EXCHANGE )IO3KA-STATE COLLEGE OF AGRldJLTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Vol. XX ' December 28, 1921 No. 31 BACTERIA FERMENTING LACTOSE and THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN WATER ANALYSIS By MAX LEVINE 62 ENGINEERING, EXPERIMENT STATION AMES, IOWA Published weekly by Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa. Entered as Second-class matter, and accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 429, P. L. & R., Act August 24, 1912, authorized April 12, 1920. PURPOSE OF THE STATION The purpose of the Engineering Experiment Station is to afford a service, through scientific investigations, evolution of new devices and methods, and tests and analyses of materials: For the manufacturing and other engineering population and industries of Iowa; For the industries related to agriculture, in the solution of their engineering problems; For all people of the state in the solution of the engineering problems of urban and rural life. IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Vol. XX December 28, 1921 No. 31 BACTERIA FERMENTING LACTOSE and THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN WATER ANALYSIS By MAX LEVINE Bacteriologist IOWA ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION and Associate Professor of Bacteriology, . IOWA STATE COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA BULLETIN 62 ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION AMES, IOWA Published weekly by Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Ames, Iowa. Entered as Second-class matter, and accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 429, P. L. & R,, Act August 24, 1912, authorized April 12, 1920. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Members Hon. D. D. Murphy, President Elkader Hon. George T. Baker Davenport Hon. Chas. R. Brenton Dallas Center Hon. P. K. Holbrook. Onawa Hon. Edw. P. Schcentgen Council Bluffs Hon. C. H. Thomas Creston Hon. Pauline Lewelling Devitt Oskaloosa Hon. W. C. Stuckslager Lisbon Hon. Anna B. Lawther Dubuque Finance Committee Hon. W. R. Boyd, President Cedar Rapids Hon. Thomas Lambert Sabula Hon. W. H. Gemmill, Secretary Des Moines ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION Station Council (Appointed by the State Board of Education) Raymond A. Pearson, LL D President Anson Marston, C. E Professor Louis Bevier Spinney, B. M. E Professor Warren H. Meeker, M. E Professor Fred Alan Fish, M. E. E. E Professor Allen Holmes Kimball, M. S Professor 0. R. Sweeney, M. S., Ph. D Professor Fred R. White, B. C. E Chief Engineer, Iowa Highway Commission Station Staff Raymond A. Pearson, LL. D President, Ex-officio Anson Martson, C. E Director and Civil Engineer John S. Dodds, C. E Bulletin Editor Warren H. Meeker, M. E Mechanical Engineer Fred Alan Fish, M. E. E. E Electrical Engineer Allen Holmes Kimball, M. S Architectural Engineer O. R. Sweeney, M. S., Ph. D Chemical Engineer Charles S. Nichols, C. E Sanitary Engineer Louis Bevier Spinney, B. M. E Illuminating Engineer and Physicist William J. Schlick, C. E Drainage Egineer T. R. Agg, C. E Highway Engineer John Edwin Brindley, A. M., Ph. D Engineering Economist Max Levine, S. B Bacteriologist Lulu Soppeland, M. S Assistant Bacteriologist J. H. Griffith, M. S Structural Materials Engineer D. A. Moulton, B. S. in Cer. Eng Ceramic Engineer A. K. Friedrich, E. M Mining Engineer G. W. Burke, B. S. in Chem. Eng Chemist C. H. Giester, B. S Assistant Chemist Clyde Mason, B. S. in E. E., B. S. in C. E. Engineer C. J. Myers, B. S. in M. E Mechanical and Electrical Engineer Geo. W. Rodgers Mechanician Table of Contents Page I. Characteristics of the Colon Group of Bacteria 5 II. Evidence of Two Subdivisions in the Colon Group and Tests for their Differen- tiation 17 III. Classifications of the Colon Group of Bacteria 32 IV. The Detection of the Colon Group in Water 43 V. The Colon Group as an Index of Pollution 65 VI. The Spore Forming Lactose Fermenters, and their Significance in Water Analysis 91 Appendix A. Routine Methods of Water Analysis and the Colon Index 99 Appendix B. Culture Media , 108 References . -.119 I. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLON GROUP OF BACTERIA* The bacteriological analysis of water is an indirect and quantitative one. Specific pathogenic organisms are not sought nor are they likely to be detected even in a dangerous water. It devolves upon the analyst to interpret his findings and particular emphasis is placed on the determination of the presence of the colon group. The investigator and analyst should therefore be thoroughly acquainted with the characteristics, peculiarities, and idiosyncrasies of the organisms in the group, particularly with refer- ence to their distribution, viability, and differential reactions. Bacterium coli was first isolated by Emmerich from the feces of a cholera patient in 1884. It was soon recognized as a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract of man and of other animals. For the past three decades the colon group of bacteria has been extensively studied by bacter- iologists and sanitarians especially those interested in water supply and purification. Probably as much work has been done on this as on any other group of bacteria but there is not as yet an absolute agreement as to the limitations of the group. Limitations of the Group. In the 1905 report of the Committee on Standard Methods for Water Analysis of the American Public Health Association a series of tests were described which were supposedly char- acteristic of the colon group. These tests included morphology, motility, fermentation of glucose, coagulation of milk, production of indot, reduction of nitrates, and gelatin liquefaction. Many of these reactions, as gelatin liquefaction, nitrate reduction, and indol formation, require a long incuba- tion period. If the recommendations of the committee were adhered to, it would take at least nine days to justify the inclusion of an organism in the colon group. This was found to be very impractical and the ten- dency has been to simplify the preliminary tests necessary to place an organism in this category. The 1917 and the 1920 Standard Methods of Water Analysis define the colon group as follows: "It is recommended that the Bact. coli group be considered as including all non-spore-forming bacilli which ferment lactose with gas formation and grow rerobically on standard solid media." This characterization is concurred in by Winslow who defines the colon group as including all aerobic non-spore forming bacilli which produce acid and gas in glucose and lactose media. Hauser modifies the definition somewhat by excluding gelatin lique- fiers. Other investigators are inclined to extend the colon group to include spore forming organisms which are capable of fermenting lactose with gas production and which grow aerobically on solid media. A few such strains have been recently encountered in the routine examination of water. Perry and Monfort include such spore forming types as members of the colon group. The statement of Lohnis and Smith, who have made studies *In conformity with the recommendations of the committee on nomenclature of the Society of American Bacteriologists the colon group is considered in the genus Bacterium. on the life cycle of bacteria, that a single species of Azotobacter may pass through as many as twelve to fourteen morphological forms including spores, is not particularly relevant with respect to Bad. coli, the life cycle of which has been carefully studied by Kellerman and Scales who note specifically that spores were not observed. It is conceivable that unfavor- able environment may lead to spore formation by members of the colon- jerogenes group but the writer has never encountered nor heard of such a transformation, although he has observed a large number of cultures kept under various unfavorable conditions, nor does he anticipate such a fundamental and radical change in form. These spore forming, aerobic, lactose fermenters confuse the ordin- ary tests for Bact. coli and must be taken into consideration in interpreting water analyses, just as it is essential to differentiate the anaerobic spore forming lactose fermenters which confuse, the presumptive test for Bact. coli, but there is no logical reason nor justification for placing them in the colon group. Clark and Lubs raise the question as to the reliability of lactose fer- mentation as a primary criterion. They say, "If a fundamental cultural requirement of the members of the colon-aerogenes family is that it shall ferment lactose, there is imposed the same sort of requirement for the characterization of a whole family as is imposed by the MacConkey scheme when groups within the family are separated on the basis of the fermentation of another sugar, sucrose." They point out that the fermentation of sucrose, which was formerly employed to subdivide the colon group into species and varieties (Mac- Conkey's scheme), has been found less desirable than differentation on more recently devised tests, such as the gas ratio, the methyl -red reaction, and the Voges Proskauer test. They raise the question as to whether it is not possible that in the near future a test may be discovered which will supplant lactose fermentation as the salient and fundamental requirement for the whole colon-aerogenes family. We may well agree with Clark and Lubs that the future holds out to us promises of improved differential tests but we do not feel that, in consequence, we shall not utilize such means as are now available. Surely the classification of the organisms of this group to the best of our abiltiy on tests which are now known and used, would simplify a reclassification when these more fundamental, and we hope more reliable reactions of the future are brought out. The fact remains that the fermentation of lactose has been successfully employed for the separation of the non-pathogenic colon group from the disease pro- ducing para-typhoid and typhoid groups. Until a test is developed which will adequately supplant this, the fermentation of lactose with acid and gas production is considered a convenient and reasonably reliable criterion for members of the colon group of bacteria. The colon group will therefore be considered to include non-sporing, Gram negative bacilli which ferment lactose with the production of acid and gas and which are capable of growing aerobically. The statement frequently made, that the group consists of aerobes which ferment lactose is somewhat confusing, for the characteristic fermentation of lactose (gas formation) is determined under anaerobic conditions. DIFFERENTIAL TESTS The colon group, as defined, is a large and complex one including a number of closely related but distinct species and varieties. The question arises whether all the members are of equal sanitary significance or whether some may not be more intimately associated with animal or particularly with human pollution thereby becoming of special significance in the interpreta- tion of water or other examinations. It may be of practical value to dis- tinguish and classify these different types and, if possible, to correlate them with their habitat. For these purposes a large number of tests have been employed. The more important reactions to be considered are: Coagulation of milk. Gelatin liquefaction. Production of indol. Motility. Fermentation of carbohydrates. Production of acetyl-methyl-carbinol . (Voges Proskauer reac- tion ) . Uric acid test. Methyl red test. Coagulation of milk. The test for the determination of the co- agulation of milk is made by inoculating litmus or brom cresol purple milk which is then incubated at the body temperature for 48 hours. Acid is formed, some gas develops, and coagulation usually takes place in this time. If the milk has not been clotted the tube is immersed in boiling water for a few minutes or brought to a boil over a flame and if this treat- ment induces coagulation the reaction is considered as positive. If the milk has been over sterilized in the autoclave, coagulation does not take place as readily as when the medium is sterilized by the intermittent method in the Arnold. There is no digestion of the curd and the whey, if present, is clear. The litmus may be reduced by some strains. The milk reaction has been found very valuable in identification of the colon group. Gelatin liquefaction. The liquefaction of gelatin is an important test for the differentiation of colon species. Studies by Gligler and by Johnson and Levine indicate that this test is well correlated with motility and fermentation of glycerol. Unfortunately the liquefaction of gelatin is difficult to determine. The period of incubation usually employed is fourteen days at 20 degrees C. Gage and Phelps, and later Johnson and Levine pointed out that the proportion of liquefiers recognized varies with the period of incubation as mav be seen from Table I. Among 202 strains studied by Johnson and Levine, 106 (52%) were gelatin liquefiers after 34 days incubation but only 31 (15.3%) showed this reaction in 13 days. 8 TABLE I. LIQUEFACTION OF GELATIN BY 202 COLON STRAINS FROM SOIL. Incubation days Cultures liquefied % of total liquefiers 2 17 16.0 7 17 16.0 13 31 29.2 20 38 35.8 27 61 57.5 34 106 100.0 The long incubation period necessary makes this test an inconvenient one for practical work and in some laboratories a modification has been introduced employing 37° C. for1 48 hours. This of course liquefies the gelatin and so to determine whether a physiological decomposition has taken place the tubes are immersed in ice water until control tubes solidify. Inoculated tubes which remain liquid are regarded as having been peptonized by the action of the organism in question. Indol. The production of indol from peptone is very extensively determined particularly in England where indol formers are regarded as "typical" £act. coli. The test is usually carried out in the following man- ner : One percent peptone water cultures are incubated for four or five days at body temperature. The culture is acidified with 1 c. c. of a ten percent solution of sulphuric acid and then 1 c. c. of a 1-5,000 potassium nitrite is added so as to form a layer on the surface. After a period varying from a few minutes to an hour a red ring will develop at the junction of the nitrite and acidified peptone culture if indol is present. This is known as the Salkowfsky test. A more delicate reaction is obtained by the Ehrlich test which is per- formed thus: To the culture add 3 c. c. para-dimethyl-amido-benzaldehyde and 3 c. c. of a saturated solution of potassium persulphate. Presence of indol is indicated by the production of a red coloration. The significance and value of the test has been much in dispute. Howe found it to be but slightly correlated with other characteristics and con- sequently regarded it to be of little diagnostic value. Castellani and Chalmers on the other hand, consider indol of fundamental importance in classification of colon-like forms, and Houston believes it to be of par- ticular significance for distinguishing the "typical" or "excretal" from the "atypical" Bact. coli. Levine found that among members of the colon group which were of intestinal origin, 91 percent formed indol, whereas of those obtained from soil only 37.3 percent were indol positive. The constancy of the reaction has been questioned. Smirnow reported that subjection of Bact. coli. to the action of carbolic acid induces a loss of the ability to produce indol but that this character is regained after several sub-cultures in nutrient broth. 9 The source of indol in culture media is the amino acid tryptophane, NH which is decomposed with the liberation of indol. NH Many of the irregularities reported are undoubtedly due to varying quan- tities of tryptophane in the media employed and these may be eliminated by use of tryptophane broth as suggested by Kligler. Motility. Motility may be determined either by the hanging drop method or by the use of a semi-solid medium such as Hesse agar. In the latter non-motile organisms grow along the line of inoculation with very little diffusion into the medium whereas the motile organisms grow rapidly away from the line of inoculation producing a distinct turbid zone of several millimeters, in 6 to 12 hours, which may easily be observed with the naked eye. There is considerable disagreement as to the value of motility as an index and differential test for members of the colon group. There are undoubtedly both motile and non-motile colon bacilli in the intestinal tract of man. The character seems to be quite variable as a number of prelim- inary cultures are sometimes required to make motility evident and McWeeney has reported that some strains were motile at 20 degrees and not at 37 degrees C. The statement that motile forms are characteristic of the human in- testine appears to be in error as Stocklin (quoted by McWeeney) observed 116 non-motile strains among 300 colon bacilli from feces. Levine found only 32 percent of 25 cultures from man to be motile and only 20 percent of 30 cultures from raw and septic sewage whereas colon strains obtained from animals were almost always motile (sheep 77.3%, cow 80.0%, pig 93.7%, and horse 100%). It should be noted that these results were ob- tained with the use of a semi-solid agar (nutrient agar containing 0.5% agar). The relation of motility as determined by the hanging drop and semi- solid media has recently been studied by Chen and Rettger with results indicated in Table II. It appears that for the true Bact. coli there is excellent correlation in the two methods of motility determination. Out of a total of 173 cul- tures examined, 119 strains were found to be motile by the hanging drop method and 121 with the semi-solid agar medium. With the Bact. aerogenes strains, however, out of 477 cultures observed, 122 were motile by the hang- ing drop and only 75 by the agar method. It would seem that for the aerogenes types observation of motility in semi-solid media is undesire- able. 10 TABLE II. RELATION OF HANGING DROP AND SEMI-SOLID AGAR FOR DETERMINATION OF MOTILITY. (After Chen and Rettger, 1920) Type of Organism Hanging drop Semi-solid agar (Hesse) Number Examined Motile Non Motile Motile Non Motile Bact. coli 119 54 121 52 173 Bact. aerogenes 122 325 75 372 447 Levine, however, in a study of 151 strains of the aerogenes-cloacae group, found an excellent correlation between motility, as determined in semi-solid medium, gelatin liquefaction and starch fermentation. Thus of 89 motile organisms 81 (91.0%) liquefied gelatin and only 4 (4.5%) fermented starch; whereas among 62 non-motile organisms only 2 (3.2%) liquefied gelatin while 61 (98.5%) fermented starch. A test which cor- relates so well with other characters is probably of differential value, and, although it is not recommended at present for routine work, it may be of significance and should be included in investigational studies. MacConkey recommends that motility be observed in six hour cul- tures using dark field illumination. Castellani and Chalmers also employ motility as an important differential criterion. Fermentation of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates which have been most commonly employed in the study of the colon group are listed below: Monosaccharids. Glucose, levulose, and galactose. Disaccharids. Lactose, sucrose, and maltose. Trisaccharid. Raffinose. Polysaccharids. Starch, inulin, and glycogen. Alcohols. Glycerol, mannitol, dulcitol, and adonitol. Glucoside. Salicin. The media for fermentation tests generally consist of peptone water or broth containing one percent of the test substance. Incubation is at the body temperature for 48 hours and a positive reaction is indicated by gas production. If desired, litmus, brom cresol purple, neutral red, or the Andrade indicator may be added to the medium to observe acid for- mation. Kligler suggests that quantitive acid-production be substituted for gas-formation as an index of fermentation. He points out that in stand- ard meat-infusion sugar-freed carbohydrate broth media there is a rather sharp dividing line between acid-producers and nonacid-producers at 1.5 percent normal acid and that quantitive gas-production is variable and unreliable. Although quantitive gas-formation as ordinarly determined in the Smith or Durham tube is markedly inconstant and therefore of little 11 value, the fact that gas is produced at all may, nevertheless be of con- siderable significance. If a culture is inoculated into sugar broth and gas is formed, while no gas is produced in plain broth, the organism would most certainly be regarded as a fermenter of the test sugar irrespective of whether more or less than 1.5 percent acid is formed. The low liter might be due to a secondary alkali-production which masks the acid, as suggested by Rogers. It has been repeatedly observed by the author that Bact. aerogenes in peptone dipotassium-phosphate so- lution, containing one percent or two percent glucose, may be acid to methyl red after 24 hours' incubation but alkaline after a period of 48 to 96 hours at 37 degrees C. Rogers, Clark, and Evans also determined titratable acid and selected one percent normal acid as the point of demarcation between fermenters and non-fermenters but they point out the possible errors in acid-deter- mination and give precedence to gas-formation, if positive. The author's observations are that with peptone water as a base and one percent of the test carbohvdrates, nonfermenters rarely produced as much as 0.2 percent normal acid. At what point on the acid scale are fermenters to be differentiated from nonfermenters? There is considerable disagreement as to the max- imal amount of acid formed by Bact. coli. Kligler, using meat infusion media, often obtained titers of four percent normal acid or more and sim- ilar results have been recorded by Rogers and others. Browne, however, using Liebig's meat-extract media, states that the limiting acidity for Bact. coli is 2.4% normal acid as determined by titration with phenolphthalein. Winslow and Walker determined acid-production in 12 substances by Bact. coli. The maximal acidity observed was 0.45 c. c. N/20 NaOH to the cubic centimeter of culture medium, or 2.25 percent normal acid. The writer's experience, with peptone water as the basic medium, is in entire accord with Winslow and Walker, and with Browne. Of more than 2500 titrations, none showed over 2.4 per cent normal acid. The difference in acid-production observed by various investigators is due to differences in the composition of the media employed. It is now well established that more acid is formed in meat-infusion broth than in beef-extract broth. In media containing much phosphates, as yeast water, even more acid is formed than in meat infusion broth. Acid-production should not be given precedence over gas-formation. They may be independent characters. If, however, after careful studies, it appears that there is a marked correlation between quantitative acid-pro- duction and qualitative gas-formation, then it may be feasible to supplement, if not substitute, the gas test by the acid test. In that event, the line of demarkation between fermenters and nonfermenters would have to be determined for the medium employed. Table III. shows the relation of gas-production to the amount of acid formed from sucrose, raffinose, ducitol, glycerol, and salicin in peptone water. Other test substances were observed but are not indicated because they were invariably fermented with production of gas. 12 TABLE III. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN QAUNTITATIVE ACID-PRODUCTION AND GAS-FORMATION BY COLON GROUP. Test Substance Gas Strain Percentage of normal acid 1 0-0.19 i 0.20-0.39 1 1 | 0.40-0.591 0.60-0.79j0.80ormore | 1 Sucrose i: fNo. 1% [No. 1% 0 79 98.8 0 ! 1 1.2 8 10.6 0 48 64.0 0 19 25.4 0 Raffinose i: fNo. \% JNo. [% 1 1.3 72 93.5 0 1 1.3 2 2.5 2 2.6 18 22.8 0 58 73.4 2 2.6 Dulcitol • " + JNo. 1% JNo. 1% 0 86 97.8 2 3.0 ' 1 1.1 5 7.5 1 1.1 23 34.3 0 37 55.2 0 Salicin + fNo. [% JNo. 1% 0 43 79.7 1 0 1 ' 1.8 1 10 • 3 5.6 19 18.6 6 11.1 82 80.4 1 1.8 Glycerol • + fNo. 1% fNo. 1% 0 4 10.5 0 16 13.6 5 23 13.2 60.5 61 51.7 5 13.2 41 34.7 1 2.6 It will be noted that acid-production in sucrose, dulcitol, and raffinose is well correlated with the presence or absence of gas. With salicin the correlation is not so marked, while with glycerol the line of demarcation between gas-formers and non-gas-formers, as indicated by the quantity of acid produced, is very indistinct. The substitution of quantitative acid- production for gas-formation would therefore be particularly undesirable when working with glycerol. 13 These results are well in accord with those of Winslow and Walker, who observe: "Gas-formation coincided with acidity except in the case of dextrin." All investigators are agreed that members of the colon group normally ferment the monosaccharids with production of both acid and gas. Very detailed studies have been carried out on the products of the fermenattion of glucose, particularly the gas ratio and the H+ion concentration. These careful observations have yielded very fruitful results. The disaccharid lactose is of course fermented by all members of the group and maltose is also attacked. Sucrose is practically always de- composed by strains obtained from the soil, from grains, or from animal feces, but less frequently by strains isolated from human dejecta or sewage. The fermentation of sucrose has been recognized by many investigators as a convenient and important character for subdivision. It is the primary character in the MacConkey classification, it is employed by Jackson, and has been recognized by all the more recent investigators of the colon group as a most important and convenient differential characteristic. The trisaccharid raffinose is fermented by practically all strains which ferment sucrose. This marked correlation between sucrose and raf- finose fermentation was emphasized by Howe, who observed that dextrose, lactose, sucrose, and raffinose constitute a metabolic gradient, noting that fermentation of any of these carbohydrates was always accompanied by fermentation of the less complex sugar in the series. TABLE IV. CORRELATION OF SUCROSE AND RAFFINOSE FERMENTATION IN COLON GROUP. Acid and gas in raffinose Acid and gas in sucrose + — + 233 8 — 8 84 In a study of 333 strains obtained from soil, sewage, and feces of various animals and man, Levine found only 8 sucrose nonfermenters among 241 strains which attacked raffinose, whereas of 92 raffinose non- fermenters, 84 failed to ferment sucrose. Both sucrose and raffinose need hardly be employed simultaneously in a study of the colon group. The correlation between fermentability of these carbohydrates has also been observed by Winslow and Walker; Birk; Rogers, Clark and Davis; Kligler; Murray; Rogers, Clark and Lubs; and others. The fact that these two sugars are similar in chemical construc- tion (neither possesses a reacting aldehyde group), may explain the similar- ity in the behavior of colon bacilli towards them. The polysaccharids are fermented by relatively few of the1 species or varieties in the colon group. Ford pointed out that the Bact. aerogenes was a starch fermenter and that a few strains also fermented inulin. Gly- cogen is very rarely attacked. Laybourn reports that Bact. aerogenes usually attacks starches from many different sources. 14 The alcohols have been very frequenlty utilized in investigational studies. Thus dulcitol was employed by MacConkey and Jackson in their classifications, but it is now being generally supplanted by other sugars. Mannitol is fermented by practically all members of the colon group except a small group observed by Rogers in his grain series. The al- cohol adonitol was recently suggested as a means of differentiating the fecal from the non-fecal Bact. aerongenes and this was adopted by the Committee of Standard Methods of Water Analysis in the 1917 report. Glycerol has been found by Kligler and later by Levine to correlate well with gelatin liquefaction and they both distinguish Bact. aerogenes from Bact. cloacae on the basis of fermentation of this material. The alco- hols are thus an important group of carbohydrates for studies of the colon group of bacteria. The glucoside salicin has been recently suggested to supplant dulcitol for classification purposes by Kligler and by Levine and Castellani and Chalmers employ it for primary subdivision of their sucrose negative strains. Salicin fermentation is an important differential test. Voges Proskauer reaction. (Acetyl methyl carbinol test). By the Voges Proskauer reaction is meant the production of an eosin-like col- oration in dextrose broth cultures by some members of the colon group, if made strongly alkaline with potassium hydroxide. It takes its name from the fact that it was first observed by Voges and Proskauer in 1898. The coloration develops slowly from the surface of the medium gradually extending throughout the culture. The test is ordinarily carried out by adding two or three c. c. of 10 percent potassium hydroxide to an equal volume of a 48 to 96 hour dextrose broth culture and after thoro shaking the mixture is allowed to stand exposed to the air. The characteristic eosin-like color will develop in a few hours but it is well to record after 24 hours exposure if negative in a shorter time. It is suggested that the term Voges Proskauer reaction be restricted to designate the formation of acetyl methyl carbinol from glucose but when referring to its production from other carbohydrates or alcohols, the term acetyl-methyl-carbinol test be applied. The nature of the sub- stance being tested for is thus indicated just as is the case with indol. The Voges Proskauer reaction has been found very valuable and many investi- gators have observed that it is characteristic of the colon-like organisms of the soil and grains while it is very rare to encounter intestinal members of the colon group which give this test. Methyl Red Test. Clark and Lubs in 1915 devised the socalled methyl red test which serves to split the colon group into a methyl-red- positive subgroup, found to be characteristic of the organisms obtained from cow feces and other intestinal sources, and the methyl-red-negative subgroup, which is the predominating type in the soil and on grains. The test is made by adding a few drops of methyl red indicator to a 0.5 percent dextrose-peptone- (Witte)-dipotassium phosphate culture and noting the reaction; a yellow coloration indicates alkalinity or a negative test and a red coloration denotes acidity or a positive test. The reaction 15 correlates very well with the Voges Proskauer test and will be considered more in detail in the following pages. Uric Acid Test. Koser, in studying the utilization of nitrogen from various sources, observed that some members of the colon group (Bact. aer- ogenes) can utilize nitrogen from uric acid, whereas others (Bact. coli] can not. He also showed this characteristic to be correlated with the methyl red and Voges Proskauer reaction. Resume. The colon group obviously includes many varieties and species of bacteria. The monosaccharids and the disaccharid lactose are always fermented with acid and gas formation; nitrates are reduced and milk is acidified and coagulated; but with respect to other tests there is considerable variation within the group. TABLE V. CHARACTERISTICS OF 333 STRAINS OF COLON GROUP FROM SOIL, FECES AND SEWAGE. SOURCE Soil Feces and sewage All strains Number Studied 177 \ 156 333 Character No. % No. % No. . % pos. pos. pos. pos. pos. | pos. Voges Proskauer Test 142 80.3 9 5.8 151 45.4 Motility 123 69.6 96 | 61.5 219 65.8 Gelatin 83 46.8 0 0.0 83 29.9 Indol 66 37.3 142 91.1 208 62.4 Sucrose* 165 93.3 76 48.7 241 72.5 Raffinose* 162 91.6 79 50.7 241 72.5 Dulcitol* 74 41.8 68 43.6 142 42.7 Glycerol* 78 43.1 118 76.2 196 58.8 Salicin* 159 89.9 102 66.1 261 78.4 Dextrin* 82 46.4 8 5.1 90 27.0 Inulin* 21 11.9 0 0.0 21 6.3 Starch* 57 | 32.2 7 ' 4.5 64 19.2 'Acid and gas formation observed. In general the reactions of the organisms isolated from the soil are quite different from those obtained from various animal feces (horse, sheep, pig, cow, and man) and sewage. In Table V. and figure 1 are shown the frequency of the various reactions. ~ - 1 -8 I S5 i (0 16 1 £ I DC •H E f t ."> : S • x 03 2 i S 5 3 + -2 + + + 1 1 < ;;,;.,. 1 i" ^ » , » i „• es , N? \ i '/ability of dac T eo/t 1 in D/s. <-il led W vfer s cont ct//7Jntj , 1.85 ft A ad (C #) /CO ZOO 7~/me E/apsed /n 68 "••**. Viability of fiact.coh in Conductivity Water (///£ a/**? O c/> Q ~ ^'1 P 03 g bD Z O I II III IV VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV Corn field... Corn field... Corn field... Corn field... Corn field... Corn field... Expt. plot Expt. plot Expt. plot Expt. plot Manured, corn grown for three years Manured, corn grown for three years Manured, corn grown for three years Manured, corn grown for three years Manured, corn grown for three years Manured, corn grown for three years tons manure annually 114 113 112 111 Expt. plot 110 1913 |Corn 0 1913 Corn 14 1913 ICorn 4 1913 Corn 3 1913 Corn 2 1913 Corn 9 1914 (None 2 tons manure annually 1914 1 ton manure annually 1914 tons of clover chopped and ploughed under annually | 2 tons of clover chopped and ploughed 1914 None None None under annually Expt. plot 109 1 ton of clover as in IV Expt. plot 108 !2 tons of oat straw chopped and ploughed under annually Expt. plot 107 No treatment, check plot | Expt. plot 106 2 tons of timothy chopped and ploughed under annually Expt. plot 105 jl ton timothy as in IX | Expt. plot 104 18 tons of clover once in four years j Expt. plot 103 8 tons of manure once in four years Expt. plot 102 128 tons peat annually , Expt. plot 101 [Timothy grown each year and stubble ' plowed under 1914 |None 1914 JNone |None 1914 |None I 1914 |None 1914 |None 1913 |None 1913 INone 1914 (None 1914 (Timothy 18 0 0 1 0 1 26 24 14 18 ,'r 75 TABLE XXXVIII. (continued) Sample Source , Soil treatment or other remarks Date of last treatment Crop Number of coli-like organisms obtained XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI Orchard Orchard Orchard Clover sod 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 | Clover ? Blue grass Clover [Corn [Corn (Corn |Corn [Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Corn Timothy Clover Corn Corn I Kafir corn I 12 1 0 0 8 1 1 8 5 13 18 15 14 16 16 13 19 12 10 13 17 15 I 2 Clover crop planted in summer and ploughed under in spring Clean cultivation Orchard Sioux loam Wabash silty clay Marshal silt loam Blue grass sod Clover field recently in oats Surface soil Surface soil Corrington loam Surface soil; corn field Expt. plot 213 Expt. plot 214 Expt. plot 215 Expt. plot 216 Expt. plot 217 Expt. plot 218 Expt. plot 219 Expt. plot 220 Expt. plot 221 See XIV. No treatment, check plot Legume treatment, cow peas in July. 2 years out of four in rotation with corn.. 8 tons manure 8 tons manure with cow peas 8 tons manure with 800 pounds bone meal and cow peas 800 pounds bone meal and cow peas 8 tons manure and 800 pounds bone meal 800 pounds bone meal and 200 pounds K in KC1 and cow peas 8 tons manure, 800 pounds bone meal and 200 pounds K in KC1 See XIV ... Clover field Corn field Corn field Corn field Unknown Same as A Same as A Unknown the farther away the source was from cultivation, the smaller was the proportion of positive results, but that they were never altogether absent. Unfortunately, neither Houston nor Konrich differentiated between the aero- genes and coli sections. Johnson and Levine first pointed out that the coli-like microorganisms of the soil were strikingly similar to those obtained by Rogers and his as- sociates from grains and that they were quite distinct from the true Bact. coli of feces. The observations of Johnson and Levine are based upon 42 samples of soil obtained from experimental plots, (data on treatment of which is available for many years) from orchards, corn fields, and miscellaneous sources in different parts of the state of Iowa. The method of isolation of cultures was by planting on litmus lactose agar directly or after preliminary enrichment in lactose broth, incubation 76 being at the body temperature. In the following table is given the source and treatment of the soil, crops raised, and the incidence of coli-like bacteria in the samples studied.* It will be noticed that a number of plots which had not received manure for many years (some about 15 years) yielded organisms of this group. There was a marked correlation also between cropping and the incidence of the colon group. TABLE XXXIX. PRESENCE OF BACILLI OF COLON GROUP IN EXPERI- MENTAL SOIL PLOTS AT AMES, IOWA Coli-like organisms Fallow plots Cropped plots Number Percent Number Percent Absent 7 2 4 53.8 15.4 30.8 0 0 11 0.0 0.0 100.0 Rare Abundant Of the 24 plots examined, 13 had been kept fallow and 11 had had various crops, for the most part corn, raised upon them. Of the fallow plots 7 (53.8%) showed no colon forms, in 2 (15.4%) such organisms were rare, and relatively abundant only in 4 (30.8%). On the other hand, bacilli of the colon group were readily isolated from each of the 11 plots upon which crops were grown. One hundred and seventy-seven strains were obtained in pure cul- ture. Of these 142 (80.4% ) are of the aerogenes section (the predominating type being the Bact. cloacae) and 35 (19.6%) are of the coli section. The preponderence of the aerogenes types in soil has recently been confirmed in two very detailed studies by Burton and Rettger (1917) and Chen and Rettger (1920). Burton and Rettger isolated 193 coli-like bacteria from about 1000 samples of soil, twigs, leaves, and flowers. Of these only 36 (18.7%) resembled Bact. coli whereas 157 (81.3%) were of the aerogenes subgroup, 148 of the latter being Bact. cloacae. Chen and Rettger in a study of a large number of samples of soil of known sanitary quality observed also a great preponderence of the aero- genes section but they found the Bact. aerogenes rather than the Bact. cloacae, as recorded by Johnson and Levine and by Burton and Rettger, to be the predominating species. Of 467 strains studied, 430 (92.1%) were Bact. aerogenes, 17 (3.6%) Bact. cloacae, and only 20 (4.3%) were of the coli section (V. P. negative-methyl-red-positive type). The evidence is quite distinct and clear that the colon-like organisms present in soil are of the aerogenes type and that they are more abundant in cropped than in fallow areas. The relative incidence of the aerogenes and coli sections in soil and grains is summarized in Table XL. 77 TABLE XL. INCIDENCE OF AEROGENES TYPES AMONG COLON BACILLI ISOLATED FROM SOIL AND GRAINS. Investigator Source No. of strains studied % Aerogenes section (V.P.4- M.R ) Levine & Johnson (1917) Soil 177 80.4 Burton & Rettger (1917) Soil 193 81.3 MacConkey (1909) Soil 16 37.5 Chen & Rettger (1920) Soil 467 95.7 Total 853 88.1 MacConkey (1909) Grains 30 56.7 Rogers, Clark & Evans (1915) * Grains 166 1 91.0 Wood (1919) Grains and Cereals IS 73.5 Stokes (1919) Grains 77 74.0 Total 288 81.7 *Differentiation based on gas ratio. Incidence of the Coli and Aerogenes Sections in Water and Milk. There is, at present, comparatively little information available as to the relative abundance, of the coli and aerogenes subgroups in various types of water. Rogers, in a study of 137 strains isolated from a stream, found 66 percent were of the high ratio and aerogenes-cloacae and 33 percent of the low ratio coli type. Greenfield and Skorup found the ratio just the reverse. Among 405 colon strains, isolated from surface and ground waters in Kansas, 70 percent were of the low ratio V. P. negative type and 30 percent of the high ratio V. P. positive type. Houston, Winslow and Cohen, and Wood obtained similar findings to that of Greenfield. That is, they also found a preponderance of the coli subgroup in water; while Stokes, in a study of 528 cultures from water of Maryland, and Mac- Conkey, among 49 strains from ponds, rain waters, and roof washings, ob- tained a preponderance of the so-called non-fecal or high ratio aerogenes and cloacae strains. Clemesha, in India, and Boles, in the Canal Zone, point out that the Bact. coli is in excess immediately after pollution but that later the Bact. aerogenes are the prevailing forms. Although there is no agreement as to the relative incidence of these two groups in water, it is apparent that the aerogenes section is proportionately much more common than in feces and much less frequent than in soil. The author thinks it is a reasonable assumption that the strains in water repre- sent the resultant of sewage pollution, soil contamination, and proximity of pollution. The colon group isolated from milk is about evenly divided between aerogenes and coli types. Wood, MacConkey, Orr, Rogers and Stokes 78 recorded 17.5, 29, 39, 47, and 69.4 percent respectively of the aerogenes group in milk. TABLE XLI. INCIDENCE OF AEROGENES TYPES AMONG COLON BACILLI ISOLATED FROM WATER AND MILK Investigators Source No. of strains studied % Aerogenes section V.P._1_;M.R.— ) Houston (1911) Water 532 8.1 MacConkey (1909) Water 49 59.2 Rogers (1916) Water 137 66.0 Greenfield & Skorup (1917) Water 405 30.0 Winslow & Cohen (1918) Water 255 21.2 Wood (1919) Water 231 33.3 Stokes (1919) Water 528 63.7 Total 2137 35.2 Orr* (1908) Milk 850 39.0 MacConkey (1909) Milk 26 57.8 Rogers, Clark & Davis (1914) Milk 124 47.5 Hulton (1916) Milk 18 72.3 Wood (1919) Milk 93 17.5 Stokes (1919) Milk 271 59.8 Total 1382 43.1 *GUucose fermenters, lactose reaction not recorded. The observations as to the incidence and distribution of the colon group in nature may be summed up as follows: The evidence indicates that lactose fermenting bacteria capable of growing aerobically are widely distributed in nature and that they con- stitute two distinct groups; a low ratio V. P. negative subgroup, which was previously described as the coli section, is characteristic of the intestinal tract of man and animals and relatively infrequent in localities not recently polluted with human or animal intestinal material; and a high ratio V.-P. positive group, termed the aerogenes section, which is very rare in the in- testinal discharges of man and animals, but constitutes the predominating type in soil and on grains. In water and milk the proportion of coli and aero- genes strains naturally varies, the predominating type depending to a con- siderable extent on the source of contamination. Correlation of the Sanitary Survey and the Incidence of Coli and Aerogenes Types in Water. If, as has been intimated in the fore- going discussion, the coli and aerogenes sections are so characteristically 79 TABLE XLII. SUMMARY OF TYPES OF COLON BACILLI ISOLATED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES Source No. of strains observed % Aerogenes section % Coli section Human feces 2534 5.9 94.1 Animal feces 1832 7.4 92.6 Water 2137 35.2 64.8 Milk 1382 43.1 56.9 Grains 288 81.7 18.3 Soil 853 88.1 11.9 of different origin, should we not expect a correlation of the sanitary sur- vey with the type of colon bacillus encountered in a water? Reliable in- formation on this matter would certainly be a great aid in the interpreta- tion of water analyses. Winslow and Cohen studied the distribution of these organisms in waters of known sanitary quality with this idea in mind and concluded that there was no relation whatsoever between the incidence of aerogenes bacilli and the sanitary quality of the source. Thus among 94 strains isolated from polluted waters, 80 from unpolluted, and 81 from stored waters in the vicinity of New Haven, Connecticut, organisms giving the V.-P. reaction were encountered in 24, 24, and 15 percent respectively. They conclude that the "significance of the ratio of Bact. coli and Bact. aerogenes groups in a sanitary examination of water seems somewhat dubious." Their results are quite the reverse of those reported by other investigators. Greenfield and Skorup conclude that there is a correlation between the increased incidence of the Bact. coli strains and the sanitary survey during dry weather. TABLE XLIII. RELATIVE NUMBER OF AEROGENES AND COLI TYPES IN WOLF CREEK. (Rogers 1918) Miles Pollution Cultures isolated Ratio aerogenes to coli 0 7 All aerogenes 1.1 Private Sewers 15 1.1 2.1 City sewer 18 0.8 3.1 11 0.1 5.1 20 9.0 7.1 10 All aerogenes 9.3 9 3.5 11.3 5 4.0 80 Rogers studied a section of a stream for a distance of about eleven miles determining the ratio of Bad. aerogenes to Bact. coli above and be- low sewer outlets. It will be noted that above the city all cultures isolated were of the aerogenes type and that after passing through the town, where the creek became polluted, the Bact. coli strains predominated, being 10 times as common, but farther down the stream, as the distance from the source of pollution increases, the aerogenes forms again become markedly more numerous. The indications are, therefore, strong that the ratio of aerogenes to coli varies with the proximity of sewage pollution becoming greater as the pollution is more remote. Stokes remarks on the scarcity of the low ratio coli group in well waters. Only one low ratio organism was found in 14 samples of water from artesian wells containing members of the colon-aerogenes group. Thirteen of these contained high ratio organisms including Bact. aerogenes and Bact. cloacae. In a study of 59 samples of raw waters, Stokes found 38 which showed only one type of the colon group (24 contained Bact. aerogenes, 13 Bact. coli. and 1 Bact. cloacae) determined by fishing 10 colonies from an Endo plate. This striking fact that a large proportion of the samples harbored a single species of the colon group in pure culture suggests the possibility of a correlation between the source of pollution or contamination and the type of colon organism present. He concludes that "In the bacteriological examination of drinking water it would not be safe to assume that the water was free from intestinal pollution if but two or three colonies were studied from each specimen. However, if 20 to 25 colonies be picked from each sample and all are found to be of the high ratio type, it might be safe to regard the water as free from fecal contamination provided a chemical examination and sanitary survey gave no evidence of pollution." The writer would suggest that in place of picking such a large number of colonies, which is impractical for routine, a differential medium like the eosin-methylene-blue agar should be employed for confirming the pre- sumptive test. The probable presence of the "fecal" Bact. coli type could be easily recognized. Perhaps the most detailed study on the correlation of sanitary quality of ground water and the type of colon bacillus present was carried out by D. R. Wood in England. A large number of samples from various sources, 200 of which contained lactose fermenting organisms, were investigated. Sixty-six samples contained the V.-P. positive-methyl-red negative or Bact. aerogenes types and 41 of these showed no evidence of recent excretal con- tamination. He records also that in 22 deep well supplies of good repute (these were sunk through lime-stone 250 to 400 feet into underlying sand, used as public supplies for years, and appeared excellent bacterially, lactose fermenters being rarely present and seldom in less than 100 c. c.) suddenly showed a large proportion of the colon group in the spring of 1918. Lac- tose fermenting organisms were obtained in two cases in 1 c. c., in several instances in 10 c. c., but in every sample in 100 c. c. On further examina- 81 tion all but one of these organisms proved to be of the aerogenes section (V.-P. positive, methyl red negative). As these wells were several miles apart the simultaneous appearance of these organisms is difficult to explain. Wood mentions that the time of year rather suggests some connection with the sowing of grain. It is felt that the relation of the sanitary survey to the type of colon bacilli present in the water, particularly well supplies, is in need of con- siderable investigation. The lack of correlation in the vicinity of the New Haven, reported by Winslow and Cohen, is difficult to reconcile with the observations of Stokes in Maryland and Wood in England. Possibly local conditions, if taken into proper consideration, may explain the seem- ing discrepancies. On the Relative Viability of Bact. coli and Bact. aerogenes in Water. Emulsions of feces were stored in water in bottles or suspended in parchment sacks in running streams by Rogers. He reported that the Bact. coli died off much more rapidly than the Bact. aerogenes. In water kept in a bottle at 20° C., preliminary examination showed only Bact. coli but after 3 days storage the ratio of Bact. aerogenes to Bact. coli was 1 to 6. This ratio gradually increased until after 278 days storage the Bact. aerogenes was 39 times as prevalent as Bact. coli. This was of course a prolonged period of storage but it indicates, nevertheless, that the aero- genes group is more resistent and will persist for a much longer period in water than will the coli group. In running water the change in the ratio of Bact. aerogenes and Bact. coli was much more rapid. Thus beginning with a fecal emulsion in parch- ment sacks suspended in running water, an initial ratio of 1 Bact. aerogenes to 2.3 Bact. coli was found after 7 days to contain 10 times as many Bact. aerogenes as Bact. coli. The Bact. aerogenes were proportionately more than 20 times as prevalent in a fecal suspension stored in running water for a week. The death rate of Bact. coli (K=0.48) was about twice that of Eact. aerogenes (K=0.93). TABLE XLIV. CHANGES IN COLON BACTERIA IN RUNNING WATER. (After Rogers 1918) Age, days Colon group, per c. c. Ratio of Bact. aerogenes to Bact. coli 0 190,000 1 to 2.3 1 130,000 1 to 4.0 2 19,000 1 to 3.3 3 9,000 1 to 1.2 4 20 1 to 1.1 7 30 1 to 0.11 Winslow and Cohen report similar, though not such striking results, when storing mixtures of these organisms in bottles. They observed a 82 preliminary decrease in the proportion of Fact, aerogenes, after 24 hours, followed by an increase. An initial incidence of 46 percent Bact. aerogenes rose to 71 percent after 60 days' storage. Savage and Wood, in studies on the vitality and viability of Strepto- cocci in water also report a number of interesting observations on the rela- tive incidence of the capsulated and non-capsulated members of the colon group as affected by storage. The following experiment is illustrative of their results. To a liter of water which was not sterilized but which was known to be free from the colon group, were added 0.03 c. c. of a 24 hour peptone water culture of non-capsulated and capsulated colon organisms were add- ed. The non-capsulated form (Bact. coli) with an initial count of 4,000 per c. c. fell to 25 per c. c., after 31 days, and 3 per c. c. after 33 days' storage and was entirely absent in 50 days. The capsulated form (Bact. aerogenes), on the other hand, was reduced from an initial count of 7,440 to 440 in 31 days, to 122 in 50 days, and living organisms were still pres- ent in this water at the end of 14 weeks. In another instance, an initial count of 8,000 non-capsulated organisms (Bact. coli) dropped to less than 1 per c. c., whereas the capsulated strain, with an initial count of 4,920, was still present to the extent of 540 per c. c. after 28 days' storage. TABLE XLV. ON THE VIABILITY OF COLON GROUP IN UNSTERILE TAP WATER. (After Savage and Wood 1917). Period of storage Surviving bacteria per c. c. Non capsulated (Bact. coli) Capsulated (Bact. aerogenes) At start 4,400 7,440 31 days 25 440 43 days 3 176 50 days 0 122 57 days 0 81 70 days 30 84 days 25 98 days 6 They also observed that when sewage was stored the Bact. coli strains gradually disappear the ultimate colon survivors being all capsulated strains (Bact. aerogenes). Clemesha in India reports that Bact. aerogenes is relatively rare in waters recently polluted but becomes extremely common 5 to 15 days after contamination. He found the Bact. aerogenes more prevalent in rivers and lakes shortly after rains but was later supplanted by another member of the aerogenes section, Bact. cloacae, which was found to be the predom- inating type during dry seasons. 83 Similarly, Bowles, working with waters in the Panama Canal Zone, where the conditions simulate those of the tropics, notes that the aerogenes types are extremely prevalent long after the Bact. coli forms have died off. The supplies in the canal zone consist of impounded reservoirs and are treated with sulphate, filtered, and in some instances chlorinated after fil- tration. The reservoirs are policed and adequately protected against pol- luion. In the Chagres River during the rainy weather Bact. coli was pres- ent in 1 c. c. but during the dry season Bact. coli was found only in 50 c. c. samples while Bact. aerogenes, he says, was present in large numbers. Dur- ing the dry season, the reservoirs, acting as sedimentation basins, effect con- siderable (wonderful) purification. He states that many examinations may be made this time of year without getting any test for Bact. coli, but that Bact. aerogenes is present. There is no question, therefore, as to the relative viability of Bact. coli and Bact. aerogenes (and Bact. cloacae) in water. The latter is much more resistant, will persist for considerably greater periods, so that when present alone (that is, not accompanied by Bact. coli) in natural waters, it may merely indicate pollution or contamination so remote that the Bact. coli, and consequently the dangerous intestinal disease producing forms, have died off. In fact, Clemesha maintains that the presence of Bact. aero- genes is a favorable indication that self-purification is rapidly taking place. Relative Resistance of Coli and Aerogenes Types to Chlorina- tion and Filtration. Greenfield and Skorup state that there is no differ- ence in the resistance of these two forms to treatment. Ellms in experimental studies with the Milwaukee water supply found the aerogenes type less resistant particularly to chlorination, but that on sub- sequent storage these forms became the predominating colon type. TABLE XLVI. RELATIVE INCIDENCE OF COLI AND AEROGENES SECTIONS IN RAW AND TREATED WATER SUPPLY OF MILWAUKEE. (After Ellms 1920) Lake Settled Filtered Chlorinated Filter A Filter B Filter1 A Filter B Basin No. of strains 710 655 288 294 28 43 13 &V.-P.+ 44 56 40 40 33 29 26 70 %V.-P.— 60 60 65 71 74 30 Levine recorded the following experiences with the water supply of Dijon, France. The raw water examined daily for six months yielded 96 positive results for members of the colon group with Bact. aerogenes pres- ent in 16.6 percent of these. The tap samples during the same period (the water was treated with .07 to 0.1 part per million of chlorine, then stored in distribution reservoirs) showed only three positively confirmed tests, but Bact. aerogenes was present in each instance or 100 percent of the posi- tively confirmed gas tubes. 84 Recently Hinman reported the relative incidence of these two groups in the water supply of Iowa City which is both filtered and chlorinated. In the raw water, out of 220 positively confirmed tests, aerogenes forms were present in 35 or 16 percent. In the treated water only 11 samples were confirmed for the colon group but of these 4 (36%) were Bact. aerogenes. H. E. Jordan in a report on the Indianapolis water supply notes a seasonal variation in the relative resistance of these forms to chlorination which he found to be particularly effective against the coli section during the summer. TABLE XLVII. THE VIABILITY OF CAPSULATED AND NON-CAPSULATED LACTOSE-FERMENTING ORGANISMS IN BOILED HARD WATER. (After Wood 1919) Non capsulated Capsulatec 1 Organisms Duration of Experiment "Typical" Bact. coli V.P.— ; M.R.+ Strain T. V.P.+ jM.R.-jIndoJ- Bact. aerogenes Strain N. D. V.P.+ :M.R.-;Indol+ Bact. aerogenes Start 1,250 per c. c. 580 per c. c. Not enumerated, approx- imately the same as Strain T. 2 weeks 1 to 10 per c. c. 1 to 10 per c. c. 4 weeks Present in 100 c. c. Present in 0.1 c. c. 5 weeks Absent from 100 c. c. Present in 0.1 c. c. 6 weeks Absent from 100 c. c. Present in 0.1 c. c. 7 weeks Present in 0.1 c. c. 12 weeks Present in 0.1 c. c. Present in 1 c. c. 19 weeks Present in 0.1 c. c. 25 weeks Present in 0.1 c. c. 33 weeks 2,800 per c. c. 39 weeks 2,000 per c. c. 1 year Present in 1 c. c. Present in 1 c. c. 1 year, 4 months Present in 1 c. c. 1 year, 9 months Present in 1 c. c. 2 years Present in 1 c. c. 3 years, 6 months Still present The evidence as to the effect of filtration and chlorination, particularly when followed by storage, on the relative prevalence of the coli and aero- genes types is meager and somewhat conflicting. Further observations on this phase are needed and would be of value. Clemesha states that the aerogenes group, for a while at least, multiplies in water. It would be in- 85 teresting and significant to know whether its increased prevalence in stored chlorinated water reported by Hinman, Ellms, H. E. Jordan, and the writer is due to such a secondary multiplication or merely to survival over the less viable Bact. coli. That under certain conditions the Bact. aerogenes may multiply and survive for an incredibly long time in water is shown by the following experiment of Wood. He inoculated a hard water, which had been pre- viously boiled and which contained no measurable trace of saline or or- ganic ammonia, with Bact. coli and Bact. aerogenes and determined their incidence and relative viability. The results are indicated in Table XLVII. The Bact. coli disappeared quite rapidly; an initial count of 1,250 per c. c. decreasing to less than 1 in 100 c. c. after five weeks' storage. With the aerogenes strains, however, there was an increase from 580 to 2,800 per c. c. after 33 weeks' storage and the organism was still present in one experiment after 3% years. Ellms in his studies on the Milwaukee supply detected colon forms in the chlorinated stored water (basin samples) on only five of the ex- perimental runs but in three of these the colon index (see table XLVIII) was considerably higher than in the chlorinated filter effluents. TABLE XLVIII. COLON INDEX IN CHLORINATED FILTERED AND STORED WATER. (Calculated from report of Ellms 1920) Operation period Colon bacilli per liter Ratio of basin to chlorinated filter effluents Filter A* Filter B* Basin 9-8 —10-21, 1919 4 4 2 0.5 10-21—10-25, 1919 0 6 33 11.0 11-6 —11-12, 1919 74 61 50 .7 11-12—11-24, 1919 14 45 100 3.3 12-6 —12-9 , 1919 21 17 367 19.3 % cultures V.P.-f *29 26 70 * Chlorinated filter effluents. Taking into consideration that the filter effluents showed only 26-29 percent V. P. positive strains as compared with 70 percent after storage in the basin, the writer feels that the rise of the colon index in the latter was most likely due to multiplication of the aerogenes and cloacae forms. That the colon index may increase on storage of a filtered chlorinated water may be shown quite strikingly from the report of the Indianapolis Water Company. The incidence of colon bacilli in tap samples was at times 11 to 13 times as great as in the water works plant effluent. 86 TABLE XLIX. COLON GROUP PER 100 C. C. IN INDIANAPOLIS WATER SUPPLY (Calculated from report of H. E. Jordon 1920) Average for 3 years 1917-18-19. Plant effluent Tap Ratio of tap to plant effluent * % Aerogenes in plant effluent Jan. 2.1 3.1 1.5 30 Feb. 0.87 1.94 2.2 40 Mar. 0.72 0.83 1.2 66 Apr. 0.50 0.73 1.5 69 May 0.63 0.36 1.0 t87 June 0.37 1.33 3.6 58 July 0.21 2.87 13.5 75 Aug. 0.13 1.47 11.0 82 Sept* 0.33 4.40 13.2 50 Oct. 0.47 1.67 3.6 43 Nov. 0.47 0.93 2.0 45 Dec. 2.17 1.50 0.7 19 *Average for five years includes two yews before chlorination. •f-In two years before chlorination ratio of basin to plant effluent was 13.7. In general the proportion of aerogenes (M. R. — -V. P. +) strains in the plant effluent was greatest in the warmer months. The relative in- cidence of aerogenes and coli types in the tap samples is not stated but it will be noticed from Table XLIX. that secondary multiplication was most marked in July, August and September. The temperature of the water at these times is quite likely to be very near the optimum for growth of Bact. arogenes and closely allied bacilli. The foregoing observations are not sufficiently extensive to warrant final conclusions. They nevertheless do indicate that under some con- ditions there may be a secondary rise in the colon index of a filtered or chlorinated water on storage, and that this is probably due to the growth of the aerogenes section, for the increase is associated with those months when the aerogenes types were relatively more numerous and when the temperature of the water was near the optimum for growth of these forms. Are all Varieties and Species of the Aerogenes and Coli Sec- tions of the Same Sanitary Significance? Although the aerogenes group is rare in human feces, it is nevertheless present in small numbers, and similarly Bact. coli, although comparatively infrequent, is occasionally encountered in presumably non-polluted sources. It certainly would be a great aid if some test could be devised which would distinguish the Bact. aerogenes from human feces and those from soils and grains, or which 87 would distinguish the Bact. coli of the human intestine from those in the soil or of animal intestinal origin. Rogers suggested that fermentation of adonite was a convenient differ- ential index for the separation of the human from the grain strains of Bact. aerogenes. Of 46 human strains, all fermented adonite, whereas of 111 strains isolated from grains, only 12.6 percent were adonite fermenters. This differentiation was incorporated in the Standard Methods of 1917, which divided the Bact. aerogenes forms into two subgroups, (1) the adonite fermenting type supposedly of human origin and (2) the adonite non-fer- menting type regarded of non-fecal origin. Other investigators, however, do not agree as to the value of adonite for this purpose. Monfort assigns to adonite about the same significance as to dulcite, saying that it is of rather dubious importance and of little significance as an index of pollution. Winslow and Cohen, in a study of water of known sanitary quality, found no evidence to support the conten- tion that adonite fermentation by the Bact. aerogenes was indicative of fecal origin. In fact, their results were exactly the converse; 59 percent of the aerogenes strains from polluted water fermented adonite, whereas 90 per- cent from non-polluted sources were adonite fermenters which would in- dicate that the adonite fermenters (fecal varieties) were more prevalent in non-polluted water. Chen and Rettger report 152 (34%) of their 447 aerogenes strains from soil to be adonite fermenters. It would appear, therefore, that adonite fermentation can not be considered, for the present at least, a reliable criterion for the identificaiton of Bact. aerogenes of fecal origin. In 1905, MacConkey first subdivided the colon group into separate species, suggesting that information may thereby be obtained as to the relative value of specific members of the group as indicators of pollution. Clemesha advocates strongly such consideration and points out that the dulcite non-fermenters1 ( MacConkey 's groups 1 and 4) are resistant in water, whereas the dulcite fermenting forms (groups 2 and 3 of MacConkey) are sensitive, dying off rapidly. He contends that for tropical water a distinction must be made between the resistant dulcite non-fermerters and the non-resistant dulcite fermenting organisms. Whether these sugges- tions are as applicable to the temperate climate of our country is doubtful except possibly the hottest season of the year or in our tropical possessions. In this connection it should be pointed out that the observations of Houston do not agree at all with those of Clemesha as to the relative resistance of the dulcite fermenters and non-fermenters. The so-called sensitive dulcite fractors were less prevalent while the supposedly resistant forms were found to be more numerous in raw than in stored or filtered water. Levine suggests that there is some correlation between the species of the coli section and their source, and that the determination of species may have some bearing upon interpretation of analyses. From a study of 333 colon strains isolated from various sources, as indicated in Table L., he observes with reference to the coli section that Bact. communior was extremely abundant in the horse (79%) and sheep (72.8%) but much less frequent in the cow (30%) and pig (29%); whereas in sewage and man it was relatively rare (7.7 and 8% respectively). TABLE L. DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES AMONG THE VARIOUS SPECIES AND VARIETIES. B. c/oa- COf B. aero- qenes munior B.oeapol- /fanus 0. C03- coroba 6.c< /; B. Qcidi-lactici Ton/ com(nff)t5 'mmebiJis 6rvtntM immobili c_// N° 68 54 se O O 2 0 7 0 177 •JO/I % 49.7 30.5 14.7 1.1 4.0 Hnrto Ho O 0 15 0 0 4- O 0 O / 0 0 16 0 5 1 0 0 0 £? % 72.8 22.7 4.5 Cow Ho O O 6 4 O 9 O / 0 & % 30.0 20.0 45.0 5.0 p,9 /Yo O O 9 O / II 1 9 O 31 % 29.0 32 35.6 32 29.0 M> / B 3 3 2 / 13 2 7 39 JSWCXJi % 2.6 20,5 7.7 7.7 5.1 2.6 30.8 5.1 17.9 flan Ho 0 O 2 0 / 5 5 1 II 25 7. 8.0 4.0 20.0 20.0 4.6 44.O Total 89 62 77 7 9 33 18 20 18 333 The Bact. neopolitanum was present only in bovine feces and sewage, comprising 20 percent of the bovine and 7.7 percent of the sewage. Bact. coscoroba occurred as follows: sheep 22.7 percent, pig 3.2 per- cent, sewage 5.1 percent and human 4.0 percent. The relation of sucrose fermentation and the source is especially em- phasized. The sucrose fermenting strains are relatively uncommon in human feces, whereas they constitute the predominating type in animal feces and in the soil. This low incidence in human feces is confirmatory of the observations of numerous other investigators. In this connection, it may be well to recall that when Durham sug- gested the name B. coli communior for the sucrose fermenting variety be- cause of its greater prevalence, his observations were based on the intestinal contents of animals for which this fact holds true, but, as has been pointed out above, the sucrose positive strains are relatively scarce in man. Bact. coli, like Bact. communior was isolated from all of the sources tested, but a rather distinct correlation with the source is observed with the varieties Bact. coli-communis and Bact. coli-immobilis. The former comprise" 1.1 percent of soil; 21 percent of horse; 4.5 percent of sheep; 45 percent of cow; 35.6 percent of pig; 2.6 percent of sewage; and 20 percent of human strains. Bact. coli-immobilis was not obtained from 89 the soil, horse, sheep or cow. but it made up 3.2 percent of the pig, 30.8 percent of the sewage, and 20 percent of the human strains. TABLE LI. FERMENTATION OF SUCROSE BY BACT.-COLI-L1KE BACTERIA FROM HUMAN FECES. Investigators Number of organisms studied Number of sucrose fermenters Percentage of sucrose fermenters Houston, 1902-3 100 30 30 MacConkey, 1905 and 1909.... 419 142 33.9 Ferreira, Hoita, Paredes, 1908 117 44 37.6 Winslow and Walker 1907 25 8 32 Howe, 1912 540 324 60 Clemesha, 1912 1200 348 29 Browne, 1915 175 20 11.3 Levine, 1916 25 3 12 Total 2601 919 35.3 Bact. acidi-lactici was not obtained from the horse nor sheep, and only rarely from the cow (5.0%) or soil (4.0%). The motile variety Bact. acidi-lactici var. Grunthali was particularly abundant among the pig cul- tures (29%) and rare in sewage (5.1%) and man (4%). The non-motile Bact. acidi-lactici var. immobili was restricted to man and sewage entirely, comprising 44 percent of the human and 17.9 percent of the sewage strains. If the sucrose negative forms are more indicative of human pollution it would be anticipated that they would be more prevalent in the more in- tensely polluted waters. Observations by the writer on 78 samples col- lected in France were as follows: Among 34 samples in which the coli section was present in 1 c. c. or smaller quantities, sucrose negative strains were detected in 23 or (68%), whereas of 44 samples containing the coli section only in 10 c. c. or larger quantities but 13 (29%) showed sucrose negative coli strains. That is, the more polluted supplies apparently did contain a greater proportion of sucrose non-fermenters. More extensive work on the correlation of species of colon bacilli with the source, character of pollution, and history of waters is certainly desirable. Resume. From considerations of the requirements for an index of pollution, the colon group appears to be a convenient and desirable one. It is not however, an ideal indicator for the species which it comprises are not all of equal sanitary significance. The evidence seems to be clear and definite that the colon group com- prises two subgroups or sections which are characteristically of different habitat; one, typified by Bact. coli, is present in large numbers in feces and sewage, whereas the other, exemplified by Bact. aerogenes, is rare in 90 such objectionable matter but predominates on the presumably harmless soil and grains. The aerogenes group, as indicated* by laboratory experi- ments and observations in the field, is much more viable in water, where it will persist for long periods, and seems capable of growing, to some extent, in stored treated supplies. It is not possible from our present limited knowledge of these two groups to put forth any definite rules for interpreting the significance of their presence in water, but it is felt that the presence of Bact. aerogenes alone should not be regarded as objectionable as is the presence of the Bact. coli in equal numbers. If the sanitary survey is favorable and there is no evidence of the true Ract. coli types in a water supply under different weather conditions, then a considerably greater number of Bact. aerogenes may be tolerated. The presence of Bact. aerogenes alone (i. e. not associated with Bact. coli) in a supply may indicate merely remote pollution or soil contamina- tion which is not as objectionable and certainly not as dangerous as sewage pollution. Differentiation of the coli and aerogenes types in routine water an- alysis is obviously desirable as it may assist in the detection of the probable source and nature of the contamination. 91 VI. THE SPORE FORMING LACTOSE FERMENTERS AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN WATER ANALYSIS. Spore forming lactose fermenters are not infrequently encountered in water. They are for the most part anaerobes resembling the Cl. welchii (B. aerogenes capsulatus of Welch) or the Cl. enteritidis sporogenes group of Kline, but recently spore formers capable of growing on aerobic plates have been reported and isolated by Meyers, Ewing and Ellms and Hinman and Levine. They interfere seriously with the presumptive test for the colon group. Sanitary Significance. Very little is known as to the source, dis- tribution, or pathogenicity of the aerobic sporing types. Ellms reports their presence in feces while Ewing emphasizes that they were present in water only after heavy rains, so that they may represent soil forms. No reliable conclusion can be drawn at present as to their sanitary significance. The anaerobes may be frequently encountered, often in large numbers, in the intestinal tract of man. Kline and Houston report 30 to 2,200 CL (enteritidis) sporogenes per c. c. in sewage, whereas in waters of good quality such forms are often absent even from large volumes. These obser- vations have sometimes led to the contention that the presence of Cl. (enter- itidis) sporogenes or closely allied bacteria in water is indicative of fecal pollution. The employment of these organisms as indices of dangerous pollution appears to the author unwarranted, undesirable and impractical for, 1. They are not characteristic of the human intestine. 2. There is a very little correlation between the incidence of Sporogenes and Welchii types in water and the sanitary survey. 3. They are extremely resistant. The anaerobic lactose fermenters are verv widely distributed in nature. They are encountered in large numbers in manures from various animals, in decomposing organic materials, and in the soil. They cannot be considered distinctive or characteristic of the human intestinal tract. In surface waters, the number of spores is remarkably constant, quite independent of the degree of sewage pollution as indicated by sanitary in- spection. Thus Gumming reports "Unlike B. coli which varies many thousand percent, from several hundred per c. c. to less than 1 in 10 c. c., according to the intensity of pollution, these spores were found often in the best river water in 10 c. c. and seldom showed an average much above 4 or 5 per c. c " "Their number furnishes no clue to the degree of pollution and puri- fication as does the number of B. coli " "The generally uniform distribution of organisms of this group in surface water, even in those not highly contaminated with sewage, and with no considerable increase in polluted waters, indicates that this group is not, as has sometimes been supposed, an organism characteristic of the intestine." 92 c p- 73 * i A >> %1 » *2 3 "3 "3 "-.2 Not pathogen 1 I « c ^ S K® O o c *8. •*• i! I;Hri ill *|S|R g O S 33 /. — Jr - "2^ •a* 09 r jz = « Ilia i -ol s^S£^_ i O Hi 111 •SsSI I4ti a- =' 'slf w « es oval and erminal ; not ily formed. Spo h sn rea PI S s Ce ter lifi s s 2 S O 02 + 1 + 1 + 1 + .2 03 G3CQOQ O ; o 13 Q ""oS CA) 2 C/2 3 c I-H Cl. welchii* Cl. oedematis Cl. chauvoei Cl. aerofetidum Cl. butyricum Cl. multi-fermentans Cl. tertium CL sphenoides + ! + + + + + + + + __!_ + + j_ ± + + •f + ± + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ± — | _ i - 1 - 1 + L± H- + . - - - - I + + + + + + + + -H -H 4- *Four types have been differentiated on innlin and glycerol fermentation. Type I. Inulin_|_, glycerol_|_. Type II. Inulin — , glycerol_|_. Type III. glycerol — . Type IV. Inulin — , glycerol — . Inulin_|_, 94 KEY TO THE MORE COMMON SPORE PRODUCING LACTOSE FERMENTING ANAEROBES. I. Gelatin liquefied (generally pathogenic). A. Coagulated serum, liquefied (non-pathogenic) 1. Cl. aerofetidum B. Coagulated serum not liquefied (pathogenic) 1. Non motile 2. Cl. welchii 2. Motile a. Sucrose fermented salicin not attacked 3. Cl. chauvoei b. Sucrose not attacked, salicin fermented 4. Cl. oedematis II. Gelatin not liquefied (non pathogenic) A. Non motile or very faintly motile 5. CL tertium B. Motile 1. Salicin not fermented 6. Cl. butyricum 2. Salicin fermented a. Glycerol and inulin fermented 7. CL multifermentans b. Glycerol and inulin not fermented. 8. CL sphenoides Creel made a very interesting and, from the standpoint of the pre- sumptive test, an important observation in his study of drinking waters on railroad trains. He found two types of anaerobes which he designates "Group A and B" respectively. "Group A" comprises very long Gram- negative bacili (6-9 microns long and about 0.5 microns in width) whose spores are very much larger than the diameter of the cell. It is particularly significant to note that this group grows very rapidly producing consider- able gas in lactose broth, under anaerobic conditions, but that no gas is evolved in the lactose bile medium. Creel's anaerobes of "Group B" were found to be non-motile, capsulated, resembling in general CL welchii. This group will not produce gas in lactose broth unless the medium has been freshly boiled or steamed in the Arnold until all air is expelled but in or- dinary lactose bile, on the other hand, gas is formed very readily. These observations may explain the controversy as to the relative value of lactose broth and bile as a presumptive test for the colon group. In dealing with waters -containing anaerobes of "Group A" lactose bile will prove more reliable whereas if "Group B" is the predominating anaerobe then lactose broth will be found to give a higher proportion of confirmed presumptive tests. Isolation of Anaerobes. Several methods have been suggested and employed for the isolation of anaerobic spore forming lactose fermenters from water. That originally described by Kline is as follows: Milk is inoculated with the water under examination and heated for 10 minutes at 80° C. to destroy vegetative cells. The tube is then cooled, made anaerobic, and incubated at the body temperature. In about 24 to 36 hours, a characteristic, so-called "sporogenes" reaction will be ob- 95 served. This is described by Kline as follows: "The cream is torn or altogether dissociated by the development of gas so that the surface of the medium is covered with stringy, pinkish-white masses of coagulated casein enclosing a number of gas bubbles. The main portion of the tube formerly occupied by the milk now contains a color- less, thin, watery whey, with a few casein lumps adhering here and there to the sides of the tube. When the tube is opened, the whey has a smell of butyric acid and is acid in reaction. Under the microscope the whey is found to contain numerous rods, some motile, others motionless." The method employed by Creel, which was said to be very efficient for isolation in pure culture is given herewith. Petri dishes are selected having covers considerably larger than the inner plates. Agar is poured into the inner dish, allowed to harden and then inoculated by smearing over the surface with material from a broth or lactose bile tube suspected of containing an anaerobe. The inoculated plate is then inverted into the large cover. Three grams of pyrogallic acid are placed in the cover, one c. c. saturated potassium * hydroxide is inserted with a pipette, and the two dishes are immediately sealed with melted paraffin. Incubation is at the body temperature. In the Standard Methods of Water Analysis A. P. H. A. 1912, a de- tailed procedure for the detection of these anaerobes is recommended as given below: "B. sporogenes* is indicated by a vile odor which is produced in the liver broth fermentation tubes used in the regular test for general gas form- ing bacteria. The specific tests are made as follows: 1. Inoculate various dilutions (usually 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 c. c.) of water, or of sewage in higher dilutions, into fermentation tubes containing liver broth and incubate for 24 hours at 37° C. If B. sporogenes is pres- ent in the dilutions used, there will be vigorous gas formation, accompanied by an offensive odor, and numerous large spores will be present. 2. Transfer the entire contents of each tube showing gas plus char- acteristic odor into separate sterile Erlenmeyer flasks or large test tubes and heat to 80° C. for 10 minutes. 3. One (1) c. c. (not more) of broth containing sediment is with- drawn from the bottom of each of the flasks or tubes which have been heated, and is planted separately into a second set of sterile liver broth fermentation tubes and incubated for 24 hours at 37° C. after which time gas formation and characteristic odor will again be observed. Microscopic examination will reveal the presence of numerous large sluggishly motile bacilli containing spores. Usually B. sporogenes is now present in pure culture. 4. A stab culture made from this 24 hour liver broth culture into dextrose liver gelatine or nutrient gelatin will demonstrate the presence of B. sporogenes by the following characteristic growth. After 48 hours incubation at 20° C., a distinct anaerobic growth will be observed begin- *Term employed to designate the Welchii group and not a specific organism. 96 ning about two centimeters below the surface. Liquefaction will be well advanced and gas bubbles will accumulate at the top of the liqufied area. 5. In order to obtain colonies of B. sporogenes on agar plates it is necessary to transplant a few drops of broth and sediment from the second set of fermentation tubes, in step 3, into a third set of tubes and incubate for three to five hours at 37° C. After that period a distinct anaerobic growth will be observed in the closed arm, and a few bubbles of gas will be seen at the top. The B. sporogenes is now in the vegetative state and this is the only condition in which it will grow on the plates. The contents of the closed arm are transferred to the open bulb by tilting forward, and plated in dilutions of 1.0 to .00001 c. c. on dextrose liver agar, and incubated for 12 to 18 hours in hydrogen at 37° C. Typical colonies will then be visible consisting of one or more gas bubbles sur- rounded by a delicate white fringe. The plate cultures also have a dis- agreeable cheesy odor. 6. From one of these typical colonies a deep stab culture is made into dextrose* liver agar and incubated for 24 hours. A distinct anaerobic growth will be observed along the line of puncture and sometimes the agar is split into two or three layers by the gas evolved. 7. A sub-culture may also be made into litmus milk and incubated for 48 hours, anaerobically, after which time there will be a complete separation of curd and whey and a strong odor of butyric acid. Some- times the curd adheres to the sides of the tubes and has a peculiar shredded appearance." It should be emphasized that none of the foregoing methods will yield all the sporing lactose fractors. Detailed procedures for isolation of specific forms together with the special media necessary are described in the English Report on Anaerobic Bacteria and Infections, to which ref- erence has already been made. The Aerobic Sporing Lactose Fermenters. Meyers, in 1918, isolated a spore forming lactose fermenter capable of growing on the sur- face of Endo agar, from the water supplies of Newport and Covington, Kentucky and from tannery wastes. The organism is Gram negative, grows readily on Endo agar, pro- ducing a red colony in 24 hours, which shows a distinct metallic luster after 48 hours, and in Clark and Lubs medium it is alkaline to Methyl Red and positive for the Voges Proskauer Reaction. The more important characteristics as detailed by Meyers are: Agar slant. Growth quite distinctive. At 37° C., in 24 hours, thin transparent veil-like growth over entire surface except the very top. Growth lobate along upper edge. Microscopically — in 24 hours mainly vegetative forms, in 48 hours spore-bearing forms and later only free spores. Endo's plates at 37° C. In 24 hours, colonies pink with red center, irregular contour, one to two m. m. diameter, little or no sheen. Colonies 48 hours, deep red, much sheen in colonies and surrounding medium. Lat- ter point distinctive. 97 Gelatin stab at 20° C. In 48 hours, beginning liquefaction; in 72 hours liquefaction infundibuliform, slight precipitate. Carbohydrates. In standard extract broth to which has been added one percent of the following carbohydrates, acid and gas are formed: (1) glucose, (2) laevulose, (3) raffinose, (4) maltose, (5) sucrose, (6) lactose, (7) inulin, (8) starch, (9) glycerol, (10) mannitol. No acid or gas and little growth in dulcite broth, which remains clear and limpid. In other broths gas usually appear in 24 hours. Media uniformly clouded, slight stringy precipitate, no pellicle. Media 48 hours, slightly viscous. Clark and Lubs. Typical reaction of 'Grain' type coli, in 48 hours at 37° C., i. e. reaction alkaline to methyl red, Voges-Proskauer test posi- tive. Indol production in 1 percent peptone, four days at 37° C. No indol detected when tested for by the nitrite and by Ehrlich's p ar a- dimethyl - amido-benzaldehyde method. Glucose-neutral-red broth. Same reaction as Bact. coli i. e. yellow fluorescence with gas formation. Litmus milk at 37° C. In 24 hours acid, in 48 hours partially reduced, coagulated with extrusion of whey; beginning digestion of curd. Lactose bile at 37° C. In 96 hours, no gas or growth. Chromogenesis. None. Ewing, in 1919, reported a similar bacillus in the water supply of Baltimore and noted that its presence was associated with heavy rainfall. TABLE LIV. ELIMINATON OF SPURIOUS PRESUMPTIVE TESTS. (After Hall and Ellefson 1918) Series Gentian violet concentration Positive presumptive tests Colon group present % Presumptive tests confirmed A None 1-100,000 21 20 12 15 57.1 75.0 B None 1-20,000 44 33 26 27 59.1 81.8 C None 1-20,000 85 74 58 61 68.2 82.4 D Samples heated 600. C 30 min. None 1-20,000 81 5 3 1 3.7 20.0 Inhibition of Growth of Spore Formers. Hall has suggested the use of gentian violet in the lactose broth presumptive test tube to eliminate spurious presumptive tests. In a series of examinations with water and pure cultures, he found that 1-20,000 to 1-100,000 gentian violet in lactose broth exerted but little inhibitory influence on the growth of Bact. coli; whereas the anaerobes were almost completely checked. Table LIV. shows the marked inhibitory action of gentian violet on the anaerobes. Not only are spurious presumptive tests eliminated but the total of successful isolations of colon bacilli is increased. This 98 would indicate that the presence and growth of the Welchii group is detri- mental to the successful isolation of Bact. coll. This work of Hall and Ellefson has recently been confirmed by Wagner and Monfort. Ellms (1919) reports sporing lactose decomposing aerobes from the water supply of Milwaukee, and the feces of children. These strains differ from those of Meyers and Ewing in that they are Gram positive and are acid to methyl red. The importance of these aerobic spore formers to the bacteriologist and engineer is apparent. Being much more resistant than the non-sporing colon group, they would naturally survive the ordinary methods of water treatment, and as they are capable of growing aerobic- ally, they may be mistaken for Bad. coli, Bact. aerogenes, etc., in the or- dinary routine examination. Their presence in a water may conceivably account for the apparently poor results sometimes obtained in purification processes. Muer and Harris, of the Mount Prospect Laboratory, observed that in lactose peptone bile a concentration of 1-700 to 1-1000 brilliant green would not appreciably affect the volume of gas produced by Bact. coli in seven days, whereas Cl. ivelchii would not produce gas until the brilliant green was diluted to 1-50,000. This observation is quite remarkable for, as is well known, brilliant green is frequently used to inhibit Bact. coli. The writer has observed a dilution of even 1-2,000,000 has a marked inhibitory effect on the rate of growth of Bact. coli in peptone water. Their results, however, are very distinct and significant. Probably the bile reacts in some way with brilliant green. It is well known, for example, that in eosin brilliant green agar a much higher concentration of brilliant green can be employed without affecting Bact. typhi than in the Andrade brilliant green medium of Krumwiede. The following table shows very clearly the in- hibitory action of brilliant green on the anaerobic spore formers. It ap- pears also that the growth of the anaerobes interferes with the isolation of Bact. coli. In 17 samples Bact. coli was isolated when brilliant green lactose bile was employed but was missed when plain lactose peptone bile was used. TABLE LV. COMPARISON OF 115 SAMPLES OF WATER PLANTED IN BOTH PLAIN LACTOSE PEPTONE BILE AND BRILLIANT-GREEN LACTOSE BILE. (After Muer and Harris 1920) Medium Number of dilutions from which Bact. coli was isolated Number of dilutions from which Cl. welchii was isolated Plain lactose-peptone bile 34 18 Brilliant-green lactose bile 51 0 The chief interest of the water bacteriologist in these spore formers is that the anaerobes interfere and confuse the presumptive test rendering confirmation necessary, while the aerobic forms complicate the confirmatory test as well, making it essential to resort to more detailed identification tests where there is reason to suspect this type present. 99 APPENDIX A. ROUTINE METHODS OF WATER ANALYSIS AND THE COLON INDEX. Although the American Public Health Association has been issuing standard methods of water analysis for some fifteen years, there is still a marked lack of uniformity in the methods employed in different labora- tories. Thus Norton (1918), in a tabulation of 23 laboratories, found that 13 employed lactose broth, 8 lactose bile, 1 lactose and dextrose broth, and 1 lactose agar and dextrose broth for primary inoculation or prelim- inary enrichment. The most commonly employed routine methods are given here. I. The Treasury Department Standard for the Examination of Water on Interstate Common Carries. The following method for the examination of water on Interstate common carriers has been formu- lated by a committee of prominent sanitarians. The permissible limits of bacteriological impurity are stated as follows: 1. The total number of bacteria developing on standard agar plates, incubated 24 hours at 37° C., shall not exceed 100 per cubic centimeter; provided, that the estimate shall be made from not less than two plates, showing such numbers and distribution of colonies as to indicate that the estimate is reliable and accurate. 2. Not more than one out of five 10 c. c. portions of any sample ex- amined shall show the presence of organisms of the Bacillus coli group when tested as follows: (a) Five 10 c. c. portions of each sample tested shall be planted, each in a fermentation tube containing not less than 30 c. c. of lactose peptone broth. These shall be incubated 48 hours at 37° C. and observed to note gas formation. (b) From each tube showing gas, occupying more than five per- cent of the closed arm of the fermentation tube, plates shall be made after 48 hours' incubation, upon lactose litmus agar or Endo's medium. (c) When plate colonies resembling B. coli develop upon either of these plate media within 24 hours, a well-isolated characteristic colony shall be fished and transplanted into a lactose-broth fermentation tube, which shall be incubated at 37° C. for 48 hours. For the purpose of enforcing any regulations which may be based upon these recommendations the following may be considered sufficient evidence of the presence of organisms of the Bacillus coli group. Formation of gas in fermentation tube containing original sample of water (a). Development of acid-forming colonies on lactose-litmus-agar plates or bright red colonies on Endo's medium plates, when plates are prepared as directed above under (b). The formation of gas, occupying 10 percent or more of closed arm of fermentation tube, in lactose peptone broth fermentation tube inoculated with colony fished from 24 hour lactose litmus agar or Endo's medium plate. 100 These steps are selected with reference to demonstrating the presence in the samples examined of aerobic lactose-fermenting organisms. 3. It is recommended, as a routine procedure, that in addition to five 10 c. c. portions, one 1 c. c. portion, and one 0.1 c. c. portion of each sample examined be planted in a lactose peptone broth fermentation tube, in order to demonstrate more fully the extent of pollution in grossly polluted samples. 4. It is recommended that in the above-designated tests the culture media and methods used shall be in accordance with the specifications of the committee on Standard Methods of Water Analysis of the American Public Health Association, as set forth in "Standard Methods of Water Analysis" (A. P. H. A., 1912). II. English Procedure (After Savage). Add 0.1 and 1.0 c. c. of water respectively to tubes of lactose bile salt broth in double tubes. Add 10 c. c. to a similar tube, but containing lactose bile salt broth of double strength. To the remainder in the bottle, after all the different amounts of water have been withdrawn for the different parts of the examination, add the contents (about 10 c. c.) of a tube of four times strength neutral red broth. Replace the glass stopper. Four times strength bile salt broth may be used, and, if the examination is for B. coli alone, is preferable, but by using neutral red broth the mixture is also avail- able for the examination for streptococci. If a 2-ounce sample is collected, the amount remaining in the bottle will be about 30 c. c. If a large sample of water is collected, then 50 c. c. should be added by sterile pipette to a tube of four times strength neutral red broth large enough to hold the added water. The tubes are labeled, incubated at 37° C., and examined after 24 and after 48 hours. If the 0.1, 1.0, and 10 c. c. tubes show no gas after 48 hours, it can be assumed that B. coli is absent in these amounts. Then, in every case, the larger amount (i. e. the 30 c. c. in the bottle) should be examined for this organism. The alteration of the red color to yellow, with the presence of fluorescence, is an indication of the probable presence of B. coli. If gas is present in the tubes containing smaller amounts, use the one showing gas in the tube with the least quantity of added water for in- oculating plates of solid media. In this way it can be definitely ascertained whether B. coli is present or absent in 50 c. c. or less, and if present, approximately in what numbers. To isolate the B. coli group organism, a trace of the positive tube selected is distributed over the surface of a plate containing neutral red lactose bile salt agar (L. B. A.), fuchsin agar or some other medium se- lected. L. B. A. is recommended as most suitable. Several colonies should be subcultivated and worked out. Subcultivation upon or in the following five media is recommended for routine work, i. e.: (a) Gelatine slope (for morphology, motility, cultural appearance, and liquefaction). 101 " A ; -r^^S ",' - A (b) Litmus-milk at 37° C. (c) Lactose-peptone litmus solution (in a double tube). (d) Peptone water (for indol production). (e) Saccharose peptone litmus solution (in a double tube). III. American Public Health Association. Standard Method. The 1920 report of the Committee on Standard Methods of Water Analysis of the American Public Health Association suggested the following: It is recommended that the B. coli (colon) * group be considered as including all non-spore-forming bacilli which ferment lactose with gas for- mation and grow aerobically on standard solid media. The formation of 10 percent or more gas in a standard lactose broth fermentation tube within 24 hours at 37° C. is presumptive evidence of the presence of members of the B. coli group, since the majority of the bacteria which give such a reaction belong to this group. The appearance of aerobic lactose-splitting colonies on lactose-litmus- agar or Endo's medium plates made from a lactose-broth fermentation tube in which gas has formed confirms to a considerable extent the presumption that gas-formation in the fermentation tube was due to the presence of members of the B. coli group. To complete the demonstration of the presence of B. coli as above defined, it is necessary to show that one or more of these aerobic plate colonies consists of non-spore-forming bacilli which, when inoculated into a lactose-broth fermentation tube, form gas. It is recommended that the standard tests for the B. coli group be either (a) the Presumptive, (b) the Partially Confirmed, or (c) the Com- pleted test as hereafter defined, each test being applicable under the circumstances specified. A. Presumptive Test. 1. Inoculate a series of fermentation tubes with appropriate graduated quantities of the water to be tested. In every fermentation tube there must always be at least three times as much medium as the amount of water to be tested. When necessary to examine larger amounts than 10 c. c. as many tubes as necessary shall be inoculated with 10 c. c. each. 2. Incubate these tubes at 37° C. for 48 hours. Examine each tube at 24 and 48 hours, and record gas-formation. The records should be such as to distinguish between: (a) Absence of gas-formation. (b) Formation of gas occupying less than 10 percent of the closed arm. (c) Formation of gas occupying more than 10 percent (10%) of the closed arm. More detailed records of the amount of gas formed, though desirable for purposes of study, are not necessary for carrying out the standard tests pre- scribed. *Parenthesis author's. 102 3. The formation within 24 hours of gas occupying more than 10 per cent. (10%) of the closed arm of fermentation tube constitutes a positive presumptive test. 4. If no gas is formed in 24 hours, or if the gas formed is less than 10 percent (10%), the incubation shall be continued to 48 hours. The presence of gas in any amount in such a tube at 48 hours constitutes a doubtful test, which in all cases requires confirmation. 5. The absence of gas formation after 48 hours' incubation consti- tutes a negative test. (An arbitrary limit of 48 hours' observation doubt- less excludes from consideration occasional members of the B. coli group which form gas very slowly, but for the purposes of a standard test the exclusion of these occasional slow gas forming organisms is considered immaterial ) . B. Partially Confirmed Test. 1. Make one or more Endo's medium or lactose-litmus-agar plates from the tube which, after 48 hours' incubation, shows gas formation from the smallest amount of water tested. (For example, if the water has been tested in amounts of 10 c. c., 1 c. c., and 0.1 c. c. gas is formed in 10 c. c., and 1 c. c., not in 0.1 c. c. the test need be confirmed only in the 1 c. c. amount). 2. Incubate the plates at 37° C., 18 to 24 hours. 3. If typical colon-like red colonies have developed upon the plate within this period, the confirmed test may be considered positive. 4. If, however, no typical colonies have developed within 24 hours, the test cannot yet be considered definitely negative, since it not infre- quently happens that members of the B. coli group fail to form typical colonies on Endo's medium or lactose-litmus-agar plates, or that the colon- ies develop slowly. In such case, it is always necessary to complete the test as directed under "C" 2 and 3. C. Completed Test. 1. From the Endo's medium or lactose-litmus- agar plate made as prescribed under "B", fish at least two typical colon- ies, transferring each to an agar slant and a lactose broth fermentation tube. 2. If no typical colonies appear upon the plate within 24 hours, the plate should be reincubated another 24 hours, after which at least two of the colonies considered to be most likely B. coli, whether typical or not, shall be transferred to agar slants and lactose broth fermentation tubes. 3. The lactose broth fermentation tubes thus inoculated shall be in- cubated until gas formation is noted; the incubation not to exceed 48 hours. The agar slants shall be incubated at 37° C. for 48 hours, when a microscopic examination shall be made of at least one culture, selecting one which corresponds to one of the lactose broth fermentation tubes which has shown gas-formation. The formation of gas in lactose broth and the demonstration of non- spore-forming bacilli in the agar culture shall be considered a satisfac- tory completed test, demonstrating the presence of a member of the B. coli group. 103 The absence of gas-formation in lactose broth or failure to demon- strate non-spore-forming bacilli in a gas-forming culture constitutes a negative test. APPLICATION OF PRESUMPTIVE, PARTIALLY CONFIRMED, AND COMPLETED TESTS. A. The Presumptive Test. When definitely positive, that is showing more than 10 percent (10%) of gas in 24 hours, is sufficient: (a) As applied to all except the smallest gas-forming portion of each sample in all examinations. (b) As applied to the smallest gas-forming portion in the examina- tion of sewage or of water showing relatively high pollution, such that its fitness for use as drinking water does not come into consideration. This applies to the routine examinations of raw water in connection with control of the operation of puri- fication plants. 2. When definitely negative, that is showing no gas in 48 hours, is final and therefore sufficient in all cases. 3. When doubtful, that is showing gas less than 10 percent (10%) (or none) in 24 hours, with gas either more or less than 10 per- cent in 48 hours, must always be confirmed. B. The Partially Confirmed Test. 1. When definitely positive, that is, showing typical plate colonies within 24 hours, is sufficient: (a) When applied to confirm a doubtful presumptive test in cases where the latter, if definitely positive, would have been suffi- cient. (b) In the routine examination of water-supplies where a sufficient number of prior examinations have established a satisfactory index of the accuracy and significance of this test in terms of the completed test. 2. When doubtful, that is, showing colonies of doubtful or negative appearance in 24 hours, must always be completed. C. The Completed Test. The completed test is required as applied to the smallest gas-forming portion of each sample in all cases other than those noted as exceptions under the "presumptive" and the "par- tially confirmed" tests. The completed test is required in all cases where the result of the confirmed test has been doubtful. IV. Modification of A. P. H. A. Method. The following pro- cedure, which is a modification of the A. P. H. A. method has proved very satisfactory and convenient in the hands of the author. 104 PROCEDURE FOR THE EXAMINATION OF WATER. (BACTERIOLOGICAL) Steps in procedure Further tests required 1. Plate two 1 c. c. and one 0.1 c. c. or other ap- propriate portions of the sample on plain agar, and incubate for 24 hours at 37° C. 2. Inoculate 10 c. c., 1 c. c. or other portions of the sample into lactose broth (or lactose peptone water). Incubate at 37° C. 3. Optional if a very rapid result is neces- sary. 8 to 10 hours after incubation perform a Preliminary Confirmatory test as follows: Divide an Eosine-methylene blue, (or Endo, or Litmus-lactose) agar plate into sectors. Streak out a drop or loop of a fermentation tube con- taining 10 c. c. of the sample on one of the sectors, and in a similar manner streak out other fermentation tubes on the remaining sectors. Incubate at 37° C. 1. Count agar plates made the previous day, re- cord and discard petri dishes. 2. Record presence or absence of gas after hours incubation as follows: 10% or more, — Positive; less than 10%, — Doubtful; no gas —Negative. 3. Gas formation (any amount) accompanied by a positive preliminary confirmatory test, con- stitutes what is known as a Partially Con- firmed test for the colon group. 4. If 10% or more gas is formed, and the prelim inary confirmatory test is negative or was not 7 made, the result is regarded as a positive Pre' ^e or raw sumptive test for the colon group. 5. If less than 10% gas is formed, and the pre- liminary confirmatory test is negative or was not made, the result is regarded as a doubtful presumptive test, and should be confirmed. None 'D' water 1: If no gas was formed after 24 hours' incuba- tion, but is present after 48 hours, the test is regarded as doubtful and inconclusive. This must be confirmed. 'D' 105 PROCEDURE FOR THE EXAMINATION OF WATER. (BACTERIOLOGICAL) D Steps in procedure Further tests required To confirm the presence of the colon group in a tube showing gas, streak out a loop of the medium onto cosine methylene blue agar (or Endo or litmus-lactose agar.) Incubate over- night at 37° C. (a) Presence of characteristic colonies on the agar constitutes a Partially Confirmee Test for the colon group. Recorc whether the colony resembles the coli or aerogenes sections. (b) If no growth develops on the agar plate it is considered that the gas produced in the fermentation tube was due to anaero bic organisms and not to coli-like forms Record probably anaerobe. (c) If characteristic colonies of Bact. coli or its close allies are not present, the plates must be examined further before reporting absence of the colon group. 1. To determine whether Bact. coli or its close allies is present on a negative or questionable cosine methylene blue (Endo, or litmus-lac- tose) agar confirmatory plate. (a) Pick one or two colonies which most re- semble Eact. coli or Bact. aerogenes and plant into lactose broth (or lactose pep- tone water), and incubate for 24 hours at 37° C. If 10% or more gas is formed, record colon group present. (b) A Gram stain should be made of the col- ony before inoculation into lactose broth to insure that a Gram-negative coli-like form in pure culture is being fished. Clark and Lubs medium or glucose broth may be inoculated, if desired to test for the M. R. or V. P. reaction, respectively. None None 'E' THE COLON INDEX Estimation of the Incidence of the Colon Group. It is apparent that all agree in the use of the preliminary enrichment method for the de- termination of the presence of the colon group but a moment's thought 106 will show that it is extremely difficult to estimate the number of colon forms present from the result obtained. Perhaps the point can best be illustrated by considering a specific example. Suppose a sample of water was examined and gave the following re- sult for colon types: 1 c. c.+ ; O.I c. c.+ ; and 0.01 c. c.— . What was the incidence of the colon group per unit volume? Should 10 colon bacilli present per c. c. be recorded? It might be said, as is commonly stated, that there were more than 10 but less than 100 colon forms, and yet it is conceivable that there might be less than 10. Assume that there were five Bact. coli per c. c. In that case, in taking out a 0.1 c. c. sample the analyst would be just as likely to catch a Bact. coli as to miss one. The mere detection of the organism in a sample is not necessarily a safe criterion for regarding the organism constantly present in that quantity of water. On the other hand, the absence of colon forms in 0.01 c. c. is no justi- fication for stating that such organisms would be absent if another 0.01 c. c. sample were taken, for if there were 50 colon bacilli present per c. c., the analyst would be just as likely to catch an organism as to miss one in a single 0.01 c. c. sample. It is apparent, therefore, that from the an- alysis presented it is extremely difficult to express by a single figure, the number of colon types present per unit volume. If, however, instead of having taken one portion of each dilution ten had been employed, a very much closer approximation to the actual number of organisms could be made. Similarly if the dilutions indicated were taken on ten different days a reasonably close estimate could then be made of the average num- ber of colon bacilli present during that period. In water works operation, and for comparison of the efficiencies of different plants, we are not concerned with a single analysis but with a series of analyses extending over a long period, perhaps a month or a year. A number of methods have been suggested for calculating the in- cidence of the colon group or what is known as the "Colon Index." . The most commonly employed method, and the one recommended by the A. P. H. A. is that of Phelps. More complicated but probably more accurate methods are described by McCrady, Wolman and Weaver, and Stein. The Phelps method is based on the assumption that the most probable number of organisms present in any specimen is the reciprocal of the highest positive dilution; thus in the above example (1 c. c.-f ; 0.1 c. c.+ ; 0.01 c. c.— ) 10 colon forms per cubic centimeter would be considered the most probable number. To obtain the colon index for a month or a year it is merely necessary to add the reciprocals of the highest positive dilutions for the individual (daily or otherwise) tests and divide by the total number of tests; this will give the average, but not necessarily the most probable, number for the period under consideration. An example follows: 107 Day Results of Daily Test Probable incidence of colon group 1 c. c. 0.1 c. c. 0.01 c. c. 0.001 c. c. i 3 1 1 + + + + + + + + 1 +++++ + — 10 100 10 10 10 1 10 Total (for estimating averages) 151 Average of 7 tests 21.6 per c. c. In 1915 McCrady proposed a method for the calculation of the most probable number of colon bacilli from a series of fermentation results but his methods have not been employed because of the cumbersome cal- culations involved. Wolman and Weaver, in 1917, simplified the McCrady formula and presented some graphs by means of which the tedious com- putations are almost entirely removed. If A=total number of tubes inoculated with 10 c. c. B=total number of tubes inoculated with 1 c. c. C=total number of tubes inoculated with 0.1 c. c. a=number of 10 c. c. tubes positive b= number of 1 c. c. tubes positive c= number of 0.1 c. c. tubes positive then x — the most probable number of colon bacilli per 100 c. c. — may be obtained by trial substitutions of values for x in the following equation. lOOa lOb Ic 100A - 10B - 1C=- — .99X 1— ,999X From the charts accompanying Wolman and Weaver's paper, the values for x corresponding to any proportion of positive tests may be read off directly when dealing with a single dilution. When concerned with several dilutions the above formula must be employed, but the val- ues of (1— .9X), (1— .99X), and (1— .999X) for any assumed value of x are also given on these charts so that the actual mathematics involved is reduced to merely simple arithmetic. Stein in 1918, from a consideration of the laws of probability, evolved a curve from which the colon index, together with its reliability could be read directly if (1) the number of observations (2) the proportion of positive tests, and (3) the size of the test samples, were known. For further details the reader is referred to the original papers by Stein, M. F. Journal of Bacteriology, IV, 1919, p. 243, and Wolman and Weaver, Journal of Infectious Diseases, XXL, 1917, p. 287. In the Pub- lic Health Journal (Canadian) IX., 1918, p. 201, McCrady presents a set of tables for the interpretation of fermentation-tube results, which almost completely relieve the analyst of mathematical calculations. 108 APPENDIX B.— CULTURE MEDIA Numerous mediums have been utilized in the bacteriological examina- tion of water. The preparation of the more important is described here. I. ADJUSTMENT OF REACTION OF CULTURE MEDIA (A. P. H. A. 1920) 1. Phenol Red Method for adjustment to a hydrogen- ion concentration of PH+ = 6.8-8.4. Withdraw 5 c. c. of the medium, dilute with 5 c. c. of distilled water, and add 5 drops of a solu- tion of phenol red (phenol sulphone phthalein). This solution is made by dissolving 0.04 grams of phenol red in 30 c. c. of alcohol and diluting to 100 c. c. with distilled water. Titrate with a 1:10 dilution of standard solution of NaOH (which need not be of known normality) until the phenol red shows a slight but distinct pink color. Calculate the amount of the standard NaOH solution which must be added to the medium to reach this reaction. After the addition check the reaction by adding 5 drops of phenol red to 5 c. c. of the medium and 5 c. c. of water. 2. Titration with phenolphthalein. (For the convenience of those who wish to retain the use of this method for the present it is given here, but it is recommended that as soon as possible the more accurate meth- od of determining the hydrogen-ion concentration be substituted.) In a white porcelain dish put 5 c. c. of the medium to be tested, add 45 c. c. of distilled water. Boil briskly for one minute. Add 1 c. c. of phenolphthalein solution (5 grams of commercial salt to one liter of 50 percent alcohol). Titrate immediately with a n/20 solution of sodium hydrate. A faint but distinct pink color marks the true end point. This color may be precisely described as a combination of 25 percent of red (wave length approximately 658) with 75 percent of white as shown by the disks of the standard color top made by the Milton Bradley Educational Co., Springfield, Mass. All reactions shall be expressed with reference to the phenolphthalein neutral point and shall be stated in percentages of normal acid or alkali solutions required to neutralize them. Alkaline media shall be recorded with a minus ( — ) sign before the percentage of normal acid needed for their neutralization and acid media with a plus ( + ) sign before the percentage of normal alkali solution needed for their neutralization. The standard reaction for culture media for water analysis shall be + 1.0 percent, as determined by tests of the sterilized medium. As ordin- arily prepared, broth and agar will be found to have a reaction between +0.5 and +1.0. For such media no adjustment shall be made. The re- action of media containing sugar shall be neutral to phenolphthalein. Whenever reactions other than the standard are used, it shall be so stated. II. STANDARD STOCK MEDIA A. Nutrient Agar (A. P. H. A., 1920). 1. Add 3 grams of beef extract, 5 grams of peptone and 12 grams of agar, dried for one-half hour 109 at 105° C. before weighing, to 1,000 c. c. of distilled water. Boil over a water bath until all agar is dissolved, and then make up the loss by evaporation. 2. Cool to 45° C. in a cold water bath, then warm to 65° C. in the same bath, without stirring. 3. Make up lost weight and adjust the reaction to a faint pink with phenol red, or if the phenolphthalein titration is used, and the reaction is not already between +0.5 and +1, adjust to +1. 4. Filter through cloth and cotton until clear. 5. Distribute in test-tubes, 10 c. c. to each tube, or in larger contain- ers, as desired. 6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 pounds (120° C.) for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds. B. Nutrient Gelatin (A. P. H. A., 1920). 1. Add 3 grams of beef extract and 5 grams of peptone to 1,000 c. c. of distilled water and add 100 grams of gelatin dried for one-half hour at 105° C. before weighing. 2. Heat slowly on a steam bath to 65° C until all gelatin is dissolved.* 3. Make up lost weight and adjust the reaction to a faint pink with phenol red, or if the phenolphthalein titration is used, and the reaction is not already between +0.5 and +1, adjust to +1. 4. Filter through cloth and cotton until clear. 5. Distribute in test-tubes, 10 c. c. to each tube, or in large con- tainers as desired. 6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 pounds (120° C.) for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds. C. Nutrient Broth. (A. P. H. A., 1920). 1. Add 3 grams of beef extract and 5 grams of peptone to 1,000 c. c. of distilled water. 2. Heat slowly on steam bath to at least 65° C. 3. Make up lost weight and adjust the reaction to a faint pink with phenol red, or if the phenolphthalein titration is used, and the reaction is not already between +0.5 and +1, adjust to +1. 4. Cool to 25° C. and filter through paper until clear. • 5. Distribute in test-tubes, 10 c. c. to each tube. 6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 pounds (120° C.) for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds. D. Media for Indol Test. (A. P. H. A., 1920). To 1,000 c. c. of distilled water add 0.3 gram tryptophane, 5 grams dipotassium hydro- gen phosphate (K2HP04), and 1 gram peptone. Heat until ingredients are thoroughly dissolved, tube (6 to 8 c. c.), and sterilize in autoclave for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds. Some American peptones are standardized to contain a uniform amount of tryptophane. If such peptone is used the tryptophane in the above formula may be omitted and the peptone increased to 5 grams. E. Litmus Milk. (After Prescott and Winslow). The milk to be used as a culture medium shall be as fresh as possible, "Certified Milk" being ordinarily the best obtainable in city laboratories. It shall be placed *The solution of the gelatin will be facilitated by allowing it . to soak in the cold one-half hour before heating. 110 in a refrigerator over night to allow the cream to rise and the suspended matter to settle. The skimmed milk shall be siphoned off into a flask for use. It will be found more convenient, however, to allow the milk to stand in a separatory funnel. Should the milk be too acid the reaction shall be corrected to +1 by the addition of normal sodium hydrate. It is then ready to be tubed and sterilized. Litmus milk shall be prepared as above, with the addition of sterile 1 percent azolitmin. As it is impossible to make each lot of litmus milk with the same shade of color, it is recommended that a control tube be always exposed with the inoculated tubes for the purposes of comparison. III. MEDIA FOR PRELIMINARY ENRICHMENT OR THE PRE- SUMPTIVE TEST. A. Lactose Broth. (Standard Methods A. P. H. A., 1920). Sugar broths shall be prepared in the same general manner as nutrient broth with the addition of 0.5 percent of the required carbohydrate just before sterili- zation. The removal of muscle sugar is unnecessary as the beef extract and peptone are free from any fermentable carbohydrates. The reaction of sugar broths shall be a faint pink with phenol red or, if on titration with phenolphthalein the reaction is not already between neutral and +1, adjust to neutral. Sterilization shall be in the autoclave at 15 pounds (120° C.) for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds, provided the total time of exposure to heat is not more than one-half hour; other- wise a 10 percent solution of the required carbohydrate shall be made in distilled water and sterilized at 100° C. for iy2 hours, and this solution shall be added to sterile nutrient broth in amounts sufficient to make a 0.5 percent solution of the carbohydrate and the mixture shall then be tubed and sterilized at 100° C. for 30 minutes, or it is permissible to add by means of a sterile pipette directly to a tube of sterile neutral broth enough of the carbohydrate to make the required 0.5 percent. The tubes so made shall be incubated at 37° C. for 24 hours as a test for sterility. B. Lactose (Peptone) Bile. The lactose bile medium consists of sterilized undiluted fresh ox gall (or a 10 percent solution of dry fresh ox gall) to which has been added 1 percent of peptone and 1 percent of lactose. The addition of peptone is important. C. Lactose Bile Salt Broth. (After Savage). Sodium taurocholate 5 grammes Lactose 5 grammes Peptone 20 grammes Water 1000 c. c. These constituents are heated together until the solids are dissolved. The mixture is filtered, and sufficient neutral litmus solution is added to give a distinct color. The medium is then distributed into Durham's fer- mentation tubes and sterilized by steaming for twenty minutes on three successive days. The sodium taurocholate prevents the growth of many saprophytic bacteria. Ill The presence of fermenting organisms, including B. coli is shown when the medium turns red (due to acid production) and gas is formed in the inner tube. D. Glucose Broth. Same as lactose broth, substituting glucose for the disaccharid. E. Liver Broth. (After Prescott and Winslow). 1. This medium is made from a hot infusion of beef liver instead of fresh meat, and is, in other respects, with the exception that phosphate is added the same as dextrose broth, but it is a richer food medium for bacteria. It gives gas formation with all species which ferment dextrose and develops attenuated bacteria, whether gas-forming or not, to a better degree than does beef broth. It is also especially suited to the rejuvenation of species in pure culture. Formula Beef Liver 500 gm. Peptone 10 gm. Dextrose 10 gm. Di-Potassium Phosphate (K9HP04) 1 gm. Water . ' 1000 gm. 2. Chop 500 gm. of beef liver into small pieces and add 1000 c. c. of distilled water. Weigh the infusion and container. 3. Boil slowly for 2 hours in a double boiler, starting cold and stir- ring occasionally. 4. Make up any loss in weight by evaporation and pass through a wire strainer. 5. To the nitrate add 10 gm. of peptone, 10 gm. of dextrose and 1 gm. of potassium phosphate. 6. After warming this mixture in a double boiler and stirring it for a few minutes to dissolve the ingredients, titrate with N/20 sodium hydrate, using phenolphthalein as an indicator, and neutralize with normal sodium hydrate. 7. Boil vigorously for 30 minutes in a double boiler, and 5 minutes over a free flame with constant stirring to prevent the caramelization of the dextrose. 8. Make up the loss in weight by evaporation and filter through cotton flannel and filter paper. 9. Tube and sterilize in an autoclave for 15 minutes at 120° C. (15 pounds). The following media have been suggested for the elimination of spur- ious presumptive test: F. Gentian Violet Lactose Broth. (Hall and Ellefson). The medium consists of 1 percent lactose broth containing 1-20,000 gentian vio- let. 112 G. Brilliant Green Lactose Bile (Muer and Harris). The com- position of the medium used is as follows: Distilled water 1,000 grams Ox gall (dried) 50 grams Peptone 10 grams Lactose 10 grams Brilliant-green 0.1 grams Directions for Preparation 1. Heat 1 liter of distilled water in double boiler until water in outer vessel boils. 2. Add 50 grams of dried ox gall and 10 grams of peptone, stirring until all ingredients are dissolved. 3. Continue boiling for one hour. 4. Remove from flame and add 10 grams of powdered lactose. 5. Filter through cotton flannel until clear. 6. To each liter of the filtrate add 10 c. c. of a 1 percent solution of brilliant-green. 7. Tube and sterilize in autoclave for 15 minutes at 15 pounds pres- sure. IV. MEDIA FOR DIRECT ISOLATION OR CONFIRMATION OF PRESUMPTIVE TEST. A. Litmus Lactose Agar. (Wurtz Agar). (Standard Methods A. P. H. A., 1920). Litmus-lactose-agar shall be prepared in the same manner as nutrient agar with the addition of 1 percent of lactose just before sterilization. The reaction shall be a faint pink with phenol red, or, if on titration with phenolphthalein the reaction is not already between neutral and +1, adjust to neutral. One c. c. of sterilized litmus or azolitmin solution shall be added to each 10 c. c. of the medium just before it is poured into the petri dish, or the mixture may be made in the dish itself. B. Fuchsin Sulphite (Endo) Agar. Endo agar consists of nutrient lactose agar containing basic fuchsin decolorized with sodium sulphite as an indicator. Many modifications have been described. Those more commonly employed and method of use are listed below: (a). Endo's Medium (Standard Methods A. P. H. A., 1920) 1. Add 5 grams of beef extract, 10 grams of peptone and 30 grams of agar dried for one-half hour at 105° C. before weighing, to 1,100 c. c. of dis- tilled water. Boil on a water bath until all the agar is dissolved and then make up the loss by evaporation. 2. Cool the mixture to 45° C. in a cold water bath, then warm to 65° C. in the same bath without stirring. 3. Make up lost weight, titrate, and if the reaction is not already between neutral and +1, adjust to neutral. 4. Filter through cloth and cotton until clear. 5. Distribute 100 c. c. or larger known quantities in flasks large enough to hold the other ingredients which are to be added later. 113 6. Sterilize in the autoclave at 15 pounds (120° C.) for 15 minutes after the pressure reaches 15 pounds. 7. Prepare a 10 percent solution of basic fuchsin in 95 percent alcohol, allow to stand 20 hours, decant and filter the supernatant fluid. This is a stock solution. 8. When ready to make plates melt 100 c. c. of agar in streaming steam or on a waterbath. Dissolve 1 gram of lactose in 15 c. c. of dis- tilled water, using heat if necessary. Dissolve 0.25 gram anhydrous sodium sulphite in 10 c. c. water. To the sulphite solution add 0.5 c. c. of the fuchsin stock solution. Add the fuchsin-sulphite solution to the lactose solution and then add the resulting solution to the melted agar. The lac- tose used must be chemically pure and the sulphite solution must be made up fresh. 9. Pour plates and allow to harden thoroughly in the incubator be- fore use. (b) Endo's Medium (Hygienic Laboratory Modification). 1. The Hygienic Laboratory-Endo medium consists of a 3 percent agar which is titrated and corrected to +0.5 to phenolphthalein, to which is added 3.7 cubic centimeters of a 10 percent solution of anhydrous sodium carbonate per liter. For convenience it is flasked, sterilized, and stored in 200 cubic centimeter quantities. When ready to use, the following ingredients are added to 200 cubic centimeters of agar as follows: 2. Dissolve 2 grams C. P. lactose in 25 to 30 cubic centimeters of distilled water, with the aid of gentle heat. 3. Dissolve 0.5 gram of anhydrous sodium sulphite in 10 to 15 cubic centimeters of distilled water. 4. To the sulphite solution add 1 cubic centimeter of saturated so- lution of basic fuchsin in 95 percent alcohol. 5. Add the fuchsin-sulphite solution to the lactose solution, and then add the whole to the agar. Pour plates at once and, after hardening, dry for 15 minutes in the incubator. (c) Endo's Medium (Med. Dept. U. S. Army Modification). 1. Into a container put 1 liter of tap water, marking the level of the fluid. Add 30 grams of thread agar, 10 grams of peptone, 5 grams of NaCl, 5 grams of beef extract. Cook until dissolved — it is best to autoclave thirty minutes at 15 pounds; filter through sterile gauze or cotton. If necessary clear with egg. For this purpose, for each liter beat up the white of one egg with 10 c. c. of warm water until the egg is well mixed. Add this to agar cooled to 55° C., mix thoroughly, heat for 30 minutes or autoclave and filter through cotton. 2. This stock agar is kept on hand in quarter-liter flasks or bottles. Agar is standardized just before use and reaction adjusted to 0.2 percent acid to phenolphthalein. Before use, fuchsin and sodium sulphite are added. A filtered, saturated solution of basic fuchsin in 95 percent alcohol is kept on hand. A 10 percent solution of dry sodium sulphite crystals in sterile water is freshly made. , 114 3. Teague has shown that a 10 percent solution of crystalline sodium sulphite can be heated for twenty minutes at 15 pounds pressure with prac- tically no change, and that the 10 percent sodium sulphite solution covered with a layer of liquid petroleum about one cm. thick and sterilized in the autoclave can be kept at room temperature for three weeks and probably much longer with but very slight change. 4. One and eight-tenths c. c. of fuchsin solution is added per liter to the agar. After this has been done the sodium sulphite solution is added gradually until the hot agar is almost decolorized — usually about 25 c. c. to the liter. A pale rose color should be present in the hot agar, which fades to a very faint pink on cooling; 10 grams of lactose is dis- solved in a little water, filtered and added to each liter. Various fuchsin solutions may differ and the absolute quantities given above may not be exactly the proper balance in separate lots. These are approximate, however, and the proper balance can easily be attained by a little preliminary testing in which sodium sulphite solution is added to small quantities of fuchsin solution in a test-tube. The finished product is poured into large sterile Petri dishes. The cover is left off until the agar is hard. Smears are made on these plates. It is helpful to lay a piece of filter paper into the lid of the petri plate in order to absorb liquid evaporating from the agar in the incubator. If there is not enough filter paper for this, the plate should be placed up- side down in the incubator. (d) Endo's Medium (Kendal's Modification). (1) Preparation of Agar. — (a) Prepare plain, sugar-free nutrient agar, using 15 grams of agar per liter. (b) Adjust the reaction to a point just alkaline to litmus. (c) Flask the agar, 100 c. c. to a flask, and sterilize in the autoclave. (2) Preparation of Indicator — (a) Prepare a 10 percent solu- tion of basic fuchsin in 96 percent alcohol. This solution is fairly stable if kept away from light. (b) Prepare a 10 percent aqueous solution of chemically pure anhy- drous sodium sulphite (1 gram in 10 c. c. water). This solution does not keep. (c) Add 1 c. c. of "2, a" to 10 c. c. of "2, b" and heat in the Arnold sterilizer for 20 minutes. The color of the fuchsin is nearly dis- charged if the solutions are of proper strength. This solution must be prepared each day — it does not keep. (3.) Preparation and Use of Endo medium — (a) Add 1 gram of C. P. lactose (free from dextrose) to 100 c. c. of agar and place in the autoclave until melted and the lactose is thoroughly dissolved. (b) Add a sufficient volume of "2, c" (about 1 c. c.) to impart a faint pink color to the medium. (c) Pour into sterile Petri dishes and allow to harden in a dark place with the covers partly removed. When cool the medium should be color- less when viewed from above and a very faint pink when viewed from the 115 edge. The medium must be kept in a dark place because the color is re- stored by the action of daylight. (e) Endo's Medium (Robinson and Rettger's Modification). Water 1,000 c. c. Agar (powdered) 25 grams Peptone (American brand) 10 grams Meat extract (Liebig's) 5 grams Sodium carbonate (10% sol.) 10 c. c. Lactose, c. p 10 grams Fuchsin (sat, alcoh. sol.) 5 c. c. Anhydrous sodium bisulphite (10% sol.) 10 c. c. Dissolve the agar, meat extract, and peptone. Make neutral to litmus paper, steam in the autoclave at 12 to 15 pounds extra pressure for 35 to 40 minutes, filter through absorbent cotton and cheesecloth, add the sodium carbonate solution, and heat for about 10 minutes in a boiling water bath. Introduce the lactose and the fuchsin into the hot liquid. The medium will now be brilliant red. Finally add the bisulphite solution. The hot medium is light red in color, is filled into large test-tubes, 20 cubic cen- timeters in each tube, and sterilized for five to seven minutes at 10 pounds extra pressure. When the medium has cooled completely it should be of a light pink or flesh color in the tubes, but transparent and practically colorless in the large Petri dishes. The tubed agar may be kept for sev- eral weeks in the refrigerator. (f) A Simplified Endo's Medium (Levine) The medium is pre- pared as follows: Distilled Water 100 c. c. Peptone (Difoo) 10 grams Dipotassium phosphate (K2HP04) 2 to 5 grams Agar 15 to 30 grams The ingredients are boiled until dissolved and any loss due to evapora- tion is made up with distilled water. No adjustment of reaction is made and filtration is not necessary if the medium is to be used for streak plate cultures. Measured quantities are placed in flasks or bottles and sterilized for 15 minutes at 15 pounds. For use, the agar prepared as above is melted and the following ma- terials added to each 100 c. c. of medium. 20 percent lactose solution 1 gram or 5.0 c. c. 10 percent (saturated) alcoholic solution of basic fuchsin 0.5 c. c. Freshly prepared 10 percent sodium sulphite solution 2.5 c. c. Plates are poured, allowed to harden in the incubator, and inoculated in the ordinary way. (g) Fuchsin (Endo) Agar (Savage's Modification). 1. Peptone, 10 grams; Liebig's extract of beef, 10 grams; sodium chlorid, 5 grams, are boiled up in an enamelled dish with 1 liter of distilled water. The mix- ture is then poured into a flask, 30 grams of powdered agar added, and the whole heated in the autoclave at 115° C. for one hour. The flask is 116 removed, and, after cooling to about 60° C., the white of one egg mixed with a little distilled water is added. The contents are coagulated by heating in current steam in the usual way, filtered, and the filtrate made up to 1 liter. The mixture is made neutral, litmus paper being used as the indicator. Then 19 c. c. of normal sodium carbonate solution and 10 grams of chemically pure lactose are added. The flask is replaced for 30 minutes in the steam sterilizer. Almost invariably there is a consider- able precipitate, and the mixture has to be again filtered. 2. Seven c. c. of the fuchsin solution (see below) are added, fol- lowed by 25 c. c. of a quite freshly prepared 10 percent sodium sulphite solution. The mixture becomes much less red, but is not immediately decolorized. It is then tubed, conveniently into small flasks, each con- taining 50 to 60 c. c. of media, and sterilized in current steam for two days, 30 minutes each day. 3. The fuchsin solution is made as follows: Three grams of pow- dered crystalline fuchsin are placed in a dry flask, and 60 c. c. of abso- lute alcohol are added. The contents are thoroughly mixed, and the flask, tightly stoppered, allowed to stand for exactly 24 hours at 20° to 22° C. The alcoholic extract is then decanted and preserved in a clean glass-stop- pered bottle. Made in this way a uniform fuchsin extract is obtained which keeps well, and the same quantity of fuchsin is added each time a fresh batch of medium is prepared; a matter of much importance. The medium must be stored in the dark, since light gradually turns it red. When solidified it is almost free from color. (h.) Conradi-Drigalski Agar (After Prescott and Winslow) These authors have modified lactose litmus agar by adding to it nutrose and crystal violet and by using three percent of agar instead of one percent. The crystal violet strongly inhibits the growth of many other bacteria, es- pecially cocci, which would also color the medium red; the 3 percent agar makes the diffusion of the acid which is formed more difficult. Three pounds of chopped beef are allowed to stand 24 hours with two liters of water. The meat infusion is boiled one hour and filtered. Twenty gm. of Witte's peptone, 20 gm. of nutrose, and 10 gm. of NaCl are then added, and the mixture boiled another hour. After filtration and the addition of 60 gm. of agar the mixture is boiled for three hours, made alkaline and filtered. In the meantime 300 c. c. of litmus solution (Kahlbaum) are boiled for 15 minutes with 30 gm. of lactose. Both solutions are then mixed and the mixture, which is now red, made faintly alkaline with 10 percent soda solution. To this feebly alkaline mixture 4 c. c. of hot sterile 10 percent soda solution are added and 20 c. c. of a sterile solution (1 to 1000) of crystal violet (Hochst B.). (i) Bile Salt (Rebipel) Agar (After Savage). Sodium tauro- cholate 5 grams, Witte's peptone 20 grams, and distilled water 1 liter, are boiled up together, 20 grams of agar are- added and dissolved in the solution in the autoclave in the ordinary way. The medium is cleared with white of egg and filtered. After filtration, 10 grams of lactose and 5 117 c. c. of recently prepared 1 percent neutral red solution are added. The medium is then tubed and sterilized for 15 minutes on three successive days. (j) Aesculin Agar. (After Eyre) (B. coli and allied organisms give black colonies surrounded by black halo.) Measure out 400 c. c. distilled water into a tared 2-liter flask. Weigh out Agar 15 grams Peptone 10 grams Sodium taurocholate 5 grams and make into a thick paste with 150 c. c. distilled water. Add this paste to the distilled water in the flask. Dissolve the ingredients by bubbling live steam through the mixture. Weigh out Aesculin 1.0 gram Ferric citrate 0.5 gram and dissolve in a second flask containing 100 c. c. distilled water. Mix the contents of the two flasks — adjust the weight to the calculated medium figure (in this case 1031.5 grams) by the addition of distilled water at 100° C. Clarify with egg and filter. Tube and sterilize as for nutrient agar. (k) A Simplified Eosine Methylene Blue Agar. (Levine) Distilled water 1000 c. c. Peptone (Difco) 10 grams Dipotassium phosphate (K2HP04) 2 grams Agar : 15 grams Boil ingredients until dissolved and make up any loss due to evapora- tion with distilled water. Place measured-quantities (100 or 200 c. c.) in flasks or bottles, and sterilize in the autoclave at 15 pounds pressure for 15 to 20 minutes. Just prior to use add, to each 100 c. c. of the melted agar prepared as above, the following: Lactose, sterile 20% solution .5 c. c. or 1 gram dry substance Eosine yellowish 2% aqueous sol. 2 c. c. Methylene-blue 0.5% aqueous sol. 2 c. c. Pour medium into perti dishes, allow them to harden, and inoculate by streaking on the surface. There is no adjustment of the reaction and filtration of the medium is not necessary. V. SPECIAL MEDIA FOR DIFFERENTIATION OF THE COLI AND AEROGENES SECTIONS. A. Clark and Lubs Medium. (Standard Methods A. P. H. A., 1920). 1. To 800 c. c. of distilled water add 5 grams of Proteose-Pep- tone, Difco., or Witte's Peptone (other peptones should not be substituted), 5 grams c. p. dextrose, and 5 grams dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 118 (K2HP04). A dilute solution of the K2HP04 should give a distinct pink with phenolphthalein. 2. Heat with occasional stirring over steam for 20 minutes. 3. Filter through folded filter paper, cool to 20° C. and dilute to 1,000 c. c. with distilled water. 4. Distribute 10 c. c. portions in sterilized test tubes. 5. Sterilize by the intermittent method for 20 minutes on three suc- cessive days. B. Synthetic Medium. (After Clark and Lubs). (Standard Methods A. P. H. A., 1920). 1. Na2HP04 (anhydrous) 7 grams or Na2HP04. 2H,0 8.8 grams KHphthalate 2 grams Asparatic acid 1 gram Dextrose 4 grams Warm distilled water 800 c. c. 2. When solution is complete, cool and make up to 1 liter at room temperature. 3. Heat in an autoclave for 15 minutes after the pressure has reached 15 pounds, provided the total time of exposure to heat is not more than one-half hour. 4. The hydrogen-ion concentration of the medium is fixed by the composition. It should be very close to PH 7.0, slightly red with phenol red. All materials should be re-crystallized or if used from stock fur- nished by manufacturers, should be carefully examined. The di-sodium hydrogen phosphate may be used either as the anhydrous salt obtained by dessication in vacuo at 100° C. or else as the salt containing two mole- cules of water of crystallization. This is obtained by exposing the re- crystallized Na,HP0412H,0 for two weeks. Use 0.88 percent of Na,HP04- 2H20. C. Uric Acid Medium (Koser) Distilled amrnonia-free water 1,000 c. c. NaCl 5.0 gm. MgS04 0.2 gm. CaCL, 0.1 gm. K2HP04 1.0 gm. Glycerol 30.1 gm. Uric acid 0.5 gm. This combination gives a colorless and clear medium. It is filled into ordinary test tubes and sterilized in the autoclave at 13 to 15 pounds extra pressure for 15 minutes. A slight turbidity may be apparent after auto- claving, due, presumably, to a finely divided precipitate of calcium sul- phate. On cooling, the solution becomes clear. On the addition of 1.5 percent of washed shred agar to the solution mentioned in the foregoing an agar medium was obtained on which the same distinction between the two types may be brought out. 119 REFERENCES 1. Archibald, R. G., 1917. Lactose fermenting bacilli in surface water, feces, etc. Wellcome Tropical Research Laboratories, 4th Report, 319. 2. Ayers, S. H., Rupp., 1918. Simultaneous acid and alkaline bacterial fermenta- tion from dextrose and the salts of the organic acids, respectively, J. Infect. Dis., XXIIL, 188. 3. Barber, M. A., 1908. The rate of multiplication of B. coli at different tempera- tures. J. Infect. Dis. V., 379-400. 4. Bartow, E., 1916. Examination of drinking water on railway trains. Univ. 111. Bull. No. 13. Water Survey Series 12 (1916), 173-182. Journal American Water Works Association, 274-82. 5. Bergy, D. H. and Deehan, S. J., 1908. The colon-aerogenes group of bacteria. J. Med. Research, XIX., 175. 6. * Bender, McCrady and Lafreniere, 1916. 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Biological studies by the pupils of William Thompson Sedgwick, Boston, 1906. 87. Jackson, D. D., 1907. The use of lactose-bile medium in water analysis. J. Infect. Dis. Supplement No. 3, 30. Also Trans. Am. Pub. Health Assn., 1906 Meeting XXXII., Part II., 30. 88. Jackson, D. D. and Muer, T. C., 1911. Liver broth. J. Am. Pub. Health Assn. I., 927. 89. Jackson, D. D., 1911. Classification of the B. coli group. J. Infect. Dis. VIII., 241. 90. Johnson, B. R. and Levine, Max, 1917. Characteristics of coli-like microorgan- isms from the soil. J. Bact. II., 379-401. 91. Jordan, E. 0., 1901. The relative abundance of Bacillus coli communis as an index of the self-purification of streams. J. Hyg. I., 295. 92. Jordan, E. O., 1913. The inhibitive action of bile upon B. coli. J. Infect. Dis. XII., 326-34. 93. Jordan, E. 0., Russell and Zeit, 1904. The longevity of typhoid bacillus in water. J. Infect. Dis. I., 641. 94 Jordan, H. E., 1920. Fifteen years' filtration practice in Indianapolis. 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