aS. 77 —w meet Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Il. Vi. Vil. Columbia Gnibersity Biological Series EDITED BY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN AND EDMUND B. WILSON FROM THE GREEKS TO DARWIN By Henry Fairfield Osborn . AMPHIOXUS AND THE ANCESTRY OF THE VERTEBRATES By Arthur Willey FISHES, LIVING AND FOSSIL. An Introductory Study By Bashford Dean THE CELL IN DEVELOPMENT AND INHERITANCE By Edmund B. Wilson THE FOUNDATIONS OF ZOOLOGY By W. K. Brooks THE PROTOZOA By Gary N. Calkins REGENERATION By T. H. Morgan . THE DYNAMICS OF LIVING MATTER By Jacques Loeb . ANTS: THEIR STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIOR By W. M. Wheeler . BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS. By H. S. Jennings COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS Sales Agents LEMCKE & BUECHNER 30-32 West 27TH St., NEw YorK HUMPHREY MILFORD AMEN CORNER, Lonpbon, E.C. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SERIES. X. BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS x BY x LF st eRNINGs ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA News Bork COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY PRESS 1915 All rights reserved Fak a 992274 1.9.54 CoPYRIGHT, 1906, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published July, 1906. Reprinted November, r9r5. Norwood Press J. 8. Cushing & Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE THE objective processes exhibited in the behavior of the lower organisms, particularly the lower animals, form the subject of the present volume. The conscious aspect of behavior is undoubtedly most interesting. But we are unable to deal directly with this by the methods of observation and experiment which form the basis for the present work. Assertions regarding consciousness in animals, whether affirmative or negative, are not susceptible of verification. This does not deprive the subject of consciousness of its interest, but renders it expedient to separate carefully this matter from those which can be controlled by observation and experiment. For those primarily interested in the conscious aspects of behavior, a presenta- tion of the objective facts is a necessary preliminary to an intelligent discussion of the matter. But apart from their relation to the problem of consciousness and its development, the objective processes in behavior are of the highest interest in themselves. By behavior we mean the general bodily movements of organisms. These are not sharply distin- guishable from the internal physiological processes; this will come forth clearly in the present work. But behavior is a collective name for the most striking and evident of the activities performed by organisms. Its treatment as subsidiary to the problems of con- sciousness has tended to obscure the fact that in behavior we have the most marked and in some respects the most easily studied of the organic processes. Such treatment has made us inclined to look upon these processes as something totally different from the remainder of those taking place in organisms. In behavior we are dealing with actual objective processes (whether accompanied by consciousness or not), and we need a knowledge of the laws con- trolling them, of the same sort as our knowledge of the laws of metabolism. In many respects behavior presents an exceptionally favorable field for the study of some of the chief problems of life. The processes of behavior are regulatory in a high degree. Owing to their striking character, the way in which regulation occurs be- comes more evident than in most other fields, so that they pre- sent a most favorable opportunity for study of this matter. To Vv vi PREFACE the regulatory aspect of behavior special attention is paid in the following pages. The modifiability of the characteristics of organisms has always been a subject of the greatest importance in biological science. In most fields the study of this matter is beset with great difficulties, for the modifications require long periods and their progress is not easily detectible. In the processes of behavior we have characteristics that are modifiable with absolute ease. In the ordinary course of be- havior variations of action are continually occurring, as a result of many internal and external causes. We see quickly and in the gross the changes produced by the environment, so that we have the best possible opportunity for the study of the principles according to which such changes occur. Permanent modifications of the methods of action are easily produced in the behavior of many organisms. When we limit ourselves to the subjective aspect of these, thinking only of memory, or the like, we tend to obscure the general problem involved. This problem is: What lasting changes are producible in organisms by the environment or otherwise, and what are the princi- ples governing such modifications? Perhaps in no other field do we have so favorable an opportunity for the study of this problem, fundamental for all biology, as in behavior. There seems to be no a priori reason for supposing the laws of modification to be different in this field from those found elsewhere. The matter needs to be dealt with from an objective standpoint, keeping the general problem in mind. A study of behavior from the objective standpoint will help us to realize that the activities with which we deal in other fields of physiology are occurring in a substance that is capable of all the processes of behavior, including thought and reason. This may aid us to be on our guard against superficial explanations of physiological processes. But the chief interest of the subject of the behavior of animals undoubtedly lies, for most, in its relation to the development of psychic behavior, as shown by man. The behavior of the lowest organisms must form a fundamental part of comparative psychology. In the special field of the behavior of the lowest organisms the foundations of our knowledge were laid by Verworn, in 1889, in his “Psycho-physiologische Protistenstudien.” Binet, in his “ Psychic Life of Micro-organisms” (1889), gave a most readable essay on the subject, presenting it frankly from the psychical standpoint. Lukas, in his “ Psychologie der niedersten Tiere” (1905), has recently again dealt with the questions of consciousness in lower animals, the treat- ment of objective processes being subsidiary to this matter. The present work was designed primarily as an objective descrip- PREFACE vii tion of the known facts of behavior in lower organisms, that might wp be used, not only by the general reader, but also as a companion in actual laboratory experimentation. This description, comprising Parts I and II of the present work, on the Protozoa and lower Meta- zoa, respectively, was made as far as possible independent of any theoretical views held by the writer; his ideal was indeed to present an account that would include the facts required for a refutation of any of his own general views, if such refutation is possible. These designs have involved a fuller statement of details, with sometimes their repetition under new experimental conditions, than would have been necessary if the theoretical discussion had been made primary, and only such facts adduced as would serve to illustrate the views advanced. But the scientific advantages of the former method were held to outweigh the literary advantages of the latter. As originally written, this descriptive portion of the work was more extensive, including, besides the behavior of the Protozoa and Ccelenterata, systematic accounts of behavior in Echinoderms, Ro- tifera, and the lower worms, together with a general chapter on the behavior of other invertebrates. The work was planned to serve as a reference manual for the behavior of the groups treated. But the exigencies of space compelled the substitution of a chapter on some important features of behavior in other invertebrates for the system- atic accounts of the three groups last mentioned. The accounts of the Protozoa and of the Coelenterata as representative of the lowest Metazoa remain essentially as originally written. ' After this objective description was prepared, the need was felt for an analysis of the facts, such as would bring out the general relations involved. Part III is the result. Thus the conclusions set forth in Part III are the result of a deliberate analysis of the facts presented in a description which had been made before the conclu- sions had been drawn. The selection of facts set forth in the de- scriptive parts of the work has therefore been comparatively little affected by the general theories held by the writer. The loss of unity toward which this fact tends has perhaps its compensation in the impartiality which it helps to give the descriptions. The writer is conscious of the necessarily provisional nature of most general conclusions at the present stage of our knowledge, and the analysis given in Part III is presented with this provisional character fully in mind. The reader should approach it in a similar attitude. Since the book is written primarily from a zoélogical standpoint, it would be appropriate in some respects to entitle it “ Behavior of the Lower Animals.” But the broader title seems on the whole best, since the treatment of unicellular forms involves consideration of s viii PREFACE many organisms that are more nearly related to plants than to animals. The figures have been drawn for the present work by my wife. Figures not credited to other authors are either new or taken from my own previous works. The author is much indebted to the Carnegie Institution of Washington for making possible a year of uninterrupted research, devoted largely to studies preliminary to the preparation of this work and to its actual composition. . He is further indebted for the use of a number of figures first published by the Carnegie Institution. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, December 11, 1905. CONTENTS PART I BEHAVIOR OF UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS CHAPTER I BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA 1. Structure and Movements of Amceba_ : 2 Z ; é ‘ é I 2. Reactions of Amceba to Stimuli . 3 : 3 om te - > : : 6 A. Reaction to Contact with Solids ; : ¢ “ ° . mm ee B. Reactions to Chemicals, Heat, Light, and Electricity . ; ° ° ° 9 C. How Ameeba gets Food . . . . ° ° . ey Fes 3. Features of General Significance in the Behavior of Ameeba . : - “ «) 19 Literature . ° . : . : ° . . . . . . . a | CHAPTER II BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 1. Structure and Movements : : . ; : : ° ° ° . ° 32 26 2. Reactions to Stimuli ; ‘ é . A 7 : ° : . ° ‘ ° ° « 40 CHAPTER III BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM Structure; Movements; Method of Reaction to Stimuli Introductory , : ‘ ‘ : ‘ : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ° ee 1. Behavior of Paramecium; Structure : ; é Fs . ° ‘ 2 rey 2. Movements . ; 7 > ‘ r - . seks ‘ » 44 3. Adaptiveness of the ovenients : : ‘ ‘ : : . . : » 45 4. Reactions to Stimuli . ‘ : ‘ . ‘ . F ° ‘ F ey 5. “Positive Reactions” . R . . ‘ ‘ F : : ° : hee | Literature . RTS mae Oh PN Dea he Semen og fate Eg Pt ae Cw aera ee CHAPTER IV BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM (CONTINUED) Special Features of the Reactions to a Number of Different Classes of Stimuli 1. Reaction to Mechanical Stimuli é é F ‘ r ; - : é - 59 2. Reactions to Chemical Stimuli ‘ ‘ 6 F ‘ ° . ‘ , 62 x CONTENTS 3. Reactions to Heat and Cold . . : . ‘ ° ; ‘ . ‘ ‘ 4. Reaction to Light . ‘ : . . 5. Orienting Reactions, to Water etous: to Gravity, and to Centrifugal F orce ‘ A. Reactions to Water Currents . ‘ 4 : ; . . ‘ B. Reactions to Gravity . 3 ; ‘ ; 7 . A . . F C. Reaction to Centrifugal Force . i ° ° ° ‘ 6. Relation of the Orientation Reactions to Other Réattions < - ‘ Literature . . = : ; 4 : F ats CHAPTER V BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM (CONTINUED) Reactions to Electricity and Special Reactions 1. Reactions to Electricity . : ; ‘ ° ; : : A. Reaction to Induction Shocks . ; ; ; . é : _ B. Reaction to the Constant Current . E 4 ‘ : ; 2. Other Methods of Reaction in Paramecium . c é ; - ‘ 4 Literature . 3 2 : ; : ; . : ; ° é F e ‘ CHAPTER VI BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM (CONTINUED) Behavior under Two or More Stimuli ; Variability of Behavior; Fission and Conjugation ; Daily Life; General Features of the Behavior 1. Behavior under Two or More Stimuli. ; " ; - ‘ ; ; 2. Variability and Modifiability of Reactions . ; A ° : ° 3. Behavior in Fission and Conjugation . . A : x ; 4. The Daily Life of Paramecium : A . ° ‘ 5. Features of General Significance in the Hebuvice at a PE fee ee A. The Action System . , ‘ . ° B. Causes of the Reactions, and Effects padaised = reas : ee . Literature . . . ° . . . . : . . +o . CHAPTER VII BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA Action Systems. Reactions to Contact, to Chemicals, to Heat and Cold 1. The Action System ay : = ° = ° ‘ . . ° A. Flagellata . : ° . ° . F . : . ‘ B. Ciliata . . . * * . . . . . . 2. Reaction to Mechanical Stimuli ; s 4 3: 4 : ‘ ; 3. Reaction to Chemicals . see : ; ; . ‘ : 4. Reaction to Heat and Cold . é 5 " ; Z ‘ ‘ . Literature . 3 = 5 - ‘ - . . A : F : 110 III 113 117 120 124 127 CONTENTS CHAPTER VIII REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 1. Reactions to Light . ‘ : ; : ° ° ° A. Negative Reaction to Tighe: Stentor avalos . ° . ° . B. Positive Reaction to Light: Euglena viridis . ° . : . C. Negative and Positive Reactions compared " . .« .« «© -« D. Reactions to Light in Other Infusoria : . ° ° ° ’ 2. Reaction to Gravity and to Centrifugal Force . . . er ae . Literature. . . ° . . : . : . . . ° . CHAPTER IX REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO THE ELECTRIC CURRENT 1, Diverse Reactions of Different Species of Infusoria . : - . ° A. Reaction to Induction Shocks . ; z - - . ° on B. Reaction to the Constant Current ; : i - Port Seg e 2. Summary -. ‘ le lte . ° ’ . 3.. Theories of the esctinn to Electricity . . i pi eet wd eee wae te Literature . F ; : 7 5 A ° ° e ° ° ° . CHAPTER X MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR IN INFUSORIA, AND BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS. Foop HABITs . Modifiability of Behavior “ ° . . ° ° ° ° 2. The Behavior of Infusoria under Natural Conditions “ ; Fs ‘ ° 3. Food Habits . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literature . . . . Meh . . . . . . ° . . PART II BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER METAZOA CHAPTER XI INTRODUCTION AND BEHAVIOR OF CCELENTERATA Introduction ; ‘ , x ‘ A - ‘ : . . ° ang oe of Coleuteeats : ; : 5 ‘ : : : ° . - Action System. Spontaneous Activities ite . ° 2. Conditions required for Retaining a Given Position: Righting Reactions, ate 3. General Reaction to Intense Stimuli " : : i A ‘ i » 4. Localized Reactions F ‘ ; F . : ° ° 5. The Rejecting Reaction of na ‘Asiieionae . < F . re . . 6. Locomotor Reactions in Hydra and Sea Anemones . . ° : : PAGE 128 128 134 141 141 149 150 151 151 152 162 164 169 170 179 182 187 188 188 189 192 197 198 202 203 xii CONTENTS 7. Acclimatization to Stimuli . . z . eae Se a “ 8. Reactions to Certain Classes of Stimuli . : . ° ° - . ° A. Reactions to Electricity . P - F ° . : B. Reactions to Gravity . C. Reactions to Light ; 9. Behavior of Ccelenterates with Relation to Pood): ; : ‘ A. Food and Respiratory Reactions in Hydra ‘ : . . B. Food Reactions in Medusze . . : C. Food Reactions in Sea Anemones 10. Independence and Correlation of Behavior of Different Parts of the Body ‘ . Some General] Features of Behavior ir in Ceelenterates . 4 ; r : Sees ; 5 A : : ‘ : ‘ ; A ~ é ° : CHAPTER XII GENERAL FEATURES OF BEHAVIOR IN OTHER LOWER METAZOA 1. Definite Reaction Forms (“ Reflexes”) . ° ° 2. Reaction by Varied Movements, with Selection oun the Resnhing: Conditions 3. Modifiability of Behavior and its Dependence on Physiological States . Literature. : news : 3 Ney Ary ors: les orev [PP % PART III ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS, WITH A DISCUSSION OF THEORIES CHAPTER XIII - (COMPARISON OF THE BEHAVIOR OF UNICELLULAR AND MULTICELLULAR ORGANISMS CHAPTER XIV TROPISMS AND THE LOCAL ACTION THEORY OF TROPISMS ‘ 2 > - 3 CHAPTER XV Is THE BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS COMPOSED OF REFLEXES? i = CHAPTER XVI ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS Introductory ‘ . Pe 1, The Causes and Dactaiwine Pacha of Sear sal Rascticus é 5 ; A. The Internal Factors. . , (1) Activity does not require Preices crernat ‘Stimulation (2) Activity may change without External Cause. (3) Changes in saat: depend on Changes in Physiological States . ‘ 233 238 250 259 260 . 265 277 CONTENTS xiii PAGE (4) Reactions to External Agents depend on Physiological States . 286 (5) The Physiological State may be changed by mae Internal Processes . A 287 (6) The Physiological State eat bie staged by the ye of External Agents “ ° . 287 (7) The Physiological State may be ebaliesd by the Activity of the Organism . ; 288 (8) External Agents cause Reasive by changing the Physiological State of the Organism ; (9) The Behavior of the Organism at any pMoueut eens ones its Physiological State at that Moment . ° . 288 (10) Physiological States change in Accordance with Certain ton - 289 (11) Different Factors on which Behavior Depends . ° . + 292 CHAPTER XVII ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR (CONTINUED) B. The External Factors in Behavior . ‘ : 3}: gt ee eS (1) Relation to Physiological States ; : ° : « 293 (2) Change of Conditions as a Cause of Reaction . ° . + 293 (3) Reaction without External Change . : . . . - 296 (4) Reactions to Representative Stimuli . ‘ A ° ? . 296 (5) Relation of Reaction to Internal Processes . . 298 (6) Summary of the External Factors which produce or determine Reactions . . ; ° ° F + 299 CHAPTER XVIII ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR (CONTINUED) 2. The Nature of the Movements and Reactions ’ : . : . : + 300 A. The Action System . : ; : A ; F ‘ . ° + 300 B. Negative Reactions . : . ° + 301 C. Selection from the Conditions pnedaeed ‘ae Varied Movenwiiks ° . + 302 D. “Discrimination” . 5 . : . ‘ : : . + 304 E. Adaptiveness of Movements ‘ : . : . . ° . + 305 F. Localization of Reactions . . ‘ ‘ ‘ : . ° . - 306 G. Positive Reactions . . - ° . . . ° + 309 3. Résumé of the Fundamental Features of Betavion: . F ° . ° «Gee CHAPTER XIX DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR . . . . . . . . . ° + 314 - CHAPTER XX RELATION OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS TO PsYCHIC BEHAVIOR . . . 328 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXI BEHAVIOR AS REGULATION, AND REGULATION IN OTHER FIELDS 1. Introductory . ‘ ° ‘ s . ; . > ag 2. Regulation in Behavior . ‘ : . a ee yiuane A. Factors in Regulation in the Behavior of Lower Organisms ° 3. Regulation in Other Fields . . es “te ee 4. Summary ; ° 7 eee ies oe ae ra @ Rt sieht =» BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . J . . . . . . INDEX . . . . * . . . * . . . . oo = a; =f - ay ‘dt Hail " PART I THE BEHAVIOR OF UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS CHAPTER I THE BEHAVIOR OF AMCEBA 1. STRUCTURE AND MOVEMENTS OF AMG@EBA THE typical Amoeba (Fig. 1) is a shapeless bit of jellylike protoplasm, continually changing as it moves about at the bottom of a pool amid the débris of decayed vegetation. From the main protoplasmic mass there are sent out, usually in the direction of locomotion, a number of Fic. 1.— Ameba proteus, after Leidy (1879) (slightly modified). ¢.v., contractile vacuole; ec., ectosarc; en., endosarc; mu., nucleus; fs., pseudopodia. lobelike or pointed projections, the pseudopodia (Fig. 1, ps.). These are withdrawn at intervals and replaced by others. Within the mass of protoplasm certain differentiations are observable. Covering the outer surface there is usually, though not always, a transparent layer B I 2 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS containing no granules; this is called the ectosarc (Fig. 1, ec.). Within this the protoplasm is granular, and contains bits of substance taken as food, vacuoles filled with water, and certain other structures. This Fic. 2. — Ameba limax, after Leidy (1879). granular protoplasm is known as the endosarc (Fig. 1, en.). Within the fluidlike endosarc we find two well- defined structures. One is a disk- like or rounded, more solid body, known as the nucleus (Fig. 1, mu.). The other is a spherical globule of water, which at intervals collapses, emptying the contained water to the outside. vacuole (Fig. 1, ¢.v.).° This is the contractile There are many different kinds of Amoebe, varying in their appear- ance and structure. three main types. pseudopodia. of this group. For our purposes it will be sufficient to distinguish In one type the form is very irregular and changeable, and there are many Of this type Ameba proteus (Fig. 1) is the commonest species. In a second type the animal usually moves forward rapidly as a single elongated mass, the protoplasm seeming very fluid. Ameba limax (Fig. 2) is a representative A third type consists of slowly Fic. 3.— Ameba verru- cosa, after Leidy (1879). moving Amcebe, of nearly constant form, usually having wrinkles on the surface, and with the thick ectosarc much stiffened, so that it does not appear fluid in character. is Ameba verrucosa (Fig. 3). The commonest representative of this type In its usual locomotion the movement of Amceba is in many respects comparable to rolling, the upper surface continually passing forward Fic. 4. — Paths of two par- ticles attached to the outer sur- face of Amceba. That portion of the paths that is on the lower surface is represented by broken lines. The two particles were seen to complete the circuit of- the animal five or six times in the paths shown. (The Amceba was of course progressing; no attempt is made to represent this in the figure.) and rolling under at the anterior end, so as to form the lower surface. This may best be seen by mingling soot with water containing many Amcebe. Fine granules of soot cling readily to the surface of Amoebz of the verru- cosa type, and more rarely to Amcebe of other types. Such particles which are clinging to the upper surface move steadily forward till they reach the anterior edge. Here they are rolled over and come in contact with the sub- stratum. They then remain quiet till the Amoeba has passed across them. Then they pass upward again at the posterior end, and forward once more to the anterior edge. This THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 3 is repeated as long as the particles cling to the surface. Single particles have been seen to pass thus many times around the body of the animal. Diagrams of the movements of the particles clinging to the surface are shown in Figs. 4 and 5s. It is not only the outermost layer of the ectosarc that thus moves forward. On the contrary, the whole substance of the Amceba, from the Fic. 5. — Diagram of the movements of a particle attached to the outer surface of Ameba verrucosa, in side view. In position 1 the particle is at the posterior end; as the Amceba pro- gresses, it moves forward, as shown at 2, and when the Amceba has reached the position 3, the particle is at its anterior edge, at x. Here it is rolled under and remains in position, so that when the Amceba has reached the position 4, the particle is still at x, at the middle of its lower surface. In position 5 the particle is still at the same place x, save that it is lifted upward a little as the posterior end of the animal becomes free from the substratum. Now as the Amceba passes forward, the particle is carried to the upper surface, as shown at 6. Thence it continues forward, and again passes beneath the Amceba. outer surface to the interior of the endosarc, moves steadily forward as a single stream, only the part in contact with the substratum being at rest. At times small particles are at first attached to the outer surface, then gradually sink through the ectosarc into the endosarc. Through- out the entire process of sinking inward the movement is steadily for- ward. It is clear, then, that Amoeba rolls, the upper surface continually pass- ing across the anterior end to form the lower surface. The anterior edge is thin and flat and is attached to the substratum, while the posterior Fic. 6. — Diagram of the movements in a progressing Amoeba in side view. A, anterior end; P, posterior end. The large arrow above shows the direction of locomotion; the other arrows show the direction of the protoplasmic currents, the longer ones representing more rapid currents. From a to x the surface is attached and at rest. From x to y the protoplasm is not attached and is slowly contracting, on the lower surface as well as above. a, b, c, successive positions occupied by the anterior edge. As the animal rolls forward, it comes later to occupy the position shown by the broken outline. end is high and rounded, and is not attached to the substratum. A very good idea of the character of the movements of Amoeba may be 4 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS obtained in the following way: Pin two edges of a handkerchief to- gether, so as to make a flat cylinder. Within this place some heavy objects that will fill part of the cylinder, and lay the whole on a flat sur- face. Now pull forward the upper surface of the cloth near the anterior edge, a little at a time, bringing it in contact with the substratum. If this process is continued, the handkerchief rolls slowly forward with thin anterior edge and high posterior portion, — the weight within dragging behind. The lower surface is at rest while the upper surface moves forward. In all these respects the movement is like the locomotion of Ameeba. A diagram of the movement of Amceba as it would appear in side view is given in Fig. 6. While typically all the currents are forward in a progressing Amceba, any portion of the protoplasm may be excluded temporarily from the currents. This is especially common at the posterior end or tail, which is often composed of quiet protoplasm, covered with wrinkles or papille But the substance of the tail is in the course of time drawn into the cur- rents and passes forward. In the formation of pseudopodia the movement is much like that at the anterior end of the body. If the pseudopodium is in contact with the substratum, the upper surface moves forward while the lower surface is at rest. If the pseudopodium is sent forth freely into the water, its entire surface moves outward, in the same direction as the tip. These movements have been determined by observing the motion of particles attached to the outer surface of extending pseudopodia. In some Amcebe, according to Rhumbler (1898, 1905), the external protoplasmic currents turn backward at the sides of the anterior end, so that there is produced a fountainlike arrangement, an internal current forward, external currents backward. Such currents resemble those due to local decrease of surface tension in a drop of inorganic fluid. Through sucha local = decrease the tension a“ ‘ Me po pulling along the surface is lessened in a given region, e ; j , so that the remain- Fic. 7.— Currents in a drop of fluid when the surface tension d f th rf is decreased on one side. A, the currents in a suspended drop, @€r Of the suriace when the surface tension is decreased at a. After Berthold: 3B, film is pulling more axial and surface currents in a drop of clove oil in which the Feet h surface tension is decreased at the side a. The drop elongates Strongly; it there- spe mg “ a ee nahh » that an anterior (¢) and a_ fore drags the sur- r 1m; e. ee ies face layer of the drop away from the point of lowered tension. The result is that cur- rents pass on the surface in all directions away from this point (Fig. 7). THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 5 At the same time the inward pressure is decreased in the region of lowered tension, while elsewhere the pressure remains the same. Hence the internal fluid of the drop is pressed out toward the region where the film is weakened; a current flows in the central part of the drop toward this point. This current may produce a projection at the point of lowered tension, provided the surface currents do not carry the fluid back as fast as it is brought forward. It was long supposed that the movements of all sorts of Amcebze were of this character. As a natural conclusion, it was commonly held that locomotion and the formation of pseudopodia in Amoeba are due to a local decrease in surface tension at the region of forward move- ment. As our account shows, most Amoebez do not move at all as do liquid drops whose movements are produced through changes in: surface tension.t Rolling movements with all currents forward cannot be pro- duced experimentally through local changes in the surface tension of a drop of fluid. It is necessary, therefore, to abandon the surface tension theory for those Amcoebe that move in the way shown in Fig. 6. If the theory is still maintained for the Amcebe with backward currents; this involves holding that the movements are due to fundamentally dif- ferent causes in different Amcoebe; this is the view maintained by Rhumbler (1905). : While most Amcebe roll as they progress, different species differ greatly in special features of their movements. The species of the verrucosa type (Fig. 3) move slowly and change form very little, not sending out pseudopodia. ‘Those of the limax type (Fig. 2) move more rapidly and change form more frequently, but they rarely send out pseudopodia. Finally, in the proteus type (Fig. 1) the form is excessively changeable, many pseu- dopodia extending and retracting. Fic. 8. — Ameba velata, showing the 2 antennalike anterior pseudopodium pro- Many Amoebze show what might be jecting freely into the water. After called specialized habits in their usual P¢enard (+99): movements. For example, Ameba angulata and Ameba velata usually send forth at the anterior edge a pseudopodium which extends freely into the water and waves back and forth, serving as a feeler or antenna 1 According to Rhumbler (1905), such movements are most readily seen in a species of Ameeba living parasitically in the intestine of the cockroach. Whether the currents on the upper surface are actually backward, where the interior currents are forward, as is required if the movements are to be explained by local decrease of surface tension, has not been shown. 6 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS (Fig. 8). Many other special peculiarities of movement are described in the great work of Penard (1902) on these organisms. 2. REACTIONS OF AMGEBA TO STIMULI The conditions under which Ameeba lives are not always the same, and as the conditions change, the behavior of Amoeba changes also. Such changes in behavior are usually called reactions, while the external agents that induce them are called stimuli. A. Reaction to Contact with Solids One of the commonest stimuli is that due to contact with a solid object. Ifa solid body strikes strongly against one side or one end of a moving Ameeba, the part affected contracts and releases its hold on the substratum, and the internal currents start away from a it. The Ameeba changes its course and moves in another direction. We may call this a negative reaction, since it takes the animal away from the source of stimulation. This reaction can be produced experi- % mentally by touching the animal, under the microscope, with the tip of a glass rod drawn to a minute point (Fig. 9). The animal does not, as a rule, move directly Fic. 9. — Negative reaction to away from the side touched, but merely in mechanical stimulation in Amoeba. some other direction than toward this side. An Amceba advancing in the direc- z R tion shown by the arrows is stimu- If we touch it at the anterior edge, the part lated with the tip of a glass rod at touched stops and contracts, while the cur- its anterior edge (a). Thereupon 2 : F this part is contracted, the currents ent turns to one side at this point, so that are changed, and a new pseudo- the animal moves at an angle with its for- podium sent out (0). 4 cS mer course (Fig. 9). Often the course is altered only a little in this way. But if all of one side or one end is strongly stimulated, then a pseudopodium may be sent out on the side opposite, so that the animal moves almost directly away from the stimu- lated region (Fig. 10). By repeatedly stimulating Amoeba it is possible to drive it in any desired direction. The advancing edge is touched with the rod; it thereupon withdraws. A new pseudopodium is sent out elsewhere. If this does not lead in the direction desired, it is touched, causing retrac- tion, whereupon the Amoeba tries a new direction. This continues THE BEHAVIOR OF AMCGBA 7 till a pseudopodium is sent out in the direction desired by the experi- menter. The animal may now be compelled to follow a definite straight — course, by stimulating any pseudopodium which tends to diverge from this course. If the posterior end of a moving Ameeba is stimulated, the animal con- tinues to move forward, usually hastening its course a little. The posterior end is of course already contracted, and the new stimulation merely causes it to con- tract a little more. The negative reaction is of course the method by which Ameeba avoids obstacles. If an Amceba in creeping comes against a small solid body, the , / . Fic. 10. — Negative reaction to a reaction is often less sharply defined than mechanical stimulus when the entire in the cases which we have thus far anterior end is strongly stimulated. a f r ‘ and 8, successive stages. The arrow described. A typical example is shown , shows the original direction of i i i motion; the arrows in @ show the i Big. ed ep cee Ppocia Wars: curtélite immediately after stimulation. in contact at the middle of its anterior jn 4 a new tail (¢’) has been formed edge with the end of a dead alga fila- from the former anterior end, uniting with the old tail (#). ment. Thereupon the protoplasm ceased to flow forward at the point of contact c, while on each side of this point the motion continued as before. In a short time, there- fore, the animal had the form and position shown by the broken outline in Fig. 11; the filament projected deeply into a notch at the anterior edge. Motion continued in this manner would have divided the Ameeba into two parts. But soon motion ceased on one side (x), while it continued on the side y. The currents in x became reversed ox io Fic. 11. — Method by which Amceba avoids an obstacle. and flowed around the end of the filament into y, as shown at B, Fig. 11. Thus the animal had avoided the obstacle by reversing a part of the current and flowing in another direction. But not all mechanical stimuli cause a negative reaction. Some- 8 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS times Amceba, on coming in contact with a solid body, turns and moves toward it, —responding thus by a positive reaction. At times an Ameeba which is moving along on the glass slip used in microscopic work comes in contact by its upper surface with the under surface of the cover-glass. Thereupon it sometimes pushes forth a pseudopodium Fic. 12.— Ameba velata passing from the slide to the cover-glass, side view. After Penard (1902). At @ the animal is creeping in the usual way, with the tentaclelike pseudopodium projecting into the water. At b the pseudopodium has reached the cover-glass and attached itself. At c the animal has released its hold on the slide, and is now attached to the cover alone. on this under surface; the pseudopodium attaches itself; the Amoeba releases its hold on the slide, and now continues its course on the under side of the cover-glass. Penard (1902) has observed this in Ameba velata, when the long, tentaclelike anterior pseudopodium of this ani- mal comes during its feeling movement in contact with the cover-glass. The process is represented in Fig. 12. In a similar manner Amcebe frequently pass to the under side of the surface film of water, creeping on this as if it were a solid body. Under certain circumstances Amoeba seems especially disposed toward this positive reaction. Sometimes an Ameeba is left suspended in the water, not in contact with anything solid. Under such cir- cumstances the animal is as nearly completely unstimulated as it is possible for an Amceba to be; it is contact only with the water, and that uniformly on all sides. But such a condition is most un- favorable for its normal activities ; it cannot move from place to place, and has no opportunity to obtain food. Amoeba has a method of behavior by which it meets these unfavorable condi- Fic. 13.— Amba proteus suspended in the tions. It usually sends out long, vis Soest Peat Tay Cea). extended slender pseudopodia in all direc- tions, as illustrated in Fig. 13. The body may become reduced to little more than a meeting point for these pseudopodia. It is evident that the sending out of these long arms THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 9 greatly increases the chances of coming in contact with a solid body, and it is equally evident that contact with a solid is under the circumstances exactly what will be most advantageous to the animal. As soon as the tip of one of the pseudopodia does come in contact with something solid, the behavior changes (Fig. 14). The tip of the pseudopodium — — —. (“4 —e a i) c Fic. 14. — Method by which a floating Amoeba passes to a solid. spreads out on the surface of the solid and clings to it. Currents of protoplasm begin to flow in the direction of the attached tip. The other pseudopodia are slowly withdrawn into the body, while the body itself passes to the surface of the solid. After a short time the Amceba, which had been composed merely of a number of long arms radiating in all directions from a centre, has formed a collected flat mass, creep- ing along a surface in the usual way. This entire reaction seems a re- markable one in its adaptiveness to the peculiar circumstances under which the organism has been placed. Positive reactions toward solid bodies are particularly common in the process of obtaining food. In our account of the food reactions we shall give examples of striking and long-continued reactions of this sort. B. Reactions to Chemicals, Heat, Light, and Electricity Reactions to Chemicals. — If a strong chemical in solution diffuses against one side or end of the body, the Amceba contracts the part af- fected, releasing it from the substratum, while the protoplasmic cur- rents start in some other direction. The animal has thus changed its course. The reaction to chemicals can best be shown in the following way. The tip of a capillary glass rod is moistened, then dipped in some powdered chemical, preferably a colored one, such as methyline blue. This tip is then, under the microscope, brought close to one side of an Amoeba in an uncovered drop of water. As soon as the diffusing chemical comes in contact with one side of the body, the reaction occurs. Chemicals that are fluid may be drawn into an excessively fine capillary tube and the tip of this held near the Amoeba. Some of the variations in the reactions to chemicals are shown in Fig. 15. 10 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Such experiments show that Amceba is very sensitive to changes in the chemical composition of the water surrounding it, and is inclined to move away whenever it comes to a region in which the water differs even slightly from that to which it is accustomed. It has been shown to react negatively when the following substances come in contact with - one side of its body: methyline blue, methyl green, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, potassium nitrate, potassium hydroxide, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, cane sugar, distilled water, tap water, and water 2 d Fic. 15. — Variations in the reactions of Amceba to chemicals. The dotted area represents in each case the diffusing chemical. The arrows show the direction of the protoplasmic currents. a. A little methyl green diffuses against the anterior end of an Amceba. The latter reacts by sending out a new pseudopodium at one side of the anterior end and moving in the direction so indicated. 6. A solution of NaCl diffuses against the right side of a moving Amceba (1). The side affected contracts and wrinkles strongly, while the opposite side spreads out (2), the currents flowing as shown by the arrows. c. A solution of NaCl diffuses against the anterior end of an advancing Amceeba. A broad pseudopodium, shown by the dotted outline, pushes out from the posterior region, above the end, and the course is reversed. d. A solution of methyline blue diffuses against the anterior end of an Amceba (1). There- upon a pseudopodium is sent out on each side of the posterior end at right angles with the original course (2). Into these the entire substance of the animal is drawn (3). from other cultures than that in which the Amoeba under experimen- tation lives. Reaction to Heat. — If one side of an Ameeba is heated, it reacts in the same negative way as to chemicals or to a mechanical shock. The reaction to heat may be observed as follows: An Amoeba creeping on the under surface of the cover-glass is chosen for the experiment. The point of a needle is heated in a flame and placed against the cover- glass in front of the Amceba, or a little to one side of it. If the needle is not brought too close so as to affect the whole body instead of only THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA It aioe accsta viseceh ln stctes ies ap nes sks ak @ & NRA st Fic. 16.— Reaction of Amceba to light, after Davenport (1897). The Ameeba was first moving in the direction indicated by the arrow x. Light coming from the direction shown by the arrow a was then thrown upon it. It changed its course, occupying successively the positions 1, 2,3,4. The direction of the light was successively changed as indicated by the arrows b, c, d; the numbers 5-14 show the successive positions occupied by the animal. It will be observed that in every case as soon as the direction of the light is changed, the Amceba changes its course in a corresponding way, so as to retreat steadily from the source of light. effect on Amceba. seem better performed in the dark; strong light interferes with them seriously. Rhum- bler (1898) observed that if Amoebe are suddenly subjected to light while busy feed- ing on Oscillaria filaments, they cease to feed, and even give out the partly ingested filaments. Harrington and Leaming (1900) found that ordinary white light thrown on a moving Amceba causes it to come to rest at once. while in red light the movements are as free as in dark- ness. Other colors have intermediate effects. Engelmann (1879) found that sudden illumination causes an extended Pelomyxa (which is merely a very large Amoeba) to con- tract suddenly. It is well known that exposure to strong light is destructive to most lower organisms. In correspondence with the fact that light interferes with its activities, we find that Amoeba moves away from a source of strong light. on it from one side, it moves, as Davenport (1897) shows, in the opposite direction. done side, the animal responds by contracting the part affected and moving in some other direction. Reactions to Light.— Light has a peculiar In general its functions Blue light acts in the same way, If the sun is allowed to shine It thus moves in a general way in the same direction as the rays of light (Fig. 16). It is a peculiar fact that experiments so far have not shown a negative reaction to occur when light is thrown from directly above or below on one side or end of an Amceba. The fact that the whole body contracts when illumi- nated, as shown by the work of Engel- mann (1879) on Pelomyxa, would lead us to expect that when a portion of the body is illuminated, this would contract, pro- ducing thus a negative reaction. But this has not been demonstrated. The experi- mental difficulties are great, and this may account for the lack of positive results. If future work substantiates the fact that light falling obliquely on one side causes 12 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS a reaction, while light falling from above or below on one side causes none, this would seem to indicate that the direction of the rays in passing through the body has something to do with determining the direction of locomotion. But in the myxomycete plasmodium, which resembles Amoeba in its movements and in many other respects, light falling from above or below on a part of the body does produce a negative reaction, — the withdrawal of: the part affected. Probably further experimentation will show the same thing to be true in Amceba. Reaction to Electricity. — Electric currents probably form no part of the normal environment of Amceba, yet the animal reacts in a very defi- nite way when a continuous current is passed through the water con- taining it. That side of the body which is directed toward the ‘positive pole or anode contracts as if the animal were strongly stimulated here. Then a pseudopodium starts out somewhere on the side directed HOOeg Fic. 17. — Reaction of Ameeba to the electric current. The arrows show the direction of the protoplasmic currents; at 1 the direction of movement before the current acts is shown. 2, 3, 4, successive positions after the current is passed through the preparation. toward the negative pole or cathode, and the Ameeba creeps in that direc- tion (Fig. 17). The reaction takes place throughout as if the Amoeba were strongly stimulated on the anode side. If the electric current is made very strong, the anode side contracts still more powerfully, and the Amceba bursts open on the opposite side. The current is thus very injurious. C. How Ameba gets Food In the water in which Amceba lives are found many other minute animals and plants. Upon these Amceba preys, taking indifferently an animal or a vegetable diet. Its behavior while engaged in obtaining food is very remarkable for so simple an animal. Spherical cysts of Euglena are a common food with Ameba proteus. These cysts are smooth and spherical, easily rolling when touched, so that they present considerable difficulties to an Amoeba attempting to THE BEHAVIOR OF AMG@BA 13 ingest them. One or two concrete cases will illustrate the behavior of Amceba when presented with the problem of obtaining such an object as food. A spherical Euglena cyst lay in the path of an advancing Ameba proteus. The latter came against the cyst and pushed it ahead a short distance. The cyst did not cling to the protoplasm, but rolled away as soon as it was touched, and this rolling away continued as long as the animal moved forward. Now that part of the Amceba that was imme- diately behind the cyst stopped moving, so that the cyst was no longer pushed forward. At the same time a pseudopodium was sent out on each side of the cyst (Fig. 18), so that the latter was enclosed in a little bay. Meanwhile, a thin sheet of es passed from the upper surface of the Amceba over the cyst (Fig. 18, 2). The two lat- eral pseudopodia be- came bent together at their free ends; the cyst was thus held so that it could not roll away. The pseudo- podia and the over- lying sheet of proto- S z plasm fused at their Fic.18.—Ameeba ingesting a Euglena cyst. 1, 2, 3, 4, succes- free en ds, so that the sive stages in the process. cyst was completely enclosed, together with a quantity of water. It was then carried away by the animal. Ameeba, does not always succeed in obtaining its food so easily as in the case described. Often the cyst rolls away so lightly that the animal fails to grasp and enclose it. In such a case Amoeba may con- tinue its efforts a long time. Thus, in a case observed by the author, an Ameba proteus was moy- ing toward a Euglena cyst (Fig. 19). When the anterior edge of the Amoeba came in contact with it, the cyst rolled forward a little and slipped to the left. The Amoeba followed. When it reached the cyst again, the latter was again pushed forward and to the left. The Amoeba continued to follow. This process was continued till the two had trav- ersed about one-fourth the circumference of a circle. Then (at 3) the cyst when pushed forward rolled to the left, quite out of contact with the animal. The latter then continued straight forward, with broad anterior edge, in a direction which would have taken it away from the food. Buta small pseudopodium on the left side came in contact with 14 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS the cyst, whereupon the Amceba turned and again followed the rolling ball. At times the animal sent out two pseudopodia, one on each side the cyst (as at 4), as if trying to enclose the latter, but the spherical cyst rolled so easily that this did not succeed. . At other times a single, long, slender pseudopodium was sent out, only its tip remaining in contact with the cyst (Fig. 19, 5); then the body was brought up from the rear, and the food pushed farther. Thus the chase continued until the roll- ing cyst and the following Amoeba had described almost a complete Fic. 19.— Ameeba following a rolling Euglena cyst. The figures 1-9 show successive positions occupied by Amceba and cyst. circle, returning nearly to the point where the Amoeba had first come in contact with the cyst. At this point the cyst rolled to the right as it was pushed forward (7). The Ameeba followed (8, 9). This new path was continued for some time. The direction in which the ball was rolling would soon have brought it against an obstacle, so that it seemed probable that the Amoeba would finally secure it. But at this point, after the chase had lasted ten or fifteen minutes, a ciliate infusorian whisked the ball away in its ciliary vortex. Such behavior makes a striking impression on the observer who THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 15 sees it for the first time. The Amoeba conducts itself in its efforts to obtain food in much the same way as animals far higher in the scale. In cultures containing many Amcebe and many Euglena cysts it is not at all rare to find specimens thus engaged in following a rolling ball of food. Sometimes the chase is finally successful; sometimes it is not. Many of the cysts are attached to the substratum. Amoeba often attempts to take such cysts as food, sending pseudopodia on each side of and above them, in the usual way, then covering them completely with its body. But it finally gives up the attempt and passes on. Sometimes when a single pseudopodium comes in contact with a cyst, this pseudopodium alone reacts, stretching out and pushing the cyst ahead of it and keeping in contact with it as long as possible. Mean- while the remainder of the Amoeba moves in some other direction (Fig. 20). Finally the pseudopodium is pulled by the rest of the body away | O 8 \ : ect 2 Ne 3 Po 4 Fic. 20.— A single pseudopodium (x) reacts positively to a Euglena cyst, its protoplasm flowing in the direction of the cyst and pushing it forward, while the remainder of the Amceba moves in another direction. 1-4, successive forms taken. At 4 the reacting pseudopodium is pulled away from the cyst, whereupon it contracts. from the cyst. Again, two pseudopodia on opposite sides of the body may each come in contact with a cyst. Each then stretches out, pull- ing a portion of the body with it, and follows its cyst. Soon the body comes to form two halves connected only by a narrow isthmus. Finally one half succeeds in pulling the other away from its attachment to the bottom. The latter half then contracts, and the entire Amceba follows the victorious pseudopodium. Amoebe frequently prey upon each other. Sometimes the prey is contracted and does not move; then there is no difficulty in ingesting it. Such a case has been described and figured by Leidy (1879, p. 94, and Pl. 7, Figs. 12-19). But the victim does not always conduct itself so passively as in this case, and sometimes finally escapes from its pursuer. This may be illustrated by a case observed by the present writer (Fig. 21). BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS 16 ‘advose yeuy sainjdeoer syy pue vqaoury painjdvo ay} jo advosa ‘iayjoue Aq eqaury auo jo uoNsadut pue ‘ainjdvo Ymsing — ‘12 ‘oly THE BEHAVIOR OF AM@BA 17 I had attempted to cut an Amceba in two with the tip of a fine glass rod. ‘The posterior third of the animal, in the form of a wrinkled ball, remained attached to the rest of the body by only a slender cord, — the remains of the ectosarc. The Amoeba began to creep away, drag- ging with it this ball. This Amoeba. may be called a, while the ball will be designated 6 (see Fig. 21).. A larger Amoeba (c) approached, moving at right angles to the path of the first specimen. Its path acci- dentally brought it in contact with the ball 6, which was dragging past its front. Amoeba c thereupon turned, followed Amceba a, and began to engulf the ball 6. A cavity was formed in the anterior part of Amoeba c, reaching back nearly or quite to its middle, and much more than sufficient to contain the ball 6. Amoeba @ now turned into a new path; Amoeba c¢ followed (Fig. 21, at 4). After the pursuit had lasted for some time the ball 6 had become completely enveloped by Amceba c. The cord connecting the ball with Amceba a broke, and the latter went on its way, disappearing from our account. Now the anterior opening of the cavity in Amoeba c became partly closed, leaving only a slender canal (5). The ball 6 was thus completely enclosed, together with a quan- tity of water. There was no adhesion between the protoplasm of 6 and c; on the contrary, as the sequel will show clearly, both remained inde- pendent, c merely enclosing 0. Now the large Amoeba c stopped, then began to move in another direction (Fig. 21, at 5-6), carrying with it its meal. But the meal — the ball b — now began to show signs of life, sent out pseudopodia, and be- came very active; we shall therefore speak of it henceforth as Amceba 0. It began to creep out through the still open canal, sending forth its pseudopodia to the outside (7). Thereupon Ameceba c sent forth its pseudopodia in the same direction, and after creeping in that direction several times its own length, again enclosed b (7, 8). The latter again partly escaped (9), and was again engulfed completely (10). Ameeba ¢ now started again in the opposite direction (11), whereupon Amceba 0, by a few rapid movements, escaped from the posterior end of Amoeba c, and was free, — being completely separated from ¢ (11, 12). There- upon ¢ reversed its course (12), overtook b, engulfed it completely again (13), and started away. Amoeba 0 now contracted into a ball and re- mained quiet for a time. Apparently the drama was over. Amoeba ¢ Went on its way for about five minutes without any sign of life ind. In the movements of ¢ the ball became gradually transferred to its poste- rior end, until there was only a thin layer of protoplasm between 6 and the outer water. Now b began to move again, sent pseudopodia through _ the thin wall to the outside, and then passed bodily out into the water (14). This time Amceba c did not return and recapture b. The two Cc 18 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Amcebe moved in opposite directions and became completely separated. The whole performance occupied about fifteen minutes. Such behavior is evidently complex. An analysis into simple re- actions to simple stimuli is difficult if possible at all. We shall return to this matter later. The method of food-taking illustrated in the behavior described is characteristic for Amoebee of the proteus and limax types. It is some- times said that these Amoebe take food at the wrinkled posterior end. This, if true at all, is certainly rare; the author has never observed it, though he has seen food taken in dozens of cases. The essential fea- tures. of the food reaction seem to be the movement of the Amceba toward the food body (long continued, in some cases), the hollowing out of the anterior end of the Amceba, the sending forth of pseudopodia on each side of and above the food, and the fusion of the free ends of the pseudopodia, thus enclosing the food, with a quantity of water. The reaction is thus complex; at times, as we have seen, extremely so. In the process of taking food which we have just described there is no adherence between the protoplasm and the food body. But in Ameba verrucosa and its relatives foreign objects do adhere to the sur- face of the body, and this adherence is of much assistance in obtaining food. It partly compensates for the lack of pseudopodia in these species. - But it is not alone food substances that cling to the surface of the body. Particles of soot and bits of débris of all sorts become attached in the same way. Not all these substances are taken into the body as food, so that adhesion to the surface does not account for food-taking. For this an additional reaction is necessary. Food-taking in Ameba verrucosa often occurs as follows: The ani- mal in its progress comes in contact with a small food body, such as a Euglena cyst. This adheres to the surface, and may pass forward on the upper surface of the body to the anterior edge, in the way described on a previous page. At the same time it begins to sink slowly into the body, surrounded by a layer of ectosarc. When it has rounded the anterior edge, the Amceba passes over it; then the food body passes up- ward again at the posterior end and forward on the upper surface. It is now sunk still more deeply into the protoplasm, and by the time it reaches the anterior edge again it has usually passed completely into the endosarc, together with the layer of ectosarc enveloping it. In this way the author has seen Ameba verrucosa ingest various algz, small flagel- lates, Euglena cysts, and a small Ameceba of the proteus type. Indifferent particles, such as bits of soot, which are attached to the surface at the same time, are not taken in. THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 19 Sometimes the taking of food is in Ameba verrucosa a much more complicated process than that just described. Rhumbler (1898) has given a very interesting account of the way in which this species feeds upon filaments of alge many times its own length (Fig. 22). The animal settles upon the middle of an Oscillaria filament, en- velopes it, and length- ens out along it (ca). Then one end bends over (b), so that a loop is formed in the fila- ment (c). The Amoeba then stretches out on the filament again, bends it over anew, Fic. 22.— Ameba verrucosa coiling up and ingesting a fila- and the process is ment of Oscillaria. After Rhumbler (1898). The letters a to g repea hed} amtil the fla- show successive stages in the process. ment forms a close coil within the Amceba (c to g, Fig. 22). Leidy (1879, p. 86) has given a similar account of the method of feeding on filaments of alge in Dinamceba. Filaments that have been partly coiled up are often ejected when light is thrown upon the animal (Rhumbler, 1898). 3. . FEATURES oF GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE IN THE BEHAVIOR oF AMCEBA We find that the simple naked mass of protoplasm reacts to all classes of stimuli to which higher animals react (if we consider auditory stimulation merely a special case of mechanical stimulation). Mechan- ical stimuli, chemical stimuli, temperature differences, light, and elec- tricity control the direction of movement, as they do in higher animals. In other words, Amoeba has some method of responding to all the chief classes of life conditions which it meets. The cause of a reaction — that is, of a change of movement — is in most cases some change in. the environment, due either to an actual alteration of the conditions, or to the movement of the animal into new conditions. This is notably true-of the reactions to mechanical, chemi- cal, and thermal stimuli. In the reactions to light and the electric cur- B0.., BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS rent this is not so evident at first view. The Amoeba reacts even though the light or current remains constant. But if, as appears to be true, the _stimulation occurs primarily on that side on which the light shines, or on the anode side in the reaction to electricity, then it is true that even in these cases the reacting protoplasm is subjected to changes of conditions. Since the movement of the Ameceba is of a rolling character, the proto- plasm of the anterior end and that of the posterior end continually in- terchange positions. In an Amceba moving toward the cathode the extended protoplasm at the cathode end is gradually transferred to the anode end, and as this change takes place it contracts. In the reaction to light the protoplasm of the anterior end directed away from the light is gradually transferred in the rolling movement to the lighted side; it then contracts. It is therefore possible that in these cases also it is the change from one condition to another that causes reaction. It is notable that changes from one condition to another often cause reaction when neither the first condition nor the second would, if acting continuously, produce any such effect. Thus, Amcebe react negatively _to tap water or to water from a foreign culture, but after transference to such water they behave normally. Harrington and Leaming (1900) show that when white light is thrown on an Amceba it ceases to move, but if this light continues, the animal resumes movement. To constant conditions Amoeba tends to become acclimatized. But even constant conditions may induce reaction if they interfere seriously with the life activities of the animal. Under great heat or strong chemicals the protoplasm contracts irregularly and remains thus contracted till death follows. A different example of the production of a reaction by constant conditions is shown in the behavior of Amoebz suspended in the water. Under these conditions, as we have seen, the animal sends pseudopodia in all directions, taking a starlike form. It is evident that the general condition of the organism, as well as an external change, may determine a reaction. The fact that the nature of the behavior depends on the general con- dition of the organism is illustrated in another way by the observation of Rhumbler, that Amcebe may begin to take food, then suddenly reject it. This rejection occurs especially after subjection to light. Appar- ently the light changes the condition of the animal in such a way that it no longer reacts to food as it did. In Ameeba, as in higher animals, the localization of the stimulation partially determines the reaction. The sesult of stimulation on the right side is to cause movement in a direction different from that pro- duced by stimulation on the left side. In Amoeba the relation of the movement to the localization of the stimulus is very simply determined, THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 2 through the fact that it is primarily the part stimulated that responds. This part contracts or extends, thus partly determining the direction of movement. But the localization of the external stimulus is not the only factor in determining the direction of locomotion. Especially in the negative reactions certain other factors are evident, which are of much impor- tance for understanding the behavior. After stimulation at one side or end, the new pseudopodium is as a rule not sent out in a direction exactly opposite that from which the stimulation comes. It usually ap- pears, as we have seen, on some part of the original anterior end of the body, and at first alters the course only slightly. This is evidently con- nected with the fact that only the anterior end is attached to the sub- stratum, and without such attachment locomotion cannot occur. If the pseudopodium were sent out from the unattached posterior part of the body, it would have to overcome the resistance of the contraction existing there, and would have to find the substratum and become attached to it. The new pseudopodium thus starts out from the region of least resist- ance, and in such a way that the new movement forms a continuation of the original one, though in a different direction. If the new direction still leaves the anterior part of the body exposed to the action of the stimulus, then a new pseudopodium is sent out in the same way, still further altering the course. This: may continue till the original direc- tion of locomotion is squarely reversed. This is the method of changing the course that is usually seen in the reactioris to mechanical (Fig. 9), chemical (Fig. 15), thermal, and electric (Fig. 17) stimuli. From Davenport’s figures (Fig. 16) it ap- pears to be likewise the method in the reactions to light. From these facts it is clear that the direction of movement in a nega- tive reaction is not determined entirely by the position of the stimulat- ing agent or the part of the body on which it acts. The moving Amceba is temporarily differentiated, having two ends of opposite character, while the two sides differ from the ends. These internal factors play a large part in determining the direction of movement; the present action of Amoeba, even when responding to stimuli, depends, as a result of these temporary differentiations, partly on its past action. The new pseu- dopodium will be sent out under most circumstances from some part of the anterior end, only under special conditions from a side, and still more rarely from the posterior end. We have here the first traces of relations which play large parts in the behavior of animals higher than Amoeba. Structural differentiations have become permanent in most animals, and as such play a most important réle in determining the direction of movement. Further, in practically all animals the past 22 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS actions are, as in Amoeba, important factors in determining reactions to present stimuli. In Amceba we see in the simplest way the effects of past stimuli and past reactions in determining present behavior. As a result of this interplay of external and internal factors in deter- mining movement, the avoidance of a stimulating agent usually occurs in Amoeba by a process which we should call in higher animals one of trial. If the movement were directly and unequivocally determined by the localization of the stimulus, there would be nothing involved that could be compared to a trial. The direct withdrawal of the part stimu- lated is a factor due immediately to the localization of the external agent. But the sending forth of a pseudopodium in a new direction is not forced by the external agent, but is an outflow of the internal energy of the organism, and the position of this new pseudopodium is, as we have seen, determined by internal conditions. The latter factors are those which correspond to the activities that we call trial in higher animals. If the new direction of movement leads to further stimulation, a new trial is made. Such trials are repeated till either there is no further stimulation, or if it is not possible to escape completely, until the stimu- lation falls on the posterior end, and the animal is retreating directly from the source of stimulation. The entire reaction method may be summed up as follows: The stimulus induces movement in various directions (as defined by internal causes). One of these directions is then selected through the fact that by subjecting the animal to new conditions, it relieves it from stimula- tion. This is our first example of “selection from among the conditions produced by varied movements,” — a phenomenon playing a large part, as we shall see, in the behavior of organisms. The method of reaction above described gives, with different stimuli, two somewhat differing classes of results. In the reactions to mechani- cal, chemical, and thermal stimuli, different directions are ‘‘tried”’ until the organism is moving in such a direction that it is no longer subjected to the stimulating agent; in this direction it continues to move. But in the reactions to light and to electricity new directions are tried merely until the stimulation falls upon the posterior end, and the organism is retreating directly from the source of stimulation. There is no possibil- ity of escaping the stimulating agent completely. In the reactions to the two stimuli last mentioned the long axis of the animal must after a time take up a definite orientation with respect to the direction from which the stimulus comes, while in the reactions to other stimuli there is usually no such orientation. This difference is due, not to any essentially dif- ferent method of reacting in the two cases, but merely to the peculiar distribution of the stimulating agents; light and electricity act continu- THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 23 ously, and always affect a certain side of the organism, while this is not true of the other agents. If an intense stimulus acts on the entire surface of Amceba at once, the animal contracts irregularly and ceases to move. If the acting agent is very powerful, the Amoeba may remain contracted till it dies; other- wise it usually soon begins locomotion again. We may classify the various changes in behavior due to stimulation into three main types, which may be called the positive reaction, the negative reaction, and the food reaction; these have already been de- scribed in detail. These types are not stereotyped; each varies much in details under different conditions. "The movements in these reactions are clearly not the direct results of the simple physical action of the agents inducing them (see Jennings, 1904 g). As in higher animals, so in Ameeba, the reactions are indirect. The effect of external agents is to cause internal alterations, and these determine the movements. It is therefore not possible to predict the movements of the organism from a knowledge of the direct physical changes produced in its substance by the agent in question. _ What decides whether the reaction to a given stimulus shall be posi- tive or negative? ‘This question touches the fundamental problem of behavior. The nature of the physical or chemical action of an agent does not alone determine the reaction, for to the same agent opposite reactions may be given, depending on its intensity, or upon various attendant circumstances. If we should make a chemical or physical classification of the agents affecting movement in Ameeba, this would not coincide with a classification based on the reactions given. But the agents which produce a negative reaction are in general those which injure the organism in one way or another, while those inducing the positive reaction are beneficial. Any agent which directly injures the animal, such as strong chemicals, heat, mechanical impact, produces the negative reaction. The positive reaction is known to be produced only by agents which are beneficial to the organism. It aids the animal to find solid objects on which it can move, and is the chief factor in obtaining food. Thus the behavior of Amceba is directly adaptive; it tends to preserve the life of the animal and to aid it in carrying on its normal activities. It may perhaps be maintained that certain reactions are not adap- tive; for example, that to the electric current. The reaction in this case does not tend to remove the organism from the action of the stimulat- ing agent. But it is instructive to imagine in such a case an organism with possibilities of high intelligence —say even a human being — placed under similar conditions, with similar limitations of sense and 24 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of locomotive power. Would it give a more adaptive reaction than Amoeba? Evidently, the conditions are such that it is impossible for the animal to escape by any means from the current. Since the stimu- lation apparently comes most strongly from the anode side, it is natural to move in the opposite direction. The method of the negative reaction is that of a trial of certain directions of movement. This method is in essence an adaptive one, and if it fails in the present case, certainly no better course of action can be suggested. Can the behavior of Amceba be resolved throughout into direct unvarying reactions to simple stimuli, — into elements comparable to simple reflexes ? For most of the behavior described in the preceding pages the stimuli can be recognized in simple chemical or physical changes in the environ- ment. Yet there are certain trains of action for which such a resolution into unvarying reactions to simple stimuli seems unsatisfactory. This is notably true for some of the food reactions. In watching an Amceba following a rolling food ball, as in Fig. 19, one seems to see the animal, after failing to secure the food in one way, try another. Again, in the pursuit of one Amceba by another, it is difficult to conceive each phase of action of the pursuer to be completely determined by a simple present stimulus. For example, in Fig. 21, after Amoeba } has escaped com- pletely and is quite separate from Amoeba c, the latter reverses its course and recaptures 6 (at 11-13). What determines the behavior of c at this point? If we can imagine all the external physical and chemi- cal conditions to remain the same, with the two Amcebe in the same relative positions, but suppose at the same time that Amceba c has never had the experience of possessing 8, — would its action be the same? Would it reverse its movement, take in b, then return on its former course? One who sees the behavior as it occurs can hardly resist the conviction that the action at this point is partly determined by the changes in ¢ due to the former possession of b, so that the behavior is not purely reflex. Of less interest than the case just mentioned are modifications in behavior due to acclimatization, and to the interference of stimuli. Amoeba may become accustomed to certain things, so as to cease reacting after a time, though the condition remains the same. Thus Verworn (1889 6) found that Amcebe which at first react to a weak electric cur- rent may after a time continue their usual movements, without regard to the current. Harrington and Leaming (1900), as we have seen, found that white or blue light thrown on Amceba causes it to cease moving, but if the light is continued, the movements begin again after a time. In- deed, we have recognized above the general fact that change is the chief THE BEHAVIOR OF AMGBA 25 factor:in causing reaction, so that such acclimatization is a constant, normal factor in the behavior. A change in reaction due to a different cause is seen in Rhumbler’s observation of the fact that Amoeba after beginning to ingest food may reject it when subjected to light. Beyond facts of this character, little is known as to the modifiability of reactions in Amceba. LITERATURE I (Works are cited here by giving the author’s name followed by the date of publi- cation. The full title will be found in the alphabetical list at the end of the volume. Only the important works are mentioned.) A. General account of the behavior of Ameeba, giving details of the observations on which the foregoing account is mainly based : JENNINGS, 1904 é. B. Attempted physical explanations of the activities of Amoeba: RHUMBLER, 1898 ; BUTSCHLI, 1892; BERNSTEIN, 1900; JENSEN, I90I, 1902; VERWORN, 1892; JENNINGS, 1902 @, 1904 g; RHUMBLER, 1905. C. General works on Ameba and its relatives: BUTSCHLI, 1880; PENARD, 1902; LEIDY, 1879. D. Reactions to unlocalized stimuli, and to localized heat: VERWORN, 1889. £. Reaction to electricity: VERWORN, 1889 4, 1896 @; JENNINGS, 1904 é. F. Reactions to light: DAVENPORT, 1897; HARRINGTON AND LEAMING, 1900; ENGELMANN, 1879. CHAPTER II THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA I. STRUCTURE AND MOVEMENTS BACTERIA are perhaps the lowest organisms having a definite form and special organs for locomotion. In these characteristics they are less simple than Amoeba and resemble higher animals, though in other ways the bacteria are among the simplest of organisms. Whether they are more nearly related to animals or to plants is a question of little impor- tance for our purposes; they are usually considered as nearer to plants. Bacteria are minute organisms living in immense numbers in decay- ing organic matter, and found in smaller numbers almost everywhere. They have characteristic definite forms (Fig. 23); some are straight cylindrical rods; some are curved rods; some are spiral in. form; others are spherical, oval, or of other shapes. The individuals are often united together in chains. While some bacteria are quiet, others move about rapidly. The movements are produced by the Fic. 23. — Different species of bacteria, showing the distribution of the flagella. a, Chromatium okeni, after Zopf; 6, Chro- matium photometricum, after Engelmann ; c, Spirillum undula, after Migula; d, Vibrio swinging of whiplike protoplasmic processes, the flagella or cilia. The flagella may be borne singly or in numbers at one end of the body, or may be scattered over the entire cholera, after Fischer; e, Bacilli of typhus, after Fischer ; j, Bacillus syncyaneus, after Fischer; g, Clostridium butyricum, after Fischer. surface. Figure 23 shows the dis- tribution of flagella in a number of species. In most bacteria we can distinguish a permanent longitudinal axis, and along this axis movement takes place. Thus both the form, and in correspondence with it, the movement, are more definite than in Ameeba. If the bacterium is quiet, we can predict that when it moves it will move in the direction of this axis; for Amoeba such a prediction cannot be 26 THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 27 made. In some bacteria the two ends are similar, and movement may take place in either direction. In others the two ends differ, one bearing flagella, while the other does not. In these species the movement is still further determined; the end bearing the flagella is anterior in the usual locomotion. In none of the bacteria can we distinguish upper and lower surfaces or right and left sides. As the bacterium swims, it revolves continually on its long axis; the significance of this revolution will be considered in our account of behavior in the infusoria. 2. REACTIONS TO STIMULI The movements of the bacteria are not unordered, but are of such a character as to bring about certain general results, some of which at least are conducive to the welfare of the organism. If a bacterium swimming in a certain direction comes against a solid object, it does not remain obstinately pressing its anterior end against the object, but moves in some other direction. If some strong chemical is diffusing in a certain region, the bacteria keep out of this region (Fig. 24). They often collect about bubbles of air, and about masses of decaying animal or plant material. Often they gather about small green plants (Fig. 25), and in some cases a large number of bacteria gather to form a well- defined group without evident external cause. How are such results brought about? ‘To answer this question, we will examine carefully the behavior of the large and favorable form, Spirillum’ (Fig. 23, c). Spirillum is a spiral rod, bearing a bunch of flagella at one end. Ina thriving culture a large proportion of the indi- viduals bear flagella at both ends and can swim indifferently in either direction. It is said by good authorities that such specimens are pre- paring to divide. When Spirillum comes against an obstacle, it responds by the sim- plest possible reaction, — by a reversal of the direction of movement. In specimens with flagella at each end the new direction is continued till a new stimulation causes a new reversal. In bacteria with flagella at only one end, the movement backward is continued only a short time, then the forward movement is resumed. Usually when the forward movement is renewed, the path followed is not the same as the original path, but forms an angle with it; the bacterium has thus turned to one side. Whether this turning is due to currents in the water or other 1There are several species of Spirillum found in decaying organic matter. The species have not been clearly determined in most of the work on behavior, and this is not of great importance, as the behavior is essentially the same in character throughout. 28 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS accidental conditions, or, as is more probable, is determined in some way by the structure of the organisms, has not been discovered. In the infusoria, as we shall see, the latter is the case. The reversal of movement of course carries the organism away from the agent causing it. We find that the same reaction is produced when the bacterium comes to a region where some repellent chemical is diffus- ing in the water. This is well shown when a drop of } per cent NaCl is introduced with a capillary pipette beneath the cover-glass of a prepara- tion swarming with actively moving Spirilla. The bacteria at first keep up their movement in all directions, but on coming to the edge of the drop of salt solution the movement is reversed. Hence none of the bacteria enter the drop, and it remains empty, like the chemicals in Fig. 24. Fic. 24. — Repulsion of bacteria by chemicals. A. Repulsion of Chromatium weissii by malic acid diffusing from a capillary tube. After Miyoshi (1897). B, Repulsion of Spirilla by crystals of NaCl. a, Condition’ immediately after adding the crystals; } and ¢, later stages in the reaction. After Massart (1891). They react in this way toward solutions of most acids and alkalies, as well as toward many salts and other chemicals. A drop of these chem- icals remains entirely empty when introduced into a preparation of Spirilla. This simple reversal of movement is the method by which avoidance of any agent takes place; in other words, it is the method of the nega- tive reactions in bacteria. Bacteria also collect in certain regions, as we have seen, — about air bubbles, green plants, food, etc.; they have thus what are called ‘positive reactions’ as well as negative ones. What is the behavior in the formation of such collections ? One finds, rather unexpectedly, that the positive reaction is produced in essentially the same way as the negative one, — by a simple reversal THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 29 of movement under certain conditions. If we place water containing many Spirilla on a slide, allowing some small air bubbles to remain be- neath the cover-glass, we find after a time that the bacteria are collecting about the bubbles. The course of events in forming the collections is seen to be as follows: At first the Spirilla are scattered uniformly, swimming in all directions. They pass close to the air bubble without change in the movements. But gradually the oxygen throughout the preparation becomes used up, while from the air bubble oxygen diffuses into the water. After a time therefore the bubble must be conceived as surrounded by a zone of water impregnated with oxygen. Now the bac- teria begin to collect about the bubble. They do not change their direc- tion of movement and swim straight toward the center of diffusion of the oxygen. On the contrary the movement continues in all directions as before. A Spirillum swimming close to the bubble into the oxygen- ated zone does not at first change its movement in the least. It swims across the zone until it reaches the other side, where it would again pass out into the water containing no oxygen. Here the reaction oc- curs; the organism reverses its movement and swims in the opposite direction. If the specimen has flagella at each end, it continues its re- versed movement until the opposite side of the area containing the oxygen is reached; then the movement is reversed again. This is continued, the direction of movement being reversed as often as the organism comes to the outer boundary of the zone of oxygen within which it is swim- ming.’ Thus the bacterium oscillates back and forth across the area of oxygen. Specimens having flagella at but one end swim backward only a short distance after reaching the boundary of the area, then start forward again. As a result of this way of acting the bacterium of course remains in the oxygenated area. The latter thus retains every bacterium that enters it. Many bacteria, swimming at random, enter the area in the way described, react at the outer boundary, and remain; thus in the course of time the area of oxygen swarms with the organisms, while the surrounding regions are almost free from them. The finding of the oxygen then depends upon the usual movements of the bacteria, — not upon movements specially set in operation or directed by the oxygen. Thus the positive and negative reactions of the bacteria are pro- duced in the same way; both take place through the reversal of the movement when stimulated. The stimulus is some change in the na- ture of the surrounding medium. In the negative reaction the change is from ordinary water to water containing some chemical; in the posi- 1 The bacterium may of course come against the bubble itself; the movement is then reversed in the same way. 30 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS tive reaction it is the change from water containing oxygen to water con- taining none. Ja ay 9 ef = wm fae” * *,sewe o«* ** ¢e . *. +" s* ” ° - ~. a el eese %% be ep BP gbagete fest Meee ty ae Se. a CAT IM e. € 9 at = aes bea b> & Reese * Meets, § SS ee gr Dies Cb a . . > “ve Pare ? > st. ee °%, ; ** +° of .8. 8 2°? #e, “fe . eo of ty oo? $.° oe * ee Ms a ot Ad ‘ ce “f; ote Este ~~ Fic. 25. — Collections of bacteria about algw, due to the oxygen produced by the latter. A, Spirilla collected about a diatom. green alga cell in the light. After Verworn. 8B, Bacteria gathered about a spherical a shows the condition immediately after placing the bacteria and alga on a slide; no collection has yet formed. 06, Condition two minutes later; part of the bac- teria have gathered closely about the cell. After Engelmann (1894). Spirilla collect in the way above described about any source of oxy- gen. WNT ae . 7 aot, 5 “ ats ’ 8 lee Spits Se eves . bated ‘ ‘ . Fic. 26. — An experi- ment of Engelmann (1894), showing that when a di- atom is partly lighted, only the part exposed to the light produces oxygen. The upper half of the di- atom was in the shade, the lower half in the light. The bacteria have gathered only about the lighted half of the diatom. Green plants give off oxygen in the light, so that the bacteria col- lect about desmids, diatoms, and other microscopic plants, in a lighted preparation, in the same way as about air bubbles (Fig. 25). Many other bac- teria react in the same way to oxygen; notably the ordinary bacterium of decaying vegetable infusions, Bacterium termo. Bacteria react to ex- ceedingly minute quantities of oxygen, so that it is possible to use them as tests for the presence of small amounts of this substance. Engelmann calculates that a bacterium may react to one one- hundred-billionth of a milligram of oxygen. By means of such reactions he has carried on investi- gations to determine whether various green or col- orless organisms do or do not give off oxygen; results may be attained in this way that could scarcely be reached otherwise (Fig. 26). Spirillum (especially S. enue) is so remarkably sensitive to oxygen that many individuals may react to the oxygen produced by a single specimen of another smaller bacterium (Engelmann). When bacteria collect about bubbles or near the edge of the cover-glass as a reaction to oxy- THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 31 gen, certain differences are to be observed in different species. Spirilla usually gather in a narrow zone a short distance from the air surface, while Bacterium termo and most other species collect in another zone, a little closer to the air. These relations are illustrated for Spirilla and certain infusoria in Fig. 27. In such cases it is found that the reversal of movement is brought about in two differ- ent regions. Passage from the zone in which the quan- tity of oxygen is adapted to the particular species, to a region having less oxygen, causes the reversal; passage toa region having more Oxy- Fic. 27. — Collections of Spirilla, a, and a ciliate in- . fusorian Anophrys, 6, at the corner of the cover-glass, Bt (next to the air surface) and about a bubble. Each remains in a narrow zone causes the reversal with even a certain distance from the air surface, the bacteria greater precision. As a re- farther away than the infusoria. After Massart. sult, each species remains swimming about within the narrow zone adapted to it, at a short distance from the air. Thus any given species is adapted to a certain concentration of oxy- gen, which may be called its optimum. Passage from the optimum in either direction — toward more oxygen or less oxygen — causes the reversal of movement, so that the bacteria remain in the optimum. Oxygen is of course necessary, or at least useful, to these bacteria; most of them become immobilized soon if oxygen is excluded from the water. The reversal of movement on passing to a region of less oxygen is thus an adaptive reaction. It is probable that the concentration in which each spe- cies tends to remain is that most EES ee ea favorable to its life activities. Some weissii in and about a capillary tube con- bacteria (the so-called anaérobic spe- on alae ammonium nitrate. ¢jes) do not require oxygen, and these bacteria do not collect in an oxygen- ated area. One of these, Amylobacter, is known to avoid oxygen in all effective concentrations; that is, it reverses its movement on com- ing to a region containing oxygen (Rothert, 1gor). Many bacteria collect in various other chemicals in the same manner as in solutions of oxygen (see Fig. 28). Such collections are usually fo--5 if # \ %, rte siictssredi elas tag, > ® f{ tp RN (po tes f : 4, * Bs ¥ yy asf “Mesias ; ‘ 32 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS formed in food substances; meat extract, for example, is an agent which produces such collections in most species of bacteria. Pfeffer (1884) found that Bacterium termo forms collections in meat extract, aspara- gine, peptone, white of egg, conglutin, grass extract, leucin, urea, and various other substances which might serve as nourishment. The so-called sulphur bacteria use hydrogen sulphide in their nutritive pro- cesses, and are found to collect in solutions of this substance (Miyoshi, 1897). Many bacteria collect also in solutions of chemicals which probably do not serve directly as food.’ Bacterium termo collects markedly in weak solutions of potassium. carbonate, so that this is a favorable sub- stance for demonstrating the collections. It collects also in most salts of potassium, and in a less marked way in many other inorganic chem- icals. Indeed, this species may be said to gather in weak solutions of most inorganic chemicals, save in those of the powerful acids and alka- lies. This bacterium lives on decaying vegetation, from which many chemicals diffuse into the surrounding water; potassium salts especially are given off in this manner. The tendency of the organisms to collect in such salts therefore keeps them in proximity to the decaying vegeta- tion which serves them as nourishment; these reactions are thus indi- rectly adaptive. But Bacterium termo collects in certain chemicals that are not thus given off by decaying vegetation. Pfeffer (1888) found that they gather in salts of rubidium, cesium, lithium, strontium, and barium, with which under natural conditions they never come in con- tact. It has been suggested that this may be explained as due to a simi- larity in the effect of these chemicals to the effects of others which they do meet under natural conditions. The organisms react thus in the same way to similar stimulation, without regard to its diverse source in different cases. : Many other bacteria resemble Bacterium termo in collecting in solu- tions of a great variety of chemicals. Miyoshi (1897) found that the sulphur bacterium Chromatium weissii forms collections in weak solu- tions of hydrogen sulphide, potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate (Fig. 28), calcium nitrate, sodium-potassium tartrate, ammonium phosphate, monosodium phosphate, sodium chloride, cane sugar, grape sugar, asparagine, and peptone. Some reactions can hardly be considered in any way adaptive. Rothert (1901) found that Amylobacter and another bacterium collect 1 The method of testing the reaction to chemicals has usually been as follows. A capillary glass tube is filled with the solution to be tested, and one end is sealed. The open end is then brought into the fluid containing bacteria ; these then enter the tube (Fig. 28) or leave it empty (Fig. 24, A), depending on their reaction to the chemical. THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 33. in weak solutions of ether. From the method by which the gatherings are produced, it is, of course, evident that collection in any agent signi- fies merely that the organisms are less repelled by this agent than by the surrounding conditions. All such collections are doubtless to be ’ conceived as brought about by a reversal of the movement on passing from the dilute chemical to water containing none of the chemical. In many cases this has been determined by direct observations ; * in other cases the observations have not been made. If the chemical is stronger, the reversal of movement is produced when the bacteria come in contact with it, so that strong chemicals as a rule remain empty. Thus the same chemicals that, when dilute, pro- duce a “positive reaction”? cause, when stronger, a negative reaction. All substances in dilute solutions of which Spirillum gathers are avoided if stronger solutions are used. Miyoshi found this to be true also for Chromatium weissii; and it is indeed a general rule for bacteria. Why should the bacteria avoid strong solutions of the very substances that when weak are “‘attractive”? It is, of course, well known that strong solutions are as a rule injurious; the negative reaction is there- fore distinctly adaptive under these conditions. Even when we can see no use for the positive reaction, as in the case of the collecting of Amylo- bacter in a solution of ether, we find that the reaction becomes negative as soon as the solution becomes injurious. Amylobacter keeps out of stronger solutions of ether. Yet the bacteria are no more infallible in detecting i injurious sub- stances than are higher organisms. If a poisonous chemical is mixed with a solution in which the bacteria naturally collect, the organisms may continue to*enter a drop of the solution, where they are killed. So Pfeffer (1888, p. 628) found that if to an attractive solution of o.o1g per cent potassium chloride be added 0.01 per cent mercuric chloride, Bac- lterium termo and Spirillum undula continue to pass into the solution, though they are there immediately killed. Bacterium termo swarms into solutions of morphine (morphium chloride), where after ten minutes to an hour all motion ceases. To just what action of the strong solution is the repellent effect, when it occurs, due? Strong solutions may be injurious from two dif- ferent classes of causes. The specific properties of the given chemical may cause injuries when acting intensely, and this might induce the negative reaction. But farther, in any strong solution the osmotic press- ure is high, and this produces injury in organisms by withdrawing the 1 The reversal of motion under these circumstances has been described especially by Pfeffer (1884), Rothert (1901), and Jennings and Crosby (1901). D 34 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS water from the protoplasm (plasmolysis). The reaction of bacteria might then be due to this physical effect of strong solutions. If the repellent effects of strong chemicals are due to their osmotic pressure, then all solutions having equal osmotic pressure must be equally repellent. This gives a method of testing the matter. Bacteria have been subjected to the action of many chemicals in solutions of equivalent osmotic pressure, with the following results. ‘There are many strong chemicals which cause reaction when the osmotic pressure is very low, — much lower than in the weakest solutions required to produce reaction in other substances. Such are, as a rule, the strong mineral acids and alkalies (Pfeffer); such are potassium cyanide, potassium oxalate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphite, and potassium nitrate in the experiments of Massart (1889). The reactions produced by these substances can be due then only to their chemical effects, without re- gard to the osmotic pressure. On the other hand, Massart has shown that in two species of bacteria — Spirillum undula and Bacterium me- gatherium — the repellent power of a large number of chemicals is pro- portional to the osmotic pressure of the solutions. It appears probable therefore that the osmotic press- ure is the cause of the reaction.* In certain other bacteria it has been demonstrated that there is no such sensitiveness to os- motic pressure. Bacterium termo enters the strongest solutions of attractive salts. This is sup- posed to be because its proto- Fic. 29. —Repulsion of Spirilla of sea water Plasm is permeable to the salts by distilled water. The upper drop consists of in question. Taken all together, sea water containing Spirilla; the lower of distilled : water. At x these have just been united by a the experimental results demon- narrow neck. At y and z the bacteria are driven te that in m es the back before the advancing distilled water. After sae os . =: sae! — Massart (1891). negative reaction is due to the chemical properties of the sub- stance, and they render it probable that in some other cases the reaction is due to the osmotic pressure. It is not always more concentrated solutions that cause the reversal of movement. Bacteria that live in sea water keep out of areas of dis- 1 This conclusion is weakened by the fact that the bacteria are much less repelled by sev- eral substances — glycerine, asparagine, dextrose, and saccharose— even when they are so concentrated as to have higher osmotic pressure than the repellent solutions of the substances above mentioned ( Massart, 1889). This is explicable only by making certain special, un- proved assumptions for each case. The matter needs further investigation. THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 35 tilled water in the same way (Fig. 29). This result may be due to the fact that the osmotic pressure of the distilled water is less than that of the sea water. On the other hand, it is possible that it is due merely to the cessation of the chemical action of certain components of the sea water. The case would then be comparable to the reaction induced when bacteria come to a region containing no oxygen, as described in the preceding pages. Most bacteria do not react to light. But there are certain bacteria for whose successful development light is required, and in these species we find that reaction to light occurs in the same manner as the reaction to oxygen in others. The species which react to light belong chiefly to the group of sulphur bacteria. They contain a purple coloring matter (bacterio-purpurin), which acts in a manner analogous to the chlorophyl of higher plants. By its aid, through the agency of light, these bacteria break up and assimilate carbon dioxide, giving off oxygen. Engelmann (1882 a, 1888) made a thorough study of the relations to light in one of these bacteria, Chromatium photometricum (Fig. 23, 6). This organism moves actively and develops well in diffuse light, but in the dark movement soon ceases and development stops. Only in the light does it assimilate carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. In corre- spondence with this, Chromatium photometricum collects in lighted areas. This takes place in the same manner as the collection of bacteria in oxy- gen. Engelmann placed the bacteria on a glass slide, in the usual way, then illuminated a certain spot from below, while light was cut off from the remainder of the preparation. He found that the bacteria do not react on entering the lighted area. But when once within this area, on coming to the outer boundary they suddenly reverse their movement and swim backward a distance. Then they start forward again; on coming anew to the boundary they react as before, and this happens every time they reach the confines of the lighted area. ‘Thus none leave the light; all those that enter the lighted area remain, and a dense col- lection is soon formed here. In every detail the phenomena are parallel to those found in the reactions of other bacteria to oxygen, as described in previous pages. A sudden decrease of light causes the same backward movement that is observed when the bacteria come to the edge of the lighted area. If the light is suddenly decreased by closing the diaphragm of the micro- scope, all the bacteria at once swim backward a distance, — often ten to twenty times their length. This shows that the reaction is not due to the difference in illumination of two ends or two sides of the organism, but only to the sudden decrease in light. This is shown also by the fact that the bacteria may swim completely across the boundary of the lighted 36 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS region into the dark before reacting; the reaction then carries them ‘back into the light. With the smaller bacteria the reaction usually occurs in this manner, while in larger species (Monas okeni; Ophido- monas sanguinea) the reversal of movement occurs when only one end has passed into the dark. A sudden increase of light merely causes the organisms to swim forward a little more rapidly. The purple bacteria are sensitive in different degrees to lights of dif- ferent colors, tending to gather in certain colors more than in others. This is shown in a most striking way when a spectrum is thrown on a preparation of Chromatium photometricum (Fig. 30). The largest num- a@BC D Eb F g Fic. 30.— Distribution of bacteria in a microscopic spectrum. The largest group is in the ultra-red, to the left; the next largest group in the yellow-orange, close to the line D. After Engelmann. ber of the bacteria collect in the ultra-red rays, which do not affect the human eye at all. There is another collection in yellow-orange, while a few are scattered through the green and blue. None are found in the red, the violet, or ultra-violet. These collections arise in the same man- ner as those in the white light. Bacteria swimming from blue toward yellow-orange, or from red toward ultra-red, do not react at all, but con- tinue their course. But specimens swimming in the opposite direction react in the usual way, by leaping back, when they come to the outer boundary of the ultra-red or the orange-yellow. Hence, in the course of time, if the bacteria continue moving, almost all of them will be found in the two regions last named. It is a most interesting fact that the colors in which the bacteria col- lect are exactly those which are most absorbed by them, and are also those which are most favorable to their metabolic processes. Engel- mann showed that most oxygen is given off, and hence that most carbon dioxide is assimilated, in the ultra-red rays, while next to the ultra-red the orange-yellow are most favorable to these processes. The reactions of these bacteria to light are therefore adapted with remarkable preci- sion to bringing them into regions which offer the best conditions for their development. This is the more remarkable when we consider that THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 37 under natural conditions the bacteria rarely if ever have opportunity to react to the separated spectral colors. Besides the purple bacteria, a green form, Bacterium chlorinum, is known to assimilate carbon dioxide and to collect in light, in the same manner as do the purple species. The precise method by which bacteria react to heat and cold has been little studied. Mast (1903) has shown that Spirilla do not react’ at all to changes in temperature. If a portion of the preparation con- taining them is heated, they continue to pass into this region just as before, though they may be at once killed by the heat. They may pass also into a cold region, where motion gradually ceases. The reaction to the electric current, like that to heat and cold, is in need of a thorough examination. Verworn found that when subjected to a continuous current some bacteria pass to the anode, others to the cathode. When placed in a vertical tube, some kinds of bacteria pass upward to the top, in opposition to the force of gravity, while others gather at the lower end (Massart, 1891). The factors on which this reaction to gravity depends, and the precise way in which the reaction takes place, are unknown, Bacteria often react to contact with solids by settling down and becoming quiet on the surface of the solid, which is usually some food body. Bacterium termo thus forms dense collections on the surface of such an object as a fly’s leg. aR 3. GENERAL FEATURES IN THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA We find that the chief reactions of bacteria, so far as they have been precisely determined, take place through a single movement, — a tem- porary reversal of the direction of swimming. This reaction is so simple as to be comparable to a reflex action as we find it in an isolated muscle. Whether the bacteria collect in a certain region or avoid it depends on what it is that produces this reversal of movement. The reaction is caused as a rule by a change in the environment of the organism. ‘This change is usually brought about by the movement of the bacterium into a region differing from that which it previously occupied, but it may be due to an active alteration of the environment, as when light is suddenly cut off. For the reaction to occur with the result of a general movement of the organisms into a certain region, it is not necessary that different parts of the body should be differently stimulated, as we found to be the case in Amoeba. The only requirement for producing a general move- ment of the organisms in a certain direction is that movement in any other 38 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS direction shall result in such a change as will produce the reversal of movement. Not every change in the environment produces a reaction. A change leading toward a certain optimum condition produces no reac- tion, while a change of opposite character causes the reversal of move- ment. A negative change in the environment — the decrease or cessa- tion of action of a certain agent — may be as effective a stimulus as is a positive change due to the entrance of a new agent into action. This is well illustrated in the reactions to light and oxygen. All these rela- tions we shall meet again, more fully illustrated, in the behavior of infusoria. The strength of the change necessary to cause a reaction has been found by Pfeffer to vary in accordance with Weber’s law. This as usually formulated expresses certain relations between sensation and stimulus in man. According to this law, it is the relative change in the environ- ment, not the absolute change, that causes a perceptible difference in sensation. Thus if a certain perceptible weight x is pressing on the skin of certain parts of the body, it requires an additional weight of about $ x to produce a noticeable difference in the sensation; if the original weight is 2 x, then an additional weight of $ x is required. In general the addi- tional weight must be about one-third the original one before a notice- able difference in sensation is produced. In the bacteria we know noth- ing about sensations, but if we substitute reaction for sensation, similar relations are found to hold good. Pfeffer found that if Bacterium termo is cultivated in 0.01 per cent meat extract, they collect noticeably in capil- lary tubes containing 0.05 per cent meat extract, but not in a weaker solution. For producing reaction the inner fluid must therefore be five times as strong as the outer. If now the culture fluid is raised to a strength of 0.1 per cent meat extract, then five times this strength — namely, 0.5 per cent — is required to induce the bacteria to collect. If the culture fluid is 1 per cent, the fluid in the capillary tube must be 5 per cent in order to produce the usual reaction. The fluid in which the bacteria collect must be always five times as strong as that in which they live. It is the relative change, not the absolute change, that in- duces reaction. This agreement between the relation of sensation to stimulus in man and that of reaction to stimulus in these low organisms is of great interest. There is a considerable amount of variation in the reactions among different individuals of the same species. Thus, Rothert found that specimens of Amylobacter from a certain culture were markedly negative to oxygen and positive to ether, while in specimens from another culture these reactions were hardly observable. Even among individuals of the same culture there is variation. Engelmann found that when the light THE BEHAVIOR OF BACTERIA 39 falling on a group of individuals of Chromatium was suddenly decreased, a few react to even very slight changes, a larger number to more consid- erable changes, while some hardly react at all. “Nervous” and “apa- thetic” individuals, Engelmann says, can be distinguished in any group. Even in the same individual the reaction may vary. Engelmann found that if the light was suddenly decreased, then restored, and at once de- creased again, the bacteria usually do not react to the second decrease, though they did to the first. Among different kinds of bacteria there are, as we have seen, certain constant differences in the reactions. A relation of great significance becomes evident on examining the facts; behavior under stimulation depends on the nature of the normal lije processes, — especially the meta- bolic processes. Bacteria that require oxygen in their metabolism col- lect in water containing oxygen; bacteria to which oxygen is useless or harmful avoid oxygen. Bacteria that use hydrogen sulphide in their metabolism gather in that substance. Bacteria that require light for the proper performance of their metabolic processes gather in light, while others do not. When one color is more favorable than others to the metabolic processes the bacteria gather in that color, even though they may under natural conditions have no experience .with separated spectral colors. Keeping in mind that all these collections are formed through the fact that the organisms reverse their movement at passing out of the favorable conditions, these relations can be summed up as follows: Behavior that results in interference with the normal metabolic processes is changed, the movement being reversed, while behavior that does not result in interference or that favors the metabolic processes is continued. This statement doubtless does not express the behavior completely, yet the general fact which it sets forth is on the whole clearly evident. The result of this method of action is to make the behavior regulatory, or adaptive. Through it, the bacteria, like higher organisms, avoid injurious conditions and collect in beneficial ones. There are some exceptions to this; the adaptiveness is not perfect, as nothing is perfect under ail conditions. The exceptions are perhaps not more numerous in these lowest organisms than in the highest ones. Putting all together, the behavior of the bacteria may be summed up as follows: They swim about in a direction determined by the posi- tion of the body axis, until the movement subjects them to an unfavora- ble change; thereupon they reverse and swim in some other direction. With rapid movements and much sensitiveness to unfavorable influ- ences, this soon results in their finding and remaining in the favorable regions. In the presence of a localized region of favorable conditions 40 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS (food or oxygen, for example) the organisms do not show movement in a single direction, adapted to reaching these favorable conditions. On the contrary, they show movements in all sorts of directions; one of these is finally continued or selected by its success. We find again be- havior based on the ‘“‘selection from among the conditions produced by varied movements.” ' LITERATURE I (On the behavior of Bacteria) ENGELMANN, 1881, 1882 a, 1888, 1894; JENNINGS AND CROSBY, 1901 ; MASSART, ; 1889, 1891, 1891 @; MAST, 1903; MIYOSHI, 1897; PFEFFER, 1884, 1888; ROTHERT, 1901, 1903. CHAPTER III THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM STRUCTURE; MOVEMENTS; METHOD OF REACTION TO STIMULI INTRODUCTORY THE name Jnjusoria is applied to those unicellular organisms (aside from bacteria) that swim by means of cilia or flagella, as well as to a few others. The organs of locomotion are protoplasmic processes on the body surface. Where these are short and numerous, they are called cilia; where they are long and the organism bears but one or a small number, they are called flagella. The organisms bearing cilia are classed together as Ciliata; those with flagella are the Flagellata. Fig- ure 31 shows a number of characteristic forms of the Ciliata. Along with the infusoria we shall take up other unicellular organisms or develop- mental stages that swim by means of such protoplasmic processes, — for example, spermatozoa and swarm spores. The infusoria are commonly found, as the name implies, in infusions of decaying animal and vegetable matter. One of the commonest and best known of the infusoria is Paramecium, found in water containing de- caying marsh plants, or in hay infusion with which some marsh or pond water has been mixed. The behavior of Paramecium has been studied more than that of any other infusorian, so that we shall take this up first as a representative of the group. The behavior of other species will be then examined to discover how far the relations in Paramecium are typical, and to bring out differences — especially points for which Paramecium is not a favorable object of study. 1. BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM; STRUCTURE Paramecium (Fig. 32) is a whitish,:cigar-shaped animal, living in immense numbers in decaying vegetable infusions, and visible to the naked eye as a minute, elongated particle. The anterior part of the 41 42 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS body is slender but blunt, the posterior part thicker, but more pointed. Thus the two ends differ, as in some bacteria, and there is a further Fic. 31. — Examples of ciliate infusoria. «@, Spirostomum ambiguum Ehr., after Stein. b, Stentor reselii Ehr., after Stein. c, Vorticella nebulifera O. F. M., after Biitschli. d, Col- pidium colpoda Ehr., after Schewiakoff, from Biitschli. e, Loxophyllum meleagris O. F. M., after Biitschli. /, Stylonychia mytilus Ehr., after Engelmann. differentiation of the lateral surfaces. One side, the oral surface, bears a broad, oblique groove, known as the oral groove, or peristome, ex- THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 43 tending from the mouth in the middle of the body forward to the anterior end. When the animal is placed with the oral surface below, the groove extends from the right behind toward the left in front (see Fig. 32). The animal is thus not bi- laterally symmetrical, but slightly spiral in form. The surface oppo- site the oral groove is marked by the presence near it of two large contractile vacuoles; this may be called the aboral surface. By con- sidering the oral surface as ventral we may distinguish for convenience right and left sides. The entire body is covered with fine cilia, set in oblique rows. Those at the pos- terior end are a little longer than the others. As to internal structure, we may distinguish an outer firm layer known as the ectosarc, enclosing an inner fluid portion, the endo- sarc. The ectosarc is covered by a thin outer cuticle; below this it is thickly set with rodlike sacs, placed perpendicular to the surface and known as trichocysts; the con- tents of these may be discharged as fine threads. The endosarc con- tains two nuclei, the large macronu- cleus and the minute micronucleus, together with numerous masses of food, most of them enclosed in vacuoles of water. The endosarc Fic. 32. — Paramecium, viewed from the oral surface. L, left side; R, right side. an., anus; ec., ectosarc; en., endosarc; }.v., food vacuoles; g, gullet; m, mouth; ma., macronucleus; mi., micronucleus; 0.g., oral groove; P., -pellicle; ¢r., trichocyst layer. The arrows show the direction of movement of the food vacuoles. is in continual movement, rotating lengthwise of the body, in the direction shown by the arrows in Fig. 32. Between endosare and ectosarc, but attached to the latter, are the two contractile vacuoles, which at intervals collapse, emptying their contents to the outside. From the mouth (m) a passageway the gullet (g), leads through the ectosarc into the endosarc. ‘44 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS 2. MOVEMENTS Paramecium swims by the beating of its cilia. These are usually YN Pe. . es Fic. 33. — Spiral path of Paramecium. The fig- /ures I, 2, 3, 4, etc., show the successive positions occu- pied. The dotted areas with small arrows show the currents of water drawn from in front. inclined backward, and their stroke then drives the animal forward. They may at times be di- rected forward; their stroke then drives the ani- mal backward. The direction of their effective stroke may indeed be varied in many ways, as we shall see later. The stroke of the cilia is always somewhat oblique, so that in addition to its forward or backward movement Paramecium rotates on its long axis. This rotation is over to the left (Fig. 33), both when the animal is swim- ming forward, and when it is swimming back- ward. The revolution on the long axis is not due to the oblique position of the oral groove, as might be supposed, for if the animal is cut in two, the posterior half, which has no oral groove, continues to revolve. The cilia in the oral groove beat more effec- tively than those elsewhere. The result is to turn the anterior end continually away from the oral side, just as happens in a boat that is rowed on one side more strongly than on the other. As a result the animal would swim in circles, turning continually toward the aboral side, but for the fact that it rotates on its long axis. Through the rotation the forward movement and the swerving to one side are combined to pro- duce a spiral course (Fig. 33). The swerving when the oral side is to the left is to the right; when the oral side is above, the body swerves_ downward; when the oral side is to the right the body swerves to the left, etc. Hence the swerv- ing in any given direction is compensated by an equal swerving in the opposite direction; the re- sultant is a spiral path having a straight axis. The spiral course plays so important a part in the be- havior of Paramecium that we must analyze it farther. The spiral swimming is evidently the resultant of three factors, — the forward movement, the rotation on the long THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 45 axis, and the swerving toward the aboral side. Each of these factors is due to a certain peculiarity in the stroke of the cilia. The first results from the fact that the cilia strike chiefly backward. The second is due to the fact that the cilia strike, not directly backward, but obliquely to the right, causing the animal to rol] over to the left. The third factor — the swerving toward the aboral side — is due largely to the greater power of the stroke of the oral cilia, and the fact that they strike more nearly directly backward. It seems partly due however to a peculiarity in the stroke of the body cilia, by which on the whole they strike more strongly toward the oral groove than away from it, thus driving the body in the opposite direction. Each of these factors may vary in effectiveness, and the result is a change in the movements. The forward course may cease completely, or be transformed into a backward course, while the rotation and the swerving continue. Or the rotation may become slower, while the swerving to the aboral side ab continues or increases; then the spiral becomes much wider. This result is brought ab Vs =iyt direction of the beating of the cilia to the left of the oral groove; they beat now to the left (toward the oral groove) instead of to the right (Fig. 34). The result of this is, as the figure shows, to oppose ee oe ‘ about by a change in the Fi ‘Sat Nera / 0 Fic. 34. — Diagrams of transverse sections of Parame- cium, viewed from the posterior end, showing the change in the beat of the cilia of the left side. a, Stroke of the cilia in the usual forward movement. All the cilia strike toward the right side (7), rotating the organism to the left the rotation to the left, but to increase the swerving toward the aboral side. The width of the spiral, or the final complete cessation of the rota- tion on the long axis which sometimes occurs, depends on the number and effective- ness of these cilia of the left side that beat toward the oral groove instead of away from it. A large part of the behavior of Paramecium depends, as we shall see, on the variations in the three factors which produce the spiral course. (2), as shown by the arrows. 3, Stroke of the cilia after stimulation. The cilia of the left side strike to the left, opposing the lateral effect of the cilia of the right side. This causes the animal to cease revolving, and to swerve toward the aboral side (ab). 0, Oral groove. 3. ADAPTIVENESS OF THE MOVEMENTS How does Paramecium meet the conditions of the environment ? Under the answer to this question must be included certain aspects of the spiral movement, described in the foregoing paragraphs. The problem solved by the spiral path is as follows: How is an unsym- metrical organism, without eyes or other sense organs that may guide it by the position of objects at a distance, to maintain a definite course through the trackless water, where it may vary from the path to the right or to the left, or up or down, or in any intermediate direction? It is well known that man does not succeed in maintaining a course under 46 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS similar but simpler conditions. On the trackless snow-covered prairie the traveller wanders in circles, try hard as he may to maintain a straight course, — though it is possible to err only to the right or left, not up or down, as in the water. Paramecium meets this difficulty most effec- tively by revolution on the axis of progression, so that the wandering from the course in any given direction is exactly compensated by an equal wandering in the opposite direction. Rotation on the long axis is a device which we find very generally among the smaller water or- ganisms for enabling an unsymmetrical animal to follow a straight course. The device is marvellously effective, since it compensates with absolute precision for any tendency or combination of tendencies to deviate from a straight course in any direction whatsoever. The normal movements of Paramecium are adaptive in another respect. The same movements of the cilia which carry the animal through the water also bring it its food. The oral cilia cause a current of water to flow rapidly along the oral groove (Fig. 33). In the water are the bacteria upon which Paramecium feeds; they are carried by this current directly to the mouth. In the gullet is a vibrating membrane which carries particles inward; the bacteria which reach the mouth are thus carried through the gullet to the endosarc, where they form food vacuoles and are digested. Not only food, but also other substances, may be brought to Para- mecium by the currents due to the movements of the cilia. It is im- portant for understand- ing the behavior of this animal to realize that not only does it move ; forward to meet the en- : vironment, but the en- vironment, so far as that is possible, also streams backward to meet it. If there is a chemical diffusing in the water in _ Fic. 35. — Paramecium approaching a region contain- front of it, or if the water ing India ink (shown by the dots). The India ink is drawn is warmer or colder, or out to the anterior end and oral groove of the animal. a = : differs in any other way, a sample of this differentiated region is pulled backward in the form of a cone, and as a result of the stronger beating of the oral cilia, passes as a stream down the oral groove to the mouth (Fig. 33). This may best be seen by bringing near the anterior end of a resting Parame- cium, by means of a capillary pipette, some colored solution, such as THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 47 methyline blue, or by using in the same way water containing India ink. Or if a cloud of India ink, with a definite boundary, is produced in the water containing swimming Paramecia, a cone of the ink is seen to move out to meet the advancing animals (Fig. 35). Thus Parame- cium is continually receiving “samples” of the water in front of it. Since in its spiral course the organism is successively pointed in many different directions, the samples of water it receives likewise come suc- cessively from many directions (Fig. 33). Thus the animal is given opportunity to “try” the various different conditions supplied by the neighboring environment. Paramecium does not passively wait for the environment to act upon it, as Amoeba may be said, in com- parison, to do. On the contrary, it actively intervenes, determining for itself what portion of the environment shall act upon it, and in what part of its body it shall be primarily affected by the varying con- ditions of the surrounding water. By thus receiving samples of the environment for a certain distance in advance, it is enabled to react with reference to any new condition which it is approaching, before it has actually entered these conditions. 4. REACTIONS TO STIMULI Let us suppose that as Paramecium swims forward in the way just described, it receives from in front a sample that acts as a stimulus, — that is perhaps injurious. The ciliary current brings to its anterior end water that is hotter or colder than usual, or that contains some strong chemical in solution, or holds large solid bodies in suspension, or the infusorian strikes with its anterior end against a solid object. What is to be done? Paramecium has a simple reaction method for meeting all such conditions. It first swims backward, at the same time necessarily reversing the ciliary current. It thus gets rid of the stimulating agent, — itself backing out of the region where this agent is found, while it drives away the stimulus in its reversed ciliary current. It then turns to one side and swims forward in a new direction. The reaction is illustrated in Fig. 36. The animal may thus avoid the stimulating agent. If, however, the new path leads again toward the region from which the stimulus comes, the animal reacts in the same way as at first, till it finally becomes directed elsewhere. We may for convenience call this reaction, by which the animal avoids all sorts of agents, the “avoiding reaction.” : In the foregoing paragraph we have given only a general outline of the behavior. The avoiding reaction has certain additional features, 48 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS which add greatly to its effectiveness. After getting rid of the stimulus by swimming backward a distance there must be some way of deter- Fic. 36. — Diagram of the avoiding reaction of Paramecium. A is a solid object or other source of stimulation. 1-6, successive positions occupied by the animal. (The rotation on the long axis is not shown.) mining the new direction in which the animal is to swim forward. It is evident that some method of testing the conditions in various different directions in advance would be the most effective way of accomplishing this. The infusorian now moves in precisely such a way as to make such tests. It will be recalled that in its usual course the animal is revolving on the long axis and swerving a little toward the aboral side (Fig. 33), so that it swims in a narrow spiral. After swimming back- ward a certain distance in response to stimulation, the revolution on the long axis becomes slower, while the swerving toward the aboral side is increased. As a result the anterior end swings about in a large circle; the animal becomes pointed successively in many different directions, as illustrated in Figs. 37 and 38. From each of these directions it receives in its ciliary vortex a “sample” of the water from immediately in advance, as the figures show. As the samples contain the stimulating agent, — the hot or cold water, the chemical, or the like, — the animal holds back and continues to swing its anterior end in a circle — “trying” successively many different directions. When the sample from a certain direction no longer contains the stimulating agent, the animal simply resumes its forward course in that direction. Thus its path has been changed, so that it does not enter the region of the chemical or the hot or cold water. Mechanical obstacles are avoided in precisely the same way, save that of course the ciliary vortex does not bring samples of the stimulating agent, so that the infusorian is compelled to try starting forward repeatedly in various directions, be- fore it finds one in which it can pass freely. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 49 This method of behaving is perhaps as effective a plan for meeting all sorts of conditions as could be devised for so simple a creature. On getting into difficulties the animal retraces its course for a distance, then tries going ahead in various directions, till it finds one in which there is no further obstacle to its progress. In this direction it continues. Through systematically testing the surroundings, by swinging the an- terior end in a circle, and through performing the entire reaction re- peatedly, the infusorian is bound in time to find any existing egress from the difficulties, even though it be but a narrow and tortuous passageway. The different phases of this avoiding reaction are evidently due to modifications of the three factors in the spiral course. ‘The swimming backward is due of course to a reversal of the forward stroke of the cilia. The turning toward the aboral side is an accentuation of the swerving that takes pla¢e always; it is due to the fact that the cilia at the left side of the body strike during the reaction toward the oral groove instead of away from it. Thus the cilia of both right and left sides now tend to turn the animal toward the aboral side. The difference between the usual condition and that found during the reaction is illustrated in Fig. 34. Finally, the decrease or cessation in the revolution on the long axis is due to the same factor as the increase in swerving toward the aboral side. During the reaction the cilia of the left side oppose the usual revolution on the long axis to the left (as shown in Fig. 34), through the same change which causes them to assist in turning the body toward the aboral side. _ The avoiding reaction varies greatly under different conditions, though its characteristic features are maintained throughout. But its different phases vary in intensity depending on circumstances. The backward movement may be long continued, or may last but a short time; or there may be merely a stop- page or slowing of the forward movement. The swerving toward the aboral side may be only slightly increased, while the revolution on the long axis becomes a little slower. In this case the anterior end swings about in a small circle, as in Fig. 37, so that the ani- mal is pointed successively in a number of directions varying only a little from the origi- nal one. Witha stronger stimulus the swerv- ing toward the aboral side is more decided, Fic. 37. — Paramecium : a rete swinging its anterior end about in while the rotation on the long axis is slower; a small circle, in a weak avoiding reaction. 1, 2, 3, 4, successive then the anterior end swings about a larger poulibeacocapled: circle, as in Fig. 38. The Paramecium thus becomes pointed successively in many directions differing much from the original one. Finally, the rotation on the long axis may com- E 5° BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS pletely cease, while the swerving toward the aboral side is farther increased; then the Paramecium swings its anterior end about a circle with its posterior end near thecen- tre (Fig. 39). In this case the animal may turn directly away from the stimu- lating agent. Such _ varia- tions are seen when the infu- soria are sub- jected to stimuli of different in- tensities. If the animals come in contact with any strong chemical, or with water that is very hot, they respond first by swimming a long way backward, thus removing themselves as far as possible from the source of stimulation. Then they turn directly toward the aboral side, —the rotation on the long axis completely ceasing, as in Fig. 39. In this way the animal may turn directly away from the drop and retrace its course. But often the reac- tion is so violent that the an- terior end swings about in two or three complete circles before the animal starts forward again. Then the new path may lead it again toward the Fic. 38. — More pronounced avoiding reaction. The anterior end swings about a larger circle. 1-5, successive positions occupied. . ‘ Fic. 39. — Avoiding reaction when revolution on drop, when the reaction is the long axis ceases completely. The anterior end repeated. swings about a circle of which the body forms one of the radii. In marked contrast with this violent reaction is the behavior when the stimulus is very weak. A weak stimulus is produced for example by 345 per cent to 45 per cent sodium chloride, or by water only three or four degrees above the normal temperature. The Paramecium whose oral cilia bring it a THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA,; PARAMECIUM 51 sample of such water merely stops, or progresses more slowly, and begins to swing its anterior end about in a circle, as in Fig. 37, thus “trying” a number of different directions. As long as the oral cilia continue to bring it the weak salt solution or the warmed water, the animal holds back, and continues to swing its anterior end about ina circle. When the anterior end is finally pointed in a direction from which no more of the stimulating agent comes, the Paramecium swims forward. The reaction in this case is a very precise and delicate one; in a cursory view the animal seems to turn directly away from the region of the stimulus, — the revolution on the long axis and swing- ing of the anterior end in a circle being easily overlooked. : Between this delicate reaction and the violent one first described there exists every intermediate gradation, depending on the intensity of the stimulation. Paramecia react to most of the different classes of stimuli which act upon them, in the way just described. Mechanical stimuli, such as solid obstacles, or disturbances in the water; chemicals of all sorts; heat and cold; light that is sufficiently powerful to be injurious; electric shocks, and certain disturbances induced by gravity and by centrifugal force, all cause the animal to respond by the avoiding reaction, so that it escapes if possible from the region or condition that acts as a stimulus. Certain peculiarities and special features in the action of the different classes of stimuli will be taken up separately in the following chapters. Stimulating agents produce the same reaction when they act on the entire surface of the body as they do when they reach only the anterior end or oral groove. This is shown by dropping the animals directly into a 4 per cent solution of sodium chloride, or into corresponding solutions of other chemicals; or into hot or cold water. They at once give the avoiding reaction; they swim backward, turn toward the aboral side, then swim forward, and this reaction may be repeated many times. If the stimulating agent is not so powerful as to be directly destructive, the reaction ceases after a time, and the Paramecia swim about within the solution as they did before in water. This experiment shows clearly that the cause of the avoiding reaction does not lie in the difference in the intensity of the chemical on the two sides or two ends of the animal, as is sometimes held. For as we have just seen, the animal reacts in the same way when the entire surface of the body is subjected equally to the action of the chemical or the changed temperature. It is clear that the cause of the reaction is the change from one solution or temperature to another. This is evident further from the fact that the animal reacts as a rule when the change occurs, but ceases to react after the change is completed. To constant con- 52 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS ditions Paramecium soon becomes acclimatized; it is change that causes reaction. To this general statement there are certain exceptions. If we place the infusoria in conditions of such intense action that they are quickly destructive, —for example, in 2 per cent potassium bichromate, or in water heated to 38 degrees C., —the animals continue to react till they die. For two or three minutes they rapidly alternate swimming back- ward with turning toward the aboral side and swimming forward, till death puts an end to their activity. Thus very injurious conditions may produce reaction independently of change. But as a general rule, it is some change in the conditions that causes the animal to change its behavior. The animal, having been subjected to certain conditions, becomes now subjected to others, and it is the transition from one state to another that is the cause of reaction. This is a fact of fundamental significance for understanding the behavior of lower organisms. But it is not mere change, taken by itself, that causes reaction, but change im a certain direction. This is shown by observation of the behavior of the individuals as they pass from one set of conditions to another. If we place Paramecia on a slide in ordinary water, then in- troduce into the preparation, by means of a capillary pipette, a drop of 4 per cent sodium chloride, as shown in Fig. 40, we find that the animals react at the change from the water to the salt solution, so that they do not enter the latter. If, on the other hand, the animals are first mixed with + per cent salt solution, and a drop of water is introduced into the preparation (as in Fig. 40), they do not react at passing from the salt solution to the water. In the same way, Paramecia at a temperature of 30 degrees react at passing to a higher temperature, but not at passing to a lower temperature. Paramecia at 20 degrees, on the other hand, react at passing to a lower temperature, not at passing to a higher. To these relations we shall return. A relation which is worthy of special emphasis is the following: The direction toward which the animal turns in the avoiding reaction does not depend on the side of the animal that is stimulated, but is deter- mined by internal relations. The animal always turns toward the aboral side. It is true that with chemical stimuli the stimulation usually occurs on the oral side, so that the animal turns away from the side stimulated. But, as we have just seen, it turns in the same way when all parts of the body are equally affected by the stimulating agent. Furthermore, it is possible to apply mechanical stimuli to various parts of the body, and observe the resulting reaction. If with the tip of a fine glass point we touch the oral side of Paramecium, the infusorian turns directly away from the point touched. But if we touch the aboral side, THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 53 the Paramecium turns in the same manner as before, — toward the aboral side, and hence toward the point touched. This experiment is more easily performed, and the results are more striking, with certain of the Hypotricha,* because these animals do not continually revolve on the long axis, as Paramecium does. The general effect of the avoiding reaction is to cause the animals to avoid and escape from the region in which the stimulus is acting. This may be illustrated for the different classes of stimuli in the follow- ing ways. The effects of this reaction to chemicals may best be seen by intro- ducing a little $ per cent solution of sodium chloride into the water containing the ani- mals. For this pur- pose water with many Paramecia is placed on a slide and covered with a long cover- glass supported near its end by glass rods. A medicine dropper is drawn to a long, slender point, and with : tency uP ees pe oe . 1G. 40. — Method of introducing a chemical into a slide this a drop of the salt o¢ infusoria. solution is introduced beneath the cover-glass, as illustrated in Fig. 40. The Paramecia are swimming about in all directions, but as soon as they come to the = —_—__—_—_——_——, region of the salt solution, the De aS oa By ||.| avoiding reaction is given in the ten A Se as ot os) way already. desenbed,: ~and ia eof ‘-:.* ‘| the animals swim elsewhere. “Hoe ete eet. > sf] Thus the drop of salt solution Ate tt ts te 4 emeins empty (Pig aa SERCO Ree Rae etre Practically all strong chemicals Fic. 4t. — Slide of Paramecia four minutes induce the avoiding reaction, so after, the introduction of a drop of 4 per cent that Paramecia do not enter them. NaCl. The drop remains empty. This has been shown for many alkalies, neutral salts, and organic substances, and for strong acids. In the case of acids the reaction differs in certain respects from the behavior under the influence of other chemicals; this will be brought out later. The reaction to heat or cold may easily be shown by placing a drop 1See Chapter VII. 54 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of hot or cold water on the cover-glass of a slide of Paramecia, or by touching the cover-glass with a hot wire, or a piece of ice. The animals respond by the avoiding reaction, just as when stimulated by a chemical, so that the hot or cold region remains vacant. The intensity of the re- action depends on the temperature, and very hot water causes a much more decided reaction than very cold water. The avoiding reaction is seen under mechanical stimulation when a specimen in swimming comes against an obstacle. It may also be shown by touching the anterior end of the animal with a fine glass point. A slight disturbance in the water may be induced by injecting a fine stream of water against the animal with a pipette drawn to a capillary point; the animal then responds by the avoiding reaction, thus swimming elsewhere. Special features in the reactions to various different classes of stimuli will be dealt with in the next chapter. 5. “ PositIvE REACTIONS ” The reactions thus far described have the effect of removing the animal from the source of stimulation; they might therefore be charac- terized as negative. But Paramecia are known also to collect in certain regions, giving rise to what are commonly known as positive reactions. How are these brought about ? A simple experiment throws much light on the cause of such col- lections. Under usual conditions the animals avoid a 345 per cent solu- tion of NaCl, so that when a drop of this is introduced into a slide of Paramecia, they leave it empty. But if we mix the animals with $ per cent NaCl, then introduce into a slide of this mixture a drop of qo per cent NaCl, in the way shown in Fig. 40, we find that the Para- mecia quickly collect in this drop, though under ordinary circumstances they avoid it. Very soon the drop of 345 per cent NaCl is swarming with the infusoria, as in Fig. 43, while very few remain in other parts of the preparation. The phenomena are identical with what has often been called positive chemotaxis. Careful observation of the movements of the individuals shows, as might be expected, that the Paramecia collect in the 345 per cent NaCl merely because they avoid the stronger solution more decidedly. Pas- sage from the +4, per cent solution to the } per cent solution causes the avoiding reaction, while passage in the reverse direction does not. The details of the behavior are as follows: The Paramecia in the 4 per cent NaCl are swimming rapidly in all directions, so that many of them are carried toward the drop. On reaching its boundary they do not react THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 55 in any way, but swim directly into it. They continue across till they reach the farther boundary, where they come in contact again with the 4 per cent solution. Here the reaction occurs. The animals give the avoiding reaction, swimming backward, turning toward the aboral side, and starting forward again, etc. They of course soon come in contact again with the outlying 4 per cent NaCl, whereupon they react as before, and this continues, so that they do not leave the drop of 45 per cent NaCl. The path of a single Paramecium in such a drop is like nat shown in Fig. 44. Since all the infusoria that enter the drop of Zo per cent NaCl remain, it soon swarms with them. fe place of NaCl, we may use pairs of solutions of other chemicals, one stronger than the other, — taking pains of course not to employ concentrations that are decidedly injurious. With any of the ordinary inorganic salts or alkalies the animals collect in the weaker solution, through the fact that they avoid the stronger one in the way described above. The same concentration of a given chemical may play opposite réles in successive experiments, depending on whether it is associated with a weaker or a stronger solution. In the former case the Paramecia avoid it; in the latter they gather within it. If the weaker solution sur- rounds a drop of the stronger, the latter is left empty, and the Para- mecia remain scattered through the preparation, as in Fig. 41. If the stronger solution surrounds the weaker, the latter becomes filled with the Paramecia, as in Fig. 43, while the former is left nearly empty. Thus with the same pair of substances we get either a dense aggregation (or what is often called positive chemotaxis), or a certain area left vacant (“negative chemotaxis”), depending on the relation of the two fluids to each other. If we use pure water in place of the weaker solution, we get the same result; the Paramecia collect in the drop of water. This is easily shown by introducing a drop of water into a preparation of Paramecia that have been mixed with } per cent NaCl; the water soon swarms with the in- fusoria. The culture water in which Paramecia live usually contains various salts, and is often alkaline in reaction. If a drop of distilled water is added (as in Fig. 40) to a preparation of infusoria in such culture water, the animals gather in the distilled water. The same results may be obtained with water of differing tempera- tures. This is done by surrounding an area of water at the normal temperature with water at a temperature considerably higher or lower. The Paramecia may be placed on a slide in the usual way, with a cover- glass supported by glass rods. This slide is then placed on a bottle or other vessel containing water heated to forty-five or fifty degrees. As soon as the Paramecia begin to move about more rapidly in conse- 56 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS quence of the heat, a drop of cold water is placed on the upper surface of the cover-glass. At once a dense collection of Paramecia is formed beneath it (Fig. 42). Observation of : . the movements of the individuals Faget shows that this collection is formed in ie. si? palais +- @ the same way as the collections pro- TES ieee ane duced in chemicals (Figs. 43, 44, ce : ' etc.). The Paramecia at a distance Fic. 42. —A slide of Paramecia is from the cooled region do not turn heated to 40 or 45 degrees, then adrop of gnd swim directly toward it. But the cold water (represented by the outline a) . . - S : is placed on the upper surface of the Paramecia are swimming rapidly in cover-glass. The animals collect beneath aj] directions, and many enter every eee instant the region beneath the drop. They do not react on entering, but on reaching the opposite side, where they would pass out again into the heated water, they give the avoid- ing reaction. This is repeated every time they come to the other boundary of the drop, so that the path of an individual within | - ‘ ‘ the cooled region is similar to that shown in Fig. 44. Every Para- mecium that enters the cooled . region therefore remains, and | - $ soon a dense swarm is formed. ; - fee : A collection may be formed in the same way by resting the slide age Eo caiperogtet bes Pekin abe of Paramecia on a piece of ice and placing a drop of warmed water on the upper surface; the Paramecia now collect in the warmed region. But the collection is never so pro- nounced as in the experiment last described, because the Paramecia when cooled move less rapidly. Thus the Paramecia collect in certain regions because they give the avoiding reaction when passing from certain conditions to others, while when passing in the reverse direction they do not. Paramecia at the normal temperature give the reaction at passing both to hotter and to colder water; they therefore tend to gather in water at the usual temperature. This temperature at which they gather may be spoken of as the optimum. Passage away from the optimum induces the avoiding reaction; passage toward the optimum does not. In the case of the chemicals thus far considered, the animals give the reaction at passing from the weaker to the stronger solution, not at passing in the opposite direction, so that they collect in the weaker solu- tion. The optimum for these substances is thus zero, and this natu- . THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA,; PARAMECIUM 57 rally results in the tendency of the animals to collect in distilled water. But there are certain chemicals of which the optimum is a certain posi- tive concentration, so that Paramecia give the avoiding reaction at passing to weaker solutions or to water containing none of the substance in question. This is the case with acids and with oxygen. If a drop of very weak acid is introduced into 7 a slide of Paramecia (Fig. 43) that are in ordinary water, the animals quickly gather in the drop. This may be shown by the use of about +45 to 45 per cent of the ordi- nary laboratory solutions of hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, or of #5 to x per cent ‘Fic. 44.— Path followed by a acetic acid. In a dict" time the - drop is “Sau LRARet aie ee swarming with Paramecia.* Observation shows that the method of collecting in the acid is the same as in the cases before described. The rapid movements of the animals in all directions are what carry them into the drop. They do not react in any way at the moment of entering it, but swim across. At the point where they would pass out into the surrounding water they respond by the avoiding reaction; hence they return to the acid. This is repeated each time that they come to the boundary. Hence all that enter the acid remain till it is crowded. The path of a single Parame- cium within a drop of acid is shown in Fig. 44. In the formation: of all these collections the natural roving move- ments play an essential part. These movements cause any given speci- men in the course of a short time to cross almost any given area in the preparation, and hence bring the animals to the introduced drop. The animals do not turn and swim in radial lines toward the drop of acid. If a ring is marked on the upper surface of the cover-glass, as many Paramecia will be found to pass beneath this ring before a drop of acid is placed beneath it as after. But in the latter case all that pass beneath the ring remain, and the collection results. If we wait, before introduc- ing the acid, till all have become nearly quiet, no collection is produced. We may sum up the usual behavior of Paramecium under the vari- ous stimuli of the environment in the following way. The natural condition of the animal is movement. In constant external conditions (unless destructive) the movements are not changed, — that is, there 1In all these experiments it is assumed, of course, that the preparation contains the infusoria in very large numbers. With scattered specimens only, the results are slow and not striking. 58 ._ BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS is no reaction, — even though these conditions do not represent the optimum. But as its movements carry the animal from one region to another, the environmental conditions affecting it are of course changed, and some of these changes in condition act as stimuli, causing the ani- mal to change its movements. If the environmental change leads toward the optimum, there is no reaction, but the existing behavior is continued. To a change leading away from the optimum (in either a plus or minus direction), Paramecium responds by the “avoiding reac- tion.”” This consists essentially in a return to a previous position, through a backward movement, then in “trying” different directions of movement till one is found which leads toward the optimum. Ex- pressed in a purely objective way, the animal performs movements which subject it successively to many different environmental condi- tions. As soon as one of the conditions thus reached is of such a char- acter as to remove the cause of stimulation, the avoiding reaction ceases and the infusorian continues in the condition now existing. This method of reacting causes the animals to collect in certain regions (as near the optimum as possible), and to avoid other regions. ‘Thus are produced the so-called positive and negative reactions. The behavior may be characterized briefly as a selection from the environmental con- ditions resulting from varied movements. Some details of the behavior under the different classes of stimuli will be given in the next chapter. LITERATURE If On the character of the movements and reactions of Paramecium: JENNINGS 1904 4, 1899, 1901. CHAPTER IV BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM (Continued) SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE REACTIONS TO A NUMBER OF DIFFER- ENT CLASSES OF STIMULI In the preceding chapter the general method of the reactions of Paramecium to most classes of stimuli has been described. In the present chapter certain important details and special peculiarities of the behavior under the different classes of stimuli will be described. I. MECHANICAL STIMULI When Paramecium strikes in its forward course against a solid ob- ject, it responds usually by the avoiding reaction, as described in the preceding chapter. In such cases the stimulus affects the anterior end of the animal. But if mechanical stimuli affect other parts of the body, will this alter the nature of the reaction? This question may be an- swered by drawing a glass rod to an extremely fine point and touching various parts of the body with this point under the microscope. The first discovery that we make by this method of experimentation is that the anterior end is much more sensitive than the remainder of the body surface. If the anterior end is touched very lightly, the animal responds by a strong avoiding reaction, while the same or a more powerful stimu- lus on other parts of the body produces no reaction at all. There is some evidence drawn from other sources’ that the region immediately about the mouth is likewise very sensitive. A second fact brought out by these experiments is that a stimulus on the posterior part of the body produces a different reaction from a stimulus in front. If we touch the anterior end, or any point on the anterior portion of the body back nearly to the middle, the typical avoid- ing reaction is produced. But if we touch the middle or the posterior part of the body of a resting specimen, the animal, if it reacts at all, merely moves forward. 1 See Chapter V. 59 60 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS On the other hand, as we have seen in the preceding chapter, the direction in which the animal turns in the avoiding reaction does not depend on the side of the body stimulated. The animal turns toward the aboral side as well when that side is touched, as when the oral side receives the stimulus. The reactions which we have thus far described have the effect of removing the animal from the object with which it comes in contact, so Fic. 45. — Parame- cium at rest against a cotton fibre, showing the motionless cilia in con- tact with the fibre. that they may be called negative reactions. But under certain conditions, not very precisely definable, Paramecium does not avoid the object which it strikes against. On the contrary it stops and remains in contact with the object. This seems most likely to happen when the animal is swim- ming slowly, so that it does not strike the object violently. But this does not explain all cases; many individuals seem much inclined to come to rest against solids, while others do not. Often all the individuals in a culture are thus inclined to come to rest, while in another culture all remain free swimming, and give the avoiding reaction whenever they come in contact with a solid. Observing a single swim- ming specimen, it is often seen to react as follows. When it first strikes against an object it responds with a weak avoiding reaction, — swimming backward a short distance, turning a little toward the aboral side, then swimming for- ward again. Its path carries it against the object again, whereupon it stops and comes to rest against the surface. The objects against which Paramecium strikes under normal con- ditions are usually pieces of decaying vegetable matter or bits of bacte- rial zoédgloeea. Remaining in contact with these helps it toobtain food. The cilia that come in contact with the solid cease moving, and become stiff and set, seeming to hold the Parame- cium against the object (Fig. 45). Often it is only the cilia of the anterior end that are thus in contact and im- movable; in other cases cilia of the general surface of the body show the same condition. Meanwhile, the cilia of the oral groove continue in active motion, so that a rapid current passes from the anterior end down the groove to the mouth (Fig. 46). This cur- Fic. 46. — Paramecium at rest with anterior end against a mass of bacte- rial zodgloea (a), showing the currents produced by the cilia. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 61 rent of course carries many of the bacteria found in the zodgloea or on the decaying plant tissue; these serve as food for the animal. The cilia of the remainder of the ,body usually strike only weakly and ineffectively, so that the currents about the Paramecium are almost all due to the movements of the oral cilia. The body cilia directly behind those in contact with the solid are usually quite at rest. The function of this positive contact reaction is evidently, under ordinary conditions, to procure food for the animal. But Paramecium shows no precise discrimination, and often reacts in this way to objects that cannot furnish food. Thus, if we place a bit of torn filter paper in the water containing the animals, we often find that they come to rest upon this, gathering in a dense group on its surface, just as they do with bits of bacterial zodgloea (Fig. 47). The oral cilia drive a strong current of water to the mouth, as usual, but this bears no food. To bits of thread, ravellings of cloth, pieces of sponge, or masses of pow- dered carmine, Paramecium may react in the same way. In general it shows a tendency to come to rest against loose or ro. fibrous material; in other words, it re- acts thus to material with which it can come in contact at two or more parts of the body at once. To smooth, hard _ Fic. 47. — Paramecia gathered materials, such as glass, it is much less reas RISES GOES STO Eee likely to react in this manner, so that it clearly shows a certain discrimination in this behavior. These hard substances, it is evident, are less likely to furnish food than the soft fibrous material to which Paramecium reacts readily. But under cer- tain conditions Paramecium comes to rest even against a smooth glass surface, or against the surface film of the water. Specimens are often found at rest in this manner in the angle between the surface film of a drop of water and the glass surface to which it is attached. Paramecia often behave in the manner just described with reference to bodies of very minute size,— to small bits of bacterial zoéglcea, or to a single grain of carmine. Such objects are of course too small to restrain the movements that naturally result from the activity of the oral cilia in the contact reaction. These cilia continue to beat in the same manner as when the object is a large one, producing currents similar to those shown in Fig. 46. This ciliary motion of course tends to drive the animal forward, and since all the active cilia are on the oral side, it tends also to move the animal toward the aboral side. The resultant of these two motions at right angles is movement in the circumference of a circle. The animal moves in the lines of the water currents shown 62 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS in Fig. 46, but in the opposite direction; it is, as it were, whirled about in its own whirlpool. The resulting path is shown in Fig. 48. This circular movement, with the oral side ys directed toward the centre of the ss ee circle, is seen only in specimens show- eo by r ‘ ye ing the contact reaction to objects of / ‘Minute size. f The contact reaction modifies H strongly the reactions to most other 1 stimuli; this is a matter which will \ be taken up later. Thus when Paramecium comes in contact with a solid object, it may react in three different ways. First, it may react either positively or negatively, this depending partly on Fic. 48.— Circular path followed by the intensity of the stimulus, partly Sie cake reacting to contact witha 4 the physiological condition of the Paramecium. If it reacts negatively, this reaction may take either one of two forms. If the stimulation occurs at the anterior end, the animal gives the avoiding reaction; if it occurs elsewhere, the animal merely moves forward. - = 2. REACTIONS TO CHEMICAL STIMULI The reactions to chemical stimuli occur through the avoiding reaction described in the preceding chapter. As we have seen, the avoiding reaction is produced as a rule by a change from one chemical to another. With regard to this relation, there are certain facts of importance. In all cases a certain amount of change is necessary to produce reaction; that is, the chemical must be present in a certain concentra- tion before reaction is produced. The sensitiveness of different indi- viduals varies greatly, and even that of given individuals changes much with changes in the conditions. It is therefore not possible to establish for any given chemical the weakest concentration that causes the avoid- ing reaction. But the animals when in ordinary water are very sensitive to the common inorganic chemicals, reacting to very weak solu- tions. Thus the weakest solutions causing reaction have been found to be for various chemicals about as follows: — Sodium chloride, 4; to 345 per cent (#45 to x} normal); potassium bromate, about s4, per cent; sodium carbonate, about 345 to 345 per cent; copper sulphate, about <4, per cent; potassium hydroxide, about THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 63 gto per cent; sodium hydroxide, g45 per cent; sulphuric acid, x45 per cent of an ordinary laboratory solution; hydrochloric acid, ¢}5 per cent of the usual solution; alcohol, 1 per cent; chloral hydrate, 2 per cent. For the inorganic chemicals, many of these solutions are so weak as not to affect at all the sense of taste in man. Is the reaction of Paramecium to solutions due to the chemical properties of the dissolved substance, or to its osmotic pressure? This question may be answered from the data which we possess (partly given above) as to the weakest solutions which cause reactions. If the reactions are due to osmotic pressure, then solutions having equal osmotic pressure must have equal stimulating power. The results of the experiments on the weakest solutions necessary to cause reaction show that this is not true. Thus, if the osmotic pressure of a solution of sodium chloride that will barely cause the reaction is taken as unity, the osmotic pressures of solutions of a number of other substances hav- ing the same stimulating effect are as follows: potassium bromate, $; sodium carbonate, s4;; copper sulphate, 3+; potassium hydroxide, +5; sulphuric acid, 45; ethyl alcohol, 8. The stimulating effect is not then proportional to the osmotic pressure, and must be due to the chemical properties of the substances in solution. This is further shown by the fact that Paramecia will enter solu- tions of sugar and of glycerine having osmotic pressure many times as great as that of a solution of sodium chloride which they avoid. They swim into a 20 per cent solution of sugar or a 10 per cent solution of glycerine without reaction. The solutions are so concentrated that they cause plasmolysis; the Paramecia shrink into flattened plates. ” Just as the shrinking becomes evident to the eye of the observer, the Paramecia react in the usual way, by swimming backward and turn- ing towards the aboral side. But this is as a rule too late to save them, and they die in the dense solution. Thus it is evident that osmotic press- ure, acting by itself, produces the same “avoiding reactions” as do other stimuli, but the result is not produced till the Paramecia are already injured beyond help. The reactions to most solutions are then clearly due to their chemical properties. Is the avoiding reaction that is produced by chemicals due directly to the injuriousness of the substance? This question may be answered by a series of experiments based on a method similar to that used in determining whether the reaction is due to osmotic pressure. If the reaction is due to the injuriousness of the chemicals, then two substances which are equally injurious must have equal powers of inducing reac- tion; in other words, the repelling powers of any two substances must be proportional to their injurious effects. 64 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS An extensive series of experiments has shown that this is not true (Jennings, 1899 c; Barratt, 1905). We may compare, for example, the effects of chromic acid and of potassium bichromate. The weakest solution of the former which kills the Paramecia in one minute is +5 per cent; the weakest solution of the latter having the same effect is 1 per cent. Hence the chromic acid is 150 times as injurious as the potassium bichromate. On the other hand, the weakest solution of chromic acid that sets in operation the avoiding reaction is still =45 per cent, while potassium bichromate has the same effect in a 345 per cent solution. The repel- lent power is thus not proportional to the injurious effects; the potas- sium bichromate is repellent in a strength 5/5 that which is immediately injurious, which chromic acid does not repel until it has reached a strength that is already destructive. Similar relations are found for other pairs of substances. Thus the stimulating power of sodium chloride is ten times that of cane sugar, in proportion to its injuriousness. Comparing a large number of chemicals from this point of view, it has been found that they may be divided into two classes. On the one hand are a number of substances which must’be classified with potassium bichromate and sodium chloride, because their stimulating power is strong in proportion to their injurious effects. Paramecia avoid these substances markedly; if a drop of a strong solution of one of them is introduced into a preparation of the infusoria, it remains empty, and none of the infusoria are killed by it. On the other hand, there is a large number of substances which, like chromic acid and sugar, produce stimulation only where they are strong enough to be immediately injurious. When a strong solution of one of these is brought into a preparation of Paramecia, it proves very destructive, for the ani- mals as a rule do not react until they have been injured. The follow- ing table (from Jennings, 1899 c) shows the distribution of various chemicals from this point of view: — TABLE 1. Repellent power strong in proportion| 2. Repellent power very weak in pro- to injurious effects ; reaction protective. | portion to injurious effects; reaction not LiCl, NaCl, KCI, CsCl, completely protective. LiBr, NaBr, KBr, RuBr, HF, HCl, HBr, HI, H,SO, HNO,, Lil, NaI, KI, Rul, Acetic acid, Tannic acid, Picric acid, Li,CO,, Na,CO,, K,CO,, Chromic acid, Ammonia alum, Ammonio- LiNO,, NaNO,, KNO,, ferric alum, Chrome alum, Potash alum, NaOH, KOH, NaF, KF, CuSO, CuCl,, ZnCl,, HgCl,, AICI,, Cop- NH,F, NH,Cl, NH,Br, NH,I, per acetate, Cane sugar, Lactose, Maltose, CaCl,, SrCl,, BaCl Dextrose, Mannite, Glycerine, Urea. Ca(NO,)o, St(NO,), Ba(NO,)o Potassium bromate, Potassium perman- nate, Potassium bichromate, Potassium erricyanide, Ammonium bichromate. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 65 This table shows that the relative repellent power of different sub- stances bear a somewhat definite relation to their chemical composi- tion. All alkalies and compounds of the alkali and the earth alkali metals (save the alums, where the proportion of the metals is very small) have a relatively strong repellent effect; most other compounds have not. While our general result is that the stimulating powers of different chemicals are not proportional to their injurious effects, yet one further fact of importance comes out clearly. All substances, whatever their nature, do produce, as soon as they become injurious, the avoiding reaction. With all the substances in the second column the avoiding reaction is produced when a strength sufficient to be injurious is reached and the reaction seems clearly due to the injuries produced. The significance of this fact will be discussed later. In the chapter preceding the present one, we have seen that Para- mecia collect in certain chemicals, owing to the fact that passage out - of these causes the avoiding reaction. The two chief classes of chemi- cals in which the animals collect are acids and oxygen. Paramecia collect in all weakly acid solutions, no matter what acid substance is present. Sulphuric, hydrochloric, nitric, hydriodic, and many other inorganic acids; acetic, formic, carbonic, propionic, and other organic acids, have been tested, and the animals have been found to gather in all. The Paramecia collect even in solutions of poisonous acid salts, such as corrosive sublimate and copper sulphate, where they are quickly killed. In all these cases they swim into the solution with- out reaction, but give the avoiding reaction at passing out. They give the avoiding reaction also after the injurious chemical begins to act on them, but under the circumstances this does not save them from destruction. It seems remarkable that the animals should thus tend to gather in acids, when, as is well known, the decaying vegetable infusions in which they live are usually alkaline in character. Specimens in water that is decidedly alka- «SN no ae line collect even more readily in acids than RS ihn iis do those in a neutral fluid. ou < & att A solution may contain both an acid lS and a repellent substance, as when 3 per * eee ae cent acetic acid is mixed with } per cent Fao, » apc Gellectinia of Pia sodium chloride. In this case a curious mecia about the periphery of a effect is produced. The Paramecia gather "™*t® of Salt and acid. in a ring about the outer edge of the solution, as in Fig. 49. They are repelled both by the inner fluid and the surrounding water. The path of a Paramecium in such a ring is similar to that shown in Fig. 50. F 66 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Strong acid solutions cause the avoiding reaction as do other chemi- cals. If a drop of strong acid solution is introduced into a preparation of Paramecia, the animals collect about its periphery, where the acid is diluted by the surrounding water, just as in Fig. 49. Individuals which swim against the inner strong acid respond by giving the avoid- ing reaction in a very pronounced way, — swim- ming far backward and turning toward the aboral side, for perhaps two or three or more complete turns. They react also at the outer boundary of the acid ring, so that within the ring the individual Paramecium follows such a path as is shown in Fig. 50. Often the reaction is not produced at the inner Aba te aes boundary of the ring, by the strong acid, until the in such aringasisshown Paramecium has entered far enough to be injured, ae PNG 40: or even killed. A drop of strong acid introduced into a preparation is usually soon surrounded by a zone of dead animals. Acids, as we have seen (p. 64), belong with those substances which do not produce the avoiding reaction till they have become directly injurious. Paramecia do not, under usual conditions, collect in oxygen. If we introduce an air bubble or a bubble of oxygen into a slide prepara- tion of Paramecia, they do not as a rule collect about it. But if the outer air is excluded from this preparation by covering its edges with vaseline, and it is allowed to stand for a long time, the behavior changes. The oxygen has of course become nearly exhausted and now the Para- mecia gather about the air or the oxygen. The collections are formed in exactly the same way as are those in acids. Thus the experiments show that all reactions to chemicals take place through the avoiding reaction, and this reaction is produced by a change in the intensity of action of the chemical in question. With some chem- icals, or under certain conditions, it is a change to a greater intensity that produces the avoiding reaction; in other cases it is a change to a less intensity that produces the reaction. With acids both an increase and a decrease beyond a certain intensity produce reaction. We may express the facts for all chemicals in the following general way. For each chemical there is a certain optimum concentration in which the Paramecia are not caused to react. Passage from this optimum to regions of either greater or less concentration causes the avoiding reac- tion, so that the animals tend to remain in the region of the optimum, and if this region is small, to form here a dense collection. For, acids and for oxygen the optimum is a certain very low concentration. For THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 67 most other chemicals the optimum is zero; an increase in intensity by any effective quantity produces the avoiding reaction, while decrease in intensity has no effect. Hence the Paramecia tend to collect where none of the chemical is present. The point needs to be brought out clearly that it is not merely pas- sage from the absolute optimum that induces reaction, but passage in a direction leading away from the opti- mum. Toconstant conditions, even when not optimal, Paramecium becomes ac- climatized ; it may live for example in a qo per cent salt solution, though pas- A sage from water to this causes reaction. While in this salt solution, passage into conditions lying still farther from the optimum, as into 4 per cent salt solu- tion, causes the avoiding reaction, while passage to conditions lying nearer the B optimum produces no reaction. Ac- climatization to non-optimal conditions is an ever present factor in the behavior of the organisms. ‘This is another way of stating the fact that change is the chief factor inducing reactions. c Acids then take a peculiar position in among chemicals merely in the fact that Renny a certain positive concentration forms |, 5 IG. 51. — Collection of Paramecia the optimum, passage to a lower CON- about a bubble of COg. a is a bubble of centration inducing reaction. The pe- it 4 of COs. A shows the preparation - z ‘ S two minutes after the introduction of the culiar behavior of Paramecium with Co.; B, two minutes later; C, eighteen respect to acids plays a large part in minutes later. its life under natural conditions. Paramecia produce carbon dioxide in their respiratory processes as do other organisms. This substance when dissolved in water produces an acid solution, the acidity being due to carbonic acid. In such a solution Paramecia gather as in other acids. This may be shown by introducing, by means of a capil- lary pipette attached to a rubber bag containing the gas, a small bubble of carbon dioxide into a slide preparation of Paramecia. ‘The infusoria quickly gather in a dense collection about the bubble, at first pressing closely against it (Fig. 51, A). Later the Paramecia spread out with the diffusion of the carbon dioxide (B). After a time the ani- mals are usually found chiefly about the margin of the area containing the carbon dioxide (C). 68 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Now, the Paramecia gather in the solution of carbon dioxide pro- duced by themselves, just as in that due to other causes. In this way dense spontaneous groups are formed, in which the phenomena seen in the collections about bubbles of carbon dioxide are reproduced. If a large number of Paramecia are mounted in water on a slide, they do not remain scattered, but soon gather in one or more regions (Fig. 52). Within such groups the individuals move about in all directions. On coming to an invisible outer boundary, they give the avoiding reaction in a mild form, so that they do not leave the group. The area covered by the group does not remain of the original size, but slowly enlarges, as shown in Fig. 52. It continues thus to increase in size until it covers the whole preparation. , By the use of proper indicators it can be shown that such spontane- ous groups contain an acid, and this is beyond doubt due to the carbon dioxide known to be produced in res- piration. The groups are formed in the following way. Two or three Para- mecia by chance strike against some small, loose object, a roughening of the surface of the glass, or the like, and come to rest, in the way described in our account of the reaction to mechan- oou a _.d| | ical stimuli. They of course produce Be. ‘af < dl | carbon dioxide, which diffuses into the eee ae ‘|| | surrounding water. Other Paramecia that swim by chance across this area of carbon dioxide of course stop and re- main. ‘They too produce carbon diox- ide, so that the area grows in size; more Paramecia enter it, and finally a large and dense collection is formed. The area occupied by such a collection con- tinually increases in size, because the Fic. 52.—Spontaneousgroupsformed Paramecia continue to produce carbon by Paramecia. A, B, C, successivestages ,. . 3 - x in the spreading out of such groups. dioxide, and this continues to diffuse through the water. The tendency of Paramecia to gather in regions containing carbon — dioxide plays a large part in their life under natural conditions, and this, together with the fact that they themselves produce carbon dioxide, explains many peculiar phenomena in their behavior. When placed in tubes or vessels of any kind, Paramecia usually show a tendency to collect into groups or clouds, having a definite boundary (Fig. 53). THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 69 This is of course a result of their reaction to carbon dioxide produced by themselves. In all experimental work on the reactions of these organisms to stimuli it is necessary to take these wee, facts into account. For eeee ada uertecna tyes example, in order to get te clear results in, such work, Paramecia must not be taken with a pipette directly from a dense collection in a culture jar, and at once mounted | «. on a slide. Such col- | * lections contain carbon dioxide, which may be- come unequally distrib- uted throughout the preparation, as a result of the fact that some of the water outside the 1 to ]j Fic. 53. — Spontaneous collections of Paramecia, due to collection is li kely 0 be COzg. A, Collections formed in an upright tube, after Jensen. taken up with the Pl- B, Collection formed beneath a cover-glass, when water is pette at the same time. t#ken directly from a dense culture of Paramecia. C, Collec- tion in the bottom of a watch-glass. The Paramecia quickly gather in the region containing most carbon dioxide, and their reac- tions to other substances are inconstant and irregular, owing to the interference due to the reaction to carbon dioxide (Fig. 53, B). For experimental work it is always necessary before each experiment to | place a few drops of the .water containing the Paramecia in the bot- tom of a shallow watch-glass, and to aérate it thoroughly by stirring it and bringing it into contact with the air by means of the pipette. Then this aérated water and its contained Paramecia must be used for the experiments. This aération must be repeated before each experi- ment, and the test for the reaction to other chemicals must be made immediately after the Paramecia are mounted, before they have had time to produce an appreciable quantity of carbon dioxide. If these precautions are neglected, the reactions of the Paramecia are incon- stant, and the results of experiments are likely to be very misleading. Paramecia in a solution of carbon dioxide react to other agents in a manner entirely different from the reaction of individuals in water not containing carbon dioxide. The account of their reactions given in the present chapter assumes that the carbon dioxide has been in every go BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS case removed from the water. The experimental results described cannot be verified unless this is done. In general it cannot be too much emphasized that in all experimental studies on the behavior of Paramecium close attention to their reac- tions with reference to carbon dioxide is necessary. When inconstant results are obtained, or results seeming to contradict those noted by other observers, it will often be found that inattention to the carbon dioxide produced by the animals is at the bottom of the difficulty. 3- REACTIONS TO HEAT AND COLD As we saw in the preceding chapter, a change to a temperature de- cidedly above or decidedly below the optimum causes Paramecia to give the avoiding reaction, while a change leading toward the optimum does not. As a result the animals collect in temperatures as near the optimum as possible. The effects of heat and cold differ slightly, since heat increases the rapidity of movement, while cold reduces activity. Both produce the avoiding reaction in the same way, but in heated water the reaction is continued violently till the animals escape or are killed, while in ice water the animals after a time become benumbed and sink to the bottom. The reactions to heat and cold are seen in a striking way when the Paramecia are placed in a long tube or trough, one end of which is heated while the other is maintained at the normal temperature, or is cooled. The Paramecia then pass to the region that is nearest the optimum, forming here a collection. By changing the temperature of the ends or of the middle, the Paramecia may be driven from one end to the other or caused to gather in any part of the trough. Such experiments were devised by Mendelssohn (1895, 1902, 1902 a, 6). He passed tubes beneath the middle and ends of the trough or slide bearing the animals, and through these tubes he conducted water of different temperatures. By changing the connections of the tubes, that end of the trough which is at first heated may later be cooled, etc., without disturbing the ani- mals in any other way.’ If in this way we heat the water at one end of the trough to 38 degrees while we cool the opposite end to 10 degrees, the Paramecia collect in an intermediate region. By varying the temperatures at the two ends, the infusoria may be driven back and forth, as represented in Fig. 54, taken from Mendelssohn. By grading the temperatures properly, the sensitiveness of Paramecium to changes in temperature may be measured, and the optimum temperature determined very accurately. 1A simple apparatus of this sort is described and figured in Jennings, 1904. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA,; PARAMECIUM 71 Mendelssohn found that the optimum temperature for Paramecium lies, under ordinary conditions, between 24 and 28 degrees C., and that when there is a difference of but 3 degrees C. between the two ends of a trough 1o centimeters in length, the Paramecia gather at the end of thetrough : nearest the optimum bat tie a9 Re (see Fig. 54). If the end a has a tempera- ture of 26 degrees, the end b 38 degrees, the Paramecia gather at the end a; if now the temperature of the two ends is interchanged, the Paramecia travel from a toward b, and collect there. The same results are pro- duced if one end has a temperature of 10 10° degrees, the other of Fic. 54. — Reactions of Paramecia to heat and cold, after Mendelssohn (1902). At a@ the infusoria are placed in a trough, * 6 degrees, save that both ends of which have a temperature of 19 degrees. They are in this case the Para- equally scattered. At b the temperature of one end is raised to mecia gather at the 38 degrees while the other is only 26 degrees. The infusoria col- * lect at the end having the lower temperature. At c one end has end having the higher atemperature of 25 degrees, while the other is lowered to 10 degrees. temperature. Tf Para- The animals now collect at the end having the higher tempera- : ture. mecia are kept for some hours at a temperature of 36 to 38 degrees, the optimum be- comes higher, — about 30 to 32 degrees; otherwise the phenomena remain the same. Observation of the movement of the individuals shows that the re- actions in these experiments take place in the following manner. As one end of the trough is heated above the optimum, the Paramecia in that region are seen to become more active, darting about rapidly in all direc- tions. Those that come against the sides or end of the vessel respond by the avoiding reaction; they are thus directed elsewhere. Individuals that are swimming toward the hotter region likewise give the avoiding reaction, —at first in but a slightly marked form, stopping, swinging the anterior end about in a circle, as illustrated in Figs. 37—39, and “try- ing’ forward movement in a number of different directions. This con- tinues as long as they are moving toward the warmer region; but as soon as their direction of movement leads them toward the cooler region, 72 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS the avoiding reaction ceases, and they continue to swim in that direc- tion. At that end of the trough which is cooled below the optimum, similar effects are produced, save that the reaction is less rapid, and the Paramecia therefore leave this region much more slowly than they do the heated end. Thus after a time the direction of movement of all the individuals in the hot or cold end of the trough has become changed, and all are moving, often in a well-defined group, toward the optimum region. Thus we may observe in these temperature reactions a well-defined common orientation of a large number of organisms; all are headed toward the optimum. This orientation is brought about, as we have seen, by ex- clusion. That is, movement in any other direction is stopped, through the production of the avoiding reaction, so that all finally travel in this one direction. Or, to put it more accurately, the Paramecia try every possible direction, through the avoiding reaction (Figs. 37-39), till finally they all find the only one which does not cause stimulation; in ‘this direction: they continue to move. The method of reaction, by systematic trial of all directions, is such as to find any existing avenue of escape, no matter how narrow it may be. 4. REACTION TO LIGHT To ordinary visible light Paramecium is not known to react in any way. If light is allowed to fall on the animals from one side only, or if one portion of the vessel containing them is strongly lighted while the rest is shaded, this has no observable effect on their movements or distribution. But Hertel (1904) has recently shown that to powerful ultra violet light Paramecium does react. The ultra violet rays employed by Hertel came from a magnesium spectrum; they were of a wave length of 280 py. When part of adrop of water containing Paramecia was subjected to this light, the animals in the lighted region at once began to move about rapidly. They therefore passed quickly into the region not lighted. Specimens moving about in this shaded region stopped at once on reaching the boundary of the lighted area, and turned away. It is evident that the reaction to light is by the usual avoiding reaction, though the details of the movement were not observed by Hertel. When the animals were unable to escape from the light, their move- ment became uncoérdinated, and in ten to fifty seconds it ceased. The animals were dead. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA,; PARAMECIUM 73 5. ORIENTING REACTIONS, TO WATER CURRENTS, TO GRAVITY, AND TO CENTRIFUGAL FORCE In the reactions which we have thus far considered, the infusoria do not become oriented in any precise way with relation to the direction of action of the stimulating agent. But to water currents, to gravity, and to centrifugal force the animals at times react in such a way as to bring about a definite orientation, with the body axis of all the reacting individuals in line with the external force. In a water current the anterior end is directed up stream; under the influence of gravity the anterior end is directed upward, while when subjected to a centrifugal force the anterior end is directed against the action of the force. How are these results produced, and why do the organisms take a definite axial orientation under the action of these stimuli, while they do not under most other stimuli? In the reactions to water currents and to gravity, direct observation has shown that the orientation is produced through the movements which we have called the avoiding reaction. Under the action of a centrifugal force, observation of individuals is impossible, but beyond doubt the reaction is the same as that due to gravity. A. Reactions to Water Currents The reactions to water currents can best. be studied in a tube like that shown in Fig. 55. By covering the two open ends with rubber caps filled with air, and pressing on these, the water containing the animals in the tube Fic. 55. — Tube used in studying the, reactions to water cur- canbedriventhrough *** the narrow part of the tube with any desired velocity. With a certain velocity of current most of the individuals, both those that are free swimming and those that are resting against the glass, are seen to place themselves in line with the current, with anterior end up stream. Some of the individuals usually do not react. In those that do, the reaction is brought as follows: As soon as the current begins to act, producing a disturbance in the water, the animals give the avoiding reaction in a not very pronounced form. That is, a given individual swims more slowly or stops, and swerves more strongly toward the aboral side, thus swinging the anterior end about in a circle, as in Figs. 37 and 38, “trying” various directions. It then starts forward again in one of these directions. This reaction may be repeated sev- eral times, till the infusorian finally comes into a position with anterior 74 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS end directed up stream. The reaction then ceases, and the infusorian remains in this position, either swimming forward against the current, or at rest against the wall of the tube. Sometimes the reaction is a little more precise, the animal turning directly toward the aboral side till the anterior end is directed up stream. This is commonly the case with the individuals that are at rest against a solid. The reaction of the resting specimens is less easily observed, for the current easily carries them away from their attachment, when of course they behave like other free specimens. What is the cause of the reaction to water currents? Under natural conditions the cilia of Paramecium are beating backward, driving a cur- rent of water backward over the surface, especially in the oral groove. If an external current moves in the opposite direction, or in some oblique direction, it will of course act in opposition to the cilia on that part of the body which it strikes, tending to reverse or disarrange them, and to reverse or change the direction of the usual currents. It appears not surprising that such a disturbance acts as a stimulus, causing the usual avoiding reaction until the disturbance is corrected. The correction can occur only when the animal is headed up stream; the current is then passing backward over the body in the usual direction. The reaction is essentially a response to a mechanical disturbance, comparable to that due to the touch of a solid body. If this is the correct explanation, as seems probable, then there should be no reaction when the animal is completely immersed in a homogene- ous current, — one moving at the same velocity in all parts. For as Lyon (1904) has pointed out, under these circumstances the animal is merely transferred bodily in a certain direction, along with the medium surrounding it, and at the same rate. Its relation to the enveloping fluid is the same as in quiet water; there is nothing to cause a disturbance. “Stimulation implies a change of relation between organism and en- vironment. But if both in all their parts are moving at the same veloc- ity, their relations do not change, and the conditions for stimulation are wanting” (Lyon, 1904, p. 150).". The animal should then react only when either it is in contact on one side with a solid, or when the current is moving more rapidly on one side than on the other, producing a shear- ing effect, with the necessarily accompanying disturbing action. Whether this is true or not is very difficult to determine, but observation seems to indicate that it is. *This consideration, as well as the fact that individuals resting against a surface react to the current, shows the incorrectness of the theory put forward by the present author (1904 /), in which stimulation was supposed to be due to the variations in pressure produced through the varied movements of the animal in its spiral course. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 75 Certain authors (Dale, 1901, Statkewitsch, 1903 a@) have reported that Paramecia sometimes swim with the current. But in these cases ir- regular currents have been used, such as are produced by stirring the water containing the animals. Using a tube, the present author has found the results to be practically uniform, the animals swimming up stream. If the reverse reaction actually occurs at times, it must be due to some change of internal condition, such as results in swimming back- ward under certain circumstances; the direction of the current over the body would be the same in the two cases. If the explanation of the reaction to water currents above given is correct, this reaction is clearly analogous to the compensatory move- ments of higher animals, as Lyon (1904) has brought out for other organisms. It is a response to unusual relations with the environment, and tends to restore the usual relations. B. Reactions to Gravity In the reaction to gravity the animals place themselves with anterior end directed upward, and as a result swim to the top of the vessel con- taining them, forming a collection there (Fig. 56). If the tube is inverted after the collection is formed, so that the infusoria are now at the bottom, they again direct the ante- rior end upward, and swim to the top. These results follow in the same way whether the upper end of the tube is open or closed, and they take place equally well when the — temperature is kept uniform by immersing the tube in running water. To determine the way in which the reaction oc- curs, itis necessary to direct the lenses of a microscope of long focus upon a region where the animals are tak- ing up the position with long \Y axis in the direction of pj 7j5°5. = Ae gravity. This may best be lected at the =o 1G. 57. — Tube used in observing . . of a_ vertic the way in which Paramecium reacts to accomplished by placing the tube, after Jen- gravity. animals in a U-shaped tube, sen (1893). at first with the free ends upward. After the animals have become grouped at the two free ends, the tube is inverted (Fig. 57). The Paramecia now move upward, reach the cross-piece of the U, and wee 76 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS move across it to the opposite side. Reaching this, they at first con- tinue the course by swimming obliquely downward, to the point x. Here the reaction occurs; the animals turn around and swim upward again. Studying the movements of the Paramecia at this point, one ob- serves that the forward motion becomes slower, while the spiral course becomes wider. The animals swerve more strongly than usual toward the aboral side, so that the anterior end swings about in a circle, as in Figs. 37 and 38. Thus the animals are giving the avoiding reaction, “trying” successively many different positions. This is continued or repeated till after a time they come into a position with anterior end upward. The strong swerving then ceases; the animals swim upward in the usual spiral course. The position of individuals at rest against a solid is usually quite independent of gravity. The body axis may be placed at any angle with the pull of gravity, with either end higher. The contact reaction inter- feres with the reaction to gravity, preventing it almost completely. Yet there is a tendency, even when in contact with a solid, to take a position with anterior end above. If Paramecia are placed in clean water in a clean, upright glass tube, in the course of time many individuals come to rest against the perpendicular walls. It will now be found, in some cases, that a considerable portion of the animals, though by no means all, are resting with the body axis nearly in line with gravity and with anterior end upward. When a swimming individual places itself in con- tact with the wall, it is often seen to make a sudden turn toward the aboral side, just as it comes to rest, till the anterior end is upward; then it remains in that position. The proportion thus oriented with reference to gravity is in some cultures sufficiently great, amounting perhaps to half the individuals, to show that the position is not accidental. In _ other cultures there may be almost no indication of any influence of gravity on the position of the attached specimens. The precise nature of the determining factor in the reaction to gravity is very obscure. Jensen (1893) held that the reaction is due to the dif- ference in pressure between the upper and lower portions of the organism. The cilia on the side where the pressure was greatest (the lower side) were supposed to beat more rapidly, thus turning the animal directly upward. But, as we have seen above, exact observation of the move- ments of the individuals shows that the reaction does not take place in this way. Moreover, the difference in pressure between the two sides of the organism is in certain reacting infusoria only one millionth of the total pressure, and this difference seems beyond question too slight to act as an effective stimulus. Davenport (1897, p. 122) held that the reaction to gravity is due to THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA,; PARAMECIUM 77 the fact that the resistance in moving upward is greater than the resist- ance in moving downward, owing to the fact that the animal is heavier than water. To the changes in resistance as it swims up or down, the animal reacts. This view was accepted and elaborated by the author of the present work (Jennings, 1904 #). But to this can be made an objection analogous to that which is fatal to the corresponding view for the reaction to water currents. Under the uniform action of gravity, as Radl (1903, p. 139) has pointed out, it is not apparent how any such difference of resistance could be perceived by the organism. The ani- mal would, with the same action of the cilia, and overcoming the same resistance, move somewhat more rapidly downward than upward. But it is very questionable if this slight comparative difference in rate could be perceived by the organism, — though this is of course not impossible. In any case, the fact that resting individuals may react to gravity appears fatal to the view at present under consideration. The view having the greatest probability is perhaps that suggested by Lyon (1905). The animal contains substances of differing specific gravity; this Lyon has demonstrated. The distribution of these sub- stances must change with the various positions taken by the animal. When the anterior end is directed downward the redistribution of inter- nal substances thus induced acts as a stimulus, causing the usual re- action. The animal “tries”? new positions till it reaches one with anterior end upward; then the reaction ceases and the animal remains in the position so reached. Whatever the cause for the reaction to gravity, the stimulation it induces is evidently very slight, and its effect is easily annulled by the action of other agents. As we have seen, the contact reaction usually prevents the reaction to gravity. The same is true of most other stimu- lating agents. Almost any other stimulus that may be present produces its usual effect without interference from gravity, so that the reaction to gravity is seen clearly only in the absence of most other stimuli. Thus, if the walls of the vessel containing the animals are not clean, or if the water contains many solid particles in suspension, often no reaction to gravity can be observed. Furthermore, the reaction to gravity becomes reversed under cer- tain conditions. Sometimes nearly all the individuals in a given cul- ture swim downward instead of upward. This result may be produced in cultures having originally the more usual upward tendency, in a number of different ways (Sosnowski, 1899; Moore, 1903). These will be mentioned in our section on reactions to two or more stimuli. 78 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS C. Reaction to Centrifugal Force Conditions similar to those due to gravity may be produced by a centrifugal force, and Paramecia then react, as might be expected, in the same way as to gravity. Jensen (1893) shows that if a tube contain- ing Paramecia is placed in a horizontal position on a centrifuge and whirled at a certain rate, the infusoria tend to swim toward that end of the tube next to the centre. In a tube 12 cm. long, with the inner end 2 cm. from the centre, the phenomena were well shown when the tube was whirled at the rate of four turns per second, for ten or fifteen minutes. In such a tube the Paramecia at the outer end, where the movement is fastest, are carried by the centrifugal force, against their active efforts, to the outer end of the tube; this is of course a purely passive phenomenon. The remainder of the Paramecia swim toward the end of the tube next the centre and collect there; this is the active part of the reaction. This movement toward the inner end of the tube is doubtless due to the same causes, whatever they may be, that produce the upward move- ment in the reaction to gravity. Lyon (1905) has shown that the body contains substances of varying specific gravity, some of which collect, under strong centrifugation, at that end of the animal which is at the outer end of the tube. This redistribution is probably the cause of the reaction to centrifugal force. If the passage of such substances into the anterior end should act as a stimulus to the usual reaction, this would produce the results actually observed. 6. RELATION OF THE ORIENTATION REACTIONS TO OTHER REACTIONS We are now in a position to define the difference between these orien- tation reactions and the others that we have described, and to see why the result of the avoiding reaction is to produce a certain position of the body axis in one set of cases, while it does not in the others. In the reactions to mechanical stimuli, chemicals, osmotic pressure, heat and cold, and powerful light, the avoiding reaction is caused by the transition from one external condition to another; by a change in the intensity of action of some agent,— the change being of such a charac- ter as to lead away from the optimum. As a result, the organism tries repeated different directions of movement (in the avoiding reaction) till it hits upon one in which the transition is toward the optimum instead of away from it; in this direction it continues. This does not require the body axis to take any definite orientation, since as a rule there are various directions in which the animal can move and be on the whole approaching the optimum. Furthermore, the body axis might be in any position, provided the movement were on the whole toward the optimum. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 79 But in the reactions to water currents, gravity and centrifugal force, it is a certain position of the body that results in stimulation; displace- ment of the cilia, or of certain internal constituents, occur in certain positions of the body, causing disturbances to which the animal reacts, as usual, by the avoiding reaction. This reaction consists in successively “trying,” not only different directions of locomotion, but also different positions of the body axis, as a glance at Figs. 37-39 willshow. As soon therefore as a position is reached in which the disturbance causing the reaction no longer exists, the reaction of course stops; the animal there- fore retains this axial position.’ A comparison of the reactions to these two sets of agents brings out strongly the general adaptiveness and effectiveness of the reaction method of the infusorian. The avoiding reaction is of such a charac- ter as to bring about in a systematic way (1) different directions of movement; (2) different axial positions; (3) different environmental conditions (of temperature, chemicals, etc.). If any one of these puts an end to the disturbance which caused stimulation, the reaction of course stops at that point, and the animal retains the direction of move- ment, axial orientation, or environmental condition thus reached. Ifa certain axial orientation must be reached before the stimulating dis- turbance ceases, then the result of the reaction will be to produce this orientation. If the disturbance ceases before a common orientation of all the individuals is reached, then no common orientation will occur. In other words, the method of reaction is such as to bring about any condition whatsoever that is required in order to put an end to stimula- tion, — provided of course that this condition is attainable. It will therefore produce in some cases a certain direction of movement, in other cases a certain axial orientation, in other cases the retention of a certain environmental condition, just as circumstances may require. LITERATURE IV A. Reactions to contact with solids: PUTTER, 1900; JENNINGS, 1897, 1899. B. Reactions to chemicals: JENNINGS, 1897, 1899 ¢; GREELEY, 1904; BARRATT, 1905. C. Reactions to heat and cold: JENNINGS, 1904; MENDELSSOHN, 1895, 1902, 1902 a, 1902 4. D. Reactions to light: HERTEL, 1904. £. Reactions to water currents: JENNINGS, 1904 4: LYON, 1904, 1905. F. Reactions to gravity and centrifugal force: LYON, 1905 ; JENSEN, 1893; JEN- NINGS, 1904 4; SOSNOWSKI, 1899; MOORE, 1903. 1 It is worthy of note that the position of orientation is not one in which a median plane of symmetry takes up a definite position with reference to the external agent, as is sometimes set forth. The infusorian when oriented continues to revolve on its long axis, so that no more can be maintained than that the longitudinal axis (in reality the axis of the spiral path) is in line with the orienting force. CHAPTER V BEHAVIOR OF PARAMECIUM (Continued ) REACTIONS TO ELECTRICITY AND SPECIAL REACTIONS I. REACTIONS TO ELECTRICITY THE reactions of Paramecia to electricity are more complex than those to other stimuli. This is owing to certain factors peculiar to the action of the electric current, which interfere with the usual reaction method. The gross features in the behavior under the action of electricity may be seen as follows. The Paramecia are placed in a watch-glass or other small vessel, and through the water containing them an electric current is passed (Fig. 58, A). Unpolarizable electrodes should be used, though the. gross features in the reaction may be observed with platinum electrodes. A current such as is produced by six or eight chromic acid cells is needed. As soon as the current begins to pass, all the Para- mecia swims toward the cathode or Fic. 58. — A, General appearance of’ Paramecia reacting to the electric current. After Verworn ( 1899). The current is passed by means of unpolarizable brush electrodes through a cell with porous walls. The infusoria have gathered at the cathodic side. B, Magnified view of a portion of the swarm as it moves toward the cathode: After Verworn. negative electrode. The swarm of infusoria all moving in the same direction present a most striking appearance (Fig. 58, B). If while all are swimming toward the cathode the direction of the current is reversed, the Paramecia at once turn around and swim toward the 80 THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 81 new cathode. If the electrodes are small points, the Paramecia swim in curves, such as are known to be formed by the current (Fig. 59). If while all are moving toward the cathode the cur- rent is interrupted, the group breaks up and the Paramecia scatter in all directions. If the current is at. first very weak, the Paramecia do not react sharply, only a few Fic. 59. — A, Curves followed by Paramecia when . ; pointed electrodes are used. B, Collection of Para- of them swimming toward mecia behind the cathode, when the electrodes are me cathode When, the placed close together. After Verworn (1899). strength of the current is increased, more of the animals react and the movement is more rapid, till at a certain strength of current practically all are swimming rapidly to the cathode. With a further increase in the current, the rate of progression toward the cathode becomes slower. As the increase continues, the rate of swimming decreases till progress nearly or quite ceases. The animals now remain in position, with anterior ends directed toward the cathode, but not moving in either direction. Increasing the current still farther, the animals begin to swim backward toward the anode. At this time each Paramecium is seen to have become deformed, being short and thick. If the cur- rent is farther increased, the animals burst at one end and go to pieces. These remarkable phenomena were first observed by Verworn (1889 a). How is this striking behavior brought about? Why do the Para- mecia first all go to the cathode, then in a stronger current stop, then swim backward to the anode? A. Reaction to Induction Shocks In attempting to answer these questions, it will be best to take up first the reactions to single induction shocks. To observe the reactions accurately, the Paramecia must be placed in some viscid but not inju- rious substance, such as the jelly produced by allowing a few quince seeds to soak in a watch-glass of water. containing the animals (Statke- witsch, 1904 a). This makes the movements so slow that they can be followed under the microscope. The reaction to induction shocks under these conditions has been studied especially by Statkewitsch (1903). When an induction shock is passed through a drop of such fluid con- taining Paramecia, the animals are found to react especially at that part of the body which is next the anode. Here the cilia are suddenly reversed, striking forward instead of backward; the ectosare contracts G 82 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS sharply, and trichocysts are thrown out (Fig. 60). If the current is a very weak one, only the reversal of cilia occurs; with a stronger current the other phenomena Ww’ appear. With a very powerful _—current, contraction and dis- charge of trichocysts occur also at the 4+ S> , wks i cathode, and with a Zz further increase of current, over the whole body. . The animal at the same time becomes de- formed and usually f ‘ ar goes to pieces. Fic. 60. — Effect of induction shocks on Paramecia in different oe f positions. After Statkewitsch (1903). Trichocysts discharged, n the current o cilia reversed, and contraction of the ectosarc, at the anodic side moderate strength or end, in a moderate current. ped the reversal of cilia, beginning at the anode, quickly spreads over the entire body, causing the animal to swim backward. This movement is the beginning of the avoiding reaction. After swimming backward a short distance the animal turns toward the aboral side and swims forward in a new direction. Thus the reaction to an induction shock is of essentially the same character as the reaction to other strong stimuli. Paramecium reacts to induction shocks more readily, as might be expected, when the sensitive anterior end is directed toward the anode. When in this position, it reacts to currents that are too weak to produce reaction in specimens occupying other positions. According to Roesle (1902), Paramecium reacts more readily when the oral surface is toward the anode than when in other positions, indicating that the region about the mouth is especially sensitive. While this seems probable on general principles, it was not confirmed by the thorough work of Statkewitsch (1903). In some cases an induction shock, like a weak mechanical stimulus, causes in place of the avoiding reaction a movement forward (Roesle, 1902). Since the animal is most stimulated when the anterior end is directed toward the anode, and this stimulation causes as a rule the avoiding re- action, one would expect that if the stimulation came repeatedly from _ the same direction, the animal would after a time reach a position with anterior end directed away from the anode. This is exactly what occurs. If frequent induction shocks are passed in a certain direction through \ \ N THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 83 the water, the animals all become pointed toward the cathode and swim in that direction (Birukoff, 1899, Statkewitsch, 1903). This happens even when the current is so weak that a single induction shock causes no reaction. There is a summation of the effects of the successive shocks until a reaction is produced (Statkewitsch, 1903). As most com- monly used, induction currents pass alternately in opposite directions. The induced current in one direction is due to the closing of the circuit in the primary coil, while the immediately following current induced in the opposite direction is due to the breaking of the circuit in the primary coil. The induced currents due to the breaking of the circuit are, as is well known, more powerful than those produced by the closing of the circuit. When both currents pass through the preparation alternately, Paramecia react primarily to the stronger ‘“‘break”’ currents. They move toward the cathode of these stronger currents and are apparently not affected by the weaker ‘“‘make” shocks (Birukoff, 1899, Statke- witsch, 1903 a). B. Reaction to the Constant Current If in place of induction shocks a continuous electric current is used, the result is the same as was described in the last paragraph. The Paramecia place themselves with anterior end directed toward the cathode and swim in that direction (Fig. 58). From what we know of the behavior of Paramecium under the action of other stimuli, we might suppose that the whole secret of this behavior lies in the production of the avoiding reaction when the anterior end is directed toward the anode. This reaction, continuing until a position was reached where the anterior end was no longer stimulated, would cause it to become directed toward the cathode. If the anode stimula- tion still continued, now at the posterior end, the animal would continue to swim forward toward the cathode, for to stimulation at the posterior end, as we have seen, the animal responds by swimming forward. If this were the method of reaction, the behavior under the electric current would be of the same character as under the stimuli which the animal meets in its natural existence. But a study of the exact movements of the animals shows that there is present another factor which is peculiar to the action of the electric current. To detect this the precise movements of the cilia under the action of the current must be examined. The cilia themselves may be directly observed in specimens placed in some viscous medium (see Statkewitsch, 1904 a). Or the effective movements of the cilia may be determined by mingling with the fluid containing them a quantity of finely ground India ink. By its aid the direction of the currents pro- ~84 BEHAVIOR’ OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS duced by the cilia becomes evident.' In this way we find that it is not alone at the anode that the electric current is active, but that a peculiar effect is produced also at the cathode. Here the direction of the cilia is reversed (Fig. 61) so that they point forward, and their effective stroke is forward, tending to drive the animal backward. When the electric ward in the usual way. If the current is made stronger, this current is weak and the animals are swim- ming toward the cathode, the cilia are re- versed only at the anterior end (Fig. 61, 1), the reversal extending a little farther down on the oral side than elsewhere. At the anterior tip the water currents are forward instead of backward (Fig. 62, a), and the cilia themselves are clearly seen to be pointed forward (Fig. 61, 1). | When the animal is swimming most rapidly toward the cathode, this effect is very slight; almost Fic. 61. — Progressive cathodic reversal of the cilia and change of form in Paramecium as the con- stant electric current is made stronger. Thecathode is supposed to lie at the upper end. The cur- rent is weakest at 1, where only a few cilia are reversed. 2-6, Suc- cessive changes as the current is gradually increased. After Statke- cathodic effect increases. The cilia become reversed farther and farther back, till with a certain strength of the electric current the cilia on the anterior half of the body are striking forward, those on the posterior half backward (Fig. 61, 3).” The water cur- rents produced are in opposite directions, making the animal the centre of a sort of all the cilia of the body are beating back- witsch (1903 a). cyclonic disturbance in the water, which gives a most extraordinary appearance (Fig. 62, 6). The two sets of cilia oppose each other, so that the animal seems to be trying to swim in two opposite directions at once. Up to a certain strength of the elec- tric current the posterior cilia prevail over the anterior ones, so that the animal swims forward. But the movement becomes slower and more labored as the electric current is increased, until in time the two sets of cilia balance each other. Then the animal remains in place, revolving -rapidly on its long axis, or it shoots first a short distance forward, then a little backward. With a still further increase of the electric current, the cathodic effect increases to such an extent that the reversed cilia gain 1 The Paramecia must be in a thin layer of fluid; this may be attained by supporting .the cover-glass on thin sheets of filter paper and introducing the current through this paper. ? This peculiar effect was first observed by Ludloff (1895). THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA; PARAMECIUM 85 the upper hand, and the animal swims backward toward the anode. The cilia are now reversed even behind the middle (Fig. 61, 4, 5). The body is deformed, becoming short and thick, and pinched to a point at the anode end, while the cathode end is swollen. Finally the animal usually bursts and goes to pieces ; before this happens \Y almost all the cilia have Leite oe i become reversed (Fig. Wn. 61, 6). 4 =e When a Paramecium ORO apni swim away. The Stentor. bends. in that. , direction, so as to keep in contact. with me ecatr eet at ones e bottom by a thread of mucus the organism as long as possible. At and remaining stationary with anterior _ the same time, of course, the ciliary -vor- een _ tex tends to draw the prey to the Stentor’s mouth,| This reaction may be produced experimentally by attaching a bit of soft, flocculent ANS ROO FLL Y EO OWA THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA 119 débris to the tip of a fine glass rod, and allowing this to touch the disk of Stentor, then drawing it gently to one side. The Stentor follows it, often bending far over (Fig. 83). The animal may thus bend in any direction — to the right, to the left, or toward'oral or aboral side. When infusoria are in contact with solids, their behavior always be- comes much modified. The spiral movement of course ceases, and the reaction to many stimuli — especially such reactions as depend largely on the spiral movement — either cease or become changed. Animals that when free place the axis of swimming in line with gravity, usually take up, when in contact with solids, any - position without reference to gravity. To high temperatures at- tached specimens respond much less readily than do free swimming ones. Stentor ceruleus responds readily to light when free swimming, directing its anterior end away from the source of light; when attached, it does not react in this way. Many infusoria show a modified reaction to the electric current when in con- tact with solids. The flagellates Chilomonas, ‘Trachelomonas, Poly- Br toma, and Peridinium react readily to ree the electric current when free swim- which is pulled by the experimenter to the ming; not at all when in contact "8 (Piitter, 1900, p. 246). - Most ciliates when in contact with solids react less readily to the electric current, and frequently when the reaction does occur, it is of a different character from usual. While free speci- mens place themselves in line with the current, attached infusoria often take up a transverse or oblique position with the peristome or oral side directed toward the cathode, — just as happens in Paramecium. This is true in general for the Hypotricha. What is the cause of the interference of the positive contact reaction with the reaction to other stimuli? It is necessary, as we have seen in our discussion of this reaction in Paramecium, to distinguish two factors in the contact reaction; one physical, the other physiological. The physical factor is found in the fact that the organism actually adheres to the surface of the solid, —in many cases, at least, by means of a mucous secretion. This physical adhesion would of course tend to pre- vent that rapid movement under the influence of a stimulus which is shown by free individuals. Thus, the animal might attempt to react 120 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS in the usual way, — showing the same ciliary movements as free indi- viduals, — but might find itself stuck, and unable to escape. Doubtless sometimes this condition of affairs is realized; it is described, for ex- ample, by Piitter as present in the reaction of attached specimens of Colpidium and some other infusoria. But in many cases this physical factor will not account for the observed behavior. Infusoria in contact may take different positions without difficulty, and could easily place themselves in line with gravity, yet as a rule they do not doso. Attached Stentors could easily bend into a position with anterior end away from the light, yet their position shows no relation to the direction of the light rays. There is nothing in the physical adherence to a surface that should compel the animal to take a transverse position in the electric current, rather than a position parallel to the current, yet this is what occurs in attached specimens. It is clear that there is a physiological factor involved. Contact with solids tends to make the animal act in one way, the other stimulus in another; hence the two must interfere. If we object, as some authors have done, to the admission that the contact reaction interferes with the reaction to other stimuli, we are compelled to admit in any case that the reactions to other stimuli do interfere with the contact reaction, and one admission has as much theoretical signifi- cance as the other. It is evident that when two agents influencing the organism in opposite ways act simultaneously, the effect of one must give way to that of the other, or the two must combine to produce a resultant. It is impossible that each should produce its characteristic effect. The interference of the contact reaction with the reactions to other stimuli is one of the most striking phenomena to be observed in the behavior of these lower organisms. It is always necessary to dis- tinguish carefully the behavior of free swimming specimens from those that are in contact with surfaces, for the two differ radically. 3- REACTION TO CHEMICALS The reactions to chemical stimuli take place in all accurately known cases through the typical avoiding reaction. As a rule the motor organs of the infusoria, both flagellates and ciliates, act in such a way that a current of water passes from in front of the animal to the anterior end ‘and mouth, as illustrated for Paramecium in Fig. 35. Thus when a chemical is dissolved in the water, a “sample” of it is brought to the most sensitive part of the body. If the chemical is of such a nature as to act as a stimulus, the animal swims more slowly, stops, or moves backward, turns toward the customary side (usually the aboral side), until it no longer receives the chemical, then moves forward in the new THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA 121 direction. Thus the region containing the chemical is avoided. In many cases this reaction takes place in a very pronounced manner; the animal shoots far backward, whirls rapidly toward the one side, and repeats the reaction many times. In other cases the reaction is less pronounced, and motion merely becomes a little slower as long as the chemical is received in the ciliary current, while at the same time the animal quietly.swings its anterior end about in a circle (as in Fig. 37 or 38). This continues until it finds a direction from which no more of the chemical is received; in that direction it swims forward. If the movements of the animal are not precisely observed, the method by which the reaction occurs may in such cases be easily misunderstood. There are various chemicals in which certain infusoria gather, pro- ducing collections like those formed by Paramecium in acids (Fig. 43). In all cases in which the facts are accurately known, these collections are formed in the same way as are those of Paramecia. The animals enter without reaction into the region where the substance is present, then respond by the avoiding reaction whenever they come to the outer boun- dary of the area containing the substance. Thus every individual that enters the area of the chemical remains, and in the course of a longer or shorter period a collection is formed here. In many cases this indirect method of gathering together is strikingly evident, and the individuals may be clearly seen to move about within the area containing the chemi- cal, in the manner represented in Fig. 44. If the infusoria observed are very minute, so that differentiations of the body are to be seen only with great difficulty, if their movements are rapid, and if in the avoid- ing reaction they do not swim backward, but merely stop and turn toward one (structurally defined) side, at the same time revolving on the long axis, then the reaction method is not so evident on a cursory examination. In such cases, if the relation of the direction of turning to the structural differentiations of the body and to the revolution on the long axis are not carefully determined, the animal will be supposed to turn directly, without variations of any sort, into the chemical. This was formerly supposed to be the universal method of reaction to chemi- cals. The cause for the turning was supposed to be found in the dif- ference in the concentration of the chemical on the two sides of the organism. The animal turned directly toward the side of greater con- centration (“positive chemotaxis”) or of less concentration (“negative chemotaxis”). This method of reacting to chemicals is no longer sup- posed to exist for infusoria by any one familiar with the reaction method described in the foregoing pages, so far as I am aware, save in the case of certain very minute organisms, — fern spermatozoids, Saprolegnia swarm spores, and the flagellate Trepomonas agilis (Rothert, 1901, 122 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS p- 388). But it is notable that in none of these cases has the relation of the direction of turning to the differentiations of the body been ob- served, and this is the crucial point for determining the nature of the reactions. The fact that it is only for these very difficult objects that the direct turning is maintained must make us cautious in accepting this exceptional result.’ Let us now leave the method of reacting, and turn to certain more general phenomena. In what chemicals do infusoria gather? What chemicals do they avoid ? In no other infusoria is the behavior toward different chemicals so well known as in Paramecium. Chilomonas collects in acids in gen- eral, and especially in solutions of carbon dioxide, just as Paramecium does. Spontaneous gatherings are often formed by Chilomonas, and it seems probable that these are due, as in Paramecium, to the carbon dioxide produced by the animals themselves (Jennings and Moore, 1902). Cyclidium glaucoma and Colpidium colpoda likewise collect in carbonic and other acids. Opalina, Nyctotherus, and Balantidium en- tozoén, living in an alkaline medium, gather in acids, but if transferred to an acid medium, they gather in alkali (Dale, 1901). Many other in- fusoria show no tendency to gather in acids. Loxocephalus granulosus and Oxytricha eruginosa form spontaneous collections resembling pre- cisely those of Paramecium, but they are not due to the same cause. These species do not collect in solutions of carbon dioxide, nor in other acids. When they are mingled with Paramecia in the same prepara- tion, they collect in one region, while the Paramecia collect in another. It is apparent that Loxocephalus and Oxytricha produce some substance to which the collections are due, and that this substance is not carbon dioxide. A number of other infusoria form spontaneous collections, the cause of which has not been investigated. Many of the commonest species do not form such collections. There are many chemicals in which one or another species of infusoria have been found to collect. Most of the details are of comparatively little general interest from the standpoint of animal behavior, so that we shall not take them up here. An excellent summary of these results will be found in Davenport’s “ Experimental Morphology” (Vol. I, pp. 32-45). Certain general features are important for our purposes; these we may bring out briefly. First, from the way the collections are brought about, it is evident that whether given infusoria tend to collect in a certain solution or not depends on the nature of the solution in which they are already found. This has been illustrated in detail for Paramecium. Paramecia in ' For a discussion of related points, see Chapter XIV. THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA (123 strong salt solution collect in weak salt solutions or in tap water; Paramecia in tap water collect in distilled water; Paramecia in dis- tilled water collect in weak acids. In the same way, if two solu- tions are open to any given infusorian, they tend to collect in that one by which they are least repelled. Thus “attraction,” as deter- mined by the formation of collections, is a relative matter; the infusoria, like higher organisms, often have to put up with merely that by which they are least repelled. To say that a certain infusorian gathers in a given substance A, therefore, signifies little more than that it is less re- pelled by this substance A, than by the substance in which it was found at the time the experiment was tried. Most flagellates and ciliates are repelled by strong solutions of chem- icals of almost all sorts. This is true even for strong solutions of the same substances in which they collect when the solutions are weak. In such substances we can therefore distinguish an optimum concentration. Below the optimum the organisms are indifferent, while above the opti- mum they are repelled. Expressing the facts more concretely, at the indifferent concentration no reaction is caused when the organism passes into the solution or out of it; at the optimum concentration no reaction is caused when the organism passes into the solution, but the avoiding reaction is induced on passing out, while at concentrations above the optimum the organisms react at passing inward. The result is then in every case that they tend to gather in the optimum. The reaction is in each case caused by a change from one concentra- tion to another. The amount of change necessary to cause the reaction has been shown, in the case of fern spermatozoids (Pfeffer, 1884), to bear a definite relation to the concentration of the solution in which the organ- isms are immersed. In other words, the amount of change necessary to cause the reaction varies according to Weber’s law. Thus in the fern spermatozoids the concentration of malic acid necessary to produce a collection of the organisms must be about thirty times that in which the organisms are already immersed. Massart (1891) found that specimens of Polytoma uvella in his cultures were not repelled by chemicals even in the strongest solutions. Such cases are very exceptional; other investigators have found that even this same organism (from other cultures) is repelled by various chemicals (Pfeffer, 1904, p. 808, note). The variability and inconstancy of the reactions of infusoria to chemicals deserves emphasis. Whether infusoria of a given species react to a certain chemical or not, and how they react, depends upon the past and present conditions of existence of the individuals. The general outlines of the reactions can be determined for any species, but 124 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS the details, especially from a quantitative standpoint, vary in accordance with the environmental influences acting upon the individuals in question. As a rule, infusoria collect in solutions of substances which may serve them as food. This is almost invariably true for substances which form the usual food of the organism under natural conditions. When the amount of oxygen present in the water is low, most infusoria collect about bubbles of air or other sources of oxygen. Infusoria sometimes gather in substances which do not serve for food or respiration, but which serve other important purposes in the physiology of the species concerned. Thus, the flagellate spermato- zoids of ferns were found by Pfeffer to gather in solutions of malic acid. This substance is found in the fern prothalli, and probably occurs in the mouth of the archegonium, into which the spermatozoids must enter in order that fertilization may take place. The tendency to collect in malic acid then doubtless plays a part in bringing about fertilization in ferns. The collection of Paramecia in carbon dioxide seems to be an- other case of a reaction which is useful to the organisms, though the substance causing it does not itself serve as food. Many infusoria collect, under certain circumstances, in substances which do not serve as food and are not known to play any useful part in the biology of the animal. Thus, Pfeffer found that the flagellate Bodo saltans gathers in most of the salts of potassium, as well as in various salts of lithium, sodium, rubidium, cesium, ammonium, calcium, stron- tium, barium, and magnesium. This signifies only, as we have already seen, that they are less repelled by solutions of these substances than by the fluid in which they are situated. In most cases, as soon as a substance is sufficiently concentrated to be injurious it becomes repellent. Whether the repellent effect of chemicals is due to the chemical properties of the solution, or to its osmotic pressure, has been rigidly determined only for Paramecium. In this animal, as we have seen, the osmotic pressure is usually not the cause of the reaction. There is much evidence that this is true for most species, but accurate quantitative evidence is needed on this point. 4. REACTION TO HEAT AND COLD Infusoria in general react to heat and cold in much the same way as does Paramecium, — through the avoiding reaction. The way the reac- tion occurs is most easily seen in the Hypotricha. The phenomena to be observed are of special interest, because they show clearly how a movement of a large number of individuals in a certain uniform direc- THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA 125. tion (“orientation”) may be brought about by the selection of varied movements. The common hypotrichan Oxytricha fallax, abundant in vegetable infusions, is well fitted for the study of this reaction. A large number of specimens are placed on a slide or trough. When one end of the trough is gradually heated by passing water at a temperature of 40 degrees beneath it, the Oxytrichas at this end are seen to become very active, dart- ing about in all di- rections (Fig. 84). Asthe temperature rises, they give the avoiding reaction, —darting back- ward, and turning to the right. This is alternated with rapid dashes for- ward. Whenever a specimen passes toward the warmer end of the trough, or when it comes in contact with the sides or end, it re- sponds with the avoiding reaction. But a specimen passing away from the heated region, in the direction of the arrow at 14 (Fig. 84), does not give the reaction, because it is pass- ing from a hot to a cool region. The Fic. 84. — Reaction of Oxytricha to heat. The slide is heated at the end x. An Oxytricha in position 1 reacts as indicated by the arrows, repeatedly moving backward, turning to the right, and moving forward, thus occupying successively the positions 1-14. When it finally be- comes directed away from the heat, as at 13-14, it ceases to change its direction of movement, but continues to move straight ahead, thus reaching a cooler region. 126 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS result is that all the specimens which swim in any direction but that toward the cooler water are quickly stopped and turned, while all that pass toward the cooler water continue in that direction. Since all the specimens in the heated region are moving very rapidly and turning at very brief intervals, in a short time all will have become directed toward the cool water. Hence soon after the water has been heated at one end of the trough, a stream of Oxytrichas will be seen passing toward the cool water. The animals are all “oriented” in —_——— GSS a common direction, but the is, orientation has taken place by Gy, exclusion — through the fact ’ that movement in any other ‘ direction is at once stopped. If one end is cooled to 10 degrees C. or below, while ‘4 the other is left at the usual 7 temperature, the Oxytrichas : react in this same way in the S)- cold region; hence they leave it, as they before left the heated —_ region. The reaction in the Fic. 85. — Bursaria swimming backward ina case of cold is much less strik- circle when heated. Ventral view. A ing and less complete than. that produced by heat. This is because the cold has the effect not only of producing the avoiding reaction, but also that of making the move- ments slower, and of finally benumbing the animals, so that they cease to move. Thus it takes much longer for the animals to pass out of a cold region than out of a warm region, and many of them do not suc- ceed in escaping before the cold has stopped their movements. The reaction of Oxytricha is essentially similar to that of Parame- cium. But in Oxytricha the method of reaction is much more evident, because the movements are slower, and there is usually no revolution on the long: axis. In many other infusoria the reaction to heat and cold has been shown to take place in the same manner as in Oxytricha. In some species the individuals show this type of behavior, yet with slight modifi- cations that are such as to make the reaction quite ineffective, so that the animals do not»escape from the heated region, and are finally killed. ‘This may be observed in Bursaria truncatella. If one end of a trough containing specimens of Bursaria is heated, the animals respond with the avoiding reaction, as Oxytricha does. They begin to swim back- td THE BEHAVIOR OF OTHER INFUSORIA 127 ward, and at the same time to circle to the right (Fig. 85). But they do not alternate this with movement forward, as Paramecium and Oxytricha do, and they do not revolve on the long axis. Bursaria simply continues the reaction once begun, and this of course has little tendency to remove the organisms from the heated region. ‘They circle about till they die. Among different infusoria all gradations may be found, from the inef- fective reaction of Bursaria through the moderately rapid but effective behavior of Oxytricha to the quick movements of Paramecium, which can be followed only with much difficulty. Mendelssohn (1902) has determined the optimum temperature for a considerable number of infusoria. He finds the following values: Para- mecium aurelia, 24-28 degrees; P. bursaria, 23-25; Pleuronema, 25-27; Colpoda, 25-31; Spirostomum’ teres, 24-33; Coleps, 28-31; Stentor, 25-28; Chlorogonium, 23-30. As a rule the organism is stimulated by temperatures both above and below the optimum, so that it seeks the optimum region. But in rare cases a higher temperature acts as a stimulus, while a lower temperature does not. This is true, according to Mendelssohn, in Pleuronema. If the entire vessel containing the infusoria is heated, or if the ani- mals are dropped into heated water, the avoiding reaction is produced, just as when the heat is applied from one side. The animals swim back- ward and turn to one side. It is thus evident that there need not be dif- ferences of temperature in different parts of the body in order to produce the avoiding reaction. In the experiment just mentioned the animal “tries”? swimming in many different directions, but of course does not find a direction that takes it away from the heated region. LITERATURE VII BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA IN GENERAL A. Actionsystems, methods of movement and reaction: JENNINGS, 1900, 1899 4, 1902; PUTTER, 1904; NAEGELI, 1860; ROTHERT, 1901. B. Reactions to contact with solids: PUTTER, Igoo. C. Reactions to chemicals: PFEFFER, 1884, 1888; MASSART, 1889, 1891; ROTHERT, 1901, 1903; GARREY, 1900; DALE, 1901; GREELEY, 1904; JENNINGS, 1900 a, 1900 6; JENNINGS AND MOORE, 1902. D. Reactions to heat and cold: JENNINGS, 1904; MENDELSSOHN, 1902, 1902 4, 1902 6. CHAPTER VIII REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 1. REACTIONS TO LIGHT Like Paramecium, most colorless infusoria do not react at all to light of ordinary intensity. But many species of infusoria are colored, and these commonly react in a decided manner even to the light supplied by the natural conditions of existence. Some react positively; they gather in lighted regions or swim toward the source of light. Others are negative, avoiding light regions and swimming away from the source of light. We shall take up as examples the behavior of a negative or- ganism, Stentor ceruleus, and of a positive organism, Euglena viridis. A. Negative Reaction to Light: Stentor ceruleus The blue Stentor is a trumpet-shaped organism, with a circle of large adoral cilia or membranellez surrounding the large end or peristome. This circle leads to the mouth, lying at one side of the disklike peristome. The remainder of the body is covered with finer cilia.*_ The animal is colored a deep blue. Stentor is often attached to solid objects by its pointed end or foot, but it is likewise found at times swimming freely. We shall have occasion to study the general features of the behavior of Stentor, particularly when attached, in a later section (Chapter X). Here we need to recall only the facts that in response to strong stimula- tion it may contract, becoming shorter and thicker, and that when free swimming it has an avoiding reaction similar to that of Paramecium. When stimulated, it stops or swims backward, turns toward the right aboral side, and continues forward in the new direction (Fig. 76). This is the reaction produced by mechanical stimulation, by heat, and by chemical stimulation acting either on the anterior end or on the body as a whole. The results of localized stimulation have shown clearly that the anterior end or peristome is more sensitive than the remainder of the body surface. 1 For a figure of another species of Stentor, resembling in essentials the present one, see Fig. 31, b. 128 REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT. AND TO GRAVITY 129 The blue Stentor tends to gather in shaded regions, and when ‘sub- jected to light coming from one side it moves away from the source of light. Thus, if a glass vessel containing Stentors is placed near a win- dow, the animals swim away from the source of light, and are soon found to be collected on the side opposite the window. How is this result brought about? Just what is the cause of the reaction to light, and what is the behavior of the Stentors in reaching the shaded regions? In arranging experiments which shall answer these questions, let us first try the effects of sudden strong changes in the intensity of the light affecting the animals. This may be done by placing a flat-bottomed glass vessel con- taining many Stentors in a shallow layer of water on the stage of the microscope in a dark room. From beneath, strong light is sent directly upward through the opening of the diaphragm by means of the substage mirror, while all other light is completely excluded. In this way a circular area in the middle of the field is strongly illumi- nated, while the remainder of the vessel containing the Stentors is in darkness.’ The Stentors in the darkness swim io. 86:65 Resi eee about in all directions, but as soon as one at passing from a dark to a light comes to the lighted area it at once re- ‘sion (1-4). sponds by the avoiding reaction — it swims backward and turns toward the right aboral side (Fig. 86, 1-4). Thus its course is changed and it does not enter the lighted area. Since every Stentor reacts in this way, the lighted area? remains empty. Usually the avoiding reaction occurs as soon as the anterior end of the Stentor has reached the lighted region. In other cases the entire Stentor passes completely into the lighted area, then reacts in the usual manner, thus passing back into the dark. 1 By using a projection lantern as the source of light the field of the microscope is projected on the ceiling, or, by the use of a mirror to reflect the light at right angles, on the ordinary projection screen. When thus projected, the behavior of the Stentors is observable with the greatest ease. ? The light is passed first through a thick layer of ice water, in order to remove the heat as far as possible. The fact that the reactions are not due to heat is shown in the following manner. Specimens of Paramecium, an organism which is more sensitive to heat than Stentor, but is not sensitive to light, are mingled with the Stentors. The Para- mecia pass into the lighted region without hesitation, showing that this region is not heated sufficiently to affect them; the heat then cannot affect the Stentors. K 130 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Thus an area lighted from below acts in the same manner as a region containing a strong chemical. The animals keep out of both by the avoiding reaction. We may now arrange the conditions so that the light shall come from one side, while at the same time differences in illumination shall exist in different regions. This may be done by placing the glass vessel containing the Sten- tors near a source of light which falls obliquely from one side, then shading a portion of the vessel with a screen. We may first so place the screen that the vessel is divided into right and left halves, at equal distances from the source of light, but one shaded, the other illuminated (Fig. 87). 4 The Stentors are at the be- ginning scattered through- out the dish and are moving in all directions. l \ — Stentors in the illuminated half whose path lies in the 8 proper direction pass into Fic. 87.— Reaction to light in Stentor. The light the shaded region without comes from the left, as indicated by the arrows. S-Sisa y ion. Since nearly all screen shading one half the vessel, so that the line x—y is eact Rate 5 “3 \ the boundary of the shadow. At 0, 1-4, is shown the keep in motion for a long reaction of a Stentor on reaching this boundary line. 4; fter n interval (The dotted outline a, 1-4, shows the reaction that would lime, ite t z occur if the light caused increased activity in the cilia of nearly all will have passed the side which it strikes.) into the shaded half. Stentors in the shaded half respond by the avoiding reaction as soon as they come to the boundary of the lighted area. That is, they swim backward and turn toward the right aboral side (Fig. 87, 6). Thus they remain within the shaded area, and after a short time most of the Stentors in the vessel are to be found in the shaded half. It is evident that the Stentors do not simply turn and swim parallel with the light rays from the source of light. If this were the method _ of reaction, a Stentor coming to the boundary x-y, Fig. 87, would turn and swim directly toward the side y. This it does not do. The direc- tion of turning depends upon the position of the right aboral side; the bated Poe REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 131 animal may even turn toward the source of light. The essential point is the swimming back into the shaded region, without reference to the direction from which the light comes. Similar phenomena are observed if the side of the vessel next to the source of light is shaded, the shadow of the screen reaching to the middle s x a.i ——§! ee | B ! tp i 3 fed fe | s A 7) B Fic. 88. — Reaction of Stentor to light when one half the vessel next the source of light is shaded by a screen S-S (as indicated in Fig. 89). On reaching the line x—y, where it would pass into the light, the animal responds as shown at ¢, 1-5. of the vessel, so that the side farthest from the source of light is illumi- nated (Figs. 88 and 89). Under such circumstances the Stentors gather in the shaded area, next to the window. A specimen in the shaded area which swims toward the lighted side is of course moving when it comes to the boundary line in the same direction as the rays of light. It nevertheless re- sponds by the avoiding reaction, — stop- ping, turning toward the right aboral side, and swimming back to the shadow. This often happens when the animal has com- S$ x pletely passed the boundary Fic. 89.— Side view of the conditions in the and is entirely within the experiment shown in Fig. 88. The arrows show the lighted area (Fig. 88, 6). In rere ot Nght. passing back into the dark- ened area it now swims of course directly toward the source of light. All together, then, our experiments thus far have shown that the cause of the avoiding reaction is the change from darkness to light. At every such change, Stentor responds by the avoiding reaction; that is, it tries swimming in other directions until it is no longer subjected to the light. Let us now arrange the conditions in such a way that all parts of the "E320 - BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS svessel are equally illuminated and the light comes from one side. This amay be done by placing the Stentors in a glass vessel with plane sides, at one side of the source of light, as a window or an electric lamp. Move- ment from one part of the vessel to another cannot cause a change from darkness to light, for all parts are equally lighted.‘ Yet the Stentors Li Fic. 90. — Method of observing the reaction of Stentor to light. A and B are two electric lights, which can be extinguished or illuminated separately. usually, after a short interval, turn and swim away from the source of light, after a time reaching that side of the vessel farthest from the lamp or window. If the animals are observed as they turn, it is found that the turning is brought about through the avoiding reaction. A short time after the light is directed upon them, they swim more slowly or cease the forward movement, and begin to swerve more strongly toward the right aboral side, thus swinging the anterior end about in a circle. The direction of movement thus becomes changed; in the new direc- tion the animal swims forward. If its anterior end is still not directed away from the source of light, the avoiding reaction is repeated; the animal continues to try new directions till the anterior end is directed away from the lighted side. In that direction it continues to move, so that it finally comes to the side opposite the window or lamp.’ 1 There is of course an infinitesimal difference in the illumination of different parts of the vessel, due to the fact that one part is nearer the source of light than another. The experiment succeeds equally well when the sun is employed as the source of light, in which case the difference of illumination in different regions is practically infinitely minute. The reaction cannot be therefore conceived as due to these differences. Experiments show that the differences in illumination necessary to produce reaction are much greater than those obtaining in different parts of a vessel thus lighted from one side. 2 The reaction may be obtained by focussing the Braus-Driiner binocular micro- scope on a shallow vessel of Stentors swimming about at random in a diffuse light, then allowing a strong light from an electric lamp or a brightly lighted window to fall upon them from one side. In order to have the reaction repeated many times, so as to give opportunity for careful study, the vessel containing the Stentors may be placed between two electric lights, as in Fig. 90. One of these lights can be extinguished at the same instant that the other is brought into action ; by repeating this process the direction of the light rays is repeatedly reversed. At each reversal the Stentors react in the way described in the text. REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT» AND TO GRAVITY °133 Why does the animal react in this way, even when the vessel is not divided into regions of light and darkness, but is lighted from one side? The essential problem is, Why does a specimen swimming transversely or obliquely to the direction of the light rays give the avoiding reaction and continue this until the anterior end is directed away from the source of light ? To understand this, certain facts need to be recalled. We know that the anterior end is much more sensitive than the remainder of the body. We know that an increase in illumination causes the avoiding reaction. We know that this is true even when the anterior end alone is subjected to such a change. Now, Stentor swims in a spiral of some width, so that its anterior end swings always in a circle, and is pointed successively in many different directions. If the animal is swimming ~ transversely or obliquely to the direction of the light rays, the anterior - ‘end in one phase of the spiral path is directed more nearly toward the source of light, in another phase more nearly away from it, so as to be partly shaded, — as is illustrated for Euglena in Fig. 94. ‘The result is, of course, that the sensitive anterior end is subjected to repeated changes in intensity of illumination; at one instant it is shaded, at the next the light shines directly upon it. As we know from other experiments, the change from light to darkness produces no reaction, while the changes from darkness to light produce the avoiding reaction. Every time, therefore, that the anterior end swings into the light, the avoiding reac- tion is caused; the animal therefore swings its anterior end in a large circle, trying many directions. Every time it swings its anterior end away from the source of light into the shadow of its body, on the other hand, no reaction is produced; the position thus reached is therefore retained. This process continues, the animal trying new directions every time its anterior end swings toward the light, until in a short time the anterior end must inevitably become directed away from the light. In this position the anterior end is no longer subjected to changes in illumination, for the axis of the course coincides with the axis of the light rays, and the body maintains a constant angle with the axis of the course. The amount of light received by the anterior end therefore remains con- stant. Hence there is no further cause for reaction, and the organism retains the position with anterior end directed away from the source of light. Attached specimens of Stentor do not become oriented with refer- ence to the light. ‘They may occupy any position with reference to the direction from which the light comes, even though the light shines di- rectly on the anterior end. We have seen previously that contact inter- feres with many of the reactions of organisms. But if the animals are 134 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS subjected to a sudden, powerful increase in the intensity of the light falling upon them, they often contract (Mast, 1906), and later bend in various directions, till they have become accustomed to the light. To sum up, the orientation of the free Stentor in line with the light rays, with its anterior end directed away from the source of light, is due to the fact that an increase of illumination at the sensitive anterior end induces the avoiding reaction. As a necessary result the oriented Stentor swimming in a spiral path tries new directions of movement until it finds one where such changes of illumination no longer occur. Such a direction is found only in orientation with the anterior end directed away from the source of light. From a knowledge of the spiral course and the fact that increase of illumination at the anterior end causes _ the avoiding reaction, this result could be predicted. The reaction to light, like that to most other stimuli, is based on the method of trial of differently directed movements, till one puts an end to the stimulation. B. Positive Reaction to Light: Euglena viridis Euglena is not closely related to Stentor; it is a flagellate, while Stentor is a ciliate. If we find similar principles governing the reaction to light in these widely separated organisms, it is probable that these principles are valid for the infusoria in general. Euglena viridis (Fig. 74) is a fish-shaped green organism, often found abundantly in the water of stagnant roadside pools, giving them a green color. -At the anterior end is a notch from which there extends a single long flagellum, by the lashing of which Euglena swims. Within the body are chlorophyll masses, giving the organism its green color. Near the anterior end, close to the side bearing the larger lip of the notch, — the “dorsal” side, — is a red pigment spot, usually known as the eye spot. As we have seen previously, the “‘action system” of Euglena resembles in essentials that of Paramecium. It swims in a spiral (Fig. 94), and to most stimuli it responds by an avoiding reaction which consists in stopping or backing, then turning more strongly than usual toward the ‘‘dorsal”’ side. If the light is not too strong, Euglene gather in lighted areas, and when the light comes from one side, they swim toward the source of light. Thus in the culture jar the organisms are usually found on the side next the window or other source of light. In very powerful light, such as the direct rays of the sun, however, Euglena swims away from the source of light. How is this behavior brought about ? Let us first study the effect of changes in the intensity of the light. The Euglenz are placed on a slide in a thin layer of water, and are ex- REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 135 amined with the microscope in the neighborhood of a window. all the Euglene are seen swimming toward the window. Fic. 91.— Diagram of the reaction of Euglena when the light is decreased. ‘The organism is swimming forward at 1; when it reaches 2 it is shaded. It thereupon swerves toward the dorsal side, at the same time continuing to revolve on the long axis, so that its anterior end describes a circle, the Eu- glena occupying successively the positions 2-6. From any of these it may start forward in the directions indicated by the arrows. light is decreased by placing the hand or a screen between them and the window. At once all give the avoiding reaction; that is, they stop or swim backward an instant, then swerve strongly toward the dorsal side, so that the ante- rior end swings about a circle (Fig. 91). If the light is decreased strongly, the anterior end de- scribes a wide circle or may even turn through an angle of 180 degrees, so that the direction of movement is reversed. If only a little of the light is cut off, the anterior end describes only a narrow circle. The organisms soon resume the forward movement, but now the axis of the spiral path coincides with one of the directions indicated by the anterior end in swinging about Soon Now the / Fic. 92. — Change of direction in the spiral path of the Euglena, as a result of a slightly marked reac- tion. Ata the illumination is decreased, causing the organism to swerve toward the dorsal side, thus widen- ing the spiral path. At b the ordinary swimming in a narrow spiral is resumed; since at this point the organ- ism was necessarily more inclined to the axis of the spiral than before the reac- tion, the new course lies at an angle to the previous one. 136 **\ >! BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS a circle.’ In other words, the direction of the path has been changed (Fig! 92). ‘The whole action may be expressed as follows: when the light is suddenly decreased, the organism tries successively many different directions, finally following one of these. The reaction is a very sharp and striking one, and produces a most peculiar impression. At first all the Euglenz are swimming in parallel lines toward the window. As soon as the shadow of the hand falls upon the preparation, the regularity is destroyed; every Euglena turns strongly and may appear to oscillate from side to side. This apparent oscilla- tion is due to the swerving toward the dorsal side, combined with the revolution on the long axis. The organism swings thus first to the right, then upward, then to the left, then down, etc. (see Fig. gr). This reaction occurs whenever the light is decreased in any way. Thus, in place of cutting off the light coming from the window, that coming from the mirror of the microscope may be decreased by closing ‘the iris diaphragm. The Euglene react in the manner above de- scribed, though they soon resume their movements toward the window. Again, if the light from the window is decreased only slightly, the Eu- glenz react in the manner described, thus changing their direction of movement; very soon, however, they swim again toward the window. The same reaction occurs in Euglene that are for any reason not swim- ming toward the source of light. Even if a specimen is swimming away from the window, it gives the avoiding reaction in the usual way when the light from the window is decreased. It is clear that the reaction is due to the decrease in the intensity of light, not to a change in the direction of the light rays. In the first and second experiments mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the Euglenz are, some time after the light is decreased, swimming in the same direc- tion as they were before, though at the moment of decrease there is a reaction. Engelmann (1882) tried shading parts of the body of Euglena. He found that a shadow which is cast on the body of the organism without affecting the anterior one-third produces no effect whatever. On the other hand, a shadow affecting only the anterior tip —if even only the part in front of the eye spot — causes the same reaction as shading the entire body. Thus it is clear that the anterior end is more sensitive to light than the remainder of the body. These results of Engelmann are . of much importance for understanding the remainder of the reaction to light. If Euglenz are placed on a slide and a certain spot is lighted from below by the mirror of the microscope, a dense collection is in the course of time formed in the lighted region. Observations show that the Eu- REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND: TO GRAVITY 137 glenz in the darker portion swim about at random; many of them thus pass into the lighted region. There is no reaction at passing from the dark to the light. In the lighted region they likewise swim about in all ‘directions. But as soon as an individual reaches the outer boundary of See! a 1 Fic. 93.— Illustration of the devious path followed by Euglena in becoming oriented . when the direction of the light is reversed. From x to 2 the light comes from above; at 2 it is reversed. The amount of wandering (a—/) varies in different cases. the lighted area, it gives the typical avoiding reaction; it backs, turns toward the dorsal side, and thus reénters the lighted area. This reac- tion frequently occurs as soon as the anterior tip is pushed into the shade. In other cases the reaction does not occur till the Euglena has passed 138 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS completely into the dark; it then turns and passes back into the light. ’ / / ‘ , é é / oe ¢ , / ‘ c a \ b ee ! foe a Fic. 94.— Spiral path of Eu- glena. a, b,c, d, successive positions taken. The arrows at the right in- dicate the direction of an incoming force, as light, showing how the rela- tion of the body axis and the anterior end to such a force changes con- tinually. At d the body axis is nearly parallel to the lines of force, and the anterior end is directly illu- minated. At 6 the axis is nearly transverse, and the sensitive anterior end is largely shaded, so as to re- ceive but little light. At the boundary of the lighted area the organism is, of course, subjected to a sud- den decrease in illumination, and this, our previous experiments have shown us, is the cause of the avoiding reaction. Whenever lighted or shaded areas are open to Eu- glenz, the organisms gather in the lighted areas in the way just described. If the entire area containing the Eu- glene is illuminated from one side, the organisms swim toward the side from which the light comes. That is, they be- come oriented with anterior end toward the source of light. If we watch them as they become oriented, we find that the orientation takes place, as in Stentor, through the avoiding reaction. The course of events is about as follows : The Eu- glen are swimming about at random in a diffuse light, when a stronger light is allowed to fall upon them from one side. Thereupon the forward movement _be- comes slower and the Euglene begin to swerve farther than usual toward the dorsal side. Thus the spiral path be- comes wider and the anterior end swings about in a larger circle and is pointed successively in many different directions. In some part of its swinging in a circle the anterior end of course becomes directed more nearly toward the light; thereupon the amount of swinging decreases, so that the Euglena tends to retain a certain posi- tion so reached. In other parts of the swinging in a circle the anterior end be- comes less exposed to the light; thereupon the swaying increases, so that the organism does not retain this position, but swings to another. The result is that in its spiral course it successively swerves strongly toward the source of light, then slightly REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 139 away from it, until by a continuation of this process the anterior end is directed toward the light. In this position it swims forward. The course of Euglena in becoming oriented is shown in Fig. 93. This behavior is intelligible when we recall the effect of the spiral course in causing changes in the intensity of the light affecting the an- terior end. The anterior end is, as we have seen, the part most sensi- tive to light; it may be compared with the eye of a higher animal. Ina TTL Fic. 95. — Diagram of the method by which Euglena becomes oriented with anterior end toward the source of light. At 1 the organism is swimming toward the source of light. When it reaches the position 2, the light is changed, so as to come from the direction indicated by the arrows at the right. As a consequence of the decrease of illumination thus caused, the organism swerves strongly toward the dorsal side, at the same time continuing to revolve on the long axis. It thus occupies successively the positions 2-6. In passing from 3 to 6 the illumi- nation of the anterior end is increased, hence the swerving nearly ceases. In the next phase of the spiral therefore the organism swerves but a little, — from 7 to 8. But this movement causes the anterior end to become partly shaded, and this decrease of illumination again in- duces a strong swerving toward the dorsal side. Hence, in the next phase of the spiral the organism swings far, through 9 and ro, to rz. Thus it continually swerves much toward the source of light and a little away from it, till it reaches the position 16. Now it is directed toward the source of light, and such swerving as occurs in the spiral course neither increases nor decreases the illumination of the anterior end. Hence there is no further cause for re- action; the Euglena continues its usual forward movement, which now takes it toward the source of light. Euglena swimming obliquely or transversely to the rays of light, as in Fig. 94, the illumination of the anterior end changes greatly with each turn in the spiral. At d the light is shining almost directly upon the anterior end, while at 6 the organism is nearly tranverse, so that the anterior end is partly shaded. The effect is like that of turning an eye first toward the sun, then away from it; though the movement is slight, 140. _. BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER.ORGANISMS the change in illumination produced is great. The variations in illumination due to the spiral course are doubtless much accentuated by the fact that one side of the anterior end bears a pigment spot, which in certain positions of the unoriented Euglena cuts off the light. A decrease of illumination causes, as we know, the avoiding reaction; the anterior end swings in a wider circle (Fig. gr). This still further increases the variations in the illumination of the anterior end. Every time the illumination is decreased, this causes the animal to swerve still more; so that its anterior end becomes pointed in many different direc- tions, till it comes into one where such changes in illumination no longer occur. Such a position is found when the animal is swimming toward the source of light. Now the axis of the body retains always the same relation to the direction to the rays of light, so that the anterior end is not subjected to variations in intensity of illumination. There is then no further cause for reaction. Orientation is thus reached by trying various directions. This will be best understood by an examination of Fig. 95, together with its explanation. Euglena responds most readily to light of a blue color (Engelmann, 1882). Passage from blue light to light of other colors has essentially the same effect as passage from stronger to weaker light. If the differ- ence between the two is sufficiently decided, Euglena responds by the avoiding reaction in passing to the other color; it therefore remains in the blue. If a small spectrum -is thrown on a slide containing many Euglene, they gather in larger numbers in the blue, — especially in the near vicinity of the Frauenhofer’s line F. Very strong light, such as direct sunlight, has an effect on Euglena precisely the opposite of that produced by weaker light. If the organ- isms are subjected suddenly to sunlight, they give the avoiding reac- tion. They tend therefore to gather in less lighted regions. If the sunlight falls upon them from one side, they become oriented with an- terior ends away from the source of light, and swim in that direction. The orientation takes place in exactly the way described above, save that now it is the increase of light at the anterior end that causes the avoiding reaction. If a vessel is placed in such a position that the sun shines on it from one side, while the half of the vessel away from the sun is shaded with a board, the following result is produced: The Euglene gather in a band at the edge of the shadow (Fig. 96). They do not pass into the dark area beneath the shadow, nor do they remain in the region affected by direct sunlight, but in an area of intermediate illumination.’ ? This experiment is due to Famintzin (1867, p. 21). ' REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 141 We can thus distinguish an optimum intensity of light, in which Euglena tends to remain. Movement toward either a greater or a less intensity of light causes the avoiding reaction, with its trial of different positions and directions of movements, till a position or direction is found which leads toward the optimum, or retains the optimum intensity undi- minished. Or, in other words, after Euglena receives an amount of light which we might call “enough,” it avoids more light, and also less light. ae That degree of light in which it tends henge mines eae to remain seems to be about the light comes from the direction indicated amount which is most favorable to its by the arrows, while the opposite side of ; Di G re : the vessel is shaded, as indicated by the life activities. Euglena requires light dots. The Euglene gather in the inter- for assimilating carbon dioxide by the ™édiate region, across the middle. aid of its chlorophyll, just as do higher plants. If confined to dark- ness, it soon ceases activity, contracts into a sphere, and becomes en- cysted. On the other hand, direct sunlight is very injurious to it; if long continued it causes the organism to fall to the bottom and die. Euglena avoids both the higher and the lowet,-4 intensities that are injurious to it. C. Negative and Positive Reactions compared Thus in both negative organisms (Stentor) and positive organ- isms (Euglena), the determining cause of the reaction is a change in the intensity of light, and the reaction takes place by the usual method of the performance of varied movements, subjecting the animal succes- sively to different conditions. When the sensitive anterior end is sub- jected alternately to light and shade, the organism “tries” other direc- tions of movement till it finds one where such changes are not pro- duced. In Stentor it is an increase in light that causes this reaction; in Euglena is it usually a decrease that causes the reaction, though when the light is very strong an increase may have the same effect. D. Reactions to Light in Other Infusoria The reactions of other infusoria to light are similar in character, so far as known, to those of Stentor and Euglena. In only a few other cases have details of the avoiding reaction been worked out as thoroughly as for the two species mentioned. But all that we know of the reac- tions of infusoria to light is consistent with the method of reaction known 142 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS to exist in Stentor and Euglena; indeed, the evidence seems clear that these reactions take place in essentially the same way throughout the group. In Cryptomonas ovata, and less completely in the swarm spores of Chlamydomonas and Cutleria, the present writer has observed that the reaction to light is of the same character as in Euglena. We shall pass in review certain general features of the reaction in other infusoria, as described by various authors. As we have before noted, most colorless infusoria give no indication of sensitiveness to light. But color is not absolutely necessary in order that reaction to light may occur, as is shown by the fact that Amceba~ reacts to light. Even in the infusoria, colorless species may react to light when such behavior is distinctly beneficial to the organism. A species of Chytridium, a colorless flagellate that is parasitic on the green organism Hzmatococcus, reacts to light in the same manner as Hematococcus, collecting as a rule in lighted regions, or at the side of the vessel next the source of light (Strasburger, 1878). This, of course, aids it in finding its prey, which collects in the same regions. Several other colorless infusoria that are parasitic on green flagellates have been found to react to light in the same manner as their prey. Ver- worn (1889, Nachschrift) found that the colorless ciliate Pleuronema chrysalis reacts to a sudden increase in the intensity of light by a rapid leaping movement, — evidently a strongly marked avoiding reaction. Certain colorless infusoria react, as we shall see later, to ultra-violet light. In the green ciliate Paramecium bursaria the reaction to light de- pends, according to Engelmann (1882), on the amount of oxygen in the water. This animal contains chlorophyll, which produces oxygen in the light. When there is little oxygen in the water, the organism gathers in lighted regions, thus of course increasing its store of oxygen. When the individuals in the light come to the boundary of a dark region, “they turn around at once into the light, as if the darkness was unpleas- ant to them” (/.c., p. 393). The response is thus clearly an avoiding reaction, like that of Stentor. When the water contains much oxygen, on the other hand, Paramecium bursaria avoids the light. On reach- ing a lighted area the animals react in the way above characterized, and return into the darkness. When they gather in light, it is especially in the red rays of the spectrum that they collect; these are the rays in which the chlorophyll is most active. When they avoid light, it is again the red rays that are most effective in producing the avoiding reaction. Hertel (1904) found that Paramecium bursaria, Epistylis plicatilis, Stentor polymorphus, and Carchesium react to ultra-violet light, of REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 143 280 pp wave length. In the two species last named the chief reaction observed was a sudden contraction. Epistylis bends to one side under the action of the light, while Paramecium bursaria reacts in essentially the same manner as to ordinary light, as described above. All died quickly under the action of powerful ultra-violet light. The flagellate swarm spores of many alge react to light. Their behavior in this reaction has been studied especially by Strasburger (1878). These swarm spores (Fig. 97) usually resemble Euglena in essential features, though they may differ in form, in the number of flagella, and in other details. They contain chlorophyll or other color- ing matter, and usually a red eye spot. The action system of the spores is similar to that of Euglena. They swim in a spiral path, keeping a certain side always toward the axis of the spiral (Naegeli, 1860, p. 96). On coming to an obstacle, they react _ Fic. 97.— Examples of swarm spores, by-t ° t ide (N ie after Schenck. «@, Hematococcus pluvialis; y turning to one side ( aegel, C.), 6, Ulothrix zonata; c, Botrydium granulatum, with or without a previous start gamete; d, Cladophora glomerata; ¢, Edo- backward. It is probable that the °°" turning in response to a stimulus is always toward the side directed outward in the spiral path, as it is in Euglena, Chilomonas, and Cryp- tomonas. The movements of the swarm spores, so far as known, exactly resemble those of the organisms just named. It is further without doubt true that the anterior end is in the swarm spores, as in other infusoria, the most sensitive part of the body. The swarm spores are. much smaller than Euglena, so that the details of the behavior are less easy to determine. Strasburger found that when the light is weak, all the colored swarm spores * swim toward the lighted side of a drop (positive reaction). When the light is strong, some swim away from the lighted side (nega- tive reaction). If different parts of a drop or a vessel are unequally illuminated, the swarm spores gather in the lighted region. The phe- nomena are thus in general similar to those found in Euglena. There are certain variations among the different swarm spores. ‘Thus, Stras- burger found that Botrydium and Cryptomonas are positive even in the strongest light, while in a weak light Cryptomonas is indifferent. But in most species there is, as in Euglena, an optimum. In light below ’ Strasburger studied the swarm spores of Hamatococcus lacustris, Ulothrix, Cheto- morpha, Ulva, Botrydium, Bryopsis, CEdogonium, Vaucheria, and Scytosiphon, as well as the flagellate Cryptomonas (called Chilomonas by Strasburger), and the colorless swarm spores of Chytridium and Saprolegnia. 144 |. | BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS thé;optimum they are positive; in light above the optimum they are negative. | Strasburger did not determine the precise movements of the organ- isms in the reaction to light. That is, he did not determine toward which side they turn in becoming oriented. But in other respects his account is so excellent that, with the fuller results on Euglena as a key, it is not difficult to analyze out the precise factors in the behavior. If the light affecting the organisms is suddenly decreased in intensity, Strasburger found that the swarm spores (Botrydium and Ulva) sud- denly turn toward one side (/.c., p. 25). In Bryopsis this reaction was produced also when the light was suddenly increased. In all the swarm spores it was evident that as soon as the light was decreased by the in- terposition of a screen the path became more crooked (l.c., p. 27). In other words, the spiral became wider, owing to the increased swerv- ing toward a certain side. In these respects the swarm spores precisely resemble Euglena. It is clear that they react to a sudden decrease in illumination by an avoiding reaction, which consists in turning more or less strongly toward a certain side, with or without a cessation of the revolution on the long axis; in this way the direction of progress is changed. As would be expected from this method of response, the organisms react at passing from a light to a dark region. If a ring is placed over the drop containing the organisms, so that only a central circle is illu- minated, the positive organisms gather in the illuminated circle (Fig. 98, A). Here they swim toward the window from which the light comes, but on reaching the edge of the shadow, they turn back into the lighted region (/.c., p. 28). Often the organism passes completely into the shadow before reacting, then it turns and swims back into the light. Thus it does not react till a short time after the moment of change. If a narrow band of shadow passes across the middle of the drop, trans- versely to the direction from which the light is coming, this usually does not stop the organisms, because of this interval of time which elapses before their reaction; before they begin to react they have passed com- pletely across the band into the lighted region beyond. But if a larger vessel is used and a broader transverse band of shadow passes across it (Fig. 98, B), this does stop the organisms. They gather on the edge of the shadow without passing across it. In many other ways Strasburger shows that when the area containing the swarm spores is unequally illuminated, the positive organisms collect in the more illumined region. In this they precisely resemble Euglena, as Strasburger himself noted. The behavior is of course a direct result of the production of the avoid- ing reaction by a decrease in light. REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 145 If the experiments were made with swarm spores that were nega- tive to the intensity of light used, they gathered of course in the shadow instead of in the light. If a board was placed across the middle of the vessel from right to left, such swarm spores formed a collection in the partly shaded region at the edge of the board (as in Fig. 96), where they found the optimum degree of illumination. They were repelled both by the strong light and by the deep shadow. Thus it is clear that in the swarm spores, as in Euglena and Stentor, a change in the intensity of illumination produces reaction. But a certain amount of change is required before any effect is produced. If the intensity of illumination changes only very gradually from one Fic. 98. — Diagrams to illustrate the results of some of Strasburger’s experiments with positive swarm spores (original). A, the margins of the drop are shaded (as indicated by the dots); the organisms gather in the lighted centre. B, a broad band of shadow lies trans- versely across the drop; the organisms swim toward the light, but are stopped by the shadow. Thus two groups are formed, one at the side of the drop next the light, the other in a corre- sponding position at the edge of the shadow. region to another, the difference in intensity between succeeding points is insufficient to cause reaction. Hence under these circumstances the organisms remain scattered and move about without reaction. Stras- burger showed this in the following way. He used a hollow wedge- shaped prism, 20 cm. long, filled with a partly opaque solution of humic acid in ammonia. Through this the light was passed. At the thin end of the wedge nearly all the light was transmitted; at the thick end little or none, and there was a gradual transition from light to dark between the two ends. This prism was placed over the drop contain- ing the swarm spores, and the light was allowed to fall directly from above (Fig. 99, X). The drop being very small in comparison to the length of the wedge-shaped prism, there was of course but little differ- ence in the illumination of its two sides, and the transition from one to the other was very gradual. Under these conditions the swarm spores remained scattered throughout the drop. The change in pass- L 146 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS ing from one region to another was not sufficiently marked to cause reaction.’ . When the entire area is equally lighted and the light comes from one side, the positive swarm spores swim toward the source of light. If the light is made strong, most species swim away from its source. In this behavior the agreement with Euglena is complete. The orien- Fic. 99. — Diagram of the conditions in Strasburger’s experiments with a wedge-shaped prism, constructed from the data furnished by Strasburger. a, prism 20 cm. in length, filled with a translucent fluid. 6, hanging drop containing the swarm spores. X, rays of light coming from above, as in the first experiments. Y, rays coming obliquely from the thicker end of the wedge, as in the second set of experiments. The figure is one half natural size. tation takes place gradually, by a series of trials, as in Euglena. Stras- burger paid no special attention to this point, but the present writer has observed that this is true in Cryptomonas, Chlamydomonas, and the swarm spores of the marine alga Cutleria, as well as in Euglena, and Strasburger (1878, p. 24) notes incidentally that it is true in Hema- tococcus.” It seems clear, then, that the reaction takes place in the same manner 1 It is curious that Strasburger drew from this experiment the erroneous conclusion that variations in the intensity to light play no part in the reaction. The only essential difference between this experiment and the previous ones (Fig. 98) is that in the pre- vious experiments the change of illumination in passing from one region to another is sudden and pronounced, while in the present experiments it is slow and gradual. The logical conclusion is that the lack of reaction in the present experiment is due to the slightness of the change in passing from one part of the preparation to another. When we consider that the prism was 20 cm. in length, and was placed over a mere drop, it is evident that the difference in illumination in different parts of the drop was excessively small. We know that for the effective action of all stimuli a certain threshold amount of change is necessary, so that the results are exactly what might be anticipated. Our account of Euglena shows beyond doubt that a change in intensity of illumination does cause reaction. Strasburger himself (J.c., p. 25) observed the same fact in swarm spores, though he paid little heed to this observation in the remainder of the work. ? He says that when the direction of the light is changed, the swarm spores become oriented “* Nach verschiedenen Schwankungen.” REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 147 in the swarm spores asin Euglena. As set forth on page 139, the move- ment toward or from the source of light, in a field of which all parts are equally lighted, is due to the fact that in the unoriented individuals the sensitive anterior end is subjected to frequent changes in the inten- sity of illumination. It is first directly lighted, then shaded. These changes induce reaction. By the method of trial the organism then comes into a position such that these changes cease. Such a position is found only in orientation. All these relations evidently hold equally well for the swarm spores; for details the reader may refer to the ac- count of the behavior of Euglena. What happens if the field containing the organism is lighted from one side, and there are at the same time variations in the intensity of light in different parts of the field? Strasburger devised certain ex- periments to answer this question. These experiments have become celebrated, and an immense amount of ingenuity has been expended in endeavoring to interpret them in one way or another. Strasburger’s experiments involved the use of the wedge-shaped prism shown in Fig. 99. This prism was placed over the drop containing the swarm spores, in such a way that the light came obliquely from the direction of the thick end of the wedge, as in Fig. 99, Y. Now the intensity of illumination is greater on the side farthest away from the source of light, and decreases as we pass toward the source of light. Will the positive swarm spores move toward the source of light, and thus into a region of less illumination, or will they rather move into the region of greater illumination, and thus away from the source of light? . Strasburger found that the positive swarm spores move toward the source of light, and hence into the region of less illumination. It is extraordinary that this result should have occasioned the surprise and comment which have been bestowed upon it. Strasburger’s previous experiment with perpendicular light (Fig. 99, X) had shown that the variations in intensity of illumination in different parts of a drop under this prism were too slight to cause reaction, the organisms remaining scattered throughout the drop. Evidently so far as the organisms were concerned these slight variations did not exist; they were not perceived. Therefore, when the light comes from one side, the organisms react exactly as they do when such variations do not exist. They swim toward the source of light for the same reason that they do when the prism is not present. The experiment consists essentially in making the differ- ences in the intensity in neighboring regions so slight that they are un- perceived. We need not, therefore, be surprised that the organisms fail to react to them. The experiments show, what they were designed to show, that the -148 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS reason for swimming toward the source of light is not the progression into a lighter region. But they do not indicate in the least that the reactions are not due to changes in intensity of illumination. So long as turning the sensitive anterior end away from the source of light causes a greater decrease in its illumination than does movement into the slightly less illuminated region, the organism will move toward the source of light. If the difference in intensity of light in different parts of the drop were increased till the change in illumination due to pro- gression is greater than the change due to swinging the anterior end away from the source of light, then the positive organisms would gather in the more illuminated regions. This is the condition of affairs in the experiment shown in Fig. 98. In the swarm spores, as in Euglena, the positive reaction usually changes to a negative one when the light is much increased. We can thus distinguish an optimum intensity of light, to which the organisms may be said to be attuned. Either increase or decrease from the op- timum causes the avoiding reaction. Often the organisms are positive when placed at some distance from a window, but become negative when brought nearer. There is much variation among different species, and even among different individuals of the same species, as to the amount of light that causes this change from positive to negative. Some- times, with a given intensity of light, half the individuals of Ulothrix are found to be positive, the other half negative (Strasburger, /.c. p. 17). The same individual is seen at times to be at first positive, later negative. Some of the influences which modify the reaction to light are known. Certain swarm spores are attuned to a stronger light in the early stages of development than in the later stages. Specimens grown in shaded regions seem attuned to less intense light than those living in well- lighted cultures. That is, the organisms are attuned more nearly to the light to which they are accustomed. But subjection to darkness sometimes causes negative organisms to become for a short time positive. Hematococcus is negative in a certain intensity of light, gathering at the negative side of the drop. Now the preparation is covered and left in the dark for a few minutes, then the cover is removed. At once the Hematococci leave the negative side and swim toward the light for a short distance. But this lasts only a moment. After reaching the middle of the drop, they swim back again to the negative side. An increase of temperature increases the tendency to a positive reaction to strong light; a decrease of temperature has the opposite effect. Lack of oxygen increases the tendency to a positive reaction. This is ac- counted for by the fact that the green organisms produce oxygen in the light. ° REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO LIGHT AND TO GRAVITY 149 A change in the intensity of light does not as a rule produce its characteristic effect immediately, but requires a definite interval of time. When the light is faint and the organisms are swimming toward it, if the light is suddenly increased to an intensity to which they are nega- tive, the swarm spores continue to swim toward it forsome time. The interval may amount to as much as half a minute. At the end of this period they turn and swim away from the light. Again, when the or- -ganisms are swimming away from a strong light, a sudden decrease in illumination causes them to become positive only. after some seconds. But in some species there is no such delay in the effects of a change of illumination. To sum up, we find that the reactions to light occur in the infusoria in essentially the same way as do the reactions to most other stimuli, through the avoiding reaction ; that is, by the method of trying movements in different directions. The cause of reaction is a change in the intensity of light, — primarily that affecting the sensitive anterior end. Changes in intensity may be produced either (1) by the progression of the or- ganism into a region of greater or less illumination, or (2) by the swinging of the sensitive anterior end toward or away from the source of light, so that it is shaded at one moment and strongly lighted the next. Usually these two classes of changes work in unison; when they are opposed, the organism reacts in accordance with that which is stronger. When the second class of changes above mentioned is the determining factor, the organism continues to react by trial till these changes cease. This results in producing orien‘ation with anterior end directed toward or away from the source of light. In strong light the effect of an increase or decrease of intensity is often the reverse of that observed in weak light. 2. REACTION TO GRAVITY AND TO CENTRIFUGAL FORCE A considerable number of infusoria have been found to react to gravity in much the same way as does Paramecium (Jensen, 1893). As a rule, when placed in vertical tubes, they rise to the upper end. The following infusoria have been found to behave in this way: Among the flagellates: Euglena, Chlamydomonas, Hematococcus, Polytoma, Chromulina; among the ciliates: Paramecium bursaria, Urostyla. Spirostomum ambiguum takes at times a vertical position in the water a short distance above the bottom, with anterior end upward. Under these circumstances it is anchored by an invisible thread of mucus, as may be observed by passing a glass rod between it and the bottom (Fig. 82). The stationary position oriented with reference to gravity 150 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS seems to be the result of a slight activity of the cilia, tending to cause movement upward, combined with the downward pull of the thread at the posterior end. Jensen found that Colpoda cucullus, Colpidium colpoda, Ophryoglena flava, and Coleps hirtus showed no clear reac- tion to gravity. There is reason to suppose that reaction to gravity, where it occurs, is brought about in the same manner as in Paramecium. The details given in the account of Paramecium therefore need not be repeated here. _As a general rule the reaction to gravity is easily masked by reactions to other stimuli. It is shown in a marked way only when other effective stimuli are largely absent, and in cases of conflict with other reactions, it is usually the reaction to gravity that gives way. In some cases the action of other agents causes the reaction to gravity to become reversed, just as in Paramecium. Massart (1891 a) finds that this effect is pro- duced in Chromulina by lowering the temperature to 5-7 degrees C. A number of infusoria are known to react to centrifugal force in the same way as to gravity. They swim in the opposite direction from that in which the centrifugal force tends to carry them, just as Parame- cium does. It is probable that in all cases centrifugal force could be substituted for gravity without essential alteration of the reactions. Schwarz (1884) found that Euglena and Chlamydomonas react to cen- trifugal force when it is equal to about 4 the force of gravity, and con- tinues the reaction till the centrifugal force is about 84 times gravity. Above this they are passively carried in the direction of action of the centrifugal force. LITERATURE VIII BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA IN GENERAL A. Reactions to light: JENNINGS, 1904 a@; STRASBURGER, 1878; ENGELMANN, 1882; MAstT, 1906; FAMINTZIN, 1867; HERTEL, 1904; HOLT AND LEE, I901!; HOLMES, 1903 ; OLTMANNS, 1892. &. Reactions to gravity: JENSEN, 1893; MASSART, 1891 @; SCHWARZ, 1884. CHAPTER IX REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO THE ELECTRIC CURRENT 1. DIVERSE REACTIONS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES OF INFUSORIA THERE is great diversity in the gross features of the behavior of differ- ent infusoria under the action of the continuous electric current. Some swim, like Paramecium, to the cathode; some to the anode; some take a transverse position; some swim to one electrode in a weak current, to the other in a strong current; some, finally, do not react at all. Yet, in spite of this great diversity, we find the fundamental effect of the current on the motor organs to be almost identically the same through- out the series. In all infusoria having cilia in different regions of the body, the cilia of the cathode region strike forward, those of the anode region backward, just as we have seen to be the case in Paramecium. How the organisms move under these conditions depends on the pecu- liarities of structure and of the action system of the infusorian in ques- tion. We shall review here the different types of behavior under the action of electricity, endeavoring to show how each is brought about. A. Reaction to Induction Shocks We may again take up, first, the reactions to single induction shocks, studied by Roesle (1902) and Statkewitsch (1903). In all infusoria investigated the reaction to moderately strong induction shocks is es- sentially similar to the reaction to other stimuli. The animal usually responds to the shock by the avoiding reaction, which begins with a reversal of the cilia in that part of the body directed toward the anode. In some cases, however, the induction shock causes, like a weak mechani- cal stimulus, a mere movement forward (Roesle, 1902). If the shock is a powerful one, the body may contract in the anode region, or, in the case of very contractile species, such as Lacrymaria and Spirostomum, the entire body may contract. Reaction takes place most readily as a rule when the sensitive anterior end is directed toward the anode, or especially, according to Roesle, when the mouth opening is precisely directed toward the anode. When the animal is in the transverse posi- tion, it is least affected by the induction shock, and in many cases it is Ist 152 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS less affected when the aboral side is directed toward the anode, than in the opposite position. , B. Reaction to the Constant Current Under the action of the constant current there are a few infusoria which do not react at all, so faras known. This is the case, for example, with Euglena viridis. Even with powerful currents it shows no reaction. The larger number of free ciliate infusoria swim under the influence of the constant current to the cathode, while a few swim to the anode or take a transverse position. A considerable number of flagellates’ swim to the anode, though some swim to the cathode. The reaction of the flagellates has been little studied in any precise way. Owing to their minuteness it is usually very difficult to deter- mine their exact movements. According to Verworn (1889 6), Trache- lomonas and Peridinium swim to the cathode; Polytomella uvella, Cryptomonas ovata, and Chilomonas paramecium to the anode. In stronger currents some of the individuals of Chilomonas swim to the cathode. The reason for the diversity in the reactions of different flagellates has not been determined. In the case of Trachelomonas, according to Verworn, the flagellum is strongly stimulated when directed toward the anode. The result is that it strikes strongly in such a way as to turn the organism around, — doubtless by a typical avoiding reaction similar to that described on page 111 for Chilomonas. On reaching a position with anterior end directed to the cathode, it is no longer effectively stimulated; it therefore continues to move toward the cathode. In Chilomonas the orientation to the electric current is known _ to be brought about through the typical avoiding reaction. That is, the animal turns toward the smaller lip (Fig. 72, y), till orientation is attained (Pearl, 1900). Since in the flagellates the motor organs are all at one end, all bear the same relation to cathode or anode, so that we cannot expect any opposition in the action of the different flagella, such as we find in the cilia of different regions in Paramecium. There is thus no sign in the flagellates of that lack of codrdination or of an apparent attempt to move in two directions at once, which we find in Paramecium. ‘Among the Ciliata, most species, under usual conditions, turn the anterior end to the cathode and move toward that electrode. But Opalina moves, usually, to the anode, and Spirostomum as a rule takes a transverse position. Certain variations in the reactions under different conditions will be brought out later. Among the organisms which pass to the cathode, the manner in which REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 153 orientation takes place varies in different species. The direct effect of the current is, as in Paramecium, to cause the cilia on the cathode side to strike forward, while those on the anode side strike backward. This would result, taken by es . . . ° 2 oO itself, in turning the animals he + directly, by the shortest path, ay ee Y toward the cathode. But in fl ay is many species, as our study 0. a of the reactions to other S iS stimuli has shown us, there is a strong tendency to turn toward one side rather than the other, usually toward the aboral side, — that oppo- site the peristome. The cilia of the peristome are usually more powerful than those of the remainder of the body, so that the direction in which the animal turns depends largely upon the way these cilia strike. When the peris- tomal cilia strike strongly backward, the organism turns toward the opposite or aboral side, with little regard to the beat of the remainder of the cilia. These peristo- mal cilia are as a rule lim- ited to one of the four quarters into which the sur- face of the body can be di- vided, as illustrated in Fig. too. They, of course, beat backward when either the end bearing them, or the side bearing them, is directed toward the anode (1-3, Fig. 100), so that in these positions the animal turns toward the aboral side in order to reach the position of orientation, just as it does in response to other stimuli. It is only when the side bearing the peristome is di- rected toward the cathode that these cilia beat forward, and hence tend *}[NSeI sty} Vonpoid 0} SurMo9UOd eITIO ay} [Te — ‘P apts [eUO}sU “wnuqiymbe 3urqsevoidde uortpuod v st e194} 4 pue § suontsod uy (‘soury, Aavoy Aq poyuasoidar s10yo104} ore pue ‘s19y}0 94} URY} TNy1oMod UPY} SNOJOWINU sI0UI ae p pue g asNeIeEq ‘APIs [e1Oqe 94} PIVAO} [YS SI Sutusnz oy} F uorzIsod uy “BUIUIN} JO UOTIIIP [eNJOe oY} MOYS SMOIIV [eUJO}Xa aZ1v] oY} {wstUeSIO 9y4} UN} 0} pus} jO yeaq premyoeq [Nyiomod oy} Aq OJ194} pasm ‘(q opis Te1oge 943) sUIO}sII9d ay} 9}1soddo apis ay} pxeMO} SUIN} UUSTURSIO ay} ‘€ pue ‘z ‘x suonisod uy Bio yusoe[pe 94} YOTYA UI SUOT}DZIIP 9Y} MOYS SoUTTJ]NO 94} UTYIIM SMOIIe ][eUIs BY Ty, “podojaaop ATsu0I}s ore (Dp) BITIO yeUL -O}sLiad 9Y} USYA JUILINI 9L13DaT9 9Y} JO UOTJIe JY} JOpUN VLIOSNJUL JO S}UDWIOAOUI 9Y} OJeIJsNI]I 0} suIBISVIGT — ‘COI “OI 210U 218 PIVAMYOVG Buyvoq usyA ey yeuojstiod ayy) IO [810 94} PABAO} St Suruin} 94} 9 uoNtsod uy 154 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS to turn the organism toward the oral or peristomal side (Fig. 100, 6). Under these circumstances, another principle requires consideration. Normally the peristomal cilia strike backward. When they strike for- ward, they develop much less energy, — less turning power, — than when they strike backward. Therefore, when in the position shown at 6, Fig. 100, the turning is much less rapid than in other positions, and may easily be prevented by a slight resistance. These relations will be understood by an examination of the diagram (Fig. 100). In Paramecium, as we have seen, the same condition of affairs is exemplified to a certain degree, so that the organism turns toward the oral side in all positions save from d to j, Fig. 63. In the Hypo- tricha (Oxytricha and _ Stylo- + nychia) this condition is most typically exemplified. A large share of the body cilia are absent or have taken the function of legs, tee Gimia anda the MEN the peristomel cilia are very, action of the electric current, when the animals powerful. In almost all cases ae in contact ih, the, gutstratum. The these organisms become oriented to the electric current by turning toward the aboral (right) side. It is only when the peristomal cilia are squarely facing the cathode (Fig. 100, 6) that the animal may turn toward the oral (left) side. In this position the peristomal cilia beat forward, and all the cilia of the body aid in turning the organism toward the oral side. On reaching a position with anterior end directed to the cathode the peristomal cilia are directed forward, but their beating has become so weak as to be almost without effect. The animal, therefore, retains this position. When specimens of the Hypotricha are in contact with a surface, as is usually the case, the forward beat of the peristomal cilia is often so weak and ineffective in the transverse or oblique position (Fig. 100, 6) that it does not turn the animal against the resistance offered by the attachment of the ventral cilia. Such specimens, therefore, remain in the transverse or oblique position, the anterior end usually slightly in- clined toward the cathode, as in Fig. 101. In this position they run forward. When the current is reversed, so that the anode lies next the peristome, the powerful peristomal cilia strike backward. The ani- mals, therefore, turn toward the aboral (right) side till they have again become nearly transverse to the current. They then move forward in the direction so indicated. Similar phenomena are at times to be ob- served in other ciliates, not belonging to the Hypotricha. This is true, as we have seen, even for Paramecium. REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 155 Thus we can distinguish two factors in the turning produced by the electric current. The first is a tendency to turn directly toward the cathode, the second a tendency to turn toward a structurally defined side, — usually the aboral side. The conflict of these tendencies when the animal is in b € aes certain positions, a — ~~ dd and’ their mutual reénforcement in + wy ; other positions, often é give rise to Fic. 102. — Diagrams of the reaction of Colpidium to the electric peculiar and com- current when in various positions. Based on the descriptions and plicated phenom- figures given by Pearl (1900). ena. Thus, in Colpidium, as described by Pearl (1900), we have the following different methods of reacting to the electric current. (It should be premised that Colpidium tends under ordinary conditions to turn toward the aboral side.) (1) When the anterior end is directed approximately toward the anode, or in any position in which the aboral side is nearest the cathode, c Colpidium turns toward the \ aboral side (Fig. 102, a, b), till b the anterior end is directed toward the cathode. Both the factors mentioned above coép- / erate to produce this result. / is (2) When the animal is y nearly transverse, or is ob- lique, with the oral side next + . - to the cathode, it usually x j _. swims slowly forward, and at cohen O8,c, Digeam of one method by which the same time gradually turns with the oral side to the cathode. Constructed from toward the oral side till it be- pie Seve by Peart (2900). comes oriented (Fig. 102, c-d). The two tendencies mentioned above oppose each other in this case, and the first one overcomes the second. (3) But in other cases when the animal is in the position described in the last paragraph (Fig. 103, a) it reacts in another way. It moves forward, slowly turning toward the oral side (Fig. 103, a—b), then turns on its long axis (b-c) (as happens in ordinary locomotion). This brings the aboral side next to the cathode (c). Now the animal turns suddenly toward the aboral side till the anterior end is directed toward the cathode (Fig. 103, d). In this case, then, the two tendencies mentioned above oppose each other till the revolution on the long axis occurs, then they reénforce each other. 156 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS (4) If Colpidium is squarely transverse, with oral side to the cathode (Fig. 104, 1), or especially if the anterior end is a little inclined toward the anode, the organism often starts trans- versely to the current. Suddenly it jerks its body a little toward the aboral side (Fig. 104,1-2), then moves forward again. Again it jerks toward the aboral side (3), again moves forward, and repeats this behavior until the anterior end is directed toward the anode. Then it turns steadily toward the aboral side till the anterior end is directed toward the cathode (Fig. 104, 4-5). In this behavior the 2 > two tendencies mentioned oppose each other, a as in case 2, but the second one prevails over / the first. y Various combinations of these different +0 o — reaction types may occur, making the be- havior of Colpidium under the electric cur- eee Lesh wosthed rent very complicated. Similarly varied be- of reaction to the electric current havior is often. observed in other infusoria, in Colpidium. After Pearl through the action of similar causes. (2900). In such infusoria as Stentor, where the peristomal cilia form a circle surrounding the anterior end, there is no reason for such a conflict of tendencies. The peristomal cilia are divided by an electric current coming from one side, so that the ani- mal turns directly away from the side on which these cilia strike backward (Fig. 105). If the anterior end Sig is directed toward the anode at the beginning, the animal doubtless turns as usual toward the right aboral side. In other positions the usual method of turning seems to have no effect on the reactions. In 4 - Fr Vorticella and other infusorians resembling Stentor in the distribution of the cilia, the orientation to the current would doubtless take place in the same direct manner, though this has never been determined. In Spirostomum and Opalina, the conflict of the two tendencies mentioned above leads to certain very 6. Xo, St remarkable and complex results. Under usual con- action of Stentor when ditions Spirostomum takes a transverse position in Sh cones ‘the electric current, while Opalina swims to the toward the cathode, anode. The gross features of the behavior thus differ eet se scoiieeahal markedly from those shown by most other infusoria. effect. REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 157 But Wallengren has shown that the effect of the current is in these in- fusoria of essentially the same character as in others. Let us examine briefly the facts as set forth by Wallengren (1902 and 1903). Spirostomum (Fig. 106) is a very long, slender infusorian, easily bent in any direction, and very contractile. The peristomal cilia are very large and numerous, extending from the anterior end along one side to a point behind the middle. Whether striking forward or back- ward, the beating of these A cilia is decidedly more effec- /_, 3 tive than that of the cilia on Scssi4a— the opposite side of the body. It is to this fact, . B + taken in connection with the -X slenderness and suppleness of the body, that most of the peculiarities in the reac- tion of Spirostomum to the electric current are due. c In a very weak current, ; such as does not cause con- traction of the body, Spiro- stomum swims to the cath- =—- ode. The cilia on the anodic part of the body strike backward, those in the cathodic region forward, just as happens in Para- mecium. As a result, the animal takes a position with Fic. 106. — Diagrams illustrating reaction of anterior end directed to the SPitostomum to the electric current. A, B, D, and z ‘ E after Wallengren (1903). cathode, in essentially the same manner as does Paramecium, — usually turning to the aboral side, but in certain cases toward the oral side. When the anterior end is directed toward the cathode, the cilia on the cathodic half of the body are partly directed forward, but with the weak current most of them still strike most strongly backward. Those of the anode half of course strike backward, so that the general result is to drive the animal forward to the cathode. Sometimes Spirostomum under these condi- tions comes against the bottom or other solid object; it may then nearly or quite cease to move forward. ‘The facts thus far are quite parallel to those observed in Paramecium. As the electric current is made stronger, the cilia on the cathodic aye rs Z 158 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS half of the body strike more powerfully forward, and at a certain strength their effect, tending to drive the animal backward, becomes about equal to that of the anodic cilia, tending to drive it forward. The result is that the animals move neither forward nor backward, or only very slowly in one direction or the other. They thus sink to the bottom before much progress has been made. Now, if in this position the an- terior end is directed toward the cathode (Fig. 106, A), of course the cilia of the anterior (cathodic) half of the body tend to push the animal backward, while those of the opposite half tend to push it forward. This push in opposite directions bends the supple body near its middle. More- over, in the cathodic half the peristomal cilia have a more powerful for- ward stroke than do the ordinary cilia on the opposite side, hence the anterior half of the body tends to bend toward the peristomal or oral side. The general result is that the animal is bent into the position shown in Fig. 106, B. The bending of the anterior part of the body toward the oral side continues, until this part of the body becomes trans- verse to the current (Fig. 106, C). The body may now become com- pletely straightened (Fig. 106, D), or it may not. But in either case the peristome is now turned toward the anode. The powerful peris- tomal cilia therefore strike backward, causing the anterior end to swing toward the aboral side, directing it again toward the cathode, as indi- cated by the arrow in D. On becoming directed toward the cathode, the original condition (Fig. 106, A) is restored. The animal therefore again takes the positions B, C, and D. It thus continues to squirm from side to side. But during its movements Spirostomum, like Para- mecium, frequently revolves on its long axis. This often happens when in the position shown in Fig. 106, C, so that the animal becomes placed transversely to the current, with peristome to the cathode (Fig. 106, E). In this position the peristomal cilia are directed forward and have there- fore comparatively little motor effect. If at the same time the animal comes in contact with the bottom, the contact reaction may overcome for a time this slight motor effect, so that the animal lies nearly quiet, in the transverse position. If now the current is reversed, so that the peristome is at the anode (Fig. 106, D), the animal at once swings again toward the aboral side. Even if the current is not reversed, the animal usually does not remain long in the position shown at E. The peri- stomal cilia being more effective than the opposing ones, gradually swing the anterior half toward the oral side. Soon a bending takes place again, as in B, and the organism is forced to squirm about from side to side, as before. Thus Spirostomum finds in a strong current no position of equilib- rium, because the peristomal cilia have always a more powerful effect REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 159 than the opposing ones, and because the opposed action of the cilia on the anodic and cathodic halves of the body soon bends the slender body. It thus squirms about from one side of the transverse position to the other, taking many shapes besides those figured. It remains quiet only for certain periods in the transverse position with peristome to the cath- ode, when it is in contact with a surface: this is a result of the inter- ference of the contact reaction with the reaction to the electric current. Under the action of the current alone, the reaction of Spirostomum does not tend to bring it to a position where it is not effectively stimulated, for no such position exists. In this respect the electric stimulus shows again a marked contrast with other stimuli. In Opalina ranarum the first marked effect of the electric current is to cause the animals to swim to the anode instead of to the cathode. Its reaction seems thus in striking contrast with that of other ciliate infusoria. We must examine the reaction in Opalina, following Wallen- gren (1902), to see how this result is brought about. Opalina is a large, flat, disk-shaped, parasitic infusorian, living in the large intestine of the frog. For experimental work it is examined in physiological salt solution, as it soon dies in water. There is no mouth, since food is obtained by absorption over the entire body sur- face. The body is closely set with fine cilia. The anterior end of the body is more pointed than the posterior. From the anterior portion there extends backward at one edge a convex region, ending at a sort of notch in the middle of the body (Fig. 107, x). This convex region is set with cilia having, as we shall see, a somewhat different function from those of the remainder of the body. The side bearing this con- vexity is usually known as the right side. Opalina swims with anterior end in front, at the same time usually revolving on its long axis. When stimulated by contact with a solid, or in other ways, it turns toward the side bearing the convexity — the right side. Observation shows that this movement is due to the fact that the cilia on the convexity of the right side now strike forward in- stead of backward, thus necessarily turning the animal toward the side bearing them. In this way the typical avoiding reaction of Opalina is produced. If a preparation of Opalina in physiological salt solution is sub- jected to the action of a weak electric current, the animals swim to the anode. Examining the individuals, it is found that the cilia on the anode half of the body strike backward, those on the cathode half for- ward, exactly as in Paramecium. Why then does Opalina swim to the anode instead of to the cathode? The secret of this difference lies in the following facts. The cilia 160 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of the convexity of the right side (Fig. 107, x) are very easily reversed by a weak current. The cilia of the opposite side, on the other hand, are little affected by a weak current. Their usual backward stroke is decreased in power, and doubtless some of the cilia are reversed, but the general effect of their action is still to drive the animal forward. Let us suppose that the Opalina is at first transverse to the electric current, with right side to the cathode, as in Fig. 107, 1. As soon as the current. Fic. 107. — Diagrams of the movements of the cilia, and of the direction of turning, in the reaction of Opalina to the electric current. After Wallengren (1902). begins to act, the cilia of the right (cathodic) side become directed for- ward, while those of the left (anodic) side remain directed backward. The result is of course to turn the animal to the right, toward the cath- ode. Thus the specimen passes through the position shown in Fig. 107, 2, and comes into a position with the anterior end directed toward the cathode (3). The cilia of the anterior part of the body are now directed partly forward, those of the posterior half backward. In this position, as we know, Paramecium remains; indeed, the whole reaction thus far is essentially like that of Paramecium. But in Opalina, so long REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 161 as the current is weak, only the cilia on the convexity of the right side strike powerfully with their reversed stroke, — these being the cilia that are reversed in the usual avoiding reaction. The other reversed cilia strike only weakly. In consequence the animal must turn toward the right side, reaching the position shown in Fig. 107, 4.. Here most of the strong cilia x of the convexity are still striking forward, hence the ani- mal still turns toward the right. A little beyond 4, —between this and 5, — the animal reaches a position where the tendencies to turn in oppo- site directions are equdl.* But the turning which has been initiated in positions 1-4, as a rule has given the animal sufficient momentum to carry it past this dead point, so that it reaches the anode pointing posi- tion (Fig. 107, 7). Here the cilia of both sides of the anterior end are directed backward. When striking backward the cilia x of the convexity are no more powerful than those of the opposite side. Hence there is now no tendency to turn farther, and the anode-pointing position is retained. Since the backward stroke of the anterior cilia is more power- ful than the forward stroke of the reversed posterior cilia, the animal is carried forward to the anode. Thus in a weak current the position with anterior end directed to the anode is the stable one, so that in the course of time, after some oscillation, the animals reach this position and swim toward the anode. Now if the current is considerably increased in strength, the cathodic cilia are caused to strike more strongly forward than before. Their motor effect therefore nearly equals that of the anodic cilia, so that the _ forward movement toward the anode is made much slower. If at the time the current is made the Opalina is in an oblique position, as will usually be the case, or if as a reaction to other stimuli during the passage of the current it passes out of the position with anterior end to the anode, then another effect is produced. Suppose it comes thus into the position shown in Fig. 107, 8. Then the larger number of cilia tend to turn it to the right, as is shown by the arrows at 8. It thus comes into position 1, where all the cilia assist in turning it to the right; it continues in the same way through position 2 to position 3, with anterior end pointing to the cathode. With a weak current, as we have seen, this position is not a stable one; the stronger forward beating of the cilia on the convexity of the right side cause the animal to continue to turn to the right. But with a stronger current this becomes changed. Since even in a weak current the cilia of this’ convexity strike as strongly forward as they can, their forward stroke is not increased when the current is 1Tf the animal at this point or earlier turns’ on its long axis, as it frequently does in its usual locomotion, it must now swing back through the cathode-pointing position, till it again reaches a position corresponding to 4 or 5. M 162 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS made stronger. But as the current is increased, the forward stroke of the cilia on the left side of the anterior half of the body becomes more powerful, — just as happens with all the anterior cilia in Paramecium. Hence, when the current reaches a certain strength, the cilia of the left side, in an Opalina pointing toward the cathode, beat as strongly for- ward as do those of the right side. There is then no cause for turning toward either the right or the left. The position with anterior end directed toward the cathode has become a stable one. Thus, when a strong current is passed through a preparation of Opalinz, most of them become directed after a time toward the cathode, and swim slowly in that direction. A number may be at first directed toward the anode, but. as soon as these by any chance get out of the anode-pointing position, they also become directed toward the cathode. With a still more powerful current the Opaline retain nearly or quite the position with anterior end to the cathode, but move backward (or sometimes sideways) toward the anode. Wallengren believes that this is a passive movement due to the cataphoric action of the electric current. In Paramecium, as we have seen, there is a similar move- ment under these conditions, but due to the fact that the cathodic cilia beat more effectively forward than do the anodic cilia backward. Thus altogether we find that in Opalina the electric current acts op the motor organs in fundamentally the same way as in Paramecium. But owing to peculiarities of the action system of Opalina, this results, with a weak current, in movement forward toward the anode; with a stronger current in movement forward toward the cathode; with a still stronger current in movement backward or sideways toward the anode. 2. SUMMARY Reviewing our results as to the effect of the continuous electric cur- rent on the ciliate infusoria, we find a complete agreement throughout in the action of the current on the motor organs, with the greatest pos- sible diversity in the resulting movements of the animals. In all cases the cilia in the anode region strike backward, as in the normal forward movement, while the cilia of the cathode region are reversed, striking forward. With different strengths of current, and with infusoria of different action systems, this results sometimes in movement forward to the cathode; sometimes in movement forward to the anode; sometimes in a cessation of movement, the anterior end continuing to point to the cathode; sometimes in a backward movement to the anode; sometimes — in a position transverse to the current, the animal either remaining at rest or moving across the current. These variations depend upon the REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 163 differences in the strength of beat of the cilia of different regions of the body under currents of different strength. The different effects pro- duced may be classified, as to their causes, in the following way :— 1. The orientation with anterior end to the cathode is due to the fact that the cilia of the cathodic side strike forward; of the anodic side backward. This may be assisted or hindered by the usual tendency of the organisms to turn when stimulated toward a certain structurally defined side. 2. The movement toward the cathode in weak or moderate currents is due to the fact that under these conditions the backward stroke of the anodic cilia is more powerful than the forward stroke of the cathodic cilia. ’ 3. The cessation of progression in a stronger current, with reten- tion of the cathode-pointing orientation, is due to the fact that as the current is increased the forward stroke of the cathodic cilia becomes more powerful, till it equals the backward stroke of the anodic cilia. 4. The swimming backward toward the anode in a still stronger cur- rent is due to a continued increase in the power of the forward stroke of the cathodic cilia, so that they overcome the tendency of the anodic cilia to drive the animal forward. (In Opalina, Wallengren believes that this backward movement is due, at least partly, to the cataphoric effect of the current.) 5. The unstable transverse position seen in some cases (Spiro- stomum) is due primarily to the fact that the cilia of one side of the elongated body are more powerful, when striking either backward or forward, than are the corresponding cilia of the opposite side. As a result, neither the position with anterior end to the cathode nor that with anterior end to the anode is a stable one, and the animal is com- pelled to oscillate about a transverse position. This result is accen- tuated by the slenderness and suppleness of the body in these species. 6. The orientation with anterior end to the anode seen in certain cases (Opalina in a weak current) is due to the fact that the cilia of one side of the anterior half of the body are more readily reversed than the opposing cilia, and their reversed stroke is more powerful, though their usual backward stroke is not. The result is that the position with an- terior end to the cathode becomes unstable, while the position with anterior end to the anode is stable so long as accidental causes do not produce slight deviations from it. 7. The transverse or oblique position, at rest or with movement athwart the current, is due to interference between the contact reaction and the effect of the current. This position is maintained only when the more powerful cilia of the peristome are striking forward; that is, 164 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS when the peristome is directed toward the cathode. When the peri- stomal cilia are thus striking forward, their action is comparatively in- effective, so that it does not overcome the attachment to the substratum, in the contact reaction. 3. ‘THEORIES OF THE REACTION TO ELECTRICITY What is the cause of the reaction to the electric current? The most striking phenomenon in a general view is usually a movement of the organisms en masse toward the cathode or anode. It is well known that the electric current has the property of carrying small bodies suspended in a fluid toward the cathode or anode, depending on the conditions. This phenomenon is commonly known as cataphoric action, or as elec- trical convection. When the movement of small organisms toward one of the electrodes is mentioned, the first thought that comes to mind is of course the possibility that they are thus passively carried by the cata- phoric action of the current. But this view can be maintained only on _ the basis of an extraordinarily superficial acquaintance with the facts. Careful study shows, as we have seen, that the current has definite and striking effects on the cilia, and that it is to these effects that the peculiari- ties of movement under the action of the current are due. Nevertheless, the theory that the phenomena are passive movements due to the cata- phoric action of the current continues to be brought gravely forward at intervals, and doubtless this will continue. The fundamental fallacy of this theory is the idea that we must account in some way by the action of the current for the fact that the organisms move. This is quite un- necessary, for they move equally without the action of the current. The movement is spontaneous, so far as the electric current is concerned. It takes place by the agency of the motor organs of the animal, driven by internal energy, and acting upon the resistance furnished by the water. It is only the changed direction of the movement that the electric cur- rent must account for. There is no place for the agency of the cata- phoric action in transporting the animals, for they are visibly transport- ing themselves, just as they were before the cataphoric action began. It is absolutely clear that the movements of the cilia, described in the preceding pages, are at the bottom of the observed behavior, and any explanation of the reaction to electricity must account for the influence of this agent on the cilia. This the theories of passive movement by cataphoric action make no attempt to do. The clearest disproof of the theory that the movement is a passive one due to cataphoresis is of course the well-established positive proof that the movement is an active reaction of the organism. But the theory REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 165 can be disproved on other grounds. Statkewitsch (1903 a) shows that dead or stupefied Paramecia that are suspended in viscous fluids are not moved by cataphoric action, while living Paramecia in the same fluids swim to the cathode. Dead or stupefied Paramecia placed in water in a perpendicular tube through which an electric current is passed sink slowly and steadily to the bottom, whatever the direction of the current, while living specimens pass upward when the cathode is above. If the anode is above and a very strong current is used, the living animals swim backward to the anode, as described on page 98. They therefore move upward against gravity, while dead or stupefied specimens with the same current sink slowly to the bottom of the tube. It is thus clear that neither the forward movement to the cathode nor the backward movement toward the anode is directly due to the cataphoric action of the current, for this action is not capable of producing the observed movements. ~ The cataphoresis might of course act in some way as a stimulus to induce the observed active movements of the cilia. This is apparently the view toward which Carlgren (1899, 1905 @) and Pearl (1900) are inclined. This is of course a theory of a radically different character from that which we have been considering. Just how this effect would - be produced through the known physical action of the current has not been shown. Coehn and Barratt (1905) hold that Paramecia in ordinary water become positively charged, through the escape into the water of the negative ions of the electrolytes which the body holds, while the positive ions are retained. As a result of this positive charge, the electric cur- rent tends to carry the animals to the cathode; the infusoria are held to follow this tendency and swim with the pull of the current toward the cathode. In a solution containing more electrolytes, it is held that the positive ions escape from the protoplasm; hence the animals become negatively charged. They therefore pass to the anode when placed in a solution of sodium chloride or sodium carbonate. This theory leaves unaccounted for precisely the essential feature of the reactions, — the cathodic reversal of the cilia. It likewise fails to account for the fact that as the current becomes stronger the passage to the cathode ceases and the animals begin to swim backward to the anode, and for the further fact that individuals which have become accustomed to a solu- tion of sodium chloride or carbonate no longer swim to the anode, but pass to the cathode as usual. These facts appear to be absolutely fatal to the view under consideration. Little is to be hoped of any theory that neglects what is clearly the fundamental phenomenon in these reactions, — the cathodic reversal of the cilia. Another theory has held that the reaction to the electric current is 166 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS due to the electrolytic effect of the current on the fluid containing the animals (Loeb and Budgett, 1897). The water of course contains elec- trolytes. These are separated by the current into their component ions, and the products of this electrolysis may be deposited on opposite poles of a body immersed in the fluid. There is some reason to suppose that an alkali may be deposited on that portion of the surface of the infusorian where the current is entering its protoplasm (the anodic surface), an ‘acid where it is leaving the protoplasm (the cathodic surface). The relative amount of such action is unknown, but the suggestion is made that the observed effects of the current are due to these chemicals. This very interesting and suggestive theory seems, however, not to be supported by other known facts. The effects of different chemicals on the ciliary action are known, and it is not true that acids produce con- tinued reversal of the cilia, alka- lies the opposite effect, as would be necessary in order to make ~~ this explanation satisfactory. Any effective chemical, either acid or alkali, produces, as we know, the avoiding reaction, with its succession of coérdinated _ Fic. 108.— Diagram of the effects of the elec- changes in the ciliary movements. where the cilia are directed forward and backwara, Again, as Ludloff (1895) and respectively, do not correspond to the regions where Statkewitsch (1903) show, the eee eee ereenng the body. characteristic anodic and cath- odic effects do not correspond throughout to the regions where the cur- rent is entering or leaving the protoplasm. If a Paramecium has an oblique position, as in Fig. 108, the current enters the body on the entire left side, and leaves the body on the entire right side. Hence, on the theory we are considering, all the cilia of the left side ought to act alike, and in the opposite manner from the cilia of the right side. But this is not true. On the left side the cilia of the region b beat for- ward, those of c backward; on the right side the cilia @ strike forward, dbackward. A similar distribution of the discharge of trichocysts under the influence of the induction shock is shown to exist by Statkewitsch. The distribution of the effects of the current on the cilia and on the trichocysts therefore does not correspond to the distribution of the regions where the current is entering and leaving the protoplasm; hence the latter cannot explain the former. Another theory, somewhat less definite than the one last mentioned, but widely accepted, is the following. The electric current is conceived REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 167 to have a polarizing effect on the organism, resulting in the different action of the cilia on the two halves. At the anodic half the current is considered to cause a backward movement of the cilia, or “contractile stroke”; at the cathodic half, a forward movement or ‘expansive stroke’? (Verworn, 1899; Ludloff, 1895). The precise cause of this action is not given, but as supporting the possibility of this view, the experiments of Kiihne (1864, page 99) and Roux (1891) on the polariz- ing effects of the current may be cited. Kiihne showed that the violet- colored cells of Tradescantia become under the influence of the electric current red at the anodic end, green at the cathodic end, — indicating that the anodic end becomes acid, the cathodic end alkaline. Roux showed that under the electric current the frog’s egg becomes divided into two halves of different color. Furthermore, the two halves of a cell in the electric current become physically somewhat different, owing to the cataphoric action. There is a tendency for the fluids of the body to be carried to one end, — the cathodic, — while the solids are carried to the other, —the anodic. As a result of such chemical or physical polarization, or of both, it is then conceivable that the body of the in- fusorian may become divided into two halves, differing in such a way that the cilia act in opposite directions. On this view the backward stroke of the cilia on the anodic half of the body is as much a specific effect of the current as is the forward stroke of the cathodic cilia. Op- posed to this view is the consideration that the action of the anodic cilia is as a matter of fact not different from that in the unaffected animal, and the further fact that the cathodic effect is limited, in a weak cur- rent, to only the cathodic tip of the animal. If both the backward and the forward positions of the cilia are specific effects of the current, it is difficult to see why the former should prevail so strongly over the latter in a weak current. On the other hand, if we consider the cathodic action alone as a specific effect of the current, interfering with the normal backward stroke of the cilia, then it becomes at once intelligible that this interference should be least in a weak current, and should increase as the current becomes more powerful. In producing its characteristic effect chiefly at the cathode, the action of the electric current on in- fusoria agrees with its action on muscle, as Bancroft (1905) has recently pointed out. The most thorough study of the fundamental changes produced by the electric current is that made by Statkewitsch (1903 @), and his con- clusions are entitled to high consideration. Statkewitsch subjected Para- mecia that had been stained in the living condition with certain chemical indicators, — neutral red and phenol-phtalein, — to the influence of the electric current. He found that the current caused chemical changes 168 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS within the protoplasm, the endoplasmic granules and vacuoles becoming more alkaline in reaction. Statkewitsch therefore concludes that the peculiar effect of the electric current on the cilia is due to a disturbance in the usual equilibrium of the chemical processes taking place in the protoplasm. The results of this disturbance are first shown, so far as the ciliary action is concerned, in the cathodic region, spreading thence over the remainder of the body, as illustrated in Fig. 61. For any satisfactory theory of the reaction to the electric current, one thing is essential; it must account for the cathodic reversal of the cilia. It is perfectly clear that this is the characteristic feature of this reaction, and a theory that will account for this reversal will at once clear up the curious and apparently contradictory effects produced under various conditions. Theories which do not take this into account are at the present time anachronisms; they fail to touch the real problem. Whatever be the cause, it is clear that the behavior of infusoria under the action of the electric current differs radically from the behavior under other conditions. The position taken by the organism is not attained by trial of varied directions of movement, as in the reactions to most other stimuli, but in a more direct way. Different parts of the body are differently affected by the current, so that the behavior is not co- ordinated and directed toward a unified end, as in the reactions to other stimuli. The motor organs of the'different parts of the body tend to drive the animal in different directions. The movement actually oc- curring is a resultant of these differently directed factors. It is there- fore sometimes in one direction, sometimes in another, depending on the relative strength of the opposing factors. The animal thus does not approach an optimum nor cease to be stimulated, whatever the direction taken. Sometimes indeed no position of even comparatively stable equilibrium is possible (Spirostomum). These peculiarities of the reaction to the electric current are due to the forced reversal of the cilia in the cathodic region of the body, — an effect not produced by any other agent. If the current produced only its anodic effect, the reaction to electricity would be, so far as the evi- dence indicates, precisely like that to other agents. The cathodic re- versal of the cilia interferes with the normal behavior of the organism. Thus the action of the infusoria under the electric current is not typical of the behavior under other stimuli. It may be compared to the be- havior of an organism that is mechanically held by clamps and thus prevented from showing its natural behavior. It is interesting to note that this cramped and incoherent behavior is found only under the in- fluence of an agent that never acts on the animals in their natural exist- ence. The reaction to electricity is purely a laboratory product. ' REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRIC CURRENT 169 LITERATURE IX REACTIONS OF INFUSORIA TO ELECTRICITY A. Reactions to induction shocks: ROESLE, 1902; STATKEWITSCH, 1903; Brru- KOFF, 1899. ; B. Reactions to the constant current: STATKEWITSCH, 1903 a, 1904; WALLEN- GREN, 1902, 1993; PEARL, 1900; VERWORN, 1889 a, 1889 4, 1896; LOEB AND Bup- GETT, 1897; DALE, 1901; CARLGREN, 1899, 1905 ; BANCROFT, 1905; COEHN AND BARRATT, 1905. CHAPTER X MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR IN INFUSORIA, AND BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS. FOOD HABITS 1. MOpIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR WE have seen that in Paramecium the behavior varies to a certain ex- tent in different individuals or under different conditions. Similar varia- tions might be described for other free swimming infusoria. But these observations do not tell us whether the behavior may change in the same individual or not. Does a given individual always react in the same way to the same stimulus under the same conditions? Or may the individual itself change, so that it behaves differently even when the external conditions remain the same, — as we know to be the case in higher animals? To answer these questions it is necessary to follow continuously the behavior of a single individual, and this can be done most satisfactorily in attached organisms, such as Stentor and Vorticella. We shall base our account on the usual behavior of Stentor reselii, which illustrates well the points in which we are at present interested. Stentor reselii Ehr. (Fig. 109) is a colorless or whitish, trumpet- shaped animal, consisting of a slender, stalklike body, bearing at its end a broadly expanded disk, the peristome. The surface of the body is covered with longitudinal rows of fine cilia, while the edge of the disk is surrounded by a circlet of large compound peristomal cilia or mem- branellez. These make a spiral turn, passing on the left side into the large buccal pouch, which leads to the mouth. The mouth thus lies on the edge of the disk, nearly in the middle of what may be called the oral or ventral surface of the body. The smaller end of the body is known as the foot; here the internal protoplasm is exposed, sending out fine pseudopodia, by which the animal attaches itself. Stentor reselii is usually attached to a water plant or a bit of débris by the foot, and the lower half of the body is surrounded by the so-called tube. This is a very irregular sheath formed by a mucus-like secretion from the surface of the body, in which are embedded flocculent materials of all sorts. It is frequently nearly transparent, so as to be almost in- visible. Stentor reselii is found in marshy pools, where much dead vegetation is present, but where decay is taking place only slowly. 170 MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR 171 In the extended animal the peristomal cilia are in continual motion. When finely ground India ink or carmine is added to the water, the currents caused by the cilia are seen to be as follows: The mouth of the animal forms the bottom of a vortex, toward which the water above the disk descends from all sides (Fig. 109). Only the particles near eee treme. Fic. 109. — Stentor reselii, showing the currents caused by the cilia of the peristome. the axis of the vortex really strike the disk; those a little to one side shoot by the edges without touching. Particles which reach the disk pass to the left, toward the buccal pouch, following thus a spiral course. Reaching the buccal pouch, they are whirled about within it a few times; then they either pass into the mouth, at the bottom of the pouch, or they are whirled out over the edge of the pouch, at the mid-ventral notch. In the latter case they usually pass backward along the mid- ventral line of the body (Fig. 109, a), till they reach the edge of the tube. To this they may cling, thus aiding to build up the tube. When stimulated, Stentor reselii may contract into its tube, taking then a short oblong or conical form (Fig. 110). Such contractions do Ket eeult 172 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS not as a rule take place save in response to well-marked stimuli. When not disturbed in any way, the animal remains extended, with cilia in active operation. Let us try the effect of disturbing the animal very slightly. While the disk is widely spread and the cilia are actively at work, we cause a fine current of water to act upon the disk, in the following way. A long tube is drawn to a very fine capillary point and filled with water. The capillary tip is brought near the Stentor, while the long tube. is held nearly perpendicular... The. pressure..causes a jet of water from the tip to strike the disk. ofthe animal. Like a flash ‘ “about half a minute it extends again, and the cilia IG. 110.—— Stentor ; INT, reselii contracted into resume their activity. Now we.cause. the its ‘tube. act again upon the disk. This time the animal does not contract, but continues its normal activities without regard to the current of water. This experiment may be repeated on other indi- viduals; invariably they react to the current the first time, then no longer react. The same results are obtained with other fixed infuso- ria: Epistylis and Carchesium. By using other very faint stimuli, such as that produced by touching the surface film of the water close to the organism, or by slightly jarring the object to which it is at- tached, the same results are obtained. To the first stimulus they, respond sharply, and following ones they do not respond at all, even if long continued. Thus the organism_becomes changed in some way after its. first reaction, same stimulus,. under.the.same.external conditions, it no longer reacts. What is the nature of this internal change? The_ first suggestion that rises to the mind in explanation of such a cessation of reaction is fatigue. The distinction between fatigue and other changes of condition is an important one, for the following reason... may be called a failure. It is an imperfection inherent perhaps in the nature of the material of which organisms are composed, preventing them from doing what might be to their advantage. Changes of reaction due to other causes might on the other hand be regulatory, tending to the advantage of the or- ganism. Higher animals often react strongly by a “start,” to the first incidence of sudden harmless stimuli,.then-no longer react, and_this cessation is evidently a regulation of behavior that is to the interest of. the organism. We must then determine-whether the failure of the in- fusorian to the-second stimulation is.due to fatigue or to some other cause. MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR 173 It seems improbable that the change of behavior is due to fatigue, since the change occurs after but a single stimulation and a single reac- tion. It could hardly be supposed that these would fatigue the animal to such an extent as to prevent further contractions. And if we use stronger stimuli, we find that the animal continues to contract succes- sively every time the stimulus is applied, for an hour or more. It is evident that the failure to contract after the first stimulation cannot be due to fatigue of the contractile apparatus. A If we make the stimulation somewhat stronger than in our first ex- periments, as may be done by touching the animal lightly with a. a_capil- lary glass rod, the behavior is a little different. The animal may react the first and second times, then cease to-react,.or-it-may_react_half.a dozen times, or. more,-then-cease. If we continue.the stimuli,.we-find-a change i in.the behavior. The animal instead of contracting bends.into a new position, and it may do this repeatedly. This shows that the fail- ure_to contract is not due to a failure to perceive the stimulus, — in. other words, to a fatigue _ of the _perceptive power, — for the bending. into a new position shows ‘that the stimulus i is perceived, though the reaction differs from the first one. Our_results thus. far show that after responding once or a few times _ to_very..weak..stimulation,.the.organism.becomes changed, so-that it no longer reacts as before, and that this change fatigue, either_of the contractile apparatus or of the perceptive power. ‘The. phe ee > behavior may then be of the same-regulatory. similar. behavior in higher animals. Indeed, so far as the objective evidence. goes, this behavior in Stentor precisely resembles..that..of.higher ani- mals, and is to the same the interest.of.the.organism, With still stronger stimulation, produced by touching the animal with the capillary glass rod, another curious phenomenon often shows itself. The animal may react to each of the first half dozen strokes, then cease to.react; then after_a few more strokes.reactagain, then. cease to react till_a large number have been given, and so continue. A typical series, giving the number of strokes before contraction is produced, is the following, obtained from experiments with an individ- ual of Epistylis : — I — 22 — 1o— 3 —3 — I — I — 22 — §9 — 125 (continuous blows for one minute) — (3 minutes) — (14 minutes) — (4} minutes). During such experiments the organism, when_it does not contract, continually changes its position, as if trying to escape the blows. The reason for the contraction at irregular intervals which become longer as the experiment continues, is not clear. Possibly fatigue may have _ something to do with this matter. ; 174 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS The stimuli with which we have thus far dealt are not directly in- jurious, and do not interfere inthe. long_run with the normal functions of the organism,. so.that the powerof becoming accustomed to them | and ceasing to react is useful, Let us now examine the behavior under ar nls _conditions which a1 are harmless when acting for a short time, but which, but when continued, do ierfere with the normal functions. Such condi- witi ge ytions may be produced by bringing a large quantity of fine particles, : “~~ such_as India ink or carmine, by means.of.a_ capillary pipette, into the water currents which are carried to the disk of Stentor, (Fig. 111). Under these circumstances the normal movements are at first not changed. The particles of carmine are taken into the pouch and into - the mouth, whence-they.pass.into the internal protoplasm. If the cloud of particles is very dense, or if it is accompanied by.a slight. chem- ical_stimulus, as_is usually the case with the carmine grains, this behavior. lasts but.a_short time; then a_ definite reaction supervenes. The animal bends to one side — always, in Keac the case of Stentor, toward the aboral side. It thus as a rule avoids the cloud of particles, unless the latter is very large. This simple method of reaction turns out to be more effective in getting rid of stimuli of all sorts than might be expected. If the first reaction is not successful, it is usually repeated one or" AgDIA more times. This reaction corresponds closely” yeact with the “avoiding reaction” of free-swim- ming infusoria, and like the latter, is usually accompanied by revolution on the long axis, ‘— the animal twisting on its stalk two or three times as it bends toward the aboral side. Fic. r11.—A cloud of car- If the repeated turning toward one_side mine is introduced into the water : currenis’ ‘passing to ‘the ‘mouth does not relieve th the animal, so thatthe parti- ol y of Stentor. cles of carmine.continue-to-come.inadense » 2 cloud, another reaction is tried. The ciliary movement is suddenly ~ , wa reversed in direction, so that the particles against the disk and in the pouch are thrown off. The water current is driven away from the disk instead of toward it. This lasts but an instant, then the current is continued in the usual way. If the particles,.the reversal is repeated.two_or three If-this fails to relieve the organism, the next_reaction — contraction — usually supervenes. aie wr tmtrech™@m MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR 175 Sometimes the reversal of the current takes place before the turn- ing away described first; it may then be followed by the turning away. But usually the two reactions are tried in the order we have given. If the Stentor does not get rid of the stimulation in either of the - . ways just described, it contracts into its tube. In this way it of course escapes the stimulation completely, but at the expense of suspendin its activity and_ losing all opportunity to obtain food. The animal usually remains in the tube about half a minute, then extends. When its body has reached about two-thirds its original length, the ciliary disk begins to unfold and the cilia to act, causing currents of water to reach the disk, as before. We have now reached a specially interesting point in the experi- ment. Suppose that the water currents again bring the carmine grains. The stimulus and all the external conditions are the same as they were at the beginning? Will the Stentor behave as it did at the beginning? Will it at first not react, then bend to one side, then reverse the current, then contract, passing anew through the whole series of reactions? Or shall we find that it has become changed by the experiences it has aA Nore passed through, so that it will now contract again into its tube as soon Coyne as stimulated ? We find the latter to be the case. As soon as the carmine again reaches its ts disk, it a at _once_contracis again. This may be repeated minutes. Now the ‘cciaal after each contraction sito a little longer in the tube than it did at first. Finally it ceases to extend, but contracts br<@ &, repeatedly and violently wl while still enclosed in its tube. In this way “0° the attachment of its foot to the object on which it is situated is broken, and the animal i is free. Now it leaves its tube and swims away. In_ leaving the tube it may swim forward out of the anterior end of the tube; but if this brings it into the region of the cloud of carmine, it often forces its way backward through the substance of the tube, and thus gains the outside. Here it swims away, to form a new tube elsewhere. While swimming freely after one Ss AoA 4 characteristic behavior of the free-swiffiming infusoria, such as P Pave= mecium. Upon this, therefore, we need not dwell, passing at once to ““ ib the behavior in becoming reattached and forming a new tube. On coming to the surface film of the water, or the surface of solid yr bjects, the free-swimming Stentor behaves in a peculiar way. It »*” objects, the tree Pea applies its partially unfolded disk to the surface and_creeps rapidly ss ea hecovwt over it, the ventral side of the body being bent over close to the pays surface. It may thus creep over a heap of débris, following all the © irregularities of the surface rapidly and neatly, seeming to explore it 176 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS thoroughly. This may last for some time, then the animal may leave the débris and swim about again. Other heaps of débris or the sur- faces of solids are explored in the same way. Finally, after ten or twenty minutes or more, one.of these-is.selected forthe formation of a new tube. It may be seen that-as-the Stentor moyes about a viscid mucus is_se- creted over the surface of the body. To this mucus particles of débris stick and are trailed behind the swimming animal. In a certain region, perhaps between two masses of débris, the animal stops and begins. to move backward and forward with an oscillatory motion, through a dis-. tance about two-thirds its. contracted length. This movement, in pre-. cisely the same place, is kept up for about two minutes, while the mucus 4 .. from the. surface is. rapidly. secreted. 3%) The movement compacts this mucus into a short tube or sheath, — the tube in which the Stentor is to live. The process is represented in Fig. 112. Next the tip of the foot is pressed against the débris at the bottom of the iat tube. There it adheres by means of Fic. 112. — Oscillating movement of fine pseudopodia sent out from the in- Stentor, by which it forms a new tube. 1-2, alternating positions. @, the secreted ternal protoplasm. Now the Stentor mucus; 6, masses of débris. extends to full length, and we find it in the usual attached condition, with the lower half of the body surrounded by a transparent tube of mucus. The Stentor has thus moved away from the place where it was subjected to the mass of car- mine particles, and has established itself in another situation. fecuL% The behavior just described shows-clearly that the same individual v does not react always inthe same way to the same stimulus. The stimulus and the other external conditions_remaining the same, the. organism responds by a series of reactions becoming of more and more pronounced character, until by one of them it rids itself of the stimulation. Under the conditions described — when a dense cloud of carmine is added to the water — the changes in the behavior may be summed up as follows: — (x) No reaction at first: the organism continues its normal activi- ties for a short time. (2) Then a slight reaction by turning into a new position, — a seem- ing attempt to keep up the normal activities and yet get rid of the stimulation. (3) If this is unsuccessful, we have next a slight interruption of the normal activities, in a momentary reversal of the ciliary current, tending ‘ to get rid of the source of stimulation. [ - a \| MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR 177 (4) If the stimulus still persists, the animal breaks off its normal activity completely by contracting strongly — devoting itself entirely, as it were, to getting rid of the stimulation, though retaining the possi- bility of resuming its normal activity in the same place at any moment. (5) Finally, if all these reactions remain ineffective, the animal not only gives up completely its usual activities, but puts in operation another set, having a much more radical effect in separating the animal from the stimulating agent. It abandons its tube, swims away, and forms another one in a situation where the stimulus does not act upon it. The behavior of Stentor under the conditions given is evidently a special form of the method of the selection of certain conditions through Soy reg me ism “tries” one method of action;_i another, till one succeeds.._Like other behavior based on this method, it is not a specific reaction to any one stimulus, but is seen whenever analogous conditions are produced in any way. Thus we may use in place of carmine other substances. Chemicals of different kinds produce a similar series of reactions. A decided change i in osmotic pressure has a somewhat similar effect. There are variations in the details of the reaction series under different conditions. Sometimes one step or another is omitted, or the order of the different steps is varied. But it remains true that_ under conditions which gradually interfere with the normal activities — of the e organism, the behavior consists in “trying” successively different Teactions, till one is found that affords relief. The production of any given n Step in the behavior cannot be explained as a necessary conse- quence of the preceding step. On the contrary, the bringing into opera- / tion of any given step depends upon the ineffectiveness of the sr ae ones in getting rid of the stimulating condition. The series may_cease. at any point, as soon as the stimulus disappears. Moreover, it is evi- dent ce the succeeding steps are not mere accentuations of the pre- ceding ones, but differ completely in character from them, being based upon different methods of getting rid of the stimulation. All our results on Stentor then show clearly that the sameorganism may react to the same stimulus in various different ways. It may react at first, then cease to react if the stimulus does not interfere with its normal activities; it may react at first by a very pronounced reaction (contraction), then later by a very slight reaction (bending over to one side); or it may respond, if the stimulus does interfere with its normal functions, by a whole series of different reactions, becoming of a more and more pronounced character. Since in each of these.cases the ex-_ ternal conditions—remain. throughout the same, the change in_reaction must be due to a change.in_theorganism. The organism which reacts 2 a m | yi varied activities, — a form which h The organ- eh: oy , PD 17, a 5 SON 178 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS to the carmine grains by contracting.or-by_leaving its tube must be differ- ent in some way from the organism which Lacie to the same stimulus by bending to one side. No structural change is.evident, so that all we can says. yis that the physiological state.oj the organism has changed. The same organism in different physiological states reacts differently to the same stimuli. It is evident that the anatomical structure of the organ- ism and the different physical or chemical action of the stimulating | agents are not sufficient to account for the reactions. Theva ‘he varying physio- logical states of the animal are equally important factors. In Stentor wé are compelled to assume at least five different physiological states to _ account for the five different reactions given under the same conditions. We shall later find much occasion to realize the importance of physiologi- cal states in determining behavior. These relations may be stated from another point a view, which leads to interesting questions. The present physiological state of an organism depends upon its past history, so that we can say directly that the behavior of such an organism as Stentor under given conditions depends on its past history. This statement we know is markedly true for higher organisms. What a higher animal does under certain conditions depends upon its experience : — that is, upon its past history. In the typical and most interesting case we say that the behavior of the higher organism depends upon what it has learned by experience. Is the change in the behavior of Stentor in accordance with its past history a phenomenon in any wise similar in character to the learning of a higher organism? In judging of this question we must rely, of course, entirely upon objective evidence;— upon what can be actually observed. When this is done, it is hard to discover any ground for making a dis- tinction in principle between the two cases. The essential point seems to be that after experience the organism reacts in a more effective way than before. The change in reaction is regulatory, not merely hap- hazard. And this. is as clearly the case in Stentor as in the higher organism. It is true that, so far as we can see, the behavior of Stentor shows in only a rudimentary way phenomena that become exceedingly striking and complex i in higher organisms. Stentor seems to vary..its behavior only in accordance.with.the experience that_either. (1) the stimulus to which a strong reaction isat_first.given, doesnot really interfere with its activities, so that reaction ceases ;or(2) thatthe reac- tion already given is ineffective, since the interference with its activities continues, so that another reaction is introduced.’ If the changes in 1 It is to be noted that nothing is said in this statement as to the Stentor’s perceiving these relations. The statement attempts merely a formulation of the observed facts in such a way as to bring out their relation to what we observe in higher organisms. BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS 179 the behavior of Stentor were not regulatory, becoming more fitted to the existing conditions, a comparison with the behavior of higher animals in learning would be out of place. But since the changes clearly are regulatory, in the one case as in the other, it would be equally out of place to deny their similarity, in this respect at least. In another important feature the behavior of Stentor falls, so far as our present evidence goes, far below the level of that found in the learn- ing of higher animals. The modification in-the-behavior-induced—by experience seems to. _last_but_a_very_shorttime, Immediately after reacting in one way, which proves ineffective, it reacts in another. But a short time after it apparently reacts in the same way as at first.* As _ a tule, it is evidently to the interest of an organism-living- under such Sim- _ ple conditions as Stentor to return to the first method of reaction when _ . again stimulated after a period of quiet, for as a rule this first method is effective, and it would be most unfortunate for the Stentor to_proceed to the extremity of abandoning its tube without a trial of simpler. reactions. But the difference between behavior which is modified only for a few moments after an experience, and that which is per- manently modified, is undoubtedly important. The latter would never- theless be developed from the former by a mere quantitative change, so that the variation in duration does not constitute a difference in essen- tial nature. We may sum up the results of the present section as follows: The same individual does not always behave in the same way under the same external Conditions, but the behavior depends pon the physiological condition of the animal. The reaction to any given stimulus is modified by the past experience of the é animal, and the modifications are regula- tory, not haphazard, in character. ‘The phenomena are thus similar to those shown in the “learning” of higher organisms, save that the modi- fications depend upon less complex relations and last a shorter time. 2. THE BEHAVIOR OF INFUSORIA UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS We have thus far dealt chiefly with the behavior of infusoria under experimental conditions. In experiments the conditions are usually 1 This matter cannot be considered definitely settled. It is exceedingly difficult in practice to devise and carry out experiments which shall actually determine the length of time that the modified behavior lasts. A thorough, definitely planned investi- gation should be directed precisely upon this point. Hodge and Aikins (1895) report that Vorticella, which at first took yeast as food, later rejected the yeast, and that for “several hours” it refused to take the yeast again. But unfortunately no further details are given. We do not know whether the Vorticella was injured and took no food at all, or what other conditions were present, so that we can build little upon this observation. 180 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS made as simple as possible. All sources of stimulation save one are excluded, in order that we may discover the precise effects of that one. In our account of Paramecium we have seen that when more than one source of stimulation is present, the behavior is determined by all the existing conditions, so that often the behavior cannot be characterized as a precise reaction to a definite stimulus. That this is true also for other infusoria we have seen in a number of instances, particularly in our ac- count of the contact reaction. It would be possible to add many other examples to these, making a special chapter on “Reactions to Two or More Stimuli,”’ but this would add no new principle to what we have already brought out. The general statement may be made, that to account for the way an infusorian behaves at a given time, it is as a rule not sufficient to take into account a single source of stimulation, but all the conditions must be considered. We shall now look at certain features of the behavior of infusoria under the conditions that are supplied by the environment, in all their variety and complexity. We wish to see how the natural “wild” or- ganism behaves. Our account cannot be exhaustive, for the natural history of the thousands of species of infusoria remains largely to be worked out. We shall merely examine certain typical features of the behavior, devoting especial attention to the food reactions. In our chapter on the “Action System’? we have seen some of the chief variations in the natural behavior of infusoria. We have there seen that the infusoria can be divided, according to their methods of life, into three main groups: those that are attached, those that creep over sur- faces, and those that swim freely. ‘The behavior in these different groups necessarily differs much. Yet, as we have seen, every possible gradation exists from one group to another, and even the same individual may at different periods represent each different group. The behavior is sim- plest and least varied in the free-swimming organisms; more varied in those which habitually creep along a surface; most complex in those which live attached. The reason for this seems to be as follows: In the open water the conditions are exceedingly simple. The free-swim- ming organism may escape an injurious stimulus simply by swimming away. In the fixed organism, on the other hand, the conditions are more complex. At any moment both the solid and the free fluid are acting on the organism. For a fixed animal to obtain food and escape injurious conditions, varied devices are necessary. It cannot at once solve any difficulty by departing, as the free organism can. We find, then, that such fixed organisms have developed varied reaction methods (see the preceding chapter). There is much variation in the complexity of behavior even among BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS 181 species living under similar conditions. Some of the free-swimming species are very supple, changing form continually. Such is the case, for example, with Lacrymaria olor, which stretches its long neck in every direction, shortens it until it has almost disappeared, reéxtends it, -and seems to explore thoroughly the surrounding region. Such an organism has, of course, much better opportunity for effective behavior by the method of trial than has such a rigid form as Paramecium. Similar differences are found among the creeping infusoria, and among the fixed species. Some fixed infusoria contract frequently, while others contract only rarely. In some cases the contraction occurs at regular intervals, even when there is no indication of an external stimulus. This is the case with Vorticella. There is no evidence that in infusoria periods of rest, comparable with the sleep of higher animals, are alternated with periods of activity. Hodge and Aikins (1895) kept a single Vorticella continuously under observation for twenty-one hours, besides intermittent study for a number of days. They found that there was no period of inactivity. During five days the cilia were in continuous motion, food was continuously taken, and contractions were repeated at brief intervals. A number of fixed infusoria live, like Stentor reselii, in tubes, some gelatinous, some membranous in character. As a rule these tubes are formed in a very simple manner. The material of which they are com- posed is secreted by the outer surface of the animal. In the repeated contractions and extensions of the body this material is worked off, in the form of a sheath. The tube may become thicker by the secretion of more material on the surface of the animal. It often grows in length, either as the animal becomes longer or as it migrates farther out toward the open end of the tube. In the secreted material, which is often trans- parent, all sorts of foreign substances may become embedded, in the following way: They are carried as particles to the oral disk by the cilia. Thence they pass backward over the surface of the body, till they reach the gelatinous substance of the tube, where they become embedded. Thus in most cases the formation of the tube seems a direct consequence of the secretion of the mucus-like substance over the body of the animal, taken in connection with the usual movements. The intervention of any special type of behavior directed toward the end of forming the tube seems unnecessary. But in some cases, as we have seen in our account of Stentor, the tube is formed at the beginning by a definite set of move- ments, of a character especially fitted to produce such a structure. For details as to different kinds of tubes, and their structure and method of formation, reference may be made to Biitschli’s great work on the infusoria (1889). 182 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS A set of phenomena that is deserving of careful study for its implica- tions as to the nature of behavior is that involved in the activities pre- liminary to conjugation. It is possible that the organisms are in a modified physiological condition at this time, behaving differently from usual. Critical observations on this subject, of such a nature that we can use them for our present purpose, are too few in number to make possible a unified account of these phenomena. An account of the facts for Paramecium is givenon page 102. The field is one deserving of much further work. 3. Foop Hasirs The food habits of the infusoria are among the most interesting of their activities to the student of animal behavior. As to their food habits, we can with Maupas (1889) divide the infusoria into two classes. The first includes those that bring the food to the mouth by means of a vortex produced by the peristomal cilia; the second those that go about in search of food, seizing upon it with the mouth, like a beast of prey. The former live chiefly upon minute objects, the latter upon larger or- ganisms. There is, of course, no sharp distinction between the two classes. Most of the infusoria with strong vortices move about more or less in search of food, and most of those that seize upon their prey after a search are aided by a more or less pronounced vortex. Thus the roving or searching movements and the vortex are factors common to the food habits of most of the infusoria. The positive contact re- action further plays a most important part in obtaining food. Those species that depend primarily upon the ciliary vortex for obtaining food usually feed upon bacteria and other minute organisms and upon finely divided organic matter, — bits of decaying plant or animal material. Of this class of organisms Paramecium and Stentor are types. In some, as in Paramecium, the food is limited to most minute bodies, such as bacteria and small alge. Stentor and others may take larger objects. Other infusoria and even rotifers of a con- siderable size are often seen embedded in the internal protoplasm of Stentor. Such animals are caught in the strong ciliary vortex, carried to the buccal pouch, which often contracts in such a way as to prevent their escape, and are then taken through the mouth into the internal protoplasm. How do these organisms succeed in getting the food that is fitted for them? Is there a selection of food, and how is it brought about? Much of the difficulty as to the selection of food is solved by the conditions under which these animals usually live. They are found as a rule in BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS | 183 water which contains decaying vegetable or animal matter, and therefore swarms with bacteria. Hence the usually ciliary current brings food continuously, and little selection is necessary. The animals take, within wide limits, all that the ciliary current brings. Bits of scot, India ink, carmine or indigo, chalk.granules, and the like are swallowed along with the bacteria, though of course they are useless as food. They are merely passed through the body and ejected along with the indi- gestible remains of the food. They do no harm, and the animal may continue to take them indefinitely, provided it receives in addition a suffi- cient amount of real food. If the ciliary currents do not bring food, of course the organisms die after a time. It is well known that infusoria appear suddenly in immense numbers, or disappear with equal rapidity, according as the conditions are favorable or unfavorable. But the animals do determine for themselves, to a certain extent, ‘what things they shall take as food, and what they shall not. This is not done, so far as can be observed, by a sorting over of the food by the cilia, as the water current cgrries it to the mouth. It is true that not . all the particles in the vortex produced by the cilia pass into the mouth. But this is due to the simple mechanical conditions. The vortex is very extensive, and the mouth is very small, so that only a fraction of the water in the vortex can ever reach the mouth. Hence inevitably a large share of the particles in the vortex are whirled away. But this is true of particles which are valuable for food as well as of those which are not. If Stentor is placed in water containing immense numbers of small algal cells which are useful as food, it is found that as many of these pass through the vortex without being taken as happens in the case of worthless particles of soot or carmine. Choice of food occurs in a somewhat cruder fashion than through a sorting of the individual particles by the cilia. It takes place through the reaction with which we have become familiar in studying the behavior of the organisms under various stimuli. Thus in Paramecium the re- jection of unsuitable food takes place through the avoiding reaction. If the ciliary current brings water containing various chemicals in solution, or if large solid objects are brought to the mouth, or too great a mass of smaller particles, the Paramecium shifts its position in the usual way. It backs more or less, turns toward the aboral side, and moves to another place. The avoiding reaction is in itself always an expression of choice, in so far as it determines the rejection of certain conditions of existence. In Stentor and Vorticella choice of food occurs in a similar manner, though in these fixed infusoria there is, as we have seen, usually more than one way of rejecting unsuitable conditions. In Stentor the following behavior is at times observed. The animal 184 "BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS is outstretched and feeding quietly in the usual way. Many small objects pass into the buccal pouch and are ingested. Suddenly a larger, hard-armored infusorian, Coleps, is drawn into the pouch. At once the ciliary current is reversed and the Coleps is driven out again. Then the current is resumed in the usual direction. Vorticella and other fixed infusoria often reject large objects in the same way. But besides re- versing the ciliary current, these organisms may, when the ciliary current brings unsuitable material, bend over into a new position, contract, or leave their place of attachment and swim away. All these reactions have been described in detail in our account of the behavior of Stentor. Thus the choice of food in all these organisms depends merely upon whether the usual negative or avoiding reactions are or are not given. The avoiding reaction is the expression of such choice as occurs. Look- ing at the matter from this standpoint, we are forced to conclude that the entire behavior involves choice in almost every detail. The animals, as we have seen, are giving the avoiding reaction in a certain degree, from a slight widening of the spiral course to the powerful backward swimming, almost continuously. The straightforward course is the expression of positive choice or acceptance; the avoiding reacting of negative choice or rejection. No distinction can be made between choice and the usual behavior. Indeed, choice is the essential principle of behavior based on the method of trial. What happens if the organisms settle down and attach themselves in a region where no food exists? This question seems not to have been specially investigated. But it is known that under most kinds of un- favorable conditions, — conditions which interfere with the normal functions, — the animal, after a time, leaves its place and swims away to a new location. Doubtless this happens also when food is lacking. We may sum up the food habits of this first class of ciliates as fol- lows: They settle down in a certain region and then bring a current of water to the mouth. The particles in this current are taken as food, without any sorting, so that many that are not useful are ingested along with the others. But if decidedly unsuitable material is brought, then the animal reacts as to other unfavorable stimuli — reversing the cur- rent, contracting, shifting position, or finally moving away to a new place. The method of trial of varied movements is at the basis of the behavior here as elsewhere. The second class of ciliates includes those which move about in search of their food, preying upon larger organisms and seizing them with the mouth. Maupas has well called these the hunter ciliates. The method of taking food in these animals often resembles in many respects that of the species already described. Thus Stylonychia runs about here and BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS 185 there, producing a strong vortex leading to its mouth. This often carries other infusoria, of considerable size, to the mouth. These are then seized and worked gradually back into the internal protoplasm. Some species move about more rapidly and more extensively, while the ciliary vortex is reduced so that it is of little consequence for food getting. On coming in contact with another infusorian the latter is seized by the usually armored mouth; this is opened widely and the prey is swallowed. In this way such infusoria often feed upon other animals almost or quite as large as themselves, the mouth opening widely and the body becoming greatly distended. An excellent example of one of these hunter ciliates is furnished by Didinium. This animal (Fig. 113) is cask-shaped, with a truncate anterior end, bearing in its centre the mouth on a slight elevation. The body bears but two circles of cilia. By the aid of these, Didinium swims about rapidly, revolving to the right on its long axis and frequently changing its direc- tion. On coming in contact with a solid object it stops, pushes forward against the object the conical projection which bears the mouth, and Aa ee ° = : Fic. 113. — Didinium seiz- revolves rapidly on its long axis. The mouth jing Paramecium. After Bal- is armed with a number of strong ribs ending biani. in points, which apparently project a little from the cone bearing the mouth. When pushed forward against a soft organism, these points apparently pierce and hold it. The revolution on the long axis has the appearance of a process of boring into the body. ‘The mouth now opens widely and swallows the prey. Paramecium often falls a victim to Didinium in this way (Fig. 113). Sometimes the Didinium is smaller than its prey, forming after the feeding process a mere sac over its surface. The point which interests us at present is that Didinium reacts in the way described not merely to objects which may serve as food, but also to all sorts of solid bodies. In other words, the process is one of the trial of all sorts of conditions. On coming in contact with a solid, Didinium “tries” to pierce and swallow it. If this succeeds, well and good; if it does not, something else is “tried.”’ In a culture containing many specimens of Didinium, the author has seen dozens of individuals reacting in this way to the bottom and sides of the glass vessel, apparently making persevering efforts to pierce the glass. Others “try” water plants, or masses of small algz, about which many specimens gather at times. Of course they get no food in this way. On coming in contact with each other, the animals react in the same way, often becoming 186 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS attached to each other, and sometimes forming chains of four or five. But they never succeed in swallowing one another. They often try rotifers in the same way, but the outer integument of these organisms is so tough that Didinium does not succeed in piercing it, and the rotifer escapes. Stentor and Spirostomum are often fastened upon, but usually escape, owing to their large.size, great activity, and rather tough outer covering. The reason why Paramecium is usually employed as food rather than other organisms is clearly due to the fact that when the Didinia try these, they usually succeed in piercing and swallowing them, while with most other objects they fail.’ Didinium is a type of the hunter ciliates in this respect. The process of food-getting is throughout these species one of trial of all sorts of things. There is no evidence that in some unknown way the infusoria perceive their prey at a distance, nor that they decide beforehand to attack certain objects and leave others unattacked. They simply “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.” We cannot do better in emphasizing this point than to quote a por- tion of the words of the veteran investigator Maupas, as given in Binet’s “The Psychic Life of Micro-Organisms” (pp. 48, 49):— “These hunter infusoria are constantly running about in search of prey; but this constant pursuit is not directed toward any one object more than another. They move rapidly hither and thither, changing their direction every moment, with the part of the body bearing the bat- tery of trichocysts held in advance. When chance has brought them in contact with a victim, they let fly their darts? and crush it; at this point of the action they go through certain manceuvres that are prompted by a guiding will. It very seldom happens that the shattered victim remains motionless after direct collision with the mouth of its assailant. The hunter, accordingly, slowly makes his way about the scene of action, turning both right and left in search of his lifeless prey. This search lasts a minute at the most, after which, if not successful in finding his victim, he starts off once more to the chase and resumes his irregular and roving course. These hunters have, in my opinion, no sensory organ whereby they are enabled to determine the presence of prey at a distance; it is only by unceasing and untiring peregrinations both day ? Balbiani (1873) described Didinium as discharging trichocysts from the mouth region against its prey, thus bringing it down from a distance. This account has not been confirmed by other observers, and the writer has never seen anything of the sort in the innumerable cases of food-taking in Didinium which he has observed. It can hardly be doubted that the trichocysts represented in Balbiani’s figure (our Fig. 113) really come from the injured Paramecium, and not from the Didinium. ? This use of the trichocysts has not been confirmed by other writers and was not absolutely observed by Maupas himself. BEHAVIOR UNDER NATURAL CONDITIONS 187 and night that they succeed in providing themselves with sustenance. When prey abounds, the collisions are frequent, their quest profitable, and sustenance easy; when scarce, the encounters are correspondingly less frequent, the animal fasts and keeps his Lent. The Lagynus crassicollis, accordingly, never sees its victim from a distance and in no case directs its movements more toward one object of prey than toward another. It roams about at random, now to the right and now to the left, impelled merely by its predatory instinct — an instinct developed by its peculiar organic construction, which dooms it to this incessant vagrancy to satisfy the requirements of alimentation.”’ It is evident that these words of Maupas are an excellent description of behavior based on the general method of trial of all sorts of conditions though varied movements, and they bring out clearly the essential prin- ciples in the food reactions of infusoria. 'The same method of behavior is found, as we have seen, throughout almost the whole circle of activi- ties in these organisms; the food reactions epitomize the entire behavior. LITERATURE X A. Modifiability of behavior in infusoria: JENNINGS, 1902, 1904 d; HODGE AND AIKINS, 1895. &. Food habits of infusoria: MAUPAS, in Binet, 1889; BALBIANI, 1873. PART II BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER METAZOA CHAPTER XI INTRODUCTION AND BEHAVIOR OF CCELENTERATA INTRODUCTION W8HILE unicellular forms are the very lowest organisms, an account limited to their behavior alone might give us a one-sided view of the prin- ciples of behavior in the lower organisms. The Metazoa differ from the Protozoa structurally in the important facts that their bodies are made of many cells and that they have a nervous system. Does the behavior of such organisms differ essentially from that of the Protozoa? Have we been dealing in our study of unicellular organisms with a peculiar group, whose behavior is of a character essentially different from that of other animals? How far do the general principles to be deduced from the behavior of Protozoa hold for animals in general? To answer these questions is the province of the following chapters. We shall take up in detail the behavior of only one of the lowest groups of Metazoa — the ccelenterates. This will be followed by a chapter on some of the main features of behavior in other invertebrates. A general analysis of behavior in both Protozoa and the lower Metazoa is found in the third part of the book. BEHAVIOR OF CCELENTERATA The Ccelenterata or Cnidaria form, perhaps, the lowest of the larger groups of Metazoa. This group includes the fresh-water Hydra, hydroids, sea anemones, corals, and jellyfishes or meduse. The behavior of the corals and of hydroids has been comparatively little studied, so that the present account will be limited mainly to Hydra, the sea anemones, and meduse. All of these animals are made up of many cells, of many different kinds, and usually arranged in three more or less irregular layers. Of . 188 BEHAVIOR OF CELENTERATA 189 special interest from the standpoint of behavior are the nerve cells. In Hydra these consist of comparatively few, small cells with long, branched processes, scattered among the ectoderm and entoderm cells. They apparently serve to connect the other cells. In the sea anemones the nerve cells are more numerous than in Hydra, but are likewise scattered throughout the body, in both ectoderm and entoderm. They are some- what more numerous in the neighborhood of the mouth than elsewhere. In Meduse the nervous system is more concentrated. The cells and fibres form two rings about the edge of the body: one lies just beneath the ectoderm of the exumbrella, the other beneath that of the subum- brella. These rings are interconnected by scattered fibres. A plexus of nerve fibres covers the entire concave surface of the subumbrella and manubrium, beneath the ectoderm. ‘This plexus is compared by Romanes as regards texture to a sheet of muslin. Nerve cells and fibres are found also in the tentacles; but are not known on the convex surface of the exumbrella. The two marginal nerve rings are often spoken of as the “central nervous system” in meduse. 1. ACTION SYSTEM. SPONTANEOUS ACTIVITIES In the ccelenterates we take up animals with action systems differing much from those of the organisms we have hitherto studied. The chief movements are due to contractions and extensions of parts of the body and tentacles, produced by contractions of the muscle fibres. The body is flexible, and being radially symmetrical may contract or bend with equal ease in any direction. Under natural conditions, Hydra and the sea anemone are usually attached and at rest, while the medusa may be in movement. Let us ex- amine the behavior under such conditions, when no observable stimulus is acting on them, aside from the usual conditions of existence. If we observe an undisturbed green Hydra attached to a water plant or the side of a glass vessel, we find that it usually does not remain still, but keeps up a sort of rhythmic activity. After remaining in a certain position for a short time it contracts, then bends to a new position, and reéxtends (Fig. 114). In this new position it remains for one or two minutes, then it again contracts, changes its position, and again extends. This continues, the changes of position occurring every one or two min- utes. In this way the animal thoroughly explores the region about its place of attachment and largely increases its chances of obtaining food. This motion seems to take place more frequently in hungry individuals, while in well-fed specimens it may not occur. Thus contractions take place without any present outward stimulus; S ~~) 190 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS the movements are due to internal changes of some sort, like those of Vorticella. ‘The same behavior may be produced, as we shall see later, by external stimuli. In the yellow Hy- dra such move- ments do not occur —at least not with such frequency. Fic. 3115. — Dia- gram of different posi- Fic. 114. — Spontaneous changes of positions in an undis- tions taken by Hydra, as turbed Hydra. Side view. The extended animal (1) contracts seen from above. After (2), bends to a new position (3), and then extends (4). Wagner. This is apparently correlated with the fact that the yellow Hydra has very long tentacles, which lie in coils all about it, so that exploratory movements are not necessary in order to reach such food as may be found in the neighborhood. If a green Hydra is left for long periods undisturbed, it does not remain attached in the same posi- tion, but moves about from place to place. The movements often take place in random directions, — the animal starting first in one direc- tion, then in another. Figure 116 shows the movements of a green Hydra, which was left alone for some days in the bottom of ‘a large, clean glass dish, the light coming from a ' window at the right. This move- ment is probably brought about by Fic. 116.— Path followed by a green hunger — the animals taking a new Hydra that was left for some days undisturbed position when food becomes scarce. on the bottom of a clean glass dish. After . Wagner (1905). s Hydra may move about in several BEHAVIOR OF CG@LENTERATA I9l different ways. In the commonest method the animal places its free end against the substratum, releases its foot, draws the latter forward, reattaches it, and repeats the process, thus looping along like a measur- ing worm (Fig. 117). In other cases it attaches itself by its ten- tacles, releases its foot, and 1 uses the tentacles like legs. A still different form of loco- motion has been described, in which the animal is said to glide along on its foot; how this is brought about is not known. In sea anemones, rhyth- mical contractions of the un- disturbed animal have ap- parently not been described. But Loeb (1891, p. 59) finds that Cerianthus if not fed will after a time leave its place in the sand and creep about, finally establishing itself in a new place. The common sea anemone Me- tridium moves about fre- quently from place to place on the sides or bottom of the aquarium, and so far as can be observed, this seems often due simply to hunger or other internal conditions; it Occurs af, under apparently uniform external conditions. A common method of movement in sea anemones is to glide about on the foot, — the lower surface of the foot sending out extensions and moving in a manner similar to that of the foot of mollusks. There are doubtless other methods of locomotion. The spontaneous contraction and change of position which plays a subordinate part in fixed forms has become the rule in meduse. They are commonly found swimming about ‘by mearis of rhythmical contrac- tions. Since there are no corresponding changes in external condi- tions, these contractions must be due to internal changes. The internal changes need not of course be themselves of a rhythmical character. They may take place steadily, inducing a contraction only i " ——— _—— Fic. 117.— Hydra looping along like a leech. er Wagner (1905). 1-6, Successive positions. 192 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS when a result of a certain intensity has been reached (see Loeb, 1900, p- 21). In the small medusa Gonionemus there is under natural conditions a cycle of activity that is of great interest; it has been well described by Yerkes (1902, a and b, 1903, 1904) and Perkins (1903). At times the animal is found attached by certain adhesive pads on its tentacles to Fic. 118. — Young Gonionemus resting on the bottom, with the opening of the bell upward. After Perkins (1903). the vegetation of the bottom or to other surfaces (Fig. 118). Leaving its attachment, it swims upward to the upper surface of the water, the convex surface of the bell being upward, and the tentacles contracted (Fig. 119). Reaching the upper surface it turns over “and floats downward with bell relaxed and inverted, and tentacles extending far out horizontally in a wide snare of stinging threads which carries certain destruc- tion to creatures even larger than the jellyfish itself (Fig. 120)” (Perkins, 1903, p. 753). Reaching the Fic. 119. — bottom, it swims again to the top and repeats the oa anaant “with Process. It may thus continue this process of “ fish- contracted tentacles. ing,”’ as Perkins calls it, all day long. It is chiefly in After Perkins (1993). this way that it captures its food. This cycle of spontaneous activities is in some respects similar to that of the green Hydra described above, though much more complex. Both illustrate the fact that complex movements and changes of move- ment may occur from internal causes, without any change in the environ- ment. 2. CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR RETAINING A GIVEN POSITION; RIGHTING REACTIONS, ETC. Hydra and the sea anemones tend to retain a certain position; we usually find them at rest with foot attached and head free. This usual position is often said to be due to a reaction to gravity or to contact, or BEHAVIOR OF CG@LENTERATA 193 to some other simple stimulus. It will be found instructive to examine the different conditions on which depends whether the animal shall or shall not retain a given position in which it finds itself. It will be found that the matter is not an entirely simple one. Let us take first the case of Hydra. Suppose the animal to be placed on a horizontal surface with head down- ward and foot upward. It does not. retain this position, but bends the body, placing the foot against the bottom, releases its head, and straightens upward. This is what is commonly called the “righting” reaction. In Hydra it is not due to a tendency to keep the body in a cer- tain position with reference to gravity, for the animal may remain attached to the bottom, with head projecting upward, or to the surface film, with head projecting downward, or to a perpendicular surface, with the body transverse or oblique to the direction of gravity. There is even apparently a certain tendency to direct the head downward. Thus out of 100 green Hydras attached to a perpendicular surface, 96 had the head lower than the foot, 3 were horizontal, and 1 had the head directed upward. It is thus clear that the righting reaction of a Hydra which has been inverted on the bottom cannot be due to any unusual relation to the direction of gravity. To what, then, is the reaction due? Evidently there is a tendency to keep the foot in contact with a surface, for the body is bent till the foot comes in contact. But this is not all; the reaction does not stop at this point. There is likewise a tendency to keep the head free, for it is re- leased. But still this is not all, for now the body is straightened; then the tentacles are spread out symmetrically in various directions. oO “OL *(€06r) suryiag Jay ‘peoids Ajaptm sapoejua} yy uotsod pozisAUI ay} UI preMUMOpP SuNLOy snueUOTUOTN — ‘oz * 194 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS It is clear that the reaction is directed toward getting the organism into its usual position, which might perhaps be called the “normal” one; this normal position has various factors, — attachment of foot, freedom of head, comparative straightness of the body, and tentacles outspread. This is, of course, exactly the position which is most favorable for obtaining food. Suppose now that our Hydra has reached this position, and all the conditions remain con- stant; is this sufficient? We find that it is not. If the con- ditions remain so constant that no food is obtained, the Hydra becomes restless and changes the position of its body repeatedly, though still retaining its attach- ment by the foot. But later even this is given up, and the animal, of its own internal im- pulse, quite reverses the position attained through the “righting reaction.” It now bends its body, attaches its head, and re- leases its foot, thus bringing it back into the inverted position. ¢ Is this because the irritability Fic. 121. — Process by which Cerianthus rights of head and foot have become itself when inverted in atube. The figuresaretaken reversed, so that the head now fied eee oe er After sands to remain attached, the foot free? Apparently not, for no sooner has the organism taken the inverted position than it draws its foot forward and now performs the “righting reaction” again, so that it stands once more on its foot. These alternations of behavior are repeated, and we find that by this means the animal is moving from place to place, as in Fig. 117. It seems clearly impossible to refer each of these acts or the whole behavior to any particular present external stimulus. Through hunger the Hydra is driven to move to another region, and these different oppo- site acts are the means by which another region is reached. Each step in the behavior is partly determined by the preceding step, partly by the general condition of hunger. The same behavior is often seen, as WS OE Dh — TS py. fe™ BEHAVIOR OF C@LENTERATA . 195 we shall see later, under continued injurious stimulation of different kinds. In speaking of righting reactions, it is often said that the organism is forced by the different irrita- bilities of diverse parts of the body to take a certain orienta- tion with reference to gravity or to the surface of contact (see, for example, Loeb, 1900, p- 184). The facts just y vil ) brought out show that we can ANAT in Hydra consider this orienta- tion forced only in the general ! sense that all things which occur may be _ considered forced. Man takes sometimes (===> a sitting position, sometimes a _Fyg. 122. — Position taken by Cerianthus after it standing one, sometimes a re- has been placed on its side on a wire mesh. After Loeb clining one, depending upon “*%”” his “physiological state” and past history, and the facts are quite parallel for Hydra. So far as objective evidence shows, the behavior is not forced in Hydra in any other sense than it is in man. The animal takes that position which seems best adapted to the requirements of its physiological processes; these requirements vary from time to time. YO In the sea anemone Cerianthus the conditions D It seems probable that the same series occurs as before, save that con- ditions B and C are now passed rapidly and ina modified way, so that they do not result in a reaction, but are resolved directly into D. The process would then be represented as follows: — A—>B’—>C’—> D But whatever the intermediate conditions, it is clear that after the state A has become resolved, through pressure of external conditions, into state D, this resolution takes place more readily, occurring at once after the state A is reached. The same law is illustrated in the experiments of Yerkes and Spauld- ing on much higher organisms. In the experiments of Spaulding with the hermit crabs (Chapter XII), the introduction of the screen and the diffusion of the juices of the fish cause the animals to move about. In so doing they reach the dark screen, which induces, let us say, the physiological condition A. This leads to no special reaction. But this is followed regularly by contact with food, inducing the physiological condition B, which is concomitant with a positive reaction. The physio- logical condition A is thus regularly resolved into the condition B. In the course of time this resolution becomes automatic, so that as soon as the condition A is reached it passes at once to B. The positive reac- tion concomitant with B is therefore given even though the original cause of B is absent. ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 291 In the experiments of Yerkes, using the two passages to the water, described in Chapter XII, the following are the conditions. The pres- ence of the investigator or the drying of the animal at T, Fig. 139, acts as a stimulus to cause movement away from JT. A turn to the right is accompanied, let us say, by the physiological condition A. This is soon followed by contact with the glass plate G, inducing the condition B, which involves inhibition of movement and a turn in another direction. In the course of time the condition A comes to be resolved immediately into B, so that movement is inhibited at the start. On the other hand, the physiological condition C, concomitant with a turn to the left, is regularly resolved into the condition D, concomitant with reaching the water, and inducing a positive reaction. This resolution becomes automatic, so that the turn to the left is followed at once by forward motion to the water. In these cases the actual number of physiological states that could be distinguished is, of course, greater than what we have set forth above. But this does not alter in any way the general principle involved. The law of the resolution of physiological states illustrated in the foregoing examples is of the highest importance for the understanding of behavior. With selection from among varied movements, it forms one of the corner-stones for the development of behavior. The law may be expressed briefly as follows: — The resolution of one physiological state into another becomes easier bn more rapid after it has taken place a number of times. Hence the ehavior primarily characteristic for the second state comes to follow immediately upon the first state. The operations of this law are, of course, seen on a vast scale in higher organisms, in the phenomena which we commonly call memory, asso- ciation, habit formation, and learning. In the lower organisms the mani- festations of this law are comparatively little known. This is probably due largely to difficulties of experimentation. Since the law has been demonstrated to hold in unicellular organisms (Stentor and Vorticella), there is much reason to suppose that it is general, and that it will be demonstrated in one form or another for other lower organisms. ‘There seems to be no theoretical reason for supposing it to be limited to higher animals. Very great differences exist among different organisms as to the ease with which the quick resolution of one physiological state into another is established. There are likewise great differences in the per- manency of existing connections among the present reaction methods. Hence it does not follow, as Yerkes (1902) has well pointed out, that be- cause a few experiments do not demonstrate this law in a given case, the law, therefore, does not hold. In his experiments with crustaceans, 292 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS Yerkes found that a very large number of repetitions were necessary before a given resolution was established. (11) Different Factors on which Behavior Depends. — We have seen bnat the behavior of the organism at a given moment depends on its physiological state, and that it therefore secondarily depends upon all the factors upon which the physiological state depends. Hence we can- not expect the behavior to be determined alone by the present external stimulus, as is sometimes maintained, for this’ is only one factor in determining the physiological state. The behavior at a given moment may depend on the following factors, since these all affect the physio- logical state of the organism: — 1. The present external stimulus. 2. Former stimuli. 3. Former reactions of the organism. 4. Progressive internal changes (due to metabolic processes, etc.). 5. The laws of the resolution of physiological states one into another. All these factors have been strictly demonstrated by observation and experiment, even in unicellular organisms. Any one of these alone, or any combination of these, may determine the activity at a given moment. CHAPTER XVII ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR (Continued) B. The External Factors in Behavior (1) As we have seen in the foregoing chapter, external agents produce} reactions through the intermediation of changes in the internal physio- logical condition of the organism. ‘This proposition is, perhaps, a truism, yet it needs to be kept in mind if behavior is to be understood. In the following discussion it will be unnecessary to mention specifically in each case the intermediate step in the process. (2) The most general external cause of a reaction is a change in the | conditions affecting the organism. ‘This has been illustrated in detail in the descriptive portions of the present work. In most cases the change which induces a reaction is brought about by the organism’s own move- ments. These cause a change in the relation of the organism to the environment; to these changes the organism reacts. The whole be- havior of free-moving organisms is based on the principle that it is the movements of the érganism that have brought about stimulation; the regulatory character of the reactions induced is intelligible only on this basis. Reactions due to stimulation produced in this manner are seen when an organism progresses from a cooler to a warmer region, or vice versa; when it moves into or out of a chemical in solution; when it strikes in its course against a hard object; when the unoriented infuso- rian shows lateral movements while subjected to light coming from one side. In all these cases it is the movement of the organism which causes a change in its relation to the external agent, and this change produces reaction. In most, if not all, cases the change is one in the intensity of some agent acting on the organism. But an active change in the environmental conditions, not produced by movement of the organism, may likewise produce reaction; this is, of course, most frequently the case in fixed organisms, such as the sea anemone. Responses produced in this way are seen in the reactions of organisms when heated or cooled from outside, or when a chemical or a solid object is brought in contact with them, or when the source of light changes in intensity or position, or when the direction of a water 293 294 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS current changes. The general fact is that a change in the environment produces a change in behavior. A. Change of conditions often produces a change of movement when either the preceding nor the following condition would, acting continu- | usly, produce any such effect. Thus when Euglena is swimming | oward the source of light, if the light is suddenly diminished, the organism reacts by a change in its course; it then returns to its course and continues to swim toward the light as before. Its behavior before and after the change is the same; but at the moment of change there is a reaction. Paramecium may live and behave normally in water at 20 degrees or at 30 degrees, yet a change from one to the other, or a much less marked change, produces a definite reaction. This relation could be illustrated by many cases from the behavior of any of the organisms described in the foregoing pages. Thus change simply as change may produce reaction. To constant conditions, on the other hand, unless differing very greatly from the normal, the organism usually does not react. The Paramecium placed in ;4, per cent sodium chloride reacts at first, but soon resumes its normal behavior. Euglena or Stentor when subjected to changes in the illumination of the anterior end react till they come into a position of orientation where these changes cease; they then swim forward in the normal manner. As a general rule, organisms soon be- come acclimatized to a continuous condition, if it is not too intense. Exceptions to this rule will be considered later. Of course a change must reach a certain amount before reaction is produced; that is, there is a certain necessary threshold of stimulation. In the best-known cases the amount of the change which produces re- action is proportional to the intensity of the original condition; in other words, the relation of stimulus to reaction follows Weber’s law (see pp. 38, 123). That is, it is relative change, not absolute change, that causes reaction. B. But not every change, even if sufficiently marked, produces eaction. It is usually not change alone that determines reaction, but change in a certain direction. Of two opposite changes, one usually produces a certain reaction, while the other either produces none or brings about a reaction of opposite character. This point is one that is of fundamental importance for an understanding of behavior. It may be illustrated in its simplest aspect from the behavior of the infusoria, where any reaction that is produced is usually of such a character as to remove the organism from the source of stimulation (the “avoiding reaction’). Paramecium at a temperature of 28 degrees reacts thus negatively to a change to a higher temperature, not to the opposite change. Paramecium at 22 degrees reacts to a decrease of temperature, not to ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS = 295 an increase. Stentor reacts to an increase of illumination, not to a decrease. Euglena when moderately lighted reacts negatively to a decrease of illumination, not to an increase; if strongly lighted, it shows the opposite relations. Paramecium reacts at passing into an alkaline solution, but not at passing out; it reacts at passing out of a weak acid solution, not at passing in. Hydra at 24 degrees reacts to an increase of 2 degrees in temperature, not to an equivalent decrease. Innumerable instances of this fact could be given from the behavior of the lower organisms. What decides whether a given change or its opposite shall produce this negative reaction? Examination of the facts brings out the follow- ing relations: The organism generally reacts by a change in its behavio when the change is of such a nature as to lead away from the optimum By optimum we mean here the conditions most favorable to the lif processes of the organism in question. Changes leading toward this optimum produce in many animals no reaction; the organisms simply continue the activity which has brought about this change. Changes leading away from the optimum produce a negative reaction, by which the organism is removed from the operation of this change. There are undoubtedly some limitations and exceptions to this, and with these we shall have to deal later, but, as we have seen for Paramecium, it is un- questionably the rule. Cases where this rule does not hold are striking because exceptional. Reaction in this manner keeps the infusoria in regions of moderate temperature, prevents them from entering injurious chemical substances, brings green organisms such as Euglena into the light, where their metabolic activities are aided, and in general keeps the organisms in regions where the conditions are favorable. In these organisms the chief cause of reaction to a change is its interference with the normal life activities, and the reaction if successful serves to remove the interference. C. But in many cases changes which favor the normal ipesidi ed produce reaction. The response is then of such a character as to retain the organism under the conditions producing the change. Such re- sponses we usually call positive reactions. In many cases it is clear that such reactions are determined by a previously existing unfavorable state of metabolism or of other processes. The Hydra or the sea anemone does not react positively to food substances unless metabolism is in such a state as to require more material; and parallel relations exist in the behavior of many if not all organisms. In unicellular or- ganisms definite positive reactions play a comparatively small part, favorable conditions being secured primarily by a negative reaction to less favorable conditions. It is possible that all positive reactions are 296 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS to be traced to this as the primitive type (see the following chapter). That is, while the negative reaction is impelled by new unfavorable con- ditions, tending to retain the more favorable old condition, the positive reaction is impelled by the old unfavorable condition, tending to retain the new more favorable one. (3) Sometimes change of behavior occurs without change in the nvironment, the external conditions remaining uniform. As a rule, we have found that change of behavior occurs under uniform conditions only when these are decidedly injurious to the organism. If the water containing infusoria or the flatworm is heated to about 37 degrees, the animals react not merely to the change in temperature; they continue to react violently, with frequent alternations in the behavior, until they die. Many examples could be given of such reactions. Under uniform conditions a change in behavior also occurs at times owing to internal changes. The commonest cases of this sort are the changes in behavior due to hunger. In almost all cases of reaction under uniform conditions we find that the reaction is due to some interference with the normal life processes. But reactions under uniform conditions play only a small part in the behavior, as compared with reactions to changes. We have then two main results as regards the external causes of changes in behavior: (1) change alone may produce reaction; (2) inter- ference with the normal life processes or release from such interference may produce reaction. The usual cause of a change in behavior is a combination of both these factors — a change that hinders or helps the normal life processes. In the lowest organisms it is chiefly interfering changes that cause reaction. (4) Reactions to Representative Stimuli.—In the reactions due to hange, one further point is of much importance. The organism may eact to changes that in themselves neither favor nor interfere with the ormal life activities, but which do lead to such favor or interference. The reaction given is then positive or negative in correspondence with the benefit or injury to which the change leads. Thus, Stentor may bend toward a small solid body when touched by it (Fig. 83), this reac- tion aiding it to procure food, though there is no indication that the touch itself is directly beneficial. Or it may contract away from a light touch, this enabling it to escape from a possible approaching enemy, though the touch itself is not injurious. Euglena reacts negatively when its colorless anterior end alone is shaded, yet it is only when the shadow affects its chlorophyll bodies that it interferes with metabolism. The flatworm may turn toward a weak stimulus of any sort. This leads in the long run to its obtaining food, though sometimes the stimulus does not come from a food body. In such cases the animal ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 297 reacts positively merely to the localized change, not to the nature of the change. Certain colorless infusoria, and the white Hydra, react to light in such a way as to gather at the lightest side of the vessel containing them. There is no evidence that the light itself is beneficial to them, but their reaction does aid them in obtaining food, since their prey gathers on the lightest side of the vessel. The collecting of Para- mecia in CO, can hardly be considered to favor directly the life processes. of the animals, but it apparently aids them to obtain food. The sea urchin tends to remain in dark places, and light is apparently injurious to it. Yet it responds to a sudden shadow falling upon it by pointing its spines in the direction from which the shadow comes. This action is defensive, serving to protect it from enemies that in approaching may have cast the shadow. The reaction is produced by the shadow, but it refers, in its biological value, to something behind the shadow. In all these cases the reaction to the change cannot be considered due to any direct injurious or beneficial effect of the actual change itself. The actual change merely represents a possible change behind it, which zs injurious or beneficial. The organism reacts as if to something else than the change actually occurring; the change has the function of a sign. We may appropriately call stimuli of this sort representative stimuli. : This reaction to representative stimuli is evidently of the greatest value, from the biological standpoint. It enables organisms to flee from injury even before the injury occurs, or to go toward a beneficial agent that is at a distance. Such reactions reach an immense development in higher animals; most of our own reactions, for example, are to such representa- tive stimuli. Only as we react to actual physical pain or pleasure do we share with lower organisms the fundamental reaction to direct injury or benefit. Practically all our reactions to things seen or heard are such reactions to representative stimuli. While such behavior plays a much larger part in higher than in lower organisms, the existence of reactions to representative stimuli even in the low organisms considered in the present work is an evident fact. How can we account for such reactions? It is perhaps worth while to point out that the operation of the law of the resolution of physiologi- cal states, set forth on page 291, would result naturally in the production of such reactions. Let us take as the simplest possible case the reaction of Euglena when its colorless anterior tip is shaded. Since it is only the metabolism of the chlorophyll bodies that is blocked by shade, we cannot suppose that the shading of the colorless tip actually interferes with the life processes. Yet to this change Euglena reacts negatively. We may suppose that the shading of this colorless part induces the indif- 298 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS ferent physiological state A, which of itself produces no reaction. But this is invariably followed by the shading of the chlorophyll bodies, interfering with metabolism and inducing the physiological state B, re- sulting in a negative reaction. Thus the state A is regularly resolved into the state B. In accordance with the law of the resolution of physio- logical states, this resolution in the course of time becomes spontaneous. A passes at once to B and a negative reaction occurs, even when the colorless anterior tip alone is shaded. In unicellular organisms a condi- tion so reached would naturally continue to succeeding generations, since the organisms in reproducing merely divide. In the same way the defensive reaction of the sea urchin when shaded could be produced. The condition A, induced by the shade, is usually resolved into the condition B, induced by the attack of an enemy, and resulting in the defensive movement. This resolution in the course of time may then become spontaneous, so that the sea urchin now reacts defensively even when a cloud passes over the sun. This condition could be continued to succeeding generations only if acquired charac- ters are inherited. Thus through the operation of the law of the resolution of physio- logical states the following general result will be produced: If a given agent induces a physiological state A, and this is usually followed by a second state B, then in time the given agent will produce at once the response due primarily to B. The organism will have come to react to A as representative of B. We do not know whether the development of reactions to representa- tive stimuli has actually taken place in this way, or not. But the fact that there is a factor, whose existence is demonstrated, that would pro- duce exactly these results, certainly suggests strongly the probability that they have been at least partly brought about in the way above set forth. If the law of the resolution of physiological states is actually operative throughout behavior, the effect would be to make behavior depend on the results of the animal’s own action. This would produce behavior that is regulatory, such as we actually find to exist. < (5) The reaction to a given external stimulus depends, as we have previously seen, on the physiological condition of the organism, not lone on the nature of the external change. The physiological condi- tion depends partly on whether the normal stream of life activities is proceeding uninterruptedly. In certain physiological states, such as hunger, the processes are not proceeding normally. This impels the organism to a change, so that to almost any external stimulus it may react in a way that tends to bring about a change. The hungry sea anemone in this condition reacts positively to all sorts of neutral bodies; ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 299 the hungry Hydra reacts positively to chemicals. In certain physio- logical conditions the flatworm reacts positively to almost any stimulus. At other times the opposite conditions prevail; the animal reacts nega- tively to the stimulus to which it before reacted positively. In closely related organisms differing in their metabolic processes, the reaction to a given agent depends on the nature of the metabolic processes, tending to retain the conditions favoring these processes. This is especially well illustrated in the bacteria (pp. 36, 39) and in the ccelenterates (pp. 224, 231), but is equally true for other organisms. Thus what the organism does depends on the course of its life processes, and upon the completeness or incompleteness of their performance. In other words, the behavior of the animal under stimulation corresponds to its needs, and is determined by them. This correspondence is of course not al- ways perfect; with this point we can deal after we have considered the nature of the reactions given. But a study of the determining factors of behavior demonstrates that the relation of external conditions to in- ternal processes is the chief factor, and that hence behavior is regulatory in essential nature. (6) We may sum up the external factors that produce or determine reactions as follows: (1) The organism may react to a change, even though neither beneficial nor injurious. (2) Anything that tends to interfere with the normal current of life activities produces reaetions of a certain sort (‘‘negative”’). (3) Any change that tends to restore or favor the normal life processes may produce reactions of a different sort (‘positive’). (4) Changes that in themselves neither interfere with’ nor assist the normal stream of life processes may produce negative or positive reactions, according as they are usually followed by changes that are injurious or beneficial. (5) Whether a given change shall pro- duce reaction or not, often depends on the completeness or incomplete- ness of the performance of the metabolic processes of the organism under the existing conditions. This makes the behavior fundament- ally regulatory. CHAPTER XVIII ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR (Continued) 2. THe NATURE OF THE MOVEMENTS AND REACTIONS In the preceding section we have dealt primarily with the causes and conditions of movements and reactions; here we are to deal with the movements and reactions themselves. A. The Action System Every organism has certain characteristic ways of acting, which are conditioned largely by its bodily structure, and which limit its action under all sorts of conditions. This perhaps seems a mere truism. Ameeba of course cannot swim through the water like Paramecium, and the latter cannot fly through the air nor walk about on dry land. But the behavior of any given lower organism is actually confined in this way within narrower limits than is frequently recognized. Formule have at times been proposed to explain the movements of various organisms, when the latter are incapable of performing the movements called for by the formule. It is usually possible to determine with some approach o completeness the various movements which a given organism has at ommand. These form as a rule a codrdinated system, which we have alled in previous pages the action system. The action system of an rganism determines to a considerable extent the way it shall behave nder given external conditions. Under the same conditions, organisms of different action systems must behave differently, for to any stimulus the response must be by some component of the action system. Thus, Ameeba, the bacteria, Paramecium, Hydra, and the flatworm have ac- tion systems of different character, and their behavior under given con- ditions must differ accordingly. This matter has been dealt with in detail in the descriptive portion of the present work, so that we need not dwell upon it here. In studying the behavior of any organism, the first requisite to an understanding is the working out of the action system.* 1 The action system corresponds largely to what Piitter (1904) calls the ‘ Symptoma- tology”’ of organisms. 300 ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 301 B. Negative Reactions In our discussion of the causes of reaction we found that we could classify most stimuli into two groups — those that interfere with the nor- mal life processes, and those that do not. It will be best to consider separately the reactions to these two classes of stimulation, and to take up the reactions to unfavorable stimuli first, since these seem to present the most primitive conditions. The simplest reaction to unfavorable stimuli is merely a change in | the direction or character of the movement. The organism is moving in a certain direction; when subjected to an unfavorable change, it changes its direction of movement. ‘This is the case in Ameeba, in bac- teria, in infusoria, in rotifera, in the flatworm; indeed, in most free organisms. The mere fact of a change is in itself regulatory or adap- tive. The original behavior has brought on the unfavorable change, hence the best thing to do is to change this behavior. If the unfavor- able condition still persists, the behavior is changed again; this being continued, the organism is bound to escape from the unfavorable condi- tions if it is possible to do so. The repeated change in behavior under unfavorable stimulation is very striking in Paramecium, in Stentor, in Hydra, in the flatworm, and elsewhere. - The fundamental principle for this method of reaction is that a ‘change of behavior under unjavorable conditions is in itself regulatory. As we have before pointed out, the reactions of organisms are based on the principle, usually correct, that it is the previous behavior of the organism that has brought on the present conditions. Hence if these conditions are unfavorable, a change of behavior is required. The developments of this method of behavior found in different organ- isms consist in defining, varying, and systematizing the changes that occur. In Ameeba we find perhaps the simplest condition. When this animal in its forward course meets unfavorable conditions it merely goes in some other direction. In what direction it will go cannot be predicted from either the structure of the organism or from the localization of the stimulus, for Amoeba can move with any part in advance. It is evi- dently determined by transient internal conditions. In organisms with definite body axes and other structural relations, the change of motion becomes more definite. In bacteria the organism moves after stimula- tion in the opposite direction. In the free-swimming infusoria, as illus- trated by Paramecium, and in the free Rotifera, there is an elaborate system of movements which make the reaction effective. The animal stops or reverses the movement which has brought on the unfavorable condition, then swings its anterior end about in a circle as it moves for- 302 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS ward, so as to try successively many different directions. ‘The behavior shows the “method of trial”? reduced to a system. It would be almost impossible to suggest any modification of this reaction, as exemplified in Paramecium, that would make it better fitted, under the given rela- tions, for meeting all sorts of conditions. In fixed infusoria, such as Stentor, this behavior is modified to adapt it to the fixed life. In the free-swimming animal the organism is subjected to new conditions every time the reaction is repeated, hence there is little occasion to try other ‘ methods of behavior. But if the organism is fixed in one place, this is not true; when a given reaction is repeated it merely brings on the same conditions its first performance induced. So different methods are de- veloped. Under unfavorable conditions the organism first turns to one side, then reverses its ciliary current, then contracts, etc. (see p. 174), trying many different changes of behavior. In Hydra, in the starfish, in the flatworm, we have seen this same “method of trial”? appearing under various forms. In all these organisms persistent unfavorable stimulation induces first one physiological state, then another, then another, and to each state there corresponds a certain method of behavior. C. Selection from the Conditions produced by Varied Movements In all this behavior we find the manifestations of a most. important principle, one of far-reaching significance for the understanding of be- havior. The stimulus does not produce directly a single simple move- ment (a reflex act), of a character that relieves the organism at once from the stimulating condition. On the contrary, stimulation is followed by many and varied movements, from which the successful motion is elected by the fact that it zs successful in causing cessation of stimula- ion. This is the principle of the ‘selection of overproduced move- ments,” of which much use has justly been made by Spencer, Bain, and especially by Baldwin (1897, 1902), in attempting to explain behavior. It is more accurate to speak of the selection of the proper conditions of the environment through varied movements. It is primarily the proper en- vironmental conditions that are selected; the movements are only a means to that end. From this point of view what we have often called in the foregoing pages the method of trial may be formulated as follows: When stimulated the organism performs movements which subject it to varied conditions. When in this way it reaches a condition that relieves it of stimulation the reacton movement ceases, since there is no further cause for it. The organism may then resume its usual movements. In the case where the reaction consists of changes in direction, as in infuso- ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 303 ria, the resumption of the usual forward motion of course carries the organism in a new direction brought about by the reaction. What movements are produced by the stimulating agent depends on the action system of the organism; it performs the movements that it is accustomed to perform. In some cases these movements are of a rather uniform character, yet are of such a nature as to subject the ani- mal to many changes of the environmental conditions. This is the case, for example in the reactions of such infusoria as Paramecium. In other cases the movements themselves are varied; the organism first reacts in one way, then in another, running thus through a whole series of activities, till one succeeds in ridding the organism of the stimulating condition. This is the method of behavior seen in Stentor and in most. higher organisms. In both methods the essential point is the same — the subjection of the organism to varied environmental conditions, until one of these relieves it from the stimulation. This condition is then said to be “selected.” In some cases the maintenance of this favorable environmental condition involves continuance of the move- ment finally resulting from the varied trial movements; in other cases it does not. Reaction by selection of excess movements depends largely on the fact, previously brought out (p. 283), that the movement itself is not directly produced by the stimulus. The movement is due, as we have seen, to the internal energy of the organism. In the case of free-moving animals like Paramecium, stimulation usually neither increases nor de- creases the amount of motion, but merely causes it to change in various ways. Reaction, of course, sometimes does take the form of an increase of motion; this is seen in the increased movements of infusoria under strong chemicals or heat; of Planaria under light, etc. But even in these cases the energy for the-motion comes from within and is merely released by the action of the stimulus. -It is important to remember, if the behavior is to be understood, that energy, and often impulse to move- ment, come from within, and that when they are released by the stimu- lus, this is merely what James has called “trigger action.” There is thus no reason to expect that upon stimulation an organism will perform merely a single simple movement (a “reflex action’’), and then become quiet. Movement of one sort or another is its natural condition, and after stimulation has ceased it may show movements (the character or direction of which may have been determined by the stimulus) for an indefinite period. Behavior by selection from the results of varied movements is based on general principles. The reactions are not specific ones, definitely adapted to particular kinds of stimulation, but are responses to amy 304 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS stimulation of a certain general character, — namely, to any condition that interferes with the normal course of the life processes. On re- ceiving an unfavorable stimulus that it has never before experienced, the organism- behaving on this plan is not at a loss for some method of reacting; it merely responds in the usual way, performing one move- ment after another, till one of these relieves it of the stimulation, if this is possible. Of course special circumstances may arise in which this general method of reacting may be ineffective. If dropped into a strong chemi- cal, Paramecium reacts in the usual manner, though this does not help it. If the water containing a flatworm is heated, the animal goes through, one after the other, almost every reaction it has at command, though all are unavailing (p. 245). The difficulty, of course, lies in the fact that under these circumstances nothing the organism can do is of any avail, and a man in similar conditions would be equally helpless. The infusorian and the flatworm, like the man, merely try everything possible before succumbing. D. ‘“ Discrimination”’ The effectiveness of reaction by continued varied movements in preserving the organism depends upon several factors. One of these is what is called in higher animals the power of discrimination, — that is, he accuracy with which the tendency to react is adjusted to the injuri- usness of the stimulating agent. If an injurious agent resembles in its first action a non-injurious one, so that the animal reacts in the same way toward both, its behavior will not preserve it from injury. Using the more subjective form of expression, if the organism does not discrimi- nate between the first action of injurious and non-injurious agents, it cannot react differently to them, until perhaps the injury has become irremediable. The facts show that in both higher and lower organisms the power of discrimination under weak stimulation is far from perfect. Thus, in the sense in which we have used the term, Paramecium dis- criminates acids from alkalies and salts, and these again from sugar. But it does not effectively discriminate the first effects of different acid substances, so that it swims into weak carbonic acid, which is harmless, and likewise into weak sulphuric acid and copper sulphate, which kill it. It does not discriminate the first action of a 10 per cent sugar solution from that of water, hence it swims readily into the sugar solution and is killed by the osmotic action. In all these cases it does discriminate and react to the injurious agent when its effect has become marked, but injury has then already occurred and the reaction does not preserve the ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 305 animal. In regard to these injurious substances Paramecium thus makes what we would call in ourselves a “mistake.” The whole scheme of reaction by the selection of the results of varied movements is not a set, perfected, final one, but is a tentative plan, based on the con- fusing world taken as it comes; it is liable to mistakes, and is capable of development. Progress in this method of behavior takes place largely through increase in the accuracy of discrimination of different stimuli. This may occur through the law of the increased readiness of resolution of physiological states after repetition, in the way that we shall attempt to set forth later (Chapter XIX). E. Adaptiveness of Movements The second chief factor on which depends the effectiveness of ehavior by selection of overproduced movements lies in the relative tness of the movements to relieve the organism from the unfavorable onditions. This, of course, depends on many things. If a powerful hemical is diffusing from a certain direction, the rapid movements of Paramecium are more likely to save than is the slow motion of Amzeba. There are two factors on which the effectiveness of the movements depends, that are worthy of special consideration. In what we may call the pure method of trial, a most important re- fuses for effectiveness is that the movements shall be so varied as o give much opportunity for finding other conditions. There are great differences in the behavior of different organisms from this standpoint. This may be illustrated by a comparison of the reactions of Paramecium and Bursaria to heat, as previously described. When a portion of the area containing the organisms is heated, these two infusoria react in accordance with essentially the same plan, yet practically none of the Paramecia are injured, while a large proportion of the Bursarie are killed. The difference is due chiefly to. the fact that Paramecium rapidly repeats its reactions and revolves on its long axis as it turns, so that in a short time it has tried in a really systematic way many different directions, and is practically certain to find one leading away from the heated region, if such exists. Bursaria, on the other hand, changes its direction of movement only at longer intervals, and usually soon ceases to revolve on its long axis as it turns toward the aboral side. This fail- ure to turn on the long axis deprives it of the great advantage of being directed successively in many different directions in the different planes of space. The result is that it is likely to be destroyed by the heat before it has found a direction leading to a cooler region. 306 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS F. Localization of Reactions A second factor that is of great importance in making the move- ments effective lies in the proper localization of the reactions. An organism that moves directly away from an unfavorable agent (or di- rectly toward a favorable one) has a great advantage over an organism whose movements are not thus accurately directed. There are great differences in different organisms in this respect; some react very pre- cisely with reference to the position of the stimulating agent, while others do not. How is the relation of the reaction to the localization of the stimulus brought about, and what is the cause of the differences between differ- ent organisms in this respect ? In answering this question, we can distinguish three different classes of phenomena. These are the following: — (x) First we have the simple phenomenon that when a portion of an organism is stimulated this portion may respond by contraction, ex- tension, or other change of movement. If the remainder of the body does not respond, or responds in a different way, this gives at once a reaction localized in a certain way with reference to the place of stimu- lation. Such local responses we find in Amceba, where the part strongly stimulated contracts, or if stimulated by a food body it extends. The same phenomenon is found in Hydra, in the bending of the body when one side is powerfully stimulated, in the bending of the tentacles of Sagartia toward the point stimulated, and in the local contractions of the medusa and of stimulated points on the body of the flatworm and many other soft-bodied animals. The same thing is seen even in man when the electrode of a battery is applied directly over a muscle; this muscle now contracts. This seems a simple and primitive phenomenon, and as such has been seized upon by the ‘‘tropism theory”? and made the chief factor in the behavior of lower organisms, and particularly in all directed reactions. As we have shown in our chapter on that theory, this factor plays by no means the extensive part assumed by the theory, and is quite inadequate to account for most of the behavior of lower organisms. Even in the behavior of the organisms mentioned above, where it clearly does play a part, this part is a subordinate one (see Chapter XIV). In many organisms, such as the free infusoria and some rotifers, it is hard to detect any part of the effective behavior that is due to local reaction at the point stimulated. The fact that such local reactions may and do occur in organisms is of course a fact of much importance, but taken by itself it is utterly inadequate as a general explanation of directed reactions. ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 307 the source of stimulation is brought about indirectly through selec- ‘tion from among varied movements. The organism tries moving in "many directions, till it finds one in which there is no stimulus to further change. In this way it may become oriented very precisely if the con- ditions require. This is the prevailing method in the infusoria and in various other organisms, as we have seen. It is becoming evident that this method is more common even among higher organisms than has been hitherto set forth. Movements of the head from side to side, such as we find in the flatworm and many other animals, movements of the eyes or other sense organs, such as are common in higher animals, or movements of the body from side to side, as in the swimming of many creatures, give opportunity for determining which movement tends to retain the stimulus, which to get rid of it. In this way they form a basis for the determination of the direction of locomotion through the method of trial. How much part such movements play needs careful study. (3) In still other cases the reaction shows a definite relation to the localization of the stimulus, yet it is not due to local reaction of the part stimulated, nor is it brought about by trial. If an infusorian is stimu- lated at the anterior end it swims backward; stimulated at the posterior end it swims forward. Both these movements are reactions of the entire organisms, all the motor organs of the body concurring to pro- duce them; they are not produced by local reactions of the organs at one end or the other. The flatworm turns toward or away from the side stimulated, by reactions involving the muscles of both sides, as well as transverse and dorso-ventral muscles, all at a distance from the point stimulated. If stimulated on the upper surface of the head, a compli- cated twisting reaction occurs, involving many sets of muscles in vari- ous regions (p. 273), by which the ventral surface is made to face the stimulating agent (p. 236). Innumerable instances of this class of reac- tions could be given; they include perhaps the greater number of the directed movements of organisms. : In these reactions a stimulus at one side or end evidently produces a different reaction from a stimulus at the opposite side or end, though the reaction is not primarily at the point stimulated. Doubtless the stimulus starts a physiological process of some sort at the point upon which it impinges, and this determines in some way the direction in which the organism shall move. This effect in the region directly acted upon corresponds to the “local sign” in human physiological psychol- ogy. Behavior thus brought about is of course more effective than that of the two preceding classes, permitting more direct and rapid reaction than the method of trial, and meeting the conditions in an incomparably (2) In many cases we find that the relation of the movement to 308 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS more adequate way than the simple local reaction of the part stimu- lated. Such behavior apparently represents not a primitive condition, but a product of development. How has it been brought about? It is evident that the operation of the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition, taken in connection with behavior by selection from varied movements, would in course of time produce such reactions. Let us suppose that the original reaction to a stimulus at the anterior end was simply the production of a change resulting in varied movements, according to the principles governing the actual reactions of Paramecium. These varied movements would include for- ward as well as backward motion. The forward movement would in- duce still further stimulation, hence it would be changed. The back- ward movement would give relief from stimulation, hence would not be changed (till internal conditions require). Hence after stimulation at the anterior end the physiological states induced will always be resolved finally into that state corresponding to backward movement. This resolution will in time become spontaneous; the physiological state due to stimulation at the anterior end will pass at once into that producing movement backward. Trial movements will no longer occur, but the organism will respond at once by backward motion. A similar exposi- tion will account, mutatis mutandis, for other localized reactions. Whether this condition has been brought in the way above sketched or not, its existence is evidently a fact of great importance. It is a step forward from the pure “trial movement” condition. Wherever the or- ganism can react in this manner, and this will meet the conditions equally well, we may expect such behavior in place of repeated trials. In higher organisms especially we find this behavior playing a large part. Such organisms could not be expected, for example, to orient to gravity or to light rays by trial movements, as the infusoria do, but rather to turn directly toward or from the source of action of the stimulating agent. This is, of course, known in many cases to be true. But under many circumstances the reaction by trial is surer, though less rapid, than that depending directly on the localization of the stimu- lus, so that we find the trial method much used even by higher organ- isms (see Chapter XII). Further, the more direct reactions due to pre- cise localization are again combined as elementary factors to produce behavior based on the method of trial, as when the flatworm turns toward and “tries” any source of weak stimulation, accepting or rejecting it finally, according as it proves fit for food or not. Thus we have be- havior rising to a higher degree of complexity, — the method of trial in the second or third degree, as it were. Examples of this character are abundant. ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 3°09 G. Positive Reactions We have thus far dealt primarily with reactions to environmental conditions that interfere with the normal life processes. We find that these induce changes in behavior, subjecting the organism to new con- ditions, the more favorable one of which is selected. This gives us a basis for the understanding of reactions toward conditions which favor the normal life processes, — that is, positive reactions. In conditions that are completely favorable —so that all the life rocesses are taking place without lack or hindrance —there is of ourse no need for a change in behavior, for definite reactions of any ort. The most natural behavior on reaching such conditions, and that vhich is actuaily found as a general rule among lower organisms, is a ontinuation of the activities already in progress. These activities have resulted in favorable conditions, hence it is natural to keep them up; there is no cause for a change. This we find strikingly exemplified in bacteria, infusoria, rotifers, and many other organisms under most classes of stimuli. A change in behavior takes place only when the ac- tivities tend to remove the organism from the favorable conditions. Unfavorable conditions cause a change in behavior; favorable condi- tions cause none. It is perhaps a general rule in organisms, high or low, that continued completely favorable conditions do not lead to defi- nite reactions. Of course while the external conditions remain the same, the internal processes may change in such a way that these conditions are no longer favorable, and now the behavior may change. But when the organism is not completely enveloped by favorable conditions, but is on the boundary, if we may so express it, between favor- able and unfavorable ones, then there is often a definite change in the ehavior leading toward the favorable conditions, —a positive reaction. To understand such reactions, we may start from the fact that unfavor- able internal conditions (as well as external ones) cause a change of behavior. The Hydra or sea anemone whose metabolic processes are interfered with by lack of material, exchanges its usual behavior for activities of a totally different character, setting forth on a tour of ex- ploration. It is a general fact that the hungry animal sets in operation trains of activity differing from the usual ones. Interference with respi- ration or with other internal processes has similar effects. An increase of temperature above that favorable for the physiological processes like- wise starts violent activities. Indeed, it is a general rule that changes of internal condition unfavorable to the physiological processes set in operation marked changes in behavior. .But the activities thus induced are in themselves undirected, save 310 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS by structural conditions. There is nothing in the cause that produces them, taken by itself, to specifically direct them with reference to exter- nal things. Let us suppose, however, that certain of these movements lead to a condition which relieves the interference with the internal processes. The cause for a change of behavior is now removed, hence the organism continues its present movement — continues in the direc- tion, we will say, that has led to the favorable conditions. But perhaps later — sometimes at the very next instant — this same movement may tend to remove the organism from the favorable conditions — as when a heated Paramecium passes across a small area of cool water, or a hun- gry organism comes against food. Thereupon the cause for a change — interference with the life processes — is again set in operation, and this movement changes to another. Thus the animal changes all behavior that leads away from the favorable condition, and continues that which tends to retain it, so that we get what we call a positive reaction. The change of behavior is due primarily in each case to the unfavorable condition, internal or external — perhaps in last analysis always in- ternal. Behavior of this character is seen with diagrammatic clearness in the free-swimming infusoria. These animals continue their movements so long as they lead to favorable conditions, changing at once such move- ments as lead away. They thus retain favorable conditions by avoiding unfavorable ones; the positive reaction is seen to be a secondary result of negative ones. : In the infusoria we have then the most elementary condition of the positive reaction. Let us now examine a more pronounced type of positive reaction, — movement directly toward the favorable condition. Ameeba flows toward and follows a food body with which it comes in contact, as illustrated in Fig. 19, p. 14. Take, for example, its action at 3 in this figure. It moves forward with broad front, part of the movement taking it toward the food, part away. On coming in contact with the food, all movement is changed which takes it away, only that being retained which keeps the animal in contact with the food. We have here then, as in infusoria, a case of selection from varied movements, the central point being the changing of all motion that leads to less favor- able conditions. This is, perhaps, the fundamental condition of affairs, from which all positive reactions are derived. The animal moves (partly or entirely from internal impulse, as we have seen), but changes all movements that lead to less favorable conditions. It therefore moves toward the favor- able conditions. In many higher animals, even, this behavior is seen in the random movements by which food is sought, by the aid of the ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 311 chemical stimulation which it sends forth. The movements leading to loss of the favorable stimulation are changed, the others continued, till the food is found (see p. 247). But many animals have developed, in some way, as we have seen in the account of the negative reactions, the power of localizing their reac- tions precisely, so as to move in a certain definite way with relation to the position of the source of stimulation. Let us suppose that such an organism is reached by a favorable stimulus on one side — food, or the optimum temperature. It has the power of turning directly toward this favorable condition — and this, of course, is what happens in many higher organisms. There is the same reason to think that this condition is not primitive that we saw in the case of negative reactions. It may, perhaps, be conceived as derived from behavior through selection of overproduced movements in the way set forth on page 308. The precise reactions shown in the actual taking of food are perhaps derivable in the same way. : In those animals whose positive reactions are precisely defined and localized, there is, of course, the same evidence that the impulse to change of behavior comes from within and is due to lack or hindrance of the physiological processes, that we find elsewhere. If the metabolic pro- cesses lack material for proper action, the medusa or sea anemone changes its behavior and moves about, even though there is nothing present to which it can react positively. When some object is reached, whether there shall be a positive reaction or not depends again on the state of the metabolic processes. If their state is bad, the animal re- acts positively to almost anything; if fair, the animal reacts positively to substances that will improve them; if they are in a completely satis- factory condition, the animal does not react positively even to good food. Thus with all conditions absolutely favorable there will be no reac- tion, either positive or negative. At the boundary between favorable and unfavorable conditions, the animal moves in such a way as to retain the favorable conditions. This is primitively due to selection from varied movements — all movement leading to less favorable conditions being changed. The “negative reactions’ thus seem to furnish in a certain sense the primitive building stones from which the derived posi- tive reactions are constructed. By development of the power of precise localization of reactions, the derivation of the positive reaction in this manner is in higher animals obscured. The fundamental fact for both positive and negative reactions is that interference with the physiological processes of the organism causes a change of behavior. 312 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS 3. Résumé oF THE FUNDAMENTAL FEATURES OF BEHAVIOR We have considered in the three foregoing chapters, first the deter- mining factors of movements, and second the movements themselves. Let us now attempt to put together the most important points in both, so as to reach a general characterization of behavior. The three most significant features of behavior appear to be (1) the determination of the nature of reactions by the relation of external conditions to the internal physiological processes, and particularly the general principle that interference with these processes causes a change in behavior; (2) reaction by varied or overproduced movements, with selection from the varied conditions resulting from these movements — or, in brief, reaction by selection of overproduced movements; (3) the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition. The first of these phenomena produces the regulatory character of behavior. The second and third furnish the mainsprings for the development of behavior, the second being constructive, the third conservative. The activity of organisms we found to be spontaneous, in the sense that it is due to internal energy, which may be set in operation and even changed in its action without present external stimuli. In reactions this energy is merely released by present external stimuli. What form the activity shall take is limited by the action system, and within these limits is determined by the physiological state of the organism. Physio- logical states depend on many factors. The two primary classes of states depend on whether the internal life processes are proceeding unin- terruptedly in the usual way. Interference with these processes produces a physiological state of a certain character (“‘negative’’), while release from interference or assistance to those processes produces a different state (‘positive’). Within or beside these contrasted primary classes, many subsidiary variations of physiological condition are possible, each with its corresponding method of behavior; at least five of these have been distinguished in a unicellular organism. Any change, external or in- ternal, may modify the physiological state, and hence the behavior. The effects of external agents depends largely on their relation to the normal course of the life processes — whether aiding or interfering, or neither. A primary fact is that interference with the life processes produces progressive changes in physiological state, inducing repeated changes in behavior. This is in itself regulatory, tending to relieve the interference, whether due to internal or external causes; it is a process of finding a reaction fitted to produce a more favorable condition. When through such changes a fitting reaction is found, the changes in physio- logical state and hence of behavior cease, since there is no further cause ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS 313 for change. In the same way a fitting reaction to a beneficial change, or one releasing from interference, may be found. This fitting reaction then tends to be preserved, by the law of the resolution of physiological states, in accordance with which the physiological state inducing this reaction is reached more readily after repetition. Thus the production of varied movements by stimulation is the progressive factor in behavior, while the law of the resolution of physiological states is the conservative factor, tending to retain fitting reactions once attained. Through the law of the resolution of physiological states behavior tends to pass from the pure “‘trial”’ condition to a more defined state. The operation of,this law tends to produce reactions precisely localized with reference to the position of the stimulating agent; increased appro- priate reaction to the first weak effects of injurious or beneficial stimuli; and appropriate reactions to representative stimuli,-according as they are followed by injurious or beneficial stimuli. In higher organisms such defining of the reactions has gone far; much of the behavior con- sists of derived reactions. ‘There are in such organisms doubtless other factors producing derived reactions, besides the law just mentioned. These are treated in our chapter on the ‘‘ Development of Behavior.” Thus through the production of varied movements by stimulation the organism finds the best method of behavior, and through the law of the resolution of physiological states it tends to retain this method as long as it is the best method. Through the same process it of course tends to lose this method when it is no longer adapted to the conditions. Thus behavior is regulatory in essential character; it is the process by which the organism tends to find conditions favorable to its life processes and to retain them, and it contains within itself the conditions for its own more efficient development. CHAPTER XIX DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR Iris not the primary purpose of the present work to treat the problems of development, but rather to give an analysis of behavigr as we now find it. But the results of this analysis furnish a certain amount of evidence as to how development may have occurred; this it will be well to set forth briefly. We shall consider first the development of behavior in the individual, then its development in the race. In unicellular organ- isms the first, perhaps, includes the second. The primary facts for development in behavior are two principles to which our analysis of the chief factors in behavior have led us. One of these is that behavior is based fundamentally on the selection of varied movements. The other is the law in accordance with which the resolu- tion of one physiological state into another becomes readier and more rapid through repetition. In making use of the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition in the study of development, it needs to be kept in mind that this law has been rigidly demonstrated for the lower organ- isms only in scattered instances. It has been shown to be valid in cer- tain unicellular organisms, but in these cases it has not been shown that the modifications induced are lasting, as must be the case if this law plays a part in the development of behavior. In the lowest metazoa the law has likewise been demonstrated only for a few cases. In the flatworm and the Crustacea we find the law clearly exhibited in the form that is necessary in order that it may play a part in the permanent modification of behavior. On the other hand, the fact that the law remains undemonstrated for many of the lowest organisms by no means indicates that it is not here valid. We lack proper experiments to show whether it exists or not. It is exceedingly difficult to carry out experiments that shall actually test this matter in the lowest animals. The view that this law is univer- sally valid in organic behavior is thoroughly consistent with all that we know of the behavior of lower organisms, and the fact that it has actually _been demonstrated in certain cases favorable for experimentation in unicellular organisms raises a presumption of its general validity. The 314 DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 315 following discussion of development is based on the assumption that the law is one of general validity. It must be kept in mind that this zs partly an assumption, but the probability that this will be found true is such that the relation of development to the law is worth setting forth. There is no other need greater in the study of animal behavior than that of a thorough investigation of the validity of this law in the lower organisms. The question in which we are here interested is then the following: How can behavior develop? That is, how can it change so as to become more effective — more regulatory? (1) The behavior of any organism may become more effective through an increased tendency for the first weak effects of injurious or beneficial agents to cause the appropriate reaction; in other words, through increased delicacy of perception and discrimination on the part of the organism. Such a change would be brought about through the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition. When the organism is subjected to a slight stimulus, this changes its physiological state, though perhaps not sufficiently to cause a reaction. Such a slight stimulus would be produced by a very weak solution of a chemical, or by a slight increase in temperature. Now, suppose that this weak stimulus, causing no reaction, is regularly followed by a stronger one, as would be the case if the weak chemical or slight warmth were the outer boundary of a strong chemical solution, or of a region of high temperature toward which the organism is moving. This stronger stimulus would produce an intense physiological state, corre- sponding to a marked negative reaction. That is, the first (weak) physiological state is regularly resolved by the action of the stimulating agent into the second (intense) one, inducing reaction. In time the first state would come to resolve itself into the second one even before the intense stimulus had come into action. As a result, the organism would react now to the weak stimulus, as it had before reacted only to the strong one. It would thus be prevented from entering the region of the chemical or the heat, even before any injury had arisen. (2) In the same way the organism may come to react positively or negatively to a stimulus that is in itself not beneficial nor injurious, but which serves as a sign of a beneficial or injurious agent, because it regu- larly precedes such an agent. Suppose that a slight decrease in illumina- tion (a shadow), which is of itself indifferent, regularly precedes the ap- proach of an enemy, as happens in the sea urchin. The slight decrease in light induces a certain physiological state, which is so little marked that in itself it produces no reaction. But through the immediately following attack of the enemy, this indifferent physiological state is 316 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS regularly resolved into an intense one, corresponding to a strong negative reaction. Then after many repetitions of this process the indifferent state resolves itself at once into the intense one, and the animal reacts at the change in illumination, before the enemy has reached it. This tendency to react to ‘“‘representative’’ factors, rather than to those which are in themselves beneficial or injurious, is, of course, immensely developed in higher animals. All positive or negative reactions to things merely seen or heard, which are not directly beneficial or injurious save when brought into direct contact with the organism, are, of course, reac- tions to such representative stimuli. It is clear that neither the tendency to react to faint stimuli, nor that to react to ‘“‘representative”’ factors will be increased, save as this is required by the environment. If the indifferent stimulus is not followed with some regularity by the powerful one; that is, if it does not really introduce a powerful agent, then there will be no tendency for the or- ganism to acquire a reaction to this indifferent stimulus, for there will be no regular resolution of the first (faint) physiological change into the second (intense) one. And of course it would be no advantage, but on the contrary a positive disadvantage, for the organism to acquire this ten- dency to react to a// weak stimuli. If it reacted negatively to every slight change in the environment, its movements would be seriously impeded ; continued locomotion in any one direction would be almost impossible, and its activity would be frittered away in useless and disconnected reac- tions. The behavior becomes modified, in accordance with the prin- ciples above set forth, only as it is to the advantage of the organism that it should be so modified; that is, only as the modification favors the normal current of life activities. (3) Progress takes place through increase in the complexity and permanence of physiological states, and in the tendency to react to these derived and complex states, instead of to the primitive and simple ones. We may imagine an organism whose physiological state depends entirely on the stimulus now acting upon it, the organism returning completely, as soon as the stimulus ceases, to its original state. Such an organism could react only with relation to the present stimulus, and its reaction to the same stimulus would always be the same. We might even imagine an organism that could change in only one way under the action of stimuli; its reactions to all stimuli would be the same. Such organisms would represent a purely reflex type of behavior. An advance on this condi- tion would be represented by cases where the physiological state induced by a stimulus endures for a short time, influencing the immediately succeeding reactions, and a further advance when the reaction performed by the organism influences its physiological state, and therefore its later DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 317 reactions. Other advances would come in the production of different physiological states according to the different organs or parts of the body stimulated; this condition would naturally arise as structural differen- tiations were developed in the body. As new organs develop and the body becomes more complex, each part will naturally have physiological states peculiar to itself, and will be acted upon by external stimuli, producing changes in its physiological states. This is evidently the case in such organisms as the sea urchin and sea anemone. These partial physiological states of the different organs will then interact, altering each other and combining to form a general state for the entire organism. All the partial physiological states will be regulated, as in the separate organism, by their relation to the normal life current of the organ con- cerned, and further, their combinations will be regulated by their rela- tion to the general life current of the organism. Whatever interferes with this normal life current will be changed, while that which does not interfere must persist. The partial and general physiological states will be subject to the laws of the combination and regulation of physiological states, just as in simple organisms. They will tend to discharge themselves in action, or by resolution into other states, as in the simple organisms. Thus the behavior of the organism must become in time controlled by these physiological states, derived from many sources besides that of the present stimulus. Behavior is gradually emancipated from its bondage to present external conditions, and de- pends largely upon the past experience and present needs of the organism. This is the condition we find in higher animals, and especially in man. The various stages set forth above are merely logical divisions, and probably do not correspond in any close way to actual stages in the de- velopment of behavior. There seems to be no reason to suppose that an organism ever existed in which the original state is immediately restored on the cessation of a stimulus. This immediate return to the original state is not what we should expect from analogy even with inor- ganic substances.’ Even in unicellular organisms we find a consider- able complication of physiological states, depending on past stimuli, past reactions, localization of the stimulus, and present external condi- tions, as well doubtless as upon other factors. Progress along the line just set forth will be brought about by the same factors, whatever they may be, that determine the development 1 With relation to colloids, the substances of which organisms are mainly composed, a high authority in physical chemistry remarks as follows: “Their qualities often depend in the clearest way upon the former history of the colloid, its age, its previous temperature, and the time this continued: in short, on the way it has reached its present condition” (Bredig, 1902, p. 183). ‘The facts of behavior in organisms might be cited as illustrations of this statement. 318 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of complexity in structure. Differentiation of structure and of physio- logical states must go hand in hand. It is not our province to attempt to account for structural differentiations. The problem is the general problem of evolution. (4) Progress in behavior may take place through increased variety and precision of the movements brought about by stimulation. Certain kinds of movements are much better adapted to relieving an organism from an unfavorable stimulation or securing it a favorable one than are others. This is illustrated by a comparison of the reactions of Amoeba and Paramecium, or of the reaction of Bursaria to heat with that of Paramecium, as set forth on page 305. Owing to the difference in the effectiveness of their movements, if an area containing equal num- bers of Paramecia and Bursaria is heated at one end, many of the Bursariz are killed, while all the Paramecia escape. New and better adapted methods of movement may be acquired through the selection of varied movements, in conjunction with the law of the resolution of physiological states. Under strong stimula- tion the organism, as it passes from one physiological state to another, tries successively all the movements of which it is capable. One of these movements (the spiral course, in the case of Bursaria) finally removes the organism from the stimulating agent. This happens every time the organism is stimulated in this manner. The result is that each_ physiological state is resolved into the succeeding one, until that one is reached in which the organism responds by the effectual movement. After a number of repetitions, this resolution takes place immediately, in accordance with the law that after repeated resolutions of one physio- logical state into another, this resolution takes place spontaneously and rapidly. Thus the organism responds at once with the effectual move- ment, and escapes. In the same way the use of new organs might be acquired. Suppose that an Ameeba sends forth, as sometimes happens, a long, slender pseu- dopodium, which may vibrate back and forth, like a flagellum. When stimulated, the overproduced movements of the organism, as it passes from one physiological state to another, include the vibration of this pseudopodium. Suppose that by this vibration the Amceba is at once moved away from the stimulating agent — the pseudopodium acting as does the flagellum in Euglena. If this is repeated, the physiological state inducing other movements will always be resolved finally into that induc- ing this one, and in time this resolution will take place so rapidly that only this movement will come to actuality. The Ameeba will have ac- quired the habit when stimulated of swimming by means of a flagellum. Thus the behavior of organisms is of such a character as to pro- DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 319 vide for its own development. Through the principle of the production - of varied movements, and that of the resolution of one physiological state into another, anything that is possible is tried, and anything that turns out to be advantageous to the organism is held and made permanent. Thus through development in accordance with the two principles mentioned, the organism comes to react no longer by trial, —by the over- production of movements, —but by a single fixed response, appropriate to the occasion. This is, of course, a great advantage, so long as the conditions remain such as to make the response appropriate. Such fixed responses are the general rule in the adult behavior of higher or- ganisms, and are found to a certain extent in all organisms. In the higher organisms we speak of some of these fixed responses as reflexes, tropisms, habits, and instincts. The methods which we have discussed are not the only possibilities for the development of such responses ; other methods we shall take up later. After the responses of the organism have become fixed, conditions may so change that these responses are no longer appropriate. The organism is then in a less advantageous position than one whose behavior is determined more purely by trial movements. There will be now a tendency for the fixed responses to become broken up and for processes of trial to supplant them, until new fixed responses, appropriate to present conditions, are produced. But in many cases the fixed responses are so firmly established as not to give way save after long experience of their lack of efficiency, and often the organism is destroyed by the new environment, before it has developed appropriate responses by which to preserve itself. (5) We have thus far considered primarily the methods by which the behavior of a given individual may be modified and made more effective. It needs to be recalled that differences between the behavior of different individuals may appear from other reasons. There are congenital variations among different organisms. Some have naturally a greater delicacy of perception or discrimination than others. Some move more rapidly or in more or less varied ways than others, giving some a more efficient method of reaction without any modification through experience. These congenital variations play a most important part in the question next to be considered. (6) Our discussion thus far has related to individuals. The further question arises as to how modifications of behavior may arise in the race as a whole. How does it happen that the behavior of the race becomes changed in the same way as that of the individual, so that succeeding generations show the new method of reacting without acquiring it for themselves ? 320 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS There seems to be no question but that the power of new individuals to react in certain ways without preliminary trial has been much over- estimated. In most organisms there is in the early stages of develop- ment a continued process of trial, through which the habits become established. On the other hand, there is no doubt that individuals do appear with certain ways of reacting which most of their early ancestors did not at the beginning have. The question as to how this happens, therefore, presses for an answer. The answer formerly given was, that the acquirements of the parent are directly inherited by the offspring. The parent having come to react in a certain way, the condition of the system inducing this reaction is passed on to posterity. In the unicellular organisms there seems to be nothing in the way of this inheritance by the offspring of the reaction methods acquired by the parent. There is no distinction between germ cells and body cells in these organisms; all acquirements pertain to the reproductive cells. Through reproduction by division the offspring are the parents, merely divided, and there is no evident reason why they should not retain the characteristics of the parents, however these char- acteristics were attained. If this is the real state of the case, then in unicellular organisms the life of the race is a direct continuation of the life of the individuals, and any acquirements made by the individuals are preserved to the race. But in multicellular organisms the facts show that in the immense majority of cases the inheritance of the acquirements of the parents by the offspring does not occur. We know that we do not start with the education acquired by our parents, but must begin at the bottom, and acquire both knowledge and wisdom of action. In other words, we know that we fail to inherit directly the more efficient methods of reac- tion acquired through experience by our parents, in at least nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of a thousand. Moreover, the theoretical difficulties in the way of such inheritance are great, and no demonstrative evidence seems to exist that it ever occurs. Thus we are certain that in most cases it does not take place, and must doubt whether it is possible. If we give up, as most students of heredity do, the inheritance of ac- quired characters, the alternative explanation for progress in the race is by natural selection of congenital variations. The theory of natural selection may be stated briefly as follows: Organisms vary in many ways, through variations affecting the germ cells. Among these varia- tions are some that help the organism, making it more efficient in escap- ing enemies or in obtaining food. These organisms, therefore, survive, while those without these helpful variations are killed. The surviving organisms transmit their helpful congenital variations to their offspring, DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 321 so that in time an entire race may show the characteristics which first arose as accidental variations along with many other useless ones. A great objection to this theory has been that it deals merely with chance variations in all directions, so that progress along a definite line, it is said, could never be brought about through it. The race progresses just as the individuals do; what is first acquired by the individual is later acquired by the race, as if the law of progress were the same in the two cases. This, it is held, could not be brought about through the selection of chance variations in all directions. In recent years a most successful attempt has been made by J. Mark Baldwin (1902) and others to show that this objection is not a valid one; that the action of natural selection on characters playing a part in the behavior would, in fact, be guided by laws similar to or identical with those controlling the progress of the individual. To this guidance the name organic selection has been given. Organic selection would then account for the progress of the race in a continuous manner and in a definite direction. We shall examine briefly, from this point of view, the action of natural selection on behavior in the lower organisms. Observation and experiment show that there exist such variations in the behavior of lower organisms as would under certain circumstances give opportunity for the action of natural selection. If into an area containing Paramecia a drop of a Io per cent sugar solution is introduced, most of the animals enter it and are killed, but a few react negatively on coming in contact with it, and escape. If such solutions were a con- stant feature of the environment, it seems probable that in time there would be produced through selection a race of Paramecia that would always react negatively to them, and would, therefore, not be endan- gered by their existence. Similar differences exist among different indi- viduals as to sensitiveness to other chemicals, to heat, and to electricity, as we have seen in previous pages. There is thus undoubtedly an oppor- tunity for the action of natural selection to produce a race of organisms more sensitive to weak stimuli than is the average at present, if the en- vironment should require it. But if the environment does not require it, the action of natural selection, like that of individual accommodation, will not bring it about. By either method only that is preserved which is useful. There is likewise clearly an opportunity for natural selection to pro- duce a race showing increased precision and adaptiveness in the move- ments brought about by stimulation. As we have seen on page 305, the reactions of Paramecium to heat are so much more effective than those of Bursaria that if locally heated regions were part of the usual environ- ment of the two organisms, the Bursarie would, for the greater part, ¥ 322 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS soon be killed, while the Paramecia would not suffer. The latter would, therefore, be selected, as compared with the former. But there exist variations of reaction even among individuals of the same species. Some specimens of Bursaria when stimulated by heat show a greater inclination to swim freely, revolving on the long axis, than do the ma- jority, that sink quickly to the bottom and cease to revolve. The former are saved from the heat, while the latter are killed. In time there might thus be developed a race of Bursariz that were as well protected by their behavior from the action of heat as are Paramecia. What are the characteristics that would be preserved by natural selection? First it seems clear that under usual conditions the regula- tive power would tend to be preserved. So long as the environment is a changing one, those individuals that can alter their behavior to fit the new conditions would live, while any that cannot do so will be killed, so that any variation in the direction of less regulative power will be cut off. But under quite uniform conditions there might be no advantage in this regulative power, and no selection based upon it. Second, those variations will be preserved that are in line with the general tendency of the behavior. In other words, those variations will persist that tend in the same direction as the adaptation of the individuals, due to selection of overproduced movements and the law of the resolu- tion of physiological states. This will be made clear by an illustration. Most ciliate infusoria may swim freely through the water, may creep along surfaces, may exude mucus to form a cyst, and may burrow about in the.débris at the bottom of the water. Some show one habit in a more marked way, others another. Let us suppose a ciliate infusorian with a cylindrical body covered uniformly with cilia, that may behave in all these ways. It responds to stimulation by trial of the different reactions which it has at command, continuing, in accordance with the principle of the resolution of physiological states, that reaction which proves successful. Suppose that a number of the individuals come thus to react habitually in the first of the four ways mentioned above, others in the second, others in the third, and still others in the fourth. All these different methods have advantages for meeting unfavorable conditions, and all are found as a prevailing reaction in different ciliates. We have then four groups of ciliate organisms, all alike structurally, but with different habits. How will natural selection act on these? (1) In the first group, that swim freely through the water, like Para- mecium, all variations that favor quickness of reaction, rapidity of move- ment, and precision of diréction will be advantageous, and the indi- viduals possessing them will tend to be selected. Specimens with body ill-shaped for rapid movement, with cilia weak or unequally distributed, DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 323 or with awkward methods of moving, will be killed by their inability to escape with sufficient rapidity from powerful agents. There will thus be a tendency to develop a fishlike form, adapted for rapid move- ments through the water; close-set, uniform cilia, and a tendency to revolve on the long axis; in other words, such characteristics as we find in Paramecium. : (2) In the second group, which reacts, like Oxytricha, by running along the bottom, variations of an entirely different character will be advantageous. The original cylindrical form can bring but few of its cilia against a surface, and presents much resistance to the water. Varia- tions in the direction of a flat form, bringing many cilia against the surface, and presenting little resistance to the water as it runs along, will be advantageous, and individuals with such variations will be se- lected. The cilia on the surface kept against the bottom will be the all- important ones, so variations in the direction of increased size, strength, and rapidity of these cilia will be preserved; they will develop into “cirri” and other leglike structures. The cilia on the upper side of the body will be not merely useless, but a hindrance; hence they will tend to be lost. The tendency to revolve on the long axis will be in- jurious and will likewise tend to disappear by selection of those that do not thus revolve. In this way, under the action of natural selection, an organism will be developed having totally different characteristics from the organisms of the first set, that react by swimming freely. It will naturally approach the characteristics shown by Stylonychia, rather than those of Paramecium. (3) On the third organism, which reacts to intense agents by secret- ing a layer of mucus about itself, natural selection will act in a still different manner. There will be no tendency to select rapidly moving individuals, nor those having larger or more numerous cilia, nor those having cilia distributed in any Special way; all these characteristics will indeed be disadvantageous. Spiral swimming will not be developed. Those organisms that produce a thicker layer of mucus, of a more re- sistant character, and do this the more rapidly, will be selected. (4) The fourth organism, which habitually reacts by burrowing into the detritus at the bottom of the water, will be acted upon by natu- ral selection in a still different way. Only those characteristics which aid the burrowing will be useful and therefore selected. There will be no tendency to produce a swiftly swimming organism, nor one adapted to running along the bottom, nor one secreting a thick and resistant layer of mucus. To sum up, it appears that only those variations are of advantage that are used, and only such variations can be preserved by the action 324 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of natural selection. Only such characteristics can be selected as are in line with the efforts of the organism. A variation which might be of inestimable advantage to an organism that reacts by swimming would be entirely lost on one that burrows in the earth. The organism deter- mines by its own actions the direction of its development under the action of natural selection. When it adopts a certain line of behavior, it decides to a large degree the future career of the race. Development through the action of natural selection must then follow as definite a trend as does the behavior of the individual and indeed the same trend, for it is guided by this behavior. Individual selection guides natural selection. Individual selection, with its production of definite adaptive reac- tions, is due, of course, to selection from varied movements, later fixed by the law of the readier resolution of physiological states." With this in mind, we may express what we have just brought out as follows: In- dividual selection (intelligence) and natural selection are merely different methods of selecting adaptive ways of reacting. The former selects the adaptive response from among diverse reactions of the same indi- vidual; while natural selection selects the adaptive response from among diverse reactions of different individuals. This may be illustrated as follows: Let us suppose an organism whose action system includes the different acts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. When the physiological processes of this animal are interfered with by external agents, it tends to run through these nine reactions, in the order given above — as Stentor runs through its four or five reactions. Sup- pose that under a certain frequently recurring injurious condition the reaction 7 is the adaptive one, relieving the interference with the physio- logical processes. The organism runs through the series to 7, then stops (since the cause for further reaction has ceased). It now retains this reaction as the immediate response to the given condition, through the law of the readier resolution of physiological states. Many of the indi- viduals are killed before 7 is reached, but after this adaptive reaction has become fixed, no others are killed. The young of these individuals must, however, begin at the beginning of the series, so that many will be destroyed. Let us suppose that in another group there are, among many different individuals, congenital variations in the order in which the nine re- sponses are given. Some respond by the series 2, 3, 7, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9. These reach the adaptive reaction 7 sooner than do those following the usual order, hence fewer are killed by the injurious condition. Others react in the order 7, 4, 3, 5, 1, 2, 6, 8,9. The first reaction is here the * This is the process known as intelligence, in higher animals. See Chapter XX. DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 325 adaptive one. Hence the series goes no farther (since the cause for reaction ceases at once), and these organisms are not killed at all by the injurious condition. They are thus selected, as compared with those reacting in the usual way, and their method of reacting, being congenital, is inherited by posterity. In the course of time all the remaining indi- viduals of this group will respond at once, like those of the previous group, by the reaction 7. Thus individual selection and natural selection necessarily work to the same result. One selects from among the different acts of the same individual, the other from among those of different individuals. The thing selected is the same in each case, — namely, the adaptive reaction. If there exist at the same time the power of individual modification and the variations on which natural selection acts, then under uniform conditions the latter will be more effective, since it results in immediate response by the adaptive reaction, while the former requires that every new individual should go through the trial series, with its attendant dangers of destruction. If the conditions are very severe, in time only the individuals which have inherited the immediate adaptive response will survive. Thus, through the action of natural selection these or- ganisms will have an inborn tendency to react directly in an adaptive way, whereas in previous generations most of the individuals of the race acted in this manner only as a result of individual modification through experience. Furthermore, it may be pointed out that in the course of time an organism which had adopted some special type of behavior, as burrow- ing, would become quite unadapted to other behavior, as running along the bottom or swimming through the water. It develops structures, under the influence of its adaptive behavior, that make it difficult or perhaps impossible for the organism to react in any other way than by burrowing. After a time, then, it will lose all tendency to react in other ways, because it cannot react in other ways, owing to the structural changes it has undergone. In most cases the specialization will not go so far as this, and the organism will retain the power of attempting other methods of reaction; that is, of performing other movements. But these movements will be ineffectual, because the structures of the or- ganism are not adapted to their performance. They will therefore not relieve the organism from stimuli; hence they will be quickly exchanged for the movements which are effective. Thereafter the or- ganism will always react by these movements on which its structure is based. If these first few ineffectual movements are not observed, it will appear that the organism has been rigidly limited from the beginning to this one type of behavior. Apparently there exist few if any organisms - 326 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS which do not show, in their younger stages at least, a few such ineffectual movements, Baldwin suggests that the same process may go farther than this, in the following way: After the development, under the influence of a certain reaction method, of structures fitted to carry out that method, another congenital variation may occur, by which energy will be dis- charged directly into this apparatus, in the way necessary for perform- ing the accustomed reaction, without any previous trial. It is urged that after the apparatus has been developed, the further variation required would probably be slight and not unlikely to occur. The organisms having this variation must react more readily and rapidly than those in which a trial is required, hence they might be selected. Thus in time in the entire race the reaction would be limited to this particular method. There seems to be no theoretical difficulty as to the occurrence of such a variation; if it occurs, development would doubtless take place in the way set forth, provided the environment remain sufficiently constant. But perhaps there would be little difference in reality between the be- havior of such an organism, and one which had merely developed such structures as to make difficult any kind of reaction save one. The latter would still reserve the capability of developing other reactions, under changed circumstances, while the former would not. The guidance of natural selection by the actions of the individuals that we have illustrated above, is what has been called “organic selec- tion.” The latter is evidently merely an exposition of how natural selection acts, not anything additional to natural selection, or differing from it in principle. For a general discussion of the questions which it involves, reference should be made to J. Mark Baldwin’s “ Develop- ment and Evolution.” Is natural selection, thus guided by individual accommodation, suf- ficient to account for the progress of the race in behavior? It is clear that natural selection cannot account for the origin of anything; only that can be selected’ which already exists. All the potency of behavior and of everything else that exists must lie in the laws of matter and energy, — physical and chemical, and possibly vital laws. Whatever the part assigned to natural selection, the superlative importance of these laws remains; they must continue the chief field for scientific inves- tigation. All that natural selection is called upon to explain is the fact that at a given time such and such particular manifestations of these general laws exist, rather than certain other manifestations. In the field of behavior it is called to explain only the fact that this particular organ- ism now behaves in this particular way, rather than in some other one of the infinite number of possible ways. Can it explain this? DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR 327 The fact is established that organisms which vary in such a way as to make them unfitted to carry out the functions which they undertake are destroyed. The correlative fact that organisms which vary in such a way as to perform their functions better than the average are not so usually destroyed, is likewise established. The further fact is established that such congenital variations occur and are often handed on to the off- spring. These three facts show that natural selection is beyond ques- tion a factor in the development of behavior. The only question is as to the extent of its agency. This depends on the number and extent of the congenital variations that occur. If these are sufficiently numer- ous and sufficiently varied, then it seems clear that natural selection guided by individual accommodation, would produce the results which we see. Its method of action is exactly what is needed to produce the ob- served results; the only question is whether the material presented to it in congenital variations is sufficient. The answer to this question must come, if it ever comes, from that study of variations which has received such an impulse in recent years. The recent studies of De Vries in mutation seem especially promising from this point of view. If it should appear that the material presented by congenital variations is not sufficient to account for the observed development, we should be forced apparently to turn once more to the possibility of the inheritance of the characteristics developed during the lifetime of the organism. The question of the inheritance of acquired characters cannot as yet be | considered finally settled. The view that the development of behavior is based largely on selec- tion from among varied movements, with subsequent retention of the selected movements, to which we have come through a study of the be- havior of the lower organisms, is of course not a new one. A theory to this effect has been set forth by Spencer and Bain, and has been especially developed in recent years by J. Mark Baldwin. The obser- vations set forth in the present work lead to views differing in some important respects from these developed by Baldwin and Bain, par- ticularly as to the nature of the causes which produce the varied move- ments. Space will not permit our entering here into a discussion of these differences. The reader may be referred for a discussion of some of the general bearings of this theory to the two volumes of Baldwin (1897, 1902). Possibly the most lucid statement of this theory, in its general bearings, is that recently given by Hobhouse (1901). LITERATURE XIX BALDWIN, 1897, 1902; HOBHOUSE, I901 ; SPENCER, 1894 (Section 236, pp. 244- 245); BAIN, 1888 (p. 315); 1894 (pp. 323, 324). CHAPTER XX RELATION OF BEHAVIOR IN LOWER ORGANISMS TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR In describing the behavior of lower organisms we have used in the present work, so far as possible, objective terms — those having no im- plication of psychic or subjective qualities. We have looked at organ- isms as masses of matter, and have attempted to determine the laws of their movements. In ourselves we find movements and reactions re- sembling in some respects those of the lower organisms. We draw away from heat and cold and injurious chemicals, just as Paramecium does. Our behavior depends on physiological states, as does that of Stentor. But in Ne there is the very interesting additional fact that t these movements, reactions, and physiological states are often accompanied by subjective ective_ states, — states _of consciousness} . Different states of con- th cer are as varied as the different possibilities of reaction; indeed, more varied. In speaking of behavior in ourselves, and as a rule in higher animals, we use terms based on these subjective states, as pleas- ure and pain, sensation, memory, fear, anger, reason, and the like. The peculiarity of subjective states is that they can be perceived only by the one person directly experiencing them, — by the~subject: Each of us knows directly states of consciousness only in himself. We cannot by observation and experiment detect such states in organisms outside of ourselves. But observation and experiment are the only direct means of studying behavior in the lower organisms. We can reason concerning their behavior, and through reasoning by analogy we may perhaps conclude that they also have conscious states. But reasoning by analogy, when it-is afterward tested by observation and experiment, has often shown itself fallacious, so that where it cannot be tested, we must distrust its conclusiveness. Moreover, in different men it leads to different conclusions, so that it does not result in ad- mitted certainty. Hence it seems important to keep the results of obser- vation and experiment distinct from those of reasoning by analogy, so that we may know what is really established. On this account it is customary among most physiologists not to use, in discussing the be- havior of the lower organisms, psychic terms, or those implying sub- 328 RELATION TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR 329 jective states. This has the additional ground that the ideal of most scientific men is to explain behavior in terms of matter and energy, so that the introduction of psychic implications is considered superfluous. While this exclusive use of objective terms has great advantages, it has one possible disadvantage. It seems to make an absolute gulf be- tween the behavior of the lower organisms on the one hand, and that of man and higher animals on the other. From a discussion of the be- havior of the lower organisms in objective terms, compared with a dis- cussion of the behavior of man in subjective terms, we get the impression of complete discontinuity between the two. Does such a gulf actually exist, or does it lie only in our manner of speech? We can best get evidence on this question by comparing the objective features of behavior in lower and in higher organisms. In any animal outside of man, and even in man outside of the self, the existence of perception, choice, desire, memory, emotion, intelligence, reasoning, etc., is judged from certain objective facts — certain things which the organisms do. Do we find in the lower organisms objective phenomena of a similar character, so that the same psychic names would be applied to them if found in higher organisms? Do the objective factors in the behavior of lower organisms follow laws that are similar to the laws of psychic states? Only by comparing the objective factors can we determine whether there is continuity or a gulf between the be- havior of lower and higher organisms (including man), for it is only these factors that we know. Let us then examine some of the concepts employed in discussions of the behavior of higher animals and man, determining whether there exist any corresponding phenomena in lower organisms. We shall not attempt to take into consideration the scholastic definitions of the terms used, but shall judge of them merely from the objective phenomena on which they are based. When we say that an animal perceives something, or that it shows perception of something, we base this statement on the observation that it reacts in some way to this thing. On the same basis we could make the statement that Amoeba perceives all classes of stimuli which we our- selves perceive, save sound (which is, however, essentially one form of mechanical stimulation). Perception as judged from our subjective experiences means much more: how much of this may be present in animals outside the self we cannot know. Discrimination is a term based, so far as objective evidence goes, upon the observed fact that organisms react differently to different stimuli. In this sense Paramecium, as we have seen, discriminates acids from alkalies; Amoeba discriminates a Euglena cyst from a grain 330 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of sand, and in general all lower organisms show discrimination in many phases of their behavior. Choice is a term based objectively on the fact that the organism ac- cepts or reacts positively to some things, while it rejects or reacts nega- tively or not at all to others. In this sense all lower organisms show choice, and at this we need not be surprised, for inorganic substances show a similar selectiveness. The distinctive thing about the choice of organisms is that it is regulatory; organisms on the whole choose those things which aid their normal life processes and reject those that do not. This is what justifies the use of the term ‘‘choice,” as contrasted with the mere selectiveness of inorganic reactions. Choice in this regulatory sense is shown by lower organisms, as we have seen in detail in previous chapters. Choice is not perfect, from this point of view, in either lower or higher organisms. Paramecium at times accepts things that are use- less or harmful to it, but perhaps on the whole less often than does man. The methods by which choice is shown in particular organisms have been set forth in our descriptive chapters. We may refer particularly to the account of choice in the infusoria, given on page 183. The free- swimming infusoria as they move about are continually rejecting cer- tain things and accepting others, and this choice is regulatory. Their behavior is based throughout on the method of trial, and _ this involves an act comparable to choice in almost every detail. Whatever the condition met, the infusorian must either accept it by going ahead, or reject it by backing and giving the avoiding reaction. We can al- most say that its whole behavior is a process of choice; that choice is the essential feature of its behavior. For the other lower organisms that we have taken up, a consideration of details would discover activities involving regulatory choice almost as continuously as in the infusoria. Is not what we call attention in higher organisms, when considered objectively, the same phenomenon that we have called the interference of one stimulus with the reaction to another? At the basis of attention lies objectively the phenomenon that the organism may react to only one stimulus even though other stimuli are present which would, if acting alone, likewise produce a response. The organism is then said to at- tend to the particular stimulus to which it responds. This.fundamental phenomenon is clearly present in unicellular organisms. Stentor and Paramecium when reacting to contact with a solid “pay no attention”’ to a degree of heat or a chemical or an electric current that would pro- duce an immediate reaction in a free individual. On the other hand, individuals reacting to heat or a chemical may not respond to contact with a mass of bacteria, to which they would under other conditions RELATION TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR 331 react positively. In our chapter on reaction under two or more stimuli in the infusoria, many examples of this character are given. Indeed, attention in this objective sense seems a logical necessity for the behavior of any organism having at its command more than a single action. The characteristic responses to two present stimuli may be in- compatible with each other. The organism must then react to one or the other, since it cannot react to both; it thus attends (objectively) to one, and not to the other. Only in case there is no reaction at all in the presence of two stimuli, or in case its reaction is precisely inter- mediate between those required by the two, could the basis of attention be considered lacking. An organism behaving in this way would be quickly destroyed as a result of its indecisive and ineffective behavior. In higher animals and man we distinguish certain different condi- tions, — ‘‘states of feeling,” “‘emotions,” “appetites,” ‘‘desires,” and the like. In all cases except the self, these various states are distin- guished through the fact that the organism behaves differently in the different conditions, even though the external stimuli may be the same. We find a parallel condition of affairs in the lower organisms. Here, as we have seen, the behavior under given external conditions depends | largely on the physiological condition of the individual. Many illus- trations of this fact are given in preceding chapters, so that we need not dwell upon it here. In the lower organisms we can even distinguish a number of states that are parallel, so far as observation can show, with those distin- guished and named in higher animals and man. To begin with some of the simpler ones, the objective correlate of hunger can be distin- guished at least as low in the scale as Hydra and the sea anemone. These animals, as we have seen, take food only when hungry, and if very hungry, will take substances as food which they otherwise reject. Doubtless hunger could be detected in still lower organisms by proper experiments. A resting condition comparable to sleep is found, as we have seen, in the flatworm (p. 253), while there seems to be no indica- tion of such a state in the infusoria (p. 181). Fatigue can of course be distinguished in all living things, including separated muscles. Correlative with hunger, there exists a state which corresponds so far as objective evidence goes with what we should call in higher animals a desire for food. Hydra when hungry opens its mouth widely when immersed in a nutritive liquid. In the flatworm, we can distinguish a certain physiological condition in which the animal moves about in an eager, searching way, as if hunting for food. Even in Amceba we find a pertinacity in the pursuit of food (p. 14 and Fig. 21) such as we woul attribute in a higher animal to a desire for it. 332 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS All the way up the scale, from Amoeba and bacteria to man, we find that organisms react negatively to powerful and injurious agents. In man and higher animals such reactions are usually said to be due to pain. In the lower organisms the objective facts are parallel, and natu- rally lead to the assumption of a physiological state similar to what we have in the higher forms. As to subjective accompaniments of such a state we of course know nothing in animals other than ourselves. The essential cause of the states corresponding to pain is interference with any of the processes of which the organism is the seat, and the correlate in action of these states is a change in movement. This point will be developed in our final chapter. A similar basis exists for distinguishing throughout the organic series a physiological state corresponding to that accompanying pleasure in man. This is correlated with a relief from interference with the life processes, or with the uninterrupted progression of these processes. In man and higher animals we often find a negative reaction to that which is not in itself injurious, but which is usually followed by some- thing injurious. The sight of a wild beast is not injurious, considered by itself, but as preceding actual and injurious contact with this beast, it leads to powerful negative reactions. Such reactions are said to be due to fear. In fear there is then a negative reaction to a representative stimulus — one that stands for a really injurious stimulation. In lower organisms we find the objective indications of a parallel state of affairs. The infusoria react negatively to solutions of chemicals that are not, so far as we can determine, injurious, though they would naturally, under ordinary circumstances, be immediately followed by a solution so strong as to be injurious. Euglena reacts negatively when darkness affects only its colorless anterior end, though we have reason to believe that it is only the green part of the body which requires the light for the proper discharge of its functions. A much clearer case is seen in the sea urchin, which reacts by defensive movements when a shadow falls upon it, though shade is favorable to its normal functions. Objectively, fear has at its basis the fact that a negative reaction may be produced by a stimulus which is not in itself injurious, provided it leads to an injurious stimulation; this basis we find throughout organisms. Sometimes higher animals and man are thrown into a “state of fear,’ such that they react negatively to all sorts of stimuli, that under ordinary circumstances would not cause such a reaction. A similar condition of affairs we have seen in Stentor and the flatworm. After repeated stimulation, they react negatively to all stimuli to which they react at all. The general fact of which the reactions through fear are onlya special RELATION TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR 333 example is the following: Organisms react appropriately to repre- sentative stimuli. That is, they react, not merely to stimuli that are in themselves beneficial or injurious, but to stimuli which lead to bene- ficial or injurious conditions. This is as true of positive as of negative reactions. It is true of Amoeba when it moves toward a solid body that will give it an opportunity to creep about and obtain food. It is true of Paramecium when it settles against solids (even bits of filter paper), because usually such solids furnish a supply of bacteria. It is true of the colorless flagellate Chytridium and the white Hydra, when they move toward a source of light and thus come into the region where their prey congregate. There seems to be no general name for this positive re- action to a representative stimulus. In man we call various subjective aspects of it by different names, — foresight, anticipation, prudence, hope, etc. The fact that lower as well as higher organisms thus react to repre- sentative stimuli is of the greatest significance. It provides the chief condition for the advance of behavior to higher planes. At the basis of reaction of this character lies the simple fact that a change, even though neutral in its effect, may cause reaction (p. 294). This taken in con- nection with the law of the resolution of physiological states (p. 291) permits the establishment of a negative or positive reaction, as the case may require, as a response to a given change. The way in which this may take place we have attempted to set forth on page 316. Related to these reactions to representative stimuli are certain other characteristics distinguished in the behavior of man and higher animals. The objective side of memory and what is called habit is shown when the behavior of an organism is modified in accordance with past stimuli received or past reactions given. If the behavior is merely changed in a way that is not regulatory, as by fatigue, we do not call this memory. In memory the reaction is modified in such a way that it is now more adequate to the conditions to be met. Habit and memory in this ob- jective sense are clearly seen in the Crustacea, and in the low accelous flatworm Convoluta (p. 255). Something of a similar character is seen even in the protozoan Stentor. After reacting to a weak stimulus which does not lead to an injurious one it ceases to react when this stimulus is repeated, while if the weak stimulus does lead to an injurious one, the animal changes its behavior so as to react next time in a more effec- tive way; and it repeats this more effective reaction at the next inci- dence of the stimulus. Habit and memory, objectively considered, are based on the law of the resolution of physiological states (p. 291), which may be set forth in application to the present subject as follows: If a given physiological state, induced by a stimulus, is repeatedly 334 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS resolved into a succeeding state, this resolution becomes easier, and may take place spontaneously, so that the reaction induced is that due pri- marily to the second physiological state reached. Wherever we find this law in operation, we have the ultimate basis from which habit and memory (objectively considered) are developed. From memory in the general sense it is customary to distinguish associative memory. ‘This is characterized objectively by the fact that the response at first given to one stimulus comes, after a time, to be transferred to another one. Examples of associative memory are seen in the experiments of Yerkes and Spaulding on crustaceans, described in Chapter XII. It may be pointed out that the essential basis for associative memory is the same law of the resolution of physiological states which we have set forth in the last paragraph as underlying ordi- nary memory. The physiological condition induced by the first stimu- lus (sight of the screen, in Spaulding’s experiments) is regularly re- solved into that due to the second stimulus (food, in the experiments just mentioned). After a time the resolution becomes spontaneous, so that the physiological state primarily due to the food is reached imme- diately after the introduction of the screen, even though no food is given. There seems to be no difference in kind, therefore, between associative memory and other sorts; they are based on the same fundamental law. The existence of associative memory has often been considered a criterion of the existence of consciousness, but it is clear that the process under- lying it is as readily conceivable in terms of matter and energy as are other physiological processes. Even in inorganic colloids, as we have seen (p. 317), the properties depend on the past history of the colloid, and the way in which it has reached the condition in which it is now found. If this is conceivable in terms of matter and energy, it is difficult to see why the law of the readier resolution of physiological states is not equally so. Intelligence is commonly held to consist essentially in the modifica- tion of behavior in accordance with experience. If an organism reacts in a certain way under certain conditions, and continues this reaction no matter how disastrous the effects, we say that its behavior is unin- telligent. If on the other hand it modifies its behavior in such a way as to make it more adequate, we consider the behavior as in so far intel- ligent. It is the ‘‘correlation of experiences and actions’’ that consti- tutes, as Hobhouse (1go1) has put it, “the precise work of intelligence.” _It appears clear that we find the beginnings of such adaptive changes of behavior even in the Protozoa. They are brought about through the law in accordance with which the resolution of one physiological state into another takes place more readily after repetition, — in connection with the other principle that interference with the life processes causes RELATION TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR 335 a change of behavior. These laws apparently form the fundamental basis of intelligent action. This fundamental basis then clearly exists even in the Protozoa; it is apparently coextensive with life. It is diffi- cult if not impossible to draw a line separating the regulatory behavior of lower organisms from the so-called intelligent behavior of higher ones; the one grades insensibly into the other. From the lowest organ- isms up to man behavior is essentially regulatory in character, and what we call intelligence in higher animals is a direct outgrowth of the same laws that give behavior its regulatory character in the Protozoa. Thus-it seems possible to trace back to the lowest organisms some of the phenomena which we know, from objective evidence, to exist in the behavior of man and the higher animals, and which have received special names. It would doubtless be possible to extend this to many other phenomena. Many conditions which we can clearly distinguish in man must be followed back to a single common condition in the lower organism. But this is what we should expect. Differentiation takes place as we pass upward in the scale in these matters as in others. Because we can trace these phenomena back to conditions found in unicellular forms, it does not follow that the behavior of these organisms has as many factors and is as complex as that of higher animals. The facts are precisely parallel with what we find to be true for other functions. Amoeba shows respiration, and all the essential features of respiration in man can be traced back to the condition in such an organ- ism. Yet in man respiration is an enormously complex operation, while in Ameeba it is of the simplest character possible — apparently little more than a mere interdiffusion of gases. In the case of behavior there is the same possibility of tracing all essential features back to the lower organisms, with the same great simplification as we go back. THE QUESTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS All that we have said thus far in the present chapter is independent of the question whether there exist in the lower organisms such subjec- tive accompaniments of behavior as we find in ourselves, and which we call consciousness. We have asked merely whether there exist in the lower organisms objective phenomena of a character similar to what we find in the behavior of man. To this question we have been com- pelled to.give an affirmative answer. So far as objective evidence goes, there is no. difference in kind, but a complete continuity between the behavior of lower and of higher organisms. Has this any bearing on the question of the existence of conscious- ness in lower animals? It is clear that objective evidence cannot give 336 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS a demonstration either of the existence or of the non-existence of con- sciousness, for consciousness is precisely that which cannot be perceived objectively. No statement concerning consciousness in animals is open to verification or refutation by observation and experiment. There are no processes in the behavior of organisms that are not as readily conceivable without supposing them to be accompanied by conscious- ness as with it. But the question is sometimes proposed: Is the behavior of lower organisms of the character which we should “naturally” expect and appreciate if they did have conscious states, of undifferentiated character, and acted under similar conscious states in a parallel way to man? Or is their behavior of such a character that it does not suggest to the observer the existence of consciousness ? If one thinks these questions through for such an organism as Para- mecium, with all its limitations of sensitiveness and movement, it appears to the writer that an affirmative answer must be given to the first of the above questions, and a negative one to the second. Suppose that this animal were conscious to such an extent as its limitations seem to permit. Suppose that it could feel a certain degree of pain when injured; that it received certain sensations from alkali, others from acids, others from solid bodies, etc., — would it not be natural for it to act as it does? That is, can we not, through our consciousness, appreciate its drawing away from things that hurt it, its trial of the environment when the conditions are bad, its attempting to move forward in various directions, till it finds one where the conditions are not bad, and the like? To the writer it seems that we can; that Paramecium in this behavior makes such an impression that one involuntarily recognizes it as a little subject acting in ways analogous to our own. Still stronger, perhaps, is this impression when observing an Amceba obtaining food as shown in Figs. 19 and 21. The writer is thoroughly convinced, after long study of the behavior of this organism, that if Amoeba were a large animal, so as to come within the everyday experience of human _ beings, its be- havior would at once call forth the attribution to it of states of pleasure and pain, of hunger, desire, and the like, on precisely the same basis as we attribute these things to the dog. This natural recognition is exactly what Miinsterberg (1900) has emphasized as the test of a subject. In conducting objective investigations we train ourselves to suppress this impression, but thorough investigation tends to restore it stronger than at first. Of a character somewhat similar to that last mentioned is another test that has been proposed as a basis for deciding as to the conscious- ness of animals. This is the satisfactoriness or usefulness of the concept RELATION TO PSYCHIC BEHAVIOR 337 of consciousness in the given case. We do not usually attribute con- sciousness to a stone, because this would not assist us in understanding or controlling the behavior of the stone. Practically indeed it would lead us much astray in dealing with such an object. On the other hand, we usually do attribute consciousness to the dog, because this is use- ful; it enables us practically to appreciate, foresee, and control its actions much more readily than we could otherwise do so. If Amoeba were so large as to come within our everyday ken, I believe it beyond ques- tion that we should find similar attribution to it of certain states of con- sciousness a practical assistance in foreseeing and controlling its behavior. Ameeba is a beast of prey, and gives the impression of being controlled by the same elemental impulses as higher beasts of prey. If it were as large as a whale, it is quite conceivable that occasions might arise when the attribution to it of the elemental states of consciousness might save the unsophisticated human being from the destruction that would result from the lack of such attribution. In sucha case, then, the attribution of consciousness would be satisfactory and useful. In a small way this is still true for the investigator who wishes to appreciate and predict the behavior of Amceba under his microscope. But such impressions and suggestions of course do not demonstrate the existence of consciousness in lower organisms. Any belief on this matter can be held without conflict with the objective facts. All that experiment and observation can do is to show us whether the behavior of lower organisms is objectively similar to the behavior that in man is accompanied by consciousness. If this question is answered in the affirmative, as the facts seem to require, and if we further hold, as is commonly held, that man and the lower organisms are subdivisions of the same substance, then it may perhaps be said that objective investi- gation is as favorable to the view of the general distribution of conscious- ness throughout animals as it could well be. But the problem as to the actual existence of consciousness outside of the self is an indeterminate one; no increase of objective knowledge can ever solve it. Opinions on this subject must then be largely dominated by general philosophical considerations, drawn from other fields. LITERATURE XX CONSCIOUSNESS IN LOWER ANIMALS CLAPAREDE, I90I, 1905; TITCHENER, 1902; MINOT, 1902; MUNSTERBERG, 1900; VERWORN, 1889; BETHE, 1898; YERKES, 1905, 1905 @; JORDAN, 1905; v. UEXKULL, 1900 4, 1902; WASMANN, I901, 1905; LUKAS, 1905. CHAPTER XXI BEHAVIOR AS REGULATION, AND REGULATION IN OTHER FIELDS 1. INTRODUCTORY EVERYWHERE in the study of life processes we meet the puzzle of regulation. Organisms do those things that advance their welfare. If the environment changes, the organism changes to meet the new condi- tions. If the mammal is heated from without, it cools from within; if it is cooled from without, it heats from within, maintaining the tempera- ture that is to its advantage. The dog which is fed a starchy diet pro- duces digestive juices rich in enzymes that digest starch; while under a diet of meat it produces juices rich in proteid-digesting substances. When a poison is injected into a mouse, the mouse produces substances which neutralize this poison. If a part of the organism is injured, a rearrangement of material follows till the injury is repaired. If a part is removed, it is restored, or the wound is at least closed up and healed, so that the life processes may continue without disturbance. Regulation constitutes perhaps the greatest problem of life. How can the organism thus provide for its own needs? To put the question in the popular form, How does it know what to do when a difficulty arises? It seems to work toward a definite purpose. In other words, the final result of its action seems to be present in some way at the beginning, determin- ing what the action shall be. In this the action of living things appears to contrast with that of things inorganic. It is regulation of this charac- ter that has given rise to theories of vitalism. The principles control- ling the life processes are held by these theories to be of a character essentially different from anything found in the inorganic world. This view has found recent expression in the works of Driesch (1901, 1903). 2. REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR Nowhere is regulation more striking than in behavior. Indeed, the processes in this field have long served as the prototype for regulatory action. The organism moves and reacts in ways that are advantageous to it. If it gets into hot water, it takes measures to get out again, and 338 REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 339 the same is true if it gets into excessively cold water. If it enters an injurious chemical solution, it at once changes its behavior and escapes. If it lacks material for its metabolic processes, it sets in operation move- ments which secure such material. If it lacks oxygen for respiration, it moves to a region where oxygen is found. [If it is injured, it flees to safer regions. In innumerable details it does those things that are good for it. It is plain that behavior depends largely on the needs of the organism, and is of such a nature as to satisfy these needs. In other words, it is regulatory. Behavior is merely a collective name for the most obvious and most easily studied of the processes of the organism, and it is clear that these processes are closely connected with, and are indeed outgrowths from, the more recondite internal processes. ‘There is no reason for supposing them to follow laws different from those of the other life processes, or for holding that regulation in behavior is of a different character from that found elsewhere. But nowhere else is it possible to perceive so clearly how regulation occurs. In the behavior of the lowest organisms we can see not only what the animal does, but precisely how this happens to be regulatory. The method of regulation lies open before us. This method is of such a character as to suggest the possibility of its general applicability to life processes. In the present chapter we shall attempt to sum up the essential points in regulation as shown in behavior, and to make some suggestions as to its possible application to other fields. A. Factors in Regulation in the Behavior of Lower Organisms In the lower organisms, where we can see just how regulation occurs, the process is as follows: Anything injurious to the organism causes changes in its behavior. These changes subject the organism to new conditions. As long as the injurious condition continues, the changes of behavior continue. The first change of behavior may not be regu- latory, nor the second, nor the third, nor the tenth. But if the changes continue, subjecting the organism successively to all possible different conditions, a condition will finally be reached that relieves the organism from the injurious action, provided such a condition exists. ‘Thereupon the changes in behavior cease, and the organism remains in the favor- able condition. The movements of the organism when stimulated are such as to subject it to various conditions, one of which is selected. This method of regulation is found in its purest form in unicellular organisms. But, as we have seen in preceding pages, it occurs also in higher organisms, and indeed is found in a less primitive form through- out the animal series, up to and including man. It is commonly spoken 340 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS of as behavior by “trial and error.” In connection with this method of behavior, three questions arise, which are fundamental for the theory of regulation. The first is as follows: How is it determined what shall cause the changes in behavior resulting in new conditions? Why does the organism change its behavior under certain conditions, not under others? Second, how does it happen that such movements are pro- duced as result in more favorable conditions? Third, how is the more favorable condition selected? What it this selection and what does it imply? Our first and third questions may indeed be condensed into one, which involves the essence of regulation. Why does the organism choose certain conditions and reject others? This selection of the fa- vorable conditions and rejection of the unfavorable ones presented by the movements is perhaps the fundamental point in regulation. It is often maintained that this selection is precisely personal or con- scious choice, and that the behavior cannot be explained without this factor. Personal choice it evidently is, and in man it is often conscious choice; whether it is conscious in other animals we do not know. But in any case this does not remove it from the necessity for analysis. Whether conscious or unconscious, choice must be determined in some way, and it is the province of science to inquire as to how this determina- tion occurs. To say that rejection is due to pain, acceptance to pleasure or to other conscious states, does not help us, for we are then forced to inquire why pain occurs under certain circumstances, pleasure under others. Surely this is not a mere haphazard matter. There must be some difference in the conditions to induce these differences in the con- scious states (if they exist), and at the same time to determine the differences in behavior. We are therefore thrown back upon the objec- tive processes occurring. Why are certain conditions accepted, others rejected ? Let us examine one or two of the simplest cases of such regulatory selection. The green infusorian Paramecium bursaria requires oxygen for its metabolic processes. While swimming about it comes to a region where oxygen is lacking. Thereupon it changes its behavior, turns away, and goes in some other direction. The white Paramecium caudatum does the same, and so also do many bacteria; they likewise require oxy- gen for their metabolic processes. All reject a region without oxygen. The green Paramecium bursaria comes to a dark region. The water contains plenty of oxygen, hence the metabolic processes are proceeding uninterruptedly, and passing into darkness does not interfere with them. The animal does not change its behavior, but enters the dark region without hesitation. Later the oxygen in the water has become nearly REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 341 exhausted. The animal is again swimming about in the light, and the green chlorophyll bodies which it contains are producing a little oxygen which the infusorian uses in its metabolic processes. Now it comes again to a dark region. In the darkness the production of oxygen by the green bodies ceases; they no longer supply the metabolic processes with this necessary factor. Now we find that the infusorian rejects the darkness and turns in another direction. The white Paramecium cau- datum does not do this, nor do the colorless bacteria. Possessing no chlorophyll, they receive no more oxygen in the light than in the darkness, and they pass into darkness as readily as into light. But many colored bacteria do reject the darkness. They require light in certain other metabolic processes, —in their assimilation of inorganic compounds, — and when they come to the boundary between light and darkness, they return into the light. Most bacteria reject regions con- taining no oxygen, as we have seen. But in certain bacteria, oxygen is not required for the metabolic processes; on the contrary, it impedes them. These bacteria reject regions containing oxygen, swimming back into the light. In some cases among unicellular organisms the relation of behavior to the metabolic processes is exceedingly precise. Thus, Engelmann (1882 a) proved that in Bacterium (or Chromatium) photo- metricum the ultra-red and the yellow-orange rays are those most favor- able to the metabolic processes (assimilation of carbon dioxide, etc.). When a microspectrum is thrown on these bacteria, they are found to react in such a way as to collect in precisely the ultra-red and the yellow- orange. ‘The reaction consists in a change of behavior, — a reversal of movement, — at the moment of passing from the ultra-red or the yel- low-orange to any other part of the spectrum. At that same instant the metabolic processes of course suffer interference. Bacteria are not in nature subjected to pure spectral colors in bands, so that there has been no opportunity for the production of this correspondence between behavior and favorable conditions, through the natural selection of vary- ing individuals. In all these cases the behavior depends upon the metabolic processes, . and is of such a character as to favor them. Throughout the present volume we have found similar relations to hold for all sorts of organisms. We find even that when the metabolic processes of a given individual change, the behavior changes in a corresponding way. Why does the bacterium or infusorian change its behavior and shrink back from the darkness or the region containing no oxgyen? As a mat- ter of fact, it needs the light or the oxygen in its metabolic processes, and it does not shrink back from their absence unless it does need them. But we have no reason to attribute to the bacterium anything like a 342 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS knowledge or idea of that relation. We do not need any purpose or idea in the mind of the organism, or any “psychoid”’ or entelechy, to account for the change of behavior, for an adequate objective cause exists. We know experimentally that the darkness or the lack of oxygen interferes with the metabolic processes. This very interference is then evidently the cause of the change of behavior. The organism is known to be the seat of varied processes, proceeding with a certain energy. When there is interference with these processes, the energy overflows into other channels, resulting in changes in behavior. This statement is a formulation of the facts determined by observation and experiment in the most diverse organisms. It is illustrated on almost every page of the present work. In the lower organisms the processes of metabolism are the chief ones occurring, and behavior is largely determined with reference to them. In higher organisms these usually retain their commanding réle, but an immense number of coérdinated and subsidiary processes also occur, and changes in behavior may be induced by interference with any of these. The answer to our first question is then as follows: The organism changes its behavior as a result of interference or disturbance in its physiological processes. Our second question was: How does it happen that such movements are produced as bring about more favorable conditions? This question we have already answered, so far as lower organisms are concerned, in our general statement on page 339. The organism does not go straight for a final end. It merely acts,—#$in all sorts of ways possible to it, — resulting in repeated changes of the environmental conditions. The fundamental fact must be remembered that the life processes depend upon internal and external conditions, and are favored by conditions that are rather generally distributed throughout the environment of or- ganisms. If there were no favorable conditions attainable, of course no change of behavior could attain them. But the favorable conditions actually exist, and if the changes of behavior continue, subjecting the organism to all possible different conditions, a condition will finally be reached that is favorable to the life processes. Often only a slight change of behavior is required in order to bring about favorable conditions. If an organism swims suddenly into a heated area, almost any change in the direction of movement is likely to restore the conditions previously existing. Adjustment, then, is reached by repeated changes of move- ment. Our third question was: How does the organism select the more favorable condition thus reached? This question now answers itself. . REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 343 It was the interference with the physiological processes that caused the changes in behavior. As soon therefore as this interference ceases, there is no further cause for change. The organism selects and retains the favorable condition reached, merely by ceasing to change its behavior when interference ceases. Thus in the lowest organisms we find regulation occurring on the basis of the three following facts : — 1. Definite internal processes are occurring in organisms. ~ 2. Interference with these processes causes a change of behavior and varied movements, subjecting the organism to many different conditions. 3. One of these conditions relieves the interference with the internal processes, so that the changes in behavior cease. It is clear that regulation taking place in this way does not require that the end or purpose of the action shall function in any way as part of its cause, as is held in various vitalistic theories. There is no evi- dence that a final aim is guiding the organism. None of the factors above mentioned appear to include anything differing in essential prin- ciple from such methods of action as we find in the inorganic world. Now an additional factor enters the problem. By the process which we have just considered, the organism reaches in time a movement that brings relief from the interfering conditions. This relieving response becomes fixed through the operation of the law of the readier resolu- tion of physiological states as a result of repetition (Chapter XVI, Sec- tion 10). After reaching the relieving response a number of times by a repeated succession of movements, a recurrence of the interfering con- dition induces more quickly the relieving response, and in time this becomes the immediate reaction to this interfering condition. It is in this second stage of the process, when the relieving response has become set through the law of the readier resolution of physiological states by repetition, that an end or purpose seems to dominate the be- havior. This end or purpose of course actually exists, as a subjective state called an idea,in man. Whether any such subjective state exists in the lower organism that has gone through the process just sketched, of course we do not know. But some objective phenomenon, as a tran- sient physiological state, would seem to be required in the lower animal, corresponding to the objective physiological accompaniment of the idea inman. The behavior in this stage is that which, in its higher reaches at least, has been called intelligent. But so far as the objective occurrences are concerned, there would seem to be nothing in this later stage of the behavior involving any- thing different in essential principle from what we find in the inorganic world. The only additional factor is the law of the readier resolution of 344 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS physiological states after repetition. While possibly our statement of this law may not be entirely adequate, there would seem to be nothing im- plied by it that is specifically vital, in the sense that it differs in essential principle from the methods of action seen in the inorganic world. This law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition pre- sents indeed many analogies with various chains of physical and chemi- cal action.’ It certainly by no means requires in itself the action of any ‘final cause,’’ — that is, of an entity that is at the same time purpose and cause. On the other hand, it undoubtedly does produce that type of behavior which has given rise to the conception of the purpose acting as cause. This conception is in itself of course a correct one, so far as we mean by a purpose an actual physiological state of the organism, determining behavior in the same manner as other factors determine it. But such a physiological state (subjectively a purpose) is a result of a foregoing objective cause, and acts to produce an effect in the same way as any other link in the causal chain. It would seem therefore to pre- sent no basis for theories of vitalism, so far as these depend on anything like the action of final causes. That regulation takes place in the behavior of many animals in the manner above sketched may be affirmed as a clearly established fact, and it seems to be perhaps the only intelligible way in which regulatory behavior could be developed in a given individual. But we are, of course, confronted by the fact that many individuals are provided at birth with definite regulatory methods of reaction to cer- tain stimuli. In these cases the animal is not compelled to go through the process of performing varied movements, with subsequent fixation of the successful movement. How are such cases to be accounted for? If the regulatory method of reaction acquired through the process sketched in the preceding paragraphs could be inherited, there would of course be no difficulty in accounting for such congenital regulatory re- actions. In Protozoa this is apparently the real state of the case; there appears to be no reason why the products of reproduction by division should not inherit the properties of the individual that divides, however these properties were attained. But in the Metazoa such inheritance of acquirements presents great theoretical difficulties, and has not been ex- perimentally demonstrated to occur, though it is perhaps too early to con- sider the matter as yet out of court. If such inheritance does not occur, the existence of congenital definite regulatory reactions would seem explicable only on the basis of the natural selection of individuals having varying methods of reaction, unless we are to adopt the theories of vital- ism. In the method we have sketched above, a certain reaction that is 1 See note, page 317. REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 345 regulatory is selected, through the operation of physiological laws, from among many performed by the same individual. In natural selection the same reaction is selected from among many performed by different individuals —in both cases because it is regulatory — because it assists the life processes of the organism. The two factors must then work together and produce similar results.’ In both, the essential point is a selection from among varied activities. We must here notice the fact that we often find in organisms be- havior that is not regulatory. How are we to account for this? With- out going into details, it is clear that there are a number of factors that would produce this result. First, interference with the life processes is not the only cause of reaction. The organism is composed of matter that is subject to the usual laws of physics and chemistry. External agents may of course act on this matter directly, causing changes in movement that are not regulatory. Second, the organism can perform only those movements which its structure permits. Often none of these movements can produce conditions that relieve the existing interference with the life processes. Then the organism can only try them, without regulatory results, and die (see, for example, such a case in the flatworm, p- 244). Further, certain responses may have become fixed, in the way described above, because under usual conditions they produce adjust- ment. Now if the conditions change, the organism still responds by the fixed reaction, and this may no longer be regulatory. The organ- ism may then be destroyed before a new regulatory reaction can be developed by selection from varied movements. This condition of affairs is of course often observed. All together, the regulatory character of behavior as found in many animals seems intelligible in a perfectly natural, directly causal way, on the basis of the principles brought out above. We may summarize these principles as (1) the selection through varied movements of conditions not interfering with the physiological processes of the organism (“trial and error’’); (2) the fixation of the adaptive movements through the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition. 3. REGULATION IN OTHER FIELDS Is it possible that individual regulation in other fields is based on the same principles that we have set forth above for behavior? Bodily movement is only one of the many activities that vary, and variations of any of the organic activities may impede or assist the physiological For a discussion of the relation of these two factors, see Chapter XIX. 346 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS processes of theorganism. Is it possible that interference with the physio- logical processes may induce changes in other activities, —in chemical processes, in growth, and the like, — and that one of these activities is selected, as in behavior, through the fact that it relieves the interference that caused the change? There is some evidence for this possibility. Let us look, for example, at regulative changes in the chemical activity of the organism, such as we see in the acclimatization to poisons, in the responses to changes in temperature, or in the adaptation of the digestive juices to the food. What is the material from which the regulative conditions may be se- lected? One of the general results of modern physical chemistry is expressed by Ostwald (1902, p. 366) as follows: “In a given chemical structure all processes that are so much as possible, are really taking place, and they lead to the formation of all substances that can occur at all.”” Some of these processes are taking place so slowly that they escape usual observation; we notice only those that are conspicuous. But in its enzymes the body possesses the means (as Ostwald sets forth) of hastening any of these processes and delaying others, so that the gen- eral character of the action shall be determined by the more rapid pro- cess. Such enzymes are usually present in the body in inactive forms (zymogens), which may be transformed into active enzymes by slight chemical changes, thus altering fundamentally the course of the chemi- cal processes in the organisms. It is evident, then, that the organism has presented to it, by the condi- tion just sketched, unlimited possibilities for the selection of different chemical processes. The body is a great mass of the most varied chemi- cals, and in this mass thousands of chemical processes, in every direction, — all those indeed that are possible, — are occurring at all times. There is then no difficulty as to the sufficiency of the material presented for selection, if some means may be found for selecting it. Further, it is known that interference with the physiological pro- cesses does result in many changes in the internal activities of the organ- ism, as well as in its external movements. Intense injurious stimula- tion causes not merely excess movements of the body as a whole, but induces marked changes in circulation, in respiration, in temperature, in digestive processes, in excretion, and in other ways. Such marked internal changes involve, and indeed are constituted by, alterations of profound character in the chemical processes of the organism. These chemical changes are sometimes demonstrated by the»production of new chemicals under such circumstances. Furthermore, it is clear that the internal changes due to interference with the physiological processes are not stereotyped in character, but varied. Under violent injurious stimu- REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 347 lation, respiration becomes for a time rapid, then is almost suspended. The heart beats for a time furiously, then feebly, and there is similar variation in other internal symptoms. Thus it seems clear that interference with the life processes does produce varied activities in other ways than in bodily movements; and that among these it results in varied chemical processes. ‘There is then presented opportunity for regulation to occur in the same way as in behavior. Certain of the processes occurring relieve the disturbance of the physiological functions. There results a cessation of the changes. In other words, a certain process is selected through the fact that it does relieve. It is well known, through the work of Pawlow (1898), that the adaptive changes in the activities of the digestive glands, fitting the digestive juices to the food taken, do not occur at once and completely under a given diet, but are brought about gradually. As the dog is continued on a diet of bread, the pancreatic juice becomes more and more adapted to the digestion of starch. ‘This slow adaptation is of course what should be expected if the process occurs in anything like the manner we have sketched. At a later stage, if the laws of these processes are the same as those for behavior, there will be present certain fixed methods of chemical response, by which the organism reacts to certain sorts of stimulation. That the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repe- tition holds in this field, is clearly indicated by the work of Pawlow. He found that the pancreas under a uniform diet does tend to acquire ; a fixed method of reaction to the introduction of the food, that is not easily changed. In the dog which has digested starch for a month, the pancreatic juice is not readily changed back to that adapted to the diges- tion of meat. As a result, definite organs will in the course of time have left open to them only certain limited possibilities of variation — due to the development of something corresponding to the “‘action system” in behavior. Thus, in the pancreas, there will not exist unlimited possi- bilities as to the chemical changes that may occur. Its ‘“‘action system”’ will be limited perhaps to the production of varied quantities of a cer- tain set of enzymes, — amylopsin, trypsin, etc. The proper selection of these few possibilities will then occur by the method sketched. When digestion is disturbed by food that is not well digested, variations in the production of the different enzymes will be set in train, and one of these will in time relieve the difficulty, through the more complete diges- tion of the food. ‘Thereupon the variations will cease, since their cause has disappeared. By still more complete fixation of the chemical re- sponse, through the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition, or the analogue of this law, an organ or organism may 348 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS largely lose its power of varying its chemical behavior and thus be unable to meet new conditions in a regulative way. A condition com- parable to the production of a fixed reflex in behavior will result. It is perhaps more difficult to apply the method of regulation above set forth to processes of growth and regeneration. Yet there is no logi- cal difficulty in the way. The only question would be that of fact, — whether the varied growth processes necessary do, primitively, occur under conditions that interfere with the physiological processes. When a wound is made or an organ removed, is the growth process which follows always of a certain stereotyped character, or are there variations? It is well known, of course, that the latter is the case. In the regenera- tion of the earthworm, Morgan (1897) finds great variation; he says that in trying many experiments, one finds that what ninety-nine worms cannot do in the way of regeneration, the one hundredth can. The very great variations in the results of operations on eggs and young stages of animals are well known. Removal of an organ is known to produce great disturbance of most of the processes in the organism, and among others in the process of growth. It appears not impossible then that regulation may be brought about in growth processes in accordance with the same principles as in be- havior. A disturbance of the physiological processes results in varied activities, and among these are varied growth activities. Some of these relieve the disturbance; the variation then ceases and these processes are continued. In any given highly organized animal or plant the dif- ferent possibilities of growth will have become decidedly limited; and it is only from this limited number of possibilities that selections can be made. In some cases, by the fixation of certain processes through the analogue of the law of the readier resolution of physiological states, the organism or a certain part thereof will have lost the power of respond- ing to injury save in one definite way. Under new conditions this one way may not be regulatory, yet it may be the only response possible. Thus may result the formation under certain conditions of heteromorphic structures, —a tail in place of a head, or the like, from a part of the body that (in normal development perhaps) is accustomed to produce such an organ. This would again correspond to the production of a fixed reflex action in behavior, even under circumstances where this action is not regulatory. It appears to the writer that the method of form regulation recently set forth in a most suggestive paper by Holmes (1904) is in agreement with the general method of regulation here set forth, and may be consid- ered a working out of the details of the way in which growth regulation might take place along these lines. Holmes has of course emphasized REGULATION IN BEHAVIOR 349 other features of the process in a way that is not called for in the pres- ent work. Some suggestions as to the possibility of regulation along the line of the selection of overproduced activities are found in J. Mark Baldwin’s valuable collection of essays entitled “Evolution and Development.” It may be noted that regulation in the manner we have set forth is what in behavior is commonly called intelligence. If the same method of regulation is found in other fields, then there is no reason for refusing to compare the action there to intelligence. Comparison of the regu- latory processes that are shown in internal physiological changes and in regeneration, to intelligence seems to be looked upon sometimes as un- scientific and heretical. Yet intelligence is a name applied to processes that actually exist in the regulation of movement, and there is no a priori reason why similar processes should not occur in regulation in other fields. Movement is after all only the general result of the more recon- dite chemical and physical changes occurring in organisms, and there- fore cannot follow laws differing in essential character from the latter, We are dealing in other fields with the same substance that is capable of performing the processes seen in intelligent action, and these could not occur as they do if the underlying physical and chemical pro- cesses did not obey the same laws. In a purely objective consideration there seems no reason to suppose that regulation in behavior (intelli- gence) is of a fundamentally different character from regulation else- where. 4. SUMMARY We may sum up the fundamental features in the method of individ- ual regulation above set forth as follows: — The organism is a complex of many processes, of chemical change, of growth, and of movement; these are proceeding with a certain energy. These processes depend for their unimpeded course on their relations to each other and on the relations to the environment which the pro- cesses themselves bring about. When any of these processes are blocked or disturbed, through a change in the relations to each other or the environment, the energy overflows in other directions, producing varied changes, —in movement, and apparently also in chemical and growth processes. These changes of course vary the relations of the processes to each other and to the environment; some of the conditions thus reached relieve the interference which was the cause of the change. Thereupon the changes cease, since there is no further cause for them; the relieving condition is therefore maintained. After repetition of this course of events, the process which leads to relief is reached more 350 BEHAVIOR OF THE LOWER ORGANISMS directly, as a result of the law of the readier resolution of physiological states after repetition. Thus are produced finally the stereotyped changes often resulting from stimulation. This method of regulation is clearly seen in behavior, where its operation is, in the later stages, what is called intelligence. Its applica- tion to chemical and form regulation is at present hypothetical, but appears possible. BIBLIOGRAPHY THE following is a list of the works cited in the text. It is not a complete bibliography of behavior in lower animals, but will be found to contain most of the more important papers on the lowest groups. The authors’ names are given in alphabetical order, with their works arranged according to the date of their appear- ance. In the text the works are cited by the name of the author accompanied by the date; for the complete title reference is to be made to the present list. Apams, G. P., 1903. On the negative and positive phototropism of the earth- worm Allolobophora fcetida (Sav.), as determined by light of different intensities: Amer. Journ. 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Acids, collection in, by Paramecium, 65, 67; by other infusoria, 122. Actinia, taking of food when cut in two, 227. Actinians, see sea anemones. Action system, Paramecium, 107; of infuso- ria in general, 110; of Coelenterata, 189; general, 300. Activity, cause of, 284, 285. Adams, behavior of earthworm, 248. Adaptiveness of behavior, in Amoeba, 23; in bacteria, 39; in Paramecium, 45, 79, 129; of changes of behavior in Stentor, 178; in food reactions of Gonionemus, 221; in ccelenterates, 230; in reactions to representative stimuli, 296; general factors, 299, 305, 338-350. Adjustment, 342 (see adaptiveness and regu- lation). Aiptasia, reaction to local stimulation, 199; setting of reaction by repetition, 206; acclimatization to stimuli, 207; relation to gravity, 211; food reactions, 223-226; rapid contraction, 228. Allabach, behavior of Metridium, 224. Allolobophora, testing movements, 247. Alternating electric currents, reaction to, in Paramecium, 83. Ameeba angulata, 5; proteus, 2, 12, 13; velata, 5, 8; verrucosa, 2, 18. Ameeba, structure, 1; movements, 2; behav- ior and reactions, 6-25; food taking, 13- 19; relation of behavior to tropism theory, 269; relation to reflexes, 279; question of consciousness, 336. Amylobacter, 30, 32, 38. Anaérobic bacteria, 31, 341. Analysis of behavior, 283-313. Anode, movement toward, in Paramecium, 81, 85, 98; in Flagellata, 152; in Opa- lina, 152, 159; in infusoria in general, 163. Antholoba, attachment to crabs, 197. Antitype, 277. Anurea, reaction to electric current, 242. Association, in hermit crabs, 257, 290; gen- eral, 334. Attached infusoria, reactions, 116; complex- ity of behavior, 180. Attention, 330. Authorities cited, 351. Avoiding reaction, in Paramecium, 47, 53; adaptiveness of, 79; in Chilomonas, 111; in Euglena, 112; in other flagellates, 113; in other ciliates, 113; in light reactions, 149; relation to localization, 117; relation to reflexes, 279. Bacteria, structure, 26; movements, 26; behavior and: reactions, 27-40; relation of behavior to tropism theory, 271; rela- tion to reflexes, 278; regulation in behav- ior, 341. Bacterium chlorinum, 37; megatherium, 34; termo, 30, 32, 33, 34- Bain, selection of overproduced movements, 302, 327. Balantidium, reaction to chemicals, 122. Balbiani, behavior of conjugating Paramecia, 104; use of trichocysts, 186. Baldwin, law of dynamogenesis, 289; selec- tion of overproduced movements, 302, 327; organic selection, 321, 326; regu- lation, 349. Bancroft, reaction of infusoria to electricity, 167; of medusz to electricity, 208, 210. Barratt, reaction of Paramecia to chemicals, 64; theory of reaction to electricity (with Coehn), 165. Bell of medusa, independent contractility, 228. Beer, Bethe, and v. Uexkiill, terminology, 275; reflex and antitype, 277. Bethe, behavior of ants and bees, 258. Bibliography, 35r. Bilateral animals, relation of behavior to tropism theory, 271, 273. Binet, food habits of infusoria, 186. Birukoff, reaction of Paramecium to induc- tion shocks, 83, 88. Blowfly larva, behavior, 249. Bodo, reaction to chemicals, 124. Bohn, behavior of hermit crabs, 211, 250; of Convoluta, 254; of littoral animals, 255; local action theory of tropisms, 274. Botrydium, reactions to light, 143, 144. 359 360 INDEX Bredig, properties of colloids, 317. Brittle star, behavior 240. Bryopsis swarm spores, reactions to light, 144. Budgett, theory of reaction to electric cur- rent (with Loeb), 166. Bursaria, avoiding reaction, 114; reaction to heat, 126, 305, 318, 322. Calvert, Mrs. P. P., behavior of earthworm, 247. Carbon dioxide, reaction to, in Paramecium, 67, 297; in other infusoria, 122. Carchesium, 116; reaction to light, 142; ces- sation of reaction to faint stimuli, 172. Carcinus, habit formation, 256. Carlgren, cause of reaction to electric cur- rent, 165; ciliary action in sea anemones, 222. Cataphoric action, part played in reaction to electricity, 164. Cathode, movement toward, in Paramecium, 80, 83; in flagellates, 152; in ciliates, 152; in Spirostomum, 157; in Opalina, 162; general, 163. “Central nervous system” of medusz, 189. Centrifugal force, reaction to, in Paramecium, 51, 78; in other infusoria, 150. Cerianthus, movement when without food, 191; righting reactions, 195; reaction to gravity, 195, 210; reaction of hetero- morphic tentacles, 227. Chain reflexes, 251. Change of conditions as cause of reactions, in Ameeba, 19; in bacteria, 29, 37; in Paramecium, 51, 56, 58, 67, 108; in other infusoria, 123; in reactions to light, 131, 133, 136, 141, 145, 215; general, 293, 333- Chemical processes in organisms, 346. Chemicals, reaction to, in Amoeba, 9; in bacteria, 28-34; in Paramecium, 51, 53, 54, 62, 120; in Hydra, 198, 218; in me- dusz, 220; in sea anemones, 224; inter- ference with reaction to chemicals, 83, 96. Chilomonas, structure and behavior, 111; reaction to electric current, 152. Chlamydomonas, reaction to light, 142, 146; to gravity, 149; to centrifugal force, 150. Choice, 330, 340; choice of food in infuso- ria, 183. Chromatium, reactions, 33, 35, 36. Chromulina, reactions to gravity, 149; re- versal by heat, 150. . Chytridium, reaction to light, 142. Cilia, in infusoria, 41; observation of move- ments, 83; cathodic reversal under electric current, 84; action in food taking of sea anemones, 222; reversal in sea anemones, 223, 224, 227; cilia in sea urchin, 234. Ciliata, 41. Cnidaria, behavior of, 188-232. Cnidocil, 218. Coehn and Barratt, theory of reaction to elec- tric current, 165. Ceelenterata, behavior of, 188-232; reflexes in, 133, 279; relation to tropism theory, 272. Cold, reaction to, in bacteria, 37; in Para- mecium, 51, 53, 70; in other infusoria, 124; effect on Hydra, 205. Coleps, lack of reaction to gravity, 150. Colloids, dependence of properties on his- tory, 317, 334- Color, reaction to, in Amoeba, 1x; in bac- teria, 36, 341; in Euglena, 140; in Hydra, 212. Colorless infusoria, usual lack of reaction to light, 128; cases of reaction to light, 142, 333- Colpidium, avoiding reaction, 115; collec- tion in acids, 122; lack of reaction to grav- ity, 150; reaction to electric current, 155. Colpoda, lack of reaction to gravity, 150. Combinations of stimuli, in infusoria, 92. Compensatory movements, 75. Conduction of stimulation, in ccelenterates, 228; in Protozoa, 262. Condylactis, relation to gravity, 211. Congenital variations, 319, 320. Conjugation, behavior during, 102, 182. Consciousness, 328, 334, 335, 340- Contact reactions, in Amoeba, 6; in bacteria, 27, 37; in Paramecium, 51, 54, 59, 60; in other infusoria, 117; interference with other reactions, 92-96, 119, 133; cause of interference, 120. Contraction, in response to stimuli, in Para- mecium, 89; in other infusoria, 114; in Coelenterata, 197; spontaneous contrac- tions in infusoria, 181; in Hydra, 189; in meduse, 191; rapid contraction in Aiptasia, 228; local contractions in ccelen- terates, 231; relation to tropism theory, 272; setting of contractions through repe- tition in sea anemones, 206. Convoluta, habit formation, 255, 333; depen- dence of reaction to gravity on past his- tory, 258. Correlation of behavior in different parts of ceelenterate body, 227, 229; in sea urchin, 252; in starfish, 239. Corymorpha, reaction to gravity, 210; reac- tion of tentacles, 222. Crab, habit formation, 256, 290. Crayfish, habit formation, 255, 290. Creeping infusoria, reactions, 114; complex- ity of behavior, 180. Crustacea, habit formation, 255, 290, 333- Cryptomonas, reaction to light, 142, 143, 146; to electric current, 152. Currents, protoplasmic, in Amoeba, 4; cur- rents due to cilia in infusoria, 46, 60, 131}; observation of these currents, 83; cur- INDEX rents in reaction to electricity, 85; reac- tion to water currents in Paramecium, 73. Cutleria swarm spores, reaction to light, 142, 146. Cyclidium, collection in acids, 122. Cysts of Euglena, as food for Ameeba, 12. Daily life of Paramecium, 104. Dale, reaction of infusoria to water currents, 75; to chemicals, 122. Davenport, reaction of Amoeba to light, 11, 21; of Paramecium to gravity, 76; of in- fusoria to chemicals, 122; diagram of tropism theory, 268; terminology, 275. Desire, 331. Development of behavior, 314-327- Didinium, food habits, 91, 185; discharge of trichocysts, 186. Discrimination, 304, 315, 329. Driesch, chain reflexes, 251; tropism theory, 266; reflex, 278; vitalism, 338. Driving Ameeba, 6. Drying, reaction to, in flatworm, 243. Earthworm, testing movements, - 247; tion to light, 248. Echinoderms, behavior, 234, 238; to tropism theory, 272. Ectosare, 2, 43; contractionin Paramecium, 89. Electricity, reaction to, in Amceba, 12, 23, 24; in bacteria, 37; in Paramecium, 51, 80 (induction shocks, 81; alternating cur- rents, 83, 87; constant current, 83; inter- ference with reaction to electricity, 94, 96, 119); in’ other infusoria, 151 (induction shocks, 151; constant current, 152); lack of reaction in Euglena, 152; reaction in Colpidium, 155; in Spirostomum, 157; in Opalina, 159; summary on infusoria, 163; theories, 164; reaction in ccelen- terates, 208; in rotifers, 242; agreement with tropism theory in infusoria, 271. Elemental life, 260. Endosarc, 2, 43. Engelmann, reaction of Pelomyxa to light, 11; behavior of bacteria, 30, 35, 36, 39; reaction of Euglena to shading parts of body, 136; reaction to light in Parame- cium bursaria, 142; terminology, 275. Epistylis, reaction to ultra-violet light, 142; cessation of reaction to weak stimuli, 172. Ether, collection of bacteria in, 33. Euglena, structure and reactions, 102, 134; reactions to light, 134, 294; spiral path, 138; reaction to gravity, 149; to centrifu- gal force, 150; no reaction to electric current, 152. Exploratory movements, in Lacrymaria, 181; in Hydra, 189, 204; in medusw, 220; in sea anemones, 222; in Planaria, 243- 245; in other invertebrates, 246-250 (see trial movements). reac- relation 361 Famintzin, reaction of flagellates to light, 140. Fatigue, in infusoria, 100, 172; general, 331. Fear, 332. Fern spermatozoids, reaction method, 121; Weber’s law, 123. Final causes, 344. “Fishing” in Gonionemus, 192, 211, 214. Fission, behavior during, 102. Flagella, in bacteria, 26; in infusoria, 41, 60, Itt. Flagellata, 41; movements and reactions, 111; reactions to electricity, 119, 152. Flatworm, localization of reactions, 236; testing movements, 243; righting reac- tion, 245; physiological states, 253; habit formation, 254. Food, behavior in obtaining, Amoeba, 12- 19, 24, 25; Paramecium, 46, 183; Sten- tor, 171; in other infusoria, 118, 182; Gonionemus, 192, 219; in ccelenterates in general, 216; Hydra, 216; medusz, 219; sea anemones, 221; sea urchin, 235; flatworm, 246; mollusk (Nassa), 247; food habits in general, 331; lack of food, in infusoria, 101; in Hydra, 189; in Cerianthus, 196; rejection of food in sea anemones, 202; relation of food reactions to reaction to light, in parasitic infusoria, 142; in Hydra, 213. Form regulation, 348. Free infusoria, simplicity of behavior, 180. Gamble and Keeble, behavior of Convoluta, 255. Garrey, kinesis, 275. Gonionemus, “fishing,” 192; relation to gravity, 211; reaction to light, 214; food reactions, 219; chemical stimuli, 220; mechanical stimuli, 220; reactions of separated parts, 227; adaptiveness of reactions, 221, 230. Gravity, reaction to, in bacteria, 37; in Para- mecium, 51, 75; in other infusoria, 150; interference with, in infusoria, 96, 150; reaction in coelenterates, 195, 210; in hermit crabs, 211; in Convoluta, 255; de- pendence on experience in Convoluta, 258; general effects of gravity on organ- isms, 211. : Growth, regulation of, 348. Habit, 333. Habit formation, sea anemone (?), 207; starfish, 241; Convoluta (flatworm), 254; Crustacea, 255; retention of habit, 256. Hematococcus, reaction to light, 142, 146; to gravity, 149. Halteria, reaction, 115. Harper, behavior of earthworm, 247, 248. Harrington and Leaming, reaction of Amceba to light, 11, 20, 24. 362 _ INDEX Heat, reaction to, in Amoeba, 10; in bac- teria, 37; in Paramecium, §1~53, 79, 305; in other infusoria, 124, 305; in Hydra, 204; in rotifers, 242; in flatworms, 244; interference with other reactions, 150; interference of other reactions with reac- tion to heat, 93. Hermit crabs, temporary reaction to gravity, 211; seeking shells, 250; formation of association and habit, 257, 290. Hertel, reactions to ultra-violet light, in Paramecium, 72; in other infusoria, 142; in Hydra, 213. Heteromorphic tentacles, behavior, 227. Hobhouse, reflex, 278; selection from varied movements, 327. Hodge and Aikins, changes in behavior in Vorticella, 179; duration of modifica- tion, 254; continuous activity of Vorti- cella, 181. Holmes, trial movements in lower animals, 247-250; random movements, 251, 254; form regulation, 348. Holt and Lee, tropism theory in reactions to light, 266, 269. Hunger, infusoria, 101; Hydra, 189, 205, 219; sea anemones, 191, 224; Planaria, 253; in- vertebrates in general, 252; general, 295, 331- Hunter ciliates, 184. Hydra, nervous system, 189; rhythmic ac- tivity, 189, 285; locomotion, 190; posi- tion, 193; righting reaction, 193; local contractions, 198, 272; locomotor reac- tions, 203; reactions to electric current, 208; to light, 212; to chemicals, 198, 218; food reactions, 217; nematocyst discharge, 218; hunger, 219. Hydroid, reaction to gravity, 210; reaction of tentacles, 222. Hydromedusz, reactions of separated mar- gin and bell, 227 (see meduse). Hypotricha, reaction method, 53, 114; creep- ing, 118; reaction to heat and cold, 124; to electricity, 154. Independence of parts of body, in ccelen- terates, 227; in sea urchin, 235. Individual selection, relation to natural selec- tion, 324. Induction shocks, reaction to, infusoria, 81, 102, 104, 151; ccelenterates, 208. Infusoria, 41; behavior, 41-187; behavior under natural conditions, 179; food habits, 183; relation to tropism, 270. Inhibition, release of, as determining move- ment, 284. Injury, relation of reactions to, in Amceba, 23; in bacteria, 33; in Paramecium, 52, 63, 109 (see regulation, and interference with processes). Instincts, 237. Intelligence, 334, 343; relation to natural selection, 324, 345; to regulation, 349, 359 Interference with internal processes as cause of reaction, in Amoeba, 11, 20; in bac- teria, 39, 341; general, 295, 342, 346; interference of stimuli, 92, 119, 150. Internal factors in behavior, 283. Invertebrates, lower, general features of be- havior, 233-259. James, reflex, 278, 280, 281. Jellyfish, see meduse. Jensen, reactions to gravity in infusoria, 76, 149. Kinesis, 275. Kiihne, polarizing effects of electric current, 167. Lacrymaria, reaction to induction shock, 151; trial movements, 181. Lagynus, food habits, 187. Le Dantec, life processes of Protozoa and Metazoa, 260. Learning, relation of change of behavior in infusoria to, 178; in crustaceans, 255. Leech, trial movements, 247; reaction to light, 248. Leidy, taking food in Ameceba, 15, 19. Light, reaction to, Amoeba, 11; _ bacteria, 35-37, 341; Paramecium, 72; Stentor, 128; Euglena, 134; other infusoria, 141; swarm spores, 143; Coelenterata, 212; Hydra, 212; Gonionemus, 214; Roti- fera, 242; earthworm, 247; leech, 248; blowfly larva, 249; in colorless organ- isms, 142, 213, 333; tropism theory for light reactions, 266, 268, 269. Literature list, 351. Localization of reactions, in Ameeba, 20; Paramecium, 51, 52; in other infusoria, 117; different methods, 307; relation to tropism theory, 266, 274. Localized reactions in ccelenterates, 198, 231; in theory of tropisms, 266, 274. Locomotion, in Hydra, 191; in sea anemones, I9l. Locomotor reactions in Ccelenterata, 203. Loeb, behavior of Cerianthus, 191, 195; localization in medusz, 200; indepen- dent activity of parts of body in Ceelen- terata, 227, 228; function of nervous system in meduse, 229; chain reflexes, 251; function of nervous system, 263; tropism theory, 266, 269. Loeb and Budgett, theory of reaction to elec- tricity, 166. Loxocephalus, spontaneous collections, 122. Loxodes, avoiding reaction, 113. Loxophyllum, avoiding reaction, 113. Ludloff, reactions to electricity, 84, 167. INDEX 7 Lyon, reaction to currents, 74; to gravity, 77; to centrifugal force, 78. Manubrium, localizing reactions, 200; food reactions, 220; independent reactions, 927. Massart, reactions of bacteria, 34, 37; dis- charge of trichocysts, 90; interference of heat and contact reactions, 93; reaction of Polytoma, 123; reversal of reaction to gravity by heat, 150; nomenclature, 275. Mast, reactions of bacteria, 37; local stimu- lation with heat, 198; behavior of Hydra, 203, 205; reaction of flatworm to heat, 245. Maupas, food habits of infusoria, 182, 186. Mechanical stimulation, in Amoeba, 6; in™ bacteria, 27, 37; in Paramecium, 51, 54, 59; in other infusoria, 117; in Hydra, 204; in medusz, 220; interference with other stimuli in infusoria, 92-96. Medusez, nervous system, 189; rhythmical contractions, 191, 227; food habits, 192, 219; reaction to local stimulation, 199, 200; reaction to electric current, 210; to gravity, 211; to light, 214; to chemi- cals, 220; behavior of separated pieces, 227; relation of behavior to tropism the- ory, 272. Memory, 333: Mendelssohn, temperature reactions, 70; optimum for infusoria, 127; change of optimum, ror. Metabolism, relation of behavior to, in bac- teria, 36, 39; in Ccelenterata, 231; in invertebrates in general, 251; relation to movement, 284; relation to changes in physiological state, 286, 287; relation to positive reactions, 295; general, 299, 349, 341. Metazoa and Protozoa, 188; comparison of behavior, 260-264. Metridium, movement from internal causes, 191; relation to gravity, 211; food reac- tions, 222, 224, 225; fatigue, 226; reac- tions of separated tentacles, 227. Microthorax, avoiding reaction, 115. Miyoshi, reactions of bacteria, 32. Modifiability of behavior, Amoeba, 24; bac- teria, 39; Paramecium, 100; Stentor, 170; sea anemones, 206, 207, 226; Cc- lenterata, 231, 232; invertebrates, 237, 250; Convoluta (flatworm), 255; Crus- tacea, 255-257; higher invertebrates, 258; general, 258, 317; laws of, 286-291; modifiability in colloids, 317. Moebius, behavior of Nassa, 247. Mollusks, trial movements, 247. Monas, reaction to light, 36. Moore, reactions of infusoria to gravity, 77, 96; lack of food, ror. Morgan, C. L., trial and error in higher ani- mals, 250. 363 Morgan, T. H., variability in regeneration, 348. Motile touch, reaction of Gonionemus to, 221, 230. Movement spontaneous, 283; cause of, 284, 285. Myxomycetes, reaction to light, 12. Naegeli, movement and reactions of flagel- lates, 111, 113; spiral movement in swarm spores, 143. Nagel, food reactions in sea anemones, 224. Nassa, behavior in finding food, 247. Natural selection, 320; relation to individ- ual selection or intelligence, 324, 325, 345; part played in behavior, 327. Negative reaction, in Amoeba, 6, 23; in bacteria, 27, 28; in infusoria, 53, 117; general, 301. Nematocysts, action in food taking, 218. Nervous system, of Coelenterata, 189; con- duction by, “in ccelenterates, 228; func- tion in coelenterates, 230; specific prop- erties and general functions, 260-264; behavior without a nervous system, 26r. Nomenclature, 274-276. Nucleus, in Amoeba, 2; in Paramecium, 43. Nutritive processes, relation of behavior to, see metabolism. Nyctotherus, avoiding reaction, 114; tion to chemicals, 122. reac- Oltmanns, terminology, 275. Opalina, avoiding reaction, 114; reaction to chemicals, 122; to electric current, 156, 159. Ophidomonas, reaction to light, 36. Ophryoglena, lack of reaction to gravity, 150. Optimum, in bacteria, 31; Paramecium, 56, 66; for temperature, 71, 127; change of optimum, 1o1; optimum in other in- fusoria, 123, 127; optimum in light reac- tions, 141, 148; general, 295. Organic selection, 321. Orientation, Amoeba, 22, 269; Paramecium, 73 (by exclusion, 72); relation between orientation reactions and others in infuso- ria, 78; no position of symmetry in infu- soria, 79; orientation by exclusion in Oxytricha, 126; orientation to light, 134, 138-140; to electric current, 153, ‘163; in rotifera, 242; orientation to light in earthworm, 247, 248; in blowfly larva, 249; fundamental feature in tropism, 264; how brought about, 267. Oscillaria, as food for Amoeba, ro. Osmotic pressure, reaction to, in bacteria, 34; in Paramecium, 63; in other infuso- ria, 124. Ostwald, chemical processes in organisms, 346. Oxygen, reaction to, bacteria, 28-31, 39, 3413 364 Paramecium, 66, 340; infusoria in gen- eral, 124; Hydra, 216; relation to reac- tion to light in Paramecium bursaria, 142; general, 340. Oxytricha, avoiding reaction, 114; sponta- neous collections, 122; reaction to heat and cold, 125; transverse position in electric current, 154. Pain, 332, 349. Paramecium, structure, 41; movements, 44; behavior and reactions, 44-109; relation of behavior to reflexes, 279; relation to consciousness, 336. Paramecium bursaria, reaction to light, 142, 340; to gravity, 149. Parasitic infusoria, reaction to light, 142, 333. Parker, reversal of cilia in sea anemones, 224; reaction of separate parts, 227; conduction of stimulation, 229. Parker and Arkin, behavior of earthworm, 248. Pawlow, modifiability of action in digestive glands, 347. Pearl, reaction to electric current, Chilomo- nas, 152; Colpidium, 155; Hydra, 208; cause of reaction to electric current, 165; behavior of Planaria, 236, 243, 245, 253, 273. Pedicellarie, 234; behavior, 235, 238. Pelomyxa, reaction to light, 11. Penard, movements of Amceba, 6, 8. Perception, 329. . Pericheta, reaction to light, 248. Peridinium, reaction to electric current, 152. Perkins, behavior of Gonionemus, 192. Pfeffer, behavior of bacteria, 32, 33, 34, 38; of fern spermatozoids and _ flagellates, 123, 124; tropisms, 275; nomenclature, 275. Physiological states, dependence of behav- ior on, Stentor, 178; ccelenterates, 229, 231; invertebrates in general, 251; flat- worm, 253; Protozoa and Metazoa, 263; higher animals and man, 331; relation to reflexes, 282; changes of physiological state, 287; law of change, 291; develop- ment in physiological states, 316; gen- eral, 286-291. Planaria, localization of reaction, 236; test- ing movements, 243; righting reaction, 245; physiological states, 253; relation to tropism theory, 273. Plasmolysis, 34. Pleasure, 332, 340. Pleuronema, reaction method, 115; reaction to light, 142. Poisons, collection of bacteria in, 33. Polarizing effect of electric current, 167. Polyorchis, reaction to electric current, 210. Polytoma, reaction to chemicals, 123; to gravity, 149. Polytomella, reaction to electric current, 152. INDEX Positive reaction, in Amoeba, 8, 23; bacteria, 28; Paramecium, 54, 60, 65; in other infusoria, 121; general, 295, 309. Preyer, behavior of starfish, 239; habit for- mation in starfish, 241; varied physio- logical states, 253. Prism, Strasburger’s experiments with, 145. Protozoa, behavior, 1-187; reflexes in, 233; relation to tropism theory, 269-271; comparison with behavior of Metazoa, 260-264. Pseudopodia, 1, 4; reaction of single one, r5- Psychic behavior, relation to behavior of lower organisms, 329. Purpose, 343- Piitter, interference of heat and contact reac- tions, 93; of contact and reaction to elec- tricity, 119; variability of contact reac- tion, 100; symptomatology, 300. Quieting infusoria, 81, 83. Radl, reaction to gravity, 77; theory of tropisms in reaction to light, 274. Random movements, 251, 254 (see érial move- ments). Reaction, 6, 283. Reflexes, 232; in Protozoa and Ceelente- rata, 233; in sea urchin, 234, 235; in star- fish, 236; in flatworm, 236, 254; in higher animals, 237; relation to modifiability, 258; definition, 277; part played in be- havior of lower animals, 277-282. Regeneration, variation in processes, 348. Regulation, 299, 301; how brought about in be- havior, 338-350; in other fields, 345; in chemical processes, 346; in growth, 348; non-regulatory behavior, 345 (see adap- tiveness). Rejecting reaction of sea anemones, 202. Rejection of unsuitable food, in infusoria, 183; in sea anemones, 202. Representative stimuli, 296, 316, 333. **Republic of reflexes,” 235. Resolution of physiological states, law of, 291, 314, 334; part played in regulation, 43- Rariietioe. relation of habits to, in Parame- cium bursaria, 142, 340; in Hydra, 216. Reversal of reactions, as stimulus becomes stronger, 262 (see optimum); reversal of cilia in sea anemones, 224. Rhumbler, currents in Amoeba, 4, 5; reac- tions of Amoeba to food, 11, 19, 20, 25. Rhythmical contractions, in Vorticella, 181; in Hydra, 189; in medusa, 191; in margins and bell of meduse when separated, 227; rhythmical activity of Convoluta as habit, 255. Righting reaction, in Hydra, 193; in sea anemones, 195; in starfish, 239; in flat- worm, 245. INDEX Roesle, reaction to induction shocks in infu- soria, 82, I51. Rolling movement in Ameeba, 2. Romanes, localization in medusa, 200; reac- tion of parts of meduse, 227; nervous conduction in medusz, 228, 229; behav- ior of starfish, 241. Rothert, reactions of bacteria, 31, 32, 373 reaction method in flagellates, 121; kine- sis, 275. Rotifera, avoiding reaction, 236; to stimuli, 242. Roux, polarizing effect of electric current, 167. reactions Sagartia, reaction to gravity, 196, 210; to local stimulation, 199; finding food, 222; taking indifferent bodies, 224; reactions of separate tentacles, 227. Saprolegnia, swarm spores, reaction method, 121. Schwarz, reaction to centrifugal force, 150. Sea anemones, nervous system, 189; loco- motion, 191; effects of hunger, 191; righting reaction, 195; reaction to grav- ity, 195, 210; attachment to crab, 197; localized reactions, 199; rejecting reac- tion, 202; direction of movement, 206; setting of reaction by repetition, 206; acclimatization to stimuli, 207; food habits, 221; part played by cilia, 222. Sea urchin, reflexes, 234; reaction by varied movement, 238; dependence of behavior on physiological states, 252; modifiability of behavior, 252. Selection of conditions resulting from varied movements, Amoeba, 22; bacteria, 40; Paramecium, 79, 108; flagellates, 112; ciliates, 115; coelenterates, 230; in in- vertebrata in general, 238; rotifers, 242; flatworms, 246; in Protozoa and Metazoa, 263; production of regulation, 339, 342; general, 302. Sensitiveness of different parts of body, in infusoria, 59, 82, 117, 133, 136; compari- son with sense organ, 262. Simultaneous stimuli, effect on infusoria, 92, 180, Sleep, 331. Smith, behavior of earthworm, 247, 254. Solids, reaction to, Amoeba, 6; bacteria, 27, 37; Paramecium, 51, 54, 59-62; other infusoria, 117; interference with other reactions, 92-96, 119. Sosnowski, reactions of infusoria to gravity, 77, 96. Spaulding, association and habit formation in hermit crabs, 257; reflex, 282. Spectrum, behavior of bacteria in, 36; of Eu- glena, 140. Spencer, selection of overproduced move- ments, 302, 327. 305 Spermatozoids of fern, reaction method, 121; Weber’s law, 123. Spiral movement, bacteria, 27; Paramecium, 44, 46, 58; other infusoria, 110; flagel- lates, 111; Swarm spores, 143; effect on relation to light, 133, 138. Spirillum, behavior, 27-29, 33, 34. Spirostomum, avoiding reaction, 114; at- tachment by mucus, 116, 118; relation to gravity, 149; reaction to induction shocks, 151; to constant current, 157. Spontaneous activity, in Protozoa and Meta- zoa, 261; in ccelenterates, 189; general, 283; spontaneous collections of infusoria, 68, 122. Starfish, reflexes, 236; 239; righting reaction, 238; reaction by repetition, 241. Statkewitsch, reaction of Paramecium to water current, 75; reaction to induction shocks, 81, 83, 88, 151; to constant cur- rent, 84; to alternating currents, 87; quieting infusoria, 81, 83; discharge of trichocysts, 90, 104; cataphoric action, 165; cause of reaction to electric current, 167. Stentor, avoiding reaction, 113; attached Stentors, 116; reaction to light, 128, 142; behavior when attached, 171; modifica- tion of reactions, 171-179, 333; tube formation, 176; choice of food, 183; relation of behavior to reflexes, 279; changes in physiological state, 287; laws of change, 290. Stimuli, 6, 293. Stoichactis, rejecting reaction, 201; reaction to gravity, 211; food reactions, 223-226. Strasburger, reaction method in swarm spores, 113; reaction of swarm spores to light, 143; experiments with prism, 145; ter- minology, 275. Stylonychia, avoiding reaction, 114; creep- ing on surface, 118; reaction to electric current, 154; food habits, 184. Subjective states, 328, 331. Summation of stimuli in Protozoa, 83, 262. Surface tension, currents due to, 4. Swarm spores, reaction method, 113; reac- tion to light, 142, 143. E variable reactions, setting of Temperature reactions, Amceba, 10; _ bacteria, 37, Paramecium, 51, 54, 55, 70; other infu- soria, 124; interference with temperature reactions, 93; optimum in infusoria, 127; reaction in Hydra, 204; in flatworm, 243. Tentacles, stimulation of, Hydra, 198; sea anemones, 199; meduse, 200; methods of contraction and bending, 198, 199; movements in medus@, 220; in sea anem- ones, 222; behavior of separated tenta- cles, 227. Terms employed in animal behavior, 274, 306 INDEX Thorndike, trial and error in higher animals, 250. - Tiaropsis, localizing reaction, 200. Titchener, objective criteria of conscious- ness, 278. Tonus, 252, 263. Torrey, behavior of Sagartia, 196, 199, 210, 222, 224, 227; of Corymorpha, 210, 222. Trachelomonas, reaction to electric current, 152. Tradescantia cells, effect of electric current, 167. Transverse position, of Paramecia in alter- nating electric currents, 87; in constant current, 95; of Hypotricha in constant current, 154; of Spirostomum, 158; in- fusoria in general, 163. Trepomonas, reaction method, 121. Trial movements, Amceba, 22; Paramecium, 48, 106, 108; Stentor, 177; Lacrymaria, 181; in hunter ciliates, 186; Hydra, 204; meduse, 220; sea anemones, 222; Cce- lenterata in general, 230; in inverte- brates in general, 238, 240, 251; flatworms, 243, 245, 246; earthworm, 247; leech, 248; blowfly larve, 249; hermit crabs, 250; higher animals, 250, 272; general, 305; 339, 342- Trichocysts, 43; discharge, 90, 82, 186; func- tion, go. Tropisms, 237; local action theory of, 265- 274; various definitions, 274, 275. Tube, of Stentor, 170; formation of, 176; in other infusoria, 181. Vexkiill, v., behavior of sea urchin, 234, 238, 252; reflex, 281. Ultra-red light, reaction of bacteria to, 36; ultra-violet light, reaction to, 72, 142. Ulva, swarm spores, reaction to light, 143, 144. Urocenirial attachment by mucus, 116, 118. Urostyla, reaction to gravity, 149. Variability in reactions, bacteria, 38; Para- mecium, 49, 98, 279; other infusoria, 123; Stentor, 176; coelenterates, 231; cs derms, 238, 239. Variations, individual, in behavior, 319, 321. Verworn, reaction of Ameeba to electricity, 24; reaction of Pleuronema to light, 142; of flagellates to electricity, 152; theory of reaction to electricity, 167; tropism the- ory, 266, 267, 269. Vitalism, 338, 344. Vorticella, 116; changes in reactions, 179; duration of modifications, 179, 254; spontaneous contractions, 181, 285, 286; no periods of rest, 181, 284; rejection of unsuitable food, 184. Wagner, behavior of Hydra, 191, 203, 217. Wallengren, lack of food in infusoria, ror; lack of salts, 101; reaction to electric current in Spirostomum, 157; in Opa- lina, 1509. Water currents, reaction to, in Paramecium, 73- Weber’s law, in bacteria, 38; in fern sperma- tozoids, 123; general, 294. Wilson, reaction of Hydra to light, 212; to oxygen, 216; food reactions, 219. Wundt, reflex, 278. Yerkes, behavior of Gonionemus, 192, 211, 214, 219, 227; habit formation in Crus- tacea, 255; nomenclature, 275; modi- fiability of behavior, 290, 291. Yerkes and Huggins, habit formation in Crustacea, 255. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO REMOVE THIS : od gustTues10 JeMOT J qeouedg q1eqte 7L7COS opyaeyed pf ssutuue? Sra Mddtetaitseta tite baad yf ¢ a sield +34 aus oy atthh 4} ney tT 4 ates x 4 petite, staf e oe . s4c6 + * 4. Ce AA . shy ee os em Pe ee re = i a ee xs oS tee t OO + 4 ee ae ae ee ee Fe 7 m4 059-440 Sees ae eee - <3 + A o-* Opens ee 6 Feet 9 C.y v6 ¢ cer Cn “5 ety) 159 Std 4 + oo Ow ne are. 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