*M,:^^^;, -..l-xS . /^ ^^■"^ ' . '^ 'Xa.-«^C'^ V-' <(^\^' i^^:*-. ' ' Vh- iy>^; '^<'^•^^. iJ-T' ■- ■< .i--:jv>fjna/! HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY GIFT OF Ui^^.Q I^V'j- SjijUl^uloL a jQ3,Zj. 5Lr ^ vs^c. BEHAVIOR MONOGRAPHS ofif.inraii Edited by JOHN B. WATSON and WALTER S. HUNTER Volume 4 1919-1922 COMPOSED AND PRINTED AT THE WAVERLY PRESS Bv THE Williams & Wilkins Company Baltimore, Md., U. S. A. CONTENTS 1. Transfer of training in white rats upon various series of mazes. RUTLEDGE T. WiLTBANK. 1919. Pp. ill + 65. 2. Redintegration in the albino rat: A study in retention. Thomas William Brockbank. 1919. Pp. iii + 66. 3. Discrimination of light of different wave-lengths by fish. Cora D. Reeves. 1919. Pp. iv + 106. 4. Visual perception of the chick. Harold C. Bingham. 1922. Pp. vi + 106. 5. Heredity of wildness and savageness in mice. Charles A. Coburn. 1922. Pp. iv + 71. I mi Behavior Monographs Volume 4. Number 1. 1919 Serial Number 17 • Edited by JOHN B. WATSON The Johns Hopkins University Transfer of Training in White Rats Upon Various Series of Mazes RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK Instructor in Psychology, The University of Washington From the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Chicago Published at Cambridge, Boston, Mass. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 34 West 33d Street, New York G E. STECHERT & CO.. London, Paris and Leipzig, Foreign Agents [Publication temporarily suspended] The Journal of Animal Behavior , An organ for the publication of studies concerning the instincts, habits and intelligence of organisms The Journal contains a Department of Notes in which appear brief accounts of especially interesting and valuable observations of behavior. Published bi-monthly at Cambridge, Boston, Mass., by Henry Holt and Company, New York. Each volume contains at least 450 pages with plates and text-figures. The subscription price is $5.00 per volume (foreign subscription $5.50) postpaid. Manuscripts, subscriptions, and all business correspondence should be addressed to THE JOURNAL OF ANIIMAL BEHAVIOE Emerson Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts Behavior Monographs For the publication of studies in behavior and intelligence which are too lengthy or too expensive for acceptance by The Journal of Animal Behavior Published at irregular intervals at Cambridge, Boston, Mass., in connection with the Journal of Animal Behavior, by Henry Holt and Company, New York. Each volume contains approximately 450 pages with plates and text-figures. The subscription price is $5.00 per volume (foreign subscription $5.50) postpaid. ^ Monographs may be purchased separately at prices varying with the cost of manufacture. Manuscripts and inquiries concerning terms of publication should be addressed to the Editor of the Behavior Monographs, JOHN B. WATSON, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Subscription to The Journal of Animal Behavior and the Behavior Monographs should be sent to Emerson Hall, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. JUL £9 1919 Behavior Monographs Volume 4. Number I. 1919 Serial Number 17 Edited by JOHN B. WATSON The Johns Hopkins University Transfer of Training in White Rats Upon Various Series of Mazes RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK Instructor in Psychology, The University of Washington From the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Chicago Published at Cambridge, Boston, Mass. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 34 West 33d Street, New York G E. STECHERT & CO.. London. Paris and Leipzig. Foreign Agents Acknowledgments It is a pleasure for me to acknowledge a deeply felt indebtedness to my teachers, Professors Angell and Carr, for their instruction and inspiration. Professor Carr kindly proposed these experiments, and patiently and helpfully criticized this presentation of their methods and results. CONTENTS I. Introduction 1 II. Transfer of Training between Pairs of Mazes 5 III. Transfer of Training through Series of Mazes 13 IV. Transfer of Training between a Maze Partially Learned and One Com- pletely Learned 40 V. Transfer of Training between a Maze Completely Learned and One Already Partially Learned 45 VI. The Learning of Two Mazes When They are Learned One after the Other Compared with the Learning of the Same Mazes When One is Partially Learned, Then the Other Completely Learned, and Finally the Learn- ing of the Former Completed 56 VII. The Releaming of a Maze after the Learning of Four Intervening Mazes 59 VIII. Summary of Results 63 I. INTRODUCTION The object of these experiments, stated in general terms, was to study the kind and the degree of transfer of training in white rats which were allowed to learn a maze after they had learned, either completely or partially, one or more other mazes. Specifically, the object was to find out: 1. Whether there was transfer of training between a pair of mazes which were learned completely one after the other, and if so whether it was positive or negative. These expressions, " positive transfer " and " negative transfer," are familiar to those interested in this phase of psychological research; but it may not be useless to re- mark, for the sake of some chance reader, that by the former is meant that the mastery of one or more mazes renders easier the mastery of a subsequent one, while by the latter is meant that the mastery of one or more mazes renders more difficult the mastery of a subsequent one. 2. Whether, if either positive or negative transfer is present, it will persist through a series of mazes; and whether, if both present and persistent, it will also be cumulative. 3. The effect upon the learning of a maze of having partially learned a preceding maze. 4. The effect of the complete learning of a maze upon the mastery of another maze already partially learned. 5. Whether it is more advantageous to learn two mazes in succession; or to partially learn one, then completely learn the other, and finally perfect the learning of the former. 6. The effect upon the relearning of a maze of having learned four intervening mazes between the original learn- ing of the maze and its relearning. Diagrams of the mazes are presented in Plate I, figs. 1-5. In all the mazes except C the blind alleys were twenty 1 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK PLATE I \ \ 3 < rio. I MOZE A no. a I _; I , I I s ■^ 1 3 I Z riG 3 M/JZC C TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 3 inches long, four inches wide and five inches deep. In the C maze they were thirteen inches long, four inches wide and four inches deep. The mazes were built of half- inch boards, the partitions between the runways in each section being of metal, although the partitions between the sections themselves were of wood. By a section is here meant one of the four main divisions of the maze, in which in all the mazes except C the blind-alleys run in the same direction relative to the observer. By a run- way is meant one length of the maze, such as a — b in maze A, whether it forms part of the true pathway or constitutes a blind alley. The terms, " true pathway " and " blind alley," are open to no ambiguity. The mazes were painted black without and within, and were covered with glass tops. The rats were between two and three months of age at the beginning of the particular experiment in which they were used. About one third of them were born in the laboratory where the experiments were carried on, and the remainder were obtained elsewhere. The rats were allotted to the various groups in a thoroughly promiscuous way, so that the groups approximated unselected collections. They were fed in the food-box of the maze every day for a week before they were introduced into the maze proper. They were given one trial a day for the first five days, and after- wards two trials a day, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. They were fed for two minutes after the trial in the forenoon and for five minutes after the trial in the afternoon. The food was bread and milk with an occasional allowance of sunflower seed. The rats were transferred from one maze to another by groups. Those individuals in a group which learned a maze earliest were still given one trial a day upon the same maze until all had learned it. Records were kept of the number of trials necessary to learn to run a maze four times out of five without an error, of the errors made during the course of learning and of the time required for each trial. The only errors that were counted were those made by the rat running into blind alleys while moving in the forward direction, RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK i.e., along the true pathway toward the food-box. These are the only errors which become fixed, and the actual task of the rat, stated in negative terms, is to overcome the tendencies to enter blind alleys while moving in the forward direction. The time was taken with a stop-watch, and was reckoned from the moment when the rat was introduced into the maze until it reached the food-box. The groups contained the following numbers of rats and proportions of males and females: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 8 rats — 4 males, 4 females 10 rats — 5 males, 5 females 10 rats— 6 males, 4 females 9 rats- — 5 males, 4 females 10 rats — 6 males, 4 females II. TRANSFER OF TRAINING BETWEEN PAIRS OF MAZES The Positive Nature of the Transfer An experiment to discover whether there was transfer of training when white rats which had learned one maze were carried over to another, and whether this transfer if present was positive or negative, was performed by Webb.i He effected transfers between ten pairs of mazes, in five of which the first maze remained the same, while the second maze in each pair was different from all the rest; and in five of which the first maze in each pair was different from all the rest and the second maze remained the same; so that the order of the transfers was from A to B, from A to C, from A to D, from A to E, from A to F; and from B to A, from C to A, from D to A, from E to A, from F to A. He found in every case that the number of trials required, the total number of errors made per rat and the total time consumed per rat were less for a group learning a given maze as its second to be learned than for the group that learned the given maze as its first. He is of the opinion that the evidence furnished by his experiments both with rats and with humans is strongly in favor of the presence of positive transfer. There was no accounting for these savings on the ground of chance or of group-differences; and, moreover, Webb constructed his mazes with the express purpose of rendering the condi- tions as favorable as possible for negative transfer. The present experiment was designed to further test this matter of transfer as between pairs of mazes, using mazes of another pattern and in a different arrangement from those of Webb's. The results of this experiment corroborate the results of Webb's with regard to the presence and the nature of the transfer. The percentages of transfer were computed on the same basis as Webb's — that of the *Webb: Transfer of Training and Retroaction. Psych. Rev. Mon. Sup. Vol. 24 No. 3. 6 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK average number of trials required to learn the maze, of the total number of errors and the total time per rat. The percentages are given in table 1. TABLE 1 Percentages in Savings in Trials, Errors and Time in Transfers Between Two Mazes Trials A to B 59 B to C 33 C to D 27 D to E 69 E to A 20 E to D 15 Tors Time 88 ... 95 49 ... 84 54 ... 57 93 ... 89 65 ... 89 54 ... 49 Although the present experimenter did not try, as did Webb, to devise mazes which would differ so much from one another that the learning of one would exert a detri- mental influence upon the learning of the other, neverthe- less an examination of plate I, figs. 1 to 5, will disclose that there were marked differences between certain of them. Consider for example mazes B and C, and note the differences in the number, length and arrangement of the blind-alleys. In the first section of maze B, the animal at the end of the first runway turns to the right, but in the corresponding section of C it turns to the left. In B immediately after this there is a blind alley to the right, while in C there is none either to the right or left. After the second turn in C, the animal encounters a blind alley to the left; after the second turn in B, it follows, the true pathway. At the fifth turn in C, the animal faces a situa- tion different from any to be met in B, for not only is it at this point in C far more likely to meet the true pathway at a right angle, but there is a blind alley at its left im- mediately as it turns into the true pathway, a similarly placed one being lacking in B. An examination of the other three sections of the mazes will multiply discrepan- cies of this kind. Again, consider the differences between A and E. In the first section of the former, the true pathway consists of three runways and the connecting runways, Q and R; TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 7 in the first section of E, there are five runways in the true pathway, and there is only one connecting runway, for at T, U and V the animal passes directly from one runway into another, although instead of turning at about a right angle to do so it must turn through 180 degrees. In the first section of A, there are three blind alleys, and in the cor- responding of E there is but one. In the second section of E, the true pathway turns abruptly to the left at the entrance to the section, while in A a blind alley opens at this place. In the third section of E, two blind alleys are placed side by side; in the third section of A the blind alleys alternate. In the fourth section of E, the entering animal turns into the true pathway to the left; in the cor- responding section of A, there is a blind alley to the left. But there was positive transfer as between these two mazes, judged by all three criteria. The Effect of Identical Parts In order to discover whether the presence of identical parts would affect the kind or the degree of transfer, the first sections of mazes A and B were made alike, and also the third sections of mazes D and E. The savings in trials and errors in the transfers between these mazes with identical parts were notably greater than in the transfers between the mazes without identical parts, as may be seen by reference to table 1. The saving in time in the transfer between A and B was the largest of all the time- savings, but that between D and E was equalled by that between E and A. If the greater positive transfet in the case of the mazes with identical parts was due to the presence of the identi- cal parts,— and it would seem too large to dismiss as merely fortuitous,- — still it is not plain that this greater transfer was brought about within the identical parts themselves. It would seem reasonable to maintain that, if the presence of the identical part in the second maze exerted a favor- able influence upon the learning of the maze, the benefit would be most likely to appear in this identical part, although it is conceivable that the beneficial effect might appear in some other part of the maze. For the purpose Sec. 2 Sec. 3 Sec. 4 9.4 .9 90 13.9 .8 94 5.5 3.8 31 8 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK of finding out whether there was a greater saving in this identical part of maze B than in the other sections, the distribution of errors within the four sections of maze B made by the control-group and by the trial-group may be compared. The average number of errors per rat made by the control-group, group 2, in the four sections of B, and the average number made by the trial-group, group 1, which had already learned maze A, are given in table 2, together with the percentages of savings made by group 1. TABLE 2 The Average Number of Errors per Rat Made by Groups 2 and 1 in the Sections of Maze B, and the Percentages of Savings Sec. 1 Group 2 16 . 5 Group 1 1.7 Savings by Group 1 89 While group 1 effected a saving in the first section of 89 per cent, the savings in the second and third sections were still larger. It cannot be argued on the prima-facie evidence, therefore, that the saving in the identical part was due to the ta... "^^ this identity, when the savings in sections dissimilar from the corresponding sections of maze A were even larger. It might be expected that much con- fusion would arise at the entrance of the second section, inasmuch as the animal had gained undoubtedly as much momentum in the first section of the second maze as in the corresponding section of the first maze, and at the entrance to the second section of the maze it encounters quite a different pattern. Contrary to any preconception, however, the group effected as great a saving in the second section as in the first. In connection with this fact, it may be noted — as has been shown by Webb^ and is shown also in one of the experiments now being reported^ — that an animal brings over from the learning of one maze to the learning of another some factors making for positive transfer and some making for negative. There is, accord- 2 Webb: op. cit. p. 52. 3 Infra, p. 18, ff. TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 9 ing to the view adopted here as a result of the observations made in the course of these experiments, a practise in error- elimination which is useful and which an animal passing from one maze-learning to another enjoys, so that this animal may be expected to display a greater facility in the the dropping of errors in the second maze than an animal learning this maze as its first. But among the specific habits, including entrance into some runways and the avoidance of others, there will be some that aid the learning and some that deter it; and an instance of the latter may be found in the transfer now under consideration. The group trained in the first maze had learned to pass a blind alley on its left upon entering the fourth section and then to turn into the next runway, which formed a part of the true pathway. When transferred to the second maze, there was no blind alley at the left immediately on entering this section, so that no difficulty was experienced here; but instead of the adjoining runway being a part of the true pathway it was a blind alley, and as a consequence the trial-group made 53 per cent of the total number of errors in this section, where the control-group made but 14 per cent. It is impossible to predict, with regard to the factors making for positive and for negative transfer, how they will interact in a given situation. It would seem that, in the second of the two- mazes involved in the present comparison, the tendency to turn into the blind alley in the fourth section is so deeply implanted, as a result of the learning of the former maze, that any general habit of error-elimination is nearly if not completely suppressed; while on the contrary there are no specific habits in the second and third sections so strongly formed as to counter- act the working of the general elimination activity, and the results of this activity were so great that it effected in these sections savings larger than in the identical part. Turning to the other mazes which contained identical parts, these mazes being the D and E and the parts the third section, we find that positive transfer was evident in the learning of the E maze by the group which had first learned the D maze, and that the greatest saving was effected in the identical part, although the saving in 10 RUTLEDGE T. WILTS ANK the first section was nearly as great. The distribution of errors in the various sections of the E maze, and the per- centages of savings are given in table 3. TABLE 3 The Average Number of Errors per Rat Made by Groups 5 and 4 in the Sections of Maze E, and the Percentages of Savings Sec. 1 Sec. 2 Sec. 3 Sec. 4 Group 5 (Control) 11.1 11.7 8.7 .4 Group 4 (Trial) 33 1.7 .11 .11 Savings by Grout) 4 97 85 99 72 The situation in maze E differs from the situation in B, in that the identical part is not encountered in the former until the animal has run through two sections which differ from the first two of the maze which he has already learned; so that in the situation presented in the B maze the ques- tion was not only as to whether the animal would retain the habit acquired in the first section of the maze in which it was first run, but also as to whether there would be any disconcerting effect from meeting the strange second section after travelling the familiar first one; while in the situation presented in the E maze the transition was from a pathway unfamiliar at the beginning and through half of its whole length to a section which had been learned before. Although the saving in the third section was 99 per cent, this was but little more than the saving in the first section. There would seem to be no ground for the assertion that, if the presence of the identical part in the two mazes results in the more expeditious learning of the second maze, this is due to the saving of errors in the identical part. It might be contended that the comparison ought to be made between the average number of errors and per- centage of saving in the identical part and the average errors and savings of the other three sections taken to- gether, instead of being considered severally as above. When this method is followed, it is found that the aver- age number of errors per rat made in the dissimilar sections of maze B was 1.8 as compared with the average of 1.7 in the identical part, and that the' average saving of the TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 11 dissimilar sections was 71.7 per cent as compared with 89 in the identical part. The same method applied to maze E discloses that the average number of errors in the dissimilar sections was .71 and the average saving 85 per cent as compared with .11 and 99 in the identical part. It may be remarked that the smaller average savings for the three dissimilar sections were due in the case of both mazes principally to the low records of the fourth section; to which a defender of this method might reply that the low gains in the fourth sections may have resulted from the same cause as the high gains in the identical parts: namely, the presence of the identical part, which exerted more of a beneficial effect in the learning of other sections than it did in the learning of the fourth. But we have seen reason to believe that the smaller gain in the fourth section of the B maze was due to a peculiarity of its pattern in connection with the maze-habit acquired in A; and the smaller gain in the fourth section of E as compared with D may be explicable according to the same principle. The Dependence of Transfer upon the Relative Difficulty of the Two Mazes The query is a logical one, whether as between mazes of different degrees of difficulty it matters from the point of view of savings if the more difficult or the less difficult is learned first. Two of the transfers in this experiment were from the harder to the easier maze, judging by the records of the control-groups; and four were from the easier to the harder. In the case of one of the transfers from the harder to the easier, the saving in errors was less than in any of the transfers from an easier to a harder maze, the saving in trials was less than in two of these transfers, and the saving in time was also less than in two of these transfers, the computations being on both the basis of the average total number of errors and the average total time per rat and the basis of the average errors and the average time per trial. In the case of the other transfer from a harder to an easier maze, the savings in trials and in errors were greater than in any of the transfers from an easier to a 12 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK harder maze, judging both by the average total errors and the average total time per rat and by the average number of errors and the average time per trial; and the saving in time was less than the saving in one of the transfers from an easier to a harder maze, according to the average total errors and average total time per rat, and less than the saving in two of these transfers, according to the average number of errors and the average time per trial. TABLE 4 Percentages of Savings in Transfers from Less Difficult to More Difficult AND FROM More Difficult to Less Difficult Mazes, on the Basis of THE Average Total Errors and Average Total Time per Rat From the Less to the More Difificult From the More to the Less Difficult Trials Errors From A to B . . . 59 88 From C to D... 27 54 FromEtoA... 20 65 From E to D... 15 54 Time 95 57 89 49 Trials Errors Time From B to C... 33 49 84 From D to E... 69 93 89 TABLE 5 Percentages of Savings in Transfers from Less Difficult to More Difficult AND FROM More Difficult to Less Difficult Mazes, on the Basis of the Average Number of Errors and the Average Time per Trial From the Less to the More Difficult From the More to the Less Difficult Trials Errors Time Trials Errors Time From A to B... 59 70 88 From B to C... 33 33 78 From C to D... 27 37 41 From D to E... 65 77 69 From E to A . . . 20 53 86 From E to D... 15 46 40 It will be seen from the figures in tables 4 and 5 that, although the average savings are higher when the transfer is from the harder to the easier maze, there is no ground for the statement that these savings are in every instance higher than when the transfer is from the easier to the harder. The transfer from the easier to the harder may be greater, as we may . note by comparing the transfer between A and B with that between B and C. III. TRANSFER OF TRAINING THROUGH SERIES OF MAZES The Persistence of the Transfer If we accept the statement that there is positive transfer of training when rats are carried over from one maze com- pletely learned to another which is then also completely- learned, the question arises as to whether the transfer of training will persist and retain its positive character if the learning is continued through a series of mazes. It might be presupposed with some plausibility that habits acquired in situations which present marked peculiarities in the midst of general resemblances, as do the situations in the various mazes, would conflict with one another in such a way that the transfer would cease to be positive. On the other hand, it might be presupposed with perhaps equal plausibility that in these situations practise tends toward perfection, and the ability which an animal has to thread the maze may consequently be expected to improve in proportion to the number of mazes it learns to run. It was to throw light upon this question that the present experiment was undertaken. The five groups of rats were allowed to continue their learning through series of mazes, each group learning one series. The series were composed of the same five mazes, but the mazes were learned in a different order by each group, according to the scheme presented in table 6, in which the letters represent mazes and the numbers groups of rats. TABLE 6 The Order in Which Various Series of Mazes Were Learned by Various Groups Mazes ABCDEABCD Group 1 13 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 '4 5 5 5 5 14 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK In pursuance of this method, there were twenty-five maze-learnings, in twenty of which evidence might be sought as to whether the positive transfer persists. Atten- tion is drawn to the fact that the first group to learn a given maze constituted a control-group for that maze. The records of the groups upon these series of mazes are given in tables 7 to 16. The average number of trials necessary to learn a maze is given, and in connection with it the mean variation of the individual rats from this average; then the percentages of transfer for each maze are given, these being computed by comparing the record of the trial-group with that of the control-group in this particular maze. The same method is followed with respect to errors and time, and these are reckoned both on the basis of the average total per rat and on that of the average per trial. The percentages of transfer are shown graphically in figures 6, 7, and 8. TABLE 7 The Average Number of Trials per Rat in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Maze A. . Maze B. . Maze C. . Maze D. . Maze E. . Maze A. . Maze B. . Maze C. . Maze D. . Maze E. . Group 1 26.62 ± 6.87 n.62± 5.28 9.75± 3.31 25.56 ±12.67 4.00 6.62 ± 3.56 Group 2 28.'70±' 6.66 12.20± 4.14 27.60 ±10.93 4.40± .56 6.40± 1.92 7.50± 3.91 Group 3 16.20±7.24 18.00±8.03 7.30± .49 6.50±2.32 13.20± .67 6.20±1.84 Group 4 24.67±7.24 7.11±3.88 6.89±3.23 11.44±3.06 9.00±2.64 8.89±3.96 Group 5 23.10±7.10 21.40±8.95 19.00±4.91 7.00±1.51 22.10±4.87 5.00± .83 TABLE 8 The Percentages of Transfer of Training in Trials through a Series of Mazes Group 1 Maze B. . 59 Maze C. . 39 Maze D. . —3.58 Maze E. . 83 Maze A. . 75 Maze B. . Maze C. . Maze D. . Maze E. . Group 2 33 —12 81 76 74 Group 3 27 68 75 54 62 Group 4 69 74 60 44 64 Group 5 20 34 57 4.33 78 TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 15 TABLE 9 The Average Total Number of Errors per Rat in the Learning of a Series OF Mazes Group 1 Maze A. . 48.45±13.52 Maze B. . 8.15± 2.52 Maze C. . 6.82± 2.42 Maze D. . 26.58±13.27 Maze E. . 0 Maze A.. 1.31 ± .91 Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 68.88±3a52 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 14.50 ± 6.20 28.35±8.72 22.36±10.61 21.42±9.38 46.63±14.96 .31± .12 1.31± .95 2.20± 1.26 1.22± .70 1.75±1.20 2.07± .92 3.97 ± 1.30 6. 74 ±3. 29 9.27 db 3.55 1.92± .82 7.29± 4.45 4.53± 2.21 Group 5 31.88±12.27 16.69 ± 6.56 18.05 ± 5.99 3.64=h 1.29 23.87± 8.45 .90 db .72 TABLE 10 The Percentages of Transfer of Training, on the Basis of the Average Total Number of Errors per Rat, in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Maze A. . Maze B. . 88 Maze C. . 76 49 Maze D. . 43 52 54 Maze E. . 100 99 96 93 Maze A. . 97 97 96 96 65 Maze B. . 94 90 87 74 Maze C. . 93 74 87 Maze D. . 90 49 Maze E. . 97 TABLE 11 The Average Total Time per Rat in The Learning of a Series of Mazes Group 1 Maze A. . 50.05 ±29.74 Maze B. . 4.65 ± 2.27 Maze C. . 5.75 ± 3.30 MazeD.. 9.20± 4.42 Maze E. . 1.56 ± .38 Maze A. . 1.39± .81 Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 93.85±4a36 '.'.'.'.'.'.['.'.'.'. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.[ 12.71± 9.17 77.92±39.49 15.46 ± 8.41 16.20 ± 7.17 37.50 ±19.45 1.53± .34 3.36± 1.57 3.27± 1.79 1.60± 1.02 2.01 ± .80 1.93± .90 2.02± 1.51 4.22± 1.23 3.09± 1.04 7.56± 4.81 17.73±10.37 6.49± 5.98 Group 5 30.72 ±16.20 5.56 ± 1.48 4.75± 1.44 4.55 ± 1.38 5.52± 2.13 2.15± 1.05 16 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK TABLE 12 The Percentages of Transfer of Training, on the Basis of the Average Total Time per Rat, in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Group 1 Maze A. . Maze B. . 95 Maze C. . 93 Maze D. . 75 Maze E. . 95 Maze A. . 97 Maze B. . Maze C. . Maze D. . Maze E. . Group 2 84 59 94 97 96 Group 3 Group 4 57 89 97 96 90 89 96 97 77 83 Group 5 89 96 94 84 93 TABLE 13 The Average Number of Errors per Trial in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Maze A Group 1 1.82±.33 .71 it. 30 .70±.35 1.04±.34 0 .17±.16 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Maze B. . 2. 40 it. 40 1.18it.54 .81±.23 .07±.04 .19±.01 .53±.39 Maze C. 1.75it.40 1.19±.26 .18=t.21 .27±.17 .51=b:28 .31±.21 Maze D 1.89±.37 .31±.17 .30±.24 .81±.13 .81±.34 .51it.26 Maze E. . Maze A. . Maze B. . 1.38±.32 .78±.24 .95±.21 Maze C. . .52db.25 Maze D. . 1.08±.30 Maze E. . .18±.08 TABLE 141! The Percentages of Transfer of Training, on the Basis of the Average Number of Errors per Trial, in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Maze A. . Maze B. . 70 Maze C. . 59 33 Maze D. . 45 58 37 Maze E. . 100 95 87 77 Maze A. . 91 90 80 84 53 Maze B. . 78 79 65 60 Maze C. . 82 54 71 Maze D. . 76 43 Maze E. . 87 TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 17 TABLE 15 The Average Time per Trial in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Maze A. . Maze B. . Maze C. . MazeD.. Maze E. . Maze A. . Maze B. . Maze C. . Maze D. . Maze E. . Group 1 1.88±1.23 .40± .12 .59± .13 .36± .16 .39±. 10 .21± .04 Group 2 3.'27±2;i2 1.05± .68 .56± .40 .37± .09 .25± .12 .27± .05 Group 3 4.81±1.77 .90± .41 .46± .31± .32± 1.38± ,14 .06 .06 .97 Group 4 1.52± .77 .46± .19 .28± .08 .27± .05 1.97±1.62 .73± .67 Group 5 .33 ±.68 .26±.03 .25±.02 .65±.12 .25±.06 .43±.13 TABLE 16 The Percentages of Transfer of Training, on the Basis of the Average Time per Trial, in the Learning of a Series of Mazes Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Maze A. . Maze B. . 88 Maze C. . 88 78 Maze D. . 76 45 41 Maze E. . 71 73 65 65 Maze A. . 89 86 30 85 86 Maze B. . 92 90 92 90 Maze C. . 70 59 54 Maze D. . 52 83 Maze E. . 68 6 O E C 80 70 60 50 do 30 10 c /o y ^-. ■\^^. J^^e Pet'ceata^e3 of Transfer of Tra/ntnff in TrtaJs-fhrGi^ ! a Series of Mirzes. Oroup / —^ • — ' ■ ' ' Orm/p Z. —' ^ "Ordup 3 ■ 18 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK /OC7^ TO V / 77?^ Percentages, ^f Ttiao^fer 12 f 7r<^in/ng on the 3^fs^ of the^ Average Totzj/ /yumber of Errors per Raf: Group I • Groups. ■ — O roup 3 Group 4 Group 5 — D E The Fercenta0e-3 of Transfer 60 ^\// of Tra/n/r^ on the Ba5/3 of the A/en^^e Total T/me per ffat. so Group I Group Z O^oup 3 Group 4 Group 3 An examination of tables 7 to 16 will reveal the fact that there was positive transfer manifest throughout the various series of maze-learnings with the exception of the learning of maze D by groups 1 and 2, as judged by the criterion of trials, the former group requiring an average of 3.58 per cent more trials than did the control-group upon this maze, and the latter requiring 12 per cent more (Tables 7 and 8). In examining the records made by groups 1 and 2 in maze D for the purpose of explaining these occurrences of negative transfer, the outstanding fact brought to light is that it is the number and persistence of errors made in the first blind alley of maze D which account for the nega- TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 19 tive transfer. This fact comes out upon a comparison of the records of the control-groups and trial-groups concerned. Out of 420 errors made by the control-group in learning the maze, 102 were made in the first blind alley, and the rest were distributed among the other blind alleys. Out of a total of 223 errors made by group 2 in this maze, 166 were made in the first blind alley; and out of a total of 212 made by group 1, 126 were made in the first blind alley. It was the large number of trials necessary to elim- inate these errors made in the first blind alley which resulted in the negative transfer, as may be seen from an examination of tables 17 to 20, and figure 9, in which respectively the number of errors and the percentage of errors made in each blind alley by each group are shown. TAI 5LE 17 The Errors Made by Group 4 (Control IN Maze D , Arranged According TO Blind Alleys AND ' Trials Blind Alleys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Trial 1 5 2 2 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 2 5 1 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 1 5 4 3 3 4 5 5 2 5 3 2 1 3 6 4 2 4 1 2 2 1 4 2 7 4 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 8 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 4 1 4 1 2 2 1 4 3 3 9 10 6 4 2 4 2 1 3 3 11 5 2 3 3 2 1 2 4 12 7 4 1 2 3 3 2 3 13 5 3 2 2 3 4 2 14 3 2 3 1 3 15 3 3 3 2 1 1 16 4 1 1 3 17 2 2 3 1 2 2 18 2 3 2 1 1 19 5 2 1 20 3 1 1 21 4 2 3 1 1 22 1 2 4 1 1 23 3 1 24 1 3 25 2 1 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 2 29 1 2 30 3 31 1 1 32 1 1 33 20 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK TABLE 18 The Errors Made by Group 3 in Maze D, Arranged According to Blind Alleys and Trials Blind Alleys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Trial 1 .. 14 2 4 2 3 2 1 i i 2 .. 14 1 1 1 1 3 7 1 4 4 .. 6 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 .. 4 2 2 2 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 4 1 4 8 7 1 2 3 9 .. 5 1 3 1 1 10 .. 4 3 2 11 .. 3 12 5 4 2 2 13 4 2 14 4 2 15 4 1 1 16 .. 3 1 17 .. 3 1 18 2 19 2 1 20 ^ i 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 21 TABLE 19 The Errors Made by Group 2 in Maze D, Arranged According to Blind Alleys and Trials Blind Alleys 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Trial 1 4 1 2 1 4 b 1 2 6 1 3 2 3 1 3 8 1 2 4 8 1 2 1 5 .. 8 1 1 6 8 1 2 1 7 .. 7 8 8 1 9 6 1 1 10 .. 9 1 1 1 1 11 4 1 12 1 1 13 7 1 14,. . 6 1 15 6 1 16 .. 5 17 4 18 .. 4 19 5 20 3 21 3 22 5 23 4 24 2 25 3 26 1 27 2 28 .. 3 29 2 30 .. 3 31 1 32 .. 2 33 2 34 .. 2 35 1 36 2 37 .. 2 38 .. 2 39 .. 2 40 2 41 .. 2 42 1 43 .. 0 44 1 22 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK TABLE 20 The Errors Made by Group 1 in Maze D, According to Blind Alleys and Trials Blind Alleys 1 2 3 4 5 Trial 1 .. 9 3 1 2 .. 9 2 1 3 .. 5 1 4 .. 5 1 5 .. 2 1 6 .. 6 1 1 7 .. 5 1 1 1 8 5 2 1 9 4 10 5 1 11 4 1 12 >/ 1 13 4 14 4 15 ^. 16 . 2 17 .. 2 18 2 19 .. 3 20 .. 2 21 .. 2 22 1 23 .. 3 24 1 25 2 26 .. 3 27 .. 2 28 .. 2 29 .. 2 30 .. 2 31 2 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 7 8 9 10 11 2 1 7 2 1 2 2 5 2 3 4 4 2 4 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 23 TABLE 20— (Continued) Blind Alleys 1234 56789 10 11 Trial 54 55 1 56 1 57 1 58 59 1 ^345 6789/0// \ The Percentages of fj-ror^ M or A/orv Afi^:z-<^3. ♦ " " 7>W " " " * " -T TTynee " " * " " f^tyr- " " V The figures in table 23 show that the groups which have learned more than one maze before attacking another do not necessarily and invariably enjoy any advantage in the learning of the new maze, as compared with the trial- record of the group that came to the maze with but one prior maze-learning. The groups learning maze A showed a nominal increase of savings with the increase in the num- ber of previous maze-learnings, but the group that had had four maze-learnings saved but .1 of a trial as compared with the one having had three, and the one that had had three saved but .4 of a trial as compared with the one having had two. If the group with two previous maze- 30 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK learnings showed a large saving relative to the group with one, this is deprived of any significance by the fact that, in the case of the other four mazes, two of them proved easier for the group with one prior learning than for the group with two. A comparison of the groups with three prior learnings and the groups with four discloses the fact that in two instances — namely, in mazes B and C, the groups with three prior learnings learned the maze more readily than the groups with four; and, if there were three instances where the groups with four prior learnings did better than those with three, one of these was but .1 of a trial better. This table might accordingly be brought forward in support of the statement that three maze- learnings are as good as four, measured by the beneficial effect upon the learning of a subsequent maze according to the standard of trials. But the actual differences in these figures representing the number of trials necessary to learn the third and fourth mazes are not large enough to give much weight to such a statement. The D maze presents the least evidence of any beneficial effect accruing from the learning of preceding mazes, and the principle which is to be invoked in explanation is the one used with reference to the negative figure representing the transfer in trials, as may be seen on pp. 18 ff. The num- ber of trials needed by the groups coming to this maze with two and with three prior learnings was greater than the number made by the control-group, and the number needed by the group coming with four learnings was also high. These figures were all greater than any in the A and B mazes, the control-figures of which show them to be some- TABLE 24 The Rankings of the Groups upon the Mazes, According to the Average Number of Trials per Rat Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Av. Rank Group having learned four preceding mazes 1 3 2 2 1 1.8 Group having learned ^Aree preceding mazes 2 1 1 3 2 1.8 Group having learned two preceding mazes 3 4 3 4 4 3.6 Group having learned one preceding maze .4 2 4 1 3 2.8 TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 31 what more difficult mazes. It is the position of blind alley 1 which accounts for this. When the animals came from the C maze, they found themselves in a situation which in the maze or mazes before C had called forth the habit of turning into a runway to the left on entering the maze; and this position in the D maze being occupied by a blind alley which called forth this habit, the learning of the maze was consequently retarded. The evidence that the average total number of errors per rat tends to decrease as the number of prior maze- learnings increases is more convincing than any figures furnished by the trial criterion in favor of a similar benefit from the latter point of view, as may be seen from an examination of table 25 and figure 11. TABLE 25 The Average Total Number of Errors per Rat by Groups Having Previously Learned One or More Mazes Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Group having learned one pre- ceding maze 16.69 8.25 15.40 21.42 2.20 Group having learned two pre- ceding mazes 2.07 18.05 6.82 22.36 1.31 Group having learned three pre- ceding mazes 1.75 9.27 3.64 26.58 .31 Group having learned four pre- ceding mazes 1.22 6.73 7.29 23.87 00 so ^ 3 C D jf v\ o The /9i^3rce(pfjng Maze "/^ " " Two " " * " ' Three " " ^ /' > /^^^ " " 32 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK In two mazes, A and E, the average total number of errors per rat decreased with the increase in the number of mazes previously learned, and these decreases were not slight ones, proportionately speaking. If the various groups are ranked upon the mazes according to the average total errors made by the rats of the group, it will be found that the average ranking of the groups having had four prior learnings is highest, the average total errors of the rats in these groups taken together being least; and the groups having had three, two and one prior learnings follow in order. This may be seen in table 26. TABLE 26 The Rankings of the Groups upon the Mazes, According to the Average Total Number of Errors per Rat Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Av. Rank Group having learned jour preceding mazes Group having learned three preceding mazes Group having learned two preceding mazes Group having learned one preceding maze .4 3 4 1 4 3.2 1 1 3 3 1 1.8 2 2 1 4 2 2.2 3 4 2 2 3 2 8 According to the average total time per rat, there was only one maze in which this time decreased with the in- crease in the number of previous maze learnings by groups B D jS 2a T/?e /^i^era^e 7^/a/ ^me y:yer /4S?/ J?y <$r-i:Jcr£?^ TRAINING IN WHITE RATS UPON VARIOUS SERIES OF MAZES 33 coming to the maze — maze A. When the groups were ranked upon the various mazes, the groups with four and those with three previous learnings had the same average ranking, these having required the least total time per rat; and the groups with two and with one previous learning followed. In tables 27 and 28 are given respectively the average total time per rat and the rankings on this basis. The records of the different groups are shown graphically in figure 12. TABLE 27 The Average Total Time per Rat by Groups Having Previously Learned One or More Mazes Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Group having learned one pre- ceding maze 5.56 4.65 12.81 16.20 3.27 Group having learned two pre- ceding mazes 1.93 4.75 3.51 15.46 3.36 Group having learned three pre- ceding mazes 2.01 3.09 4.55 8.20 1.63 Group having learned four pre- ceding mazes 1.60 4.22 17.73 5.52 1.56 TABLE 28 The Rankings of the Groups upon the Mazes, According to the Average Total Time per Rat Maze A Maze B Maze G Maze D Maze E Av. Rank Group having learned /owr preceding mazes 1 2 3 3 1 2.0 Group having learned //zree preceding mazes 2 1 1 4 2 2.0 Group having learned two preceding mazes 3 4 2 2 3 2.8 Group having learned one preceding maze .4 3 4 1 4 3.2 The rankings according to the average errors per trial and the average time per trial are given in tables 29 and 31. TABLE 29 The Rankings of the Groups upon the Mazes, According to the Average Errors per Trial Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Av. Rank Group having learned /owr preceding mazes 1 1 3 3 1 1.8 Group having learned //zreg preceding mazes 2 3 1 2 2 2.0 Group having learned two preceding mazes 3 4 2 1 3 2.6 Group having learned one preceding maze .4 2 4 4 4 3.6 34 RUTLEDGE T. WILTBANK TABLE 30 The Ranking of the Groups upon the Mazes, According to the Average Time per Trial Maze A Maze B Maze C Maze D Maze E Av. Rank Group having learned /o?/ete/y Learne/s^ after tt?e Learn tn^ of the ^ecopi^ Maze 50 <-0 30 zo IC 0 I0\ ZO 30 40 50 60 70 eo ■ o Z o u 55S5,S»(b^*^l»lr,(Vj^ |§§gS&SSi$Si T^~T superiority of the one trial per day method. Curve (d) in both plates, showing average time in the last 15 trials of learning and the first 15 trials of redintegration, points clearly to a superiority of the one trial per day method 30 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK over the three trials per day method. These curves confirm the results in the " error " curves in the fact that the one trial per day method is absolutely superior in both learning and redintegration; but, owing to the tendency to the mean in redintegration, the one trial per day method becomes inferior in a relative sense only. TABLE III-C 45-Day Period. 3 Trials per Day Time in Seconds No. of Trials First 15 Trials of R.; Last 15 Trials of L. Av. Rati. L. 146 *6 *7 *7 *6 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *8 *7 *7 10 *6 6.7 R. 34 155 195 205 17 no *7 no 13 12 *8 *8 *7 *9 *7 26 45.9 2. L. 170 *6 *6 *7 *7 *7 *6 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 6.2 R. 46 46 9 *7 *8 *6 *6 *7 13 14 *8 *6 10 no 11 10 11.4 3. L. 143 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 *7 20 *6 *7 *7 *6 9 *7 *6 *6 7.4 R. 61 54 26 37 19 110 71 25 75 95 20 70 27 8 10 20 44.4 4. L. 252 45 85 51 no 35 17 45 20 17 16 12 10 9 10 8 26 R. 27 21 21 ni *11 14 13 *9 *8 14 *8 20 19 *8 *7 *8 12.8 5. L. 56 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 8 *6 *6 *6 9 8 *7 *7 *6 6.6 R. 27 41 *8 *7 *7 *6 14 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 12 *6 *6 *7 9.6 6. L. 63 *7 *6 *6 *7 *6 *7 *7 n5 *7 *8 7 *7 7 *6 *7 7.3 R. 21 192 *8 *8 *9 *7 *7 *8 *7 *6 17 *7 16 *8 *8 8 21.2 7. L. 60 *6 *6 *6 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 *7 *6 *6 *6 *9 *6 *6 6.3 R. 26 63 18 21 *6 *6 13 *6 32 *6 *6 10 *6 *7 *6 no 14.4 Averages — Trials. L. 127.1 R. 34.5 (Perfect) Trials.. L. 11.7 R. 8 Time. .L. 9.5 R. 22.8 TABLE IV-C 45-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day Time in Seconds No. of Trials First 15 Trials of R .; Last 15TnaIsof L. Av. *6 *6 *6 *7 *7 *7 *7 ♦6 7 *6 37 *6 *6 *6 8 8.5 115 no *8 7 10 */ *7 10 *6 *7 *7 *9 51 *7 *6 17.8 *7 *6 *6 *7 *7 ♦6 *6 *6 *6 14 *7 9 *6 *6 *6 7 175 26 26 12 *9 n5 *14 25 n2 *8 *7 *7 25 *7 *7 25 *6 *7 *6 *7 *6 *7 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 11 13 9 14 7.8 15 51 11 15 *6 *7 8 *7 *7 15 *8 *7 10 ♦8 *8 12.2 *7 *7 *7 *7 *8 *8 *7 10 13 *7 *8 *7 19 *7 *8 8.6 9 *7 *9 *6 *7 115 8 *8 ni *9 27 11 *7 *7 *6 16.4 *7 *7 *6 *6 *7 *9 *6 *6 *7 125 10 *7 10 *9 *6 15.6 39 *9 8 *7 7 11 *7 *7 8 *6 *6 *7 *6 *7 *7 9.4 *7 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 8 ♦7 *6 8 *6 14 *8 14 *9 7.8 73 14 11 *7 *6 13 *6 *6 12 8 *7 *6 *6 8 *6 12.6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *6 *9 9 8 *8 *7 12 *6 13 9 7.8 17 8 *8 *6 *6 *6 *7 *6 *7 *6 *6 *7 10 *6 *6 7.f Averages — Trials.. L. 75.7 R. 26.2 ♦(Perfect) Trials.. L. 11.5 R. 9.5 Time..L. 9. R. 14.4 REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT — AJSTUDY IN RETENTION 31 c2^m - to f^ l(!l /5 53 y^§Sl«jt--SOif") N u h < Q « i S 5$ o -2 o o o a s o 9 2 S 8 ? I S 8 GU These results do not present an exhaustive study of economy in retention. In learning, the question of economy has not yet been carried to its limits; and until that time 82 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK comes the question of economy in retention must remain more or less suspended. The results of the present experi- ment show conclusively that of the two distributions here considered, namely, three trials per day and one trial per day, the greater distribution in trials produces the greater economy both in learning and after retention. The totals given in the tables and the curves in the plates only in- dicate that economy is present; but, as may be expected from any statistical method, they do not give any physio- logical explanation for the economy itself. (3) Redintegration After a 30-Day Retention Period (a) Retention Period for the Maze The effects of the respective retention periods of 45 and 70 days, which have been considered in the preceding pages, aid only negatively in the determination of the approximate period during which the maze habit may be retained with a precision approaching that of the norm in learning. No rat, after either of the two retention periods already considered, completed redintegration tests in the learning norm of 15 trials. This would have required a practically perfect retention of the habit and also its perfect exercise in the first six trials of redintegration. In order to ascertain the approximate period after which integration appears perfect in the redintegration tests, it was determined to experiment with a group of rats by the one trial per day method and try redintegration after a 30-day retention period. With this immediate end in view, two litters, the first of three rats, namely, 1, 2, and 3 in Tables V-A and V-B, and the second of four rats, namely, 4, 5, 6, and 7 in the same tables, were set to learn the maze. All the rats of both litters completed learning and redintegration. The same norm and method was used with this litter as with the groups already considered. The " error " results of these seven rats are presented in Table V-A, and the trial and time records in Table V-B. In two rats of the seven, redintegration was as good or even better than the learning; while a third rat required but one more trial, or 16. This may be understood more REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 33 clearly by reference to Table V-B, records 1 and 6 being perfect in redintegration, while in record 5 the first trial of redintegration was was imperfect, and thus 16 trials were required to complete the series. As individual dif- ferences show, it seems quite probable that there are some rats which would never exhibit perfect integration from the very first of the redintegration series of trials even if the learning period were excessively prolonged or the re- tention period shortened. And, therefore, although redin- tegration in the other rats of the group did not evidence such perfect retention, the fact that two retained the maze perfectly for 30 days seemed to indicate that this period may be laid down as the approximate maximal period of perfect retention for the maze. This was con- firmed by a later experiment. The records of this group of rats in Tables V-A and V-B will not be considered separately to confirm what TABLE V-A 30-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day "Errors" At Turns Last 25 Trials of Learning; Complete Redintegration No. of Turn Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Trials P M P M P M PM PM PM PM P M Rati. L. R. 2 2 3 1 6 2 1 4 3 4 1 4 13 20 74 15 2. L. 5 1 1 1 5 3 39 R. 4 3 5 2 6 8 28 3. L. 1 1 2 1 1 2 4 47 R. 4 1 6 1 7 1 1 1 1 7 16 30 4. L. 4 1 5 4 1 1 10 6 74 R. 1 5 5 4 1 1 2 4 14 9 29 5. L. 5 4 5 4 130 R. 1 2 3 1 1 4 4 16 6. L. R. 1 5 2 1 1 2 6 4 2 100 15 7. L. 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 8 7 72 R. Is 6 5 2 3 4 2 2 1 2 2 5 15 19 22 Tota Qualit. L. 11 7 19 16 3 4 8 7 3 5 4 5 1 4 49 48 R. L. 9 3 13 23 6 4 6 17 8 3 2 3 2 5 46 58 Quant. 18 35 7 15 8 9 5 97 R. L. 12 36 10 23 11 5 7 104 Aver's. 2.57 5 1 2.14 1.14 1.28 71 13.84 76.5 R. 1.71 5. 14 1. 42 3.45 1.57 0.71 1. 14.85 22.1 34 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK TABLE V-B 30-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day Time in Seconds No of Trials First 15 Trials of R.; Last 15 Trials of L. Av. Rat 1. L. 74 *15 *13 *11 *n no *14 n6 n9 *15 *10 *13 *16 *13 *16 42 15.6 R. 15 *13 *11 *11 *9 *ii *13 *14 *22 *8 *8 *8 *11 *9 *7 *8 10.8 2. L. 39 *6 *6 *8 *7 *6 *7 *6 *6 7 *7 *6 18 *6 31 *7 9.3 R. 28 35 *7 *7 8 *8 *7 33 21 *7 12 *8 *6 12 12 *7 12.6 3. L. 47 *7 *6 *7 *9 *6 *7 *7 31 *7 *7 *6 *6 *7 *7 *7 8.4 R. 30 76 28 11 11 *7 8 *7 *6 *7 16 13 *7 *6 *7 7 14.4 4. L. 74 *6 *6 *6 *6 *7 *8 *8 190 *7 *13 *8 *9 *13 *12 ne 21 R. 29 28 16 *20 *19 *14 38 23 *15 27 38 23 *16 *11 30 ni 21.9 5. L. 130 *11 *19 *9 *12 *11 *13 *10 *12 *10 *11 *8 *9 *8 *9 no 10.8 R. 16 12 *7 *11 *8 *7 *6 *7 53 26 *9 24 *11 *8 *6 *6 13.4 6. L. 100 *9 *11 *8 *8 *8 *9 *8 *8 *9 *10 * 7 17 98 46 17 18.2 R. 15 *9 *8 *10 *7 *7 *7 *7 *7 *6 *6 *7 66 *7 *15 *17 12.4 7. L. 72 *7 *7 *7 *6 *6 *7 14 *7 *8 66 255 36 57 35 *14 35.4 R. 22 197 27 63 n3 255 n5 49 *23 *16 *8 *10 *12 *12 no no 48 Averages — Trials... L 76.5 R. 22.1 * (Perfect) Trials.. L. 12.7 R. 10.2 Time..L. 16.9 R. 19. has already been proven concerning dominant " error," but will be used as a norm for comparison with a second group, at 30-day retention, which will be taken up now. (6) Influence of Learning a New Problem during the Retention Period This group was undertaken with the view of obtaining some light in regard to the effect of the acquirement of a new habit on the retention and redintegration of a habit already acquired. The group comprised two litters, the first of three rats, 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and the second of seven rats, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively, in Tables VI-A and VI-B. Rat 3 of litter 1 failed to complete redintegration, while rat 10 of litter 2 died before com- pleting retention. Each litter was set to learn the maze by the one trial per day method. The object of the present problem required that at the beginning of the retention period, instead of following the method of exercise in the runway during retention, each rat was to begin the learning of a new problem. This new problem was the " rope- ladder " problem. As the name suggests, it was constructed of first, a rope about 1 cm. in thickness and 93 cm. in REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 35 length, fixed at one- end to a broad topped upright, 46 cm. in height, from which the rat started; and at the other end to a second upright of the same height as the first. From the second upright, a ladder, 87 cm. in length and 8 cm. in width, with rope sides and wooden crosspieces, extended upwards at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to third upright 100 cm. in height, where food was placed as the incentive. The pathway was approximately 190 cm. in entire length. The learning of the rope ladder is of little concern to us here. Suffice it to say that the integra- tion of movements required in running the rope and ladder in succession and maintaining equilibrium on them was difficult to acquire. No single rat of the group under consideration learned this problem perfectly in the 30-day retention period allowed. At the end of the retention period the rats were not given preliminary feeding in the center of the maze but were put directly into the starting box of the maze and the first trial of redintegration was made. Thus it is to be noted that with this group the former norm and method was followed with the single exception that the learning of a new problem during the retention period took the place of daily exercise. Tables VI-A and VI-B contain the complete records of this group. In Table VI-A, the last 25 trials of learning are compared with redintegration totals as is the case in Table V-A. The compilation of Tables VI-B and V-B was made in the same manner as the earlier tables of this nature. Coming to a consideration of the results of the present group. Table VI-A, compared with the records of the norm group at 30 days' retention, contained in Table V-A, it is evident that there is no increase in number of " errors " in redintegration with the group learning a new problem during retention, over that of the norm. In fact the number of " errors " in redintegration in Table VI-A is the lesser, relative to the learning total, while the number of " errors " in redintegration in Table V-A is the greater, relative to the learning total. In Tables V-B and VI-B, it may be seen that the learning of the new problem in the retention period has not interfered in point 36 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK TABLE VI-A 1 Trial per Day 30-Day Period, During Which A New Problem Was Learned " Errors " At Turns Last 25 Trials of Learning; Complete Redintegration No. of Turn Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Trials P M P M P M P M P M PM PM P M Rat 1. L. 4 1 1 1 5 114 R. 1 1 1 2 2 3 21 2. L. 1 4 1 1 2 6- 106 R. 1 2 2 3 5 1 1 8 7 15 *4. L. 3 1 2 1 4 3 74 R. .15 5. L. 1 2 3 1 3 4 65 R. 1 1 10 6. L. 1 1 1 2 4 1 61 R. 1 2 4 3 4 16 7. L. 1 4 6 1 1 1 5 1 6 13 69 R. 1 1 1 1 2 2 16 8. L. 1 2 4 1 1 3 2 1 7 8 68 R. 1 1 1 1 16 9. L. 2 1 1 2 2 56 R. 3 3 3 1 5 4 4 3 2 5 3 19 17 29 Totals Qualit. L. 9 3 8 25 4 3 2 8 4 1 2 2 29 42 R. 5 2 7 11 3 2 12 9 4 3 2 6 4 35 35 Quant. L. 12 33 7 10 4 1 4 71 R. 7 18 3 14 13 5 10 70 Aver's. L. 1.5 4.12 0.67 1.25 0.50 0.12 0.50 8.87 R. .87 2.25 .37 1.75 1.62 .62 1.25 8.75 *3 Omitted, due to incomplete records of " errors " in learning. of trials, nor in average number of perfect trials, nor in speed of movement. On the contrary, it seems from the results that the rats have been benefited in retention by the learning of the new problem during the retention period. A summary of these conclusions is presented in Plate III, the curves of which are constructed from the data in the four tables of the two groups under considera- tion. The norm group, according to these curves, is inferior to the group which learned a new problem during the retention period. In considering the results of the present experiment where a new problem was learned during the retention period, there is on the one hand the fact that at the be- REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 37 5 u _i CD O a: ^S u o ^ CL i| < I- UJ Z -• lij li. »- o uj I Z tD !<-? a. z o u \ flsWK***^ 5^5 5»> U Ct Q. kj Q- 2 u -J o tt. t o REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 47 redintegration by which results of the group under con- sideration may be judged. A summary of the results of the present group and the 45-day norm group is contained in Plate IV. In considering results, it may be noted particularly that in the learning records of the rats of the present group which had previous training, the average " errors " show that this group had far fewer " errors " than the 45-day norm group; and this fact follows with consistency in redintegration. It is evident in the comparison of Tables VIII-B with Tables IV-C and V-C that the learning of the rats with previous problems was complete in far fewer trials than the norm, one trial per day group. And in redintegration the average number of trials of the group under consideration is not only less than the 45-day norm group but less than that of the group with 30-day retention. In average perfect trials and in average time per trial the superiority of the group with previous training is shown not only in learning but also in redintegration; and further, what is most significant, the superiority holds in this in- instance, not only in comparison with the 45-day norm but also with the group at 30 days. In considering the individual records the fact is brought out that the approximate retention period for the maze is increased in the group with previous training. This may be seen when one notes that of the group with previous training there were two perfect records in redintegration, as recorded in Table VIII-B, while not one is recorded perfect in Table IV-C of the group without previous train- ing. A further fact is evident, namely, that after the retention period of the individuals with previous training, the best individual record is far superior to any record of the norm group and equal to the best of the group with 30-day retention period, while the poorest record of the group with previous training is superior to the majority of the records of the 45-day norm group and some of the records of the 30-day group. From the results of these tables the facts are thus established: First, for learning, that previous training so affects the rat that the subsequent acquirement of a new 48 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK habit is less difficult; second, there are fewer " errors " in the learning, and integrations are more readily estab- lished. As a consequence, redintegration must neces- sarily be improved. In other words, when a rat has passed through a relatively long period, acquiring integrations, and then is set to learn a standard problem, the process of learnng the integrations necessary for this problem will proceed with much more rapidity than with the rat that has had no previous training, and the redintegration as a consequence will be better than with the untrained rat, not because of better retention — for retention is probably, not bettered by learning — but because of the fact that the learning is better than ordinary. (5) Inclined Plane The standard norm and methods which were described in the foregoing experiments on the maze were adopted for the present experiment. These comprise the feeding of the respective groups in the problem for a half hour on each of four days preceding the first day of learning, the exercise in the runway each day during the retention period, and the requirement of the fifteen-trial norm, the first six trials of which must be perfect. Three seconds is the usual time set for the exercise of the habit in the present problem, but this time norm was not rigidly adhered to, the same flexibility being allowed as in the maze, providing that perfect integration of movement was exhibited. The inclined plane (Fig. Ill) was a problem made up essentially of a box to which access was gained through a small door that opened on the pressing down of an inclined plane located at the rear of the box. The inclined-plane box was 25 cm. square. In the lower center of one side of the box was a door, 11.2 cm. square. The box and also the door was covered with wire netting of 1 cm. mesh. A solenoid coil was so placed above the door that its arma- ture projected approximately 0.3 cm. over the edge of the door, holding the door shut against the force of a small spiral spring. The plane itself was 7.5 cm. long, 4.5 cm. wide, and was hinged to the plate beneath, which was in REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 49 turn imbedded in the base of the problem. The plane was raised at an angle 15 degrees, approximately, and was held in this position by means of a spring beneath. The weight of a rat stepping on the plane was sufficient to force the plane down far enough that a contact would be made under the plane, thereby raising the armature in the solenoid coil and the door would open inward. The plane and plate were constructed of aluminum but were Figure III insulated by wood fiber. The plane was located 12 cm. behind the problem box. The plane and box were placed on a base 92 cm. square, inside measurement, and were covered by a glass top, 68 cm. from the base, and glass sides in a wooden frame- work. The object of the glass sides was to prevent excess waste of movement and effort which always occurs in problem boxes with a mesh covering. Because the glass sides limited the rat's activities to the floor of the problem box, there resulted a greater conservation of movement 50 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK and effort, and concentration of these on the problem itself. The glass sides were firmly fixed in grooved wooden up- rights located at each of the four corners of the base of the problem box. They could easily be slid upw^ard, and access readily gained to the problem box within. The entrance to the problem box was located at a distance of 28 cm. directly in front of the door of the inclined-plane box. This entrance box was constructed of wood with a wire-mesh top. In the learning of the inclined plane-problem the be- havior of the rat appeared more complex than in the learning of the maze. This point is well worthy of notice. The present problem is one requiring a habit of manipula- tion to solve it, while the maze evokes a general motor habit. Motor habits are in general the simplest habits in the entire repertoire of the rat's movements, while habits of manipulation require more complex integrations of movement in their process of establishment. The maze evokes a habit requiring the integrating of movements of running in a certain direction and turning the whole body at certain intervals in response to the environment. The inclined plane likewise calls forth the motor movements of running and turning the body at certain stages; but it calls forth the additional integration of certain definitely adjusted movements of the body and particularly the forelimbs in the pressing down of the inclined plane. Sim- pler methods of pressing down the plane may be used, such as stepping on the plane in running over it; but the method of pressing down the plane with the forelimbs is the most satisfactory. Although these movements may be included under motor movements in the widest sense, yet they are movements of manipulation in the strict sense and are much more complex and difficult of adjust- ment than the movements of running, etc. Thus the establishment of integration in the learning of the inclined plane is much more difficult than the establishment of integrations in the learning of the maze. As in the first trial on most new problems, the rat usually entered slowly and investigated every accessible place in the problem. If it so occurred that in the first trial the rat REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 51 stepped on the plane and thus opened the door to the food, this action may be said to have been a response to the stimuH which the plane presented to the rat and no more a matter of chance than the walking of the rat in any other part of the inclosed area. Similarly in the first few trials the solution of the problem can neither be attributed to chance on the one hand nor to any estab- lished integration on the other. Gradually, at approxi- mately the 8th or 9th trial, response to the plane became established as the stimulus to the successive integration of going direct to the food box. Whether the establishment of the integration — going to the plane preceded the estab- lishment of the integration — coming from the plane to the door of the food box can not be definitely stated. But the fact is certain that these integrations as a whole com- prised the first part of the learning, while the linking of the two by the establishment of the integration of pushing The most difficult integration to acquire in the learning, and likewise the redintegration of the inclined plane, is that of pushing down the plane. Invariably this move- ment appears to be what has been already designated as the " weak link " in the chain which constitutes the successive integrations of the habit. When the integrations of this movement are beginning to be established, and when precision of movement first appears in the pushing down of the plane, it may then be observed that the learning of the problem has been delayed by this difficulty of push- ing down the plane. The mass of qualitative data on the learning of the plane problem confirm these facts. In redintegration a similar situation presents itself. All responses which the problem calls forth may be exhibited on the first trial of redintegration, but frequently the stepping on the plane is imperfectly integrated and the habit can not be perfectly exercised. And, therefore, a confirmation is here found ""for the results which were noted in the study of the maze, namely, dominant " error " appears in the process of learning and also in redintegration. Dominant " error " and imperfect integration can not be shown in tabulated form for the inclined plane as they were shown for the maze. But Table IX, of the three 52 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK trials per day group, and Table X, of the one trial per day group, presenting records of time, will serve to indicate to some extent the effect which was produced by the diffi- culty of establishing integration at the locus of dominant " error." Each table presents the complete time records of three rats, the first three columns (a, b, and c) containing records of the poorest individual of the group, the second three columns containing records of the best, and the last three columns containing records of the second best. In the respective columns, records 2, 4, and 8 in Table IX correspond to records 2, 4, and 8 in Table XI; records 5, 9, and 8 in Table X correspond to records 5, 9, and 8 in Table XII. Column "a" presents time in seconds from the moment the rat entered the problem until it stepped on the plane; column " b " presents time in seconds from the moment the rat stepped on the plane until it entered the food box; and column "c" is the total time. The effect of the dominant " error " may be seen in column "a" where the time is considerably greater than in column " b." The distance from the entrance of the problem to the plane is approximately equal to the distance from the plane to the entrance of the food box; or, in other words, the distance the rat must cover to produce the time of column "a" is approximately equal to the distance the rat must cover to produce the time in column " b." But the rat must ex- ercise the integration of stepping on the plane before the time of column "a" is recorded; and the difficulty of exer- cising this integration of stepping on the plane frequently called forth such responses as merely touching the plane, going round the plane, etc., which greatly increased the time of column " a." These records of time thus give some intimation that the locus of dominant " error " is at the plane. Table XI contains perfect trials and time in the first fifteen trials of redintegration and the last fifteen trials of learning for the three trials per day group at the 70-day retention period. Table XII contains a like summary for the one trial per day group at the 70-day retention period. One rat of each group failed to complete learning; and three of each group failed to begin the norm in redintegra- tion within 30 trials. According to these tables the averages REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 53 TABLE IX 70-Day Period. 3 Trials per Day Time in Seconds. Rat- 8 2 4 Trial a b c Trial a b c Trial a b c 1 632 40 672 1 380 38 418 1 364 108 472 2 1800 2 181 14 195 2 16 58 74 3 3 54 9 63 3 158 59 217 4 848 39 887 4 136 6 142 4 193 14 207 5 1800 5 149 6 155 5 150 25 175 6 6 30 3 33 6 309 36 345 7 1800 7 68 4 72 7 100 19 119 8 8 12 2 16 8 122 10 132 9 9 4 3 7 9 291 15 306 10 1098 86 1184 10 15 4 19 10 81 10 91 11 123 16 139 11 42 2 44 11 50 8 58 12 123 13 136 12 16 2 18 12 33 7 40 13 1546 25 1571 13 5 2 7 13 74 5 79 14 616 5 621 14 2 2 4 14 19 5 24 15 576 14 590 15 2 1 3 15 41 6 47 16 146 10 156 16 8 2 10 16 31 5 36 17 55 4 59 17 2 3 17 34 4 38 18 24 7 31 18 11 12 18 9 3 12 19 7 9 16 19 8 10 19 20 4 24 20 24 3 27 20 2 3 20 16 2 18 21 218 5 223 21 6 7 21 27 9 36 22 570 6 576 22 14 15 22 14 3 17 23 38 4 42 23 2 3 23 35 4 39 24 18 3 21 24 2 3 24 31 7 38 25 69 3 72 25 2 3 25 16 5 21 26 25 11 36 26 1 2 26 2 2 4 27 14 5 19 27 1 o 27 12 4 16 28 4 3 7 28 2 3 28 2 6 8 29 4 2 6 29 3 4 29 6 5 11 30 5 2 7 30 2 3 30 7 2 9 31 32 4 36 31 2 3 31 15 4 19 32 3 2 5 32 1 1 2 32 10 3 13 33 2 2 4 33 1 2 33 2 6 8 34 57 2 59 34 9 10 34 22 2 4 35 2 1 3 35 9 3 35 2 1 3 36 3 2 5 36 2 3 36 2 1 3 37 4 4 8 37 8 9 37 19 10 29 38 12 9 21 38 8 2 10 39 8 2 10 re DINTEG ratic )N 39 11 3 14 40 5 1 6 40 41 12 1 2 1 14 41 1 12 13 2 42 2 1 3 2 2 3 42 2 4 6 43 100 2 102 3 5 6 43 13 2 15 44 35 2 37 4 1 2 44 3 4 7 45 14 1 15 5 2 3 45 4 2 6 46 20 2 22 6 2 3 46 10 1 11 47 103 3 106 7 2 3 47 3 1 4 48 10 1 11 8 2 3 48 9 2 11 49 46 2 48 9 1 2 49 7 1 8 50 31 1 32 10 8 9 50 3 2 5 51 12 2 14 11 3 4 51 2 1 3 52 40 3 43 12 4 5 52 5 1 6 53 10 2 12 13 4 5 53 7 1 8 54 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK TABLE IX— {Continued). Time in Seconds Rat- 8 2 4 Trial a b c Trials a b c Tnal a b c 54 9 3 12 14 2 3 54 10 2 12 55 17 2 19 15 2 3 55 12 2 14 56 8 2 10 16 1 2 56 2 2 4 57 82 2 84 17 1 2 57 4 4 8 58 64 9 2 2 66 11 18 2 3 58 59 5 4 1 3 6 59 7 60 7 2 9 8 (concluded 60 5 2 7 61 31 5 3 1 34 6 61 62 7 8 2 2 9 62 111 100 3 103 10 63 11 1 12 112 202 2 204 63 2 1 3 64 52 2 54 113 130 2 132 64 2 1 3 65 32 2 34 114 89 2 91 65 2 1 3 66 19 2 21 115 66 30 96 66 11 1 2 67 55 2 57 116 29 4 33 67 2 1 3 68 4 3 7 117 39 2 41 68 2 1 3 69 19 1 20 118 65 10 75 69 1 3 4 70 233 3 236 119 50 4 54 70 9 4 13 71 61 2 63 120 26 2 28 71 2 7 9 72 107 2 109 121 138 2 140 72 2 1 3 73 70 3 73 122 91 2 93 73 3 1 4 74 33 2 35 123 39 2 41 74 3 2 5 75 5 2 7 124 107 2 109 75 5 1 6 76 145 2 147 125 31 2 33 76 4 1 5 77 10 41 1 2 11 43 126 49 2 51 77 2 1 3 78 79 48 5 53 RE DINTEGRATIO N REDINTEGRATION 80 18 15 1 2 19 17 81 1 23 2 25 1 6 3 9 82 16 2 18 2 4 3 7 2 15 2 17 83 9 2 11 3 2 3 3 2 1 3 84 35 4 39 4 5 6 4 2 1 3 85 21 4 25 5 2 3 5 2 1 3 86 40 2 42 6 1 2 6 3 1 4 87 10 2 12 7 2 4 7 2 1 3 88 10 2 12 8 2 3 8 2 2 4 89 3 1 4 9 2 3 9 15 3 18 90 6 1 7 10 2 3 10 2 1 3 91 55 2 57 11 2 3 11 2 1 3 92 10 3 13 12 2 3 12 12 2 14 93 25 1 26 13 3 4 13 1 1 2 94 59 3 62 14 3 4 14 2 1 3 95 55 2 57 15 4 5 15 7 1 8 96 51 1 52 16 6 4 10 16 8 2 10 97 81 2 83 17 27 2 29 17 2 2 4 98 5 37 2 1 7 38 18 19 10 28 3 2 12 30 99 100 12 1 13 20 15 2 17 101 3 1 4 21 4 1 5 102 45 2 47 22 7 2 9 103 8 1 9 23 3 1 4 104 17 1 18 24 4 1 5 105 3 2 5 25 15 2 17 106 4 2 6 26 12 2 14 107 38 16 54 27 5 2 7 108 35 2 37 28 6 1 7 109 195 2 197 29 11 2 13 110 62 3 65 30 5 1 6 REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 55 TABLE X 70-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day Time in Seconds Rat- 8 9 5 Trial a b c Trial a b c Trial a b c 1 28 4 32 1 395 8 403 1 145 53 198 2 58 3 61 2 155 8 163 2 28 9 37 3 118 3 121 3 1800 3 168 27 195 4 19 5 24 4 1800 4 30 7 37 5 66 25 91 5 582 22 604 5 491 32 523 6 50 5 55 6 145 8 153 6 68 17 85 7 35 2 37 7 94 8 102 7 55 3 58 8 58 3 61 8 82 5 87 8 13 2 15 9 346 4 350 9 51 30 81 9 48 2 50 10 19 2 21 10 699 11 710 10 17 2 16 11 10 3 13 11 70 3 73 11 25 2 27 12 5 2 7 12 70 3 73 12 745 10 755 13 16 4 20 13 32 2 34 13 320 3 323 14 8 4 12 14 22 2 24 14 166 3 169 15 50 3 53 15 6 2 8 15 13 2 15 16 24 1 25 16 5 2 7 16 4 2 6 17 6 2 8 17 6 2 8 17 12 2 14 18 5 2 7 18 3 2 5 18 6 2 8 19 10 2 12 19 3 1 4 19 9 2 11 20 8 2 10 20 2 2 4 20 3 1 4 21 22 23 21 6 7 21 5 2 8 22 14 15 22 6 7 22 8 9 23 7 2 9 23 7 12 23 2 3 24 7 8 24 2 3 24 6 7 25 5 2 7 25 2 3 25 7 2 9 26 25 3 28 26 1 2 26 14 16 27 3 4 27 5 11 27 6 7 28 6 7 28 6 8 28 2 3 29 7 8 29 2 3 29 2 3 30 6 7 30 2 3 30 5 7 31 6 7 31 1 2 31 1 2 32 3 4 32 1 2 32 1 2 33 7 1 8 33 1 2 33 5 6 34 4 2 6 34 1 2 34 1 2 35 5 6 35 1 2 35 14 16 36 4 5 36 6 8 36 1 2 37 10 11 37 4 6 37 8 9 38 7 8 38 7 8 38 7 8 39 4 5 39 6 7 39 14 15 40 2 3 40 5 6 40 1 2 41 5 6 41 1 2 41 10 12 42 5 6 42 1 2 42 1 2 43 5 6 43 2 3 43 8 9 44 3 2 5 44 11 12 45 6 7 re DINTEGl ^TIO N 45 9 10 46 9 4 2 10 6 46 47 6 1 7 47 1 10 11 2 48 4 5 2 2 3 5 48 1 2 49 5 6 3 4 5 49 9 10 50 5 6 4 5 7 50 8 9 51 2 3 5 1 2 51 5 2 7 52 3 2 5 6 2 3 52 2 3 53 5 1 6 7 2 3 53 6 7 54 5 2 7 8 2 3 54 2 3 56 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK TABLE X — (Coni!nn?d) Rat- Trial 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 5 6 3 2 2 3 5 2 10 2 4 2 2 3 5 4 3 2 5 3 2 3 5 2 2 4 6 4 5 4 5 5 8 4 5 3 7 3 6 6 5 6 9 6 7 5 3 3 4 6 3 11 3 5 3 3 4 6 5 4 3 6 4 3 4 6 3 3 5 Trial 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 8. (concluded) 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 . 2 2 3 4 REDINTEGRATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 6 8 10 8 5 5 4 3 8 7 3 3 3 3 4 4 6 5 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 Trial 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 redintegrat: ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN DETENTION 57 TABLE XI 70-Day Period. 3 Trials per Day Time in Seconds No. of Trials First 15 Trials of R .; Last 15 Trials of L. Av. Rat 1. L. 73 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 *3 *4 6 *3 *3 *3 *2 *5 3.46 R. 30 17 *5 *5 *4 7 9 21 18 6 6 *3 7 10 9 8 9 2. L. 37 *3 *3 *3 *2 *2 *3 :t^4 *3 *3 *2 *2 10 *3 *3 9 3.66 R. 18 13 *3 6 *2 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 9 4 6 5 *3 *3 4.53 3. L. 83 *3 *3 *2 *2 *3 *3 *2 *4 *3 *3 6 116 10 *3 *3 4.4 **R. 30 45 10 8 10 16 *6 *2 *3 5 7 5 *3 11 7 *3 9.33 4. L. 77 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 *3 *4 13 9 *3 *3 *3 5 4 *3 4.26 R. 17 9 17 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 *3 8 *3 *3 14 *2 *3 8 5.6 5. L. 70 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 *3 *2 *5 6 *2 *3 6 *2 *2 *3 2.93 R. 20 29 *3 *3 17 7 *3 *3 *2 *3 *2 *3 *3 7 *3 6 4.53 6. L. 72 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 8 *3 *2 *3 *3 24 *3 *3 21 5.86 R. 19 12 *4 *3 13 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 8 6 *3 *4 19 6 7. L. 75 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 *4 *3 *3 11 *3 *4 3.73 **R. 30 8 7 10 11 7 7 *3 9 *5 9 *3 *5 *3 15 12 7.6 ***8. L. 126 204 132 91 96 33 41 85 54 28 140 93 41 109 33 51 82.66 R. 23 25 7 *3 6 *3 4 4 4 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 *4 *5 5.4 Averages — Trials.. L. 76.6 R.23.3 Av. * Trials . .L. 11.1 R. 7.7 Av. Time per Trial .L. 13.8 R. 6.4 ** Had not begun norm of perfect trials at end of 30th trial. *** Had not begun norm of perfect trials at end of 126th trial. TABLE XII 70-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day Time in Seconds No. of Trials First 15 Trials of R. Last 15 Trials of L. Av. Rati. L. 88 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 11 12 *3 *3 *3 5 *3 *4 4.26 R. 22 43 *5 *3 25 *3 11 11 *4 *3 *6 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 7.93 2. L. 91 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 5 *3 *3 *3 *4 *3 *3 11 3.66 **R. 30 136 23 *6 8 *3 5 *4 9 7 11 *3 *3 7 8 6 15.93 4. L. 45 *2 *3 *2 *2 *2 *2 8 7 *3 *3 *2 *2 10 *3 *3 3.6 R. 21 13 *3 *3 5 *3 6 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 8 7 6 4.73 5. L. 68 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *2 *4 6 *2 *3 *2 *3 *2 *2 *2 2.8 R. 16 7 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 5 *2 *2 *2 9 *3 *3 6 3.73 6. L. 45 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 11 10 *4 *5 *3 9 *3 *3 *3 4.53 R. 29 8 5 5 *4 5 7 6 *4 *3 20 *4 *3 *3 5 *4 5.73 7. L. 83 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 *3 *2 *3 9 6 *2 *3 *2 3.33 R. 27 5 *3 6 *3 6 *3 6 5 *3 *4 *3 5 *3 *3 *3 4.66 ***8. L. 125 5 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 3.66 **R. 30 8 8 4 6 8 10 8 5 5 4 *3 8 7 3 3 6 9. L. 43 *3 *3 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 8 6 8 *7 *6 *2 *2 *3 3.86 R. 19 11 5 5 7 *2 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 *2 *3 4 3.93 10. L. 61 *2 *2 *2 *2 *3 *3 *4 *3 *2 *2 *2 *2 *2 4 *2 2.46 ♦*R. 30 8 22 *3 *3 *3 5 5 4 5 5 4 9 *3 4 10 6.33 Averages — Trials.. L. 72.1 R.24.8 Av. * Trials . .L. 12.1 R. 7.5 Av. Time per Trial . . L. 3 . 5 R.6.5 ** Had not begun norm of perfect trials at the end of the 30th trial. *** Had not begun norm of perfect trials at the end of the 125th trial. 58 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK of learning fall very close together, but it seems that the method of wider distribution is the most economical. A similar situation developed in redintegration but the averages, if any conclusion may be drawn from them, show that the three trials per day group is superior. From these tables it must be admitted that the results of these two groups are inconclusive in regard to the question of economy. Because the averages of time and trials are so nearly equal it may be said that on the whole neither the three trials per day method nor the one trial per day method has any decided advantage in point of time and trials. The data from observation indicate a greater number of movements, such as in the attempt to push down the plane, due to the three trials per day methods, and this fact may be interpreted to indicate a greater economy of the wider distribution of trials. Because of the persistance of the dominant " error," the inclined plane presents one of the most difficult problems with which to carry on any satisfactory and consistent experiments. In any case, a larger group of rats should be experimented with before one can be certain of anything definite; and, certainly, as far as economy is concerned in redintegration, the problem must be approached on a broader scale than the one here presented before there may be any hope of a conclusive result. In order to ascertain the effect of retention on incomplete learning, two litters of rats were set to learn the inclined plane by the one trial per day method. The results of this experiment are presented in Table XIII. In this ex- periment the usual norm was adhered to, except that each litter was taken from the problem when the first rat of the respective litter finished both in learning and redin- tegration. Under similar conditions on the maze it was seen that the rat which completed learning first did not complete redintegration first. The present table shows that the result on the inclined plane follows that on the maze in this respect. Probable explanations of this fact, as already stated in the consideration of incomplete learning on the maze, are as follows: That the rat which finished first in learning REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 59 TABLE XIII 70-Day Period. 1 Trial per Day Time in Seconds No. of Trials First 15 Trials of R.; Last 15 Trials of L. Av. Litter 1. Rat 1. L. **34 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *2 6 *3 *3 *3 *3 5 8 *3 *2 3.53 R. 77 9 *4 *3 *3 4 *3 5 5 5 *3 6 5 17 17 11.66 4. L. *5 16 24 46 8 *4 *5 *3 *3 *3 *2 *3 *3 4 16 9.66 R. 11 *5 *4 *3 *3 30 *4 *3 *3 35 *5 *4 *4 *3 6 8.2 5. L. 86 82 59 52 51 23 74 46 39 25 33 87 89 45 48 55.93 R. 30 15 *5 9 7 6 *5 5 10 38 9 25 112 69 149 33.6 6. L. 29 *7 *6 18 10 14 12 39 17 22 9 30 26 30 *5 18.26 ***R. 17 27 10 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 7 11 6 6 *5 *7 *8 5.86 Litter 2. 7. L. 19 130 79 21 42 146 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 *3 31 R. *3 *2 5 6 *3 5 5 7 5 8 7 *3 *3 5 *3 4.66 8. L. *7 15 4 10 *3 *3 7 8 *4 *4 *3 7 8 *3 8 6.26 R. 10 14 6 *3 6 10 *4 *4 *5 4 9 22 *3 9 *4 7.53 9. L. **57 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *3 *4 *4 7 15 67 25 *7 *3 *3 10 2 R. *2 13 *4 7 *3 *3 *3 7 *4 8 *3 *3 8 6 *3 5 13 10. L. 78 34 *4 *5 7 7 7 *3 6 6 *4 *3 *3 *5 *3 11.6 R. *4 14 6 10 6 6 *3 12 5 7 *3 *3 3 4 ,3 5.93 12. L. 252 93 30 28 22 *6 11 14 10 *4 10 *7 *6 6 *5 33.6 R. 24 18 24 19 *4 6 12 7 15 10 123 15 *6 13 6 20 13 13. L. * * * . . * * 138 *6 *5 *5 *4 10 *3 *3 *5 *3 18.2 R. *6 7 22 9 4 6 *3 11 *4 *3 7 *3 7 *3 8 7.26 14. L. *5 c; *5 6 *6 6 *5 *4 *5 6 *5 *5 *4 *4 *4 5 ***R. 29 26 *5 10 *4 *3 *3 *4 6 *3 *3 9 5 4 6 *3 6.26 ** L. — First in Learning. *** R. — First in Redintegration. Sick. Supplement — No. of * Trials. Litter 1. Rat— 1. 4. 5. 6. L. 12 9 0 3 R. 5 11 2 9 Litter 2. Rat— 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. L. 9 7 11 8 5 8 11 R. 6 6 9 6 2 5 8 and did not complete redintegration first may be due to (a) poor retention owing to innate constitution, some metabolic disturbance during the retention period, or some extraneous disturbance; (b) at that particular stage when this first individual completed learning, perfect integration was not as firmly established in it as in the rat which completed redintegration first; and, as a consequence, in 60 THOMAS WILLIAM BROKBANK the redintegration of the rat which had the more poorly established integrations* the dominant " error " would be likely to occur first, and persist the longest. As with the results on the maze it would be well to repeat that, although innate constitution may bear some influence, yet the data at hand on the inclined plane point to the second explanation as more satisfactory, and more open to proof than the intangible hypothesis of the first. In experiment on the inclined plane there are numer- ous cases, not found frequently on the maze, where the first trial or trials of redintegration were perfect and a number of subsequent trials were imperfect; e.g., in the records of rats 7, 9, 10, and 13. Had the present experi- ment been conducted according to the norm which holds that the first trial is " pure " retention and evidently adequate to ascertain how well a habit is retained, the individuals mentioned would certainly have been credited with perfect retention. And further, according to this norm, if the first trial after the retention period was perfect, it would logically and theoretically follow that, with every- thing else equal, the subsequent trials would also be per- fect, in accordance with the theories of recency, frequency, and repetition or intensity. The subsequent trials in the cases cited were not perfect; and thus it may be inferred that the capacity of the individual organism to retain integrations may not be completely known in the first trial after retention, but only when a number of successive perfect trials show conclusively that the habit has been acquired. It is thus important to remember that all " errors " and imperfect integrations of the redintegration series of trials throw light on how well the habit has been learned in the first place and how well it was retained in the second. Or it may be said further that the problem is so difficult that it is impossible to get six consecutive trials in redintegration since it is so difficult to get these in learning; but all these rats made six consecutive trials perfect in order to attain the norm. From the data of both litters the dominant " error " was found, as stated in the previous records on the plane, at the point in the problem where the rat must establish REDINIEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT — A STUDY IN RETENTION 61 the integration of stepping on the plane, and the same " error " followed in redintegration. It seems possible then that a dominant " error " is to be found in every problem, and that the recurrence of this " error " is to be expected in trials after retention. In regard to the effect of incomplete learning on retention and redintegra- tion, therefore, the conclusion from the maze has been confirmed by these results on the plane. That is, in general, the better established is integration in the whole process of the learning, the fewer will be the imperfect integrations during redintegration, allowing always that the capacity of the organism to retain the integrations may tend to affect the exercise of the habit after the retention period. Evidently, then, the dominant " error " that appeared in learning reappeared in redintegration — a recapitulation being probable; that is, in the inclined plan problem " errors " in learning and redintegration are chiefly those pertaining to the plunging of the plane. The maze and the inclined plane present similar difficulties in establishing integrations, which with some individuals are more difficult than with others. These integrations are recorded in the imperfect integrations usually called " errors." III. Individual Differences Before proceeding to the general discussion of results, the subject of individual differences, appearing in learning and redintegration, seems worthy of consideration. The point has been observed in preceding pages that the learn- ing and redintegration of all individuals have many char- acteristics in common, such as the reappearance in redin- tegration of " errors " which appeared in learning. The object of this chapter is to show some differences which characterize individuals in learning and redintegration. It is not necessary for the present purpose to reconsider the records of every individual. However, in order to explicitly point out concrete examples of differences, some certain group should be considered. Tables V-A and V-B will be most advantageous for the present, owing to the fact that some individuals in this group were perfect in redintegration. 62 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK The individual " error " totals of Table V-A of the maze show the relative extremes in redintegration, namely, where redintegration was completed (a) with numerous " errors " and (b) without " error." These extremes may be seen (a) in records of 3, 4, and 7 and (b) in record 1. In considering the " errors " in records 3, 4, and 7, the fact significant of individual differences, is that the number and kind or, in other words, the quantity and quality of " errors " in each case are not the same. From this fact, it is clear that the process of the establishment of integra- tions in each case proceeded with more difficulty with some than with others. The integrations difficult for one individual to establish — as in record 4, turn 2, are readily established by another — as in record 3, -turn 2; while on the contrary the source of " error " for the second in- dividual— records 3, turn 5 — is not the source of " error " for the first — record 4, turn 5. There are individual differences also in the number of trials necessary to com- plete learning and redintegration. In Table V-B it may be noted in record 5 that 130 trials were required to complete learning and 16 for redintegration; while in record 2, 39 trials were required for learning and 29 for redintegration. It is true that the differences which characterize the learning process, and that also of redintegration, are influ- enced to some extent by extraneous disturbances' and stimuli. But the important basis of difference is fO be found in the individual. Every individual possesses an heridetary neuromuscular endowment, or organization, capable of performing a limited repertoire of actions. The functioning required in the performance of certain actions is called forth by stimuli of environments; but beyond the limit of the repertoire of actions and their integration in the organism, stimuli are ineffective to produce action which may result in a habit. One individual may possess an endowment whose functions may be called forth by certain stimuli from environments and rapidly integrated in a learning process until the integrations are established in a habit. Another may be so endowed that the process of learning under the conditions of environment as above mentioned proceeds much more slowly. While a third REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT— A STUDY IN RETENTION 63 individual may be placed in the same environment, but repertoire of actions is so limited that the individual can not respond. Examples of each of these cases may be seen in records of the inclined plane already cited, where some learned rapidly, some more slowly, and some failed entirely. In regard to responses of individuals, as above con- sidered, it is an open question whether the muscular or the sensory aspect of the endowment is the most important. The object of the sensory experiments by Vincent (22) and others would indicate that the response of the individual in the acquirement of the maze habit, for example, is for the most part sensory. It is undeniable that the sensory endowment of the individual conditions reception of stimuli to a great extent; but the fact should not be over- looked that the muscular endowment of movement is of equal if not of greater importance, because upon this the habit depends first and always, while the sensory response is confined more particularly to the beginning of the learning. Individual differences in endowment would thus result in individual differences in behavior, in the establishment of integrations, as may be seen in the number of " errors," in rapidity of the process of establishing integrations, as may be seen in the number of trials and in speed of movement, and as may be seen in the time totals. This is true because of the persistence of the dominant " error," and the difficulty of the rat to establish the integrations of movement at the locus of dominant " error." For example, the rat has all the sen- sory cues of going to the plane and coming from the plane after it is plunged, and these are usually established at approximately the 9th trial, yet the integrated movement of plunging the plane is not yet established. Evidently the sensory cues are present, but integrated movement required in plunging the plane remains imperfect for many subsequent trials. Numerous other cases could be cited to illustrate con- cretely the fact that scarcely, if ever, are two individuals found to exhibit the same behavior in any given environ- ment. One individual may learn as rapidly as another, 64 THOMAS WILLIAM BROCKBANK but the responses of each differ, and the methods of learning are never the same, in ioto. The redintegration of two individuals may likewise seem identical by comparison, but there are degrees of difference which characterize each and differentiate one from the other. Individual differ- ences are thus to be considered as facts which can not be called into question. Conclusion 1. The foregoing experiments were undertaken with a view to attempting to discover some characteristic in learning which likewise appeared as a characteristic in redintegration after a period of retention. 2. In the learning of the maze and the inclined-plane problems, there is a process through which the integrations of the habit are established. In the chain of integrations which constitute a habit, the learning process discloses certain definite integrations which are more difficult to establish than others. These may be said to be " weak links " in the chain of the habit integrations. Because of the fact that the " errors," due to these weak links, are the more numerous, these " errors " are called dominant. 3. The locus of dominant " error " in the maze specifi- cally indicates those movements which are difficult to integrate. They are movements which are nearer the higher functional limits of the rat's organization than are other integrations required in the habit. 4. Though at the end of the learning period the domi- nant " error " may appear to have disappeared, it is the first one to reappear in the redintegration series. This discloses the fact that the integration or integrations which are most difficult to establish are the first to be lost, whereas the integrations which are most readily established persist the longest. 6. In order that the problem of establishment of in- tegrations be approached from as many points of view as laboratory conditions will allow, additional experiments were conducted. 7. The method of wider distribution of trials is a better method of learning; and second, that although both methods REDINTEGRATION IN ALBINO RAT — A STUDY IN RETENTION 65 establishment of a habit, yet by the three trials per day method perfect integration is more difficult at the locus of dominant " error." Such a method is absolutely more economical in learning, retention, and redintegration, but is relatively less economical during retention and integra- tion than it is in the process of learning. 8. The learning of another problem during the period of retention, before giving redintegration series, does not result in a loss of redintegration; that is, the acquisition of a second habit does not produce distrubances in the organism which might interfere with redintegration tests for the first habit established. 9. Previous training improves subsequent learning and redintegration. The condition of the organism is in many ways superior after a period of training. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1) KiNNAMAN, A. J. Mental Life of Two Macacus Rhesus Monkeys in Captivity. Am. Joum. Psych., XIII, 1902. 2) Yerkes, R. M. Instincts, Habits, and Reactions of the Frog. Harv. Psych. Studies. 1903. 3) . The Dancing Mouse. 1907. 4) Allen, J. The Associative Processes of the Guinea Pig. Journ. Comp. Neu. and Psych., XIV, 293. 1904. 5) Porter, J. P. Further Study of the English Sparrow and Other Birds. Am. Joum. Psych., XVII, 248. 1906. 6) Rouse, J. E. The Mental Life of the Domestic Pigeon. Harv. Psych. Studies. II., 580. 1906. 7) Cole, L. W. Concerning the Intelligence of Raccoons. Journ. Comp. Neu. and Psych., XVII, 211. 1907. 8) Davis, H. B. The Raccoon: A Study in Animal Intelligence. Am. Journ. Psych., XVIII, 447. 1907 9) CoLViN, S. S. and Burford, C. C. The Color Perception of Three Dogs, a Cat, and a Squirrel. Psych. Mon., Ser., No. 44. (10) Thorndike, E. L. Animal Intelligence. 1911. (11) Hunter, W. S. Some Labyrinth Habits of the Domestic Pigeon. Joum. An. Beh., I, 278. 1911. (12) . The Delayed Reaction in Animals and Children. Beh. Mon., Ser., No. 6. (13) Casteel, D. B. The Discriminative Ability of the Painted Turtle. Journ. An. Beh. I. 1. 1911. (14) Breed, F. S. Reaction of Chicks to Optimal Stimuli. Journ. An. Beh. II., 280. 1912. (15) Sackett, L. W. The Canada Porcupine: A Study of the Learning Process. Beh. Mon., No. 2, Vol. 2. (16) Johnson, H. M. Audition and Habit Formation in the Dog. Beh. Mon., No. 3, Vol. 2. (17) Basset, G. C. Habit Formation in a Strain of White Rats with less than normal Brain Weight. Beh. Mon., No. 4, Vol. 2. (18) Ulrich, J. L. Distribution of Effort in Learning in the White Rat. Beh. Mon. No. 5, Vol. 2. (19) Meumann, E. The Psychology of Learning. 1913. (20) Watson, J. B. Behavior An Introduction to Comparative Psychology. 1914. (21) HuBBERT, H. B. The Effect of Age on the Habit Formation in the Albino Rat. Beh. Mon. No. 6, Vol. 2. (22) Vincent, S. B. The White Rat and The Maze Problem. Jour. An. Beh. 5. 1915. 66 The Behavior Monographs Edited by JOHN B. WATSON The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. VOLUME 1 No. 1 The development of certain instincts and habits in chicks. By Frederick S. Breed. Fp. iv + 78, ^1.00, postpaid. No. 2 Methods of studying vision in animals. By Robert M. Yerkes and John B. Watson. Fp. iv + 90, $1.25, postpaid. No. S An experimental study on the death-feigning of Belostoma (— Zaitha Aucct.) flumineum Say and Nepa apiculata Uhler. By Henry H. F. Severin and Harri^ C. Severin. Pp. iii -f 47, $.65, postpaid. No. 4 The biology of Fhysa. By Jean Dawson. Pp. iii + 120, $1.50, postpaid. No. 5 The function of the vibrissae in the behavior of the white rut. By Stella Burnham Vincent. Fp. iv + 81, $1.15, postpaid. VOLUME 2 No. 6 The delayed reaction in animals and children. By Walter S. Hunter. Fp. v + 86, $1.15, postpaid. No. 7 The Canada porcupine: a study of the learning process. By Leroy Walter Sackett. Pp. iii + 84, $1.15, postpaid. No. 8 Audition and habit formation in the dog. By Harry Miles John- son. Pp. iv + 78, $1.00, postpaid. No. 9 Habit formation in a strain of albino rats of less than normal brain weight. By Gardner Cheney Basset. Pp. iv + 46, $.65, postpaid. No. 10 Distribution of effort in learning in the white rat. By John Linck Ulrich. Pp. iii + 51, $.65, postpaid. No. 1 1 The effect of age on habit formation in the albino rat. By Helen B. Hubbert. Pp. v + 55, $.65, postpaid. VOLUME 3 No. 12 The mental life of monkeys and apes: a study of ideational be- havior. By Robert M. Yerkes. Pp. iv + 145, $1.50, postpaid. No. 1 3 A study of perseverance reactions in primates and rodents. By G. V. Hamilton. Pp. iv + 65. $.75, postpaid. No. 14 An analysis of the learning process in the snail, physa gyrina Say. By Elizabeth Lockwood Thompson Pp. iii + 97, $1.25, postpaid. No. 15 The effect of length of blind alleys on maze learning: An ex- periment on twenty-four white rats. By Joseph Peterson. Pp. iii + 53, $.75, postpaid. No. 1.6 An experimental study of transfer of response in the white rat. By Harry H. Wylie. Pp. iii + 66, $1.00, postpaid- VOLUME 4. No. 1 7 Transfer of training in the white rats upon various series of mazes. By Rutledge T. Wiltbank. Pp. iii +Q5, $1.00, postpaid. No. 18 Redintegration in Albino rat. By William Brockbank, A. M. Pp. iii + 66, $1.00, Postpaid. Regular subscription $5 per volume, postpaid. THE BEHAVIOR MONOGRAPHS ' Emerson Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Directory of American Psychological Periodicals American Journal of Psychology — Worcester, Mass.: Florence Chandler. Subscription $5. 600 pages annually. Edited by G. Stanley Hall. Quarterly. General and experimental psychology. Founded 1887. Pedagogical Seminary — Worcester, Mass. : Florence Chandler. Subscription $5. 575 pages annually. Edited by G. Stanley Hall. Quarterly. Pedagogy and educational psychology. Founded 1891. Psychological Review — Princeton, N. J. : Psychological Review Company. Subscnption (with Psychological Bulletin) $6. 480 pages annually. Bi-monthly. General. Founded 1894. Edited by Howard C. Warren. Psychological Bulletin— Princeton, N. J. : Psychological Review Company. Subscription $3.25. 480 pages annually. Psychological literature. Monthly. Founded 1904. Edited by Shepherd I. Franz. Psychological Monographs— Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company Subscription $4 per vol. 500 pages. Founded 1895. Ed. by James R. Angell. Published without fixed dates, each issue one or more researches. Psychological Index — Princeton, N. J. : Psychological Review Company. Subscription $1.25 200 pages. Founded 1895. Edited by Madison Bentley. An annual bibliography of psychological literature. Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods — New York: Sub-Station 84. Bi-weekly. 728 pages per volume. Founded 1904. Subscription $3. Edited by F. J. E. Woodbridge and Wendell T. Bush. Archives of Psychology — Substation 84, New York: Archives of Psychology. Subscription $5. 600 pp. ann. Founded 1906. Edited by R. S. Woodworth. Published without fixed dates, each number a single experimental study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology — Boston: Richard G. Badger. Subscription $5. 480 pages annually. Edited by Morton Prince. Bi-monthly. Founded 1906. Entire field of abnormal psychology. Psychological Clinic — Philadelphia: Psychological Clinic Press. Subscription $1.50. 280 pages annually. Edited by Lightner Witmer. Monthly (9 numbers). Orthogenics, psychology, hygiene. Founded 1907. Training School Bulletin— Vineland, N. J.: The Training School. Subscription $1. 160 pages annually. Ed. by E. R. Johnstone. Founded 1904. Monthly (10 ntunbers). Psychology and training of defectives. Journal of Race Development — Worcester, Mass. : Louis N. Wilson. Subscription $3. 460 pages annually. Founded 1910. Quarterly. Edited by George H. Blakeslee and G. Stanley Hall. Journal of Educational Psychology — Baltimore: Warwick & York. Subscription $3. 600 pages annually. Founded 1910. Monthly (10 numbers). Managing Editor, J. Carleton Bell. (Educational Psychology Monographs. Edited by Guy M. Whipple. Published separately at varying prices. Same publishers.) Journal of Animal Behavior — Cambridge, Mass.: Emerson Hall. Subscription $5. 450 pages annually. Founded 1911. Bi-monthly. Robert M. Yerkes, Managing Editor. The Behavior Monographs — Cambridge, Mass.: Emerson Hall. Subscription $5. 4^ pages per volume. Edited by John B. Watson. Published without fixed dates, each number a single research. Psychoanalytic Review— Washington, D. C: 3617 Tenth St., N. W. Subscription $5. 500 pages annually. Psychoanalysis. Quarterly. Founded 1913. Ed. by W. A. White and S. E. Jelliffe. Journal of Experimental Psychology — Princeton, N. J.: Psychological Review Company. 480 pages annually. Experimental. Founded 1916. Subscription $3.25 Bi-monthly. Edited by John B. Watson. Journal of Applied Psychology — Worcester, Mass.: Florence Chandler. Subscription $4. 4(X) pages annually. Quarterly. Founded 1917. Edited by G. Stanley Hall and L. R. Geissler. The Brandow Printing Company Albany N. Y. ^i,3ri X Behavior Mono»'APhs Volume 4. Number 3, 1919 Serial Number 19 ' Edited by JOHN B. WATSON The Johns Hopkins University Discrimination of Light of Different Wave-Lengths by Fish BY CORA D. REEVES Published at Cambridge, Boston, Mass. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 34 West 33d Street, New York G. E. STECHERT & CO., London, Paris and Leipzig, Foreign Agents The Journal of Animal Behavior An organ for the publication of studies concerning the instincts, habits and intelligence of organisms The Journal contains a Department of Notes in which appear brief accounts of especially interesting and valuable observations of behavior. Published bi-monthly at Cambridge, Boston, Mass., by Henry Holt and Company, New York. Each volume contains at least 450 pages with plates and text-figures. The subscription price is $5.00 per volume (foreign subscription $5.50) postpaid. Manuscripts, subscriptions, and all business correspondence should be addressed to THE JOUKNAL OF ANIMAL BEHAVIOR Emerson Hall, Cambridge, Massachusetts Behavior Monographs For the publication of studies in behavior and intelligence which are too lengthy or too expensive for acceptance by The Journal of Animal Behavior Published at irregular intervals at Cambridge, Boston, Mass., in connection with the Journal of Animal Behavior, by Henry Holt and Company, New York. Each volume contains approximately 450 pages with plates and text-figures. The subscription price is $5.00 per volume (foreign subscription $5.50) postpaid. Monographs may be purchased separately at prices varying with the cost of manufacture. Manuscripts and inquiries concerning terms of publication should be addressed to the Editor of the Behavior Monographs, JOHN B. WATSON, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Subscriptions to The Journal of Animal Behavior and the Behavior Monographs should be sent to Emerson Hall, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. iMUV a4 1919 Behavior Monographs Volume 4. Number 3, 1919 Serial Number 19 Edited by JOHN B. WATSON The Johns Hopkins University Discrimination of Light of Different Wave-Lengths by Fish BY CORA D. REEVES Published at Cambridge, Boston, Mass. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 34 West 33d Street, New York G. E. STECHERT & CO., London, Paris and Leipzig, Foreign Aeents CONTENTS PAGE I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1 II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK 1 A. Introduction 1 B. Apparatus and Methods 4 1. General description of the apparatus 4 2. General method of procedure 8 3. Detailed description of the apparatus 9 a. Experiment aquarium 9 b. The lamphouse 10 c. Food-bar 10 d. Apparatus for the regulation of the intensity and of the distribution of light 12 e. Color f-lters 13 4. Detailed description of methods 14 5. Determinations of the intensity and the distribution of light for stimulus patches 15 C. Experiments to Test Discrimination by the Formation of a Food Association 20 1. Intensity discrimination by dace 20 2. Wave-length discrimination: White-red by dace 23 3. Wave-length discnmination: Blue-red by dace 25 a. Red chiefly at constant maximum intensity 25 b. Tests for dace Md, Blue with Red decreasing in intensity 30 c. Tests for dace H, Red decreasing in intensity 32 d. Tests for Yl and YP, Red decreasing in intensity 32 e. Discussions of Blue-red graphs of the dace M, Md, Yl, YP and conclusions 32 4. Intensity discrimination by sunfish as indicated l^y response 37 5. Wave-length discrimination: Blue-red by sunfish, with Red decreasing in intensity 38 a. General account 38 b. Large sunfish 41 c. Small sunfish 42 d. Sunfish 5S2 43 D. Tests of the Apparatus and its Manipulation 44 1. Check tests by changes in manipulation 45 a. Shifts of si it and filters as a clue 45 b. Position of the experimenter as a clue 45 2. Check tests by changes in the apparatus 45 a. Food-bar 45 b. Lenses 46 c. Filters 46 d. Slits 46 iv CONTENTS II. Experimental Work — (Continued) PAGE E. Tests with Changed Quality of Light 49 a. Delayed response 50 b. Peculiar behavior 52 F. Tests with Energy Equated -. . . . 53 G. Results of Experimenta IWork with use of Food Association 55 H. Unlearned Responses of Fish 57 a. Modified breathing rate of fish subjected to light of long wave-length 57 b. Other characteristic behavior of fish in the presence of stimulus patches of unfamiliar light of long wave-length 58 c. Dark adaptation and sensitivity to light 62 III. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 63 IV. DISCUSSION 78 A. Analysis of Methods Employed 78 a. Method of [response 78 b. Method [of training 79 c. Change of color in response 82 B. Sou rces of Error 83 a. From unsuitable environment or care 83 b. From uncontrolled environmental factors 84 c. From uncontrolled response 85 d. From lack of training at matched brightness 85 e. From exclusive use of the method of response 86 C. General Considerations 86 D. Final Statement of Results 89 V. SUMMARY 92 VI. CONCLUSIONS 99 VII. POSTSCRIPT 100 VIII. BIBLIOGRAPHY 104 DISCRIMINATION OF LIGHT BY FISH^ I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM In the early part of the second half of the nineteenth century many comparative studies of the anatomy of the eye were made. Studies of the physiology of the human eye followed, but experimental work upon animal vision was delayed. Not until 1885 were Graber's results pub- lished. He was among the first to test experimentally the effects of light of different wave-lengths upon fish, and found that they showed a preference for the shorter wave- lengths. Then a number of other experimenters decided that fish discriminate color. But in 1909 and 1910 Hess published an account of experiments from which he con- cluded that fish do not show the responses to wave-length apparently established by his predecessors in this field. He attributed the responses obtained by him as well as those already obtained by others to differences in the brightness rather than to differences in the quality of the light used and held that fish are color-blind. His evidence has been given favorable consideration by a number of investigators of color vision in higher vertebrates (Watson 1914, Parsons 1915). From this discussion arose the definite problem, — to determine whether fish can respond to differences in wave-length of light or can respond only to differences in intensity^ of light. II. EXPERIMENTAL WORK A. Introduction. — The first requirement for the solution of the question was to determine whether our native fish show responses' available for experimentation. For some 1 Contribution from the Zoological Laboratory, University of Michigan - In this paper intensity is used as a physical term, and brightness as a sensation term; quality is used to describe that phase of sensation dependent upon wave- lengths. ^ The study of first responses will be referred to as the Method of Response. Sec- tion H of this paper is devoted to the presentation of data gained by this method. 2 CORA D. REEVES months three small fish, of undetermined species, had been living in a crystallizing dish on my desk. One morning the dish was placed so that one-half of it was in the direct sunlight and one-half in the shade. The fish came to rest most frequently in the shade. Then a prismatic solar spectrum was thrown on the bottom of the shaded half of the dish and the fish were observed to start or leap as they entered the red-orange area. They often swam around this area, to rest with the head in the blue or green, facing in the direction of the incident rays. Some shiners {Notropis cornutiis) were then tested by throwing the intense light from a projection lantern, one meter distant into the glass-walled aquarium in which they were kept. At first some of the fish gave a start as they entered the lighted area, while others swam along the side of the lighted space but did not enter it. It was evident in both of these experiments that light called out differential responses, presumably unlearned or instinctive; but whether intensity or wave-length differ- ences induced the response in the test with the spectral band was in no way indicated. These reactions to the intensity of white light, as well as to different parts of the spectral band, were evanescent. They were obtained in the first trials, but were not evident in later trials, when the fish, having become used to the stimulus, no longer responded to it. These first responses showed the behavior of an untrained animal when stimu- lated but cannot be assumed to have shown the animal's inherent power of discrimination. To secure sustained responses and to show by them the full capacity of the animal it seemed essential to resort to habit-forming ex- periments. For these experiments two large intense patches of light of restricted and definitely known wave- length were used as stimuli and were presented simul- taneously. In order to form a food association and thereby to secure continued response the fish were always fed before the same patch and the position of this positive stimulus was, of course, irregularly shifted, while it was kept at constant intensity. When an association had been formed with the positive patch of light it became necessary to LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 3 determine to which of the two variables involved, intensity or wave-length, the response was to be attributed. In order so to control the experiment that response could be made to but one of these variables the brightness of the negative plate was varied until it was equal to that of the positive for the human eye. Continued response to the positive plate might then be due to the quality of the stimulus light. But since it could not be assumed, without proof, that the relative brightness values of the spectrum were similar for fish and man the response might be due to a brightness difference between the two plates. To follow the usual practice of equating the brightness of the plates by the human eye only could not lead to dependable results, and so a means was sought by which it might be possible to determine by the behavior of the fish when the two plates were of equal brightness for them. It is believed that such means has been found. As an aid in interpreting the responses obtained when two stimuli of different wave-lengths were used, an effort was made to determine the minimum intensity differences between two white light stimuli capable of producing differential response. For this purpose an attempt was made to form a food association with the duller one of two white plates, which was kept at constant intensity while its companion plate was varied in intensity. If there should occur any difference in the relative ease of discrimination of the stimulus plates when the quality difference was absent then the value of difference in wave- lengths for discrimination would be shown. The minimum intensity difference necessary for the discrimination of two lights should be the same for white and for colored lights if wave-length differences are not able to differen- tially stimulate fish. ' For normal activity it is essential that the fish be kept in a normal environment; otherwise response is often in- hibited by unnatural conditions or by manipulations that induce fright. The water should be of constant tempera- ture from one container to another, shifting of containers from place to place, variations in intensity of the general illumination, and manipulations likely to frighten the 4 CORA D. REEVES iish should be avoided. In the experiments to be described the fish have been kept under normal conditions and have remained in the same containers during the tests and in the intervals between them, often for months together. The experiments have been so conducted as to reduce fright behavior to a minimum. During three years the fish have taken food regularly, have remained healthy, have grown and have been at all times very tame. The apparatus described in the following section was devised to meet the experimental conditions already out- lined. These call for; (1) An experiment aquarium in which the fish could live continuously without being taken from the water. (2) An experiment procedure which would not arouse fear behavior. (3) Two large stimulus patches of either mixed light or light of restricted and known wave-length, interchange- able in position, one of which could be varied through a wide range of measurable intensities. (4) Provision for offering food before one of the patches of light, which thus becomes the positive stimulus in the formation of an association. (5) Constant conditions in the general luminous and in the aqueous environment of the fish. (6) The experimental procedure involves further a method of equating the brightness of the patches of light of different wave-length by means of the behavior of the fish. B. Apparatus and Methods. 1. General Description of the Apparatus For the experiments a black-lined, galvanized-iron aquarium was used. Its ground plan is shown in figure .1. Movable partitions separate it into three parts, referred to as the stimulus, the discrimination, and the retention- compartments, respectively (1, 2, and 3, in fig. 1). The removable partitions A and B separate these com- partments as indicated by their positions in figure 1. In partition A is a vertically sliding door, D, shown partly LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 1 If ■ r ■c r /" - ' h- i J £ 3 yf . A 2 - as 4 en,— 1^ Fig. 1 Ground plan of the Experiment Aquarium. \. Stimulus compartment. /' and /" recess for stimulus plate. 2. Discrimination Compartment. 3. Retention Compartment. A and B movable partitions; C fixed partition; D sliding door in partition A; efgh indicate the positions of the corners of a frame above this end of the aquarium; xy plane of section shown in figure 4; 2iv plane of section shown in figure 5. lifted in figure 2. A vertical fixed partition, C, divides one end of the stimulus compartment, 1, into two sub- compartments, 1' and 1". Lengthwise of each of the sub- compartments, 1' and 1", extends a plate of opal ground glass set across it so as to form an angle of 45° with the floor and with the end wall. These plates are illuminated from above by patches of white or colored light, and from them this light is diffused into compartment 1. When the sliding door {D in fig. 2) is lifted, a fish in the discrim- ination compartment, 3, has before it a patch of light upon each of the white stimulus plates (5 in fig. 2). If the patches, are unlike in either intensity or wave-length, its instinc- tive behavior toward them may for a time be differential. CORA D. REEVES Fig. 2 Perspective View of Aquarium and lamphouse with part of each cut away, to show interior. AquariiDu and fond rclcnsp. 1. Stimulus compartment: /' /" recess for stimulus plate. 2. Discrimination Compartment. 3. Retention Compartment. A, movable partition between 1 and 2 (the partition between 1 and 3 not in place). C, fixed partition. D, sliding door in A. EG, parts of the frame which surround the base of the lamphouse. IJ, slender food-bar in position for feeding the fish. A", position of electro magnet by which the food-bar may be held in horizontal position. Light Apparatus. L, II. lamphouse. Below L, H, hooded air-inlet. M' . C', partition through lamphouse, an upward extension of C. A'^, Nernst lamp in one half of lamphouse, one in the other half partially shown. The glowers of these lamps are across the compartments and thus parallel with the long axes of the cylindrical lenses shown at SL. They are at the principal foci of these lenses: O, slit opening of variable width. P. sliding metal plates which form the slit. Q, frame which supports metal plates PP and in which they slide. RF. ray filter in its kit. SL. cylindrical lens. S, S. stimulus plates. W, indicates water level. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 7 (See section H.) Such differential instinctive responses may show the ability of the fish to discriminate, but they persist only a short time. To secure responses persisting for a longer period the fish were fed before one of the stimulus patches, and thus a food association with the one patch of light was built up in order to test the ability of fish to discriminate between the two lighted areas. To secure patches of light of definite form on the stimu- lus plates two cylindrical lenses {SL in fig. 2) are mounted in a frame (indicated by EG in fig. 2) which rests above the sub-compartments /' and 1". The major axis of each lens is across its sub-compartment. These lenses par- allelize the rays in one plane and give two stimulus patches of equal size, having sharp parallel upper and lower edges across the opal glass plates. The lower margin of each patch is always adjusted so as to coincide with the lower margin of its plate. Control of wave-length of light is obtained by colored filters ( RF in fig. 2) laid above the cylindrical lenses. A blue filter of gelatine and a red one of ruby glass are provided and may be shifted from side to side, so that patches of light of either color may be used on either plate. The light for the illumination of the stimu- lus plates comes from two single-glower Nernst lamps {N in fig. 2) contained in a lamphouse. The house rests upon the aquarium, above compartments 1' and 1", and its cross section is nearly that of these sub-compartments taken together. It is divided by a vertical partition {M'C in fig. 2), which is an upward extension of partition C of the aquarium. Access to its interior is through a door above the end of the aquarium, which is not visible in figure 2. The long lamphouse extends nearly to the ceiling, from which it is so suspended that it may be swung out free from the aquarium. The lamps remain always at the same height in the lamphouse, and the intensity of the light reaching the plates is controlled by a slit (O in fig. 2) of variable width placed beneath each lamp at right angles to its glower. Thus by varying the width of the slits and by shifting the filters a patch of either white or colored light of any desired intensity may be secured on either plate. 8 CORA D. REEVES Food may be supplied to the fish from the food-bar (// in fig. 2) weighted at one end and pivoted at its center. After food has been placed at both ends, the bar is brought into a horizontal position and held there by an electro- magnet {K in fig. 2). When a fish approaches the patch of light before which he is to be fed, the bar is released by opening a switch. The bar is then free and turns on its pivot until its weighted end is beneath the water in front of the stimulus plate where the fish can secure the food. The aquarium is supported on a low table and supplied with running, filtered water. To exclude extraneous light and secure uniform illumination of the apparatus during experimentation the space about the table is enclosed by black building-paper to form a room 6 ft. by 10 ft. This light-tight room includes a west window with light-tight shades. Suspended from the ceiling directly above the aquarium is a 40 watt tungsten lamp at a distance of 157 cm. from the water. This lamp is enclosed in a cylindrical metal shade 145 cm. high. As the diameter of the shade is 14 cm. the light is reduced, being only that passing out from its open lower end. To give the fish an environment of more nearly normal color and to keep them from seeing the experimenter, the aquarium table is surrounded by a curtain of yellow cheese-cloth hung from the ceiling within the light-tight room. A cord attached to the slid- ing door {D fig. 2), in partition A, runs straight up to an eye in the ceiling and ends outside the curtain. A counter weight on this door-cord enables the operator to leave the door open at any height. The switch for control of the food-bar magnets is also located outside the curtain. 2. General Method o." Procedure Before an experiment is begun, the window shades are lowered and the ceiling light is turned on, so that the fish may become accustomed to the light and their eyes adapted to the conditions of illumination maintained during the experiment. After half an hour or more all of the fish in the aquarium are shut into the retention compartment (3 in figs. 1, 2) by means of the movable partition B. The experimenter then adjusts the illuminating apparatus and LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 9 the food-bar with its food. Next, by manipulation of the movable partitions, the individual fish needed for an experi- ment is allowed to swim from compartment 3 into compart- ment 2. The further operations of lifting the sliding door and releasing the food-bar when the fish has reacted suit- ably are carried on from without the curtain, while obser- vations are made through a peek hole. When experiments are not in progress, the ceiling light is turned off, the yellow curtain drawn aside, the shades at , the west window raised, and the movable partitions taken from the aquarium. The fish then live in a black pool into which the sunlight penetrates for a short time each day. On the sides of the pool the fish may see the yellow curtain and above it the gray of the ceiling. At one end of the pool towers the black lamphouse. The visual surroundings are then somewhat like the black pool and the sky of the natural fish habitat. The tap water supplied to the aquarium is passed through a Berkefeld filter. All fecal material and excess food are daily removed from the aquarium. Frequently the aquar- ium is almost emptied through a drain at the bottom; then it is refilled. By these means the water is kept uni- formly clear and its light transmission constant. That the fish may have all necessary food substances, pieces of angle worm, fish, chicken, or bits of boiled egg or fish food are occasionally substituted for the usual scraped beef. The fish are healthy and active, and are growing rapidly after over two years of experimentation. 3. Detailed Description o? the Apparatus^ a. The Experiment Aquarium. The aquarium is 22 cm. deep, 66 cm. long, and 25.4 cm. wide, inside measure- ments. Each of the three movable partitions (A, B, T in figs. 1, 2, 6) measures 23 cm. high by 25 cm. wide, and has attached to its u pper edge a small rod of metal extending 3 cm. beyond the ends. By hanging the projecting ends of this rod over the edges of the aquarium, a partition can be set at different places across the aquar- ium. One of these partitions (A) has an opening 10 cm. wide, extending 13 cm. from the bottom. This is provided with a sliding door {D in fig. 2) 13 by 23 cm. Opposite to the door when it is in place are the stimulus plates (S,S in fig. 2). Each plate extends entirely across its sub-compartment and reaches from the floor at the projecting end of the partition C to the surface of the water at the back of the sub- compartment. The tap water, after passing through a Berkefeld filter, flows over * The further descriptions in this section and in section 4 are included especially for those who may wish to duplicate the apparatus and methods. 10 CORA D. REEVES a glass plate 20 cm. long, not shown in the figures, and enters at the top of the closed end of compartment 2. The water flows in a thin sheet over the glass plate and drops from it into the aquarium. This permits the escape of excess gases from the water. When the plate is not used the fish develop symptoms of gas-bubble dis- ease. From the plate the water drips into the aquarium at a rate somewhat above one drop per second. Outflows are provided in the center of the ends of sub-com- partments 1' and 1" at 17 cm. from the bottom. b. The Lamphonse. The larnphouse is a black rectangular wooden box 172 cm. long, with an internal cross-section 22 cm. by 23 cm. A partition of thin tin divides it lengthwise into two equal compartments. The inside of the lamphouse is blackened with several coats of lamp black and shellac. The single glower Nernst lamp inside each half of the house (A'' in fig. 2) is of the 0.6 ampere, 220 volt D. C. type. Openings, shown opposite arrow-heads in fig. 4, at the bottom and at the top of the lamphouse, and below L. H. m fig. 2, afford ventilation and prevent excessive heating. They are hooded to prevent the escape of light. The lower end of the lamphouse rests on the experiment aquarium, which is so placed that the partition C (figs. 1 and 2) is beneath the partition MO (fig. 2) in the lamphouse. Thus two continuous, dark- lined tunnels are formed with a white diffusing surface set at an angle of45° across the bottom of each. A wooden frame {EG in fig. 2) rests on the top of the sub-compart- ments V and 1" of the aquarium in the position of ejgh of fig. 1, and surrounds the lower end of the lamphouse. FIG. 3 Diagram of compartments /' and /" as seen from the center of the doorway of partition A, figure 2, showing the lower end of the lamphouse with food-bar attached to the frame upon which it rests. //, rj', food-bar. K, electro-magnet which holds // horizontal until released. S, S, stimulus plate. w, water level. c. Food-bar. At the center of the side gh of this frame is fastened a narrow metal strip or food- bar. It is 0.8 cm. wide and 24 cm. long after being looped at its center to surround LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 11 a pivot. This strip is folded to form a short trough at each end and has a drop of solder in one end to give weight enough to cause that end to fall when not held in place. At the corners g and h of the frame (figs. 1 and 3) are placed electro-magnets connected with a dry cell. When the switch outside the curtain is closed and the free end of the food-bar is placed against the magnet, the bar is held in position along the side of the frame, gh, above the aquarium. When the switch is opened, the weighted end of the food-bar falls so that it is beneath the water surface imme- diately above the front edge of the positive stimulus plate, at which point it is stopped by a peg in the frame efg/i. Food placed in the shallow trough is thus allowed to fall immediately in front of the stimulus patch. When the stimulus patch is shifted from side to side, the food-bar is removed from the pivot and the ends reversed. r 5!! L. ^XJOfer/rrren/ A^i/ar/u/r?. L« ^6 cm. Fig. 4 Section of aquarium and lamphouse along line xy in figure 1. A'^, Nemst glower in cross section. 0, level of slit. RF, ray filter. SL, cylindrical lens in kit ki. S, stimulus plate of ground opal glass. 12 CORA D. REEVES d. Apparatus for Regulation of the Intensity and Distribution of Light. A plano-convex cylindrical lens (Yerkes 1903) 20 cm. long and 10 cm. wide, with a radius of curvature of 12.5 cm., was divided crosswise into halves. One of these was fitted into the frame at the bottom of the lamphouse in each side (SL in figs. 2, 4). The Nemst lamps are placed at the principal foci of the lenses with the glowers parallel to and above the long axis of the lenses. In this position the cylin- drical lenses serve to parallelize the light rays in the direction indicated in figure 4. As the walls of the aquarium are black, the diverging rays which strike them at the sides of the stimulus plates (see fig. 5) are so little reflected as to be scarcely visible. But as the margins of these areas remain parallel they vary only in brightness not in shape. Their variation in brightness will be the same as the variation of the stimulus patches depending upon the slit-width. By this method no direct light from the glowers reaches the floor of the aquarium, and though the whole of each stimulus plate (S in fig. 2) is not illuminated, the patches of light on the two are exactly the same in shape and size. They are rectangular 12.3 cm. by 11.6 cm., and their edges are always sharp and straight across the plates. To regulate the light intensity a slit is used (figs. 2, 4, 5). The slit consists of two steel plates and a narrow steel frame which is the size of the inside cross-sec- FiG. 5 Cross-section of one-half of lamphouse through Nemst glower along line uv in figure 1. A'^, Nemst glower. 0, slit opening. RF, ray filter in kit ki. SL, cylindrical lens. S, stimulus plate of opal ground glass. W, groove in which the frame for the slit slides in and out LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 13 tion of one-half of the lamphouse and can be slid into a groove in either half of the house. Shding in this frame is a pair of wide steel plates, each 48 mm. by 170 mm. with beveled knife-edges. The wide plates can be brought close together when a narrow slit is desired, or separated for slit apertures up to 4 mm. For greater slit widths two other pairs of plates 35 mm. and 25 mm. by 170 mm. are provided to replace the wider ones. The widths of the slit openings can be read on a millimeter scale on the frame. For regulating the slit width of 0.1 mm. intervals, a series of strips of accurately measured thickness are used. One of these strips is placed in the slit, the plates are brought against it, and the strip is then carefully withdrawn. The slit in position in the house is 3 cm. beneath the glower of either Nernst lamp. The direction of the slit is at right angles to the length of the glower and to the long axis of the lens. To prevent any variation in the appearance of the lower surfaces of the lenses being seen by the fish, a curtain is hung across the top of the front of the sub-com- partments 1' and 1", reaching to the level of the upper edge of the stimulus patches. This is not shown in figure 2. e. Color-fillers. The color filters, each 9 cm. square, are placed as shown in figures 2, 4, 5, in a photographic kit or frame 9 cm. by 9 cm., resting upon the lenses. The wave- lengths of light transmitted by the blue filter are A4600 to A5245 with the maximum in the blue; those transmitted by the red ruby glass are from A5890 to the end of the visible spectrum. None of the yellow is let through by either filter, so that the light used is from two separated parts of the spectrum. The blue filter is a Wratten Fig. 6 Ground plan to show how the partitions are manipulated in testing the fish. /'/", compartments for stimulus patches. A, movable partition with sliding door. B, T, movable partitions; T is used for cutting out single fish to be tested. A' B' , movable partitions swung out to allow fish separated from the others to swim from 3 to 2. 14 CORA D. REEVES ray filter (Red 3.65 C 3-48 A) secured fr6|m the Eastman Kodak Company. The red is a piece of copper-flashed ruby glass. 4. Detailed Description of Methods To make clearer some methods employed during experimentation the following details of procedure are included. That the fish might behave normally care was taken to avoid frightening them. They were allowed to live for months in the experiment aquarium without being lifted from the water or being moved in the aquarium. The partitions were moved very slowly. Often when they were shifted from one compartment to another, the fish showed absence of fear by swimming up to the partition as if to nibble its lower margin. It may be that the partition when thus moved resembles a clod which gradually settles to the bottom or slides along the stream margin and offers the fish a good place to feed, because worms previously covered are exposed. Because the fish exhibit little fear of these moving partitions, they were used exclusively when changing the fish about in the aquarium. A third partition, T in figure 6, was often put into the position shown, in order to separate from the other fish the one that it was desired to test. Then after swinging the partitions A and B, figure 6, out to positions A' and B' , the fish to be tested would swim quickly into the discrimination compartment, and with A and B brought back into place, was ready for the raising of the sliding door, D, when a test was to be made. If when the door was raised, the fish swam toward the plate determined upon for the food association, that is, toward the positive stimulus plate, then the bar with the food was allowed to fall. After time had teen allowed for feeding, the fish was brought back into the discrimination com- partment by lifting the partition A with the door closed and slowly lowermg it so that the fish was on the side away from the stimulus plates. The oartition was then slowly returned to its former place. If the fish made a wrong choice it was not fed but brought back into the discrimination compartment without releasing the food-bar. The latter was not set free until the fish had come within 15 cm. of the positive stimulus plate. It was thus possible for the fish to change direction of response within the discrimination compartment or at any point between it and the distance of 15 cm. from the positive plate. It was determined by the use of a mirror (see p. 46) that when the fish was swim- ming low in the aquarium, a reflection of the slit over the red plate on the surface of the cylindrical lens was sometimes visible to the fish when within 15 cm. of the stimulus patches and might guide it in its choice. Choice must therefore be made at a point farther from the plates. If the fish entered the negative half of compart- ment 2 but while still more than 15 cm. from the stimulus plates turned in a straight course toward the positive plate, then the food-bar was released and the choice recorded as correct. It was found that caution was required, for when a fish swam up toward the positive plate, there was a tendency to drop the bar too quickly. The fish soon learned to go up to one side of the aquarium and wait, and if the bar was not dropped, to swim promptly to the opposite side. Only by very careful attention as to whether the fish was more than 15 cm. from the positive plate was this error avoided. If the fish was more than 15 cm. from either plate, the food-bar was not dropped and either side might be correct. Waiting for the food-bar could not indicate need for change of direction when the fish was at a greater distance from the plate. That there might be no regular order for the side on which the positive stimulus was presented, six slips of paper were prepared, each with one of these inscriptions upon it: 1 lej; 1 right 1 lejl 1 right 2 left 2 right LIGHT OF DIFFER EKT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 15 Before the day's series was begun these slips were shaken together and drawn by chance, and the order in which they were drawn determined the positions of the positive plate. It will be noted that there is here possibility for only four consecu- tive tests to be made on one side. This procedure was followed to prevent the formation of " position habits." In order to prevent any possible " alternating swing," i.e. fish going first to one side and then the other, it appeared best occa- sionally to modify this possible order of choices by substituting for two of the single choice slips two with 3 left and 3 right. These gave the possibility of six conescu- tive choices to occur on one side. When a fish had been given from five to twelve chances to discriminate between the stimulus patches, it was closed back into the retention compartment by means of partition B and was not used again until the following day's series. Care was not taken to keep the number of trials per day exact. The number of food masses seized and eaten was thought to be a better index of the physiological condition of the hunger of the fish than the number of tests given. Trials with an individual were, therefore, kept up until its behavior indicated that it was no longer hungry (until it had eaten about 6 to 8, or 8 to 10 food masses). This largely depended upon whether the fish were being tested every day or every second day. Care was taken to place the food-bar in exactly the same position with reference t) the magnets. The two masses of food on the ends were made as nearly as possible of the same size and shape. Frequently, as the day's series progressed, new masses were placed on the lighter end of the bar. Both ends of the bar were kept wet. They were alike in appearance. During the tests the operator observed the fish from behind the yellow curtain already mentioned. The stop watch and the string running to the sliding door were manipulated together in one hand while the other hand was placed on the switch so that no jar or body movement or motion of the curtain might indicate the correct side. The time was taken from the raising of the door until the food was snapped at or the fish was before the negative stimulus patch and less than 15 cm. from it. The path taken by the fish was then traced on a plan of the aquarium floor, the time recorded, and other notes made. The fish was then closed back for a second trial or closed out into the retention compartment while others were tested . Matching Brighness. Whenever it was necessary to match the brightness of two stimulus patches, either direct judgment of the appearance of the patches was used or the flicker photometer was employed. In the first case wdiere the Equality of Brightness Method (Ives 1912) was employed one of the following graduate students in psychology, — Miss Marion Bills, or Miss Z. Pauline Buck, — directed the changes to be made in the variable plate until the two plates appeared to be equally bright. For assist- ance in this matching my gratitude is acknowledged. The method for the use of the flicker photometer was as follows. The lamp- hcuse with the frame and lenses was swung out past the end of the aquarium. The flicker photometer was placed immediately beneath the partition separating the lalvesof the lamphouse. Plates of ground opal glass, like the stimulus plates, were set beneath the lamphouse, each at an angle of 45° facing the flicker photo- rneter. The light that fell upon these plates of ground glass was that which would give the stimulus patches when the lamphouse was in place, so that, as nearly as pos- sible, the patches were matched against each other by this means. 5. Determinations of the Intensity and the Distribution of Light In order to determine the relative brightness of the colored lights employed, so that the conditions may be duplicated in the future, the illumination used for the blue stimulus plate was measured. The method was to illuminate with a IIU volt tungsten lamp, at a suitable 16 CORA D. REEVES distance and voltage, an area of the white stimulus plate equal to that illuminated by the Nernst lamp with the blue filter interposed and without a slit. These equal blue and white areas were then similarly placed with refer- ence to the flicker photometer, and were equated by vary- ing the distance of the lamp. The tungsten lamp, at its given voltage, was then calibrated by Dr. E. F. Barker of the Physics Department of the University of Michigan. 1 - A ^te '■n. 'sf% ifi y 1 y cooa ■fif ^ ■^^ -^ p-^ f ' 9. /■ _^ -^ ■^ fP P £i' y y- ^ "^ ^ ■fc '■'! '" 0 00(. .IP y y ^ - ^ ^ oooc P't ^ ^ \^ y\ \^ ooo<. .'(T < / ^ ,^ ^ L^ '^ >-* ., _ r/' A r'/ ■ ^ A/ 1 H _ aoa IV ^\ 1 i P 1 k ■i c , < ? 1 / o / s / ^ / S / 9 2 0 2 2 2\ ■f 2 6 2 S 3 v> 3 2 3 ^ vj S __ _ _ _ _ __ _ t Fig 7 Graph of light energy in terms of width of slit. The relative intensities of light reaching the center 0 and the margin P of the lens aperture is represented. Abscissae give widths of slit, ordinates give relative light intensities. Measurements against Bureau of Standards Lamp No. 2435 gave 2.35 candle power for the lamp. As it was 1 meter from the plate when equated, the blue stimulus patch had an intensity of 2.35 meter candles. It is to be understood that the blue plate was kept as nearly as pos- sible at this intensity throughout the experiments. In order to determine the relation between the light energy reaching the lens aperture and the width of the slit, and also to determine the relative light at the center LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 17 and at the margins of the lens aperture, the curves shown in figure 7 were prepared under the direction of Professor John F. Shepard. He also prepared the following descrip- tion and determinations. The conditions of illumination Fig. 8 Diagram to show the relations of light energy at the center and margin of the lens aperture. were as shown in the diagram, figure 8. The effective portion of the Nernst filament used was 28 mm. long. The slit was placed 30 mm. below the filament, and the lens was 188 mm. below the slit. The distance from the lens to the highest portion of the stimulus plate which received illumination was 166 mm. The aperture of the lens was 80 mm. square, and the stimulus plate was 125 18 CORA D. REEVES mm. wide, measured on a line parallel to the Nernst fila- ment and to the width of the slit. Assume the conditions shown in figure 8 and let W equal the width of the slit. To find the intensity of illumination at 0, let z be the range of points on the light-source from which light reaches 0, and let d be the distance from such points to 0. Also let @ be the angle which d makes with the line perpendicular to the plane of the lens at 0. Then the intensity of illumination received at 0 from each point on the source is: K Cos2 6) Intensity received at O from each point on the source = d^ d2 = 218- f z2 2182 Cos^© = %* the total intensity at 0= K 218Mz (2182 + z2)2 109w Similarly, let d' be the variable distance from points on the light source to P; let /3 be the angle which d' makes with the perpendicular from the light source to the line PQ; and let 7 be the angle which d' makes with the line perpendicular to the plane of the lens at P; then the in- tensity at P from a point in filament equals: 1 K X X cos/i X cosx (di)2 Perpendicular from filament to PQ = \/ (218)2 + 1600 di = \/(40 +z)2 + (218)2 + 1600 \/(218)2 + 1600 cos 5 = ■ \/(40 +z)2 + (218)2 + 1600 218 cos;' = — . — \/(40+z)2T(2r8y2 + 1600 LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 19 Intensity at P=K /I09 w + 6.38 188 Reducing- Intensity at P=K [218\/(218)2 + 1600]dz [(40+z)2 + (218)- + 1600p 109 w -h 6.38 188 109 — w + 6.38 188 48374 dz [z2+80z+50724P 109 — w + 6.38 188 For the limiting case when the slit is removed, 14 The intensity at 0=K The intensity at P==K 2182dz (218= +z2)2 — 14 14 [218\/218- + 1600]dz [2182 + 1600 + (40 tz)2]2 — 14 From these determinations the curves of figure 7 are plotted. The curve " Point 0 " (fig. 7) shows the intensities of light at the center of the lens aperture for different widths of the slit, while the curve " Point P " shows the intensi- ties of the light for point P, in figure 8, at the border of the lens aperture, for different slit-widths. The intensities are expressed on the ordinate by means of an arbitrary scale. It is to be noted that there is less difference in the light distribution between the center and the margin with a wider or with a narrower slit width than with a slit of 24 cm. Whenever a stimulus plate is illuminated without the use of the slit, or with any width in excess of 35 mm. the light passing through the lens aperture at its center will be as 100 per cent to 90 at the border. From the graph (fig. 7) it is plain that when the slit width is 24 mm. this difference in intensity will be maximum or the ratio will be as 100 to 71, and the difference between the center and the margin will be less with narrower slit widths. In 20 CORA D. REEVES the blue-red series of experiments, pp. 25 and 48 the blue plate was illuminated through a 35mm. slit, the red through a slit constantly changed in width during the series. Relations were about as follows for the red : Ratio of illumination Slit width at centre and border 35 mm 100 90 24 mm 100 71 14 m 100 82 6 m 100 89 3 m 100 90 Im 100 95 For the blue as 100 at the center to 90 at the border. C. Experiments to Test Discrimination by the Formation of a Food Association. — In this section are presented all experiments in which the attempt was made to establish a food association, together with a few experiments on innate response to white-light differences. In the case of each individual fish used the chronological order of the tests has been preserved, so that the past experience of each fish may be known in its relation to any particular series of tests. 1. Intensity Discrimination of Dace To test the effectiveness of differences in intensity of white light in control of behavior, a horned dace or creek chub {Semotilus atromaculatus Mitchill) which had been in the laboratory for two years but which had not been worked with, was placed in the experiment aquarium. The ceiling lamp was lighted. After some hours the fish was closed into the retention compartment, the two Nernst lamps were lighted, and a slit with a 5.0 mm. aperture was placed in one side of the lamphouse, while the oppo- site side remained without a slit. The slit cut off about three-fourths of the total light reaching the stimulus plate upon that side. (See graph, fig. 7.) Both stimulus patches looked bright, but the one without the slit was of dazzling brightness. By moving partitions A and B (fig. 6) this fish, called Bu, was brought into the discrimination compartment. On opening the slide door Bu swam up to the stimulus patches. Of the first seven responses, five were to the LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 21 duller plate, and each time the fish fed from the bar on that side. It seemed that, since the fish had fed from the bar at once and on the side of the duller plate, only a few- trials would be required to fix the response. But more than 150 trials were not enough to show any increase in accuracy of response, and at no time was a more persistent " position habit " formed than developed here. The lack of learning is expressed in the curve, figure 9, which was made by plotting the average percentages of correct choice of each twenty consecutive trials. Because there are individual differences and abnormal- ities among fish, Bu was taken from the experiment aquar- ium, and two other dace of the same reserve stock were placed in the aquarium and tested one at a time, under RRIGHTNtSS N umber Of trlnlJ io 40 DISCRIMINATION 60 60 100 120 140 i. Y- An 70 (n / 1 / \ \n N ~> / \ \ ' \ 4n S S / i \ / \ jr> \ > > \ y ■^^ ?o 1 _ Fig. 9 Graph showing the percentage of correct choices in each 20 consecutive trials in a series of 140 trials of horned dace Bu. The choice was between two white plates of relative brightness 1 :4. The fish was fed at the duller plate. the same conditions as described for Bu. Of the first ten trials given, seven for each fish were to the duller, or posi- tive plate. Again it seemed that it would be easy to train the fish to go to that plate for food, but sixty-five trials 22 CORA D. REEVES for each fish showed no improvement. Fifty per cent of the choices were to each plate. The fish failed to learn to discriminate between white plates illuminated as 1 to 4 (see fig. 7). The early preference for the duller plate in these trials and the slow discrimination of the dace upon other problems (see fig. 13) made it seem probable that with a very long series of tests the fish might learn to dis- criminate. But neither the 150 tests of the fish Bu, nor the aimless behavior of the three fish in their swimming about before the stimulus patches, supports the opinion. Whatever the capacity of horned dace to discriminate intensity differences, they probably make little use of such WhiU 5rnm shr R<.d no all t FIG. 10 Path of the dace along the limiting plane between the area illuminated by light from the red plate and from the white. (See p. 23.) differences in discriminating familiar objects. By way of comparison it may be noted that under the same condi- tions of illumination these two large intense plates differed for the human eye when illuminated by slits of 8.0 and 8.5 mm., respectively. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 23 2. Wave-Length Discrimination: White- Red by Dace While the last two dace were failing to discriminate the two white plates, a red filter without the slit was placed on the side of the brighter plate. This cut off the rays shorter than ^ 5890.5 The illumination of the positive plate continued to be with white light through a 5 mm. s^it. The results were most surprising. When the red was first introduced, each of the fish went to it for the first three responses. But the manner of approach was notice- ably different from that to the white plates. The fish swam more swiftly toward the red plate, or after approach- ing darted away from it, or sidled along the edge of the red illuminated area, as shown in figure 10. This sort of behavior is described later in the case of " Large Sunfish," in which it was somewhat more striking. But it is to be noted that it took place here when the red filter had re- duced the brightness of the total light to which the fish were accustomed, by cutting off a considerable part of its energy. It was not then a response to increased inten- sity. Each fish after from twenty to thirty trials, equally divided between white and red or showing a strong position habit, got the " cue," and for the following thirty trials gave 80 to 90 per cent white, or correct choices. When ten successive correct choices had been given, it seemed possible to conclude that discrimination was by means of brightness. Hess (1909) has stated that the red rays have little effect on fish. If the introduction of the red plate had greatly reduced for the fish the brightness on that side, then the brightness differences between the red and white plates might now be greater for them than it had previously been between the two white plates; it might be greater for the fish than 1 to 4. This increased brightness dif- ference might enable the fish to discriminate between the red and white, although they had previously failed to discriminate the two white plates illuminated as 1 to 4. It has been noted that the fish tended to swim along a plane separating two white illuminated spaces when there * It is to be noted that the orange as well as the red wave-lengths, are included whenever the red stimulus is mentioned in this paper. 24 CORA D. REEVES was a very considerable difference in their intensity. Their similar behavior toward the same spaces now illuminated with red and white might then be regarded as an intensity response. But the occasional peculiar method of ap- proach to the red area was in no way like the behavior toward a dull white plate. It indicated that the fish were reacting to a difference between the quality of the dull white and that of the red. To learn whether the fish were reacting merely to a brightness difference between the white and red patches or, as indicated by their behavior, to a quality difference, a method was sought of equating the brightness of the red and white for the fish. A tendency of the fish to rise to the surface of the water in pursuit of floating bubbles and dust had been noted when the red plate was first used in the red-white tests just described. This rising was like that often seen in natural waters on dull days or at sunrise or sunset when the sky is red. It was possible that under the conditions the rising was a response to light of any quality but of a definite brightness for the fish. In that case, if the rising response were shown toward two lights of different quality when presented separately, these might be regarded as of such brightness for the fish as to induce similar reaction. If the fish then showed differential behavior toward the two lights, the response must be based on wave-length, or quality differences. This supposition was tested by using a very dull white plate in place of the red. The 5 mm. slit was left above the one plate, which thus remained illuminated with mixed light, while the red filter was removed from above the other plate and a second slit was introduced. This slit was gradually narrowed in successive tests until it was but little more than 0.1 mm. wide, but the rising response was not noted. When the slit reached 0.1 mm., the fish rose to the surface and snapped at small floating objects. Thus while the white light illumination of one of the plates remained constant, i. e., that through a 5 mm. slit, that on the other plate was changed from red without a slit to white with a 0.1 mm. slit. The rising response took place with these two con- ditions of illumination. Apparently the light from the LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 25 red plate without the slit was for the fish in some way equal to white light through a 0.1 mm. slit, or the behavior was a chance response. I decided to see whether the fish could discriminate between the two light patches that had apparently in- duced the rising action and were presumably equated in brightness, i. e., the red without the slit and the white through the 0.1 mm. slit. I tested them with the red on one side and this very dull white on the other. The fish which had given the best response to the white continued to go to it and to feed before it as I shifted the plates from side to side, though the brightness of the white presented was now presumably reduced to that of the red. The other fish gave slight evidence of a " position habit," but on the second day responded accurately to the reduced white. The width of the slit used with the white was again changed to 5 mm., then to 2 mm,, then to 4 mm. Eighty per cent of the choices continued to the white. There seemed little possibility that brightness was controlling the behavior when a continually shifting brightness for positive stimulus was presented. The avoidance of a red plate at first and the ability to distinguish it from the white plate, even when the latter presumably matches it in brightness, is a more consistent explanation. The shift- ing brightness of the white plate did not prevent discrim- ination. That this red plate had a very definite value and a very different one from any dull white, was shown also by a tendency on the part of the dace to avoid the red illuminated area as compared to their indifferent ap- proach toward the dimly illuminated white. But this initial tendency to avoid red was very brief on the part of the dace. It is doubtful whether such a tendency would be shown by all individuals. 3. Wave-Length Discrimination: Blue-Red by Dace a. Red chiefly at constant maximum intensity. To test the power of dace to discriminate longer and shorter wave-lengths, the apparatus already described was used with both the red and blue filters in place. By this means two patches of light were presented to the fish, 26 CORA D. REEVES the one of wave-length ^. 4600 to ^ 5245, with maximum in the blue; the other of wave-length from ^ 5890 to beyond the end of the visible spectrum. The two filters were quite different in the degree to which they interrupted the light. When the stimulus patches were observed with the filters in place but without the slit, the red was brilliant, while the blue was somewhat dull but a saturated color. In order to tell whether the illuminations used were effective, dace that were tame but without experience in the experi- ment aquarium were observed when put into compart- ment 2 and presented with the stimulus patches. They were not fed. At first one plate was illuminated with the light passed through the blue filter while the other was unilluminated. The straight approach to the blue as compared with the zigzag swimming on the non-illuminated side showed that the particular illumination was effec- tive in modifying the behavior of the fish. Then with my eyes dark-adapted I matched this blue and a red in bright- ness by varying the width of a slit used with the red. The red thus reduced was presented to the fish in contrast with no-illumination. It was certain that the fish again responded to the lighted area by definite straight approach but moved in a zigzag course in the non-illuminated side. When the slit was removed and the brilliant red presented, while the other plate remained unilluminated, the approach to the red area was in a straight line; but the fish came only half the distance to the stimulus plate from the slide- door, then turned suddenly across the aquarium into the dark half, and retreated. Other tests showed that the brilliant red gave strong stimulation. It was evident that both red and blue patches of light were effective as stimuli for the fish, and that without the slit the red stimulated more strongly than the blue. It now remained to discover whether the fish could learn to go to the blue for food, and whether at any intensity the red would give the same stimulation as the blue. If the fish could discriminate the red and blue patches at all intensities of red, it must be concluded that discrimination was on the basis of quality and not brightness. If, at any intensity of red, discrimination of the two patches became LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 27 impossible, it must be concluded that the patches were then of equal brightness for the fish and that they were unable to discriminate them by their quality difference. The first tests were made without the slit, that is, with the red much more intense than the blue. They are pre- sented in this section, while those with shifting values of red appear in the following section. The plate illuminated by the spectral band ^ 4600 to ^ 5245 (blue) was chosen for the positive plate, and the fish were fed before it and Fig. 11 The First Record of Fish H (see p. 28). not before the red. The experiments were made with two horned dace, Md'^ and //J" . These fish had been in the laboratory a year, and the previous spring had been tested with red and blue in the experiment aquarium for some weeks. When they were again introduced into the experi- ment aquarium on the morning of October 13, 1914, they showed absence of fear by coming within two minutes to feed from my fingers. A detailed account of a single ex- periment will serve to illustrate their general character. 28 CORA D. REEVES At 1:30 P. M. the curtains were drawn to exclude all extraneous light from the experiment aquarium, and the ceiling light was turned on. At 2 P. M. the Nernst glowers were lighted. By the method already described the fish were brought into the discrimination compartment. The slit was not used, so that the brilliant red patch and the saturated blue were presented. The slide door was raised a short distance. The two dace were swimming about the top of compartment 2, figure 2, and did not appear to note the opening. At 3:21 P. M. the slide door was again opened. H went into the blue lighted area, and although the food-bar was released and he remained near the end of the bar with its piece of worm, the food was not touched. His path is shown in figure 11. The ap- proach to the red and then the straight path across in front of that plate appear to show an inhibition of further ap- proach to the bright red area. At 4:20 P. M. the door was again raised and both dace swam out in the wavering paths characteristic of exploring fish. One went to the blue lighted area and fed. H was then closed into the retention compartment, while the fish Md was tested. A typical record (fig. 12) follows: P. M. 4:53 Slide door opened. 4:54 Swimming back and forth in the discrimination compartment; pauses fre- quently with head in midline. 4:58 Pauses on either side of the midline. 5:00 Went out to blue area and up into the direct blue light; stayed there a time; fed. In this preliminary work H was next tested. The first thirteen out of fifteen responses were to the blue. When Md was again tested thirty-eight out of forty responses were to the blue. For the next ten trials of H the slit was used, so that the light intensity of the red was reduced to 66, 37, and 20 per cent of its maximum value. The fish went to the blue area nine out of ten times with this shifting intensity of red. It appeared that there was a decided tendency to approach the blue rather than the red. It was now evident that this was true even when the bright red was reduced in intensity. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 29 During the following weeks a separate series ot tests with the red at maximum value was made for each fish. The percentages of blue choices for each ten trials were: For H: 80, 90, 80, 60, 40, 90, 70, 30, 60, 70 per cent. For Md: 85, 50, 70, 70, 70, 80, 50, 80, 70, 90, 100 per cent. The variations in the records from day to day, as shown in the above percentages and in the graphs, indicate that ffeJ ^-)o Fig. 12 Path of Md going from the discrimination tank to the blue illuminated area, p. 28 uncontrolled factors modified behavior. In figure 13, at. the left over the heading " Red Maximum " the records of these fish are shown in graphs plotted from the average percentages of correct choices in each twenty successive trials. In the graphs of Md and H the first 20 preliminary trials are also included. During the period covered by this series there were variations in the quality of the water supplied to the aquarium, due to changes in the filter cores, which become porous, and variations in the light due to changes in the electric current, which affected the intensity of the ceiling light. Besides these external vari- ables some manifestations of breeding behavior indicated 30 CORA D. REEVES an internal factor. A further indication of an internal factor was the behavior of fish H. He jumped from the aquarium once or twice and this jumping was on days when the fish had approached the bright light. In its native brook the male fish in the spawning season remains in the brightly lighted shallows rather than hiding in the dark pools (Reighard 1910). His jumping from the aquar- ium may have been a positive reaction toward stronger light. In spite of these modifications of behavior the record indicates that the fish discriminated between the red and blue when the red was very bright. This is espe- cially true of the fish Md. b. Tests of dace Md. Blue with red decreasing in intensity. Since discrimination appeared to be possible with the red at the maximum intensity as well as at 2/3, 1/3, and 1/5 maximum, Md was again tested while the slit on the red side was gradually reduced in width so as to give a wide range of reduced intensities. The results are shown in figure 13, graph Md, at the right over the heading " Red decreasing." Her percentage of red choices remained be- tween 85 and 95 as long as the slit opening was more than 1 mm. At a slit width of about 0.9 mm. the percentage of correct choices was only 60 for the first twenty trials (trials 201-220). But when the slit width was kept at about this value for twenty additional trials, the fish made ^3) per cent of correct choices (trials 221-240). With greater reduction of the light intensity of the red area the fish continued to show a high percentage of positive or blue responses. This happened when the red was reduced in brightness so as to be duller than the blue for the human dark-adapted eye, and finally so dull that it had little color value to the human eye. The slit width was reduced suc- cessively to 0.9 mm., 0.6 mm., and 0.4 mm. Following this a photographic negative" was interposed to further reduce the light and was used with slit widths of 0.6 mm., 0.4 mm., and 0.2 mm., successively. ^ A photographic negative was made by passing the Hght through the blue filter so that any local differences in the amount of light transmitted by the filter might be duplicated on the other side. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 31 JiSmm l^/c///? o/j////n mrr? ^ Afc7/cA,9e/ ^ J>u//er- ^ 20M F-2 2/ as ac ae-a^' m^Arr Md ' 1 QO 1 -A V A{/ 1 'eTSd -~^ \ 1 ffO \ 1 \ ?~ L \ a u'° u \ %, ^«7 \ / \ tvn i>> ea eio so , /OO •^/Tjm JiS.-£S SSS J S-/.5 G/.5' neoa/zt^f* 1 QO /4//SO 41 f^ \ f!n S \ \ y '-. ^ ^ ,< \ ^o \ a- io \ /6I /SO /S/iOO \ \ <^ \ \ \ 1 \ ^c 1 £/- *o V '°'- /!0 420 H yoo J^/^/77 JS-i5 /sz /■S a.9 as-of 6-/fS'/'rQ''//yfi . 2!/-,t«0_ »l/-260 90 V /-PO 2/ «o / so r -1 /IV /an / ^ y \ 'W f^ / FO \ „, 4 \ N ,^ P\ 2t Vil •o *4 4f-N k^ 90 / /<4 '/so f^O \ /^ \ s 7 ■w \ / */■ ^ :fSZ ' YP ,3iS^ " JO-20 30/0 3-2 ae/s- •^s oA '<« ry? \ \ - !^n \ /« y/20 L s/ /oo f~~^ ~1 ■--. /z/ /'M •^0 > P \ ^ r /W /60 fiO \^ \ 1 ^ ^ ^ YP, and conclusions. The graphs of these fish, made by plotting the percent- age of correct choices for each successive twenty trials, and distributing these according to the width of slit used with the red variable, are shown in figure 13. The slit widths appear at the top of the graphs, and the corre- sponding relative intensity of illumination of the red filter may be read from the curve, figure 7. Each graph falls into two parts, as indicated at the bottom of figure 13. During the first part the red remains at maximum intensity. During the second part the red is slowly decreased in intensity by means of the slit. Each graph (except YP) may also be divided into three parts, determined by the human dark-adapted eye as indicated at the top of the figure. In the first of these the red is brighter than the blue; in the second the region of matched brightness for the human dark-adapted eye is reached; LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 33 while in the third the red is duller than the blue. The introduction of a negative to further reduce the intensity of the red is also indicated at the top of the graphs. The general features of the entire graphs may first be noted. At first there was avoidance of the bright red plate. This shows in all the graphs in the high percentage of blue choices at the beginning. After the initial avoidance, there follows in the record of each fish a time when the bright red and the blue were approached with nearly equal frequency, as shown by the fall in the curves toward 50 per cent. This drop in the curves probably indicates that the fish were becoming accustomed to the bright red so that they no longer avoided it, while the association blue- food had not yet been formed. After the curves have descended they again rise while the red is still at maximum value. The curves thus reach a maximum indicating 80- 100 per cent of correct or blue choices. Their rise is evi- dence of the formation of the association blue-food. With reduction of intensity of red the curves again descend to a level indicating but 50 to 70 per cent of correct choices. Thus as the brightness of the red patch is reduced to that of the blue for the human dark-adapted eye (slit width about 1.0 m), the ability of the fish to discriminate the two diminishes, but in differing degrees in different individuals. Failure to discriminate is evident in Md at a slit width of about 1 mm. (trials 201-220). In Yl the failure comes at slit width 5 mm. (trials 101-140). If no other trials than these had been made at these slit widths the curves would show for these two fish failure to discriminate at a certain value of the red variable. It would be fair to conclude that at this red value the red and blue were matched in brightness for the fish and were indistinguish- able by means of any quality difference. The entire curves might then be interpreted in terms of brightness differences in the two stimulus patches. But when the fish failed to discriminate at a brightness of the red corre- sponding to slit width 1.0 mm. to 0.9 mm., in the case of Md and width 5 mm. in the case of Yl, the trials were continued at these widths (trials 221-240 for Md. 121-160 for Yl). The curves of Md and Yl then rise, and a return 34 CORA D. REEVES of discrimination is thus shown. This return of discrim- ination is probably due to the failure to secure food, which has made the fish hungry and alert. With further reduc- tion in the intensity of the red, discrimination is main- tained in varying degree by all the fish. Discrimination continues when slit widths of red are reduced to 0.6 mm., 0-.4 mm., and 0.2 mm., and finally when the interposition of the photographic negative has made the red so dull that it has scarcely any color value for the human eye. That the difference in distribution of light over the plates does not control the behavior of the fish appears from the results. For it is at slit width of 35 mm. for both plates that discrimination is easiest and at that width the light distribution is identical for the two plates. On the other hand discrimination is more difficult at slit width 5. to 0.9 mm. for the red plate and in this region there is a dif- ference varying from 0.1 per cent to 10 per cent in the relative intensities of center and border in the variable plate. The ease or difficulty of discrimination does not vary with variation in illumination of the variable plate (Note the graph of fish H.) It is shown elsewhere that the dace did not learn in my own experiments to dis- criminate intensity differences less than 1 :4. The most accurate brightness discrimination found by any worker is that reported by Hess (1909) in which differential response was obtained to two white plates illuminated as 1.0 to 1.23. When the graphs of the four dace are compared, it is at once evident that they are not alike. Identity is not to be expected since fish differ in the degree to which they are influenced by external stimuli, in readiness of response, and perhaps in ability to discriminate wave-lengths. If we compare first the ' red maximum ' part of the curves, it is seen that the initial fall is more gradual in Md and H than in the other two fish. In both of them it involves 100 trials as compared with 20 in YP and 17, and in the case of H there is no descent of the curve for the- first 40 trials. Both H and Md had to be taken from the aquar- ium during the first part of this series of trials in order to perfect the adjustment of the apparatus. This prob- ably accounts for the greater number of trials required LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 35 for them to " get used " to the red. H was of distinctly different temperament from Md; he gave more evidence of fright reactions and was more " cautious." Doubtless his failure to approach the red until after 40 trials was due to these peculiarities. The curves of Yl and YP are then more typical than those of // and Md in so far as they show a rapid adaptation to the red stimulus patch. Dur- ing the ' red decreasing ' part of the curves, temporary failure to discriminate is shown for Md at slit width 0.9 mm. In Yl it occurs at width 5.0 mm. In the case of YP, as the graph shows, no trials were made between slit widths 2.0 mm. and 0.6 mm. Had trials been made at this width, i. e., between trials 120 and 121 of this fish, a drop in the curve would probably have taken place. Although trials were made with H at slit width 1.0 mm. and 0.9 mm., no considerable drop occurs at this point or else- where in his curve. The curve shows merely a lower region between slit widths 2.0 mm. and 0.9 mm. Somewhere in this region the stimulus patches probably matched in brightness for this fish. The fact that this fish discrimin- ated more accurately than any of the others when the red was' greatly reduced in intensity (trials 221-260) is con- sistent with his better discrimination at matched bright- ness. The greater caution of this fish has been referred to. JO ^O /O S-2 /OSI OS'n^o/'^e SO eo i X / X / \ i V \ / 1 Y ' — -D^r-f . FIG. 14 Graph made by plotting the percentage of correct choices found by averaging all the records from the four dace for each successive width of slit. The individual graphs of these dace are shown in figure 13. Abscissae indicate successive slit widths in millimeters, ordinates percentage of correct choices at the given widths. 36 CORA D. REEVES When we compare the curves of the fish Md and 17, in which a distinct drop marks failure to discriminate, we find that this failure does not occur at identical slit widths In the two. It occurs about 5.0 mm. for 17 and at 0.9 mm. for Md. It is probable that in this region of decreasing red-brightness the exact point at which discrimination is lost and recovered depends on the chance rushing of the fish toward a red plate similar to the blue in brightness. When this occurred, it was shown by a fall in the percent- age of correct choices — a fall in the curve. The slit- width was then held constant. As hunger increased through failure to get food, it may be that the fish became more alert and looked at the plates before it swam toward them. The percentage of correct choices then increased. Ability to discriminate between the plates was present at all these slit widths, but became manifest only when hunger helped the association blue-food to function in behavior. If we take the records of these four fish, more than eight hundred in number, and plot the averages of correct choices at the successive widths of the slit, the curve (fig. 14) shows a region from 5.0 mm. to 0.9 mm. in which discrimination is less accurate. This region includes the point wher'e the blue and red are matched in brightness for the human dark-adapted eye. But even here there is over 70% of correct choice; while the average percentage of correct . choices for the whole series is a little above eighty. The individual curves show that at every intensity of the de- creasing red the fish sooner or later discriminated. The composite curve shows no region of very low discrimina- tion. It appears to follow from these experiments that: (1) Dace do not easily learn to differentiate white stimulus patches of considerable difference in intensity (1 to 4). (2) They discriminate promptly between red and white with variation in the intensity of the white, which in- cludes a white intensity inducing a similar response to that of the red used. (3) They discriminate between blue and red at all in- tensities of red. While there is at first lack of accuracy m response when these two colors were similar in brightness LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 37 for the fish, response becomes more accurate as trials with similar brightness are continued. 4. Intensity Discrimination by Sun?ish as Indicated by Response To study the relative sensitivity of sunfish to white light of different intensities, tests were made with some small (4 cm.) untrained sunfish. These fish had shown themselves sensitive to lower intensities of light, than the dace, for they stayed motionless in the farthest corner of the aquarium if brilliantly lighted patches were presented. The stimulus patches were therefore reduced in intensity by the use of slits on both sides. The fish were not fed, but their reactions were observed when the stimulus patches were exposed by lifting the slide door. When one plate was illuminated through a slit of 0.4 mm. and the other through one of 0.6 mm. there were slight differences in behavior toward the two. One record shows a straight return along the midline; another shows that in approach- ing the patches the fish swung back and forth to the mid- line. These turns, doubtless, were responses to a change of stimulus intensity at the mid-line. When one stimulus plate was illuminated through a 0.2 mm. slit and the other plate through slits successively 0.2 mm., 0.25 mm., and 0.3 mm., I could determine no difference in the behavior of the fish toward the two plates. The approach to either plate was in a smooth, straight line at these narrow widths of the slit. But when the two slit- widths were 0.2 mm. and 0.4 mm., then the approach to the brighter side was no longer straight but slow and wavering. When in this series the slit- width for the brighter plate was increased to 0.6 mm., while the other remained at 0.2 mm., the fish, instead of approaching the plates, lurked in the corner farthest from them. Reference to the graph (fig. 7), which indicates the light intensities reaching the aperture of the lens as varied by slit-widths, shows that with slit-widths 0.2 and 0.4 mm. the intensities were about 1 to 2 (as they would be for 2 mm. and 4 mm.). Hence a capacity to respond to intensity differences of white light somewhat greater than a 1 to 2 ratio is present in sunfish. This result was obtained by the method of response. 38 CORA D. REEVES Two years after the tests just mentioned, one of the sunfish' which had meantime been trained in the discrim- ination of the colored plates, was tested by training meth- ods for brightness discrimination of white light. A 1 to 2 intensity difference was not found effective even after long training. At first, slits of 4 mm. and 0.6 mm. were used, and food was given in front of the duller plate. The first fourteen responses were positive, i. e., to the duller side. The width of the wider slit was then reduced. When the slits were 1.8 mm. and 0.6 mm. the fish showed 70 per cent of correct choice. When the slit- widths were 1.2 mm. and 0.6 mm., a long training failed to secure more than 50 or 60 per cent of responses to the duller plate. It is there- fore certain that under training methods this sunfish was able to make use of a difference of intensity of 1 to 3 corre- sponding to slit-widths 0.6-1.8 (see fig. 7, graph for Point 0) but not of a smaller difference under the conditions of illumination already described. It is possible, as indicated in the preceding experiment, that its unlearned response is the more accurate. 5. Wave-Length Discrimination. Blue-Red by Sunfish, with Red Decreas- ing IN Intensity a. General Account. — Three sunfish were used for this test, and each was separately tested. A 10 cm. female sunfish (Eupomotis gibbosus) named Large Sunfish was put into the experiment aquarium at the same time and subjected to the same training test under the same conditions as the dace Md and H (p. 25). The red and blue stimulus patches were presented, but for a time the fish lurked in the dark corners at the farther end of the discrimination compartment. Then the fish when tested approached to the blue illuminated area in a series of rapid mouse-like movements, but it refused to eat before the lighted plates. It required more than a month to so build up the food association with the blue area that shifts could be made in the intensity of the red plate without inhibiting the response; and even then sev- ^ This sunfish was " Small Sunfish " and was about 8 cm. long when used for these tests. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 39 Sf/'a/?/)?/' y /^o/cAec/ ^ jDa//e. Mc/A 0/^/,/,, 1 ^rtrrj 36 1 20 1 /0-P 1 J /L6 1 /.3 1 /.3-/J5 1 OP 1 o.e- 1 ntya/tre ~ .5 /4J /so 1 1 9< , / '\ i6/2S0 /a /"' / 1 \ \ 1 ^a/'xo 1 S< 3 •# •-so e>^ so ^ - ■-- ^^ / \ ' 1 32/-340 1 ,/ p a /OO /It ■/40 \ / \ / ?o ,,'i , / ^ / N / \ s / 1 1 fiC \ / \ ^ ^0/^30 \ / /J/ ^100 so 2/- 40 1 Z or^f xyiy/i/zbA ^90 /oo jiS^^ js^^ 2 /^ 09 0.9 09 as aeo^i ' 'I'll' „^^/,-,^ 1 1 1 .QO / |S ' ■fO /O/ -■ \. vac m \ 61 ■so /O/ /PO \ -" ^ ■^ /- /' 1 FO 4/- SO SI -/Ol j \ eo \ \ 30 /2/- 140 ^c '-PO\ . 1 <-5^rpa//JL^uy7/y3A /OO S5^n^ JSmm P 2 /.5 /.S 09 a9 OS S-/S i \ 00 4/-S0 h \ so / \ /O/^'SO / ^ / \ /4'/-/sa\ \ ^ A N \ A \ y^ \ / 1 ,/ a/ so /2/-/40 ! 1 / / 1 1 .10 ^/-ao 1 /?ec/ €Cf rTTaAfrrfur?-? ^ea c/^e /fyfi - - — 1 '^0 80 1, t p— J ^ ~ ^sj \ - P" T PO f!0 ■5(9 Fig. 16 Graph made by averaging all the percentages of correct choice of the three sunfish at the successive widths of slits indicated. with fluctuations as the red became duller, but no lack of discrimination after the food association had been estab- lished. When the negative already described was used to further reduce the light, there was at first a few red choices (trials 121-140); but, as with the other fish, there was recovery, and discrimination became more accurate. The percentage of correct choices was then 75 or over. When the graphs (fig. 15), made by plotting the per- centage of correct choices for each twenty tests for each 44 CORA D. REEVES of the three sunfish, are compared, it appears that with all three fish discrimination was easier and more exact when great brightness differences were present; but there was no intensity of red light tested where some fish did not show ten consecutive tests, with 90 to 100 per cent of correct choices. The average of all the sunfish records plotted, as in figure 16, fails to give a learning curve for two reasons: (1) there is at first an instinctive avoidance of the bright red plate; this gives a high initial percentage of correct or blue choices; (2) although the curve of 552 is similar in shape to that of the other fish, its successive high and low points occur at different values of red light intensity. The composite curve shown in figure 16 is, therefore, not a curve of learning; it shows merely that under the condi- tions of the experiment there is, at each intensity of red, some individual in the group that discriminates, so that the composite curve never drops to the 70 per cent level. When the composite sunfish graph is compared with that of the dace it is seen (1) that the percentage of correct choices in the region of matched brightness for the fish is, on the average, higher for sunfish than for dace (compare figs. 14 and 16); (2) that the range of slit- widths where dis- crimination is less accurate is shorter for the sunfish than for the dace. Discrimination fails for sunfish at slit-widths 2-0.9 mm. and for dace at widths 5-0.9 mm. This is in accord with the greater capability of sunfish to discriminate white light intensities. The more exact aim of the sunfish in capturing their food is perhaps evidence of their greater visual acuity. D. Tests of the Apparatus and its Manipulation. In the preceding account of this experimental work it is assumed that the fish are guided in their choice of stimu- lus patches solely by the patches themselves. But the operator must frequently shift filters and slit from side to side and must at each test pull the door-string and operate the electric switch while looking through the peep-hole. It is, therefore, possible that the fish were guided to a correct choice by some one of these manipulations. It is possible that some difference in food-bars or filters of the LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 45 two sides may have aided the fish. Since the slit was used chiefly on the red side, on which the fish were never fed, they may have learned by seeing the reflection of the slit on the lens to go to the opposite side for food. Check tests were, therefore, made in order to learn whether any- thing else than the stimulus patch served to guide the fish. 1. Check Tests by Changes in Manipulation a. Shifts of slit and filters as a clue. — The fish were in- variably shut into the retention compartment before the apparatus was adjusted for the day's trials. Since they were then unable to see the stimulus plates or other parts of the apparatus, these could afford them no clue in making their first choice for the day. To see whether their choice in subsequent trials was possibly influenced by the shift- ing of filter and slits from^ side to side, I often introduced make believe " shifts. These were interpolated in the course of the regular series of the day at times when the fish were discriminating accurately, and consisted in going through the manipulation of shifting slits or filters but without actually making the change. The responses of the fish were in no way affected. b. Position of the experimenter as a clue.— To learn whether a possible clue was afforded by the movement of the string or curtain or of my eyes, when I was in the usual position at the peek-hole outside the curtain, I fre- quently made tests while inside the curtain or in some other unusual position. None of these altered the responses of the fish. 2. Check Tests by Change in the Apparatus a. Food-bar. — Although, as already stated (p. 11), both ends of the food-bar were kept as nearly alike in appear- ance and position as possible, nevertheless, new food-bars were introduced from time to time, or the bar was occa- sionally removed and the fish were fed by hand if they remained before the blue plate. These changes made no difference in the percentage of correct responses of the fish. 46 CORA D. REEVES b. Lenses. — At the close of the red-blue series I slipped •out the lenses and tested the fish with only the red and blue filters in place. This reduced the intensity of the red and blue plates and changed the distribution of the light. Although the fish acted uneasy, they continued to dis- criminate. c. Filters. — Because the blue filter showed some irregu- larities in transmission, which might be the sign by which the fish knew where to come for food, a new filter was obtained. The red filter was changed several times, but these changes did not affect behavior. d. Slits. — In the experiments described a slit was used to regulate the light on the red side only. A mirror was used to determine the distance at which the image of the slit on the cylindrical lens was visible. The curtain already mentioned was used to hide the lenses from the fish (p. 14.) After the experiments had been completed a further test was made on untrained fish to learn whether by any possibility the difference in the appearance of the lenses could have influenced the behavior of the fish. This con- sisted in extending the vertical partition C, fig. 1, to the doorway D. The fish thus chose while still within the discrimination compartment at a point from which there was no possibility of their seeing the lenses. It was found that the fish could be trained to go to the blue plate after the partition was introduced. The fish had not been guided by the reflection of the slit on the lens above the red stimulus patch. As a further check a suspension of a very fine bone-black in a glycerine-water mixture was substituted for the slit. This suspension in different concentrations was placed in a glass-bottomed container above the red plate. By this arrangement there was no slit on either side. The blue patch remained rectangular and sharp bordered, but, owing to reflections from the carbon particles, the borders of the red patch were now indefinite. The small sunfish swam up to the blue at all intensities of red, including those which matched the blue for the human dark-adapted eye, as did also the dace H . The dace 17 circled about and gave indefinite responses, while YP went to the red plate. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 47 The difference in the appearance of the red plate might easily account for the behavior of 17 and YP, while the discrimination of H and the sunfish showed that they were not depending upon the presence of the slit in order to reach their food. Further evidence was furnished when a " new " blue filter was put into use. This let through the same range of wave-lengths as the old, or standard blue filter, but transmitted more light. In order to reduce the intensity of its color patch to match the standard blue, it was neces- sary to use a slit. The seven trained fish were tested with this " new " blue with the slit, and the red at maximum value, i. c, without the slit. The result of this arrange- ment was to transfer the slit to the blue side and leave the red side without a slit. Of 34 trials 30 were to the blue. It was clear that when the colors were not matched in brightness the fish could discriminate with the slit on the blue side quite as well as they had hitherto discriminated when it was on the red side. The slit did not afford them a clue. A short time after this the same fish were tested again, by the use of the slit with the new blue filter as in the last tests. To reduce the intensity of the red without the aid of a slit three separate means were used; the carbon suspen- sion already mentioned, a solution of saffranin, or a solu- tion of potassium sulfocyanide with ferric chloride. By use of the flicker photometer the new blue with the slit, and red reduced by one of the solutions were matched by varying the amount of the solution above the red plate. By this arrangement the slit was on the blue side while the red was without a slit. The experiment differs from the other experiment only in that the colored plates were matched in brightness. The distribution of the light over the two stimulus plates was again different because of reflections from the surface of the solutions employed on the red side. The results obtained are presented in Table I. The dace YP and 17 failed to discriminate. The record of H may also show lack of discrimination. In the case of the sunfish the definite straight lines of their paths to 48 CORA D. REEVES <: CO ^ CD ,£5 o a; a; rv •i3 k:i w o ^ 0) •-M O CD O Ph 0) (h CD 0) Z in u U < Q c/5 X M •xxxx 30 g N 3 M xx«xxxx-x..>< a; ■■•■XXX CO 3 ;;;X;;;;-X—XXXXX--- ■~o xxx--x-x^^xxx-^-x ffi ■ xxxx -x x xx XX x ■ ^ ;;;;;;;;;;;;--XX-X-- 3 XXX X 00 73 •o^ ;;XX----X-X^XX t> "=- 3 X ■ ■ -xxx -x ■ ■x -xx ■ ■xxx -xx 2 •X--X--X ? ■■■XXXXXX-^XX--X- o >-) 3 ■X-XXX X-XX-- IM •xxxxxx-^xx o ; ; X X 3 X X 1 ^ LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 49' the blue, as well as the number of correct choices of the three (35 blue to 7 red) made it plain that they discrimin- ated without the aid of the slit on the red side when bright- nesses match for human dark-adapted eyes. For the dace the record shows 41 red and 41 blue choices. These fish had long since ceased to avoid red. If their high per- centage of blue choices in the preceding tests had been merely choices of the no-slit side, they should, in the series now described, have made a high percentage of no-slit choices, and in that case would have chosen red. Taken alone this set of data certainly indicates lack of ability on the part of dace to discriminate patches of light which for man match in brightness. The results, however, show that the slit was not the means for discrimination by these trained fish. In some of these check tests the slit was not present on either side, in others it was transferred to the blue side. In the later procedure the fish did not show by high red choice that they were avoiding the slit and so using it as a guide. Further evidence that they were not guided by the slit appears in the section of this paper dealing with equated energy values (p. 53). The changes in the sharpness of outline of the red stimu- lus patches may account for the tendency of the dace to go toward it to investigate the unusual, Table I. In other words, changes in the appearance of the stimulation patches were sufficient to inhibit temporarily the association in those individuals in which it was weakest. The series was not long enough to re-establish the habitual response. E. Tests with changed quality of light. A further attempt was made to determine whether the quality of the light of the stimulus patches was the means for the discrimination shown by the fish in the red-blue series. The red variable had been presented at all intensities from very bright to very dull as described in section C. In the last tests (described in section C) the changes in intensity were rapid. It was thought that substituting a patch of light of moderate intensity but of different quality for this red variable might show the significance of wave- length for fish. • 50 CORA D. REEVES Therefore the red filter was removed and in its place was put the photographic negative already referred to. By means of this negative there was obtained a dull patch of mixed (gray) light which was then matched to the blue with the aid of a flicker photometer by varying the width of the slit. The two patches were thus made alike in bright- ness for the human eye dark-adapted. The dace H and Md and three sunfish were presented, each separately, with the matched patches, and were fed before the blue plate. The behavior of the fish was so significant that this discussion might be placed in the division of this paper on Unlearned Responses but is placed here to preserve the chronological order so that the previous experience of the fish may be clearly in mind.« The results are shown in Table II. Large Sunfish, Small Sunfish, and 552 chose the blue plate seventeen times and the gray plate but three times. The record for dace H shows 76 per cent of blue choices, not a high percentage. Of the 43 choices made by the five fish used 72 per cent were to be blue. These records are similar to those in which matched blue and red were used. As in that series the percentage of blue choices increased when the red was held at matched intensity, so here a longer series might have shown increase of percentage of blue choices. How- ever, the number of tests made was relatively few. Fur- ther work will doubtless show what significance the per- centage of choices may have as evidence that blue and gray are different for fish. That red was different from gray was evident from the behavior of the fish, for both delayed response and peculiar behavior occurred. a. Delayed Response. — On the first trial each sunfish swam rather quickly up to the blue, but for the succeeding trials the time of response was either greatly increased or there was no response, and the fish remained lurking in * Chronological Summary for //, Md, and Large Sunfish. 1914. Oct. 13 Intro- duced into Experiment Aquarium. 1. Blue-red Experiment. Oct. 13-Jan. 1, Red Maximum (A few early tests with decreased red). 1915. Jan. 1-March 20, Red De- creasing. 2. Check tests. Mar. 20-Apr. 2, With solutions. Ap.-il 3-5. Blue-Gray Experiment. April 8-10, Equated Energy. The data of introduction of Yi, YP, also Sma". Sunfish and S.S- was the last of November 1914. Their dates differ in that the Blue-red series is shorter but in the following experiments the dates are the same. LIGHT OF DIFFERENT WAVE-LENGTHS BY FISH 51 CQ < ro (1) Q) ;^ n O Uj 0) <-U a UJ Ph T-! ^ t/2 a; Uh :3 '-I— 1 03 :3 hfl ?1 0) rn ^ ^^ - ^ "-■ t-i +-> CAl rG oj a; ^ r^ );i V) o (S rn O '^ CO CD Oh^ o s ^ 9 Loai^c Soo ■-HMtO ^ re 0 c "a E CM M 1 , ^0 0 r 3 3 O 0 CO X o X 0 >< C C Time in sec. 60 480 660 30 360 n (M X - ^ O 3 O U3 X X X X 0 X c Cm re —1 ■-< 'H c K X X ^ X X X X X X X X X XXXXX X XX a; (J He LOOOt-~OOtDLO-S-CD!r!<£lO t^;Dt^0505C 1 X XCM X X X in o 3 3 0 - O X c 1) 2>) says: Bingham has raised the whole question as to what is meant by form.' . . . • . While the chick can apparently respond to the difference in form be- tween the circle and the square, and the circle and the triangle, when they are equal in area, yet such responses, after all, are really nothing more than keen perception of size differences. He draws this conclusion from the fact that after the chick has learned the circle-triangle habit with the base of the triangle down, the habit will disintegrate if the apex is placed down. (p. 366). Quite naturally, this interpretation of form perception has called forth considerable comment. Hunter's contribution (13) 3 For this suggestion I hasten to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Yerkes who proposed this question as a part of my experimental task. Because he conceived the possibility, however, it does not follow that he agrees with my view. All responsibility for subsequent use of the conception as an explanation of the facts, I alone assume. 14 HAROLD C. BINGHAM to the discussion which has ensued consists in calling attention to the need of sharper distinction between the study of form discrimination and pattern discrimination. He argues that we should not expect the child to discriminate forms in the sense of my definition. He theorizes that infrahuman animals "have only a more or less crude pattern vision." As a means of test- ing the validity of his theory he proposes that the surroundings of the discriminable forms be changed, since the form, seen with its surroundings, must be considered as part of a pattern. Even if no other objects are in the visual field the stimulus "is seen surrounded by the more or less irregular outline of the field of vision, and so is again part of a pattern." To demonstrate experimentally whether the animal is react- ing to forms or patterns. Hunter proposes that the electric chambers of the experiment box be fitted, after a perfect habit has been established, with hollow cylinders or hollow triangular prisms through which the stimuli may be seen by the reacting subject. He presents diagrams which, he declares, represent the discrimination situation in my experiment and in Lashley's study (20) of form perception in the rat. Both series of, experiments are concerned with patterns not forms In problem boxes such as those described by Lashley and Bingham .... the animal tested is confronted not by two "forms'^ corresponding to the configura- tions of the opal glass, but by such designs as are suggested in figure 1. The squares drawn in the figure represent the rectangular tunnels down which the animal goes in making his responses. What the animal sees is a triangle or a circle each in more or less of a square setting. Designs 4 and 5 represent Laskley's "forms." Johnson (14) points out that Hunter's proposed method of control would introduce new olfactory stimuli and probably new tactile stimuli. Is there any means of deciding, he asks, whether failure to discriminate, after making such a change, resulted from the change of pattern or from the simultaneous introduction of other novelties? Furthermore, Johnson be- lieves the change of a form stimulus from the right to the left compartment of the experiment box actually changes the back- ground and foreground. This would therefore make the pat- tern a variable and the form a constant. In addition to Johnson's reply to Hunter's contention, I have pointed out (3) the impossibility of pattern, in Hunter's sense, VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 15 serving as the discriminable factor. The conditions of control leave the rectangular tunnel constant but wholly change, if not destroy, the perceptibility of the environment. That the animals could not see the environment is attested by the fact that they were frequently observed to walk bHndly into the confining walls. Not all of the time was the environment "darkened," but the control tests were always made to determine whether, among other factors, setting was a factor in discrimination. Figure 1, as presented by Hunter, does not accurately illus- trate the condition of the stimulus areas. With the intro- duction of a screen as a means of control between the general illumination and the electric boxes and with the reduction of the intensity of the source lights, a similar condition to that illustrated in figure 2 appears. In the compartment where the triangle appears, the source light fails to illuminate the corners A O V Fig. 1. Reprinted from Jour. Animal BeJmvior, vol. 3, no. 5, p. 331. of the tunnel, and so the perceptible portion of the setting changes to a sort of circular form as in diagram 1. About the circular stimulus, the visible setting is more nearly a perfect circle as is shown in diagram 2. Even if my apparatus offered a possibility of pattern discrimination, my plan of control (2 : p. 98) would have made so variable the patterns confronting the animal that they never could have served as a basis of discrimination. Hunter has apparently overlooked one of the essential fea- tures of the apparatus used in my study. The dark-room ap- paratus allows the experimenter to control the visibility of sur- roundings by means of artificial illumination. His criticism 16 HAROLD C. BINGHAM would be valid for similar experiments conducted in natural and uncontrolled light. With the discrimination of stimuli con- tinued under a varied visibility of surroundings the perception could not have been of patterns. In a brief review, Washburn (32) dissents from my interpre- tation of form perception, declaring that she would conclude that the chick is not possessed of an abstract idea of triangularity. She says: A triangle with apex up is a different form from a triangle with apex down: the two have in common only the abstract quaHty of three-sideness. The per- ception of form, as distinct from an abstract idea of form, is based precisely on the unequal stimulation of different parts of the retina. A portion of my later paper involves this lack of agreement in defining form (3). In that paper it is maintained that my Fig. 2 Reprinted from Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 4, p. 137. conception of form is in keeping with the ordinary usage of the term, and that we should not depart from the usual meaning in an effort to have it included in an animal's stock of percep- tual experiences. If we find that our animals have a power of discrimination which approaches form perception, but which Is not form perception in the strict sense of the term, we should adopt a terminology to fit the special case; we should not attempt to enlarge the scope of the old term to cover the special case. Perhaps a more or less crude pattern vision is the nearest approach to form perception that animals possess. At any rate, Hunter has done well in calling attention to the distinction between patterns and forms. But our definition should not stop here. Two forms may be identical, but even in the ab- VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 17 sence of an orienting background or environment (pattern), as in the dark room studies, there may yet be a fundamental dif- ference. This difference has been arbitrarily called "shape." An illustration of form similarities having shape differences is furnished in the experimental setting of Lashley's study. He used two identical forms in that both were rectangles 2 mm. by 60 mm. In his use, however, they differ in this respect: one is extended laterally thirty times as far as its vertical extension; the other is extended vertically thirty times longer than later- ally. This has been defined as a difference in shape of two identical forms. It is not to be denied that a triangle with vertex up differs from a triangle with vertex down, but one can scarcely say that they are different forms. They are both triangles, and more; they are equilateral triangles. Obviously it is desirable to ad- here as far as possible to an explanation of the difference between these patternless stimuli in perceptual terms instead of resorting to ideational content. It seems useful to employ a term like "shape," therefore, which may differ in forms that are other- wise identical. When the extended base of the triangle is so placed as to stimulate the region of the retina which was for- merly stimulated by the vertex of the triangle, a condition oc- curs similar to that pointed out regarding Lashley's forms: the forms remain identical, but the lines of maximum and minimum extension become interchanged. This fact led me to conclude in my paper (2: p. 110) that the apparent reactions to form are the result of keen perception of size differences. It seems prob- able that they are due to the perception of these so-called shape differences. The inversion of the triangle causes certain partic- ular size changes — vertex or point interchanged with base or line — which introduces a change in shape, but no general change of size since the area remains constant. Similarly, the factor of triangularity remains constant and the form is unchanged. Not "the perception of form," therefore, but the perception of shape "is based precisely on the unequal stimulation of different parts of the retina." Our definition, then, as separate from the distinction between forms and patterns, should distinguish between forms and shapes. Referring to the retinal area stimulated, there is form which is general, for example a triangle. But there is a partic- 18 HAROLD C. BINGHAM ular feature about this general distribution of light — it is equi- lateral, or isosceles, or right angled — which is called shape. Forms are identical when their areas are equal and their general retinal distribution is similar. Shapes of forms are identical when all extension of the identical forms are equal and in cor- responding directions. Thus, the area remaining constant, either or both form and shape may change. The form remain- ing constant, the shape may change. Change in form must always be accompanied by change in shape. Unquestionably the test of form perception by inversion of the triangle is a severe one. But if this test of inversion is found to interrupt the discrimination, form perception in the strict sense of the term can scarcely be said to prevail. More- over, there is evidence that form perception regarded not as an abstract idea but as perceptual phenomena does not exist. More in line with Washburn's inclination to regard my inter- pretation of form as "an abstract idea of triangularity" (32) is my incidental observation (2) of reactions to relative stimulus difference. Because a few chicks showed ability to carry the correct large-small reactions from a 6-4 training to a 4-3 or 9-6 test situation, it would seem that the chick has some sort of ideational content. Watson, having been informed by John- son that the latter failed to secure positive evidence in this relative stimulus problem with a single adult game bantam, hastily remarks (33): "From experiments now in progress at Nela Physical Laboratory (Johnson) it would seem that this observation cannot be confirmed." Johnson, however, is more conservative and disclaims Watson's unguarded remark by sug- gesting that the variation is due to individual differences partic- ularly because it was found that not all of my subjects reacted positively to this problem. Moreover, I found only one chick that reacted positively and perfectly to both of the unfamiliar combinations. Doubtless, the amount of training has much to do with the nature of the reaction. One of the best controlled studies employing the dark room- discrimination method is reported by Johnson (15-16). His report, appearing as two papers, is on the detail vision of the dog, the monkey, and the chick. The first paper deals with standardization of method in which he presents certain improve- ments upon the Yerkes-Watson apparatus. He commendably VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 19 points out that my discussion of controls (2) is ambiguous through my synonymous use of the words "intensity" and "brightness," The luminous intensity of a source, he declares, involves the total number of candles presented, but the bright- ness is the luminous intensity divided by the area of the source. The brightness, then, is measured in terms of candles per unit of area. In the light of this definition, Breed's use of the term "brightness" (5) is also open to criticism. Regarding Johnson's assertion (15) that I reported "no con- trol tests to show that discrimination was on the basis of size, rather than of luminous intensity of the stimuli," it is sufficient to note that variation of source distances would vary both brightness and luminosity. Independent variation of these two factors would be unnecessary so long as neither was allowed to remain constant. This control is adequately described in my report (2) on page 98. Johnson's method consists in presenting striate fields for dis- crimination, adopting the visual angle subtended by one of the striae as a convenient measure of the animal's visual acuity. In terms of the visual angle subtended by individual striae, the stimulus threshold for the chick was found to be slightly above 4'. The standard individual striae were about 0.11 mm. in width, the assumption being that, at the given distance of 60 cm., "they were too small to be resolved by the eye." The minimum size of the variable individual striae discriminated from the standard striae was accepted for chick 1 as 0.710 mm. and for chick 2 as 0.743 mm. (16). The refined dark room-color apparatus is used by Lashley (21) in studying the spectrum of the chick. Preliminary to his study of wave length and without using punishment as a motive, he finds that the brightness threshold is approximately three to one. In contrast with earlier work, this difference limen is unusually large. Aside from certain trivial errors in computations, Lash- ley's work seems to have been carefully done. He thinks that field experimenters may feel confident that differential reactions of birds to colored objects are made on the basis of wave length if the objects do not differ enormously in brightness for the experimenter. He concludes that "the chick can distinguish between monochromatic lights of any intensity between thresh- old and the Pfund standard, irrespective of the brightness or saturation. The effective stimulus is the wave length." 20 HAROLD C. BINGHAM Finally, the latest paper dealing with chick reactions is by Fletcher, Cowan, and Arlitt (8a) / They have made compara- tive observations of chicks hatched, from normal eggs, from alcholized eggs, from eggs with distilled water inserted, and from eggs merely pierced and sealed. Inherited and acquired reactions of these four groups were observed after the manner of Breed (4-5). They have contributed nothing to the topic of visual acuity. In addition to this chick literature, studies in bird vision have been made by Porter (24a-24b) on the sparrow, cowbird, and pigeon; by Tugman (31) on the sparrow; and by Coburn (6) on the crow. In technique, the work of Porter is similar to that of Katz and Revesz (17-18) but it reflects less ingenuity than the German papers. However, Porter's work was done a little earlier than that of Katz and Revesz and he seems to have been better acquainted with the historical setting of his task. Co- burn's and Tugman's studies have made use of recent available developments in the field of infra-human vision. These papers will receive further consideration in subsequent chapters where the results will be compared with my own results from the chick. Bibliography of Publications to 1916 1. Aristotle: De Anima. 2. Bingham, H. C. Size and form perception in Gallus domesticus. Journal 1913 Animal Behavior , vol. 3, pp. 65-113. 3. . A definition of form. Ibid., vol. 4, pp. 136-141. 1914. 4. Breed, F. S. The development of certain instincts and habits in chicks. 1911. Behavior Monographs, vol. 1, no. 1, Pp. Ill + 78. 5. . Reactions of chicks to optical stimuli. Journal Animal Behavior, 1912. vol. 2, pp. 280-295. 6. Coburn, C. A. The behavior of the crow, Corvus americanus, Aud. Journal 1914. Animal Behavior, vol. 4, pp. 185-201. 7. Cole, L. W. The relation of strength of stimulus to rate of learning in the 1911. chick. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 1, pp. 111-124. 8. Eimer, G. H. T. Organic evolution. Tr. London. 1890. 8a. Fletcher, J. M., Cowan, E. A., and Arlett, A. H. Experiments on the 1916. behavior of chicks hatched from alcoholized eggs. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 6, pp. 103-137. 9. Hess, C. Ueber Dunkeladaptation und Sehpurpur bei Hiihnern und Tauben. 1907. Arch. f. Augenheilk., Bd. 57, S. 298-316. * This manuscript was prepared in 1916. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 21 10. Untersuchungen iiber den Lichtsinn und Farbensinn bei Tagvoglen. 1907. Ihid., Bd. 57, S. 317-327. 11. . Untersuchungen uber das Sehen und iiber die pupillenreaktion von 1908. Tag und von Nachtvogeln. Ibid., Bd. 59, S. 143-167. 12. Hunt, H. E. Observations on newly hatched chicks. American Journal 1897. Psychology, vol. 9, pp. 125-137. 13. Hunter, W. S. The question of form perception. Journal Animal Be- 1913. havior, vol. 3, pp. 329-333. 14. Johnson, H. M. Hunter on the question of form perception in animals. 1914. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 4, pp. 134-135. 15. . Visual pattern-discrimination in the vertebrates — I. Problems and 1914. methods. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 4, pp. 319-339. 16. . Visual pattern-discrimination in the vertebrates — II. Comparative 1914. visual acuitv in the dog, the monkev, and the chick. Ibid., pp. 340- 361. 17. Katz, D. and Revesz, G. Ein Beitrag zur Kentnis des Lichtsinns der 1907. Hiihner. Nachr. d. k. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Gottingen, Math.-physik. Kl. S. 406-409. (Cited by Lashley). 18. . Experimentelle-psychologische Untersuchungen mit Hiihnern. Zeit. 1909. /. Psych, u. Physiol, d. Sinnesorgane, Bd. 50, S. 93-116. 19. Kline, L. W. Methods in animal psychology. American Journal Psychol- 1899. ogy, vol. 10, pp. 265-277. 20. Lashley, K. S. Visual discrimination of size and form in the rat. Journal 1912. Animal Behavior, vol. 2. pp. 210 ff. 21. . The color vision of birds. I. The spectrum of the domestic fowl. 1916. /Z)zJ.,voL6,pp. 1-26. 22. Mills, W. The nature and development of animal intelligence. New York 1898. and London. Pp. XII -j- 307. 23. Morgan, C. L. Habit and instinct. New York and London. Pp.351. 1896. 24. Pearl, R. Studies on the physiology of reproduction in the domestic fowl. 1914. VII. Data regarding the brooding instinct in relation to egg produc- tion. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 4, pp 266-288. 24a. Porter, J. P. A preliminary study of the psychology of the English 1904. sparrow. American Journal Psychology, vol. 15, pp. 313-346. 24b. . Further studv of the English sparrow and other birds. Ibid., vol. 1906. 17, pp. 248-271'. 25. Preyer, W. The senses and the will. Tr. New York. Pp. XXV -1- 346. 1890. 26. Romanes, G. J. Mental evolution in animals. New York. Pp. 411. 1884. 27. Shepard, J. F., AND Breed, F. S. Maturation and use in the development of 1913. an instinct. Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 3, pp. 274-285. 28. Spaulding, D. A. Instinct. With original observations on young animals. 1873. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 27, pp. 282-293. 29. — . Ibid. Reprinted, Popular Science Monthly, vol. 61, pp. 126 ff. 1902. 22 HAROLD C. BINGHAM 30. Thorndike, E. L. Animal intelligence. New York. Pp. VII + 297. 1911. 31. TuGMAN, E. F. Light discrimination in the English sparrow. Journal 1914. Aninml Bclmvior, vol. 4, pp. 77-109. 32. Washburn, M. F. Recent literature on the behavior of vertebrates. Psy- 1913. chologkal Bulletin, vol. 10, p. 320. 33. Watson, J. B. Behavior. An introduction to comparative psychology. 1914. New York. Pp. XII + 439. 34. Yerkes, R. M. The dancing mouse. New York. Pp. XXI + 290. 1907. 35. Yerkes, R. M., and Watson, J. B. Methods of studying vision in animals. 1911. Belmvior Monographs, vol. 1, no. 2, Pp. IV + 90. PART II. EXPERIMENTAL CHAPTER III Apparatus The work on visual acuity, as reviewed in the preceding chap- ter, has been criticised primarily on the basis of method. One general fact stands out when these experiments on visual per- ception in the chick are viewed in their historical setting: the methodological aspect has rapidly come to be the central feature of the work. Beginning with loose observations in which ac- curate description of method was either impossible or ignored, the method has developed into a thoroughgoing scientific pro- cedure. The early naturalistic observers raised questions for the later scientific school to solve. The naturalists have con- tributed a general orientation ; the experimentalists are solving, one by one, the specific tasks involved. The apparatus used in the present experimental study represents an important stage in the development of technique for stud^dng detail vision. Controllability w^as the primary aim in its construction. It represents a definite standardization which has been previously described in detail, hence my description will be a rapid sum- mary. Supplementary to apparatus, but no less important, is experimental method and technique to which a special chap- ter will be devoted. The dark room-discrimination apparatus has been carefully described in the report by Yerkes and Watson. In Chapter II, the origin and development of the method has been set forth. In figure 3 is presented an isometric view of the apparatus showing the skeleton of the various parts when assembled for work. That part of the mechanism labelled I is the experiment box. The opposite end. III, is the light or source box. Between the experiment box dindthesourc^hoKis the stimulus shifter, II. 1. Experiment box An illustration of the experiment box appears as figure 4. This section of the apparatus is made of one-half inch lumber, 24 HAROLD C. BINGHAM except where stated otherwise, and is painted within and with- out a dead black. It consists of four maih parts: (1) A is an entrance chamber/ 20 by 15| by 22. The floor of A is provided with a metal tray containing a layer of wet felt. The entrance Fig. 3 Isometric view of light vision apparatus. Reprinted from Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 3, p. 67. box may be removed by raising out of the iron straps, C and C, the board to which it is attached. (2) 5 is a discrimination ^ Unless otherwise stated, dimensions are given in centimeters and the order of presentation is length, width, and depth — inside measurements. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 25 chamber, 26 by 51 by 22. Leading from A to ^ Is an entrance, /, 8 by 10. The floor of B, Hke that oi A, is carpeted with wet felt. The tray of either compartment can be easily removed and cleaned. (3) W and W are electric boxes separated from each other by the partition D. On the floors of W and W is a slab of slate carrying electric wires for punishment. By means of the interposed sides, 0 0 0, the electric compartments are Fig. 4 Experiment box as seen from above. Behavior, vol. 3, p. 69. Reprinted from Journal Animal set back 14 cm. from the stim.ulus shifter. The floor of this extended portion drops down about 10 cm. below that of W-W . The middle 0 presses closely against the shifter so that the exposed stimuli are sharply separated from each other. On the end of D-0 is glued a piece of piano felt, P, which rubs snugly against the shifter. (4) N and N' are nest boxes, 40^ by 22 by 22. Each nest box is covered by a tightly fitting lid, which is 26 HAROLD C. BINGHAM hinged at the outside, and is equipped with a 2 c.p. frosted electric lamp, a watch glass for water, and sand or litter in which food may be scattered. It is also provided on the outer side with hidden holes for ventilation. Between W and iV is a vertically sliding door, E closed and E' open, 3 mm. thick which fills an opening 8 by 10. Suspended from an upright frame, F, is a coiled spring, S, which passes through the walls of the experiment box to the top of E. When E is closed, 5 is extended and in a state of torsion, hence when E is released 6* tends to return to a state of rest and the doorway is opened. The method of closing the exits is best illustrated in figure 3. A silk line, e, passing up through a wire loop directly under E, is attached to the lower part of the door. By pulling on e, the experimenter can close E which automatically locks when it is closed. By stepping on or striking T, the chick can release the lock. The experimenter, however, by catching e on the hook, h, can prevent the exit from opening when the lock has been released. This automatic release was devised by Professor F. S. Breed. The construction of this mechanical device for locking and opening E appears in figure 5 where T is the trip that was seen in the other figures and t is a short piece of No. 30 black thread attached to T a.t a. Passing down through the floor, F, of the electric box, t runs over a pulley, P, and is fastened to the spring lock, L, at b. B is a. block through which L passes and against which one end of the spring, C, presses. Z) is a stop attached to L supporting the opposite end of C. This spring tends to force L in the direction of X and to keep T in the position as illustrated. But when sufficient pressure is applied to T at any point above R, L is forced back in spite of the pressure of C, E is released at X, and the recoil of 5 raises £. When E is drawn down, L, by reason of the slanting end surface at X, is forced toward P until the notch of E has passed below the lower side of L when the constant pressure of C toward X forces L into the notch of E and the door is again locked. In several respects, figure 5 is a poor representation of this tripping device. L is shown as constructed solidly in B, when, in reality, it slides freely through B. Moreover, L is shown in the figure as wide as the floor of the experiment box, but it is VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 27 really a delicate latch narrower than the width of T or E and is released by a slight touch upon T. 2. Source box To provide illumination for the two stimuli simultaneously presented to the chick, the source box represented in figure 6, w Fig. 5 Automatic tripping device of the experiment box. Reprinted from Journal Animal Behavior, vol. 3, p. 70. — 1 1 1 of figure 3 , — was used . A complete description of this part of the mechanism appears in Behavior Monographs from which figure 6 is reprinted. 28 HAROLD C. BINGHAM 3. Stimulus shifter Figure 6 also presents a general view of the stimulus shifter, the primary function of which is control of the various visual details. The stimulus shifter or adapter is also described in Behavior Monographs along with the description of the source box. A considerable number of stimulus plates, used for varying the size and form of the stimuli, is required for determining the chick's threshold for these spatial details. The majority of the plates used in this study is included in table 1. Owing to varia- tions in sensitiveness among different subjects, a set which meets the requirements for one animal does not suffice for another, hence, in those cases where the size difference among the plates varies by one millimeter, a safe margin has been allowed by enumerating a few more plates than would ordinarily be required. 4. Accessories In my report from which figures 3-5 are reprinted, there appears, on page 73 and following, a description of the details designed to aid in the control and manipulation of the mechan- ism just described. The punishing device and the upper illu- mination are also described. It is there shown how the experi- menter from his position for observation, can control by means of ropes, pulleys, and weights the entire apparatus. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 29 &h ® c/ i' nl . r ^-h>i e 0 C/' / Fig. 6 Reprinted irom Behavior Monographs, 1911. vol. 1, no. 2, p. 18. "Perspective of light or 'brightness' apparatus. A, light box; C, D, compartments oi A; B, partition between C and D;E,F, lids of A ; G, H, metal carriages carrying tungsten lamps; // and KL, tracks for G and H; M, N, Starrett steel millimeter tapes; 0, P, apertures covered by Aubert diaphragms; R, Bausch and Lomb cooling cell in light box; d, d', metal straps; y, aluminum plate sliding between d and d'; T, tracks for y; V, stop for y; z, steel plate bolted to wooden end of light box; h, screws attaching d to s; s, s, standard brass stimulus plates; p, brass frame about aperture in y;r, hard rubber ring screwed to p." TABLE 1 Stwndus Plates NUMBER USE FORM DIAMETER OR SIDE AREA PLATES NEEDED To test Size cm. sq. cm. Perception Circle 1.8 2.5447 <( it 1.9 2.8353 It it 2.0 3.1416 It " 2.1 3.4636 it it 2.2 3.8013 It it 2.3 4.1548 <( it 2.4 4.5239 It it 2.5 4.9088 <( a 3.0 (standard) 7.0686 tt a 3,5 9.6211 it it 4.0 12.5664 tt it 4.1 13.2026 ti tt 4.2 13.8545 tt a 4.3 14.5220 tt it 4.4 15,2053 it a 4.5 15.9043 it a 4.6 16,6191 it it 4.7 17.3495 it it 4.8 18,0956 It a 4.9 18.8575 it tt 5.0 19.6350 tt it 5.5 23.7583 tt a 6.0 (standard) 28.2744 tt it 6.1 29.2247 it a 6,2 30.1908 It it 6.3 31.1725 tt it 6:4 32.1700 it it 6.5 33.1832 it " 6.6 34.2120 it it 6.7 35.2566 it it 6.8 36.3169 a tt it 6.9 7.0 37.3929 38.4846 '< it 7.1 39.5920 a it 7,2 40.7151 it it 7,3 41.8540 it it 7,4 43,0085 tt a 7,5 44 1787 it it 8,0 50,2656 it it 8,5 56,7455 tt tt 9,0 (standard) 63,6174 2 44 To test Form cm. sq. cm. Perception Circle 6,0 (as above) 28,2744 — " " 5.9 27,3397 1 It it 5.8 26,4208 1 it <■' 5.7 25,5176 1 it it 5 . 6 and smaller circles used in size perception 24.6301 1 tt Square 5.317 (side) 28.2743 2 it Equilateral A Openings t 8.081 (side) nscribed in circle — 28.2744 28.2743 2 it Square 4.243 (side) 18.003 2 tc Equilateral A 5 . 196 (side) 11.691 2 12 Total . .. 56 30 CHAPTER IV Problem, Method, and Technique The experiments' reported in the following pages were made with about thirty chicks belonging to four different groups. The first and fourth groups, each consisting of ten chicks, were secured from poultry breeders when the chicks were about two days old. The second and third groups were artificially in- cubated in the laboratory. The chicks used were Plymouth Rocks and all except two were of the Barred variety. The two exceptions were White Plymouth Rocks but neither contributes importantly to the final results. Properly caring for the chicks and keeping them healthy was one of the most serious difificulties which had to be overcome. On the whole, the laboratory hatched chicks proved more satisfactory. The most common ills seemed to be due chiefly to improper feeding, irregular temperature, and inadequate ventilation. A few individuals of group 3 survived until the weather became warm enough for them to be out of doors during a few hours on favorable days. When this plan was first tried the birds were in poor condition. Two-thirds of the group had died. But as soon as the survivors were placed out of doors their physical condition began to improve, and it was possible to do nearly three times the amount of experimental work that could be formerly done. Evidently, the requirements for healthy labora- tory chicks include an abundance of sunlight and fresh air with the necessity of working for a living. The disease giving trouble with the first two groups was a type of "leg weakness," so called because the leg joints become enlarged, the toes curl out of shape, the chicks cannot stand, and they move about only with great difhculty. This trouble ultimately carried off nearly all of the birds which did not suc- cumb to bowel disturbances. With one brood it was probably the result of excessive heat in the hover. In other cases it was probably due to overfeeding. More often, perhaps, it was due to a combination of both conditions. The birds which first 32 HAROLD C. BINGHAM showed signs of this weakness were the largest and apparently the strongest of the flock. There was no evidence of it among the chicks of the third and fourth groups, which were fed sparingly and for which the temperature of the brooder was carefully regulated. The matter of health among the chicks turned out to be a problem which had not been anticipated. However, it did not prevent work toward the solution of the primary problem. The task originally planned was a study of the chick's discriminative ability between sizes, forms, and brightnesses, but, owing chiefly to these unfavorable conditions, little consideration has been given to the third factor. Later tasks added to the original plan involve the perception of flicker and a study of the learning process and ideational content. The aim has been to make the study intensive and quantitative. The question whether the chick can discriminate between stim- uli diff^ering with respect to a single visual detail is only a preliminary aspect of the problem. The primary task has been that of determining the least perceivable difference in detail vision. Breed's work indicates that chicks can discriminate on the bases of size and form. The work of Katz and Revesz suggests the same possibility. My original plan, then, was to determine the threshold of difference for each of these factors. With respect to size, my original plan was carried out with no essential changes, but with form, it was found necessary to abandon the original plan. In a short time it appeared that proper responses to stimuli differing only in form were not so readily acquired as reactions to size differences. After trying in vain for several weeks to train different subjects to discrimi- nate between a circle and a triangle equal in area, the nature of the problem was considerably modified. It was clearly neces- sary to determine whether the chick, under the conditions of this experiment, could perceive form differences. The task involving flicker perception, like that with forms, demanded first a preliminary answer. Other than the generally observed fact that birds are highly sensitive to moving stimuli, there were no experimental data at hand to indicate that a three or two to one flicker difference could be perceived. Beyond the study of a two to one discrimination, time and conditions have not permitted me to go. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 33 The studies involving problem learning and ideation arose merely as incidents in connection with the more fundamental tasks. As the time of observing the chick's behavior in the various problems lengthened, there was a proportional increase of interest in the behavior itself. At last I gave in to a per- sistent desire to record quantitatively the chick's characteristic behavior in learning a particular task. From such an interest it is a natural step to questions pertaining to evidences of ideation in this learning. The problem of relative stimulus difference, incidentally discussed in Chapter IX, represents an initial approach to the study of the imaginal problem. Finally, another aspect of the problem, also arising quite incidentally, was that of the relative value of the different visual details. My earlier results with forms, largely negative, em- phasized the desirability of considering the factors in combina- tion as well as in isolation. In its normal life the chick is not compelled to rely upon a single visual factor, but, on the con- trary, it relies upon a natural combination of the visual details, It thus seemed desirable to start with complex stimuli and from this complex gradually to eliminate inequalities until a single visual factor remained. This method might furnish data on the relative value for the chick of the various visual factors. The plan adopted for solving these various problems was the familiar Yerkes discrimination method. The description of the apparatus sets forth the general features of the method. Condi- tions both desirable and undesirable are presented to the chick. Either nest box contains those things which the chick wants. It provides food, light, warmth, and companionship. The ex- periment box is arranged to make the chick seek escape. In the entrance box the chick is closely confined; in both the entrance and discrimination chambers the floors are wet; the entire re- action box provides faint illumination, little warmth, no food, and no companionship. The chick's problem is to learn how to get from the undesirable to the desirable part of the appara- tus. The two different stimuli are the signs by means of which the chick may learn which way to escape. Each chick was taught the way of escape to the nest box by means of 20 preliminary trials. The entrance to the nest box at the side where the right stimulus appeared was open; the sliding door closed the entrance from the electric box where the 34 HAROLD C. BINGHAM wrong stimulus was presented. The chick was allowed to go alternately to each nest box 10 times. It was thus made fa- miliar with the nest boxes and the reaction box. By displaying, always on the side of escape, the stimulus which the chick was later to be trained to choose, the subject was occasionally aided, prior to training, in acquiring a perfect habit. ^ This fact was especially noticeable in the experiments on size discrimination in which a circle 6 cm. in diameter always appeared in that electric compartment by way of which the subject escaped. At the end of the preliminary series a few chicks were responding perfectly to this condition of o 28 H o 7 + discrimination. 2 This perfect o 28 H o 7 + habit, however, may not mean that size was the basis of choice. It is quite probable that the chicks chose the lighter compartment. Precaution was taken to eliminate this possibility before size tests were completed, and control tests were introduced to make certain that it had been eliminated. This preliminary work was followed by the training series. Both entrances to the nest boxes were now closed, and the only cues that remained to aid the chick in reaching the nest box were the two visual stimuli. Continuing with the example of size discrimination, o 28 + was the positive sign, ©7+ was the negative sign of escape from the experiment box. If a chick chose o 7+ by stepping into that compartment, it was shocked by momentarily closing the key, Z of figure 3. A single shock was usually administered but if it were not effective it was re- peated. The wet floors of A and B regulated the intensity of the shock. Care in the manipulation of the shock was impor- tant for it was essential that it be an effective punishment yet mild enough to avoid frightening the animal. The results of weeks of work could be destroyed in a moment through a blunder in the method of punishment. In the early stages of training the chicks often went beyond the exit towards the stimulus at the end of the compartment. If the animal were allowed to do this it spent considerable time and energy around this illuminated stimulus. By placing a ^ A habit is termed perfect when a chick successively fnakes 20 correct choices. 2 The stimulus demanding a positive response is named first followed by the stunulus demanding a negative reaction. The dimensions represent the number of square centimeters in the area. VISUAL PERCEPTION OF THE CHICK 35 Subject RECORD SHEET Date /jz/y y^//— //z/^^Experimeiit^?:^^7':7Wfc' Tests— • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 R w REMARKS = S.-ES i A 1 r 1 r I r 1 r 1 r B r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 1 r 1 0- b r 1 o - 'f r 1 0 - 120 r 1 r 1 0 - 'i-'^ y= f 1 £-X-/tO X a- 'J- X 0 - >33 f 3^ -f^^.^a 3 r O - Cy r 1 r 1 1 X E-r-lto 1 X 0 - J- 1 £-1- CI ^ uS- U7' 4 1 1 1 E-I-JS X o - ^j- X X c - 6^ 1 £-X-/<7ff r 0-30 r i> - 3Z 1 £-l-t,S L, ^ •A:?- Z. 5 I B-Z-S4 1 a - r r " - " 1 o - /a. X c - /a 1 0 i> r <5 - /f 1 0 - zip X £-/-.V-J 1 ■7 J ZzSliA 6 1 O - " 1 e-z-7f 1 X X 1 X £Z-'zo 1 0- *^ X £ -Jt-fl/ i> J^ s/4i 7 X 1 O- J/ 1 1 •=- 7 X X e-z-XJ X 0 - :zs- 1 0 - i. r 0 - y 1 £ - 1 -si (, ^ .Z.g.J 8 E-Z-fi r 0 - t.z 1 1 0 - U'T X I X £-/-i,S I r 0 - a.'^ 1 £ -i-JW V i J>i,o 9 r r r 1 I £■-/- 7 1 0-3.1 £-^-¥1 1 . X 0- 'S- 1 £-/■/<. «<- ^ ^cf.^ 10 I 1 <7 - -iT 1 1 r X X r 1 X 0 ■ -i^ ■ £> 0 A^.J- 11 r ■ O - /O 1 r X r I 1 0 - J^ 1 r a - ar 1 e-iSf b -A hO. 2j 12 r 0 - c 1 r 1 X r o-/a. 1 0-g 1 0- g X 1 g A /«. -r 13 r o- e 1 r 1 1 1 X X e-/-xo X 0 ■ a.1 1 7 J ,3S..T 14 1 0 - iJt. 1 1 1 o - lo X El- /O r 0 - 7*^ X 0 -/*. X £ 1-a.y 1 0- s X ^ v3- >3S.e 15 r 1 O - 1/ X X X £-/-3i 1 I £-X{^ 1 0-/6 X 1 u ■^ .za.^S- 16 1 O- fg r 1 1 1 0 -vJ- r X r 1 0 - // r i' z. X,'^ St 17 r r r <9 .^c r o- // 1 1 1 e- ix 1 O-JO X 0 -a.t 1 O' I? ^2,-g 18 1 r I X E-i SS r 1 1 X 0 - IS- 1 £-i->e X 0 - 1 A ¥- i, Sz.g 19 r 1 o - *4o I 1 X 0 - J.£ 1 X £ ^-«y 1 0-10 X 1 £- i-JJ v- (, ^^7 20 1 1 1 o - g r ^ .2.-/7 1 r 0 - J.S 1 0 - <, X e '/-Co X 0 - ^Z. X £ -IIOJ i. ¥■ 33.3 21 r 1 O- / 3, 1 o - .J r r 0-/7 I 1 X X 0- 'f 1 .s c5- 'S.S- 22 1 1 0-,f r X 1 " 7 1 0 - Jt/ r X £ a-ja 1 X ■s -7 g. '