Kansas Qltty Pithltr ffitbrary This Volume is for REFERENCE USE ONLY li\ '■'''' ■I .^ From the collection of the 0 Prelinger |n ibrary San Francisco. California 2008 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION EDITORIAL BOARD ]. ]. Carty Bancroft Giikrardi F. B. Jew in t E. B. Craft L. F. Morehousi: O. B. Blackuell H. P. CHARLESWORTH IC. H. COLPITTS H. D. ARNOLD R. W. Kin.,— ErfiVor T. O. Pi;rrine~.;.w/. Editor VOLUME IV 1925 AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY NEW YORK Bound Periodical ^ 25 '26 5(>|(I4;{ The Bell Systeiri Technical Journal January. 1925 Engineering Cost Studies' By F. L. RHODES In rK()i)i( TKiN Tm-I ^ulijcct assigiicnl to me in the ".Notes Rc'Kardinj; the Pro- i;r.im of the Conference" is "The Theoretical Principles of Kcononiic Studies and Tlieir Possible Application in I'ndergraduate Courses." With your permission, I shall digress somewhat from a literal consideration of this title. I shall not undertake to deri%e formulae, to set up efjuations and to obtain maxima and minima from them. The mathematics can readily be obtained from available sources. On the other hand, I shall attenipt to outline the field for economic studies in engineerini; work, usini; iilusi rations drawn from telephone engineering practice. What is an engineering cost study? When you or I reiich a de- cision to purchase a certain pair of shoes, making a selection from an assortment ranging in price from (say) So to S15, we have per- formed, consciously or unconsciously, some of the reasoning of an engineering cost study. Among the factors influencing our decision will be the probable length of ser\-ice life of different pairs, as well as the ability to extend this by an expenditure, to be made at some future time, for maintenance as represented by new soles and heels, which, perhaps, can be applied economicalK' to a moderately costly pair but not so to the cheapest. These two elements, depreciation and current maintenance, are factors entering into engineering cost studies but they are not all of the factors. Whether we have the necessary capital in hand, or are obliged to hire or otherwise raise it, the annual cost of the capital must be taken into consideration, and treatment of the matter of flepreciation is incomplete without consideration of sal\"age value and cost of removal. Thus, unless we pursue our inve.stigalion into tletails that arc not ordinarily considered when buying shoes, it is evident that our ' .Votes of a Talk given at the Bell S\stem Educational Conference, -August, 1924. 1 2 Hiii.i.' !:)'ear atler to dig uji the street and lay another ditct for a second cable and sii on in i>iecemcal, hand-tn-iiioiitii fashinn. < 111 the iitiier liaiKJ. it would not lie ecunomira! In oliinate the iuhiiIkt ot cai)les that \\(juld be recjuired in a hundred years, e\en if we could foresee the needs so far ahead with any degree of certainty, and to place at the outset sufficient ducts to care for all the cables re(|uired along that route in the next century, for in that event, the carr>ing charges on the idle ducts would prove much more expensi\e, in the long run, than woidd additions made at infrec|uent intermediate limes. Somewhere between one \ear and one hundred years is the most economical period for which to pro\idc duct capacity in ad- vance. The determination of this period, based on suitable con- struction costs, the expected rate of growth in r,ii>le leciiiifemenls, and other factors is one of the useful results obtained from an engi- neering cost sliid\-. I'lider our organizalion, practicalh' all t\pes of plant and e(|iii|)- nieiit are >• the proptT niVici.ils of tlu- asxxi.itcd opcr.itiii^; i-onipanics. If a pitve of apparatus or o(|uipnient, correctly clesiRtitxl within itself, is installinl in tlu- wrong place, or if a wrong size is selcclcil, loss will result. Questions of where to place plant and what size to employ, ;i4k1 when to replace existing plant constantly confront the ofK'rating engineers in the field. In the telephone business ever%- major con- struction project is described in what we term an "estimate" which is nothing more or less than a detailed design for the project, cm- luxlied in drawings and specifications, accompanied by a carefully preparetl estimate of its cost. These estimates originate in the Plant Departments of the Associated Companies and are really the bids of the construction forces for performing the work. These estimates pass through the hands of the Chief Engineer of the Associatcxl Company for his scrutiny and approval before they proceed to the higher officials of that company for final authorization. The Chief Engineer considers these estimates in their relation to the general plans of the Company with reference to the growth of the business and the plant. F"or many years the chief of the Department of which I am a member, \'ice President General John J. Carty, occupied the post of Chief Engineer of the New York Telephone Company, the largest associated company of the Bell System. I have heard him say that when, while occupying that position, an estimate for some six-cific piece of work came before him for re%'iew, he asked himself three questions regarding it: 1. Why do it at all? 2. Why do it now? 3. Why do it this way? Rigorous proof sufficient to answer these three questions will justify the endorsement of any engineering project, and, furthermore, each question generally involves an engineering cost study. Fl.ND.\.MKNT.\L Pl.WS Of all the engineering cost studies that are made in connection with the telephone industry, none is more far-reaching in its effect than those involvetl in what we term our "fundamental plans." In firder to give a fair idea of the importance of the work done under our fundamental plans, it will be necessary to describe briefh- what a fundamental plan is. 4 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In coiiipletetl form a fundamental plan shows what the general lay-out of the telephone plant in a city is expected to be at some definite time, usually from 15 to 20 years in the future. It shows: (a) The number of central office districts that will be recjuircd to provide the telephone service most economically, and the boundaries of these central office districts. (b) The number of subscribers' lines to be ser\'ed b\- each central office. (c) The ()ro|KT liKution for ihe ceiilral offKe in i:acli district to enable the service to be gi\en most economically with regard to costs of cable plant, land, buildings and other factors. (d) The proper streets and alleys in which to build underground conduits in order to result in a comprehensi\e, consistent and economical distributing system reaching ever\- cit\ bloik lo be ser\-ed by underground cable. (e) The most economical niunber of tlucls lo ])ro\ ide in each con- duit run as il is buili. These arc all \vr\ detiniU' iirohlenis tliat confront the execuli\es of our Associated Companies when plant extensions are required. Our experience has shown that our fundamental plans reduce guessing to a minimum b\' utilizing the experience of years in studying questions of telephone growth in order to make careful forecasts on the best possible engineering basis. A few words as to liow funda- mental plans are matie may not be out of place. The basis of the fundamental plan is what we term a commercial survey, which is a f(jrecast of the future community showing the probable amount, distribution and character of the population and the probable market for various classes of telephone ser\ice. Before making this forecast, it is important to know what are the present conditions as to population ami use of the telephone ser\icc. To ascertain the.se facts a census of the community from a telephone point of \iew is made. Present telephone users are classified into: Residence TcK^phones. Business Teleiihones in Rcsitlcnce Areas. Telephones in Business Section. In analyzing Roidence telephimcs all f.imiiies are di\i(k'd among those occupying: (a) Private Residences. (b) Two-famil\' Houses. F.\ci.\'F.r.Rixc. COST srmir.s =, (f) ApartnuMits. (i\) l.»li\ i>ioiis .no lu.uli- .urnriliiij; lo llic i»-iil p.iid as it has bivn foiiiul thai a ilosi- rrlation exists hoiwi-cn ront and (hi- class of ti'li'plioiio sor\icc iisi-d. Husincss ti-lcphoiu's an- dividi'd iiiti) 21) or M) dirtVrt'nt dasst-s. An important factor in the forecast Ls the future population of the city, both as a whole and l)\- sections! This involves, in each particular problem, not only study of the past growth of the city in ' be divided into metropolitan offices and suburban offices; that is, the central business offices separated from the subur- ban residential offices. Between subscribers in difTen-nt districts suitable standards of transmission are decided iipdii. Before descril)ing this stud\' further, reference must be made to the practical necessity for the standardization of construction materials. Subscribers' loops run in length from a few hundred feet to 3, 4 or r> miles. If we tried theoretically to make all talks exactly equal in loudness, we should have as many different sizes of wire in our cables as there are different lengths of loop. To reduce the complexit>, our cable conductors are of certain standard sizes, which experience has shown are sufficiently close together to meet the needs of the busi- ness. These standard sizes, in American Wire Gauge, are Nos. '24, 22, 19, 16, 13 and 10; the three latter not being used in subscribers' lonps. Having adopted st.mdards of transmission and standards of cabU' conductor sizes, our problem is to obtain the standards of transmis- sion with the standards of cable contluctors in the most economical nianiuT. The nn'ihdd of doing this, in brief, is to tigiiie out the annual costs \\lii( h would lie iiu lured in doing it a number of different ways and to select the wa\ that gi\es the lowest annual cost. In this kind of a stud\', which we call a "loop anil trunk" study, it has been con- venient to designate the subscribers' loops b\- their maximum circuit resisUuice. .Adojiting this form of designation, it may be assunuil. first, ih.it all of the subscribers' loops will ha\e an average transmit - tini; ami receiving efficiency as good or better than a 350-ohm looj); as a second assumption, that they will be as good or better than a H)()-ohm loop; and, as third and fourth assumptions, 450 and oOO-olim loo[)s, respecti\eK-. In assuming, for example, a 3.50-ohm loo[) in F.XaiXF.l-.RIXC COST SIC PI IS 7 \i). ■Jl-^aiim" i'.il)li-, it is, of course, iiri-i'ss.ir\- tli.il .ill silliscriinTs lia\'ii)^ loops lon^rr th.in tho aiuount of No. 2I-Kaiij;c cable rcpri'scnti-d !)>• this resistance sh.ill hv put in No. 22-^augc or No. 19-Raune calile as ni.iy he recpiireil. Tlie transmission losses, iuitli ir.uisinit ling an- of factors, the most important of which are the character of the timber; whether or not a preservati\e treatment is employed and, if so, the nature of the treatment; the local climatic and soil conditions and the original size of the pole. The strength of a pole varies with the cube of the diameter of the sound wood at the weakest section. If the original size of the pole is onh- slightly more than the critical size at which replacement should be made, the life of the pole will be \cry short, as dcca\ will reduce the size at the ground line to the critical size within .1 lew years. On the other hand, a pole of huge size at the ground line would have a very long life before rotting sufficiently to require replacement, but the first cost of so stout a pole might readily be so great that its annual cost would exceed that of a smaller and cheaper pule. In f)ur specifications for poles we have constantly F.s'Gixr.r.RixG COST sri'nirs 9 Id hear in niiiid that tlu> fliniiiiatioii of poles rontaiiiiii^; (inilitT (lolVrts 4>f Olio kiiiil or anoihcr iiUMiis that wi- arc adding soniclhiii); to the llrst cost of our poles and the criterion must always he whether or not liic ciiniinalion of tlies*.- defects will snllicicnlly proioiij; the life of the poles to w.irranl the incre.isi-d first cost. I'here ha\e now heen |)laci-d hefore yon several exaniples of proh- lenis occurring in the telephone industry in the solution of wlmh enj;inivring cost studies may he advantageously em[)l()yed, and, prohahly, enough has heen said to make clear the importance of this form of economic anaKsis. Factors Hnti:rin(. into Axmal Costs and Tiii:ir evaliation Let us now consitler together the principal factors entering into aiuuial cost, and how, in the course nf our work, wc ov.iluate them. The several factors are these: 1. Cost of money. 2. Ta.ves. '.i. Insurance. 4. Depreciation. 5. Current Maintenance. <). Administration. 7. Operating Costs. Cost of Money. The operating companies of the Bell System ohtain the new money that they use in e.xtensions to their plants from the sale of their capital stock and securities — bonds and notes. Such a return must be paid the investor, by the Company, as will induce a constant flow of new capital into the business. This steady influx of new capital is required because the System can not decline to expand. It is obligated to meet the increasing needs of the public it serves. Its need for new capital is a direct result of public demand for the service it renders. The rates for service which public utilities may charge are regulated by the commissions, l)ut neither the com- missions nor the utilities can fix the worth of money. Public utilities must pay the cost of money just as they must pay the cost of labor, poles and other material. No investor can be forccfl to invest. If the rate is below what money is worth in the general money market, he will keep out. Utility companies must bring their offerings to a general money market anfl submit them, in open competition, with 10 BELL SySTEM TECHXIC.IL JOIRX.IL the offerings of iinik-riakiiigs of f\iT\- kind n-(|iiiriiig rapii.il. Tlu're arc two \va\s of ueiiint; now nioiu'\-: 1. IVom iiut-siors williiiii to li-nd. Tliese are tlie l)oiul and note hokiers. 2. 1-Voni imestors \\illiii.u to lun-omc i)artners in ow iicr>lii|). Thesi- are the stockholders. \c)t oni\- do stockholders expect a higher return than bond and nnic- holders, hut if the stockholders' earnings are insufficient, the bond in\esior will take his money to some safer market. Taking into account the ratio which must be prudently maintained between funded debt and stock, a proper figure should be obtained as re[)re- scnting the average annual cost of money. This figure shoidd not be confused with the figure that represents a fair rate of retin'n includ- ing a margin for surplus and contingencies. Taxes. Taxes are levied by various governmental botiies, munici- pal, county, state and federal, on many different bases. In some specific plant problems, taxes ha\e to be computed to meet the con- ditions of the case at hand but, in general, it is sufficient to employ a percentage charge for taxes based upon the average experience. Insurance. In the case of buildings, and equii)ment contained in buildings, an annual cost item to cf)ver insurance should be included. Depreciation. Depreciation ma\' be defined as the usini; u|) of property in service from all causes. These causes include: (a) Wear and tear, not co\cred by current repairs. (b) Obsolescence. (c) InadefiuacN'. (d) Public Requirements. (e) Extraordinary Casualties. .All Iflcphoni' propertx', e\rr])l Kind, is sulijert to deterioration, and the continued consnnijjtion ol the inxesinH'nl is a part ot the cost of the service which must Ik- pro\ ided for !)>• charges against earnings. Only a small portion of the i)lant actually wears out in service. Instances of this are llu- rotting of poles and the rusting of iron wire, a relati\ely small amount of which is used in the plant. ( )n the oilirr hand, it h.is licc-n I he liisiorx' of the telephone business that enormous amounts of |)lant ha\e been taken out of str\-icc through no defect in their plnsical comlition but lither because they had become obsolete through the of in.ul- i'(|Ii;h\- art" tin- n-plari'iiioiit of oih-ii wiri-s hy cilili-, and llu> rt-placf- nu-nt of sni.ill caMi's by l.irijiT ones. I'.x.implfs of public ri-(|iiiri'nK'nt are the .ibandonnu-iit of polo linrs and tlii-ir ri-plaivini-iit li\- undi-r- ^round i-otistnu'tion dm- to road iinjirovfiniMUs, and tlu- rdinildinK of si'ctions of undi;r>jrounil conduit dui; to chanijcs in the ^;radc of strt'i-ts or to the construction of transit subways. Kxampiis of extraordinary casualties are fires, sleet storms and tornadoes. The annual charge for depreciation is an amount which, if entered in operating expenses each year during; the ser\ ice life of a unit of plant, vvoyld, at the end of that service life, yield a sum ecjual to the total depreciation of that unit; th;it is, its first cost in place less the net siilvagc obtained at its remo\-aI. The consumjition of capital is a necessjiry part of the cost of furnishing stTvice and must be pro- videtl for by charges against earnings during the life of the [)roperty. In arriving at this depreciation charge the best thing we can do is to take our experience of years and look o\cr the vvliole situation and apply our judgment to it. The A'aliie of this judgment depends on the exi^rience. knowledge, abilit\- and iiitegritx fif the (n'ople who exercise it. The amoimt of this charge should be determineil for each broad class of plant and it depends upon the a\erage service life and the net salvage value. Net sal\"age value is gross salvage \'aluc minus cost of removal, and takes into consideration both value for reuse and junk value. For instance, the net salvage value of station apparatus is relatively high because a large part of the equipment can be reused in another location. In other cases, such as iron wire, the net salvage value may be a minus quantity, as there is little or nothing to offset the cost of remo\al. Current Maintenance. (."urrenl maintenance charges comprise the cost of repairs, rearrangements and changes necessary to keep the plant in an efficient operating condition during its service life. In cost studies, current maintenance charges should be derived from exf)erience and expressed, generalK", on a unit of plant basis, as. for example, per pole, per mile of wire, per foot of cable, or per sta- tion, according to the kind of plant being considered. Cienerally speaking, they bear no direct relation to first cost of plant as other annual charges do. I-"or this reason, when comparing the .inruial co>l> ot two or more plant units of different sizes or types, an incorrect result would be 12 nr.LL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL obtained if ni.iiiUcnanco charges wore oxpiessod as a ptMcciilage of the first Ci»i. However, for coinparalixe cost studies of a\erai;e plant, main- tained under average conditions, it is sonieiinies within ll)e i)recision of the study to employ figures expressed as a percentage of the first cost, provided the figures were derived from the cost of maintaining average plant where axeragc conditions were know n to obtain. Adminislralion. In certain cost studies, a small allowance is usually made to cover that portion of the salaries and expenses of the general ofiicials of the C"ompan>- which is fairly chargeable to the administration ol the |)lant. Operating Costs. In certain classes of engineering cost studies, comparisons may involve the situation where one type of plant costs initially more than an alternative type, but permits sa\ings to be made in the daily operating labor which may or may not offset the additional first cost. In such cases, to obtain a true comparison, the operating labor costs under each plan must be combined with the total annual charges which are applied to the first costs of the respective plant quantities. Prksknt Worths luigineering cost studies fre(iueiill\' in\(]l\e a lialaiur between |)lant installed at the present time and plant installed at some future liini'. An example of this would be the comparison of a pole whose life was to be extended by attaching it to a stub after (say) 15 years, with a stouter and more expensive pole installed at present or with a pole to which preser\-ative treatment was applied prior to its installa- tif)n. In such cases it is not sufficient to compare annual costs which arc to be incurred at different times w'ithout reducing them to a basis upon which the\' can properly be compared. If a gi\x>n amount is required to be expended at some future time, it obviously recjuires a smaller stun at jiresent in iiand to meet tliis obligation if the fixed time is far disl.uit than il il is in the ininiediale future. Let us picture oursehes at the vml of the \X'ar l!t2l. 1 1 an annual charge of §1,000 is to be paid each \e,u' for the 5 years beniiuiing J.m- uar\- 1, 1925 and ending Deceniix-r '.i\. 1920, tluTc will be required, to ])ro\ide for these five SI, 000 pa>'menls, the sum of SI, 100, in hand, assuming that interest is comiiounded annually at 7 ])cr cent. On the other hand, if these five annual payments of SI, 000 each instead F.NGI\F.F.RINC COST STUDIES of iH'Kinnint; in 192o wore ti> Ijogin ten years later, thai i>. if ihev were Id run from Jainiar>- 1, l'.>;i.'i to the end of ID.'Jf), we should re- <|uire, in hand, S2,()84, that is, oidy about half as much. To compare, upon a fair basis, expentiitiires that have to be made at dirterent times, it is customary, as has Ikiii done in the prere their "I'resejit Worths," or the equivalent in eipiated or accumulated annua! charges SlMMAKV From all that has lieen siiiil, it becomes e%ident that, whenever a specific addition is made to a growing plant, we are, to a greater or less extent, committing ourselves to a definite programme for reliev- ing, reinforcing or replacing it at some future time in order most economically to provide for the requirements of growth. The underlying thought, which can not be overemphasized, is so to plan the plant that, as far as practicaiilc, it will serve for its full life, and require no wholesale changes invoking the abandonment of substantial portions of the installation. While the design should be base- affect ad- versely the carrying out of proper and economical relief measures, or may require abnormally early reconstruction or replacement. It is vcr>- desirable, therefore, alwa\s to keep in mind, in any plant layout work, the progressi\e relief steps which are likely to be re- quired to meet the changing conditions affecting the service require- ments. Whenever plant is moved, or taken out of ser\ice, property loss is realized. Certain expenditures for these pur|)oses represent the most economical way of conducting the business. But it is of the utmost importance that they should always be incurred along the line of maximum economy, which means that behind every plant 14 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXIC.IL JOVRS'AL additiuii must be engineering cost studies to assist in luinisliing the answers to the three questions: Why do it at all? Why do it now? \\'h\- do it this way? But it must always be borne in mind that these studies do not and can not, in themselves, constitute the sole criterion for determining what should be done. They are, at the best, only an aid, guide and check to be utilized, within their limitations, in arri\-ing at conclu- sions that must, in the last analysis, rest upon seasoned judgment and experience. Nevertheless, so great do we find the importance of these engineer- ing cost studies in our work, and so great must be their importance in the engineering of any other kind of growing plant, tiiat the question might be raised whether, in courses of engineering instruction, a few hours at least could not advantageously be devoted to acquainting the student with the nature and importance of these economic problems. The Limitation of the Gain of Two- Way Telephone Repeaters by Impedance Irregularities By GEORGE CRISSON InTRODU TION BHCAl SI-', of the fact that it is a (liftiriill anil exfK-nsive matti-r to l)iiil(l and maintain tin- lii^li K^aili' circiiils that are ro(|uiri-cl for motlcrn lonn distanre li-lophonc transmission with repeaters, nKin\- workers in this held ha\e attempted to devise some form of two-way repe.iter which would he ahle to ii'ivv as large a gain as desiretl without singing or poor ' have thought that if such a rei>eater could he constructed it would permit the use of lines less carefully built and. therefore, cheaper than are at present retjuired, and that fewer repeaters would he re(|uired ln-caiisi' larger gains could be obtained at each repc-ater. As a matter of fact the irregularities in ihe lines have a very im- portant effect and control, to a great extent, the repeater gains which can lie used whene\er a telephone circuit is arranged so as to be capable of transmitting in both directions over a single pair of wires with constant efficiency. It is the object of this paper to explain, in a \er>- simjile wa\', why this is true. To do this the phenomenon of electrical reflection is first made clear. Then a two-way repeater system is introduced and the effects of reflection upon this system are explained. After mentioning several of the types of repeaters which have been used successfully, the paper concludes with an explanation of the fallacies underlying a numlx-r of schctiies which ha\e been jiroposed from time to time by various in\entors. Ri:i-I.IiCTI().N IN TllIKlMloM-: i.I.NKS Whenever discontinuities or irregularities exist in telephone cir- cuits, reflection of a certain part of the speech wave takes place at each irregularity. In order to appreciate why it is that irregularities in two-wire telephone circuits affect ver>' greatly the amount of repeater gain which can be secured whenc\-er two-way operation is desired, it is first necessary- to obtain a clear picture of why it is that reflections take place at irregularities. Fig. 1 represents an infinite ideal telephone line without repealers. If such a line is non-loaded or continuously loaded each part of it 15 16 BELL SYSTEM TECLINICAL JOURNAL is exactly like every other part lia\ing the same length. If the line is loaded with coils then each luaiiing section is exactly like e\cr\- other loading section. When a telephone transmitter or other signaling device A acts upon such a line it causes a wave to travel over the line away from 1-ig. 1 the source. If the line includes resistance or other losses liiis wave gradually becomes smaller until it is too weak to be detected but no portion of the wave returns to the source after once leaving it. If some portion of the line difTers in its electrical makeup from other portions of the line it constitutes an irrcgularit\- and interferes with the passage of the wa\e. Fig. 2 shows a line exactly like that of Fig. 1 except that an irreg- ularity B has been introduced. This irregularity has been shown I-ig. 2 as a series resistance though any other departure from the regular electrical structure of the line would produce similar efTects. When a wa\e encounters such an irregularity, it splits into two parts one of which continues in the original direction of propaga- tion along the line while the other is propagated in the opposite direction toward the source. In order to understand this phenomenon, which is called reflection, imagine that a wave is traversing the line from left to right. As it passes the point B a current flows through the series impedance which constitutes the irregularil\- and this causes a drop of potential through the imjicdance. ()b\ i((Usl\-, this changes the state of alifairs as there is now a sudilen alleralion in the \-oltage across the line as the wa\e ])asscs llie irregularity wlurias there is no such alteration without the irregularity. Suppose that for the impedance element we substitute the output terminals of a generator which has a negligible impedance and arrange the generator so that it is excited i)y the wave tra\cling over the line but that the excitation is not afTected by the voltage set up by the generator itself. Such an arrangement is shown in Mg. 3. The i,,//.v ()/ /ii(Mi./i iiiii'iinxi: la.ri.ii IKS 17 .irraiigi'im-iU for i'\iiiiii_i; tin- j-cm-rator is siipposi-d iidI to rc<|uiri' an api»ri'ciabli' ainouiii of power or to conslitulc an irri'nularity. This gfiR-ralor tlu'H rcscinhk's tlio si-rii's iiiiprn as a wa\f arri\es the generator becomes active and produces a Fig. 3 \i)ltage in series with llie line. By proper adjustment of the exciting mechanism of the generator the voltage across its output terminals can he made just equal to the disturbance produced by the impedance element at B in Fig. 2 and so exactly reproduce the effects of the irregularity. In order to do this the generator might have to absorb energy from the wave passing over the line instead of giving it out, but it would establish the desired \()ltage relations. Now as the generator has no appreciable impedance the wave passes through it without interference but the e.ni.f. which it sets up ob- viously sends out waves in each direction from the generator. On the right of the irregularity will be found one wave made up of the original undisturi)ed wa\'e combined with that from the gene- rator and traveling onward in the original direction. The combined wave will usually be smaller than the original wave though it might under some circumstances be larger and its shape might or might not be altered depending upon the nature of the irregularity and the character of the line. On the left of the irregularit\' will be found the original wa\e traveling from left to right and the retk-cted w.ise tra\fling from right to left. By a similar process of reasoning the reflection caused by bridging an impedance across the line at the point B can be illustrated. In this case the output terminals of the generator should be bridgetl across the line and made of very high impedance. Any departure from the regular structure of the line such as occurs at the junction of two lines of different types or where loading coils 18 liEU. SVSTliAf TECIIMC.tL Jdl'KX.II. lia\c the wrong inductance or are wroiij^K' sixiccd causes reflections in the manner ciescriherl ai)o\c. Ii)i;ai. RkpkativR on an Ii)i;ai. I.ini-; Fij;. 4 shows an ideal telephone circuit consisting of two sections of line L\ and L-^ which are free from irregularities and are joined by a repeater R. The remote ends of the line sections are connected to terminal apjiaratus A] and .1^ which ha\e impedances which B Q Fig. 4 s-mc(,thl\' terminate the lines, that is, if either line had originally extended to an infinite distance from (he repeater and had liecn cut to connect it to the terminal apparatus, this apparatus would ha\'e the same impedance as the part of the infinite line which was cut off. The construction of the repeater R is limited onh- by the recjuire- n.ent that if an electric wave arri\cs at the repeater terminals T\ or 7'; o\er either line a similar but larger wa\-e is transmitted from the repeater (i\ er ihi- other line. The gain of the repeater deter- mines the relati\e si/es of the waxes arrixing at and departing from the repeater. If now a wave is started at one end of the circuit, for exam[)le -li, it traverses the line Li and is absorbed or dissipated in the portion of the repeater connected to the terminal 'J\. This wave acts upon the internal mechanism of the repeater in such a way as to send out a larger wave which tra\erses the line L^ and i> completeK' dissi- pated in the terminal apparatus A->. Ii)i;ai. Kki'KATIck on a Linic C"()NTaimn(. Irrkci i.AKiniis Fig. 5 illustrates a line exactly like that of F^ig. 4, except that an irregularit\- Bi (or J5») has been introduced into each section. If a B Q Fik'. .'^ wa\e leaves one terminal such as A i, it traverses the line Ai e\entuall\- arriving at the terminal T\ of the repeater R with a ceri.iin striiigih. This wa\e is ; niplificd and traiiMnitted into ihe line /,■_• which it (;.//.v or /ico-ic.;)' iiu.i-.riio\r. nui'i-.-hhns i'» follows until it t-ncountiTs the irri'(j;iilarity H-. At Bi it is pari i. illy re tinted, one |X)rti»n returning to the repeater anil the other travel- ing to the terniinal -Ij where it is ahsorlad. The reflected wave passes ihrouuli the refx-ater, is ani[)litux! and iraiisversi-s the line L\ until it encounters the irregularity B\ where it is again reilecied, one iKirt Uing propagated to the terminal At where it is dissipated, while the other part returns to the repeater and repeats the cycU of anipliliration and reflection. This action continues indefinitely the wave being reflected alternately from the irregularities B, and 5|, If the total gain in the round trip path is greater than the tcjtal loss the wave will Ix; stronger on each arrival at any point in the circuit than on the preceding trip and will continually increase in power until the power limits of the repeater or some other cause prevents a further increase and a steady sing is established. If the gain is less than the loss, the wave will become weaker with each trip from Bi and B^ and back until it falls below the strength which can be detected. KvidentK-. if the repeater gain is made so great that a steady sing is established, satisfactory- telephoning o\cr the circuit will be im- possible. Serious quality impairment ma\- occur, however, when the gain is not so great as this. Consequently, when irregularities are present in a line containing repeaters, the repeater gains are necessarily limited. In the above illustration, it was assumed that two irregularities were present. Serious effects, however, due to the production of echo effects which may Ik? heard by the talker, may be produced !)>' reflection from a single irregularity. Consequently, a single irreg- ularity in the circuit will set a limitation on the repeater gain even though it could not cause singing if a 22-type repeater were used. Frf)m the foregoing explanation, it is evident that the effect of the reflections at the irregularities, which limits the repeater gains, is not dependent upon any special prof)erties of the telephone repeaters. These limitations will necessarily exist with any types of repeater whatsoever which have the property of producing amplification in lM)th directions at the same time. Ki'iKcT oi" IsiNi, Tin: Wkonc; Link Fmpkd.vm r; The discussion will now i)e extended to show tiiat not rinly must the lines with which a repeater is to work be smooth, if limitation of the gains is to be avoided, but also the repeaters must be designed to fit 20 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURSAL lines of out- n-iriinilar \\\k-. Ii li.is just Uvn shown that rcllection takt-s pla(X' if a st-rit-s or a i)riilv;i-ti inipetlamo is inserted in a line. This rolkttion will take place whether the impedance is inserted al some interme«liaie |)«>int in a line or atljacent to a repeater. In- serting such an im|K-.dance each other. .\nother ty|x- of re|Kater circuit, called the booster circuit, was mi'niionei:viii;s K.MrioMM. \ou !■: (omkoi.i.i d Ki i.\\-^ Maiu' (iilTercnt ticvirvs .liiuinii to sriiin- llu- pr.ii-tiral (.•(|iii\.iU-iU of t\vi)-way rcfKMter operation by moans of rulaxs (inri-li.inical or ihcrinionic) rontrollcti by the voice currents tluMUselvcs have Inrn suggestetl. In these devices the action of the rela\s is such that when transmission is passing in one direction throiij;ii a reix-ater, the transmission in the opposite direction is either wholly or par- tially blocked. K\i(lently the gain of such a repeater as this is not limited by impedance irregularities in the lines, since it is really a one-way device during the passiige of speech currents. Repeaters controlled by voice operated devices will not be dis- cussed here further in view of the fact that the principal object of this paper is to treat repwater systems which are truly two-way in their operation. Other Types of Repe.\tf.r That H.we Been Proposed Several of the arrangements that have been proposed by inventors who sought unsuccessfully to produce two-way repeaters not subject to limitation by line irregularities will now be described. 1. Repeaters Involving Balance. A great many circuits ha\e been devised which involve the principle of balance. These always in- volve the same fundamental principle as the h\brid coil used in the repeaters now in commercial service though often the arrangement appears quite different. This principle is that the output energy of the amplifier working in one direction, for example, the east bound amplifier, is divided into two parts, one of which is sent into the line east and the other into the corresponding network. The input terminals of the west bound amplifier are so connected that the effect on them of the current entering the line east is opposed by the effect of the current entering the network and consequently the impedances of the line and network must accurately balance each other to keep the output energy of one amplifier out of the input circuit of the other. Sometimes the balance is effected by connecting the line and network into a common electrical circuit and connecting the input terminals of the amplifier to two points of equal potential in this circuit. In other arrangements two fluxes which depend upon the currents entering the line and network are balanced against each other in the core of a special transformer so that a winding connected to the input of the amplifier is not affected. Usually the impedance of the network equals that of the line, but arrangements are possible and even have certain advantages in 22 BF.U. SYSTEM TllCIISlCAL JOIRSAL which ihc iiierKV is not wiu.illy dividi-tl l»tl\veen the line ant! net- work ami the im|x-rtanl respect to the arrangements now in us*.-. 2. Circuits usiii^ Rectifitrs. In one t\pe of circuit the inventors propose to use rectifiers to prevent the output energy of one amplifier Fig. 6 .iiiiiiK ii|«>n the input circuit of liie oilitr. .\ simple diagram illus- trating the ojKration of this scheme is given in Fig. 0. Rectifiers are placetl in series with the input and output circuits of both amplifiers and [xjled in the directions indicated by the arrow heads which point in the direction the rectifier is supposed to permit current to pass. It is argued that the rectifier in the output circuit of each amplifier permits only currents of one |X)larity to enter the line and that the rectifier in the input circuit of the opposite amplifier is so poled that these cnitput currents cannot [wss it into the input circuit and, there- fore, singing cannot iKcur. If a wave arrives, for example over the line west, the p.jsiiive half waves |xiss through the rectifiers 1 and 2 into the input of the e.ist Uiund and the output of the west bound amplifier respectively. The negative half wavc-s are suppressed by the rectifiers. This is illustr.ited by I-"ig. 7 which shows the wave arri\ing over the line and Fig. S which shows the part of the wave which enters the amplifiers. That jxirtion which reaches the output of the west bound amjili- fier IH hist while the [xirtion which reaches the input of the east bound c.iix or iiioif.iy ii-.i.i.riiosi'. kiweatf.ks 2.\ amplitiiT, is amplituHl, and passt-d on llirmiuli llif ri-clifiiT :{ to tlir line I'.ist. If llu' .implituT wtTi- loinpli-ti-ly distort ioiiU-ss and, tluTi-fort-, rapabli- of antplifs inn direct riirri-nts .iiid tlu- ri-rtilii-rs ptrfi'it, that is, olTcrinn zero resistance to currents in one direction and inl'inile resist- Fig. 7 Fig 8 ance to currents in the opposite direction, the currents transmitted to the line east would have the \va\e shapes shown in Fig. S. As it would be impracticable to make llii' amplifier amplif\- the direct-current component of the wave shown in I-"ig. 8 the amplifier would tend to send out a wave somewhat like that shown in Fig. !», which is the wave of F'ig. 8 with the direct component removed. The rectifier 3 then suppresses the negative half waves, finally per- mitting the wave shown in Fig. 10 to pass to the line east. On account Fig. 10 of the great distortion involved the c|uality of speech would be greatly impaired if, indeed, the speech would not be rendered unintelligible. Assuming, however, that intelligible speech is possible in spite of this distortion, the rectifiers would not prevent singing. Suppose the repeater shown in Fig. 6 to be cut into the line shown in F"ig. 5 at R and that waves are arriving from the line west. There are certain -M HULL SYSTEM TECIISIC.M. JOIRSAL line niiKlitions wliirh ari' praciiiMlly irrtaiii to exist and which wouUl sond back ri-tk-* iwl waves that would reversi- the [xUcntial across the line east at the terminals of the reiK-ater, causing ini[nilscs to reach the input of the west hound amplilier. These im|)ulses will be amplitieil and returnee found under practical conditions. 3. Circiiils usinn ] I ii^h- Frequency Sxcilfhint:,. Another device which is fre<|uentl\ prr>iH>si'd in one form or another is illustrated in Fig. 11. In this case an amplifier is pro\ided for each direction of transmission. These amplifiers are so designed that their amplifying power can he destro\ed and rest(»red |X'ri(Klically at high fre(|uency by currents frtmi a suitable source, the amplifier in one direction being active when the other is inactive. The frecpiency of the controlling cur- rents is aUive the audible range. In a \arialion of this scheme a single amplifier is usestem <-annot sing. Imagine such a rejiealer to Ik- inserted in the line .it R in Fig. 5, .ind that voitx- waves are arriving over the line from /I i. Owing to the nature of the re|iealer these waves will be cut up into a series (/.(/.V OF IliOir.iy TEI.EI'IIOM- KIU'F.AIERS 25 (if piilMS li.i\ini; .1 fr»«nuiuy im|ii.i1 Id tli.il nf tlu- lonlrollinj; currrnl and \.ir\iiii; in in.i^nitiKli- .urordinj; to llic shii|H- of tin- voicr w.ixi- litinj; iransmiltid. riii-sc piilsi-s will W pailialK rrtlrctiil at tin- irrt-nularity B^ and pari of •heir t>nerg\- will ritiirn to tlu- rt(KMtiT. Dur to ihc fad that a tinilt' time is ritiuirud for ihu pulses to pass from R to Bi and bark, tlun' an- likily to arri\i' at tliu riKlU in-, it wonkl !«? possible to select a freciuency such that the pulse would return when the repeater is set against it, but this would re- quire a dilTcrent fre(iuency for each irri'i;ul,iril\ which is obviously impossible. In case the line cannot transmit the high fretiuency pulses, their energy would be stored in the inductance or capacit>- of the first ele- ments of the line L^ and returned to the amplifier when it is in condi- tion to transmit from Li to L\. To a\oid the latter objection it has lx!en proposed to employ low pass filters on the output side of each one-way amplifier to convert the high frecjuency pulses back into ordinary voice waves before passing thcni into the line, but this obviously defeats the object sought in using the high frequency control of the amplification because each amplifier now receives ordinary voice waves and gives out enlarged copies of them which are subject to the same reflections as if plain one-way amplifiers without the high frequency control had been used. From these considerations it will readily be seen that repeater systems depending upon high frequency variation of the gain to avoid singing and the necessitN- for impedance balances are inherently unworkable. Practises in Telephone Transmission Maintenance Work Bv W. H HARDEN W Synopsis: This imikt (IfstriUi. the prailk-al appliralions of transmission nuiinlrnanrc nu-thmls in a lelcphone system. Tho nu-thmls applirable to toll cinuils of vaiious ty|K-s an- first etl in .\p|>endi\ \ of the pa|K-r. IT is the purixise df litis paper to present a neiieral |)iilure i>t the practical applications of inelhrKls of nieasurinj; transmission efticiency in the Bell S\stein which have iteen developed by study and exfK-rience under plant o|K'ratinn conditions. The rapid growth of the telephone industry has made it necessary that these niethtKls be such as to allow them to be applied on a large scale in a sys- tematic and economical manner tliereb\- [iroNiding for a tpiick (x-ritKlic check of the el1icienc\- of the variotis t\|)es of circuits as ihcy are usc-e broadK' detinetl as that mainten- ance work which isdirectetl primarily towartis instiring that the talking elViciencies of the telephone circuits are those for which the circuits are designitl. There are, of coursi>, many elements which afTect the talking efticiency and various d-c. and a-c. tests are available for checking the electrical characteristics of circuits ami equipment to insure that these characteristics are ln-ing maintained in accordance with the proper standards. In the final analysis, however, an overall test of the trans- mission et>icienc\ of the circuit in the condition it is used in service will show at once whether it is giving the loss, or in the case of ampli- fier circuits, the gain which it should give. Transmission tests, theref(»re, offer .i means whereby main- of the electrical characteristics of circuits can lie tjuickly .ind accurateh checked. In referring to transmission testing apparattis in this paper, four si.indard l> jks deMriU-d in pre\ious pajnTs are involved. The first ihri-e iy|R-s listed lielow were descrilx-d by Best and the fourth by 'V.i]trT i>rc»?nlc«l at the P.uilir Cojst Convention, .1. T. E. E., October l')24- aUltiictcd in tfir Journal, .1. /. E. E., Vol. 43, p. 1124, 1924. 26 TF.l.F.rilOSE IR.IXS.MISSI(K\' M.IIM l-X.IXCE 27 Clark.' RrftTiiur in ilii-sf pajH-rs w.is also luaiic In tin- ^latulartl OM-illators UM' a "nu-irr halanci- ' portable set suit.ibk' for both loop and strainlu.i\va\ I raiisniis^ion testing and designed priniariK' for letting circuils and e(|uipnient in the larger eenirat otViees. 4 — .-1 'I'ranstnission Maisurinti Scl. This is a "niL-ler balance" set suitable for both loop and straightaway' transmission testing and designed for (H'rmanent installation al the larger toll otfu'es i)rini,iriK for testing toll eireiiits. 2 — .1 Citin del. This is a "meter balanre" set designed lor miMsiir- ing amplifier gains. Certain other testing methods in addition to Noliime cfficiencN' tests are also extensiveh' used in transmission maintenance work and some of the more import. int of these are lirietK' discussed in .Ap|H;iuli.\ .A of this paper. Since the routine procedures in testing toll circuits using the above apparatus ditTer considerably from those followed in the local or exchange area plant, the toll and local practices have been considered separately in the following discussions: Transmission Tests on Toll Cik( ins The importance of having available means for ([uickK checking the transmission efificiency of toll circuits and of economicalK' main- taining the proper standard of transmission is evident when it is considered that in a plant such as that operated by the Bell System there are at the present time more than 20,000 toll circuits in service. The circuits making up this system are of various types and con- struction, depending on the service requirements and length, and also upon certain other factors determined In- engineering and economical design considerations. From the standpoint of maintaining transmission etticiency between toll offices, the various types of toll circuits can be di\ ided into three general classes: one, non-rcpeatered circuits, two, circuits equipped ' F. H. Best, "Measuring Methods for Maintainini; the Transmission EtTiciency of Telephone Circuits," Journal of the A. I. E. £., February, 1924. .\. B. Clark, "Telephone Transmission over Long Cable Circuits," Journal of the A. I. E. E., January-, 1923. 2S HELL SySTF.M TECIISICAL JOIRX.IL with lelcpljonc repeaters and three, circuits equipped for carrier operation. The latter two classes are alike in many respects as far as the maintenance nietluHls are coiicerne<'j;ical testing te*' r«o<«lTi^ Crcmf I* = 3 S =D= H =|3 o Fig. 2 — Schematic Diagram of Typical Tull Cin iiit Layout to Illustrate (ieneral .Methotl of Testing Non-Rcpeatered, Rcpeatcrcd and Carrier Circuits proccthirc for the arrangement in Fig. 2 is for offices A and D to test the non-repcatered circuits 1 to 4 and 10 to Vi by ha\ing thejn looped two at a time at the distant terminal offices B and (". \W "iriangti- lation measurements" on an%- three circuits in each group, the equi\- alent of each indi\-idual circuit can be readily computed. For the circuits o to 9 extending between offices A and D equii)ped with telephone repeaters or carrier, straightaway measurements can be made in each direction with the two transmission measuring sets pro%-idetl. Loop tests could, of course, also be made on the circuits from either office A or U, but this would require cutting ni.i.i. srsTi-.M inciiMc.iL jovrnal the telephone repeaters out of one circuit or having available a non- repoatcrel I'riiiMiient Transmission me;isuring current is modulad-d and demodulated in the s;ime manner as voice currents under regular operating conditions and the measured if|uivalent, therefore, indicates the overall transmission efficiency. The map of I-'ig. 3 shows the locations in the Bell System of trans- mission measuring sets of the general type described above. At a number of the larger toll centers, such as New York and Chicago, where the number of toll circuits to be tested require it, several trans- mission measuring sets are installed. There arc now in operation ln'twii-n -10 anfl .">() of these sets, making it possible to test all of the longer and more important toll routes in the system. The shorter toll circuits radiating out from the large toll centers are also tested with tlies<' s;mie sets. At the smaller clTiccs where fixed transmission measuring sets are not warranted, the toll circuits which cannot be I)icke.tiMnatic trstinn (>ro^;rani is to have rt-cords of tlu- di-taili-d inaktup of llu- toll cirriiits which give both the circuit layouts and the (.•(iiiiptncnl associated with the circuits. Such a record is valuaMe. not only in giving the main- tenance forces a i)icture of the circuits and e(|iiipmeiil which they ace r^_, ^ "' ■■- .z: TOLL CIRCUIT LAYOUT RECOR 1 .^ l«wn.ll D J" ■■ ■ ■:....-.==z--„;:z:;:: fc:: — TC — — • JS. E — e.-™ ^ ^ -=■ - — — (r?l:i — * mm. TOT*i TiLimo ■I niP^AV * WVa M (MTailuTKM •nrm ^ ^,^ p«* ^ ,I_^ rm^an ••wu •• -,n 1* « n ., J, -tT ^-^ 7? "w- ■' ■^ IT Fig. 4 — Sample of a Toll Circuit Layout Record Card testing, but it also furnishes a means for establishing the transmission standards to which they should work. When transmission tests indi- cate trouble, this record becomes of particidar ser\ice in locating and clearing the cause. Fig. 4 shows a sample of the t\pe of toll circuit Uuout record card which has proven very satisfactory and is now generally used in the Bell System. Telephone Repeater and Carrier Maintenance. \'oice fre(|ueiu\- telephone rei^eaters were discussed in a paper b\- Messrs. (".herardi and Jewetf^ and carrier systems in a paper by Messrs. ("olpitts and Blackwell.* The various arrangements of amplifiers to provide for telephone repeater and for carrier operation as described in these papers tnake up integral parts of toll circuits and introduce elements 'Gherardl and Jpwett, "Telephone Kei)eaters," Transactions of A. I. !•'.. E., IQ19, Vol. X.W III, l>art 2, pps. 1287 to U45. 'Colpitts and Blackwell, "Carrier Current Telephony and Telegraphy," Tnins- actions oj A. I. E. £.. 1921, Vol. XL, pps. 205 to 300. 32 HF.u. sysrr.M jhcusical jovrsal ill the circuits wliicli h.ixc to be given particular local attention in maintaining the overall transmission efficiency. Since both tele- phone repeaters and carrier employ the s;ime tyjies of vacuum tubes with very similar arrangements for power supply, the maintenance requirements for the two are nnich the s;ime. The chief items to be observed in both carrier and reiK-atcr maintenance are that the gains specified to give a desired oxerall transmission equivalent be I rlHi^i—^ ^ ' * — ' Pot.enlt»i"«t«r n«i« Cwrfwtt and Ml«f« S31Cir^««l B«1ar«« Tnt* hij;. 5 — Sihmiatic Diugram of a 22-Typc Telephone Re|)eatcr Showing Important Local Transmission Maintenance Tests kept as constant as possible, that these gains remain fairly uniform within the range t>f frecjuencies invoh'ed, and that conditions do not exist which will ilisiurb the overall balance between the circuits and networks sufficiently to cause i)o<)r quality of transmission. Consioses of the tests being evident from their names. When carrier opi-ration is applied to toll circuits, an additional tr.insmission system is introduced involving the use of currents of higher freriuencies than those in the voice range. From a main- bo c fi o £ @ e 34 HliU. SYSTEM TF.CHSICAL JOVRSAL lenancc stan(l|xiint this means that certain additional testing methods must Ik- emplo\epe B system described by Messrs. Colpitis and Blackwell.* although the same general main- tenance considerations ai)ply to any of the present systems. It will be noted that three si-ries of tests are rec|uired, one for the carrier repeaters, one for the carrier terminals and one for the system as a whole. The nature of these \arious tests and the approximate points in the carrier ssstem where the\- are ajiplied will be e\ iilent from the names and numln-rs used in the figure. For both telephone repeaters and carrier systems, provision is matie in the regular testing e(|uipment so that the tests can be ver\- quickly ajiplied lM>th as a routine proposition and also when rec|uired for trouiili- ioc.itiiii). I k \N^Mi>si<>\ li.Ms ON lv\( n.\N(;ic Ari;.\ C'ikclits The transmission conditions in the exchange area plant are im- portant not only from the standpoint of insuring good local .service but also to insure gcMid tcdl service, since the local plant forms the terminals of toll connections. The exchange or local plant offers a somewhat different transmission maintenance problem than the toll plant, particularly with res|H-ct to the routine testing procedures whiih must be followed to insure s^itisfactory transmission. This will Ik- evident when it is considered that in each city and town a com[)lete telephone system is in oper.ttion which involves the use of a large numl)er of circuits of various types. There are also in use three general types of iele|)hone switching efjuipmcnts; manual, panel machine switching, and step-by-step machine switching, and in cert.iin cities cimbinations of these eiiuipments. It is estimated that at the present time in the Mell System there are in the neighbor- hood of two and one-half million exchange area circuits, exclusive of subM-riU-rs' lines, in\ol\ing eiiuipmenl other than contacts and wiring which ma\ directly affect the transmission of speech. The general clas.ses nf exchange area circuits in both manual and ni.ii liiMi xuit, liiiu. .,Mi,.-s. important from ;i tr.msmission maintenance TELEl'HOSE TKASSMISSIOX M.MSIF.XASCr. 35 standpHnt, are listed in Talili- I. Tlir oprralinj; features of inatniai tt'lcphoiif systems are j;eiierall\' well known as are also the features of step-l)>-stcp niarhine switehinn s\ stems, lioth ha\inn l)een in use for man\- years. The panel machine swilchini; s\slem which is a relatively recent \vitrhl)t>.ir(l |i<>sitiiiii. Thr ntnis .iff piiki'd up .mil plii^j^cd dirrcllN- into tlu' sfi as shown .mil mi-asinviiu'iits ni.uli' of ilu- lo>s of lioili the i-onl .mil opir.itoi's liniiits. Trunk liniiit tisis arr ni.iilc .it ilic switchl>oanls in llif s.inu- nianni-r as prr\ ioiisls- (k-sciilu'd foe loop transmission li'sts on toll riri'iiits, portahU- inr.isurinj; siMs such as shown in Kip. 7 jjcnorally hfinj; I'liiiilini-d for this work. Operators' sets arc ins(HHti'd i)eriostems, pro\ision is made for terminating the circuits in jacks at test desks or frames where they can be picked iii) b\- patching cords and tested as conveniently as the corresponding ty[)es of circuits in manual offices. Machine switching systems otTer an important advantage in transmission testing work, particularly in trunk testing, in that the circuits to be tested can be looped auto- matically b\' the use of dials or selector test sets, thereby doing away with the necessity for ha\ing someone at the distant otfue i-nmplete the loops manually. In panel machine switching offices the circuits involving trans- mission equipment corresponding to cord circuits arc the "district" and "incoming" selectors. These are tested by setting up the trans- mission measuring set at the district or incoming frames and connect- ing the set to the test jacks asss-(oniiefted at the main distrilmtini; frame. An\ two trunks in ilie ^rouj) can then lie aiiio- Trunks Incoming To Office 8 lnc«n>iM f*<»i 1 r^i^ 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 (i ■ rn 1 ..„ i 1 h J ,1 F w b if J 0 1 1 r""*-H .... __ 1 0 Apparatus (l ) Arr'w>gcment t>iowina method of making overall Trans miss ton Taste on Trunk* between Two Panel Machine "Switching Offices 1 TrantmiMion Circu't St a E J:® Trunks Incoming To Office B Stfeetor Selector Connecter s3" ig- :7 0 Apparatus in TraoimiMion Circuit @ Apparatus in Tran^r-ititon Circuit (2) Arrangement showing method ofmaldrg overall Transmission Tests cnTrunVs betwern Two Step by Step Machine Switching Offices Kig. 9 — Schematic Diagrams Showing Metho' c(|iii|>inont otluT tli.ui rontails aiul wiring in the trans- mission circuits l)iit thc'Sf »an l»c tested in tlie same manner as con- nectors if it is ilesired to ciieck the wiping contacts and wiring. Toll selectors which invoUe e<|uipnient in the transmission circuit can also 1)C testem.ill ir.ufliii^ font' willi .1 small anuuiiil of Uslin^; c(|uipimiii. Iliis ii'siills ill .1 wry rcoiioniical Ir.insiiiission Icstiii^ program wliili- al ilie saim- limo insuring; lliat Iraiismissioii coiulilioiis ar»> maintaiiu-d -.ilisif.ictoriK . I-ig. 10 shows a tjpicai Iraiismissioii icsliiig team layout. The It-am is C(]uippod with an automobile which proves an economica> means ol ir.insportation between offices and exchange areas and fTTEk Fig. 10 — Illustration cf a T\p Testing Team Layout pro\ides a con\enicnt meth(jd for carrying the testing equipment. During transportation this equipment is packed in padded trunks which insures against injun,-. In this particular case the equipment includes, in addition to transmission testing sets and oscillators, other apparatus such as a wheatstone bridge, crosstalk set and noise measur- ing set so that other maintenance work may be done in connection with tran^mi^ision testing whenever this is desired. Results Accomplished The results accomplished in transmission maintenance work can best be appreciated by considering the kinds of troubles which ad- versely affect transmission and which can be detected and eliminatetl by routine testing methods. Consideration is first given to the general causes of troubles which are detrimental to both toll nnrl jural trans- 42 /'/:/./. .V)\/7;A/ IICIIXIC.II. JiH KS.II. niissidii, aixl l.itiT llio fe.iturcs iit this coniurlioii iudr- parliciilailv UkMitiru"*! with tflfphoiic ri'iH-Miors and i-arrier s\slems arc discussed. The difTereiU elassi's i)f i-ircuits i^ixcn in Tahle I arc made up of various comliinalions of tlic following indiviihial parts: Rc|>eating Coils Kelurilatiun Coils RiUiys Coiuli-nscrs riiiKS Jacks Ki\s Ik-al Coils Kcsislances AuiD-Transfrirniors l"arlKins WiriiiK SwiltliJMjard to M. 1). 1". liiiliirtion Coils l.o;i d-c. or a-c. tests in connection with the regular day-by-day main- tenance work or by transmission measuring sets, and B — troubles which can be detected most readily by transmission measuring sets. The most important troubles in the abo\e classes are as follows: Claw A Class B ( l|H-|IS I'.lctrie.il Defects ( iroiinils Iiuiirreil Wiring CrosMs WroiiK lyiH' <)f i;(|iii|iiii eiu Ciitoiils MissinK K<|ui|>inem lli>;li Kesistance Low Insiil.iiidn If, in m.iking ir.insnii^ion tests in a cent ml office, a liigii pcr- cent.igeof ("l,iss A troubles is found the remedy isgener.illy to instigate lEU-.rnosi-. ih!.i\sMissi(>\ m.iim i.x.im i. a.\ mon- rii;i(l Incal m.iiiiti-ii.mcf r |),i\ini; |).irlinil.ir .iiiciilinii to thf ly(H' of ririuits in wliirli llic iroulik-s .irt- Inc.iii'd. I'lu- |)<-i- ifiitano of Class B troiil)U's is not as a ruU- as liinh as tlu- ("lass A troul)lt's aiul I'xixTiencf lias shown lliat wlu-n ("lass H trouMis an- oiH'v clinun.ttt.'(l by transmission tcslinn ini'iluxls only itifrr(|iu'nt siibsi'cim-nt tvsts are rr(|uirf(l to take care of an\- additional troubles of this class which may get into the plant. In determining what constitutes an excess loss, the value of tiie transmission as well as the practical design and manufacturing con- sitierations to meet o|x'rating limits are taken account of. An excess gain is also considered as a trouble on circuits etjuippeil with ampli- fiers, since this may produce poor (juality of transmission which is likely to be more detrimental to service than an excess loss. The value of transmission based on economical design considerations varies, depending on the first cost and annual charge of the particular types of circuits involved. A gain of one TU in the toll plant is generally worth more, for example, than one in the local plant, since it ccsts more to provide. In transmission maintenance work the cost of making transmission tests and clearing trouble is i)alanced against the \alue of the transmission gained for the [>urposc of est.ib- lishing economical transmission limits to work to. Speiijic Examples of Common Troubles Found and Their Effect on Transmission. Certain kinds of troubles which are detected by transmission measuring sets do not cause excess losses which can be quantitatively measured. Such troubles are, however, readily de- tected by "ear balance" transmission measuring sets in that the\' cause noise or scratches and by the "meter balance" sets from fluctu- ations cf the needle of the indicating meter. The most common trouble of this kind is due to cutouts or opens which may be caused by dirty connections, loose connections, improper key and relay adjustments, etc. While not causing a quantitative value of excess loss, this class of trouble is very detrimental to transmission and more serious in many instances than fixed excess losses. Indeter- minate troubles of this nature are gi\en an arbitrary excess loss \aluc based on experience. Considering troubles which gi\e definite losses, the most common kinds are caused by electrical defects in equipment, incorrect wiring of equipment in circuits and wrong types of equipment. The other classes of troubles, such as crosses, high resistances, and low insula- tion, also generally give measurable excess losses but these are not as common in the plant, since troubles of this nature are more likely to affect the signaling and operation of the cirrin'ts and are, therefore. BEI.I. SYSTEM Tl-CIIMC.-IL JOLR.X.-iL fliniin.iud l>\- tlio ri-niil.ir m.iiiiUiiaruc work. Missini; iqiiipniciU will in (-iTt.iiii rases causi' a yaiii in transmission Imi aftccls (Ik- circuits advcrst'U- in other wa\s. Typical examples of connnon irouliles. willi the excess losses wiiicli they cause, are given in the following table: Type of Circuit and Equipment Repeating coils in cords, incoming trunk circuits, select- ors, toll connectors Su|>ervi>>or>' relays in "A" corii circuits Bridged retardation coils or relays in toll cord circuits, coni- (losite sets, connect- ors ami slep-by-stcp repeaters l< e () e a t i n g coils on loatknl toll switching trunks Iniluction coils in op- erators' telephone sets Cause of Trouble KIc-clrical defects (dcnerally short cir- cuited turns) Incorrect wiring (Gen- erally reversed wiml- ings) KIcctrical defects (f) p c n non-inductive winding) Klc-ctrical clefc-cts (Gen- i-rally short circuited turns) Wrong ty|)C of cfjuip- ni cut, incorrect wir- ing Klectrical defects. In- corri-ct wiring Approximate Excess Transmission Loss' 1.5 to 5.0 TU 2.0 to l.S.O TU .\l)out 2.5 TU 1.0 to 5.0 TU 1.(1 to 4.0 TU 1.0 to 1,?,0TU There are, of course, many other specific types of troubles delected by transmission tests which give definite quantitative losses but the al)ove will serve to illustrate the value of this testing work in eliminat- ing excess losses in a telephone plant. Muintename Features Peculiar to Telephone Repeaters and Carrier Systems. The siime classification of troubles discussed above applies to repeaters and carrier systems. Amplifier equipment, however, employs certain feattires which are not common to the more simple telephone circuits and stjme of the troubles which may occur if the pro[KT maintenance procedures are not followed will seriously affect servite. It is for this reason that repeater and carrier installations are pr.ml^si(>n or iMiisf service troubles in olhcr ways are as follows : Filamiin H.iiuru^ I'litcntiomctiTs Plate Rattcriis l"iltirs ("■rid Batteries Transmission Kqualizers \'acuuni Tubes Signaling Kquipnient Balancing K(|ui|>nu'iil Tatching Arrangements The tests oiillineil in the nuiin body of tiie paper aim lo insure that tile above essential |)arts of repeater and carrier circuits are functioning properly and that the equipment as a whole is giving the desired results in overall transmission efJiciency. CoNCLfSION The aluive discussion of testing methods and tlio results ticcom- plishcd indicate how a comprehensive and economical transmission maintenance program can be applied to a telephone plant to check the volume efficiency of the circuits against the established standards. Consideration is continually being given to new testing methods and their applications in order that further improvements in service ma>- be effected and increased economies in testing taken ad\'antage of. AI'I'KXDIX A f*KiN(iPi,i:s OF Testing Methods Closely Associ.\ri;i) uiiii Tr.wsmissiox Efficiency Tests Tests of \olume efficiency often need to be supplemented by other methods of testing in transmission maintenance work. Transmission efficiency both as regards volume and quality may be seriously affected by noise or crosstalk, and tests for an\' conditions of this kind are therefore important in maintenance work. Furthermore when efficiency tests show excess losses or unsatisfactory circuit conditions other testing methods prove very valuable in locating the cause. To illustrate this phase of transmission maintenance the principles of some of the more important testing methods are briefly described below. Two of the tests employ a method very similar to loop trans- mission testing while others employ the well known "null" method. A special method employing three winding transformers and ampli- fiers widely used to determine impedance balance conditions between lines and networks is also described. Several methods which involve simply current and voltage measurements have lieen mentioned in 46 BF.l.l. SYSTEM ir.CIIXIC.II. JOIKXAL this paper l>iil tlu-st- art- Kt^nirally will known am! tlicrefore require no tietaiied description. 1. Measirkmknts of Crosstalk In the circuit shown in Kig. 1 1. if a-c. power is supplied to a circuit known as the "disturhinn" circuit and unlialances exist between this circuit and a second known as the "disturbed" circuit, power will be transferred from one circuit to the other causing crosstalk in the second. A dehnite jwiwer transmission loss therefore takes place between the two circuits which can be measured by a loop trans- mission test similar to the elTicicncy tests described in the main body of the pajK'r. An adjustable shunt called a "crosstalk meter" cali- C'oit Talk Uuijtr MeMv-em«flU of C/ots Talk Fig. 11 — DiaKraiii SliowiiiK I'rincipK's of ("riisstalk Measurements lirated in either 77' or in irossialk units is subs(iluuinion of the obser\er, the annoyance produced li\' the tone in the recei\er is judged to be equal for the two conditions. The reading of the shimt if there was no distrtance and use in telephone maintenance work. It supplies an indis|X'nsiible nuthnd of measurement for certain trouble locations, such as crosses and grounds anfl emlxxlies the fundamental principles uf all null tests. Diagram (b) of l-'ig. II gives a bridge circuit for measuring imped- ance, the particul.ir .irrangement shown being for measurements of inip.il-iii. .•>. h.iving inductive reactance. The bridge measurements TEl.EPllOXr. rR.lXSMISSlOX M.IIM r.X.IXCIi 49 express impedance in terms of its resistance component and ecjuivalent inductance or capacit>'. In ineasurini; an im|)edance li.i\inj{ inductive reactance at any fre(iuenc\ , /, for example, a l)alance ni\es R = Rx and L=Lx. At tlie fre(iueni-\- /, the etTecti\e resistance is given direcll\- 1)V tlie \alue of R and the re. ut, nice li\- the rilalinn, 1 ir f L_ (a) Otreci Current Peftr«tar>ce Null M«ih«d of Meac< (b) Impedance having rnducCive Pedctence -ing Peftisiance.Peactance and Impedance Fig. 14 — Diagrams Showing Principles of N'uU Metliotis for Measuring Resistance, Reactance and Inipcilance Tlie impedance is tiic \ectorial sliih of these two or v i?- + (2 ir/L)-. In maintenance work invoi\ing; impedance measurements as will be noted in the next testing method descrilied, the effective resistance component and the eqiii\aleiU indtictaiue are generally used directly without combining. 5. M E.XSCREMENTS OF LiNE IMPEDANCE AND LOCATION OI- Im PEDANCE Irregularities Fig. 1.5 shows a telephone circuit connected to a bridge and termi- nated at its distant end in characteristic impedance. If the circuit has approximately uniform impedance throughout its length the resistance and equivalent inductance curves of this impedance within a range of frequencies will be fairly smooth as indicated by .4 and C of the figure. The curves are not perfectly smooth since it is not practicable to construct the line for perfect impedance uniformity. If at some point in the circuit an irregularity is [jresent such as an omitted loading coil, an inserted length of line of different construc- tion, etc., which changes the impedance, this will produce a periodic change in the resistance and inductance cur\'es A and C such as shown by Curve B. Curve C will be changed in the same way as Curve -4 but for simplification this is not shown on the diagram. The change in impedance in the circuit reflects some of the current sent out back to the sending end where it adds to or subtracts from 50 /?/■/-/. SrSTHM ll-CHXIC.IL JOlKX.iL the st'iulinv; lurrfiit cit'iK-iulinn on llu- phase relations of ilie iwn cur- rents at any particular fre(|iiency. Since imix-dance equals E I its value changes as the \alue of / changes. This is made use of in line impedance measuring work to gi\e a location of inipedaiue irregu- larities which mav exist somewhere in the line. C*co»l under Tert 3 Null >MUe« trrequlai l-'ig. IS — Diagram and Imix^danrc Curves Showing Principles of Line Impedance .Measurements by Null Method and Location of Impedance Irregularities Referring to Fig. 1'), let d cqua\ the distance in miles to an im- IH'dance irregularity and /, one frequency at which the resistance comiMinent of the impedance is a maximum. The next maximum |)oint will occur at a frequency /: such that as the frequency has been increased, one complete wa\e length is added in the distance lra\eletl by the reflectetl current. Maximum points at /.i, A, etc., occur in the s;ime way as the frequency is increased. Considering the two values /i and /j let r =vel.\ M. Il.\ I i.x.iscr. \l fir<|ui'iii\ fi tlu'ii. V- 2'^ .in.l ,,t '... .V+l= ?y .ilsd at 1 1. Wi= V/fx ..iulat/2. W:.= V'fi Substituting alxixr >ul>tracliug, A' = 2rf/, " V and .Y+l = _2df, V 1 = 2dh V 2rf/, V J - V 2(h-h) which is the distance in miles froni the sending end of the circuit to the (X)int of impedance irregularity. The velocity of propogation V is not exactly constant within the entire frequency range but does not vary sufficiently to materially effect the accuracy of impedance trouble locations bv this method. Mutual Inductance in Wave Filters with an Introduction on Filter Design By K. S. JOHNSON and T. E. SHEA I'Akr I General I'him iii.is ui W.wi-: Fii.riiR Dksign Principles of Generalized Dissynitiielrical Xehcorks. W'c shall con- sider first llu- inipcdanco ami propajjation cliaractcrisiics of certain gen- eralized networks. It can be slunvn that any passive network haviir^ one pair of input and one pair of output terminals may, at any frequency, he completely and adequately represented by an equivalent T or v net- -? — WWV 1 WWV 9- I.- J I,' Z.,| V. Z.. |Zc Z..V, Fitc. 1 — C.cntTaliztil Dishyiiiinelriral T Network Connectc The real and iniat[inary |i,irt!. o( the transfer constant have U-en called by Zobel the dimiHUlioH ,,milnimetry of the structure, the image impedances at both ends are identical, and from e{|uation ('.i) or (4) their value may be shown' to be Z, = ^Z.Z,(l-H^). (6) In the case of a s\inmelrical 7' structure, such as is shown in Fig. 2, the impetrinlurc shown in I'iv;. H is ri'K.irdcd .is m.idr up of >.\ iiimiMrical 7' lU'tworks or sfclioiis, tlu- jmirliniis of which occur .il ihc luiil-poiiils of thi' si-rii's anus. Sup|X)so now tlial tlu- ^truclun' of Kij;- •{ is itmsidcrfd lo Ik- m.idf up of syinnu-trical s- lu-tworks, or si-ctions, each of which is ri'|)ri'stMitcd VvVW AWW- -A/VWV- -j\tUh Kig. J — CifiUT.ilizi'il^Kii uritiit SiTics-Sluiiit Network 3 H, Hi'lZj. f 2Z, Z2,% Z,.^Z:. Fig. 4 — Generalized Syninietrical t Network Connected to Impedances Equal to Its Image Impedances as in Fig. 4. By nu-thods similar to those empIo\etl for tiie T network of Fig. 2 it can be siiown'' that the iniage impwhmce of the general- ized JT network of Fig. 4 is gi\en by Z,= ^ z,z. 1+ (7) In this symmetrical structure the image impedance is called the mid- shunt imave impedance. The image transfer constant of either a T or a tt symmetrical struc- ture is^ e = ^l+jB = 2 sinh-"-y|^ = cosh-'(l+;^). (8) In discussing the generalized networks of Figs. 1, 2 and 4, it has been assumed that the networks were terminated in their respective image imfH-dances. In practical cases, filters must be designed to work between inifK-dances which are, in general, not exactly efjual to their 56 PEI.L SYSTHM TECHNICAL JOIRXAL image ini|Kxl.mits al more tliaii one or a few frcc|iieiuiej. I- or a gi-neralizcMl strucliirf, sutli as that of Fig. 1, operating between a sctiditiii-ciid impedance Zs and a receirin'^-ciid impedance Zr, the current in Zr, for an electromotive force acting in Zs, is h = ^HV X '^r . X xjif^-^^ X ^s+Zr x^AZJZr Z,,+Zs Zi,+Zr Xt-oX y y—\ y • (9) Zj^ — Zr AU—/.S v^-2» Ninee A [Z^-Y'Zr] is the currenl (/«■) which would flow if the gcner- alizetl T network were not inherled in the circuit, the ratio of the re- ceived current, wiih and 'wilhoiil the network in the circuit, may l)c exprcssi'd l)y the relation Ir ^ ( Zs+Zr \ (VJZ,^) (ViZjTR) Ik- \^AZ^r) V Z,,+Zs ' ^ Zu+Zr ' Xt-OX -y y-^ jr\ • (10) fZi,-ZR\/Zj,-Zs\ 2» \Zi,+Zr)\Z,,+Zs) In general, the electromotive force does not act through a simple sending-cnd im|)edance Z.s l)ut through some complex circuit. The current ratio (Ir Ir) will, howe\er, he the same in either case. The |)rinciple imderlying this fact is known ;is Thei'cniii's Theorem.'' The absolute magnitude of the current ratio, \ Ir Ir |, is a measure of the transmission loss caused by the introtluction of the network. The transmission loss ma\" be expressed in terms a( transmission imits (7"t') l)y aid of the following relation rt/ = 201og,o|(^i. (11) Reference to e(|uatiiin (10) shows tli.il the transmission loss caused by the iniriKluction of any network is composed of five factors. The first three f.utors of this e(|uation ;ire all of the Siinie general type with the exci'plion that the first of the three is reciprocal in nature tl f.n tor li,i> l«t«ii i .illcd ilu' inlenution factor. The \aluf of till" ri'dfiiiKii I.U lor i> t\ idtiilK .» fimrtion sim()l\- of the ratio of the iiniHil.mres iiuoKed, while the ahsoliile \aliie of tlie transfer factor is t ' wliere .1 is the re.il |M>rtion of the transfer constant and hence is the attenuation constant. 'Pile \alue of the interaction factor is seen to i)e unity eitlier when Z i^ = Zr or whvn Zt^=Zs. It also approaches unity if the vahie of O is sufficiently large. In the case of a symmetrical structure, such as is shown in I'ip;. 2, or Fii;. 4, Zi,=Zi.=Zi and e(iuation (10) reduces to h ^ ( Zs+Zr \ (VTzJZs) (V-IZiZr) U- V y/AZsZR' \ Z/+Z5 / ^ Z,+Zr I Xt-ex ,y y \y 7 , • (12) 1 _ (Zi-Zr\ /Zi-Zs\ ^^, \Z, + Zr)\Z,+Zs) If the structure is symmetrical, and if, furthermore, the sending-end impedance Zs is equal to the rccciving-cnd impedance Zr. equation (12) becomes 7^.-* ^{z,+ZRr-^. (Z,-zr\^ _^; ^'^> \Z,+Zr) ' The preceding formulae make it possible to calculate rigorously the transmission loss caused by any network whose image impedances and transfer constant are both known. In the symmetrical case, if Zi=Zs = Zr, the transmission loss is determined simply by the \alue of the attenuation constant. In general, in the attenuation range of freciuencies, the value of 6 of a wave filter is relatively large and the interaction factor is substantially unity. Consequently, the transmission loss caused by any filler in its attenuation range is de- pendent practically only upon the value of the attenuation constant and the reflection losses between Zs and Z/,, Zr and Z/,, and Zs and Zr, respectively. Throughout most of the transmission range of a filter, its image impedances may be nuide very closely equal to the terminating impedances so that the transmission loss caused by the filter in this range is dependent simply upon its attenuation constant. In the intervening range, between the attenuated and the non-at- tenuated bands, the transfer factor, the reflection factors and the interaction factor must all be taken into account.^ ' Zobel, O. J., "Transmission Characteristics of Electric Wave-Filters," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., Oct., 1924. 58 PELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Impedatice and Profxttialion Charaiteristics of Non-Dissipative Fillers. If thi; scries and shunt inipotlanccs of the structures shown in Figs. 2 and 4 are pure reartances. as they would l)e in the case of a non-dissi|)ative filter, the ratio of the quaiuit\- Z) AZ^ must be eitlier a i)ositive or nejjative numeric. It has been shown b>' ('ampbell' and «)thers thai the attenuation constant is zero, and that the structure freely transmits at all frwiuencies at which the ratio Zi/4Zi lies between 0 and — 1. Therefore, In ploitinj; values of the ratio Zi/AZi il is [xjssible to determine the attenuation characteristic of any sym- metrical structure as a function of fretjuency. Iti the transmission ranne, the phase constant of the s\niiiutric.il structure shown in Fig. 2 or Fig. 4, is ^ = 2 ^'" \l^- (14) Hence, the expression for the image transfer constant of either of the symmetrical structures shown in Fig. 2 or Fig. 4 is 9 = 0+7 2 sin- J Z^. (15) In the attenuation region, Z.\ \Z.i may be cither negative or pnsiti\e. If Zy AZt is negative anti is greater in absolute magnitude than iinii\ , the attenuation constant is .■l=2cosh-'^Z^> (16) .111(1 'he phase constant, or the imaginary' component of the image transfer constant, is B = (2K-\)ir (17) when- A' is an\- integer. Ili^ncc, e = 2cosh-' lz:|i+7(2A'-l);r. (18) \ AZt From e<|uation (S), when Zi/4Zj is positive, the altciiuatinn idii'-tam is /I=2sinh-'^|_i|^ (19) and the ph.ise ci..tl Tliciry of ihr Klnlrir \V;i\o-Kill(r," Hrll Svs Tech Jour., Nov., Ijifia/Hi — ■ — II — • o^ifli/-^ 1-^ 12 3 i ^1 -c>- - are reciprocal in nature, that is, their product is a constant, independent of freciucncy. Reactance characteristics Nos. 3 and 4 are similarK- relatetl if the frequencies of resonance and anti-resonance coincide. Similar relations e.xist between character- istics Nos. 5 and (», and between characteristics Nos. 7 and 8. Two forms of reacl.incr mesh in Fig. ."> (Nos. .")a and .'jb) give the same Mcrc.u. iXDt'CT.ixcii IX u:iri. iu.u.ks reactaiuv i-liar.utt'iistii- (No. .") of Fijj. 11) and arc, tluTrforf, l)y projMT design, oltrtriially o(iiiivaliMU. Cliararteristic No. iuls to two roactaiuv inoshos of Fig. 5 (N'os. fia antl (il)) and the latter may, therefore, be eonsidered etentially C(|ni\alenl; also reactance 00 /I n /— 1 CD A" J rr n JU ^. n \ A / V / y \ V n —i 0 / 0 1 0 \iLJ ^ 0 \ 0 \ 0 f 00 0 00 0 z CD 0 3 01 1—1 o'-^ 0 f CD 0 5 00 0 7 (D 0 A O-fCDO ODO 000 OOO OOO OOO OOO OO ' A '^ m * /uk ^ nn mm nm OfCDOCD 0 030 CO OfCDO OOO COO 000 ODO COO 333 9 10 II 12 13 14 Fig. 7 — Propagation Constant (.Attenuation Constant and Phase Constant) Characteristics, Shown in Symbolic Form meshes .Nos. 8a, 8b, 8c and 8d of Fig. 5 are represented by reactance characteristic No. 8 of Fig. G and, consequently, may also be designed to be equivalent. The equivalence of the above reactance meshes has been discussed by Zobel ' and will be subsequently treated at length. It is to be understood that, for the sake of brevity, in what follows, meshes Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 cover, respect i\'eK-, all forms of the e(iui\alent meshes: .5a and .5b; Ga and Gb; 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d ; anrl 62 lU.LI. SYSILSt II.UIMC.IL JULKS.U. 8a, 8b, 8c and 8(1. L'sing these reactance comliinalions ' for the series and shunt arms, there are only a relati\x'ly small number of types of filter struct iirc-^. All of these types of filter structures arc ',- nd^A.Ji±^^iNi 0 f 03 0 QO 1 2 0 OD 3 0 CO 0 CD 0 5 CD 0 0 00 6 '*^ 0 f CD 9 10 iiJ ly/tj h:^ OD 0 0 00 0 12 I ^y 0 CD C (E 15 +y\+/ 0 CD 16 \A/ A^-K- 4.U-i \[\/ V+A A-v A""'' OfOOO mo QDO CDO 030 CDC CD 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .M^i -V / _slJ CD 2,,/ > 0 f CD 25 2G 0 00 27 -1^ 26 II ZtL 0 CD 29 +(\n- cm 0 CD 30 31 0 CD- 32 0 f 33 CD 34 /' /* '1 '+V-»' t^ V t I 0 CD 35 3G V' 0 (D 37 r A" 00 0 36 h'+\'-* CO 3^ i S 0 m 40 RESISTANCE REACTANCE (POSITIVE (+) OR NEGATlVEH) I-"iK. S -MulScrics and Micl-Sluint Imapc Impedance Characteristics, Shown in Symliolic Form li>ti'(j,s.v, /n'lj/; fxiss, and hiiiid pass filters (having only one transmission band) and baud elimination ' The grniral nuthcirl of ileriving the nttcniialion and phase characteristics of a Mt'liiin from the rearlance-frr«|iienry characteristics of its scries ami shunt arms in diM'Uuol by /olicl in Bililiography 13. 00 ■hi J, 1 CDS —a 1 00 00 More Than Six Elements c H X ii 1 3 More Than ' More Than Six Six Elements Elements 1 s r- X «) B 2 H x«^ 1 = 1^ ^1 BQ « 2 H X 1 1 S 1 = H X u 1 " ■3 « Si. §:« 23 = T O o 7 ■»»■ 1 Hi 9-21-39 9-38-25 10-21-40 10-39-25 a 2 fl 2 ;= C H X ji 1 ^ 1 5 1 -!ca t 7 -t 9-22-36 9-35-24 10-22-35 10-37-24 c „ H X u 0-7; c 1 S i 2 H..x| 1 S ■* 3v 4- 1 7 00 1 4 1 00 4 1 1 1 00 :> "5 ■a 5 1 1 77 11 2 1 1 r5 1 1 1 1 >»> 00 3i r-l S 7 o^ ■2 i c ^ ME — r3 11 " 7 1 T J 1 il il Jl il - (N fO ■* lO >o - 00 IV Hv .i.vnus (A liF.I.I. SYSTEM 7 ECIIXIC.il. .lOCR.WIL filters (having; l\v(» pass liaiuls ami onK' out' attenuation band). Their attenuation constant and phase constant characteristics, with respect to freqiiencN-, arc shown s\ niholically in Fig. 7. The mid-series and mid-shiMit iniajje iniiK-Klance characteristics with respect to frequency are shown in Ki>j. 8. In Table II, the figure at the head of each column indicates the reactance mesh in Fig. 5 which is used for Zi (scries impe' mesh 4 of Fig. 5. The attenuation constant and phase constant characteristics of this filter are shown symbolically by diagram ."> f)f l-ig. 7, while the mid-series and mid-shunt image impetlances are indicated, respecti\ely, by diagrams 13 and 14 of Fig. 8. The s>nil)olic nature of the diagrams lies in the fact that the abscissae of each diagram co\er the frequency range from zero to infinit\-, and the ordinates of Figs. 7 and 8 cover the attenuation constant and the impedances from zeio to infinity. For example, the structure lited has an attenuation cijnstant characteristic (diagram o of Fig. 7) com|K>sed of a transmission band lying between two at- tenuation bands, the attenuation constant being infinite in one of them at zero frequency, and in the other, at infinite frequency. The phase constant of this structure is — »• radians in the lower of the two attenuation bands, increases from —ir to +7r riulians in the trans- mission band (passing through zero), and is -f ?r radians throughout the up|)cr of the two attenu.ition bands. The mid-series image imiKxIance (diagram 13 of Fig. 8) is a negative reactance in the lower of the two transmission bands, decreasing from infinity, at zero fre- (|uency, to zero at the lower cul-ofT frecjuencN-, is a imre resistance throughout the transmission band, ami is a positi\e reactance, increas- ing from zero to infinity, in the upper of the two attenuation bands. The mid-shunt image imindance characteristic (diagram 14 of Fig. 8) is reciprocal in nature, for this structure, to the mid-series image impcut>i(lo tin- so>|h- of this |).i|)(t r\rn lltoiiuli rn.iiiy i)f till" structuros listi-on(liiii; vahie of {Z\'AZ-i)„ for the derived w(-typc is also 0 or — 1. lienee, the derixed l\pe has tlie same cut-olT fre(|ucn(ics and 24 o u CL 16 12 g 8 Z u 4 ♦=±0°-^ g ^ ■;<^^ '^ // x®'!^^ ^'^y^ ^ r 4 / -*=±I80° W^^ — -"^=±165° 7 0.4 0.8 K = 1.2 _| Z, 1.6 2.0 4Z, Fig. 11 — .\ttcnuation Constant (in Tf) of a Filter Sfction Kxprcssed in Ternisof the Ratio of ItsSeries Impeici> .iikI ciniil.ir r.iili.iiis, ri's|Hrli\i'ly. They art- ri'|>ivsi-iit«.'y f.iniilics <»f fiirvTS siirli as art- shown in l-i^s. 1 1 and 12. A i-omi-nii'Mt ratio wliich i-xpresst-s tlie dissipation in any rrartance lUiinnl is the al)solutc r.itio, d, of its effective resistance to its re- actance. Ill the case of a coil, d = R/Lw while in the case of a con- di-nser d = RCui. The reciprocal ratio Q= y = -jr =-57^- has al.so l)een widely used as a nieasure of dissipation in reactance elements. The ratio (/ or Q will not, in general, Ix- constant over a wide fre(|iiency z, 2 2 L, 2 0 '7T7TTP 2C, 2C, L, 2 }' —^ 0 jO 0 2 Fig. li — Typical Band Pass W'.ivc Kilter .Section (.Mid-Series Termination) range. If the value is known at an iniixirtant frequency in the trans- mission range, it may ordinarily be regarded to hold for the rest of the transmission range. The effect of dissipation on the attenuation constant is most important in the transmission band, where the at- tenuation constant would Ix; zero if there were no dissipation. Its effect is most pronounced in the neighborhood of the cut-off fre- quencies where the transmission bands merge into attenuation bands. In the attenuation bands, the general effect of dissipation is negli- gible. It largely controls, however, the value of the attenuation constant at those frequencies at which infinite attenuation would occur if there were no dissipation. The effect of dissipation upon the phase constant is most pronounced in the neighborhood of the cut-off frequencies where resistance rounds off the atjriipt changes in phase which would otherwise occur (see Fig. 12). Characteristics of a Typical Filter. In order to illustrate specifically the principles employed in filter design, consider as an example the band pass structure 3 — 3 of Table II. This structure is illustrated in Fig. 13. It will be assumed that the dissipation in the coils cannot be neglected, but that the dissipation in the condensers is of negligible 70 Hr.l.l. SYSTEM TllCIISICAL JOL'RSAL Ill.l^;nitlulc. If Ri and R- are the olTcclive rosislanri-s of tin- iiuiiictancc iliiiunis Li aiul L-,, rcsiK-ctively, the series imix-ilance, Zi, of a series- shunt recurrent structure CDniposed of sections of the type shown in Fig. 13 is Z, = /.,+,(./,.-^;.). (24) The impedance of the siiunt arm is Z, = R,+jLl,— \]. (25) In substituting for /?i its vahie l.\wd and for R: its vahie L-mI, the ratio Zi '4Zi becomes 1 -J'l - 7^r-r^ Assuming d to be zero, the ratio Z\ 4Zj is Zi ^ L\{^LxCi-\) AZt 4C,(u.'LjC,-l)' (27) Referring to Tal)le 11, the structure shown in Fig. 13 has two dis- tinct attenuation and phase characteristics. These are, respectively, characteristics Nos. 9 and 10 of I'ig. 7. These two sets of cliaracter- istics arise from the fact that liie shunt arm may be resonant at a frequency less than, or greater than, the resonant frequency of the series arm. The two attenuation characteristics are inverse with resf)ect to fret|uency. We shall, therefore, discuss only one of the two cases, namely, that in which the shunt arm resonates at a frequency greater than the resonant fre(|uency of the series arm (that is, LiC\ is greater than L^C;)- The fre is ilit- \n\wr nl ilic Iwd ciil-olT lri'i|iii-iii-ii's (fx). lli.U is r,= ' . (29) 2jrv /.iC Hs oii (27) thr iippiT (iil-nrf frc- (liii'iu-y (/•) is found lt> lu' ■'' 27r\ C,t'2(L,+4Lj)" (30) For these exjilicit relations for /i. /■.. an(i/„, cfiuation (2(1) may be rewritten When d is zero this eciuatioii heeonies, for the iion-(lissipati\e case 4Z From the precediii;j; formul.n' .uul trom tlu- lurxes shown in I'igs. 11 and 12, it is possible to read directly the attenuation constant and the phase constant for the structure shown in Fig. 13, at any fre- quency, provided the values of /i,/: and /x are known. The formulae for the dissipative case are of use mainly throughout the transmission bands and near the frequency /». Elsewhere, the formulae for Zi'4Z-> for the non-dissipative structure may be employed without undue error. The preceding formulae have been derived in a direct manner, but may be obtained more simply by considering the structure of Fig. 13 to be a derived form of the structure 3 — 2 in Table II. In order to minimize reflection loss effects, it is, as a rule, desirable to terminate a filter in an impedance ccjual to the image impedance of the filter at the mid-frequency," (Jm) or at some other important frequency. From equation (6) and the values of Zi and Zj, the mid- series image impedance (Zu), at the mid-frequency in the non-dissipa- tive case is " Dcfinely upon impedance ratios. Con- iH-<|iicntly, the alxjve thcori-ni is unite Kener.il and applies not only to filters hut to any pauivr network. Miu.it. /.v/'fcr./.vc /i i.\ win: viinns As a numerical example of the determiiiatiou of the constants of a filter section of the type uiuier consideration, assume that the lower cut-ofT frequency, /i, is 20,000 cycles, and that the upper cut-off fre- (luency,/3, is 2.5,000 cycles and that the fre(iuenc\' of infinite atlenu- .ition,/», is 30,000 c>clcs. Assume, furthermore, that the value of the mid-series image impedance, Z,,, at the mid-frec|ucncy is (500 ohms. Then from formula (41), w = .742; hence from (37), Li = .0284 henrN-; from (38), C, =.00224 X 10' farad; from (39) Lo = . 00.577 henry and from (40) 6'; = .0048GX lO'* farad. Assuming d = .Ol, the value of Zi AZ-i as given by formula (31) at/m (22,300 cycles) is found to he .30.5 17(i°.4. Referring to formula (22), in which /v=.30.5 and <> = 170°. 4, or to the curves of Fig. 11, this value of Zi/AZ^ corresponds approximately to .041 napiers or .30 TU. Similarly, from equation (23), or from the curves of Fig. 12, this value of Zi 4Zo gives l.lo radians, or 07°, for the phase constant. At zero frequency, the value of Z\ AZz is, from equation (31), .542/0°, which corresponds to 1.3G napiers or to 11.8 TU. Likewise, at infinite frequency, the value of Zi 4Z2 is 1.23y'0°, which corresponds to an attenuation loss of 1.97 napiers or to 10.0 TU. From the curves of F"ig. 12, the phase constant is zero both at zero and at infinite frequency. Composite Wave Filters. It has previously been pointed out that certain groups of the structures listed in Table II have the same mid- series or mid-shunt image impedance characteristics but that the various structures in such a group may have different attenuation and phase constant characteristics. If a filter is composed of any number of symmetrical or dissym- metrical sections, so joined together that the image impedances at the junction pwints of the sections are identical, the attenuation and phase constant characteristics of the compxasite structure so formed, are equal to the sum of the respective characteristics of the individual sections. Furthermore, the image impedances of the composite filter w ill be determined by the image imjjedances of the accessible ends of the terminating sections. The desirability of forming such composite filters arises from the fact that a better disposition of attenuation and phase can be obtained by employing, in one composite structure, a number of different types of the characteristics shown in Pig. 7. 74 /()site structures art- usually L t\ i>c networks each of which may be regarded as one-half the corresponding symmetrical 7" or tt network. General- ized forms of such networks are shown in Figs. 14A, B, and C. By joining two of these half-sections, such as are shown in Figs. 14B Kig. 14 — (JcniTalizcd Series-Shunt Structure Dividtvl Into Siiiccssive Half-Sections (i,-TyiK-) and C, we may form the full T section shown in Fig. 2. Similarly, by joining the two half-sections illiistrateil in Figs. 14A and B, the full w section of l-"ig. 4 results. The transfer constant, 0i,, of a half- section, such as is shown in I'igs. 14A, B, or C, is one-half the transfer constant of the corresponding full section, that is. o 6 • u. K' (42) Hence, the attenuation constant and phase constant of a half-section are, respectively, one-half the attenuation constant and phase constant of a full section. An important relationshi|i between the half-section and the full section, which makes it conxenient to use half-sections in composite wave filter structures, is that the image impedances, Z/, and Z;,, of any half-section are equal respectively to the mid- series and the mid-shunt image impedances of the corresponding full sections. A typical example of the method of forming a comjiosite low pass wave filter is gi\en in Fig. 1'), where three half-sections of different types and one full section are combined into a composite lilter. The designations Ih-Iow the diagrams in Fig. 15A refer to the number of full sections and to the ratio/, /(. In a practical filter, the various shunt coiulensersand series coils are combined as illustrated in Fig. l.")B. The com|Hisite nature of the attenuation characteristic of the lilter of l"ig. 15B is illustrated in I'ig. Ill, on a non-dissijiatixe basis. In Mvrv.-ii. iMHCTAXcn i\ ii.iii: iii.iik^ ^hIV nIV L, 2.. C,=pZ,, Zxp^C^CppZ,, ?,3=pC, Z,, Z,. j^Z., X y(llO) 1(1.50) ^(00) 1(110) liK. I.S A L. + L, 3 — nrp r o 42-rO XT Fig. 15 B Typical (Non-Dissipative) Composite Low Pass Wave Kilter and Its Component Sections and Half-Sections Fig. 16 — Attenuation Characteristic of the Composite Low Pass Wave Filter of Fig. 15 76 nr.i.i. SrSTLM it.ciisical jolrxal Fig. 1.')1H, tlir imagi- imi)r|M-nilix III <>( Hil>liu)(ru|>liy U. Mcrc.ii. i.\i>(\ i.i.\U: i.\ if.tn: iiiiiks 77 of the associated type or types. RigDrmis oiiuivali'iu-i' exists, ei For t'xampli', tin.- two iiu-slirs in I'Il;. 17. \ will l)c i-cjiiiv .liciil if Cx =.Ot)'.t inf. C's =.001 ml. /., =.001 li. (•„ = .0(MK) mf. (■.i=.00()l mf. A, =.10()li. .111(1 iIk- two iiu-shrs ill l-'ii;. I7M will lii' r(|iii\aU'iit if /,, = .()()•_' h. r, = .02.') mf. /,,. = .OOS h. /-.i = .01()li. C'.,=.001mf. /wi = .01()ii. .\ls(). the ft)ur nu'shes of Fig. 17C will he e(|iii\alciU if Lk = 001 h. Z..S = .002 h. Ck = .001 mf. C.s = .0(12 „if. /,, = .0(H) h. /... = .003 h. Ci = .000:«3 mf. C',. = .001)tiC.7 mf. /,, = .0011i. /./i=.002 1i. Ci = .003 inf. CB=.l)()()(i(i7 mf. Lv = .003 h. Lii = .000LU)7 h. Cy = .001 mf. rii= .002 mf. anil thf fmir meshes i)f Fig. 171) will he eciiiixaieiu if Lr = .001 h. Ls = .001 h. Ck = .001 mf. t'.s = .002 mf . L, = .0000555 h. U = .0005 h. Ci = .024 mf. G = 003 mf. La = .0045 h. Lb = .0005 h. Ci = .000333 mf . Cb = .0()2f)7 mf . Ai=.000555h. Lir=005h. C"i=.n03mf. 0= .00024 mf. It is then evident that the following reactance meshes of Fig. 5 may he designed to he equivalent: 5a and oh; (ja and (ih; 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d; and 8a, Sh. 8c, and 8d. Hence, the following tiller sections o VWW- -AW^ o -JWWV Zc Fig. 18 — Equivalent T and ir r,tncrallzffl Networks referred to in Table II have, for the same impedance and propagation characteristics, a number of variant forms of ph\-sical configuration. 4-6. 6-2, 3-.'), 6-4, 2-6, 5-3, 4-5, 1-5, 3-6, 5-4, 5- 1,4-8, 5-5, 6-6, 7-3, 6-3, 3-7, 4-7, 8-4 and 8-3. Of the equivalent me.shes having three accessible terminals the most common are the familiar T and tt networks. The general rela- tionships which must be obser\-ed for the equiwilence of 7" or jr net- 80 BELL SYSTEM TECIIMC.IL JOURNAL works are due to Kennelly " and fur their generalized form, as illus- trated in Fig. 18, arc as follows: Za = ^^ Za'Zb Za'+Zb' + Zc" ZaZc ZB = yr-, Zb'Zc Za'+Zb'+Zc y Zc=. Za 'Zc -n (65) /:^'=Z,+Zc+^,ZB'=Z.i+ZB+'?^,Z'c = ZB+Zc+^^f^. (66) ZA'^-Z^^Zd ZbZc Za We shall discuss here only two of the principal reactance meshes of the T and ir form, namch', those employing solely inductances and La Le Lb' -o o -o o Fij;. !*> — Ktiuivalent rand t Inductance Networks and Equivalent Tand ir Capacity Networks solely capacities. It is to he understood that where\er an intluctance or a capacity mesh of an\- of the following types occurs, its variant network may be subslitutwl for it without change in the electrical characteristics of the circuit excluding those conditions within the mesh or its variant. Fig. 19 illustrates equivalent T and it networks of inductance and capacity." The formulae relaling ihc iiidiictance and capacity meshes of Fig. 19 are as follows: La'Lb' t Lb'Lc r _ La'Lc La = La'+Lb'+U" Lb = La' + Lh' + U" Lc = La'+Lb'+Lc -,- (67) " Kennelly, A. K., "The lu|iiivalence of TrianRJes and Tliree-I'oinlc|i. 41.i 41-J, S-|>t. 1(1, IX'W. Also, ".Xpiilication of Hyperbolic Functions to Elitlrical KngineeriiiK" (I'M 1 1 (.\p|>endix K). " These meshes arc rJKorously couivalent, even when resistance is present if the ratio d i» the same for all of the inductances and if the ratio d' is the same for all of the ca|>acitiea. MCir.ll. IXDlCT.IXi. !■: IX If.ll I: III. II. H^ C,iCc ,. , C\Cr /. » C'flCc C.t =7T nnr>— »-^Tr> X AND Cn' • ---^r ()<)} Cc = C.i +6c +-,-,. (70) :.i:: -^T^^^^^di^^-"^- -H AND AND h-- Fig. 20 — Typical Examples of Equivalent Filters Involving the Interchange of Three- Terminal Networks of Inductances or of Capacities A few examples of the variant filter strurturcs which may arise, flue to the existence of equivalent three terminal meshes f)f capacity 82 liLl.L SYSTEM lECllSlCAL JOURNAL and inductanci', are illustrated in Fig. 20, in which F"igs. 20A, B, and C represent either individual sections or portions of composite filters and Fig. 2()D represents a coini)osito filter. When equivalent re- actance meshes occur entirely within a filter or within a section of a filter, the filter or the section will have the same cut-off frequencies and frequencies of infinite attenuation and the same attenuation, phase, and image impedance characteristics, whiclu'\er cqui\alent Fig. 21 — Generalized Forms of Kquiwili-iU .Sorics-Sliunt, HridKcd-r, and'Lattice Type Filter Structures form of mesh is substituted for an existing mesh. When cqtilvalent meshes are interchangeedance between the two series lines of the filter. While the discussion in tlii> jj.iper is based prin(ii).ill\- on the series- shunt structure there are two other imjjortant t\pcs of structures which will be mentionitl. These are the so-called lattice'' type strut- Mvnwi. i.\i>( i i.i.w I i.\ ii.nT. vii.rr.Rs w tiiic. 111(1 thcftripcstrui-ture. Typiciil series-shunt, liridned-?", and lattice type structures are illustrated in I'Ir. '21A, B and C", res(H>ctively. Tiie three circuits shown are electrically eciuivalent, except for balance helwei-n the series arms, if the following relations hold: Z..i = (l+/^.)/.. /.H = {l + -2K)Z,, Zc=Z,, (71) Z.' = Z,. Z,' = (i+A-)Z, + Z:. (72) In the previous discussion of ecjuivaleiit networks no reference has been made to networks containing mutual inductance, many of w'hich are of particular interest and importance. These will lie now discussed in detail. I'.XKr II W.WE Filters Using Mutual Inductanxe Before considering the cc|uivalent meshes which may be formed by the use of mutual inductance between pairs of coils, and the types of wave filters which may be obtained by the use of these equi\alent meshes, it will be necessary to define certain general terms. The self impedance between any two terminals of an electrical net- work is the vector ratio of an applied e.m.f. to the resultant current entering the network when all other accessible terminals arc free from external connections. The mutual impedance of any network, having one pair of input terminals and one pair of output terminals, is the vector ratio of the e.m.f. produced at the output terminals of the network, on open cir- cuit, to the current flowing into the network at the input terminals. Since mutual impedance is a vector ratio, it may have either of two signs, depending on the assumed directions of the input current and the output voltage. The sign of the mutual impedance is, in general, identified by its effect in increasing or decreasing the vector impedance of the meshes in which it exists. It is usually convenient, in this case, to consider either a simple series or a simple parallel mesh of two self impedances between which the mutual impedance acts. For the purpose of determining the sign of the mutual impedance, we shall confine our discussion to a sinifile series combination. Consequently, the mutual impedance will be calletl either series aiding or series opposing. When a mutual impedance, Z,\t, acts between two self impedances Zi and Z2, (Fig. 22) connected in scries in such a way as to increase veclorially the impedance of the combination, it is called a series aiding 84 BEl.I. SYSTFM Tf.CHKlCAL JOCKX.IL niiiliial impedance. Similari\-, wlit-n a mutual impedance acts in such a way as to decrease vcctorially the impedance of such a combination, Fig. 22 — Miitii.il linpidaiue Acting Between Two Si'lf Impedances Connectei in Scries it is lallcd a series opf>osiii'^ iiiiiliiul iniprilniue. For i-xampk-, if the total impedance. Z, of the combination shown in Fij;. 22 is y y {IZi + IZm) + (IZ, + IZ.X,) y ,y ,.^y „„. /C — J = J =Zi+z-..+.^z.\/ (,/■■») the mutual impedance is scries aiding. On (he oilur hand, if the total inipedaiicc. /. nl the combination is 7_l' (IZ,+IZm)+(IZ,+ IZm) y ,y _ ,_,, the mutual impedance is series opposing. 'J'ransfonner Represenlation. If, in Fig. 22. Zi represents the self impedance of one winding of a transformer and Z- tiie self iin|)edaiice I o nmr^ -hfTin- -o 3 l-'ig. 2.?— 7' .Network Coiilaining Two Self Inipediinces.'H.iviiiK Miilu.il Inip.d.mr Hel ween Tliein of its other winding, the series impedance of the two windings (between terminals 1 and W in Fig. 23), as given i)y equations {l'.^) and (74), will rletermine whether the mtilual imped, nice, Z.i/, is series .lidiiig or M-ries opposing. The mutual impedaiKe between the two windings ma\ be repre- sented by an equivalent network of self imjiedances connected Mr 1 1. II. iMHi i.i.w i: i.\ n.iri. iii.ii.ks m .i> shown ill I'i.n. -M. llu- loiirtci iiiiii.il mlwnik illii^tr.ilril In Kin- "-J may lia\r various conli^iirations. I'lu' r(|iii\ alcnl /' lorni is slutwii in Fii;. "J"). In \ irw of thi- i> (letiTiniiR- ilif fonsi.mis of ilic iiii'sh sliowii in Fig. 28D fruiii the known \alufs of the constants of the structure of Fig. 28C. The relations which must exist if the structure of Fig. 28D is to be equivalent to the structure shown in Fig. 28A, or vice versa, are given by the following relations Li'iLi'Li'-M-) t\ = C,',Lt (L2'±M)- U±M\- .=z./. c-,=cv(^=;;^^) (75) (76) rile upper and lower of the altiTnati\e signs, in the preceding equa- tions, correspond respecti\ely to series aiding and opposing connec- tions. The e(|ui\ alence of these four-elenieni meshes makes it possible L",L',-M' (A) (B) (C) Fig. 29 — E(|uivalfnt Thrcc-TtTiiiiTi.il Iinlint.iiKL- Networks L, L'. " C. LrrHH Kig. 30— Kqiiiv.ili-nt Two- Terminal Reactance Networks (onlains Mutual Inductance Onh' One of Which to derive at once, the relalion> which must exist between certain (f|uivalent three-element meshes involving mutual inductance. For e.x.imple, if the capacity Cj' of Fig. 28A is zero, tiu- nush reduces to the three-element nush of Fig. liOA and the fornnilae given above are then ap|)lical)Ie for the e(|uivalence of the structures of Figs. 30A and B. In the s;imc way that the me&hes illustrated in Fig. 28 were shown to Ik; iMJtentially e<|uivalent to each other, it is |)ossible to i)rove that Min.n. i.\i>(CT.i\\ii i.\ ic./i / 1 1 1. 1 IKS y) tlu' mi'shfs ol \-"\^. 'A\ .in- puiciiii.ilK ('(iiiiv .ilciii . Tin- tMiuisalciict' (if thi- nH'sh slmwn in l-i^. MH in thai «>! lij; 'M\ is salistii-d l)y llie relations j;i\iMi in l-i^s. 21tA and B. Tlu" u(|ui\ali-ncf i>f llie nicsh of Fi^. Hie lo thai of I'i^. ;{1H is noNi-rm-il hy tho i'(iiialions (.")() tn (il) for thi- i-<|iii\aU-nic i>f tlio first and last structiiros of l-'i^. 171). liii- C, ^L. C. {^) ronrrs c^^nmn-jmn-IU HH L, r^'^h Unrrwj|J IF (D) Fig. 31 — Equivalent Two-Terminal Reactance Networks, Only One of Which Contains Mutual Inductance ally, the cciuixalence of the mesh of Fit;. 311) to that of Fig. 3IC is controlled li\' the relations for the e(iiii\alenre of the first two struetiires of Fig. 17D. The formulae relating the constants of the structure shown in Fig. 31 D to the corresponding constants of the structure shown in F"ig. 31 A are as follows: in which — i + CV ('7) md L,= ICa{La±M)±MCbY ICa(La±M)±MCbV (Ca + Cb)'La u= LaLb-M^ La • (78) (79) The upper and lower of the alternative signs, in the preceding equations correspond, respectively, to series aiding and opposing cf)nnections. 90 BELL SYSTEM lECIIMC.lL JOiRXAL The c(|uivalciKe of these foiir-lerminal meshes makes it possible to derive the relations which must exist for corresponding ecjuivalent three-element mesiies, with and without mutual inductance. For example, if in I'ig. 31A, the capacity Ci is of infinite value, the mesh reduces to that shown in Kig. 32A and the formulae given above are applicable for the e(iui\alence of the meshes of Figs. 32A and B. The remaining meshes of Figs. 17C and U have similar potential equivalence to meshes of the same fundamental type but ha\ing mutual inductance between the respective pairs of coils. Three-Terminal Equivalent Meshes. Three terminal meshes con- taining mutual inductance will now be discussed. It has been shown l'. (B) Kig. 32 — Kquivaleiit Two-Terminal Reactance Networks, Only One of Which Contains Mutual Inductance that two coils, with nintii.ii inductance between them (I'ig. 2nA), are ecjuivalent to certain 7' and tt structures containing only tangible inductances (Figs. 2'.(B and C). Referring to Fig. 2'.)B, it is seen that two coils, with series opposing mutual inductance between them (corresponding to the upper alternative signs in Fig. 29B), are etjuiva- lent to a 7" network ha\ing three positive inductance arms, provided the mutual inductance .1/ is less than Li' and L;'. The values of these arms are respecti\ely, Li' — M, Lt' — M, and M. If .1/ is larger than Li', one arm of the ec|ui\alent T network is a negative inductance while the other two arms are positive inductances. Similarly, if M is larger than L/, a different arm of the T network will be a negative inductance while the two remaining arms will be positive inductances. It is [)hysically impossible for the \alue of ^1/ to be greater than both Li' and Li'. Hence, it is impossible for more than one arm of the 7" network, shown in Fig. 2*>tB, to be a negati\e inductance. When two coils ha\e series aiding mutual inductance between them (the lower of the alternative signs in Fig. 2'.tB) they are equivalent to a 7" network in which two of the arms consist of positi\e inductances viz., Li'+M and 1.2+ M, while the third arm consists of a negative inductance of the value — Af. MUTUAL INDfCT.IXCr. IX ll.lll- FILTERS r lU'jjativc) ituliutami.'. a lorrospoiulinn arm of the tt network will also In- a positi%r (or lu-iiativi') iiidurlatuo. C'onsi-ciuently, as in the rase of the e(iiii\alent 7" network, the eciiiivalent ir network shown in Fii;. 21K' nuu- consist of three positive inductances or two posi- tive iiuluctances anil one iiei;ati\e iiKliictaiice, (Ii'peiuliiig upon tlie si^n anil inagniluile of M. It is interesting to note that, in I'ig. 2913, point 1) is in reality a con- cealed terminal, i.e., it cannot be regarded as physically accessible. There are, therefore, oiil\- three accessible terniiiials to the e(|iii\a!ent (A) (B) Fig. ii — Equivalent 7" Networks of Inductance 7' network. In the w network shown in Fig. 29C there is no such concealed point. There are, however, as in the preceding case, three accessible terminals A, B and C. When the mutual inductance, M, is equal to either one of the self iniluctanccs, Li' (or L;')i and the windings are connected in series opposing, the equivalent Tand ir networks of the transformer coalesce to the same L type network. For example, if Li' = M in Fig. 29A both the T and the ir networks of Figs. 29B and C resolve into an L network whose vertical arm has the value M and whose horizontal arm is Lz' — M. A problem of practical importance is the ec|uivalence of T and tt meshes, containing three coils with mutual inductance betw'een all of the elements, to similar 7" and jt meshes containing no mutual inductance. The T networks of Fig. 33 are potentially eciuivalent. The formulae governing their equivalence are L4=L, + il/,2-|-.U,3-.l/=3, (80) LB=L2+il/.s-.V,3 + il/23. (81) Z,C=Z.3-M,2-|-3/.3 + ^l/23. (82) In the above formulae, the signs correspond to the case of a series aiding mutual inductance between all the pairs of coils. When the 92 BILI.L SYSTliM TI.CIISICAL JOLRX.IL mutual inductaiu-f la-lwccii .iin two coils changes sign, the signs ae- comjianying that mutual inductance in the ahoxe formulae are reverse! 1. M'„ m'„ (A) (B) Fig. 34 — Kciulvalent t Networks of Inductance Similarly, the ir networks of Fig. 34 are also poteniialK ci|ui\.iUni The formulae governing their equivalence are A = f . ^"= z; • I^C = — in w liich — i. La" Lb" La" + Lb"+Lc Lb"Lc" La" + Lb"+Lc La"Lc" r,=FA/(2. r,=F-U23, La" + Lb" + Lc r,^M[s, \vh La" = Li'±M{2±M\3, Lb" = Li ± M12 ± M23, Lc"=L,'±M'y.,±M:,,. (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) As in the preceding case, the upper of the two signs occurs with the series aiding mutual inductance between all the pairs of coils. \\ hen the mutual inductance between any two coils changes sign, the signs acct)mpan\ing thai nnitual inductance in the above formulae are re verse* I. At least two of the three inductances (in Fig. 33M or in I'ig. 34B) will alw.iNs be positive in sign while the third inductance may be MriC.U. IXlHCT.IXCIi IX if.iir. III.II.RS o.t riilier (H>siti\o or lu-^ative. ('()iisi'(|iu'n(l\', llirro coils haviiij; nuitiial iruluctanci' iHMwt't'ii i-acli of tlu-m and ha\'inK only three arcessihie terminals offer no ^'■•■'•i'*''' l)<)ssil)ililies than rio two coils lia\in>j nnitiial itidiictance Iwlvveen them and havinjj three terminals. In liolh cases the structure is etiiiivalent to a 7'or w mesh composed of three self Fig. 35 — Equivalent Filter Sections, With .mil Without Mutual Iiulurtanrc inductances, at least two of which must be positive. With specific relations between the various self anfl mutual inductances, it is possi- ble for the three coils with mutual inductance between each of them to be equivalent (as in the case of two coils with mutual inductance) simply to an L network composed of two positive self inductances. Since either two or three coils with mutual inductance between them are, in general, equivalent, at all frequencies, to a T or v net- 94 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXtCAL JOURNAL work composeti of three s(.-lf incluctances, it is possible to substitute the one t>[K' of mesh for tlie other in any kind of a circuit williout affecting the currents or voltages external to tlie meshes involved. This substitution is always physically possible provided none of the arms of the equivalent 7" or tt networks is a negative inductance. The structures shown in Fig. 35 are illustrative of the power of equivalent networks as tools for the s-, the object in using such an unbalanced structure is to minimize the num- IxT of elements re(|iiiri'd in the series arms. It should be noted, however, (Fig. 30) that in case an inductance element enters into Ml If. II. I\ni\ T.IXi. I l.\ ll'.M / lU.IIHS 'J? l)otl) M-rirs arms, it c.ui Ik- n-platvd, in symnu-lrical siructuri's, hy two i'<|ual wiiulings of a sin^;Ii' coil ha\'inK iiuitual iiKliictaiiCf lH-tvvri;n ttu-m ami of siuh \aliio that tlio si-rii-s aiding inductance of tiiese two coils is c.\ .111(1 M are electrically e(|uivalent to each other, that is, tlu-y have the same imaj;e impedance and transfer constant. Types of Sections Obtainable Whose Equivalent Series-Shunt Sections Contain \o Xe^ative Inductances. It has previously been stated that an intinite mmiber of t>pes of series-shunt filter sections may be had, if no limitations arc placed on the comjilexity of their reactance arms. It has also been stated, however, that for filters employing only one transmission or one attenuation band, the maximum number of ele- ments which can ordinarily be used economically per section is six. A similar limitation exists when mutual inductance is emploNcd, in that sections can seldom be economically used whose prototype structures contain more than six reactance elements. Inasmuch as by the equi\a!ences which ha\e been discussed, many varient forms of a section may exist, which forms are reducible to the same series-shunt prototype, an effort only to list and discuss the p:o"otype sections will be made. The prototype to which an\' given section then reduces will readily be found by the application of the foregoing principles. A few examples will later serve to make this clear. In ccmsidering the prototype sections which exist when mutual inductance is present in a filter section, we shall first list the reactance meshes of which mutual inductance may^ form a part. Referring to Fig. o, an inspection of the equivalences so far discussed will show- that the following meshes may be parth- or wholly composed of mutual inductance: 1, 3, 4, .5 (a and b),7 (a and b), and 8 (a and b). Consequently, a large number of the sections listed in Table II and formetl from the reactance meshes of Fig. 5 may represent not only actual sections containing no mutual inductance, but also equivalent prototypes of sections containing mutual inductance. Sections con- taining mutual inductance within only the series arm or the shunt arm, respectively, are not included in this discussion since such arms may lie readily reduced to e(|uivalent arms, without mutual induct- ances, by the substitution of equivalent two-terminal meshes. The prototypes which are under discussion are listed below: Ltw pass High pass 1-3,5-3 4-1,4-5 96 /*/:/./. Sy.STILM TFA'HMCAI. JOIRXAL Band pass 3-1, 1-1. ■^-^^. \-\. 1-5, .'.-I, 3-7. 3-."), S-4. 4-S, .")-4, 5 — 5, and 7 — 3. Sections rorrcsponclint; lo llie eciuhalent series-sluint prototypes listed will lia\e the same impedance and propagation characteristics as the protoi\pe, and ma\' be used indiscriminately in place of the prototype, ("onseciuently, when a section has been reduced to any of the above protot\pes, its various characteristics may be fouiui from Table li and Figs. 7 and 8. As an example of structures which ha\e mutual inductance and which arc equi\alent to structures listed above, consider the section I ^'^^ 2 0-' 0000 ^— Og-^UOT^^ . * T * o 1 o 3 4 I- in. M —Low r.iss lilicr .V-i lion t omainiiiK I'wo Coils, Having Mutii.il Iniluctcini-c .Acting Between 'I'hem, and a Condenser Shunted Kroni Their Junction Point shown in Fig. 37. This section contains two coils ha\'ing mutual inductance, and a condenser shunted from their junction point. The three-terminal mesh formef I'ig. S. The srction of I'ig. M is imt capable of niifl- shunt termination since point (J of I'ly^. 38 is not pin sically accessible. Similarly, the section shown in l-ij;. 39 is e >xftfllbHl-Lj- ->Jiaay|,^ — KMiJyjH-^ tZ||_[^^]J~ Kig. 42 — Two-Terminal Reactance Meshes of Four or Less Elements, Containing Negative Inductance and Effectively Realizable Within Filter Sections . the connection of the coils is such that the mutual inductance effectively results in |)roducing a negative arm in the mesh in which the mutual inductance exists, the meshes may be shown as illustrated in Kig. 42. The reactance-frequency characteristics of these arms arc given in Fig. 43. It is to be noted that two general forms of reactance characteristics exist for arms oa' and o6' and that one form of reactance characteristic 5'b FiK- -43 — Reactance-Frequency Characteristics of the Meshes of Fig. 42 Shown in Symbolic Form is common to the two reactance arms. This dualit\- of characteristic arises from the fact that the arms each contain two inductances, one positive and one negative, and that the general shape of the reactance characteristic is determined b\' the predominance of either the posi- tive or the negative inductance. The characteristic which is peculiar to arm ha' occurs when the negative inductance of this arm is smaller than the positive inductance. Likewise, the characteristic peculiar to arm 56' occurs when the negative inductance of this arm is larger Mcrc.n. ixixcT.iXi r. ix ii:iri: iii.iiRs <« than till- i)<>siti\e iinluil.mri-. The cliariUU'risiic wliicli is romnioii to Inith arms 'vt' and ">/»' c-orrt'sjiomls to tlu- altiTii.il i\o coiiditioiis rcRard- ing the relative magnitudes of the negative and positive inductances and the two arms .">«' and ")/>' are polentialK' etiuivalenl under these con- ditions. M\- means of feasible combinations of the reactance arms of Figs. ') and 42, there can he (fhysiially constructed a limited number of prototype wave filter sections ha\ing no more than one transmission or one attenuation band. Such sections — involving not more than a total of six reactance elements in the scries and shunt arms — are listed in Table III. T.\BI.E III TabuUition of the Propagation and Impedance Characteristics of Series-Shunt Wave Filter Sections which can be Formed from the Reactance Meshes of Figs. 5 and 42 SERIES ARM 1 3 5a 7a or 7b 1' No Pass Band 17-13-* 21-22-* Double Band Pass y 1S-I-* 16-13-* Low-and- Band Pass Double Band Pass S'a I6-16-* 17-17-* 18-13-* 19-13-* 16-22-* 20-22-* 21-22-* 22-22-* 32-22-* More Than Six Elements 7'a or 7'b Low-and- Band Pass 16-17-* 20-13-* More Than Six Elements More Than Six Elements SERIES ARM 1' 4' 5'b S'a or 8'b 1 No Pass Band 25-*-9 24-*-16 26-*-16r High-and- Band Pass 4 23-*-14 26-*-14 23-*-19 27-*-14 28-*-14 26-*-19 31-*-14 5b 24-*-24 High-and- Band Pass 24-*-37 26-*-24 29-*-24 30- '-24 31-*-24 More Than Six Elements 8a or 8b Double Band Pass Double Band Pass More Than Six Elements More Than Six Elements 100 PELL SYSTEM I ECU SIC AL JOIRSAI. The representation of the characteristits of the structures of Table III is similar to the scheme of Table II. The figures at the top and side (for example 1-3') indicate res|x>ctively, the series and shunt reactance meshes of Figs. 5 and 42 which form the prototype sections. OfCDO/OO OftDOfOD OfOOOfOO OfODOfCO 15 IG 17 IQ OfmOfOO OfmOfCD OfOOOfOD OfOOOfCD 13 ZO 21 Zl ofooofo) ofaoofoo ofcoofm ofooofco 23 24 Z5 26 ofroofoD ofcoofm ofooofoo oofoaofoa 27 28 23 30 OfOOfOD OfWOfOD' 31 32 Fig. 4-1 — Pro|Ktgatioii Constant (.-Xttcnualion and Phase Constant) Characteristics of Kilter Sections Containing .Negative Inductances, Shown in Symbolic Fonii The figures in the corres[M>iKling box (for example, 15— 1 — *) indicate that the structure has propagation characteristic No. 15 of Fig. 44, and mid-series image impedance No. 1 of Fig. 8. The symbol * indicates, when inserted in the sec-ond or third position, that the structure is not plnsicalK- capable of mid-series or mid-shunt termina- tion, res|)ecti\el\'. It will lje noted that only one low pass prototype section (1—3') is given in the table, exclusive of special cases of band filter structures. Miic.u. ixni-CT.ixtii i.\ ii-.iri iiliiks km Its .itu-nii.ilioii cli.ir.u-liTistir (Nd. I") ul I'ij^. J I) j?, imiqin- as .1 low- pass ihariuloristir in iliat the iittetinatioti cotislaiit is finite at all fre- quencies. Till' phasf rharartrrislir siinul.iti-s, in a gcnoral wa>', that of till" two I'IciiK'nt low pass tiitor (si-v propagation cliararlrristif No. 1 of l-'ig. 7) l>iit llu> phase shift in the transmission Ihind is, in geni-ral, dilTi-ri'iit. Sinro thi- structure has niid-scrii-s iinaRi- ini- (K'danco rharactoristir .No. 1 it may l)e joinwl ollficiently (i.i-., without ri'lK'ction It)sses) to sections of the 1 — 2 and I —15 i\ pes. Similarly, high pass protot>pe section 4'— 1 has a uni(|Ue hijj;h pass attenuation characteristic in that the attenuation constant is finite at all fretiueiicies. The phase characteristic is, in general, similar to that of the two element hit;h pass filter 2— 1 except for the \alues of the phase constant in the transmission hand. The section may lie joineil etViciently at mid-shunt to sections of the 2—1 and 4—1 tyjies — since it has the same mid-shunt image characteristic (No. 9). The attenuation characteristics of the band pass prototypes listed in Table III will, in general, differ from the attenuation character- istics of structure listetl in Table II. However, many of them differ only in minor res[x?cts and could ha\-e been represented identically in the sNiiibolic fashion of Fig. 7. Inasmuch as such structures will not, howe\er, have exactly the same attenuation characteristics for given cut-ofT frequencies and frequencies of infinite attenuation, difTerent symbols or diagrams have been em()Ioyed to represent them. Certain characteristics are worthy of comment because they are not obtainable, even approximately, in structures not having negative inductance. For example, propagation characteristics Nos. 1(5 and 26 (Fig. 44) arc band pass filter characteristics having finite attenuation at all frequencies. Characteristics No. 22 and No. 2i) are unique in that there exist two frequencies of infinite attenuation, located on one side of the pass band. The attenuation constant is, in general, finite at zero and at infinite fretiucncies. Charat'tcristics 19 and 28 are special cases of Nos. 22 and 29, respectively, and have two fre- quencies of infinite attenuatif>n on one side of the pass band. In the case of 19, the attenuation is infinite at zero frequency and at a frequency between zero and the lower cut-otT freciuency. Charac- teristic 28 has infinite attenuation at infinite frequency and also at a fretjuency between the upper cut-ofT frequency and infinite frequency. Characteristics Nos. 18 and 27 have confluent band characteristics and have onl\- one frequency of infinite attenuation, located either at zero frequency or at infinite frequency. Finally, characteristics Nos. 20 and 31 are confluent characteristics in each of which one fre- 102 BELL SYSTEM TECUMCAL JOVKSAI. quency of infinite attenuation occurs and the atleniialion is finite at zero frcfiuency and infinite frec|ucncy. As a general rule the phase shift characteristics shown in Fig. 44 are similar lo the corresponding characteristics shown in Fig. 7. The phase characteristics of the former, within the pass bands are, in general, however, of a distinctly different character than those of the latter even though the phase constant at the cut-off frequency and the mid-frefjuencN- ma\- he the sjime. Phase characteristics 21 and 24 (Fig. 44) are of special interest, however, in that while thc\- Ijelong to the peak type sections, the phase is of the same sign throughout the entire frcciuency range. .Also phase characteristics 22, 29, 30 and 32 have a unic|ue property, for band pass structures, in that the phase undergoes a change in sign within one attenuation band. In regard to the impedance characteristics, it is noted from Table III that no novel impedance characteristics are obtained in structures having negative inductances as compared to the structures not having negative inductances. This is a \aluable property of the prototype structures listed in Tai)le III as it permits composite filters to be readily formed utilizing both the sections of Tables II and III.'* Characteristics of a Typical Filter. In order to illustrate the deriva- tion of design formulae for a specific prolot>'pe having negative inductances, consider as an example the band pass structure 3 — 3' of Table III. W'e shall neglect the effect of dissipation on the character- istics of the structure, as the treatment of dissipation has been pre\i- ously outlined. The proiotyi)e cited is illustrated in I-"ig. 4oA. Two ~|k5W^-j-^wjr^[-= ' — II ABC Fig. 45— I'roloiyiK.- Siliiin (.'ont.ilning Negative Inductance, anuili a priii(ii\pi' .ire illusiraied in Figs. I.")n and C. In this structure ilie series im|R(lance Zi is '"=K-'''-Jc)- (92) " For a Kfiicral method of provinR the equality of tlio image impedances of sections containing negative inductance and of appropriate sections cont.iining no negative inductance, refer to the Apfx-ndix. Mi'ir.ti. iMHcr.ixcii i.\ ii.iri-: iii.ii.ks ku Thf imptil.iiui' (if till- ^lHlllt .irm is Z.= -j{-L,+-[^ (93) The ratio, Zi-lZi, which controls ihi- .uicmi.itinn and i>li,isc con- stants, per section, of tlie structure is Zi Cj 1 — L\C\oi' ' (94) I'rom the impedance characteristics of reactance meshes 3 and 3', as illustrated in I'igs. 0 and 43, and the coml)inetI reactance character- fjX Fig. 46 — Reactance-Frequency Characteristics of the Series and Shunt Arms of the Prototype Section of Fig. 45-A istics of Fig. 46 for Zi, 4Z2 and — 4Z2, it will be noted thai the lower cut-ofT frequency,/], is that at which Zi=0. Hence, 1 /i = 2tV'L,C," (95) Similarly, the upper cut-ofT frequency is that at which Zi = — 4Z2 or JLoLi—j,'wCi=j4wL2+j4'wC2. From this relationshi|), the upper cut- otT frequency is '' 2t\c,C2(L,-4Lj)' (96) Let /r be assumed as the frequency where Z2 is a miiiitmini, that is, where u-LiCt=l. We may then write 104 PIU.L SYSTEM TllCHSlCAL JOURXAI. Substituting tin- al«>\e xalut's of /"i./o and/, in formula (94) we olnain forZ, 4Z» _'LV (hV 2, \f ar & +1 From lliis last expression the attenuation and phase characteristics may be plotted from formulae (22) and (23) or from Figs. 11 and 12. The attenuation and phase constant ch.iracteristics are shown sym- bolically as characteristic 10 of Fig. 44. This structure has unusual attenuation properties which h.i\'e already been discussed. I'Vom e(|uali(»n ((i) and the \alues of Z\ and Z2, in (92) and (91}), the mid-series image impedance (Zo), at the niid-freijuencN', is Since the mid-suries image imjjeilance, at an\- frequency, is the same as that of filter section 3 — 3, we ha\e: where /m is the miil-lre(|uency (/m = \//iA>'. ^'^ i)efore. The prototyjK- is not capable of mid-shunt termination, hence, its hypothetical mid-shunt impedance characteristic will not be derived. From the preceding formulae, explicit expressions m\v be derixed for the values of A,, C'l, Lq and ( •.. , Zotn' T -Zo l-m'» < if) +1 Miir.ii. iMwcr.-wcE i\ ir.iri: iii.rr.Rs 105 As .1 tuiiiu-rii-.il fx.iiiipic I'l' ilu- solution of ilu- |>|-otoi\|H- disrusM-d .issiinif, .IS ill ilu- i-x.implr following ('(|it.iti<)n (.H ), ili.it ilu- lowiT cut-ofT lrt<|iu'iu y /i is 2(),(HM) cNik's .iml tli.it tlu- upper lUl-otT frf(iiii-iu y /j is J.'j.tMHt r\rlis. Assume/,, a convenient par.iineter for the families of .ittenu.ition .iiul phase constant curves which this sectioti may h.i\e, for .iiu- j;i\en cut-otT fretiiiency, to Ix' UO.OOO cycles. Assume lh.it the \aiiie of the mici-series image impedance Z.. at the niid-fre- (|iuncy isliOOtihms; then from formula (!>!•) m' = l.OS.l: hence /., =.(1412 henries. T, =.00153 X lO"' farads, L; = .00152 henries and C",; = .01SlX 10 * farads. The structure with the numerical \alues of induclance .iiid capiirity for this specific example is shown in I'ijj. 47. \. 2C = .00306 mf 2C = .00306Tnf ^Cr.L!03O6w-. L,=.C0l52h. L=.0336h.i°g*|fl L=.0336h : C,=.OI64nif (!C,=.00306:nf.,, L.=.0412k ,, 2Cr.00306n,f U=.0i3lh.|g ;M=T=.0206h. Fig. 47 — N'umeric.il Example of Equivalent Filter Sections Containing Negative Inductance If, for the y mesh inductances in Fig. 47.A, we subslilute a trans- former mesh having the \alucs shown in P"ig. 47 B, the mesh of the latter figure is electrically equi\alent to the prototype structure and is an example of the method of employing the structure. Similarly, F"ig. 47C illustrates the substitution of another type of three element mesh for the coil mesh of the prototype structure of Fig. 47A and is another example of the inanner in which the prototype may be physically expressed. The structure of Fig. 47B represents a similar case to that of 48A. However, as the mutual inductance is here series opposing, the proto- 106 Hr.l.L SrSTHM lECIISlCAL JOrRNAI. type scries-sluiiit equivalent siruclurc is shown in Fig. 4SB ami con- tains no negative inductances. It will be found that the values chosen correspond to the numerical example of the structure 3 — 3 following equation 41. 2L,= .00448 TT)/" L=0ZO0h. zc - .0044a mf .00577 h, 1 (5.0.) ( L=.0200h. Cs = 00486 mf e^y=.OI42hp 2C - .00446 mf 2C,=.O0448rT Lj= +.00577 h. C,=.00486 mf A B Fig. 48— Numerical K.xamplc of a Kilter Section Containing No Negative Inductance .\i'im:.\1)1x Conditions kor thk Eqiai.ity of the Im.\oe Impkd.xxces of Typu.m. Filter Structures It has been stated that the formation of recurrent and composite wave filters is dependent u|M)n the maintenance of equal image im- pedance characteristics (of the sections or half-sections joined) at each junction point throughout the filler. .•\ general method of ascertaining the conditions for the equality- of image impedance characteristics will lie demonstrated !)>■ illus- trations from typical pairs of sections. Illuslralioii \o. I — Xegalive Inductance in Shunt Arm of One Struc- ture. Consider the filter sections listed as 3-4 (confluent structure) in Table II, and 3-1' in Table III. It will be shown that, under proper conditions, their mid-series image impedance characteristics may be made equal at all fretiuencies. (By reference to the abo\e tables, both sections have mid-.series impedance characteristic No. 13 of Fig. 8). From equation (6) In l"ig. »".», let ^1 -/Ji/i+^i/i=jW-i + jiaCi (100) (107) Mun:u. ixiHcr.txci: i\ ifirr. iii.ir.Rs 107 Zi' K.iZ\,\-\-K B Ziii, ami Z:' — KiZ\\, wluTc A.',i L\',L\,Kit (.'i t'l' .iiul A', I.i' L\. Vnm\ (lOG) in wliiih /?- Lt_ iLx (lOH) (109) (110) (ilU (112) ¥ T ^c, -^ 2C, ?c, '000000^ — II — o- 0 — '"O'OOOW^ — II 1 — 1|- Fig. 49 — Two Structures Having Equal Mid-Series Image Impedances, One of Which Contains a Negative Inductance in Its Shunt Arm From (107) and (111) Z,^ = R'+i{Z^A+Z,Br = l/iZ',^ + {l+K/2)R- + l/-lZ-s (113) where K = ZiAZiB/R' = Li/Li = Ci/Ci. ^ (114) Now from (106) and (108) (z\r- /Ka-" (Z;')= = Z,'Z.' + ^'" = (^"-A-.,AV)ZL.+ (^-a-«av)a-/?--+Y> (115) Since, by postuiation, in I'ig. lU, Z\=Zi'. we ina\- eciiiate tliecoet'ti- cients of (113) and (llo). This gives 1 _Ka' j. j. K (KaK 1+|=(^_^„^,)^. and 1 _K^ 4 4 ■ (116) (117) (118) 108 PEI.I. SYSTl.M JI.CH.XU.II. Jul KX.IL Whence Kb ;.-, = !, (119) and A'.,, fi = ^=-^'={=. (120) where /i and /» are llie lower .iiid u|)|)i-r i-ul-ulT freciuencies, respec- tively, and /.I/ V/,/.j of the structures of 1-ij;. 4(1. From (IK)) and (120) /c^^-±=-^.(a:^-_)= ^(.^---y. (121) Therefore, wiieii the relationships between the constants of the two structures of Fij;. 4!t satisfy equations (,119), (120) and (121), the structures will have the same mid-series image impedance character- istics. Explicit relations for the values of Ci', Li and L/ nray be obtained from equations (119), (120) and (121) as follows: C/ = Cu (122) Ai' = /-.4 (123) '•'■=t(7:-/;)- 02*' ("on.sc(|ueniK , if the lonslants and cut-off frequencies of a conHuenl structure are known, the constants of a structure of the .3-1' form having an identical mid-series image imix-dance characteristic can be derived from equations (122). (123) and (124). llliistralion No. 2 -Negative hiditctance in Series Arm of One Structure. Consider next the filter sections listed as 3 4 (confluent structure) in Table II and 1' 4 in Table III. It will be shown that, under proper conditions, their mid-shunt image impedance charac- teristics may be made ecpial at all fretjuencies. (By reference to the above tables, both sections ha\i' mid-slumt im()edaiice characteristic No. 14 of Fig. 8). I'rom e(|ualion (7) lV=l-,r... + l",. (12.5) where K, = l/;^,, 1^=1, ,^5 and y, = \,Zi. \n K.ii. ixnrcT.is'cr. ix ii:irr. iii.iiks loo III V\K .Ml. K-t 111(1 (126) (127) (128) X' 21 2 L, C, -^ ^^r ^^— L_^ Fig. 50 — Two Structures Having Equal Mid-Shunt ImaRc Impedances, One of Which Contains a Negative Inductance in Its Scries Arm where Ka L- L:\ K b ^ C2' , C> i\nd Kc ^ L^ L\' From ( 12.")) in wiiirli '^^trr. (12-161 (188.1l. 2. KtnnfUy, \. K., "The Kqiiivalunce of Triangles and Three-Pointed Stars in Coiiducting Networks," lUectricai World and Engineer , New York, Vol. XXXIV, pp. 4I.J-JI4, Sept. U>, 1899. i. CamplK-ll, (;. A., "Cisoidal Oscillations," Trans. A. L li. E., Vol. X.\.\, I'arl II. p[). ,S73 lishc.. l'>21. 10. Clement, I.. M., Rvan, V. M., and Martin, I). K., "The .Xvaion-I.o.s .AnRcles Radio Toll Circuit/' Prot. I. K. E.. May, l'J21. 11. Kletrher, H., "The Nature of Speech and Its Interpretation," Jour. Franklin Inst.. June, 1922. 12. Canipbell, C.. .\., "Physical Theory of the Electric Wave-Filter," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour.. Nov., \el, O. J., "Theory and Design of Uniform and Composite Electric Wave- Filters," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour.. Jan., 1923. 14 Rose, .-X. F., "Practical Application of Carrier Telephone and Telegraph in the Bell System," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour.. April, 1923. 15. Hartley, R. V. L., "Relation of Carrier and Side-Bands in Radio Transmission," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., April, 1923. It). Bown, C. D., Englund, C. R., and Friis, H. T., "Radio Transmission Measure- ments," Proc. I. R. E.. April, 1923. 17. Peters. L. J., "Theory of Electric Wave Filters Built up of Coupled Circuit Elements," Jour. A. I. E. £., May, 1923. 18. Demarest, C. S., "Telephone Equipment for Long Cable Circuits," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour.. July, 1923. 19. Nichols, H. W. and Espcnschied, L., " Radio E.\tension of the Telephone System to Ships at Sea," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., July, 1923. 2(1. Carson, J. R. and Zobel, O. J., "Transient Oscillations in Electric Wave- Filters," BeU Sys. Tech. Jour.. July, 1923. 21. Arnold, H. D. and Espenschied, L., "Transatlantic Radio Telephonv," Belt Sys. Tech. Jour., Oct., 1923. 12. Best, F. II., "Measuring Methods for Maintaining the Transmission Efficiency of Telephone Circuits," Jour. A. I. E. £., Feb., 1924. 2i. Casjicr, W. L., "Telephone Transformers," Jour. A. I. Er-E.. March, 1924. 24. Slaughter, N. H. and Wolfe, W. V., "Carrier Telephony on Power Lines," Jour. A. I. E .£., April, 1924. 25. Foster, R. M., "A Reactance Theorem," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., .\pril, 1924. 26. .Martin, W. H., "The Transmission Unit and Telephone Transmission Refer- ence System," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour.. July, 1924. 27. Zobel, O. J., "Transmission Characteristics of Electric Wave-Filters," Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., Oct., 1924. Some Contemporary Advances in Physics VI Electricity in Gases By KARL K. DARROW 1. Introduction Till-; i)li\>iii>ts of a (jiiarttT of a century ago, who dcvoti-d iIh-iii- selves to the study of electricity in gases, were liappiK' inspireti; for among the myriad of intricate and obscure phenomena which the\- observed there are some few of an extreme sinijjlicity, in which the qualities of the individual atoms of matter and electricity are manifest; in analyzing these they entered upon the path that led most directly to the dee[)er understanding of nature which is superseding the physics of the nineteenth century, and the physics of today is founded upon their efTorts. The electron was perceived for the first time in the course of ol)ser\ations on the electric discharge in rarefied gases, and other experiments in the same field established the atom in science as a real and definite object. The disco\'ery of the atom is commonly credited to the chemists; yet fifteen years have not passed since students of cluinistr>- were being warned by a famous teacher that "atom" and "molecule" are figurative words, not on any account to be taken literally! The laws of chemical combination were held insufficient to pro\-e that atoms ha\'e any real existence; though elements nia\' always combine with one another in imclianging propor- tions, this does not pro\e anytiiing about the weights of the atoms, or their sizes, or their (|ualities, or even that all the atoms of an element have the same weight, or even that there are any atoms at all. Now that we are past the necessity for this caution, and can count atoms, and measure their masses, and infer something about their structure, and estimate how close together they can a|)proach, and know wliai happens to them when they strike one another or are struck 1)\- electrons; now that we can fill in the jiicture of the atom with so many and so diverse details, we are indebted for this progress chiefly to the men who gathered the daUi and made the theories concernini; the conduction of electricity in gases. Many will remember how in ihc years before the great war this field of research seemed the most vital part of physics, the most inspired with a sense of new life and swift advance; now others share with it the centre of the stage, but they won tiieir places chiefly l)ecause of the light it shed upon them. It seems strange that the (low of electricity in gases should have proved easier to interpret than the How of electricity in ntetals, which in appearance is certainly b\ f,ir the sinijiler. One ai)plies tin- tcrniiiials 112 sOMl- rO.V7/;.UrOA'./A'r .(/)C./.V( /V /.V /7/)S7( V 17 II.! Ill .1 l>,ittfry to the ends of a wiro, and promptly llu- i-k-ctric potential (li>triliutes itsflf with a uniform gradient alon^ the win- and a ciirriMit flows steadiK' down il. So rijiorously is llu- ciirri'iil jiroporlional lo till' \(illai;e lielween the ends of the wire, over \ er%- wide ranges of \olta^e .md eurrenl, thai we rejjard the ratio as an essential constant of the wire: and we regard the ratio of potential-gradient (elertrh- held) lo current density as an esseiilial characteristic of the metal, and gi\e it a name — resistivity or specific resistance -and refer to theories of conduction in metals as theories of metallic resistance. 1 1 all seenis exceedingly simple, and \et in the forejjoing article of this series I have shown how all the atlempls lo interpret it have ji;one in vain. Much more complex in appearance is the discharjje throuj^h a gas. One applies the terminals of a battery to a pair of elect rotles facing one another in the opwn air, and perhaps nothing happens, or so minute a current flows that the most delicate of instruments is de- manded to detect it; and then when the I)attery-\oItagc is very slightly raised, there may be an explosion with a blaze of light, dissociating the gas and corroding the electrodes, and draining off the a\'aiiablc elec- tricity in a moment. Or if one of the electrodes is acutely pointed there may be glows and luminous sheaths around it or tentacles of bluish light ramif\ing from it far and wide through the air. Or the ilischarge may rise to the heat of incandescence, Tind the gas and the electrodes shine with a blinding radiance, the brightest light that can tie kindletl on the earth. Or if the electrodes are enclosed in a tube containing a rarefied gas or vapor, the gas flares up into an extraordi- nar\' pattern of light and shade, lucent vividly-colored clouds floating Itetween regions glowing feebly or obscure; and as the gas is gradually pumped awa>', the pattern changes and fades, a straight beam of electrons manifests itself by a luminous column traversing the tube, the glass walls flash out in a green fluorescence, and finalK' all becomes extinct. As for that e\en gradient, and that constant proportion between current and field strength distinguishing the metals, we cannot find them here. There is no such thing as the resistance of a gas; we had better forget the word, we cannot attach any physical meaning to the ratio of current and voltage. I must not give the impression that all these manifold forms of the electric discharge in gases are understood. Certain of the simplest of them have been clarified, and as a result still simpler ones have been realized and comprehended in their turns, and so on down to the simplest of all, which is the discharge across a vacuum. This sounds somewhat like a paradox and so it would have seemed thirty or forty years ago, when electricity was thought to be inseparable 114 DELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL from matter, and the only known discharges across gases were the discharges in which the gas plays an indispensable role. It is im- portant to note the manner of this evolution, for much of the history of modern physics is dominated by it. We should not be nearly so far advanced as we are, had we not learned two things; how to reduce the amount of gas in a tul)e until an electron can fly clear across it with scarcely any chance of meeting an atom, and how to persuade an elec- tron to emerge from a metal otherwise than by starting a discharge in a gas over its surface. We who are so familiar with the idea of electrons boiling out of a hot wire, or driven out of a cold metal plate by light shining upon it, or fired as projectiles out of exploding atoms, find it difficult to imagine the confusion which of necessity prevailed when all these processes were unknown. In the early stages of research into the discharge in gases, it was made clear that of each self-maintaining discharge a stream of electrons flowing out of the negative electrode is an essential part; the electron-stream maintains the gas-discharge, and reciprocally the gas-discharge maintains the electron -St ream. The latest stage commenced when it was made possible to produce and maintain such an electron-stream inde- pendently of any gas-discharge, and deal with it at will. Let me then begin the exposition with this idea, which so many years of research were required to render acceptable: the idea of a stream of electrons emerging from a metal wire or a metal plate, at a constant rate which is not influenced by the presence or absence of gas in the space surrounding the metal. The reader may think either of thermionic electrons flowing spontaneously out of a hot wire, or of photo-electrons fl\ing out of a metal plate upon which ultra- violet light is shining.' 2. Till. Fi.DW (ir l-"i.i;(TKONs Tiikuk.ii a \i;kv Raricmkd Monatomic Gas, and Tiikir H.ncolnters with the Ato.ms Conceive a source of electrons, a negative electrode or cathode, which is enclosed in a tube. If the tube is highly evacuated, the ' While forming one's ideas it is proferalilc to think of the photoelectric source, for a variety of reasons; the electron-stream is not very dense, the electrons emerge with kinetic energies never in excess of a certain sharply-marked limiting value, the metal is cold and not likely to react chemically with whatever gas surrounds it. Also several of the clas.sical fundamental experiments were performed in the years from 180X to I'MV), when the photoelectric elTect had become a reliable instrument of research and the thermionic effect had not. Nowadays it is sometimes used in the ho|>e of >ur|>assinK the accuracy of earlier work, or in experiments on compound (tases which the hot wire might decompose. Still the hoi wire is so much easier to ins■)• .;/M-.f.V(7:\ IX I'liYsics n iis electrons enter the vacuum freely; electricity has no liorror of a vacuum, any more than nature generally. Still there is sometliin^; which suggests the horror vaciii of the scientists before (lalileo; for the electrons which arc alreaily partway across the vacuum tend, by their electrostatic repulsion, to [lush back their followers which are just emerging from the metal. This is the space-charge effect, which bns liecome famous since the audion became almost as common an ob- ject as the incandescent lamp in the American home. I shall presently have to write down the equations describing this effect; for the time In-ing we may ignore it, so long as the electron-stream is not more profuse than a photoelectric current gencralh- is. The electrons of these scanty discharges enter into the vacuum and pass over without hindrance. At this point it is advisable to say what is meant by a "vacuum." Scientists are growing more exigent year by year in their use of this term; thirty or forty years ago people spoke of "vacuum tulx;s" mean- ing tubes so full of gas that they would transmit a big current with a resplendent luminous displa\', but this self-contradicting usage has become quite intolerable. At the present day the least density of gas, or the highest vacuum, commonly attained corresponds to a gas- pressure about 10" " as great as the pressure ancfdensity of the atmos- phere. This means that there are about 10~* molecules in a cubic centimetre of the "vacuum," which may make the name sound absurd. But the practical criterion for a \acuum is not whether the remaining atoms seem many or few, but whether they are numerous enough \.o alTcct the passage of a discharge; and as an electron shooting across a tulx? 10 cm. wide and evacuated to this degree has 999999 chances out of a million of getting clear across without encountering a molecule, the tulx." is vacuJHis enough for any sensible definition. Next we will imagine that a gas is introduced into the tube, in quantity sufficient so that each electron going from cathode toward anotle will collide on the average with one or possibly two atoms on its way. It is best to Ijegin by thinking of one of the noble gases, of which helium, argon and neon are the ones in common use; or of the vapour of a metal, mercury vapour being much the easiest of these to work with; for their atoms liehave in a simpler and clearer manner toward the electrons than do the molecules of the commonest gases, particu- larly the oxygen molecules which are so numerous in air. In fact the practice of using the noble gases and the metal vapours — that is to say, the monatomic gases — whcre\er possible in these researches ought really to be regarded as one of the great advances of the last few years; our predecessors would certainly have learned more about the dis- 116 BEI.l. SYSTEM Tr.CIIS'lCAL JOCRX.II. charge in nases than they ever did, if they had not studied it in air ninet\- limes out of a himdred. and in other diatomic gases most of the other ten. Let lis sii|)p()se thai the tiilie contains lieliliin of the extrenieK' small density I ha\e just defined. 'I'hen so long as the kinetic energ\' of an electron does nnl exceed lit. 7') Nolts, it will rehoimd from any helium atom which it strikes, like a vcr\- small perfecth' elastic ball rebound- ing from a \XTy large one. We might conceive the contents of the tul)e (for this purjiose and onl\- for this purpose!) asa flock of immense ivory pushballs floating languidK' about, with a blizzard of etjually elastic golfballs or marbles darling through the interspiices and occa- sionally striking and bouncing olT from one of the pushballs. If the collisions between electrons and atoms are jjerfectly elastic, as I have s;iid wilhoul giving e\idence, the electron will lose an extremely small part of its kinetii energy at each collision, owing to the great disparit\- in masies — a fraction varying from zero up to not more than .0()().").'i7 depending on the direction of rebound. This wah verified in a prett\- experiment by K. T. ('onipiini AWtl J. M. Bcnade, who utilized a certain effect- which electrons produce wluii the\' ha\'e kinetic energ\' exceeding 10.7.") volts at the moment of a collision with a helium atom. For example, when the pressure of helium was 4.'M mm. and the electrons were drawn from a cathode to an anode 0.2().") cm. away, a \()ltage-difference of 20.2.5 (plus an un- known correction) was required to produce this effect ; when the anode was 0.90 cm. from the cathode the required voltage-difference was 23.45 (plus the same correction). The extra volts were spent in re- placing the energ>- lost by the electrons in the collisions with helium atoms over the extra (\.'.i mm.; they amounted to an average of .0003 of the electron's energy lost in each co'lision. excellenllv in agreement with the assumption. .Now as for the transit of the eleclroii-siream fiom cathode to anode, the helium atoms will simph' thin it down by intercepting some of the electrons and turning their courses backwards or aside. The greater the numlier of atoms in the path, the greater the pro- portion of electrons intercepted; it can easily be seen that, so long as the gas is not denser than I have s[)ecified, this proportion increases as an exponential function of the number of atoms between cathode and anode,'' whether this mnnber be increased by introducing more gas or by moving the anode farther aw.iy from the cathode. If ' lii<-i|iiiMit i(iiii/;ilion, as (lcs(TilH.-(l hclim. 'The pri>()ortion iiKrcases inort- slowly when dure arc- alrc-adv so many atoms l)f- twifn ancMJf and rathoili' thai an cicclron is llki'ly to strike two or more on its way SOI// (O.V// l//M/v'.//x') .;/>/ /.V(/s /V /7/ls/(s (/ 117 till- .iikhIi- ami llir citlioiU- an- two par.illi'l platr^. led before they reach ilic anode is A.V .Vo=l (1) and the niiinlier of electrons reachini; the corresponding; area on the anode in a second, .V»— A.V, conforms to the e(iu,itioii: log, (A'o-A.Y)= -.4 A/ + const. (2) The coefficient .1 is a constant to be interpreted as the effective cross- sectional area of the helium atom relatively to an oncoming electron — that is, the atom behaves towarils the electron like an obstacle pre- senting the impenetrable area .-1 to it. In the experiments perfortned to verify these assertions and de- termine the \alue of .1, the simple geometricifl arrangemeni whicli I have described is generally modified in one way or another for greater accurac>- or convenience. Mayer approached most nearly to the sim()le arrangement; in his apparatus (Fig. 1) the electrons Fig. 1 — Apparatus for determining the percentage of electrons which go across a gas of variable thickness without interception. (Mayer, AnnaJen der Physik) which e.iierge from the hot lllamenl al G, pass througli the two slits in front of it, and then go down the long tube to the anode A', which is drawn backward step by step. The logarithinic curves of current versus distance for various pressures of nitrogen (Fig. 2) are straight. Unfortunately the current also diminishes as the distance is increased when the nitrogen is pumped out altogether: this is attributed partly 118 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL to residual \'apors and partly to the electrons striking the walls of the tube. The other curves are corrected for this ctTect, and then A is calculated. Vov helium it is 25.10 '^ cm-; the values obtained by modifications of the method agree well.* The helium atoms therefore behave as so many minute and yet appreciab'le obstacles to the passage of the electron-stream, so long as the electrons are not moving so rapidly that their energies of motion do not surpass 19.75 volts. Klectrons as slow as these bounce off from the atoms which they strike. When, however, an electron pos- sessing kinetic energ\- greater than Id. 75 volts strikes a helium atom, c2 06 S-^ 04 0.2 0.0 ^^. ^ ^ ^? ..^ ^ f^ '"-^''' "^P" 00000 00026 Nitre gen >^ 00050 0OO75 mmHg 2.7 5.4 82 (0.9 (3.6 cm Fig. 2 — Curves illustrating the iiilircupliDii of electrons by nitrogen niuleculcs which they strike. (Mayer, Annalen der Pliysik) it is liable to lose 19.75 volts of its energy to the atom, retaining only the remainder. This energ>- does not become kinetic energy of the atom, a process which would be incompatible with conservation of momentum; neither is the atom broken up; it receives the quota of energy into its internal economy, where some kind of a domestic change occurs with which we are not concerned for the moment, except in that it furnishes an exceedingly accurate indirect way of calculating the exact amount of energy taken from the electron. The atom is said to be put into an "excited" or sometimes into a "meta- * The niodifieer of atoms in the channel by varying the gas-pressure. In this way he discovered that A for argon atoms differs very greatly for different sirixIs of the electrons; it was later found that other kinds of atoms have a variable ,1, although happily the variations are not great. This seems strange at first.'but it is probably stranger that A should have nearly the same value for different 9pec volts and 6.7 volts; see footnote'). (Davis and Goucher) we ha\e hitherto imagined. So long as the energy of the electrons does not attain the resonance-potential of the gas, there is no reason to expect any novel effects; the collisions will be perfectly elastic, just as when the electrons were few. But when the atoms are thrown into the "excited state" by impacts, there will be occasional cases of an atom being struck twice by electrons in such quick succession that at the moment of the second blow, it is still in the excited state provoked by the first. Now, much less energs' is reqtiired to ionize an atom when it is in the excited state than when it is normal; con- secjuently when the electrons are so abundant that these pairs of • The sudden upturn at 10.4 volts is the swift rise of current at the onset of ioniza- tion. The much less violent upturns at 4.9 and 6.7 volts are due to the electrons e.xpelled from the metal parts of the apparatus by the radiation from the excited atoms. In the lower curve, by modifying the apparatus, the latter upturns are translated into downturns to distinguish them from the upturn which denotes ionization. This distinction was not realized until I'M/, and in articles published iK'tween 1913 and 1917 the lowest resonance-potentials of gases are given as their ionizing potentials. Enormous improvements in the methods and technique of measuring these critical P'Otentials, and recognizing of which kind they are, have lieen effected since then. 122 BBLL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL nearly-simultaneous collisions hapf)en often, ionization will begin at the resonance-potential. In a profuse electron-stream, the threshold potential for ionization is the lowest resonance-potential. Another feature of the profuse discbarge is, that when ionization does com- mence the current leaps up much more suddenly and violently than it does in the scanty discharge. This is because the electron-current is depressed at first by the space-charge effect, the repellence which the electrons crossing the gap exert against the electrons which are on the verge of starting; when positi\e ions first appear in the gap, they cancel the action of a great number of the traversing electrons, and the flow of electrons from the cathode to anode is immensely increased. I shall speak of this more extensively further on. We return to the case of the feeble electron-stream. We have con- sidered various things which an electron may do to a helium atom which it strikes — bouncing off harmlessly, or putting the atom into an excited state, or ionizing it; we have mentioned that each of the two latter actions commences at a critical value of energy, at the so- called resonance or ionizing potential, respectively; we have con- sidered the effect of each of these actions upon the discharge. Have we listed all the possible interactions between atoms of matter and atoms of electricity, when electrons flow across helium? and if we knew all the resonance potentials and all the ionizing potentials' of helium, could we predict all the features of all electrical discharges in pure helium, whether in rarefied gas or in dense, whether the elec- tron-stream be scanty or profuse? This is the general belief; whether justified, it is impossible to say. We e\idently need another Maxwell or anotJier Boltzmann, somebody e.xceedingly skilful in statistical reasoning, al)le to take the information we can provide about the possibility or the probability of various kinds of impacts, and deduce the slate of affairs in the mixture of atoms, ions and electrons without getting hopelessly entangled in the frightful maze of equations into which his very first steps would certainly lead him. While awaiting him we have to content oursehes with our successes in interpreting the (low of electrons through very rarefied helium and the other noble ga.ses and the metal vapors; and as for the discharges in denser gases ' I have simpli(ii.-(J this passage somewhat so as not to retard the exposition. We know that an electron may "excite" a helium atom if its energy exceeds 19.75 volts, but this docs not prove that it must do so; it is more reasonable to suppose that it has a certain chance of exciting the atom, zero when its energy is less than 19.75 volts, but greater than zero, and a certain function of its energy, when the latter exceeds 19.7S volls. We should know these functions for all the resonance-potentials and for the ionizing-|K>tential; inde|>endent experiments to determine them have been per- formed, and no doubt will be multiplied. SOME CONTEMPOKAKY ADVANCVS l\ I'llVSICSII I.M we have to take the experimental data as we fwul lliem, and analyze tlietn as Inist we ntav. not with too jjreat an experlatioii of penetrating to the properties of the ultimate atoms; and yet, as we shall see, the analysis does in certain cases penetrate unexpectedly far. '.\. TlIK KH)\V OK Kl.IiCTRONS A( ROSS UliNSE AlR, XlIROGliN, Hydrocen and Similar Gases The celebrated series of researches by Professor Towiisend of Oxford and by his pupils, commenced in l'.U)2 and continuing through the present, relate chiefly to such gases as iiydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and the familiar mixture of the last two which we breathe; and chiefly to these gases at densities much greater than we have hitherto con- sidered— densities corresponding to such pressures as a thousandth or a hundredth of an atmosphere, therefore so great that an electron crossing over from a cathode to an anode a few centimetres away must collide with scores or hundreds of atoms. If a stream of electrons is poured into perfectly pure helium of such a density, we must not look for a sudden onset of ionization when the voltage between cathode and anode is raised just past 24.5, for the reason illustrated by those experiments of Compton and Benade — the electrons lose energy in all of their collisions, even the elastic ones, and arrive at the anode not with the full energ>' corresponding to its potential but with this energy- diminished by what they lost on the way. In the familiar diatomic gases, the electrons lose much more energy in their ordinary collisions. I did not speak of these gases in the foregoing section, because experiments of the very same type as those which show the sharp distinction between elastic impacts and inelastic impacts in the noble gases and give the sharply-defined values of the resonance- potentials of these gases, yield comparatively vague and ill-defined data, when they are performed on hydrogen or air. In these gases, above all in active gases like oxygen or iodine, it is unlikely that any of the impacts, whether the electrons be moving rapidly or slowly, are truly elastic' ' However, Foote and Mohler have obtained quite undeniable evidence of critical potentials, at which the loss of energy by the impinging electron is much greater than it is just below these potentials. The electron can transfer energy to (and receive energy from) a molecule in more difTerent ways than to (from) an atom; such as by setting the molecule into rotation, or putting its constituent atoms into vibra- tion relatively to one another. There is also the mysterious fact of "electron affin- ity"— an electron may adhere firmly to a non-ionized molecule. Numerous measure- ments of the rate at which electrons progress through a gas (a field of research which I have not space to consi in which lo reprt'si-iils iht- i->' "f 'lif Hi's^: ^ rt-prfsi-nls the (lUMii fri'e path of thi- rli-ciron; (', its a-ciprocal, is the luimliiT (if collisions suffered !>%■ the electron in each centitneire of the [latli: and. since (" is proportional to the pressure of the j;as, it is replaced l)y Pp in the final foriniilalion.'' It is already clear that the new .issiiniplion leads lo a llieor\ which re voltage between the electrodes, hut the field strength in the gas, is the factor which controls the phenomena.'" In dealing with gases which are expected to conform to the theory, the appropriate (iro- cedure is to measure the nund)er of molecules which an electron ionizes in a centimetre of its path, for all [)ractical values of the field strength .V ami the density of the gas (or its pressure p) as independent vari- ahles. I will designate this numher, following the usual practice, hy a; if the theory is true it cannot he greater than a', it may he less. These ciuantities a and a' are statistical quantities, not like tlic ioniz- ing-potential qualities of the indi\idual atom or molecule, aiul ihi> is a misfortiuie and disachantage of the theory and of the experiments which it interprets; we are not, so to speak, in the presence of the ultimate atoms as hefore, we are one step rem')\'e(l from ihcin, and this step a difficult one to take. The measurement of a is effected !)>■ \arying the distance d hetween anode and cathode, and determining the current as function of d. If -Vo electrons flow out of the cathode in a second, the ionization com- mences at the distance rfo= V'X from the cathode, and from that ' Since the nunilier of free paths, out of a total number No, which exceed L in length is equal to A'o exp ( — L \): and since the potential-difference between the be- ginning and the end of the path of length L, if parallel to the field, is XL. It may fx? objected that the electrons fiounre in all directions from their impacts, while the language of this paragraph implies that they are always moving exactly in the direction of the field. The rebuttal is, that if they do lose almost all of their energy in an impact, or all but an amount not much greater than the mean speed of thermal agitation, they will soon be swerved around completely into the direction of the field no matter in what direction they start out. '"The ionizing-potential determines the distance from the cathode at which ioniza- tion commences; this is ecjual to (/o=''o/A', and within this distance from the cathode there is no ionization and the theorj- does not apply; beyond this distance the ionization is controlled entirely by the field strength and by the number of in- flowing electrons and the voltage between cathode and anode affects it only insofar as it affects these. 126 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL point onward the electron-stream increases exponentially, so that the current .Ve arriving at the anode is .Ve = AV e\p a {d- do) (4) In Townsend's experiments the cathode was a zinc plate, the anode a film of silver spread upon a quartz plate; through little windows in the silver film a beam of ultraviolet light entered in from behind, crossed over the interspace and fell normally upon the zinc plate, and drove electrons out of it. The zinc plate was raised and lowered by a screw; the voltage-difTerence between it and the siher film was altered pari passu so that the field strength in the gas remained always the same. The current rose exponentially as the distance between the plates was increased, and thus a was determined. A typical set of data (relating to air at 4 mm. pressure, with a field strength of 700 volts/cm.) is plotted logarithmically in Fig. 5, the logarithm of the current as ordinate and the distance from anode to cathode as abscissa. The first few points lie close to a straight line, corresponding to an exponential curve such as equation (4) requires; the value deduced for a is 8.1G. (The distance d„ is about .35 mm. and has been ignored.) Of the divergence of the later points from the straight line I will speak further on. Such an experiment shows that there is an a — that the theory is not at any rate in discord with the first obvious physical facts — and it gives the value of a for the existing values of A' and p. Townsend performed many such measurements with different field strangths and different pressures, and so accumulated a large experimental material for determining o as function of the two variables /» and X. To interpret these we will begin by making the tentative and tempo- rary assumjition that whenever a molecule is struck by an electron having energy enough to ionize it, it is ionized — that is, a' = a. Rewriting the equation (3) which expresses a' as function of p and A', we '^(•f lh.lt a' p = li exp ( - /i I -.p X) =/ (X/p) . (5) Therefore, if «' = «, the (|uotient of a by /> is a fiiiictiDii of X and p only in the combination X/p; or, whenever the pressure and the field strength are varied in the same proportion, the number of molecules irinized by an electron in a centimetre of its path varies proportionally with the pressure. I leave it to the reader to invent other wav's of expressing (.")) in words which illumin.ite various aspects of its physical meaning. SOME CONTEMPORARY AlWANCES IN PHYStCS-Vl 127 FiK- 5 — Logarithmic plot of the currents across a gas (air) in which ionization by collision is occurring, for a constant fieltl strength and various thicknesses of gas (Data from Townscnd) Experimentally, the test of (5) is made by dividing each one of Townsend's values of a by the pressure at which it was determined, and then plotting all these values of a/ p versus the corresponding values of X p. All the points for any one gas should lie on or close to a single curve, and within certain ranges of pressure and field strength they do; so far, good. The curve should be an exponential 128 nr.l.l. SVSTFSf Tr.CIIXICAL JOVRWAl. one, and within certain ranges of field strength and pressure it is; again, good. The next step is to calculate the values of B and Vn which the curve imposes on the gas to which it relates. I quote the values of In, the ionizing-potential, which Townsend presents: .\ir N: 11: CO, 11(1 Ii,() .\ He 2.0 27 . (•) 2f) 2:i . ;< 1(1..') 22 . 4 17.3 12.3 W'luii ihe first of these values were (ielenuiiieil. an more direct way of measuring ioiiizing-potcntials was known. Xow that we ha\e some values obtained l)y the direct methods sketched a few pages hack, and fortified 1)>- indirect but very forcible evidence from spectroscopy, it is possible and cjuite important to test some of these. The values for argon and helium, although of the proper order of magnitude, are certainly too low. This is not in the least surprising, considering how- many of the collisions between electrons and atoms must be perfectly elastic. It seems indeed rather nnsterious that the current- voltage relation in either of these gases should ha\e conformed closely enough to (4) to make it jiossible to define and ineasure a; but the electrons no doubt entered into luany of the collisions with energy enough to put the atoms into excited states, if not to ionize them; and it is nearly always possible to take refuge in the assertion that the im- purities may have been sufficient to distort the phenomena. As for the other gases in the list, all of them diatomic or triatomic, Town- scnd's values are too high — not ver\- much too high, however; iisiiallv- a matter of one-third to two-thirds." It appears therefore that the theory I have just developed is too sinijile, and must be amended. It seems natural to begin by dropping the tentative assumption that a molecule is ionized whenever it is hit by an electron having as much or more energy than is required to ionize it, and adopt instead the idea once already suggested in these pages, that it is sometimes but not always ionized by such a blow; that there is a certain prohubility of ionization by a blow from an electron having energy U, a probability which is zero wiicn I' < V and is some yet-to-be-determined fimction of U when {'> V. Tiiis would leave intact the conclusion that a p should lie a function of X p, a conclusion which we have already foimd lo be veritied b\' experiment; but it would relieve us of the necessity of assuming that " TownsfiKj's v,t1iics of B likewise corrospoiul to values of the effectivT cross- licction of the niolcriih.-, the (iiLinlity .1 of equation (2), which are of the same order of magnitude as the directly determined values oi A. ' SOMli ii'\;/ w;i'A'./A'J' .;/)/•. /.V( / s /\ /■//> ^/( ^ i; 1."* that function is precisely the expoiienli.il runction appearing in (•">). [•".ssenlially the theory is rejiuced to this postulate: the nuinher of molecules ionized l>y an electron in a centimetre of its path depends only u(X)n the eneryj),- it accjuires from the field in its free ni^lil from one collision to the next. If in this form the theory still cannot give satisfaction, the next step will he to alter the original assuiyp- tion that the electron comes practically to a dead stop in e\er>- col- lision. In dealing; with the nohle gases and the metal \apnurs, the facts alxiut elastic collisions which I ha\e alread\' oulliiuvl pro\e that this assumption should not be made at all. It is clear ilial this is another prolilein for the future Bolt/mann! Meanwhile, one of the cardinal features of the TowummhI experi- menis is the fact that the\' display the .gradual advent of the trans- formation of the maintained currents which we have hitherto con- sidered, into the self-maintaining discharges which are the familiar and the spectacular ones; and we now ha\e to examine the agencies of this transformation. 4. TnK Discn.\R<.F. Begins to CoxTRinuTE to the F,i.ECTRf)N- Stre.xm Which M.mnt.mns It (■reatly though the current of primary electrons from the cathode to the anode may be amplified by the repeated ionizations which I have described, there is nothing in this process which suggests how the discharge may eventually be transformed into a self-maintaining one like the glow or the arc. The free electrons may ionize ever so abundantly, but as soon as the supply from the cathode is suspended by cutting ofT the heat or the light, the last electrons to be emitted will migrate off towards the anode, and whatever electrons they liberate will go along with ihem, leaving a stratum of gas devoid of electrons in their wake; and this stratum will widen outwards and keep on widening until it reaches the anode, and then the discharge will be ended. Something further must happen continually in the gas through which the electrons are flowing, something which con- tinually supplies new free electrons to replace, not merely to supple- ment, the old ones which are absorbed into the anode and vanish from the scene. We have alreacK' noticed one sort of e\ent contiiuialh' hai)peiiing in such a gas as helimn traversed by not-too-slow electrons, which might conceivably develop into a mechanism for maintaining the dis- charge; for, when an atom of the gas is put into the "excited state" by a blow from an electron, it later returns into its normal state, and 130 PELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL in so returning it emits a quantum of radiant energy which may strike the cathode, and be abs<)rl)ed b\- it, and cause another electron to leap out of the cathofie and follow the first one. There are two other concei\able processes, which have the merit that they can not only be concei\ed but also witnessed in operation iiy themselves when the right conditions are provided. Positive ions flung violently against a metal plate drive electrons out of it, as can be shown by putting a positively-charged collector near the bombarded plate and noticing the current of negative charge which flows into it; and posi- ti\-e ions flowing rapidly across a gas .ionize some of the atoms in it, as may be shown by sending a beam of such ions across the inter- space between two metal plates, with a gentle crosswise field between them which sucks the freed electrons into the positive plate. The mechanism of the first process is not understood, except when the positive ions are so many and so swift that they make the metal hot enough to emit thermionic electrons, which does not happen in the cases we are now considering. The mechanism of the second process is only dimly understood, but it is clear enough that a positive ion driven against an atom is much less likeh' to ionize it, than an electron of equal energA- would be.'- Either of these two processes is very inefficient, at least at the comparatively low speeds with which posi- ti\e ions move under the circumstances of these experiments; but they are probably efficient enough to do what is required of them. No doubt all three of them contribute to the discharge; but the relative proportions in which they act certainly differ ver>- nuicli from one sort of discharge to another, and will furnish research problems for years to come. Returning to I-'ig. 5, we note once more that as the electrodes are moved farther and farther apart while the density of the gas and the fielfl strength arc held constant, the current at first rises exponentially (linearly in the logarithmic plot) as it should if the free electrons and onl>' the free electrons ionize; but eventually it rises more rapidly and seems to be headed for an uncontrollable upward sweep. Town- send attributed this uprush to the tardy but potent participation of the i>osilive ions, either ionizing the molecules of the gas by impact after the fashion iA the negati\e ions, or driving electrons out of the cathode when they strike it, or both. F^ilher assumption leads to "If iiKiiiicntuin is rinisorvrd in the iiii|>art liotwoc-n ion and atom, the ion must retain ,1 larKe part o( its kinetic energy after the cullision, or else the struck atom must lake a kir^e part iif it as kinetic energy of its own niotiun; it is not possible for tlie striking partiile to spend nearly its entire energy merely in liberating an elerlron from the struck one. Conservation of momentum |x'rliaps does not pre- vail on the atomic scale; but of all the principles of classical ilvnaniics, it is the one which the reformers of physics most hesitate to lay violent hands upon. soMr. co.v/r.uroK.iA'K .tnf.iKcrf /.v riivsics- n i.ii an iHiuation expressing the dal.i e(niall\' well. If we adopt the former, and desiitnale by (i the niiinher of moleniles ionizetl i)y a positive ion in a centimetre of its path, and by X,> llie iininhcr of electrons supplied [wr second at the cathode, we ^;et Of course, ii must he mnili smaller than <*, or tiic posilixe ions would have made themseUes felt earlier. Or if we adopt the latter idea, and tiesiRnate by k the number of electrons expelled from the cathode (on the average) by each positive ion striking it, we arri\e at the formula ^^ 1 -*(«•«■'- !)• ^'' N'atur.dl>- k must be imich smaller than unity for the s.iiiie reason. In Fig. r> the broken curve represents (ti), with the values ' bear an uncomfortably strong resemblance to the liglitiiing-bolt which is the cosmical prototype of all electric sparks. What goes on after the critical mcjment of transition or transforma- tion depends on many things; and not only on ob\ious features of the spark-gap, such as the kind and density of gas and the shape and size and material of the electrodes, but also on such things as the resistances and the inductances in series with the discharge, and the qualities of the Sf)urce of elect romoti\e force and its ability to satisfy the demands for current and voltage which the new discharge may make. Some- times these demands are too extravagant for most laboratory sources or jjcrhaps for an\- .source to meet; probably this is why the spark between extended plane surfaces in dense air is as ejihemcral as it is \iolent. But this does not always happen; in a s-ufficienth' rarefied gas, the sc-lf-mainiaining discharge which sets in after the transforma- tion re(|uires only a modest current and a practicable \-oliage, and supports itself with a few thousand \olts ajjplied across its terminals. The same thing occurs in a dense gas, if either of the electrodes is I)ointed or shari)l\- curved, like a needle or a wire; the condition, more exactly, is that the radius of curvature of either electrode should be distinctly less than the least distance between the two. The trans- formation, however, is always very sudden, whether the new dis- charge be transient or |)ermancnt; and there are also sudden transi- sci// coxir.Mi'ou.iRy .iitixcis- i\ I'livsiis \ i i.u timis from one sort <>f s«."lf-m.iiiu.iiniiit; (liscli.irno lo iinotlier, r.i;., from rIow lo arc or from om- kind of ^;lo\v to anoilu-r when ci-rtain critiral roiulilions are transi;rrssr(I (criliral coiulitiotis wliirh mav tlK-msolM's ili'priul on the l>atti'r\' ami ihc rirniit as well as the con- st.uUs of tin- spark-gap). There are disroiitiniiities of eurreiit and diseontinuiiies of \oItai;e at these transitions, and al)riipl chanj;fs in the \ isil>le appearance in the discharge; and at each transforma- tion there is a rearrangement of the distribution of space-charge in the gas. Hitherto we have encountered space-charge only in one or two of its simplest manifestations, retarding tlte How of an electron- stream across a vacuum, anil suddenly annulletl when positive ions are mingled with the stream. .Now we ha\e to consider much subtler and more complicated cases, in which the space-charge varies rapidly in density and e\en in sign from one part of the gas to another, and the field and potential distributions are utterly distorted by it; and these distortions are essential to the life of the discharge. This distribution of space-charge is indeed dominant; and so I will write down some formulae which mav be used to describe it. .'). l)iiiRi:ssi()\ TO W'kiii. Down Somk Sp.\< e-Ch.\rge I-".gl ATIONS The fundamental cfiualion of the electrostatic field, known as Poisson's equation, is ^ -\ = -n-^ + -j-^ + -r^ = - 47rp (8) a.v- ay- dz- ^ ' in which l' represents the electrostatic potential, and p the xoluine- density of electric charge. We consider only the mathematically simplest case in which all variables are constant over each plane perpendicular to the .r-axis, and so depend only on the coordinate .v; as for example near the middle of an exceedingly wide tube with the .v-axis lying al(jng its axis. In this case Pois.son's equation is dH' dX in which A' represents the potential-gradient, or field strength with sign reversed.'* The value of X is determined at all points when the " Field-gradient is therefore, proportional to space-charge with sign reversed, and rice versa. Positive fieUI-graditnt implies negative space-charge; negative field- 134 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL value of A' at any one point and the values of p at all intermediate points are preassigned. Thus let Ao represent the preassigncd value of A' at .v=0, and Xj represent the value of A' at .v=(/; wc have Aj=-4jr/'pr/.v + A'o. (10) •'0 Consequently the P.D. between an\- two points is also determined; that between a=0 and x=d is Vi- Vo= -i^ f (ix Tp dx + Xo(L (11) Jo Jo Now we introduce the further assumption that the electric charge is concenlraled upon corpuscles (electrons or charged atoms) of one kind, of ec|ual charge E and mass ni, of which there are iidv in a very small volume dv at .v; n is a function of .v. Then «£ = p. (12) Assume finally that the corpuscles are moving with speed u, identical for all corpuscles having the same A;-coordinate, but depending on x; represent the current-density by i; we have ttEu = i (13) and consequently p = i/u. (14) I Now consider the llow of current between two parallel jjlanes, from one electrode at x = 0 to the t)lhcr at x=d. If the current is borne by corpuscles of one kind, and the assumption last made is true; and if we know the speed of the corpuscles at every point between the plates, and the field strength at someone point; then we can calculate the field strength everywhere between the plates, and the potential-difTerence between them. The customary convention about the field strength is to assume it to be xero at the electrode from which the corpuscles start, so that Xo = 0 in (11). Rewriting (11) to take account of (14), we have Vd - To = - 4 TTt / dx f'dx/u ( 1 o) Jo Jo as the general equation. Krudiciit iiiiplif!) (xjsilivf space-charge; iinirumi field implies zero space-charge. It is instructive lo exaniiiie mappings of fielcl-distribiition with this principle in mind: such mappings, tor example, aslhose in Kig. '>. The uniform fu-ld in a current- carrying wire nieans th.it |K>sitive and negative charges are distril)ute(l everywhere in the metal with equ.d density — a conclusion one might forget, but for these more general cases. SOMI-: COM F.Mi'iU^'.iKy .inr.ixcrs /.v I'livsus it \y? If \vi' siipiMisi' lli.it the corpiisili-s .u'(|iiiii' llirii s|hc(1 ii .iI iIr- ili>l.iiu»' ■v ill frir llii;lil Inmi ilir i-lrctrndr wlicir llu-\ si.irl, \vc li>ivr \inir=e\', .iiul {Va-V.)"^=^=yj'^id\ (16) This is till- t(|u,iliiii .ul.ipted to ok-rtrons or other ions llowing acrAss olht-nvisf enipt\ sp.ur. If wo supposr that the corpuscles have at each point a speed propor- tional to tin- titid -trenyjth at that point, we have u= ±k dV/dx, nm\ I'd- V»= .^-^ This equation would be adapted to ions drifting in so dense a gas, or so weak a field, that they acquire very Utile energy from the field (in comparison with their average energy of thermal agitation in the gas) Ix'tween one collision and the next, and lose it all at the next.'^ If we conceive of ions which acquire much energy from the field between one collision and the next (much, that is, in coinparison with their average energ>' of thermal agitation) and lose it all at the next collision, we have u- = {irel/2m) dV,'dx and {V4-Vof = Cid^'^ (18) the constant C being equal to vm'El multiplied by a certain numer- ical factor, and / standing for the mean distance traveled by the ion between one collision and the next. The theory- just given is too simple; it is an essential fact of the actual physical case that the ions emerge, at the surface of the electrode whence they start, with forward velocities which are distributed in some way or other about a mean value. These initial forward velocities, though often small compared with the velocities which the ions may acquire as they cross to the other electrode, are large enough so that all of the ions would shoot across the gap if the field strength were really zero at the emitting electrode and assisted them ever>where beyond it. In fact the space-charge creates a retarding field at the surface of the emitting electrode, and a potential minimum (if the ions are negative; a potential maximum, if the ions are positi\e) at a certain distance in front of it. Here, and not at the emitting electrode as we previously assumed, the field strength is zero. Equa- tion (10) is often valid in practice, because this locus of zero field- strength is often very close to the emitting electrode. In fact, by '* .As in electrical conduction in solid metals (cf. my preceding article). 136 Bni.I. SySTIlM TECIIMC.il lOlliX.II. raising the IM). bfiwccii tlic ])l;ilcs sulVuiciitly, the locus of zero field can be driven hark into coinridenre with the emitting plate; beyond whieh stage, the "limitation of current by space-charge" ceases. But if the P.I), is sufficiently low the potential minimum (or maximum) is prominent and is remote from the electrode, and in these cases the equations we have just deduced are inapplicable. It thus may readily happen that when we apply a certain potential to one electrode and a certain other potential to another electrode separated from the first one by gas or vacuum, we may find points between them where the potential is not ittlerniediate between the potentials of the electrodes. This is a (jueer conclusion, to an\hody accustomed to the How of electricity in wires, liul ii is true, and must be kept in mind. 0. Tiiii Self-M.m.ntai.ninu Disc h.vrcus The Arc ought to be the easiest to understand among the self- maintaining discharges, in one rcsjicct at least; for it keeps its own cathode so inten.sel>- hot that thermionic electrons are supplied con- tinuously in great abundance at the negative end of the discharge, and the theorist can begin his labors l)y trying to explain how and why this high temperature is maintained. Anything which lends to lower the temperature of the cathode, for instance b>- draining heat awa>- from it, is \er>- perilous to the arc. Stark uses various schemes for preventing the cathotle from growing \ery hot, and they all killed the arc. This alsf) ex()lains why the arc is most difficidl to kindle and most inclined to flicker out when formed between electrodes of a metal which conducts heat exceptionally well, and most durable when formed between electrodes of carbon, which is a comparati\ely poor conductor for heal. It probably explains why the arc has a harder time to keep itself alive in hydrogen, a gas of high thermal conductivity, than in air. While the gas in which the arc has its being and the anode to which it extends both influence the discharge, the high temperature of the cathode is cardinal. The cathode is presumably kept hf)t by the rain of jKhsitive ions upon it, striking it with violence and yielding up their energy of motion to it; at least this is the obvious and plausible explanation. Now the arc is commonly and easily maintained in fairly dense gases, with a com|)aratively small potential-difference between widely- si'parated electrodes; and the euerg\- which an ion can acquire from the field strength prevailing in it, in the short interval between two collisions with nrnki uUs, ij. so sm.ill lli.it it cannot be made to account s- strike it. Just ln-lori' tlu- ions i»rri\o ,it ilu- i.iiIkkIi' thr\ must \k- t'lulowi'd with a kiiu-lic oniTk;\' which is \i'i\ uinisu.il (lits.i\ ihi- iiMsl ) in tlie miililio of iht- ilisrli.irm-; and it is in fa( i ol)si'rvfd thai just in front of tlie cathodt- there is a sharj) and sudden jiotenti.d-f.dl, cor- res|>ondin); to a strong field extending; I)ut a little \va\- outward from the electrode and then dsing down into the weak lield pre\ailinK throusli the rest of the arc. This strong lield picks up the ions which have meanderetl to its outward edge from tiie hody of the discharge and hurls them against the cathode — not very forcihh , for the energy they recei\e from that potential-fall is not a great amount by ordinary standards, and most of the ions probably lose some of it in collisions on the way; but with much more energy than they would be likeK' to possess anywhere else in the arc. This fX)tential-fall immediately in front of the negative electrode, the cathode-fall of the arc, is measured by thrusting a probe or sound- ing-wire into the discharge as close as possible to the cathode (gener- ally about a millimetre away), and determining the P.D. between it and the cathode. The probe is regarded with some distrust, as it raises in an acute form the old ciuesiion as to how far the phenomena we observe in nature are distorted by the fact that wc are observing them; the wire may alter the potential of the point where it is placed, or it may assume a potential entirely different from that of the en- vironing gas; but the general tendency nowadays, I believe, is to accept its potential as a moderately reliable index of the potential which would exist at the point where it stands if it were not there.'" The cathode-fall, as so measured, depends unfortunately on quite a number of things; the material of the cathode, the gas, the current. The gas is always mi.xed with a vapour of the electrode-material, particularly in the vicinity of the electrode; the only way to have a single pure gas is to enclose the whole system in a tube, evacuate the tube to the highest possible degree, and then heat it until the vapor- tension of the metal of which the cathode is made rises high enough for the vapor to sustain the arc. This is practicable with the more fusible metals; and with mercury, the arc generates heat enough to maintain the vapor-tension sufficiently high. In pure mercury- " On this matter the e.xperiments of Langniuir and Schottky, mentioned further along in this article, promise new knowledge. The probe automatically assumes such a potential that the net current-flow into it is nil; for example, if it is immersed in an ionized gas in which electrons and ionized atoms are roaming about, its eventual potential is such that equal numbers of particles of the two kinds strike and are absorlwd in it per unit time. If the electrons are much more numerous or have a much higher average energy, or both, this potential may be several volts more negative than the potential at the same point before the probe was put in. The same may be said about the wall of the tube. 138 BELL SYSTF.M TECHXIC.-IL JOURNAL \apor, the caili()(k'-f;ill assuniL's tlie value 4.9 \oIts which is the first resonance-potential of the mercury atom and therefore, as we have seen, is effecli\ely the ionizing-potential of the free mercury atom when the electron-stream is as dense as it is in the arc. This suggests a delightfully simple theory of the whole process: the electrons stream from the cathode, they acquire 4.9 volts of energy from the cathode- fall, they ionixe mercury atoms at the outward edge of the region of high field strength, the positive ions so created fall backward across the cathode-fall and strike the cathode, surrender their energ>' to it and so keep it hot, more electrons pour out, and so forth ad infinitum. It remains to be seen whether so simple a theory can be modified, by statistical considerations or otherwise, to explain the values of the cathode-fall in mixed and diatomic gases. We do not know a priori what is the ratio of the number of electrons flowing outward across the cathode-fall in a second to the number of ions flowing inward. It might, however, be very great, and still the number of ions within the region of the cathode-fall at any instant could far surpass the number of electrons within it — the electron moves so much more rapidK' than the ion, and has so much better a chance of crossing the region in one free flight without a collision. Even in hydrogen, in which the ions are the lightest of all ions, the electron current would have to be 350 times as great as the ion- current if the electrons just balanced the ions in unit volume. It is therefore legitimate to try out the assumption that the region of cath(xle-fall is a region of purely positive space-charge, in which some such ecitiation as (IG), (17),f>r (IS) gives the current of positive ions as a function of the cathode-fall and the width of the region. K. T. Comp- ton selected (18). Unfortunately the width of the cathode-fall region has not been measured, but he assumed it equal to the mean free path of an electron in the gas. The value which he thus calculated for the current of jiositive ions was about 1% of the observed total current; the remaining OlC^'f consists of the electrons. From the cathode region onward to the anode, the gas traversed i)y the arc is dazzingly brilliant. In the long c\lindrical tubes which enclose the mercur\- arcs so commonh' seen in laboratories and studios, the \apor shines everywhere except near the ends with a cold and rather ghastly white light tinged with bluish-green. This is the positive coliMiin of the mercury arc. The potential-gradient along it is uniform, suggesting the flow of electricity down a wire; but here the resemblance stops, for when the current-density goes up the («)tential-gr;idient goes down. The curve of voltage versus current, which for a solid metal is as we all know an upward-slanting straight st>Mi: ci>.\ 1 1 Mfi'K.iio tin .ixu-.s i.\ rilVSICS VI l.io liiii', is for thf arc a (iDwnw.iril-slaiilinK rur\i' (l-'i^;- •">). Such a curvt' is ralli'tl a ilianuliristic, ami tin- arr is said lo liaw a ncn'iUvc cliaractrr- istic. Ii>iiixatii)ii gm-s on roiilimialK witliiii the positive column, ami ions of l)olh si^ns can Ik; drawn out i)y a crosswise field; hut recombination of ions, a proccs,>? which we have not considered, also goes on i-onlimiaily and maintains an cfiuilibrium. Presumably it Fig. 6 — Voltage-current curves or "characteristics," for arc discharges (lielow) and glow discharges (above) in air, between gold electrodes. The different curves corre- s|K)nd to different anofle-cathcKlc distances. (Ives, Journal of the Franklin In^lilute) is the effect of the field strength on this equilibrium which causes the current-voltage curve to slant in what most people instinctively feel is the wrong wa>'; but the theory of the eciuilibriuiii is not yet far advanced. Langmuir and Schottky, working independenth' in Schenectady and in dermany, [)erformcd some very pretty experiments by thrust- 140 flF.LL SYSTEM TF.CIIXIC.IL .lOL'RX.-II. iii}i n(.Kativul\ -rhargcd wiit-s or plates into ihc i>usili\e column. These wires and jilales surroundeil themselves with dark sheaths, the thick- ness of which increased as the potential of the metal was made more and more hii;hly negative. The explanation is, that the electrons in the positive column cannot ai)i)i-oach the intruded wire, being clri\eii back b\- the adverse field; the ilark sheath is the region from which they are excluded, and across it the positive ions advance to the wire through a field controlled by their space-charge. The equation selected by Langniuir to represent the relation between the thickness of the sheath, the voltage across it, and the current of positive ions into it, is (16). As the sheath is \ isible and its thickness can be measured, as well as the other cjuantities, the relation can be tested. This was done by Schottk)-; the result was satisfactory. When the intruded electroile is a wire, the sheath is c>lindrical, and expands as the voltage of the wire is made more negati\e. As the area of the outer boundary of the sheath is increased by this expansion, more ions from the positi\'e column touch it and are sucked in, and the density of flow of positive ifins in the column can be determined. By lowering the potential of the wire gradually so that the electrons can reach it, first the fastest and then the slower ones, the velocity-distribution of the electrons in the column can be ascertained. Their average energy depends on the density of the mercury vapour, and may amount to several \-olts. Beyond the posili\'e colimin lies the anode, itself preceded by a sharp and sudden potential risi-. The electrons are flung against it with some force, and it grows and remains \ery hot; usually, in fact, hotter than the cathode. This high temperature does not seem to be essential to the continuance of the discharge, for the anfxle can be c not \et. The most remarkable feature of this arc Ts/c.v n ^m mwmtmmmmmmmmmmm* -^ »«««M4tf MM Mlll»> «r^ •• ' '^ " '"'r- in fact are not essential to the current-flow; if the anode is pushed inwards towards the cathode, it simply swallows them up in succession with- ii>;li; if it docs, tlic callnHlf-l'.ill MuMi-iiK- Cdll.ipsrs. and till- ^;lt)\v is liaMf to turn into an arc. Mxpiilsion of t.-lfrlrons from cold metals l)y ions strikini; tlu-m lias hccn separately studied, l)iil not siilTicientK'. On the other haiul, there is good e\ idenci- ill, it the (rookis d.irk space, like those tlark sheaths scooped out in the i)ositi\i' cohm;:! Faraday Crookes dark space Negative glow dark space V — — ■^ ^J v 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 d Negative Uniform positive coljmn. Faraday darl< space, glow u '^ k. V ^- — . 'V 12 K 16 18 20 Fi^. 9 — Sketches of the (,'li)W in rarefud nitrogen ,it two pressures (the higher below) with curves showing the trenri of field strength along the discharge. (Grahnni, Wiedemanns Annalen) of the mercur>- arc by intruding a negatively-charged wire, is a region of predominantly positive space-charge, in which positive ions advance towards the cathode in a manner controlled by some such equation as (16) or (17). F"or example, (iunther-Schulze proposed (16) to de- scribe the state of affairs in the Crookes dark space in the condition of normal cathode-fall; that is, he assumed that the ions fail unim- peded from the edge of the negative glow to the cathode surface. Xo 146 DELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL doubt this assumption is too extreme, yet it leads to unexpectedly good agreements with experiment. Thus when the thickness of the Crookes dark space is altered (by altering the pressure of the gas) lea\ing the voltage across it constant, the current-density varies in- versely as the square of the thickness, as it should by (16). And when Gunther-Schulze calculated the thickness of the dark space from (10), using the observed values of cathode-fall and current for six gases and two kinds of metal, and substituting the mass of the mole- cule of the gas for the coelTicient m in that equation, the values he obtained agreed fairly well (within 40^0 with the observed thick- nesses. Long befoie, J. J. Thomson had proposed (17), and Aston tested it by a scries of experiments on four gases, in the condition of strong anomalous cathoi<>ns were fairK- well confiniicr! for large current-densities. Several attempts to test the theory by actuall\- dcterniiiiing the potential-distribution in the Crookes dark space were made with sounding-wires and by other methods; but the>' have all been super- seded, wherever possible, by the beautiful method founded on the discovery that certain spectrum lines are split into components when the molecule emitting them is floating in an intense electric field, and the separation of the components is proportional to the strength of the field. This was established by Stark who applied a strong controllable electric field to radiating atoms, and by LoSurdo who examined the lines emitted by molecules rushing through the strong field in the Crookes dark space, in the condition of anomalous cathode- fall. Now that the effect has been thoroughly studied it is legitimate to turn the experiments around and use the appearance of the split lines as an index of the field strength in the i)lace where they arc emitted. Brose in Cermanx' and l-'oster at \'ale did this. In the pholograjihs (Fig. 10, 11) we see the components merged together at the top, wiiicii is at the edge of the negati\'e glow, where the field is \-ery small; thence they diverge to a maximum separation, and finally approach one another very slightly Ix-fore reaching the bottom, which is at the cathode surface." This shows that the net space-charge in the Crooke " The (lisplarcmcnts nf (crlnin coiniioiicnts arc not rigorously proportional to the fii-ld, and sonictinicsi'ntiri-lv new lines make their appearance at hitherto unoccupiecl places when a sironK fielil i> applied. Holh of these anomalies can lie delected in Ihc pictures. l-"or the original pl.itc from which l-'ig. 11 was made 1 am iiideliled to Ur. l"o8tcr. soMr cnxTr\rrnn 1RV .tnr.ixrrs- rx rnv'^rc'^ vi i-»7 A4388:P PARHELIUM HYDROGEN A4026:P HELIUM Kig. 10 — S|)octriim lines siiUlivided and spread out in the Crookes dark space by the strong and variable field. See lootnote ". (J. S. Foster, Physical Review) Fig. 11 — A group of lines near X43S8 Cparlielium s|x?ctruni) resolved and spread out in the Crookes dark space. See footnote ". 148 BF.IJ. SVSTF.if TF.CIIXICAL JOURNAL dark space is positive from the edge of the negative glow ahiiost but not quite to the cathode; there is a thin region just above the cathode where there is more negative charge than positive. This is splendid material for the theorist, and it is deplorable that the method cannot be applied excciit when the rathode-fall is anomalous and exceedingly large. When a narrow straight iiole is pierced in the catliode, the positive ions making for it shoot clear through, and can be manipulated in a chamber provided behind the cathode. In particular the ratios of their charges to their masses can be measured, and thence their masses can be inferred. This is Thomson's "positive-ray analysis," which .Aston developed into the most generally available of all methods for analyzing elements into their isotopes. If the density of the gas is so far reduced that the Oookes dark space extends to the anode, the electrons can be stutlied in the same way and their charge-mass ratio determined. Hence the mass of the electron can be deduced, and its dependence upon the speed of the electron ascertained, yielding precious evidence in su.pporl of the special or restricted theory of rela- tivity. These are among the simple phenomena which I mentioned at the beginning of this article, in which the properties of the ultimate atoms of electricity and matter are revealed. The positive column, which is the lirilliant, colorful and CDiispicuous part of the glow, resembles in some ways the positive ccjlumn of the mercury arc. In it the ]X)tential-gradient decreases with increasing current, and the characteristic of the glow is negative (Fig. 6). Often the jjositive column subdivides itself into a regular procession of cloudlets or slriations, all just alike and equally spaced (Fig. 7). The potenlial-flitTerence f)etween two consecutive striations has the same value all along the procession, and everyone feels instinctively that it ought to be the i(»nizing-p(ttential or the resonance-potential of the gas; but this is evidently too simi)le an interpretation for the general case, although striations at potential-intervals of 4.9 volts have been realized in mercurv' va|)or. deneralK', if not always, the striations appear when the gas is contaminatetl with a small admixture of another. In this fact the key to the jiroblem of their origin probably lies. The (ilo'iC in a dense jias (as dense as the atmosphere, or more so) is visible only when the surface of either or both electrodes is curved, with a radius of curvature smaller than the minimum distance between the two. In these circumstance.s the field strength varies very greatly from one point to another of the inters|)ace, at least before the space- charges Ix-gin to distort the field, and presumably afterwards as well; S()Mn coNiEMi'OK.iRv .ii>r.i.\ii:s i\ rinsus ii i-w it attains values just in front of the riir\i(l I'li-iMrtiile (or elci'trotk's, if liolh arc iiirvi".w/: ((i.v// .u/'oA'./AT .U'l.i.wis IX rinshs ri im Ufti'H tlu-ri- is .1 luiniiuuis (-yliiitlrit.il sluMtli i-iic.isin^; the wire, and from the lioundary of tlie sheatli outwards to the outer cylinder the ^as is dark. It is customary to assume that tlie dark region, like the (itluT dark spaces we have considered, is traversed by a procession of inns of one sign, positive or negative as the case may Iw, moving at a speed pro(Mirtional to the field and controlled by their own space- charge according to the ecjuatioii in cylindrical cnorilinates corre- sponding to {\7); and the ex|)erinicnls suppcjrt this assumption to a certain extent. I must use my last paragraph to erase the impression — inevitably to Ik.' given by an accoimt so short as this, in which the understood phenomena must be stressed and the mysterious ones passed over — that the flow of electricity through gases iss to be set down in minds anti lx)oks as a perfected science, organized, interpreted and fin- ished. Quite the contrary! there are as many obscure and mysterious things in this tield of physics as there are in any other which has been explored with as much diligence. Its remarkable feature is not that most or many of the phenomena in it have been perfectly explained; but rather, that for those few which have been explained, the ex- planations are ven,- simple and elegant; they are based on a few funda- mental assumptions about atoms and electrons which are not difficult to adopt, for they arc not merely plausible but actually demonstrable. Perhaps as time goes on all the phenomena will be explained from these same assumptions. There will be experimenters who modify the apparatus and the circumstances of past experiments so that all of the avoidable complications are avoided and the phenomena are simplified into lucid illustrations of the fundamental principles; and there will be theorists, who take the complicated phenomena as they are delivered over to us, and extend the power of mathematical analy- sis until it overcomes them. They may find it necessary to make other and further assumptions, beyond those we have introduced; at present it is commonly felt that ours may be sufficient. Whether posterity will agree with us in this, must be left for posterity to decide. Carrier Telephony on High Voltage Power Lines Bv W. V. WOLFE Introulctiun Till", use of |)()\ver from hydro-electric generating stations and central steam ]>lants has increased until single companies serve a territory of many thousands of s{|uare miles and the problem of coordinating the distributing centers with the generating stations has steadily increased in compIexit\-. One of the essentials of this coordination is obxiously an adequate system of communication and until the recent advent of high frequency telephony, this ser\'ice was secured over privately owned telephone lines and over lines of public service telephone companies. The advent of the power line carrier telephone system now offers a highly reliable and satisfactory means of communication in connection with the operation of power systems. This equipment has been designed to employ the power conductors as the transmission medium and to provide service as reliable as the power lines themselves with a low initial cost, a small maintenance charge, increased safety for the operating personnel and transmission comparable in quality and freedom from noise with that obtained on high grade commercial toll circuits. Preliminarv Prohlems In proceeding with the development of the Western Electric Power Line Carrier Telephone System three major problems were encount- ered. It was first necessary to learn from field tests and close contact with power companies tiie characteristics of power lines and asso- ciated apparatus at high fretjuencies and the operating requirements for such a telephone system; second, it was necessary to develop a safe and efficient method for coupling the carrier ap|)aratus to the power conductors and third, to select and dewlop circuits and i(iui[)- ment suited to this .ser\ ice. The superiorit\- of the full-metallic over the grouiui return high frefjuency circuit was easily established l)y comparati\e measure- ments of attenuation, noise and interference, and therefore the experi- intntal work was largely confined to the former circuit. i.iKh^ii-R riii.iii-iioxy ox iih.ii ii.>i.i.h:e uses i5J llii.ii KKi\>riM V Ai II MA riuN oi I'i>\\i k I.im ■- Siiui- till' miM^lirrim-iil i>l tlu' .itlriHi.ition of ;i circilil (irdin.iriK ri(|iiiri's that tlu- ririuit l)r uriuinali'd in its mitj^i- imped. hkc ' In avoid rt-UfCtion i-UVrts, tlu- first step in deliTiiiiiiinK tlie altiiniation of the power line was to measure its siirj^'e impedanre. After con- sidering se\eral methods for measuring this impedance, a siil)sti(iiti(»«r Fig. I — Open Circuit iZ,) and Short Circuit (Z.) Iinpcdance as Measured at Carrier Frequencies on a 110,000 \'olt I'owcr l.inc \1 Miles Long methml was adopted lx?causc of its simplicity and the rapidity with which measurements could be made. This method depends upon the fact that the apparent or measured impedance of a uniform line terminated in its surge impedance is equal to that surge impedance and it consists in terminating the line in a known resistance and determining the value of current supplied to the line by an oscillator ' Surge or characteristic impedance may be defined as the measured impedance of a uniform line of infinite length or in the case of a finite line it may Ix; expressed mathematically as Z = VZ„-„„ X 2,i,„,, 154 BELL SYSTEM TECIISUAL JOLKX.-IL and then substituting for the line a non-inductive resistance until the same value of current is drawn from the oscillator. In employing this method for determining the surge impedance it was assumed that the oscillator output was constant, and that the phase angle of the surge impedance was small. A study of the curves on Fig. 1 shows that the apparent impedance of the line will change with the impedance in which the line is termi- nated in different ways, depending upon the frequency used. (1) If MEASURED IMPEDANCE - OHMS Kig. 2 — Graphical Solution of Substitution Methotl for Determining the Surge Impedance of a Power Line a frequency mid-way between the quarter wave lengths* is used, the open circuit and short-circuit impedances are the same. (2) If a fre(|uency corresponding to an e\en quarter wave length is used, an increase in the terminating impedance will produce an increase in the ajiparent im()edance f)f the line. (3) If a frequency corre- sponding to an cxid quarter wave length is usetl, an increase in the terminating impedance will produce a decrease in the apparent impcd- ' Whenever the length of the line Ixjcomes equal to, or some multiple of, one quarter o( the length of the eli-ctric wa\e of the corresponding frequency, it is referred to as a quarter wave length fre<|uency, or, for short, a quarter wave length. c.tHKiiK ii:ii.riioxy ox high i"i.,.i<,i. ii\,^ \"-> aiirc i)f the liiu-. If tlic appari-nt inipt.'(laiui' of the line is plollcd against the tcrniinatini; iniprdaiui-, in (I) tlic iiirvc will he hori- zontal; in (,2) the curve will have a positive slope a|)|)roa(hinK ■♦•''° anil in (3) the curve will have a negative slope of approximately 45°. Kach of these curves will intersect a 45° line drawn through the origin at a (loint where the terminal inipeilance is ecjual to the surgj. itn|X"dance of the line. This intersection can he determined with the FCEQUENCY IN OUAETte WAVE LENC.TH3 IM168 Fig. 3 — Frfr|ucncy vs. .Attenuation and Frequency vs. Surge Impedance'as Measured on the Tallulah Falls-Gainesville 110,000 Volt Power Line greatest ease and accuracy when the curve crosses the 45° line at right angles or under condition (3), that is, when the determination is made at a frequency corresponding to an odd quarter wave length. To determine the surge impedance at a given frequency all that was neccssiiry was to terminate the line at the distant end in an impedance which it was anticipated w-ould he just helow the surge impedance and measure by the substitution method the apparent impedance of the line, and then to terminate the line at the distant end in an impedance which would just exceed the surge impedance and deter- mine the corresfKinding apparent imfwdance. The intersection of a straight line through these points with the 45° line determined the correct terminating impedance. In Fig. 2 is shown a determination 156 BF.Ll. SYSTEM TECHKICAL JOIRSAL of the characteristic imix-chince of the Tallulah F"alls-Gainesville line of the Georgia Railway and Power Company at three different frequencies. The attenuation of the line was then measured by terminating it in its characteristic impedance and measuring the current in to the line and current out of the line.'' The results of the attenuation measurements made on the Tallulah Falls-Gaines\ille line are shown on Fig. 3. The irregularities in the attenuation shown by the Idwvr racQvtHct- MLOCrCLfS I'ig. 4 — In)|K>(laiue Cliaraclerislirs at Carrier Frequencies of a Typical (i()00:l KHMH) \'olt Transformer Bank cur\e are |)robal)l\' caused !)>• ihe error in assuming that the phase angle of the surge impedance was small and that the surge impedance was a straight line function of fre(|uency. Frt)m these and other data it .was evident that for frequencies as high as l.")0 K.(", the attenuation is not excessisi'. IIk.II I'KKyfEXCY C"lI.\KA( THklsrUS Ol- I'()\V1:k Tr.wsiormkks In order to determine the effect of power transformers on the use of the power line as a transmission medium for high frequenc>- currents, • .Attenuation expressed in transmission units is equal to 20 logic t'- where /i is the current mto the network and /> is the current received from the network and measured in a circuit whose impcxy ox men jiw/.m,/ iim^ i.v the iin[K'pir.il transformer l)anks was im-asiiri-d. In Fig. 4 is shown the ini(K'(lanre versus fre(|iK'nr\' characteristic of a thrif phase, llO.OtM) titKM) \\. 12.(MK) K.V.A. transformer hank con- nccte' the diajjrani, these measiirentents were made l)etween phases on the high side with the low side optyr circuited and short circuited. The coincidence of these curves for frequencies aliove 50 K.C". indicates that at these fre(|uencies the dominant characteristic is the distributed capacity of the \\\g\\ windinjj and the iniptnlance is probably unaffected by changes on the low p- undertaken by the Ohio Brass ("o. ^ FI?EOUENCy IN KILOCYCLES c ioco)o«o»oMio8090iooiioiui3ai40iaciurro Fig. 5— Xoltagc .Viiiplifiiation Characteristic of High Frequency Transformer The distrilnited rapacity was obtaiiietl by suspending a wire ixiralle! to the power conductor and employing this wire as one plate of the condenser and the conductor as the other plate. Both of these meth- CKJs of connecting to the power line have been developed and are described later. Dksicn ni- Tiiic C'akkikk Moiipmknt .■Mtiiough the "carrier suppressed" system has nian\' ad\antages over the "carrier transmitted" system, the dilTftcullN- of securing filters suitable for suppressing the unwanted products of the modulation prevented the use of the carrier suppressed system. Several general characteristics of the electrical and mechanical design of this carrier e(|uipmcnt are worthy of note. The \'arious stages of vacuum tubes in both the transmitting and receiving cir- cuits are coupled b\- transformers. These transformers are closed iron core coils using the standard core employed for audio-frequency transformers. Kig. .") shows the characteristic of one of these traiis- formers, and it is e\'ident from this figure that the variation in am- plification from '\i\ K ( " |M I "id K (\ Is only a fraction of a trans- mission unit. CARKir.R TF.i.i.riioxy on high roi.r.icn uxrs 159 .\lth(>Uk;h till' froquenck's employed by this e(|uipinent are fairly hinh. it was [)raotieal)le to inoiiiU all of the apparatus on standard steel relav rack plates. In order to niinimi/e the inaintenanre on tliis equipment no "C" batteries ha\e been emplosed, the ^;rid potentials Fig. 6 — -Front \'icw of Transmitter Panel with Cover Reniovecl from Tuning Condensers being obtained from filament drop, "H" battery drop and a com- bination_of these two. l_^The transmitting unit shown in Figs, (i and 7 is divided into two parts, the transmitting circuit proper and the power amplifier. The first is a circuit comprising a 101-D tube functioning as a Hartle\- 160 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOURNAL oscillator with indiulixc fied-back, a 223-A tube operating as a speech am])lifier or modulator and a 223-A tube operating as a high frequency anii)lifier. The |)latc or constant current system of modu- lalinn is emploxed but dilTers somewhat from the usual practice in I'ig. 7 — Rear View of Trdnsmiiu-r I'diiel with C"o\tT Kcmovcd that the ouljiut of the high fie(|uency amplifier is modulated ralher than the output of the oscillator itself. This scheme was found to delixer more modulated jxiwer than the usual arrangement since it is not limited to the same extent by the oxerloading of the higii fre- (|uency amplifier. This circuit has a power output of one watt, which has i)ro\e(l to be ample f(jr normal o|)eration (jf the carrier system. c.ikHiiK Ti:i.i.i'ii()\y (K\ iiiaii i-oLucr. i.ixi.s \m To providi- Inr (>|H'r,iti(iii dI tlii' s\>trm wlu-n ilu- .iiU'iiu.itilifier is pro\i(lf(l. This aniplilii-r employs a 50 watt tula- 1211-A) and is placed in the eircuit i)y a simple swiichinjj o()eration. When this amplifier is operated, the output of the iransitiitlinji circuit is impressed upon the j;rid of the 50 watt tuhe and ampiilu'd to aj)- proximately fift>- times its normal power output. In the present ty[X' of carrier system duplex or two way operation is secured by the use of two dilTerent carrier frecpiencies, one for transmission in each direction. .\s will he |)i)inted out later in llu- Fig. 8^ Rear View of Receiver Panel section on signalint; the lower fre(|uenc\- is always assigned to the calling station. The transmitting circuit must therefore operate at two different frequencies. This change is accomplished by the auto- matic operation of the relay shown in Fig. (i. The operation of this relay changes the capacity in the oscillating circuit, thereby changing its frequency. The values of the two frequencies at which the trans- mitting circuit operates are determined by the variable condensers Fl and F2, Fig. 6, and certain fixed condensers which are connected in parallel with the variable condensers. The receiving unit shown in Fig. 8 is extremeh- simple. It is not tuned and the only control is the filament rheostat. It consists of three 101-D vacuum tul)es operating respectively as a carrier fre(iuency amplifier, a negative grid potential detector and an audio freciuency amplifier. Two way operation is secured In- operating tiie transmitting and receiving circuits at dilTerent fretiuencies and separating them by means of filters. In the single channel systems this separation is secured by a high pass filter and a low pass filter although in the mul- 162 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tiple channel system band pass filters will be employed. Fig. 9 shows attenuation versus frequency characteristics of the high and low pass filter combination. A study of these curves shows that the trans- mission loss or attenuation in the high pass filter to frequencies trans- mitted by the low pass filler is never less than 90 T.U., which corre- I'ig. 9 — Transmission Characteristic of llinh Pass anil Low Pass Filters ponds to a current ratio of approximately 30,000 or a power ratio of appro.ximalely 9x 10", and the attenuation in the low pass filter to the frequencies transmitted b\' the high pass filter is also equal to or greater than 90 T.U. The characteristics of these filters are remarkable when it is con- sidered that the frequency range in which they operate is higher than that employed for multiplex carrier telephone systems, the attenuation secured is higher than that ordinarily required for such systems, and a power of 50 watts has to be transmitted through them thereby introducing special problems in the design of the coils and condensers. I'igs. 10 and 11 are fnmt ami l>ack \iews of one of these filters. One of the uiuisii.il featines in the use of these lillers is the f.u I that the position of the filters in the circuit is changed from time to time C.IRKir.R TELEPHONY ON HIGH lOl.TAC.E LINUS IM 1)\- tin.' ()|M'rati()ii of the ri-l.i\' slmwiinii l-ii;. II, ili.it is to s.i\-, wlu-n the transmitting circuit is oporatini^ at a fri.(incnc\- lower than 80 K.C. the low pass filter is connected to it and when the transnuttinj; circuit is operating at a frequenc\- higher th.m 1(H) K.C. the high pass filter imist l)e connecleil to it. SlUNAI.INd SVSTKM • ' Signaling or rinj^in.;; is acconiplisiuMl at tlie Iransniitling end l)y changing the fre(|uenc>- of the oscillator frttiu a fre(|uenc\- helow 80 K.C. to a fre(iuency ahove 100 K.C. without changing the fiUors. This is Fig. 10 — Front \'ie\v of Low Pass Filter with Cover Removed Fig. 11 — Rear View of Low Pass Filter with Cover Removed accomplished by operating and releasing the relay in the oscillator circuit. Since the filter connected to the transmitting circuit will pass only one of these frequencies, pulses of the carrier frequency are sent out on the line. At the receiving end these pulses are ampli- fied and rectified and the change in the space current of the detector operates a marginal relay. The number and arrangement of these pulses is controlled by a spring-operated selector key of the type com- monly employed for telephone dispatching on railroad lines. At the receiving end these pulses operate a train dispatching selector relay 164 ni:i.L sysriiM ii:ci ixic.il joirwil (see Fig. 12) which responds to 17 impulses. This selector relay will respond to only two arrangements of these 17 pulses. The first arrangement is 17 consecutive pulses in which case these pulses must follow one another at the correct speed and must be of the correct duration. This makes it possible to ring all stations at the same time as may be desirable in issuing general orders. The selector relay will also respond to 17 pulses broken up into three groups in which case the correct number of pulses must occur in each group and the total of the three groujjs must be 17. This makes it possible to Fig. 12— Ki-.ir \ iew ol Sij;iKilinK anil Low Frcfjiicncy Pant'l Sliowiii^ llii- Sigiialiiii; .-\pparatus select one station from a grouj) of more than 50 stations without dis- turbing the others. In addition to these desirable characteristics a single selector relay will provide selective ringing on four low fre- quency extensions from the carrier terminal. The carrier ecjiiipment may be operated with complete control and talking facilities from either a telephone located at the carrier terminal or a telephone some distance from the carrier terminal but connected to it by a ph%sical telephone circuit. In any event the control is aMlt)maiic, the transmitting circuit operating only when the receiver is off the switchhook, while the rccei\ing circuit operates continuously Designating the carrier fre(|uenc>' which is below 80 K.C as Fi and the carrier freciuenc\' which is above 100 K.C. as Fn, the opera- tion of a carrier system com|)rising three carrier terminals designated as /I, /J and C with a remote control station designated as .-1 1 located at the load dispatcher's office and separated from the carrier terminal by several miles of physical telephone circuit is as follows. Each of these stations may communicate with any of the other stations. Communication between A, B and C is carried on over carrier cir- cuits; communication between ,1 and .1 1 is carried on oxer the jihysical C.IRKIF.R Tl:l.r.l'llO.\y O.V ///(,// rOl.T.IGE I.IM-.S l(.5 (irriiit wliilt- (■oinmimicKion lutwirii .li, li and C is rarrird on i>\vr cimiits whifh arr idiiiposi'tl of a cirrit-r cirriiil ami a pinsical cir- ruit <)|H'ratiiij; in taiuU-in. W'lu'n in llu- nnrni.il or iiDn-oiK-rali-d conditions, earli of tlu'si' carrier tiTniin.ds is set ii)) lo reci-i\e a sij^nal on fri'(]iifncy Fu lint wlit-n tlie rert-ivcr is reinmed from the swilcli- hiH)k at any station to initiate a call, the carrier tenninai corre- Fig. l^ — 110 K.W Coupling Condensers Used for Coupling Carrier Circuit to a 110 K.V. Power Line sjiondini; to that telepiione is autonialicalK' set up to transmit on frecjuency Fi and receive on frequency F«. When the ringing kc\' is operated, pulses of frequency Fi are sent out and received at all of the other carrier terminals. At the called station these pulses operate a selector relay and ring the l>ell, and when the operator removes his receiver from the switch-hook to answer the call, his carrier terminal is automatically set up to transmit on frequency F> and recei\e on 166 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL frequency Fi. This switching of the transmitting and receiving cir- cuits from one frequency to another is necessary where more than two stations arc operated on the same system and it is desirable for every station to \k> able to call every other station without routing the call through a central point. If station .4i is connected with station A by means of two or more pairs of telephone wires which are not exposed to high voltage power fREQUENCY IN KILOCVCUS on 20 30 40 50 60 70 eO 90 WO 110 IfO 130 KO ISO 100 170 180 190 Fig. 14 — Transmission Characteristic of Coupling Band Pass Filter lines, a simple D.C. remote control circuit may be emplo\cd. How- ever, if only two wires are available or if tiie telephone lines to be used arc exposed to high voltage power lines and must therefore be equipped with insulating transformers and drainage coils, it is necessary to emi)lo\- a somewhat more complex alternating current control circuit, in this circuit the 135 cycle interru|itcrs and rcla\s familiar to the telephone plant are employed. The voice frequency circuits used in connection with this carrier equipment are the standard two wire and four wire circuits used in commercial tele|)hone practices. ColI'I.INfi HV Co.NDF.NSFRS AND BY DlSTRIHUTED CAPACITY Fig. 13 shows two of the 120 K.V. coupling condensers developed by the Ohio Brass Co. Each, of these condensers has a capacity of .003 fii although similar condensers ha\ing a capacity of .007 /if are also available. These condensers are ajjproximately 5 ft. in diameter and 12 ft. high over the bushing and weigh about 8,000 pounds. The i.ih-iaih' 1 1 1 1 riinxy ox nu.n j -'//./(,/ //.\/\ lf>7 i(iii(l»n>«.r cliiiK'tit is m.ulc up of a large inmibcr of small coiuluiiscrs ii) par.illi-l, (ho ass<'mi)ly iK'iiig immorsed in tr.insforiner oil. At pnsint llioso coiuloiisirs arc oiiiploNcd as the scries capacity cleiuciil of a single seetion, conllueiil lyi)e, Camphell hand pass filler as shown by I"ig. 22, the general attenuation characteristic being shown by Fig. 1 L This filter is intended to transmit etVicienlly the carrier fre Hi' 11 I'.ii'l "I l'\|iii,ii (.Duplinj; Wire liiblallaliun Sliowiiig Coupling U ire Tuning L'nil shown the schematie diagram of the wire eoupling circuit and Fig. 19 illustrates the character of the resonant peaks secured In- this circuit. The series inductances L\ and tlie lenninaiinn inductance Li are \arial)Ie and by adjusting liuni iht- points of resonance may be CANKirR ir.i.fu'iioxy (h\ men roi.i.icr. i.ixi.s kw sliil'ti'd Id lorirct lor wiri.itioiis in iIr- rmipliiii; win- iiKliuM.iiui' and rap.uiiN Inr ililTiri-nt iiisl. illations. \"\\:,. 20 illiisiiati-s a tspical farruT ti'iiniiial installation rmplox inn ''h- win- coupling,' nu'thod. The onK point in l.uor of tlir wire couplini; as coniparrd with the condenser coiiplini; is the lad liiai for power line^ ol \oltai;e> liii;her l-"ig. 17 — Coupling Wire Tuning Unit than '.i'.i K.\'. it is somewhat cheaper. On the other hand condenser coupling is much more etiticient, thereby increasing the range and reliability of the system. It also permits high quality transmission, the transmission through it is not affected by small variations in frequency, and the component parts are of constant value determined at the time of manufacture and require no adjustment at the time of installation. In addition to these advantages the inspection and maintenance of the condenser is easier than for the coupling wires. Pr()Ti;( TivE Mk.\sires In considering the problem of safety to the operating personnel and the equipment from the power line voltage, the normal insulation 170 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL supplied by tlie high voltage coiulenser where it is employed or by the air separation where the coupling wires are employed, is dis- regarded, since this insulation ma\- fail, thereby apiiKing the power line voltage to the line terminals of the coupling circuit shown in I — nnsw^ I — npppr^ /T?RJF|— iihn —■\H Fig. 18 — St'hematic of Wire Coupling Circuit Fig. 21. The circuit shown in this figure is the same both for con- denser and for wire coupling instiiUations. The first element of protection is the horn gap, which is mounted outside of the building and serves to limit the voltage to ground which tlie drop wire fuse, CfiCPlEP FPECUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. 19 — Charaitt-r of Resonant Peaks secured with Wire Coupling constituting the second element of protection, will ha\'e to break. This fuse consists of an element inside of a jjorcelain tube the ends of which are closed by lead caps. This fuse is about 5 inches long and } 2 i'leh in diameter and is supported by the wire itself. When it CARRIER TEl.EPllOXr OX IIIC.II rOl.T.ICF. US'ES 171 faiU, the arc ostaMislud williiii llic ixirilaiii tube causes tlic liiliu to l)rcak ami [K-rmils the wires to fall apart. In power line c.irrier telephone practice this fuse is so installed that a clear droj) of at least 20 ft. is obtained. The tliird element of (protection is the shunt coil with the mid-point grounded. In many respects this elcnuni i^ I lie l.iiK- Cirritr Telephone System Using Wire Coupling most important one, since it provides a low impedance path to ground for power frequencies, thereby draining ofT the 60 cycle potentials which are ccjUected by either the coupling wires or the condensers in normal operation. As will be noted from Fig. 27 the line series inductances and this shunt inductance coil comprise a unit (the upper panel) which is known as the filter coil unit. The coils on this unit are insulated for 20,000 volts on the line terminals and are constructed of edgewise wound copper ribbon large enough to carry heavy momentary currents without damage. The fourth element of protection is a fused switch and surge arrester such as is commonly emplo\ed for the protection of private telephone lines exposed to power lines. This device consists of 172 Hr.l.L SYSTEM Tf.CHXIC.IL JOURX.IL fuses in series with the line ami fonniny the blades of a switch. These fuses ha\e been found satisfactory for tiie inf,erruption of voltages as high as 25, 000. Following this fused switch is a l,oOO volt breakdown static spark gap to groinid and a oOO volt breakdown vacuum gap ■^TRRT^h ® © ^l^W^h TO CAPPlER Kig. 21 — Srheniatic of Protertion Circuits across the line. l-Oliow ing these there are two series capacity elements which are high Noltage mica condensers. These condensers ha\e a capacity of .007 fit. and a breakdown voltage in excess of 7,oOO. FinalK', there is proxided a rei)eatiiig coil with the mid-point of the line side Cftl?l?ICI? FI?E(3UENCV IN KILOCYCLES 40 W 80 100 lEO 140 IfcO Fig. 22 — Change in the Attenuation of the High Frequency Line Necessary to Maintain a Constance X'oice Freciuuncy Level with \'ariation in the Frequency of the Carrier winding groimded and protected 1)\ .j(K) \(ilt \acuiim gaps to groimd. This repeating coil is also provided with a grounded shield between the windings and has a breakdown voltage from the winding to the shiekl of 1,000 volts. The operation of this protective circuit has been demonstrated se\eral limes in the field by connecting one phase c.iKRii H ri.i.i.i'iioxy ox men roi.i.iar. i.ixi.s i7,i of ,1 III) K.\'. pnwrr liiir (liri'C(l>- to oili- of llic line trriiiiii.ils of llii- protectivf circuit. In every case tlu- circuit lias operated satis- factorily. Ill no case has any of the standard apparatus lieeii - of K.C. It will Ih- noted that o\er the rani;e from .'lO K.C". to l-")0 K.C the vari.uion HIGH F;?E0UENCY line (T.U.) JO iO 50 bO Kig. 13 — \'ariation of Overall ('.a!ii with llu- .\ltemiation of the \Ug,h f-'requeiicy Line in attenuation is less than o T.l'. This curve was made with a constant audio frequency input of 3.35 mils and an output of 3.35 mils from the carrier circuits, the audio frcfjuency being 1,000 cycles. The \ariation of audio frequency level with the attenuation of the high frequency line is shown in Fig. 23. The observations given in Fig. 24 were made on an artificial transmission line in which the line constants, and therefore the attenuation, could be readily changed without changing the carrier frequency. The shape of this curve is a function of the receiving circuit since the audio input, carrier frequency- and the mtxlulated output of the transmitting circuit are maintained constant. It shows that for audio frequency levels lying between — 10 and +10 T.U. the equivalent is appro.ximately a straight line fimction of the attenuation of the high freciuencN' line, and ihat therefore the receiving circuit is not overloaded. Fig. 24 shows the audio frequency load characteristic. This curve 174 BELL SYSTEM lECllSICAL JOVRNAL is principally a funclion of the load characteristic of the modulator and it shows that for inputs greater than 1 mil, the modulator is overloaded. In practice the overloading of the modulator is pre- vented by increasing the average low frequency line equivalent to an attenuation of 10 T.L'. bv means of a resistance artificial line. This Fig. 24 — Tniiismilting Ciriiiit Load Characteristic arrangement is desirable in order that the balancing of the low fre- quency hybrid coil may not be complicated when operating over very short physical circuits. The curve in Fig. 25 is a single frequency quality characteristic and shows that where the method employed for connecting to the AUDIO FREOUENCY IN CYCLES tOOO 2M0 3000 IMO lOOC Fig. 25 — Single F'reqiieiuy Quality Cliaractcristic power line will permit, remarkably true voice transmission may be secured. The \ariation in the e(]ui\alent o\er the range from 100 cycles to 5,000 c\-cles is only 51^ T.U., while the variation from 300 cycles to 5,000 cycles is only 2 T.U. Reference to Fig. 10 will indi- cate, however, that less satisfactory quality characteristics are ob- c.tRRir.R Ti-iri'iioxv o.v ifiaii roi.r.ian i.ixr.s 175 t.iiiinl wlii-n till" wire niii|>liiii; mu-iIhhI is i-iiipliiyc'd, Ix-caiiM' of llir sli.irpnrss of a'sonaiicc ul (Ik- rnupliiii,' circiiit. Alabama PowI'.r Company Installation I'i^s. 2ti ami 27 are [)lu)l(ii;ra[»hs of the installalioii of pnwir line carrier telephone equipment at tlio Amiiston sulislatimi of the Alalianu' Kig. 20 — Typical I'ower Line Carrier Telephone Installation 176 IIBLL SYSTEM TllCflXlCtL .lOLRX.II. Power Company. Fig. 2(5 illustrates the simple character of the assembled units and freedom from controls. The right hand l)a\' is devoted to power control apparatus with space reser\ed for the 135 cycle remote control f(|uipnienl when it is employed. The left I in. 17 I ypical Installation of Coupling Panels liand bay iiicludes the transmitting and receiving circuits, the higli and low pass carrier freijuency filters and the voice frequency and D.C control circuits. Ik'ginning at the top of this bay, the first panel, which is blank on front, carries the system terminal, block to which all wiring except the power supply is ct)nnecled. The second panel is the high pass filter; the third panel is blank. The fourth C.IKKIIR TlU.r.l'IlOW r).V ///(,// VOLTAGE I. IMS 177 p.im-1 is till" Iransinittin^j e(|iiipiiH-i)t, \»>[\\ low powrr and IukIi power. Tin- tifih paiu'l is {\w reruivinn rirniit; \hv sixth paiu-l ojiitains (ho \oicf frefiiu'iiry and signaling i-ciuipim-nt. Tlir si-vonlh panel contains D.l". control i'(iuipnu'nt, and the bottom panel is the low pass filler. On the wall to the rijjlu of the carrier panel assembly are shown the tilter coil unit and the filter and [irotector iniit. These imits are yn)re clearly shown in Fig- 27 and diagrammaticalK- in Fig. 21 . Returning to Fig. 2(i, the desk staiul which the operator is using is that associated with the carrier eciuipment, while the key moimled on the table im- mediately to the left of the desk stand is the selector key employed for ringing. Fig. 1(> shows the coupling wire installation at this station. The power line carrier telephone eciuipment which has been briefly tlescrit)ed in the foregoing article is in successful operation today on se\eral power systems in this country. Its reliability, simplicity- of operation and maintenance have been well established. The large number of variables which are involved in line failure conditions make it impossible to predict what effect these emergency contlitions may have on the operation of the carrier equipment. The fact remains, however, that under many simulatefl and actual trouble conditions successful operation of the carrier equipment has been obtained. With the growing need of power companies for communication facilities, it is probably only a question of a very short time before multiple channel carrier, systems will be in operation on the large power systems of this country. Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in the Bell System Technical Journal Photomechanical Wave Analyzer Applied to Inharmonic Analysis} C. F. Sacia. This type of Fourier Analysis deals with wave-forms which are not strictly periodic, since they are of finite duration and of varying cyclic forms. Hence in a finite frequency range they have an infinite number of infinitesimal components (shown by the Fourier Integral) as contrasted with the finite number of finite components at regular intervals (shown by the Fourier Series). This analyzer utilizes the continual repetition of the aperiodic wave, deriving therefrom a periodic wave, the infinitesimal compo- nents neutralizing except for frequencies which are integral mul- tiples of the frecjuency of repetition; here the components build up to finite magnitudes. The simple relation between these components is seen from the corresponding Fourier Integral and Series identities for the unrepeated and repeated waves respectively. By increasing the period of repetition a new set of components can be similarly derived. The wave form is represented as a black profile on a transparent strip whose ends are joined to form an endless belt. Driven at con- stant speed past a transverse illuminated slit, it generates light fluctu- ations which are converted into electrical fluctuations by means of a selenium cell. A tuned circuit, amplifier, rectifier and microammeter are used to select and measure the components, while the frequencies are determined by the speed of the strip, the frecjucncy of tuning, and the time scale of the original wave form. "Demagnetization and Hysteresis Loops.'"- L. W. McKeehan and P. P. CiOFFi. The fact that permalloy shows its maximum initial permeability in the absence of external magnetic fields is used to check the exact compensation of the earth's magnetic field or other stray fields by measurement of the initial permeability of a strip or wire of permalloy placed parallel to the field component to be com- pensated. Increased accuracy is obtained by the use of somewhat greater fields than those which approximately give the initial permea- bility. The effect of demagnetization by an alternating current field is sluflied with samples of the same sort, the apparent permeability varying as the external field at the time of magnetization is \-aried. The dissymmetry in hysteresis loops where the upper and lower limits ' J. O. S., K. S. I., Vol. 9, pp. 487-494, 1924. » J. O. S., K. S. I., Vol. 9, pp. 479-485, 1924. 178 .tnsTR.icTs or pull system technical p.-wi-L'S 179 an- iiiis\innu'trir.il with rfspoot l<> tlio /i-ro of maniu'tic fii-ld is illiis- tratwl ami the (li'tfctii)n of such dissyinnictrj' is discussetl. .1 Classijifd List of Published fiibliog,raphies in Physics, 1!)IQ-1!)22} Kari, K. Darrow. This work, uncicrtaken at tlic request of the National Research C"ouiicil, represents an attempt to cope with tlic proMeni of providing a con\enient and adequate hihlionraphy of physics, not by actually writing a complete classified hiiiliograplA' (which would fill a huge volume and retjuire the prolonged lalK)r of sc\eral men), but b\- listing the very numerous partial bibliographies under a detailed subject-classification. Many of the accounts of research publishetl in scientific journals contain short histories of the previous work in the subjects which they treat, many others contain lists of references, and there are also a number of critical or uncritical reviews of particular fields with thorough documentations. The Classified List of Published Biblioiiraphies refers to all of these which appeared in any of the familiar physical journals between 1910 and 1022 inclusively, and a numlxr of books as well; it is believed that almost every article upon a physical subject, which has ever been cited or reviewed in another article, can be traced through the List. The system of classification, in which the field of physics is divided into seventy-five classes with numerous sulxlivisions, is much the most detailetl and elaborate which has been made out for the science of physics in a score of years. An adequate system of classification is of great value in any science, for researches which are clasified under it are not only made easy to trace, but their various aspects and their mutual relations can be emphasized. Because of the rapid growth and evolution of physics, the earlier systems have mostly become inadequate; but it is hoped to make and keep this system effectiv^e by constant attention and revision, and to e.xtend the use of it. Transmitting Equipment for Radio Telephone Broadcasting.* Edw.vrd L. Nelson. The general transmission considerations apply- ing to any system for the high quality transmission of speech or music are outlined briefl\-, and the specific requirements to be met by the various apparatus uniti in a radio broadcasting equipment are dis- cussed in some detail. The standard Western Electric 500-watt broadcasting equipment, which has found application in some fift>' of the larger stations in this country and abroad, is described. Its per- formance capabilities are illustrated and it is indicated that a standard of performance has been attained which renders possible reproductions not substantially different from the original. ' Bulletin of the .National Research Council, No. 47. • Proc. of The Inst, of Radio Engineers, Vol. XII, page 553, 1924. ISO BELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOURNAL " The Vapor Pressures of Rochelle Sail, the Hydrates of Soiiiiim and Potassium Tartrates and Their Saturated Solutions."' H. H. Lowry and S. O. Moriian. The vapor pressures were determined by a static meth(Kl at several temperatures between 15° and 40°. Tempera- tures were controlled to ±0.1° and the pressures read to ±0.1 mm. The measurements on the saturated solution of Rochelle salt show that the solid phase in such a solution is unstable above 40°, in agree- ment with other investigators. Minimal Length Arc Characteristics.^ H. E. Ives. This paper is a stu(i\' of the electrical discharges which occur between opening con- tacts. It is found that the discharge occurring when currents below a certain \alue are broken are atmospheric sparks corresponding to a definite breakdown voltage, which in the case of air is about 300 volts. Above a critical value of current, which is different for every material, the discharge is an arc, in which the voltage corresponding to the discharge varies with current. Spectograms taken in the two regions show only the air spark spectrum for all materials below the critical current and the arc spectra of the materials above the critical current. The characteristic equations of the arcs caused by the opening con- tacts are deri\-ecl and are used to obtain expressions for the cinrent \s. time relations at the opening contact. The Dependence of the Loudness of a Complex Sound Upon the Energy in the Various Frequency Regions of the Sound.'' H. Fletcher and I . (". STEiNBERfi. Two complex sounds were studied, one with a con- tinuous energy frec|uency spectrum corresponding to connected speech, the other a test tone ha\ing discrete frequency components. B>' means of filters the energy was removed from all frequencies either above or below a certain frequency, and the resulting decrease in loudness was measured b>- attenuating the original soimd without distortion imtil equal in loudness to the filtered sound. Taking the average results for six observers, this decrease was found to depend on the absolute values of the loudness. For a loudness of 22 units alxne threshold, each frequency region contributes to loudness in proportion to the energy in that region weighted according to the threshold energy for that frequency. For a loudness above 30 units, however, this is no longer true, because of the non-linear character of the response of the ear. B\' assuming each frequency region con- tributes in proportion to a fractional power of the weighted energy of that region, values of the total loudness in agreenu'til with ob- 'Joiir. Am. Cliciii. Soc, \ol. 4.S, pp.' 2192-2196, 1924. •Journal of the Franklin Institute, \'ol. 198, pp. +37-474, 1924. ' Physical Kcvicw, \dI. 24, page 306, 1924. .iPSTR.icrs ()/• /{/;/./. svsTr.M rr.cfixic.ir. r.ii'fiRS isi siTveil values ari- ohtaiiicil if prn|H'r \aliirs an- taki-ii for the fractioii.il |x)\ver, tIeiTcasiiijj to one tltiril as tlio IoikIiicss iiicn-ases to JOO units. Correlation BchiCin Crack Dnrlopnti-nt in Class While Condtuling Electrieity ami the Chemical Composition of the Glass.^ Karlk K. StillMAUlKR. A stu(i\' was made of tiie susceplil)ility to craok ilevelopnient shown l)y live ilitTerent kinds of glass when they were suhjectctl to the action of an electric current. The results indicated that the tendency to crack increased with increasing alkali content of the glass and with increasing electrical con(lucti\it\'. Report of the Chairman of the Telegraphy and Telephony Committee of the American Institute of Electrical Eni^ineers.^ O. B. Blackwki.i,. This report gives a brief summary of the advances which have been niatle or which have come into prominence in the communication art during the year. Pajx-rs which have been presented before the Institute and which, in general, lia\e recorded such advances are reviewetl. Selective Circuits and Static Interference}" J. R. Carso.v. This paper is an application of a general mathematical theory to the ques- tion as to the possibilities and limitations of selective circuits when employed to reduce "Static" interference. In the case of static interference and random disturbances in general the random and unpredictable character of the disturbances makes it necessary to treat the problem statisticalh' and express the results in mean values. In spite of the meagre information a\ailable regarding the character and frequency' distribution of static, this treatment of the problem yields general deductions of practical significance. The conclusion is reached that for given signal requirements there is an irreducible residue of static interference which cannot be eliminated. This limit is closely approached when a filter of only two or three sections is employed as the selective circuit, and only a negligible further gain is made possible by the most elaborate circuit arrangements. A formula is also given for calculating the relative figures of merit of selective circuits with respect to random interference. The Guided and Radiated Energy in Wire Transmission}^ J. R. C.VRSOX. This is a mathematical analysis of wave propagation along guiding wires from the fundamental equations of electromagnetic theorj-. It is shown that the engineering theory of wire transmission is incomplete, and that, in addition to the transmitted wave of en- » Jour. .\ni. Chcm. Soc., \ol. XL\"I, No. 8, -August. 1924. 'Journal of the .American Inst, of Elec. Engineers, \'(>l. 4.^, pas;o lOS.?, 1924. '° Trans. .A. I. E. E., 1924. " Jour. -A. I. E. E., Oct., 1924. 182 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ginecring theory, an infinite series of complementary waves exist. It is through these waves that the phenomena of radiation are directly accounted for. E.xcept for the phenomena of radiation, however, the complementary waves are of theoretical rather than practical interest in present-day transmission practice, and except in extreme cases they may be ignored in practice without appreciable error. Sound Magnification and Its Application to the Requirements of the Deafened.^- Harvkv Fletcher. A general description of the gen- eration and projiagation of sound waves was given and experiments performed to illustrate the principles involved. The general require- ments for aiding persons ha\ing various amounts of deafness were outlined. The relation between the loudness of speech received by the ear in a room of average acoustic characteristics and the distance the speaker is away from the ear was illustrated by a chart. Also, a chart showing the characteristic frequency regions and loudness levels of the fundamental speech sounds, and one showing the interpre- tation of speech at various loudness levels by persons having various degrees of hearing, were exhibited. By means of these three charts it was shown how one could predict the amount of intelligibility which would be obtained by a person having a definitely measured amount of hearing. In particular it was pointed out that such sounds as th,f, and v will be the first sounds to be lost as the hearing decreases. These sounds are the easiest ones to detect by lip reading so that hearing aids and lip reading go hand in hand in aiding one wlio is hard of hearing to obtain the proper interpretation. Abstract of a Telephone Transmission Reference SyslemP L. J. SiviAN. The subject is dealt with in four parts: A — The function of a transmission reference system; B — Requirements to be met by the reference system; C — Work done on the construction and calibration of a preliminary model of the new reference system; D — Proposed future development of the new reference system in its final form to be adopted as the standard for the Bell System. A brief discussion of the methods and apparatus entering into the general problem of rating telephone transmission is given. It is " Lecture given before the .\nnii;il Conference of the .American Federation of Organiziitions for the Hard of Hearing, Washington, U. C, Thursday, June S, and published in Volta Review, Septenilwr, 1924. A large number of the audience who listened to this lecture were hard of hearing. A rough measurement of the amount of hearing of each of those present was made and groups arranged according to the degree of hearing. The amplification was then adjusted to each group to suit their i)articular needs. The results seemed to bo most gratifying, as nearly everybody said that it was the first time they ever heard a public lecture of this sort without difficulty since they had become hard of hearing. " Klcctrical Communications, Vol. Ill, pp. 114-126, 1924. .lli.<^rR.lCTS <■! I'll I. sVWTTA/ TECIIS'ICAI. I'JIT.RS IS.l nnuluilid that a phxsical rifirriuo system is essential, anil that a mere siH-eilication of its plnsiial ()|H>ratinK chararteristirs is insuni- eiciit. The inaile(|iiaeN' of the refireiice systems now in use is pointid out. The conditions to bo aimed .it in the new reference s>stem are: I — 'llie performance of the s>stcm and of its component parts mi^irt be specitiai)le in terms of quantities admitting of definite physical measurement; II — The performance of the reference system, under specified njKTating and atmospheric conditions, must remain constant with time; III — The reference system must be free from non-linear distortion over the range of acoustic and electric amplitudes which it must handle; IV' — The frequency response over the range of speech frequencies must be as nearly uniform as possible. Uf the above, conditions I ami II are regarded as the most im- jKtrtant. It is also proposed to build auxiliary reference systems which will meet conditions I and II while falling short of III and IV. These are needed for purposes of ready comparisons with the com- mercial circuits commonly in use. Contributors to this Issue F. L. Riiouiis, S.B., Massaclui^cits Institute of Technology, 1892; American Bell Telephone Company; Outside Plant Engineer, Ameri- can Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1900-19; Outside Plant Development Engineer, 1919 — . Mr. Rhodes has had an active part in the development and standardization of materials, apparatus and practices employed in the underground and overhead wire plant of the Bell S\stcm. He has written many articles, among which may be mentioned those on "The Telephone" in the EncNclopedia Americana and Nelson's Encyclopedia. Gkorgk Crisson, M.E., Stevens Institute of Technolog\-, 190G; instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1900-10. American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, outside plant division, 1910-14; transmission and protection division, 1914-19; De\elo[)ment and Research Department, transmission development division, 1919—. \V. II. II.\Ki)i:.\, B.E.E., University of Michigan, 1912; Engineering Department, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1912- 1919; Department of Operation and Engineering, 1919 — . Mr. Harden has been engaged in the development of transmission main- tenance testing methods and in the preparation of routines and practices rer|uire(l for ai3[)l\ing these nielhods in the telephone plant. K. S. Joii.xsoN, A.B., Harvard University, 1907; Graduate School of Applied Arts and Sciences, 1907-09; Engineering Department of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1909-13; Engi- neering Department, Western Electric Co., Inc., 1913-24; Bell Tele- phone Laboratories, Inc., 1925 — . Mr. Johnson's work has related especially- to the theoretical aspects of telephone and telegraph trans- mission. TiMOTiiv E. SiiE.\, S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology-, 1919; instructor in Electrical Engineering and Physics, 1918 20; Manufacturing Deixtrtment, Western Electric Comi:)any, 1920-21; luigineering Deiiarlment, 1921 24; .Apparatus Development Depart- ment, Boll Telephone Laboratories, 1925 — . Mr. Shea has been principall)' engaged in the development of electric wave filters and allied apparatus. 184 (.OXIKIKl /('A'V /(' I Ills /ssr/. 18.1 Kaki. K. Dakrow, S.B., riii\iTsit\ of ("hiciijo, I'.MI; I iii\rrsily of I'aris, l!)ll 12; liiivcrsity of Ikrliii, litI2; I'll. I)., in physics and mathi'Miatii's, rnivcrsity of t'hicajio, I'.MT: lliiniiu-i'riii^; Di-p.irl- mi-nt, W'l'stiTii Kk-rlric Cimipany. 1*.M7 '_M. lUll 'IVli'plioiu- I.abor.i- tories, Inc., 1925 — . Mr. Harrow luis been ciijjancd lar^'ly in pri;- pariiig studies anil analyses of published research in \arious fields wf plusics. W. \'. Woi.Ki:. B.S.. Carnegie Insiiuite of Technolojjy, 1!)1H; Sij^nal Corps, 1918 19; tJcneral Klectric Company, 1919; Standard Under- ground Cable Compan\-, 1920; Engineering Department, Western Klectric Compan\-, 1920 24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925 — . Mr. Wolfe has been engaged in the dexelopmenl of \-arious types of carrier systems. r tclcphuiic lint, as thrif sivaratc Mack s|iun(ling to one primary i. .lor The Bell System Technical Journal April, 1925 The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines By H. E. IVES and J. W. HORTON. Bell Tel. Lab. Inc. R. D. PARKER and A. B. CLARK. Amer. Tel. » Tel. Co. Introduction THli probltMii of directly transmitting drawings, figures and photographs froni one point to another iiy means of electricity has long attracted the attention and curiosity of scientists and engi- neers.' The broad principles of picture transmission have been recognized for many years. Their reduction to successful practice, ho\ve\er, required, among other things, the perfection of methods for the faithful transmission of electrical signals to long distances, and the develwpment of special ai)paratus and methods which have liecome a part of the commimication art only within the last few years. Prominent among the newer developments which have facil- itated picture transmission are the photoelectric cell, the vacuum tube amplifier, electrical filters, and the use of carrier currents. None of the .systems heretofore de\'ised have been sufficiently developed to meet the requirements of modern commercial service. The picture transmission system described in this article has been designed for practical use over long distances, employing facilities of the kind made a\ailable by the network of the Bell System. The desirability of adding picture transmission facilities to the other communication facilities otTered b\' the Bell System seems now to be well assured. \'arious engineers of the System have made suggestions and carried out fundamental studies of the possibilities for picture transmission otTered by the telephone and telegraph facilities in the Bell System Plant which have aided materially in the development of the method to be described. ' .A comprehensive account of earlier work in Picture Transmission will be found in "Telegraphic Transmission of Pictures," T. Thome Baker, Van Nostrand, 1910, and the "llandbuch der Phototelegraphie und Telautographie," Korn and Glatzel, Leipzig, Nemnich, 1911. 187 188 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The account of the picture transmission system which follows is intended to give only a general idea of the work as a whole. A num- ber of engineers ha\e collaborated in this work, and it is expected that later publications will describe various features of the system and its operation in greater detail. Gkneral Scheme of Pictlre Tr.vnsmission Reduced to its simplest terms, the problem of transmitting a pic- ture electrically from one point to another calls for three essential elements: The first is some means for translating the lights and shades of the picture into some characteristic of an electric current; Fig. 1 — Sending end optical system in section: (L) light source; (D) condensing lens; (A) diaphragm; (S) projection lens; (C) transparent picture film in cylindrical form; (P) photoelectric cell the second is an electrical transmission channel capable of trans- mitting the characteristic of the electric current faithfully to the required distance; the third is a means for retranslating the electrical signal as received into lights and shades, corresponding in relative values and positions with those of the original picture. Analyzed for purposes of electrical transmission, a picture consists of a large number of small elements, each of substantially uniform brightness. The transmission of an entire picture necessitates some method of traversing or scanning these elements. The method used in the present apparatus is to prepare the picture as a film trans- parency which is bent into the form of a cylinder. The cylinder is then mounted on a carriage, which is moved along its axis by means of a screw, at the same time that the film cylinder is rotated. A small spot of light thrown upon the film is thus caused to traverse the entire film area in a long spiral. The light passing into the PICTURE TRANSMISSION Oll-.R TELEPIIONF. LINES 189 inti'rior of the cylinder then varies in intensity with the transmission or tone value of the picture. The optical arrangement by which a small spot of linht is projectetl upon the pholn^r.ipiiic transparency is shown in section in Fig. 1. The task of transforming this light of varying intensity into a variable electric current is (H?rfornK'erfection by Elster and Geitel. It consists of a vacuum tube in which the cathode is an alkali metal, such as potassium. Under illumination, the alkali metal gi\es off electrons, so that when the two electrodes are connected through an external circuit, a cur- rent flows. This current is directly proportional to the intensity 190 BELL SYSTEM lECUMC.IL JOi'RXAL of the illumination, and the response to variations of illumination is practically instantaneous. A photograph of a photoelectric cell of the type used in the picture transmission apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. This cell is placed inside the cylinder formed by the photo- graphic transparency which is to be transmitted, as shown in Fig. 1. As the film cylinder is rotated and advanced, the illumination of the cell and consequently the current from it registers in succession the brightness of each elementary area of the picture. Assuming for the moment that the photoelectric current, which is a direct current of varying intensity, is of adequate strength for suc- cessful transmission, and tliat the transmission line is suitable for Fig. 3 — Light valve details: (R) riblxin carrying picture current; (P) pole piece of magnet; (j) jaws of aperture behind ribbon carrying direct current, we ma>- imagine the cuneiil Irom tiie [iholo- electric cell to traverse a communication line to some distant point. At the distant point it is necessary to have the third element above mentioned, a device for retranslating the electric current into light and shade. This is accomplished in the present system by a de\ice, due in its general form to Mr. E. C. Wenle, termed a "light valve." This consists essenlialK- of a narrow ribbon-like conductor lying in a magnetic field in >urh a position as to entirely co\er a small aper- ture. The iiuiiniing current passes through this ribbon, whicli is in conse(|uence detlecled to one side l)y the inter-action of the rurreiit with the magnetic fielil, thus exposing the aperture beneath. Light passing through this aiierttire is thtis varied in intensity. If it then falls upon a photographic sensitive film bent into cylindrical form, and rotating in exact synchronism with the film at the sending end, the film will be exposed b\- amounts var\ing in proportion to the lights and shades of the original picture. The ribbon and aperture of the light valve are shown diagraminatically in Fig. 3. F"ig. 4 /■/( /7A-/. iK.ixsMissiox ori.R iri.i.fiioxi- i.ixr.s 191 >h<>\vs a st'ction of tin- riTt'i\iii)L; riul of a systi'in of (lii- sort |)oslulal(.-(|, with its liuhl xiiinv, tfu- lij;hl \al\i', ami the ri'ffi\iiii; rylindtT. .\i>\i-i.\ HON i>i S< III MK ID TiiiiiriioM. I.IM-: Tkansmissiux The simple stiieine of picture Ir.iiisiiiissiou jiisl outlined must be miHlitieii in order to adapt it for use on commercial electrical coni- iiumication systems, which have heen developed |)rimarily for other puriMtses than picture tr.msmissiou. Of existing electrical means of communication, which include land wire systems (telegraph and telephone), submarine c.iMe, and radio, ihe wire s\stem, as developed III rLcei\ ing ciul optical system: (l.j ll^ht source; (I)) condensing lens; (V) light valve; (S) projection lens; (Cj sensitive film for the telephone, offers great advantage when all factors are con- sidered, including constancy-, freedom from interference and speed. The picture transmission system has accordingly been adapted to it. In the simple scheme of picture transmission outlined in the pre- ceding section, the photoelectric cell gives rise to a direct current of varying amplitude. The range of frequency components in this current runs from zero up to a few hundred cycles. Commercial long distance telephone circuits are not ordinarily arranged to transmit direct or very low frequency currents, so the photoelectric currents are not directly transmitted. Moreover, these currents are very weak in comparison with ordinary telephone currents. On account of these facts, the current from the photoelectric cell is first amplified by means of vacuum tube amplifiers- and then is impressed upon a vacuum tube modulator jointly with a carrier current whose fre- quency is about 1,300 cycles per second. What is transmitted over ' For a very full description of the standard telephone repeater the reader is referred to "Telephone Repeaters," (iherardi and Jewett, Trans. A. I. E. E., .Nov., 1919. Vol. 38, part 2, pp. I287-1J4S. 192 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Fig. 5 -Portion of transmitted pirturc of variable width line type, enlarged fUllKI. I l<.l.\sMlsMi'\ ('//./? TF.I.r.rilONE I. IMS IW till' ti'lt'phone line is, then, the carrier wave ' inodulatet! by the photo- eierlric wave s«) that the currents, in fre(iiiency range and in ampli- tude, are similar to the currents corresponding to ordinary speech. When the carrier current, modulated according to the lights and sJKules of the picture at the sending end, traverses the ribbon of the light vahe at the receiving end, the aperture is o|iened and closed with each pulse of alternating current. Tlu- envelope of these pulses follows the light and shade of the pii tiirc. Imt the actual course of LU PICTURE CHANNEL SYNCHRONIZING CHANNEL Kig. 6 — Diagrammatic representation of the picture and synchronizing currents. (P) photoelectric cell; (.AM) amplifier modulator; (A) amplifier; (V) light valve; (M) phonic wheel motors; (T) tuning forks; {.\K) amplifier rectifier the illumination with time shows a fine structure, of the pcrio(licit\' of the carrier. This is shown by the enlarged section of a picture. Fig. 5; in this the black lines are traces of the image of the light valve aperture. Superposed on the larger variations of width, which are proportional to the light and shade of the picture, small steps will be noted (particularly where the line width varies rapidly); these are caused by the carrier pulses. Syn'chroniz.ation In oriler that the light and shade traced out on the receiving c\lin:ler shall produce an accurate copy of the original picture, it is necess.iry that the two cylinders rotate at the same uniform rate. This, in general, demands the use of accurate timing devices. The means employed in the present apparatus consist of phonic wheels or impulse motors controlled by electrically operated tuning forks.'' Were it 'A description of electrical communication by means of carrier currents will be found in "Carrier Current Telephony and Telegraphy," Colpitis and Blackwell, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1921, Vol. 40, pp. 205-300. A discussion of the relations between the several components of the signal wave employed in carrier is given in "Carrier and Sidebands in Radio Transmission," Hartley, Proc. I. R. E., Feb., 1923, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 34-55. * .A detailed description of the construction and operation of the impulse motor and its driving fork is given in "Printing Telegraph Svstems," Bell Trans, .\. I. E. E., 1920, Vol. 39, Part 1, pp. 167-230. 194 BELL SYSTEM lECIISICAL JOLRXAL possible to have two forks at \viclel>' separated points running at exactly the same speed, the problem of synchronizing would be immediately solved. ActualK' this is not practical, since variations of speed with temperature and other causes prevent the two forks from operating closely enough together for this purpose. If the two cylinders are operated on separate forks, even though each end of the apparatus runs at a uniform rate, the received picture will, in general, l)e skewed with respect to the original. The method by which this difficulty has been overcome in the present instance is due to Mr. M. B. Long. Fundamentally the problem is solved by con- trolling the phonic wheel motors at each end by the same fork. For this purpose it has been found desirable to transmit to the receiving station impulses controlled by the fork at the sending end. The prob- lem of transmitting both the fork impulses and the picture current sinuiltaneoush- could be solved by the use of two separate circuits. If this were done the currents going over the two lines would be substantially as shown in Fig. 6, where the upper curve represents the modulated picture carrier for two successive re\olutions of the picture cylinder, and the lower curve shows the synchronizing carrier current modulated by the fork impulses. It would iioi, liowcwT, lie economical to use two separate circuits for the picture and s\nchronizing channels, consequently the two currents are sent on the same circuit. In order to accomplish this, the picture is sent on the higher frequency carrier, approximately \,'M)() cycles per second, and the synchronizing pulses are sent on the lower frequency carrier, approximately 400 cycles per second, both l>ing in the range of frequencies readily transmitted by any telephone circuit. These carrier frequencies are obtained from two vacuum tube oscillators.^ The two currents are kept separ- ate from each other by a system of electrical filters at the sending and receiving ends, so that while the current on the line consists of a mixture of two modulated frecjuencies, the appropriate parts of the receiving apparatus receive only one carrier frecjuency each." ' The vacuum tube oscillator as a source of carrier current is described in Colpitis and Blackwell, Loc. Cit. .\ general discussion of the vacuum tube oscillator is given in the ".Xudion Oscillator," Heising, J(yur. A. /. E. E. .April and May, 1920. .\ discussion of the arrangement of the particular oscillator used with the picture transmission equipment is given in "Vacuum Tube (Jscillalor," Morton, Belt System Tech. Jour. July, 1924, \'ol. 3, .\o. \ pp. 508-.S24. •The application of wave filters to niulli-channel communication systems is discussed in Colpitis and Blackwell, Loc. Cit. More complete discussions are to be found in: "Physical Theory of Electric Wave Kilters," Campliell, Bell Sysleni Tech. Jour. Nov., 1922, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-32. I'liUKIl TR.IXSMISSIOX (U//v' lll.iriloM I.I MS l«»i ni:SCRII'TIO\ OV .\l'l'ARAH.S Mfchanical A rraii'^emciits Till' i-ssi-iiti.il p.irls 1)1' ilu- iiu'cli.iiiiMn iisimI for mi.iiini; .md .idv. lur- ing the cylinder at the sending statiDii, and for holding tin- |)liolo- tlfctric ci'll and the aniplif\inj; and niodiilatin); sNsttni are shown in the photograph, Fig. 7. At the extreme left is llie |)hoiiic wlieil impulse motor, which drives the lead screw through a spiral gear. Kig. 7 —Sending end apparatus showing motor, tilni carriage, optical system and amplifier modulator The spiral gear ordinariK- turns free of the lead screw, hut may be engaged with it by a spring clutch. The lamp housing, whic h pro- \ides the illumination for the photoelectric cell, is in the foreground at the center of the photograph. The photoelectric cell is in a cylindrical case at the left enti of the large box shown on the track and projects into the picture cylinder on which a film is in process of being clamped. The amplifier and modulator system is carried in the large box to the right, which is mounted on cushion supports to eliminate disturbances due to vibration. 196 DELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL The receiving eiui mechanism for turning and ad\ancing the cylinder is similar to that at the sending end. The parts peculiar to the receiving end are shown in Fig. 8. They consist of the light valve, which is in the middle of the photograph, and the lens for pro- jecting the light from it upon the cylinder. The metal cylinder F^ig. 8 — \'ic\v of receiving end apparatus showing light valve and observation microscope around wliicli the st-nsitixe photngraphic film is wrajJiX'd, appears at the extreme right. The microscope and prism shown are used for inspecting the light valve aperture for adjusting purposes. Electrical Circuits The essential parts of the electrical circuits used are shown in the schematic diagrams, Kigs. 9 and 10, in which the various elements which ha\e hecn dcscrilitMl |)ri\iously are sIkiwii in their relations to each other. Certain portions of the electrical circuits deserve somewhat detailed treatment. One of these is the amplilier-modulator system for the picture channel, the other is the filter system cmplowd for separat- ing the picture and synchronizing channels. \j}m 19S BEI.I. SYSTEM TECIIXICAI. JOl'RXAL III l"i^. 11 i> >li()\\n (at the to])) a diagram of ilic liirici currfiu aini)litier and the modulator used for the picture cliamiel, together with diagrams (at the bottom) showing the electrical characteristics of each element of the system. Starting at the extreme left is the Fig. 11 — Circuit schematic of aiiiplifiiT-modul.ilor with characteristics of each clenifnt photoelectric cell, the current from which passes ihr(iui;li a liii;!) resistance. The potential tapped off this resistance (of ilie order of 'M) or 40 millivolts) is applied to the grid of the first \acuum ttihe amplifier. The second vacuum tube amplifier is similarly cotijiled I'lciiKii ih'.ixsMissiox orr.R ii:i.i.i'iii>\n i.ims iw with the first, aiul thi- vaniiim tiitic mocluhuor in nirii to ii. The relationship between illuniinalioii and current in the |)h()l()eleclric cell is, as shown in diagram No. 1, linear from the lowest to the highest values of illunuti.ition. The vojiaije-currcnt (/•'. \-er-us /) ciiaracler- ^l- T . T SYNCHRONIZING CHANNEL FILTER PICTURE CHANNEL FILTER 1 1 1 1 r 0 4 8 IZ 16 20 24 28 32 3G 40 FREQUENCY- HUNDREDS OF aCLES PER SECOND Fig. 12 — Circuit st-heniatics lal)Ovc) and attenuation characteristics (l)clow) of picture (full line) and synchronizing (dashed line) channel filters istics of the amplifying lubes and the modulating tube circuits are shown in the figure by the diagrams which lie immediately below these tuljes. They are not linear o\er their whole extent. It becomes necessiiry, therefore, in order to preserve the linear char- acteristic, which is essential for faithful picture transmission, to locate the range of \-ariation of current in each of the latter tubes on a linear 2()0 BEU. SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL portion of their characteristics. This is accomplished by appro- priate biasing voltages {Eg), as shown. As a consequence of this method of utilizing the straight line portions of the tube character- istics, the current received at the far end of the line does not vary between zero and finite value, but between two finite values. This electrical bias is exactly matched in the light valve by a mechanical bias of the jaws of the valve opening. Fig. 12 shows diagrammaticall>' the form of the band pass filters used for separating the picture and synchronizing channels, together with the transmission characteristics of the filters. The synchroniz- ing channel filter transmits a narrow band in the neighborhood of 400 c. p. s., the picture channel filter a band between 600 and 2,500 c. p. s. In addition to the main circuits which have been discussed, arrange- ments are made for starting the two ends simultaneously and for the transmission of signals. These functions are performed by the inter- ruption of the picture current working through appropriate detectors and relays. Testing circuits are also provided for adjusting the various elements without the use of the actual transmission line. Tnii Tr.\nsmission Line In \'iew of the fact already emphasized, that the currents used in picture transmission are caused to be similar both as to frequency and amplitude to those used in speech transmission, it follows that no im- portant changes in the transmission characteristics of the telephone line are called for. With regard to the frequency range of the alternating currents which must be transmitted and also the permissible line attenuation, the transmission of pictures is less exacting on the tele- l>hf)ne line than is speech transmission. In certain other respects, however, the requirements for picture transmission are more severe. For speech, the fundamental requirement is the intelligibility of the result, which ma\' be preserved e\-en though the transinission varies somewhat during a conversation. In the case of picture transmission, variations in the transmission loss of the line, or noise appearing e\'cn for a brief instant during the several minutes required for trans- mission are all recorded and presented to view as blemishes in the finished picture. Picture transmission circuits must, therefore, be carefully designed and operated so as to reduce the possibility of such liisturbances. In transmitting pictures o\er telephone lines, it is also necessary to guard against ccrt.iiii other elTects, iiuluding transient flClURli IK.LXS^MISSION OILU ILLLl'llONL LINUS 201 1~1=# A J \ I 1 r C D -W\/y\AA-~w\/|/|/V^^ 8 S mm K Fig. 13— Diagram illustrating' performance of systeii 202 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOURNAL effects and "echoes" caused hy reflections from impedance irregular- ities. A high degree of l)alance between the lines and their balancing networks at repeater points is also required. These conditions can be satisfactorily- met on wire telephone lines. Radio communication channels are inherently less stable and less free from interference, and special means lo overcome their defects are required in order to secure high-grade pictures. ("llARACTICRISTICS OK Rli( ICIVED PICTURES \\\ elect rically transmitted i)iclures Ikuc, as a result ot iJu- processes of scanning at the sending and recei\ing ends, a certain amount of structure, on the fineness and character of which depends the detail rendering of the result. The origin and nature of the microscopic structure characteristic of pictures transmitted b>- the present process is illustrated by the diagrammatic presentation of Fig. 13, which may serve at the same time to give a re\'iew of the whole process. We will assiune that the original picture consists of a test object of alternating oi)aciue and transparent lines. Such a set of lines is shown at .4. The lines are assumed to be moving from left to right across the spot of light fall- ing on the film. The width of the sjxit of light (corresi)onding to the pitch of the screw) is represented b>' the pair of ilashed lines. If the spot of light were infinitely narrow in \\w diiection of motion of the picture film, the photoelectric current would l)e represented in magnitude in the manner shown at B. AclualK- the spot must have a finite length, so that the transitions lietween the maximum and minimum \alues of current are represented by diagonal lines as shown at C. Due to the una\'oidable reactances in the amplifying system, there is introduced a certain rounding off of the signal so that the \'ariation of [lotential impressed on the modulator tube follows somewhat the course shown at D. The alternating current intro- duced by the vacuum tube oscillator is, then, given the character- istics shown at K, the envelope being a close cop\' f lines of constant density and \ar\iiig width. .\ jiicture of this sort is shown in Fig. 14. A merit of this kind of picture (when recei\'ecl in negative form) is that if the structure is of suitable size (()() to fio lines to the inch) it may be used to print directh- on zinc and thus make a t\pogra|)hic printing plate similar to the earlier forms of half tone, whereby the loss of time usualh' incident to copying a picture for reproduction purposes may be a\-oided. A disad\antage of this form of picture is that it does not lend itself readily to retouching cr to change of size in reproduction. Another method of pictin-e reception is to let the light from the I'iciuRr. Th'.ixsMissiox orr.R ir.i.F.i'iioMi ijats 2ns Kin. 15 — Portion of transmitted picture of variable density line type, enlarged 2()C BELI. SYSTEM THCIIMC.IL JOURNAL ricrcKi: in.ixs.missiox oiek rrirriioM- lis is 207 Fig. 17 — Variable density line picture — Portrait of Michael Faraday 208 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL lij^lu v.iKf fall upon tlii' film in a dilTusfil tnaniu-r through an aper- ture of lixi'd k'Ugth so llial liius of constant width (exactly juxta- posetl) hut of varying density are produced. A phototnicro(om this a positive is made on a cellu- loid film of dimensions 5" x 7", which is then placed in the cylindrical film-holding frame at the sending end. Simultaneously an unexposed film is placed on the receiving end. Afijustments of current values for "light" and "dark" conditions are then made, over the line; after which the two cylinders are simultaneously started by a signal from one end. The time of transmission of a 5" x 7" picture is, for a 100 line to the inch picture, about seven minutes. This time is a relatively small part of the total time required from the taking of the picture until it is delivered in the form of a print. Most of this total time is used in the purely photographic operations. When these are reduced to a minimum by using the negative and the send- ing end positive while still wet. and making the prints in a project- tion camera without waiting for the received negative to dry, the overall time is of the order of three-quarters of an hour. 210 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOLRKAL t '^) e — -B I'ig. 19 — Electrical transmission of cartoon I'lCrURf: TR.IXSMISSIOX Oll-R ir.lJ.I'IIOM-. I.IM.S I"li;i.l>S ()!■ I'SKFULNKSS 211 Thf tieUls in wliirli iliitrirall\ transmittfcl piiluris may l)f of greatest service are those in whirli it is desired to transmit informa- tion which ran only t)e conve>ed eUcctively, or at all, by an ap[H'a! to vision. Illustrations of cases where an ade(|uate verbal descrip^ tion is almost impossible, are portraits, as, for instance, of criminals '^:^?.^»« Fig. 2() — Electrically transinittod fingerprint or missing individuals; drawings, such as details of mechanical parts, weather maps, military maps, or other representations of transient conditions. The value of electricalK- transmitted pictures in connection with police work has been recognized from the earliest days of experi- ments in the transmission of pictures. Besides the transmission of portraits of wanted individuals to distant points, there is now pos- sible the transmission of finger prints. Some of the possibilities of the latter were demonstrated over the New York-Chicago picture sending circuit at the time of the Democratic Convention, July, 1924. The Police Department of New York selected the finger- print of a criminal whose complete identification data were on file in the Police Department in Chicago. This single fingerprint, together with a code description of the prints of all the fingers, was 212 BF.LL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL transmitted to Chicago and identified by the Chicago experts almost instantl>-. This method of identification will be, it is thought, of value in those cases where difficulty is now experienced in holding a suspect long enough for identification to be completed. Fig. 20 shows a transmitted fingerprint. The fact that an electricalK- transmitted picture is a faithful coi^y of the original, offers a field of usefulness in connectinn witii the ^ f > ^ A V\g. 21- IVaii'iniissinn iif .iiilniir.iph in.itrrial — I'irsl st'clion of Japaiiese-Aiiicricaii Irealvof 185,i transmission of original messages or documents in which the exact form is of significance, such as autographed letters, legal papers, signatures, etc. It would appear that this method might under certain circumstances save many days of valuable legal time and the accumulation of interest on mone>' held in abeyance. For these reasons, it is thought that bankers, accountants, lawyers, and large real estate dealers will find a service of this kind useful. Fig. 22 illustrates the transmission of handwriting. ricruh'ii TK.ixsMissiox ori.ii telei'iionf. lines 2\i Mi'ss.igi-s iti fori'imi l;uij;iiagi-s, t'mplti\iiiK alph;il)ets of forms not siiitfil for ti'lfuraphir riKliii^;, an- haiullcd lo advaiUagf. Thus, V\^. 21 sliows the hrsi strtion of the origin. il Japanese-American treaty in Japanese script, as transmitted from New \'ork to Cliicano. Advertising material, parliciilarly when \\\ ihe lUrm of special t\|H>graph\- and drawings is often dirt'icuit and (i^ily to gel lo dis- ^lAAUyYL ' (Jriritfyi '- results and led to the necessity for the invention of a hypothetical conducting layer (Heaviside layer) whose aid is invoked to confine the wave between two concentric spherical shells. In many cases this Heaviside layer was considered to have the properties of a good conductor and it was supposed that a beam of .short waves, for ex- ■iinple, might be more or less regularly reflected back to the earth. The high conductivity of this layer was supposed to be due to the ionizing action of the sun f>r of particles invading the earth's atmos- |)here from outside and producing in the rarefied upper atmosphere a high degree of ionization. The differences in transmission during day and night and the \'ariations which occur at sunrise and sunset were supposed to \)C due to the different ionizing effects of the sun's rays appropriate to the different times of day. The explanation of the phenoment)n of "fading" or comparatively rapid fluctuations in the intensity of received signals could then be built up on the assump- tion of irregularities in the Heaviside layer producing either inter- ference between waves arriving by different paths or reflcrtion to different points on the earth's surface. The principal difiticully in 215 216 BHLL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tliis explanation is the necessity for rather high conductivity to account for the propagation of \va\cs to great distances without large ab- sorption. In 1912 there appeared an article by Kccles ' in which the bending of waves around the surface of the earth was explained on the basis of ions in the upper atmosphere which became more numerous as the vertical height increased and thereby decreased the effectixe dielectric constant which is a measure of the velocity of propagation of the wave. In this case the velocities at higher levels will be sliglith- greater than the velocities at lower levels, which will result in a bend- ing downward of the wave normal and a consequent curvature of the vva\e path to conform to the curvature of the earth. In order to produce this effect without absorption the ions must be relatively free. If they suffer many collisions during the period of a wave, energy will be absorbed from the wave and pass into the thermal agitation of the molecules. Thus absorption of the wa\'e can be computed provided the nature of the mechanism is luuierstood thoroughh'. Sommcrfeld and others luivc worked nut the ctTcct of the iiniK'rfecl conductivity of the grouml uijon the wa\e front and such computa- tions lead to a prediction that the electric vector in the wa\'e near the ground will be tilted forward and thus have a horizontal com- ]ionent. This effect of imperfect conductivity is usualh- given as the cause of the large electromotive force which is induced in the so-called "wave antenna." This effect, however, apparenth' does not lead to an e.vplanation of the bending of waves around the earth. There has recently appeared an article by Larmor - in which the idea of a density gradient of ions or electrons is developed further to explain the bending of waves around the earth without a large absorp- tion. This paper, as well as that of Hccles, leads to the conclusion that long radio waves will be bent around the earth, and that the effect increases as the scjuare of the wave length, becoming vanishingK- small for very short waves. The large amount of data now available from both qualitative and quantitative observations of radio transmission shows that the |)hcnomena may be more complicated than would be indicated !)>• these theories. It is found that very long waves possess a considerable degree of stability and freedom from fading and that as the wave length decreases the attenuation antl the magnitude of fluctuations increases until for a wave length of (he orcjcr of two or three hundred ' IVoc. Roy. Soc., June, 1912. > Phil. Mag., Dec., 1924. rKor.ic.mox or electric tr.irrs orEU run eaktii 217 meters there is Rrcat irrcKnIarity in transmission so that rcliaMe rommunication over land for distances as short as 100 miles is not always (lossiMe even with larjje amounts of power. With decreasinR wave length we tnul also variations in apparent direction of the wave. On the other hand, as the wa\e length is decreased still further we luul, sometimes, rather surprising increases in range and stability. The nature of the fading changes, becoming more rapid, and the absorption in many cases seems to decrease. This peculiarity of wa\e transmission must be explained in a siitisfactory theory. In addition to the apparent selective effect just mentionetl, some observa- tions indicate that there are often differences between east and west and north and south transmission at all wave lengths. The various irregularities in radio transmission, and particularly the apparently erratic and anomalous behavior of electromagnetic waxes occurring in the neighborhood of a few hundred meters wa\-e length seem to indicate that as the wave length is decreased from a value of several kilometers to a value of a few meters some kind of selective effect occurs which changes the trend of the physical phe- nomena. These considerations have suggested to us the possibility of finding s of propa^^alion of the wa\c. This is, in fact, thv l)asis for the explana- tion of the optic.il pro|H'rties of transparent and absorhinK media and also of nu-di.i which show magnetic or other rotatory |M)wers. Due to collisions aiul recomhinations, energy will pass continuously from the electromagnetic held and increase the energy of agitation of neutral molecules. Since this prcness is irreversible it accounts fyi absorption of energy from the wave. Asiiume an electron or ion of charge e and mass m moving with velcH-ity V and acted u|)on !)>■ an electric lield E and the earth's mag- netic held H. The etpialion of motion of the free ion will be e c or av = E + vxh (1) in which h is written for — and a for w; e. (When we come to consider c absorption it will be necess' effect about the axis of z. (The general case in which h has the three comjionents (li\ //; hi) residts in a dielectric constant ha\ing the structure («i — /Ss — /as —^i + iof. \ — /3j — taj — /3| + ;'ni «3 ' of which the above is a special case. With tiiis \aiuc of (e) the equa- tion (4) below contains the general solution of our problem.) Let H\ be the magnetic force associated with E in the wa\e so that ccurl f/, = (f) E ccurl E=-Hi. Kliminating Hi from these equations we get -V^£+rdivE = 4'(0E (4) or in scalar form -^'^4-:^ div E=4'(ei X-iaY), 222 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL _ V= r + 1- di V E = ^' {iaX + 6 , F) , (5) oy c- 02 C- These ecjuatioiis for the propagation of light in magnetically active substances have been given by \'oigt, Lorentz, Drude and others and form the basis of the explanation of optical phenomena in such substances. As applied to optics, they are worked out, for example, in Drude's "Optics" (English translation), page 433. As applied to this problem, they assume either that the motion of the ions is unimpeded or that the resistance to the motion may be expressed as a constant times the velocity, which, as explained later, may be done in this case. We shall work out some comparatively simple cases and point out the conclusions to be drawn from them. Consider first a plane polarized ray having its electric vector pardllf] to the magnetic field and moving in the xy plane; for example parallel to X. In this case the electric vector is a function of x and / only of the form Z = Zo H'-t) in which - is the \'elocit\' of the wa\e. Sutistituting in the general M equations (.')) wc find that M- = l-l^. (6) The \el(>cit\ of projiagation is thus a fiuution of tlie frequency and of the density A'. This particular case corresponds to that treated by Eccles and Larmor in the papers cited. It will be noted that the velocitj' is greater for long waves than for short waves and that if A^ is a fimction of distance from the surface of the earth, the velocity will \ary in a vertical direction, causing a curvature of the rays as worked out by the authors mentioned. In this particular case, how- ever, which corresponds completely in practice to conditions obtaining over only a limited area of the earth's surface, the greatest effect is produced on the longer wa\-es. Since electromagnetic waves are in general radiated from vertical antennas so that the electric vector is vertical, this case would correspond to the condition of transmitting across the north or south magnetic poles of the earth. The second ca.se to be considered is that of propagation along the direction of the magnetic field. In this case X and Y are functions FKOr.tC.ITKKW or ELECTRIC U'AIES OVER THE E.lRTIl 223 of s and / and ilu- .ippropri.Ki- soliiiions of ilio fimd.inuiit.il (•(|iialii>iis (5) are A-' = .la.s.(/-^;.^). r= -.4 sin «(/-— V Mr = fi + a, A'" = ^l cos w (l-y-)' Y" = A sin /; ('-^'"-)' m/ = «i-". whirli rt-pri'si-nt two opposilcK- circularK' polari/ed components traNclinj; with the different \elocities — and —. The plane of poiar- ization is rotated through an angle of 2 tt in a distance given by The third case to be considered is that of propagation at right angles to the magnetic field, say in the direction of x. For this case equations (5) become: X = ^Y -„^>>'-("-f> n- of which the solutions are A = — Fo f ^ 'I «i .-(,-'^) , a' Z = Zo ll 1-^" The first of these is merely the (usually small) component of field required to make the total current solenoidal, that is, to balance the 224 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL convection of electrons. The last two show that the plane polarized ray whose electric vector is parallel to // will travel with the velocity —'while the one whose electric vector is at right angles to this direction and to the direction of propagation will travel at a dilTerent speed, c — . There is thus doiililc refraction. Ml Bending of the rays. If m is the index of refraction, which is a function of the space variables, the curvature of the ray having this index is where s is taken perpendicular to the direction of the II ds ray. Since n is practically unity except at the critical frequency, this curvature is 1/2 d fr/ds. In order that the ray should follow the curvature of the earth it is clear that n must decrease at higher altitudes; that is, '-^ must be negative. ds We shall workout the curvatures for the special cases considered. (The first case has been given above and was worked out in the papers cited). For the case of propagation along //, tlie two ciriii!arl\- polarized beams have indices given by Mr = ei + a = l + ^ j^. (0 n" o}-\-\' (-=?)• We are interested in the \alues of 1/2—— in which .V and /; are fiinr- ds lions of distance s and also of the time. These conic out to be N dir (9) _ (T r <«'^ dX 0}-' i\ rf/;~j '"wLiii^ 'ds~ {u>-iyirdsj' ^^ ~ 2n6'Lw+l ds ^ {oi+iyhdsS ^ ' .\ striking fact shown by tlicse formulae is that the curvatures of tlie two rays are in general difTerent. A limited beam entering an ionized medium along a magnetic meridian will be split into two which will traverse different paths. Thus we should expect to find, rR(U'.n:.iTi(>\ ()/• i-i.r.CTNic u.irns ornn riir. F.iRrii 22-^ orrasionalK', a ciriularl\' pnlari/i-d l>fam .it the riTfiver due to the fact that the reteiving insirumfiU is locati-d at a iK)int toward which oiu- of the Iwams is diverted after lia\iiin ()assed lhroii)^h an iip|HT ioni/til layer. This is now hein^; investijjaled experimentally. It is clear that, although the two components do not in general travel, over the siune path, hoth ma>' e\enlually arrive at the same receivei'. The first ray, however, ma\- iiave pi'netrated iniicli higher in the atmosphere than the other, that is, to a level at wiiich — has the (is prof>er negative value to cause it to return to earth. For long waves, these curvatures become: -f-?a. <:■,-, -J 2«„-L (is h (is J Hence a limited beam of long waves entering this medium would tend to split into two of opposite polarization and traverse different paths. In the special case for which ^.~- = -, — r~ throughout the medium, .\ (is h ds there will be no such separation of the beam. F~or verv short waves " 2no=L Hence if the most effective cause of refraction is the variation in the ionic density both components tend to remain together and to travel with a rotation of the plane of polarization. If variation in the magnetic field is appreciable the two components tend to diverge as in the case of long waves. F'"or propagation at right angles to //, sav along .v, we have Mr =«•.!= 1- -.7. (!•■>) (16) 226 BELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL The bending of tlic plane polarized comixmriit lia\in,i; the index ixi shows no selective effects, being simply In' as and is appreciable only for long waxes unless .V is \er\- large. For the other component we find : wtiere, in onlcr lo simplify ilic furnuila, oiiK' liii' lerni cmitaining —;— has l)een iiirliifled. Tiiis api)lies to ions of one kind. as I'or long wa\es those two curxatiires become 2«o-v Wo^ / as These formulas show that the first curvature is alwa\s in the same (LX direction for a given value of -^, while the second curxature, which is lis that of the electric vector perpendicular to the magnetic field, is, for very long waves, in the same direction as Ci but, as the wave length is decreased or N increased, reverses in sign and becomes opposite to Ci. As an example, if N= 10, for 6 kilometer waves the curva- tures are opposite, so that if the first component tends to bend down- ward the second will tend to bend upward; while if .V=100, for the same wave length both cur\atures ha\e the same sign and the second is five times as large as the first. For extremely short waves the two curvatures are equal as they ob\iously should be, since the magnetic field can then ha\'e no effect. In transmitting from New 'S'ork to London, for example, waves travel approximately at right angles to the magnetic field, which in this latitude has a dip of about 70°. If we assume a plane polarized ray starting out with its electric \ector \ertical, the component parallel to the magnetic field will be the larger and will be subject to the curvature C\ abo\e, while the smaller component will be affected PROPAGATIOS Ol- l-.I.ECTRIC If.iriiS OfLR TUE EARTH 227 !•%• the iii.i^;nclic fivM .uul will lia\e the curvature t';. The two com- (xtnents into whioli tiie original \va\e is resf)lve(i will travel with different \elocities. It is clear that when the distrihution of ions in the up|H'r atmosphere is changed by varying sunlight conditions, the resulting effect at a receiver is likely to \ary considerably. Sorae of the possibilities will In.' discussed later. Rotation of the plane of polarization. It has been shown that in the second case, namely transmission along the magnetic fiekl, there will Ih; a rotation of the plane of polarization of the wave. This rotation is such that the wave is rotated through a ii)ni()lfit' iiirn in a distance given by " Mo >■■ .. ,'" al)sori)ti' go on with much less attenuation than propagation from Kast to West omt ,i region in which the magnetic field is nearly vertical, in which case the effect of the magnetic field is largely absent. This conclusion, however, cannot be made in general since a number of other causes are influen- tial in determining the propagation, for example, the bending of the rays, so that it is not certain that transmission oN^er a region in which the magnetic field is vertical is always more difficult than in the other cases. The reason for the decreased absoriitioii of long wa\es wlien the magnetic field can operate (that is, in all cases in which the electric vector is not parallel to the field) is that the velocities acc|uired by the free electrons are much less for small \alues of // wiien the magnetic field is present. Fading. By this is meant a variation with time of the strength of a received signal at a given point. It is clear that a wave starting 2i2 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL originalK- with constant amplitude and frequency can be recei\ed as one of variable amplitude only if certain characteristics of the medium are variable with the time. So far as the atmosphere is concerned, these characteristics may be the distribution of electrons and heavier ions and the intensity and direction of the earth's magnetic field. If these are functions of the time, the velocities, bending, absorption and rotation of the plane of polarization will all be variable, the amplitude of variation depending upon the variations of A^, -r-, //, — J-, as well as the frequencv of the wave, the effects being in as as many cases magnified greatly in the neighborhood of the critical fre- quency. These effects are obviously sufficiently numerous to account for fading of almost any character and suggest a number of experi- ments to determine the most effective causes. The question of rota- tion of the plane of polarization, fading and distortion is now being examined experimentally. From the formulas it is clear that the velocity, curvature and absorp- tion of an electromagnetic wave as well as the rotation of its plane of polarization can all be affected by a time variation in the intensit\' and direction of the earth's field. An examination of the probable time and space variations of each, however, lead us to the conclusion that these are not of primary importance in determining large ampli- tude fading except, perhaps, during magnetic storms. One result of the last two years of consistent testing between New York and London at about GO, 000 cycles has shown that sexere magnetic storms are always accompanied by corresponding \ariations in the strength of received signals. Thus, although the earth's magnetic field can well exercise a large influence upon the course and attenuation of radio waves, it does not seem likely that its time variation is ordi- narily a large contributing cause to fading. This leaves as the probable principal cause of time variations the number and distribution of ions in the earth's atmosphere. It is impossible in this paper, which is devoted primarily to a development of a theory of transmission involving the earth's magnetic field, to consider adequately all the possibilities resulting from changes in ionic distributions, but some general remarks may be made. Imagine a wave traveling from the source to the receiver. At a short distance from the source the wave front will be more or less regular but as it progresses, due to the irregularities in ionic distribution, the wave front will develop crinkles which become exaggerated as the wa\e goes on. These crinkles in the wa\e front will be due to irregularities in the medium and can be obtained by a Huyghen's construction at rROP.tGATlOX OF ELECTRIC WAVES OVER THE EARTH 2.13 .my point. If we consider the wave a short distance before it reaches the receiver, we will tind regions in which the wave front is conca\e to the recei\er and regions of opposite curvature. Thus at certain portions of the wa\e front energ>- will be concentrated toward a point farther on and at other parts will be scattered. The location of these convex or concave F«)rtions of the wave in the neighborhood o{ a given receiving point will be very sensitive to changes in ionic dis- tribution along all the paths of the elementary rays contributing to the effect at the receiver. Hence, if we knew the location and movement of all the ions between the transmitter and the receiver, it would be possible, theoretically, to predict the resultant eflfect at the latter point. To explain fading it is essential that there be a time variation in this distribution. It is clear that effects of this kind should be more marked at short waves than at long waves since a region of the medium comparable in dimensions to a wave length must suffer some change in order to produce an effect upon the received signal. If, for example, there were space irregularities in the medium comparable to the wave length, a kind of diffraction effect would be produced at the receiver which would be ver>' sensitive to slight changes in grating space. A possible cause of irregularity may be found in the passage across the atmosphere of long waves of condensation and rarefaction, each of which results in a change in the density and gradient of the ions, even though the average density remains constant throughout a large %olume. If, as seems plausible, the upper atmosphere is traversed by many such atmospheric waves of great wave length, the resulting effect at a given receiving point would be fluctuations in signal strength due to a more or less rapid change in the configura- tion of the wave front near the receiver. For radio waves whose length is of the order of a few hundred meters, fading experimentally observed occurs at a rate of the order of one per minute (of course, it is not implied by this statement that there is any regular periodicity to the fading). The pressure wave referred to would travel in the upper atmosphere with a velocity of the order of 300 meters per second at lower levels or 1,000 meters in the hydrogen atmosphere, so that the wa\e length of these "sound" waves would be of the order of 50 of the radio wave lengths. The irregularities of the medium would thus be of sufficient dimensions with respect to the electromagnetic waves so that one of the char- acteristics referred to above might be developed. In this way we might explain variations in intensity of the wave at the receiver re- curring at intervals of a minute or so. 234 BELL SYSTEM TECUSICAL JOURNAL These effects, of course, might be produced even without a magnetic field but the results of this paper indicate that conditions in the wave front will l)e complicated still further by a rotation of the electric vector and by the existence of bending and double refraction due to the magnetic field, these effects being exaggerated in the neighbor- hood of the critical frequenc\-. Due to the magnetic field we have also the possibility of summation effects between components of the wa\e which were split off by the action of the field and consequently had traveled by different paths at different speeds. It is obviously impossible to make any general statement concerning the nature of the effects which will be produced by this complicated array of causes but future experimental work will, we hope, allow us to estimate the relative importance of the various elements. Open Tank Creosoting Plants for Treating Chestnut Poles By T. C. SMITH iMKKDUniON Tj^Olv ,1 mimlicr of years rlu'stiuit tinila-r, lieraiisc of its many ■I (li'sirahle cluiracti'risfirs, has served a broad field of usefulness in telephone line construction work, not only in its native territory, the eastern and southeastern part of the United States, but also in neighboring states. In fact, as an average, about 200,000 chestnut poles are set annualK- in the Bell System plant as replacements and in new lines. In areas which are gradually being extended from the northern part of the chestnut growing territory into the southern sections, blight is ra()idly making serious inroads into this class of pole timber. North of the Potomac Riser practically all chestnut territories have been visited by the blight anil it has in a major sense crossed into areas south and southwest of this river, where it is de\-eIoping from scattered spots. While many pj)les are yet secured in the blighted areas, they must be cut within a very few years after becoming afifected, in order to save them from the fleca\' which destroys blighted poles after they are killed. .A chestnut pole lasts satisfactorily above the ground line but decays at and within a few inches below the ground, thus weakening it at a critical location. In order to protect the poles from decay at this lf)cation. the open tank creosote treatment seems to be the most satisfactory-, where the facilities for applying the treatment are available. In general this treatment consists of standing the [>oles in an ofK'n tank and treating them in a creosote bath which covers them from the butt ends to a point about one foot above what will l)e the ground line when the poles are set. The method of appKing the treatment will be explained in more detail further along in the paper. Due to the scattered locations of the cliesiTUit timber .ind also to the fact that in many places this timl>er is rapidly being depleted by the blight, it has required cf)nsiderable study to establish loca- tions for ofH'U tank treating plants which would be convenient for applying the treatments anti would also have a sufficient available pole supply to permit the oi)eration of the plants long enough to 235 236 BELL sySTEM TECIlStCAL JOURNAL warrant the necessary investment in them. However, suitable locations have been established and plants have been constructed which will, when operating to their planned capacities, treat about 139,000 chestnut poles per year, and these plants may easily be enlarged to treat additional quantities as the demand for treated poles develops. These plants have been designed by our engineers and are being operated for applying preservative treatments to poles used by the Bell System. LOC.VTING THE TREATING PLANTS It might be interesting to bring out the governing considerations in locating the chestnut open tank treating plants, as compared with commercial plants for treating cedar poles, which are operating in the north central and northwest portions of the Uhited States. Due to the geographical locations in which the cedar poles grow, in rela- tion to the centers of distribution en route to the locations where they will be used, treating plants of large capacities can be supplied for many years with poles which pass them in the normal course of transporting the poles from the timber to their destinations. Com- mercial pole treating companies seem to have had no difficulty in establishing locations for handling 100,000 or more cedar poles per \ear through a single plant; whereas the scattered locations of the chestnut poles, as outlined above, make it more economical to build the chestnut treating plants in units \'arying between 10,000 and 36,000 poles per year capacity. Several factors were considered in deterniiiiing tiu' jiropor loca- lioiis for the seven Bell System treating plants which have been l)nili. It was often possible to select a location which was admirabl>- adajjled to the purpose when considered from two or three view- pi)iiits but which was foimd imdesirable when considered from all (if I he necessary angles. The principal points considered were: 1. yuantitN' of poles of liie desired sizes axailable locally wliicli could be ilelivered to a proposed plant b\- wagons, mnicir \flii(les, etc. 2. Qiianli(\' of poles wliicli coiiM he con\ cnienlK- routed past the plant during the rail sliipmenis iVoin tlu> tiniher lo their desti- nations. 3. Quality of the available timber. CRr.osorixc i'L.ims iok tri.iiixc iiiisixri nu.r.s 2i7 I. TIk' k'ligth of tiini" diiriiij; wliiili a pi, ml of ilu- dfsirfil si/r cniiKI 1)0 supplied with liininT for trfalmciil. This rstimati'd li>;urc would, of loursc, diicrminf tin- liiiijili i>\ lifi> nf ilu' |)rn- posi'd pl,mt. ."). K,iilro.id farilitics .iiui frrii;hl di^t.uucs fnuii liir propoMd pi.uit to points wluTi' till" poU's would hi- used. ti. Avail.djilitx' of l,d»>i" for opir.iliiit; liu' pi. nil. 7. Locating a suilahle site for tlu' pi.mt. I-".x(H.'rifiu-c of the Western l-llectrie ("ompain's Purcii.isinj^ I )e[)art- nieiii and the loeal .Associated Tele[)hone {\impany representatives, tni;eiher with inform, itioi) from ( "inxrrnment re|)orts, |iro\ ided the I'i^. 1 — I. ami ii|)<)H which S\l\-,i I'l.uit w.i> Duill answers to the first hve items. Studies upon the j;round were made to settle the remaining two items after a preliminary survey of the situation had iiidirated what locations seemed to w'arrant consid- er.ilion. The une\enness of the hind >is siiown 1)\- l-ig. 1, wliicii is l\|)ical f)f the many avaihiblc locations studied, made it difficult to secure a comparatively level tract of the proper area and dimensions adjoining a railroad siding or at a location where a siding could conveniently 238 /?/:ll system technical journal be established. In fact it soon became evident in making the pre- liminary studies, that it would be necessary to design the various treating plants to fit the best of the available tracts. As a result of these studies, seven plants were established and placed in operation in five states as outlined below: Total .Annual Pole Date when Plant Capacity When Location Was Placed in .Annual Pole .Additions .Now Operation Capacity Now I'lanned Are Completed Shipiiian, \'a Oct. 1922 10,000 l.S,000 Dec. 1922 10,000 10,000 18,000 N.iliiral Bridge, Va Apr. 1923 10,000 Williiuantir, Conn Aug. 1923 10,000 10,000 Svlva. .\. C May 1924 18,000 25,000 Nashville, Tenn July 1924 18,000 25,000 Ceredo, W. Va Sept. 1924 23,000 36,000 Total? 99,000 139.000 It will be noted from the above table that several of the plants are not yet working to their capacities as now planned. In designing the plants, the plans were made to provide for the total annual capac- ities shown above. However, when they were built the initial capaci- ties were made somewhat lower as indicated by the table, by omitting in some cases tanks and in other cases pole handling equipment which could readily be added in conformity with the plans, later when the additional capacities would be required. Y.VRD Sizes It might not .seem necessary to occupy a very great area in the operation of a pole treating plant. However, experience with some of the earlier plants indicated that a reasonably large yard was \er\- desirable because of the number of poles necessarily carried in piles on skids in the yard both in the untreated stock and in the treatetl stock. In so far as practicable the poles in the various treating plants are arranged in such a manner that each length and class is piled -separateK'. This greatly facilitates handling the poles, but re(iuires considerable sjjace. Ordinarily about li- tiiMtiiiji >ariits ari' iH-ri-ss.iriK' Imili around the railroad sidinjjs whirl) haiulli- the |M)Ii's in and out of the yards and transfer them from one location to another inside I he \-.irds, it is di'sirahle to Imild the >ards lonij and narrow. Fig. 2 — I'ortioii of I'olc Yard at One of the Smaller Plants Creosote Storage Tank at Right) (Tool House and Of course, the sharper the railroad cur\es can be made in la\ing out a siding from the railroad into the pole treating yard, the easier it is to accommodate the siding to cramped yard conditions or to spread out the tracks over a short, wide yard. However, due to the use of heavy locomotives on the main lines and the desirability of having switch curves suitable for the locomotives ordinariK- used, it has been necessary to use 12 degree railroad curves in planning most of the yard entrances, and in no case has a cur\c Iwen used which is sharper than 18 degrees. It will be noted from Fig. 3 that the pole treating apparatus is so located that the work of hantiling poles to and from the treating tanks will not interfere in any way with loading outgoing cars of treated poles from the skids. It will also be noted that the poles which are received from the river are treated during the natural course of their passage to the "treated" skids. 240 BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOURNAL ■"k- ±33ais Nivi^ cKiiosori.xc i'i..iMs roK iia-..iii\c ciir.srxur roi.ns 24\ Car loads of polrs which an- ri-ci-iwd l)y rail may In- backed into ilu- track Icadini; to the ()olc Ircatiny; (ilaiil for treatment or may Ik- unloaded u()liould l>e a mininuim of cotifiision in the pole moving operations. l-ig. I shows the skids at one enil of the Sylva yard before (>oU's had been (liled upon ihem. It illustrates tin- desirability- of havitii; a \>K- 4 -Skill l.,iy<)iU .11 Dm- l-.ml ul >\ Iv.i ^ .ird long, narrow \ard and also shows that the switch track is the backbone of the |)olc yard. It will also be noletl from Fig. 4 that in the Sylva yard the enils of the skids are brought up close to the track. This is because the jK)le handling in the Sylva yard is done by means of a locomotive crane which runs on the track and works from the ends of the cars. In the Natural Bridge yard, which is show'n in Fig. 5, a tractor crane is used for p:)lc handling. This unit has crawlers and wheels which operate on the narrow roadways at either side of the spur tracks. The tractor crane runs up to the side of a car to unload it. iiy operating at the sides of the cars a much shorter boom is required by the tractor crane than for the locomotiv'e crane working at the ends of the cars handling the same lengths of poles. Delivery of Poles to Pi-\xts \'arious methods are used for delivering poles to the treating plants, from the locatit)ns where the>' are cut. In adtlition to the use of automobile trucks with their trailers, and to the use of horse-drawn 242 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOURNAL wagons which may be seen along the road in Fig. 4, poles are tlelixered by railroad cars, river rafts and ox-teams. In the timber the poles are ordinarily loaded on cars for shipment to the treating [jlants b>' means of a logging loader shown in Fig. G. Fig. 5— ^'ard l,a\i)Ul at One liiul of .Natural Bridge Vanl, \ irwiil Irui Derrick Mast of lig. 0- I'lucing Poles on Logging Car !)>■ .Means of Logging I,oailer CKEOSOIlMi I'UIMS /OA' TKF.ATISG CIIF.SIXUT POLES 243 Although it has a short Ihmhii, it is al)U- lo handli- vi-ry long poles iH'faiisi- of till- nu'tluHl it) whirh it lifts iht-in. One end of the [lole, either to|) or l>utt, is rested against the middle point of the iiooni and the |x>ie lifted 1)\- the winch line which nia>' he attached only one-third or one-fonrth of the (list.incc fmin ilie Io.kUt end lo the Fig. 7 — Gearctl LcKomotive in Use on Logging Road Which Supplies I'oles to Treating Plant free enil of the pole. In lifting long [loles by this nietluKl. they spring considerably, and brash timber usually breaks under this treatment. Thus in handling poles by this method, they are given a test before they leave the timln-r. The winch line is attached to the pole b\- means of hooks which resemble ice tongs. From long experience in handling these tongs, the pole men are able to throw them several feet and catch a pole at any point they ficsirc, to pull it from the pole pile. This operation is ver>' fast. In fact, under favorable conditions, 'Sit foot chestnut p — Inloadini; I'uli-^ it thi- Shipiuan ^'ar(l I i^' In I Miir K.,11- i.l r,,l., ,,t Ccredo I'laiil 246 HELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It m.i\ \>v (.f iiiirrt'st to note thai the i)liotograph shown in Fig. 10 was takfii from the West Virginia l.ank of the river, while the Ohio bank is seen across the river and ilir Keniiickx hills are xisihle beyond the bridge. Particularly in ihe Cirolinas, ox-teams are used tt) draw pole loads down from ilu' mountains. I iii. 11 ruK' l)<)lfs out of the ri\tT it is ne«-fss;iry to set it at a distanco from ttu- watrr's i-(li;r which, of course, apf)roaches and rcceiics dciH'ndiuR upon the height of I he river. Because of this distance, the poles are dragged as well as lifted u;j the siopiiiv; si• a hea\\- duty gasoline engine and it is able I'ig. 15 — Stiff lAg IX'rrick Removing Poles fromyrrcating Tank anil Loading Them on Flat Car to handle a 1,01)0 11). load at .i !•') font radius tiudugh an arc of about 270 degrees. It has a 30 fool liooni. Since a very large percentage of the chestnut poles handled, wiigh less than one ton each, this tractor crane has sufficient capacity for the ser\ ice. In the smaller plants where it has been found tlesirai;le to increase the pole treating capacities aboxe what could be handled b\- means of the tractor cranes, stilT leg derricks ha\-e been installed. Thesi- derricks are of 6-tons capacitN', ha\ing 4.5-foot booms. They are operated by steam from the ireatint; plant boiler, which fi-eds the H H.P. hoisting engines. In- these Inst, ill. itioiis tlu' swingers are operated by the hoisting I'ligiiies. Where the treating plant is of large enough cap.icitX' to warrant ch!i-.(>sonxi; i'i..is'Ts /(i/v* iKiLtiixa ciir.srxcT roi.t:s 2V) thi- invcstrnont in a limimotivi" crane, this ts|)r of unit has proven to In- the njost satisfactory in oi>eralion. The cranes which are suitable for this t> pe of work have a oO foot lxM)ni and are rated at 17'-_> tons capacity. ActualK' tltey can safely handle a :<-lon load at "lO feet radius from tlie kinjj pin of (he crane, perpendicular to the I :. :iijin iliL liiMtiiiK Tanks tu tlic Dullu. Locoiiiotivf Crane track, without tipping the car hotly of the crane. Of course, with \hv lK)om in a position above the track the ma.ximum safe load is con- -iderably greater. The method of handling poles most commonly used is illustrated in Fig. 17 where the poles are lifted in a balanced condition, swung to one side of the track and piled parallel to it. .Another method which is applicable, particularly lo handling a lO-foot and longer pole, consists of butting the pole end against the lHK>m of the locomotive crane and swinging it to a pile which lies perpendicular to the track. This method of handling poles is similar to that shown in use with the logging outfit in l-'ig. (i. When the poles are piled either parallel or f)erpendicular to the track as shown by Figs. 17 and 18, respectively, there should be •rf(iuent breaks in the piles in order to permit the air to circulate around the pf.les and keep them dry, and to reduce the fire hazard . w Fig. 17 — llaiulliiig I'lili's b>- H.ilanrcd Mclliud with l.iiiomcitni- ( ranc !•'!«. KS— IliinilliiiK Pole with laid United Against Room of l.ci. oniotive Ciaii CREOSOTING PLANTS FOR TREATING CHESTNUT POLES 2S1 Preparing Poles for Treatment AIiIioukIi efforts were originally made to clean and prepare the |H)Ies on the cars at the time the\' were received at the plant, in order to bi- able to unload them from the cars directly into the treating tanks, it was found to be more satisfactory to first imload them upon skids where tlu-\- would In- more accessible for the removal 1 i^. 1'-' rrcp^ialiuu bkidi Upiji rruuling I'aiiki ul b>l\a I'luiU of all bark and foreign matter from the area to be treated and where any defective poles could be culled out before treatment. The preparation skids are ordinarily not used for storage purposes. When a load of poles is placed upon them it can be spread in such a manner that every pole will be accessible. In Fig. 20 the load of poles from the dollies has just been laid on the preparation skids where they will be cleaned for treatment in the far tank which is shown empty. Due to the desirability of having a continuous supply of poles for treatment, also of having the poles seasoned for several months before treatment, it is not practicable in a very large percentage of cases to ship the poles direct from the timber to the yard and unload them on the preparation skids for immediate treatment. For this reason it is necessary first to pile them in the untreated section of the pole yard and later to bring them to the preparation skids on dollies as illustrated in Fig. 20. 252 BELL SYSTEM JECILMCAL JUL KX.U. Treatmknt The following is a very brief outline of tlie nuiliod pur? treating the poles and also of the results obtainetl. In so far as practical >lr the poles are seasoned (i niontiis ( before being treated. Tiic niciliod of treatment coiisisis mersing llic butts to a U'\il nf .ihout 1 fool alioxc what will r more of ini- \ xaricd tn |)ni\iilr llii- plant capacities re(|uire(l. In designing the i)lants it was found desirable to separate the p- dividing the tanks it was also possible to use a smaller (juantity of hot creosote, since the hot oil could be used in one tank and when that treatment was fmished, i^timped to another tank containing iresh poles ready for treatment. Cutting down the hot oil capacit\', of course, reduced the amount of radiation in the heating tank and also the amount of radiation in use at any particular CREOSOTIXG ri..lMS FOR TREATING CHESTNUT I'Ol.ES 2?c necessary with a very lar^e single treating tank unit. HandHnK poles .il smaller tanks is nuicli f,i>ier liec.ni>c less l)lindrical ,1 I'uK- R.ick tanks were preferable for cold oil storage. The radiation from a vertical hj)t tank is i-onsitierably reduced l)y the jacket of hot air rising ak)ng its side. Particularly during the summer months care must l)e taken to keep dowi\ the temperature of the c(jld oil. It has been found that the long cylindrical steel tanks when lying horizontally radiate heat frf)m the oil to the atmosphere satisfactorily and thus keep the oil CCX)1 . Care has been taken in the design, to locate the various units so that all hot oil leads would be as short as possible in order to minimize radiation. Wherever jjossible, both the hot and cold oil are handled by gravity. The steam boiler is located as near as practicable to the heavy banks of steam radiators. Fn all cases, careful study has been gi\'en to facilitating the handling of poles, since a considerable part of the cost of the pole treating process is due to pole handling. 256 /}/•/./. sy.si EM rr.cHxiCAL jovrnai. Pom; R \( ks For supporting the poles standing in the treating tanks, it is neces- sary to have a very strong rack siirroinuiing each of the tanks. Fig. 20 shows a \ie\v at (mc- end and the front side nf tiie two-tank rack in the \asliville jilant. i'lie poles shown, >tand Hi feel alin\c liic i;r(iiin(l. This arrangement prrniils llir treal- iiH'iit ni any size- of |)i)le iij) to and including (>") tcil in Iciiglh. It will be noted in Fig. 23, which shows the rack al)()\e one lank, that the |)oles in each lank are di\ide(l at the middk' l)\' the platform of the pole rack. This feaiiirc nf ilu rack has prmcd id in' \er\- desirable in that it j)ermils liie plalforni ni.iii to rcacii an\ |)i)le in the rack during the loading and imloading process, so thai ilure is no delay and no ha/artl in attaching the winch line sling lo, or de- taching it from the poles. The taper of the poles is such that ample space is pro\ itletl for holding ihe sections of the poles at the platform (A-/ i)\i)//V(, ri.txis i>>i< I ly'i-.iiixt; (iirsixfi i-oi.is 2?7 lf\rl v\vi\ [hil' llu' oix-iiiii^ ,it lliis Irvrl is soiiu-wImI snialliT than llu- ari'a of tlu- huttoiii of ilu- Iri-.ilin^; tank. SiiitaMi' railiiij^s havi' l)irn prnvidcil arotiiul all parts of tin- [iLilfonn III proti'i't till- platlonn ni.m. 'I'hry arc siihslantial i-iu)iii;li to proltTt till- i)()frat(ir and \i'l lU-xilik- i-noiiijli to coinpi'iisate for the irri'^iiiar sections of poll's which niav lie aji.iinsi ilicin. I TVNKS As was nu'ntiorH'd al)o\c, in so far as practicahlc the tanks for the various plants are made in nuiitiples of standard units. The treatinj^ KIk- i^ -("onrretc Foundation and I'rotecting Walls for Treating Tanks tanks for the smaller plants are 11 feci long and 5 feet G inches wide with t) inches in each end of the tanks taken up by the vertical radia- tors. These tanks are of proper size to treat y^ carload of poles each. The larger plants are provided with treating tanks, each of which will easily handle one carload of poles. These tanks are 1.") feet long. 8 feet wide and 9 feet 8 inches deej) in the clear. Some idea of the sizes and arrangement of the treating tanks can be had from the excavation for them shown in Fig. 24. Kach of the raised levels shown, will su|)port the bottom of a tank while the jiits 258 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL between will contain the steam and oil piping, oil handling machinery, etc. This is a three-tank pit with space for two tanks shown. In order to provide dry pits for the equipment below the treating tank bottoms and also to facilitate removal of a tank from the ground in case it might need repair, it has been found desirable to build concrete foundations and walls around the treating tanks. I'ig. 26 — TriMliiiH Tanks in Plac A few inches of space is left between the concrete retaining walls and the sides of the treating tanks. This space serves two purposes: it permits placing or removing the tanks with ease and it also pro- vides air spaces around the sides of the tanks, which tend to insulate them from the ground. As has been mentioned, it is necessary to change the temperature of the oil in the tanks quickly from about 220° to about 105° Fahrenheit. There is very little lag in making the tem]>erature change due to heat retained by the tank walls. However, if the ground around the tanks were wet and in contact with them, considerable lag would be e.xperienced in making the temperature change of the oil because of heat which would be retained by the ground. The poles in the tanks as shown by Fig. 2G rest in a position inclined slightly back toward the racks so that they remain in this CREOSOriNC f7.WiV7.S- /'OW V/v'/T. / / /A'C; CHESTNUT I'Ol.ES 259 (xisttioii without iH'iiiR tii-tl. Iiu-liiiiiiK ihr tank Im>I loins iDw.inl the roar facilitati-s tlie draiiia.m" of oil from tluiii. The Ixjttom of ihc tank is practiralK- |HT(H'ii(liriiiar to the ()<)ies as they stand on it, which niiniini/es llu- lendenry for the butts to slip on tlie tank liottoni. In order to further pre\ent any danger front this hap|K'ning, the Inittom of each lank is covered l>y extra heavy Ir\ing grids similar to those used at subway ventilating open- ings. These grills are supported by a suitable I-beam framework in lioHuTii 111 Trialiiii; lank Showing Horizontal Radiators anci (Iriil^ Covering Them which the steel pipe radiators are placed. The grids do not inter- fere with the circulation of the hot oil and form a good protection for the radiators. Kach of the horizontal cold oil tanks has a capacit\' of about 14, ()()() gallons. Tanks of this size will easily take a tank-car load of creosote each, lea\ing some reserve capacity for residual ('il which may be in the tanks at the time the additional cars of oil ;ire received. The tank cars ordinarily carry from 8,000 to 12,000 gallons of oil. The hot oil tanks vary in capacity between 3,000 and 13,000 gallons each, depending upon the sizes of the plants. One hot oil tank 260 BEl.L SYSIEM TECIISICAI. JOURNAL suffict's for each installation. In orticr to conserNO the heat, these tanks are co\ereci by a li-^inch coat of magnesia block heat insulating material, the outside of which is covered by }i inch of asliestos ci-inc-nt and 'i inch of half and half asliestos and Portland cement. Boii.KKs, Kauiatoks, PkicsstkI'; Ri,(.i i.atoks and Othkk Sti;a\i l*j.)iii'Mi':Nr I'or these iiisiallaiiniis, a self-contained t\'pe of steam boiler was used because of its c(ini|)arati\el\- high etificiencN' in the sizes icquired and alMi i)ccausc of iIk- case of installation. 'I'iic boilers userl \arv liw. 1 loi i/oi,i.,l ( -,,1,1 ( )il r.Liilis ,111,1 \ 111 ir.il lid Oil r.ink from 3U to 80 horsepower cap.iiiix dcpcmlinL; iipni ilic >i/cs ol the plants. These b:)ilers are of the iciurii iiihuLif i\pr with tlir tire bo.xes and sm:)ke b.).\es lined with kc\cil-iii lire brick. The boilers are opi-rated at ,t pressuic ol .ihoiit 100 llis. which is a suitable pressure for tlic steam turbine ,mil for liie steam hoisting engines in the plam> \\ iierc these are used. Tliis bniler steam pressure is too high for the cast iron radiators which are usi'd lo heal oil in the hot and cold tanks and, for the smaller plants, in the treating tanks. Steam for these radiators should l)e sujiplied at a pressure of about 40 pounds. Ill order to meet this* recjuiremenl a pressure reducer is iiMtl to convert the steam from the boiler pressure, whate\er it may be, to a pressure of alxnit 40 pounds, before it enters the radiators. The water condensed from the \arioiis radiators is ret iiiiud to the boiler in order lo conser\'e its hi'. it. Small .iiitoiii.itii sUmiu traps usi>ii\(; /7../.V/.S /<'/v' ii. It is very desirable in the operation of the steam turbines that they be supplied with dry steam in order that slugs of water cannot enter the turbine chambers at high velocities and injure the \anes. .A large water trap is located above the treating tank (lit at each |)lant to insure dry steam for the iiirbiiu- wliicli is iiKumied in the pit rlirectly below it. 'ri;.MI"KK.\Tl RIC ("o.NTROL A continuous record is kei)t of the temperature of the oil in the treating tanks by means of recording thermometers mounted in the l)oiler r»H)m and cf)nnected bv flexible thermometer tubes to the bulbs 262 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which are immersed in oil along the inside of the tanks after the poles are in place. In the cold and hot tanks the temperature does not change rapidly, so their temperatures can be read by means of station- ary- indicating thermometers mounted on the sides of the tanks and ha\ing bulbs which project into the insides of the tanks through suitable fittings. The oil temperatures, of course, are controlled by the steam valves to the radiators in the \arious tanks. l-'ig. M) — Steam Boiler During [nslallalioii Oil. II.WDMNG The heart of the oil handling apparatus, of course, is the centrifugal pump which has been mentioned and which is direct connected to the 20 H.P. steam turbine. In some of the smalU-r i)lants ilie centrifugal pumps are ofierated by .5 H.P. gasoline engines. lioth cold oil and hot oil are fed from the storage tanks to the treating tanks by gravity. The centrifugal pimip is used for returning the oil from the treating tanks to the proper storage lank, for moving it from one storage tank to another or for delixering oil from the tank cars to the storage tanks. Since the creosote which is used in pole treating ma\' solidify at any temperature below 100° Fahrenheit, even in comparatively warm weather it is sometimes necessiiry to provide a steam connection to CKLOaoriNG I'l^-INIS l-OR TRli.lllSG CltliSTNUT I'OLl-S 2bi ilu- radiators iiisidi- tin- t.mk car in order to inaki' tlu- oil fluid i'iiourIi to tlow throuj;li tlu- tli-\il)if hoso and ])i|H-s to the ci-ntrifiinal [)iiinp. A'hv soiidif\iii^ of tlu- rri-osotc at i'omparati\i'K' hi^li ti-in|HTatiirfs .dso rf(iiiir(.-s a small l)ank of radiators in i-ai-h cold tank. 'I"lu- sicani |ii|H- riuis, hctwi-i-n the steam lioiler and the vari'iiis tanks, and the oil |)i|K' lines between the various tanks and the pump, Fig. .51 — ^Gener.il \ im ul .\.aui,i! Ijiulgc I'lant in Operation lire grouped so that both the steam lines and oil lines can be enclosed in boxes. The heat radiated from the steam lines warms the air in the Ixjxes to such an extent that the oil remains liquid. The valve controls for the oil and steam lines which arc led through the bo.xes, are grouped so that several can be reached by opening the door of each of the boxes. In the smaller plants which have the one-half-car pole capacity of treating tanks, the centrifugal pump handles the oil at a rate of alx)Ut 200 gallons jx^r minute. In the larger plants, howe\er, where the treating tanks have one-car capacity of poles, the oil is handled through the centrifugal pump at the rate of about 600 gallons per minute. As mentioned in the above section describing the treat- ment, the high rate of oil movement is necessary in order to accom- plish the change from hot to cold oil in the treating tanks in such a 264 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOIRSAL short liiiiu that the lu'ated pole butts will not he permitted to cool when not immersed in oil. The oil change ordinaril\- is made in from 7 to 12 minutes from the time the pump starts to remove the hot oil until the cold oil is up to the proper le\'el. Experience indicates that no material loss in penetration of the creosote into the poles is experienced by having the treated section imcoN'ered for this short length of time. Practically the same pene- tration is obtained as would be secure.i|H'r has its iiui-ption in the iummI of ,i corrcri imilcrst.iiKliiij; of the Itchavior of selective circuits when siil>jeileil to ir- roRiilar and random interference, ami of devisiiiK a practically useful figure of merit for conipiiring circuits desiKnesorlK-(l. The application of the formu- las deduce(t) COS co/f//T+ r /* Vdi = V.fl^,d. (3) and that ilie total energy IF absorbed by the reccix'iiig i)rancli is giV'Cn by W=l/w r 1^1^ I z{io,) 1 cos a{co) ■ da,. (4) To apply the formulas given above to the problem of random interference, consider a time interval, or epoch, sa\- from l = o to t=T, during which the network is subjected to a disturbance made up of a large numljer of unrelated elementary disturbances or forces, i {(), t (t) ... 4>,, it). If we write *(/)=<^,(/)-t-nU), then i)y (1), (/) can be represented as *(/) = 1/V f ' I F(a)) 1 • cos M + 0(co)h/a •/(I ' Transient Oscillations in KIcctric \\a\o I^'iltcrs, Carson and Zohcl, Hell Syslen Technical Journal, July, 1923. SELECTirr. ciKci'irs .ixn sr.cnc ixrnRiERF.Ncr. zt^ and .'il Jo I Z(Jui) ,- W'f now intnxluci- tlu- fmulion /? (w), wliirh will In- ii-rnifd the energ^y spectrum of the random interference, and which is analyticijHy detined !>>■ the equation /?(co) = y|F(w)|» (5) Dixiding both sides of (H) and (4) l)y T wc get /- = I , IT / ^ — -. — ., rfo), (b) P=\ T^ I , „, ■ ,,.,1 s(t"a))| • cos a ((i)) ■ rfto. (7) ^0 lZ(la))|- /-. P and /? (oj) become independent of the T provided the epoch is made sufficiently ^reat. /- is the mean square current and P the mean power absorbed by the receiinng branch from the random interference. In the applications of the foregoing formulas to the problem under discussion, the mean square current /- of the formula (6) will be taken as the relative measure of interference instead of the mean power P of formula (7). The reason for this is the superior sim- plicity, both as regards interpretation and computation, of formula ((i). The adoption of /- as the criterion of interference ma\' be justified as follows : (1) In a great many important cases, including in particular ex- perimental arrangements for the measurement of the static energy spectrum, the receiving device is substantially a pure resistance. In such cases multiplication of I- by a constant gi\'es the actual mean p) r (8) The apijroximale location ol a; on the fre(itieni\' scale is ba.-^ed on the following considerations : (a) In the case of efficient selective circuits designed to select a continuous finite range of frequencies in the interval toi^co^ojo, the important contributions to the integral (0) are confined to a finite continuous range of frequencies which includes, but is not greatly in excess of, the range which the circuit is designed to select. This fact is a consequence of the impedance characteristics of selective circuits, and the following properties of the spectrum R (oj) of random interference, which are discussed in detail subsecjuently. (b) R (ci)) is a continuous finite function of co which converges to zero at infinity and is everywhere positiv'e. It possesses no sharp maxima or minima, and its variation with respect to oj, where it exists, is relatively slow. On the basis of these considerations it will be assumed that w lies within the band wi^u^toj and that without serious error it may be si.i.iciiri iiKcriis .txn si.iin i\ 1 1 i,-i r.Ri sen 271 lakfii .IS thf iiii(l-frt'- outside the signaling range. It will therefore be termed the figure of merit of the selective circuit and denoted by S, thus 0)2 — oil p 0)0 — COiJj^i /C[lu))- Jo \jC(tU)\' Staled in words, the figure of merit of a selective circuit with respect to random interference is equal to the ratio of the mean square signal and interference currents in the receiver, divided by the corresponding ratio in an ideal band filter which transmits without loss all currents in a "unit" band (ojo- o)i = l) and absolutely extinguishes currents outside this band. Ill Before taking up practical applications of the foregoing formulas further consideration will be given to the h\[)othesis, fundamental to the argument, that over the frequency range whicii includes the important contributions to the integral / . „ . . ^ ,., the spectrum i?(a)) ^0 I Z(ia)) l" has negligible fluctuations so that the integral r — dw Z(lcc) (■ ma\ , without ap|>reciable error, be replaced by Ju I Z(toi) \i where Um 2 ir is the "niifl-frec)uenc\" of the selective circuit. The original arguniciU in support nf this lu'pothesis was to ilie effect that, since tlie interference is made uj) of a large number of unrelated elementar\- disturbances distributed at random in time, any sharp maxima or minima in the spectrum of the indi\idual di- turbances would be smoothed out in the spectrum of the aggregate disturbance. This argument is still bclicNcd to be (|iiite sound: the importance of the question, ho\vi\cr. ctrlainK calls tor the more detailed anaK'sis which follows; :V Lei <\'{l)=^(t:r(t-tr) (15) 1 where /, denotes the time of incidence of the r"' disturbance (t>r (/)• The elementary disturbances 0i, 2 . . . (t>s are all i)erfectly arbitrary, so sii.ixiirr. ciKcriis .ixn >/.///( i.\ 1 1 kii ki m i. m that * (/) as (li'hiK'tl l)y (1")) is tin- most ni-iicral typo of (lisliirl)ance |)ossil)lf. Thi- only assiim|)tion made as yi't is that thi- instants of inciili-nit' t\ . . . t^ are (listril)iilc(l at random ii\tr ilio epoch o^t^T; an .issumplion vvhicli is dearly in aicorilanc c wlili the facts in the case of static interference. If we write (V(,w) = / (/>,(/) COS wt (It, Sr{,(/) sin wl (It. (16) •'O it follow^ from (2) and (15), after some easy rearrangements that .V .V l-\^) ;■-•= N^ N^cosa)(/,-/,)(G(<.))C(a,) + 5,(a,)5.(w)] = r-l i-\ V^G» + 5,=((o) (17) + ^ ^,nsa>(/,-/,) [G(u,)G(a.)+5r(u)) 5,(0,)], r?t«. The first summation is .-impl\- ^ |/r(a,) ]-. The double summa- tion in\ol\es the factor cos a, (t, — li). Now by virtue of the assump- tion of random time distribution of the elementary disturbances, it follows that /, and /,, which are independent, may each lie anywhere in the e()och o^t^T with all values equally likely. The mean value of j F (u>) |- is therefore gotten by a\eraging- with respect to tr and fj o\er all possible values, whence 1 FM 1== ^l/,(a,) ;.+2/T'^~^"^ X ]^ ^ [CMC,M+Sr{(^)S,M] (18) and /- ' \^ /•°° |/r(fa)) i' J , 2 \^ \^ /•°° l-cosoirf^, ^ . +5»5,(co)li '^'" 1 Ziico) ' The averaging process with respect to the parameters /,. and /, employed above logically applies to the average result in a very large number of epochs during which the system is ex()ose, (/). Now the double summation vanishes when, due to the presence of a condense or transformer, the circuit does not transmit direct current to the receiving branch. Furthermore, if the disturbances are oscilla- tory or alternate in sign at random, it will be negligibly small com- pared with the single summation. Consequently, it is of negligible significance in the practical applications contemplated, and will be omitted except in special cases. Therefore, disregarding the double summation, the foregoing analysis may be summarized as follows: RM = ^^\frM\' = n-r{.>), (21) J. «V,.rM^,„ (22) A ^^ Jn I Z{tw) p =;;^v^,,=„.^. (25) In these formulas n denotes the average number of elementary dis- turbances per unit time, Wm the energy absorbed from the r'* disturb- SEl.r.CTiri- CIRCUITS .iXD ST.iTIC ISTERFERF.NCE 275 .line 4), (/), aiul P tlu- nu-aii power absorln-d from tlu- angrcRatc ili>turl)aiu-e. r (ui) is ileliiifil by formula (21)) .iiid is the mean spec- trum of (he a!ii;ren.ile dislurbaiice, lluis rM = 1 .V V \frM {■ = K(o>),.\. (26) We are now in a [wsition to discuss more precisely ilie ai)pro\ima- lions, fundanu'iUal lo formulas (D) (14), •'0 \Z{iw)[-" "^-""\/„ \Z(io>)-\ riie approximation involved in this formula consists in idenlif\ing u'm, 2 ir with the "mid-frequency" of the selective circuit, and is based on tile hypotiiesis tiiat over tlie range of frequencies, which includes the important contribution to the integral (22), the fluctuation of R (u)) may be ignored. Now it is evident from formulas (21) -(22) thai the theoretically complete solution of the problem requires that R (oj) be specified over the entire frequency range from oi = o to co = ^. Obviously, the required information cannot be deduced without making some addi- tional hypothesis regarding the character of the interference or the mechanism in which it originates. On the other hand, the mere assumption that the individual elementary disturbances <^i . . . 0j, tlifTer among themselves substantially in wave form and duration, or that the maxima of the corresponding spectra |/r(a)) | are distributed over a considerable frequency range, is sufificient to establish the conclusion that the individual fluctuations are smoothed out in the aggregate and that consequently r (oi) and hence R (oj) would have negligible fluctuations, or curvature with respect to oi, over any limited range of frequencies comparable to a signaling range. It is admitted, of course, that the foregoing statements are purely qualitative, as they must be in the absence of any precise information regarding the wave forms of the elementary disturbances constituting random interference. On the other hand, the fact that static is en- countered at all frequencies without any sharp changes in its intensity as the frequency is varied, and that the assumption of a systematic wave form for the elementary disturbances would be physically imreasonable, constitute strong inferential support of the hypothesis underlying equation (27). Watt and Appleton (Proc. Roy. Soc, -April 3, 1923) supply the only e.xperimental data regarding the wave forms of the elemcntarj' disturbances which they found to be classifi- able under general types with rather widely variable amplitudes and 276 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXIC.U. JOrRX.-IL durations. Rough calculations of r (oj), based on their results, are in support of the hypothesis made in this paper, at least in the radio frequency range. In addition, the writer has made calculations based on a number of reasonable assumptions regarding variations of wa\e form among the individual disturbances, all of which resulted in a spectrimi R (a;) of negligible fluctuations over a frequency range necessary to justify equation (27) for efficient selective circuits. Howe\-er the problem is not theoretically solvable by pure mathe- matical analysis, so that the rigorous %'erification of the theory of selecti\ity developed in this paper must be based on e.\perimental e\idencc. On the other hand, it is submitted that the hypothesis introduced regarding static interference is not such as to \-itiate the conclusions, qualitatively considered, or in general to introduce serious quantitative errors. Furthermore, even if it were admitted for the sake of argument that the figure of merit 5 was not an accurate measure of the ratio of mean square signal to interference current, nevertheless, it is a true measure of the e.vcellence of the circuit in e.xcluding interference energy outside the necessary frequency range. W The practical applicalioii;, of the foregoing analysis depend upon ihe fornuilas -, R(w„) C^ do, ir Jn Zilui) r (11) c_ 1 /*"' dw /*" do) _ 1 ^ ,.^. W2 — Wl.(j| |Z(fa))P' Jo \Z(ioj)\^ 0)2 — wi p which contain all the information which it is possible to deduce in the case of purely random interference. They are based on the prin- cii)le that the effect of the interference on the signaling system is measured by the mean square interference current in the receiving branch, and that the efficiency of the selective circuit is measured by the ratio of the mean square signal and interference currents. As stated above, in the case of random interference results must be expressed in terms of mean values, and it is dear that either the mean square current or the mean energy is a fundamental and logical criterifjn. Referring to formula (11), the following important proposition is deducible. SF.I.F.CTIIF. CIRClirS .IXH SI.ITIC IXrr.RFF.RENCE 277 // the sigmiling system requires the transmissions of a band of fre- quencies corresponding to the interval uj — coi, and if the selective circuit is efficiently designed to this end, then the mean square interference current is proportional to the frequency hand width This follows from the fad that, in tho c.isi- of ctlk-ifiitlj- designed liaiid-tiliors. (Ii>ii;iu2 — o)i) excellence of the actual circuit is measured by the closeness with 'which its figure of merit approaches this limiting value. I'ormula (14) for the figure of merit S has been applied to the study of the optimum design of selective circuits and to an analysis of a large number of arrangements designed to eliminate or reduce static interference. The outstanding conclusions from this study may be briefly reviewed and summarized as follows : The form of the integrals a and p. taking into account the signaling requirements, shows that the optimum selective circuit, as measured by S, is one which has a constant transfer impedance over the signaling frequencv range ^^ — '-, and attenuates as shar[)lv as possible currents of all frequencies outside this range. Ncnv this is precisely the ideal to which the band filter, when properly designed and termi- nated, closely approximates, and leads to the inference that the wave filter is the best possible form of selective circuit, as regards random interference. Its superioritv' from the steadv-state viewpoint has, of course, long been known. An investigation of the effect of securing extremely high selectivity by means of filters of a large number of sections was matle, and led to the following conclusion: In the case of an efficientl>' designed Inmd-tilter, terminated in the proper resistance to substantially eliminate reflection losses, the figure of merit is given to a good approximation by the equation 5=_J_ __i (j>i — W\ 1-|-1/H)M- wliere n is the number of filter sections and -^- ^ tlu' transmission band. 1 1 follows that the selective figure of merit increases inappreciably with an increase in the number of filter sections beyond 2, and that the SEI.ECTIIE CIRCUITS .1X1) STATIC IXTERI-ERENCE 279 band filter of a fnv sections can be designed to have a fisurr of merit iloselv approximating the ideal limiting value, , (wj — Ul) This prop' and rather \-aguel\-, light has been much more tractable to the theorists than most of the other objects of 280 SOME COS'ir.MI'Ok'.IRV .1l>r.lXCLS IN I'llYSlCS-ni 281 ftuiiiiry in physirs or choniistr%'. Over .» rathi-r lonjj prridd ' rojianlrd as |)rrfi'cll\' iiili-lliv;il)ir. Tlu- famous haltli- ln-lweon tlu- rorpusnilar tlu-ory adopitd 1)\ Xrwion, and the vvavt-lhooiA' foundod In- Disrartrs and Hiiyniuns. dird out in the earher \ears of the nineteenth century witli ilie ^radiial ex- linrtion of the former. The history of optics in the nineteenth cc'h- tur\-, from Fresnel and V'oiinu to Michelson and Ra\kMj;h, i> liie tale of a brilliant series of beaiitiftii and strikinj; demonstrations of the wave-theory, of experiments which were founded upon liie wave- theory as their basis and would have failed if the basis had not been firm, of instruments which were designed and com]X'tent to make ditlicult and delicate measurements of all sorts — from the thickness of a sheet of molecules to the diameter of a star — and would ha\e been useless had the theory been fallacious. The details of the bending of light around the sides of a slit or the edge of a screen, the intricate pattern of light and shade formed where subdivisions of a beam of light are reunited after separation, the complexities of refraction through a curved surface, are represented by the theory with all verifiable accuracy; and so are the incredibK' complicatefl phenomena attending the progress of light through crystals, [jhenomena which have slipped out of common knowledge because few are willing to undertake the labour of mastering the theory. The wa\e-lheor\- of light stands with Newton's in\erse-st|uare law of gra\itation, in respect of the many extraordinarily precise tests which it has undergone with triumph; I know of no other which can rival either of them in I his regard. By the term "wave-theory of light" I have meant, in the foregoing paragraph, the conception that light is a wave-motion, an undulation, a perifxlic form ad\ancing through space without distorting its shape; I have not meant to imply any particular answer to the question, what is it of which //?/// is a wave-motion.^ It may seem surprising that one can make and defend the conception, without having answered the question beforehand; but as a matter of fact there are certain properties common to all undulations, and these are the properties which have been verified in the experiments on light. There are also certain properties which are not shared by such waves as those of sound, in which the vibration is confined to a single direction (that normal to the wavefront) and may not vary otherwise than in ampli- tude and phase, but are shared by transverse or distortional waves in elastic solids, in which the \'ibrati(3n may lie in any of an infinity of directions (any direction tangent to the wavefront). I-ight pos- sesses these properties, and therefore the wave-motion which is 282 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL radiation may not be compared with the wave-motion which is sound; but a wide range of comparisons still remains open. Of course, very many have proposed images and models for "the thing of which the vibrations are light", and many have belie\-ed with an unshakable faith in the reality of their models. The fad that light-waves may be compared, detail by detail, with transverse vibrations in an elastic solid, led some to fill universal space with a solid elastic medium to which they gave the sonorous name of "lum- iniferous aether". It is not many years since men of science used to amaze the laity with the remarkable conception of a solid substance, millions of times more rigid than steel and billions of times rarer than air, through which men and planets serenely pass as if it were not there. Even now one finds this doctrine occasionally set forth.' In that image of the elastic solid, the propagation of light was conceived to occur because, when one particle of the solid is drawn aside from its norma! place, it pulls the next one aside, that one the next one to it, and so on indefinitely. Meanwhile, each particle which is drawn aside exerts a restoring force upon the particle of which the displacement preceded and caused its own. Set one of the particles into vibration, and the others enter consecutively into vibration. Maintain the first particle in regular oscillation, and each of the others oscillates regularly, with a phase which changes from one to the next; a wave-train travels across the medium. One particle influences the next, because of the attraction between them. But in the great and magnificent theory of light which Maxwell erected upon the base of Faraday's experiments, the propagation was explained in an altogether different manner. V^ary the magnetic field across a loop of wire in a periodic manner, and you obtain a periodic electric force around the loop, as is known to ever\'one who has dabbled in electricity. \'ary the electric field periodically, and you obtain a periodic magnetic field — this a fact not by any means so well known as the other, one which it was Maxwell's distinction to have anticipated, and which was verified after the event. In a traveling train of light-waves the electric field and the magnetic field stimulate one another alternately and reciprocalh', and for this reason the wa\'e-train tra\els. Since the periodic electric field may point in any one of the infinity of directions in the plane of the wave- front, the wa\e-motion possesses all the freedom and variability of ' Apparently the image of the elastic solid was never quite perfected; one recalls the question as to whether its vibrations were in or normal to the plane of polarization of the light, which required one answer in order to agree with the phenomena of reflection, and another in order to agree with those of double refraction. ProbabK a modus t'ivendi could have been arranged if the whole idea had not been superseded. MM// i (i.\ I l:Mn>l<.IRy .//'/JAi / s l.\ /•//) s/( s ill 2R3 Inrm which .in- rt'qiiiri'd to .iccoiint for the ()l)srr\i'(l proptTlii's f)f liy;l>i. Ma.wvrll'ri ihrorN iiniiUHliati-l>' arliii-xol ilu- si milling success of prfscntinj; a valiif for the six-ifl of the iina^iiu-d elect roniannetir waxes, determined e\chisi\ely from measurements upon ilie maKnelic lields of electric currents, and a^;reein>; precisely with the observed s(H'ey a stroke of synthesis to which few if any parallels can be foimd in the history of ihoui^ht. An- estimated in the late nineties, although Millikan's definite measure- ments were not to come for a decade yet. Maxwell had not con- cei\'ed of particles of electricity, his conception of the "electric fluid" was indeed so sublimated and highly formal that it gave point to the celebrated jest (I think a French one) about the man who read the whole of his "Electricity and Magnetism" and understood it all except that he was never able to find out what an electrified body was. H. A. Lorentz incorporated the electron into Maxwell's theory. Conceiving it as a spherule of negative electricity, and assuming that in an atom one or more of these spherules are held in equilibrium- positions, to which restoring-forces varying proportionally to displace- ment draw them back when they are displaced, Lorentz showed that these "bound" electrons are remarkably well adapted to serve as sources and as absorbents for electromagnetic radiation. Displaced from its position of equilibrium by some transitory impulse, and then left to itself, the bound electron would execute damped oscillations in one dimension or in two, emitting radiation of the desired kind at a calculable rate. Or, if a beam of radiation streamed over an atom containing a bound electron, there would be a "resonance" like an acoustic resonance — the bound electron would vibrate in tune with the radiation, absorbing energy' from the beam and scattering it in all directions, or quite conceivably deli%ering it over in some way or other to its atom or the environing atoms. There were numerical agreements between this theory and experience, some of them very striking.' Apparently the one thing still needful was to produce a plausible theory of these binding-forces which control the response of the "bound" electron to disturbances of all kinds. Once these were properK- de.scribed, the wa\es of light would be supplied with ' Nolal>ly, the trend of the dispersion-curves for certain tran.sparcnt substances, recently extended by Bergen Davis and his collaborators to the range of X-ray fre- quencies; the normal Zeenian effect; Wicn's observations on the exponential dying- down of the luminosity of a canal-ray beam, interpreted as the exponential decline in the vibration-amplitudes of the Ixjund electrons in the Hying atoms; the de|)en- dencc of X-ray scattering on the number of electrons in the atom. SOME CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSlCS-VIl 285 tlu'ir vibrators, the electromagnetic theory would receive a most valuable supplement. And. much as a competent theory of the binding-forces was to be desired, a continuing failure to produce one would not impugn the electromagnetic theory, which in itself was a coherent system, self-sustaining and self-sufficient. This was the state of affairs in the late nineties. The wave-con- ception of light had existed for more than two centuries, and it was se\'enty-five years since any noticeable opposition had been raised against it. The electromagnetic theory of light had existed for about thirty years, and now that the electron had been discovered to serve as a source for the waves which in their propagation through space had already been so abundantly explained, there was no effective oppo- sition to it. Not all the facts of emission and absorption had been accounted for, but there was no reason to believe that any particular one of them was unaccountable. Authoritative people thought that the epoch of great discoveries in physics was ended. It was only beginning. In the year 1900, Max Planck published the result of a long series of researches on the character of the radiation inside a completely- enclosed or nearly-enclosed cavity, surrounded by walls maintained at an even temperature. Every point within such a cavity is tra- versed by rays of a wide range of wave lengths, moving in all direc- tions. By the "character" of the radiation, I mean the absolute intensities of the rays of all the various frequencies, traversing such a point. The character of the radiation, in this sense, is perfectly determinate; experiment shows that it depends only on the temper- ature of the walls of the cavity, not on its material. According to the electromagnetic theory of radiation, as completed by the adoption of the electron, the walls of the cavity are densely crowded with bound electrons; nor are these electrons all bound in the same manner, so that they would all have the same natural frequency of oscillation— they are bound in all sorts of different ways with all magnitudes of restoring-forces, so that every natural frequency of oscillation over a wide range is abundantly represented among them. Now the con- clusion of Planck's long study was this: // the bound electrons in the walls of the cavity (i.e., in any solid body) did really radiate while and as they oscillate, in the fashion prescribed by the electromagnetic theory, then the character of the radiation in the cavity would be totally different from that which is observed.* ' The belief that the character of radiation within a cavity could not be explained without doing some violence to the "classical mechanics" had already been gaining ground for some years, by reason of extremely recondite speculations of a statistical nature. It is very difficult to gauge the exact force and bearing of such considerations. 286 niiLL SySTEM TECIIMCIL JOURX.IL Howe\er, if the bound electrons do not radiate energy while they oscillate, but accumulate it and save it np and finally discharge it in a single outburst when it attains some one of a certain series of values hv, 2hv, 'Shv, etc. (// stands for a constant factor, v for the frequency of vibration of the electrons and the emitted radiation) — then the character of the radiation will agree with that which is observed, pro\'ided a suitable value be chosen for the constant //. The \alue recjuired ' ff>r // in C.Ci.S. units (erg seconds) is (1. .■).'{. 10-'. Here, llii'ii. was a phenonirm in which ilie eleclroniagnctic Hu'cirx- seemed to be fundamentall\ incapaljle of explaining, hor this notion of a bound electron, which oscillates and does not meanwhile radiate, is not merely foreign to the classical theory, but very dan- gerous to it; one does not see how to introduce it, and displace the opposed notion, without bringing down large portions of the structure (including the numerical agreements which I cited in a foregoing foot- note). Howe\er, Planck had arri\ed at this conclusion by an intricate process of statistical and thermod>namical reasoning. Statistical reasoning is notoriously the most laborious and perplexing in all physics, and many will agree that thermodynamical reasoning is not much less so. Planck's inference made an immense impression on the most capable thinkers of the time; but in spite of the early ad- herence of such men as Einstein and Poincare, I suspect that e\'en to this day it might practically be confined to the pages of the more profound treatises on the philosophical aspects of physics, if certain experimenters had not been guided to seek and to discover phenomena so simple that none could fail to apprehend them, so extraordinary that none could fail to be amazed. Honour for this guidance belongs chielh- lo liinstein. Where Planck in lilOO had said simply that bound electrons emit and absorb energy in fixed finite quantities, and shortly afterwards had softened his no\el idea as far as possible by making it apply only to the act of emission, Einstein in IflOo rushed boldly in and presented the idea that these fixed finite quantities of radiant energy retain their iden- tity throughout their wanderings through space from the moment of emission to the moment of absorption. This idea he offered as a "heuristic" one — the word, if I grasp its connotation exacth-, is an apologetic sort of a word, used to describe a theory which achieves successes though its author feels at heart that it really is too absurd to * I take the numerical values of the constant /; scattered through this article from Gcrlach. The weighted mean of the exix;rimental values, with due regard to the relative rclialiility of the various methods, is taken as 6.55 or 6.56. 10~". None of the individual values cited in these pages is definitely known to differ from this average by more than the experimental error. SOME coxrnMroK.iRV .//>r./.vr/:.le. Beyond a certain critical value of the retard- BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ing voltage, the electrometer reports no influx of electrons. Does this really mean that there are no electrons with more than just the speed necessary to o\erpass a retarding voltage of just that critical value? Or does it merely mean that the electrons flying with more than that critical speed are plentiful, but not quite plentiful enough to make an impression on the electrometer? Is there any topmost speed at /^DVLE^E: VOLT/qGL Fig. 1 — Curves showing thfrniioEiic flfitri)n-ciiircnt \er.sus opposing voltage, ileinon- st rating a distribution-in-specd extending over an unlimited range of speeds. Multiply the ordinates of the middle cur\e by 100, those of the right-hand curve by 10,000, to bring them to the same scale and make them merge into a single curve. (L. H. Gernier) all, or should we find, if we could replace the current-measuring de\'ice with other and progressively better ones ad infinitum, that the apparent maximum speed soared indefinitely upwards? Absolute decisions cannot be rendered in a question of this kind; but it is possible, under the best of circumstances, to pile up indica- tory evidence to such an extent that only an imusually strong will- to-disbelieve would refuse to be swayed by it. Tiie judgment depends on the shape of the curve which is obtained by plotting the electro- meter-reading vs. the retarding potential — in other words, the fraction y of the electrons of which the encrgj' of motion surpasses the amount X, determined from the relarding-voltage by the relation x = eV. Look for example at the curves of Fig. 1, which fefer to the electron- SOMF. COtWTEMl'OR.IRV .IIH\IXCr.S IX rUVSICS III 280 msmm ^ig. 2 — Curves showing pliotoclwtric ckti riiii-( urrciit versus opposing voltage, demonstrating a ilistribution-in-spoerl extcndinx over a range limited at the top. (R. A. Millikan, Physical Review) 29() BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAl. JOIRS.U. slreani flowing sp()iuancniisl\' out ') during the escape; the rest is the kinetic energy with which it flies away. Even if the electron were free within the metal and could oscillate in response to the waves, unrestrained by any restoring force, it wdiild still ha\e to spend some of its ac(|iiired energy in passing out through the l)oimdar\- of the metal (the laws of thermionic emission furnish evidence enough for this). It is natural to infer that £,„ax 's the energv' absorbed by an electron originally free, minus this amount (let me call it P) which it must sacrifice in crossing the frontier; the electrons which emerge with energies lower than /Jnmx nM\\ be supposed to ha\e made the same sacrifice at the frontier and others in addition, whether in tearing themselves away from an additional restraint or in colliding with atoms during their emigration. This is not the only conceivable SOMF. CO.V77:,U/'()A'./A'r . //)r. /.V(T.V IX rilVSlCS- III JQl interprt'tatioii, IniC it si-rms iinprDtitaMi* to i-nltT into ilio oilicrs. It is tluTt-fori' /i,„.,x whii'li apiH-ars to nu'rit llu- most .iiti-ntinn. Now the miTo fact that then- is a ina\iiiuin) M-liuitN- of thi- i-sraprd I'kvlrniis, that there is an /i,„„,. is not in itself of a nature to snyjuest that the classical theory is ina(le(|iiate. It is tiie peculiar depeiiden^-e of this quantity on the two most important controllable (lualities of the lijiht — on its intensity and on its frecpienc}*- wliidi awakens the hrst faint suspicions that something has at last been disco\ered. which the classical theor\' is ill adapted to explain. One would pretlict with a k'xxI tli'jd <'f confidence that tiie greater the intensity of the light, the i^reater the energy acfjuired by the electron in each cycle of its forced oscillation would be. the greater the energy with which it woukl finally break away, the greater the residuum of energy which at the end would be left to it. F3ut /i|„;,x '^ found to be inde- j)endent of the intensit>' of the light. This is strange; it is as though the waxes beating upon a beach were doubled in their height and the powerful new waxes disturbed four times as many r>ebbles as before, but did not displace a single one of them any farther nor agitate it any more violently than the original gentle waves did to the pebbles that they washed about. As for the dependence t)f £niax "" tht> fre- quency of the light, it would be necessary to make additional assump- tions to calculate it from the classical theory; in any case it would probably not be ver\' simple. But the actual relation between £ma.x and V is the simplest of all relations, shf>rt of an absolute proportion- ality; this is it : E,„..^ = bv-P (1) Fig. 3 shows the relation for sodium, obserxetl l>y Miliikan. The maximum energy of the photoelectrons increases linearly with the frecjuency of the light. P is a constant which varies from one metal to another. In the terms of the simple foregoing interpreta- tion, P is the energy which an electron must spend (more precisely, the energy which it must invest or convert into potential energy-) when it passes through the frontier of the metal on its way outward. Comparing the xalues of P for several metals with the contact poten- tials which they display relatix'ely to one another, one finds powerful evidence confirming this theory. Having discussed this particular aspect of the question in the fifth article of this series, I will not enter further into it at this point. The constant // is the same for all the metals which ha\e been use' down this as a rule, with another cautioush-inserted us if to guard against too suddenly daring an inno\ation: Photoelectric emission occurs as if the energy in the light icere concen- trated in pHtckets, or units, or corpuscles of amount hv, and one whole unit were delivered over to each electron. This is a perfectly legitimate phrasing of equation (1), bin I doul)! whether anyone would e\er have emplo\'ed it, e\en with the guarded and apologetic as if, but for the fact that the \alue of // given in (2) agreed admirably well with the value of that constant factor involved in Planck's theory, the constant to which he had given this very symbol and a somewhat similar role. Deferring for a few pages one other extremely relevant feature of the photoelectric effect (its "in- stantaneity") I will proceed to examine these other situations. An effect which might well be, though it is not, called the inverse photoelectric effect, occurs when electrons strike violently against metal surfaces. Since radiation striking a metal inay elicit electrons, it is not surprising that electrons bombarding a metal should excite radiation. Electrons moving as slowly as those which ultraviolet or l)lue light excites from sodium do not have this power; or possibly they do, but the radiation they excite is generally too feeble to be detected. Electrons moving with speeds corresponding to kinetic energies of hundreds of equivalent volts, '^ and especially electrons 'One equivalent volt of energy' = the energy- acquired by an electron in passing across a potential-rise of one volt=e/300 ergs= 1.591.10 " ergs. This unit is usually called simply a "volt of energy", or "volt", a bad us^ige but ineradicable. .Also "sijcefi" is used interchangeably with "energy" in speaking of electrons, and one finds (and, what is worse, cannot avoid) such deplorable phrases as "a speed of 4.9 volts" ! ! ! 294 BF-LL SYSTEM TECHXIC.IL JOCRX.IL with energies amounting to tens of tiioiisands of c(iiii\'aienl \'olts, cio possess it. Tiiis is in fact liie process of excitation of X-ra\s, wliich are radiated from a metal target exposed to an intense bombardment of fast electrons. The protagonists of the electromagnetic theor>^ had an explanation ready for this effect, as soon as it was discovered. A fast electron, colliding with a metal plate, is brought to rest by a slowing-down process, which might be gradual or abrupt, uniform or satcade, but in any case must be continuous. Slowing-down entails radiation; the radiation is not oscillator^', for the electron is not (jscillating, but it is radiation none the less; it is an outward-spreading single pulsation or pulse, comparable to the narrow spherical shell of condensed air whidi diverges outward through the atmosphere from an electric spark and has been photographed so often, or to a transient in an electrical circuit. One may object lh.it the pulse is just a i)ulse and nothinj; niori'. w liile the X-rays are wa\e-trains, for otherwise the X-ra\' spectroscope (which is a diffraction apparatus) would not function. The objection is answered by pointing out the quite indubitable fact that any pulse, whatever its shape (by "shape" I mean the shape of the curve repre- senting the electric field strength, or whatever other variable one chooses to take, as a function of time at a point tra\ersed by the wave) can be accurately reproduced by superposing an infinity of wave-trains, of all frequencies and divers properly-adjusted ampli- tudes, which efface one another's periodic variations, and in fact efface one another altogether at all moments except during the time- interval while the jiulse is passing o\er — during this interval they coalesce into tiie pulse. Thence, the argument leads to the con- tention that the actual [Hilse is made up of just such wa\'e-trains, and the sa|)ient diffracting crystal recognizes them all and diffracts each of them dui\' along its proper path. The problem is not new, nor tlie answer; white light has long been diagnosed as consisting of just such pulses, and the method of anahzing transient impulses in electrical circuits into ilu-ir et|ui\,ilent sums of wa\e-irains has been strikingly successful. The ajiplication of the mellKid to liiis case nf X-ra\' excitation eiijo>ed one qualilati\e success. The spherical pulse tli\erging from the place where an electron was brought to rest should not be of etjual thickness at all the points of its surface; it should be broader and flatter on the side towards the direction whence the i-leitron came, thinner and sharper on the side towards the direction in which the electron was going when it was arrested. Analyzing the jjulse, it is found that at the point where it is broad and low, the most intense of SOME CONTEMfOK.lRV AIHASCI.S IX rilYSUS III 295 its c(iiiivali-tu \v;ivf-trains an- on i\\v vvhcilr of a Iowit fri'<|iii'iuy than ilu- most iiiti'iisi- of thi- \va\e-irains wliicli lonstituti- it wlu-ri- it is narrow and hinh- By i-xaininin^j and rcsol\inj; tlu- X-rass radiated frotn .1 t.ir^;i't , at \arious inclinations to tlu- diriTlion of tlu- Iximhardinn rli-itrons, this was vorilicd -Acrilk-d in part, not altont-'llur. Thi' X- ra\s radiated nearly towards the .source of tlie electron-stream inciiiHe a / ■ / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 ' l».A / y / ..«' *.•>• m M«M MOW ■»••• / MM* noee moot > / .. MO 1I«W MOM M^ J19M MM< ' V. wSm 400«0 «.«M otrrcRCNCf or pottntui Am.co to tubc in volts Fig. 4 — Curves ("isochromatics") each representing the intensity of X-radiation of a very narrow range of frequencies, plotteil versus the energy of the bomljartling electrons. (Duane & Hunt, Physical Review) lesser proportion of high-frequency wave-trains, the\' are softer as the phrase is, than the X-ra\-s radiated nearly along the prolongation of the electron-stream. In the spectrum of each of these beams of X-rays, there is a wave length where the density of radiant energ>- attains a ma.ximiim, and this wave length is longer in the former beam than in the latter one. .So much is implied in tiie classical theoi>'. But it is nowhere implied in the cl.issical theor\' that the spectrum of an X-ray beam, produced when electrons of a constant energy rain down upon a metal, should extend upwards only to a certain 296 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL maximum frequency, and then and there come to a sudden end; yet apparently it does. There is a high-frequency limit to each X-ray spectrum, and wave-trains of frequencies exceeding that limit are not detected; whereas the spectrum of the hypothetical pulses ought to include wa\e-trains of everj' frequency low or high, the amplitudes indeed declining to infinitely low values as one goes along the spectrum to infinitely high frequencies, but certainly declining smoothly and gradually. To demonstrate this high-frequency limit is a delicate experimental problem, quite like that other problem of demon- strating a sharply definite topmost value for the energies of photo- electrons. That question whether the curves of photoelectric current vs. retarding voltage, the curves of Fig. 2, cut straightly and sharply enough into the axis of abscissae to prove that there are no photo- electrons with velocities higher than the one corresponding to Xo, returns again in a slightly altered form. The most reliable of the methods actually used to demonstrate the high-frequency limit depends on the fact that the high limiting frequency (which I will call ;',nax) varies with the energy of the bom- barding electrons, increasing as their velocity increases. Therefore, if the radiant energy' belonging to rays of a certain fixed wave length or a certain fixed narrow range of wave lengths is separated out from the X-ray beam by a spectroscope, and measured for various veloci- ties of the impinging electrons, passing from very high \'elocities step by step to very low ones; it will decrease from its first high \'alue to zero at some intermediate velocity, and thereafter remain zero. But according to the classical theory also, it must decrease from its first high value to an imperceptibly low one; the descent however will be gradual and smooth. Thus the only question which can be settled by experiment is the question whether the descent from measurable intensities to immeasurably small ones resembles the gentle quasi- asymptotic decline of the curve of Fig. 1 or the precipitate slope of the curve of Fig. 2. The data assembled by Duane and Hunt are shown in Fig. 4 plotted in the manner I have described; there is little occasion for doubt as to which sort of cur\'e these resemble most.* Fach of the curves in Fig. 4 represents that portion of the total intensity of an X-ray beam, which belongs to rays of wave lengths near the marked value of the frequency v. This frequency is the high • Three simple cur\'es of the intensity-distribution in the X-ray spectrum are shown in Figure 5. The abscissa is neither frequency or wavelength, but a variable which varies continuously with either (it is actually arc sin of a quantity propor- tional to wavelength) so that the acute angle between each curve and the axis of abscissae, at the point where they meet, corresponds to and has much the same meaning as the acute angles in Figure 2 — not so conspicuously. SOME CONTEMPORARY ADVANCFS IN PHYSICS- I'll 297 limiting freqiii-nry >-„,;„ for that \.iliie of llic energy E of the hotii- f)arcling elcrlrons, which corresponds to the point on the axis of abscissae where the curve (extrapolated) intersects it. Ihe relation between ««„„, and E is the simplest of all relations: E = constant • v,,,.!, = // or The const. ml h is the saiiU' for all the nictais on which liic cNiu'rinii'iit has been performed- a few of the least fusible ones, for metals of a low melting-point would be melted before E. could be lifted far enough to give an adct)uatc range for determining the relation between it and H%ti09 of in(tn9it>49 oflin*3 *t400kv to Utoat dt iiSkv, ^>Ot gtmrtJ rtdiition lublracttd), tre j5> jJ* jSj Vilu*3-of h giv*n by th^e curwa, tttaokv, ff6X-l0"»rg ate. - »ia •. h'ssf/o" - • ; " I3t ■■ . h-e33-o" - - Mu/i 0/4// h dUtrminttJOns on rhodi/m, wiih tha vt/ue o/t 13 SSi-to" trgaee Fig. 5 — The continuous X-ray spectrum for three v.ihics of the energy of the bom- barding electrons, intensity being plotted versus a quantity varying uniformly with frequency. Ignore the peaks. (D. L. Vsc\is,lcr,\J'liysical^Review.) Sec footnote 6 298 HELL SYSTEM I ECIISICAL JOIRX.IL "max- The \alue' given for il by Gerlacli, after a critical stii(i\- of all the determinations, is /z=().53.10-=' (4) The highest frefiiiency of radiation which electrons moving with the energy E are able to excite, when they are brought to rest b\- colliding with a metal target, is therefore equal to E divided by a constant indei)endent of the kind of metal. So far as this high lim- iting frequency is concerned, it is perfeclK' legitimate to express equation (3) in these words. Excitation of radiation by electrons stopped in their flight by collision with a metal occurs as if the energy in the radiation were concentrated in units of amount hv, and one such unit were created out of the total energy which each electron surrenders when it is stopped. As for the radiation of frequencies inferior to the high limiting frequency, it is very easily explained by asserting that most of the electrons come to rest not in one operation, but in several successi\e ones, dividing their energy up among several units of frequencies inferior to ^nuix or £ /;; or possibly they lose energy in \arious sorts of impacts or various other ways before making the first impact of the sort which transforms their energy into energy of X-rays. Xoihins.; about il contradicts the italicized rule. Still it is not likely tli.it ,iii\- one would have formulated e(|ualion (3) in such language, if the \alue of the constant /; which appears in it were not identical with the value which we have alread\' once encountered in anaKzing the jihoto- electrir effect, and with the \'alue at which Planck earlier arri\-ed. I think it is too early in this discourse to fuse these italicized Rules for the release of electrons by radiation and the excitation of radiation by electrons into a single Rule; Inn by cnniomplaiing the two Rules side by side one arrives without niucli labor ,u an inference which could be tested e\en though we had no wa\' of measuring the fre- quency of a radiation, and in fact was \-erified before any such wa>' existed. For if electrons of energ\- E can excite radiation of fre(iiienc\' E/h, ami radiation of frequency E, h striking a piece of metal can elicit electrons of energy // (/i, h)—P; then, if a target is bombarded with electrons, and another metal target is exposed to the radiation which emanates from the first one, the fastest of the electrons which escape from the second target will mo\e with the same velocity and ■ tii-rlaih ri-(;arerimenls adduced in support of this claim h-n.- 1 n -mI.- K ,,.„t, ,..■.! SO^fE CONTEMl'ORAHY .IIH-.-IXCFS IX PIIVSICS I'll 2^9 thf siiinc energy as the electrons which strike the first one (minus the ((iiantiiy P which, howexer, is iinnieasural)l\- small anti jwrfectly iu'nli>;''»'<" in comparison with the energ>' of the electrons which excite or' X-rays). This fact emerged from a series of experi- ments which were performeti by various people in the first decatlc of this century, the results of which were generally phraseti soirte- wh.il in this way, "the energy of the secondary electrons depends only on the energy of the primar> electrons, not on the nature (.f the material which the primary electrons strike or on that frf)m which the secondary electrons issue, nor on the distance over which the X-rays tra\el." I'pon these results Sir William Bragg based his corpuscular thet)ry of X-rays; for (he argued) the most sensible interpretation of the facts is surely this, that some of the electrons striking the first target rebound with their full energy, and rel)f)und again with their full energy from the second target, each of them carr>ing with it from the first to the second target a positive particle which neutralizes its charge over that part of its course, and so defeats all the meth(xls de\ ised to recognize a flying electron. Not many years later, Sir William cooperated in the slaying of his own theory, by developing the best of all methods for proving that X-rays are un- dulatory and measuring their wave-lengths; but it was only the im- agerv' of the theory that perished, for its essence, the idea that the energ>- of the first electron travels as a unit or is carried as a parcel to the place where the second electron picks it up, had to be resur- rected. All the mystery of the contrast between wave-theory and quantimi-theory is implicit in this phenomenon, for which Sir William found an inimitable simile: "It is as if one dropped a plank into the sea from a height of 100 feet, and found that the spreading rip()Ie was able, after tra\elling 1,000 miles and becoming infinitesimal in com- parison with its original amount, to act upon a wooden ship in such a way that a plank f)f that ship flew out of its place to a height of 100 feet." Among the radiations excited from a metal by electrons of a single energy E, there are many of which the frequencies differ from the interpreted frequency E h, being lower. Among the electrons ex- pelled from a metal by radiation of a single frequency v, there are many of which the energies differ from the interpreted energy-value liv, being lower. These were accounted for by supposing that the electrons are troubled by repeated encounters with closeK-crowded atoms. If then a metal \apor or a gas were bombarded with electrons or ex[X)sed to radiation, would all the excited radiation have a single frequency conforming to equation (3), would all the released electrons 300 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ha\c a single energj' conforming to equation (1)? One could not affirm this a priori, for a solid metal is not a collection of free atoms close together as a gas is an assemblage of free atoms far apart, but rather a structure of atoms which interfere with one another and are distorted, and there are many electrons in a solid of which the bonds and the constraints are very different from those by which the elec- trons of free atoms are controlled and vice versa. When a plate of sodium or a pool of mercury is exposed to a rain of electrons, not exceeding say 10 equivalent volts in energ>', nothing apparent hap- pens." When the vapor of either metal is similarly exposed, the atoms respond in a manner from which they are inhibited, when they are bound together in the tight latticework of a solid or the promiscuous crowding of a liquid; and light is emitted. The phenomena are clearest when the bombarded \apor is that of a volatile metal, such as mercury, sodium, or magnesium. The atoms in such vapors are not usually bound together two by two or in greater clusters, as they are in such gases as oxygen or hydrogen, of which the response to electron-impacts or to radiation is not quite under- stood to this day; and the first radiations which they emit arc not in the almost inaccessible far ultra-violet, like those of the monatomic noble gases, but in the near ultra-violet or even in the visible spectrum. Dealing with such a vapor, I will say mercury for definiteness, one observes that so long as the energy' of the bombarding electrons remains below a certain value, no perceptible light is emitted; but beyond, there is a certain range of energies, such that electrons pos- sessing them are able to arouse one single frequency of radiation from the atoms. Ordinarily, as when a \apor is kept continuously excited by a self-sustaining electric discharge throughout it, the atoms emit a great multitude of different frequencies of radiation, forming a rich and complicated spectrum of many lines. But if the energy of the bombarding electrons is carefully adjusted to .some value within the specified range, only one line of this spectrum makes its appearance; under the best of circumstances this single line may be exceedingly bright, so that the absence of its companions— some of which, in an ordinary arc-spectrum, are not much inferior to it in brightness — is decidedh' striking. The one line which constitutes this single-line spectrum is the first line of the principal series in the complete arc-spectrum of the element; its wave length is (to take a few examples) 2o3GA for mercury, .'jSOO for sodium (for which it is a doublet), 4.571 for magnesium. ' According to a vcr>' recent paper by C. H. Thomas, radiations from iron excited b>- electrons with as low an energy as some two or three equivalent volts have been detected. SOME CONTEMPORARY AinWSCES IS PUYSICS~yn m Docs this single line appear suddenly at a precise value of the enerR>' of the iinpinRing electrons? This ()uesli(in suggests itself, when one has already studies already employed in the prior cases) would be to measure the intensity of the line for various values of the energy of the electrons, plot the cur\e, and decide whether or not it cuts the axis of abscissae at a sharp angle. This is in principle the same method as is used in determining whether a given X-ray frequency appears suddenly at a given value of the energy of the electrons boml)arding a solid; the curves of Fig. 4 were so obtained. Attempt- ing to apply this same method to such a radiation as 2, .536 of mer- cun.', one has the solitar>" advantage that the frequency of the light is sharp and definite (it is not necessary to cut an arbitrary band of radiations out of a continuous spectrum) and two great counteracting disadvantages: the intensity of the light cannot be measured accur- ately (one has to guess it from the effect upon a photographic plate) and the impinging electrons never all have the same energy. Owing probably to these two difficulties, there is no published curve (that I know of) which cuts down across the axis of abscissae with such a decisive trend as the curves of Figs. 2 and 4. Still it is generally accepted that the advent of the single line is really sudden. The common argument is, that one can detect it on a photographic film exposed for a few hours when the energy of the bombarding electrons is (say) 5 equivalent volts, and not at all on a plate exposed for hun- dreds of hours when the bombarding voltage is (say) 4.5 volts. In this manner the energy of the electrons just sufficient to excite 2.536 of mercurj- has been located at 4.9 equivalent volts. Dividing this critical energy (expressed in ergs) by the frequency of the radiation, we get (4.9e/300) / (f /.00002536) =6.59 • lO"" (5) It agrees with the values of the constant which I designated by h in the two prior cases, and the data obtained with other kinds of atoms are not discordant. Gerlach arrives at 6.56- 10~" as the mean of all values from experiments of this type upon many vapours. The evidence is not quite so strong as in the prior cases, but fortunately it is supplemented and strengthened by testimony of a new kind. When electrons strike solids and excite X-rays, it is impnassible to 302 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOLRXAL follow their own later history, or the adventures of a Ijeam of radia- tion after it sinks into a metal. We have inferred that the electrons which collide with a piece of tungsten and disappear into it transfer their energ>- to X-rays, but the inference lacked the final support which would have been afforded by a demonstration of these very electrons, still personally present after the collision but deprived of their energ>'. Now when electrons are fired against mercury atoms, this demonstration is possible, and the results are very gratifying. I have already several times had occasion to remark, in this series of articles, that when an electron strikes a free atom of mercury, the result of the encounter is very different, according as its energy of motion was initially less than some 4.9 equivalent volts, or greater. In the former case, it rebounds as from an elastic wall, having lost only a very minute fraction of its energ>', and this fraction spent in communicating motion to the atom; but in the latter case, it may and often does lose 4.9 equivalent volts of its energ>' eti bloc, in a single piece as it were, retaining only the e.xcess of its original energy over and above this amount. Thus if electrons of an energy of 4.8 equiva- lent volts are shot into a thin stratum of mercury vapor, nothing but electrons of that energy arrives at the far side; but if electrons of an only slightly greater energj', say 5.0 equivalent volts, are fired into the stratum, those which arrive at the far side will be a mixture of electrons of that energy, and very slow ones. The very slow ones can be detected by appropriate means, and the particular \alue of the energy' of the bombarding electrons, at which some of llicni are for the first time transformed into these very slow ones, can be determined. Once more we meet that question as to whether the transformation does make its first appearance suddenly, but in this case the indications that it does are rather precise and easy to read. Furthermore it is possible to measure the energy of the slow electrons, and one finds that it is equal to the initial energy of the electrons, minus the amount 4.9 equivalent volts. (These measurements are not so e.xact as is desirable, and it is to be Impi'd ilial sdmobody will take up the task of perfecting them.) We, therefore, see both aspects of the transaiiicui wliich occurs when an electron whereof the energy is 4.9 equivalent \olis, or greater, strikes a mercury atom. It loses 4.9 equivalent volts of energy, and we measure the loss; the atom sends forth radiation of a certain frequency, and no other; the atom does not send forth even this frequency of radiation, if none of the electrons fired against it has at least so much energy. We have already compared the energy trans- ferred with the frequency radiated, and as in the case of X-rays SOME COMF.MPOR.IRV .-IDr.-tNCF.S IN PHYSICS— III 303 fxiitfil from a soliti targi-t by very fast fUrtrons, it is legitimate to Siiy for these radiations which form the single line s()ectra of metallic atoms, that Exiilution oj the ray forming a single-line spectrum, by the collision of an electron against an atom, occurs as if the energy in the radiation were concentrated in units of amount hv, and one such unit were createa out of the total energy which the electron surrenders. There are yet se\eral phenomena which I might treat by the same inductive methcx.!, arriving after each exposition at a Rule which would resemble one or the other of those which I have thus far written in italics; but it is no longer expedient, I think, to pass in each instance through the simie elaborate inductive detour. These three phe- nomena which I have discussed already combine into an impressive and rather fornudable obstacle to the classical manner of thinking. Here is a mercury atom, which receives a definite quantity of energy U from an electron, and distributes it in radiation of a definite fre- quency U/h. Here again is a multitude of atoms locked together into a solid, and when an electron conveys its energy U to the solid, it redistributes that energy in radiation of a definite frequency U/h. (It is true that many other radiations issue from the solid, but they are all explicable if one assumes that the electron may deliver over its energy in stages, and there is no radiation of the sort which would controvert the theory by virtue of its frequency exceeding U/h.) And when that radiation of frequency U/h in its turn strikes a metal, it is liable and able to release an electron from within the metal, conferring upon it an energy which is apparently equal to U. Ap- parently there is some correlation between an energy U and a fre- quency U, h, between a frequency ;' and an energy hv. Apparently a bl(xk of energy of the amount U tends to pass into a radiation of the frequency U/h; apparently a radiation of the frequency v tends to deliver up energy in blocks of the amount hv. The three italicized Rules coalesce into this one: Photoelectric emission, and the e.Kcitation of A'-rav5 from solids by electrons, and the excitation of single-line spectra from free atoms, occur as if radiant energy of the frequency v were concentrated into packets, or units, or corpuscles, of energy amounting to hv, and each packet were created in a single process and were absorbed in a single process. If the neutralizing as if were omitted, this would be the corpuscular theory rediviva. It is good policy to leave the as if in place for awhile yet. But conservatism such as this need not and should not deter anyone from using the idea as basis for every prediction that can be founded upon it, and testing every one of the predictions that 304 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL can be tested by any possible way. Just so were the three phenomena cited in these Rules discovered. All of them involve either the emission or the absorption of radiation, and so do all the others which I could have quoted in addition, if this account had been written three years ago. Reserving to the end the one new phenomenon that transcends this limitation, I must explain the relation between this problem and the contemporary Theory of Atomic Structure. The classical notion of a source of radiation is a vibrating electron. The classical conception of an atom competent to emit radiations of many frequencies is this: a family or a system of electrons, each electron remaining in an equilibrium-position so long as the system is not disturbed, one or more of the electrons \-ibraling when the system is jarred or distorted. A system with these properties would have to contain other things than electrons, otherwise it would fly apart; it would have to contain other things than particles of posi- tive and particles of negative electricity intermixed, otherwise it would collapse together. One would have to postulate some sort of a framework, some imaginary analogue to a skeleton of springs and rods and pivots, to hold the electrons together in an ensemble able to vibrate and not liable to coalesce or to explode. This would not be satisfying, for in making atom-models one wants to avoid the elaborate machinery and in particular the non-electrical com- ponents; it would be much more agreeable to build an atom out of positive and negative electricity associated with mass, omitting all masses or structures not electrified. Nevertheless, if anyone had succeeded in devising a framework having the same set of natural frequencies as (say) the hydrogen atom exhibits in its spectrum — if anyone expert in dynamics or acoustics had been able to demonstrate that some peculiar shape of drumhead or bell, if anyone \ersed in electricity had been able to show that some particular arrangement of condensers and induction-coils has such a series of natural vibrations as some one kind of atom displays — then, it is quite safe to say, that framework or that membrane or that circuit would today be either the accepted atom-model, or at least one of the chief candidates for acceptance. Nt)body e\er succeeded in doing this; it is ilu' consensus of opinion today that the task is an impracticable one.'* ' It is difficult to put this statement into a more precise form. Rayleigh was of the opinion that the hydrogen sjX!i-trum could not be regarded as the ensemble of natural freciucncies of a mechanical system, because it is the general rule for such systems that the second power of the frequency conforms to simple algebraic formulae, while in the hydrogen s|)cctruni it is xhe first power for which the algebraic expression is simple. He admitted, however, that it was possible to find "e.\ccplional " mechan- ical systems for which the first power of the frequency is given by a simple formula; which goes far to vitiate the conclusion. Another aspect of the formula (6) for SOME coxTr.Mi'oK.tKy .inr.ixcr.s i.\ riivsics ni m)? This st't of natural fri-(|Ufiuii>s whitli hartled all the etTorls to fxplaiii it, the set oonstituliiiK the two siiu[)iest of all spectra (the siH'ctriini of atomic hyiIro^;eii .iiul the spectrum of ioni/ed heliumV is given by the formula . = r('\-\) .-(6) the different lines being obtained by assigning different integral values to the parameters in and n; lines corresponding to values of m ranging from 1 to 5 inclusive, and to values of n ranging from 2 to 40 inclusive, have already been obser\ed, and there is no reason to doubt that lines corresponding to much higher values of m and n actually are emitted, but are too faint to be detected with our apparatus. The constant R has one value for hydrogen, another almost exactly four times as great for ionized helium. Here, then, is the problem in its simplest presentation : How can a model for a hydrogen atom be constructed, which shall emit rays of the fretpiencies given by the formula ((>), only these and no others.'' The obvious answer "By constructing a mechanical framework having precisely these natural frequencies" is practically excluded; it seems infeasible. Something radically different must be done. The achievement of Niels Bohr consisted in doing a radically different thing, with such a degree of success that the extraordinary divergence of his ideas from all foregoing ones was all but universally condoned. I do not know how Bohr first approached his theory; but it will do no harm to pretend that the manner was this. Look once more at the formula for the frequencies of the h\drogen spectrum. It expresses each frequency as a difference between two terms, and the algebraic form of each term is of an extreme sim- the hydrogen spectrum is this, that it specifies infinitely many frequencies within finite inter\'als enclosing certain critical values, such as R, 4H, 9R, and so forth. I'oincari' is said to have proved that the natural frequencies of an clastic medium with a rigid Ixjundary cannot display this feature, so long as the displacements are governed by the familiar equation (ftfr rf/- = *V-«. For a membrane this equation is tantamount to the statement that the restoring-force acting upon an element of the membrane is proportional to the curvature of the membrane at that element. Kitz was able to show that the natural frequencies of a square membrane would con- form to the formula (6), »/ the restoring-force upon each clement of the membrane, instead of l)eing profmrtional to the curvature of the membrane at that element, delJended in an exceedingly involved and artificial manner ui)on the curvature of the membrane elsewhere. He ajjologized abundantly for the extraordinary character of the pro(x-rties with which he had l)een obliged to endow this membrane, in order to arrive at the desired formula: but his procedure might have proved unsuspectedly fruitful, if Bohr's interpretation had not supplanted it. 306 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL plicity. Multiply now each member of the formula by h, that same constant /: which we ha\e encountered three times in the course of this article; and rc\erse the signs of the terms.'" The formula becomes hv = {-h R/n-)-{-h R'm-') (7) In the left-hand member there stands hv. The reader will have become more or less accustomed to the notion that, under certain conditions and circumstances of Nature, radiant energy of the fre- quency V apparently goes about in packets or corpuscles of the amount hv; now and then, here and there, energy is absorbed from such radia- tion in such amounts, or energy is converted into such radiation in such amounts. Suppose that this also happens when a hydrogen atom radiates, whate\er the cause which sets it to radiating. Then the left-hand member of the equation (5) represents the energy which the hydrogen atom radiates; so also does the right-hand member; but the right-hand member is obviously the difference between two terms; these terms are respectively the energy of the atom before it begins to radiate, and the energy oj the atom after it ceases J rom radiating. The problem of the hydrogen atom has now experienced a funda- mental change. The proposal to make a mechanical framework, having the natural vibration-frequencies expressed by (6), has been laid aside. The new problem, or the new formulation of the old prob- lem, is this: how can a model for a hydrogen atom be constructed, which shall be able to abide only in certain peculiar and distinctive states or shapes or configurations, in w'hich various states the energy of the atom shall have the xarious \alues —hR, —hR 4, —hR it, — hR/\ii, and so forth? Bohr's own model has become one of the best-known and most- taught conceptions of the whole science of ph>sics, in the twelve years of its public existence. He based it upon the conception, then rapidh- gaining ground and now generally accepted, that the hydrogen atom is a microcosmic sun-and-planet system, a single electron revolv- ing around a much more massive nucleus bearing an electric charge ec|ual in magnitude and opposite in sign to its own. This is really a most unpromising conception, very ill adapted to the modification we need to make. We want an atom w^hich shall be able to assume only those definite values of energy which were listed above: —hR, — hR A, —hR !) and the rest. Now the energy of this sun-and- planet atom depends on the orbit which the electron is describing. '"For tlif explanation of this rather confusing reversal, see my third article (page 278; or page 11 of the reprint). SOME CONlE.XfPOR.-IRY .tPr.lXCCS IX niYSICS- I'll 307 If thf ciKTRV may assume only those dofiiiitf v.iliics, the electron may tlescril>c only rertain defmite orbits. But there is no obvious reason why the electron should not describe any of an infinity of other orbits, circular or elliptical. To consider only the circular «)rbits: if the atom may have no other \alues of energy than —liR, and —liR 4, and —liR it, and the rest of the series, then it may not revolve in any other circular orbits than those of whi»-h the radii are f' 2hR. and e- '2(liR 4), and e-, 2(liR !»), and so forth; but why just these? What prevents it from revolving in a circular orbit of radius f- '2(hR 2). or any other value not in the series.-* And for that matter how can it revolve in a closed orbit at all, since accoriling to the fundamental notions of the electromagnetic theor\' it must be radiating its energy- as it revolves, and so must sink into the nucleus in a gradu- ally narrowing spiral? Bohr did not resol\-e these difficulties, and no one has e\-er resolved them except by ignoring them. The customary procedure is to select some common feature of these permitted orbits, and declare that it is this feature which makes these orbits permissible, and forl)ids the electron to follow any other. For example, there is the fact that the angular momentum of the electron in any one of the permitted circular orbits is an integer multiple of the constant quan- tity h 2?r, /) being the same constant as we have met hitherto, which is hardly an accidental coincidence. If one could only think of some plausible reas<5n why an electron should want to revolve only in an orbit where it can have some integer multiple of // 2w for its angular momentum, and should radiate no energy at all while so revolving, and should refuse to revolve in an orbit where it must have a frac- tional multiple of /; 2r, the model would certainly be much for- tified. Failing this it is necessary to put this assertion about the angular momentum as a downright a.ssumption, in the hope that its value will be so great and its range of usefulness so widespread that it will commend itself as an ultimate basic principle such as no one thinks of questioning. So far this hope has not been thoroughly realized. On the one hand, Sommerfeld and VV. Wilson did succeed in generalizing it into a somewhat wider form, and using it in this wider form they explained the fine structure of the lines of hydrogen and ionized helium, and Epstein explained the effect of an electric field upon these lines. These are truly astonishing successes, and no one. I think, can wf)rk through the details of these applications to the final triumphant comparisons of theory with experiment, and not experience an impression amounting almost or quite to con- viction. Vet on the other hand this generalization does not account 308 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL for the frequencies forming tiie spectra of other elements." There is the spectrum of neutral helium, for example, and the spectrum of sodium, and the spectrum of mercury; in each of these there are series of lines, of which the frequencies are clearly best expressed each as the difference between a pair of terms, and these terms should be the energies of the atom before and after radiating. But we have not the shadow of an idea what the corresponding configurations of the atom are; it may be that the outermost electron has certain permissible orbits, but we do not know what these orbits are like nor what common feature they possess. Is it then justifiable to write down a Rule such as this: the frequencies of the rays which free atoms emit are such as to confirm the idea that radiant energy of the frequency v is emitted in packets or corpuscles of the amount hv? V'ery few men of science, I imagine, would hesitate to approve this. However one may fluctuate in his feelings about Bohr's model of the atom, there always remains that peculiar relation among the frequencies emitted by the hydrogen atom, which is so nearly copied by analogous relations in the spectra of other elements. When one has once looked at the general formula / hR\ ( hR\ ,_, and has once inter|ircted the first term on the right as the energy of an atom before radiating, the second term on the right as the energy of the atom after radiating, and the quantity hv as the amount of the packet of energy radiated, it is very difiicult to admit that this way of thinking will e\er be superseded; particularly when one re- members the auxiliary facts, such as thai fact about the electrons transferring just 4.9 equivalent volts to tiie mercury atoms which they strike, no more and no less. Analyzing the mercury spectrum in the same way as the h>drogen spectrum was anahzed, we find the frequencies expressible as differences between terms; interpreting the terms as energy-values, we find that between the normal state of the mercury atom and the next adjacent state, there is a difference in energy of 4.9 equivalent volts, and between this and the next adjacent state there is a further difference of 1.8 volts. This then is the reason why an electron with less than 4.9 equivalent \()lts of " The mathematical experts who have laboured over the theory of the Iieliiiiu atom (two electrons and a nucleus of charge +.^<') seem to have convinced them- selves that the features which distinguish the permitted orbits of the electrons in this atom, whatever they may be, are definitely not the same features as distinguish the permitted orbits of the electron in the hydrogen atom. This cannot be said with certainty for any other atom. SOML CONIluMI'OR.IRV ADVANCIIS IN I'HYSICS-lll 309 energy can i-otjununii-aU" no encr>;y at all to a merrury atom; and an electron with ") or () et|uivalcnt volts of energy can transfer only 4.0 of them. It is conceivable that other conditions may he found to j{o\ern the orbits of the electrons, so that the atoms shall have only the prescribed enerj^y-Nalues and no others; it is even conceivable that the conception of electron-(jrbits may be discarded; but 'the interpretation of the terms in the formula (7j as energies will, in all human probability, be permanent. The foregoing Rule is thus very strongly based; but let us neverthe- less rephrase it in a somewhat milder form as follows: The idea that radiant energy of frequency v is emitted in packets of the amount hv, and the contemporary theory of atomic structure, between them give a attractive and appealing account of spectra in general, and a convincingly exact explanation of two spectra in particular. But what has happened meanwhile to the Vibrator, to the oscil- lating electron, to the postulated electrified particle of which the vibrations caused light-waves to spread out from around it like sound wa\es from a bell? It has disappeared from the picture; or rather, since the attempt to account for the frequencies of a spectrum as the natural frequencies of an elastic framework was abandoned, no one has tried to re-insert it. But there are some who will never be quite happy with any new conception, until the vibrator is estab- lished as a part of it. Ionization, the total removal of an electron from an atom, affords another chance to see whether radiant energy beha\es as though it could be absorbed only in complete packets of amount hf. That it requires a certain definite amount of energy to deprive an atom of its l(X)sest electron, an amount characteristic of the atom, may now be regarded as an experimental result quite beyond question, cUid not requiring the support of any special theory. Thus, a free- Hying electron may remove the loosest electron from a free mercury atom which it strikes, if its energy amounts to 10.4 equivalent volts, not less; or the loosest electron from a helium atom if its energy amounts to at least 24.6 equivalent volts. If radiant energy of frequency v goes about in parcels of magnitude hv, the frequency of a parcel which amounts just exactly to 10.4 equivalent \olts is j'o = 2.5.3. 10'*, corre- sponding to a wave length of 1 188A. Light of inferior frequency should be unable to ionize a mercury atom; light of just that frequency should just be able to ionize it; light of a higher frequency v should be able to ionize the atom, and in addition confer upon the released electron an additional amount of kinetic energy equal to h (v—Vo). The same could be said, with appropriate numerical changes, for every other 310 BULL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL kind of atom. Of all the [jlieiioinena which might serve to illuminate this difficult question of the relations between radiation and atoms, this is the one which has been least studied. The experimental material is scanty and dubious. There is no reason to suppose that light of a lower frequency than the one I have called Vo is able to ionize; but it is not clear whether perceptible ionization commences just at the frequency Vo, although it has been observed at frequencies not far beyond. The energy of the released electrons has not been measured. The removal of deep-lying electrons, the electrons lying close to llic nuclei of massive atoms, is much better known; and the data confirm in the fullest manner the idea that radiant energy of the frequency' v is absorbed in units amounting to hv. When a beam of X-rays of a sufficiently high frequency is directed against a group of massive atoms, various streams of electrons emanate from the atoms, and the electrons of each stream have a certain characteristic speed. The kinetic energy of each electron of an>' particular stream is equal to //;', minus the amount of energy which must be spent in extracting the electron from its position in the atom; for this amount of energy is independently known, being the energ>' which a free-flying electron nnist possess in order to drive the bound electron out of the atom, which is measurable and has been separately measured. Here again I touch upon a subject which has been treated in an earlier article of this series — the second — and to prevent this article from stretching out to an intolerable length, I refrain from further repetition of what was written there. The analogy of this with the photoelectric effect will escape no reader. Here as there, we observe electrons relea.sed with an energy which is admittedly not hv, but hv minus a constant; the idea that this constant represents energy which the electrons have already spent in escaping, in one case through the surface of the metal and in the other case from their positions within atoms, is fcirtified by independent measurements of these energies which give \alucs agreeing with these constants. We have considered various items of evidence tending to sliow that radiant energy is born, so to speak, in units of the amount hv, and dies in units of the amount hv. Whether energy remains sub- divided into these units during its incarnation as radiation remains unsettled; to .settle this question absolutely, one would have to de\ise some way of testing the energy in a beam of radiation, otherwise than by aljsorbing it in matter; and such a way has not yet been di.sco\ered. There is, however, another quality which radiant energy possesses. Conceive a stream of radiation in the form of an extremely long SOME CONrEMPOR.IRy .iDr.iXCIlS IX PHYSICS— Vn 311 train of plain- waves, flowiiii; against a blackened plate facing normally at;ainst the tlirection in which they advance, which utterly absorbs them. This wave-train shall have an intensity /; by which it is meant, that an amount of energy / apf)ears, in the form of heat, in unit area of the blackened plate in unit time. I'nrtherniore, the radiation is found to exert a pressure p against the blackened plate; by which it is meant, that imit area of the plate (or the framework upholding it) acquires in imit time an amount of momentum p. According to the classical electromagnetic theory, verified by ex- |x?rience, /> is equal to / V. I'nit area of the plate acquires, in unit time, energy to the amount / and momentum to the amount / r. Where is this energ>", and where is this momentum, an instant before they appear in the plate? One might say that they did not exist, that they had vanished at the moment when the radiation left its source, not to reappear until it arrived at the plate; but such an answer would be contrary to the spirit of the electromagnetic theory, and we have long been accustomed to think of the energy as existing in the radiation, from the moment of its departure from the source to the moment of its arrival at the receiver; the term "radiant energ\" implies this. Momentum has the same right to be conceived as exist- ing in the radiation, during all the period of its pas.sage from source to receiver. In the system of equations of the classical electromagnetic theor\', the expression for the stream of energy through the electro- magnetic field stands side by side with the expression for the stream of momentimi flowing through the field. If the second expression is not so familiar as the first, and the phra.se "radiant momentum" has not entered into the language of physics together with "radiant energy," the reason can only be that the pressure which light exerts upon a sub- stance is ver>- much less conspicuous than the heat which it communi- cates, and seems correspondingly less important, — which is no valid reason at all. Radiant energy and radiant momentum deserve the same standing; it is admitted that the energy / is the energy which is brought by the radiation in unit time to unit area of the plate which blocks the wave-train, and with it the radiation brings momentum I/c in unit time to unit area of the plate. The density of radiant energy in the wave-train is obviously /, c, the density of radiant momentum is / f=. ' Now let that tentative idea, that radiant energ\' of tiie fretjuency v is emitted and absorbed in packets of the amount hv, be completed by the idea that these packets tra\el as entities from the place of their birth to the place of their death. Let me now introduce the word "quantum" to replace the alternative words packet, or unit, or 312 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL corpuscle; I have held to these alternative words quite long enougli, I think, to bring out all of their connotations. Then the energy' / is brought to unit area of the plate, in unit time, by I/hv of the quanta; which also bring momentum amounting to I fc. Shall we not divide up the momentum equally among the quanta as the energy is divided, and say that each is endowed with the inherent energy hv and with the inherent momentum hv/c ? The idea is a fascinating one, but not so easy to put to the trial as one might at first imagine. None of the phenomena I have de- scribed in the foregoing pages affords any means of testing it. In studying the photoelectric effect, we concluded that each of the electrons released from an illuminated sodium plate had received the entire energy of a packet of radiation; but this does not imply that each of them had received the momentum associated with that energ)'; the momentum passed to the plate, to the framework support- ing it, e\entually to the earth. The same statement holds true for the release of electrons from the deep levels of heavy atoms, such as de Broglie and Ellis observed. Even if the same experiments should be performed on free atoms, as for example on mercury vapor, no clear information could be expected; for the momentum of the absorbed radiation may divide itself between the released electron and the residuum of the atom, and this last is so massi\'e that the speed it would thus acquire is too low to be noticed. Only one way seems to be open; this is, to bring about an encounter between a quantum of radiation and a free electron, so that whatever momentum aiul whatever energy are transferred to the electron must remain wiiii it, and cannot be passed along to more massive objects where the momentum, so far as the possibility of observing it goes, is lost. A priori one could not be certain that even this way is open; radiation might ignore electrons which are not lightly bound to atoms. Arthur H. Complon, then of Washington University, is the physicist whose experiments were the first that clearly and strikingly disclosed such encounters between quanta of radiation and sensibly free elec- trons. Others had observed the effect which reveals them, but his were the first measuremenls accurate enough for inference. Unaware al the moment of the meaning of his data, he realized it almost imme- diately afterward, and .so established the fact and the explanation both — a twofold achievement of a very unusual magnitude, whence the phenomenon recei\ed the name of "Compton effect" h\ a universal acceptance, and deser\edly. What Complon obscr\ed was not ihe pre.sence of electrons pos- sessed of momentum acquired from radiation — these electrons were soMi- co.wir.Mi'Oh'.iRv .u>r.ixci:.s ix I'livsics rii .11.1 however to Ik? discovered Liter, as I sliall presently mention Imi llu' presence of radiation of a new sort, come into beinp hy virtue of tlie encounters between tlie original radiation anrl free electrons. We have not encoinitered an>thinK of this sort heretofore. When a qiiantiuii of radiant energy releases an electron from an atom, it dies completely and confers its entire energy upon the electron. The disposal of its momentum gives no trouble, for as I have mentioned the atont takes care of that. When the electron is initialK' free. and there is no atom to swallow up the momentum of the radiation, it c.innot be ignored in this simple fashion. For if the quantum did utterly disappear in an encounter with a free electron, the velocity which the electron acquired would have to be such that its kinetic energy and its momentum were separately equal to the energy and momentum of the ciuantum; but these distinct two conditions would generally be impossible for the electron to fulfil. Hence in general, a quantimi possessed of momentum cannot disappear l)y the process of transferring its energy to a free electron, whatever may be the case with an electron bound to a massive atom. This reflection might easily ha\e led to the conclusion that radiation .md free electrons can have nothing to do one with the other. What actually happens is this: the energy and the momentum of the quantum are partly conferred upon the electron, the residues of each go to form a new quantum, of lesser energy' and of lesser and differently-directed momentum, hence lower in frequency and deflected obliquely from the direction in which the original quantum was tiioving. The encounter occurs much like an impact between two elastic balls; what prevents the analogy from being perfect is, that when a moving elastic ball strikes a stationary one, it loses some of its speed but remains the same ball, whereas the quantum retains its speed but changes over into a new and smaller size. It is as though a billiard-ball lost some of its weight when it touched another but rolled off sidewise with its original speed. I do not know what this innovation would do to the technique of billiards, but it would at all events not make technique impossible; the result of an impact would still be calculable, though the calculations would lead to a new result. The rules of this microcosmic billiard-game in which the struck balls are electrons and the striking balls are (|uanta of radiant energy are definite enough to control the conse- (juences. The rules are these: Conservation of energy requires that the energy of the impinging quantum, hv, be equal to the sum of the energy of the resulting quantum, hv , and the kinetic energy K of the recoiling electron. For 314 HELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL this last quantity the expression prescribed h\ tlie spetiai relativity- theorv '- is usefi, \iz. .( 1 V-v/1- in which m stands for the mass of the electron and cfi = v for its speed. The equation of conservation of energy is then liv = lii'' + mc-( ,i-, -l). (8a) Conservation of momentum retiuires iliat ilu' numu-niuni of the impinging quantum t)e ccjual to the suin of the momenta of the result- ing quantum and the recoiHng electron. Momentum being a vector quantity, this rule requires three scalar equations to express it, which three may be reduced to two if we choose the .T-a.\is to coincide with the direction in which the impinging quantum travels, and the y-axis to lie in the plane common to the paths of the recoiling electron and the resulting quantum. Designate b>' 0 the angle between the paths of the impinging quantum and the recoiling electron; by 6 the angle between the paths of the two quanta. The magnitude of the momen- tum-vector is, by the special relativity-theory, »/t'/\/l — /3^- Con- ser\ation <>f nKiniciilum then recjuires: niv llV C = (llv' f ) cos 9H ;^r : COS A, (8b) ()= (hv ■ c) sin 0-\ , sin <^. Kliminating and v between these three ecjuations, we arrive at this relation between v and v' , the frequencies of the impinging quan- tum and the recoiling quantum — or, as I shall hereafter say, between the frequencies of the primary- X-ray and the scattered X-ray -and the angle 0 between the dircitinns (if liic piimar\' X-ra\' and the scattered X-ra>- : . (9) " l-|--'^,(l-cos9) mc- " If the reader prefers to use the familiar expressions \mv' for the kinetic energy and »n< for the magnitude of the momentum of the electron, he will arrive at a formula for v' which, while apparently dissimilar to (9) and not so elegant, is ap- proximately identical with it when v is not too large — or, which comes practically to the same thing, when hv is small in comparison with mc'; a condition which is realized for all X-rays now being profluced. SOME CONTE.\fPOR.IRy .'tnr.tXCRS IN PItVSICS-ril 315 The relation between X' and X, the wavelengths of the primary l>eani and of the scattered beam, is still simpler, heiii^ X'-X=-^(l-cose). (10) mc • The intrusion of this anijle 6 into the final equation may seem to contradict my earlier statement that the results of the impact are calculable; for it is true that there are not equations enough to elimi- nate 6. and yet I have offered no additional means of calculating it. In fact it cannot be calculated with the data at our command. All that we are able to say is that if the resulting quantum goes ofT in the direction 6, then its frequency is given b>- (9). What deter- mines 6 in any particular case? Re\ erting to the image of the billiard- balls, it is easy to see that the direction in which the rebounding ball rolls away depends on whether it gave a central blow, or a glancing blow, or something in between, to the initially stationary ball. If we knew just which sort of a blow was going to be giv-en, we could calculate B; otherwise we can only apply our conditions of conservation of energ^y and conservation of momentum to ascertain just how much of its energ>- the rebounding ball retains when 8 has some particular value, and then produce — or, if we cannot produce at will, await — a collision which results in that value, and make our comparison of experiment with theory. So it is in this case of the rebounding quan- tum. When a beam of primary electrons is scattered by encountering a piece of matter, some quanta rebound in each direction, and all the values of 9 are represented. We cannot know what determines the particular value of 6 in any case; but we can at least select any direc- tion we desire, measure the frequency of the quanta which have rebounded in that direction, and compare it with the formula. Fig. 6 is a diagram illustrating these relations." The comparison, which has now been made repealedU' b\- Compton, repeatedly by P. A. Ross, and once or oftener by each of several other physicists — notably de Broglie in Paris — is highly gratifying. The value of the frequency-difference between the primar\- X-rays and the scattered X-rays, that is to say, between the impinging quanta and the rebounding quanta, is in excellent accord with the formula, whether the measurements be made on the quanta recoiling at 45°, at 90° or at 135°, or at intermediate values of the angle 6. The method consists in receiving the beam of scattered X-rays into an X-ray spectroscope, whereby it is deflected against an ionization- chamber or a photographic plate at a particular point, of which the Jib HLI.L SYSTEM TECIIMC.U. JOIKX.U. location is the measure of the wave-length. An image can be made on the same plate at the point where the beam would have struck it, if it had retained the frequency of the primary beam. The two images then stand sharpK- and widely apart. Indeed it is not neces- sary to make a special image to mark the place on the plate where a scattered beam of unmodified wave-length would fall, for there Fig. 6 — Diagram sliowing the energy-relations ensuing upon an impact between a riuanlum and a free electron. {.After Uebye.) See footnote 13 nearly always is such a beam aiui such an image. .\ plausible ex- planation is easy to find; one has onh' to assume that the ciuania composing this beam have rebounded from electrons so rigidK' bound into atoms that they did not budge when the impinging quanta struck tiuiu. ,uid liusi' were reflected as fnnii an inimoxabli' wall." " The iliagrani in I'ig. 6 is designed to illustrate the relations between the energy of the primary' quantum (radius of the dotted semicircle), the encrg>' of the re- bounding (juantum (radius of the upper continuous curve), and the energy of the recoiling electron (radius of the lower continuous curve). Thus the two arrows marked with a .S are proportional respect i\el\' to the energies of the secondary quantum and of the recoiling electron, when the encounter has taken place in such a fashion that the angle 9 is equal to the angle lietween the arrow 10 and the upper arrow .S. In the same case, the angle between arrow 10 and_ lower arrow 5 is equal to tp of the ecpiations (9). " .\s a matter of fad we have no Independent mc.ins of knowing that the recoiling electrons are initially free, or that t-lie scattered be.im with the modified frequency originates from collisions of primary quant. i with initi.dly free electrons; we know <>nly thai the frequency of the scattered (pianta is such as would be expected if little or no energy is s|H-nt in freeing the electrons, and little or no momentum is transferred otherwise than to the electrons — which, of course, is not quite the same soMi: COM i:Mi'OK.iKy .ii>i .ixcis i\ I'livsns ni .Ji7 In ilif |>lu>i(ii;raphs whirh I rcpnuliice," the imprints of tlu-si' two Ih-.uiis st.md side l)y side. In tlu' tirst of them, l-"ij;. 7. the spectriini of the primary rays is s|x-iially depicted on the upper lialf of the plate: one sees the n, d, and ■> hnes of the A'-series of molyhdenuin. three hnes (the first a tloiihlet ) of wliirh the \va\eleiii;th> ,iro respec- % Fig. 7 — At)ove, the A.'-siK>ctrum of niolylKienum (a-doublct, /S-liiic. v-line from left to right); below, the s[)cctruni of this same radiation after scattering at 90° from aluminum (each line doubled). (P. .■\. Ross) tively .710— .7l4.\. .()33A, .(ilSA. Below, the spertnini of the sec«>ndary rays scattered at the angle 9 is sprearl out: to each of the primary rays there correspmnds a scattered ray of the same wave- length, and beside it another ray of which the wavelength exceeds that of its companion by the required amount. thing. The Compton effeit has lieen demonstratetl only where there are electrons associated with atoms. It may lie that the rebound occurs only from an electron which is connectefl to an atom by some [K-culiar liaison, weak so far as the energy required to break it is concerneonse of the electron to an impact. Something of this son may have to be assumed to explain why the effect is apjjarcntly not greater for conductive substances than for insulating ones and is certainly feebler for massive atoms with numerous loosely-liound electrons than for light atoms with few. " I am indebtcti to I'rofessor Ross for thcsf photographs. 318 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Another series of photographs, in I'"ig. 8, shows the two scattered rays produced when a beam of the A'a-radiation of inoK bdenum falls upon various scattering substances: carbon (the sixth element of the periodic table), aluminium (the thirteenth), copper (the twenty-ninth), and silver (the forty-seventh). The relative intensity of the two rays — that is to say, the proportion between the number of quanta which rebound as from free electrons, and ilie nuinlier of quanta which recoil as from immobile oiistacles — varii'^ in .1 curious manner Fig. 8 — Above, the A' a-line of molybdenum; below, the same radiation after scatter- ing at 90° from carbon, aluminium, copper and silver. (P. A. Ross) from one of these elements to .mother. Mo^~i ol the (|uanta scat- tered by lithium undergo the alter, ilion in wa\e1eni;th which we have calculated; nearly all of the quanta scatlcreil by lead emerge with the same frequency as the incident quanta. Apparently, the heavier the atoms of a substance are, the less conspicuous does Compton's effect become. Further, the relative intensity of the two rays as- sumes different values for one and the same substance, depending on the direction of scattering. This is illustrated in Fig. 9, the curves of which may be interpreted as graphical representations of photo- graphs like those of the foregoing Figure, the ordinate standing for the density of the image on the photographic plate. (Actually, the ordinate stands for a quantity which is much more nearly propor- tional to the true intensity of the rays — that is, the amount of ioniza- tion which they produce in a dense gas.) These cur\es show, in the first place, that the separation between the two scattered rays has the proper theoretical values at the angle 45°, at i)0°, and at 135°; in the second place, among the quanta scattered at 45°, those that SOMR CONTF.MPOR.lRy .IIU\IXCl:S IX riiySICS ril .110 rfl.iiii ilu- primary wavclcnutli are inore aluinil.ml ihan tlic allerfd (luanta. whik- amonn the . J 1 , , 1 0 i .fl\ f , • , \v 1 to« •"*>' CALCITl »* ♦°«0 IL Fi,.4 I'ig. 9 — The modified and iinnicKlitied scattered rays, at various inclinations, recorded l)y the ionization-chamber method. The vertical line 7" represents the position calculatetl from {')) lor the modified ray. (A. H. Compton, Physical Revinv) and matter, should depend on the substance and on the angle 6 is a deeper question than any we have considered. The recoiling electrf)ns also have been detected; and Figs. 10 and 1 1 . which are photographs of the trails left by flying electrons as they ^"5 o £ «s .5 2 '5 "rt s«>\// COM I uroh'.iKv inrixcis i\ riiysits in ,iji priHi-i-tl tlii'DUKii .lir Mii)i'i>.iliir.iif«l willi w.id-r vapor, shows f\i(lciu-e lor ilu'sc.'* 'V\\v long sinuous trails an- those of fast i-IiTtrons, which wiri' liht-ralfd from their atoms l>\ hinli-fre(iuen(>- (jnanta proceeding across the gas; each of these electrons possesses the entire energy of a \ai)islu'i| ((uantuni (minus sue!) |>arl of it .1^ w.i^ v^irriticci! when l-ig. II — Trails of rciMiillng C'livlrons (C.T. R. Wilson, Proreeiliiie,s of Ihe Royiit Society) the electron emerged from its atoni). The small sligliilv -clotigated comma-like "blobs", the "fish tracks" as t\ '1'. R. Wilson called them, are the trails of very slow electrons — these are the electrons from which quanta rebounded, transferring in the reboimd a little of their energy and a little of their momentum. These appear only when the frequency of the X-ray quanta exceeds a certain minimum amount — a circumstance which, combined with others, shows that the com- '• I am inilcl)tcond any possi- bility of reopening it. Vet they might be interpreted in another way — a way which will probably seem e.xtremely elaborate and artificial to the reader, a way which will seem like a mere e.xcuse to avoid a simple and satisfying explanation; and yet this would not be sufficient to condemn it utterh'. We might lay the whole blame and burden for all these "quantum" phenomena upon the atom. We might say that there is some mysterious mechanism inside every atom, which constrains it never to emit radiation of a frequency v unless it has a quantity of energy hv all packed up and ready to deliver, and never to absorb radiation of a frequency v unless it has a special storeroom ready to receive just exactly the quantity of energy bf. This indeed is not a bad formulation of Bohr's theory of the atom. It would be necessary to go much further, and to say that not only e\ery atom, but likewise every assemblage of atoms forming a liquid or a solid body, contains such a mechanism of its own; for the phe- nomena which I have called the "photoelectric effect" and the "inverse photoelectric effect" are qualities not of individual atoms, but of l)ieces of solid metal." And it would be necessar\- to go much funlRi yet, and make mechanisms to account for the transfer of nionuntuin from radiation to electrons. \ (.1 i\cii ill is would not be sufficient; for the most surprising and inexplicable fad of all is still to be presented. Here is the crux of the great dilemma. Imagine radiation of the frequency v emerging from an atom, for a length of time determined by the condition that " It was formerly contended that this explanation, while applicable to the be- havior of free atoms which respond only to certain discrete frequencies, would not avail for a solid substance like sodium which delivers up electrons with energy hv, whatever the frei|uency v may be. This contention, however, is probably not forcible, as it can be supposed that the solid has a very great number of natural frequencies very close together. This in fact was the inference from Epstein's theory of the photoelectric elTecl. soMi: coxi r.Mi'ou.ih') .ii'i'.i.Xiis i\ riivsics rii 323 the total energy radiated shall be hv exactly. ArrordiiiK to tiic wave- theory, it einerKes as a spherical wave-train, of which the wave- fronts are a series of expanilinj; spheres, widening in all liirections away from the atom at their common centre. Place another atom of the same kind some little tiistance away. Apparently it can absorb no radiant energy at all, unless it absorbs the whole anioiiiu Ity radiated from the first atom. But how can it do this, seeing that only a very small portion of each wavefront touched it f)r came any- where near it, and much of the radiant energy went ofl from the first atonj in a diametrically opposite direction? How can il reach and suck up all the energy from the entire wavefront, so little of which it actually intercepts? And the difficulty with the momentimi is (•\cn greater. But, of course, this experiment is unreaii/able. In any laboralor\- experinient, there are always great multitudes of radiating atoms close together, and the atoms exposed to the radiation are bathed in myriads of wave-trains proceeding from myriads of sources. Does then the atom which absorbs the amount liv of energy take it in little bits, one from this wavetrain and another from that, until the proper capital is laid up? But if so, it surely would reciuire some appreciable time to gather up the separate amounts. According to the classical electromagnetic theory, a bound electron placed in a wavetrain of wavelength X will gather up energy from an area of each wavefront. of the order of magnitude of the quantity X-. Hence we should not expect that the exposed atom would finish the task of assembling the amount of energy hv from the various wavetrains which pass by it, until the lapse of a time-interval sufificient for so much energy to flow against a circle of the area X-, set up facing the rays at the point where the atom stands. Set up a mercury arc, or better still, an X-ray tube, and measure the intensity of the radiation from it at various distances. You will easily find a position sufficiently near to it for convenience, and yet sufficiently far from it, so that if a circular target of this area were set in that position, the radiant energy falling upon it would not mount up in one minute — nor in one day — nor in one year, to the amount hv. Yet cover the source of rays with a shutter, and then put a piece of matter in that position, and then lift the shutter; and you will not have to wait a year, nor a day, nor a minute, for the first electron which emerges from the matter with a whole quantum of energy; it will come out so quickly that no experimenter has, as yet, demonstrated a delay. What possible assumptions about the structure of the alom can account for this? More and more the evidence is piled up to compel us to concede 324 BL/J. SVST/IM TECIISICAL JOLRNAL that radiation traxi'ls around the world in corpuscles of energy hv and momentum hv c, which never expand, or at all events always remain small enough to be swallowed up in one gulp by an atom, or to strike an electron with one single concentrated l)low. But it is unfair to close the case without |)leading once more the cause of the undulatory theory — the more so because, in the usual fashion, I have understated the old and presumptively familiar arguments in its faNor, and gi\eii all tlic advantages to the arguments of the opposition, which still Ikim' liic force and charm of novelty. Furthermore, I ma\- ha\e i^roduced the impression that the conception of the qiiantimi actualh' unites the corpuscular theory with the wave- theory, mitigating discord instead of creating it. Why are we not really \-oicing a perfectly competent wave-theor\- of light, when we imagine wave-trains limited both in length and in breadth, so narrow thai they can di\e into an atom, but so long that they contain hv of energy altogether?.A7a;«CH/an' wave-trains, so to speak, like the tracing of a sine-wave in chalk upon a blackboard, or the familiar picture of a sea-serpent.-' Well, the dilticuity is ihat I hi' pjicnomcna ol iiUcrtcrence and ot diffraction, which are the basis of the wave-theory, imply that the wave-trains are broad, that the>' ha\e a consitlerable cross-sectional area; these phenomena should not occui-. if \\\v wave-trains were filaments no thicker than an atom, or e\cn so wide that their cross- sectional area amounted to X-'. Let me cite one or two of these phenomena, in tardy justice to the imdulatory theory, as a sort of a makeweight to all the "(|ii.intum " phciminena I have described. Imagine an opatjue screen witji a slit in it; light flows against the screen from behind, some passes through the slit. The slit may be supposed to be half a millimetre wide, or e\en wider. If light consists of (|uanta only as thick as an atonj. or i-\en as thick as the wave- length of the light, they will shoot ihn)ui;ii the slit like raindrops or sand-grains through a wide open sk\lighl. If i1h\' are all mo\ing in jjarallel directions before the>' reach the sHl, tiie\- will continue so to mov-e after the>' pass through it— for how shall the\- know that the slit has any boundaries, since they are so small and the slit is so large/ The beam of light which has passed through the slit will always retain the same cross-section as the slit. But we know that in truth the beam widens after it goes through the slit, and it develops a peculiar distribution of intensity which is accurately the same as we should expect, if the wavefront is ivider than the slit — so much wider, that the slit cuts a piece out of it, which piece spreads outwards inde- soMii coxir.Mi'nK iRv .inr.ixcis ix I'liy^ics rii .us fHMuU'iilly in its own f-ishion.'*. TluTi-fori' tin- (|uantiin) imisl hv widt-r than the widest slit which displays rlear ditTraitiDn-phenoniena- and this makes it at least a millimetre wide! Mut this is not the limit! ("ut another slit in the screen, parallel to the first one, a distance d away from it. Where the widening; ililTracted li^ht-beams from the two slits interpenetrate one another, they will produce interferern-e- pat terns of li^ht and shade, accurately the sanie as we should expect if the wavefront is wider than the distance d. The quantum must therefore be wider than the Krt*'>tt-'!^l distance between two slits, the liv;hi-l)eams passing throuijh which are able to interfere with one another. The slits may be put cpiite far apart, and the light-beams brought together by systems of prisms and mirrors. This is the principle of Michelson's famous method of determining the diameters of stars. He obtained interference fringes when the two beams of light were taken from portions of the wavefront twenty feet apart!^^ Therefore the quantum is twenty feet wide! This is the object from which an atom one ten-millionth of a millimetre wiile can suck up all its energy! this is what enters as a unit into collision with an electron ten thousandfold smaller yet! The evidence is now before the reader: iiol tlu- entire exidenre for either of the two conceptions of radiation, but, I think, a fair sampling for both. If either view has been ine(|uitably treated, it is the un- dulatory theory which has been underrated; for, as I have said already but cannot say too often, the e\idence that light partakes of the nature of a wave-motion is tremendously extensi\e and tremendously com- |ielling; it seems the less powerful only because it is so thoroughly familiar, and through much repetition has lost the force of no\elty. .Still, it is not necessary to hold all the rele\ant facts continually in mind. If one could reconcile a single typical fact of the one sort, such as the interference between beams of light brought together from par- allel courses far apart, with a single outstanding fact of the other sort, sach as the instantaneous emergence of electrons with great energy from atoms upon which a feeble beam of light has only just been directed — if one could unify two such phenomena as these, all of the others would probably fuse spontaneously into a harmonious system. Hut in thinking about these things, there is one more all-important ''■ ( )nc might, of course, inquire, why should a piece of the uavefronl of a quantum, rut out of it by the edges of a slit, expaml after passing through the slit when the quantum itself apparently rushes through spaie without expanding? " It might be argued that these quanta from stars have come an enormously long way, and possibly have had a lx;tter chance to expand than the quanta passing across a laboratory room from an X-ray tube or a mercury arc to a metal plate. However, since the photoelectric cell is used to measure the brightness of a star, they evidently prixluce the same sort of photoelectric effect as newborn quanta. 326 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL fact that must never be forgotten: the quantum-theory involxcs the wave-theory in its root and basis, for the quantum of a given radiation is defined in terms of the frequency of that radiation, and the frequency is determined from the wavelength, and the wavelength is determined by applying the wave-theory to measurements on interference and dif- fraction patterns. Was there ever an instance in which two such apparently contradictory theories were wo\en so intiniatcK' the one with the otiier! The fusion of the theories is not likely to result from new experi- mental c\idence. Indeed there are already indications that further experiments will mereh' accentuate the strangeness, much as happened with the numerous experiments de\ised and performed three or four decades ago in the hope of settling whether the earth does or does not move relatively to the aether. More probably what is required is a modification, indeed a revolutionary extension in the art of thinking — such a revolution as look place among a few mathematicians when non- luididean geometry was established by the side of Euclidean, as is taking place today among the disciples of Einstein who are striving to unlearn the habitual distinctions between time and space — such a revolution, to go centuries back into the past, as occurred in the minds of men generally when they learned to realize that the earth is round, and yet at every place upon it the sky is above and the ground is below. Our descendants may think pityingly of us as we of our ancestors, who could not comprehend how a man can stand upright at the Antipodes. Wave Propagation Over Parallel Tubular Conductors: The Alternating Current Resistance By SALLIE PERO MEAD Synopsis: On the b.isis of Maxwell's laws and the conditions of con- tinuity of electric and magnetic forces at the surfaces of the conductor, the fundamental equations are established for the axial electric force and the tangential magnetic force in a non-magnetic tubular conductor with parallel return. The alternating current resistance per unit length is then derived as the mean dissipation per unit length divided by the mean square current. The general formula is expresseN OK FORMULAE We require the expression for the axial electric force, £:, in the conductors. Since the tubular condiuior does not extend to r = 0, the electric force must be expressed !>> the more general I'ourier- Bessel expansion, £z= ^ An{Jn{p) + \„K„(p)\ cos ne, where p = />\/47rX/i/u) = ^ = xi\/i when r = a = i= yiy/i when r = a, a and a being the outer and inner radii, respectively, of the con- ductors. The additional set of constants X„, Xi . . . Xn is to be deter- mined b>' the conditions of continuity at the inner boundary of the conductor. It is necessary to satisfy the boundary conditions at the surface of one conductor only, since the symmetry of the system insures that they will then be satisfied at the surface of the other also. /'A'( »/'.»(;. 7 //o.v oj/K i:ii\'.ii.i.ii. ( (».\7'(t /('Ms .w In the dielectric space inside the lube where r<«, the axial elerlric force may l>e written 00 E,= y^CnJn(p)cn»ne. (1) or replacini; tlu- liesscl functions by their \alucs for vaiiihliinnly small argunuMiis, £, = V" p^r' cos ti9 (2) where A.. Di . . . D„ are constants determined !>>• the bounfl.irx- condi- tions. Applying Maxwell's law relating the normal and tauten li.il magnetic forces //, and IIq to the axial electric force, gives nii^-Ilg = '' ^ -1 n [Jn'ip) + X„A."„(p)l cos nO, (3) pi=() nioiIlr = -^A„ (y„(p) + X„A'„(p)lsin ne, (4) for the s()ace inside the conductor, and iuillg = ^ nPnr"-^ cos }iO. (5) n=0 foi//, = V" nn„r"-^ sin uO, (6) «=o for the inner dielectric (/i = l). Equating the two expressions for the tangential magnetic force Hf, and for the normal magnetic in- duction nH, term b>- term at the surface r = a, Ify,'(M-,i«A(f)l+X,lfAV(f)-|x«A',(nl = 0. (7) Whence, for the practically important case of non-magnetic con- ductors in which n = l, we have and £' = 2 ^" [•^"(P) - ^;^j ^-(P)] cos >,0. (9) 330 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In the subsequent analysis /„ (?) of the solution for the solid wire case is replaced by M&-{^-lK„{i) = Mn{i), (10) and Jn (?) is replaced by A'(^)-^^/^n'(?) =-!/„'(?). (in Otherwise the formulation of the alternating current resistance of the conductor proceeds exactly as in the solid wire case. For the electric force at the surface r=a in the conductor, we write R..=Ao{Mo{i)+hiMM) cose+/7o.Uo(t) cos 29+ . . .] (12) and determine the fundamental coefficient Ao in terms of the current in the conductor. The resistance R of the tubular conductor per unit length is defined as the mean dissipation per unit length (li\ided by the mean square current where the mean dissiiiaiion is calculated by Po)-nting's theorem. Accordingly, we get ' ..=1 ' To determine the harmonic coefficients h\ . . . hn or Ai . . . An, the total tangential magnetic force and the total normal magnetic induction at the outer surface of a conductor are expressed in terms of the coordinates of that conductor alone, and the conditions of continuity at the surface are applied. This leads to the set of equations q„ = {-\r2p„k"-^=^ p„k"^J.q) (14) = 1.2,3 ... « where <7, = (?ilV (O-WMMn (?))/{ M'ii), p, = (^l/»'(f)-WMM,(?))/(.l/„'(f)+M/i.U„(?)), Qn = trjln. /•AV )/•./(,". 1 7 /r),V >iriR I'.tK.II.III. COM'I iTOIfS .Ml Wliiii ihc (HTmeabilily is unity, the solution, to the same order of approximation as in the solid wire case, is (ifi) where V 2 />[«i(»o+fo)-ri(;--^0 nil) w-n(l-l/\/2A.-)^ ^ L*^ 'V V2.v''J ^ When .V and y are both large quantities, the auxiliary functions are as follows, provided terms of the second order in l/x and \/y are negligible, n in d and h below being equal to the number of terms in which Si and 52 converge to a required order of approximation. With the notation cos = cos-\/2(x — v) , sin=sin\/2(A: — v). exp = exp [— \/2(x — _v)], p ^ p,l + [(l+a)sin-(l-a)coslexp-a exp' " ■^ l-[(l-6)sin + (H-6)cos]e.xp+6exp^ ^ ' M4 mil. I. srsrr.M riicnxic.ii. journ.il where 0 = 1 — b = l + 2-\/2.v 2V'2v' 3 3 2-v/2:c 2\/2y' aRc'ywX ^ x' (34) wliere ^ , l + I(l-c)cos— (14-c) sin] exp-c exp' , , ^ ^ 1-1(1+0 cos+(l-c) sin] exp + fexp'' ^ ' . 1 15 c = l — 2V2.r 2\/2)'' ' = - V2/x, (36) _ , 1 — ((1— rf) cos— (l+«f) sin] exp — rf exp- whcre d = l + h = \ + 1 — [(1 + //) cos+(l— A) sin]exp+/2 exp^' 4>r-l 4(m + 1)-'-1 2\/2x 2\/2y ' 4{n-iy-l 4(n + l)'-l (37) 2V2x 2y/2y ' 1 2w-l ,_, u<„ =—^ ^ — . (38) \/2 2.V At frefiiicnries sultuientK' lii^h to aftord practi(all\' skin coiuliutidii, the following fornuilae indicate the way in whidi the resistance of the tnl)nlar conductor approaches its limit, the resistance of the solid wire. R„=.Rj\±%I^''^^\ (39) 1 —2 cos exp C = C„{\-A/x), (IV) C. = }±|^,. (40) A-2y/2 ^,-}A^2k^'f^'f\^^^^\. (41) 1— «V( (1— k's)- 1—2 cos exp) I'h'OI'.ICIIlOX Orih' I'.tR.lt.l! I. (<)XI>C(T(^RS .U5 Whfn thf coiuluotors an- \ery thin IuIh's, i.e.. iliin as compared to the radius, ((j— u) ii is lU'Cfssarily small and. in ni-nt-ral. .v— v is small. Of course, wlii-n iht- frc<|ut'ncy is liiuli (.'nouKJi. .v— v becomes large in any case. When this is true with respect to thin tubes, how- ever, .V and V will usnaliy be lar^e enoui;li to ni.ike the asymptotic for- mulae applicai)le: but, if x—y is small, tiie approximations y»(n=A(j)-(j-nA'({) + --^f-'-^/'a), reduce the correction factor lo , .a — a where p= , a (1+^/2)' ^ cj ^ X+ff+ff-- do' X* .■=i+(„+.)>.+'"+'y"+^v. and the resistance with concentric return to " 2xXa(a-a) H-/3/2 " ^ ^ I 2)rXn(a — a) is. of course, the direct current resistance of a \ery thin conductor. If (a — a) a is very small and negligible compared w'ith 2n 'x-, where n is the number of terms in which the series of (\') converge to a re(|uired order of apprf>xiniati(»n. j (i-— ")j y*-^+2*=.iog(i-*=.)i 2 \ 0 / I a - a I k*s'' ) 336 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL As a check on formulae (V) and (VI), the limiting cases may be arrived at directly as follows. If the conductors are thin tubes, the harmonic coefficients are given by /», = (- l)«+'2;t" ^"^ 4;-i) When f is very large = (-l)"2/fe"5", (44) and ^-=^' = 1 (45) Mo Mo' so that C=Real[l + igl/.„4;:conj.^,] 1-ifeV (46) the same result as for the corresponding liniitiiig case of a solid con- ductor. On the other hand, if ^ is not large and J — f is very small, (47) (48) (49) so that and //,. = (- -l)"+> n £(^ -f), Mn Mo = 1, Mn' = - in Mo' x{x — y)' C = 1, R = Ro = Rj. „ (50) (51) I'KOr.lC.tllOM ori:R I'AR.M.I.EI. VOMHK'TOHS where Rj, is the direct current resistance of the tliin tulmlar con- ductor. K(is. (4t)) and (")()) a^;rce willi tlie corresponiliiin limits of formulae V and VI respecti\el\ . The curves of the acconipain in^ ligiiri- iV^ not prilcnd in re|)risent the proximity elTecl correction factor with precision. Thex' .ire, how- ever, accurate for thin tubes, and inchcate the order of inaKnitu witli reN|)cTl lo balancr liy crosstalk measurements from tluir t(iniiiia!>. (2) The approximate location ol unlialaiue> aloiii; a iiiU' !)>• iiicas- iireincnls o\'er a rangi' of freciui'urio willi .i liri(li;t- ai one end ol ihe line. (3) The final location of unbal.inci^ li\ liclil inc.i>nrenuiiis wiiji an unbalance deieclor whicii nKi> hi' opcraiiil li\ .i lini-nian .iiul w iiirh usual I\" does nol re(|uire intiTrnpl ion ol Icicplione service, I'xci-pt inonu'nlarily. Toil circuit oltice unbalances are brielK' discussed and a sjieci.d bridge for detecting and measuring ihe tnibalances ol composite sets is described. A mathematical treatment ol the bridge method for locating unbalances and a discussion of the tiecessity of terminating the circuits invoked in the tests in their characteristic line impetl- anies are given in an appeiidi.x. The luethods and apparatus described are wideK- tised in the Bell System and afford operating telephone companies means for maintaining their circuits in the condition of minimum practicable unbalance. The Theory of Prohabilily and Some Applications lo F.ni;_iiiceriiii^ Problems.'' K. C". IMoi.iN.v. The |)urpose of this pajjcr is to sug- gest a wider recognition b\- engineers of a body of principles which, in lis mathematical form, is a powerful instrument for the solution of practical problems. Certain fimdaiuental |irinciples of the theory of probabilities are stated and ajiplied to three j)rol)lems from the field of telephone engineering. Note on the Least Mechanical Ei/nivalent of Lii^lit.'^ Hi;Kiu:Kr K. Iviis. In this paper the \alue for ilie brightness of tin- bl.ick body at the melting point of platinum reientK- obtained b\ ilu writer is ' Journal A. I. M. K., Vol. 44, p. 122, 1925. 'Journal of the Optical .Society of .-Xnifrican and Rev. of .Scicnlilic Inslruineiits, Vol. Id, .N". .?, M.ircli, 1<)2.S, p. 289. .iHMN.icis Oh HI. 1. 1. srsriM iia iixic.u. I'.iri.Rs m.\ ustnl to Kind a valiH- fur tin- U-ast nu'rhaiiic.il r(nii\'.iU-nl of li^jlil iisinj; thi- latfst willies for tlu- Itl.ick Ixxly ronstaiils and llu- inciting point of plaliiniM). Till- s|HTtral luminous I'lTicicncy curxi.' ol>laiii(.-(l by T\iulall ami (iil)son is cuiployrd. It is found that omt tlii- t-nliri' range of probable values of the black bod\- constants, the values for the least mechanical e(|uivalent of IIkIu may be plotted as a straigln line in liTtns of ' sn that llic prix'nl conipiii.ii ions may be I'x- pressed in a simple e(iiiation in which any desired \aliies of the black Ixnly constants may be inserted. I'sinj; the latest \-alues the least mechanical equiN'alent of light is found to be .OOHil watts per lumen. This is practicalK' iilentical with the value obtained by using the author's earlier experimental determination using the monochromatic green mercury light, when combined with the (iibson and Tyndall liimuious efticiencN' cur\e. Pholoelfdric Properties of Thin Films of Alkali Melals.' HisREiicr i I-".. Ivi-:s. The thin hlms of alkali metals which deposit spontaneously on clean metal surfaces in highh' exhausted inclosures are studied. The alkali metals, sodium, potassiimi, rubidiimi. and caesium, in the thin film form all exhibit, to a striking degree, the selectise plioio- electric effect first discovered in sodium-potassium alloy. Kxperi- ments on \arying the thickness of the deposited film show that the selective effect only occurs at a certain stage of the tilni's (li\(l()[)- ment; for \-ery thin films the selecti\'e effect is absent, .iiid il dis- appears again for thick layers of the pure alkali metal. The wa\e- Icngth maxima of emission previously ascribed to the selecti\e effect in the pure alkali metals on the basis o{ observations with rough or colloidal surfaces are absent in these thin films. The Normal and Selective Photoelectric Effects in the Alkali MrUtIs and Their Alloys.*" Hkrbkrt E. Ivks and A. L. Johnsri d. The photoelectric currents from specular surfaces of molten sodiiuu. pol- assiimi. rubidium, and caesium, and their alloys are studied at \arious angles of incidence for the two principal planes of polariza- tion. The selective photoelectric effect is clearly exhibited only in the case of the lifjuid alloy of sodiimi and potassium. Wave-length distribution curves show maxima of emission, which are usually, but not always, most pronounced for light polarized with the electric vector parallel to the plane of incidence. The wave-length maxima previously assigned to the several elements are not confirmed; the ' .\strophysiral Journal, Vol. LX, No. 4, November, 1924. "" .Xstrophysical Journal, Vol. LX, No. 4, November, 1924. 344 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOURNAL maxima vary in position for the same element willi tlie condition and mode of preparation of the surface. Theory of the Schroteffekt}^ T. C. Fry. The current from a vacuum tube is composed of discrete particles of electricity which emerge according to no regular law but in an accidental, statistical fashion. The current therefore fluctuates with time. If the fluctua- tions are amplified sufficiently they may be heard in a telephone receiver as "noise" — a type of noise which is due to the mechanism of electron emission itself and nfit to outside interference. This noise is called the "SchrotefTekt." The effect is of certain importance from the telephone standpoint, for it appears that signals, the intensity of which is lower than that of the accidental current fluctuations, can never be rendered intel- ligible liy vacuum tube amplification since the noise due to the sta- tistical fluctuations of space current would be amplified to the same extent and would mask the signals. Fortunately, however, the effect is much less pronounced under operating conditions than it is under the conditions which are most favorable for laboratory study. This is due to the fact that the presence of space charge under operat- ing conditions smooths out the electron stream to a very material extent, and thus reduces the tube noise. The limitation imposed upon amplification is therefore not serious. The present paper deals with what we have termed "laboratory conditions" as distinct from "operating conditions." Its principal result, arrived at by theoretical consideration, is: That if the elec- trons are emitted independently of one another the intensity of the noise in the measuring instrument is S=VU'\, where v is tlu' luiiiibiT of t'it'ctroiis I'liiillt'd per unit liiiii' and ?c'i is the average over all electrons of the energ\' that each would have caused to be dissipated in the measuring tle\ice if not other had eviT been emitted. When this formula is ajjpiicd to llic ty|)i' nf sinipK tuned circuil that was considered by earlier writers, it leads to substantially the the same results as they had obtained. It is more general than these earlier results, however, and rests on less questionable methods of derivation. It is, in fact, more general than the problem of the SchrotefTekt itself and applies ecjually well to the absorption of energ>' from any type of accidental disturbance which satisfies the condition that the individual electromoti\-e impulses occur inde- " Journal of Franklin Institute, Vol, 109, p. 203, 1925. .IFSTRACTS OF PF.l.l. SYSTF.M TECIINICAL PAPERS 345 pciulently of one another. Static in r.iclio tek-phony anil rcrl.iiii types of crosstalk probably satisf\- these conditions. The Transmission i'nil." R. \'. L. H.vrti.ky. The Bell System has recently adopted a new transmission unit, abbreviated TU, for ex[>ressing those quantities which heretofore have been expressed in miles of standard cable, or in Fairofie in terms of the fil unit. It *is shown that units of this t>pe measure the logarithm of a ratio, and that the present art reijuires that this ratio be tiiat of two amoimts of [lower. Any of the proposed units may be so defined. Their essential difference is in the ratio chosen to correspond to one unit. The ratio chosen for the TU, 10 ' , makes it nearly the same in size as the 800-cycIe mile, which has advantages. It also facilitates the use of common logarithms in preference to natural logarithms for which the ratio e of the /3/ unit is adapted. A distortionless refer- ence system calibrated in 7"C/ is discussed, and conversion tables for the various units are given. The Thermionic Work Function of Oxide Coated Platinum}^ C. D.wissoN anf! L. H. Germer. Measurements of the thermionic work function of pure platinum coated with oxides of barium and strontium have been made simultaneously by two methods for the same segment of a uniformly heated filament. The theory of the measurements and the experimental arrangements are the same as used in an earlier e.xperiment on the thermionic work function of pure tungsten." Filament temperatures accurate to ±5°, were found from the resistance of the filament at 0° C. in conjunction with the temperature coefficients of resistance, (l) In the Calorimclric method the equivalent voltage of the work function was computed from the sudden voltage change resulting from switching off the space current, due to the cooling effect of the emission. The determination was much more difficult that in the case of the tungsten filament, and measurements were made at the signle temperature, 1064° K. At this temperature the work function was found to be equal to l.70±.03 volts. (2) In the temperature \ariation method ii was ftiund that, after the temperature had been changed suddenh from one value to another, the emission changed approximately exponen- tialh' from an initial value to a final steady value. The half value pericKl of this change varied from a few seconds at high temperature to over a quarter of an hour at low temperature. Interpreting this '• Klectrical Communications, July, 1924. London Klectrician, January 16 and U. 1025. " Physical Review, Vol. 24, p. 666, 1924. " Uavisson and Germer, Phys. Rev., 20, 300 (1922). 346 BEl.L SYSTEM TECTIMC.II. JOVRNAL phenomenon as due to a progressi\-e and reversible change of the character of the filament with temperature, the initial emissions after temperature changes from 10(i4 K, were used to determine the b constant of Richardson's et|uation corresponding to the c(|uilil)rium character of the filament at 1004° K, and similar measurements were made for the b constant corresponding to the character of the filament at 911° K. The two determinations lead, through the relationship = bk/e, to 1.79 volts and 1.60 volts for the correspond- ing values of (t>. For 10(54° K, then, the two methods give values for in agreement. The measurements are, howe\-er, not sufficiently accurate to give any indication whether or not an electron within the metal possesses the thermal energy '3kT/2. The various cor- rections made and possible errors are thoroughly discussed. It is pointed out that if the transition from the ecjuilibrium state at one temperature to that at another had occurred so rapidly as to avoid observation, a disagreement of 2.5 per cent, between the values of gi\'en by the Iwf) methods wnuKi lia\c been obtained wliicli miiL;lii have been misinterpreted. Contributors to this Issue Hi;khi-,ki \:. I\i;s, U.S.. rni\rr^it>- ol l'riins\ K.mi^i. IIMI.'); I'li.I)., Johns Hopkins. 1!)08; assistant and assistant |)h_\sirist, Hiireaii of Standards. liU)S ()(); [)hysicist, Nila Ri-soarch I-ahoralory, ("kveland, P.KH.t 12; physicist, rnited Cias IniprovcnR'nt C"onipan\'. F'hiladi-Iphi.x, liU'2 18; r. S. .-\rniy Air SiT\icf, IDIS M); research iiijiiiuer. W'esteVn Electric Company (Bell Telephone I,alK)ratories), 191!) to date. Dr. Ives" work has had to do principally with the production, measure- ment and utilization of liijlit. J. \V. HuRToN, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technolojiy, 1914; instructor in physics, 1914-lt); HnjjineerinR Department of the Western Electric Company, 1911) — . Mr. Horton has been cfosely connected with the development of apparatus for carrier current commimication. R.\i.zi;monu D. P.\kki:r. B.S., I'niversity of Michigan, 190.'); M.S., 190(5; instructor in Electrical Engineering, l'ni\-ersity of Michigan, l9(H>-09; assistant professor, 1909 1."?; Engineering Department, .American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1913-19; Department of Development and Research, 1919 — . Mr. Parker's work has related particularh- to telegraphy, included the development of printing telegraph apparatus, carrier, and metallic circuit systems for fine wire cables. A. B. Cl..\RK, B.E.K., I'niversity of Michigan. 1911; .\nurican Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, 1911-19; Department of Development and Research, 1919 — . Mr. Clark's work has been connected with toll telephone and telegraph systems. H. \V. Nichols, B.S., 1908. E.E.. 1911. Armour Institute of Tech- nolog>-; M.S.. 1909, Ph.D., 1918. University of Chicago; Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Armour Institute of Technology, 1909-14; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company (Bell Telephone Laboratories), 1914 — . Since 1916 Mr. Nichols has been in charge of the laboratories research in radio communication. J. C. ScHELLENG, A.B.. 1915; instructor in physics, Cornell I'ni- versity, 191") 18; Engineering Department, Western Electric Com- pany (Bell Telephone Laboratories), 191& — . Since 1918, Mr. Schelleng has been engaged in research in radio communication. 347 348 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOVRKAL T. C. Smith, B.S., Purdue l'niversit\-, 1010; Plain Kngineering, New York Telephone Company, 1010 14; engineering construction of high tension lines and municipal electric light plants. 1915; Outside Plant Engineering, \ew York Telephone C"ompan\ . lOli; 19; Aulo- moti\e Engineering, New York Telephone ("ompaiu, UU'.) L'l; Au- tomotive and Construction Apparatus Engiiieerin;^, Anuric.in Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1921 — . John R. Carson, B.S., Prin.cKui. I'.IOT; E.E., 1909; M.S., 1912; Re.search Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1910 12; instructor of ph>sics and electrical engineering, Princeton, 1912-14; American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, 1914-15; Patent Department, 1910 17; Flngineering Department, 1918; Department of Development and Research, 1919 — . Mr. Carson's work has been along theoretical lines and he has published sexeral papers on theor\- of electric circuits and elect ri( \va\c iiroiiagaticin. Kaki. K. Dakkiiw, S.H., I ni\ersity of Chicago. I'.Ml: I ni\ersii\ of Paris, 1911 12; LiiiversiiN oi Berlin, 1912; Ph.D., in ph\sics anil mathematics, l^niversity of Chicago, 1917; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company, 1917-24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925 — . Mr. Darrow has been engaged largely in jireparing studies and anahses of published research in \arious fields of ph\sics. Sai.i.ik Pkko Mkad, A.B., Barnard College, 1913; M.A., Columbia University, 1914; American Telei>honc and Telegraph Conipan\-, Engineering Department, 1915 19; Department of De\eloi)ment and Research, 1919 — . Mrs. Mead's work has been of a matlu in.ilic.i] character relating to telephone transmission. I ,.ur;,-..v ../ ■■/•:(.-./iki,i>i," London THE LATE OLIVER HEAVISIDE, F.R.S. The Bell System Technical Journal July. 1925 Oliver Heaviside By F. GILL ALTMOrciH abler pens' liave exjjressed ajjpreciation of the late ()li\er Heaviside, it is perhaps pcrmissil)le for an English tele- phone engineer to present a note reRardinR him. Of his hfe-history not very much is known; but he may ha\e been influenced in his choice of a career by the fact that he was a nephew of the famous telegraph engineer Sir Charles Wheatstone. Hea\iside was born in London on May 13, IS.iO; he entered the service of the GreatNorthern Telegraph Company, operating sui>marine cables, and he remained in that service, at Newcastle-on-Tyne, until 1874. While he was with the Telegraph Compan\-, he published in 1873 a paper showing the possibility of quadruples telegraphy. .■\t the age of about 24, owing, it is suggested, to increasing deafness, he left the ser\ice of that Compan>- and look up mathematical research work. How he acquired his mathematical training does not seem to be known;- perhaps he was self-taught, — in some of his Papers he implies it. By whatever means he mastered the principles, it is evident that he was an ardent student of Maxwell, for constantly in Heaviside's own writing runs a vein of appreciation of Maxwell. For some time he lived in London, then he mo\-ed to Paignton in Devonshire; his KIcctrical Papers are written from there, and he died at the neighboring town of Tor(|uay on February 4, 1925, in his 7.^th >ear. That is about all the personal history at present available, and yet it gives a clue to a dominant note in his character, viz., reluctance to come into prominence, originating, perhaps, in a kind of shyness, which ultimately led to the recluse state. It is strange that so remark- able an investigator should, in his earlier manhood, have convinced so few, notwithstanding the fact that his voluminous writings made his name well known. It must, however, be remembered that his articles were very difficult, even for advanced mathematicians to follow, for he used a system of mathematics which, at that time ' The FJedrician, \"ol. XCI\', p. 174, by Sir Oliver Lodge. F.R.S., O.M. Nature, Vol. 115, p. 2J7, by Dr. .•\lex. Russell, F.R.S. ' Was he the youth with the frown in the library? He says he "then died," but also says "he was eaten up by lions." (E.M.T., V'ol. Ill, pp. 1 and 135.) 349 350 BFJJ. SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL was unusual. Whatever the cause, the fact remains that until al)i)ul the year 1900 few engineers understood him. Coming to his work, what was it that Heaviside did, and upon what does his fame rest? That is too large a subject for a telephone engineer to answer fully, but as regards communication engineering something may be said. His great achie\emenl was the discovery of the laws governing the propagation of energy in circuits. He recognized the relationship between frequency and distortion; he illustrated it by numerical examples, and he showed what was re- quired to make a "distortionless circuit." Further, he showed the effects of "attenuation" and the result of "inductance" (these words were his own coinage) in improving telephony. He also explained how the inductance of circuits could be increased; he suggested the use of continuous loading, of lumped inductance in the form of coils, and he pointed out the difficulty of obtaining sufficiently low resistance in such coils. He in\esti8atcd the etTect of sea and land and the upper atmosphere on the propagation of radio energy and how it was that this energy could be transmitted o\er the mountain of earth intervening between two distant places. His acti\ity in these matters can best be illustrated by extracts from his writings, as follows: In his "Electrical Papers," \(ii. II, written in ISS", p. Uil, he gives numerical e\am[iles of fre(|uenc\' distortion and of its correction, and says : "It is tlie \er\- essence of good long distance teli-piion\- that inductance should not be negligible." In his "Electromagnetic Theor\-," \'oi. I, j)ui>iishe(l in hSiKi, he considers in Section 218, p. 441. "various ways, good and bad, of increasing the inductance of circuits" He suggests, page 44."), the use of ". . . inductance in isolated lumps. This means the insertion of inductance coils at inter\als in the main circuit. That is to say just as the effect of uniform leakage may be imitated by leakage concentrated at distinct points, so we should try to imitate the inertial effects of uniform inductance by concentrating the induct- ance at distinct points. The more points the better, of course . . . The Electrical difficulty here is that inductance coils ha\e resistance as well, and if this is too great the remedy is worse than the disease. I OLIll-.R lll-.insiDE 351 . . . To gi't larjjc inductance with small resistance, or, more gen- iT.ill\ , to make coils havinK large time constants, re(|uires the use of plenty of copper to get the conductance, and plenty of iron to get the inductance, employing a properly closed magnetic circuit profxrly di\ ided to prevent extra resistance and cancellation of th« increased inductance . . . This plan ... is a straightforward way of increasing the L largely without too much increasing the resistance and may be worth working out and de\elopment. But I should add that there is, so far, no direct evidence of the beneficial action of inductance brought about in this way." In "Klectrical Papers," \'oI. II. p. 'M\. he tieals with rctlected wa\es. and on page 347 he sa\s: "... but the transmitter and the recei\ ing teleplionc distort the proper signals themselves. The distortion due to the electrical part of the receiver may, however, be minimized by a suitable choice of its impedance. "Klectromagnetic Theory," \'ol. I, p. 404: — "We have seen that there are four distinct ciuantities which fundamentalh' control the propagation of 'signals' or disturbances along a circuit, symbolized by R, K, L, and 5, the resistance, external conductance, inductance, and permittance;" "Klectromagnetic Theory," \'ol. I, p. 411 : — "It is not merely enough that signals should arri\c without being distorted too much; but they must also be big enough to be useful . . . Nor can we fix any limiting distance by consideration of dis- tortion alone. And even if we could magnify very weak currents, say a thousandfold, at the receiving end, we should simultaneously magnify the foreign interferences. In a normal state of things interferences should be only a small fraction of the principal or working current. But if the latter be too much attenuated, the interferences become relatively important, and a source of very serious distortion. We are, therefore, led to examine the influence of the different circuit constants on the attenuation, as compared with their influence on the distortion." "F^lectrical Papers," \'ol. II, p. 402: — "I was led to it (the distortionless circuits), by an examination of the effect of telephones bridged across a common circuit (the proper place for intermediate apparatus, remo\'ing their impedance) on waves transmitted along the circuit." 352 HELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOCRSAL With regard tu Radii) COinmuiiicalion, one extract imisl suffice writing on The Electric Telegraph in June, 1902, for the Knc\clopedia Britannica, he says, — "Electromagnetic Theory," Vol. Ill, p. 335: — "There is something similar in 'wireless' telegraphy. Sea water, though transparent to light, has quite enough conductivity to make it behave as a conductor for Hertzian waves, and the same is true in a more imperfect manner of the earth. Hence the waves accommodate themselves to the surface of the sea in the same way as waves follow' wires. The irregularities make confusion, no doubt, but the main waves are pulled round by the curvature of the earth, and do not jump off. There is another consideration. There may possibly be a sufficiently conducting la\cr in the upper air. If so, the waves will, so to speak, catch on to ii more or less. Then the guidance will be by the sea on one side and the upper layer on the other. But obstructions, on land espccialK', may not be conducting enough to make waves go round them fairK'. The waves will go partly through them." Probably due to his long seclusion, his approach to certain subjects was rather critical. At one time I tried to get a portrait of him for the Institution of Electrical F-ngineers, but failed; — he did not wish to have his photograph exhibited, he thought that "one of the worst results (of such exhibition) was that it makes the public characters think they really are very important people, and that it is therefore a principle of their lives to stand upon doorsteps to be photographed." On another occasion when I sent him a copy of an article by a dis- tinguished telephone engineer on "The Heaviside Operational Cal- culus," he replied that he had "looked through the paper . . . with much interest, to see what progress is being made witii the academical lot, whom I have usually found to be very stublxirn and sometimes wilfully blind." Some have held that Heaviside was not reaignized as he ought to have been. This was probably the case some time ago, but not in recent years. The same is true of many very great men who were much in advance of their time, for the English have the national characteristic that they do not make much fuss about their great men. So if Heaviside suffered, he shared this experience in common with other pioneers who deserved higher recognition. See, for ex- ample, what Heaviside himself said about one of these, in a footnote in "Electromagnetic Theory," \oi. HI, p. 89: "George Francis Fitzgerald is dead. Tlic |)ninature loss of a man of such striking original genius and such wide syni|iathies oi.ii'f-K iir.irisiiu- 35.5 will hv nmsidtTi'd by those who kiu-w him and his work to l)i' a national niisfortune. Of roiirso, the 'nation' knows nothing about it. or why it should i)e so " DurinR the last 20 years or mori.-, tin- siKnidiMiui.- and luminous i|ualily of the work of Heaviside has been increasing by acknowledge;! mathematicians and by practical telephone, telegraph and radio engineers. To other electrical engineers his treatment of wave- transmission has not yet apjK'aled (|uite so strongly. Probably his first recognition came from his contribution to the problem — "Electromagnetic Induction and its Propagation" in the Electrician. It appeared as a .scries of articles between January, 1885 and December. 1887. His "Electrical Papers" were written at various times and were published in two volumes in 18!)2. Then followed his three volumes on "Electromagnetic Theory" — on the basis of the Electrician articles— published in 18!>3, 1899 and 1912. He also wrote, in 1902, the article on the "Theory of the Electric Telegraph" in the "F^ncyclopedia Britannica." In 1891. the Royal Society made him a Eellow. In 1899, the -American Academy of Arts and Sciences elected him an Honorary Member. In 1908 the Institution of Electrical Engineers did the same, followed by the American Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1917. The Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester also elected him an Honorar\- Member. He was an Hon. Ph.D. of the University of Gottingen. and in 1921, the Institution of Electrical Engineers conferred upon him the highest award in their gift — the Faraday Medal. He was the first recipient of this Medal which was established to commemorate the ,50th anniversary of the founding of the original Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians, and since then the medal has been bestowed upon -Sir Charles Parsons, Dr. S. Z. de Ferranti, and Sir J. J. Thom.son. From time to time there were reports of his li\ing in great poverty, and attempts were made to help him. These reports lacked propor- tion, but it is true he had not much money and perhaps still le.ss com- fort; he was a difficult man to help. Towards the end of his life he received from the British Government a Civil Pension. His inde- pendent character rendered it necessar>- that offers of assistance should be tactfully made and apparently this was not always the case, as I believe help was sometimes refused; but there were those who suc- ceeded. Another difficulty was his unconventional mode of living which causelc practice. This cjlile represents the first practical application of iiiihictive loading to transiK'eanic cables. The copper conductor of the cable is surrounded by a thin l.iyer of the new magnetic material, (lermalloy, which serves to increase its inductance and conseipiently its ability to transmit a rapii>ment leading up to the first commercial installation. Particular attention is given to those features of the transmission problent wherein a practical cable differs from the ideal cable of previous theoretical dis- cussions. Brief mention is made of means of operating loaded cables and the |h)S- sible trenil of future development. I'KR.M.M.LOV Lo.\I)IN(. Till-; .iiiiioiiiufnu-iil on Se()loml)er 21, 1921, that an oprr.itiii^; speed of over l,iOO letters per minute had been oljtained with the new 2,;i00 mile New \'ork-A/ores permalloy-loaded cable of the Western I'nion Telegraph Company, brought to the attention of the public a development which promises to revolutionize the art of sub- n:arine cable telegraphy. This announcement was based on the result of the first test of the operation of the new cable. A few weeks later, with an improved adjustment of the terminal a[)[)aratiis, a speed of over 1,900 letters per minute was obtained. Since this speed represents about four times the traffic capacity of an ordinary cable of the same size and length, it is clear that the permallo\-loaded cable marks a new era in transoceanic communication. The \ew York-Azores cable represents the first practical attempi to secure increased speed of a long submarine telegraph cable by inductive loading and it is the large distributed inductance of this cable which is principally responsible for its remarkable performance. This inductance is secured b>' surrotinding the conductor of the cable with a thin layer of permalloy. Fig. 1 shows the cf)nstruction of the deep sea section of the cable. In appearance it differs from the ordinary ty|K- t>f cable principally in ha\'ing a permalloy tape 0.00 > inch thick and 0.125 inch wide, wrapped in a close helix around the stranded cop[H-r conductor. Permalloy, which has been described by Arnold and Mlmen,' is an allf)y consisting principally of nickel and iron, characterized b\' very ' Presented iH-fore the A. I. E. E., June 26, 1Q25. '- Jour. Franklin Inst.. \ol. 195, pp. 621-6.?2, May 192.5; B. S. T. J., \ol. II, N'o. 3, p. 101. 355 356 BELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOLRXAI. high permeability at low magnetizinR forces. The relative propor- tion of nickel and iron in permalloy may be varied through a wide range of additional elements as, for example, chromium may be added to secure high resistivity or other desirable properties. On account Fi};. 1 — rtriiialloN -Loaded C'alile. .Al)o\c, section of deep sea ty[>e showing con- struction. Below, section of core showing permalloy tape partly unwound. of its extremely high initial permeabilit\- a ihiii la\er of |)ermalloy wrapped around the copper conductor of a cable great 1\- increases its inductance even for the smallest currents. In the case of the New York-Azores cable the permalloy tape is composed of approximately 78\2% nickel and 21 J o*^ iron and gives the cable an inductance of about 54 millihenries per nautical mile. An approximate \alue of the initial permeal)ilit\' of the permallo\' in that cable ma\- be got by assuming the helical tape replaced b>' a continuous c\'linder of magnetic material of the same thickness.' This material would have to ha\e a jxTmeabiiity of about 2,300 to give the observed inductance. A belter appreciation of the extraor- dinar\- properties of the new loading material may be obtained b>' (■om|)aring this [lermeabiiity with tlial w liich has pre\'iously been obtained with iron as the loading material. The Key West-Ha\ana telephone cables are loaded with 0.1)0^ inch diameter s onK alxml II."), 'The true initial pernieaMlity is slightly higher. To loiiipiite it, account nuist he taken of the fact that, contrary to what has lH.'en sometimes assumed, the mag- netic lines of in(hiction in the tape do not form doseil loops around the wire but tenil to follow the tape in a helical path. The pitch of the helical path of the lines of induction is slightly less than that of the permalloy tape with the result that a line of induction takes a numher of turns around the conductor, then crosses an airgap Iwlween two adjacent turns of tape and continues along the tape to a point where it again slips hack across an airgap. O. K. Buckley, British Patent No. 206,104, March 27, 1924, also K. U. Wagner, K.N.T., Vol. f, No. S, p. 1.S7, 1924. ruF. i.oAi^rn sin.M.ih'ixr. rr.rr.CK.ii'if c.ini.r. .157 or api>r<>xiniatt'ly mu'-twi'iilii'lli iImI of ilu- pt-rtn.illoy t.ipc nf tlu' New York-Azori-s cal>li-. 1'ki)HI.i:ms I'.st ointisKici) Tlu- |)ri)|)(i>.il Id um' |Hrm.illi)\ liLuliii^ lo iiii rciM- tin- -.pct-d uf li)HK tflt-nraph cal)li's was <>iu' outronu' of an in\ isti^;ation under- takt'ii liy the author soon after the war to determine whetlier some of the new melho- loaded cable a large number of new problems, both theoretical and practical, had to be solved iK'fore the manufacture of a cable for a commercial project could be uniiertaken with reasonable assurance of success. The problems encountered were of three principal kinds. First was that of the transmission of signals over a cable having the characteristics of the trial conductors made in the laboratory. Although the theory of transmission o\er a loaded cable had been prexiously treated by others, the problem considered had been that of an ideal loaded cable with simple assumptions as to its electrical constants and without regard to the practical limitations of a real cable. The second class of problems had to do with the practical aspects of design, manu- facture and installation. In this connection an extensive series of exiHTiments was conducted to determine the means required to secure at the ocean bottom the characteristics of the laboratory samples on which the transmission studies were based. Among the numerous problems which arose in this connection were those con- cerned with protecting the copper conductor from any possible dam- age in the heat-treating operation which was necessary to secure the desired magnetic characteristics, and those concerned with protecting the strain-sensitive permalloy tape from being damaged by sub- merging the cable to a great depth. The third class of problem had to do with terminal apparatus and methods of operation. The prospective speed of the new cable was ciuite bcyonti the capabilities of standard cable equipment and accordingly new apparatus and operating methods suited to the loaded cable had to be worked out. In particular it was necessary to develop and construct instruments which could l)e used to demonstrate that the speed which had been predicted could actually be secured. The success of the investiga- tions along all three lines is attested by the results which were ob- tained with the New York-Azores cable. lig. 2 shows a section of cable recorfler slip, the easily legible message of which was sent from 358 KELI. SVSTFM TECHX/C.IL JiHKXAL Horta, I'a\al, and rc-iei\t_-(l al New ^'llrk• at a speed 'pe, without loading, is essentially, so far as its electrical properties are concerned, a resist- ance WMth a capacity to earth distributed along its length. .Although it does ha\e some inductance, this is loo small to affect transmission at ordinary sjieeds of operation except on cables with extremely heavy 77//. i.o.inr.ii sciiM.ikixi i ni.icK.irn (.inir. .w oondiiitors. Thi- o|KT;itinn spii-d of a non-loailctl inhlv is approxi- mately inversi'ly proportional to the product of the total resistance l)V the total capacitv-: that is, 5= *-^ CRP' where C is capacity anil R resistance per unit lenRlh, and / is the length of the cable. The coerticient k is generally referred to as the speed constant. It is. of course, not a constant since it depends on such factors as terniinal interference and method of operation, hut is a convenient basis for comparing the efticiencj' of operation of cables of different electrical dimensions. .As the techni(|ue of oper- ating cables has improved the accepted value of k has increased, its value at any time being dependent on the factor then limiting the maximum speed obtainable. This factt)r has at times been the sensiti\eness of the receiving apparatus, at other times the distor- tion of signals, anti in recent years interference. During a great part of the history- of submarine cable telegraphy distortion was considered the factor which limited the speed of operation of long cables and on this account most of the previous discussif)ns of submarine cable transmission have been concernefl principally with distortion and means for correcting it. As terminal apparatus was gradually im- proved means of correcting distortion were fleveloped which prac- tically eliminated distortion as an important factor in the operation of long cables. With ilistortion thus eliminated the speed was found to be limited principally by the sensitiveness of the receiving ap- paratus. This limit was, however, eliminated in turn by the develop- ment of signal magnifiers. During recent years, in which numerous cable signal magnifiers have been available and methods of correcting distortion have been understood, the only factor limiting cable speed has been the mutilation of the feeble received signals by interference. Most cables are operated duplex, and in these the speed is usually limited by interference between the outgoing anrl incoming signals. In cables operated simplex, and also in cables operated duplex where terminal conditions are unfavorable, speed is limited by extraneous interference which may be from natural or man-made sources and which varies greatK' in diU'erent locations. The strength of the received current must in either case be great enough to make the signals legible through the sujierposed interference current. Owing to the rapidit> with which the received signal amplitude is decreased as the speed of sending is increased, the limiting speed is quite sharply defined by the interference to which the cable is subject. Mi) fiiiij. svsrr.M ir.ciixic.ii. jor rx.il Means of In-(kr.\sin(; Spekd With the speed of operation thus limited there were two ways in which the hniiling speed could he increased; the interference could be reduced, or the strength of signals made greater. No great reduc- tion in interference due to lack of perfect duplex balance could be expected, as balancing networks had already been greatly refined. Extraneous interference in certain cases could be reduced by the use of long, properly terminated sea-earths. The signal strength could be increased either by increasing the sending voltage or by decreasing the attenuation of the cable. However, with duplex operation nothing at all is gained by increasing the voltage in cases where lack of perfect duplex balance limits the speed, and wiili sini|)lex operation any gain from raising the \'oltagc is obtained at tlu- cost of increased risk to the cable, the sending voltage being usually limited to about 50 volts by considerations of safety. The attenuation of the cable could be reduced and the strength of the signal increased by use of a larger copper conductor or by using thicker or better insulating material. None of these possilile improvements, h()we\"er, seemed to offer pros- pect of very radical advance in the art. In telephony, both on land and submarine lines, an advantage had been obtained b>' adding inductance ' in either of two ways, by coils inserted in series with the line or by wrapjiing the conductor with a layer of iron. The insertion of coils in a long deep-sea cable was practicalh' i)rohibited by difficulties of installation and maintenance. Accordingly, only the second method of adding inductance, com- monly known as Krarii]) or continuous loading, could be considered 'The idea of improving the transmission of signals over a line by adding dis- tril)Uted indiictanie to it originated with Oliver lleaviside in 1887 (Klectrician, Vol XIX, p. 79, and I-:iectromagneti<- Theory, \ol. I, p. 441, 18W), who was the first to eall attention to the part pla\ed !)>■ inductance in the transmission of current impulses over the cable. He suggeste is for an ideal loaded cable in which the factors of resistance, capacity and inductance are constant. In a real loaded cable none of these factors are constant and the arrival curve cannot be simply and accurately computed. Even the capacity which is usually assumed as constant for real cables varies appreciably with freciuencies in the telegraph range, and owing to the fact that gutta pcrcha is not a perfect dielectric material its conductance, which is also variable with frequency, must be taken into account. Although the inductance of the cable is sub- stantially constant for small currents of low frequency, it is greater for the high currents at the sending end of the cable on account of the increase of magnetic permeability of the loading material with field strength and is less at high fre(|uencies than at low on account of the shielding effect due to eddy currents. The resistance is highly 77//i I.O.inr.D \l HM.IKIXli ir.l.liCN.U'll C.IHI.Ii A,.? variable sinci- it comprises, in addition to tin- rosislatici- of the copper conductor, etTecli\e resistance due to eddy currents and hysteresis in the loadini; material, l>otli of which \ary witli fre(iuenc>' and current anjplitude. I'lirlhermore, there is \arial)le inductance and resistance in the return circuit outside tlie insulated conduitor wliicli must !"■ 3500 r ! , 1 ■ / I J / 3000 / — / r / 2500 / / / / 2000 / y / / / 5 1500 Q. / / - 1 f / < 1 1000 / l\ "h f J 500 / f / / i c L^ / O.I 0.Z 0.3 0.4 SECOND 0.5 0.6 Fig. i — .\rrival Curves, a. .N'on-loatlcd cable, b. Ideal loaded cable, c. Real loaded cable Capproximate) taken into account. .Xithougii it is very difficult to compute the e.xact arrival curve of a cable subject to all of these variable factors, an approximate calculation in a specific case like that of the New York-Azores cable shows that the arrival curve has the general shape f)f Curve c of Fig. H. It will \te noticed that although this arrival curve lacks the sharp definite head, characteristic of the ideal loaded cable, it still has a relatively sharp rise and that the lime ref|uired for the impulse to traverse the cable is nf)l greatly difTcrent from that of the ideal loaded cable. 3(A BELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL Although it is ciittitult to take- exact account of \bv \aiial)lc char- acteristics of the loader! cable in the solution of the transient problem, it is easy to take account of them in the steady state or iK-riotlic analysis by means of well-known methods. If a steady sinusoidal voltage, Vs, is applied at one end of the cable the resulting voltage, /,, at the distant end will lie gi\-en b\- the e(|uali(in where / is the leiii;lli, P, the |)r()pagalion coiislaiit of tlie caljle and k, a constant which depends on the terminal impedance and which is unity in case the cable is terminated at the receiving end in its so- called characteristic impedance. Tiie propatjation constant is gi\eii by the formula, P=\/{R+ipL){G+ipCJ = a+ifi, where R is the resistance, L, the inductance, G, the leakance and C, the capacity per unit length and p is 2w times the frequency. The real part of the propagation constant, a, is called the attenuation constant and the imaginary part, /3, the wave length constant. By separating a and 0 the amplitude and phase displacement of the received voltage relative to the sent voltage may be computed for any particular frequency and the behavior of a complex signal train may be worked out b^■ analyzing it into its Fourier components and treating them separately. The phase shift is, however, of importance mainly as regards the shape of the received signals and their amplitude may, in general, be obtained from the attenuation constant alone. Thus if it is known that the signal shai>e can in any case be corrected by terminal networks there is no need to be concerned with more than the attenuation constant to compute the speed of the cable. In the case of a cable of the permalloy loaded type, a is gi\en with an apijroximation " sufficiently close for the purposes of this discus- siiiii li\' llie (-(iiKilidii. uu-<-P-y For the purpose of comi)uting R it is ciiineiiienl to sejiarate it into its components, giving a=^yj^^(^R, + R. + R, + R,+ ^^,Ly ' Kor accuriite cuinputation of iittenu.itloii the coiiipUtc furimila for a must be Till- i.o.inr.n scnM.iKixr. rr.i.v.cK.irii ciiur m6 wh«Tr R. = copper resistance per unit leni;th K, =e• a direct current measurement of the loaded conductor since the resistance of the loading tape is so hi^h and its length is so great that the current Howing longitudinally through it may be safely neglected. The eddy current resistance Rt is given approximately by the fornuiia, R,= p(d-iy where / is the lliickness or diameter of the loatling ta[)e or wire, d, the outside diameter of the loaded conductor, /, the fref|uenc\-, p, the resistivity of the loading material, fi, its magnetic permeability and HI. a constant which depends on the form of the loading material and is in general greater for tape than for wire loading. Although it is possible to compute a %alue of in, the \'alue found in practice is s larger than the theoretical \alue which is necessarily based on simple assumptions and does not take into account such a factor as variation of permeability through the cross-section or length of the loading material. Accordingly it is necessary to determine m ex- fierimentally for any particular type of loaded contluctor. The sea-return resistance may be safely neglected in the com- putation of slow speed non-loaded cables, but it is a factor of great consequence in the behavior of a loaded cable. By sea-return re- sistance is meant the resistance of the return circuit including the eflFect of the armor wire and sea water surrounding the core of the cable. Although the exact calculation ' of this resistance factor is too complex to be discussed here, the need for taking it into account may be quite simply explained. Since the cable has a ground return, current must flow outside the core in the same amount as in the con- ductor. The distribution of the return current is, howe\er, dependent on the structure of the cable as well as on the frequencies in\T)lved in signalling. If a direct current is sent through a long cable with the earth as return conductor the return current spreads out through sucl^ a great volume of earth and sea water that the resistance of the return path is negligible. On the other hand if an alternating current is sent through the cable the return current tends to concentrate 'See Carson and Gilbert, Jour. Franklin Inst., Vol. 192, p. 705, 1921: FJeclrician, Vol. 88, p. 499, 1922; B. S. T. J., Vol. I, No. 1, p. 88. 366 HELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL around it, the degree of concentration increasing with the frequency. With the return current thus concentrated the resistance of the sea water is of considerable consequence. It is further augmented by a resistance factor contributed by the cable sheath. This may be better understood by considering the cable as a transformer of which the contluctor is the primary and the armor wire and sea water are each closed secondary circuits. Ob\iously the resistances of the secondary circuits of armor wire and sea water enter into the primary circuit and hence serve to increase the attenuation. Tiie presence of the armor wires may thus be an actual detriment to the trans- mission of signals. To take account of the hysteresis resistance, /?/,, and also of the increased inductance and eddy current resistance at the sending end of the cable it is most convenient to compute the attenuation of the cable for currents so small that Rh may be safely neglected. The attenuation thus computed is that which would be obtained over the whole cal)Ie if a \(t\ small sending voltage were used. The additional attenuation at tiie sending end for the desired sending voltage ma\- then be appro.ximated by computing successively from the sending end the attenuation of short lengths of cable over which the current amplitude may be considered ci>nstant, the attenuations of separate lengths being added together to gi\e the attenuation of that part of the cable in which hysteresis cannot be neglected. In this computation account must, of course, be taken of the increased inductance and eddy current resistance accom|xui\ing the higher currents at the sending end. Having calculated or obtained by measurement the sc\eral resist- ance factors and knowing the capacity, leakance and inductance, the whole attenuation of a cable for any desired frequency may be com- puted and a curve drawn showing the variation of received current with frequency for a given sending voltage. This relation for a particular case is shown in Curve c of Fig. 4. Cur\e a shows for comparison the relation between frequency and received current of a non-loaded cable of the same size, that is, a cable ha\ing a conductor diameter the same as that of the loaded conductor and having the same weight of gutta percha. Curve b shows the behavior of an ideal loaded cable having tlie same inductance, ca|)acity and d.c. resistance as the real loaded cable of Curve c, but in which the leakance and alternating current increments of resistance are assumed to be zero. Now, if the level of interference through which the current must be received is known, the maximum speed of signalling for the loaded cable may be obtained from Curve c It is that speed at which the 77//; /.(>. »/)/;/) S( It.M.IRIXr. Tl.l.lCKAl'll C.IHI.I- .V.7 hisht'st frtMiiK-nry ru'»i'ssar>' to m.iki- tlu- siv;iials li-nil)le is rccfivccl with siiHuii'iU amplitudi' to salVly override the siifjerposetl inter- ferenri-. Just what tin- rchitioii of tliat friciuiiuy is to the speed of sij^naUiiiv; cannot l)e detinitel>' stated, sinie it depends on the nietliod of operation and code emplo\ed as well as on the doired perfection 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 700 1 1 \ ' ' 1 \ \ k 1 \ ^ b 400 \ I \ 1 ' , ' 300 \ 1 t \ 1 \, ' N \ 1 \ i ' ' \ •X 1 VJ '^ L-ui L^ 20 30 40 50 CYCLES PER SECOND 70 60 Kig. 4 — Received Current vs. l"rcquc-ncy. a. Non-loaded cable cable, c. Real loaded cable h. Ideal loaded of signal shape. J. \V. Milnor '' has suggested that for cable code operation and siphon recorder reception a fair value is about 1.5 times the fundamental frecpicncy of the signals, that is, the funda- mental freciuency when a series of alternate dots and dashes is being sent. r(i(iii li.id lo Ik- inatio as to the extraneous interfercnre whicli would be encountered. Theoretical considerations led us to believe that the loaded cable woidd l>c no more subject to external interference than non-loaded cables. It even appeared that it would be less affected by some tyf)es of interference, for, owinjj to the shorter wave-lcnRth for a niven frequency, a disturbance which affects a great many miles of cable simultaneously is less cumulative in its effect at the terminal of a loaded than a non-loaded cable. A reasonable assumption seemed to be that the total o\erall attenuation which could be tolerated for the loaded cable was at least as jjreat as that which experience had shown to be permissible ftir simplex operation of non-loaded cables. This maximum permissible attenuation depends, of course, on conditions of terminal interference and no fixed value can be given as applicable to all cables. However, for average conditions of terminal interference in locations free from pf)wer line disturb- ances and where the cable lies in relati\-ely deep water near to its terminal landing, a reasonable value of total attenuation constant for the fundamental frequency- of cable code is about 10 (8(5.9 T.l f.) for recorder operation and about 0 (78.2 T.U.) for relay operation. These were the approximate %alues assumed for the New York-Azores cable and later experience has demonstrated that they were well justified. ■ DlSTORTIUX I.V Lo.XDED ( AHl.KS Throughout all of the preceding discussion it has been assumed that the relation between attenuation and terminal interference would limit the speed of simplex operation rather than that distortion of signal shafje would be the limiting factor. Although this is, in fact,'" the case with non-loaded cables it was not -self-evident as regards the loaded cable, and to make reasonably certain that the speed could be determined from the attenuation-frequency relation required a demonstration that the signal distortion of a real loaded cable could be corrected by suitable terminal apparatus. One of the merits long claimed for loading was that it would reduce dis- tortion and, indeed, an ideal loaded cable with constant inductance and without magnetic hysteresis, eddy current loss, dielectric leak- ance and sea return resistance would have very little distortion and would give a speed limited only by terminal apparatus. However, >• Recent work of J. R. Carson (U. S. Patent 1,315,539—1919) and R. C. Mathes (U. S. Patent 1,311,283 — 1919) has shown that with the combined use of vacuum tube amplifiers and distortion correcting networks, distortion in non-loaded cables can be compensated to any desired degree. 370 BELL SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOURNAL a real loaded cable, the iiKiiiciance of which \aries with both cuirent and frequency and in which all the above noted resistance factors are present, may give, and in general will give when operated at its maximum speed, greater distortion of signals than a non- loaded cable. To solve the question of distortion on a purely theoretical basis required consideration of tiie transmission of a transient over the loaded cable. This was made extremely difficult by the existence of numerous possible causes of signal distortion, the effects of which could only be approximated in the solution of the transient problem. In addition to the distortion resulting from the rajjid increase of attenuation with fre(]uency due to the various sources of alternating current losses, distortion peculiar to the magnetic characteristics of the loading material had also to bo taken into account. There art several types of magnetic distortion to be concerneioilion of a loadi-d lahli- could be corrected by terminal apjiaralus, was obtained b\' exiK-riments with an arti- I'uial lini' constructed to simulate closeK', with regard to electrical characteristics, the t>lie of loaded conductor witli whicli we were then experimenting. This artiticial line was loaded wiili iron dust core coils which served the purpose admirabh'. not oiiU- as regards in- ductance and alternating current resistance but also as regards m.ignetic distortion. Iron dust is, of course, very different in its magnetic characteristics from permalloy. However, owing to i In- large number of turns on a coil, it is operated u mwU liighcr held strengths and on a part of the magnetization cur\c corresponding approximately to thai at which permalloy is operated on the cable. The ca-ic for magnetic distortion was in fact .i little worse with the nil: i.o.inin si KM.uaxr. n.i.i.cn.ii'ii c.tni.r. .171 artilicial lint- ih.m witli the tluii |)r()p()st(l c.ildi-. 1"^. ") sliows a photi)- graph of the artificial liiu', tlie roils of wliicli arc in tin- larj^c iron jxits and the resistance and paper condenser capacil>' units of which are in the steel cases. This line was e(|ui\alent to a l.TtM) nautical mile calile loaded with M) millihenries per ii.m. .ind o\(,r it leKil>I<' I'ig. 5 — Luailitl Artificial Lint- signals were secured at speeds up to more than 2, GOO letters per minute. Such a sfieed of operation was quite beyond the range of the then available telegraph instruments, and accordingly special transmit- ting and receiving instruments were required. The multiplex dis- tributor of the Western Klectric printing telegraph system proved an excellent transmitter for experimental purposes and, for receiving, 372 BELL SYSIEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL use was made of a rdinluru'd xacuiiiii Uibe aiiiplitier and signal shaping network, the signals being recorded on a string oscillograph. Fig. 6 shows part of a test message received over the loaded artificial cable at a speed of 2,240 letters per minute. The results of the tests with the artificial loaded cable were en- tirely in agreement with our (■.•ilrnlatinn-; anri showed iliat it was Fig. 6 — Test Message. Signals received April 16, 1920, over coil-loaded artificial line equivalent to a 1700 n.m. cable with 30 m.h. n.ni. Speed 2240 letters per minute possible to obtain satisfaclor\' signal sliape with a coil-loaded cable having alternating current resistance and distortion factors ap- proximating those of the permalloy-loaded cable. The exact behavior of the proposed cable, including such factors as sea-return resistance and a somewhat \ariable distributed inductance, could not, of course, be duplicated without prohibitive expense. The approximation was considered, howe\er, to be sufficiently good to justif>' proceeding with a loaded cable installation so far as questions of signal shaping were concerned. It is interesting to note that the factor which limited the operating speed of the artificial loaded cable was one which is not present in a continuously loaded cable but which would possiljly be a serious factor in the operation of a coil loaded cable, nameK^he oscillations " resulting from the finite size and separation of the inihu'l.iiu't' units. Oi'KR.MioN oi- Loaded Cables With the comijlelion of the artificial loaded cable tests there was still one principal question of transmission which had to remain unanswered until a cable had been installed. This was the question of balancing the cable for duplex operation. Ordinary submarine cables are generally operated duplex, the total speed in the two directions being usually from about 1.3 to 2 times the maximum simplex or one-way speed. Except in cases where the external inter- ference is very bad, the limitijig speed of duplex operation is deter- mined by the accuracy with which an artificial line can be made the electrical equivalent of the cable. OrdinariK the aitiliciai line is " Carson, Trans. .■X. I. E. E., Vol. iS, p. 345, 1919. THE LOADED SUBMARINE TEl.EGH.II'll C.IHI.I-. 373 tnailf up only of units of resistance and capacity arranged to ap- proximate the (listributeil resistance anfl capacit>' f)f tlie cable. Some- times inductance units are added to l>.il,in(c the small inductance which even a non-loaiietl cal)le has. In ilir actual operation of cables, artificial lines are adjusted with the greatest care and a remark- able precision of balance is obtained. This is necessary because of the great difference in current amplitude of the outgoing and incoming signals, the former being of the order of 10,000 times the latter. It is quite obvious that it will be much nKjre dilticult to secure duplex of)eration with a loaded than with an ordinary cable, since not only do the copp)er resistance and the dielectric capacity have to be bal- anced, but the artificial line must also be provided with inductance and alternating current resistance. Also the sea-return resistance and inductance which vary with frequency must be balanced. In view of these dirticullies it will probably be impossible to get as great a proportionate gain from duplex operation of loaded cables as is secured with ordinary cables. However, it is quite evident that it will be possible to secure duplex operation at some speed, since, with loaded as with non-loaded cables, the ratio of received to sent current increases rapidly as the speed is reduced and on this account it is much easier to duplex the cable at low speeds than at high. To make duplexing worth while on a cable with approximately equal traffic loads in Ixjth directions it is in general only necessary to get a one-way duplex speed half as great as the simplex speed. In fact in some cases the operating advantages of duplex would warrant even a slower duplex speed. On the other hand, there are cables on which the tratiRc is largely undirectional through most of the day and which would accordingly require a one-way duplex speed somewhat higher than half the simplex speed to justify- duplex oper- ation. Whether a suflicienth- great speed of duplexing could be secured to justify designing a cable on the basis of duplex operation could not be judged in advance of laying the first cable, and accordingly it was decided to engineer that cable on the basis of simplex operation. Although it was expected that the new cable might at first have to be operated simplex it should not be supposed that any great diffi- culty or loss of operating efficiency was anticipated on this account. The sfx-ed of the New York-Azores cable is so great that to realize its full commercial advantage practically requires working it on a multi-channel basis as, for example, with a Baudot code, multiplex system, similar to that used on land lines. Such a system may be conveniently adapted to automatic direction reversal and with this modification most of the common objections to simplex operation are 374 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL removed. Indeed, simplex operation may in this case possess a real advantage over duplex from the commercial point of view since it permits dividing the carrying capacity of the cable most efficiently to handle the excess of traffic in one direction. Although means have been made available for making efficient use of the loaded cable it should be recognized that the method of operation best suited to satisfy commercial demands must be deter- mined from future experience with cables of the new type. This is especially true with regard to relatively short cables. The discussion of the loaded cable problem in this paper has been confined wholly to the realm of long ocean cables where the limitations of the cable rather than terminal equipment or operating rec|uirements determine the best design. This is the simplest case and the one which at present seems to show the greatest gain from loading. Where traffic require- ments are limited and where there is no prospect of ever requiring higher speed than can be obtained with a non-loaded cable of reason- able weight, the ad\'antage of loading is less and becomes smaller as the weight of non-loaded cable which will accomplish the desired result decreases. It should not be concluded, howe\er, that loading will not find important application to short cables. Many short cables are parts of great systems and must be worked in conjunction with long cables. In such cases it may pay to load short sections where otherwise loading would not be justified. Permalloy loading also offers great possibilities for multiple-channel carrier-telegraph operation on both long and short cables and with this t>pe of opera- tion in prospect it is too early, now, to suggest limits to the future applications of permalloy to cables or to predict what will be its ultimate effect on transoceanic commimication. Useful Numerical Constants of Speech and Hearing By HARVEY FLETCHER Ndtk: The material given in this p;iper was prrparoil in ,i more con- ilensol form for piililiratlon in the International t ritical Tables. In order to make it available in convenient form for the use of telephone engineers it was ileemeil atlvisable to publish it in this journal. The author is intlebtcr by H. Fletcher, Bell Tech. Jour., Xol. H, 4, pp. 178-180, Oct., 1023. 11. .AnsoiA'TE Sexsitimtv of the Ev\r The sensitivity is the minimum audible rins pressure in dynes cm~- in ear canal. The values below are the average of the results of Wien (Arch. f. ges. Physiol. 97, p. 1, 1903), Fletcher and Wegcl (Phys. Rei:. 19, p. 'yn.i. June, 1922), and Kranz (P/»V5. Rei<., 21. p. .57:?, May, 1923) weighted 3, 72. and 1 L respectively according to number of ears tested T.ABI.t: I Frequencv (dv)' 64 12S 256 512 1024 204,S 4t)% Sensitivity (dynes I 12 .021 .OO.V) .(X)l 00052 (K)04I 00042 111. MiNtMiM Audible Power for a Normal Ear The power in microwatts passing through each square centimeter in the wave front of a free progressive wave in air under average conditions is related to the rms pressure in dynes by the formula P = 20.WJ- The figures of Table I may be converted by this formula to minimum audible powers. It is thus seen that the minimuin audible accoustical power is at freciuencies between 2,000 and 4,000 vibrations per second and is equal to 4X10"'° microwatts per square centimeter ' The symbol dv is used to denote "double" or complete vibrations. 375 376 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL IV. Range of Audition in Frequency and Intknsity In Fig. 1 the lower curve is a plot of the average sensitivity values given in Table I. The upper curve gives the pressures that produce a sensation of feeling and serves as a practical limit to the range of auditory sensation. (Wegel, Bell Tech. Jour., 1, p. '^^^, e 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16354 rREOUtUCY D.V. 300 400 SCO 600 100 BOO 900 lOOO 1100 1200 1300 1400 PITCH UNIfS. Fig, 1 November, 1922.) In\estigators vary from about S to 10 il\ Inr the lower pitch limit and from about 12,000 to 35,000 dv for tlic upper limit. (See I.) The values of 20 and 20,000 dv shown (ni the chart were taken as being most representative. Half of the observations lie within the dotted curves. The pitch is equal to 100 logo iV and the sensation units equal to 20 log P where iV is the frcciuency and P is the pressure. (Fletcher, Joiir. Frank. Inst., 194, \' . M MM I M 1'i;K( El'TIHI.R I NTREASE IN Intensity and Frequency (Knudsen, Phys /?«' 21, P- 84, Jan., 1923) Sensat ion Le vel in Sensation Pf r C t-nt Increase in Intensity Units or TU's tL be Just lVrccptil)le 10 li 20 14 30 12 40 11 SO 10.6 60 to 101) 10 Per Cent Increase in Frc(iiiency to be Just Frequency Perceptible 64 .93 128 .59 256 .40 512 .32 768 to 4096 .30 NUMERICAL CONSTANTS OF SPTrCII .(A7) HEARING 377 p. 28i>. Sopt.. 1023.) The sonsalimi l,\tt S of a smind is (litincd I)y p 5 = 20 loK where P„ i.s the tlireshold pressure, or it is llu- miniher of sensation units al)o\e the tlireshold of audil>iiil>-. Tliese sensation units are the s.iine as the transmission units used in tele|)lione ea- Kineerinn- The per cent increase in fretiucncy to lie just perce()lil)Ic varies with sensation level in about the same way as does the per cent increase in intensity to be just perceplil)le. The values arc for monaural re- ception the tones beinjj heard successively. \I. TiiK \imhi:r of Doriu.R \ihr.\ti()\s Nfxess.arv to DetivRmine Pitch (Bode, Psychol. Stud.. 2. p. -JU:}, l'.l()7) T.XHI.K II Weak Tones Medium Tones Freq. dv Time (sec.) No. of dv Time (sec.) No. of dv 128 256 384 512 0.0496 .0672 .0579 12.1 24 08 29 64 0 06908 0.0445 0.04274 17.6 17.1 21.8 \1I. The Masking Effect of One Sound J^pon the .AuniBiLiTY OF .Another Sound (Wegel and Lane, Phys. Rrc. 2:i, p. 2fi6. Feb., 1924) If the ear is stimulated by a pure tone of frequency Ni, it is in general rendered less sensitive to other pure tones. The tone that constantly stimulates the ear is called the masking tone. The tone that is heard in the presence of this stimulating tone is called the masked tone. The masking is measured in sensation units or TU's. It is equal to 20 X login of the ratio of the pressures necessary to per- ceive the masked tone with and without the presence of the masking tone. In other words it is equal to the number of units that the threshold has been shifted. Fig. 2 shows the amount of masking (ordinate) of tones of various frequencies as a function of the sensa- 378 HF.LI. SYSTEM I l-.CIIMC.IL JOCKXAL " r 10 H, ■ 200 i''f 5 I 20 ■/ ff ■iV' S YTi 0 L^ 1 J It o300 ^ g ''^ 5? nx N "Mo! "l ^C>00 ^ ^ 20 ^ :^ ' ^ ^ -I ^ 0^ / ^ ■800 -^ M w I* ^,0 , •«, ^K0< 1 ^ ?0 0 / 3 ^ — ^ t_ "i '160< y/ o^ ^ % - ^ te N. >Z40( /■ # 2 / ^, ^ ^ ^ < X 1 ^ '^ ■„ 1-ig. 2 — Maskiiii; for To A ^ A A \ ^ / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ tS i h K V w 1 ^ ^ y > V 44 ^ ^ ^ k. s. i '400 600 800 1000 leOO 1600 eOOO tW two 3200 3600^000 FR[QUENCYOF MASKED TONE (•"ig. 3 — Masking of Wirioiis I'rcniiciuirs l)V 1,20() Cycles at Sensation Levels of H(\, fid, .III. I 44 I niiv, Rrspertively NUMIIRICII. CO\'ST.-IMS OV SI'IECII .txn III.INIM; i'" tion level (al)scissa) and fretiueniy .Vi of tlie masking; tone. In Fig. 3 data for a niaskinj; Umc of 1,'2(M) dv is plotted in \v1h( ii liu- frequencies of the masked tones are plotted on the abscissa. In order to Ret satisfactory curves of this kind it is necessary to take more ^« !«. to 40 60 80 too 120 MASKINO TONE Ni .700 - ,^ P-» f40 Nt 1 130< i~ f / y 1 20 N,. 90© • |40 0 N,= zooo / ^ / / / __ _- -'- te*- y y |40 0 N,. tooo - . .-" / , ^ ^ y N2= 300( AA t ^40 N. 1100 - _^^ -.' ^ ^ 1 40 Nt= 4000 - / / / / u*^ ^ Kig. 4 — Masking Data. Tones in Opposite Kars. Masking Tone 1,200 Cycles comprehensive data than that shown in Kig. 2. The solid curves of Fig. 4 show the masking when the masked and masking tones are introduced into opposite ears. The dottefl curves were taken from Fig. 2. 380 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL V'lII. Conduction of Skui.l Between the Two Ears A comparison of the two curves in Fig. 4 sliows that the attenua- tion introduced by the skull from one ear to the other when the tone is introduced by a telephone receiver is between 4[) and 50 sensation units corresponding to an intensity ratio of from 10^ to 10*. This becomes 7 TU greater when rubber caps are interposed lietween the head and the receiver cap. IX. Localization of Pure Tones as a Function of thk Phase Difference at the Tv;o Ears (G. W. -Stewart. Phys. Rn:. 2r,, p. 42r,. May, 1920) The experimental results can be represented by the foriiuila ^=0.0034A' + .8 (approx.) is the phase difference in degrees of the tones at the two ears. 0 is the number of degrees to the right or left of the median plane that an observer locates the source of sound. The direction of location is toward the ear leading in phase. A^ is the frequency of the tone in dv. The relation applies only for frequencies of 100 to 1,000 dv., inrlusi\e. X. Constants Used in the Computation of thk Loudness of A Com PI EX Sound (Fletcher and Steinberg, Phys. Rn\. 24, p. 306, Sept., U)24) (.Steinberg, Phys. Rci'. To he jniblished soon) II /. 1h' ilir loudness as judged In' an axerage normal car, then L = 3.;5H log,, lof v^(ir„^)'T where />n = rms pressure of the mih component, W„ = a weight factor for the //''' component (I"ig. 5) r = a root factor (I'ig. o) The sensation levels (.See I\') given in tiie chart are for the coniiilex tone. NUMERICAL COXST.liWTS Ol- Sl'l-ECIl .1X1) Ilf-.IRIXG 381 XI. DVWMK AI, ("oNslAMS ()!• Till-: UKARINd MK(HAMSM aiowill, W, II., A IVMhook of Physiolony" (Wrights in-.AKINC, ja» of S inalfs ami >< females during the particular cycle of the funda- mental containing the maximum energy for unaccented vowels. A rough estimate of the corresponding figures of typical accented DISTRIBUTION OF SPEECH POWEi? ANY AUCIUA P OlVtJ TMt PtHCtNT Of ift^^Lr:l «M05t iflllH POvytH ISLEJSTMANWtQUAlTOTHt COmtSfONOIHO ORSIMATt a TIMES THE *V(»*X POAEK 'M Atl 5«Ant«S CWIVt B*itO » NOIMAi. TELEPHOfiC T*.V.1S L-VELi or 87 MW /WO 59 WOMEH. SPEECH PC»iU ritlE MEANS T»E £:£:t,»iCAI. POnMOUm/TOf ACOMHWCIALTtLEPMOIt 5UBSCI. PERCENT SPEAKtRS P Fig. 6 aa n ~i .oei / 1 ran 1 j !_,J i— 1 1 ! 1 /^l 1 i 1 i i 1 1 ! 1 E>*ERG> FREQUENCY tUSTPlBiniON ■ — Of AVtRACt SPttCn Tut 3PtCC»««W(MO*«omTf5n!tOLOICr ncaot 9CTWIEN n.iflj i» r*cwdn .03 j 1 ;l/i 1 ! /Mil 1 i 1 X H 1 j ' ; ^ ''a. : 1 1 1 1 i^^._- -^-x. '^ ^PX 1.500 2.0OO 2^ 1000 iSflO lOO FRrooENa" Fig. 7 384 BHU. SYSTEM TECIINICAI. JOURXAL vowels ma>' be obtained liy multiplying these \alues by a factor of 3. The third and fourth columns gi\e peak factors which convert the power figures of the first two columns into maximum instantaneous powers. Columns 5 and 6 give the maximum values of these peak factr)rs found among the male and female \()ices, respect i\ely. TABLE III Acoustic Power in Microwalls of the Vowel Sounds (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Av. Peak Av. Peak Max. Peak Max. Peak Vowel Key Pm P^ Factor Factor Factor Factor 8 males 8 fem. 8 males 8 fem. 8 males 8 fem. u tool 27 41 2.6 2.8 3.8 3.4 u took 32 49 4.0 3.1 4.9 3 4 6 tone 33 44 4.1 3.4 6 4 4.9 o' talk 37 49 4.5 i.3 5.7 3.6 o ton 29 38 4.6 3.9 6.8 5 7 a top 50 48 4.2 3.6 4.2 4.7 a' tap 43 39 5.4 4.7 7.4 5.2 e ten 25 30 5.6 3.8 6.3 4 6 a tape 21 30 5 3 4.5 6 0 5.1 1 tip 25 31 4 1 3.8 5.8 5.7 e team 32 23 4.7 2.6 5.8 3.C XIII. Frequency of Occurrence of English Speech Sounds (Table IV contains data from a book by Godfrey Dewey, "The Relativ'e Frequency of English Speech Sounds," Harvard University Press) TABLE IV Relative Frequency of Occurrence of English Speech Sounds Speech Rel. Speech Rel. Sound Key Freq. Sound Key Freq. a top 3.3 g 0.74 a tape 1.84 h 1.81 a' tap 3.95 J 0.44 e ten 3.44 k 2.71 e eat 2.12 I 3.74 er term 0.63 m 2.78 1 tip 8.53 n 7.24 1 .like 1.59 ne hang 0.96 o ton 6 n P 2.04 o tone 1.63 r 6.88 o' talk 1 35 s 4.55 u took 0.71 sh shell 0.87 0 tool 1 89 th (thin) .37 ou our 0.59 th then 3 43 b i.ai t 7.13 ch chalk 0.52 V 2.28 d 4.31 w 2.08 f 1.84 y z 0.60 2.97 NUMERICAL CONSTASliS OF Sl'l-.liCll .IXP lll-.IKIXa M< XIV. In iiKi'KKT.vriDN of Spkixii (I'lelcliLT. U., Jour. Frank. Inst., H)3, (i, Juiu-, l',t22) A nu-asurc of the iiUerprelation of speech was ohtaiiied t)y means >f artkulation tests. Meaningless syllables were pronounced and >l)ser\ers were required to record the syllables. The articulation is , — 80 / /' "~- / - — |(0 1 r YLL Of T ART N5AI lONL HON CVEL AS OF HE3 CTIO PEEC - 1 40 1 1 ZO 1 J " - n L 40 CO 80 100 leo t40 SENSAnON LEVEL Fig. 8 'b 40 -Lu ETFEa UPON INTERPRETATION Of EUMINATING 1 VWRWOS FWTIONS OF IHE FREQUENCY RANCE •k^^ i • 1 1 1 1 .■^ S^ ' ' ►IF' ■) f ; %,.^ J8£S| Ul, i ! ' oS'^ ' ' 1 i 1 jj^! ^ }x 1 ^: 1 1 M i %. 1 >y N \ t , N '^ , y 1 ' _ 1 "^ 200O 3000 FREQUENCr- Kig. 9 the per cent of syllables that were correctly recorded. The articula- tion depends upon the sensation level of the speech (Fig. 8), and upon the width of the frequency band transmitted (Fig. 9). The syllables that were recorded in these tests were analyzed to show the articulation of the fundamental speech sounds. Fig. 10 386 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOURNAL shows these artirulations as functions of the sensation level of the speech. In Fig. 11 they are shown as functions of the width of the transmiited frequency band. It should be noted that the term articulation as here employed denotes only the correct interpretation of unrelated speech sounds and is not a measure of voice naturalness which is also an inii)c)rtant factor in the telephnnir trnnsini?sinn of speech. "" E::: r:;-^i:_:E ■"" :. T ;„■..:;-:, ::--r-:| » \ - ±-3 -;-■:: :-^ - 'i 'coQUonoi oiooDKoiooo onor OBOToiooo oooe'r my onoao CO , ir-i ^ 'v N 1 1 1 1 i M T 1 l"KI 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 I 1 I M 1 1 1 M 1 z ^ T > l\ M M n\M M IN 1 M 1 1 I^M t M l\l 1 1 MM 1 S0§ 1 1 IM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 M M 1 1 1 M ni 1 1 M VI N n N^ S 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 11 1 Ml M 1 1 1 1 M M t t M tin ^m 1 0 no d 0 BO o owo w o no t onou oloom onoe onojtioiooti o lOo".--^- .._,^ ._.,_, .__. s > 1 ""vi ~\ ■ ^ ^ S 5 ^ I- I- X >, ' "t 5o5 : ^ — 4^ >» BOh oooa'OBOuoiooaoKio omz ono n onoctiOiooK ono % o DO -- ^. -"-^ s ■*"S .-5 r ->^rr ^ _ -5 ' X s;- - - L- A \ ARTICULATION OF FUNOAMENTAL SOUNDS 1 loo; oioop oiooe oioov oioot onoui o FiR. 10 1 E^E 44H hH=^ ^ ^^^^UA [A _U J ,/ 1 1 1 i 1 , ; 1 ( 1 / 1 1 1 ' ' 1 ' > I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1 ^ OI23450l23.d50l23^50l23450IZ3^50IZ3-150l23450IJ3-150l234501J3A5 BUinttJ r 1 o'eVya CO ' . . ' I ' ' ' . H— ' — ; I ' ' ■ ■ ' >/ ■ I i It'll \-A pOI23i)}Oi23il30IZ3.i:OI234J0123430i;}4SOI234)OIZ}4 90l23'd50l23ii; 1 dowtamestib •^i>^. lii2345Ci23^50i2345Oi23^3OI2343OI234S0l234J0l2345CI23^5OI2345 h a'u aj zncliK s ARTICULATION AS A FUNCTION OF THE BAND WIDTH PASSED BY HIGH OR LOW PASS riLTtRS. ABSCISSA IS -IE cuT-orr FRtfluENCY in mlo- cycles. Fig. U Graphic Representation of the Impedance of Net- works Containing Resistances and Two Reactances By CHARLES W. CARTER. Jr. AiisTHACT: The driving-jtolnt linpcdanrc of an electrical network com-i jiosttl of any nunifier of resistances, arrangcil in any way, and two pure reactances, of any degree of complication within themselves but not related to each other by mutual reactance, inserted at any two points in the resist- ance network, is limited to an eccentric annul.ir region in the complex plane which is cn-circuited. The diameter of the interior boundary extends from the value of the impedance when one reactance is short- circuited and the other o|x.-n-cirouited to its value when the first reactance is open-circuitci) when- .1 is tin.' iliscrimiiiant of the resistance network alone and /I/,.**.// denotes the cofactor of the product of the elements of A located at the intersections of rows /, k and / with columns^, k and /, respectively. I"or con\eiiience this is written as a + bZ2+cZ3+dZiZ3 ,.. ^ ~ a, + biZi + CiZ3+diZiZ{ ^ ' The constants of (3) and (4) are real and positive since they are cofactors of terms in the leadint; diagonal of the discriminant of a resistance network. The determinant liciii^ sxinmclrical, there is the following relation among them : (adi — a id + bci — bic)- = i{bd I — bid){aci — (liC) . (5) The function to be studied is, then, a rational function of two variables, having positive real coefficients determined by the resist- ances alone. Furthermore, if one reactance is kept constant while the other is varied, the function is bilinear. The particular property of the bilinear function, which has been studied in great detail, of interest here, is that by it circles are transformed into circles.^ When, as in this case, the variable in a bilinear function is a pure imaginary, the function may be rewritten in a form which gives directly the analytical data needed. I'"or suppose u+vz ,„. w = — -— (6) Ui + ViZ where z is a pure imaginary and the coefficients are complex. This is w=—-\ r— ^— . (7) Vi Ui+ViZ Multi[)lying the second term by a factor identically unity, t' , U — UiV/Vi ^Vi'{Ui + Viz)+Vi{Ui'+Vi'z') ,„, ■w= 1 i X 7-r — r- • (8) I'l «I+t'l2 UiVi -|-Mifl where primes indicate conjugates, or UVi' + tli'v tlVi-UiV /Ui' + ViZ'\ ,^. UiVi' + Ui'vt tllVi' + Ui'l'l \ Ul+ViZ )' • G. A. Campbell discusses, in the paper cited, the theorem that if a single element of any network be made to traverse any circle whatsoever, the driving-point im- pedance of the network will also describe a circle. 390 BELL SYSTEM TECtlNlCAL JOURX.IL Now, as s is \'aried, the first term is constant. In the second term the first factor is constant and the second factor \aries only in angle. since the numerator is the conjugate of the denominator. The first term, therefore, is the center, and the absolute value of the first factor of the second term is the radius, of the circle in which w moves as z takes all imaginary \alues. One X'ariaiu.k Rk.u tam k (iIvinc; Circli.ar Locus The significance of the equations may he made apparent 1)>' a study of Fig. 2, which shows the imjjedance S when one of the re- actances, say Z3, is made zero. We have, then, 5 = A+AiiZt a+bZi ■4 ll+i4 11.22^2 Cl + biZi (10) and the trixial case abi — aib = 0 is excluded. This is of the t\pe of (6). When 7.2 \aries over all pure imaginary values, S traces out a Ki^. 2--L0CUS of llic lMi|Hil.nm- .V wiili ( )nc \aii.ililc Kf.ictaiue circle, which ('.)) shows h.is its ( riiu-r on ilie resistance axis. Its inter- cepts on the resistance axis are and .S"= =R,„ sav, when /. = () «i S= T- =Jii; when ^2 = 00. (11) (12) xr.riroRKS coxt.iimxg rii'o reactances .wi Hut in .1 symmrtric.il (Icti-rniiii.iiit • J 1.-1.= -. 1 1.- =.1.1,.....; (i:j) tliiTi'furt' w llCIII ab^Kaxh (14) ° < ,' ) To tiiul till' \>ilur of .V wlifii Zt lias some \aliK-, say Zi = iXi, it s only necessary to mark the circular locus with a scale in terms of Z^. This may be done directly by using (9) to determine the angle, <<>, which the radius of the circle makes when Z2 = /A'2. It is simpler to use the fact that a line passing through Rh and the point S has an intercept on the reactance axis of X\ = kX2 (17) where x =6 «.. The factor k is determined by the resistances; therefore the scale, as well as the locus, is completely fixed by the resistances. .Since k is always positive, as X; is increased the circle is traversed in a clock- wise sense; for positive values of Xi the upper semi-circle is covered: for negative values, the lower. That is, when Zn is an inductance the impedance of the network varies on the upper semi-circle from R„ to Rb as the frequenc\- is increased from zero to infinity. When the magnitutle of Zj is changed the same semi-circle is described but each point (except the initial and final ones) is reached at a different frequency. When Zj is a capacity the lower semi-circle, from Ri, to Ra, is traced out. We know that, in general, the value of a pure reactance ■* increases algebraically with frequency, and that its resonant and anti-resonant frequencies alternate, beginning with one or the other at zero fre- quency. When Z: is a general reactance, therefore, as the frequency increases the entire circle is described in a clockwise sense between each consecutive pair of resonant (or anti-resonant) frequencies. For example, if Zj is made up of w branches in parallel, one being an inductance, one a capacity and the others inductance in series with capacity, as the frequency increases from zero to infinity the circle is traced out completely «— 1 times commencing with Ra. 'See: A Reactance Theorem, R. M. Foster, Bell System Technical Journal, .April, 1924, pages 250-267; also: Theory and Design of Uniform and Composite Electric Wave-Filters, (). J. Zobel, Bell System Technical Journal, January, 1923, pages 1-47, especially pages 35-37. 392 liEU. SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Kig. 3— Impeilanie of Resistance Network Containing One Variable Reactance W 7 , . . / ^ ,^ o.*o ^en"^ / ^^ / /- ^ pO<-^ / /' ^ ^C 06'' 500 t / / y y 1 / / / R< sisU ince Cor ipor snts 4O0 I o / / / / 300 / / y R( act! nee Con pon« nts 200 / A .^ X " 0.( 57S ;^ -^ / / % V, "a? '~— ''IB/, >"" ' — ^^ , 0.2 5~h;; ry __ V 5C 10 10 DO FP 15 EQl. DO JEN 20 oo 25 DO 30 DO 1 i^. .i.i C'oiiipoiiciUs of liii|K.ilaiuo in I'in. 3 wlun Z; is an liidiiitancc Having llic Values 0.05, 0.10, ami 0.20 Henry xi:in\)NKS ioxi.iixixa nro la-.icr.ixci-.s .w In Fin- '>i is shown the iniiHiLuue lorus for tlie p.irtiiuhir network niven on the diagram. The lirile is marked in terms of Zj. From it, certain properties of .V nuiy lie read at onee: the resistance com- ponent. R. \aries between 2('>() and 7")() ohms, and the reactance 1 7CX3 /' / 000 j 1 ^ 500 Re! ista yce Con ipon snt /> y / / 400 / t in / \ / 300 5 \ / \ / \ / V. y 200 / \ ,^ " ' ■ / \ / Rea ctar ce C ami one* I too / \ / \ / 0 / F( !EQl JENI :y- ^ 5( 10 1) 00 / 00 zc 00 25 00 30 00 / / -100 _L ^-L^ 1 / / Pfir 20O \ / / V / J L > Fig. 3b — Components of Impedance in Fig. 3 when Z% is Doubly-Resonant component, X, is not greater than 245 ohms nor less than —245 ohms, attaining these values when Z2 is +510/ and —510/, respectively. When the variation of the reactance Zz with frequency is known the variation of R and X with frequency may be found by using the scale on the circle. For a particular reactance network, the scale may be marked directly in terms of frequency, or if it is desired to compare the behavior of R andjA' when different reactance networks are sub- 394 HELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL stituted, the impedance locus may be marked with the frequency scale for each reactance network in some distinctive manner. However, to show in the usual way some of the types of R and A' curves represented by the locus of Fig. 3, as well as to avoid needless complication of what is intended as an illustrative rather than a working drawing, Figs. 3a and 3b have been prepared by direct pro- jection from Fig. 3. In Fig. 3a are shown the R and A' curves plotted against frequency when Zj is an inductance. In Fig. 3b are shown similar cur\es when Z« is a doubly-resonant reactance. The R com- ponent has a minimum at each resonant frequency and a maximum at each anti-resonant frequency, while the A' component becomes zero at resonant and anti-resonant frequencies alike. The number of examples from this one resistance network might be multiplied endlessly; it is believed, however, that these are sufficient to show the great amount of information to be obtained in very compact form from one simple figure in the complex plane, and the especial superior- ity of the complex plane in displaying the characteristic common to all the curves of F-igs. 3a and 3b: namely, that R and A at any fre- quency, with any reactance network, are such that the impedance lies on one circle. Two V.'\RiABLE Reactances Giving Eccentric Annular Domain Returning to the more general impedance of (4) it is seen that in each case short-circuiting and open-circuiting the terminals (2) and (3) one at a time, and varying the reactance across the other termi- nals, yields a locus for 5 which is a circle of the type just discussed. These circles are determined as follows : Extremities Circle of Diameter Sea le Factor k Z2=() Ra and R^ c/ai Zj=x /?(, and R,t d/b, z,=o Ra and Rt. b/a, Z,= x Re and R,, d/ci where R, =c/c\ and Rj = d/d\. .\n examination similar to that in (13)-(15) shows that R^<.Rk' be shown that the circles of each of these families are tangent to two circles determined by the resistance network alone. Both families are tangent inter- nallj- to a circle centered on the resistance axis, extending from Ra to Rd. Both are tangent to a circle centered on the resistance axis, ex- tending from Rb to Re, in such a way that the Zj-constant circles are tangent externally and the Z2-constant circles are tangent enclosing the circle from Ri to Re- These relationships are illustrated in Fig. 4. The circles Ra to R,i and Rb to Rt are, therefore, outer and inner boundaries, respectively, of the region mapped out by the two families of circles generated when tirst one and then the other reactance is treated as a parameter while the remaining reactance is treated as the variable. No matter what reactances ma>- be attached to termi- nals (2) and (3), the resistance component R, measured at terminals (1), is not greater than the resistance when terminals (2) and (3) are open and not less than the resistance when terminals (2) and (3) are short-circuited, and the reactance component A', measured at termi- nals (1), is not greater in absolute value than half the difference of the resistances measured when terminals (2) and (3) are open and short-circuitcfi. That is, Ra Fig. 6— Sheet II Z2(2) (3)Z3 400 BELL SySTEM TECHNICAL JOLRXAL The numbering of the sheets is, of course, arbitrary. If the upper half of the Zj = 0 circle is put on Sheet I, the arcs of the other critical circles are determined as follows:" Circle On Sheet I On Sheet II Zi = 0 Upper half Lower half Zi=k, Z,Z,k, On Sheet II, if Zi/Z,>k, Z,Z,k, Z,/Zi;. .'Ui and Za is ;ui indurtani'i- of I.O lu-nry. This inipt'dancr curve has four parts, (wo in carii shed. It starts on tlu- resistance axis at the intersection of the Z3=oc and ^3 = 0 circles. As the fre- quency increases from zero the first part of tiie cur\e is traced out in Sheet II. At 2'i cycles the impedance is approximately HlO+iHO The reactance com[)i)nent has a maximum of aboiil 2')() ohms at about 70 cycles, the resistance component has a maximum of about 720 ohms at alwut U»0 cycles, the reactance component has a minimum of alxiut —110 ohms at about 300 cycles, and finally at about 480 cycles the curve reaches the inner boundary, whereupon it changes to Sheet I. It remains in .Sheet I up to a frequency of about 910 cycles, the resistance component having a minimum and the react- ance component a maximum, which may be read from the diagram. The im|X'dance between 010 cycles and approximately 1,300 cycles lies on Sheet II, and from 1,390 cycles to infinite frequency on Sheet I. The resistance component has a total of three maxima and three minima, and the reactance component three maxima anfl two minima, following the cyclical order: /?-minimum, A'-maximum, /^-maximum, A'-minimum. An interesting e.xercise is to obser\e the effect on the impedance curve of changing the value of the inductance Z3. The curve inter- sects the Zj-constant circles at the same frequencies in each case, l)Ut the points of intersection are moved in a clockwise or counter- clockwise sense as Z3 is increased or decreased. With each such change parts of the impedance curve disap[)ear from one sheet and reappear on the other. For instance, with a decrease of the inductance Zj the first loop of the impedance curve on Sheet II shrinks, and with sufficient decrease in inductance may become too small to plot, al- though it does not disappear entireK'. It is evident that if Z; and Z,i are formed of reactance networks of greater complication the impedance curve may be very involved. But no matter how tortuous its path, it is restricted to the impedance region, that is, to the ring-shaped region between the non-intersecting boundary circles determined by the resistance network alone. My thanks are due to Dr. George A. Campbell for his stimulating, continued interest, and to Mr. R. M. Foster for suggestions on every phase of this work. The Vibratory Characteristics and Impedance of Telephone Receivers at Low Power Inputs By A. S. CURTIS THK <)r(linar>- telephone recei\er is one of the most sensitive known detectors of weak alternatinj; currents over a considerable part of the audible frcquenc\- range. Its high sensitivity, combined with its simplicity and convenience, have led to its general adoption as the detecting element in the A(" impedance bridge and other measuring apparatus employing the nul method. There are also a number of cases outside of the laboratory- where a knowledge of the behavior of the recei\er o[)erating near its minimum audible power input is of importance. In apparatus developed during the World War, such as that for detecting and locating submarines, in radio reception, and in the reception of various other sorts of signals, the receiver is frequently operated near the threshold of audibilit>'. While it is in general possible to employ a vacuum tube amplifier to render weak signals more easily audible, considerations of cost or increased complication often make it impracticable to do so. In any case, if it is desired to reduce to the limit the minimum audible signal, it is necessary to know the constants of the receiver working on these low power inputs, in order to design intelligenth' its circuits and other associated apparatus. Current literature dealing with the sensitivity of telephone receivers indicates that the relation between the impedance and \ibratory characteristics of the receiver at currents near minimum audibility to those as ordinarih- determined in the laboratory, is not generally known. It would, therefore, seem of interest to publish the results of an experimental determination of receiver characteristics at very low currents. Such an investigation was carried on in 1918 and 1919, using the Western Klectric Xo. 509 radio receiver (the present standard Western Electric Receiver for radio use). The work, however, was done, not merelj' with the idea of determining the characteristics of this particular instrument, but for the purpose of ascertaining the behavior of receivers in general, near minimum audibility. Inasmuch as the daiiipid impidance of tin- receiver- that is liie impedance with the dia|>hragm held motionless — is very close to the impedance obtained with the instrument on the ear, it is com- monly used as the basis of circuit calculations. A knowledge of its value for weak currents is therefore of importance. Measurements 402 lELEl'UONE RECFJV'ERf; AT LOW fOllT.R IXPl'TS 40.1 wiri> lirst inadf of the clanipc*! impidatuc r»f six instruinenls at a fri'<|iK'iuv of 1,()(K) cycles for a widi- ranRi- of input currt-nt, and later till' work was i-xti'iidod to the measurement of the vibratory charac- teristics. A l)rid^;e network was used for measuring the current supplied to the impeilance bridge and from the circuit constants the current through llie receiver under test could lie calculated. TheVe- Controlling Nthvtjrk Impedanct B''idfl« Oscillator Htod Receivers Fig. sistances in the various arn)s of the controlling bridge network were chosen so as to furnish an essentially constant current through the receiver under test, although its impedance might vary through a rather wide range. With the extremely small values of currents involved, it was necessar>' to amplify the power to the bridge balancing receivers approximately 100 TU. For this amount of amplification, it was obviously necessary to take extreme precautions in grounding and shielding the apparatus, in order to reduce to inaudibility the effect of stray fields from the source of current supply. This was success- 404 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL fully (lone and the impedance bridge measured impedance accurately with currents as low as IQ-^ amperes, through the receiver under test. The correctness of the point of balance of the bridge was estab- lished by measurements of standard impedances over the range of currents employed in the receiver tests. A schematic diagram of the circuit is shown in Fig. 1. For measurements of damped impedance, the receiver was placed in a small sound-proof box, with its diaphragm damped by a microm- eter depth gauge, which was carefully adjusted so as just to impinge upon the diaphragm. It was necessary to insulate the receiver from mechanical agitation, since minute voltages generated in it were sufficiently amplified to cause an excessive noise in the head receivers. Fig. 2 shows the damped eflfective resistance and reactance of the six instruments, taken at 1,000 cycles, plotted on semi-logarithmic Mk. 1 paper. It will be seen lii.n Inluw approximately 10 '' amperes, the impedance is constant. However, above this value both the efTective resistance and the reactance show a consistent increase with the current. The minimum current employed (lO"" amperes), is between two and three times the minimum audible current for this type of instrunient, but from the data- taken there is no reason to suppose that the impedance would vary for smaller currents. This receiver has a winding of 11,000 turns, and it can, therefore, be assumed that this type of structure will have constant impedance below a magneto- rr.i.F.riioNF. receiveks at /.oic roni-n inpcts 405 motive force of .01 ampere turns. I'or laboratory measurements on this instrument a current of 2X10 '- amperes is ordinarily used, and it will l)e noted that the inipedaiuc at extremely low currents is not greatly different. It is generally known that, in the case of either a steady or an alternating lield, the jK-rmeability and the shape of the hysteresis ^ ^ aeceiN CB • 2 1 > •?1 BECt'Vtt — 2 -\ / 1 1^ J POO" TsnP J4'c 1 / 'n Boon Ttno wc 1 1 ^ 1 r 1 k J / ^ w / i s n / ^■ / / o. R^ 'St b. - r^ y ^ «r y w y^ ! /I A //' // \y }. - »07 6 = 101 19- 22' 2. = 11250 R = nooo Vi- o.»i 2<(«M.1> T50 .jiOJSO i. ' 110 A = 15 2» = 22* Z-= 10*50 ft ' 12*00 '-A- CM Zj {.».,) - 10U>jl0500 otluT word ol ilu- I.iiijjiiagc, tlu- word atom is iinplir.ited with the histors- of human sporuUitions con- ivrning the nature of things. It is intnKiuced wlien people cease to content themselves with obser\ing, and begin to philosophize. There are man>' of the fundamental and essential writings of the literature of physics in which it does not appear, or appears without warrant. These are the descriptions of things observed, the accounts of experi- ments, the records of measurements, on which the edifice of theoretical physics is founded. There are many articles of what is commonly called the "theoretical" sort in which it does not occur. Such are the pafX'rs on the motions of planets, on the vibrations of elastic solids, on the currents in electrical networks, on the courses of light-rays through optical systems — papers which are essentially descriptions, although they give the impression of being something greater and deeper because they relate to idealized cases, and are phrased in the laconic language of mathematics. When the word atom appears justifiably in a discourse, it means that the author has departed from the safe routine of describing observed and obser\able events, how- ever selectively, however skilfulK', however intelligently. It signifies that he has gone beyond the limits of obser\ation, and has entered upon the audacious adventure of constructing by the side of the real universe an ideal one, which shall act as the real one does, and be intelligible through and through. Atoms are the building stones of this art-world or image-world, which is intended to represent the actual world, imperfectly indeed for the time being, perhaps completely at some distant day. Some few experiments, it is true, prove (as well as anything can prove any- thing else) the existence of very minute particles of matter ha\'ing the minute charges, the minute masses, the minute magnetic moments ' This part, the first of two composing the article, is devoted chiefly to the facts of observation which the favorite atom-model of the physicists of toda> — the atom- model known by the names of Rutherford and of Bohr — is designed to interpret. .■\ brief description of this atom-model is included: but the detailed account of the peculiar features, of the strange ajid important limitations which are imposed upon it to adjust it to all the phenomena mentioned, is reserved for the second part. Owing to the great quantity of information which it is desirable to present, the article needs all the Ijcnefit it can derive from a careful and obvious organization, and I have sacrificed fluency to a quite formal arrangement under headings and sub- headings. 407 408 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which it is found expedient to ascribe to the atoms. These experi- ments are enormously important, for they iinest the atom with a reality which nothing else could give it. To some they have given the hope that all the properties of the atom may one day be demon- strated unquestionably by direct evidence. There is little reason to expect that we shall see that day. The atom is no longer entirely a product of the scientific imagination; but neither is it entirely an object of experience. Most of its properties are invented, not dis- covered. Whether this in\ented and imagined entity is "real" is a difificult question. Perhaps it is best to evade such a question by asking the questioner what he means by "reality". As a matter of fact, it is not pcjssible to discuss atomic theories thoroughly without raising and settling such formidable questions as, what is a theory? and, what is an explanation? and e\-en, what is reality? perhaps eventually, what is truth? I do not aspire to answer these questions. But there are some common misconceptions about atoms which it is prudent to clear away at the beginning. In the first place, one does not utter an atomic theory by saying that a substance is made up of small pieces, each exactly like a large piece of the substance in every respect except size. We should achieve nothing by saying that iron is made of black lustrous con- ductive magnetic atoms, or that glass is built of colorless transparent brittle insulating atoms, or that an apple consists of white soft sweet juicy atoms. The atoms must be endowed with fewer and simpler properties than the substance they are meant to compose, else they are futile. One must select some of the properties of the substance to be attributed to its atoms, and st-t tlu' others aside to be explained by those. Again, it is not obvious which properties should be selected for the atom; these depend largely on the fantasy of the atom-builder. However, certain qualities such as viscosity and plasticity, con- ductance for heat and conductance for electricity, opacity and trans- parency and lustre, warmth and flavor and fragrance, are not usually assigned to atoms. In general, the more a quality of a substance varies with its state, the less it is suited to be made an atomic quality. Ferromagnetism is a quality which one would assign almost in- stinctively to the iron atom; but it is possiljle to deprive iron alto- gether of this quality by a simple heat treatment, and hence it is not generally supposed to be a feature of the atom. But the rule is not an absolute one. The visible radiations from gaseous iron are sup- posed to be characteristic above all other things of the atom itself, yet they cease when the iron is condensed. It is supposed that in the SOME CONTF.MI'ON.lKy .ll>rAXCi:S IX /7/V.S7CV nil 4(« condensed phases the atoms are so close together that they distort one another — a perniissiMe idea if used with discretion, yet an atomic thcor>' coiiltl easily liecome a meaningless form of words if this device were employed without limit. Of all the properties of matter, mass alone appears to be entirely exempt from change. For this reason all atom-mtxlels involve mass as an essential property of the atom; and this is the oidy respect in which they all agree. Few and simple, therefore, must be the properties of the atom; yet we must not rush to the other extreme, and contri\e atoms simplitied into usclessness. The chemists know of eighty-eight different ele- ments, sufHciently unlike to be distinguished; and we all know how great is the contrast between carbon and gold, hydrogen and lead, fluorine and helium. It is scarcely likely that such differences as these can be explained by atoms which are simply hard pellets differing only in size and shape and weight, like those of Lucretius and Newton, or by atoms which are abstract centres of force, like those of Boscovich. We are forced to invent atoms more complicated that these; and from this it is not far to say that we must imagine a structure for the atom; and from this scarcely farther to say that we must imagine an atom built of parts. At this point we meet with a clamor from a number of excellent people, many of them otherwise quite innocent of Hellenic culture, who have it firmly fixed in their minds that atom is the Greek word for indivisible; whence they conclude that when the ph>'sicist speaks of subdividing his atoms, he is contradicting his own terms, he is violating the rules of his own game, and has forfeited his right to be heard.- The premise may be right, but the conclusion is absurd. If some of the properties of gold are explained by assuming it made of atoms with fewer properties, and later the explanation is impro\ed and extended by assuming these atoms made of still smaller particles with still fewer properties, the second step is not less legitimate than the first. It may l)e contended, with some reason, that the name atom should be transferred at once to the smaller particles. At best this would be one of the changes which are desirable in principle but cause more trouble than they are worth. The contention is, however, weakened by the fact that some at least of the smaller particles of which we imagine gold atoms to be made are not imagined to be peculiar t(j gold, but are conceived as particles of a fundamental sub- stance common to all elements. That the "atoms" of the many ' I should have put this passage even more strongly, but that Schuster tells that Kelvin himself inveighed on one occasion against the idea of subdividing atoms. He was answered by a young man who said, "There you see the disadvantages of knowing Greek." This seems as good an answer as any. 410 lilH.L SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOVRXAL elements slmiild be systems of "atoms" of one or a few fundamental materials is a thoroughly pleasing idea, although at present an un- realized ideal. It is unknown how far our descendants will find it expedient to dissect the atom; hut it is certain that the\- will not be stopped by etymology. Another fact about atom-models is tliat they are not always dis- placed by their successors; several may and do persist side by side, each adapted to a certain set of facts and observations. E\ery atom is designed in view of a very small fraction of the available knowledge about properties of matter; and this applies to the latest model as well as the earliest. The chemists of the nineteenth century were most impressed by the immutable weight of matter and In- the laws of chemical combination; hence their atoms were mereK' weighted particles equipped with hooks to catch the hooks of other atoms. To the physicists of fifty years ago the physical properties of gases seemed the easiest phenomena to interpret, and they imagined atoms as rigid elastic spheres with radii of some 10"' centimetre; by the masses and motions of such atoms they explained the pressure, elasticity, viscosity, diffusion and specific heats of gases. The physicists of the next generation attended chiefly to the emission, the refraction, the dispersion of vibratory radiations b\' luminous gases, and concci\ed the atom as a framework hoUling \ibrators, like a belfry with a carillon of bells. This third model is inferior to the second in explaining the properties of gases, inferior to the first in explaining the laws of chem- ical combination; each of the three is superior in its own field to the atom-model to which this article is chiefly devoted, and which in its turn is primarily adapted to a field of its own. Still other atom- models have been de\ised, endowed with other properties, to account for other phenomena; and it is altogether probable that many more will be presented Ix'fore the eventual one is attained, if it ever is. For instance, we ina\' some day behold an atom-model devised to explain the conduction of electricity in solids, ver>' competent in its field and quite unlike these others. In the eventual atom-model the essential (jualities of all of these, and of man\' others, must be happih' combined; it does not matter about the inessential ones.' • Now and then an article appears in a physical or chemical journal, in which an oddly unconventional atom-model is proposed to interpret some such property of matter as the tlU-'rmoclcctric effects, or supra-conriuctivity, or valence, or some other with which the Kutherford-Bohr atom-model has not as yet been matched. It is easy for a physicist to ignore sudi articles, on the ground that any model departing from that of Rutherford and Hohr must l>e wrong. This is certainly a nnstaken policy. .\n\ partially competent atom-model deserves to l)e examined with care; its essential features nuist reai>|)ear in the eventual model. But, of course, the essential feature is not always tnc conspicuous one. .vo.u/i coNTEMroN.iRy .■inr.ixci.s ix physics riii 411 In awaiting that eventual atom-model, it is best to regard the atoms of the present day as mutable anti transitory. Like railway time-tables, atom-nuxicls should be inscribed "sui)jert to change without notice." Nothing is irrevocable in plusics, except the record of past events; and we who have seen the undulatory theory of light assailed and shaken may well hesitate to put uniiuestionirfg faith in any atom-m(xlel. K\en if there is no daiij^er of chanjje, it is a virtue to keep data and theories sharply sejiarated in one's mind. In no field is this more diflicult and important than in the field of this article, where the ver>' language used to describe the data is saturated with the spirit of a particular conception of the atom, and it is customary to expoimd the theory before the facts. For these reasons I shall go to the opposite extreme, and treat the contemporary atomic theory with an exaggerated reserve which in many places will seem excessive to the reader and in some to the writer himself. The favorite atom-model of the physicists of toda>- is a structure of electrons, congregated about a positiveK'-charged nucleus. The data which this atom is designed primarily to interpret were discovered before 1913, or else since 1913 by methods developed before that time. These discoveries are due largely to Rutherford, whose name the model often bears. The sections of this article which are labelled B, C and I) are de\oted to these data, and to the inferences from them. In 1913 a great change in the situation was wrought by a brilliant idea of Niels Bohr. Bohr did not discover new data; he taught a new way of interpreting old ones, he showed men how to read spectra. Through this interpretation of spectra, and through data which were discovered by men inspired with his idea, a previ- ously-unknown property of matter was disclosed. This is expressed by saying that each atom possesses many distinct Stationary States. The largest section of this First Part of the article, the section E, is devoted to the knowledge of these Stationary States. Had these been discovered earlier, an atom-model might have been devised to explain them and them alone. Rutherford's atom-model was already in the field, and it was modified so that it might interpret the new knowledge. To these modifications, of which some are of a remark- able simplicity and beauty, the .Second Part of this article will be devoted. B. TiiK Electron^ The electron is the atom of negative electricity. An individual electron can be captured upon a droplet of oil or mercury, or a minute • This section is rlrastirnlly curtailed, for the chief facts about the electron should by this time be common knowledge. .Millikan's book "The Electron" (now in its aecond edition) may be consulted. 412 BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOIRXAL solid particle, and the amount of its charge determined. This amount is 4.774.10"'° in electrostatic units, according to Millikan. It is designated by the symbol e. When a magnetic field is applied to a stream of electrons all moving with the same speed, the electrons are deflected all to the same degree, which shows that they all have the same mass. This mass is practically equal to 9.10 "* in grammes, unless the electron is moving at a very uncommonly high speed, in which case it is appreciably greater. These facts of experience are about all that is definitely known or needs to be known about the electron, in order to appreciate its role in modern atomic theory. There is no good way of determining its size, although the length of its mean free path in certain gases indicates, perhaps definitely pro\es, that it is much smaller than an atom. If the electron is a spherule of negative electricity uni- formly dense, then its radius cannot be less than 2.10"" cm, for if it were, the electromagnetic mass of the spherule would exceed the observed mass of the electron.' This size is much smaller than the one which it is expedient to attribute to the atom, happily for us, since otherwise it would be difficult to conceive of atoms containing electrons. Since electrons can be coaxed or forced out of substances of every kind — elements and compounds, metals and non-metals, liquids and solids and gases — the atoms are supposed to contain one or more electrons apiece. This argument was formerly fortified !)>■ the fact that the light emitted from glowing gases is in many respects such as oscillating electrons would emit. This second argument is for the present under a cloud. ^ ' This is a short way of saying that, if the electron were a particle of smaller radius than 2.10~" cm., more energy would have to be supplied to it to increase its speed than is actually required. For, in order to set an electrified particle into motion, energy must l)e supplied to build up the magnetic field which surrounds a moving electric charge; this energy V is additional to the kinetic energy \mv- recjuired to set the mass m associated with the charge into motion with s|>ecd f, and it may be regarded as the kinetic energy associated with an extra "electromagnetic" mass 2U/v' which the particle possesses by virtue of its charge. This (piantity 21' v'' can Ik; calculated, for a given size and shaiie of the electron; if we make the electron too small, 21' v' conies out larger than its observed mass, which is a reduclio ad ahsurdiim. This illustrates the rather surprising fact that we are not permitted to imagine the electron as an infinitely small particle, a mere geometrical point loaded with an infinitely concentrated charge and mass. Speculations about its size and sha|K- and the distribution of charge within it are not nccessiirily trivial; some may even lie verifiable. W'c also meet with this dilemma: how dt)es the elec- tron, a piece of negative electricity of which each part should repel every other, keep from exphxling.'' * I'erhaps I ought to mention that K. Khrenhaft of Vienna has been ardently contending for about fifteen years that there is no such thing as an electron. He maintains that he can demonstrate negative charges much smaller in amount than SOME CONTEMPORARY ADl'.-tXCFS IX rilVSICS I'lll 41.1 C. Positively-Charged Particles Accepted as Atoms' Posit ivcly-charRcd particles are found in abundance in gases in which an electrical discharRe is or has lately been maintained, and they nuiy Ik- prtxiiiced under weil-controlletl circumstances by pouring a stream of electrons with properly-adjusted s|ieeds into a gas, and in other ways. Only the ratio of the ciiarge to the mass can be iK'termined for these particles, not the charge individually nor the mass individually. But particles of apparently the same substance show distinct values of this ratio, which stand to one another as the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . and the intermediate values do not occur. This sup[K)rts the quite natural idea that these particles are atoms which have lost one or two or three or more of their electrons. If we make this sup()osition, we thereb\' assume values for the charges, and can calcidate the masses of the particles from these and the observed values of the charge-mass ratio. The masses lie between 10 -'and 10~-' (in grammes) for particles occurring in the vapors of the various chemical elements, and they lie in the same order as the coinbining-weights of the chemical elements. This is powerful testi- mony that the particles indeed deser\e the name of "atoms". There is one sort of positive particle for which the charge can be measured directly. This is the alpha-particle, which cannot be pro- duced at will but is supplied by Nature from rtidio-active substances. Counting the number of these particles emitted from a bit of radio- active substance in a given time, and measuring the total electrical charge lost by the substance in the same time, and dividing the latter figure by the former, Rutherford and Regener obtained the charge of the alpha-particle, which is twice the electron-charge (with reversed sign) within the limits of experimental error. This suggests that the alpha-particle is an atom of something or other, which has lost two electrons. As an evacuated tube into which alpha-particles are ad- mitted is presently found to contain helium, the "something or other" is supposed to be helium. The mass of the alpha-particle can be de- termined directly from its charge and charge-mass ratio. It amounts to G.OOlO -', and this agrees with the mass inferred in the foregoing way for the positive particles found in helium. 4.774-10"'". .Anyone interested in his case may find it presented in the .'\pril, 1925, numlier of the Philosophical Magazine. The question is for e.xperimental physicists to discuss; but it is not likely that the edifice of moc found much more extensively presented in my fourth article, in which I have also written about isotopes, a subject omitted here for the sake of brevity. 414 HELL SVSrEAf TF.CHMCAL JOURNAL The aljiha-particle is siii)[K)seci, like tlie electnm, to be imuii smaller than an atom; partly because it can go through a thin sheet of metal, chiefl>' because of evidence to be expounded in the next paragraph. Collisions between alpha-particles and other jiarticles of similar mass are occasionally observed; the mass of the struck particle can be deduced from the directions in which it and the alpha-particle fly off after the impact, assuming only that conservation of momentum and conservation of kinetic energv- prevail during the impact. In this way it is possible to determine the masses of tiny particles (pre- sumably atoms) of hvdrogen, helium, oxvgen and nitrogen (perhaps eventually of other elements) in terms of the mass of the alpha- particle, which is determined from its charge-mass ratio and its charge, which are determined directly. If all the properties of the elements could be explained In- atoms possessing no features except charge and mass, all the fuuncj.iiinns of science nii.ulu be laid dnwii already. The alpha-particle is one of liie most \aluabk- and jjowirlul instru- ments in the physicist's equipment. It is a sort of luper-microscope, penetrating and revealing the arrangements of sv'stems so minute that microscopic objects are universes compared with them. Ruther- ford's development of the technique of using the ali)lia-pariicle is to be ranked among his greatest works. Positively-charged particles with masses as low as that of the electron have never been observed; the least massive of the knnwii positively-charged particles has 1,840 times the mass of ilu' eitciron. |). lui. Nil i.i-;ar .\i(im-M()1)I-;i, Since we ha\e met with positively-charged particles which are accepted as atoms deprived of one or more of their electrons, and since these incomplete atoms are much greater in mass than the electrons, it is natural to suppose that the completed atom consists of a positively-charged particle or nucleus in which almost its entire mass is concentrated, and one or more electrons which compensate the charge of the positive particle but add little to the mass of the atom. If we further suppose that the dimensions of the electrons and of the positi\el\-charged particle are small in comparison with the distance between them, we invent the nuclear atom-model.^ The flirect evidence for the nuclear atom-model consists of a very ' ('(itniiiDiily known as tlif Uiiihirford atoni-niodi'l, after the physicist who in- vrnteil il and diMovcred most of thri-vidi-nre for il; ixcasionally as Nagaoka's, after another physicist who suKRcsted it; occasionally as the Satiirnian model, as some have siipiHisetl that the electrons lie in Mat rings around the nucleus like the rings of .Siiturn around that planet. SOME coxruMroR.iRy .mr.ixci-.s i\ I'livsics riii 415 small l)ut a lii-aiitifui and ooiuincinK scries of experiments, of which the (irst and the most were performed by Sir l-.rnest Rutherford anfl his pupils." These experiments are designed to show that the orbit of a minute ehar^ed particle (usually an alpha-particle), flyinn iIuoukIi a thin film of mel.il, is in certain cases very like the hyperbolic orh't of a comet around the sun. Such an orbit is the [)ath of a particle moving near to an immobile particle, for instance a li^ht particle moving close to a much more massive one, which attracts it or repels it by a force varying inversely as the square of their distance apart. If these e.xperiments show what they are designed to show, then thc\' indicate that the atom includes a particle much more massive than an electron, hearing an electric charge, and sufticiently isolated from the other charges in the atom (such as the electrons) so that its field of force in a measurable space around it is not disturbed by theirs. We cannot, however, trace the entire path of an individual flying charged particle as it swings around through an atom, and are forced to make up for this deficiency by a statistical study of the visible portions of the paths of a great multitude of charge particles. Let us consider exactly what these experiments show; for whatever they do prove is the most securely proved of all the beliefs about atoms. In the first place, they show that there is a nucleus; and a vacant space surrounding it, in which an inverse-square force centred upon the nucleus prevails; and they indicate the dimensions of this vacant space. This commences within 10~'- cm. of the nucleus, which is another way of saying that the diameter of the nucleus is less than 10"'- cm.; and it extends beyond a distance given (to take instances) as 14.10"'- cm. for platinum and 10*' cm. for argon, which is another way of saying that nearly all of the negative charge of the atom lies still farther out from the nucleus. If the negative charge is indeed subdi\ ided into electrons, then the atom is formed like a hollow cloud of electrons, with a massive positively-charged nucleus at the centre of the interior hollow. The diameter of this cloud of electrons is not furnished li\- tlic experiments on alpha-particle deflections; but considering that the distance between adjacent atoms locked into a crystal lattice is generally a small multiple of 10"' cm., it cannot be much greater than 10 ' cm. unless we are prepared to admit interpenetration or violent distortion of atoms; nor does it seem likely that the diameter is very much smaller than this amount. I have already mentioned that some of the properties of gases are adequately explained by assuming • For the mathematical theory of these experiments, the second article of this scries may be consulted. 416 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL that the atoms are elastic rigid spheres with a diameter of about 10"' cm. Unlilce as an elastic rigid sphere and a cloud of electrons seem, this agreement between so difTerenth' made estimates is proli- ably no mere coincidence. It will be noticed that all of the figures about sizes at which we have arrived in such various \va>'s (diameters for the electron and the nucleus, for the vacant space inside the electron-cloud, for the entire atom) are quite compatible with one another. If the value derived for the diameter of the interior hollow had been ten times the spacing of atoms in a crystal, or a tenth the diameter of a spherule of electricity with the same electromagnetic mass as an electron, we should indeed be in trouble. In the second place, these studies of the deflections of alpha-particles yield numerical values for the nuclear charge : (77.4 ± I)e for platinum, (46.3±0.7)e for silver, (2!).3±0.7)«' for copper, 19e for argon, (iJie for "air" (a sort of statistical average of the \alues for oxygen and nitrogen).'" To these must be added the \alue +2e for the nuclear charge of helium; for we have alrcach' seen the evidence that the alpha-particle is what is left of a helium atom when two electrons are renio\X'd, and these last-cited experiments show that it is itself a nucleus, hence a helium nucleus. This nuclear charge must be bal- anced by negati\e charges within the atom; if this balancing negati\e charge is subdivided into electrons, then the numerical factors of e occurring in these numerical values are equal respectively to the number of electrons belonging to each atom. We thus ha\e f,iirl>- accurate estimates of the number of constituent electrons witiiiii each of four or live atoms. These estimates agree, within their experimental uncertainties, with the famous and splendid idea of van den liroek and Moseley : that the number of electrons in each atom, and the nuclear charge measured as a multiple of the electron-charge, "is the same as the niMuber of the place occupied by the element in the periodic tai>ie". 'I'his idea is also supporteti by rough measurements of aliiha-particle dellections by a few other atoms, and by the extent to which (iitTereni atoms .scatter X-ra\s; but the most important of the adililional evidence will find its appropriate place in the second section of this article. These conclusions are almost .ill tiial c.in be (k< I need from the data. The arrangement of electrons within the electron-cloud is almost '" KcfcroiK cs (iir ihcsu ilata an- given in llu' fourth article of this scries. The "lal.i ot.tained hy K. .S. Uielcr (l'r(x-. Ko\'. Sck., 10S.\, pp. 4.?4-4.S(), 19241 show ineiilcnlally, if I do not misread his article, that the nuclear charges of Mg and .Al have the desired values 12e and lie, rcsix-ctively, within a few per cent. Kulher- ford's studies of encounters between alpha-jiarticlcs and hydrogen atoms prove a nuclear charge of e for the latter. SOME CONTEMrOK.INY .-(/)r.-l,VC£.V IN rUVSICS nil Jl" entirt'ly coiirfak-tl. It is not altogftluT inarci'ssihU'; for llu- di-llec- tions sufferetl liy alpha-particles ami electrons living throuKli atoms are iiithienced !>>• the electrons of the atom, not by the nucleus ex- clusiveK ; anti from the decree in which the observed deflections difTcr from what the nucleus alone would compel, it is possible to draw- some conclusions about the way in which the electrons are arranged. The mathematical ililViculties, as the reader will readily admit, are tremenilous; the problem of determiniiiK the path of a n\'in>; electron through a cloud of electrons, probably themselves in motion, is enough to make the best of mathematicians despair; yet some progress in this direction has already been achieved, as I narrated in the second article of this series. Again, the scattering of X-rays by atoms should depend on the manner in which their electrons are arranged; and some measurements and some deductions have already been made, although the researches have been in abeyance for some years, probably because the newest disco\eries about X-ray scattering make it extremely doubtful what the mechanism of the effect really is. The study of deflections of alpha-particles by atoms has thus brought precious guidance to the atom-builder, and imposed severe limitations upim him, yet only partial ones. He is constrained to erect his atom according to certain fundamental rules, and yet has an ex- tremely free hand in arranging the details. He is practically com- pelled to build the atom of an element which occupies the iVth place in the periodic system, out of N electrons and a much more massive nucleus with a positive charge Ne. The data which I have cited do not absolutely enforce these numerical values; but there is no other model which they permit which could possibly rival this one in respect of convincing simplicity. He may not make the electrons go more than a few times 10~' cm. from the nucleus; he is constrained to leave a small vacant space around the nucleus, and within this space he may not tamper with the inverse-square law of force (a restriction which has eliminated several favored atom-models of the decade before 1910)." Having conformed to these restrictions he " Except that he may and must alter the inverse-square law of force to just the extent that further and more delicate exjieriments of this type require. Thus Bieler (I.e. supra) concludes, from a study of tletlections of alpha-particles passing close to the nuclei of aluminium atoms, that within about 10"'' cm. of the aluminium nucleus the inverse-square repulsion which it exerts upon an alpha-particle is supplemented by an attractive force — perhaps an inverse-fourth-powcr attraction, just balancing the repulsion at a distance of .^.44- lO^'-" cm. from the centre of the nucleus. Rutherford earlier found anomalies in the encounters between hydrogen nuclei and alpha-particles, which suggested to Uarwin that the latter might be considere thing, can stand still in certain positions without falling into liie nucleus; or that they, in spite of everj'thing, can rc\olve interminably in certain closed orbits without spiralling into the nucleus. Such a modifica- tion of the nuclear atom is, of course, essentially a denial of it. .\n atom composed of masses and electrostatic charges, jilus certain restrictive rules or arbitrary assertions, is no longer simply an atom composed of masses and electrostatic charges. Instead of giving to our ultimate particles a few properties selected from among the ones which matter en masse displays to our senses or our instruments. SlKMli COXIliMl'DH.IKy .//»('. I.V(/.\ /.V /'//Js/cV ;/// Alt \\v li.iM- to invent some new ones for them. Tliis seems regret I, iMe. liiit only l>ee.iuse our expectations were too liinh- Another eireiimstance leads us to another dilemma. Su|)pose that we could circumvent that ditticulty alxxit the revoKinn electron, which radiates part of its energy at each revolution and slides down a spiral [lath into the nucleus; supjiose that we could find justifica- tion for sayinn that no radiation occurs, that the electron like a planet may revoke forexer in an ellipse. If two atoms colliiled, as in a K^i^ they must ver\' frecpiently do, would not the electrons all he dis- arranged, ilisorganized, Himj; over from one orbit into another.'' This we should certainly expect; yet if it happens, no two atoms in a gas can In.' exactly alike, ni>r can any atom retain its character for more than a fraction of a second. If this is so, then the various sharpK- det'metl properties of a gas must, each and every one of them, be statistical properties- -not themseU'es properties of indi\idual atoms, but the results of other properties of individual atoms, held in different amounts by different atoms and all averaged together. In some cases this is unobjectionable; the pressure and the temperature of a gas are sharply definite properties, resulting from the mass and the motion of the atoms, and the latter of these properties is not neces- sarily the same for any two att)ms at the same moment nor for any atom at different moments. But one wouki be reluctant to treat the spectrum of a gas as such a prfiperty; according to all the traditions of physics this is one of the properties of the individual atoms, liut the sjjectrum is very constant, sharp, immutably defined; we must therefore assume either that it de[)ends onh' on the number of elec- trons in the atom and not upon their motion nor position, an idea which would be difficult to carry through; or that the electrons are ineluctably constrained to certain orbits or certain positions, so that the atom retains its personality and its character. We have now inade the accjuaintance of two ideas whicli will be exceedingly prominent in the second di\ision of this article. Tlu' nuclear atom-nnKlel is of itself unstable; therefore stability mu>i be enforced ut)on it by outright assumption, it must be made stable b\ fiat. But this stability may nf)t be extended to all concei\ablc arrangements or configurations of the nuKlel; it must be reserved for one or a few, that the atom may possess a fixed character and a personality. We now arrive at the phenomena by means of which these vagueK- expressed ideas are t(j be sharpeiieil and hardened into detinite doctrines. 420 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL E. The Stationary States E 1. The Direct Evidence for the Stationary Slates Imagine a tube filled with gaseous helium, and containing a hot filament from which electrons emerge. By means of an accelerating potential applied between the filament and a fine-meshed gauze close in front of it, the electrons are speeded up, and pass through the gas with an energy which is accurately controlled by the accelerating- potential. A third electrode is maintained at a potential only slightly higher than that of the filament. To reach this electrode, the elec- trons must sacrifice nearly all of the energy which they acquired in coming up to the gauze. If they lose little or no energy in their progress through the gas, they can win their way to the third elec- trode, like water rising again to the level of its source. If, however, they lose a notable amount of energy to the atoms with which they collide, they cannot reach the third electrode, as water which has turned a mill-wheel cannot climb again to the level whence it fell. By measuring the current into the third electrode in the helium- filled tube, it is found that if the electrons ha\e an amoimt of energy lower than 19.75 equivalent \olts, they lose scarcely any of it in their progress through the gas; but if the energy of an electron is just equal to 19.75 e(|uivalent volts, it may and frequently does lose its energy altogether; and if the energy of an electron surpasses 19.75, it may and frequently does surrender just 19.75 equivalent volts to the gas, retaining the residuum itself. Imagining that the electron collides with atoms of helium on its way across the gas, we conclude that the helium atom can receive exactly 19.75 of these units of energy, no lesser quantity and (within certain limits) no greater. From similar e.xperiments it appears that the mercury atom can receive 4.GG equivalent volts of energy, no smaller amount and (within certain limits) no larger. It appears that the sodium atom can receive 2.1 equivalent Nolts, no less and (within certain limits) no more — and the list can be extended to some thirty elements. Another way of saying the same thing is this: the helium atom may exist (at least transiently) in its normal state, or also in a second state in which its energy is greater by 19.75 equivalent volts than in its normal state, — but not, so far as we can find evidence, in any stale with any intermediate value of energy. Let us call this second state an "excited state." The mercury atom then has, in adtiilion to its normal state of undefined energy, an excited state of energy- greater by 4.()() equivalent volts. The sodium atom has, in addition to its normal stale, an excited state of energy greater by 2.1 equivalent SOME CONTEMFOR.INV .tl>i:it\CF.S IX I'liysiCS 17// 421 \oIis and so with a niiinliiT of oIIuts. I L;i\i' llii'sc and a fvw other vahit's in the following lal)le: TAItl K 1 . He Ne Na C» Mg H»- Knergy-valuc of the 0 19.75 20. 5S 24.5 0 16.65 18.45 21.5 0 2.1 5.12 0 1.45 3.9 0 2 7 4 4 7.6 0 First excited state < Uher excited states. . . . 4 66 4.86 5 43 6.7 10.4 It will he noticed that values are given for several excited states in the same column; these rest upon evidence of the same sort as docs the first e.xcited state, so that in general the atom must be cf)nsidered to jxissess not one onl\', but se\eral possible states in addition to its normal state. It will be noticed also that values are given for the "ionized atom." These are the amounts of energy just sufficient (when applied by means of an impinging electron) to detach an electron froin the atom. When electrons with so much energy or more are poured into the gas in question, positively-charged particles, such as I previously mentioned and characterized as the residues of atoms deprived of an electron apiece, appear in it. It is not absurd to call this an "excited state." If it takes just 24.5 equivalent volts of energy to detach an electron from a helium atom, then the system formed of an ionized helium atoin and a free electron has a potential energy of 24.") equiva- lent volts. Any experiment, therefore, in which the energ\' required to detach an electron from an atom is measured — any experiment for determining the ionizing- potential, as this energy when expressed in equivalent volts is called — is essentially an experiment for locating one of the excited states of the atom. In this sense the energ>'-values of the last line in Table I are to be taken. I introduce them here for two reasons. In the first place, the fact that this energy-value is greater than any of the others in the same column suggests this interpretation f(jr the excited slates: that they correspond each to a certain partial lifting-out of an electron, to a certain stage of incomplete separation, while the energy-value of the ionized atom corresponds to the total lifting-out or to the complete separation. This idea is fortified by the fact that a helium atom may be ionized by two consecutive blows from electrons each with 422 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOIRSAL 20 equi\alent volts of energy, if the blows fall closely enough together — as if the energy spent in raising the atom to its first excited state were paid into account, and could be used toward detaching the electron when the deficiency is supplied. This fact is exceedingly important for the theory, and I mention it here as a passing anticipa- tion. In the second place it is desirable — for a j-eason which will presently appear — to measure the energy-values of the normal and of the excited states not from the energy of the normal state, as I have done in Tabic I, but from the energy <>f the ionized atom as zero-value. This is done in Table II. TABLE 11 He Ne Na Cs Mg Hg Energy-value of the Ionized atom 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-ionized atom -3.2 - 3 7 Excited states. . . . - 3 <)5 - i.» - 4.97 - 5.54 First excited state. - 4 75 - 4.S5 -.M) -2 45 -4 9 - 5.74 Normal state -24.5 -21.5 -5.1 -3.9 -7.6 -10.4 With this convention, all the energy-values for the non-ionized atom liecome negative— a source of confusion, but not of nearly so much confusion as the previous convention would eventually entail. It is well to remember tenaciously that, in at least nine cases out of ten in the literature, the energy-values of the normal state and the excited states are referred to the energy of the ionized atom as zero, and that the\' all should aKva\s bear the minus sign, though generalK' it is left olT. For the excited states and for the normal state, I will employ the common general name of Stationary States; occasionalh', for the .sake of variety, the alternati\e name levels. Another conininn word is term, the origin of which will appear in the next section. '- As the reader will be forced to make himself familiar with schematic representations of the Stationary States, he may as well begin at once with a simple one. Fig. 1 is a diagram showing the stationary states listed for helium in the foregoing tables. The levels are repre- sented by horizontal lines, separated by distances proportional to the "Anyone who reads the physical literature of today soon becomes familiar with the phrase "the electron is in the . . . orhit" used instead of "the atom is in the . . . state." This phrase expresses theory rather than facts of observation, and docs not always express theory adequately; 1 have avoided it in this article. SOME CO.XTEMPOR.IRy .IPr.lXCF.S IX I'llVSICS llll 42.1 clitTiTt'iirt's iH'IWft'H tlu'ir fiKTK>-valiii's (tisualK', liowi-vi-r, thfso (listaruTs an- distorU-d for convi-iiience). Tlu- i-iuTny-valuos, cx- pri'ssftl in t(iiii\alcnt volts, art- aftixi-d to tlu- liius; on tlic left, they are measured from the normal state of the neutral atom as /.cro of ■feTiOtf »r: I ■■-it lQ!Nt2.E.O WTOr- r fcJLCITE-O 3TfiTE.3 or flT,o^fl. £0.55 • " 19 7S: iy^^-\ ■■ i.t- i,' E-lsteGi 1 -H^ :.[^! :^i^:^l-^Fl^i.:|:::i:::l:n-|.i.±:i:: l-ig. 1 — Uiagram of the stationary states of helium, dctcrniined liy the method of electron-impacts 424 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURSAL energy; on the right, they are measureci from the state of ilii- idiii/cd atom (which is the more common practice;". R 2. Bohr's Inter pretalion of Spectra in 1!I12. ilie e\icience to wiiich the foregoing section is de\()ted was still eniireh' undiscovered, the Stationary States were unknown. That evidence was sought and found because N'icls Bohr had divined the Stationary States in de\eloping a new and brilliant interpretation of spectra. Until then, all physicists had wished to interpret the fre- quencies forming the spectrum of an atom as the natural resonance- frequencies of an elastic system. Bohr supplanted this idea with an idea of his own, one of the most no\el, fecund and potent in all the long evolution of physics. Several of the ideas incorporated in the contemporary atom-model are due to Bohr; among them all this is I In- [jrimary and fimdamental one, and certainly the most secure. Consider the spectrum of hydrogen. In the visible region, this spectrum consists of a "line-scries" — that is to say, a procession of lines converging upon a limit, falling at intervals ever narrower and narrower, these intervals so smoothly diminishing that they bear witness lo m common character and a mutual origin of all the lines. E I ■ Fig. . n( liius ill I lie hydnigin s|>( el i urn. Koote & Mohler, "Origin of Spectra") rli-s, hdrn This line-series is shown in I'ig. 2. Not only to the eye is it of a wonderful regularit\-; the fre(|uencies of its consecutive lines are bound together in a simple numerical law. They are equal successively to vii^-R/V; vii„-R/A^, vii„-R/r>\ viir,-R/Q>-, etc. (1) " This method of le subtracted from vum in eacii of these cases, not to speak of the related form of the expres.sions for k;,™, suggests like simple laws in other fields of physics that in this formulation of the facts .something highly important has been partially unveiled. There are certain other series in the spectrum of hydrogen, and inspecting them all one is led to the rule that ei'ery frequency emitted by the hydrogen atom can be calculated by inserting different pairs of integers in the places of m and n /// the formula The case of the ionized-helium '■' atom is quite as simple. Kvery fre- quency emitted by this atom can be calculated by assigning different pairs of integer values to the constants m and n in the formula = 4/? ih-l^- <« Line-series have been found in the spectra of many other elements. Some of them are as strikingly outstanding as the line-series in the sfK-ctrum of hydrogen, and converge upon limits scarcely less easy to locate; for instance, the "principal" series of the spectrum of sotlium (Fig. 3). Most are by no means so obvious; often they are involved in the midst of a luxuriant jungle of unrelated or otherwise- related lines. Most spectra conceal their structures from the un- practised eye, as a tone-poem of Strauss its themes or an opera of the Ring its Leitmotiv from the ine.xperienced ear. Long training and a skilled judgment are required in the deciphering of spectra, except in the few untypically simple cases; and usually the arrange- ment of lines into series which the spectroscopist presents must be " The reader may take this, for the time being, simply as the name of a particular element. 426 BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOVRSAL accepted hy the theorist without Cjuestion and without suggestion, for he is not competent to analyze the data for himself. Having grouped a certain number of lines into a series, ha\ing guessed as well as possible the convergence-frequency vum of this series, the spectroscopist has still the task of finding the numerical a 10 I"'ig. 3 — I'riiiripal scrlc- )f soiliiim (two photonraphsl. ((i. K. Harrison, Physical Kniiiv I l.iw to which the consecutive frequencies conform. As a matter of course, all the fre(|uencies can be e\|)ressed by a formula j^eiurali/cd from (1) and (2): vi = viim -f(i) (o) in which / is the oriler-number distinguishing each line, and /(/) is a different quantity for each of the lines, which approaches zero as we pass along the series to the limit. This means nothing by itself; the (juestion is, does the function /(/) ha\'e a simplicity comparable wiili the simplicity of the subtrahenda in (1) and (2) which suggested that the>' are the symbols of something deeply important? In general, the function /(/) is not so simple as the function which occurs in the series of the spectra of hydrogen and ionized helium. In many cases, howe\er, it is almost as sim|)le, in others a little more complicated, in others a little more complicated yet, and so forth; so that the eventual result is this, that the formula (8) appears to be the proper way of de.scribing the lines of series spectra, even in cases where the '^cric'; i>; so irregular and the form of the function /(») .so intricate SOME coxTF.MPtm-.ihy .ii>r.ixcF.s ix riiysics riii 427 that if it wiTf the i>nly series in ixislfiue. no (inc would .iit.n h any particular iniix)rtanre to it." Ti) the physicists of a Kt^'itTi*''"" i>K'>. wht) reKarded the spertrum fre(|iien»ies as natural \il)ralion-fre(|ucnries of the atom, and tried hard to invent a nieehanieal niode! of which the vihration-frequencips should conform to the formula ('.i) or the more general formula (o), the character of these formulae was an insurmountable obstacle, l-^lsewhere '" I have given a brief account of the \ain attempts to con- trive such a nuxlel. Bohr abandoned this procedure altogether; and taking equation (3), he multiplied both sides of it by Planck's con- stant /; I =()..")•;■ 10 -■"). h, = l,R(\-\). (6) The significance of this act depends on the meaning of //. Planck hail found it expedient, in tleveloping an adequate theory of radiation, tt> assume that soliti hot bodies are popul.ited willi multitudes of I'.tlll 1 1 1 .'ll M ) ill. « • 1 1 1 1 ! 1 ! 1 • ^ 1 Kii;. I I'riiicip.il scries of helium (singlet systini . 1. l.yni.in, A^trnphyiiiat Journal) oscillating electrons of all the various frecpiencies, possessing a very curious and inexplicable property; this being, that an oscillator vibrating with frequency v can emit radiant energy of that same fre- quency V only in units or quanta of amount hv. Kinstein had found it exjiedicnt, in describing the photoelectric effect and other phe- nomena, to assume that radiant energy of the frequency v goes about in units or quanta of the amount hv, emitted integrally, absorbed integrally, travelling integrally. Suppose then that we assume that the quantity hv, standing on the left-hand side of the equation (6), represents the amount of radiant energy emitted by the hjdrogen '• As a matter of fact, the series-limit is not generally so obvious to the eye that it can be l' of the hydrogen atom before it emits the radiation of fre- quency v; the other is the energy of the atom after the emission is concluded. The radiation of frequency v is emitted by reason of a transi- tion between two stationary states of the hydrogen atom; the energies of these states are equal to the terms whereof the frequency v is the difference, each term multiplied by h. The terms of the spectrum formulae are the energy-values of the stationary states of the atom, when trans- lated into the same units by multiplying them by h. When trans- lated into proper units, the terms are energies, and the energies are terms. This is Bohr's great and memorable idea. Once this idea is accepted, the known stationary states of the atom increase enormously in number. The paltry one, two, or half-dozen, which are all that Iiave been detected by obser\ing the energy-losses of rebounding electrons, are multiplied into hundreds and thousands. The accuracy with which each energy-value is known is augmented tenfold or a hundredfold, sometimes far more; for spectroscopic measurements are among the most accurate in ph\sics, although the necessity of extrapolating the observed frequencies to arri\e at the series-limit neutralizes some of their precision. One point must be kept clearly and always in mind, at the peril of infinite confusion. The energy-values which the spectrum terms supply are not the energy-values of the stationary states measured from the normal state, as might seem natural; they are the energy-values measured from the state of the ionized atom. These being negative, it is the negati\'e term-value which is significant. Equation (6) must ihcrcfore be rewritten in this fashion: '-H-J^-H-m^- (^) The energies of the successive stationary states of the hydrogen atom are -RJi. -Rli/4, -Rli/9, -Rh/l(i, and so forth, relatively to the energy of the ionized atom as zero. They are not Rh, Rh/4, Rh/9, and so forth, relati\cly to the normal state of the atom as zero. Any- one who entertains this last idea is doomed to trouble. The stationary states of the hydrogen atom are shown in Fig. 5, which is constructed like Fig. 1, with the energy-values of the various le\cls measured downwards from the state of the ionized atom, and affixed f)n the right. The distances from the various levels to the zero-line are (iroportional to these energy-values (this feature will henceforth be found too inconvenient to maintain). soMi (d.v// u/v'A'. ;/vi .//I/ .;.\( / V i\ riiysns iiii 4J<> riif fiuTn\-valui' of .1 st.»tii>iiary stale, wlu-n (il>taiiu-y aiialy/iiig .1 .-iH-tiruin, is m-nerally niwii not in e(|uivalrnt \olis, Imt in a unit lalU'd ilif "\v.i\<.--nuinlHT." This unit is \, he timi-s as urcat as an fr^, and ;{()()//( e (ahoui .()()012;{7) limes as great as an equivalent volt. When the eiH'rv;>-s allies of two sialiiinar\' slates are expressed in IONIZED i^Ton 16 -E-k A- STflTL Fig. 5 — Diagram of the stationary states of hydrogen, deduced from Its spectrui: 430 BELL SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOVRSAL iliis iiiiii. ilii' (litTcrence between them is equal to 1 'c times the fre- quency' III ilu' line whirh corresponds to the transition from one to the other. A speclruni-line corresponding; to a transition between two station- ary states is symbolized, on a diagram of statit)nary states, by an arrow connecting the dashes (or whatever marks are used) which symbolize the two levels. This is illustrated in Fig. 6. I pause at this point to remark that each of what I ha\e been calling the "stationary states" is in fact usually a group of two or more stationary states, often but not always exceedingly close to- gether; just as many stars in the sk\- are in fact groups of stars too close together for any but an excellent telescope to discriminate. This will be discussed at length in a later section; at present it is expedient to regard each of these groups as one stationar\' state. The experimental test of Bohr's method for identifying stationary states consists in comparing the stationary states inferred from the spectrum, according to Bohr's procedure, with the stationary states derived directly by the study of electron-impacts. The agreement is perfect where\'er the experiments by the latter method can be carried out. By a curious fatality, this is impracticable for hydrogen and ionized helium, as neither sort of atom occurs in gas quiescent enough for experiments on energy-transfers from electrons to atoms. For about fifteen other elements, the comparison has been made for two or more of the Stationary States. Every energy-value given in Table II was obtained by the method of electron impacts, and con- firmed b\- analyzing the spectrum of the element. E 3. The Classification of Stalioiiary Slates hy Vtiliziiig "Rules of Selection" I have said that e\ery line in a spectrum, at least of those arranged in series, may be represented by an arrow connecting two stationar\- states. If arrows are drawn from every one of the stationary states to everj' other, will every arrow correspond to a line actually observed in the spectrum? Kvery line has an arrow; does everj' arrow have a line? By no means; the answer is definiteh- and strongly negative. If the wave lengths deduced from all the possible arrows are sought in the spectrum, most o( them are found unoccupied by lines. The great majority of the apparently po.ssible transitions either do not occur at all, or if they do occur, the energy which is liberated is dis- posed of in some other way than by radiation. There is reason for believing that the atom may embrace this last alternative if it col- . OS56- •0.6a7- -O 79e- S-COLUMN d-COLUMN f-COLUMN K =3 K =4 Fig. 6 — Diagram of the stationar>' states of sodium, sorted out into columns by applying the selection-principle. Arrows represent various lines (blue for principal, yellow for sharp, red for diffuse and green for Hcrgniann scries) S!OME CONTEMPOR.IRV .IPl.tXCFS IX PHYSICS-VIll 4.M lilies with another atom or with an electron. Otherwise, it seems that if the atom cannot radiate the enern>' liiieratetl in a transition, the transition itself cannot hap(X'n at all. If, therefore, the line ror- resjiontlini; to an arrow is niissin^, the transition corresponding to the arrow must he inhit)ile- states must include a reason for the occurrence of some transitions and the non-occurrence of some others. This is gcMxl rather than had fortune, since if such a reason is demanded, it may he found in one and not in another of two competing theories which otherwise wouUl stand on an equal footing; the missing lines may even suggest a theory. At all events they suggest a system of classitication; and, while the hardcne'sicist to say that it "forbids" the lines. The same objection applies with extra force to the phrase "forbidden by the selection-principle". It is much better to accept the fact that certain lines are missing as a fact of experience, and the selection-principles as rules of experience whereby the facts are codified. £ 4- The Families of Stationary States (for Other Atoms than Hydrogen) There is a far-reaching contrast between the spectra of all atoms hut hydrogen and ionized helium, on the one hand, and the spectra of these two atoms on the other. The selection-principles at first 432 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOVR\AL accentuati' this conlrast, and l.Ui-r to a certain extent aid to explain it away. I commence with the atoms other than hydrogen, and take sodium as the specific instance. A few of the stationary' states of the sodium atom are exhibited in a single column on the left of Fig. 6. The energ>-value of each IcncI, measured from the energy of the ionized atom as zero, is affixed at the left ; but the practice of drawing the le\e!s at distances proportional to their energy-values has had to be discarded for the sake of lucidity. In this case, the distances are proportioned to the differences Ijetween the logarithms of the energy-values. Drawing arrows from each of the levels to every other, and ascertaining which of them correspond to actual and which to missing lines, we find that the missing lines are such that the stationary states can be sorted out into several families, to be arranged in parallel columns as on the right of Fig. 6. There are at least seven of these, but it is of no advantage to us to consider more than the first four. The feature of this arrangement is, that transitions between stationary states in adjacent columns correspond to actual tines; but the lines corresponding to all other transitions are missing. This is a principle of selection. It may be phrased in an equixalent but pregnant way, in this maniuT. Let me attach to the several columns the numerals 1, 2, 1^, 4 . . . , as they are indicated at the bases; and let me use k as the general symbol for each and all of these numerals. Then this particular selection-principle ma\' be i)lirased thus: The only transitions which correspond to actual spectrum lines are those in which k changes by unity; Ak = ±l. The numeral k bears the ponderous name of azimuthal quantum- number. This is a name dcri\-ed from theory and not from experience, as will be made clear in due time. The principle of selection which has just been stated is the .selection-principle for the azimuthal (juan- tum-number. Kxceptions to this rule occur; tiu' verbolcn lint's, like oilier vcrholen things, occasionalh' c\ade the prohibition. This happens particu- larly when the atoms are subjected to intense electric fields, or to violent spasmodic electrical discharges in which strong transient fields are produced: in these circumstances great numbers of the missing lines leap suddenK' into sight. In Fig. 11 some of these lines appear elicited by a strong electric field. Some lines corresjKJnding to changes of k by two units or by none, which by the foregoing rule should be absent, do actually occur even when there is no obvious soMF. coMi.\H'(U<.ih:y .tnr.ixcis- i\ riiysn\- riii 4,u riMson whaU'viT for thinking llial tlii- atoms arr siiliji-cl to tiiuisii.il strt'sscs." The fxci'ptions, howi-vt-r, aro iint mmuToiis «-iioii^;h to jeopardize the rule. Two other features of tlu- roliimns slioiiKI l)e pointed oiil; first, that tlie suiTessive levels in each column are not scattered at random, l)ut form a converging series approaching the lop of the column as limit (their energy-values form a secpience converging to zero); and secontl, that there is nothing arbitrary about the order of the coiumrts, since the cohnnn at the extreme left admits of transitions to only one other column and therefore is unmistakable, and all the others follow after it in an immutable order. E 0. A Digression About Xotation The symbol for a transition between two stationary states, and for the spectrum line which corresponds to that transition, consists of the symlx)ls for the two states separated by an arrow, or a dash, or a semicolon, or any convenient mark. The final state is commonly written first. Thus the line due to the transition from a state B to a state A is designated thus: {A) — {B). Chess-players will be re- minded of the "Continental" system of describing moves at chess, in which symbols for the squares from which and to which the piece is moved are written down one before the other. The notation for spectrum lines thus flows easily and naturall\' from the notation for stationary states. This notation is not in principle ver\' difficult, but it has become confused and confusing, largely because of the alterations which have been wrought upon it to make it express not the facts, but divers theoretical interpretations of the facts. Alterations in names and notations generally produce an e\il effect in physics even when justified in the highest degree, for the old systems and the new persist side by side and cause in- terminable trouble; all the more is this so when the alterations are based on uncertain grounds and impermanent. The notation for stationar\- states has already suffered much in this manner, and probably the worst is yet to come. The classification of levels which I ha\e just (lescrit)ed enables and ref|uires us to give a twofold symbol to each le\el; the symbol must designate the column in which the le%el stands, and its order-number or serial number in that column. The columns are generalh' desig- " Footc, Meggers antl Mohler observed a line corresponding to a change of two units in k (the line i\,s) — {^,d), in the notation to lie explained in section K5) under circumstances in which it seemed im|X)ssililc to t)elieve in an abnormally large electric field. 434 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL nated b\- the letters 5, p, d, f (or their capital, or Gothic, or Greek equivalents).'" A spectroscopist using these symbols generally writes the serial number of the le%el before the letter, with a comma between, thus: (1,5) and (2,p) and (3,f/). Or the columns may be designated by their values of the numeral k. which is then commonly written as a subscript to the serial number. These s\'mboIs have at least the ad\antage of being comparativeh' ti,\ed. It is far otherwise with the serial numbers. One might expect that the level having the greatest energy-value in a particular column would be called Number 1, and the successive ones Number 2, Number 3, and so forth towards the convergence-limit. Unfortunately (though for not a bad reason) the habit is to designate the first levels of the successive columns by the order-numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4, successi\ely; so that their respective symbols are (l,s); {2,p); (Z,d) and (4,/). These are the symbols I have affixed in Fig. 6; but they are not the only ones, as the order- numbers have jumped up and down several times to satisfy the ex- igencies of new atom-models. It would be unprofitable to confuse the reader with further details, at least at this point. The important things to remember are three: that the symbol for each stalionar\- state must contain one index for its column and another for its place in its column — that the former index is usually one of the specified letters — that the latter index is a number, usually beginning with 1, 2, 3, 4 for the first le\'el in the 5, p, cl<)n^s to one p.irlit'iil.ir llii.il ^t.iit-, .iiul in unt- |).irti< til.ir ciilinnii of initial stalt-s. The linc-sories consisting of transitions into the state (\,s), or Urmimtting upon (1,5) as the phrase sometimes is, hears the name of principal series. Its consecutive lines are: {\,s) — (2,p)\ (1,5) — (3,^); (1,5) — (4, p) and so forth. The>' are signified by the blue arrows'of A7.irmiili Quaiiiuin Number Fig. 7 — .Vnotht-r way of mapping the staliunarj' states of sodium Fig. 6. The general symbol for this series is (1,5) — (»/,/>); which will be quite intelligible. The (1,5) level is the normal state of the att)m; consequently, the various lines of the principal series correspond to transitions, by which the atom regains its normal state after a tempo- rary e.xile from it. It is probably for this reason that the series is prominent enough to have received the name principal from the spectroscopists. Two series terminate upon the {2,p) level. One of these consists of 436 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURX.IL ,ransilinn> from various l.xc-ls of Hr- .s-rnlu,nn. This is ihc sharp (or second) subordimite scries, and us syiiilx.l is (2,/>) - (w.^). 1 he other series consists of transitions from various levels of the rf-column; it is the diffuse (or first) subordinate series, and its symbol is {2,p)- (m4). ^'elUnv and red arrows signify these series, respectively, in Fig. G. Of the two line-series terminating upon the (3,rf) level, only one has been endowed with a name; this is the series (3,i)lv to the spectra of hydrogen and of iomze single coluinn. as il was doiu- in Vi^. *>. Hill in this arraniii-nuMit the si'k'rtion-priiu'ipli' of thi- fori'noinjj p.ira- Kraph is app.iri-iitly rontravt-ni'd. lM>r, when tlie Ie\els of the scKliiiin atom were arranjjiHl into <-oliiniiis, the transitions lu-tween levels l>eloni;iiiK to one and the same column were amonn the inhil>itefl transitions, the lines corresponding to these were amon^ the missing lines. But the transitions between the levels in the single column which contains all of them for the hydroijen atom, correspond to the actual lines which constitute the entire Indrogen spectrum. This ili.scord is only ap[)arent. It vanishes when we recall the fact, already once mentionetl as a forewarning and then neglected for ease of e.xposition, that the stationary states of the hydrogen atoms are compound — that what has been called a "stationary state" in the precetling pages is really an ensemble of adjacent stationars' states. Kvery line of the Balmer series, the series R(l nr— 12^), is actually a close doublet; the frec|uency -differences between the components of all the doublets are approximately the same. Interpreted in the new fashion, this means that what we have called the stationary state of energy —Rii/-i is actually a pair of "component" stationary states very close together — so close together, that if the energy of one were exactly —R)t 4, the energy- of the other would depart from that value by less than one part in forty thousand. Further in analyzing the sf)ectrum of hydrogen we cannot go, probably because the minute details (if there are any) of the structure of its lines overtax the resolving-power of our spectroscopes. The spectrum of ionized helium, however, is spread out in a more generous scale; and some of its lines were analyzed by Paschen. Among these were the lines of frequency 4/?(l, 3=- 1/4=); 4/?(l/3=- 1/5=); and 4/?(l/3=- 1/6=). They were resolved respectively, into six, fi\c, and three components; and the line 4/?(l '4=— 1 5=) resolved into four. Interpreted in the new manner, these data mean that what we have called the stationary states of energy-values —4Rli 9, — 4/?/;,'16, — ARh 2.5, and — Rh 'i 2 A = a Hg. 8 — Diagram of the stationary states of ionized helium, resolved to account for the fine structure of the spectrum lines 440 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and the 5-c<)liiinns, which in the sodium atom are widely separated, are in the former atoms so closely crowded together that lines, which in the sodium spectrum are far apart, are in the former spectra packed into all-but-irresolublc groups. This is prol)able, but not certain. Further data about other lines in the ionizcd-helium spectrum would be gratefully received.-" The notation for the various "component" stationary states of the ionized-helium atom is shown in Fig. 8. The successi\e columns are denoted by the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . for which the general symbol is k, as previously. This numeral is written as a subscript to the serial number of the le\-el in its column, which commences with 1 in the first column, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, and so forth. By inspecting the figure, the reader will see a reason for using these ditTcrent values of the serial-number for the first levels of the different columns. The serial-number is designated b\' n and called the total- qiiantum-nmnber. The numeral k is called the azimiilhal-qitantum number, as before. These hea\ily long names are imposed by the theory and not by the data. E S. Further Analysis of the Stationary States of Other Elements than Hydrogen and Ionized Helium; Multiplets Ha\ing performed a two-stage analysis of the spectra of ionized helium and of hydrogen, we return to the spectra of the other elements for a second attack. Let us consider the reasons for making these anahses in two stages. When the mid-Victorian physicist trained his spectroscope upon a tube full of glowing hydrogen, he saw the spectacle of Fig. 2 — the converging procession of distinct bright lines, of which the frequencies form that delightfully smooth numerical progression which we have already met. Later physicists with better instruments discovered that each of these "lines" was in fact a pair of lines. Now in strict iniiii, this discovery show'ed that the "lines" of the Balmer series were no lines at all; for a doublet is not a line. But the phj-sicists continued to refer to the "lines" of the Balmer series, chiefly no doubt because to anyone equipped with an ordinary spectroscope the doublets do appear as single lines. By itself this is little reason; but ilie usage is not altogether faulty. Few people w'ould hesitate lo admit that each of these doublets is not a couple of casual neighbors, not two '" It would be particularly interesting to settle beyond question whether the niissinc lines demand the select ion-princi|)le already explained in section K4, rather than tile one to be explained in section K8. This is one of the reasons for wanting to produce and examine the spectrum of doubly-ionized lithium, in which the evi- dence would probably be much clearer. soMi- coxrr..\tr(}K iKv .inr.ixirs ix riivsns- iiii -m imri'latrd liiu-s forliiitously rlosi- to>;fther, l)Ut a pair of lines shariiiR sonu- (li'tply limd.imiMital {|uality in common. This is indiralt-H rhii'tly by the fai'ts tliat tlu- distance (me.isiired in fre(]iiency) between the components of a doublet is the same for all the doublets, and very sm.dl comparml with the distance between consecutive doublfls. For this re.ison the tloublets are treatetl as entities, and they retiilire .1 n.ime: which is what physicists have preser\ed for them, in con- tinuing to call them "lines." "Doublet" would be better than "line", .md "group" would be better yet; but we cannot ever be sure that even the apparently-single lines are not very close groups, and yet it would be silly to call every line a group. Sirius appears as a df)uble star in a few of the most powerful telescopes, but nobody would insist on calling it a double star when pointing it out in the night sky. .All this is not so trivial as it sounds. It is easy enough to speak of doublets when looking at lines which appear single except when viewed in the most powerful spectroscope, and then are resoKed into components much closer together than the nearest similar line is to either. Such lines occur not in the spectra of hydrogen and ioniKed helium only, but in the spectra of sodium and other elements generally. But the spectroscopist is constantly applying such names as "doublet" and "triplet" and "quadruplet", and the inclusive name "multiplet" to groups of lines which lie far apart in the spec- trum, with scores of others inter\ening. Here his function is not to split apparent lines into narrow groups, but to unite widely-scat- tere-mbol for its place in its group. This s>mbol is generall>' a numeral, hung on as a subscript to the letter desig- nating the column (thus: (2,/'i) and {2,p2) ) or as an additional sub- script to the two numerals (thus: 32i and Ssj).-' The most common general symbol for this numeral is j. Geometrically, the stationary states may be represented by lines or dots arranged, not in one row of se\cral parallel columns as in Fig. 7, but in .se\eral rows of parallel cf)himns. Readers with three-dimensional imaginations in good working order may develop this idea ad libitum. The systems for assigning the values of j are shifted around every few months to correspond to new atom-models, and are scarcely worth memorizing. " The notation suggested by Saunders and Russell, evidently in concord with a niiniljcr of other experts, is built in this way: Designate the column to which a group lielongs by the letters suggested in section E5, capitalized (i.e., .S", P, P, F, G, 11 for ^ = 1, 1, ?i, 4, .S, (>); write the serial-nunil«?r of the proup before the letter, and ajipcnd the value of jf as a subscript to the letter. If it is desired to state what sort of a system (cf. section ElO) a level belongs to, one may add an index to the left of the letter and above it. SOME COXTEMPOR.IKV .inr.lWr.S /.V rilYSlCS nil 44.? The host of tlieni, however, are adjusted so as to express a new and additional selertioii-principle, which is roec|iial with the other selcr- tion-prinrii>le we met a few pages above. This principle is derived in the .same way as the first one. Tin- groups of levels are established by inference from tiie groups of lines; then arrows are drawn from every level to e\ery other, the corrc- s|H)nding spectrum-lines are sought, and most of them arc not foimd. .Some of these missing lines are those which would contravene the first selection-principle, as they correspond to transitions in which the numeral k changes by more than one unit, or not at all. Putting these aside, there are still a number of missing lines, to which the first selection-principle has offered no objection. Now it is found possible to chcHKse the numeral j in such a manner that the only transitions which correspond to actual spectrum lines are those in which 7 changes by one unit or not at all iSj = 0,±l). Furthermore it is possible to adjust the values of _; in such a manner that the lines corres^Kinding to transitions, in which j is initiall\- zero and remains unchanged, are missing. This is the selection- principle for the inner quantum number; for the numeral j. when adjusted in this manner, is known as the inner quantum number. This again is a name imposed b\- theoni- and not by the data of experience. As the two selection-principles arc etTective concurrently, the pair of them may be fused into this one: Of the three numerals n, k and j, which specify a stationary stale com- pletely, two (k and j) may be so chosen that the only transitions which correspond to actual lines are those in which : first, Ak = ± 1 ; second, S]=0, ± 1 ; third, j is not zero both before and after the transition. This complicated rule is evidently the sign of some very important principle, the full nature of which thus far escapes us. It will prohahh' seem dithcult to grasp and fix in mind; but difficulty of this sort is likely to alH)und in the physics of the near future. Not so many years ago the physicist's path lay among differential equations; the defter he was in integrating hard specimens of these, the better he was fitted for his profession. I should not care to say that this is no longer true; but he will probably have to cultivate a sense for prob- lerps such as this. It remains to give some idea aliout the number of stationary states in the various groups. P'or sodium, as laid out in Fig. 6, the groups in the j-column are merely single levels (this sounds like a contra- diction in terms, but may be borne for the sake of the generality): the groups in the other columns are pairs of levels, or "doublet terms." 444 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL This is the common character of the alkali elements Li, Na, K, Rb and Cs, which occupy the first column of the periodic table; prob- ably also for the noble metals which share this column, but the data are few. For elements of the second column of the periodic table there are two complete systems of stationary states, each having its own s-column, its own />-column, its own rf-column, and all the rest. In one system, all the groups in e\ery column reduce to single levels; it is a singlet system; in the other, all the groups in the 5-column are single levels, all the groups in the other column are triads of levels or "triplet terms;" it is a "triplet system." The complc\it\- mounts up stage by stage as we cross the periodic table of the ele- ments from left to right, and soon becomes terrific. E 9. Effect of Magnetic Field on the Stationary States When a magnetic field is applied to a radiating gas, most of the lines of its spectrum are replaced by triplets (Fig. 9), or by even richer groups of lines (Fig. 10). By a somewhat loose usage the lines are said to be resolved into three or more components. This is the "Zeeman effect." There is a multitude of empirical rules about these compo- nents, their spacings, the way in which their number and their spacings vary from one line to another, and other features. According to the new fashion, however, we focus our attention not on the component lines, but on the stationary states which are inferred from them. The effect of a magnetic field may be described by saying that it replaces each stationary state (with a few e.xceptions) by two or more new ones. Each of these new states requires four symbols to designate it; the symbols n, k and j for the original stationary state, and a new symbol tn to denote its place in the resulting group. As heretofore, when every stationary state is connected with e\ery other by an arrow and the corresponding lines are sought, it is found that some of the lines are missing. Still another selection principle is therefore to be sought, and the values of the new numeral ni are to be so adjusted — if possit)Ie — that the selection-principle can be read easily from them. When so adjusted m is called the magnetic quantum- number. In certain cases the empirical rules for the components whereby the magnetic field replaces the indi\idual lines are simple; and the derived rules for the new stationary states which arise out of the original ones when the magnetic field is applied are correspondingh' simple. These are the cases of "normal" Zeeman effect (the ad- jective "normal" may be an entirely misleading choice). Let A Um SOME CONTEMPOR.fRV .{m.lXCr.S IX rilVSICS rill 445 represent the enery;y-(litTerence between the new stationary state (Icnotetl by the index m, and the original slalionar\' state. The rules are compriseil in the formula, and ill the selection-principle. In the fornuila // stands for the magnetic t'leld; w is a factor equal within experimental error to e/4rnr (/i = mass of the electron) and commonly identified with it. in has two or more \aliies spacetl one unit .ijiarl (for instance, I and •>. (ir ." and -i. or 1 and 0 and -1). The selection principle is as follows: The only transitions 'iuliich cor- rrspiniil !o ih fthtl !iiir\ art' llio'ic in whiih m rlunii^cs hy unity or not I 1 ^ 1 \ 1 I __ ^ i, tU-l.l oTi spi'ctrum lliu-^. I', /rem, 111, Jri,', t'ranktin Institute) at all: Am=0,±l. This is the selection-primiple for tlic magnetic qnatititm number. If we allow m to assume onh- two \alues, this i)rinciple Incomes nugatory. If on the other hand, we aflopt the principle, m can assume an>' number of values whatever, provided onh' lhc\' are spaced at unit Fig. 10 — More complicated effects of magnetic fields on spectriiin lini>. (P. Zeeman, I.e.) intervals; it makes no difference with the observed lines wheltier there are two or two hundred new stationary states for every original one. This is convenient for theorizing. In dealing with the Zeeman effect in general, and not merely with these special "normal" ca.ses, it is neces.sary to assume that oi is not restricted to the particular value 446 BELL SYSTEM TECHXIC.IL JOURXAL just j;i\c-n. Imi depends on the stationary state in question: and that m depends on the value of 7 for the stationary state in question. Very strong magnetic fields treat a group of stationary states as if they were one single state — as if they were first all fused together into one, and this one then resolved according to equation (8). This is the Paschen-Back effect. It e\idenlly means a great deal. The light emitted from a gas exposed to a magnetic field is polarized. Some of the new lines are circularly polarized about the direction of the magnetic field as axis; others are plane-polarized, with the electric vector parallel to the direction of the magnetic field. The lines cor- res[)onding to transitions in wliicli /;; changes by one unit are all polarized in the former way: the liius corresponding to transitions in which in does not change are all jjolari/.id in ihe lailer wa\.-'- E III. Iiilcrrclalions of Midliplels and Zeenian Effect I insert this section chiefiy for the benefit of such readers as may be preparing for a thoroughgoing study of atomic theory. Others may do well to pass it o\-er, as the statements it contains can scarcely be apprehended with any \ividness, except by the aid of pencil and paper and hours of reiteration. For those who omit this section I will merely say, that the material described in it goes far to show that the numerical \alues which we have been assigning to k and j are not quite arbitrary, but are determined by something fundamental; although the ones heretofore assigned are not necessarih' the most exjiressive. I begin with a descri|jtion of the \ arious known systems of stationary states, condensed into Table III. To make this table clear I will exjjlain the fourth line; this line contains the statement that a "quartet SNstem" of stationary states consists of an s-coliuitn of single le\els, a />-column of groups of three levels each, and a ^/-column, an /-colinnn. and additional columns of groups of four le\ els each. TABLE ill Name of System p d / 1 2 .^ 4 5 6 7 5 7 /' /" Siiiulet. . Doublet. Triplet. yuartet . Quintet .St-xtft Septet Octet " The effect of a macnetir field on resonance-radiation, discovered by Wood ami Elicit, will be dcscrilird in the Second Part. S(hMH ahwuMriU.'.iKy .ini-.txcrs ix /'insics riii' 447 Mk-nients of tlu- first roluiiin of tlu* pt-rioclir tal)l«' possi-ss a (loiil)li'l syslt'in of s(.ilion.ir\' slali-s; i-IimiumUs of llu- tliird (-oliiiun, a (loiil)l(.-t systfin .111(1 ill addition a (|viarli.'l systi'in. It is infiTn-d tlial flrnu-nts of tlu' fifth column possess tlu-sf and a sextt-t system in addition; i-k'UK-nts of tlu- svvi-nlli. tlu-si- tlirt-f and an octi-t systi-m in addition. Kli-ntents of tlu- soi-ond roliimn of tlu- periodic tahle |M)ssess a singk-l system and in atklilion a tripk-t system. Il is inferreil that eknnents of tlie fourth column possess the.se two and ,i i|iiintet system in arldi- tion; ek'inents of the sixth cokimn, these three and a septet system; ek-ments of the einhth. the.se four and a nonet system. These infer- ences h.ue been partialK' \erilie-column, and so forth. He also introduces a numeral J which is greater than 7 by 5; and a numeral R which is ^ for every level belonging to a singlet system, 2 2 for every level belonging to a doublet system, 3 2 for every level belonging to a triplet system, anfl so fr)rth. These are Land^''s rules: (1) The total number of le\'els in a grf)up characterized by the numeral K, belonging to a system characterized by the numeral R, is twice the smaller of the two numerals R and K (that is, it is '2R if RK: 2R = 2K if R = K). (2) In the formula (8) for the Zecman effect, the factor a? is equal to e -iiriic multiplied by a factor g, which depends on the numerals R. K. and J for the level in question in the following manner: g = 3/2+(/?=-A:')/2(y^-i) (9) 448 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOLRSAL (3) In the same formula, the magnetic quantum-number m depends on the numeral J for the level in question; it assumes 27 ^•alues altogetlicr, commencing at the maximum \alue {J—\) and going downwards across zero to { — J+\). These rules form a beautiful little problem for the designer of atom-models. They have often been tested and \erified (it is not easy to find out just how far), and at present are widely used in the decipher- ing of spectra. It appears, however, that some spectra — particular!}' those of the inert gases — are too complicated even for these rules, and possess a structure even more elaborate. Considering how difficult it is to grasp the structures already described, one ma>' be excused for feeling some dismay at the prospect. E 11. Effect of Eleclric Field on the Stationary Slates W'JU'ii an ck-rtric ticld is applied to a radialiiig gas, the lines of its spectrum arc rcplarcil hy j^roups of lines, dticn rich and ciimijliratcd. X4388:S >VS X4026:S l-ijC. 11 -Kcsohition of spcclnim-liiies into groups, displacement of lines, and rinit- Reiice of missing lines, prodiued liy a strong electric field (increasing from the lop downwards to nearly the bottom of the picture). (J. S. Foster, Pliysical Rn'inc} (Fig. 11.) F'rom these we infer, as heretofore, that the stationary states are replaced by grou[)s of stationary states. The atom-model jiro- posed for lu'drogen and ionized heliinn has been i\t r.inrdinariJN successful in di'scribing the elTect of electric field iipnn llieir spectra. soMii coNTEMi'tu^.iKy .//>r./.V( 7; v /.v riiysus iiii a\» and ihtTi-forc I sli.ill Niolati' llu' ruli- I li.i\r luTfiufnrf followed, .ind |M)stjH)nc the (U'scripiion of tlu- plifiionu'iia until tin- tlifory is st.iti-il. Atoms of otluT kinds are atTerted in at least two ways; the stationarN- states are displ.ired, .md tlie "missing lines" are csoked, as I have siiid ulread\ . li I J. lulensily-Ralios The relative intensities of the various lines of a doublet, or triplet, or multiplet are often equal within the (fairly large) uncertainties of measurement to simple ratios, such as 1 : 2, 2: 3, !i : 4. This ha[)pens tiK) often to be easily put down as a mere coincidence, and indicates that the occurrence of transitions is governed by simple laws. Our selection-principles are themselves indications of the same t>pe, since they may be taken as signifying that the intensity-ratio of certain lines to certain others is zero. This problem may be more difficult than the ones I have stressed hitherto, since each line involves two stationary states and is not a quality of one only. This applies to other properties of lines, such as their sharpness or diffuseness. E IS. Excitation of Individual Frequencies So long as an atom is concei%-ed as a belfry full of bells of various pitches, it would probably be argued that a shock to the atom would set all the bells to jangling, and a gas bombarded by electrons would emit all of its natural frequencies if any. The interpretation of spectra to which these pages are devoted leads to a very different idea. A spectrum-line of frequency t> is emitted when the atom passes from a stationary state 5 to a stationary state A. The energy- \alue of state B by itself does not determine v; this is controlled b%- the difference between the energ>'-values of B and A, which is hv. But the energ>-value of B has everything to do with whether or not the frequency v is emitted under given conditions; for it will not be emitted at all unless the atom is first put into state B. If the gas is bombarded with electrons of energy insufficient to raise an atom from its normal state to state B, then the line in question, and all of the other lines which result from transitions from B to other levels of lower energy-value, will fail to appear. If the energy' of the electrons is raised past the critical value (the difference between the energy- value of B and the energy-value of the normal state) all of these lines suddenly appear. This is illustrated by Fig. 12, relating to magnesium. An electron striking a magensium atom and having an energy equal to 3.2 eriuiva- 450 nr.l.I. SYSTEM TECHMCAl. JOIRXAL k'lii volts is alili- to f)iii tlif atom into a p.iriicuiar excited state; the atom emits radiation of wavelength 4o71 in returning to its normal state. To get the atom to emit another sort of radiation, tlie electron must possess 6.5 e<|iii\ ilciil \olis lo piii i( into another excited state. Any excited state can Ik- reaclu-d if the ilecunn has 10 e(nii\alent volts to pass over to tlie atom. In a gas sustaining an electrical discharge, the atoms ari' snhji-ct to stimuli of such variegated force and type that the distinctions between ilifTerent lines are not so clearly marked; but it can be seen J/MJU LMf specTin/M 3? t«73 6S /O yr :^^cr,..» ... 'i 5 inwu^inii ii^H Fig. 12 — Successive excitation of lines requiring electron-impacts of successively greater violence to liring atoms into the neccssarv initial states. (Foote, Meggers, .\nil Mnlilcr, Pliili>xi>t>liinil'\Jiixi'zi>ie) that mild discharges faxnr lines for wliicii ihc iniii.il le\el is adjacent or close to the normal levil, wliiie otiur lines ri(|uire .i more \iolent stimulus. Furthermore, when a gas is steadiK' heated to higher and higher temperatures, various lines of its spectrum apjiear in more or less the order of the stationary states which are the initial states of the transitions responsible for these lines. Accordingh' a "tempera- ture classification" of spectrum lines has been dexeloped at Mount Wilson Obserxatory and elsewhere, and is \aluable in deciphering intricate s|)ectra. E IJf. Absorplion-Sprrlni An atom which will emit a fniiuency r when it is originall\ in a state B and passi's over into a >late .1, will absorb light of the same freciuenc\' if it is inili.illy in the state .1. This has the important conse(|ueiice that the lines which a gas absorbs, when King at rest and imexcited, are those which it emits in passing from an\' and e\er\' other state itilo Ike normal slalc. The line^ einiiicil when .in .iloni passes from one of its stationary slates into .mother which l,ill(.'r is not the normal state, are not absorbed b\- thi' gas King quiesci'nl ,ind undislurbi'd. l-"or this reason heliimi and neon and argon are (|uile tr.insp.irent lo .ill visible lii;lii, .illlioiii;h llicy li,i\e many i-mission- SOStR CONrEMPOh'.IKV .IDr.lXCIS l\ l-UYSICS rill 451 liiu's in this rt-jjioii of llu- siHTtrum; for racli of tiu'st- liiu-s ntrrv- s|xii)(ls to a transition into sonu- oIIut tlian tlit- normal slati- and tin- linos which correspond to transitions into the norma! slate lie far off in the nllrax iolet. Hut if such a gas is made the theatri' of a self- snstainiiiK l-lectrii-al (lischar^;e, the other lines likewise are absorbed ■ for the disch.irije pnts the atoms of the >;as tempor.iriK' hnt fre(|nenlly into various almormal st.ites. This inci{ lime in another stationar>' state than the normal one. If the gas is heated, the s;une effect occurs; for the violent collisions between atoms in a hot gas occasionally bring atoms into excited states. By observing the absorption-spectrum of a quiescent gas one learns which lines in the emission-spiectrum correspond to transitions into the normal state — a valuable piece of information in the cases of elements of whiili the spectr.i are complicali'd and obscure. F. /•). Spectra of Ionized Atoms In a \iolent electrical discharge, such as a spark, the gas emits many lines which cannot be fitted into the system of series of the usual spectrum of the gas. These may also be produced by bom- barding the gas with electrons possessing more than enough energy to ionize its atoms. They are belie\'cd to emanate from ioni/i-d atoms, or from atoms deprived of one electron. The sped nun nl ionizcfl-helium has been ver\- imjjortant in these pages. In very violent sparks many more lines emerge, and these are associated with atoms deprived of two, three, or even more electrons. The spectrum of the ionized atom of an element resembles, in its system of series, and in more minute details, the spectrum of the neutral atom of the element preceding it in the periodic system. The spectrum of an atom deprived of n electrons resembles the spec- trum of the neutral atom preceding it by n places in the periodic system. This confirms the belief that the spectrum and the other properties of an element are determined chiefly by the number of electrons which its atom contains. E 111. X-ray Spectra The difference between the X-ray spectra to which we now come, and the "optical" spectra which we have been discussing seemed profound and vital in the era of very defective knowledge, but it has faded steadily away with the dee[)ening of understanding. TweUe or fifteen years ago the contrast was multiform and very sharp; for 452 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the oiitical spectra were produced chiefly by maintaining an electrical discharge in a gas, the X-ray spectra invariably by bombarding a solid body with exceedingly fasl-mo\ing electrons or with other X-ra\s: the optical frequencies could be diffracted and refracted, the X-rays not at all or almost imperceptibly little; the optical fre- quencies were all inferior to 3.10'^, the X-ray frequencies all clearK- more than a thousand limes as great. Since then, rays of almost all the intermediate frequencies and with intermediate properties have been generated in a variety of ways, and the distinction is no longer trenchant, except between the extremes. To make it so, one must seek a theoretical reason — and perhaps there is none to be found. There is, however, apparently good ground for introducing a theoretical distinction. I have pointed out heretofore that the energy which an atom loses, when it radiates one of the lines of its "optical" spectrum, is less than the ionizing-energy. Or, turning this state- ment around and amplifying it a little: the energy which an atom absorbs, when it absorbs one of the rays of its optical spectrum, is less than what is required to detach the loosest electron from it. Therefore it is possible to assume, at least as a trial hypothesis, that the energy is spent in lifting the loosest electron partway out — a hypothesis fortified 1)\ ilu' t.ui ih.it, w hen the atom has just absorbed some energy in this niaiiner, the eleitron can be detached by sup])lying the atom with enough extra encrg>- to bring the total amount up to the ionizing-energ\-. But if we take one of the typical X-ray fre- quencies, and multiply it by It to ascertain how much energy the atom gains in the process of absorbing that frequency, we find that the cjiiantity lii> exceeds the ionizing-energy tremendously. This circum- stance makes it quite out of the question to imagine that the X-ra\s are due to changes in the position or the motion of the loosest electron alone. We may therefore define the X-ray frequencies as those which cannot be explained as due to transitions of the loosest electron, from one motion or position to another, unaccompanied by other changes. By this definition, every frequency v for which the quantum- energy liv is greater than the ionizing-energy, goes into the X-ra\ spectrum. For the remaining frequencies the question is more dubious, perhaps never quite to be settled unless and until com- plete theoretical classification of all the lines is attained. In this section, howe\'er, I shall speak only of frerjuencies hundreds or thou- sands of limes greater than the ionizing-frequency. Clazing upon typical X-ray emission spectra one sees that the\' consist of groups of lines with wide inter\-als between. Going from higher frequencies towards lower, the groups are known successively SOME CONTF.MI'OR.IRV .IPr.lXCF.S IX rilYSlCS -llll 453 as the K Kr<>»p. llu- L uroiip, the .\/ jjroiip and tin- .V nn>ii|). Tlu- wuril series is mort- nunmoiily used tlian g,roiip: Ixii this is a inis- fortuiic. for it suggests a daiiKerously misleading .m.ilony witli the series in the optical spectra wliich we have studied with so much care." The process of measiirinu these Hues and cl.issifyinj; them f!t,*^?i IM m L Muii-W 'i-xMM^Hi.iSt /»:^^ *, ^ 1^ /ViVfl, /( y EE 4im. ■/. d ■ z, b 3, a 3:. a J. b Jj b f, b y, o c,- a ». 6 c, fi y, a ^'k a /. b >» o /' 1^ Kig. 13— Diagram of stationan,- states designed to account for the X-ra\- si)cctriir of uranium. (From Sicgbahn, after Coster) was carried out after the dissemination of Bohr's great idea that each line-frequency should be multiplied by // and the product in- terpreter! as the difference between the energy-values of two stationar> states of the atom. The complete analysis of an X-ray spectrum "In fact the usage is inverted. A series, in the optical spectrum, is a set of lines havmg the same jinal state in common; but the " k-series" is a group of lines having the same initial state in common, the L-series a set of 3 groups corresponding to 3 initial states. 454 BELL SYSTEM TECllXICAL JOURNAL lluis culminates in a (iiagrain of stationary states, as for llu- ojilical spectra. Such a diagram is shown in l"i^'. IH, wliich is for an t-k'nu-ni far up in the periodic system, therefore with a rich s>'stcm of X-ray hnes and stati' to add that in any actually occurring transition, the first numeral must change b\' one or more units; and further, that transitions may occur only between levels to which ditTiTt-ni k'tiers are attached. The first numeral is designated li\ n. tin- sicdnd !>> k; they are called the total and the azimuthal quantiini-nunilicr. The levels are also frecjuently known li\' kilcrs with suliscript numerals, as the diagram shows. The letters by now are i>retty definitely fixed, but the subscripts are still being shuttled around. The notation for the X-ray lines is in a terrible state. A curious and evidently important feature of the.se levels is, that when an atom is put into any one of them — say into the K level, or the Li level, or the L« le\el — it extrudes an electron. < )r. in other words, each of these stationary states is a state in wliich the atom lacks one of its electrons — like the "ionized-atom" state from which we previously measured the energy-values in dealing with the optical spectra. All of them, at least the highest ones, are in fact "ioni/ed- atom states." Since, how'c\er, they are all different, it is natural to suppose that a different electron is missing, or that an electron is missing from a different place, in each of the different cases. .\|)- |)arentl\' an atom cannot enter into a sl.iii(>nar\ si.ite with so liigh an energy, and remain neutral. We must pause to consider from wji.u si.mdaiil slate the energy- values of these stationary states are measuretl. In the prexious case of the optical spectra, the energy-values of the stationary states were measured, so to speak, downwards from the state of the ionized atom to the normal state of the neutral atom; the energy of the ionized atom was set equal to zero, that f)f the neutral atom in its normal state SOMf: CiWTF.MfOR.tRy .ll^.tMhS IX rilYSlCS nil 455 ilu'ii h.ul a (iTt.iin iu-ii.iti\i' \.iliii'. .ill ilu- nilu-r ener^jy-valiirs wvn- iu'xaii\t' .iiul sc.ittfri'v iwd. In this case of lIu- X-ray siHTtra, the eruTKy-valiR's of tlir siatioiian- states are nu-asured tifnvards from the normal state of the neutral atom, to which the enerj;y-value zero is assijjned. while all the other energies are |>ositivc. In Fii;. 13 this zero-line must he imaijined just luuler the level marked The exact (Position of this zero-line for the hi^h enerj;\- stationary states is not \-cry accurateK' known; although the distance between any two levels is determinetl with all the usually \ery great exactitude of X-ray wavelength-measurements, the distance from any level to the zero-line is uncertain within a few tens of volts. This uncer- tainty is not great enough lo be ini|)()rtaiit wlu-ii dealing with the high-frequency X-rays. This point being attended to, we are now in position to consider the striking difference between X-ray emission-spectra and X-ray absorption sjiectra — striking indeed when one looks at typical photo- graphs, apparently altogether a different matter from the contrast between optical emi.ssion-spectra and optical absorption-spectra, yet in principle very much the same thing. In dealing with optical spectra, I remarked that while an atom may absorb any frequency which it can emit — while the complete absorption-spectrum of a gas is identical with its complete emission-spectrum, yet the absorption- spectra one ordinarily sees contain only a small selection of the emis- sion-lines. This occurs because when a gas is being examined for its absorption-sfiectrum in the laboratory, by sending light through it, it is generall>- in an untroubled and quiescent ccjndition, each of its atoms being in the normal state; therefore it absorbs only such fre- (juencies as provoke transitions from the normal state to the various excited states, and not such frequencies as would induce transitions from one excited state to another, for few or none of the atoms are in any one of the excited states to start with. Such also is the case with the X-ray spectra. Quiescent atoms absorb only such X-ray frequencies as produce transitions from the normal state into one of the stationarv- states flesignated by K, or L\, or Li, and so forth — they do not absorb such frequencies as would produce the transitions from L\ or Lj to K, for instance, for the atoms are not initialK- in the states Li or Lj. This is quite the same behavior as is observed in the resp<^)nse of atoms to radiations in their optical spectra. It is much more pronounced, however; for, while it is possible to make a gas absorb frequencies which produce transitions from one excited state to another, by maintaining the gas in a state of intense electrical 456 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL excitation, this has ne\er been tloiie with metals or gases exposed to X-ray freciiiencies. Atoms therefore do not absorb such X-ray frequencies as are represented by the downward-pointing arrows in Fig. 13. They do absorb such frequencies as would be represented by arrows drawn from the very bottom of the diagram — a little below the le\'el marked P — up to the various le\"els; and (it may seem, unexpectedly) they also absorb frec)uencies somewhat higher than these. This however does not mean that the atom may be put into an excited state of higher energy than the K state, for instance; it means simply, as direct evi- dence proves, that the extruded electron receives the extra energy and goes away with it. Owing to this fact, the X-ray absorption-spectrum consists not of sharp absorption-lines at the several fretjuencies cor- responding to a transfer of the atom into the K-state, the Li-state, and so forth, but of continuous bands commencing with sharp edges at these frequencies, and Irailini; out gradually towards higher fre- quencies. Another curious feature of the X-ray spectra is that transitions from the various excited states of high energy-values, such as the A'-stale and the L-states, direct K' into the normal state, ajiparentK- do not occur. E 17. Bands pedra Band-spectra are the s[)eclra of molecules, — that is to say, of clusters of two or more atoms, such as appear in certain gases. This is proved by the fact that they are displayed by gases which are known in other ways (gramme-molecular volume, specific heat) to consist of molecules; by the fact that the band-spectrum of such a gas disappears when the gas is heated to the point where its molecules are dissociated into atoms; and by the general successfulness of the quantitative theory based on the assumption that they are due to molecules. Occasionalh' band-s])ectra are displayed by gases which are not otherwise known to contain molecules, such as helium and potassium; it is supposed that they are due to molecules too few to be detected by the other acce|)ted methods. I'sually they arc easy to distinguish at first glance from the optical spectra of atoms, although there are exceptions, such as the band-spectrum of the Indrogen molecule, l.ike the spectra we have di.scussed, they consist (jf lines; the term "band-spectrum" describes the manner in which these lines are grouped. Again like the spectra we have discussed, they are analyzed according to Bohr's funtlamental principle, by SOME coxTEMPOR.-iRy .iDf.ixcr.s i\ pnysics rni 457 interpreting the lines ns the results of tr.insiiiDiis hetween sialionarN- states. !'. M\(.\i III Mii\ii;nts f)F Atoms Of the enormous and chaotic variety of facts about the nianneli- pro[x"rties of materials, only a few of the least conspicuous have been serviceable to atom-builders; the notorious ones have helped very little or not at all. The famous and characteristic magnetic prop- erties of iron, nickel, cobalt, depend on the arranRement of the atoms and on the temperature of the metal, and cannot safely be attributed to the atoms themsehes. Diamagnetism, an inconspicuous and rarely-mentioned (juality of certain elements, is in some instances (|uite independent of temperature, and may well be a properly of the atoms. Paramagnetism, an almost ctjualh' incons(iicuous quality of certain other elements, depends on temperature, but in such a way that it may sometimes be explained b\- assuming that each atom has a characteristic magnetic moment, the same for all the atoms of a substance. The value of this magnetic moment of the atom may be calculated from measurements on the paramagnetism of the sub- stance; the process of calculation invokes certain assumptions, at least one of which is at the present open to question. Direct measurements upon the magnetic moments of certain atoms are now being made by C.erlach; and they are among the most im- portant achievements of these years. In a small electric oven, a metal such as silver is vaporized; a beam of the outflowing atoms, passing through a small orifice in the wall of the oven and through others beyond this one, eventually tra\cls across a strong magnetic field with a strong field-gradient and falls upon a plate. Suppose that each atom is a bar-magnet, oriented with its length parallel to the magnetic field. If the field were uniform, the bar-magnet would not be deflected, it would travel across the field in a straight line; for although its north pole would be drawn sidewise by a force, its south pole would be pushed by an exactly equal force in the exactly oppf)site direction. That the atom may be drawn aside, the field must be perceptibly different at two points as close together as the two poles of the magnet. When one considers how small an object the atom is, it is clear that the field must change very rapidly from one fx)int of space to another, its gradient must be enormous. Gerlach succeeded in contriving so great a magnetic field with so great a gradient that the beam of flying atoms was perceptibly drawn aside. The most-deflected atoms are those of which the magnetic axes are most nearly parallel to the magnetic field. From their deflections, 458 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the field, and the field-gradient, the ni;i^;iHiii' munu'iu of tlu' atom can be computed very simpK . Tlu- \.iliu> tlui> (ilnaiiK-d are of the order of 10 ""in CGS units. I shall comment in the second part of this article uyum other infer- ences frf)m these experiments, which are as valuable as the experiments upon the transfer of energy from electrons to atoms. At this point it is sufficient lo realize that these experiments pro\e that atoms, or at least the atoms of some elements, possess magnetic moment. If magnetic moment is due to electric current flowing in closed orbits, as Ampere and Weber guessed a century ago, the atom must be suppf)sed to contain such currents; if the atom consists of a nucleus and electrons, some at least among the electrons must be supposed to circulate. And if the electrons are assumed to circulate in a particular manner the magnetic moment of the atom so designed can be computed, and thereupon tested by experiment. Tiiis complete^ tile list of the phentjniena, tlie jjioiierties of matter, which are used in designing the contemporary atom-model. Nobody will require to be con\inced that it is not a list of all properties of matter, nor of all i)henomena. These are not among the obvious and familiar tiualities of matter; and no one meets any of them in everyday life, nor perceives an>- ol tlu'iii with his unaided senses. They are phenomena of the laboralor\', discoxered after a long and painstaking de\eloi)nuiit of laboratory technique. Lucretius did not know tliem, and tlie.N were inaccessible even to Newton and to Dal I on. Tliey are a very limited selection from among the phe- nomen.i ol n.itiire, but not for that the less important. The atom- model which is de\ised to explain them is at best a partial atom-model ; thus far it ser\es for no other phenomena than these, but these it does interpret with an elegance and a competence Cjuite without precedent among atom-models. I have said that .some of these phenomena are explained b>' conceiving an atom made of a positively-charged nucleus and a family of electrons around it; but this conception is not tenable if immodihe .in.iKx's o( i>l>s(Tv.iii(ins iil Iohk-w.ivc trans- mission across the Atlantii' over a |HTioit similar characteristics. 2. Transmissiim in the region l>oron the fimdamentals of radio transmission. The carr>-ing on of this ex- tensive measurement program has been made possible through the co()i)eration of engineers of the following organizations: in the I'nited Slates— The American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Bell Teleiihonc Laboratories, Inc., with the Radio Corporation of America and its Associated Companies; in England — The Inter- national Western Electric Compaiu', Inc., and the British Post Office. TK.ixs.ii i..i\in K.tnio Tr.i.nriiDM-: iu.ixsmissiox 401 MlCASl'RKMKM I'RIXIKAM The siCfiH- of tlu'st- Ir.msallaiitic i-x|H>riiiu'iits is shown in Via. 1 The British ti-rminal stations will i)0 seen to lii' in tlic vicinily f)f London and thi- Anurican stations in the northeastern part of the Inited States. The United States transmiltinj; stations are the radio tele|)lioiie transmitter at Ro(k\- I'oint. ami tlie iiorin.d radio Fig. 2 — Exterior of Ki\crlica'l Kadio Reccivinj; Station telejjraph transmitters at Rocky Point and Marion, Mass. The measurements of these stations were made at New Soiithgatc and at Chedzoy, England. The British transmitting stations utilized in measuring the east to west transmission were the British Post OlVire telegraph stations at Lcafield and at Xortholt. The receiving measurements in the I'nited States were initiated at (ireen Harbor, Mass.. and continued at Belfast, Maine and Rivcrhead, L. I. The Ri\erhead receiving station, shown in Figs. 2 and 3, is t\|)ical of the receiving stations involved in the measurement program. The interior view of Fig. 3 shows the group of recei\ing measurement apparatus at the right and the loop at the left. The three bays of apparatus shown are as follows: That at the left is the receiving set proper which is, in reality, two receiving sets in one, arranged so that one may be set for measurements on one frequency band and 462 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOVRKAL the other set upon another band. The set is provided with variable filters which accounts for the considerable number of condenser dials. The second bay from the left contains \oice-frcquency output appar- atus, cathode ray osrilIoy:ra|)h and frequency meter. The third bay I'ig. 3 — Interior led for signal field strength measurements, those at the left indicating the fret|Uencies received in the United Stales from I'.ngiand, and those at the right, the frecjuencies received in fuigl.ind from the I'nited States. The l)lack scjuares in the chart denote ttie hands in which the noise me.isurements were l.ikcii. In i;iiici-,d llic measure- ♦- L[.(iei.r tssi) «;a) crais ►• *" iand in whiih noise measurement was taken nients of both fickl strength and noise have been carried out on both sides of the Atlantic at hourly intervals for one day of each week. The data presented herewith are assembled from some 40,000 in- dividual measurements taken during the past two years in tlic fre- (|uency range noted above. The transmitting antenna current has l)een obtained for each individual field strength measurement and all values corrected to a definite reference antenna current for each station measured. The data have been subject to careful analysis in order to disclose what physical factors, such as sunlight and the earth's magnetic field, affect radio transmission. Measurement Methods Although it will not be necessary to describe in atu detail tlie t\pc of apparatus employed in making these measurements, as this informa- tion has already been published,' a brief review of the methods involved will facilitate an unflerstanding of the data. ' RaHio Transmission Measurements, Bown, Engiund, and Friis. Proceedings I R K., April, 1923. BF.IJ. SYSTEM TliCIIXIC.U. JOVRXAL In general the method cm|)lo\f(l in nif.isuriiig the signal t'leUl strength is a compiarison one. A reference radio-frequency \ollage of known \alue is introduced in the loop antenna and adjusted to give the same receiver output as that from the distant signal. This is determined either by aural or visual means. Under such condi- tions equal voltages are introduced in the antenna from local and distant sources, and by calculating the effective height of the loop I he (ield strength of the received signal is determined. Ill the noise measurements, static noise is admiited ihr(iiii;h a delinite frequency band appro.ximately 2,700 cycles wide. -A ioral ra(lio-frec]uency signal of known and adjustable voltage is tlun in- 5iGN»L TiELD rooM Rockv PointLI. 2XS Received at New Southgate Cng ScptK-15 I92< °b«D.R»«fe20|Kw| STtoOOhvcikr Signal Field foom Nom Received at Belfast Ma HOL NE T Eng GKR Sept ISM 1924 B*^ ^ R-t' |Kw|_52 000 CvJ US «80Km| t / ^ \ / \ ^ ^ - "^ \ , /- ; ; - \/ 1 1 — Kig. 5 — Diurnal variation in signal field lrii/<) TEl.l-.niOM. IK.IXSMISSIOS M6 SiiiNAi. FiKi.i) Sthi;ni;tu riu- riirvts tif Fij;. o arc given as examplos of the field strength measurements nivcring a single day's run. The curves iiavc been eonslructed by ronnecling with straight lines the datum points of measurenients taken at hourly intervals. Ii will be evident lli.it SC'TCMCR 192} G.4.T C.S.t 100 »«. I7I}« ova ^ ^ ►^ r ^ s K / "*■— . ^■--r 1 /^ \V/\^ 1 ^^M • S r-^ t / /, \r V , /\ •SO .J5700 CY;i.ts\ / r" i \> . V^/ L_ V / \ J V " / \ ^ ,n » 57 XMC aes / VJ ^ ^ I \ \ 1 I I 1 1 V T. 1 4 < i t 0 1 t l( u Fig. 6 — Monthly average of diurnal variation In signal field transmission from .American stations on various frequencies received at New Southgate, England, September, 1923 they portray the major fluctuations occurring throughout the tlay, but that they are not sufficiently continuous to disclose, in detail, the intermediate rtuctuations to which the transmission is subject. Diurnal Variation. The left-hand curve is for transmission from Kngland to America on .52 kilocycles, and the right-hand one for transmission from .America to Fngland on .")7 kilocycles. These curves illustrate the fact, which further data substantiate, that both trans- missions are subject to substantially the same diurnal variation. The 466 /*/!/-/- SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOrRXAL condition of iIil' iransatlaiuic transmission paili with ros|)fct to liay- light and darkness is indicated 1)>' the bands beneath the curves. The black portion indicates the time (hiring which the transathintic path is entirely in darkness, the shaded portions the time during which it is only partially in darkness, and the unshaded portions the time during which da\light pervades the entire path. The diurnal variation may lie traced through as follows: 1. Relatively constant ('ulil >lrcni;i!) |)rt-\ails during the daylight period. 2. A decided drop in transmission accompanies the occurrence of sunset in the transmission path between the two terminals. 3. The advent of night-time con(liti' taking the a\erage of such curves for the month of September, 1923, the lower cur\e on Fig. (> is obtained. The upper curves are for similar averages of measurements made on the lower frequencies. These curves show clearly that the range of the diurnal fluctuation is less for the lower frequencies. This is because of the lesser day- light absorption. The mechanism by wliiih llu- trans.iilaniir transmission path is subjected to these daily and seasonal controls on the part of the sun, would be more evident were we enabled to obser\-e the earth from a fixed point in space. We should then be able to see the North Atlantic area plunged alternately into daylight and darkness as the earth rotates upon its axis, and to visualize the seasonal variation of this exposure to sunlight as the earth revolves about the sun. Photographs of a model of the earth showing these conditions have been made, and are shown in Fig. 7. 'I'lie first cc)ndilion is that for January, in which the entire path is in da\light. The curve of diurnal variation is shown in the picture and that part which corresponds to the daylight condition is indicated b\- the arrow. In the next position the earth has rotated so that the London terminal is in darkness while the United States terminal is still in da%light. This corresponds to the evening dip, the period of poorest transmission. With the further rotation of the earth into full nighl-time conditions for the entire |)alh, the re- ceived signal rist's to the high niglu-timi' \alues. These high \alues contiiuic until llu- p.iih appro.n Ins the d.i\liglil hemisphere as indi- I K.iXS.tTl..l\TlC K.tniO TEI.EPIIOSE TKASSMISSION Abl cati'il in the fmirth iiositioii. As ilic |),ilh t-iitiTs into stinli^lii, ilic sign.il sfrciiKlh drops with a small dip orciirriti^j whon sunrisr iiiur- \fiK"s iR-twi-fii tin- twi) ttTininals. Seasonal Vuriation. By assfnil)liiij; the ino[itlil>' a\fra^c- iiir\i's for all months of ilu- Nrar, thr i-lTi-cl of the seasonal variation on .he- Fig- " — Signal Field January — Variation with exposure of transmis^sion path to sunlight 468 HEI.L SYSTEM TECflXIC.IL JOURNAL (iimiial characteristic becomes e\i(Kiil. Tliis i> shown in I-'ig. 8, the data lor which actually co\'er two \ears. Tile outstancling points to be observed in this figure are: 1. The continuance of the high night-lime \aliies throughout the \ear. 2. The [lersislence of the high nigltt-time \alues for a longer period in the winter than in the summer months. Fig. 8 — Monthly averages of fliurnal variation in signal field, Rwky F'oint, L. I. (2XS) to New Southgatc, Kngland, 57,(M)0 cycles— Ant. Current, 300 Amps— 5480 Km. 1923-1924 3. The da\ light \;dues show a coniparati\el\- small range of \aria- tion. ■I. The extreme range of \ariation shown between the minimum of the sunset dip and the maximum of the high night-time values is of the order of 1 to 100 in held strength. This is e(iui\alent to 1 to lO.OOO in power ratio. It will be recalled tiial the cause of the seasonal changes upon the earth's surface resides in the fact that the earth's axis is inclined .iiul not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit about the sun. As I he earth revolves about the sun, the sunlit hemisphere gradually extends farther and farther northward in the si>ring months and by the summer solstice reaches well l)eyond the north pole, as indicated in Fig. !). As the earth continues to revolve about the sun, the sunlit hemisj^here recedes southward until at the winter .solstice it fails considerably short of the north pole and extends correspondingly beyond the south pole. Since the transatlantic path lies fairly high in the north- ern latitude, it is not surprising that the transmission conditions dis- ih:i\s.iTi..i.\ric N.inio ir.i.i-riioxr. i h-.ixsMissiox 4<.q tlost- a (U-ritlfd st'asoii.il iiitliifnce. The etTt'ct i>f lliis seasonal iii- thifiue ill shiflinjj the diurnal transmissiim rharailerislic is ln-tter shown in l"\^. 10. This tij^ure consists of the same monthly average diurnal ciirNes ,is an- .issemhled in Fig. 8, arranged one aliove the citlur instead of side h\ side. Kig. 9 — Signal l"ii-lil Jiiiic — .Night conditions showiiii; proximity of transmission path to sunlit heniisphcrc In particular, there should be noted: 1. The time at which the sunset dip occurs changes with the change in time of sunset. 2. Similarly, the time at which liie morning drop in field streiigtli occurs changes with the time "of sunrise. 3. The period of high night-time values, boinided between the time of sunset in the I'nited States anil the time of sunrise in ICiiglaiid, is much longer in the winter than in the summer months. It is also to be observed that, as a rule, full night-time values of signal field strength are not attained until some time after sunset at the western terminal and that they begin to decrease before sunrise at the eastern terminal. In other words, the daylight effects appear to extend into the period in which the transmission path along the earth's surface is unexposed to direct rays of the sun. The effect of this is that with the advance of the season from winter to summer the time at which the high night-time value is fully attained occurs later and later whereas the time at w'hich it begins to fall off occurs earlier and earlier, until the latter part of April when these two times coincide. .At this time, then, the transmission path no sooner comes into the full night-time conditions than it again emerges. As the season further advances into summer, the day conditions begin to set in while the night-time field strength is still rising. The proximity to the daylight hemisphere, which the transatlantic path reaches at night during this season of the year is illustrated in Fig. 9. BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOfRSAL Fig. 10 — Monthly averages of diurnal variation of signal field, Rocl<\ I'oim, I.. I. (2 X S) to New Southgate, England; 20.8 K.W. radiated power, 57,000 cycles, 1923-1924 iH.i\s.iii..L\nc RADIO ir.i.ri'iioM: i k.ixsmissiox a7\ As the sunlit hcinispluTc ri-cfdos soutlnvard aftir the siimiiu'r solstice a tinu- is rtMclu'd. about the niiildli- of August, at vvhirh thf full uinlit- tiiui- valufs arc again ri-alizrd. liiyond this time they are sustained for increasing iH'riiHJs of lime. It is of interest to note that at tiiese two limes of the year, ihe last of April and the middle of August, direct simlighl exists over the darkened hemis(ilure sonie aOO kiU)- melers above the great circle path. Kor all of ihe conditions noted above, n.inu-K', sunset, sunrise, .ind summer approach of the transmission path to the northern boundary of the night hemisphere, the path lies in a region wherein the radiation Jtn rtb Uv >er Iby .Juw .July tu^ S«l Oct Nm Ok F«b >br A(r May Am JiJy cle transmission, but shows up more strikingly in the curves of Fig. 11. The effect of each of these conditions, in which the trans- mission pa^h approaches the region in which the solar emanation is tangential to the earth's surface, will be observed to be that of an increase in the transmission loss. The fact that in one instance this 472 BELL SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOURXAL occurs in daylight would seem to suggest for its explanation the pres- ence of some factor in atldition to sunlight, such as electron emission. Field Strength Formulae. The two major phases of the diurnal variation of signal field strength which lend themseK'es to possible predetermination are the daylight values and the established night- time \alues. As to the night-time values our data show, within the limits of experimental error, that the maximum values do not exceed that defined b>' the inverse distance law. This fact seems to support the viewpoint * that the high night-time values are merely the result of a reduction of the absorption experienced during the day. Fig. 11 presents the monthly a\erages of the daylight field strengths for the various frequencies on which measurements were taken. The chart at the left is for reception in England and that at the right for recep- tion in the United States. The difficulty in predicting b\- transmission formuliK', \alucs to be expected at any one time will be evident and the best that can be expected is to approximate the average. The formulae of Sommer- field, Austin-Cohen and Fuller take the form „ ,,, 377/// _«o where the coefficient -^7) — represents the simple Ikrizian radiation field and the expoiuniial '' X' the attenuation factor. From theo- retical considerations, Stjmmerfeld (U)OV)) gave a=.0019 and x = }/i. In the Austin-Cohen formula a is given as .0015 and x = l^. Fuller gives a = .004.^ and .v = 1.4. The Austin-Cohen formula was tested out experimentally chiefly with data obtained from the Brant Rock station (1911) and from the Arlington station by the U.S.S. Salem in Fel)ruar>' and March, 1913. Fuller derived his .0045 value of a from 25 selected observations from tests between San I'rancisco and Honolulu in 1914. An attempt has been made to determine the constants of a formula of the above form which would approximate axerages of some 5,000 observed values of field strength over this particular New York to London |)alh and over the freciuency range of 17 kc. to tiO kc. For each transmitting station a series of comparatively local measure- ments were taken to determine the power radiated. By combining these local measurements with the values obtained on the other side ' Sec also " Kailio Kxtcnsiun of Telephone System to Ships at Sea," Nichols and Espcnschied, I'roc. I. R. E., June, 1923, pages 226-227. rK.i.\s.iri..t.\iic R.inio TEi.nriiosii ikassmissios 47.» (if ilu- Atl.uilir wi- fiiuiid tli.it ,ipi>r<>\iin.itcl\ it .()().") .uul .v=I.'J."i. rill- tr.insmissinii fnrimil.i tlu-ii biTomcs ,, Mini .^n or ill terms t)f powi-r radiated 298X10' MM) E = \/p j-^ e- jrs wluTC /{ = Field strength in microvolts per meter P = Radiated power in kw. /? = Distance in km. X = Wave length in km. The table sh;)\vn on next page summarizes the data relative to da\light transmission. C"(iRKi:i.ATi()N Iii:r\vi;i;N Radio Tkansmission and I-.akhi's Magnetic Kikld In anaKzing the measurements we were impressctl h> the occa- sional occurrence of marked deviations from the apparent normal diurnal characteristic. A series of measurements which includes an example of this condition is represented in the upper curves of Fig. 12. The curves of the first four days exhibit the normal diurnal char- acteristic as did the curves of the preceding measurements. The next test of February 25-26 exhibits a marked contrast with that of two days pre\ious. Such abnormality continues in greater or less degree until partial recovery in the test of April 29-30. C"omj)arison of these data with that of the earth's magnetic field for corresponding days shows a rather consistent correlation. This will Im? evident from inspection of the magnetic data plotted below in the .siime figure. Both the horizontal and vertical components of the earth's field are shown. The first decided abnormality- occurs February 25-2(5. The three succeeding periods shf)w a tendency to recover followed by a second abnormality on March 25 26 and again one on .April 22-23. It is of interest to note that within limitations of the intervals at which measurements were taken, these periods correspond roughly to the 27-da>' period of the sun. Coincidences similar to those described above ha\e been found for other periods. Kxcept for this coincidence of abnormal variations in earth's magnetic field and radio transmission, exact correlation of the fluctuations has not been found possible. 474 BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOVRSAL & c a ^1 11 be ">> a Q (- oor^ xi^. c — io- i^ O C O; — ^ ~4 •- O- >0 c-j 1/^ t^ r^ r^ O c v •§ U c < O O t- ^- w"- — C' »^' O -1- j: c t El .5P ">. a a > < <0 1^ oc 1^ 0 lO 00 o < < < < •^ s = a 3 3 3 >oS cooooc^■*TJ. Ooorgrf.^^Ti.r-.ioio Q OOOOXrfoCvO't'-fOO'O "*. '^. ■*. ". *. "^^ t '^l "^^ "*. lo lo r ^r ^* .f -jT ^" p^* (nT asf- bA bis be in (/) X c c c 2 2 2 U U U JH J2 .2 2 S S - « "" - - o ~ a 1 1 1 -s -. 1 i -5 -i 3 = 3|^^|«^^ QQO-^-4>-Ci-U -0) *«3 if 1 f C -J -! J m H," -° c > ° E .2 ■" M J= = >■ ■^ a. « bo o • 3 C-> •S .!^-£ ° O bO bs 5 J^ 3 S:= a >, O H~ . •? be TR.I.yS.tTl^iNTlC RADIO TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION 475 riu- luaniutic ilata have iK-rii sii|)pli«(l through (he courtesy of the Iniled States ("leodetie Siirves . Siinil.ir data taken in lainlaiul were ohtaiiieil from the Kew ol)servator> and sliow similar results. The contrast in the diurnal variations of radio transmission liefore • lid after the time a magnetic storm is known to have started, is ^1-H- w iftr mj y iT" /U ± «*V« ± jy ^ 4^ ciNCB%CJHCcni«iM?cciieiw7 ;;-» kr (r1 fs-t Zl-ii 2>» IU»IV4 Fitj. 12 — Correlation of radio transmission and earth's magnetic field — Transmission from Rocky Point, U. S. A. (57,000 cycles) to London, Eng. — Earth's magnetic field measured at Cheltenham, Md., I'. S. A. further brought out in Fig. 13. The lower left-hand curve in this figure superimposes curves of February 22-23 and February 25-26 of the previous figure, .\dflitional cases where such marked changes occur are also shown. It will be seen that similar effects exist on the lower frequency of 17 kc. All of these examples are for days of other than maximum magnetic disturbance. In general the effect is to reduce greatly the night-time values and slightly increase the day- light values. The higher peaks in the daylight field strength of Fig. 11 are due to the high daylight values which prevailefl at the time of tiiese disturbances. 476 lUil.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL NoisK Stkkncth Next to field strength the most important factor in determining the communication possibilities of a radio channel is that of the interfering noise. The extent to which noise is subject to (liuni.il and seasonal xariations is therefore of first order of importance. Transmission from Ffacky PpintLI.(WQL) to New Southqate Eno GMT IE PU 12 AM 12 12 PM 12 AM e 12 PM 12 AM B. K. PM 12 F«b. S2-25 S«pU 23-24 Jan. 27-28 Oct. ft- 25-26 JO-Oct. I F»b. 1- 12 12 PM 12 AM IZ 1924 1 livlurc riul afte lagnctic storm had !>cgiin. I'iR. 1.? — Correlation I>ctwccn radio transmission and variations in earth's niadndir field Diiiniul Vdrialion. An ex.imi)le of llie diurnal characteristic of the noise for both ends of the transatlantic path is given in Fig. 14. One curve is shown for each of the several frecjuencics measured. The outstanding points to be observed are: 1. The rise of the static noise about the time of sunset at the receiv- ing station, the high \alue.s. prevailing at night, and the rather sharp decrease accompan_\ing sunrise. The curve for 15 kc. shows the ex- istence of high \alues also in the afternoon. During the summer months higii afternoon values are usual for all fretiuencies in this TH.tXS.tlL.IMH K.tlHO I i:i.l:ril<)\l. I K.IXSMISSIOS 477 , - JD •\ "^* ^K--. ^ ^• C-- Y 5 SI yn. *»^ ■Nr >«, .^-^ \ X^'^'N ;^» \ \ '"^■c Die .«..^_ \ \ "^: » \ ^--^ -. a K \, ^ w^JU-It.JULY AUS."^ s \ *«. FCR ItU ^^ "■^ OB t. JC».KI .OCTO-ES 1 ^ 0 } 0 : M Fig. 15 — Fre(|ucncy distribution of noise, New Southgatc, EiiKlaiid Night time Day time 1923-1924 478 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL range. Thiy rxtcnd later into the fall for the lower fretiiiencies, and hence arc in e\idence on the date mi which these measurements were taken, October-November. 2. In genera! the noise is greater the lower the frequency. Noise as a Function of Frequency and of Receiving Location. The distribution of static noise in the frequency range under consider- ation is depicted in Fig. 15 for the case of reception at New Southgate, England. The set of full-line curves is for daylight reception and the set of dash-line curves for night-time reception. The values obtaining during the transition period between day and night have been ex- cluded. For both conditions three curves are shown, one the average of the summer months, another the average of winter months and the third, the heavj' line, the average for the entire year. The curves represent averages for all of the measurements taken during both 1923 and 1924. In considering curves of this type it should be re- membered that they represent an average of a wide range of condi- tions and at any one time the distribution of static may differ widely irom that indicated by the curves. Also it should be realized that the extreme difference between winter and summer static is much greater than the difference between the averages. A similar study of frequency distribution was made at two locations in the United States, Belfast and Riverhead. The results obtained at these two locations together with those for New Southgate, England, are presented in Fig. 16 for a period during w'hich data were obtained for all three places. The similarity of the three sets of curves shows that there is an underlying cause common to both sides of the Atlantic which may account for the ditference between the daytime and night- time static on the longer waves. It will bee\ident from the curves that for frequencies around 20 kc. there is not \ery much difference between the day and night static noise but that at the higher freciuencies in the range studied, the dajlight values become considerably less than the night-time values. Actually the divergence betw-een the night-time and the daytime noise curves up to about 40 kc. is an exponential one. This suggests that the lowering of the daylight values may be largely due to the higher absorjition which occurs in the transmission medium during the day. There is a further inter- esting point to be noted concerning both figures, namel>-, ihai the night-time values decrease exponentially with increase in freiiiiency. Since these night-time values are but little affected by absorption in the transmitting medium, the ilistribution of the static energy as received, alsfi roughly represents the distribution of the static power generated. rK.IXS.lTLMXTlC R.iniO IT.I.F.rilOXn TR.IXS.UISSIOX 479 riu- nirvi's of Fi^. 1() show also the substantial (litToroiirr in tlu' noise li'Vfi whirli exists at the three receiving points. As has been exix-riencx'il in practice, the New Southgate curve indicates that Kngl.ind is less subject to interference tli.iti ikh llu-.i^icrii I'tiited i-y . . ■ »^-- , 1 , - '^-^ - ' -^ V. .T^^ ^^^ L ^^'vX ^-. 10 — V V ^^--'-^^^^^ \ «* >^ ? . > 90UTH8ATC,EN( . ^>^ x i 5 ' ^NEH SOUTHC UTE.ENS. y ^ fKiXCI-KH octtcle; 0 i 0 k) 0' hig. 16 — Frcquenry ilistrihution of noise, New Southgutc, Eng., Belfast, Maine Riverhead, L. I. — Night time Day time Aug.-Dec, 1924 States. In the I'nited States the superiority of Belfast over River- head is also consistent with the better receiving results which in general have Ijeen experienced in Maine. There should be noted also the fact that the cur\es for these three locations lie one above the other in the inverse order of the latitudes. This is in keeping with other evidence which pf>ints towards the tropical belt as being a general center of static disturbance on the longer wave lengths. Further evidence on this point is presented below in connection with the seasonal variations of noise. Seasonal Variation. Cur\es showing the diurnal \ariation in noise level for each month of the year together with the \ariati(>n 480 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURXAL in time of sunset and of sunrise, are shown in I'"ig. 17. Eacli curve is the average of all the measurements taken during that particular month in 1023 and 1924. The diurnal variations are generally similar for the different months in respect to the high night-time values which are limited to the period between the times of sunset and sun- ri({. 17 -Monthly avuraRcs of diurnal variation of noise, New .Soiithj;ate, England- 57,000 cycles— 1923-1924 7/v'./.V.V.///„/iV//l" A'.//>/() TF.l.lil'IIOXi: I K.IXS.UISSlOX 481 rise in Kn^land. TIuto is a certain deviation, however, wliirh it is well to {M>int out. Durinj; the sutnnier months the rise in niRht-time static starts several hours iK'fore and reaches hi^;h values at about hUnset in En^iand, whereas in the winter-time, the niKht-timcstatic Ijcgins to rise at ai)out sunset and reaches high values several houf.v Liter. .\ similar elTect is ol)ser\ed for the sunrise <-oiiditioii wherein FcaxuAOt UiKN MT tUCUST NOV cue CR DccnetPt V 1 1 I — \ 1 1 *\ \A v\ man NIGifl luE 1 Si V LOU 1 \ \\ 1 1 lit «rru . \ ^ 1 1 I 101 OArr WIS IE«E ■ 1 NOI SE LE EL 1 \ 1 / J \ \ 14 n \ \ '/ 1 \ \\ r I \ \ ■ooi usMioai nooi Fig. 18— Seasonal variation in dislrihution of {laytimc and night time noise with respect to sunset and sunrise. New Southgate, England — 1923-1924 the reduction of static sets in during the summer months about the time of sunrise, reaches low daylight values several hours later, and in the winter the reduction commences se\eral hours before sumise and reaches low daylight values at sunrise. In other words, the rise to high night-time values occurs earlier with respect to sunset in the summer than in the winter, and conversely the fall from high night- time static to the lower daylight values occurs later with respect to sunrise, in the summer than in the winter. This is more definitely brought out in Fig. 18 which combines the data for all frequencies measured. The dash-lines associated with the sunset curves, delineate the beginning and the attainment of the night-time increases and those associated with the sunrise curve delineate the Ix-ginning and the attainment of the low daylight values. This discloses the fact that sunset and sunrise at the receiving AS2 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Fig. 19 — Noise at New Soutligatc, Eiiglaiul, in January — Wiriation with exposure of equatorial belt to sunlight point docs not roniiilftely control the rise and fall of liie iiigii night- time static. It has been foniul that the discrepancy can be accounted for if sunrise and sunset are .taken with respect to a static transmission path as distinKuished from the receiving point alone, and if the as- sumption is made that the effect of sunliglit upon the static trans- mission path is similar to that on usual radio transmission. TK.IXS.II L.tXriC RADIO IT.I.lil'llOXIi IK.IXSAflSSION AM Major Rkgional Source of Static Noise A l)r().ultr conception as to the causes imclerlyinR the (hiiriial and seasonal variation is obtained by considerini; tlie time of sunset and sunrise over a considerable area of the earth's surface. Fig. 19 shows a series of day and night conditions for three representative parts. 3f tlie diurnal noise characteristic at Kngland for January. It will l)c seen that the rise to high night values does not l)egin until practically the time of sunset in ICngl.\nd with over half of .Africa still in daylight. My the time the high night-time values are reached, as indicated in the .second phase, darkness has pervaded all of the e(|ualorial belt to the south of Kngland. Incidentally at this time sunset occurs between the I'nited States anil Kngland, resulting in very poor signal trans- mission. The third phase of this series shows the noise luuing just reached the low daytime value and, although the sun is just rising in Knglanil, the African equatorial belt is in sunlight, subjecting the static transmission path to high daylight attenuation. The sunset conditions which existed for the afternoon and evening of the day upon which the diurnal measurements of Fig. 14 were taken are shown in Fig. 20. The hourly positions of the sunset line ,irc shown in relation to the evening rise of st.ilic in London. The coincidence between the arrival of sunset in l.niiilon and the sUirl of the high night-time noise on the higher freciuencies is evident. By the time the high night-time values are reached, about 7 o'clock G.M.T., the equatorial belt to the south of London is in darkness. Fig. 21 shows the sunrise conditions in relation to the decrease in static froin the high night-time values to the lower daylight values. The decline starts about 5 or 6 o'clock an hour or two before sunrise, and is not completetl until several hours later, at which time daylight has extended over practically the entire tropical belt to the south of England which corresponds in general to equatorial Africa. Another fact presented in the previous figures which appears to be significant in shedding light upon the source of static, is that noise on the lower frecjuencies rises earlier in the afternoon and persists later into the morning than does the noise on the higher frequencies. This could be accounted for on the basis that the limits of the area from which the received longer wave static originates, extend farther along the eciuatorial zone than they do for the higher frequencies. The inclination of the shadow line on the earth's surface, which is indicated in the previous figure for October 28, shifts to a maximum at the winter solstice, recedes to a vertical position at the equinox and then inclines in the opjx)site direction. These several positions 484 Hr.l.L SYSTEM TECHXICAI. JOVRNAL are illuslratcii in Fig. 22. Tlu- sot of tlin-r full liiu's to ihi- right shows the position which the sunset shaciow line assumes upon the earth's surface for each of three seasons — winter solstice, equinox, and summer solstice. Likewise, the dash-line curves show the position assumed by the sunrise line for the corresponding seasons. The I-Ik. 2(1 — Kelat ion of sunset shadow wall tn noise at New SoutliKate, Knglaiu Oct. 28 iO, 1<).'.< IR.IXS.II I.IXI IC A'.//'/() ll.l.lirilOSr IKAXSMISSIOS 4}<5 |i,irticular tiim- of day for wliirli i-acli of \\w sunsi-t curves is taken, is that at which tin- static in I.oiulon bi'Kins to increase to lar^e ni^ht values. In winter, this occurs about sunset, at the eciuinox al)out one hour earlier, anil in siuniner about two hours earlier, as illustrated in I'ig. 18. C'orrespondingK-, the time for which each of the sunrise curves is taken, is that at which ihc iiii;Ii iiiijlit-iinie values have reached the lower d.i\lii;hi \.iliir-. I'loin lit;. 1^ ii will be e\i 0 « Fig. 25 — \'ariation of signal to noise ratio with frequency. Corrected to same antenna input power (68.5 K\V) in Rocky Point antenna — Reception at New South- gate, England for the two extreme frequencies measured. Both of these trans- missions were efTected from the same station, Rocky Point, and sim- ilar antennae were employed. Comparison is made of the overall transmission by correcting the values of the two curves to the same antenna power input, the pow'er of both channels being scaled down to t)8 kilowatts, the |)ower used in the telephone channel during the early parts of the e.xperiment. This chart shows clearly the greater stability in signal to noise ratio obtainable on the lower frequency channel. While for certain perituls of the day the higher frequency gives a much better ratio, it is subject to a much more severe sunset 490 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL CUT SI234S87B 90nSI t 3ije7 t JOt S WON V'O NOON EST ;9iii}(r9iii3j; Fi([. 26 — Monthly avcraRvs of (liu'riial variation of sijjnal to noise ratio; Rocky Point, L. I. (2 X S) reccivi-il at New SoiitliKati-, Knuland; 20.8 KW radiated Power —57,000 t vcles— 5480 Km— 1')23-24 TK.ixs.tri.iMic R.inio TEi.r.riioxn ir.insihission 491 3 S 7 9 It I 3 3 Fig. 27 — Monthly averages of diurnal variation of signal to noise ratio, Northolt, Eng. (GKB) received at Belfast, Maine— 20.8 K\V radiated power — 4980 Km— 52,000 cycles— 1924 492 BELL SYSTEM TECH SIC AL JOl'RX.IL decline than is the lower frequency. During the summer time, afternoon reception in England is belter on the higher frequency channel. This is Ijecause of the considerably greater static exper- ienced at this time on the lower frequency. The higher signal-to- noise ratio prevailing during the winter month of January as com- pared with the summer month of July is evident. This is due primar- ily to higher summer static. Seasonal Variation in Eni^land and United States. 1-Or the 57- kilocycle channel there is shown in Fig. 20, for each month of the year, signal-to-noise ratios of two years' data. These show a distinct dip corresponding to the sunset dip of the signal field strength. The night-time values arc generally high in accordance with the high night-time signal strength but the maximum values are shifted toward the lime of sunrise. This is due to the fact that the noise rises earlier in the afternoon and declines earlier in the indiniiig than do the cor- responding variations in signal slrengiii. Fig. 27 presents the signal-to-noise ratios for such data as have thus far been obtained upon transmission from England to the I'nited States on a frequency of .52 kilocycles. The low values obtained about sunset are, of course, due to the evening dip in field strength. In general, the night-time ratios do not reach high values as do those for England because the early morning signal field strength begins to fall off while the noise level is still high. Comparisons of the signal-to-noise ratios obtained at New Southgate and at Belfast show that the Belfast values are somewhat higher for that part of the day, corresponding to forenoon in the United States and after- noon in England. This is because the forenoon static in the United States is lower than the afternoon static in England. DlRIiCTIVK RliCKIVI\(, AnthnnaI'; The |)icture whicli has been gi\en of the transmission of static northward from the tropical lielt suggests that the signal-to-noise ratio might be materially' improved by the use of directional receiving systems. This is, of course, what has actually been found to be the case in commercial transatlantic radio telegraphy wherein the Radio Corporation has made such effective use of the wave antemia devised by Be\erage. The expectations are confirmed by measure- ments which have been made in the |)resent experiments using sucii wave antennae. A year and a half ago the British Post Office established a wave antenna with which to recei\e from the Rocky Point radio telephone I h'.tw.ii I .i.Mic K.inio n.i.i.i'iiosr. i u.ixsmissiox -vks iransiniittT. Morr rt'cently a proKrain of consisti-nt (>l)st'rvalii)ns in iliriTtional n-ci-ption of east-to-wi-st traiisiiiission was also undcr- taktn in whiili were oniployi'd, wave anti-nnai- hiiilt by the F{i\'es in signal-to-noise ratio is had 1>\ reference lo l-'ii;. 2S. Thi- set of \» («S>U I n>c»r> 2KS (S7K^ aacovaa «t -A.i>ftV^ Fig. 28 — Improvement in sij;nal noise ratio of wave antenna over loop reception curves to the right is for reception at Chedzcn', England, and those at the left for reception at Belfast and Riverhead in the linited States. The improvement is measured in terms of the signal-to- noise ratio obtained on the wave antenna, divided h\' the signal-to- noise ratio measured on the loop. For the particular days and fre- C4uency indicated, the improvement in England will he seen to vary over a considerable range, averaging about 5. Data for reception in England is for 1024 while that for the Ignited States is for the corresponding period of 1925. The Tniled States results will be seen to be generally similar to those obtained in England. .Although these experiments are still in an early stage, the results do give a measure of the order of imprf)vement which can be expected. Tesl of Words I'nderslood. Perhaps the most convincing measure of the efficiency of directional recei\ing systems for transatlantic 494 BliU. SVSIhM TECHSICAl. JOLRX.IL iraiisinission is the improvement effected in the reception of in- lelligible words. Fig. 29 shows the impro\ement which the wave antenna in England has made in the ability to receive certain test words spoken from Rocky Point. For this purpose there was trans- niittiMl from I^ock\- Point a list of disconnortcd words. .A record Fig. 29- — Comparison of reception on wave antenna and loop. Per cent of words understood — Reception of Rocky Point (2 X S) at Chedzoy, England, March, 1924 was made at Chedzoy of the pfrrciilage oi llie words understood for reception on the loop and on the wave anteima. This constitutes a con\enient method of rough telephone testing. It will be appre- ciated, howev-er, that it would be possible to understand a greater proportion of a conversation than is represented by these results. The curves show that it was possible to receive, for example, 80% of the words f(»r but 9 of the 24 hours on the loop, whereas with the wave antenna recepiion ((Hitinuid fur IS hours. TH.ixs.ii i.iMic A'. //>/() ii:i.i:rii<>\i-: /a-./.v.vu/.v.s/o.v 495 Al'I'KN'DIX rr,ins.ill.iMtu- K.iilio IVlcphdiu- MtMsiirriiuiits 19^,?, l<)->4, 1925 Month liy Month Record of Noise and I'ield Strength wp*« 1 itwp, ■ 1 ^■''^i\\fr>. tfW^Mjy tfr^ ■ifHrW. l_, ^ !•:(• saI ■Hi n i ^M 4 A^ .AAA .»sA^,n7v : 1 . . 1 : II ^11 11 .r.JI .,-.||...- 11^ 11 1 1 1 1 II 1 iiiiii mill Monthly AveraRes of Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength Kotky Point, L. I., U. S. A. (WQL) Measured at New Southgate, England Corrected to 600 Amperes Antenna Current 5.480 Km. 17,130 Cycles April, 1923— Feb., 1925 Monthly Averages of Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength Marion, Mass., U. S. A. (WSO) Measured at New Southgate, England Corrected to 600 .Amperes Antenna Current 5,280 Km. 25,700 Cycles Aug., 1923— Feb., 1925 496 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Monthly Averages of Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength Rocky Point, L. 1., U. S. A. (2XS) Measured at New Southgate, England Corrected to 300 Amperes Antenna Current 5.480 Km. 57,000 Cycles Jan., 1923— Dec, 1924 .Mdiitlily Averages Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength l.eafield, England (<".RL) Measured at Belfast, Maine Corrected to 300 Amperes Antenna Current 1924 24,050 Cycles TR.I.\S.III..I.\IIC RADIO TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION 497 ry||fr!^i||fniHHiTu||iT!i||r||ij|ifT!Ti|pTm Monthly Averages Oiiirn.il Wirialion of Signal Field Strength Northolt, England (CKU) Measured at Belfast, Maine Corrected to 100 Amperes Antenna Current 4,885 Km. 52,000 Cycles 1924 5,360 Km. Monthly Averages Diurnal V'ariation of Signal Field Strength Leafield, England (GBL) Measured at Riverhead, L. I. Corrected to .100 .-Xmperes Antenna Current 1924 24,050 Cycles 498 BEU. sySTEM rr.CIIXlCAL JoriiXAL Monthly Averages Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength Xortholt, England (GKB) Measured at Riverhead, L. 1. 5,460 Km. 52,000 Cycles 1924 I. ^! 1 1 1 1 i.i LilU Uii Monthly Average of Diurnal Variation of Signal Field Strength I.eafield, Fngland (CiBL) Measured at dreen Harbor, Mass. C'orrci-ted to 300 Am|)cres Antenna Current 5,1.50 Km. 24,050 Cycles July, 1023 -I;in,. ]')24 TK.IXS.ll l..l\l/C A'.//)/() t El.l.l'lli>SI- I R.IXSMISSIOX 4W Monthly Averanc of Diurnal X'ariation of Signal Field StrenRth Northolt, EnRland U-KHi Muasured at Green Harbor, Mass. Corrected to KK) Ani|)crcs Antenna Current Km. 54,500 Cycles Aug., 1923— Jan., 1924 Monthly Averages of Diurnal Variation of Noise New Southgate, England 17,000 Cycles April, 1923— Feb., 1925 500 PELL SYSTEM TECIISICAI. JOl'RSAL i\ v'VV ilh^ Monthly Averages of Diurnal Variation of Noise New Southgate, England 25,000 Cycles Aug., 1923— Feb., 1925 Monthly .Averages of Diurnal Variation of Noise New Southgate, Kngland 37,000 Cycles Oct., 1923— Feb., 1925 rK.I.\S.ll/..l\llC N.IIUO I F.I. Ill' IK) ST. Ili.lXSMISSIOS 501 Monthly Averagt-s of Diurnal Variation of Noine New Southgate, Englaml 57,00() Cycles 1923—1924 Monlhiy Average of Diurnal Variation of Noise Belfast, Maine 15,000 Cycles 1924 502 BELL SYSTf.M TF.CIIXIC.IL JOL'KXAL «I^Y WlMW MiOl «P».L ■»« JU.! JULY .^«^ST ^ ^S^'-'W'f' ^ pWf ° ^ J'^^T? , 1^''^'*''° [ MdiithK- A\crage of Diurnal X'ariation of Noise Bi-lfast. Main.- 24,(UII) Cvrli-s 1924 iiifflMimntiii MoiiiIiIn Avir.iKf of Diiirn.il Wiriation of Noise Belfast, Maine 36.000 Cycles 1924 TK.ixs.ii I..IMIC A'.//)/() ii:i.i:i'ii(>.\i: i r.ixsmissiox .w -{ITmi I fW\ 1 1 'T!"; ! 1 1 '^^ 1 1 ! !Th 1 1 !?f ' j 1 1 tlTi ! 1 1 rf^^'' I p'''^| [^'^ • I jT'H'f I fl^i t'° Mimllilv .\vir.i>;r of Diurnal X'ariation of Noise Belfast, Maim- 52,000 Cycles 1924 secruoen ocnxtR Novc««efl acnen Monlhlv Average of Diurnal Variation of Noise Riverhead, L. I. 15,000 Cycles 1924 504 BELL SYSTEM TECtlMCAL JOURX.IL ocTOBcn wvtiacB «cn«CT Moiithh A\tr.ini- I if Diurnal \ari.ilioii of Ncisc Kivtrhea lip;: bUV JUN it ''-• AUbAT StPrr i:; : ; ' ; : WEfl OCToeCf) ^^ft HCO«EA : , 1 '. ; 'h - :l ;i : !::•' H r i ' , ; . l. M 1-^ 1 i 1 !• 1- 1^ I 111! ^ : l'^ : fl r^! vT 1 1 ' '^:: ]■"'"" i11" j ]■ t1 it tt ^It 1 i; ; . . , 1 MdiilliK Avfnuji' "f Diiini.il Variation of N'oist- kivcrlu-a.l, I.. I. 24,000 Cycles 1924 rA".).Vs .;//.. (.V//( / c.i/'/o 1 iii.i:rii(>.\r. //^•.^v.s.w/.s.s7o^ ttci S05 • i: : : ■ t ■ ' I :!:: !:!:; Mil ■ ' 1 1 ' ■ ■ 'i;! . ,.. • '■ ■ 1 I 1 q Ill J T i '!!! 1 ' ' 1 1 q •M 5 ! : : ; : :|j .... ■ ::,li ii 3 I . . . . ..... % M ^ ■:|j- i ',' 1 , 1 I , ? 1 ■ ■*■ ■ 1 1 ■ i 1 ' 1 ; M 1 lih H • i; / Pi J ili'l "i" il 1 .!.!. l;y , :|!;! :i|| L il! 1 i li 'ii Monthly Average of Diurnal X'arialion of Xoisc Rivcrht-ad, I.. I. 52,000 Cycles Jtiv tuwjT scPTtwetR ocTceen wntiwr cxuftcm jvi«f tl n ; ; r ;i ii Il 1 1 : ; : . 1 1 ! \ i Monthly Average of Diurnal Variation of Noise Green Harbor, Mass. 15,000 Cycles Oct., 1923— Jan., 1924 506 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL m rciAiurr wAw:- •l^-i UIIj'IM |;n;i| W\\\ ;;;!; W tl ri:;| ' !•:!; Ie ff '■■•: -:|:'.:; lilii- 1 tf \ f n Jiii iiii i : . ; ; : j [ ■ . ■ , ; j ; : : ; ■ j 1 \ i :::;; ^^n M ^ :: il:ti l::!' ^ ^ lllil : It:: iM ::;^ liiil :iiii :!|i ll ■ 111. , ; i ! I!' 1 II Montlilv Average of Diurnal Variation of Noise Green I larhor, Mass. 24,000 Cycles Sept., 1923— Jan., 1924 TTtTT I mr M inlt I'j! IIJH Monthly Average of Diurnal Variation of Noise Crt-vn Harbor, Mass. 34,000 Cycles 1923 //^./.v.v.,/,..,.v,,c u.inio n-u.il.iiu'e(l l)>' passing a measured current tliroii^;li a third roil. The apjilied field and the induced ni.igneti/atiun are then proportional to the electric currents passeil through the magnetizing coil and the balancing coil, respectively. A hysteres s loop is shown, ohiained from an iron wire weighing '.i mg. An Ex f>Ui nation of Peculiar Reflections Obsenrd on X-Ruy Powder Photoi^raphs* Richard M. Bozorth. There has been pre\iously reportcti (J. O. S. A. and R. S. I. 0,989-97; 1922) the existence of "anotnalous" retleclions of X-rays, observed when analyzing sub- stances by the melh(xi of Dcbye-Scherrer and Hull. These reflec- tions are now explained in accordance with the well-known laws governing X-ray rellections. It is shown that the molybdenum X-ray spectrum as ordinariK- used, although it is filtered by zirconium screens, contains in addition to the characteristic Ka radiation a considerable amount of general radiation. Although usually not effective, this general radiation becomes important when the sample iR-ing analyzed is composed of crystal grains of certain sizes. The etTect under di.scussion is caused by reflection of this general radiation trom the principal atom planes of these crystals. Several experiments, and a geometrical analysis of the positions and orientations of the difTraction effects, confirm this conclusion. •J. O. S. A. and R. S. I. 9, 123-7 (August, 1924). Contributors to this Issue Fr.\NK ("ili.l., Huropean Chicl' lliiginccr dI ihc liiltrnalional Wcstcrii Electric Company. Mr. Clin has had long experience as a tek-plionc engineer, first, with the United Telephone Compan\' in London, then with the National Telephone Company and later as a consulting engineer. At the outbreak of the war, he was called upon to untler- takc important work in the Ministr\' of Munition for which he was later awarded the Order of the British Empire. As European Chief Engineer of the International Western Electric Compan\-, he is taking a leading part in the discussion and study of conditions necessary' for the establishment of an adecjuate l(Mig distance telephone ser\ice through Europe. OLiviiK E. Bii Ki.iiV, B..Sc., C.rinneil Colkgc i!H)9: Ph.D., Cornell University, 1914; Engineering Department, \\\>iem Electric Com- pany, 1914-1917; U. S. Army Signal Corps. 1!I17 lUlS; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company (Bell Telephone Labora- tories), 1918 — •. During the war Major Buckley had charge of the research section of the Dixision of Research and InspiTtion of the Signal Corps, .■\. \:. 1'. His early work in the Laboratories was concerned principally with the iiroduction and measurement of high vacua and with the development of vacuimi lubes. More recently he has been connected with the development and aiii)Iications of magnetic materials and particularly with the de\elopnient of the perniallo>-loaded likgraph ial)k\ H.\RVi:v FiJiTtiiiiR, B.S., Brigham Young, 1907; Ph.D., Chicago, 1911; instructor of physics, Brigham Young, 1907-08; Chicago, 1909-10; Professor, Brigham Young, 1911-1(1; Engineering Depart- ment, Western Electric Company, 1916-24; Bell Tele|)hone Labora- tories, Inc., 1925 — . During recent years, L^r. Fletcher has conducted extensive in\estigations in the fields of speech and audition. CiiARi.Ks W. (ARrKK, Jr., A.B., Harx.mi, l'.»'_>(); B..Sc.. Oxford, 1923; .Xmeric.in Telei)h()ne ,ind Telegrajih C(ini|)any, 1 )e|i,irlm(nt of De\elopment and Research, 1923 — . .•Xrtihr .S. ClRTis, I'h.H.. 1913; E.E., 1919; .Slul'luld .Sciintilic .Srhof)l; Instructor in llkrtrical ICngineering, \'ale L'ni\ ersii\-, 1913 17; Engineering Department, Western Electric Companx . 1917 24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 192.^ — . Mr. Curtis' work has been comiecifd with the de\eloptnent of lek phone iiistriunents. 512 coMRiinroKs lo mis issue 5ij Kari. K. I>.\rro\v. S.B., liiiviTsily of Chicino, lHU; liiivcrsity of P.iris. I'.Ul 12; Iniversity of Mirliii, 1012: I'll. I)., in physics ami m>itlu"ni>itit-s. I'liiviTsity of I'liir.i^jo. 1!>I7; luiniiuvrini; Di'partnuMit WVsliTii KIiTlric Company, 1!U7 21; Rill l\liplioiK- Laboratories, liif.. li)2.>— ^. Mr. Harrow has Ihimi i-n^.i^id lar^;i'ly in prrparinj; siuilies and analyses of pulilislu-d ri'siMrrh in \arioiis fu-lds of physilrs. l.i.oVK K-ri:\s( iiiicn. Prali Insiitnti-. I'.KM): riiiii• a system of tape-wound coil springs, which, because of the tightly wound friction tape, damp out mechanical \il)rations. The frame with its balancing weights, is heav>- (about 120 pounds), and so proportionetl in mass that a twisting or tilting impulse, necessary- at times in adjusting the instrument, disturbs its mo\ing system onh' in a secondary degree. This is a second feature of this suspension. Surprisingly efFecti\e kinetic insulation is achieved. Quaclrant electrometers and a moving magnet gal\"anometer have remained umlisturbed even when heavy trucks were passing on the street seven fl(K>rs below. This type of suspension, developed some years ago through the efforts of Mr. H. C. Harrison and Mr. J. P. Ma.xfield, has been adapted for use throughout the Bel! TeleiilioTie Laboratories in a variety of ways. Po'icer Amplifiers in Transatlantic Radio Telephony.'' A. A. Osw.m.d and J. C. SntELLKNC. The paper describes the dc\eIopment of a l.")0-kilowatt (output) radio frequenc\' amplifier installation built for transatlantic telephone tests. The characteristics of the single- sideband eliminated-carrier method of transmission are discussed with particular reference to its bearing upon the design of the power apparatus. A classification of amplifiers is proposed in which there are three types distinguished from each other by the particular por- tion of the tube characteristic used. The water-cooled tubes em- ployed in these tests are briefly described, special consideration being given to their use in a large installation. The system is then shown in outline by means of a block diagram, the elements of which are sub- sequently discussed in greater detail. The theory, electrical design. and mechanical construction of the last two stages of the amplifier are outlined, including the output and antenna circuits. Means em- ployed to prevent spurious oscillations are described. The method •Journal Opt. Soc. of .^m.. Vol. X, No. 5, pp. 609-611, May, 102$. * Proc. of I. R. E.. \ol. 1.5. page 313, June, 1925. 510 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL used in increasing the transmission band width to a value much greater than that of the antenna is explained. The power require- ments of a single sideband installation are outlined and a description of the six-phase rectifier, used as a source of high potential direct current is given, together with a brief theoretical treatment of its operation. Circuit diagrams, photographs, and a number of char- acteristic curves are discussed. Production of Single Sideband for Transatlantic Radio Telephony.^ R. A. Heising. This paper describes in detail the equipment and circuit used in the production of the single sideband for transatlantic radio telephony in the experiments at Rocky Point. The set con- sists of two oscillators, two sets of modulators, two filters, and a three-stage amplifier. The oscillators and modulators operate at power levels similar to those in high-frequency communication on land wires. The three-stage amplifier amplifies the sideband pro- duced by these mo'where between 74,000 and 102,000 c\cles. The second modulator, which is also balanced, is supplied with a carrier by the second oscillator and with modulating currents by the first modulator and first filter. Tlu' second filter is built to transmit between 41,000 and 71,000 cycles, so that by varying the second oscillator, the resulting sideband, which is the lower sideband produced in the second modulating process, may be placed anywhere between these two figures. Transmission curves for the filters are given as well as some aniplitude-frcciuency performance curves of the set. A Null-Reading Astatic Magnetometer of Novel Design.' Rich.\rd M. BozoRTH. This instrument is designed for measuring the mag- netic properties of very small amounts of material in the form of fine wires, thin tapes, or as thin deposits (electrolytic, evaporateil, sputtered) supported on non-magnetic forms. The specimen, 4 cm. long, is mounted parallel to the line joining the two needles, so that its poles produce the maximum torque on the suspended needle sys- tem, the position of which is read by mirror and scale. The effect of the magnetizing cf)il on the needles is annulled once for all b\' the suitably placing of an ,iu\ili,ir\ coil, and the magnetic efTecl of the • Proc. of I. R. E.. Vol. 13. page 201, 1925. ' J. O. S. .\. and R. S. 1. 10, 591-8 (May, 1925). The Bell System Technical Journal October. 1925 General Engineering Problems of the Bell System By H. p. CHARLESWORTH Note: This paprr, rr.ul U-lori' tlii' BiOl S\stcm Kdtiratiiinal C'oiifiTiMnc, C'hicaKo, Jiini- 22-27, l'J25, disiiissi-s the iharailer and scope of the im- portant problems involved in earing for the growth and operation of the Hell System. The plant extensions necessary to meet service re(|iiire- nients and the neiessity of advanced planning are first taken up. The uses of the "Commercial ,Surve\-." the " Kiindanienlal i'lan" and engineering cost studies arc analyzed to illustrate how an engineer attacks the problem of furnishing Siitisfactory telephone ser\ ice to the public. .A discussion of the New N'ork-Chicago loll cable and the telephone problem in .New N'ork ("ity, as illustrative of specific engineering problems, concludes the paper. THK problem of giving telephone senice is quite different from ttiat of most business enterprises. The merchant, for example, may take more Imsiness in his store without necessarily always in- creasing his facilities. The minute we take another subscriber, how- ever, we afld to our plant and plant investment. Similarly, in con- nection with the manufacturing industry, the manufacturer, for instance, is in a position to e.xercise very direct control o\-er his activ- ities. In the telephone industry, howe\"er, our obligation is to take the service as requested and be prepared to deliver it when and as it is re(]uired. Furthermore, the activities of the telephone business are of such a nature as to make it essential, regardless of the remoteness of the territory- or of the physical and climatic conditions involved, that a way be found, as far as practicable, to construct and maintain the pl.int and safeguard the service to the public. To meet these e.xacting requirements calls for the greatest ingenuity and foresight in the design of the tele[)hone plant and involves careful study of various plans for plant extension and rearrangement with a view to the selection of the most economical and desirable plan. Having determined the fundamentals of tiesign, there must, of course be devi.sed ways ami means of safely constructing and efficiently maintaining the plant. Furthermore, as the plant is necessarih scatterefl over a ver\' large territory ami as the different parts must work together satisfactorily and with the most economical results, a high degree of standardization is rec|uired, still leaving, however, freedom to adapt the plant to different local conditions. W'c find evidence on every hand of the value of this standardization, not only 515 516 BEI.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL during normal coiiditions, but also during emergencies, when it has been possible to tiuickly assemble equipment or materials from any part of the sNstem and promptly restore or expand the service as required. Important engineering problems of great variety, therefore, present themselves on every hand calling for consideration by the engineers in the General Engineering Departments, as well as the Traffic, Plant and Commercial engineers associated with the operating divisions of tlic companies. I'l .\NT Extensions to Meet Service Requirements A very large part of the engineering work of the Bell System is concerned with the design of plant extensions to meet expected future service requirements with the maximum economy consistent with maintaining the service standards of the s>stem. I shall not discuss the magnitude of the various activities and requirements of the system, but will recall to your mind a few of the outstanding items to better illustrate the magnitude of this part of the engineering work. Telephone stations are being connected at the rate of over two and one-quarter million annuall>-. The resulting net additions or gain in stations i)er year is approxi- mateh' 800.000. To meet this station gain and to replarc (■(iiiipnient remoxed from plant, switchboards are being adtied at the rate of approximately l,2(J0,000 station capacity annually. The Bell System installs in one year approximateK 30 billion feet of insulated conductor in lead covered cable ranging in unit sizes from 1 pair to 1,212 pairs. Of this amount, more than 27 billion conductor feet constitute the net annual increase in conductor mileage. The above plant additions, together with other important items, such as poles, wire, etc., involve a net increase in the telephone plant of nearly three hundred million dollars annually. It is of interest to note, in this connection, that the annual additions to the telephone ]ilant to(la\' are e(iui\alent to the entire plant in service in ilu' Bill System as ol aiiout 20 to 2.") \ears ago. Necessiiv ii>k .\i)\ANn-; I'i.anninc Obviously with a program of this magnitude and of such diversity' in the character of its related units, careful advance planning is neces- sary to insure economical and satisfactory performance. IIXGINEERIXG I'ROHI.liMS Ol- THE PEI.I. SYSTEM 317 In iln' earliest clays of the telcphiine serxice, the problem of l.iyiiisj out a telephone plant was a simple one. A \er\' small switchhoard, simple in rharaeter ami casih' moxetl, if necessary, was plaritl in some convenient location, usualK' in rented ((iiarters, and from that switchboard wires were run one by one as neef these buildings along appro- pri.ite routes to reach the thousands of telephones which receive ser\'ice fro 11 these switchboards; other conduits must be placed between these switchboards and the other buildings and switchboards throughout the city so as to provide the means of intercommunication between the subscribers connected with the switchboards located in different In.ildings; still other conduits and cables must be placetl between these switchboards and the central switchboard or toll board from which radiate cables and conduits and lines extending to the suburban area, to adjacent cities, to all the other principal cities in the United States, and to Canada. Each of the buildings must be placed in some definite location and it is necessary to plan this well in ad\ance and to direct the growth of the plant toward that location, even though the building may not be built for some years hence. Otherwise, very serious and costly rearrangements of plant would be necessary at the time the office is opened. Furthermore, each building must be planned for some defi- nite ultimate size, although, of course, the whole building need not be built at one time. Ducts cannot be placed under the streets one by one as needed. Public sentiment would not, of course, tolerate the opening of imp>ortant street routes several times, or even once, each year for the purpose of placing an additional duct. Neither would it he economical, if practicable, to construct conduits in this piecemeal way. The manholes in these conduits must be planned with reference to the number of ducts extending into them, not only the ducts initially placed, but if side runs are to be made from these manholes or if other ducts are to be placed later, this fact must be foreseen and provided for, or extensive and expensive alterations are ine\itable at a later date. I might go on and multiply the conditions which must be met in constructing telephone pl.int in a conntr\' such as onrs in which not 518 BELL SYSTEM TECIIKICAL JOURNAL only the population is growing and moving, but where the demand fcjr telephone service is growing more rapidly than the population. We are in effect planning a growing organism and we must recognize that we are dealing with ultimate tendencies largely beyond control, the effects of which are not capable of exact \aluatioii. However, enough has been said, I believe, to indicate clearK U) ytm that the telephone compaiu' on ever>- item of its buildings, conduits and cable construc- tion must constantly answer for itself \ital cjuestions as to the future reciuirements of the system. This was early recognized, and one of the most important unginecr- ing problems of the Bell System has been the formulation of estimates of expected future telephone liusiness both as to quantity and expected location, and the development, from these estimates, of basic plans of procedure, which plans must, of course, be flexible, capable of nuKlification from time to time, and such modifications must be madr as changing conditions show them to be advisable. Our first step in (lett-rniiuiug the estimated future lileplinne recjuiri- ments is to prepare a so-called "Commercial Siir\e\" of liie cil\-, covering the requirements fifteen or twenty years ahead. These studies include a critical analysis of the existing market for telephone service, pertinent facts as to the present sale of telephone service, of classes of service and users and forecasts of the market for telephone service at the future date or dates. Consideration is also gi\en to the growth and distribution of population, expected changes in gener;il wage levels, etc., and assumptions of the amount of business that must be sold in each area on the future dates selected under assumed rate conditions. Having thus determined from the "Commercial ,Sur\ey" the re- (|uirements for teleplione ser\ice for \ari(}us parts ol the city at the future dale assumed, it is ni'xt essential to de\elop a comi)reliensi\ i' plan to serve as a basi> for the la\out of the i)lant to meet these require- ments. Accord ingl\', a so-called "Fundamental Plan" is made for the community cowring these conditions as estimated fifteen or twent\' \ears hence. The importance of such a iilan is ob\ious, but a brief reference to >Ian determined upon. In completed form, these "Fundamental Plans" furnish us the following essential information ujion which lo proceid with the more detailed studies c', throughout all of his work the en- gineer must have foremost in his mind the fact that the telephone .sys- tem exists for the purpose of furnishing service to the public and the 522 liF.I.I. SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOVRSAL results of his engineering effort should insure a service which is satis- factory from the subscriber's viewpoint. It is evident from what has been said, I believe, that these engineer- ing cost studies are of great benefit in working out the proper pro- cedure in our engineering work, and I assume the\' arc equally helpful in the engineering of any kind of growing plant. .Anything that can reasonably be done, therefore, to gi\e the student an appreciation of the nature, scope, and application of the economic considerations of these engineering problems and to develop his faculties of judgment, imagination, team pla\-, and other related qualities, will doubtless pro\e of great value to the student in iiis later engineering work. ()TIIi;k I'H.\SES OF ENGINliKKINc; WoKK I ha\e thus far described to you some of the \ery important engineer- ing problems involved in the planning and carrv'ing out of plant exten- sions to meet expected future ser\-ice requirements. I would like next to consider with you a few of the engineering problems that present themselves in the actual design or oper.itioii of these large extensions to plant as introduced. '{"he rapid (k'v cldpnuiil nf ilu' lelepliime sysliMU, inrhuling llie tre- mendous growth in the luuiiber of lelei)liones in service and the rapid increase in the extent of territory which can be reached from any telephone, has led to a great increase in the imjiortance and difficulty of the technical jjroblems involved in tiie design and ni.iintenance of the plant. These technical probli-ms cover a vi'ry wide rangt.'. The electrical and acoustic problems involved in the transmission of speech have led telephone men to much pioneering work dealing with the flow of sustained and transient alternating currents in electric circuits of all types and in the fundamental nature of speech and hearing itself. .Again, the economical design of outside plant with suitable strength and economy involves investigations of characteristics of construction and materials and the preservation of limber, and there are, of course, special mathematical ancl other problems involved in the design of long cable or wire spans. Buildings and associated central office equip- ments involve very interesting mechanical and electrical jiroblems in the matter of the layout ofthe buildings and the arrangement of a|)paratus to meet exacting re(|uirements. These include many problems in the design of means for automatically supervising the |)rogress of telephone connections anil in the design of thousands n.wci\r.i:ia\r, i'roiu.ims or iiii-. ni:i.i. sysium ?2.\ of typi'S of .ipp.ir.iliis to lucrl s|H'(ilic infcli.mic.il .md clcclricil ri'(|iiirriiii'iit>. What I li.iM- .ilr(.-.ul\ s.iiil iiupli.isl/is llii- iiuportaiur of inniiuirini; work involved in tlu- design of ik-w pi.ml. Wry inli-ri-stinj; iMiniiuvr- ing studifs arc. howcvi-r, also invoKol in roniu-clioii with tlir niaiii; tenanrc of the plant as wt-Il. Tiiis inrUidts tlu- di\ilopinc-nl oi im- proved niaintonanie nu-thods and routines and a eritical analysis ol the results obtaiiutl, judged from the points of view of excellency of the service and econonty of operation. To use a homely illustration: one miRVit have his automobile completeK' gone over by a garage every UK) or 200 miles of running with the result that he woukl probably be reasonably sure of perfect maintenance of the automobile (assuming a perfect garage), but the maintenance costs would be excessively high and out of proportion to the benefit received. On the other hand, however, if no attention is gi\en to the maintenance of the automobile, maintenance costs woukl be at a minimum l)Ut the depreciation would be high, the operation would soon become unsatisfactory and soonei or later the results would be a total interruption to service use. The problem, therefore, evitlently is to find the proper balance litlwtcii o\erall costs and service results, and this is true, of course, ot tlic various engineering problems to be soKed in connection witli tin- maintenance of the telephone plant. The engineering work of the Bell System also insolves, to a large extent, relations with other organizations. These relations are very close with other wire-using companies, including small telephone com- panies whose lines connect with those of the Bell System. Important re- lations must be maintained by the engineer with electric power antl electric railway companies, as particularK' important problems of safety and of service arise due to the proximity between their electric circuits and the telephone circuits. These problems involve provision not only for the protection of the plant and employees against the flanger of contact with the wires of other companies but also include coordination of the two systems to prevent excessive inductive effects which often become important where electric power lines or electric rail- ways and telephone lines run parallel to each other. The electric com- panies and the telephone companies often find it advantageous to enter into arrangements for the joint use of pole lines and this presents many problems requiring consideration by the engineer. It is evident, therefore, that the problems of the telephone engineer cover a very wide and interesting field in mechanical, electrical and other arts. both within the business itself and in relation with other uiihtics .iiui municipal, state or national bodies or associ.itions. 524 BEl.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL SpixiFic Projects Illustrating Telephone Encineering Problems Enough has been said, I bche\e, in the foregoing to indicate the general nature of the engineering problems handled in the Bell System. It is, of course, impracticable and doubtless would be tiresome in a talk of this character to deal specifically with many detailed engineei- ing problems in\ol\-ed in the work which I have just described in general terms. I believe that you will gather a better appreciation of what some of these problems are from the inspection trips which form an important part of this week's program, than you could by a full discussion of them here. It will probably be of interest, however, before closing to outline briefly one or two typical telephone engineer- ing problems of considerable magnitude. .\i;\\ \'()RK-C"iiicA(i() Toll Carle The first large engineering problem I will consider is that relating to the New York-Chicago toll cable as shown in Fig. 1. This cable follows a route from New York through Harrisburg, Pittsburg, New- castle, Cle\'eland, antl thence to Toledo, and when completed' will extend to South Bend and then on to Chicago. For parts of the distance through the congested sections it is underground, and through the open country it is aerial. I'litil a comparati\-ely few years ago practically ail long toll circuits were in open wire construction; that is, individual wires mounted on separate insulators attached to cross-arms on poles. This was a natural development at first, due to the small number of circuits usually involved, but was also necessary because of the relatively high transmission losses of cable circuits where, as you know, the wires are insulated b\' wrappings of paper, closely twisted together in pairs and quads, and large numbers of the.se compressed together within a lead sheath. The rapidly increasing use of toll service, however, pointed to difficulties in pro\iding for future growth with open wire lines. In different parts of the route between Chicago and New York, for example, there were three and four heavily loaded open wire toll lines and the rate of growth was so rapid it was evident that before long dilTiculty would be experienced in obtaining suitable routes for llu- addilitjnal [jole lines required. Early efforts were accordingly made to de\ise means which would permit of satisfactory talks through cable and as a result of very intensive research there were developed satisfactor>- forms of telephone ' This cable has recently been completed. F.NCINF.fiRliWC I'ROIU.r.MS OF I III-. lU.l.l. SySII-M 525 526 BELI. SYSTEM TECIISICAI. JOCRNAL repeaters; that is, devices for aniplif\ing feeble teleiihone eurrents, passini; in either direction o\er a telephone cirniit. \viiht)iit apprecialile distortion. Tlie most successful repeaters of tin's l\pe. as \()ii nia\ know, u^e as the ainplif\injj element the \acmun iu!)e, alihouiih the tube itself is but a \ery small part of the apparatus required for the successful operation of the telephone repeater, antl man\- interesting Fig. 2 — Open wire toll liiu' engineering pr()i>k'ni> had tii i)c s(>l\ i-' hea\il\- built pole lines of open wire construction such as is shown in Fig. 2. The construction of the Chicago-New ^'o^k cable was started in I'.IIS and will be completed this year. As shown in Fig. 1, the cable i;xGi\i:r.i' to employ automatic regu- lators which vary with changes in the temperature of the cable con- ductors, the amplification introduced into the circuit by some of the repeaters. Without regulation, the change in temperature occurring within 21 hours often makes as much as a thousand-fold difference in the amount of electrical energy received over New York-Chicago circuit from the same input, a variation which would, of course, utterly prevent giving service o\er the circuits. Aside from the electrical difficulties there were also interesting problems of a mechanic.il engineering nature to overcome in the desing •ind placing of the cable, particularly where it passes through the wilderness — Hank of 2-wire teU'phnnc rcpt-aters or aerial in the \-arious sections in itself in\ol\e<] iiian\- engineering considerations. In addition to the engineering matters in connection with the cable itself, other interesting problems present themselves, of course, with regard to the design and construction of the telephone repeater stations and their associated equipment, the telephone repeaters being inserted in circuits of this character at intervals of about 50 miles. A typical re()eatcr station is shown in Fig. .5, a bank of two-wire repeaters in Fig. 6, and a bank of four-wire repeaters in Fig. 7. P'ig. 8 shows a view of the completed cable. In this case a loading coil case is also shown, and the picture indicates again the physical problem of erecting a cable through the less accessible sections of the territory'. Fig. 9 shows another section of the completed cable through open country, and shows loading coil construction and facilities for 530 nEI.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL l-'ii;. 7--l{ank of 4-«ii. i,l,|.h^ I'ig. S Toll ial>lc line showing loading coil case r.xGixur.mxG i-rohi.f.ms or hie nii.i. sYsriiM s.m rut ling in additional loading: roils as rf(|iiirfd. V'm. 10 gives an intiTi'sting \ii'\v of tlu- i\d)!r n\vr ihv Alk-glu'nii's, showing us again tlu- ini'cit.inical prolilcins invoKi'd in design and conslruction. In this ease the fai>le follows c!ose!>' tiie open wire line, which in time will he disnianlled. It may be of interest in this connection to state th.it the |)lans to he compariil in the study of toll cahle projects generally differ primarily in the dates at which they contemplate supplementing or replacing open wire service by cable. Conditions under which cable becomes economical depends, of course, on many factors. Perhaps the most iinport.uU single factor is the rate of growth of the circuit requirements. The tletailed design of the cable also involves very interesting studies of the economical number of circuits to provide in the cable sheath, .Also the economical gauge of each circuit must be considered, com- paring in many cases the economies of a larger gauge with those of a smaller gauge provided with a greater number of telephone repeaters. The design of the toll cable as discussed is but one illustration of the design of the toll plant extension as a whole, a problem which, in general, involves the consideration of the relative desirability of additions to existing open wire toll lines, building new open wire toll lines, applying carrier telephone s\'stems to existing lines or installing toll cable. Ti:i,i£PHONK Probli:m in Xi w York City As another specific illustration of the tek'i)h()ne engineering problem, I will describe briefly the matter of adetiuateh- meeting ref|uirements in a large city, using for purposes of illustration the situation in New- York City and the metropolitan area. This [larticular situation doubt- less presents one of the most difficult engineering problems and in some respects is unusual, yet, on the other hand, it fairly represents the kind of engineering problem with which the Hell -System engineers nuist deal at all times. Fig. 11 indicates clearly the magnitude of the [)resenl du^\ future problem in the .\ew York metropolitan area, as viewed from the number of telephones. In 1(I0."> there were 220,000 stations in New York Cit\- and 300, ()()() stations in the metropolitan area. By 192.") the figures had increased to 1,400,000 for New York City and 1,000,000 for the entire area. By 1945 it is estimated there will be over 3,000,000 stations in New York City and over 4,000,000 in the metropolitan area. Part of this growth can be ascribed to the normal increase in the popiil.itiot) and p.irt. of course, to the tendency to make more use of 532 BEI.I. SYSTEM TliCHMCAL JOURNAL k^mc' F-'ig. 9 — Toll cable liiii- through open toiiiurx- Kig. 1(1 — C'alilf and oixn \\\rv loll line in Alkgluny Mountains HNaiMilih'l.w: fKOIU.I.MS ()/• I III-. HI I.I. .SV.SII.M 5.U the ti.-k'|>luiiK-. In .ulilitioii, p.irt of (lu- urowlli is due 1<> llic cofi- (litions followiiik; ihc World W.ir ,iiul llu- ^riUTiil rcoiioiiiic Ircnd. Comparing l!>2l wilh l!)l 4. wliolisali- coinmotlily priix-s, as you know, ha\t' risen oxer 50 per nut ; tin- cost of li\ injj o\er (>() per cent : wagt's in mamifarlurinj; industries o\er 100 per cent, while in the same fX'riod telephone rates generalK- ha\e increased less than 3U per cent. 1 • 4 lOO dill' NT MIROPOLMSH ESTIMATED NUMBER Of TELEPHONES NEW YORK CITY AND METROPOLITAN AREA 1.300 000 V.r N r iktnoroLiiM MCA i'fjs;-^^ 300.000 MTKIWPOUIM uu--. 1905 1925 945 Imk. 11 and e\en less than this in some of the larger cities. Tele[)hone service, therefore, represents a hirge value for its price and in a situation like (ireater New York City, where there are between seven and eight million people, it is but natural that the new situation in the economic balance of things, together with the low price of service shown, would make for a \ery substantial increase in the demand for telephone service. This has. of course, also been true elsewhere. As I have shown there are at present a total of over one inillioii telephone stations within New York City proper served fnjni about 130 central offices, 26 offices ha\ing been added last year. The pre- dictions are that within the ne.st t\vent\- years the stations and central offices will have more than doubled. Kach subscriber in this great network must be able to reach promptly every other subscriber. 534 BEI.l. SYSTEM TECIIMCAL JOURNAL Due to the large area in\-ol\'C(l. a great number of rails within the city necessitates extra charges, which means that they must he specially supervised and recorded. There arc man\- different classes of service furnished the public, such as measured rate, flat rate, coinbox, etc., and, of course, such other special services as Information service. Not only individual lines but party lines and pri\ate exchanges must be cared for. Furthermore, the demands for ser\ice to the extensive area surrounding this great city, as well as the large number of cities, towns and rural communities throughout the entire country. ri-(|uirt' that provision be made ft)r thousands of toll mes.sagcs daiK'. Tlu- problem of gi\ing satisfactory service under these conditions and uiuler the com])lications that come with the tremendous growth referred to is a very important one and requires careful and constant stud\-. In order to properly care for this complex prolilem of furnishing telephone service in large cities, telephone engineers in line with the efforts which ha\'e been made from the time of the early switchboards have endea\ored to perform the \arious operations automaticalh' so far as consistent with serxice requirements. While the switchboards which you saw yesterday are called "manual" switchboards, you doubtless noted from the demonstration and your visit through the central office that many of the operating features are automatic in character. The latest step in this general trend of development has been to develop a switchboarti which would pro\ide for completing many classes of calls entirely without the aid of an operator, and these new machine switching equipments which you will see today are gradually being introduced into .\ew V'ork, Chicago, and other large cities. This is a large problem in itself and involves not only the completion of calls from machine switching subscribers to other machine switching subscribers, but the completion of calls incoming to machine switching offices from manual offices and outgoing to manual offices. This must be done without reaction on the service or in- con\enience to the subscribers and so that the machine equipment and the manually operated switchboards will work together as a co- ordinated whole. I do not know of any mechanical device that reminds one so much of the functioning of the human brain as does this mechanism for completing calls following the dialing operation. The completion of a simple call, while quite in\olved in itself, is by no means the complete [iroblem. There must be a great many other features pro- vidtnl, such, ft)r one example, as where a register is provided on the subscriber's line to register the number of calls under measured rate service. In these cases it is necessary to insure that there shall be r.xuiM I ki.m; /'A'( •/(/./ .u.v or iiii. ini.i. svsir.M 5.»5 pri>|H'r rt'nistr.ilion !>>■ llu- in.i«liiiu' .iiid tin- nu'ch.iiiisiii is so .irr.iiim'd. tlu'rff«)rf, that on tlu' nimpUlion of tlir call it will ti-sl tlif iiiu' to makt- sure that i-viTsthiiiK was normal iK-fori- rinislration is actually ptr- fornu'd. Similarly, all the way thronnh the completion of the regular anil special classes of calls it is necessary for the mechanism lo perform just such intric.ite functions as that descrihed. The eiigiiieerinn of the interotTice trunk la\<>ul in a ciiy like New \'ork is also an im|)ortant and interesting; problem, not only hec.iiisi' of its m.ignitude l)ul because of the almost unlimited \arialions which EXCHANGE TRUNKING PLANS TRUNK GROUPS RCQWREO BETWCEN TEN CENTRAL OFflCES OlRCCt TRUNK PLAM TANOCU TRUNK PLAN 90 CROUPS JO goouPS AMDCM AND DIRCCT TRUNK PLAN 50 GROUPS NEW YORK METROPOLITAN ATCA TRUNK 6R0UP3 REQUIRED OlflCCT TRUNK PLAN TAND£M TRUNK PLAN TANDCM AND DIRCCT TRUNK PLAN 'aOOO 6R0UPS 850 GROUPS aSOO GROUPS FiR. 12 might he empl(>\ed, a large number ol which must be carefuih' con- siderceared to be the best combination. The data given at the bottom of Fig. 12 are of particular interest in this connection. As will be 536 nr.U. SYSTEM Tr.CIIX/C.U. JOfRXAL noted, if only direct trunks were employed in the metropolitan area, some 43,000 groups would be required. On the other hand, if we followed only the strictly tandem plan, 8.50 groups would be rcciuired but as previously indicated, unwarranted switching costs would be RELATIVE GROWTH IN TRUNKIN6 SYSTEM NEW YORK METROPOLITAN ARE/ INCREASE 1924 OVER SELECTION OF CENTRAL OFFICE NAMES NEW YORK CITY CONSIDCRATIOKS GOVCRNMG SaCCTION 1 DULIHG CODC CONrilCISriRSI IHBtC LCIIfBS 2 PHONETIC COHrilCTS- WITH MORC THAN 500 EXISTING NAMES 3 PRONUNCIATION ■ MUST BE EASILY UNDERSTOOD CXAUPLC or DIALING CODE CONfLICT (IDTiNC NAUC Jw.1, CnirilCTIIte NAME J 1 K n SAW PIAl IS) ■M&, ®©d* SEARCH rOR NAMES i: 50UICES or KtUES COHSULIEO 1(0.000 HJHES COKSIOEREO Of •HICK HOT MODE THAN ISO cm BE USED 0PtRAIl)16 TESTS tlU PROSJBII ruKTHEB REDUCE THIS NIIUStR 1-in. 14 in\'olved. B>' establishinj.; a pi, in, iiowexcr, in\()l\ini; lidtii t.nuk'ni and direct trunks, the mosl economical |)lan can be determined upon and in this case about 0,000 groups of trunks are rcc|uired. Fig. 13 shows how rapidly the trunk groups increase with ilu- .uidiiicni of stations and central otliccs. You can well imagine the engineering F.NGiM'.i:His\: /'/?()/v/./;.u.s ()/• ////; Hi.i.i. sy.sir.M 'x\7 prohk'iu iinoUi'cl in workiiin out tlir most ill'iiifiil Irunkiii); pi. in for a ciiy sui-h as Ni-w York or (."liicMkjo. Aside from tlu- layout of llu- trunk plant itsolf, tin- unnini-i-rinj; work involves the design and construction of tlu' underground subway sNstem and the desikjn of the physical cable i)lani. In one >'ear in Kig. 1 liii^ <',rei'n ti'lfphoiic hiiililini;. New \'()rk C'it\- New York City alone, enough cable has been installed and |)laced in service to make a cable containing 1,2()U wires reaching trom New N'ork to Chicago. The expansion of the metropolitan plant to care for the increase in the number of subscribers also in\olves, of course, opening many new offices and the provision of new switchboards and additions to the existing switchboards. The matter of selecting the name for a new central office would at first apjx-ar to be a simple one, but as indicated by Fig. 14 it is a very involved problem in itself. As will be noted, there are many ciuestions to be considered. One feature relates to the matter of dialing. It is interesting to note from Fig. 14, however, that while the name "John" does not seem in any way to contlict with the name " KiiickiTbdcker." \et these two names could not be 538 HI. 1. 1. S)SII.\t I IXllML.M. JOLRSAL used logcllur in llii: same city because of conflict in the dialing process. Phonetic conflicts are also exceedingly important in telephone opera- tion. In fact, they form one of the most important factors that must be considered in the selection of an office name. Pronunciation of the name must also be easily understood. Thus we find that in the case of the metropolitan area something like 72 sources of names were consulli'd: for instance, historical works, geographical works, postal Kli;. I() \\'i»l .ililh Strcti liiiilding, Ni-w \"ork titv guides, telephone directories, and other sources, and out of 100,000 names considered not more than I'lO could be used and possibly .some of these fni further stuch' will ha\e to be eliminated. 1 lia\e mentioned this detail of o|)erati()n sim|)l\' to illustrate the \arirl\ of the problems for the telephone engineer and the extent to which he must consider them in order to insure the grade of service \\i' are all striving for. The erection nl mw buildings and .iddilidiis to existing buildings is also a large problem, there being 12 new i)uildings and 21 additions erecletl in New \'ork during l'.)23 and 11)24. It might be interesting to note that for these buildings and eciuipments it is necessary to consider not onK- the proper association of the various elements of the /:".V(;/.v/:/;/,v.Y(; rKoni.iMs oi iiii: ni.i.i. sysii.m 3.w iviitr.il olVicf unit I'riim llu- \ ii'wpoint of si-curiiin s.itisfactorN' (>|RT.tliiil nui>t Iif consldficd from llii- point of \ itw of co-.tv which :^. Xlu \ork City may vary ovi-r a widi- ranj^r iindi-r the difTcrent arrangements which might be used. This you will better ajipreciate from your \isits through the offtces. I will next show you a few cases which will illustrate some ol the problems in the way of providing building sjjace to house switchl)()anl e(|uipmenls in ihes*.- large metropolitan areas. Fig. lo is a photograph of the Bowling (ireeii building, located in the extreme lower end of Manhattan Island and which will i)rovide space for switchboard recpiirements for that part of Xew York City. Fig. IG gives a rather interesting example of another of the large New York telephone buildings, this case being the one located in West :i»)th Street in the neighborho litiildin^ is designed to liousc a larni- lUimliiT of units of machine switching i'(|iiipnu'nt, and the u|>pur pari will be iitiii/ud fi)r the .idnunistrati\e offices of the ("oin|iany. This further illustrates Jhe type of huilding required in these iarije cenlers, and the many en- nineerinj; problems inxoKed. I might go on at length, gi\ing one proljjeni alter another, by vva\' of iliubtration, but I think enough has been said to give you a general idea of the nature and great variety of the telephone engineering problem in\ol\ ing, as it does, almost e\'ery phase of the mechanical, electrical, and other arts. It is obviously necessary for the engineer not only to consider the technical problems involved in each of these matters, but to a greater extent it seems to me than almost any other situation I have encountered, it is necessary for him to take into account all of the related broad operating and business factors which are naturally to be found in an industry of the magnitude of the Bell System. Engineering Planning for Manufacture ' By G. A. PENNOCK SvNpPsis: This artiilu distusscs the complete analysis, from a mami- facturing point of view, to which every item of telephone apparatus is submitted at the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Company. These works employing, at present, about 25,000, produce over 110,000 different kinds of parts which enter into some 13,000 separate forms of apparatus. The advantages of careful engineering analysis of each new job coming to the factory, as well as those which have been in production, are brought out. The various steps which are worked out in connection with each analysis are as follows: manufacturing drawings: the proper manufacturing operations and their sequence; the machines best adapted to carrying out these operations: determination of the kind of tools, gauges, weighing and other equipment; the determination of the probable hourly output for each operation; the grade and rate of pay for the operators; the kind and amount of raw material required; manufacturing layouts which tell the entire shop organization; each step in the production of the parts, and finally the best rate to be paid for each operation. In conclusion, the author discusses the personnel of the I'lanning Organization. InTKoDI (HON TlllC (.•>M.'iU(.' of the successful oiRTutioii of an\ industrial eslablisii- mcnt is contained in the maxim "Plan your work — then work your plan." The first part of this maxim is In- far the most import- ant since the al)ilit\- to work aiu' i>l.in diinnds fundaiiuntalK upi n the excellence of the plan itsell. Farsighled planning, as applied to elenRnlar\- lactor\- operations, is a relati\'ely sim|>le problem. For example, the iinii)lem iindlxcd in ])lanning the work of a foimdry is to a great exttiii nurcK the the duplication of plans already standardized, but in a plant manu- facturing widely di\crsilied pro[ tiie Weslcrn Kiectric Company pnnides the Bell System with telephone eciuipment which iiUdKes the i)r<>diiction of over 13,000 separate ami distinct forms of ai)i>aratiis, in the construction of which there are used over 110,000 dilTerent kinds of parts made from IS, 000 different kinds, sizes, and shaiws of raw material. A ntimlur of lluse p;irls .ire produced in very small qiiaiitilies. The |)roduction of the varied product mentioned al)o\e inxoKes not only all the usual wood and metal working operations, but also such lines of manufacture as:- glass making, textile dyeing, manti- faclure of porcelain, electrolytic iron, \idcanized and i)henolized fibre, ' l'a|)cr read before llic Mell S\slcm l-'..|ii. .il ioTi.jl ( 'oiifcrence, ('hicat;(i. June 22-27, 1925. 542 F.sci\F.r.fii.\(; ri.i.wixc iok M.ixrr.icrrRR 543 soft and hard riil)lH'r in tlu' form of shod, nnl, lulu-, and molded shafH's, thi- insulation of wire with ti'Xiiifs, fii.inu-ls, and papiT, and ihf ronvt-rsion of copptT hiili-ts into win-. Thcst' materials arc used for iu.ikin>; parts wiiicli, generally speak- ing, are (|iiite small in size when compared witii parts usetl in stea.'n ioeomotives, gas engines, dynamos, and otiicr kindred i-(niipinenl nimmon to the eleetriral and mechanical fields. The fart that the parts are small in dimension. howe\er. does not mean that the manufactiiring ditTiciiliies are in proportion. On the contrary the problems involved in tlnir ni.mufacture are often times in .m inverse ratio to the size of the p.irt. Fig. I shows a crank shaft al)oiit three feet long and the shaft used in the calling dial for machine switching about an inch and a half long. The layout of the operations retjuircd for machining the crank shaft is shown in the upper left hand corner. There are a total of eight. Below at the left is shown the UiNout of operations fur making the shaft for the dial. There arc a total of eighteen. As you will note from the data at the right, the number of machines involved is, roughly, the same in each case. These data illustrate the fact, however, that the small part may be more complicated and invoKe more engineering [iroblems that the larger [lart. Pl.xnning i-()R Tin-: Fitirf. .\s the manufacturing unit of the Bell S\stem, the Western Klectric (\)mpany in planning its production has had to bear in mind, first, that the facilities shall be adequate to turn out the tremendous \olume of apparatus and equipment required from year to year: second, that the System's supply of equipment must be planned to eliminate, so far as is humanly possible, any interruptions: and third, that the .System must get its equipment at the lowest po.ssible cost. BrietK', our program for providing buildings and equipment for the future is based on a five-year forecast of business made by each -Associate Company and summarized by the .American Telephone and Telegraph Conipan>'. It takes approximately two years to erect and e(|uip new iiuildings; con.sequently, capacity studies on fioor space are made two years or more in advanie and tool and machine equipment studies are made one year or more in advance, as this equipment can usualK be pro- vided in one year. 544 BULL SVSriiM TECHXICAL JOIRSAL XOTK COMPARISON OF SIZF. OF SHAFTS Shaft fok No. 2 I vi'E Cali.in(. Dial Opcr's. Req'd. (18) Rough form thread portion, and (). I). counterlx)rc'. finish turn, thread and cut off Limits ±.0015" for diam. =t.002" for I'gth. Rough and fin. form i diams, shear 1 diam., thd. and polish. Limits +.00;)",-.()(>5" I'gth. Shear S. V. face to I'ght. burr and polish long end. +.0(K)" Limits — .001" for diam. Straddle mill Mats— mill four (4) slots. (2)oper's. +.000" Limits —.002". Miifhine and Tools Davenport .^uto Screw .Machine, .S chucks, .S pl.iin and form tools, 1 thread ls, emery stick ,ind .S gauges //./«\ AN 1 \(.l> OI I'l.WMNC In onk-r ti) iiu-rl tlu- rf(|uiri-niriils of llir l»-U-|)h()iH- l)usiiU'ss, ihi- l-".ni;iiut'rinK 1 Vp.irtUKMits of tlu- Sysirm .in- coiisl.iMtly (li'Vi-lopiiiK lu-w (k-signs ami i'lianj{itiv; pri-si-til (Ifsiijns with tlu- oliji-ct of improv- ing; the quality of. or ri'tluc-ini; tlu- ro.sl of tfk-phono sorviri-. This* nu-ans that the pnxlurts that \vi- an- inaiuifactiirin^ an- constantly utuk-ruoinj; (k'\i'lopnR'ni. with tlu- n-siilt that wi- art' conliinially lonfroiitwl with rhanijin^ inaniifactiirinji; prohk-nis. The decisions reached liy the various orijani/ations of tlu Hell System to proceinl with the intrcHluction of the new and chanj;e(l designs just referred to arc based entirely on ini|)ro\e(l service, lower lists, or iMith: conse(iuently, before any work on new developments An Ik' done the Manufacturing IVpartmenl must furnish firm esti- mates of the cost of one or any numbei of ])ieiesof apparatus that may Ix* required. This is made possible by our al)ilit\' to plan a job in detail on jiapei Mul to make an accurate appraisal of the manufacturing costs before pr(xluction is starteti. The cost established, selling prices can be determinetl. and a final decision made b\- the Systern as to the merits of any new devlopment. Furthermore, by scrutinizing the design antl concentrating on the \arious manufacturing operations to be used before the tools are built, numerous changes can be introduced to facilitate manufacture Hid in this way avoid getting into the factory what have been termed ' iiospital jobs " which result in retarded production antl infiated costs. The two designs illustrated in Fig. 2 bring out what is possible in .1 manufacturing analysis of an engineering design. The part shown is the mounting plate used in the calling dial. The design originally showed ears, which were blanked out and turned over toward the inside of the blank and perforated, as shown in the upper \ievv. The lower view shows the design as it was developed due to the Manufacturing Department's suggestions to blank the ears from the inside of the bl.ink and turn them outward, thus locating the mounting holes in exactly the same piosition as the engineering design, but saving material. It also simplified the bending of the ears. Instead of a double bend, there is an S bend. The holes were made larger also to permit perforating instead of drilling. The lugs and holes were also unevenly spaced so as to make it impossible to perforate or assemble the part in the wrong position. In shop language, the part was made "f* I'lMKI' Original I'i<()1>ii>i;i) Dksicx (Jl)jecli<)iial)lf features — lugs fornieil inward, ref|uires larjif blank and a cani action loul or two operations in forming. Small holes do not permit perforating Design Finally Adopted KfsuUs of romments^ugs formed outward decreases thi' size ol liLiiik p^■lnlil^• cond)incd embossing and forming in simple tool. Holes increased in >i/e l"ig. 2— .A Modified Part l:\GlXl■:l:Rl.\^; ri.iwi.w; ii>u M.ixri-.u iih'i-. 547 l".\( loKv .\Ki<\\(.i:Mi;Nr Before (li'srril)iii^ our |)l. inning work mori' in (k'tail, a fi-w wonlN should Ik- said al)oul our arrani;rnu-nl of tnachiiu' (-(iiiipnu'iit. Our iiu'tal working maoliiiu- (U-parliiu-nts are laid out in siieh rnanuer that the niaiuif.u'lurin^i; oiK-ratioiis arc grouped into departments by class of work or operation and not by class of prcnluct. Kach dejiart- mcnt jx'rfornis some definite kind of operation, and each handii's all the parts that re(|uire that particular operation. Thus we ha\c punch press departments, screw machine departments, a milling department, a drilling department, etc. The parts prcnluced in these specializetl departments pass in proper sequence through all the departments that have work to do on them and finally reach the assemlily departments, where they are made up into finished units of apparatus. The ad\antages of this methoh,ill in- |)urcli.isrd .ire determined. 1 i:x(;i\i I HIM. /•/..( v.v/.V(, /(»a' M.txri-.K iria-: 549 Sih. Maniif.u'turinj; Layouts. Thi'sc layouts loll the niliru shop i>r).;.iiii/.itioii I'.ich sli-p in making llii' parts siiowii on liic inaiHilactnriiii.; draw- iii^s. iUh. Vhv piiTf rate to he paid for i-acli operation is (k-lfrniiiu-i-ic<, screw machines, milling machines, lathes, etc. / \^:l.\^l■l:Rl.\^; ri..i\.\i.\(; vor M.ixri-.u hrh 531 I'in- ■{ >liii\\s llu' oltl lult-di i\(ii milliiiv; m.H liinc. 1 1 ileus mil nivi' \<)n .1 Inii- pictiirr ol llu' wlmlf juli. siiur llu- omtIumiI drisc which i> thi' mosi ()l)jfcti<)nal)k- fralurr doi-s iiol >\h<\\ in llic |>i( tine. liy. J- licit Drixin Milling Marhiiie Fig. 4 shows the nKxIern motor-driven iniMing machine with the motor mounted in the base and a chain drive enclosed in the housing at the l)ack driving the spintlle. At our suggestion, several of the largest manufacturers of screw machines ha\e incorporated screw slotting devices as standard equip- ment for multiple spindle machines. We have just recently worked out a ilesign whereby a high speed screw machine, formerly adaptefl to bras.s part.s only, can now have its spindle s[H>ed reduced through change gears so as to make it adapt- able for iron and nickel silver parts, thus providing greater flexibility. 552 nr.l.I. SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOURNAL Punch presses were formerly liable to serious damage if two blanks were accidentally placed in a forming die. We have worked out a design of ram which contains a "shear ring." This consists of a soft metal ring so incorporated in the connecting rod of the press as to Tin. 4 Motor Drivi-n Milllnu Maehinu shear at any predetermined pressure, thus allowing the connecting rod to telescoiK' instead of breaking the die or frame of the press. This impnnement permits operating punch presses .safely at greater speeds than are usual on this t\'pe of equipment. Numerous other similar impro\ements have been woiked out, many of which ha\e bt'cn jjatented. Tools The animal demand for the product is the most important factor in determining tlu' kind of tool, tixluri', and gaugi' t(|uipnunt to he prcnided. E.\Gi\r.i:Kixc /7..i.v.\7.\t; /"oa- M.ixir.icirRr. 55.1 Our most intricate cnnineoriiiK pnihk-ms arisi- in connirtion with punch prt-ss t(H)ls as tht-rc is almost no hmit to the \arii-t\- of opera- tions that can ho performed on this t\iK' of niariiine. If the demand for a part tnade on a punch press is small, it is often found more economical to l)uild simple tools which will hl.mk out, perforate and form in separate operations, rather than to build more elahorate tcxils at a higher cost wliicli will comliint' two or more operations into one. The effect of ciuantit\- on the desijjii of tools ma\' best be shown b\- a concrete case. The EFrecT of An NUAi. Demand on Choice OF Man UFACTURINC Method Yearly Req. Material Type of Machine Tvpe of Tool Tool Cost Cost per M Tool Cost per M Parts Saving per Year 5.000 30,IHX) 500,000 ,?,0(K),(XK) 5 'S" Brass Rod I 15" Sheet Hand Screw- Machine Punch I'ress deneral use Tools 1 at a time Tandem Perforating and Blanking 3 at a time Tandem Perforating Perforating and Blanking 7 at a time Tandem Perforating and Blanking $150.00 400.00 600.00 $10 00 2.30 1.72 1.52 S5.00 .80 .20 $231.00 290.00 600.00 Fig. 5 Take, for illustraticin, the case of a simple brass washer 5/8" in diameter, l/lG" thick and having a l/4" hole. As shown in Fig. 5, with a requirement of 5,000 a year, the washer would be made from rod stock in a hand screw machine using general use tools at a cost of SlO.OO a thousand; for 30,000 a \ear it would be made from sheet stock in a punch press using a one-at-a-time tool, at a cost of S2.30 a thousand; for .500,000 a year a three-at-a-time tool would be used at a cost of SI. 72 a thousand; for 3,000,000 a year a seven-at-a-time tool would l)e used at a cost of SI. 52 a thousand. In each one of these steps, as shown in the columns at the right, the additional tool investment, necessitated by the more advanced 554 PEI.I. SYSTEM TRCIISICAL .'OURSAL nicthrknianship. For instance, it may be necessary in the case of a puncii press part to hold certain dimensions of the blank to extremely close limits, and this quite often requires an additional operation of shaving the blank to size. This adds an additional tool to the equip ment, as well as requiring a tool of greater accuracy. You will appreciate that the matter of interchangeabilily is one of great importance — first, because the parts must go together in the assembly departments without any further fitting — and second, the parts and pieces of apparatus shipped over the entire country for repairs and maintenance must be exact duplicates of the old. It costs more to make interchangeable parts than to make inaccu- rate ones that are not always interchangeable, and the Planning Kngineer can coniml liie lool and manufacturing costs very largeK' by his judgment in liie selection of limits. HolRI.V OlTPLT rile I'l.innini; Engineer, in anahzing the wt)rk on a ,i;i\en \raT\ for the ()i)erati(in^, machines and tools to be provided, from his experience and training in the particular kind of work he is handling, is able to establish .in expected hourly production for each operation he handles. He is, of course, guided in this by his experience on similar parts and h\ the speed of the machines selected for the operation. The setting up of the expected output for assembling operations is more difficult, but here also the special training and experience of the engineer along that line of assembly work enable him to set up an expected output which is approximately accurate. In some cases, we go so far as to tear down and reassemble models of the apparatus in order to ol)tain the necessary data. The output per hour on each operation enables the engineer lo com|)ule the nmnber of each kind of tool, including spares wliicii must be built, lo [iroduce the retiuired rjuantity of each part. The number of tools required is obviously dependent on the speed <>f the operation, and here again you sec the efTect on tool costs if the engineer fails to select the fastest machine suitable. When it is considered that we have nearly Sli,()()(), ()()() invested in tools for the manufacture of panel machine switching apparatus alone, it can be appreciated wh.it pi, inning means lo us. F.XGlXiiF.RIXu ril.WlXC, lOR M.IXCr.UIIKI- 555 I.Mlok CkAIUv I'lif I'l.iiiniiiv; l-'.ni;iiii'rr. in addition lo fslahlisliiiij; tlu- \.diK's .drt'iuK' iiu-ntioiH'd. l).i> also tlic rt-spoiisiliility of sclirlinR ihv grade of lalior which is to In.- iisitl in iH-rforininj; tlio \arious opi-ratioiis. I)if- ft-ri-nt nr.ides ha\i' lii't-n i-stalilislu-d for ini-ii and women, and eath Kr.idi- rovers a sufficiently broad ranjje of rates to enalile us to hire the einph>yees at the startinR rate of the grade and to advance them in the v;raeconu- more proficient .\\u\ exjierienced. I\ \\\ Maiikiai, Ihe I'lanning Kngineer specifies the kind and amount of raw material recjuired for each part including the scrap allowance. Me also s[H'cities the form in which it shall be purchased — that is to say, whether in nnl. tubing, and in the case of sheet stock w-hether in the sli.ipe of sheets, strips, or rolls. M AM 1- \( Tt RiN'd Layouts The next step in preparing a piece of apparatus for manufacture is the working up of detailed manufacturing layouts. These layouts constitute the "sailing orders" for the shop, covering each operation to be performed, how the work is to be done, the sequence of the o[X'rations, the tools and machinery to be used, raw material and quantity required, and the stock room to which the parts shall be delivered upon completion. These layouts are got out in the form of fluplicated sheets and a complete layout for each part is sent to e\er\' department ha\'ing work to perform. Pir;( K Ratios When all the preparation steps have been completed and after the \arious ojK-rations have been tried out and are running in the operat- ing departments on a satisfactory commercial basis, the Planning Organization proceeds to establish piece rates on each ofieration. The piece rates are established by the same organization of engineers who plan the work, and the responsibility of seeing that the estimated outputs are realized devolves upon this organization. Before pro- ceeding with the studies invoked in establishing the piece rate, the FManning Engineer checks back against the original planning data and the manufacturing layout, and, in this way, ascertains the met]i(xl 556 nELL SYSTEM TECHSICAI. JOURXAL as orifjinally laid out, together with the expected outputs. His task then heconus one of seeing thai the expected output or better is attained. Tliis, in nian\- casi'S. iinolxes a very detailed lime and motion stud\- of the elementar\- oi)erations necessary to complete the job in order that it be brought to a high stale of efficiency. In cases where the expected output cannot be realized by the original method, other methods are worked out wherever possible to bring about the desired result. Just a word rigiil lure on our piece rate pf)lic>': when jiiece work was introduced many years ago, the policy was established that after a rale had been once issued it should not be cut unless a change had been maile in the method of manufacture. In other words, we take the stand that an issued rate is a contract which cannot be revoked so long as the operation is done in the same manner as covered by the piece rate card. To satisfactorily carry out a policy of this kind, it is obvious that our piece rate setting must be something more than mere stop watch ob.servation. In order that piece rales are established which are accurate and fair to both the employee and the Company, it is neces- sary thai the engineers selling the rates be well versed in the class of work being rated, and have a thorough knowledge of the amount of wf)rk which can be consistently produced by the operators. ( )ur experience with the straight piece work form of incentive has bet'ii \ery gratifying, and in our opinion this is very largely due to the following three reasons: isi. Our policy of not culling rates. 2nd. (Jur practice of making careful time studies in setting our our rales. Urd. Our guaranteeing the employee's day rale regardless of his earnings on the piece rate. The work of tin- I'laniiing Engineer is not coni|iietrd, lu)we\ir, upon the establishment of the piece rale, since it still rrsts with him to clear any difficulties the shop may experience due to any short- comings of an\' of the |)lanning work. if the raw material providetl will not satisfactorily produce the parts, he is called upon either to add operations or to specify other material; if the tools will not produce the parts to the required accu- racy, or al the recjuired rate, he is called upon to have satisfacloiy changes marie to the tools or to pro\ide new eciuipmenl liNGINIiliKINC I'l.lXMXa /OA' M.IMI.K I IKL 5.v In rasi' llu- oiKT.itors .irc iin.ihlf lo piiMliuc ^iilliciitil p. iris to make satislaclorN' piivi- work t'arninns alter a roas()iial)U' Irial, the Planning Kn>;iiH'i'r is called upon It) either demonstrate that satisfac- tory earnings can lie made, or to increase the rate. The I'lanniiij; ICngineer is also calle our Planning Organization, viz., Cost Retiuclion Work. It might appear that after the careful thought already gisen to the methcKls to be employed in producing a piece of apparatus, the necessity for further study has been eliminated. This, howe\er, is not the case, since in the original planning we must adhere closely to methods and proce.sses that have been proved in, in order that the prtxlucts may be prinluced on a specified date and at a prcdetenniiud cost. In other words, we cannot take any short cuts at this stage of the work that we are not sure will work out successfully. However, after the piece of apparatus is in production, we are in a position to review the case and try out new ideas, improved methods, tools and machinery, without jeopardizing pnxluction. Naturally, any im- provements worked out successfulU- b\- the Cost Reduction Engineers are later used by the regul.ir Planning Organization when applicable on future work. This cost reduction work is ha in lied on a strictly business basis, i.e., the cost of the case is charged up against the savings effected and our records show that the returns on this work are very high. There is a typical illustration of a cost reduction case shown in F"ig. 6. This is the base for the sub set housing on which the apparatus is mounted. The old design is shown at the left. There were three separate pieces which had to be assembled together. Part B was riveted to the base A- at c, c to form the ears which stand at right angles to the base. Part D was assembled to the base A with two machine screws, E, E. The design was changed at the suggestion of 558 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the manufacturing ilepartnicnl to make the part in one piece. It liad previously been thought too conipHcated to combine ail these opera- tions in one part, hut the tools were successfully developed, and the sa\ing on this particular job amounted to something like one hundred thousand dollars a \ear, or about ten cents a piece. I fKii.iN.M. l)i>ii,N .Xdoi'TED Design (."onsists of three individual parts, re- One piece construction. Same .\o. of quires assenil)ly with rivets and 0|)cralions retiuired to make as lx)dy wreus of old design. No brackets required. Kig. 6 — Sub Set Base Tilt; 1'i:rs()nni-:i, .So l.ir llie job we have to do and how we do it has only been dealt with, and the (lualiticalions and tr.iining of the personnel required ha\'e ntit been mentioned. Our I'l.inning ( )rg.inizali()n is l.iid oiii in .i manner similar in our shop d(p.irlmeni>; tii.ii i>. ilu- pi.inniiii; nf tlic x.irious manufacturing i.xGiNciiRi.w; /•/.. /.v.\7.V(; iiu< M.ixrr.icrrhT. 559 opt-rations is divided into class of work or opi-rations and not l>y class of product, each class hciiig haiidlcti !)>• a ^roiip of ]>lai)iiinK fnniiicers in ch.irj^c of an cx(htI thoroiiRlily familiar with the line of nianiifaclurc he handles. In this ni. inner each group performs some different line of planning and handles .ill the wirious parts tha< re(|uire that particular operation. The personnel of our I'lanninj; Organization, exclusi\e of depart- ment supervisors and clerks, consists of 86 college graduates, lf)8 trained men who ha\e come to this organization from our shop de])art- ments, or who have had experience in other shops, and 38 men who are neither college graduates nor shop men. The last group of men are mostly those of high school etlucation who have been trained in our line of work. The requirements ot the I'laniiing lliigineer on whom tiie responsi- bility rests for the successful manufacture of our apparatus are quite extensive. He must first have the ability to plan the manu- facture of the apparatus in the most economical manner consistent with the quantity and quality desired and this, of course, cannot successfully be done without a thorough knowledge of the methods and practices necessary in carrying on manufacturing activities along one or more definite lines. He must have a large measure of foresight, thereby reducing to a minimum the difficulties that are bound to occur when the manufacture of a new or changed [)iece of apparatus is started. Furthermore, he must make a study of the design of the apparatus under consideration to determine if there are features of it which present manufacturing difficulties either from a tool, assembly, or adjustment standpoint. This part of our work in\olves a discu.ssion of the manufacturing problems on a new design with the Engineering Organization and the men who handle this work must be able to express themselves in a clear and concise manner to insure that proper con- sideration is given to the manufacturing suggestions. It goes without saying that the men who fit best into this organi- zation are those who ha\e had the benefit of an engineering education, preferably specializing on manufacturing methods. We have, as you will ha\'e noted, a large number of i)lanning engineers who have had actual shop experience either with us or in other manufacturing plants, and little or no technical education before working in the shops. It is noticeable that these men, almost without exception, ha\e realized their handicap due to the lack of a technical education and have either taken advantage of our schools or school work outside. 360 lU-.I.I. SYSir.M Tl'.CllMCAI. JOrRXAL As stiitt'd prc\ iousK', wc ha\e tliri-o main sources of supjiK' for the men making up out Planning Organization: first, the Engineering Institutions; second, shop men who ha\c the experience anci have to some degree educated themseKes in engineering; and third, high school graduates whom we have trained. Such a combination of trained men makes a strong organization in which the man of superior education and the practical man are mu- tualK' helpful to each other in the successtul working out of our manufacturing problems. Irregularities in Loaded Telephone Circuits By GEORGE CRISSON Synopsis: The development of lonp distance telephone transmission has made the (|iiestion of line irregularities a matter of great im|«)rtanre lieeaiise of their harmful effect in prodiicinR echo currents anil causing ^ the re(H"aters to sing. The structure of coil-loaded circuits |H'rmils the calcul.ilion of the prolialiility of obtaining an assigned accuracy of balance between line and network when certain , Ci, ha\ing an impedance e(|ual to Zg the characteristic impedance of the line. The internal voltages of these generators are all e()ual and represented b\- li. The generator Gi impresses a ' In this paper the term "reRiilar" iinpliis tliat a telephone line is free from elei- triral irregularities. //>/v7 i,( / ./A7/// ^ i\ III. Win 1 1 i.i.riioxE ciRcnrs 5w voltaic Ro=\ E iijK)n the seiuliiij; end of tlu- line L\ and causes a current /,, to flow into it. Tlie voltage and current waves are propa- gated rejiularly o\er the hne to the point B wliere lliey set up a poten- tial dirt'erence R\ between the conductors and cause a current I\ to How. fii anil I\ are smaller in magnitude and later in phase than Ro and h l>ecause of the losses and finite velocity of transniissiiiir of the line Li. Thcst' f|uantities ha\e the rcl.ition En Ex , . /„ /, ^'' ^^' since the line is regular. In the second line L; a different set of conditions exists. In this case, the voltajje E- and the current h produced at B by the generator have the relation f-=Z,. (2) When the e.m.f. of the generator G is zero, the conditions in the third line Lj are the same as in La but by adjusting the phase and magnitude of the e.m.f. of this generator the current in the terminal impedance Zt can be made ecjual to I\ and the drop across this im- pedance l)ecf)mes £3 = /.Z,. (3) Tnder these conditions the current /i flows at the end of the line Li and the potential difference £i exists between the conductors at this point. The line Lj is then in the same condition as the line L\ between the points A and B. When the waves arrive at B over the line Z-3 the generator boosts or depresses the voltage at the terminus of the line by just the amount necessary to cause the terminal ap- paratus to take the desired current. Then the e.m.f. of the generator G is Ec = Ei-E,. (4) Removing the e.m.f. of the generator G makes the conditions in line Lj identical with the conditions in Lj, but removing this e.m.f. is the same thing as introducing another e.m.f. —Ec in series with the generator which annuls its e.m.f. Ec.. This e.m.f. —Eg causes a current /j to flow back into the line En ^'^-z;+zr (^^ .Substituting from equations (1), (.3) and (4) abo%-e 5&4 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL That is, the effect of connecting an impedance Z, to the end of a line of characteristic impedance Z© is to return toward the source a 7 7 current whose value is ° ' times the current that would exist at Zo+Z/ the terminus if the line were regularly terminated. The ratio between — TTOT' i-^ror^ 3= — nm^-' — 'im^- oouoooooooooo^n Fig. 2 the rc'tk'Ctcd and ihf incident current is known as ihc "rcllcclicjn coefficient," the value of which is expressed as follows: /. Zo+z: (7) This ratio can also be expressed in transmission units (TU). When expressed in TIT this relation will be referred to in this paper as the "transmission loss of the returned current," or, briefly, as the "return loss." If a condition occurs in a line which causes the impedance at any point to differ from the characteristic impedance it has the same effect as an irres^ular termination. Return Loss .\t .\ Repis.mkr Duk td .\ .Singlk Irki;gularity Fig. 2 shows a No. 21-type repeater connected between a line and a network whose impedance is exactly equal to the characteristic impedance Zo of the line. If the line is perfectly regular the repeater will be perfectly balanced and the gain can be increased indefinitely witht)ut causing the repeater to sing. Assume now that the line is terminateil by some apparatus having an impedance Z» at a distance from the repeater such that the trans- mission loss of the intervening line is 7" TU. If a wave of current having a certain magnitude leaves the repealer, it is reduced in strength by T TU when it reaches the terminus. Of this current, a certain amount is transmitted back toward the re|)eater, suffering a INRF.CLLIRITIES !N LOADED TELEPHONE CIRCUITS 565 further loss of 7'TU on the way; consequently, the relation expressed in Tl' between the strength of the currents leaving and returning to the re^HMter, that is, the return loss at the repealer, is given by the eciuation If the gain of the repeater, expressed in Tl', is ecjual to or greater than 5 the repeater will sing provided the returning current has the correct phase relation to reinforce the original wave. For this reason the term "singing point" has frequently been applied to the quantity 5, which is called returned loss in this paper. If the line is shortened until the impedance Zi is connected directly to the repeater terminals, the transmission loss 7' between the repeater and the irregularit\- is reduced to zero and the return loss becomes 5 = 20 1og,„f^'. (9) Return Loss of Irregular Lines In practice, lines are never perfectly regular. Not only is it im- practicable to build apparatus which would form a perfectly regular termination for a line, but there are numerous causes of irregularity in the lines themselves, each one of which is capable of reflecting a portion of the waves which traverse the line. These irregularities can be kept smaller than any specified amount if sufficient care is used in building and maintaining the line but they cannot be entirely eliminated; consequently, if a length of actual line is terminated regularly by a network of impedance Zo, the return loss will be high if the line is carefully built and low if it contains large irregularities. The return loss of such a line, when terminated regularly by a network is a measure of the quality of the line from the standpoint of repeater performance. In measuring the return loss of a line it is necessary that a rather long section of the line be available so as to include all irregularities near enough to have an appreciable effect upon the result. If the section measured is too short, the result will be too high because only a few irregularities will be included. Calculation of the Return Loss of Coil Lo.^ded Lines Owing to the facts that the inductance of coil loaded lines is con- centrated principally in the loading coils and the capacity is divided into elements of finite size by the loading coils and, further, that the 565 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOURNAL electrical irregularities are due principally to the deviations of the inductance of the coils and the capacity of the sections from their a\erage values for the line, it is possible to calculate by a fairly simple method the \alue of the return loss of a coil loaded line if the repre- sentati\e \alues of these deviations and the electrical properties of the line are known or assumed. Since the return loss depends upon the accidental combination of a large number of unbalance currents there will not be one definite value applying to all circuits, but an application of the theory of prot)abilities makes it possible to compute what return loss will probably be surpassed by any assigned fraction of a large group of lines having the given de\'iations. The method of calculating the return loss of coil loaded lines will now be described. The symbols used in this description and their meanings are given in the following table: TABLE I A = Attenuation Factor per Loading Section = Ratio of the Current Leaving a Loading Section to the Current Entering it. C = Normal Capacity per Loading Section in Farads. F = Fraction of a Large Group of Lines. / =Any Frequency for which a Return Loss is to be Found. /, = -^^-^ = Critical or Cutoff Frequency of the Line. ■K\LC He = rt a C'apaiity Irrouularily. fj. = Ri-lliHtion l"(K.'lVuit'nt at an Indiut.iiKf Irri-i;iil,irit\ . 'i. r:. '1. ■ - - r, = RfUcction CiH-nii'ioiit at the 1, 1, .<,--- Mill Irritjularilics .V ""Return Loss. Infinite Line. ,V, -Return Loss, Finite Line. Sf - .Attenuation Function. Sy = Distriliution Function. Sh = Irregularity Function. .V, =F"re<|uency Function. 7" = Transmission Loss in a Finite Line. Hi. O;. Gj, - - - - O, = I'hasc .Angles of the Currents at the .Sending Knd Returned by the 1, 2, 3, - - - nth Irregularities. =/./.■ Rkflixtio.n .\r .\ Con, lKRi;(iLi..\RiTv If a loading coil has too much or too little inductance, the effect is the same as if a small inductance IilL had been added to or taken away from the coil. The reactance of this increment is 2irfLhi.. The additional reactance has the same effect wherever it may occur in the load but it is somewhat simpler to assume that the increment is introduced at mid-coil. Within the useful range of telephonic frequencies, the mid-coil impedance of a loaded line is gi\en closely by the expression k\/l—U'-. In equation (7) Zg — Zt corresponds to 2irfLliL while Zo+Zi is approximateK' equal to 2k-\/\—u'- when the irregularity is small, conseciuenth' : ^^^'^ (10) and, substituting for /and k their cciuivalents obtained from relations given in Table 1, n^K'-"^.,- (11) •V l—w- ReFLECTION at .V Si'.U IN(i iKRKdfLARirV If a loading section has too much or too little capacity, the effect, neglecting conductor resistance, is the same as if a small bridged capacity hcC were added to or removed from the line. The effect - The "representative" deviation or current is an index of the magnitude of the deviation or current that may l)e e.xpected in accordance with the laws of the distribution of errors. It cotresfonds to the root-mean-square error. It must not be confused with the "effective" or r.m.s. value of a particular alternating cur- rent. The meaning of the term as used here is more completely explained in the paragraph following equation (24 1. 568 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL is the same for any point in the section, but it is somewhat simpler to assume that the additional capacity is applied at mid-section. The reactance of the added capacity is - and the luid-stTiioii 2jr//icC k impedance is, closely, / When the bridged reactance is large compared with the line im- pedance, the reflection coefficient r^ is given closely by the equation k 1 ''c = 5 ^ (12) 2TTfhcC from which, substituting the values of/ and k as before which is identical in form with equation (11) above. Approximations Made in Deriving rz, and Rc The expressions for the mid-coil and mid-section impedances used above in deriving equations (10) and (12) are simple approximations which take no account of the effects of the resistance of the line conductors and loading coils, leakage between conductors or dis- tributed inductance. The errors due to these effects are negligible in the important parts of the frequency range involved in telephone transmission when the types of loading and sizes of conductors now commonly used are considered. The errors due to these causes tend to increase for frequencies which are very low or which approach the cutoff frequency. For accurate calculations relating to very light loading applied to high resistance conductors it would be desirable to take into account the effects of resistance. Because the use of the precise expressions would greatly com[)licate this discussion and would probably serve no very useful pur|)ose at this time, the approxiinations given above are used. Current Retirnkd to the .Sknuini; Knd of the I.ine Consider first a line having only one kind of irregularity' as, for example, one in which only the loading coils are assumed to vary from their normal values. If a current h enters such a line, a current iRh'r.ari..iRmi.s /.v i.o.inr.n rp.i.r.riio.xr. cinccits 5r.o ii is rt'tiiriU' returned from the wth irregularity. The tirst current will return to the sending end with a certain phase angle Oi with respect to the initial current, the second with a phase angle H., etc. Kach returned current ma%- be resolved into two components, one in phase with tiie initial current and one in quadrature. The in-phase components of the currents are then: i\' =/o''i cos 9i from the first irregularity. (17) ii =IurtA- cos 82 from the second irregularity. (18) /V = /or 3-4* cos 03 from the third irregularity. (19) iV = /oN/l^'"~" cos e„ from the «th irregularity. (20) and the quadrature components are: ii"=/ori sin 61 from the first irregularity. (21) i«" =IoriA' sin 83 from the second irregularity. (22) «3"=/orj-4* sin 83 from the third irregularity. (23) in" = lornA^'-"'^^ sin 8„ frotii the nth irregularity. (24) Now the deviations of the inductance (and capacity) resemble the errors of measurement discussed in nvdny text books dealing with the precision of measurement, consequently, they can be studied and their effects combined by the same mathematical law. Kxamination of measurements of the inductance of large numbers of loading coils and the capacities of the pairs and phantoms in many reels of cable ha\e shown that the most reasonable assumption is that the deviations of inductance and capacity follow the "normal" law of the distribution of errors. The deviation at each irregularity is not known but it is possible to derive from the measurements of the inductance of large numbers of loading coils (and the capacity of man>- lengths of cable) representa- 570 nr.I.L SYSTEM TECHXIC.IL JOURh'AL tive values for these deviations similar to liie "mean error." Because of the wa\- in which the eflfects of irregularities combine, this repre- sentative deviation is taken as the square root of the mean of the square^. of the deviations (r.m.s. deviation) of the indix'idual coils. If the average deviation of a large group of coils is known, but the individual deviations are not, it may be multiplied by 1.253.'? to obtain the representative deviation on the assumpiioii that the dexiations follow the normal law of errors. If then the representative deviation IIi, is substituted for the par- licuiar deviatinn /;/, in equation (11), we obtain the representative retk'ctioii coeHuieiit RL = nL ,^^. (25) Now in the usual case where no effort is made to select the loading coils and so obtain a special distribution of the deviations the repre- sentative deviation and the representative reflection coefficient are the same for each coil. Substituting Rl for r\. r<>, etc., in equations (17) to (24) each equation gives the representative value, at the sending end of the line, for the current reflectetl from the correspond- ing irregularity. According to liie laws for tiie coiiil)iiiali(>u of (k-viaiinns wiiirii are demonstrated in treatises dealing with precision of measurements the representative \alue of the current due to all the irregularities would be the square root of the sum of the squares of the representa- tive values of the different currents taken separately, consequently I he representative in-phase current is /' = /„/?/. ^(cos'e^+^'cos-es+^'cos'eaH /l^<"-'>cos2e„) (26) and the representative quadrature current is /" = /,J?;,\/(sin=or-H74\sin-eo + A''sm=e'3+ ^'("-I'sin^e,,)'. (27) ii\- assuming liiat the re|)resentali\e in-pliase and quadrature currents are etiual the following steps can be greatl>' simplified. In view of the varying effects of frequency, distance from the sending end and nature of the irregularity upon the phase relations iliis appears to l)e a justifiable assumption, so combining 7' and 1" in (Uiafiralure, 1=1 =\\ 2-=. y/2 Vl+A*+A*-\- yl*(«-') (28) i/^Hi.ci i..ih!iiii:s i.\ iAKii>i:i) lEi.i.riiosr. cum its 57i I'Or a tiniif iuiiiiIht of irri'niil.iiities, tli.ii is .1 Imilf line tciiuin.ilcd In a ihtIciI nciwork jiisl Ik'xoiuI llu' «ll\ coil; which is obtained h\ siiiuniin^ up llu- sirics of trrms iiiidfr tlir radical in i't|uation VIS). I'or an inliniii-l\ loiiv; lino .1" becomes zero since -4 <1 and /' =/"=^i'^\l A.^. (30) V2^1-^ /' corri'spnnds to the r.ni.s. ernir in tiic ordinary thct)r>' of iTrors, consf(|iK'ntly the prob.ibilily function for the disiriliution of tiie in- phase currents is : fhanijini; the accents, this ecjuation .dso applii's to the quadrature components. The probability that the in-phase current lies between two near b\- values i' and i'+di' is then equal to p' di' and the probability that the quadrature component also lies between two values i" and i"+di" at the same time is p'di'Xp"di". Transferring to polar coordinates,' the probability that the total returni-d current will be between a value «'= vi'^-1-/"- and a slightly different \alue I'+rf/ and also have a phase angle between () and 0+dQ is P = .y-r,ie'^''dide. (32) Integrating with respect to the phase angle O between 0 and 27r to find the probability of obtaining a current between ( and i + di of any pf)ssible phase displacement /• = ,„ / te 2/1 di. (33) integrating between /,-. and intuiit\- gi\es llie prolialiilit\- that tiie total returneil current will exceed the value //.. F^e'^VK (34) ' Kor a more complete description of this 0|)eration, see "Advanced Calculus," liy K. \\. Wilson, page .?')() et se(|. 572 nill.I. SYSTEM TP.CIIXIC.U. JOrRXAL In a large number of lines, F is the fraction of ilic whole group which will ha\e a return current in excess of Ir- From the definition of the transmission unit liu- riiurn loss of the line expressed in TU, is given by the expression 5 = 20 log.o p = -20 log.o'p (35) from which 7^=72,10-10. (36) Substituting in (34) 7=- = e-2r3'" Taking logarithms lo the base e and uansjMtsing (37) 'I'aking logarillims to the liase 10 5 27'= 10-io = --^log,F. (38) 5= 10 log. 1^27'= log.)]- (=^9) Sul)siituiing the \alue of 1'-^, from ctiualion (30) for I' 5=10 1og..pi?rX,JJ (40) and tile wihic of Ri, from cfiuation (2o) 5=101og,o ^Z^"«'^^^^~"'^'^^,^g^l . (41) By a similar process of reasoning it is e\ident that if the line contains capacity de\iations only, the return loss is gi\'en by this same ex- pression with lie sulistilulcd for ///. and if both types of irregularity occur the rcprcscnlal i\c dc\iali(in is H=VHi+iri when He includes the effect of spacing irregularities as well as capacity deviations in the cable. The foregoing exjiression can, for con- \cnic-ii(f, be put in lln> form S = Sn + Su, + SF-SA (42) ih:h:iu:ri..ii limrti(>n=2() logio^ (44) 5f = Distribution funrtion = 10 logio, 1 (45) log.^ Sa = Attenuation function = 10 logui, t^ (46) Meaning ok EguATioN (42) To inulerstand more clearly the meaning of equation (42) imagint- that a large number of circuits of the same type and gauge are to be built in accordance with the same specifications so that the repre- sentative (r.m.s.) deviation including all causes has the same value // for each circuit. Further, imagine that the value of S has been calculated by formula (42) using a particular frequency / and a con- venient fraction F. It is to be e.\pected that when the circuits have been built and their return losses measured at the given frequency / the fraction F of the whole group will have return losses lower than 5 and the rest will have higher return losses. In discussing expected results it is sometimes preferable to state the fraction 1 — F of the circuits whose return losses will be greater than the assigned value rather than the fraction F whose return losses will be lower. This is done in Figs. 9 to 14 described below. Location of rnii First Ikkkgli-akitv In equations (14), (15) and (16) and all the equations which depend upon them it was assumed that the first irregularity occurs at the sending end of the line. Two other assumptions are equally plausi- ble and might under some circumstances be preferable. These are that the first irregularity occurs (a) at one-half section from the end or (b) at a full section. In the first case (a) the current returned to the sending end from each irregularity will be reduced by the factor A and in the second (b) by the factor A-, that is the return loss given by equation (42) should be increased by (a) the amount of the transmission loss in one loading section or (b) twice the amount of the transmission loss in one loading section respectively. 574 BEI.L SVSTF.M TECIISICAI. JOURNAL RkTLKN I.OSSl.S ()!■ SllOKT l.iNi;s When a line is short and reijularly terminated the returned current will be somewhat less than if it extends to infinity with irregularities and consequently the return loss will be higher. I'rom equations (29) and (80), the returned current is lowered in the ratio , = s/X—A*" by limiting the line to n sections; consequently Sn = 5+ {S„ - 5) = .S+ 10 \ogyoY-A^" ^'*'^^ in which 5„-5= 10 login, \.„ (48) is the increase in return loss. Since the transmission loss in n sections of the line is y=20 1og,„J„ (49) it is easily seen th.it the increase of return loss can be expressed as a function nf this loss, 'transposing (49) and substituting in (48) .S-„-.S=10 1og,„^^|_ ^^ _j,. ^^^^ |_log ,02,J ("lI.\KTS The process of computing return losses can be greatly shortened Ijy using the graphs of equations (43), (44), (45), (46), and (50) to obtain the values of the various functions. The accompanying I-igs. '.i to 8, inclusive, have been prepared to illustrate these graphs and for use in rough calculations. Sii may be obtained from any (able or ch.ut giving the relation between TU and current ratio by using // like a current ratio. Fig. 3 is a chart drawn es[iecialK' for this jjurpose. For values of // lying between 0.1 and (1.(11 look up a point on the curve corresponding to 10// and add 20 11 in ihc corresponding value of Su, for values of // lying between 0.01 and 0.001 look up a point corresponding to 100// and add 40 TT to the value of 5//, and so forth. Figs. 4, 5, G, and 7 are curves giving the relations between the functions Sv, Sp and Sa, respectively, and the quantities upon which Irpegularitv Function -Tu SH-20LoqoX Ml ^\ ' ' ' 1 ' S, "s \ s - XXI Hi \ \ \, ^ -^ 4-IU-" NXi , : _ ii. -....- ' .-v . n \ H Kig. 3 - 2 \! 1 1 1 1 M \ \; Frequency Function -TU —X — s„'20ijog« ^'^^•^ — \ ' ' A 1 i \ j i \l i \ 1 V \ 1 ! 1 \ i |\ i : 6 r\ 8 .9 ^X) W ' ''■., 1 \ ' ' ' 1 \ 1 1 i < \ Fig. 4 ISTRIBUTtON FUNCTION-Tl SF=-iOLog„Loge^ D J 30 28 26 24 2 22 . 20 16 U 12 10 6 ^ 2 0 2- 4 6 d in i^ ~7- < -' X)l 1 pi T F ' — -" T -=J =: ^ " 1 dd - :i 1 -1-^ 1 = = =f Fig. 5 Attenuation Function — TU In terms of loss per loading section 5^ = 10 1ogio YZTJi' A = Attenuation factor per loading section, L = 20 logio -2-= loss per loading section in TU 26 \, N \ 'N N \ N \ !0t \, ^^ \ s \ ■n ^ -i~ .6 .6 TU Fig. 6 iRKr.a('[..tRiiir.s ix i.o.idi-d rr.i.r.ftioxr. c/za r/r.v 577 r.uh is as follows: (a) ch(H>se a point on the curve within 3 TV of the lower end, (I)) subtract alxtut '.i TU (accurately, 10 logio 2) from the value of .S'/.- . for this |H)int, and (c) square the value of F for this point. Tlic results obtained for (b) and (c) are the coorflinates of another |)oiiii on the extension of the cur\'c. Fig. 6 gives the relation between .S',i .iiul the transmission loss jier loading section. On account of the wide use of (),000 ft. spacing the curves of Fig. 7 are plotted to give the relation between Sa and the transmission loss per mile for (l.OOO fi. spacing which is usualK- a more conxenient arrangemeni. P"ig. 8 gives the amount, S„ — .S, 1)\- which the return loss of a regularly terminated line of finite length (w sections) is greater than that of an infinite line as a function of the transmission loss of the finite line. This was calculated by formula (oO). C.\Lcui..\TioN <)!•• Return Loss The process of finding the return loss by means of the curves is as follows: (1) Determine the value of IIl. the representative deviation of the loading coils, and lie, the representative deviation of the capacity of the loading sections. These depend upon the variations allowed in the specifications for loading coils and cable and upon the care with which the line is built. Calculate n=\/Hi+IIi:, the repre- sentative combined deviation of the section. Look up the number i>f TV corresponding to // in any suitable table or chart, such as l"ig. 3, to find Sh. (2) Assume the frequency, /, to be considered. Calculate w= ^ and look up the corresponding value of Sw on Fig. 4. (3) Assume a \-alue of F and look up the corresponding value of Sp on Fig. 5. (4) Look up the \alue of Sa on Fig. 7, corresponding to the trans- mission loss per mile of the circuit at the frequency / if the coils are spaced (5,000 feet (L13G miles) apart, or calculate the loss per section and look up Sa on Fig. 6, if some other spacing is used. (5) Calculate .S = 5//-f5„+5F-54. Atte.vuation Fun'ction — TU In terms of loss per mile of the circuit length of loading section 6000 ft. > s. \ \ \ X •^ \ ""^^v lili io___ \ s \ \ \ \ kss ■^eciiiia. ^ 12 ■A '0 8 6 2 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 9 i.u Loss per Mile TU FiK- 7 Increase of the return loss when thi' line is limited to ti sections I '2 'd 1.0 .8 .6 I 4 I'ig. tt iiS found in paragraph (.M. KXAMI'I.IC As an example to illustrate the application of these methods let us calculate a return loss at 1,000 cycles for No. l!)-H-174-()3 * side circuits such that 90 per cent, of the circuits may be expected to have a higher value and only 10 per cent, to fail liclow it. The neces- sary data are given in Table II, below. (1) //=V0.0O62=+0.01292+0.0O452 = 0.0150. Fig. 3 gives 36.5 TV as the corresponding value of Sh- (2) At 1,000 cycles 74'= ^^^=0.356. ^olO Fig. 4 gives 8.4 TU as the corresponding value of 5a,. (3) Since 90 per cent, of the finished lines are to ha\e return losses greater than S and 10 per cent, less F = 0. 1 and f'ig. o gives —3.7 TU as the corresponding value of Sf- (4) The transmission loss per mile is 0.274. Since the coils are spaced 0,000 feet apart. Fig. 7 gives 8.7 TU as the value of Sa- This same value would be obtained less directly by calculating the loss per loading section, 0.274 X vxs?. =0.311 and using Fig. 6. The latter o2o0 method is used when the spacing is different from 6,000 feet. (5) Using equation (42) S = Su + S^-\-Sf-Sa =36.5+8.4-3.7-8.7 = 32.5 TU. This will l)e found to agree with the 90 per cent, point on the smooth curve plotted in Fig. 10 which is described below. (6) In case it is desired find the return loss of a length of this line having a transmission loss of. for example, 6 TU instead of the return loss of the infinite line. Fig. 8 gives S» — 5 = 0.3 from which 5„ =32.5+0.3 = 32.8 TU. Determin.vtion of Toler-vhle Deviations To determine the deviations which correspond to an assigned value of the return loss find values of S^, Sf and Sa as in paragraphs (2), •In accordance with the practices of the Bell System, this notation indicates a phantom group of .\o. 19 B. & S. conductors in a cable with loading coils spaced 6,000 feet apart, the side circuit coils having 174 millihenrys inductance and the phantom coils 63 millihenrys. 580 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL (3) and (4) above and substitute in formula (42) to find the value of 5//. This with a table or chart of TU and current ratio gives the value of H. Limits can then be imposed on the loading coil inductances and section capacities that will insure that the representative deviation will i^dt exceed the \alue // so found. Comparison of Different Types of Circuits These formulae are useful in comparing the return losses to be expected in various types of circuits which are built with the same accuracy in the matters of coil inductance and section capacity. In such cases it is merely necessary to calculate the quantity Sy, — SA for each circuit and take the difference. E.X AMPLE As an example compare the No. 19-H- 174-63 side circuits worked out above with No. 16-H-44-S * circuits at 1,000 cycles. Since the deviations and the fraction F are the same only Sw and Sa need be considered. For the No. l(5-gauge circuit /c = 5560 and the loss in TU per mile is 0.236. From these figures: Gauge of Line No. 19 No. 16 1000 5„ TU 0.356 0.18 8.4 14.8 5.4 TU 8.7 9.4 5:.-5.4TU -0.3 5.4 These figures show that the return loss of the No. 16-H-44-S circuits should be higher than that of the No. 19-H-174-63 side circuits and the difference to be expected is 5.4 — ( — 0.3) =5.7 TU. When the circuits to be compared have the same cutoff frequenc>' the process of comparison is even simpler since the quantity 5a, is then the same in each case. Sa is determined for each circuit as in paragraj)!) (4) above. The difference betwtiii (lie two \ahics of Sa is the difference between the return losses. E.XAMPLE As an example compare the No. 19-H-174-63 side circuits with No. 16-H-174-63 side circuits. In this case the cutoff frequencies arc the same so w and Sw are the same. It is then only necessary to compare Sa- The loss per mile of the No. 16-gauge circuit is 0.161 ' This notation indicates a side circuit of No. 16 B. & S. conductors in a ciljlc loaded with 44 millihenry coils spaced 6,000 feet apart. llcles Smooth curve — theoretical 046-H-174-63 sides Pittsburgh to Ligcnier H 12-H-174-63 sides Ligonier to Pittsburgh ^ 52-H-174-106 sides Pittsburgh to Ligonier 60 55 35 <})' 30 20 \ -'s; ^ A • • • ■ . .*^. " 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Circuits Fig. 9 Return loss of No. 19-H-174-63 sides exceeded by various percentages of circuits at 1000 Cycles Smooth curve — theoretical © 46-11-174-63 sides Pittsburgh to Ligonier El 12-11-174-63 sides Ligonier to Pittsburgh ^ S2-H- 174-106 sides Pittsburgh to Ligonier 60 55 30 20 "^^_ • 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Circuits Fig. 10 _l — i V • I. * • rr.irTi !...< o( No. l<> II 174 63 sides cxirciltd l>y v.iriniii |mti nitaKC* of circuits ut 20(X) cyclta Sniuoth curve — theoretical O 46-11- 174-6,? sides I'ittsburKh to l.iKciiier H li-ll-l 74-63 sides l.igonier to Pittsburgh ^ S2-H-1 74-106 sides Pittsburgh to Ligonier 60 55 50 45 D 40 t- J, 35 in 3 30 z a 25 15 to 5 ° (0 20 30 40 50 60 TO 80 90 100 Percent of Circuits Fig. II Kcturn loss of No. 19-H-I74-63 phantoms exceeded by various percentages of circuits at 500 cycles Smooth cur\'e — theoretical © 25-H-174-63 phantoms Pittsburgh to Ligonier r*1 21-H-174-63 phantoms Ligonier to Pittsburgh 60 55 50 45 40 T 35 S 30 I- 20 kJ ■^ .5 10 5 ° 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Circuits Fig. 12 1 \j •>, •1 ■^ ^ " a "■ • ■ a • 1 Return loss of No. 19-H-174-63 phantoms exceeded by various percentages of circuits at 1000 cycles Smooth curve — theoretical 0 25-H-l 74-63 phantoms Pittsburgh to IJgonier H 21-11-174-63 phantoms Ligonicr to Pittsburgh 60 55 50 45 if) 8 30 25 B V a • .^ B 8 ae j^ ■>t ^N 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (00 Percent of Circuits Fig. 13 kiturn loss of No. 19-H-l 74-63 phantoms exceeded by various percentages of circuits at 2000 cycles Smooth curve — theoretical 0 25-H-174-63 phantoms Pittsburgh to Ligonier r»1 21-H-174-63 phantoms Ligonier to Pittsburgh 60 55 50 D 40 g 30 g 25 >S» "^-^ ^' a^ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Circuits Fig. 14 ih:Ki:G{i..iRmis i.\ loaded rr.i.r.riioxr. circl-its ?« lurvo shwts v;ivi' llu- iiUMMiivd \,iliRs of rrtiirn loss fmiinl in tlic groups of liaiiils lisUtl in the i-xplanatory notes on the drawings. In general, it will Ik- observed that there is a fair agreement between the theoretical curves and the measured rcliirn losses especialK- at 1000 and 21HH) cycles. Hue to the limited range of the measuring apparatus, readings of return losses greater than 40.7 TU were not made except in the ca^e of the Ligonier to Pittsburgh phantoms shown on Figs. 12, 13 and 14, when a special arrangement was available to extend the range to 47.3 TU. For this reason points representing observed return losses above these limits are not available which causes the observed values for .")00 cycles in Figs. 9 and 12 to appear somewhat low at first sight. Where the highest point in a given set of data represents many circuits as in the cases represented by the small triangles and circles in Fig. 9 this point probably gives closely the return loss corresponding to the percentage of circuits it indicates but the points for higher return losses are not available. When the highest point represents only one or two circuits as in the case represented by the square in Fig. 9, it is likely that the actual return loss is higher than the point inilicates. It should also be noted that above 40 TU the actual inipetlaiice of the line and its characteristic impedance differ by less than 2 per cent, so that very small departures of the network from the true characteristic impedance of the line would tend to make the observed return loss low. Conclusion It is believed that the procedure described in this paper offers a reliable method for determining the probability of attaining a particu- lar \'aluc of return loss at any assigned frequency when a circuit is built with definite limitations on inductance and capacity deviations so that the representative deviations are known. The Sounds of Speech By IRVING B. CRANDALL XOTE: As professor of \iical plusiology, Alexander (jraliaiii Bell did pioneer research in "devising methods of exhibiting the vibrations of sounds optically." In 1873, he became familiar with the phonautograph, de- veloped by Scott and Koenig in 1859, and with the manometric capsule, developed by Koenig in 1862. (ireatly impressed by the success of these instruments "to reproduce to the eye those details of sound vibration that produce in our ears the sensation we term timbre, or quality of sound" Bell used an improved form of the phonautograph haxing a stylus of wood al)out a foot long. He obtained "large and very beautiful tracings of the vibrations of the air of vowel sounds " upon a smoked glass. In describing his early attempts to improve the methods and apparatus for making speech waves visible and to interpret wave form. Bell wrote: "I then s;ing the same vowels, in the same way, into the mouth-i)iece of the manometric capsule, and compared the tracings of the phonauto- graph with the flame-undulations visible in the mirror. The shapes of the vibrations obtained in the two ways were not exactly identical, and I came to the conclusion that the phonautograph would require considerable modification to be adapted to my purpose. The membrane was loaded by being attached to a long lever, and the bristle, too, at the end of the lever, seeme|xiratiis III C'l.issific.ilion iil the Kivortis l\' St.itisliial StiiiK aiul llartnoiiir Analysis of llu- N'owcl Sdiinds \' I'mir Si'iiiiA'owcl Sounds \ I Sixtrrn ("onsiinant SUuukIs Introihition' TU the layman speech is a matter of course, but to the student of science, or of language "the amazing phenomenon of articulate speech comes home ... as a kind of commonplace miracle." ' Hence we have inquiries into the nature of speech from many points of view, beginning with fundamentals based on physiology and acoustic ■ -.^A^V W •/• ^ V .^V ~ A/VVVV'. y V W ^/'•W^'rf'»*.>V»-^^y Speech record made by Hell in 1»75 science and leading to important applications in communication engineering, phonetics and vocal music. The scientific study of speech sounds began with Hclmholtz, who also made a fundamental study of hearing. Hclmholtz had the advantage, in approaching the.se problems, of a knowledge of physiology as well as a mastery of theoretical physics. With this equipment and such simple laboratory apparatus as he created, he did his great work on speech and hearing of which we have the record (in English translation) under the title of "Sensations of Tone." ' Today, with ' (irecnough & Kittrcdge, "Words and Their Ways," \. V., 1901. '"The Sensations of Tone as a I'hysiological Basis for the Study of Music." Translated from the Fourth derman Edition by .\. J. Ellis: Fourth English Edition, London, 1912. 588 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL imnicasiirahly sui)erior physical apparatus, and with more specialized theoretical equipment, the individual investigator usually approaches one problem at a time, the problem and the method being selected according to the technique with which he is familiar. The work of D. C. Miller on sound and sound analysis' represents the beginning of modern physical research on speech sounds. In medical science some attention has V)een given to the mechanism of speech ■* and the psychologists are responsible for an enormous literature on voice control and the perception of speech and tones. ^ The work of Scrip- ture * represents the beginning of a science of experimental phonetics, and in the closely related field of philology there is a rapidh" growing interest in the physical characteristics of speech sounds.' In this large field of investigation the physicist finds a real oppor- tunity in providing means for the stud\' and measurement of speech sounds, and a real responsibility in broadening the extent and im- proving the accuracy of such quantitative data as are obtained. The results obtained from such physical investigations have prac- tical as well as scientific \alue, and we observe that in a large labora- tory concerned entirely with the development of electrical com- munication considerable effort has been devoted to research on speech and acoustic apparatus.' It has recently been felt that the wave ' "The Science of Musical Sounds," New York, 1916. This contains a bibliography of 90 special references, some 12 of which relate specifically to speech. ' " \ Contribution to the Mechanism of .Articulate .Speech," by S. W. Carruthers- i;|utrli soiiiuls rctiuiriil inorr pririsc determination, aiici iiuieiil ri'siarrli in llie art of ti-itplioiiy has emphasizc . I N(ii|.. i)N nil-; (.'ii.\K.V( TKRisTic Frequencies ok Speech Spctch is, in itself, a sound wave — a succession of condensations and rarefactions in the air. For the purposes of this study we are not |)rimarily concerned with the mechanism of production, nor with the processes of perception of speech, though it may be necessary to digress to inquiries of this kind, in their bearing on certain charac- teristics of speech. We are interested primarily in what can be learnetl from the records of the speech vibrations themselves. Speech stiiuids are complex, that is, they are composites of simple sounds, each component having a particular frequency, amplitude, phase and duration. Considering speech in the mass, we find its energy- distributed among frequencies from 75 to above 5,000 cycles with the larger part of this energy contained in the region below 1,000 cycles. This distribution is shown approximately in Fig. 1 taken from reference (8g); the limitation on these data being that the measur- ing apparatus was not sufliciently sensitive to measure the speech energy as.sociattxl with frequencies higher than 5,000 cycles. Inas- much as the energy of speech resides largely in the vowel sounds, the curve in Fig. 1 can also be taken as applying to the average distribu- tion in the vowel sounds. The energy distribution diagram is of fundamental importance in the physical study of speech sounds; it reveals at once the frequencies of large energy content which are characteristic. For each vowel sound, there is a distinctive energj' fretiuency diagram. The consonant soun) .A second memoir: "Tlic Nature and .Artificial Production of Consonant Sounds." I'roc. Roy. S- and power to any heretofore used. These three devices were each nearly free from dis- tortion, and such residual distortions as could not be eliminated were so controlled that they practically offset one anoltuT n\cr a wide range of frequencies. The first element in the recording set is the condenser transmitter, which has been thoroughly investigated by Wente (refs. 8b, 8c, 8f); its frequency characteristics, in both amplitude and phase are shown in Fig. 2. The particular transmitter u.sed was of recent design and had been carefully standardized and calibrated especially for this work. The condenser transmitter was connected to the input terminals of a seven-stage amplifier as shown in the large diagram of Fig. 5 which gives the details of the electrical circuit, including tlio third "J. R. Carson: Phys. Rev. X, 1917, p. 217, "On a (jencral Expansion ThcarL-m for the Transient Oscillations of a Connected .System." " T. C. Fry, Phys. Rev. XI\', V)V), p. 1 17. "The Solution of Circuit Problems." '= Thanks are due to Messrs. C. F. Sacia and C. J. Beck for the skill and care with which they assembled and calibrated the recording apparatus, and made the complete set of records. The writer is also under obligation to Mr. Sacia for aid in choosing the sounds to he recorded, an- range at each frequency. The first of these conditions is in 5% lUU.I. SYSTEM TF.CIIXIC.il .IOURX.IL general the harder to fulfil. Frequency-amplitude distortion has been practically eliminated as we have seen from each of the three essential parts of this apparatus; and although it was found impracticable to make each part of the apparatus free from frequency distortion in phase, it was possible to give the complete set good frcqucnc\^ char- acteristics in both amplitude and phase as will be explained. In a vibrating system of one degree of freedom when we wish to a\oid frequency distortion in amplitude, we usually adjust the resonant Fig ,S — riciu-ral dianrani of recording apparatus showing circiiil ut. I.dsxio'-^ volts ^ \ Jj E /\^. Input. 3.6x10-^ Xfllts -^ / 1 Input. i-JXIO volts f " — --.^ 1 Freqiunry Kig. 7 — .■\miilitU(Je frequency characteristics of circuit-oscillograph al ililTerent energy- levels the results of these tests, the voltages introduced in series with the transmitter at the input being maintained at different constant levels, while the frequency was \'aried. An inspection of the data shows that this requirement was \ery accurately fulfilled, by the whole electrical system. Returning now to the owrall characteristics of llie apjiaratus, it was thought advisable to test the calibrations in am])litude and phase lag by comparing the computed and the observed distortion when a square-topped acoustic wave was impressed on the apparatus. The steep sides and the flat tops of these waves can be reproduced with- out distortion only if the apparatus possesses first class characteristics, both in amplitude and phase lag, and the test was a severe one. As would be expected from the calibration curves of Fig. 6 there was a certain amount of distortion in recording this wave, and the square- THE SOUNDS or SI'EECH 599 toppod wave, \vi(l» its vory lar^i' fuiulanuMilal coinponcnt, marie this distortion appear iiuicli worse than would an ordinary sjieerh wave. Fig. 8 ilhistrates the apparatus used to produce the aroustic s(|uare- topp«.-d wa\e. An elertHnle resembling the hark plate of the condenser transmitter was mounted in front of the transmitter diaiihragm. Be- tween this electrtxle and the diaphragm was apjilied a high potential which was made altirnatcK- positive and negative by a commutator. Exciter^ CJSS .001 inch from back folate. Condenfer Transmitter Kig. J(-^Conni' ol ilu' origin, il records as takni is sluiwn in the figure above. Ill ("l..\SSIFlC.\TION OK Tllli RlXOKDS In selecting and classifying the vowel soimds for record, use has been made, with slight alteration, of the phonetic arrangement adopted by I'letcher (ref. S \\). This arrangement of the vowel sounds is THE souNPs or sri-.iicii h).\ illustrated in llu- (li.iKram of V\^. 12. In this diagram eleven standard "piire-\<)\vel " soinuls from oo to lonj; c are arranj^ed aeeordinK to the lonventional "tri.inijle" and two relale KiKht Speakers 49-56 VIII u as in tap, hy KiKht Speakers 57- 64 IX f as in ten, \>y Kiglit S|x'akers 65- 72 X rr as in perl, by Kijjht SfH'akers 73- 80 XI a as in tape, by Kight Speakers 81- 88 XII I as in tip, by Kinht Speakers 89- 96 XIII r as in team, l>\- Kinht S|K-akers 97-104 XIV SeniiA'owels /, iij; bv two male speakers 105-1 16 X\' ScniiAoweis H, m by I wo male speakers 1 1 7 1 28 \\'\ Six Si()(i Cunsiinanls; transitional ilth, th; by two male speakers.. 129 UO X\ll Kiglit l-riralive Consonants, by two male S|>eakers 145 104 I v^ .^ ^^ .X, I:: i 1 - - /I ^ 11 \ J / / ! 1 // r" ^ ^~' 1 f - ^J f^ /. I \ - rr^'\ V 1 X / ^*^^ /3" ^''\ .( '- r" u _ ^ ' '"^• ■^^^ ^. _^y^r^ l"-~ ^ ! ^ I c -^ H ^\ \ 1 [ \ ! \\ \ \ \ " \ ~ 1 K •"S fc: * THE SOUNDS OF Sl'F.F.CII MS U»0 rironis, a si-li-rtioH has l^cen made of somi- l.'i t\piral examples whieli illustr.ite char.u'terislic consonant and \d\vel \v.i\e forms. These are listed in table II and their properties are described in detail in the follo\vin){ seetions. It m.iy not be amiss to snmmari/e here the basis on wtiieli tlu'M' partienlar records were chosen for pnblication. T.\m.i:. II Lhl of Records Shown in Tl is Paper l- high frequency, which is the limiting case of this type of consonant. The plates reproduced with this paper are reduced slightly (1.5 or 20 per cent) in scale, as compared with the original records, to bring them within the page height of the Journal. 606 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In producing this system of records we believe that we have covered the speech sounds as fully as we are justified in doing with the present recording ap[)aratus. In the case of each vowel the combined data from the eight records constitute a sufficient basis for the most thorough harmonic analyses that can be made and they should yield accurate results for the characteristic vowel frequencies. In analysing these records small corrections are of course necessary on account of the slightly imperfect frequency characteristics of the apparatus, but these corrections can be taken without difficulty from the calibration curves. The amplitude scale in these records is arbitrary in each case. This is for the reason that, owing to the widely different conditions of voice control among the different speakers, the recording apparatus had to be adjusted to different levels of sensitiveness for each record in order to obtain the requisite maximum oscillation of from 1 to 2 centimeters. No attempt has been made to compare the absolute amplitudes from one record to another on account of these intensity variations. The emphasis has been placed rather on obtaining in each record a good well-defined wave which could be enlarged if necessary. Notwithstanding the fact that for frequencies above 5,000 cycles the apparatus was not nearly as good as for frequencies within the calibration range from 75 to 5,000 cycles, the records obtained of some of the consonant sounds are of considerable practical \'alue. It is felt however, that the present apparatus has been used nearly to the limit of its possibilities and that devices other than the usual oscillo- graph vibrator offer more promise in any further investigation of the consonant sounds. It is planned later to issue a more complete set of these records as a supplement to the present paper in order to make the collection a\ailahk- lo ihosi- t'spccialK- interested. IV Statistk Ai. -Sudv and Harmo.nic Analysis of thk \'<)\vi;i, SoiTNDs A detailed inspection of the records takiii, and particularh- of the records of the vowel groups shows thai iniich labor would be required to anaK'ze these records throughout their length, according to the usual methods of harmonic analysis. In nearl%- e^•ery case it wduhl be imp^jssibie to obtain the mean energy distribution in a gi\i'n record, allowing for variations from cycle tcj cycle of the fundamental, THF. SOUNDS OF SPEECH 607 by chrxising from each riTord only a few such ryclt's as rcprfscnla- tive and analyzing tlusi-.' If, for exarnplo, only U) cyrk-s wi-ro taken at selecteil intervals from each of the KM \'o\vel records shown there wouki he retiuired o\er one thousand such anaKses, and to he of value these analyses should include components of fre(|uency from 100 to a,(MK) cycles. For this reason a mechanical method of analysis has lieen ajiplieil to clctermine from the records the average fre(iuency spectra of each of the vowel and semi-vowel sounds. First let us consider the vowel records in a simpler and more general way. Considerahle information has been obtained by inspection, using such simple apparatus as a pair of compas.ses and a rule in connection with the time scale on the records. The time scale greatly facilitates the process; it is in most cases possible to count the number of cycles of any one prominent comp>onent occurring in an interval of .01 second, and by doing this in \arious parts of the record, to arrive at a rough average frequency for the component in question. In the case of the low frequency components (the fundamental and the lower characteristic frequency) the procedure was to make this examination at 3 points; one near the start, one near the middle, and one near the end of each record. In this way the most significant changes in pitch and wave form during the course of the record can be brought to light, and some of the individual characteristics of the speaker revealed. A statistical compilation of these results serves to show certain "normal" characteristics of pitch variation, and permit the detection of a certain amount of "personal bias" of the individual speaker in his departure therefrom. In the examination of the low frequency characteristics a note was made as to the harmonic relation between the fundamental and the lower characteristic frequency; of the amplitude of the lower characteristic frequency as being greater or less than the amplitude of the fundamental; and of the behavior of the amplitude of the lower characteristic, during the cycle of the funda- mental. The amplitude of the low frequency characteristic is either substantially constant during the cycle or falls away as a transient vibration. The high frequency components are clearly shown in the records, but it is more dit^lcult to determine their exact frequencies, and prac- tically impossible to relate them harmonically to the funiased) n.i . 222 biased toward short records M(" — high (litchi'd 12-t-131-134 (normal) 131) .235 (biased toward short records) Ml) -high pitihcti 134-148-175 (normal) 152 . 305 Mean for male S|x;akers 125 . 259 sec. Ki-nialc Speakers FA — low pitched 224-24 1-209 (normal) 224 . 290 sec. KB — low pitched 256-251-194 (biased) 234 .373 biased toward long records KC — medium 233-255-244 (normal) 244 .320 KD — high pitched 271-274-279 (biased) 275 .348 (biased toward long records) Mean for female speakers 244 .333 sec. Mean duration .296 sec. These records were made without constraint Imposed on the speaker, except that he had to start and stop within an interval of about one second, and was requesteti to repeat the sound several times at what he judjjcti to be constant loudness. The resulting variation in per- formance may therefore be of some interest. Of 52 men's records the vowel sounds 35 records showed a "normal " effect of progressive rise in pitch during the course of the record. (The mode is taken as the normal effect, and follows the mean very closely.) In 6 records out of 13, speaker MB showed an individual or biased effect of slight fall in pitch toward the end. The women's records show greater variation, 24 records out of 52 showing a "normal" effect of a rise in (>itch, followed by fallinii pitch, during the course of the record. The individual bias of speaker KB towartl progressive fall in pitch was shown in 7 records; that of KD toward progressive rise in 4 records. The relative constancy in fundamental pitch shown b\- speaker MB is best exemplified in Plate \o. .58. Speaker FD made 3 records of constant pitch: N'os. 24, 40 and 48. Other records of constant pilch arc Nos. 19 and 99, both by MC. In duration, the bias of speaker MB towards short records was shown in 6 records which fell short bv .08 sec. or more of the mean 610 PELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL for the particular sound considered; that of MC also in 6 records according to the same test. Speaker FB produced 5 records, and speaker FD, 2 records loo long by the same amount. Consider now the general properties of the spoken vowel sound, as deduced from these records. First there is a period of rapid growth in amplitude, lasting about 0.04 second, during which all components are quickl\- produced, and rise nearly to maximum amplitude; second the middle period, the characteristics of which have been noted, lasting about 0.1G5 second, followed by the period of gradual decay lasting about 0.09 second, bringing the total length to appro.ximately 0.295 second. There is a tendency to short duration among the "short" vowels (eg. short o, e, i) and a tendency to longer records among the broader sounds, as might be expected. The beha\ior of the fundamental frequency (or "cord tone") during the course of the record will follow normal or indi\"i(lual character- istics as has been described. The low frequency characteristic appears early, usually before the fourth cycle (for men) or before the se\'enth (for women) and normally is in harmonic relation with the fundamental. In the eleven pure vowel sounds (omitting the ar and er groups) this point was examined at 264 locations in 88 records with the result that the harmonic relation obtained in at least 214 cases. On the other hand the normal be- havior of the amplitude of the low frequency characteristic suggests the decay of a transient oscillation during each fundamental cycle — this eflfect being noticeable in at least 64 of the 88 pure vowel records. This transient effect was also noticeable in 13 of the 16 records of ar and er, where the harmonic effect was not so noticeable. The appear- ance of the transient effect depends to some extent on the relative frequencies of the fundamental and the characteristic; where the fundamental period is short, (as often in the case of the women's records) there is not sufficient time for decay of the characteristic tone before it receives a new impetus in the next cycle of the fundamental. As noted above, all the records contain high frequency vibrations which are of such amplitude that they suggest characteristic fre- quencies. A general mean of these frequencies would be in the neigh- borhood of 3200 cycles, and in the case of two records b\- speaker FC (Group I and (iroup XIII) the frequency rises to about 5000 cycles. Recalling the usual classification of the vowel sounds into two groups — (1) those of "single" resonance, placed on the left leg of the triangle, (Fig. 12) and (2) those "double" resonance placed on the right leg of the triangle — there are some differences in the behavior of the high frequency components which can be related to these broad classes. THE SOUNDS OF Sl'EF.CU 611 CT — 5 3 Scattered High Freq. 7. •^1 O O 1/1 f^ O O lO ui p -1 — in 5 ^- •/> 5 m i~ >»l „, *5 O -f -r T -r -c -T (-4 '»S'?.^» X v S lb >OmOS OOO'OvC — , — OrM — ooai^l m O O '^^ 00 O O 1^ ■o o o 00 a IT) » 0> O' OO o o o- o- •c c- si "5 1 5 o iM o ae m -^i — ^'O ^^^ -r '^ f^ y/; Ooo O O O O 1^ uioo'^m o «n — r~o» ooo> — — c^ ill s " - E — lo '^i f^i »n m '^ o^ — f-^ c in c^ -f -!f in r~ o ov o <~ o ■/-, I- -c ^1 "•IS E O O 1^ T^ -f — "^l i~ c "-. ~-, rg -t rM fN CN cv| fN f^l f^l '^l "^I '^I *^i »^l f^l (^1 .1 3 Q — CMnoo-om 'Cc- — m — — — — r^ r^ f-^ CM e^l r*; f*: r^l -^i r*-, p^ rvi rn S^ S Ss. to 1 — o— ooo oo o3— O •u -a 'i ^0 — rOO't^a- 00— 1- fN 00 MS n >o m m '^. -f -^t ^. '^< ^ '^^ ^< -r lilfill If lliLi /. S ^ _3 s if i e o 3 9 •1 ^ e 8 I 1 !^ >r). ^ 3 3 ,, !" w o _g f !S s C 'n g E '■^i: s--^ fl O w j: „ 3 0 ^ o ^ Co'-' ^ %^% ^ u III ** 0 j: ■f";^ o j: ~ o a H .- 1 1 ec-S fMJl, o 111 a jj y o &12 BEl.I. SYSTEM TECIIXIC.IL JOURNAL In the sounds of tin.' first class the high frequency component is usually small in amplitude, more subject to individual bias in its frequency, and may or ma\- not build up in amplitude as early as the low frequency characteristic. In the sounds of the second class the high frequency characteristic is usualh' prominent from the start and builds up very rapidK-; while there is less \ariation in its frequency with the individual speaker. In sounds of the first class there is no decided suggestion of a transient in the high frequency (23 out of 40 records, (iroups I to V inclusive) while in sounds of the second class the transient effect is pronounced {3(1 out of 40 records. Groups VIII, IX, XI, XII, XIII). With these considerations in mind there is presented in table IV a summary of the data obtained from this preliminary examination of the vowel records. The mean duration time, and its subdi\isions, are shown in the second column for each pure vowel sound, with mean duration only for the sounds ar (Group VII) and er (Group X). The fundamental and characteristic frequencies of each sound are shown in the 3 columns headed "Mean Fundamental," "Mean Low Character- istic" and "Mean High Characteristic Frequency" respectively. Each mean is taken from four records. The two columns headed "Scattered Low" and "Scattered High Frequencies" contain mean \alues of additional components, occurring in one or more records, in certain frequenc\- ranges, the number of records in which such components are noted being shown in parentheses following the mean. The table illustrates and emjihasizcs many points which ha\e been brought out in the preceding discussion, particularly the closeness with which the high frequency characteristics are defined in the \f)wels of the second or "doubly-resonant" class. The table however gives no quantitative statement of the energy distribution among the different frequencies and it is necessary now to refer to the results of a harmonic analysis of these records which has been made and published' from which the diagram of Fig. 13 is taken. The machine method for analysing these wave-forms has been described by Mr. Sacia in detail elsewhere;- it suffices here to note mereh' the essentials in the treatment of the data. For the dynamical study, the whole record from start to finish was taken as the unit for analysis, and the data obtained are therefore the average characteristics of the sounds throughout their duration. In the form of an endless belt each of these records was passed repeated- ly through the analysing machine. A single record is of course '"Dynamical .Sludv of the Vowel' Soumls." Hill S\stein rechiiic.il Journal, 111, No. 2, .^pril, l'>24. ' (". K. Siiria: " I'lioloinechanUal Wave .Xnalyzcr .Applied to iiiliarrnonic Analysis;" Jour. Opt. Soc. .Am. ami Ki\ . of .Sii. Inst., 9, Oct., 1924, |). ■iSl. THE SOUNDS OV SlTJiCIl 613 a non-pKriixIio futution, ri-prcscntiHl analytirall\- l)y a Fourier InlcRral, not !)>■ a I'oiiritT St-rics. The continued repetition of the record, however, builds up a peritKlic function consistinjj of a fund.iniental and a series of harmonics. The magnitudes of tliese components hear a simple relation to those of the infinitesimal components of corrcs-, ponS DF Sl'liliCIl 615 sjH\ikcrs, the "r" characteristics are best displayed toward tiie end of the record, though there is no sharp traiisilioii point. In the sta- tistical stutly of these sounds the data were taken from the latter pt)rtions of the records; init in the mechanical anaKsis it was thought best to use the whole recortl. Now abstracting and condensing the data obtained in these two ways we have (ignoring; fnndnmcnial tones) the following table of frequencies: r {fir and er) From Table IV From Fig. 13 Male Female Male t'eniale Low Middle High. / 570-630 \ 917 (an 1688-1965 701-712 1012 (ar) 2162-2188 483-574 861 (ar> 1218-1448 1933 2896 512-542 861 861 1218 1448 j 1625 (er) \ 2435-2435 These may be compared with Paget's results (from the second memoir, in which r is classified as a consonant sound) taking one of his general results from a mass of experimental data: r (Paget: reference 9a, 9b p. 154) "Throat or back resonance". . 400-700 cycles "Middle resonance" 1 149-1824 cycles " Front resonance" 1824-2169 cycles (all varying with the associated vowel) The italicized values in the first table above indicate correspondences with Paget's data, and we conclude that these roughly define the r sound, in terms of the steady-state theory. Before taking leave of the vowel diagram, we should note not only the location of the resonant ranges but also their extent, and their relative separation from other resonant ranges in order to arrive at essential characteristics of the vowel sound. In other words, the individual vowel quality depends not only on a certain characteristic region of resonance but on the relative pitches in case there is more than one region of resonance. This eflfect is clearly shown to some degree in every group save one (VII:r) in Fig. 13. It will be noted that for the characteristic maxima of energy in the spectrum of a given sound, the peaks in the curve for female voices tend to occur at a 616 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL higher frequency than the corresponding peaks in the curve for the male voices; but the musical interval between characteristic peaks for a given sound is about the same in the two cases. It is only in this way that we can account for what is a matter of universal ex- perience in using the phonograph, namely that moderate variations from normal speed in recording and reproducing speech leave the vowel sounds still intelligible. V. Four Semi-Vowel Sounds* Now consider the sounds /, ng, n, m, which pronounced with the \owels 00, ee, a, following them, are arranged in Groups XIV and XV'. Following the plan pre\iously used, note first the general characteristics of these 24 records, made by the two male speakers MA and MB. An outstanding feature of the records is the diphthong quality which is clear in all: the transition is quickly made from semi-vowel to the affixed vowel sound and except in two records (Plates Nos. 108 {lee) and 113 {ngee) a definite transition point can be fixed. Marking this point for all records we find an a\'erage duration of 0.16 second for the semi-vowel sound, of 0.21 .second for the vowel sound, mean total duration being 0.37 second. Noting the fundamental frequency in two locations, namely at the start and just before the transition point, it is found that there is a progressive rise in pitch during the record of the semi-vowel sound; this effect is in agreement with the indi\idual characteristics of these two speakers previously noted in the pure \owel records. But in addition it is noted that the average fundamental for these two speakers (see Table V below) is somewhat below that previously used by them in the vowel records. (Refer also to Table III). This slight lowering of fundamental pitch ma>- possibly be a characteristic of the semi-vowel sounds; and this effect occurs, as we shall see later, to a pronounced degree in the consonant sounds. The amplitudes of these semi-vowel sounds are on tlic whole smaller than the amplitudes of the affixed pure \owel sounds, but some of them are surprisingly large. The low frequency characteristic of / is (for these voices) principally a third harmonic of the fundamental. With 11 and tig (which are nearly indistinguishable) the second harmonic becomes increasingly important, and in the m records it is very large. The high freijuency characteristics of all four sounds lie between 2400 and 21(00, falling somewhat as we pass through a sequence from ' A pri'liiiiinury report has beuii inatic on the properties of these souiuis, and their relation to the general vowel iliagrani. (I'hys. Rev. li, 1924, p. 309.) THE sorxns or srnEcii TAHI.K \ Speakers' Characleriitics, Semi-Vowel Sounds t>\7 l>i r.ilion in .SoioikIs Mf.in Kiiii(la'iiciUal (Senii-Vowi'h Semi-Vowel Vowel Total At Start Before Transition I IK n m .16 .16 16 .17 .20 .20 .22 .20 .36 .36 .38 .37 100 101 98 100 107 104 107 105 Mean 16 .21 .37 100 106 / to m. Wv have here, then, a Kron]) "f doiihK' resonant sounds whoso characteristic frequencies, whose amplitiuies, and general l)ehavior arc such that the\- must be definitely related to the standard \o\vel diagram. The amplitude frec|ueni\- rel.itioiis as ohlaiiied from a iiHchaniial harmonic analysis, and corrected for the \ariation in sensitivity of the ear are shown in Fig. 14. The process of mechanical harmonic anaKsis has been outlined in connection witii liic \(iwel records, and the pro- cedure was the siime here, except thai only the semi-vowel portion of the records was taken as the unit for analysis. The record for analysis was cut at the end of the last cycle before the transitif)n point, anfl two profile copies of the semi-vowel wave were joined to- gether in an endless belt which was passc^d through the analyzing machine. Aside from the close resemblance between the frer|iienc\- spectra of the four sounds the noteworth\- feature of F"ig. 14 is in the similarity between the / spectrum and that for ee as previously given in line XIII of Fig. 13. The essential differences arc a slight increase in the importance of the low frequency characteristics, and the slight shift of all the resonant regions toward low-er frequency, in passing from e to /, and on through the sequence m?, «, nt. We may thus regard the chart of Fig. 14 as a logical continuation of the generally accepted chart of Fig. 13 and place the four semi-vowel sounds definitely in an extended \owel diagram, following in regular order the sound long e. Sir Richard Paget has made the interesting statement that "all the consonant soimds are as essentially musical as the vowels, i. e., they depend on variations of resonance in the vocal cavity, and should be capable of being imit.ited in the same wa\', if tiieir characteristic 618 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL resonances could be identified and reproduced in models." It is interesting to compare some observations made by him on /, ng, n, m, and reported in liis second memoir. Working according to the method previously described (§1) Paget has constructed resonators which, under certain conditions, will produce transient forms of the four sounds we are discussing. Their tone constituents are identified by him as follows: Reson.ant Frequencies, Semi- Vowel Sounds (Paget: Reference 9b) ' Throat ' 228-406' 203-228 203-228 271 'Middle" (Nasal) 683 (faint) 683 541-724 1217-1366 1217-1448 1217-1448= "Upper" (Oral) 1625-1932' 1448-2169' 2298-2579 861-1722' 2434-2579 (faint) ' Varying and finally approximating a characteristic region of resonance o( the associated vowel. ' Varj'ing with the associated vowel. .Siu(l\ing Paget's results in comKction with those ot Fig. 14, we note that the energy spectra clearly show the "throat" resonances for all four sounds in the neighborhood of 25(5 cycles. In the case of « the nasal resonance at G83 cycles (Paget) is one of the prominent tones centering around a frequency of 512 in the spectrum diagram. This resonance also appears prominently in the spectrum for m though Paget did not notice it. The higher middle resonances (1217-1448 cycles) which appear in Paget's table for the last three sounds appear also in the spectra for these three sounds according to Fig. 14. Allow- ing for the variation stated in notes (1) and (2) above, it appears that the upper (oral) resonances for the four sounds, as noted by Paget, are essentially the same as those that appear in all four spectra in the diagram in the range of 2048-2896 cycles. With regard to Paget's observations on the transient character of these sounds (he classifies them as consonants) and on the variability of some of their components (Notes 1 and 2 of table above), depending on the associated vowel, there is room for some difference of opinion and the reader may form his own conclusions after a detailed inspection of the records shown. Taking the sound 1 for example, and studying first the three records loo, lee, la by M A and then the three correspond- ing records by M B it seems to the writer that such variations as are noted in characteristics are due not so much to change in the associated THE SOUXnS or SI'IHUIl 6I9 \o\\rl as to (hf rl).ini;<.' ill llu' s|H'.ikfr, .iiul ,i >imil.ir cniuhisidii will pr()l)al)ly hi' riMclu-il lor iMch of tlu- oiIht tiirru M-mi-vowrl sounds. I'roiii the oviiii'iici- in the records, it is dil't'iriiit to siihsrrilH- entirely to a "transient" theory of these sounds, at least when they precede the standard \o\vel sounils. The evidence justifies the use wiiich has lieen niaiie of the steady-state itlea, and the harmonic analyses leading; to a determination of characteristic frequencies. IJut there is a (M)ssil)ility that the harmonic analysis does not tell the whole story. These two groups of records and the acoustic spectra based on them furnish outstanding examples of the niceties in\olved in speech and hearing in order to achieve the miracle of articulate speech. Without harmonic analysis, the most casual observer will note, for example, the similarity between the corresponding records of the / and » sounds, but more astonishing still is the resenil)lance between the I and ee sounds shown together in Plates Nos. 107 and 108. In this latter case (,/ and ee) practically the same high and low characteristic fre- quencies are involved, and it would seem that the distinction, which is sufficiently pronounced to the ear, must l)e based to some extent not only on the relative amplitudes of these frequencies present, but also on the behavior of these amplitudes during the fundamental cycle. It will be noted in practically all of the records of these semi-Nowel sounds that the high frequency characteristic is a transient of more rapid decay than in the case of the pure vowel sounds; it is not of large amplitude except at the beginning of the cycle. On the face of the records this is the only explanation available for whatever dis- tinctive quality these sounds, as a class, must possess. VI Si.XTEiiN Consonant Solnds The last two groups, X\'I and X\'II contain, respectiveK", records of the "hard" and "soft" consonant sounds, each with the a sound affi.\e- tlie growth in anii)liiu(k- of tlu- <; siniiui lol- lowing. D'T.— (Plates 133-131)). For both of these (see either Table \1 or the records themselves) we note a high frequency characteristic of about 4000 cycles. Paget (9b, p. 168) observed "an upper resonance 5 to 8 semitones higher than that of the associated vowel, and a low resonance of about 362." We note in the records a low frequency of the order of 500 in the case of d. Paget notes a "greater amplitude in / clue to higher air pressure" and the records show a greater ampli- tude for the high frequency in the case of /, except right at the transi- tion point, where d shows the high frequency of large amplitude. No conclusion can be given as to relative steepness of wave-front, d vs. /, because in both cases we note for speaker MB (Records 134, 136) a steeper wave-front than for MA (Records 133, 135). The difference between d and / may depend entirely on the voicing and on the complicated phenomena at the transition point. G K. — (Plates 137-140). k shows the characteristic transients (1.500, 4000; Table IV, notes 4 and 5) to much more pronounced degree than g. From the records it would seem that g, in addition to the voicing, disclosed a steeper wave-front, the four transitional cycles required for k (records 139-140) emphasizing this point. No other 622 BELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOURNAL generalizations seem warranted, on account of the complicated series of events recorded. These sounds are treated at length by Paget (9b, p. 171-173) who observes considerable variation in their resonant ranges, depending on the associated vowel. It will be noted howc\-er, that in these four records particularly, consonant characteristics are persistent and of large amplitude before the vowel sound begins to appear. DTH/TH.— (Plates 141-144). The high frequencies (2UU0, ;jOUO, 3200) culminating at the transition point seem to be the key to these records. They are more persistent for dth, while th appears to show the steeper wave-front. Paget states (9b, p. 158) that "in 5 [(///;] the middle resonance (1149-1932, his figures] is overblown, louder than the corresponding resonance in B [th]." He gives also an "upper sibilant of 3444-5950," louder for dth than th, and "difficult to identify." It will be noted that in one record for dth (no. 141) there is during the voicing period a faint high frequency which has been set down in Table \T as 4000 cycles. This faint "sibilant" (which may always be audible though it fail to be recorded) establishes a certain kinship between these two sounds and those following (the fricative consonants) which are rich in sibiliant sounds. V/F. — (Plates 145-148). v shows a pronounced \oicing, and as pre\iously noted, a less prominent high frequency component than its partner/, or any of the other fricative consonants. Comparing V 7 with dth/lh it seems from the records that the former pair are of higher frequency (particularly/) and that for v/f as a unit the high frequency characteristic is more pronounced; just the opposite con- clusion to that reached by Paget (9b, p. 161-162). / may indeed differ more from v than v from dth, thus raising difficulties of classifi- cation both physically and phonetically, which cannot be resolved on the basis of the few records available. The exceedingly fine distinc- tion between the sounds v and dth could be no more strikingly shown than it is in the records gi\en, for both speakers. J/CH. — (Plates 149-152). Some of the recorded phenomena of this pair suggest correspondences between them and the pair g/k; luit the pair j/cA shows a higher frequency characteristic during the important mid-portion of its history. Of the pair, ch seems to show the steeper wave-front, that is, the more rapid transition to the vowel sound. ZH/SH.— (Plates 153-156). With this pair we pass to the field of pure sibilants, in which there is no evidence of impulsi\e action or steepness of wave-front. The action seems to be that in the voiced THE SOUNDS OF SPEECH h2i souiul, tluTC is, in addition t S 3 s 3 '5 '5 'S > > § 1 31 = 3 S c " 3_ X _- = = 1 = c o c z^ c . i ! 2iS ?i8 3 C "3 — ^1 1 11 ss 1 S s 1 2 "i "t a S 3 3 S' S '3 '3 > > s c 3 3 1 1 i 1 11 '? ? 3 3 a -- 2} 3 — c t S - - '— S ? 3C ri'M S 1 X S S < a s s < a S S -u a S S ■< a S S < a S S r. -^ r- X § 1 -^ » « ^ "* -^ -n 5: H c a O 3 3 = f ? iTT I iiii 3 If = 0 22 IS H S H 2 s H 00 w 0 0 1 ?> — o«o 2! =5 5 -f; Tf W T. — 1 -f> w 1 d c .c c £ 2 M M -f ^: -T 'f C^J C-l •* rt- « « -}• 10 M M S8 x-3 §9 8 § 0 C C<1 0 0 0 c CO M ?5 ri 9 9 0 3 ►J g^ 9S 2 3 cg|3 ■* "oS 0 00 8 S 11 g J O e cs 1 c o O o c 1 IS £ £ 0 0 9 9 11 0 = 9''9'' 3 — ?5 ?5 0 0 9 0 £ 5Z S 9''= 9" ^y. 3 i~ "T" •? z 3 iii C '5 > SI '5 '5 > > CM 0 COW ■a -a '0 '5 > > S 5 fe g 1 1 '0 'o > > S S S 8 X 8 II u a X: >. cc Jo 08 ^ cc wco ■* n 9 9 iS" 8 ill i;2, ■2.-a. e 0 0 0 c 1 c IC CD woe §S T ^' % 3 ■^ 5 ■3 S gs Speech Power and Energy By C. F. SACIA Introduction IN the (i.ist, iiukIi rescarcli lias been devoted to tlie determination of tlte relative magnitudes of the frequency components of speech, and the results of these explorations are useful and well known. Thus the communication engineer is apprised of the frequency range over which his apparatus should respontl uniformly in order that the transmitted speech suffer no frequency distortion. But to provide against load distortion, he requires the knowledge of a different kind of data : numerical values of the magnitude of power involved in sp)€ech waves as a whole. This investigation deals with the magni- tudes and forms of speech wa\'es primarily in terms of power, and is not concerned with frequency as the argument. Although the subject matter is not fundamentally new, this treat- ment of it is somewhat of a venture. The broad classification of power is a convenience here, but its future value will be dependent upon engineering usage. I have also introduced the use of the peak factor, which, being a simple index of the wave form, may perhaps find application in vowel study and phonetics as well as in the technical field. A condensed table of peak factors was incorporated in Mr. Fletcher's compilation in the preceding issue of this Journal. Derivation The nature of power in a syllable of speech may be most easily comprehended by reference to an illustration such as that shown in Fig. 1. The representation of the instantaneous power (P,) is an enlarged copy of a power oscillogram of the word "quite." Because of its extreme jaggedness, the curve had to be represented by a profile rather than by an outline. Although this is a quickly spoken syllable it plainly displays a cyclic repetition; the cyclic interval (for example, from a to 6 in the figure) is ordinarih- called the vocal f)eriod and its reciprocal, the v'ocal frequency'). One feature of interest may be noted here: the irregularity in the growth and decay of the peaks. This is evidence of a slight vocal ' The power due to any pcrioflic force, containing only odd harmonics, fluctuates with double the frequency of the fundamental; but in the case of any periodic force containing even harmonics also, the power fluctuations have the same fundamental frequency as the force. .Although speech sounds are not periodic an analogous relation exists for them. 627 628 BEI.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tremolo. Tremolos usually occur in singing voices and \ary widely in their character. They constitute modulations which in actual singing sometimes occur as slowly as two per second. The slower mo(liilation.s affect the ear as beats or pulses, while the most rapid ones affect the (|ualit\- by the resulting sidebands of overtones. Those i-.li'.Lll li Hi k 1 , , n-- n J...1 1 I •—11 1500 I4O0 <0- <+ eoc o.- P„T 50 -1- O Time 3cale O O.OS 0.10 0/5 0.20 SEG l''ij,'. 1 — InslantaiK-iiiis ami mean pcnvcr. Enlarged copy of original oscillogram of the word "QUITE" shown in the figure are of the latter l\pcs, their modulating frequency being about 50 per second. Frt)m the instantaneous power we derive the mean power, Pm, whose chief significance lies in'.'the fact that it is the kind of power that would be read by a quickly acting wattmeter; it is likewise propor- tional to the deflection shown by the ordinar\- a.c. \olt meter or SPEECH POWER AND ENERGY (^ .iminetcr, or by the volume indicator. A graph of the mean power may be obtained by drawing the average jiower in each vocal cycle and then drawing a smootli curve tliroiigh the resulting broken hne. This wouUl be an impracticable way of olitaining curves of mean [)ower; actually they have been obtained independently of the P, curves in this work, in a manner described later. X'owel sounds carry by far the most of the power and energy of speech, and it was to them that the above considerations were tacitly applied; but the definition of the mean power is similarly applicable to the semi-vowels, voiced consonants, and fricative consonants. The peak factor is the square root of the ratio of a peak value of P, to the corresponding value of Pm- Still another commonly used interpretation of power is made in terms of its average over an entire svllable, word or speech. Such an average, although the same for instantaneous and mean power, is most easily determined by means of the latter: it is the total energy divided by the time involved. Graphically it is the area of the P, or Pm curve divided by the base. If the base includes the silent intervals between syllables the result will be called the long average; if the silent intervals are excluded from the base, the result will be called the short average. Thus it is seen that the word "power" when applied to speech has a variety of meanings and always needs to be qualified. For example, the speech of a certain person may have shown a long average power of 10 microwatts while the instantaneous power frequently rose to 2,000 microwatts. In obtaining the power, w-e obtain indirectly the pressure on the condenser transmitter, which is located 9 cm. from the speaker's lips. In the treatises on acoustics, the power of a simple-harmonic wave is derived in terms of the pressure,- the numerical result being at 20° C, where P is the power in microwatts across 1 sq. cm. of wave front, and where either mean or peak value is taken for both power and pressure. Here we are not concerned with simple harmonic waves, but the same result holds for instantaneous, mean, or average values in any kind of wave, since \0^ dl • Scf, for example, Rayleigh: Theory of Sound, Vol. 2, page 16. 630 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and the air particle displacement, ^=-r:j— ; / pdt (41.0 is a resistance factor) for a wave travelling in the positive direction. From the power intensity thus found at the transmitter we can obtain an estimate of the power dev^eloped by the speaker. With the transmitter surrounded by a plane reflecting surface so as to give reflection for speech frequencies, the pressure is doubled and the power intensity quadrupled ov^er the values they would have in free air, hence the observed intensity is divided by 4. The usual assumption is made that this same intensity is distributed over a hemisphere whose center is at the speaker's lips. Hence the required estimate of the speaker's power is obtained by multiphing the meas- ured power intensity at the transmitter by the factor — = 127. For the sake of convenience, these two values are always given together in the accompanying tabulated results. Instantaneous and Mean Power In dealing with the power in a syllable, the matter of greatest interest is the maximum values attained by Pi and Pm throughout the entire syllable. These maxima will be denoted by Pi and Pm, respectively. Table I shows their approximate ranges in the case of accented syllables. TABLE 1 Instanlutieous and Mean Power Typical Maximum Values for an Accented Syllable Speaker's Power Power Per Ciii.- Microwatts at Transmitter £i 1000 to 2000 8 to 16 Pm 60 to 120 0.5 to 10 At this point it is worth while to consider an application of the fore- going. A salient characteristic of speech waves is the generally high ratio of peak value to mean square value (peak factor), as can be inferred from Fig. 1. Failure to take this into account frequently causes load distortion in speech transmitting amplifiers. It sometimes happens that the effective output voltage or current has been meas- ured, and the assumption of an equivalent sine wave (i.e., one having the same effective value) is made; but this leads to a large error in the estimate of the peak value. Thus with an insufficient allow- ance made for the peak voltage impressed upon the grid of the tube, there is the possibility of the grid becoming momentarily positive due to insufficient negative bias or still worse, the plate may be over- SPEECH POWER .-I XI) ENERGY Ml In.ulod liy ihc peaks. The resulting; suppression of the peaks in the sound output can readily be detected by an accustomed ear, provided that the whole system is reasllable by prolonging the time of utterance, for here the increased energy of the syllable would not necessarily mean a greater stress. But from the point of view of phonetics, the energy method should be useful in calibrating emphasis, which can be taken as a function of time of duration as well as of mean power. 634 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Relative Power of Vowels One test which was made on the speakers was for them to utter dis- connectedly and without accent eleven monosyllables, each of which contained a fundamental vowel sound. The results of this test give a general indication of the inherent power, Pm, in unaccented (but un- slighted) vowels relative to each other. The difference between the f° ia Kie ,^/l 44 l"' r i J, \ ,» .M J3 1 ■'^ 1 2<»|1 |5' ,30 ,32 ja .27 26,1 1 25 i ZL. >2a Fig. 3 — Inherent relative power Indicates Male Voices Indicates Female N'oices Numbers indicate approximate power from voice (in microwatts) male and female voices in this respect warrants separate charting of these characteristics. Fig. 3 shows the chart in which the vowels are arranged in the sequence^) the first half of which accompanies an increase in the angle of the speaker's jaws, and the succeeding half accompanies an increase in the elevation of the tongue. It might have been anticipated that the more open vowels have more power; but there is apparantly one irregularity in this tendency in the case of the vowel o (as in ton). Furthermore, the vowel e (as in teem) looks somewhat different for the two voices, when compared with the vowels immediately preceding it in the series. There is some difficulty in uttering it so as to make it carry, in the case of female voices — a fact which I have previously encountered when recording them. The male voice, on the other hand, shows a decided rise in this direction. The advantage in the case of u (tool) is reversed: here the male voice begins to fall off while the female voice stays about the same. These results suggest a difference in the resonant structure * This arrangement is based upon the well known vowel triangle of Vietor. SPEECH POWER A\n ESEKGV 635 between tlie male ami female voices, which, however, does not affect the higher frequencies enough to alter the vowel characteristics. Pkak Ka( tor The tests just described were also used to obtain the peak factors of the vowels. These were lietermined by measurement of the maximum Pi and Pm of each syllable and arc charted in Fig. 4. Here again there 31, 39 Av£itAaE Peak Factob. so, „ . ASX AvERAoe Fon 8 Male Voices u, yii AvtRAoe fo« fl Female Voices i4, as, '9 1 i6, HidMeST Set fok any Male Voice 60, sa ss High Eir Set fob anv Female Voice *9 41 " 46 5', '^ 14 34 16 ib. Oooaooa'ua-J; 13 30-0 o « -;] « iq - « Fig. 4 — Peak factors of vowels are differences between the sets for the male and female voices, the former being somewhat higher, especially for the vowel e. In both cases such rasping vowels as k (tap), e (ten), a (tape) have sharp waves and high peak factors. Having listened attentively to all these voices under test, I have become able to associate peak factors with vocal qualities in the following way: the voices with the higher peak factors are those which in the ordinary terminology are said to be "resonant" 636 BELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL or "vibrant"; they have the greater carrying power, especially over the telephone; they are rich in the musical sense and are therefore well suited to singing, although main- such \-oiccs, unfortunately, are ne\er applied to the art. To illustrate an application of the peak factor to engineering, we shall again take into consideration the speech amplifier whose mean efTective output voltage is indicated by a suitable device such as a volume indicator. F'rom this, the peak value of the instantaneous voltage is wanted; to find it necessitates a knowledge of the peak factor. Now since the latter differs somewhat for different sounds and speakers, it is necessary to use one factor which makes allowance for the worst cases (highest voltage peaks) which can occur often. For most purposes, the factor 5 will suffice, hence the rule is: the mean effective voltage should not exceed one-fifth the overload voltage of the system. Apparatus In order that the apparatus (see Fig. 5) be a faithful recorder, it was made with the following characteristics: (1) A nearly distortionless reproduction of wave form by the con- denser transmitter and amplifier. (2) A full-wave parabolic rectification of the amplifier output. (3) Load capacity sufificient to transmit the high sharp peaks of speech waves without cutoff. (4) Uniform response, from 0 to 6000 cycles in the oscillograph vibrator recording instantaneous power. The calibration of the amplifier and condenser transmitter is shown in Fig. 6. To make the overall characteristics so nearly uniform it was found necessary to use the resonant circuit in the output of the second N tube, this compensating for an irregularity due mostly to the 45 feet of cable which leads from the transmitter and first stage of amplification in the sound-proof room to the main part of the amplifier. The oscillograph (see Fig. 5) was provided with two series connected vibrators one of which was sensitive to low frequencies only, and re- corded the mean power. Although it did not completely suppress the fluctuations of vocal frequency, it reduced them to the order of small superimposed ripples through which the Pm curve could be drawn. The instantaneous power was recorded by the other \ibrator whose characteristics are noted in item (4) above. srr.r.cii rotiT.R .ixi> r.xr.RGy f07 638 BEl.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE IV Calibration Constants (a) Constants of Vibrators I/D = ( I ) Low frequency 5 / niilllamperes (2j Instantaneous power 286 \ per cm. (b) RectificT constant E- I = /iO (volts)-, niilliamp. (c) Pressure on transmitter vs. amplifier output p-/E' = 1/2.95' dynes-,'cni* volt'. (d) Power intrnsit\- at transmitter vs. pressure P, p- = 1 415 cm- microwatts dynes-. p- peessuKE IN PYNE.S/CM' on transmitteiz diaphrai^ E= VOLT ACiE OUTPUT OF AMPLIFIEfZ 7000 ' 7O00 ' 3060 ' 3060' Fig. 6— Calibration of condenser transmitter with amplifier 3O05 6060 The product a b c d gives Pm/Z?m = 0. 192 microwatts per sq. cm. of wave front as indicated by a deflection of 1 cm. of the oscillograph low frequency vibrator. Similarly P,/I', = ll.l for the instantaneous power \'ibrator. Method Records were made on sensitized paper strips G cm. wide mo\ing at a velocity of about 20 cm. per second. Three graphs were traced simultaneously, the instantaneous power, the mean power, and the timing wave of 100 cycles from an oscillator. When connected speech was being recorded, the oscillograph operator listened to the speech as reproduced !)>• the loud speaker and punctuated the record at frequent SPEECH POWER AND F.NEKGY 639 pro/dr = PoVo[yf'{vot-r)+j,J{vJ-r)^ Let /(!'„/ -r)= sin w ('-^ ), so that /, = ^f°(^^ COS. (/-;_-) + ! sin . (/-^)). When a wave composed of any number of such components (each having a different pair of values for w and a) diverges from one radius to a larger one, it mn nnW changes in size, due to the factor -^ r but also in sha|)e, liui' lo the factor in the second term. Wiieii r SPEECH POWER AND ENERGY 641 is large romnarccl with — -, this chaiiKc in shape becomes negligible. In the case of sjieech, since the source is of linile size the effective radius is somewhat greater that that measured from the speaker's lips, and the wave front is not exactly hemispherical, so the com- parison is onl\- qualitative. Nevertheless, a difference in quality of transmitted speech can be detected when the speaker's lips arc within 2 cm. of the transmitter (iia[ihragm. Some Contemporary Advances in Physics IX The Atom-Model, Second Part' By KARL K. DARROW G. RlXAIMTLLATION OF THE FaCTS TO BE EXPLAINED EVERY atom-model that is worthy of notice was designed in view of a certain Hmited group of facts. That is to say, every \alual)le atom-model is the invention of somebody who, being ac- quainted with certain of the ways in which matter behaves, set himself to the devising of atoms of which an assemblage should behave like matter in those ways. Of course, it would be a most wonderful achievement to conceive atoms, of which assemblages should behave like matter in all ways; but this is too e.xalted an ambition for this day and generation, no man of science bothers with it. Each atom- model of the present is partially valid, not universally; and nobody can rightly appreciate any one of them, unless he knows the facts for which it was designed. I might add that he should also know the relative importance, in the world and in life, of the facts for which it was designed. But this also is too exalted an ambition; we do not know much, if anything, about the relative importance of facts sub specie crternitalis, and can hardly refrain from regarding with an especial favour the facts which happen to have been successfully explained. At all events it is clear that every account of an atom- model should be preceded by an independent account of the things it is meant to explain. F"or the favorite atom of these days, the atom of Rutherford and Bohr, I have provided this preliminary account of the facts in the First Part of the article. Let me give a brief outline of the most important among them, before entering upon tlie task of constructing an atom-model to reproduce them. First and foremost, the elements are very definite things; each of the ninety of them is distinguishable from the other eighty-nine, not in one respect only but in many, and in many cases the contrasts are \ery severe. The atom designed for each of them must therefore have defmiteness and fixity and a sharply-inarkt-d character. Next: although the atom must be U lU-.I.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Now nuilliply both sides of cqualion (1) by Planck's constant /;; it becomes livi = hvti„,-h(,. (2) On the lefl-luuul side we lia\e hvi, a qiiantiiy of the dimensions of energ>'. Now there is much reason to believe that when radiant cnerg>' streams out from a substance in the form of radiation of fre- quency V, it emerges often if not alwa>s in parcels or packets or units or quanta, each consisting of an amount of energy equal to hv. Sup- pose thai the radiant energy constituting any line of a scries is emitted in quanta such as these; then whenever an atom performs the act of radiating that line, it loses the amount of energy which stands on the left-hand side of Equation (2). The right-hand side represents the same thing, and is itself the difference between two terms which are spectrum-lerms multiplied by //; these are themselves the values (reckoned from a suitable zero) of the energy of the atom before and after the radiation occurs, they are the energy-values of the atom in the state before radiating and in the state after radiating. The spedritni-terms, when multiplied by Planck's constant h, are translated into the energy-values of the Stationary States of the atom. When expressed in proper units, terms are energies and energies are terms. In the decades during which the spectroscopists were analyzing line- spectra, disentangling line-series — by no means a light labor, for the perspicuity of the series shown in the photographs of the First Part is anything but common — and disengaging terms, they were unknow- ingly recognizing and locating the Stationary States of the atom. Spectrum analysis culminates in the fixation of the Stationar\- -States. This is the greatest of the ideas for whicii liu' world is indc'l)ti'(i to Bohr, and e\entually through him to Planck. These .Stationary States constitute one of the great systems of facts, which the atom-model of Rutherford and Bohr is designed to interpret. Let me formulate the demands which thus are made upon this atom-model. It must ha\e features to account for these facts: First, that there are such things as Stationary States; Second, that in passing over in a "transition" from one stationar>- slate to another of which the energy is less by AU. tlic atom releases the energy AU in radiation of the one frequcncx' Af /;; Third, that certain transitions do not occur, or occur under ab- normal circumstances only, or occur less frequently than others; and Fourth, that the stationary states of each particular kind of atom have the particular numerical energy-values which they are observed to have. SOMF. COXTF.MI'ON.IKV .IPr.lWI.S l\ /7/J'.S7( V IS W.i riic first tlirt'o i)f these deniancls are of a nerural and fimdamental nature. If someone were to design an atotn-ni(ie would probably bejjin by imaginini; an atom which would satisfy these general de- mands; then he would proceed so to specialize it that it woulfl comply also with the fourth. It mij^iht have been well, had this happeiv.-d; the course of histor%' was otherwise. The atom-model of Rutherford was desii;ned originally to interpret phenomena of fjuite another field, and then Bohr modified it by violence to satisfy the fourth of the fore- going demands. Of the facts which Rutherford ile\ised iiis atom-model to interpret, the cardinal one is that the atom contains electrons. The best evi- dence for this fact is, that electrons can be extracted from atoms.- One can even measure the amount of energy required to extract an electron from an atom — in other words, the difference between the energy- of an atom in its normal state, and the energy of the same atom in its "ionized" state.' This has a direct bearing on the phenomena of the Stationary States; for the spectrum-terms, when they are multiplied by F'lanck's constant /;, yield the energ>-values of the corresponding Stationary States, reckoned from the energy-value of the ionized state as zero of energy. Granted that the atom contains electrons: it must contain positi\e electricity also, to compensate their negative charge. Now it is easy to imagine the positive electricity so arranged, that the electrons can be fitted into various places within and around it, and remain in equilibrium*; it is possible to imagine that the positi\-e ele:"tricity acts upon the electrons with a force which is compounded of the familiar inverse-square attraction and a particular sort of a repulsion, so adjusted that the electrons will remain in equilibrium in various positions. It seems as though the Stationary States might be in- terpreted in this fashion, and several attempts have in fact been mafle; but they are discouraged by the experiments of Rutherford and his followers on the deflections of alpha-particles and electrons which pass through atoms. F"or these deflections occur exactly as if the positive electricity were concentrated at a point or "nucleus," and an inverse-square electric field pre\ailed in the region between this nucleus ' This Is not quite a proof of the fact. .As .-Vston cleverly remarked, when a pistol is (ircd, smoke and a bullet come out of it; we are <|uite justified in Inferring that the bullet was originally within the pistol, but not the smoke! ' This energy, which I called the energy of the "state of the Ionized atom" in the First Part, Is truly the energy of the system conif csed of the atom minus its electron, ani:i.\( is i\ riivsus- /.v m7 iniulil li\ till' l.uM.s of llir Sl.ili()H.ir>- St.itrs.'' (Oiild we lur iiisLinci- ^11 sli,i|H- llu- first proN iso, lOiilil Zi.r choose such local ions for Ihc electrons iissumcd stationary, tluit tlu' sodium atom (for instaiuv) would dispKiy onI\' those i-nerny-valui's whicli the spectrum of sodium allows for its Stationar>- States, and no others? IndouhtedK' we coidil. The sodium atom is supposed to ronsist (>! i'le\en eleelrous surrouiuliiij; a luieleiis of charge + 1 \e. If the elec- trons were all stationary in assigned positions about the nucleus, we could calculate the energy of the arrangement. The energy-values of the vaiious Stationary States being known, it would not beditTicult to tind, for each one of the Stationary States, at least one arrangement of the eleven electrons identical with it as to energy-value. Having done this, we could lay it ilown as a law that the electrons shall stand still in e.ich and any one of these arrangements; but not in an\- other ar- rangement whatsoevei. But would this be an explanation of the Stationary Stales? Not. I think, in any significant sense of that valuable word. It could justly be designated as an explanation, as a theory, only if the various arrangements so prescribed for the various Stationary States should turn out to be interrelated according to some law — to be goxerned by some unifying principle — to display some intrinsic quality of simplicity and elegance and beauty, distinguishing them from all the other and rejected arrangements. This has not been achieved. Let mc now take up the other of the two suggestions which were made above. Suppose that we accepted the nuclear atom-model, with the proviso that the electrons should revolve in closed orbits planetwise, without radiating any of their energy, and without gliding by a spiral path into the nucleus. Could we so shape this second proviso, could we choose such orbits for the electrons assumed revolving, •icilhout loss of energy, that the sxlium atom or the hydrogen atom (for instance) would display only those energ\-values which the spectrum of sodium or the spwctrum of hyflrogen prescribes for the Stationary States, and no others? .Again, there is no doubt that we could; but the value of the achieve- ment, again, would depend on whether oi not the orbits which we thus selected were interielated according to some law, or governed by some unif\ing principle, or distinguished from all the other orbits by some- thing seemingly fundamental. Consider Rutherford's nKnlel for the hydrogen atom, which consists of a nucleus and an electron. If we adopt the proviso which was just set forth, and suppose that the elec- tron may revolve around the nucleus in circular orbits without radiat- ing any of its energy, then we can select particular circular orbits, such 648 DELL SYSTEM TECIIXICAL JOURNAL that when tlic electron is re\olving in one or another of these, the energy- of the atom shall have one or another of the values prescribed by the Stationary States. If we arbitrarily say that the electron can revolve only in one or another of these orbits, then we have an atom- model competent to interpret the Stationary States of the hydrogen atom. But is there anything distinctive about these selected orbits, anything peculiar, anything which marks them out and sets them apart from the other, from the discarded orbits? Have they any feature in common, apart from being necessary to give the observed energj-- values of the Stationary States? It is hardly possible to lay too strong an emphasis upon this require- ment; the value of the contemporary atom-model depends upon satis- fying it. Let me put the matter another way. From the moment that we imagine that the electrons within the atom are cruising around the nucleus in orbits without radiating energ\' and without dropping into the nucleus, we are sacrificing the unity and the coherence of the classical theory of electricity. So grav'e an action is not to be under- taken lightly nor with indifference; it were foolish to make such a sacrifice without recompense; and there is no recompense to be found in merely proving that especial orbits can be so selected as to copy the energy-values of the Stationary States. If one is going to deviate from the rules of the classical theory of electricity, one must deviate by rule. If one is going to disrupt the system which prevails in one great department of theoretical physics, one must systematize another department in exchange. If one proposes to violate some of the prin- ciples of modern physics, by asserting that electrons can travel in certain orbits without radiating, he must reconcile the congregation of physicists to his sacrilege by proving that the selected motions are themselves go\-erned by a principle, as imposing as those he lacerated. If the innovator cannot show that his innovations are systematic, he is not likely to prosper; but if his innovations are derived from a principle, it may supersede those which he contradicted. To discover such a principle is the ambition of, jirohabl)', halt ot the theoretical physicists who are active today. There are other general statements which miglu hv made at this point; but they will be more intelligible, and so will the foregoing para- graphs be, after I ha\e given an illustration. For this purpose I will describe two models of the hydrogen atom, each of them consisting of a nucleus and a single electron, each capable of being so constrained that its energy-values will copy those of the Stationary States of hydrogen. With one of these, however, the description can be carried no farther. With the other, I shall show — following Bohr that the SOME CONTEMl'Oli.lliV .IIH\IXCI:S IX I'liysiCS IX 649 orbits in which the eliTtroii is loiislrainwl to revolve have certain peiuli.ir features. ilistiiiKiiishinjj them al)<)\e all other orbits; and these distinctive features may be conse(|ni-MCfs nf the desired and still hidden principle. 11. l-i;\TiRKs OK Tmc N'kcicssarv Oriiits ok nil-: Hvdrohkn Atom ((JlANTIZATION) li\dn)i;en beiiii; the first element in the periodic table, Rutherford's atom-mo' must be permitted to assume the successive energy-values of the successive Stationary States, and no others; we must have — t^r= —Rh for the first (or normal) stationary stale — e^, r= —Rli 4 for the second stationary state (3) — er/r= —Rh9 for the third stationary state; and so forth. > I - the electron should stand still at all, nor why it should stand still in these and onl\- in these positions, nor why it should cause radiation of a peculiar and well-defined frequency when it passes from one of these positions to another — if he makes the.se objections, I can retort that the atom-model favored by Bohr him- sL'lf suffers from e\cry one of these deficiencies. In fact, the onl\- defects peculiar to this "atom-model of the stationary electron" appear tojje two. The first is, that the distances specified by (5) do not ha\"e distinctive features such as I shall presently show for the orbits specified for the "atom-model of the revolving electron"; and this defect, as I ha\e tried to emphasize, is a grave one. The second is, that an atom in which the charges are stationary is not ipso facto magnetic, whereas an atom with revolving electrons is.' Following Bohr, and practically all the other physicists of toda>-, we now assume that the electron re\ohes planetwise around the nu- cleus describing a dosed orbit and radiating none of its energy as it re- volves. A planet re\nj\is in an elliptical orbit; this elliptical orbit may be a circle, or it may not i)e: but for the present paragraph we will think of the circles onl\ . l.el us suppose, then, that the electron may rexolve in a circle about the nucleus, without radiating its energy and spiralling into the nucleus. Designate the radius of the circle by ;•. With the electron revolving in a circle of radius r, the energy of the atom is —e^l2r'. This value is obtained by adding together the potential energy of the atom, which is —e"lr just as it ' Ifanyrcaflerranalxilish these defects, a imilt it ude of chemists will lnnlad to hear from him. Chemists want atom-models with stationary electrons. v(ijU/: coxrnMPOR.th'y .ini-,i\crs i\ I'livsics- ix asi was wlu'ii \vi- siipposi'd till- fU-clroii lo la- sliiixliiiK still, anil llie kiiR'tic t'iH'rn\- (if llii- fli'c'trmi, wiiirli is l ;wt'-. In this last expression, V stands for the speed of the electron in its orbit; now, wv-/r is the "centrifugal force" acting upon the electron, which is equal (and opposite) to the attraction exercised hy the nucleus upon the electron., which is r, /•-; so that \ mv" is equal to -{-e-/2r, and the total energy of the atom has the salue —e-/'2r. As before, this is the energy- value referretl to the slate of the ionized atom. This c|uantity —e-'2r must be permitted to assume the successive energy-values of the succcssi\e Stationary States, and no others; we must have -r 2r= -Rh w- (M = 1, 2, 3, 4 ) (6) Kach of these equations defines a value of r, as follows: r = n-e- 2Rli (w = 1 , 2. :5, 4 ) (7) If we say that the electron may revolve in and only in such circles as have the radii given by the equations (7), we thus define an atom- model interpreting the Stationary States. Is this atom-model superior to the tentative one which was described just before it? Not in any way which has yet been brought to notice. Xo reason is given why the electron should revolve in a circle instead of spiralling into the nucleus, nor why it should revohe in these and only in these circles, nor why it should cause radiation of a peculiar frequenc\' to be emitted when it passes from one of these circles into another. .Ail of the objections which I suggested, a few paragraphs above, thai llie reader might raise against the then-mentioned atom-model with the stationary electron, may equally well be raised against this atom- model with the revolving electron. Why then should we attach greater importance to this one than to that? Partly, as I said, be- cause this atom possesses intrinsic magnetic properties, while to the other one magnetic qualities would have to be ascribed by an addi- tional assumption; but chiefly because Bohr discovered certain dis- tinctive features of the circular orbits defined by (7), which set them apart from all others. These we now e.xamine. To understand the first of these features, it is nece.ssar>- lo consider the angular momentum of the atom. Sooner or later we shall have to make a slight alteration in the reasoning indicated in the last para- graphs; it may as well be made now even though it is not yet necessarj-. Heretofore I have tacitly assumed that the nucleus stands still while the electron revolves around it. As a matter of fact, if the atom may be repnscnted as a solar system in miniature, the nucleus and the 632 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL electron both revolve about their common centre of mass in ellipses — we will think, as before, only of circles (Figure 1). The radii a and .1 of the circular orbits of the nucleus and the electron, being the respect- ive distances of the particles from their centre of mass, stand in the reciprocal ratio of the masses M of the nucleus and m of the electron; and as they describe their orbits in the same period (since the centre Fig. 1 — Diagram to illustrate how the electron and the nucleus rt\ol coiiiinon centre of mass in synchronous orbits \c arounil of gra\ity is at rest and always between them) their speeds :■ and 1' stand in the same ratio: a/ A =vlV=Mim. I introduce tiie symb:)l ix to denote the eciual c|uaiuities M _ a _ f jr^tra+A~v-\-V' (8) (9) The potential energy of the atom, reckoned as always from the state in which the nucleus and the electron are infinitely far apart, is obvi- ously — e-J{a-\-A) = —e^n/a. The kinetic energy of the atom is the sum of the portion \ mv- belonging to the electron and the portion J MV', belonging to the nucleus. I point out that the "centrifugal force" acting upon the electron is mv'/a, and that acting upon the nucleus is M]^/A, and each of these separately must be equal to the reciprocal attraction e-/{a+A)- of nucleus and electron; and I leave it to the reader to show by means of these equalities that the kinetic energy amounts to J eV/a. The total energy of the atom is there- SOME coNTiiMroi^'.iRy ,ii>r.ixci:s i\ i-iiysics i.\ 65.i lori' rtjiMl to —\ e-fi a. and this is tlu- (|ii.intit\' to iii' f(|ii,iti'fl to the ol>siT\ i-d t'iHTn\-\.iliii's of iIk- sl.ilioii.iry states; ('(iii.tl ion ((>) i> ri-pl.ut'd !>>■ -<-V 2(/= -Rh 11- . (1(1) rill' aiij;iilar moiiu'iitiim of the electron is nnui; tlie aiii;iii.ir mo- incnluin of the nucleus is .1/ I'.l ; the angular niomeiituin of tiie atom, for which I use the synih.jl />, is the sum of these: p = iiivti + M I VI = mva n. (11) 1 leave it again to the reader to use the foregoing statements to arri\e at the expression p = e\/ma (12) antl by combining (12) and (10), at the expression pn = ne-\^mn -IRIi (18) for the \alue />„ of the angular momentum of the atom, or rather of our atom-model, in its «th stationary- stale. Thus the values of the angular momentum of tiie atom-model, in the various states in which it has the prescribed energy-values —Rh, — Rh A, and so forth, increase from the first of these states onward in the ratios 1 :2:3:4 . . . They arc the consecuti\e integer multiples of a fundamental quantity, the quantity pi = e-\/>nii/2Kli. (14) Now it happens that this fundamental quantity is equal, within the limits of experimental error, to /» '27r — to 1 /2jr times that same con- stant /; which has already figured in this discussion: pi = h 2-k; p„ = nh, 2Tr. (15) This occurs because the \alue of R is equal, within experimental error, to the combination of ni, e, and /; on the riglit of this c(iuation: R = 2T^-nme\h\ (16) The atom-model which I have been describing at some length could therefore be described in a few words by saying that the electron is permitted to revolve only in certain circular orbits, determined by the condition that the angular momentum of the atom shall be equal to an integer multiple of h, 2n-. This condition is in fact sufficient to impose the values given for the radii of the circular orbits in equations (10) which values in turn entail the desired energy-values for the stationary states. The reader can easily prove this by working backward 654 BELI. SYSTEM TECUNICAI. JOVRXAL through the train of equations; and indeed this is the manner in whieh the Bohr atom-mode! is usuali\' i^resented, so as lo arri\e finally at the agreement between "theor\" and experiment which is expressed in equation (16), and is a most striking chmax to the whole exposition. By working tiirough the train of equations in the inverse sense, I have considerably mitigated the effect of the climax; and this procedure seems hardly fair to the author of the theory, but it is not without its merits, for it enables us to see the exact role of equation (15) more clearly than the commoner procedure. The situation now is this. It is possible to construct, out of a nucleus and an electron, an atom-model possessing stationary states of the energy-values displayed by the hydrogen atom, provided that we assume that the electron may revolve only in circular orbits for which the angular momentum of the atom is an integer multiple of h/2T. There is no known reason why an electron should do a thing like this, there is good reason to suppose that it cannot do anything of the sort, for if it started out to revolve in a circular orbit it would radiate its energy and descend spirally into the nucleus. If ne\er- iheless we assert that the electron does just this sort of thing, we ha\e nothing with which to support the assertion, nothing extrinsic by which to render it plausible; it must stand oti its own merits as an independent principle. These merits, had we no data other than the energA-\alucs of stationary states catalogued in equation (G), would probably be regarded as scanty. After all, the agreement between the constant pi and the quantity h/2Tz might be fortuitous. But there are other stationary states of the hydrogen atom, beyond those listed in (G). For instance there are the stationary states which are evoked by a strong electric field acting upon hydrogen, and there are the stationary' states which are called into being by a magnetic field applied to hydrogen, as I related in earlier sections of this article. There is also the fact, that at least one of what 1 ha\'e been calling the stationary slates of hydrogen is not a single stationary state at all; there are two states of which the energy-\alues lie exceedingly close together and to the value — Rli 4, so close that nearly all experiments fail to discriminate them. .And tlure is (lie great multitude of stationary states exhibited by other elements than h\(lrogen; l>in we will not think about these for the time being. Now the situation is transformed into this. Considci- all these additional stationary states, exhibited b\ tiie hydrogen aKini under unusual or e\en under usual circumstances. Is it possible to trace, for each one of them, an orbit for the electron, such that while the SOMF. CONTEMrOli.lRY .llfr.lXCFS fN PtlVSICS-IX 655 electron is describing lliat orbit, liie energy of the atom iH)ssesses just the vaUie appropriate to that Stationary State? And granting that this is possil>le and accoiu|)lislied; ran it l)e shown that these additional orbits are distinguished 1)\ sonic Italure resembling that feature of the circular orbits which is described by ecpiation (1 "))!•' Our condition laid upon the circular orbits, thai in each of them the angular momentum of the electron is an integer nniltiple of // 'Iir - this condition \alid for the limited case, can it be generalized into a condition governing the Stationary States of the hydrogen atom under all circumstances? Can orbits be described which account for all of the Stationary States of h>-drogen under all circumstances, and which are determined b\- a general condition of which the condi- tion set forth in equation (1.5) is one particular aspect? If so, that general condition might well be such a Principle as the one towards which, as it was said in the last section, so many physicists aspire. Thus the test to which this condition laid upon the angular momentum must be submitted is this: can it be generalized^ Before trying to generalize it let us examine some other (list inctive features of the circular orbits defined in (7) — I will call tlu-m lienci- forth the "permissible" circular orbits, but we should remember that perhaps it is only ourselves who are "permitting" them and forbidding the others, and not Nature at all. Let us calculate the integral / of the doubled kinetic energy- 2K of the atom over a complete re\<>lulion of the electron (and nucleus) : 2Kdl. (17) It is easy in this case, for K is constant in time, so that I = '2KT. Now A' is equal to \mv- ' n, and T is equal to 2Tra/v = 2ir-md'/nK; which expression the reader may reduce, by means of that equation K = jC-M a which he was invited to derive, to T=ire'Vm^/2K^ (18) multipKing which by A', and using equation (10), we have I = 2irn-e'Vmn/Rh. (19) The reader will recognize the factor which appeared in (14) and was there stated to be numerically equal, within the error of observation, to h 2w. Therefore this atom-mrKlel could also be described by saying that the electron is permitted to rrcolve only in certain circular orbits deter- mined by the condition that I shall be equal to an integer multiple of h. 656 /*/?/•/- SVSTF.M TECHNICAL JOURNAL For future use I interpolate the remark that the factor ii is called the total or principal quantum number; in German, Ilanptquantenzahl. The reader will think that this is not a new condition, but only a futile way of rc-stating the condition laid upon the angular momentum. So it might be, in this case. But when we come to the more complex cases, we shall find that the two conditions diverge from one another. Which of the two can be generalized, ij either? Only experience can show. I will describe one more distincti\e feature of the permissible orbits; it may seem more impressive than either of the others. We have seen that the frequency of the radiation emitted, when the hydrogen atom passes from one stationary state to another — say from the state of energy — Rhn'- to that of energy — Rh/n"'- — is R R which maN' be written R n -n ,Jn'-n"){n' + n"). (20) Suppose that «' — »"=!, that is, that the transition occurs between two adjacent stationary states of the atom; and let h' and ii" increase indefiniteh'. In tlu' limit we shall have Lin, .=?^. (21) Accepting the atom-model with the electron rexolving in a circular orbit, we take from (18) the value for the period of the re\olution, substitute for K by the aid of (10), and arri\e at this expression for the frequency of the re\()lution: i^'=v/2Trr = V»R^'/2Tn"eWm^ (22) Comparing this expression for co' with the expression for Lim v in (21), we see that they are iiKiiticil, if R = 2Tr-mtie\h^ and this will be recognized as being that very NaUie ol R wliich was given in equation (13), as the value established by experiment. Thus the experimental value of R is such that Lim 03 = Lim v. (23) In this equation the symbol w stands for the frequency of revolution of the electron in its orbit, when the energy of the atom is —Rhn-. It therefore stands for ilie fre(iiionc\- of the radiation wliich the atom - of electricity — possibly, indeed, nothing less than the founda- tion of a general theor>- of electricity.-, of which the classical theory expresses only a special case? Let us review our situation. Having supposed for hydrogen an atom-model consisting of a nucleus and an electron; Ha%ing supposed that these revolve around their common centre of mass according to the laws of dynamics, but without spetuling any energy in radiation; Having supposed in particular that they revolve only in circular orbits, and only in such circular orbits as yield for the atom-model the energy-values — /?// ;;- measured by experiments upon the .Sta- tionary-States; Having tracwl these "permissible" circular orbits. We have found that they are distinguished from all the other cir- cular orbits by at least three peculiar features (viz., the features ex- pressed by the equations /) = ;;/; 2t. and / = «//, and Lim io = Lim v). We do not know- that there is any revolving electron at all. We know only that if all our suppositions be correct, the consequence^ 658 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL expressed by these three equations are correct also. Are these conse- quences impressive enough to prove the suppositions true? The answer to this question depends on our degree of success, or rather on the degree of success attained by Sommerfeld and Bohr and their followers, in generalizing these equations to other and more com- plex cases. Usually the process of generalizing will involve difficult labours of orbit-tracing. But it is possible to make a significant com- parison between the spectra of hydrogen and of ionized helium, witli- out additional studies of orbits. I. Rklations Bf.twken the Spectrum of Hydrogen and the Spectrum of Ionized Helium To make trial of the validil\- of the foregoing ideas about the origin of the hydrogen spectrum, one naturally applies them to whatever other spectra may reasonably be ascribed to an atom consisting of a nucleus and a single electron. As according to the view adopted in this article the atom of the nih element in the Periodic Table con- sists of a nucleus and w electrons, the only way to produce such a spectrum is to produce a sufficient number of atoms of some element or other, each atom lacking all but one of its electrons; helium atoms deprived each of one electron or "once-ionized," lithium atoms de- prived each of two or "twice-ionized," beryllium atoms depri\ed each of three electrons, or in general atoms of the nth element of the Periodic Table divested each of («— 1) electrons. This we should expect to require violent electrical or thermal stimulation of the vapor of the element, more violent the more electrons have to be remi ved. Hence it is not surprising that the spectrum of once- ionized helium is the easiest of these spectra to produce; but it is more than a little strange that this is not merely the easiest but the only spectrum of this kind which has ever been obtained. Even the spectrum of twice-ionized lithium has not been generated, in spite of efforts quite commensurate with the value it would have.* The sjiectrum of once-ionized helium remains the only companion of tlie spectrum of hydrogen; these arc the onlj' two known spectra which are ascribed to atoms consisting of a nucleus and a single electron. We have seen that if we imagine that the electron of the hydrogen atom can revolve, without spending energy by radiation, in and only in those circular orbits for which the angular momentum of the atom is equal to h/2ir, 2h/2ir, '6h/2ir nh/2v then the energy of the atom-mcxlel can assume only the values —Rli, —Rli/i, •Consult for iiibtancc tlic article by .^ngcrcr, ZS. f. Pliysik, 18, pp. IK? IT. SOMi: ( (».V// .U/'(iA'. (AT .//>( ./.\( 7 V I .\ I'llVSUS /V (<■'" — Rh 0 — Rli M-. wliicli art- the ciUTny valiu-s for llu- (tl)str\i(l stationary statt-s of liydro^cii. If this is not an acrick-ntal roinridt-nct', llit-n by itnaKining tlial the clrrtron of tin- ioni/i'ni is some intt'^or multiple of li '2w, anri hy raiciilaliiin tlii- corrt'sponiliiiK t'nerjjy-valui-s for the aloni-niodel, we should arriw at the enerRy-valiies of the observed stationary states of ionized helium. Now the charge on the nucleus of the helium atom is 2e, twice the charge of the hydrogen nucleus; the force which it exerts on an electron at distance r is 2e- >'-, instead of r >-. If the reader will work through the equations of Section H, making this alteration wherever appropriate, he will find for the energ>'-values of the sta- tionary states the sequence -ARIi,-^RIi '.).-AKIi It), . . . -ARh >r. . . . in wiiicii Ir' as heretofore. Tile (iuantil\' yu will be dilferent from what it was for hydrogen; but the difference will be \ery slight. Therefore if the condition that the electron may revoke about the nucleus only in circular orbits for which the angular momentum of the atom is «//, 2jr is an essential condition, and governs the atoms of hydrogen and ionized helium alike, the stationar\' states of ionized helium corre- spond one-to-one with those of hydrogen, but with energy-values almost e.xactly four times as great. So also with the lines of the spectrum; to each line of the hydrogen spectrum should correspond a line of fourfold frequency in the ionized-helium spectrum; the spectrum of ionized helium should be the spectrum of hydrogen on a quadrupled frequency-scale. This conclusion is verified. The historical sequence of observa- tions and theories is rather interesting. Certain lines of ionized helium were earliest observed in stars; their simple numerical rela- tions with hydrogen lines being noticed, they were naturally ascribed to hydrogen, and when they were generated in mixtures of hydrogen and helium within a labf)ratory they were still attributed to the first- named of these gases. Bohr in his first published paper reasoned in the manner I have followed in this section, and inferred that these lines really belonged to helium; which was shortly after%vards \erihed by seeking and finding them in the spectrum of helium made as pure as possible. A number of additional lines of the spectrum ha\e since been found, although the lines corresponding to transitions into the «,() FELL SYSTEM TEC! IMC. IE Jorh'X.IE normal stale (the state of energy —47?/;) are so far out in the iillra- violet region of the si)ectrum tliat no one lias \el succeeded in delect- ing them. We will now take account of the fact thai the numerical values of the constant R calculated for hydrogen (equation l(i) and for ionized hehuni (ec|uatit)n 2o) are not quite the same; they are in fact propor- tional to /u, ihe quanlily wiiich determines the motion of the nucleus, and which \aries from one atom lo anoliuT. In ]).iriicular R„, K!,=M!Ir ////=(l+w .1///) {\+IU Miie) (26) in which the symbols tii, Mn, .1///, denote the masses respectively of the electron, the hydrogen nucleus and the helium nucleus, which stand to one another as .000542; 1.000:3.908. Consequently the right-hand member of equation (2a) is equal to 1.000403, and the ratio of the freciuencies of corrcspnnding lines in the spectra of ionized helium and of h>'drogen is A Rii, ./?// caicuialed = 4.0011)12 (27) The values of Rn, and Rn deduci'd from frcquenr\- measuren'.ents yit4d the ratio \ R,i, /?// ol)ser\c(l = 4.0(1 l(i2 12 (28) The \er\-exactl\-kiiown oliserwd \aluc lies well within liie margin of uncertainly ' states of the ionized helium atom as thr)se for which / = ;;/; or as those for which Lim w = Lim v. J. Tk.\( INl. OI' Okiuts W'c must now seek for opportunities to make and test generaliza- tions of the notions about the h\drogen atom explained in section H. I began by saying that the electron should be supposed to re\(jKe in the in\-erse-square electrostatic field of the nucleus, according to the laws of dynamics, without spending energA" in radiation; and con- tinued by saying that I shf)uld speak of circular orbits only. \ow the laws of dynamics prescribe elliptical orbits, of which the circular orbits are but special cases. In fact, for each one of the sequence of energy-values —Rh «- corresponding to the sequence of Stationar\- States, there is an infinity of elliptical orbits possessing that energy- \ alue, of which the circle of radius specified by equation (7) is only one. Suppose we should inquire what, if any, are the distinctive features of these elliptical orbits which set them apart from all others? Again : when radiating hydrogen is exposed to a strong electric field, new stationan.- states appear, and their energy-values are known. The orbit of an electron, in a field compounded of an inverse-square central field and another field uniform in magnitude and direction, is no longer a circle nor even an ellipse nor even a closed orbit (except in special cases). Could the orbits having energv-values equal to those of the stationary states l)e identified and traced, and could dis- tinctive features be found which mark them out from among all the others? Again: when radiating hydrogen is exposed to a strong magnetic W)2 HI. LI. SVSiEM TECII.MC.IL JUURXAL field, iK-w stiiiionan- stales appear, and their encrg\--\alues are known. Could the orbit of an electron in a field compounded of an inverse- square central electric field and an uniform magnetic field be traced? and could the orbits ha\ing energy-\alues equal to those of the sta- tionary states be identified? and could peculiar features be found which mark thnii nui liciiii ,ili ilie diIkt--.^ Or con\ersely : is it possible to make "trial" generalizations of one or another of the conditions p = nh/2Tr and I=nh and Lim u = Lim v'i to in\ent features for the more complex orbits, which sound like rea- sonable generalizations of these features of the simplest ones? and, having done so, to trace the orbits exhibiting these "trial" features, determine their energy-values, and compare these with the observed encrgy-\'alues of the stationary states? Whichever of these two ways is employefl to attack the i)robiem, it is necessary to trace orbits more complex, and usually in more com- plex fields, than the circular orbits imagined for the hydrogen atom. This problem of tracing orbits is the fundamental problem of Celestial Mechanics — the oldest and the most richly de\eloped department of mailu'malical physics, which in its two centuries and more of history has tk'xeloped a language and a system of procedures all its own. It is chiefly on that account that many of the recent articles on the atom-model of Bohr are so excessively ditticult for any physicist, unless he is of liie fi'w who practiced the arts of theoretical astronomy diligcnth' and for a long time before passing o\-er into the field of physics. In this section 1 shall tjuote the equations for the motion of a particle in an ellipse under the influence of an in\'erse-square central field, and give the derivation with all necessary detail. For the other relevant cases — motion of an electron in a central electric field upon which an uniform electric field, or an uniform magnetic field, or a small central field \ar\ing according to some other law of distance than the inverse scjuare, is superposed — I shall gi\e only some of the results, without e\en attempting the derivation. I shall make no allow, iiur lor tiic motion of the nucleus; the electron w ill In' supposed to ri\oi\r around the nucleus considered as fixed. 1 lie \(r\ small corrt'clion re(|uiri(l to lake accoimt of the motion of ilie nucleus can easily be apjilied b\' the reader, if he so desire. The ])riiu"ii>al disadvantage invoked in neglecting it is, that one too easily thinks of the angular momentum of the electron in its orbit as l)elonging to the electron alone, whereas it is reallv- the angular momentum of the atom-model. I shall also put E for the charge on the nucleus; E will be equal to e for the hydrogen SOMF. a)A'7/:".l//'()A'./A')' .IKr.l.WIS l\ rilVSICS l\ (V^t anil tn 2(- lor llio ioni/cd-liclinin .iinm-inodtl. no oihrr ciscs in.illcr fnr tlir liiiu' iK-inR." ./I. Motion of an Electron in tin hnrrsc-Sijiiure Central Field Most people rccognizi' tlif i'(|ualit)n ol llu- ellipse must i-.i>il\- in ilif form .v'-, a' + V", 6-= 1 iti >i i'oor(liiiate-s\stiMn ol wliicli tlie oriv;iii is .it the centre of tlie ellipse, the .v-axis and the v-axis par.illel respeeti\el\' to the major and the minor axes of the ellipse. The symbol a and b denote the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse; they are related b\- h- = a'{l-f-) (30) in which « stands for the "eccentricity" of the ellipse. The foci of the ellipse lie on the major axis at distances at to either side of its centre. Transferring the origin to one focus, say the focus at x= -\-at, and using coordinate-axes parallel to the former ones, we have (j' + ae)- «--|- v'-, b'-= 1 Transforming coordinates again, this time into polar coordinates r and with the origin at the focus of the ellipse and the direction 4> = 0 pointing along the .v-axis, by means of the substitutions j' = r cos ((> y = r sin 0 we arri\e after somewhat tedious but not difficult algebra ■* at the e(|uation for the ellipse in the form in which we shall use it ^^ a(l-^') l+« cos and at the derivative thereof / dry _r*t^ ^m"" 4, ^ r* 2r^ W«y a'ii-i'y- a'il-i-yaiX-t-) ^ ' ' The allowance to be made for the motion of the nucleus never differs perce|)til)ly from that already made by introducing n into ef|uation (16), and the magnetic fields arising from the motions of the electron and of the nucleus are without per- ceptible effect (C. (J. Darwin. Phil. Mag. 30, pp. 537-551; 1920). The correction which would be required if the nucleus or the electron were or{^^)' (32) It is necessary to assume tlu' law nt c(insiT\atinn of ant;iilar mo- mentum; the angular momentum of the electron mrd4>^dt about the centre of attraction iiniains constant in time: (33) inserting which into (32) we have ti,il \\.i\ . li\ iiiuliipK iiii; r,i( li icim \\ill« •-'((//• (//); llii' result is {,.] = - 1>' iii>-+'2<-li i>ir — C. lii.".) iIr- last symbol st.iiuiing for a constant of intCKralioii. I'in.illy (dr di>)- = ((lr (it)- {(l(t>;dl)- = {dr/dty-(m-r*/p-) = - Cinr' /)' + 2eEmr\p- - r. (3(5) \\c nro^iiizi- at oiuc the iilentical form of this equation for ihe path in which the attracted particle moves and the equation (31) for the ellipse drawn about the centre of attraction as focus. It remains only to identify the constants. Equating the co- etTicients of /■' in the two equations, we have p-^eEnia (l-t-). (37) This is the equation giving the angular momentum of the electron in terms of the major axis and the eccentricity- of the orbit. Fviiiating the coefficients of r* in (31) and (3G) we have C = {y'j>na-il-t-)=eE,a (38) to determine the constant of integration in (35). If now the reader will take the expression for the energy of the system n'= \tmr-e'/r = \m(Sdr/dt)- + r(d/dt)y-e';r (39) and substitute for {d/dt) according to (33) and for {dr/dt) according to (35) and (38), he should arrive at W= -e-,2a. (40) This is the equation giving the energy of the system in terms of the constants of the ellipse; we see that the energy depends only on the major axis, not on the eccentricity, of the ellipse. The period of revolution 7" is a little more difficult to calculate. The most logical procedure would be to take the reciprocal of the expression (35) for dr dt, and integrate /= )"(-/>= m-r- + 2eE, mr-eE, a)~'''dr (41) around a complete revolution. The derivative dr/dt passes twice through zero in the course of the revolution, once at the point of the orbit nearest to the nucleus (perihelion) and once at the point farthest away. At these points r = a{\^t), as can be seen from the geometry of the ellipse or by inserting these values into the expression for dr/dt. 666 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOVRKAL By integrating (41) from one of these values to the other aiui douhHiig the result, we get the period of the revolution T='2Tr\/ma\/eE. (42) J2. Motion of an Electron in n Central Field Differing Slightly from an Inverse-square Field Suppose we modify the atom-model composed of a nucleus and an electron by imagining that the force exerted by the one upon the other varies not exactly, but very nearly, as the inverse square of their distance apart. For instance, one might imagine that the force varies as r^'""; or that the nucleus acts upon the electron with an attraction equal as heretofore to eE/r'-, plus an additional attraction (or repulsion) varying inversely as the cube of the distance. In any such case the potential cnerg>' of the atom-model would not be quite equal to —eEr; there would be an additional term f{r). In the case of an inverse-cube field superposed upon an inverse-square field, the expression for the potential energy would be V=-eE r-C,r- (43) The second term on the right hand side will be much smaller than the first, at and only at distances much greater than 2C/eE; but l)y imagining C sufficieiitlN' small, we can arrange to have the inverse- cube field very much smaller than the inverse-square field, over all the region in which tlic orbit of the electron is likcK' to lie; and this is all that matters. The orbit of the electron may be described, in all these cases in which the force deviates very slightly from an in\erse-square force, as an ellipse precessing in its own plane. That is to say : an ellipse of which the major axis swings at a uniform rate around the nucleus as if around an axle perpendicular to its own plane — as though the electron were a car, running around and around an elliptical track, quite unaware that the track itself is endowed with a revolving motion of its own. (Or, in other and more sophisticated words, the orbit (jf the electron is an ellipse stationary in a coordinate-system revolving around the nucleus at a uniform rate). Such an orbit is known as a "rosette," and a part of a rosette is shown in Fig. 3. Another way of describing the important feature of liiis orinl is to say that the two coordinates r and 0 of the electron in its orbit (referred to O as origin and OP as the direction 0 = (), in Fig. 3), while the)' arc both periodic, do not have the same period. While r is running throuj^h its entire cycle from r„^^^ to r,„,„. and back again, SOME coxTn.Mi't^R.iRY .inr.ixcis i\ rinsics i\ C/.7 ihc electron is imniiiv; from one point of t.innency willi the d.ished lircle, inwani around the nuileiis, iMck to the next point of tan- Kency; meanwhile, is runniniji tliroujjh an entire eiriuit am muling to 2t, and in addition tliroujjh tin- ani-Ie S. Thus tlu- period 7", of r stands to ilu' period 7'^ of 0 as 7V: 7* = 2v+M_ 2;r + 2n-u)7V '2jr 27r (14) in which e\[)ressi.)n the symbol co stands for the frecpieiuy of the ()recession (.i.e., the reciprocal of the time the major axis re(|uires to Kg. 3 — Roictte orbit, resulting from a rreccssion superposed upon an elliptical orbit trace out the entire dashed circle). One might say that the two frequencies u}, = l/Tr and 0)^=1/7'^ are slightly out of tune with one another. So long as the force acting upon the electron is exactly an inverse-square force, these two frequencies are perfectly in tune, the ellipse is stationary; when the inverse-square force is slightly altered, the two frequencies fall out of tune and the ellipse revolves. In general, the two frequencies will be incommensuralile with one another; the rosette will never return into itself, the electron will go on winding its path over and over and over the interior of the dashed circle, passing eventually within any assignable distance, no matter how small, of iiny point selected at random, and "co\ering the interior of the circle everywhere dense" as the mathematicians say. There- fore, although the variables r and are individually periodic, the 668 HELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOVRXAL motion of the electron nexer (|iiite ri'jx'als itself. Such a system is called conditionally periodic. When we come to consider the atom-models proposed for atoms with more than one electron, we shall make use of these ideas; but that will not occur before the Third Fart of this article. However, one application can be made to the theory of hydrogen and ionized lu'liimi. 73. Motion, in an Inverse-square Central Field, of an Electron of Which the Mass Varies as Prescribed by the Theory of Relativity According to "relati\istic mechanics," as distinguished from "Newtonian mechanics," the mass m of an electron (or an\t]iing else) varies with its speed v in the manner m=mo/\^l—v-/c^ (45) and the force F acting upon it produces an acceleration dv/dt given not b\ the familiar equation force = massXacceleration, but by the ccjuation F = d(mv),dt (4()) If we suppose the electron revolving in a perfect inverse-square field about the nucleus, and apply these equations of relativistic mechanics, we arrive at the same result as though we had used the equations of Newtonian mechanics, but had assumed that the field acting upon the electron is the sum of an inverse-square attraction and an inverse-cube attraction. Specifically, the result is formally ecjuivalent to the result attained by continuing to use Newtonian mechanics, and assuming that the potential energy of the atom- model is given by (43) with the following value inserted for the con- stant C: C=-e-E'/2moC- (47) The orbit is a rosette; and all the general remarks made in section J2 about rosette orbits nia\- be repeated for this case. 74. Motion of an Electron in a Field Compounded of an Inverse-square Central Electric Field and an Uniform Magnetic Field Here we ha\e a famous theorem of Larnior's to help us. According to this theorem, a magnetic field // acting upon a re\olving electron, or a system of revolving electrons, produces no other effect than a ^'i.\fr. COXTF.Ml'OR.INY .ll>r.l.\\-f.S /\ I'llVSICS-IX (^f) precession of the entire system .ilxuil the (iirectioii of the iii.iL;iieiii- lielil at the fre(Hieiir\- ^i. = (Il lirmc (48) In other words, ll>e motion of the electron or electrons is, when re terred to a coordinate system revolving about the direction of the tield with frequency ell -iir tm\ the same as without tin- lield it would l)e, when referretl to a stationary' cjordinate system. If the tieUl h.ippens to be normal to the plane of an elli()tical orl)it being described by an electron about a nucleus, the ellipse will be transformed into a rosette. If the field is neither exactly normal nor exactly parallel to the plane of the ellipse, this plane may be imaj;ined to swing around the direction of the field (around the line through the nucleus parallel to the tield) like a precessing top, carr\-ing the orbit with it. These statements are inexact if the rate of [^recession so calculated is not quite small in comparison with the rate of revolution of the electron. Jo. Motion of an Electron in a Field Compounded of an Inverse-square Central Electric Field and an Uniform Electric Field This problem may be regarded as the limiting case of a more general problem phrased as follows: to determine the motion of a particle attracted by two fixed points according to the inverse-square law. Imagine one of the fixed points to recede to infinity, its attracting- power meanwhile rising at the proper rate to keep the field in the region of the other at a finite value; and you ha\e the case described in the sub-title above. Jacobi soKed the general problem a century or so ago. The motion is difficult to realize and impossible to describe in words, and seems also to be impossible to represent by any adequate two- dimensional sketch. The electron makes circuits around the line through the nucleus parallel to the uniform field, and in each circuit it describes a cur\-e which is very nearly an ellipse; but the con- secutve loops, as in the case of Fig. 3, do not coincide; furthermore, they are not alike in shape, and they are not plane. The electron winds around and around through the volume of what I am tempted to call a doughnut, surrounding the aforesaid line as its axis; and in the course of time its path fills up the doughnut "everywhere dense," as the path of the electron in Fig. 3 woukl fill up the interior of the dashed circle. 670 DELL SYSTEM TECItXlC.lL JOURNAL I hope it will he aiipreciated that the foregoing statements about the orbits are fatally incomplete, except in the first case. Nothing could be done unless it were possil)le to know, not merely the general shape of each t\pe of orbit, but the exact mathematical expression for it, and for the energy-\'alue of each orbit of each type. In some cases this knowledge is available; in others, it is not. For the cases desig- nated here by J3, J4 and J 5, it is a\'ailable; wherefore it is possible to go about the process of seeking the distinctive features of orbits possessing the preassigned energy-\alues, or inversely the energy- values of orbits distinguished by certain features. K. FlKTIlliR l.NTICKI'KHT.VnoN OK TlIK SPKI TK.\ OK HVDROC.K.V .\ND loMzi:i) HK:i.irM Continuing for the moment to accept the energy-\alues of the stationary states of the hydrogen atom as gi\en by Wi=-Rh, Wi=-Rli 4, ]V,= -Rh <) and continuing to acceiH the atom-uKidei consisting of a nucleus and a revolving electron; let us consider what are the properties of the elliptical orbits, in which if the electron re\ol\ed, the atom-model would possess one or another of the recjuired energy-values. According to equation (40), the energ\- of the atom-model, when the electron is rexoKing in an cllii)se ' H'= -eE/2a irrespective of the eccentricity of the ellipse. In this, as in all fol- lowing equations, E is ecjual to e for h>drogen and to '2e for ioni/ed helium. If we set this expression ecjual to one of llie ri'(|uirer.l\CI:S l\ I'liySICS- IS U7\ (larijirrous. for \vi> h.ivo i(lrtitit"K'si's having one or another of the enern\-values — Rli tir,' am! they differentiate these from all other ellipses. I-'or it can be shown. !>>• integrating the kinetic energy A" (the first term on the right hand side of {'M)) ) around an elliptical orbit, that 7=1 JA'r// = 27r \/aine/-: 5 1 depending onl\' on the major a.xis a of the oriiil. Now we have shown that I = nh Un the «th of the permissible circles; hence for each ellipse ha\ing the same major axis as the Hth permissib.e circle, in other words for each ellijise of energy-\alue — Rh n'-. we haw / = ///; and the second of the distinctive features is transferable to the ellipses. It is the same for the third ; for 7' is b\- (42) tlependeiu on a onl\-, and so Lim w = Liiu v. But it is otherwise with the first. In the first place it was shown that the angular momentum of the electron in the circle of diameter eE Rh is equal to h/2ir. Obviously this cannot l>e true of all the ellipses of major axis eE Rh. For ac- cording to (37), the angular momentum of the electron in such an ellipse is p = VeEma{l-t-) (52) defK'nding on the eccentricit\'. This is e(iual to ("vw/a, which by (12) is equal to // 2;r, only if «=U. The circle therefore is the only orbit for which the energv-value and the angular momentum of the atom are simultaneously equal to —Rh and to /; 2ir respectively. If we admit the ellipses to equal value with the circle, we concede that the equality of the angular momentum with /; 2;r is of no sig- nificance. There is a partial escape from this conclusion for the remaining stationary- states. Take for instance the second, of energy-value — Rh, 4. The circular orbit of diameter 4eE Rh, for which the atom possesses this energy-value, is distinguished by the angular momen- tum 2/j 2t. For each of the infinity of ellipses possessing the same major axis 4eE/Rh there is a different value of the angular momentum; 672 BELL SYSTEM TECHXIC.iL JOURXAL hut ilicre is one among them for which the angular momentum is equal to /; 2-k. And in general for the wth stationary state of energy- value — Rh ir. there are « elliptical (including one circular) orbits which would give the same cnerg>-\alue and ;; \alues of angular 9., 16a, Fig. 4a — Diagram to show the proportional dimensions of ellipses with identical total quantum-number « = / 7; and different azimuthal quantum-numbers * = 1, 2 .... n ! rom left to right we have the cas?s « = 1, 2, 3, 4, on scales varying as indicated by the subjoined arrows. momentum equal rcspecti\eK' to nli 'Itt, {ii — l)li 2ir Ii'lir. These, as the reader can show from (.")2). are distingtiished by the following values of t: E- =k n k = \. (o3) Thus if we desire to regard the equalit\- of angular momentum with an integer multiple of h 2-k as being essential to the permissible orbits, we can keep, along with the circles, some of the other elliptical orbits compatible with tiie prescribed energ>-\ allies; btit except for these •ig. 4b — The same ellipses as appear in Fig. 4a, drawn confocalK as I hey should appear, instead of concentrically few, the inlinil\' of I'liipiical ori)iis will remain tnia\'ailaiile. There is additional reason for liking to do this; for it amounts to a quite natural generalization of the condition imposed on the angular mo- mentimi, which as we saw it is highh' desirable to generalize if possible. The angular momentum »ir-{d dl), which I shall hereafter call p instead of simply p, stands on an equal footing with the radial momentum pr = m{dr.dt) of the electorn; in the Hamiltonian equa- tions for the motion of the particle, these two quantities stand side by side. Now the condition imposed upon the angular momentum Sd.Mi: (().V//.A//'(»A'. lA') .l/U./.\(/s l.\ rilVSli \ l.\ (i7.< f> of the electron in its sarioiis cirriil.ir orliils is p<}> = tih '2w. wliirli may be written / (}^ ii

dr = mf'l;^d4. (55) also to he taken aroinul a complete revolution, therefore from r„i„,= a(l— f) to r„^^,=a{\-\-i) and back again. The materials for per- forming this integration are furnished in equation (35); if the reader can perform it he will arrive at the value. /Vrf. = 2./>,[— i^.^-l] (56) and if the eccentricity of the ellipse conforms to equation (o3), so that the integral of the angular momentum of the electron is kh, then Uie integral of the radial momentum is \ .\I,(lr={>t-k]li. (57) t )ur position may now be described in the following words. We have accepted the values —Rh n" (h = 1,2,3 . . . ) for the successive stationan,- states of the hydrogen atom; we have accepted an atom- mo Jel consisting of a nucleus and a revolving electron; we have traced the orbits which would entail these various energy-values, and we have found that for each of these energy-values there are infinitely many elliptical orbits which would entail it, — to wit, for the Hth stationan,- state, all the infinitely many ellipses of which the major a.xis is given by 2a„ = n-h"-'2w-meE. (58) Furthermore we have sought for distinctive features which might discriminate these ellipses from all the others which entail "wrong" energy-values, i.e., energ>-\alues which are not included in the list — Rh. —Rh A, —Rh !».... One such we found in the integral \2Kdl of the kinetic energy of the electron around the ellipse; this integral assumes the value nh for each ellipse which entails the energy- value — Rlin-, so that we could define the permitted orbits as those r,74 BELL SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOVRXAL for which f2A'rf/ = any integer multiple of /;. Another such dis- tinctive feature we found in what was expressed by the equation (23) Lim w = Lim v. First of all, however, we tried to apply a prin- ciple of the effect that the angular momentum of the atom when the electron is rexohing in one of the permitted orbits must be an integer multiple of h 2Tt. We found, in essence, that this attempt amounted to picking out for each of the prescribed energy-values, one or several out of the infinity of elliptical orbits which would entail it, and eliminating all the rest. But is there suffirieiit reason for doing a thing like this? Apparently there is; and the reason for so believing lies precisei\- in the details of the hydrogen spectrum which I have hitherto passed over — in the doubleness of the lines of the Balmer series, which shows that instead of a stationary state of energ>'-value —Rli/i there are two stationary states of which the energy-values lie extremely close to one another and to this \alue, and which suggests that the other stationary states may likewise be resolvable into groups of stationary states (a suggestion confirmed by the spectrum of ionized helium). At the beginning, let us consider only the state of which the energy- value is —Rli'4. We have seen that this is the energ>'-value corre- sponding to any and e\er\- one of the elliptical orbits of which the major axis is 2a2 = -ih- 2Tr' nu'E (o9) among which inliniiy of elliptical orbits, there is just one (a circle) for which the angular momentum of the atom is 2/i 27r, and just one other for which it is //,'27r, and no others for which it is any integer multiple of /f/27r at all. But these tw-o, like all the rest character- ized by (.58), entail the same energy-value and so are indistinguish- able among the crowd — if every one of our assumptions is absolutelv- true. But if one of them should deviate slightly from the truth — if for instance the l,i\\ of force between the nucleus and the electron should deviate slighlK from the inverse-square law, or if a small extraneous force should be impres.sed upon the atom, or if tlie mass of the electron should slightly vary as it revolves in its orbit — then we have seen that all the orbits would be altered, and these two orbits niav' be so altered as to lie distinguishable from the rest. And this in fact is what appears to be responsible for the fine structure of the hydrogen and ionized-helium. Owing to the variation of the mass of the electron, with its speed, each ellipse is transformed into a rosette; and though the energy-values of all the ellipses would be e(|ual, the energy-values of the rosettes are not. MM//. (. (>.\ I I.Mnih-.IK) //'( /\i/s l\ I'll) SliS l\ 675 Lit us now reverse the prfKcdtire of the forenoiiiK paraKr.ii)hs. Instead of asking what is the anjjular inotnentiini of the atom when the electron is revolxing in such an orl)it tliat the energy of the atom is —Rli 4, let us ask what is the energy of the atom when the electron is revolving in a rosette such that the angular momentum of the atom is 2// 2ir. It is liesl to put the question thus: what is the energy of the atom when the electron is revolving in a rosette'" such that the integral cf the angular momentum around a re\'olution is 2/;? } f}0 ({ = 2li. (01) The energy-\alue in question, which I designate by ]\\« for a reason which will presently appear, is found by calculation to be 11'.,,= -Rli -i-Rha- (i4 (62) in which a is ,1 symbol meaning a = -lire- he = 7.20 K)-'. (63) (This expression incidentally is not the exact consequence of the equations of the motion, but an approximation to it, quite suffi- ciently accurate under these circumstances). Next let us ask what is the energy of the atom when the electron is rc\()h-ing in a rosette'" such that \p4,d4> = h. (64) Calling this energ\-value H'ji, it is calculated that Wi I = - Rh/4 - Rhoa'/M . (65) Incidentally it is found, as in the pre\ious simpler case, that when I p4,d = It , then also ) p,dr = It . The energy-values corresponding to the two orbits dehned by (68) and (71) therefore differ by the very small amount ir.j- \\\i=-Rha\'lQ= -.R//(3..3210-«). (60) I said at first that the various "lines" of the Balmer series in the spectrum of hydrogen correspond to transitions into the stationary state of energy-\alue —Rli 4 from other stationary states; and that unusually good spectroscopes show each of these lines to be a pair of lines \ery close together. May this be explained by the theory culminating in equation (66)? If so, the frequency-difference be- tween the two lines of each doublet must be the same, and equal to '" This rosette is degenerated into a circle; the precession amounts effectively to an additional term in the expression for the angular velocity of the electron. 676 BELL SVSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL {W22-Wn)h=Ra\\& = \.m-U). The wave-length difference, which is the quantity' directly measured by spectroscopists, varies from one doublet to another; for the first doublet of the Balmer series, known as //a, the mean wavelength of which is 6.563' 10~' cm., it should be equal to 1.58'I0~^ cm. Many independent measurements of these wavelength differences have been made, most of them upon the first doublet of the series, a few upon other doublets as far along as the fifth. Some were made long before, others after Sommerfeld published the foregoing theory. The various values found for the various wavelength-differences have all been within 20% of the value required by equation (66); within this range they have fluctuated, one or two spectroscopists of repute have maintained that the actual values are unmistakably different from the computed value; but the balancing of eN'idence now seems to point more and more closely to the desired \alue as the right one ". This prediction of the wa\eleiigtii-(iifferences between the com- ponents of the doublets which make up the Balmer series may be taken tentatively as the third of the numerical agreements which fortify Bohr's atom-model. So taking it, let us generalize the theory to the full extent already suggested. Returning for a moment (merely for ease of explanation) to the over-simplified case of an atom con- sisting of a nucleus and a revolving electron of which the mass does not vary with its speed: we saw that the energy-value —Rh/n- is entailed by each and every one of the n elliptical orbits for which the integral of the angular momentiiin and the integral of the radial momentum are given by assigning the ii \alues ^ = 1, 2, 3 . . . « to the symbol k in the following equations: J p^'l4> = kli.\ pr(lr = {n-k)li. (67) This I will express in another wa>' by saying that the energy-\alue — Rh/n- is entailed by each of the Ji orbits having the azimutlial " This is one of those embarrassing questions as to which the experimental doctors still disagree, malcing it folly indeed for anyone else to pretend to decide. The three latest measurements, which are those of Shrum, Oklcnberg, and Geddes, agree passably with the value resulting from the theory I have presented. Vet Gehrcke and Lau defend their measurements, made in 1920 and 1922, which give values about 20' J too low; any aziimilhal (|uantum- luimlier the (iiiotii'iU of j p^il 1>> /'. If m>\v wt- taki- arcoimt of ihi- variation of tlie mass of the eieclron with its speed, and calculate the enerv;y-valiies for the n rosettes obtained l)y assi^nin^ the values I, 2, 3 . . . w successively to the syinl)ol k in ((')7), we shall find that these « energy-values are all distinct, deviatinij slijjhtly from —Rh'ri^ and from each other. Therefore, there should he three stationary states of energy-values \\\^, Wi2, VFji, all differing by a little from — Rli •.) and from each other; there should he four stationary states of energy-values ll'4i, ll'ia, Wu, Ww, all nearly hut not ciiiile equal to — Rh It) and each other; and so forth. (The reason for such symbols as Il'n will now appear; the first subscript represents the total, the second the azimuthal quantum-number of the orbit in question.) In general there are n stationary states in the group corresponding nearly to the mean energy-value —Rh ;/-; and the expressions for their several values are obtained by putting k equal to the various \ahies 1, 2, H . . . « in tiie formula. £=-«*, .[,+5(:4)]. m Owing to these complexities the lines of the Balmer series should be not doublets, but groups of man>' more lines; e.g., the transitions from what I had called the stationary state of energy-value —Rli/9 to the stationary* state of energy-value —Rh/A are transitions of six sorts, from each of three initial states to each of two final; and the first "line" of the Balmer series might he expected to be sextuple. The trial of these ideas is best made upon the spectrum of ionized "aelium. The separation between the energy-values of stationary states sharing the same total quantum-number and differing in azimuthal quantum-number is increased, when we pass from an atom-model in which the charge on the nucleus is e to one in which it is Ze, in the ratio Z^:l; in this instance 16:1. The system of com- ponent lines, or the so-called "fine structure" to be expected for any "line" of the hydrogen spectrum should he spread out on a scale sixteenfold as great for the corresponding "line" of the ionized- helium spectrum. The trial was made by Paschen; the comparison between the fine structure of several of the "lines" of ionized helium and the components to be expected from the foregoing theory, yielded what appear to be very satisfactory- results. This matter I discussed over several pages of the First Part of this article; and for economy of space I refer the reader back to them, and at this place say only that the "other numerical agreements between the production and 678 KP.I.L SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOIRXAL the data" to which I there allude, are agreements of the same ciiar- acter as the agreement between the spacing of the component lines of the Balmer series doublets, and the numerical value of the ex- pression in equation (73). That is to say: the pattern of the fine structure, into which by a good spectroscope the lines of ionized helium are resolved, agrees more or less with the pattern to be ex- pected from the theory, not only in appearance but in scale. Com- bining these agreements with the other one, we are probably justified in counting the latter as the third of the conspicuous numerical agreements which make Bohr's atom-model plausible '-. Now let us examine the situation again. (Considering the abstruse- ness of these matters, I hope that few readers will resent these fre- quent repetitions of past remarks.) Accepting for the atom of hydrogen (and of ionized helium) an atom-model consisting of a nucleus and an electron, we have traced orbits for the electron such as entail energy-values for the atom equal to those of the known stationary states. At first we ignored both the experimental fact that the lines of hydrogen and those of ionized helium have a fine structure, and the tlieoretical likelihood that the mass of the electron varies w^th its speed; and we found that the orbits are ellipses. Later on, we took cognizance of both these things; and we found that the orbits are rosettes. Vet merely to trace the orbits which yield the required energy-values, the so-called "permissible" orbits, amounts to little. It is essential to find distinctive features which set the permissible orbits apart from all the others — on success in achieving this, the whole value of the theory depends. Now at the \'ery beginning it was shown that, if we ignore the \ariation of the mass of the electron with its speed, and if we consider circular orbits only — then the permissible circular orbits which yield the reciuired energy-values —Rh/ti- of the stationary states (fine- slructtire being ii^nored!) are those for which )'p,pd = nli (69) ill wliicli e(iuali()ii p^ stands for liie angular iiKmR'iuum of the nintioii, and n for any posili\e integer; and the integral is taken around a com- plete cycle of . "Tor the txperiniental results and the comparison of data with predictions sec Paschen's great paper {Ann. d. Phys. SO, pp. 901-941); 1915) which however is any- thing l)ul easy to read, so that Soninierfeld's presentation will probably be pre- ferre(|iiirf(i i'iR'rjiy-\aliK's of tlu- stationary states (t'liR' strurliiri' bi-iui; taki-ii into accouiil !) an.- tliosi- for whicli J /),(//• = ;/,/; I t)^(l = iiJi (71)) in which etiiiations />, and />^ stand for the radial and an^jiilar mo- nuMita — tlie nionicnta iK'longiny; to the variables r and 0 respectively — and «i and «•> for any positive integers; and the integrals are taken around complete cycles of r and (t> respectively. The ecjiiations (70) look like a very natural and pleasing general- ization of the eciualion (W)). It is possible to go somewhat further. Consider that, when the electron was supposed to move in a circle, its |K)sition was defined by one variable ; and the permissible circles were determined by one integral. Further, when the electron was supposed to move in a rosette, its position was defined by two vari- ables r and ; and the permissible rosettes were determined by two integrals. Now when the electron is subjected, for instance, to an uniform magnetic field superposed upon the field of the nucleus, its motion is three-dimensional. Three variables are required to define its position; for instance, the variables r, 6 and ^ of a polar c(X)rdinate system with its polar axis parallel to the direction of the magnetic field. Three corresponding momenta pr, pe and p^ can be defined. It seems natural to generalize from (69) through (70) to a triad of equations, and say that the permissible orbits are those for which I p,dr = >i Ji ) pgde = iiJi. J P^d^ = >hli (" 1 ) in which e(|uations «i, n-:, h, all stand for positive integers, and the integrals are taken around complete cycles of r, B and \p respectively. When this is done for the specific case of an electron moving under the combined influence of a uniform magnetic field and the field of a nucleus, the result is entirely satisfactory. That is to say: when the permissible orbits are determined by using the equations (71) upon the general type of orbit described in section J4, and when their energy- values are calculated, it is found that they agree ver>- well with the obser\ed energy-values of the stationary states of hydrogen in a magnetic field. This may be regarded as the fourth of the numerical agreements which fortify Bohr's atom-model. As I shall end this part of the present article by a presentation of the effect of the mag- 680 BELL SYSTEM TECHXICAL JOURNAL netic field made in a snmewli.n difk-rint manner, I reserve the details for the following section. Vet it cannot be said that equation (71) is the utterance of the much-desired General Principle, of the distinctive feature par excel- lence which sets all permissible orbits apart from all non-permissible orbits in every case. The most that can be said is this, that equation (71), if properly interpreted, is the widest partial principle that has yet been discovered. But it suffers limitations. I do not mean, as might be thought, that cases have been discovered in wliich ilie per- missible orbits determined by such equations as (71) have energy- values not agreeing with those of the observed stationary states. The difficulty is, that equations such as (71) cannot e\en be formu- lated in many cases, because the necessary mechanical conditions do not exist. This matter is a hard one to make clear; but the limitation can be at least partialh' expressed in the following way. Re\ert to the equations (70) which were applied to the rosette orbits. The first of the integrals in (70) is to be taken over an entire cycle of the \ari- able r. Now it was said in section J2 that the periods of the two \arial)les r and 0 are not equal, and in general they are incommensur- al>le. W'lien the variable r describes a complete cycle, r and drdt l)oth return to their initial values; but and d(t>/dt do not have, at tlie end of the cycle of r, the same values as they had at its begin- ning. It follows that if pr depends on (j> or on d/dt, the first of the two integrals in equation (70) will have different values for differ- ent cycles of r. If so, the conditions imposed upon the permissible orbits by (70) would have no meaning. The conditions ha\e a meaning, only if each of the integrals in (70) has the same value for e\ery cycle of its variable — therefore, only if pr depends on r only, and p^ depends on <^ only. And in general, such a set of equa- tions as (71) has a meaning, only if it is possible to find a set of vari- ables such that the momentum corresponding to each of them dejiends on and only on the \ariable to which it corresponds; or, in technical language, only if it is possible to effect separation of variables. Separation of variables is po.ssible in some cases, and in others it is not. When the periods of all the variables are equal, as the\' are when we imagine an electron of changeless mass revoking in an inverse-square field, it is clearly always possible; the difficulty de- scribed in the foregoing paragraph does not occur. In the other cases which I ha\e outlined — when the electron is imagined to move in an inverse-scjuare field according to the laws of relativistic me- chanics, and when it is imagined to mo\c in a field compounded of soAfE co^^l^^t^'Ol^'.^KY .iih-.i.whs ix /7/).s7c.s-/.v (n\ all iin»'rsi'-s<|ii.iri- I'li-ld .mil ,m imiform ina^;nolif tk-ld -separation of \arial>li's is possiMo. I'Or these cases, llierefore, the conditions (70) and (71) .ire apphcable, and have meaning;. There is t)nc other important case in wliicli it is jjossihle so to select tiie variables that se|)aration can be effected. This is the case of an electron niovini; according; to the laws of Newtonian mechanics in a tUld compounded of an inverse-square field anfl an uniform electric tield. Althoujjh the motion is three-dimensional, and three coordi- nates are required and sutTue to determine it, these three coordinates ma>- not be chosen at rantlom; and the three obvious ones would be worthless for our purpose. If we should choose the polar coordinates r. 6, and ^ employed in formulating the ecjuations (71), we should tind that the momenta p,, />„ and /)^ do not depend each exclusively uj)on the \ariable to which it corresponds. The procedure to be followed is ainthing but ob\ious; but Jacobi found that if paraboloidal coordinates are usetl instead of ]M)lar, separation of variables can be effectetl. One must visualize two families of coaxial and confocal paralioloids, their common focus at the nucleus, their noses pointing in opposite directions along their common axis which is the line drawn through the nucleus parallel to the electric field. The position of any point through which the electron may pass is given by the para- meters J and T) of the two paraboloids which intersect at that point, and by an angle defining its azimuth in the plane normal to the axis, ciuite like the angle ^ of a system of polar coordinates. When the motion of the electron is expressed in terms of these coordinates, the corresponding momenta />£ and />, depend only upon ^ and -q respec- tively and p^ is constant; hence the integrals taken over cycles of f, rj, and 0 respectively, on the right-hand sides of the equations, ) /Jfrf? = w,/;, I pr,({n = nji J p^d = II Ji (72) have definite meanings, and the e(|iiations themselves define particu- lar orbits. Epstein determined the orbits defined by these ecjua- tions, and calculated their energy-values. These agreed well with the energy-values of the stationary states of h>drogen in an electric field, inferred from its spectrum. This is the fifth of the striking numerical agreements upon which the credit of Bohr's atom-model chiefly depends '^. "Set- Epstein's article (.Imm. ' kind has not been discovered; perhaps it does not exist. Bohr is striving to infer it by generalizing from the third of the properties of the permissible circular orbits, which I mentioned in Section H and expressed by equation (23). He has attained some notable successes, which I hope that it will be possible to expoiiiiil ill tile I'iiird Part of the article. L. M.\(.m;ti( Proi'icktihs oi-" the Atom Modi^l After this rather arduous pilgrimage through a succession of abstract reasonings, the reader may welcome an account in simpler fashion of the manner in which Bohr's atom-model is adapted to explain the l)eha\ior of the atom in a magnetic field. This is an alternati\-e method of arri\ing at liie same results as are attained by means of ec|ualions (71). It was stated in section K9 of the First Part of the article, that the spectrum of a radiating substance in a magnetic field indicates that the field acts by replacing each of the stationary states, which the substance possesses when there is no magnetic field prevailing, by two or more new stationary states. The energy of each of the new stationary slates difTers from that of the stationary state which it replaces, by the amount M' = seIIh Airmc {!'?,) in which // stands for the magnetic field strength and .f for an integer. SOME coMii.MroR.iiK'y .ini'.iXii.s i\ rinsns i\ r>«.i wliiili mii>l (H>>x'ss l\V(i iir mi>ri- v.iliu-- -.iMccd .il iiilt-rv.ils of luw iiiiii '■. 'I'lif ,iti>m-ni(Klrl wliicli vvc luno lircii discussing ,it sucli Icnvjtli (•(insists of an t'li-ctroii ('irculalin^ in an clliplical orbit aboiil a sta- tionary nucleus; the minor \ariations diii- to the variation of.thu lu.iss m of the electron with its sjK-ed, and to the motion of the nucleus, are now of comparatively little importance. An electron circulating in a dosetl orliit with fretjuency f passes c times per second throujjh my |K)int of its orbit, so thai the charge passing per secf)nd ihrouKh my such point is e(|ual to that which would pass, if a continuous rurrent I = ev c (measured in electromagnetic units) were flowinv; around the orbit. Now a current / flowing continuously around the curve lK)unding an area A is equivalent — so far as its field at a dis- tance goes — to a magnet, of which the magnetic moment .1/ is directed norntally to the plane of the curve and is ec|ual in magnitude to I A. The area of an ellipse of which the major a.\is is denoted by a and the minor axis b = a\/\—t- is equal to wab = ira- y/ \ — i" . Hen( e the magnetic moment of the atom-m(xlel is equal to M =evwa-\/\—t- c (74) Further we have seen, by equations (:^7) and (42), that the angular monienium of the electron in its orbit is equal to p = 2Trmva.-yy\—t- {l-y) ('onse(|uently .U, p = e 2mc (7fi) a rather surprisingly simple relation! Now when a magnet of m(jment .1/ is placed in a magnetic field of field-strength //, it acquires a certain potential energy At' — in addition to the intrinsic energy which it possesses when oriented normally to the field — which depends on the angle 6 between the " Unlike sonic of the preceding derivations, this theor>' is not essentially limited to the rase of an atoni-mrHJel t-onsisting of a niiileus and one ekrtron. It there .ire several electrons describing closed orbits, the l.armor precession atTects them iilcniically; or, otherwsc put, the magnetic field treats the at<)m as a unit having an angular momentum and a magnetic moment e(|ual respectively to the v("ctorial sums of the angular momenta and the magnetic moments of the individual electrons. In fact the l>est verification of (7.?i is obtained from the lines l>elonging to the singlet systems of certain metals, which display "normal" Zeeman cflect— the effect to which this theory is adapted. With anomalous Zeeman effect, against which this theory is powerless, we are not now c(jncerned. In the case of hydrogen, the effect is complicatetl fiy the fine structure of the lines. With small magnetic fields it is normal, at least so far as the observations go. Kach of the two stationary states of which the energy-values are given by '02i and (65i is replace«l by two or more, conforming to (73). 6&4 BELL SYSTEM TECIISICAL JOURNAL direction of its maKnelic moment and the direction of the field, and is given by AU= Mil cose (77) According to equation (73), the observed stationary states of hydro- gen atoms in a magnetic field ha\e specific discrete energy-\alues. These must correspond to specific discrete values of the angle 8; the orientation of the atom in the magnetic field must be constrained to certain particular directions, an extraordinary idea! We ascertain these "permissible directions" by equating the two \alues of AU figuring in (73) and (77), obtaining seh -iirmc = M cos e (78) into which we then insiTt ihe expression for .1/ in terms of p: sh 2t:c = p cos 6 (79) We have experinicnted at length with the notion that the angular momentum p of the electron in its orbit is constrained to assume only such values as are integer multiples of h/2-K; let it be intro- duced here also. If p = kh '2w, then i- = k cos 0 (80) The angle 6 nia\' assume only such values, as will gi\c to the quan- tity 5 = ^ cos d two or more values, differing by one unit. I'or instance, if k=\. the values 6 = 60" and 120^ will suffice. This, the most spectacular of all the remarkable consequences of Bohr's interpretation of the stationary states, is also the only one w^hich has ever been directly verified. The verification has not been made upon h\'drogen nor upon ionized helium, but upon the atoms of certain metals '^. I shall there- fore reserve the account of it for the following sections of tiie article, where also there are certain other reasons for desiring to put it. Xe\er- theless, the reader should be aware of it at this point. " I gave an account of the earliest of these experiments in the first article of this series (This Journal, Z, October, 1923; pp. 112-114). The subsequent experiments have added nothing fundamentally new. {To be continued) Electric Circuit Theory and the Operational Calculus By JOHN R. CARSON Note: This is the first of thrrt- iiisl.illinonts l)y Mr. Cirson whii h will i'iiiIkkIv material piven by him in a course of lectures at the Moore School of Klectrical Kngmeering, I'niversity of IVnnsylvania, May, l')25. No effort has l)ccn spared l)y the author to make his treatment clear and as simple as the suliject matter will permit. The methfxi of presentation is distinctively pedaKoi;ic. To electrical engineers and to engineering in- structors, this ex|>osilion of the fundamentals of electric circuit theory and the operational calculus should be of great value. — KuiTOk. Foreword THE following pages embody, substantially as dcli\crecl, a course of fifteen lectures given during the Spring of 1!)25 at the Moore School of Klectrical Kngineering of the l'ni\ersity of PennsyK'ania. After a brief introduction to the subject of electric circuit theory, the first chapters are devoted to a systematic and fairly complete e.xposition and critic|ue of the Heaviside Operational Calculus, a remarkably direct and powerful method for the solution of the diflfer- ential ecjuations of electric circuit theory. The name of Oliver Heaviside is known to engineers the world over: his operational calculus, however, is known to, and employed by, only a relatively few specialists, and this notwithstanding its remark- able properties and wide applicability not only to electric circuit theor%' but also to the differential equations of mathematical physics. In the writer's opinion this neglect is due less to the intrinsic dififi- ciilties of the subject than to unfortunate obscurities in Heaviside's own exposition. In the present work the operational calculus is made to depend on an integral equation from which the Heaviside Rules and Formulas are simply but rigorously deducible. It is the hope of the writer that this inode of approach and exposition will be of service in securing a wider use of the operational calculus by en- gineers and physicists, and a fuller and more just appreciation of its unique ad\antages. The second part of the present work deals with adxanced problems of electric circuit theorv', and in particular with the theory of the propaga- tion of current and voltage in electrical transmission systems. It is hoped that this part will be of interest to electrical engineers gener- ally because, while only a few of the results are original with the present work, most of the transmission theory dealt with is to be found only in scattered memoirs, and there accompanied by formid- able mathematical difficulties. 685 686 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL While llu' mclhod of solution employed in the second part is largely that of the operational calculus, I have not hesitated to employ developmcjits and extensions not to be found in Hca\iside. Fcr exani|)le, the formulation of the problem as a Poisson integral ecjuation is an original de\clopment which has proved quite useful in the actual numerical solution of complicated problems. The same ma\- be said of the Chapter on \'ariable Electric Circuit Theory. In view of its two-fold aspect this work may therefore be regarded either as an exposition and development of the operational calculus with applications to electric circuit theory, or as a contribution to advanced electric circuit theory, depending on whether the leader's viewpoint is that of the mathematician or the engineer. 1 have not at li-m|)lc ()/7:A'.;77('.V.//. c.ii.iii.rs ' to the circuit, while the left hand side is the rate at which energj- is being absorbed by the circuit. The first term RP is the rate at which electrical energy is being con\erted into heat. Hence the resistance element may be defined as a device for con- verting electrical energy into heat. The second term - - — LP is the rate of increase of the magnetic energ\-. Hence the inductance element is a device for storing energ\- in the magnetic field. The third term -7- Q-'2C is the rate of increase of the electric energy. Hence the condenser is a device for storing energy in the electric field. In the foregoing we have isolated and idealized the circuit elements. Actually, of course, ever\- circuit element dissipates some energy in the form of heat and stores some energy in the magnetic field and some in the electric field. The analysis of the actual circuit element, however, into three ideal components is quite convenient and useful, and should lead to no misconception if properly interpreted. Now consider the general form of network possessing n independent meshes or circuits. Let us number these from 1 to «, and let the corresponding mesh currents be denoted by /i. /j . . . . /„. Let electromotive forces £1, Ez .... En be apj>lied to the n meshes or circuits respectively. Let Ljj, R,j, Qj denote the total inductance, 688 /<£/./. sysTn.\r technical jourxal resistance and capacity in series in mesh j and let Ljk, Rjk, Qk denote the correspondini; mutual elements between circuit j and k. Now write down Kirchhoff's equation for any circuit or mesh, say mesh 1; it is Corresponding equations hold for each and every one of the w meshes of the network. Writing them all down, we have the system of equations (1) The system of simultaneous differential equations (1) constitute the canonical equations of electric circuit theory. The interpreta- tion and solutiiiii of these equations constitute the subject of Electric Circuit The(ir\ , and it is in connection with their solution that we find the most direct and loiiical introduction to the Operation d Cal- culus. As an example of the apiirojiriate mode of setting up the cirniit equations, consider the two mesh network shown in sketch 1. Writ- ing down Kirschhoff's Law for meshes 1 and 2, respecti\"eh', we lia\e In this case the self and iiiutu,il rdelTicients are t;i\en hv L\i= L\ L,, = U U, : = Ln = +M C\\ = C\ c,, = c. Cv. ; = C., 1=0 R\\ =R\ R,i = R, Rv ,=.R, 1=0 The conventions adopted for the positive directions of currents and voltages are indicated b\ the arrows. The sign of the muiual in- ductance iU will depend on the relative mode of winding of the two coils. CIRCCIT rill-ORY J.V/) Orr.R.ITlOX.IL C.U.CCI.l'S wo N'dw write clown KirchhofT's Law, or tlic cirniital oqii.uion fur tlie network of sketch 2. They arc {(L.4-/.)^+(/?. + /?3.+ (^. + l)/.4/. ("oniparison with I'ciiialiims (1) sliows that Rii = Ri-\-R3 /?j' = i?2 + /?3 /?i; = /?2i = — 2?J 1 1.1 ± ^ 1 =_JL c... c\\ c,- -=1+1 Go G^G It should he oI)Scr\ed that the signs of the mutual cocfticients R^, Li:, Go are a matter of con\ention. F'or example if the conxentional directions of h and Ei are reversed, the signs of the mutual coefficients are reversed. r — WAV»- R? AMAV- 1 The system of equations (1) possesses two important properties which are largely responsible for the relative simplicity of classical electric circuit theory. First, the equations are linear in both currents and applied electromotive forces. Secondly, the coefficients Ljk, Rjk, Cjk are^constants. Important electrotechnical problems exist, 690 LiEl.I. SYSTI-.M TECIIXICAL JOIRX.IL in wliicli these properlies no longer obtain. The solution, ho\ve\er, for the restricted system of linear equations with constant coefficients is fundamental and its solution can be extended to important jirob- lems in\()lving non-linear relations and variable coefficients. Tiu-se extensions will be taken up briefly in a later chapter. Another important property is the reciprocal relation among the coefficients; that is Ljk=Lkj: Rjk = Rkj, and Cjk=Ckj. It is easily shown that these reciprocal relations mean that there are no con- cealed sources or sinks of energy'. Again important cases exist where the reciprocal relations do not hold. Such exceptions, however, while of physical interest do not affect the mathematical methods of solution, to which the reciprocal relation is not essential. Returning to equation (1) we shall now derive the equation of activity. MuliipK- tlio first equation by /i, the second by /;, etc. and add : we get The riglu liand >i(lL' is the rate at which the applied forces are siii^jilying energy to the network. The first term on thi' k-ft is ilic rale of in- crease of the magnetic energy -j-y^^^z.,,./,/,, while the second term is the rate of increase of the electric energy Tlie last term, "S^ Rjk Ij Ik, is the rate at wliirli electromagnetic energy is being converted into heat in the network. Consequently in the electrical network, the magnetic energy is a homogeneous quadratic function of the currents, the electric energy is a homogene- ous quadratic function of the charges, and the rate of dissipation is a homogeneous quadratic function of the currents. In Maxwell's dynamical theory of electrical networks, these relations were written down at the start and the circuit equations then derived by an ap- plication of Lagrange's dynamic ecjuations to the hfimogencous <|u.id- ratir funrtifins. Returning to ec|uations (1), we observe that, due to the presence of the integral sign, they are integro-diflferential equations. They are, .(=') CI Kit IT Tlir.OKY .l\n ()/7:7v'.(//(>.V.I/. CIlXl'IAS Wl however, at once re\ tin- ^.lll>slitll- tion I = dQ/dl, whence they become Here, as a matter of convenience, we have written l'G* = '^^*- It is often more convenient, at least at the outset, to deal with equations (3) rather than (1). The Exponential Solution In taking up the mathematical solution of equations (1), we shall start with the exponential solution. This is of fundamental import- ance, both theoretically and practically. It serves as the most direct introduction to the Heaviside Operational Calculus, and in addition furnishes the basis of the steady-state solution, or the theory of alternating currents. To derive this solution we set Ei = Fie^' and put all the other forces £«, . . En equal to zero. This latter restriction is a mere matter of convenience, and, in virtue of the linear character of the equations, invoK'es no loss of generality. Now, corresponding to Ei = F\e^', let us assume a solution of the form /> = V (; = 1,2..«) where Jj is a constant. So far this is a pure assumption, and its cor- rectness must be verified by substitution in the differential equations. Now if Ij = Jje^', it follows at once that jJj = >^Ij = \Jje and /,„.{,- Lj/'. Now substitute these relations in equations (1) and cancel the com- mon factor e^'. We then get the system of simultaneous equations (\Ln + Rn + l/\Cn)Ji + . . + (XL,„ + /?i,+ 1/XC,h)/» = f i, (Xi;, + /?ai+l/XC2,)/,-f-. . + {\L2n + R2n+l/\Cin)Jn=0, (4) (\Lni+RnX+l \Cnl)Jl + . . + (Mnn+Rnn+\ \C„„)J„=0. We note that this is a system of simultaneous algebraic equations from which the time factor has disappeared. It is this that makes 4^ 692 BELL SYSTEAf TECHSICAL JOURNAL ihe exponential solution so simple, since we can immediately pass from differential ec|uations to algebraic equations. In these algebraic equations, « in number, there are n unknown quantities J\, . . Jn- These can therefore all be uniquely determined. We thus see that the assumed form of solution is possible. The notation of equations (4) may be protiiabh- simplified as fol- lows: write \Ljk + Rjk + 1 /XC> = 'j*(X) = zjk ;ind wc ha\e 221-^1 +S22-/-2 + . .+=2./-.=0, (5) S„.-/l+S..2-/2+. .+=«,./,. =0. The solution of this s\-stcm of ecjuations is ■^'~ D{\) ''" D ' md 1 r c ivhere D is the determinant of the cocfticicnts, -U -12 221 S22 231 S32 (6) (7) S,.l In 2 ;ind Mji is the cofactor, or minor with proper sign, of the jth column and first row. I shall not attempt to discuss the theory of determinants on which this solution is based.' We may note, however, one important property. Since Zjk = Zkj, Mjk = Mkj. From this the Reciprocal Theorem follows immediately. This may be stated as follows: If a force Fe^' is applied in the jth mesh, or branch, of the net- rtiirk, the current in the k\h nu'sli, or branch, is by tiie foreiioing ' n /•'■ • Now apply the same force in the A'lii mesh, or braiuii, then the cur- rent in the jth mesli is l^tc ■ ' Kor a remarkably hhk [>r .mil cjniplt'te discussion of the exponential snlution by aid of the thcorv of delerniinants, sec Cisoidal Oscillations. 1 rans. .X. I. I-.. K., 1911, by G. .\. Canipbcll. CIKCCIT IHIiOKy .1X1) Ofl R.ilKKWll. C.ll.CCl.CS IM roiuparinji tlicso expressions and remenilicrii»K that .!/»,= . U,», it follows that the ciirretit in the A-tli l>ranrh corresponding to an ex|)o- lunlial impressed e.ni.f. in the ./'ih branch, is efpial to the current in the /'th branch corresponding; to the same e.m.f. in the ^ih br.mch. Ihis relation is of tlic greatest technical importance. In many important technical problems we arc interested oidy in two accessil)le branches, such as the sentlini; and receiNing. In such (asc-s, where we are not concerned with the currents in the other meshes or branches, it is often convenient to eliminate them from the equation. Thus suppose that we have electromotive forces £i ,inil £2 in meshes 1 and 2 and arc concerned only with the currents in these meshes. If we soke ec)uations 3, 4, . . n, « — 2 in number, for I3 . . In in terms of /i ami /: and then substitute in (1) and (2) we t;et ZnIi-\-Z\zIi = E\. The Steady Stale Solutions The steady state solution, on which the wiiole theor\-of alternating currents depends, is immediately deri\able from the exponential solution. Let us suppose that £2 = £3= . . . =£„ = o and that £1 = F cos {(jit — 6). Now by virtue of the well known formula in the theory of the complex variable, cos .v= Je'^+jc""', we can write £1 = 4 £*'("'-<" +\Fe-'^"'-^\ = ] (cos e-i sin e)Ft»"' + i(ccs 6 + i sin 6) Fe" '"'1 (9) = J £V"-'+i£"e "'<*''. Now, by \irtue of this formula, the applied electromotive force £1 consists of tw'o exponential forces, one varying as e'"' and the other as e"'"'. Hence it is easy to see that the currents are made up of two compf)nents, thus /, = y/f '■"' + y/v- '■"' (j=i:2 . . n) ( lO) and we have merely to use the exjionential solution given abo\e, substituting for X,/to and — iw respectively. That is, Jj = o 7 ,: , and Ji = \ 2 Zji(iu) ' -Zji(-iw} , 1 Fe-'^ i^t, 1 Fe'" -ia 2 Zj,{iwf 2 Zj,{-io,r 694 BELL SYSTEM TECUXICAL JOURNAL The second term is the conjugate imaginary of the first, so that Ij = R = R = R Zjiiioi) F Uu>.-0-4>) Zji{iu) F i Zf/co) COS {wt —6 — (t>). We thus arrive at the rule for the steady state solution : If the applied e.m.f. is F cos (ut — d), substitute to for d/dt in the differential equations, determine the impedance function Z(/co)=Z)(fco)/M(to) (11) by the solution of the algebraic equations, and write it in the form Z(/o) = I Z(to) I e'*. (12) Then the re(|uircd solution is 7 = , „,^ , , cos {wt-e-}. (13) 1 Z(lco) I This in compact form contains the whole theor\' of the sytiibolic solu- tion of alternating current problems. The Complementary Solution So far in the solutions which we have discussed the currents are of the same type as the impressed forces: that is to say in ph\-sical language, the currents are "forced" currents and vary with time in precisely the same manner as do the electromotive forces. Such currents are, however, in general only part of the total currents. In addition to the forced currents we have also the characteristic oscilla- tions; or, in mathematical language, the complete solution must include both particular and com])lementary solutions. This may be shown as follows: Let // In he solutions of the complementary equations. (^-^+^"'+i/'^')^-'+ • • +(^4+^""+i/'^')'"'=- (14) CIHCl'IT THEORY ANO Ol'i.KA itOXAl. CAI.CVLVS 695 Then if /i . . . /, is a solution of (1), Ii\ Ix, . . . /, + /-■', is also a solution. To derive the solution of the complementary system of eiiiiatiuns (.14), assume that a solution exists of the form // = -//<'^' 0=1,2..«) so that d/dl = \ andj dt=\/\. Substitute in ecjuations (It) and eancel out the common factor e^'. Then we have (15) Zn,{\)Jv'-\- +Znn{\)Jn'=0. This is a system of n homogeneous equations in the unknown quan- tities Ji, . . Jh- The condition that a finite solution shall exist is that, in accordance with a well known principle of the theory of equations, the determinant of the coefficients shall \anish. That is, Zn(X) .... Zu, (X) ; D(\) = Z„i{\) . . . .Znn (X) (16) Consequently the possible values of X must be such that this equation is satisfied. In other words, X must be a root of the equation D{\) = o. Let these roots be denoted by Xi, Xj . . \m. Then, assigning to X any one of these values, we can determine the ratio J/ /Jk from any (« — I) of the equations. That is to say, if we take /.' = c/''+C,f^'+ .... +C„e^"''. (17) substitution in any (n— 1) of the equations determines /j', . . In ■ The m constants C\, . . Cm are so far, however, entirely arbitrary, and are at our disposal to satisfy imposed boundary conditions. This introduces us to the idea of boundary conditions which is of the greatest importance in circuit theory. In physical language the boundary conditions denote the state of the system when the electro- motive force is applied or when any change in the circuit constants occurs. The number of independent boundary conditions which can, in general, be satisfied is equal to the number of roots of the equation D{\)=o. Evidently, therefore, it is ph>sically impossible to impose more boundary conditions than this. On the other hand, if this number of boundary conditions is not specified, the complete solution is indeterminate : That is to say, the problem is not correctly set. As an example of boundary conditions, we may specify that the 696 BF.I.L SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURXAL electromotive force is applied at time l = o, and that at this lime all the currents in the inductances and all the charges on the condensers are zero. So far wc ha\e been following the classical thcor\- of linear differ- ential c(|ualions. We have seen that the forced exponential solution and the derived steady state solution are extremely simple and are mere matters of elementary algebra. The practical difficulties in the classical method of solutions begin with the determination of the constants C . . Cm of the complementary solution as well as the roots Xi, . . \m of the equation D(X)=o. It is at this point that Heaviside broke with classical methods, and by considering special boundary conditions of great physical importance, and particular l\pes of impressed forces, laid the foundations of original and powerful methods of solution. We shall therefore at this point follow Heavi- side's example and attack the problem from a different standpoint. In doing this we shall not at once take up an exposition of Hea\iside's own method of attack. We shall first establish some fundamental thef)rems which are extremely powerful and will serve us as a guide in interpreting and rationalizing the Heaviside Operational Calculus. CH.APTER II Thk Solution when .\.\ Aruitr.vrv Force is Applied to the Network in a St.'lTE of Equilibrium In engineering applications of electric circuit theory there are three outstanding problems: (1) The steady stale distribution of currents and potentials when the network is energized by a sinusoidal electromotive force. This problem is the subject of the theor>- of alternating currents which forms the basis of our calculations of power lines and the more elabor- ate networks of communication systems. (2) The distribution of currents and potentials in the network in response to an arbitrary electromotive force applied to the network in a state of equilibrium, i.e., applied when the currents and charges in the network are identically zero. (3) The effect on the distribution of currents and potentials of suddenly changing a circuit constant or connection, such as opening or closing a switch, while the system is energized. We shall base our further anahsis of circuit thcor_\- on the solutions of problem (2), for the following reasons: (A) It is essentially a generalization of the Heaviside problem and its solution will furnish us a key to the correct understanding and CIKCIIT TIIEOKY .IXH OrER.ITIOX.U. CIlXriAS 607 iiUfrprt'tation of optTational im-tho;ls anil lead to an auxiliary formula from which the rules of the Opirational Calculus are direclly de- (luril)le. ^B) The solution of problem (2) carries with it the solution of problem ('.i) and also serves as a basis for the theory of alternating currents. (C) The solution of problem (2) leails direclly to an extension of circuit theory to the c.ise where the network contains variable ele- ments: i.e., circuit elements which \-.iry with time and in which non- linear relations obtain. Problem (2) is therefore the fundamental problem of circuit theory ami the formula which we shall now derive may be termed the fimd.i- mental formula of circuit theory. Consider a network in any branch of which, sa>- branch 1, a imit e.m.f. is inserted at time t = o, the network having been pre\ iously in equilibrium. By unit e.m.f. is meant an electromotive force which has the value unity for all positive values of time (/^o). Let the resultant current in any branch, say branch n, be denoted by Ani{t). Aki [t) will be termed the indickil admittance of branch n with respect to branch I — or, more fully, the transfer indicial admittance. The indicial admittance, aside from its direct ph\sical significance, plays a fundamental role in the mathematical theory of electric cir- cuits. In words, it may be defined as follows: The indicial admittance, .•l„i(/), is equal to the ratio of the current in branch n, expressed as a time function, to the magnitude of the steady e.m.f. suddenly inserted at time l = o in branch I. It is evidently a function which is zero for negative values of titne and approaches either zero or a steady value (the d.c. admittance) for all actual dissipative systems, as / approaches infinity. It may be noted that, aside from its mathematical determi- nation, which will engage our attention later, it is an experimentally determinable function. We note, in passing, an important property of the indicial admit- tance A}k{l), which is deducible from the reciprocal theorem:- this is that Ajk{l)=Akj{t). That is to say, the value of the transfer indicial admittance is unchanged by an interchange of the driving point and recei\ing point. It is therefore immaterial in the expression A;k(t) whether the e.m.f. is inserted in branch j and the current measured in branch k, or vice-versa. In general, unless we are con- cerned with particular branches, the subscripts will be omitted and we shall simply write •-!(/), it being understood that any two branches • Exceptions to this relation e.xist where the network contains sources of energy- such as amplifiers. These need not engage our attention here. 698 BF.LL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL or a single Iiranrh (for the case of equal subscripts) may be under consideration. From the linear character of the network, it is evident that if a steady e.m.f. E = Et is inserted at time t=T, the network being in equilibriimi, the resultant current is £,-J(/-t). Generalizing still further, suppose that steady e.m.fs. E,,, E\, Ei, . . . En are impressed in the same branch at the respective times tu, t\, t<> . . . Tn\ the resultant current is evidently EoA{l)+E,A{t-T,)+ . . +E„A{t-Tn) =^EjA(t-Tj). (18) To apply the foregoing to our [)robleni we suppose tiiat there is applied to the network, initially in a state of c(|uilil)rium, an e.m.f. E{t) which has the following properties. 1. It is identically zero for t- then the resultant current /(/) is EnA(l)+A,EAit-M)+ . . +A„E.A{l~i!M]. Now evidentK' if the inter\-al A/ is made shorter and shorter, then in the limit Sl->-s of applied electromotive forces. As a corollary, a knowledge of the indicial admittance is the sole information necessary to com- pletely predict the performance and characteristics of the system, including the steady state. 2. The applied e.m.f. and the inidical admittance are similarly and coequally related to the resultant current in the network. As a corollary the form of the current may be modified either by changing the constants and connections of the network or by modifying the form of the applied e.m.f. 3. Since the applied e.m.f. may be discontinuous these formulas determine not only the building up of the current in response to an applied e.m.f. but also its subsidence to equilibrium when the e.m.f. is removed and the network left to itself. In brief, forinulas (20) reduce the whole problem to a determination of the indicial admittance of the network. In addition, as we shall see, they lead directly to an integral equation which determines this function. It is of interest to show the relation between formulas (20) and the usual steady state equations. To do this let the e.m.f., applied at 700 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL time t = o, be E sin (co^+ff). Substitution in formula (20-b) and rearrangement gives I{t)=A{o)E sin (iol+d) + E sin (co/+0) / cos uTA'{T)dT •Jo -£cos (i^t + e) /sin wr.l'(r)rfr (21) where ,-l'(0 =7-^ (/). Now this can lie resolved into two parts ( /*°° ( £ sin (oil + d) -i A{o)+ I cos wT/r(7)rfr . -E cos (uit+e) \ J sin or,4'(7-)rfT I which is the /!»«/ steady slate, and ,=0 — £ sin (a)/ + e) / cos ootA {T)dT -f £ cos (co/ + 0) / sin 0)7.4 '(r)(ir (22) (23) which is the transient distortion, which ultimately dies awa\' for suf- ficiently large values of time. To correlate the foregoing expressions for the steady slate with the usual formulas we observe that if the symbolic impedance of the network at frequency t >)/7:A'. / //O.V.-//. C.II.Cn.CS 701 The Inle^rul Equation for the Indiciat Admittance So far \vi> have tacitly assunu-d that the iiulicial admit taiicc is known. As a matter of fact its tieterminalion constitutes the essentia! |)art of our prolilem. It is, in fact, the llea\isi(le ()rol)Iem, and its in\estij;ation, to which we now proceed, will U'.id us directly to the ( )perational Calculus. Hea\iside's method in iiueslij^atinj; this problem was intuitive and "exiH-rimental". We, however, shall establish a \er\- ijeneral integral eijuation from whii'h we shall directlx di'duce his nuthods and e.\- tensions thereof. I.ct us suppose that an e.m.f. e'", where /> is either positi\e real (luantity or complex with real part positive, is suddenly impressed on the network at time t = o. It follows from the foregtjing theory ih.it the resultant current /(/) will be made up of two parts, (I) a forced exponential part which \-aries with time as e*", and (2) a com- plementary part which we shall denote by y{t). The exponential or "forced" component is simply e'''/Z{p). where Zip) is functionally of the same form as the usual symbolic or complex impedance Z(ioi). It is gotten from the ditTerential equations of the problem, as explained in a preceding section, b>- replacing d" dl" by p", cancelling out the common factor e*", and solving the resulting algebraic equation. The complementary or characteristic component, denoted by y(t), depends on the constants and connections of the network, and on the value of p. It does not, howe\er, contain the factor e'" and it dies away for sufficiently large \alue of /, in all actual dissipative systems. Thus Now ri'turn to formula (20-a) and replace E{t) by e^ . We get /(/)=^eN f'A(T)e~t^dT dt Jo which can be written as j' j el" f A{T)e-!^dT-et"f .4(r)e-'>'^/r j- . Carrying out the indicated difTercntiation this becomes J(t)=pei"f A{T)e-^\lT-pct" I' A(T)e-''^dT+A{t). (27) 702 REI.I. SYSTEM TECHSICAL JOURNAL Equating the two expressions (2G) and (27) for /(/) and dividini; through by e*" we get ■^+y{t)e-^'=pfj A{r)e'f'dT-pj\4{T)e-f'dT+A{t)e-P'. (28) This equation is \alid for all \alues of /. Consequently if we set /= 30, and if the real part of p is positive, only the first term on the right and the left hand side of the equation remain, the rest vanishes, and we get pm=r^^'^''""- ^''^ This is an itilei^ral equation ^ valid for all positive real values of p, which completely determines the indicial admittance A{t). It is on this e(|uation that we shall base our discussion of operational methods and from which we shall derive the rules of the Operational Calculus. Equations (20) and (29) constitute a complete mathematical formula- tion of our problem, and from them the complete solution is obtainable without further recourse to the differential equations, or further con- sideration of boundary conditions. To summarize the preceding: we have reduced the determination of the current in a network in response to an electromotive force E{t), impressed on the network at reference time t = o, to the mathe- matical solution of two e(|iiations: first the integral equation Wipr r ^^^^^-"'^ (29) and second, the deiinite integral l{t)=j^£A(t~r)E{T)dT. (20) It will be observed that in deducing these equations we have merely postulated (1) the linear and invariable character of the network and (2) the existence of an exponential solution of the type e'" / Z{p) for positi\e values of p. Consequently, while we ha\e so far discussed these formulas in terms of the determination of the current in a (inite network, they are not limited in their application to this specific problem. In this connection it may be well to call attention explicitly to the following points. 'An integral equation is one in wliiili the iMikiiowii liiiution appears iiiuler (lie sign of integration. (29) is an integral ccpiation of tlie I.aplace type. If Z(p) is specilied, A(i) is unicpiely determined. Melliods for solving the integral ecjualions arc considered in detail later, in connection with the exposition of the Operational Calculus. The phrase "all positive values of p" will be understood as meaning all values of p in the right hand half of the complex plane. ilNClIT llll:OtKins» a finite system of linear ecjiiations, but to infuiile networks and to transmission lines. invol\inj{ infinite s\slems of equa- tions, and partial dilTeri'ntia! eciualions: in fact to all I'leetrical and ilynamieal systems in wliieli liie connet'lions .md constants aie lini'ar and invariable. .Secondly the \arial)le determined 1>\' formula (20) and (2',)) need not, of course, be the current. It may e(|u.dly well be the charjje, potential drop, or any of the \ariables with which we may ha()[)en to be concerned. This fact may be explicitly recoj;ni/ed by writing the formulas as: ' = fhine-f'dt, (30) pII(P) xit)=j^£h{t-T)E{r)dr. (31) Here E(t) is the applied e.m.f., .y(/) is the variable which we desire to det»Tmine ("ch.irije. current, potential drop, etc.), and x = E.II{p) (32) is the operational equation. H{p) therefore corresponds to and is determined in precisely the same way as the impedance Z{p), but it may not have the physical significance or the dimensions of an im- pedance. Similarly in character and function, /;(/) corresponds to the indicial admittance, though it may not have the same physical sig- nificance. It is a generalization of the indicial admittance and may be appropriately termed the Ileaviside Function. SiniilarK- //(/>) may be termed the generalized impedance function. CH.MTER 111 TiiH Heavisidi-: Prof^le.m .\nd the Oi'er.\tion.\l Equatio.n The physical problem which Heaviside attacked and which led to his Operational Calculus was the determination of the response of a network or electrical s\stem to a "unit e.m.f." (zero before, unity after time t = o) with, of course, the understanding that the system is in equilibrium when the electromoti\e force is applied. His problem is therefore, essentially that of the determination of the indicial admittance. In our exposition and critique of Heaviside's method of dealing with this problem we shall accompany an account of his own method of solution with a parallel solution fnjm the corresponding integral equation of the problem. 704 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Heaviside's first step in attacking this problem was to start with the differential equations, and replace the differential operator d'dt by the symbol p, and the operation | dl by l/p, thus reducing the equa- tions to an algebraic form. He then wrote the impressed e.m.f. as 1 (unity), thus limiting the validity of the equations to values-of t = o. The formal solution of the algebraic equations is straightforward and will ln' written as /; = 1 IKp) (33) where /; is the "generalized indicial admittance," or Heaxiside func- tion (denoting current, charge, potential or any variable with which we are concerned) and II{p) is the corresponding generalized im- pedance. Thus, if we are concerned with the current in any part of the network, we write A=l'Zip). (34) The more general notation is desirable, however, as indicating the wider applicability of the equation. The equations h = l/II{p) A = \:'Z(p) are the Ileaviside Operational Equations. They are, as yet, purely symbolic and we ha\e still the problem of determining their explicit meaning and in particular the significance of the operator p. C"om[iarison of the Hea\iside Operational Equations with the integral e(|uations (29) and (30) of the preceding ch;ipter leads to the following fundamental theorem. The Ileaviside Operational Equations A=i:Z(p) h = \:ii(p) are merely the symbolic or short-hand equivalents of the corresponding integral equations pikprr"^"'-""- The integral equations, therefore, supply us n'ith the meaning and sig- nificance of the operational equations, and from them the rules of the Oper- ational Calculus are deduciblc. iiRirir 77//.()A"i" .;.\7) ori:R.irn>x.ii. i.ii.cri.rs 70s \W virtue of this tlieoriMU, we have the advantage, at the outset, of a ke\' to the ineauiiiK of Heavisiile's ojierational e(|uations, aiul a means of chcekini; and deducing liis rules of sohitioii. Tliis will serve us as a guitle throu^ihoul our further stud\-. Returning now to Heaviside's own point of view and method of. attack, his reast>ning may l)e described somewhat as follows:-^ The operational e(|ualion /; = ! //(/>) is the full e(iui\alent of the (iitferential e(|uations of liie problem and must therefore contain the information necessary to the solution proviiled we can determine the significance of the symbolic operator p. The only way of doing this, when starting with the operational equation, is one of induction : that is, we must compare the operational equation with known solutions of specific prol)lems and thus attempt to infer by induction general rules for interpreting the operational ecjuation and con\erting it into the re(iiiired explicit solution. The Power Series Solution Let us start with the simplest possible problem: the current in response to a "unit e.m.f." in a circuit consisting of an inductance L in series with a resistance R. The differential equation of the problem is L^A+IL\=\, t^o, at where A is the indicial admittance. Consequently replacing d dt by p, the operational equation is A = ~^- pL + R- The explicit s )luti<)n is easily deri\ed : it is A =~^(\ -€-"•) where a = R L. Note that this makes the current initially zero, so that the e(|uilibrium boundary condition at t = o is satisfied. Now suppose that we expand the operational equation in inverse powers of p: we get, formally, pLl+ap Rpi+a p Rip ^p' ^'p P "f by the Binomial Theorem. 706 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Now expniui the explicit solution as a power series in /: it is . _}_\at (aty , (at) •'4 — „ -, , , i? ( 1! 2! ^ 3! J Comparing the two expansions we see at once that the operational expansion is converted into the explicit solution by assigning to the symbol l/p" the value t"/ti\. It was from this kind of inductive inference that Heaviside arrived at his power series solution. Now there are several important features in the foregoing which require comment. In the first place the operational equation is converted into the explicit solution only by a particular kind of ex- l)ansion, namely an expansion in in\erse powers of the operator p. For example, if in the operational ecjuation R 1+a/p we replace 1 p b\' t/ll we get 1 at R 1+0 which is incorrect. I'^urthermorc, if we expand in ascending instead of descending powers of p, naniel\- A=-^^\l-{p/a) + {p:ar— [ no ( orrelation with the explicit solution is possible and no significance can be attached to the expansion. We thus infer the general princiiile, and we shall find this inference to be correct, that the operational equation is convertible into the explicit solution only by the proper choice of expansion of the impedance function, or rather its reciprocal. In the second place we notice that in writing down the operational equation and then converting it into the explicit solution no con- sideration has been given to the question of boundary conditions. This is one of the great advantages of the operational method: the boundary conditions, provided lliey are those of equilibrium, are auto- matically taken care of. This will be illustrated in the next example: l.el a "unit e.m.f." be impressed on a circuit consisting of resistance K, inductance L, and capacity C: rc(]uiretl the resultant charge on the condenser. The (lifferiMUial etiuation for the charge {) is {4+4t+'^c)Q-- 1, 1^0. CIRCUIT THEORY .-INP OPERATION A1. CALCULUS 707 ("(ins«.'c|ui'iitly thf opera! inn. il formiil.i is 1 5 Lt^' + Rp+l/C 1 1 , R ., \ wluTi- It = , and b = Z,/)=l+o//)+ft/A= /- I.C '\'W\> can In- t'\|).in(ii'• llu' Rinmnial TlicorcMn as ^'=,.>-;'-(^;)+(;4)'-(^f-)"+ ■(■ IVrforniini!; the incliratcci operations and collecting in inverse powers ol p, the first few terms of the expansion are: — /'/>'-'' p p- p' p* y p'"^ • ■ ■ f where fi=a Ci = b — a- Ci = 2ab-a'^ CA=b--Za'b-\-a* Ci = 3ab--4a'b+a'' Ct = b^ — (]a-b- + oa*b — a* We infer therefore that in accordance with the rule of replacing !//>" by /"/n! the solution is: — ^ 1 j /^ t' t* t' I' I ^=Z ' 2!~''3!~'T!"^'^T!+'^T! " ■ • f • Owing to the complicated character of the coefficients in the expan- sion, the series cannot be recognized and summed by inspection. If, however, we put R = o) then a=o, and the series becomes '2!VlC-^ 4!VvZX-/ UIVIC-/ "^ whence Q = C\l-cos(t/VLCJ\. We have still to verify this solution by comparison with the explicit solution of the differential equation. This is of the form Q = C+k,e^'' + k,e^'-' 708 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where kx and ki are constants which must be chosen to satisfy the boundary conditions and Xi, Xo are the roots of the equation L\- + R\ + ]. C = o. Now since we have two arbitrary constants we satisfy the equilibrium condition by making Q and dQ/dl zero at i = o, whence C+kl + k2=0, Xl^l+X2^2=0, and We ha\'e also )^i = X2C/(Xi-X,), /to = XiC/(Xo-X,). x.--fW(f)'->' Writing down the power series expansion of then + (^iXr + ^>X.r)^"j+ Introducing the values of ki, ki, Xi, Xj given above and comparing with the power series derived from the operational solution we see that tiiey are identical term by term. This example illustrates two facts. First the power series expansions may be complicated, laborious to derive and of such form that they cannot be recognized and summed by inspection. In fact in arbitrary networks of a large number of meshes or degrees of freedom the evaluation of the coefficients of the power series expansion is extremely laborious. On the other hand, in such cases, the solution by the classical method presents difficulties far more formidable — in fact insuperable difficulties from a practical standpoint. First there is the location of the roots of the function //(X), which in arbitrary networks is a pnictical impossibility without a prohibitive amount of labor. Sec- ondly there is the determination of the integration constants to satisfy the imposed boundary conditions: a process, which, while theoretically CIRCL'IT THEORY AND OPFMATIONAL CALCULUS 709 straightfon\'ard, is actualK- in practice extrenicis- l.iliorioiis and (om- plicatcd. We note tliese |)oints in passing; a more complete estimate of the value of the power series solution will be made later. To summarize the preceding: Heaviside, generalizing from specific examples otherwise solvable, arri\'ed at the following rule : — Expand the right hand side of the operational equation h = \/ll{p) in inverse powers of p: thus h^ao+ai/p+at/p-+ . . . +«„'/?"+ .... and then replace t; by /"/"'• ^^^ operational equation is thereby con- P verted into the explicit power series solution : — /»=ao+ai//l!+aj/V2!+ • . +a„r/nl+ . . . (35) As stated above, this rule was arrived at by pure induction and generalizatit)n from the known solution of specific problems. It can- not, therefore, theoretfcally be regarded as satisfactorily established. The rule can, however, be directly deduced from the integral equation \-^=fhit)e-^'dt. pmp) To its derivation from this equation we shall now proceed. First suppose we assume that h{t) admits of the power series ex- pansion //„ + /ii//l!+/;:/-, 2! + Substitute this assumed expansion in the integral, and integrate term by term. The right hand side of the integral equation becomes formally ho/p + h,'p^ + h-./p'+ by virtue of the formula /'°°iy<" = -Lfor/>>o. Jo nl p"^^ .\ow expand the left hand side of the integral equation asymptotically in inverse process of />: it becomes a<,//)+a,//>=+a,//)'+ where ao+ai/p-\-ai/pr+ .... 710 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL is the asymptotic expansion of l/II{p). Comparing the two ex- pansions and making a term by term identification, we see that hn = a„ and hit) =ao+ail/\\+a-2t-/2\+ .... which agrees witli tiie Heaviside formula. This procedure, howe\er, while giving the correct result has serious defects from a mathematical point of \iew. For example, the asym- totic expansion of \/II{p) has usualh- only a limited region of con- vergence, and it is only in this region that term by term integration is legitimate. Furthermore we have assumed the possibility of ex- panding h{t) in a power series: an assumption to which there are serious theoretical objections, and which, furthermore, is not always justified. A more satisfactory derivation, and one which establishes the condition for the existence of a jwwer series expansion, proceeds as follows : — F-et \/II(p) be a function which admits of the formal as\mptotic expansion '^ajp" and let it include no component which is as\mptoticall>' represcntable by a series all of whose terms are zero, that is a function 4>{p) such that the limit, as p—x, of p"4>{p) is zero for every value of n. Such a function is e'''. With this restriction understood, start with the integral equation, and integrate by parts: we get ]-=h{o)+ f" e-t"h^'\t)dt mp) where /»'"*(/) denotes d"/dl"h{t). Now let p approach infinity: in the limit the integral vanishes and by virtue of the asymptotic expansion l/n(p)o<,\^a„'p", (36) \/II{p) a|)pr()achcs the limit cio- ("onse(l,7/{/>)-a„)=//<'>(o)-|-y c-'"li'-'{l)dl. CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 711 AK.iiii U't p approaih iiillnity: in the limit the left hand side of the (.■((uation l)fci)nit's Oi and wc li.i\«.' /j<'>(o)=a,. PrDCi'cdinv; by successive partial inirur.itioiis we tluis establish the general relation Hut by TaNlor's theorem, the power series expansion of /;(/) is simply /i(0=/»(o)+/'<'Ho)/ l!+//<2)(o)/r2!+ whence, assuming the lonvergence of this iw pans ion, we ^et //(/)=ao+rt,/ l! + a«/=;2!+ ...= Vrt„r w! (35) which establishes the power series solution. It should be carefully noteil, however, that it does not establish the convergence of the power series solution. As a matter of fact, however, I know of no physical problem in which Hip) satisfies the conditions for an asymp- totic e.vpansion, where the power series solution is not convergent. On the other hand many physical problems exist, including those relating to transmission lines, where a power series solution is not derivable and does not exist. The process of expanding the operational equation in such a form as to pertnit of its being converted into the explicit solution is what Heaviside calls "algebrizing" the equation. In the case of the power series solution the process of algebrizing consists in expanding the reciprocal of the impedance function in an asymptotic series, thus 1 //(/)) ~rt„ + a, p+a-2 p-+ Regarded as an expansion in the variable />, instead of as a purely symbolic expansion, this series has usually only a limited region of convergence. This fact need not bother us, however, as the series we are really concerned with is ao+a,//i!+a2/V2!+ It is interesting to note in passing that the latter series is what Borel, the French mathematician, calls the associated function of the former, and is extensively employed by him in his researches on the sunima- bility of divergent series. The process of "algebrizing," as in the examples discussed abo\e, may often be effected by a straight forward binomial expansion. 712 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In other cases the form of the generalized impedance function H{p) will indicate by inspection the appropriate procedure. A general process, applicable in all cases where a power series exists, is as follows. Write ]///(/>) = 1/7/(1) =G(.v). (36) Now expaiul (7(.v) as a Ta>l()r's series: thus formalK' GW=C(o) + G(')(o)-j^+G(2)(,,:):|+ . . . where GW(o) = [^G(.r)]^_^. (37) G(«)(o) Denote j — by a„, replace x" by l//>", and wo lia\x' G(.v) = l///(/>)=ao+a,/p+fl2//>2+ . . . This process of "algebrizing" is formally straightforward and always possible. As implied above, however, in many problems much shorter modes of expansion suggest themselves from the form of the function mp). We note here, in passing, that the necessary and sufficient condi- tions for the existence of a power series solution is the possibility of the formal expansion of G{x) as a power series in x. At this point a brief critical estimate of the scope and value of the power series solution may be in order. As stated above, in a certain important class of problems relating to transmission lines, a power series does not exist, though a closely related series in fractional powers of t may often be derived. Consequently the power series solution is of restricted applicability. Where, however, a power series docs exist, in directness and simplicity of derivation it is superior to any other form of solution. Its chief defect, and a very serious defect indeed, is that except where the power series can be recog- nized and summed, it is usually practically useless for computation and interpretation except for relatively small values of the time /. This disadvantage is inherent and attaches to all power series solu- tions. For this reason I think Heaviside overestimated the value of power series as practical or working solutions, and that some of his strictures against orthodox mathematicians and their solutions may be justly urged against the power series solution. He was C|uile right in insisting that a solution must be capable of cither interpre- tation or computation and quite right in ridiculing those formal CIRCUIT THEORY .INP Ol'ERATIONAL CAl.Cl'l.VS 713 solutions which actually conceal rather than reveal the significance of the original clitTerential efiu.itions of the problem. On the other hand, the following remark of his indicates to me that Heavisidc has a e "The Solution in terms of normal or characteristic vibrations." 714 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The derivation of the expansion solution from the integral equation ^.^fme-m pmp) follows immediateK' from the partial fraction ex[xinsion pmp) pii (0) ^ jri^p- pj)piii'ipi) where p\, pi ■ . . pn are the roots of the equation Hip) =o, and (40) //'(/>>)= j//WJ-^^^. (41) Partial fraction expansions of this type are fully discussed in treatises on algebra and the calculus and the conditions for their existence established. Before discussing the restrictions imposed on H{p) by this expansion, we shall first, assuming its existence, derive the ex- pansion theorem solution. By virtue of (40) the integral c(|uati()ii is ' 7\ + X i^ ^^Irrt-H^ = rHOe-^'dl. (42) 0) ^{p-pi)p}II {P}) ->» pm The expansion on the left hand side suggests a corresponding expan- sion on the right hand side: that is, we suppose that //(/)=/;o(/)+/7,(/)+/;o(^)+ . . .+/,„(0 (43) and specify that these compnnein functions shall satisfy the ccjuations pm=r'°^'^'~"'' ^''' (p-p/pmprfo°^"^'^'~"" i=i'2--"- (^^) It follows at once from (43) and direct addition of equations (44) and (45) that (42) is satisfied and hence is solved provided //,., . . h„ can be evaluated from (44) and (45). Now since f e>^'e-'"dl = ~ (46) CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 715 proviiltti the real part of X is not positive (a condition s^itisfieil in all network problems), we see at once that e(iuations (42) and {A'A) are Siitisfied by taking I'.m-K.-l^y (47) ronsei|uentl\- from (43) and (47) it follows that which establishes the Kxpansion Theorem Solution. As implied above, the partial fraction expansion (40), on which the expansion theorem solution depends, imposes certain restrictions on the impedance function //(/>). Among these are that II{p) must have no zero rf>ot, no repeated roots, and !///(/>) must be a proper fraction. In all finite networks these conditions are satisfied, or by a slight modification, the operational equation can be reduced to the required form. The case of repeated roots, which may occur where the network involves a unilateral source of energy- such as an amplifier, can be dealt with by assuming unequal roots and then letting the roots approach equality as a limit. Without entering upon these questions in detail, however, we can \ery simply and directly establish the proposition that the expansion theorem gives the solution whenever a solution in terms of normal or characteristic vibrations exists. The proof of this proposition proceeds as follows. It is known from the elementary' theory of linear differential equa- tions that the general solution of the set of differential equations, of which the operational equation is h = \/II(p), is of the form h{l)=^Co+^Cj^'^ where pj is the jth root of //(/>) =o, and Co, Cx . . . Cn are constants of integration which must be so chosen as to satisfy the system of dif- ferential equations and the imposed boundary conditions. The summation is extended over all the roots of //(/>) which is supposed not to have a zero root or repeated roots. 716 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Now substitute this known form of solution in tlie integral equation of the problem and carry out the integration term by term. We get Setting p = o, we ha\e at once Co = \/II{o). (50) To determine Q let p = pj+q where g is a small quantil\' ultimately to be set equal to zero, and write the equation as Comp)+Xfff,cj=i. (51) If now p = pj-\-q and q ai^proaches zero, this becomus in the limit PjII'(Pj)Cj=\ (52) or PjH {pj}' whence //(/) =y^^ + V _£^ (54) 11(0) ^PjII'(Pj) which is the Expansion Theorem Solution. We shall not attempt to discuss here cases where the expansion solution breaks down though such cases exist. In every such case, however, the breakdown is due to the failure of the impedance func- tion IKp) to satisf\' the conditions necessary for the partial fraction expansion (40), and correlati\"ely the non-existence of a solution in normal vibrations. Furthermore, it is usually possible by simple modification to deduce a modified expansion solution. It may be added here, that while the proof given above is also limited implic- itly to finite networks, the expansion solution is \-alid in most trans- mission line problems. Let us now illustrate how the expansion solution works 1)\' applying it to a few simple examples. Take first the case considered in the preceding chapter in connection with the power series solution. Re- quired the charge Q on a condenser C in series with an inductance L and resistance R in response to a "unit e.m.f." The operational equation is 0 = . \ ^ Lp'^+Rp+l/C „_ 1 1 CIRCUIT THEORY AND OrERATIONAL CALCULUS 717 vvhtTc a = R/2L and a)'= l/LC. Tilt.' nM)ts of tlu- t-qiiation //(/>) =o .in- tin- roots of tlu- f(|ii.itir>ii wlu-iue />! = — «+ Va- — co" = — a + ^, pj = — « — \/<«- — oi- = — « — /J. Also //'{/)) =2L{p+a), so that and l/H(o) = l/Lui' = C. Inserting tlicse expressions in tiic I'.xpansion TlK-orcni Soluiion (3S). we get g-al/ gfl( g-dt ^ 2sfAa-8 a + B/' 2/3AV«-/3 a+/3> It is now easy to verify tlie fact tliat this solution satisfies tiie difTer- ential equations and tlic boundary condition Q = o and dQ'dt=o at time t = o. If a;>nf, ^ is a pure imaginary /3 = /o) V 1 — (a/t"))- = i(^' and ___ e~"'a)' cos a)'/+a sin &)'/ In connection with this problem we note two advantages of the expansion solution, as compared with the power series solution: (1) it is much simpler to derive from the operational equation, and (2) its numerical computation is enormously easier. A table of expo- nential and trigometric functions enables us to evaluate Q for any value of / almost at once whereas in the case of the power series solu- tion the labor of computation for large values of / is ver\' great. A third and very important advantage of the expansion solution in this particular problem is that without detailed computation we can deduce by mere inspection the general character of the function and the effect of the circuit parameters on its form: an advantage which never attaches to the power series solution. This last property of the particular solution above is extremely important. The ideal form of solution, particularly in technical 718 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL problems, is one which permits us to infer the general character and properties of the function and the effect of the circuit constants on its form, without detailed solutions. A solution which possesses these properties, even if its exact computation is not possible without prohibitive labor, is far superior to a solution which, while com- pletely computable, tells us nothing without detailed computation. It is for this reason that some of the derived forms of solution, dis- cussed later, are of such importance. In fact a solution which re- quires detailed computation before it yields the information implied in it is merely equivalent to an experimentally determined solution. Unfortunately the advantages attaching to the expansion solution of the specific problem just discussed, do not, in general, characterize the expansion solution. The following disadvantages should be noted. First, the location of the roots of the impedance function H{p) is practically impossible in the case of arbitrary networks of more than a few degrees of freedom. In the second place, when the number of degrees of freedom is large it is not only impossible to deduce the significance of the solution by inspection, but the com- putation becomes extremely laborious. In such cases, the practical value of the expansion solution depends, just as in the power series solution, on the possiljility of recognizing and summing the expan- sion. This will be clear in the case of transmission lines, where the roots of H{p) are infinite in number and the direct computation of the expansion solution (except in the case of the non-inductive cable) is C|uiti' impnssil)k'. CHAPTER IV .SoMic Genkrai. Formulas and Theorems for the .Solution OE Operational Equations W'e have seen lli.il tlic operational equation h = \/II{p) is the symbolic or siiort-liand einiixalent (jf the integral ecjuation and from the latter we have deduced two very important forms of the Heaviside solution. In recognizing the equi\alence of these two equations we have a very great advantage and are able, in fact, to base the Operational Calculus on deductive instead of inductive CIRCUIT THEORY /INP OPERATIONA!. CALCULUS 719 reasoninij. In this chapter we sliall employ this eciuivalenre ti) eslal>- lisli iTrt.iiii Keneral forimil.is aiul llieorems for the solution of oper- ational ctiuations. That is to s.iy, wc shall make use of the principles that (1) any method applicable to the solution of the integral e'■ 1.3.5... (2n- 1)^7/* (e) re-P'^;,e-^'dt = -^^ (P+X) (/>+X)"+' «!' • >+i (f) ^■^t\n (g) / e-P'^dl = '-~~, ,_ , _ p-\ll h = Vpe-'^'I^P=, .^. Wirt CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 721 (h) £ e-*'sin \tdt= ^ p' + \-' (i) /"°e-*'cosX/(//=-,^-,. •/O P' + A = -^ = ' P' + \' ' 0) / e-'"e^>'' COS \l dt = Jo P+n ip+ixY+r-' * = (-^S^=— cosX/. e-pie-f' sin \t dt ■■ (P+m)=+X^' (1) r e-f'Jo{\l)dl= , ^ , Vp^+y^' (m) f "e-^'JoiVF^') dt = «J^^, = Joiy/fi-\-) for />X. (n) /^"^-"M^Ddt^y^^y r"-=p' + \'. (p) /* e-f'e>"Io{\t)dt= , ^ A = -7=i==e->^'/o(X/). V1+2X//. 722 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In formulas (1), (m), (n), J„{x) denotes the Bessel function of order n and argument x. In formula (p), Io{x) denotes the Bessel function Joiix) where i = V — 1 • This list might be greatly extended. As it is, we are in possession of a set of solutions of operational equations which occur in important tfchniral problems and which will be employed later. The foregoing emphasize the practical and theoretical importance of recognizing the equivalence of the integral and operational equa- tions. With this equivalence in mind, the solution of an operational equation is often reduced to a mere reference to a table of .infinite integrals. Heaviside did not recognize this equivalence. As a consequence many of his solutions of transmission line problems are extremely laborious and involved and in the end unsatisfactory because expressed in involved power series. .\ot all the infinite integrals corresponding to the operational etiuations of physical problems have been evaluated or can be recog- nized without transformation. This statement corresponds exactly with the fact that a table of integrals is not always sufficient but must be supplemented by general methods of integration. We turn, therefore, to stating and discussing some general Theorems applicable to the solution of Operational Equations. In the derivation of the operational thcortnis, which constitute the general rules of the Operational Calculus, the following proposi- tion, due to Borcl aiui known as Horel's theorem, will be frequently employed.* If the functions f{t) , flit) , and f«(t) are defined by the integral equations F{p) = f me-^'dt »'o Fx{p)= rf,{t)e-'"dl F.(p)= rf.{l)e->"dl and if the functions /•', Ft and F-i satisfy the relation F{p) = Fi{p).F,{p) • For a prcKjf of this important theorem the reader is referred to Rorel, " Leioiis sur les Series OiverRentcs" (1901), p. 104; to Bromwieh, "Theory of Infinite Series," pp. 28(^-281; or to I-'orcl, "Studies on Divergent Series and Summaliility," pp. 93-94 (l>cinK Vol. II of the Michigan University Science Series, published liy Macmillan). The proof depends on Jacobi's transformation of a double integral: see Kdward's "Integral Calculus," 1922, Vol. II, pp. 14-l.S. CIRCUIT TIII.ORY ASn OI'l-KAIIONAI. CALCULUS 72i thrn /(/)= f'Mr)Ml-r)dr = f'Mr)W-T)dr. Jo The operational theorems will now he stated and hrittly proved from the integral equation identit>-. Theorem I If in the Operational Equation h = l,II{p) the generalized impedance function f[(p) can he expanded in a sum of terms, thus //(/)) ih(pyih(p) ■ ■ ■ ^ihip) and if the auxiliary operational equations 1 H,{p) 1 Jhip) can be solved, then h=hi+h-, + . . . +//„. This theorem is too ob\ious to require detailed proof: in fact it is self evident. The power series and expansion theorem solutions are examples of its application. In general, however, the appropriate form of expansion of \'H(p) will depend on the particular problem in hand. The theorem, as it stands is a formal statement of the fact that solutions can often be obtained by an appropriate expansion whereas the equation cannot be solved as it stands. Theorem II If h = h{l) and g=g{l) are defined by the operational equations h = \/mp) g = l/pH(p) the g{t)= f'h{T)d. Jo 724 BELL SYSTEM TECHS'ICAL JOURNAL To prove this theorem \vc start wiili the integral equations The second of these is in f(jrni for an immediate apphcalion of Borel's tlieorem since 1 1 \ p'Hip) ~ p ' piiipy The functions /i and /; of Borel's theorem then satisfy the equations pIHp) Jo It follows at once that Ii(t) = 1 whence bv Borel's theorem -r= r f,{t)e~P'dt, p "'O ^,= rMDe-P'dl. g{t)=fjliT)d7 Theorem III If h=h{t) and g=g{l) are defined by the operational equation': h = \/II{p) g=p/mp) then dt g{t) ^JrHi) provided h{o) =o. The integral eciuations of the |)roblem are CIKCl'IT rill-.ORY .1X1) Ofl.h'.tltnx.lt. (■.(/.( r/.C.S 72S Iiiletjratiii); llii- lirsl of llii-M- I)\- parts wo li,i\i', \vhvTch'(l)=d/dthit). If li{o) =0, we have at once Comparison with the integral equation for g(/) shows at once that g{t)=h'(t), since the integral equation determines the function uniquely. Theorems II and 111 establisli the characteristic Heaviside Opera- tions of replacing 1 '/> bv / dt and p hv d/dt. ' •'0 Theornn IV If in the operational equation It = I /Hip) the generalized impedance function can be factored in the form II{p)=H,{p)-Ih{p) and if the auxiliary operational equations hr = l/mp) Jh=l/Ih(p) define the auxiliary variables hi and hz, then h{t)=jJ\Mh,{t-T)dr ='jJju.{r)hi{t-r)dT. This theorem is immediately deducible from Borei's theorem and theorems II and III, as follows. The integral equations are kr^7mF)-piwrr''^'^'''''' ^^=fl,U)e-^.dt ^^=f,.it)e-m. 726 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Now define an auxiliary function £;(/) l)y the operational ciiuation 1 Then 1 kprf'^'^'- pi hip) pILiip) Jo and by Borel's llieoreni £,(/)= f ll,{T)h;{t~T)dT "'(it = ffhirVnit- ■V/7 From this equation it follows that s{o)=o, and hence coniparing the ojierational equations for /; and », we ha\'c In' aid of Tlu-orcm III HD^git) and hence m4Jjnir)hU-r)dr = U"^-^'^"^^'-'^'' This theorem is extremely important, although not stated or employed b}' Heaviside himself. We shall make use of it in estab- lishing two important general theorems and shall have frequent occasion to employ it in specific problems occurring in connection with the subsequent discussion of transmission theor\'. Theorem V If li = li{t) and g = g(t) are defined by the operational equations *" i/(/>+X) where X is a positive real parameter, then g{t) = {l+\£dt)c-^'h{l). ilNillT llllA>l= r Ht)e->^'e-'>'dt q + \ //((/ + X) Jo and ihfii to preserve our original notation rei)Iace the syniliol (/ hy p. whence The inlei;ral etiuation in g(/) can be written as {'+j)iP+miP+xrfo '^'^'-"'' (^^ Comparing equations (a) and (b) ii follows at once from theorems I and II that g(l)=(^l + \f'dtyi(t)e-^'. From the foregoing, the following auxiliary theorem is immedi- ately deducible. Theorem 1 'a If h=h{i) and g=git) are defined by the operational equations ^ (p+\)ii(p+\) then g{t)=h(t}e-K The proof of this theorem will be left as an exercise to the reader. 728 liP.IJ. SYSII-.M TECHNICAL JOURNAL Theorem VI If h=h{l) ami g = g(l) arc defined by the operational equations ii = \:ii{p) g = \;ii{\p) where X is a positive real parameter, then g(t)=h{l/\). We start with the integral ctiuaiions pll(p) 1 hrf"^''^-"''^ pll{\p) Jo ^'- and in the first of these equations we replace p by \q and / by t/X, whence it becomes m=r"(iy-'''' qH{\q) Now replacing the symbols q and - b\' p ami / respectively, we have pim)=r'"''^'-"" whence by comparison with the integral equation in g(t) it follows at once that gW=/'('/x). This theorem is often useful in making a convenient change in the time scale and eliminating superfluous constants. Theorem VII If h=h{l) and g=g{t) are defined by the operational equations ^~iiiP) where X is a positive real quantity, then g{l)=o for t<\ = h{l-\) for /^X. (/A'i(7/ IIII.OKY .l.\n OI'I.R.I I IHX.II. (•.//.( 7 /.C.V 729 This is a ver>' important theorem in connfction with transmission hne problems where retarihition, (hie to finite velocity of propagation, occurs. Its priM)f proceeds as follows: If the auxiliar\' function k = k{t) is (lit'iiud i>y the operational equation k=e >-!■ then !>>■ rheorem l\ . g{l)=jJ^k(T)h{t-r)dr. (a) Now, corresponding to the operational equation k = c'^'' we have the integral equation ^- = / k{t)e fX. Hence equation (a) becomes g{t)=o (or i<\ = x / h{t-T)dT for />X dU\ = h{l-\) for />X. Theorem IV, employed in the preceding proof, as stated above, is extremely important and w^e shall have frequent occasion to employ it in specific problems. We shall now apply it to deduce an important theorem which extends the operational calculus to arbitrary impressed forces, whereas heretofore the operational equation h = \/II{p) applied only to the case of a "unit e.m.f." impressed on the system. It will be recalled from a previous chapter that if x{t) denotes the response of a network to an arbitrary force /(/), impressed at time 1 = 0, and if h{l) denotes the corresponding response to a "unit e.m.f.," then and x{t)^^J\{r)S{t-T)dr (31) \-=rhit)e->'dt. (30) pllip) /" 730 BEI.I. SySlEM TECHNICAL JOURXAL y.o\\ f(l) may l)e of such form that the infinite integral }{t)e-'"dt can be evaluated and has tlie \alue F{p) p: thus r mc-"dt = ]-F{p). (55) ^0 P This is possible, of course, for many important types of applied forces, including the sinusoidal. It follows at once from Theorem I\' that x{t) satisfies and is de- termined by the integral equation We have thus succeeded, by virtue of Theorem IV in expressing the response of a network to an arbitrary e.m.f. impressed at time l = o, by an integral equation of the same form as that expressing the response to a "unit e.m.f." That is to say we have, at least formally, extended the operational calculus explicitly to the case of arbitrary impressed forces. We now translate the foregoing into the rorrespntuiiiit; Operational Theorem. Theorem VIII If the operational equation h = \iHit>) expresses the response of a network to a "unit e.m.f." and if an arbitrary e.m.f. E impressed at time t = o, is expressible by the operational equation E=V{p) or the infinite integral f \it)e-^'dt=^M P theti the response x of the network to the arbitrary force is given by the operational equation x-Y^ Hipy and xU) is determined by the integral equation pmp) Jo ^^'^' "'■ ciHCUir iiii-ony .ixn iiri.n.uioiWii. c.iixii.us 7Ji Theorem IX If the operational e-'l and pRCI = ^\l />^CF=gr. CIRCUIT THEORY AND Ol'liRATtONAl. CALCULUS 7J.? Thesf «.-i|uati<>iis have llu- m-ntT.il solutions r=r,f-^'+lV (59) I=^[VxC-"-\\e-''\ (60) where y = VjRC. (()!) The term in e'"" represents the direct wave and the term in e" the reHectetl wave. I'l and l\ are constants wliich must he so chosen as tu satisfy the im(>osed lioniular\- conditions at the terminals of the cable. For the present we shall assume that tiic line is infinitely long so that the reflected wave is absent. We shall also assume thai a voltage E is impressed directly on the cable at x = o: we ha\e then, V' = £e-»v'pCR=£e-Vo7 (02) I = yj^Ee-''^-^=yj^Ec-^^^ (63) where a denotes x-RC. To con\ert these to operational cc|uations let us suppose that E is a "unit e.m.f." (zero before, unity after time t = o). We have then, in operational notation p'=e-Vip (64) I = ^l^e-^rp. (65) Now suppose that x = o so that a = o, in other wcjrds consider a point at the cable terminals. Then (66) '^'4 The first of these equations means that l' is simply the impressed voltage, zero before, unity after time t = o, as of course, it should be from physical considerations. Corresponding to the operational equation / = ^. (66) 734 BELL SYSTLM TF.CHNICAL JOURNAL we ha\t- the integral eciiialinii The solution of this is known (see fornnila (c) of the preceding table of integrals) : it is Heavisicie arri\e(l at tliis sdliilion from considering the known solution of tlie same ])rol>leni in the tiieor\- of heat flow. He liiere- fore inferred that the operational e(]nation has the explicit solution This is correct; we, however, ha\e (leri\ed it directly from the integral equation of the problem and the known integral We then see from the foregoing that, if a "unit e.ni.f." is impressed on the cable terminals, the current entering the cable is initialK' infinite arid dies away in accordance with the formula y/C/-wRt. The case is, of course, idealized and the infinite initial value of the current results from our ignoring the distributed inductance of the cable, which, no matter how small, keeps the initial current finite, as we shall see later. Now let us go a step farther; suppose that in addition to (iistril)iitcd resistance R and capacity C, the cable also has distributed leakage G per unit length. The difTerential equations are now RI= -4-V ■dx ^ (70) {Cp + G)V=--°L d-v Conse(Hienli\- it follows that in the oi)eraiional c(iiiation for the cm-rent entering the cable we need only replace Cp by Cp+G. Tiierefore, when leakage is included, equation ((Hi) is to be replaced by where X = G/C. URCl'ir llll.OKV .tXI) Ol'l-fx.llloX.II. C.llxriA'S 7.?.i Tlif i()rri->|>(iii(liiii; inti'Kr.il iM|iiatii)n i^, of cniirsc, = f l(t)e P'dt. (72) 4 c vp+\ R p W'f shall i;i\c (wo solutions of this |)roi)lrin; lirst liic solution (jf the iiitei-ral equation, anil secoml the t\|)iral Hea\isi(U' solution directly from the operational equation. luiuation (72) nia\' l)e written as P+\ (73) Now supix)se that /(/) is the solution of the ec|uation -j=.^=fj,,e.„ (74) it follows at once from Theorems (I) and (II) of the preceding chapter that m = yj^{i+xp,)m. (75) Also from formula (c) of the table of integrals and Theorem (V'a) the solution of (74) is J(t)=- V-f whence '^•H^.\9h^f:vi< (76) (77) The integral appearing in (77) can not be e\aliiated in finite terms; it is easily expressible as a series, however, by repeated integration by parts. Thus Proceeding in this way by repeated partial integration we get for the integral term of (77) 2v^e-X'jl+?^'4-(^>... [. (78) ' 1.3 1.3.0 i 736 BULL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The straijjiitforward Hea\iside soliilion is obtained by expanding the operational equation as follows : Identif>'ing \/p\\\th \l\/rl (from known solutions of allied problems) and substituting for !//>" multiple integrations of the Hth order we get l-SJ- i 1 I (2^^^ (2X/)-^ 1 .3(2X0^ _ _ ) _ ^~\^l^+ 2 2.3.4+ * ^''^ It can be verified that this solution is ronvergent and equivalent to (77). This problem, while simple and of minor technical interest, will serve to introduce us to the very important and interesting question of asymptotic series solutions. An asymptotic series, for our purposes, may be defined as a series expansion of a function, which, while divergent, may be used for numerical computation, and which exhibits the behavior of the func- tion for sufficiently large values of the argument. Let us return to equation (77). We observe that the series solu- tion (78) of the definite integral becomes increasingly laborious to compute as the value of / increases. This remark applies with even greater force to the Heaviside solution (79) on account of the alter- nating character of the series. Right here we have an excellent example of what I regard as Heaviside's exaggerated sense of the importance of series solutions as compared with definite integrals. Consider the solution in the form of (77) as compared with Heavi- side's scries solution (79). The former is incomparably easier to interpret and to compute, eitlicr by numerical integration or by means of an integraph or planimcler. In fact the series (79) is prac- tically unmanageable except for small values of /. Returning to the question of an asymptotic expansion of the solu- tion (77), we observe that the definite integral_^appearing in that c(iuation can be written as, J/»ig-xi /'°°e-X' /""e"^' 0 y/t Jo y/T Ji y/T (80) iiKCL'ir iiir.oRy .ixd ornN.iiiox.iL calculus 7.u |)ro\i(U>• parts wc get iC^'_J_ £I^J.M CiiILai ^vt 2x'/V/ 2W0 /vr Continuing this proress, we get V/ XVTL 2X^(2X0= (2X0' 1.3.5 . . . (2«-l)" /■ (82) + ..+(-1)" (2X/)" (-1)" 1.3.5 ■■ ■ (2»+l) f"" g-^' X 2(2X)" J, f+Wt' Now this series is divergent, that is, if we continue out far enough in the series the terms begin to increase in value without limit. On the other hand, if we stop with the nth term the error is rcprcscntcf! by the integral term in (82) and this is less than (-1)" 1.3.5 ■.■(2«-l) xvr (2x/)-' • ^""^^ Consequently the error committed in stopping 'with any term in the series is less than the value of that term. Therefore if we stop with the smallest term in the series, the error is less than the smallest term and decreases with increasing values of t. We can therefore write the solution (77) as \ R^\irRt' I2\t (2\tr-(2\l)' i ^^ ' The first term, since \ = G/C, is simply y/C/R, the d.c. admittance of the leaky cable. The divergent series shows how the current approaches this final steady value. 738 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In this particular problem no asymptotic solution is derivable directly from the operational equation, at least by the straight- forward Heaviside processes. Asymptotic solutions, however, con- stitute a large and important part of Heaviside's transmission line solutions. We shall therefore discuss next a problem for which Hea\iside obtained both convergent and di\ergent series expansions. Problem B: Terminal Voltage on Cable with "Unit E.M.F." Impressed on Cable Through Condenser We now take up a problem for which I Icavisidc obtained a di\ergent solution, and which will introduce us to the theory of his divergent solutions and so-called "fractional differentiation." We suppose a "unit e.m.f." impressed on an infinitely long cable of distributed resistance R and capacity C per unit length through a condenser of capacity C,,: required the \-oltage I' at the cable terminals. The operational equation of the problem is deri\-ed as follows: — ■ We know from the problem just discussed that the current entering the cable whose terminal \oltage is V, is, in operational notation >] £Pv R But the current flowing into the condenser is CoPil-V) since the xollage across llic condenser is 1 — T. Ivtiuating llicse two expressions we get ]/= f^;___ (85) pCo + VpC/R whicii is the operational equation of tlie problem. This may be written as F= U- (85) where CIRCUIT THF.OKV ./A/) OPF.RATIONAI. CALCULUS 7J'> Now »A|>,m(linn this liy tlu' MiKHiii.il llu'orrm = l+f, + ^V.... (86) /2a/ (2a/)' (2a/)» \ \ 1 "^ 1.:^ "^i.3.sT • ■/ 1 l>y till' usu.il Hi'a\isi(k' rules of "ali;fl)rizint;." It is worth while \erifyiiii; this from the iiitenral equation of the problem. We luue 1 1 /"° P \+\/a/p •'0 The left hantl side i.in he written as (87) J 1_ la^ -a p-a\ p and 1)\- the formulas and theorems j;i\en in a preceding section the solution can he recognized at once as: — ^'^'^=^'-\l^'X'7T'^^ (88) This ran also he written as If the definite integral of (88) is c\aluated by successive partial integrations it will he found in agreement with the Heavisidc solution (StV). Now the solution (86) is in powers of / and while absolutely con- vergent becomes progressively more difficult to interpret and com- [)ute as the value of / increases. From (80), however, we can derive a divergent or asymptotic solution applicable both for interpreta- tion and computation, when the value of / is sufficiently large. As 740 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL in the example discussed before, the asymptotic expansion results from repeated partial integrations; thus aV7 2aJ, tVt 2-a-Jt O-UT ^±?l -^—^dr and finally aV t 2a'tVT 2-a-J, t^\/t e-"' j ,_ J_ , Jj3_ _ 1.3.5 , / a^/7 ( 2at'^ {2at)^ (2a0'"*" ' ' • T (90) The series (90) is divergent just as is (82) of a preceding problem and the error committed by stopping with the smallest term, is of the same character and subject to the same di.scussit)n. Willi this understanding we write the solution (89) as For large \alues of t {at>5) this series is accurately and rui)idly computable. Furthermore it shows by mere inspection the be- havior of V{t) for large values of /, and that it ultimately approaches zero as l/y/wat. Let us now see how Heaviside attacked this problem ami how he arrived at a divergent solution from the operational formula. Re- turning to the operational equation (85), it can be written as r= ^/L- (92) l+vA/« Now expand the denominator by the binomial theorem: we gel fnrmallv CIRCUIT TIIF.OKy .1X1) OPERATION Al. CAI.CVI.VS 741 Mcavisiile's procedure at iliis point w.is as rem.irkaWe as it was siic- rcssful. Me first disoardetl the second series in inteRral powers of p as meaningless. He then identified \ p with 1/'\/t/ anil replaced p" by d' /dt" in the first series, getting -('+'^i.S+-): 1 rf , 1 (f . \ 1 (94) or, carrying out the indicated differentiation, 1 /. 1 . 1.3 1.3.5 V = - V^V 2at ' {2atr {2aiy which agrees with (91). This is a typical example of a Heaviside divergent solution for which he offered no explanation and no proof other than its practical success. His procedure in this respect is quite unsatisfactory and in particular his discarding an entire series without explanation is in- tellectually repugnant. We shall leave these questions for the present, howe\er; later we shall make a systematic study of his divergent solutions and rationalize them in a satisfactory manner. First, however, we shall take up a specific problem for which Heaviside obtains a divergent solution without discarding any terms. Problem C: Current Entering a Line of Distributed L, R and C Consider a transmission line of distributed inductance L, resistance R. and capacity C per unit length. The differential equations of current and voltage are (95) it dx Ki'placing d/dl \)\ p, we get (96) Equations (96) correspond exactly with (58) for the non-inductive cable: except that we must replace R by pL-\-R. For the infinitely (4+^,/- -l-y dx 4^' dx ve get (pL + R)I = dx CpV = dx 742 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL long line, therefore, tlie operational formula for the current entering the line is /=JIgLr„ (97) '■\pL + R^'" where 1', is the \-ohage at the hue terminals. If this is a "unit e.ni.f." we have, as our operational equation, I = J P^ (OS) \ pL+R which can he written as IC 1 / = J^--=L== (99) ^L Vl+2X'/> (100) where \ = R 2L. The corresponding integral equation is C 1 From either equation (09) or (100) and formula (p) of the table of integrals, we see at once that the solution is / = ^|'c-^'/„(\0 (101) where /(,(X/) is the Bessel function 7„(/X/), where /=\/— I. (The function is, however, a pure real.) Heaviside's procedure, in the absence of an>' correlation between the operational equation and the infinite integral, was quite different. Remarking, with reference to equation (00), that "the suggestion to eni[)lo\- the binomial theorem is ob\ious," he expands it in the fortn ^-N'l r p^2\[p) 3\ \p) ^ ■■ \ and replaces \/p" by t"/n in accordance with the rule discussed in preceding sections. The e.xplicit solution is then a convergent solution in rising powers of /. As yet, howe\er, he does not recognize this series as the power series expansion of (101), which it is. He does, however, recognize the practical impossibility of using it for coni|)uting for large values of /, and remarks "But the binomial theorem furnishes another way of expanding the operator ■=^l '=^iwl CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 743 (operatiimal ec|uation), viz. in rising powt-rs of (>." Thus, rt-tiiniiiiv; 111 (!•'.)). it I'.in li«- wriltiMi as, \ L y/l+P/2\ Now i-xpaiul the ilciiominalor by thf binomial liu-urrni: \vc ^-i / = J^: .; i_A+l£VAy_LMf MV . . ' 1 ^ (105) ' \l ' 4X^2!V4Xy 3!Ux>'^ '\2X He now identifies v'p, 2X with 1 y "-rrX/ and rcpkucs /j" in the series by d'dt', thus getting finall>' V2k\I ' ^8X/^2!(8X/)'^3!(8X/)'^ ' ' ' » This series solution is divergent : Heaviside recognizes it, li()we\er, as the asymptotic expansion of the function ^"^'/..(X/), and thus arrives at the solution /=^)^\-X'/„(X/) (101) which we have obtained from our tables of integrals. Now the divergent expansion (100) is the well known asymptotic expansion of the function e"^'/„(X/), which is usually derived by diffi- cult and intricate processes. The directness and simplicity with which Heaviside derives it is extraordinary. We note in this example that no integral powers of p appear in the divergent expansion: consequently no terms are discarded. Other- wise Heaviside's process is as startling and remarkable as in the example discussed in the preceding section. We shall later encounter many problems in which asymptotic st)lutions are derivable as in the preceding example. We have suffi- cient data, however, in these two typical examples to take up a systematic discussion of the theory of Heaviside's divergent solution of the operational equation. CHAPTER V The Theory of the Asymptotic Solittiox of Oper.\tional Eyi ATIONS A study of Heaviside's methods, as exemplified in the preceding examples and in many problems dealt with in his Klectromagnetic 744 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Theory, Vol. II, shows that they may be divided into two classes: (I) those of which the operational equation is of the form h = F{pWp (I) and (II) those of whirh the operational equation is of the form h=4>!i liftween tlie two classes, but employs the following rule for obtaining as\niptotic expansion solutions : If the operational equation h = l/H{p) can be expanded in the form h=ao+aip+ap + b-2p'+ . . +b„p"+ . . . )Vp, (107) a solution, usually divergent, is obtained by discarding the first expansion entirely, except for the leading constant terms «„, replacing \/p by \/\/irt and p" by d" jdt" in the second expansion, whence an explicit series solution results. It should be expressly understood that Heaviside nowhere himself states this rule formally. He does not distinguish between the two cases where integral series in p do and do not appear, although very important mathematical distinctions are involved. Furthermore, in one case he modifies his usual procedure b\- adding an extra term (Elm. Th. Vol. II, pg. 42-44). It certainly represents, however, his usual procedure in a very large number of proi)len)s. A completely satisfactory theory of the Heaviside Rule, just slated, has not yet been arri\ed at although we can ahva>s verify the di\er- gent solutions in specific problems. Furthermore, it is not as yet known just how general it is, though it certainly works successfully in a large number of physical problems to which it has been applied. Finally we know nothing in general as to the asymptotic character of the resulting expansion. In some rases it leads to an ex|ian.sion in which the error is less tli.m the last term included, in otiiers re- CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 745 niarkably enough the expansion is everywhere converKent, while in yet others its application leads to a series which is meaningless for a certain range of values of /. Heaviside himself gives no inforniation which would serve us as a guide in informing us when the rule is applicable and when it is not. Consequently it becomes a matter of practical importance, not only to investigate the underKing mathematical philosophy of the rule and to establish it on the basis of orthodox mathematics, but also to de\elop if possible a criterion of its applicability. In this investiga- tit>n we shall have recourse to the integral equation of the problem. We shall take up first tlie type of problem (Class I) in which the operational equation is and assume that /•"(/)) admits of the formal power series expansion /•■(/>) =*o+fri/>+6i/>'+6a/''+ . . . (Ill) The corresponding integral equation is Vp = f h(t\e-t'iU. (112) We now assume the existence of an auxiliary function kit), defined and determined by the auxiliary integral equation \ow since F{p)= n k{t)e-t"dl. (113) 4==/%- 4= (114) it follows from (112), (113), and (114) and Bf)rers Theorem, or Theorem I\', that h(l)=A=f'-^}^dT. (115) Vt''o y/l-T Now if we differentiate (113) repeatedly with respect to p and put p = o, it follows from the expansion (III) that b, = {-\)' r-Mt)dt. (116) This equation presupposes, it should be noted, the convergence of the infinite integrals for all values of n, and therefore imposes severe 746 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL restrictions on k{l) and hence on F{p). We shall suppose that these restrictions are satisfied, and discuss them later. Now (115) can be written as: — h{t) = ^ f'dT.kir) (l-r/0-'''2. (117) It can he shown that, if k{t) satisfies the restrictions underhing (IIG), the integral (117) has an asymptotic solution obtained as follows: — Expand the factor (1 — t//)~'' by the binomial theorem, replace the upper limit of integration b>' -x. , and integrate term l)y term : thus '^'^~^U"'^'^'^'4/rr!^('^^' ^ (2/) 1 'A f'^ t- {\m Finali\' from (lUJj we get which agrees exaclK- witli llie Heaviside.rulc for this case. The foregoing says notiiing regarding the asymptotic character of the solution. It is easy to see (iualitati\ely, however, that (118) and therefore (119) does represent the behavior of the definite in- tegral (117) for large values of /, provided k{t) converges with suffi- cient rapidity. The foregoing analysis ma\' now he sumniarizetl in liie following proposition : If the operational equation h = \/II{p) is reI(t)dt \ L Vt*'+2\p Jo 1 the soluti\- writing Now since y/p Jo y/wt and ^^_ = / e-^'-.r dl VP+2\ Jo y/i^t it I'dHows from Corel's theorem tliat \c 1 n e"^^^ ' L, wJo -y/r y/t — T Now subject this definite integral (omitting the factor \/C/L) to the same process applied to (117) : we get ^Vl 'Jo VT 2tJo 1! ^ *" 1.3 (2/) ^ (2/)Vo 2! '^ at-t ... ^ 748 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Tlie infinite integrals are known and have been evaluated. Sul)- stituling their values this series becomes: — V2^/ ( ^8X/'^2!(8X/)^'^3!(8X<)''^ • " | which is in fact the well known asymptotic expansion of ihc fuiulion e-^7„(X0. A second example may be worth wliile. Consider the case of an e.m.f. e~^' impressed at time t = o on a cable of distributed resistance R and capacity C: required the current entering the cable. The required formula is * T- l~C d pe-xc-^) ^ by ob\ious transformations. Asymptotic expansion of the definite integral as in the preceding example gives the asymptotic formula \ TrRt I 2X<^(2X/)2^(2X/)'^ ■ ■ ) The operational formula of the problem is HI: P+X .•\l)l)l\ing the Heaviside Rule, we get the asymptotic exijansion \ tRI I 2X^"'" (2X/)- (2X0' ■ ■ ■ * which agrees with the jireceding formula, deri\eil from the definite integral. We shall now discuss a specific problem in which the Hea\ iside Rule breaks down. For example let us take the preceding problem, and •The derivation of the formulas in this problem is left as an exercise for the reader. CIRCUIT THEORY AND OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 749 ri'plai'e the appliwi e.ni.f. «• '^' by sin wt. The formula corrfspniulinn to (120) is now If we now atti-inpt to expand the definite integral of (121) in the same way as that of (120), we lind th.il the process breaks down Ijecause each component of the infinite integral is now itself infinite. In fact no asyntptotic solution of this problem exists. I.et lis. however, start with the operational formula: since Jo e-i" sin ut.dt^^ , . -4^ up ■Vp. i^ + u,' Now expand this in accordance with the Heaviside Rule: we get. o|x?rationall\', and expliciiK- / = which is quite incorrect.' The incorrectness of the result will be evident when we remember that the final value of tlie current is the steady-state current in response to sin ut, or 4 ^(cos a)/ + sin tjit). (122) This result can be derived directly from (121) by writing it as \~C \ r' cos uit r' sin oil t / = . ^^ j cos .tl ^7^rf/+sin .tl -^di \ . (123) If the time is made indefinitely great the upper limits of the integrals may be replaced by infinity. The infinite integrals are known : sub- stitution of their known values gives (122). This example illustrates the care which must be used in applying Heaviside's rules for obtaining divergent solutions and the importance ' While this scries is incorrect as an asymptotic extension of the current it has important significance, as we shall see, in connection with the building up of alter- nating currents. 750 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of having a method of checking the correctness of his processes and results. We now take up the discussion of the asymptotic expansion solu- tions of operational equations of the type /,=0(/,V^ (/fe integral). (123) In this discussion we shall, as a matter of convenience, assume that iS; = o, so that the equation reduces to the form h=iVpl (123a) This will involve no loss of essential generality, since the analytical theor\' of the two equations is precisely the same. The Hea\iside Rule for this t\pe of operational equation may he formulated as follows: // llie operational equation h= l/II{p) is reducible to the form h=4>(pWp) and if lulmits of power series expansion in the argument, thus h =ao+a,p'' Vp+ci'ip^'' ^^ +a-ip'^><+Wp + ■ ■ ■ a series soliUion, usually divergent and asymptotic, is obtained by dis- carding integral powers of p, and writing /;=a„-f (a,/)^-|-a:i/'''^ + '+a5/'"+-+ ■ ■ • )Vp- The explicit series solution then results from replacing v P by 1 v""/, and p" by d"/dl", whence (-JI)*/ 1.3. ■ ■ (2fe-l) 1.3 .. . (6fe+l) \ Wirt^' (20* °' (2/)=**+' ^ ")' a„ + 'I'hc thiM)r\- (if tills series s()liilii>n will be based on the following )p dt = \/y/ p. ■ .'0 Vr/ If the function F(p) of the integral equation np)= rfit)e Jo )e-t"dt approaches Xjy/pas p approaches zero, then f(t) ultimately behaves as l/Vrt: that is, if F{p)^l/\'^as p^o, then f{t)lr,itt' wli.it lliis ciHuliticin incms suppn^f ih.it I lifii / ({t)e f'dl^a \ p as ^0, and the ostillaton- term 'n /(/) annernes to a liiRher order. The presence of such oscillatory terms \itialc, therefore, the Heaviside Rule: in the following discussion we shall assume that they are absent. We are now prepared to discuss the operational equation and for convenience shall assume that ^ = 0 so that the operational equation l)ecomes h={Vp) of which the corresponding or equivalent integral equation is % (>/>)= rhU)e '■'dt. (12.Sb) p .h We assume thai {'\/ p) admits of formal power series expansion in the argument : thus *(>/p)=ao+aiV'P+a2/> + a3/>Vp + a,/)2+ . . . without, however, impKing anything regarding the convergence of this expansion. We now introduce the series of auxiliary functions, g,gi,g2,g3 defined by the following scheme g{l)=hit)-ao g.(/)=/g.W + ^-^, ^"' (12.3c) 752 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Successive substitutions in the integral equation (123b) and repeated differentiations with respect to p, lead to the set of formulas, f g{t)e-t"dt^ -^ as p-^0 ''o Vp fJtUi)e-''dt ^-l^^asp-^0 e-'"dt<^ — ^as /)-»o 2Vp (123d) t.gi{l)e-t"dt^^ -^ as p-^0 Now assuming that h{t) satisfies the restrictions stated in the pre- ceding proposition, it follows from that proposition, that g(0"«i/V'T/ as t—^x ^'^'^~-2^Vr/^^'-^" ,,, 1.3.5 a; . From the set equations (123d) and (123e) it follows by successive sulistitutions that HD' , 1 / 1 . 1.3 1.3.5 ^ V which agrees with the series gotten by applying the Heaviside Rule. The defect of this derivation, which, however, appears to be in- herent, is that it requires us to know or assume at the outset that h{i) satisfies the required restrictions. Consequently an automatic ap- plication of the Heaviside Rule may or may not give correct results. On the other hand if we know that an expansion solution in inverse fractional powers of / exists, the Heaviside Rule gives the series with extraordinary directness and simplicity. The tyfje of expansion solution just discussed will now be illustrated by some specific problems. The first problem is that of the propagated CIRCUIT THEORY AND OrERATIOS'AL CALCULUS 753 vnltaRe in the non-inductive cable in response to a "unit e.m.f. It will be recalletl that in a preceding chapter we derived the operational formula r = r^«» (124) where u = .v^/?C for the voltage at distance .v from the terminal of a non- inductive cable of distributed resistance R and capacity C, in response to a "unit e.m.f." impressed at point .x; = 0. Heaviside's solution of this operational equation proceeds as follows: Expansion of the exponential function in the usual power series gives 1! 2! 3! "•" 4! which ma>' lie rearranged as Hcaviside then discards the series in integral powers of p entirely, replaces y/p by 1/\/t/ and p" by d'/dl" in the first series, and then gets or This solution is correct, as will be shown subsequently. A rather remarkable feature of this solution — a point on which Heaviside makes no comment — is that it is absolutely convergent. In other words, a process of expansion which in other problems leads to a divergent or asymptotic solution, here results in a convergent series expansion. To verify this solution we start with the corresponding integral equation of the problem [e-V^= f V(l)e-"dt. (128) P Jn id the V{t)=f^{t)dt P It follows from this fcjrmula and theorem (\ '; that 754 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where 4>(t) is determined by the integral equation Now from formula (fj of the table of integrals 2 \ TT./O t\/t Vl"' whence 2 \ TT ty/t and finally 1 f' e-'/'" V{1) = -4= / ^—^ dr, where /' = 4//«. (129) To ron\ert ihis to the form of (127) we write F(0 = -4=/ ^ OI'P.KATIONAL CALCULUS 7S5 powiTS of / is C()n\'erKciit while the series in ascending rx'^'i^s of t is (liver^;ent : the converse is the case in the problems discussed previously. A second specific problem may be stated as follows: Let a "unit e.m.f." be impressed on an infinitely lon^ non-inductive cable of distributetl resistance /?and capacity C per unit lenslh through a terminal resistance /?..: rc(|uired the voltage Ton the cal)le terminals. The formulation of the ojierational e(|uation of this problem is ver\' simple. It will be recalled that the operatitjnal formula for the current entering the cable with terminal voltage V is Vy/Cpj R. But the current is clearly also equal to (1— V)/Ro: equating these expressions we get ^~^ =V\'pC7R Ro \\ tu'in V = —^ — (133) where 1/ v 'K = Roy/ C/ R. This is the required operational formula. To derive the Heaviside divergent expansion, expand (133) by the binomial theorem : thus V=\-y/pI\ +(/>/X)-(p/X)3-''+ . . . = l-(l+/./X + (/>/X)=+ . . )\/pJ\ (134) 4-(/>/X + (/)/X)'+(/>/X)'+ . . . ). Discard the second series in integral powers of p\ replace y/p by \/y/rt and p" by d" /dt" in the first series, thus getting ^'-^~[^^\-di^r-dc-'^ ■■)v^i (135) which is the asymptotic solution of the problem. To verify this solution we shall consider the more general opera- tional equation 1 ^^p'Wp+i ("'nlegral) (137j a form of equation to which a number of fairly important problems is reducible. (The parameter X of equation (133) can be eliminated from explicit consideration by means of theorem VI.) 756 Blll.l. SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Multiplying numerator and denominator of equation (137) by p''\^—\, it Ijecomes ^-'^-^,^P-^, 038, and by direct partial fraction expansion, this is equivalent to 7_ \^ "ST^ P'm^ _ i "V^ Ptn 2n+T 2^ ^^"2^+1 ^„ ^^ ^^^^^ where ,■ 2mT p„ = e 2-.+! (w/ =0,1,2 ... 2«)- Write, for convenience, 2n and consider the operational equation ,„= 1 (^VF-/^). (140) 2n-\-\\p—p,„ p — pm/ B>- the rules of the operational calculus, fully discussed in preceding chapters, the solution of this is We have now to distinguish two cases: (1) when the real part of Pm is positive, and (2) when the real part is negative. Taking up case (1) first, the preceding can be written Repeated integration by parts of the definite integral leads to an asymptotic series, identical with that obtained by applying the Heavi- side Rule to the operational equation (137). CIRCUIT THEORY ASH OPERATIONAL CALCULUS 757 If, on the other hand, the real part of p„ is nonativc, we \vrit(< f I 11) as \ \ >.'«' v/-r / The term e'-' ultimately dies away, and the delinile inte^jnil ran lie expanded asymptotically in accordance with the theory discussed under Rule 1, again leading to an asymptotic scries identic.d with that given by direct application of the Ueavisidc Rule to the operational equation. Consequently since the operational equation in //„ can be asymptotic- ally expanded by means of the Heaviside Rule, the operational equa- tion in h = '^lim is similarly asymptotically expandible, and the Heaviside Rule is verified for equation (1;^:?). We have now covered, more or less completeK', the tiieoretical rules and principles of the operational calculus in so far as they can be formulated in general terms. We shall now apply these principles and rules to the solution of important technical problems relating to the propagation of current and Noltage along lines. In doing, so, while we shall take advantage of our table of integrals with the corresponding solutions of the operational equation, we shall also sketch Heavi- side's own methods of solution. We shall close this discussion of divergent and asymptotic expan- sions with a general expansion solution of considerable theoretical and practical importance in the problem of the building-up of alter- nating currents. It will be recalled from Theorem III that the response of a network of generalized operational impedance II(p) to an e.m.f. E(t) impressed at time t = o '\s given by the operational formula ^_V{p) , mp) where E= V(p) is the operational equation of the applied e.m.f.: that is, analytically --V(p)= rE{t)e-P'dt. P ^0 \ow suppose that the impressed e.m.f. is sin uit: then liy formula (/i) f)f the table of integrals 758 BEI.I. SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and denoting x by x. If, on the other hand, the impressed e.m.f. is cos a;/, then by formula (i) ViP)=j^, (148) and Now let us consider the operational expansion suggested by the Hea\'iside processes : H^ (:-)■+ {^)'-( !■)'+■■■; (7^5 <-> and =-i(:-r-(-5)'+(^)'-(-5)"+-!'/7iF)- o-^') Now let us identify \'II{p) with /;(/) and rcjilace p" by d'/dt': we get and \ \ d 1 n ('.\\), tlu- t-xplicii t'(|ii.itiiiii for x., ^ivi-ii n,illy hy ( 1471, is .V, = , / sin u)r. /;(,/- r)(/r = / sin ui(/ — r)^ (r)rfr + //(o) sin u)/ (1.>1) wluTf \\'(l)=d (ll //(/). Hy a wi'll known Irinononu-tric formula, tliis is .V, =sin ijil I cos a)/. /;'(,/!dt o}^dt'^ i^' dt' "^ 0)="-' dC--')^' '^h^J, sin '-(--') |2^/'(r)} at oi^dt' oi'dt' u)^" ' dt^" V with a remainder term (-1)" J sm uj(r-/)^-^2M^/;(i )(/t If the impressed e.m.f. is cos co/, the corresponding series for the trans- ient distortion, T^, is with a remainder term (-1)"/'" . ,N<^^"+', (Hil) -j cos Oi{T-t)^^;^Jl{T)dT. The second part of this theorem, relating to the transient distortion, Tc, in response to an e.m.f. cos ut, is derived from formula (31) by processes precisely analagous to those employed above in deriving the series expansion for T,. The derivation will be left to the reader. To summarize the preceding discussion of the divergent solution of operational equations, it may be said that the theory is as yet rather CIRCUIT IIIEORY AND OI'V.KAIIONAL CALCULUS 7ol unsatisfactory. To tlu- i)hysi(ist it is unsatisfactory l>ecause he requires an automatic rule n'^i"K ^i correct asymptotic expansion by purel>' al^cebraic o|K'rations without invest ijjations of remainder terms or auxiliar>' functions, l-urthermore, the precise sense in which the expansion asymptoticailv represents llie sohition cannot be stated in general, Init retjuires an independent investij;ation in the case of each individual problem. On the other luuul when an asymptotic expansion is known tt) exist, the Ueaviside Rule finds this expansion with incomparable directness and simplicity, the problem of justifying the expansion being a purely mathematical one, which usually need not trouble the physicist. I'urihermore, on the purely mathematical side, the Heaviside Rule is of large interest and should lead to interesting developments in the theoPk' of asymptotic expansions. {To be continued) Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal Commercial Loading of Telephone Cables. \V. Fondii.ler.' The application of loading coils to exchange area cable and to toll cable is discussed and data given on the loading coils and the transmission characteristics of loaded cable circuits. An important section of the paper deals with the reciuireincnts for loading phantom circuits. In particular, the crosstalk and noise requirements for phantom loading are analyzed. The paper concludes with a comparative study of three s\stems of phantom loading which are in commercial use, viz., the Campbell- Shaw, the Kbling and the Olsen-Pleijel system. It is concluded that the Campbell-.Shaw phantom loading system, which has been adopted as standard by the Bell .System, as well as by many European Ad- ministrations (notably the British Post Office), has marked advantages over the other two systems which ha\e been used to a minor extent in continental Europe. The Schotlky Effect in Low Frequency Circuits- by J. B. Johnson. This effect, discovered b>- Schottky, which depends on the probability of fluctuations of electron emission from a filament, has been measured over a considerable range of conditions in resonant circuits of which the natural frccjuency was varied from 8 to nearly (5000 p.p.s. The efTect is much larger in the lower range of frequencies than the theory predicts. With a tungsten filament, the ratio of observed to theoreti- cal effect e'/e is about .7 for frequencies above 200, but increases rapidly to 50 at 10 cycles per sec. With an o.xide coated filament, the ratio increases from 1 at 5000 cycles to 100 at 100 cycles. This is interpreted to mean that the emission of electrons is not strictly chaotic i)ut is influenced by irregular temporal changes in the cathode emis- sivity. In a high frequency circuit these changes become impercept- ible and the emission is effecti\ely random. When current is limited by space charge the .Schottky elTect decreases because of the interaction of the electrons, and other disturbances may act upon the space charge so as to completely mask the remanent Schottky eff'ect. The mag- nitude of the disturbances in amplifying vacuum tubes can therefore not be predicted from measurements on the true Schottky effect. A Note on Schottky s Method oj Determining the Distribution of Velocities Among Thermionic Electrons,' C. Davisson. Limiting con- ' tktirical Cuinniunication, July, 1925. • Physical Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, page 71, July, 1925. • Physical Review, Vol. 25, No. 6, page 808, June, 1925. 762 .IHSIR.ICrS OF lir.l.l. SYSII.M IFXIINICAL PAl'EKS 7<)i ditions for Schottky's formula for the thermionic current from a fila- ment to a coaxial cylinder. — The formula must fail when, due to space charge, the potential at any distance x(r— x— R) from the axis is less than Vr= (R--x=) x^R'-r-), V being the potential of the filament with respect to the cylinder, and r and R the radii of filament and cylinder respectively. This is more restricti\e than the condition for failure which has been previously assume Jour. .\. I. E. E.. Vol. XLIV, .No. 6, page 618, June, 1925. 764 DELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL This paper gives a brief description of this device, together with a discussion of its possibilities and limitations. A number of echo sup- pressors have been operated on commercial telephone circuits for a considerable period so that their practicability has been demonstrated. Recent Commercial Development in Short Wave Transmitters and Re- ceivers.^ S. E. Anderson, L. M. Clement, and G. C. DeCoutouly. This paper describes the transmitter and receiver recently developed for use by the United States Coast Guard. This apparatus is for operation on wave lengths between 100 and 200 meters. In describing the development of the transmitter a short summary of the various circuit considerations is included. The actual transmitter finally developed is also described together with its operating characteristics. In considering the radio receiver the various problems to be met in the design of a radio receiver of this character are dealt with at sonic length. The frequency characteristics of the radio receiver, as de- veloped, are shown, and the method of determining them is described in detail. The transmitter and receiver performed \cry satisfactorily under conditions more severe than will be met in actual service. The Distribution of Initial Velocities Among Thermionic Electrons? L. H. Germer. The method used was to measure the number of electrons from a straight tungsten filament which were able to arri\e at a co-axial cylindrical electrode against various retarding potentials. In order to eliminate certain disturbing factors, particularly photo- electric etTects, this electrode was made in the form of a very fine grid and those electrons passing between the grid wires were collected upon an outside electrode and there measured. A rather complicated inter- mittent heating current arrangement allowed emission from the fila- ment only when its surface was at uniform potential, and insured that the retarding potential had exactly the desired value. A current regulator kept the heating current constant to 1/30 per cent. Electrons from Tungsten. Measurements of the variation of electron current with voltage were made at eight different temperatures ranging from 1440°K to 2475°K. Correction was made for the contact poten- tial (lifTerence between filament and grid. At each temperature it was found that, except in the range of voltage where the current was limited by the space charge phenomenon, the current varied with voltage in just the manner calculated upon the assumption that the electrons leave the filament with velocity components distributed according to Maxwell's law for an electron atmosphere in temperature • I'riH . of I. U. L:., Vol. 13, No. 4, page 41.^, .August, 1925. ' I'liysical Review, Vol. 25, No. 6, page 795, June, 1925. .IHSIK.ICTS ()/•■ Hr.l.l. SYSir.M TF.CIISIC.U. f.ll'I.RS 7(6 ('(|iiilil>riiin) witli tlit- hot til.imiiit. At '2l7r)''K the .is>uim2.^. Contributors to this Issue H. p. Charlesworth, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1905; Engineering Department, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1905-19; Equipment and Transmission Engineer, Depart- ment of Operation and Engineering, 1919; Plant Engineer, 1920 — . Mr. Charlesworth has had broad experience in the development of tele- phone equipment and with traffic conditions and the standardization of operating methods and practices. G. A. Pennock, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1899; Secretary, Kansas City Bolt & Nut Company, 1899-1901; Chief Draftsman, Weber Gas & Gasoline Engineering Company, Kansas City, Missouri, 1901-1902; Mechanical Superintendent, Rock Island Plow Company, 1902-1900; with Western Electric Company from 1906, as Factory Engineer, European Plant Engineer and Technical -Superintendent. George Crisson, M.E., Stevens Institute of Technology, 1906; instructor in Electrical Engineering, 1900-10. American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, outside plant division, 1910-14; transmission and protection division, 1914-19; De\elopment and Research Department, transmission development division, 1919 — . I. B. Cr.\nd.\ll, A.B., Wisconsin, 1909; A. M., Princeton, 1910; Ph.D., 1910; Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Chekiang Provincial College, 1911-12; Engineering Department, Western Electric Com- pany, 1913-24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925 — . Dr. Crandall has published papers on infra-red optical properties, con- denser transmitter, thermophone, etc. More recently he has been associated with studies on the nature and analysis of speech which have been in progress in the Laboratory. C. F. Saci.\, B.E.E., University of Michigan, 1910; Engineering Department of the Western Electric Company, 1910 24; Bell Tele- phone Laboratories, Inc., 1925 — . Mr. Sacia has been engaged upon niethixls for recording and analysing speech. Karl K. Darrow, S.B., University of Chicago, 1911; University of Paris, 1911-12; University of Berlin, 1912; Ph.D., in physics and 766 CON I Him i^>K^ i" nils IsMli 7(.7 m.ithitnatiis, rniversity of rhir;iji;o, 1<)I7; KiiKiiu-orin^; Dopartnunt WVslern Kkrtrir Company, 1(117 24; lUll IVUphonf I.ahor.iloriis, Inc., 11)25 —. Mr. Darrow has hccn i-nsagi-d l.irnflv in proparinj; studies and analyses of published research in \arious fields of physics. John R. Cakson, H.S.. IViinvioii, I'.IOT; K. I".., 1!H)<.); M. S.. I!tl2'. Research Department, W'estinjjhouse Klectric and Manuf.icturin^ Company. I'.UO 12; instructor of physics and electrical en^;ineerin^;, Princeton, l'.)12 14; American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Kngineering Department, 1014 15; Patent Department, I'JUi 17; luigineoring Department, 1918; Department of Development and Research, I'.Ui) — . Mr. Carson's work has been along theoretical lines and he has pubiishcxl several papers on theor\' of electric circuits and electric wave propagation. lOS^C 1.055^ .05 sec osec .15 MC \Z05ec I 1. 25 sec. 1 .25 sec. -vAavA^ lioaec 1.35360. |305ec .355eC. 0; :>b5io.i . o^oi •oscdo.) r^eco,! .3M)S.| 0^61.1 -— «. ^v^ w~J \oxc \ JO sec. \.05sec |J03€C us sec .r^ l£osec ^A^Vv^X^^ ^'V'V'--^^ l^aec i;333a \Z55€C. \2>Si€C (2) i 1 1 I l-^^- :»tii.i JV.O( v^ -''\r\'\r^^v^\r^ stiCr: ? \^.v^v-y\^ I05MC |.05MC I'O^C I'OMC \.iS5ec \.iS5ec I \zoiec 2>056C i^ysj^" Z0i6C \39iac (3) ^^■* i :"' ' 0^0 j oap.Y • >-iUwC.. -AAA' dMUf DftCOlj ---- J c. -■ w' .- 1 ^^. •vrVyA. M 11* «l> WHI II I |L> I I w . .05 sec .10 sec \^^'J'\r^^\r^^^v^ v^ ^ ijssec. ^--^ zsiec. \205ec leoii *.3Maai 'y 'wT-^v 'X^y- 1:53 3dC. OMieci \Aosac. (4) Me 10. JACOI ■oaeoai dK«(. .^;;>V^^vi^^/^i\^ oatc^i .Dseofii 1.05 sec \.I0S6C izo^ec |Z53eC ■ :jC .:0. .'5".ac'.i .»WI.| «iM 3Ma:vi (5) AL'' i y^tix ■•>-■• c'! 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(11) r-^i^N. oMei.1 OCsftdL) mminin'ii ■^^^^^\r S^COSA *•""■• \.I05^ .2jD3^ USSifiC V (12) D^dOS.j :AC\S.\ |03tfC os5ec \035eC losec yl056C \.I526C -^ Leasee \issec .tssec >A^-^ hj^. |305flC. 1. 355^ |^5ac |40 3«: (13) Index to VokiiiK' IV A Abstracts of Hi-ll S\stiiii Ttcliiiiol I'apii^ nul apin.iriiii; in Tliis li.tirn.il, page I7S, 3.W. 50S, 7(^ Atlvanccs in Physics, Some Contemporary. Karl K. />iirri>:i\ l'".liTlricity in Gases, page 112. Waves and Quanta, pane 2S(1. Tlic AtinnMoflel. First Part, page 407; Secimd Part, page (>42. .indfrson, C. X. Transatlantic Kadio Telephone Transniissii>n. page 459. .Atom-Model, The, Kurl K. /)(irr,.!c. I'irst Part, page 4*)7 ; Second Part, page 642. Audition: Speech Power ami Fiiergy, C. !■'. Siuia. page 627; I'sefui .\umerical Constants of Speech and Hearing. //iirjTv F/r/c/irr. page .175. B Bailt-y. Austin. Transatlantic Radio Telephone Transmission, page 459. Hurtl,-\ Olirrr /' The I oaded Sulimarine Telegraph Calde. page 355. C V aide. The Loaded Sulmiarine Telegraph. Oliv,-r E. lUuklry. page 355. Carrier Telephony on High \'oltagc Power Lines. IV. V. Wolfe, page 152. Carson, John R.. Electrical Circuit Theor\- and the Operational Calcnliis, page 685. Carson, John R.. Selective Circuits and Static Interference, page 265. Carter. Charles II'.. Jr.. Graphic Representation of the Impedance of Networks Containing Resistances and Two Reactances, page 387. Charlesteorlh. II. /'.. General Engineering Problems of the Bell System, page 515. Circuit Theory. Electric and the Operational Calculus. John R. Carson, page (y'^5. Clark. A. B.. The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines, page 187. Conductors : The .Mtemating Current Resistance and Wave F'ropagation Over Parallel Tuhular, Sallie Pero Mead, page 327. Contemporary .\d\ances in Physics. Some. Karl K. Darroiv: Electricity in Gases, iiage 112. Waves and Quanta, page 2S0. The .■\ti)m-Mratory Characteristics and Impedance of Telephone Re- ceivers at Low Power Inputs, page 402. Darroic, Karl K., Some Contemporary .Xdvanccs in Physics : Electricity in Gases, lagc 112. Waves and Quanta, page 280. The .'\tom-Model, First Part, page 407; Second Part, page 642. BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL E Electricity in Gases, Karl K. Darroin on Filter Design, A.'. S. Johnson and T. E. Shea, page 52. Fletcher, Harvey, Useful Numerical Constants ct .speech and Hcarincr, page 375. Gain of Two-Way Telephone Repeaters, the Limitation ul, hy Impedance Irregu- larities, George Crisson, page 15. (icncral Engineering Problems of the Bell System. H . P. Charles'^'orlh, page 515. Gill, F., Oliver Heaviside, page 349. Graphic Representation of the Impedance of Networks Containing Resistances and Two Reactances, Charles If. Carter, Jr., i>age 387. H Harden, W. H., Practices in Telephone Transmission Maintenance Work, page 26. Hearing, Useful Numerical Constants of Speech and, Harvey Fletcher, page 375. Heaviside, Oliver, F. Gilt, page 349. Horton, J. W., The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines, page 187. I Impedance and Vibratory Characteristics of Telephone Receivers at Low Power Inputs, A. S. Curtis, page 402. Impedance, Irregularities in Loaded Telephone Circuits, George Crisson, page 561. Impedance Irregularities, The Limitation of the Gain of Two-Way Telephone Repeaters by, George Crisson, page IS. Impedance of Networks Containing Resistances and Two Reactances, Graphic Representation of, Charles IV. Carter, Jr., page 387. Interference, Selective Circuits and Static, John R. Carson, page 265. Irregularities in Loaded Telephone Circuits, George Crisson, page 561. Ii'cs, H. £., The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines, page 187. .T Johnson, K. S., and T. E. Shea, Mutual Inductance in Wave Filters with an Introduction on Filter Design, paKC 52. Loading: The I^)a(led .Submarine Telegraph Cable, Oliver P.. PitcL-ley, page 355. Irregularities in Loaded Telephone Circuits, George Crisson, page 561. BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL M Maintrnaiicc Work, I'ractiei-s in Tilriiluiiic Transmission, IT. //. Harden, page 26. Mannlacturc. Kn(fincprinK I'lannins ><>r. (». ./. I'ennock, page 542. M,-ad, Sallie Peru. Wave Propagation Over Parallel Tubular Conductors: The .MtcrnatinK (. urront Kcsi.s|ani-o, pa>;c J27. Mutual huluctancc in Wave Filters with an lnlri>tUicti<.n on I'illcr Design. K. S. Johnson anil 7'. E. Sht-a, page 52. N Networks Containing Resistances and Two Reactances, (Iraphic Representation of the Impedance of, Charles /{'. Carter, Jr., page 387. Nichols, H. W., Propagation of Electric Waves Over the Earth, page 215. Open Tank Creosoting Plants for Treating Chestnut Poles. T. C. Smith, page 235. Operational Calculus. Electrical Circuit Thcorv and the, John R. Carson, page Parker. R. D.. The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines, page 187. Pennock, G. A., Engineering Planning for Manufacture, page 542. Physics. Some Contemporary .Advances in. Karl K. Darrozc; Electricity in Gases, page 112. U'aves and Quanta, page 28(1. The Atom-Model, First Part, No. 3. page 407. Second Part, page 642. Pictures Over Telephone Lines, The Transmission of. H. E. Ifes, J. II'. Mor- ton. R. D. Parker and A. P. Clark, page 187. Planning for Manufacture, Engineering, G. A. Pennoek. page 542. Poles. Open Tank Creosoting Plants for Treating Chestnut, T. C. Smith, page 235. Power Lines, Carrier Telephony on High Voltage, Jf. K. Wolfe, page 152. Preservation of Timber: Open Tank Creosoting Plants for Treating Chestnut Poles, T. C. Smith, page 235. Propagation of Electric Waves Over the Earth, //. (C. Nirhols and /. C. Schel- leng, page 215. Propagation Over Parallel Tubular Conduct(irs: The .Mternating Current Resistance of. Sallie Pero Mead, page 327. R Radio: Propagation of Electric Waves Over the l-^rth. //. IC. Niehols and J. C. Sehelleng, page 215. Radio Telephone Transmission, Transatlantic, Lloyd Esfenschied, C. N. An- derson and Austin Bailey, page 459. Receivers. The Vibratory Characteristics and Impedance of, at Low Power Inputs, A. S. Curtis, page 402. Repeaters, The Limitation of the Gain of Two-Way Telephone by Impedance Irregularities, George Crisson, page IS. Rhodes, F. L., Engineering Cost Studies, page 1. BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Sacia, C. F., Speech Power and Energy, page 627. Schcltcny, J. C, Propagatinn of Electric Waves Over the Earth, page 21 S. Selective Circuits and Static Interference, John R. Carson. i)age 265. Shea, T. E. and K. S. Johnson, Mutual Inductance in Wave Filters with an Introduction on Filter Design, page 52. Smith, T. C, Open Tank Creosoting Plants for Treating Chestnut Poles, page 235. Sound, the Sounds of Speech, Irving B. Crandall, page 586. Speech and Hearing, I'seful Numerical Constants of, llarvcy l-lclchcr. page 375. Speech Power and Energ)', C. F. Sacia, page 627. Speech, the .Sounds of, Irznncj B. Crandall, page 586. Static Interference, Selective Circuits and, John R. Carson, page 265. Submarine Telegraph Calile. The Loaded, Oliver E. Buckley, page 355. Technical Papers, Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers not .Appearing in This Journal, page 178, 339, 508, 762. Telephotographv ; The Transmission of Pictures Over Telephone Lines, //. E. Ives, J. ir. Ilorton. R. D. Parker and .•/. B. Clark, page 187. Transmission MaiiUenance Work, Practices in Telephone, II'. II. JIarilcn, page 26. Transmission of Pictures 0\cr Telephone Lines, H. E. Ives. J. W. Norton, R. D. Parker and A. B. Clark, page 187. Transatlantic Radio Telephone Transmission, Lloyd lls/'ensiliied. C. .V. Ander- son and Austin Bailey, page 459. w Wave Filters, Mutual Inductance in, with an Introduction on l<"iUcr Design, A'. .?. Johnson and T. E. Shea, page 52. Wave Propagation Over Parallel Tubular Conductors: The .Mteruating Cur- rent Resistance of, Sallie Pero Mead, page 327. Waves and Quanta, Karl K. Uarroii), page 280. Waves, Propagation of Electric, Over the Earth, //. 11'. Nichols and J. C. Schelleng, page 215. Wolfe, /('. v., Carrier Telephony on High Voltage Power Lines, page 152.