Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.

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For a Fine Lawn Use Our Evergreen Lawn Seed |

September is a propitious month for lawn making, the season being very favorable for the germination of such seeds as are generally used in lawns, whilst the seeds of weeds, which all soils contain in greater or lesser quantities, do not germinate so readily as in spring or

summer, permitting the grass to get a good start in advance of the weeds, thereby checking the development of the latter to a great extent. Our Lawn Seed sown early in fall will, under fairly favorable conditions, produce before cold weather sets in a strong growth of grass that will withstand the rigors of winter and make a good lawn by the following June. Good earth and proper drainage are absolutely neces- sary. There should be no less than one foot of good surface soil—heavy loam where possible—as in light or sandy soils the grass will burn

out in hot or dry weather. Where grading is necessary the subsoil should be removed and replaced with good earth. If a fertilizer is -

required apply a liberal quantity of well-rotted manure. Dig or plow this in and incorporate thoroughly with the soil. Rake or harrow the surface even, and, after sowing the seed, rake again and firm the surface with a lawn roller. Never attempt to dig, rake or roll a lawn while the ground is wet. When the grass is about 4 inches high it should be mown, but not too short, as close cropping is injurious to a new lawn. One cutting of the grass generally suffices for a lawn made in the fall. After once well established, frequent rolling is beneficial, especially early in spring after the soil, and with it the roots, have been raised by winter frosts. On banks and terraces, where the surface is liable to be washed off by rains before the grass seed has sprouted, a quick catch can be secured by mixing the grass seed with moist earth a week or

ten days before sowing. By the expiration of that time much of the seed is ready to germinate:

Beckert’s Evergreen Lawn

Good seed is as necessary to make a lawn as the proper prepara- tion of the ground. We have made many experiments to determine the grasses best adapted for Jawn purposes, and the above mixture is composed of a combination, in proper proportions, of the best natural lawn grasses, so as to produce a continuous good lawn from early spring throughout the summer until late in fall.

The ingredients of this mixture are the highest grade of recleaned seeds only. The value of lawn grass seed can be best determined by its weight per measured bushel, the better the quality the heavier the weight. This Lawn Seed is sold by the standard bushel of 32 quarts (dry measure) and weighs 24 pounds per bushel.

Lawn Seeds are generally sold on a basis of r4 pounds to the bushel, which will invariably fall one-third or more short of actual measure if composed of choice, clean seeds, and where a bushel of 14 pounds holds out in measure, it must of necessity be largely com- posed of light, chaffy matter of no value.

Use 1 qt. to 300 sq. ft., 4 to 5 bus. per acre. Qt. 20 cts., by mail, 30 cts.; 2 qts. 35 cts., 3 gts. 50cts., 4 qts. 6octs., pk. $1.15, bus. $2.25, per measured bushel of 24 pounds, $4.50. (If by mail, add ro cts. per qt.) :

Putting-Green Mixture

The very finest hardy low-growing grasses are contained in this mixture, producing a close and lasting green turf. Qt. 30 cts., pk. $1.75, 32bus. $3, bus. of 24 Ibs. $6. (If by mail, add ro cts. per qt.)

Golf-Link Mixture

. Composed of such grasses as will produce a turf suitable for golf- links, cricket-tables or polo-grounds. Qt. 20 cts., pk. 90 cts., bus. of 20 Ibs. $3.50. (If by mail, add ro cts. per qt.)

Shady Nook Lawn Mixture

A mixture of grasses best adapted for sowing in shady places where other grasses will not thrive. In nearly all lawns where there are

trees, there will be found bare, unsightly spots which can be made

green and bright by using this mixture. Ot. 25 cts., pk. $5.75, bus. $3, per measured bus. of 20 Ibs. $6. (If by mail, add ro cts. per qt.)

Lawn Fertilizers

Stable manure should never be-used as a top-dressing on a lawn as it always contains large quantities of noxious weed seeds, and is objectionable on account of unsightliness and disagreeable odor.

Beckert’s Odorless Lawn and Garden Fertilizer. A clean, high-grade fertilizer, free from disagreeable odor, especially pre- pared for us. When applied to the lawn, it produces a rapid and

rich green growth of grass and can be applied in the fall or spring.

When used in the garden, it can be applied before or after planting, and during the growing season several additional applications at intervals will intensify its beneficial action. Apply about ten pounds to 300 square feet, or 1,500 pounds per acre, more or less, according to the condition of the soil. 10 Ibs. 45 cts., 25 Ibs. 90. cts., 50 Ibs.

$1.50, 100 Ibs. $2.50, 200 lbs. $4.80, 500 Ibs. $x1.75, 1,000 Ibs. $22.50, ©

1,500 Ibs. $33, per ton $43. p

Sheep Manure, Pulverized. A most excellent stimulant, pro- moting a strong, healthy and rapid growth. 5 Ibs. 25 cts., ro Ibs. 40 cts., 25 lbs. 75 cts., 100 lbs. $2, 500 lbs. $9, 1,000 Ibs. $16, per ton $30. ; :

Pure Raw Bone Meal. Contains nothing but pure raw animal bone, Vastly superior to steamed bone. 5 Ibs. 25 cts., 10 Ibs. 40 cts., 25 lbs. 75 cts., 50 Ibs. $1.30, 100 lbs. $2.10, 200 Ibs. $3.90, 500 lbs. $9.25, 1,000 Ibs. $17.50, per ton $33.

Parcel Post. "Postage on seeds and bulbs remains as heretofore, 8 cts. per pound, not being reduced by the new parcel-post law; ———_—_—_—_————._ parcels, however, to the limit of eleven pounds can now be sent instead of four pounds, as formerly. Send stamps

for small remittances. cS ee


Beckert’s Bulbs and Seeds for Fall Planting

Autumn, 1913 Hyac in ths e Their Culture

For the Garden. The soil must have good drainage and be dug to a depth of 12 inches. The beds should slope from the center outward for surface drainage. The soil requires no special fertilizer, well-rotted manure, dug in, sufficing for the wants of the bulbs and also for the usual bedding plants to follow in such beds the next spring. Plant the bulbs 6 to 9 inches apart and to a depth, from the crown of the bulb, of about 3 inches in heavy soil and 4 inches in light soil. Protect the beds with 3 to 4 inches of leaves or light litter, gradually removing this in the spring. It is still better to cover with several inches of well-rotted and light manure, allowing this to remain on the beds in the spring, this mulch keeping the beds moist and cool, through which the blooming period is considerably length- ened. The bulbs can be planted from October until the ground freezes, but early planting is preferable, as the root-growth has time to develop, enabling the plants to better withstand the winter’s severity, and also contributing to the production of larger and more perfect flower-spikes. The beds may be planted with one or more varieties or a combination of colors as fancy may suggest.

For Pots, Bowls or Boxes. Use porous soil thoroughly mixed with well-rotted manure and some sand, not omitting some drain- age. A single bulb will require a 5-inch pot. Allow same proportionate space, when planting a number of bulbs in larger pots or window- boxes. Remove any sprouts there may be at the base of the bulbs. Plant the bulbs two-thirds below the surface, water thoroughly, and place in a cool, dark situation until the roots are well established, then bring to the light. A temperature of 50°, gradually increased to 60°, will be a factor in securing the finest spikes and brightest colors. A high temperature—or forcing—is fatal to the most gratifying results.

For Glasses. Use only select bulbs for this purpose. Fill the glasses with clear, soft water, allowing the base of the bulb to barely touch the water. Place in a cool, dark location, letting them remain there until the roots nearly touch the bottom of the glasses; then bring to the light. Replenish the water as it evaporates, or renew it if it becomes offensive. As with pot-grown plants, cool treatment will improve the quality of bloom and render them more durable.

French Roman Hyacinths. These are used very extensively for forcing. The flowers, smaJler than those of the preceding class, are more freely produced, two or more spikes shooting from a single bulb. Treat same as Dutch Hyacinths, in pots or boxes. The white variety, if planted early and gently forced, will bloom in December. The others are three or four weeks later. A 4-inch pot is large enough for a single bulb. Allow proportionate space when planting in larger boxes or pots.

White Italian Hyacinths. These bloom about three weeks later than the White Romans. Spikes somewhat larger and very fra- grant; useful for a succession; treatment same as preceding.

Miniature Dutch Hyacinths. These are young bulbs of early-blooming varieties of Dutch Hyacinths. Spikes larger and later than those of the French sort. Plant six to ten bulbs in pots or pans according to size of vessel. Also useful for outdoor planting.

Specially Prepared Hyacinths for Very Early Flowering

By a new method of treatment recently discovered by a Holland bulb-grower while experi- menting with the object of hastening the maturity of the bulbs, Hyacinths can now successfully be brought into earlier bloom than has heretofore been possible. By this method, in which the maturity of the bulb is hastened, the flowers produced from them are not alone earlier, but larger and more perfect, with stronger spikes and larger bells. Our grower states that this new culture is a complete success and will revolutionize the growing of Hyacinths; also that the forcing of Hyacinths from bulbs so treated was very easy and had already become popular in Holland.

The past year on December 2 they had Hyacinths in perfect bloom from bulbs that had been subjected to this special treatment. An exhibition of specially treated Hyacinths in bloom had been held from December 20 to 23, which was a complete success, and convinced everyone who had been skeptical as to practical results.

The bulbs we offer that have been subjected to this new method of treatment are not so large as our first-size Hyacinths, for the reason that it has been found that smaller bulbs give better results, the large bulbs producing too many small-sized flowers. We advise our customers who desire blooms at the earliest possible date to give these specially treated bulbs a trial.

We offer this season the following varieties, all at 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., or $1.65 per doz., postpaid.

Garibaldi. Brilliant red. Grande Blanche. Blush-white. General Pelissier. Crimson-scarlet. Maria. Dark purple.

Marie Cornelia. Blush-pink. Potgieter. Light blue.

Lady Derby. Bright rose-pink. Regulus. Light blue.

L’Innocence. Pure white.

Exhibition Hyacinths

These are varieties selected for their grand-sized spikes, elegance of form and beauty and richness of color. The bulbs in quality are the cream of the crop, and naturally are sold at an advanced price. We offer this grade only in limited quantity and request early orders for the same. These bulbs, as a rule, are too large to grow in the ordinary Hyacinth glass, but may be flowered in any large vase, if this is preferred to pot culture.

18 cts. each (20 cts., postpaid), $1.75 per doz. ($1.93, postpaid).

SINGLE RED, ROSE and PINK SHADES. Gertrude, Gigantea, Moreno, Roi des Belges, Gerding! Wiseman, Charles Dickens, Garibaldi, Lady Derby, Ornement Rose and Robert teiger. SINGLE PURE and BLUSH-WHITE. Grande Blanche, La Grandesse, L’Innocence, Mme. Nee oer Hoe. pore Angenis Christina, British Queen, Jumbo, Monsieur Van der Hoop, an r. Plimsol.

SINGLE BLUE SHADES. Grand Lilas, Grand Maitre, Johan, King of the Blues, Captain Boyton, Lady Derby, Maria, Potgieter, Queen of the Blues and Totula.

Hyacinth Glasses. 1 blue, green and purple. Tall and low glasses. 15 cts. each,

$1.60 per doz. Hyacinth in glass



Named Hyacinths, Extra-Selected First-Sized Bulbs

Single-flowering varieties are principally grown, both in indoor and outdoor culture. They force more readily and, as a rule, produce larger and finer spikes of flowers than double-flowering varieties. Double Hyacinths are entirely satisfactory for bedding or pot culture, but require a longer season for their development. The figures I, 2, 3 and 4 placed after the names of varieties, indicate the comparative time of blooming, No. 1 being the earliest to bloom and No. 4 the latest. Varieties in heavy type at the head of each list of colors are the cream of the recent introductions in Hyacinths. Double Hyacinths are indicated by a star (*).

Price, except where noted, ro cts. each, $1 per doz., $8 per 100. If to be sent postpaid, add to catalogue price 2 cts. for each bulb, 8 cts. for 6 bulbs, 15 cts. per doz. bulbs. ;

ees Staion F Stacks A Pot of Single Hyacinths

Red, Rose and Pink Shades

CARDINAL MANNING. t. Bright red; a splendid, large truss with bells of great size; very early; grand flowers. Highly recom- mended. 30 cts. each, 32 cts. postpaid; $3 per doz., $3.15 postpaid.

Dr. SCHZZPMAN. 2. Bright rose-pink; large, fleshy bells, forming a beautiful spike of pyramidal form. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

ETNA. 4. Brilliant pink; large, fleshy bells, forming a beautiful and large truss on a strong stem; splendid for growing in pots; blooms after all other Hyacinths are done. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

GENERAL DE WET. 2. Light pink, white center, a sport from Grand Maitre, of the same habit; throws several spikes. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

HOFGAERTNER KUHNERT. 1. Bright rose with lighter center; spike perfect, pyramidal shape and of immense size. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

KING OF THE REDS. 3. Brilliant carmine with white eye. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid. LA VICTOIRE. 2. Brilliant dark pink when forced; brilliant dark red when grown outdoors; splendid spike, with large bells; will become a great favorite. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50

per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

QUEEN OF THE PINKS. 4. Lovely pink; broad, large truss, good-sized bells and strong stems. 40 cts. each, 42 cts. postpaid; $4.25 per doz., $4.40 postpaid.

QUEEN WILHELMINA. 1. Most vivid rosy pink; extraordinarily large and elegant truss. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

- Red, Rose and Pink Shades, continued

Cardinal Wiseman. 4. Dark pink; large, compact spike; splendid for growing in pots. Charles Dickens. 1. One of the most beautiful delicate pink shades; very early. Cavaignae. 4. Extra-fine salmon-pink; large bells. Countess of Roseberry (Dr. Coindet). 2. Brilliant carmine; extra fine. Garibaldi. 1. Brilliant red, large spike, good-sized bells. Gigantea. 2. Small light pink bells, forming a large, compact spike. General Pelissier. 1. Deep carmine; fine spike. Extra-early forcer and bedder. Gertrude. 3. Dark pink, compact spike on strong stem. One of the most popular forcers and bedders. Jacques. 3. Pyramidal-shaped truss of gigantic dimensions. A beau- tiful shade of light pink. King of the Belgians. 3. Bright scarlet. Good forcer and bedder. Kohinoor. 3. Lovely rose-pink. Forms an unusually long and handsome spike. Lady Derby. 1. Most beautiful light pink; large, compact spikes on strong stems. Very early. Splendid for pots and forcing. Moreno. 4. Lively pink; large and compact bells. Nimrod. 1. Deep rose. Bulb small but produces a large spike with small closely arranged bells. Ornement Rose. 4. Large, broad spike; very delicate rose; fine bedder. Robert Steiger. 3. Deep red; splendid bedder. *Bouquet Royal. 3. Salmon-rose, dark center. *Chestnut Flower. 3. Light pink; extra-large spike. *La Grand Conquerant. 3. Light rose, shaded pink; grand spikes. *Lord Wellington. 3. One of the best double pinks; large bells. *President Roosevelt. 3. Dark red; large spike. *Prince of Orange. 2. Dark rose; semi-double, early.

Pure White and Blush- White

ARENTINE ARENDSEN. 2. Snow-white; a real gem in regard to color and shape of truss; spike unusually well filled and round. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

CHRISTMAS WHITE. 1. Opens blush-white, turns pure white; one of the very earliest. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

CORREGGIO. 2. The large, fleshy bells are snow-white, and form a perfect truss of great beauty and size. 30 cts. each, 32 cts. postpaid; $3 per doz., $3.15 postpaid.

GENERAL VETTER. 2. Blush-white; spikes of immense size and perfect pyramidal shape. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

HEIN ROOZEN. 1. Of great merit; the large, snow-white bells form a long, loose spike of great elegance. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

OUIDA. 3. Pure white, forming a very large, compact truss. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 pcestpaid.

WHITE LADY. 3. Sport of the blue Lord Derby. Immense, pure white, compact spikes. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

Albertine. 2. Pure white; large spike; very early.

Angenis Christina. 2. Pure white; splendid bedder.

Blancheur a Merveille. 4. Pure white; very fine flower.

British Queen. 2. Pure white; large truss; early.

Grande Bianche. 2. Blush-white; early and a good bedder.

Grandeur a Merveille. 2. Blush-white; large, handsome truss.

Jumbo. 3. Blush-white; large bells. Very large bulb.

La Franchise. 3. Creamy white; very large bulbs; fine bedder.

La Grandesse. 3. Purest white, the large, fleshy bells form a large, compact and perfect spike; fine forcer. 15 cts. each, 17 cts. postpaid; $1.50 per doz., $1.65 postpaid.

L’Innocence. 3. Pure white; as good for bedding as it is for forcing on account of its compact growth. 12 cts. each, 14 cts. postpaid; $1.25 per doz., $1.40 postpaid.

Madame Van der Hoop. 3. Almost pure white; large bells, com- pact truss; good pot Hyacinth and effective bedder.

Mammoth. 3. Blush-white; large bells and large spikes.



Pure White and Blush- White Hyacinths, continued Mimi. 1. Waxy white; one of the earliest forcers; also a fine bedder. Monsieur Van der Hoop. 2. A pure white sport of Madame Van der Hoop, but with a larger truss; splendid for pots. 15 cts. each, 17 cts. postpaid; $1.50 per doz., $1.65 postpaid. Mr. Plimsol. 3. Blush-white; grand spike; good bedder. Queen of England. 3. A very good, pure white. *Isabella. 2. Waxy white; fine spike. *La Grandesse. 3. A pure white double of this name. *La Grande Duchesse. 3. Blush-white; good flower. *La Tour d’Auvergne. 3. Pure white; forces readily; very good. uness Metternich. 3. Blush-white; one of the best double whites. *Queen Emma. 3. Blush-white; good truss.

Blue Shades

ADMIRAL COUBERT. 1. Enormously large truss; flowers bright sky-blue; fine forcer. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

BISMARCK. 1. Large spike, bells very heavy and of a charming light blue, shaded with violet in center of petals; very early. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

ELECTRA. 3. Porcelain-blue; tall, finely formed spike, with very large bells. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid.

GENERAL VAN DER HEYDEN. 1. Bright, dark lavender; has a long, well-filled spike on a strong stem, and forces easily. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

IVANHOE. 3. Purplish indigo-blue; the large, glossy bells have a white throat; the long, narrow, well-filled spike somewhat resem- bles a delphinium. 30 cts. each, 32 cts. postpaid; $3 per doz., $3.15 postpaid.

PERLE BRILLANT. 4. Light blue, tinged lavender; produces an enormous spike of perfect-shaped bells, large and waxy. 20 cts. each, 22 cts. postpaid; $2 per doz., $2.15 postpaid.

Competitor. 1. Light blue; large, perfect flower.

Czar Peter. 3. Large bells of light lavender-blue; fine spike.

Captain Boyton. 3. Deep porcelain-blue; large, broad spike.

Enchantress. 2. Most delicate porcelain-blue; makes a splendid truss and is one of the most beautiful of the light blues.

Bed of Hyacinths 3

Blue Shades, continued

Grand Lilas. 2. Dark lilac; large spike; splendid variety for

bedding and forcing.

Grand Maitre. 2. Deep sky-blue; very large, compact spike; one of the most popular blues; splendid for growing in pans aad pots. Johan. 2. Large, light blue bells, forming a large, compact truss;

fine bedder.

King of the Blacks. 3. Purplish black; grand spike.

King of the Blues. 4. Rich, dark blue; splendid truss; fine as a

forcer and bedder.

La Peyrouse. 3. Clear porcelain-blue; fine bells; splendid bedder.

Lord Derby. 4. The small, bright porcelain bells form a large and

compact spike of great beauty.

Marie. 2. Dark purple; fine bedder.

Potgieter. 2. Pale blue; immense truss; splendid for bedding and

early forcing.

Queen of the Blues. 4. Hardly excelled as a fine light blue variety;

stems short and stiff, and has no superior for pots.

Schotel. 2. Light blue; large bells; handsome spikes.

Totula. 4. Bright blue; enormously large flowers and spikes. *Blocksberg. 4. Late; azure-blue; large florets and spikes. *Charles Dickens. 2. Dark lilac-blue.

*Garrick. 3. Light blue.

*General Kohler. 2. Bright blue; a splendid forcer. *Prince of Saxony. 3. Dark blue; good spikes. *Van Speyk. 2. Porcelain-blue; large, compact spike.

Yellow Shades

BUFF BEAUTY. 2. Buff-orange-yellow; large bells, enormous truss. 15 cts. each, 17 cts. postpaid; $1.50 per doz., $1.65 postpaid. CITY OF HAARLEM. 2. Golden yellow—undoubtedly the grand- est of the yellows; very large and well-formed truss. 25 cts. each, 27 cts. postpaid; $2.50 per doz., $2.65 postpaid. DAYLIGHT. 2. Primrose-yellow, best in its color. 17 cts. postpaid; $1.50 per doz., $1.65 postpaid. Ida. 3. Early; rich primrose-yellow; fine spike. King of the Yellows. 4. Rich, deep yellow; tall spike; large bells. Marchioness of Lorne. 3. Rosy salmon; splendid truss. Yellow Hammer. 3. Golden yellow; forces easily; fine spike. *Goethe. 2. Salmon-yellow with pinkish center. *Qphir d’Or. 2. Yellow with purple center. *Sunflower. 2. Deep buff-yellow.

I5 cts. each,


Unnamed Hyacinths for Bedding and Forcing

These are very-good varieties usually offered as “mixed.’”’? Our bulbs exceed in size the general grades, being 16 cm. and over—6 to 634 inches—in circumference. The single varieties are excellent for forcing or indoor use.

Uniform price-list of all colors either single- or double- flowering. Extra-selected Grade, 5 cts. each, 50 cts. per doz., 62 cts. postpaid; $3.70 per 100, $35 per 1,000. Good Grade, $3 per 100, $29 per 1,000.


Dark Red Pure White Rose and Pink Blush-White and Tinted Dark Blue and Purple Yellow Shades Light Blue and Lavender

; Double Red Shades Blue Shades White and Blush Yellow Shades

Miniature or Dutch Roman Hyacinths

These are charming single-flowered varieties that can be used for pots, bowls, boxes, or he bedded in the garden. They may also be grown in moss with good results; plant quite close.

All at 5 cts. each, 45 cts. per doz., 53 cts. postpaid; $3 per 100

Gertrude. Clear pink. L’Innocence. Pure white. Gigantea. Delicate rose. Mad. Van der Hoop. Waxy Grand Lilas. Dark lilac. white.

Grand Maitre. Porcelain-blue. Johan. Light blue. La Grandesse. White.

Moreno. Lovely pink. Queen of the Blues. Azure- blue.

Early-Flowering French Roman Hyacinths |

Much earlier than the Dutch Romans. By early potting in fall with successional planting, flowers may be had continually from November to early spring, and quite early results may be had growing them in bowls or in saucers with water and pebbles, or in balls or

baskets of moss. Each Doz. 100 1,600 Early White. Extra select, 13x15 cm.$0 07 $0 65 $4 50 $40 00 a 2 Choice bulbs, 12x15 cm. 05 50 3 %. 35 00 A OPIN Kot Ree en Cee 04 40 3 90 GROSSE) rakiat oom ee eee 04 40 3 60 sO" (bight Blue Se7h.ccceiecrss coe. 04 40 3.00 “Italian White ................ 05 AS a3) 50

Add 8 cts. per doz., or 65 cts. per 100, when to be sent by mail.


For grand effect as an early spring flower, the Tulip probably heads the list of bulbous plants. They are so entirely hardy, easily cared for, flower so freely in city or country, sun or shade, and as, with proper selection of varieties. their flowers may be enjoyed from April to June, it naturally follows that they are becoming immensely i x popular. By planting scillas, crocus, snowdrops, etc., between the

Bed of Single Tulips bulbs, the same bed or space of ground will provide a beautiful display of these early gems, preceding and in no manner interfering with the Tulips. Named varieties are to be preferred for satisfying results, and as we give the average height and relative blooming season of most varieties, selections as to color and season may be readily made. Plant 5 to 6 inches apart, and cover one and one-half or twice their depth. For house culture plant four to six bulbs in a 6-inch pot, and in proportion for the larger sizes of bulb-pans, treat as advised for hyacinths. Good roots and plenty of them, before bringing plants to light and warmth, are essential to success. The figures after names of varieties indicate the average height in inches to which they grow. Varieties most suitable for forcing are indicated by a star(*). The letter E indicates those that bloom earliest, M medium, and L latest.

If to be sent postpaid, add to catalogue prices 5 cts. per doz., 35 cts. per 100 bulbs. Remit stamps for small sums.

Choice Novelties in Single Early Tulips

APOLLO. 16-L. The largest of all single early Each Doz. 100° *BLUSHING BRIDE. 12-E. Very bright Each Doz. I00

Tulips; flowers dark wine-red; forces well..$0 10 $1 00 $7 00 pink, of striking beauty and perfect shape..$0 07 $0 65 $4 50 ADMIRAL REYNIER. 11—-M. Large, goblet- *BRILLIANT STAR. 10-E. Brilliant ver-

shaped, carmine-rose striped white flowers; milion-scarlet. Color and habit same as

one of the most beautifulofthestriped Tulips. 05 45 3.00 Vermilion Brilliant, but of greater substance. IO I 00 700


Novelties in Single Early Tulips, continued

*BUTTERCUP. t10-E. Earliest of yellow Each Doz. 100 Tulips; narrow flower with pointed petals of purest golden yellow..................... $0 07 $065 $4 50 *CARDINAL RAMPOLLO. 11-L. Clear yel- low petals, with bright orange-red border; a striking bedder; forces well............... 05 45 3.00 | CERISE GRIS-DE-LIN. to-L. Lake, shad- ing to fawn and cream, with yellow center. 05 J 3 FO | COTTAGE BOY. 9-L. Light orange-red, bordered bronzy yellow; very showy bedder. 04 35 2 25 DUCHESS OF CONNAUGHT. 11-L. Bril- liant, dark pink; large flowers............. 06- 60 4 00 ENCHANTRESS. 12-M. Large, wine-red flowers with broad, yellowish white border.. I0 100 7 00 *FLAMINGO. 1o0-L. Brightest carmine-pink with white on the middle of its more or less crinkled petals; splendid forcer............ 07 65 450 FRED MOORE. 16-M. Bright orange, shaded with scarlet; very handsome; forces well... 04 25 2 25

*GOLDEN HORN. 12-M. A large, round-

petaled Tulip, primrose-yellow shading to

gold at the edges, tipped brownish red..... 07 65 450 GRACE DARLING. 12-M. Dull bronze-

scarlet, with dark blue center; large flower on

strong stem; fine bedder.................. 05 50 3.50 *JENNY. 10-M. Beautiful, silky carmine- rose, faint silvery white stripe in the middle. 05 45 3.00

*LA REINE MAXIMUS. 10-L. White, tinged

rose; same color and habit as La Reine, but

OPE WICESIESISIZE: fe sia, cers s trae teueusva aioe melons 06 60 400 LA RIANTE. to—-M. Most lovely bright

pink, shaded with carmine-rose; one of the

most attractive Tulips................... 04 35 2 50 LA REMARQUABLE. 12-M. Claret-purple,

with light border, immense flowers with

slightly recurving petals on strong stems... 05 50 3°75 LA TRIOMPHANTE. 11-L. Long-pointed,

white flowers with most delicate pink shade. 07 65 450 *LE MATELAS. 12-E. Silvery pink tipped

with white and shaded with blush-white... 06 60 4 00

*McKINLEY. 12—-M. Inside orange-red; out-

side carmine; a unique color in early Tulips;

forces splendidly and fine for bedding...... 06 60 4 00 PINK BEAUTY. 12-M. Rosy pink, slightly

feathered white; flowers of unsurpassed size

andsbeautyas-)- see $45 per I,000.. 07 70 5 00 *PIONEER. 10-M. Very large, well-formed red flowers; earliest of reds............... 07 7O 5 00

*PRIMROSE QUEEN. t0-M. Soft primrose; different in color from other yellows, inside

of petals being darker than outside........ 04 35 2 50 QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS. 12-M. Very delicate blush-pink; when forced slowly there is no other pink in Tulips that comes nearer to the delicate color of this; flowers

of immense size and perfect shape......... 05 45 3.00 *ROSE PRECOCE. 10-E. Very light rose; one of the earliest; blooms by Christmas...... 06 60 4 00

ROSE VAN DEKEMA. o-M. Dark rose- pink; resembles much the well-known Rose Gris-de-lin, but brighter and larger....... 07 65 4 50

*SIR THOMAS LIPTON. 15-1.. Brilliant crimson, cup-shaped flowers of large size; fine for early forcing and bedding......... 05 50

General List of Single Early Tulips

xAlbion (White Hawk). 12-L. Each Doz. roo Large, globular, pure white flowers with crinkled petals; fine for forcing andloutdoorss. 7 enn $o 03 $0 30 $2 25 $19 oo Artus (Garibaldi). 8-L. Brilliant scarlet, with clear yellow center;


a splendid bedder............... 02 20 I 30 #11 00 *Belle Alliance (Waterloo). 10—-M.

Large, sweet-scented, scarlet

flower, excellent for forcing and

bedding; very popular .......... 03 30 1095 I7 50

3 50 |


General List of Single Early Tulips, continued

Bride of Haarlem, Golden. 9—-M. Each Doz. 100 1,000

Crimson, feathered golden yellow.$0 07 $0 65 $4 50 Bride of Haarlem, Silver. 9—M.

Crimson, feathered white........ 05 5 g 50 Brutus. 1to—M. Brownish red, yel-

lO WHE PEt. Ssoeteirpn ene alee aa 03 25 I 70 $15 00 Chrysolora. 11-M. Golden yellow;

fine bedder; flower keeps its color

well until the petals drop......... 02 20 I 30 II 00 Coleur Cardinal. 11-L. Outside

bronze-scarlet, inside glittering

crimson; large, fine flowers of great

substance; very fine for bedding

fan duforcin girs asa nss Oe 04 35 2 20 20 00 *Cottage Maid (La Precieuse). 9-M.

Bright pink, splendid for late forc-

ing and for bedding............. 02 20 I 30 II 00 *Cramoisi Brillant. 12—M. Brilliant

scarlet; a splendid bedder and sure

forcer; very handsome flower.... 03 25 I 55 1350 Crimson King. 10-M. Bright crim-

son; fine bedder................. 02 20 I 40 I2 00 *Duc de Berlin. 10-E. Red, yellow-

borderedfearlyaseen eerie ace 04 35 260 £24 00

Duchesse de Parma. 12—L. Orange-

red, margined deep yellow; a splen-

did bedder with tall, strong stem. 02 20 I 40 12 00 Dusart. 10o—L. Carmine-scarlet, wide-

open flower; splendid bedder, re-

taining its color under the most

trying conditions................ 03 30 I 90 17 00 Fabiola (Grand Duc de Russie). Io—M. Rosy violet, striped white. 04 40 2 75

*Golden Queen. 12—M. One of the

best yellows; large, well-shaped

golden yellow flower on strong

stem; early forcer............... 04 35 2 50 *Goldfinch. 11-M. Golden yellow;

sweet-scented; forces easily and

early and lasts long when cut;

retains color well to the end..... 03 25 I 60 14 v0

Single Early Tulips


General List of Single Early Tulips, continued

Joost Van WVondel, Red. 10-L. Each Deep cherry-red, feathered white..$0 03 $0 30 $1 90

*Joost Van Vondel, White (Lady Boreel). r2-M. The largest and most intense of the white early Tulips; splendid forcer as well as edd ery ae metas shersie ae olay sisie sreroete

Keizerkroon (Grand Duc). 14-L. Carmine-scarlet, with broad yel- low border. This old variety, which forces well, remains a great favorite for bedding; should be planted by itself, not in com- bination S-epoe lowe res

*King of the Yellows. 12-M. Deep golden yellow; one of the earliest yellows; fine for forcing as well as bedding; flowers egg-shaped andifine foncuttineeaaseenaee cee

*La Reine (Queen Victoria). 11-M. White, slightly shaded rose; splen- did both for forcing and bedding..

Leonardo da Vinci (Miss Hallen). 1o-L. Terra-cotta; fine bedder....

*Mon Tresor. 11-M. Pure golden yellow; extra-fine, large flower; one of the best and easiest forcers.

Nelly (Grande Blanche). ro-M. Pure white, large flowers; very fine bedd én. ca seciectos eerste

‘Ophir d’Or. 11-M. Pure yellow;

undoubtedly the best yellow bedder.

Pottebakker, White. 14—-M. Pure white, large flowers; good bed-

President Lincoln (Queen of Violets). 11—M. Pale violet, edged white:/eood bedder-n...-- ee

*Prince of Austria. 12-L. Bright orange-vermilion, large flower, sweet-scented; fine forcer and beddeniws: iecinenocccoem eee

Princess Wilhelmina (Queen of Pinks). 13-L. Deep rosy red, flushed white; large flower; tall- growing; fine bedder.............













Double Early Tulips



~I mn


~I On






I4 5













General List of Single Early Tulips, continued Proserpine. 12—-M. Fine, glowing Each Doz.

carmine-pink; large flowers, forces easily and early; also a fine

bed deri. fs te cae ctor eee ee $0 04 $0 40

Rose Aplati. 10o-M. Delicate pink;

fine cup-shaped flower........... 04 *Rose Gris-de-lin. 10o-L. One of

the finest pinks in cultivation.

Very desirable both for forcing and

bedding 25: Scns Stone ee 02 *Rose Luisante. 1o-L. Dark silky

rose; the finest rose variety; both

a forcerand)ibedder=.- ners eee 04 Thomas Moore. 14-L. Apricot-

orange; distinct, fine-shaped flower;

good forcer and bedder.......... 02 *Vermilion Brilliant. 11-L. Bright

vermilion; best of its class; forces

very readily; fine bedder; large

POWER cyerssas racic ees ose ee 04 *Yellow Prince. 10-M. Golden yel-

low; sweet-scented; very pop-

Ula fortorcing ea es seein 02 BECKERT’S SUPERB SINGLE

MIXED. We prepare this mix-

ture ourselves from named sorts

in proper proportion, and it is

composed of varieties that are

nearly of one height and bloom

at about the same time. Bulbs

of the largest sizest. on -cn sense

SUPERFINE MIXED. This mixture is as we import it from our grower in Holland, special care being taken to have it made up of all possible varieties and colors. This mixture must not be compared with cheap mixtures offered by some houses. .












Duc Van Thol Tulips

These are single-flowered and the earliest varieties; they are They are not so desirable for cutting, as the stems are rather short; still very useful for the florist who uses his own stock. They grow uniformly 5 to 8 inches high and, excepting the first variety, flower at the same time.

extensively used for forcing in pots, pans, etc.

Rose. Fine pink; opens white............... Searlet. The most popular of this class...... White Maximus. Improved white; large

HOW ER 5 sie faeces ak esac abl ree Ole uses ERS eI Maximus. Scarlet, edged yellow............ Wellow. Wishtiycllowas-.- oleae eee Cochineal. Rich orange-scarlet; large flower. Choice Maxed) 5-6-5) scte ts is cis cfolse viel epeycheisiere










$o 25

Double Early Tulips

The double varieties cannot be forced so early or readily as the singles. One of the earliest, Salvator Rosa, may be had by the middle of January, while varieties preceded by a star (*) may be flowered from January to March. The flowers are large and brilliant and are effective in beds or groups. If grown in pots, do not attempt flower-

| ing before they are well rooted.


$27 00

2I 00

II 00

II 00

24 00

II 50

T5 00

9 00

I00 $I 75 I 75

HN NHH ° °

If to be sent postpaid, add to catalogue prices, 5 cts. per doz. and

35 cts. per 100 bulbs.

Choice Novelties in Double Early Tulips

*BOULE DE NEIGE (Purity). 10-E. Pure Each white, large peony-like flower; splendid forcer$o 07 $0 65

*COCHINEAL. to0-M. Brilliant scarlet; very large, semi-double flower; good forcer......

*EL TOREADOR. 10-—M. Reddish orange, with rich yellow border; one of the best double Tulips; very handsome; splendid for pots ANG|PAaNs io ceecce se eis ETO hae:

GOLDEN KING. 11-M. One of the most charming novelties. Wherever exhibited it has attracted general attention. Soft, very pleasant shade of canary-yellow, shaded goldeniyellowsnas< isl. «Sie o cet eee






100 $4 50

3 00

Io 00


Novelties in Double Early Tulips, continued

LA VOISSIER. 9-L. Large, semi-double Each Doz. 100

flower on strong stem; red, with rich

yellows ibordeta ois dee ehicge nice chain ok $0 07 $065 $4 50 *LORD ROSEBERRY. 10-M. Delicate pink;

VelyACatly fOLcelarwe einer ee ee 05 45 3.00 PRINCE OF ORANGE. 1t0-L. Very bright,

richVoranges anc toe ONC ee 05 5 8 50 ROSE d’AMOUR. 12-M. Lovely soft rose-

pink; beautifully shaped flower; good forcer. 05 8 SO ROSE DE DAME. 14-M. Large, white,

feathered stOsee nersacsm en eueue a tates s eae ae 05 45 3.00 SCHOONARD. 12—-M. A pure white sport of

Murillo, with all of its good qualities...... 07 65 4 50 SAFRANO (Tea Rose). 1o-M. Of a pleasing

soft safrano-yellow shade; color exactly that

of the old tea rose......... $40 per 1,000. . 07 65 450 *THALIA. 12—-M. An immense, very double,

scarlet Tulip; easily forced............... 05 45 3.00

General List of Double Early Tulips

*Couronned’Or. 11-M. Golden Each Doz. 100 1,000

yellow, flushed orange; a mag-

nificent flower of great beauty and

size, strong stems, holding flower

Wi AMAMeS WS NORE oocadcosuscue $0 04 $0 35 $2 40 $22 00 Couronne des Rose. 11—M. Rich,

pure rose, shaded with white; large. 05 50 3.50 Gloria Solis. 10o—-E. Deep crimson,

bordered with gold.............. 02 20 I 50 I3 00 *Imperator rubrorum. 11—M. Glow-

ing scarlet; large and very double. 03 30 220 20 00

La Candeur. to—M. Pure white;

popular bedder; holds flower a

lon SAtime jam aac eee 02 20 I 50 #413 00 *La Matador. 12—M. Scarlet, with

purple glow on outside of petals.

One of the finest reds; fineforcer. 04 40 2 75 Lord Beaconsfield. 12—M. Brilliant

crimson-rose; shape of flower re-

sembles a giant Ranunculus...... 04 40 2 75 *La Grandesse. 12—-M. Dark pink;

splendid forcer; large and very

doubletinaceteone tae oe 05 45 3 00 *Murillo. 10—M. Beautiful light pink; very popular forcing variety...... 02 20 I 40 I2 00 Rex rubrorum. 10-M. Bright scar- let; good bedder................. 03 30 I 90 £17 00

*Rubra maxima. 11-M. Dazzling scarlet; splendid bedding variety;

alsorawinetorcelan anes 03 30 190 #417 00 Raphael. 12—M. Very delicate rose;

extra-large flower; very fine...... 05 45 3.00 *Salvator Rosa. 12—E. Dark pink;

fine for forcing and outdoor....... 03 30 2 20 20 00 *Titian. to—E. Red, bordered yel-

low; an excellent forcer.......... 03 30 I 90 I7 00

*Tournesol, Red-and- Yellow. 10-M.

Rich scarlet, edged yellow; fine for

forcing and outdoors............. 04 35 2 40 22 00 *Tournesol, Yellow. 10—-M. Bright

yellow, shading to orange, other-

wise like the preceding........... 03 30 220 # £20 00 Vuurbaak. 12-M. Brilliant scarlet;

splendid bedder; well-shaped and

very large flower on strong stem... 04 35 2 50 BECKERT’S SUPERB DOUBLE

MIXED. Our own mixture from

named sorts in proper proportion

and composed of varieties that

bloom at about the same time... . 25 I 80 16 00

SUPERFINE DOUBLE MIXED. As imported from our grower in Holland, special care being taken to have the mixture made up of all possible varieties and colors. Do not compare with cheap mixtures.

Late Double Tulips

These come into bloom about the middle of May. Continue fresh and beautiful for a long time. Each Doz. 100

Fimest Mixed | ..255055:6 secre so pteiiee boh eseeees $o 02 $0 20 $1 50

I5 I 10 £1000

Late Single-Flowering Tulips

Known as Cottage or May-Flowering Tulips

This class, as well as the Darwin Tulips, is becoming very popu- lar. They are very hardy and robust, flowers are large in size and very rich in coloring. The stems are long and wiry and the flowers are durable in a cut state. They are effective planted in clumps or borders, and may be grown in pots as recommended for other Tulips, and brought in to succeed the earlier classes.

Bouton d’Or (Ida; Golden Beauty). Fine, Each Doz. 100 dark golden yellow; very showy bedder; excellentatomcuttini canner renner ner $0 03 $0 30 $1 90 Bridesmaid (Maid of Holland). Cherry-rose, striped scarlet-violet and white............ 03 25 i WS

Caledonia. Very bright orange-red on a dark

stem; very showy and effective............ 03 30 2 00 Elegans, Crimson. Brilliant crimson; petals

elegantly recurved; one of the few late Tulips

Woe CAI IDS TORE. ooo san acon ous oonDDOGON 03 20 2 25 Emerald Gem. Coral-red; dark green center.. 06 55 4 00 Fairy Queen. Rosy heliotrope, broadly mar-

gined yellow; flowers of enormous size and

laStyramlone atime, arena cece seuss ee toe ees ee O4 35 2 50 Firefly. Brilliant orange, slightly striped yel-

IGN etic Siomencee actor nd DOr hoa in mone 05 SOM N50 Fulgens, Scarlet. Dark scarlet; long, re-

curving petals on very tall stems........... 03 30 200 Gesneriana lutea. Golden yellow; most

effective bedder of all yellow Cottage Tulips.. 03 20 22s Gesneriana lutea pallida (Mrs. Keightly).

Primrose-yellow; enormous flowers......... 05 FE 3 50 Gesneriana rosea. Rosy carmine, black base;

finewbed derismcca tee eae reer ae aOeSS 03 30 200 Gesneriana spathulata. Dazzling scarlet,

with blue base; enormous flower of dazzling

brilliancy; popular bedder. . .$16 per 1,000. . 03 25 I 80 Golden Crown. Yellow, bordered and feath-

eredlorange sis sca eso re ines oe 2. 2 iF AS Inglescombe Pink (Salmon Queen). Soft

rose with a salmon flush; globular form..... 04 BE Inglescombe Scarlet. Brilliant scarlet, with

black base; large flower. ..------)-s45+2--- 04

Inglescombe Yellow. Glossy canary-yellow;

the large, globular flower has the cup shape

Oi UNS IDAINVIN HYDEadcoaccogcanascnccanna|s 09 90 6 50 Isabella (Blushing Bride; Shandon Bells). Creamy white, shaded carmine-rose and

changing: to dark pink=== 52-52. ....065--.- 02 20 I 50 La Reve (Hobenia; Sara Bernhardt). A unique

color best described as crushed strawberry;

handsome, globe-shaped flower............ Io I 05 7 50 Mammoth. Fiery scarlet; very large flower. . 06 60 4 00 Mrs. Moon. Large yellow flower; extra fine. . 07 65 450 Orange Beauty. Brilliant orange-red........ 03 30 200

Parisian Yellow (Annie). Bright yellow,

with pointedypetalspeeeeeeree en nee 03 30 2 60 Picotee (Maiden’s Blush). White, margined

rose-pink; graceful, recurving petals; pink

color of its edges suffuses the whole flower as

ItrageScnss wisn see eas $14 per 1,000.. 03 2 OO, Primrose Beauty. Soft primrose, changing to

white; long-pointed flower................ 07 65 4 50 Retroflexa. Yellow; elegant, recurved petals;

very handsome and splendid for cutting..... 03 30 2 00 Rosalind. Rich crimson-scarlet with white

eyervery, lovelysavianec ccs scien s cine lees 03 30 2 00 Royal White. Pure white, with primrose on

the center of the petals. Largest late white. 05 - 50 3 50 Silver Queen. Silvery white with rose stripes;

Sood won McHale, occ ao0eannacnodoancca 05 50 3.50 Striped Beauty (Summer Beauty). Rose,

flaked crimson and white; large and showy. . 05 5 3 So The Fawn. Large, oval flower; light grayish

rose, changing to soft rosy white........... 06 60 4 00 The Lizard. Purple and yellow; very queerly

flamed and feathered with a flush of dull rose. 07 70 5 00 Vitellina. Light sulphur-yellow, becoming

almost white; beautiful flower on strong stem. 05 50 3 50


TAGE TULIPS. Made up exclusively of

equal quantities of each of the preceding 32

fine varieties.............. $18 per 1,000: . 30 2 00 SUPERFINE MIXTURE. As imported from

our growers in Holland. Not to be compared

with cheap mixtures........ $1I per 1,000.. 20 I 20


Giant Darwin Tulips

Originated in France some twenty-five years ago and named after the great naturalist, Darwin. They are noted for the unusual clearness of their colors, great substance of their flowers and the robust growth of the plants. Their chief characteristics are the perfect cup-shape of the flowers and the blue, black or white coloring at the base of the petals inside of the flower. The colors inside are just as bright as outside, and they remain beautiful as long as the flower lasts. The colors range from the palest lilac to purplish black, including shades of rose, scarlet, crimson, violet, brown, white, etc., but no yellow. Most vigorous of all Tulips. Flowers of immense size, borne on long, strong stems, attaining a height of 2 to 3 ft. They bloom some three weeks after the early Tulips, and are very suitable for growing in clumps amongst shrubbery, and in hardy plant borders. Unsurpassed for cut-flowers. Can also be grown indoors successfully. if grown cool and not forced into early bloom. We here offer a splendid collection of Darwins.

Baron de la Tonnaye. Vivid pink, margined Each Doz. 100

blush; the large flowers maintain their color

to the last under all conditions of weather ..$0 05 $0 45 $3 00 Bartigon. Fiery crimson, with a pure white

base; very Showy rcs as5smcswoeernerne 5 oaee 05 50 3.50 Clara Butt. Delicate salmon-pink; perfect

shape and lovely color; very popular........ 05 50 3.50 Dream (Rev. de Jennesse). Beautiful, soft,

uniformlilac: 55S ete rae Oars 05 50 3.50 Edmee. Vivid cherry-rose, edged soft old-rose;

large flower of great beauty............... 08 85 6 00 Europe. Glowing salmon-scarlet, shaded rose. 05 50 3.50

Giant Darwin Tulips, continued

Fanny. Clear rosy pink, with white center, Each marked blues. concatenate RO $0 06 Farncombe Sanders. Fiery rosy scarlet; in- side vivid cerise-scarlet with white center, marked blue; large-petaled flower of perfect Shape reecioeieraie ckeeatenercrekketer incite 07 George Maw. Dark rose, flushed blush-white ALSMANLIN se: sc cage ere cites sii tae ee 05 Glow (Claude Gillot). Dazzling vermilion- scarlet, white base with blue markings; Splendid cis. j5/-agrsutte sete secon CO 05 Gretchen (Marguerite). Silvery pale rose, flushed white; inside soft pink with white center: smarked(blues.--- eee eee 03 Harry Veitch. Brilliant blood-red; on long GuSMSs coocscobo sooo o FOOD UD COO DOOOODODOOS 04 Julie Vinot (Princess Elizabeth). Soft deep rose, slightly flushed white at the margin, clearswhitexcenter- sac eee 05 King Harold. Deep purple-red with white base beautiful’. 4 c.5.eiiccmuemecon oe tare 05 Leonardo da Vinci. Shining violet-black; a grand: Tulips.icic cc ens 7s em OTe 06 Loveliness. Soft carmine-rose, very warm and brillianticolorey.2eG iain youn cite eaten 05 Massachusetts. Vivid pink, with white conten splendid form and color................... 06 May Queen. Soft lilac-rose with white center, marked blue; very long and large flower..... 05 Mrs. Cleveland. Beautiful, delicate flesh- color, onidarkistem?e-peeeeeeoeeoerere 07 Mis. Stanley. Large; purplish rose with bright blue base; splendid.............. 05 Nautica. Glowing dark cerise-rose. center dark violet, shaded bronze: large.... 05 Nora Ware. Silvery lilac shaded white; extrenielysbeantifules-eeeeeerenete reer 06 Ouida. Bright crimson-scarlet; unusually tall stem and large flower.............. 05 Painted Lady. Creamy white, faintly tinged soft heliotrope when opening; resembles a water-lily.................. 06 Philippe de Commines. Velvety dark purple; large flower on dark stem....... 05 Pride of Haarlem. Bright rose, suffused with purple; enormous. .$28 per 1,000. . 05 Reverend Ewbank. Vivid heliotrope-lilac; masniticentlower eee eee 08 Salmon King. Salmon-rose shaded rose; VEEY DICEGY co awicsstewer elie ee here Reker ee meee 0S Seylla. Fiery scarlet, with blue base; very bold and beautiful flower............... 05 The Sultan (Joseph Israel) Glossy Maroon-black wet cae. aoe ee ee 03 White Queen (La Candeur). Lovely soft white, slightly tinged blush........... 05 William Copeland. Lilac-rose........... 08 William Pitt. Very dark scarlet with purple shade on the outer petals ....... 05

BECKERT’S SPECIAL MIXTURE OF DARWINS. Made up exclusively of equal quantities of each of the preceding 3S AVARICLIES se cers: $33 per 1,000..

SUPERFINE MIXTURE OF DARWINS. As imported. Not to be compared with ordinary mixtures offered.. $15 per 1,000. .

Parrot or Dragon

Admiral Constantinople.

FINEST MIXED...... $10.50 per 1,000..

Doz. 100 $0 55 $3 75 70 500 59 3 50 59 3 50 30° 200 40 2 60 45 3 00 59 3 50 60 400 59 3.50 60 4 00 50 3 50 65 450 45 3 25 45 3 00 60 4 00 45 3 00 60 400 50 3 50 45 3.00 85 6 00 50 3 50 45 3.00 30 2 25 8 8 00 45 3 50 50 3 50 270)


Showy scarlet Each

ANGtOrAN Ges Ace swieke a Sl scescels sre ee area $0 03 Cramoisi Brillant. Rich carmine, with

blackicenterwenrrerioicrcherece tienen rar 03 Lutea major. Yellow, with green and

yellowsstripessacrariecieteioeetet: oheeter 03 Perfecta. Golden yellow, blotched rich,

deep scarlet; exceedingly brilliant....... 03 Markgraaf von Baden. Inside golden, and

outside of petals are feathered and shaded

scarlet, purple and green............... 03

Doz. $0 25

25 25 25

25 20

Gorgeous late-flowering Tulips, with petals cut and twisted and possessing remarkable color combinations. Very effective in beds.










60 25


Breeder Tulips

Breeders are the unbroken forms of the old florists’ Tulips. Most of them are purple, maroon and terra-cotta color. They are of enormous size and vigorous growth and very valuable for the garden, their refined colors producing most artistic effects.

Beautiful Mixture. 3 cts. each, 30 cts. per doz., $2 per 100,

Rembrandt Tulips

A class of Tulips with beautifully colored flowers of unusually delicate shades with flames or stripes of a darker shade and forming lovely com- binations which appeal to the refined taste of many. 4 cts. each, 35 cts. per doz., $2.50 per 100.

Bybloems and Bizarres

Bybloems are striped and feathered rose or violet on a white ground. Bizarres are feathered brown on a yellow ground. They bloom about the

same time as the Darwins. Pach Doz. 100

Bybloems, Rose. Fine mixed................... $o 03 $0 25 $1 75 Bybloems, Violet. Fine mixed.................. 03 25 I 75 Bizarres.) ine mixed.) 4-7 eee eee 03 As i oS

Botanical Tulips

These are natives of Asia Minor and central Asia. Their characteristics

are bright colors and pointed or recurved petals. Bath iDor Celsiana. Yellow; sweet-scented....................-.-. $0 08 $0 75 Clusiana. White, flushed rose, claret base..............- 06 60 Cornuta. Red and yellow; petals curiously twisted....... 05 50 Florentina odorata. Sweet-scented; citron-yellow........ 03 30 Mauriana. Bright scarlet, yellow base; latest of all to

bloom ER Ver yaShOWYin scr cer ue eee Nee toler hea oue nse 05 50 Oculus-solis (Cotton Tulip). Vermilion, bordered yellow;

Dlacktbases ss wie ease Pers erences ne 05 50 Viridiflora. Green, edged yellow; very odd.............. 05 50

Narcissi, or Daffodils

Many beautiful hybrids are being produced, and as stocks increase and prices moderate, the cataloguing of many beautiful new varieties will be permitted. A number of additions have been made to the present cata- - —= _ logue, and a trial of these will, we believe, afford much pleasure. Daffodils Glory of Leiden may be treated as advised for hyacinths; they are not particular as to soil, 2 and will thrive for a number of years in ordinary soil. They are, with few exceptions, suitable for naturalizing, and while preferring partial shade, will thrive in full sun exposure. They are very desirable for pot culture, three to five bulbs in a 5- or 6-inch pot producing an at- tractive group. By planting one or more varieties in succession, such a display may be enjoyed throughout the first three months of the year.

If to be mailed, add 12 cts. per doz. or $1 per 100 to catalogue prices

Yellow Trumpet Daffodils

Varieties with yellow or primrose trumpets and perianths (petals) | King Alfred. Uniform golden yellow; Each Doz. r00 1,000 of same or lighter shade, not white. this variety stands unrivaled in size Ard Righ (Irish or Yellow King). Each Doz. 100 1,000 ee ae Hes: Petals: Early; trumpet large, deep yellow, ee yellow perianth or petals. This va- Bie ee in eon GT ERI ee SEONG (ae DERGE Tn Gass ae $ $ of Daffodils. It is, without question Shad eset aarcrsesstasisie cree ee cacnom mes 005 $0 50 $3 50 Pee? z Emperor. Large, rich yellow trumpet, Sore eae pete primrose perianth; fine for cutting. Wide Berkely.) (Pedianth and trim: FUTSEISIZO@ voi csrehe dere pence oeuaern erence 04 35 225 $20 50 oat Guill yells SaIGaESs TOC Be - Double-crown bulbs pecpages Shes 5 45 § OD 2 theybrimybeantiiil yee eerie 05 45 $3 20 SOGOR SEs Native Gi Uae iene Obvallaris (Tenby Daffodil). Early lands. Large-lobed trumpets, rich, and distinct; yellow trumpet and deep self-yellow, perianth large and petals; fine for forcing............ 03 25 1 80 $16 00 spreading; early. Extra-fine bulbs. P. R. Barr. Perianth primrose, trum- Is freer and more reliable than pet rich yellow; a perfect-shaped Trumpet Major. First size........ 04 2 2B Br CO GE Ce a Ie PARE ECO © 05 45 3 20 Double-crown bulbs............ 05 45 320 3000! Queen of Holland. Looks like a Golden Spur, Early-flowering. An Golden Spur, but has a larger trum- early-flowering strain which pro- petiandnisi laterye. jc cscec seas ses 05 NG 2H duces its flowers several weeks ear- Spurius (Single Von Sion). Golden lier than the preceding........... 04 40 2 75 WANG CHAN. o oo hadesdnegcescese 03 25 I 50 13 00 Glory of Leiden. Trumpet yellow, Trumpet Major. French-grown. perianth soft yellow. The largest of Very easily forced; blooms at Christ- all trade varieties. Of perfect shape. I5 165 12 00 TITAS Pe ceeee ae I ern ee eee Eane Boe canines 04 35 1. SOMO NOO



Emperor Narcissus

Wm. Goldring (Swan’s Neck Daffodil). Snow-white perianth, drooping over the long primrose trumpet. 3 cts. each, 30 cts. per doz., $2 per 100.

Narcissus incomparabilis

Varieties of the Star or Cup section.

Backhouse, C. J. Yellow perianth, long orange-scarlet cup; very Each Doz 100 beautitul esis aia roe ee deca Rtee sods sik: PREIS EHOe Roe Re Beauty. Large, sulphur-yellow perianth, barred yellow, cup large, margined orange-scarlet; showy and fine; elegant for cutting..... Mabel Cowan. White perianth, broad cup, margined orange-scarlet; FRESH OW ENING acy sss erste ORIN ORI e a OT OE

Princess Mary. Perianth creamy white, cup Each Doz.

well expanded, stained orange............. $0 05 $0 45 Queen Bess. Perianth pure white, pale yellow, expandedtcrownsannecos oe ae eee eae 03 25

Sir Watkin (Giant Welsh Chalice Flower). Largest of the Incomparabilis varieties; fine for forcing; cup yellow, perianth primrose.

ELStISIZe Meee i i 2 055 On DELETE OOOLe OA 35

Double-crown bulbs ..... $28 per 1,000.. 05 45 Stella superba. Grand, clear white spreading

petals, vellow cup; excellent for cutting..... 05 45

Leedsit Narcissi

Eucharis-flowered or fragrant Star Narcissi, all having white


Katherine Spurrell. Broad, ‘sulphury white Each Doz.

perianth, canary-yellow cup; a very beautiful

ELON, (Si Cathy bo eraig aes Seno ee eee cia ees eras $0 06 $0 60 Minnie Hume (Queen of England). Large,

white perianth, cup passing from fine lemon

tonwhitelss sess. os eee aeons Ces ee ee 03 25 M. M. De Graafi. Long, white perianth,

orange-rose cup. Fine-flowering; extra fine

FOTICUCELM SAR ere a ov chseiede Sra eee 03 30 Mrs. Langtry. White perianth and white cup;

largely used for forcing; free bloomer, often

severalistems to.aybulbees sere ee eee 02 20

Wonderfully good results may be had by sowing Beckert’s Evergreen Lawn Grass Seed in September. Under favorable conditions it makes a good growth before cold weather sets in, and produces a good lawn by

the next June.

£0 05

$4 00

I 50

Bicolor Trumpet Daffodils

The perianth white or light-colored, with yellow trumpet. Empress. Very large and beautiful white peri- Each Doz. anth, rich yellow trumpet.

BIrst Size assoc one ier $20.50 per I,000..$0 04 $0 35 Double-crown bulbs......... $28 per I,000.. 05 45 Grandis (Grandes). Large white perianth, long, straight yellow trumpet; late............. eres 03 25 Horsfieldi. White perianth, yellow trumpet..... 04. 35 J. B. M. Camm. Perianth white, trumpet soft Waltons WEIAy HAS sso cocdooo08s up abeccnareetutvens Hope 06 60

Madame Plemp. Pure white perianth, trumpet golden yellow; very large flower of great sub- Stances (Binstysize. site « vnssksstasente rst aee oiateen aoe 05 40 Double-nose bulbs........ SS ose wceoetetenerset ea OO) 60 Princeps. Sulphur perianth and yellow trumpet; long and showy; early and forces finely........

BirstSiz@id ginien fee eye oe $10 per 1,000... 02 20 Double-crown bulbs......... $I5 per 1,000.. 03 25 Victoria. Large, erect flowers; creamy white

perianth and rich yellow trumpet; forces easily. sihevecatliestioigb1cOloLrseery ee eee gone aous 04 35

White Trumpet Daffodils

Silvery white and pale cream-colored varieties.

Albiecans. Long primrose trumpet passing to Each Doz. white, recurved at brim; white perianth; free bloomer; strong grower........ $20 per 1,000. .$0 03 $0 30 Madame de Graaff. Perianth pure white, trum- pet very pale primrose, passing off white....... I5 1 50

Mrs. Thompson. Pure white, with elegant frilled trumpet; free-flowering on long stems and early. 4c. each. 35c. per doz., $2.25 per 100.

$o 45 06 60 4 00

04 35

a 42

Madame Plemp Daffodil

4 00

4 00

I 20


$2 20

I0 00



Narcissus Barrii

Varieties of the Star Narcissus class. Very useful for pots, cut- ting or borders. This class is very useful for naturalizing in front of shrubbery and will increase from year to year making in time a very effective colony. Three to five bulbs may be planted in a 5-inch pot.

Conspicuus. Large, spreading yellow peri- Each Doz. 100 anth, fine scarlet cup; strong grower, fine blooming and durable cut-flower variety, the flowers lasting a long time in water........

Dorothy Wemyss. Large, white perianth, canary-yellow cup, edged orange-scarlet. A HHS WEISS HOP CUEING. ss000500056cec0000C

Flora Wilson. Sweet-scented; white cup, edged orange-scarlet, white perianth; a beau- tif Mowers Apes eet iew steep ereas teenth:

Siddington. Perianth pure yellow; fine, open crown, margined yellow; generally produces two flowers to the stem. A charming Nar- cissus for cutting, as the flowers last well...

$0 02 $0 20 $1 25

no) 90 6 50

06 60 4 00

06 60 4 00

Poetaz (Multiflorus) Narcissi

An altogether new race of Narcissi, crosses between Polyanthus and Poeticus ornatus, flowering in clusters, perfectly hardy. They are among the most practical Narcissi for planting amongst the

shrubbery and are very effective early in spring.

Elvira. Pure white, with yellow cup; most Each Doo OF HS GAGS. soca nasoncoccnsenonscoe $0 05

Klondyke. Yellow with deep golden center;

WOR WieSSs OGG, socopcascacouucednaccn I5

Poetaz Narcissi

Doz. 100 qi ze $0 45 $3 00 | 7 I 50 10 00 2 & int i Paper-White Grandifiora Narcissi Poet’s Narcissi Grandiflorus. Large, pure white perianth, cup rimmed with Each Doz 100 GELITI SOM spratas sc ese Mea Ne ire loosened homme eT ace oa zicebs) She sue eee asd $o 04 $0 35 $2 25 King George. Excellent new variety; white with orange cup; blooms in January when forced; flowers very large and far su- WSO? 11) QUNIS OF WS GEASS cscocoocosocvogscaneucansoud0s 05 5 2 50 King Haakon. New. In all respects the same as King George; extra-large mvenyablichitahowelsaeeeerrrencrcieic encore 05 50 3.50 Ornatus. Native of France. Early; pure white cup, margined scarlet; forces very easily. First size ......... $9 per I,000.. 02 20 I 20 Double-crown bulbs .................... $12 per I,000.. 03 25 I 50 Poeticus (Pheasant’s Eye). Pure white perianth, cup edged SATEN OM eee aed eeet Se PCRS a eve hence 5 See $6 per I,000.. 12 80 Poetarum. Very beautiful; bright orange-scarlet cup, with pure Whitespenrtanthn nner cat a, Gia yon hse Ge atone Sitesccao ene ne Soe 02 A it DS

Narcissus odorus (Jonquils)

Deliciously sweet, bright yellow-flowered varieties. The single varieties may be flowered by Christmas. Very easily grown and should be planted in quantity for cutting for their exquisite fragrance. Five or more bulbs to a pot or pan will form a graceful house adornment.

Campernelle rugulosus. An improvement on the ordinary Each Doz. 100 Campernelle. Very rich yellow, free- and large-flowering..... $9 per 1,000..$0 02 $0 15 $1 10 Campernelle rugulosus plenus. A double-flowering form of One pracachioys, Weay GESIHIDIE, osccoscccccavsa0ascusab50506 07 70 5 00 Jonquils, Double-flowered. Fragrant ........ $16 per 1,000... 03 25 I 70 Jonquils, Single-flowered................... $7 per1,ooo.. 02 15 80

Polyanthus Narcissi (Nosegay Daffodils)

This class is particularly adapted to winter- and early spring-flowering, some of the varieties being forced in immense quantities for early cutting. They are not hardy unless well protected. Like the Chinese Narcissi they may be grown in bowls, etc., of water and pebbles or in baskets, etc., of sphagnum moss.

Paper- White Grandiflora Narcissi

Used in enormous quantities for early cut-flowers. Large heads of fragrant flowers.

Readily grown in water or moss, like the Chinese Narcissi; very durable. Each Doz. 100 1,000

First-size bulbs, 13 centimeters and up............ ....$0 03 $0 25 $1 60 $14 00 Extra-large bulbs, 14 centimeters and up............. 04 35 2 00 18 00

If your lawn has become “ragged” during the summer, scratch up the bare spots and sow Beckert’s Evergreen Lawn Grass mixture thickly.

Next spring the result will surprise and delight you.


Double Narcissus, Von Sion

White-Petaled Polyanthus Narcissi

Chinese Sacred Narcissus (Joss Flower, or Flower of the Gods). These are imported annually from China, and are popular every- where for growing in bowls or water and pebbles, also forced for Christmas cut-flowers. Several flower-spikes are produced by each of the best-grade bulbs; flowers are mainly single, occasionally double, are white, orange-cupped and very fragrant. First-size bulbs, Io cts. each, 25 cts.for 3; 90cts. per doz., by mail, $1.20; $6 per Ioo.

Gloriosa. White perianth and a glowing Each Doz. 100 orange-yellow cup; early and showy........ $0 05 $0 45 $3 00 Grande Monarque. White and citron-yellow. 04 35 2 50 Her Majesty. White and dark yellow; very ECO ap RN hee ERROR tons ail SMR, hee Mol ry, oslo CRN 06 60 400 White Pearl. Almost pure white; very fine... 05 ASS 00

Yellow or Primrose-Petaled Polyanthus

Grand Soleil d’Or. Early and showy golden perianth, brilliant orange-cup.............. 04 35 2 50

Double-Flowered Narcissi

Some of these are useful for clumps and borders, and others for forcing and pot-plants. Perfectly hardy, except Double Romans.

Alba plena odorata (The Double Poet’s Narcissus). Large, double, white, jas- mine-scented flowers; hardy and fine Each fOr forcings eh .claas sacs ere ole ees s see $o 02

Orange Pheenix, or Eggs and Bacon (Incomparabilis albus plenus). Sul- phur-yellow, crimson center........ 03 25

Sulphur Pheenix, or Codlins and Cream (Incomparabilis sulphureus plenus). Double; white, sulphur cen- ten ghard yee eet eee eens 04 35

Double Roman Narcissus (Papyra- ceus plenus). Fowers yellow and white. Very useful and early for pots oniorcings not hardye pea eee 03 25 I 50

The Double Von Sion, or Golden Yel- low Dafiodil (Telamonius /florus plenus). Is forced in great quantities for cut-flowers.

Birst-size bulbs. ae ee eee 03 3p «61 90 Double-crown bulbs.........-..- 04 45

Doz. 100 $0 15 $0 90

1,000 $8 oo

I 60

2 25

I7 00 28 00


One of the earliest spring-flowering bulbs. They produce fine effects, if planted promiscuously throughout the lawn or in shrub- bery, especially if combined with Scilla Sibivica, snowdrops or any of the early-flowering bulbs. They are likewise attractive when planted in rows of various colors in borders. Plant 3 inches deep, and at the same time you plant other varieties of bulbs outdoors. The named sorts are also very desirable for growing indoors for winter bloom, six or more bulbs may be planted in a pot or pan, placed in a cool situation, and when leaves appear they may be taken indoors. The bulbs may also be flowered in bowls or saucers in water with pebbles or may be grown in moss in balls, baskets, etc. For this purpose use the Mammoth Bulbs.

Named Crocus, Large Selected Bulbs

Sent postpaid at the dozen rate; add 20 cts. for postage per 100 KATHLEEN PARLOW. New. Flowers

purest white; very large and cup-shaped;

the large orange anthers protrude conspicu- Each Doz. 100

ously above the flower; extra fine.......... $o 02 $0 20 $1 50 PALLAS. Very large flower; white ground, fine light lilac stripes; orange anthers....... 02 20 I 50 OZ. 100 1,000 WHITE. King of the Whites. Extra fine...$0 16 $1 10 $9 00 Mont Blane. Large flower; pure white..... I5 I 00 8 00 BLUE. Baron von Brunow. Purplish blue.. I5 I 00 8 00 President Lincoln. Deep purple.......... I5 I 00 8 00 Purpurea grandiflora. Rich deep purple.. 18 I 20 10 00 STRIPED. Albion. Violet-striped.......... I5 I00 800 Cloth of Silver. White, silver-striped...... pa0) 75 650 La Majestueuse. Large flowers........... I5 I 00 8 00 Sir Walter Scott. White, striped purple... 15 I 00 8 00 YELLOW. Mammoth Bulbs.............. I5 I 10 900 Hirst: S1Z6 33.5 5 eee ee 12 85 7 50 Cloth of Gold. Golden yellow, striped brown. 10 75 650

Mixed Crocus, Second-Size Bulbs

9 cts. per doz., 65 cts. per 100, $5.50 per 1,000. If to be mailed, add to cts. for postage per Ioo. White, Blue-striped and Yellow Varieties.

Autumn-Flowering Crocus

They are entirely hardy and worthy of extended use. Plant bulbs as early as possible and not too deep. May also be grown in pots.

Each Doz. 100 Sativus (Saffron Crocus). Purplish blue...... $o 04 $0 35 $2 50 Speciosus., Blues sc nero eee eee 04 35 2 50 Zonatus. Wayender-na-eeeeee eee ee ene 04 25) 250 MOG oo. ios: os ee Oe te Oe Oe 03 30 2 00


Mammoth Crocus


| iL e

For elegance of form and beauty the Lily is matchless among bulbous plants. Such varieties as are used for forcing should be potted as soon as the bulbs are obtainable. Plant bulbs in pots that are about twice the diameter of the bulbs; start them slowly, and as they advance toward the blooming period shift them to larger pots, setting them likewise deeper in the soil. For outdoor culture, plant the bulbs about 8 inches below the surface in soil that is well drained. We have seen excellent results from bulbs planted in stiff clay, but good soil is generally recommended, and when manured the same must not come in contact with the bulb. Planting among shrubbery where they are somewhat protected from the sun is very favorable to their best development. Mulch the beds both summer and winter as a protection against extremes of heat and cold.

Lilies and other bulbs marked with a star (*) will not be ready until the middle or latter part of October or November.

*Auratum (Golden-banded Lily). One of the finest in existence. Ivory-white, with central band of yellow and numerous purple spots; produces from four to twelve flowers or more on a stem, 3 to 4 feet high.

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 8x 9 in. circumference. .$0 13 $1 30 $1 55 $9 00

QXII in. circumference... 20 1 85 2 25 13 00 I1Ix13 in. circumference (monster bulbs)...... 30 2 FR 8B Bs

*Auratum platyphyllum. A grand Lily, similar in color to Auratum, but larger and more heavily spotted; stalks attain a height of 4 to 7 feet. 30 cts. each, $3 per doz., $3.40 per doz. postpaid.

*Auratum pictum. Grand pure white, spotted crimson, with a red-and-yellow band through each petal. 30 cts. each, $3 per doz., $3.40 per doz., postpaid.

*Auratum rubra vittatum. A magnificent flower, 10 to I2 inches across; waxy white, with crimson spots, and a broad crimson stripe running through the center of each petal. 60 cts. each, $6 per doz., $6.40 per doz. postpaid.

*Auratum Wettei. Immense, widely expanded flower; pure white, with a broad yellow stripe. 60 cts. each, $6 per doz., $6.40 per doz. postpaid.

*Batemanni. Blooms in August and September; very handsome, glowing apricot-red flower. 15 cts. each, $1.60 per doz., $1.85 per doz. postpaid., $12 per 100.

*Brownii. Immense, long trumpet-shaped flowers; exterior

purple, interior pure white, with chocolate-colored anthers. 45 cts. each, $4.50 per doz., $4.75 per doz. postpaid.

Candidum (Ascension Lily). Ready in September. Snow-white, bell-shaped, very fragrant flowers; an old garden favorite and

also desirable for forcing. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 Warge: ibulbskeyen a<scs ae eieiee $o 12 $1 10. $1 35 $7 50 Mammoth bulbs............... 2 i WE 2 10 12 00

*Colechicum. Rich citron-yellow, with black spots. $2.75 per doz., $2.90 per doz. postpaid.

*Croceum. Golden yellow, scarlet tinted; broad, funnel-shaped flowers. 12 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $1.37 per doz. postpaid.

*Canadense. Lovely, nodding, bell-shaped flowers, yellow, spotted black. 12 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $1.37 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans grandiflora. Large flowers; orange-red, flaked yellow, 25 cts. each, $2.25 per doz., $2.40 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans pictum. Bright flame-color. 25 cts. each, $2.25 per doz., $2.35 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans, Prince of Orange. Apricot-color. per doz., $2.35 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans robustum. Orange, spotted maroon; large, erect, and produced in clusters. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $1.65 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans sanguineum. Very rich dark red, with dark spots. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $1.65 per doz. postpaid.

*Elegans, Mixed. 10 cts. each, $1 per doz., $1.15 per doz. postpaid.

*Hansonii. Deep golden yellow, spotted crimson. 60 cts. each, $6 per doz., $6.15 per doz. postpaid.

*Henryi (Yellow Speciosum). Handsome, deep orange-yellow, banded with green. 60 cts. each, $6 per doz., $6.25 per doz. postpaid.

Harrisii (Bermuda Easter Lily). Ready in August. Large, pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers. Used for indoor growing entirely. Plant as soon as possible for early blooming.

30 cts. each,

25 cts. each, $2.25

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 5x 7 in. circumference...........f$0 10 $1 00 $1 15 $7 00 7X 9 in. circumference........... 20 200 2 25 14 00 QxII in. circumference........... 40 400 4 40 30 00


Lilium speciosum album

*Krameri. Blush-pink; beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers. 20 cts. each, $2 per doz., $2.15 per doz. postpaid. Longiflorum multiflorum. Pure white, trumpet-shaped flowers,

for pot culture as well as outdoors. Ready in September.

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 7x 9 in. circumference........... $o 15 $1 25 $1 50 $09 00 QxI1o in. circumference........... 20 200 2 35 I4 00

Longiflorum Formosum. Grown on the Island of Formosa, and said to be entirely free from disease; blooms early. Ready in

September. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 7x Q in. circumference.......... $o 15 $1 50 $1 75 $10 00 QxI0 in. circumference.......... 20 200 2 35 I5 00

Longiflorum giganteum. Stems black; later than the preceding; flowers of more substance. Ready in September.

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 7x 9 in. circumference.......... $o 15 $1 50 $1 75 $10 00 _ 9x10 in. circumference.......... 20 2 00 2mh5 I5 00

*Martagon. Purplish red, spotted dark purple. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $1.65 per doz. postpaid.

*Pardalinum. Scarlet, shading to yellow, spotted purple. 15 cts. each, $1.50 per doz., $1.60 per doz. postpaid. *Philadelphicum. Bright orange-red, spotted purple. 12 cts.

each, $1.25 per doz., $1.40 per doz. postpaid.

*Superbum. An elegant native variety. Brilliant orange-red, with claret-colored spots, six to twenty flowers on a stem. 12 cts. each, $1.10 per doz., $1.20 per doz. postpaid, $7.50 per 100.

*Speciosum album. Pure white, with green band in the center

of each petal; very fragrant. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 8x 9 in. circumference.......... $o 20 $1 85 $2 10 $13 00 QXII in. circumference.......... 25 2 50 2 90 18 00 *Speciosum Melpomene. Large, rich, blood-crimson flowers, heavily spotted. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 8x 9 in. circumference.......... $o 13 $1 35 $1 60 $9 50 QXII in. circumference.......... 20 I 90 2 30 13 50 IIxI3 in. circumference.......... 30 300 3 60


Lilies, continued *Speciosum rubrum or roseum. White, shaded with deep rose,

and spotted red. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 8x 9 in. circumference.......... $o 13 $1 35 $2 60 $0 50 QXII in. circumference.......... 20 I 900 2 40 13 50 IIxI3 in. circumference (monster bulbs) -eeeeee 40 8 CO 3 GO

*Speciosum magnificum. Flowers larger than any of the other Speciosums. White, heavily spotted with rich crimson.

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 8x 9 in. circumference......... $o 15 $1 50 $1 75 $10 00 OXI in: circumference... ... +: 20) 200) 2.40 I4 00 IIxXI3 in. circumference (monster bulbs)peaeaer 30 300 3 60

*Tenuifolium (Coral Lily). A great beauty; slender stems with finely cut foliage; flowers a beautiful shade of rich coral-red. I5 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $1.37 per doz. postpaid, $8 per 100.

*Tigrinum flore pleno. Double orange flowers, spotted black.

Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 Mianamothebulbsaeeeecnincieeeae $o 15 $1 50 $1 75 $10 00 hirst-size bulbseeeeeeeeeeeee ee 07 60 72 4 00 *Tigrinum splendens. Rich scarlet, with dark spots. Each Doz. Doz. p’d. 100 Manimothabulbsseeeeenriereeeee $o 15 $1 50 $1 75 $10 00

First-size bulbs 07 5 7 4 50

*Umbellatum, Mixed. Colors range through all shades of red, yellow, buff, apricot and orange. 12 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $1.50 per doz. postpaid, $8 per 100.

*Wallacei. Rich red-orange, with maroon dots. 12 cts. each, $1.25 per doz., $1.45 per doz. postpaid.


Remarkably handsome flowers. They thrive best in pots of well- drained, rich, sandy loam, and require but little water until they show flower-buds.

If by mail, add 5 cts. for each bulb

Belladonna major. Flowers large, white, delicately Each Doz.

shaded pink or light purple. Strong bulbs.......... $o 15 $1 50 Defiance. Deep carmine, striped white.............. 40 400 Equestris (Barbadoes Lily). Bright cinnabar-red, with

a white star-shaped center, extending into the center. 25 2 50 Formosissima (Jacobean Lily). Brilliant crimson

flowers. This variety can also be grown in water like

thephyacinthecc. cai. ee Pe eee Lee cee I5 I 50 Johnsoni (Spice Lily). Flowers dark crimson, with

white stripe down the center of each petal.......... 30 3.00 Vittata Hybrids. Finest race in cultivation, exceeding

in size and form of flowers all others, as well as in

diversity of colors and markings.................. 40 4 00

ACHIMENES. Profuse-blooming plants for conservatory; flowers of many charming shades. 6 cts. each, 60 cts. per doz., $4 per 100.


Excellent for borders, etc. They are showy and easily grown.

Moly luteum. Bright yellow flowers in June, Each Doz. 100

in large, handsome heads.................. $o 02 $0 15 $0 75 Neapolitanum. A variety largely forced for

its fragrant white flowers.... $7 per I,000.. 02 I5 85 Ostrowskyanum. New. Produces large heads

of rose-colored flowers on tall stems; hardy. . 03 25 ALSTRCMERIA (Peruvian Lily). Large,

lily-like flowers, borne in clusters; crimson,

rose, purple, yellow, etc., mixed............ 06 60

Anemones Most beautiful and many-colored flowers; fine for forcing. The

hardy varieties should be planted in partially shady situations. The varieties not hardy may be planted in pots and placed in coldframes and transplanted to the garden in spring.

Apennina Cerulea. Hardy. Beautiful blue Each Doz. I00

flowers and delicately cut foliage; blooms

profusely in spring; fine for borders......... $0 02 $015 $1 00 Blanda. Hardy. Very early-flowering; colors

range from pure white to dark blue........ 03 25 I 50 Coronaria, Double Mixed................. 03 30 i 7/5 Coronaria, Single Mixed.................. 02 2) i Ay Fulgens (Scarlet Windflower). Desirable for

winter- or spring-flowering; rich, dazzling

Scarlet sine Mor Cuctin cee ee eens 04 a5 2 SO St. Brigid. Beautiful, double, semi-doubleand

single flowers, ranging from pure white to

maroon, with intermediate shades of rose, red,

pinks- DIVevelChA eRe oe ee eee Ce rere 05 40 3.00



Curious and ornamental plants allied to the Calla Lily.

Cornutum. Known as Monarch of the East. Hand- Each some foliage, with marbled stems; flowers red, spotted black; palm-like foliage. In a warm room it will flower without the aid of soil or water..$0 12 $1 25

Dracunculus (Dragon Arum). Flowers purple, red and dark blue; stems marbled; leaves resembling


those: of a palin. <c7: cect ecere ovens suas ceyope ee Oe TON 4s.00) Sanetum (The Sacred Black Arum from Lebanon). Flowers velvety black inside and olive-colored outside. 15 1 50

BABIANA (Baboon-root). Color ranges from blue to crimson- magenta; foliage hairy; dwarf habit; flowers durable. 5 or 6 toa 5-inch pot. Form nice plants for decoration. Best mixed, 5 cts. each, 45 cts. per doz., $3 per 100.

BRODIZA. Can be grown in the greenhouse or planted out in spring. Showy red, white or blue tubular flowers, borne in clusters on long stems. 3 cts. each, 25 cts. per doz., $1.50 per 100.

BULBOCODIUM vernum (Spring Colchicum). Very early- flowering, appearing before the Crocus; rosy purple flowers. 4 cts. each, 35 cts. per doz., $2.50 per 100.

Chionodoxa (Glory-of -the-Snow)

Very early and beautiful spring flowers, blooming at times before the snow has disappeared. Also fine for pot culture. i Gigantea, or grandiflora. Twice the size of Luciliz. Large, lilac-

blue flowers, white center. 2 cts. each,

20 cts. per doz., $1.25 per 100. Luciliz. Bright blue, with large white center. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz., $1.25 per 100. Sardensis. [n- tensedeep blue; fine for masses. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz., $1.25 per 1I00. CROWN IM- PERIAL (Fri- tillaria). Stately, hardy, spring - flower- ing plants, with pendent flow- ers in large umbels, sur- mounted by a crown of leaves. Succeed well in any garden soil. Mixed varieties I5 cts. each, $1.50 per doz.

Calla Lilies Calla

One of the most satisfactory and easy-growing bulbs for pot- culture and forcing. They require rich soil and abundant moisture during their flowering season. After their flowering season is past, allow them to dry off and remain dormant part of the year.

Zthiopica (Lily of the Nile). Theold Each Each p’d_ Doz. favorite Calla Lily. Mammoth bulbs, 6x7% in. cir...$0 25 First-size bulbs, 414x6 in. cir..... I5 17 I 50 IO 00 Alba maculata. Beautifully spotted leaves. Flowers small and white. This variety is better adapted for planting in the garden in the spring. 10 cts. each, $1 per doz., $8 per 100.

*Elliottiana. A beautiful variety from South Africa, with a broad, trumpet-like tube of a very rich pure yellow, leaves spotted with white. A splendid acquisition to this popular bulb. 25 cts. each, $2.50 per doz.

Godfrey. Produces numerous large, snow-white flowers; plant dwarf and compact, with abundant foliage. 25c. each, $2.50 per doz. CAMASSIA esculenta (Indian Quamash). Hardy. Thrives in a shady situation; produces large blue flowers on tall stems, 2 to

2% ft. high. 3 cts. each, 25 cts. per doz.


$0 30 $2 50 $18 00



CYCLAMEN Persicum giganteum. Desirable for pot culture, house and conservatory decoration. Flower a long time. Large- flowered strain; rich colors and of neat habit. Rose, Red, White, 20 cts. each, $2 per doz.

*DICENTRA (Dielytra) spectabilis. Bleeding Heart, or Lyre Flower. (Ready in November.) A beautiful plant for the borders, and elegant as a pot-plant for the house. Beautiful pink and white flowers, heart-shaped. 20 cts. each, $2 per doz., $15 per I00.

ERANTHIS hyemalis (Winter Aconite). A pretty yellow flower

that blooms very early in the spring with the snowdrops. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz., $1 per 100. ERYTHRONIUM (Dog’s-tooth Violet). These prefer a partially

shaded and moist situation. Plant them in soil 6 to 12 inches deep, the lighter the soil the deeper. Variegated foliage and cyclamen-like flowers. All colors, large-flowering, mixed, 3 cts. each, 25 cts. per doz., $1.75 per 100.

FRITILLARIA Meleagris (Guinea-Hen Flower). Produces in spring curious bell-shaped flowers with odd markings; fine for naturalizing. Mixed varieties, 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz., $1.50 per 100.


Very desirable for pot culture. Early-planted bulbs (six to eight in a 4-inch pot) may be flowered by New Year’s Day. Give plenty of water when well established.

Refracta alba. Pure white flowers,Each Doz. 100 1,000 with yellow-blotched throat; very sweet. Mammoth bulbs.......... $0 03 $0 30 $1 75 $15 00 Binst-sizeybulbsea sae 4] eee oe 02 15 i QS IO 00 Purity. A pure white-flowered variety of large size and free-flowering. Large bulbs, %in. diameter...... 04 40 275 25 00 First-size bulbs, 3éin. diameter... 03 30 WS I5 00 Red Freesia (Anomatheca cruenta). A pretty Freesia-like plant for pot cul- ture, with bright scarlet flowers.... 02 I5 I 00

Gladioli (Cardinalis, or Nanus Varieties)

These beautiful, early-flowering and dwarf forms of Gladioli are admirable for forcing for cut-flowers and also elegant plants in pans for decorative work. Théy are very floriferous, strong bulbs, pro- ducing three to four flowering spikes. The flowers are elegant in their markings and, like the larger forms, may be cut in bud state. They can be planted outdoors quite early and will bloom abundantly from July to September. In all of these varieties the lower petals are beautifully blotched. An elegant race. Each Doz. 100 Ackermanni. Orange-carmine, white blotched.$0 03 $0 25 $1 50 Blushing Bride. Light, almost white, crim-

son blotch, at times four and five flower-

SPIKES epee Aer ais ne ee $ro per I,000.. 02 A i DS Colvillei (The Bride). A very nice, pure white,

suitable for forcing and also splendid for out-

AOOTS eerie Reais eee $10 per I,000.. 02 2D i 2S Peach Blossom. Lovely, and well-named.

Early and fine for forcing. ..$12 per 1,000. . 03 25 I 50 Queen of Holland. Pure white. witha distinct

carmine blotch; very free-flowering......... 04 30 2 00

Dicentra spectabilis


Galanthus (Snowdrops)

Very early-flowering. May be planted with Scilla Sibirica, Crocus, Winter Aconite, etc. For permanent planting, place in a partially shaded situation. A small percentage of double flowers will be found

amongst the singles, and vice versa. Each Doz. 100 Nivalis. Single-flowering ...$6.50 per 1,000..$0 02 $0 15 $0 75 Nivalis flore pleno. Double-flowering....... $12 per 1,000. . 03 Ag it 50) Elwesii (Giant Single Snowdrop). One of the largest. Large bulbs ........ $9 per 1,000. . 02 20 I 00

Grape, Plume or Feathered and Musk Hyacinths (Large Bulbs)

All of these are classed under Muscari, a numerous family, many closely resembling each other. A few very desirable hardy ones are listed, fine for the garden and for growing in pots, bulb-pans, etc.

Grape Hyacinth, Blue. Very rich, bright Doz. 100 1,000 JOMBKS, das ova Bieta Site ona eva er om nt osoieho ekE came chemeeroe $0 10 $0 70 $6 00 White. Lily-of-the-Valley-like............ I5 90 8 00 | Heavenly Blue. Bright sky-blue; best and largest of the Grape Hyacinths; bells large, and form a neat truss; fine for pots and garden. 02 15 I 00 Plume or Feathered Hyacinth. Plume-like, TMA C-COAEG! INEAGIS. oo cc agaeetsusccces 20 I 00

HYACINTHUS candicans (Galtonia).


Summer-flowering Hya- cinth, growing from 3 to 5 feet high, with spikes of beautiful blush- white flowers. 5c. each, 50c. per doz., 60 cts. postpaid; $3.50 per 100.

HYMENOCALLIS (Ismene). A splendid plant and flower for pot culture. Flowers white, produced on tall stems away above the beautiful foliage. 7 cts. each, 70 cts. per doz., $5 per 100.



A very large family of bulbous and rhizomatous plants popularly

known as “Poor Man’s Orchids.’’ Like the orchids, their colors are rich, varied and beautiful. There is much diversity in their character, habits, cultural needs, etc., yet most of them are easily cared for.

Spanish Tris (Largest Bulbs)

Of these, millions are grown yearly for cut-flower use. elegant in coloring, artistic and very durable in a cut state.

They are

Alexander von Humboldt. Bright blue, with Doz. 100 1,000 showy white blotch on lower petals.......$0 12 $0 90 $7 00 Belle Chinoise. Golden yellow; earliest of all. 12 90 7 00 British Queen. Pure white, gold blotched; tall. 12 90 7 00 Cajanus. A large, handsome, rich, clear yel- low? tall: shoe. 2 Fee pee lene 12 90 7 00 Count of Nassau (King of the Blues). A strong-growing, early blue; very good....... I2 90 7 00 Excelsior. New. Light violet-blue; large flow- ers with very fleshy petals with dark yellow blOtCGhES# 23 seach hos Ser ee eae 12 90 7 00 Flora. New. Standards very light lavender, falls white; immense and attractive flowers. . 12 90 7 Gold Cup (Thunderbolt). Rich bronze-purple, shaded yellow; largest and most vigorous of all 15 I 00 750 L’Innocence. New. A perfectly white variety, with a narrow yellow blotch on the falls.... 12 90 7 00 Louise (Perle d'Amour). A very delicate lilac, at times veined lavendera-- o-oo eee eee 12 90 7 00 SUPERFINE MIXTURE OF FIRST-GRADE BULBS cece ae een oe starnteeen eee eon eae Io 70 600 Various Bulbous Irises *Alata (Scorpion Iris). Only recommended for Each Doz 100 pot culture. If potted in the early fall, will flower in November to December; pale blue..S0 05 $0 50 Anglica. Resembles the Spanish Iris, but has larger flowers and blooms later; they have quite a wide range of colors. Choice mixed. 03 25 $1 50 Anglica, Mt. Blane. Pure white. Splendid fomcutting = 8 Seta: Son eee eee ee O04 35 22h *Filifolia. A grand variety for forcing. Large, sky-blue and substantial flowers.......... 03 25 Florentina. White. Flowers two weeks earlier than the Germanica. Can be easily FOLGER Aes ee Re oe ae 04 30 2 00 *Germanica, Choice Mixed. Desirable, hardy spring-flowering plants; thrive everywhere. 08 75 5.00 Histroides. Light blue, with dark blue spots; one of the earliest and most beautiful Iris... 15 I 50 *Juncea. Brilliant golden yellow; very showy and nice for cutting; flowers are fragrant. This prefers a warm, dry situation; should be lifted after flowering and replanted........ 07 75


Various Bulbous Irises, continued

*Pavonia (Morza). Peacock Iris. Pure white, Each blotched celestial-blue; very showy; prefer- ablevtor poticulturess eee creer

*Reticulata. If potted early, will bloom in January. The flowers are rich purple and gold; violet-scented. Fine for the garden..

Doz. 100

$0 03 $0 25 $1 50

20 2 00 Iris Kaempferi (The Japanese Iris) (NOVEMBER)

Very handsome, summer-flowering varieties, blooming from June to August. They prefer rich, moist soil, but will.thrive in any fair soil. Very large flowers that will give a magnificent display.

10 Choice Single-flowered Varieties. Large clumps. 25 cts. each, $2.40 per doz., $15 per 100; set of 10 $2.

Incarvillea (Hardy Gloxinia)

Delavayi. Hardy. Beautiful, trumpet-shaped, deep Each Doz rose-carmine flowers with yellow throat; borne in clusters;onvlongistems: oe oe eee eee $o 15 $1 50

Grandiflora. Beautiful pink; larger flowers than the Preceding 25 236 Geos ee gs eoas title nos Sree ele eases 20 2 00

Ixias (Corn Lilies)

Graceful plants, bearing on wiry stems a beautiful variety of blos- soms in many shades of pink, red and yellow. Nice for pot culture.

Large-flowering, Best Mixtures. 15 cts. per doz., 75 cts. per 100,

$5 per 1,000. Lily-of-the- Valley


For forcing, plant about twelve pips in a 6-inch pot, keeping the crowns above the soil; place in a temperature of about 80 degrees, covering the pots with moss; keep them moist continually. They should flower in 3 or 4 weeks from time of planting. For the garden we have the clumps as well as the pips. They should be planted in masses, in partially shaded and moist locations. Plant the single pips 4 inches apart; they will increase rapidly and form one mass.

Perfection Brand, Extra Select Early Foreing. Strong pips.

Bundle of 25 pips, 75 cts., $2 per 100, $18 per 1,000; cold-storage pips, $2.50 per 100, $20 per 1,000. For planting outdoors.

Large, Strong Clumps. $3 per doz., $20 per 100.

30 cts. each,



LEUCOJUM vernum Carpathicum (Spring Snowflake). A strong- growing plant, with nodding white flowers tipped canary-yellow. 3 cts. each, 30 cts. per doz.

NERINE Sarniensis (Guernsey Lily). Flowers dark salmon, turning to carmine; very showy. 25 cts. each, $2.50 per doz.

ORNITHOGALUM Arabicum (Star of Bethlehem). Pure white flowers, with glossy black center; showy and easily grown; also useful for pots. 3 cts. each, 30 cts. per doz., $2 per 100.


Valuable for winter-flowering; elegant for pots and baskets. 6 to Io bulbs may be planted in a pot.

Bermuda Buttercup. Very good for winter-flower- Doz. 100 ing, being free and continuous; pure bright yellow PLO W.CL Speer er ce cey er er eter eRe ec aes Soe etek $o 20 $1 50 Bowei. Brilliant carmine-rose.......... 3 for 5 cts... I5 I 00 Grand Duchess. Dwarf variety of great beauty. Flowers large and thrown well above the foliage. Lavender, Pink and White and Yellow............. Each, or mixed. . 20 I 50 Mixed Varieties... 0... 0c. jcc eee nets eee aes 10 50

PANCRATIUM calathinum. Large, fragrant, white flowers pro- duced in clusters on tall stems; fine for pot culture or for the garden. 10 cts. each, $1 per doz.



One of the most durable and satisfactory garden plants. Once planted they can be enjoyed for years. Plant in good, deep, rich soil to a depth so that the crown of the plant is about 2 inches below the surface.

Choice Named Herbaceous Peonies If wanted by mail, add 15 cts. each to catalogue prices

Each Doz.

Alba plena odorata. Pure white; very fragrant...... $0 35 $3 50 Berlioz. Large, full-globular flowers; bright currant-red. 50 5 00 Boule de Neige. Pure white with carmine spots..... 50 5 00 Duchesse de Nemours. Best pure white; beautiful

flower; profuse bloomer......................-... 35 3 50 Festiva Maxima. Pure white with a few scarlet spots

in the center; very large...................--0--- 35 3.50 Lady Leonora Bramwell. Silvery rose; fragrant..... 35 3 50 L’Eclatante. Carmine; very beautiful.............. 35 3.50 Madame Thourenain. Violet-pink............... 35 3 50 Madame Lemoine. Pure white; very fine; perfect

SOLA UIE Great ced Gaer ceeecen ee ROME eee or REE DRRERER eee ees 50 5 00 Marie Stuart. A very fine pink flower; elegant shape. 50 5 00 Meissonier. Deep crimson, with reflexed petals...... 35 3.50 Puleherrima. White, shaded yellow and salmon-pink;

center petals tipped carmine...................... 35 3.50

Collection: One each of 12 varieties, $4

Paeonia officinalis The old-fashioned garden Peony. Blooms nearly two weeks earlier

than other varieties. Each Doz.

Dowbleaw arb rye ese es tes soesis «saan seen OI $o 20 $2 00 Double!Searlet:.) cc osc cos ese eens Ge ee eae Se I5 I 50 Double vPro oe ease. opel even fey este hence aus Wis oi eels 20 2 00

PUSCHKINIA scilloides. Spikes of white and blue-tinged flowers.

Adapted for pot culture, and also for the hardy border. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz. RANUNCULUS, French Turban and Persian. Very showy,

ranging through many shades of color. They flower profusely in pots and frames in the spring of the year. Plant 3 to 4 inches apart with the claws of the tuber down; cover with sand and sufficient soil that the crowns are 3 inches below the surface. 20 cts. per

doz., $1.25 per 100. Scillas

Very hardy and beautiful class of bulbous plants. Desirable for house and garden culture. Charming in all respects. Splendid for naturalizing. Will grow and flower in shady places where most flowers will not exist.

Campanulata, Excelsior. Very large, bright Each Doz. 100 DIMER OWENSHe Are ere he aig ee mie Oil ces $o 03 $025 $1 50 Campanulata alba maxima. Large; pure WHILE rials eeteroeaie eas Ete teeters iehavens 03 25 41 50


Scillas, continued Each Doz r00 Campanulata, Rose major. Large; fine pink.$0 03 $025 $1 50 Campanulata, Blue Queen. Large; bright

IOUIIVS seeded UALR coe RE Motels hula cer eisen a een 03 25 I 50 Campanulata, Sky-Blue. Large; bright blue. 03 25 I 50 Campanulata, Rosy Queen. Very large; rose-

COO CO e c cho eee eet co otttd oe neeeen eco menene eeoinIe 03 25 I 50 Nutans alba major. Large; white.......... 03 25 I 50 Nutans rubra. Dark lilac-rose.............. 03 25 I 50 Nutans czrulea. Sky-blue flowers.......... 03 25 I 50 Sibirica. Blue. First-size bulbs. $9 per 1,000. . 02 I5 I 00

Mammoth lb Saeeree seein niente 03 25 I 50 Sibirica alba. White flowers............... 02 20 I 25

SPARAXIS. Ixia-like flowers, very gorgeous in color; dwarf habit, very nice; extra-fine mixture. 2 cts. each, 15 cts. per doz., $1 per 100, $8 per 1,000.



A very hardy class of plants, extensively grown as pot-plants for Easter and spring sale. They are very showy; flowers are borne in

large pyramids of feathery panicles of pink and white. Handsome foliage. These large roots can be sent by express only. Astilboides floribunda. A popular market Each Doz. 100

variety; large heads of white flowers........ $o 15 $1 50 $9 00 Gladstone. A fine improved free-flowering

white variety, forming immense plants with

large plumes on long stems; elegant........ 20 I 75 12 00 Peach Blossom. A very pretty light pink.

New, and not tested thoroughly........... 22 2 25 15 00 Queen Alexandra. The best of the pink varie-

ties for forcing; in great demand........... 25 2 50 18 00 Japonica. Old standard variety............. 10 I 00 600

STERNBERGIA lutea. Very beautiful autumn-flowering plant. Fiowers golden yellow, much resembling crocus, but of larger size. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz.

TRITELEIA uniflora (Spring Star Flower). Star-shaped milky white flowers. For pot culture; flowers in early spring. Plant four to six bulblets in a pot. 2 cts. each, 20 cts. per doz.

Zephyranthus Suitable for pot culture or for planting in the garden in spring. Each Doz. Atamasco. Hardy. White, suffused pink........... $0 20 $2 00 Candida. Long, pure white flowers..... oGod0bO0GdO 05 50

Peony, Festiva Maxima


Flower Seeds for the Greenhouse and Coldframe. Hardy

Perennials for the Garden

For a complete list of Flower Seeds, see our Spring Catalogue for 1913. Our general catalogue for the coming season will be ready early in January, 1914. If not received in due time, it will be sent on application.

The early fall months is an opportune time for sowing seeds of many of the popular Bedding and Decorative Plants. Seedlings potted at this season can be grown on slowly to produce sturdy, v vigorous stock, some varieties available for winter and early spring use, while others may be held in a semi-dormant condition until the warm rays of the sun in March force a renewal of growth. Many varieties of plants held quite dry and pot-bound may be wintered in a surprisingly low temperature and yield quality and early effect not obtain- able from late sowings.

A large variety of blooming plants for next spring may be produced by sowing seed now in coldframes or protected quarters. Sow as early as possible to secure sturdy plants before the advent of cold weather. These may then be readily wintered and give early bloom the coming season. This applies to all such popular plants as Daisies, Pansies, Foxgloves, Hollyhocks, Oriental, Iceland and other Poppies, Myosotis, ete.

Cineraria aye | Hybrida grandiflora. ...............-.-.+..-....-.+.-..-$0 50 | Dwartec Aca eden nero eee see, aoe 50 | Matador 2 52.2505 222 soe re en ee oe 25 | SCO aa ee eee ere i hak oe ne ea Ree eee 25 = TAG ata Be Ae ry See ee ose 25 Cyclamen Too seeds Giant Deep Crimson o.c3siacins Sern occ es ee ace er ee $1 00 ROS Cierra ge ecn oe once aenc Ua me ae ee pemerroae I 00 Cae) 8 |! cee ara Eee Bene EY opnn HeAirrt tte PRS te Nor Bba kat ok lel ae cierate aie oa oO eNO I oo | £O IVA CS on 5 av ond So ee SS UE DE eee I 00 nN) 0 06X15 0 ape ene ineneoe ie cher iy Smut arate etowporo ciate Gis a I 00 | < White, ‘red eye: occ5. 2 ee ee et ened Se ee erces I 00 SS SIMGixedl) . ese) rer ca SE ee area cee aes I 00 Pansy Be see Beckert’s Superb Mixed.................. oz. $6..$0 25 $0 80 Bugnot’s Large Blotched........................ 25 80 Andromed ay iis ee Aeon See EEL eee = 25 75 Cassier’s '‘Superh). dkaeins Anema en een cece 25 75 BEB OS (530502 Bie hos css 0S OE ERT siete See 25 75 Masterpiece): 220s. susie Sips aetae ooe erent tomato 25 75 Orehid= flowered’. 5255.2. 42 nA eto ees 25 75

Cineraria hybrida grandiflora

Pansy, continued Pkt. %oz. Oz. Giant Adonis .....:.60..6 2st ee ee $o 10 $0 60 $2 25 Atropurpurea’s 2 cect eee ee eee 50) 60 2 25 COMME ba iy eis als evactuewenneeee ne Se eee ere 10 60 2 25 Emperor William......................... Io 60 2 25 ECV asia fx en ness ee ag he ew 10 60 2 25 Golden Queen. . Sas R Hens Ohta, cp. Io 60 2 25 Golden Yellow, with dark | ey Cap RMR 0s 50) Gomez 25 Hortensia’ ie 265 s1ag cee eis fo eae 10 60 B DS Indigo Ram gs oo... cps rae ek eins ash ea Be eee 10 60 2 25 King of the Blacks....................... 10 60 2 25 Beaconsfield so ..c05. 8 as yas Hehe te 10 60 2 25 Madam Perret 10 60 2 25 Peacocke. s6cic aes oe he ee Oo oe ae ee ne ng0) 60 2 25 Parisian’ sezccisiccscivesteke Sere cua ee ate ecceahoke 10 60 2 25 Prince Henry.cbinn at ee ee os cee a0) 60 2 25 Striped Snow Queen...................... 50) 60 2 25 White, with dark eye....................-.-- 10 60 2 25 a Obi Ie emer am pee Oooo com ocdo COU DOOD QOS nme) 60 2 25

Pkt. Christmas! Pinks 22 i052 «Soccer et ee $o ro aS ee Christmas Meteor..................-...---2.---- Io 25 Earliéstof AU) occ cis ls Soaps ses 2 Pence oe eee 05 15 Earliesti Whites. cc siicnites sacs Soe ris Seton eee eae 10 20 Florence Dwyer................-.--202022+2 se ees IO 20 Ee Marquise ec crrc sistete reeset reat ee eaeereateta t= 10 25 Mrs: Alex. Wallace... 2.52... 202 55 ee ee ses Io 25 Ty 6 eopaak OFS) 3 EM Wi A Aide aio Ou a coiae aolemieinwe Ag Goe!ao-nre s4016 a0) 25 Mrs. Bid) Delansky 226 55.che oe hoe oe ences 10 30 Mrssi Bi Wwaldlie ces rene ee rere ye mitra 10 25 Mrs: Wims Sime ee oy erate ste reeeiie ai 50) 25 Beckert’s Superb Pansy Mrs. W. W. Smalley................ Pecans rt pope 10 25 18


Flower Seeds, continued

ACONTITUM Napellus: .ooiccccoc cece ct een ese ee ue Ghee t


ANTIRRHINUM, Tali. Separate colors or mixed %oz. 25c. Large-flowering, Semi-dwarf.

AQUILEGIA, Lozg- spurred Hybrids: Ft SABER ca -sudtasthe ol pictete Californica hybrida.. Mate BOZ 625 Che CROLL ae es nO rece eee ous one Voz., 25¢.. . ezrulea hybrida........................... YBOz., 25C.. - ezrulea hybrida, Rose Queen......................... CRRY SAIC are eae iu ce coseer a Amis heen Yoz., 15C.. . ehrysantha grandiflora alba........................... chrysamthatiipny sen sje osc yo ee Gee DECo 5 ¢ PACY YS LT aera ces CIO Oona ore ate cece cae ae VEU ES FS c Bron nse ORG ee ee eae eae area Yor. , 15¢.. :

ANCHUSA Italica, Dropmore variety....................

ARABIS alpina grandiflora superba....................

ALYSSUM saxatile citrinum................. YA Cio, BSGa 0 - ASPARAGUS plumosus nanus. 50seeds 50c., 100 seeds 90c.. Sprengeri. ...... 50 seeds, 25 cts., 100 seeds, 40 cts...

BELLIS PERENNIS, The Bride.................... The Bridegroom.....................

GiantiSnow balla eae oe eas esas YBOZ., 50C.. . Giant Red.............. Pelee eee nee a cr Ygoz., 50C.. - Glam Gai Ke Wis se res os eee een ee ere edad ees Yoz., 50C.. . CAMPANULA Medium, Single. Separate colors or mixed. YYOZ., 25C. Medium, Double. Separate colors or mixed... %4oz., 4oc.. . ; Calyecanthema. Separate colors or mixed..... Y%40Z., 50C.. : CarpatiGar ype ais tes Namen ee ud ah oe YOZ., 25C... Pyramid aliser emesis cist hes tee eee sues cee ehe a = Yi On DICoe 3 RITE POTIDNIS Meo eee ser uee e e ee Yoz., 25C... persicifolia grandiflora................................. AMA CLOS EVLA ee reir eee ae seepe neta as awe ee ee es VeOz., 25C... CALCEOLARIA, Large-fiowered Self-colored............ Large-flowered Tigered or Spotted..................... Shrubby, Rugosa major.............................. Shrubby, Triumph of the North...................... CARNATION, Giant Marguerite or Malmaison..........

1%40Z., 50C... Marguerite, Half Dwarf....................%0z., 40c...

Chabaud’s Everblooming...................

DELPHINIUM cardinale

Cashmerian vim: 25ers eee ee eas FPormosumi sg 32) hires ee oe oe ee eee epee VA Shox, BCac o Formosum grandiflorum............................. Formosum celestinum....................%40z., 40c. erandiflorum i.e. ih eee oe ee 1%40Z., 15C grandiflorum album. .%40z., I5¢€ Kelway’s Hybrids... Bee ee eee ee Double-flowering Hybrids. . Berry casi tee OZ ee SOC. Belladonna‘, oo)5 Sera re ee eee YA) Deere anor ee te ics ca oh CReIRTING IEC ok ca oe Se Rc oc ee Blue: Butterfly... 2c sss cru se sate ee as DIANTHUS, Dwarf Erfurt Clove Pink................... Perpetual Pink.) 205-3 3 ssecisoe eee es Y%Ooz., 40C.. . Single Finest Mixed....................... WY%oz., 15C... Double and Semi-double Grass Pink.......'40z., 40c.. . DIGITALIS grandiflora...................... Woz., 15C. purpurea gloxinizeflora.. : Se OZ OG er purpurea maculata superba, “Mixed... YZoz., 40C... purpurea monstrosa........ Brel eVahecsaetene nse l4oz., 40C. ERIGERON pote cere ee eee a ea ess GAILLARDIA grandiflora oculata............ 14 0z., 20C... grandiflora semi-plena.................... WAO ZZ OC Kelway’s Hybrids.......................... POZS5 Ge

GAZANIA splendens, New Hybrids ......................

Separate colors or mixed. YA Shen DESan

GianteLonetellowees-s-sen sos aes ol on ss BOD SOC

Gia OFF NICO io. io 2 sss Ss ees eo oes eee an siete ernie ohlae ites roseue ies

CANDYTUFT Gibraltarica Hybrids..................... SCMPELVITEMS |). o-oo = eesersjesererete nicole ae ae es oi eusvcn acweiienersee ote CHRYSANTHEMUM maximum, Alaska................ maximum, California................................

COREOPSIS grandifiora..................... Yoz., 20C.. . grandiflora compacta......................M402Z., 25¢...

GLAUCIUM flavum tricolor........................

Hybrida grandiflora imperialis.. GYPSOPHILA paniculata................... yen

Ze, BOG8 OZ Newport) Pink: 23.25. whe 140Z.,

MYOSOTIS alpestris robusta grandiflora, Triumph alpestris, Victoria....................


GLOXINIA hybrida grandiflora crassifolia erecta......

HELIANTHUS, Perennial, Mixed............. 14OZ., 50C.. . HELIOPSIS Pitcheriana..................... OZ aS Ga HOLLYHOCKS, Allegheny Mammoth Fringed.......

ZOES OFig Sits. Chater’s Superb Strain. Separate colors or mixed..... YVoz., 60c.; 0z., $2.. Fimest Double. Separate colors or MXC ME ar eee: 14 0Z., 30C.; OZ.,

FEUD ZUAVIEN Biresiek secusrerenen ns otto cae oan earA eercu ates eee st aint LATE YRUSlatitoliuss-3- +o 052 lo So ese a BOCs LOBELIA cardinalis robusta grandifiora................. LUPINUS polyphyllus Merheimi..................... polyphyllus roseuml (2. 3222.2. 5 eee ce ee LYCHNIS Haageana HMybrids......................... MIGNONETTE, Defiance................: ae 4, 0Z., ZOCe AT ENC) UVCY Hey rove peeicreyc ict iid nee eee’ ciao OZ EZ0 Cae

dissitiflora, Perfection.........................+--+--. UGH PaSCHER ee ee PE ae SYLVA ticas Be eat a oo cra bincae eee n espe Deu eegs hte sylvatica, Whitey ates 6 ae eben ct eue aheelenecrs BNET A 3 Chsicty orargeorela pine ted © nh Dan rereta Aas: n Suns tenon Sreetionn Beene etalc

NEMESIA strumosa nana compacta grandiflora.........



Pkt. Primula ‘vulgaris: 2.025: c22-255 4692 se eee eee $o 10 Forbesi rubra....... setae dap "Medes A 25 mialacoides'\-7. ..0).0 0066.5 nave - ees Go ee ee 25 SCABIOSA’ Caulcasiea....2 2s. 555.5 ss Soe ee ee 10 SMU ASX Fe crea iss ee eee eee Y40Z., 25C... 10- | SDLORESTAVcyaneal = eno oe ee eee ee LAS DAKE. 5 10 | STREPTOCARPUS hybrida............................. 25 | SWEET ROCKET. .:...).4. 255.2) eee 05 STOCKS, Early Brompton, Almond Blossom............ 15 Beauty of Nice...) 5.2.2 'see soe bos cess ee ee eee 15 Giant Abundancee s «2.22 22: sj0 oss eee 25 Monte’ Carlo). 55 Sicnt bese sons Joos eee 15 | Queen: Alexandra (222.2. .4i3.o5 see eee 15 | Mesuviusy 5 sys52- ese ace coe Se Se ee ee 15 | ‘Mont Blane... 2) o2520- nese ee 25 Souvenir de Monaco............................0.005. 15 i 0 CG ct) ot: een te ere noe reer ee ad alsn chica aca acs oc 15 | SWEET WILLIAM, Holborn Glory........... 1{Oz., 25C... 50) Fink Beauty oii ce ie eee PAO, BRE s 3 5X0) Single White 2.2.7 305528 jas ioe ee Woz., 15¢... 05 Single\Crimson. 5...) hea. s ce eee %40z., 15C... 05 Single Mixed Varieties..................... %4oz., 15¢... 05 Double Mixed Varieties.................... Yoz., 25¢... na0) Everblooming Sweet William.............. 140Z., 30C... 10 VIOLA CORNUTA, Admiration.............. YRoz., 30c. . 10 (| “Ardwell'Gemiec. 2. seo. 386 Gel eee WROZ- SG 15 Blue Perfection: .....22 642545660 -206en eee 06072 30Cee 10 White Perfection.......................... Yoz., 30C.. - Io IMEX@dt Seiintioie ee Soe So ee oe ee %40z., 75C 10 Crt C1): ©: ete aCe eae een iran oeErr ec iclons.6 y cis op 6 6 10 VINCAS iscsi cane eee adows oe eee SEO BS CH ELO WALLFLOWER (Cheiranthus Kewensis)................... 25 Anntiall Mixed s...::..).00 0 = sasintiteis bg cl te i eee 50) Dwarf German... <2. 306 sie ctosis tts oot eee 25

Winter-flowering Sweet Peas (see page 18)

Flower Seeds, continued

Pkt. PENTSTEMON, Sensation......................2eeeeeee $o I0 POLYGONUM Baldschuanicum........................ 25 POPPIES; Alpine, Fringed). -.<) 222.525... se. snot ee 15 Bractea tum yes 6 ee ee en See ee BAOZ nts Cre 10 Bracteatum, Livermore variety....................... 10 Needs rad yy foc et O72 5 Cee pa0) Oriental ei oe Cen ee eS ee eee Y%oz., 25c Io Oriental Hybrids.......................... WYoz., 25C... 10 PYRETHRUM roseum hybridum grandifiorum.......... I5 Double and semi-double varieties..................... 25 PHLOX decussata grandiflora................ WYoz., 50¢... 25 PRIMULA Sinensis, Giant Pink......................... 50 Giant Wihite:302 5 025 re ene ae eee eee 50 Giant Copper-colored.......................--2000--+- 50 Giant Licht Rosen see een Eee eee 50 Giant) Rea 252s sce a re ces 50 Giant ‘Salmmoniis55.33 25 5e oe Oe Ieee 50 Giant; Oran ge Rim oi oars ee Oe eee 50 / Giant Be eer he sn aT eee eee 50 Giant) Flesh=Wihite (95. se.) nce ee ee ro eee eros 50 Giant’ Rose-colored |. (. 302. Sac: So ooh hee te es 50 Giant iViixe de aire ee chee De eo Bi ee ene pees 50 fimbriata; Simgle ee cc ae oan ees eee oes Sees 25 firmbriata, Double ne ocr ces nuove ores yee emer emebenenere 50 PRIMULA obconica gigantea........................... 25 gigantea hy bridar. 52 98 5 ts yds See ne aes, eee Soe eee 25 gigantea hybrida fimbriata.........................-- 25 gvigantea lilacimay ys oes acre Oey ee ie tare wee oles 25 fipanteaoculatan- oo .13 ticks Seis ae eds 2 arene ep olger 25 gigantea purpurea. 055005022 one be oe 2 tan eee eas 25 Fig bgt oy oe Wp ot LS 2 Hale oe erence Bt Gets. cues Sie aA eee leLarnin SESE) cece cecicno 25 Pigantead Toseas soos: 2 se Seen ne aes Scheer eelever=ns 25 prandifiora albac. 2-2 ke syste sc sreicseoe ost See ees 25 PCr bs Cont Fee Store oie ce eenene Cie yea one. Sen ack eeneia er Olse 25 denticulata Cashmeriana grandiflora.................. 50 ; Japonica, New Hybrids...............-...-...-2..+-5- Io a % Sieboldi amoena prandiflora.........................-.-. 50 - veris grandiflora elatior..........................-..--- 15 Stocks



Grass Seed, Highest Grade

Prices variable. Prices of Grass Seed fluctuate; rates here given are those ruling at this date. For Grass Seed sent by mail, add postage at the rate of 8 cts. per lb. to prices. Write for special prices on large quantities

We sell only the highest grade of Grass Seed produced; of most of the Grass Seeds here offered there are various grades on the market—

as many as five grades of some varieties.

The weight of the best grades of Grass Seed is in some cases double the weight of lower

grades of seed, consequently there is a corresponding difference in value and cost. We shall be pleased to submit samples.

Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera). Succeeds well in moist situations. Bus. 15 lbs. Lb. 35 cts., 10 lbs. $2.70, 100 lbs. $25.

Crested Dog’s Tail (Cynosurus cristatus). Valuable for pasture on hard, dry soils. Bus. 21 lbs. Lb. 35 cts., 10 lbs. $2.90, 100 lbs. $28.

Fine-leaved Fescue (Festuca ovina tenuifolia). Flourishes well on dry and sterile soils; well suited for lawns. Bus. 14 lbs. Lb. 40 cts., Io lbs. $3.70, 100 Ibs. $35.

Perennial Rye (Lolium perenne). Affords pasture very early in the spring. Sow early in the spring at the rate of 1 to 144 bushels to the acre. Bus. 22 lbs. Lb. 15 cts., 10 lbs. $1.20, 100 lbs. $10.

Kentucky Blue (Poa pratensis). Sow in fall or spring at the ‘rate of two to three bushels per acre. Our seed is free from chaff and

may be sown almost as easily as Timothy. Fancy quality. Lb. 25c., .

bus. of 14 lbs. $2.25, 100 lbs. $15.

Lawn Grass. A mixture of the finest grasses for this purpose. See second page of cover. Bus. of 24 Ibs. $4.50.

Orchard (Dactylus glomerata). Rapid in growth and yields a large aftermath; earlier than other Grasses. Choicest grade. Lb. 30 ets., bus. of 14 lbs. $2.40, 100 lbs. $16.

Sweet Vernal (Aunthoxanthum odoratum). Mixed with other grasses, it is valuable for pasture on account of its earliness; pleas- ant in fragrance. Lb. 60 cts., 10 lbs. $5.50.

Red Top (Agrostis vulgaris). Very suitable for pasture on low ground. Choice, Lb. 15 cts., bus. of 14 lbs. $1.60, too Ibs. $10. Fancy, Lb. 25 cts., bus. of 32 lbs. $5.45, 100 lbs. $16.

Red or Creeping Fescue (Festuca rubra). Very suitable for sandy or dry impoverished soil, gravelly banks or bleak hillsides; withstands extreme drought. Bus. 14 lbs. Lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.60, Ioo lbs. $24.

Rhode Island Bent (Agrostis canina). A very fine variety for lawn or pasture. Bus. 14 lbs. Lb. 35 cts., 10 lbs. $2.90, 100 lbs. $27. Sheep’s Fescue (Festuca ovina). Short, very thick in growth; ex-

cellent for sheep pasture. Bus. 12 lbs. Lb. 30 cts., 10 lbs. $2.50, 100 lbs. $23.

Timothy (Phleum pratense). Leading grass for hay. 45 lbs. to bushel. Best grades only. Market price.

Wood Meadow (Poa nemoralis). Very suitable for sowing under trees. Catches quickly and well. Bus. 14 lbs. Lb. 4o cts., to lbs. $3.40, 100 lbs. $32.

Permanent Mixture for Hay For Medium Land. 2 bus. per acre. Bus. of 21 Ibs. $3.75. _ For Heavy, Wet Land. 2 bus. per acre. Bus. of 21 lbs. $3.75.

Permanent Mixture for Pasture For Medium Land. 2 bus. per acre. Bus. of 21 lbs. $4.25. For Heavy, Wet Land. 2 bus. per acre. Bus. of 21 lbs. $4.25. These mixtures can be sown either in spring or fall.

Clover Seed (Highest Grades Only)

Prices variable. Add 8 cts. per lb. for postage

Alsike (Trifolium hybridum). Fine for pasturage or for ensilage. Lb. 25 cts., bushel of 60 lbs. market price.

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa). Will bear cutting three or four times during the season. Best clover for bringing up poor land. Lb. 30 cts., bushel of 60 lbs. market price.

Crimson (Tvifolium incarnatum). Very productive; eaten by cattle. Lb. 25 cts., bushel of 60 lbs. market price.

Mammoth Red (Trifolium pratense perenne). Best grade. Bushel of 60 lbs. market price.

Red Clover (Tvifolium pratense). market price. Best grown.

White Duteh (7yvifolium repens). Very scarce. The best variety for lawns, as it forms a close herbage and remains green throughout the season, and comes up every spring. Highest grade of seed. Lb. ASc., 10 lbs. $4, 25 lbs. $9.50.


Best grade. Bushel of 60 lbs.

California Privet For Ornamental Hedges

Now used very extensively for ornamental hedges; of very free growth and thrives under the most adverse conditions. Foliage dark, glossy green and remains on the plant until severe winter sets in. Of very rapid and uniform growth, and in a few years will form a fine hedge which is pertectly hardy, and can be trimmed to any desired shape or height.

Plant 10 to 15 inches apart, according to size of plants, in double rows, alternating the plants; requires a severe pruning the first two or three years to produce a dense hedge from the base up.

Orders now booked for spring delivery 100 I,000 I2 to 18 inches high.$3 50 $30 00 18 to 24 inches high. 4 50 40 oo 24 to 36 inches high. 5 50 50 00

Hedge of California Privet

Pot-Grown Strawberry Plants

Planted early in fall will produce good crops the next season, all at $3.75 per 100. Orders taken for 50 plants and upward.

Brandywine Excelsior Bubach Glen Mary Commonwealth Gandy Climax Jessie

Marshall Success New, York Sample Nick Ohmer Sharpless Oom Paul Wm. Belt


Insecticides and Fungicides

Ant-Destroyer. A sure remedy. Directions on each package. Sold in pint cans only. Per pint, $1.25.

Aphine. For destroying aphis, greenfly, thrip, red spider and other insects in the greenhouse and outdoors. Dilute one part to forty parts of water. %4pt. 25 cts., %pt. 40 cts., pt. 65 cts., qt. $1, gal. $2.50.

Arsenate of Lead. Very effective for combating the codling moth and all other leaf-eating insects. 4 to 6 lbs. should be used to too gals. of water. Put up in sealed packages. Lb. 25 cts., 2 lbs. 45 cts., 5 lbs. $1, 25 lbs. $4.

Aphis Punk. A convenient preparation of nicotine for fumi- gating. Box of 12 rolls, 60 cts.; case of 12 boxes, $6.50.

Bordeaux, Dry. A most convenient form in which to use this standard fungicide. One Ib. to five gallons of liquid. Full directions on package. Lb. 25 cts., 5 lbs. $1, 10 lbs. $1.90.

Bordeaux Paste. It is ready for use at any time by simply add- ing water at a dilution of six to eight pounds to fifty gallons of water. A most convenient form in which to use this preparation. Put up in sealed crocks. Lb. 25 cts., 5 lbs. 85 cts., 25 lbs. $3.

Bug Death. A fungicide, insecticide and plant-food combined. Non-poisonous and very effective for cabbage and tomato worms, po- tato and cucumber bugs. Apply with duster in powder-gun. Lb. 15 cts., 3-lb. pkg. 35 cts., 5-lb. pkg. 50 cts., 12'%4-lb. pkg. $1, 100-lb. pkt. $7.50. Bug Death Duster for applying, 25 cts.

Cattle-Comfort, Hammond’s. For insects on domestic animals. Will relieve cattle, horses and dogs from effects of flies, gnats and mosquitos. Qt. 45 cts., gal. $1.15, 5 gals. $5.

Climax Lawn Sand. For weedy lawns. Will adhere to the rough, hairy leaves of dandelion, plantain, etc., and, by absorbing therefrom all the sap, destroy them beyond recovery. Also acts as a fertilizer for the lawn. 3%-lb. tin can, 40 cts., 14 lbs. $1.25, 28 lbs. $2, 56 lbs. $3.50, 112 lbs. $6, 560 lbs. $25.

Fir Tree Oil Soap. Fir tree oil prepared in soap form. Lb. 40 cts., 2 Ibs. 75 cts., 5 lbs. $1.75.

Fungine. An infallible remedy for destroying mildew, rust, bench-rot and other fungi. Does not stain the foliage. Yzpt. 35 cts., pt. 50 cts., qt. 75 cts., gal. $2.

Getz-There Soap. An infallible remedy for plant lice, scale in- sects, mealy bug, red spider, black and white fly, black and green aphis and other pests in the greenhouse, and also for many pests that infest the garden and orchard. Per gallon can, $1.

Horicum. A lime, sulphur and salt mixture, entirely free from grit. Dilute with 25 parts of water. Full directions with each can. Specially recommended for San José scale. Gal. $1, 5 gals. $4.50.

Kerosene Emulsion. If thrown over tent or hairy caterpillars in a fine stream with some force, it breaks the web and destroys the cat- erpillars. Dilute one qt. to six gals. of water. Qt. 30 cts., gal. 85 cts., 5 gals. $3.75.

Lime-Sulphur Solution. Can be used as an insecticide or fungi- cide. For the former dilute one part of the solution to nine parts of water and use as a spray for San José and all other scale insects. To use as a fungicide, dilute one part of Lime-Sulphur to thirty-five to one hundred parts of water, depending on the hardiness of the plant or tree. Gal. 75 cts., 5 gal. $2.25, 25 gal. $6.50, 50 gal. $11.

Lemon Oil. Destroys mealy bug, brown and white scale, thrip, red spider, caterpillars, black and green flies, mites, ants, fleas and insects on animals, and insects that infest poultry-houses, barns, etc. Yept. 25 cts., pt. 40 cts., qt. 75 cts., gal. $1.25, gal. $2, 5 gals. $o.

Nicoticide. Fumigating compound. Mpt. $1.25, pt. $2.50, qt. $4.50, gal. $8.25, gal. $15. Vaporizing apparatus, 50 cts.

Nikoteen. Contains 40 per cent nicotine; one pint contains as much nicotine as two hundred pounds of tobacco-stems. 1% pt. bottle 40 cts., pt. $1.50, 5 pts. $7.

Nikotiana. A new fumigating tobacco product. Qt. $1.50, gal. $4.

Persian Insect Powder. Non-poisonous. A superior grade. Kills all kinds of insects on plants in the garden and in the house. Yb. 15 cts., Ib. 45 cts., 5 lbs. $2.

Pyrox. A bordeaux and arsenate-of-lead preparation. Excellent for leaf-biting insects and prevents blight. One Ib. to five gallons of water. Lb. 25 cts., 5 lbs. $1, 10 lbs. $1.75, 25 Ibs. $4, 50 lbs. $7.50, too Ibs. $13.50.

Sulphur, Flowers of. For mildew on plants. Lb. 10 cts., 5 lbs. 40 cts., 10 lbs. 60 cts., 25 Ibs. $1.25, 100 lbs. $4.50.

Slug Shot. This non-poisonous powder requires no further mix- ing or preparing. It is very effectual in destroying potato and other bugs, beetles, green and black fly, slugs, worms, caterpillars, etc. Use with powder-gun or bellows. 1-lb. cartons, 15 cts., 5 lbs. 35 cts., 10 lbs. 65 cts., 25 lbs. $1.50, 100 lbs. $5.

Thrip Juice. For mealy-bug, scale, thrip, codling moth, canker worm, beetles, caterpillar, etc. Dilute 40 to 100 times. Pt. 40 cts., qt. 75 cts., 4gal. $1.40, gal. $2.50.

Tobacco Soap, Sulpho-. Kills all insect life in the window-garden or conservatory. Unsurpassed for Roses; also valuable extermi- nator of moths, cockroaches and carpet bugs. A superior wash for dogs and other animals. Relieves horses and cows from the torment of flies, prevents poultry lice. 3-0z. package 10 cts., by mail 13 cts.; 8-oz. pkg. 20 cts., lb. 35 cts., by mail 50 cts. Io lbs. $3.

Tobacco Soap, Pinner’s. A very potent specific for insects, parasites and their eggs. May be used either for plants or animals. Yalb. 20 cts., lb. 35 ects., 5 Ibs. $1.50.

Tobacco Stems. For fumigating. 300 lbs. $2.50.

Tobacco Dust, Fine. The most effective and cheapest remedy for the flea on cabbage, radish, etc. Pkg. 10 cts., 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 lbs. 50 cts., 50 lbs. $2, 100 lbs. $3.50.

Tobacco Dust, Coarse. Coarse grade for fumigating. 5 lbs. 35 cts., 10 lbs. 60 cts., 50 lbs. $2.75, 100 lbs. $5.

Tree Tangle-Foot. Protects trees from cankerworms, cut- worms, ants, tussock moths and all climbing insects. It will not in- jure trees and when applied remains sticky for three months. Apply it thoroughly around the trunk of the tree just below the lower limbs in a band of 6 to 8 inches in width. Most effective if applied early in March. Lb. can 30 cts., 3 lbs. 85 cts., 10 lbs. $2.65, 20 Ibs. $4.80.

Vermine. A germicide and soil sterilizer. Will destroy the white grub, eel-, wire- and cut-worms, slugs, root lice and maggots. Will also destroy ants. !4pt.25cts., pt. 40 cts., pt. 65 cts., qt. $1, gal. $3.

Whale-Oil Soap, or Fish-Oil Soap. For destroying and prevent- ing insects on plants, trees, vines, etc. Very easily applied and very effective. Lb. 15 cts., 2 lbs. 25 cts., 5 lbs. 50 cts., 10 lbs. 90 cts.

Fresh baled. Bale of about

Whale Oil Soap, Caustic. Very effective as a tree spray and as a summer remedy for San José scale. Comes in semi-liquid form and is easily dissolved. One lb. to ten gals. of water.

Weed Killer, Target Brand. Dilute one gallon with fifty gallons of water. Qt. 40 cts., 2 qts. 65 cts., gal. $1, 5 gals. $4.50, Io gals. $8.50, 25 gals. $18.75, bbl. of 50 gals. $35.

Worm Eradicator, Reade’s Electrie. For removing worms from green- houses, lawns, flower pots, vases, etc., without damage to the plants. Bottles 50 cts. and $1, gal. $3.65, 2 gals. $7.

Wilson’s Plant Oil. An insecticide for use on palms and other house plants. Dilute one quart with four quarts of lukewarm water. Pt. 4oc., qt. 75c., gal. $2.

Lb. 20 cts., 5-lb. cans 75 cts.

Mushroom Spawn Add 15 cts. per brick when to be sent by mail

PURE CULTURE. Repeated trials have demonstrated that the Pure Cul-

ture is far superior to spawn that is imported, and, when once used, no one would willingly use any other kind. It is somewhat more expensive than the old brand, but results will show that it is the best and consequently the cheapest.

Direct. (The best.) These are inoculated directly from the laboratory with- out transfer. Per brick 30 cts., 5 bricks $1.25, 10 bricks $2.30, 25 bricks $5.50, 50 bricks $8, 100 bricks $15.50.

Standard. Per brick 25 cts., 5 bricks $1, 10 bricks $1.80, 25 bricks $3.75, -50 bricks $7, 100 bricks $12.

A brick weighs one and one-third pounds. Pamphlet on “‘“Mushroom Culture” free on application.




Prices variable.

Beckert’s Odorless Lawn and Garden Fertilizer. See inside

front cover.

Bon Arbor. Contains more soluble plant-food than any other fer- tilizer, and its merits have been widely tested and proved by numer- ous expert gardeners. Ylb. 20 cts., by mail 30 cts.; lb. can 35 cts., by mail 50 cts.; 5-lb. can $1.50, 25 lbs. $6.50, 50 lbs. $12.50.

Bowker’s Plant-Food. For pot-plants. Pkg. 15 cts., postpaid 25c.

Clay’s Fertilizer. For all horticultural purposes. Very effective if used with potting soil or in soil of benches, planted with flowering plants, or for the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables, for exhibition purposes where the very best possible results are desired. 2-lb. can 30 cts., 7-lb. bag 75 cts., 14-lb. bag $1.15, 28-lb. bag $2, 56-lb. bag $3.50, 112-lb. bag $6.50.

Cocoa Fiber. Stimulates a strong, fibrous growth. 100 lbs. $2.50.

Fames’ Fertilizer. Imported. Swift, safe and sure. The most scientific plant-food extant. 7-lb. bag 75 cts., 14-lb. bag $1.15, 28-lb. bag $2, 56-lb. bag $3.50, 112-lb. bag $6.50.

Horn Shavings. A fertilizer specially adapted for roses, chry- santhemums, etc. Fine grade, 25 lbs. $1.50, 50 lbs. $2.75, 100 lbs. $5.

Leaf-Mold. For mixing with potting soil. Sack $1.90.

Live Sphagnum Moss. For orchids. Bbl. $3.50.

Fertilizers sold for spot cash only

Orchid Peat, Fibrous. For orchids. Sack $2. Peat, Jersey. For mixing with potting soil. Sack $1.90. Raw Bone Meal, Highest Grade. See inside front cover.

Pure Raw Bone Flour. Ground as fine as dust, acts quickly and is fine for florists’ work. 5 lbs. 25 cts., 10 lbs. 45 cts., 25 lbs. 90 cts., 50 Ibs. $1.70, 100 lbs. $3.20, 200 lbs. $6.

Scotch Soft Coal Soot stimulates luxuriance of growth and gives darkness and brilliancy to foliage and flowers. 100 lbs. $5.

Special Chrysanthemum Manure, Thompson’s. This special manure is meant to be used as an additional stimulant during the growing season. A heaped dessertspoonful is sufficient for a plant in Io-in. pot. Sprinkle on surface of soil, then water with tepid water. Apply three times during growing season. 7-lb. bag $1.35, 14-lb. bag $2.50, 28-lb. bag $4.50, 56-lb. bag $7.50.

Sheep Manure. A most excellent stimulant, promoting a strong, healthy and rapid growth. 5 lbs. 25 cts., 10 lbs. 45 cts., 25 lbs. 70 cts., 50 lbs. $1.25, 100 lbs. $2, 500 lbs. $9.50, 1000 Ibs. $17, ton $32.

Shredded Cattle Manure. t00 lbs. $2, 500 lbs. $8, ton $30.

Vine, Plant and Vegetable Manure, Thompson’s. For fruit-

bearing plants, flowers and vegetables. 7-lb. bag 75 cts., 14-lb. bag $1.25, 28-lb. bag $2, 56-lb. bag $3.50, 112-lb. bag $6.50.

Miscellaneous Supplies

Each Bellows, Woodason’s—Large Double-Cone Powder.......$3 00 Single-Cone Powder, large..................-..-------- 2 00 Sivallle regs z Sie ein wcureeit tres coe eaete iced cilomele Lene nee eee ee i TS Liquid Spraying, large................00 0000 e eee eee 2 00 Smiallergsize eran ee ee tierce veel oe ee ae tee I 50 FEU Tee ao nlan to Stace Beane eta DI Gee OSS aReNCee once Or ieee ons Section orn I 50 Carnation Supports, 2 rings ......doz. 45 cts., per 100 $3.. BELinpsere ra ate doz. 55 cts., per 100, $3.50. . Cut-flower Boxes. 21 x 8 x 4 in., doz. 80 cts., per 100, $4.50. . Dil x3 BS. FH WHENESs sa ccc0cess doz. 90 cts., per 100, $5.25.. AO) 3S UD 38 © WHINE. 5 o550ucce0n doz. $1.65, per 100 $11.50..

Fumigators. For fumigating greenhouses— Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, holding 1%, 1, 2, 3 and 4 pks., $1.25. $1.75, $2.25 and 3 25 Glass Clamps. For supporting broken glass................ Per 25, 30 cts., per 100, $1.15.. Glazing Points, Peerless. Nos. 2 and 2%................. Per 1,000 60 cts.; by mail 75 cts...

Siebert’s. 5¢- and 7-inch.................. Lb. 40 cts... Brass, Naumann’s. Per 1,000 75 cts.; per 5,000 $3.50... Grass Hooks, or Sickles, English. Riveted back, No. 2.... 50 COUN oF 1 ener tent sis Or petra cee o ero ATA IO aro circd pIRTA BYOLO 30 US VRT (op) a1) 0f1) « eee ener eo reach ecco Cie mac Oe Ure OOOO c5.onb 50

Hose, Rubber. Including couplings. Revero. 1%4-in., in 50-ft. lengths $8.50; 25-ft. lengths, $4.50; 34-in., in 50-ft. lengths $9.50; 25-ft. lengths $5. Electric. 34-in., in 50-ft. lengths, $10; 25-ft. lengths, $5.50. Couplings. 34-in., pair 15 cts., doz. $1.60; Improved Per- fect Clinching, 20 cts. each, 3 for 50 cts. Menders, Brass. 14-in., 34-in., I-in., doz. 75c., by mail 85c...

Menders, Perfect Clinching.................. doz. $1.. Io Knives, Budding, Saynor’s. One blade, straight or curved.. I 50 Our Special. One straight, 1 curved blade............... I 00 Small®: (woibladesn cians cetera 45 No. 285214. Sheep-foot blade, 75 cts.; budding blade...... 75 Pruning, Saynor’s. Staghorn handle.......... $1.15 and I 50 Labels, Pot. Painted wooden— 100 I,000 ASTIN OAR Se ay Cee eee RE Nee RE ae ed $0 12 $0 90 AO OLIV Chee een ees ee nee nec ee ee 15 I 00 Lp LOUG) Ul eMac ORS Lots ciety Gro ree meester orate tartare 20 it 2s Chale cement eetas Some cine crete Meee bn Gea oat tee 25 I 50 SEinl Ch shee yevotue tan OW OEE reese ie eee 35 3 2S Labels, Garden. 8-inch; 1% inch wide............. 50 UOAMCE NS HA WON WACO. ococcoocusso0ccegcsuaeds 65 UWASINEI NS 177 WHEN VAG ocooasacencovedcausnouuc 80 WZ ASHAS WIA WHOA WHC. ocococcaceoasaceedcaccene i WS TOAASITS WIA wh WAG. oo5censcacoecesscannucas 2 00 Tree. Painted; copper-wired; 31% inch............ 25 I 50 Zine. Hor pots; 6-in..................- doz.15c... I 00 For trees and shrubs, wired........... doz. 7c... 50

Each Lawn Sprinklers. Combination......................... $0 60 Columbia ect neo cas es ors seen Pasa te Ceo eee i 2S New Comet ojtee sasha eae a ceners oe ei uke GAS sete ospieie 3 50 BTU v ius ink dis son etsiovas eee Se oe datatern ell gi abel eben ee onto eee i Qe DES ag ORY 69 0 Yo an ie ere ate ene ree caer een aid eH ET a checker Seema 60 C. B. G. “Cheap but Good’’.......................... BS Californias ears eiciice ee soe oe ee oe Meee Sete aha he I 25 INOZZles BOSS) cdot eye esis she sare Galan coe aoe ech scecteuuge Sayer seal = 45 (Cl idndoanecooooclooboe Sunn naadouSn toes Gopmad ose ap 35 (COM Baan oom oe OOM HOO CO CUM GRU OD Deu eOo OO nec coeeOE 35 Pet. Spray or solid stream, 50 cts.; straight stream........ 35 Ord Oa x8 raperer sees ee epee Ne ferme ene Py Sena 75 WMePmi Orel it. fic. care cpereitele te ese audad cee tarenei tng ere tud teres 75 BB GStOmi: SS PEAY) iieccsetie ros over oscs ons tara or ard ia artiste a agavone sve taeyer le ares ciess 60 Mastica. An improved putty...... Gal. $1.40, 5 gals. $6.75.. Mastica Machine. For applying.......................... I 30 Moss, Green Log. ............ Sq. yd., 50 cts.; crate, $3.50.. Sphagnum, Dried. Per bale of 10 bbl. $5.50, bbl. $1.50.. Paper, “Lissue i555 50 cisssie ote waynes reve oka adore eheias aces Ream, $1.. Waxed ss noche cn Gis tiitearales we eec ure ees Ream, $2.50..

Plant Tubs, Union. Made of 7-inch red cedar, light, neat, durable; painted green.

Outside diameter Depth INOS sTiaeece ce ith Z5en Calera enn mice see SEE 580 00 ee criete re eRe ONE I 00 IN@s:2ere ero LAV ARIN ss sen aed DGB Garb lestpeenel aera eee I 20 INOW sae rieeereetae TACAGITE NE ee TP Zoinie eer arineiecte. I 60 INO) 4 toeecenenee I LTS te oetewien ol Tab ins Ullieceeer een Mees ae I 90 INO Scere ae TOw wwlnikvore eer Nits}; Db Go ann peace He 2 90 INOM GI erases 2 Dee ATT nao ar eeu NOVA Aliwacnoued es oo oe 3 65 INOW Gerace sess DS shay ia elo BB Osean Dox “Aha en Abe SIRS 4 80 INOS iene coess cote 260 Tiles cea ye) 2G 0 salem iclacieeieecsceens 5 85 White Cedar. Painted green; hoops, handles and leg-

casting painted black; the best tub made.

Diameter Height INOni8 ia ayecceeec ay TOM sne epatausie ye pre eet to in I 80 INO 72 tscraceneeh TeQUUTIE pete c seen exe II in Io INOHO8 seine hoes PANNE ee eee: 102): Nap aan CNN CRE Oe D BE INOS Siete ene MOM cease sectors e Te Hah olpeeeeneemte Meoncee ees 3 00 IN C05 77's. cucnb ets Cresore Tits is a eeePeen ete once eras DOL hye ccteyfeacel cscueteueenee 3 30 INOZ Breer eee Saw bole aay cence eres TO oin Nycres se eee 4 10 INOE 2a cenoer Bull swmen avis s sooth: 2 OBIE sen acne te eee 5 05 INOoB Tice neers node DS RAT ee (aekeescanseeyentnsts DEA bores eter eG aao 6 5 65 INO EO setae ere DIG fsib teksts ets, ou ose areeG DAA cae ein cus haceg arene 6 35 Putty Bulbs. For applying mastica and putty. By mail $1.10. I 00 Putty, Twemlow’s English..... Gal. $1.50, 5 gal. at $1.45.. Ratlia ay HoOGieyin Serre een Lb. 20 cts., 5 lbs. 90 cts... Scythe, English Lawn. 30-in. blade, $1.25. 36-in. blade.. I 4o Scythe-Stones, Welch Talacre............... doz. $1.65.. 15



New Comet Sprinkler

Panne Shears

Garden Hose

Miscellaneous Supplies, continued

Each Shears, Grass Border, English. 8-in., $2; 9-in., $2.25; 10-in.$2 50 Grass Border, English. One wheel, 9-inch blades......... 2s

Grass Border, Saynor’s. 9-inch blades.................. 2 50 Lawn, Saynor’s. With two wheels, 9-inch blades......... 2 50 English Hedge. With spring notch. 8-inch blades, $1.50; g-inch blades, $1.75; 10-inch blades,.. 2 00 Pruning, French. Wheel-spring. 7-inch, $1.25; 8-inch, $1.35; 8!4-inch $1.50; 9-inch $1.75; 10-inch 2 00 Fextia Springs: t accce ck a ele eee ee ee eee 25 Pruning, French, Montreuil. 8-inch................... 2S Freneh; Aubert. 824-inch 085. sa ss. ee 2 50 Grass, English. No. 357, 51-inch blades................ 60 Grass, English. No. 3075, 6-inch blades, $1; 7-inch blades. I 25 Grass, English. No. 3072, 7-inch, inside spring........... I 50 Grass, Saynor’s. 71-inch, inside spring................. I 50 Silkaline. For stringing smilax..... Spool 25 cts., lb. $1.50.. Sprayers, The Admiral. For spraying trees................ 3 60 WVaporizing.: Brass:..:5 3.2 Ate eee ee eres 75 Compressed Air. Continuous and fine spray; brass....... i 2 Sprinklers, Rubber No. 1, Plain or valvular............... I 00 Rubber: No: 1, ‘Angle-Neck=).- 3.0 eee ee I 00 Stakes, Cane. Can be cut in lengths to suit. 100 500 I.000 AstOVOMt ss cprciavecc ss eyeces Galego eee eee $0 70 $2 75 $5 25 OF COIOMIE. ents se eee s Ad ae eee OO “B53, GO Tit Os D phte cya dk ecyees <tee near thc: iene nel OMe OR ee I 25 5 00 9 00 OQ) tosiznitesextrayneaviy ace ee eee meee TOS WA AS uu OO Wooden, Round Tapering. Painted green.—Each Doz 100 Each Doz. 100 33 tilts .$0, 05. $0 51 $3 20 WY ft.$0 02 $0 17 $1 00 | 3% it 06 63. 4 00 Aittss o 03 28 I 70 Ant. teee an 07 75 4 80 214 ft. OA 230) 9B A@ & tite 08 88 5 60 Heavy Dahlia. Painted green.

Each Doz. 100 Atti che Io I LO) 6) 50 3ft...$0 08 $0 75 $4 85 dibs iso cace I2 i 2G 3 WS 3M4it. 09 88 5 68 Oulte wean Is £55) 69) SO

Galvanized. No. 9 Wire. Doz I00 1,000 oz. 100 1,000 3% ft -$0 22 $1 10 -$9 00 24 fel T5.. 50) 75 $0) 215 Avshtie viaathe 25 I 25 10 50 Bites 18 CO) 97 FS I) Sillimooeoss 25 8 SO 23) HVacnthe Painted green. T2: in Seana 22. Rees sta Sone 05 25 I 50 TSI 2.h) ee. ee ee ee ee ee 08 40 2 00 Syringes, Brass, Saynor’s— Each No. 00, 12-in. barrel, 1144 in. diam.; I jet, I spray.......:..$2 00 No. 1%, 16-in. barrel, 1%4 in) diam.) jet, 2)sprays. eee aoe 4 50 No. 9, 18-in. barrel, cz; in. diam.; I JG UES Duchy eee 4 00 No. 3; Ball Valves, 18-in. barrel, 1% in. ae I jet; 2sprays 5 75 No. 5, Knuckle Joint, 1614-in. barrel, 1} 4 in. diam.; I jet, PIES DER ls Sih Seo cS SS OCMC REIS cle Since ante Uiaeo ONENSES 7 25 Thermometers, Greenhouse, Tested....... Doz., $5.50 50 Self-Registering. Register heat and cold................ 3 00 Hotbed or Mushroom. Brass point .................... I 50 Tomato Supports................. $2 per doz., $14 per 100.. 20 Watering Cans. Heavy galvanized iron, with 2 copper sprays, 4-, 6-, 8-, Io- and 12-qt. $1.60, $1.85, $2.10, $2.30..... 2 70 Pxtralsprays, codrse and fines-4- oa eee ee eee 25 -Low.. For greenhouses. -4-Qtven.. 2... eee eee gone LP TQZISO

Flower Pots, Etc.

Standard Flower Pots. When shipped direct to the purchaser from the factory, in quantities of 100 to I,000 of a size, we allow

Io per cent discount from these prices. Doz. 100 1,000 2: ine: ae i a Each $0 08 $055 $4 80 PAS Aulb 0 ace oct soi, Soe Oh ae irae aih 10 65 6 40 abe Wa Se RRR SPEARS Gi crn gto. 14 95 850 Ghia mes Se eee crc come aire $o 02 UO) i BG na OF Gy ATs CES 5218 Bee Se Ne 04 2 225 19 90 Ors b ee ese See Re Eee ey oe 06 50 3 60 31 90 Gab ite Qe cS GE OED COE 08 90 6 I0 Si LT Wy Wee pons dpe Rea age wey ee pshn'’s AeA RCE I2 i 25, 3 OF QING cer. Hee eee Eee I5 HOS 10 Te)

TO: IN. vse yee oe Rr Boys en NOE 25a Om TOMS Azalea and Bulb Pots—

Width—Depth Each Doz 100 ito cy Tt Deena: eet CaO EO. Oleic o dis $0 05 $0 40 $2 80 6x AIGNINe One. a, Seen eee 06 60 4 40 PR SAM a Se ge sas os SA eee 08 85 605 ee Adbogoo Dae oO Dao MO ROO COO g6.c00 04 II I 10 8 55 OE Onis? ee Whee ec ate otis 15 TO5)) 12)0

Fern and Seed Pots— 5x 344 LD Awe eee a ce ueee oa eee meres 05 40 2 80 (Oe oe ia 66) -sase5 Guertin MRR EUR RONSREORS Gs 06 60 4 40 PS ee att a eae orton ats arene av eater 08 85 6 05 thi asic toa 0 eet Sarre twtr ep ees ee Gn Att Galo Onc II TH u@ 3 SS OX BIS Wie A ee ete I5 Th Oise iD» UC)

Regal Ball-Bearing Lawn Mower

The highest grade of Mower on the market, unexcelled in material, workmanship and finish. Its five blades in the revolving cutter insure a fine, even cut, and the large-diameter drive-wheels and its fine-cut gear insure ease ‘and quietness of running.

14-in., $9; Regal Grass Catcher to suit, $1.60.

16-in., $10; Regal Grass Catcher to suit, $1.75.

18-in., $11; Regal Grass Catcher to suit, $1.85.

20-in., $12; Regal Grass Catcher to suit, $1.95.

Pennsylvania Lawn Mower $12.50; Braun Grass Catcher to suit, $1.90. $14; Braun Grass Catcher to suit, $2. $15.50; Braun Grass Catcher to suit, $2.10. 17; Braun Grass Catcher to suit, $2.25.

Philadelphia Lawn Mower High Wheel, Style A. 15-in. $10.50, 17-in. $11.50, 19-in. $12.50, 2I-in. $13.50. High Wheel, Style E. 21-in. $11.90.

I5-in., I7-in., 19-in., 21-in., $

I5-in. $7.85, 17-in. $8.60, 19-in. $9.25,

Lawn Sweeper

The Pennsylvania. This Lawn Sweeper will do the work of three men, and will do it thoroughly. 24-in. rake, $16; 36-in. rake, $25.

Coldwell Lawn Trimmer and Edger The best machine for trimming and edging now on the market. 8-in. cut, four blades, revolving cutter 5-in. diameter, 8-in. drive wheels, patent adjustable ball-bearings.. Best tool-steel bottom knife. Price, $5.

To Ibs. 35 cts., oe »30, 100, Tbs. £e 50:

‘Ibs... 40 cts., 25° 00 Ibs. $2. “10,

a Toc. 7 Ibe. 450.

; co-Co. Fine, seinen and coarse ide: Ss. 10 cts 25, Ibs. 40 cts., 100 Ibs. $1.

roducer, Rust’s. ‘t-Ib. box 25¢., ds be box, os 10 see

r lated Hone. 5 te 25C., 0 Ibs. 45c. The Ib 15C+ 50 ae $r. 40: I00- > Ibs. ie 70.

Grit Flint. a! eS 25, cts., 50 Ibs. 45 cts., 100 Ibs. 75 cts.

| Head ‘Lice. Ointment:

“to cts, and 25 cts.

she Healing Salve, Conkey’s. Pkg. 25 cts.

‘Conkey! s. Pkg,

Kaffir Corn. to lbs. 40 cts., 25 Ibs. 85 cts., ~~ 100 Ibs. $3. Prices variable,

| Insect Powder, Persian. Lb. 45 cts.

| Laying Tonic, Conkey’s. 11% lbs. 25 cts. FA | 3% Ibs. 50 cts., 7 Ibs. $1, 25 Ibs. $3.— “Lettuce Seed. bb, 25 cts: ; Lice Liquid, Conkey" Ss. Qt. 3 60 cts.

» | 25 cts., 48 oz. 50 cts. ©

_| Limber Neck Remedy, Conkey’s. Pkg. 50c, “Liquid Lice Killer, Rust’s. Qt. 35 cts.,

‘| Ygal. 60 cts.; gal. $1. : _ Maw, Blue Poppy. Lb. 25 cts.

Millet, German. Qt. 10 cts., pk. 60 cts.

Millet, White. Lb. 10 cts., 25 Ibs. $1.50, 50 Ibs. $2.80, 100 Ibs. $5.50.

| wee Eggs, Rust’s. ‘5 cts. each, 50 cts. per ~ doz.

75 cts., gal. $1.25. | :

Oculum. Scientific remedy and nection of Cholera, Roup, White Diarrhea and bottle, 50 cts. and $1.

Oyster Shells, Crushed. 5 lbs. 10 eta; 25

Hemp. Lb. 10 cts., 4 Ibs. 25 cts., 100 Ibs. $5.

35 cts., 2 ats.

‘Lice Powder, Conkey’s. 5 0z. 10 cts., 15 OZ.

Noxicide, Conkey’s.” Qt. 50 cts, ¥y gal.

Sore Head. Also cure for Gapes, Per

-Ibs..25 cts., 50 Ibs. 45 cts., 100 Ibs..75, cts.

Pigeon Food, Prepared. 5 lbs. 25 cts., 10 - Ibs. 40 cts., 25 lbs. 90 cts., 100 Ibs. $2.50.

Poultry Laxative, Conkey’s. Pkg. 25 cts.

Poultry Regulator, Pratt’s. 8-oz. pkg.

£0 cts., 26.02. 25 cts., 4 Ibs. 50 cts.

Poultry Tonic, Conkey’s. Pkg. 25 cts.

Poultry Worm Remedy, Conkey’s. Pkg. 50. cts.

Powder, Lice Killing. 5-o0z. pkg. 10 cts., Ib. 25 cts.

Rape, German. Lb. 10 cts., 3 a 25 cts., 10 Ibs. 70 cts.

Rheumatic Remedy, 50 cts.

Rice, Unhulled. Lb, 10 cts., 5 Ibs. 45 cts., Lo Ibs. 85 cts.

Roup Pills. 4-0z. pkg. 25 cts.

Roup Powder, Soluble, Rust’s. Pkt. 25c.

Roup Remedy, Conkey’s, Pkg. 50c. and $1.

Scaly Leg Remedy, Conkey’s. Pkg. 25 cts.

Scratch Food, Standard. 5 Ibs. 20 cts., 25 Ibs. 75 cts., 100 lbs. $2.50. -

Sulphur Fumigating Candles. Conkey’s, Io cts. each, 25 cts. for 3.

Conkey’s. Pkg.

‘Sunflower. Lb. 10c., 3 lbs. 25c., 100 Ibs. $7.

Tobacco Dust. Lb. to cts., 5 lbs. 30 cts., 10 Ibs. 50 cts., 50 Ibs. $2, 100 ibs. $3.50.

Wheat. 4 gis. 25 cts., pk. 35 cts., bus. $1.25.

| White Diarrhea Remedy, Conkey’s, Pkg.

25 cts. and 50 cts.

. Vetches, Spring. For Pigeons. i 90 cts.,

“bus. $3. 25

pea ae PAGE SA Or ag aS PAGE teige care Suess Sete : Incarvillea. . aa Oe ee oe 16 | Phlox. tate esse seen ener ee se 420 | |) Cyclamen........ iS 8. Insecticides. and Fungicides’ 122 Polygonum, RGR ROR Se: - 1 Daffodils: .... . } Tris, GE ROpplese na oes wipes 20 >. -Delphinium : Poultry pad Bird Supplies, 3d cov. Dianthus | We ay Scr eter PLimiilawerce pect eee Le oe 20 Dicentra. Oi ESPrivel ven teu crute ees 21 5 jonget Viner: -Puschkinia. Ie Gera tee wena eeray & 5 | Lathyrus...... Pyrethrum....... Ccctine oes BO. | Leucojum. . ‘Quamash, Indian..... Sree gl Bilis 7 a. 0 ce MRANUNCUIUS:. os ae te OS : - Seabiosa....... Rares eesa0 TENCUUIA SN res ecneeptin ease tec eae ARIMA en Ov aa Wisk estes is .-20 : Snowdrops........ ey Ss eae 15. - Snowflake, Spring........... 17 WPAFAKIG SG Se oe aegis a's 17 PODIFCAS Y ovisetes viabe =o = Sires iboats 17 Star Flower... ... 5. HEN ee -| Star of Bethlehem........... I7 POteIOHEL BIA oe ies een wale es 17 POLOKCSIA Stes eee yay a SOR a6 20

Stomekasods vk woe ee are . | Strawberry Plants

Streptocarpus....-. Sowers s - Sweet Peas Rien tue Aes etey shhee ee

SY ghia lo CMSA pias tee ea cron Be ae ee BUlinss hoy ccne vs WCAG i cals br 20 IS, Ta FW ers a Ie aaa ra a aN SP 20 - Violet, Dog’ s-Tooth poe Aeeecipa I Wallflower. .....052.-.535 i520

Zephyranthus........... Ree Y rs ;