BED SHEAR STRESS COEFFICIENT WITHIN THE SURF ZONE Carlos Severino Veitia Garcia NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS BED SHEAR STRESS COEFFICIENT WITHIN THE SURF ZONE by Carlos Sever! no Veitia Garcia Sep tembe r 1977 Thesis Advisor E . B . Thornton Approved for public release; distribution unlimited T18 V> >•* ^ I SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS RACE (Whan Data Sntarad) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 1. REPORT NUMBER 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subtltla) Bed Shear Stress Coefficient within the Surf Zone 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOO COVERED Master's Thesis; Septembe r I 977 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORfa; Carlos Severino Ve i t i a Garcia S. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUM8ERC*; 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 12. REPORT DATE Sep tembe r 1977 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 56 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME 4 ACCH ESSf// dlllsrani from Controlling b'iftca) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 15. SECURITY CLASS, (ot thla raport) Unclassified Ma. OECLASSIFI CATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol Ihlt Raport) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of tha abatract an farad In Block 30, It ill f rant /ram Raport) 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Contlnua on rararaa alda It naeaaaary and Idantlty by block numbar) 20. ABSTRACT (Contlnua on ravaraa alda II naeaaaary and Idantlty by block numbar) An analytical formulation of the bed shear stress coef- ficient inside the surf zone is derived using the concept of radiation stress. A truncated Rayleigh p.d.f. is used to describe the wave field inside the surf zone and provides the input to calculate the variation of wave energy and long- shore current as a function of wave height, water depth and distance to shore. The wave set-up is approximated using a DD l jan 73 1473 EDITION OF I NOV 8» IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014-6601 I SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data tntarad) fiiCU'lTv classification or This gAOCrH^n r>„« ;„,„.j sinusoidal wave solution. Field measurements of longshore current and waves within the surf zone are used to calculate the bed shear stress coefficient. The data consist of 647 data points selected from LEO program and 62 data points from Ingle (1966) observations, all taken along the Southern California coast. Frequency distributions and statistics are calculated for the bed shear stress coefficient. A mean bed shear stress coefficient to two significant decimal places is found to be 0.01. DD Form 1473 1 Jan 73 w/ N 0102-014-6601 security clarification o* this »»G£rw>«" d<§<« smtfd) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Bed Shear Stress Coefficient within the Surf Zone by Carlos Severino Veitia Garcia Commander, Venezuelan Navy B.S., United States Naval Postgraduate School, 1976 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY f rom the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September I 977 o-/ ABSTRACT An analytical formulation of the bed shear stress coef- ficient inside the surf zone is derived using the concept of radiation stress. A truncated Rayleigh p.d.f. is used to describe the wave field inside the surf zone and provides the input to calculate the variation of wave energy and long- shore current as a function of wave height, water depth and distance to shore. The wave set-up is approximated using a sinusoidal wave solution. Field measurements of longshore current and waves within the surf zone are used to calculate the bed shear stress coefficient. The data consist of 647 data points selected from LEO program and 62 data points from ingle (1966) observations, all taken along the Southern California coast. Frequency distributions and statistics are calculated for the bed shear stress coefficient. A mean bed shear stress coefficient to two significant decimal places is found to be 0.01. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ------------------ 12 A. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ---------- 12 B. HISTORICAL REVIEW ------------- 12 C. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ---------- 16 THEORY --------------------- 17 A. INTRODUCTION ---------------- 17 B. WAVE SET-UP INSIDE THE SURF ZONE ------ 19 C. WAVE FIELD INSIDE THE SURF ZONE ------ 23 D. LONGSHORE CURRENT VELOCITY ---------29 DATA ----------------------33 A. LEO DATA ------------------33 1. Rip Currents --------------35 2. Angle of Wave Approach - - - - - - - - - 35 3. wind------------------35 4. Foreshore Slope ------------35 5. Wave Period --------------35 6. Doubtful Data -------------36 B. SOURCES OF ERROR --------------36 1. Breaker Angle -------------36 2. Beach Slope and Surf Zone Width - - - - 37 3. Wave Period --------------38 4. Breaker Height -------------38 5. Longshore Current ___________ 39 C. INGLE DATA -----------------39 IV. RESULTS --------------------41 A. LEO DATA ------------------ 42 B. INGLE DATA ----------------- 42 C. COMPARISON OF RESULTS ----------- 45 D. CORRELATION WITH INDEPENDENT VARIABLES - - - 47 V. CONCLUSIONS ------------------49 APPENDIX A: Littoral Environment Observations - - - - 51 BIBLIOGRAPHY ---------------------53 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST --------------55 LI ST OF TABLES Bottom Friction Coefficients Proposed by Various Investigators ------------- |5 Selected Statistics for Distribution of Coefficients According to Breaker Type (LEO Data) -------------'------ 47 Correlation of Coefficient with Wave Period Statistics ---------------48 LI ST OF FIGURES 1. Definition of Longshore Current Variables - - - - 13 2. Comparison of Longshore Current Models ------ |8 3 . Comparison of Wave Set-up Solutions - - - - - - - 2 2 4. Truncated Rayleigh p.d.f. - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 5. Location Maps ------------------34 6. Frequency Distribution of Coefficient Values (LEO Data) --------------------43 7. Frequency Distribution of Coefficient Values (Ingle Data) -------------------44 LIST OF SYMBOLS D E g h hi H H, S S. . i J Uw Wave celerity Wave celerity at breaking Bed shear stress coefficient Speed of wave energy propagation n, + h , total depth of water Energy density Acceleration due to gravity Local depth below sti I I water level Depth below sti I I water level at breaking Local mean wave height Significant wave height at breaking Local significant breaker wave height within surf zone Index corresponding to horizontal coordinate in X-d i reef i on Index corresponding to horizontal coordinate in Y-d i rect i on Bottom slope Excess of momentum flux tensor (radiation stress) Water particle velocity due to wave motion Mean velocity component paral lei to the beach Horizontal coordinate perpendicular to the beach Width of the surf zone Horizontal coordinate paral lei to the beach a a\ n Y P T, Incident wave angle Incident wave angle at breaking Mean water surface elevation Mean water surface elevation at breaking Ratio breaking wave height to depth of water at breaking Water dens i ty Bottom shear stress 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Edward B. Thornton for his encouragement, patience and assistance during this study. I am deeply indebted to the Coastal Engineering Research Center of the Department of the Army, which made possible this study by providing the necessary data. I am also very deeply thankful to my wife, Frine, for her understanding and for typing the original (at no cost!) despite her little knowledge of the English language, and my three beautiful daughters Dubhe, Ka r I a and Deneb. 11 I . I NTRODUCTI ON A. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM It is known that when sea waves or swe I I approach a straight coastline at an oblique angle a mean current is generated parallel to the shoreline, see Figure I. Such longshore currents are of prime importance for both coastal engineering and for aiding in the strategic planning of Naval inshore warfare operations. An accepted theory of longshore currents on plane beaches is developed in terms of the momentum flux due to the waves directed down coast being balanced by the shear stress associated with the mean flow. The formulation of the bed shear stress requires the specification of a bed shear stress coefficient. The purpose of this thesis is the determination of the bed shear stress coefficient to De used in the longshore current formulas. The study will also help in the analysis of sediment transport. The shear stress does work on the bottom in moving sediments. Several authors have formulated sediment transport in terms of the bed shear stress which in turn requires an appropriate bed shear stress coefficient. B. H I STORICAL REV I EW I nman and Quinn (1952), using the momentum approach for the prediction of longshore current by Putnam, Munk and 12 ■ * I I I •/.•.•.•r/.V-;.' ST ILL WATER LINE-'.'v BiL > CURRE NT BREAKER LINE Ot, WAVE CREST \ SWL Figure I. Definition of Longshore Current Variables 13 Taylor (1949), showed that in order to fit theory with obser- vations, the bed shear stress coefficient must be permitted to vary with the longshore velocity over a wide range of 3 1/2 orders of magnitude. Bretschne i der (1954) found that the spectral limitations of wave growth, under the action of steady wind in shallow water with a typical sandy bottom, suggested a value for the friction coefficient of between 0.01 and 0.02. Also, he found that the observed damping of swell propagating over a smooth, leveled, impermeable sea bed was consistent with a value of the coefficient of between 0.034 and 0.097. Longuet-H i gg i n s (1970), using the concept of radiation stress, developed a relationship for prediction of the theoretical maximum longshore current just inside the break- ing and proposed a friction coefficient of the order of 0.01 He concluded, on the basis of the finding of Bret sc hne i de r (1954), Prandtl (1952) and Mi kuradse's experiment with roughened pipes, that is was not "...unreasonable to expect a friction coefficient of the order of 0.01." Table I was taken from Sonu (1975); it summarizes some values of the friction coefficient proposed by various inves' tigators. The values reported were obtained from measure- ments outside the surf zone or from laboratory experiments. It can be seen from this table that the range of values is relatively wide and the test conditions varied. 14 TABLE I. Bottom Friction Coefficients Proposed by Various Investigators Friction Coe f f i c i ent Wave Wave Height Period ( meters ) ( sec ) Test Cond i t i on s Authors 0.01 0.030-0.089 0.030-0.040 0.01 0.03 -0.15 0.09 -0.50 Arbitrary Arbitrary 0.23-0.51 2.88-3.96 5.4^ 0.01 -0.40 0.002- 0. 100 0.03 -0.18 1.77-2 10 8.4* 0.88-2.58 -15.5 .05-1.60 7.4-12.5 (UT/2ttti)-4~ 20 U: near bottom velocity r\: ripple height Sha I low water steady state wave generation Gu I f of Mexico; depths 3.4-5.2 m slope 0.00035- 0.00-41 Ni igata, Japan; depths 2.25- 2.75 m slope 0.018 Osci I lati ng water channel , turbu- lent boundary I ayer Wave f I ume, laminar boundary layer Hiyshizu, Japan; depths 13-10 m slope 0.0060 Takahama, Japan; depths 10-7 m slope 0.0057 Wave flume study; derived from energy dissipa- tion in sand ri pple vortices Bretschnei der ( 1954, a) Bretschneider ( 1954, b) Kishi (1954) Jonsson ( I 966) Iwagaki and TsuchiyaC 1966) Iwagaki and Kaki numa( I 966) Iwagaki and Kakinuma( I 966) Tunsta I I and Inman (1975) Note: ^Equivalent values at 1 0 m depth 15 C. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The bed shear stress coefficients previously determined are based on a very I imited set of field data or on labora- tory studies which used as a mode I simple sinusoidal waves which are not typical of the randomness found in nature. The objective of this study is to analyze existing sets of field observations obtained in the surf zone and by using the best available theory attempt to determine a reasonable value of the bed shear stress coefficient. For this purpose a fairly large data set obtained for the Channel Island Littoral Environment Observations (LEO) Program was used as well as a set of observations by Ingle (1966) taken at various locations along the Southern California coast. It is expected that the data obtained and the theory applied will ultimately contribute to the establishment of a reasonable value of the bed shear stress coefficient and to a more accurate prediction of the longshore current velocity across the surf zone . I I . THEORY A. INTRODUCTION Several models have been proposed for the distribution of the longshore current velocity across the surf zone on a plane sloping beach. The so I ut i on , wh i c h uses pure sinusoids to describe the waves and no lateral shear stress, gives a velocity distribution which is triangular shaped with both a peak velocity and a discontinuity at the breaker point dC3owen, I 969) , Thornton (1969) and Lon guet-H i gg i ns (1970)]. This is unreasonable since there are no discontinuities in nature. A second model including lateral shear stress tends to smooth out the discontinuity at the breaker I ine and pro- duces a smoother velocity distribution with the maximum velocity occurring closer to shore. However, no criterion to predict an optimum lateral shear stress coefficient is as yet available. This introduces an added complexity to the problem. A random-sea model developed by Collins (1972) circum- vents the difficulty of the lateral shear stress coefficients and allows the statistical input of the sea state as de- scribed by a Rayleigh distribution. Figure 2 compares the velocity distribution resulting from the various models: the non lateral stress model, the lateral shear stress model for a coefficient equal to 0.4 (Longuet-Higgins, 1970), and the 17 CO CO -J LU LU cr Q H- O 10 5 -J < < -J LU o: lu CO LU A i hO S <5 o Q Z < 01 O c 0> L. L. o (]) L. o LO CO c O O >- O U) • • 0) — c 0) C 0) T> E LP\ I/) CN UJ r u_ o (U r o — if> to LU -1) 0) > o s_ HJ z 3 < If) 'J K *+- — o 'J 0 0 1) c zj i_ 1 0 J 'j — > 3 3 ~: L. 0 u — ~D —1 c l_ — -t- '/I l/l r T o in Q. n i +- 1) LO 0) > E O O CD 3 U 4dn-13S 3AVM ? ? the percent difference can be large as the depth of water approaches zero. The total depth of water is important in prescribing the breaker point or the limits of integration on the Rayleigh distribution for the random-sea model. In the calculation of longshore currents using the random sea model it is the area under the Rayleigh distribution that is used so that small errors on the limits generally cause only even sma I ler errors in the area. Hence, it is felt using sinusoidal wave descriptions to calculate wave set-up is a reasonable approximation. C. WAVE FIELD INSIDE THE SURF ZONE A description of the wave field is required in the long- shore current calculation because knowledge of it is needed for specifying the horizontal wa+er particle velocities and for determining the longshore component of the radiation stresses in an irregular wave field. Inside the surf zone the waves are unstable and the fluid motion loses seme of its ordered character; but Thornton (1976) points out that most of the water particle motion in the body of the fluid is coherent with the surface and can be considered wave-in- duced and not turbulent, particularly for spilling type breakers. In this study, a truncated Rayleigh distribution as shown in Figure 4 is used to give a statistical description of the wave field as described by Collins (1972) and Battjes (1974). The basic assumption is that at each depth a limiting breaker 23 Q. x: CD CD >■ CC T2 0) +- (0 u c 3 CD 1_ Z3 cn I a 24 height can be defined which cannot be exceeded by the indi- vidual waves of the random field, and that those wave heights which in the absence of breaking would exceed the breaker height are reduced by breaking to the value of the local breaker height. That is, the energy corresponding to the height in excess of the local breaker height is assumed to be dissipated. The limiting breaker height decreases as depth dec reases . In describing the Rayleigh distribution, a fictitious, or reference, local energy per unit area, denoted as E , is defined. The reference energy density refers to that energy density that would exist if breaking had not occurred nad accounts for shoaling and refraction transformation. Battjes (1974) also defines reference wave heights H and their mean 3 r 2 square value H which is related to E according to E = q- pg H ' r 8 a r (7) The reference wave heights are assumed to be Rayleigh distri- buted . The Rayleigh wave height distribution is clipped at H = H in accordance with the assumption that the height of a breaking wave equals the local breaker height, H , in order to obtain an approximation to the actual wave height distribution. Then, the mean energy per unit area at a fixed point, taking account of breaking, is calculated from E = 3 pg h 2 (8) 25 The variance is calculated from the pdf of H, / H2 p (H) dH , (9) where H s d[l-exp(-H2/Hr2)] / + H 2 exp(-H 2/H 2) , s K s r ' (10) / H2d[l -exp (-H2/H )] + H 2 exD(-H 2/H 2) , s s r ' (II) H2 = [I -exp (-H 2/H 2)] H 2 . r s r r (12) The clipped Rayleigh distribution implies that all waves from H to infinity that were previously larger than H now are reduced to the same height, H . Therefore, the total probability (percent) of waves having the height H is given by / p (H) dH . 26 The contribution to the variance is given by oo y p(H) dH = H exp(- -At) , Hr2 which is the term on the right of equation (II). H is the local breaker height, which inside the surf zone is assumed to be given by Hs = YD . (13) The local mean wave height H can be expressed in a similar manner in terms of H and H by means of the clipped Rayleigh distribution, / H Hd[l -exp(-H2/H )] + H exp(-H 2/H ) K r sKsr (14) where again the term on the right represents the percent of waves greater than H in the original distribution which now have the height H . Integrating (14) gives ^r- I erf (H /H ) 2 r s r rms rms (15) n which H = (H 2)i/2 r r rms and the error function being defined as erf ( p ) = /F / exp ( -t ) d t . The error function was calculated using the rational approx mation of Abramowitz and Stegun (1965), erf(p) = l-[(a.t + a9t2 + at3) exp(-p2)] + e(p) where t z = l/( l+zp), .47047, H /(H 2) l/2 s r a. = .3480242, a2 = .0958798, a = .7478556. The largest error using this approximation is e(p) <_ 2.5 x I 0~5 . In the observations used for comparison with the theory, the breaker height is measured visually. It is assumed that an observer visually measures the significant breaking wave height defined as the average of the highest one-third fraction of the wave heights. The difficulty in applying this definition to the present problem is that the defini- tion applies to a point measurement or a statistically homo- geneous (spatial) wave field and in this problem the waves are defined as varying spatially as they shoal shoreward. 28 In order to define the significant wave height for a spatially varying ( nonhomogeneou s ) wave field, it is assumed that the observer measures waves when spatial ly one-third of the waves have broken; hence, the reference wave height can be specified from the clipped Rayleigh d i s tr i but i on exp (-H 2/H 2) = 0.333 r b r and H 2 = - H 2/Ln (0.333) . r b (16) D. LONGSHORE CURRENT VELOCITY The derivation of the longshore current starts with the y-momentum flux equation dS xy 8x + Tb"T£ = ° ' (17) Where the lateral shear stress, Tf, is neglected (17) reduces to 8S xy dx + Tb = 0 , (18) which says that the change of y-component (longshore) momentum flux due to waves in the x-d i reef ion is balanced by the bottom stress, t, , in the y-direction. Assuming that the amplitude of the wave motion | U w | is much greater than the mean current velocity, V, then (Thornton, 1969) ^b = P Cf I 0w I V . (19) 29 The excess of momentum flux of the waves, or "radiation stress" component is given by C S = E s i na cosa -J*- , xy C ' which inside the surf zone reduces to S = E sina cosa xy (20) under the assumption that C = C for sha I low water. Combin 9 ing equation (8) and (12) gives the mean energy per unit a rea as E = i pg H 2[l-exp(-H 2/H 2)] 8 a r s r (21 ) and 2 2 2 Sv = r pq H Ll-exp(-H /H )J sina cosa . (22) xy 8r s r The variables H and a can be expressed as d i f f e ren t i a b I e s r functions of x (distance from shore). Recalling that it was assumed inside the surf zone H = yD , s ' ' where the total depth is The sum of the sti I I water depth plus the set-up D = n + h , 30 from equations (3), (5), (6), and (13) H can be expressed as H = H. ( K - ^=0 + h(x) (Y-YK) . s b 16 ' ' (23) Application of Snell's law allows the local breaker angle, a, to be expressed in terms of the known breaking angle a, and +he breaking celerity C,, C sma = 7=r- s i n a u . Cb b (24) Using the sha I low water approximation for wave speed C = (gh) 1/2 and then r (n HbJ/2 Cb - (9 — ) s i na = ( h r—) s i na, . H , b b (25) Hence, from equations (23) and (25) it is seen that both H_ and a are now expressed as functions of h, which in turn is a function of x. The bed shear stress coefficient is determined by com- bining equation (18) and (19), C as xy I f 9x p I Uw I V * (26) 31 The mean horizontal water particle velocity amplitude is expressed using linear theory (Battjes, 1974), Uw H C 7T D ' (27) where H is given by equation (15), The change in the radiation stress is given by 2 2 2 xy E^J/2 • rn Yh Sin V-l/2 .„ 2^hsin ab, —L = 7^) - ) S(l — - ) + b b b where sina cosa r , ..... . . , 2 ,, . 2, + _ pgS(y-YK)Hs exp(-Hs /Hp ) , (28) E = i pg H 2[l-exp(-H 2/H 2)] 83r s r a nd si na co sa = (rr-) '/2 s inaK(h H . b b yh sin a b 1/2 32 III. DATA A. LEO DATA Data from the Littoral Environment Observation (LEO) pro- gram established by the Coastal Engineering Research Center was used in this study. In the LEO program, nearly simul- taneous observations of breaker conditions (height, period, angle of approach and type), local winds, longshore currents, foreshore slope, width of the surf zone and rip currents were made daily during the period under consideration. The long- shore current was determined by observing the direction and measuring the distance parallel to shore that a dye packet injected into the surf zone traveled in one minute. Appendix A provides the set of instructions followed during the obser- vations. The data used for this study cover a period from May 1972 to September 1975 and refer to stations: 5703, 5706, 5707, 5713, 5714 and 5715, located within the confines of Point Mugu Naval Air Station, 60 miles northwest of Los Angeles, California (location 6 in Figure 5). From these stations. 4,632 observations were considered of which only 647 data points were used in the analysis. The following criteria were discussed to eliminate observations which were not consistent with the application of the theory or were simply erroneous: 33 o 3 <"' (T3 1- U C/3 0) — Q_ 01 c < -Q O «> O 2 2! XT (0 — » O (J 4- VO — — C vD h- -C I'D CD CJ II O C UJ 1_ CN —J x: ■ ■%. 11 4- 4- 3 c o J — n c • - CL T3 4- — c v — 4- C C o 2 120. UJ ^10 0. o UJ a. 80 LL 6 0. 40. 20. .0 01 .0 0 6 .0 11 .0 16 .0 2 1 .0 2 6 .0 3 1 .0 3 6 .0 4 0 .0 4 5 .0 5 0 .0 5 5 .0 6 0 COEFFICIENT Mean 0.008 Skewness 3.694 Variance 0.00009 Kurtosis 17.380 Std. Deviation 0.00972 Minimum 0.00! Coef, Variation 1.19004 Maximum 0.080 Figure 6. Frequency Distribution of Coefficient Values ( LEO Data) . 43 1 J - 1 2 - 1 1 - 10 - 9 - > 8 1 o z LU 7 " O LU 6 ' K "- 5 ■ 4 3 - 2 ■ 1 ■ 1 1 i 1 _____ .001 .008 .016 .023 .031 COEFF ICI ENT .0 3 8 .04 5 Mean 0.0I4 Skewness Variance 0.000I Kurtosis 5 1 d . Deviation 0.0M2 Minimum Coef. Variation 0.3I09 Maximum I .584 2. 649 0. 00 I 0.056 F i gure 7. (-requency Distribution of Coefficient Values (Ingle Data). 44 C. COMPARISON OF RESULTS Despite the difference in sample size between the LEO and Ingle data used for the calculations, some comparisons can be made. A simple way of comparing both sample results is by looking at their mean and standard deviation. The mean and standard deviation corresponding to the values of the coefficient for the Ingle data are both larger than the values obtained for the LEO data. There is a relative dif- ference of 75 percent between the mean of the coefficient values of the two samples; but, the relative difference between the two standard deviations is only ten percent. This says that the distribution values for the coefficient in both samples is nearly the same, although for the Ingle data the values for the coefficient were somewhat larger and with more spread than for LEO data which might be ex- pected for the sma I ler sample size. It was stated, when comparing both sets of data the Ingle observations were more accurately taken and more reliable than the LEO observation. Hence, the results ob- tained with the Ingle data would be expected to be better than the results obtained with the LEO data. To test if there is any statistical difference between the two sets of data, a hypothesis test about the two means obtained was made. The central I imit theorem states that, if x is the mean of a random sample of size n taken from a population having the mean u and the finite variance a2, then 7 = iizE a/n~ 45 is the value of a random variable whose distribution function approaches that of the standard normal distribution a s n -»■ °° . The variances of the population are unknown, but since both samples are fairly large, it is justifiable to approximate the population variances with the samples variance. Thus, a test statistic can be stated as z = x, - xL V? The hypothesis to be tested is the null hypothesis, p.-y, = 0, against the alternative hypothesis ]i . -y , > 0, where u repre- sents the mean of the population. The evaluation, for the data available, of the z statistic was found to be equal to z = 0.014 - 0.00. 0.0001 + 0.00009 I 12 = 4.53 . 62 647 For a level of significance of 0.001 the z statistic for the normal distribution is 3.49. Since the value obtained for the test statistic is larger than the critical value of 3.49, the null hypothesis is rejected with great confidence; and it can be concluded that the difference between both means is statistically significant and cannot be attributed to chance. Therefore the results obtained with Ingle data are better than the results obtained with the LEO data. 46 D. CORRELATION WITH INDEPENDENT VARIABLES Attempts were made to correlate the calculated coeffi- cients with the independent variables, breaker type and wave period, which were recorded in the field but which were not used directly in the computations. Analysis showed nothing conclusive regarding the correlation of the coefficient to the breaker type since the distribution of breaker types among the data was very uneven; the spi I l/plunge type repre- sented 72 percent of the data and the spilling type 20 per- cent. Table II shows some selected statistics of the a i s- tribution of coefficient values for various breaker types. TABLE II. Selected Statistics for Distribution of Coefficient According to Breaker Type (LEO Data) No. Observat ion Mean Variance Std. Dev. Coef . Var. Ra nge Minimum Max i mum S kewness Ku rtos i s Spilling 130 0.0090 0.0001 0.01 07 I . I 880 0.0790 0.001 0 0.0800 3.720 I 7.60 Plunging Surging Spill/Plunge 454 27 0.0075 0.00004 0.00609 0.0150 0.0230 0.0010 0.0240 I .397 I I .0553 25 0.0098 0.000 I 5 0.01 204 0.23321 0.05300 0.001 00 0.05400 2.90456 7.38989 0.00788 0.00009 0.00946 I .2031 8 0.07500 0.0CI 00 0.07600 3.74730 I 8.8567 47 A simple linear regression between the calculated coef- ficients and the observed period gave the selected statistics of Tab I e III. TABLE III. Correlation of Coefficient with Wave Period Statistics Correlation (R) Std. error of estimate R squa red Significance I n tercep t Slope LEO Data - .05370 .00970 .00288 .08574 .01 088 - .00023 INGLE Data - .08479 .01 120 .007 I 9 .2561 7 .01 892 - .00042 The negative sign of the correlation coefficient indi- cates that there is an inverse relationship; that is, the value of the coefficient tends to become sma I I er as the period increases. However, this relationship is very weak as indicated by the absolute value of R which in both cases is much smaller than one. This result is not surprising since waves in shal low water become non-dispersive or in- variant of period. 48 V. CONCLUS IONS An analytical solution for the bed shear stress coeffi- cient was derived using the concept of radiation stress. The best theory for calculating the variation of wave energy and longshore current, and the resulting bed shear stress coefficient, was to use the truncated Rayleigh p.d.f. for the statistical description of the wave field inside the surf zone. A sinusoidal approximation of the waves was used to calculate the wave set-up. Calculations of the coeffi- cient were made by using suitable sets of data obtained during the LEO observation program and Ingle (1966) observa- tions along the Southern California coast. Variability in the results obtained for the coefficient values were expected due to subjectivity and uncertainties in the techniques used in the data collection. This is the first test of the bed shear stress coefficient using fairly large setsof field measurements within the surf zone. Even with the uncertainties involved, the analysis resulted in a fairly good agreement between the mean of the calculated coefficients in this work and the values obtained by various investigators for the bed shear stress coefficient for dif- ferent test conditions and outside the surf zone. It was shown that the dependence of the coefficient on the wave period is negligible, in agreement with the assump- tion that waves inside the surf zone are non-dispersive or 49 period invariant. Since one of the biggest differences between Pacific and Atlantic coast waves is the period, it may be concluded that the calculated coefficient is not ocean dependent . Since it was initially concluded that Ingle's data was of higher quality than the LEO data, it is assumed the coefficient values using Ingle's data is therefore more reliable. In any event, the mean value of the two data sets are the same to two significant decimal places. There' fore, it is concluded that a reasonable value for the bed shear stress coefficient within the surf zone is 0.01. 50 APPENDIX A LITTORAL ENVIRONMENT OBSERVATIONS CERC Form No. 113-72-8 Mar 72 has been designed for keypunching onto computer cards directly (small numbers above each box represent card column numbers) . It is recommended a pencil be used. All data should be recorded carefully and legibly. Errors should be corrected by first erasing erroneous data as write overs usually produce illegible data. Make remarks as necessary on the form but record only data in the boxes provided. All observations mist be made at the same point on the beach every time (in front of the reference pole) . STATION IDENTIFICATION: Each site in the "Littoral Environment Observation" study has been assigned a numerical code consisting of 5 digits. The first two digits define the state or territory in which the site is located and the remaining 3 digits define the particular beach or park, within the state or territory. A space has also been provided to write in the name of the particular beach or park at which the observation is taking place. DATE: Indicate in the spaces provided the year, month and day on which an observation is made. TIME: Indicate the time at which the observations are being made. The 24-hour system of reoording time has been selected in order to eliminate any confusion be- tween AM and PM. The hour "00" refers to midnight, "07" to 7:00 AM, "13" to 1:00 PM, etc. SURF OBSERVATIONS : a. Wave Period - Record the time in seconds for eleven (11) wave "crests" to pass seme stationary point. Eleven "crests" will include ten complete waves (crests and troughs). Ine first (1) "Crest" selected for observation is recorded as time zero and the eleventh (11) "crest" will be the stop or cut time. Record this time in seconds in the spaces provided. b. Breaking Wave Height - This observation is based solely on the judgment of the observer. Natural or manmade features on the shoreline or in the surf zone whose dimensions are known may aid in judging the height of a wave. Otherwise the observer's best estimate will be sufficient. Pecord the breaker height to the nearest tenth of a foot. c. Breaker Angle - To determine the direction from which the waves are approaching the beach use the protractor on this reverse side of the data form. The 0-180° line should be oriented along the shoreline; use the protractor to site the direction from which the waves are approaching when they are first breaking. d. Type of Breaking Wave: Spilling - Spilling occurs when the wave crests becomes unstable at the top and the crest flows down the front face of the wave producing an irregu- lar, foamy water surface, (see figure 1) Plunging - Plunging occurs when the wave crest curls over the front face of the wave and falls into the base of the wave producing a high splash and much foam 'figure 2) Surging - Surging occurs when the wave crests remains unbroken -while the base of the front face of the wave adcances up the beach itsejerfigurs: 2Y Spill/Plunge - A combination of both spilling and plunging occurring simultaneously. WIND OBSERVATIONS : a. Wind Speed - A wind meter is provided to each observer and it is recommended that the instructions provided with the meter be followed to obtain wind speed measurements. b. Wind Direction - After the approximate orientation of the beach with respect to north has been defined the observer can determine the direction "frcm wnich" the wind is coming. FORESHORE SLOPE: For measurement of the foreshore one must 'use either the clipboard/ inclinometer or the Abney hand level. Observations should be made as close to mid-swash as possible. Using the clipboard/inclinometer place it en the appropriate edge and record the angle -where the ball comes to rest. Using the Abney hand level place it on a straight edge and level the bubble; record the indicated angle. WIDTH OF SURF ZONE: This observation is based solely on the judgment of the observer. Estimate in feet the distance from the shoreline to the line of the most sea/ard breakers (not to be confused 'with white caps) . LONGSHORE CURRENT: a. Dye Distance - Dye packet should be injected just shoreward of the breakers, if possible. Driftwood or any other floating object should be used if dye is not available. Estimate the distance from the shoreline to point of injection and record this distance in feet. b. Current Speed - Mark the beach in line with the injected dye and make a second mark to indicate the dye movement after one minute has lapsed. Pace the distance between these marKS and record this distance in feet. c. Current Direction - when looking seaward, if the dye has moved to the left record -1, to the right record +1, and no longshore movement record 0. RIP CURRENTS: Rip currents are defined as seaward moving channels of water which return the water that has been piled up along the shore by meaning waves. Rip currents are fed by feeder currents, water moving along the shore (see figure 4) . Two currents join and extend out in what is known as the "neck", where the water rushes through the breaker zone in a narrow lane. Beyond the breaker zone the current spreads out and dissipates in what is called the "head". If such rip currents are present estimate their spacing in feet. If no rips are present record 0. BEACH CUSPS: Cusps are semicircular or crescent shaped cutouts in the beach face (see figure 5) . If such shapes are observed record the distance between the "horns" of the cusds which indicate the spacing. Where the spacing is irregular estimate the average spacing. If no cusps are present record 0. FIGURE 2. PLUNGING WAVE . , > , t a»Ea«f« ;:■•{ Sr4; f g FIGURE 4. *'"*>*; FIGURE 5 BEACH CUSPS 51 \ __ o> -J -C a> LU c JZ cc o ^_ o a> o X c *. CO — O 00 O 1 a> O o* a> c o o o ™" o Q. 4) > i_ 1_ o • a> *^- 1> 0) «/> *— -O or o a. O bJ a. a> > c .c o» o o o c o CO > a> a> CD c jr O in o ^ O c o c <»> a> a t_> k. t_ a> T3 o £ C *" o "O o O) a> _ > 3

3 K_ o> a> o c 5. a. JC UJ o — Z ^ o ■MB MM l_ ai _J LU or o O X z CO i 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A., Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964. Ba I s i I I i e, J. H . , Surf Observations and Longshore Current Prediction, Technical Memorandum No. 58, U . S. Army, Coastal Eng. Research Center, November 1975. Battjes, J. A., Computation of Set-up, Longshore Currents, Run-Up and Overtopping Due to Wind-Generated Waves, 1975 Bowen, A. J., "The Generation of Longshore Currents on a Plane Beach", Journal of Marine Research, v. 37, p. 206- 15, 1969. Bretsch ne i d er , C. L., Field Investigations of Wave Energy Loss of Shal low Water Ocean Waves, U. S. Army, Beach Erosion Board, Technical Memorandum 46, 1954. Collins, J. I., Long Shore Currents and Wave Statistics in the Surf Zone , Technical Report No. TC-149-2, Tetra Tech, Inc., February 1972. Galvin, C. J. Jr., and Savage R. P., Longshore Current at Nags Head, North Carol ina, U. S. Army Coastal Engineer- ing Research Center Bulletin II (1966), p. 11-29. Galvin, C. J., and Nelson, R. A., Compilation of Longshore Current Data , U. S. Army Coastal Engineering Research Center, Miscellaneous Paper, March 1967. Galvin, C. J. Jr., "Longshore Current Velocity: A Review of Theory and Data", Review of Geophysics, v. 5, No „ 5, p. 287-304, August 1967. Ingle, J. C. Jr., The Movement of Beach Sand, Elsevier Publishing Company, 1966. Inman, D. L. and Quinn, W. H., Currents in the Surf Zone, in Proceedings 2nd Conference on Coastal Engineering, edited by J. W. Johnson, Council of Wave Research, San Francisco, California, p. 24-36, 1952. Komar, P. D., Beach Processes and Sedimentation, Prentice- Hall, Inc., I 976. 53 Longuet-H i gg i ns , M. S., "Longshore Current Generated by Obliquely Incident Sea Waves", Parts I and 2, Journal of Geophysical Research , v. 7 5 , No. 33, November 1970. Munk, W. H., "The Solitary Wave Theory and Its Application to Surf Problems", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 51, p. 376-462, 1949. Miller, I. and Freund, J. E., Probability and Statistics for Eng i neers , Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965. Nie, N. H., and others, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 1970. Prandtl, L., Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, Haffner, New York, 1952. Sonu, C. J., Computer Prediction of Nearshore and Surf-Zone Stat i st i cs , Tetra Tech, Inc., September 1975. Thornton, E. B., Longshore Current and Sediment Transport, Technical Report No. 5, Prep, under Cont. No. WP 00889, Dept. of the Interior, Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, December 1969. Thornton, E. B., Kinematics of Breaking Waves, Proceeding of the 15th Coastal Engineering Conference, American Society of Civil Engineers, 461-476, July 1976. 54 INITIAL Dl STRIBUTION LIST Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Li brary (Code 0 I 42) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Department Chairman, Code 68 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Dr. Edward B. Thornton, Code 68Tm Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 CDR. Carlos Severino Veitia Garcia Embajada de Venezuela Ag regadu r i a Naval 2409 Ca I i torn i a St. , N.W. Washington, D. C. 20008 Department of Oceanography, Code 68 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Oceanographer of the Navy Hoffman Building No. 2 200 Stova I I Street Alexandria, Virginia 22332 Office of Naval Research Code 4 I 0 NORDA, NSTL Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 Dr. Robert E. Stevenson Scientific Liaison Office, ONR Scripps Institution of Oceanography La Jo I I a, Ca I i torn i a 92037 Dr. Douglas L. Inman Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California La Jo I I a, Ca I i torn i a 92037 No . Cop i es 2 55 11. Li brary, Code 3330 Naval Ocea nog ra p h i c Office Washington, D. C. 20373 12. S 10 Li brary University of California, San Diego P. 0. Box 2367 La Jo I I a, Ca I i forn i a 92037 13. Department of Oceanography Library University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98105 14. Department of Oceanography Library Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 15. Commanding Officer Fleet Numerical Weather Central Monterey, California 93940 16. Commanding Officer Naval Environmental Prediction Resea re h Facility Monterey, California 93940 17. D i recto r Naval Oceanography and Meteorology National Space Technology Laboratories Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 18. N0RDA Bay, St. Louis, Mississippi 39520 19. Dr. William S. Gaither Dean, College of Marine Studies Robinson Hall University of Delaware Newark, Delaware 39520 20. Department of the Navy Commander Ocea nog rap h i c System Pacific Box 1390 FP0 San Franc i sco 966 i 0 21. Coastal Studies Institute Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 22. Mr. Thorndike Saville, Director Coastal Engineering Research Center Department of the Army Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060 56 Thesis V36?5 c.l 172325 Veitfa Garcia Bed shear stress coefficient within the surf zone. Th V3 c Thesis V3625 c.l Veitia Garcia Bed shear stress coefficient within the surf zone. 172325 ZTZL stress coefficient within the 3 2768 002 05416 5 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY