Delta-like 171 Depending 1 38 Depreffed 256 Diftant 454 Diftin& 586 Divaricated 93, 103 Diverging 102 Divided 390 Dorfal 537 Dotted 230, 635 Double 323, 417 pown 360 Downy 6q, 235 Drupe 613 Dry 615 Duft 588 E Egg’d 158, 466 Elliptic 166 Empty 26 End-bitten 7, 205 End-nick’d 203 Equal 582 Equitant 663 N D t. Erea 28, 100, 127, 3*4> 34J> .. 420, 486 Evergreen 274. Expanding 92, i'31, 315, 342, 421, 506, '5j I,. . ,.= i : Falling 271, 329, 393 Fafcicle 461 ; b . . Fafcicled 13, 1 19 Feather-cleft 187 Feather’d 281 Feathery 366, 627 Fibrous 4 Filament 581 Finger’d 278 Flaccid 426 <;.■ :-r;Q Flat 244, 638 ^ Fleftiy 262 Flexible 31, 487 Floral 112 Floral-bulb 657 Flower 497 Fold 557 Folicle 612 Foot 673 Footed 280, 484 Forks 382 Four-corner’d 435 Fourtimes-pair’d 282 Fringed 194, 345, 474 Fru&ihcation 49 iy 496 Fruit 498 Funnel-form 563 Furrow’d 65, 224 Germ 590 Gibbous 254 Gland 370 Globular ji, 457, 561 Glomerate 466 Glofiy. 214 Glume 525 85 £ i.roVyonbC! 3v abbon 3. boJJOfix! Glutinofity 377 Gnaw’d 200 Granulated 16 Griftly 197 Grinning 565 H Half an inch 668 Hand 670 Handed 14, 185 1,7; Hairs 357 ; . Hairy 239, 636 Halberted 178 Halved 458 545 Head 455 Heart, 622 Hearted 174 Helmet 566 Herbaceous 21 ■ > .. Hiie 621 Hifpid 71, 241 Hook’d 364 Hooks 368, 629 Horizontal 132 Jagged 189 Imbricated 59, 118, 470, Immerfed 143 Inch 669 . ’ Incurved 380 Inflated 508 Infledted 134 Inflorefcence 446 Inferted 309 Intercepted 61 1 Interrupted 469 282 Intire 81, 169, 504 Involucre 521 Involucred 451 Involute 662 Jointed 9, 82, 276, 321, 47 r, 607 Irregular 559 Juicy 614 oorraJ •O.y'i/Vl 3 >i!JSv l ■ >,j.) T \ -fl* nS: T 3?-t r:ej v:r.ej 5, 445 5 K I .if © £ xliv* K Keel 572 Keel’d 258 Kidney-form 175 Knotlefs 78 Knotted 43, 444, 540 L Lance-briftles 36 * Lance-briftled 243 Lanced 165, 338 Lateral 325 Leaf 388 Leaflefs 55 Leaf-bladders 372 Leaf bulb 657 Leaf-pierced 153 Leaf-oppofed 328* 408 Leaf-tendril 349 Leafy 56, 459, 475 Leaved 442, 489 Legume 610 Level-top’d 91 Ligulate 574 Line 667 Lined 222 Linear 167, 297, 473 Lip 566 Lobed 182, 206 Long 307 Lop’d 206 Lyred 186 u Many-cleft 354 Many-flower’d 432, 527 Many-leaved 501 Many-valved 530 Malk’d 560 Membranous 76, 252? 300 Middlefize 306 Moon’d 176, 340 Murex’d 68 N , Naked 54, 21a, 320, 440, 450,, 460, 488. Ne&ary 577 Nervy 217 Nervelefs 22 1 Nidulant 618 Nodding 36, 425 Notch’d 192 Nut 631 G Oblique 32, 139, 548 Obtufe 292, 510 Oblong 160 Obvolute 664 Odd 282 One-flower’d 526 One-leaf 500 One-rank’d 483 One-ftded 482 One-valved 528, 544 Oppofite 98, 124, 282, 414 Orbicular 157 Oval 159 P Pair’d 277,485 Panicle 490 Panicled 90 Papilionaceous 572 Papilious 231, 624 Pappus 624 Parabolic 161 Parch’d 253, 518 Parallel partition 608 Partial 397, 523, 648 Parted 184 Partition 599 Pedicel 399 Peduncle 296 Peduncled 449 Peduncle-bladders 374 Peduncle I N Peduncle- tendril 351 Pendulous 428 Perennial 3, 273 Perianth 495 Pericarp 595 Permanent 272, 331, 39 $ Petal 553, 579 Petiole 290, 404 Petioled 146 Petiole-bladders 373 Petiole-bulb 657 Petiole-tendril 359 Piked 209 Pimply 232 Piped 27 Pitted 228 Piftil 589 Plaited 249, 665 Plumelet 622 Pointed 208 Polifh’d 63 Pome 616 Prickles 378 Prickley 72, 242, 319, 543 Procumbent 38 Proliferous 83, 646 Prop’d 107 Protuberant 606 Proper 499, 524, 578 Pubefcence 293 Pulpy 261 R Raceme 479 Rachis 651 Radiated 576 Radical 108, 4a! Ragged 190 Receptacle 633 Reclined 135 Recurvate 136 Recurved 317, 381, 54I Regular 558 Refle&ed 105, 507 Remote 123 D E X. xlv. Retrofle&ed 106 Retrofracled 431 Retufe 204 Refupine 142, 423 Revolute 137, 356 Rhombic 172 Rigid 30, 129 Rooting 42, 145 Rounded 164 Roundilh 156, 456 Roftel 622 Rugged 67, 240, 518 Runcinate 1 79 S Sarmentous 40 Saw’d 193, 344 Scaly 58, 441 Scaled 656 Scape 19* 400 Scattered 96, 116, 413 Scymeter-form 268 Scollop'd 198 Seed 620 Semicolumnar 48, 302 Seffile 148, 333, 448 Sheathed 57 Sheathing 155, 336 Short 305 Shrubby 23 Side-flower’d 409 Silique 604 Silky 236 Simple 80, 352, 263, 389, 463, 480, 492, 645 Sinuous 188 Six-inches 671 Six-feet 674 Smooth 66, 213, 318, 532 Solid 25, 654 ~ Solitary 324, 41 6 Somewhat -branchy 86 Somewhat-fhrubby 22 South-turn *d 140 Spadix 65Z * g Span xlvi. X N D E X. Span 972 Spathe 543 Spatules 323 Spatuled 163 Spike 462 Spindle-form 6 Spinefcent 322, 33^ Spiral 666 Spreading 37 Stamen 580 Star’d 126, 367 Stem 17 Sem-bulb 657 Stem-clafping 152, 312 Stem-leaf 109 Stem-fcape 402 Stigma 594 Stmgs 39 j Stinging 74 Stipe 20 Stiped 625 Stipule 291 Stipuled 75 Stipule-bladders 375, Stipule-bulb 657 Stole-bearing 39 Straight 379, 53S, 547 Striated 64, 223 Strobile 619 Style 592 Supports 289 Swimming 144 Sword-form 266 T Tail 628 Taper’d 437 Targeted 147 Teeth-like 10 Tendril 21 1, 292 Terminal 385, 406, 536« Thicken’d 437 Thorn 384 Thorny 73, 196, 512 Thread-form 436 Three-cleft 353, 383 Three-corner’d 52 Three-grain’ d 602 Three-nerve 218 Three-nerved 220 Three-fided 53, 263, 303, 434 Thrice-double 286 Thrice-feather’d 288 Thrice-pair’d 282 Thrice-three’d 284 Three times thrice-three’d 287 Throat 567 Thyrfe 478 Tongued 265 Top-fhape 519 Tooth’d 195, 346 Torn 199 Trapeze-form 173 Tranfverfe partition 609 Triangular 170 Triple-nerve 219 Trunk 17 Twice double 283 Twice feather’d 285 Twice five-cleft 183 Twice-pair’d 282 Twiggy 89 Twin 603 Twining 46 Twilled 539 Two-capfuled 600 Twb-cell’d 601 Two-cleft 383, 502 Two-edged 50, 264 Two-faced 115 Twofold 120, 279 Two-forked 84 Two-parted 603 Two-rank’d 95, 114 Two-valved 529 Tube 554 Tuberous 12 Tubular 260, 505, 575 Tuft 396 No Tufty I D E X. N Tufty 476 U Unequal 560, 583 Univerfaf 522, 647 Umbel 644 Umbellet 418 Upright 29, 128,429, V Valvelet 597 Veiny 225 Veinlefs 229 Vernation 659 Vertical 14 1 Verticil 447 Verticil’d 99, 415 Very-branchy 88 Very intire 19 1, 344 Very long 30& Veryfhort 304 Veryfimple 79 Very remote 551 Villous 70, 234 Violin-form 180 Vifcid 233 Vifcofity 376 Volve 549 W Waved 250 Wedge-form 162 Winding 44, 430 Wing’d 298, Wings 572 Wheel’d 564 Wool 358 Woolly 237 Wrinkled 226 A E R R T A »K>j i' I X ’oil:: In the Botanic Terms. , ■ Number 29, 128, 429, read upright , (ftrida) inftead of Jlraight. 190, read not parallel to the plane. 279, read two'd> ( binatum ) inftead of twofold. 283, 285, read decompounded, and fuperdecompounded, for decompofed, and fuperdecompofed. 243, read, lance -briflled^ ( ftrigofum ) for lance-prickled. 322 read Brades, ( braStea ?) for Brads, (braSia). 479, read a peduncle, for with peduncle. 483, read one-rank* d^ (fecundus) for one-row’d. 576, read radiated , for radicated. In the Preface. Page vi?i. line 24, read binata^ ternata , quaternata, quinata, 0 SI on at a \ becaufe bina, terna , quaterna , &c. inftead of the paflage as it there ftands. Page x. after line 10 add, ‘which ambiguities are avoided in the tranflation\ 1 VEGETA- ALPHABETICAL INDEX o LATIN With their Tr A. Abbreviates, abbreviated Abrupte, abruptly Acerofus, awny Acinaciformis, fcymiter-form Aculeatus, prickly Aculei, prickles Acuminatus, pointed Acutangulus, acutangular Acutus, acute Adnatus, adjoined Adpreflus, apprefs’d Adverfus, fouth-turn’d ^Equalis, equal Aggregatus flos, aggregate flower Alae, wings Alatus, winged Alternus, alternate Amentum, ament Amplexicaulis, flem-clafping Anceps, two-edged Angulatus, angled Annuus, annual * F TERMS, NSLATIONS, Anthera, anther Apex, top Aphyllus, leaflefs Appendiculatus, appendaged Approximatus, approximated Arboreus, arborefcent Arillus, aril Arifta, awn Arma , arms Articulatus, jointed Afcendens, afcending Aflurgens, arifmg Attenuates, tapered Avenis, veinlefs Axilla, axil Axillaris, axillary . B. Bacca, berry Barba, beard Barbatus, bearded Bicapfularis, two-capfuled h Biennis* ( 1. INDEX. Biennis, biennial Bifarius, two-faced Bifarias, two-ways Bifidus, two-cleft Bigeminus, tisice -double Bijugus, twice-paired Biiocularis, two-celCd Binatus, two9d Bini, two- fold Bipartitus, two-part ed Bipinnatus, twice- feathered Biquinque fidus, twice-five-cleft Biternatus, thrice-three9 d Bivalvis, two-valved Brachiatus, crofs-armed Bra&ea, brafte Bra&eatus, bratied Brevis, fioort Brevifiimus, Jhortefi Bulbofus, bulbous Bulbus, bulb Bullatus, bubbled . G. Caducus, falling Calycinus, on the calyx . Calyculatus, calycled ; Calyculus, calycle Calyptra, calypire Calvx, calyx Campanulatus, bell’d Canaliculatus, channeled Capillaris, capillary Capitulum, head Capiula, capfule Carina, keel Carinatu?, keeVd Carnofus, fiefijy. Cartilagineus, gri/lly Cauda, tail Cauiinum-folium, fiem-leqf Caulinus, belonging to the Jlern Caulinus fpapus, Jhm-fcape Caulis, ftem Cernuus, bowing Ciliatus, fringed Circinnalisj fpiral Cirrhi fer us , tendril-bearing Cirrhofus, tendriFd Cirrhus, tendril Clavatus, clubbed Coadnatus, coadjoined Coloratus, coloured Corpmupis, fommoyi Comofus, tufty Compa£his, compact Compofitus, compounded Compreffus, comprejfed Concavus* honcave Conduplicatus, conduplicate Confertus, crowded Confluens, confluent Conicus, conical Conjugatus, pair’d Connatus, conjoined Convexus, convex :/i Convolutus, corivpluU t ■ " 'I- Corculum, corcle pt hearts Cordatus, hearted? a, Cordato-fagittafus, dearth-arrowed Corolla, corol .» ‘ ' Corona, crown Corticalis, cortical , barky Corymbus, corymbe • . nr /v Cotyledon, cotyledon C renatus, notched Crifpus, curled Cruciatus, crofs9 d - ' Cucullatus, cowl9 tt Cuneiformis, wedge- form Culmus, culm Cum impari, with an odd' one Cufpidatus, piked « a , Cylindricus, cylindric y Cyma, cytne . D. I N D E X. IE D. Daedaleus, dcedal Deciduus, deciduous Declinatus, declined , Decurrens, decurrent Decurfius, dt cur Jive Decuflatus, decuffated Deflexus, deflcdfed Dehifcens, gaping Deltoideus, delta- like Dentatus, teeth -like , tooth'd Denticulatus, fine-tooth d Depend- ns, depending Deprellus, depress'd Dextrorfum, from the right D i choto mus , two forked Didymus, twin Dixtuius, fp reading Digitatus, fingered Dimidiatus, halved Diflans, diflant Diftichus, two-ranked D i varicatus, divaricated Divergens, diverging Divifus, divided Do] abri formis, axe- form Dodrantalis, a fpan Dorfalis, dorfal , on the hack Drupa, drupe . E. Elafticus, elaflic Ellipticus, elliptical Emarginatus, end-nick'd Enervis, nervelefi Enodis, knotlefs Enfiformis, fword-form Equitans, equitant EreCtus, eredi Erofus, gnaw'd Extrafoliaceus, behind the leaf * F. Fafcicularis, fafcicled Fafciculatus, fafcicled Fafcicuius, fafcicU Fafligiatus, level-topp'd Faux, throat Fibrofus, fibrous Filamentum, filament Filiformis, thread-form Fifius, cleft Fiftulofus, piped Flaccidus, flaccid Flexuofus, winding Floralis, floral Flos, flower Foliacei utriculi, leaf-bladders Foliaceus, belonging to the leaf leafy Foiiaris cirrhus, leaf-tendril Foliaris bulbus, liaf-bulb Foiiaris, on the leaf Foliatus, leaved , leafy Foliculus, folicle Foliolis oppofitis, with leaflets op - pofite Foliolis ruptis, with interrupted leaflets Foliofus, leafy Folium, leaf Frons > frond Fructificatio, frudlification Fruticofus, jhrubby Fulcratus, propped Fulcrum, fupport Furca, fork F ufiformis, fpindle-form . G* Galea, helmet Gemma, bud Geniculatus, knotted Gibbus, gibbous h 2 Glaber lii. I N D E X. Glaber* fmooth Glandula, gland Giobofus, globular Glochides, barbs Glomoratus, glomorate Gluma* glume Glutinofites, glutincjity Granulatus, granulated . H. Halitus, vapour Hamofus, hooked Hamus, hook Haftatus, halberted Herbaceus, herbaceous Hilum, hile Hifpidus, hifpid Horizontalis, horizontal , I. Imbricatus, imbricated Impar, odd Inaequalis, unequal Inanis, empty Incraflatus, thickened Incurvatus* incurvate Incurvus, incurved Inferus, beneath Inflatus, inflated Inflexus, infletted Inflorefcentia, infiorefcence Infundibiliformis, funnel-form Infertus, inferted Integer, intire Integerrimus, inojl intire I nterr upt us, interrupted Intrafoliaceus, before the leaf Involucratus, involucred Involucrum, involucre Involutus, involute Irregularis, irregular Ifthmis interceptus, intercepted 'with iflhmufes . L, Labium, lip Lacer, torn Laciniatus, jagged Laciniae, diviftons Lacunofus, pitted Laevis, polifhed Lamina, fold Lana, wool Lanatus, woolly Lanceblatus, lanced Lateralis, lateral Lateri-florus, fide -flowered Laxus, flexible , or loofe Legumen, legume Ligulatus, ligulate Limbus, border Linearis, aline ( meafure ) Linearis, linear Lineatus, lined Lingulatus, tongued Linguiformis, tongue -form Lobatus, lobed Loculamentum, cell Longiflimus, mofl long Longus, long Lucidus, bright Lunatus, moond Lyratus, lyred. M. Mediocris, middle-flze Membranaceus, membranous Membranatus, membranous Monopetalus, one-petal'd Monophyllus, one leaf Mucronatus, daggered Multifidus, many -cleft Multiflorus, many -flowered Multi valvis, many-valved Muricatus, murex' d Muticus, awnltfs . N I N D EX. liii. N. Natans, jwimming Nc£tarium, nettary Nervofus, nervy Nidulans, ntdulant Nitidus, gioffy Nucleus, nucleus Nudus, 7iaked Nutans, nodding Nux, nut. o. Obliquus, oblique Oblongus, oblong Obtufus, obtuje Operculum, lid Gppohtifolius, leaf-oppofed Oppofitus, oppofite Orbiculatus, orbicular Orgy alls, jix-feet Oval is, oval Ovatus, egg'd. P. Paleaceus, chaffy Palmaris, a hand (me aj ure) Palmatus, handed Panduriformis, violin-form Paniculatus, panicled Panicula, panicle Papilionaceus, papilionaceous Papillofus, papillous Pappus, pappus Papulofus, pimply Parabolic us, parabolic Parallelus, parallel Partialis, partial Partitus, parted Patens, expanding Pedalis, a foot (meafure) Pedatus, footed Pedicellus, pedicel Pedunculares utriculi, peduncle- bladders Peduncularis cirrhus, peduncle- tendril Pedunculatus, peduncled Pedunculus, peduncle Peltatus, targetted Pendulus, pendulous Perennis, perennial Perfoiiatus, leaf-pierced Perianthium, perianth Pericarpium, pericarp Perfiftens, permanent Perfonatus, majked Petalinus, on the petal Petalum, petal Petiolaris bulbus, petiole-bulb Petioiares utriculi, petiole-bladders Petiolaris, on the petiole Petiolaris cirrhus, petiole-tendril Petiolatus, petioled Petiolus, petiole Pileus, hat Pili, hairs Pilofas, hairy Pinnatifidus, feather-cleft Piftillum, pijiil Planus, fat Plicatus, plaited PlumofUs, feathery ox plumy Plum ula, plumelet Pollen, duf Pollicaris, an inch Polypetalus, many-petaVd Polyphyllus, many-leaved Pomum, pome Praemorfus, end-bitten Procumbens, procumbent Prolifer, proliferous Proprius, proper ' Pubes, pube fence Pulpofus, pulpy Pun&atus, dotted . 0, I N D E X. li?# a Quadrijugus, four-times -pair* d Quaterrius, four-fold Quaternatus, four’d Quini, fiv$-fold Quinatus, jived Quinquangularis, quin quart gular T five -angled Quinquefidus, five-cleft Quinquepartitus, five-parted R. Racemus, raceme Rachis, rachis Radicatus, radicated y rooted Radical© folium, root-leaf Radical is, radical j . Radix, root Radicans, rooting Rameum folium, branch-leaf Ramofiflimus, mofl branchy R'amofus, branchy Ramus, branch Receptaculum, receptacle Reclinatus, reclined Red! us, ftraight Recurvatus, recurvate Recurvus, recurved Reflexus, reflected Regularis, regular Remotiflimus, mojl remote Remotus, remote Reniformis, kidney -form Repandus, fco Hop’d Re, •ens, creeping Refupinatus, refupine Retroflexus, retrofit died Retrofracfus, retrofit affied \ Retufus, retufe Revolutus, revolute Rhombeus, rhombic Rigidus, rigid Rimofus, chinky R ingens, grinning Roftellum, rojhl or beak - Rotatus, wheel’d -< . Rotundatus, rounded Rugofus, wrinkled . •- • Ruptus, interrupted " S. ' , Sagittatus, arrowed ■ c-'nV S armento fus, farmentous Sarmentum, far)nent Scaber, rugged Scandens, climbing Scapus, fcape Scariofus, parched Secundus, one-ranked Semen,- fee'd Seminalis, feminal Semi teres, femi-columndr Sempervirens, evergreen Sericeus, filky Serratus, faw’d Seflilis, fejfile Setae, briflles Siccus, dry Silicula, filicle Siliqua, filique Simplex, fimple Simplieiflimus, mojl finiple Siniftrorfum, from the left Sinuatus, finuous Solidus, fioiid . Solitarius, folitary Spadix, fpadix Sparfus, fcattered Spatha, fpaihe * Spatulatus, fpdtuhd • Spica, fpike r ■ Spimathoeus, fix inches <- ' • 1 Spina, thorn -V 1 d-'o'cM S p i n e fee nS , fpinefeent , o re ' ihorti - growing t'duJs.JO I Spinofus* I N D E X. lv ; Spinofus, thorny Squrmatus, fcaled Squamofus fcaly Squarrofus, ragged. Stamen, flamen S tell a t us , flarred Stigma, fligma Stimuli, flings Stipes, flipe Stipitatus, flipe d Stipula, flipule Stipqlares utriculi, flipule-blad- • • Stipularis bifibus, /Upuk-bulb Stipulatus, flipuled Stoioniferus, flole-bearing Striatus, flriated Stri&us, upright Strigae, lance-briflles Strigofus, lance-briflled Strobilus, flrobile Stylus, Jiyle Subden tatus, fomewhat-tooth* d Suberofus, corky Subintegerrimus, very intire Submerfus, immerfed Subramofus, fomewhat branchy Subrotundus, roundijh Subulatus, awled Succulentus, juicy Suffruticofus, fomewhat jhrubby Sulcatus, furrowed Superus, above . T. Teres, columnar Terminalis, terminal Terni, three-fold Ternatus, three* d T etragonus, four-corner* d Thyrfus, thyrfe Tomentofus, downy Tomentum, down Tortilis, twifled Torulofus, protuberant Tranfverfus, tranfverfe : Trapeziformis, trapeze-form Triangularis, triangular T ricoccus, threer-grain* d Trifidus, three-cleft T rigeminus, thrice-double Trigonus, tbree-cornered Trilobus, three-lobed Trinervatus, three-neoved Trinervis, three-nerve Tripinna^us, thrice fleath$red T ripl jner vis, triple - nerve Triqueter, three- fided T riternatus, three-times-thrice- three* d Truncatus, lopped Truncus, trunk Tuberofus, tuberous Tubulofus, tubular Tubus, tube Tunicatus, coated Turbinatus, top-fhape . U. Umbella, umbel Umbellula, umbellet Undatus, waved Unguicularis, half an inch Unguis, claw Uniflorus, one-flower*d Unilateris, one-fided U nival vis, one-valved Unwerfalis, univerfal Utriculus, bladder Urens, flinging. V. Vaginans, Jheathing Vaginatus, Jheathed Valvula, valvelet V enofus. Ivi, INDEX. Venofus, veined Ventricofus, bellied Vernatio, vernation Verticalis, vertical Verticillatus, verticilled Verticillus, verticil Vexillum, banner Villofus, villous Virgatus, twiggy Vifcidus, vifcid Vifcofitas, vifcojity Volubilis, twining Volva, volve. N. B. The Binder is apprized to place this Index after the Index of Englijh Terms at the beginning of the firjl volume . V-,vtv “ , ' ' , . • • . VAYV A > ' \ Y t • ■•••■* r 1 •* ** ' \‘ ''J * •**'**« I ; ■ . » ■§- • n PLATE I SIMPLE LEAVES. Fig. .. o Rbicular, ( orbiculatum ) 2 . Roundifh, ' ( fubrotundum ) 3* Egg’d, ( ovatum ) 4. Oval or Elliptic, (ovale s » ellipticum ) 5. Oblong, (oblongum) 6. Lanced, (lanceolatum) 7. Linear, (lineare) 8. Awl’d, (fubulatum) 9. Kidney- form, (reniforme) 10. Hearted, (cordatum) 11. Moon’d, (lunulatum) 12. Triangular, (triangulare) 13. Arrow’d, (fagitatum) 14. Heart - arrow’d* ( cordato - fagitatum ) 15. Halberted, (hajlatum) 16. Cleft, (fijjum) 17. Three-lobed, ( trilobum ) 18. End-bitten, (prcemorfum) 19. Lobed, (lobatum) 20* Five-angled, ( quinquangu - lare) 21. Gnaw’d, (erofum) ■22. Handed, [palmatum) 23. Feather-cleft, (pinnatifdum) 24. Jagged, (laciniatum) 25. Sinuous, (fmuatum) 26. Tooth - fmuous, ( dentato - fmuatum) 27. Sinuous backwards . ( retror - fum fmuatum) 28. Parted, , (partitum) 29. Scollop'd, { repandum ) 30. Tooth'd , ( dentatum ) 31. Saw’d, (ferratum) 32. Double-faw' d) (duplicato-fer- ratum ) Fig. 33. Double - notch'd , ( duplicato - cr enatum ) 34. Cartilaginous, ( catilagine - um) 35. Acutely notch'd) (acute crena- tum) 36. Obtufely notch'd) (obiufe ere - natum) 37. Plaited, (plicatum) 38. Notch’d, (crenatum) 39. Curl’d, (crifpum) 40. Obtufe, (obtufum) 41. Acute, (acutum) 42. Pointed, (acuminatum) 43. Obtufe with a point , ( obtufum acumine ) 44. End-nick' d acutely) ( emargi- natum acute) 45. Wedge-form end-nick' d) (cu- neiforme emarginatum ) 46* Retufe, (retufum) 47. Hairy, ( pilofum ) 48. Downy, (tomentofum) 49. Hifpid, (hifpidum) 50. Fringed, (ciliatum) 51. Wrinkled, (rugofum) 52. Vein’d, [venojum) 53. Nerved, (nervofum) 54. Papillous, (papillofum) 55. Tongue-form, (linguiforme) 56. Scimitar-form, (acinacifor- me) 57. Axe-form, ( dolabriforme ) 58. Delta-like, (deltoides) 59. Three-fided, (triquetrum) 60. Channel’d, (canaliculatum) 61. Furrow’d, (fulcatum) 62. Columnar, (teres) I - / PLATE II COMPOUND LEAVES, Fig. 63. T'wO’D, (binatum) 64. Three’d with feffile leaflets, (ternatum foliolis fejfilibus) 65. with petioled leaflets, ( petiolatis) 66. Finger’d, (digitatum) 67. Footed, (pedatum) 68. Feather’d, with an odd one, (pinnatum cum impari) 69. abrupt , ( abruptum) 70. alternately , ( alternatim) interruptedly , ( interrupte) j2: . tendril’ d, ( cirrhofum) 73. fair’d , f -conjugatum) 74, , decurfively , ( — decurfive) — joint edly, ( articulate) . 76. Lyred, (ly ratum) 77. Thrice threefold or the fquare of three, ( biternatum , duplicdto-pin- natum ) 78. Twice-feather’d, double feather’d, ( bipinnatum , duplicato-pinna - turn) 79. Three times thrice threefold (the cube of three) (Tritermtum, triplicato-ternatum) ^ . \ 80. Thrice feather’d without an odd one, (tripinnatum, fine impari). g ! ] with an odd one ( cum impari) ). ' / V l/ ■I -- ' -XT • I IS .'i , 1 'T ,~h ‘i ■ " ■ ■■ ■ ■, ■ y 'i ' * ' ‘ \ n ■ : * " ' ' ' '\\v.y:. .XV?- -f> . ’.j>n fbStXf *vk V - ' . '• • 'a:;, d , n . > * : ,u- Xv-v >• -.if .. Hsin 1 , . •.ttA.vj. ;ce». . :X... p LATE III DETERMINATE LEAVES, Fig, 82. Inflected, (mjiexum) 83. Ere&, [eredum) 84. Expanding, [patens) 85. Horizontal, ( horizontale ) 86» Reclined, ( reclinatum ) 87. Revolute, (revolutum) 88. Seminal, (feminale) 89. Stem-leaf, (caulinum) 90. Branch-leaf, ( rameum ) gio Floral, ( for ale ) 92. Targettea, (peltatum) 93. Petioled, (petiolatum) 94. Seffile, (fejjile ) 95. Decurrent, (decurrens) 96. Sem-clafping, (amplexicaule) 97« Leaf-pierced, (perfoliatum) 98. Conjoin’d, (connatum) 99. Sheathing, (vaginans) 100. Jointed, (articulatum) 301. Star’d, (Jlellata) 102. Fourfold, ( quaterna ) 103. Oppofite, (oppofita) 304. Alternate, (alterna) 105. Awny, (acerofa) 106. Imbricated, (imbricata) 107. Fafcicled, (fajciculata) 308. Frond, (frons) 109. Spatuled, (fpathulatum) 110» Parabolic, (parabolicum) » •3 ' h . •/ * / V I , / PLATE IV. STEMS. Fig. 111. Scaly culm , ( fquamofus culmus ) 1 12. Creeping Stem, (repens caulis) 1 13. Scape, ( fcapus ) 1 14. Jointed r«/wz, (articulatus culmus) 1 1 5 . T wining Jlem , (volubilis caulis ) 1 16. Two- fork’d Jlem^ (dichotomus caulis) 1 17* Crofs-arm’d J\emi (brachiatus caulis) ♦ \ PLATE V. SUPPORTS. Fig. 118. r,ay /aV '3- xvti.'J ' . j i "i Ci ,V v sruia -U. .t ... «. .• .• ■ • . ^n:. .r., * ' t O ; i ’ . > r' J . J /'b]\3y • r 4 * v'O • ■ ' ' ■' * ( a Ltftylijjli'. u.> . • I jjs>y'j ■ '.vW - s oV)Z , . •' ’ ( . . ■ • ,£V fo ’ 'fci f iioinmo ■f.WV $bK: ■ ;v: . ; oraa . D .... „rr v P'\ : T ! .i , ft!? 03 L'iA -• r Jjrp. .v>- w* , k ft ■; c-9 . .0 i • : . PLATE VII. PARTS OF THE FLOWER. Fig. 132. Spathe, the Calyx of Narciffus , (Spatha, calyx Narcijfi ) 1 33. Spathe,. Spadix ( Spathay Spadix) 134.. a. Glume calyx. b. Awn, (Gluma calyx, b, Arifta) 135. a . Univerfal umbel- b . Partial one, (umbella uni- verfalis. b . Partialis.) c. Univerfal Involucre, d. Partial one» (Involucrum univerfale. d. partiale.) 136. c. Calyptre ; b . Lid. a . Head» (Calyptra ; L O- perculum» a . Capitulum.) 137. Ament, (amentum.) 138. Strobile, (ftrobilus) 139» a- Hat» b . Volve, r. Stipe of a Fungus, (Fungi ar Pileus, b . Volva. their fragrant Odours , and gorgeous Colours . 5. TREES. Highnesses, of the Order of Nobility, Inhabitants of the woods, perennial as to their flock, furrounded with Servants at their feet, and fupporting deftru&ive Parafites . They ered their heads , refjl the Winds , over- Jhadow the fultry , moften the dry with inviftble Jhowers , allure the Birds , and per fed their Fruit like fo many Orchards of Nature » Soldiers, Plants armed with Thorns or Prickles from both of the laft- kinds. They repel the attacks of the Mammalia or firjl clafs of animals* 6. FERNS. New-Colonists, Plants of obfcurity, fuppor ted on Stipes, with Seeds on their backs, poor. Thefe pre- pare the Earth for their fuccejfors. 7. MOSSES. Servants, Plants of the winter, Imbricated, Ca- lyptred, Revivefcent, hungry, occupying in immenfe numbers all the places relinquished by the former. Thefe protect the Roots of other plants ; • left they Jhould be injured by the Winter Frofls , by the Summer Heats , the Vicif tudes of Spring , or the Putridity of Autumn : and colled for the benefit of others, the daedal Soil. 8* FLAGS, (alga) Slaves, Plants which love the water, Squa- lid, revivefcent, abflemious, almoft naked. Thefe begin the firjl V gelation on uncultivated places. 9, FUNGUSSES, VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 5* 9. FUNGUSSES. Vagabonds, Plants of the Autumn, Barba- rous, Naked, putrefcent, rapacious, voracious. Thcfe at the Fall of the Leaf are fupported by the recrements of other plants . 5. TEXTURE of vegetables confifts of Fluid-bearing Vejfels , Air FeJJels^ Secretory Refervoirs. 6. SUBSTANCE of vegetables, which covers their Pith^ confifts of a Cuticle externally covering the Bark ; which1 bark depofits on its interior fide the Rind; which is converted annually into rigid Wood. 7. The principal PARTS of vegetables are three : Root defcending, abforbing moifture, nourijhing . Herb afcending, breathing the air, moving . Fructification expanding, inhaling ether, producing feeds • S. ROOT, inferted into the moift earth, puts forth capillary lefs., often joining above into a folid Stock defcending beneath the earth, or even afcending above the earth. 9. HERB annual, committed to the air, confifts of the Hyberhacle , Trunks Leaf Prop : Hybernacle a compendium of the whole Plant, fcaly: Bulb from the bafes of the paft leaves. Bud from the rudiments of the future leaves. 10. TRUNK, elevating the Herb and the Fru&ification, ( the Branches are Parts of the Trunk) is either Stem of the Herb leafy. Culm of Grafs: often knotted with empty joints. Scape of the Root leaflefs, flower-bearing. Peduncle a flower-bearing Branch of the ftem. Petiole a leaf-bearing branch, proper to the leaf. Stipe not diftindt from the Leaf : in Palms and Ferns. 11. LEAF expanding its furface to the air, waving, often on a petiole. Leaflet a part of a compound Leaf. Frond a Leaf made from a ftipe : in Palms and Ferns. 12. PROP 6. VEGETABLE KINGDOM* 12. PROP adminiftering to the neceffities of Life : Stipule of the Leaves, at their bafe, leafy. Bracte of the Flowers, at the bafe of the flowers or pe- duncles, leafy. Pubescence cloathing with down. Gland feparating a liquor. Thorn terminating with a wooden horn. Prickle ftretched out like a claw infer ted only into the bark. Tendril climbing by a thread . 13. FRUCTIFICATION temporary, at the extremity, expand- ing naturally by a fpontaneous metamorphofis, fo thst the Internal fubftance appears in the Flower and in the Fruit. Flower confifts of the Calyx, Corol , Stamens , Pijlils . Fruit confifts of the Pericarp pregnant with Seeds, which are affixed to the Receptacle. 14. CALYX the exterior Coveringof the Flower derived from the Bark, of which are feven kinds : Volve of a Fungus, torn. Calyptre of Mofs, cowPd. Spathe of a Palm, fheathed. Glume of Grafs , generally two-valved. Perianth of a Plant, near the corol. Involucre of a Plant, remote from the flower, often of an umbel. Involucel or partial Involucre. Ament Buddy imbricated, common. I c. COROL the interior Covering of the Flower derived from the Rind. Petal membranous : with a Border or Folds . with a Tube or Claws . Nectary ne&ar-bearing proper, producing honey. 16. STAMEN an external Organ, derived from the Wood', conftitutes the Male. Filament fuftaining the Anther. Anther big with a granulated Dujl\ and this with the F ovilla. 17. PIS- VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 7. 17. PISTIL an interior Organ derived from the Pith ; conftitutes the Female. Germ a rudiment of the Fruit, beneath. Style elevating the Stigma from the germ, intermediate. 1 Sticma dewy, pubefcent, above. 18. PERICARP the Germ after the fall of the flower feed-bearing : Capsule membranous, gaping with valves varioufly in various plants, Silique membranous, two~valved , each future bearing feeds» Legume membranous, tzvo-valved , one future bearing feeds. Follicle membranous, one-valved , gaping on the fide, not attached to the feeds. Berry pulpy, with Operate Seeds. Drupe pulpy, with a bony Nucleus. Pome pulpy, a Capfule including the feeds. Strobile imbricated, the pericarp of a contracted Ament. jg. SEED an Egg, pregnant with the new plant, deciduous, coated. Hile the navel-fear. Cotyledons abforbent, conftituting the uterine placenta. JEIeart a compendium of the new plant, connecting the cotyledons : with a pointed Beak germinating downwards, with an imbricated Plume growing upwards. Pappus fometimes crowns the feed. Aril fometimes includes the feed partially. 20. RECEPTACLE: the hafe connecting all the parts of fructi- fication. Proper of one flower. Common to many feflile florets. Umbel, between the calyx and the flower, elongated into equal peduncles. Umbellet a partial umbel. Cyme a compound umbel with alternate branchlets. Spadix within a Spathe, particularly of the Palm. Rachis the receptacle of the Spike of Grafs, on which the flowers are ingraved. 21 Ve- & VEGE TABLE. KINGDOM. 21* V egetable MECH ANI SM confifls of two contrary fubftances. The Corporeal external one, including, nourifhing, defcend- ing, adhering to the earth, carefully furrounding the pith, hardifh, growing with a very tender point. The internal Pith, or Medulla, included, vivifying, de- li qui fee nt at the bafe, afeending atthe point, infinite in multi- plication in divifibiiity and in termination, enlivened at its cre- ation, fecretly and gradually from its begining extends itfelf where there is lead refinance, to its final exit ; where, the more feebly it is confined by the corporeal part, the fooner it breaks its prifon, about to undergo its metamorphofis ; and efcaping joins itfelf with the corporeal part, that dif- perfmg itfelf into new lives the circle of vegetation may be perennial. 22» GERMINATION is produced from the Seeds being difperfed and abforbing water by the Hile ; whence the membranes are burft by the bibulous fw ell ing Cotyledons ; which give nou- rifhment to the Heart ; till the Beak of the foetus puts out Rootlets; by which the Pin me is elevated growing into an annual Herb*> terminating in a f’uper-de com pounded BiuL VEGET ATION is produced by the Rootlets fucking up the aque- ous tindhire of the Soil; which, by daily addition of heat, is gently driven through die veffels of the external corporeal part ; whence the nutrition of the exterior and interior plant, the fuperfluous moiflure exhaling, the Bark depofiting the Rind on its interior furface, which annually changes itfelf into a Woody fubffance, (in Annual ringlets interfperfed with the Alburnum, which at length almofl offtfies as the lower branches decay} this woody fubftance afterwards fuflains the afeending Stock, in the fummits of which the living Pith advances, I conceive the Medulla, or Pith, to eonfift of a bundle of equally diverging Nervous fibres ; in which medulla die pro- trufive vital power breaks the ultimate nerves ; which there diverging, penetrate the bark, as yet. gelatinous ; where thefe medullary nerves at the fummit are in like maimer multiplied in the Bud. From the veflel afeending through this nerve being divided, and the afeent of the propelled fluid being im- peded beneath, the bark is extended into a Leaf 1 This Leaf which is agitated by the palling winds, attra<51s and prepares the fluids (except thofe of the Farafite-Plants, which are previoufly prepared,) inhales eleflric. mater from tbs vegetable kingdom. 94 the light with its upper furface, perfpires a dew from its under furface, and periihes never to be renewed* But the Larva of the herb is Displayed, when the protrufion of the Medulla is greater than the retention of the including Body ; when the lubfiance of thfc Bark is expanded in the Calyx, that of the Rind in the Corol, that of the Wood in the Stamens, that of the. Medulla in the Piffcil ; the vegetation thus terminates in new life, the threads of life being collected into, the ultimate Seeds of the Medulla. £4. The PROLEPSI & exhibits the myftery of the Metamorphofis of Plants, in which the Larva of the Herb is changed into a Difplayed Fructification ; for it is the office of a Plant to pro- duce either a leafy Herb or a Fructification'. A genuine Leaf always nouriflies in its bofom the principle of a multiplying Branch, either fuch actually or potentially ; and fince the Leaf is produced for this caufe, and no other, a Leaf cannot exift, unlefs this principle has previoufiy perfo- rated the bark, from which it arofe, altho’ the effeCt appears before its caufe. A genuine Bud is the compendium of a future Branch , into which it is at length unfolded. A Bud always confifts of Scales , which are fo many rudiments of Leaves, and are preffed together till the future branchlet becomes elongated. And fimce t he Leaf cannot exift without the Bud, it follows that buds lie concealed in the bofom of every bud-ffiale, and this is evident t§ the eye, whence every bud can be nothing more than a body compofed of leaves and Budlets. It follows therefore that every Bud confifts of, Leaves with their Budlets, and thefe Budlets in like manner of lefs feales or budlets, and fo forward even to the fifth generation, (as in the Volvox) nor further, as appears from the metamorphofis. Therefore a leafy Branch of the prefent year is pregnant with all the branchlets to be produced through five year s, new ones always fucceeding at the extreme fummits, ' in the place, at the bafe, ofthofe fallen off, that the five feries may be perpetual. This happens in Trees, , where the medulla, is delayed by the harder woody fubftance ; but in annual' Plants where the fefiftance of the lefs compact body again# the medulla is lefs, it can fooner pafs into Flower without the delay in the bud ; for whatever increafes the protrufion of the Medulla, and weakens the power of the including Body* promotes the florefcence. When a Tree produces a Flower,, Nature anticipates the progenies of five years, then all coming forth together ; in B forming te 10. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. forming, from the bud-leaves the Beatles of the next year, the Calyx of the following one, the Carol of that fucceeding it, the Stamew of the fourth, and Pijlil of the fifth ; which is filled with the granulated Medulla of the Seed , the termina- tion of vegetable life. 25. FLORESCENCE exhibits the Efpoufals of Plants in the Flower, and their * Nuptials in the Anthefis. The Flower, the unclad Larva of the Herb, comes forth from the cHfplayed, internal plant, naked and' perfedl, like the above mentioned flying Infedl : Wingjheyitbed in refpedl to the Calyx, Winged' in refpedf to the Corol, confi fling alone of the Organs of Reproduction : In the Males the flarnens have their Anthers replete with the Prolific Powder contain- ing the vivifying Fovilla : In the Females the Piflils, have their Ovarium terminated with a tubular and moijl Stigma. The Anthesis takes place, when theburft Anthers fie a tter 1 their bags of Du/l upon the Stigma, when this dull gives out the included n^Je Fovilla, to be abforbed by the prolific Lymph of tfie Stigma ; fo that the male corporeal part and the Female medullary one? produces the, Six Jlamens : of which four are longer , and the tivo oppofite ones floor ter . XVI. ONE BROTHERHOOD. Hufbands, like brothers, arife- from one bafe. Stamens (ire-umted by their filaments into one body . XVII. TWO BROTHERHOODS. Hufbands arife from two bafes, as if from two mothers. Stamens are united by their filaments into two bodies . XVIII. MANY BROTHERHOODS. Hufbands arife from more than two mothers. Stamens are united by their fila?nents into three or more bodies . XIX. CONFEDERATE MALES. Hufbands joined together at the top. Stamens are connected by the anthers forming a cylindar (feldom by the filaments • ) XX. FEMININE MALES. Hufbands and wives growing together. Stamens are inferted on the piflils, (not1 on the receptacle.) XXI. ONE HOUSE,; Hufbands live with their wives in the fame houfe, but have different beds. Male flowers and female flowers are on the fame plant. XXII. TWO HOUSES. Hufbands and wives have different houfes. Male flowers and female flowers are on different plants. XXIII. POLYGAMIES. Hufbands live with wives and concubines. Hermaphrodite flower j, and male ones, or female ones \n the fame Jpecies. XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. Nuptials are celebrated privately. Flowers concealed within the fruity or in fo?ne irregular manner . ORDERS VEGETABLE KINGDOM. a* ORDERS are taken from the Females or Piftils, as claftes from the Males or Stamens ; but in the clafs of Connected Males the Orders differ from others, as in ONE FEMALE, Two Females, Three Females, &c. according to ' the number of Piftils. The number of the piflil is reckoned from the Bafe of the Jiyle ; but if there is no Jiyle j the calculation is made from the. number of Stigmas . EQUAL POLYGAMY, confifts of many marriages with promif- cuous intercourfe. That is of many florets furnifocd with Jlamens and piftils , The flowers of thefe are vulgarly called Flofculous. SPtTRIOUS POLYGAMY, where the beds of the married occupy the difk, and thofe of the concubines the circumference. That is, the hermaphrodite florets occupy the difk , and the female florets without flamens fur round the border , and that in three manners * fa) SUPERFLUOUS POLYGAMY, when the married females are fertile, and thence the concubines fuperfiuous. That is, when the hermaphrodite flowers of the difk are furnijhed with fligmas, and pr oduce: feeds 5 and the female flovjers alfo , which conflitue the circumference , produce feeds likewife ; (b) FRUSTRANEOUS POLYGAMY, when the married fe- 'males are fertile, and the Concubines barren. That is, when the hermaphrodite flowers of the difk are furnijhed with a ftigma , and produce feeds y but the florets which conflitute the circumference , having mfligma produce no feeds, (c) NECESSARY POLYGAMY, when the married females are barren, and the concubines fertile. That is, when the hermaphrodite floivers from defett of ihefligma of the piflif produce no feed', but the female flovjers in the circumfe- rence produce perfect feeds. ( four-leaved. 1350 RENE- 54- one male one female. Renealmia. 1350* RENEALMIA. Cor . 3 -cleft : Nedlary oblong. CaL 1 -leav’d. Anther feffile oppofite to the ne&ary. Berry flefhy. exaltata . Renealmia. <9. lofty . 1351. MYROSMA. Cor. 5-parted, irregular. Ctf/. double : the exterior one 3-leaved ; the inferior one 3-parted. eqnncefolia . Myrosma. <9. canna-leaved* TWO FEMALES. Z' Digynia, J 12 * CORISPERMUM. Gz/. o. Petals 2. i* oval, naked. Plckfeed. hyjjbptfol. I. C. flowers lateral. hyflop-leav' d. fquarrofum i . C. fpikes ragged. ragged . 13. CALLITRICHE. G?/. o. Petals 2. Capfule 2-ceird, 4-feeded. Stargrafs . verna. I. C. upper leaves oval, flowers androgynous. vernal, autumnalis 2. C. all the leaves linear two-cleft at the top, flowers her- maphrodite. autumnal , 14. BLITUM. Gz/. 3-cleft. Petals a. Seed 1, calyx berried. Blite. eapMatum. r. B. headlets fpiked terminal. headed * virgatum. 2. B. headlets fcatter’d lateral. twiggy* 15. CINNA. Ca/. glume 2-valved, 1 -flower’d. G?r. glume 2-valved. Seed 1. arundinacea. Cinna. 1352. MNIARUM. Gz/. 4-’parted, above. Cor . o* Seed 1 . Uflomm* 1. Mniarum. <9. two-flower* d* TWO M A L E S. 55- CLASS II. TWO MALES. ( Diandria.J ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia ) * Flowers beneath , one-petard . regular . C?r. 4-cleft. Drupe . 20 Olea. 21 Chionanthus. Caggy* artguftifolia. N. lea^s obtufe lanced and egg’d. narrow -leaved . elongata , 6. N. leaves hearted lanced acute elongated and fm^ller, branches columnar. S. elongated . glauca. y. N. ftem columnar, leaves lanced acute three-nerved peduncles three-cleft. S . pa-green . 17. JASMINUM. CVr. 5-cleft. Berry 2-grain’d. Seed arifd. Anthers within the T ube* Jafmine. officinale . i. J. leaves oppofite : leaflets diftindf. officinal, grandi florum. 2. j. leaves oppofite feather’d : the outmofl: leaflets con- fluent. great -flower'd, azoricum. 3. J. leaves oppofite three’d. azorian . fruticans . 4. J. leaves alternate three’d ancf Ample, branches an- gled. jhrubby . humile . 5. J. leaves alternate acutilh three’d and fea.her’d, branches angled. . humble • odoratiffi- 6. J . leaves alternate obtufe three’d and feathered, mum. branches columnar. mofl fragrant. 18; LIGUSTRUM. Cor. 4-cleft. Berry four-feeded. vulgare. i. Ligustrum. common. 19; PHILLYREA. Cor. 4-cleft. Berry one-feeded. Privet. media. i, P. leaves egg-lanced very intire. middle-flzem angu/lifolia. 2. P. leaves linear-lanced moll intire. narrow-leaved • latifolia. . 3. P. leaves egg-hearted faw’d. broad leaved • H 20 OLEA. 58. TWO MALES. ONE FEMALE. Olea. 20. OLEA. Cor. 4-cleft : divifions nearly egg’d. Drupe one-feeded. Olive . europaea. I. O. leaves lanced. european. capenjis. 2. O. leaves egg’d. cape, americana . 3. O. leaves lance-elliptic. american . 21. CHIONANTHUS. Cor . 4-cleft : divifions very long, Nucleus of the Drupe ftriated. virginic. i. C. peduncles three-cleft three-flower’d. Virginian . zeylonic. i. C. peduncles panicled many flower’d. ceylon. 22. SYRINGA. Cor. 4-cleft. Capf. two-cell’d .Lilac. vulgaris. 1. S. leaves egg-hearted. common 4 perjica. 2. S. leaves lanced. perftan . 1240. DIALIUM. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. none. Sta- mens on the upper fide. indum . i. Dialium. Indian . 23. ERANTHEMUM. Cor. 5-cleft: tube thread- form. Anthers out of the tube. Stig- ma Ample. Fruit . capenfe . 1. E. leaves lance-egg’d petioled. cape . angujlifol. E. leaves linear remote expanded. narrow leaved' parvif otium . E. leaves egg-linear imbricated . fmall-leaved. Salfoloides . E. fhrubby, leaves flefhy roundifh linear very fmooth, racemes axillary and calyxes pubefeent, tube re- curved. S. Salfola-like. 24. CIRCiEA. Cor . two-petard. Cal . 2-leaved, above. Seed 1. two-cell’d. lutetiana • x. C. Hem ere£t, racemes numerous, leaves egg’d. parijian . alpina. 2. C. Hem proftrate, raceme firigle, leaves hearted, al- pine. 25. VER0- di andri a. MONOGYNiA. Veronica. 59. 25. VERONICA, Cor. Border 4-parted, loweft di- vifion narrower. Capfule two-ceird. Speedwell. * Spiked . fibirica. i. V. fpikes terminal, leaves fevenfold verticil’d, ftem fhaggyifh. ftberian. virginica. 2. V. fpikes terminal, leaves fourfold and fivefold. Virginian, fpuria. 3. V. (pikes terminal, leaves threefold equally faw’d. fpurious. maritima . 4. V, fpikes terminal, leaves threefold unequally faw’d. longifolia . 5. V. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite lanced faw’d pointed. long-leaved. incana . 6. V. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite notch’d obtufe, ftem eredt downy. hoary . /picata. 7. V. fpike terminal, leaves oppofite notch’d obtufe, ftem afcending moft fimple. fpiked. hybrida. 8. V. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite obtufely faw’d rug- ged, ftem erene-flower’d, (tern- creeping. rotundifolia, G. leaves egg’d three-rterved. round-leaved, hyffiopioides, G. leaves lanced lomewhat faw’d (horter than the (tern- joint, ■/r hy [foplike . virginica . 3. G. leaves lanced obtufe fomewhat tooth’d, Virginian, peruviana, 4. G. flowers fubfeflile. puruviaru 1233. SCHWENRIA. Cor, fubequal, the throat plaited glandular. Stam, 3 barren. Cap/, 2-ceird, many feeded. americana. 1, Schwenkia, american. 1288. CALCEOLARIA, Cor . grinning, inflated. Cap f, 2 -cell’d, 2-valved. Cal . 4« parted, equal. pinnata, C. leaves feather’d. feather'd perfoliata . C. leaves leaf-pierced fpatule-arrow’d. S, leaf-pierced, integrifolia . C. leaves undivided. integri folia, C. leaves egg’d undivided faw’d. S. int ire-leaved. 30. ptngul 6

2. Q. fpike a\yn’d, receiv’d in an hemifpherical cow), ides. foxtail-like . 73. SACCHARUM. Cal. wool long on the outfidq of the calyx. Cor , 2-valved. Sugar* Cane. fpontaneum. S . officinarum. 1. S. Ravenna. S. fpicatupi. S, flowers panicled, leaves convolute, fpontaneous. flowers panicled, leaves flat. officinal. panicle loofe with rachis wool’d, flowers awn’d. Ravenna . flowers fpiked, leaves waved, [piked. M 2 S* 92. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Saccharum. Teneri ffoe. S. leaves awl’d flat, flowers panicled awnlefs, no hairy involucre, calyx very villous. S. Teneriff. fpontaneum. S, leaves convolute, panicle effufe ; with fpikes ca- pillary Ample, flowers remote involucred doub- led : with one peduncled. S. fpontaneous . 74. PHALARIS. Cal . 2-valved, keel’d, equal in length, including the corol- canarienjis . Ph. panicle fomewhat egg’d fpiice-form, glumes keel’d* canary. bulbofa . 2. Ph. panicle cylindric, glumes keel’d. bulbous, nodofa. Ph. panicle oblong, leaves fliffening. knotted, aquatica. 3. Ph. panicle fpike-form egg-oblong, glumes keel’d lanced. aquatic. Phleoides. 5. Ph, panicle cylindric fpike-form fmooth occaflonally viviparous. Phleu?n-like. utriculata. 4. Ph. panicle fpiked, petals with a jointed awn, {heath of the highefl: leaf fpathe-form. bladder’ d. paradoxa . 9. Ph- panicle cylindric, florets dagger’d; the neutral ones very numerous ; the lowed ones end-bit- ten. paradox, arundinacea. 6. Ph. panicle oblong bellied large. reedy .- erucaformis. 7. Ph. panicle one-rank’d linear, calyxes two-flower’d. CQterpiller-like. zizanioides. Ph. panicle fimpleft, flowers murex’d ; one feffile. zizania-like . eryzoides. 8. Ph. panicle eftufed, keels of the glumes fringed, rice- like. dentata* Ph. fpike cylindrical, glumes awnlefs fhaggy keel’d ; keel tooth’d : teeth globular at the top. S . tooth'd. 75. PASPALUM. Cal. 2-valved, orbicular. Car. of the fame fize. Stigmas pencil-form . dijjeftum . 1. P. fpikes alternate, rachis membranous, flowers al- ternate hairy at tgp. differed, fcrobicula - 5. P. fpikes alternate, radiis membranous, flowers al- tum. ternate, calya£s many-nerved dimpled, dimpled, xuirgatyun. 2. P* fpikelets panicled alternate villous at the bafe, flowers double. twiggy* TRIANDRIA. DIG YNI A. Pafpalum. 93. panicula- 3. P. fpikes panicled verticil-agregate. panicled . turn. dijltchum, 4. P. fpikes two, the alternate one feflile, flowers pointed. two-rank* d. 76. polyjlachion . 2. P. veriicilla - turn glaucum, viride . italicum. P. P. P. P. PANICUM. Cal. 3-valved : third valvelet lead:. Panic. * f piked. fpikes columnar, involucels one flower’d, fafcicle- briftled, culms eredt branchy above. many - fpiked. fpike verticil’d, racemelets fourfold, involucels one-flower’dtwo-briftled, culms difFufe. verticil' d. fpike columnar, involucel two-flower’d fafcicle- hair’d, feeds wave- wrinkled. fea-greeen. fpike columnar, involucel two-flower’d fafcicle- h air’d, feeds nerved. green . fpike compound, fpikelets glomerate with briftles intermix’d, peduncles fhaggy. Italian. fpikes alternate one-rank’d, fpikelets fubdivided, glumes fomewhat awn’d, hifpid, rachis three- corn er’d. crow- foot. fpikes alternate and pair’d, fpikelets fubdivided, glumes awn’d hifpid, rachis five-angled, cocks- foot. fpikelets alternate one-rank’d awnlefs egg’d rug- ged, rachis roundifh. farmers . fpikes alternate feflile one-rank’d apprefs’d ob- long. briza-likc. dimidiatum. 12. P. fpike halved one-rank’d, rachis linear membranous: outwardly with florets aggregate. halved. fpike compound : fpikelets apprefs’d alternate, calyxes double : all the valvelets awn’d : the outmoft longeft. Jhaggy'f* fpike one-rank’d fomewhat egg’d, florets obtufe-. conglomerate. fpikes finger’d knotted on the interior bafe, florets double awnlefs, fheathes of the leaves dotted. bloody. dakiylon. 14. P. fpikes finger’d expanding : villous on the interior bafe : flowers folitary, farmcnts creeping, -fin- ger'd. Crus- corvi. 9. P. Crus- galli. 8. P. colonum. 10, P. brizoides.. hirtellum. 7. conglomera- tum. fanguinale . 13 P. P. P. is- p* 94- three males, two females. Panicum. filiforme . 15. P. fpikes fomewhat finger’d approximated ere& linear, lineare . rachis winding*: with teeth two-flower’d, one fefiile. thread- form . diftachion . elatus. halvoium. dichoto- mum. ramofum. .v 17- 16. P. fpikes finger’d moftly fourfold linear, rforets folitary one-rank’d awnlels. linear . P. fpikes double one-rank’d polifti’d. twa-fpiked. P. fpike compound, fpikelets oblong fcatter’d ap- prefs’d, florets crowded, calyxes dagger-awn’d, S. tall . compofitum . 11. P. fpike compound, fpikelets linear one-rank’d, florets remote, calyxes awn’d, compound . P. fpike round, involucel one-flower’d fafcicle-brif* tied, feeds nerved. % * panicled. P. panicles Ample, cujm branchy two-fork’d* two* forked. 29. P. panicle with Ample branches, flowers moftly three- fold, the lower one fubfellile, culm branchy, branchy. coloratum . 30. P. panicle expanding, ftamens and piftils colour’d, culm branchy. colour'd . repens. 27. P. panicle twiggy, leaves divaricated. creeping, miliaceum , 23. P. panieje loofe flaccid, (heaths of the leaves (haggy, glumes dagger’d nerved. millet, capillare. 20. P. panicle capillary eredt expanding, (heaths of the leaves fhaggy. capillary . grojfarium. 18. P. panicle with Ample branches, flowers double: one pedicel fhorteft : the other the length pf the flower. latifolium . 24. P. panicle with racemes lateral Ample, leaves egg* lanced hairy at the neck. broad-leaved, clandejli- 19. P. racemes hidden amidft the (heaths of the leaves. tium. clandejline. arborefcens.it). P. panicled moft branchy, leave segg-oblong pointed arborefeent, curvatum. P. panicle racemed, glumes curved obtufe nerved. curved. virgatum. 28. P. panicle twiggy, glumes pointed polifh’d ; the out- 1 moft gaping. twiggy* patens. 21. P. panicle oblong winding capillaryexpanding, calyxes two-flower ’d, leaves 1 inear-lanced, culm root- ing. expanding . brevfolium.% 5. P. panicled, (heaths of the leaves longitudinally fringed. Jhort-leaved l 22. P, TRIANRiA. DIGYNIA. PhleUm. 95, divarica - 22. P. panicles fliort awnlefs, culm moft branchy moft turn . divaricated, pedicels two flower’d : one fhorter* divaricated » 77. PHLEUM. C«/. 2-valved, feffile, linear, lop’d, with top twcnpiked. Cor. included. pratenfe. I. P. fpike cylindric longeft fringed, culm eredi» meadow* alpinum. 3. P. fpike egg-cylindric. alpine « fiodofum. 2. P. fpike cylindric, culm afcending, leaves oblique, root bulbous. knotted, arenarium . 4» P. fpike egg’d fringed, culm branchy. fandy. Schoenoides. 5. P. fpikes egg’d obvolute, leaves fhorteft dagger’d flem-clafping. Schoenus-like «. 78. ALOPECURUS. CaL 2-valved» Cor . i-valvecL Foxtail. indicus . A. fpike columnar, involucelsbriflly fafcicled two-flow- er’d, peduncles villous. indian* bulbofus . 7. A. culm eredl, fpike cylindric, root bulbous, bulbous . pratenfis . 2* A. culm fpiked eredl, glumes villous, corols awnlefs» meadow . agrejlis. 2. A. culm fpiked eredl, glumes ploifh’d. wild* geniculatus. 3. A. culm fpiked infracted, corols awnlefs. knotted, hordei formis.^. A. raceme Ample, florets intrenched with awns. ley-like. monfpelienjis 4. A. panicle fubfpiked, calyxes rugged* corols awn’d. montpelier . paniceus. 5; A. panicle fubfpiked, glumes villous, corols awn’d, panic . 79. MILIUM. CW. 2-valved, one-flower’d ; valve- lets fubequal. Carol fhorteft. Stig- ' ?rias penciLform. Millet. capenfe . pUntfatunt. lendi t gerum* cimicinum , M. panicle capillary, calyxes pointed, corols with awn terminal curved. 5. M. branches of the panicle Ampleft, flowers alter- nate double one-rank’d. dotted . 4; M. panicle fubfpiked, flowers awm’d. nit-bearing . M. racemes Anger’d, exterior valvekt of the calyxes fringed. buggy. 96, THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Milium. effufum. 1. M. flowers panicled difperfed awnlefs. effufed. confertum. 2. M. flowers panicled crowded. crowded. £ aradoxum . 3. M. flowers panicled awn’d. paradox. 80. AGROSTIS. Cal. 2-valved, one-flower’d, fome- what lefs than the corol. Stigmas lon- gitudinally hifpid. fpicaventi. 1. A. interrupta. 5. A. miliacea. 2. A. brojnoides. 16. A. a ujlralis. 17. A. grundinacea . 3. A. Calamagrojlis . 4. A . ferotina. 18. A. rubra. 6. A. Matrella . A . canina. 7. A. fpicceformis. A. kirfuta. A. 'flolonifera. 8r A* * awn’d. exterior petal with awn upright ftraight longeft, panicle expanded. weather-cock. exterior petal awn’d, panicle attenuated contra&ed interrupted, interrupted. exterior petal with awn terminal ftraight ftriated middlefize. millet . panicle Ample narrow’d, corol pubefcent : with awn ftraight longer than the calyx, bromus-like . panicle fubfpiked, feeds egg’d pubefcent: awn the length of the calyx. fouthern . panicle oblong, exterior petal villous at the bafe, and with awn twifted longer than the calyx. reedy , panicle thicken’d, the whole exterior petal woolly awn’d at the top, culm branchy, panicle with florets oblong dagger’d, culm cover’d with fhorteft leaves. late. flowering part of the panicle moft expanding, ex- terior petal fmooth : with awn terminal twifted recurved. red. flowers racemed, exterior valvelet of the calyx in- curved, the top only of the keel gaping, calyxes elongated, dorfal awn of the petals recur- ved, culms proftrate rather branchy. dog’s. panicle fpike-form, florets two-awn’d : one awn inferted on the receptacle longer, the other beneath the top of the corol upright, corol s fhaggy. S. fpike-forme. panicle fubfpiked. ftem and leaves {baggy, corol - glumes awn’d oi\,the back two-cleft at top. S. haw- * * awnlefs. branchlcts of panicle expanding awnlefs, culm creeping, calyxes equal. Jlole-bearing. 9. A capillaris, fylvatica . alba . pumila . minima . virginic a. mexicana. indica . cruciata . tadiaia . tenacijfima . TR1ANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Agroftis* 97. 9. A. panicle capillary expanding, calyxes awPd equal hifpidifh colour’d, , florets awnlefs. capillary . 16. A. panicle condenfed awnlefs, calyxes equal : the virgin ones fhorter than the corol, the fecun- dated one twice as long. 10. A. panicle loofe, calyxes awnlef§ equal, culm creep- ing. zuhite. 19. A. panicle awnlefs one-rank’d, culms fafcicled ereCt. 11. A. panicle awnlefs thread-form. 12. A, panicle contracted awnlefs, leaves involute- wing- like rigid ftanding out. Virginian . 20. A. panicle oblong collected, calyxes and corol poin- ted fubequal awnlefs. mexican. 13 A. panicle contracted awnlefs, racemes lateral erect alternate. Indian . 15. A. fpikes fourfold crofs’d fm ooth at the bafe, valvelets petal -like awn’d. crofs’d . 14. A. fpikes moftiy fivefold crofs’d villous at the bafe, valvelets petal-like awn’d. radiate . A. panicle contracted thread-form, flowers awnlefs linear, valvelets parallel. S. moft tenacious . 81. AIR A. Cal. 2-valved, 2-flower’d. Florets with- out an interpofed rudiment. % awnlefs . arundinacea . 4. A. panicle oblong one-rank’d awnlefs imbricated, leaves flat. reedy . minuta . 5. A. panicle loofe almoft level-top’d remotefl; florets awnlefs. minute, aquatica. 6. A. panicle expanding, flowers awnlefs polifli’d longer than the calyx, leaves flat. aquatic . capenfs. A, culm branchy, flowers racemed, corols hairy. S. cape . * * azvn’d. fubfpicata. ccefpitofa. Jlexuofa . montana. 7. A. leaves flat, panicle fpiked, florets awn’d on the middle ; awn reflected loofe. fubfpihd. 8. A. leaves flat, panicle expanding, petals villous and awn’d at the bafe : awn ftraight ftiort. turfy . 9. A. leaves briftly, culms nakedifii, panicle diva- ricated, peduncles winding. winding. 10. A. leaves briftly, panicle narrow’d, florets hairy at the bafe awn’d: awn twitted longer. mountain. N 11. A, 98. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Agroftis. alpina. 11. A. leaves awl’d, panicle denfe, florets hairy at the bafe awn’d : awn fhort. alpine . canefcens . 12. A. leaves briftly : the fpathy fummit roll’d up beneath againft the panicle. hoary, preecox. 13. A. leaves briftly: Iheaths angled, flowers panicle- fpiked, florets awn’d at the bafe. early . caryophyllea. 14. A. leaves briftly, panicle divaricated, flowers awn d diftant. clove, villoja. A. leaves awl’d, panicle elongated narrow’d, florets one and half fhaggy awn’d : awn ftraight fhort. S. villous. 82. MELICA. Cal . 2-valved, 2 -flower’d. ’Rudiment of a flower amongfl: the florets. ciliata . i. M. exterior petal of the lower floret fringed, fringed nutans. 2. M. petals beardlefs, panicle nodding Ample, nodding . minuta . 5. M. culm branchy, leaves briftly, petals beardlefs. minute. ccsrulea . M. panicle condenfed, flowers cylindric. blue, papilionacea . 4. M. inferior val velet of the calyx largeft colour’d, , exterior petal fomewhat fringed, papilionaceus . altijjima. 3. M. petals beardlefs, panicle moft branchy. tallejl. Falx . M. fpike one-rank’d comprefs’d imbricated. S. Sickle. 83. POA. Cal . 2-valved, many-flower’d. Spike lets egg’d ; valvelets parch’d at the margin acutifh. aquatica. I. P. alpina. 3* P. trivialis. 4- P. angujlifolia. 5- P. pratenfis. 6. P. annua. 7- P. fava. 8. P. pilofa. 9* P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets Ax-flower’d linear, aquatic. panicle diffufe moft branchy, fpikelets Ax-ftower’d hearted. alpine. panicle diffufe, fpikelets three-flower’d pubefcent at the bafe, culm eredt columnar. trivial. panicle diffufe, fpikelets four-flower’d pubefcent, culm ere6t columnar. narrow-leaved. panicle diffufe, fpikelets ftve-flower’d fmooth, culm eredf columnar. meadow. panicle diffufe with right angles, fpikelets obtufe, culm oblique comprefs’d. annual. panicle diffufe, fpikelets egg-oblong gloffy. yellow . panicle expanding upright : the primary ramiftca- tions hairy. ' hairy . TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Poa. 99 chinenfis. tenella, rigida . comprejfa . palujlris . 2. P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets moftly three-flower’d pu- belcent, leaves rugged underneath. marjh. punflata. P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets twelve flower’d : flower tranfparent polifh’d with a brown fpot within. S. dotted, amabilis. 10. P. panicle expanding, fpikelets eighteen-flower’d li- near. amiable. Eragrojlis. 11. P. panicle expanding, pedicels winding, fpikelets faw’d ten-flower’d, glumes three-nerved. capillaris. 12. P. panicle loofe moll: expanding capillary, leaves hairy culm mod: branchy. capillary, malabarica. 13. P. branches of the panicle fimplefl, flowers feflile, feeds diftant, culm creeping. malabar . 14. P. branches of the panicle fimplefl:, flowers feflile, feeds imbricated, culm ereCt. chinefe . 25. P. panicle oblong capillary fubverticil’d, flowers fix- flower’d minuted: nodding. tender. 16. P. panicle lanced thinly branch’d one-rank’d : alternate branchlets one-rank’d. rigid. 17. P. panicle condenfed one-rank’d, culm oblique com- prefs’d. * comprefs’d. amboinenfis. P. panicle condenfed one-rank’d, culm columnar. amboina . nemoralis , 18. P. panicle attenuated, fpikelets moftly two-flower’d dagger’d rugged, culm incurved. grove . bulbofa. ig. P. panicle one-rank’d rather expanding, fpikelets four-flower’d. bulbous, fpicata. 22. P. panicle fpiked, flowers awl’d, florets rerrote. [piked . dijians. 23. P. panicle with branches fubdivided, flowers five- flower ’d : florets diftant obtu.fe'. diftant. crijlata, 21. P. panicle fpiked, calyxes fomewhat hairy moftly four-flower’d longer than the peduncle, petals awn’d. crejled. ciliaris , 20. P. panicle contracted, interior valvelets of the glumes hair- fringed. fringed . Brizoides. P. panicle racemed, fpikelets egg’d comprefs’d eight or nine-flower’d, culm comprefs’d. S. Brizalike , 84. BRIZA. Cal. 2-valved, many-fiower’d. Spike- lets two-rank’d with valvelets hearted, obtufe : the interior one minute. minor , I. B. fpikelets triangular, calyx longer than the florets. lefs. N 2 2. B. 100. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Briza. virens . 2. B. fpikelets egg’d, calyx equal to the QLoxztsflouriJbing. media . 3. B. fpikelets egg’d, calyx fhorter than the florets. middle. maxima. 4. B. fpikelets hearted : florets feventeen. greatest. Eragrojlis. 5. B. fpikelets lanced : florets twenty. 85. UNIOLA. Cal. many-valved. Spikelets egg’d keel’d. paniculata. 1. U. panicled with fpikelets egg’d. panicled. bipinnata. 2. U. panicle fubfpiked, racemes feather’d imbricated underneath^ twice-feather d. mucronata. 3. U. fpike two-rank’d, fpikelets egg’d, calyxes fome- wha t a wn’ d . dagger'd, fpicata . 4. U. fubfpiked, leaves involute rigid. Jpiked. 86. DACTYLIS. Cal. 2-valved, comprefs’d ; one valvelet greater keel’d. cynofuroides. 1. D' fpikelets fcatter’d one-rank’d rugged numerous. dogt ail-like. O glomerata. ciliaris. capitata . lagopoides. 2. D. panicle one-rank’d glomerate. glomerate. D. fpike headed one-rank’d, calyxes three-flower’d, ftem creeping. fringed. D. fpikes headed poliih’d, culm proftrate branchy. S. headed. 3. D. fpikes roundifh pubefcent, culm proftrate branchy. haresfoot-like. 87. CYNOSURUS. Cal. 2-valved, many-flower’d ; proper Receptacle one-lided, leafy. Dog- tail. criftatus . echinatus. Lima . durus . . earuleus . uniola . coracanus . 1. C. brakes feather-cleft. crefted. 2. C. bradtes feather-chaffy awn’d. hedgehog . 3 C. fpike one-rank’d, interior glume of the calyx under the fpikelets. . Lima . 4. C. fpikelets one-rank’d alternate feflile rigid obtufe apprefs’d. hard. 5. C. bradfces intire. blue. C. bra&elefs, fpike one-rank’d, fpikelets two-faced, alternating apprefs’d egg’d keel’d oblique. S. 9. C. fpikes finger’d incurvate, culm compref>’d eredt leaves almoft oppofite. 7* C* TRIANDRIA. DIG YNI A. CynofurUS. 101. tigyptius. indicus. virgatus, aureus. j. C, fpikes finger’d fourfold obtufe moft expanding dagger’d, calyxes dagger’d, Rem creeping leaves oppofite. egjptian . 8. C, fpikes finger’d linear, culm comprefs'd declined knotted at the bafe, leaves alternate; Indian . 6. C. panicle with fimple branches, flowers feflile moftly fix-flower’d : the laffc barren, the loweft ones fomewhat awn’d. twiggy. 10. C. fpikelets of the panicle barren pendulous three’d, flowers awn’d, golden » 88. FESTUCA. Cal, 2-valved. Spike lets oblong, roundifh, glume pointed. Fefcue. * panicle one-rank* d, bromoides. io. F. panicle one-rank’d : fpikelets eredt, one valvekt of the calyx in tire, one pointed. Ir omits -like . ovina, i. F. panicle one-rank’d condenfed awn’d, culm four- corner’d nakedifh, leaves briftly, fheeps. rubra. 5. F. panicle one -ranked rugged, fpikelets fix-flower’d awn’d : laft floret awniefs,culm femi-columnar. red. amethvjlina . 6. F. panicle winding, fpikelets one-rank’d inclined fomewhat awn’d, leaves briftly. amethyji . reptatrix . 2. F. branches of the panicle fimple, fpikelets fubfeflile. creeper . duriufcula, 3. F. panicle one-rank’d oblong, fpikelets oblong po- lifti’d, leaves briftly. hardijh. dumetorum . 4. F. panicle fpike-form pubefcent, leaves thread-form. bujh . mynrus, 8. F. panicle fpiked, calyxes miputeft awnlefs, flow- ers rugged : awns long. moufetall . fpadicea, F. panicle one-rank’d, calyxes five-flower’d : the laft: floret barren, leaves polifti’d. fpadix . phcenlcoides. 16. F. raceme undivided, fpikelets alternate fubfeflile columnar, leaves involute dagger-pungent. phtenix-like . * * panicle equal, fufca , 7. F. panicle ere£t branchy, fpikelets feflile keel’d awn- lefs. brown . decumbens. 12. F. panicle erecl, fpikelets rather egg’d awnlefs, calyx greater than the florets, culm decumbent, de- cumbent. 13- ** 102. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Feftuca. elatior . fluitans. .. crijlata . calycina . fpinofc. *3' 14. 15, F. II. F. F. panicle one-rank’d eredt, fpikelets fomewhat awnM: the exterior ones columnar. taller. panicle branchy ere&, fpikelets fubfefllle columnar awnlefs. floating. panicle fpiked Iobed, fpikelets eggM broad fix- flowerM (haggy. crefled . panicle contra&ed, fpikelets linear, calyx longer than the florets, leaves bearded at the bale, calyx. (hrubby, branches and branchlets thorny, pedicels prickly. S. thorny. 89. BROMUS. Cal. 2-valved. Spikelets oblong co- lumnar two-rank’d : awn beneath the fummit. fecalinus. mollis . fquarrofus. purgans. afper. inermis. nemoralis. ciliatus. fler ilis. arvenfls. geniculatus . teftorum . giganteus. rubens. flcparius. I. 2. B. panicle expanding, fpikelet eggM : awns ftraight B. 5- 6. 7- 19. 8. B. 12. B. ic. 11. B. B. feeds diftindL rye. 2. B. 4. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. panicle eredlifti, fpikelets eggM pubefcent : awns ftraight, leaves moft foftly villous. fofty panicle nodding, fpikes eggM: 'awns divaricated. ragged. panicle nodding curled, leaves naked on both fides : (heaths hairy, glumes villous, purgative. panicle nodding rough, fpikelets villous awnM, leaves rugged. S. rough. panicle ere&, fpikelets fubcolumnar awlM naked aim oft awnlefs. unarm d. panicle nodding rugged, fpikelets villous awnM leaves rugged. grove. panicle nodding, leaves and (heaths hairyifh on both fides, glumes fringed. fringed. panicle expanded, fpikelets oblong two-rankM, glumes awl -awnM. ft erile. panicle nodding, fpikelets egg-oblong. field. panicle ere THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Avena. 91. AVENA. Cal . 2-valved, many-flower’d : awn dorfal contorted. Oat . Jtbirica . 1. A. elatior, 2. A. fUpiformis. 15. A. penfyhanica. 3. A Ice fingi ana, 4. A fativa . nuda. 5. A 6. A fatua, 7. A, fefquitertia. 15. A. pubefcens, 13. A. ft erilis, 8. A. favefcens, 9. A, fragilis . 10. A. pratenfis, 11. A. Jpicata . 12. A. hromoldes, 14. A. hifpida, capenfs , purpurea. A. panicled, calyxes one-flower’d, feeds fhaggy, awn thrice as long as the calyx. fiberian . . panicled, calyxes two-flower’d, the hermaphrodite floret almofl: awnlefs, the male one awn’d. taller. panicled, calyxes two-flower’d, awns twice as long as the feed, culm branchy. fipe-form. . panicle attenuated, calyxes two- flower’d, feeds villous, awns twice as long as the calyx, pen - fylvanian. * panicle contra&ed, florets two- fold, one peduncled, both two-awn’d at top, awn on the back refledt- ed. loeflingian . . panicled, calyxes two-feeded, feeds polilh’d one awn’d. cultivated. , panicled, calyxes three-fiower’d, receptacle ex- ceeding the calyx, petals awn5d on the back ; the third floret awnlefs. naked. . panicled, calyxes three- flower’d, all the florets awn’d and hairy at the bafe. fools, . panicled, calyxes chiefly three-flower’d, all the florets awn’d, receptacles bearded. fefqui terti an, , fubfpiked, calyxes chiefly three-flower’d hairy at the bafe, leaves flat pubefcent. pubefcent, , panicled, calyxes five-flower’d : the exterior flo- rets and awns hairy at the bafe, the interior awnlefs. fierile, . panicle loofe, calyxes three-fiower’d fliort, all the florets awn’d. yellowifh. . fpiked, calyxes four-flower’d longer than the floret. fragile . fubfpiked, calyxes five-flower’d. meadoiv, fpiked, calyxes fix-ftower’d longer : the exterior petal awn’d and fork’d at top. fpiked. fubfpiked,fpikeletstwo’d: one ped uncled, with awns divaricated, calyxes eight-flower’d. broinus-like . calyxes three-flower’d hairy. S. bifpid. panicle condenfed, calyxes two-ftower’d awl’d, corol pubefcent, intermediate awn twifted cur- ved. S. cape . panicle condenfed, calyxes three-flower’d egg’d, corols villous : exterior glume two-cleft, awn terminal inflected. S, purple, A. TRIANDRIA. DIGYNIA, Avena. 105. lutea. Icrflingiana. tupulina . A. panicle expanding, calyxes two-flower’d awl’d, corols naked three-awn’d : intermediate awn winding. S. yellow . A. panicle condenfed, florets two-fold ftiaggy : one peduncled two-awn’d at top, intermediate awn longer. S. Icefiingian . A. panicle condenfed egg’d, calyxes three flower’d lanced, corols villous, exterior glume twice- awl’d, intermediate awn refle&ed, S. tupuline , 92. LAQURUS, Cal 2-valved: awn villous. Cor, exterior petal with two terminal awns ; the third dorfal one retorted. Hareftail. ovatus. I. L. fpike egg’d awn’d. cylindricus. 2, L. fpike cylindric awnlefs. cgg’f cylindric . 93, ARUNDO. Cal. 2-valved. Florets collected, girt with wool. Reed. Bambos. l. A. calyxes many-flower’d, fpikes threefold feffile, Bambo . Donax. 2. A. calyxes five-flower’d, panicle diffufe, culm ihrub. by. phragmitis. 3. A. calyxes five-flower’d, panicle look. hedge, etieeios. 1. A. calyxes one-flower'd, panicle erea, leaves fmooth underneath. „ ‘“f, CalomagroJTn £. A. calyxes one-flower’d polifh’d, corols woolly, culm branchy. arenaria . 6. A. calyxes one-flower’d, leaves involute dagger-pun- ' gent. fand' 94. ARISTIDA. Cal. 2-valved, Cor. one-valved : awns three terminal. adfcenfionh. l. A. panicle branchy, fpikes fcatter’d. afcenfion, ammeana. 2. A. branches of the panicle fimpleft, fpikes alternate. american. tlumofa. V A. panicled, intermediate awn longer woolly; culms r J * villous. „ Plumy- arundinacea , A. panicled, intermediate awn longer poiifh d. retd, gigantta. A* panicle elongated effufe one-rank d, calyxes one- flower’d, corol-awns fubequal flraight. 5. giant. A, Q 106. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Ariftida. Hyjlnx. A. panicle divaricated moil expanded, florets fimpleft fmooth, awns ftraight divaricated. S. porcupine . 95. LOLIUM. Cal. 1 -leaved, fix’d, many-flower’d. perenne . 1. A. fpike awnlefs, fpikelets comprefsM mariy-flower’d. perennial . 2. L. fpike awnlefs columnar : fpikelets three-flower’d, temulentum . 3, L. fpike awn’d, fpikelets cpmprefs’d many-flower’d. y./j 7 . drunken . dijtachion . .L, fpike two’d, calyxes one-flower’d, corols woolly. two-fpiked. 9 6. ELYMUS. CW. lateral, 2-valved, aggregate many-flower’d. 1. E. fpike ere£t clofe, calyxes downy longer than the florets. /and. 3. E. fpike pendulous clofe, fpikelets two’d, longer than the calyx. fiber ian. 2. E. fpikes pendulous expanded, fpikelets fix-flower’d : interior ones three’d. pbiladelpbian , canadenfis . 4. E. fpike nodding expanded, inferior fpikelets three’d : fuperior ones two’d. Canadian , caninus. 8. E. fpike nodding clofe, fpikelets ftraight without an involucre : the loweft double. dog's, virginicus. 5. E. fpike ere ftem branchy proftrate, leaves fourfold. S. four -leaved. jo6. MOLLUGO. Cal 5-leaved. Cor . o. Capf 3-ceird, 3-valved. cppofitifditf , I. M, leaves oppofite lanced, branches alternate, pedun- cles lateral crowded one-flower’d. oppofite-leaved. 2. M. IIO. THREE MALES. THREE FEMALES. MollugO. Jhittcu %. M. leaves fomewhat fourfold lanced, flowers panicled nodding, ftem eredt angular. upright . pentaphylla ; 3. M. leaves fivefold, inverfe-egg’d equal, flowers pani- cled. five-leaved . •verticillata. 5. M. leaves verticil’d wedge-form acute, ftem fubdivi- ded decumbent, peduncles one-flower’d. verti- cil’d. jo 7. MINUARTIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Caff. i-ceird, 3-valved. Seeds a few. dichotoma . i. M. flowers of the fork crowded. two-fork' d. campejlris . 2. M. flowers terminal alternate, longer than the bradfe. field. montana . 3. M. flowers lateral alternate, ftiorter than the bradfe. mountain , 108. QUERI A. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor , o. Caff 1- cell’d, 3-valved, Seed 1. hifpanica. 1. flowers crowded. fpanijh .• canadenjis . 2. flowers folitary, ftem two-fork’d. Canadian . 109. LECHEA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petal 3, linear. Capf. 3 -cell’d, 3-valved. with as many interior valvelets. Seed 1. minor , i. L. leaves ] inear-lanced, flowers panicled. lefs. major . 2. L. leaves egg -lanced, flowers lateral ftraggling. greater . CLASS. C L ASS ir. FOUR MALES. (Letrandria. ) . , ■ O - i . ; v ", i ,h I’ V: ' ONE F E MALE. ( Monogynia. ) Flowers one-petal' d^ one-feeded \ beneath. Hi Protea. Cor. 4-cleft. Anthers inferted beneath the fummits of the corol. 1 12 Globularia. Cor. i-petal’d, irregular. Seeds with a pap- pus naked. 1361 Hydrophylax. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. four-parted. Flowers one-petal' d^ one-feeded , above , Aggregate. 1 13 Cephalanthus. Cal. common 0. Receptacle globular villous. Seeds woolly. Cal. common leafy. Recept. conical chaffy. Seeds columnar. Cal common. Recept. elevated, fomewhat chaffy. Seeds crown’d involute. Cal. common oblong. Recept . flat, naked. Seeds villous at top. Cal. common 3-leaved, 3-flower’d ; proper one above o. Seeds naked. * Valeriana fibirica . Flowers one-petal' d. one-fruited , beneath. 136 Aquartia. Cor . wheel’d. Cal. almoft 4-cleft. Berry many- feed. 135 Callicarpa. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-cleft. Berry 4-feeded. J219 Aegiphila. Cor. falver-form. Cal. 4-toothM, Berry 4- feeded. Style half- two-cleft. 143 Scop aria, Cor. . wheel’d. Cal. 4' parted. Capf. 1 -cell’d 2-valved. 145 Centunculus, Cor , wheel’d. Calyx 4-parted. Capf. i-cell’d circumfcifed, I42 Plantago. 1 14 Dypsacus. 115 Scabiosa. 1 16 Knautia. 1 17 AlLionia. I 12. FOUR MALES. 142 Plantago. 137 PoLYPREMUM. 140 Buddleia. 141. Exacum. 138 Penaea. 139 Blaeria. Cor. refra&ed. Cal 4-parted. Cap f. 2-ceII’d circumfcifed. Cor. wheel’d. Cal 4-leaved. Capf. 2-cell’d, end-nick’d. Cor. bell’d. Cal . 4*cleft, Capf. 2-cell’d, 2- furrow’d. Cor. fomewhat bell’d. Cal. 4-leaved, Capf. 2-cell’d comprefs’d. Cor . bell’d. Cal 2-leaved. Capf. 4-celPd, 4-valved. Cor. fomewhat bell'd. Cal. 4- parted. Capf 4-cell*d, gaping at the angles. * Swertia corniculata , dichotoma. * The four-cleft Gentians* Flowers one-petal dy one-fruited , above • 132 Pavetta. Cor • tubular. Cal. 4-tooth’d. Berry one- feeded. 111 Ixor a. Cor. tubulajr. Cal. 4-parted. Berry 2-cell’d. Seeds 2. 133 Petesia* Cor. tubular. Cal. 4- tooth’d. Berry 2-cell’d, many-feeded. 130 Catesbaea. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-tooth’d. Berry one- cell’d many-fepded. 134 Mitchell a. Cor. 2> tubular. Cal 4-tooth’d. Berry 4- feeded, two-ftower’d, two -cleft. 1 18 Hediotis. Cor . tubular. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. twins, many-feeded gaping at top. 154 Oldenlandia. Cor . tubular. Cal . 4-parted. Capf. twins, many-feeded gaping hetween the teeth. X338 Mannettia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 8-leaved. Capf 2-cell’d. 246 Sanguisorba. Cor. flat. Cal. 2-leaved. Capf. 4-corner’d, betweep the calyx and corol. * Coffea occidentalis. * Peplis tetrandra. Flowers one-petal dy two-grain! dy beneath. 124 Houstonia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4- tooth’d. Capf. 2-cell’d, 2-valved. 1242 Scabrita. Cor. tubular. Cal. tubular lop’d. Seeds com- prefs’d, end-nick’d, flowers TETRANDRIA. IIJ. Flowers one -petal' d^ two-grain' d^ above. Star’d. 127. Rubia. 125 Galium. 121 Asperula. 120 ScHERARDIA. 119 Spermacoce. 123 Knoxia. 122 DlODIA. 126 Crucianella. Cor . bell’d. Fruit berried. Cor. fiat. Fruit fubglobular. Cor . tubular. Fruit fubglobular. Cor. tubular. Fr. crown’d. Seeds 3-tooth’d. Cor. tubular. Fr. crown’d. Seeds 2-tooth’d. Cor. tubular. Fr. two-partible, furrow’d. Con tubular. Fr. 4-corner’d, crown’d, 2- valved; Cor. tubular, awn’d. Fr. naked. Seeds linear. Flowers one-petal' d, four-grain' d, beneath: 129 Siphonanthus. Cor. tubular. Cal. 5 -parted. Berries 4, one- feeded. Flowers four-petal' d^ beneath. 148 Epimedium. 144 Rhacoma. 152 Ptelea. 1291 Samara. 150 Fagara. 255 Ammania. 1362 Banksia. 1363 Hartogia. I57 TrapA, 147 Cissus. 149 Cornus. 153 Ludwigia. 480 Santalum. 1364 Embothrium Petals ne£taries 4 incumbent. Cal. 4-leaved. Silique one-cell’d. Pet. edged. GaL 4-cleft. Capf one-feeded. Pet. leathery. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe juice- lefs, comprefs’d. Pet. a pit at the bafe. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe roundifh. Stigma funnel-form Pet. fhorter than the ftamens. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. 2-valved, i-feeded. Pet. very feldom prefent. Cal. tubular, 8- tooth’d. Capf. 4 cell’d. Pet . claws linear, borders covering. Cal . ament. Pet. expanding. Cal . 5-cleft. Drupe egg’d. * Cardamine hirfuta. * Euonymus europaus. Floivers four-petal' d above. Cal. 4-parted. Nut arm’d with conical oppo- fite thorns. Cal. furrounding the germ. Berry one- feeded. Cal. 4-tooth, deciduous. Drupe with nu- cleus 2-cell’d. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. 4-cell’d, 4-corner’d. Cor. 4-petal’d growing on the calyx. Berry one-feeded. Cal . o. Follicle one-cell’d, P Floivers FOUR MALES* II4* 1244 Struthiola. 161 Crameria. 162 Rivina. 163 Salvadora. 164 Camphorosma, 165 Alchemilla. 158 Dorstenia. 1243 Cometes. Flowers incomplete , beneath . Cor, 4-cleft. Berry i-feeded, dry. Neflary with 8 glands. Cor, 4-petal’d. Berry dry, i-feeded, hedge- hog’d. Cor, 4-petal’d. Berry one-feeded. Seed rug- ged- Cal . 4-cleft. Berry one-feeded. Seed aril’d. Cal. 4- cleft. Capf. one-feeded. Cal. 8-cleft. Seed 1, included in the calyx. Cal. receptacle flat, flefhy, common. JJ?nbel 4 leaved, 3-flower’d. Capf. 3-grain’d, * Corchorus Cor eta, * Ammannia. 1292 Sirium. 1293 Acaena. 15b Isnardia. 159 El^agnus. % Convallaria bifolia. Flowers incomplete , above. Cal. bell’d. Berry 3-celPd. Neftary 4- leaved. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry hedge-hog’d, i-feeded. Cal. bell’d, permanent. Capf. 4-ceird. Cal. bell’d, deciduous. Drupe. * Thefium alpinum . TWO FEMALES* ( Digynia. ) 168 Bufonia. 171. Hypecoum. *69 Hamamelis. J70 CuSCUTA. 166 Aphanes, 167 Cruzita. 1365 Gomozia. Cor . 4-petal’d. Cal. 4-leaved. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved, 2-feeded. Cor. 4-petaPd, unequal. Cal. 2-Ieaved. Silique. Cor. 4-petal’d, longeft. Cal. double. Nut 2-cell’d, 2-horn’d. Cor. 4-cleft, egg’d. Cal. 4-cleft, Capf. 2- cell’d, circumcifed. Cor. o. Cal . 8 -cleft. Seeds 2. Cor. o. Cal. 4-leaved : exterior one 3-leaved. Seed 1. Cor. 4-cleft. Cal. 0. Berry 2-cell’d. * Her ni aria fruticofa . * Gentiana . % Swertia. FOUR 1 1 5- T E F O U 172 Ilex. 173 Coldenia. 176 Sagina. 177 Tilljea. 178 Myginda. 174 POTAMOGETON. 175 Ruppia. T R A N D R I A. R FEMALES. ( Tetragynia. ) Cor. 1 -petal’d. CaL 4-tooth’d. 'Berry 4- feeded. Cor . i-petal’d. CaL 4-leaved. Seeds 2, two- cell’d. Cor. 4-petal’d. CaL 4-leaved. Capf. 4-cell’d, many-feeded. Cor. 3 or 4-petal’d. Cal. 3 or 4-leaved. Capf. 3 or 4, many-feeded. Cor . 4-petal’d. CaL 4-parted. Drupe i-feeded* Cor. o. CaL 4-leaved. Seeds 4, feffile. Cor. o. CaL o. Seeds 4, pedicel’d. p 2 ONE Il6. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. PrOtea. IIO, III. pin folia. racemofa. fpicata. glomerata . S err aria. 155 cyanoides . 13. fphasroce- phala. hirta. 9. cucullata. 10. rofacea. repens. 5* cynaroides. 8. Lepidocarpo - 4. dendron . totta. Hypophyllo - 1 1 , carpo dendrum, pubera. Jlrobilina. ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia.J PROTEA. Cor. 4-cleft or 4-parted. Anthers linear, inferted beneath the top of the petals. Cal. proper, o. Seed 1, above. P. flowers Ample raceme-fpiked fmooth, leaves linear. pine-leaved. flowers Ample racemed downy, leaves linear, ra- ce?ned. flowers fpiked, leaves many-cleft. fpiked . flowers corymbed, leaves many-cleft, glomerate. flowers collected, leaves many-cleft, flowers folitary woolly, calyx maggy, leaves many- cleft. cyanus -like. flowers folitary woolly, calyx polifh’d without, leaves many- cleft. fphere-headed. flowers lateral feflile, leave one-callous at top. P. flowers lateral feflile, leaves three-callous at top. cowVd. P, flowers folitary ; radius of tfle calyx colour’d ex- panding, leaves awl’d. rofe. P, flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced upright reflnous, leaves lanced. creeping. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced up- right, leaves fuborbicular petioled. artichoke- like. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx fpatuled beard- ed, leaves lanced, P. flowers almoft double, piftils headed, corols long- ed: diftant, leaves fmooth. P. flowers folitary, piftils club’d, leaves three-callous. P. P. P. P. P. P. conifera. P. flowers twofold or threefold, piftils club’d, leaves eliiptic-lanced. mature. P. flowers imbricatc-egg’d involucred chaffy fmooth, leaves fpatuled polifh’d. Jlrobiline . P. flowers imbricate-egg’d involucred chaffy downy- ifh, leaves narrow-lanced. cone-bearing. p. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNI A. PrOtea. llj. pallens . faligna. argentea. Levifanus. divaricata. purpurea. parvijlora . Sceptrum Gujlavianum. imbricata. procumbens . Brmiades. cr inflor a . obliqua, fericea. uwrbellata. hr a bleat a. prolifer a. \omentofa. P. flowers egg’d involucred chafflefs polifh’d, leaves linear. pale . P. flowers egg’d involucred chafflefs, leaves lanced fubpubefcent oblique. willow . P. flowers egg’d involucred chafflefs downy, leaves lanced villous fhining. ftlver . P. flowers hemifperical fubmvolucred chafflefs villous, leaves fpatuled. P. flowers level-top’d, leaves oval. divaricated . P. flowers level-top’d, leaves thread-form undivided. purple. P. flowers panicled, florets nearly tenfold, leaves fub- lanced. fmall-jlower' cl. P. inferior leaves of the branches decompound, fupe- rior ones undivided wedge-form fmootheft, fpike terminal conical . S. Scepter of Guflavus . P, leaves imbricated lanced, heads terminal. S. imbri- cated P. leaves three-cleft linear, Item procumbent, heads compounded of fmaller ones moftly three-flow- er’d folitary. S. procumbent. P. leaves awl’d, heads globular terminal. S. P. flowers fubfolitary, piftils long headed, calyxes with fcales lanced pointed, leaves three-callous, S. hair- flower'd. P. flowers folitary, calyx imbricated fubpubefcent, leaves linear-lanced. S. oblique. P. pancle branchy, leaves lanced Alk-filver’d, flowers headed downy. S. filty- P. leaves tongue-form linear fmooth, branches uin- bel’d level-top’d. S. umbel' d. P. leaves linear-awl’d femicolumnar fmooth, flowers headed, bractes many-cleft. S. brabied. flem proliferous, leaves awl’d, fpike leafy. S. prolife- rous. P. down hoary, leaves linear three-tooth’d callous at top. S. downg. 11.2 . GLQ- I 1 8- FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Globularia. I. 2. 1 1 2. GLOBULARIA. Cal. common imbricated ; pro- per tubulated, beneath. Corollet upper lip 2 -parted: inferior one 3-parted. Recept . chaffy. G. ftem fhrubby, leaves lanced three-tooth’d and in- ' tire. G. ftem fhrubby, root-leaves wedge -form retufe, ftem- leaves lanced. bifnagarian. G. ftem herbaceous, root-leaves three-tooth’d ; ftem- leaves lanced. common . G. root-leaves notch-prickled, ftem-leaves moft intire dagger’d. thorny. G. ftem almoft naked, ltaves wedge-form three-piked: the intermediate one very fmall. heart-leaved . G. ftem naked, leaves moft int:re lanced. Jlem-naked. G. ftem almoft naked, heads alternate feffile, leaves lance-egg’d intire. oriental. Alypum. bifnagarica. vulgaris. fpinofa. cor difolia. nudi caulis . orientalis. 6 6. 1 13. CEPHALANTHUS. Cal. common o: proper above, funnel-form. Recept. globular, naked. Seed 1, woolly. occidentalis. I. C. leaves oppofite and three’d. occidental \ 1 14. DIPSACUS. Cal. common many-leaved; pro- per above. Recept . chaffy, f’eafeh fullonum. j. D. leaves feffile faw’d. laciniatas, 2. D. leaves conjoin’d finuous. pilofus. 3. D. leaves petioled appendaged. fullers . jagged, hairy . 1 15. SCABIOSA. Cal. common many -leaved ; proper double above. Recept. chaffy or naked. * Corollets four-cleft. alpha. 1. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated, flowers bowing, leaves feather’d : leaflets lanced faw’d. alpine . rigida. 5. £. corollets four-cleft fubradiate, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves lanced faw’d ear’d. rigid. tranfylvanica.2. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes and chafF awn’d ; root-leaves lyred ; ftem-leaves feather-cut. tranfylvanian . 3. S» TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Scabiofa, I 1 9 ^ fyriaca . 3. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated and chaff awn’d, ffem two-fork’d, leaves lanced. fyrian. leucantha. 4. S. corollets four-cleft fubequal, calyx-fcales egg’d imbricated, leaves feather-cut. white-flower d. Succifa. 6. S. corollets four-cleft equal, ffem fimple, branches approximated, leaves iance-egg’d. integrlfolia « 7. S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves undivided : root- leaves egg’d faw’d, branch-leaves lanced ; Rem herbaceous. intire-leaved . amplexicaulis. S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves ftem-clafping lanced moil: intire ; root-leaves three-clelt notch’d. Jlem-dafping. tartarica . 9. S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves lanced feather- cut : lobes fubimbricated, ffem hifpid. tar - tarian . arvenfis. 10. S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut gafti’d, ffem hifpid. field, fylvatica. 8. S. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves all undivided egg-oblong faw’d, ffem hifpid. wood, fcabra. S. corols four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves almoft twice-feather’d rugged rigidifli. S. rugged, attenuata . S. corols four-cleft equal, leaves linear intrre and three- cleft. S. attenuated. * * Corollets five-cleft . gramontia . 11. S. corollets five-cleft, calyxes fhorteft, ffem-leaves twice-feather’d thread-form. gramontian. columbaria. 12. S. corollets five- cleft radiate, root-leaves egg’d notch’d, ffem-leaves feather’d briftly. dove, ficula. S. coroilets five-cleft equal fhorter than the calyx, leaves lyre-feather-cut. ficilian. maritima. 13. S. corollets five-cleft radiate fhorter than the calyx, leaves feather’d ; the higheft linear moff intire. fea. Jlellata . 15. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves differed, recep- tacles of the flower roundifh. jlar. prolifera . 16. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, flowers fubfeffile, ffem proliferous, leaves undivided. proliferous . atropur -* 17. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves differed, recep- purea . tacles^f the flowers awl’d. black-purple, argentea. 18. S. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut : divifions linear, peduncles longeft, ffem co- lumnar, filver. S. 120. FOUR indurata . africana . 19. pumila» cretica . 20. graminifol. 21. palajlina * 25. ifetenfis . 26. itcrania. 14. tchroleuca. 23. bofa* s. s. s. s. s. s. s. pterocephala.22. S, MALES. ONE FEMALE. Scabiofa. i corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves egg-lanced, gnaw’d, tooth’d at the bafe, ftem ftifF. indura- ted. corollets five-cleft equal, leaves fimple gafh’d* ftem ftirubby. african . corollets five-cleft radiate, almoft ftemlefs, leaves moft hairy; root-leaves lyred,f ftem-leaves feather-gafh’d. dwarf. corollets five-cleft, leayes lanced very intire, ftem ftirubby. Cretan . corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves linear-lanced moft in tire, ftem herbaceous. grafs-leaved. corollets five-cleft radiate : all the divifions three- cleft, leaves undivided, fomewhat faw’d : the higheft feather-cut at the bafe. palejline . corollets five-cleft radiate longer than the calyx, leaves twice-feather’d linear, corollets five-cleft radiate, root-leaves feather-cut: ftem-leaves fringed at the bafe. Ukraine < corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves twice-feather’d, linear. pale-white^ corollets five-cleft unequal, ftem herbaceus erecft, leaves feather-cut, feeds awn’d and feather- pappus’d. pappousi corollets five-cleft, ftem ftirubby procumbent, leaves jagg’d fhaggy, pappus feathery, wing- headed. 1 16. KNAUTIA. Cah common oblong, fimple, five** flower'd ; proper fimple, above. Corol- lets irregular. Recept. naked. orientalis, propontica. palcejiina. plumofa . 1. K* leaves gafti’d, corollets five-fold longer than the calyx. oriental. 2. K. fuperior leaves lanced moft intire, corollets tenfold equal with the calyx. propontic « K. leaves intire, calyxes fix-leaved, feeds pappus’d. palejline. K. fuperior leaves leaves feather’d, calyxes ten-leaved, feeds pappus’d. feathery. 1 17. ALLIONA. TRTR ANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Allionk. 121* iij. ALLIONIA. Cal. common oblong, Ample, three- flower’d ; proper obfcure, above, Corol- lets irregular. Recept. naked. violacea . A. A. leaves hearted, calyxes five-cleft. violet . incarnata . Bi A. leaves obliquely egg’d, calyxes three-leaved, in- carnate. 1 1 8 . HEDYOTIS. Cor . i -petal, funnel-form. Capf. 2-cell’d, many-feeded, beneath. fruticofa . i. H. leaves lanced petioled, corymbes terminal involu- ted. Jhrubby . Auricularia. 2. H, leaves lance-egg’d, flowers verticil’d. herbacea, 3. H. leaves 1 inear-lanced, ftem herbaceous two-fork’d, peduncles double. herbaceous • H. leaves oval obtufe, flowers oppofite feflile. S. fea. H. leaves egg’d acute, flowers alternate peduncled. S. dwarf, H. leaves linear, ftem decumbent, panicle racemed one-rank’d, peduncles fingle-train’d. S. grafs ~ leaved, 124. SCABRITA. Cor. i -petal, falver-form. Seeds 2, end-nick’d, above. Cal. lop’d. Jcabra. 1. H. Scabrita, rugged. 147. SPERMACOCE. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, two- tooth’d. maritima, pumila . graminifolia . tenuior. I . S . •Verticillata. 2. S. hirta. 3. S. hifpida. 5. S. procumbens. 6. S. fpinofa. 4. S. fmooth, leaves linear, ftamens inclofed, flowers verticil’d. fender er * fmooth, leaves lanced, verticils globular, wr/i- cil'd. fmooth, leaves oblong : the higheft four-fold, flowers verticil’d. ft>aggy» hifpid, leaves inverfe-egg’d oblique. hfpid. procumbent, leaves linear, corymbes lateral pe- duncled. procumbent . ftirubbyifh, leaves linear with thornlets fringed. thorney. a s. 122. four males, one female. Spefmacoce* articularis. S. leaves elliptic obtufifti ruggedifh. S. jointedi JlYifta. S. leaves linear-lanced lined. S. upright . 120. SCHERARDIA. Cor . i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds three-tooth’d. arvenfih j. S. all the leaves verticil’d, flowers terminal. field, muralis. 2. S. floral leaves two-fold oppofite, with flowers two- fold. * ^ walL fruticofia. 3. S. leaves fourfold equal, Item fhrubby. Jhrubby . 1 21. ASPERULA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, globular. 1. A. leaves eightfold lanced, fafcicles of the flowers peduncled. odorous. 2. A. leaved ftxfold, flowers feflile terminal aggregate; fie Id i 3. A. leaves fourfold egg-lanced* flowers fafcicled ter- minal. bulk *j. A. leaves fourfold oblong lateral revolute obtufifti pu- befcent. thick— leaved. 4. A. leaves linear : the inferior ones flxfold \ the inter- mediate ones fourfold, Item flaccid, flowers for the moft part three-cleft. dyers ± A. leaves four-fold lanCe-linear* ftem ere£t, flowers oftener three-cleft. pyrenean , 6. A. leaves fourfold linear: the fuperior ones oppofite, flem ere£t, flowers four-cleft. cynancum. leaves fourfold elliptic nervelefs fmoothifh, pedun- cles divaricated three-fork’d, feeds rugged. polijh'd. leaves fourfold oblong obtufe poliftfd. S. calabrian. leaves linear fomewhat flefhy 1 the inferior ones fourfold, flowers almoft threefold awn’d. S. crejled* odorata * arvenfis. taurina. crajfifolia. tindloria. pyrenaica.. cy nan chic a . Jcsvigata. calabrica. crijlata. 8. A, A. A. 122. DIODIA. Cor. 1 -petal, funnel-form. Capfule 2-cell’d, 2-feeded. virginica. I. Diodia. -Virginian. 123. K.N0X1A. T£TR ANDRI A. MONGGYNIA. Knoxia. I23. 123. KNOXIA. Cor . i -petal, funnel-form. Seeds 2, furrow’d : the larger. ■%eylamca. 1. Knoxia. ceylon f 124. HOUSTONIA. Cor. i-petal, funnel-form. Cap/. 2-cell’d, 2-feeded, above. Ccerulea . i. H. root-leaves egg’d, item compound, the firit pe^> duncles two-flower’d. blue, purpurea. 2. H. leaves egg-lanced, corymbes terminal, flowers above. purple. 125. GALIUM. Cor. j-petal, flat. Seeds 2, round- ifli. Bedjlraw. * Fruit fmooth • 2. G. leaves fourfold lance-egg’d equal rugged under- neath, item eredt, fruit fmooth. madder-like. 3. G. leaves four-fold inverfe-egg’d unequal, items dif- fufe. mar Jh. 5. G. leaves fourfold linear, item procumbent rugged, corols three-cleft. three-cleft, montanum , 1 5. G? leaves moitly fourfold linear poliih’d, item feeble rugged, feeds fmooth. mountain • tinflorium. 6,. G. item-leaves linear fixfold ; thofe of the branches fourfold, item flaccid, peduncles moitly two- fiower’d, fruit fmooth. dyers, ulginofum. 7. G. leaves fixfold lanced faw-prickled backwards dag- ger’d rigid, corols larger than the fruit, ouzy. 8. G. leaves fixfold lanced keel’d rugged prickled back- ward, knots flmple, fruit fmooth. fpurious. 9. G. leaves fixfold inverfe-egg’d obtufe, item moir branchy procumbent. rock. ic. G. leaves eightfold lanced dagger’d faw-prickled fmooth incurved, fruit reflected. minute . 11. G. leaves eightfold hiipid linear pointed fubimbricated, peduncles two-fork’d. puny. 12.. G. leaves eightfold linear furrow’d, branches flower- bearing fhort. true. 14. G. leaves eightfold egg-linear fomewhat faw’d moft expanding dagger’d, item flaccid, branches ex- panding. 2 $3. G> ftp urium, fax at ile . minutum . pujillum. %' crura. Mollugo, rubioides . palujlre. trinnii in 124* FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Galium. [ylvaticum. 13. G. leaves eightfold polifh’d rugged underneath : floral leaves twofold, peduncles capillary, Hem ppiifh’d. wood, arijlatum. 1. G. leaves eightfold lanced polifh’d, panicle capillary, petals awn’d, feeds fmooth. awri d. hierofolyn}i-i8. G. leaves tenfold lance-linear, umbels level-top’d, ianum fruit fmooth. jerufalem . glaucum, 16. G. leaves verticil’d linear, peduncles two-fork’d, ftem polifh’d. fea-green . purpureum* 17. G, leaves verticil’d linear-briftled, peduncles capillary longer than the leaf. purple, rubrum, 19. G. leaves verticil’d linear expanded, peduncles fhorteft. red, pyrenakum, G. leaves fix-fold, flowers lateral oppofite fubfeflile folitary. S. pyrenean . % * Fruit hifpid. boreale . 20. G. leaves fourfold lanced three-nerved fmooth, ftem ere 2-cell’d, many-feeded. americana. i. B. leaves egg’d. amcrican- occidentalis . 2..B. leaves lanced. occidental., virgata. B. leaves linear-oblong obtufe intire, racemes termi - nal, branches twiggy eredh S. twiggy% incompta. B. leaves fafcicled «egg’d hoary, branches winding rigid, racemes terminal. S. iincomb’dt 141s EXACUM. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-cleft : tube globular. Capf. 2-furrow’d, 2 -cel I’d many-feeded, gaping at top. feffile. 1. pedunculata. 2. albens, aureum, cordatum . puntl at um. E. flowers feffile. . feffile s E. flowers peduncled. peduncled. E. leaves fubdecurrent, ftamens protruded. S. white » E. leaves feflile, ftamens protruded. S. golden i E. flowers five-cleft, leaflets of the calyx hearted Ariated. S. hearted \ E. leaves moft fhortly petioled oblong three-nerved dotted, ftamens protruded. S, dotted < 142. PLANTAGO. 128. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. PlantagO. 142. PLANTAGO. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft: border refleded. Stamens longeft. Caff. 2-cell’d, circumcifed. * Scape riaked. majort I* P. leaves egg’d fmooth, fcape columnar, fpike with florets imbricated. greater* afiatica . 2. P. leaves egg’d fmooth, fcape angled, fpike with flo- rets diftinft. afiatiCi media . 3. P. leaves egg-lanced pubefcent, fpike cylindrical, fcape columnar. middle . virginica . 4« leaves lance-egg’d pubefcent fomewhat toothletted, fpikes with flowers remote, fcape columnar. altijfima. 5. p. Janceolata, 6. P. Lagopus . 7- P. lufitanica . 17. P. albicans. 8. P. alpina . 9- P- cretica . 18. P. maritima. 11. P. fubulata . 12. P. Serraria. ,3. P. coronopifol . 14. P. Loefingii . iS. P. Virginian . leaves lanced five-nerved tooth'd fmooth, fpike oblong cylindrical, fcape fubangular. tallejl . leaves lanced, fpike fomewhat egg’d naked, fcape angled. lanced. leaves lanced fomewhat toothletted, fpike egg’d ftiaggv, fcape columnar. leaves broad-lanced three-nerved fomewhat tooth’d fomewhat hairy, fpike oblong fhaggy, fcape angled. Portugal. leaves lanced oblique villous, fpike cylindrical ere&, fcape columnar. white. leaves linear fiat, fcape columnar fhaggy, fpike oblong ere beneath , five -/ceded. J93 Nolana. Cor. one-petal’d. Seeds 5, berried, 2 or 4- celW. - Flowers one -petal’ d, beneath , cover’d. 243 Ooris. Capfi. i -cell’d, 5-yalved. Cor. irregular! Stigma headed. 204 Hydrophyllum. Cap/. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved. Cor. furrow’d with 5 nectaries. Stigma 2-cleft. Capfi. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved. Cor. falver-form. Stigma roundifh. Capf. 1 -cell’d, oblong. Cor. wheel’d. Stigma fomewhat headed, Capfi i-cell’d, circumcifed. Cor. wheel’d, Stigma headed. Capfi. 1 -cell’d, 10-valved. Cor. wheel’d. Stig «• ma obtufe. Capfi. 1 -cell’d pulpy within. Cor. reflected. Stigma acute. 200 Dodecatheon. Cap f. i-cell’d, oblong. Cor. reflected. Stig- ma obtufe. Capfi. i-cell’d. Cor. torn. Stigma {\ imple. Capfi. i-cell’d. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. Stigma globular. Capfi. i-cell’d. Cor. falver-form with throat contracted. Stigma globular. Capfi. i-cell’d? Cor. falver-form. Stigma head-deprefs’d. Capfi. l-cell’d. Cor. tube beneath the ftamens. Stigma globular. Capfi. i-cell’d. Cor. villous. Stigma 2-cleft. Capfi. i-cell’d, lens-form, two-valved with valvelets boat-form. Seeds imbricated. 207 Theophrasta. Capfi. i-cell’d, largeft ! Cor, bell’d. Stigma acute. 1367 Sheffieldia. Capfi. i-cell’d, 5-valved. Cor. bell’d. Fila- ments ten : alternate ones barren. 209 SpigeliA. Capfi. 2-celI’d, double! Cor . funnel-form. Stigma fimple. i2io OphiorHIza. Capfi. 2-cell’d, 2-parted ! Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2-cleft. 215 Convolvulus. 199 SoLDANELLA. 197 Primula. 196 Androsace. 195. Aretia. 203 Hottonia. 202 Menyanthes. 1295 Allamanda. 276 Galax. 198 CoRTUSA. £o6 Anagallis. 285 Lysimachia. 201 Cyclamen. PENTANDRIA. i-ft» 215 Convolvulus. 1248 Lisianthus. 103 Pathagonula 1246 Nigrina. 246 Datura. 247 Hyoscyamus. 248 Nicotiana. 245 Verbascum. 255 Chironia, 1368 Retria. 194 Diapensia. 214 Phlox. 217 POLEMONIUM. 216 Ipomoea. 1229 Brossaea. 212 Azalea. 1369 Epacris, 302 Ceropegia. 297 Nerium. 299 Echites. 1253 PeRGULARIA. 298 Plumieria. 300 CamerAria, Capf. 2-cell’d, 2-feeded. Cor . bell’d. Stigma 2-cleft. .Capf. 2-cell’d, many-feeded. Cor . funnel- form bellied. Style permanent. Capf 2-ceird. Cor . wheel'd. Style two- fork’d. Capf 2-cell’d. Cor . funnel-form. Cal. in- flated. Capf. 2-cell’d, 4-valved ! Cor . funnel-form. Cal. deciduous. Capf 2-cell’d, cover’d ! Cor . funnel-form. Stigma headed. Capf 2-cell’d. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma end- nick'd. Capf. 2-cell’d. Cor. wheel’d. Stigma obtufe. Stamens declined. Capf 2-cell’d. Cor. with tube pitcher’d. An- thers deflower’d fpiral. Capf. two-cell’d. Cor. cylindric, villous without. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf 3-cell ’d. Car, falver-form. Cal. 8- leaved. Capf 3-cell’d. Cor. falver-form with tube curved. Stigma 3-cleft. Capf 3-cell’d. Cor . 5-parted. Stamens placed on the yalves, Capf 3-cell’d. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. Capf. 5-cell’d. Cor . lop’d . Cal. flefhy. Capf 5-rCelI’d. Cor. bell’d. Stigma obtufe. Capf 5-ceird, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous, nectariferous. Scales growing on the germ, Follicles 2. Cor. with border converging. Seeds pappus’d. Follic, 2, ereCL Cor . with throat crown’d. Seeds pappus’d. Follic. 2, ffraight. Cor. funnel-form with throat naked. Seeds pappus’d. Follic. 2. Cor. falver-form. Nefi aries 5, half- arrow’d. Follic. 2, refraCted. Cor . funnel-form. Seeds wing’d. Follic • 2, lobed. Cor. falver-form. Seeds wing’d* 301 Taber- 1 4*. F 301 TaBERNJEMON- TANA. 29^ Vinca. 1251 Carissa. 254 Iacquinia. 259 Laugieria. 1252 P -A2DERI A. 258 Varronia. 256 CORDEA. 257 Ehretia. 192 Tournefortia 293 Rauwolfia. 294 Cerbera. 1250 Arduina. 269 Myrsine. 261 Cestrum. 260 Brunfelsia. 211 Randia. 253 Strychnos. 252 Capsicum. 251 Solanum. 250 Physalis. 249 Atropa. 244 Ellisia. 262 Lycium. 234 Menais. 264 Siderqxilon, 263 Chrysophyl- LUM. 1370 Ignatia. 1371 Tektona. I V E MALES. ■ Follic. 2, pulpy. Cor. falver-form. Seeds firru pie. Follic . 2, eredt. Cor . falver-form. Seeds fim- pie. Berries 2, manv-feeded. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft : with nedta- ry 5-leaved. Berry i-feeded. Nut 5-celPd. Stigma headed. Berry 2-feeded, inflated, fragile. Berry i-feeded. Nut 4-cel I’d ! Stigma four- fold. Berry i-feeded. Nut 4* cell’d. Stigma two- fork’d. Calyx growing on the berry. Berry 4-feeded. Nuts 2-ceil’d. Stigma end- nick’d. . Berry 4-feeded perforated at top ! Seeds 2- cell’d. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds hearted. Berry 2-feeded. Nuts comprefs’ct retufe. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds oblong. Cord curvate. Stigma 2-cleft. Berry 1 deeded. Stigma villous. Berry i-celPd. Filaments mark’d with a tooth. Berry 1 -cell’d. Cor. longeft. Berry 1 -cell’d, barky. Cal. lop’d. Berry 2-cell’d : Stigma headed. Berry 2-cell’d, juicelefs. Anthers converging. Berry 2-cell’d. Anthers twice-perforated ! Berry 2-cell’d with calyx inflated. Anthers approximated. Berry 2-cell’d. Stamens diftant, incurvate. Berry 2-celPd. Seeds 2 : with one higher. Berry 2-cell’d. Stamens clofing with hair at the bafe. Berry 4-cel I’d. Cal. 3 -leaved. Stigmas two. Berry 5-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft, with the in- terior divifions converging. Berry 10-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft, with the ex- terior divifions moil expanded. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Cor. longeft. Drupe i-cell’d many-feeded. Stigm. tooth’d : Drupe dry, fpongy, within the inflated calyx. Nucleus 3-celPd. * Flowers PE NT ANDRI A* I43* * Flowers one-petal’ d^ above . 222 SAMOLUS. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 5-valved at top* Cor. falver-* form. Stigma headed. 226 Bellonia. Capf. i-celi’d, with navel beak’d. Cor. wheel’d Stigma acute. 1366 Virecta. Capf. 1 -cell'd. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma 2- parted. Cal. 5 -leaved : with teeth in- terpofed. S. 225 Macrocnemum. Capf. 2-cell’d top-like. Cor. bell’d. Stigma two-lobed. Seeds imbricated. 224 Rondeletia. Capf. 2-cell’d, fubglobular. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma obtufe. 228 Cinchona. Capf. 2-cell’d gaping within ! Cor. fhaggy. Stigma fimple. 227 PoRTLANDIA. Capf 2- cell’d, crown’d. Cor. bellied. Stig~ ma fimple. Seeds imbricated. 219 Roella. Capf 2-cell’d, crown’d, Cor. wheel’d. Stigma 2-cleft. 220 PhYTEUMA. Capf 2-or-3-cdl’d, perforated. Cor. 5-parted. Stigma 2-or-3- cleft. 218 Campanula. Capf. 3-or-5~cellsd, perforated. Cor , bell’d. Stigma 3-cleft. I294 SCJEVOLA. Drupe i-feeded. Cor. irregular fan-form : with a longitudinal, fiftiire. 221 TraCHELIUM. Capf 3-cell’d perforated. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. 231 Matthiola. Berry i-feeded. Cor. funnel-form, undivi- ded. Stigma obtufe. 235 Morinda. Berry i-feeded, aggregate. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2-cleft. 229 Psycothria. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds furrow’d. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma end-nick’d. 230 CoFFEA. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds aril’d ! Cor . falver-form. 231 Chiococca. Stigma 2-parted. Berry 2-feeded. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma fimple. 296 Gardenia. Berry 2-cell’d, many-feeded. Cor. funnel- form. Cal. with divifions fwoxd-form vertical. Gardenia. eontorted. , Berry beneath, two ©r four-cell’d many-feeded. S. 24C GfENIPA. Berry 2-cell’d roundifh. Cor. wheel’d. Stig- ma club’d. 233 LoNICERA. H4- 233 Lonicera. 234 TriosteunL 241 MuSSiENDA. 232 Hamellia. 238 Erithalis, FiVB MALES Berry 2 -cell’d round ifh. Cor. unequal. Stig- ma headed. Berry 3-cell’d leathery. Cor. unequal. Stig- ma oblong. Berry 4-cell’d, oblong. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2 -parted. Berry 5-cell’d many-feeded. Cor . with tube long. Stigma linear. Berry io-cell’d ; fubglobular. Cor. wheel’d. Stigma acute. * Rubia. * Crucianella. * Prinos. * Flowers five-petal' d, beneaih. Berry i-feeded. Style lateral. St&mens perma- nent, fpiral. Berry 3-cell’d, round. Cal. tubular corol- bearing. Scales of the mouth 5, con- verging. Berry 3-grain’d. Cal. tubular cor ol -bearing. Petals vaulted. Berry 3-grain’d. Cal. flat. Seeds aril’d. Berry capful a r, lobed. Cal. expanding. Seeds berry aril’d. Berry 5-feeded. Cor. with ne&ary pitch er’d. Berry 5-feeded Cor. often fhrivel-conjoin’d. Style none. Drupe kidney-form. Cor. with petals lanced. Nucleus woolly. 1373 Cor ynoc arpus. Nut club’d, Nectaries five petal -form, alter- nating with petals, gland-bearing at the bafe. S. Capf. 5-cell’d, gaping at the bafe ! Cor. united to the receptacle. Seed wing’d. Capf. 5-grain’d. Cal. ear’d with petals. Sta- mens annex’d to the ne£tary. Capf. 5 -fold. Neflary crowning the germ. Seeds aril'd 1374 Argophyllum. Capf 3-ceird. Nettary pyramidal, five-angled, the length of the corol. S. 287 Claytonia. Capf 1 -cell'd, 3-valved. Cal. 2-valved, Stigma 3-cleft. 280 Hirtella. 265 Rhamnus. .267 Ceanothus. 270 Celastrus. 271 Euonymus. 1296 Aquilicia. 284 Vitis. 278 Ma-ngifera. 277 Cedrela. 268 Buttnera, 272 Diosma. J234 Roridula. P E 1234 Roridula. 275 Itea. 286 S'auvagesia. 274 Brunia. N T A N D R I A. H5- Capf. i-cell’d, 3-valved. Nettary of the an- ther bag-form. Capf. i -cell’d, 2-valved. Cal. corol -bearing. Stigma obtufe. Capf. 1 -cell’d. Nettary 5-leaved ! Petals fringed. Seed I, villous. Common Receptacle villous. Stamens inferred on the claws of the petals. Seed 1,' pappus’d* Common Receptacle naked. Seed 1, two-cell’d. Common Receptacle naked. * Ctefalpinia pentandra. * Bombax perit andrum. * Caffia nitt itans. * Violets. * Flowers five-petard above . Berry many-feeded. Cal. corol-bearing. Style 2- cleft. Berry 5-feeded. Cal. encompaflmg the fruit. Stigma fimple. Berry 2-feeded. Cal. clofed with claws. An- thers included, doubled. Fruit 2-cell’d, many-feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stigma headed. Berry 3-grain’d. Cal. tubular corol-bearing with 5 converging feales. Capf. i-feeded colour’d. Cal. colour’d. Petals minute. Capf. 3-grain’d. Cor. irregular. Cat. o. Capf. 2-cell’d, many-feeded. Style two-cleft. Petals pointed. Seeds 2, naked. Cal. feather-comb’d. Petals 2-horn’d. Seed j, deprefs’d. Receptacle aggregating. Pe- tals converging. Flowers incomplete , beneath. 288 Achyranthes. Seed 1, oblong. Cal. exterior 3-leaved, na- ked. Capf. 3-feeded. Cal. exterior 3-leaved, co- lour’d.. Capf. i-feeded 5-valved. Cal. fimple, rude. Capj'. 5-feeded 5-valved. Cal. fimple, ruder, bell’d. 237 Kuhnia. 223 Nauclea. 281 Ribes. 283 Hedera. 1249 PlectroniA. 1372 Escallonia. 266 Phylica. 282 Gronovia. 1297 PIeliconia. 1247 Cyrilla: 285 Lagoecia. 236 Conocarpus. 289 Celosia. 290 Illecebrum. 291 Glaux, T Polygonum 146 FIVE MALES, * Polygonum amphibium , lapathifolium » * Ceratonia* Flowers incomplete , above . 292 Thesium. Seed 1, crown’d. Cal. ftamen-bearing. * Loranthui . * Trianthema monogyna . TWO FEMALES, f Digynia, ) 307 Stapelia. 304 Cynancum. 303 Periploca. 305 Apocynum. 306 Asclepias. 321 SwERTIA. 322 Gentiana. 313 Cressa. 318 Hydrolea. 1339 PoRANA. 319 Schrebera. 2254 Steris* 1 375 Melodinus. * Flowers one-petal' dy beneath . Follicles 2, Cor . wheel’d: Ne&aries flar’d. Follicles 2. Car. wheel’d : Ne£tary cylindric. Follicles 2. Car. wheel’d ; Ne&aries 5, thread- form. Follicles 2. Car. bell’d: with 5 glandular Nectaries with 5 bridles . Follicles 2. Car. reflected, with 5 Ne&aries ear-form clawletted. Cap], 1 -cell’d, 2-valved. Cor. wheel’d, with 5 ne£lar-bearing pores. Cap/, 1 -cell’d 2-valved. Cor . tubular inde- terminate. Capf. i-feeded, 2-valved. Cor. falver-form : with border refle&ed. Capf. 2-celi’d, 2-valved. Cor. wheel’d. Fruit 2-valved. Calyx enlarged in the fruit. Style elongated, half-two-cleft. Fruit 2-cell’d. Cor. funnel-form, a Scale of the Nettary growing on each filament. Berry many-feeded. Cor. wheel’d. contorted. Berry twd-celPd, many-feeded. \ Throat of the corol crown’d. * * Flowers five-petal' d. above. 1376 Russelia. Cal. 5 -leaved. Petals 5* above. Capf x-cell'd, many-feeded. * Flowers five-petal' d, beneath . 447 Velezia. Capf i -cell’d, i-valved. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal tubular. 1293 Linconia. Capf 2-cell’d. a pit in the Pttah. Gal . 4- leaved. 317 Nama< Capf i-cell’d, 2-valved. Cor. 5-petaPd* lefs. 320 Heuchera, PENTANDRIA, I47* 320 Heuchera, 310 Beta. 308 Herniaria. 314 Gomphrena. 315 Bosea. 316 Ulmus. Cap f. 2-cell’d, 2-beak’d. Cor . 5-petal’d, in- ferted on the calyx. 312 Anabasis. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 5-petal’d, leail. 1377 Coprosma, hermaphrodite: Calyx 5-parted. Cor. 5-or-7-cleft. Stamens 5 to feven. Styles two, long. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds two flatifh, * Siaphylea pinnata. * Flowers incomplete . 31 1 Salsola. Seed 1, fnail-fhell’d, covered. Cal . 5-Ieaved. 309 Chenopodium. Seed i3 orbicular. Cal. 5-leaved with leaflets / concave. Seed 1, kidney-form. Cal. 5-leaved, nou- rilhing the feed at the bafe. Seed 2, egg’d, cover’d. Cal . 5-parted. Fila~ meats 5, barren. Cap f i-feeded, circumcifed. Cal » 2-leaved, comprefs’d, colour’d. Berry 1 -deeded. Cal. 5 -leaved. Berry juicelefs, comprefs’d. Cal. l-leaved* withering* * Rhamnus Zizyphus. * Polygonum virginianum . * Frianthema pentandra. * Flowers five-pataf dy above , two-feeded . Umbel’d, A. JVith an univerfat and partial involucre . 323 Phyllis, Flowers difperfed. 324 Eryngium. Flowers headed. Receptacle chaffy, 325 Hydrocqtyle, FI. fubumbel’d, fertile. Seed comprefs’d. 326 S anicula, FI. fubumbel’d, abortive. Seed murex’d. 327 Astrantia. FI. umbel'd, abortive. Invol. colour’d. Seed wrinkled. FI. radiate, abortive. Invol. deciduous. Seed membranous. FI. radiate, abortive in the radius. Invol. Ample. Seeds crown’d, feflile. 329 Echinophora. FI. radiate, abortive, Invol. Ample. Seeds feflile. 331 Caucalis, FI. radiate, abortive. Invol. Ample, Seeds murex’d, 332 Artedia, Fh radiate, abortive. Invol. feather’d. Seed$ with leafy notches in the margin» 345 Heracleum. 352 Oenanthe. T % 333 Caucus* I4§* F 333 Daucus. 330 Tordyleum. 344 Laserpitium. 339 Peucedanum. 334 Ammi. 341 HaSELQUISTIA. 336 CONIUM* 335 Bunium. 338 Athamanta. 328 Bupleurum. 348 SlUM. 337 Selinum. 351 Cuminum. 343 Ferula, 340 Crithmum 350 Bubon. 342 Cachrys. 346 Ligusticum. 347 Angelica* 349 Sison* IVE -MALES. FI. radiate, abortive. Invol. feather’d. Seeds hifpid. FI. radiate, fertile. Invol. fimple. Seeds notch’d in the margin. FI. flofculous abortive. Petals hearted. Seeds 4-wing’d. FI. flofculous, abortive. Invol. fimple. Seeds deprefs’d, flriated. FI. flofculous, fertile. Invol. feather’d. Seeds gibbous, polifh’d. FI. flofculous, fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds of the Rays flat ; of the Difk pitcher’d . FI. flofculous fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds gibbous, rib-furrow’d. Involucel halv’d. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals hearted. Invo- Ivcels brill] y. FI. flofculous, fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds convex, flriated. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals involute (and in moft of the leaves undivided , or the in - volucels petal-form.) FI. flofculous, fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds almofl; egg’d, flriated. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds deprefs’d, flriated. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals hearted. Umbel 4- cleft, with InvolucresbntWy^ longefl. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals hearted. Seeds flat. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals flatifh. Involucre horizontal. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals flatifh. Invol. 5- leaved. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals flatifh. Seeds with bark corky. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals involute. Invol. membranous. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals flattifh. Umbel- lets globular. FI. flofculous fertile. Petals flatifh. Umbel impoverifh’d* B. Wiih pentandria. H9' 355 356 357 358 353 359 360 354 B. With partial Involucres ; no univerfol one. Ethusa. FI. fubradiate fertile. Involucel halved. Coriandrum. FI. radiate, abortive. Fruit fubglobular. Scandix. FI. radiate, abortive. Fruit oblong. Ch^erophyllum. FI. flofculous, abortive. Involucel 5-leaved; Phellandrium. FI. flofculous fertile. Fruit crown’d. flofculous fertile. Umbel flat-expanded, flofculous fertile. Umbel rigidifh. flofculous fertile. Petals ftatifh. ** Imperatoria. FI. Seseli. FI. Cicuta. FL f Beupleurum r of undifolium. Apium Petros . et Anfum . C. With no Involucre^ neither univerfal, nor partial. Smyrnium. 363 364 Carum. 361 Thapsi a. Seeds kidney-formj Seeds gibbous, ftri- 362 36 4 368 Pastinaca. Anethum. Egopodium. Apium. 367 366 1378 CuSSONI A. Pimpinella. FI. flofculous, abortive, angled. FI. flofculous, abortive, ated. FI. flofculous, fertile. Seeds membrane-wing’ d end-nick’d. FI. flofculous, fertile. Seeds flat-deprefs’d. FI. flofculous, fertile. Seeds border’d, ftriated. FL flofculous, fertile.. Seeds gibbous, ftriated. Petals hearted. FI. flofculous fertile. Seeds minute, fttiated. Petals infledted. FL flofculous, fertile. (Umbels nodding before forefcence.) Petals hearted. Petals 5, three-corner’d. The border of the receptacle dilated into a five-tooth’^ calyx. THREE FEMALES. ( jF rigynia .) 370 Viburnum. 372 Sambucus. 369 Rhus. 371 Cassi ne. 1379 Semecarpus. * Flowers above. Cor . 5-cleft. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 5. cleft. Berry 3-feeded. * Floivers above. Cor. 5-petal’d, Berry i-feeded. Cor . 5-petal’d. Berry 3-feeded. Cor. 5-petal’d. Drupe hearted, cell’d, 1- feeded. 373 Sp ATHELIA* *5°' F 373 Spathelia. 374 Staphylea. 375 Tamarix. 381 Drypis. 376 Turnera. 383 Sarothra. 380 Alsine. 377 Telephium, 378 Corrigiola. 579 Pharnaceum. 1299 Xylophylla. 382 Basella,, F O U 384 Parnassia. 385 Evolvulus. F I V 316 Aralia. 1380 Commersonia. 392 Crassula. IVE MALES. Cor . 5-petal’d. Capf. 3-celPd, 3-cornerM. 1- feeded. Filaments tooth’d at the bafe. Cor . 5-petal’d. Capf. 2-or~3-cleft, inflated. Cor . 5-petal’d. Capf 1 -cell’d. Seeds pappus’d. Cor . 5-petal’d, crown’d. Capf i-feeded cir-, cumcifed. Cor. 5-petal’d. Capf i -cell’d. Cal. 1 -leaved, corol-bearing. Cor. 5-petaI’d. Capf 1 -cell’d, colour’d. Cal. I -leaved. Cor . 5-petaPd, Capf 5-leaved, Petals 2- cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d, Capf. 1 -cell’d, three-fided. Cal . 5 -leaved. Cor . 5 -petal’d. Seed 1, three-fided. Cal. 5- parted. Cor. none. Cal. 5- leaved. Capf 3-cell’d. Cal. 5 -parted. Capf 3-grain’d : with two feeds. Gar. none. Cal. 6-cleft. Seed 1, globular, with calyx berried. * Rhamnus Paliurus . * Celajlrus. R FEMALES. (T’etragynia. ) Cor . 5-petal’d. Capf 4-valyed. Nettaries 5, glandular-fringed. Cor . i-*petal’d. Capf 4^cell’d. E FEMALES. f Pentagynia.) * Flowers above. Cor. 5-petal’d. Berry 5-feeded. Cal. i -leaved, corol-bearing. Petals 5. A Tic* tary 5-parted. Capf 3-cell’d, hedges hog’d. * Flowers beneath. Cor . 5 -parted. Capf 5, many-feeded. 1340 GisekiA FENTAlJfrRlA. 1340 Gisekia. 389 Linum. 390 Aldrovanda, 391 Drosera. 1255 Mahernia. 393 SlEBALDI A. 388 Statice 151. Cor. o. Cal. 5-leaved. Cap/ 5, round. 5* feeded. Cor. 5-petaPd. Capf. io-cell’d, 2-feeded. Cor. 5-petal’d. Capf. i -cell’d) io-feeded* Cor. 5-petaPd. Capf. i-cell’d, gaping at top. Cor. 5-petaFd. Capf 5-celPd. Cor. 5-petaPd. Seeds 5. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor . 5-parted. Seed cloath’d with a fun* n el-form calyx. * Cerajlium pent an drum. * Spergula pentandra. * Five-male Geraniums . Many females. ( Polygynia.J 394 Myosurus. Cal. 5-leaved. Nefiarieb 5, tongued. Seeds numerous. * Ranunculus hederaceus „ O N E l$2i FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Heliotropium, ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia .) 179. HELIOTROPIUM. Cor . falver-forrii, 5-cleft, with teeth interpofed : the throat clofed with vaults. peruvlavum. I. H. leaves lance-egg’d, ftetn fhrubby, fpikeB nume- rous aggregate-corymbed. peruvian . indicum . 2. H. leaves heart-egg’d acute ruggedifh, fpikes folitary, fruit two-cleft. Indian, parviflorum . H. leaves egg’d wrinkled rugged oppofite alternate, fpikes pair’d- [mall- flow er' d. europium, 3. H. leaves egg’d molt intire downy wrinkled, fpikes pair’d. european. fupinum. 4. H. leaves egg’d molt intire downy plaited, fpikes fo- litary. fupine. Jruticofum . 5. H. leaves linear-lanced hairy, fpikes folitary feflile. Jhrubby. curajfavicum. 6. H. leaves lance-linear fmooth veinlefs, fpikes pair’d. curaflba. orientale . 7. H. leaves linear fmooth veinlefs, flowers fcatter’d la- teral . oriental, gnaphalodes . 8. H. leaves linear obtufe downy, peduncles two fork’d, flowers of the fpikes fourfold, Item fhrubby. gnaphalium-like . l8o. MYOSOTIS. Cor, falver-form, 5-cleft, end- nick’d : the throat clofed with vaults. fcorpioides, fruticofa . virginiana. Lappula. apula . Moufe-ear, 1. M. feeds polifh’d, tops of the leaves callous, fcorpion - like, M. feeds polifh’d, Item fhrubby polifh’d. Jhrubby. 2. M. feeds barb-prikled, leaves egg-oblong, branches divaricated. Virginian. 3. M. feeds with prickles with barbs, leaves lanced hairy. 4. M. feeds naked, leaves hifpid, racemes leafy. 1 8 1. LITHOSPERMUM. Cor. funnel-form with throat perforated, naked. Cal. 5-parted. officinale . r. L. feeds polifh’d, corols fcarce furpafling the calyx, leaves lanced. officinal ‘ 2. L PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Lithofpermum 153. drvenfe . 2. L. feeds wrinkled, corols fcarce furpafling the calyx. 7 field . virginicum. 3. L. leaves fuboval nervy, corols pointed. Virginian, orientale . 7. L. branches flower-bearing lateral, brakes hearted ftem-clafping. oriental . purpuro- 4. L. feeds polifh’d, corols very frequently furpafling the coerulum . calyx. purple-blue . fruticofum. 5. L. fhrubby, leaves linear hifpid, ftamens equalling the corol. jhrubby . difpermum. 6. L. feeds two, calyxes expanding. two-feeded. tenuiflorum. L. leaves linear-lanced lance-briftled, corols thread- form. S. fiender -flower’d. 182. ANCHUSA. Cor . funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. Seeds engraved at the bafe. officinalis. 1 . angufii folia . 2. undulata. 3. tinttoria. 7. virgini ca. 5. lanata , 6. fempervirens. 8. A. leaves lanced fpikes imbricated one-rank’d. 0^7- nal. A. racemes nakedifh pair’d. narrow-leaved ., A. lance-briftled, leaves linear tooth’d, pedicels lefs than the bra£te, calyxes fruit-bearing inflated. waved. A. downy, leaves lanced obtufe, ftamens fhorter than the corol. dyers • A. flowers fcatter’d, ftem fmooth. Virginian . A. leaves villous, calyxes fhaggy, ftamens longer than the corol. woolly . A. peduncles two-leaved headed. ever -green. 183. CYNOGLOSSUM. CV. funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. jSV^y/j' de~ prefs’d, affix’d to the ftyle on the in- terior fide only. Houndjiongue . officinale. 1. C. ftamens fhorter than the corol, leaves broad-lanced downy feflile. officinal. virginicum.. 2. C. leaves fpatule-lanced lucid three-nerved at the bafe, bra£te of the peduncles ftem-clafping. Virginian . cheirifolium. 3. C. corols twice as long as the calyx, leaves lanced. cheiri-leaved. appeninum. 4. C. ftamens equalling the corol. appenine. u c. 154- five males, one female. Cyndgloffum. Icevigatum . C. leaves lance-egg’d fmoothifh, calyx downy, feeds polifh’d. polijh’d. lujitanicum . 6. C. leaves linear-lanced fmooth* portugal linifolium. 5. C. leaves linear-lanced rugged. flax-leaved. Omphalodes . 8. C. creeping, radical leaves hearted. navel’ d. Rindera . G. arils fmoothy ftem ere#, leaves elliptic foft. S . 184. PULMONARIA. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. Cal. prifmatic-^-cor-^ ner’d. Lungwort. * Perianth the length of the tube of the corol. angujliflolia. 1. P. radical leaves lanced. narrow-leaved, officinalis. 2. P. radical leaves egg-hearted rugged. officinah fuffruticofla. 6. P. leaves linear rugged, calyxes awl’d five-parted. JhrubbyiJh. * * Calyxes Jhorter by half than the tube of the corol. virginica. 3. P. calyxes abbreviated, leaves lanced obtufifh. Vir- ginian i Jibirica . 4. P. calyxes abbreviated, radical leaves hearted, fiberian . maritima. 5. P. calyxes abbreviated, leaves egg’d, ftem branchy procumbent. flea. 185. SYMPHYTUM. Border of the Corol tubular- bellied : the throat clofed with awfd rays. Comfrey. officinale. 1. S. leaves egg-lanced decurrent. officinal, tuberofum. 2. S. leaves femidecurrent: the higheft oppofite. tuberous, orientale. 3. S. leaves egg’d fubpetioled. orientale . • b 186. CERINTHE. Border of the Corol tubular- bellied : throat pervious. Seeds 2, two- cell’d. major. i. C. leaves ftem-clafping, corols obtufifh expanded. greater. miuor. . 2. C. leaves ftem-clafping intire, corols acute clofed. lefls. 187. ONOSMA. RENTANDRI A. MONOGYNIA. Qnofma. 155. 187. ONOSMA. Cor . bell’d: with throat pervious. Seeds 4. fimpliciffima , 1. O. leaves crowded lance-linear hairy, fimplejl, orientalis . 2. O. leaves lanced hifpid, fruit pendulous, oriental, echioides . 3. O, leaves lanced hifpid, fruit erect. echium-like . 188. BQRAGO. Corol wheel’d: the throat clofed with Rays. Borage . officinalis . indica. africana. %eylanica. orientalis . 1. B. leaves all alternate, calyxes expanding. officinal . 2, B. leaves of the ramifications oppofite ftem-clafping, peduncles one-flower’d. Indian , 4. B. leaves oppofite petioled egg’d, peduncles many- fiower’d. african. B. branch-leaves alternate feffile, peduncles one- flowei’d, calyxes earlefs. Ceylon . 4. B. calyxes fhorter than the tube of the corol, leaves hearted. oriental* 189. ASPERUGO. Ctf/. of the Fruit comprefs’d : with foldlets flat-parallel, finuous. procumbens . 1. A. calyxes of the fruit comprefs’d. procumbent eegyptiaca. 2. A. calyxes of the fruit bellied, agytian . 190. LYCOPSIS. Corol with tube curvated. veficaria . pulla. variegata . arvenfis. orientalis. virginica . 1. L. leaves moft intire, ftem proftrate, calyx frudtefcent inflated pendulous. bladder. 2. L. leaves moft intire, ftem eredt, calyxes frudtefcent inflated pendulous. dark. 3. Lo leaves fcollop’d tooth’d callous, ftem decumbent, corol s bowing. variegated. 4. L. leaves lanced hifpid, calyxes florefcent eredt. field. 5. ' L. leaves egg’d moft intire rugged, calyxes eredt. ori- ental. 6. L. leaves linear-lanced crowded downy foft, ftem erect. Virginian. 191. ECHIUM. Cor. irregular, with throat naked. fruticofum . j. E.. ftem fhrubby, branches and leaves hairy, Jhrubby. I56. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Echiuill. candicans. E. fhrubby fhaggy white, leaves lanced pointed at both ends vein-nerved, panicle terminal, pedicels fpiked. S. hoary, giganteum . E. fhrubby, branches hoary finooth, leaves linear- lanced ruggedifh feflile, thyrfe terminal : with fpilces firripleft. S. giant. Jlriftum. E. fhrubby, leaves petioled elliptic hifpid rugged, ftem reverfely hifpid, peduncles axillary, fpike headed. S. upright, argenteum . E. leaves linear white-fhagg’d expanded at top. filver. capitatum . 8. E. ftem hairy, flowers head-corymbed equal, ftamens longer than the corol, leaves hifpid. headed . plantagineum. E. radical leaves egg’d lined petioled. plaintain . laevigatum. 2. C. ftem polifh’d, leaves lanced naked rugged on the margin and top, equal to the corol. polijtid. italicum . 3. E. ftem eredt hairy, fpikes fhaggy, corols fubequal, ftamens longeft. Italian Jpicatum. E. fxems afcending ftmpleft, flowers fpiked. S. fpiked. vulgare. 4. E. ftem tubercle-hifpid, ftem-leaves lanced hifpid, flowers fpiked lateral. common, violaceum. 9. E. corols equalling the ftamens, with tube fhorter than the calyx. violet, creticum. 5. E. ftem procumbent, calyxes fru&efcent diftant. Cre- tan. orientale. 6. E. ftem branchy, ftem-leaves egg’d, flowers folitary lateral. oriental, lufitanicum. 7. E. corols longer than the flamen. Portugal . 1245. MESSERSCHMIDIA. Cor. funnel-form with throat naked. Berry corky, two-parti- ble : with each two-feeded. fruticofa . M. ftem branchy, leaves petioled corols falver-form. S. fhrubby . Arguzia. M. ftem herbaceous, leaves feflile, corols funnel-form. S. 192. TOURNEFORTIA. Berry two-cell’d, two- feeded, above, perforated with two pores at top. ferrata. j. T. leaves egg’d faw’d, petioles thorn-becoming, fpikes faw’d . 2. T. terminal recurved. PENTANDRiA. Monogynia. Tournefortia. 157. birfutifima. 2. T. leaves egg’d petioled, ftem fhaggy, fpikes moll branchy, terminal. mojirjbaggy . volubilis. 3. T. leaiies egg’d pointed fmooth, petioles reflected ftem twining. twining . argentea. T. leaves egg’d obtufe down-filky, fpikes terminal compound. S. fiver* fcetidiffima „ 4. T. leaves egg-lanced Ihaggy, peduncles branchy, fpikes pendulous. mojl -foetid, humilis. 5. T. leaves lanced feilile, fpikes fimple recurved lateral. humble . cymofa. 3. T. leaves egg’d moft intire naked, fpikes cymed. cymed. Juffruticofa , 8. T. leaves fublanced hoary, ftem ftirubbyifti. JhrubbyiJh. 193. NOLANA. Cor . bell’d. Style between the germs. Seeds 5, berried, two-cell’d. proflrata. 1. Nolana. prof rate. 194. DIAPENSIA. Cor . falver-form. Cal. 5-leaved, imbricated with three leaflets. Stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Capf 3-ceird. lapponica, i. D. flowers peduncled. lapland. 195. ARETIA. Cor. falver-form 5-cleft : with tube egg’d. Stigma head-deprefs’d. Capf. 1 -cell’d, globular moftly five-feeded. helvetica . A. imbricated, flowers fubfeflile. J wifs. alpina. 1. A. leaves linear expanding, flowers peduncled. al- pine. Vitaliana. A. leaves linear recurvate, flowers fubfeflile. Vitalian . 196. ANDROS ACE. Involucre of the umbellet. Tube of the Corol egg’d: with mouth glandular. Capf. 1 -cell’d, globular. maxima . i. A. perianths of the fruit largeft. largef. elongata . y. A. leaves fomewhat tooth’d, pedicels longeft, corols fhorter than the calyx. elongate . 2. A. 158. five males, one female. Androface. feptentrio . 2. A. leaves lanced tooth’d fmooth, perianths angled nalis. fhorter than the corol. northern . villofa . 3. A. leaves hairy perianth fhaggy. villous laflea, 4. A. leaves lanced fmooth, umbel many times longer than the involucres. milky, carnea. 5. A. leaves awi’d fmooth, umbel equalling the invo- lucre. ffhy- 197. PRIMULA. Involucre of the umbellet. Tube of Carol cylindric : with mouth expan- ded. Primrofe> vens. - farinofa. Auricula . minima . cortufoides . Integri folia. glut in of a. 1. 2. 3- 5* P. leaves tooth’d wrinkled. fpring . P. leaves notch’d fmooth, border of the flowers flat. mealy,. P. leaves faw’d fmooth. P. leaves wedge-form tooth’d glofiy fhaggy, fcapes moftly one-flower’d. leaf. 7. P. leaves petioled hearted fublobed notch’d, cortufa- like. 8. P. leaves mod: intire fmooth oblong, calyxes tubular obtufe. intire-leaved . P. involucre the length of the feflile flowers, leaves lanced glutinous. S. glutinous . 198. CORTUSA. Corol wheel’d : with a ring eleva- ted in the throat. Caff. 1 -cell’d, oval, with top 5-valved. Matthioli . 1. C. calyxes fhorter than the corol. of Matthiolus. Gmelini. 2. C. calyxes exceeding the corol. of Gmelin9 199. SOLDANELLA. Corol bell’d, torn-maily- cleft. Caff, i-cell’d, many-tooih’d at top. alpina . Soldanella. alpine 200. DODECATHEON. Cor . wheel’d, reflected, Stam. (landing on the tube.. Caff in cell’d, oblong. Meadxa . 1. Dodecatheon, 201. CY~ PJENTAMDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Cyckmell. 159, 201. CYCLAMEN. Cor. wheel'd, refleded, with tube fhoreft : the throat prominent» Berry cover'd with the capfule. Sow- bread. europeean. 1. C. corol retrofle&ed. european . indicum. 2. C. corol with border nodding. indian . 202. MENYANTHES. Corol {haggy. Stigma two- cleft. Caff. 1 -cell’d. Bogbean. Nymphoides . 1. M. leaves hearted moll intire, corols fringed. Nymphe - like . indica. 2. M. leaves hearted fomewhat notch’d, petioles flower- bearing, corols internally hairy. indian. trifoliata. 3. M. leaves three’d. tbree-leaved% ovata. M. leaves egg’d petioled, flem panicled. S. eggd. 203. HOTTONIA. Corol falver-form. . Stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Cap/ 1 -cell’d. palujlris. 1. H. peduncles verticil-many-flower’d. marjh. indica. a. H.? peduncles axillary one-flower’d. indian . 204. HYDROPHYLLUM. Cor. bell’d, with 5 honey-bearing longitudinal ftrias on the infide. Stigma 2-cleft. Cap/, globular 2 - v al ved . Water -lea/ virgimcum . i. H. leaves feather-cut. virginian . canadenfe . 2. H. leaves lobe-angled. Canadian . .224. ELLISIA. Cor. funnel-form, narrow. Berry dry, two-cell’d, two-valved. Seeds 2, dotted : with one upon the other. 1. Ellisia. 205. LY~ Nyfielea. i6o. five males, one female. Lyfimachia. 205. LYSIMACHIA. Cor . wheel’d. Capf globular, dagger’d, 10-valved. LooJe-Jirife . * With peduncles many-flowered, vulgaris. I. L. panicled : with racemes terminal. common * Ephemerum. 2. L. racemes fimple terminal, petals obtufe, ftamens fhorter than the corol. atropurpurea . 3. L. fpikes terminal, petals lanced, ftamens longer than the corol. black-purple, thyrflflora. 4. L. racemes lateral peduncied. thyrf e-flower’ d. * * With peduncles one -flow er' d. quadrifolia. 5, L. leaves four-fold fringed to the petiole, peduncles ' four-fold one-flower’d. four-leaved, punftata. 6. L. leaves moftly four-fold fubfeflile, peduncles verti - cil’d one-flower’d. dotted. Linum flel- 8. L. calyxes furpafling the corol, ftem eredt moft bran- latum. chy. ftar-flax. nemorum. 9. L. leaves egg’d acute, flowers folitary, ftem procum- bent. grove, nummula - ic. L. leaves nearly hearted flowers folitary, ftem creep- ria. ing. money-wort . 206. ANAGALLIS. Cor . wheel’d. Capf. circum- cifed arvenfls . 1. A. leaves undivided, ftem procumbent. field, monelli . 2. A. leaves undivided ftem ere£t. latifolia. 3. A. leaves hearted ftem-claping, ftem ccmprefs’d. broad-leaved . linifolia. 4. A. leaves linear, ftem eretfted/ flax-leaved, tenella . A. leaves egg’d acutifh, ftem creeping. tender . 207. THEOFHRASTA. Cor. bell’d, with the di- vifions and gafhes obtufe. Capf. 1 -cell’d, globular, large!!, many-feeded. Americana. I. Theqphrasta. american . 209. SPI- PENT ANDRIA. MONOGYNI A. Spigelia:. l6l* 209. SPIGELIA. Cor. funnel-form. Capf. twin’d, 2- cell’d, many-feeded. Anthelmia . i. S. ftem herbaceous, higheft leaves fourfold. Worm . marilandica . S* ftem four-corner’d* all the leaves bppofite. mary - 210. OPHIORRHIZA. Cor. funnel-form. Germ 2- cleft. Stigmas 2, Fruit 2-lobed. Mungos . i. O. leaves lance-egg’d. Mitreola . 2. O. leave egg’d. 1248. LISIANTHUS. Cor. tube bellied with divi» fions recurvate. Cal. keel’d. Stigma 2- lobed. 2-cell’d, oblong. longifolius . 1. L. leaves lanced. long-leaved, cordifolius . 2. L. leaves hearted. heart-leaved chelonoides . L. fmooth, leaves oppofite fubconjoin’d oblong, pani- cle terminal two-fork’d racemed. 5. chelone - like. glaber. L. fmooth, leaves egg’d petioled, corymbes terminal. fmooth* 21 1. RANDIA. CW. i-leaved. falver-form» Berry 1 -cell’d with bark capfular. mitis* 1. R. nearly unarm’d. mild, aculeata . 2. R. branches two-thorn’d. prickly. 212. AZALEA. Cor. bell’d. Stamens infertedon the receptacle. Capf. 5-cell’d. pontica. A. leaves glofly lanced fmooth on both fides, racemes terminal. pontic. indica . i. A. flowers fubfolitary, calyxes hairy. Indian . nudifiora . 2. A. leaves egg’d, corols hairy, ftamens longeft. naked- flower'd . vijcofa. 4. A. leaves rugged on the edge, corols hair-glutinous. vifcous. lapponica . 5. A. leaves befprinkled with hollow dots. lapland. procumbens. 6. A, branches diffufe-procumbent, procumbent . x 213. PLUM- 162. five males, one female. Plumbago. 213. PLUMBAGO. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens in- ferted in fcales doling the bafe of the corol. Stigma 5-cleft. Seed 1, oblong, coated. europaa . Zeylanica . rofea . [candens. 1. F. leaves ftem-clafping lanced rugged. european. 2. P. leaves petioled egg’d fmooth, Items thread-form. Ceylon . 3. P. leaves petioled egg’d fmooth fomewhat toothlet- ted, knots on the item gibbous. rofe. 4. P. leaves petioled egg’d fmooth, ftem winding-climb- ing. climbing. 1246. NIGRINA. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. inflated. Stigma obtufe. Capf. ? two-celi’d. •vifcofa. i. Nigrina. vifcous . 214. PHLOX. Cor . Salver-form. Filaments unequal. Stigma 3-cleft. Cal. prifmatic. Capf. 3-ceird, i-feeded. paniculata. 1 . P. leaves lanced rugged on the edge, corymbes pani- cled. panic led. maculata . 2. P. leaves lanced polilh’d, raceme oppofitely co- rymbed. [potted, pilofa. 3. P. leaves lanced villous, flem ere&, corymbe termi- nal. hairy . Carolina. 4. P. leaves lanced polilh’d. Item rugged, corymbe nearly level-top’d. Carolina, glaberrima. 5. P. leaves linear-lanced fmooth, liem ere&, corymbe terminal. [moothejl . divaricata. 6. P. leaves broad- lanced: the fuperior ones alternate, ftem two-cleft, peduncles double, divaricated, ovata. 7. P. leaves egg’d, flowers folitary. egg'd, fubulata. 8. P. leaves awl’d lhaggy, flowers oppofite. awVd. ftbirica . 9. P. leaves linear villous, peduncles threefold, fiberian . fetacea. 10. P. leaves briftly fmooth, flowers folitary. brijlly. -*339* P0R~ PENTANDRIA. MONOGYGIA. Porana. 163. 1339. PORANA. Cor . bell’d. CaL 5-cleft, greater in the Fruit. Style half-two-cleft, lon- ger, permanent. Stigmas globular. Per . two-valved, volubilis . Porana. twining . 215. CONVOLVULUS. C*r. bell’d, plaited. mas 2. 2-ceird : with cells two feeded. * With Jlem t wining . arvenfis . i. C. leaves arrow’d acute at both ends, peduncles moftly one-flower’d. field . fepium. 2. C. leaves arrow’d lop’d behind, peduncles four-cor- ner’d one-flower’d. hedge . Scammonia. 3. C. leaves arrow’d lop’d behind, peduncles columnar moftly three-flower’d. Scammony . fibiricus. C. leaves hearted pointed polifh’d, peduncles one- flower’d. fiberian. farinofus . C. leaves hearted pointed fcollop’d, peduncles three- flower’d, ftem mealy. mealy . Medium . 4. C. leaves linear halbert-pointed: with ears tooth’d, peduncles one-flower’d, calyxes arrow’d, ftem twining. panduratus. 5. C. leaves hearted intire violin-form, calyxes polifh’d. violin d. carolinus . 6. G. leaves hearted intire and three-lobed villous, calyxes polifh’d, capfules fhaggy, peduncles moftly two- flower’d. Carolina . hederaceus. 7. C. leaves hearted intire and three-lobed, corols undivi- ded, fruit eredl. ivy . ■M7. 8. C. leaves hearted three-lobed, corols half-five-cleft? peduncles fhorter than the petiole. purpureus . 9. C. leaves hearted undivided, fruit bowing, pedicels thicken'd. purple . angularis . C. leaves hearted five-angled moft intire, peduncles many-flower’d. angular. Batatas . 10. C. leaves hearted halberted five-nerved, ftem creeping tuberiferous hifpid. Vifiorus . 43. C. leaves hearted pubefcent, peduncle^ double, corols with lobes three-cleft. two-ficiwer' d, 164« FIVE males, one female. Convolvulus. yerticilla- 12. C. leaves hearted oblong naked, peduncles umbel’d tus. two-cleft many-flower’d. verticiVd. umbellatus. 13. C. leaves hearted, item twining, peduncles umbePd. umbeVd. malabari - 14. C. leaves hearted fmooth, item perennial villous, ma - cus . labar, canarienfts. 15. C. leaves hearted pubefcent, item perennial villous, peduncles many-flower’d. canary . muricatus. 47. C. leaves hearted, peduncles thicken’d and the calyxes polifh’d, item murex’d. murex' d. anceps . 44, C. leayes hearted, item twining keel’d on both fides. two-edged. Turpethum.iy . C. leaves hearted angled, item membranous quadran- gular, peduncles many-flower’d. Turbeth f grandifiorus. C. leaves hearted egg’d obtuflih moit intire, pedun- cles moitly two-flower’d, calyxes leathery, item and petioles pubefcent. S. great-jiower’d. maximus . C. leaves hearted egg’d pointed moit intire fmootheit. item and petioles fmootheit. S, greatejl. fpeciofus. C. leaves egg’d hearted acute ihaggy above filver- filky beneath, petioles columnar. S . fpecious. peltatus o 16. C. leaves targetted, peduncles many-flower’d. iar~ gctted. Jalapa* 45. C. leaves different : hearted angled oblong and lanced, item twining, peduncles one flower’d. Jalap, fericeus . 46. leaves lance-elliptic, down-filky underneath, peduncles fubumbel’d, calyxes hairy, item twining, filky. iomentofus . 18. C. leaves three-lobed downy, item woolly. downy, althaeoides. 19. C. leaves hearted finuous filky: lobes fcollop’d, pe- duncles two flower’d. alibcea-like. cairicus. 21. C» leaves feather-handed faw’d, peduncles thread- form panicled, calyxes polifh’d. Cairo, copticus. C. leaves footed faw’d, peduncles fword-form two- flower’d, calyxes murex’d. Coptic, vitfolius. C. leaves handed five-lobed fmooth-tooth’d, item hairy, peduncles many-flower’d vine-leaved, difleftus. C, leaves handed feven-parted tooth-finuous fmooth, item hairy, peduncles one-flower’d. differed, macro - 20. C. leaves hand-footed five-parted, peduncles one- carpus. flower’d. long-fruit, paniculatus . 23. C. leaves handed, lobes feven egg’d acute moit intire, peduncles panicled. panicled „ 22. C, PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Convolvulus. l6$. leaves finger’d fevenfold moft intire, ftem fmooth* peduncles three-flower’d. long-root, leaves finger’d finooth tooth’d, peduncles polifli’d. five-leaved. leaves finger’d fivefold hairy molt intire, ftem hairy. five-leaved. fhrubby ereS. fanffum. 26. S. tomentofum. 27. S. babamenfe, 28. S. igneum . 29. S. laurel-leaves, Prickly, ftem prickly herbaceous, leaves egg’d downy, pe- duncles pendulous thicken’d, calyxes prickly. infane, ftem prickly herbaceous, leaves hearted angled dow- ny prickly, berries fhaggy covered by the calyx. ferocious v ftem prickly fhaggy, leaves heart - oblong Ave- lobed : Anufes obtufe elevated. campechy « ftem prickly herbaceous, leaves hearted angle-lob- ed : on both fides villous prickly, pap' d. ftem and petioles prickly, leaves Anuous-angled fmooth above, flowers panicled. panicled . ftem prickly angled, leaves feather- cleft every way prickly: the divifions ftnuous obtufe, calyxes prickly. virginian, ftem prickly fhrubby, leaves wedge-form angled fubvillous moft intire : with prickles ftraight on both fides. Indian, ftem prickly fhrubby, leaves egg’d obtufe! y lobed : with prickles ftraight on both fides : the fuperi- or ones coloured. tawny, ftem prickly annual, leaves h albert -angled : with prickles on both fides ftraight, racemes loofe. carolinian . ftem prickly fhrubby columnar, leaves fea:her- cleft-Anuous fcatteredly prickled naked, calyxes prickly. fodom. ftem prickly fhrubby, prickles downy and the leaves obliquely egg’d fcol lop’d. holy, ftem prickly fhrubby : prickles awny, leaves heart- ed unarm’d fomewhat fcollop’d, tender purple- dufted. downy. ftem prickly fhrubby, leaves lanced fcollop’d obtufe refteiSted at the margin, racemes Ample, hahama. ftem prickly fhrubby, leaves lanced pointed revo- lute on both fides at the bafe, racemes Ample. igneous . 23. s. i82. five males, one female. Solanum. trilobatum . 23. S. ftem prickly fhrubby, leaves wedge-form moftly three-lobed fmooth obtufe unarm’d . three-lob ed. marginatum, S. prickly, leaves hearted fcollop’d white at the mar- min. S. margin'd, capenfe . S. Hem prickly fhrubby columnar, leaves finuous-fea- thercleft prickly naked : alternate divifions in- tire obtufe. S, Cape, * * * Thorny . lycioides . 34. S. Hem thorny fhrubby, leaves elliptic. licyum-Uke, 252. CAPSICUM. Cor . wheel'd. Berry juice- lefs. annuum: I. C. ftem herbaceous, peduncles folitary. annual, baccatum, 3. C. ftem fhrubby polifh’d, peduncles double, berried, grojfum . 4. C. ftem fhrubbyifh, fruit thicken’d various. grofs. frutefcens, 2. C. ftem fhrubby ruggedifh, peduncles folitary. Jhrub. growing - 253. STRYCHNOS. Cor. 5-cleft. Berry i-cell’d with a woody bark. Nuxvomica. 1. S. leaves egg’d, ftem unarm’d. vomiting nut. colubrina. 2. S. leaves egg’d acute, tendrils fimple. fnake. potatorum. S. unarm’d, leaves oppofite egg’d petioled acute, pa- nicles verticil’d. S. drunkards . 1370. IGNATIA. Calyx five-tooth’d. Carol longeft. Drupe one-cell'd, many feeded. S » amara . S. Ignatia. S. bitter . 240. GENIPA. Cor . wheel'd. Stigma club'd. Berry 2-cell'd. Seeds nidulant, hearted. Americana. Genipa. American. 261. CESTRUM. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens with toothlet in the middle. Berry 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. nofturnum. 1. C. flowers peduncled, leaves fomewhat heart-egg’d. night . C. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ceftrum. 183. vefpertinum. C. flowers fubfpiked lateral, leaves elliptic. evening . diurnum 2. C. flowers feflile. day • tomentofum . G. flowers crowded feflile terminal, branches leaves and calyxes downy. S . downy . 262. LYCIUM. Car. tubular, the throat clofed with the beard of the filaments. Berry 2-cell’d, many-feeded. afrum. I. L. leaves linear. african . barbarum . 2. L. leaves lanced, calyxes nearly two-cleft, barbarous, europceum. 3. L. leaves oblique, branches winding columnar, eu- capfulare. inerme . foetidum . tetrandrum . Boerhavia - folium . ropean . L. leaves lanced flender fmooth, peduncles and ca- lyxes pubefcent, pericarps capfular. capfular . L. unarm’d, fmooth, leaves oblong fmooth, flowers aggregate peduncled, ftipules bearded. 5. armed. L. leaves oppofite egg-lanced, ftipules within the leaves briftle-thorny, flowers axillary feflile. «S'. fetid . L. thorny-, leaves egg’d obtufe fleftiy, branches angled fmooth, corols four-cleft four-male. £. male. L. thorny, leaves egg’d moft intire acute fea-green, flowers panicled. 5. Boerhavia-leaved . 254. JACQUINIA. Car. io-cleft. Stamens in- fertedin the receptacle. i-feeded. armillaris . 2. I. leaves obtufe with a point. bracelet, rufcifolia . 1. I. leaves lanced pointed. Rufcus-leaved. linearis , 3. I. leaves linear pointed. linear. 255. CHIRONIA. CV. wheel’d. P//?// declin- ed. Stamens fitting on the tube of the corol. Anthers at laft fpiral. Peri- carp 2 -cell’d. trincrvia. 1. C. herbaceous, calyx-leaflets membrane-keel’d. three - nerved. jafminoides . 3. C. herbaceous, leaves lanced, ftem four - cornered. Jafmine-like . lychnoides . C. ftem Ample, leaves linear-lanced. Lychnis-like. C. 184. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Chironk. campanulata. 4. C. angularis, 5. C. Unoides. 2. C. baccifera . 7. C. frutefcens. 8. C. herbaceous, leaves fublinear, calyxes the length of the corol. bell'd, herbaceous, ftem acute-angled, leaves egg’d ftem- clafping. angular, herbaceous, leaves linear. Flax-like, fhrub-growing, berry-bearing. berry- bearing, fh rub -growing, leaves lanced fomewhat downy, calyxes bell’d . Jhrub- growing, fhrubby, leaves egg’d three-nerved obtufifh calyx- leaflets obtufifh keel’d. S. four-corner' d, herbaceous, leaves oblong obtufifh, items moftly two-leaved fimplefl: one-flower’d calyx-teeth briftly. S. naked-Jlem, 1371. TEKTONA. Stigma toothed. Drupe dry, fpungy, within the inflated calyx. Nu- cleus three-cell’d. S. tetragona, nudicaulis. C. c. grandis. Tectona. S, grand9 256. CORDIA. Cor. funnel-form. Style two- fork’d. Drupe with nucleufes two- cell’d. Myxa, 1 fpinefcens. Sebejlena. 3 Gerajcan - 4 thus. macrophylla. 4 Calloccoca . 5. C. leaves egg’d fmooth above, corymbes lateral, ca- lyxes ten-flriated. C. leaves egg’d acute faw’d rugged, petioles fome- what thorn-growing. thorn-growing . C. leaves oblong-egg’d fcollop’d rugged. C. leaves lance-egg’d rugged, panicle terminal, ca- lyxes ten-ftriated. C. leaves egg’d villous foot-and-half. long-leaved 1 C. leaves heart-egg’d molt intire, flowers corymbed, calyxes internally downy. 208. PATAGONULA. Cor. wheel’d. Style two- fork’d. Cal. fruit-bearing largeft. Americana, i. Patagonula. American. 257. EHRETIA PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ehretia. 1 85. 257. EHRETIA. Berry 2-ceird. Seeds folitary, two-ceird. Stigmas end-nick’d. tinifolia. I. E. leaves oblong-egg’d moft intire fmooth, flowers panicled. tinus -leaved . fpinofa. 2. E. thorny. thorny . Bourreria . 3. E. leaves egg’d moftly intire polifti’d, flowers fubco- rymbed, calyxes fmooth. exfucca . 4. E. leaves wedge-form-lanced reflected at the margin. juicelefs . 258. lineata. bullata . Martini cenjis. globofa. VARRONI A. Cor . 5-cleft. Drupe with nucleus 4-ceird. 1. V. leaves lanced lined, lateral peduncles growing to the petiole, fpikes globular. lined. 2. V. leaves egg’d vein-wrinkled, fpikes globular. Jlud - ded. 6. V. leaves egg’d pointed, fpikes oblong. Martini co. 3. V. leaves lance-oblong, item two-forked, peduncles axillary elongate naked, fpikes globular, globular, curajfavica . 4. V. leaves lanced, fpikes oblong. curajfao . alba. 5. V. leaves hearted, flowers cymed. white. 259. LAUGERIA. Car. 5-cleft. Drupe with nucleus 5-ceird. ,cdorata . I. Laugeria,. odorous. 260. . BRUNSFELSIA. Cor. funnel-form longeft. Berry 1 -cell’d, many feeded. amencana . Brunsfelsia. amen can. 263. CHRYSOPHYLLUM. Cor. bell’d, 10-cleft : the alternate divifions expanded. Ber- ry 10-feeded, Cainito. j. C. leaves egg’d parallelly ftriated, down-glofly un- derneath. glabrum . 2. C. leaves moft fmooth on both Tides. fmooth . A a 264. SI- 1 86. five males, one female. Sideroxylon. 264. SIDEROXYLON. Cor. 10-cleft: the alter- nate divifions incurved. Stigma Am- ple. Berry 5-feeded. mite. I . inerme. I . melanophleus. 4. tenax. 5* lycioides. 2. decandrum . 3. fpinofum. 7. foetidiffima. 6. cymofum* S. unarm’d, flowers feflile. mild. S. unarm’d, leaves perennial inverfe-egg’d, peduncles columnar. - unarm'd. S. unarm’d, leaves perennial lanced, peduncles angled. S. nearly unarm’d, leaves deciduous lanced downy underneath, peduncles thread-form. tenacious. S. thorny, leaves deciduous lanced. lycium-like. S. thorny, leaves deciduous elliptic. ten-male. S. thorny, leaves perennial. thorny. S. unarm’d, leaves fuboppofite, flowers molt ex- panding. " mojl fetid. S. unarm’d, leaves oppofite petioled, cymes com- pound and decompound. S. cymed . 265. RHAMNUS. Cal. tubular : with fcales for- tifying the Stamens. Cor . none. Ber- ry. * Thorny. catharticus. 1. R. thorns terminal, flowers four -cleft, two-houfe leaves egg’d, Item ere£t. cathartic, infefiorius. 21. R. thorns terminal, flowers four-cleft, two-houfe. Items procumbent. lycioides. 2. R. thorns terminal, leaves linear. lycium-like. oleoides . 3. R. thorns terminal, leaves oblong moft intire, olive- like. faxatilis . 20. R. thorns terminal, flowers four-cleft hermaphrodite. rock. theezans . R. thorns terminal, leaves egg’d fine-faw’d, branches divaricated. pentaphyllus. R. thorns lateral, leaves folitary and fived. five- leaved. * * Unarm'd. Sarcompha- 6. R. unarm’d, leaves oval leathery moft intire end- lus. nicked. Micranthus. 7. R. unarm’d, leaves egg-lanced oblique pubefcent, ftipules lanced pointed deciduous. 10. R. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNI A. RhamnilS. I 87. cuhenfis 10. R. unarm’d, flowers hermaphrodite., capfules three- cell’d, leaves wrinkled moft intire downy. Cuba. colubrinus . 8. R. unarm’d, flowers one-female hermaphrodite ere£l, capfules three - grained, petioles iron - downy. fnake . alpinus. 4. R. unarm’d, flowers two- ho ufe,l eaves double-notch’d. alpine . pwnilus. 21. R. unarm’d creeping, flowers hermaphrodite, leaves faw’d. dwarf. Frangula. 5. R. unarm’d, flowers one-female hermaphrodite, leaves moft intire lineatus. 11. R. unarm’d, flowers hermaphrodite, leaves egg’d lin- ed fcollop’d netted underneath. lined. Alaternus . 9. R. unarm’d, flowers two-houfe, ftigma three-fold, leaves faw’d. volubilis. R. unarm’d, ftem twining, leaves moft intire egg’d ftriated. S. twining . tetragonus . R. unarm’d, leaves egg’d intire fmooth feflile, branches four-corner’d. S. four -corner'd. * * * Prickly. Paliurus. 12. R. prickles doubled: the inferior one reflected, flow- ers three-female. R. prickles doubled : one recurved, leaves egg-oblong. Lotus . ignaveus *3- J7‘ R. prickles doubled : one expanding, racemes axil- lary one-houfe, leaves naked. fluggift>' Napeca . 14. R. prickles moftly doubled recurved, peduncles co- rymbed, flowers half-two-female, leaves fawed polifh’d on both fides. fujuba. 15. R. prickles folitary recurved, peduncles aggregate, flowers half-two-female, leaves retufe downy underneath. Oenoplia. 16. R. prickles folitary recurved, peduncles aggregate fubfeflile, leaves half-hearted downy underneath. Zizyphus , 18. R. prickles doubled : one recurved, flowers two-fe- male, leaves egg-oblong. Spina io. R. prickles doubled ftraight, leaves egjg’d. thorn of Chrifii . Chrijl. drcumfcijfus . R. prickly, leaves oppofite two-faced inverfe-hearted prickles oppofite-leav’d, S. circumcifed. A a 2 266. PHY- 1 88. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Phylica. 266. ericoides. bicolor . plumofa . imberbis . flipularis, dioica. buxifolia. racemofa . parvifora. pint folia. callofa . fpicata . 267. amencana. 1 afiaticus. africanus I25O. bifpinofa. 268. PHYLICA. Perianth 5 -parted, top-like. P. leaves linear dagger’d fmooth keel’d, dotted under- neath both ways. D. leaves linear-lanced, convex und«r, imbricated two ways Heath-like. D. leaves linear three-fided dotted underneath. cape. D. leaves linear imbricated rugged fringed, flowers ,0 n 1 fpikc~he^e , CrS ^°^tary* notched, j. u. leaves egg-oblong, flowers folitary terminal. one- r\ , , , Rower d. 9. U. leaves egg d obtufe glandular-notched, flowers double axillary. prett U. leaves egg d notch’d, peduncles axillary folitary, ftem villous. S. broad-leaved. capfulesone-cellM. 5. one-capfuled. U. leaves heart-attenuated membrane-margined. S. p. . margined. J-J- leaves hearted ftem-clafping, petals bearded. S. p. . beard-bearing. U. leaves hearted retufe complicate- keel’d fringed, branches one-llower’d. S. four -corner'd. 274. BRUNIA. Flowers aggregate. Filaments inferted in the claws of the petals. Stigma 2-cleft. Seeds folitary, two- cell’d. nodi for a. i. B. leaves imbricated three-fided acute, knot- flowering, paleaua. b. leaves five-ways imbricated apprefTed, corymbe terminal, chaff of the heads protruded, chaffy . 2. B. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Brunia. 191. lanuginofa . abrot amides. ciliata . radiata . glutinofa . verticillata. 2. B. leaves linear expanded, callous at top. woolly . 4. B. leaves linear-lanced expanding three-fided callous at top. abrot anum-like. 3. B. leaves egg’d pointed fringed. fringed. B. leaves linear three-fided, calyx radiate with the internal leaflets colour’d. radiate . B. leaves linear three-fided, calyx radiate : all the leaflets coloured. glutinous . B. leaves three-fided obtufe fmooth, branchlets verti- cil’d level-top’d, heads terminal fmooth. S . vert idl’d. 1372. ESCALLONIA. Fruit two-cell’d, many feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stig- ma headed. Myrtilloides. Escallonia. S. Myrtle-like . 1373. CORYNOCARPUS. Nut club’d. NeBa- ries five, petalform, alternating with the petals, gland-bearing at the bafe. S . lavigata . Corynocarpus. S, pdijb’d. 1374. ARGOPHYLLUM. Capfule three-celled. NeBary pyramidal, five- angled, the length of the corol. S- nitidum. ArgophYllum. S . gloffi* 1247. CYRILLA. Petals acute, inferted in the re- ceptacle. Capf. 2-celPd. Styles two- cleft, permanent. racemiflora . 1. Cyrilla. raceme-flower' d. 275. ITEA. Petals long, inferted in the calyx. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved. virginica. I. I tea Virginian . 276. GALAX. 192. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. GalaX. 276. GALAX. Cor. falver-form. Cal. io-leavecL Cap/. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved, elaftic. aphylla . i. Galax. leaflefs , 277. CEDRELA. Cal. withering. Cor. 5 - pe- tal’d, funnel-form, growing at the bafe to one-third of the receptacle. Capy woody, 5-cell’d, 5-valved. Seeds imbricated downwards, with a mem- branous wing. odorata . A C. flowers panicled. odorous . 278. MANGIFERA. Cor. 5-petard. Drupe kid- ney-form. pinnata. Leaves feather’d, flowers ten-male. S. pother'd. indica . i. Leaves Ample flowers ten-male. S. Indian, 280. HIRTELLA. Petals 5. Filaments longeft, permanent, fpiral. Berry i-feeded* Style lateral. americana. i. Hirtella. american. 1249. PLECTRONIA. Petals 5 inferted in the throat of the calyx. Berry 2-feeded, beneath. ventofa. i. Plectronia. windy . 281. RIBES. Petals 5 and the ftamens inferted in the calyx. Style 2 -cleft. Berry many-feeded, beneath, * Ribefla unarmed . Courants. rubrum. i. R. unarm’d, racemes fmooth pendulous, flowers flat- tilh. red. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. RibeS. I93. alpinum. 2. R. unarm’d, racemes erect : with bra&es longer than the flower. alpine • nigrum . 3. R. unarm’d, racemes hairy, flowers oblong. black . reclinata . 4. GroJJiilaria . 5. Una crifpa . 7. oxyacantboi - 6. des. cynofbati . 8. diacantha. * * Groflulariae prickly. Goofeberrics . R. branches fomewhat prickly reclined, peduncles with a three-leaved bracte. reclined . R. branches prickly, fringes of the petioles hairy, berries ftiaggy. R. branches prickly, berries fmooth, pedicels with a one-leaved bra<5te. one curl • R. branches every way prickly. R. prickles fubaxillary, berries prickly racemed. R. leaves gaftied, prickles double at the ends. S. tWQ-thorrfd \ 282. GRONOVIA. Petals 5 and the ftamens in- ferted on the bell’d calyx. Berry dry, one-feeded, beneath. /candens, i. Gronovia. climbing . 1296. AQUILICIA. CW. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Afco itery pitcher’d with 15 fcalevs. Berry 5-ceird aSW; folitary. fambucina . Aquilicia. Elder, 283. HEDERA. Petals 5, oblong. Ihrry 5-feeded encompafs’d by the calyx. J'ujy. Helix . 1. H. leaves egg’d and lobed. quinquefolia. 2. H. leaves fived egg’d fawed. five-leaved. 284. VITIS. Petals cohering at top, withered. Berry 5-feeded, above. ^7«^. vinifera. 1. V. leaves lobed finuous naked. wine-bearing, indica. 2. V. leaves hearted toothed villous underneath, tendrils raceme-bearing. indian . Labru/ea. 3. V. leaves hearted moftly three-1 obed toothed downy underneath. B b 4 V. 194« five males, one female. Vitis. vulpina, 4. V. leaves hearted tooth-fa w’d naked on both fides. fox. trifolia. 5. V. leaves three’d : the leaflets roundifh faw’d. three- leaved. laciniofa. 6. V. leaves fived : the leaflets many-cleft. cut. heptaphyila. V. leaves feven’d egg’d moft intire. feven-leaved. arbor ea. 7. V. leaves fuper -decompounded : the lateral leaflets feathered arborefcent. 285. LAGOECIA. Involucre univerfal and partial. Petals 2-cleft. Seeds folitary, beneath. Cuminoides. 1. Lagoecia. Cumine-like . 1234. RORIDULA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. 5-leaved. Cap/. 3-valved. Anthers bag-form at the bafe. dentata. 1. Roridula.! tooth'd. 286. SAUVAGESIA. Cor. 5-petal’d, fring’d. Cal. 5-leaved. Neffiary 5-leaved, alterna- ting with the petals. Capf. 1 -cell’d. eretta. 1. Sauvagesia. ereft. 287. CLAYTONIA. Cal. 2-valved. Cor . 5-pe- tal’d. Stigma 3 -cleft. Capf. 3-valved, 1 -cell’d, 3-feeded. virginica. I. C. leaves linear. Virginian, fibirica. 2. C. leaves egg’d. ftberian. Portulacaria. C. item arborefcent ere&. Portulaca. 1297. HELICONIA. Spathe univerfal and partial. Cal. o. Cor. 3-petal’d : Nell ary 2- leaved. Capf. three-grain’d. Bihai. H. leaves nerved netted attenuated at the bafe, ne&ary halberted free. S. H. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYN1 A. Heliconia. I95. alba . pfittacorum. Jpirfuta. H. nerves of the leaves moft fimple fmootheft, egg- rounded at the bafe, nedfcaryjialberted free. S. white . H. leaves fmootheft nerved rounded at the bafe, infto- refcence moft fmooth, fpadix eredt bradtelefs, nedtary lanced adhering. S. parrot. H. leaves rounded at the bafe moft Amply nerved fmootheft, inflorefcence fhaggy, fpadix winding, nedtary lanced adhering. S. Jhaggy» 288. ACHYRANTHES. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor . o. Stigma 2 -cleft. Seeds folitary. afpera. lappacea . muricata, corymbofa . dichotoma. projlrata . alter nifolia. patula . lappacea . 3. A. ftem fhrubby eredt, calyxes refiedted apprefled to the fpike. rough. 4. A. ftem fhrubby diffufe, proftrate with interrupted fpikes, the lateral florets on both fldes with a hooked fafcicle of briftles. burry. 2. A. ftem flirubby expanding, leaves alternate, flowers fpiked remote egg’d, calyxes ragged, murex' d. 7. A. leaves fourfold linear, panicle two-fork-corymbed. corymbed. 10. A. ftem fhrubbyifti, fpikes oppofite linear flat acute, cyme two-fork’d. two-fork' d. 5. A ftems proftrate fhrubby, fpikes oblong : florets with a hooked fafcicle on both fldes. projlrate. A. ftem eredt, flowers in fubglobular hedgehogs. S. alternate-leaved . A. ftem flirubby expanded pubefcent, flowers in or- bicular fpikes hedgehog-hook’d. S. expanded. A. ftem flirubby diffufe proftrate, fpikes interrupted, lateral florets on both fldes in a hook’d fafcicle of briftles. S. burry. 289. GELOSIA. Cal. 3-leaved. Carols 5 petal’d in appearance. Stamens conjoined at the bafe to the plaited ne&ary. Capf. gaping horizontally. argentea. i. C. leaves lanced, ftipules fomewhat flckled, peduncles angled, fpikes parched. fiver. B b 2 2. C. I96. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Celofia. margarita - 2. cea. crijlata. 3. paniculata . 6* coccinea. 5. cajlrenfis. 4. trigyna. lanata . 7. nodijlora. 8. Gnaphaloides. C. leaves egg’d, ftipules Tickled, peduncles angled, fpikes parched. pearl. C. leaves obiong-egg’d, peduncles columnar fubftri- ated, fpikes oblong. ✓ crejled . C. leaves egg-oblong, ftem rifing panicled ; fpikes alternate terminal remote. panicled. C. leaves egg’d upright earlefs, ftem furrow’d, fpikes manyfold crefted. fcarlet. C. leaves lance-egg’d lined moft pointed, ftipules fickled, fpikes crefted. camp. ' C. leaves egg-oblong, raceme loofe, piftil three-cleft. C. leaves lanced downy obtufe, fpikes mens woolly. woolly. C. leaves wedge-form acutifli, fpikes globular lateral knot-flowering . C. fhrubby woolly, leaves oppofite egg’d white un- dearneath, head globular peduncled. S. Gnap- halium-like . three-female. crowded, fta- 290. ILLECEBRUM. Cal. 5-leaved, cartilaginous. Cor. none. Stigma fimple. Capf. 5-valved, one-feeded. brachiatum . fanguinolen - turn lanata . javanica. verti ciliatum. I . fuffruticofum.'i. cymofum. 3. Paronychia . 4. capitatum . 5. bcnghalenfls. I. ftem ere£t herbaceous crofs-arm’d, leaves oppofite polifh’d. crofs-armd . I. fhrub-growing, leaves oppofite, fpikes compound colledted. bloody. I. ftem fubherbaceous ere£f, flowers lateral, leaves alternate. woolly. I. ftem herbaceous ereit white downy, leaves alter- nate Java . I. flowers verticil’d naked, ftems procumbent, ver- ticil'd. I. flowers lateral folitary, ftems fhrubbyifh. JbrubbyiJk. I. fpikes cymed one-rank’d, ftem diffufe. cymed. I. flowers bradfed glofly fenced, ftems procumbent, leaves polifhed. I. flowers bra&ed glofly concealing the terminal heads, ftems eredtifh, leaves fringed villous underneath. headed. I. ftem ere& herbaceous, leaves alternate and oppo- fite lanced pubefcent. Benghal. II. I. PENT AN DR I A* MONOGYNIA» IllcCcbrUITl* I 97* arabicum . 1 1 . Acbyraniha. 6. polygono ides. 7. ficoideum . 8. feffile. 9. ver micula- 10. turn. alfinef otium. \2. Monfonuz. Canarienj'e. I. flowers (batter’d collected, brades glofly equal, ftems procumbent. ? arabian . I. ftems creeping hairy, leaves egg’d dagger’d the op- pofite one lefs, heads jfubglobular fomewhat thorny. L ftems creeping fhaggy, leaves broad-lanced petioled, heads orbicular naked. polygonum-like, I. ftems creeping fmooth, leaves broad-lanced peti- oled, heads orbicular pubefcent. fig-like. I. ftems creeping downy two-ways, leaves lanced fub- feflile, heads oblong fmooth. fijfih* I. ftems creeping fmooth, leaves fub-columnar fleihy, heads oblong fmooth terminal. worm. I. ftems diffufe, leaves egg’d, flowers colle&ed brac- ted aloffy. chickweed- leaved. I. fpikes terminal, ftems proftrate, leaves awl’d. S. I. (hrubby, leaves elliptic acute, ftipules and brakes eo-g’d (horter, panicles terminal two-fork’d. S. Canary. 291. GLAUX. Cal i -leaved. Cor. none. i -cell'd, 5-valved, 5-feeded. maritima . 1. Glaux. Cap/ fe ea* 292. THESIUM. Cal. i -leaved, on which the ftamens are inferted. Seed i, beneath. Linophyllum. 1. alpinum. 2 • F rife a. fpicatum. cdpitatum . 3. jlriftum. umbellatum. 6. fcabrum. 4. panicidatum . 7. amplexi caule. T. panicle leafy, leaves linear. Flax-leUved . X. raceme leaved, leaves linear. alpine . T. flowers fubfpiked one-ranked fringe- woolly, leaves awl’d. T. flowers fpiked polifhed, leaves awled fhorteft re- moteft. fpiked. T. flowers headed feflile terminal, leaves three -flded polifhed, brabtes egg’d. headed I*. T. flowers umbel’d, leaves linear decurent. upright. T. flowers umbel’d, leaves oblong. umbeVd. T. heads peduncled, leaves three-fided, moft rugged on the edge and keel. rugged. X. the whole panicled. panicled. X. flowers fubfpiked one-rank’d fringe-woolly. fiemm- clafping. T. I98. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Thefium. euphorbides. colpoon . fpinofum . iriflorum . fragile • [quarrofum* lineatum . T. peduncles, three-flower’ d terminal, leaves fome- what egg’d flefhy. fpunge-like . T. leaves oppoflte petioled inverfe-egg’d flat moft in- tire, corymb terminal leaflefs. 5. T. leaves awl’d dagger’d, flowers axillary folitary. <9. thorny. T. leaves lanced, Items angled, peduncles axillary three-fork’d cofnpound. S. three -flower'd. T. leaves egg-three-fided keel’d decurrent, Item an- gled, flowers axillary feflile. S. fragile. T. leaves linear- awl’d recurvate-refle&ed, Item colum- nar, flowers axillary feflile. S. ragged. T. leaves linear, item columnar angled leaflefs beneath, branches ftraight divaricated, flowers axillary peduncled. S. lined . 293. RAUVOLFIA. Contorted, two-feeded. Berry fucculent. nitida . canefcens. tomentofa . 1. R. moft fmooth moft glofly. 2. R. fubpubefcent. 3. R. downy. hoary, downy . I252- PiEDERIA. Contorted, fragile, two-feeded. Berry empty. Style 2-cleft. faetida . I. PiEDERIA. fetid. I25I. CARISSA. Contorted. Berries two, many- feeded. Carandas. fpinarum. x. C. leaves elliptic obtufe. C. leaves egg’d acute. thorn . 294. CERBERA. Contorted. Drupe one-feeded. Ah oval. Manghas. Thevetiay 1. C. leaves egg’d. 2. C, leaves lanced : with tranfverfe nerves. 3. C. leaves linear longeft crowded. 296. GAR- PENTANDRiA. MONOGYNiA. Gardenia. 199. 296. GARDENIA. Contorted. Berry beneath, many - feeded. Style elevated, two- lobed. Cal. with vertical divifions. Thumhergia. Jioricla. Mujfenda. gummifera. fpinofa . Rothmannia. G. unarmed, leaves egg’d acute at both ends, ftipules obtufe, calyx funnel-form appendaged : with divifions cowl’d petioled. S. Thumberg . G. unarmed, leaves egg’d acute at both ends, ftipules obtufe, calyx-divifions vertical tube ftraight. S. flowering. G. unarmed, leaves egg’d acute, ftipules dagger’d, calyx-divifions awl’d comprefs’d, tube incurvate fhaggy. S. G. unarmed, leaves oblong obtufe fhaggy, ftipules awl’d, divifions of the calyx egg’d Ihorteft, tube ftraight. S. gum-bearing. G. thorns twofold oppofite on the branches ftraight ex- -r panding, leaves inverfe-egg’d, divifions of the calyx leafy, tube moft fhort. S. thorny. G. unarmed, leaves oblong, ftipules awl’d, divifions of the calyx awl’d columnar the length of the tube, tube fmooth enlarged fhort. S. 1295. ALLAMANDA. Contorted. Cap/, lens- form, ereft, hedge-hog’d, 1 -cell’d two- valved, many-feeded. Cflihartica. Allamanda. S. cathartic . 295. VINCA. Contorted. Follicles 2, ereft. Seeds naked. Periwincle. minor . 1. V. ftems procumbent, leaves lance-egg’d, flowers peduncled. left, major. 2. V. ftems eredf, leaves egg’d, flowers peduncled. greater . lutea. 3. V. ftem twining, leaves oblong. yellow, rofea. 4. V. ftem fhrub-growing ereens. S. creeping. S. creeping . 1368. RETZIA. Capf. 2-cell’d. Cor. cylindrical, villous without. Stigma 2-cleft. S. /picata . Retzia. J piked . 1369. EPACRIS. Capf. 5-ceird, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous. Scales nedtar^- bearing, growing on the germ. S. E. arbore fcent, leaves awl’d fheathing, racemes ere&, flowers oppoflte. S. long-leaved , E. arborefcent, leaves fcattered linear acute expand- ing feflile, racemes bowing, flowers alternate. S. juniper. E. herbaceous, leaves egg-oblong imbricated, flowers feflile fubfolitary. S . dwarf. 1370. IGNATIA. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Cor. longeft. Drupe 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. S. mara. Ignatia. bitter. longfolia . juniperina. pumila. 1371. TEK- PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Tektona. 203, 1371. TEKTONA. Stigma tooth’d : Drupe dry , fpongy, within an inflated calyx, nu- cleus 3-celPd* S. grandis, Tektona. great . 1372. ESCALLONIA. Fruit 2-cell’d, many- feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stig- ma headed. S. myrtilloides, Escallonia. myrtle-like. 1373. CORYNOCARPUS. Nut club’d. Netta- ries five, petal-form, alternating with the petals, gland-bearing at the bafe. S . lavigata. Cor vno car pus. polijhed . 1374. AGROPHYLLUM. Cap/. 3 -cell’d. Nec- tary pyramidal, five-angled, the length of the corol. S . nitidum . Argophyllum. glojjy . TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J 1253. PERGULARIA. Contorted. Nettary fur- rounding the Fructification with 5-ar- row’d pikes. Cor . falver-form. glair a, i. P. leaves egg’d fmooth. tomentofa. 2. P. leaves hearted downy. fmooth • downy. C C 2 303. PE- 204. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Pcriploca. 303. PERIPLOCA. Contorted. NeSlary fur- rounding the Falsification, protrud- ing 5 filaments. graca. 1. P. flowers internally fhaggy terminal. greet f. Secamone * P. flowers internally fhaggy panicled, leaves lance- elliptic. indica. 2. P. (pikes imbricated. Indian, africana . 3. P. ft£m fhaggy. african . efculenta. P. fmooth, leaves linear-awl’d, racemes elongate Am- ple, flowers naked within. S. -ef culent . 304. CYNANCHUM. Contorted. Neffary cy- lindrical, 5-tooth,d. viminale . C. ftem twining perennial leaflefs. after, acutum . 1. C. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves heart -oblong ftnooth. acute . planifolium. 6. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted flnooth downy under- neath, peduncles fubracemed. flat-leaved, racemofum . 7. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted ftnooth acute, race- mes Ample. racemed. maritimum. 8. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted fhaggy downy under- neath, peduncles aggregate. fea. fuberofum. 2. C. ftem twining corky beneath flit, leaves hearted pointed. corky, hirtum. 3. C. ftem twining fhrubby corky beneath flit, leaves egg-hearted. flaggy, monfpelia - 4. C. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves kidneyform- cum. hearted acute. montpelier . undulatum . 9. C. ftem twining, leaves lance-egg’d ftnooth, umbels globular. waved, erefium* 5. C. ftem ere£t divaricated, leaves hearted ftnooth. eredi. capenfe . C. ftem twining every way uniform, leaves nearly heart-egg’d, peduncles many - flower’d. S. cape . tenellum . C. ftem herbaceous fomewhat twining, leaves egg- oblong. S. tender . fUiforme . C, ftem ereS moft Ample, leaves linear, flowers ver- ticil’d axillary. S . thread-form. C. pent andri a. dig YNi a. Cynanchum. 205, obtuflfolium . C. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves oblong rounded at the top with a point, umbels lateral. S . obtufe-leaved . 305. APOCYNUM. Cor . bell'd. Filaments 5, alternate with the ftamens. androfismifo- I. hum. cannabinum . 2. venetum . 3. frutefcens . 4. reticulatum . 5. minutum, filiforme . lineare . trifiorum. A. ftem ftraightifh herbaceous, leaves egg’d fmooth on both fides, cymes terminal, androfe mum-leaved . A. ftem ftraightifh herbaceous, leaves oblong, panicles terminal. hemp, A. ftem ftraightifh herbaceous, leaves egg-lanced. Venice. A. ftem erey' * * * With leaves alternate . rubra. 17. A. leaves alternate egg’d, many umbels from the fame common peduncle. red. 18. A. volubilis . crijpa. afthmatica. PENTANDRIA. DIG Y N I A • AfclepiaS. 20J, tuberofa. 18. A. leaves alternate lanced, item divaricated, hairy. tuberous . 307. STAPELI^ . Contorted. NeBary with a dou- ble ftarlet covering the fructification. ‘variegata . 1. S. toothlets of the branches expanding. variegated . hirfuta . 2. S. tooihlets of the branches ere five males, three females. Phamaceum. deprejfum . P. peduncles one flower’d lateral, leaves lanced pu- befeent. deprejfed . incanum . 2. P. common peduncles longeft, leaves linear. hoary, dijlichum . P. racemes two-parted winding, leaves fublinear pu- befeent. two-rank’ d. cordifolium. 4. P. racemes two-parted terminal, leaves inverfe-heart- ed. heart-leaved. P. umbels unequal, leaves linear, oppofitions re- mote. S. linear. P* flowers glomerated, Item winding, leaves linear. S. generated. P. fhrubbyifk, leaves linear four-faced imbricated. S. quadrangular. P. downy, peduncles umbel’d, leaves egg’d colum- narifb obtufe interwoven with wool. S. f mall- leaved. P. peduncles axillary elongated two-fork’d, leaves vertieij’d linear. S. two-fork' d. P. common peduncles moft long, leaves linear ex- ftipuled. S . white P. common peduncles moft long, leaves linear, ftipules hairy. S. hoary. P. peduncles one flower’d, leaves egg’d, thyme- leaved. 380. ALSINE. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, equal. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 3-valved. Chickweed, media . I. A. petals two-parted, leaves egg-hearted. middle, fegetalis . 2. A. petals intire, leaves fomewhat awl’d. corn . mucronata. 3. A. petals intire fhort, leaves briftly, calyxes awl’d. dagger’d. 381. DRYPIS. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Petals 5. Capf. circumcifed, i-feeded. fpinofa . I. Drypis. thorny. lineare. glomeratum. quadrangu- lare. microphyl- lum . dichotomum. aliens, incanum . ferpyllifolium. 382. BASELLA EENTANDRI A. TRIG YNIA. Bafella. 382. BASELLA. Cal o. Cor . 7-cleft : with the two oppofite divifions broader, at laft berried. Seed 1. rubra . I. B. leaves flat, peduncles Ample. red. alba . 2. B. leaves waved egg’d, peduncles Ample longer than. the leaf. white, lucida. 3. B. fomewhat hearted, peduncles crowded branchy. lucid. 383, SAROTHRA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-pe- tard. Capf. 1 -cell'd, 3-valved, co- lour’d. Gentianoides. i. Sarothra. Gentian-like. 1379. SEMECARPUS. Cor. 5-petal’d. Drupe celletted, t-feeded. S. Anacardium. Semecarpus. FOUR FEMALES. fTetragynia.J .384. PARNASSIA. Cal 5-parted. Petals 5. Nettaries 5, hearted, fringed with glo- bular tops. Capf. 4-valved. Grafs of Varnajfus. paluflris . Parnassia. marjh. 385. EVOLVULUS. Cal 5-leaved. Cor. 5- cleft, wheel’d. Capf. 3-ceird. Seeds folitary. nummula - t. E. leaves roundifh, ftem creeping, flowers fubfeflile. 236. FIVE MALES. FOUR FEMALES. Evolvulus. gangeticus . 3. E. leaves hearted obtufe dagger’d villous petioled, ftem diffufe, peduncles one-flower’d. gangetic . alfmoides. 3. E. leaves inverfe-hearted obtufe hairy petioled, ftem diffufe, peduncles three-ftower’d. alfene-like. linifolius. 4. E. leaves lanced villous feflile eredf, peduncles three- flower’d long. fiax-leavedy tridentatus. 5. E. leaves linear- wedge-form three-fpik’d tooth’d at the dilated bafe, peduncles one-flower’d. three - tooth'd. emarginatus. E. leaves kidney-form fcollop’d. S. end-nick' d. FIVE FEMALES. f PentagyniaJ 286. ARALIA. Involucre to the umbellet. Cal . 5-tooth,d, above. Cor . five-petard. Berry 5-feeded. drhorea. fpinofa. cbinenfts , racemofa. nudicaulis . 1. A. arborefcent, leaves Ample, rays of the univerfal umbel one-glanded. tree. 2. A. arborefcent, ftem and leaves prickly. thorny. 3. A. ftem and petioles prickly, leaflets unarm’d villous. china. 3. A. ftem leafy herbaceous petioled. racemed. 4. A. ftem nakedifh, leaves two-fold three’d. naked - 338, STATICE. Cal. one-leaved, intire, plaited, parch’d'. Petals 5. Seed 1, above. thrift. Armenia. i. S. fcape fimple headed, leaves linear. Limonium , 2. S, fcape panicled columnar, leaves polifh’d nervelefs, dagger’d underneath. incana. 14. S. fcape panicled, leaves lanced three-nerv’d, fome- what waved dagger’d at top, branches of the panicle three-ftded. hoary. cordata. 3. S. fcape panicled, leaves fpatuled retufe. hearted . PENTANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Statice. 2 37, reticulata. e chi ciides. fpeciofa. tartarica. Echinus. fexnofa. 5- 4- 6. purpurata. 16. minuta. 15. fuffruticoja. 10. monopet ala. lr. aurea . 13. ferulacea . 12 • pruinofa. 17. Jinuata. 14. mucronata. lohata. Unifolia.,, S. fcape panicled proftrate, branches barren retroflex naked, leaves wedge-form awnlefs. notted. S. fcape panicled columnar" jointed, leaves rugged. echium-like. fcape two-fork’d two-edg’d, leaves egg’d dagger’d, flowers aggregate. : 0 ^ fpecious. fcape two-fork’d, leaves lanced dagger’d, .flowers alternate, diftant. tartarian . fcape panicled, leaves awi’d dagger’d. Hedge-hog . fcape branchy, corymbes terminal, leaves nerved. winding . flem fornewhat leafy, leaves egg- wedged three- nerved dagger’d. purple . item fhrubbyifh leafy, leaves crowded Wedged rugged awnlefs, fcapes few-flower’d. minute . flem fhrubby : naked branchy upwards, heads fef- file, leaves lanced fheathing. fhrubbyifh. flem fhrubby leafy, flowers folitary, leaves lanced fheathing. one-petaled. flem fhrubby leafy branchy, leaves awl’d. golden . flem fhrubby branchy, branchlets imbricated, chafls terminated with an hair at top. ferulaceous . S. flem winding, branchy branny. froJly • S. flem herbaceous, radical leaves alternately feather- finuous : flem ones three-fold three-fided awl'd decurrent. ftmtous. S. flem curled, leaves elliptic intire, fpikes one- rank’d. S. dagger'd . S. leaves finuous, flem columnar leaflefs. S. lobed. S. flem fhrubby proffrate, flowers panicled one-rank’d, linear. fax-leaved. S. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. 389. LINUM. Cal. 3 -leaved. Petals 5. Cap/. 5-valved, 10- cell’d. Seed folitary. Flax. * With leaves alternate . ufitatijfimum.i. L. calyxes and capfules dagger’d, petals notch’d, leaves lanced alternate, flem fubfolitary. mof ufe- ful. perenne. 2. L. calyxes and capfules obtufe, leaves alternate lanced moft in tire. perennial, vifiofum. 3. L. leaves lanced hairy five-nerved. vifcous. 4- L. 238* hirfutum . FIVE MALE'S, FIVE FEMALES. Linam. 4. L. calyxes ihaggy pointed feffile alternate : branch- leaves oppofite. Jhaggy. narbonenfe. 5. L. calyxes pointed, leaves lanced fcatter’d .upright item columnar, branchy at the bafe. narbonne . tenuifolium. 6. L. calyxes pointed, leaves fcatter’d linear-briitled rug- ged backwards. Jlender-leaved, gallicum . 15. L. calyxes awl’d acute, leaves linear- lanced alternate, peduncles of the panicle two-flower’d, flowers fubfeflile. french * maritimum . 14. L. calyxes egg’d acute awnlefs, leaves lanced : the infer iour ones oppofite. fea. alpinum . 22. L. calyxes rounded obtufe, leaves linear acutiih, items declined. alpine . aujbiacum . 7. L. calyxes rounded obtufe, leaves linear acute ilraightiih. aujlrian . virginianum.%. L. calyxes acute alternate, capfules awnlefs, panicle thread-form, leaves alternate lanced : the radi- cal ones egg’d. Virginian . 9. L. calyxes fine-Faw-rugged lanced fubfeflile, panicle with branches two-fork’d. yellow. IO. L. calyxes awl’d, leaves lanced upright dagger’d : rugged in the margin. upright . fuffruticofa.il. L. leaves linear acute rugged, items ihrubbviih. JhrubbyiJh. arboreum. 12. L. leaves wedge-form, items arborefeent. tree, campanula - 13. L. the bafe of the leaves pointed glanded on both fides. turn. bell'd. * * JVith leaves oppofite. africanum. 16. L. leaves oppofite linear lanced, flowers terminal peduncled. african . nodiforum. 17. L. leaves flower-bearing oppofite lanced, flowers al- ternate feflile, calyxes the length of the leaves. knott-flowered. catharticum.\%. L. leaves oppofite egg-lanced, item two-fork’d, co- rols acute. cathartic . Radiola. 19. L. leaves oppofite, item two-fork’d, flowers four-male four-female. quadrifoli- 20. L. leaves four-fold. four -leaved, um. verticilla - 21. L. leaves verticil’d. verticil' d. turn. flavum . Jlrittum 390. AL pentanjdria. pentagynia, Aldrovanda. 239. 390. ALDROVANDA. C#/. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Capf. 5-valved, 1 -cell’d, 10-feeded. veficulofa • I. Aldrovanda. bladder' '4. 391. DROSERA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Caff. 1 -cell’d : 5-valved at top. Seeds very numerous. Sun- dew. rotundifolia. i. D. fcapes radicated, leaves orbicular. round-leaved, longifolia. 2. D. fcapes radicated, leaves oval-oblong, long-leaved, cap info. 4. D. fcapes radicated, leaves lanced rugged underneath. cape . hxfitanica . 3. D. fcapes radicated, leaves awl’d convex underneath, flowers ten- male. portugal. cijlijlora . 5. D. ftems fimple leafy, leaves lanced. ciftus-Jlower d. indica . 6. D. ftem branchy leafy, leaves linear. Indian, acaulis. D. radical flower fcapelefs folitary, leaves oblong. S. Jlemlefs . cuniefolia . D. fcapes radicated, leaves wedge-rounded. wedge- leaved. 13^40. GISEKIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Capf. approximated, roundilflh, i-feeded. pharnacioi - Gisekia. pharnaceum-like. des. 392. CRASSULA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Scales 5 neftar-bearing, at the bale of the germ. Capf. 5. * Shrub-growing. coccinea. 1. C. leaves egg’d flat griftle-fringed conjoin-lheathing at the bafe. fcarlet. cymofa . C. leaves linear griftle-fringed {heathing, ftem ftirub- by, cyme terminal. cymed. Jlava . 19. C. leaves flat conjoin-leaf-pierced polifh’d, flowers cory mbe-panicled, yellow. 24O. FIVE MALES» FIVE FEMALES. Craffula. pruinofa. 20. C. leav.es awl’d froft-rugged, flowers corymbed? ftem fhrubby. fr0Jty* fabra, *11. C. leaves oppofite expanding conjoin’d rugged fringed, ftem rugged backwards. rugged, per foliata. 2. C. leaves lance-awPd feflile conjoin’d channel’d : convex underneath. leaf-pierced, frutiofa. 20. C. leaves oppofite awl’d acute expanding fubrecurvate, ftem ftirubby. Jhrubby. tetragona. 4. C. leaves awl’d fubincurved obfcurely four-corner’d expanding, ftem eredf arborefcent rooting, four- corner' d. cbvellata. 21. C. leaves oppofite fublanced knive’d approximated. fortified. cultrata. q. C. leaves oppofite ftirubby egg’d moft intire fomewhat knive’d oblique : the pairs conjoin’d remote. knive’d. dichotoma . C. leaves conjoin’d column-awl’d intire remote, ftem ftirubby ere£t branchy, corymbe compound. S . tzuo-fork'd. pinnata. C. leaves feather’d, ftem arborefcent. S. feather'd. * * Herbaceous. fpinofa. C. ftem moft fimple, leaves dagger’d, flowers feflile lateral. thorny, centauroides. 5. C. ftem herbaceous crofs-arm’d, leaves hearted, feflile peduncles one-flower’d. centaury-like, dichotoma. 6. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork’d, leaves egg-lanced, pe- duncles one-ftower’d. two-fork' d. glomerata. 21. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork’d rugged, leaves lanced, . the ultimate flowers fafcicled. glomerated. Jlrigofa . 7. C. ftem herbaceous ere leaves oppofite, E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d fubequal, calyxes double, leaves oppofite arrow’d. co?nmon. E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d pointed, flowers col- lected, leaves oppofite linear. yellow. — — — - JVith Leaves threefold. E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d inflated, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers folitary. E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d, ftyle included, ca- lyxes acute, flowers racemed, leaves three-fold. regerminant . E. anthers awn’d, corols fubglobular mucous, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, mucous. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, calyxes reflected, leaves three-fold. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, flow- ers thin, leaves three-fold, item deprefs’d .deprefs'd. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers umbel’d. ball-bearing. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers fcattered. green-purple. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers pubefeent. five-leaved. 43. E. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. 295. nigrita . 43. E. anthers avvn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle included, ca- lyxes imbricated three-flower’d feflile. black, planifolia. 35. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, ftyle protruded, leaves three-fold moft expanding. flat-leaved fcoparia. 5. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d with the itigma pro- truded targetted, leaves three-fold. beefom. arborea, 9. E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d with the ftyle pro- truded, leaves three-fold, branchlets hoary, ar- borefcent, vefpertina. E. leaves three-fold, corols bell’d, anthers awn’d, ftyle protruded. S , evening, With leaves four-fold . r ament ace a, perfoluta . (Tetralix . 8 . pubefcens . 24. abietina. 22. mammofa. cajfra. 9. fejfiliflora . E» anthers awn’d, corols globular, ftyle included, ftig- ma double, leaves four-fold briftly. dujl, E. anthers awn’d, corols bell’d, flyle included, ca- lyxes fringed, leaves four-fold. perfolute. E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d, llyle included, leaves four- fold fringed, flowers headed. E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d, flyle included, leaves four-fold rugged, flowers feflile lateral, pube - fcent. E. anthers awn’d, corols grofs, flyle ix^cluded, leaves fourfold, flowers feflile. fir. E. anthers awn’d, corols grofs, ftyle protruded, leaves four-fold. nippled . E. anthers awn’d, corols egg’d, flyle protruded, leaves fourfold pubefcent, flowers collected. E. anthers awn’d, leaves fourfold, ftyle protruded, fpike with flowers feflfle deflected oblong. S. fejfile-flower d. * * Anthers crefied , leaves threefold . trifiora . 33. E. anthers crefted, corols globe-bell’d, ftyle included leaves threefold, flowers terminal, three-flower' d. baccans. E. anthers crefted, corol globe-bell’d cover’d, ftyle included, leaves threefold imbricated, berrying . gnaphalodes .34. E. anthers crefted, corols egg’d cover’d, ftyle in- cluded, leaves threefold, ftigma four-parted. gnaphalium-like . corifolia . 32. E. anthers crefted, corols egg’d, ftyle included, calyxes top-fliape, leaves threefold, flowers um- bel’d, coris-leaved. E. 296. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Erica. articularis, E. calycina, 23. E. cinerea, 4. E. paniculata. 36. E. aujlralis, E. phy fodes, 26. E. empetri - 30. E. folia, retorta, E. cernua . E. anthers crefted, corols egg’d pointed, ftyle inclu- ded longer than the calyx, leaves threefold. jointed, anthers crefted, corols egg’d, ftyle included, calyxes moft expanded wheel’d, leaves threefold. calycine. anthers crefted, corols egg’d, ftyle rather protruded, leaves threefold* ftigma headed. afhy, anthers crefted, corols bell’d, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, flowers minute. panicled, anthers crefted, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold expanding. fouthern. With leaves fourfold. anthers crefted, corols egg’d inflated, ftyle' inclu- ded, leaves fourfold, flowers fubfoiitary. anthers crefted, corols egg’d, leaves fourfold, flowers feflile lateral. empetrum-leaved. anthers rather crefted, leaves fourfold recurved, corols egg-oblong, ftyle middling. S. retorted. crefted, leaves fourfold, ftyle included, corol egg’d, calyx fringed, flowers eightfold bowing. S, * * * Anthers awnlefs included : with leaves oppofite. tenuifolia. 22. anthers awnlefs included, corols and calyx bloody, leaves oppofite. fender-leaved. Pafferina. E. leaves oppofite, corols bell’d, anthers included awn- lefs, piftil protruded. S- • With leaves threefold, albens, E. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg’d oblong acute, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank’d. white, fpumofa, 37. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols threefold cover’d by the common calyx, ftyles protruded, leaves threefold. frothy, capitata, 16. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols cover’d with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers feflile. headed, melanthera, E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols bell’d longer than the colour’d calyx, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. black- flower’d. E. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. abfynthioides. E. ciliaris. II. E. hifpidula . E. tub flora . 20. E. curviflora . 19. E. coccinea. 18» E, ccririthoides.il. E. 297- anthers awnlefs included, corols egg-bell’d, ftyle protruded, ftigma funnel-form, leaves threefold. abfynthium-like . anthers awnlefs included, corols egg’d grofs, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank ’d. fringed . anthers awnlefs included, corols roundifti, leave.s moftly threefold egg’d acute fringed, ftem hif- pid. S. hifpidijh. With leaves fourfold. fafligiat-a. cubica. denticulata . -vifcaria. granulata. comofa. * * * * Plukenetii. 17. E, anthers awnlefs included, corols club’d grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold rather fringed, tube- flower'd. anthers awnlefs included, corols club’d grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold fmooth. curve-flower d. anthers awnlefs nearly included, carols club’d grofs, ftyle included, calyxes fliaggy, leaves fourfold. fcarlet* anthers awnlefs included, corols club’d grofs, ftig- ma included crofs’d, leaves fourfold, cerinthe- like . anthers awnlefs included, corols falver-form fafci- cled, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, level-top' d. anthers awnlefs included, corols bell’d acute, ftyle included, calyxe$ four-corner’d, leaves four- fold. cubic. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg-funnel-form, ftyle included, calyxes toothletted, leaves four^ fold. toothletted '. anthers awnlefs included, corols bell’d glutinous, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers racemed. vifcous . anthers awn’d included, corols globular, ftyle in- cluded, calyxes fubimbricated, leaves fourfold. granulated . ahthers awnlefs included, corols egg-oblong, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers collected. tufted • Anthers aivnlefs protruded , leaves threefold. anthers awnlefs Ion geft protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, calyxes Ample, leaves threefold. of Plukenet. P p EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Erica. 298. Peiiveri . E. anthers awnlefs moftlong protruded, corols acute, ftyle protruded, calyxes imbricated, leaves three- fold. of Pet her. nudiflora. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, branches downy. naked-flower. Bruniades . 15. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cover’d with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers fcatter’d. Brunt a. imbricata. 12. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell’d, calyxes imbricated, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. imbricated. umbellata. 2. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell’d, ftyle pro- truded, leaves threefold awny. umbel9 d? ieucanthera . E. leaves threefold, ftyle protruded, corol bell’d, calyx white, flowers threefold, ftamens awnlefs pro- truded. S. white -flow er' 'd. With leaves fourfold , or more . pur pur ef- cens. vagans . herbacea , E. E. 10. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell’d, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold, flowers fcatter’d. purp- ling. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell’d, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold, flowers folitary. flrag- gling. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols oblong, ftyle protruded, leaves fourfold, flowers one-rank’d. herbaceous . E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves fivefold, flowers fcatter’d. many -flow er9 d. miditerranea. E. Anthers awnlefs protruded, corols egg’d, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold expanding, flowers fcat- ter’d. miditerranean. m uJtifb ora. J3- * * * * From the Suppl. Plant, not reducible to the foregoing heads. Sparmanni . E. leaves fourfold, imbricated fringed, heads four- fiower’d, corols tubular lance-prickle-hifpid, anthers awnlefs. S. of Sparman. fajcicularis. E. anthers awn’d, corols grofs, ftyle included, flow-i ■ers fafcicled, leaves numerous linear lop’d. S. fafcicled. E. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. 299. ' Thunbergii . Majfoni. tetragona, grandiflora. Monfoniana . E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols flat : tube globu- lar, ftyle protruded, leaves three-fold. S. of T'hunberg. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols cylindric grofs, flowers headed, leaves eight-faced imbricated pubefcent. S. of Maffon. E. leaves threefold, ftyle included, corol four-corner’d oblong, calyx linear, flowers racemed one- rank’d. S. four- corner' d. E. leaves fourfold, ftyle protruded, corol cylindric, calyx fimple, lateral flowers fubcurved. S . great -flower'd, E. leaves threefold, ftyle included, corols oolong in- flated, calyx calycled, flowers of the obtufe branchlets terminal. S, of Monfon, I3°4- Jlrifla. OPHIRA. Involucre two-valved, 3-flower’d. Cor, 4- petaEd above. Berry i -cell’d. Ophira. upright. 485. DAPHNE. Cal, o. Cor. 4-cleft, corolla- ” ceous, withering, including the fta- mens. Berry one-feeded-* * JVitb flowers lateral . Mezereum. j. D. flowers feflile threefold on the Item, leaves lanced deciduous. Mazereon. Thymelaea. 2. D. flowers feflile axillary, leaves lanced. Items fim- pleft. pubefcens. 13. D. flowers feflile lateral aggregate, leaves lance- linear, ftem pubelcent. pubefcent. villofa. 3. D. flowers feflile lateral folitary, leaves lanced flat fringed hairy crowded. villous. Tartonraira. 4. D. flowers feflile aggregate axillary, leaves egg d pu- befcent on both Tides nerved. alpina. 5. D. flowers feflile aggregate lateral, leaves lanced ob- tufifh, downy underneath . alpine . Laureola . 6. D. racemes axillary five - flower’d, leaves lanced fmooth. fpurge-laurel. pontica , 7. D. peduncles lateral two-flower’d, leaves lance-egg d. P p 2 fh 3OO. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Daphne. dioica. D. flowers axillary double, leaves linear-lanced. S. two-houfe . * * With flowers terminal. indica . 8. Cue orum. 9- Gnidium. 10. fquarroja. 11. oleodes 12. foetid. rotundifolia . D. head terminal peduncled, leaves oppofite oblong- egg’d fmooth. Indian. D. flowers fafcicled terminal feflile, leaves lanced na- ked dagger’d. D. panicle terminal, leaves linear-lanced pointed. D. flowers terminal peduncled, leaves fcatter’d linear expanding dagger’d. ragged. D. flowers double terminal feflile, leaves ellipfe- lanced fmooth. olea-iike. D. fmooth, flowers terminal collected feflile, leaves oppofite petioled egg-oblong acute. S. fetid . D. fhaggy, flowers terminal colie&ed feflile, leaves .oppofite elliptic fubpetioled obtufe fmooth. S. round-leaved. 486. DIRCA. Cal . o. Cor . tubular with an ob- feure border. Stamens longer than the tube. Berry one-feeded. paluflris. 1. Dirca. marjh. 487. GNIDJA. Cal . funnel-form, 4-cleft. Petals 4, inferted on the calyx. Seed i, fomewhat berried. pinifolia . radiata . fimplex. tomentofa . fericea . 1. G. leaves fcatter’d linear : floral leaves verticil’d. pine-leaved. 4. G. leaves awl’d three-flded acute, heads terminal feflile radiate, bradies lanced. radiate. 5. G. leaves all linear acute, flowers terminal feflile. fem- ple . 2. G. leaves fcatter’d egg-oblong fmooth rugged on the margin. downy. , 6. G. leaves egg’d downy : floral leaves fourfold, ftem fraggy, crown of the flowers with eight briftles. filky. 3. G. leaves oppofite lanced. oppoflte-leaved. G. OCT ANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Gnidia. 301* capitata. filament of a. imbricata. pinifolia. Daphmefolia. G. leaves fcatter’d lanced fmooth, flowers headed fortified with bra&es, peduncle naked. S . headed . G. leaves elliptically egg’d moft fmooth approximated, flowers headed, filaments capillary. S. fila- ment. G. leaves oblong imbricated four ways filky, terminal flowers in the axils of the leaves. S. imbricated . G. leaves linear-awl’d flat above acute, flowers two- fold axillary. S. pine-leaved. G. ten-male, leaves oblong flat moft intire, head ter- minal peduncled invclucred, flowers five-cleft. 8 . Daphne -leaved. 488. STELLER A. Cal. o. Cor . 4-cleft. Sta- mens moft fhort. Seed one, beak/d. Pafjerina . 1. S. leaves linear, flowers four-cleft. Chamajafme. 2. S. leaves lanced, corols five-cleft. 489. PASSERINA. Cal, o. Cor . 4-cleft. Sta- mens placed in the tube. Seed 1, bark’d. Sparrow Wort . filiformis. hirfuia. eric aides. capitata. ciliata. unifiora . Anthylloides . fpicata. lax a. 1. P. leaves linear convex four ways imbricated, branches downy. thread-form. 2. P. leaves flefhy fmooth without, ftems downy, fhaggy. P. leaves linear polifh’d fubimbricated, corols globular. heath-like. 7. P. leaves linear fmooth, heads peduncled downy. headed . 3. P. leaves lanced rather fringed ere£t, branches naked. fringed. 4. P. leaves linear oppofite, flowers terminal folitary, branches fmooth. one -flow er' d. P. leaves egg’d villous, flowers headed fhaggy. S. Anthyllis-like. P. leaves egg’d villous, flowers lateral folitary. S. fpiked. P. leaves egg’d fcatter’d, flowers headed, branches loofe bowing. S. loofe . P. eight males, one female. Paflerina. P. moft finooth, leaves oblong acute concave wrin- kled without, flowers terminal feflile folitary. S. great-flower* d. P. two-male moft finooth, leaves lanced acute. S. P. two -male hairy, leaves linear obtufe. S. hairy. P. two- male hairy, leaves egg’d. S. proflrate. 490. LACHNEA. Cal. o. Cor. 4-cleft : border unequal. Seed 1, fome what berried. eriocephala. i. L. heads folitary woolly, leaves four ways imbricated. wool-head. conglomerata. 2. L. heads crowded, leaves loofe. conglomerated . 491. BiBCKEA. Cal. funnel - form 5 - tooth’d. Cor . 5-petal’d. Cap/, globular, 4- cell’d crown’d. frutefcens. 1. Bjeckea. Jhrub-gr owing. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 1259. SCHMIEDELIA. Cal. 2-l^aved. Cor . 4-petal’d. (derm pedicel'd, longer than the flower. racemo fa. Schmiedelia. racemed. 492. GALENIA. Cal. 4-cleft, Cor. o. Cap/. roundifh, 2-feeded. africana. G. erecl fhrubby, leaves linear flefhy. S. african . procumbens. G, procumbent, leaves egg’d channel’d : the top ex- panded recurvate. S. procumbent , grandiflora. Gnidia . pilofa. projlrata. 493. WEIN- OCTANDRIA. DiGYNiA. Weinmannia. 303. 493. WEINMANNIA. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor . 4- petal’d. Capf. 2-cell’d, two-beak’d. W. leaves Ample egg’d faw’d moft fmooth on both Tides, ftipules none. S. racemed. W. leaves three’d : leaflets elliptically lanced faw’d moft fmooth, panicles compound. S. three- leaved. W. leaves feather’d : leaflets egg’d moft intire downy underneath, ftipules falling off. S. downy. W. leaves feather’d : leaflets inverfe- egg’d notch’d polifii’d. S. fmooth.: 494. MOEHRINGIA. Cal 4-leaved. Petals 4. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 4-valved. Chickweed . Mountain mufcofa. Moehrlngia. moffy. 1388. CODIA. Cal. 4-leaved, Petals 4. Com- mo?i Receptacle involucred. S. montana . CoDIA. mountain. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) 495. POLYGONUM. Cal. o. Cor. 5-parted, calycine. Seed i, angled. * Atraphaxis-like with Jlem fir ub- growing. frutefcens. i. P. ftem (hrubby, two calyx-leaflets refle&ed. Jhruh-. growing. * * Biftorts racemofa • trifoliata. tomentofa. glabra. 1 304. EIGHT MALES. THREE FEMALES. Polygonum. * * Biftorts with one fpike Biftorta . 2. P. Item moll fimple one-fpiked, leaves egg’d decur- rent upon the petiole. ° Biflort. viviparum . 3* P* Bern mod: fimple one-fpiked, leaves lanced, vivi- parous. * * * Perficarias with Piflil two-cleft , or the f amens lefs than eight. virginianum . 4. lapathifo- c. Hum. amphibium. 6. ocreatum. 8. Hydropiper. 9. Per ficaria. 10. barbatum. 1 1 . orientale. 12. penfylvani- 13. cum. P. flowers five-male half-two-female, Corols four- cleft unequal, leaves egg’d. Virginian. P . flowers five-male half- two-female, ftamens equal to the regular corol. lapathum - leaved. P. flowers five-male half-two-female, fpike egg’d. amphibious. P. flowers five-male three-female, leaves lanced. booted P. flowers fix-male half- two-fern ale, leaves lanced, ftipules nearly awnlefs. water-pepper . P. flowers fix-male two-female, fpikes egg-oblong, leaves lanced, ftipules fringed. 1 . flowers fix-male three-female, fpikes twiggy, fti- pules lop’d briftle-fringed, leaves lanced. ' bearded. P. flowers (even-male two-female, leaves egg’d, Item erect, ftipules ftiaggy fdver-form. oriental. P. flowers eight-male two-female, peduncles hifpid, leaves lanced, ftipules awnlefs. penfylvanian. * * * * Polygonum 2 with leaves undivided , flowers eight -male. maritimum. 14. P. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves oval-lanced ever-green, item fomewhat fhrub- _ A growing. ~ fea. aviculare. 15. P. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves lanced. Item procumbent herbaceous. " bird, ereftum. 16. P. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves oval. Item ere£t herbaceous. erett. articulatum. 1 7 . P. flowers eight-male three-female, fpikes jointed panicled, ftipules (heathy lop’d. jointed, divarica- 18. P. flowers eight-male three-female racemed, leaves tum • lanced, Item divaricated expanded, divaricated, ferratum . 7. P. leaves notch’d. faw'd. flbiricum. P . flowers eight-male three-female racemed, leaves egg-lanced waved rugged, ftipules (haggy. S. fiber ian. * * * * * Helxine OCTANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Polygonum. 3O5. * % % * * Helxine with leaves rather hearted chinenfe . 19. P. leaves eight-male three-female, peduncles rugged, leaves egg’d, brakes hearted. china l fagittatum . 21. P. leaves arrow’d, item prickly. arrow'd, arifolium. 22. P. leaves halberted, ftem prickly, arum-leaved . per foliatum. 20. P. leaves triangular, ftem prickly, ftipules leafy-leaf- plerced expanding roundilh. leaf -pierced . tataricum. 23. P. leaves heart-arrow’d, ftem unarmed ere£t, feeds rather tooth’d. tartar ian. Fagopy- 24. P. leaves heart-arrow’d, ftem ere&ifti unarmed, an- rum. gles of the feeds equal. Convolvu - 25. P. leaves hearted, ftem twining angled, flowers ob- lus. tufe. dumetorum. 26. P. leaves hearted, ftem twining polifh’d, flowers keel- wing’d. bujh. f candens. 27. P. leaves hearted, ftem eredf climbing. climbing , 496. COCCOLOBA. Cal. 5-parted, colour’d. Cor. o. Berry calycine, one-feeded. Uvifera . i. C. leaves heart-roundifh glofly. grape-bearing . pubefcens . 2. C. leaves orbicular pubefcent. pubefcent . excoriata . 4. C. leaves egg’d, branches as if barklefs. excoriated . punttata. 3. C. leaves lance-egg’d. doited, etnarginata. 5. C. leaves leathery roundilh gafti-end-nick’d. nick'd. barbadenfis. 6. C. leaves heart-egg’d waved. barbadoes. tenuifolia. 4. C. leaves egg’d membranous. fender -haved. 497. PAULLINIA. Ca/. 4-leaved. jPcta/f 4. NeBary 4-leaved, unequal. Cap/. 3. comprcfs’d, membranous, conjoin’d. afatica. Seri ana. nodofa. Cururu. niexicana. 1. P. leaves three’d, petioles and ftem prickly. afiatic . 2. P. leaves three’d, petioles naked, leaflets egg-oblong. P. leaves three’d, petioles naked, the middle leaflet inverfe-egg’d. knotted,. 3. P. leaves three’d, petioles margin’d. 4. P. leaves thrice-three’d, petioles all margin'd, ftem prickly. mexican. Q 306. EIGHT MALES. THREE FEMALES. Pailllinia. carthaginenfis. caribaa . curajfavica. 5. barbadenjis. polyphylla . 6. triternata. pinnata . 7. tomentofa . diverfifolia . P. leaves thrice-threed, petioles all margin’d, ftem unarm’d. Carthaginian. P. leaves thrice-three’d, petiolets all margin’d, bran- ches prickly. caribean. P. leaves thrice-three’d, petiolets all margin’d, bran- ches unarm’d. curajfao . P . leaves thrice-three’d, the intermediate petiole mar- gin’d, the reft naked. barbadoes : P. leaves three times thrice-three’d, petiolets naked. many-leaved. P. leaves three times thrice-three’d, petiolets margin’d. three times thrice-thwfd. P. leaves feather’d, petioles margin’d, leaflets gfofly. feather d. P. leaves feather’d, petioles margin’d, leaflets downy. downy. P. leaves fuperdecompound, petioles margin’d : the lo weft feather’d, the reft three’d. diverfe-leaved. 498. CARDiOSPERMUM. Cal. 4-leaved. Pe- tals 4. Nettary 4-leaved, unequal. Cap f. 3, conjoin’d inflated. Halicacabum. i. C. leaves polifh’d. Corindum . 2. C. leaves downy underneath. 499: SAPINDUS. Cal . 4-leaved. Petals 4. Capf. flefhy, conjoin’d, bellied. Soap- Berry* 1 Saponaria . fpinofus. tr foliatus, chinenfis , 1. S. leaves odd-feather’d, ftem Unarm’d. 3. S. leaves abruptly feather’d, ftem moft thorny, thorny . 2. S. leaves three’d. three-leaved. S. leaves feather’d, leaflets jagg’di. china. FOUR / OCTANDRIA. TETRAGYNIA. Paris. 307. FOUR FEMALES. (\ Tetragynia. J 500. PARIS. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4, nar- rower. Berry 4-cell’d. quadrifolia . Paris. four-leaved, 501. ADOXA. Gal . 2-cleft, beneath. Cor . 4 or 5 -cleft, above. Berry 4 or 5- celfd, with the calyx coalefced. • Mofcatellina . r. Adoxa. 502. ELATINE. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4. Cap/. 4-ceird, 4-valved, deprefs’d. Water - Wort. Hydropiper. 1. E. leaves oppofite. water-pepper , AlfinaJlrum. 2. E. leaves verticil’d. 1389. HALOR AGIS. tte. above, 4-cleft. P^- tals 4, Drupe dry. Ate 4-ceird. projlrata. Haloragis. * proftrate aq 2 CLASS c JSf I N ONE 504 Tinus. 503 Laurus. 520 Anacardium. • V 505 Cassyta. * Anacardium LASS IX. MALE S. ( Enneandria. ) FEMALE. ( Monogynia.) Cal. 5- cleft. Cor . 5-petalM Berry 2-cell’d. Seed i. Cal. 0. Cor . 6-petard, calycine. Berry 1- feeded. Glands of the Neftary 2- briftled. Cal. 5-parted. Cor . 5-petaFd. Stamen the tenth caftrated. Nut with a flefhy receptacle. Cal , o. Cor . 6-parted, calycine. Berry i-feeded. Glands of the Neftary lop’d. 520 w^th the tenth Jlamen cajlrated. THREE enneandria. 309. THREE FEMALES. f 'Trigynia.) 506 Rheum. Cal. o. Car. 6-cleft. Seed 1, three- fided. SIX FEMALES. ( Hexagynia) 507 Butomus. Cal. 0. Cor . 6-petal’d. Capf. 6, m any- feed ed. ONE 310. NINE MALES. ONE FEMALE. LaiirilS. ONE FEMALE. ( Momgynia.) 503. LAURUS. Cal . o. Cor . calycine, 6-parted. Nehlary with glands 3, two-briflled, farrounding the germ. Interiour Fi- laments gland-bearing. Drupe i-feed- ed. Bay . Cinnamo- mum. Camphor a. Culiiaban. Chloroxylon nobilis . indica . Perfea. Borbonia . ajlivalis. Benzoin» Sajfafras. 1. L. leaves three-nerved egg-oblong: the nerves van- ifhing towards the top. cinnamon . 2. L. leaves tripple-nerved lanced. cajjia . 3. L. leaves tripple-nerved lance-egg’d. camphor. L. leaves t NINE MALES. SIX FEMALES. ButOmUS. SIX FEMALES. „ ■ tA !'j • ( Hexagynia .) # 507. BUTOMUS. Cal o. Petals 6. Capf. 6, many-feeded. F lowering- Ru/h. umbellatus. I. Butomus. umbel' d, * i . 4 ■ v- \ * CLASS CLASS X. i ' . ten males. ( Decandria.) ONE FEMAL Ev ( Monogynia . ) * Flowers many-petaVd irregular , 508 SOPHORA. 509 Anagyris. 510 Cercis. 511 Bauhinia. 512 Hymenjea. 515 PoiNCI ANA. Cor. papilionaceous : banner amending. Le- gume with protuberances remote. Cor . papilionaceous: banner ihort ftraight, keel longer than the wings. Cor. papilionaceous : the wings banner-form. Neftary with glands ftyle-form, under the germ. Cor. expanding, claw’d, afcending. Petals lanced. Cor . fubequal. Legume woody with a mealy pulp. Cor . the higheft petal larger. Legume com. prefs’d. R r 1398 Myrox- 3 H* TEN MALES. 1398 Myroxylon. 513 ParkinsoNia. 516 CiE SALPINI A. 524 Toluifera. 514 Cassia. 517 Guilandia. 522 Dictamnus. Cal . bell’d. Superiour Petal greater than the reft. Legume one-feeded. S . Cor. loweft petal kidney-form* Legume co- lumnar twifted. Cor. loweft petal more beautiful. Legume rhombic. Seed rhombic. Cor. loweft petal larger. Cal. bell’d. Cor . unequal. Anthers beak’d. Legume inter- cepted with ifthmufes. Cor. fubequal fitting on the calyx. Legume rhombic. Seeds bony. Cor . expanded. Filaments dufty. Capf. 5, connected. Seeds aril’d. * * Flowers many -petal' d equal. 519 Cynometra. Cal. 4-parted : the oppofite diviflons larger. Legume i-feeded, fleftiy. 1260 Prosopis. Cal. hemispheric. Legume many-feeded. 526 Adenanthera. A Gland fitting on the Anthers. Legume com- prefs’d membranous. 525 Hjematoxylon. Stigma of the Pijlil end-nick’d. Sllique with valves boated. Neftary tubular, 5-toothM. Capf. 3-celPd, 3-valved. Seeds berried. Neftary tubular, lo-tooth’d. CapJ. 5-grain’d. Seeds twofold. Neftary tubular, lo-tooth’d. Drupe with nucleus 5-celPd. Neftary tubular, io-tooth’d. Capf. woody, 5-valved. Seeds imbricated with a membranous margine. Cal* two exteriour divifions lefs. Capf. flefhy, 3-or-5-cell’d, angled. Germ with 10 honey-bearing points. Capf. 5-cleft, 5-cell’d, many-feeded. Style of the Pijlil none. Capf. 5, connected, many-feeded. Cor. claws inferted on the calyx. Capf. 5- cell’d, 10-valved, i-feeded. 530 Zygophyllum. Scales of the Neftary ic, at the bafe of the ftamens. Capf. 5-cell’d many-feeded 528 Trichilia. I306 TURRiEA. 527 Melia. 521 SwiETENIA. 518 Guajacum. , 523 Ruta. 532 Tribulus. 531 Fagonia. 529 Qua- D E C A N D R I A. 315. 529 Quassia. 533 Thryallis. 534 Limonia. 535 Heisteria. 539 Quisqualis. 536 Monotropa. 553 Clethra. 554 Pyrola. 546 Ledum. 1307 Dion^a: 1341 Murraya. 1261 Chalcas. 544 Melastoma. 538 Jussieua. Cap/. 5, two-valved, 1 -feeded, inferted on the flefhy receptacle. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cap f. three-grain’d. Cor. 5-petal’d. Berry 3-feeded. Cor. 5-petal’d. Drupe fitting on the colour’d enlarged calyx. Cor . 5-petal’d, fitting on the thread-form calyx. Drupe dry. Cal. corolline, gibbous at the bafe. Capf 5-ceird many-feeded. Stigmas of the Piftil three. Capf. 3-cell’d, many-feeded. Anthers two-horn’d upwards. Capf. 5-cellM, many-feeded. Cor. flat, 5-parted. Capf. 5-cell’d, many^ feeded. Cal . 5-leaved. Stigma fringed. Capf. 1 -cell’d. Seed at the bafe of the capfule. Berry 1 -feeded. Cor. 5-petaPd. Nedary furrounding the germ with a margin. Berry 2-feeded. Cor . bell’d. Cor. fitting on the calyx. Anthers refradfed. Berry 5-cell’d, cloath’d with the calyx. Cor. 4-or-5-petal’d. Capf. beneath. * Rhexia Acifanthera. Geraniums. Conocarpus racemed. Lythrum Jhrully. Jacquinia racemed. * * * Flowers one-petal' d equal . 1285 Codon. Cor. bell’d, 10-cleft. Cdl. io-parted. Capf. many-feeded. 549 Andromeda. Cor. bell’d, round. Capf. 5-cell’d. «548 Rhododendron. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens declining. Capf 5-cell’d. I2QI Inocarpus. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. 2-cleft. Drupe one- feeded. S. 545 Kalmia. Cor. border 5-horn’d underneath, Capf. 5- ceU’d. R r 2 520 EpIQiEA, 3 1 6- t 550 EpIGJEA. 551 Qualteria. 552 Arbutus. N M S. Cal . cxteriour 3-leaved ; interiour 5-leaved. Capf. 5-ceird. Cal . exteri our 2-leaved : interiour 5 -cleft. Capf. 5-cell’d, calyx berried. Cor . egg’d, diaphanous at the bafe. Berry 5-cell’d. 595 Styrax., Cor. funnel-form. Drupe two-feeded. 520 Anacardium. Cor. with divifions reflefted. Drupe with nucleus above, naked. .* Some Vaccinlums . * '* * Flowers petallefs or incomplete . 540 Dais. Cor. one-petal’d. Involucre 4-l.eaved, many- flower’d. 543 Sam yd a. Cal. 5-parted. Nefiary 10-cleft, furrounding the germ. Capf. berried, 3-cell’d. Cal. 5-parted. Berry T-feeued. Cal. o. Cor . 4-petaPd. * Stellera Chamcejafme. Conocarpus racemed. 541 Bucida. 542 COPAIFER A. TWO FEMALES ( Digynia.) 562 ScLERANTHUS. Cor. 537 Trianthema. Cor. 558 Chrysospleni- Cor. UM. 555 Royena. Cor. 557 Hydrangea. Cor. 559 Saxifraga. Cor . :>ne. Capf. circumcifed. me. Cal. above. Capf. 2-cell’d. 2- beak’d. -petal’d. Cal. bellied. Capf 4-feed- ed, 4-valved. •petal’d. Cal . 5-cleft, above. Capf. 2-cell’d, 2-beak d, circumcifed. -petal’d. Cal . 5-parted. Capf 1 -cell’d, 2-beak’d. 560 Tia- D E C A N D R I A. 31 J. 560 Tiarella. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. corol-bearing. Capf. two-valved : one larger. 561 Mitella. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal corol-bearing. Capf. two-valved. Petals comb’d. 556 Cunonia. Cor. 5-petaPd. Cal. 5-leaved. Capf. 2- cell’d, acute. 563 Gypsophila, Cor. 5-petai’d. Cal. 5-parted, bell’d. Capf. 1 -cell’d, globular. 564 Saponaria. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal . tubular naked at the bale. Capf. 1- cell’d, oblong. 565 Dianthus. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. tubular, fcaly at the bafe, Capf. 1 -cell’d, oblong. * ' Trianthema ten- male. THREE FEMALES. (ffrigynia. ) Capf i -cell’d. Petals intire, expanding. Capf. 1 -cell’d. Petals 2-parted, expanding. Capf. ^-cell’d. Petals 2-cleft with throat naked. Capf 3-ceird. Petals 2-cleft with throat crown’d. Capf 3-cell’d. Nett aries petal-like lefs than the calyx. Capf. diftincE Petals calydne. Nettaries 5, two-lip’d. 575 Erythroxylon. Drupe i-feeded. Petals furnifhed with a fcale at the bafe. Berry 3-feeded. Petals 5, claw’d. Cal. glandular. Seeds 3, one-wing’d. Petals 5, claw’d. Cal . glandular. Capf. 3- wing’d, 3-cell’d, 2-feeded. Petals 5, claw’d. Cal. molt minute. Seeds 3, two-wing’d. Petals none but the wings of the feeds. * Tamarix- german- 569 Arenaria, 568 Stellaria. 566 Cucubalus. 567 Silene. 570 Cherleria. 57r Garidelia. 572 Malpighia. 573 Banisteria, 569 Hirjea. 1308 Triopteris. F O U R 3 i 8. TEN MALES. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.) * Lychnis alpine . EIVE FEMALES. 578 Cotyledon. 579 Sedum, 580 Penthorum. 1309 Bergia. 586 Spergula. 585 Cerastium. 583 Agrostemma. 584 Lychnis. 582 Oxalis. 577 Spondias. 576 Averrhoa. 1235 Grielum. 581 SuRIANA. 1262 Forskolea. ( Pentagynia .) Capf 5 at the Ne&aries. Cor . 1 -petal ’d. Capf. 5 at the Nectaries. Cor. 5-petaPd. Capf. 5-lobed. Cor. petals fewer. Capf. 5-ceirdj 5-valved : the valves gaping horizontally. Capf. 1 -cell’d. Petals intire. Cal. 5-Ieaved. Capf. I -cell’d. Petals 2-cleft. Cal. c- leaved. Capf. I -cell’d, oblong. Cal. tubular, lea- thery. Capf. 3-cell’d, oblong, Cal. tubular, mem- branous. Capf. 5-cel I’d, angular. Cal. fubcohering at the bafe. Drupe with nucleus 5-cell’d. Cal. 1 -leaved. Pome 5-celi’d. Cal . 5 -leaved. Seeds 5, diftmft, awnlefs. Cor. 5-petal’d. Styles none. Seeds 5, roundifh. Cor. 5-petal’d. Styles thread-form, lateral. Seeds 5, involved in wool. Cor. io-petal’d. * Adoxa. Geraniums. Coriaria. Drofera portugal. TEN FEMALES, ( Decagynia.) 587 Neurada. Cal. 5-parted. Cor . 5-petal’d. Capf. 10- grain’d. 588 Phytolacca. Cal. 5-leaved, corolline. Cor. none. Berry io-grain’d. ONE ©ECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Sophora. 3*9- ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. J 508. SOPHORA. CaL 5-tooth'd, gibbous up- wards. Cor . papilionaceous: with wings the length of the Banner. Legume . cdopecur aides. I . S. leaves feather’d : leaflets numerous villous oblong, Hem herbaceous. alopecurus-like . tomentofa . 2. S. leaves feather’d : leaflets numerous roundifh downy. downy. occidentalis . 3. S. leaves feather’d: leaflets numerous roundifh. oc- » cidental . capenfes. 9. S. leaves feather’d : leaflets numerous lanced downy underneath, Item fhrubby. cape . japonica , 10. S. leaves feather’d : leaflets more numerous egg’d fmooth, ftem arborefcent. japan . tetraptera. S. leaves feather’d : leaflets numerous inverfe-egg’d end-nick’d, legumes four-corner’d : with angles membranous. S. four-wing’ d. heptaphylla . 4. S. leaves feather’d : leaflets feven-fold fmooth. /even- leaved* geni/loides. 5. S. leaves three’d feflile : leaflets linear. Genifla-like . aujlralis . 12. S. leaves three’d fubfeflile fmooth, ftipules fword-form. fouthern . tinflora . 6. S. leaves three’d fubfeflile : leaflets inverfe-egg’d fmooth, ftipules minute. Dyers* alba. 11. S. leaves three’d petioled; leaflets elliptic fmooth, ftipules rather awl’d fhort. white, lupinoides . 7. S. leaves three’d petioled : leaflets oval hairy. Lu- pin-like . hi flora. 8. S. leaves Ample inverfe-egg’d rather-downy, pedun- cles two- flower’d. two-fiower’d. 509. ANA- ten males, one JFEM ale. . Anagyris. 509. ANAGYRIS. Banner and wings fhorter than the keel in a papilionaceous corol. Legume . fistida . Anagyris. fetid. 510. CERCIS. Cal. 5-tooth'd, gibbous below. Cor papilionaceous: with a lihort ban- ner under the wings. Legume. Judas- Tree. Siliquajlrum. 1 . C. leaves heart-orbicular fmooth. canadenfs . 2. C. leaves hearted pubefcent. Canadian i 51 1, BAUHINIA. Cal. 5-cleft, deciduous. Pe- tals expanded, oblong, claw’d : the fuperior one more diftant, all inferted on the calyx. Legume . fcandens. aculeata. divaricata. ungulata. variegata. purpurea. tornent of a. acuminata. B. B. B, B. B. B. B. ftem tendril-bearing. clbribing. item prickly. prickly. leaves egg’d : lobes divaricated. divaricated. leaves egg’d : lobes parallel. claw'd. leaves hearted lobes coadjoin’d obtufe. variegated. downy purple . femi - orbicular downy. downy . lobes pointed half-egg’d. pointed. leaves rather hearted two-parted rounded underneath. leaves hearted : lobes 8. B. leaves egg’d . 512. HYMENA5A: Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5, fubequal. Style twilled. Legume re- plete with farinaceous pulp. Locujl- Tree. Courbaril. 1. Hymen a: a. 513. PAR- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNiA. Parkinfonia. 321. 51 3 PARKINSONIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5, egg’d : the loweft kidney-form. Style Legume necklace-form. prickly» none. aculeata . I. Parkinsonia. 514. CASSIA. Cal . 5-leaved. Petals 5. An- thers, 3 higheft barren; 3 loweft beak’d. Legume . * Senna . diphylla . i. C. leaves pair’d, ftipules heart-lanced. two-leaved. Abfus. 2. C. leaves twice-pair’d inverfe-egg’d : with two awl’d glands between the loweft. baccillaris . C. leaves twice-pair’d egg’d oblique with an obtufe gland between the loweft, racemes axillary pe- duncled, filique columnar long. S. flaff* viminea . 3. C. leaves twice-pair’d egg-oblong pointed : with an oblong gland between the loweft, thorns fubpe- tioled obfcure three- tooth’d twiggy, Tagera . 4. C. leaves thrice-pair’d : gland petioled, ftipules fringed hearted pointed. Torn. 5. C. leaves thrice-pair’d inverfe-egg’d : exteriour ones larger : with an awl’d gland between the in- feriour. bicapfularis . 6. C. leaves thrice-pair’d inverfe-egg’d fmooth : the interiour rounder lefs : with an interpofed glo- bular gland. two-capj'uled . emarginata. 7. C. leaves thrice-pair’d egg’d rounded end- nick’d equal . end-nick' d. obtufifolia . 8. C. leaves thrice pair’d egg’d obtufifh. obtufe-leaved. falcata . 10. C. leaves four -pair’d egg -lanced back ward-fickled with a gland at the bafe of the petioles, fickled. longifeliqua . C. leaves four-pair’d : outmoft leaflets lanced, with an awl’d gland beneath the loweft and between the outmoft. S. long-flliqued . occidentalis. 1 1 . C. leaves five pair’d egg-lanced rugged on the margin: the exteriour ones larger, with a gla^d at the bafe of the petioles. occidental, planifiliqua . 13. C. leaves five-pair’d egg-lanced fmooth : with a gland at the bafe of the petioles. flat- filique d . S n< J22. TEN MALS. ONE FEMALE. Caffia. Fiflula . 14. C. leaves five-pair’d egg’d pointed fmooth, petioles glandlefs. pipe ; etomaria. 31. C. leaves five-pair’d egg’d rather downy, petioles co- lumnar glandlefs. atom, pilofa . 12. C. leaves five-pair’d glandlefs, ftipules half-hearted pointed, ftem upright hairy. hairy . Senna. 9. C. leaves fix-pair’d rather-egg’d, petioles glandlefs. fenna . biflora 4 15. leaves fix-paired oblongifh fmooth : the inferior lefs, gland awl’d between the loweft, pedicels two- flower’d. two -flower'd, hirfuta. 16. C. leaves fix-pair’d egg’d pointed woolly. Jhaggy . hirfuta. C. leaves fix-pair’d broadly egg’d pointed woolly. S. Jhaggy- tomehtofa . C. leaves fix-or-eight-pair’d, leaflets linear obliquely rounded at the bafe {baggy above, panicles ax- illary, legumes villous. S. downy. leaves feven-pair’d, flowers five-male, ftem thread- form proftrate herbaceous. creeping . 18. C. leaves feven-pair’d lanced, the outmoft Ids, a gland at the bafe of the petioles. privet. 19. C. leaves eight-pair’d oval-oblong : the exteriour ones left, petioles glandlefs, ftipules expanded, wing'd. 20. C. leaves eight-pair’d egg-oblong equal, a gland at the bafe of the petioles. maryland. 21. C. leaves nine-pair’d oblong, with -an awl’d gland between the loweft. mofl-flender . 22. C. leaves ten-pair’d lanced, the gland at the bafe oblortg. C. leaves ten-pair’d oblong obtufe glandlefs, racemes elongated, bradles egg’d tumid imbricated, legume quadrangular comprefs’d. S , brafted. 23. C. leaves twelve-pair’d obtufe dagger’d, glands awl’d numerous, ftipules kidney-form bearded, ear'd. leaves twelve-pair’d oblong obtufe fmooth, gland none. - java . leaves twenty-^pair’d, fonlewhat velvety glandlefe. <9. great * * * Chamaecriftae with leaflets numerous Chama - 25. C. leaves many-pair’d, the petiole gland pedicel’d, crifia. ftipules fword-form. glandulofa . 26. C. leaves many-pair’d many-glanded, ftipules awl’d. glandular. 27. C, ferpens. 17. C liguflrina. alata. fnarilan - die a. ienuijjima. Sophera.* brafteata. auriculata. javanica. grandis . 24. C. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Caflk. 323- mimofoides. 27. C. leaves many-pair’d linear, gland at the bafe of the petioles obfcure, ftipules briftly. mimofa-like . Jlexuofa . 28. C. leaves many-pair’d, ftipules half-hearted, winding . niftitans. 25. C. leaves many-pair’d, flowers five-male, ftem ere£t- ifh. twinkling . procumbens . 30. C. leaves many-pair’d glandlefs, ftem procumbent. procumbent . f 515. POINCIANA, CW. 5-leaved. Petals 5 : the higheft larger. Stamens long : all fruitful. Legume . bijuga. 2. P. prickles folitary, leaflets end-nick’d, twice-pair’d. pulcherrima . 3. P. prickles double, tnojl -beautiful, flata. A. P. ftem unarm’d. 516. CAESALPINIA. CW, 5-cleft: the loweft divifion larger. Petals 5 : the loweft more beautiful. Legume . 3, C. ftem prickly, leaflets inverfe-hearted roundifh. bladdery . 4. C. ftem prickly, leaflets oblong unequal-fided end- nick’d. 2. C. ftem arborefcent, leaflets egg’d intire, flowers five-male, 517. GUILANDINA. Cal. 1 -leaved, falver-form. Petalp inferted on the neck of the calyx, fubequal. Legume . Bonduc , I. G. prickly, feathers egg’d, leaflets with folitary prickles. Bonduccella . 2* G. prickly, feathers oblong-egg’d, leaflets with double prickles. Nuga. 3. G. ftem unarm’d, leaves on the primary petiole with double prickles underneath. Moringa. 2. C. unarm’d, leaves moftly twice-feather’d ; the in- feriour leaflets three’d.- iioica. 4. G. unarm’d, leaves twice-feather’d : on the bafe and top Amply feather’d. two-houfe , S s ? 518. GUA- veficaria . Sappan. Crijla . 324. ten males, one female. Guajacum. 518. GUAJACUM. Cal . 5-cleft, unequal. Pe- tals 5, inferted on the calyx. Capf. angled, 3-or-5-cell’d. officinale. j. G. leaflets two-pair’d obtufe. officinal, fanftum. 2. G. leaflets many-pair’d obtufe. holy . afrum. 3. G. leaflets many-pair’d acute. african. 519. CYNOMETRA. Cal. 4-leaved: Anthers two-cleft at top. Legume flefhy moon’d, i-feeded. cauliflora . I. C. trunk flower-bearing. flem-flower d. ramiflora . 2. C. branches flower-bearing. branch ffiower' d. 1285. CODON. Cor. bell’d, ten-cleft. Cal. 10 -» parted. Capf. many-feeded. Royeni. 1. Codon. of Royen. 522. DICTAMNUS. Cat. 5-leaved. Petals 5, ex- panded. Filament. s fprinkled with glandular points. Capf. 5, conjoin’d. Fraxinella . capenfls . D. leaves Ample ftem branchy. S cape, albus. D. leaves feather’d, ftem Ample. S. white. 523. RUTA. Cal. 5-parted, Petals concave. Receptacle girt with ten honey-bear- ing points. Capf. lobed. Rue. graveolens. chalepenfts. patavina. lini folia, pinnata. 1. R. leaves decompounded, flowers lateral four-cleft. Jlrong-fcented. 4. R. leaves fuperdecompounded, petals fringed. 2. R. leaves three’d feflile. Patavium. 3. R. leaves lanced undivided. flax-leaved. R. leaves feather’d three-pair’d : leaflets lanced : the odd-one faw’d, petals flat rather notchletted. S. feather'd. 524 TOLU- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Toluifera. 3 25 . 524. TOLUIFERA. Cal 5-tooth’d, bell’d. Pe- tals 5, the lowed: the largeft inverfe- hearted. Style none. Balfamum. 1. Toluifera. balfam . 525. HA£]VL4TOXYLUM. Cal 5-parted. Pe- tals 5. Capf. lanced, 1 -cell’d, 2- valved : valves boated. Logwood . Campechianum. I . Hjematoxylum. Campechy . 1260. PROSOPIS. Cal hemifpheric, 4-tooth’d. Stigma Ample. Legume inflated, many- feeded. fpicigera . I. Prosopis. fpike-bearing . 1261. CHALCAS. C#/. 5-parted. Cor. bell’d : petals claw d. Stigma head-warted. paniculata . I. Chalcas. panic led. 1341. MURRAYA. C*/. 5-parted. Cor. bell’d with Nedtary furrounding the germ. Berry one-feeded. exotica. Murraya. exotic. 526. ADENANTHERA. Cal 5-tooth’d. Pe- tals 5. Globular Glands affixed to the Anthers on the exteriour top. Le- gume membranous. Bajlard Flower- fence. pavonina. i. A. leaves fmooth on both fides. peacock . falcata . 2. A. leaves downy underneath. fickled% 528. TRI- 326. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Trichilia. 528. TRICHILIA. Cal. moftly ^-tooth’d. Petals 5. Nedlary cylindri c, bearing the An- thers in its mouths Capf. 3-cell’d, 3 -valved. Seeds berried. hirta- I . T. leaves feather’d (haggyifh. Jhaggy* glabra. 2. T. leaves feather’d fmooth, the outmoft leaflets larger. fmootb. trifolia . 3. T . leaves three’d. three-leaved. 1306. TURR^EA. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Petals 5. Nec- tary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth: Capf. 5-grain’d. Seeds twofold. virens . Turrjea. green. 521. SWIETENIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Nedlary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth. Capf. 5-cell’d, woody gaping at the bafe. Seeds imbricated, wing’d. Mahogany -free. Mahagoni. Swietenia. Mahagoni. 527. MELIA. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Petals 5. Nec- tary cylindric, bearing the Anthers of the corol in its mouth. Drupe with nucleus five-cell’d. Bread-free. Azedarach. 1. M. leaves twice feather’d. Azadirachta. 2. M. leaves feather’d. 530. ZYGO DECANDRIA. MONOGYNI A. ZygOphyllum 327* 530. ZYGOPHYLLUM. Cal 5-leaved. . Petals 5. NeBary io-leaved, covering the germ. Capf. 5-cell’d. Bean-Caper* Z. leaves fimpls feflile cylindric. fimple* Z. leaves pair’d petioled : leaflets inverfe-egg’d, Item herbaceous. Z. leaves pair’d petioled : leaflets cylindric flefhy poiifh’d. fcarlet* Z. leaves pair’d petioled : leaflets club’d flefhy fpider- like-hoary. white . Z. leaves pair’d fubpetioled : leaflets inverfe-egg’d, ftem fhrubby. Z. leaves pair’d feflile : leaflets lance-egg’d rugged oft the margin, ftem fhrubby. je file-leaved* 6. Z. leaves pair’d feflile : leaflets linear flefhy flat above, ftem ftirubby. thorny * 7. Z. leaves pair’d feflile, leaflets inverfe-egg’d retufe. burning . 8. Z. leaves feather’d, ftem arborefcent. arbor efcent. Z. leaves fimple oppofite heart-orbicular. S . heart - leaved . microphyllum. Z. leaflets oval minute, capfules end-nick’d. S. f mall- leaved* fimple x. Fab ago. coccineum . album. Morgfana. fejplifolium. fpinofum . afluans . arboreum, cor difolium. 529» QUASSIA, Cal . 5-leaved. Petals 5, Nec- tary 5-leaved. Pericarps 5, diftant, i-feeded. Simaruba. o, flowers one-houfe, leaves abruptly feather’d : alter- nate leaflets fubpetioled, petiole naked, flowers panicled. S. amara. Q. flowers hermaphrodite, leaves odd-feather’d : leaf- lets oppofite feflile, petiole jointed wing’d, flowers racemed. S bitter. 531. FAGO- 328. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. FagOnia. 331. FAGONIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, hearted* Capf 5 cell’d, 10-valved: cells one- feeded. cretica. i. F. thorny, leaflets lanced flat polifh’d. creta?i. bifpanica. 2. F. unarm’d. fpanijh. arablca . 3. F. thorny, leaflets linear convex. arabian « 532. TRIBULUS. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5, ex- panding. Style none. CapJ. 5, gib- bous, thorny, many-feeded. Caltrops . maximus . I. T. leaves moftly four-pair’d : the exteriour ones lar- ger, pericarps ten-feeded awnlefs. largejl. lanuginofus . 2. T. leaves moftly five-pair d fubequal, feeds two-* horn’d. cottony 4 terrejlrh , 3. T. leaves moftly fix-pair’d fubequal, feeds four-horn’d. terreftrial . Cijloides. 4. T. leaves eight-pair’d fubequal. 533. THRYALLIS. C*/. 5-parted. e*// 3-srain’d* braftlienfis . X. Thryallis. Ciji us-like. Petals 5. Brazile. 534. LIMONIA. CW. 5-parted. Petals 5. J5erry 3-cell’d. dWr folitary. monophylla. trifoliata. acidijjima. I , L. leaves Ample, thorns folitary. one-leaved. L, leaves three’d, thorns double. three-leaved. L. leaves feather’d, thorns folitary. mojl acid. S36 MONOTROPA. Cal. o. Petals 10: the five exteriour of thefe hollow-honey- bearing at the bafe. Capf. 5-valved. Hypopithys. I. M. lateral flowers eight-male: terminal one ten-male. uniflora . 2. M. ftem one-flower’d, flower ten-male, one- flower' d. 1307. DIONA5A. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. DlOUXa. 329' 1307. DIONA5A. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5* Capf 1 -cell’d, gibbous, many-feeded. Mufcipula. Dionjea. Fly-trap, 538. XUSSIEUA. Cal . 4-or»5-parted, above. Petals 4 or 5. Capf. 4-or-5-cell’d, oblong, gaping with angles. Seeds nu- merous, minute. repens . tenella . peruviana . fuffruticofa . erefta. Inclinata . 1. I. creeping, flowers five-petard ten-male, leaves egg- oblong. creeping . J. fmooth, flowers five-petal’d fubfeflile, leaves oppo- flte line-lanced. tender . 2. I. eredt, flowers five- petal’d, peduncles leafy, peruvian , 3. I. eredt villous, flowers four-petal’d eight-male pedun- cled. Jhrubbyifh . 4. I. eredt fmooth, flowers four-petal’d eight-male feflile. ereB . I. ere# fmooth, flowers four-petal’d eight-male pe- duncled. inclined. 535. HEISTERIA. Cah 5-cleft. Petals 5. Drupe with a moft large colour’d calyx. coccinea . I. Heisteria. fear let. 5 39. QUISQUALIS. Ca/. 5-cleft, thread-form. Petals 5. Drupe 5 -angled. indica. i. Quisqualis. Indian. 540. DAIS. Involucre 4-leaved. Cor. 4-0^5 -cleft, Berry i-feeded. cotinifolia . i. D. flowers five-cleft ten-male. oftandria. 2. D. flowers four-cleft eight-male. cotinus -leaved, eight-male. 330. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Melaftoma. 544. MELASTOMA. Cal. 5-cleft, bell’d. Pe- tals 5, inferted on the calyx. Berry 5-ceird, involved in the calyx. Acinoden - i. M. leaves toothletted moftly three-nerved egg’d acute. dron. Groffulari- 2. M. leaves toothletted triple-nerved egg’d pointed. aides. Goofeberry-like. fcabrofa. 3. M. leaves toothletted fine-nerved hearted rugged, downy underneath, branches down-villous. rugged. hirta . 5. M. leaves toothletted five-nerved egg-lanced, item hifpid. . ^ Jhaggy. afpera. 10. M. leaves molt intire three-nerved lanced rugged. rough . holofericea . 6. M, leaves - moft intire three-nerved oblong-egg’d, downy underneath, racemes crofs-arm’d, fpikes two-parted. velvet. fejftlifolia. 4. M. leaves moil intire tripple-nerved fpatuled fefiile downy underneath. feffile-leaved. Malabath - 7. M. leaves moft intire five-rterved lance-egg’d rugged. nca. lavigata. difcolor . oftandra. crifpata. fragilis. groffa . Jlrigoja. 8. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved egg-oblong fome- what polifh’d pointed polifh’d on the margin. polled. 9. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved oblong-egg’d fmooth polifh’d on the margin. dijcolour'd. 1 1 . M. leaves moft intire three-nerved egg’d fmooth hif- pid on the margin. eight-male. 12. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved four-fold, branches curl’d. curl'd. M. leaves five-nerved netted, racemes with flowers one-rank’d feflile. S. fragile . M. leaves moft intire five-nerved rather hearted rug- ged. S. grofs. M. leaves moft intire three-nerved lance-briftled egg’d, flowers folitary. S. lance-brijlled. 545. KAL- DEC AN DR I A. monogynia. Kalmia. 33* 545. KALMIA, Cal. 5-parted. Cor . falver- form : border 5-horn’d underneath. Caff. 5 -cell’d. latifolia. 1. K. leaves egg’d, corymbes terminal, broad-leaved . angujlifolia . 2. K. leaves lanced, corymbes lateral. narrow-leaved . 546. LEDUM. Ctf/. 5-cleft. Cor. flat, 5-parted. Cap f. 5-ceird, gaping at the bafe. palifre. 1. Ledum. marjh. 548. RHODODENDRON. CW, 5-parted. rather funnel-form. Stamens declining, Capf. 5-cell’d. ferrugineum, i. dauricum. 2. hirfutum . 3. Cbamaciftus. 4. ponti cum. 5. maximum. 6. Chryfanthum . R. leaves fmooth fcurfy underneath, corols funnel- form . mw. R. leaves fmooth dotted naked, corols wheel’d. Dauria . R. leaves fringed naked corols funnel-form. fia'ggy* R. leaves fringed, corols wheel’d. R. leaves gloffy lanced fmooth on both fides, racemes terminal. pontic . R. leaves glofly oval obtufe vein’d with margin acute reflected, peduncles one-flower’d. largejl( R, leaves oblong undotted rugged above molt vein’d, corol wheel’d irregular, bud flower-bearing iron-downy. S. 549. ANDROMEDA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor . egg’d : mouth 5-cleft. Capf 5-ceird. tetragona, bypnoides. car idea. Mariana. 1. A. peduncles folitary lateral, corols bell’d, leaves op- pofite imbricated obtufe revolute, four-corner7 d. 2. A, peduncles folitary terminal, corols bell’d, leaves crowded awl’d. hypnum-like. 3. A. peduncles aggregate, corols egg’d, leaves fcatter’d linear obtufe flat. blue. 4. A, peduncles aggregate, corols cylindric, leaves alter- nate egg’d molt intire. T t 2 5. A, IO 332- Polifolia\ Bryantha . Daboecia, droferoides . paniculata . racemofa , arborea. calyculata . anajlomofans rupejlris. cerea . ten males, one female. Andromeda. 5. A. peduncles aggregate, corols egg’d, leaves alternate lanced re dute. Polium-leaved. A. flowers corymbed, leaves elliptic, ftem proftrate. A. racemes one-rank’d, flowers four-cleft egg’d, leaves alternate lanced revolute. A. racemes one-rank’d, leaves linear hairy vifcid. Drofera-like. 6. A. racemes one-rank’d naked panicled, corols fubcy- lindric, leaves alternate oblong notchletted. panicled. 7. A. racemes one-rank’d bra&ed, corols gibbous-cylin- dric, leaves alternate oblong faw’d. racemed. 8. A. racemes one-rank’d naked, corols round-egg’d. arborefcent. 9. A. racemes one-rank’d leafy, corols fubcylindric, leaves alternate lanced obtufe dotted. calycled. A. leaves egg’d rather faw’d dotted underneath with anaftomofes. S. anajlomofed. A. leaves oblong alternate fawletted. S. rock. A. peduncles axillary folitary two-leaved one-flower’d, leaves alternate egg’d faw’d. waxen. 550. EPIG^EA. Exteriour Calyx 3 -leaved : interi- our one 5-parted. Cor. falver-form. Cafc f. 5-ceird. repens . I. Epigjea. creeping. 551. GAULTHERIA. Exteriour Calyx 2-leaved: interiour one 5-cleft. Cor. egg'd. Nettary, with 10 daggers. Cap/. 5- cell’d, cloath’d with the interiour ber- ried calyx. procumbens. 1. Gaultheria. procumbent . 552. ARBUTUS. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. egg'd': pellucid in the mouth at the bafe. Berry 5-ceird. TJnedo . 1. A. ftem arborefcent, leaves fmooth faw’d. berries many-feeded. A. A. DECANDRIA. MO NOG YN I A. ArbutUS. 333., Andrachne . A. A. Hem arborefcent, leaves fmooth moft intire and faw’d, berries many-feeded. acadienfls. 2. A. ftems procumbent, leaves egg’d rather faw’d, flowers fcatter’d, berries many-feeded. acadian. alpina . 3. A. ftems procumbent, leaves wrinkled faw’d. alpine. Uvaurft . 4. A. ftems procumbent, leaves moft intire. Bear’s grape. A. arborefcent, leaves oblong obtufe fmooth moft intire, racemes terminal. S. iron . A. arborefcent, leaves oblong pointed at both ends acutely faw’d fmooth, racemes axillary one- ' rank’d fefliile folitary. S. laurus -leaved. A. ftem arborefcent, leaves fmooth obtufely faw’d, panicle terminal, berries many-feeded. S. A . ftem fhrubby, leaves alternate egg’d faw’d dagger’d, peduncles axillary one-flower’d. S. dagger’d. A. ftem diffufe, leaves alternate two-rank’d oblong moft intire, flowers lateral folitary. S. divarf. 553. CLETHRA. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5* Stigma 3 -cleft. Capf. 3-ceird, 3- valved. aln folia. 1. Clethra. alnus-leaved . ferruginea, laur if alia. Unedo. mucronata. pumila. 554. PYROLA. Cal . 5-parted. Petals 5. CapJ . 5-cell’d, gaping at the angles. minor. rotundifolia. i. P. ftamens afcending, piftil declining, round-leaved . P. flowers racemed difperfed, ftamens and piftils ftraight. lefsc Pv. raceme one-fided. one-rank’ d. P. peduncles fubumbel’d. umbel’ d. P. peduncles two-flower’d. fpotted . fecunda, umbellata maculata , uniflora. 3- 4- 5- 6. P. fcape one-flower’d. -one-flower’ d. 5 46 STYRAX. Cal. beneath. Cor. funnei- forn*. Drupe two-feeded. Storax-Tree officinale. Styrax. officinal 543. SAMYDA. 334- tin males, one female. Samyda. 543. SAMYDA. Cal 5-parted, colour’d. Cor . none. Capf. berriql within, 3-valved 1 -cell’d: Seeds nidulant. parviflora . i. S. flowers ten -male, leaves egg-oblong, fmooth on both fides. ' fmall-jiower d. nitida . 2. S. flowers eight-male, leaves hearted fmooth. gloffiy . fpihofa . 3. S. flowers eight-male, branches thorny. thorny, pupefcens. 4. S. flowers twelve-male, leaves egg’d downy under- neath. pubefcent. ferrulata . 5. S. flowers twelve-male, leaves egg-oblong fawletted. fawletted. 542. COPAIFERA. Cal o. Petals 4. Legume egg’d. Seed x, with aril berried. officinalis. i. Copaifera. officinal . 541. BUCIDA, Cal 5-tooth’d, above. Cor . o. Berry one-feeded. Buceras. A. Bucida. 1390. MYROXYLON, Cal. bell’d. Superiour Petal larger than the reft. Germ longer than the corol. Legume i-feeded. S . peruiferum. Myroxylon. peru-bearing . 1391, INOCARPUS, Cor. funnel-form. Cal 2 -cleft. Stamens in a double feries. Drupe i-feeded. S . 22W/V. Ixgcarpus. eatable. TWO dec Andri a. dig YNi a. Royena. 335- TWO FEMALES. f Digynia .) 555. ROYENA. Cal. pitcher’d. Cor . i-petal’d, revolute in the border. Cap/. 1 -cell’d, 4-valved. lucida. villofa. glabra. hirfuta. polyandra. 1. 4- 2. 3- R. leaves egg’d ruggedifh. lucid. R. leaves hearted oblong downy underneath, villous . R. leaves lanced fmooth. fmootb. R. leaves lanced fhaggy. foaggy. R. leaves egg’d downy underneath, ftamens moft numerous. S. many-male . 557. HYDRANGEA. Caff. 2-cell'd, 2-beak’d, circumcifed. arborefct 1. Hydrangea. arborefcent . 556. CUNONIA. Cor . 5-petard. Cal. 5-leaved. Capf. 2-cell’d, pointed, many-feeded. Styles longer than the flower. capenfis. A. Cunonia. tape. 537. TRIANTHEMA. Cal. dagger'd under the top. Cor. o. Stamens 5, or 10. Germ retufe. Capf* circumcifed. Horfe Pnrjlane. mowgyna. I. T. flowers five-male one-female. one-female, pentandra . 2. T. flowers five-male two-female. five-male, decandra . T. flowers moftly ten-male two-female. ien-male. 558. CHRY- 336. ten males, two females. Chryfofplenium. 558. CHRYSOSPLENIUM. Cal. 4 or 5-cleft, colour’d. Cor . o. Capf. 2-beak’d, i -cell’d, many-feeded. alternifolium. i. C. leaves alternate. oppofttifolium. 2. C. leaves oppofite. alternate-leaved. oppofite-leaved. 559. SAXIFRAGA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-petal’d. Capf. 2-beak’d, 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. Saxifrage . ■' 1 ; . r A * With leaves undivided , Jlem nakedifo. Cotyledon. i. S. leaves radicated aggregate tongued griftle-faw’d, ftem panicled. mutata . 2. S. leaves radical aggregate tongued griftle-faw’d, ftem r ace m^i- leafy. changeable, penfylvdnica. 3. S. leaves lanced' toothletted, ftem naked panicled, flowers fomewhat headed. penfyhanian. androfacea. 4. S. leaves lanced obtufe hairy, ftem naked two- flower’d. androface. usfia. 5. S. leaves linear perforate- dotted aggregate recurved, ftem many-flower’d. grey, burferiana, 6. S. leaves aggregate imbricated three-fided awl’d po- lifti’d, ftem nakedifh one-fiower’J. burferian. fedoides. 7. S. leaves aggregate alternate and oppofite fublanced, flower peduncled. fedum-like . bryoidcs. 8. S. leaves fringed inflected imbricated, ftem nakedifh many-flower’d. bryum-like. bronchialis , 9. S. leaves imbricated awl’d fringed thorny, ftem na- kedifh many-flower’d. bronchial, (lellaris 10. S. leaves faw’d, ftem naked branchy, petals pointed. Jlar. crafjifolia. 11. S. leaves oval retufe obfcurely faw’d petioled, ftem naked, panicles conglomerated. thick-leaved, nivalis. 12. S. leaves inverfe-egg’d notch’d fubfeflile, ftem naked, flowers collected. fncwy. ■bundlata. 12. S. leaves roundifh tooth’d longly petioled, ftem naked. r dotted. u?nbrofa. 14. S. leaves inverfe-egg’d lubretufe griftle-notch’d, ftem naked panicled. Jhady. 16. S. DECANDRiA. DiGYNiA. Saxifraga. 337. birfuta. 16. S. leaves heart-oval retufe-griftle notch’d, ftem naked panicled. Jbaggy» cuneifolia. 15. S. leaves wedge-form moft obtufe fcollop’d, ftem naked panicled. wedge-leaved . Geum . 17. S. leaves kidney-form tooth’d, ftem naked panicled. averns . farmentofa . S. leaves radical roundiih hearted notch’d, farments axillary rooting, corol irregular, raceme com- pound. S. farmentous . * * With leaves undivided. , Jlem leafy, oppofitifolia. 18. S. ftem-leaves egg’d oppofite imbricated : the higheft fringed. 1 oppofite-leaved . afpera, 19. S. ftem-leaves lanced alternate fringed, items pro- cumbent. rough . Hirculus, 28. S. ftem-leaves lanced alternate naked unarm’d, ftem ere£t. aizoides, 22* S. ftem-leaves linear-awPd fcatterM naked unarm’d, items decumbent. aizoon-like . autumnalis. 20. S. ftem-leaves linear alternate fringed: radical leaves aggregate. autumnal . roti^ndifolia.2 3. S. ftem-leaves kidney-form tooth’d petioled, ftem pa- nicled. round-leaved . gr anulata. 20. S. ftem-leaves kidney-form lobed, ftem branchy, root granulated. granulated . * * * With leaves lobed , ferns ere£l> bulbifera . 25. S. leaves hand-lobed : ftem-leaves fefiile, ftem branchy bulb-bearing. bulb-bearing, . cernua. 26. S. ftem-leaves handed petioled, ftem moft iimple one- flower’d bulb-bearing. bowing . rivularis. 28. S. ftem-leaves handed : the higheft floral one egg’d, ftem Ample moftly two-flower’d. river, geranioides. 30. S. radical leaves kidney-form five-lobed many-cleft, ftem - leaves linear, ftem mkediih branchy. geraninm-like . ajugi folia. 31. S. radical leaves hand-five-parted, ftem-leaves linear undivided, items afcending many - flower’d. ajuga-leaved. fibirica : 27. S. ftem-leaves kidney-form handed hairy, items and peduncles thread-form. fberian . tridaRylites. 32, S. ftem-leaves wedge-form three-cleft alternate, ftem eredt branchy. three-finger' d. U u 33. s. 338. ten males, two females. Saxifraga. petraea . 33. S. flem -leaves hand - three-parted . divifions nearly three-cleft, ftem moft branchy loofe. rock, adfcendens. 31. S. Item-leaves wedge-form tooth’d at top, ftem af- cending fubvillous. afcending . cafpitofa. 34. S. radical leaves aggregate linear intire and three- cleft, ftem ere£t nakedifh moftly two-flower’d. . turfy- groenlan - 29. S. ftem-leaves hand-many-cleft fcatter’d : divifions dica. acute, ftem erecft. greerdand . * * * * With leaves lobed , Jlems procumbent. cymbalaria . 35. S. ftem-leaves hearted three-lobed and intire, ftems procumbent. hederacea t 36. ftem-leaves egg’d lobed, ftem thread-form flaccid. ivy. hypnoides . 30. S. ftem-leaves linear intire or three-cleft, ftoles pro- cumbent, ftem ere£t nakedifh. hypnum-like . # 560. TIARELLA. Cal . 5-parted. Cor . 5-petard, inferted on the calyx : petals intire. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved : one valvelet larger. cordifolia . i. T. leaves hearted. heart-leaved* trifoliata . 2. T. leaves three’d. three-leaved. 561. MITELLA. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard, inferted on the calyx : petals feather- cleft. Capf. 1 -cell’d, 2-valved : valve- lets equal. diphylla. I. M. fcape two-leaved. two-leaved, nuda. 2. M. fcape naked. naked. 562. SCLERANTHUS. Cal i-leaved. Cor. none. Seeds 2, included in the calyx. annuus. 1. S. calyxes of the fruit expanded. annual. 2. S. DECANDRiA. DiGYNiA. Scleranthus. 339. perennis. 2. S. calyxes of the fruit clofecL perennial . polycarpos . A. S’, calyxes of the fruit moft expanding thorny, ftem fubvillous.. many- fruit. 563. GYPSOPHILA. Cal. i -leaved, bell’d, an- gled. Pet ah 5, egg’d, feffile. Caff. globular, i -cell’d. repens . 2. G. projlrata. 3. G. paniculata. 8. G. ahiffima . 5. G. Struthium . 6. G. fajligiata . 4. G. per foliata . 9. G. muralis. 11. G. rigida . 10. G. faxifraga. 12. G. leaves lanced, ftamens fhorter than the end-nick’d corol. creeping . leaves lanced polifh’d, Items difFufe, piftils longer than the bell’d corol. projlrate. leaves lanced rugged, corols revolute, flowers two-houfe. panicled. leaves lanced moftly three-nerved. Items Straight. moJl-talL leaves linear flefhy : axillary leaves crowded co- lumnar. leaves lance-linear obfcurely three-fided polifh’d obtufe one-rank’d, level-top* d. leaves egg-lanced half-ftem-clafping. leaf-pierced. leaves linear flat, calyxes leaflefs, ftem two-fork’d, petals notch’d. wall. leaves linear-flat, ftem two-fork’d, peduncles two- flower’d, petals end-nick’d. rigid. leaves linear, calyxes angled with four fcales, corols end-nick’d. faxifrage. \ i \ 564. SAPONARIA. Cal. i-leaved, naked. Pe- tals 5, claw’d. Caff oblong, i -cell’d. Soap-Wort. officinalis. Vafcaria. cretica. porrigens . Illyrica. j. S. calyxes cylindric, leaves egg-lanced. officinal. 3. S. calyxes pyramidal five-angled, leaves egg’d pointed feffile. 2. S. calyxes five-angled ftriated, ftem eredt moftly two- fork’d, leaves awl’d. Cretan . S, calyxes cylindric pubefcent, branches moft divari- cated, fruit pendulous. extending . 7. S. calyxes fubcylindric, ftem eredt vifeid-purpling : branches alternate, corols dotted. fllyria. Du 3- S' 34°. ten males, two females. Saponaria. Ocymoides. 3. S. calyxes cylindric villous, ftems two-fork’d pro- cumbent. Ocy mum-like, orientalis . 5. S. calyxes cylindric villous, Item two-fork’d ere& expanded. oriental, lutea. 6. S. calyxes columnar, corols crown’d, flowers fubum- bel’d, leaves fublinear channel’d. yellow . 565, DIANTHUS. Cal. cylindric, i-leaved: with four fcales at the bafe. Petals 5, claw'd. Capf. cylindric, 1 -cell’d. Pink . barbatus. I. P. carthufiano - 2. D. rum . ferrugineus. D. Armeria. 3. D. prolifer a. 4. D. * Flowers aggregate. flowers aggregate fafcicled, calyx-fcales egg-awl’d equalling the tube, leaves lanced. bearded. flowers fubaggregate, calyx-fcales egg’d awn’d fubeqwalling the tube, leaves three-nerved, of the carthufeans . flowers aggregate, petals two-cleft : diviflons three-tooth’d. iron. flowers aggregate fafcicled, calyx-fcales lanced villous equalling the tube, flowers aggregate headed, calyx-fcales egg’d ob- tufe awnlefs furpafling the tube. proliferous . * * Flowers folitary many on the fame fern. diminutus. 5. D. Caryophyllus.6. D. pomeridia - 18. D. nus. deltoides. 7. D. glaucus. 8. D. chinenfis. 9. D. monfpeliacus. 10, D. plumarius. 12* D. flowers folitary : calyx-fcales eight-fold furpafling the flower. diminutive . flowers folitary, calyx-fcales rather egg’d moft fhort, corols notch’d. clove . flowers folitary : calyx-fcales two-fold hearted moft fhort, corols end-nick’d very intire, afternoon . flowers folitary, calyx-fcales lanced two-fold corols notch’d. delta-like . flowers fubfolitary calyx-fcales lanced fourfold fhort, corols notch’d. fea- green. flowers folitary, calyx-fcales awl’d expanded equalling the tube, corols notch’d, china . flowers folitary, calyx-fcales awl’d the length of the tube, corols many-cleft, ftem ere£f. monu pelier . flowers folitary, calyx-fcales rather egg’d moft fhort, corols many-cleft pubefeent in the throat, feather'd. 11. D. DEC ANDRI A. DIGYNI A# DiantllUS. 34*< fuperbus . u. D. flowers panicled, cal yx -fcales fhort pointed, corols many-cleft-capillary, ftem ere • petal end-nick’d, calyxes egg’d, pedncles three- cleft, leaves lanced fomewhat fringed, antir- rhinum . ere£t polifh’d, calyxes fubglobular fmooth vein’d^ corols unopen’d. blujhingt ftem two-fork’d panicled, calyxes polifh’d, petal3 moft fhort end -kick’d, leaves fmocth lanced^ unopen* 25. S, 344* TEN males, three females. Silene. 25. Item two-fork’d panicled, calyxes ftriated, petals two- cleft, leaves linear. garden . 26. S. er eft polifh’d, calyxes eredt ten-angled, petals two- cleft. Cretan. 27. S. petals two-cleft, item two-fork’d, flowersaxillary feflile, leaves fmooth. catchfiy. 28. S. leaves fafcicled briftly : tbofe of the flowering branches oppofite. many-leaved. 29. S. flowers fafcicled level-top’d, fuperiour leaves hearted fmooth, petals intire. 31. S. flowers ere<5t petals end-nick’d, calyxes columnar, leaves lanced. rock. 32. S. Items moftly one-flower’d, peduncles the length of the item, flowers hermaphrodite and female, petals two-cleft. Saxifrage . vallefla . 33. S. Items moftly one-flower’d decumbent, leaves lanced downy the length of the calyx, vallefian. 34. ftemlefs deprefs’d, petals end-nick’d. Jlemlefs . S. flowers fafcicled level-top’d, petals four-cleft, leaves egg’d fmooth. S. orchis -like. S. petals end-nick’d tooth’d on each fide, leaves rather downy. S. Egyptian. (is. cretica . mufcipula. polyphylla. Armeria. rupejlris. Saxifraga. ac aulis, orchidea. agyptiaca. 568. STELLARIA. Cal. 5-leaved, expanding. Petals 5, two-parted. Caff. 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. Star-flower. nemorum. dichotoma. radians. Holojlea. graminea. Cerajloides . biflora. arenaria. 2. 3- 4- 5* 6. S. leaves hearted petioled, panicle with peduncles branchy. of the groves. S. leaves egg’d feflile, ftem two-fork’d, flowers foli- tary, peduncles fruit-bearing refledted. two- fork’d. S. leaves lanced fawletted, petals five-parted, radiant. S. leaves lanced fawletted, petals two-cleft. S . leaves linear moft intire, flowers panicled. grafjy. S. leaves oblong, peduncles moftly two-flower’d. Cera/lium-like . S. leaves awl’d, fcapes moftly two-flower’d, petals end- nick’d, germs oblong, calyxes ftriated. two- flower’d. S. leaves fpatuled, ftem eredl two-cleft, branches al- ternate petals end-nick’d. fand. 569 ARE- BECANDRiA. triGyniA. Arenaria* 345, 569. ARENARIA. Petals 5; feeded. Cal . 5-leaved, expanding, intire. Capf. 1 -cell’d, many- Sandwort . peploides • 1. A. tetraquetra » 2. A. biflora. A. lateriflora . 3. A. trinervia. 4. A. ciliata . 15. A. balearica. A. multicaulis. 5. A. ferpyllifolia. 6. A. tr flora. A. montana. 7. A. rubra. 8. A. media. g. A. bavarica. 10. A. . gypfophiloides. A. faxatilis. 11. A. verna.. A. hifpida. 16. A. juniperina. A. tenuifolia. 12. A. larici folia. 13. A. leaves egg’d acute fleihy. peplis-like. leaves egg’d keel’d recurved four- ways imbricated. four-flded. leaves inverfe-egg’d obtufe, items procumbent, peduncles two-flower’d lateral. two-flower* d. leaves egg’d obtufe, peduncle lateral two-ftower’d. fide -flowering. leaves egg’d acute petioled nervy. three-nerved . leaves egg’d nervy fringed acute. fringed. leaves egg’d lucid rather fleihy, item creeping, peduncles one-flower’d, balearean . leaves egg’d nervelefs feilile acute : corols larger than the calyx. many -flem' d. leaves rather egg’d acute feilile, corols ihorter than the calyx. thyme-leaved . leaves lance-awl’d fringed, branches moftly three- flower’d, petals lined obtufe. three-flower d. leaves linear-lanced rugged, items barren moil long procumbent. mountain . leaves thread-form, itipules membranous iheath- ing. red. leaves linear-flefhy, itipules membranous, items pubefcent. middle . leaves femicylindric fleihy obtufe, petals lanced, terminal peduncles moftly two’d. bavarian. leaves linear : radical ones briftly, panicle fubpu- bufcent, petals lanced. gypfophila-like: leaves awl’d, items panicled, calyxes with leaflets egg’d obtufe. . rock. leaves awl’d, items panicled, calyxes pointed ftri- ated. vernal. leaves awl’d hifpid underneath. hifpid. leaves awl’d thorny, items eredt, calyxes ftriated, capfules oblong. juniper . leaves awl’d, item panicled, capfules eredt, petals ihorter than the calyx lanced. fender -leaved. leaves briftly, item nakediih above, calyxes rather ihao; gy- larix-leaved . 14. A, 346. ten males, three females. Arenaria. / hiata . 14. A. leaves linear ere£t apprefs’d, calyxes oblong driated. flriated. fafcieulata, A. leaves awl’d, flem ere£t upright* flowers fafcicled, petals mod fhort. fafcicled, grandifera,!*]. A. leaves awFd flat upright : radical leaves crowded, {terns one-ftower’d. great- flower'd, linifera, A. leaves awj'd, Items fhrubbyifh, flowers double. flax- flower'd, linifera. A. {terns ere£t, branchy below flirubby, leaves awl’d, flowers double. S. flax -flower'd, 570. CHERLERIA. Cal, 5-leaved. Neffaries 5-two-cleft, petal-like. Anthers al- ternate barren. Cap/, 1 -cell’d, 3- valved, three-feeded. Sedoides, l, Cherleria. Sedum- like. 571. GARIDELLA: Cal. 5-leaved, petal-like. Nectaries 5, two-lip’d, two-cleft. Capf. 3, connected, many-feeded. Nigellaflum. i. Garidella. 572. MALPIGHIA. Cal. 5-leaved with honey- bearing pores on the outfide the bale. Petals 5, roundifh, claw’d. Berry I -cell’d, 3-feeded. glabra . 1. M. leaves egg’d molt intire fmooth, peduncles umbel’d. fmooth . punicifolia, 2. M. leaves egg’d moft intire fmooth, peduncles one- flower’d punica-leaved, nitida . 3. M. leaves lanced molt intire fmooth, fpikes lateral. Zlojfy* urens, 4. M. leaves oblong-egg’d : bridles underneath decum- bent rigid, peduncles one-ftower’d aggregate. flinging, , angu/lifoUa . 4. M. leaves linear-lanced : with bridles on both fides decumbent rigid, peduncles umbePd. narrow- leaved. 6. M, DECANDRIA. TRIG YNIA. Malpighia. 347. crajftfolia. 6. M. leaves egg’d moft intire downy underneath racemes terminal. thick-leaved, verbafcifolia .7. 3VL leaves lance-egg’d downy moft intire, racemes terminal. mullein-leaved, aquifolia . 8. M. leaves lanced tooth-thorny hifpid underneath. Holly, coccigera . 9. M. leaves rather egg’d tooth-thorny. grain-bearing . 573. BANISTERIA. Cal. 5-parted with honey- bearing pores on the outfide the bafe. Petals roundifh, claw’d. Seeds 3, mem-* brane-wing’d. angulofa. I. B. leaves finus-agled. angled . purpurea, 2. B. leaves egg’d, fpikes lateral, feeds eretft. purple, laurifolia . 3. B. leaves egg-oblong rigid, racemes terminal. bay- leaved, benghalenfis . 4. B. leaves egg-oblong pointed, racemes lateral, feeds expanding. benghal, dichotoma . 5. B. leaves egg’d, branches two-fork’d. two-fork' d, julgens, 9. B. leaves rather egg’d downy underneath, racemes crofs-arm’d, peduncles umbel’d. Jhining , brachiata. 7. B. leaves rather egg’d, branches crofs-arm’d, feeds narrower within. crop -arm'd, 569. HIRjEA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals roundifh, claw’d. Capf. with three wings, 3- cell’d. Seeds two. reclinata . I, Hirjea. reclined. 574. TRIOPTERIS. Cal. 5-rparted. Six wings of the germ counterfeit Petals . Seeds 3. Capf. 3, tyvo-wing’d. i-feeded. jamaicenfts , Triopteris. jamaica . Xx 2 575. ERY- 34^* tem males, three females. Erythroxylon. 575. ERYTHROXYLON. Cal. top-fliape. Cor. the petals with a nedtar - bearing end-nick’d fcalelet at the bafe. Stamens connedled at the bafe. Drupe 1 -cell’d. areolatum. 1. E. leaves inverfe-egg’d, bavanenfe. 2. E. leaves egg’d. havanna. five females. ( Pentagynia.J 576. AVERRHOA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, expanding above. Pome c-corner’d, 5-cell’d. Bilimbi . Carambola. acida . 1. A. ftock naked fructifying, ponies oblong obtufe-an- gled. 2. A. axils of the leaves fructifying, pomes oblong acute-- angled. 3. A. branches naked fructifying, pomes roundifh. acid. 577. SPONDIAS. Cal 5-tooth’d. Cor . 5-petard. Drupe with a five-cell’d nucleus. Mombin . i. S* leaves with the common petiole comprefs’d. Myrobalanus. 2. S. petioles columnar ; leaflets glofly pointed. 578. COTYLEDON. Cal 5-cleft. Cor . i-petal’d. Five nedtar- bearing Scales at the bafe of the germ. Capf. 5. Navel Wort , orbiculata . i . fpuria. 2. hemifphcerica .3. ferrata . 4. C. leaves orbicular flefhy flat moft intire, ftem fhrubby. „ orbicular. L. leaves fpatule - lanced flelhy moft intire. Item flirubby. /furious. C. leaves femiglobular. hemifpheric. C. leaves oval notch’d, ftem fpiked. /aw'd 9. C. DECANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Cotyledon. 349. ives cowl-targetted faw-tooth’d alternate, ftem branchy, flowers eredt. navel. ives jagg’d, flowers four-cleft. jagg'd. Umbilicus . 9. c. laciniata. 6. C. hifpanica . 7. C. papillaris , c. mamillaris. c. triflora . c. Cacalioides, c. reticulata . c. paniculata > c. 579. SEDUI verticillata . 1. s. crelephium' 2. S. An a camp - 3. s. feros. Aizoon . 4. s. hybridum . 5. S. fiellatuiri' 7. s. C epee a. 8. S. libanoiicum. 6. S. ■dafyphyllum. 9. s. reflexum . 10. S. S. ives alternate column fubfeflile. S. ives inverfe-egg’d inti threefold. S. ives columnar, flowers S. rubby, leaves columna S. ■ubby, leaves oblong -i ricated racemed. S. fpanijh . *rs corymbed. papillary • wers alternate mamillary', fubpeduncled three -flow er' d. ftem fhrubby. Cacalia-like • iet-corymbed. netted . panicle diva- panicled # VT. CaL 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petard. Five nadar- bearing Scales at the bafe of the germ. Capfules 5. * Flat-leaved, leaves fourfold. vet idl'd. leaves flattifh faw’d, corymbe leafy, ftem eredf. leaves wedge-form moft intire, ftems decumbent, flowers corymbed. leaves lanced faw’d flat, ftem eredl, cyme feflile terminal, leaves wedge-form concave rather tooth’d aggre- gate, branches creeping, cyme terminal, mule, leaves flattifh angled, flowers lateral feflile folqary. flar'd' moft Ample. * * Columnar -leaved, ves oppofite egg’d obt flowers fcatter’d. ves awl’d fcatter’d loof ones recurved. libanos ' denfe-leaved. fe : inferiour reflected, 11. s. 350. TEN MALES. FIVE FEMALES. Sedum. rupejlre. n. S. leaves awl’d five-faced crowded at the bafe, flowers cymed. rock, bifpanicum. 12. S. leaves columnarifti acute : radical leaves fafcicled, cyme pubefcent. fpanifa. album . 13. S. leaves oblong obtufe columnarifh feflile expanding, cyme branchy. white, acre, 15. leaves fomewhat egg’d coadjoin-feflile gibbous ere&ifti alternate, cyme three-cleft. acrid, fexangulare.ib S. leaves rather egg’d adjoin-feflile gibbous ere&ifh im- bricated fix-ways. fix-angled . annuum • 17. S. Item ere£ folitary annual, leaves egg’d feflile gib- bous alternate, cyme recurved. annual . villofum . 18. S. ftem ere&, leaves flattifh and peduncles rather hairy. villous . atratum . 19. S. ftem ere (fern neither two -fork'd nor umbel-bearing.) Caput Medu-.S. E. unarm’d imbricated with tubercles furnifh’d with a fee, linear leaflet. Medufa's Head , mauritani- 10. E. unarm’d half-naked fhrubby thread-form flaccid* ca . leaves alternate. mauritanian . ■ Tirucalli . 11, E. unarm’d half- naked fhrubby thread -form erebt, branches expanding determinately crowded. Tithymal- 12. E. unarm’d fhrubby, leaves two-ways alternat' egg’d. oides. Tithymalus-like. heterophylla.i'g. E. unarm’d, leaves faw’d petioled different : egg’d lanced viol in- form. differ ent-learued. cotinifolia ,l 14. E. leaves oppofite nearly hearted petioled end-nick’d moffc intire, flem fhrubby. cotinus-leaved. ecymoidea. 15. E. unarmed herbaceous branchy, leaves nearly hearted moft intire fhorter than the petiole, flowers folitary. ocymum-like . * * * Two-forked ( umbel two-clft or none.) origanotdes. 16. E. two-fork’d, leaves fawietted egg’d obtufe three- nerved, panicle terminal, Items Ample, origa- nujn-like. hyperici - 17. E. two-fork’d, leaves faw’d oval-oblong fmootb, folia. corymbes terminal, branches divaricated, hype- ricum-leaved , maculata 22. E. two-fork’d, leaves faw’d oblong hairy, flowers ax- illary folitary, branches fpreading. fpotted. hirta. 18. E. two-fork’d, leaves fawietted egg’d pointed, pedun- cles headed axillary, ftems hairv. faggy* pilulifera. ig. E. two-fork’d, leaves faw’d oval-oblong, peduncles two-headed axillary. Item erect. ball-bearing , 20. E. DODECANDRiA. trigynia. Euphorbia. 367* byjfopifolia. 20. E. Thymifol ia. 21* E . parvi flora. 23. E. canefcens. 24. E. Chamcefyce. 25. E. Peplis. 26. E. Polygoni - 27. E. folia. graminea . 63. E. Ipecacuan- 28. E. bee. portulacoi - 29. E. des. myrtifolia. 30. E. two-fork’d, leaves fomewhat notch’d linear, flowers fafcicled terminal, ftem ere£E byjfop-leaved. two-fork’d, leaves faw’d oval-oblong, heads axil- lary glomerated fubfefllle, ftems procumbent. Thyme-leaved. moftly two-fork’d, leaves faw’d oblong fmooth, flowers folitary, Rem erectifh alternately bran- chy. fmall-flower’ d. tWo-fork’d, leaves intire roundifh hairy, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. hoary . two-fork’d, leaves notchletted roundifti fmooth, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent, two-fork’d, leaves moft intire half-hearted, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent, leaves oppofite moft intire lanced obtufe, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. Polygonum- leaved. two-fork’d leaves lance-elliptic petioled moft intire, ftem ereft, peduncles two-fork’d. £ra]Jy* two-fofk’d, leaves moft intire lanced, peduncles axillary one-flower’d equalling the leaves, ftem eredf. Ipecacuhan ; two-fork’d, leaves moft intire oval retufe, pedun- cles one-flower’d equalling the leaves, ftem eredh portulaca-like . two-fork’d, leaves moft intire roundifti end-nick’d hoary underneath, flowers folitary, ftem eredh myrtle-leaved » 1 * Umbel three-cleft. Peplus. 31- E- falcata. 32. E. exigua . 34. E. tub er of a. 35- E- umbel three-cleft : two-fork’d, involucels egg’d, leaves moft intire inverfe-egg’d petioled. umbel three-cleft : two-fork’d, involucels fomewhat hearted dagger’d, leaves lanced obtufifh. fickled . umbel three-cleft : two-fork’d : involucels lanced, leaves linear. little. umbel three-cleft, involucre four-leaved, ftem naked, leaves oblong end-nick’d. tuberous . * * Umbel four-cleft. Lathyris. 36. E. umbel four-cleft : two-fork’d, leaves oppofite moft intire. 33- 368. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Euphorbia. terracina . 33. E. umbel four-cleft : two-fork’d, leaves alternate lanced retufe dagger’d. Jpios. 38. E. umbei four-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels kid- ney-form : the chief inverfe-hearted. fpinofa. epithymoi - des . dulcis . Pithyufa. Portlan- dica. Paralias . aleppica . pinea . f eget alis. heliGfcopia. ver rue of a. * * * Umbel five-cleft E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft with involucels egg’d : leaves linear ere£, ftem fhrub-growing. ge- nifla-like . 37. E. umbel nearly five-cleft : fimple, involucels egg’d : primary ones three-leaved, leaves oblong moll intire, ftem fhrubby. thorny . 39. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg’d, leaves lanced obtufe villous underneath, epithi - mon-like . 40. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels fome- what egg’d, leaves lanced obtufe moft inti re. fweet . 41. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg’d dagger’d, leaves lanced : the loweft involute imbricated backwards. 42. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork’d, involucels fomewhat hearted concave, leaves linear lanced fmooth. expanding. Portland . 43. E. umbel nearly five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels heart-kidney- form, leaves imbricated upwards. 44. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork’d, involucels egg- lanced dagger’d, inferiour leaves briftly. aleppo . 64. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork’d, involucels hearted, leaves linear pointed crowded, capfules fome- what polifh’d. pine. 45. E. umbel five-cleft: two-fork’d, involucels hearted acute, leaves linear-lanced : fuperiour leaves broader. corn. 46. E. umbel five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork’d, with involucels inverfe-egg’d, leaves wedge - form faw’d. 47. E. umbel-five-cle(t : three-cleft : two-fork’d, with involucels twTo-leaved kidney-form, leaves ftem- clafping hearted faw’d. faw* d. 48. E. umbel five-cleft: nearly three-cleft: two-cleft, wfith involucels egg’d, leaves lanced faw’d vil- lous, capfules warty. warty. 48. E. DODECANDRiA. trig YNi A. Euphorbia. 369. corollata. 48. E, umbel five-cleft: three-cleft: two-fork’d, with involucels and leaves oblong obtufe, petals mem- branous. coroFd . coralloides. 50. E. umbel five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork’d, with involucels egg’d, leaves lanced, capfules woolly. coral -like. pilofa . 51. E. umbel five-cleft: th ree- cleft : two-cleft, with in- volucels egg’d, petals intire, leaves lanced ra- ther hairy fawletted at top. hairy . orientalis 52. E. umbel five-cleft : four-cleft : two-fork’d, with in- volucels roundifh acute, leaves lanced, oriental . platyphyllos. 53. E. umbel five-cleft: three-cleft; two-fork’d, with involucels hairy on the keel, leaves faw’d lanced, capfules warty. broad-leaved. * * * * Umbel many-cleft. Efula . 54. E. umbel many-cleft: two -cleft with involucels fomewhat hearted, petals moftly two -horn’d, branches barren, leaves uniform. Cyparijfas. 55. E. umbel many-cleft ; two-fork ’d, involucels fome- what hearted, branches barren with leaves briftly , ftem-leaves lanced. myrfmites. 56. E. umbel nearly eight-cleft: two-cleft, with involu- cels fomewhat egg’d, leaves fpatuled expanding flefhy dagger’d rugged on the margin. palujlris. 57. E. umbel many-cleft: nearly three-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg’d, leaves lanced, branches barren. marjlo. hyberna. 58. E. umbel fix-cleft : two-fork’d, with involucels oval, leaves moll intire, branches none, capfules warty. winter dendr aides. 59. E. umbel many-cleft: two-fork’d, involucels fome- what hearted : primary ones three-leaved. Hem arborefcent. tree-like . atnygdaloi- 60. E. umbel many-cleft ; two-fork’d, involucels leaf- des . pierced orbicular, leaves obtufe. amygdalus- like . fylvatica . 62. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels leaf- pierced fomewhat hearted, leaves lanced molt intire. wood. Characias, 61. E. umbel many-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels leaf- pierced end-nick’d, leaves molt intire> Item fhrub-growing. A a a 1393. VIS- 370. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Vifiiea. 1 39 3 • VISNEA. Cor. 5-petaVcL Cal . 5-leaved, beneath. Stigmas three. Nut 2 or 3-ceird, half-beneath. S. Mocanera. Visnea. 1394. TACCA. Flower above. Cor. 6-petal’d. vaulted. Cal. 6-leaved. Berry dry, angled, 3-cell’d. S. pinnatifida . Tacca. feather -cleft. 1395. PALLASIA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. o. Nut quadrangular : angles membranous, two-cleft. S. Cafpka. Pallasia. C.afpian . FIVE FEMALE S. i - ( Pentagynia.) 610. GLINUSi Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. none. Nec- taries with two-cleft briftles. Capf. 5-angled, 5-ceird, 5-valved, many- leeded. lotoides. 1. G. ftem hairy, leaves inverfe-egg’d. lotus-like, diftamnoides . G. Item ftiff, leaves orbieular downy. diftamnus - like. it TWELVE DODECANDRIA. dodecagynia. Sempervivum, 371. TWELVE FEMALES. ( Dodecagynia. ) 612. SEMPERVIVUM. Cal. arboreum, canarienfis . tefforum. globi fer urn. arachnoide- um. hirtum . montanum . fed'fo ea i for me. S. s. s. s. s. S' S. 6. S. s. 1 2-parted. Petals 12. Cap/, iz, many-feeded. Houfe- leek. ftem arborefcent polifh’d branchy. arborcfcent. ftem torn by the rubbifli of the leaves, leaves retufc. , r . i canaries f leaves fringed, offifets expanding. .roof. leaves fringed, offifets globular. globe-bearing. leaves with hairs interwoven, offifets globular, cob- leaves ftem and tops of the petals fhaggy. flaggy. leaves moft intire, offifets expanded. mountain . leaves fcatter’d, inferiour ones columnar; fuperi- our ones deprefs’d. fedum-form. A a a 2 CLASS CLASS XIL TWENTY MALES, f Icofandria . ) ONE FEMALE ( Monogynia.) 613 Cactus. 616 Eugenia. 614 Philadelphus. 615 Psidium. 617 Myrtus. 618 Punica. 619 Amygdalus. • . 7 Cal. above, 1 - leaved. Cor . many - cleft. Berry 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. Cal. above, 4-parted, Cor. 4-petal’d. Drupe i-cell’d, i-feeded. Cal. above, 5 or 4-parted. Cor. 5 or 4- petal’d. Capf. 5 or 4-celPd, many- feeded. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Berry i-celPd, many-feeded, Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor . moftly 5-petal’d. Berry 3-celFd, i-feeded. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Pome 10-cell’d, many-feeded. Cal. beneath, 5-eleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Drupe with a perforated nucleus. 620 Prunus \ t C O S A N D R I A. 373, 620 Prunus. Cal beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Drupe with nucleus intire. 621 Chrysobalanus. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d, Drupe with nucleus furrow’d. 671 Plinia. Cal beneath 4 or 5 -parted. Cor. 4 or 5- petal’d. Drupe furrow’d. 1306 Sonne rati a. Cal . 6-cleft. Petals 5, awl’d. Capf. many- cell’d. S . TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 622 Cratiegus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor . 5-petal’d. Berry 2-feeded. THREE FEMALES, ( Trigynia.J < ■ l • I 623 Sorbus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Berry 3-feeded. 424 Sesuvium, Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. none. Capf. 3-cell’d, circumcifed. FIVE FEMALES ( Pentagynia . ) 627 Tetragonia. Cal. above, 5 or 4-cleft.. Cor. o. Pericarp with nucleus 5 or 4-cell’d. 625 Mespilus. Cal . above, 5-cleft. Cor . 5-petaPd. Berry 5-feeded. 626 Pyrus. Cal . above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Pome 5 -cell’d many-feeded. 62S Me- 374' TWENTY MALES. 628 Mesembryan- Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor . many-cleft. Capf. themum. flefhy, cell’d, many-feeded. 629 Aizoon. Cal. beneath. 5-cleft. Cor. 0. Capf. 5- cell’d many-feeded . 630 Spirjea. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Capf. numerous, collected. MANY FEMALES. ( Polygynia.) 631 Rosa. 632 Rubus. 635 Tormentilla. 637 Dryas. 633 Fragaria. 634 PoTENTILLA. 636 Geum. 638 Comarum. 639 Calycanthus. Cal. 5-deft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. berried, many-feeded. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Berry com- pound. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. 4-petal’d. Seeds 8, awnlefs. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. 8-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous : awn woolly. Cal. 10 cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Seeds moll numerous upon the berried receptacle, deciduous. Cal. 10-eleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Seeds moft numerous ; awnlefs. Cal. I o- cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous : awn knotted. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous upon a flefhy permanent re- ceptacle. Cal. fcaly corolline. Cor. 0. Seeds tail’d in a fucculent calyx. * Spiraea Filip endula , Ulmaria . Phytolacca twenty-male. ONE ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. CafluS. 375' ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia.) 613. CACTUS. Cal. 1 -leaved, above, imbricated. Cor. manyfold. Berry 1 -cell’d, many- feeded. * Echinomeloca&ufes roundijh. mammillaris, l, C. roundifh cover’d with egg’d bearded tubercles. ma~ Melocaftus. 2. C. roundifh fourteen-angled. * * Gereufes ereSf flanding by themfelves . Piiajaya. 24. C. ere# triangular. \frZ7; 3- C. ereA oblong feven-angled. /even-corner’ d.' tetragonus. 4. C. erect quadrangular long with comprefs’d angles. hexagonus. 5. C. ereA fix-angled long, angles diftant ffixZrnl/i pentagonus. 6. C. ereA moftly five-angled long jointed, five-cor- rcpandus. 7. C. ereA long eight-angled : angles comprefs’d wav’di 7 . r ' ^ thorns longer than the wool. fcolWd. lanugincfus. 8. C. ereA long moftly nine-angled: angles obfcure, . . „ thorns fhorter than the wool. woolly, peruvianus. 9. C. ereA long moftly eight-angled : angles obtufe. Royem. 10. C. ereA jointed nine-angled : joints rather thorns equalling the wool. of Royen. % * * Cereufes creeping with lateral rootlets. great -flower'd, whip-form . grandiflora. ji. C. creeping moftly five-angled. flagelliflor- 12. C. creeping ten-angled. mis . parafiuus. 13. C. creeping columnar ftriated awnlefs. parafitic triangula- 14. C. creeping triangular. ” J ns. triangular. **** Optm- 3 y6. TWENTY MALES. ONE FEMALE. CaftllS. * * * * Opuntias comprefs’ d with proliferous joints. monilifor- 15. C. joint-proliferous, joints globular thorny glome- mis. rated. necklace-form . Opuntia. 16. C. joint-proliferous loofe, joints egg’d, thorns briftly. Ficus indi- 17. C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong, thorns briftly. ca. Indian Fig . Tuna. 18. C. joint - proliferous, joints egg -oblong: thorns awl’d. cochenillifer. 19.1 C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong nearly un-* arm’d. cocheneal-bearing. euraffavi- 20. C. joint-proliferous, joints cylinder-bellied comprefs’d. cus. curajfao. Phyllanthus. 21. C. proliferous fword-form-comprefs’d* faw-fcollop’d. Perejkia. 22. C. ftein arborefcent columnar with prickles double recurved, leaves lance-egg’d. portulacifo - 23. C. ftem columnar arborefcent thorny, leaves wedge - lius. form retufe. portulaca-leaved. 614. PHILADELPHUS. Cal. 4 or 5-parted, above. Petals 4 or 5. Capf. 4 or 5- cell’d, many-feeded. Mock Orange . coronarius . i. P. leaves rather tooth’d. crown, inodorus . 2. P. leaves moft intire. inodorous . 615. PSIDIUM. Cal. 5-cleft, above. Petals 5. Berry 1 -cell’d, many-feeded. pyriferum. 1. P< leaves lined obtufifh, peduncles one-flower’d. pear- bearing. pomiferum . 2. P. leaves lined pointed, peduncles three -flower’d. apple-bearing. decafpermum. P. leaves egg’d pointed flat, peduncles one-flower’d bra£ted. S. ten-feeded. 616. EUGENIA. Cal. 4-parted, above. Petals 4. Drupe i-feeded, 4-angled. malaccenfs. J 'ambos. 1. E. leaves moft intrre, peduncles branchy lateral, ma- lace a. 2. E. leaves mod intire, peduncles branchy terminal. 6. E. ICOS ANDRI A. MONOGYNIA. Eugenia* 377. pfeudo-pfidi - 6. E. leaves moft intire, peduncles one-flower ’d very um . numerous lateral and terminal. falfe-pfedium uniflora . 3. E. leaves moft intire heart-lanced, peduncles one- flower’ d lateral. one-flower' d. cstinifolia . E. leaves egg’d obtufe moft intire, peduncles one- flower’d. continus-leaved . acutangula . 4. E. leaves notch’d, peduncles terminal, pomes oblong acute-angled * acute-angled, racemofa . 5. E. leaves notch’d, racemes moft long, pomes egg’d quadrangular. racemed . 617. MYRTUS. Cal. 5-cleft, above. Petals 5. Berry 2 or 3-feeded. Myrtle . communis. i. M. flowers folitary : involucre two-leaved, common, brafiliana. 2. M. flowers folitary, peduncles naked, petals rather fring’d. brazile. biflora . 3. M. peduncles two-flower’d, leaves lanced. two- flower’ d. anguJlifolia.j\. M. peduncles umbel’d, leaves linear-lanced fubfeflile. narrow -leaved. lucida. 4. M. peduncles moftly three-flower’d, leaves fubfeflile lanced attenuated. lucid, cumini. 5. M. peduncles many-flower’d, leaves lance-egg’d. dioica . 6. M. peduncles three- fork -panicled, leaves oblong, flowers two-houfe. two-houfe . Chytraculia. 7. M. peduncles two-fork’d panicled downy, leaves ter- minal rather egg’d double. Zuzygium. 8. M. peduncles many-flower’d, branches two-fork’d, leaves double rather egg’d terminal. Zelanica, 9. M. peduncles many-flower’d, leaves egg’d fubpetiol’d. Ceylon. andr oj 'cemoi- 10. M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flower’d, leaves fub- des . oval feflile. androfcemum-like . caryophylla- 11. M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flower’d, leaves in- to. vefe-egg’d. Pimenta. 12. M. leaves alternate. Allfpice. B b b 618. PU 378. TWENTY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Funica. 618. PUNICA. Cal. 5 -cleft, above. Petals 5. Pome many-cell’d, many-feeded. Pomegranate. granatum. i. P. leaves lanced, Hem arbore fcent. granate, nana. 2. P. leaves linear, Item flirubby. dwarf. 619. AMYGDALUS. Cal. 5-cleft, beneath. Pe- tals 5. Drupe with nut perforated in the pores. Almond. Perfica . communis. 'pumila, nana . f. A. leaves with all the fawings acute, flowers feflile folitary. per fan or Peach. 2. A. leaves with the loweft fawings glandular, flowers feflile double. common. 3. A. leaves vein-wrinkled. low. 4. A. leaves attenuated at the bafe. dwarf. 620. PRUNUS. Cal. 5-cleft, beneath. Petals 5. Nut of the Drupe with futures fome- what prominent. Prune . Padus . virginiana. canadenfis. lufitanica. lauro-lera- Jus. Mahaleb. armeniaca, fibirica . pumila, cerafus. 1. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous two-glanded underneath the bafe. 2. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glanded before at the bafe. virginian. 3. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glandlefs broad- lanced wrinkled pubefcent on both fides, ca - . nadian. 4. P. flowers racemed, leaves ever-green glandlefs. Por- tugal laurel. 5. P. flowers racemed, leaves ever-green two-glanded on the back. laurel , 6. P. flowers corymbed terminal, leaves egg’d. 7. P. flowers feflile, leaves rather hearted. apricot. 0. P. flowers feflile, leaves egg- oblong. fiber ian. 14. P. flowers fubumbePd, leaves narrow-lanced, dwarf. 9. P. umbels fubpeduncled, leaves egg-lanced fmooth conduplicate. cherry . 10. P. 1C0SANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PrUIlUS. 379- avium. io. P. umbels feflile, leaves egg-lanced pubefcent under* neath conduplicate. bird, domejlica . u. P. peduncles fubfolitary, leaves lance-egg’d convolute, branches awnlefs. domeftic . infitiiia . 12. P. peduncles double, leaves egg’d fubvillous convo- lute, branches thorn-growing. infititious . fpinofa. 13. P. peduncles folitary, leaves lanced fmooth, branches r. r thorny. ^ thorny, penfylvanica . P . umbels feflile, leaves egg-lanced, branchlets palely dotted. S. penjylvanian , 6ji. PLINIA. Cal. 5 or4-parted. Petals 5 or 4. Drupe above, furrow’d. 1. P. flowers five-petal’d. rubra. P. flowers four-petal’d. pedunculata. P. flowers peduncled many-male. S, fajforn, red. peduncled , 621. CHRYSOBALANUS. C*/. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Nut of the Drupe 5 -furrow’d, 5- valved. Cocoa Plum. Icaco. 1. Chrysobalanus. 1396. SONNERATIA. Cal. 6-cleft. Petals 6, awl d. Cap/ many-cell’d, fucculent : Cells many-feeded. S. aeida. Sonneratia, acjjt TWO FEMALES, ( Digynia.) 622. CRAT/EGUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry beneath, £-feeded. Haw • torminalis. C. leaves egg’d gafh’d faw’d downy underneath, L. leaves hearted feven-angled ; the Ioweft lobes diva- nC3ted' B b b 2 380. TWENTY MALES. TWO FEMALES. CrafcfigUS. coccinea . 3, C, leaves hearted fcollop-angled faw’d fmooth. fcarlet. viridis . 6. C. leaves lance-egg’d nearly three-lobed faw’d fmooth, ftem unarm’d. green . Crus Galli, 4» C. leaves lance-egg’d faw’d fmooth, branches thorny, Cock-fpur, tomentofa. 5. C, leaves wedge-form-egg’ d faw’d fubangled, villous underneath, branches thorny. downy. indica . 7. C. leaves lanced faw’d, ftem unarm’d, corymbes fcaly. Indian. cxyacantha . 8. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft faw’d. fharp-thorn’d. Azarolus. 9. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft fomewhat tooth’d. Azarole . tnaura . C. leaves oblong tooth’d at top. S . moorijb, THREE FEMALES, ( Prigynia. J 633. SORBUS. CW. 5-cleft. Petals 5, Berry beneath, 3-feeded, Service. aucuparia . 1. S. leaves feather’d fmooth on both fides, catch-bird, hybrida . 2. S. leaves ha!f-feather’d downy underneath. mule, domejlica . 3. S. leaves feather’d villous underneath. domejlic. 624. SESUVIUM. CW. 5-parted, colour’d. Petals none. Cap/, egg’d, three-cell’d, cir- cumcifed, many-feeded. Portula-cajirum. A. Sesuvium. FIVE JCOSANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. MefpiluS- 38 1 . FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia . ) 625. MESPILUS. Cal . 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry ^ beneath, 5-feeded. Medlar . germanica . i . Pyracantha. 2. arbuiifolia . 3. Amelanchier , 4. Charrus Mef- 6. pilus . canadenfis . 5. Cotoneajler. 7 , Xanthocarpus, Phcenopyrum. M. unarm’d, leaves lanced downy underneath, flowers folitary feflile. german . M. thorny, leaves lance-egg’d notch’d, calyxes of the fruit obtufe. M. unarm’d, leaves lanced notch’d downy under- neath. arbutus-leaved. M. unarm’d, leaves oval faw’d fhaggy underneath. M. unarm’d, leaves oval acutely faw’d fmooth, flowers corymbe- headed. M. unarm’d, leaves egg-oblong fmooth faw’d acutifh. Canadian . M. unarm’d, leaves egg’d moft intire : downy under- neath. M. thorny, leaves fomewhat wedge-form notch’d, flowers folitary, divifions of the calyx fome- what leafy gafh-faw’d long reflected, fruit fome- what top-fhape dot-warted. S. Yellow-fruit. M. thorny, leaves hearted three five or feven-cleft faw’d fmooth, flowers corymbed, fegments of the calyx deciduous, fruit globe-deprefs’d broad- navel’d, nuts naked at top. S. Scarlet-pear . 626. PYRUS. Cal . 5-cleft. Petals 5. Pome be- neath, 5-cell’d, many-feeded. Pear . communis . 1. P. leaves faw’d polifh’d, flowers corymbed. common . Pollueria . P. leaves faw’d downy underneath, flowers corymbed. Malus . 2. P. leaves faw’d, umbels feflile. Apple, baccata . 5. P. leaves faw’d, peduncles crowded, pomes berried. berried . coronaria. 3. P. leaves faw-angled, umbels peduncled. crown. 4= P- 382. TWENTY MALES. FIVE FEMALES. PyrUS. Cydoma. 4. nivalis, falicifalia . Botryapium. Amelanchkr. Arbutifolia. P. leaves moft intire, flowers folitary. Quince, P. leaves moft intire, flowers corymbed. S. fnowy . P. leaves linear-lanced hoary white -downy under- neath, flowers axillary folitary fubfeflile. S, willow-leaved. P. unarm’d, leaves egg^-oblong faw’d acute, racemes Ample elongate. S. P. unarm’d, leaves oval obtufe faw’d downy under- neath becoming bald, ftipules awl’d lateral de- ciduous, raceme Ample few- flower’d, petals fubl inear. S. P. unarm’d, leaves egg-lanced moft Anely faw’d : rachis above gland-bearing, corymbe compound. S. Arbutus-leaved. 627. TETRAGONIA. Cal. 4 or 5-parted. Petals o. Drupe beneath, 5 or 4-corner’d, 5 or 4-ceird. fruticofa . herbacea . Ivcefolia . (picata. 1. T. leaves linear. Jhrubby . 2. T. leaves egg’d. herbaceous • T. ere£t fmooth, leaves petioled egg-lanced faw’d, petals deciduous. S. Iva-leaved. T. herbaceous fhaggy procumbent, leaves egg’d vil- lous, flowers axillary threefold feflijc. S. Jhaggy. T, fmooth herbaceous ere variegated, I / SIX FEMALES. f Hexagynia.) 687 Stratiotes. Cal. 3-paried. Cor . 3-petal’d. 5/rry 6- cell’d within the fpathe. MANY FEMALES. ( Polygynia.) 704 Hydrastis. 695 Atragene. 696 Clematis* 697 Thalictrum, 701 Isopyrum. 702 Hellebqrus. 703 Caltha. 694 Anemone. 691 Michelia. 700 Trollius. Cal. none. Cor . 3-petaPd. Berry com- pound with ftones i-feeded. Cal. none. Cor. 4-petaPd greater : inwardly many-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous, awn’d. Cal . none. Cor. 4-petaPd. Seeds moft nu- merous awn’d. Cal . none. Cor. 4 or 5-petaPd. Seeds moft numerous, nearly awnlefs, naked. Cal. none. Cor. 5-petaPd, deciduous. Nec- taries 5. Capf. many-feeded. Cal. none. Cor. 5-petal’d, permanent. Nec- taries very numerous. Capf. many- feeded. Cal. none. Cor , 5-petaPd. Capf. moft nu- merous. Nectaries none. Cal. none. Cor. 6-petal’d. Seeds moft nu- merous. Cal. lop’d. Cor. 8-petal’d. Berries 4-feeded, glomerate. Cal. none. Cor. 1 4-petaPd. Nectaries li- near. Capfules many-feeded. 692 U VAR I A. 39^* MANY MALES. 692 UvARIA. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal’d. Berries many-feeded, affix’d to a long recep- tacle. 693 Annona. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor . 6-petal’d. Berry many- feedtd with an imbricated bark. 698 Liriodendron. Cal. 3 -leaved. Cor. 6-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous, lanced, imbricated. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 9-petalM. Capfules glomerate, 2-valved. Seeds pendulous. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal’d. Berries very numerous, pedicel’d, 2-feeded. S. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor . 5-petal’d. Capfules very numerous conjoin’d : with a fleftiy receptacle. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petaPd. Seeds moll numerous. Petals with a nectar- bearing claw. Cal. 6-leaved. Petals 27. Capfules i-feeded in an orb. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5 or 10-petal’d. Seeds moft numerous, angled, barky. Perianth 3-lobed. Petals 6 or 12. Berry inverfe-egg’d. S. * Phytolacca twenty-male. Some Negellas. 690 Magnolia. 1404 Unona. 688 Dillenia. 699 Ranunculus. 611 Illicium. 698 Adqnis. 1403 Drimys. I ONE polyandria. MONOGYNiA. Marcgravia. 399. ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia.J 640. MARCGRAVIA. Cor. i-petal’d, calyptre- form. Cal. 6 - leaved, imbricated. Berry many-cell’d, many-feeded. umbellata. i. Marcgravia. umbel’ d. 1313 TRILIX. Cor . 3-petard. Cal. 3-leaved. Berry 5-cell’d, many-feeded. lutea . Trilix. yellow. 641. RHEEDIA. Cor. 4-petal’d Cal. none. Berry 3-feeded. lateriflora . 1. Rheedia. fide -flowering. 643. CAPPARIS. Cal. 4-leaved, leathery. Petals 4. Stamens long. Berry barky, 1- cell’d, peduncled. Caper-Bujh. fpinofa. 1. C. peduncles one-flower’d folitary, ftipules thorny, leaves annual, capfules oval. thorny, zeylanica. 2. C. peduncles one-flower’d folitary, ftipule thorny, leaves egg’d acute at both ends. ceylon. fepiaria . 3. C. peduncles umbel’d, ftipules thorny, leaves annual egg’d end-nick’d. hedge, frondofa. 11. C. peduncles umbel’d, leaves every where crowded. leafy. ferruginea. 8. C. peduncles umbel’d, leaves permanent lanced downy underneath, flowers eight-male. iron. Baducca . 4. C. peduncles one-flower’d, leaves perennial egg-ob- long determinately crowded naked. 5. c. 400. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Capparis, eynopballo - 5* G phora. pulcherrima. 12. C. linearis . 13. C. Breynia . 7. C. haftata, 10. C, flexuofa . 9. C. peduncles many-flower’d terminal, leaves oval obtufe perennial, glands axillary, peduncles racemed, leaves oblong obtufe, fruit berried. moJl-beautifuL peduncles fubracemed, leaves linear. linear . peduncles racemed, leaves permanent oblong, calyxes and peduncles downy, flowers eight- male, peduncles gloffy. peduncles many-fiower’d, leaves halbert-lanced halherted . colle&ed terminal, leaves permanent oblong obtufe fmooth, branches winding, jlex- uous . filiquofa. 6. C. peduncles many-flower’d comprefs’d, leaves per- manent lance-oblong pointed dotted underneath. filiqued . arborefcent, mild, leaves egg’d acute fmoofh, corymbes terminal, fruit globular. S. great . arborefcent, flipules prickly, branches winding leaves egg-lanced dagger’d fmooth, flowers ax- illary twofold. 5. horrid . grandis . C. horrida . C, 644. ACTiEA. Cor . 4-petard. CW. 4-leaved. Berry 1 -cell’d. /Sm/r femiorbicular. fpicata. racemofa . I. A. raceme egg’d, fruit berried. I. A. racemes moft long, fruit dry. fpiked . racemed . 645. SANGUINARIA. Ct?r. 8-petal’d. CW. 2- leaved. Silique egg’d, 1 -cell’d. Puccoon . canadenjis . i. Sanguinaria. Canadian . 646. PODOPHYLLUM. Cor. g-petal’d. C*/. 3-leaved. Berry one-cell’d, crown’d with the Stigma. Duck's Foot . peltatum . i. P. leaves targetted lobed. targetted . diphyllum . 2. P. leaves two’d half-hearted. two-leaved . CHE- polyandria. MONOGYNiA. Chelidonium. 401. 647. CHELIDONIUM. Cor. 4-petal’d. Cal. 2-leaved. Silique 1 -cell’d, linear. Celandine. majus. I. C. punduncles umbel’d. greater . Glaucium. 2. C. peduncles one-flower’d, leaves ftem-clafping finu- ous, ftem fmooth. corniculatum. 3. C. peduncles one-flower’d, leaves feflile feather-cleft, ftem hifpid. horn'd, hybridum. 4. C. peduncles one-flower’d, leaves feather-cleft linear, ftem polifh’d, ftliques three-valved, mule . 648. PAPAVER. Cor. 4-petard. Cal. 2-leaved. Capfule i -cell’d, gaping with pores under the permanent Stigma. Poppy . % With hifpid capfule s . hybridum. I. P. eapfules fubglobular brawny hifpid, ftem leafy many-flower’d. mule. Argemone . 2. P. eapfules cl ub’d hifpid, ftem leafy many-flower’d. alpinum. 3. P. capfule hifpid, fcape one-flower’d naked hifpid, leaves twice-feather’d. alpine, nudicaule. 4. P. eapfules hifpid, fcape one-flower’d naked hifpid, leaves Ample feather-finuous. naked-Jlem . * * With fmooth eapfules. Rhoeas. dubium. fomniferum. cambricum. trientale. 6. P. eapfules fmooth globular, ftem hairy many-flower’d, leaves feather-cleft gafti’d. 5. P. eapfules oblong fmooth, ftem many-flower’d with briftles apprefs’d, leaves feather-cleft gafti’d. dubious. 7. P. calyxes and eapfules fmooth, leaves ftem-clafping gafti’d. fomnferms. 8. P. eapfules fmooth oblong, ftem many-flower’d pol- ifh’d, leaves feather’d gafh’d. welch, q. P. eapfules fmooth, ftems one-flower’d rugged leafy, leaves feather’d flaw’d. oriental. E e e 649. ARGE- 402. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Argemonc. 649. ARGEMONE. Cor. 6-petal’cL Cal. 3-leaved. Capfule half-valved. Prickly Poppy. mexicana . t. A. capfules fix-valved, leaves thorny. mexican. armeniaca. 2. A. capfules three- valved. armenian , fyrenaica. 3. A. capfules four-valve^ ftem naked. pyrenean . 650. CAMBOGIA. Cor. 4-petal’d* Cal. 4-leaved. Pome 8-ceird. Seeds folitary. Gutta. i. Cambogia. 651. MUNTINGIA. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. 5- parted. Berry 1 -cell’d, i-feeded. Calabura . i. Muntingia. 652. SARRACENIA. Cor. 5-petard. Cal. double, 3-leaved and 5-leaved. Capfule 5- cell’d, ftyle with ftigma fhield-like. flava. 2. S. leaves upright. yellow, purpurea. 1. S. leaves gibbous. purple . 653. NYMPH^A. Cor. many-petal’d. Cal. 4 or 5-leaved. Berry many-cell'd, lop’d. Water-Lily. lutea. 1. N. leaves hearted moll intire, calyx five -leaved greater. yellow, alba. 2. N. leaves hearted moll intire, calyx four-cleft, white. Lotus. 3. N. leaves hearted tooth’d. Nelumbo. 4. N. leaves targetted every way intire. 654. BIX A. Cor. 10-petal’d. Cal. 5-tooth’d. Capf. hifpid, 2-valved. Orellana. * i. Bixa. 655. SLO- polyandria* MONOGYNXA. Sloanea. 403* 655. SLOANEA. Cor . 5-petal’d. CaL 5-leaved, deciduous. Stigma peforated. Berry barky, hedgehog’d, many-feeded, ga- ping. dentata . i. S. leaves heart - egg’d toothletted, ftipules flaw’d. tooth'd» emarginata . 2. S. leaves oblong moft intire end-nick ’d. end-nick' d, 1239. TREWIA. Cor . o. CaL 3-leaved, above. Cap/. 3-grain’d. nudijiora. Trewia. naked- flower, 656. MAMMEA. Cor . 4-petal’d. CaL 2-leaved. Berry moft large, 4-feeded. americana . I. M, ftamens fhorter than the flower. a meric an, afiatica . 2. M. ftamens longer than the flower. afeatic . 657. OCHNA. Cor . 5-petard. CW. 5-leaved. Berrifs i-feeded, affix’d to a large rounaifh receptacle. fquarrofa. i. O. racemes lateral. ragged . Jabotapita . 2. O. racemes terminal, 659. GRIAS. Car. 4-petal’d. CW. 4-cleft. Stig- ma feffile, crofs’d. Drupe with nu- cleus eight-furrow’d* caulifiora • i. Grias. Jlem- flowering, 658. CALOPHYLLUM, Cor. 4-petal’d. C*4 4-leaved, colour’d. Drupe globular, Inophyllum.. i. C. leaves oval. Calaba . 2. C. leaves egg’d obtufe. E e e 2 660. TILIA, 404. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Tilia. 660. TILIA. Cor . 5-petard. Cal . 5-parted. Berry dry, globular, 5-cell’d, 5-valved, gaping at the bafe. Lime. europeea. 1. T. flowers deftitute of a ne&ary. european . americana . 2. T. flowers furnifh’d with a ne&ary. american. 661. LAETI A. Cor. 5-petard, or none. Cal . 5-leaved. Fruit 1 -cell’d, tbree-cor- ner’d. Seeds with a pulpy aril. apetala . completa. 663. ferratus . Dicera. 1. L. flowers petallefs. 2. L. flowers petal-like complete. petallefs . complete. ELiEOCARPUS. Cor. 5-petal’d, torn. Anthers with top two-valved. Cal '. 5-icaved, with nucleus curl’d. E. one-female, leaves alternate oblong faw’d, racemes axillary,. S . Jaw'd. E. four-female, leaves oppofite egg’d double-faw’d, racemes lateral oppofite. S . 664« LECYTHIS. Cor. 6-petal’d. Cal. 6-leaved. Nectary ligulate, ft amen- bearing. Pe- ricarp circumcifed, many-feeded. Ollaria. minor. 1. L. leaves feflile heart-egg’d very intire. 2. L. leaves petioled lanced faw’d. leffer. 672. DELIMA. Cor. o. Cal. 5-leaved. Berry 2-feeded. farmentofa. A. Delima. farment . 666. VA- POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Vateria. 405* 666. VATERIA. Cor. 5-petal’d. CaL 5-cleft. Capf. 3~valved, 1 -cell’d, 3 - fee de d. indica . i. Vateria. indian . 670. MENTZELIA. C*r. 5-petard. CW. 5- leaved. Capf. beneath, cylindric, many- feeded. afpera . 1. Mentzelia, rough. 1286. LOOSA. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. 5- Capfule half-beneath, i-celld three-valved, many-feeded. leaved. , half- hifpida . 1. Loosa. hifpid. 667. LAGERSTROEMIA. Cor. 6-petal’d, curl’d. Cal. 6-cleft, bell’d. Stamens many : the 6 exteriour of thefe thicker, lon- ger than the petals. indica . Lagerstroemia. indian. 668. THEA. Cor. 6 or 9-petal’d. Cal. 5 or 6- leaved. Capf. 3 -grain’d. Tea. Bohea . viridis . 1. T. flowers flx-petal’d. 2. T. flowers nine-petal’d. Bohea. green. 669. CARYOPHYLLUS. Cor. 4-petal’d. 4-leaved, double. Berry 1- beneath. Clove. Cal. feeded. aromaticus . 1. Caryophyllus. aromatic . 673. CISTUS. 406. many males, one female. Ciftus. 67 3* CISTUS. Cor. 5-petal’d. Cal. 5-leaved : with two lefler leaflets. Capfule. * Unflipuled Jhrubbby. capenfis . I. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced petioled three-nerved toothletted naked on both fides, cape, villofus . 2. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg’d petioled flaggy. ' ' villous, populifolius . 3. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves hearted polifh’d pointed petioled. poplar-leaved, laurifolius . 4. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves oblong-egg’d petioled three-nerved fmooth above : petioles conjoin’d at the bafe. bay-leaved ladaniferus . 5. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced polifh’d above, petioles coalefced at the bafe fheathing. ladanum-b earing . monfpelienfis. 6. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear-lanced feftile villous on both fides three-nerved. montpelier. falvifolius. 10. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg’d petioled fhaggy on both fides. fage-leaved. incanus. 7. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves fpatuled downy wrinkled : inferiour ones conjoin’d at the bafe fheathing. hoary, creticus. 9. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves fpatule-egg’d peti- oled nervelefs rugged, calyxes lanced. Cretan . albidus. 8. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced downy hoary feftile moftiy three-nerved. white, crifpus. 11. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced pubefcent three-nerved waved. curl’d, halimifolius. 12. C. arborefcent unftipuled, the two calyx-leaflets linear. halimus-leaved. libanotis . 13. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear revolute, flowers umbel’d. * * Unjiipuled JhrubbyiJh. umbellatus. 14. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite, flowers umbel’d. umbel’ d. Levipes. 15. C. fhrubbyifh afeending unftipuled, leaves alternate fafcicled thread-form fmooth, peduncles ra- cemed. foot-polijh’ d. C. fhrubbyifh erect unftipuled, leaves linear, pedun- cles one-ftower’d, calyxes three-leaved, calyx. 16. C. calycinus. POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. CifluS. 407. Fumona . 16. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves alternate linear rugged on the margin, peduncles one- flower ’d. canus. 18. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite inverfe-egg’d villous downy underneath, flowers fubumbel’d. hoary • italicUs. 17. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite hifpid : the inferiour ones egg’d ; the fuperiour ones lanced, branches expanding. Italian . marifolius. 19. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong pe- tioled flat hoary underneath. marum-leaved , anglicus. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled procumbent, leaves oppofite oblong revolute hairy, flowers racemed. englijh. celandicus . 20. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong fmooth on both fides, petioles fringed, petals end-nick’d. oelandian . % % % JJnftipuled herbaceous « Tuberaria. 21. C. unftipuled perennial, radical leaves egg’d three- nerved downy ; ftem-leaves fmooth lanced : the higheft ones alternate. guttatus. 22. C. herbaceous unftipuled, leaves oppofite lanced three- nerved, racemes bradfelefs. fpotted . canadenfis . 23. C. herbaceous unftipuled, all the leaves alternate lanced, ftem afcending. Canadian . % % % % Stipuled herbaceous. ledifolius: 24. C. herbaceous erelex . 14. T. ftem leafy moft Ample angled. flrnple. lucidum . 11. T. ftem leafy furrow’d, leaves linear fleftiy. iwr/V. aquilegifo- 12. T. fruit pendulous triangular ftraight, ftem columnar. Hum, columbine-leaved, contortum . 13. T. fruit pendulous triangular contorted, ftem fome- what two-edged. contorted. Jlameneum . T. filaments of the ftamens petal-form lanced. flamen. flyloideum. T. leaves three-part-feather’d, ftyles wing’d at the bafe. S. ftyle-like » G g g 2 698. ADO- 420. MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES. AdoniS. 698. ADONIS. Cal . 5-leaved. Petals more than five without a nedtary. Seeds naked. Pheafanf s Eye . afiivalis. autumnalis . vernalis . apennina . capenfis . filia . capenfis . veficatoria. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. flowers five-petal’d, fruit egg’d. fummer. flowers eight-petal’d, fruit fubcylindric. [autumnal. flower twelve-petal’d : fruit egg’d. vernal . flowers fifteen-petal’d. apennine. flowers ten-petai’d, fruit deprefs’d, leaves thrice- tflree’d : leaflets faw'd hearted. leaves twice-feather’d : leaflets linear feather- cleft. thread. thrice-three’d : leaflets fomewhat S . leaves leaves thrice-three’d : flowers ten-petal’d. leaflets S. faw’f) hearted. cape . fmooth, bladder . 699. RANUNCULUS. CW. 5-leaved. Petals 5 with a honey-bearing pore within the claws. Seeds naked. * Leaves firm pie. Flammula . I. R. leaves egg-lanced petioled, ftem declining. reptans. 2. R. leaves linear, Item creeping. creeping. Lingua . 3. R. leaves lanced, Item eredt. Tongue, nodifiorus. 4. R. leaves egg’d petioled : flowers feflile. knot-fiower - ing. gramineus. R. leaves lance-linear undivided, Item eredt, moft polifh’d few- flower’d. graJ[y’ pyrenceus. R. leaves linear undivided, Item eredt, ftriated moftly two-flower’d. pyrenean . parnajfifoli- 6. R. leaves fomewhat egg’d nervy lined moft intire pe- us. tioled, flowers urr}bel’d. parnajjia-leaved. ample xicaulis.y. R. leaves egg’d pointed ftem-clafping, ftem many- flower’d, root fafcicled. Jlem-clafping . bullatus. 8. R. leaves egg’d faw’d, fcape naked one -flower’d. Jludded. Ficaria . 9. R. leaves hearted angled petioled, ftem one-flower’d. Pilewort . Thora. 10. R. leaves kidney-form moftly three-lobed notch’d: ftem-leaf feflile, flowers lanced, ftem moftly two-flower’d. * * Leaves POLYANDRIA. POL YGYNIA. Ranunculus. 42I * * Leaves differed and divided . creticas* 11. R. caflubicus, 12. R. auricomus . 13. R. abortivus . 14. R. /celeratus, 15. R. aconitifolius. 16. R. platanifolius. R. illyricus, 17. R. afiaticus. 18. R. rutafolius, 19. R. glacialis, 20, R, nivalis . 21. R. alpeflris. 22. R. lapponicus, 23. R. monfpeliacus, 24. R, bulbofus, 25. R. repens. 26. R, polyantke - .27* R« tuos. acris. 28. R. radical leaves kidney -form notch’d fublobed : ftem- leaves three-parted lanced ,moft intire. Item many- flower’d. Cretan. radical leaves fomewhat round-hearted notch’d ; Item -leaves finger’d tooth’d , ftem many-flower’d . ca/fubian. radical leaves kidney-form notch’d gafh’d : ftem- leaves finger’d linear, ftem many - flower’d. gold-hair9 d. radical leaves hearted notch’d : ftem-leaves three’d angled, ftem moftiy three-flower’d. abortive * the inferiour leaves handed j the higheft ones fin- ger’d, fruit oblong. baneful. leaves all fived lanced gafh-faw’d. aconite-leaved. leaves handed polifti’d gafh’d, ftem eredt, bradtes linear. plat anus- leaved. leaves three’d moft intire lanced. illyrian. leaves three’d and thrice-three’d : leaflets three- cleft gafh’d, ftem branchy below. afiatic. leaves fuperdecompound, ftem moft Ample one- leaved one-flower’d, root tuberous, rue-leaved . calyxes {flaggy, ftem two-ftower’d, leaves many- cleft. icy. calyx fhaggy, ftem one-flower’d, radical leaves handed ; ftem-leaves many-parted feflile. fnowy. radical leaves fomewhat hearted obtufe three-parted: with lobes three -lobed : ftem-leaves lanced moft intire, ftem moftiy one-flower’d. alpine. leaves three-parted lobed obtufe, ftem nakedifh one-flower’d. lapland. leaves three-parted notch’d, ftem Ample villous nakedifh one-flower’d. montpelier. calyxes retrofledfed, peduncles furrow’d, ftem eredf many-flower’d, leaves compound, bul- bous. calyxes fpreading, peduncles furrow’d, ftoles creeping, leaves compound. creeping . calyxes expanded, peduncles furrow’d, ftem eredt, leaves many-parted. many -flower'd. calyxes expanded, peduncles columnar, leaves three - part - manv - cleft : the higheft linear. acrid. 29. R. jt. 422. MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Ranunculus. lanuginofus . 29. R. calyxes expanded, peduncles columnar. Hem and petioles fhaggy, leaves three-cleft lobed notch’d velvety. woolly . charophyl- 30. R. calyxes retrofle&ed, peduncles furrow’d. Item los . ere£t one-flower’d : leaves compound linear many-cleft. parvulus . 39. R. fhaggy, leaves three-lobed gafh’d, item ere£t moftly one-flower’d. little, arvenfis. 31. R. feeds prickly, the fuperiour leaves decompound linear. field, muricatus, 32. R. feeds prickly, leaves Ample lobed obtuie fmooth, item diffufe. murex' d. parvifiorus, 33. R. feeds murex’d, leaves Ample jagg’d acute fhaggy, item diffufe. fmall-flowerd. orientalis. 34. R. feeds thorn-awl’d recurved, calyxes reflected, leaves many-cleft. oriental, grandijlo - 35. R. Item ere£t two-leaved, leaves many-cleft : ftem- rus. leaves alternate feflile great -flower'd, falcatus. 36. R. leaves thread-form branchy, fcape naked one- flower’d, feeds Ackled. feckled. hederaceus. 37. R. leaves roundifli three-lobed moft intire, Item creeping. ivy. aquatilis. 28. R. the fubmerged leaves capillary, the emerged ones targetted. water, penfylvanicus. R. calyxes refle£fed, Item ere£f, leaves three’d three-cleft gafh’d hairy underneath. penfyl- vanian. 700. TROLLIUS. Cal. o. Petals about 14. Capfules molt numerous, egg'd, many- feeded. Globe-Ranunculus. europaus. 1. T. corols converging, ne£l aries the length of the flamens. european. afiaticus. 2. T. corol expanded, ne‘£f aries longer than the flamen. afiatic . 701. ISO- POLYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ifopyrum. 423. 701, ISOPYRUM. Cal. o. Petals 5. Nectaries 3-cleft tubular. Capf. recurved, many- feeded. fumarioides . I. I. ftipules awl’d, petals acute. fumitory -like» thalittroides. 2. I. ftipules egg’d, petals obtufe. thaliftr um-like. aquile gioides. 3. I. ftipules obfcure. columbine-like . 702. HELLEBORUS. CaL o. Petals 5 or more. Nettaries two-1 ip’d, tubular. Capf many-feeded, eredlifh. Hellebore . hy emails» niger . viridis . Jaetidus . trifolius. 1. H. flower fitting on the leaf. winter. 2. H. fcape moftly two-flower’d nakedifh, leaves footed. 3. H. ftem two-cleft, branches with leaflets two-flower’d, leaves finger’d. green . 4. H. ftem many-flower’d leafy, leaves footed. fetid. 5. H. fcape one-flower’d leaves three’d three -leaved . 7°3- CALTHA. CW. 0. Petals 5. Ne 51 aries 0. Capf. very numerous, many- feeded. Marfh Mary gold. paluftrh. 1. Caltha. marfh. 7°4- HYDRASTIS. CW. 0. 3. r/Vj* 0. Berry compound with many-feeded. Yellow Root. Ne5la - Rones canadenfts. 1 . Hydrastis. Canadian . 1403, DRT- 424- MANY MALES, MANY FEMALES* DrimyS. 1403. DRIMYS. Perianth 3-lobed. Petals 6 or 12. Germs club’d. Style o. Berry inverfe-egg’d. 5. granadenfis . D. peduncles axillary elongated three-cleft, piftils eight. S. granada . Wintert. D. peduncles aggregate terminal, piflils four. S. Winter's . axillaris . D. peduncles threefold axillary, piftil one. S. axil - lary. 1404. UNONA. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal’d. Berries very numerous, pedicel’d, two- ieeded. S. difcreta. Unona. diJiinSI. V* . \ / ’■'f- '■ . ■; *