jl 1 fiklddicK* 5y982(» 2Can0aH (Utty Publir Hibrarg This Volume is for REFERENCE USE ONLY SEPe^l From the collection of the d ^ m 0 Prejinger V i Ji'h-nQ ibrary San Francisco, California 2008 THE BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS OF ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION EDITORIAL BOARD J.J. Carty Bancroft Gherardi F. B. Jewett E. B. Craft L. F. Morehouse O. B. Blackwell H. P. Charlesworth E. H. Colpitts H. D. Arnold R. W. King — Editor J. O. Perrine — Asst. Editor VOLUME VII 1928 AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY NEW YORK B«und Ptrlodlcal MOV 21 ^ 599820 The Bell System Technical Journal January, 1928 The Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the Absorption Coefficient of Porous Materials By E. C. WENTE and E. H. BEDELL Synopsis: Various ways of determining the acoustic impedance and the absorption coefficient of porous materials from measurements on the stand- ing waves in tubes are discussed. In all cases the material under investiga- tion is placed at one end of the tube and the sound is introduced at the other end. Values of the coefficient of absorption of a number of commonly used damping materials as obtained by one of the methods are given. Several types of built-up structures are shown to have a greater absorption coefficient for low frequency sound waves than is conveniently obtainable by a single layer of material. THE most commonly used method of determining the sound ab- sorption coefficient of a material is that devised by the late Professor W. C. Sabine. In this method the reverberation time of a room is measured before and after the introduction of a definite amount of the material. This method has the great merit that the values so determined usually apply to the materials precisely as they are ordinarily used in rooms for damping purposes. However, it is tedious and requires a very quiet room and large samples of the materials. A simpler scheme has been devised by H. O. Taylor/ in which the absorbing material is placed at one end of a tube. The coefficient of absorption is determined from a measurement of the ratio of maximum to minimum pressures of the standing waves within the tube when sound is introduced at the open end. Thus only a small sample of the material is required and with suitable apparatus the measurements can be made with great facility. In this paper several modifications of Taylor's tube method are discussed; in addition, it is shown that by a similar method it is possible to determine not only the absorption co- efficient but also the acoustic impedance, a quantity which is playing an important part in present day applied acoustics. General Theory Consider a tube of length /, which is filled with a medium having a propagation constant P = a + «jS and a characteristic acoustic im- ^Phys. Rev., II, 1913, p. 270. 1 1 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL pedance ^ equal to Zo per unit area. At one end, 0, let the velocity be uniform over the whole cross-section and equal to ile*"^ At a distance / from 0 let the tube be terminated by the material which is to be investigated, and the acoustic impedance of which may be rep- j J J ■ ^ ^ J ' • '>>>>>>' I > I Fig. 1 resented by Z2 = i?2 + i^t per unit area. Under these conditions, the pressure, p, at any point in the tube at a distance x from O, is by analogy with the electrical transmission line y- Zi cosh PI + Zo sinh PI , „ • u r> 1 v •! . p, . „ — ■ . p, cosh Px - smh Px Zq.^ Zo cosh PI + Z2 smh PI J (1) If there is no attenuation along the tube, we get, on dropping the time factor, Z2 cos /3/ + iR sin /3/ P = Rh [ R cos jS/ + *Z2 sin ^l cos (8.r — i SI n i3x , (2) where R = rp, the product of the velocity of propagation along the tube and the density of the medium, and /3 = 27r/ Equation (2) indicates numerous possible ways of determining Z2, e.g., from the values of ^1 and of p at any point in the tube; from the pressures for two values of either x or /, if ii is constant; from the pressures at any point in the tube for the unknown and for a known value of Z2; from the magnitude of /? as a function of either x or /. However, we shall confine our discussion to three methods, which appear to be most practicable. ^ The term acoustic impedance as here used may be defined as the ratio of pressure to volume velocity; the characteristic impedance is this impedance if the tube were of infinite length. ^ J. A. Fleming, "Propagation of Electric Currents in Telephone and Telegra[)h Conductors," page 98; 3d Ed. THE MEASUREMENT OF ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE (a) Pressure Measured at Two Points in the Tube It has already been pointed out that the impedance Z2 can be deter- mined if the relative phase and magnitude of the pressures at any two points in the tube are known. However, from the standpoint of con- venience and precision it appears best to measure the pressures at the reflecting surface and at a point a quarter of a wave-length away. We then have at the reflecting surface x = I and P2 = Rki i?2 + iX2 R cos jS/ + iZi sin /3/ and for the point x = I — -^ = I so that Hence Pi IT iR R cos jS/ -f iZ2 sin ^l X2 - iRi ]• R Ae"^. R2 = X2 = AR sin (pA AR cos (f, y AR. J If the coefficient of reflection is expressed as * /^ i* _ ^2 ~ R " 1 -f 2^ sin ^ + ^^ _ 1 — 2^ sin ^ + A'^ _ we get C = where (f = tan _j 2A cos (f A^ + 1 (3) (4) (5) The absorption coefficient, which is generally defined as the ratio of absorbed to incident power, is equal to 1 — \C\-. {b) Tube of Constant Length; the A bsolute Value of the Pressure Measured at Points along the Tube The method discussed under this section is that adopted by H. O. Taylor for measuring the absorption coefficient of porous materials. ^ I. B. Crandall, "Theory of Vibrating Systems and Sound," page 168. 4 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL For the absolute value of the pressure at any point in the tube we get from equation (2) \P\ = i?2- + X2- -\- R- -\- {R2- + X22 - i?2) cos 2l3y . + 2X2R sin 2(3y Rr + X2- + R' - (i?2'' + ^2' - R^) cos 2/3/ - 2X2^? sin 2/3/ RL (6) where y = I — x. \p\ has maximum or minimum values when tan 2l3y 2X2R X2' + i?2' - R' ' (7) for the maximum value 2j8v lies in the first and for the minimum, in the third quadrant. We therefore get =[ X2^ + i^2-+i^- + \(X2^ + i?2''-i^-)- + 4X2'^i?'^ X2'-\-R2--\-R''-^f{X^TR^^^^y^^^x7R' - ^A. (8) Let 3'i be the value of y for which the pressure is a maximum; we then have from (7) and (8) and (4) 2AR R2 = "' ~ (^- + 1) - {A- - 1) cos 2^y ' Xo = {A- + 1) - {A- - 1) cos 2/33/1 ' R{A^ - 1) sin 20yi G = ^ + 1 ' (9) (10) (11) ^ = 2^3'i. The relation (11) can be derived more simply on the classical theory, as it was done by H. O. Taylor. A derivation of (11) is given by Eckhardt and Chrisler,^ which differs from that of H. O. Taylor. From their derivation it would appear that for (11) to be valid the length of the tube should be adjusted for resonance and that the change in phase at the reflecting surface should be small. The derivation here given shows that (11) is general; it implies only that the waves be plane and that there be no dissipation of power along the tube. * Scientific Paper of the Bureau of Standards, No. 526, page 56. THE MEASUREMENT OF ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE (c) Tube of Variable Length. Pressure Measured at the Source The absolute value of the pressure at the driving end of the tube according to (2) is pA = i?2' + A"2- + i?- + {Ri + X2- - R') COS 2)8/ + 2X2R sin 2^1 i?2- + X2- + i?- + {R2' + X2' - R') cos 2/3/ - 2X2R sin 2/3/ 1/2 i^^i and 1^1 1 is a maximum or a minimum when 2X2R tan 2/3/ = i?2' + Xs^ - R' For the maximum value 2/3/ lies in the first and for the minimum, in the third quadrant. We therefore have |/>l|..,aK _ X2' + j?2^ + i?^ + VCX^'^ + i?2^ - R'Y + 4Xo-i?- Xs^ + i?2' + i?2 - V(X2'^ + i?2- - R:')- + 4X2'^i?'^ A A. By analogy from the equations derived in section (b) above, we see that 2^|AR R2 = Xo = {A -\- I) - {A - 1) cos 2/3/1' R(A - 1) sin 2/3/i (^ + 1) - (yl - 1) cos 2/3/1 ' ^ ^ V.4 - 1 •VZ + r ^ = 2/3/i, where /i is the length of the tube when pi has a maximum value. Discussion of the Precision of the Methods Of the three methods of measuring impedance discussed above, the first is undoubtedly the simplest and most convenient, if an a.c. potentiometer is available. Theoretically, in this case the impedance may be determined with a high degree of precision. However, the method presupposes that the points where the pressures are measured are exactly a quarter of a wave-length apart ; a more detailed analysis shows that, if A is small, variations in this distance will have a large effect on both the ratio of the pressures and their phase difference. It therefore is necessary to keep the temperature of the tube accurately constant or else to determine the distance corresponding to a quarter 6 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of a wave-length before each measurement. A precise determination of the point a quarter of a wave-length from the reflecting surface may be made by placing a smooth metal block at the reflecting end and finding then the position in the tube at which the pressure is a minimum. In the other two methods it is relatively less important that the temperature be maintained constant, for the ratio of pressures is aff'ected very little by any temperature variations. In the third method, where the length of the tube is varied, the expressions for R-i and X^ are the same as in {b), except that in place of the ratio of pressures they involve the square root of this ratio. For small values of pressure ratios the precision is therefore somewhat greater. How- ever, for high values of reflection the ratio becomes very large and great care is required in the experimental set up to prevent errors creeping into the measurements through extraneous vibrations and stray electromotive forces in the measuring circuit. The main ad- vantage of the method in which the pressure at the source only is measured is that a short length of exploring tube is required. If measurements down to a frequency of 60 cycles are made, the tube length must be at least 8 feet. An exploring tube reaching the whole length would ordinarily introduce too much attenuation if it were of sufficiently small bore to prevent resonance effects at the lower fre- quencies. Experimental Procedure In the case of the experimental results here reported the measure- ments were all made by the method outlined in section (t), i.e., the pressures were measured at the source while the length of the tube was varied. The experimental set up is shown in Fig. 2. A piece of Shelby TO AMPLIFIER — Fig. 2 — -Diagram of apparatus Steel tubing, 9 feet long, of 3" internal diameter, and with 1/4" wall, was fitted with a piston carrying the absorbing material. This piston was made up of a brass tube one foot long with a wall 1/64" thick, the far end of which was closed with a one-inch brass block. To insure the propagation of plane waves and a constant velocity at the source, the diaphragm at D had a diameter of 2J^", and a mass of about 100 grams. This was driven with a coil 2" in diameter situated in a radial magnetic field. The annular gap between the edge of the diaphragm THE MEASUREMENT OF ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE 7 and the interior of the tube was closed by a flexible piece of leather. To prevent vibrations of the magnet from getting to the tube, the magnet was held in position by flexible supports. The exploring tube / was about 5" long with a 1/16" bore which led to the transmitter, T. The voltages generated by the transmitter were measured with an amplifier and an a.c. potentiometer. The potentiometer was used because with it small voltages can be measured and errors due to har- monics are avoided. The proper functioning of the apparatus was determined by measuring the coefficient of reflection with no absorbing material in the piston. Theoretically the reflection should then be practically 100 per cent. The pressure ratios that were actually ob- served were of the order of 12,000 which corresponds to a reflection coefficient of 98 per cent. Evidently some extraneous pressures or voltages were still present. However, no attempt was made to reduce these further as the materials tested had a reflection coefficient con- siderably less than this value. Experimental Results A brief study was made of the absorption of hair felt, as there is an appreciable variation in the data given by various investigators on the absorption frequency characteristic of felts of presumably the same 1.00 .90 .80 .70 .60 .50 .40 .30 .20 .10 /A l-l" HAIR FELT- NORMAL THICKN 2- EXPANDED TO 2 ESS , /// THICKNESS. 3-1" HAIR FELT-COMPRES SED TO Ve'T HICKNES S. 2 / l/ V / // ) /A y ^ '^^ — < U-^ 9^ 30 60 125 250 500 1000 2000 FREQUENCY -CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 3 — Power absorbed by hair felt 4000 type. After measurements on several samples it was evident that concordant results could not be expected as the absorption varied con- siderably with the packing of the felt. This point is illustrated by the curves shown in Fig. 3. These curves were all obtained on the same 8 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL piece of hair felt but with different degrees of packing. It is thus evident that a felt which has become loosened by handling may have an absorption frequency characteristic quite unlike that of a new piece. 1.00 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 FREQUENCY-CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 4 — Power absorbed by hair felt In Fig. 4 are given the absorption coefficients for various thicknesses of hair felt. These values are in general agreement with those ob- tained by the reverberation method according to published results. Exact agreement is not to be expected, for the values here given apply only to sound waves having a perpendicular incidence on materials solidly backed by a hard surface. When the materials are applied in a room, the support is often more flexible and the absorption is partly due to inelastic bending. However, the agreement between the sets of values is sufficiently good to show that the results obtained by the simpler tube method may be used to get a good approximation to the values of absorption of the materials when applied in rooms for damping purposes. Measurements have been made on a large number of porous ma- terials. Although most of these materials are very good absorbers at the higher frequencies, none of them were found to be very efficient in the lower frequency region. Uniform absorption over most of the frequency range was found only in materials which are relatively in- efficient absorbers. High absorption at the lower frequencies was obtained only when the thickness of the material was greatly increased. This fact is typically illustrated by the curves of absorption for hair felt given in Fig. 4. When a sound wave of low frequency is reflected from a wall covered TABLE I Absorption Coefficients for Various Frequencies Frequency c.p.s. 60 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 1" Acoustic tile .07 08 .11 .18 .48 .76 .47 3/^" Asbestos hair felt. . .08 10 .15 .24 .49 .84 .66 Axminster rug .07 11 .14 .20 .ZZ .52 .82 Felted wood fibre .08 12 .18 .i?> .67 .92 .91 Yi' Building board. . . . .13 14 .15 Al ,20 .26 .29 Flax wool .07 09 .18 .48 .73 .50 .33 Structure No. 1 .12 18 .36 .71 .79 .82 .85 ' 2 .16 24 .46 .77 .92 .89 .85 ' 3 .23 37 .62 .88 .91 .78 .84 ' 4 .19 .28 .51 .81 .92 .90 .84 ' 5 .15 .25 .44 .75 .77 .71 .80 ' 6 .22 41 .87 .74 .81 .59 .83 ' 7 .17 39 .82 .94 .92 .91 .85 ' 8 .24 39 .83 .82 .64 .59 .80 ' 9 .22 37 .79 .91 .82 .89 .86 ' 10 .30 55 .92 .69 .83 .86 .86 Structure No. 1 Fiber building board — no air space —felt " 2 Fiber building board — 1" air space —felt " 3 Fiber building board —2" air space —felt • " 4 Fiber building board — no air space —2" felt " 5 Fiber building board — 1" air space — Fiber building board " 6 Fiber building board — 1" air space — Fibei buildir ig board — -1" air space — ■^iber building board " " 7 Fiber building board — 1" air space — felt— 1 " air space — felt " 8 Fiber building board — 1" air space — felt— 1 " air space — -Fiber build ing board " 9 Fiber building board — 1" air space — Fiber building board — -1" air space — felt "10 Fiber building board — 1" air space — Fiber building board — -1" air space — Fiber b uilding board — felt 10 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL with a porous material, the velocity of the air particles near the reflecting surface is small and hence there can be but little absorption. We may look at the phenomenon of reflection in still another way. In order to have a small coefficient of reflection the mechanical im- pedance of the wall per unit area should, as nearly as possible, be equal to the acoustic impedance of the air per unit area. The reason for the high reflection at low frequencies by a rigid wall covered with a porous material lies in its high stiffness reactance. At a given fre- quency this reactance can be compensated by loading the air near the reflecting surface. This may be accomplished in various ways. One of these ways is to place at a short distance from the wall a second wall which is porous or perforated. This arrangement has the eff'ect of covering the wall with a multiplicity of resonators, which may be given any desired resonance frequency by properly proportioning the size, length and number of perforations and the spacing of the walls. The surface of the walls forming the air space should be absorbing or else the space should be provided with absorbing material. To get a wider absorption band two or more perforated walls with proper spacing may be used, as this arrangement is equiv^alent to an aggregate of multiple resonators. The values of absorption coeffi- cients of a number of structures of this type are given in the accom- panying table. The measurements refer to sound which is incident from right to left as the structures are given in the table. The building board referred to in the table is a commercial type of insu- lating-board one inch thick with 400 1/4 inch by 3/4 inch holes per square foot. The felt in all cases is one-inch hair felt. These values show that relatively high absorption may be obtained at low as well as at high frequencies without an excessive amount of absorbing material. The use of combinations of absorbing materials, such as are given in the table, offers the advantage that more uniform damping at all frequencies can be obtained, and the degree of damping can be readily controlled by covering the proper area of surface. These two factors have become increasingly important in studio and audi- torium design, with improved technique in recording and reproducing speech and music. The Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission Along Wires By JOHN R. CARSON THE theory of electrical transmission along straight parallel guiding conductors is of fundamental importance to the communication engineer. In its original, and largely in its present day form, it involves only relatively simple concepts which go back to the early work of Kelvin and Heaviside. In accordance with these concepts the transmission phenomena are completely determined by the self and mutual impedances of the conductors and the self and mutual capacities (together with the dielectric leakage). As a consequence, the phenomena are completely expressed in terms of the propagation constants and corresponding characteristic impedances of the possible modes of propagation deducible from these underlying concepts. The elementary theory sketched above is of beautiful simplicity and great value. It is, however, admittedly approximate, and in two respects is not altogether adequate. Its first defect is that it represents the transmission phenomena correctly only at some distance from the physical terminals of the system or at some distance from points of discontinuity. This defect is ordinarily of small practical significance when the conductors all consist of wires of small cross section. When, however, conductors of large cross sections, or the ground, form part of the transmission system, the elementary theory may be quite inadequate. The theoretical questions here involved were briefly discussed by the writer in a previous paper.^ The mathematics involved in this problem are extremely complicated and the further work of the writer has not as yet been carried to a point which justifies publication. With the extension of transmission theory discussed in the preceding paragraph the present paper has no concern, and it is to be expressly understood that we are dealing with the transmission phenomena at a sufficient distance from the physical terminals, such that the "end effects" are negligible. The problems here dealt with may be stated as follows: First to investigate the conditions under which the specifi- cation of the system by means of its self and mutual impedances is valid and secondly to provide a general method for calculating these circuit parameters from the geometry and electrical constants of the system. 1 "The Guided and Radiated Energy in Wire Transmission." Trans. A. I. E. E., 1924. 11 12 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL As regards the first phase of this problem it is found that the complete specification of the system in terms of its self and mutual impedances and capacities is only rigorously valid for the ideal case of perfect conductors embedded in a perfect dielectric, and that it becomes quite invalid if either the conductors or the dielectric are too imperfect. Fortunately, however, it is valid to a high degree of approximation for all systems which could be employed for the efficient transmission of electrical energy. Under the circumstances where the approximations discussed in the preceding paragraph are valid it is shown that the electric and magnetic field in both dielectric and conductors are derivable from two wave functions. The first of these is determined as a linear function of the conductor charges by the solution of a well-known two-dimensional potential problem, while the second is determined as a linear function of the conductor currents by the solution of a generalization of the two-dimensional potential problem. The latter problem is believed to be novel, in its general form, and to possess both practical and mathematical interest. For detailed application of the theory to specific problems, the following papers may be consulted. "Wave Propagation over Parallel Wires: The Proximity Efifect." Phil, il/ag., April 1921. "Transmission Characteristics of the Submarine Cable." Jour. Frank. Inst., Dec. 1921. "Wave Propagation in Overhead Wires with Ground Return." B. S. T. J., Oct. 1926. I Maxwell's equations are the set of partial differential equations which formulate the relations between the electric intensity E and the magnetic intensity // in terms of the frequency ^^i!2w and the electrical constants of the medium. Let X, tx and k denote the con- ductivity, permeability and dielectric constant of the medium; let it be supposed that all quantities vary with the time / as e^\ and let V = 1/ V^, v^ = 4:Tr\fxioi — UI-JV", i = v^n^. Then if we introduce the vector M = jiiwll, ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 13 Maxwell's equations for a continuous homogeneous medium may be written in the compact form ^ curl E= - M, curlM= v'E, div £ = 0, ^^^ div M = 0. From this set of equations it is easily shown that each component of the vectors E and M individually satisfies the ivave equation 5 + ^2 + ^-2- -M/=0 (2) or in vector notation (V^ - v^")f = 0. Here / denotes any vector component ; thus in Cartesian coordinates / may stand for E^, Ey, E^; Mx, My, Mz, all of which separately satisfy (2). Given the electrical constants and geometry of the conducting system and dielectric media, the general problem is to find solutions of (1) and (2) which also satisfy the boundary conditions at the surfaces of separation of the difi'erent media. These boundary conditions are that the tangential components of E and // shall be continuous over such surfaces of separation. These boundary conditions, as may be seen from (1), necessitate also the continuity of the normal components of M and {v'lix)E. If we introduce a vector potential A{Ax, y, z) and a scalar potential $, it is easily shown that (1) may be replaced by M = curM, E= - A - grad $, ^"^^ with the further relation div A -{- v""^ = 0. (4) $ and the components of the vector A individually satisfy the wave equation; thus (V^ - ^^)$ = 0, (V' - i'')A = 0. ^^^ In Cartesian coordinates these equations are 2 Note that in this form the constants of the medium appear explicitly only through the parameter i>^. 14 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL My = — ^x -^A,, oz ox M^ = —Ay -^A„ '" "' (6) and dx E.= - -A.- ■dy ~ -Ay dy ' E.= - -A,- as*' + lAy dy dz ^. + p 2$ ^ A,+i-Ay-\-^A^+ p'-^ = 0. (7) In technical transmission problems we are largely concerned with propagation along a uniform transmission system, composed of straight parallel conductors. That is to say, the transmission system does not vary geometrically or in its electrical constants along the axis of transmission, taken as the axis of Z. It is known that in such trans- mission systems exponentially ^ propagated waves exist. We therefore modify the general equations by assuming that the wave (and all vector components) vary with t and z as exp (icot — yz), y being entitled the propagation constant. As a consequence of this assumption it is easily shown that the vectors E and M are derivable from the wave functions F, $, 0 as follows: M. = -^F-y-^@, dy dx My= -^F-y^e, dx dy M,= - (j^2 _ y)0, ^'= -¥x^-d-y®^ Ey= -±^+'@, dy dx Ez = — —-^— F=y^ — F. dz The wave functions F and •I' are not independent but are connected by the relation ^2$ = yf, (9) ' This means that the wave involves the axial coordinate z only exponentially. ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 15 Another useful formulation of the field equations equivalent to and directly deducible from (8) is (.'-7').1/.= -'^E^ + y^M,. In this formulation the problem is reduced to the determination of the wave ftinctions Ez and Mz, and the propagation constant 7. It will be observed that, by virtue of the assumption that the wave functions of (8), (9) and (10) involve / and z only through the common factor exp {iwt — 7s), we can write P = fix, y)-ex-p (iut - yz), $ = 4>(x, 3')- exp (iut — yz), (11) E = e(x, 3') -exp (icot — yz), etc., where /, , e, etc., are two-dimensional functions of x and y alone, and satisfy the two-dimensional wave equations In the following, therefore, we shall regard the wave functions F, $, E, etc., as two-dimensional functions with the understanding that the common factor exp (iwt — yz) is omitted for convenience. II Before taking up the discussion of the general problem in the light of equations (8) and (10) we shall first consider a type of plane wave propagation to which the transmission phenomena closely approximate in an efficient transmission system. We consider the ideal trans- mission system composed of any number of straight parallel perfectly conducting conductors imbedded in a perfect dielectric. For such a system we assume the possibility of plane wave propagation by supposing that Ez and Mz are everywhere zero. By virtue of the assumption of perfect conductivity, the electric force must vanish inside the conductors, and at the surface the tangential component 16 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL must vanish. In the dielectric reference to equations (10) shows that if Ez = Mz = 0, a finite solution requires that l'" — 7" = (J or, since X = 0 in the dielectric, 7 = iwjv. That is to say, the plane wave is propagated with the velocity of light V, without attenuation. Reference to equations (8) and (9) shows that the boundary condi- tions can be satisfied by setting 0=0, writing $ = 0-exp {iwt — iwzjv), and determining the function 0 which satisfies Laplace's equation in two dimensions. . + — J cA = 0, and is constant over the cross section of the conductors. From the relation F = (iu/v)^ it is also easily shown that the electric and magnetic forces are both in planes normal to Z and that these vectors are normal to each other and in time phase. The flow of energy is therefore parallel to the Z-axis everywhere. We therefore have a pure plane guided wave of unit power factor; the ideal for the electrical transmission of energy. Ill We now take up the much more complicated problem arising when the conductivity X of the conductors is finite and when the dielectric media themselves may be dissipative. In attacking this general problem we shall be guided throughout by the fact that the wave solution we are seeking must approximate, more or less closely, to the ideal plane wave * if the system is to efficiently transmit elec- trical energy. We shall therefore introduce ab initio approximations which must be valid in all efficient transmission systems. These approximations cannot be all justified a priori; their justification must come a posteriori from the fact that the final solution satisfies the original assumptions and approximations. * It is to be noted that the solution sought is the principal wave. (See "The Radiated and Guided Energy in Wire Transmission," Trans. A. I. E. E., 1924.) This wave does not, in general, completely represent the phenomena, except at a considerable distance from the physical terminals of the transmission system, and then only in the neighborhood of the conductors. ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 17 First we have to define what we mean by conductor and by dielectric; the significance of these definitions will appear in the course of the analysis. A conducting medium is one in which coV^^ is very small compared with 4xX/xw; while a dielectric medium is one in which 47rX/xco is very small compared with oi^lv^. The intermediate cases will not be discussed in the present paper; in the following it will be assumed that the conductors and dielectrics satisfy these definitions.^ The assumptions which we make at the outset in the approximate solution may now be listed and qualitatively justified as follows: 1. The propagation constant 7 is an extremely small quantity and its real part is not large compared with its imaginary part. Since | 7 1 is of the order of magnitude of w 10"^", it is evident that 7 is very small even for frequencies of millions of cycles per second. As regards the second restriction, if the real part of 7 is large compared with the imaginary, the wave will be damped out in a few wave-lengths, and the system cannot efficiently transmit energy. 2. In the conductors the axial electric intensity E^ is large compared with the component normal to Z. This restriction means that the dissipation in the conductors due to the axial currents is large com- pared with the dissipation due to the charging currents. Evidently this restriction is necessary for the efficient transmission of energy. 3. In the dielectric the axial electric intensity is small compared with the normal electric intensity. The justification of this assumption is as follows: The propagation of energy occurs in the dielectric, and is normal to the direction of the electric intensity. Since the usefully transmitted energy is propagated along the axis of transmission and the propagation normal to the axis simply means dissipation, the axial electric intensity must be small compared with the normal component for efficient transmission. 4. The axial magnetic intensity H^ is everywhere small compared with the normal intensity. The justification of this assumption de- pends on the same arguments as (3). As regards (3) and (4) it will be remarked that in the ideal plane wave propagation both E^ and M^ are zero. In the case of imperfect conductors E^, in the dielectric is not zero but may be regarded as a first order small quantity, ilfz on the other hand is to be regarded as a second order small quantity because it not only vanishes for the case of perfect conductors but also vanishes for the case of imperfect conductors for the case where the wave is made up of a set of compo- * In accordance with these definitions, conductors and dielectrics depend for their classifications on the frequency, as well as their electrical constants. The definition of conductor means that the displacement current is negligible compared with the conduction current. 18 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL nent radially symmetrical waves oriented on the axes of the conductors; to this the actual wave approximates in important transmission systems. We shall now introduce the consequences of the foregoing assump- tions into the differential equations of the problem. IV Referring to equations (10), these may be replaced in the conductors only where 7^ is very small compared with v^ and 7 is a very small quantity, by the approximation: dy (13) V- [ dx 7 dy v^ ydy 7 dx Therefore in the conductors the vector components M^, My are de- rivable by spatial differentiation from Ez. E^, Ey are not in general so derivable on account of the factor I/7, a very large quantity, which appears with Mz. (It appears that yE^ and Ms may be of comparable orders of magnitude.) We assume, however, for reasons discussed above, that both Ejc and Ey are very small compared with Ez in the conductors. In the dielectric, where v"- and 7- are of comparable orders of magni- tude, the foregoing approximations are not valid and the rigorous equations must be employed. Returning to equations (10) and writing for convenience y'^jir = /3, we have I — ^ [ dy 7 dx y 1 — p [ dx y dy E =^-J-|A£ _lAi/ y 1 — (3 [ dy 7 3x In equations (13) and (14), x and y may be any orthogonal co- ordinate system. Let us suppose that they are so chosen that x is (14) ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 19 tangential to the conductor surface; My is therefore the normal com- ponent of M at the surface of the conductor and must there be con- tinuous. Ez and {dldx)Es are also continuous. Consequently, we must have by equating My as given by (13) and (14), the subscript e indicating the value of (dldy)M2 outside the conductor. But from the expression for Ex, as given by (14), this is precisely the condition that makes Ex = 0 at the surface of the conductor. Conse- quently we arrive at the very important proposition that, subject to the approximations involved in (13), the tangential component of E in the xy- plane vanishes at the conductor surfaces. We shall now find it convenient to express the field in the dielectric in accordance with (8) in terms of the wave functions F, $, 0. Writing 0 = ^-exp {iwt — 7s), (16) d satisfies the differential equation dx^ dy .2 + 572^= i^'-y')e. (17) Now, in the dielectric, iP- and 7^ are both exceedingly small quantities which are nearly equal, so that v^ — y^ is the difference of two very small and nearly equal quantities. We therefore replace it by zero, so that (£+$)^ = «- ('«) 6 is therefore a two-dimensional potential function. Consequently a conjugate two-dimensional potential function yp exists, such that d-x^^d-y"^' dy dx Writing equations (8) become ^ = ^-exp (icot — yz). Mx = ^{F-y^), 20 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL OX E, = 7($ - ^) - {F - 7^). Introducing new wave functions F' = F - 7^, $' = $ - ^, ^^^^ we have (dropping primes) E=-U ^22) where now $ and F are independent wave functions. If the foregoing analysis has been carefully followed, the important advantage of equations (22) as compared with (8) will be appreciated. The transformation of (8) into (22) is strictly dependent upon and conditioned by the legitimacy of neglecting v"- — 7^ in the dielectric, whereby the wave functions are essentially reduced to two-dimensional potential functions. It is evident that the whole engineering theory of transmission involves this approximation. V We are now prepared to sketch the general solution of the problem,^ employing equations (13) in the conductors, and equations (22) in the dielectric. The procedure is as follows: 1. At the surfaces of the conductors the tangential component £, in the x^-plane of E vanishes, as shown above. That is, Er= -A$= 0 (23) OT • For detailed api^lications of this metiiod of solution to specific problems, the published papers referred to in the introduction to this paper may be consulted. ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 21 at the surface of each conductor.'' In the dielectric outside the conductor, the potential $ satisfies Laplace's equation in two dimen- sions; hence ^ ,d_ dx^ dy in the dielectric; and 2 + ^2 )*=0 (24) A$= 0, {j= 1,2, ■■' n) (25) OTj at the surface of the jth conductor. Also EJdrj = - f^. ^drj = y a, (i = 1 , 2, • . . n) (26) the integration being carried around the surface of the jth conductor, Qj being the charge per unit length on the jth conductor. The determination of $ from (24)-(26), when the geometry of the conductors is specified, is a well-known two-dimensional potential problem, for the solution of which very general methods are available. The solution results in the form $ = 4>i{x, y)Qi -j- n{x, y)Qn. (27) That is, $ is a linear function of the conductor charges Qi ' - • Qn, and the coefficients <^i • • • ^n are unique functions of the geometry of the transmission system and are determinable by the usual methods of two-dimensional potential theory. 2. The continuity of il/„ and {l/n)Mr at the surfaces of the con- ductors is analytically formulated by the equations ±F- - ^ F or OT dn iXc dn where fx is the permeability of the dielectric and fj-c that of the con- ductor. These relations, it will be understood, hold at the surfaces of all the conductors, i*' is a wave function which satisfies Laplace's equation in two dimensions in the dielectric; thus ^ In the following, t and n denote vectors tangential and normal to the conductor surface respectively. 22 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and £j is a wa\'e function which in the conductor satisfies the two- dimensional wave equation In addition, E^ and F are connected with the conductor current I by the relations /= X ^ E4S, X here denoting the conductivity of the conductor. It follows at once that the determination of F and E^ from (28)-(31) is a generalization of the two-dimensional potential problem involved in the determination of $ from (24)-(26) ; it may be precisely stated as follows: The function F satisfies Laplace's equation everywhere outside the n conductors. Inside the jth conductor the electric force EJ satisfies the two-dimensional wave equation {i^^ + w)^-'^ '■'"''' (i=1.2, •••«) (33) while at the surface of the jth conductor A TT - -At?; ^F= -f^~Ei, U=U2,---n) onj jij oUj (34) and ixniwlj = (p ~ FdTj, ( j = 1, 2, • • • n). (35) Just as equations (24)-(26) uniquely detennine $ as a linear function oi Qi ' • • Qn, so equations (32)-(35) uniquely determine the potential function F in the dielectric and the electric intensities .E^^^^ • • • £2^"^ in the n conductors as linear functions of the conductor currents; thus F = /i(.v, y)Ii + /2(.v, t)/2 + • • • + /„(.v, v)/„, (36) ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 23 and EJ - e,i{x, y)h + • • • + eni{x, y)/„, ( j = 1, 2, • • • w) (37) the / and e functions depending on the geometry of the conducting system and, through the parameter v-, on its electrical constants. They are uniquely determined by the differential equations. The actual solution of the differential equations (32)-(35) is essen- tially more difficult than the solution of (24)-(26) involved in the deter- mination of $, and they have not been subjected to the exhaustive study accorded to the potential problem. On the other hand, the analogy with the potential problem suggests that extension and modifications of the general and well-known methods of solution available for that problem should be possible. To summarize the foregoing we have succeeded in expressing the potential function (and therefore E^, Ey) in the dielectric as a linear function of the conductor charges, the coefficients of the con- ductor charges Q\ • - • Qn being spatial functions of x and y which we determined by the usual methods of two-dimensional potential theory. Similarly it has been shown that E^ (and therefore the current distribution) in the conductors, and the potential function F (and therefore the magnetic field) in the dielectric, are expressible as linear functions of the conductor currents /i • • • /„, the determination of the coefhcients depending on the solution of a generalization of the two- dimensional potential problem. 3. To complete the solution of the problem, recourse is had to the fact that Ez is continuous at the surfaces of the conductors. At the surface of each conductor we therefore equate Ez, as given by (37), in terms of the currents Ii ■ ■ • In with 'y^ — F (see (22)), $ being given by (27) in terms oi Q\ • • • Qn and F by (36) in terms of /i • • • /„. This gives n equations of the form Zuh + • • • + ZnJn = 7*1 = yiPuQl + • • • + PlnQn), ZnJl + • • • + Znnin = J^n = lipnlQl + " • ' + pnnQn) ■ (38) Here $i • • • $„ are the values of 4> at the surfaces of the n conductors respectively; the p coefficients are Maxwell's potential coefficients of the system, while the Z coefficients are the self and mutual "im- pedances" of the conductors. 24 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL We require ii further relation between / and Q; this is furnished by the well-known relation ioiQ — 7/ — X (j) Ends 6 EnC = 7/ + X (f £^^^ (>^9) 47rX the integration being carried around the contour of the conductor. (X is the conductivity of the dielectric and the last term is the "leak- age" current.) We have therefore, for a homogeneous dielectric, ico+^)(2=7/. (40) which furnishes the necessary relation. Elimination of Q from (38) by means of (40) gives w homogeneous equations in /i • • • /„, the coefificients involving only one unknown quantity, the propagation constant 7. A finite solution necessitates the vanishing of the determinant of the coefificients; equating this to zero gives an nth order equation in 7^, which determines the n possible values of 7, and therefore the w possible modes of propagation in the system. The formal solution of the problem is thus completed. In conclusion it is worth while reviewing and summarizing the mathematical restrictions on the solution developed in the foregoing pages; restrictions which have their counterpart in the physical requirements of the system for the efficient guided transmission of electromagnetic energy. The essential restrictions are that (I) in the conductors 7^ is very small compared with p^, and (2) in the dielectric the wave equation may be replaced, at least in the neighborhood of the conductors, by If the conductors are so imperfect, or the dielectric so dissipative that these approximations are not justified, the method of solution ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION ALONG WIRES 25 given above breaks down, and the problem must be attacked from the rigorous equations. These have never been solved in general, in fact the only rigorous solution known to the writer is for the case of circular symmetry and even this involves the location of the roots of an extremely complicated transcendental equation. Fortunately, in view of these difificulties, the general case of quite imperfect conductors or imperfect dielectric media is of small technical importance for the reason given above. Some General Results of Elementary Sampling Theory for Engineering Use By PAUL p. COGGINS E\'ERY day we base conclusions on the results of the process commonly known as "sampling." For example, if five times in a week a man has waited ten minutes or more for his trolley at a street corner, he may conclude that the transportation facilities are poor. Or again, if a housewife has bought ten loaves of bread at a certain store and has found five of them not as fresh as might be desired, she decides that in the future she will buy her bread elsewhere. Both of these conclusions are based on an intuitive application of sampling theory. Such examples could be multiplied indefinitely. Similarly, in most engineering problems, observational data are involved in one way or another. In order to be able to assign the proper significance to these data, it is essential to have some idea as to their reliability, that is, to what extent they represent all the facts under consideration. First, the measurements themselves may be in error. In the second place, although the observations may have been made with perfect precision, they may be incomplete; they may constitute but a "sample" of a large group of possible observations. The problem considered in this paper is one of this second class, generally known as "sampling" problems. Assume the existence of a total group or "universe" of N objects and that observations have been made on a certain number n of them with reference to a particular characteristic. This number n we will call the "sample." From this sample we wish to deduce some estimate concerning the probable condition of that universe with reference to the characteristic observed. Now the characteristic observed may itself take on one of two forms. It may be either, (1) present or absent; (2) quantitative. For simplicity in discussion we may call the first, "Sampling of Attributes," and the second, "Sampling of Variables." An example of each will be cited from the telephone field. Example 1 : Sampling of Attributes Suppose that 4,000 relays of a particular type constitute a day's output. In order to determine roughly what proportion of these are non-operative at a current of 12 mils, a sample of 500 relays is tested and out of this sample 10 fail to operate at the required current. In 26 ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 27 the sample, then, two per cent of the relays were defective. What, then, is the probability that the percentage of the 4,000 relays having this defect is between one and three per cent? Or what is the proba- bility that the percentage of defectives in the universe of 4,000 does not exceed four per cent? Or again, if we wish to be practically certain that among the 4,000 relays not more than two per cent are defective in this respect, how many defectives would be allowable in a sample of 200? or a sample of 1,000? Any number of questions of this sort can be asked and may be answered on the basis of the proper assump- tions by sampling theory. Example 2: Sampling of Variables An office serves 5,000 subscribers lines. Measurements of the insulation resistance are made on 200 of these, selected at random, and the resulting values tabulated. They vary all the way from 12,000 ohms to 200,000 ohms. What conclusions may be drawn as to the probability that more than a certain number, say 20 of the subscribers' loops out of the 5,000, have an insulation resistance of less than 18,000 ohms? What is the most probable distribution of the insulation resistances for the office as a whole? What is the probable error of the average of the observations as a measure of the average loop insulation resistance for the office? As before, much information regarding the universe may be inferred from a properly chosen sample, always, however, with some degree of uncertainty. This uncertainty, so far as the sampling process is concerned, naturally decreases as the size of the sample increases, and, of course, disappears except for inaccuracies of measurement, when the sample becomes coextensive with the universe. The respective treatments of these two types of problems differ considerably in detail. The basic principles are, however, essentially the same, and involve in each case the notions of "a posteriori" probability, as discussed in most of the standard textbooks on the theory of probability. In both problems there are certain observations. By means of these we desire to obtain as precise information as possible concerning some one or more characteristics of the universe from which these observations or samples were drawn. The true nature of the universe is to some degree, at least, unknown. Certain hypotheses concerning it may, however, in the light of the sample be more probable than others. What we wish to estimate is the probability that either a particular hypothesis or a group of mutually exclusive hypotheses includes the true one. 28 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL This article will be devoted to the type of problem termed "Sam- pling of Attributes." ^ In it are included results from an extensive series of computations in the form of charts which may be of value in the solution of practical engineering problems. The nomenclature is general, so as to be applicable to a wide variety of practical problems. For convenience in discussion we shall divide the units of any sample into the two mutually exclusive classes, "defective" and "satis- factory." The following notation will be used: N = total number of items in universe, n = total number of items in sample, X = number of defective items in universe (unknown), c == number of defective items in sample (observed), u'(X) = a priori probability that the universe will contain exactly X defectives, W{Xi, Xo) — a posteriori probability that the universe contains a number of defectives X such that Xi = X ^ X2. It is of extreme importance that, at the outset, the significance of the symbol w{X) in sampling problems be clearly defined. It is a measure of the probability, before the sample is taken, that the lot or universe in question contains X defective items and N — X satis- factory items. It may be based on previous samples, or the reputation of the manufacturer producing those items, or on any one or more of a number of other pertinent data. For example, even before a sampling inspection, we should unhesitatingly say that in a lot of 1,000 relays sent out by a reputable manufacturer it is very much more likely, a priori, that the lot will contain less than 100 relays with a short-circuited winding than that the lot will contain more than 800 relays defective in the same respect. We should probably find ourselves in a quandary, however, if we attempted to state without a sample inspection, the relative likelihoods of 3, 4, 5, 6, •••, etc., defectives existing in the lot. w{X) is a function whose numerical value is assumed to state this a priori probability. The extent to which we are able to make use of this function, then, depends on how precisely we are able to assign numerical values to it before we study our sample. 1 This general type of problem has been under study within the Bell System for some time. In an article "Deviation of Random Samples from Average Conditions and Significance to Traffic Men" by E. C. Molina and R. P. Crowell which ajipeared in the Bell System Technical Journal for January, 1924, a special case of sampling theory was developed and various possible applications were suggested. In August, 1924, Molina delivered a paper entitled "A Fornmla for the Solution of Some Prob- lems in Sampling" before the statistical section of tiie International Mathematical Congress in Toronto, Canada. This paper dealt with a somewhat more general case of the sampling problem than was discussed in the article just mentioned. ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 29 It may be helpful at this point to state and solve a simple problem, which will serve to bring out the fundamental principles involved. An urn is known to contain 10 balls, some of which are white and the others black. Five balls have been drawn and not replaced. Of these five, one is white and four are black. What is now the proba- bility that the urn originally contained just one white ball and nine black? Two white and eight black? Before we proceed to obtain a solution for this problem we have to make some assumption, based on knowledge available before the drawings were made, concerning the probability that the urn contains black and white balls in any given proportion. Consider two such assumptions — (a) All proportions are a priori equally likely, i.e., before the drawings it is as likely that three whites and seven blacks were put in the urn as six whites and four blacks, etc. {h) The urn was filled with ten balls drawn at random from a bag containing a very large number of balls of which a quarter are white and the remainder are black. There are, before the drawings, 11 possible hypotheses concerning the contents of the urn. They range from 0 whites and 10 blacks to 10 whites and 0 blacks, as listed in the two left-hand columns of Table I and shown in Fig. 1. The probability in favor of each of 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 A M k A 1 N \ ( / 1 k L 4 _^^ i>.^ c ^ \ r \ k — i 0 — ( 5 — ( !) ( ) 8 10 Fig. 1. The upper curve shows two different assumptions concerning the a priori probabilities, while the lower pair shows the a posteriori probabilities. In both cases the dots refer to the hypothesis of uniform a priori probability while the circles refer to the assumption that the urn itself is a random sample from a large stock of which one fourth of the balls are white. these hypotheses is the "a priori existence probability" in favor of the hypotheses, and is represented by the symbol w(X), X referring to the number of white balls assumed to be in the urn. 30 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Under assumption "a" (Case 1) each hypothesis has a probability of 1/11 or .090909. Under assumption "6" (Case 2) the probability that the urn contains X whites and 10 — X blacks is the binomial TABLE I Contents Existence Prob. w{X) Prod. Prob. A Posteriori Prob. Px ".Y"Wh. Bl. Case 1 Case 2 Px Case 1 Case 2 0 10 .090909 .056314 .000000 .000000 .000000 1 9 .090909 .187712 .500000 .mm .237305 9 8 .090909 .281568 .555556 .303030 .395509 3 7 .090909 .250282 .416667 .227272 .263671 4 6 .090909 .145998 .238095 .129870 .087889 5 5 .090909 .058399 .099206 .054112 .014650 6 4 .090909 .016222 .023810 .012987 .000876 7 3 .090909 .003090 .000000 .000000 .000000 8 2 .090909 .000386 .000000 .000000 .000000 9 1 .090909 .000029 .000000 .000000 .000000 10 0 .090909 .000001 .000000 .000000 .000000 In the column headed px we give the productive probabilities for both cases. These are the probabilities that five drawings from an urn whose contents were as given by the corresponding hypothesis would yield the observed one white ball and four black. These are zero in the case of X = 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10 since urns so constituted could not have given the observed drawings. For the other cases, the productive probability is the ratio 10 - X 4 10 5 In this expression the denominator is the total number of combi- nations of 10 balls taken five at a time, and the numerator is the number of ways of selecting one out of X white balls and four out of the remaining 10 — X black balls. These figures are tabulated in Table I under the heading px- We now have all of the component parts of our problem under the two different assumptions "a" and "6." It only remains to apply "Bayes' Rule."- Now the generalized Bayes Rule tells us that the a posteriori probability, Px, in favor of an hypothesis ajier the drawings 2 This rule was first enunciated by an English cleric, Bayes by name, in a memoir in Philosophical Transactions for 1763. It was generalized by Laplace in 1812 to cover cases not etjually likely. ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 31 have been made and taking account of the a priori information is given by the ratio ^ %v{X)px the summation in the denominator being extended over all possible cases. The numerical values of this ratio are shown in the last two columns of Table I, corresponding to the two assumptions in our problem and also by the circles in Fig. 1. That we should have a different set of results corresponding to the dififerent assumptions is to be expected. It is interesting, however, that the difference in this case is by no means great as Fig. 1 brings out. If after each drawing we had replaced the ball drawn, we would have used for the productive probability px the binomial term . 5\/ XWIO - X px 1/Vio/ V 10 since the successive drawings would not have changed the relative constitution of the urn. The same would also be true if the urn contained an indefinitely large number of balls with the same relative proportions of black and white. Now if we agree that a white ball corresponds to a defective item and a black ball to an acceptable item, we are immediately able, by the use of these fundamental principles of a posteriori probability, to write the general basic formal relation z »m(f)(rf) As we have just indicated, the troublesome element in this formula is the function w{X) to which, in many practical problems, it is difficult to assign any particular numerical values. In order to proceed further, therefore, without detailed consideration of various specific engineering problems we are forced to make some rather general assumptions concerning the nature of the function w{X). Case I One of the most natural assumptions to make when no knowledge exists to the contrary is that zv{X) is a constant within that range ^ It should be noted that in his original treatment of this formula Molina used 5 instead of 2 as the symbol for summation on account of the fact that finite inte- gration entered into his analysis. Since in this presentation we are dealing only with summation, we shall use the commoner form 2 to denote summation. 32 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of values of A' which essentially affects the value of the denominator of (1). This assumption may seem at first glance rather arbitrary and wide of the mark, especially since the range of values which essentially affects the value of the denominator in (1) depends on the value of c obtained from the sample. However, if the sample is reasonably large, consisting of 100 items or more, and the proportion of defectives observed is small, say 10 per cent or under, the probability that universes having a proportion of defectives widely different from the one observed would yield such results is so small that a wide range of assumptions concerning the a priori probability of such universes existing makes very little change in the final result. Applying, then, this assumption analytically to the basic formula (1) we obtain the simpler formulae M /x\ /TV - X\ ''^'- /X\/ N - X W(X X) ^^vAwln-rj J-,\c)[n-c^ T^(^i,^2) -x=N-n-,c,x\/N~X\ ~ /7V+ n ^'^ c j\ n — c ) \ n + \ and by means of a transformation outlined in the Appendix w^e obtain from (2), .Yi\/A^+1-Xi\ _ /Xo + lW N-X, t A n+\-t I V / l\n^\-t E W{X,,X,)^'-^^ iV+1 w + 1 (2a) Formula (2a) is the one embodied in the paper referred to in footnote 1. While apparently less simple than (2), it is actually easier to compute when c is less than the range Xo — Xi. When in (2a) we set Xi = c and X2 = X the resulting formula (p /X + 1\/ N-X \ W{c, X,n,N) = \- '-^^ ^nIi^ • (^) 71 + 1 which is at the basis of our computational work, shows explicitly certain properties which are not apparent in (2). Various analytical transformations and approximations based on this formula lead to several interesting extensions which are discussed in the Appendix. We shall leave these phases of the problem for the present, however, and discuss the results of the calculations which have been made as presented on the attached charts. ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 2>i Charts A Charts A have been prepared by means of exact formula (3) to show, for universes N = 300, 500, 700 and 900 from which samples, n, of various indicated sizes are assumed to have been drawn, the probability or "weight" W{c, X) as ordinate versus X as absicissa for various values of c as indicated by the solid curves so designated. The dotted curves crossing these solid curves show the weight indicated by various values of the difference "J" between the percentage observed defective and the percentage assumed defectives in the universe. As examples illustrating the interpretation of Charts A consider the following: Example 1: From a universe oi N = 700 items a random sample n = 300 items has shown c = 3 or 1 per cent defectives. What is the probability or weight to be associated with the hypothesis that the universe contains not more than X = 14 or two per cent defectives? From the A Chart corresponding to A'' = 700 and n = 300 we find the c = 3 curve (shown heavy because it is an even per cent of the sample n = 300). On this curve corresponding to an abscissa of X = 14 we read our desired result as the ordinate W = .94. We note that this is also a point on the d — \ per cent dotted curve since \00{X jN — c/n) per cent — 1 per cent. Example 2: W^e are going to make a sample of « = 199 items out of a universe of TV = 500 items and wish the weight or probability to be .9 or better that the universe does not contain more than five per cent defective items. What is the maximum number of defective items that we may tolerate in our sample? Now five per cent of N = 500 IS X = 25. Corresponding to an abscissa X = 2S and an ordinate W = .9 we locate a point which lies between the c = 6 and c = 7 curves. We could, therefore, accept the lot provided the sample showed six or less defectives, or three per cent or less defectives. These Charts A are fundamental in nature, and involve the five variables, N, n, X, c and W. The formula by means of which they were computed is exact on the basis of the assumptions. Such errors or irregularities as may appear to exist in them are of negligible practical importance in view of the nature of the assumptions made, and are mainly due to the difficulties in drafting such a family of curves. Naturally a function involving several variables may be represented graphically in many different ways, some of which may be more convenient than others to use in connection with various practical problems. One of the restrictions often encountered in practical 3 34 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL problems is that the weight W shall not be less than some specified figure which may be considered to give us the desired degree of confi- dence in the efficacy of our sampling procedure in weeding out defective lots. Charts B and C are drawn up on the basis of three such specified figures which are of practical interest, W = .75, W = .9, and W = .99. Such restrictions enable us to show, without the large amount of labor which would be required without them, the results of calcu- lations for a wider range of the other variables. Chart B Chart B shows roughly for the proportion of observed defectives cjn = .01, .04, and .07, the proportion of defectives in the universe which we may expect not to exceed with weights W = .IS, .9 and .99 for various values of the sample n as abscissa and for N = 300, 500, 700, 900 and also the limit approached as N becomes infinite. This form of presentation serves to relate the present material to the earlier charts which accompanied the earlier article already mentioned as having appeared in the Bell System Technical Journal for January, 1924, and shows how with a given size of sample n and a given pro- portion of defectives observed, the larger the value of the universe TV, the larger the variation which may be expected with any given degree of probability. As would be expected, we also see that when the size of the sample approaches the size of the universe, the range of uncertainty approaches 0 and our sample inspection becomes a complete inspection. It will be noted that, up to the present point, we have not considered cases for N > 1,000. The exact formulae become rather troublesome to compute for these larger values of N. Fortunately, however, various approximate methods outlined in the Appendix become suf- ficiently accurate to be of service in these cases. Charts C We have, therefore, by their aid when N > 1,000, prepared the Charts C which we believe will cover a rather wide range of the variables with sufficient precision to be of considerable practical value. The points shown by dots are believed to be accurate to the degree to which they are readable on the chart. For intermediate values and for other values of the trouble limit the discrepancies are indicated on the charts. One of these charts corresponds to each of the three following weights, W = .75, W = .9, and W = .99. As abscissa we show the per cent sample, 100 n/N. The ordinate scale is proportional to the number of items n in the sample. The same ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 35 proportionality factor K enters also in the ratio X jN which we desig- nate as the trouble limit. We shall later discuss the purpose of this factor K in more detail. The understanding of the charts will be simplified, however, if we consider the case for i^ = 1 in which the charts become direct reading for the case of a trouble limit X jN = .01. The values of c, the number of defective items observed in the sample, are shown as a family of curves marked c = 0, c= l,c = 2, etc., sloping downward from left to right. Any point on the c = 5 curve, for example, on the Chart C for weight W = .9 shows the corresponding values of n as ordinate and n/N as abscissa which are necessary in order that this number of defectives may be accepted with a degree of assurance ^ indicated by W = .9 that the true pro- portion of defectives in the universe N is not greater than .01. It will be readily noted that for every value of the universe N, there may be drawn a diagonal straight line through the origin whose ordinate for an abscissa of 100 per cent sample is equal to n = N. Certain representative N lines are drawn in on the charts in this manner, and as many more could be inserted as desirable. Thus, for a constant value of W and a constant value of X /N we have provided on Charts C a ready means of determining the relationships which must exist between the remaining variables N, n, and c. As an example of the use of these charts for the case where X = 1, i.e., for X/N = .01, consider the following: Example 3: In a sample of w = 900 out of a universe N = 3,000, what is the maximum number of defectives c that we may accept with an assurance of 1^ = .9 or better that the true proportion of defectives in the universe is not greater than .01? Referring to the Charts C for W = .9 and considering K = I, we locate the point corresponding to an abscissa of 100 n/N per cent = 90,000/3,000 = 30 per cent, and an ordinate n = 900. We find that this lies on the diagonal straight line marked N = 3,000 K as it should and that it also lies between the c = 5 and c = 6 curves. From this we may infer that we may accept five defectives but not six in the above case. We shall now proceed to explain the significance of the factor K and the cross-hatched areas beneath the c = 0, 5, 10, 15, etc., curves. The purpose of these features is to extend the application of Charts C to values of X/N other than .01. It may be noted from the mathe- matical analysis or from actual plotting of charts similar to Charts C, but for different values of X/N, that the general shape and spacing of the curves remains practically unchanged for any given value of W. ■* This statement is not strictly true when we are dealing with non-integral values of X. In such cases the weights W shown on the Charts C are slightly too high. 36 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In other words, the value of W{c, X) depends mainly on the ratio njN, and the values of X and c, and only in a secondary way on the absolute values of n and N. This being the case, if we make a given per cent sample of two different universes N and KN, the number of defectives c which we may allow in our sample out of the first universe N in order that our weight W may have a given value, .9 say, for the true proportion of defectives in this universe to be not greater than .01 is practically the same as the value of c that we may allow in the sample out of the second universe KN for the same weight W and a proportion of defectives .01 /i^. For values of i^ > 1 there is no appreciable change introduced in the location of the c curves on Charts C. For values of i^ < 1, some error is made. The magnitude of this error is indicated by the cross-hatched bands on the c = 0, 5, 10, 15, etc., curves. The lower boundaries of these bands were calculated to show the magnitude of the error introduced for the corresponding values of c when K ^ A. The upper boundaries of these areas correspond to values of i^ ^ 1. For other values of c only the upper boundaries of the corresponding bands are shown, the lower boundaries being easily deducible by visual interpolation to a sufficient degree of approximation for most practical purposes. As examples which may serve to illustrate this sort of application of Charts C consider the following: Example 4: A sample of w = 5,000 items has been drawn out of a universe of iV = 20,000 items and c = 15 defectives were observed. May we assume with a weight W = .9 or more that the true proportion of defectives or trouble limit X jN is .005? Here .01 /X is to equal .005 for our charts to apply. Therefore, K = 2. Our sample n = 500 = 2,500X and our per cent sample is 100 n/N =25 per cent. Corresponding then to an abscissa of 25 per cent and an ordinate of 2,500X on the W = .9 chart we locate a point between the c = 19 and c = 20 curves. We could have allowed, therefore, c = 19 defectives at the desired weight and trouble limit. Since we observed a smaller number of defectives than was allowed, our weight W is therefore greater than .9. As a matter of fact it is practically only slightly less than .99 as appears from the W = .99 chart when utilized in a corresponding manner. Example 5: As our next example we shall attempt to determine what is the trouble limit which corresponds with W = .9 to the results of the sample of Example 4. On the I^ = .9 chart corre- sponding to an abscissa of 25 per cent we read from the c = 15 curve an ordinate of 2,015^". But this must be our sample n = 5,000. We, therefore, determine K from the equation 2,015i 0; if X > 2, F{N, n, X, t) = g(^-2)/-w, which gives us as an approximate value for the maximum term irt, where / = {n/N)X, ^■-[-^)[n)['-n) ""-""■ '■'^ Having this term, it is a simple matter to calculate the other terms necessary for evaluating W{c, X) by means of the exact equations ^'+^-'''iv /+1 'N-n-X-^tJ' ^^^ ( t N-n-X + t-\\ TTt-l = TTi I — ; • 1 . (9) \fi — t -\~ 2 X — t -\- 2 / / N-n \ + i\ U + 1 - // ■ \ t )\N U + i; 44 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Due to the reciprocal relationship between n and X, we may obtain in a similar manner ("T')^7^i^=("t')(^)'('-^)"^'"'--^^-) when t = {XlN)n. It is by means of these relationships that we have calculated the cases for N > 1,000 as shown on Charts C and feel that the precision obtained is rather better than would hav^e resulted from using formula (6) for all values of / and assuming F{N, n, X, t) = \. However, for suitable ranges of the variables involved, the formula resulting from this procedure m.x)..-|:rr')(^)'(>-^r' 0.) would be a fairly good approximation. This is simply part of the well-known binomial expansion and is far simpler to compute than the more precise formulae, although by no means easy at that. We may draw several interesting practical conclusions, however, from formula (11). For instance, we may note that as njN approaches 0 and X becomes infinite in such a way that the product (A' + \){nlN) remains constant and equal to the average a, we have the familiar Poisson Exponential Binomial Limit ^ n V~" w{c,x) = 1 -E «=o ^• where a = (X + 1)(«W. In addition we note from formula (11) that, for small values of X IN, the variable N enters into the formula only in the ratio njN. From this we deduce the fact, borne out by independent calculations, that by means of the proper use of a proportionality factor K applied directly to n and N and inversely to X jN we may extend the Charts C to care for values of X IN ^ A to a very good degree of accuracy and with considerable saving in space and computational labor. By the reciprocal relationship between A' and n as shown in exact formulae (3) and (5), we obtain w,.)^.-f("r')(^)'(.-^,)"^'"' ^- which differs only in form from equation (3) of Molina's paper ^ on " Footnote 1. ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 45 the infinite universe case. Formula (12) does not give the same results as (11) as it is most exact when njN is small and becomes absolutely exact in the limiting case of an infinite universe where njN = 0. This formula also approaches the Poisson Limit, in this case as X jN approaches 0 and w + 1 becomes infinite in such a way that the product {n + \){X IN) remains constant and equal to a, say. The Poisson Limit, for the case of an infinite universe, was given by Molina in the Appendix to the article in the Bell System Technical Journal of January, 1924, already mentioned in this memorandum. Another point of interest is brought out when we note that in the limiting form of (12) the Poisson gives us w{c, X) = X) —fr ' ^ = "at ' and for another pair of values of W and X ' t=c+l ^ • -'* Thus from properly chosen Poisson curves or tables we may obtain the ratio Xi/X = ai/a which corresponds to the observed value of c and the desired values of W and Wi. This ratio in exact formulae is a function of N, n, and X also, but for many problems involving small values of n/N and X jN the degree of approximation furnished by this limiting form is fairly satisfactory and still further reduces the amount of labor necessary in extending approximate results to practice. The sort of procedure we have just been discussing may be facilitated by means of a chart on which we show as abscissae values of c and as ordinates values of the ratio of Xi/X which corresponds to various values of W as shown by various curves and a specified value of Wi, say Wi = .9. Such a chart would enable us to interpret roughly a given Chart C for W = .9 in terms of other values of W. For precise work this procedure is not to be recommended, and, therefore, no charts of the nature just described are included herein. Approximations to the binomial other than the Poisson have been discussed in many of the texts. In particular, for values of p in the neighborhood of |, the well-known Laplace-Bernoulli integral 1 r" -''dt will serve as an approximate value for Wi where the limits a and b 46 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL are functions of N, n, X, and c. This approximation is not so suitable, however, for most telephone sampling problems in which the pro- portion of defectives may be assumed in general to be far smaller than \. We shall now proceed to discuss a few points concerning the analysis of Case II in which instead of assuming w{X) constant we assumed it to be of the form fX\ (N - X\ Combining this expression for w{X) with the term ( ) I _ ) which appears in the basic formula (1), we have X\ {N-X)\ N\ c\{X-c)\ {n-c)\{N-X-n+c)\ X\{N-X)\ px(^l_p^N-x ^)-Or(i-.)--(e::).-'(.-.)™ Since only the factors in brackets involve the variable of summation X, the remainder of this expression will cancel out in numerator and denominator, leaving us with W{X,, X,) X=Xi / M _ y,\ X=N-n-\-c / Aj _ ^ \ x=c yX - C as the resulting form for (1) with this assumption for iv{X). It may be noted that the summation in the denominator above is a complete binomial {p + q)^~" and as such equals unity, so X=X2 / AT _ ^ \ where p is assumed to be the a priori probability of a defective item as determined from reliable information concerning conditions under which the items are prepared. As before when Xi = c and X2 = X we have We may be willing in certain cases to admit the binomial form for ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 47 w{X) without being able or willing to assign any single value to p. In such cases we may, however, proceed to make assumptions con- cerning the probability that p has a given value. Let s{X,p) =f(P)(^^)pHl -pr-""; then w{x) = C s{x,p)dp = (^^^rf(p)pHi - pr-'^dp, where Cf{p)dp = 1 and £ w{X) = 1. Suppose we assume J{p) constant for all values between 0 and 1; we have wiX) = (^^^ J p^{l - p)^-^dp N -\- \' which we note to be a constant which assigns to all of the iV + 1 possible a priori hypotheses concerning X an equal weight. This pair of assumptions in Case II amounts, therefore, to the same thing analytically as the assumption of Case I. Any number of possible hypotheses concerning /(/>) might be made. Some of these would complicate the analysis considerably, others might be carried through fairly simply. One of these hypothe- ses might fit one class of physical problems, another some other class. To consider these all in detail in this paper would be outside of the scope of a general treatment. The methods outlined here would, however, hold for such extensions. Such difficulties as might be encountered would be of an analytical rather than a logical nature. In closing, the author wishes to express his appreciation to his numerous friends and associates in the Bell System, whose suggestions and cooperation have been of material assistance in the preparation of this work, and particularly the work of Miss Nelliemae Z. Pearson of the Department of Development and Research, under whose direction most of the computations were carried out and who has checked through the various proofs. 48 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Key to the Charts The charts present various graphical representations of the function W{c, X, n, N), equation 3. This function gives the probability, W, that the number of defectives in a lot of N is equal to or less than X, after a sample of n units has shown c defectives, assuming that each of the possible values of X between o and N were equally likely a priori. Charts A: Separate pages refer to different values of n and N as labelled. Ordinates, W; abscissas, X. Solid curves, r; dotted curves (c/n — X/N) expressed as per cent. Charts B: Separate groups of curves refer to different values of W as labelled. Ordinates, X/N; abscissas, n. Separate sets of curves in each group refer to different values of c/n as labelled. Individual curves are for different values of N. Charts C: Separate pages refer to different values of W. Ordinates, n; abscissas, n/N. Separate curves for different values of c. Cross-hatching indicates amount of dependence on X/N. For fuller explanation see pages 34—37 incl. ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 49 so 5 10 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 65 60 70 * iil_l!itLlii-it J A V N [lil^NiiJll J JBm Ajjpv Ll jjj sjL ' 1 \ ^ r^\ \ \ W \[ \ \ S ^ T i -f\ H \ '\ 4 ' ' ' '\^ \ Su" I " v~^V^^^\ -^-^ -^ ^ -'- ^ - - . - - y -^ — ti T V V^Lti \VA \^ k\ \ \"Hi \ \ \ V ^'\ V^A^ '^ -'- -''-- I M i V vW\ \ v\ T W\-\ V^ \^^\mV\ V^Nl' '^ ^ \\\\m\\\\V a^ ^ V^ \'\'\,'\ \ ' \1 iVi\J \ \l N \ 1X1^ "/ 1 v y \ \ * \ 1 Vnl \ \ V'\ V \ \ ' c^\ \ N A^ v^^^~\ ^ A M — 53'^ v\^vV\ v-^ V \V \ V\ \' \ A^ ■^^ \' \ A^ ^ """ ■ itTTvvV X \"\ \A^\.\\ \ \ i V A v^v*^'^--\-\ : : ; f 14 \ 1^4 ^ A^"\\ \ \\^ \-\X^ \^ A^W "^ ^ ' ' h villi '\yi\|51^1^ xiV ^\ill\! \| rV' "^Xj- Vh^ \[\]\K,Xi^ ;^' f'' .^ " " HiiT'L: r V fU^Ti^'^f^ \-\ i^j^'Hr^" \ v^ .;t||ss^ t : d* it- .fafcA ;) :\ V \^ vVaejV \ \f\i\ \^ ^" W^IC^^C-^ ^■' * V " T * \ ' V '\ — \ ^v*- ^" '\' \' \ \ \' Y ^ "^i A V ^ ^ Y ■ S. ' \ \. A A. ^'•-4'^ " ' 0 3 t-T ^Ns V •"V A A \ V 'ir^- ■ A \ A- \ \ V A \ N^\ \ ^^ \^A H -lAV • h^ " ib\» A^. FdrjVri V^;-VtV - t-V-JuA V ;_^ Vj] ^\i S^\l V|:iS^Att W5 -^dz ^ t^ - V" T \ — V^ \~ * \ * V "A" V ^\' \ r \^ * A A "N A^ C ^^' \' \ ^H.'-i ^ ^ 4 -^ ^ ^ 3= fe* "tV A ^X' \ \^H HMSlx St s^ N}^ ■ "^ ^^ ^ b/3 ' m l\r^ pir^VA^\Tr\ \\ \ HAKt A A VA ^^Pv ^ ^ c [^p. -V*- — ^-\- — Y •• j^=^"V'" "\'"^^~ \" ' ^" ■ \ ; \^ "^ " \' ^\' *\ --\-— i*-\! A; ' \' ■ \ "f 1^"aW"^^A^I\'' A A \' \ \J^\^^vH\ A%^ lisi 1^ --rtTi^^tr^^F^^"^ Ai r A AH^Ja^ ■^ V F \ A ^''^' y V \'A'\IV'"^'^A'\^ 1 \ ' iV ^ ' i / \ \ 1 aI \| \ 1 S 1 a a L- ft' ' V [^i V ' A \l l\' [5i f • k ( \ iVi^ \ 1^1 V" ^ i\ \ ^ i \ JVl4- \i a] N. 1" " » \ 'IV \ i' X ^ \ )i i'^' N \ A |V' T^TT "IIH ^I ^J\ ~i "' =ii-:-3iV:tr-\ziA^ ;\j \i^*^ 1^ ■"''\4W'\' A 'l\"i3vs^t^ Ai" ■ '• t""- «, Ti -^-'-f^V-'-A ■• ''A'': A' 'It ^ A'^'^ 1 A A Sl'^'^'AT Al'^A" a i-t"f^' "-iiii + ji^. L /V ' V^^iJ""A "■^■A \' \i c^ \'"^"^pl^ \T*^ ^ *«='"' 1 ^^ — ; — p^ — ^ At"' ^T\i^"J ■ f^^^A '"' \ >V*^~ \*"* ^ " i V • ;^\^ ' V 1 \^^^ ^^'^ 1 V[ 1 Ai /'K 1 \ X^ • ' ^ A Ar* ix A A V' ^ ^ " ' " \ 1/ \ V iH V \l 1 sII'a'' N 1 \^ '*'^' s 1 ^ (h A J_ 1? \ f'' S i\i - ^v_ \1 J_ J. Sc itij S U ^ L "-11' m TT yi^i^'t'^N M^ l\ isJ--T* Psj* -I'l^ ' C> = i::: = = : = :==^^H;ap^a?iT ±i^'i^-,-':^-,z..^^z^'^ zz^z.t^zz ,^z-z z^lzzzzzzz 1 S; T ■ 1 S b 16 i5 20 25 30 35 46 45 60 55 bO 65 70 X = Defectives in Universe iV = 300, 7^ = 100 CHARTS A 50 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL aO 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 ^ ,U 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4,0 45 50 55 oO dS 70 X = Defectives in Universe iV = 300, n = im CHARTS A ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 51 i> 50 so 60 65 70 X = Defectives in Universe N = 300, n = 249 CHARTS A BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL iO ^10 ^,^ , ^P ^S 30 35 40 45 X = Defectives in Universe CHARTS A s r^ ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 53 a? 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 4C ) 15 50 55 60 65 70 s e 1 1 II ' 'III 1 N T T ■ S! § :::::::::: 1 1 ■+t":.::D"""| p ■ 1 . L-_|:]: -- § -+-g--J MiAi^v 1 VV.!lj.-k .r]| -( 1--4^1-J- ■;:-: -- 0, ^ tH ™a^$\\^\\ i\Wy^3!) 'J -- - « <5 J I' WWWWWv V \\ \ WW s ill \\\\\A\\\\\\* ^^' l\ \ \ \ 1 \V -r" 1" ■ I- r* \u\\\\v\m\v W IVv^ -d- -/ ■'/ " ■ — ^ P i \ \ \ ^^\ \\ \ — a , \ ilj \ 1 i WW \\\\\w\\\ WW ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M- :::--:: ::: ^ III rVv\\\\\\\\\\v i WJ\\ ' ' ' s ||l jlll I Y \ ^i\r c •' -1 . 1 '< in 1 ll l\\ V \ v\ \ w r ,- ' ll 1 vlt \ \ \ \ N-* \xw^^ -I'-l 11 -^-^L w- V\ NjX ^ Imi ^^mnnn; p; i:r"i;: I- E| to 'bJO '' ^r v\ri \\v\\WW\\ Wi\H?q; -->1-?1- ^TT-r-r-tt- .;-t '-r-- - "^ ■ ^H CI -j^l' "\"^V ^^ *"" tl\'\Y: \ \ \ \\\ \\\\ \\XMn"4TflTTl TTTn :: ;^ ^:l:.\ flp- \\\\\rVrrr\i PPlrvr^TiTTn :::: :: ^ ' Vm" "i 111 " \ \ \ V \ T^ -- »^Jj.|i|.3. V A'X \ \\\ \W S; V*^2r ----- E: ^ =p4-^ vA* \\\\\\ A \\ 3^^ \jij •}• =-" :; ^ A* A^ '^ \^ nL-'X 1 ■^ : T t 43tj: * , \i\ v\\^ V^"^' \i \ \"'A " :; ' I T T* VTk ^ T^ -r\r T ^ ' -- 1^ V P\J \ V \ \ j^ '\ v \ \ i \] l\l 1 ^ \ 1 \ V" \ Vl \\\ \ ^ l\ \ l\ ' I \ V 'V ijj t^ V \ ' ^ '\' viiT N 1 n LXp •'■~ " S:::.:E:\ KSfjEJlffi^S ffiOs.::::::z:z :. M .;;h|| ^^^1^1^^ M^E- = E^-EE ;; - ' " \" lF iv^V \ A' A^c1\_-- --- -- ^ \ ll 1 X \! ^ -KTVt ^i 1 ^ g "'"i \ k -r \ \ ^ \ \ i\ l\ •^ g, k \ ^ y N \ *^ 1 ^ ft 1 1\ \ 1 1 ij ]\ 5 \ \ ' s 1 \ H'l \i 1 N I ^1 \J |\ - ' ■ ' ' Tn -^,5 /^i;■^J;^U'^A ^>Hy#..EEEEE : : ^ I'^^tt'l^^t ^tf '^ ?-f ^-^ -- a Iv '' It r N 1 1 §6 5 lo 15 » yO 35 30 3 3 4C 3 45 50 55 6 0 65 70 X = Defectives in Universe N = 500, n = 199 CHARTS A s ^ 54 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ^ S 10 15 20 2S 50 3! 40 45 50 66 60 65 70 S Ml H'H''!i 111 V" i i\^ ^ \ !'.^ 1 j^my . lUliIlM^ ,: (V \\,\\.\\X\'t\\\\\\\\ " 0 ; ; . ^juaw to\to ■ ':\'\ ^ vlui -fs 11 ill ^ nil \\\\\\ uTwrHt d -3'' ll VI W 1 V\ \\i 5 1 III I 1 \\vi\\\i\\\\\\^^^^^^'^^" ■' ' 1 8---- \wm'^^^in- :^ u\ \l.\ ^:::i-:-::: vWil! t\:\m\\\\^\\ ,\\\!t;j-;t-i-t Utiii r H """" I : iH 1 1 W\ \^ \\U lVUi-Vl\A\\\\ ii ^'-"' M "-' ^ ! tflW\\T 1 V\\\v\fcMM\ 1 1 liD^JIi.l I 1 1 1 1 ■ ' ■ '' _ |i\i\\\W Vw? \\Y r •'' ,, W) liHA \l\ W\ ' '-L o» \\\ VI V W \\ IT \!Tt:V ( N\\i- !:.:::::::::::: 5 ii 31: 1 gJ:yi^^EEEEEEEEE ::::::;::::::§ ^ s- ffliilS^ W\ '--^33 Sp::EE:;g iWiSiii 1^ -"%Eii: b/} ''irt ffi+mwwv^ lW r\k '""iii: S Sf|5 ^vVw -tftrt? ^ It g|piiA^\^ "idi^ 'll- pwi Awvvi^'- .L_ll^o S=Pi ^ rTTlH V\-W\ • -■4-t-i-H MUM ' 1 ' ' i 9 -|^rtt\vm" iV^ \V\aa \W ■ "f t ll L \ A L \ \ *^ , X ll ]A v\ \ V \ii\ \ Ai\ \\ \ \ \l 'S' ' ' ' 1 1 i ! 1 1 +1 ^VxV\ ,^ \Y\T^ v\AidJ?k!il 1 T § \ \ Ify^r^ \ ^ \ V \i\c M^KMilNllllllllllll tW^W \ V V * § (\\ !''■ " \ , .^ i\l\ \ 1 y yX 1 |-p X — 8 ---^ ^^ ^W V\' ^\\riTriir WAiv )f'v\ \ \ n 1 Wj^Jv S VW^d^/r X 1 •-< ^lift)^ 1^ ^\ j\ A r 1 ! ^ », \i\L'' X tlTt^ a=ip 'mr w ii; U^'j^^^ f: = J^J^ ''^iiliP^ ---$^ j- — p -li s Tt J 5 » i. 10 15 20 2! > 5 5 5 ) 4 0 4 5 50 5B 60 65 70 « X = Defectives in Universe N = 500, ;/ = 300 CHARTS A ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 55 *) 5 W 15 20 26 30 35 40 46 50 55 60 65 70 S c lit , M" -"U" ITT — « ■Ml itlTl TTT I I S :aiKiil:;;'l''''l : ^liEE^E^- tlllM M^:"^ 4. ^ = EE;EEEEEm ■3 1 1 i:| l:mU s> Al . . 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XI J X ..:"T * 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6< ) 65 70 75 80 85 90 A" = Defectives in Universe N = 900, 11 = 400 CHARTS A 66 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 5 ' 10 ' ' ii' ' 26' ' ' 26 " io 35 40 ~45 50 55 60 6ti " i'6 7i' ' iio' ' '6b' ' 90 X = Defectives in Universe N = 900, 11 = 499 CHARTS A I ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 67 % 5 IQ 15 20 25 50 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 X = Defectives in Universe AA = 900, n = 599 CHARTS A 68 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ^ ^ 8d 5 10 16 20 25 30 36 40 45 60 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 X = Defectives in Universe AT = 900, 11 = G99 CHARTS A ^ s N ie JC :^ K> esj — C> O CZ> ^3 ^ C2 H < X u o I— ( CI, II u P^ < II u ^ 5^ hJ II Oh ^1^ c|2 < i ^c ^ ^ o C3 C9 c=> O O lO iO to OJ u P^ < II U ^ 5^ H-H J II ^1^ c|2 < CO >^ ^ to to CM I u m H < X u u ON 0< II < Ml ^ 0> u o. fc: CO o o^ c HH II H-1 Oh < ^1^ N U|2 C/} o in H < H-t u o I— I CO ON II :^>£ C3C3 Lnurv o\-< II 4 On ON II ON ON II ^1^ II ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 69 feO 5 fp If , , , 20 Pp SO ^p ^P f^ ^P , .^^ ,^? , ^^ "^P "^^ 8° 8^ SQ si 5 10 15 20 25 50 sb ' 40 46 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 X = Defectives in Universe A^ = 900, n = 799 CHARTS A ELEMENTARY SAMPLING THEORY FOR ENGINEERING 69 hO 5 10 15 20 25 50 55 40 4|5 50 SJ 5 10 15 20 25 30 55 46 46 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 86 90 X = Defectives in Universe AT = 900, n = 799 CHARTS A Electrical Measurement of Communication Apparatus^ By W. J. SHACKELTON and J. G. FERGUSON Synopsis: This paper describes precision high-frequency measurements of a fundamental type, special emphasis being placed on the measuring circuits rather than on the types of apparatus measured. Standards of frequency, resistance, capacitance, and inductance are discussed briefly. Bridge measurements are described for the measurement of frequency, inductance, efTective resistance, capacitance, dielectric loss, capacitance balance and inductance balance. Circuits for the measurement of other high-frequency characteristics such as attenuation, gain, and cross-talk are included. Introduction LONG DISTANCE electrical communication is now being eflfected by means of frequencies embracing the audible range and extend- ing from there to the so-called short wave-lengths employed in radio transmission. According to the field of usefulness, this whole range has been subdivided into the audio, the carrier, and the radio ranges. From the viewpoint of the power engineer, all of the frequencies embraced in these ranges are high frequencies, but to the communica- tion engineer, only those frequencies in the upper regions are con- sidered high. This paper discusses methods of measurement and measuring instru- ments adapted to the measurement of communication apparatus over this complete range. Most of the measuring apparatus described is designed particularly for use at audio and carrier frequencies. The measuring methods which are discussed are intended primarily for laboratory use in connection with the development and inspection of telephone apparatus prior to its application in the field. Many of the transmission problems in the communication field involve the impedance characteristics of apparatus and circuits. In the manufacture of apparatus, impedance limits are used to a very great extent in inspection tests. Consequently, quantities of prime importance are those defining impedance characteristics; that is, inductance, capacitance and resistance at specified conditions, of course, such as temperature, frequency, and current or voltage. Other characteristics, of a less fundamental nature but nevertheless of con- siderable importance, are attenuation, gain, inductance and capaci- 1 Presented at the Regional Meeting of District No. 1 of the A. I. E. E., Pittsfield, Mass., May 25-28, 1927. 70 ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 71 tance balance, cross-talk, flutter and modulation. Since the three impedance components mentioned above, together with frequency, are probably of more general interest, this paper will be devoted largely to a discussion of their measurement, only brief reference being made to the methods used for the measurement of the latter^ group of characteristics. As in all measurement work, standards representing the quantity are required, and these are of two classes, prime standards and second- ary or working standards. In our case, the prime standards are resistance and frequency.. From these we derive inductance and capacitance. Working standards are stable types of inductance coils, air and mica condensers, adjustable resistances, and for frequency, resonance type meters and highly stable oscillators. Prime Standards Frequency. The standard of frequency used is that described by Horton, Ricker and Marrison.- Briefly, it comprises a special self-driven fork held at constant temperature and having all other conditions of operation so thoroughly controlled that a high degree of frequency stability is obtained. The exact frequency is measured by driving synchronously a phonic wheel for determining the number of cycles occurring in a given time interval. This time interval is usually a period of 24 hr. as measured by time signals received from Arlington. The average frequency of this fork is capable of being held constant and measured in this way with an accuracy of about 0.001 per cent. The frequency of 100 cycles obtained from this fork is used to drive a 1000-cycle slave fork from which an equally constant 1000-cycle frequency is obtained. Having these frequencies, all other frequency measurements may be made with as high an accuracy as desired by direct comparison, using the cathode-ray tube as described in detail by Rasmussen.^ Resistance. Resistance standards specially designed for use with direct currents and having a very high degree of stability may be readily purchased or constructed and calibrations to a high degree of accuracy may be obtained from the Bureau of Standards. These resistance standards are not suitable for precision measurements at high frequencies, usually being wound on metal spools, and the value of the phase angle receiving only secondary consideration. It is ^Horton, Ricker and Marrison, "Frequency Measurement in Electrical Com- munication," A. I. E. E. Transactions, 1923. ^ F. J. Rasmussen, "Frequency Measurements with the Cathode Ray Oscillo- graph," A. I. E. E. Journal, January, 1927. 72 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL necessary, therefore, to use resistance standards of special construction, depending upon the particular application to be made. In all cases, constancy of resistance with variations in atmospheric conditions, frequency and time is imperative. Generally as small a phase angle as possible is also highly desirable, although for some uses a suitable degree of constancy may be sufficient provided that the angle is known, and not large enough to affect appreciably the magnitude of the imped- ance of the resistance over the frequency range used. To obtain the highest degree of stability of both resistance and phase angle, it has been found desirable to wind the wire on a spool made of a material not afifected appreciably by atmospheric conditions, for example, phenol fiber, and to immerse the complete resistance in a sufficient amount of a suitable sealing compound to exclude all moisture. Resistances meeting all of the requirements outlined have been con- structed as described in a recent paper by one of the authors.^ Coils such as described there, having a resistance of approximately 1000 ohms, may be constructed to have an effective inductance of less than five microhenrys, and this inductance is practically independent of frequency up to at least 100 kc. Coils having lower values down to about 10 ohms can be made with equally small phase angles. Below this value of resistance, it is more difficult to hold a low phase angle. Coils constructed as described may be considered to have so small a change in resistance with frequency that a calibration with direct current may be used without appreciable error for all frequencies at which they are used. Both the variation in resistance with frequency and the phase angle may be most readily measured by comparison with some simple type of resistance of such geometrical form that the phase angle may be readily computed. Satisfactory resistances for this purpose are short lengths of fine wire of definite shape, sputtered metal films on glass or other insulating material, and carbon in the form of rod or film. Secondary Standards Capacitance. The value of our capacitance standards is determined in terms of the prime standards of frequency and resistance. This determination may be made in several ways, the following bridge method being a simple and accurate one. The circuit, as shown in Fig. 1, consists of two equal resistance ratio arms, a resistance and capacitance in parallel in the third arm and a resistance and capaci- tance in series in the fourth arm. When this bridge is balanced at any particular frequency, the relations between the impedance arms «W. J. Shackt'ltoii, "A Sliidded A-C. Imlmtaiux- Hridgi-," .1. /. E. K. Journal, February, 1927. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 73 of the bridge are such that the value of each capacitance may be determined in terms of the frequency and the two resistances. Fig. l^Bridge circuit for measuring capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency The requirements for a capacitance standard are high constancy with variations in frequency, time, voltage, and atmospheric condi- tions, and a small phase difference. Mica has been found to be the best solid dielectric, used either alone or impregnated with a high quality wax such as paraffin. If mica alone is used, the condenser must be sealed to prevent the entrance of moisture. Good mica condensers can be obtained with a temperature coeffi- cient below 0.005 per cent per deg. cent., and having a variation of less than 0.1 per cent over a frequency range from 500 cycles to 100 kc. Variations in capacitance with voltage are also negligible provided voltages below 100 volts are used. It has been our experi- ence that the paraffin-impregnated condensers generally have a nega- tive change of capacitance with temperature. This change is smaller than that of the unimpregnated type which has a positive change with temperature. The paraffin-impregnated condensers, however, usually change more with time than the unimpregnated condensers. Air condensers may be used as standards in small sizes. For the larger values, the air condensers become large and cumbersome and are not as stable as the mica condensers. Even in the smaller sizes, very special precautions must be taken to obtain air condensers which have appreciably smaller phase differences than the mica condensers, which may be made with phase dififerences considerably less than one minute. Inductance. Requirements for inductance standards are high con- 74 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL stancy with variations in time, current or saturation, atmospheric conditions, and frequency. It is also desirable that they be made with a small external field. Otherwise, very great care must be taken to avoid errors due to this cause. In order to obtain stability with variations in saturation, it is usual to make inductance standards with air cores. This requires standards of large physical size if a time constant as large as the average iron core coil is desirable. This large size results in large capacitance distributed in the coil itself and from the coil to ground. These capacitances cause large variations in inductance with frequency and with the position of the coil with respect to ground. On account of this difficulty with air core coils, permalloy ^ as core material has been used with considerable success as described by one of the authors. '' The calibration of these inductance standards may be made by comparison with any two of the quantities, capacitance, resistance and frequency. Comparison with frequency and resistance may be made in a bridge circuit exactly similar to the one used for capacitance determination, substituting inductances for capacitances. A com- parison with frequency and capacitance may be made by means of a resonant method, and comparison with capacitance and resistance may be made by means of the Owen bridge.^ The resonant method is used generally except for those cases requiring large capacitance, in which cases the Owen bridge is used. Frequency. As a secondary standard of frequency for use with th cathode ray tube, where practically only one standard frequency is required, a special 1000-cycle oscillator is used, designed particularly for high stability of frequency with ordinary variations in external conditions. This oscillator is shown in Fig. 2. It allows the use of a cathode ray tube for frequency measurements with a high degree of accuracy under conditions where the prime standard of frequency is not accessible. Where a portable frequency standard is desirable, for instance, as a means of shop frequency checks, a resonance type of meter is used. This is shown in Fig. ?>. It is essentially a resonance bridge circuit consisting of two equal resistance ratio arms, a third arm containing a resonant circuit, and a variable resistance as the fourth arm. The capacitance and resistance are variable over wide ranges by means of decade switches, and the capacitance is capable of fine variations by the use of a form of precision variable air condenser having provision for fine control. There are four air-core inductance coils which give, 6 H. D. Arnold and G. W. Elmen, Franklin Institute Journal, Vol. 195, 1923. * D. Owen, "A Bridge for the Measurement of Self-Inductance," Proieedings of the Physical Society of London, October, 1914. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 7S in conjunction with the variable capacitance, a frequency range of about 100 cycles to 150 kc. Fig. 2 — Single-frequency vacuum tube oscillator used as secondary standard of frequency The meter is calibrated by balancing the circuit by means of the variable resistance and capacitance with a known frequency input, and recording the coil and condenser settings. It is used for checking frequencies by reversing the process, that is, connecting the source of unknown frequency to the bridge, balancing as before, and determining the frequency by reference to the calibration. There are no input or output transformers connected to this circuit and on this account certain precautions must be taken in connecting the output and input circuits to it; but it is a relatively low impedance circuit, and troubles due to this cause have not been found serious. Resistance. A convenient secondary standard of resistance is a dial box having the resistance units designed to meet the same require- ments as the prime standards. Commercial dial boxes are available, having satisfactory stability with variations in frequency and atmos- pheric conditions, and having sufificiently small phase angles for all frequencies but the highest radio frequencies. A dial box, requiring, as it does, a certain amount of wiring between dials, and having all of the dials connected permanently whether they 76 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL are used or not, always has more capacitance and inductance asso- ciated with it than a single resistance of the same value. A certain amount of compensation between the capacitance and inductance may be effected by proper design, but it may be generally accepted that the inductance of the wiring makes the phase angle of the low Fig. 3 — Resonance-type frequency meter resistance values comparatively high and the capacitance between dials and between units of each dial makes the phase angle of the high values comparatively high. This effect can only be overcome by a compact design using coils of small physical size. This sets a limitation on coils for use in dial boxes which is not present to such an extent in the case of single resistance units or single value prime standards. Methods of Measurement We have discussed already measurements of frequency and resistance in connection with the description of standards, and we will not discuss them further here. We are particularly concerned with the measure- ment of impedance of all types, it being understood that an>- resistance having a phase angle which is not negligible or which is of special interest is to be considered a special type of impedance. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 77 In measuring impedances, we have found that those methods which determine the unknown in terms of circuit constants are superior to those requiring the measurement of current and voltage. Accordingly, bridge methods are used almost exclusively and, furthermore, the bridge type which is used wherever possible is the equal ratio arm bridge in which a direct comparison is made of the unknown impedance with a known impedance adjusted to that same value. This type of measurement has the disadvantage of requiring standards of the same value as the quantity measured over the whole range of impedances used, but it has the compensating advantages that, having standards whose value is known, this circuit is extremely simple, very easy to check at any time, and may be made extremely accurate. Auxiliary Apparatus. Without going into details regarding the auxiliary apparatus used in connection with bridge measurements, we may state briefly that vacuum tube oscillators are used almost exclusively for furnishing all frequencies, and that the telephone receiver is used almost exclusively as a detector, due to its simplicity and the rapidity with which it may be used. For frequencies below 200 cycles, it is used with a chopper to give a tone of about 1000 cycles, and above 3000 cycles, it is used with a heterodyne detector to give a beat note of about 1000 cycles. In the audio frequency range, it is used alone or with an amplifier, if necessary. Fig. 4 — Shielded impedance bridge circuit While it is impossible to draw a distinct line between the methods of measurement of different types of impedances, certain bridge circuits have been designed primarily for certain types of measure- 78 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ments, and we will therefore classify them in this way, although in general they have a considerably wider sphere of usefulness than indicated. Inductance. A simple shielded bridge for the measurement of in- ductance and resistance has been described by one of the authors ^ and is shown in schematic form in Fig. 4. It comprises two equal resistance ratio arms, an adjustable standard of self-inductance, an adjustable re- sistance standard, a thermocouple milliammeter, two reversing switches, two transformers, and two air condensers. This apparatus is grouped into three separate units, as shown in Fig. 5, one comprising the Fig. 5 — Shielded impedance bridge and standards, connected to vacuum tube oscillator and heterodyne detector standards of inductance, one the resistance standard, and one the remaining parts of the circuit. Each of these units is shielded electro- statically. The last assembly constitutes the balance element of the system, by means of which the unknown and standard impedances are compared. This unit may be used alone for the comparison of two impedances of any type since the only condition for balance is the exact equality of impedances in the two arms. Using in addition the standard inductance and resistance shown, it is adapted particularly for measuring inductance and effective resistance. The inductance ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 79 standard may be made with a range of 10 henrys to a minimum of two millihenrys, using an inductometer having a minimum scale division of 0.1 millihenry, or the range may be any simple multiple of this. Values as low as one microhenry at frequencies as high as 150 kc. are measured in this way. By connecting the resistance in one arm of the bridge and a capaci- tance in series with an inductance in the other arm, we may use it to indicate resonance, and if we measure the frequency we may use this method for the comparison of capacitance with inductance. This is the method actually used for the calibration of the inductance standard used with the bridge. The bridge may be used for the comparison of capacitance. The bridge described later for the measurement of capacitance, however, has certain special features which make it peculiarly adapted to the measurement of capacitance and conduct- ance. Inductance with Superposed Direct Current. In telephone work, it is often of value to know the performance of apparatus, particularly of iron core impedances, when used at telephone frequencies while'at the same time carrying direct current. The bridge shown in schematic form in Fig. 6 will measure the inductance of the coil at audio frequency DC. SOURCE D.C. AMMETER ^ D Fig. 6 — Bridge circuit for measuring impedances with superposed direct current THERMOCOUPLE MILLIAMMETER with a direct current flowing through it. As shown in the figure, the direct current is kept out of all of the arms of the bridge except one ratio arm and the test arm, by means of condensers, and the alternating measuring current is separated from the direct current by means of a choke coil. None of these added features affect the bridge balance except the capacitance in the standard arm, and this is made large 80 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL enough (26 fx f.) to have an impedance small compared with the impedance measured. In any case, a correction may be made by taking first a zero reading which will be slightly positive due to the inductance necessary to compensate for the capacitance in this circuit. This correction will vary with frequency but at 1800 cycles, for instance, with 26-^ f. capacitance, the correction is only about 0.3 millihenry and the inductances measured are usually considerably larger than this. The circuit is extremely simple and convenient to use. The values of alternating current and direct current can each be measured separately outside of the bridge circuit and the inductance standards do not need to be constructed to carry the direct current. The only part of the bridge required to carry the direct current is one ratio arm and, in consequence, it is a comparatively simple matter to construct such a bridge to carry several amperes of direct current. Where very high direct currents are required, the ratio arms may be reactances wound on a single core, instead of resistances, thus reducing the loss due to the passage of the direct current. Flutter. In telephone circuits used for joint telephone and telegraph service, it is desirable to know the effect of the telegraph impulse on the telephone frequency inductance and effective resistance of the loading coils used on the lines. This effect, known as "flutter," with a method of measuring it, is described in detail by Fondiller and Martin.^ The measuring circuit consists of a double bridge, the inner one consisting of two similar loading coils on which the flutter effect is to be measured and two other coils of comparatively high impedance approximately equal in value and which have negligible flutter effects, the four coils being connected to form a balanced bridge. The low frequency corresponding to the telegraph impulse is introduced at two diagonal corners and the other two corners, which are at a common potential with respect to the low frequency, are connected to the usual test terminals of an impedance bridge of the type already described. With no low-frequency current passing through the coils, a continuous balance may be obtained on the main or high-frequency bridge using an audio frequency input. From this, the normal effective resistance and inductance of the coils may be obtained. ' When the low-frequency current passes through the coils, the inductance and effective resistance are different for every point of the low-frequency cycle. Thus, only an instantaneous balance of the outer bridge is possible. This instantaneous balance for any particular point in the low-frequency cycle may be made by the use of an electro- 'W. KondillcT aiul W. 11. Martin, 'Jntiisctctions oj the A. I. K. K., 1<)21, \'oi. 40, p. 553. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 81 magnetic oscillograph. By this means as described in the paper already mentioned, it is possible to obtain the curve of variation of inductance and effective resistance of the coil over one low-frequency cycle. Another method used at the present time employs the same bridge circuit but an entirely different method of detecting the cyclic variation in the balance. This method of detection uses the cathode-ray oscillo- graph and is as follows. The low-frequency source is connected across a high resistance and condenser in series, the two having equal im- pedances. The potentials across the condenser and resistance are then placed respectively across the horizontal and vertical plates of the oscillograph. These two potentials, being equal in magnitude but 90 deg. apart in phase, give a circle on the screen. The output of the main bridge is now connected through a transformer whose secondary is connected in series with the oscillograph cathode potential. Due to the fact that the sensitivity of the tube to deflections by the plate potentials varies with the cathode potential, the radius of this circle produced by the low frequency is a function of the telephone frequency input from the bridge, and instead of a circle we get a band, the width of which is a measure of the degree of unbalance of the bridge. The point in the cycle at which the bridge is balanced, is indicated on the screen as the point where this band diminishes to a line, and the angular position of this point in the band determines the phase position of this balance with respect to the low-frequency cycle. It is possible in this way to balance the bridge for any angular position corresponding to any point in the low-frequency cycle, and by taking sufficient points, to obtain a curve of variation of the coil constants over a complete cycle. This method is found to be simpler and faster than the method using the mechanical oscillograph. Inductance Balance. A simple form of bridge for measuring induc- tance balance of the two windings of a transformer or other coil uses the two windings of the transformer for two arms, the other two arms being resistances, one of which at least is variable. The balance is made by means of the variable resistance, the ratio of the two resist- ances at balance then giving the unbalance of the transformer. If one of these resistances is made 100 ohms, the variation of the other from 100 ohms at balance gives directly the percentage unbalance. Any unbalance in resistance is usually comparatively small and may be taken care of by low resistances in series with the transformer windings. Ratio of Transformation. A similar bridge may be used for the measurement of ratio of transformation. There are many cases where 6 82 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the secondary of a step-up transformer has an inductance which is inconveniently large to measure directly, and the ratio of transforma- tion circuit eliminates this necessity. The circuit used is practically the same as that already described for measuring inductance balance, the ratio of transformation being equal to the ratio of the resistance arms of the bridge at balance. Capacitance. The direct comparison of capacitance is made in a special bridge known as the Campbell ^-Colpitts ^ capacitance and conductance bridge. The ratio arms, input and output circuits, and the shielding are similar to the impedance bridge already described. The unique feature of this bridge is the method of connecting the standard air condenser to eliminate the dielectric loss in the measure- ment of capacitance. The schematic diagram of the bridge is shown in Fig. 7. Instead of connecting the standard condensers in the Fig. 7 — Schematic circuit of capacitance and conductance bridge arm AD as in the case of the impedance bridge already described, a special switch is used to switch these condensers from AD to CD, and in the case of the continuously variable condenser, the three-plate construction is used, causing a decrease in the capacitance in CD as the capacitance in AD is increased. The method of construction of the unit air condensers is shown in 8G. A. Campbell, "The Shielded Balance," Electrical World and Engineer, April 2, 1904, p. 647. 9G. A. Campbell, "Measurement of Direct Capacities," Bell System Technical Journal, July, 1922, p. 18. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 83 Fig. 8. It may be seen from this figure that all capacitances which include dielectric material are permanently connected across CD or AC and so are not changed when the condenser is switched, or else D IC A Fig. 8 — Air-condenser construction employed in the capacitance and conductance bridge they are switched so that capacitances across A C, which do not enter into the bridge balance, are short-circuited on switching. This scheme eliminates all dielectric loss in the standards when measuring con- densers by comparison with them. It has the additional advantage that the capacitances in the bridge have twice the effect they would have if simply switched in and out of the circuit. By the use of this bridge, it is possible to measure capacitances up to the maximum limit of the range of the air condensers with a negli- gible loss in the standard condensers. This capacitance range is usually up to 0.01 (jl f. and for condensers above this value the con- ductance is measured by comparison with that of the maximum value of the air condenser, assuming it to have negligible conductance. Of course this method of eliminating dielectric loss is not applicable to the use of mica condenser standards and if a range greater than 0.01 ju f. is desired, the mica condensers are simply connected in the usual way across AD. Another feature of this bridge is the method of measuring con- ductance. The connection of a variable resistance, either in series or in shunt, with the standard condenser for the measurement of loss in the test condenser has objections due to the wide range of resistance 84 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL values required to cover the possible variations in losses. A com- promise is effected in this bridge by connecting a 10,000-ohm shunt across each of the arms CD and AD. A slight difference in the losses in these two arms can then be measured by varying one of these resistances slightly. Since the standard condenser practically always will have lower losses than the condenser tested, it is usual to place a fixed 10,000-ohm resistance across CD and a resistance across AD variable in 0.01-ohm steps to 10,000 ohms. A change of one ohm in this resistance, when balancing a condenser, is equivalent to shunting it with a resistance of 100 megohms or 0.01 micromho. Accordingly, the conductance of a condenser may be measured in micromhos by simply dividing the resistance change in ohms by 100. This, of course, is only approximate in the case of large conductances, but is correct to 1 per cent for values up to one micromho. Due to the condensers forming such an integral part of the bridge cir- cuit, they are all built into the bridge. The complete bridge is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Fig. 9 is a top view showing the capacitance and Fig. 9 — Capacitance and conductance bridge resistance dials for effecting a balance, and Fig. 10 is a view with the cover removed, showing the method of shielding the individual parts. The range of capacitance is from 0.1 /xm f. up to three n f., and the fre- quency range is from about 10 cycles up to about 150 kc, the only modifications required in the bridges to cover this whole frecjuency ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 85 range being a change in input and output transformers, as it is not found practicable to design these transformers to give efficient opera- tion over such a wide frequency range. Fig. 10 — Capacitance and conductance bridge with cover removed, showing method of assembly and shielding A comparison of this bridge with the impedance bridge already mentioned shows it to be essentially the same circuit, the capacitance bridge having conductance shunts not included in the impedance bridge which allow a conductance balance to be made more readily. It is obvious that any two impedances can be compared on this bridge. Inductances may be measured by parallel resonance by simply placing them in the AD arm in parallel with the standard condenser and effecting a balance with it. This method is used to some extent for the measurement of large inductances. Capacitance Unbalance. In order to keep cross-talk low in long cable circuits, it is necessary to have a high degree of capacitance balance between the various conductors in the cable, more particu- larly between the four conductors of a phantom group. The un- balances of interest are the phantom to each side circuit and the side-to-side unbalances. These may be measured on a capacitance bridge by measuring all of the direct capacitances ^ associated with the group and computing the unbalances required. A special circuit, however, is generally used which measures directly the particular un- 86 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL balances in which we are interested. It consists of an input and an output transformer, two equal resistance ratio arms, a variable air condenser of the three-plate type, four binding posts for connecting the four conductors of the quad, and switches for making the various connections. By means of the switches, the cable conductors are connected to the circuit in such a way that the reading of the air condenser when a balance is obtained indicates directly the unbalance, either side-to-side or phantom-to-side, according to the switch posi- tions. This circuit when used as a laboratory instrument is capable of measuring capacitance unbalance as low as 1 mm f- Attenuation and Gain. So far, we have discussed the measurement of the fundamental impedance characteristics of apparatus. When the component parts have been found to meet their individual im- pedance requirements and are assembled to form the completed apparatus, it is desirable to have tests made of the over-all performance of this apparatus. In a large number of cases, the requirement of greatest importance is the attenuation frequency characteristic. It is fairly obvious that this characteristic, of all apparatus used in telephone lines, is of interest, and this is particularly true of all types of filter circuits which are designed primarily for the purpose of furnishing definite attenuation frequency characteristics. These meas- urements are particularly required on apparatus used in carrier-current telephony and telegraphy. From the very nature of the measurements, it is difficult to obtain a null method of measuring attenuation. The most direct method is to measure the input and the output of the apparatus under test simul- taneously, from which the attenuation may be computed. The prac- tical difficulty in doing this is to measure the extremely small outputs which are obtained from apparatus having high attenuations, where the characteristic must be obtained with the normal input, which is usually low. In general, it has been found necessary to use some form of amplifying device in the output circuit and it has not been found desirable to rely on the constancy of amplification of this device. Accordingly, the usual method used for the measurement of attenua- tion is a substitution one. The circuit is shown in Fig. 11 A. There are two branches in this circuit, one of which includes the apparatus under test and the other, a variable standard attenuator. The output of each branch is arranged to connect either to a detector of impedance Zi equal to the impedance of the standard attenuator or to a fixed impedance of the same value. If the apparatus under test has the same impedance as the standard attenuator, the input impedances Zi and Z3 are made equal and the matching impedance Z-j ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 87 is omitted. Then the two branches of the circuit will be identical, provided the attenuation of the standard attenuator is equal to that of the apparatus under test. Accordingly, the method of measure- ment is to switch the detector first to one and then to the other branch, STANDARD ATTENUATOR APPARATUS UNDER Z3 TEST -fc^=!. zaf ^ n A STANDARD ATTENUATOR AMPLIFIER UNDER TEST -fcr=i DETECTOR f— <> ziH DETECTOR Fig. 11 — Circuits for measuring attenuation and gain. A. Arrangement for measuring loss. B. Arrangement for measuring gain adjusting the standard attenuator until an equal output is obtained for either switch position. The attenuator then reads directly the loss in the apparatus. The total input of the circuit is independent of the switch position, since the impedance conditions remain un- changed in switching. If the apparatus under test has not the same impedance as the standard attenuator, the input impedance Z3 and the matching net- work Z2 are adjusted so that the circuit still reads directly. The standard attenuator is a resistance network capable of variation in small steps, each step consisting of a network of the L, T or // type, the resistance values being such as to give the desired attenuation between the output and input terminals. It is usually calibrated in 0.1-T.U. steps and may read as high as 100 T.U. corresponding to a ratio of power output to power input of ten billion to one or, if the impedances are the same, which is usually the case, corresponding to a current or voltage ratio of 100,000 to 1. 88 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The caliljration of these attenuators is based on the measurement of the individual resistances. Of course, sufficient measurements are made to determine that any capacitances which enter do not affect appreciably the accuracy of the attenuator at the maximum frequency used, which may be as high as LSO kc. By modifying the circuit of Fig. 11 A, we may use it to measure gain as shown in Fig. IIB. In this arrangement, the lower branch contains an impedance Z4 that is adjusted to introduce a loss equal to that of the matching impedance Zo in the upper branch. In other words, with the amplifier under test out of the circuit and the standard attenuator set at zero, the detector will read the same for either position of the output switch. Then when the amplifier is introduced into the circuit, the attenuator is adjusted until the detector reads the same for either switch position, which means that the gain of the amplifier is just neutralized by the attenuator and the setting of the latter is read as gain. This circuit is used principally for the measurement of gain of audio frequency amplifiers, and is capable of measuring gain as high as 120 T.U. corresponding to a power output of 1,000,000,000,000 times the power input. Cross-Talk. When there is an appreciable amount of coupling between two telephone circuits, any mutual interference which results is known as cross-talk. It is measured in cross-talk units, a cross-talk unit being defined as the relation existing between the two circuits when the current in the disturbed circuit is one millionth of the current in the disturbing circuit, the impedances of the two circuits being the same. Under these conditions, one cross-talk unit may be assumed the same as 120 T.U. An interesting form of cross-talk is that due to loading coils and is of a complex type, produced by a combination of capacitance, inductance and resistance unbalances in the windings. Since the actual cross-talk caused by an unbalance in the coil is depend- ent upon all of the conditions of the circuit, it is necessary that any measurement of cross-talk made on the individual coils be made in a circuit as nearly as possible the equivalent of the line in which the coil is to be used. Consequently, all cross-talk circuits for the measurement of loading coil cross-talk consist of networks simulating the impedance of an ideal line of the type for which the loading coil is designed. The principle of the method is to apply to the disturbing circuit a definite input of a single frequency, usually 900 cycles, and to measure the cross-talk in the disturbed circuit at the desired point in it by com- paring the tone heard in the telephone receiver connected at this point with the tone obtained from a cross-talk meter which is simply a device ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT 89 for obtaining a definite part of the input, and having a scale reading in millionths, that is, in cross-talk units. The measurement is made by switching from the cross-talk meter to the disturbed line and adjusting the cross-talk meter until the tone heard in each case is the same. The method is therefore not a null method and depends to some extent on the judgment of the operator, but results accurate to one or two cross-talk units may be obtained by this method. The coils as commercially produced after adjustment for this requirement are usually within 10 cross-talk units, representing an unbalance in the circuit due to the coil unbalance of less than one part in 100,000. Conclusion We have described in this paper a number of the more important high-frequency methods of measurement and measuring circuits. It has been impossible to cover all of the different methods and circuits used, but we believe that the information given will be of value to those interested in this field of work. We have not been able, in a paper of this type, to go into details concerning any specific circuits used, but we have referred to papers which describe in greater detail some of these methods and circuits, and it is expected that other papers will be published in the future covering other circuits which have received only brief mention here. The Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel By C. J. DAVISSON This article is taken from the manuscript prepared by the author for his address at the joint meeting of Section B of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Physical Society on December 28, 1927, at Nashville, Tennessee. An account of this work giving fuller experimental details is given by Davisson and Germer in the December, 1927, issue of the Physical Review. These experiments are fundamental to some of the newer theories in physics. Until they were performed, it could be said that all experimental facts about the electron could be explained by regarding it as a particle of negative electricity. It now appears that in some way a "wave-length" is connected with the electron's behavior. The work thus shows an interesting contrast with the discovery of A. H. Compton that a ray of light (a light pulse) suffers a change of wave-length upon impact with an electron, the change of wave-length corresponding exactly to the momentum gained by the electron. Until Compton's work, all the known facts about light could be explained by thinking of light as a wave motion. The Compton efifect seems to prove the existence of particles of light. Physics is thus faced with a double duality. Compton showed that light is in some sense both a wave motion and a stream of particles. Davisson and Germer have now shown that a beam of electrons is in some sense both a stream of particles and a wave motion. At the same time, theoretical advances have been made which seem to pave the way for an understanding of this curious situation. A general account of these new developments was given by K. K. Darrow in his series "Contemporary Advances in Physics" in the Bell System Technical Journal for October, 1927. Some remarks on the relation of the Davisson and Germer experiments to the new mechanics were given in this article, p. 692 et seq. — Editor. THE experiments which I have been asked to describe are the most recent of an investigation of the scattering of electrons by metals on which we have been engaged in the Bell Telephone Laboratories for the last seven or eight years. The investigation had its inception in a simple but significant observation. We observed some time in the year 1919 that when a beam of electrons is directed against a metal target, electrons having the same speed as those in the incident beam stream out in all directions from the bombarded area. It seemed to us at the time that these could be no other than particular electrons from the incident beam that had suffered large deflections in simple elastic encounters with single atoms of the target. The mechanism of scattering, as we pictured it, was similar to that of alpha ray scattering. There was a certain probability that an incident electron would be caught in the field of an atom, turned through a large angle, and sent on its way without loss of energy. If this were the nature of electron scat- tering it would be possible, we thought, to deduce from a statistical study of the deflections some information in regard to the field of the 90 THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 91 deflecting atom. It was with these ideas in mind that the investigation was begun. What we were attempting, it will be seen, were atomic explorations similar to those of Sir Ernest Rutherford and his col- laborators but explorations in which the probe should be an electron instead of an alpha particle. I shall not stop to recount the earlier experiments of this investigation, but shall pass at once to the most recent ones — those in which Dr. Germer and I have studied the scattering of electrons by a single crystal of nickel. The unusual interest that attaches to these experiments is due to their revealing the phenomenon of electron scattering in a new and, I may say, fashionable role. Electron scattering is not, it would seem, the mildly interesting matter of flying particles and central fields that we supposed, but is instead a much more interesting phenomenon in which electrons exhibit the properties of waves. The experiments reveal that the way in which electrons are scattered by a crystal is very similar to the way in which x-rays are scattered by a crystal. The analogy is not so much with the alpha ray experiments of Sir Ernest Rutherford, as with the x-ray diffraction experiments of Professor von Laue. My task of describing these experiments is much simplified by the fact that the experiments of Professor von Laue are so well known and so thoroughly comprehended. I remind you very briefly that in the original Laue experiment a beam of x-rays was directed against a crystal of zincblende, that about the transmitted beam was found an array of regularly disposed subsidiary beams proceeding outward from the irradiated portion of the crystal, and that these subsidiary beams could be interpreted completely and precisely in terms of the then already popular wave theory of x-radiation. They could indeed be explained as diffraction beams that resulted from the superposition of secondary wave trains expanding from the regularly arranged atoms of the crystal lattice. There are two features of the Laue experiment which we shall need particularly to remember. The first is that diffraction beams issue not only from the far side of the crystal along with the transmitted beam, but also from the near or incidence side of the crystal — these latter being disposed in a regular array about the incident beam. The second is that each diffraction beam is characterized by a particular wave-length, and that a given beam appears in the diffraction pattern if the incident beam contains radiation of its characteristic wave- length, or of some submultiple value of this wave-length, but not otherwise. If the incident beam is monochromatic, no diffraction beams appear at all unless the wave-length of the incident beam 92 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL happens to coincide with a wave-length of one or more of the diffraction beams. In that case the favored beams appear but no others. With this picture of x-ray scattering in mind one sees at once the significance of the main results of the present experiments. A homo- geneous beam of electrons is directed against a crystal of nickel, and at certain critical speeds of bombardment full speed scattered electrons issue from the incidence side of the crystal in sharply defined beams — a few beams at each of the critical speeds — the totality of such beams making up a regularly disposed array similar to the array of Laue beams that would issue from the same side of the same crystal if the incident beam were a beam of x-rays. The electron beams are not identical in disposition with the Laue beams, and yet it is possible to treat them as diffraction beams, and from their position and from the geometry and scale of the crystal to calculate "wave-lengths" of the incident beam — just as we might do if we were dealing with x-rays or with any other wave radiation. When this is done we arrive at a definite and simple relation between the speed of the electron beam and its apparent wave-length — the wave-length is inversely proportional to the speed. Surprising as it is to find a beam of electrons exhibiting thus the properties of a beam of waves, the phenomenon is less surprising today than it would have been a few years ago. We have been prepared, to a certain extent, by recent developments in the theory of mechanics for surprises of just this sort — for the disco\'ery of circum- stances in which particles exhibit the properties of waves. We have witnessed, during the last three years, the inception and development of the idea that all mechanical phenomena are in some sense wave phenomena — that the rigorous solution of every problem in mechanics must concern itself with the propagation and interference of waves. The wave nature of mechanical phenomena is not ordinarily apparent, we are told, because the length of the waves involved is ordinarily small compared to the dimensions of the system. It is only in such small scale phenomena as the intimate reactions between atoms and electrons that the wave-lengths are comparable with the dimensions of the system. Here only are we to expect notable departures from classical mechanics, and here only are we to find evidence of a more comprehensive wave mechanics.* The success of this new theory has been confined, up to the present time, to explanations of certain of the data of spectroscopy. In this field the theory has appealed very strongly to all of us because of the * It was predicted by VV. Elsasser in 1925 (Naturwiss., 13, 711 (1925)) that evidence for the wave mechanics would be found in the interaction between a beam of electrons and a crystal. THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 93 elegance of its methods and because of its remarkable facility in accounting for various of the inhibitions with which the radiating atom is afflicted. We have been prepared by these successes to view with not too great surprise — or alarm — evidence for the wave nature of phenomena involving freely moving electrons. And any reluctance we may feel in treating electron scattering as a wave phenomenon is apt to be dispelled when we find that the value calculated for the wave-length of the equivalent radiation is in acceptable agreement with that which L. de Broglie assigned to the waves which he associated with a freely moving particle — that is to say, the value himv (Planck's constant divided by the momentum of the particle). In this account of the experiments I will describe the general method of the measurements and the general character of the results rather than attempt to go into these matters in detail. Nickel forms crystals of the face centered cubic type. In Fig. 1 (a) the crystal which we had at our disposal is represented by a block of unit cubes of this type. ^ o ■ o - ^-7f j^^~^-^^^:^-^-z:°i7'd y^ ° / o / ^-yn o o it ° ° ° 1 ° ° ° ? a h c Fig. 1 — Diagrams of nickel lattice, of cut lattice, and of lattice with incident and scattered beams Our first step in preparing the crystal for bombardment was to cut through this structure at right angles to one of the cube diagonals. The appearance of the crystal after the cut was made, and the corner of the cube removed, is indicated in Fig. 1 {b). It is this newly formed triangular surface that was exposed to electron bombardment. The bombardment was at normal incidence as indicated in Fig. 1 (c). We are to think of electrons raining down normally upon this triangular surface, and of some of these emerging from the crystal without loss of energy, and proceeding from it in various directions. What is measured is the current density of these full speed scattered electrons as a function of direction and of bombarding potential. The way in which the measurements are made is illustrated in Fig. 2. The electrons proceeding in a given direction from the crystal 94 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL enter the inner box of a double Faraday collector and a galvanometer of high sensitivity is used to measure the current to which they give rise. An appropriate retarding potential between the parts of the collector excludes from the inner box all but full speed electrons. Fig. 2 — Showing the three principal azimuths The collector may be moved over an arc of a circle in the plane of the drawing as indicated, and the crystal may be rotated about an axis which coincides with the axis of the incident beam of elec- trons. Thus the collector may be set for measuring the intensity of scattering in any direction relative to the crystal — by turning the crystal to the desired azimuth, and moving the collector to the desired colatitude. The whole solid angle in front of the crystal may be thus explored with the exception of the region within twenty degrees of the incident beam. Certain of the azimuths related most simply to the crystal structure we shall refer to as "principal azimuths." Thus there are the three azimuths that include the apexes of the triangle. If we tind the intensity of scattering depending on colatitude in a certain way in one of these azimuths, we expect, of course, to find it depending upon colatitude in the same way in each of the other two. We shall call these the " A-azimuths." On the left in Fig. 2 the crystal has been turned to bring one of the A-azimuths into the plane of rotation of the collector. Another triad of principal azimuths consists of the three which include the mid-points of the sides of the triangle. These we shall call the "B-azimuths." The next most important family of azimuths comprises those which are parallel to the sides of the triangle; of these there are six, the "C-azimuths." THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 95 If we turn the crystal to any arbitrarily chosen azimuth, set the bombarding potential at any arbitrarily chosen value, and measure the intensity of scattering as a function of colatitude, what we find ordinarily is the type of relation represented by the curve on the left in Fig. 3. 4 8V, 54 V. 64 V. 68 V. A AZIMUTH / \ 1 \ / \ J I J x. J V, J V J I J V Am ma. CAC Bc^c Bc^c Bc AZIMUTH CURVE F0R[e = 50», V = 54 VOLTS] Fig. 3 — Curves showing development of diffraction beam in the A-azimuth . . . and variation of intensity with the azimuth at colat. 50° for which beam is strongest in the A-azimuth This curv'e is actually one found for scattering in the A-azimuth when the bombarding potential is 36 volts. It is typical, however, of the curves that are obtained when no diffraction beam is showing. The intensity of scattering in a given direction is indicated by the length of the vector from the point of bombardment to the curve. The intensity is zero in the plane of the crystal surface, and increases regularly as the colatitude angle is decreased. This type of scattering forms a background upon which the diffraction beams are superposed. The occurrence of a diffraction beam is illustrated in the series of curves to the right in Fig. 3. When the bombarding potential is increased from 36 to 40 volts, the curve is characterized by a slight hump at colatitude 60 degrees. With further increase in bombarding potential this hump moves upward, and at the same time develops 96 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL into a strong spur. The spur reaches its maximum development at 54 volts in colatitude .SO degrees, then decreases in intensity', and finally vanishes from the curve at about 70 volts in colatitude 40 degrees. We next make an exploration in azimuth through this spur at its maximum; we adjust the bombarding potential to 54 volts, set the collector in colatitude 50 degrees, and make measurements of the intensity of scattering as the crystal is rotated. The results of this exploration are exhibited by the curve at the bottom of Fig. 3, in which current to the collector is plotted against azimuth. We find that the spur is sharp in azimuth as well as in latitude and that it is one of a set of three spurs as required by the symmetry of the crystal. We observe also that there are small spurs showing in the B-azi- muths. We turn the crystal to bring the B-azimuth under observation, and again make explorations in latitude for various speeds of bombard- ment. We find that the spur in the B-azimuth is similar to the "54 volt" spur in the A-azimuth, but that it attains its maximum development at a higher voltage and at a higher angle. Curves exhibiting its growth and decay are shown in Fig. 4. Maximum 50 VOLTS B AZIMUTH 58V. 62 V 65 V. 66 V. 68V. 1 \ / \ i \ J V ^ IJ ^ V- J V •^ V. [/ V f<2\W UTH AZIMUTH CURVE FOR [e= 44 » V = 65 VOLTs] Fig. 4 — Similar for the B-azimuth development is attained at 65 volts in colatitude 44 degrees. At the bottom of the figure we show the intensity-azimuth curve through THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 97 this spur at its maximum. The small maxima in the A-azimuths represent the remnants of the "54-volt" spurs. We have thus a set of spurs at colatitude 50 degrees in the A- azimuths when the bombarding potential is 54 volts and a set of 44 degrees in the B-azimuths when the bombarding potential is 65 volts. These spurs are due to beams of full speed scattered electrons which are comparable in sharpness and definition with the beam of incident electrons. This is inferred from the widths of the spurs and the resolving power of the apparatus. It is hardly necessary to point out that these sharply defined beams of scattered electrons are similar in their behavior to x-ray diffraction beams. If the incident beam were a beam of monochromatic x-rays of adjustable wave-length instead of a homogeneous beam of electrons of adjustable speed, quite similar effects could be produced. If the wave-length of the x-ray beam were varied, ciitical values would be found at which intense diffraction beams would issue from the crystal in its A-azimuths and others at which such beams would issue in the B-azimuths. The x-ray diffraction beams would indeed be more sharply defined in wave-length than the electron beams defined in voltage. No diffraction beam would be observed until the wave-length of the incident x-rays were very close indeed to its critical value, and the beam would disappear again when the wave-length had passed only very slightly beyond the critical value. This "wave-length sharpness" or "wave-length resolving power" is dependent, however, upon the number and disposition of the atoms involved in the diffrac- tion. If the crystal were only a few atom layers in thickness, or if the x-rays were extinguished on penetrating through only a few atom layers of the crystal, then the x-ray diffraction beams would be much less sharply defined in wave-length ; they would behave more like the electron beams. We may say then that the electron beams exhibit the general behavior of diffraction beams resulting from the scattering of a beam of very soft wave radiation — radiation that is very rapidly extinguished in the crystal. Let us try now to forget that what we are measuring in these experiments is a current of discrete electrons arriving one by one at our collector. Let us imagine that what we are dealing with is indeed a monochromatic wave radiation, and that our Faraday box and galvanometer are instruments suitable for measuring the intensity of this radiation. We are to think of the incident electron beam as a beam of monochromatic waves, and of the "54-volt beam" in the A-azimuth and the "65-volt beam" in the B-azimuth as diffraction beams that owe their intensities, in the usual way, to constructive 7 98 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL interference among elements of the incident beam scattered by the atoms of the crystal. With this picture in mind we try next to calculate wave-lengths of this electron radiation from the data of these beams and from the geometry and scale of the crystal. To begin with, we shall need to look more closely into our crystal. The atoms in the triangular face of the crystal may be regarded as arranged in lines or files at right angles to the plane of the A- and B-azimuths. If a beam of radiation were scattered by this single layer of atoms, these lines of atoms would function as the lines of an ordinary line grating. In particular, if the beam met the plane of atoms at normal incidence, diffraction beams would appear in the A- and B-azimuths, and the wave-lengths and inclinations of these beams would be related to one another and to the grating constant d by the well-known formula, n\ = d sin 6, as illustrated at the top of the figure. .% \{n\=dsine)/ #, ^ \ V ° s Fig. 5 — Showing n\ = d sin 6 relation in the A-, B- and C-azimuths In the actual experiments the diffracting system is not quite so simple. It comprises not a single layer of atoms, but many layers; it is equivalent not to a single line grating, but to many line gratings piled one above the other, as shown graphically at the bottom of the figure. What diffraction beams will issue from this pile of similar and similarly oriented plane gratings? THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 99 The answer to this question is twofold. In respect of position all the beams which appear will coincide with beams which would issue from a single grating. We get no additional beams by adding extra layers to the lattice. In respect of intensity, however, the results are greatly changed. A given beam may be accentuated or it may be diminished, both absolutely and relatively to the other beams; it may in fact be blotted out completely, or reduced to such an extent that it can no longer be perceived. These are effects of interference among the similar beams proceeding from the various plane gratings that make up the pile. Later we shall consider under what conditions these component beams combine to produce a resultant beam of maximum intensity; for the present, however, I wish only to stress the fact that whenever and wherever a space lattice beam appears its wave-length and colatitude angle 6 will be related to the constant d of the plane grating through the ordinary plane grating formula. We therefore apply this formula to the 54- and 65-volt beams that have been described. The grating constant d has the value 2.15 A., the 54-volt beam occurs at 0 = 50° so that n\ for this beam should have the value 2.15 X sin 50°, or 1.65 A. For the 65-volt beam we obtain for n\ the value 1.50 A. We now compare these wave-lengths with the wave-lengths associ- ated with freely moving electrons of these speeds in the theory of wave mechanics. Translated into bombarding potentials, de Broglie's relation X = hjmv becomes X = y\-rj- A., where V represents the bombarding potential in volts. The length of the phase wave of a "54-volt electron" is (150/54)^/2 = 1.67 A., and for a 65-volt electron 1.52 A. The 54- and 65-volt electron beams do very well indeed as first order phase wave diffraction beams. It may be mentioned that beams occur at different voltages in the A- and B-azimuths because the plane gratings that make up the crystal are not piled one immediately above the other. There is a lateral shift from one grating to the next amounting to one third of the grating constant. Because of this shift the phase relation among the elementary beams emerging in the A-azimuth is not the same as that among those emerging in the B-azimuth — and coincidence of phase among these beams occurs at different voltages, or at different wave-lengths, in the two azimuths. We next make similar calculations for a beam occurring in the C-azimuth. One such beam attains its maximum development in 100 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL colatitude 56° when the bombarding potential is 143 volts. For diffraction into the C-azimuth we must regard the atoms in the surface layer as arranged in lines normal to the plane of this azimuth as illustrated in Fig. 5. The grating constant is 1.24 A., and the similar gratings that make up the whole crystal are piled up without lateral shift. For this reason the C-azimuth is si.\-fold instead of only three-fold. For a beam occurring in this azimuth in colatitude 56°, n\ should be equal to 1.24 X sin 56° or 1.03 A. The value of himv for electrons that have been accelerated from rest through 143 volts is (150/143)^''^ or 1.025 A. Again the beam does very well as a first order diffraction beam. (37 5 ! ,^ 1 A 54 VC BEA LT M /- z > in CO / o o , / -(I50\ 5 7 / 1 / / / (370 V •/ ...^^ zl -^ // /, / /> X- AZIMU TH ^ y 1 i / i / 65 V BE/ OLT . / / / / / '\/ / ri)/ r 4 "■ "7 /_ ^ / 1 /. / /y X- AZIMU rH ^ ^ ! s %\ in!~ 5/ / / ^ u i^ f «/ ^ .6 / 1 / f /I 7^ / / // /: AZIMUTH ^ / where they do. The most we have been able to do is to relate their occurrences with those of the Laue beams that would issue from the same crystal if the incident beam were a beam of x-rays. In Fig. 7 we indicate by crossed circles in a (X, sin Q) diagram the x-ray diffraction beams that would be observed in the B-azi- muth. We show also again the electron beams as actually observed. It is obvious that the law of occurrence of electron beams is not the same as the law of occurrence of Laue beams, and yet we see that the occur- rences of the two sets of beams have certain features in common. The dots representing electron beams occur along the plane grating lines at about the same intervals as the crossed circles representing the Laue beams. Other points of similarity are found with further study of the data and one is led finally to the conviction that each electron beam is the analogue of a particular Laue beam. The electron beam represented by a given dot appears to be the analogue of the Laue beam of the same order represented by the crossed circle occurring next above it in the diagram, sociation of beams is indicated in the figure. The occurrences of the Laue beams are determined in part by the separation between the atomic plane gratings that make up the crystal. If the separation between adjacent planes were increased the crossed circles representing the Laue beams would be moved upward along the plane grating lines; if the separation were decreased the crossed circles would be moved downward. Merely as a mode of description, then, we may say that a given electron beam has the wave-length and position that its Laue beam analogue would have if the separation between planes were decreased by a certain factor. We have calculated this spacing factor for each of the 21 beams and the values found are plotted in the upper part of Fig. 8 against the voltages of the beams. The points form a very bad curve. They do indicate, however, that the factor increases with the speed of the electron, and there is the suggestion that it approaches unity as a limiting value. There is the suggestion, that is, that at high voltages the law of occurrence of electron beams is the same as the law of occurrence of Laue beams. Fig. 7 — X sin d diagram for B-azimuth Thi is as- 104 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It has been pointed out by Eckart that if the index of refraction of the cr^^stal for the electron radiation is other than unity diffraction beams will occur as if the separation between atom planes were other than normal. We ha^•e computed the indices of refraction that would ® ® ®® ^^^ -^ ® ® ^^ ■©^ ® ® ® ■^■^^ ® .) y s/' /« (!) 150 180 210 240 270 BOMBARDING POTENTIAL 330 360 390 ® ® ® ® <^ -^ J, ® ® ® ® ^ ® * ® ® 120 ISO 180 210 240 270 300 BOMBARDING POTENTIAL 330 360 390 Fig. 8 — Plot of values of spacing factor and associated values of refractive index for twenty-one beams give rise to the observed occurrence of beams and these are plotted in the lower part of the diagram against bombarding potential. Again the points fall very irregularly. While it cannot be said that there is at present a satisfactory explanation of the peculiar occurrence of the space lattice electron diffraction beams, it should be clearly understood that this deficiency in no way affects either the wave-length measurements of these beams or the agreement of these wave-lengths with the values of hlmv. The electron diffraction beams which I have described are the only ones observed when the surface of the crystal is free from gas. When the surface is not free from gas still other beams api^ear. These THE DIFFRACTION OF ELECTRONS BY A CRYSTAL 105 beams are due to the scattering of electrons by the adsorbed gas and therefore we shall not consider them at this time. In closing I should like to say a few words about the conceptual difficulty in which these experiments involve us. When Laue and his collaborators investigated the scattering of x-rays by crystals the results of their observations were accepted at once as establishing the wave theory of x-rays. It was a very simple matter for W. H. Bragg and others to give up the corpuscular theory because of the hypothetical nature of the x-ray corpuscle. It was only necessary to recognize that Laue's results were contrary to hypothesis and the corpuscle disappeared. If the electron were not the well-authenticated particle we know it to be, it is possible that the experiment I have described would cause it to vanish in like manner. We do not, however, anticipate any such event. The electron as a particle is too well established to be discredited by a few experiments with a nickel crystal. The most we are apt to allow is that there are circumstances in which it is more convenient to regard electrons as waves than as particles. We will allow perhaps that electrons have a dual nature — when they produce tracks in a C. T. R. Wilson cloud experiment they are particles, but when they are scattered by a crystal they are waves. A quite similar situation exists, of course, in the case of x-rays. It has been evident for some years that the adherents of the corpuscular theory of x-rays were too enthusiastic in their recantations. X-rays also exhibit a dual nature — when they give rise to diffraction patterns they are waves, but when they exhibit the Compton effect or cause the emission of electrons from atoms they are particles — quanta or photons. This state of affairs is one that should appeal to us as intolerable. There must, it would seem, be comprehensive modes of description applicable to all electron and x-ray phenomena, but what these are we do not yet know. We do not know whether we shall eventually believe with de Broglie and Schroedinger that electrons and x-rays are waves that sometimes masquerade as particles, with Duane that electrons and x-rays are particles that sometimes masquerade as waves, or whether eventually we shall believe with Born that we are dealing in both cases with actual particles and phantom waves. I believe, however, that for the present and for a long time to come we shall, in describing experiments, worry but little about ultimate realities and logical consistency. We will describe each phenomenon in whatever terms we find most convenient. Grid Current Modulation By EUGENE PETERSON and CLYDE R. KEITH Synopsis: The term grid current modulator is used to describe those vacuum tube circuits in which modulation is initially produced in the grid circuit of a three-electrode vacuum tube due to the non-linear grid current- grid voltage relation. Comparison with a representative plate current modulator using the same tubes and the same plate potential shows that by modulating at maximum efficiency in the grid circuit and using the plate circuit solely for amplification, the maximum power output is increased about eight times, the power efficiency is increased about five times and the ratio of sideband output to signal input is increased approximately three times. Under these conditions more carrier input power is needed for the grid than for the plate modulator. This improved performance has been made possible by a detailed study of the fundamental processes involved and by a design of the tubes and associated equipment, such as transformers and filters, to permit these fundamental processes to operate to their best ad- vantage. Normally modulation is also produced in the plate circuit which is shown to be out of phase with that produced in the grid circuit. By in- serting high impedances to the input frequencies in the plate circuit, plate circuit modulation is prevented, and the reduction of grid circuit sideband is likewise avoided. By including in the grid circuit an impedance which is high to the desired sideband frequencies, the maximum grid sideband voltage is obtained. In this way the power and modulating efficiencies of the tube circuit are made maximum. Where modulation occurs only in the plate circuit of a tube, the sideband amplitude is proportional to the product of the amplitudes of the input frequencies when these amplitudes are small. In the present type of grid current modulator the sideband amplitude is proportional to the smaller of the two input amplitudes provided the ratio between these is greater than about 3/2. This feature makes the modulator particularly valuable in communication systems. The article concludes with an application of the fundamental principles involved to an experimental carrier telephone system in which the operating features of tubes, filters, and transformers are discussed. Introduction BECAUSE of the extensive application of vacuum tube modulators in systems of carrier communication, they constitute an important tool in the hands of telephone engineers. As such they have justified extensive laboratory investigation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the properties of a type of modulator utilizing the non-linear relation existing between grid voltage and grid current and the advantages which recent laboratory investigations indicate that it may possess. Further studies are in progress to determine the conditions under which it can be employed practically. There are two distinct classes of vacuum tube modulators which may be designated for convenience as grid and plate types, according to the circuit in which the modulation is initially produced, although some modulators may involve both circuits. As an example of the plate 106 GRID CURRENT MODULATION 107 type we might mention the coupled-plate or Heising modulator which has found extensive application in radio transmitters, in which the plate circuit of an oscillating tube is coupled to the plate of another tube through which the signal is introduced, modulation taking place ordinarily in the plate circuit of the oscillating tube. A carrier frequency amplifier is sometimes used in place of the oscillator. Another type of plate modulator, due in principle to van der Bijl, which has found extensive application in carrier telephone systems, applies the signal and carrier to the grid of the modulator, so that the two components are amplified in common before being modulated. As examples of the grid modulator there are the grid leak and con- denser type used almost universally for radio reception, together with the type which forms the subject of the present paper, employing a generalized impedance in the grid circuit. The three last-meationed modulators may incidentally produce modulation in both plate and grid circuits. This ordinarily acts to reduce the overall efficiency as well as to introduce other undesirable features of operation, so that in the design of the grid current modulator we have been led to minimize modulation in the plate circuit, operating the grid circuit as a modu- lator and the plate circuit purely as an amplifier. The criteria of usefulness of modulators include some usually placed upon vacuum tube apparatus in general, together with those peculiar to frequency change; some of most importance are modulating gain and level, plate power efficiency, quality, stability, input and output impedances, and carrier suppression. These will be taken as a basis for discussing the operation of the grid current modulator and com- paring it with that of the other types mentioned above. The modu- lating gain usually expressed in transmission units (T. U.) represents the ratio of the power output of a single sideband to the power input of the signal which produces it. It is a function of both carrier and signal amplitudes, usually decreasing at high amplitudes. This de- crease in gain should not be too rapid or the modulated output power at sufficiently large signal amplitudes may actually decrease as the signal is increased, and lead to prohibitive distortion. Another aspect of the question relates to the maximum modulated power attainable. The signal amplitude fluctuates within wide limits in course of oper- ation and it becomes desirable to limit its effects, so that the resultant modulated potentials may not disturb the operation of associated equipment. This may be accomplished in modulators in which the sideband output approaches an asymptotic maximum as the signal is increased, better than in those which pass through a maximum in the operating range. A knowledge of the signal amplitude and the 108 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL modulating gain corresponding to it is sufficient for a determination of the output amplitude or output level which is of prime importance in matters relating to noise and interference. Other significant factors from the standpoint of noise and interference are the closeness with which line and connecting apparatus impedances are matched since this determines the amount of reflection of an incident wave,' and the extent to which carrier current is transmitted to the line (carrier leak) in carrier suppression systems. It is highly desirable of course to have the efficiency of energy conversion from the plate battery to the sideband output power as high as possible, since the amount of power supplied to the plate circuit is thereby minimized, and the necessary power capacity of the plate supply is reduced. Another kind of plate efficiency in which we are sometimes interested is the efficiency of energy transfer from the plate supply to the external plate impedance. This tells us the amount of energy dissipated by the plate of the tube and fixes its structure; it differs from the first efficiency only when other current components than the sideband flow in the plate circuit. Inasmuch as we shall deal in the following with low power tubes which have ample load capacity, only the first-mentioned efficiency is important. We are also interested ordinarily in the quality of the system. This is determined in large part by the width of the transmitted frequency band, by the presence of new interfering frequencies introduced by the process of modulation, and by the linearity of the modulated output in terms of the signal input. The first and last conditions are equivalent to the requirements that the modulating gain be maintained both over the ordinary range of signal input amplitudes, and over the frequency band essential for good signal reproduction. Finally the system as a whole is required to have a high degree of stability, so that ordinary variations of battery potentials, or even the replacement of a tube by another of the same type, will not impair the operation of the system. The specific forms of grid current modulator with which we shall be concerned as an application of the theory are those adapted to carrier current telephony, in which the carrier current is suppressed and a single sideband transmitted. Comparison with a representative plate current modulator using the same tubes at the same plate potential shows that, by modulating at maximum efficiency in the grid circuit and using the plate circuit solely for amplification, the maximum power output is increased eight times, the power efficiency is increased five times, and the ratio of sideband output to signal input is mcreased 1 The reflection is measured by the quotient of the difference by the sum of the two connected impedances; this is known as the reflection coclhcicnl. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 109 approximately three times. From these figures it is evident that the space current or plate power supplied the grid modulator is sixty per cent greater than it is for the plate modulator, and that this greater power is utilized five times more efficiently. Under these conditions more carrier input power is needed for the grid than for the plate modulator. Where the carrier oscillator employs a tube of the same type as that used in the modulators, sufficient carrier power is, how- ever, available. This improved performance has been made possible by a detailed study of the fundamental processes involved, and by a design of the tubes and associated equipment, such as transformers and filters, to permit these fundamental processes to operate to best advantage. In view then of the close interdependence of the circuit elements, we shall start with a discussion of the theory as developed for the simplest circuits, and accompany it by approximate mathematical analyses wherever it appears profitable. No rigorous mathematical treatment appears to be possible or even desirable because of its complexity in the general case, and the sole purpose of our approximate analyses is to help in building up a physical picture of the operation of modulators. With the theoretical conclusions in mind, the character- istics of tubes, transformers, retard coils, balanced circuits, and filter networks which are important in this connection are examined, and the performance of the complete carrier telephone modulator circuit is covered in some detail. The theoretical conclusions are not limited to the carrier telephone modulator which has been used simply for illustrative purposes ; as a matter of fact the same principles have been found operative in difi'erent types of circuits over a wide frequency range. It should be noted that we have not attempted to combine the oscillating and modulating functions in a single circuit as is sometimes done, but have maintained these circuits distinct from one another, so that the best performance of each may be realized. Theory of Vacuum Tube Modulation In a broad sense the same general phenomena are involved in both grid and plate modulation, since modulation is produced when an impedance is varied in accordance with the amplitudes of the modu- lating potentials, a condition true of both circuits under appropriate conditions. Thus conductive grid current is suppressed at negative potentials in the high vacuum tubes which we employ, and it flows when the grid potential is positive, the grid impedance depending upon the amplitude of the grid potential. We can obtain a qualitative idea of the situation when we consider 110 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the grid circuit connected to an a.c. generator in series with a high resistance of the order of a megohm, and with the plate circuit con- nected to a resistance of the same order of magnitude as the internal plate resistance. With a negative grid the input impedance is mainly capacitive and at low frequencies nearly the entire applied e.m.f. exists across the grid. At positive potentials however, when con- ductive grid current flows and the grid resistance drops to something like 10,000 ohms, by far the greater part of the drop is taken up in the external resistance so that the positive lobe of the grid potential wave is distorted. This distortion is equivalent to modulation since it implies the presence of new frequencies. As a result of the varying reaction of the tube then, modulation voltages are built up across the grid- filament path. These potentials are amplified in the plate circuit where the applied wave suffers further distortion due to the non-linear relation between plate current and grid potential, which in a similar way gives rise to plate modulation. Evidently plate modulation would be alone effective if the external grid resistance were made small. General Relations The production of modulated currents or potentials is characteristic of any device in which the relation between instantaneous values of current and voltage is not a linear one. Theoretically, such a relation can be represented to any required degree of accuracy by an equation of the form i = ao + ail' + a2v'^ + a^v^ + • • • , (1) in which i represents the current through the device and v the potential drop across it. Now suppose a voltage wave which includes two components of frequency pjlir and qjlir respectively to be impressed on the non-linear element V = P cos pt -\- Q cos qt. (2) If we substitute this expression in eq. 1 for v, the current wave is found to include components of the two original or fundamental frequencies, together with new frequencies produced by the non-linear element: i = io -{- ip cos pt -\- iq cos qt + to,, cos 2pt + 12 q cos 2qt -f i+ cos ip + q)t -f i- cos (p — q)t -\- izp cos 2>pt -+- iiq cos Zqt -f t2p+5 COS {2p + q)t + iiv-1 cos {2p - q)t -\- ip^2q cos {p + 2q)t -f ip_25 cos {p - 2q)t -f • • • , GRID CURRENT MODULATION 111 in which the coefficients ik involve the characteristic constants of the tube, together with the applied potential amplitudes: io= ao + a2(P' + (2')/2 + •••, i^ = a,P + 3a3P(P2 + 2(22)/4 + • • •, i, = ayQ + 3a3(2((2^ + 2P2)/4 + . • . , «2« = ^2(272 + • • •, i+ = i- = aiPQ + • • • , The new frequencies produced are made up of sums and differences of integral multiples of the two original frequencies, and an inspection of eq. 3 shows that the frequency of any component may be put in the form \mp ± nq\/2T m, n = 0, \, 2.- ■ • It is convenient to designate the sum of the two numbers m and n as the order of a wave component, so that the frequencies 2p/2ir, 2g/27r, and (p ± q)l2T are products of the second order. The last of these serves as the basis for the operation of all present ^ carrier systems, and the r61e of any modulator is therefore to produce one or both of these components which are known as side frequencies, or as sidebands when the signal wave is made up of a band of frequencies. Now by repeating the modulating process, but this time with the frequencies {p + g)/2x or {p — q)/2Tr, or both, together with the component of frequency p/2Tr, designated as the carrier wave, it is well known that one of the resultant second order products has the frequency of the original signal q/2Tr. This second or receiving modulator, sometimes designated as a demodulator or detector, is separated from the first one by a trans- mitting medium and frequency-selective apparatus so that only the desired components may be transmitted and received. The im- pedance-frequency characteristics of these elements with which the modulators are associated are of prime importance in determining the modulation, as is best brought out by a discussion of some approximate mathematical analyses which follow. Modulator Circuit, Small Alternating Potentials We shall consider the current-voltage characteristic of a vacuum tube to be given, to sufficient accuracy for our purposes, by the first 2 Higher order products, such as {2p ± g)l2ir have been equally well employed but we shall confine our attention here to the usual second order system. 112 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL three terms of eq. 1, and shall suppose two generated potentials, of frequency pjlir and qjlir respectively, to be applied to a tube circuit which includes a series impedance. This impedance Zk may be a function of frequency as indicated by the subscript k, which refers to the particular frequency at which the impedance is effective. The variable part of eq. 1^ — the change in current produced by application of the alternating potentials — is clearly / = aiv + a-iV^. (5) The potential drop across the tube is that impressed minus the Zi drop or V =i:{Ek- ZuJk) (6) the summation extending over all current components. As a first approximation to the fundamental currents we may neglect the non- linear term {a2V^) in eq. 5 to obtain Jp = ai£p/(l + axZp), Jq = aiEJ{\ + aiZg). Using these solutions we can obtain a second approximation ^ taking into account the non-linear term which we neglected for the first approximation. Thus -p ■p I -\- aiZp 1 -f- aiZg + ^ \ 1 -H aiZp 1 + aiZgJ (8) in which the subscript 2 indicates the second approximation. By squaring the second member of eq. 8 it is observed that the second approximation includes direct current, second harmonics of the two impressed frequencies p/lir and q/lir, and the second order sidebands. For these last we obtain the expression -^^ " (1 -f arZ^) (1 + a,Zp)il -f «iZ,) ' The sideband potential across the variable element is clearly Z^J+ or Z-J- according to the particular sideband in which we are interested. Thus V - -^ T T ^- = -^j J ^- (10) where 1/ai is equivalent to i^o, the plate resistance of the tube. 3 Carson, "A Theoretical Study of the Tlirce Kleinent \acuiiin Tube," Proc. L R. E., 1919. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 113 These equations are equally applicable to grid and to plate circuits provided the potentials are small and the operating region is expressible by eq. 5. This is not always the case in practice, and modifications in the above comparatively simple analysis are required, which will be treated below. A number of characteristic features of operation are exhibited by the above analysis however and these we proceed to discuss. If the preceding treatment is applied to the grid circuit we see that in order to make the sideband potential across the grid a maximum with fixed fundamental currents, the external grid impedance at the sideband frequency must be made large compared to the effective internal resistance of the tube. Further, if the generator potentials and impedances are fixed it follows that the generator resistance should be made to match the internal resistance of the tube at the fundamental frequency — with a transformer, if necessary — in order to make the fundamental currents as large as possible. This conclusion regarding the ratio of grid impedances follows immediately without mathe- matical analysis if we suppose the source of the higher order products to lie in the variable impedance element so that it may be considered equivalent to the presence of generators of the higher order frequencies. The generator voltage is evidently maximum on open circuit, which agrees with the above statement. In considering the form of external impedance to use for best results, an inspection of eq. 10 shows that in the quantity Z-/(Ro + Z-), which expresses the ratio of effective grid voltage to generated grid voltage, the sideband impedance Z- should have a large reactive component. This is illustrated by Fig. 1 which gives the ratio for various relative external impedances having phase angles of 0 and 90° and shows that, with the external impedance fixed in magnitude, the ratio has its greatest value for a pure reactance. Relative Phase of Grid and Plate Sidebands If the tube acted as a perfect amplifier of the potentials impressed on the grid, there would be no further distortion and the sideband current in the plate circuit would be obtained by multiplying eq. 10 by /x/(Z + Ro), where Z and Ro are the external and internal plate circuit resistances respectively, and /x is the amplification factor which is assumed constant here.^ Unfortunately this ideal situation does not exist of itself, and modulation of the amplified fundamentals takes place in the plate circuit, producing an additional sideband component to '' The distortion due to variable n as treated by Peterson and Evans in the Bell System Technical Journal for July, 1927, represents but a small part of the total in efficient modulators, although it is of importance in high quality amplifiers. 114 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL combine with that generated in the grid circuit and amplified in the plate circuit. Inasmuch as the amplification factor decreases, and the plate impedance increases as the grid potential goes negative, the grid 1.0 .9 -£ REACTIVE ,^ --•ci^TlVE / 2 grso L! / y \^ / / / / / // ON RATIO OF EXTERNAL TO TOTAL / IMPt DANC ,E. f 0123456789 10 Z_ Ro Fig. 1 potential wave is amplified more efficiently on the positive than on the negative lobe, with the result that the plate current wave is limited on one side by the grid current cut-ofif, and on the other side by plate current cut-off. The second cut-off tends to make the output wave more nearly symmetrical about a horizontal axis; it is therefore equivalent to an increase in the odd order modulation which we do not employ here, and to a reduction of the even order products, one of which — the second order sideband — is used to transmit signal charac- teristics. It follows that for efficient modulation we must do one of two things — phase the grid and plate products to add, or remove one of the conflicting sources of modulation. To account for the effect of plate distortion we may apply the same general procedure to the plate circuit as we did to the grid circuit. The plate current-grid potential relation is given as / = hxixv + h-i,\x-v- (11) and the solution for the current components may be written down directly since the problem presents itself in the same form as the grid circuit situation previously considered. Hence if we change the a GRID CURRENT MODULATION . 115 coefficients to b's, and the Zk of the grid circuit to the Zk of the plate circuit, we obtain the expressions T _ b, / ^v y y (12) -^^ (1 +^Zo)Vi +6iZj 'J Now it is apparent that each of these two terms contributes something to the sideband frequency — the first by amplification of the grid sideband potential, and the second by modulation of the two funda- mental components in the plate circuit. The net sideband current in the plate circuit may accordingly be expressed as /. = M^2 bia^Zj (1 + 6iZ^)(l +b,Z,) 1 -faiZ, nEpE y (13) + &iZ.)(l +aiZp)(l -faiZJ Under normal conditions both grid current and plate current charac- teristic curves are concave upward, so that bi, b^, and a^ are all positive. The two terms of eq. 13 are then in phase opposition, a condition which is responsible for failure to work certain modulators to fullest advantage. For efficient plate modulators the grid modulation term should be suppressed, which may be accomplished by making the external grid impedance to the modulated product of interest equal to zero, or by keeping the grid potential negative at all times. For efficient grid modulators the plate modulation term should be reduced to a minimum by suppressing the fundamental currents in the plate circuit, in which case Zp and Zq are made large. Of course the possibility exists of phasing the two sideband components to add rather than to subtract (arithmetically) — and this, it will be readily seen, is obtained by having the phase angle of the entire plate circuit approach 90° at each fundamental frequency when the grid circuit sideband impedance is large. This condition cannot be met without lowering the amount of plate current modulation, so that the first mentioned plate circuit condition is the more practical one. Other possibilities of more favorable phasing exist by working within appropriate regions of tube operating characteristics where either 62 or a^ becomes negative. Generally speaking, operating points of this nature are not stable with variations in tube potentials, nor are they adaptable to large power outputs approaching the maximum load capacity of the tube. Finally, for straight amplifi- cation purposes the two terms of eq. 13 should be made equal and opposite in sign. 116 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In order to test directly the conclusions regarding relative phase of grid and plate modulation products, a circuit was set up which per- mitted two frequencies to be supplied to the grid of a vacuum tube, the resultant currents of sideband frequency being measured in grid and plate circuits by means of a current analyzer.^ As shown in Fig. 2 the 600* / leoo TO CURRENT ANALYSER Fig. 2. Test Circuit grid circuit contains a high external resistance (for producing grid current modulation when conductive grid current flows as previously explained) in series with a " C " battery to vary the relative amounts of grid and of plate modulation. The relative phase of sideband currents produced in grid and plate circuits was calculated from the currents measured separately in jacks No. 1 and No. 3 and their vector sum in jack No. 2. These measurements verified the conclusions drawn from eq. 13, — that with resistances in grid and plate circuits second order modulation products produced in the grid circuit are exactly out of phase with the same frequencies produced in the plate circuit. The effect of the grid circuit resistance when conductive current flows is of course to limit the positive potentials applied to the grid and so, in efifect, to cause the input-voltage — output-current relation of the circuit to be deflected at the upper end more nearly to parallelism with the X-axis than it is for the tube alone. We may therefore consider grid modulation as equivalent to the introduction of a reversed curvature in the operating characteristic. To substantiate this point a tungsten filament tube was used in which the curvature of the lower branch is nearly the same as that of the upper branch, as shown in Fig. ^ "Analyzer for Complex Electric Waves," by A. G. Landeen, Bell System Technical Journal, April, 1927. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 117 3. The plate circuit sideband was measured as a function of the "C" battery with zero grid resistance so that the plate circuit was re- sponsible for the total sideband production ; the data are plotted on the / * \ W.E. Tungsten Tube J / \ Eb= 220 volts / 22 k 20 le 16 14 12 \ > / , \. / ^ ^ \C \ / j^ y > r t\ ^ <^ ! y / T \ ^ / ^B ^>T / SIDEBAND OUTPUT AS FUNCTION OF Ec INPUT FIXED AT 13+13 PEAK VOLTS. NO GRID IMPEDANCE 6 ^ y \ / X \ j 4 2 — „-«- %^' \ 1 \ [/ 36 34 32 30 2S 26 24 22 20 16 16 -Ec 14 12 10 6 Fig. 3 same Figure. It is seen that the sideband drops nearly to zero when the "C" battery is adjusted so that the input voltage swings sym- metrically over the upper and lower branches of the curve. These results could very well be attributed to out-of-phase modulation resulting from reversed curvature. As a matter of fact the algebraic expression for the characteristic involves in general a series of both odd and even powers of applied voltage, but if the axis is taken at the point of symmetry of the characteristic the even powers drop out. Now since the even orders of modulation can be attributed only to the even powers of the static equation, it might be expected that these com- ponents would drop to zero. We may conclude from this discussion that best results will be had in the practical design of grid current modulators, when the external grid impedance at the sideband frequency is made as high as possible and when the impedance to the fundamentals is matched. As to the plate impedances, the situation is the reverse of that existing in the grid circuit since we must have the impedances to the two modulating 118 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL frequencies as high as possible, and match the tube impedance at sideband frequencies in order to develop maximum sideband power in the load resistance. It will be obser\^ed that with these conditions satisfied, the plate circuit of the tube acts substantially as an amplifier of the sideband produced in the grid circuit, since none is developed in the plate circuit. Reaction of Sideband Flow on Tube Impedance In any non-linear system such as the grid circuit or the plate circuit of a tube, the modulation products resulting from the lack of linearity have amplitudes which depend upon one or more of the impressed fundamentals, and react upon the fundamental amplitudes. It follows that the amplitude of any modulation product depends in general upon the amplitudes of all other modulation products, and that the im- pedance offered to the fiow of fundamental depends upon the reaction of the modulation products. Stated otherwise, the amplitude of any one current component depends upon all other components. This may be demonstrated quantitatively by higher approximations than the two which we have already obtained, in which expressions for the currents are found to contain terms proportional to the sideband voltage across the tube; in fact, if we went to the labor of including a number of distorting components, terms in the fundamental current equation due to their reaction would result. The effects found with a single sideband are simply typical. If, for example, we put (7) and (9) in (8), we get J j,= ax{Ep-Zi,J y)- a2{Eq - Z^Jq) a^EpEgZ^ (1 -i-aiZp){l +ai2,)(l +ai2+)' and a similar expression for Jq, as second approximations to the fundamentals. These furnish us with a pair of simultaneous cubics in J p and J (J. When we assume the reaction of the sideband flow on J ^ to be small so that eq. 7 remains valid, the above equation becomes linear in Jp, This shows that the impedance in the fundamental path has been increased due to non-linearity by the amount of the last term which may be denoted by AZp where ^ " a,' 1 +axZ+ "• GRID CURRENT MODULATION 119 A similar expression exists for A£, when /„ is substituted for J ,,. The reciprocal of a\ will be recognized as the internal resistance of the variable element for small potential variations. From these so that the two fundamental circuits share equally in the power dissipation due to sideband flow. This means that when the two modulating currents are not of the same amplitude, the smaller current will have the larger resistance change due to sideband flow, and there- fore will suffer a greater percentage amplitude change. This discussion serves to emphasize the point that the tube impedances depend upon the impedance-frequency characteristics of the circuit to which the tube is connected, so that this point must be kept in mind in the design and measurement of modulating circuits. Grid Current Modulator, Large Alternating Grid Potentials The comparatively simple analysis we have just employed is not capable of very wide application because of the assumed form of the grid current equation. In the practical forms of grid current modu- lators, from which comparatively large amounts of modulated power are required, the grid potentials are increased and the grid is maintained negative during an appreciable part of the cycle. The above method then becomes too involved to be extended to this case, since a large number of terms would be required for an accurate representation of the tube characteristic. When we have a large external grid resistance, however, as appeared to be desirable from eq. 10, a fairly exact solution for the modulation products can be obtained by another method which is capable of direct application. If we determine the relation between impressed potential and output current in this particular case we find that on passing from negative to positive potentials, the plate current curve breaks sharply at about zero grid potential, and becomes nearly parallel to the x-axis, as shown in Fig. 4. We can therefore consider the positive lobe of the input wave to be cut off at zero grid potential under these conditions and the problem can be handled analytically.^ We are indebted to Mr. F. Mohr for computations on the sideband amplitude as given by eq. 20, of the Appendix, in which the sideband is expressed in terms of a multiple of P, as function of the ratio QjP. The relationship between these quantities is given as a single-valued function. For our own purposes, however, we have plotted the ^ Appendix 1. 120 BELL SYSTEM TECUM CAL JOURNAL sideband potential as a function of one of the modulating potentials with the other as parameter, as shown in the dotted lines of Fig. 5. The experimental data are plotted as the full lined curves and appear 28 26 24 22 20- -X 10 /rio / / R = 0 -= r / '\ / / 1 1 / / /- 1 R=2000 "r- / / ^ /' ^ y / / y ^ .^ y. X - / ._ - A £ qI.5 z < / / >:4.: / 0 ^ ■^ UJ a n 1.0 /4 <- A '/ i V 1, > as Z.- P-U J r 0 / 6 8 a. VOLTS Fig. 5 grid current characteristic to any degree of precision when the grid is driven negative. The form of the input-output curve is especially valuable for telephony. The relative independence of the larger of the two inputs means that the sideband output will be stable with regard to carrier current variations under the limitations noted. The output approaches a maximum asymptotically, so that the articulation at heavy loads may be expected to hold up better than in those modulating systems in which the output passes through a pronounced maximum. In a system transmitting the carrier, as in radio, and in which a square law 122 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL detector is used, the voice output is proportional to the product of the received carrier and sideband. Any change in attenuation, expressed in transmission units (T. U.), between the transmitting and receiving station affects the output current by twice that number of T. V. In the above grid current demodulator, however, the output changes to the extent of the attenuation change, and varies no more than in a carrier suppression system with the carrier locally supplied. Having determined the grid voltage components, we may now apply the plate circuit coefficients to the grid potential in order to determine the plate current components, just as we did in the previous case. There, it will be recalled, we used a simple representation for the plate current in terms of the grid potential from which amplification and modulation terms were deduced. The same general considerations regarding phase opposition are carried over unchanged. Limitation of Sideband Output The above method of treatment is quite satisfactory when the space current is never reduced to zero, but when the grid voltage goes sufficiently negative, precisely the same limitations apply to the plate characteristic equation as applied to the grid equation under similar circumstances, and there exists an additional source of distortion in the plate circuit. In this circumstance the method of expansion in Bessel coefficients cannot readily be used because of the large number of components in the wave subjected to additional distortion, which would lead to prohibitive complication. We may nevertheless obtain a qualitative idea of the result in special cases of interest to us in this connection. We shall assume that, as we found previously to be advisable, one of the two fundamental currents is substantially suppressed in the plate circuit, so that despite the non-linearity of the plate circuit sideband components are produced only in the grid circuit. We are therefore concerned with the variation of amplification with operating para- meters. Now it is clear to start with, that at sufficiently small grid potentials, the entire variation falls within the region of variation of the plate dynamic characteristic so that the result may be written down as in the previous analysis. As the amplitude is increased, the negative end of the grid swing finally has no effect in varying the space current, and the distortion which results tends to limit the magnitude of the amplified compf)nents. Hence as the sideband potential on the grid is increased by increasing the applied signal potential and keeping the carrier potential large enough (say one and one half times the signal) so as to get the full efficiency of grid current modulation, the GRID CURRENT MODULATION . 123 sideband current in the plate circuit increases linearly with the signal up to a certain point. At this point, which corresponds to the plate current cut-off, the output departs from the linear relation and increases less rapidly. Further increase of the carrier produces no increase in output but a reduction of the output may result because of a greater swing beyond the cut-off point. Inasmuch as the modulating potentials together with undesired modulated products form a wave having a net amplitude considerably greater than that of the useful sideband, it is clear that the maximum output amplitude can be increased by suppressing the undesired current components thus avoiding the loading and heating effects produced in large part by these other components. A method of attaining this desired result will be treated in connection with balanced circuits. The loading effect may be partially ameliorated very simply since one of the products of modulation is a d.c component. The presence of series grid resistance means that we have in effect a negative bias applied to the grid which becomes increasingly negative as the input amplitude increases, — just the sort of thing, in other words, to limit sideband production. If, therefore, we use grid reactances instead of grid resistances we can achieve the same degree of modulating efficiency in the two cases at low inputs, and in addition remove effective grid bias, the maximum output power available being increased to a very considerable extent. Of course the insertion of grid reactance changes the details of the conclusions for the grid resistance, but the main features of performance are retained. When grid resistance is used to provide a high impedance to the sideband, the operation of the grid leak and condenser detector is approached, in respect to the undesirable increase of bias with increase of input. As a consequence the output power is limited at large inputs, although the gain is fairly high at small input amplitudes. Another point affecting the operation of the grid leak and condenser detector is the plate circuit impedance. According to the conclusions of the above theory for grid current modulation, the output power is increased at large input amplitudes by providing an impedance in the plate circuit which is high to both input frequencies and matches the tube impedance at all desired output frequencies. This conclusion has been verified experimentally at carrier frequencies when operating the tube for maximum output, but is contrary to the usual practice in radio circuits, where the plate circuit impedance to the modulating frequencies is ordinarily made low rather than high compared to the tube impedance. The problem is complicated at radio frequencies by regenerative effects not present to the same degree at the compara- 124 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL lively low frequencies used in carrier telephony, and by the compara- tively low alternating and battery potentials which raise the relation- ship of plate and grid voltages to grid current, to importance. We have now to examine the electrical properties of available circuit elements in the light of our previous analysis, so that their assembly will yield the most favorable results. Vacuum Tubes The effect of the shape of the grid-current — grid-voltage curve on the modulating properties of the grid circuit is not as pronounced at large amplitudes as might be expected from experience with plate current modulators at comparatively low amplitudes. As is well known this characteristic of ordinary tubes is much more variable between tubes of the same type than the plate-current — plate-voltage curve. But it has been found that a change of tubes having static grid characteristics varying within wide limits does not vary the modulating gain of a grid current modulator more than one T.U. The reason for this may be seen most easily in the case of an external grid impedance consisting of a pure resistance. If the tube grid resistance were comparatively small for all positive voltages the positive half of the wave would be completely suppressed, and the analysis of Appendix 1 would accurately represent the wave. Even when the tube grid resistance varies considerably it does not alter the wave shape appreciably so long as it remains small compared to the external resistance. This condition may be satisfied with particular ease for large input voltages, and may also be satisfied in a qualitative sense, when reactances are used in place of resistance. The principal effect of a change in grid resistance is then to change the input impedance, which affects the net gain only through the mismatch of impedance at input frequencies. As a consequence of the tube circuits and range of operating po- tentials used in the grid current modulator, the details of the grid current characteristics become of relatively small importance and attention is focussed on the functioning of the plate circuit. The plate circuit is used purely for amplification purposes as mentioned above, so that the criteria of usefulness of a tube as a grid current modulator come down ordinarily under the stated operating conditions to the criteria of usefulness of a tube as an amplifier. Filter and Transformer Networks Input Filters and Modulating Gain Since the gain obtainable in a grid current modulator depends primarily on the ratio of external to total grid circuit impedance, it is GRID CURRENT MODULATION 125 necessary to consider how the required high impedance may be obtained in practice. The input transformer must have an impedance looking into the grid side which is high to all sideband frequencies, and must at the same time transmit efihciently all signal input frequencies A high impedance over the sideband range is best obtained by a filter "^ on the low side of the input coil, care being taken to allow for the effect of the transformer on the filter impedance. In order to deter- mine the actual external grid impedance and to investigate the modification of filter impedance by the input transformer, a high impedance bridge was built in which precautions were taken to prevent errors due to the high impedances involved (up to several megohms). In each case only the end section of the filter adjacent to the modulator was used, since this provided nearly the same impedance as would be given by a complete filter. Low pass filters are used on the input to the modulator and on the output of the demodulator, while band pass filters are used on the output of the modulator and the input of the demodulator. These are to be considered in turn. Low Pass Filters The simplest type of low pass filter is the infinity type of section, the impedance characteristics of which are shown in Fig. 6a. The filter alone, as shown by the solid lines, has negligible reactance in the transmission band (0-3 K. C.) and practically pure inductance in the attenuated region. The input transformer resonates in the attenuated region when terminated by this filter, as shown by the dotted lines, because of the leakage inductance and distributed capacity of the windings. The resonance peak is quite broad due to the comparatively high a.c. resistance and so covers a considerable frequency range as is shown by the ratio of Z_/(7?o + ZJ) in Fig. 6c. It may be made to appear at higher frequencies by using a filter with a higher cutoff frequency, and at a lower frequency by replacing the series inductance by a parallel tuned circuit (an m-type section).^ A new type of filter section developed for certain phases of this work and known as the built-out type ^ has a particularly good impedance characteristic in the attenuated region, as shown by the solid lines of Fig. 6b. But as shown by the dotted lines the transformer impedance, when terminated in this type of section, is very much modified by the coil constants. The resulting efficiency as show by the ratio Z_/(i?o + ZJ) in Fig. 6c is not as good as that of the infinity type section. ^ For a general discussion of filter impedances and attenuations see Campbell, Bell System Technical Journal, November, 1922; Zobel, January, 1923; Johnson ancl Shea, January, 1925. * O. J. Zobel, Bell System Technical Journal, October, 1924. ' Devised by T. E. Shea of Bell Telephone Laboratories. 126 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL o z < LlI O a. uj ^p o I- IX — ""'^"^*^" I FILTER ONLY — reactance/ ; 1 1 t 1 — resistance! transformer .• ---RFACTANCE M E^'"^'NATED 1 « « J IN FILTER / 1 — \ INFINITE" ' TYPL ^ / ^--T'^ Nl r ^— *^ ^ ^l- ,y Q • p-a- i ^ T R AND X -r |Ro —i— _3 :' 2 3 4 5 6 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. 6o O 5 UJ 4 o 7 < ■^ f\ Ul CL 2 u 1 > H < 0 liJ 1- -1 1 < Z -2 \i /. \ -RESISTANCE y -reactance/ "^'^^^^ ^ ; 1 > NLV / N'. •^ TRANS --resistanceI formef \ term- : 1 \v — reactance] inateo infilte ^ !' "^ c.._^ — +- ^ ,7 \ ^* >- 1 \ A +- ■ |ro / \ BUILT-OUT TYPE R andX \ \ 2 3 4 5 6 " 7 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. 6b LOW PASS FILTER CHARACTERISTICS 1 / 'i^^ .-/ 1 ■'A i 1 y '/ ) // RandX 1 T Roi // ll 2 3 4 5 6 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. la 2 3 4 5 6 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. n 1.0 CONFLUENT BUILT-OUT BAND PASS FILTER CHARACTERISTICS 0 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES Fig. Ic 128 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The built-out band pass filter shown in Fig. 7b has a very satisfactory impedance over the voice range and the modifications introduced by the transformer do not seriously affect its efificiency. From the curves of Fig. 7c it is evident that the built-out type of section must be used for channels near the voice frequency range but that the confluent type shown in Fig. 7a may be used for the higher frequency channels. The close relation between input filter impedance and modulating gain is illustrated in Fig. 8. Two band pass filters were built having 24 22 20 IS - 16 z < 14 » IfON^^NT Type BUILT-OUT T' d ^ ^^ o — o- ^ 1 1 NO INPUT FILTER 1 ^ FF "FTT OF INPt T F LTE RS ON C iAIN „ OF ( :;rid CURI • ?ENT DEK AODV LATC )R 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES 3.0 Fig. 8 impedance characteristics approximating the curves shown in Figs. 7a and 7b. It would then be expected that the modulating gain would be proportional to the ratio Z_/(i?o + ZJ). The curves in Fig. 8 show that this is very nearly the case. With no input filter the ratio Z_/(i?o + Z-) would be 0.5 or 6 T.U. less than the maximum possible gain, as is found to be actually the case. This shows that the modu- lating gain may be calculated for any value of input impedance if it is known for any other value. Input impedance The impedance looking into the low side of the input transformer when the high side is terminated in the grid circuit of a modulator under operating conditions (carrier at normal value) depends on a number of factors, among which the principal variables are the signal and carrier input currents, the input transformer, and the input generator impedance. As might be expected, the input impedance decreases as either carrier or signal amplitude is increased, and the change of impedance with signal amplitude is small when the signal is small compared to the carrier, as is normally the case. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 129 The influence of the input transformer upon input impedance depends not only upon first order, but also upon higher order effects. The first order effect is simply due to the transformer terminated in a network having a linear current-voltage characteristic, which may be calculated from the usual transformer theory. The higher order effect is produced by the effect of the contributions to fundamental fre- quencies caused by the flow of modulation currents, as discussed in connection with Equations 13a and 4. For this reason the impedance of the external grid circuit at other than input frequencies may have a considerable effect on the input impedance. It has been found possible to reduce the reflection from a resistance line to a small value with suitable transformers. Outpiit Filters and Transformers The general effect of an output filter or retard coil in the plate circuit with high impedance to all frequencies except the sideband is to increase the output level for large inputs, since the opposing effect of plate modulation is eliminated and the total load capacity of the tube is employed solely in the amplification of the sideband. The output transformer on account of its low ratio has very little effect in altering the impedance-frequency characteristic of the output filter so that we need not enter so thoroughly into the details as we did in the case of input filters. Output Impedance The output impedance of a grid current modulator (looking from the line into the output coil) is affected mostly by the transformer ratio and the impedance to carrier in the plate circuit. If the impedance to the carrier frequency is very high, as is usually the case, there will be very little modulation with the carrier in the plate circuit, and neither the carrier input current nor the external output impedance at signal frequencies affects the output impedance appreciably. The reflection may be made quite small over the frequency range without any great difficulty. Gain- Frequency Characteristic The problem of obtaining a flat frequency-gain characteristic over the voice range depends upon the attenuation of input and output transformers, the attenuation of filters, and the impedance charac- teristic of input and output coils when terminated by their respective filters. The transformer attenuation is comparatively small and affects the frequency characteristic mostly at frequencies below 200 cycles. The closer the carrier channels are spaced to each other or to the voice band, the more difficult it becomes to obtain filters with suf- 9 130 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ficiently sharp cutoff. In most cases a maximum variation of 2 T.U. in the attenuation over the transmitted band is a reasonable figure for a band pass filter. Each transformer and filter tends to increase the attenuation at the edges of the transmitted band more than in the center so that frequencies from 800 to 2,000 cycles are always trans- mitted with minimum attenuation, which is independent of the fre- quency-output current characteristic of the modulating elements. The above consideration of filter attenuation is substantially independent of filter impedance since the latter is determined mostly by the end section. From the previous consideration it is evident that either may have a very pronounced effect, so that in measuring the frequency characteristic of a modulator or demodulator both attenu- ation and impedance effects must be taken into account. The effects of input and output impedances can be partially separated when the carrier is suppressed because of the fact that the output impedance has but little effect at small inputs and the input impedance has but little effect at large input currents. Balanced Tube Circuits The present practice in carrier telephone systems is to suppress the carrier current and one sideband in order to conserve frequency space and to reduce the energy levels and the cross-talk in associated equipment. The elimination of undesired components of a wave may be carried out by two distinct processes, — frequency discrimination by filter networks, and phase discrimination or balance by bridge circuits.'" Each method is useful and both find places in carrier systems. When the frequency separation between desired and undesired components becomes relatively small, frequency discrimination becomes impractical and expensive. The balance method is used to separate frequencies according to their respective phase relations in two or more similar modulating circuits, the phases of the output components depending on the relative phases of the input currents. Consequently only certain combinations of modulation products can be separated by balance and these only to an extent determined by the balance attainable in transformers and vacuum tubes, both of which are subject to manu- facturing variations. Due to the proximity of the carrier and second order sideband frequencies the suppression of carrier current by filter circuits alone is impractical. Balanced circuits must be used for this purpose and in spite of unavoidable variations in tubes and circuits it is usually possible to reduce the carrier on the line to less than five per cent '" For an illustration of balanced circuits, reference may be made to U. S. Patent 1,343,306, issued to J. R. Carson. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 131 of its normal unbalanced value. To separate one sideband from the other after the carrier has been suppressed, and to suppress unbalanced components other than the carrier, filter attenuation is customarily employed. In the usual type of balanced circuit there are two possible input paths with corresponding output circuits, one connected to the two grids in series; and known as the series path; the other to the two grids in parallel, known as the shunt path or midbranch. When carrier is impressed on the midbranch and signal on the series arm — the present arrangement in commercial carrier systems using plate current modulators — we designate the circuit, as a matter of convenience, as the "Conjugate Input Type." The modulation product frequencies are distributed as shown in Fig. 9a. When both signal and carrier are impressed on the series branch the modulation product frequencies are CARRIER INPUT Fig. 9a. Conjugate Input Type SIDE BAND OUTPUT a. (p±q), (2P+q),3Q SIGNAL AND CARRIER INPUT RQ, 3R 3a (2P + a) (p + 2q) SIDE BAND OUTPUT 2 F? 2Q, (p+q) Fig. 9b. Common Input Type as shown in Fig. 9b and the circuit is called for convenience the "Common Input Type." The phase of the modulation product of any order may be determined from the consideration that the phase of the frequency :r-\mp db nq\ depends upon the quantity (mdp ± ndg) where 9 represents the phase 132 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL angle between current and voltage of each input frequency. This conclusion is independent of the type of modulation employed. If the phase of the product is then calculated to be identical on the two grids or two plates, it appears in the midbranch; if it turns out to be opposite in phase on the two grids referred to the filament, it appears in the series arm. Conjugate Input Grid Modulator With the signal introduced in the series arm of Fig. 9a, the sideband potential is built up across the same arm, so that a high sideband impedance must be provided by the input transformer terminated in its filter, — a low pass filter for the modulator, and a band pass filter for the demodulator. The carrier frequency is introduced in the conjugate arm so that the carrier circuit does not directly affect the signal and sideband impedances. There is a second order effect, however, due to the reaction of those modulation products which flow in the common branch. The input impedance may be expected to change also when the coupling between the two high impedance windings of the input transformer is varied, since this effectively changes the impedance to the above mentioned modulation products. Modulation is largely eliminated in the plate circuit and the load capacity of the tubes is increased by inserting a choke coil in the common plate branch to suppress the carrier current. This, inci- dentally, tends to reduce carrier leak. The impedance of the choke coil at the carrier frequency is modified by the capacity to ground of the output transformer, and must be designed with this point in mind since the shunt arm impedance may otherwise be materially reduced. Some further increase in load capacity is obtained by having the output transformer and the terminating filter offer a high impedance to frequencies outside the transmitted band. In this way all important components except the sideband are suppressed and the plate circuit of the tube operates as an amplifier so that the plate power dissipation is reduced and the load capacity increased. The same considerations regarding the second order impedance effects of the shunt branch on the series branch exist for the plate circuit as for the grid circuit considered above. The main effect when there is loose coupling between the high impedance windings of the output transformer is to introduce an inductive reactance into the series arm. This tends to increase the reflection coefficient so that it becomes preferable to couple the two windings closely, a comparatively easy thing to do in low impedance circuits. The modulation products accompanying the desired product are indicated in Fig. 9, and it is seen that there will be no introduced distortion up to the third order when the carrier fre- quency is sufficient!}' high. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 133 Common Input Grid Modulator Another useful type of grid current modulator is shown in Fig. 9&, in which both signal and carrier are applied across the same input terminals. The modulation currents flow in the plate (and corre- sponding grid) circuits as shown in the above schematic. Where the ratio of carrier to signal frequency is large so that a single input transformer cannot be used efficiently, separate transformers with associated filter networks may be used for each of the two inputs. Since the second order sidebands {p ± q) appear in the midbranches, it is not necessary to have the impedance high to these frequencies in the input coil, but only from the midpoint of the input coil to ground. This is most conveniently accomplished by a high inductance retard coil in the midbranch of the grid circuit, although transformers and high impedance networks may be used in general. The grid circuit sideband across the midbranch is amplified and appears in the plate circuit midbranch. The fundamental currents together with all odd order modulation products are eliminated by a high impedance, high mutual retard coil in the series arm of the plate circuit. Since the present practice is to use suppressed carrier, a hybrid ^^ coil must be used to introduce the carrier if this circuit is to be used as a demodulator, although the signal and carrier currents may be intro- duced through filters when used as a modulator. Either frequency discrimination or balance is required in any case to keep carrier current out of the signal circuit. The chief advantage of the common over the conjugate input type of circuit is that the high impedance required for the modulated product is provided by a distinct element, and no high impedance requirements are placed on other elements in either input or output circuits. Another advantage of this arrangement is that the amplified fundamentals are balanced out, making the singing gain about 20 T.U. less than that of the conjugate input type. The only modulation products (up to the fourth order) not balanced out of the output are the second harmonics of carrier and signal. This type of circuit may be used as a demodu- lator at any frequency, but as a modulator only when the second harmonic of the highest voice frequency does not come in the sideband range — it is therefore not well adapted to modulate low carrier frequencies where high quality is required. Although the output of this modulator is affected but little by the filter impedance in either input or output circuits, some care is neces- " By using a hybrid coil having eight times as many turns in the signal circuit as in the carrier circuit, the equivalent current losses to signal and carrier are 0.5 T.U. and 9.5 T.U. respectively instead of 3 T.U. each, as is the case for the usual equality ratio hybrid coil. 134 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL sary in selecting the retard coils for the grid and plate circuits. Since the grid retard should have a high impedance to the desired modulation frequencies it must have an inductance of the order of 50 henries or greater at low frequencies in a demodulator. Resonance in the voice band is not harmful so long as the impedance does not drop too much at high voice frequencies. The plate circuit retard coil is well balanced to reduce the unbalanced carrier transmitted to the line. An important requirement is that of close coupling so that the reactance in the output circuit may not be great enough to cause a transmission loss or large reflection coefficient. The required inductance then depends upon the relative separation of voice and sideband frequencies. If the lowest sideband frequency is very close to the highest voice frequency it may be impossible to prevent positive reactance from coming into the voice circuit of a demodulator, but the effect may be considerably reduced by utilizing this positive reactance in the mid-series section of the adjacent low pass filter. Double Balanced Circuits If two balanced circuits of either of the above types are connected with their input and output terminals respectively in series, all the modulation products up to the fourth order except the second order sidebands may be balanced out. There is no hybrid or filter loss and due to more complete suppression of unwanted frequencies the maximum output power obtainable is more than twice that with a single balanced circuit. The complexity of the resultant circuit is such as to rule it out for all ordinary applications. For purposes of comparison we proceed to consider the experimental results obtained on a conjugate input grid modulator designed in accordance with the ideas set forth above. Experimental Results Figs. 10 and 11 represent the results of experiment on a conjugate input grid modulator with a carrier frequency of 6,800 cycles and a signal frequency of 1,000 cycles. The input and output networks previously discussed and represented in Figs. 6 and 7 were used here with 101-D tubes operated at 120 volts plate potential and 1.0 ampere filament current. The grids were connected to the negative terminal of the filaments. Fig. 10 represents the sideband output current in a 675 ohm circuit, plotted as a function of the signal current measured in the 675 ohm input circuit, with the carrier input maintained at 15 mils throughout. The upper four curves represent various experi- mental conditions designed to bring out the effect of different circuit GRID CURRENT MODULATION 135 W20 3°i 20 /»\-S oolXHl- ■-^ ^ )» ^ p^ tji-, >^^ ^ ^ u .. -.i:,..^o-o^-^ ^i y 4>, 4\ / , ■/■ i--' "NOf^ EBS 1 1^ 7 '' / ^ ^ ■'' 1/ ^ " 1 (/ V o^ ^uv-r TYPE \Nn\. ou '"''Or ^ I A V <>> ^> 1 ^ I / i /- y /\ \A y SIDEBAND OUTPUT AS FUNCTION OF SIGNAL INPUT CONJUGATE INPUT TYPE Q = IKC. P = 6.8 KC- 15 MILS S.B.= 5.8KC. 1 V\ y ^ 3 4 5 6 7 SIGNAL INPUT CURRENT- MILS Fig. 10 28 2 24 •P 20 O I- z - 16 O 12 u g ^ 6^ i y k v'^^° / Y'^' ,>*■ / / / / GRID CURRENT MODULATOR SIDEBAND OUTPUT VS. CARRIER INPUT P = 6.8 KC. Q=IKC. WITH INCUT AKin nilTPlIT FIITrt3«t / J i / / Q=. 5 Ml L.INl ro 6 75^ A ^ r \ \ 12 16 20 CARRIER INPUT-MILS Fig. 11 136 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL elements, while the lowest curve illustrates the performance of a representative conjugate input plate modulator working under con- ditions prescribed for it into a 600 ohm circuit with the same tubes and plate potential. A direct comparison between the two types of modulator as to sideband current output should include a comparative increase of 0.6 T.U. to the grid current modulator output to take care of the difference in the two load impedances. The curve labelled "no filters" applies to the circuit of Fig. 9 in which both input and output circuits were connected to 675 ohm resistances. The presence of the retard coil in the plate circuit is accountable for the increase in output at large signal inputs over that of the plate type. When an output filter is added (resistance input, output filter) the gain at low inputs is scarcely affected but the out- put power for large signals is doubled since the load capacity is in- creased by the suppression of the signal frequency current in the plate circuit. If now an input filter is inserted and the output connected to a 675 ohm circuit (input filter, resistance output) the gain at low signal currents is increased by about 5 T.U. over that with no filters in circuit, while the increase at high signal amplitudes is of the order of 1.5 T.U. The topmost curve represents the performance of the modulator circuit terminated in the two filters, which shows a modulating gain of 21.5 T.U. at small inputs and a maximum power output of 30 mils into 675 ohms (0.6 watt). Fig. 11 represents the effect of varying the carrier input at two signal inputs — 0.5 and 6 mils respectively. This illustrates the lack of dependence of sideband on carrier when the carrier is greater than the signal, which was deduced from eq. 20 as characteristic of this type of modulator. The use of a 15 mil carrier is seen to furnish close to the optimum value for the circuit, at least when the signal amplitude does not greatly exceed 6 mils. The common input type is capable of yielding much the same results as the conjugate input type with somewhat less care required for the flanking filter impedances, since the proper circuit impedances are obtained by the use of retard coils as shown in Fig. 9h. On theoretical grounds, however, as we mentioned in discussing the general properties of balanced circuits, it is not capable of furnishing as high quality as the conjugate type at the low sideband frequency used here. At high sideband frequencies this objection disappears, so that the reduced filter requirements make it perhaps more attractive in appli- cation than the conjugate type. It should be noted that the plate modulator may be made to have a greater gain than that shown in Fig. 10 by changing the input transformer (with the same maximum output level) but this restricts the signal input current to correspondingly smaller amj)litudes. GRID CURRENT MODULATION 137 A few words on the shape of the signal-sideband curve of plate modulators of the van der Bijl type may not be inappropriate at this point since the curve depends to some extent upon the incidental grid modulation produced. Thus at large signal amplitudes the grid of the modulator tube is driven positive and grid modulation is produced, which tends to oppose plate modulation. By reversing the conditions which we have employed in the grid current modulator to promote grid modulation, the net plate modulation may be increased and the sideband-signal curve may more nearly show an asymptotic maximum which is so desirable from the overloading standpoint. This condition is evidently secured with a flanking input filter having a low impedance to the sideband, or by having an input coil which, while not seriously affecting the transmission of signal frequencies, offers of itself a low impedance to the grid sideband. Thus in plate modulators the input coil would have a high winding capacity, and in plate demodulators it would have comparatively low mutual inductance between primary and secondary windings. As an indication of the quality obtained with the grid current modulating process, comparative listening tests between carrier telephone systems employing plate and grid demodulators, respectively, conducted by R. W. Chesnut, indicate roughly a 10 T.U. greater load carrying capacity for the grid type over a wide range of input ampli- tudes at about the same quality in both cases. The carrier leak may be reduced to one half mil by a not very critical tube selection, which is quite satisfactory in general. The last point remaining is the plate power efficiency, which we have defined as the ratio of the sideband power developed in the load resistance to the d.c. power supplied to the plate circuit under operating conditions — it is really the efficiency of power conversion. At maxi- mum output it is three per cent for the standard plate modulator and fifteen per cent for the above grid modulator. The efficiencies obtained at maximum output for a number of different low power tubes used in the grid current modulator may be tabulated as follows : Tube Plate Sideband Plate Efficiency Potential Power Wac WacIWdc 230-D 60 0.022 11% 221-A 70 0.065 18 221-D 90 0.13 14 101-D 120 0.50 15 102-D 120 0.11 22 For design information and construction of the experimental models. 138 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the authors are indebted to E. B. Payne and H. R. Kimball for filters, and to H. Whittle and A. G. Ganz for transformers and retard coils. Appendix Grid Current Modulator, Large Grid Potentials Making use of the observation that the positive lobes of the input wave are effectively suppressed with a sufificiently large external grid resistance, we first define a function equal to zero when the independent variable is positive, and equal to the variable when the variable is negative. This is evidently a representation of the potential effective on the grid in terms of the applied potential. If we denote the grid potential by — f{y) where y is the impressed potential, it may be expressed as a Fourier series — f{y) = bo/2 + 2&„, cos miry I Y + o,„ sin mwy/Y, (14) in which the coefficients are determined by the usual relations 1 r^ niTTV Y , s b,n = — \ y cos -^^dy — -^ir:-^ (cos ;H7r — 1), m-TT- (15) 1 / ^ . WTTV , ( .s,„_i Y a,n = -T7 I V sm — =j- flv = (— 1) '■ — cos m-rr, Y Jq ' Y ' niT &o = yJ^^ r. = i- — X r,' FOR Piston Disp To Reactance - 5 — x xf for Parabolic Oisp 1 — X X, FOR Piston Disp 0.4 \ ^^ s. 0.3 ^ \ ^ y ^ ^ N'^l 0.1 / r> S N ^ 1 / X N: \ \, X \, 0.1 / / y \^ k s N S X // / N ^\ \ V b^ r^ % \ ^ \N sy "\ \ ■~-~, \ 0.1 V , ■^ 20,000 /xR (cgs UNITS) 30,000 Fig. 2 — Mechanical impedance of air chamber and ideal horn. possible. In the same figure, ^2 and .ro show the resistance and react- ance respectively, if the diaphragm were moved as a plunger, i.e., with the same amplitude and phase over its whole surface. It is seen that the resistance is considerably larger and the cut-ofif frequency nearly twice as high. These curves show the superiority of the plunger type of diaphragm. In order to cover the desired frequency range the method of coupling a diaphragm to the horn shown in Fig. 3 was adopted. Here the disturbances reach the horn more nearly in phase without having to pass through any restricted passages. The throat of the horn is flared annularly to the point A. The disturbances reach the throat of the horn from the inner and outer portions of the diaphragm approximately in phase up to comparatively high frequencies. \\'ith this type of construction it is possible to use a fairly large diaphragm so that large amounts of power may be delivered without a great sacrifice in effi- ciency at cither the high or the low frecjuencies. An experimental test A HIGH EFFICIENCY RECEIVER 143 showed that with this type of coupUng for a particular size of diaphragm and throat area the cut-ofif frequency was raised from approximately 3,500 to 6,000 cycles per second. Fig. 3 — Diaphragm and air chamber. Principal Dimensions Effective mass of coil and diaphragm = 1.0 gm. Effective area of diaphragm = 28 sq. cm. Area of throat of horn = 2.45 sq. cm. force Stiffness constant = -——. — —. — ; = 6 X 10« dynes/cm. static displacement Resistance of coil = 15 ohms. Length of wire in coil = 760 cm. Average flux density = 20,000 gauss. The diaphragm was made of a single piece of aluminum alloy 0.002 inch thick; metal was used in preference to other materials because of its superior mechanical properties. The form and principal di- mensions are shown in Fig. 3. A driving coil is attached directly to the diaphragm near its outer edge. With this arrangement the di- aphragm can be driven nearly as a plunger and it has little tendency to oscillate about a diametral axis, as there is great rigidity against a radial displacement of any part of the coil. The portion of the di- aphragm lying between the coil and the clamping surfaces has tangen- tial corrugations of the same type as described by Maxfield and Harrison ^ in reference to a phonograph sound box. The inner portion of the diaphragm was drawn into the form of two re-entrant segments ^ Bell System Technical Journal, \'ol. \', pp. 493-523, July 1926. 144 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of spherical shells; this part was thereby made very rigid so that it should move as a unit up to high frequencies. Construction of the Driving Coil For the driving element of loud speakers either a moving coil or a moving armature is commonly used. The latter is in general satis- factory if driven at a small amplitude. However, where large powers are involved, the moving coil drive can be much more simply con- structed so that it is free from amplitude distortion ; it has the further advantage of having a resistance nearly constant with frequency and a practically negligible reactance. These were the primary reasons for our choosing this type of drive. The coil that was used in the re- ceiver consisted of a single layer of aluminum ribbon 0.015 inch wide and 0.002 inch thick wound on edge as shown in Fig. 4. The turns were held together with a film of insulating lacquer about 0.0002 inch thick, thor- oughly baked after the winding was completed. This type of coil has the following advantages. It is self-sup- porting, no spool being required; 90 per cent of the volume of the coil is occupied by metal; the distributed capacity between turns is small, giv- ing a coil whose impedance varies only slightly with frequency ; the metal is continuous between the cylin- drical surfaces, allowing heat to be conducted rapidly outward from the center of the winding and diminishing the possibility of any warping of the coil; it can be accurately made to dimensions, thus permitting small clearances between the coil and the pole pieces. Small clearances not only permit the use of a comparatively small magnet but they facilitate the dissipation of heat. This latter effect is shown in the curves of Fig. 5. These curves give the temperature of the coil as a function of the power input for the coil in open air {A), and when it is placed between annular pole pieces with clearances of 0.010 inch between the cylindrical surfaces {B). Fig. 4 — Receiver driving coil. A HIGH EFFICIENCY RECEIVER 145 The Electromagnet As shown in Fig. 6, the electromagnet is of conventional design except that the central pole piece has an opening through its center to 200 ,_^ 180 u (0 IfeO LU UJ or 140 lU O IZO LU V/1 cc 100 LU 80 13 (— / / B / y y / y / r ^ y^ / ^ y y / / A y Fig. 0 2 4 & a 10 12 14 l / (0 1- r A / r / 1 1- D FUNDAMENTAL J O §•3 D O / / / .2 / J / 1 / / HARMONICS r» / rrr-^. -^ 12 3 4 POWER IN PUT- WATTS Fig. 9 — Power output at 60 p.p.s. output power of the fundamental tone and B that of the higher har- monics. These curves show that even at 60 cycles an output power of 0.5 watt may be obtained without the introduction of higher harmonics to an amount greater than 1.0 per cent. The total power in the har- monics would in this case be 20 T.U. below that in the fundamental 150 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tone. If a horn were connected to the receiver in place of the tube, in addition to the resistance, a mass reactance would generally be imposed on the diaphragm at the lower frequencies. Under these conditions the proportion of harmonics introduced would be still lower than that indicated in Fig. 9. At the higher frequencies the power output is limited solely by the current-carrying capacity of the coil. At these frequencies the steady power input for a temperature rise of 100 degrees C. is about 30 watts. With an efficiency of 50 per cent the corresponding output would be 15 watts. After the work described in this paper was for the most part done and as a result of the extremely promising performance of the first models, a design of the receiver built along essentially these lines was worked into a form suitable for commercial production by Mr. W. C. Jones and Mr. L. W. Giles. These receivers are now in commercial use in Vitaphone and Movietone installations. As commercially pro- duced in quantities numbering several thousand, efficiencies of the order of 30 per cent have been realized. In conclusion, we wish to express our appreciation for the valuable assistance given by Mr. T. F. Osmer in carrying out most of the experimental work described in this paper. Appendix A Consider a diaphragm and connecting air chamber of the form shown in Fig. 1 . Assume that the air chamber is of a form such that the cross- sectional area at any distance r from the center is equal to the throat areaof the horn, i.e., 27rr/ = -irr^-. This form of connecting air chamber then differs but little from that used in most commercial types of horn speakers. The sound output is in general dependent on the mode of motion of the diaphragm. In most loud speakers this mode of motion varies with the frequency. However, let us assume that we have a paraboloidal displacement at all frequencies. The velocity at any radial distance may then be represented by ^ '-'s ■],.. if ^0^'"' is the velocity at the center. Under the assumed conditions, the sound transmitted through the throat is very nearly the same as that which would be transmitted along the positive direction through the tube sketched in Fig. 10, which extends to infinity in both directions, provided the portion of the wall A HIGH EFFICIENCY RECEIVER . 151 of the tube from a' to 0 and from a to 0 had a radial velocity equal to 2irro I. [i-^. ].'"'. The velocity potential at a point, P, at a distance y from a, if /-o is small compared with the wave-length of sound, is then I R a fP ■r-^ — r -y- ^y / 0 ro'^^ Fig. 10. Qik{ct—y—r)fJ^y + '-W 0 To'k oil<{ct—y—2R+r) fly lo, where c is the velocity of sound and c or / \ o o: ii. o £ 10 16 METEf "^ 2 MET :Rs/ y 33 ME TERS \ '\ /^^ / \, z \ / / f \ k \, yK~^ ^ ->, ' N ,^ i- ■'V ■ ' / \ / \ ■ ' , where co/2x is the frequency. The received current is, then, ^W =- r ^}^ cos [co/ + e{o:) - B{co)]dco. (2) 7^(co) exists for all values of co from zero to infinity but, practically, F{oj) is negligible except over a finite range which is determined by the nature of the signal. For program transmission, for example, the essential frequencies are now considered to lie in a band from about 100 to 5,000 cycles, while for slow speed telegraphy they lie in a band between zero and 10 or 20 cycles per second. If we suppose, then, that the essential frequency band extends from ui/lw to wijlir, we may replace equations (1) and (2) by fit) = - I F{cc) cos [co^ + d{co)]dc^ (3) and ^W = - Pj^J^cos [c^t + 0(co) - 5(a;)]Jco. (4) Now suppose that within the band of essential frequencies, wi < CO < 0)2, we have |ZMl = i? (5) and B{o}) = COT zL nir, where R and r are constants and w = 0, 1, 2, • ••. Then we may write /(/) = dz~ P ^(co) cos [co(/ - r) + 0(co)]f/co, (6) /(/) being positive or negative according to whether n is even or odd. Whence the received current is proportional in amplitude to the applied signal and merely delayed in time by the 'transmission time' T. Thus the received current has the same wave form as the applied PHASE DISTORTION AND PHASE DISTORTION CORRECTION 201 signal or the transmission is distortionless. Accordingly, we have the following proposition.'' The necessary and sufficient condition for the practically distortionless transmission of signals in communication systems is that, over the essential range of frequencies contained in the transmitted signal, the transfer impedance of the transmission circuit he equalized both as regards amplitude and phase; that is, the amplitude must be constant and the phase angle linear in the frequency, with a value, when the frequency is zero, of ± mr, where n = 0, I, 2, • • - . For many years the variation of the phase angle with frequency was ignored. Research in distortion correction was directed to devising networks ^ so designed that \Z(io})\ would be a constant, R, over the range of essential frequencies. Assuming that this condition is fulfilled by the transducer but that B(o}) = cor + cr(co) ± nir, where o-(c«j) is non-linear in the frequency, we may write (4) as /(/) = ± ^ r F{o:) cos [o;(/ - r) + 0(co) - (t(co)]Jco. (7) 1 r In formula (7) the amplitudes of the component frequencies of the arrival curve are, within a constant, the same as those in the impressed signal /(O- The wave form of the arrival curve, owing to the presence of the phase o-(co), may, however, be widely different from that of the impressed signal.^ 2. Examples of Phase Distortion in Transmission Systems Let us consider the frequency-phase angle characteristic of the two important transmission systems, the submarine telegraph cable and the loaded line. The cable of characteristic impedance k — -yfiR -j- ioiL) /iwC and propagation constant y = VCi? + icoL)iooC (with negligible leakage) is assumed terminated in its characteristic impedance at :)c = / so that reflection is suppressed. The transfer impedance Z(ico) is then Ziico) ^ ke"^ = \Ziico)\e'^^"\ (8) ^ See reference 9. * See reference 10. ^ In telephone transmission it is not at all certain that preservation of wave form is essential. It is essential, however, that the components of different fre- quencies build up at approximately the same time. It is further demonstrated in the section on 'Loading Systems' below that (x{w) = 0 is the necessary and sufficient condition to fulfill the latter requirement. 202 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where -S(co) = cor + (r(co) ± nir and is the phase angle of the transfer impedance, provided, as we shall assume, that k is approximately a constant. Whether ^ is a constant or not, B{oi) represents the difference in phase between the currents at the sending and receiving ends. B{^ ^ ^ r ^ ^' 1 1 1 1 where 5(co) = 2iVsin-i///„ 1 (11) /c = ttVLoCo N = number of sections, Lo is the coil inductance and Co the lumped line capacity per secti on 204 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Even on the light loaded lines designed especially for good quality on long repeatered circuits, the phase distortion is appreciable. The nominal cut-off of these circuits is about 5,600. Fig. 6 shows the phase characteristic of the transfer impedance of a section of side circuit of 19 Gauge H-44 cable only 20 miles long. On Fig. 10 is represented the negative of the phase distortion, o-(a;), obtained by taking n = 0 and T = B((iOm)lcom where o)mj2ir is taken as the highest essential frequency, in this case 4,000 cycles. In speaking of a pure sinusoidal wave of only one frequency, a phase shift of more than l-w radians or one cycle would be meaningless since every cycle is identical to the preceding and the following cycles. To consider the variation of phase shift over a range of frequencies, however, the total phase shift at any frequency as compared to that at the lowest frequency of the range is required. III. Phase Distortion Correction 1. Terminal Networks: Application to the Submarine Cable The device of a terminal network having a compensating phase distortion, that is, a network having the phase angle of transfer impedance, <^(co) = [cor' - (t{w) ± Wtt], (12) over the frequency interval coi < w < c<;2 (r' being a constant), is theoretically the most simple and, in practice, is probably the most flexible and effective method of phase distortion correction. Such a distortion corrective network, in series combination with the trans- ducer in which the attenuation has been equalized, produces an arrival curve I{t) = J- r ' i?(a,) COS [o^it - T - t') ^ d{u?) ± 7nr\dc^, (13) which is proportional to /(/ - r - t') provided, of course, that there is no reflection at the transducer terminals. The constant phase angle db «x does not affect the sinusoidal wave form but merely changes the sign of the wave if n is odd. The terminal phase corrective network or phase compensator is applicable, at least theoretically, to any type of phase distortion correction and may be supplementary to other forms of correction PHASE DISTORTION AND PHASE DISTORTION CORRECTION 205 such as loading, for instance. Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram of the arrangement of the given transducer of transfer impedance Z{iw) with phase angle B{w) and the terminal phase distortion corrective network of transfer impedance N{io3) with phase angle ^(co). In Vaiiiu) Vo(iu)) Fig. 7 response to the impressed voltage Fo(?co), the voltage Fi(ico) at the output terminals of the transducer, which is assumed proportional to the current, is then Z(ico) I and the final voltage V^ii^) is Thus F2(iC0) 1 1 1 FoM \Z{i^)\\N{io:)\ e-^*(")Fi(za;). g-i[S(w)+<^(co)] (14) In practical applications, it is usually found advisable to take both t' and n of equation (12) equal to zero. Then the required phase characteristic, (co) = tan ^ ax where Thus and X = 1 -\-bx^' ,^ 2 1 - (15) (16) when CO = 0, X = — co and 0=0, when CO = com, x — 0 and 0=0, when 0 < CO < co„j, — co < .t < 0 and 0 < 0. 206 BELL SYSTEM TECLINICAL JOURNAL Physically, this is realizable in the circuit of Fig. 8 consisting of a resonant element L, C, where Wm = \l\LC, in parallel with a resistance Ri. The final voltage is taken across the resistance R2 and the resistance r represents a vacuum tube. This unilateral element permits of suitable amplification and prevents reflection at the cable terminals so that the network may be designed without regard to any reaction upon the cable. Fig. 8 — Distortion corrective circuit for long telegraph cable One section of the network of Fig. 8 with the values of the constants; r + i?2 = 5,000 ohms, Rx = 51,100 ohms. L = 26 henrys C = 1.56 microfarads is used when / = 500 miles. The phase of this network is shown in Fig. 5 also. Another equal network section may be added for each additional 500 miles of cable but there is no necessity, of course, for the sections to be equal. If it contains a one-way thermionic tube, each section may be added without affecting what has gone before, and the resultant phase angle will be simply the sum of all of the phase angles of the separate parts. The improvement in the building-up of the indicial admittance accompanying the use of the phase compensator is evident from PHASE DISTORTION AND PHASE DISTORTION CORRECTION 207 Fig. 1 on comparing curve (2) with curve (1). Curve (2) is computed from the formula ^ A{t)=~ = 1 r sin twdw, (17) where q:(co) is the real component of the transfer admittance of cable and network combined (equation (14)). 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 01 SOLID LINE CURVE^ REPRESENTS RELA- TIVE AMPLITUDE OF AR-" RIVAL CURRENT ON 500 MILE CABLE WITHOUT TERM- INAL PHASE DISTORTION COR- RECTIVE NETWORK. DOTTED LINE CURVE REPRESENTS RELA- TIVE AMPLITUDE OF ARRIVAL CURRENT ON 500 MILE CABLE WITH TERMINAL NETWORK TO CORRECT PHASE DISTORTION OVER RANGE 0-25 CYCLES PER SECOND. 0 5 10 15 20 25 FREQUENCY IN CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 9 — Amplitude variation on long telegraph cable The curves of Fig. 9 show that this network affords some attenuation equalization as well as very good phase correction. Amplitude and phase correction, as we have seen, are analytically independent processes. Nevertheless, some arrangements may, theoretically, be designed to correct amplitude and phase simultaneously. A method for so designing a network similar to the one under discussion at present has been developed by O. J. Zobel.^° In such cases, however, in order to obtain physically desirable values in practical applications, it has usually been found necessary to design the network for one purpose, thereby automatically obtaining some improvement in the other respect, as in the present instance. The maximum phase displacement obtainable with one section of 1° This is discussed in a forthcoming paper by O. J. Zobel. 208 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL this network is x/2 radians. Thus, it becomes necessary to use more than one section on a long cable but it is also advantageous from the point of view of flexibility of design. By adopting a standard unit, for a 500-mile section of cable, for instance, the networks may be readily accommodated to different lengths of line. . 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0 ) and its rate of huildijig-up is inversely proportional to '(co) = N> ,i ^/ / 30 SOLID CURVE REPRESENTS PHASE OF TRANSFER IMPEDANCE OF CABLE WITHOUT TERMINAL y V / LATTICE NETWORK. DOTTED CURVE REPRESENTS PHASE OF A / / in z TRANSFER IMPEDANCE OF CABLE WITH TERMINAL LATTICE NETWORK ADDED. / y < a. Z20 UJ JiW /, 4W o Z 15 < ^ <> ^ 4 '> CO a y ^^ y A 2.5 and it is found that a distortion angle of not more than about 2.5 radians can well be compensated for with each section of lattice network. o-^/2.5 determines roughly the number of sections required where am represents the maximum distortion for the total length of line. It is only essential that the total number of sections be included where correction is desired. The corrective structure may be divided and one or more sections located at convenient points throughout the length of the cable whose phase is to be corrected. In the latter case a desirable arrangement on a repeatered cable is to insert at each repeater point a sufficient number of sections to correct the distortion on the cable length between two successive repeaters. If the network is connected directly to the line, i.e., without the interposition of a unilateral element such as a vacuum tube, the necessary condition K(co) = R, where i? is a constant representing approximately the characteristic impedance of the cable, imposes one limitation upon the constants L and C, leaving one other to be fixed by the phase. For this condi- tion, put ^a(w) = — (Ta, where Ca is the value of o-(w) at a frequency /„ = Wa/27r near the upper limiting frequency of the correction range and at which it is desirable to have exactly (r{ui) = — ^(w). Substituting for K and (j)a in (27) and (28) and solving, gives 2R 1 L = tan - (Ta, ^' ' (31) C = Btan^r ffa- OiaK L An application of this method of design to the 19-gauge H-44-25 cable is shown in Figs. 17 and 18. This design requires two sections of lattice network at each repeater point of constants L = .116 henry, C = .181 microfarad per section, the distance between repeaters being 50 miles. While the design above effects considerable improvement, it is 218 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 X Q 0.4 Z < O 0.3 I I- ?0.2 ►? I I- 0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 TIME (T) OF BUILDING-UP OF ARRIVAL CUR- ( / / / RENT TO 50 PER CENT STEADY STATE VAL- UE REFERRED TO TIME (To) OF BUILDING-UP 1 OF DIRECT CURRENT ON I XOIL LOADED CABLE (WITH H-44 LOADING) Tr:r.oii 1 OAnFD cari f <^with h-I74 1 1 / 1 1 / / / / 7TT LOADING) LATTICE LOADED CABLE CABLE WITH ALTERNATE LATTICE 1 1 1 1 / / / 1 EZ 1 Y^COIL LOADED CABLE WITH TERM- > a 1 J / INAL UlilUKI lUN C,UKKt(-IIVt LATTICE NETWORK TERMINAL DISTORTION CORRECT- / IVE NETWORK ,y r / 1 / s / / /, / / / /! 1 / / 1 1 / // 1 1 . it/ / / / / / / ' / / / j / / / / 1/ / / iV / / T / np^; :/ ^ / / / f / / / / ^ / / y y X / ^ .,^-^^ y y rrr rrt _-- -_r- 'JZ.- ££; ^_^ ^ — — . -- -^ ^ ^^ . YL 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 FREQUENCY IN HUNDRED CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 19 — Transient distortion on 50 miles of 19 gauge loaded cable PHASE DISTORTION AND PHASE DISTORTION CORRECTION 219 evident from a consideration of the duration of the transient distortion that the correction is not perfect, although it is appreciably better than that afforded by either lattice loading or a combination of lattice and coil loading. In Fig. 19 the delay in the time of building-up of any frequency co/27r over the time of building-up of a direct current is shown for these different systems. Since the physical desideratum is a minimum constant delay for all frequencies, and the delay is quite sensitive to small deviations from the distortionless steady state phase angle, the former is probably a better basis of design and comparison than the latter. I.U TIME (T) OF BUILDING-UP OF ARRIVAL CURRENT TO 50 PER CENT / STEADY STATE VALUE REFERRED TO TIME (To) OF duiuuiino ur \jr DIRECT CURRENT ON CABLE WITH n SECTIONS OF TERMINAL CORRECTIVE LATTICE NETWORK WHEN n=l L = 0.457 HENRY, C=0.7I4 MICROFARAD PER SECTION / / u.a / n=2,L=0.240 " , C=0375 « ^ ^ n= 7, L= 0.0935 " , C=0.I46 » " " y( n =8, Li = L2= 0.0563 HENRY, Ci = C2= 0.091 MF. X / 0.6 IN LAST SECTION OF RESONANT LATTICE TYPE ADDED TO 7 SIMPLE LATTICE SECTIONS /' y J 0.4 ^ ^ / 0.2 ^-1 0^ / ^ r^ ^ 4 0 .-- — - — - __n = 8 -_. — . -^■ 4 / ^ \^ ;::; n=7__ ^- y y -0.2 \ \ s \^ ^^ ^ \ ^ ^ :^ ^ -0.4 ^ s^ ^ ^^ 0 2 4 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 FREQUENCY IN HUNDRED CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 20 — Transient distortion on 50 miles of 19 gauge light loaded cable Suppose that it is required to reduce the delay at 4,000 cycles to the value or to less than the value of the delay on the uncorrected cable at 3,000 cycles. The procedure will be to solve equation (30) for -{LC in terms of N and the required value of T — To at the given frequency coa/27r = 4,000, substitute these values in equation (30) and compute T — Tq over the essential frequency range. It is immediately apparent from Fig, 20 that the improvement at the higher frequencies is at the expense of the intermediate frequencies where the delay is reduced too much. This disadvantage is lessened by increasing the number of sections but this method is uneconomical 220 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and only partially successful because a saturation point is soon reached in the gain obtained with more apparatus. This difficulty may be overcome by adding networks of the more complicated lattice type shown in Fig. 21."* This may appro- L, C, Fig. 21 — "Resonant" lattice network priately be called the 'resonant' lattice type. Its characteristics are most easily derived from the general lattice network having the impedance Zi/2 in each series branch and the impedance Iz^ in each diagonal shunt branch. Since the characteristic impedance, K, of any section of line is equal to the square root of the product of the open- and closed-circuit impedances and the propagation constant, r, per section, is equal to the anti-hyperbolic tangent of the square root of the quotient of the closed-circuit impedance divided by the open-circuit impedance,''-' we have, for the lattice network, in general, cosh r = 1 2zi 422 — Zl or tanh "2 = 2 ^^1/^2, K = VziZo. (32) {Z3) Thus the requirement that the characteristic impedance be a real constant will, in general, be fulfilled provided zo = R'/zi, (34) where i? is a real constant approximately equal to the characteristic impedance of the cable. This gives tanh- = 2^. '* This suggestion was made by H. Nyquist. ^^ See reference 12. (35) PHASE DISTORTION AND PHASE DISTORTION CORRECTION 221 Now if Si/2 is the impedance of a series resonant circuit, we may write 2i . b . &CO0 /,^N -^= ico^ h 7y- , (36) 02 0/4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 VALUES OF f/f(j pig_ 22 — -Time of building-up, T — To, for resonant lattice type network of n sections where b and a>o are constants. Then ,r ^,.0 .b ( oi ojo tanh -7; = tanh i- = i^[ — 2 2 z \ coo CO or fri<>«1 ol about two ] i< h th< it.ita -wn to }k' ihf <'ontrollin^ f 3fl sc.iMiii.i! \ .iri.itiDDr; in signal fifld iii west to iir.i 1^ 11 "!(! -'.'4 1 IT ■•;trU<*rmf <« "in 6:>.iMi l-r.t.' tM>fr t»*-T>;»^;(ti«r«-t. t* liusxhriv^m^i ■ irt rr ' li ! t.ii-ir. i.imt »'fa1uri- n nuun^ 'uiT 3u""-ii( lilt wm'+rr i Fig. 24& — Print transmitted over 352 mile H-174 loaded cable without corrector This pajKT kKi* .in.iKsesi of observation ^hf AtlaiiiH eriod of alH)Ut two ; ill h the >i.ti.i -^-f-iM ii. justify are as folU jiation i*; shown to U the controlling f tid st.ix'ii.il variaiiiHi* in iuj;na1 field lid wt-i to v.i^x « vhihit similar < harar tci Hon III thi MK'''" lx'r is chararteriM«1 1 i.niiitM> umIi in thf »u«s»'t and sunriij itn ( ol hi^h iiiKht time value* in »umn| jut ^ during tin- wiiuet. lorrelatiofi lla^ lieen found between al itsturliances in 1 \ H- I _l j ffi 1 < / liJ / 2 / q: / ^ 8000 1 I _i 1 1 < 1 j Z o / \ 4000 / \ ^ v_ A 40 60 PER CENT NICKEL Fig. 2 — Variation of initial permeability with composition of permalloy this effect of rapid cooling being particularly marked on the com- positions in the region of 80 per cent nickel. By control of the composition and heat treatment an initial permeability of more than 12,000 has been obtained with an alloy of 78| per cent nickel and 1\\ per cent iron, whereas iron or nickel alone ordinarily have initial permeabilities of only about 200 or 300. It is the high initial permeability of permalloy that is most important in its use on cables, though such an initial permeability as 12,000 would be even higher than is generally desired for a telegraph cable. For use on cable conductors permeabilities of the order of from 2000 to 5000 have been desired and obtained in practice. Another important property of permalloy with regard to its use on cables is its resistivity, since high resistivity prevents excessive eddy- HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 233 current loss. The resistivity of the whole nickel-iron series of alloys is higher than that of either iron or nickel. By adding a third element, for example chromium, to the nickel and iron and keeping the ratio of nickel to iron about 4 : 1, a combination of very high resistivity and very high initial permeability may be obtained in the same alloy. The permalloy used in the New York-Horta cable contained about 79 per cent nickel and 21 per cent iron with a small amount of manga- nese to make it more malleable. The permeability of this alloy as used on the New York-Horta cable was about 2300, its resistivity being about 16 microhm-cms. On the Horta-Emden cable, the New York-Bay Roberts-Penzance cables and the Fanning Island-Suva cable permalloy containing about 80 per cent nickel, 17.5 per cent iron, 2 per cent chromium and 0.5 per cent manganese was used. With this alloy an initial permeability of about 3700 was obtained. Its resistivity is about 38 microhm-cms. The permalloy loading material used on the New York-Horta cable was in the form of a thin tape 0.006 inch (0.015 cm.) thick and 0.125 inch (0.32 cm.) wide applied in a closely wound helix surrounding the conductor. On the Horta-Emden cable tape 0.0059 X 0.098 inch (0.015 X 0.25 cm.) was used. On the New York-Bay Roberts and Bay Roberts-Penzance cables the tape thickness was 0.0055 inch (0.014 cm.) and the widths were 0.079 inch (0.20 cm.) and 0.123 inch (0.31 cm.) respectively. On the Fanning Island-Suva cable the permalloy is in the form of a wire of 0.011 inch (0.028 cm.) diameter applied in a single closely laid helix. The northern section of the Pacific cable from Bamfield to Fanning Island is reported ^ to be loaded similarly with "Mumetal" wire of 0.010 inch diameter, made by the Telegraph, Construction & Maintenance Company. Very good results have been obtained with both tape and wire loading. The tape has the advantages of costing less to apply and of possessing greater mechanical strength, whereas the wire has the advantages of lower eddy-current loss and of being less affected by the earth's magnetic field. With either wire or tape loading the component of the earth's magnetic field parallel to the cable sets up magnetic induction in the helical loading material and consequently reduces its effective permeability for the small magnetizing forces of the signalling current. This reduction of effective permeability by the earth's magnetic field is greater, the greater the angle of lay with which the loading material is applied. Consequently this effect is generally greater with tape loading than with wire loading. Whether 2E. S. Heurtley, Electrician, Vol. 98, pp. 348-350, Apr. 1, 1927. See also P. 0. Elec. Engrs. Jl., Vol. 20, pp. 36-40, Apr. 1927. 234 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tape or wire should be used is, in the end, an economic problem since any disadvantage of one with regard to the other may be compensated for by increasing the size of the copper conductor. Permalloy has another property which it is important to consider in connection with its use on cables, namely, its great sensitiveness to mechanical strain. Strain of deformation applied to it will modify its magnetic characteristics, and very great changes in its permeability for small magnetizing forces may be produced by strains well within the mechanical elastic limit. Consequently in making the cable it is necessary to insure that the permalloy shall be as free as possible from strains of deformation. There are two principal ways in which the permalloy used for loading may be subject to such strains. The first comes in the manufacture of the loaded conductor and the second in the laying of the cable. Since permalloy is so strain-sensitive it must be annealed after it has been applied to the conductor. Accordingly the hard-worked metal is wrapped around the copper conductor and the conductor is thereafter passed continuously through a furnace, maintained at approximately 900° C, and from the furnace into a cooling tube. The lengths of the furnace and cooling tube and the rate of passage of the conductor are so chosen as to insure that the loading material will get the necessary softening in the furnace and will be cooled at the proper rate in the cooling tube. Even though the permalloy is thus annealed on the conductor, it still might well be subject to considerable strain, since the copper, on being heated to such a high temperature, expands more than the permalloy and tends to weld to it and, on contracting, would bend the permalloy tape near the spots where welding occurs. To prevent this action the loading material is applied very loosely and means are taken to prevent adhesion of the permalloy to the copper. In spite of the great sensitiveness of the permalloy to mechanical strain, the loaded conductor after heat treatment stands ordinary handling very well without much loss of permeability. However, if it were insulated by the methods which have been used in the past in making deep-sea cables, it would lose much of its inductance on laying on account of the effect of the great pressures to which a cable is subjected. To prevent reduction of the permeability and consequent loss of inductance on laying, it is necessary to provide that pressure on the insulating material shall produce only true hydrostatic pressure on the permalloy with no tendency to deform it. This result has been accomplished by vacuum-impregnating the permalloy-loaded con- ductor with a semi-fluid compound which fills all the interstices of HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 235 the conductor and also forms a layer a few thousandths of an inch thick on the outside of the loading material. The gutta-percha insulation may then be extruded over the impregnated conductor with the assurance that the semi-fluid compound will serve to equalize the pressure on the permalloy. Numerous compounds have been proposed and used for this purpose, that on the New York-Horta cable being of an asphaltic type. It is essential, of course, that this compound be sufficiently viscous at temperatures at which the gutta- percha is applied to permit extruding the gutta-percha around it and that it will also be sufficiently fluid at the temperature of the sea bottom, which may be as low as 2° C, to permit readjustment of the pressure on the permalloy. When a loaded conductor insulated in this manner is subjected to high pressures at low temperatures, it Fig. 3 — Permalloy-loaded cable. Above, section of deep-sea type from New York- Horta cable. Below, section of core showing permalloy tape partly unwound may be found that the inductance drops when the pressure is first applied but in a few minutes the compound flows so as to equalize the pressure on the permalloy and the inductance quickly comes back to its original value. Outside of the insulated conductor or "core" of the cable the permalloy-loaded cables which have been made are quite like ordinary non-loaded cables, so there is no need to go into the further details of cable construction here. Fig. 3 shows a section of the deep-sea portion of the New York-Horta cable. Principles of Design of Loaded Cables There are two principal aspects of the design of a submarine cable — mechanical and electrical. Mechanically, the cable must be so designed as to insure that the conductor shall be continuous, that its 236 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL insulation shall be maintained and that the core, which comprises the conductor and insulation, shall not be damaged in laying or in subsequent repairing operations. Electrically, the cable must be so designed that it will serve properly to transmit signals. Thus the electrical design is concerned with the size of the conductor and the amount and characteristics of the loading material and insulation, whereas the mechanical design is concerned with the mechanical characteristics of the conductor and its insulation and with the jute and armor wire which serve to protect the core and give the cable the necessary strength. These two aspects of design cannot, of course, be considered quite independently of each other and both are in the ultimate analysis controlled by economic considerations. It is con- venient for our present purposes, however, to consider them separately. The mechanical design of cables is a well-established art and so great are the difficulties of laying and maintaining cables, even under the most favorable conditions, that it is desirable to avoid taking any liberties with this phase of cable construction. Fortunately the method of loading by a continuous wrapping of magnetic tape or wire introduces no need for radical change in the important mechanical features of the cable. The copper conductor of the loaded cable is, as in many non-loaded cables, composed of a central copper wire surrounded by several flat copper strips. This form of conductor is flexible and economical of space, and the fact that it has several strands reduces the chance of a complete break. The loading tape or wire furnishes additional protection in this regard. The thickness of gutta-percha must be sufficient to insure the integrity of the insulation at all points. It is, in fact, this consideration which established the amount of insulation used on the loaded cables which have been laid, since consideration of the theoretical economic optimum thickness of gutta-percha would in each case have demanded less gutta-percha than is considered safe. In this regard the insulating problem of the loaded cable is like that of the non-loaded cable. The disposition of jute and armor wire around the core is determined wholly by mechanical considerations as in the case of the non-loaded cable for which the practice is fairly well standardized. Unlike the non-loaded cable, however, the loaded cable, in its electrical behavior, is affected somewhat by the presence and character of the armor wire as will be described later. As is well known, the electrical behavior of non-loaded cables is determined almost wholly by their resistance and capacity and conse- quently the only important features to consider from the electrical HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 237 Standpoint have been the size of the conductor and the thickness of insulating material. The electrical design of a loaded cable is, how- ever, somewhat more complicated since in addition to copper resistance and electrostatic capacity we have here to be concerned with the inductance added by the loading material and also with added re- sistance factors which are introduced by its use. The problem of electrical design, therefore, involves determining not only the size of the copper conductor, but also the electrical and magnetic charac- teristics and the shape and dimensions of the loading material, as well as the electrical characteristics of the insulatmg material, which will give the highest speed of operation consistent with the mechanical and cost limitations which are imposed. Since the object of the electrical design is to secure high operating speed, it is essential to consider what are the factors which limit speed and how they are taken into account. This subject has already been treated in some detail in previous papers,^ and only a general review of the principal factors involved in the electrical design will be under- taken in the present paper. In the history of cable development prior to the introduction of the permalloy-loaded cable various physical factors at different times limited the speed of operation which could be obtained with a long ocean cable. These were principally distortion of signals, sensitivity of receiving apparatus, limited safe sending voltage, inaccuracy of duplex balance, and extraneous interference from both natural and man-made sources. With the development of cable amplifiers and of improved means of signal shaping, the factors of distortion and limited sensitivity of receiving apparatus were effectually eliminated and at the time when the development of the permalloy-loaded cable was undertaken the speed of long cables was limited in most cases by the accuracy with which artificial lines could be made to balance cables in duplex operation. In some cases where extraneous interference was unusually severe the limit of speed was set by that factor combined with the limit of sending voltage which was usually placed at about 50 volts by extreme concern for the safety of the cable insulation. It was by no means obvious which of these several factors should be considered in the electrical design of a loaded cable. With the vacuum-tube amplifier available to amplify the weak received signal to the degree necessary to operate recording mechanisms, there was no practical limit to the sensitiveness of receiving apparatus. It was, however, necessary to consider distortion as a possible limit to speed. ^O. E. Buckley, Jour. A. I. E. E., Vol. XLIV, pp. 821-829, August 1925, B. S. T. J., Vol. IV, No. 3, pp. 355-374, July 1925; J. J. Gilbert, B. S. T. J., July 1927. 238 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It is interesting to note in this connection that, though, in most previous proposals to load long telegraph cables, loading had been advocated primarily as a means of reducing distortion, practical consideration of the problem uncovered new types of distortion which were absent in the non-loaded cable. The nature of distortion of signals by a non-loaded cable was well understood, the problem having been solved long ago by Lord Kelvin. The distortion of a loaded cable is a much more complex affair since there are involved in it not only the effects of distributed inductance, capacity, resistance and leakance of the ideal cable for which the distortion is readily calculable, but also the factors of change of inductance and resistance with frequency and current, and the effects of magnetic hysteresis which are unavoidable in a practical loaded cable. Though the effect of these factors on distortion could be approximated by theo- retical analysis it was considered necessary to have experimental proof that a signal could be restored in shape after passing over a loaded cable and it was primarily on this account that tests were made with an artificial loaded line. These tests showed that even the distortion of a loaded cable could be corrected by using suitable terminal networks in connection with the vacuum tube amplifier. With the factor of distortion thus eliminated there remained duplex balance, sending voltage and received interference as possible limits to the speed of the loaded cable. Duplex balance would, of course, set the limit of speed of operation if the cable were to be operated simultaneously in two directions as is commonly done with non-loaded cables, since it would obviously be more difficult to build an artificial line electrically equivalent to a loaded cable with its variable inductance and resistance than one equivalent to a non-loaded cable in which only resistance and capacity have to be considered. Even with non-loaded cables the difficulty of balancing is so great that the double-duplex speed is usually much less than twice the possible simplex speed and with the loaded cable, which is more difficult to balance, the relative gain in traffic capacity to be obtained by duplexing is certain to be less than with non-loaded cables. On the other hand, simplex, or one-way, operation offers very great advantages especially when used in connection with automatic operation, since it disposes of the necessity for an intricate and costly artificial line and permits dividing the full traffic capacity of the cable most efficiently to accommodate the traffic it must carry, which with most transoceanic cables is usually unequal in the two directions. For these reasons it was decided to design the first loaded cable primarily to secure efficient simplex operation. Subsequent HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 239 experience has well justified this procedure for the cables which have been made. The problem of designing a loaded cable was thus reduced to proportioning its component parts so as to secure the desired speed of operation under the conditions imposed by the limitations of sending voltage and received interference. Considerations of safety limit the sending voltage to about 50 volts, and terminal interference as ordi- narily experienced requires that the received signal shall have an amplitude of a few millivolts. The risk of increasing the sending voltage to several hundred volts would not necessarily be serious but little advantage could be gained by taking this risk since, with the materials and type of construction used, higher sending voltage would involve increased hysteresis and eddy-current losses and consequently would not result in a proportionately higher received voltage. It is, however, possible to reduce the received interference by proper termination and this is of great importance in cases where the inter- ference is severe. The nature of cable interference and methods of reducing it have been discussed in a paper by J. J. Gilbert^ in which is described the method which has been used to decrease the terminal interference on the loaded cables which have been laid. This method consists in using, as the earth connection for the receiving apparatus, a "balanced " sea-earth, terminating in deep water. With ordinary cables the common practice has been to provide as the earth connection a sea- earth core, similar to the main core and sheathed with it, but extending only a few miles from shore to a point where the sea-earth conductor is connected to the sheath of the cable. While this type of earth greatly reduces the interference picked up in and near the cable terminal, it does not completely eliminate it. Almost complete elimination of the effects of disturbances originating between the termination of the sea-earth core and the shore may be obtained by providing a terminal impedance between the sea end of the sea-earth conductor and the sheath of the cable. For a non-loaded cable a combination of condensers and resistances would be required to make up such a terminal impedance, but for the loaded cable a very close approximation is secured by a simple resistance of a few hundred ohms. A few hundred feet of manganin wire, insulated like the rest of the conductor and joined to the end of the sea-earth core, serves this purpose admirably. This type of construction has been used on the New York end of the New York-Horta and on all terminals of the * J- J. Gilbert, B. S. T. J., Vol. V, No. 3, pp. 404^17, July 1926. See also Electrician, Vol. 97, p. 152, August 1926. 240 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL New York-Bay Roberts- Penzance cables, on both ends of the Horta- Emden cable, and it has also been used in the loaded cables of the Pacific Cable Board. With the maximum sending voltage determined and with the received voltage necessary to work through interference known, the cable can be designed to give the desired speed of operation. More specifically it is necessary to provide that the attenuation for fre- quencies essential to the formation of the signal shall be materially less than the attenuation corresponding to the ratio of the sending voltage to the interference at the receiving end. This condition can be met by establishing the attenuation of the cable for one par- ticular frequency related to the speed of signalling. The relation between this frequency and the speed in letters per minute depends of course on the code and method of operation used. In the case of the New York-Horta cable the fundamental frequency of a series of alternate dots and dashes of the cable code, that is, one half the center hole frequency, was used as a basis for design. For this frequency a voltage attenuation of e"^", corresponding to 87 TU, can be safely assumed for recorder operation under conditions of interference such as are encountered on the New York-Horta cable. With the Baudot type of code and using the most improved apparatus, that is including a synchronous vibrating relay, a voltage attenuation of e~^-^, corre- sponding to 82 TU, may be assumed for the frequency resulting from assigning 1.25 cycles to a character of the Baudot code. The computation of the attenuation of a loaded cable requires, of course, only the substitution in the ordinary telegraph equation of the specific values of inductance, capacity, resistance, leakance and frequency which apply to the particular cable in question. The method of calculation of these electrical quantities has been discussed in previous papers and need not be repeated here. The design of the cable is thus reduced to proportioning the elements of its construction so as to obtain the most economical cable of a given attenuation at a given frequency. The thickness of insulating material is, as has been noted above, determined practically by mechanical considerations. The electrical characteristics of the insu- lating material are effectively limited by the quality of gutta-percha, account being taken of its dielectric leakance which is of considerable effect on the behavior of the loaded cable though usually of almost negligible effect on non-loaded cables. With the possibilities of insulating materials thus limited the problem of electrical design reduces practically to determining the size of the conductor and the composition, size and shape of the loading material. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 241 The desirable qualities in the loading material from the electrical point of view are high initial permeability, high resistivity and constancy of permeability in the range of magnetizing forces con- cerned. The exact composition of permalloy which would give the best combination of these properties would, of course, be different for different cables but for practical reasons it is desirable to choose a composition which approximates the optimum for general use. Having determined on a particular alloy, the optimum size of con- ductor and thickness of loading material may readily be computed on the basis of its known electrical and magnetic characteristics. With the compositions of permalloy which have been used, the optimum thickness of the layer of permalloy for a long ocean cable generally lies in the range from 0.005 inch to 0.010 inch which is fortunately convenient from the mechanical point of view. If less than the optimum thickness is assumed, the inductance will be too low and the consequent required conductor diameter will be too large. On the other hand, if more than the optimum thickness is assumed, the increase of eddy-current resistance and the effect of dielectric leakance will more than offset the gain due to the increased inductance. In determining the optimum thickness of the permalloy it is, of course, essential to include all the resistance factors which are of consequence. In addition to eddy-current resistance and the effect of dielectric leakance there are the factors of hysteresis resistance and sea-return resistance which must, in particular, be taken into account. The effect of hysteresis on attenuation is felt only near the sending end of the cable since over most of the length of the cable the current is so small that the hysteresis is negligible. Its effect near the terminals may be calculated by the method of successive approximations which takes account of the falling off of current and the change of hysteresis resistance with current amplitude. Ordinarily the effect of hysteresis becomes negligible beyond the first one or two hundred miles from the sending terminal. Within that range it may add as much as 10 TU to the total attenuation of the cable for the high-frequency components of the signals. By sea-return resistance is meant the resistance which is contributed by the sea water and armor wire around the core of the cable. In low- speed non-loaded cables this factor may be safely neglected since the return current of low-frequency signals spreads out through such a great area around the cable that the resistance contributed by the sea water is negligible. With the high-frequency signals of the loaded cable, however, the return current tends to concentrate in the sea water close to the cable and much of it flows in the armor wires. 16 242 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The result is a loss of energy which introduces resistance in the cable circuit, this resistance being much greater than if the armor wires were absent.^ The relations between sent and received voltage for some of the cables which have been laid are shown by the curves in Fig. 4, in which 0 2 0 40 60 CYCLES PER SECOND Fig. 4 — Received voltage-frequency curves the dotted curves give these ratios for zero sending voltage, obtained by extrapolation. These curves were obtained experimentally from the laid cables. 'See Carson and Gilbert, Journ. Franklin Institute, Vol. 192, pp. 705-735, 1921; Electrician, Vol. 88, pp. 499-500, 1922; B. S. T. J., Vol. 1, pp. 88-115, July 1922. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 243 Principles Involved in Operation To realize practically the full benefit of the high speeds of operation of which loaded cables are capable, required the development of new types of terminal apparatus. Although many of the functions per- formed by the apparatus on loaded cables are similar to those involved in the operation of ordinary cables, many new problems were intro- duced by the higher speed of the loaded cable and by its peculiar electrical characteristics. Also new means were required to secure efficient two-way working. With both loaded and non-loaded cables the following steps are involved in operation: translation of messages into signal impulses and the application of these impulses to the cable; correction of distortion or, as it is commonly called, signal shaping; amplification of the feeble received impulses; and reconversion of the restored received impulses into messages. The requirements to be met in accomplishing the first and last of these steps with the loaded cable are different from those in the case of the non-loaded cable, principally on account of the higher speed of the former. The requirements to be met in signal shaping and amplification are different for the loaded cable both because of its peculiar distortion and because of its high speed of operation. The means commonly employed on non-loaded cables for sendmg messages involves translation of a message, usually by machine methods, into electrical impulses of the standard cable code in which a dot of the continental Morse code is represented by a positive impulse of definite duration and a dash is represented by a negative impulse of the same duration. A train of impulses of equal length but of varying polarity is thus applied to the cable at the sending end. This train of impulses is distorted and greatly attenuated by the cable but is partially restored in shape and size by terminal apparatus and is finally received on a siphon recorder which makes a record in the form of a wavy line on a paper strip. In the form and spacing of the humps and depressions of this wavy line an expert operator recognizes the positive and negative impulses which were applied at the sending end and which he is able to translate into the original message. The necessary correction of distortion of signals on ordinary cables is accomplished by simple electrical networks at the termmals. Ad- vantage is also taken of the mechanical characteristics of moving coil instruments. The fundamental principles ^ involved may be ^ For a more detailed discussion of the principles of correction of distortion as applied to non-loaded cables see J. W. Milnor, Jour. A. I. E. E., Vol. XLI, pp. 118-136, 1922. 244 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL roughly summed up as follows. For a line to transmit signals without distortion it would be necessary for all frequency components of the signals to be attenuated to the same degree and also for the delay or time-lag of transmission to be the same for all these frequencies. Legible signals can, however, be received if the attenuation of the combination of cable and apparatus increases with frequency, pro- vided the increase in attenuation up to a certain value of frequency is not too great. Frequencies higher than this value are not required to form the received signal. For example, in the case of cable-code operation, a legible signal will be received if the attenuation at 1.5 times the fundamental or dot frequency is as much as 5 or 10 times the attenuation at the lowest frequencies involved in the signal, and if still higher frequency components are reduced to an inappreciable amplitude as a result of transmission through the system. The dots and dashes of the received signal will in this case be recorded as rounded but readily recognizable humps or depressions in the line traced on the siphon recorder strip. Now the attenuation of the cable for the various frequency com- ponents is not uniform but increases rapidly with frequency. For example, on a particular transatlantic non-loaded cable a frequency of 2 cycles per second is received from the cable with one seventieth the amplitude which it had at the sending end, whereas for 4 cycles per second the received amplitude is one four hundredth of the sent amplitude and for 8 cycles per second it is only one five thousandth. The function of the distortion-correcting networks and apparatus is to attenuate the lower frequencies more than the higher ones so that the combination of cable and terminal apparatus will attenuate all frequencies up to a certain value approximately alike. The process of signal shaping may thus be regarded as one of attenuation equaliza- tion for a limited frequency band extending upward from zero. With the networks and apparatus employed on non-loaded cables the same means which serve approximately to equalize attenuation serve also to equalize time-lag. For frequencies higher than those required to form legible signals it is desirable to reduce the received current to as low a value as possible, since at such high frequencies the currents induced by sources of interference are usually stronger than those which belong to the signals. Accordingly the exclusion of these high frequencies makes the received signals more legible in being less affected by external disturbances. The electrical networks for correcting distortion may be applied at either the sending or receiving end of the cable, or may be divided between the two ends. In ordinary cable practice it is common to HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 245 use a condenser in series with the cable at the sending end and to provide further means for signal shaping at the receiving end. The use of partial sending-end shaping has also been found desirable for the loaded cable though a modified circuit arrangement has been found more effective than the simple sending condenser. Within recent years it has become common practice in the operation of cables to employ means for amplifying the received signals prior to relaying or recording them. This has been necessitated by the limited sensitivity of relays and recording instruments. Most of the amplifiers which have proved successful have been instruments of the moving-coil type in which a slight motion of the coil of a D' Arson val galvanometer is caused to control a much larger source of power than that which is required to move the coil. Instruments of this type possess an advantage in that their mechanical inertia and stiffness may be used to assist in the processes of signal shaping and inter- ference elimination. On account of mechanical limitations they are not, however, well adapted to operate at the high speed of the loaded cable. Vacuum-tube amplifiers have been used to a limited extent on non- loaded cables and have many advantages over the moving-coil instru- ments, notably in their mechanical ruggedness and in the large amount of amplification which can readily be obtained with them. For use on loaded cables they have a further great advantage in that they have no frequency limitations within the range employed on cables and serve as well for high-speed cables as for low. By the use of suitable electrical networks in connection with the vacuum tubes the signals may be restored in shape, and interfering disturbances outside of the signal range of frequencies may be eliminated. A vacuum-tube amplifier which combines means for amplification, correction of distortion, and elimination of interference has been called a "signal- shaping amplifier." With the combination of sending-end shaping network, loaded cable and signal-shaping amplifier, means are provided for conveying signals in the form of combinations of electrical impulses from one terminal to the other. Any type of telegraphic apparatus for con- verting messages into signals and reconverting signals into messages may be applied to complete the steps involved in one-way operation. None of the standard types of cable or land-line apparatus, however, are well adapted to meet the needs of commercial operation at the speed of the fastest loaded cables ; to gain the full advantage permitted by the cable requires apparatus of special design. Special provision is also required to permit two-way operation. 246 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL There are two principal ways in which two-way working may be secured: messages may be sent simultaneously in the two directions or the cable may be used alternately in either direction. The first method is commonly called duplex and the second, simplex. Although, as was pointed out earlier in this discussion, the loaded cables which have been laid were designed primarily for simplex operation, it would be entirely possible to operate them duplex; but to do so would require the employment of an artificial line having nearly the same impedance as the cable over the range of frequencies involved in the signals. The speed of duplex operation would, of course, depend on the accuracy with which the artificial line could be made to balance the cable and this would be largely a matter of cost. Simplex operation, if the reversal of direction is made automatic, has much to recommend it over duplex. It does not require an expensive and complicated artificial line which would need frequent readjustment and it permits using the full speed of the cable to the best advantage to accommodate traffic. Means for reversing the direction may readily be associated with means for automatic printing operation and many of the objections to simplex working which are commonly thought of by the cable engineer do not apply when the reversal is thus made automatic. Apparatus for the high-speed automatic operation of loaded cables has been described in recent papers by A. M. Curtis and A. A. Clokey. The Curtis paper '^ deals principally with the apparatus for signal shaping and amplification, while the Clokey paper ^ describes the special methods and apparatus for automatic printing telegraph operation. Some of the outstanding features of both classes of apparatus will be discussed in the following sections of the present paper. Apparatus for Restoration of Signals A typical circuit diagram of a loaded cable with its terminal net- works for signal shaping and amplification is shown in Fig. 5. For the sake of simplicity the circuit details required for two-way operation have been omitted. Such a circuit arrangement applied to a trans- oceanic permalloy-loaded cable serves to connect a telegraph trans- mitting instrument with a receiving or recording instrument for one- way operation nearly as effectively as they could be connected by an overland telegraph line. ^ "The Application of Vacuum Tube Amplifiers to Submarine Telegraph Cables," B. S. T. J., July 1927. " "Automatic Printing Equipment for Long Loaded Submarine Telegraph Cables," B. S. T. J., July 1927. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 247 At the sending end in place of the usual sending condenser there is employed the network Ni shown in the figure. The condenser C« may have a capacity of from 30 to 80 microfarads. It is shunted by a resistance Ri of several thousand ohms. The resistance R^ con- necting the sending end of the cable to earth may be of the order of 100 ohms, and serves approximately to equalize the input impedance of the system over the important range of frequencies. The desira- bility of the resistance i?2 is peculiar to the loaded cable and is occa- sioned by the manner in which its characteristic impedance varies with frequency. N, TO BATTERY TRANS MITTER CABLE CORE /BALANCING RESISTANCE Fig. 5 — Terminal networks for signal shaping and amplification Other sending-end circuit arrangements can, of course, be used and networks combining inductances with capacities and resistances have been effectively employed. The sending-end shaping network may even be dispensed with entirely and all of the shaping done at the receiving end. There are, however, certain conditions under which this leads to the production of distortion due to hysteresis in the magnetic material of the cable and in general it is preferable to reduce the current flowing into the cable by employing sending-end shaping networks which reduce the amplitude of the low-frequency components of the signal. The circuits employed at the receiving end for completing the process of signal shaping and for amplifying the signals may con- veniently be considered in three parts, the receiving shaping network Ni, the shielded transformer T, and the amplifier which includes the interstage shaping networks A^3, ^^4 and N^. The receiving network N2 provides means for correction of a con- siderable part of the distortion introduced by the cable and in so 248 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL doing reduces the peak voltage which is applied by the signals to the primary of the transformer T and also the peak voltage which is applied to the grid of the first vacuum tube. By insertion of this shaping network between the cable and the transformer, overloading and consequent distortion are prevented. The transformer T permits insulating the amplifier and its batteries from the cable and thereby allows the amplifier to be connected directly to earth ^ and to be effectively shielded from local electrical disturbances. Without the transformer or other means to insulate the amplifier from the cable it would be impossible to use an earthed amplifier and at the same time to secure the advantage of the balanced sea-earth in eliminating interference. The requirements for this transformer are very severe since it must be effective for frequencies as low as 0.2 cycle per second and at the same time must be con- structed so that it will not pick up the external electrical disturbances generally prevalent in cable stations. The use of a permalloy core and a permalloy shield has made it possible to meet these requirements in an instrument occupying less than one third of a cubic foot. Connected between the successive stages of the amplifier are the signal-shaping networks A^3, Ni and N^. These networks serve both to adjust the shape of the signal and to reduce the efifects of inter- ference outside of the signal range. Considerable advantage is gained from the fact that there are in the entire system five signal- shaping networks, each separated from its neighbors by either the cable or the vacuum tubes. This arrangement permits independent adjustment of the separate networks with very little interaction between them and greatly facilitates the systematic correction of signal shape. The values of the various resistances, inductances and capacities in the networks at the receiving end depend, of course, on the cable as well as on the type of telegraph apparatus employed; for this reason most of the important circuit elements are made adjustable. The adjustments are made by trial, but in spite of the apparent complexity of the networks, which are more elaborate than would be required for any given cable with fixed operating requirements, the adjustments necessary to adapt the apparatus to any particular conditions can be made quite systematically. After the shaping adjustments required for a particular cable have been worked out, which usually takes not more than a few days, the amplifier can be adjusted for any speed in the range of the cable in a few minutes. »The earth connection for the amplifier is preferably made to a short " sea-earth" conductor terminated on the cable sheath at a few miles from shore. The same earth conductor may be used for a transmitting earth. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 249 The output of the ampHfier may be appHed to a siphon recorder or to relays, as desired, and the amount of ampHfication may be adjusted over a wide range to meet the requirements of any particular case. In general the power amplification needed for automatic operation of a loaded cable at its maximum speed is of the order of 10,000,000 times, which corresponds to 70 TU. The external appearance of the signal-shaping amplifier is shown in Fig. 6. All of the receiving circuit elements shown in Fig. 5 Fig. 6 — Signal-shaping amplifier are contained in its shielded case which is made of ample size so that all of the essential apparatus units within it are readily accessible. Great care has been used in the design and construction of the amplifier unit to protect the circuit elements within it from moisture and to prevent leakage or electrostatic coupling. The output terminals of the amplifier may be connected directly to a siphon recorder or to a suitable relay. However, when the amplifier is used for the operation of relays and multiplex printing telegraph apparatus, there is associated with it an additional piece of apparatus called the relay control desk 250 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which is shown in Fig. 7. In this unit is provided means for control and adjustment of the relays and also means to compensate the type of signal distortion commonly described as the "wandering zero" which results from the inability of the system as shown in Fig. 5 to transmit direct current. ©'© ■^'i ! I B^ T a 1 1 Fig. 7 — Relay control desk Amplifiers of the type described are in commercial operation at all terminals of the Western Union and Deutsch Atlantische loaded cables. In this extensive commercial use they have been shown to require considerably less maintenance than the moving-coil instruments which are commonly used on non-loaded cables, and in fact the loss of time in operation due to troubles in the amplifiers has been almost entirely negligible. It is of interest to note that it has been possible HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 251 on numerous occasions to operate cables with these ampHfiers during the entire course of severe thunder storms with the loss of only an occasional letter due to lightning discharges. Apparatus for Automatic Operation The first operating tests of the New York-Azores cable were made with the signal-shaping amplifier described in the preceding section. For these tests cable-code operation with a siphon recorder was employed, this type of operation being chosen because it would Fig. 8 — High-speed cable-code transmitter permit direct comparison of the behavior of the loaded cable with that of ordinary cables. The ordinary cable-code transmitters and siphon recorders were, however, incapable of operation at the predicted speed of over 1500 letters per minute and a new transmitter and recorder had to be provided for testing and demonstrating the operation of the new cable. The high-speed transmitter which was developed for these tests is shown in Fig. 8. This transmitter makes use of the ordinary perfo- rated tape used with standard types of cable transmitters but instead of opening and closing contacts by mechanical means it employs pneumatic means for this purpose, the perforated transmitting tape being utilized in the manner of the perforated sheet in a player-piano. 252 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL A commutator and relays associated with the pneumatic apparatus serve to equaUze the lengths of the transmitted signals and to provide any desired ratio of "marking" to "spacing." This transmitter is capable of operating at speeds up to about 2500 letters per minute. The high-speed siphon recorder is shown in Fig. 9. It differs from the standard instrument in many respects. A very light moving coil is supported horizontally in the strong field of an electromagnet by a bifilar suspension. A very light rigid arm attached to the coil carries a siphon pen only about 2 cm. long which writes on ordinary Fig. 9 — High-speed siphon recorder recorder tape drawn rapidly over a vertical table. This instrument may also be operated at 2500 letters per minute with cable-code and makes a record similar to that of the standard siphon recorder. Both of these instruments and the signal-shaping amplifier were provided in advance of laying the first permalloy-loaded cable and were used on the first tests. A record of an early test message made on the New York-Horta cable at a speed of 1920 letters per minute is shown in Fig. 10. Since this first cable terminated at the Azores Islands where there was no immediate demand for the full speed of which the cable was capable, the first commercial operation was conducted at a speed of only about 800 letters per minute. This was obtained with a standard cable-code transmitter and a standard type of recorder used with the signal-shaping amplifier. The cable was operated alternately in the two directions as required to accommodate traffic, the reversal of HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 253 direction of operation being controlled manually. While this type of operation served well to carry the limited traffic then available, it was not suited for efficient operation of the cable at its maximum speed, both because of the practical difficulty of dividing the rapidly received recorder tape among the three or more operators who would be required to translate it, and because of the delays resulting from manual control of reversal of direction. To make efficient use of a high-speed telegraph cable requires some means of adapting it to the practical limitations of machines and operators, preferably by the provision of a number of separate channels of operation, each of which may be worked at a speed con- THE WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY FRESHEST EGGS AT BOTTOM MARKET PRICES SHE IS HIS SISTER Fig. 10 — Test message transmitted over New York-Horta cable at a speed of 1920 letters per minute, Nov. 14, 1924 sistent with the pace of a single operator at each end of the cable. With such multi-channel operation it is obviously necessary to provide means for either simultaneous two-way working or automatic means for direction reversal which shall not interfere with the independent operation of the several channels. Also it is very desirable to provide for automatically printing the received messages. There are two principal methods which have been used to secure multi-channel operation with a single telegraph line — the carrier current method and the multiplex distributor method. By the former the separate channels are obtained by the modulation of separate carrier frequencies in accordance with the telegraphic signals, the line being simultaneously shared by all the channels; by the latter the line is passed in rotation from one channel to the next so that the line time is in effect divided equally among the several channels. Either method or a combination of the two can be applied to a loaded cable. The carrier current method has for several years been used on the loaded cables of the Cuban-American Telephone Co. between 254 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Key West and Havana and has also been used on some non-loaded cables and quite extensively on land lines. The multiplex distributor method is used widely on land lines and has also been used to some extent on non-loaded cables. Of the two the multiplex distributor method makes more effective use of the line when the frequency- range is limited to about 100 cycles per second or less and the carrier current method is more effective when a considerably wider frequency- range is available. Since the frequency-range provided by the New York-Horta cable extended to about 60 cycles per second, the multiplex distributor method was the more effective means for providing multiple channels on this cable and was accordingly adopted. With the multiplex distributor method of separating channels several different systems of operation employing different signal codes are possible and several different codes have been practically applied. Among these are the cable-code, the three-unit three-element code and the five-unit two-element or Baudot-type code. To determine which of the several possible systems can give the greater speed of operation is an extremely complex problem since it requires consideration not only of the number of characters or letters and their frequency of occurrence in messages but also of the line characteristics and the nature of interference. From the practical point of view, however, the multiplex system, which employes a code of the Baudot type, has the great advantage of availability of perfected transmitting and printing apparatus and, in view of this advantage, there seems little doubt of this being the best system for the immediate practical realization of the possibilities of a loaded transoceanic cable. In this system the line-time is divided into as many parts as there are channels of communication and each of these parts is divided into five units. The line is thus used in effect to transmit five successive signal units of either positive or negative polarity from one transmitter to its corresponding receiver, thereby sending one letter or character over one channel. It is next used to send similarly another letter on another channel and so on until a letter has been sent over each channel , whereupon a second letter is started over the first channel. Although multiplex distributors for land lines had long been avail- able, the standard apparatus was not suitable for realization of the full advantage of the permalloy-loaded cable. This was appreciated from the first, and long before the manufacture of a loaded cable was started the development of a system for operating it was undertaken. In several important respects the apparatus developed for the cable is different from that used on land lines. Two-way operation is provided by automatic reversal of the direction HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 255 of sending. This is accomplished by driving from the multiplex distributor a reversing mechanism which switches the cable from sending eastward to sending westward or vice- versa at regular intervals without the loss or mutilation of a character on any channel. To adapt the apparatus to the demands for trafihc, the intervals of reversal are made capable of variation over a considerable range so that the system can be used, for example, alternately one minute eastward and ten minutes westward or three minutes eastward and three minutes westward, only about five seconds being lost at each reversal. -^ — I — I — I — I — I — I — 1 — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I ' I I I I I I I WESTERN I , . I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I — I — I — I — , — 1 — I — 1 B Fig. 11 — Sent and received signals. A, Signal, sent at speed suitable for plain relay operation; B, Received signal shaped for simple relay; C, Signal sent at twice speed oi A; D, Received signal shaped for vibrating relay. (These records were made in the laboratory with an artificial line and accordingly do not show the interference which would be present in the case of a cable operated at maximum speed.) To secure the maximum speed of operation, use is made of the "synchronous vibrating relay," a method of signal restoration de- veloped in the course of our laboratory studies of apparatus for loaded cables. The synchronous vibrating relay takes advantage of the principle of the Gulstad vibrating relay, which has been extensively used on both land-lines and cables, but possesses a further advantage in that use is made of the synchronous multiplex distributor to secure the most effective application of this principle. To describe and explain the circuits and apparatus of the syn- 256 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL chronous vibrating relay would be beyond the scope of this paper but the way in which it permits an advantage in speed of operation may readily be appreciated from a consideration of the signals shown in Fig. 11. Consider first the conditions in plain relay operation without the use of the vibrating relay principle. The signal train A, Fig. 11, represents the word "western" as translated into the code used in the multiplex printing telegraph system. If this word is transmitted over the combined cable and distortion-correcting networks at a suitable speed for plain relay operation, it will be received in the form, B, in which a t'-ansmitted impulse of unit length has resulted in a received impulse of about the same amplitude as that of impulses two or more units long. A simple relay operated by the signal train, B, will substantially reproduce the original transmitted train, A. Consider now the signal train, C, in which the same word "western" is transmitted at twice the speed of A. With the same adjustment of cable and terminal networks it will be received in the form, D, in which impulses of two units of length are received with the same amplitude as that with which the unit length impulse was received in B, whereas the amplitude of a succession of received reversals of unit length in D is reduced nearly to zero. Obviously, if D were applied to a simple relay, it would not cause the original signal train, C, to be reproduced. However, C can be reproduced from D by means of the synchronous vibrating relay which is arranged to supply impulses of unit length locally, unless prohibited from so doing by currents due to impulses of two or more units of length. One may regard the cable and terminal networks as converting the transmitted two-element (plus and minus) signals into three-element (plus, zero and minus) signals which the vibrating relay reconverts into two- element signals, and in this way permits operation at a speed which is much higher than is possible with a plain relay. With the Gulstad relay or with minor modifications of it, the locally interpolated im- pulses are supplied from a local vibrating circuit and do not always occur at exactly the right time to be most effective. With the synchronous vibrating relay, these impulses are controlled by the distributor and are therefore introduced at precisely the right time. It is interesting to note that this can be done in a system in which the incoming signals control the rate of the distributor. Another feature of the apparatus for the loaded cable is its high degree of precision and refinement. The cost of a cable relative to that of even the most refined apparatus is so great that no considerable sacrifice of speed can be justified by ordinary economies in apparatus. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 257 Accordingly, the efficiency to be gained by extreme precision has been sought, and to achieve this desired precision has required radical departure from the design used in land line apparatus. A photograph of one of the distributors used on the New York-Horta-Emden line is shown in Fig. 12. On this line three 5-channel distributors are used, one each at New York, Horta and Emden. Within a few seconds after one of five operators at New York prepares a perforated Fig. 12 — Multiplex distributor used on New York-Horta-Emden line Strip on a machine resembling a typewriter, the message appears in typewritten form in Emden on a strip ready for delivery or retrans- mission over a land line. While the system which I have roughly described is one which was developed principally with regard to use on a particular cable, the principal features embodied in it are applicable to any long loaded cable of the type discussed in this paper. The details of the apparatus which should be used on any cable are of course dependent on the particular requirements to be met and each installation must be engineered for its special needs if the full benefit of loading is to be realized. 17 258 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Electrical Measurements of Loaded Cables To check the assumptions made in the design of the first cables, and to obtain the information necessary for the design of the ultimate operating equipment, extensive electrical measurements were made on the three Western Union cables after they had been laid. From an analysis of these measurements the several electrical parameters of the cables were determined. To do this required new apparatus and methods, the development of which was by no means a small part of the total effort involved in the first project. Since a review of some of the methods of measurement has been given in a recent paper by J. J. Gilbert,^" the present discussion will be limited to the apparatus and methods which seem to be of particular interest. One of the most important tools in all our investigations concerned with the permalloy-loaded cable was the string oscillograph shown in Fig. 13. From the start it was recognized that an instrument would be needed which would give an accurate record of the manner in which the currents and voltages which were being studied changed with time and, in fact, the first step in the experimental investigation of the cable problem was to search for a suitable oscillograph. For- tunately it was not necessary to look far. A string oscillograph which had been developed for sound-ranging of artillery during the World War was quickly modified and devoted to more peaceful purposes. The present instrument differs in many details from the original but retains the invaluable asset of ability to give almost instantaneously, completely developed and fixed, a distortionless picture of a wave involving any frequencies up to about 300 cycles per second. In a study like that of signal shaping, involving the determination of the efi"ect of numerous slight changes in adjustment of the apparatus, the advantage of such an instrument is obvious. This instrument was used both in the early studies of signal correction with the laboratory artificial cable and in the later measurements on the laid cables, and today is a useful adjunct in cable stations where it serves to show the character of the cable signals at any stage of their conversion into impulses for the recording instruments. A feature of particular value in studying phenomena such as extraneous interference on cables is that the oscillograph permits taking a continuous record over a period of several minutes. Other special instruments which I shall only mention, but which were developed especially for the cable experiments, were an at- tenuation meter and a low-frequency vacuum-tube oscillator to give *"" Determination of Electrical Characteristics of Loaded Telegraph Cables," B. S. T. J., July J 927. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 259 voltages of constant frequency as low as 2.5 cycles per second and of very pure wave form. To determine the various electrical parameters of the laid cable wholly from measurements at its terminals was practically impossible Fig. 13 — String oscillograph on account of the complicated manner in which the resistance and also to some degree the inductance and leakance vary with frequency. However, by combining the results of factory measurements with the results of measurements made at the cable terminals it was possible to determine the fundamental characteristics of the laid cable with a fair degree of accuracy. The method consists essentially in measuring, at a number of frequencies ranging from 5 cycles per 260 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL second to the highest frequency possible, the attenuation and delay or time-lag of trains of reversals transmitted over the cable. Attenuation was measured by transmitting square-topped reversals of constant voltage and frequency and measuring the received current by means of either an amplifier and thermocouple or an amplifier and the string oscillograph, the latter method being preferable at high frequencies where the effect of interference would prohibit accurate measurement by means of the thermocouple. The delay for steady alternating currents was measured by trans- mitting short trains of reversals alternately from the two ends of the cable, the transmitted and received trains at each terminal being recorded by means of the string oscillograph on a continuous strip of paper. Thus in a single cycle of operations the record at one terminal would show a transmitted train followed by a received train, while the record at the other terminal would consist of a received train followed by a transmitted train. Since a certain time is required for the establishment of the "steady state" condition at the receiving end, it was found desirable to base the measurement of the time of arrival and departure on a point well along in the train, say at the fifth to tenth cycle. The difference in elapsed time between sending and receiving at the two ends of the cable then gave twice the steady-state delay or "time of propagation" for the particular frequency for which measurements were made. Both attenuation and delay were measured for several current values and by extrapolation to zero current the values of these quanti- ties corresponding to a very small current amplitude could be deter- mined. Measurements made on cores in the factory under various conditions of temperature and hydrostatic pressure gave a value of capacity for the cable and from this and the measured delay the inductance could be computed. Knowing the inductance and the capacity, the effective resistance of the cable at various frequencies could be computed from the measured values of attenuation, the value of leakance being estimated from factory measurements. This value of effective resistance should agree with the value obtained by adding together the various known components of resistance. Of the com- ponents of resistance, the copper resistance and the resistance intro- duced by the loading material can be computed from measurements made in the factory. The sea-return resistance can be computed from theoretical formulas and the effect of reflections from irregu- larities along the cable can likewise be estimated. For the cables on which such measurements have been made, the values of effective resistance obtained from cable measurements agree HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 261 to within less than 5 per cent with the values computed as described. Part of this difference is probably due to the fact that the computed values of sea-return resistance are smaller than those actually en- countered on the cable. A possible explanation of this effect is that the electrical resistivity of the earth beneath the cable is considerably higher than was assumed in the theoretical development of the formula for sea-return resistance. A General Survey The preceding discussion has referred principally to the progress in certain lines of development which were chosen as best suited to accomplish the result of high-speed ocean cable telegraphy. It is of interest now to consider in a general way the field of application of loaded telegraph cables and the nature of modifications which might be made in their construction and operation. All of the loaded telegraph cables to which I have referred are relatively long. That permalloy loading should have been applied first to long cables is the natural consequence of the facts that the need for increased cable speed was principally between points far apart and that the greatest economic gain from loading could be obtained with long cables. Where high-speed cable operation was desired between points only a few hundred miles apart, it could readily be obtained with a non-loaded cable by merely making the cable large enough to give the required speed. Accordingly for short cables the operating speed was determined either by the demand for communication or by limitations of terminal apparatus. But where the necessary length was of the order of 2000 miles or more, even the heaviest cables which were considered practicable to lay and maintain were limited by the inherent characteristics of non-loaded cables to relatively low speeds, and it was accordingly for such great distances that the manifold speed advantage of the permalloy-loaded cable was of the greatest value. To give a fair numerical estimate of the advantage of loading long cables is extremely difficult since the result depends so much on the basis of comparison and the limitations of size and operating require- ments which are imposed. Probably the most nearly fair basis of comparison would be the relation of cost to speed for the old and for the new cables, but to make such a comparison requires data on cost which is forever changing. An interesting basis of comparison from the technical point of view is the ratio of the traffic capacity of a non- loaded cable operated duplex to that of a loaded cable operated 262 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL simplex, both cables being of the same length and size. The latter condition will be met if the diameter of the loaded conductor measured over the permalloy is the same as that of the copper conductor of the non-loaded cable and if the thickness of gutta-percha is the same for both. On this basis one can say that for cables of lengths from about 2000 to 3500 miles the loaded cable has approximately five times the traffic capacity of the corresponding non-loaded cable, this gain being obtained, of course, with a relatively small increase of cost. A similar comparison might be made for shorter cables but it would have relatively little significance since in any practical case the loaded cable would probably not be made to have the greatest possible speed consistent with practicable size but would be designed with regard to the limitations of terminal apparatus or connecting lines. The problem becomes more complex as the assumed length is reduced since the shorter is the cable the greater are the number of possible ways of obtaining the desired speed and the more is the speed de- pendent on terminal equipment. It is, however, safe to say that, where the demand for communication is sufficiently great, loading will prove advantageous for cables of all lengths down to perhaps 100 miles or less, but for cables much less than 2000 miles long the electrical design of any particular cable will depend greatly on the use which is to be made of it. In view of the great gain due to loading long cables it is most probable that all very long cables of the future will be loaded and it is likewise probable that long cables will be used in some cases where previously several short non-loaded sections with repeating apparatus would have been used. Loading will also be used to a considerable extent on shorter cables but it should not be expected that all of the shorter cables will be loaded since there are many cases where the demands for communication which can now be foreseen are so limited that they can be met more economically by non-loaded than by loaded cables. In Malcolm's prediction of the loaded ocean cable, to which I have previously referred, he went so far as to suggest that even though the first loaded ocean cable would probably be of the continuously loaded type, ultimately coil-loading might be resorted to. Malcolm, of course, was not in a position to take into account the eff"ect of such a radically new material as permalloy, and with the materials which were known to him coil-loading appeared to offer possibilities which continuous loading did not. It is interesting therefore to examine the present apparent merits of coil-loading with regard to its application to transoceanic cables. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 263 An obvious great difficulty with coil-loaded deep-sea cables lies in the mechanical problem of laying a cable to which coils are attached or in which coils are inserted in a way to give a mechanical irregularity. Unless the coils could be made extremely small their presence would certainly interfere with passing the cable smoothly through the paying- out machinery. Cable laying and repairing are sufficiently difficult and hazardous under the most favorable conditions and any alteration in cable structure which would make these tasks more difficult is certainly to be avoided if possible. Permalloy cores for loading coils might, however, to some degree eliminate this objection to coil- loading, since with a permalloy core the loading coils may be made smaller with the result that less difficulty would be caused by the increased size of the cable at the points where the coils were inserted. The problems of maintaining good insulation and sound joints at the loading coils are probably much more serious. Conductor joints in a cable are frequently subject to considerable stress and even with the relatively simple joints required for ordinary deep-sea cables trouble is occasionally experienced. With loading coils inserted in the cable both the coils and the joints between the coils and the core must be subject to great stress, and since the coils must be many in number to be effective, the probability of faults with even the best imaginable construction would be greatly increased. From the electrical point of view an apparent advantage of coil- loading is that it might conceivably permit adding the required inductance without introducing so much a.c resistance and thereby permit more closely approximating the ideal loaded cable. On the other hand, coil-loading has an electrical disadvantage which has not generally been appreciated but which is of serious practical consequence. This disadvantage lies in the distortion of signal-shape arising from the lumped character of the line. With uniform con- tinuous loading the line is electrically smooth; such a line may introduce distortion but this distortion can be compensated for by terminal apparatus. With coil-loading the line is, in effect, a net- work of as many sections as there are loading coils. Such a line introduces a new type of distortion which arises in the so-called filter oscillations. Although it is theoretically possible to compensate for this effect by terminal networks, the circuits required are extremely complex and practically the limit of speed is set by the frequency of signal impulses at which filter oscillations begin to cause serious distortion. This effect can be practically eliminated by making the distances between coils sufficiently small, but as the distance between coils is diminished the otherwise possible advantages of coil-loading are likewise diminished. 264 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Even if it could be shown that all of the apparent objections to coil-loading could be overcome, I think it is highly improbable that coil-loading would be resorted to for long deep-sea telegraph cables. Continuous loading has been given a practical trial and has proved successful and does not add greatly to the cost of a cable. Coil- loading involves risks which there is now no need to assume and its economic advantage, if any, is certainly small in proportion to the whole cost of a cable installation. Though continuous loading as applied in several particular instances has been successful, there is no occasion to assume that the develop- ment of the art of continuous loading is completed. Modifications in continuous loading can be introduced with relatively little risk and are justified if an economic advantage can be shown. Also cable construction, apart from the loading, may be modified so as to realize more completely the advantages which loading affords. It is therefore of interest to consider some of the ways in which continuously loaded cables of the future might be different from those of the present. Loading materials can be produced with different magnetic prop- erties and to a limited extent the resistivity of alloys may be altered by control of composition. Higher permeability is not necessarily desirable since with increased permeability goes also increased effective resistance due to energy losses in the permalloy. In the case of any particular cable with practical limitations of dimen- sions, materials and costs there is an optimum permeability which, in general, is lower the higher is the frequency for which the cable is designed. Short cables designed for very high frequencies will accordingly require lower permeability than has been required for the long cables which have been made. For cables of all lengths and speeds a high degree of constancy of magnetic permeability with regard to magnetizing force is desirable. With the New York-Horta cable the inductance increases about 50 per cent when the current is increased from 0.001 to 0.1 ampere. The relative increase is less for some of the later cables, owing to improvements in loading. A loading material of high electrical resistivity is, of course, always advantageous. There are other ways of applying continuous loading than that of Krarup. For example, the magnetic material may be electroplated onto the conductor. Such modifications may eventually come into use but the need for them does not appear to be great in the case of long deep-sea cables and there is not much economic incentive for their development. Accordingly I do not believe that changes of this type are likely to alter greatly the possibilities of submarine cables for telegraphy over long distances. HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 265 The cost and physical characteristics of insulating materials are, of course, factors of great importance. With few exceptions gutta- percha or compounds consisting mostly of gutta-percha have been used for long submarine cables. The cost of the gutta-percha insula- tion is a large part of the whole cost of a cable and the fact that its cost is high leads to using the least amount consistent with maintaining safe insulation. If a very much cheaper substitute or one of superior electrical properties were available, the basis of design of loaded deep- sea cables might be somewhat changed. Even the sheath of armor wires is capable of considerable improve- ment as regards its effect on the behavior of a loaded cable. As pointed out previously, the sheath introduces electrical resistance due to the fact that it carries some of the return current which at high frequencies tends to concentrate around the cable. Armor wire of higher resistivity would introduce less resistance in this way or an electrical improvement might be obtained by consideration of this effect in the mechanical design of the cable sheath. At very high frequencies where the return current is closely concentrated around the cable the armor wire has an opposite effect and an improvement can be obtained by decreasing its resistance or by the addition of other conductors in parallel with it as was done on the Key West- Havana telephone cables. Some electrical resistance is introduced by the magnetic coupling between the sheath and the conductor due to the helical shape of the loading material and the armor wires. This effect is small in the cables which have been made but might be large in higher speed cables and should be taken into account in the design of such cables. A similar effect results from the use of the ordinary teredo tape on loaded cables. With improvements in materials and construction which permit higher operating speeds and with the demand for more efficient means of handling a large volume of cable traffic, greater importance will doubtless be attached to duplex or simultaneous two-way operation, and it is of interest to consider some of the ways in which duplex operation might be secured. Of course there is no reason to assume that the loaded cables which have already been laid will not eventually be operated duplex although they were designed primarily with simplex operation in view. From the studies of both types of opera- tion which we have made it appears more economical for the present to operate the existing transatlantic loaded cables one way at a time. Indeed this type of operation with automatic reversing apparatus possesses many advantages over the ordinary duplex methods applied to non-loaded cables. If, however, a loaded cable were designed 266 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL originally with regard to duplex operation, the possible advantage of applying duplex apparatus to it would obviously be greater than it is for any of the existing loaded cables. There are many ways in which the design of a cable might be modified to make duplex operation more advantageous than it is on the present cables, and the problem is much too complex to permit very detailed discussion here. Improvements in constancy of in- ductance with variation in current and in reduction of alternating- current resistance factors would be of obvious advantage. A tapered cable with high inductance in the middle and low inductance at the ends would also have advantages in this connection and to a limited extent tapering has already been applied to the Pacific Cable Board's loaded cables by arranging the component parts of these cables during manufacture with regard to their inductance. One of the most attractive methods of duplexing, which would also provide great flexibility of operation, is to use carrier current operation in one direction and ordinary telegraph operation in the opposite direction. Non-loaded cables are ordinarily duplexed by balancing the cable at each end with an artificial line which permits separation of the weak incoming signals from the strong outgoing ones and the limit of speed is usually set by the accuracy with which the cable may be balanced by the artificial line. By using carrier current operation in one direction and ordinary telegraphic operation in the opposite direction the incoming and outgoing signals may be separated by the combined use of artificial lines and frequency filters, in the manner long since employed on the Key West-Havana cables for carrier currents above the voice-frequency range. To design a cable for carrier current operation would, of course, require consideration of its behavior at much higher frequencies than those employed on the existing long loaded cables and would probably call for very high resistivity loading material applied in a very thin layer. The recent spectacular development of radio both for telephony and telegraphy has raised in the minds of all the question as to whether there is any future left for ocean cable telegraphy. Opinions on this question will doubtless differ. My own opinion is that for short distances across the sea, where the demand for communication is considerable, cables always have offered more economical and satis- factory communication than radio and will probably continue to do so. For long over-sea distances I believe the cables would have faced a serious situation in competition from radio had not permalloy loading been brought forth. Now permalloy loading has so reduced that part of the total cost per word for which the cable itself is responsible HIGH-SPEED OCEAN CABLE TELEGRAPHY 267 that the financial advantage of radio can never be very great. It has yet to be shown that radio telegraphy can furnish as reliable and satisfactory service as is now provided by the cables. How long the cables will continue in the leading position remains for time to tell, but it is significant that the cable companies have gone courageously ahead with new projects, and it is evident that only a much higher degree of perfection of radio communication than has yet been attained can permit wresting from the cable the advantage which it has so long maintained. The Present Status of Wire Transmission Theory and Some of its Outstanding Problems By JOHN R. CARSON Synopsis: The rapid development in the technique of wire transmission and the increasing complexity of the problems involved calls for a more adequate theoretical guide and a more rigorous transmission theory. This paper gives an account, practically without mathematics, of classical transmission theory and its limitations; of the several ways the problem may be attacked more fundamentally and rigorously, and the lines along which transmission theory must be extended, as the writer has come to view the problem in the light of his own experience. IN the present paper the term wire transmission theory will be under- stood to mean the mathematical theory of guided wave propaga- tion along a system of parallel conductors; which is supposed to be geometrically and electrically uniform throughout its length. The theory of wave propagation along such a system is of fundamental theoretical and practical importance to the communication engineer and presents some extremely interesting and difficult problems to the mathematician. The development of the elementary or classical theory will first be briefly sketched, after which the rigorous mathe- matical theory will be discussed together with some of the important unsolved problems. Historically wire transmission theory goes back to the early work of Kelvin and Heaviside. It is based on the simple idea that a trans- mission line (say consisting of two similar and equal wires in which equal and opposite currents flow) can be represented as consisting of uniformly distributed series inductance and resistance and shunt capacitance and leakance, these concepts deriving from electrostatics and elementary circuit theory. In accordance with this idea, if X denote the axis of propagation, the current / and voltage V are related by the familiar equations 4 + ^)^ = -^^' (^^) 4t + <')''= -I'- ('"> (2) Writing these in the usual form ZI = dx ^' YV = -A/ dx ' 268 WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 269 where Z is the uniformly distributed series impedance and Y the shunt admittance per unit length, it is easy to show that I and V satisfy the differential equations y'-^.)v=o, 1=0, (3) where y^ = ZY. The solution of these equations is I = Ae--^' - Be"', (4) V = kAe-^' + kBe^'. 7 = VZF is called the propagation constant and k = -{zJY the characteristic impedance of the line. A and B are integration con- stants which must be so chosen as to satisfy the boundary conditions (continuity of current and potential at the line terminals). The first term represents a direct wave, the second a reflected wave, their rela- tive values depending on terminal reflections and the terminal im- pressed electromotive forces. We see therefore that in accordance with elementary or classical transmission theory, the current and potential waves are both express- ible as unique simple exponentially propagated direct and reflected waves, the values of which are determined by the continuity of current and potential at the line terminals. The characteristics of the line appear only through two parameters, the propagation constant 7 and the characteristic impedance k. Generalizing the preceding, consider a system of n parallel wires, parallel to the surface of the earth. The differential equations for such a system, in terms of elementary transmission theory, are ^ tz^^h = -j-^Vi U= 1, 2.-.«), f:Y,,V,= -^li {j= 1, 2-..n). t=i ox (5) Here the physical system is represented by the parameters Zjk and Yjk, the Z parameters being the series impedances (self and mutual) and the Y parameters the shunt admittances. If the differential operator djdx is replaced by 7, thus confining attention to exponentially propagated waves, and if either the potential V or the current / is * See references 9 and 10. 270 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL eliminated from (5), we get a set of n homogeneous equations in I or F, the determinant of which must vanish for a non-trivial solution. This determinant is a function of 7^ and it has in general « roots in 7-, indicating 71 possible modes of propagation, with corresponding char- acteristic impedances kjk- The general solution is then of the form Here Ajk, Bjk are integration constants, the number of independent constants being 2w. These are determined by the 2w boundary con- ditions at the physical terminals of the system ; that is, the continuity of the 11 currents and n potentials. The solution represents n direct and n reflected current waves, which in general are propagated with different attenuations and different phase velocities. The conclusions derivable from the classical theory sketched above may be summarized as follows: In a system of n parallel conductors there are in general n modes of propagation, that is, n direct and n reflected waves, which may be termed the normal modes of propaga- tion. The distribution of the wave energy among the n modes of propagation or n component waves, is determined by the boundary conditions, which are essentially the continuity of the currents and potentials of the n wires. The system is supposed to be completely specified by the self and mutual series impedances and the self and mutual shunt admittances of the n conductors, while in the solution for the waves the physical and electrical characteristics of the line enter only through the propagation constants and corresponding characteristic impedances. Before analyzing the theoretical basis of the preceding elementary theory, and showing its limitations, an interesting and practically important extension will be briefly touched on. The equations of the theory given above presuppose that the impressed electromotive forces are concentrated at the terminals of the system, and that in the line itself the electric and magnetic fields are due entirely to the currents and charges of the conductors, and consequently that the distribution of current and charge is determined entirely by their own fields. Suppose, however, that the system is in addition exposed throughout its length to an impressed field, from some disturbing source; then the preceding theory must be modified to take into account the effect of this additional field. To take the simplest case, consider a single wire parallel to the surface of the earth (ground return circuit). Let us suppose that this wire is exposed to an arbitrary field specified by an WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 271 axial electric force/ at the surface of the wire and an impressed poten- tial F (line integral of electric force to ground). The differential equations are then ^ ^^=-£^+^' (Here g is a shunt admittance. See reference 10.) Writing 7 = V(L«co + R){Cii^ + G), k '- + ^ this reduces to the differential equation ^' -§?)'= If +4."- w The solution of this equation and its practical significance have been discussed in a recent paper. The resulting analysis is of considerable practical importance in connection with the theory and design of the wave antenna and the problems of 'cross-talk' and induction. The elementary or classical theory sketched above is essentially based on the simple concepts of electric circuit theory and its beautiful simplicity is a consequence of the fact that it is approximate only. For example the circuit parameters are only approximately calculable from the geometry of the system and its electrical constants and then only when the problem is treated as a two-dimensional one in which the variation of current and charge along the system is ignored as well as the finite velocity of propagation of their fields. Going further, it is by no means evident that even the form of the equations is rigorous. (We shall find that the form is rigorously valid only in an ideal case.) In the extension of elementary transmission theory, then, the first problem, as the writer sees it, is to examine the conditions under which the specification of the system by series impedance and shunt admittance parameters is justified; that is, to establish the conditions under which the classical form of the differential equations is valid. The second phase of this problem is to formulate a general method for calculating these circuit parameters in terms of the geom- etry and electrical constants of the system. The investigation of these problems leads to still further problems, arising from the fact *See reference (10). 272 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL that the solutions of elementary theory, when valid, are only particular solutions, and therefore do not, in general, represent the complete wave. ^ In taking up this problem it is necessary to discard the simple concepts underlying classical transmission theory and attack the problem, ah initio, by aid of Maxwell's equation. Otherwise stated, our problem is to find solutions of the wave equation which satisfy the boundary conditions at the surfaces of the conductors, that is, the continuity of the tangential component of E and H, and therefore represent physically possible waves. To put the matter otherwise, we shall place ourselves in the position of a mathematician, unacquainted with circuit theory or classical transmission theory, for whom the laws governing propagation of electromagnetic waves are formulated only by Maxwell's equations. His procedure in developing the theory of transmission along wires would be totally different from the way the theory has actually been developed. Starting with Maxwell's equations he would find that the electric and magnetic vectors satisfy a partial differential equation called the wave equation. He would then search for particular solu- tions of the wave equation which satisfy the geometry and electrical constants of the system, and therefore represent physically possible waves. The results of such a mode of approach to the problem are sketched below. To formulate the problem concretely, consider a system of n parallel conductors, parallel to the (plane) surface of the earth, and extending along the positive X axis. The conductors may have any cross- sectional shape desired, but it is expressly assumed that they do not vary electrically or geometrically along the axis of transmission X (except at points of discontinuity or the terminals) ; that is to say, the transmission system is uniform along the axis of transmission. Now in any medium of conductivity a, permeability /i and dielectric constant e, the electric and magnetic vectors satisfy the wave equation * where v^ = Airaniu} — (jp'lv^, o) = 27r times the frequency, = v=n:. and F may be any component electric or magnetic vector. * See reference (11). WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 273 We now suppose that solutions of the type /7 = /(3;, s)g(i"'-yx) (11) exist, where f{y, z) is a two-dimensional wave function satisfying the two-dimensional wave equation (|-' + £)^=(*^--')-^- ('^> In other words we search for exponentially propagated waves of this type; that is, waves which involve the spatial coordinate x only exponentially. It is well known that solutions of this type exist when the transmission system is uniform along the X axis. The mathematical analysis of the problem outlined above is dealt with in detail in my paper 'The Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission along Wires' (ref. 11) and the outstanding conclusions of that analysis are as follows : The form of the differential equations of classical transmission theory is rigorously valid, that is, the system is specified rigorously by its self and mutual series impedances and shunt admittances, only for the ideal case of a system consisting of perfect conductors embedded in a perfect dielectric. In this case j^^ — 7^ = 0 in the dielectric; v"^ = 00 in the conductors, and the propagation constant 7 is icA^/v, indicating unattenuated transmission with the velocity of light, V = l/VeAt. The wave is a pure plane guided wave, and the electric and magnetic fields are derivable from two wave functions, one a linear function of the conductor charges and the other a linear function of the conductor currents, the determination of which, in terms of the geometry of the system, is reduced to the solution of a well-known potential problem. Such a system, the ideal for guided wave transmission, is of course unrealizable, since there are always losses in both conductors and dielectric. For efficient transmission, however, the losses must be small and the guided wave must approximate the plane wave of the ideal case. Let us suppose, therefore, that the losses in the system are so small that in the dielectric, in the neighborhood of the conductors, we can set j/2 — y = 0, and that in the conductors the conductivity is so high that v^ — 7^ may be replaced by v^ without appreciable error. Under the circumstances where these approximations are valid it is found that the electric and magnetic fields in the dielectric and the current distribution over the cross-sections of the conductors are likewise derivable from two wave functions which are linear functions 18 274 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of the conductor charges and currents respectively. The first of these is determined in terms of the geometry of the system by the solution of the same two-dimensional potential problem as in the ideal case, while the second is determined in terms of the geometry and electrical constants of the system, by a generalized two-dimensional potential problem.* Otherwise stated, to the approximations explained above the system may be regarded as specified by self and mutual series impedances and self and mutual shunt admittances, and these are calculable by the solution of the two-dimensional potential problems. The solution of the differential equations leads, precisely as in the classical theory, to an wth order equation in 7^, indicating n modes of propagation. Moreover, the n corresponding waves, which will, for reasons explained below, be termed the principal waves, are quasi- plane. This means that, in the dielectric the axial electric intensity is in general small compared with the electric intensity in the plane normal to the axis of transmission; or, more broadly stated, the departure of the waves from true planarity is due entirely to dissipa- tion in conductors and dielectric. A plane wave is here understood to mean a wave in which Ex = Hx = 0. Now it is important to observe that in arriving at the foregoing result we have introduced at the outset approximations and assump- tions regarding the order of magnitude of the propagation constant 7 which depend on the assumption that the transmission losses are small. Fortunately these assumptions are justified, and the resulting approxi- mate solutions are valid to a high degree of accuracy, in those systems which can be employed for the efficient guided transmission of electro- magnetic energy; otherwise stated, the mathematical restrictions correspond to the actual requirements for efficient transmission. If, however, either the conductors or the dielectric become sufficiently imperfect, the approximations introduced and the resulting wave solutions become increasingly inaccurate and unreliable. Suppose now that we attack the problem in a still more fundamental way: discard the assumptions regarding the order of magnitude of 7, introduced above, and attempt to deal with the problem and the solution of the wave equation in its general form. The case then is entirely different and vastly more complicated. In general, the solu- tion can not be carried out, but a few simple systems have been studied and the results of this analysis may be generalized as follows: * in a system of n parallel conductors there exist, in addition to the n principal modes ot propagation, an w-fold infinity of other modes of propagation, *See reference (8). ' See reference (5). WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 275 which will be termed complementary modes of propagation. In general, the corresponding complementary waves differ from the principal waves in that they are not quasi-plane and are very rapidly attenuated. Consequently it appears that as regards the currents and charges, and the fields near the conductors, the effect of the complementary waves is usually appreciable only in the neighborhood of the physical terminals of the system so that at a distance from the terminals, usually small, they are represented with sufficient accuracy by the principal waves alone. At a great distance from the conductors, however, it appears that the errors resulting from ignoring the fields of the complementary waves may be large ; in fact the complementary waves must be expressly included to take into account the phenomena of radiation. The practical as distinguished from the theoretical importance of the foregoing resides in the fact that the principal waves corresponding to those of elementary theory represent the transmission phenomena accurately only at some distance from the physical terminals of the line and then only in the neighborhood of the wires. This defect may be of small practical consequence when the conductors all consist of wires of small cross section. When, however, conductors of large cross sections, or the ground, form part of the transmission system, the theory may be quite inadequate for some purposes. In particular, in calculating inductive disturbances in neighboring transmission systems at a considerable distance it may lead to large errors. The discussion given above is based in part on a mathematical analysis of simple representative systems, in part on inferences from physical considerations. Unfortunately a direct frontal attack and rigorous solution of the general problem appears impossible. For example, in addition to finding the infinitely many modes of propaga- tion the corresponding infinitely many complementary waves must be so chosen as to satisfy the boundary conditions at the physical terminals. In the classical theory these boundary conditions are simply the continuity of currents and potentials; in the rigorous formulation of the problem they are the continuity of Ey, Ez, Hy, Ht throughout the entire boundary plane (x = 0). Even to formulate these conditions involves specifying the impressed field throughout the plane and this is never given explicitly in technical transmission problems. While, therefore, the theory sketched above leads to inferences and conclusions of importance, the writer is convinced that some more powerful and indirect mode of attack on the problem must be devised; a rather hopeful possibility along this line will be briefly described. 276 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL As stated above, it is a reasonable inference from the general theory, that the complementary waves modify the current and charge waves appreciably only in the immediate neighborhood of the physical terminals, at least in most actual transmission systems. The essence of the method to be described consists of taking advantage of this fact and directly calculating the fields of the principal current and charge waves by means of their retarded potentials,^ instead of em- ploying for calculations the principal wave fields as given by the solution of the wave equation. This will now be explained in more detail. In any transmission system energized by impressed forces introduced through terminal networks, the electromagnetic field may be analyzed as follows: (1) the impressed field, (2) the field of the terminal currents and charges, and (3) the field of the line currents and charges proper. The impressed field may be supposed to be concentrated in the terminal network, and the field of the terminal currents and charges may be supposed to be relatively unimportant except in the neigh- borhood of the terminals; what we are essentially concerned with is the field of the line currents and charges. Now let us suppose that we have calculated the principal wave in the system in the usual manner; corresponding to the resulting current and charge distribu- tion, there will then be an unique corresponding field distribution determined by the solution of the wave equation, and this field is propagated in precisely the same way as the currents. But now suppose that we calculate the field of this current and charge distribu- tion directly by means of their retarded potentials. We will find that the field so calculated is analyzable into two components: (1) a field identical with that given by the solution of the wave equation, and propagated in the same manner as the currents and charges, and (2) an additional field propagated in an entirely difi^erent way and for systems of small dissipation much more rapidly attenuated at least in the neighborhood of the conductors. We find further that the field of the principal current and charge wave does not correctly satisfy the boundary conditions at the surfaces of the conductors, which indicates that there must exist a compensating current and charge distribution. However, it appears that this compensating distribution will be relatively small and concentrated in the neighborhood of the terminals, so that we infer that its field, as calculated from its retarded potentials, can be ignored. Under such circumstances the inductive field (and the radiation field) is calculable by means ot the retarded potentials in terms of the principal wave of current and charge alone. •See reference (7). WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 277 To recapitulate this mode of attack, first determine the distribution of line currents and charges by means of elementary theory; that is, determine the principal wave distribution of currents and charges. Secondly, calculate the field of this current and charge distribution by means of the retarded potentials. This will give in addition to the field calculable from elementary theory an additional field the existence of which is not recognized by elementary theory. In brief, this mode of attack is based on the argument that the actual distribu- tion of current and charge in the system is given with sufficient accu- racy by elementary theory, but that in calculating the field at a distance, corrections must be introduced. As might be expected this mode of attack presents formidable difficulties particularly when the ground plays an important role in the transmission phenomena. On the other hand, the analysis of a few of the simplest cases has been quite encouraging and leads one to hope that the method may at least be successfully applied to calculating the orders of magnitude of corrections which must be introduced in such important problems as, for example, inductive disturbances, in neighboring transmission systems. The foregoing may appear to many as highly academic and the- oretical. The writer's actual experience with practical transmission problems has convinced him, however, that the extension of wire transmission theory along the lines indicated above is urgently needed. References The papers listed below represent recent work which deals directly or indirectly with the problems discussed in the text. The relatively large number of the writer's own papers which are listed merely reflects the fact that very few specialists are working on the advanced problems of wire transmission theory. 1. "Radiation from Transmission Lines." (Carson, Jour. A. I. E. E., Oct., 1921.) 2. "Radiation from Transmission Lines." (MannelDack, Trans. A. I. E. E., 1923.) 3. "A Generalization of the Reciprocal Theorem." (Carson, B. S. T. J., July, 1924.) 4. "Das Reziprotat Theorem der drahtlosen Telegraphic." (Sommerfeld, Jahrh. d. drahtl. Tel. u. Tel., 1925.) 5. "The Guided and Radiated Energy in Wire Transmission." (Carson, Trans. _A. I. E. E., 1924.) 6. "Ober das Feld einer Unendlich langen Wechselstromdurchfiossenen Einfach- leitung." (Pollaczek, E. N. T., 3, 1926.) 7. "Electromagnetic Theory and the Foundations of Electric Circuit Theory." (Carson, B. S. T. J., Jan., 1927.) 8. "A Generalized Two-Dimensional Potential Problem." (Carson, Bull. Am. Math. Soc, May-June, 1927.) 9. "Electromagnetic Waves, Guided by Parallel Wires." (Levin, Trans. A. I. E. £., 1927.) 10. " Propagation of Periodic Currents over a System of Parallel Wires." (Carson and Hoyt, B. S. T. J., July, 1927.) 278 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 11. "The Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission along Wires." (Carson, B. S. T. J., Jan., 1928.) 12. As a general reference, the treatise "Electrical and Optical Wave Motion," by Bateman, published by the Cambridge University Press, may be consulted with profit. Appendix The mode of attack outlined in the latter part of the text will be illustrated by an application to the simplest possible case. Let the transmission system consist of a wire of radius a whose axis coincides with the A' axis, and a coaxial c^-linder of internal radius b. Both conductors are supposed to be perfectly conducting, while the dielectric in the space between {a — p — h) \s supposed to be perfect. For this system we know that the principal wave is transmitted without attenuation with the velocity of light c; that is to say, 7 = ioj/c, where co is lir times the frequency. We suppose that the system extends for an indefinite distance along the positive X axis so that reflected waves are absent. The principal current and charge waves are then : / = /oe-^^^ Q = Q,e-'^\ (la) where /3 denotes co/c, and i = V— 1. From the relation C dt dx it follows that Q= I. (2a) Now by definition the retarded potentials are $ = j ^e-'^'dv (Scalar), A = I -e-'^'dv (Vector), where q and u denote the charge and vector current density respec- tively, r is the distance between the contributing element dv and the point at which the potential is to be calculated, and the integration is extended over the entire system of currents and charges. In terms of the retarded potentials the magnetic and electric intensities E and H are given by //= curl A, (3a) E = — grad 4> — i^A. WIRE TRANSMISSION THEORY 279 To formulate the retarded potentials ot the system under consideration we have recourse to the Sommerfeld integral ^'= r/„(,xv-..-.'.V^^^L=. (4a) r Jo VX^ - /3- where p = V/ + -^^ and Jo is the Bessel function in the usual notation. Applying this integral to the system of currents and charges under consideration, and remembering that they are surface currents and charges at p = a and p = b respectively, we get without difficulty, for X — 0, $ = (2o /o(pX)[/o(flX) - Mb\)2e Jo -xyjy--^--^ \d\ Jo(pX)[/o(aX) - /o(6X)>-VX^^ -VX^^=^ - _ which reduces to 4> = 2Qoe-'^^ I* /o(pX)[/o(aX) - /o(6X)]^ (5a) -QoJ^ -^o(pX)[/o(aX)-/o(&X)]-;^P=^|-— ^^^^^— ^ (6a) Since the currents are entirely axial, we have also Ay = Az = 0, and from (2a) A, = $. (7a) The first integral in represents a potential wave propagated along the X axis in precisely the same way as the current and charge; it will therefore be termed the homogeneous potential wave. We find further that the field derivable from the homogeneous potentials is precisely the principal wave field, as given by the particular solution of Maxwell's equation, corresponding to 7 = i^. The second integral in $ represents a potential wave propagated in an entirely different manner, and dying away for sufficiently large values of x. The corresponding field may be called, for want of a better term, the heterogeneous field, since its mode of propagation is quite different from that of the current and charge. It is this field 280 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which represents the correction which must be added to the field of elementary theory. It is beyond the scope of this brief appendix to discuss this solution in detail. It may be said, however, that, while the integrals repre- senting the heterogeneous field can not be solved in finite terms, their properties can be approximately and qualitatively deduced without much difficulty. One point of interest may be noted ; the homogeneous wave is plane, that is, the axial electric intensity is everywhere zero. If we apply to the preceding formulas the relation a we get, for the heterogeneous field, £x = - <2o /o(Xp)[/o(Xa) - /o(X&)>--^'^^^ Jo \d\ ■yJX' - /S^ The integral term in this expression is simply the retarded potential of a ring of point sources located on the circle x = 0, p = a minus the retarded potential of a corresponding ring of point charges located on the circle x = 0, p = b. Since this field does not vanish at the con- ductor surfaces p = a and p = b,it is clear that a compensating charge and current distribution must exist. Contemporary Advances in Physics — XV The Classical Theory of Light, First Part By KARL K. DARROW FOR twenty years and more we have been hearing continually about the conflict between the corpuscular and the undulatory theories of light, and it is possible that for years to come we may be hearing about a similar contest between the wave-theory and the particle-theory of matter. Furthermore, there are intimations that if an adequate theory either of light or of matter ever is attained, it will involve conceptions of waves which in certain limiting cases approach to conceptions of particles. Already it is established that the ap- propriate way to attack the typical problems of the atom consists in setting up a wave-equation, and dealing with it in the same manner as one adopts to solve the typical problem of acoustics : how to deter- mine the resonance-frequencies of a piece of elastic matter, such as a taut wire or a drumhead or a column of air in a tube. Therefore it seems opportune to restudy, with care and in detail, the great classical example of a wave-theory highly developed and widely successful — the great theory of light dimly foreshadowed by Huygens, endowed with its essential attributes by Young and Fresnel and Kirchhoff and a host of their coevals, utilized in the design of a multitude of ingenious instruments, perfected by Maxwell and connected with the theory of electricity and magnetism, and serving to this day as the basis for the theory of quanta. So doing, we shall be reminded of many triumphs of the past century of physical research, discoveries which in their time were as exciting as new quantum phenomena in ours ; we shall notice certain achievements themselves as recent as those of quanta, and perhaps not less impressive ; we shall retrace the reasonings which led to certain conclusions which the quantum-theories, unable to do with- out them and yet incompetent to derive them, have taken bodily over from their forerunner; we shall reconsider the evidence which in the litigation of a century ago caused the verdict to be rendered in favour of the wave-theory over the particle-theory; and perhaps incidentally we shall be drilling ourselves to test the evidence lately submitted and still to be submitted in the appeal of that case, and in the hearing of that other which impends. For purposes of drill it might seem better to study the example of water-waves, which are visible ; or sound-waves, of which no one denies 281 282 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the existence, and no one wishes to supplant them with quanta. Rip- ples on the surface of a pond do furnish a precious example of wave- motion, and I presume that the notion of an undulatory theory was suggested originally by these; but it is precisely because they are vis- ible that they fail to pose some of the questions which in dealing with light and matter are the most perplexing. Watching the leaves and the straws which float upon the surface of the water, one sees that they do not advance with the ripples; they are heaved up and down as the crests and the troughs of the wavelets pass them by. It is evident that the waves are not to be identified with the water; rather they are a form, a profile, a molding of the surface, which moves rapidly along while the substance of the liquid oscillates only a little. Now in this instance of the ripples on the pond, it is the relatively-immobile water which seems substantial and real, while that which is propagated as a wave appears to be merely a shape or a configuration, nothing more than a geometrical abstraction. It would seem strange and whimsical to assert that the liquid is a mere abstraction, but the waves are real. Yet we have to embrace this apparent absurdity in dealing with waves of light. The example of sound-waves shows forth the paradox quite clearly. One can feel a tuning-fork; when it begins to act as a source of sound, one can see that it is quivering, and with a stroboscope one can even follow the actual course of its motion ; it is even possible to see conden- sations and rarefactions travelling through the air, and there are numberless indirect ways of showing that sounding bodies and sound- transmitting media are matter in vibration. To the eye and to the hand, the body which vibrates is material and substantial, but not so its "vibration" — this word is only a way of saying that the shape, or the position, or the density of the body is undergoing a continuous and cyclic change. It happens, however, that we also possess a sense for which the vibration is real but the vibrating substance is not. The ear takes no cognizance of the steel of which the tuning-fork is made, nor of the air which carries the undulations; but the ear perceives a tone. One must fully realize that the sense of hearing does not disclose that sound is vibratory. The ear does not report a sensation which goes through a cyclic variation two hundred and fifty-six times (or whatever the frequency of the fork may be) in every second. If it did, it would be perceiving the vibrating medium, not the vibration. The ear reports a sensation which is uniform, unvarying, constant; in fact, it translates a steady vibration into a constant sensation. This we have learned with case, because of the collaboration of the other senses CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 283 which observe the bodies which oscillate. But if no one had ever felt or seen the quiverings of the humming fork, the ringing bell, or the resounding drumhead, we should be handicapped severely for dis- covering the true nature of sound. Precisely so handicapped are we for discovering the nature of light. It may be that light is the vibration of a substance; but if so, the eye does not perceive that substance nor anything which fluctuates ; it translates the vibration into a constant sensation. Moreover, we have no other sense which perceives that substance. When the filament of a lamp is incandescent, nothing is observed to pulsate on its surface; nothing is observed to go up and down or back and forth in the surrounding vacuum. Our instruments also fail to detect any- thing of which the vibrations are light. One may measure light with a photographic film or a bolometer; but the undulations — if such there be — are translated, in the one case into a steady rate of chemical change, in the other into a steady flow of electric current. In short, the eye and all our instruments register light as the ear registers tone, and not at all as the eye or the hand may register the quiverings of a sound- ing body; and therefore they do not report that light is vibratory. And if it be true that tangible matter is itself of the nature of a wave- motion, then the sense of touch must respond to these waves as the eye to light or the ear to sound, not reporting anything vibratory and not perceiving any medium which vibrates, but translating the vibra- tions into a constant sensation. Therefore, to test whether light or matter or electricity is a wave- motion, one must make such experiments as could be made to test whether sound is a wave-motion, if there were no instrument able to perceive the vibrations of matter except the ear. Let us then suppose ourselves required to prove, to someone unable or unwilling to use any instrument except the ear, that sound is of the nature of waves ; and consider how we should go about it. The ear, we are told, is able to make distinctions of "loudness," "timbre," and "pitch." The two latter, interesting as they are, are of no immediate concern in this enterprise. It is sufficient to know that the ear makes distinctions in loudness, which according to the wave-theory correspond to distinctions in amplitude of vibration. Again, we have no concern with the exact relation between amplitude and loudness. What matters is that the former controls the latter, and therefore the latter reveals the former. Though the ear cannot detect the cyclic variations of the density and pressure of the air which make the sound, it can detect fluctuations in the amplitude of these cyclic variations. To put this statement into briefer language of 234 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which, much later, there will be a reminiscence: the ear can detect the amplitude, but not the phase, of the vibrations. It follows, then, that we must devise tests of the wave-theory in which the amplitude of the waves shall vary from time to time, or from place to place. Such tests are easily arranged. Let a pair of tuning-forks be set up not too close together and not too far apart. If sound consists of waves, the spherical undulations broadening outward from each of these separately must fall off steadily in amplitude as they recede, and the sound grow steadily fainter as the listener moves away. So it does; but the fact is equivocal, and cannot be taken as evidence for the waves; if the fork emitted corpuscles of sound, they would scatter apart as they flew away, and fewer would enter the ear the farther off it was placed. If, however, both of the forks are giving voice at once, and trains of spherical waves expanding outward from both, then the amplitude in the air must vary in a curious and striking manner from place to place, alternating between maxima and minima. This is just the sort of test which the ear is excellently fitted to make ; being moved (or the mouth of its listening-tube being moved) from place to place in the field where the streams of sound overlap, it reports the fluctua- tions of loudness which are predicted from the wave-theory. By properly choosing the conditions one or more of the minima may be reduced to zero; loudness added to loudness makes silence. By properly choosing the conditions, maxima and minima may be caused to move in succession across a fixed point, listening whereat the ob- server hears "beats." All of these are phenomena of interference, and many like them are realized with light. But it is not necessary to produce two overlapping streams of sound, in order to find evidence favouring the wave-theory. One suffices, provided that we try to separate from it a narrow jet or ray. Near one of the forks let a wall be placed, and perforated with a little hole. This seems to be an artifice for producing a constricted beam of sound proceeding like a searchlight straight outward along the line passing from the source through the hole; but it does not work that way. Instead, the tone of the fork is heard everywhere beyond the wall; sound is radiated from the hole in all directions. The aperture be- comes itself a sort of secondary source, from which sound emanates sidewise as well as forward. Precisely similar is the visible behaviour of water-waves (and in- cidentally of the violent compressional pulses produced in air by ex- plosions, which have been photographed; but we are assuming that our imaginary pupil knows nothing of sound but what he hears!). Circular ripples expand over the surface of still water until one of them CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 285 meets a wall with a very narrow opening. Does a narrow segment of the ripple go clean through the opening and continue onward as a sharply-ended crescent? Not so; a new circular or semicircular ripple spreads out from the aperture as a new centre. This is called, in the science of light, a phenomenon of diffraction. Actually, it is a phenomenon which reveals the law of wave-propaga- tion— a law, which in the deceptively simple cases of spherical, circular, or infinite plane waves is artfully concealed. When one sees a circular ripple broadening over the surface of a lagoon, it seems as if each arc of the circular crest were advancing independently and of its own momentum; as if each segment of the circle at a given moment were due entirely to the corresponding segment of the smaller circle which existed a fraction of a second earlier. Nothing could be further from the truth. At a given moment, a given segment of the circle is due to the collaboration of all the segments of the earlier smaller circle; and it will collaborate with all the segments of its own circle to build the future yet larger one ; and if isolated from the rest of the circumference, it would build a new family of circular ripples all by itself. Somewhat as the primitive animals which can regenerate their amputated parts, a wave-system seems to possess in each of its elements something of the power to build itself anew. Such is the nature of ripples on water and sound-waves in air. As for a general definition of wave-motion, perhaps there is no better way of making one than to accept this manner of propagation as the distinctive mark. It may seem strange, however, that there should be any question about definition. Does not everyone know what a wave is? and is not the difference between a wave-theory and a corpuscle-theory made instantly clear by their names? Well ! it would not be hard to compile a series of paradoxical state- ments, by which to show that our immediate off-hand notion of a "wave" is not by any means sufificiently precise to serve as basis for an elaborate physical theory. Even in the ancient and familiar instance of circular ripples on water, even for students acquainted with the concepts of wave-length and wave-speed, there are possi- bilities of confusion. It is not expedient to define the wave-length as the distance from one crest to the next, for this is inconstant. It is not expedient to define the wave-speed as the speed with which a crest advances, for this may depend upon the form of the wave. It is injudicious to think exclusively about the profile of the water- surface as a sequence of visible elevations and depressions gliding steadily onward without change of shape; for any part of the profile may alter itself incessantly as it advances, departing more and more 286 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL from its original contour till it becomes unrecognizable. Definite as the wave-length and the wave-speed and the waves themselves may seem at times to be, at other times they seem indefinite and indefinable. Now in the general theory these difficulties are removed, for the attention is focussed first of all upon an abstract entity with a neutral name — the "phase." There is a differential equation, a "wave- equation," governing the phase; and this entity is propagated in a certain very definite way conforming to the vague description which I gave above, and it has a wave-length and a wave-speed. As for the elevations and depressions of the water-surface, they copy the varia- tions of the phase more or less faithfully, and may be computed from these; but except in particular cases the copy is not exact. To the theorist, the ripples upon the water appear as the secondary and imperfect manifestations of an abstract wave-motion, discernible only to the eye of the mind. That the undulatory theory should introduce an abstraction even into the example whence it sprang, requiring us to imagine waves of phase underlying the tangible waves of the sea, is not at all remarkable. Often in physics a theory evolves in this way. It begins when some one notes a resemblance between two or more phenomena; it continues by the invention of a neutral and colorless mathematical expression for describing the common aspect of all these phenomena; and then the theorists take over the mathematical expression and transform and generalize and extend it, until the theory, which at first was a casual statement that two different things are in some ways much alike, eventually is defined as the entire system of solutions of some differential equation. At present there seems to be no adequate way of defining the term "wave-theory," except to say that wherever a certain differential equation is introduced and solved, there a wave- theory is adopted. Moreover, it is open to anyone to adduce new differential equations more or less like the first one, and define as a wave-theory any which involves the solutions of these. Then a wave- motion is any motion which conforms to one of the solutions; and when it comes to defining a wave, what can anyone say except that under certain restricted conditions a wave-motion may resemble a procession of ripples on water? Such a consummation may be devoutly wished by the mathemati- cian ; to the physicist and to the expositor it is not always so welcome. As a theory increases in scope through increase of abstraction, it loses the picturesqueness which for many minds is its reason for being. One climbs and climbs, and the view indeed grows wider, but the CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 287 fascinating details of the landscape are distorted when seen from above, and finally they are lost in the haze of distance. It grows more difficult to lead others to the heights, and sometimes even the explorer cannot retrace his path and return to the firm ground of experience whence he departed. Yet repeatedly in the evolution of physics it happens that a theory, already grown so abstract that it seems almost completely severed from reality, suddenly makes new contact with the world of phenomena by a prediction so novel and daring that except for the far preliminary excursion it would probably never have been conceived; as for instance the existence of quanta, the "Einstein shift" of the lines in the spectrum of the sun, the diffraction of electrons by crystals. Remembrance of such episodes as these is an encouragement, when the path seems devious and steep. Propagation of Waves The laws of the propagation of waves — the so-called "laws of diffrac- tion"— are the most important topic with which we have to deal; for they involve the very nature and definition of wave-motion, and in the end the distinction between a corpuscular and an undulatory theory of matter may rest upon these. Let us attend first of all to the making of this distinction. Imagine, then, a multitude of particles — bullets, or atoms, or sand- grains — all rushing along through space in the same direction with the same speed, say northward with the speed c. Suppose that the loca- tion of each is stated for a certain moment of time, say /q. The question to be asked is a very simple one, of the yes-or-no variety. At an arbitrarily-chosen point P, at an arbitrarily-chosen moment /, will there be a grain of sand or will there not? It is easy to see what determines the answer. If at the point P at the moment / there is a grain of sand, it must have spent the time- interval extending from to to t in travelling northward along the straight south-to-north path which ends at P, and therefore commences at a point Po due south of P and distant from it by c(t — to) units of length. If therefore at the moment to there is a grain of sand at Po, the answer to the question is yes. Otherwise it is no. No other knowledge is required, or even relevant. It is not necessary to know the location of any of the particles which are not upon the north-south line travers- ing P. It is not even necessary to know the location of any particle which is upon that line, provided that at the instant to it is surely somewhere else than at Pq. The state of affairs in P at ^ is controlled by the state of affairs in Po at to, and by nothing else whatever. 288 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Let the same question be put in another way. Be it supposed that we are required to predict whether or not there will be a particle in the place P at the moment t; and that we are offered our choice of data concerning the places of the particles at any prior moment. Let us choose at random some point P' due south of P, distant from it by r' units of length. Then there is only one piece of information for which we have to ask: is there a sandgrain passing through P' at the moment (/ — r' jc), earlier than / by r'jc units of time? Any other information would be not only superfluous, but useless. Had we chosen some point lying south of P at a distance r" , the condition prevailing there at the moment (/ — r' jc) would have had no bearing upon the problem ; but the condition there at the moment (/ — r"lc) would have been all- powerful. Had we chosen some point not lying south of P, nothing happening there at any time would have had any bearing upon the question to be answered. In fine: at any moment t' there is a corresponding point P' lying south of P, which holds the destiny of the point P at the moment t. That which is predestined to befall in P at ^ is at every prior instant concentrated, so to speak, at a particular point of space. As time draws on towards t, this point moves on toward P, travelling always along the north-south line — travelling always, let us say, along a certain ray which at the proper moment carries it right into P. All these remarks may seem too evident and trivial to be worth the making; yet they deserve attention, for it is here that the contrast lies between motion of particles and motion of waves, between un- dulatory theories and corpuscular. If the region around the point P is traversed not by corpuscles but by waves, it is not correct to say that the condition at the point P at the moment t is determined by the con- dition in some other point ait some prior moment. Even if the waves appear to be travelling northward with the constant speed c, it is not right to say that the state of affairs prevailing in P at / is controlled entirely by the state of affairs prevailing at the moment (/ — r/c) at the point r units southward from P. The destiny of P at / is not travelling towards it concentrated into a point moving along a ray. Under some circumstances it appears to be right to say so ; but this is only a semblance, as experiments in other conditions will clearly prove. Suppose for instance that one is confronted with the task of sheltering the point P, first against corpuscles and then against waves, which are advancing from the south. It seems natural to put some obstacle athwart that particular north-south line which traverses P; for ex- ample, to place a solid disc so that its axis lies upon that line. If the disc can arrest all the particles which fly towards it, and cannot deflect CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 289 those which do not, then no matter how small it is it shields the point P completely against corpuscles. Not, however, against waves. Suppose that the point P is in water, where the actual waves may be seen; suppose that before the obstacle is dipped in, each of the wave- crests extends straight east and west, and they move straight north- ward. When the obstacle is inserted southward from P, the water at P does not become perfectly quiet. Apparently the waves curl around the edge of the obstacle, invading the zone behind it which it could have protected perfectly against corpuscles. One cannot stop a wave- motion from reaching a point merely by interrupting with some small obstruction the line along which the waves seem to be approaching it. Now what this means is simply that, whether the obstacle be present or absent, and even though the undisturbed wave-crests move steadily due northward, the motion at P is not controlled exclusively by the motions at earlier moments at the points due south of P. To put it a little more loosely : the wave-motion at a point arrives not solely from the direction from which the wave-fronts appear to be coming, but from all directions. To put it much more strictly: imagine a sphere drawn, with any radius r, around P as centre. When we were dealing with corpuscles, we found that the state of affairs at the centre of this sphere at the moment t was entirely controlled by the state of affairs at the moment {t — rjc) at one single point on the sphere (the point due south from P) . Now that we are dealing with waves, we shall find that the state of affairs at the centre of the sphere at / depends upon the state of affairs all over the sphere at (/ — r/c). Every point upon the sphere influences the centre. Every point in the medium which the waves traverse sends forth an influence to every other point; the in- fluence is not instantaneous, but travels from one point to another with the wave-speed c. This "influence" is often called the wavelet. Too much emphasis has been laid, in the foregoing passage, upon the spheres which are centred at P; and this must now be rectified. Any closed surface whatever may be drawn around P, and the state of affairs in P at / will be determined by the state of affairs prevailing all over this surface, S, at certain prior moments t'; only, since the area- elements of 5 are not in general equidistant from P, the corresponding values of /' are not in general the same for all of them. The distance r, measured from P along any direction to the surface S, is in general a function of direction; consequently the time-interval, r/c, required for a wavelet to arrive at P from 5 along any direction is itself a func- tion of direction; and so also is /', which is {t — r/c). To every point P' on 5 corresponds its own value of t' ; and if we know the wave- motion in every P' at its proper t', we can determine the wave-motion 19 290 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL in P Sit t. Therefore, if there is any closed surface in space, every'where over which the wave-motion is known for all times, it is possible to compute the wave-motion at any point in the volume which that sur- face encloses.* This is a feature common to all the familiar examples of wave- motion, and it is suitable for a tentative basis for a general definition of waves. To formulate it strictly, let 5 be used as the symbol for any quantity which is propagated in waves. Examples of such a quantity are: the twist of a taut and twisted wire — the lateral displacement of a taut wire or a tense membrane — the excess of the pressure in the air over its average value — a component of the electric field-strength or the magnetic field-strength in a vacuum — the entirely imperceptible and hypothetical entity denoted by "^ in wave-mechanics. We write 5 as a function of x, y, z, and /: 5 = s{x, y, z, t). (1) Fewer than three dimensions of space will suffice in some cases (e.g., those of the wire and the membrane) ; in certain problems of wave- mechanics, more than three may be required ; but in dealing with sound in air and light in vacuo, three are usually necessary and sufficient. For the time being I will suppose that the speed of the waves is every- where the same. Interesting things will happen when this assumption is discarded. What I have loosely called "the state of affairs" in a point P{x, y, z) at a moment / will involve the value of 5 at x, y, z, and /. Also it may involve the first and higher derivatives of 5 with respect to space and time, evaluated at x, y, z, t. Which of these derivatives we are re- quired to know is something which might vary from case to case. For the present, we may consider ourselves required to know 5 and its first derivatives ds/dx, ds/dy, ds/dz, ds/dt. We are to evaluate 5 and its derivatives at a point P at a moment /, in terms of the values which 5 and its derivatives possessed at certain earlier moments over a surface 6* enveloping P. Let P be made the origin of our coordinate-system ; let x, y, z denote the coordinates of the points on the surface S; let r denote the distance from the origin to any of these points, so that: r- = x~ -\- y- + 2^. (2) Introduce as an auxiliary the function U, defined thus : * Naturally the surface must not be so drawn that it includes sources emitting waves during the time-interval {f — i). CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 291 U{x, y, z, t) = s{x, y, z, t - r/c). (3) The value of U in any point of the surface 5 at the moment / is the value of 5 which prevailed in that point at the moment when the "wavelet" started forth which was destined to reach the origin at /. It might be said that an observer, stationed in the origin at the moment / and inspecting the surface by means of the wavelets, observes the values of U instead of the contemporary values of 5. Thus a star-gazer viewing the sky perceives, not the stars as they now are or as at some one past moment they all were, but each star separately as it was at some past epoch peculiar to itself; and the apparent arrangement of the heavenly bodies is one which in fact has never existed. We shall be concerned not only with the value of 5, but with the values of the space-derivatives ds/dx, ds/dy, ds/dz, which prevail at each point of the surface at the moment when the wavelet starts forth ; for all of these will influence the value of 5 at the origin when the wave- let arrives there. These may be written as derivatives of U; but one must be careful here, for U is a function of x, y, z not only explicitly, but also implicitly through r; and there is a distinction to be made between total and partial derivatives, a distinction having physical importance. To grasp this, denote by (x, y, z) the coordinates of some particular point on S, and by {x 4- dx, y, z) those of a nearby point, and by r and r -\- dr their respective distances from the origin, and by U and U -\- dll the values of If in these points at the instant t. Now, U and U -\- dU are values of 5 which existed at different instants of time, as may be seen by writing down the expressions : U = s{x, y,z,t - r/c) ; U -\- dU = s{x -\- dx, y, z, t - r -\- dr/c). (4) Therefore, if I form the total derivative dU/dx in the classical way, I am not obtaining the value of ds/dx which prevailed in (x, y, z) at {t — r/c). To obtain this value, I must begin by subtracting the value of 5 prevailing in (:r, y, z) at (/ — r/c) from the value of 5 prevailing in {x -{- dx, y, z) at the same moment; that is, I must form the differ- ence between {U -\- dU) and U, meaning by the former symbol : U -{- dU = s(x + dx, y, z, t — r/c). (5) I must then divide this difference by dx, and pass to the limit. But this is the classical way of forming the partial derivative of U with respect to x. Therefore the values of the derivatives ds/dx, ds/dy, ds/dz prevailing at the moment of departure of the wavelet which is destined to reach the origin at t, are the partial derivatives dU/dx, 292 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL dU/dy, dU/dz. However, the value of the derivative ds/dt prevaiUng at the moment when the wavelet starts is simply the derivative d U/dt, which we may as well write dU/dt — it makes no diflference. Our definition of wave-motion may now be stated more rigorously. A quantity 5 is said to be propagated by waves, if its value at the origin at the moment t is determined by the values of U, dU/dx, dU/dy, and dU/dz over any surface enveloping the origin. We now turn to another and more familiar definition of wave-motion, which shall presently be shown to fall as a special case under this one. The Wave-Equation There is a very celebrated differential equation of mathematical physics, known as "the wave-equation" par excellence. Any theory which culminates in this equation is designated as a wave-theory. The foundation of the theory of sound is the proof that the excess of pressure in the air over its average value is subject to this equation. The elastic-solid model of the luminiferous aether was partially suited to explain the phenomena of light, because the compressions and the distortions of an elastic solid conform to the wave-equation. The electromagnetic theory of light was born when Maxwell discovered interrelations between electric and magnetic fields, out of which by transformation a wave-equation could be formed. Undulatory mechanics is based upon an equation of this type which emerges during the process of setting and solving the classical equations of motion. This wave-equation is : d^s d^s , ^"-^ \ _ d~s .,. To demonstrate why it is called a wave-equation and what is the physical meaning of the constant c, it is customary to make a drastic simplification by assuming that the function s depends only on one co- ordinate. Such is the case, for instance, when 5 stands for the trans- verse displacement of an endlessly long taut string initially parallel to the axis of x; likewise, when it stands for the excess of the pressure of the air over its average value, and this excess is constant over every plate normal to the x-direction — a condition known as that of "plane waves." Then the wave-equation assumes the form: There are infinitely many solutions of this equation, and among them CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 293 are all ' the functions of the pair of variables x and /, in which these variables appear coupled together into the linear combination {x — ct.) Using/ as the general symbol for a function, we may write s=f{x-ct). (8) When such a relation prevails, any value of 5 which occurs at a given place x at a. given moment / recurs at any other moment t' at another place x', distant from x by the length (/' — t)lc. All of the values of 5 existing at t are found again in the same order at t', but they have all glided along the x-direction through the same distance (/' — /)/c. The form, the profile, the configuration of the string are moving along with the speed c, although the substance of the string is oscillating only a little, and not even parallel to the :x:-direction. Now this is the property which to a certain degree of approximation ripples on water display; this in fact supplies the elementary and restricted definition of wave-motion, out of which by generalization and extension the wave-theory has grown. Thus we see that there is reason for calling (7) a wave-equation, and identifying the constant c with the speed of the waves. Yet there are also solutions of (7) which are not of the form (8), and these do not correspond to an unchanging profile of the string travelling along with a constant speed, though by mathematical artifice they may be expressed as a summation of such ; and nothing is easier than to find solutions in two or three dimensions of the general equation (6) which do not bear the least resemblance to a regular procession of converging, flat, or diverging waves. The question then arises: is there a feature common to all solutions of the "wave-equation" fitted to serve for a general definition of wave-motion? I will now show — in the manner of Kirchhoff and Voigt — that there is such a feature, and it is precisely the one already proposed as a definition for wave-motion. If 5 be a function conforming to (6), and U a function related to 5 according to (3), then the value of 5 at any point at any moment is determined by the values of U and its partial derivatives dU/dx, dU/dy, dU/dz, over any surface surrounding that point.* The proof is long and intricate; bur for anyone who desires appreciate the nature of wave-motion, it is not superfluous. To prove the theorem we have to manipulate the vector (call it W) of which the components are : 1 Exceptions being made for functions which do not have derivatives, and other curiosities of the mathematicians' museum. * The necessary requirements for continuity in 5 exclude sources of light from the region of integration. 294 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL --, \dU ,„ \dU ,„ \dU ... vVx = -^-, ^Vy = -^- > ^^ = ~ "3~ • (9) r dx r dy r dz Like U, it is a function of x, y, z not only explicitly, but also implicitly through r; we must therefore discriminate with care between total and partial derivatives. For reference, here are the formulae ^ con- necting derivatives of the one type with those of the other: d d , dr d d , X d d , , ^ d /.^n T" = ^ + T~ ^ = ^ + ~ ^ = T" + cos (x, r) — , (10 a) ax dx dx dr dx r dr dx dr d d dr d d y d d / \ ^ nr. x,\ :7- = T- + ^ 3- = V- + T- = v- + cos (y, r) — , (10 6) dy dy dy dr dy r dr dy dr d d , dr d d , z d d , , . d ,._ . :r = T" + -H" T" = T" + ~ "^ = -^ + cos (2, r) — , (10 c) dz dz dz dr dz r dr dz dr d _ d 5x6 dy d dz d dr dr dr dx dr dy dr dz = ^ + cos (r, x) — + cos {r, y)^ + cos {r, z) —. {\Q d) The procedure consists in forming the expression for the true diver- gence of W, to wit: A- w dW..dW,.dW^ .... ^^"^ = -^ + -^+-^' (1^) and integrating it over the volume comprised between two surfaces: outwardly, the surface S over which the values of U are preassigned, and which envelops the origin at which the value of 5 is to be com- puted; and inwardly, an infinitesimal sphere centred at the origin. It will turn out that the volume-integrals of the various terms either vanish, or else may be converted into area-integrals over the two sur- faces. Now the area-integral of any function / over the surface of a sphere of radius R may be written as A = ^-kF}]] (12) in which/ stands for the mean value of/ over that surface — a statement ^ In deriving the first three of these formulae, use the relation r^ = x^ -h ^ + z- in evaluating drjdx, drjdy, drjdz. In deriving the last, remember that in forming a derivative with respect to r at a point P, the increment dr is always measured along the line extending from the origin through P, for which line x/r = cos {x, r) = const.; ylr — cos {y, r) = const.; z/r = cos (z, r) = c(,n-;t.; hence dx/dr = cos (.v, r), etc. Or one may arrive by geometrical intuition at the formula, d/dr = cos (r, x)d/dx + cos (r, y)d/dy + cos (r, z)djdz, from which (10 d) may be obtained by means of (10 a, b, c). CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 295 which, of course, is merely the definition of /. The essential thing is that if the sphere is infinitesimal, then in the limit/ becomes the value /o which the function / possesses at the centre of the sphere. If /o is finite at the origin, A vanishes in the limit; but if/ varies inversely as the square of the distance from the origin, A approaches in the limit a finite value differing from zero. Upon this property our demonstra- tion will depend. Developing by means of (10 a, b, c) the expression given in (11) for div W, we find: r \ dx" dy'^ 0. div IF = - ( ^TT + ^TT + .,2 r^ \ dxdr dydr dzdr / I / du , du , du\ r \ dx dy dz / The second and third terms on the right may next be beneficially trans- formed by means of (10 d), using first U and then dU/dr as the argu- ment of the derivatives in that equation : xdU , ydU , zdU dU dU ... . r dx r dy r dz dr dr xdH^ ydHJ^ zdHJ_^d_dU_dHI .^^ ^. r dxdr r dydr r dzdr dr dr dr- ' and so finally we arrive at ^'''^ = 7[^'^l^^^-^)'^?d-rV-di-^) ^'^^ as the expression to be integrated over the volume between 5 and the infinitesimal sphere. Now owing to the nature of the junction U, the first term of the expression vanishes. This is responsible for our theorem ; for the volume-integrals of the remaining terms can easily be translated into surface-integrals over 5 and the infinitesimal sphere, from which it will follow that the value of 5 at the origin is determined by the values of U and its deriva- tives over S; but if this first term should remain, its volume-integral could not be thus transformed, and we should find that the value of 5 at the origin was influenced by the values of U all through the space which 5 encloses. 296 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL That the term in question does actually vanish is easily proved. For on the one hand it follows, from the coupling of / and r into the linear combination (/ — rjc) in the argument of U, that and on the other hand it follows, from the facts that the partial deriva- tives of U at any point and moment have the same values as the cor- responding derivatives of 5 at the same point at some other moment, while the derivatives of 5 at every point and moment conform to (6) — from these it follows that df \dx^^ a/ ^ dz^ I' ^ ^ Therefore the first term of the right-hand member of (15) is zero everywhere, and we have to perform the volume-integration only over the second: f,WW,V^f}l{r'Jl-u). ,18) Employ spherical coordinates for the integration ; then the element of volume is ^F = r^ sin ddddipdr, and we have: fd'ivWdV = fj^sin e f d^ f^''j'r(^TF~ ^) (19) This signifies that the long narrow volume-element comprised within any elementary solid angle dw = sin dddd^p, and limited at its two ends by the surface of the sphere and the surface S, contributes to the volume-integral the difiference between the values of (r d U/dr — 60 at its two extremities. Completing the integration by considering all of these volume-elements together, we see that the volume-integral there- fore becomes a pair of angle-integrals, those of the function (rdU/dr — U) over the surface 5 and over the sphere. We may transform the first of these into an area-integral by reflecting that the elementary solid angle dw intercepts upon the surface 5 the area-element dS, given by the equation : — dS cos {n, r) = rHw. (20) in which («, r) stands for the angle between the normal to dS and the radius r drawn to dS from the origin. We must choose positive CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 297 directions for these lines. Let the radius be taken as pointing out- ward, and the normal as pointing inward towards the volume over which we have integrated. Then the angle is greater than 90° and not greater than 180°, its cosine is negative, and the negative sign must be prefixed to the left-hand member of (20) that dS may be positive. We make this transformation in (19), and the first of the angle-integrals becomes : fM.inefd,(r'Ji-u)^=fdSco.(n.r)(^\'-^-^). (21) The second of the angle-integrals in (19) relates to the infinitesimal sphere. We transform it as we did the first. Now, however, the process is more simple, for the radius r is constant and equal to R, and the angle (n, r) is zero; hence dS = E? sin dddd^ (22) and the second angle-integral becomes: /...n./..(.^-.)^ = /..(if-|). ,3) Here we meet the situation for which equation (12) was introduced — the integration of a function over an infinitesimal sphere. Denote by / the integrand in (23), viz., f=l^--^ (24) ' RdR R^' ^ ' by/ the mean value of/ over the sphere of radius R, by Uq the value of U at the centre of the sphere, which is the origin. As R approaches zero, the surface-integral in (23) approaches a limit Aq which coincides with the limit approached by ^ivR"}: A^ = Lim iwRidU/dR) - iirUo- (25) R=Q Unless the mean value of dU/dR should vary as the first or a higher power of (1/i?) — a possibility which must be guarded against — the first term on the right of (25) will vanish. Under this restriction, then, Aq is equal to — 47rf/o- Now at the origin U is identical with s, by definition (equation 3). Consequently Uo is identical with the value of s at the origin at the moment / — the very thing which we set out to calculate. For this — let it be called 5o — we have attained the follow- ing equation : 4x50 = f dWWdV -]- fdS cos (n, r)(dU/dr). (26) 298 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL We still have a volume-integral in the formula; but there is a very noted theorem whereby it may be transformed with sign reversed into a surface-integral over the two surfaces, S and the sphere, which bound the region of integration. According to Gauss' Theorem, any vector function satisfying certain simple conditions of continuity throughout a region enclosed by a surface enjoys this property: its volume- integral through the region is equal to the area-integral, over the enclosing surface, of the projection of the vector upon the direction of the oMtoar J-pointing normal. This latter is the same in magnitude and opposite in sign to the projection upon the direction of the inward- pointing normal, which it is traditional to prefer. The theorem is not valid, if the vector should exhibit certain singularities within the volume; one of the reasons for introducing the infinitesimal sphere is that the vector W has a singularity at the origin, which point must therefore be excluded from the volume of integration. Remembering the definition of W (equation 9), we see that its pro- jection upon the direction of the inward-pomt'mg normal at any place upon either surface is W„ = Wcos {n, r) = W^ cos (n, x) + Wy cos (w, 3;) + W^ cos (w, 2) = - lid U/dx) cos {n, x) + (d U/dy) cos (w, y) -f (d U/dz) cos (n, s)] = ~{dU/dn), in which (dU/dn) stands for the rate at which the function U, owing to its explicit dependence upon x, y, and z, varies as one moves imvard along the normal to the surface. The distinction drawn in the fore- going pages between partial and total derivatives must be remembered. The partial derivative dU/dn existing at any point P and moment / is equal to the value which the corresponding derivative ds/dn of the function 5 possessed at that same point at the earlier moment (/ — r/c). The quantity Wn is to be integrated over the surface of the sphere and over the surface 5. However, the integral over the^sphere vanishes as the radius of this latter approaches zero, for the same reason — and under the same restriction — as caused the integral of the first term in (25) to vanish. This leaves us with nothing but the integral of Wn over the surface S, so that eventually: fdiv H^^F = - [ ^{dU/dn)dS. [irSo = I dS cos (w, r) -— i r I r On (28) (29) CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 299 We have spoken of the value of 5 at the origin of coordinates, for mathematical convenience; but in reahty the "origin" is any point P, and 5 is any surface enclosing that point, and Sq is the value of 5 in the point P at any moment /, and U is the value of 5 in any point distant by r from P, evaluated at the moment {t — r/c). Hence (29) may be written thus: 4x5 = \ dS \ cos {n, r) ' ' ^M dr \ r r dn (30) The task is achieved. It has been proved that when a function con- forms to "the wave-equation" it conforms also to the first-suggested definition of a wave-motion, in that its value at any time and place is determined by its anterior values and those of its derivatives over a surface completely enclosing the place. Moreover the actual formula has been derived whereby the value at any point and moment can be computed when the values all over any surrounding surface are known at the appropriate prior moments. Introduction of the Ideas of Frequency and Wave-length Hitherto I have spoken chiefly of an extremely abstract "some- thing," denoted by a symbol s, and possessed of the property that its value at any point and moment is built up out of contributions des- patched at earlier moments from all of the area-elements of any con- tinuous surface which encloses the point; these contributions being borne as it were by messengers, who travel to the point at a finite speed from the various area-elements whence they depart. Only one physical constant has been introduced, and this is the speed of these messengers. This is the constant which appears in the wave-equation (6), being there denoted by c. It is commonly called the speed of the waves; but, for various reasons which will eventually appear, it had better be called the phase-speed. Now there are two other constants familiar in our experience with water-waves and sound; they are frequency and wave-length. Let us try to import them into the general theory. At any point of a water-surface over which uniform ripples are passing, the elevation is a periodic function of time; so also are the pressure and the density at any point of a gas through which uniform sound is flowing, or the displacement of either prong of a steadily- humming tuning-fork. Any periodic function of time is either a sine- function, or a composite of sine-functions. It is suitable therefore to begin by analyzing the case in which the function is a sine. Using/ to denote any of the quantities above mentioned or anything behaving like them — say displacement, for example— let us write: / = Fsin (nt - 8) = F sin ^p. (41) 300 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL In this very familiar form, 7^ stands for amplitude and n for lir times the frequency, and 5 for something which is commonly called the phase; bul it will be better to reserve this name for the entire argument of the sine-function: Phase =

+ i2vF-V + ■f"V-<>) cos are the same. The surfaces of constant/ are also spheres, but they expand or contract with variable speed, and for any two which differ in radius by 2x/w the values of / are different. This shows that one must not be misled by experience of plane waves into defining "wave-length" as "distance between points where at the same moment the displacement is the same" but must hold fast to the phase as the central fact of any wave-motion. If the phase-function does not vary in space, we have the case of stationary waves. The coefficient of cos 0 in the general expression for v!/ (footnote on p. 339) now vanishes automatically; the coefficient of sin 0 reduces to the term v^-^, and this must be equated to — w^F/c', which if n and c are preassigned leads to an alternative form of the wave-equation V-i^ + y^ ^ = 0 (56) very common in acoustics and in wave-mechanics. In summary: We have considered two definitions of wave-motion: first, that the state of affairs at any point and moment in the medium is controlled by the state of affairs at earlier moments all over any continuous sur- 304 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL face drawn in the medium completely around the point; second, that the function which is propagated in waves conforms to the so-called ' ' wave-equa tion . " We have found that these definitions are compatible with one another, the latter being included under the former. We have applied them to the case of a function which at any par- ticular point of the medium varies as a sine-function of time, thus: / = 7^(x, y, z) -sin ^; ^ = nt-h{x, y, z), and have found: (a) that provided the functions F and 8 conform to certain stipula- tions, the function / will satisfy the wave-equation; (b) that (p itself is propagated by wave-fronts; although there is nothing periodic or vibratory about (p, each surface over which (p possesses any constant value wanders onward through space, changing, it may be, in shape as well as position; (c) that the speed with which the wave-fronts of the phase-function

0 — by forming Kirchhofif's integral over these apertures: 4x50 = I ao cos {n,r) -— J L dr r r dn (72) Over the rest of the plane :x; = 0 the integrand vanishes. Since, how- ever, Kirchhoff's theorem involves an integration over an entire closed surface surrounding P, we ought in strictness to extend the integral over some far-flung surface completing the enclosure; as for instance a hemisphere seated upon the plane x = 0, sufficiently great in radius to contain P and all the apertures. This is always neglected, possibly because in practice the wave-motion over such a surface would as a rule be too chaotic to produce any regular effect at P.^ In the integrand of (72), r stands for the distance from P to any area- element dS of an aperture; the positive r-direction is measured from P through dS in the direction from front to back; the positive w-direc- tion is the forward- pointing normal to dS, and therefore is identical with the positive x-direction. Remembering the definitions of U and its derivatives, one easily sees that: U = cos (nt — nir) ; (73) dU/dr = dU/dx = dU/dn = m sin (nt — mr). It will be convenient to give the symbol d to the angle between the posi- * Certainly it cannot be argued that the effect from a distant surface is necessarily too small to be noticed at P; we have just seen that in a field of plane-parallel waves it is the same for any spherical surface, no matter how great the radius. 310 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tive rc-direction and the line from dS to P, so that cos {n, r) = — cos 6. Consequently : 4x5o = \ dS\ ^ cos {nt — mr) (1 + cos 6) sin {nt — mr) (74) One is tempted to say that the quantity under the integral sign is the contribution made by the element-of-wave-front dS to the value of 5 at P. This notion facilitates both thought and description, and I will adopt it, but with a warning. The danger is that one may come to think of an element-of-wave-front as an independent entity, capable of existing by itself in the medium regardless of what other elements-of- wave-front adjoin it or stand elsewhere. This is unpermissible, for the same reason which makes the method that I am now expounding an approximate and not a rigorous one. Were one of these elements of wave-front alone in the medium, the function 5 would not conform to the wave-equation. Therefore if we call the expression dsQ = z—dS 47r 1 fH -^ cos (nt — mr) (1 + cos 6) sin (nt — mr) (75) the contribution of the element-of-wave-front dS, we must always re- member that it cannot be isolated, but — like the donations to certain endowments — is given only under the condition that other elements also contribute.^ The contribution of dS, then, is made up of two terms, one varying inversely as r^ and the other inversely as r/m. At great distances the latter must increasingly outweigh the former; and "great distances" in this context signify those which are much greater than 1/m — that is to say, very many times as great as the wave-length of the light. Now as the wave-lengths of most kinds of light are less than .001 mm., a field-point where observations can actually be made must necessarily be distant by many wave-lengths from the screen. Hence it is cus- tomary to ignore the first term in the expression (75) and in its integral, and write for the contribution of dS: 1 ffl dso = — -i-dS— (1 -f cos d) sin {nt — mr). (76) 47r r This expression is the approximate description of what in an earlier ^ The reader may notice that whereas in dealing with a closed surface surrounding the field-point the w-direction was defined as that of the "inward-pointing normal," there is no way of discriminating between the two senses of the normal to an isolated area-element. This causes an ambiguity in the sign of the contribution ; for reversing the sense of the normal reverses the signs both of dUjdn and of cos (n, r). The ambiguity is always, I think, physically trivial. CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 311 passage I called the "influence" or the "wavelet" which spreads out from the element-of-wave-front in all directions. Examining it factor by factor, one sees: {a) that the amplitude of the wavelet varies inversely as the distance r from the starting-point, which seems natural; {h) that the wavelet is not isotropic, its amplitude diminishing ac- cording to the law (1 + cos d) from a maximum value in the forward to zero in the rearward direction. This is commonly stated as the reason why waves can be propagated in one direction only, not neces- sarily both forward and backward at the same time ; (c) that for waves of the same amplitude and different wave-lengths the amplitudes of the wavelets stand in the inverse ratio of the wave- lengths— the shorter the waves, the more powerfully they are dif- fracted ; {d) that the wavelet from any point is constantly one quarter of a cycle in advance of the primary wave, varying as — sin nt whereas the wave varies as cos nt. The advance-in-phase and the factor m in the amplitude enter, it is clear, because the "wavelet" represents the second term in (75) — the term which involves the slope dsjdx of the wave-function, not the wave-function itself. One might say that the cyclic variation of dsjdx Stirs up a relatively far-reaching commotion in the medium, while the disturbance which the cyclic variation of s excites is rapidly attenu- ated and mostly negligible. Formerly the factor m and the advance- in-phase seemed unnatural and very strange; for they antedated the theorem of Kirchhoff by sixty years, having been forced upon Fresnel before 1820 — and this invites an allusion to history. Though it is in connection with Huyghens' principle that one commonly hears of wavelets, that principle itself amounts to a denial of nearly every quality which we associate with the ideas of wavelet or wave. Not only are the "wavelets" of Huyghens' construction quite devoid of anything undulatory or periodic; the construction itself is based on the assumption that there is only one point on each where the amplitude is appreciable — the point on the prolongation of the normal from the primary wave-front (corresponding in my notation to 6 = 0). But to say that a disturbance is transmitted by wavelets such as these is to say that it is transmitted in concentrated form along lines or rays — which is the same thing as saying that it travels like corpuscles. Huyghens' principle in fact leads straight to the doctrine of the rectilinear propagation of light, and fails either to predict or to explain the phenomena which require a wave-theory.* The accredited * I am not prepared to say that this is true of the appUcations to crystal optics. 312 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL founder of the wave-theory of light invented in reality a novel language for expressing the corpuscular theory! Fresnel however invested these wavelets of Huyghens with some of the properties which entitle them to the name. He supposed that the amplitude was distributed widely over each, not confined to the point ^ = 0, though greatest at that point; he thought that it diminished slowly with increase of 6, though he did not suggest the precise factor (1 + cos 6) nor any other; and he thought that it varied inversely as distance. Further, he endowed it with a periodicity. Thus far, he was right. But naturally he supposed that the cause of the wavelet was the cyclic variation of the wave-function s, and therefore he pre- sumed that it started out in consonance of phase with the primary wave; and he did not insert the factor m. However when he came to test his ideas in somewhat the sameway as Kirchhoff's theorem has been tested in these pages — by applying them to a case where the required result was known a priori — he was unable to derive the proper answer, except by introducing the factor m and the advance-in-phase; and thenceforth they have figured in the theory of diffraction, indispensable and until the day of Kirchhoff inexplicable. To return to the problem of determining the wave-motion beyond the apertures: under the approximations stated, it is mathematically quite definite. The solution is the value of the integral: ^0 rj^<7 (1 -f cos 6) sin {nt — mr) (77) Fig. 2 extended over the apertures; r standing for the length of the line join- ing the field-point P with the element-of-wave-front dS, and B for the angle between this line and the perpendicular dropped from P to the plane of the screen. CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 313 A simple, Instructive, and historically famous example is that of the circular hole. Diffraction from a Circular Aperture If the propagation of waves were rectilinear, their amplitude would be constant along every line passing normally across an aperture. Such however is as far as possible from being the truth, as we can easily learn by evaluating the wave-motion along the "axis" of a circular hole — that is, the line passing through the centre of the hole perpendic- ular to the plane of the screen. Locate the centre of the circle at the origin, so that its axis is the axis of x. Denote by R the radius of the circle, by Xo the coordinate of the field-point P located anywhere upon the axis. All points on any circle centred at the origin being equi- distant from P, we may divide the area of the hole by concentric circles into annular elements-of-area. Denote the radius of such a one by p, its breadth by dp; then for it: dS = lirpdp] r^ = xo^ + ^2. cos 0 = Xo/r, (78) and the limits of integration are p = 0 and p = R. The problem is now stated in full; but it is very much simplified if the distance Xo from screen to field-point is very many times as great as the width R of the aperture ; and this in practice is commonly the case. Then to first approximation, r = Xo, cos 9 = 1, (79) and these values are close enough to the correct ones to suffice for the multipliers of the sine-function in (77) ; but in the argument of the sine, r is multiplied by m, and a variation of only half a wave-length in r entails a complete reversal of the function; hence in the argument we must proceed to second approximation, and write mr = mxo -f mp^/2xo. (80) Making these substitutions in (77), we have finally: So = — (m/xo) I p sin {nt — mx — mp^/2xo)dp Jo = cos (nt — mxo) — cos (nt — mxo — mR^ /2xo) (81 a) = V2(l -f cos mR^ 1 2xo) cos (nt — nixo — a). (81 b) Interpreted, these equations tell the startling fact that along the axis of the hole the amplitude, far from being constant, varies in a 314 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL gradual and cyclic way between zero as one extreme and double the amplitude of the unintercepted wave-train as the other. As the field-point is displaced along the axis towards or away from the aper- ture, as the aperture itself is expanded or contracted, doubled agitation succeeds upon quiescence and quiescence upon agitation; and the opening, far from serving as a window to let a segment of the oncoming wave-train pass unaltered by, acts as an agency for producing a curious pattern of varying amplitudes over the region before it. Now these are precisely the conditions under which, as I remarked before, one can arrange a test of the wave-theory of sound or light; for here we have the amplitude varying from point to point, in a pattern depending in detail upon the wave-length. Experience of light reveals just such a pattern; when parallel light is shed normally upon a screen pierced with a small and accurately rounded hole, the illumination in the axis of the hole passes alternately through maxima and minima as the observer recedes along it. Fresnel was led in a curious way to discover the minima. The French Academy having offered a com- petitive prize for a study of diffraction — an action instigated, it appears, by adherents of the corpuscular theory of light, who expected that a thorough knowledge of the phenomena of diffraction would demolish the support which they were vaguely supposed to provide for the wave- theory — Fresnel conducted a research and submitted a memoir which ranks among the classics of physical science. It went for judgment to an illustrious committee of five,^ one of whom, the very eminent mathematician and physicist Poisson — who had been an upholder of the corpuscular theory — promptly deduced the law of the maxima and minima along the axis from Fresnel's conception of the wavelets. He imparted this prediction to the author of the memoir; and in a note appended to the published version, Fresnel has left it on record that he looked for a minimum and found it "like an inkspot" in the centre of the field before the hole. Equation (81) shows further that the amplitude at any point upon the axis must vary to and fro between the same two extremes — zero, and double the amplitude of the unhindered waves — as the hole ex- pands or shrinks. Wood has described how this may be observed with an iris diaphragm. For an observer stationed at a fixed point upon the axis at a distance xo from the hole, the amplitude falls to zero whenever the radius of the circle has one of the values determined by the condition mR^/lXf, = even integer multiple of t, (82) ^ Arago, Biot, Gay-Lussac, Laplace and Poisson. It would be hard to assemble a more distinguished group at any time or place. CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 315 that is to say, whenever xo = mRyikw, y^ = 0, 2, 4, 6, . . . , (83) and attains its maximum value, double the amplitude of the uninter- rupted waves, whenever Xo = mRyikir, k = 1, 3,5,7, ... . (84) Imagine circles drawn upon the plane of the screen, with their common centre at the origin and their radii i?i, i?2, Rs, - ■ . prescribed by the equations, mRk^lirXo = k, k = 0,1,2, 3,4, ... . (85) They divide up the plane of the screen into a tiny central circular area and a series of surrounding rings. These are the "Fresnel zones" relative to the point xo where the observer is placed. If the circular hole comprises an odd number of the zones, the wave-motion at Xo attains its maximum ; if an even number, the wave-motion vanishes — there is silence or darkness. It seems as if the first, third, fifth and other odd-numbered zones brought light, and the second, fourth and other even-numbered zones destroyed it. It is equally easy to find the wave-motion along the axis of an an- nular opening — that is to say, a circular hole partly filled by a con- centric circular stop. Denote by i?o the radius of the -top and by R the radius of the hole; then the limits of integration in (81) are super- seded by p = Ro and p = R, and the amplitude along the a^is varies thus : A = ^211 - cos m{R' - Ro'')2xo]. (86) This contains the surprising conclusion that the maxima of amplitude along the axis are as great as they would be if the stop were removed, though they may be differently placed. An observer properly sta- tioned should see the light brighten when the obstacle is inserted; it may even be brighter than when the obstacle within the hole and the wall surrounding it are totally removed, leaving no hindrance to the onward march of the waves. The conclusion still holds good when the boundaries of the circular hole retire to infinity, leaving nothing but an opaque disc in an other- wise uninterrupted stream of plane parallel waves; although the ap- proximations made in the foregoing pages are then no longer valid, and equation (86) is not to be employed. Experience however shows that when a small and accurately rounded circular disc is immersed in a beam of parallel light there is a bright spot — more precisely speaking, 316 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL a bright core — along the axis of the geometrical shadow. Poisson forecast this also when Fresnel's memoir came before him, and seems to have thought that it would make an experimentum cruris, for another member of the committee — Arago — has recorded that he tested the prediction when Poisson made it. He found the bright spot in the centre of the shadow of a circular disc. It is said that Delisle had found and recorded it already, but the record had slipped into oblivion.** We take up now the problem of determining the wave-motion away from the axis — otherwise expressed, that of determining the distribu- tion-of-amplitude over any plane parallel to the plane by the screen. dS(0,7.J-) Fig. 3 Denote by (x, y, 2) the coordinates of any field-point and by (0, v, T) those of any area-element dS of the aperture; by r, as heretofore, the distance from P to dS, and by ro the distance from P to the origin. Then ^2 = ^2 + (y _ ^)2 + (2 _ f)2 ^ ro' - 2yri - 2zi' + r,^ -f ^\ (87) As heretofore r and Tq shall be supposed to be very many times as great as the dimensions of the apertures, and therefore as the greatest values attained by 17 and f ; therefore, to first approximation. ^0, cos Q = x/ro, (88) * It is interesting to notice why an accurately circular disc is required to show the bright spot in its best development. Take the case of the aperture, since we already have its suitable equation (81). A nearly but not quite circular hole may be regarded as made up of sectors, each with a different radius. For each of these the upper limit of the integral in (81) would be different, and therefore the condition (84) for doubled amplitude could not be realized for all at once. There would be a wave-motion along the axis, but not the regular alternation of maxima and minima nor the sharply out- standing brightness at the maxima. CONTEMPORARY ADVANCES IN PHYSICS 317 and to second approximation, r ^ ro - (yrj + zO/ro- (89) Into equation (77) we insert the first-approximation values of r and cos 6 in the multipHers of the sine-function, but the second-approxima- tion value of r into the argument of the sine. Therefore we have, for the value of 5 at the very distant point (x, y, z), the expression: J fyi I X \ f f* ^ ^ ~4iV\^ '^7 I I I ^^^^ ^^" ^^^ ~ ^^'^ ~ "^^^ "*" 2iVro). (91) It is expedient to introduce the three direction cosines of the line extending from the origin to the field-point, the cosines of the angles between it and the coordinate axes: a = cos (x, To) = = x/ro; 0 = y/ro] y = z/tq. (92) Then, with a slight additional transformation, we convert equation (89) into: 5 = const. (1 + a) sin {nt — 'mro) I | dr]d^ cos m(^r] -f 7^) — cos (nt — mro) I I drjd^ sin m(^r] + 7^") = const. (1 -f a)[C sin (nt — mro) — 5 cos (nt — mro)], the symbols C and 5 being traditional for these integrals. The coordinates of the field-point have disappeared, leaving only the cosines which define its direction as seen from the origin. This means that we have here the formula for the wave-motion over any plane parallel to the screen and infinitely far away, in terms of the directions in which its various points are seen. The words "infinitely far away" sound formidable ; but it is not necessary to depart for infinity, in order to find a plane where (93) describes the state of affairs. There is an artifice for bringing the infinitely distant plane up to a convenient nearness ; an artifice known as a lens. When a converging lens is set up before the apertures, the wave-motion predicted by the formula (93) for all points infinitely far away upon the line with direction cosines (a, 13, 7) — this wave-motion occurs at the point where the line intersects the focal plane of the lens. Therefore we may regard equa- tion (93) as the description, according to the wave-theory of light, of the distribution-of-amplitude in the focal plane of the lens. (To con- vert the cosines into coordinates in that plane, it is sufficient to multiply each by the focal length of the lens.) 318 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Returning now to (93), it is evident that the problem is solved when the integrals are evaluated; in particular the amplitude is given by the formula, A = const. (1 + a) VC2 + 52. (94) Whatever the shape of the aperture or apertures, the values of the integrals can be determined as closely as may be desired; and in two instances which happily are the most frequent and useful — those of the circular and the rectangular openings — the integrations lead directly to familiar functions. Diffraction Patterns in the Focal Plane of a Lens If the origin is located at the centre of the circle, the integral 6" vanishes — for the value of the sine-function contributed by each area- element is annulled by the value contributed by the element symmetri- cally placed to the other side of the centre — and the integral C for the same reason becomes this: C = S S cos iyn^t]) cos (niy^)drjd^. (95) By putting 7 = 0 and then integrating, we shall obtain the distribution of amplitude along the line passing through the centre of the diffraction- pattern and parallel to the axis of 3/; but this, by reason of the circular symmetry of the entire system, is the same as the distribution of amplitude along any radius passing through the centre of the diffrac- tion-pattern, and therefore is all we need. In the expression so ob- tained, replace the Cartesian coordinates heretofore used in the plane of the screen by polar coordinates p and (p; then we have C = S S p cos {m^p cos ip)dpd(p, (96) the limits of integration being 0 and R (the radius of the aperture) for p, and 0 and lir for ! r c ) c a r n :> 0 0 a c ) C c c 3 3 r c c y 3 C c 3 > U c ( 3 3 0 3 C c 3 r c i c t 5 9 0 i 0 > c f c 3 c 0 0 r 1 c c 3 OO 0> Fig. 6 — Cost of a mile of circuit in full-size cable With the growth of large office buildings and further increases in the demand for telephones in the great cities, even 1,212 pairs of wire per 326 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL cable were in some cases found to be inadequate, and in answer to the demand a cable has been developed containing 1,818 pairs of 26 A.W.G. wires within a sheath having an inside diameter of 2^ in. These wires are insulated with paper 732 in. wide and 1^ mils thick by the use of specially designed insulating heads and, instead of being stranded in reverse layers as is the case with older types of cables, they are first stranded in groups of 101 pairs, 18 of these groups being then cabled together to form a compact core. This method of cabling, called the "unit" type to distinguish it from the layer type, has several advantages, particularly in splicing in the field. Development work on this 1,818-pair cable is not yet complete but there is no reason to doubt that, if there is a demand for a 2,400- pair cable, the demand will be met. For convenient reference Table 1 has been shown giving the specified limiting characteristics of some of the standard types of non-quadded cables. From the table it will be seen that the larger gauge cables are used mostly for trunk work and the smaller gauges for connections to subscribers. While the electrical characteristics of these non-quadded cables are of prime importance, they do not demand quite the extreme refinement in manufacturing processes required for quadded cables. The discussion so far has been confined mainly to cable intended for local service, that is, cable providing conductors to connect subscribers directly with the central office and different offices with one another. Gradually, the network of long lines connecting different exchange areas or cities grew and while the early lines were mostly open-wire, it was necessary to provide cable' in and near the larger cities to bring these lines into the central offices. Most of the long lines were operated on the phantom principle where four wires are combined to provide two ordinary pair circuits and a third or phantom circuit which uses the four wires simultaneously. It was, therefore, necessary to provide cable for these toll entrances which could also be operated on the same phantom principle. More recently many long toll lines have been placed for their entire length in cables of this type. One of the greatest difficulties in providing this type of cable was that of building it with sufficiently good electrical balance to avoid serious interference or "crosstalk" between the various circuits in the same four-wire group or "quad," such crosstalk being especially liable to occur because practically all of these lines are loaded. For a given degree of imperfection in capacitance balance, crosstalk is much more serious if the line is loaded than otherwise. A very considerable amount of work was necessary to determine the principles of design and manufacture which have the most influence in bringing about the best balance reasonably attainable. MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 327 The specified limiting degree of unbalance of the capacitance in quadded cable is indicated in Table 2, and Fig. 7 is a diagram showing the capacitances involved and a brief explanation of them. AGROUND ,1' GROUND ■^GROUND Fig. 7 — Diagram showing the capacities involved in capacity unbalances between circuits TABLE 2 Capacitance in m.f. per mile Capacitance Unbalance in m.m.f. per 500 ft. length Pair Quad Side to Side Phantom to Side Phantom to Phantom Av. .068 Av. .112 Av. 30 Max. 100 Av. 120 Max. 200 Av. 60 Max. 600 1 Class I Unbalances — Phantom to Side 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent the four wires of a quad, of which 1 and 2 form one pair and 3 and 4 form the other pair. Unbalance between Phantom and Side 1-2 = 2[Ci_3+Ci_4 — (C2_j+C2-4)]+Gi— G2 Unbalance between Phantom and Side 3-4 = 2[Ci_3+C2-3 — (Ci_i+C2_4)i]+G3 — G4 Class II Unbalances — Side to Side 1, 2, 3 and 4 represent the same as in Class I Unbalances. Unbalance between Side 1-2 and Side 3-4 = Ci_4+C2-3 — (Ci_3+C2_4) 1 Capacitance Unbalances involve differences of Direct Capacitances. See G. A. Campbell, Bell System Technical Journal, July 1922. 328 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Class III Unbalances — Between Circuits in Different Quads Unbalances between two phantoms, or between pairs not in same quad, or between a phantom and a pair not in same quad, in each case = Ci_i+C2_3 — (Ci_3+C2_4) in which, for (a) Phantom to Phantom, 1 represents the two wires connected in parallel to form one pair of a quad, 2 represents the two wires of the quad, and 3 and 4 represent similarly the pairs of another quad. {b) Pair to Pair, 1 and 2 represent the two wires of a pair and 3 and 4 the two wires of another pair not in the same quad. (c) Phantom to Pair, 1 and 2 represent a phantom as in (a) and 3 and 4 a pair as in {b). The type of quad now most commonly used in toll cables in this country is known as the multiple twin type and consists when com- pleted of two twisted pairs which are again twisted around each other. Differently colored wrappings of cotton around the several pairs hold the two wires of the pair together and afford means of identifying various types of quad and pair as used, for example, in the segregation of the circuits operating in different directions in the so-called four- wire circuits. A type of quad construction different from that described above and commonly known as the "spiral four" type of quad has been used more extensively abroad than here. In this construction four wires are twisted together in such a way that at every position each wire occupies approximately a corner of a square and the two diagonally opposite conductors are used to form a pair. This construction has the merit of very low mutual capacitance of the pairs, but the disadvantage of very high mutual capacitance of the phantom. It has also been found more difficult with this con- struction to obtain sufficiently good balance to give satisfactory loaded phantom circuits. This type of quad has, therefore, in some cases been used without utilizing the phantom circuits. The loss of these phantom circuits is less than it might seem at first sight because, on account of the inherently lower pair capacitance for a given space per pair, more wires can be placed in the same space for a given capacitance than with other types of construction. Another characteristic which under certain conditions is important is the alternating current conductance or leakance. The leakance which is measured in micromhos is that property which determines, under given conditions of potential and frequency, the losses in the insulation. These losses become of greater importance when the cable is loaded than when non-loaded and also of relatively greater impor- tance when the conductors are large because then the dielectric losses become relatively greater in comparison with the lower losses in the decreased resistance of the conductor. For this reason many of the MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 329 large gauge loaded toll cables are treated with a special drying process to diminish the leakance. Under-water Cables Either quadded or non-quadded cable may be used on occasion for crossing rivers, bays, etc., and in these cases the lead-covered cable is protected by being first served with two or three layers of jute roving impregnated with tar, then wound with galvanized steel armor wire, and again served with jute yarn, impregnated with an asphalt com- pound, although in many cases at present this outer serving of yarn is omitted. In case of injury causing an opening in the sheath of such a cable, water may enter the interior and interrupt the service. It is also liable to penetrate for a considerable distance and thus ruin a substantial length of cable which it then becomes necessary to replace. To diminish the amount of cable damaged in this way, this type of cable is sometimes made with a very large amount of paper insulation crowded into a small space to make the cable within the lead pipe very dense. The swelling of this paper as it becomes wet tends to retard the penetration of water and to diminish the amount of cable damaged. This dense core construction has, however, the objection that it tends to produce circuits of lower transmission efficiency on account of the higher capacitance and leakance obtained. For this reason cables for this purpose in many cases are made with less dense core con- struction similar to that used in land cables but with the core treated so as to provide water barriers at frequent intervals to prevent or greatly diminish the passage of water through the barrier, commonly known as a "plug," so that the damage resulting from an injury to the sheath is substantially confined to the portion between two consecutive plugs. The Cable Sheath One of the outstanding developments in cable manufacture which occurred about 1911 was the substitution of 1 per cent antimony in lead cable sheath for 3 per cent tin. The use of tin alloyed with lead for cable sheath had been instituted many years before, as it had been found that such sheath was more durable than sheath composed of lead alone and had better mechanical characteristics. Exhaustive tests showed that lead-antimony alloy sheath is equal in quality to lead-tin alloy and, although its use required the development of improved methods of mixing and extrusion, it has resulted in large cost savings. Another decided improvement introduced later was the substitution of vacuum drying ovens for the old gas or steam-heated air ovens. 330 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It was found that the drying time using vacuum ovens was reduced to about one third as compared with hot air ovens, and improved quahty and large cost savings resulted. Before the war the average demand for telephone cable in this country amounted to about two hundred million conductor feet per week. During and after the war this demand steadily increased until now it amounts to about six hundred million conductor feet per week or about thirty billion feet per year, requiring annually forty thousand tons of copper wire, seventy-five thousand tons of lead, and six thousand tons of insulating paper. Cable-making Machinery In planning for the manufacture of this quantity of cable, the design of all machinery was reviewed and changes made wherever possible to improve quality or increase output. A great deal of work was done in improvement of insulating ma- chines, and a ten-head vertical type insulator was developed to replace the older five-head horizontal type for non-quadded light gauge wire. In designing the new machine many improvements were incorporated. The old machines had been built to handle relatively strong paper and heavy wires, and studies indicated that to insulate finer wires success- fully with lighter paper, also to run at high speeds without stretching the wire, and to apply a uniform wrapping without backlapping or folding over of the paper and with low breakage per pad the insulators must be rigid, the tension on the wires should be uniform and both supply and take-up mechanisms should operate smoothly. The relative floor space per head for the ten-head machine including operator's space is about 60 per cent of that taken by the five-head machine but based on production the relative space per unit of produc- tion is about 50 per cent. The new machine runs at a head speed of about 3,000 R. P.M., carries a 12-in. pad of paper, and in general is a very substantial machine. The insulating head, the vital part of the insulating machine, has undergone many changes to accommodate the thinner, narrower in- sulating papers. One of the most important of these has been to improve the tension mechanism which now consists of a very small multiple disc clutch actuated by a system of levers so that a very light but very uniform tension is applied at all times. This is not only making possible the use of smaller paper ribbon but may permit of changes in the composition of the paper with resultant cost savings. This head is shown in Fig. 8. Another desirable feature in a paper insulating machine is a bare MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 331 wire detector as the insulation sometimes parts after passing through the sizing die or polisher as it is called, separates for a few inches and then picks up and goes on. Many electrical devices have been tried and practically all have the objection of high maintenance cost. A Fig. 8 — Paper insulating head very simple and effective remedy was the installation of a second polisher placed between the capstan and take-up spool which catches broken paper and pushes it back until the operator sees and repairs it. The insulating machine used for heavy gauge wire is an eight-head machine built along the same general lines as the ten-head machine. This is illustrated in Fig. 9. 332 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The method of splicing the copper wire is by means of a transformer, the low voltage side of which is equipped with clamps for holding the Fig. 9 — Heavy wire insulator two ends of wire which are butted together, heated by electric current and brazed by the application of borax flux and silver alloy solder. The transformer windings are so designed with low internal resistance MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE ?,?,2, that, although different sizes of wire may be handled, the resistance of the wire between the clamps is so large in proportion to the total resistance that it automatically controls the current and prevents overheating of the wire. Splices in the insulating paper are made by the application of a thin strip of gummed paper. New twisting machines for non-quadded light gauge wire have been developed and these machines have some unique features which are worth a word of explanation. Fig. 10 shows schematically the old OLD METHOD NEW METHOD Fig. 10 — Schematics of old and new type twisters type of twister used ten years ago in which the two spools were placed with axes vertical inside of a flier which carried guide bushings through which the wire from the two spools was brought up to the center of the yoke and to the capstan. These machines operated at 500 R.P.M. and produced one twist per revolution. Assuming a 3-in. twist, the output would be about 125 feet per minute. In the new machines the spools are mounted side by side in a flier, the spools not revolving around each other, with axes horizontal, and the wire from each is taken off in a downward direction around a guide pulley and then up through the flier, around another guide pulley and to the capstan. With this arrangement two twists per revolution of the flier are pro- duced and, as the machine is built to operate at 1,000 R.P.M., the out- 334 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL put for double the speed of the old machine is four times as great or about 500 feet per minute for a 3-in. twist. Additional features are Fig. 11 — Combined twisting and quadding machine special tension devices to insure uniform tension on the wire and sup- ports to assist in loading spools of wire into the yoke. The twister for pairing and quadding heavy gauge wire in one opera- tion is shown in Fig. 11. MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 335 Each spool, containing two conductors, is mounted in a yoke which revolves on its own axis to give the pair twist and the two yokes are revolved around each other to give the quad twist. This is ac- complished by an arrangement of change gears from which can be ob- tained practically any length or direction of twist desired. 30 LONG STROKE LEAD PER CHARGE I 1100 LBS. 30 SHORT STROKE 700 LBS. 220 LBS. MAX. AMOUNT I OF LEAD I PER HOUR I 4543 LBS. 3650 LBS. 1700 LBS. Fig. 12 — Schematic showing relative increase in size of lead presses Modern stranders follow the same general line as the older stranders but the whole design has been reviewed in detail with the view of strengthening and perfecting, and improved tension devices have been developed consisting of a tension arm actuated by the pair which in turn applies a brake to or removes it from the reel head. These are adjusted to give a tension of about three pounds per pair which causes no stretch and prevents over-running. With these, it is possible to run very fine wires at a minimum tension with a maximum smoothness of operation. The drums are gear driven and are capable of running up to 100 R.P.M. After stranding, the cores are dried under vacuum to remove the moisture from the paper and then are covered with a lead alloy sheath. It is necessary after the cable is removed from the vacuum drier to keep it in an atmosphere of a low moisture content until the lead sheath is applied. This was formerly accomplished by placing it in an oven 336 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL at a temperature of about 160 to 180° F. with a resultant relative humidity of not over 10 per cent. Cables maintained at this humidity would pick up very little moisture but in transit from the vacuum drier to the storage oven some moisture might be absorbed ; also working in and out of these hot ovens was not particularly pleasant. Therefore, a method was developed for installing the vacuum driers in such a way that one end opens into an enclosed storage area in which the air is maintained at a temperature of about 100° F. and a relative humidity of less than 10 per cent until the cables are covered with lead. This temperature and humidity are obtained by cooling the incoming air to a dew point corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity desired and then passing it into the oven. A considerable engineering problem was involved in determining the heat given off by the vacuum driers and the hot cables and the additional moisture introduced by infiltration through walls, doors, etc. ; also the relation between relative humidity, moisture content of paper and electrical characteristics presented a most interesting field for study. The method outlined above has proved very satisfactory as the cables do not absorb enough moisture to affect their electrical properties and the conditions in the storage area are not unpleasant; in fact, during the summer time they are somewhat more agreeable than the outside air during periods of high humidity. The process of applying lead sheath to cable is one which has not undergone any change in principle since sheath was first applied di- rectly to the cable instead of cable being pulled into it. There have been, however, a number of developments tending to improve the quality or increase the output. In covering a large cable something more than half of the total time of one cycle of operation is taken up by filling the cylinder with lead and cooling under pressure to the point where it can be extruded. The tendency, therefore, has been to build presses with larger lead con- tainers in order to increase the time of extrusion relative to the total cycle. The diagram (Fig. 12) shows schematically an early type of press, one which was considered standard a few years ago, and one of the presses designed and built recently. Underneath each press is a figure showing the lead content per charge and the relative amount of lead extruded per hour by each of the three presses. As will have been noted from the diagram, the stroke of the newest type of presses is about one foot longer than that of the former presses although the diameter of the lead container and the diameter of the water ram are the same. MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 337 The pressure for operating these presses is furnished by a hydrauHc pump, pumping water at six thousand pounds pressure per square Fig. 13 — Electric tractor and trailer for handling cable reels. inch. Presses were formerly connected to four plunger vertical type pumps, but it was found that more water could be used with the large Fig. 14 — Insulating machines sizes of cable and, therefore, new pumps were built with six plungers, giving a proportionally greater output. The diameter of the lead ram 22 338 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Fig. 15 — Twisting machines 1 IR^^ ^■|Hgn|^^^CL^9^H ■ i^ Hi^i^ ^^^""^""^^ Fig. 16 — Stranding machines MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 339 Fig. 17 — Lead press equipment Fig. 18 — General view of reel yards 340 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL is one third that of the water ram, so that the pressure on the lead dur- ing extrusion is about 54,000 pounds per square inch. Aside from increasing output many studies have been made to determine the exact mechanism of lead extrusion, the relative flow of lead in different parts of the extrusion block, the effect of application of heat at different points, etc. Fig. 19 — Delivery of empty reels from yard An interesting experiment consisted in filling an extrusion block with layers of different colored waxes and noting their flow under pressure. This gave valuable data as to the proper contour of the extrusion chamber. The concentricity of sheath is affected not only by the contour of the extrusion chamber but also by the manner in which heat is applied ; and thickness is affected by temperature and speed of extrusion so that the human element is an important factor, and it is necessary to have thoroughly trained and reliable operators on this kind of work. Tem- perature indicators are used to show die block temperatures and the temperature of the molten lead is automatically controlled and recorded. MANUFACTURING LEAD-COVERED TELEPHONE CABLE 341 Testing, Storage and Shipment Handling of lead-covered cable on reels, the total weight of which runs from one to five tons, is a very distinct problem. This handling from press to test is done by a crane which picks up the reels and carries them to the place where they are to be tested for insulation resistance, capacitance, dielectric strength, etc. Fig. 20 — Crane placing reels on loading platform After the cables are tested, the ends are sealed and wooden lags are fastened around the periphery of the reels after which the cables are taken to a storage yard until the customer's order is completed, at which time they are shipped. A special tractor and trailer. Fig. 13, has been developed and substituted for manual handling. 342 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Handling cables from the reel yard to the loading platform was a very serious problem, particularly in the winter during snow storms. This was taken care of by the installation of overhead cranes for pick- ing up reels and placing them on the platform. The lifting mechanism for empty reels consists of a solenoid-operated plunger controlled by the crane operator. The reels are turned on the side, the plunger inserted in the bushing and the operation of the solenoid throws out two lugs which prevent the plunger from being withdrawn and lift the reel. When the reel is to be released, it is put down on an inclined surface which turns it back on to its flanges. This method of lifting empty reels permits them to be stacked one on top of the other and saves storage space. The lifting mechanism for full reels consists of two side arms with lugs moved horizontally by means of a double-threaded screw and a motor controlled by the crane operator. With this device the crane operator can pick up and put down any reel without the assistance of a ground man. Figs. 14 to 20 show insulating, twisting and stranding machinery, lead presses and cable reel yard with cranes and special lifting equip- ment for both empty and full reels. The methods of cable manufacture are ever changing. What has been described as strictly up to date today will, doubtless, on account of new developments be superseded by new methods, new equipment and new designs, so that the Cable Plant of the future will be different from and more efficient than that of the present. Bridge for Measuring Small Time Intervals By J. HERMAN Synopsis: A bridge circuit for measuring time intervals from about one ten-thousandths of a second up to several seconds is described and its oper- ation explained. The device is fairly accurate and easy to operate and gives the results of measurements in fractions of a second directly. Its cali- bration can readily be determined mathematically since it is dependent only upon the values of certain capacities and resistances used in the measuring circuit. TO the large family of measuring devices making use of certain principles of electrical balance there has recently been added a new member. This measures the elapsed time between the opening or closing of one set of contacts, and the subsequent opening or closing of another set of contacts, the agency employed for operating the contacts being immaterial. The particular form of the device described below, was designed primarily for use in adjusting the operating and releasing times of the voice-operated switching relays at the terminals of the transatlantic radio telephone circuit. In this form or with minor changes, it is applicable to the measurement of intervals of time in the operation of a large variety of other types of apparatus. The new time measuring device is simple and easy to operate, its operation consisting merely of opening and closing a key repeatedly and securing a balance by observing a meter. The balance is secured by turning one or more dials which are calibrated in fractions of a second. A range of measurements extending from about one ten-thousandths of a second up to several seconds is readily obtainable and an accuracy of measurement to within ± 1 per cent can probably be realized over the greater part of this range if sufficient care is taken in the design of the circuit and the selection of the apparatus. In a fairly rugged type of bridge, now in commercial service (See Figs. 3 and 4), which covers the range from one ten-thousandth of a second to one second, and in which little attempt was made to secure a high degree of sensitivity, the results of measurements are accurate to within dz 5 per cent for time intervals down to about five thousandths of a second. For time inter- vals below this value the accuracy decreases rapidly, due partly to the fact that the smallest step provided for on the dials is one ten-thou- sandth of a second and partly due to the effect of variations in the operating time of the relays used in the bridge. Because of its simplicity and accuracy, the bridge is especially valuable for making a series of time measurements to determine the 343 344 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL best adjustment and the most desirable circuit condition for the operation of a relay or similar device. With the bridge, this requires very little time, especially since the results of the individual measure- ments are immediately available to guide the work. With the oscillo- graph, several hours may be required and the results obtained are available only after developing and analyzing the oscillograms. The calibration of the bridge is determined by the values of certain capacities and resistances in the measuring circuit. These may usually be selected with sufficient accuracy during manufacture so that the bridge requires no further calibration after it has been constructed. In fact, it has been found practicable to design the bridge so that the steps on a standard decade resistance box correspond to decimal fractions of a second. Jl f °V\MaAM/o- Fig. 1 The principles underlying the measurement of an interval of time will be explained in connection with Fig. 1. Two condensers Ci and C^ of unequal capacity are charged from a common battery Bz. The condenser Ci, which has a larger capacity than C2, is charged through an adjustable high resistance R\ during the time elapsing between the operation of relay W and the subsequent operation of relay X. This elapsed time is the interval of time to be measured and the charge accumulated on the condenser is an accurate means for doing so. The second condenser C-> is used merely for comparison purposes. It is charged through a fairly low resistance Ri and acquires its full charge in a relatively small interval of time. After the completion of the charging interval, relay Y is operated and the two condensers are discharged simultaneously through a differential meter circuit. If the two charges are equal, the meter will show no deflection, but if they are unequal, it will show a momentary deflection, the direction of which will indicate whether the charge on C\ is too high or too low. By repeating the charging and discharging process a few times and adjusting the value of resistance R\ in series with the first condenser, the charges on the two condensers can be made equal. When this condition is obtained, the interval of time during MEASURING SMALL TIME INTERVALS 345 which the charging took place may be determined from the value of the high resistance. The relationship between the interval of time of charging and the value of resistance required to make the charges on the two condensers equal is a direct proportion. This will be obvious from an inspection of the general equation for the charge at any instant on a condenser which is being charged through a high resistance. The equation is where g = (3(1 - g-wcfl)), (1) g — charge at time, t, t = elapsed time in seconds since the charging began, Q = final or maximum charge on the condenser, C = capacity of condenser in farads, R = resistance in ohms in series with the condenser, e = base of Naperian logarithms. Since q is always made equal to the charge on the comparison con- denser and since the charging battery is common to the two condensers, therefore, using the symbols shown in Fig. 1, C2E may be substituted for q and CiE for Q. The equation then becomes C2 = Ci(l - e-('/ci«>)). (2) As mentioned above, the two condenser capacities are kept constant. Therefore, any change in t requires a proportional change in Ri in order to satisfy the equation. Fig. 2 is a schematic circuit diagram of the complete time measuring bridge showing the manner in which it may be connected to a repre- sentative type of circuit to be tested (shown by dotted lines). The symbols used to designate the various circuit elements in this figure are the same as those used in Fig. 1 and since the principles of operation have already been explained in connection with the latter figure, a comparison of the two figures will aid materially in understanding the detailed circuit arrangements of the bridge. As shown in Fig. 2 the bridge is arranged to measure the operating time of a voice operated switching device consisting of a detector and a relay Z in the output circuit of the detector. The input circuit of the detector is connected to the output circuit of an oscillator and may be opened or closed by contacts on one of the bridge relays (relay W). This relay is under the control of key K which, when closed, causes relay W to operate and complete the oscillator connections to the 346 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL detector thereby initiating the operation of relay Z. At the same time, another set of contacts of relay W close the charging circuit of con- denser Ci thereby permitting the charging of this condenser through the high resistance Ri. These conditions remain unchanged until the armature of relay Z has reached its tn contact and caused the operation B,:i: , T I [Oscilll"* i-atorj — r 1 \.^n Current Cost of Living Index Number = 100 ._,, . „ r r ■ ■ -, 1914 Cost of Livmg so does the rate reflect current quality relative to that of a selected standard of reference. One of the features of the rate is its assistance in controlling quality, its provision of means for discriminating between chance and non-chance variations from the quality level which should currently be expected. Character of Inspection As in other fields much of the inspection work on telephone products consists of critical examinations of essential features to determine whether or not the units of product conform with specification require- ments. This is done: (1) By visual examinations in which ob\ious defects of material or workmanship are discovered by eye. (2) By using "Go" and "No Go" gauges or their equivalent, which determine whether a unit does or does not conform with a re- quirement, or (3) By using measuring instruments which reveal the numerical mag- nitude of the characteristic for each unit tested. To illustrate the last two kinds of inspection, the specification requirement for the capacity of a type of condenser is "not less than .099 microfarad and not more than .101 microfarad." Inspection may be done by the "Method of Attributes," using a test set which shows merely whether the capacity of a condenser is inside or outside of the limits, or by the "Method of Variables," using an indicating or re- cording meter to show the numerical value of capacity for each test. In these two cases the data, if tabulated, would appear as in Fig. 1. Inspection data used for rating come in both varieties. Items which Enter the Rate Commercial measurement of quality by inspection usually consists in a comparison with stated requirements. Starting with the design and a knowledge of what can be accomplished in the shop, allowances for variations in materials, dimensions and salient properties are established in specifications. The aggregate of specification require- ments constitutes a standard of quality which the manufacturer holds 352 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL before him as an upper limit of attainment. To him, perfect per- formance is 100 per cent conformance with requirements and the resulting product he regards as of "perfect quality." The rate en- compasses this narrow viewpoint of quality and measures the success to the manufacturer in living up to this adopted standard. .099 .101 Capacity (in Microfarads) Inspection by Method of Attributes Inspection by Method of Variables Condenser No. Observation Condenser No. Observation 1 2 3 4 121 122 123 Good Good Bad Good Good Bad Good 1 2 3 4 121 122 123 .0991 .1006 .0985 .0995 .0999 .1013 .0994 Fig. 1 — ^Two methods of measuring the quality of condensers in respect to capacity The only items which enter the rate are the "defects," i.e. failures to meet requirements, found in the course of inspection. Experience has shown that percentage non-defective, the ratio of perfect parts to the total parts, while useful for certain classes of investigation, is not a very satisfactory yardstick for measuring quality of complex products. This factor fails to take into account two important things: (1) Defects of different kinds are not equally serious. (2) Defects of the same kind vary in seriousness according to the degree of departure from specified limits. Thus a failure to meet a major requirement should have greater weight than a failure to meet a minor one and in like manner the degree of imperfection of a given kind should be taken into consideration. A METHOD OF RATING MANUFACTURED PRODUCT 353 The rating method recognizes such gradations in seriousness by making use of a system of weighting defects. Method of Weighting Defects The seriousness of a defect is judged from the standpoint of the consumer. A defect, if allowed to get into service, means trouble in one form or another, and trouble costs money. Seriousness depends fundamentally upon the evaluation of the loss or expense that would be incurred by using the defective unit. The determination of exact costs of trouble is generally not possible but these costs or, better, the relative costs can be estimated. Such estimates may be based on past experience, judgment, engineering knowledge of service requirements, complaints received from consumers and available information on costs associated with past troubles in service. A standard set of classes is adopted for defects associated with a given kind of product, the classes being ordered in seriousness and each sufficiently well defined to make the business of classification a fairly simple and uniform process. The following four-fold classification has been found satisfactory for many kinds of telephone products. Class "^" Defects — ^Very serious. Will render unit totally unfit for service. Will surely cause operating failure of the unit in service which cannot be readily corrected on the job, e.g. open induction coil, transmitter without carbon, etc. Liable to cause personal injury or property damage. Class "jB" Defects — Serious. Will probably, but not surely, cause Class "A" operating failure of the unit in service. Will surely cause trouble of a nature less serious than Class "A" operating failure, e.g. adjustment failure, opera- tion below standard, etc. Will surely cause increased maintenance or decreased life. Class "C" Defects — Moderately serious. Will possibly cause operating failure of the unit in service. Likely to cause trouble of a nature less serious than operat- ing failure. Likely to cause increased maintenance or decreased life. Major defects of appearance, finish or workmanship. Class "P" Defects — Not serious. Will not cause operating failure of the unit in service. Minor defects of appearance, finish or workmanship. It should be pointed out that the number of classes to be used is arbitrary. Two classes, major and minor, may be sufficient for some 23 354 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL relatively simple products. The number of classes that can logically be used in any case depends upon the accuracy which can be attained in making estimates of relative seriousness. Before proceeding further it may be well to indicate how the defects for features which are inspected as "variables" are weighted. Take the illustration accompanying Fig. 1. Any failure to meet the com- mercial limits of .099 and .101 microfarad will result in irregularities in transmission such as the distortion of the words spoken over a telephone line. The greater the departure from these limits the greater is the seriousness from a service standpoint. Strictly the weight for a defect should depend upon the degree of its departure from a limit but the desired result can be approximated to a satisfactory degree of accuracy by classifying the defects into two or more classes. To illustrate, assume two classes as indicated in Fig. 2. Defects falling within the Fig. Capacity (in microfarads) 2 — Classification of defects for variable characteristics ranges .098 to .099 and .101 to .102 are serious and can be considered as Class "B" defects in a four-fold classification while defects outside of the two outer limits .098 and .102 are Class "A" defects and can be weighted as such. Computation of the Rate A defect is weighted by assigning to it a number of "demerits." For a given kind of product each class of defects has a specified weight. Since the relative weights are alone of importance, the scale of demerits may be chosen arbitrarily. The unit of measurement in the rating plan is "demerits per unit." ^ This factor is the simple sum of the demerits per unit contributed by the different types of defects found in inspection. 2 The "unit" is commonly a physical unit of product such as a piece part, a partial assembly or a finished unit of apparatus or equipment. Exceptions to this rule have been found desirable for certain complicated types of product, such as switchboard sections ori nstalled central office equipment, in which cases the unit may be a natural element ol a physical unit such as a soldered connection, a circuit, etc. A METHOD OF RATING MANUFACTURED PRODUCT 355 (1) fli W2 Demerits per unit for all types of defects, where Wi, Wi, etc. = weight (demerits per defect) for defects of type 1, 2, etc. di, di, etc. = number of type 1, 2, etc., defects, and Wi, W2, etc. = number of units inspected for type 1,2, etc., defects. Instead of using equation (1) directly for indicating quality, it has seemed desirable to establish a rate which by its numerical magnitude gives an immediate indication of whether the quality is better or worse ♦10 Better Than Base Period Quality -•s— Base Period Rate «= 0 Poorer Than Base Period Quality^ J F M A IC J Month Poorer Than Base Period Quality '^— Base Period Index » 1 Better Than Base Period Quality J F M A M J Month Fig. 3 — Relation between index and rate for a given product and period of time than that of some easily recognized reference condition. Resorting to methods commonly used in constructing index numbers, we therefore select a base period during which the manufacturing conditions and inspection methods were known to be essentially the same as at the present time, determine the demerits per unit for the representative data of that period, and set up the following index: Index = Current Demerits per Unit Base Period Demerits per Unit (2) 356 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Since the demerit is an element of badness, this index increases in mag- nitude as the quahty grows worse as shown in the upper chart on Fig. 3. It is preferable to have the rate high when the quality is good and low when the quality is bad. This has been taken care of by using the factor (1 — Index) in the rate equation, Rate = 10 (1 - Index), (3) where the factor 10 is introduced merely to make a convenient scale. This gives a rate of + 10 for a product of perfect quality (i.e. no defects found in the material inspected), a rate of zero when current quality is the same as the average for the base period, and a negative rate when current quality is poorer than that of the base period. This equation, as portrayed by the lower chart of Fig. 3, is merely a numerical way of saying "better than" or "poorer than" base period quality and it also tells how much better or poorer. The choice of base period rests on judgment and knowledge of con- ditions and must be made with the eyes open. To take care of evolu- tionary changes in manufacturing conditions for telephone products it has been found desirable to use a moving base period ^ of not longer than five years. The use of a somewhat extended period where possible has the advantage of stability in that it tends to smooth out the high and low spots resulting from temporarily abnormal conditions of production such as are liable to recur in the future. The magnitude of the base period demerits per unit thus establishes a reference level for quality under average conditions.^ Quality-Control Feature of the Rate Rates obtained from week to week or from month to month are used to indicate whether quality has been controlled. If manufacturing conditions are steady and everything is running smoothly, some definite value of rate can be expected. But even with a perfectly controlled process, there will be fluctuations above and below the expected rate value, fluctuations resulting from the effects of a large number of causes over which the manufacturer has no control. 2 By a moving base period of 3 years is meant the three years just preceding the current year. With a moving base period the standard of reference (the denominator of the index) will change slightly at the beginning of each year as one year is dropped and a new one, the preceding, is added to the base. * The average of past experience is sometimes a suitable estimate of expected quality but its indiscriminate use for this purpose is to be avoided. For products which are reasonably well controlled this estimate will often serve satisfactorily. Primarily the denominator of the index is a magnitude chosen to represent some standard of reference. The numerical rate obtained at any time reflects quality relative to the standard. It is not essential to the rate that the expectancy feature be stressed in this connection. Expectancy is, however, of importance to the control limits discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. A METHOD OF RATING MANUFACTURED PRODUCT 357 How low does a rate have to fall before lack of control is indicated? Does a rate of —10 signify that something abnormal has happened? The following discussion gives a method which can be used to detect lack of control. First of all we must determine the value of rate to be expected, i.e. establish a norm for expected quality. Past experience can usually be used as a guide for this purpose. If the average quality during the base period is considered satisfactory as an estimate of expected quality under current conditions, then the expected rate is 0. If only a portion of past data is judged suitable for this purpose, then the rate figure corresponding to the selected data is the expected value. The method of establishing limits of expected variation for the rate makes use of statistical methods which have been described elsewhere,* but will be briefly reviewed. If the current rate deviates from the expected rate by an amount which is greater than can be attributed to chance, this will be taken as an indication of lack of control. Just how chance enters the discussion will perhaps be better under- stood from the following. Each unit of product is the physical result of fashioning and combining various materials by a large number of manual and mechanical operations and processes. Every element in the production process which contributes to the final detailed character of a unit can be considered as a cause. Now the ideal state of affairs, purely conceptual lo be sure but nevertheless one which is the goal in all attempts to secure greater uniformity of quality, is one in which each of the elemental causes or groups of causes (affecting a particular trait of the product) functions continuously in the same manner to produce a given elemental effect in the direction of defective quality. Considering overall quality, one group of manufacturing causes is responsible for one type of defect, another group for a second type, etc. The aggregate of these many causes which cooperate to mould the product may be considered as a system of causes. When the concept of constancy-with-time is associated with all of the causes, the system is spoken of as a "constant system of causes," ® i.e. one whose tendency toward defective quality does not change with time. Product turned out by such a system will be referred to as "uniform product." For product which is uniform in this sense the rates obtained week 6 "Quality Control Charts," by W. A. Shewhart, Bell Sys. Tech. Jour., Vol. V, pp. 593-603, October, 1926. ^ "Application of Statistics as an Aid in Maintaining Quality of a Manufactured Product," by W. A. Shewhart, Jour. Am. Stat. Ass'n, Vol. XX, pp. 546-548, De- cember, 1925. It should be noted that the system of causes associated with the data used in rating is all-inclusive, encompassing the causes which are responsible for in- accuracies of measurement introduced by inspection as well as the manufacturing causes which affect actual quality. 358 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL by week or month by month will fluctuate around some average value according to the laws of chance. For example, in the manufacture of selectors assume conditions are such as to give uniform quality with an expected rate of 0. The rates for batches of selectors turned out weekly will fluctuate about Rate =0, the range of variation depending on the number produced each week. A week's output can be regarded merely as a sample of the product which this system of causes would turn out if it were allowed to function in the same manner for an Protatility of Occurrence of Different Values of Rate Probability of Occurrence of Different Values of .Bate Weekly Output of 1000 Units Each -10 oj -10 Samples of :jOC Units Each Fig. 4 — Typical fluctuations of rates for uniform product whose expected rate = 0 indefinite length of time. The distribution of weekly rates is the same as would be obtained in an ordinary sampling experiment by drawing samples from an infinite warehouse of thoroughly mixed selectors having an average quality represented by Rate = 0. If inspection consists in examining only a percentage of the selectors manufactured, this will be merely equivalent to taking smaller quantities of selectors A METHOD OF RATING MANUFACTURED PRODUCT 359 from the warehouse and the resulting rates will be spread out more widely around 0 than when the entire product is inspected. These results are exemplified by the two diagrams in Fig. 4. The probability curves of Fig. 4 represent the basis for setting con- trol limits. The area under the curve between any two limits divided by the total area represents the probability that a single rate will fall between these limits. For a probability of .99 we can say that if the product is controlled at a level corresponding to the expected rate (zero in the illustration) then the chances are 99 in 100 that the current rate will fall within the limits thus established and only 1 in 100 that it will fall outside the limits. For any product the spread between the limits is governed by two factors, the number of pieces inspected and the value of the above probability. It is necessary therefore to make an arbitrary choice of probability, a choice which will depend on the use to be made of the rate. The control lines are used primarily to distinguish between those variations which may be attributed to chance causes and those which are more probably the result of some significant change in manufactur- ing conditions, either production or inspection, and therefore worthy of investigation. The criterion of the suitability of the limits chosen is the percentage of cases falling outside of the limits which on investiga- tion are found to have resulted from some significant departures from current standards of performance. In setting limits for rates the manufacturer has one point of view and the purchaser another. The manufacturer wishes to detect lack of control as early as possible and is willing to follow up false scents occasionally in his endeavor to prevent the persistence of costly ir- regularities. The purchaser is more interested in major swings or trends in quality, is not so much concerned with the use of limits for actual control and hence does not desire to instigate fruitless investiga- tions frequently. For many telephone products, experience has indicated that a probability value between .90 and .95 is economical for shop control work while higher values such as .99 or above are better suited for quality reports issued for purposes of general information. Inasmuch as the rate measures overall quality as determined by a number of different characteristics, its control feature relates particu- larly to final or partial assemblies of product. This control work should, of course, be preceded by control activities based on the same principles applied to the process inspection data for each of the essen- tial characteristics of the parts which make up the whole. 360 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL £f C — tc o o c ^ o o o r>i ! c I 1 < -to OO o o — o c o o 1 o (U > i^ % 1 1 1 CM c "-, c- C' -- coco oo o o t 3 U 4) i OOO O '-I oo oo oo o o C ^^ oo •«f t^ lo ro oo "0 o so C^ c o -.-< o -- -^ oo ^ C: (J (U C OCV1 o -< o oo o oo o O 03 ■^ \o ^ OS CO Oro -- — oc o o o O J3 C^: '—H OJ U. o c" o<^- o o C^l o o o oo o O 0) 1—1 (« K T-l LO o o T— -H GO lO so ■^ 00 O lO (V^ r/^uoOC Otr o O 3^ oo oo f<5 fO CSl CM iD <^ ly- uo i >. ^ H bx) _c &:. tr. H < TJ P T o fc C v: c CC ci -o r- <^l O (U (U c 0) a. ^lOsOt^OC • - QJ OJ OJ 0- bfloj H "C a c u 5 a c - -5 c • .5 t^ ^ ;>, p. ^ .5 >.> ' Ifi ^ :2 >^ ^'r-b- ^Hh .hHh 5^^ W ^ << ^ i< cu 1 u C^ -^I "■ cm' 1 On 1 '^ O '^I ■>! OOOOO •^1 7 OS -^ C^ o OS i-m" + lO r^ ^ 00 lO uo r^ Tt< CM -^ ID 00 OS CM 7 t^O — ' o 1^1 C so d so lO O -^ ■^1 OS CM + TtOlOt^ c^ c^ 00 cm" "1 1 fC O t^ ■— ' o CM_ OS + O— i^sO r- c-1 ro -H CJ CM lO d + ro CM lO 0\ OS -^ lO ir^ CM lO ■*" CM so d 1 cq Os LO SO so CM CM !^ oo CM + •<* -H CM ■>* -* CM ^H •rt 00 >o q + o o >o lo O sO cj < a u r/ u en en U a (n a u * i c :: L After IS pec t Ion ...\.L\ Z^z\/. . -. __ _. ._. ._. T|lL — "¥ Electrical Defects Before Inspection , / .- ! ' ,^ ; \ / -.^^ / — '. _.. .-'' \7 Before spectlon / s. / >v.-' S/!>'^ / \^ /-- L- ~~ — - ■ ~ ...,S.j^ / __ .__ __ __ __ __ __. ._- __ — ^^- w It f T 1 MONTH 3 6 9 123456789 10 11 1 Fig. 8 — Rate showing quality of a product before and after a screening inspection quality of the product submitted to the check inspector. The control limits for the lower rate are drawn above and below the expected level of quality for product submitted to the first group of inspectors and both sets of limits are based on a probability of .95. The results of the screening inspection can be used directly for con- trolling the work of the Operating Department. For this purpose it has been found valuable to prepare weekly rates with control limits based on a slightly lower probability value than that used for monthly rates. When the defects can be readily classified into two or more major groups, such as defects for electrical requirements, defects for 364 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL mechanical requirements, etc., it has often been found useful to com- pute sub-rates with respect to such classifications of trouble. A typical sub-rate is indicated by the fine dotted line of Fig. 9. Ex- YEAE Base Period 1926 1927 _ ♦10 jCOiTANY A| ® 0 ~Z^ s^^^^^ If the number of units inspected is the same for all types of defects,, i.e. Wi = W2 = etc. = n, equation (7) becomes '"■ = *\IV^ ['"(§), (8)' * This follows directly from the Law of Small Numbers. Theoretically this result is obtained if p is small, N infinite and pN finite. See any standard text on the subject. Practically this law can be used as an approximation if p is less than .10- and N is greater than 16. 368 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The control limits for the rate are obtained from the equation (assuming the Normal Law to be a satisfactory approximation for determining probabilities), where an^ is given by equations (2) and (6), and where K is a constant whose value depends on the choice of probability. The following table gives values of K for different values of probabil- ity. Probability -f^ .997 3.00 .990 2.33 .955 2.00 .900 1-65 .800 1.28 .683 1.00 ,500 675 Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal A Note on the Thermionic Work Function of Tungsten} C. Davisson and L. H. Germer. It has been pointed out that the authors in a previous paper - had neglected to apply a correction for the "Schottky Effect" to their results. The present note applies this correction which is found to be comparatively small and does not materially affect the results given before. A fuller discussion of the interpretation of the work function measurements previously reported is also in- cluded in this note. The Action of Fluxes in Soft Soldering and a New Class of Fluxes for Soft Soldering} R. S. Dean and R. V. Wilson. This is a report of basic studies of soldering fluxes undertaken by the authors. It was found that the fluxing action depends on the evolution at soldering temperatures of HCl gas or other halogen acid gases which have been found to be effective soldering fluxes. Based on this discovery soldering fluxes have been found among the organic compounds and the way opened for the development of a truly non-corrosive flux. Certain Topics in Telegraph Transmission Theory} H. Nyquist. The author gives results of theoretical studies of telegraph systems which have been made from time to time. Among other things he points out that although the usual method of determining the dis- tortion of telegraph signals is to calculate the transients of the system an alternative method is based on the steady state characteristics. For the first method the telegraph wave is taken as a function of t and for the second as a function of co. A discussion of the minimum frequency range required for transmission at a given signaling speed is also included in the paper. Experiments and Observations Concerning the Ionized Regions of the Atmosphere} R. A. Heising. Experiments are described in which a virtual height of the reflecting ionized region was measured using time lag between radio signals arriving over a direct and the reflected path. Heights were found of 150 to 400 miles with vertical move- ^Phys. Rev., Vol. 30, pp. 634-638, Nov. 1927. 2 Davisson and Germer, Phys. Rev., Vol. 20, 300 (1922). ^ Indus, and Eng. Chemistry, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 1312-1314. 4 Presented, A. I. E. E., February 13-17, 1928. A. I. E. E. Jour., Vol. XLVII, No. 3, pp. 214-216, Mar. 1928. ^Proc. I. R. E., Vol. 16, pp. 75-99, Jan. 1928. 369 370 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ments at rates as high as 20 miles per minute. Other experiments and curves are mentioned which show absorption to be one of the important factors causing poor daylight transmission for wave-lengths around 214 meters. A discussion is given to show that both electro- magnetic waves from the sun and jS particles must be assumed to produce ionization to explain radio transmission phenomena observed. The ionization is pictured as beginning at an altitude of about 16 miles and extending upward, and as experiencing diurnal and seasonal variations. The electromagnetic or day ionization occupies a wide region, and is fairly steady except for the diurnal variation. The /3 particle ionization which is the principal ionization at night occurs continuously. It is, however, less dense than the other ionization and is very variable. Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel.^ C. Davisson and L. H. Germer. The scattering of electrons by nickel has been reported on recurrently since 1921. This paper gives the latest results which indicate that a wave-length is in some way connected with the electron's behavior. A rather complete summary of the experiments and conclusions appeared in the Bell System Technical Journal for January, 1928, which makes unnecessary a fuller account here. A General Operational Analysis J W. O. Pennell. The paper outlines the elements of a general operational analysis. Using p as the symbol for an operator, the author, starting with a general typical defining equation such as p{ax^) = \l/{a, x, h), proceeds by definitions and theorems to demonstrate the use of operational methods in a large variety of common mathematical operations. Precision Determination of Frequency.^ J. W. Horton and W. A. Marrison. The relations between frequency and time are such that it is desirable to refer them to a common standard. Reference standards, both of time and of frequency, are characterized by the requirement that their rates shall be so constant that the total number of variations executed in a time of known duration may be taken as a measure of the rate over shorter intervals of time. Frequency standards have the further requirement that the form of their vari- ations and the order of magnitude of their rates shall be suitable for comparison with the waves used in electrical communication. Two different types of standard which meet these requirements are ^Phys. Rev., Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 705-740, Dec. 1927. 7 //. of Math, and Phys. of M. I. T., Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 24-38, Nov. 1927. 8 Proceedings of the L R. E., Vol. 16, No. 2, Feb. 1928. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 371 described. One consists of a regenerative vacuum-tube circuit, the frequency of which is determined by the mechanical properties of a tuning fork. The other is a regenerative circuit controlled by a piezo-active crystal. Means are provided, in the case of each standard, whereby the recurrent cycles may be counted by a mechanism having the form of a clock, the rate of which is a measure of the frequency of the reference standard. Data taken over a period of several years with a fork-controlled circuit show that, under normal conditions, its rate may be relied upon to two parts in one million. Data taken over a much shorter time with crystal controlled oscillators indicate that they are about ten times as stable. Plane Waves of Light. II. Reflection and Refraction.'^ Thornton C. Fry. This paper extends the study of plane light waves, which was begun in the Journal of the Optical Society for September, 1927, to the phenomena of reflection and refraction. It develops the general formulae for reflection from a plane boundary between two media and for reflection from thin films, paying especial attention to the situations under which "hybrid" polarization occurs. The dififer- ences between the reflected and refracted components in the case of dielectrics and metals are illustrated by a number of diagrams. The paper closes with a discussion of the determination of the optical constants of metals, both from the state of polarization of the reflected light and from the direction of emergence of the ray trans- mitted through a prism. Propagation Characteristics of Sound Tubes and Acoustic Filter s.'^^ W. P. Mason. This paper describes a method for making acoustic propagation measurements, and presents the results of attenuation and velocity measurements of straight tubes and acoustic filters. The ordinary electrical transmission measuring circuit is employed in conjunction with loud speakers and acoustic resistance terminations. The process of measurement consists in obtaining the transmission characteristics of the systems with the device to be measured in the acoustic circuit, then obtaining the characteristics with the device to be measured taken out of the acoustic circuit. The difference between these two measurements gives the transmission characteristics of the device to be measured between the two acoustic resistance termina- tions. Results obtained from these measurements for straight pipes agree well with the Helmholtz-Kirchoff Law. ^ Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 16, pp. 1-25, January, 1928. '■''Physical Review, pp. 283-295, Vol. 31, No. 2, February, 1928. 372 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Brittleness Tests for Rubber and Gutta-Percha Compounds}'^ G. T. KoHMAN and R. L. Peek, Jr. An insulating material compounded of rubber, gutta-percha, or of similar substances becomes brittle at a temperature, characteristic of the material, below which it may not be used if liable to mechanical stress. This paper describes an apparatus designed to determine this temperature by giving the sample a sharp bend through a fixed angle. The highest temperature at which fracture occurs in this test (the brittle temperature) is found to be nearly independent of the bending angle and the sample's dimen- sions provided the rate of bending is maintained at a nearly constant (high) rate. A modified form of the apparatus is also described with which the brittle temperature may be determined when the material is under high hydrostatic pressure. The constancy of the brittle temperature when determined under different conditions suggests that it marks a change in the structure of the material. 11 Ind. and Eng. Chem., Vol. 20, pp. 81-83, January, 1928. Contributors to this Issue O. B. Blackwell, B.S. in electrical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After graduation, he entered the Engineer- ing Department of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company as engineer and in 1919 was made Transmission Development Engineer. Mr. Blackwell has general supervision of transmission developments and by virtue of his position has been prominently associated with progress in long distance wire and radio telephony. K. W. Waterson, S.B. in E.E., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1898; Mechanical Department, American Bell Telephone Company, 1898; in charge of equipment engineering, 1901 ; in charge of traffic engineering, 1905; in charge of traffic and equipment engineer- ing, 1906; Assistant Chief Engineer, 1907; Engineer of Traffic, 1909; Executive Officer, Department of Development and Research, 1919; Assistant Chief Engineer, Department of Operation and Engineering, 1920; Assistant Vice President, 1927, in charge of traffic, plant opera- tion and general results divisions, Department of Operation and Engineering. Sallie Pero Mead, A.B., Barnard College, 1913; M.A., Columbia University, 1914; American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, 1915-19; Department of Development and Research, 1919-. Mrs. Mead's work has been of a mathematical character relating to telephone transmission. Oliver E. Buckley, B.Sc, Grinnell College, 1909; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1914; Engineering Department, Western Electric Com- pany, 1914-17; U. S. Army Signal Corps, 1917-18; Engineering De- partment, Western Electric Company (Bell Telephone Laboratories), 1918-. During the war Major Buckley had charge of the research section of the Division of Research and Inspection of the Signal Corps, A. E. F. His early work in the Laboratories was concerned princi- pally with the production and measurement of high vacua and with the development of vacuum tubes. More recently he has directed in- vestigations of magnetic materials and the development of the per- malloy-loaded submarine cable. 373 374 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL John R. Carson, B.S., Princeton, 1907; E.E., 1909; M.S., 1912; Research Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1910-12; instructor of physics and electrical engineering, Princeton, 1912-14; American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, 1914-15; Patent Department, 1916-17; Engineering Department, 1918; Department of Development and Research, 1919-. Mr. Carson's work has been along theoretical lines and he has published several papers on theory of electric circuits and electric wave propagation. Karl K. Darrow, S.B., University of Chicago, 1911, University of Paris, 1911-12, University of Berlin, 1912; Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, University of Chicago, 1917; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company, 1917-24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-. Mr. Darrow has been engaged largely in preparing studies and analyses of published research in various fields of physics. C. D. Hart, M.E., Cornell University, 1906; entered Western Electric Company in Student Course at New York in 1906; trans- ferred to Hawthorne in 1911, development work on the manufacture of lead-covered cable; transferred to Tokyo, Japan, in 1913 to inaugu- rate the manufacture of lead-covered telephone cable at the Nippon Electric Company; returned to Hawthorne, December, 1915; 1916-20, general foreman of Cable Shops, Metal Finishing Department and Rubber Shops; 1920-23, manufacturing development work; 1923-, Assistant Superintendent of Manufacturing Development. J. Herman, E.E., Lehigh University, 1920; Department of Develop- ment and Research, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1920-. Mr. Herman has been engaged chiefly in telegraph trans- mission development work and has been associated with the develop- ment of voice-operated switching devices. H. F. Dodge, S.B., Mass. Inst. Tech., 1916; instructor in electrical engineering, 1916-17; A.M., Columbia University, 1922; Engineering Department of the Western Electric Company and Bell Telephone Laboratories, 191 7-. Mr. Dodge was earlier associated with the development of telephone instruments and allied devices, and is now engaged in development work relating to the application of statistical methods to inspection engineering. The Bell System Technical Journal July, 1928 Precision Tool Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus By J. H. KASLEY and F. P. HUTCHISON THERE is probably no field of human endeavor in which hand labor has been more completely replaced by labor-saving devices than in the field of manufacturing. The design and employment of special tools together with semi- and full automatic machinery for ERRATA: Bell System Technical Journal, April, 1928 Page 327, Table 2 — Interchange the number "200" of column 6 and number "600" in column 8. Page 328, beginning line 4, should read — (a) Phantom to phantom; 1 represents the two wires, connected in parallel, of one pair of a quad. 2 represents the two wires in parallel of the other pair of the quad, and 3 and 4 represent similarly the pairs of another quad. Page 347 — Figure 3 should be inverted. 1^ I tool maKmg arc as pictuLiL,c(a uy um^ •._wiixptiii_x cvxxv^ ^^ ^^ ^.— ^, tive material will be drawn from among the large number of punches and dies used for punch press methods of manufacture. The methods employed and precision necessary in building the tools discussed below can be considered as representative of the high class of workmanship required throughout the Company's tool rooms. Punches and Dies Tool Making for Telephone Apparatus Manufacture. Briefly, a punch and die comprises a pair of individual tools so constructed 25 375 374 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL John R. Carson, B.S., Princeton, 1907; E.E., 1909; M.S., 1912; Research Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, 1910-12; instructor of physics and electrical engineering, Princeton, 1912-14; American Telephone and Telegraph Company, Engineering Department, 1914-15; Patent Department, 1916-17; Engineering Department, 1918; Department of Development and Research, 1919-. Mr. Carson's work has been along theoretical lines and he has published several papers on theory of electric circuits and electric wave propagation. Karl K. Darrow, S.B., University of Chicago, 1911, University of Paris, 1911-12, University of Berlin, 1912; Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, University of Chicago, 1917; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company, 1917-24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.. 1925 — . M^r. Dprmw ViPC Vifipn onmrrorl lo.-<-r«iKr -.^ ^_«^« , , ^.^^^^. ^••v.o. i^^^-ll., i.j/i.'o, iiiatiui^Lui 111 electrical engineering, 1916-17; A.M., Columbia University, 1922; Engineering Department of the Western Electric Company and Bell Telephone Laboratories, 191 7-. Mr. Dodge was earlier associated with the development of telephone instruments and allied devices, and is now engaged in development work relating to the application of statistical methods to inspection engineering. The Bell System Technical Journal July, 1928 Precision Tool Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus By J. H. KASLEY and F. P. HUTCHISON THERE is probably no field of human endeavor in which hand labor has been more completely replaced by labor-saving devices than in the field of manufacturing. The design and employment of special tools together with semi- and full automatic machinery for operating them have reached a high stage of development and are probably more responsible than any other factors for the present age being generally referred to as the industrial age. The notable econo- mies of present day manufacture result no more from the rapid production of parts thus made possible than from the interchange- ability of these parts because of the accuracy with which they have been produced. At the foundation of precision manufacture by machine lies the art of tool making. As a result of the impetus given it by the eco- nomic justification underlying the transition from hand labor to mechanical devices, it has grown steadily in importance and in refine- ment. In large measure, it is the art of tool making which insures the interchangeability of product. There are probably few industries in which the refinements of the tool making art have been carried further than in the manufacture of telephone apparatus and equipment, especially when handled on a large production basis as by the Western Electric Company. The purpose of this article is to outline some of the refinements of the tool making art as practiced by this Company and to do this, illustra- tive material will be drawn from among the large number of punches and dies used for punch press methods of manufacture. The methods employed and precision necessary in building the tools discussed below can be considered as representative of the high class of workmanship required throughout the Company's tool rooms. Punches and Dies Tool Making for Telephone Apparatus Manufacture. Briefly, a punch and die comprises a pair of individual tools so constructed 25 375 376 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL with respect to each other that, when properly guided and forced into engagement with sufficient pressure, they will produce a uni- form permanent change on the material placed between them. Punches and dies are made to perform a variety of operations, such as cutting or shearing parts from strip stock, commonly termed blanking, perforating or piercing holes, drawing, forming or bending, stamping, embossing, etc. In many instances two or more operations are combined in one tool, as, for example, a perforating and blanking punch and die, which cuts the part to its required shape and also perforates the required holes. Multiple operation tools may be con- structed in many different ways, depending on the particular require- ments of the part to be made. Typical illustrations of punches and Fig. 1 — Compound punch and die of the liner pin type assembled. dies for accurate work are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The former shows a compound punch and die of the liner or guide pin type assembled, and the latter shows a partially disassembled tool of the sub-press design, in which the moving member is completely enclosed and guided by the housing. The compound type of construction mentioned in the preceding paragraph, which perforates and blanks the part complete in one die position and one stroke of the press, gets its name from this feature of performing a compound operation in one die position, and is generally used where very accurate parts, practically free from distortion and PRECISION TOOL MAKING 377 with clean-cut edges, are to be produced, and particularly where thin stock is used. It is also preferable to other types of tool construction when the part is irregular in shape or is to be produced in large quantities, because of the uniformity of product, high speed at which it can be operated and because of its long life. Where small holes are to be perforated, the compound type is often advisable due to the fact that the perforators can be supported more substantially, with reduced breakage. Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view of one of the standard designs of sub- press compound tools illustrating this type of construction. As its name implies, the sub-press type is a practically self-contained press which is placed, assembled, in the power press. As will be noted from this figure, the compound type of tool has the perforating punches Fig. 2 — Sub-press compound punch and die partially disassembled to show construction. L located inside the blanking die N, and supported by the shedder Af . and the die openings for the perforators inside punch P, which is fastened to the base H of the tool. In operation, the base H is mounted on the bed of the press and the cap adapter A, which is attached to the plunger D, is fastened to the slide or ram of the press. The stock is fed over the stripper 0 and the die N descends, thus depressing the stripper 0 and causing the shedder M to recede into the die N. As the shedder is backed up by a heavy spring C, the metal being blanked is held under pressure between the shedder and the punch P so that this type of construction fabricates thin sheet metal under conditions which insure the best results. As the down- ward movement progresses, the blank is cut from the stock and the holes perforated. The slugs forced out by perforators L drop through 378 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the punch P, and as the die ascends on the up stroke of the press the blank is forced back into the stock by the action of the stripper and 2T. + 0.135 y MIN. 0.I90VL Fig. 3 — Cross-sectional view of standard design for sub-press compound punch and die illustrating principal parts. shedder. The material is then advanced to the next position and the operation repeated. If no positive provision is provided in a punch and die for securing fixed alignment of the cutting members, considerable care and skill is required in order to adjust and set the tool in the press so as to bring PRECISION TOOL MAKING 379 the die opening into its proper position with respect to the punch. Also, after the tool is set there is the possibility, especially in the case of the higher speed presses operating at about 300 strokes per minute, of the die shifting during operation and resulting in the "shearing" of the cutting edges of the die and punch. To overcome this difficulty the liner pin type of construction illustrated in Fig. 1, and the sub- press type shown in Figs. 2 and 3 are used in the better grade tools, and especially where a very small clearance must be maintained between the punch and die opening. In the former the arrangement consists of two or more round guide rods or liner pins fastened in the rHC TeeTM must ,vor ee our or rneio raue ^os/T/o^ f^!Of?£ r^w.v oo^" rf-/e .074' ^ol£S Musr /^or Sf OUT or TH^/t? Tffus ras. t/oa/ .wo/f^ r^A/v . 003:' t^orK/f^Q r^CS or TSSTM sr r/?rs rffOM au^/fs.-. NOTe- tvHeN p,fi//o^ /s MAX r/yccs a/^,e^K< />/^£' jiaTS ^i^jr s£ /=e'f£' /^yea^ ^iv-oe. Fig. 9 — Phosphor bronze rack for panel dial equipment. limit of ± .00001 in. In addition, the slot in the die holder which holds the die, shedder, and punch plate sections, is made to almost exact dimensions and must have its sides parallel with each other and perpendicular to the bottom surface. 384 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Another tool of this kind is the second operation perforating punch and die shown in Fig. 8, which perforates the slots in the rack for elevator apparatus shown in Fig. 9, and also in the illustration of the tool. The requirements of this part specify that all of the 107 slots 1/16 in. wide and spaced on .125 in. centers must be within d= .003 in. of their proper location from the beveled end, which is a difificult requirement to meet on account of the nature and thickness of the stock, and, like the multiple bank strip, there must be practically no accumulated error. The tool has fifty perforators, fifty-one die and fifty-two shedder sections which are made with a degree of accuracy comparable to that of the multiple bank strip tool. Insuring Accurate Gaging in Subsequent Operations. This is a reason which sometimes requires the tool maker to work to closer limits or to hold certain dimensions to closer limits than would be otherwise required. In such cases the tool must produce piece parts which are sufficiently accurate at certain gaging points used later in other tools or in the apparatus assembly fixtures, to insure the proper results from the subsequent tools and in assembly. This may require an accuracy of from .0005 in. to .001 in. An example is the bank contact for step-by-step type banks. In order that the parts may be made sufficiently accurate at certain points so that proper bank assembly may be obtained with the assembly fixtures, the blanking die openings are made to a limit of -+- .001 in. — .000 in. for the width at the ends, the length, and the offset dimension, although the apparatus require- ments for the piece part do not necessitate this degree of accuracy. Production of Satisfactory Blanks from Thin Stock. Typical piece parts of this kind are the mica diaphragm .0017 in. to .002 in. thick used in transmitters, and the oiled red rope paper insulator .007 in. thick for coil spool assemblies which are shown in Fig. 4. In order to obtain clean-cut blanks, with practically no rough edges or burrs, from thin material of this kind, it is necessary that the clearance between the blanking punch and the die for the insulator does not exceed .0002 in. and the diaphragm .0001 in. all around, and the perforators nearly the same. In fact, these die parts are made to fit so closely that they will cut wet tissue paper. Accurate working fits are necessary between the other moving members, such as shedder, liner pins, etc., which mean that it must be possible to just push the parts together with no perceptible shake or clearance. The general construction of these tools is of the standard compound liner pin type similar to Fig. 1. Interchangeability of Tool Parts. Some tools are so designed that certain parts, which on account of the design of the part being produced PRECISION TOOL MAKING 385 are of fine construction, may be readily replaced in case of breakage or wear. In this case it is necessary that the parts be made accurately where they fit together, in order to insure interchangeability of the tool parts, without afifecting the satisfactory operation of the tool or the accuracy of the parts being produced. The shaving punch and die for the message register pinion previously referred to and shown in Fig. 5 is a typical example, the construction and limits being so that parts such as the punch, die, gage bushing, and pilot may be easily replaced. For instance, in order to insure interchangeability of the punch, the dimensions of the plunger and punch at A are held within a limit of .0002 in., and other parts to correspondingly close limits. Feeding of Material and Properly Formed Part in '^Tandem" or '^Follow" Type of Dies. In this type of tool the operation is a pro- gressive one. While one part of the die notches, embosses, forms, or Fig. 10 — Multiple perforating, blanking, and clipping punch and die for 3/8" brass hexagon nuts. perforates the stock, another part blanks out the parts at a place where, at a former stroke, the preceding operations have been per- formed, so that complete parts result from each stroke of the press, although, of course, more than one operation has been performed on the parts before completion. This is illustrated in Fig. 10, which shows a multiple perforating, blanking, and clipping punch and die for making 3/8 in. brass hexagon nuts. As will be noted from the con- struction of the tool and the sequence of operations shown in Fig. 11, seven nuts are made with no scrap skeleton remaining at each stroke 386 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of the press, three of the parts falling through the blanking openings and the others through the rectangular opening after being clipped off at the edge of the die. 1st Step Perforate 7 holes and clip edges of stock 2d Step 3d Step Perforate 2d set of Perforate 3d set of holes, blank out 3 nuts holes, blank out 2d and notch out nuts set of 3 nuts, clip off 4 along edges of stock nuts and cut 2d notch along edge of stock Fig. 11 — Steps in the manufacture of brass hexagon nuts by scrapless punch and die method On this tool, accuracy, from a tool making standpoint, is necessary in order to insure proper feeding of the material and an equal sided Fig. 12 — Punch and die for shearing, blanking, and forming solderless cord tip product. When the first tools were built, it was found necessary to develop very accurately the distance between the perforator and PRECISION TOOL MAKING 387 blanking openings on account of the elongation or "creep" of the material. An error in a tool of this type is detected very easily in the product, and it requires only a very small amount to make the hexagon nut irregular in shape or "lop-sided" with respect to the center hole. It is therefore necessary that the tool maker work to close limits in maintaining the relationship between the perforator and the blanking openings and clipping edge, and the total variation between any of these is not more than .0008 in. to .001 in. It is not only necessary that this accuracy be held on the die section, but also on the punch plate and stripper, in order to insure the proper clearance between the punch members and die openings, which is .0015 in. .^/^ -c .a*g 3Z aienv/M^ y9/'/'j^CX /S' my. .ff/o"/^. Fig. 13 — No. 92 solderless cord tip. Another example is the shearing, blanking, and forming punch and die shown partially dismantled in Fig. 12, which is used for making the solderless cord tip, Fig. 13. The parts of the tool, as shown in the figure, are A die, B stock guides, C die holder, D liner pins, R finger stop, /^shedders, G stripper plate, i/ punch holder, / blanking punches, J forming punches, K dowel liner pins, L shearing or perforating punches. The blanked strip in the illustration shows the sequence of operations, the parts being first blanked and sheared two at a time with the blanks remaining in the scrap skeleton. The stock then advances until the blanks register with the forming die where the saw tooth 388 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL portion of the part is bent up, two complete parts being made with each stroke of the press. The location of the forming section with respect to the blanking section in this tool must be very accurate, as otherwise the blank will not register exactly under the forming punch and an incor- rectly formed part will result. Also, the forming punches must be lo- cated accurately so they will center in the die openings. Other features Fig. 14 — Boring datum holes in master plate on veneer milling machine regarding the workmanship required on this tool are included in the description of its construction given in the following paragraphs. Stock is fed to the punch and die by an automatic roll feed with an adjustment provided such that a precision feed within ± .0005 in. of the nominal may be obtained, which insures each part being located in the proper position for forming. PRECISION TOOL MAKING 389 Making Punch and Die Sections Various methods may be used in the making of punch and die sections depending on the character of the work, accuracy required, etc. The use of templates and the vernier height gage in laying out work centers and outlines, the application of the master plate method, the use of micrometer heads and verniers on milling machines and various systems of end and distance gages are all found of value in this work. A brief description of several of the operations performed in making ft a^O'^ Fig. 15 — Layout of die openings for solderless cord tip punch and die the punch and die sections for the solderless cord tip punch and die previously described, will serve to illustrate the common practices followed in producing high grade work. The first operation is the making of a tool steel master plate having all the datum or reference holes necessary for accurately locating the holes and contours of the openings in the die. The blank plate, after being squared and the sides finished parallel to each other, is mounted on the vernier milling machine shown in Fig. 14. This machine is equipped with magnifying lenses over the positioning vernier scales for adjusting the position of the table. The vernier scales read to .001 in. and by interpolation it is possible for an operator to adjust the table to within a few ten-thousandths of an inch. From the layout 390 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of the die opening as shown on the tool drawing, Fig. 15, the required datum holes are then located by means of the vernier scales and bored to complete the master plate, as shown in Fig. 16. The Fig. 16 — Master plate for solderless cord tip die. Fig. 17 — Transferring datum lioles from master plate to die block on bench lathe. practice on master plates of this kind and other similar parts is to locate the various holes so that the error in any case is well within .001 in. PRECISION TOOL MAKING 391 The master plate Is mounted on the die block and located by means of two snug fitting pins driven into the block and projecting into the two aligning holes near each end of the plate. The die block and plate are then attached to the face plate of a bench lathe, as shown in Fig. 17. Each datum hole in turn is accurately centered with the lathe center by means of the indicator shown in the figure, the master plate removed, and the hole bored in the die block. In centering with Fig. 18 — Filing out die openings with filing attachment on bench lathe. the indicator, the lathe is rotated and the master plate and die block shifted until the indicator pointer shows but little, if any, movement. With an indicator multiplying the movement 100 times, shifting the plate .0001 in. would move the pointer over the scale .010 in. or .0001 in. eccentricity of the hole would show a pointer movement of .020 in. The master plate gives a permanent precise outline of the important holes, radii, contours, etc., which can be utilized to con- siderable advantage in checking after heat treatment, and especially in making additional tools or replacement die sections. 26 392 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL After the boring of the holes in the die block is completed, the die openings are worked out roughly by drilling a series of holes corresponding to the shape required and brought to about .001 in. of the nominal by means of the lathe filing attachment, as shown in Fig. 18, or a standard bench filing machine. The perforating and blanking contour which is the one being filed in the illustration con- forms only partially to the finished openings on the die as shown in Fig. 12, and the correct outline is obtained by means of an insert indicated on the die layout in Fig. 15. This construction is necessary because the two blanking openings are close together and could not be satisfactorily heat treated without considerable distortion. Also, it facilitates considerably the work of the tool maker in working out the die openings. The insert is heat treated before assembly in the die. The forming dies are also made separately and inserted in the square openings in the die block. After the filing operation, the die block is heat treated and the upper and lower surfaces are then ground parallel. Although proper heat treatment is an important factor in the production of fine tools, it is too broad and extensive a subject to be considered in this paper, as the art has been developed to the point where it is now done on practically a scientific basis through the use of the most improved equipment and automatic temperature recording and control, with many different heating methods, etc., being employed for the various grades of steels and the different purposes for which they are used. The next operation after heat treatment is the grinding of the die block openings, which is done on the bench lathe by means of the grinding attachment shown in Fig. 19. By this means the surfaces are brought to within .0003 in. to .0004 in., the most important dimensions as previously mentioned being those which affect the distance between corresponding surfaces of the blanking and forming die openings. The surfaces are then stoned or lapped by hand with about .0002 in. or less being removed as required, to give the final finish and accuracy, and the insert and forming dies, which are made with a similar degree of accuracy, fitted in place. As can be seen from the foregoing, the highest precision work requiring the most expert workmanship comes in the final grinding, lapping, and fitting. The degree to which this must be carried, of course, depends on the requirements of the particular tool being made. In the case of the multiple bank strip and the rack tools previously described, the punch and die sections are ground to within .00005 in. of the required size and then lapped to the final dimensions, using a flat cast iron block or some other soft metal charged with an abrasive dust, such as emery, carborundum, or diamond. PRECISION TOOL MAKING 393 An idea of what this class of workmanship means can be appreciated when it is considered that 10 degrees Fahrenheit difference in tempera- ture will change the length of an inch block more than this .00005 in. limit. Since the change per inch in steel is about seven-millionths of an inch per degree Fahrenheit, the heat of the hands or machines may, in extremely accurate work, make sufficient difference so that Fig. 19 — Grinding die block openings after heat treatment. parts have to be laid on steel blocks to attain room temperature be- fore the dimensions are checked, in order that they will be of the same temperature as the master gages used. The temperature is also an important factor in producing accurate plane surfaces with a surface lap. Unless the temperature of the lap and the work is the same, a convex surface will usually be produced even though the lap itself is an accurate plane. In making the blanking punch for the solderless cord tip tool, it is first rough milled to within 1/64 in. of the nominal dimensions, 394 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL as shown in Fig. 20. By means of a screw press, the punch is then forced into the die opening already completed, to a depth of approxi- mately 1/64 in., and an accurate impression of the correct punch section obtained, as shown in the figure. The punch is then milled to form on the bench milling machine to within about .0005 in. to .001 in. of the nominal, the outline of the impression being used as a guide in this operation. The final shearing of the punch in the die, which amounts to practically a shaving operation, is accomplished in several steps, the excess metal being removed by filing after each operation, and the punch worked down until it enters the die to the required depth. The punch is then hardened, after which it is ground, and lapped or stoned to the exact clearance required between the punch and the die opening, which, in this case, is .0005 in. all around. Fig. 20 — Rough milled blanking punch, solderless cord tip punch and die Fig. 21 — Shedder, insert, and per- forator punch for solderless cord tip punch and die Fig. 21 shows "A " one set of the perforators for producing the two sharp projections in the cord tip stem, "5" the insert, and " C" and "D" the shedder before and after the insert is in place. The blanking punch also has die holes for the perforators, as can be observed from the general view of the tool in Fig. 12, and these are similarly formed by means of an insert. The perforators, which are working fits in the shedder, are .06 in. wide, Iye in- loi^g and of triangular cross-section. It would, therefore, be very difficult to work out the holes straight and accurate. To facilitate the tool making work, the shedder and punch are made as shown and the insert added. This is a good example of some of the means employed for overcoming difficult tool making problems. PRECISION TOOL MAKING 395 Making Die Blocks for Sheathing Lead-Covered Cable The making of the die blocks used in the hydraulic presses for sheathing lead-covered cable is of interest on account of the method used. The milling of the die contour, which is irregular in shape, is done on a die sinking machine shown in Fig. 22, the upper die being Fig. 22 — Milling on die sinking machine the contour of die block for sheathing lead-covered cable the master and the lower the die being profiled. The principle of the machine is that of having the cutter or milling tool automatically con- trolled and guided by means of a very sensitive tracer, which follows the contour of the master. This is accomplished by having individual motor drives and electrically operated clutches for each of the feeds, which are controlled by the movement of the tracer making and breaking the electrical circuits as it comes in contact with the surface of the master. This results in the feeds operating to move the table holding the dies and the slide holding the tracer and the cutting tool in such a manner that the tracer will follow the outline of the master die. The milling out of the opening is done by a series of either horizontal or vertical cuts, the machine automatically reversing at the 396 BELL SYSTEAI TECHNICAL JOURNAL end of each cut. With this machine a set of die blocks, which would require approximately 300 hours to machine by the hand finishing method, can be completed in 80 hours. This machine was used for working out the openings of the moulding dies for the new hand set. Precision Measuring One of the essential factors in high grade tool work is precision measuring instruments of sufficient accuracy to check the dimensions to the limits required. The most common and practical method of making precise measurements is by comparison with standard known dimensions and most of the instruments used on a commercial basis for measuring to limits of .0001 in. or less employ this principle. The standards used for comparison are "Hoke" or "Johanssen" gage blocks made in 81 sizes as shown in Figs. 23 and 25. The blocks are arranged in four sets, the first consisting of four blocks 1 in., 2 in., 3 in. and 4 in. in length. The second set of 19 varies from .050 in. to .950 in. in .050 in. steps. The third set of 49 varies from .101 in. to .149 in. in .001 in. steps and the fourth set of 9 varies from .1001 in. to .1009 in. in .0001 in. increments. In combination any dimension may be obtained within the limit of the set in .0001 in. steps. The surfaces of these gages are so flat and smooth that if two or more are wrung together so as to expel the air, they will adhere to each other and resist separation at right angles to the contacting surfaces with a force of over 20 pounds per sq. in. The precision of these gage blocks at 68° F. is within .00001 in. per inch of length of the dimensions stamped on the blocks for the larger sizes and .000005 in. for the smaller sizes under one inch. Although the gages are standard at 68° F., it is of course not necessary to use them at this temperature, or make corrections when measuring metal of the same coefficient of expansion. However, as previously mentioned, it is essential that the work to be measured be at the same tempera- ture as the gages. In addition to being used as standards for checking parts in the different measuring instruments, a variety of other uses are made of the gage block in laying out and measuring the work directly. By the use of accessories and attachments, which are furnished for holding the blocks, they may be made into inside and outside calipers, shape and height gages, etc. One of the sets which has been checked and certified by the Bureau of Standards is main- tained as a standard for checking the other sets and also other master gages. One of the most frequently used measuring instruments is the upright dial indicator gage. The part to be measured is placed on the accu- PRECISION TOOL MAKING 397 rately lapped surface plate of the instrument and brought into contact with the vertical plunger, which operates the universal dial indicator through a lever arrangement. The movement of the pointer is about 1/16 in. for each .0001 in. vertical movement of the dial plunger. By noting the difference between the dial reading for a standard gage block of the size required and the part being measured, a comparison between the two may be made to within .0001 in. and by interpolation between the calibration marks to within a few hundred-thousandths of an inch. The universal dial indicator is also frequently used by the tool maker with a standard surface plate, and a suitable arm for holding the indica- tor, when checking work in process. Fig. 23 — Precision measuring instrument with fluid gage and "Hoke" gage block set. If greater accuracy is required, parts are sometimes measured by comparison with the standards, using the liquid gages shown in Figs. 23 and 24. The instrument in Fig. 23, which has a multiplying ratio of 2200 to 1, was made in the Hawthorne Works Tool Room, while the other is a commercial liquid gage or prestometer. However, the comparator most generally used at present for this class of work is the optimeter shown in Fig. 25. This instrument makes use of an optical 398 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL system to magnify small measurements without the use of a vernier or other mechanical means, and due to its construction is dependable and probably less liable to variation than the liquid gage. Most of the errors due to play between mechanical parts such as gears, Fig. 24 — Fluid gage or "prestometer" showing tool part in position for measuring micrometer screws, knife edges, diaphragms, capillary tubes, etc., have been considerably reduced. The only moving part except the measuring feeler is a small mirror which is tilted by the upper end of the feeler and reflects the image of a stationary glass scale. The PRECISION TOOL MAKING 399 feeler has a constant pressure of 7 or 8 ounces against the work, thus eliminating the "sense of touch" factor. Variations of the size of a part within a range of ± .0035 in. may be read directly to .00005 in. and by interpolation to within one or two hundred-thousandths of an inch. The instrument just described illustrates the use of light for making precise measurements by the optical lever method. Another method is by the use of a lens or projection system, whereby beams of light are controlled in such a manner as to form on a screen enlarged images of objects with a high degree of geometrical similarity between the llliiilii llllllllllllllllllllllll fiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiii illllllllllllllll Fig. 25— Optimeter and "Johanssen" gage block set image and the object. As the errors or variations in the object are magnified the same amount, they become correspondingly easier to observe and measure or check against a standard template, contour plate, limit chart, or accurately made scale drawing of the object. With a magnification of 250 diameters an error of only a thousandth of an inch will appear as a quarter of an inch and an error of one ten-thousandth can be readily observed. This method is particularly adaptable for measuring to close limits irregular shapes and contours, screw thread and profile gages, gear teeth, etc. The instrument used for this purpose is the contour measuring projector, the magnified image of an object being projected either on a vertical screen or the horizontal table attached to the instrument. 400 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Two of the characteristics of light are the constancy of its wave length for a given color and its property of interference, which together establish the fact that each interference band produced by the reflection of light, as shown in Fig. 26, represents a very small definite separation Fig. 26 — Interference bands produced by the reflection of light waves between the surfaces producing the reflections. As this separation or distance is a function of the wave length of the light used, the applica- tion of this principle permits extremely accurate measurements to within a few millionths of an inch. Fig. 27 illustrates the application of this method in measuring a .375 in, plug, the equipment used being an optical glass flat, a metal flat on which the parts rest, a .375 in. master gage block, and a mono- chromatic light, usually red or green, having wave lengths of .000025 in. and .000020 in. respectively. In order to simplify calculations, the plug is placed so that its center is a distance from the gage block equal to the width of the latter. Unless the gage and the plug are exactly the same size, dark interference bands will appear across the gage block when the light falls upon it, due to the wedge-shaped air PRECISION TOOL MAKING 401 space formed between the upper flat and the top surface of the gage block. In accordance with the theory of interference, the distance between the flat and the gage at the first band adjacent to the edge where contact between the two surfaces is made, is one half the wave length of the light used, which if red would be .0000125 in. The distance at the second band is then one wave length or .000025 in. If there are a total of three bands, the distance at the edge of the block Fig. 27 — Metal flat, optical glass flat, and gage block in position for measuring .375" plug by light wave interference method is .000037 in. or the difference in size between the plug and the gage is .000074 in., since the distance between them is twice the width of the block. The interference method gives a reliable and permanent unit of measurement and is probably one of the greatest refinements in precision measuring. In addition to measuring lengths, it can be used for checking the accuracy of flat surfaces, tapers, etc. For more precise comparisons of gages and for the direct measure- ments of gage blocks in terms of wave lengths of light there is available a special form of the Michelson interferometer made by Zeiss, having a monochromator for selecting the particular wave length to be used. Fig. 28. This instrument is a comparatively recent development and to 402 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL our knowledge there are only two in this country at present, the other one being in the Bureau of Standards. The light is furnished by the helium tube 'M." The particular wave length to be used is selected by rotating a glass prism inside the case by means of the cylinder "5" graduated to read the wave length directly. The gage block to be measured is located at "C" and the interference bands are observed through the eyepiece "£." Fig. 28 — Laboratory interferometer To make a direct measurement of the length of a gage, observations are made using five wave lengths, and by computing the results ob- tained the length may be determined to an accuracy of about two millionths of an inch. In working with this degree of precision, the instrument is used in a constant temperature room and corrections made for temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure. Conclusion Tool making in all its branches as carried on in the tool rooms of the Western Electric Company is a comprehensive subject, regarding which several volumes might be written if covered in detail. In the foregoing description an effort has been made to give briefly, and by considering only one branch of the work, a general picture of the high grade workmanship required and some of the equipment and instruments employed. Similar precision is required on many classes PRECISION TOOL MAKING . 403 of tools, such as jigs, fixtures, screw machine tools, milling cutters, etc., and especially gages employed in interchangeable manufacture. This paper would not be complete without mentioning the fact that the high degree of workmanship, technique, and precision found in the product and methods of the Western Electric Company's tool rooms and many of the novel features of tool design are in a large measure due to the Works Technical Organizations operating the tool rooms. The writer is indebted to these organizations, as well as to other groups in the Manufacturing Department, for much of the material presented in this paper. The Natural Period of Linear Conductors By C. R. ENGLUND Synopsis: This paper describes the experimental determination of the frequency of free electrical oscillation of straight rods and circular loops. The results agree more closely with the formula of Abraham than with that of MacDonald. For three rods whose lengths were 300 cm., 250 cm. and 227.1 cm., the ratio of wave length at resonance to rod length had the values 2.11, 2.13 and 2.13, respectively. Measurements taken upon 250 cm. rods bent into circular arcs of different radii gave values of the ratio of resonant wave length to arc length which passed through a minimum value and were virtually independent of the radius of the arc over a wide range, deviating markedly only at the extreme value of minimum radius possible and infinite radius. The extreme measured range of the ratio was 2.05 to 2.166. The wave lengths were measured upon a pair of Lecher wires and a very satisfactory meter for the rapid comparison of waves of short length was found to be a quarter wave length Lecher frame. This frame showed a constant end correction so that X = 4:{d + 3.1), d being the length of the parallel rods. IN 1898 Abraham ^ calculated the free period of an extended but relatively narrow metallic ellipsoid of revolution when excited by an electrical impulse. To a good approximation the fundamental natural period found was related to the major axis length by the expression X// = 2. Obviously a rectilinear conductor of circular cross-section cannot differ markedly from such an ellipsoid and Abraham concluded that the equation X// — 2 was also valid for this. In 1902 Macdonald ^ arrived, by a theoretical deduction quite different from that of Abraham, at the expression X// = 2.53 for the fundamental free period of a linear conductor. Moreover Macdonald assigned the same value to the linear conductor when bent into a nearly closed circle. In the next twelve years a variety of papers were published ' giving results which were aimed at clearing up this discrepancy without however definitely settling the matter one way or the other. The subject has in recent years become of interest again following the development of the short wave vacuum tube oscillator and the conjoint use of rectilinear conductors as radiators (or "reflectors") — particularly in grids of parabolic form. Since the universal method of measuring wave length is that of determining the nodal distances for standing waves on parallel con- 1 Abraham, Ann. der Phy., 66, 435, 1898. 2 Macdonald, "Electric Waves," pp. 111-112. * See Bibliography at end. 404 THE NATURAL PERIOD OF LINEAR CONDUCTORS 405 ductor "Lecher" systems, and since further there are practical advantages in reducing the total length of these systems to a single or half a single nodal length (X/2 and X/4 "Lecher" frames), the problem of the natural period of a rectilinear conductor can be broadened to include a study of the shortest favorable shape of a linear conductor for use as a wave length standard. It is the purpose of this paper to give the results of some experimental work relating to both these questions. At the same time an examination of the operation of an Fig. 1 extended Lecher system as a basic wave measuring apparatus was a necessary preliminary. It was a matter of only a small amount of experimentation to demonstrate that the practical Lecher system for wave length measure- ment would necessarily consist of a pair of heavy uniformly spaced copper wires devoid of insulator spacers and at least a couple of wave lengths long. While the attenuation of Lecher systems made of ordinary wire is not great, as attenuations go, the accuracy with which the nodal points can be located, in the manner later described, depends markedly on the degree in which space resonance currents build up, and it is quite necessary to supply sufficient copper. The wire used here was No. 8 B. & S. gauge (3.26 mm. diam.) soft drawn copper and by "ironing" it with a slotted wood piece it was made as smooth as was necessary. It was stretched between two poles out of doors and kept tight with a turnbuckle. The spacing was fixed at 5.15 cms. by a metal bridge at one end and a micarta bridge at the other. The 406 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL total length was 15.4 meters. A photo of the sliding bridge unit is given in Fig. 1. The method of using such a Lecher system requires consideration. If we set up a pair of parallel wires and feed energy from a generator into them, we shall have, unless the far end of the wires is terminated by the "surge" impedance of the line, a standing wave system set up. This standing wave will be most pronounced when the outer end is so terminated as to return all the energy arriving there and this requires that the terminating impedance be a pure reactance. If the extreme values of zero or infinite reactance be chosen, a current anti- node or node will respectively occur at the far end. If the far end be reactively terminated and we observe the current distribution while moving back towards the generator, we shall find the standing wave persisting up to the generator itself. However, if the line be dissipative, the returned wave will not completely cancel the outgoing wave at phase equality locations and the current maxima and minima will become less contrasty. If the line be practically non-dissipative, the maxima and minima will not deteriorate as we approach the generator. The returning wave is re-reflected at the generator end and traveling to the far end returns once more, this process being repeated until its amplitude has faded out. Usually the generator appears as a resistive impedance when viewed from the line so that not much energy survives reflection at this end. In any case, as the generator is the primary energy source, the generator voltage introduced into the line and the voltage of the re-reflected waves add vectorially to give a component just sufficient to maintain the standing wave line current. By an adjustment of the effective line length, either by changing the physical length, the far end reactance, or the generator impedance as viewed from the line, the power input to the line may be maximized for the particular generator used. When this state of affairs has been attained, the standing wave may be observed by either a current or voltage operated device moved along the line. (If this device absorbs too much energy, it becomes a source of disturbing reflections itself, complicating matters by superposing on the original standing wave another pair of standing waves. It is not advisable to permit such secondary waves to exist in measurable amplitude.) Necessarily the standing wave is closely sinusoidal and at the maximum values dlfdl = 0 so that locating these current extremes is not an accurate experimental process. The THE NATURAL PERIOD OF LINEAR CONDUCTORS 407 accuracy of determination of the distance between two consecutive values of dlldl = 0 will not be sufficient unless very great care be taken, a large line current supplied, and an indicator responding well to dljdl (such as a square law thermocouple) be used. For the attainment of greater accuracy an average over a number of nodal distances must be used. In short, this method of measurement requires a relatively long line for accuracy, up to the limit where a deterioration of the maxima and minima has become pronounced due to attenuation. At the current minima dlldl is great enough for good settings but no meters of requisite sensitivity at the zero end of their scales exist. Another and more sensitive method of observation of nodal distances is to make use of the variation of line current as the total line length is varied, particularly if both ends of the line be pure reactances and the line conductors have an adequate copper content and very good insulation. Coupling such a line weakly to a generator by merely placing the generator in the neighborhood makes it possible to build up very sharply resonant standing waves so that settings without any particular precautions can be made to one part in 3,500. Of course the point located is again one where dljdl = 0 but the value of A/, for a given value of A/, is very much larger. Moreover the accuracy is not decreased by shortening the line * and, since the resonance energy is then dissipated in a shorter length of line, the corresponding increase in the resonance current makes the antinode easier to locate. Although this method is very sensitive to energy losses it is by far the best method of using a Lecher system. Essentially it is nothing but a sharp "tune" observed and interpreted as space resonance. In the present work the length of the Lecher system was sufficient to observe four resonance maxima throughout the range of wave lengths used, giving, by difference, three wave length readings. These readings could readily be duplicated to one part in 3,500; it is improbable however that the velocity of propagation along the wires is within one part in 3,500 of that of free space so that this precision is unusable, though comforting. This accuracy of setting would be useful where small frequency differences or line constant changes are to be observed. Since the measurements checked ad- mirably from day to day and the line attenuation was low, it was assumed that the line velocity was not affected by the adjacent ground (110 cms. at lowest point) and was near enough to that of the velocity of light to allow the line to be used as the basic wave length standard. ^ A. Hund, Sci. Paper No. 491, Bureau of Standards, 1924, points out the same fact. 27 408 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Resonance Period of a Straight Rod It was at first thought that it would be relatively simple to set up a vacuum tube generator together with a rectilinear rod and run resonance curves on the latter. This did not prove to be the case however. Working indoors was impossible and all the apparatus had to be moved out of doors. When the two antennas (the generator Fig. 2 antenna and resonant rod) were mounted vertically, the operator became a mobile reflector himself seriously disturbing the transmission. Moreover the ground was unsymmetrically disposed with respect to the two antenna ends and this was felt to be a disadvantage. With the antennas horizontal these objections vanished but the reflection from the ground had to be taken into account. This latter was the arrangement finally adopted and is shown in Fig. 3, the apparatus in question being mounted on the two tripods. The attempt was made to get a generator whose radiation field was constant over a wide wave length range so that the rod resonance wave length could be obtained by observation while turning the generator tuning condenser. As a matter of fact, the generator output was apparently satisfactorily constant while actually not so. THE NATURAL PERIOD OF LINEAR CONDUCTORS 409 and some time was wasted trying to get consistent results. Finally a control meter was placed on the generator and resonance curves run, observing by small steps wave length, rod meter deflection, and control meter deflection. Then by reducing the rod meter deflection to a standard control meter value satisfactory observations were obtained. As it turned out, the averaged value of all the unsatis- factory observations checked the resonance curve value very closely, but the individual observations scattered all over the rather broad resonance curve top. To avoid the reaction of antennas upon each other they must be separated by at least a wave length, and such a Fig. 3 separation here resulted in too low field strengths unless the antennas were off the ground sufficiently to get an additive combination of the direct and earth reflected radiations. The resonant rod should in any case be well off ground to make certain that its period is not affected by the ground. Check tests showed that at 4 meters distance the ground did not affect the free period markedly. It would be much simpler to observe the resonance curve of a variable length rod, at constant wave length, but it would not be permissible to use a rod of variable diameter and a telescoping arrangement is the only practical method of obtaining coUapsibility. The generator used was an UX852 tube connected as in Fig. 2. By means of the variable condenser shown a wave length range of 4.24 to 8.44 meters was obtained. This condenser is a cut down "Remmler," the oscillating coil is a three turn center-tapped unit 410 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of 1/8 inch (0.32 cm.) copper tubing, the choke coils are 10 micro- henry units resonant at 6.1 meters and the antenna rods are connected directly across the resonant circuit. This apparatus was finally set up on a tripod raising the antenna 2.55 meters above ground. The control meter consisted of a pair of 15 cm. wires connected to a thermo- couple and Weston model 301 micro-ammeter combination. It was not resonant in the generator range and was fastened on the generator base permanently. 3.0 .^■"^ ■»- 2.0 / ^ 1 1.0 ^BOTTOM ^TOP k^FAR 0.4 0.6 o.e METERS SEPARATION Curve V — Two rods each 250 cm. long j\ R r ^ ^ V :ar y A >' / / / 0.4 0.6 0.8 METERS SEPARATION Curve VI — Two rods each 250 cm. long 416 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It is unwise to attempt any critical conclusions from these curves as long as the standing wave pattern of the direct and earth reflected wave interference is not known. But two facts seem clear, viz.: a closely spaced rod pair gives a marked current step up over that of a single rod, and the natural period of a rod pair approaches the value X = //2 as the spacing decreases. It is obvious that the currents Fig. 4 in the two rods, at close spacing, are nearly anti-phased and that their vector sum must be nearly that current which an isolated rod would carry. The analogy with an anti-resonant circuit is evident, the "stepped up" current being limited only by the ohmic losses in the rods. Actually the tune, at close spacings, was excessively sharp and hard to set for with the generator condenser. The exigencies of the mounting of the rods and the observing of the meter prevented observations at close spacing for the "far," "top" and "bottom" meter positions. THE NATURAL PERIOD OF LINEAR CONDUCTORS 417 High Frequency Wave Meter A pair of Lecher wires constitutes a wave measuring system much too awkward and extended for rapid use, and some apparatus much more portable and speedy in operation is necessary; especially when running resonance curves. Such an apparatus is a pair of heavy uniform and parallel conductors arranged with one or two sliding metallic short-circuiting discs so as to constitute a quarter or a half wave length "Lecher frame" (see Fig. 5). Such a frame, if containing sufficient copper, is very sharply resonant, need only be a quarter wave length long, and after calibration becomes a wave length meter indicating to a precision of 1 part in 2,500 with the greatest ease. As an accessory apparatus such a wave frame was constructed, calibrated, tested for factors affecting its accuracy and used for most of the measurements reported above. The Lecher frame shown in Fig. 5 was made of a pair of straight copper tubes L27 cms. diameter spaced 10.1 cms. center to center and sliding through a brass disc 15.5 cms. diameter, 0.3 cm. thick, with inserted guide tubes. It had a workable wave length range of 4 to 7.5 meters and the resonance setting was indicated by a three turn coil-thermocouple-microammeter combination placed with coil clearing one of the rods at the disc end by approximately two cms. It was ordinarily cleaned to make good contact at the disc guides but at no time was any indication noticed of an apparent lengthening of the frame due to a moving back inside of the guides of the contact point. It was calibrated over its whole range in terms of the Lecher 418 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL wire system already mentioned, calibrated not once but various times and unfailingly indicated 3.1 cms. too short. That is, the distance "^" from open end to disc was 3.1 cms. short of X/4, or X = 4((/ + 3.1). It was not found possible to make a trombone slide which maintained its spacing accurately, and before each reading was completed a paper template was laid on the open end and the tubes given a slight bend to obtain parallelism. The setting was then completed. This process was much less bothersome than might appear from its de- scription. A 35 X 44 cm. copper plate was clamped to the brass disc to increase its effective area. This brought the 3.1 cm. correction down to 2.67 cms. (measured at 5.29 meters wave length). The end effect is there- fore chiefly due to the open end. No doubt it will change if the spacing of the Lecher frame is changed; the fortunate feature is that it appears constant for a given spacing. To obtain an idea of the effect of a slight degree of non-parallelism and the presence of insulation material, the rods were first bent out, then in, next a 1.3x3.8x12.7 cm. hard rubber block was laid flat across the outer end and finally this block was laid across the middle of the frame. The results were: Lecher Frame Length Condition True X/4 (Av. of Four Settings Each) Deficiency in Frame 122 cms. << Parallel Diverge 0.2 cm. Converge 0.2 cm. Rubber plate at end Rubber plate at middle 125.07 cms. 125.04 125.20 126.21 125.58 3.07 cms. 3.04 3.20 4.21 3.58 Obviously a slight divergence is an advantage rather than otherwise, for an uncalibrated frame, and dielectric spacers at high potential points are sources of noticeable error. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abraham, M. Ann., 2, 32, 1900. Elektrische Schwingungen in t-inem Frei Endingenden Dralit. KiEBlTZ, F. Ann., 5, 872, 1901. Uber die Elektrischen Schwingungen eines Stabformigen Leiters. WiLLARD AND WoODMAN. Physical Rev., 18, 1, 1904. A study of the radiations emitted by a Righi vibrator. Rayleigh. Phil. Mag., 8, 105, 1904. On the electrical vibrations associated within terminated conducting rods. Pollock. Phil. Mag., 7, 635, 1904. A comparison of the periods of the electrical vibrations associated with simple circuits. Cole, A. D. Phys. Rev., 20, 268, 1905. The tuning of Thermoelectric receivers for electric waves. Blake and Fountain. Phys. Rev., 23, 257, 1906. Reflection of electric waves by screens of Resonators and by Grids. THE NATURAL PERIOD OF LINEAR CONDUCTORS 419 Ives, J. E. Phys. Rev., 30, 199, 1910. The wave length and overtones of a linear electrical oscillator. Blake and Ruppersberg. Phys. Rev., 32, 449, 1911. On the free vibrations of a Lecher system using a Blondlot oscillator. Blake and Sheard. Phys. Rev., 32, 533, 1911; 35, 1, 1912. On the free vibrations of a Lecher system using a Lecher oscillator. Severinghaus and Nelms. Phys. Rev., 1, 411, 1913. Multiple reflection of short waves from screens of metallic resonators. Nelms and Severinghaus. Phys. Rev., 1, 429, 1913. Resonators for short electrical waves. Arkadiew, W. Ann., 45, 133, 1915. Uber die Reflexion Elektromagnetischen Wellen an Drahten. Abraham. Jahr. d. D. T. u. T., 14, 146, 1919. Die Strahlung von Antennen Systemen. Dunmore and Engel. Bur. of Stand. Sci. Paper No. 469, Apr. 11, 1923. Directional radio trans- mission on a wave-length of ten meters. Tatarinoff. Jahr. d. D. T. u. T., 30 (Oct.), 1927. The Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resis- tance and Frequency By J. G. FERGUSON and B. W. BARTLETT Synopsis: The adaptation of a bridge circuit due to M. Wien together with apparatus and procedure is described which permits measurement of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency with an accuracy com- parable to that of the primary standards. Among its advantages over the Maxwell method commonly employed are the use of a single frequency voltage and the fact that there is no general limitation placed on the type of condenser which may be measured or on the frequency at which the measurement may be made. The method is also applicable to the deter- mination of inductance since its unit, like that of capacitance, may be derived from the units of resistance and frequency. Introduction CONDENSERS are commonly measured by comparison with standard condensers of known value by means of one or another of the well-known bridge methods. The accuracy with which such measurements can be made depends upon the accuracy with which the capacitance of the standard is known. The unit of capacitance is derivable from those of resistance and frequency and to obtain an absolute value for a standard of capacitance, some method is required for a precise determination of capacitance in terms of frequency and resistance. Of the methods which have been proposed, few yield the accuracy with which the primary standards of resistance and frequency are known and reproducible. A generally accepted method for the absolute determination of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency is to use a bridge, due to Maxwell,^ employing the alternate charge and discharge of a con- denser. This method has been used successfully by the Bureau of Standards,^ which has obtained results of high accuracy. Several fundamental limitations, however, make it difficult for general use. Because of the operation of charge and discharge it is only applicable to the measurement of capacitances which are independent of fre- quency.^ Practically this limits the method to the measurement of air condensers, which in large sizes are not very stable. Moreover the balance depends on the integration of successive charges and dis- charges of a condenser through a galvanometer and great care is re- quired to insure that the galvanometer integrates correctly. 1 J. Clark Maxwell, "Electricity and Magnetism," second edition. Volume 2, pp. 776-7. 2 E. B. Rosa and N. E. Dorsey, Bureau of Standards Bulletin, Vol. 1, p. 153. ^ H. L. Curtis, Bureau of Standards Bulletin, Vol. 6, 1910, p. 433. 420 MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE 421 The present paper describes the adaptation of a bridge circuit due to M. Wien/ together with apparatus and procedure, which permits a measurement of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency with an accuracy comparable to that of the primary standards. To illus- trate the possibilities of the method in practice the results of a specific determination are included. Among its advantages over Maxwell's method are the use of a single frequency voltage and the fact that there is no general limitation placed on the type of condenser which may be measured or on the frequency at which the measurement may be made. Fig. 1 The method described is also generally applicable to the determina- tion of inductance, since its unit, like that of capacitance, may be derived from the units of resistance and frequency. The circuit and procedure to be described may be used with a change of only minor details. In its simplest form the bridge, as shown in Fig. 1, consists of two equal resistance ratio arms, a third arm containing a capacitance and a resistance in series, and a fourth arm containing a capacitance and a resistance in parallel. A balance is easily made by varying any two of the five variables, viz., the two capacitances, the two resistances as- sociated with them, and the frequency. If, at balance, the frequency and any two of the other variables are known, the remaining two can be determined. Thus if the frequency, the resistance in the series arm, and the resistance in the parallel arm are known, the magnitude of both capacitances can be determined. However, the equations for balance, which are given below, are such that if the ratio of the capacitances and the value of the frequency are * M. Wien, Weid. Ann., 1891, p. 689. 422 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL known, the magnitudes of the capacitances can be determined from the knowledge of one only of the resistances, e.g., that in the series arm. Since the ratio of any two capacitances may be obtained with a high degree of precision by supplementary measurements, it therefore be- comes possible to use the bridge just described without a knowledge of the parallel resistance, the measurement of which presents certain practical difficulties. Although the Wien circuit is fundamentally simple, it is subject to many severe requirements when used to make an accurate determina- tion of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency, and must embody in its construction the refinements necessary for work of such high precision. In the Bell Telephone Laboratories there is available a capacitance bridge ^ of high precision, which is ordinarily used for the direct comparison of capacitances, and which, with slight modifications, is readily adapted to this purpose. Theory of the Circuit If in Fig. 1 the ratio arms are equal in resistance and phase angle, the equation of balance may be written and separating reals from imaginaries Ci R ^=^-i (1) and ^^' - i? • (2) From these two equations it is obvious that, if the values of r, R and w, are known, the true values of C and Ci can be determined. However, the method of calibrating the capacitance bridge, which is described below and which is carried out irrespective of this determ- C . . ination gives the value of ^r , precisely, and this allows the reduction of the quantities to be determined to two, co and R or w and r. Let C and Ci now be taken as the values of the two condensers as C measured on the capacitance bridge to determine their ratios jr . ^ G. A. Campbell, Elect. World and Engineer, April 2, 1904; Bell System Teclmical Journal, July 1922; W. J. Shackelton and J. G. Ferguson, Bell System Technical Journal, Jan. 1928. MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE . 423 Since this ratio as measured is the true ratio, both of the measured values must be multipHed by the same factor to give the true values, and the following substitutions may be made in formulae (1) and (2): KC, for Ci and KC for C, where K is the correction factor necessary to reduce the values meas- ured on the bridge to their true values. The formulae now become Ci R and K'CC, =~, rRoP' C from which, eliminating R by the use of the ratio -yr K ^ '- - C* 1 /G c In the foregoing C and d are assumed to be pure capacitances, and r and R pure resistances. Of course in practice neither pure capaci- tances nor pure resistances are obtainable. The former will have some slight conductance and the latter some slight reactance. It we use condensers having small losses, and resistances having small phase angles, the conductance of the condenser C (Fig. 1) may be considered as a resistance in parallel with R, and that of Ci as a resistance, ri, in series with r. Similarly, the reactance of R may be considered as a capacitance C, either positive or negative, in parallel with C, and the reactance of r as a capacitance, Ci', in series with Ci. Of these quanti- ties the conductance of C may be neglected, since the use of co, r, and C the ratio -^ as parameters eliminates R from the formula for K, and hence it is unnecessary to know it exactly. Including these second order quantities the formula for K becomes, using the notation above, ^ ^ 1 / Ci + Ci ^^^^'--(C-fC) ^^ + ^^Kc^') c+ c Now in the range of impedances actually used in the following determ- inations of K it was readily possible to obtain resistance units for r in 28 424 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL which the reactance was so small that CC 7 was no different from Ci + C Ci to the order of accuracy of the determinations. The parallel capaci- tance of R in the cases where single unit resistances only were used could also be made negligibly small compared with C in some cases, though the resistance values of R were in general considerably higher than those of r, and it was therefore more difficult to secure very small phase angles in the former. However, in a large number of the de- terminations a shielded resistance box was used for R, its phase angle was some 5 to 10 times that of the single units, and too large to neglect. Accordingly d' can be eliminated from the formula for K for the purpose of this investigation while C cannot. The formula may then be written in the more simple form: K = 1 Ci - (C + C) (3) The nominal values of the first order quantities used in the actual determinations are shown in Table 1. In this table Q is the ratio of reactance to resistance of either of the total arm impedances r and C\ or R and C. TABLE I Nominal Capacitance and Resistance Combinations Used in Determination of K Ci r c R / 0 m/. ohms m/. ohms cycles V .4 690 .1 920 1000 .6 .2 800 .1 1600 1000 1.0 .4 400 .2 800 1000 1.0 .1 1000 .072 3520 1000 1.6 .2 1000 .078 1640 1000 .8 .3 1000 .066 1280 1000 .6 .4 1000 .055 1160 1000 .4 .1 1000 .039 1630 2000 .8 .2 1000 .027 1160 2000 .4 .3 1000 .020 1070 2000 .3 .4 1000 .015 1039 2000 .2 .1 500 .091 5500 1000 3.2 .2 500 .143 1750 1000 1.6 .3 500 .158 1055 1000 1.2 .4 500 .154 810 1000 .8 .1 500 .072 1760 2000 1.6 .2 500 .078 820 2000 .8 .3 500 .066 640 2000 .6 .4 500 .055 580 2000 .4 K J_ 19}. uCir \ MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE 425 As mentioned above the method of this paper may obviously be extended to the measurement of inductance in terms of resistance and frequency. If in the circuit of Fig, 1, Ci is replaced by an inductance L\ and C by an inductance L, at balance If as before Z-i is known in terms of L, i.e,, if Lx = AL, Li can be eliminated from (4) and Expressing the relation (5) in terms of K, as in (3) above, This formula neglects the effective resistance of Li, The accuracy with which the value of K can be determined will in practice probably depend upon the accuracy with which the effective resistance of the inductance Li can be determined, which in general will be somewhat less than the accuracy of determining the conductance of the cor- responding capacitance. Description of Apparatus The bridge equipment was a completely shielded equal-ratio bridge built for the comparison of capacitance and including standard con- densers in the bridge itself. In its adaptation to the Wien circuit the standard condensers were cut out leaving a pair of equal-ratio resistance arms, properly shielded. The two additional arms were made up of external resistances and the condensers being measured. A description of the arrangement of the standards in the capacitance bridge, however, is necessary to explain the means of obtaining the precise value of the ratio of any two capacitances. The capacitance standards, self-contained in the bridge, are variable from 0 to 1 ;u/ and are arranged in decade form, first an air condenser with a range of slightly more than IOai/i/, then fixed condensers up to 1 ^t/ in 5 addi- tional decades, each consisting of unit condensers controlled by 10 point switches. An external capacitance is measured by turning the 426 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL dials of the standard capacitance until a balance is obtained and the value is then read from the dial settings and the reading of the air condenser, which has a minimum scale division of .2 /x/i/. The bridge condensers cannot be made exactly direct reading, and for accurate work the bridge must be calibrated. This calibration may be made very simply due to the fact that the maximum setting on any dial is approximately equal to one step on the next higher dial. By the use of an auxiliary external condenser it is possible to get a balance with any desired setting of the bridge. Thus the maximum of one dial may be compared with each individual step of the next higher dial by balancing the bridge first with the maximum setting of the lower dial and then with that dial set at zero and the next higher dial moved up one step, no change being made in the auxiliary condenser. The change in capacitance required for balance, that is, the difference between the dial settings, is read on the air condenser. Since the con- densers in each decade are completely shielded from those in the other decades this procedure gives an accurate comparison of the ten steps of any dial with one another, and with the maximum setting of the next lower dial. Evidently an extension of this method will furnish a precise comparison of any bridge setting with any other, although it gives no information as to the absolute values of any of the settings. In practice after the above "step-up" calibration, as it is called, is performed the values of all the bridge condensers are computed in terms of an assumed value of a single one. This furnishes a bridge calibration of which the consistency is dependent only on the accuracy of the "step-up" and of which the accuracy is dependent only on the value of the single calibrating standard. In general the assumed value of the calibrating standard will be in error, its true value being a constant, K, times its assumed value. Any reading on the bridge using the calibration will, therefore, require a correction by this same factor K. Now let us suppose that this bridge has exactly equal ratio arms, is calibrated as described above and is used to measure successively two capactitances whose measured values are found to be C and Ci. Their C true values will then be KC and KCi and their ratio will be 7^ , which is the true ratio between the capacitances irrespective of the value of K, that is, irrespective of the absolute accuracy of the measured values. By means of this type of precision capacitance bridge the ratio between any two capacitances may thus be obtained regardless of the absolute accuracy with which the capacitance of either is known. Actually the best known value is always assumed for the capacitance used as the standard in computing the calibration of the bridge, and MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE 427 accordingly the constant K by which the calibrated values of the bridge condensers must be multiplied to give their absolute values, is always very near unity. If the absolute value of the capacitance of a single condenser can be determined the factor K can readily be evaluated by measuring this known condenser on the capacitance bridge. If K is known the absolute value of any condenser can then be determined by measurement on the capacitance bridge because of the consistency of the bridge calibration. The practical reason, therefore, for determin- ing the absolute value of a primary standard of capacitance in terms of resistance and frequency is to permit the determination of the error in the bridge calibration, i.e., to evaluate K. Accordingly, the actual measurements are carried out from the viewpoint of determining the value of K for the precision capacitance bridge rather than from the viewpoint of determining the absolute value of the capacitance of a single condenser. Of course, the latter determination is included in the former. Special Apparatus Aside from the shielded capacitance bridge the following special apparatus employed in the determinations is worthy of mention. The unit standard condensers were dry stack mica condensers potted in an asphalt moisture-proofing compound and shielded by brass cans. They had been kept in the laboratory a number of years so that they were thoroughly aged and their values extremely stable. The phase difference of these condensers was very small, even for high grade mica condensers. Unit resistances were made up especially for this series of tests and consisted of bifilar windings in 100 ohm sections connected in series on hard rubber spools ^ in. in diameter. No. 40 B. & S. gauge advance wire was used throughout. All the coils had phase angles less than .1 minute at 1,000 cycles. The 6 dial shielded resistance box used in some of the measurements was a laboratory standard variable from .01 to 10,000 ohms and calibrated for phase angle. The oscillator em- ployed as a source of current was a specially constructed vacuum tube oscillator designed to maintain an extremely constant frequency, and to deliver a practically pure sine wave. The reference standard of frequency was a 100-cycle tuning fork surrounded by a constant temperature bath,^ the average frequency of which from day to day was constant to .001 per cent. The reference standard of resistance against which the resistances of the units were calibrated was of the well-known *J. W. Horton, N. H. Ricker, W. H. Marrison, "Frequency Measurement in Electrical Communication," A. I. E. E. Transactions, June, 1923. 428 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL National Bureau of Standards type,^ calibrated by the Bureau of Standards. Experimental Procedure The procedure used in the determination of K, was briefly as follows: Separate unit mica condensers were selected for C and Ci. Each was measured on the capacitance bridge by itself to determine its value in terms of the bridge calibration, and in addition its series resistance was measured by comparison with the air condensers of the bridge, the series resistance of the bridge condensers being eliminated by virtue of the construction of the bridge,^ and the method of making the measure- ment. At the same time the resistance of r and R, high quality resistance units, was determined by the customary Wheatstone bridge method, and their phase angles were measured by comparison with standards of which the phase angle was known to .02 minute at 1,000 cycles. The series impedance was then placed in one arm of the ca- pacitance bridge which had previously been balanced at the frequency in question, and the parallel impedance in the other arm. The bridge was then rebalanced by varying slightly the small air condenser in the bridge and the frequency. The change in the bridge air condenser represents an algebraic addition to the capacitance C necessary because the quantities C, Ci, R, and r were not perfectly adjusted to their nominal values and because K is not exactly equal to 1. The change in frequency is necessary for the same reason. The true frequency was then determined by comparison with the laboratory standard by means of the cathode ray oscillograph.^ For some of the determinations the bridge condensers were used for C instead of an external unit, and a shielded six dial resistance box, variable from .01 to 10,000 ohms in- stead of a unit resistance for R. In this case the final balance was obtained by varying the bridge condenser and R instead of the bridge condenser and the frequency. The vacuum tube oscillator used as a frequency source was capable of maintaining a frequency constant to better than .001 per cent for the duration of the tests. Sets of tests were made at three different times with an interval of about a month between them. The tests were made at frequencies of 1,000 and 2,000 cycles. The results of the determination at each frequency are contained in Tables II and III respectively. ^ E. B. Rosa, "A New Form of Standard Resistance," Bulletin, Bureau of Stand- ards, Vol. 5, p. 413. * F. J. Rasmussen, "Frequency Measurements with the Cathode Ray Oscillo- graph," A. I. E. E. Journal, January, 1927. MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITANCE 429 TABLE II Determination of K at 1000 Cycles Those readings made on any given day are grouped together. c (C + C) ri n +r Ci Ci - (C + C) / K d X 10^ lilif m/ ohm ohms m/ m/ cycles + 4 .100339 .15 687.08 .400130 .299791 1000.38 1.00030 + 2 - 3 .100047 .15 793.53 .199133 .099086 1002.13 1.00023 -5 0 .199733 .15 397.29 .400130 .200397 1002.57 1.00025 -3 + 4 .100336 .15 687.03 .400144 .299808 1000.49 1.00028 0 - 3 .100048 .15 793.45 .199142 .099094 1002.19 1.00028 0 0 .199725 .15 397.32 .400144 .200419 1002.61 1.00018 + 10 + 19 .071836 .35 998.44 .100297 .028461 1000.06 1.00031 +3 + 20 .077748 .15 998.24 .199142 .121394 " 1.00036 +8 + 15 .065825 .19 998.28 .301655 .235830 1.00032 +4 + 13 .054783 .15 998.24 .400144 .345361 " 1.00036 +8 + 19 .091217 .35 500.50 .100297 .009080 1000.00 ±.05 1.00032 +4 +22 .143050 .15 500.30 .199142 .056092 " 1.00031 +3 + 14 .158788 .19 500.34 .301655 .142867 " 1.00024 -4 +46 .154923 .15 500.30 .400144 .246221 " 1.00023 -5 + 19 .071841 .35 998.42 .100294 .028453 " 1.00023 -5 +20 .077765 .15 998.22 .199135 .121370 " 1.00025 -3 + 15 .065842 .19 998.26 .301644 .235802 " 1.00019 -9 + 13 .054801 .15 998.22 .400124 .345323 " 1.00029 + 1 + 19 .071786 .35 998.42 .100294 .028508 1001.30 1.00031 +3 +20 .077638 .15 998.22 .199131 .121493 " 1.00031 +3 + 15 .065703 .18 998.25 .301641 .235938 1.00033 +5 + 13 .054673 .15 998.22 .400122 .345449 1.00031 +3 +22 .142942 .15 500.35 .199131 .056189 " 1.00022 -6 + 14 .158586 .18 500.30 .301641 .143055 " 1.00022 -6 +46 .154661 .15 500.35 .400122 .245461 " 1.00026 -2 +40 .100209 .15 687.03 .400122 .299913 1001.30 1.00030 +2 + 19 .100134 .15 793.47 .199131 .098997 1.00027 -1 n = no. of observations d = deviation from mean not defined until Table 6. Av. 1.00028 (x from the mean. In this discussion the accuracy of any measurement (exclusive of known consistent errors) will be defined as d=3(T. The standard deviation of the mean is given by the expression -y=, where n is the total number of observations. If the curve of errors is approximately normal (and we have no reason to assume other- wise), the error in the determination of K is given by ± —=. In the ■\n absence of any systematic errors, of which none have been detected of magnitude comparable with the final accuracy of the result, the limits of accuracy are therefore, from Table V, ±.003 per cent. This limit was not exceeded in practice as is shown by the values for K at 1,000 and at 2,000 cycles in Table V. The difference between the two values of K is .002 per cent. Since the calibrations at both frequencies are based on the same original standard, namely, the 1,000- cycle value of the bridge .01^/ air condenser, and the latter is assumed not to vary with frequency over the audio range, the final result for K in the two cases should be the same within the limits of accuracy of the result. Table V contains a comparison of the values of K as determined by the method of this report and by comparing the Bureau of Standards calibrated values on a standard condenser box with the calibration of the capacitance bridge at 1,000 cycles. The agreement between these values, .004 per cent, is very close, in view of the accuracy which the Bureau certifies and the precision to which their results are given. Although the Bureau calibration is certified only to ±.1 per cent, the values are furnished to 5 significant figures and are apparently consist- ent to db.Ol per cent or better. It will be noted that the values of capacitance chosen for these tests were all between .01 and .5ju/. It is advisable that they be kept within these limits at the frequencies used in order that the resistance values required in the determination may be easily secured and easily capable of measurement with the required precision, and that errors in capaci- tance due to slight changes in the position of leads and units may not be appreciable. Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks By OTTO J. ZOBEL Synopsis: Constant resistance recurrent networks, that is, networks whose iterative impedances are a pure constant resistance at all frequencies, form here the basis of a method of distortion correction which is applicable to any electrical circuit. The paper takes up first the general problem of distortion correction, then this method of correction and its application in the following Parts and supplementary Appendices. Part 1. Ideal Circuit Characteristics. Both ideal steady-state attenuation and phase characteristics are formulated and then verified as being necessary and sufficient for the preservation of signal-shape under transient conditions. Part 2. Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks. These networks are of three general types and are made possible by the introduction of inverse networks of constant impedance product. Their propagation characteristics are considered in some detail and various methods of design are indicated. Part 3. Arbitrary Impedance Recurrent Networks. These net- works are a generalization of those in Part 2. Part 4. Applications. The large variety of uses to which these networks may be put is illustrated by specific designs made for com- plementary distortion correcting networks, for a submarine cable circuit, a loaded-cable program transmission circuit, and an open-wire television circuit. In addition, networks are given for the equalization of variable attenuation in carrier telephone circuits, for phase correc- tion in the transatlantic telephone system and for the simulation of a smooth line. Appendix I. Discussion of Linear Phase Intercept. Appendix II. Linear Transducer Theorems. Three theorems are proved which relate to the variation with frequency over the entire frequency range of the propagation constants and iterative impedances of certain passive linear transducers. Appendix III. Propagation Constant and Iterative Impedance Formula for General Ladder, Lattice and Bridged-T Types. This includes an improved formula for cosh~^ {x + iy). Appendix IV. Propagation Characteristics and Formulas for Various Lattice Type Networks. These results can be applied quite readily to many problems arising in the design of distortion correcting networks. 438 DISTORTION CORRECTION 439 Introduction EVERY actual electrical circuit or transmission system distorts transmitted signals; that is to say, the received signal, regarded as a time-function, differs in shape from the impressed signal. Heavi- side studied in detail the distorting action of the transmission line itself and indicated the necessary electrical properties of the distor- tionless line.^ The distortionless line of Heaviside was approximately realized in the loaded line ^ in which similar lumped inductances are inserted in series with the line at uniform intervals. While this loading has the effect of partially correcting distortion of the lower frequency components of the signal, it also tends to increase the distortion of the higher frequency components and so limit somewhat the useful fre- quency range. More recently the transmission characteristics of some newly installed submarine cables have been greatly improved by means of continuous loading with the new magnetic material permalloy.^ The methods mentioned above are directed to rendering the line itself more nearly perfect. The method of distortion correction pre- sented here may be used to supplement them and is that of pas- sive terminal networks; more particularly networks whose iterative impedances are a pure constant resistance at all frequencies.^ These networks are, however, not limited in their use to any particular type of transducer or transmission system but have general applicability. For this reason the general problem of distortion correction by this method resolves itself principally into a study of the transmission properties of these networks together with systematic methods of design to meet specified requirements. This paper takes up first the characteristics necessary for no dis- tortion in an electrical circuit; then, an extended study of constant resistance networks which can be used for distortion correction ; finally, several applications to important practical problems. In addition. Appendix IV gives a considerable number of network structures and 1 "Electrical Papers," Vol. II, p. 123, 1892; "Electromagnetic Theory," Vol. I, p. 445, 1893, Oliver Heaviside. 2 U. S. Patent No. 652,230 to M. I. Pupin, dated June 19, 1900. See also "On Loaded Lines in Telephonic Transmission," G. A. Campbell, Phil. Mag., March, 1903. Later a loading system more specifically directed to reducing distortion per se was disclosed in U. S. Patent No. 1,564,201 to J. R. Carson, A. B. Clark and J. Mills, dated December 8, 1925. ^ "The Loaded Submarine Telegraph Cable," O. E. Buckley, B. S. T. J., July, 1925. ^ The equalization of the attenuation of certain transmission lines has for some time been obtained by means of comparatively simple series or shunt terminal net- works. See, for example, U. S. Patent No. 1,453,980 to R. S. Hoyt, dated May 1, 1923. Such networks necessarily produce total terminal impedances which vary with frequency. 29 440 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL corresponding formulae which will be found useful in further applica- tions. Part 1. Ideal Circuit Characteristics There is no distortion in the transmission of an impressed signal over an electrical circuit or network when the shape of the received signal, considered as a time-function with usually a time-of-transmission, is identical with that of the impressed signal. A uniform decrease in magnitude only is not distortion, and it can be restored to its original value by means of a distortionless amplifier. Let us assume in the general case that the e.m.f. impressed on the circuit is E, and that the circuit is always terminated by a receiver of resistance, R, across which is the received voltage, v, in which we are interested. The received current is then directly proportional to the received voltage. The necessary and sufficient conditions for distortionless transmis- sion can be stated quite simply in terms of the steady-periodic transfer voltage ratio of the circuit which will be written as viiui) .. /.s with the terminology a -\- ih = the transfer voltage exponent of the circuit, or concisely, the transfer exponent. Here a represents attenua- tion in napiers and h phase difference in radians, omitting in the latter any constant integral multiple of 2ir, and assuming the two voltages to have zero phase difference at zero frequency. That is, the origin of phase difference is so chosen that the phase intercept at zero fre- quency is zero. For ideal transmission characteristics the steady -periodic transfer expo- nent of the circuit should have an attenuation independent of frequency and a phase proportional to angular frequency, w, ivhose slope is the time- of-transmission of the circuit. In mathematical terms these ideal characteristics, represented by primes, are a' = constant (napiers), and (2) b' = TO) (radians), where T = time-of-transmission (seconds). To show this, consider first what the indicial voltage, g{t), would be under these assumptions. By indicial voltage is meant the received voltage as a time-function per unit constant e.m.f. impressed at the DISTORTION CORRECTION 441 sending end at time / = 0. With (1) and (2) in the integral equation of electric circuit theory ^ we obtain p—a'—Tp r> -^- = J e-^mdt, (3) whose solution is g(/) =0, t r. Thus, a constant voltage, which has been attenuated by the circuit an amount a' napiers, arrives suddenly at the receiving end after a time T = {b' joi) seconds, and there is no distortion with respect to the unit constant e.m.f. impressed on the circuit at time 1 = 0. If now any type of e.m.f., E{t), is impressed on this circuit which is specified by the steady-state characteristics (2) or the indicial voltage (4), we obtain through a general formula ^ v{t) = jj' E{t - y)g{y)dy = e-'^'E{t - r). (5) This received voltage has the same shape as the impressed e.m.f., there being an attenuation, a', and a time-of-transmission, r. Hence, a circuit specified as above is distortionless to any type of impressed e.m.f. A further discussion involving the phase intercept is taken up in Appendix I. It may be stated that Heaviside's theoretical distortionless smooth line was that in which the line constants R', L', G' and C per unit length had the relation R'/G' = L'lC (6) giving attenuation and phase constants per unit length, respectively, a = ylR'G' napiers, and /3 = VL'C'oj radians; also an iterative (or characteristic) impedance k = a/t^ = a/tt, ohms, \ Cr \ C which is a constant resistance at all frequencies. A circuit made up ^"Electric Circuit Theory and the Operational Calculus," John R. Carson. «L.c. 442 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of such a line of length / terminated by a resistance R = k \s readily seen to satisfy the conditions (2) above for no distortion. It would have an attenuation a' = '^R'G'l napiers and time-of-transmission T = ■^L'C'l seconds. Having seen above what constitutes ideal transmission character- istics, the problem of distortion correction in any practical distorting circuit is that of altering the circuit in some way so as to approach this ideal. In most circuits it is impossible to obtain these ideal charac- teristics throughout the entire frequency range. More or less satis- factory transmission results will be had, however, if this ideal is approached over the range of frequencies most essential to the com- position of the impressed e.m.f., as shown by its Fourier integral analysis. How accurately an ideal attenuation characteristic has been met in any case depends upon how nearly constant the attenuation is in the frequency range. A simple practical measure of the degree of approach to an ideal phase characteristic at the frequencies in this range is furnished by a consideration of the time-of-phase-transmission in the steady state, Tp = i/oj seconds, (7) in which h is defined as in (1) for the complete circuit. The more nearly constant r^ is in the frequency range, the closer it approaches equality with t, the time-of-transmission of the circuit for those frequencies. In many cases approximately ideal phase characteristics already exist in the desired frequency ranges so that corrections need be made for attenuation only. In others, such as those in which the steady- periodic state is of most importance and where the phase relations between the components are immaterial, it is satisfactory to obtain uniform attenuation at the desired frequencies. The method of alter- ing circuit transmission characteristics to be shown in this paper follows in Part 2. Part 2. Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks 2.1. Fundamental Basis of Distortion Correction The general transmission circuit of Fig. 1 is shown as having a resistance, R, at the receiving end, as in the case where the energy is absorbed. Usually the circuit characteristics at this resistance with respect to the sending terminals show distortion in the required frequency range. If so, an ideal method of correcting the distortion DISTORTION CORRECTION 443 would appear to be that of interposing between the circuit and the receiving resistance a transducer having the requisite corrective propa- gation constant and an iterative impedance, R. By so doing, the transfer exponent at the end of the circuit proper would remain un- It "to j^ /^ ^^ F\ Circuit •)/i ^ -0 vdco] ^-a-ib ^; f ^ ECiw)-^ _ a' ^^ .^^_ a • — ^^^-- ^^^^z^ ^_^,,,*^^^^ ^^^.^^'^^^-^ --^^^^ i^-^' ^^^^ ^^^"^-" a, b:Non-IdJeal X ^^-^ af,b': Ideal X ^^ / ^ /C^"^ 0 Qjngular Frequency, cv, (rad/ians per second) Fig. 1 — Non-ideal and ideal transfer exponents of circuits. altered, irrespective of the exact nature of the network beyond, since the latter has the impedance R; but the total transfer exponent would become ideal through the addition of the complementary propagation constant of the transducer. Stated analytically, let a -\- ib = transfer exponent of the distorting circuit at a ter- minating resistance R, A -{- iB = propagation constant of the correcting transducer of iterative impedance R, and a' -\- ib' = resultant ideal transfer exponent at the receiving re- sistance R. Then the correcting transducer must be so designed that A and B satisfy over the required frequency range the conditions and a' = a -\- A = constant, b' = b + B = to:, where r is a positive constant. Or, explicitly, A = a' — a, positive, B = b' - b = TCO - b. and (8) 444 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The total attenuation, a', and time-of-transmission, t, are somewhat at our disposal ; it will be found that their best choice is usually guided by experience. The transducer will often consist of a number of sec- tions, not necessarily alike. This distortion correcting process may be called "equalizing both the attenuation and the time-of-phase- transmission." The idea of altering circuit transmission characteristics by means of one or more sections of constant resistance recurrent networks forms the fundamental basis of the method of distortion correction presented here. It is, of course, dependent for its application upon the physical possi- bility of designing recurrent networks whose iterative impedances are a constant resistance at all frequencies and whose propagation con- stants have the desired characteristics. Another method by which distortion correction has sometimes been obtained is by means of terminal thermionic distortion circuits wherein networks of particular frequency characteristics are placed in the plate circuits of successive thermionic tubes. In it any reaction of one stage upon a preceding stage or upon the original circuit is prevented by the unilateral property of the tubes, whereas in the method given here this same result is obtained by the property of a constant resist- ance iterative impedance and the use of a resistance termination. While from the standpoint of the original circuit both methods give the resultant effect of a terminal unilateral device, one very practical advantage of the constant resistance method over the thermionic tube method appears to be that it corrects distortion before any amplification is added and hence with it there would be less tendency to cause tube distortion or modulation. Another advantage is that the distortion correcting networks can be designed independently of the amplifying device. A description of this other method appeared in the last number of the Journal? Before taking up specific types of constant resistance structures, let us consider some of the inherent limitations of certain transducers as are brought out by the following theorems. 2.2. Linear Transducer Theorems These theorems relate to the variation with frequency over the entire frequency range of the iterative parameters, that is, the propaga- tion constants and iterative impedances, of certain passive linear transducers. In symmetrical transducers we could as well employ the image parameters which are of such utility in a study of electric wave- ^ "Phase Distortion and Phase Distortion Correction," Sallie Pero Mead. B. 5. r. J., April, 1928. DISTORTION CORRECTION 445 filters and which, together with iterative parameters, were discussed generally by the writer in a previous number of this Journal.^ But since here in the ladder type networks some dissymmetrical sections are also considered, I shall use the iterative parameters throughout this paper. Theorem I: Any symmetrical transducer whose attenuation constant is zero at all frequencies has a phase constant which increases with fre- quency and an iterative impedance which is a constant resistance through- out the frequency range. Theorem II: Any transducer whose iterative impedance is real at all frequencies has a constant resistance iterative impedance, and if in addition its phase constant is proportional to frequency, it has a uniform attenuation constant. Theorem III: Any symmetrical transducer whose attenuation constant is independent of frequency and whose iterative impedance is a constant resistance at all frequencies has a phase constant which is zero or increases with frequency. The theorems, whose proofs are given in Appendix II, may be represented by the following table. The variations with frequency of the network parameters shown apply to the entire frequency range and in each theorem the parenthesis designates the dependent property, where A is the attenuation constant, B the phase constant, and K the iterative impedance. TABLE I Linear Transducer Theorems Theorem A B K I 0 (Constant) Constant (Increases) (Zero, or increases) (Constant) II Real (Constant) Constant Ill That part of Theorem I which relates to the iterative impedance explains why there is no physical ladder type network having zero attenuation throughout the frequency range. For, the ladder type, when non-dissipative and having zero attenuation, requires a mid-series or mid-shunt iterative impedance which varies with frequency. * "Transmission Characteristics of Electric Wave-Filters," O. J. Zobel, B. S. T. J., October, 1924. The term "characteristic impedance" used in that paper for a recurrent or iterative parameter with dissymmetrical transducers is replaced here by "iterative impedance." Thus, the same term "iterative" applies to the structure, to the corresponding impedances, and to the kind of parameters. The use of the term "characteristic impedance" will be limited to smooth Unes, or sometimes to symmetrical recurrent structures. In symmetrical structures the "characteristic," "iterative," and "image" impedances are identical. 446 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 2.3. Inverse Networks of Constant Impedance Product We have already seen that the fundamental advantage of using constant resistance networks for distortion correction lies in the fact that when they are placed ahead of the receiving resistance, R, they present this same impedance to the circuit proper and hence do not alter the transfer exponent at that point. They can be designed to have, in addition to the impedance R, a propagation constant which complements this exponent and produces a resultant transfer exponent at the receiving resistance which is approximately ideal. The possibility of physically realizing recurrent networks having a constant resistance iterative impedance at all frequencies rests, as will be seen, upon that of obtaining pairs of two-terminal networks the product of whose impedances is constant, independent of frequency. Such pairs ^ I have defined as inverse networks of impedance product R-, or more concisely, inverse networks. In the paper just referred to it was pointed out that one elemental pair of such inverse networks is composed of two resistances i?i and i?2, and another is composed of an inductance L and a capacity C bearing the impedance product relations at all frequencies i?ii?2 = Lie = R'. (9) The same paper gave a simple proof of the following theorem relating to series and parallel combinations of networks. // 2/ and Zo' are any pair of inverse networks and if Zi" and Z2" are any other pair, such that Z1Z2 = Zi'zi" = R'^, then z/ and Zi" in series and 22' and 22" in parallel are a pair; similarly z/ and z-l' in parallel and Zi' and 22" in series are another pair. Without much difficulty a theorem relating to simple networks having the form of a general Wheatstone bridge can also be obtained, as follows : The inverse network corresponding to any given two-terminal bridge network of five distinct branches is also a bridge network, and may be derived by replacing the netivork in each branch of the given network by its inverse network and then interchanging the networks in either opposite pair of branches. By successive applications of these relations, be- ginning with the elemental pairs, very complicated inverse net- works can be built up. Only reactance networks were considered in the paper referred to above. Ordinarily the series and parallel ' An extensive use of inverse networks of pure reactance types was made in the paper, "Theory and Design of Uniform and Composite Electric Wave- Filters," O. J. Zobcl, B. S. T. J., January, 1923. Also in U. S. Patents No. 1,509,184, Sep- tember 23, 1924; Nos. 1,557,229 and 1,557,230, October 13, 1925; and iNo. 1,644,004, October 4, 1927. DISTORTION CORRECTION 447 combinations are most useful, since the bridge structures require at least five elements in each network. Some networks may have other equivalent structures, as well. If zii = rn + ixn and Zoi = ^21 + ^^"21 are inverse networks such that S11S21 = R\ (10) a number of simple relations exist among their impedance components; namely, .2: rn (jl) and Jf2i _ Xn |22l|- R"' In a smooth line the condition (6) which makes it distortionless is actually the one making the series and shunt impedances per unit length inverse networks of impedance product i?" = R'/G' = L'/C 2.4. Types of Constant Resistance Recurrent Netivorks and Their Propagation Constants The types of recurrent networks considered in this paper are the three simplest ones, the ladder, lattice, and bridged-T types whose general structures are shown in Fig. 2. Propagation constant and iterative impedance formulae for these types in terms of general impedance elements are given in Appendix III for possible future reference. By introducing in each of these types the use of inverse networks with Zii and Z21 satisfying relation (10), and assuming various relations in the general formulae, it is possible to derive general network struc- tures whose iterative impedances are a constant resistance, R, at all frequencies.^" The structures are of such general nature as to permit a very wide range of propagation constants. Any one of them when closed by a resistance, R, presents at the other terminals the impedance R at all frequencies. They will now be considered. The networks of the ladder type are shown in Fig. 3 as six complete sections, each designated by the termination at which it has the iterative impedance R; one at full-series, one at full-shunt, and two loSee U. S. Patent No. 1,603,305 to O. J. Zobel, dated October 19, 1926. Also British Patent Specification No. 236,189, dated July 8, 1926. 448 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL each at mid-series and mid-shunt. The first two sections are dis- symmetrical as regards the two pairs of terminals. The two mid-series sections are symmetrical and identical except for the structure of their shunt branches, which, however, are equivalent impedances. Simi- Full-Serles 2, Ladder Mid-Series O oAfs^ o • o-^^^-o O FullShunt MidShunt 2, -o-VWV*- •U/') XA/A/o \2Z, Lo/Uice Bridged-T zZoj 0-4-o>VW*-«>- zZoj '■•Zr Types of general recurrent network sections. larly, the symmetrical mid-shunt pair have different series branches of equivalent impedance. It may be of interest to point out that if each of these sections is closed by a resistance, R, to form a two-terminal network, then three pairs of these networks are seen directly from series and parallel rules to be inverse networks; namely. 7„, 7b; 7c, 7/; and 7^, 7, DISTORTION CORRECTION 449 If one has the impedance R, the other must also, as is the case. The propagation constant, V = A -\- iB, of each of these ladder type sections is the same and is given by the simple relation Full-Series la n -Zi, FuUShrnvb lb oAAVs \n \'Z2f *-<\ :Z; ZI Ic Mid/Series R n L-oVWo-' in- <-oJ\f\f\i-o-i *^z/ ''^Zl MvdShuwt If 2R Z/j r-o-WV*~~*"'WV-o-| Fig. 3 — Ladder type constant resistance sections. e^ = 1 + su/i?; (12) the particular iterative impedance is R. Here Zn is arbitrarily taken as the independent impedance determining the propagation constant 450 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL with Z21 dependent through the inverse network relation ZnZ-n = R-. This relation, besides ensuring a constant resistance iterative im- pedance, reduces the network parameters at least one half. Since resistances occur explicitly in the structures, these sections will all he dis- sipative. The network of the lattice type, shown in Fig. 4, is symmetrical and has a propagation constant determined by ^// ^zrR Fig. 4 — Lattice type constant resistance section. ^ _ 1 + z,,l2R ^ 1 -2u/2i?' (13) where S11Z21 = R^- If 2ii i^ o, reactance, the network will introduce no attenuation, only phase difference. The networks of the hridged-T type are symmetrical and will be given in two groups, the members of each group having the same propagation constant. The two sections of the first group (/„ and h) in Fig. 5 L a c^/ Z11 en o-i— o-vwv-o- I — oVMro — ' cn o-'\AV^-o— A— o •^2J Zj/Zzi R =T>2 Fig. 5 — Bridgecl-T(I) type constant resistance sections. DISTORTION CORRECTION 451 have a propagation constant formula 1 + (c + r)zu/2R 1 + (c - l)zn/2i?' (14) where, besides the arbitrary impedance Zn, there is the arbitrary real c ^ 1. These sections will be dissipative owing to the ever present resistances. Utilizing directly the rule given for inverse bridge net- works, it can be seen that when closed by R these two structures are inverse networks of impedance product R-. The four bridged-T sections of the second group (IL, Hi, lie, and lid) in Fig. 6 have the formula lla cZzi o— * — o-WV^ oAAA/Vo- =D.2 c^l (usually) Zjj Zzj-R/ Fig. 6 — Bridged-T(II) type constant resistance sections. J, ^ 1 + zii/2i^ + c{z,,l2Ry ' 1 - zu/2i? + c{z,,j2Rf ' (15) 452 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where c = \, usually. In the very special cases of networks Ila and life, wherein Zu is an inductance, c may be less than unity and approach zero as a limit. For the latter values the negative inductance may be obtained physically as a negative mutual between the series coils. When c = 1, networks Ila and lib become physically identical, as do also networks lie and 11^. If Zn is a reactance, there will he no attenua- tion. Again, we shall find by applying the proper rule directly that when the four general sections are closed by resistances R there will result two pairs of inverse networks of impedance product R-, respec- tively Ila, lid and life, lie. R O •t;^ o-'\y\yV^-o —^ O Fig. 7 — Unbalanced lattice type constant resistance section. A Special network of the unbalanced lattice type may be mentioned briefly. This symmetrical structure as shown in Fig. 7 plays no direct part here as a distortion correcting network but is closely related to some of the other types and possesses interesting properties, among others that of conjugacy as in an ordinary balanced Wheatstone bridge. Its open-circuit impedance X and short-circuit impedance Y are both equal to R, hence its iterative impedance, -^XY, is also R. Since tanh r = -ylY/X = 1, r = oo, which means that no current would flow in a terminating resistance R due to an e.m.f. applied through a sending resistance R, these two impedance branches being conjugate. The network containing four resistances R, which is obtained by terminating this section at each end by a resistance R, may likewise be derived directly from the limiting case (c = 1) of the bridged-T (I) section which has similarly been terminated, merely by a rearrange- ment of form. It has these properties: 1. Opposite resistances are in conjugate branches. 2. Each of the four resistances is faced by a resistance R. These properties can be seen as a result of the symmetry and also from a comparison with the full-series and full-shunt ladder type sections when terminated by resistances R. It is known that for one direction DISTORTION CORRECTION 453 of propagation these two ladder sections have the same iterative impedance and propagation constant. In the full-series section ter- minated by R the junction point between R of the section and Z21 is short-circuited with the point at the receiving side of Zn, while in the corresponding full-shunt network the structure is the same except that these two points are open-circuited. Because of the identity of propagation constants this can be possible only if the two points are at the same potential whence they can be connected by any impedance without altering propagation in the one direction. This being the case, a branch of resistance R, conjugate with the sending branch, can be connected across these points, and this results in giving the symmetrical bridged-T (I) type (where c = 1), or the equivalent net- work of Fig. 7 terminated by R. Thus the receiving-side series resistance R in the limiting case (c = 1) of the bridged-T (I) section plays no role and is superfluous for this direction of transmission, but it makes the section symmetrical and ensures similar propagation and impedance characteristics when transmitting in the opposite direction. ^^ If, in the network of Fig. 7, Zn is made resonant and anti-resonant at different frequencies, selective maximum energy transmission can be obtained at these frequencies between pairs of the four different resistance branches which might also be considered as different lines. The propagation constant between any pair of resistances can be determined from the relationships established above. As an aid in obtaining an approximate value of the propagation constant for any of these types when its impedance elements are known, a simple chart may be drawn up if desired. This could be obtained in the following manner. The formulae (12) to (15) are all of the form gr = ^A+iB — ^ _|_ ^-^j whence qA _ -^^2 j^ ^2^ Q5^ and tan B = film. Thus, it is evident that any locus of uniform attenuation constant, A, is represented in the m, n plane by a circle of radius, e^, with center at the origin. Also, any locus of uniform phase constant, B, is a straight line of slope, tan B, starting from the origin. " Another method of deriving the section having directly the form given by putting c = 1 in the bridged-T (I) type was used by G. H. Stevenson, U. S. Patent No. 1,606,817, November 16, 1926. 454 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 2.5. Relations for Equivalence of Propagation Constants All of the above networks have equivalent iterative impedances equal to R. It is sometimes useful to be able to transform readily from one type to another which has also an equivalent propagation constant, if that is physically possible. This may arise in an economic study of a final network design where account is taken of all practical factors, such as symmetry, line balance, number of the elements, their magnitudes, etc. The structures which are important in this connection when dealing with both attenuation and phase characteristics comprise the ladder, lattice, and bridged-T (I) networks, whose propagation constant formulae are given in (12), (13), and (14). For their propagation constants to be identical the impedance Zn in one type must bear a definite relation to that in another. In the following table, derived by equating these formulae, a general impedance z is introduced. Each 2ii may be expressed in terms of z and R. Here z is taken as the Zn for each type in succession. It then becomes a simple matter to transform from one type of structure to another having an equivalent propagation constant. The parameter c in a derived bridged-T (I) network would be taken such as to give the minimum number of elements. TABLE II Relations for Equivalence Ladder Zn Lattice Zn Bridged-T (I) Zn, c ^ 1 1 1 Z 1+ 1 z^ 2R z ^ - 2R/{c - 1) 1 z 1 1+ 1 z^ -2R 1+ 1 Z ^ - 2R:C 1 1 2 1+ 1 z^2i^/(c - 1) 2 ^ IRjc A transformation from the Zn of one type section to that of another equivalent one involves essentially only an alteration of the given impedance by a positive or negative resistance element in parallel with it. This will not always result in a physical network with DISTORTION CORRECTION 455 positive elements. The following statements can be made, however: 1. The transformation of the ladder type to the equivalent bridged-T (/) type, and vice versa, is always possible. 2. The transformation of the ladder type, or the bridged-T (7) type, to the equivalent lattice type is always physically possible; the converse is not necessarily so. Those structures which are potentially phase networks, and thus useful when requiring a non-attenuating network with a phase char- acteristic only, are the lattice type again and the bridged-T (II) type. Such networks are used to introduce various characteristics for the time-of-phase-transmission. It will be sufficient to give the relations for equivalence between these two types, obtained from (13) and (15), as (Zll)lattlce = 1-^ 1 I ' (17) \2ll 4z2i/c/ bridged-T (II) which is ahvays physically possible if the bridged-T {II) network exists. On the other hand (Zu) bridged-T (II) = 7(221 ± Vz2r — ci?-),attice ' (18) where the c which belongs to the bridged-T (II) type must necessarily be taken so as to make the radical a perfect square, if a physical equivalent is possible. It is to be pointed out that in the propagation constant formula (15), considered as a general form, the range of values for the parameter c which will give a physical bridged-T (II) network is c ^ 1, usually, while the range for a physical lattice net- work is c ^ 0, as seen from (17). Thus, the lattice type can give a greater variety of propagation constants. From all the comparisons made above this conclusion may be drawn. The lattice type has a greater range for its propagation constant char- acteristic than has either a ladder or a bridged-T type. Hence, the lattice type might well be considered as the fundamental one, when designing such networks, from which other equivalent types may be obtained by transforma- tions, if such physical structures are possible. 2.6. Propagation Constants Expressed as Frequency Functions In Section 2.4 the propagation constant of any of these networks was given as varying with frequency only implicitly, according to some function of the impedance ratio, Zu/IR. To express it more explicitly as a frequency function, I shall sketch briefly a satisfactory general method to be followed. 30 456 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL For an impedance Zu which is made up of lumped elements of resistance, inductance, and capacity we may express the impedance ratio Zul2R as the ratio of two frequency-polynomials in {if), where i = V— 1 and /is frequency. Thus, Zu ._ gp + aSf) + a^iifY + • • • _ ■ • /.gx 2R bo + bM) + bMr- + • • • ^' The impedance coefficients ao, &o, etc., of which one is unity and some may be zero, are positive quantities and are algebraic combinations of the network elements. Their number is equal to, or greater than, the number of independent elements. For any given type of network the coefficients are fixed by the elements, and vice versa. Putting this expression in any of the formulae (12) to (15), there results for the propagation constant a form ho + h,(if) + h^iify + • • • ^" ^ in which go, ho, etc., are algebraic functions of ao, bo, etc., also of c if the network is a bridged-T type. From this the attenuation con- stant and phase constant can also be derived and expressed separately as functions of frequency. For the attenuation constant, a form is obtained which is the ratio of two frequency-polynomials both in even powers of frequency. One of the attenuation coefficients is unity. For the phase constant, a form in which one of the phase coefficients is unity, is the ratio of two frequency-polynomials, odd powers of frequency in the numerator and even powers in the denominator. (It is sometimes convenient to use tan (3/2).) In (21) and (22) the attenuation coefficients Po, Qo, etc., and the phase coefficients Mi, No, etc., are expressible in terms of the impedance coefficients ao, bo, etc. It should be mentioned here that in deriving the above expressions certain assumptions have been made; namely, invariable elements and non-dissipative inductances and capacities. These restrictions are well justified from the fact that such departures are usually small DISTORTION CORRECTION 457 and their effects in a network do not alter appreciably the general characteristics. However, to calculate accurate results for both the propagation constant and the iterative impedance of the final design of a physical network taking into account all factors, one should use the general formulae given in Appendix III which have been simplified to give accurate results quite readily. 2.7. Network Solutions from Their Propagation Characteristics It was assumed in the previous section that the recurrent network elements are invariable and that inductances and capacities are non- dissipative. On this basis general formulae for the propagation char- acteristic were obtained in terms of these elements. The same assump- tions are retained here but reverse processes will be carried through which derive the elements from the propagation characteristic of the recurrent network. Three methods will be outlined, necessarily in general terms. Method 1. Solutions from the Attenuation Constant Since attenuation is ordinarily of greatest importance, this method is the one most frequently used with networks having an attenuation characteristic and involves initially the determination of the attenua- tion coefficients Pq, Qo, etc., from this characteristic. Using these coefficients, one derives from algebraic relations, first, the impedance coefficients ao, bo, etc., and finally the network elements in Zn. The elements of 221 follow from the inverse network relation (10). The method is based upon the transformation of the attenuation formula (21) to a linear equation in Pq, Qq, etc., whose number is equal to or greater than the number of independent network parameters. If we multiply equation (21) by the (2-polynomial, we obtain formally the attenuation linear equation which holds at all frequencies, Po +/^P2 + ■■■ - FQo -PFQ2 - . • • = 0. (23) Introducing in this the attenuation constant, and hence F, at a number of different frequencies equal to the number of independent network parameters, there results a system of independent simultaneous linear equations which can be solved for the coefficients. The simplest practical procedure is perhaps that of the step-by-step elimination of the coefficients. When the number of coefficients and independent network param- eters, hence equations, are the same, the solution of the latter offers no particular difficulty and results can readily be checked by substitu- tion in the original equation (21). 458 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL When, as sometimes occurs, the number of coefficients is one greater than the number of independent network parameters, it means that one relation exists between the coefficients and hence any one of the latter may be assumed dependent. The dependent relation can be found from the formulae for Po, <2o, etc., in terms of ao, ^o, etc. How- ever, in some such networks it is possible to use the attenuation con- stant at a particular frequency, say zero or infinite frequency, and thereby reduce the number of remaining coefficients and independent network parameters to equality, when the case is readily solvable. If this does not produce the desired reduction, it is usually best to first transfer the dependent coefficient to the right-hand member of (23) and after forming the set of linear equations solve them for the inde- pendent coefficients in terms of the dependent one. Substitution of these values in the dependent relation gives a polynomial in the dependent coefficient which can be solved by Horner's method. Its solution then determines the independent coefficients. This procedure might be extended similarly to cases where the number of coefficients is two or more greater than that of the linear equations, but obviously the process becomes quite involved. The values of the attenuation coefficients Po, <2o, etc., are unique when determined from linear equations. The impedance coefficients Oo, &o, etc., derived from them are also single-valued to give a physical solution in most types of networks, meaning that only one such physical network has the particular attenuation characteristic. How- ever, in the lattice type, it has been found that there are usually possible two or more physical solutions for the impedance coefficients from the attenuation coefficients, which correspond to two or more similar appearing physical structures having identically the same attenuation characteristic but different phase constants. Method 2. Solutions from the Phase Constant This method is applicable particularly to phase networks which ideally have no attenuation and to other networks where the number of phase coefficients equals the number of independent network parameters. The procedure is the same as in the previous method where now we operate with the phase constant formula (22). Multi- plying the latter by its iV-polynomial, we obtain formally the phase linear equation, true at all frequencies, JMi -f pUi + . • • - //TVo - pIIN^ - • • • = 0. (24) Fixing the phase constant, and hence //, in this equation at frequencies DISTORTION CORRECTION 459 equal in number to the phase coefficients gives us, if this number is equal to the number of independent network parameters, the desired set of linear equations to be solved by the usual methods. In a net- work where the number of phase coefficients is one less than the number of network parameters an additional relation will be needed to determine the network elements and this can be supplied from the attenuation characteristic. Here the attenuation characteristic can probably be lowered uniformly without altering the phase character- istic. (See Section 2.82.) Method 3. Solutions from the Propagation Constant Since it has been shown in Section 2.5 that any network of the type considered in this paper can always be represented physically by a lattice type having an equivalent propagation constant, we can simplify the discussion here by dealing entirely with the lattice net- work. From (13) the impedance ratio ZnjlR for this type is derived in terms of its propagation constant as If = J^ = tanh (r/2), (25) which holds at all frequencies. Thus, a determination of the recurrent network from its propagation constant {attenuation and phase constants together) reduces to the solution of a two-terminal impedance network from its impedance characteristic. The impedance ratio components 5 and y in (19) will become definite known functions of frequency deter- mined through (25) by the propagation constant of the given lattice network. A method of solving for the impedance coefficients a^, bo, etc., and hence the network elements from the components 5 and y, follows. Instead of attempting to separate the impedance ratio expression into its real and imaginary parts which can then separately be equated to 5 and y, which is the usual method, let us multiply (19) by the b- polynomial. Now equating separately the real and imaginary parts we obtain a pair of equations which are linear in the coefficients and hold at all frequencies. This pair of impedance linear equations are formally ao - f^ai -[-■••- sbo -\- fybi + f-sb^ + • • • =0, and (26) fa, - f'a^ + ybo - fsb, + f'yb^ + • • • = 0. By this means the formulae are put in a form such as to require in all cases the solution of a set of equations linear in the coefficients, obtained from (26) at different frequencies. A procedure for their solution 460 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL similar to that used in dealing with equation (23) can be applied and will not be repeated here. This process, apparently new, of obtaining linear equations for the impedance coefficients which contain powers of frequency and the impedance components, was applied by the writer to non-dissipative two-terminal networks in this Journal, January, 1923, p. 21, also in U. S. Patent No. 1,509,184, dated Septem- ber 23, 1924; and to dissipative networks which simulate a smooth line impedance in U. S. Patent Application, Serial No. 134,515, filed September 9, 1926. It is merely outlined here. 2.8. Useful Properties and Relations The following discussion covers a number of points concerning these networks which have been found quite useful. They can be verified readily from the fundamental formula and so need not be derived in detail. 2.81. Analytical Simplifications Let it be desired to design a given network from its attenuation characteristic in a frequency range when the number of attenuation coefficients is one greater than the number of independent network elements. As previously stated, it is usually possible in such cases to choose as part of the attenuation data the attenuation constant at a particular frequency, such as zero or infinite frequency, and make the resulting number of attenuation coefficients and independent elements equal in number, with consequent ease of solution. Another method of simplifying the analysis might be to slightly alter the form of the given Zu by adding to it, or subtracting from it, a resistance element in series or in parallel. This may have the effect of making the resulting attenuation coefficients and independent elements equal in number without appreciably altering the general attenuation char- acteristic in the desired frequency range. 2.82. Uniform Attenuation Change According to principles developed above, if the attenuation constant of a given network is changed uniformly over the entire frequency range without altering its phase constant, its distortion producing characteristics are not affected. Let zu correspond to a given lattice type network and Zu' to a derived one in which the attenuation only has been changed by a uniform amount Aq ait all frequencies. Then one form of structure for Zii is 1 Sii = ' + ' (27) WiZu + m-iR m-iR- DISTORTION CORRECTION 461 where mi — cosh- {Ao/2), mi = sinh Aq, and mz = 2 coth (^o/2), mi being greater than unity, while m^ and ms have the sign of A^). This relation for Zu' stated approximately in words is as follows: To raise the attenuation, magnify the given Zu and add series resistance, then add parallel resistance to the whole; to lower the attenuation, magnify Zu and add such negative resistances. An example is given by Networks \a and 2)a of Appendix IV. An impedance equivalent form of structure for Zi/ is zi/ = — ^- T- + m^'R, (28) — 1 — m/zii mi'R where m/ = sech- {A^jl), m^i = 4 cosech A o, and W3' = 2 tanh (^o/2), m\ being positive and less than unity, while m^ and mz have the sign of A%. Hence with this form, to raise the attenuation, reduce the given Zw and add parallel resistance, then add series resistance to the whole; to lower the attenuation, reduce Zn and add such negative resistances. An example is given by Networks \b and 36, Appendix IV. It will be seen from these relations derived from a physical Zn that when ^0 is positive a physical Zu' always results. When Ao is negative, however, physical impedances would be obtained only under certain conditions, depending upon the given Zu and upon Aq. One practical utility of the relations would occur in the following situation. Suppose that a design was being attempted from assumed attenuation values with a network having such a general characteristic and that Zn consists of some structure in series or in parallel with a resistance element. The latter resistance as determined from the linear equations may come out to be negative and give Zn an unphysical structure. In such a case we could apply the above relations and raise all the attenuation values uniformly such an amount Ao that the resulting network Zi/ would be physical. Corresponding relations between two networks of the ladder type are Zn' = e^'zii + (e-4o _ i)i?; (29) and between two of the bridged-T (I) type are 462 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL zn = (c sinh (Ao/2) + cosh {Ao/2)yzn + 2 sinh Uo/2)(c sinh {Ao/2) + cosh {Ao/2))R, and (30) c + tanh Uo/2) c = c tanh iAo/2) + 1 In the above process we would generally be increasing the number of network parameters without changing the number or magnitude of the phase coefficients. 2.83. Phase Constant Comparisons of Certain Pairs of Lattice Type Netivorks It has already been stated that there are usually two physical net- works of the same structural lattice form which have identical attenua- tion constants but different phase constants. They are derivable as two physical solutions from the same attenuation coefficients. In the case of a limited class of these networks, an interesting relation exists between the phase constants of such a pair which may be stated as follows. Theorem. — The two lattice type networks of every pair having the same attenuation characteristic in each of which the series impedance (zn) consists of a resistance in parallel luith any pure reactance network, of different proportions in each, have phase constants such that their sum or difference is identical with that of a non-dissipative lattice phase network zvhose series impedance {zu) is a pure reactance network proportional to that in the series impedance of either of the pair. A corollary results from this. One netivork of the pair is equivalent to the tandem combination of the other and the related phase network. It should be pointed out here that results for the case in which Zu is a resistance in series with a reactance network are similar, except for a phase change of -k, since then the lattice impedance 221, the inverse network of Su, is a resistance in parallel with a reactance network. A procedure for proving the theorem will be sketched briefly. Assume as given one network in which Zn is made up of a resistance in parallel with a pure reactance network whose impedance is imy, where m is a positive constant and y \s a. function of frequency. This gives a form 1 + Q.f ^ ^ Reversing the process, we obtain from the same coefficients P» and Q» a second similarly constructed network besides the original one. The DISTORTION CORRECTION 463 two physical networks differ in their phase constants but have the same attenuation constants. For one tan 7^/ ^ (V^ + VC2)3 y (32) -1 ^iPiQiy- ' and for the other tan B" = (V-P^ - ^0^)y r^3) where B" has a maximum or minimum depending upon whether y is positive or negative. As a result for the sum (B' + B"\ rjT tan ^ ■ = VP.T, (34) 2 and for the difference IB' -B"\ r^ tan ( 2 ) = ^^23'- (35) Now a non-dissipative lattice type network in which Sn is a reactance proportional to y has a formula tan (5/2) = M^y, (36) where M\ is positive. Comparison of these latter formulae indicates the proof of the theorem and its corollary. A simple and useful relation exists between the maximum attenua- tion constant Am occurring at 3; = oo and the maximum or minimum phase constant BJ' of {33) occurring at 3* = ± l/(i'2<22)^'^. It is sinh (AJ2) = ± tan BJ'. (37) An example Is given by Networks 2a, Appendix IV, and a practical use of this relation will be made in Section 4.2. 2.84. Composite Networks The tandem combination of two or more different sections of constant resistance networks can generally give propagation char- acteristics which are unattainable in a single section. For this reason it is sometimes advantageous to treat such a composite network of two or three simple sections as a single unit. When this is done it will be found that the composite network has attenuation coefficients, if any, which in number may be equal to, greater than, or even less than the sum for the individual networks when considered separately. An example of a case in which the number of attenuation coefficients 464 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL for the composite network equals the sum for the separate sections is furnished by two sections of Network la or of 2a, Appendix IV, both having four coefficients. On the other hand, a composite network of la and 2a, one of each, has five attenuation coefficients. Finally, a composite network of two sections of Network 2>a has only five attenua- tion coefficients contrasted with a sum of six for the separate networks. In the latter case we can obtain only five linear equations from the attenuation characteristic which are not sufficient to determine the six series elements. This probably means that for the same attenua- tion characteristic the resistances in series with the two inductances can be given any ratio to each other from zero to infinity. A sixth relation can then be supplied by assuming the practical condition which makes the ratio of resistance to reactance the same in the inductance branches of both sections. This composite network can have an attenuation constant whose increase with frequency is approxi- mately linear over a wide internal frequency range. Composite phase networks of simple structure also lend themselves readily to such treatment as a single unit. 2.85. Composite Lattice Networks Having Uniform Attenuation To a lattice type network of a certain class having a finite non- uniform attenuation characteristic there corresponds a single infinity of complementary ones, such that when any one of the latter is com- bined with it, the composite network has a uniform total attenuation constant and a zero total phase constant over the entire frequency range. The separate attenuation constants are complementary while the phase constants are equal, hut opposite in sign. Such a conposite net- work we have seen would be absolutely distortionless. It is a relatively simple matter to obtain the necessary relations which such a comple- mentary network must bear to the first if we impose these propagation conditions on the combination. Two sets of relations may be derived, each corresponding to a particular structure for the first network, with the following results. If the given section (A, B) has series impedances zn = Rs + Zs, (38) where Rs is a resistance and Zs is any impedance, any equivalent trans- formation of which does not contain series resistance, and if a com- plementary network {A', B') is added such as to give a composite network {A,, B,) with the propagation constant Ac = A + A' = constant, DISTORTION CORRECTION 465 (39) 5e = 5 + 5' = 0, then the complementary network is given by zi/ = i?i + -f-^-r- . (40) _ -I where Rx = 2 coth {Acl2)R, 22 = 4 cosech2 (Ac/2)Ryzs, and i?3 = 4 cosech^ {Aj2)Ry{Rs - 2 coth (^<./2)i?). Here 22 is the inverse network of Zs of impedance product 4co- sech- {Ac/2)R^. The network in (40) is Ri in series with the parallel combination of 22 and Rs. An equivalent form for Zn' is 21/ = 7-^ T' (41) -R/ + 22' Rs' where i?/ = cosh^ {AJ2){Rs - 2 tanh (Ac/2)R), 22' = cosh2 {Aj2){Rs - 2 tanh {AJ2)Ryizs, . „ , _ 2i?(coth04j2)i?, - 2i?) ^""^ ^^ " (i?. - 2 coth (^e/2)i?) ' It will be a physical network provided Ac satisfies the relation 1 < coth {Acl2) ^ RJ2R. (42) At the minimum Ac, Ri = Ri, zo = 22', and Rz = R3' = 30. If, on the other hand, the given section has parallel impedances (similar to the preceding network of (38) whose output terminals are reversed), 211 = r- , (43) — + — Rp Zp where Rp is a resistance and Zp is any impedance, any equivalent transformation of which does not contain parallel resistance, then a corresponding complementary network has one form given by 2n'=-j ^ . (44) 1 Ri 22 + R3 466 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where i?i = 2 tanh {A,I2)R, Z2 = 4 sinh2 {A,l2)B}lzp, and Rz = 2 sinh^ {A,I2)R{2R - coth {AJ2)R,)IR,. An equivalent form is su' = ^ ^ ^ + R/, (45) where R,' = 2 sech'^ (AJ2)RRJ{2R - tanh (^,/2)i?,,), 22' = 4 sech2 iAc/2)R'R,y{2R - tanh {A,/2)R,yz„ , 2R{2R - coth (AJ2)R^) and i<3 - ^2 coth iAj2)R - R,) There will be a physical network provided 1 < coth {A, 12) ^ 2RlRp. (46) At the minimum Ac, Ri = R\ , Z2 = S2', and R3 = Rs = 0. It may be added that if (38) and (43) represent inverse networks of impedance product 4R^, then another such pair is given by (40) and (44), and still another by (41) and (45). An extension of these results may now readily be made to give two-section composite networks whose attenuation constants are uniform hut whose phase constants are not zero. It has been stated that to every lattice type network having finite attenuation there usually corresponds another one of the same structural form having the same attenuation but a different phase characteristic. Hence, in either case above where the two complementary sections giving a total uniform attenua- tion are known, we may derive by reguiar methods the alternative lattice sections, having, respectively, the same attenuation constants. Since we would then have two sections to give the one attenuation characteristic and two sections for the complementary characteristic, it would be possible to obtain four composite networks of similar struc- ture, all of which give the same uniform attenuation but four different phase characteristics. One of these combinations would be the case in which the phase constant is zero. Four more phase characteristics, differing from the others by an amount tt, can obviously be obtained by reversing the terminals of either section. 2.9. Procedure for the Design of Distortion Correcting Networks It would be most gratifying to be able to obtain directly from a desired propagation characteristic the corresponding form of network. DISTORTION CORRECTION 467 This is generally a difficult problem and it becomes necessary to resort to simplifying methods somewhat similar to those employed in the design of electric wave-filters. One reason for this difficulty is that we are limited to physical resistance, inductance, and capacity ele- ments, all of which must, in general, be positive. We would, therefore, begin with known forms of networks whose general propagation characteristics have been determined and choose from them one or more whose combination offers the possibility of giving a satisfactory desired result. A number of points which are applicable in the general case may be noted as follows: 1. First, determine the desired propagation characteristics of the distortion correcting network corresponding to formula (8). 2. If necessary, divide this propagation characteristic into several parts each of which has the approximate characteristic belonging to a known network structure. 3. Assume one of these networks physically capable of having such an alloted characteristic and attempt a design to approximately fit it according to one of the methods of Section 2.7. Where there is an attenuation characteristic, Method 1 is usually best, as attenuation is generally of more importance than phase and hence its simulation requires greater accuracy. The network will introduce a phase con- stant which will necessarily have to be taken into account. Of the two or more possible solutions for the lattice type network, the one with the most desirable phase constant would obviously be chosen and in some cases this may be close to requirements. Another reason for usually following this order of simulating the attenuation first and the resultant phase later is furnished as a consequence of Theorems 1 and II of Section 2.2. From them we see the physical possibility of introducing certain phase characteristics without attenuation (ideally), but not varying attenuation characteristics without phase. Method 3 imposes a rather severe requirement on a single network. 4. If the network design comes out to be unphysical with the particular characteristic values assumed, small variations from these values should be tried, since the natural varying curvatures in the propagation characteristic of the network must sometimes be allowed for. Otherwise, a different kind of network should be used, or a composite one, which has a similar characteristic. 5. In designing successive sections of the complete transducer, the effects of previous parts must be considered. To facilitate the application of this method of distortion correction, general propagation characteristics together with formulae have been derived for a representative number of lattice type structures. These 468 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL are given in Appendix IV. Any pair of the networks, such as la and \b, differ only by an interchange of series and lattice elements with a corresponding difference in their phase constants of an amount tt. In order to simplify computations for some networks the formula? were derived so as to require attenuation data at a limiting frequency, but other formulae may also be obtained. By means of the relations in Section 2.5, transformations can readily be made to any of the other general types, if they lead to physical structures. The type of network which a final design is to assume will be sug- gested by economic and practical considerations. However, an ap- proximate statement can be made in this connection. If the sections are to be dissymmetrical as regards the two pairs of terminals and unbalanced as regards the two sides of the line, use the full-series or full-shunt ladder types; if symmetrical and unbalanced, use the bridged-T types; if symmetrical and balanced, use the bridged-T or lattice types. Part 3. Arbitrary Impedance Recurrent Networks In Part 2 consideration was given entirely to recurrent networks whose iterative impedances are a constant resistance at all frequencies and which depend upon the use of inverse networks; that is, 211Z21 = -R'- It is intended here merely to point out briefly that all the types in Section 2.4 can be generalized to have iterative impedances of arbitrary value K provided in them R is generalized to K, and 211221 = X^; (47) that is, 2i] and 221 are inverse networks ^- of impedance product K-. The corresponding propagation constant formulae hold also with these generalizations. Where a recurrent network of arbitrary iterative impedance K is desirable, these structures would, theoretically at least, be applicable. Practically, however, considerable difficulties are usually encountered in physically realizing Zu and 221 to give a desired propagation con- stant, and perhaps even K when K is not a simple function of fre- quency. A few physical possibilities will be given here in which the structures for 211 and 221 are easily identified from the forms of the expressions. They may be used in the different types of networks, and, of course, 211 and 221 may be interchanged. 12 The complete qualifying statement such as given is necessary here, not just simply "inverse networks." and DISTORTION CORRECTION 469 K = R + iLco; zii = iLiico, (48) 221 = (2RL/Ln) + i{UILu)oi + \/i{LulR')o:. The impedance S21 is series resistance, inductance and capacity. 2. X = i? + lA'Cco; 211 = lACiico, (49) and 22] = (IRCnlQ + i(i?--=Cii)co + lAXCVCiOco. Here 221 3. is the same type of structure as in (48). K =^ R+ l/iCco; 1 and 11 R 1 ' i? 1 mi imiCo: m^ ' iniiCuia ^ \ R \ ^ 1 . 1 iLuo} R21 iL-i R'^-^^^(^4wiM Fig. 8 — Distortionless composite network. (Broken lines indicate the other series and lattice branches, respectively identical). correction over the entire frequency range. When placed in tandem they represent a composite network whose attenuation constant is uniform at all frequencies and whose phase constant is zero, which are DISTORTION CORRECTION 471 characteristics for no distortion. Let us obtain the steady-state characteristics of each network and of the composite one; then con- sider transient conditions and obtain the indicial voltages of the corresponding networks to verify again by this illuminating example that the steady-state characteristics laid down for no distortion are quite sufficient when transient conditions exist. The first section is Network 2a, Appendix IV, wherein Zw is parallel resistance Ru and inductance L12, with Rn less than 2R and the characteristic 1. Let us put m = RujlR, and n = L12I2R. Then Zii imni)} 2R m -\- inco and the propagation constant formula becomes from (13) (53) rj ^ m + i(l -\- m)no} ^ , . m + i{l — m)nij} To obtain a complementary second section let us assume that the total attenuation constant, Ac napiers, of the composite structure is to equal the maximum of the first section which occurs at infinite frequency. Then from the above ,Ac = 1 + w 1 — w and tanh (^c/2) = m, giving as the correcting section by (44) one of Network lb, Appendix IV, with characteristic 1 in which Rn = 2mR, as in (53), and (1 — m?)n ^'' ~ 2m'R For this second section then 2ll ?^1 -1 Rn Li2 IR' (55) 2R m -\- i{l — m'^)no} and 1 -\- 7n\ / m -}- i{l — m)nu 1 — mj \m -\- i{l + rn)nw Obviously, from (54) and (56), (56) 1 — m ' as was assumed. 31 472 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The attenuation and phase constants of each of these two sections and the combined structure are shown in Fig. 9, as a function of Li2i^l2R, where Ru = R. It will be seen that Ai and A2 are comple- mentary while Bi and B2 are equal but opposite. For the composite network Ac = constant and Be = 0; thus the latter phase constant I Ac ■^ \ \ \ \ \^z Ai ' \ \ ^ ^ <\ y y Rii =R '^ •^ — B, / A \ N / / / / \ ^ —- .^ / / / / / v ■ . /^ / Be \ z 1 6 ■ 8 0 , >/2R I r I a / 6 / 8 20 \ \ \ \ __ \ ■^ Fig. 9 — Propagation constants in distortionless network. has a zero slope with frequency. Whatever steady periodic voltage exists at one end would appear across the terminating resistance R in the same phase but attenuated by an amount Ac napiers. Since these conditions hold for the composite network at all frequencies, we should expect to obtain for it an indicial voltage and time-of-trans- mission, respectively, g,{t) = e-^", and (57) _Br _ dB, CO dio 0. Let us next determine the indicial voltages of the individual sections when each is closed by a resistance R. Substitute the operator p for icj and obtain symbolically from (54) and (56) and DISTORTION CORRECTION 473 g-Fi — \ 2mn { — I » ("58) \ w + (1 + m)np ) ' _p _ 1 — w ^ lmn{\ — m) I p \ -\- m \ -\- m \ m + (1 — m)np ' Introducing these expressions in the general relation, where the net- work is terminated by R, ~ =J'^e-p^g{t)dt, (60) there results for the indicial voltage of the first section, since g,{t) = 1 - , g-[»a/(l+m)n] /^2) and for the second section g2(0 = \^ + T^ e-t-'/a-)»'. (63) 1 + m 1 -f m These functions are given in Fig. 10. It will now be shown that, whereas the indicial voltage of each section alone is a varying function of time, that of the composite network is a constant, which represents the transient condition for no distortion with zero time-of -transmission. For the composite network terminated by R the indicial voltage gc{t) may be derived from the usual formula for such a combination, equivalent to (5), gc{t) = g2(0)gi(0 + f g^{t - y)g2'{y)dy. (64) Jo Upon carrying through the integration we get ScU) = -^ — ; — er^' = constant, (65) 1 -f w which agrees with the prediction from the steady state and is so shown in Fig. 10. Obviously the two sections can be interchanged. The composite network appears at first hand to behave in a rather remarkable manner. For if a periodic voltage is suddenly impressed 474 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL at one end, the steady state will not be established within the network until after some lapse of time, whereas it occurs at the terminating resistance instantaneously. This property is, of course, to be ex- pected from its steady-state characteristics. ^ 7 \'" — — — - — - — - — •— — — — - -— -— ' 9i 'ica) — ■ -— ^ \ ^ Sff2 (t) ffi it)^ ^ -^ ' " \ N ^ ■^ nn =R ^ ,--- >< ^ ^ ^ ^ Qc (t) 2Rt/L/2 Fig. 10 — Indicial voltages in distortionless network. It may be added that such networks would still give complementary results if separated for any purpose by a symmetrical line in a circuit which is terminated at each end by a resistance R and which has an e.m.f. applied through one of the resistances. The separation of the two complementary networks under these conditions would result in the same current being received by the terminating resistance as when both networks are together at one end, where it is known the networks would produce no distortion. This follows immediately from the reciprocal theorem. For by it we readily see that the same current would be transmitted to the input terminals of the complementary receiving network whether the first network was at one end or the other. (These two cases are equivalent from the standpoint of received current to turning the combined transmission line and first network end for end.) 4.2. Distortion Correction in Submarine Cable Circuit The following illustration shows the improvement which can be made in the shape of the arrival voltage at the end of a long submarine cable circuit by distortion correction at the very low frequencies only. Such an improvement would increase the speed of building up of d-c. telegraph signals and hence allow a greater speed of signaling. DISTORTION CORRECTION 475 The circuit assumed is a submarine cable whose length, /, is 1700 miles and whose parameters are to have the constant values per mile R' = 2.74 ohms; L' = .001 h.; G' = 0 ; C = .296 mf. It is terminated at the receiving end only by a resistance R = -ylL'/C = 58.12 ohms. The transfer exponent, a + ib, of this circuit at the terminal resistance is computed from the formula, easily derived, ga+ib = (^/j^) sinh yl + cosh yl, (66) where 7 = V(i?' + iL'c^)iC'o>, and k = -V(i?' + iL'oi)liC'o:. These results are shown in Fig. 12. It is desired to obtain distortion correction in this circuit from 0 to 25 cycles per second by introducing a terminal constant resistance transducer which will approximately equalize the attenuation over this range and make the resultant phase linear with frequency. Since in practice there is interference between different cables at higher frequencies, the correcting network should introduce increased attenua- tion above this range. Calculations gave at/ = 0, a = 4.40 napiers; and at/ = 25~, a = 14.10 napiers. Assuming arbitrarily that the network will have at / = 25~ an attenuation of only .30 napier, the ideal total attenuation for the frequency range is a' = 14.10 + .30 = 14.40 napiers. (67) The attenuation of the network should decrease from a maximum value of (14.40 - 4.40) = 10.00 napiers at / = 0 to a value of .30 napier at / = 25 ~ and then increase with frequency. If a linear relation for the resultant phase is assumed so as to cross the b curve at about/ = 25~, the phase which the network should give is negative in the range with a minimum of about — 2.75 radians, and is zero at / = Oand/ = 25~. A network having this desired general type of propagation constant is Network 8, Appendix IV, with the characteristic 1, but a single section will not be sufficient since its minimum phase is between 0 476 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and — 7r/2 radians. The best number of sections to use is determined by the total minimum phase required and can be found here quite readily, as follows. Because of the comparatively small amount of attenuation assumed for the total correcting network at / = 25 ~, this type of network is one in which Zu consists of a resistance in parallel with an approximate reactance so that we may apply for the present purpose the relation (37) between maximum attenuation and minimum phase of such a section. For a total maximum attenuation of 10.00 napiers this relation gives for two sections a total minimum phase of — 2.81 radians, which is close to the required value — 2.75 radians. Three sections give — 3.59 radians, showing the best number to be two. (If the result with two identical sections had been a negative phase considerably greater than the required value, it would have been possible to proportion the total maximum attenuation at zero frequency between two such different sections so as to give approximately the desired total minimum phase. In such a case each section could be designed from its corresponding proportion of the total attenuations at the other frequencies.) Each of two such identical sections was designed by the formulae given in Appendix IV, using attenuation data fixed by the values of (a' — a)/2. Allowances had to be made at /i = 5~ and fo = 15 ~ for necessary curvature in the attenuation characteristic so as to obtain a physical result. It was assumed that the phase constant would turn out to be satisfactory since it had already been given some consideration when determining the number of sections. The fre- quencies and corresponding attenuations used were /o = 0, ^0 = 5.00 napiers; /i = 5~, Ai = 3.25 napiers; /2 = 15~, Ao = \.78 napiers; /a = 25~, As = .15 napier. The solution of the attenuation linear equations gave P2 = - 68.737; Qo = 1.1929; Qi = 2.5537 -lO-". Whence Also, where R = 58.12 ohms. flo — .98661 ; &1 = 15.829-10-='; Rn = 9.42 ohms; Cu = 20.30 mf.; Ci = 1.1854- 10--^; &2 = 1.5980-10-3. L,2 = 1.994 h.; Rn = 114.68 ohms; DISTORTION CORRECTION 477 These results were transformed to give a ladder type network according to Section 2.5 and then incorporated in two of the dis- symmetrical unbalanced full-shunt sections, as shown in Fig. 11. n Till Ljz 0/3 V4 ^// -1-12 C/3 n- '^2 ILz3%B/zitCzz ■J^2 \Lz3%RzIt022 -o *■ }' ■R Fig. 11 — Distortion correcting network for submarine cable circuit. This transformation gives a different parallel resistance in the series branch, namely, Ru' = 2a,RI{\ - flo). (68) Here Ru = 8565 ohms. The elements of 221 in the shunt branch of the ladder type were determined from the inverse network relations -K11-R21 = L12IC22 = L^s/Cis — Rii'Roi' = i?^. Finally combining two resistances which are in series, R^ = R -\- R^i, we have R21 = 359 ohms; C22 = 590.3 mf.; L23 = .0686 h.; R^/ = .39 ohm; and R2 = 58.51 ohms. In Fig. 12 are shown the steady-state propagation characteristics of the uncorrected circuit, the correcting network, and the corrected circuit; the latter indicates approximately ideal conditions up to 25 cycles per second. The improvement in shape of the arrival voltage due to this dis- tortion correction can be seen from Fig. 13 which gives the ratio of indicial to final voltage for both the uncorrected and corrected circuit, a constant e.m.f . being impressed at the sending end at time t = 0. (These were computed from the steady-state characteristics of the respective circuits, using formulae based upon those given by J. R. Carson in B. S. T. J., 1924, p. 563.) The building-up speed has been increased, perhaps fourfold. The arrival voltage for the corrected circuit is 478 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL within 3 per cent of its final value when that for the uncorrected circuit has reached but half value. The initial maximum in the former is similar to that in the case of a low-pass wave-filter ^^ and may be 26 u zz zo i If !' 0 -z t andl ■■ dltenuationandPhaseorSubmarine Cable CiraMJ[a,b] Z andZ-- of Distortion Corfvcttng Nd'worK 3 andi: of Both ' ^ •J^ ^ ^ >-^ ^ ^ ^ "^ ^ ^ ^ -^ =^ ' 3 ^ y ^ -!=^' ^ ^ i^ 1 ^ ^ / \ ^^ ^ /^ ^ ^ >< N-^ y ^ / / ?'^ > c / Z' ^ ■~~^ ^ ^ , '—-' ^ fy / ^ r^ ^ ' \ y -..^ ' ' ZO 30 Frequency (cycles per second) SO 50 Fig. 12 — Transmission characteristics of submarine cable circuit and distortion correcting network. due to the increasing attenuation beyond the equalized range. It is probable that had but partial equalization been obtained without a IB 1.6 'a 1 -S 12 rN r \ k — ■/ — — \ ^^ ^ ^ ^ / y^ ^ /: IMncorrected Z- Corrected y 7^ I ^ ^ .3 4 .3 Time (seconds) Fig. 13 — Ratio of indicial to final voltage for (1) uncorrected and (2) corrected submarine cable circuit. ^' "Transient Oscillations in Electric Wave-Filters," J. R. Carson and (). J. Zobel, B. S. T. J., July, 1923. DISTORTION CORRECTION 479 sharp change in the attenuation, such a maximum would not have been produced. However, it is desirable to sharply attenuate the higher frequencies as has been done here, for the reason stated above. It is of interest to point out that the time-of-transmission which might be expected for the corrected circuit from the low-frequency slope with angular frequency of the steady-state phase, approximately r = .076 second, is actually the time at which the indicial voltage increases most rapidly and has reached about .4 its final value, a quite satis- factory agreement. 4.3. Distortion Correction in Loaded-Cable Program Transmission Circuits Circuits which transmit programs originating at distant points to a radio broadcasting station need to be of considerably better quality over a wider frequency range than those used for ordinary telephone transmission and must be reliable under various weather conditions. Such circuits can be obtained economically with lightly loaded cable pairs which have been corrected by terminal networks for each repeater section. The design of distortion correcting networks applicable to a 50-mile repeater section of 16-gauge H-44 cable follows. The section is terminated at each end by a resistance R = 600 ohms, the generator which impresses the voltage E having an internal impedance R. Since the received voltage would be only .SE with the cable removed, in this case we are interested in the ratio — /J— o— to .5£ " ^ ' where a then represents the insertion loss in napiers. If r and K are the propagation constant and iterative impedance (here used at mid-section) of the loaded cable ^^ of length, /, it can be shown that the transfer exponent is a + ih = r/ + Ml + ^2, (69) where Vl = propagation length, and 2 L 2 .-=^|l+il| + | ^"^ = ' - ' m-" The above, of course, includes the effects of circuit terminations. 1* Accurate computations for the propagation constant of the loaded cable were made readily by means of an improved formula for cosh"^ (x -|- iy), given in Appendix III. 480 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It was desired to equalize the attenuation over a frequency range from zero to 4500 cycles per second and improve the time-of-phase- transmission at the lower frequencies. Computations for this 50-mile cable circuit gave values of attenuation (a in T.U.) and time-of-phase- transmission (b/lTf) as shown in Fig. 15. These circuit characteristics suggested the use of two different networks in tandem shown separately in Fig. 14, one equalizing principally at the lower frequencies, the other at the higher frequencies of the required range. Low-Trequency Disiortiorv Correcting Neitvork n, -o^VVWo— '-0 Hz' :n/i L, lU I High-Freguency ditenuaUon Equalizer n, O-J — oAWW Fig. 14 — Distortion correcting networks for program transmission circuit. The low-frequency correcting network, shown as the upper section in Fig. 14, is of the symmetrical unbalanced bridged-T (la) type and was transformed from Network 7, Appendix IV. In the design of the latter the attenuation data corresponding to (8) were /i = 40-, A, = .536 napier; h = 200-, A2 = .291 napier; /3 = 800~, A, = .176 napier; U = 2000 ~, A, = .100 napier. DISTORTION CORRECTION . 481 Solution of the resulting four attenuation linear equations gave Po = 102.007 -lO^; P2 = 5.06037 -lO'"'; from which Qo = 32.200-109; Q2 = 3.43087 -lO^; ao = .28054; ai = .88319-10-='; 61 = 8.6884-10-='; 62 = 4.0094- 10-«. Then, where R = 600 ohms, the series elements in the lattice structures are Rn = 248.40 ohms; C12 = 2.0171 mf.; Cn = .6021 mf.; Ru = 336.65 ohms. Transforming from this lattice type to the equivalent bridged-T (la) type, we eliminate a parallel resistance in the bridged series branch (corresponding to Ru) by letting c = 1/ao. (70) Then in Fig. 14, where c = 3.5645, Ri = 168.3 ohms; Rs = 248 A ohms; a = 2.0171 mf.; C^ = .6021 mf.; and in the shunt branch R2 = 3037.4 ohms; P4 = 1458.1 ohms; U = .243 h.; Lg = 2.010 h. This latter useful form in which resistances are in series with induc- tances was obtained from the regular bridged-T (la) shunt elements by means of Transformation C, B. S. T. J., January, 1923, p. 45. The high-frequency network, shown as the lower section in Fig. 14, is well suited to extend the range of attenuation equalization above that so far considered and was derived from Network 8, Appendix IV. Allowing for both cable and low-frequency network attenuations, and arbitrarily assuming this network to have an attenuation of .300 napier at 4500 cycles per second, the data became (as from (8)) /o = 0, Aq = .796 napier; /i = 3000 -, A I = .747 napier; /2 = 4000 '-, Ai = .530 napier; /s = 4500 -, Az = .300 napier. 482 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The solution is P, = _ 46.207-10-^; Q2 = - 9.0092 -IQ-^; Qi = 23.198- 10-'«. Whence Go = .37824; bi = 57.522-10-«; a, = 8.4245-10-6; b2 = 4.8164- 10-«. / and I': dttenujatbon/ andTime-or-T'hase-Transmhsshon of Program Transmission Circuit ZandZ': with Lffn-Frequency Distortion Correcting Network 3and3': mth Both Netivorhs l375 WOO ZOOO 3000 Frequervcy (cycles per second) 4000 Fig. 15 — Transmission characteristics of program transmission circuit with and without distortion correcting networks. The series elements of the lattice structure are R,^ = 286.8 ohms; L12 = .0987 h.; Ci3 = .01236 mf.; Ru = 453.9 ohms. Transforming to the equivalent bridged-T (la) type, we take c similarly as in (70); thus c = 2.6438. The series elements in Fig. 14 then become Ri = 226.9 ohms; L5 = .0987 h.; and the shunt elements R2 = 679.7 ohms; Le = .00445 h.; Rs = 286.8 ohms; C^ = .01236 mf.; Ri = 1255.0 ohms; Cg = .2741 mf. DISTORTION CORRECTION 483 The effect of adding these two sections successively to the cable circuit is shown in Fig. 15. It will be seen that the first section, besides equalizing the attenuation up to about 2000 cycles per second, produces as well approximately ideal results on the time-of-phase- transmission at the lower frequencies. The complete circuit attenua- tion departs less than .2 T.U. from a constant value everywhere over the assumed frequency range. If desired, the time-of-phase- transmission could be improved also at the upper frequencies by the addition of proper phase networks. Such a type of correction will be made in the following application. 4.4. Distortion Correction in Open-Wire Television Circuit The networks to be described here were designed by the writer especially for the particular open-wire circuit which was used for the television demonstrations from Washington, D. C, to New York City on April 7, 1927. They were designed entirely from calculated data, some of which had previously been derived from measurements on other similar lines, as the complete circuit was not available for measure- ments until later. The circuit had a total length of about 285 miles, being made up principally of 276.4 miles of 165-mil open-wire pair together with 8.43 miles of necessary entrance, submarine and underground 13- gauge carrier-loaded cable (C-4.1). The iterative impedances of these two types of lines are very nearly the same in the frequency range considered and were so assumed in what follows. Hence, the propa- gation length of the circuit was taken as the sum of the propagation lengths of the parts. In order that such a circuit be suitable for television transmission it must be made to have extremely high quality over a very wide frequency range by means of distortion correcting networks. The requirements which the design of the present net- works aimed to meet follow. Design Requirements 1. An impedance of 600 ohms is to terminate the line at each end. 2. The attenuation, or insertion loss, of the corrected circuit is to be constant within ± 1 T.U. over the entire frequency range from 10 to 20,000 cycles per second. 3. The time-of-phase-transmission of the corrected circuit is to be constant within ± 500 microseconds (lO"*") from 10 to 400 cycles per second, and to be the same constant within ±10 microseconds from 400 to 20,000 cycles per second. 4. Provision is to be made for distortion correction under various 484 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL weather conditions of the open-wire Hne. Details of the process of arriving at some of these requirements, also measurements and per- formance of the complete television circuit, have been given in a previous number of this Journal}" Loyv-Frequency Dislortion Correcting Network High-Freqwerbcy dtienuaiiorv Ecru/allrer ^AA^v^ <0D^rb Hk Ri'Cr -.\ \ s s ^ ^ ^» '"*.» ^C ^ ^ bk "- *^* *** ^ si ^_ _. _ •woo \m ■9 ... .... ; -♦- 1,000 Frequency (cycles per second) moo 20.000 Fig. 19 — Time-of-phase-transmlssion characteristics of television circuit before and after distortion correction. 4.5. Equalization of Variable Attenuation in Carrier Telephone Circuits An open-wire circuit, such as used in a carrier system, is exposed to various weather conditions along the line and consequently experiences considerable changes in its transmission characteristics, primarily its attenuation. For satisfactory operation of carrier circuits the total circuit attenuation must ordinarily be kept reasonably constant. One practical and advantageous method of maintaining a constant circuit attenuation which takes into account weather changes as well as length differences in the successive repeater sections is the following. Each repeater section is built out and equalized with terminal networks such that at all times the total attenuation has the same uniform value in the desired frequency range. This is done by means of two kinds of networks, a variable artificial line and a base attenuation equalizer. The variable artificial line builds out any given section to correspond to what is effectively under wet weather conditions the maximum line section used, and the base attenuation equalizer makes this total attenuation of the section uniform in the frequency range under consideration. Then the total attenuation of any line section, arti- ficial line, and attenuation equalizer has the same constant value over the frequency range and will thus be in proper adjustment with a repeater having a fixed gain. DISTORTION CORRECTION 491 Such an artificial line is made up of a number of different sections whose various tandem combinations can build up by small steps a considerable length of repeater section. A mechanism for switching the various sections of artificial line in and out of a repeater section might be operated by means of regulating apparatus which is auto- matically controlled from circuit conditions existing on a single- frequency pilot channel or channels. In Fig. 20 is shown a type of network suitable for a section of such artificial line. It is equivalent to Network 2>a, Appendix IV, from which it can be transformed. The i 6 artificial Line Section /deal Steps y ^ J ^' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^8 y y ^^ -^ y ^ ^ .^ ^ ^^ — ,4 , ^ — ' ' .2 . — ■ — ./ 6 8 10 12 Frequency {kilocycles per second) ^14 Fig. 20 — Sections of variable artificial line and their attenuation characteristics for carrier telephone circuits. following table gives the network elements for a group of such sections. I need not discuss any of the design details here but shall merely state that these sections were designed according to formulae in Appendix IV from attenuation data which represent average requirements on the open-wire pairs used for carrier systems. The frequency range for these networks, 5.0-15.4 kilocycles per second, includes a lower group of adjacent carrier channels each having a band width of about 2500 cycles per second. The attenuation characteristics of these individual sections are also given in Fig. 20. By properly combining them the desired maximum amount of artificial line can be obtained in equal steps, each step corresponding to approximately 1 T.U. at the highest frequency of the range. 492 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE III Artificial Line Constants (Fig. 20) (5.0-15.4 kilocycles per second) Steps 1 2 4 8 12 Ri (ohms) i?2 54.2 3348. 40.2 9108. 1.62 .004426 108.2 1637. 80.5 4544. 3.24 .008863 212.9 753.2 160.9 2275. 6.57 .01794 401.4 255.3 318.4 1150. 13.83 .03779 605.0 0 i?3 445.3 i?4 822.1 L, (mh.) Ce (mf.) 23.13 .06318 Iterative Impedance R = 605 ohms. A structure suitable for a base attenuation equalizer is that of Fig. 21, transformed from Network 11, Appendix IV. In designing it to simulate the required attenuation characteristic shown, the procedure 2Z 20 W W i" I 10 s \ S, \ \, BaseOtteniuatwnE/juaU^er Meal/ \ \ 1 — -rmr): — 1 o — l-oJv\^v— t— '>AWW-^ — o ^/ Wni \ \ \ \ s \ S, c 14 ^. ) s \ V 0 Z 4 6 8 10 12 14 /6 Frequency (kolocycles per second) Fig. 21 — Base attenuation equalizer and its attenuation characteristic for carrier telephone circuits. was first to choose arbitrarily a plausible maximum attenuation for the network and then to use in the attenuation linear equations the three desired attenuation values at the mean and the extreme frequencies of the frequency range. At the highest frequency the attenuation was lowered slightly to allow for coil dissipation. Several such com- putations were made with different values of this maximum until a network was derived which gave a satisfactory result at all frequencies DISTORTION CORRECTION 493 within the range. The magnitudes of the elements corresponding to the partial attenuation characteristic shown in Fig. 21, where R = 605 ohms, are Ri = 508.4 ohms; R2 = 105.8 ohms; Ls = 12.69 mh.; Ci = .03469 mf.; a - .005852 mf.; Le = 2.14 mh.; L^ = 238.8 mh.; Cg = .6525 mf. The departures of the attenuation from the desired values are less than .2 T.U. At the highest frequencies small coil dissipation tends to improve this result. 4.6. Phase Correction in Transatlantic Telephone System At the receiving stations of the transatlantic telephone system it is necessary to use phase correctors in connection with the antenna arrays. These networks serve in two capacities, either {a) as artificial lines or delay networks which build out the phase characteristics of short transmission lines until they are equivalent to certain longer lines used elsewhere in the system, or {h) as phase correctors which secure adjustable and arbitrary phase characteristics when combining the outputs of the antennae which form the array. For satisfactory operation the phase correctors had to meet these design requirements. 1. A constant iterative impedance of i? = 600 ohms. 2. A continuously variable phase change which is proportional to frequency over the frequency range from 50 to 65 kilocycles per second, the total phase change being from 0 to 250 degrees at 50 kilocycles per second. 3. Over any frequency band of 5 kilocycles per second in the range the variations should be less than .100 degree for the phase and less than .025 T.U. for the attenuation. 4. A balanced structure. In making the design it was found that the continuously variable phase change to the desired maximum could be provided by means of one variable section having a small phase constant and five fixed sections of Networks 13, 14, and 16, Appendix IV. Designated in terms of their phase constants at 50 kilocycles per second as in Fig. 22, the variable section has a range of 0-15 degrees, while the fixed sections have phase constants of 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 degrees, respec- tively. The variable section is normally required to give a maximum of only 10 degrees but an extension of its range to 15 degrees is provided so as to ensure phase overlapping at any transition point where a 494 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL section is put in or taken out of the circuit. By properly combining these sections it is seen that a continuous range from 0 to 325 degrees is obtainable. The sections were designed from the formulae of Appendix IV so as to give the desired individual linear phase characteristics shown in Fig. 22. It need only be stated that the data taken from the phase 210 zoo 190 ISO no 160 150 lao ^,30 ^ IZO I no - § 90 so 70 60 JO 40 30 20 ■ 10. - 0 80 and, I60-J)egree Sections ..Cs ZOand 40-J)eQree Sections ■Cs Variable and lODegree Sections 10 ZO 30 40 50 Thequency (hiilocycles per second) Fig. 22 — Sections of variable phase corrector and their phase characteristics used in the transatlantic telephone system. characteristics in the one-parameter sections were those at 50, in the two-parameter sections those at 50 and 65, and in the three-parameter composite sections those at 50, 57.5, and 65 kilocycles per second. The elements for the variable section in Fig. 22 are continuously variable and have their magnitudes given in terms of the variable phase constant B at 50 kilocycles per second as DISTORTION CORRECTION 495 tan {BI2)R , ^10 tan (B/l) , Li = rrr ttih. ; 62= 5 mt . The results for the fixed sections follow in Table IV. TABLE IV Phase Corrector Constants (Fig. 22) Fixed Sections (Degrees at 50 kilocycles per second) 10 20 40 80 160 Li (mh.) . . . . C2 (10-3 i^f) L3(mh.).... Ci (10-3 mf.) C, (10-3 mf.) Le (mh.) . . . . .334 .464 .667 .926 .309 .223 1.333 1.851 .631 .454 1.211 1.682 1.456 2.023 1.051 .756 2.941 4.084 2.466 3.425 2.408 1.734 In any one of these sections the computed departures of the phase constant from ideal proportionality to frequency in the frequency range 50 to 65 kilocycles per second was usually much less than .02 degree. The practical construction of the networks gave similar high precision, and by using coils of small dissipation constant, d = (re- sistance/reactance), the attenuation requirements were likewise satis- fied. The frequency band now in use is from 58.5 to 61.5 kilocycles per second. It may be added that these designs can readily be altered so as to apply to other frequency ranges. In order to translate the phase constants from the 50-kilocycle designation to any other frequency range with a minimum frequency, /o, designation, multiply all induc- tances and capacities by the translation factor (50,000//o).^'' 4.7. Simulation of Smooth Line This application is based upon and illustrates the general results of Part 3 which discusses recurrent networks having arbitrary iterative impedances. A network design will be given which has the following characteristics. 1. A propagation constant which simulates a moderate propagation length of any smooth line, or its equivalent. 1^ For a discussion of other applications of constant resistance networks see footnote 10; also "Transmission Circuits for Telephonic Communication," K. S. Johnson. 496 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 2. An iterative impedance which equals that of the smooth line at all frequencies. Such a network could have a number of uses. For example, it could serve as a substitute for a small length of smooth line where approximately exact simulation is required as in certain laboratory tests, or as part of an artificial line in a balancing network. Leakance changes can be provided for by means of particular adjustable re- sistances. The design can represent the special case of a distortionless line at the lower frequencies and, if non-dissipative, give a phase net- work having a constant time-of-phase-transmission in this frequency range. The method of solution differs considerably from those previously used for the other networks and so will be given here. To begin with let . 1 impedance of any section of smooth line, or its equivalent, Za — series i ^^ propagation constant 7, iterative impedance k, and ., =shuntj j^^g^j^^_ Also let X = open-circuit] Mmpedance of the smooth Ime section. Y = short-circuit J Then 7/ = Viji^ = tanh-i VF/X, and (76) k = V2a26 = VXF. {B. S. T. J., October, 1924, p. 617.) From these z, = kyl = ^IXY tanh-i ^|Y|X, and (77) z, = k/yl = VXF/tanh-i VF/X; thus Za and Zi> are inverse networks of impedance product k'-. In a physical smooth line z„ is simulated by series resistance and inductance and Zb by parallel resistance and capacity (assuming the line constants to be independent of frequency), both represented by simple physical networks. In other cases they may be realized in desired frequency ranges, more or less approximately, by physical networks. It will be assumed in what follows that Za and Zb are given by the above formulae. The structure which is to simulate the smooth line is shown in its general form as Network 18, Appendix IV, wherein s„ and Z), are con- sidered as two types of physical elements whose combinations in DISTORTION CORRECTION 497 different proportions make up the network. It consists of a com- posite lattice network of two sections having four real, positive parameters, Wi, m2, m/, and m2 , two in each section. In the first section put for the series impedance 2u = — ^- r~ • (78) — 1 — IntiZa 2zblin2 To satisfy the condition for the desired iterative impedance at all frequencies, K = -V211S21 = k = V^, (79) it follows that the lattice impedance must be m2Za I Zb ,_„. That is, 2ii and 221 are also inverse networks of impedance product k". The propagation constant, by generalized (13) (that is, R replaced by K), is ^ _ 1 + ntiy + mim^y'^ . 1 — niiy + niiniiy^ ^ ' where for convenience y = -yjzjzb = yl = propagation length. In the second section, similarly, 1 2ii = ' + ' 2miZa 2zb/m2 ../=^- + :^. (82) and p, _ 1 + mxy + mi'm^y'^ 1 — mi'y + mimi'y^ For the composite structure made up of these two sections in tandem, the iterative impedance condition is already fulfilled inde- pendently of the values of the coefficients, since (79) holds for each section. Its propagation constant is given from (81) and (82) by pVc — oT+T' 1 -f {nil + mi)y -f (miW2 + mim/ -f mim2)y'^ + {mim^mi + mimim2)y^ + m^m2niim2y'^ 1 — (mi + mi')y + (wim2 + mim/ + mi'm2)y'^ — (miW2mi' + mim/m2')/ + mim2mi'm2y^ (83) 498 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL It remains to choose the coefficients mi, nio, ni\ , and nio' so that for moderate propagation lengths, y = 7/, the composite network will give Tc approximately = >» = 7/. (84) At this point let us introduce an important simplification by writing the function 1 - 2:y + gr - 48^ +384^ - 3840^^ + " " ' Then upon comparing (83) and (85) we see that fortunately for small values of y we can satisfy (84) providing we identify the coefficients of powers of y in (83) as Wi + mi =2' mim2 + mitni + nii'mi' = q, (86) o mim2mi' + mimi'm^ = xo , 4o and , , 1 The solution of the equations gives a sixth degree equation for mi, namely, mi« - |mi^ + ^,4 _ 3^^3 +^^^. _ _1_^,^ +_±_ = 0; and for the others _ 6mi — 48mi^mi' — 1 ^ 48mi(mi — m/) ' mi' = .5 — mi, and 1 + 48mi(mi')2 - 6w/ 1712 — 48mi'(mi — m/) From these we get this set of real positive coefficients, determined once for all, namely, mi = .45737; mo = .14456; (87) m/ = .04263; ni^' = .92403. DISTORTION CORRECTION 499 With the above fixed values of the coefficients and formulae (77), (78), (80), and (82), the network can be constructed which is to simulate any smooth line having physically realizable Za and z^. This simula- (Broken lines indicate the other series and lattice branches, respectively identical.) Ri = miR'l, Lz = miL'l, i?6 = l/m2G'l, Ci = niiC'l, OTi = .45737, Ri = \lm,G'l, d = miC'l, Ri = miR'l Ls = niiL'l, W2 = .14456, i?i' = m.'R'l, Lz = mi'L'l, R,' = l/nii'G'l, C^' = mzC'l, mi = .04263, Rt' = l/nti'G'l, Ci = mi'C'l, Rs' = nti'R'l, L/ = mi'L'l, Mi' = .92403. Fig. 23 — Artificial smooth line which simulates a moderate length, /, of line having the primary constants R', L', G', and C per unit length. (If R' = G' = 0, it becomes a non-dissipative phase network whose time-of-phase-transmission at the lower frequencies has the constant value, Tp = VL'C/.) tion is very accurate for small values of y. As y increases, the de- parture of the network propagation characteristic from the smooth line values also increases, but it amounts to less than 1.4 per cent even at \y\ = 3.0, as may be derived from a comparison of (83) and (85). As an illustration of this type of design, these results were analyt- ically applied to the case of a 104-mil open-wire smooth line having the constants per loop mile (for wet weather, and assumed independent of frequency). R' = 10.12 ohms; G' = 3.20 micromhos; L' = 3.66 mh.; C = .00837 mf. The corresponding simulating network for a length / is shown struc- turally in Fig. 23, where 500 and BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Za = {R + iL'<^)l, Zb = 1/(G' + iC'oo)l. (88) A .3 / Miles 30 ^^ Z Zu _=— :^ f 1 JO sooo 3 L ( Irtifick ^mboih lb Smoo Line ihLine 7 Ml les J, —J - /.- "^^ — 30^ ^^ --^ ^0^^^" - ^^ IP ______ — ■ — ^ ^ ^ 0 JO 00 20 w 30 W m 00 sooo Frequency (cydes per second) Fig. 24 — Propagation characteristics of 10-, 20- and 30-mile lengtiis of 104-mil open-wire smooth line and of the simulating artificial smooth lines. {R' = 10.12 ohms, L' = 3.66 mh., G' — 3.20 micromhos (wet weather), and C = .00837 mf. per loop mile.) DISTORTION CORRECTION SOI A comparison of the propagation characteristic of a line section and that of its simulating network is shown in Fig. 24 for three different line lengths, / = 10, 20, and 30 miles. Even in the longest section the simulation is good up to 3000 cycles per second. The iterative impedances are, of course, identical as in Fig. 25. 1800 1600 moo noo woo ^ 600 I ^ 400 I 200 0 -ZOO -too -600 A iR'fiLw * \ g'.vCaj-'*'^-'' V \ . r ^ X, / \j WOO woo 3000 4000 5000 Frequency (cycles per second) Fig. 25 — Iterative impedance of 104-mil open-wire smooth line and of the simulating artificial smooth lines. While the above general design considered four parameters, a similar procedure can be followed with other networks having a smaller or greater number of parameters. The structure can be obtained by building the series impedance of any section out of various com- binations of the impedance elements Za and 25. However, several of the above four-parameter composite sections can perhaps meet most design requirements. Appendix 1 Discussion of Linear Phase Intercept Let us first consider steady-state transmission over a circuit where the impressed e.m.f., consisting of simple sinusoids of any two angular frequencies co] and C02, is given by E{t) = sin coit + sin co2^ = 2 cos |(co] — wo)^ sin |(coi + coo)!- (89) Assume that the circuit has at these frequencies the transfer exponents fli + ibi and 02 + i&2 such that ai = a2 = a'. A straight line drawn 502 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL through h] and &2 in the co, h plane will have a slope r, say, and at CO = 0 a linear phase intercept &o which may have any value. Hence, the transfer exponent may be expressed as a function of frequency at these two frequencies by the relations a = a' = constant, and (90) 6 = TCO + &0- The received voltage across R will then be a periodic function which is attenuated by an amount a' napiers and is v{t) = e-°'[sin (coi(/ - r) - &o) + sin [woit - t) - 6o)], = 2e-°' cos i(co2 - wi)(/ - t) sin (K^i + W2)(^ - r) - bo). How the transmitting property of this circuit for the two frequencies depends upon the phase intercept can be seen from a comparison of (91) with (89). In order that the received voltage may be a time- function of identically the same shape as the impressed voltage, but with a time-of-transmission over the circuit of r seconds, it is necessary that bo = 2mr radians, where n is any positive or negative integer. This would mean no distortion of the impressed steady-state signal made up of the two frequency components. If bo = (2n db l)7r, there would be an apparent distortion only of a reversal in sign. However, if ^Q = (2w ± Dtp, there would be maximum distortion in the trans- mitted voltage. These conclusions may be tabulated briefly as follows : If bo = 2n7r, no distortion; If bo = (2w ± l)7r, apparent distortion of sign reversal; If &o = (2w ± Dtt, maximum distortion. The above discussion considered the case of any two frequencies. If now we assume that the circuit has the characteristics (90) for several or a range of frequencies, then the conclusions above obviously apply as well to the steady-state transmission of an impressed e.m.f. which is made up of any of those frequencies. Thus, for distortionless steady-state transmission {without change of signal shape), the transfer exponent must have for the frequency components impressed not only a uniform attenuation and a linear phase relation, but also a proper linear phase intercept bo = 2mT. If, in a physical system, (90) is satisfied over a frequency range which includes zero frequency, then r would necessarily be positive and bo = 0 or a multiple of lir. Proceeding next to the transmission of an e.m.f. impressed suddenly DISTORTION CORRECTION ■ 503 at time / = 0, we note that since the e.m.f. can be expressed in terms of a Fourier integral representation from /= — Qoto/= + °o we may regard it as made up of a distribution of steady-state components. For example, let the e.m.f. of (89) be impressed on a circuit at time / = 0. Then E{t) = ( 7^ + - I -dy ] (sin coit + sin u^t), \2 ttJo y I = Ksm Wit + sm bill) -\ — I — 5 5 + „ — 7 cos /waco. (92) This represents the impressed voltage for negative as well as positive values of t since in the first equation the factor of the sinusoids repre- sents a function which is zero for all negative and unity for all positive values of /. We may then interpret the last equation as giving for all values of time the frequency distribution of steady-state components of all frequencies which give the same result as the sinusoids of (89) impressed suddenly at / = 0. This distribution extends over the entire frequency range and has the largest amplitudes about co = wi and CO = C02. Hence, if the initial part of the impressed e.m.f., as well as the final steady state, is to be transmitted without distortion, the circuit transfer voltage must have a characteristic which is distortionless not only with respect to wi and co2 but also to all angular frequencies about them as obtained from the analysis. That is, since the steady state is only the limiting case of the transient state, an ideal circuit characteristic for its distortionless transmission is only a part of and is included in that for the transient state. Or, vice versa, ideal circuit characteristics for the steady state are at least the same as for the transient state. These results are useful in studying a circuit whose attenuation is constant and whose phase characteristic is approximately linear over an internal frequency band. An extrapolation of this linear phase characteristic to zero frequency may give a phase intercept which is not ideal for preservation of wave-shape even in the steady state of frequencies within the band, as we have seen. Increasing the fre- quency range over which an ideal phase relation holds obviously improves the transmission of transient voltages. Practically, good results are obtained in a circuit wherein the attenuation is approxi- mately constant and the phase is approximately proportional to frequency over the required internal band of frequencies; then the phase intercept, 6o, is zero and the time-of-phase-transmission, Tp = &/co, is approximately constant and represents the time-of- transmission of the circuit for those frequencies. 22> 504 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Appendix II Proofs of Linear Transducer Theorems Theorem I: Any passive network whose attenuation constant is zero at all frequencies is a limiting case of a physical wave-filter wherein the transmitting band extends over the entire frequency range. The proof that the phase constant increases with frequency in the trans- mitting band of any wave-filter has already been given by the writer in the paper, "Theory and Design of Uniform and Composite Electric Wave-Filters," B. S. T. J., January, 1923, pages 37-38. In the present case, therefore, the phase constant increases throughout the frequency range. The proof relating to the iterative impedance will be given in two steps which comprise essentially the proofs of two impedance theorems. From the first of these it will follow immediately that the transducer under consideration has everywhere a real iterative impedance because of symmetry and a transmitting band extending over the entire fre- quency range; from the second, this real iterative impedance is a con- stant resistance throughout the frequency range. Wave-Filter Impedance Theorem: In all transmitting hands the iterative impedances of a recurrent section of any electric wave-filter are conjugate impedances. If the section is symmetrical, they are equal and real without a reactance component. From the general formulae on page 617 of -B. 5. T. J., October, 1924, we may write the iterative impedances as: I = i((^a + X,) tanh r ± (X„ - X,)), (93) where Xa and Xh are the open-circuit driving-point impedances at the ends a and h of the transducer. In a wave-filter recurrent section which is made up of non-dissipative reactance elements the impedances Xa and Xft have only reactance components. Also, in a transmitting band the attenuation constant is zero, so that here F = iB and tanh V = i tan B. From this, it follows readily that in any transmitting band the first term of the right-hand member of (93) represents a positive resistance component and the second term a reactance com- ponent. Hence, the resistance components of iv„ and Kh are identical while their reactance components differ only in sign; that is, Ka and Kh are conjugate impedances in all transmitting bands. As results of the above we may state parenthetically: Corollary I: The absolute values of the iterative impedances of a wave-filter recurrent section are equal at any frequency in all transmitting bands; and DISTORTION CORRECTION 505 Corollary II: The iterative impedances of a wave-filter recurrent section are such as to give maximum energy transfer from sec- tion to section in all transmitting bands. When the section is symmetrical, Xa = Xb, and therefore Ka = Kb = r, a resistance in those frequency ranges. Non-Reactive Impedance Theorem: The impedance oj any two-terminal network whose reactance component is zero at all frequencies must have a resistance component which is constant, independent of frequency. To prove the theorem, let the impedance of any two-terminal network whose reactance component is zero at all frequencies be represented as : Z = r, (94) where r is a real function of frequency. The general relations between the components of the steady-state admittance, a{(X)) -f i^{u}), of a network and the corresponding indicial admittance, h{t), are known from electric circuit theory to be: and also a{io) = h{o) + I cos coyh'(y)dy Jo ^((jo) = — I Sin coyh' (y)dy ; Jo h{t) = a{o) +-1 ^^cos/ojJco, / > 0. (95) (See pages 18 and 180 of the reference in footnote 5.) In the passive network under discussion here, the admittance com- ponents at all frequencies from (94) are o!(co) = 1/r, and (96) ^(co) = 0. Upon substituting them in (95) it is found that h{i) = a{o) = a constant, / > 0, h'{t) = 0 (97) and a{(ji) = 1/r = h{o) = a constant. This relation demands that the resistance component r be constant, independent of frequency, as stated in the theorem. The converse of the above theorem does not follow, that is, if the resist- 506 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL ance component of a two-terminal network impedance is constant, independent of frequency, it is not necessary that the reactance com- ponent be zero throughout the frequency range. This may be seen from the relations above. A simple example is series resistance and inductance. Theorem II: If the iterative impedance of a network is real at all frequencies, it must be constant according to the latter impedance theorem above. For the second part of Theorem II we have as assumptions regarding the propagation constant, T = A -\- iB, and iterative impedance, K, effectively B = TOO and (98) K = a constant = R, where t is some positive constant. The transfer admittance com- ponents with respect to a resistance R which terminates the transducer are then -A a{w) = —5- cos rco K )3(w) = B"Sin TOO. (99) By means of these and (95) we shall prove that A is uniform at all frequencies. To satisfy (95) with (99) at all frequencies the transducer must be such as to give the relations h(o) = 0, h'(t) = 0, I 9^ T, and (100) I '•+ g-A h'(y)dy = -^ Since the left-hand member of the last relation is independent of frequency, it follows necessarily that the attenuation constant. A, must be uniform. That uniform attenuation together with (98) is also sufficient to satisfy the other relations of (100) can be seen if the parameter characteristics at all frequencies are A = a constant, B = TOO (101) and X = a constant = R. DISTORTION CORRECTION 507 From electric circuit theory, the fundamental integral equation for the indicial admittance h(t) becomes where p replaces icj. Its solution is h{t) = 0, t < T and ^'(0 = ~^" = a constant, / > r; (103) whence also h'{i) = o for t 9^ t, thus satisfying (100). These results hold as well for the limiting case oi B = 0, meaning t = o. It may be pointed out here also that the converse of the latter theorem does not follow. That is, if the transducer has a uniform attenuation constant and a constant resistance iterative impedance, it is not nec- essary that the phase constant be proportional to frequency through- out the range. This is seen from the general equations or from the fact that we can alter the phase characteristic non-linearly by means of phase networks having zero attenuation and a constant resistance iterative impedance. Theorem III: A symmetrical transducer made up entirely of resist- ances would have the characteristics A = a constant, B = 0 (104) and K = a constant = R. Many other more complicated networks satisfying (104) are known to exist, as in Section 4.1. We need not, therefore, seek further to prove the possible existence of such a combination of parameters. For networks in which B is not zero, but A = a constant and (105) K = a constant = R, the transfer admittance components with respect to a terminating resistance R are given as e~^ a{w) = -^-cos B K and (106) i3(co) = -^sin5. 508 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Using these and the general relations (95), we can obtain I y sin (joyh'(y)dy Jo t = "-^' . ('07) f Jo sin o:yh'(y)dy which is independent of A. Since (if B is not everywhere zero) dB/dco is positive when A = o according to Theorem I, and since by (107) it is independent of A (a constant), it will be positive whatever the value of A. Hence, B increases with frequency in such transducers. Appendix III Propagation Constant and Iterative Impedance Formula for General Ladder, Lattice and Bridged-T Types These formulae apply to the general types of structures shown in Fig. 2 and should be used whenever it is desired to take into account accurately the actual physical impedances. Network designs which follow the methods given in this paper are made under the assumption of invariable lumped elements. In constructing physical networks according to such designs, however, certain departures from this as- sumption unavoidably make their appearance and must be taken into consideration whenever extreme accuracy is required. The departures include dissipation in coils and condensers, distributed capacity in coils, as well as inaccuracies due to manufacture. Some of these formulae have been given in previous papers but all can be derived readily either by the method given in B. S. T. J., January, 1923, p. 34, or by that in B. S. T. J., October, 1924, p. 617. Ladder Type: coshr = 1 + i-^ (108) The iterative impedances at different terminations are: At full-series = Ki -\- |si, At full-shunt = Ki - |zi, Lattice Type: and At mid-series = Ki = VzizT+izi^, At mid-shunt = K2 = Z1Z2/K1. (109) coshr = 1 +-r^^^ (110) 422 — 2i iC = Vi^2. (Ill) DISTORTION CORRECTION 509 Bridged-T Type: and cosh r = 1 + , ,^/°?i , — (112) Za{Za + 42c) + 4ZbZc ^=\ 4(2„ + 2.) • ^^1^) As an aid in obtaining the propagation constant, V = A -\- iB, from any of the three hyperboHc cosine formulae it will be found convenient to use the following formulae. Computation Formula; for the Complex Anti-IIyperholic Cosine It is known that many formulae have already been derived for such evaluations but those below appear to give accurate results more readily. Let it be desired to obtain A and B from the formula cosh {A + iB) = X + iy, (114) wherein x and y are known. A transformation of the x and y variables is first made so as to use the form of substitution and formulae given in B. S. T. J., October, 1924, pages 577 and 578. A further substitution and the application of hyperbolic formulae give the following results where U = hix- 1), P = 4(C7+ f/'+ V), (115) and (2 = 1 sinh-i ^ When P is Positive: A = sinh-i (VPcosh(2) and (116) B = ± sin-i (VFsinh Q). When P is Negative: A = sinh-i (V- P sinh Q) and (117) B = zk sin-i (V- P cosh Q). When P is Zero, a Special Case: ^ = sinh-iV2|F| = icosh-i(l +4lFl) and (118) B = ± sin-i ^^2\V\ = ±h cos-^ (1 - 4| V\). 510 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 1 71 All Cases: -B = cos M -. — -7- = sin M . , . , (119) \ cosh A J \ sinh A J The latter anti-cosine formula is particularly useful when B is in the neighborhood of (2« + l)7r/2, and both formulae of (119) when con- sidered together determine the sign of B. The above formula give the solution of (114) which has a positive value for A (as in the propagation constant of a passive network). The other solution, since cosh ( — T) = cosh T, would have values for both A and B which are the negative of those in the first solution (as may be possible in an active network). It has been found that, when x and y are given to five or six decimals, it is possible to derive A and B to about this same degree of accuracy from these formulas and the Smithsonian Mathematical Tables of Hyperbolic Functions. The formulae may be used to advantage in accurately obtaining the propagation constant of a loaded line where X and y are calculated from the known circuit constants. (See foot- note 2.) Appendix IV Propagation Characteristics and Formulae for Various Lattice Type Networks Networks of the lattice type only are specifically considered here since they have more general propagation characteristics than ladder or bridged-T types. However, transformations of any lattice type design obtained can be made to equivalent networks of these other types, if physical, by means of the simple relations given in Table II and the corresponding Section 2.5. The network drawings show only half of the elements so as to avoid confusion; it is to be understood that the broken lines indicate the other series and lattice branches, respectively identical. The double subscript notation adopted for the elements is to be interpreted as follows: the first subscript on any element denotes the general position of the element in the network, 1 for the series branch and 2 for the lattice branch ; the second subscript denotes the serial number of the element in either branch. Elements in the two branches which have the same serial numbers for their second subscripts correspond to each other according to the inverse network relations. This group of networks, while not exhaustive, includes the simpler and perhaps most useful structures, but it could readily be extended. The propagation characteristics shown for each structure and derived DISTORTION CORRECTION 511 from computed results are representative and serve to give an idea of the possibilities of the network for design purposes. All networks except the last have a constant resistance iterative impedance R. Networks la-12 have attenuation so that they will usually be designed from their attenuation characteristics in terms of which the formulae are given. There is usually more than one physical solution from the same attenuation characteristic, and in Networks 9 and 10 as many as four have been found possible. These multiple solutions all have different phase constants. A possible practical advantage of one solu- tion over another may lie either in its phase constant or the magnitudes of its elements. It is of interest to point out that if these networks were designed from the phase characteristic some of them might have mul- tiple solutions with different attenuation characteristics. For example, Networks 3a and 36 corresponding to the phase characteristics 1' and 2' each can have two such solutions. The Networks \h, 2b, etc., with their output terminals interchanged are, respectively, identical with Networks la, 2a, etc. Hence, any pair of these networks have the same attenuation constants but phase constants differing by tt radians. An extension of this list to include Networks 6b, lb, etc., was not thought to be necessary. Several networks may have the same form of frequency function for F or H. Some values of the attenuation or phase coefficients will give a physical structure to one network but not to another. Whether a network having a definite A- or 5- characteristic is physical or not can be determined most readily by a direct substitution of the coefficients in the formulae for the elements. In certain cases these latter formulae show easily that one network may give a physical result where another cannot. For example. Networks 6 and 10 both have the same F formula, but when one network is physical the other is not; similarly with Networks 7 and 9. These particular results would be expected from the fact that those pairs of networks cannot have the same attenuation characteristics, as seen from their structures. Networks 13-17 have no attenuation and are designed from their phase characteristics. Network 18 represents a somewhat general form of artificial line and has other types of formulae. Examples of networks which are potentially complementary are Networks la and 2b; lb and 2a; 3a and 3b; 11 and 12. Transformations of impedance branches to equivalent ones can be made in some of the networks by means of the general transformation formulae given in B. S. T. J., January, 1923, pages 45 and 46. 512 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network \a Rn = IqqR; Ln = - — - • IT Attenuation Linear Equation: Po- FQo =P{F - 1). In physical solutions 0 ^ (2o = Pa- a/Po + V^o 1. at -\/Po - V(2o fli = 2 VPo + V(2o // = tan B VPo + V(2o 2a,/ (1 - a,') - a,T DISTORTION CORRECTION 513 Network \h Rn = 2a oR; Cn = h. AtUoR — Pn 4- f2 Attenuation Linear Equation: Po- ^(2o =/^(/^- 1). In physical solutions 0 = (2o = -f*o- 1 n ilUL^. 1. flo = -1= 7= VPo + V<2o ^ = -^ 1'. an = ^; &i = 2 ^lQo VPo - V(2o ' ■ VPo - — lapbif (1 - ao^) + bi^f' V(2o 7/ = tan 5 = 514 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 2a Rn 2aiR Ln — aiR RllRil = -^12/^22 = R • in 1 _1_ P„/'2 ^ 1 + (22/2 Attenuation Linear Equation: In physical solutions 0 ^ Q2 = P2. On f 7/ = tan 5 = J _ ^^^/_ ^^,^^, DISTORTION CORRECTION Network 2h JC;2 515 RnRii = L22/C12 = R^. F = e' 1010 1 + P2P 1 + Q2P Attenuation Linear Equation: P2 - FQ2 = (F- \)ip. In physical solutions 0 = Q2 = Pi- 1. ax h V ai bi 1} =MV>2±-V^). H = tanB ^ KVP2T V^). 2h,f 1 + (ai2 - h^)P 516 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network Za iM/3 Rn = laottiR L, ai^R Gibo — ao ' Tr{aibo — ao) RuRii = L12/C22 = RisRis = R^. IE p„ 4. f2 Rr., = 2aiR. Qo + Q2P Attenuation Linear Equation: -Po+ FQo+fFQ^ =P. In physical solutions 0 = (2o = -fo; 0 ^ Q^ = \. If Qq < P0Q2 {A decreases with frequency): 60 J 1 _ V^ ' 1'. ao\ ^ VFoT VS bo ai ai = 1 +V(22 1 - V(22 1 +v^ 1 - V<22 ' ' 1 - V^ If (2o > PoQi {A increases with frequency) : 1 - V^ 2. ao\ ^ VPo T V^o 60 fl] = 1 + V^ ' 2'. Same formulae as in 1'. If (3o = PoQi, F = I/Q2 (A is constant). 2{aibo — ao)f 1 + vs // = tan 5 = (60'^ - ao') + (1 - a,')P DISTORTION CORRECTION Network 3b ZCiz 517 i?ii = 2(ao&i — ai)i? Cl2 — &12 61 ' "" 4x(ao&i - a^R ' HZ p. A. n Rl3 = 2aiig <2o + <22/^ Attenuation Linear Equation : -Po + FQo+PFQ, =p. In physical solutions 0 = Qo = Po', 0 '^ Qi = \. If (2o < P^Qi (^ decreases with frequency) : 1. an = -^= VPo - V(2o fll \ _ 1 T V5 1'. an = VPo + V(2o ' ^1 J VPo + V(2o VPo + VQ'o ai 1 _ 1 T VS ;:h VPo - V(2o ' ^1 i VPo - V(2o If (2o > ^0(22 (^ increases with frequency): 2. an = 2'. Same formulae as in T. If (3o = Po(22, P = I/Q2 (^ is constant). - 2(ao&i - ai)f H = tanB = (1 - ao') + (61^ - a^')P 518 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 4a Rn = Ln = T - «'^ aibi — a^ ' -Kll-f^21 ~ L121C22 = JL13/C23 = K • F = ^2.4 = 10"^= 1 + -^2-/^ + ^'f . 1 + (22/^ + PJ' Attenuation Linear Equation: P2 -f{F - 1)P4 - FQ2 = (F- \)IP. In physical solutions 0 = 2VP4 = Q2 = Pi- ^- M = |(VKT2VKt a/g^^^^VK); 02 = A^4. 1'. Same formula as in 1, but with Oi and &] interchanged. 2a, f + 2a2&i/' // = tan 5 = 1 - (ar - b,^)P - a^'f distortion correction Network 4& fR/f 519 i?i 2{aihi - b2)R Cn — hih Cl3 = &1 47ri? bi" ' '' 47r(a:6i - b2)R ' -Kiii?21 = L22/C12 = L23/C13 = R^. r - c^^ - 10^ - ^ + P^^ + P^^' Attenuation Linear Equation : P2 -P(F - l)P, - FQ2 = (F - l)/p. In physical solutions 0 = 2-yjPi ^ Q2 = P2. 1'. Same formulae as in 1, but with ai and bi interchanged. 261/ + 2a,b2f H = tanB = 1 + (ai2 - bi^)P - b2T 34 520 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 5a #/?// iLi2 2Ci3 rv'.vv-" F0C2 (-4 has a maximum) : 2. ao = coth (^0/2); &2 = V^; /f = tan 5 = ^1 } = i(coth Uo/2) - 1)(V^ ± V^). 2'. The same formulae as in 1'. 2{a,h, - aM- f + hP) (1 - ao') - (ai2 - bi' + 2(1 - cH')b2)P + (1 - ao-)/>2y' DISTORTION CORRECTION 525 Network 9 iRif iLiz Cn = Ln — R]i = lai'R AiraiR ' "^" aibi — a^bi -Kii-^2] = LnjCii = L23/C13 = KiiK^i = -/v". 1 _ Po + A/L±i! 10 1« = (2o + (22/^+/^ Attenuation Linear Equation : Po + f P2 - FQn - PFQ, = /^(P - 1). In unrestricted solutions, where 0 ^ Qq = Pq: VFo - V^ - 2 flo = -^^ : Oo = VPo + V(2o ' " VPo + V^ ' fli I ^1 1 _ a/p2 + 2VP0 ± V(22 + 2Vq^ Also Fo + V(2c _ VFo + Vq; , 2 ai ^ I, ^ or &i 1 a/p2 + 2VP0 ± \/<22 - 2V(2c VPo - V^o In physical solutions Q2 ^ P2; aofli&i = ao^^2 + ^i^. 2(ai - ao&i)/ - 2ai&2P H = tanB = (1 - ao^) - (ai^ - 6:^ + 2&2)/^ + hT 526 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 10 01/4 Rn = Ln = 2ai~a2R C\2 — Ru = ai^b2 + ^2^ — aia^bi a^R ■ — ; -^14 — 7 TT aiOi — 22/C]2 = L13IC2S = RliR2i = R^- aih — az F = e" where 1 + (1 - m)2v2 ' 3; = + (1 1 - hP is the total parallel reactance in Zn divided by 2R. 1 . m = coth ^^ 00 ; 1'. w = tanh l^loo; where ^00 is the maximum attenuation at / = co and at the internal frequency/ = 1/V&2- Attenuation Linear Equation: where ai - Paz + fyh = y/f, y = ± F - 1 (1 + my - (1 - myF and the signs to be taken for y correspond to the particular reactance branches involved, whose signs in order on the frequency scale are + , -, and +. In physical solutions as = aih^. 2y H = tanB = 1 — (1 — m^)y- 528 where BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 12 mi4 L11/C21 = L22IC12 = L2i/Cn — RiiRii = R~- F = e2A = 1010 = y 1 + (1 + m)y 1 + (1 - m)^/ ' - 1 + a^P bj - bsP is the total parallel reactance in Zn divided by 2R. 1. m = coth ^Ao] 1'. m — tanh ^Aq; where Ao is the maximum attenuation at / = 0 and at the internal frequency/ = -yjbi/bs. Attenuation Linear Equation: where a2- {ylf)h,+fyh = IIP, 3;= ± 7^- 1 (1 + my - (1 - myF and the signs to be taken for y correspond to the particular reactance branches involved, whose signs in order on the frequency scale are -, +, and -. In physical solutions 63 ^ a2&i- 2y II = tan B 1 - (1 - W2)/ DISTORTION CORRECTION 529 Network 13 o »^ — A=o Phase Linear Equation: (See also formula (75).) H = tan ^B = aj. a, = H/f. 530 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 14 A-o Lu aiR Cl2 — IT AwaiR LulC^i = L221C12 = R . Phase Linear Equation: 1 - h^P a^+fHb2 = H/f. 1. 62 < W' 2. &2 > W- Equivalent Network, if &2 = 1^]^: Two sections (a/ and a/') of Network 13; ',| = |(ai ± Vfli^ - 462). DISTORTION CORRECTION Network 15 531 ^ = 0. ^-characteristic is the sum of those for Networks 13 and 14. _ a^R ^ _ aibi — as j a^asR 4:irai^R ' '" 7r(ai62 — as) LujCii = L22IC12 = LizjCiz = R~- H = tan hB - Phase Linear Equation: _ ajf - gs/^ 2^ 1 - 62/2 a.-Pa^^-fHh = H/f. In physical solutions as ^ ai&2. Equivalent to Network 16. 532 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 16 A =Q. ^-characteristic is the sum of those for Networks 13 and 14. Ln = aiR Ln' = a,'R Ci2 h' H = tan |j5 Phase Linear Equation: 4:Trai'R LnjCii = Ln'/Cii = -L22 / C12 = -IV . 1 + N2P Ml ^ PMs - fHN2 = H/f. ai' - Miai" - N^ai + M3 = 0; a{ Ml - au W = - Mzlai. Equivalent to Network 15. DISTORTION CORRECTION Network 17 iLn 533 ^-characteristic is the sum of those for two sections of Network 14. ill = a^R Cn — Ln' = ai'R Cl2 h' LnjCoi = L22IC12 = L\i /C21 = -/-/22 /w2 = B?. M tan ,3 ^ _^ ^^^^ _^ ^^^^ Phase Linear Equation: Ml + /'Ms - fHN^ - pHNi = H/f. In physical solutions Mi and N4 are positive, as are also ai, ai, hi, and hi . Ms and iV2 are negative. q' + 2iV2g2 + (- MiMs + iVa^ - 4:Ni)q + (M1W4 - M1M3N2 + Ms^) = 0; ""',1 = KMidzA/Mi2-4g); 1 J ai &2 ^2 ^, } or l'^ I = i(- (iV2 + s) zb V(iV2 + S)' - 4.N,), the determining condition being that aihi' + a/&2 = — M3. 534 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Network 18 (To simulate a short symmetrical line or circuit) Symmetrical Section of Line or Circuit : X = open-circuit impedance; Y = short-circuit impedance ; tanh~^ -sY/X = propagation length ; ■y[XY = iterative impedance. Simulating Network: Za = VXFtanh-iVF/X; Zb = A/XF/tanh-WF/X; Wi = .45737; ma = .14456; Wi' = .04263; ^2' = .92403. The impedances z^ and Zb are to be realized in desired frequency ranges, more or less approximately, by comparatively simple physical networks. Transmission of Information^ By R. V. L. HARTLEY Synopsis: A quantitative measure of "information" is developed which is based on physical as contrasted with psychological considerations. How the rate of transmission of this information over a system is limited by the distortion resulting from storage of energy is discussed from the transient viewpoint. The relation between the transient and steady state viewpoints is reviewed. It is shown that when the storage of energy is used to restrict the steady state transmission to a limited range of frequencies the amount of information that can be transmitted is proportional to the product of the width of the frequency-range by the time it is available. Several illustrations of the application of this principle to practical systems are included. In the case of picture transmission and television the spacial variation of intensity is analyzed by a steady state method analogous to that commonly used for variations with time. WHILE the frequency relations involved in electrical communi- cation are interesting in themselves, I should hardly be justified in discussing them on this occasion unless we could deduce from them something of fairly general practical application to the engineering of communication systems. What I hope to accomplish in this direction is to set up a quantitative measure whereby the capacities of various systems to transmit information may be compared. In doing this I shall discuss its application to systems of telegraphy, telephony, picture transmission and television over both wire and radio paths. It will, of course, be found that in very many cases it is not economi- cally practical to make use of the full physical possibilities of a system. Such a criterion is, however, often useful for estimating the possible increase in performance which may be expected to result from im- provements in apparatus or circuits, and also for detecting fallacies in the theory of operation of a proposed system. Inasmuch as the results to be obtained are to represent the limits of what may be expected under rather idealized conditions, it will be permissible to simplify the discussion by neglecting certain factors which, while often important in practice, have the efifect only of causing the performance to fall somewhat further short of the ideal. For example, external interference, which can never be entirely eliminated in practice, always reduces the effectiveness of the system. We may, however, arbitrarily assume it to be absent, and consider the limitations which still remain due to the transmission system itself. In order to lay the groundwork for the more practical applications of these frequency relationships, it will first be necessary to discuss a few somewhat abstract considerations. 1 Presented at the International Congress of Telegraphy and Telephony, Lake Como, Italy, September 1927. 35 535 536 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The Measurement of Information When we speak of the capacity of a system to transmit information we imply some sort of quantitative measure of information. As commonly used, information is a very elastic term, and it will first be necessary to set up for it a more specific meaning as applied to the present discussion. As a starting place for this let us consider what factors are involved in communication; whether conducted by wire, direct speech, writing, or any other method. In the first place, there must be a group of physical symbols, such as words, dots and dashes or the like, which by general agreement convey certain meanings to the parties communicating. In any given communication the sender mentally selects a particular symbol and by some bodily motion, as of his vocal mechanism, causes the attention of the receiver to be directed to that particular symbol. By successive selections a sequence of symbols is brought to the listener's attention. At each selection there are eliminated all of the other symbols which might have been chosen. As the selections proceed more and more possible symbol sequences are eliminated, and we say that the information becomes more precise. For example, in the sentence, "Apples are red," the first word eliminates other kinds of fruit and all other objects in general. The second directs attention to some property or condition of apples, and the third eliminates other possible colors. It does not, however, eliminate possibilities regarding the size of apples, and this further information may be conveyed by subsequent selections. Inasmuch as the precision of the information depends upon what other symbol sequences might have been chosen it would seem reason- able to hope to find in the number of these sequences the desired quantitative measure of information. The number of symbols available at any one selection obviously varies widely with the type of symbols used, with the particular communicators and with the degree of previous understanding existing between them. For two persons who speak different languages the number of symbols available is negligible as compared with that for persons who speak the same language. It is desirable therefore to eliminate the psychological factors involved and to establish a measure of information in terms of purely physical quantities. Elimination of Psychological Factors To illustrate how this may be done consider a hand-operated submarine telegraph cable system in which an oscillographic recorder traces the received message on a photosensitive tape. Suppose the TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION 537 sending operator has at his disposal three positions of a sending key which correspond to applied voltages of the two polarities and to no applied voltage. In making a selection he decides to direct attention to one of the three voltage conditions or symbols by throwing the key to the position corresponding to that symbol. The disturbance trans- mitted over the cable is then the result of a series of conscious selec- tions. However, a similar sequence of arbitrarily chosen symbols might have been sent by an automatic mechanism which controlled the position of the key in accordance with the results of a series of chance operations such as a ball rolling into one of three pockets. Fig. 1 Owing to the distortion of the cable the results of the various selections as exhibited to the receiver by the recorder trace are not as clearly distinguishable as they were in the positions of the sending key. Fig. 1 shows at A the sequence of key positions, and at B, C and D the traces made by the recorder when receiving over an artificial cable of progressively increasing length. For the shortest cable B the reconstruction of the original sequence is a simple matter. For the intermediate length C, however, more care is needed to dis- tinguish just which key position a particular part of the record repre- sents. In D the symbols have become hopelessly indistinguishable. The capacity of a system to transmit a particular sequence of symbols depends upon the possibility of distinguishing at the receiving end between the results of the various selections made at the sending end. The operation of recognizing from the received record the sequence of symbols selected at the sending end may be carried out by those of us who are not familiar with the Morse code. We would do this equally well for a sequence representing a consciously chosen message and for one sent out by the automatic selecting device already referred 538 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL to. A trained operator, however, would say that the sequence sent out by the automatic device was not intelligible. The reason for this is that only a limited number of the possible sequences have been assigned meanings common to him and the sending operator. Thus the number of symbols available to the sending operator at certain of his selections is here limited by psychological rather than physical considerations. Other operators using other codes might make other selections. Hence in estimating the capacity of the physical system to transmit information we should ignore the question of interpretation, make each selection perfectly arbitrary, and base our result on the possibility of the receiver's distinguishing the result of selecting any one symbol from that of selecting any other. By this means the psychological factors and their variations are eliminated and it becomes possible to set up a definite quantitative measure of information based on physical considerations alone. Quantitative Expression for Information At each selection there are available three possible symbols. Two successive selections make possible 3^, or 9, different permutations or symbol sequences. Similarly n selections make possible 3" different sequences. Suppose that instead of this system, in which three current values are used, one is provided in which any arbitrary number 5 of different current values can be applied to the line and distinguished from each other at the receiving end. Then the number of symbols available at each selection is 5 and the number of distinguishable sequences is 5". Consider the case of a printing telegraph system of the Baudot type, in which the operator selects letters or other characters each of which when transmitted consists of a sequence of symbols (usually five in number). We may think of the various current values as primary symbols and the various sequences of these which represent characters as secondary symbols. The selection may then be made at the sending end among either primary or secondary symbols. Let the operator select a sequence of n^ characters each made up of a sequence of wi primary selections. At each selection he will have available as many different secondary symbols as there are different sequences that can result from making «i selections from among the 5 primary symbols. If we call this number of secondary symbols Si, then 52 = 5"'. (1) For the Baudot System 52 = 2^ = 32 characters. (2) TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ■ 539 The number of possible sequences of secondary symbols that can result from W2 secondary selections is 52"2 = 5"'"^ (3) Now «iW2 is the number n of selections of primary symbols that would have been necessary to produce the same sequence had there been no mechanism for grouping the primary symbols into secondary symbols. Thus we see that the total number of possible sequences is 5" regardless of whether or not the primary symbols are grouped for purposes of interpretation. This number 5" is then the number of possible sequences which we set out to find in the hope that it could be used as a measure of the information involved. Let us see how well it meets the requirements of such a measure. For a particular system and mode of operation 5 may be assumed to be fixed and the number of selections n increases as the communi- cation proceeds. Hence with this measure the amount of information transmitted would increase exponentially with the number of selections and the contribution of a single selection to the total information transmitted would progressively increase. Doubtless some such increase does often occur in communication as viewed from the psychological standpoint. For example, the single word "yes" or "no," when coming at the end of a protracted discussion, may have an extraordinarily great significance. However, such cases are the exception rather than the rule. The constant changing of the subject of discussion, and even of the individuals involved, has the effect in practice of confining the cumulative action of this exponential relation to comparatively short periods. Moreover we are setting up a measure which is to be independent of psychological factors. When we consider a physical transmission system we find no such exponential increase in the facilities necessary for transmitting the results of successive selections. The various primary symbols involved are just as distinguishable at the receiving end for one primary selection as for another. A telegraph system finds one ten-word message no more difficult to transmit than the one which preceded it. A telephone system which transmits speech suc- cessfully now will continue to do so as long as the system remains unchanged. In order then for a measure of information to be of practical engineering value it should be of such a nature that the in- formation is proportional to the number of selections. The number of possible sequences is therefore not suitable for use directly as a measure of information. 540 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL We may, however, use it as the basis for a derived measure which does meet the practical requirements. To do this we arbitrarily put the amount of information proportional to the number of selections and so choose the factor of proportionality as to make equal amounts of information correspond to equal numbers of possible sequences. For a particular system let the amount of information associated with n selections be H = Kn, (4) where X is a constant which depends on the number 5 of symbols available at each selection. Take any two systems for which s has the values Si and 52 and let the corresponding constants be Ki and K^. We then define these constants by the condition that whenever the numbers of selections Wi and n^ for the two systems are such that the number of possible sequences is the same for both systems, then the amount of information is also the same for both ; that is to say, when 5i"i = 52"% (5) H = Kifii = K2fh, (6) from which (7) K\ K2 log 5i log 52 This relation will hold for all values of 5 only if K is connected with 5 by the relation K= K, log 5, (8) where Kq is the same for all systems. Since Kq is arbitrary, we may omit it if we make the logarithmic base arbitrary. The particular base selected fixes the size of the unit of information. Putting this value of K in (4), H = « log 5 (9) = log5». (10) What we have done then is to take as our practical measure of infor- mation the logarithm of the number of possible symbol sequences. The situation is similar to that involved in measuring the trans- mission loss due to the insertion of a piece of apparatus in a telephone system. The effect of the insertion is to alter in a certain ratio the power delivered to the receiver. This ratio might be taken as a meas- ure of the loss. It is found more convenient, however, to take the logarithm of the power ratio as a measure of the transmission loss. TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION . 541 If we put n equal to unity, we see that the information associated with a single selection is the logarithm of the number of symbols available; for example, in the Baudot System referred to above, the number 5 of primary symbols or current values is 2 and the informa- tion content of one selection is log 2 ; that of a character which involves 5 selections is 5 log 2. The same result is obtained if we regard a character as a secondary symbol and take the logarithm of the number of these symbols, that is, log 2^, or 5 log 2. The information associated with 100 characters will be 500 log 2. The numerical value of the information will depend upon the system of logarithms used. In- creasing the number of current values from 2 to say 10, that is, in the ratio 5, would increase the information content of a given number of selections in the ratio -; ~ , or 3.3. Its effect on the rate of log 2 transmission will depend upon how the rate of making selections is affected. This will be discussed later. When, as in the case just considered, the secondary symbols all involve the same number of primary selections, the relations are quite simple. When a telegraph system is used which employs a non-uniform code they are rather more complicated. A difficulty, more apparent than real, arises from the fact that a given number of secondary or character selections may necessitate widely different numbers of primary selections, depending on the particular characters chosen. This would seem to indicate that the values of information deduced from the primary and secondary symbols would be different. It may easily be shown, however, that this does not necessarily follow. If the sender is at all times free to choose any secondary symbol, he may make all of his selections from among those containing the greatest number of primary symbols. The secondary symbols will then all be of equal length, and, just as for the uniform code, the number of primary symbols will be the product of the number of characters by the maximum number of primary selections per char- acter. If the number of primary selections for a given number of characters is to be kept to some smaller value than this, some restric- tion must be placed on the freedom of selection of the secondary symbols. Such a restriction is imposed when, in computing the average number of dots per character for a non-uniform code, we take account of the average frequency of occurrence of the various char- acters in telegraph messages. If this allotted number of dots per character is not to be exceeded in sending a message, the operator must, on the average, refrain from selecting the longer characters more often than their average rate of occurrence. In the language 542 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of the present discussion we would say that for certain of the «2 secondary selections the value of 52, the number of secondary symbols, is so reduced that a summation of the information content over all the characters gives a value equal to that derived from the total number of primary selections involved. This may be written E log 52 = n log 5, (11) 1 where n is the total number of primary symbols or dot lengths assigned to ^2 characters. This suggests that the primary symbols furnish the most convenient basis for evaluating information. The discussion so far has dealt largely with telegraphy. When we attempt to extend this idea to other forms of communication certain generalizations need to be made. In speech, for example, we might assume the primary selections to represent the choice of succes- sive words. On that basis 5 would represent the number of available words. For the first word of a conversation this would correspond to the number of words in the language. For subsequent selections the number would ordinarily be reduced because subsequent words would have to combine in intelligible fashion with those preceding. Such limitations, however, are limitations of interpretation only and the system would be just as capable of transmitting a communication in which all possible permutations of the words of the language were intelligible. Moreover, a telephone system may be just as capable of transmitting speech in one language as in another. Each word may be spoken in a variety of ways and sung in a still greater variety. This very large amount of information associated with the selection of a single spoken word suggests that the word may better be regarded as a secondary symbol, or sequence of primary symbols. Let us see where this point of view leads us. .15 sec .16 sec. Fig. 2 The actual physical embodiment of the word consists of an acoustic or electrical disturbance which may be expressed as a magnitude-time function as in Fig. 2, which shows an oscillographic record of a speech sound. Such functions are also typical of other modes of communi- cation, as will be discussed in more detail later. We have then to examine the ability of such a continuous function to convey informa- TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION 543 tion. Obviously over any given time interval the magnitude may vary in accordance with an infinite number of such functions. This would mean an infinite number of possible secondary symbols, and hence an infinite amount of information. In practice, however, the information contained is finite for the reason that the sender is unable to control the form of the function with complete accuracy, and any distortion of its form tends to cause it to be confused with some other function. TIME Fig. 3 A continuous curve may be thought of as the limit approached by a curve made up of successive steps, as shown in Fig. 3, when the interval between the steps is made infinitesimal. An imperfectly defined curve may then be thought of as one in which the interval between the steps is finite. The steps then represent primary selec- tions. The number of selections in a finite time is finite. Also the change made at each step is to be thought of as limited to one of a finite number of values. This means that the number of available symbols is kept finite. If this were not the case, the curve would be defined with complete exactness at each of the steps, which would mean that an observation made at any one step would offer the possibility of distinguishing among an infinite number of possible values. The following illustration may serve to bring out the relation between the discrete selections and the corresponding continuous curve. We may think of a bicycle equipped with a peculiar type of steering device which permits the rider to set the front wheel in only a limited number of fixed positions. On such a machine he attempts to ride in such a manner that the front wheel shall follow an irregularly 544 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL curved line. The accuracy with which he is able to accomplish this will depend upon how far he goes between adjustments of the steering mechanism and upon the number of positions in which he is able to set it. By this more or less artificial device the continuous magnitude- time function as used in telephony is made subject to the same type of treatment as the succession of discrete selections involved in telegraphy. Rate of Communication So far then we have derived an expression for the information content of the symbols at the sending end and have shown that we may evaluate a transmission system in terms of how well the wave as received over it permits distinguishing between the various possible symbols which are available for each selection. Let us consider next how the distortion of the system limits the rate of selection for which these distinctions between symbols may be made with certainty. Limitation by Intersymbol Interference We shall assume the system to be free from external interference and to be such that its current-voltage relations are linear. In such a system the form of the transmitted wave may be altered due to the storage of energy in reactive elements such as inductances and capacities, and its subsequent release. To evaluate the effect of such distortion in making it impossible to determine correctly which one of the available symbols had been selected, we may think of this distortion in terms of "intersymbol interference." In order to determine the result of any one selection an observation is made at such time that the disturbance resulting from that selection has its maximum effect at the receiving end. Superposed on this effect there will be a disturbance which is the resultant of the effects of all the other symbols as prolonged by the storage of energy in the system. This resultant superposed disturbance is what is meant by intersymbol interference. Obviously if this disturbance is greater than half the difference between the effects produced by two of the values available for selection at the sending end, the wave resulting from one of those values will be taken as representing the other. Thus a criterion for successful transmission is that in no case shall the intersymbol inter- ference exceed half the difference between the values of the wave at the receiving end which correspond to the selection of different values at the sending end. Obviously the magnitude of the intersymbol interference which affects any one symbol depends on the particular sequence of symbols TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION . 545 which precedes it. However, it is always possible for the sending operator so to make his selections that any one selection is preceded by that sequence which causes the maximum possible interference. Hence every selection must be separated from those preceding it by at least a certain interval which is determined by the worst condition of interference. If longer intervals than this are used, the transmission is unnecessarily retarded. Hence to secure the maximum rate of transmission the selection should be made at a constant rate. It might appear at first sight that the selections could be made at shorter inter- vals near the beginning of the message where there are fewer preceding symbols to cause interference. This assumes, however, that the system has previously been idle. Actually the previous user may have finished his message with that sequence which causes maximum intersymbol interference. Relation to Damping Constant How the intersymbol interference limits the rate of communication over the system depends upon the properties of the particular system. The relations involved are very complex, and no attempt will be made to obtain a complete or rigorous solution of the problem. We may, however, by treating a very simple case, arrive at an interesting relation. Consider a resistance in series with a capacity. Let one terminal be connected to one terminal of a battery made up of a very large number of cells of negligible internal resistance. Let the other terminal be connected to the battery through a switch. This switch is so arranged that by pressing any one of s keys the circuit terminal may be moved up along the battery by any number of cells from zero to 5 — L Let the sending operator make selections among the 5 keys at regular intervals, and let the receiving operator observe the current through the resistance. The most advantageous time for this observa- tion is at the instant ^ at which the key is pressed, since the current has then its maximum value. The finest distinction to be made by the receiving operator is that between two currents which result from battery changes that differ from each other by one cell. The difference between two such currents is equal to the initial current which flows when one cell is introduced into the circuit. This is is-^, (12) where E is the electromotive force of one cell and R the resistance of the circuit. ^ Results identical with those which follow may be obtained if he observes the average current over a period beginning when the key is pressed and lasting not longer than the interval between selections. 546 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The intersymbol interference will consist of currents resulting from all of the preceding symbols. The contribution of any one symbol will depend on its size, that is, on the number of added cells it represents, and on how long it preceded the symbol in question. For a given rate of selection the resultant of these contributions will be a maximum for that particular sequence of symbols for which at every selection preceding the one in question the operator had selected the largest possible symbol, that is, a voltage change of (5 — \)E. The form of the received current is then as shown on Fig. 4, where A represents the disturbed symbol. The curves are drawn for 5 equal to five. The current resulting from one such change occurring at time zero is i= {s- 1)|^-"', where the damping constant, RC (13) (14) If the interval between selections is r, then the time during which any one interfering current is damped out before it makes its con- tribution to the interference with the disturbed symbol is qr where q is the number of selections by which it precedes the disturbed symbol. The magnitude of its contribution is therefore from (13) TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ■ 547 i,= (5 - l)|.-<'- (15) If we sum this expression for all values of q from one to infinity, we get the combined effect of all the preceding symbols, that is, the intersymbol interference. Calling this i„ ii= (s- l)f E%-""^ (16) R a=i This obviously increases as the interval t between selections is de- creased. If this interval is made small enough, the intersymbol interference may cause confusion between symbols. Since the inter- ference is here always of one sign it can cause confusion only when it becomes as large as the minimum difference, is, between symbols. Placing these two quantities equal, we get from (12) and (17) as the minimum permissible value of r, ri = (18) a The maximum number, n, of selections that may be made in t seconds is given by n = -- (19) From (18) and (19) n log 5 . — J — = a- (20) Here the numerator is, in accordance with our measure of information, the amount of information contained in n selections, so the left-hand member is the information per unit time or the rate of communication. This is equal to the damping constant of the circuit. We therefore conclude that for this particular case the possible rate of communica- tion is fixed solely by the damping constant of the circuit and is independent of the number of symbols available at each selection. It is, of course, true that the larger this number the more susceptible will the system be to the effects of external interference. Probably the practical system which most nearly approaches this idealized one is the non-loaded submarine telegraph cable when operated at such low speeds that its inductance may be neglected. It is of considerable historical interest to note that Lord Kelvin's 548 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Study of such cables led him to the conclusion that the extent to which the cable limited the dotting speed was given by KR, that is, the product of the total capacity and total resistance. Had he stated his results in terms of permissible speed he would have had the re- ciprocal of this quantity, which corresponds very closely to the damping constant which we arrived at as a measure of the rate of communication. It should be noted, however, that his consideration was limited to a fixed number of symbols, and did not involve the relation here developed between this number and the dotting speed. The more complicated systems are similar to the simple case just treated in that the contribution of any one symbol, a, to the inter- ference with any other symbol, b, is determined by the free vibration of the system which results from the change applied to it in the production of symbol a. This free vibration, instead of being expres- sible by a single exponential function as in the case just considered, may be the resultant of a large number of more or less damped oscil- latory components corresponding to the various natural modes of the system. The total interference with any one symbol is the resultant of a series of these complex vibrations, one for each inter- fering symbol. The instantaneous values of the various components of the interference are so dependent upon their phases at the particular instant of observation that it is difficult to draw any general conclusions as to the magnitude of the total interference. It is equally difficult therefore to draw any general conclusions as to the relation between the rate of transmission over a particular circuit and the number of available symbols. Relation to Storage of Energy Even though for any one system there exists a number of available symbols for which the rate of communication is greater than for any other number, it is still possible to make a generalization with respect to the storage of energy in the system and its effect on the rate of transmission which is of considerable practical importance. Each of the natural modes of vibration of a linear system has the general form i = Ae~^' cos {wt - e), (21) where the natural frequency c4ii Fig. 5 plex operation, as in carrier systems, is an example of its deliberate use. Consider the effect of introducing a low pass filter, as shown in Fig. 5, into an otherwise distortionless transmission system. If the imped- ances of the circuits to which the filter is connected are approximately pure resistances of the values indicated in the figure, steady state frequencies above a critical value known as the cut-off frequency are so reduced as to be made practically negligible, while frequencies below this value are transmitted with very little distortion. The 554 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL transient distortion corresponding to this steady state distortion must result in intersymbol interference; hence it places a limit on the rate at which distinguishable symbols may be selected, that is, on the rate of transmitting information. It does not necessarily follow, however, that the rate of transmission with such a system is the maximum attainable for systems whose transmission is limited to the frequency-range determined by the cut-off of the filter. It is conceivable that by the introduction of additional energy-storing elements the transfer admittance curves for frequencies within the transmitted range may be altered in such a way as to reduce the total intersymbol interference and so permit an increased rate of selection. The maximum rate of transmission of information which can be secured by such methods represents the maximum rate corresponding to that range of frequencies. Let us consider next the way in which this possible rate of trans- mission varies with the cut-off frequency of the filter. The theory of filter design teaches us that the cut-off frequency may be changed without altering the required terminating resistances if we change all inductances and capacities in the inverse ratio of the desired change in cut-off frequency. Suppose this change in energy-storing elements, with no change in dissipative elements, is made not only for the filter but for the entire system. We have already seen that such a modifi- cation changes the rate of transmission in the inverse ratio of the change in energy-storing elements; that is, in the direct ratio of the change in cut-off frequency in the present case. That the new rate is the maximum for the new frequency-range is evident when we consider that the transfer admittance curves of the new system bear the same relation to its cut-off frequency as held in the original system. This brings us to the important conclusion that the maximum rate at which information may be transmitted over a system whose trans- mission is limited to frequencies lying in a restricted range is propor- tional to the extent of this frequency-range. From this it follows that the total amount of information which may be transmitted over such a system is proportional to the product of the frequency-range which it transmits by the time during which it is available for the transmission. This product of transmitted frequency-range by time available is the quantitative criterion for comparing transmission systems to which I referred at the beginning of this discussion. The significance of this criterion can perhaps best be brought out by applying it to some typical situations. TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION . 555 Fitting the Messages to the Lines To facilitate this discussion it seems desirable to introduce and explain a few terms. For transmitting a sequence of symbols various sorts of media may be available, such as a wire line, an air path, as in direct speech, or the ether, as in radio communication. For convenience we shall group all of these under the general name of "line." Each such medium is generally characterized by a range of frequencies over which transmission may be carried on with reasonable freedom from distortion and external interference. This will be called the "line-frequency -range." Similarly the symbol sequences corresponding to the various modes of communication such as telegraph and telephone, will be designated as "messages." Each of these will, in general, be characterized by a "message frequency-range." This may be thought of as being determined by the frequency-range of that line which will just transmit the type of message satisfactorily, or we may think of it as that part of the frequency scale within which it is necessary to preserve the steady state components of the message wave in order to permit distinguishing the various symbols as they appear in the transmitted wave. When we set up practical communication systems it is often found that the message-frequency-range and the line-frequency-range do not coincide either in magnitude or in position on the frequency scale. If then we are to make use of the full transmission capacity of the line, or lines, we must introduce means for altering the frequency-ranges required by the messages. Two such means are available, which together offer the theoretical possibility of accomplishing the desired end of making the message-frequency-ranges fit the available line- frequency-ranges. The process of modulation so widely used in radio systems and in carrier transmission over wires makes it possible to shift the frequency- range of any message to a new location on the frequency scale without altering the width of the range. This follows at once from the well- known fact that the steady state description of the wave which results from the modulation of a carrier wave by a symbol wave includes a pair of side-bands in each of which there is a component corresponding to each steady state component of the original wave. The frequency of each component of the side-band differs from the carrier frequency by the frequency of the corresponding component of the symbol wave. The elimination of one of these side-bands results in a wave which retains the information embodied in the original symbol wave and occupies a frequency -range of the same width 556 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL as the original but displaced to a new position on the frequency scale determined by the carrier frequency. The interval which must be allowed between these displaced messages in carrier operation is determined by the selectivity of the filters which are available for their separation. The imperfection of practical filters tends to make the message-frequency-range which may be transmitted less than the line-frequency-range which the messages occupy. The time for which the line is used to transmit a given amount of information is the same as the duration of the message conveying it. Thus the sum of the products of frequency-range by time for the messages is always equal to or less than the corresponding sum of the products of line-frequency- range by time. In case the line-range available is less than the message-range, as would be the case in attempting to transmit speech over a submarine telegraph cable, it is still possible, if enough lines are available, to accomplish the transmission. The message wave may, by suitable filters, be separated into a plurality of waves each made up of those components of the original which lie in a portion of the message- range which is no wider than the line-range. Each of these portions of the message may then, by modulation, be transferred down to the frequency-range of the line and each transmitted over a separate line. A reversal of the process at the receiving end restores the original message. While it is theoretically possible, if enough messages and lines are available, to fit the message-ranges to the line-ranges by modulation and subdivision of message-frequency-ranges, it is not always practical. It is sometimes more desirable to utilize the second method of trans- formation already referred to. This consists in making a record of the symbol sequence and reproducing it at a diff^erent speed in order to secure the wave used in transmission. The tape used in sending telegraph messages may be used in this manner. Here the symbol sequence represents a series of selections of secondary symbols. These selections are made at a rate at which it is convenient for the operator to manipulate the keys of the tape-punching machine. The electric wave impressed on the line by the holes in the tape represents a corre- sponding sequence of primary symbols. The rate at which these are applied to the line is determined by the velocity of the tape in repro- duction. Since for a given number of different primary symbols the frequency-range required is proportional to the rate of making selec- tions, it is obvious that the frequency-range of the message as repro- duced from the tape may be made to fit whatever line-frequency- range is available, at least so far as width of the range is concerned. TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ' 557 Modulation may, of course, be necessary to bring the message-range to the proper part of the frequency scale. The time required for the reproduction of a message involving a given number of selections varies inversely as the velocity of the tape in reproduction, and therefore also inversely as the frequency-range required by the repro- duced sequence. Thus the product of frequency-range by time for the reproduced message, which is also the required product for the line, is independent of the rate of reproduction, and depends only on the information content of the message in its original form. In case the available line range calls for reproduction at a consider- ably increased speed a single operator cannot conveniently keep the sending apparatus supplied with tape. Multiplex operation may then be employed in which the line is used by the various operators in rotation. It is interesting to note that this distributor type of multiplex utilizes the frequency-range of the line as efficiently as would a single printing telegraph channel using the same dotting speed, and more efficiently than does the carrier multiplex method. By the distributor method each operator utilizes the full frequency-range of the line during the time allotted to him and there is no time wasted in separating the channels from each other. In the carrier multiplex, on the other hand, while each operator uses the line for the full time it is available, a part of the frequency-range is wasted in separating the channels because of the departure of physical filters from the ideal. Also both side-bands are generally transmitted in telegraphy, in which case a still greater line- frequency-range is required for the carrier method. If the message is produced originally as a continuous time function, as in speech, the same method may be used by substituting for the tape a phonographic record. That here also the required line-fre- quency-range varies directly as the speed of reproduction and inversely as the time of reproduction is obvious when we consider an imperfectly defined wave as equivalent to a succession of finite steps or a perfectly defined wave as a succession of infinitesimal steps. From the steady state viewpoint, all of the component frequencies are altered in the ratio of the reproducing and recording velocities, and hence the range which they occupy is altered in the same ratio. Thus we see that for all forms of communication which are carried on by means of magnitude-time functions an upper limit to the amount of information which may be transmitted is set by the sum for the various available lines of the product of the line-frequency-range of each by the time during which it is available for use. 558 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Application to Picture Transmission However, if in order to utilize fully the line-frequency-range we introduce the process of recording, our message no longer exists throughout its transmission as a magnitude-Z^we function, but becomes a magnitude-5^ace function. Also in the case of picture transmission the information to be transmitted exists originally as a magnitude- space function. We may, of course, regard either a phonograph record or a picture as a secondary symbol, and say that the information transmitted consists of the sender's selection of a particular record Fig. 6 or picture to which he desires to call the attention of the receiver. The information involved in such a selection is then measured by the logarithm of the number of different records or pictures which he might have selected. The problem then is to analyze the magnitude- space function which constitutes the secondary symbol into a sequence of primary symbols. This may be done in a manner similar to that already employed for magnitude-time functions. The case of a phonograph record is directly analogous to those already considered in that the magnitude is a function of the distance along a single line. This distance is therefore analogous to time and TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ■ 559 the information content may be found exactly as it would be from the pressure-time curve of the air vibration. In a picture, on the other hand, two dimensions are involved. We may, however, reduce this to a single dimension by dividing the area into a succession of strips of uniform width, as is done by the scanning aperture which is used in the electrical transmission of pictures. Figure 6 shows this scanning mechanism. The picture is mounted on a revolving cylinder which at each revolution is advanced by a spiral screw by the width of the desired strip. This scanning operation is equivalent to making an arbitrary number of selections in a direction at right angles to the strips. The number of these determines the degree of resolution in that direction. If the resolution is to be the same in both directions, we may consider the magnitude-distance function along the strip to be made up of the same number of selections per unit length. The total number of primary selections will then be equal to the number of elementary squares into which the picture is thus divided. These elementary areas differ from each other in their average intensity. The number of difTerent intensities which may be correctly distin- guished from each other in each elementary area of the reproduced picture represents the number of primary symbols available at each selection. Hence the total information content of the picture is given by the number of elementary areas times the logarithm of the number of distinguishable intensities. In an actual picture the intensity as a function of distance along what we may call the line of scanning is a definite continuous function of the distance, but if there is any blurring of the picture as reproduced this function loses some of its definiteness. This blurring may be thought of as a form of intersymbol interference, since the intensity at one point in the distorted picture depends upon the original intensity at neighboring points. The similarity of this type of distortion to the intersymbol interference occurring in magnitude-time functions as a result of energy storage suggests that the picture distortion may also be treated on a steady state basis. We may think of the magni- tude-distance function representing the picture as being analyzed into sustained components in each of which the intensity is a sinusoidal function of the distance. We may visualize such a single component in terms of the mechanism employed for recording and reproducing speech by means of a motion picture film. The intensity of the light transmitted by the developed film varies along its length in accordance with the magnitude of the electric wave resulting from the speech sound. If the speech wave be replaced by a sustained alternating current, there will result on the film a sinusoidal variation 560 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL in intensity with distance. The distance between successive maxima, or the wave-length, will vary inversely with the frequency of the applied alternating current. Figure 7 shows such a record of a speech wave and of sinusoidal waves of two different frequencies. The variations are superposed on a uniform component so as to avoid the difficulty of negative light. Fig. 7 The frequency of an alternating current is defined as the number of complete cycles which it executes in unit time. The analog of frequency in the corresponding alternating space wave is therefore the number of complete cycles or waves executed in unit distance. This is the reciprocal of the wave-length just as the frequency is the reciprocal of the period. Inasmuch as the term wave-number has been used by physicists to designate the reciprocal of wave-length, I shall use that term to designate the quantity corresponding to frequency in the steady state analysis of a magnitude-distance function. The distortion suffered by a picture in transmission may therefore be expressed in terms of the steady state amplitude and phase distortions as functions of wave number. Just as the transmission of a given amount of information requires a given product of frequency-range by time, so the preservation of a given amount of information in a picture requires a corresponding product of wave-number-range by distance. To illustrate, consider the effect of enlarging a picture without changing its detail or fineness of intensity discrimination. Suppose the enlargement to be made in two steps. In the first the TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION 561 horizontal dimension is increased and the vertical dimension left unchanged. Let the scanning strips run in a horizontal direction. If we consider the magnitude-distance function representing the variation along any horizontal strip, the effect of the enlargement is to increase the wave-length of each steady state component in the ratio of the increase in linear dimension. The wave number of each component is therefore decreased in this ratio, and so the wave- number-range is also decreased in the same ratio. The product of the wave-number-range by the length of the strip remains constant, as does also the sum of the products for all of the strips, that is, for the entire picture. The second step consists in increasing the vertical dimensions with the horizontal dimensions fixed. By considering the scanning strips as running vertically in this case it follows at once that the product of wave-number-range by distance remains constant during this operation also. Since the information transmitted is measured by the product of frequency-range by time when it is in electrical form and by the product of wave-number-range by distance when it is in graphic form, we should expect that when a record such as a picture or phonographic record is converted into an electric current, or vice versa, the corre- sponding products for the two should be equal regardless of the velocity of reproduction. That this is true may be easily shown. Let v be the velocity with which the recorder or reproducer is moved relative to the record. Let the wave-number-range of the record extend between the limits Wi and W2. If we consider any one component of the distance function which has a wave-length X, the time required for the reproducer to traverse a complete cycle is X/v, or 1/vw. This is the period of the resulting component of the time wave, so the frequency / of the latter is the reciprocal of this, or vw. The fre- quency-range is therefore given by J2 — h = ^'(^2 - wi). (24) If D is the length of the record, then the time required to reproduce it is r = - , (25) from which (/2 -Ii)T = (W2 -w,)D. (26) This shows that the two products are numerically equal regardless of the velocity. 562 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Application to Television As our first illustration was drawn from one of the earliest forms of electrical communication, the submarine cable, it may be fitting to use as the last what is probably the newest form, namely, television. Here the information to be transmitted exists originally in the form of a magnitude which is a continuous function of both space and time. In order to determine what line facilities are needed to maintain a constant view of the distant scene we wish to determine the line- frequency-range required. This we know to be measured by the total information to be transmitted per unit time. In the systems of television which have been most successful the method has been similar to that of the motion picture in that a suc- cession of separate representations of the scene is placed before the observer and the persistence of vision is relied upon to convert the intermittent illumination into an apparently continuous variation with time. The first step in determining the required frequency- range is to determine the information content of a single one of the successive views of the scene. This may be determined exactly as for a still picture. The required degree of resolution into elementary areas and the required accuracy of reproduction of the intensity within each aiea determine an effective number of selections and a number of primary symbols available at each selection. These determine a minimum product of wave-number-range by distance. This in turn is equal to the product of line-frequency-range by time which must be available for the transmission of a single view of the scene. The time available is set by the fact that flicker becomes objectionable if the interval between successive pictures exceeds about one sixteenth of a second. Thus we have only to divide the product of wave- number-range by distance for a single picture by one sixteenth to obtain the line-frequency-range necessary to maintain a continuous view. In the result just obtained an important factor is the interval necessary to prevent flicker. The tendency to flicker is, however, the result of the particular method of transmission. If it were practical to eliminate this factor, the required frequency-range might be some- what different. We might, for example, imagine a system more like that of direct vision in which the magnitude-time function representing the intensity variation of each individual elementary area is trans- mitted over an independent line and used to produce a continuously varying illumination of the corresponding area of the reproduced scene. The frequency-range required on any one of these individual TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION . 563 lines would then be determined by the extent to which the intensity at any one instant could be permitted to be distorted by the inter- symbol interference from the light intensities at neighboring times; that is to say, the frequency-range necessary would depend upon a blurring in time analogous to the blurring in space which is used to set the wave-number-range for a single picture. It seems probable that the total frequency-range required would be somewhat less for such a system than for one in which flicker is a factor. Conclusion At the opening of this discussion I proposed to set up a quantitative measure for comparing the capacities of various systems to transmit information. This measure has been shown to be the product of the width of the frequency-range over which steady state alternating currents are transmitted with sensibly uniform efficiency and the time during which the system is available. While the most convenient method of operation does not always make the fullest use of the frequency-range of the line, as is the case in double side-band trans- mission, a comparison of the frequency-range actually used with that which would be required on the basis of the actual information content of the material transmitted gives an idea of what may be gained in the cost of lines by making sacrifices in the convenience or cost of terminal equipment. Finally the point of view developed is useful in that it provides a ready means of checking whether or not claims made for the transmission possibilities of a complicated system lie within the range of physical possibility. To do this we determine, for each message which the system is said to handle, the necessary product of frequency-range by time and add together these products for whatever messages are involved. Similarly for each line we take the product of its transmission frequency-range by the time it is used and add together these products. If this sum is less than the corre- sponding sum for the messages, we may say at once that the system is inoperative. Carrier Systems on Long Distance Telephone Lines ^ By H. A. AFFEL, C. S. DEMAREST and C. W. GREEN Synopsis: Two previous papers before the American Institute of Elec- trical Engineers discussed the activities of the Bell System in the develop- ment of multiplex telephone and telegraph systems using carrier current methods. The present paper describes developments which have resulted in improvements in the carrier telephone art during the past few years. A new, so-called type "C" system is described in detail, together with suitable repeaters and pilot channel apparatus for insuring the stability of operation; the line problems are considered and typical installations pictured. The growth of the application of carrier telephone systems and their increasingly important part in providing long distance telephone service on open-wire lines are shown. Introduction AT the 1921 Midwinter Convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Messrs. Colpitts and Blackwell presented a paper entitled "Carrier Current Telephony and Telegraphy." This described the development work of the Bell System and the resulting commercial types of multiplex telephone and telegraph systems using carrier current methods. The paper also gave a brief historical summary and included a theoretical discussion of the methods in- volved. The carrier current art had at that time emerged from the laboratory to play its part in meeting the practical requirements of telephone service in the field. This step was made possible largely by two tools, now indispensable to the communication engineer, the thermionic tube and the wave filter. In an ordinary telephone circuit, each frequency component in the voice of the speaker is transmitted by an electrical current of the same frequency. In most cases the electrical equipment of the circuit is not called upon to transmit frequencies above about 3,000 cycles per second. In carrier current operation, however, the voice- frequency currents are caused to modulate a high-frequency current which thus serves as a "carrier" for the message. In this way, an additional telephone channel is obtained, using frequencies entirely above those transmitted in connection with the ordinary voice fre- quency channel. By using other high frequencies, several additional messages may be transmitted simultaneously on the same pair of wires. Each channel occupies a certain range of high frequencies. For example, the words of one speaker may be conveyed by a channel employing frequencies from about 23,500 to about 26,000 cycles per ' Presented before the Summer Convention of the American Institute of Electri- cal Engineers, June 29, 1928. 564 CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 565 second. At the receiving terminal the various incoming ranges of high-frequency currents are separated by electrical filters. Then by demodulation the original voice-frequency currents are produced again and are transmitted over voice-frequency circuits, the trans- mission over each channel thus reaching the proper listener. In this way a telephone line already carrying direct-current telegraph and voice-frequency telephone services may be multiplexed so as to provide additional telephone facilities. In a somewhat similar manner the high-frequency range may be used instead to transmit telegraph messages. In the present paper, carrier telephony alone is considered. The Colpitts-Blackwell paper described two carrier telephone systems which had been developed up to that time, a four-channel "carrier suppressed" system (type "A"), and a three-channel "carrier transmitted" system (type "B"). The initial installation of these systems was made about 1918 on the long lines of the Bell System. These earlier systems were effective in bringing about economies by avoiding the stringing of additional wire on many long pole lines, but there remained many opportunities for further improvement in performance and simplification of equipment. New problems arose to be solved in connection with the desire to operate the largest possible number of systems on the same pole line. The result has been the development of a substantially improved technique and a new system (the type "C") which not only has provided much improved per- formance over its predecessors but which has led to further economies because of reduced costs. Carrier Telephone Growth in Bell System. Whereas the use of the early types of systems was justified in competition with the alternative of additional wire stringing only for distances exceeding 250 to 300 miles, the new system proves economical for distances considerably less. This fact has naturally stimulated the application of carrier telephony in the Bell System. This is shown by Figure 1, which indicates the growth of these systems in terms of channel mileage afforded by their use. It will be noted that the rate of growth of the systems has increased greatly in the last two or three years, a result of the availability of the improved system. At the end of 1927 there were in operation about 130,000 channel miles. By the end of 1928 the figure is expected to be about 230,000. This figure does not, of course, represent a very large proportion of the total toll mileage of the Bell System, which includes many circuits less than 100 miles in length. It is sufficient, however, to indicate that the carrier telephone systems are a substantial factor in the provision for the growth of the longer haul facilities, where they naturally 566 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL provide the greatest economies. Their use is, of course, restricted to sections of the country in which open-wire construction is chiefly employed.^ They have contributed toward lowering the cost of service and in making possible the toll rate reductions which have been put into effect within the past year or so. 280,000 240,000 f^20 0.000 _r u z z < I o 160,000 120,000 ao.ooo 40,000 Figure 1 — Growth of carrier telephony in Bell System New System Replacing Older Types. The new type "C" system is essentially a long-haul, multi-channel system. It adds three high grade telephone circuits to the facilities normally afforded by a single pair of wires, and can be used over any distances likely to be en- countered in the Bell System. Where repeaters are required they ' In localities having very lieavy traffic requirements such as in tiie East, extensive use is made of toll cables. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 567 are spaced at intervals of 150 to 300 miles depending upon particular transmission considerations. By means of a pilot channel, stability of transmission over the several carrier channels is assured, despite the relatively large inherent variations in high-frequency line transmission due to weather changes. The service requirements which present themselves in the application of carrier methods are, of course, basically no different from those for commercial talking circuits obtained by other means. The problem is to establish a toll circuit between long distance offices which meets certain standards of transmission, including speech volume, stability and quality. The latter requires that there must be transmitted a certain band width of frequencies in the voice range. Furthermore, there must exist no appreciable load distortion effects. The circuit must also be relatively free from noise or crosstalk. A signaling system must be provided so that the operators at opposite terminals may call each other. In other respects the system must appear as a normal telephone circuit not distinguishable from an operating stand- point from the other circuits afforded by metallic wire connections. The apparatus installed in the telephone office must conform to certain physical standards of equipment, ruggedness, flexibility, etc. It must be capable of being maintained by trained office forces. Testing facilities must be provided, etc. It is believed that these objectives have been largely realized in the arrangements which are described in this paper. The Type "C" System The type "C" system embodies those major technical features which our experience with the older systems has indicated as most desirable. It is a carrier-suppressed, single sideband system, in which respect it is similar to the older type "A" system. However, it has been found possible to dispense with the equal frequency spacing of the channels which was characteristic of the type "A" system, and which involved the transmission of a synchronizing current between two terminals and the harmonic generation of higher frequencies from this synchronizing current. A simplification in apparatus has resulted. This non-harmonic arrangement of channels has further made possible a more efficient use of the frequency spectrum by the fact that the channel bands at lower frequencies can be squeezed together more closely than those of the higher frequencies where the band filters are less efficient due to decreasing ratio of band width to frequency. The type "C" system requires for each modulator an oscillator as a source of carrier supply. Moreover, since a synchronizing current is not employed at the receiving terminal of the channel, an oscillator 2,7 568 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of the same frequency is required for "demodulation." Advances in the art of designing vacuum tube oscillators of great frequency stability have made it possible to insure that these oscillators, which may be hundreds of miles apart, remain sufficiently close together in fre- quency so that no noticeable impairment in quality of transmission results. In the matter of the frequency allocation of the channel bands, the type "C" system possesses one of the essential features of the older type "B" system, that is, the use of dififerent carrier frequencies for transmission in opposite directions. Comparative experience with the type "A" system which, by means of high-frequency line and network balance, employed the same frequency band for the opposite directional paths of the channel led to the conc'usion that the systems which avoided the high-frequency balance requirement were most desirable. Also the problem of intermediate repeater amplification is simplified where the opposite directional frequencies are thus separated and grouped. Furthermore, the crosstalk problem between different systems on the same pole line is greatly simplified for reasons which will be discussed later, and a greater total number of channels may usually be obtained on the same pole line. The single sideband transmission employed reduces by about one half the frequency band that would otherwise be required for each channel. The carrier is not transmitted, as the presence in the system of carrier currents of the large magnitude required for a "carrier transmitted" system not only requires greater amplifier load capacity at the repeaters, but may increase the possibility of troublesome cross- talk and noise interference. The selectivity requirements of the band filters would also become more severe to keep the carrier of one channel out of the other channels in the system. A Complete System. The simplified layout of a complete system is shown on Figure 2. It will be noted that it includes apparatus at a terminal, a line circuit, a repeater station, a second line circuit and apparatus at a second terminal. Obviously, the total line length between terminals may be extended by the use of a greater number of repeaters. At each end there are the terminations of the three carrier channels 1, 2 and 3, and the regular voice circuit 4. These terminations appear, of course, at the long distance switchboard in the same office or in a different office from the carrier terminal. When a subscriber is connected to one of the terminations, for example, No. 1, speech currents pass through the three-winding hybrid coil, thence into the modulator circuit where they are caused to modulate high-frequency CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 569 570 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL carrier current. The resultant modulated bands - of frequencies pass through a band filter allowing only the desired band to pass to the transmitting amplifier, thence this band passes through a so-called directional filter and a high-pass filter to the line circuit. The high- pass filter last referred to, in association with its complementary low- pass filter, forms a so-called line filter set whereby the regular voice range currents are separated from the higher frequency carrier current at both terminal and repeater offices. The other two carrier channels function similarly, and the several modulation bands of carrier frequencies join the first channel in passing through the common amplifier and directional filter circuit to the line. At the repeater point the group of bands comprising the three channels passes through the high-pass line filter circuit, thence through a directional filter and line equalizer to the amplifier circuit and outward through the directional and line filter circuit to the next line section. At the farther terminal the combined carrier currents pass through the directional filter and are again amplified in the receiving amplifier. At the output of the amplifier the different carrier channel bands of frequencies are selected one from another by the band filters, thence they pass to the demodulator circuit, are demodulated to their original form and then pass from the output connection of the hybrid coil to their respective terminations. Circuit Arrangements at Terminals. Figure 3 shows diagram- matically in somewhat greater detail the terminal of the type "C" system. The modulator circuit consists of a two-tube "push-pull" grid-bias vacuum tube circuit in which the carrier frequency is balanced out. A separate oscillator tube circuit of exceptional frequency stability supplies the carrier. The frequency allocation requires the transmission of only the upper or lower sideband frequencies, and the band filter at the output selects the desired band, rejecting the other products of modulation as well as the amplified voice frequencies which are incidentally transmitted through the modulator unit. This sideband current in conjunction with the corresponding currents of the other two sidebands of the outgoing channels passes through the common amplifier. This is a two-stage vacuum tube unit having four tubes in the output circuit arranged in parallel push-pull con- nection to insure the required load carrying capacity. The circuit then leads through a directional filter of either low-pass or high-pass type which distinguishes between the band groups of 2 For a discussion of modulation see E. H. Colpitis and O. B. Blackvvell, "Carrier Current Telephony and Telegraphy," A. I. E. E. Transactions, V. 40, 1921, pix 205-300; R. V. L. Hartley, "Relation of Carrier and Side Bands in Radio Trans- mission," Bell System Tech. Jl., V. 2, April 1923, pp. 90-112. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 571 572 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the opposite directions of transmission as required by the allocation of frequencies. The amplified currents pass through the high-pass filter of the line filter set and thence to the line circuit. In receiving, the sideband frequencies, after separation from the voice currents by the line filter set, pass through the directional filter and an amplifier similar to that used at the transmitting terminal. While the power output required at the receiving amplifier is usually small as compared to that required at the transmitting amplifier, the same unit is used for the two positions to provide flexibility in the adjustments of the receiving gains of the separate channels and for the purpose of economy in production. The different channel currents in the output of the amplifier are selected by the respective receiving band filters and thence pass into the demodulator circuits. In the demodulators the voice frequencies are derived by the modulation of the sideband currents with a carrier frequency supplied by a local oscillator whose frequency is adjusted accurately to agree with that of the corresponding transmitting modulator at the farther terminal. This important problem of synchronization of oscillators is further discussed later in the paper. It is, of course, obvious that if the carrier frequencies of the modulator and the corresponding demodulator of the same channel are not in sufficiently close agreement there will be a serious distortion of the speech currents received over the channel. The output of the demodulator circuit includes a low-pass filter for suppressing the unwanted components of demodulation, and the circuit thence leads to the channel terminal through the hybrid coil. The function of the latter is to provide a two-wire termination of the channel and it prevents the output currents of the demodulator from reaching in any substantial magnitude the input of the modulator circuit, thus setting up a regenerative action which might result in "singing." It may be noted that the circuit normally provides for a transmission "gain" or amplification of energy from the switchboard termination to the high-frequency line circuit of approximately 20 T\} ■' corre- sponding to a current or voltage amplification of 10 to 1. In the receiving direction a gain of the same order of magnitude is also available. Of course, the exact amount utilized in a particular case depends on the line attenuation and the desired overall equivalent of the circuit. It is usually desirable at the transmitting terminal to maintain the level at the maximum possible for the system. The 2 R. V. L. Hartley, "The Transmission Unit," Electrical Communication, \. 3, No. 1, July 1924, pp. 34-42. W. H. Mattin, "Transmission Unit and Teleiihone Transmission Reference Systems," A. 1. E. E. Jl., V. 43, No. 6, June 1924, pp. 504-507, Bell System Tech. JL, V. 3, July 1924, pp. 400-408. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 573 overall transmission afforded by a carrier system may be noted by the curve on Figure 4, wfiich shows the relative speech frequency transmission characteristics of a typical channel. Where the carrier -, 1 J I V 1 \ 1 f \ i / \ i f \ / V X /' *^ __^ ^ "~ — — — 1 — — " FREQUENCY CYCLES Figure 4 — Representative overall transmission-frequency characteristic — -type "C" carrier telephone sy^stem channel is employed for terminal to terminal business the overall equivalent at 1,000 cycles is ordinarily adjusted to about 10 TU. The channels not infrequently form sections of much longer overall circuits, being connected to cable or perhaps open-wire circuits, in which case it is rather common to adjust the carrier section to a zero equivalent or even a gain of several TU. Line Considerations. The passage of the carrier currents from the terminal apparatus over the line circuit which serves to connect the two terminals, or a terminal and repeater station, gives rise to several problems: the line loss or attenuation, the stability of trans- mission, the possibilities of crosstalk from other carrier systems on the same pole line and interference from currents from external sources. These factors must be considered not only in connection with the arrangement of the wires themselves but also in conjunction with the design of the terminal apparatus, repeaters, etc., so that satisfactory overall speech transmission may result. As was brought out in the Colpitts-Blackwell paper, the line attenuation at the high frequencies is in accord with the recognized transmission theory. Because of skin effect in the wires and rising 574 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL losses in the insulators the attenuation increases steadily with fre- quency. Unfortunately the losses at the insulators are not constant and they increase greatly with the presence of moisture. This brings about an increase in attenuation in rainy weather. Fog, sleet and wet snow may greatly increase these attenuation changes. There is also a lesser source of variation due to temperature change and its effect on wire resistance. If care is not observed, the carrier currents may be interfered with on the line circuits by crosstalk from other carrier systems and by miscellaneous currents which enter the circuit by induction from the outside. These latter manifest themselves as noise in the carrier channels. This makes it essential to use only the metallic circuit, i.e., two wires well balanced to ground for transmitting the carrier currents. The balance to ground must be maintained at a high degree by frequent transpositions in the wires. Even with these precautions unavoidable residual unbalances may permit a certain amount of interference to appear. The final remedy is to insure that the relations between the circuit length and the apparatus gains are properly considered in order that the speech currents may have ample margin above the noise currents at all points in the circuit. In the matter of crosstalk between systems closely adjacent on the same line the situation is alleviated by providing two frequency allocations. (See Figure 5.) These are "staggered" with respect to U 1 ♦ t TYPE C-N 1 3 l! 2 1' 1 1 1 '1 2 1 1 1 ■1 3 1 ♦ 1 p < ♦ t TYPE C-S !| 3 ll P 1 1 1 1 2 V 1 ■ 1 3 1' 1 5 10 15 20 2b 30 FREQUENCY -KILOCYCLES Figure 5 — Frequency allocations of type "C" system each other, so that a system installed on one pair using the so-called "N" frequency allocation has less crosstalk to and from a system installed and operating on an adjacent pair and using the so-called "S" frequency allocation than would be the case if both systems employed the same allocation. The maximum upper frequency required is raised only slightly by this arrangement. Repeaters. Rei)eaters must be employed when the distance exceeds CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 575 that for which terminal transmitting apparatus is effective in main- taining the transmission level well above the line noise. The function of the repeater is, therefore, to amplify the carrier currents so that they pass on to the succeeding line section at a magnitude comparable to that sent out from the terminals. Obviously, the design of the repeater with respect to its gain and level carrying capacity, etc., presents a wide range of possibilities depending on the distance of transmission, frequency, etc. It has been found most practical to install the repeaters along the route at approximately the spacing of the voice-frequency repeaters on the same wires. This means a spacing of from 150 to 300 miles, and occasionally slightly over 300. To have in the same office both voice-frequency and carrier repeaters reduces the equipment, simplifies the maintenance problem, and makes it possible to use the same sources of power supply. The gain and the load carrying capacity are, therefore, determined by this spacing, the gain being controlled by the attenuation loss between the repeaters, and the load carrying capacity by the output level desired because of noise considerations. The higher attenuation of the line in the carrier range of frequencies means that the carrier repeaters must have a maximum gain of approximately four times that of the voice repeaters operated on the same wires. Whereas gains of the order of 8 to 15 TU may be readily supplied by voice repeaters using balance and so-called "two-wire" operation, the 30 to 45 TU gain required by the carrier repeaters necessitates non-balanced or "four-wire" operation or its equivalent, by using different frequencies in opposite directions and directional filters for the prevention of "singing." Figure 6 is a schematic diagram of the circuits comprising a typical repeater station including loading, compositing apparatus and line filters. After passing through the high-pass line filter the carrier currents arrive at the high and low group directional filters which distinguish between the oppositely directed currents. These filters are substantially the same as those used for similar purposes at the terminal stations. It is, of course, required in the design of the directional filters that in each direction the filters must pass a frequency band sufficient to transmit properly the three carrier channel bands. In addition to this the filters must present a loss outside of the transmission band which is sufficient to prevent the two-way amplifier circuit from "singing." This means that considering the closed loop circuit of the two amplifiers and the four directional filters the attenuation in this loop must be considerably greater than the sum of the gains or 576 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL O CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 577 amplification of the two amplifiers. There are also other require- ments which these filters must meet which are discussed later. The amplifiers are the same as used for group amplification purposes at the terminals. Each consists of a two-stage reactance-coupled vacuum tube circuit having four tubes in parallel push-pull connection in the output circuit. The carrying capacity of this amplifier with the standard plate voltages is about one watt in the output, and the overall amplification or gain including incidental filter losses is about 30 TU. Where gains greater than 30 TU are necessary in the higher frequency group provision is made for the addition of an amplifier stage ahead of the unit shown, which adds approximately 15 TU gain. At the same time provision is made for the addition of greater directional filter selectivity. An important feature of the repeater circuit is the equalizer which is connected ahead of the amplifier. Because the line circuit attenu- ation varies with frequency and is greatest at the higher frequencies it is necessary that the amplification introduced at a repeater point be varied with frequency. The amplification introduced by the amplifier unit itself is substantially uniform with frequency. The equalizer network, however, by introducing a loss which is a minimum at the highest frequency of transmission and which increases for the lower frequencies makes the overall repeater amplification a function of frequency and in general proportional to the line attenuation which it is designed to overcome. A typical overall gain characteristic of the repeater !s shown in Figure 7. The adjustment of the exact amount of gain desired at any time is made by the potentiometer at the input of the amplifier. Pilot Channel. As noted previously, the attenuation of open-wire circuits of substantial length is affected by weather conditions. This makes it necessary to make occasional gain adjustments throughout the system. The extent of these adjustments is determined by means of the pilot channel, which provides a visual indication of the trans- mission levels of the carrier system in both directions of transmission without interfering with the speech currents over the channels them- selves. It is, in effect, a separate constant frequency carrier channel allocated between certain speech channels in each transmission group. The operation of the pilot is relatively simple. At each repeater point and receiving terminal there appears a meter for registering the output level of the amplifier. The pointer of the meter is expected normally to rest on the zero or normal level layout of the system. If a change in the attenuation of the line circuit causes a departure in the transmission level, the meter reading shows a corresponding 578 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL "up" or "down" indication and by adjustments of the repeater or terminal amplifier potentiometers the level may be returned to normal. An alarm circuit is furthermore provided at the receiving terminal 50 904-4298 1 10 3D ST LP ^0 STtP 1 , ^ , .9 ^ 4 C f PREQUtNCY i 10 1 2 ( 1 1 KILOCYCLES III & 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 1 60 1 1 70 "^ /- ~N ^^ ■^ ^^ f \ \ / V r / \ L V / tlO ; M ' V • (30 Figure 7 — Overall transmission characteristics of carrier telephone repeater station so that when the level has departed by more than a predetermined amount, say ± 1.5 TU, from the desired normal, the operating at- tendant is called in to make the adjustment. A high-frequency current of constant ami)litude is transmitted CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 579 from each end, and the meter indications are measurements of this current at the output of repeater ampHfiers, and at the receiving terminal amphfiers (see Figure 2). A separate pilot frequency is utilized for each direction of transmission. Because no communication is carried on over this pilot carrier current, the band provided is extremely narrow, and no appreciable portion of the frequency spectrum is sacrificed. The frequency selected for the pilot channel must coordinate with the other carrier system frequencies. The two frequency allocations of the type "C" system require different pilot channel frequencies, because their speech channels occupy different frequency bands. The apparatus has, therefore, been made so that the frequency of the pilot current can be adjusted to any value desired in the carrier range. The frequency selected for a given system may be determined by local conditions of crosstalk or interference, although in general the preferable location is between the channel bands as noted in Figure 5. The amount of current which is used is limited by its interfering effect into adjacent channels or into other carrier systems on the same line, and it is ordinarily of a low value, of the order of 2 to 6 milliamperes on the line. Figure 8 — Schematic of pilot channel circuits. (The alarm circuit is used with terminals only) Figure 8 shows schematically the principal features of the terminal pilot-channel circuit as a whole. The oscillator at each transmitting terminal which produces the pilot current is connected to the carrier circuit at the input to the transmitting amplifier, in parallel with the band filters. This current is amplified with the speech currents and 580 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL transmitted through the directional filter to the line. The attenuated pilot and sideband currents pass from the first section of the line into the receiving directional filter of the first repeater and enter the amplifier. The pilot channel indicator circuit is bridged across the out- put of the amplifier, and is tuned to discriminate very sharply against all but current of the pilot frequency. This circuit has a high im- pedance relative to the line, so that only a very small percentage of the pilot current is drawn from the line at a repeater point. The remainder is transmitted through the outgoing directional filter and over the subsequent section of the line. That portion of the pilot current which enters the indicator circuit is amplified and rectified in the vacuum tube detector, and the output current is read on a d.-c. milliammeter. As stated above, this meter is calibrated to read in TU above and below a mid-scale position which represents a normal transmission level to which the system is initially adjusted. Entering the receiving terminal of the carrier system, the pilot and speech currents pass through the directional filter and are amplified. As at the repeater, the pilot indicator circuit is bridged across the output of the amplifier. At this terminal, in addition to showing level, the output of the indicator actuates an alarm circuit which operates when the transmission level at this point varies from normal for a set interval of time by more than a prescribed amount. This delay action in the operation of the alarm provides selectivity against slight interference into the pilot channel from currents on the other channels of the system and thereby insures that the alarm indicates a definite level change. The pilot channel thus insures that the high-frequency portion of the system is continuously checked with the exception of the individual channel band filters and modulator and demodulator units. These, however, are particularly stable in operation and require no unusual attention in maintenance. Of course, the overall check is made at only the pilot frequency in each direction. Variations of line equiva- lent caused by weather changes increase in magnitude with frequency. Therefore, corrections must be made in the gain relations of the individual channels whenever these weather changes are great. Fortu- nately the corrections follow a fairly definite relation with variations of pilot level and are ordinarily made by the terminal attendants on the channel potentiometers controlling the demodulator gain by reference to a table. This table shows the relations between the required gain changes at the three channel frequencies in terms of changes at the pilot frequency. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 581 The type of oscillator is essentially the same as that used in the type "C" carrier systems for producing the carrier frequencies. It is controlled by condensers which include an adjustable air condenser for tuning to the particular frequency desired. Two indicators are located at the repeater, one for each direction of transmission. Each indicator circuit consists of a vacuum tube rectifier operating from coupled tuned circuits into a d.-c. milliammeter having a special scale calibrated in transmission units. The filament and plate currents and bias potentials are obtained from the standard 130- volt battery. The advantage of using the same battery for the several functions is that it makes possible the stabilization of the rectifier output with power variations. An adjustable grid bias voltage is obtained from the negative drop of the filament circuit with an opposing 3-volt dry cell battery connected in series. With this arrangement normal variations in the 130- volt source cause only a negligible change in the indicator meter readings. At the receiving terminal, in addition to the indicator circuit which is the same as at the repeater, an alarm circuit is provided as noted above. A sensitive marginal relay is connected in series with the indicator meter. When this relay operates, it starts the delay circuit by removing ground from the grid condensers of the alarm tube. The leakage through the grid resistances then causes the condenser potential, which is the grid potential of an auxiliary rectifier tube operating from the same power source, to decrease slowly, resulting eventually in a rise in the current of the plate circuit of the alarm rectifier tube. If the marginal relay remains operated for a given length of time, the alarm tube plate current will rise to a value necessary to operate the alarm relays. For shorter periods of opera- tion, the normal highly negative grid potential of the rectifier tube is restored and no alarm is operated. The timing of the delay circuit is adjusted by the values of the grid leak resistances and condensers. A delay of about 15 seconds is usually employed, which effectually prevents false operation due to occasional transients such as speech interference. The adjustment of the contacts on the alarm relay is ordinarily such as to cause an alarm to be given at limits of ± 1.5 TU variation. General Transmission Considerations Lines. The typical open-wire telephone line consists of a number of 10-foot crossarms spaced two feet apart on poles whose height varies from 30 feet upward depending on local conditions. The poles are spaced at an average interval of 130 feet. Each crossarm carries 10 wires. The wires are normally spaced at 12-inch intervals, except 582 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL in the case of the so-called pole-pairs which straddle the pole and whose wires are about 18 inches apart. (See Figure 9.) The con- struction includes pins and glass insulators for supporting the wires. 10'- 0" ^, 4^ 4. 4- 4r^^^ M 4 ^^ -^ Figure 9 — Showing arrangement of wires on telephone pole line There are three gauges of wire in common use in the telephone plant, having diameters of 104, 128 and 165 mils,* respectively. The largest gauge, 165-mil pairs naturally afford the lowest attenuation and have been generally used in connection with the application of the longer systems. The pairs of this sized conductor are, however, now fairly well used up for carrier purposes and new installations are being made more often on the smaller diameter circuits. Typical attenuation curves for the three gauges of wire and the extremes of weather conditions are given in Figure 10. It will be noted that the wet weather attenuation may be as much as 40 per cent higher than the dry weather attenuation. Also, these variations are greater at the higher frequencies. It is interesting in this connection to consider the effect of the possible variation in a practical case. Take, for example, a 165-mil pair 200 miles long with a carrier channel frequency at 25 kilocycles. This means a total attenuation of 20 TU in dry weather and 29 TU in extremely wet weather, a variation of 9 TU or a current ratio of about 3 to 1. In the case of a still longer line these possible variations present rather startling figures. For example, in a 1,000-mile circuit the variation would be five times the above or 45 TU, which would *The term " mil " as here used is equivalent to 0.001 inch. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 583 mean that if the circuit were set up to have a proper volume of trans- mission in dry weather and rain occurred over the whole line it would cause the speech at the receiving end to drop to but 1/180 of the 300 .250 2.200 a. u Q. z =>.)50 z o «0 10 2.100 < .050 /^ y X /^ ^ .^ :^! 7 ^ y^ .^ X , .>^< V ,^ X"' P.N t/ ^ /^^ ^ '/ ^ \ ' ^> z' rf^ y* / ■^ '^ 5^ tf X .^ ^* / 1^ ^ /* ^i^ ^ ,^ ^' / ' > ■>^ •'^i Ji< ^ ^ ' / / X r*;N^ ^v .^ < ^' ^.- >»*' / y / > fe'* ^ ^ << ." *»7 / / ^ /^ ,^ ^' / / hi K^ ^ *»■ , ^ ,^ / y ^ y ^- ^' ,^ / r,.^^i ,f^. c.^ ^ ^. ^ * " / 6 €'^ n*"^ .^ 5jn. ,^ #* / A ti ^>^' CjJ., nf t. ;V / /.' ^j 4 'r rif i^' IClT / / V / ^x L*-./ i^ > / ,^ / J A ■' k' ^' <» 7 i ^/ * > .4^ / Jt* y > / iX r • 10 20 30 40 FREQUENCY- kilocycle: 5 50 Figure 10 — x'\ttenuation curves for open-wire lines of different gauges at iiigh frequencies desired volume if the proper readjustments of gain at the repeaters and terminals were not made. Fortunately, these line variations occur gradually, at least in the case of the longer lines. In connection with most carrier installations measurements are made "* of line characteristics prior to the installation of the apparatus. * Reference, "High-Frequency Measurements of Communication Lines," by H. A. Affel and J. T. O'Leary, A. I. E. E. Transactions, V. 44, 1927, pp. 504-513. 38 584 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL An interesting picture is presented in Figure 11 which shows the attenuation variations with time on a particular line (about 110 miles in length) during the period in which a storm arose to cause the attenuation to increase. Later, when the insulators dried, the cor- responding drop in attenuation was that shown. From these vari- ations it is quite obvious that means such as afforded by the pilot channel are needed to insure that the talking circuits provided by the carrier channels remain at substantially constant volume. 20 — — — — — — ■"" '~~ ■^^ ^ i r N ^ ^ N 1 \ 15 / \ / ^ > — r^ X — — 10 >- Q ^ O 3 O o ^ _l o 5 >- a. >- > >- a H r z 3 O 1- z 3 O < n < (r -J t < IT -I 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 PM A.M. PM A.M. F>M Figure 11 — \'ariations in attenuation of a particular open-wire circuit In addition to the improvement in stability effected by the use of pilot channel apparatus, substantial advances have been made in the design and application of special types of line insulators in which the high-frequency losses, particularly in wet weather, have been appreciably reduced, resulting in still further improvement in stability. The attenuation data given above are for the lines equipped with the older standard types of telephone insulators, which are still employed on the majority of circuits in the telephone plant. How- ever, the newer types of improved insulators are now being applied and their use makes it possible to reduce the wet to dry weather attenuation variation by a factor of about 3 to 1 and to reduce the absolute value of attenuation at the higher frequencies by as much as 25 per cent, l^'urthor information describing the de\elopmcnt CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 585 work which has made possible these improved insulators will be made available at a later date. While the circuits employed for the transmission of carrier telephone systems as noted above are largely of open-wire construction, where these circuits pass through the more populated districts of the country it is frequently necessary to insert sections of cable. The smaller closely spaced wires of cables make the problem of attenuation at high frequencies more serious, even where the cables are relatively short, say a mile or so in length. Typical attenuation curves of non- loaded cable pairs are shown in Figure 12. 4.0 3.0 Q. z O 2 z o lO to <0 z < a: 1 .0 ^ ^ ct •J^ ^ —* )^_^ •^ ^<5 & ^ ^^ ^ ^ "^ ^ **• /' ^ - / \ _^ «* / rf! ,V 0; b 1^ / r ^e G ^^ ^ - / ^ -i* Ji* c ^ ^ ■^ i r ^ -- »-• r. Si k; - / ^ .^ \2 Lii !i- ( ,^ ^ ■^ / / ^ *- ■** rj ■ ( ^. ^ / ^ •^ - ^c -^ E* ■^ ^ *■»* - — ■ ■^ / ^ ^ *^ 10 40 20 30 FREQUENCY -KILOCYCLES Figure 12 — Attenuation of non-loaded cable circuits 50 This situation has led to the development of a special type of cable loading which permits making a substantial reduction in the attenu- ation for the higher frequencies and which also makes the characteristic impedance of the cable circuit more closely simulate that of the open- wire circuit so that the reflection effects discussed in detail later are thus greatly reduced. This is important, for, whereas the open-wire circuit characteristic impedance varies from 600 to 700 ohms, the non- loaded cable impedance is of the order of 130 to 150 ohms and the reflection losses and also certain resultant crosstalk effects as discussed later are, therefore, very substantial for even short lengths of non- 586 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL loaded cable. The present standard types of carrier cable loading systems '" provide for the use of loading coils spaced at intervals of approximately 930 feet. When loaded, the cable circuits have a characteristic impedance closely approximating the open-wire im- pedance over the frequency range used in carrier transmission. This same carrier loading also greatly improves the characteristics of the voice circuit. The high-frequency attenuation is reduced to approxi- mately one half the non-loaded condition. A special type of cable loading is also available for use in improving the transmission charac- teristics of office cable and wiring and very short intermediate and entrance cable. External Interference. The carrier channels are unusually free from noise due to extraneous induced currents. However, this is the result of attention to this factor in the design of the apparatus and in laying out the installations rather than anything inherent in the high- frequency feature as such. Our experience has indicated that it is possible, if care is not taken, to have interference from the following external sources: a. Harmonics of power frequencies. h. Irregular frequencies produced by abnormal power line actions, such as arcing insulators, charging lightning arresters of certain types, electric railways, series street lighting, etc. c. Power line carrier systems. d. Powerful transoceanic radio transmitters. e. Lightning and other atmospheric disturbances. In the matter of harmonics of the power line frequencies, the source of their generation normally limits them to very low magnitudes in the high-frequency range which has been employed for carrier systems on telephone lines. In this respect the carrier systems are, in general, affected to a lesser extent than the normal telephone circuits in the voice range. In the latter case, the power circuit harmonics frequently present serious interference problems because the harmonics in the power circuits are substantially greater at the lower frequencies. Under particular conditions, however, such as, for example, in connection with a series street lighting system operated with individual series transformers or auto-transformers, where a burned-out lamp causes the saturation of the transformer magnetic circuit, induced harmonics of considerable magnitude, up to 30,000 cycles and over, have been measured in the carrier telephone circuits. Under the same ^Thomas Shaw and Wm. Fondiller, "Development and Application of Loading for Telephone Circuits," Bell System Tech. JL, April 1926, pp. 221-281. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 587 conditions, however, much larger harmonics are present in the voice- frequency range, so that the induction in the normal telephone circuit is much more severe than the carrier circuit. A much more severe source of carrier interference has been found to result from the abnormal actions of power line circuits in which arcing phenomena occur. Interference of this sort has been noted and traced to such sources as arcing insulators, tree leaks, pantograph and trolley collector sparking, charging lightning arresters, unusual com- mutator or slip ring sparking, switching, etc. In the early days of operation of carrier systems, interference of this type formed a not uncommon source of disturbance. The situation was remedied in some cases by cooperation with the power companies concerned. On the whole, this source of interference has been greatly reduced in the past few years. On occasions the carrier telephone systems have been interfered with by power line carrier systems operating on near-by power lines. Considering the widespread use of power line carrier telephone systems and the fact that they normally involve a transmitting power many times that of the systems described in this paper, this would, no doubt, be a more common source of difficulty if it were not a fact that such power systems adjacent to the telephone systems are operated well above the frequency range of the telephone line carrier systems. Energy picked up from the high-power transoceanic radio telegraph stations, transmitting at frequencies in the carrier range, is an occasional source of interference, particularly in the east where carrier systems are located relatively close to the radio stations. The open- wire telephone lines act as long-wave antennae and intercept the radio energy. This, of course, enters initially on the longitudinal wire circuit to ground. Due to residual line unbalances, some energy is, however, unavoidably passed on to the metallic circuits on which the carrier systems are operated, and enters the speech channel in the form of a tone or note similar to a heterodyne signal at a radio telegraph receiver. Lightning and general static disturbances form a substantial part of the background noise which is found on all carrier lines. Its general magnitude is ordinarily small, except under certain conditions such as the case of near-by storms. Transmission Levels. In the design and laying out of type "C" installations, the transmission level of a system is ordinarily not permitted to fall below a certain figure, which under particular circumstances might be about — 25 TU, with respect to the trans- 588 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL mitting terminal. A transmission level diagram will serve to explain this limitation. Let it be assumed that it is desired to effect carrier transmission using a type C-N system between points A and B, 240 miles apart on 165-mil conductors. The highest frequency channel is normally considered, which in this case would be 26 kilocycles. The total attenuation of the line at this frequency, as determined from the line attenuation data already presented, would be 35 TU for wet weather conditions of operation. A level diagram would accordingly picture the situation as noted in Figure 13. x\t point A sufficient ^' Carrier ApP i I I I I I Carrier App =S=tl ^ A lE VEL AT 1 JPUl >rr ^A RRIE R Al PAR ATU; B ^ ^ , ^ r ,■ MINI MUM \i\ zC\ 'ZR^ 1551 3LE' ■y/// M ^ M 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 MILE5 Figure 13 — Transmission level diagram transmitting gain would be provided by the equipment to bring the sending level to + 20 TU. The line attenuation in connection with transmission over the 240-mile circuit at point B would bring the level to — 15 TU. In order to obtain an overall talking circuit of, say, 10 TU., it would be necessary to operate with a receiving gain of 5 TU. It will be noted that in this particular layout the minimum line level is well above the limit set above. In fact, computations would indicate that the line circuit might be extended to the total length of about 300 miles, before the level limits would be exceeded. On longer lines, however, involving may repeater sections, the level limits are raised because of the cumulative effect of noise entering the circuit from a greater number of sources. The line circuit illustrated is of the simplest type and in a practical case involving sections of intermediate and terminal cable construction the attenuation would be considerably greater and the effective geographical distance covered for a particular type of apparatus would, therefore, be less. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 589 Crosstalk. Telephone circuits which are simultaneously operating in close proximity on a pole line are normally subject to crosstalk because of the mutual inductance and capacity relations between the wires. The problem which this presents in a pole line structure carrying many circuits requires careful consideration, even where the fre- quencies are no higher than the voice range. The problem is cared for by the application of transposition systems, i.e., arrangements whereby the effect of these relations between the circuits tends to be canceled out by transposing the wires constituting the two sides of a circuit in an orderly fashion. These transposition systems are care- fully designed and the transpositions to be applied in each circuit specified.^ When using still higher frequencies for carrier purposes, this problem is correspondingly increased as the mutual relations tend to become greater at higher frequencies. The phase changes as the currents progress along the lines are more rapid for the higher frequencies. The design of the transposition system capable of permitting the simultaneous operation of a number of carrier systems on the same pole line is a difficult problem. The subject is one of great complexity and to give it complete consideration would require more space than is available here. It may be noted, however, that, by means of special transposition layouts installed in the circuits being used for carrier transmission, successful operation is being obtained with a large number of carrier systems on the same pole line, both telephone and telegraph. The locations of transpositions in circuits used for carrier transmission occur more frequently than in circuits restricted to operation at voice frequencies, in some cases as frequently as every other pole. Several factors in the apparatus design have contributed to lessen the hardship imposed by the crosstalk problem: 1. The standardization of arrangements whereby the same frequencies are only employed in a given direction on systems on the same pole line. 2. The equalization of the transmission levels between paralleling systems. 3. The use of "staggered" frequency allocations for systems in closest proximity. 4. A careful consideration of impedance relations in the line circuits and apparatus. ^"The Design of Transpositions for Parallel Power and Telephone Circuits," H. S. Osborne, A. I. E. E. Transactions, V. 37, June 1918, pp. 897-936. 590 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Frequency Directions. The importance of the use of a separate frequency for each direction of transmission may be considered by reference to Figure 14. If there are two paralleHng telephone circuits Level ot Input to Carrier Aooarstus Leve^at Input to Carrier Apparatus Figure 14 — Diagram illustrating occurrence of near-end crosstalk between carrier systems employing the same frequency for opposite directions of transmission employing frequencies (/i) in the same range, and if there exists between the two circuits a certain amount of crosstalk, when there is a talker at the terminal of one system (No. 1) and a listener at the same terminal of the other system (No. 2), then the speech from the talker at the high level will enter directly into the sensitive receiving circuit of the listener. This is commonly called "near-end" crosstalk. In the case of a carrier circuit, the transmitting terminal would involve a certain amount of amplification. The receiving circuit would likewise, so that the net effect would be that the crosstalk between the two circuits would be amplified by the combined amount of gain or amplification present in the sending and receiving circuits. In telephone parlance it would be stated that this is a situation in which substantial level differences exist between the two circuits. On the other hand, in the case of two adjacent carrier systems employing the same frequencies for the same direction of transmission, a crosstalk situation involving only "far-end" crosstalk would exist, as illustrated in Figure 15. This assumes that near-end crosstalk by reflection as discussed later has been eliminated. In this case the talker and the listener would be situated at opposite terminals of the paralleling circuits and the crosstalk, while being amplified like the near-end crosstalk by the total gain in the transmitting and receiving circuits, suffers the attenuation of the line circuit which more than offsets the amplification. This is, therefore, a very substantial factor in favor of the two-frequency method of operation. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 591 At the carrier frequencies, it has been found impracticable to design transposition arrangements providing for systems where the same frequencies are transmitted in opposite directions. It has been found that, while the two-frequency operation may mean fewer two-way TalKer Carrier Trans- App. Carrier Rec. App. 15 encr Talker Carrier Trans. App. Listener Carrier Rec. App. Carrier Trans. App. Tall2i — Assembly of modulator panel. (Front view) in either side of the circuit may be compensated for to a sufficient degree by means of the one adjustable condenser C-3. The voltages, El and E^, provide the grid bias for the modulating tubes V-1 and V-2. The condensers C-5 and C-6 provide a low impedance path around the source of biasing potentials for the carrier frequency, and condenser C-7 in the plate circuit performs the same function with respect to the plate battery. In the oscillator, the condensers C-8 and C-9 together with the inductance of one winding of the transformer T-4 form the oscillating circuit. C-9 is made adjustable to compensate for manufacturing variations in the inductance, and to provide in addition a certain flexibility in frequency adjustment. A grid bias for the oscillating tube is provided by the grid leak-condenser combination C. The plate battery is connected through the retardation coil L-1, which presents a high impedance to the carrier frequencies, and prevents CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 615 them from flowing through the plate battery. The carrier current in the plate circuit divides between two paths, one through R-2, the feed- back resistance to the grid circuit, and the other through R-3, the output resistance, and the transformer T-2 which impresses the carrier voltage on the grids of the modulating tubes. The filaments of the tubes in the modulator circuit are wired in series, and the current flow is regulated by a ballast resister B. Figures 33 and 34 show the front and rear views of the modulator panel. The adjustable condensers which control the carrier frequency Figure 34 — Assembly of modulator panel. (Rear view) and the carrier balance are accessible from the front of the panel. In the rear view, the oscillator circuit occupies the left-hand side of the picture. The oscillating transformer is in the upper left-hand corner, with the oscillating condensers directly below it. The feed- back and output resistances are connected across the top of the panel. The oscillating tube is left of the three tubes, and the carrier input transformer is below it. The voice input transformer is to the right of the carrier transformer, and the output transformer is located in the upper right-hand corner. A metal cover fits over the complete panel at the back to provide electrical shielding and mechanical 40 616 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL protection. All outside connections to the panel are made through the terminal block in the lower right-hand corner. Wires supplying power, together with those which are at a low a.-c. potential with respect to ground, are run in a cable, while wires at a high a.-c. potential are run directly from point to point in as short a path as possible in order to reduce losses resulting from the capacity of these wires to ground. Demodulator and Receiving Oscillator. The circuit of the demodu- lator shown in Figure 35 is in many respects similar to that of the Oubpul P Incut H30' HSO' -24" i -22-5' -2V Figure 35 — Schematic of demodulator circuit and receiving oscillator modulator. The function performed by the demodulator is also similar, being a translation from a high-frequency band to a lower instead of the reverse. The oscillator which supplies the carrier to the demodulator is of the same type as the modulator oscillator, and has been discussed in connection with that circuit. No adjustable feature for balancing the carrier is required in the demodulator circuit. The carrier sup- pression needed in addition to the suppression inherent in the balanced circuit is provided by the low-pass filter at the output. If the carrier is not sufficiently suppressed, it will pass into the voice circuit or across the hybrid coil into the associated modulator, causing in some channels an objectionable beat tone. The transmission stability of the demodulator is obtained by the same methods used in the modulator since the performance of the two circuits is similar, and the transmission quality requirement is essentially the same for both units. A typical demodulator charac- teristic is shown in Figure 36. This characteristic at the higher frequencies is controlled by the low-pass filter. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 617 One feature which is required with the demodulator, but not with the modulator, is a variable control of the transmission gain of the circuit. Due to the unequalized transmission of the line section /OOO 2.000 SOOO 4-O0O rR£QU£:NCY - CYCLE -5 f£K SSCOA/D Figure 36 — Demodulator characteristic — gain and frequency adjacent to the terminal, or other differences in the channel equiva- lents, the three sideband currents normally arrive at a receiving terminal with unequal strength. A potentiometer controlling the gain of the demodulator permits of an equalization of the overall losses on the three channels. In the following detailed description of the demodulator circuit other minor differences between it and the modulator may be pointed out: The sideband frequencies enter the demodulator passing to the potentiometer P-1 which controls the amount of current to the input transformer T-1. The position of the carrier input transformer T-2 is somewhat different in the demodulator circuit as compared to the modulator circuit, due to the difference in the high-frequency charac- teristic of the T-1 transformers. In the modulator this transformer must be designed to transmit voice frequencies primarily. It has a comparatively large capacity to ground which would reduce the effective carrier voltage on the tube grids if it were placed in the same circuit position as is the demodulator transformer. The function of most of the circuit elements is evident from the previous description of the modulator. The C-1 and C-2 condensers provide a low im- pedance path for the carrier frequency. They are necessary here because the transformer T-3 designed for high efficiency at voice frequencies has considerable leakage inductance, which would present a high impedance to the carrier in the plate circuit if the condensers were not provided. For the maximum gain the impedance of this 618 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL circuit should, of course, be a minimum at carrier and sideband frequencies. At the output a low-pass filter structure F provides for the suppression of the unwanted products of demodulation. A front view of the demodulator unit is shown in Figure 37. The Figure 37 — Assembly of demodulator panel. (Front view) panel layout and general appearance is similar to that of the modu- lator. The two dials shown control the demodulator input and the oscillator frequency, respectively, as indicated in these figures. Filters. The general function of a band filter is the selection of a band of frequencies, and the protection of this band from interfering frequencies located on either side. The filters determine what band width is transmitted, and thus to that extent they control the quality of speech which may be obtained through the carrier circuit. The type "C" system transmits a band corresponding to approximately 200 to 2,700 cycles per second in the voice range. In considering the requirements imposed upon the band filters it is necessary to keep in mind '■' the fact that the modulator produces not only the particular sideband which is to be transmitted but also an unwanted sideband of the same volume as the wanted sideband and ^ R. V. L. Hartley, "Relation of Carrier and Side Bands in Radio Transmission," Bell System Tech. Jl., V. 2, April 1923, pp. 90-112. CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 619 equal to it in width, located on the opposite side of the carrier fre- quency. In addition to these products of modulation there are produced other frequency bands, the important ones occupying side- band positions about the harmonics of the carrier frequency. See Figure 38. The first requirement on the band filters is imposed by the need of suppressing the unwanted sideband to prevent distortion when the Carrier Voice Band Lower 3ide Band Other Modulation Products Upper 5ide Band Frequency — ^ Figure 38 — Frequency range of products of modulation carriers are out of synchronism. The tests mentioned above in connection with the oscillator frequency stability were made with but one sideband transmitted. If both sidebands are transmitted, the carriers must be exactly in synchronism or a "wobble" due to the demodulation of both sidebands can be detected. One sideband must be suppressed by an increasing amount as this carrier difference increases. For a carrier frequency difference of about 20 cycles it is necessary to suppress the unwanted sideband about 40 TU, thus re- ducing it to about 1/100 of the strength of the wanted sideband in order to eliminate completely this type of distortion. This requirement can be met by providing the necessary attenuation in either the transmitting or the receiving band filter, or by making the sum of their attenuations equal to 40 TU. The suppression of the unwanted sideband is necessary for another reason in a multi-channel system in which the transmitted sidebands are close together. The unwanted sideband from one channel overlaps the wanted sideband of an adjacent channel, and would be demodulated and appear as "crosstalk" into this channel if it were not suppressed by the transmitting band filter. The suppression needed is determined by the amount of interference which can be tolerated from one channel to another. It has been found that to meet this requirement the transmitting band filter must suppress the unwanted sideband about 60 TU. The other modulation products mentioned above must also be reduced by the transmitting band filter to a value which will not cause interference in any channel into which they might pass. The discrimination requirement for these frequencies is less severe because the magnitude of these modulator products is not so great. 620 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL A particular termination is required at the end of the filter which is connected to the modulator. In order to get the maximum sideband power out of the modulator used, the impedance of the associated band filter, seen from the modulator, must be made low over the range of voice frequencies. With the channels placed closely together and with the coordination of different types of systems, depending upon the channel locations, it is important that the band filters remain constant after manu- facturing, and that all filters of the same type be manufactured to meet close requirements. For proper coordination between systems it has been found desirable to keep all the channel bands within ± 125 cycles of an assigned location. This means in the higher frequency channels that the filters must be manufactured to a frequency accuracy of the order of 1/2 of 1 per cent. The attenuation requirements for the receiving band filter are somewhat different from those of the transmitting band filter. The purpose of the receiving band filter is the suppression of the frequencies of the adjacent channels as they are received over the line. In con- trast to the transmitting filter, which must suppress the unwanted frequencies produced in its own channel, a filter with somewhat different characteristics could, therefore, be used for a receiving filter. While the requirements were determined separately for the receiving and transmitting filters, it was desirable in the interest of manu- facturing economy to build both alike, setting requirements on the basis of a double purpose filter. Thus, this filter had to provide attenuation at each frequency to meet the more severe of the require- ments for either the transmitting or the receiving position. Figure 39 shows the transmitting characteristic of a typical filter designed to meet the requirements outlined above. As has been explained, the grouping of the channel bands in opposite directions requires the use of so-called directional filters at terminal and repeater points. These filters occur in the circuit in pairs — each pair consisting of one high-pass and one low-pass filter. The "cut- off" point of the filters is determined by the type of system in use — C-S or C-N and its corresponding "grouping point." At repeater points the filters are split for each direction in order to provide selectivity at both the output and input circuits of the amplifiers. Considering the closed circuit through the two amplifiers and the four directional filters, the attenuation in this loop must be con- siderably greater than the sum of the gains of the two amplifiers at all frequencies. In the regions outside of the carrier frequencies, the margin between attenuation and gain is made about 10 T. U. For CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 621 frequencies in the carrier range this margin must be still greater to prevent distortion, which becomes objectionable when circulating currents of any size are allowed to exist. This "feed-back" effect -\J\ TO - \ r^ 60 - \ SO \ ^ "*** \ ^ \ / 30 o \ / 20 \ / lO V J 1 1 iO 21 ZZ S.3 ^-f Z5 Z6 FREQUENCY- KILOCYCLES Figure 39 — Typical band filter characteristic will also affect the repeater input impedance, and because of the necessity for closely controlling this characteristic the margin between gain and attenuation is not permitted to be less than 25 T. U. at any frequency used for transmission in either direction. The impedance of these filters on the line side must match the line impedance closely in order that no considerable reflection of the carrier currents can take place at this junction point. As was mentioned previously, the output of an amplifier contains, due to modulation, other frequencies in addition to those which compose the input, so that crosstalk is to be expected between some of the channels. The amount of this crosstalk, which will appear at the far end, depends on the ratio of the sideband currents to the interfering currents produced in the amplifier, the measurement being made at the repeater output. The near-end crosstalk, however, is dependent on the level difference between the strong output of the one amplifier and the weak input to the other. Those frequencies which may give trouble in the channels at the near end enter the 622 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL returning circuit at the amplifier input, a point where the sideband level is very low. To put the near-end crosstalk on the same basis as the far end, the output directional filter must introduce enough attenuation in its non-transmitting range to make up this level difference. This attenuation is increased until the near-end crosstalk due to this cause is appreciably less than the far end. The output current of one amplifier may be 30 TU or more stronger than the input current to the amplifier for the opposite direction, and the directional filter at the input of this second amplifier must offer sufficient attenuation to the output currents of the first so that they will not contribute materially to its load. 0 I ? 3 1 5 6 7 « 9 10 II 12 13 M 15 lo 1/ IS 19 ZO^TrzFlJTrisTTFTMTsld FREQUEIXY KILOCYCLES Figure 40 — Typical directional filter characteristics Figure 40 shows the selectivity characteristics of the two directional filters. A pair of filters having important functions is the line filter set CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 623 which, as has been noted, acts to separate the carrier currents from the regular speech currents on the common line circuit. It consists of a high-pass and a low-pass filter paralleled on the line side. Currents entering these terminals from the line circuit pass through the high- pass circuit to the carrier apparatus or through the low-pass circuit to the circuit terminal or repeater. The transmission characteristics of these filters are shown on Figure 41. It will be noted that frequencies 100 1- CHAWNEL-J CtMNNEL-2 CHANNEL- 1 CHANNEL-2 CHANNEL-I CHANNEL-J I £ 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 10 II le 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 £2 23 24 £5 26 27 28 29 30 FREQUENCY KILOCYCLES Figure 41 — ^Typical line filter characteristics above approximately 3,300 cycles are transmitted in the high-pass circuit and frequencies below about 2,800 cycles are transmitted through the low-pass circuit. It is common to equip a few line circuits with line filter sets, in addition to those which are normally in use for carrier transmission. This makes it readily possible in case of an emergency or for other reasons to use the spare wires thus equipped for carrier transmission. Non-linear effects may be produced in the coils and condensers in the circuit. The design of the filter parts must be made so that these effects will be a minimum. This requires the use of non-magnetic cores in the coils, and also that the containers be of non-magnetic material. Condensers in magnetic containers must be located so that they will not lie in the field of the coils and thus contribute to the modulation products. The modulation in the line filters, telegraph composite sets, and office and cable loading units, must also be con- sidered. 624 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL As already mentioned, care has to be exercised in the mounting of filters belonging to different systems in the same ofifice, so that no crosstalk will be introduced from one system into another. A con- siderable level difference may exist between two filters of different systems, and it may be desired to mount these filters on adjacent bays. In order that the crosstalk between these two systems may be kept within desirable limits, the separation between the filters must, in some instances, correspond in attenuation loss to the order of 120 TU, or one part in a million. To meet this exacting requirement, the filters are totally incased in sealed copper boxes, the leads being brought out through small holes to terminal blocks. Amplifiers. As previously mentioned, the amplifiers employed with the type "C" system at the terminals are identical with those used with the repeaters at intermediate stations. The following is, there- fore, applicable to both cases: The number and size of tubes needed to deliver the necessary output level or power are largely controlled by interchannel crosstalk require- ments. With the grouping frequency arrangement, the three bands which transmit in the same direction are amplified in a common circuit. The different sideband frequencies in passing through the common amplifier must not react upon each other to produce other frequencies of sufficient magnitude to cause interference. For ex- ample, second harmonics of the lowest band frequencies lie within the range of the highest channel in the lower group. If these har- monics are permitted to become too great, troublesome noise will be present in the highest channel when speech currents flow in the lowest. In order that this interference or crosstalk may not become excessive the tubes used in this amplifier must be made of ample power capacity. Figure 42 — Amplifier circuit This example of interference caused by the second harmonic shows the desirability of using a push-pull amplifier in carrier repeaters CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 625 because of its property of balancing out second order effects, which in a single tube or unbalanced circuit are the largest of all the modulation products at the usual loads. The currents from the three channels enter the carrier amplifier shown in Figure 42. The circuit consists of two stages; the first stage of two tubes, the second of four of higher power rating. The gain is controlled in 2 TU steps by the adjustable potentiometer in the input. The gain frequency characteristics for different potenti- ometer settings are substantially flat within a small fraction of a TU over the range of any channel. The amplifiers for the two directions are of slightly different design, each amplifier being arranged for a flat characteristic over its own group of frequencies. It has been stated that the load capacity of the amplifier is limited ^° by the modulation products which increase with the load. Figure 43 shows the amount of second and third 90 t- 3 f^80 D o z u •^ 60 z D 50 ^40 U CD „ 10 20 30 40 50 60 AMPLIFIER OUTPUT-MILS INTO 600 OHM CIRCUIT Figure 43 — Amount of second and third harmonics as function of carrier repeater output harmonics produced in a typical repeater with varying single frequency output. By connecting the tubes in push-pull instead of in parallel, the second harmonics have been reduced by about 15-20 TU. Other products of modulation as well as the second and third harmonics increase with the output and thus the power which can be taken from the amplifier under the operating conditions is limited as these effects are likely to result in interchannel interference. When the alternating voltage applied to one grid is positive with i"F. C. Willis and L. E. Melhuish, "Load Carrying Capacity of Amplifiers," Bell System Tech. Jl., V. 5, October 1926, pp. 573-592. 626 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL respect to the filament, that on the other grid is negative. Since the even order products are proportional to an even power of the input voltage, these currents will flow through the high side winding of the output transformer non-inductively producing no flux in the trans- former, and hence no current in the low side windings. To realize this ideal condition, the two currents flowing in the output trans- former windings must be equal in amplitude, and 180 degrees out of phase. Like amplitudes can be obtained in several ways since the plate current is a function of a number of tube constants. Tubes may, therefore, be selected which will give the same harmonic current, that is, tubes in which the net effect of the several factors is the same. Conclusion Use in Telephone Plant. The carrier systems are meeting success- fully and economically the requirements of long distance telephone service. From what has already been written, it is evident, however, that the apparatus is by its nature complex and to a fair degree expensive, so that for the relatively short distances it is cheaper to string additional wire. The exact distance beyond which it is more economical to employ carrier methods is obviously dependent on the circumstances surrounding each particular case. Systems are oper- ating for distances of 150 miles and upwards. Traffic growth often requires additional circuits for the shorter distances, where there are longer haul continuous physical circuits on the same line. In this case it is not uncommon to break up the long haul physical circuits into sections to satisfy the short haul circuit growth and to install a carrier system to meet the long haul needs. The growth of the use of carrier systems has already been pictured. How the systems are distributed over the lines of the Bell System is shown on Figure 44. The heaviest density of use occurs in the middle and western sections and in general where the circuit demand and growth have not reached the large figures required to justify the installation of toll cables. In particular, the section west of the Mississippi is a promising field for the application of carrier systems. Future. While the type "C" system satisfies those circuit growth demands for moderate and long haul, there has remained undeveloped a considerable field for carrier methods over the shorter distances where only wire stringing has hitherto been economical. Very recent developments have resulted in the trial and early field applications of a simple single-channel carrier telephone system designed particularly to meet these shorter haul demands and thereby to secure the greatest practicable economy in providing facilities by carrier methods in the CARRIER SYSTEMS ON TELEPHONE LINES 627 r 'k-f o> >. «o-. C/) 3o- hJO : — I 1- n{x) = exp(7r«2)Z?;,"exp(- 2nx^). -, 8 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 651 Essentially Singular Pairs for Integral Powers of the Parameter If in Fig. 3, with the value of n held fixed, we allow a to approach the limit 0, the cisoidal coefficient becomes ^" and the impulse coefficient, which is compressed horizontally towards the origin and expanded vertically, with corresponding areas increasing as a~", ultimately vanishes everywhere except at the origin where it acquires an essential oscillating singular point. At the limit, then, a singular pair is ob- tained; it will be designated as ^", ^,i(g). ^n(g) is characterized by having all of its moments about the origin vanish except the wth moment, which is equal to (— !)"«! The dotted graphs on the left of Fig. 3 show p" to the scales indicated. The curves on the right show §>n{g) provided we assume that the horizontal scale is increased with a and the vertical scale increased inversely with a"+^ as a approaches the limit 0. Fig. 3 thus serves to picture the essentially singular function ^„(g). That is, it is sufficient if the coefficient maintains this form while proceeding to the limit. This form is, however, not essential. It is necessary only that the method of approach to the limit give the same set of moments. An alternative way of deriving the mate for the positive integral powers p"^ is by means of a linear combination of (w + 1) pairs of the form of (603) with parameters equal to a, 2a, 3a, • • • , {n + l)a, respectively, so that the first term in the power series expansion of the cisoidal coefficient is ^". The corresponding impulse coefficient is a succession of {n + 1) bands, each of width a, the first band beginning at epoch zero, the heights of the successive bands being equal to the binomial coefficients for power n divided by a"+^ but alternately posi- tive and negative. The wth moment of this impulse coefficient is 0 for m < 11, equal to (— l)"w! for m = n, and proportional to a"*"" for m > n. Upon allowing a to approach zero, the cisoidal coefficient approaches ^", and the impulse coefficient approaches ^n(g), since in the limit the same set of moments is obtained as was found above to characterize the wth singularity function. This is pair (402*). The special cases for w = 0, 1 are of most frequent occurrence. They are pairs (403*), (404*). ^o is the unit impulse since its 0th moment equals unity; ^i is the doublet with the moment — 1 since its first moment is — 1. ^i and all higher order singular functions are included in the series coefficients of (104*), (106*). Fig. 3 may be extended upward step by step from the normal error law pair by dividing by p on the left and integrating with respect to g on the right. At each step a constant of integration is introduced. The first two pairs thus obtained are pairs (725*) and (726*). Choos- 652 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL 11 = 0 n = 1 n = 2 11 = 3 \ i20 y \ 110 -1 0 -HO "\ ^ ' /^ -120 \ n = 4 Fig. 3— Graphs for the family of pairs p" e\p{-ira-p) a »D„" exp(-■!rgVa')• The heavy curves show the cases a = 1, 7? = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4; the dotted curves on the left are for the same values of n but for the limit a — O. On the right the curves apply for any value of a if the horizontal and vertical scales are multiplied by a and o~"~' respectively. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 653 ing the integration constants so as to make the impulse coefficients alternately odd and even, these two pairs are as shown in Fig. 4. If we now allow a to approach the limit zero, a new series of pairs is obtained of which the first two pairs are shown dotted in Fig. 4 for the particular choice of integration constants there made. The general limiting pair is designated as p-", ^-„(g) and it is shown with its n arbitrary parameters Xi, X2, • • •, Xn as pair (410*). In some ways it is simpler to derive the limiting pair for negative integral powers of p from rational functions of p, which may be accomplished as shown by pair (411*). Special cases are shown by pairs (408*), (409*), (415*), (416*). M = 2 n = 1 Fig. 4 — Graphs for the family of pairs ^~"exp(— wa^P), a'^Dg'^expi— irg^/a^), with the integration constants chosen so as to make the impulse coefficients alter- nately odd and even. The heavy curves show the cases a = 1, n = 1,2; the dotted curves show the limit a—*-0,n = 1,2. The first of the series ^-i(g) is a unit step at epoch 0 from a constant value X — I for all negative epochs to the constant value X + | for all positive epochs. The constant X may have any value ; this is a singu- lar case marked by the failure of the general rule that the choice of the cisoidal coefficient uniquely determines the impulse coefficient. This means that in any well set problem some other condition determines the value of the constant X. In some problems, for example, it is necessary that the epoch coefficient be an odd function, and then X vanishes. In other problems where either the epoch function must be zero for all negative epochs or on the other hand the p occurring in the cisoidal coefficient is actually the limit of ^ + a as a approaches zero through positive values, the constant X equals |. This limiting condition may arise if we assume that resistance may be ignored, as a first approxima- 654 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tion, in studying actual systems which necessarily involve at least a small amount of dissipation. The mates of positive and negative integral powers of p, including the zero power, cannot be derived directly and definitely from the Fourier integral (101) without the specification of an additional passage to a limit. Such pairs therefore differ essentially from the great body of regular pairs where the choice of one coefificient com- pletely determines the mate. In order to permanently ear-mark these limiting pairs, their serial numbers in Table I bear a star. These pairs may be thought of as lying on the periphery of the great domain which includes the totality of regular pairs. Identical Mates and Other Simply Related Mates Since one of the coefficients of a pair may be assigned quite arbi- trarily, this choice allows us, if we so elect, to specify some relation between the two coefhcients of a pair. We might specify that a linear combination \Fj{x) -f ixGj{x) of the two coefficients of a pair both taken with the parameter x is to equal an arbitrary function F{x). The pair {Fj, Gj) is then uniquely determined, unless X + i^'n = 0, being equal to pair (224) after each Fn has been divided by X -f f"/x. Again if it is specified that one coefficient is to be the reciprocal of the other, a possible solution is pair (760). Fig. 5 — Identical coefficient pairs of the form (1 + xyp')-hKi{2wpUl + xip')/Ki{2^p^-), X = / or g. The condition that the mates shall be identically the same function of their parametric variables /and g is of special interest. In addition to the identical pairs shown on Fig. 2, « = 0, 4, 8, the table contains a number of identical pairs including (523), (625), (712), (761), (916). PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 655 The identical pair (916) divided by its value at the origin is shown in Fig. 5 for different real values of its parameter p. For p = + °o , the curve is of the exp(— tx^) or normal law of error form, and is identical pair (703). For p = h the reciprocal hyperbolic cosine identical pair (625) is shown correctly within the width of the line, this being apparently a mere coincidence since pair (916) does not include it as a special case. Finally, for p = 0, the limiting curve coincides with the horizontal axis taken together with unit length of the positive vertical axis. This represents pair (523) divided by its value at the origin, which is infinite. The point to be especially noted is that the area under every curve of the family illustrated by Fig. 5 is the same and equal to unity. This must hold for the limit p = 0, when the curve encloses no area within a finite distance of the origin. The identical pair \f~^ \, \g~^\ is of great simplicity and it occupies a central position among algebraic pairs. Starting with the minus one-half power of the parameters in both coefhcients, any increase in the power of one parameter requires an equal decrease in the power of the other parameter as is illustrated, for example, by pairs (502*), (516*), (524). It is not permissible to specify any relation whatsoever between the two coefficients of a pair; for example, no pair exists for which one coefficient is twice the other. As stated above, the only multiples permissible are the four units 1, i, — 1, — i. For each of these four cases there are an infinite number of solutions. These solutions satisfy the integral equations given in the foot-note to pair (223). Practical Applications of Coefficient Pairs Fourier gave the first comprehensive method of finding the solution for transients. His method involves three steps: viz., I. Spectrum analysis of the cause among all frequencies. II. Solution for all frequencies. III. Spectrum synthesis of the effects for all frequencies. Fourier thus substituted three problems for one. With a table of Fourier coefficient pairs, these three steps may be made as follows : I. Find the mate of the cause considered as an impulse coefficient. II. Multiply this mate by the admittance for the system. III. Find the mate of this product considered as a cisoidal coefficient. These three steps define a perfectly definite result, since every arbi- trarily chosen coefficient has a mate which is unique and determinate, or may be made so by the specification of some suitable passage to a limit. 42 656 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The use of a table of pairs may also be stated in another and some- what more general way as follows: For any system where the principle of superposition holds, any cause C{t), its effect E{t) and the corresponding admittance F(/) are con- nected by a relation which may be written in any one of three ways which explicitly express each of the three quantities in terms of the remaining two, as follows: E{g) = ^JclY{f)^lcC{gn C{g) = en Y{f) = Y{f) diiEig) euc{g) ' where 5)7? is read "mate of." The use of coefficient pairs may be most simply illustrated by reference to Figs. 3 and 4, in connection with the problem of finding transient currents through a perfect condenser of unit capacity due to impressed electromotive forces shown by each of the seven curves on the right considered as functions of the time. Any curve on the right being the cause, the next curve below it is the effect, considering Fig. 4 to be placed above Fig. 3. In the solution the first step is to find the mate of the curve on the right. This is the curve on the left. This mate is then to be multiplied by the admittance of the system which is p for a unit condenser. Reference to the titles of the figures shows that this product is given by the next lower curve on the left. To find the mate of this last curve is the third step in the solution and for this it is merely necessary to go to the curve on the right. The three steps then take us from any curve on the right to the next curve below it. Figs. 3 and 4, taken together, are a section of an infinite sequence of pairs which illustrate an infinite number of possible transients in a perfect condenser of unit capacity. If, on the other hand, the system consisted of a perfect reactance coil of unit inductance and the impressed cause was again shown by any curve on the right, the effect would be shown by the next higher curve, assuming that the initial current at the beginning of time was that shown by the extreme left of the upper curve. Thus, when the cause is oscillating, there is one less half oscillation in the effect than in the cause. This is for an inductance. For a condenser, conditions are reversed; the effect has one more half oscillation than the cause. The scales of Figs. 3 and 4 may be changed to correspond to any value of a, the parameter which appears in the coefficients of the pairs. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 657 At the limit a = 0, the cause and effect would be the singular ^„ or #_„ functions. The curves on the right for w = 0 of Fig. 3 and w = 1 of Fig. 4 show that at the limit a= 0 a unit step in the voltage produces a unit impulse in the current through a unit condenser; on the other hand, a unit im- pulse applied to a unit inductance gives a current which is a unit step. The curves of Fig. 2 may be used to furnish another illustration of the use of coefficient pairs, in connection with the problem of finding networks in which assigned transient currents will be produced by assigned impressed electromotive forces. Any curve n being the assumed cause and the next curve (w + 1) the assumed effect, the required admittance is 0n+i(/)/[«0n(/)]- This admittance is pre- sented by a ladder network of (n -{- 1) elements: perfect inductance coils in the series arms, perfect condensers in the shunt arms, the ladder starting with a shunt condenser, the values of the shunt capacities being equal to 2, 2n(n — 1)~S 2n{n — l)~^(w — 2)(n — 3)~S etc., and the values of the series inductances being equal to (27r»)~\ {2irn)~^(n — l){n — 2)~\ etc. In verifying the solution of this prob- lem, it is to be noticed that the mates of the curves n and (w + 1), regarded as impulse coefficients, are the same curves multiplied by i~" and ^~("+i); the quotient of the latter mate divided by the former mate is the admittance of the network as given above. On the other hand, any curve (n + 1) being the cause, the curve n is the effect in the reciprocally related ladder network of (n + 1) elements, starting with a series reactance coil, the values of the series inductances being equal to 2, 2n(n — 1)"^ 2n(n — l)~^{n — 2){n — 3)~S etc., and the values of the shunt capacities being equal to (27rw)~S (27rw)-Kw - \){n - 2)-i, etc. Practical Applications of Coefficient Pairs in Table II. In general, each of the three subsidiary problems employed by Fourier is unsolvable in closed form. In a strictly limited number of cases, however, all three problems have been solved and the final transient solution obtained. These solutions should be cherished and collected for ready reference. It is a needless waste of time to repeat the analytical work each time a solution is required. Except for a few special cases lying outside of the scope of the table, all practical applications of closed form coefficient pairs which were found in a preliminary search are included in the transient solutions of Table II. As it stands, the table is far from a complete list of closed form solu- tions, but it contains many important solutions and serves to illustrate the use of Table I. Table II contains 39 admittances, with references to 39 systems which serve to illustrate the occurrence of these admit- 658 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL tances. In the third, fourth and fifth columns, 85 transient solutions are given of which 39 are for the unit impulse, 30 for the unit step, and 16 for the suddenly applied cisoid. The causes producing the transients in Table II are but three in number: the unit impulse, the unit step, and the suddenly applied cisoid; and the mates for these causes are unity, p^^ and {p — po)-^ as is shown by pairs (403*), (415*) and (440*). Multiplying these three mates by the admittances and taking the mates of the products, we have the effects, as is stated in the headings of the last three columns of the table. To illustrate in detail the steps involved in finding a transient effect with the aid of Table I, consider system No. 14 of Table II with the cause equal to the unit step ^_i(0, X = |. The mate of the unit step is p~^ by pair (415*). Multiplying this by F(/) as given in the second column of Table II, we have up~^l + Vp/X)~^ for the cisoidal coefficient. By pair (551) the mate of this is mVx exp(Xg) erfc VXg, 0 < g. Substituting for g the actual variable t, we have the transient solution as given in the fourth column and fourteenth row of Table II. This simple example fully illustrates the three essential steps in finding any transient effect when the admittance and pairs are known. In this example the effect was considered to be the unknown. If either the cause or the admittance were the unknown, the same pairs would be involved but the two coefficients in a pair would be used in the reversed sequence in all but one instance. There are still 32 squares of Table II left blank. It would be a simple matter to place series solutions or integral solutions in each of these squares. Thus if the impulse transient of column 3 is known, the other two transients are given at once in integral form by pairs (210) and (219); if the unit step transient of column 4 is known, the suddenly applied cisoidal transient is written immediately in integral form by the use of pair (220). The real problem is, however, either to find closed form solutions in terms of known functions or to show that this is impossible. When the failure of known functions has been established, we should next consider the choice of new functions so defined as to throw as much light as possible on the new solutions. Table II may be regarded as another table of coefficient pairs. Column 2 contains cisoidal coefficients; column 3, the mates of these coefficients; column 4, the mates of these coefficients when multiplied by p~^', and column 5, the mates of these coefficients when multiplied by {p — po)~^- The corresponding pair in Table I is referred to in the lower left-hand corner of each square by its serial number. In a few cases, two or three pairs are referred to and there it is necessary PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 659 to add the Table I pairs together or, in the case of systems 37-39, to apply the two pairs in sequence. In Table II, the customary physical notation is adhered to because it is often of long standing and this necessitates some change in notation when comparing pairs in the two tables. Summary and Conclusions Many practical applications of the Fourier integral have been simplified by the compilation of Tables I and II, which give coefficient pairs, admittances and transient solutions. Minor changes in nomenclature and point of view have been intro- duced, all with the idea of simplifying the practical application of the Fourier integral, in the following ways: (1) Using the cisoidal oscillation and the unit impulse side by side as alternative elementary expansion functions. (2) Focusing attention upon coefficient pairs for these two ele- mentary functions, both coefficients of a pair representing the resolu- tion of the same arbitrary function, (3) Using the frequency and epoch as the parametric variables, in place of the customary radian frequency and independent time variable. (4) Employing as a coefficient any real or complex arbitrary func- tion which may be practically useful by regarding it, where necessary, as a limit approached through coefficients which form regular pairs. (5) Introducing the ^n(g) functions having an essential oscillating singularity at the origin which mate with ^", the positive integral powers of p. (6) Using a notation which greatly reduces the number of occasions for employing the integral symbol in applications of the Fourier theorem. Having established the inclusiveness and practical utility of the proposed coefficient pair method of applying the Fourier integral, we are now planning to critically verify the tables and make them as complete as is feasible. It is proposed to include eventually such references to the literature as may add to the interest of the tables. The contributions of integral equations and of the operational method to the present subject will also be incorporated in the tables. The preparation of similar tables for other elementary expansion functions, such as Bessel functions, is also a possibility. A comprehensive table might be made which would include in parallel columns the coefficient functions for a large number of elementary expansion functions, thus giving at once many alternative ways of representing particular time 660 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL functions. This would make it possible to shift without trouble from any one expansion to any other expansion of the tabulation. I am under great obligations to my colleagues for their contributions towards the preparation of this paper. I shall be grateful to any person who will call. my attention to errors or omissions in any part of this paper.® Notation The following notation is employed in Table I; also in Table II, except as specifically restricted. a, b, c = positive reals. br :)c = branch X. For each multiple-valued function, branches are designated in one or more different ways. When no branch designation is given, branch zero is to be understood. C{z) = /^ cos(lTrz'')dz = - C(- z). C{± 00 ) = ± i cis(z) = cos z -\- i sin z = exp {iz) = e" = cisoidal oscillation if Z = lirft. Dy{z) = parabolic cylinder function of order v. Dn{z) = exp(-is2)ij„(s). D.^{z)={2ir)-h^K^{\z''). D^,{z) = (ix)i expds^) erfc(2-^z). erf(z) =—= \ exp(- z^)dz = - erf(- z). erf(± «) = ±1. V77 Jo erfcCz) 2 r* = — p: I exp(— z''^)dz = 1 — erf (2). / = frequency; parameter for the cisoidal oscillation. — 00 . gooo ^-n{x) = ( Xi ± ^, [_ ^y \ X"-' + X2.V"-2 H + X„, 0<±X, 0 < n. t = time. — CO < / < 00, V, w = integers, positive, negative or zero. X, y = reals, unrestricted. Y = admittance of system for cisoidal oscillation. Y,{z) = ^i[W-\z) — i7/i)(2)] = Bessel function of the second kind. 662 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL z = complex quantity, unrestricted. 2 = conjugate of z. 2", hv X = exp[Aii? (log z) + in arg 2], where {2x — l)ir < arg z ^ (2x + l)7r. •^ g<2TMr2M^ br(:v - z)). Branches (:x; + z;), y = 0, ± 1, do 2, • • • form a complete set and without repetition unless /x is a rational real. oi, /5, 7, 5 = complex quantities, real parts greater than zero. 6 = principal argument. — tt < 6 ^ it. X, fjL, V = complex quantities, unrestricted. p, a, T = complex quantities, real parts not less than zero. ^n(x) = exp{Trx^)Dx'' exp{— Ittx^) = (— 2Tr^)"'Dn{2ir^x) where Dn is the parabolic cylinder function of order n = (— 27r^)" exp(— ■Kx'^)Hn{2Tr^x) where Hn is the Hermite polynomial of order n. }p{z) = r'(z)/r(s) = logarithmic derivate of the gamma func- tion. — t/'(1) = Euler's constant = 0.5772' • •. * marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. Not Restricted Real Part ^0 > 0 Integers Reals Complex V, w f, g, t, X, y z, X, n, V m, n r, s p, a, T J, k, I a, b, c a, p, y, 8 I PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 663 TABLE I Paired Coefficients for the Cisoidal Oscillation and the Unit Impulse ^ Part I. General Processes for Deriving the Mate Pair No. Coefficient F(J) for the Cisoidal Oscillation cis(27r//) = exp(pt) Coefficient G(g) for the Unit Impulse o-»-0 O- 101. 102. 103. 104.* 105.* 106.* 107.* 108.* r G(g)cis{- 2nfg)dg tJ—aa Xi(^ - Po) + MP - PoY + limby 401 r F{f)cis{2Tfg)df tJ—Ob G D, r F(f)cis(2irfg)p-^df Cis (2x/o^)[Xi^iCg) + \2^2(g) + '"1 Xi .. V . + X2 .. V .. + (P - po) (P - Po)' \ip + X2/'' + \zp^ + Xi- + X2— + X3— + p p^ p^ ''2! limby 408* lim by 401 * lim by 408^ cIs {lirf^g) ( Xi + X2 Y", + Xg + X4I-J +..•), 0< Xl^l(g) + \2^2{g) + \,^z{g) + ••• g g^ g^ Xi + X2 T-| + X3 yj + X4 Yi + * • • » 0 2(g) + • • • ^' (2g)^ Part 2. Elementary Combinations and Transformations 201. Fi±F2 GiiGa 202.2 F1F2 f Gi{x)G2{g - x)dx 203. - x)F2{f + x)dx GIG2 204. XF \G 2 From (202) or (203), with g (or/) = 0, and (215) and (217) follow the important identities for th, integrated product of two pairs of coefficients and for the integrated squared moduh of a pair ot coetticients r F,{f)F,{±f)df= r Cdg)G,{T g)dg, r \F-\df=r \C'\dg, «y— 00 ^ — 00 r* F,ix)G2{x)dx = r* Gi{x)F2{x)dx. «/— 00 »/— 00 The symmetry of these identities is to be noted; this would not be the case if the radian frequenc; 2ir/ were employed in place of the cyclic frequency f. * A star marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 665 TABLE I (Continued) air Coefficient F(f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse )5. Fiaf) a \a / )6. ^^-^«)=<\^/0 cisi2Tfog)G = ePooG )7. cis(- 2irfgo)F = e-P'^F G(g - go) )8. pF D,G )9. ^'^-i2>'^ -gG LO. '-F P r Gdg = Dr'G LI. r Fdp = ill, C Fdf = D,'^F g L2. D^F D^G 13. r Fd\ = DyT^F •Ao f Gd\ = Dx-'G 14. F{-f) G{-g) 15. Fi±f) G{=Fg) 16. F{f) ± F(J) G{g) ±G{-g) 17. G{±f) Fi=Fg) 18. G(± ip) 27r V 27r y 19. F{f) P - po epoo t e-PooG{g)dg J -co 70 ^ F(n G(g) + poe^^' r e-P<'^G{g)dg •^-00 ^ V. p - po 666 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficient F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse 221. 222. 223.3 224. 225. e^-f'Df-ie'^-^'F) = (T 27r/ + DfYF Fnif), n= 0,1,2, '•', 11 where Fn(f) = ILFif) +i'^F{-f) + i-"G(/)+i"G(-/)], F„44 = R{Fn), Fn+S = I{Fn), n= 0, 1,2, 3 Fo(f) + F,(f) + F,{f) + F^(f) where Fn is as for 223. ^4(/) + F,(f) + F,(f) + F,(f) + ilF.if) + F,o(/) + F,{f) + /^ii(/)] where i^„ is as for 223. i^'e^-o'Dg''{e^^'*G) = i^\-=f 2Tg + DgYG Fo(g) + iF.ig) - F,{g) - iF^ig) F,(g) - F,(g) - F,{g) + Fn(g) + iLF,{g) - F,o{g) + F,{g) - FAgn Part J. Key Pairs 301. 302. 303. 304. sec p; + X) for p, if [7(^ + p) for P^ and v for a with"! (^ + /3) for p J [7(/> + jS) for ^, and VtS for a with"! (^ + /3)for^ J exp(i^2)p_^(^). [V7(/> + P) for ^] I sech(^7r£) (-4). (2g)-" exp /a-i(2aVg)/„_i(2A5), 0 < 0 < r(a) r-^exp(- ig2)^ 0 < The coefficients of the ^"-multiple pairs satisfy the following integral equations: ^n(/) = (- l)i 2 f" F„{g)cos{2irfg)dg, n = 0,2, 4, 6, 8, 10 «/ 0 Fnif) = (- l)i(»-i)2 p F,,ig)sin{2nfg)dg, n = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 •/ 0 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 667 TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficient F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G(g) for the Unit Impulse 305. 306. 307. Ly(P + p) for ^] ^ (2g)^«-iexp(- V2i), 0 < g 0 < R(a) i03.* 1 = lim e-^ip-^ol /3->0 ^o(g), unit impulse at g = 0 404.* ^ = lim pe-""^^' ^i(g), negative unit doublet at g= 0 405.* |:p2«| = lim Z)^2ng-0|j>i (- l)"#2n(g) 406.* U2„+l| _ _ liin p^2n+lg-^lP| (- l)"+i(2w + 1)! ^g2n+2 407.* 1^1, lim by 406* 1 7rg2 408.* ^-" = lim (p + /3)-", 0 < w gn-1 0 -i(g) „ „ , Jim Dy 410 p' -\- a? 48. 1 -Pg _ ^_„, {p-^a){p + ^) a - /3 ' 0 < g 49. P ae-"^ - |8e-^^ {p-\-a){p + ^) a - ^ 0 < g 50. 1 \te-'\ 0 - /3)-«, br (- 1) r(aV"" brO,,<0 18.* ^-"-1 = lim (p + ^)-"-i br 0, 0 < w '^''^^ ^ no-^n-T Kr n n ^ (T 1.3.5 ... (2n- 1)^^^^ , brO, 0 .g 19.* p-n-h = lim (^ - /3)-"-i br i, 0 < w ^^"^-^ ("i(7>-i hr 0 (7 ^ n 1.3.5 ••• (2n- 1)^^^^ , brO, g .0 20.* rs lim by 518* 2(gMs 0 < g 21. ^-", 0 < R{a) < 1 r(«)^"' ^<^ 22. r^ (7rg)-% 0 < g 23. 1/-M IrM 24. (^ + ^)-". br V 25. (Z' - ^)-", br (z; - i) ZL^g-i2tra(„+^)g/Jff a-1^ br W, g < 0 r{a) 26. (/> + /3)-. brO e-^<7(7rg)-^, br 0, 0 < g 27. (P - /3)-S bri e^^CTTg)-*, br 0, g < 0 28. (^ - ^)-K br 0 br 0, 0 < ± g 29. (P + ^)-', brO 2e- "(g/Tr)*, br 0, 0 < g 30. (^ + /5)^-« - (i> + 7)'-" rr"— 2^^-^" f— '>'''^ n ,^ rr r(«-i)^ (- - )' o^s ' A star marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. 43 672 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficient F{j) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse 541. 542. 543. 544.* V/) P + 7 1 __[ 1 + V^ P 1 + V/3^ 545. (^ + 7)(1 + ^^P) 546. 547. 548. 549. 550.* {p+ 7)V^ + /3 V^ 1 P^P + ^ P p\^ p /> + 7 1 + V/3P -L+ V- ^e-^''erf V- yg, 0 <, VTTg 1 1 1 ,-Tff erf V - Ig, ^tBz ^ expierfc J, 0 + /3) V^2 _^ ^2 1 1 V/32 _ ^2 V/J + V^' + Vp + ^p -\- a 1 p(V/> + Vi> + a) ^ (^2 + ^,2)-«^ -— exp - erfc ^ . , 0 + p)]-"+' V(^ + py + a' 576. l-^l{p + py + a' + ip + P)T" Parf o) =F 1], 0 < ± £ < a 2a ^h — a < g < a 0 < ± g < a * A star marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. 676 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficknt F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G(g) for the Unit Impulse 694- poS\r\h{ap) 1 |{cis(27r/og)[ctnh(a^o)Tl]-csch(apo)} 0 < ±g) ^~gM2^l~g), 0< A star marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 677 TABLE I (Continued) Part 7. Exponential and Trigonometric Functions of p. air Vo. Coefficient F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. '11. '12. JIS. 714. 715. 716. CP', 0 < \p\ Mf) - e-i^' = e--f\ _ x = /V4x in 703-711 l(/) = - g-*^^(47r)^X 02(/) = 6-i-^(47r)(x2 - 1) Xf) = - e-'"^(47r)?(^' - 3x) 0,(/) = e-'^^'(4Tyix' - 6x^ + 3) (^-(/) = - e-i-=(47r)i (x'' - lOx-3 + 15x) 0g(/) = e-i-=(47r)3(x« - 15x^+45x2 - 15) )„(/) = - e-i-'(4Tr)i(x^ - 21x^ + 105x3 _ losx) 03(/) = e-l-=(47r)Hx^ - 28x« + 210x^ - 420x- + 105) e—P{4:TP - 3)2 -7r/3/2 pe-^^'' 1 e-\gyp 2V7rp o(g) = e--^' i4>i{g) - 4>2(g) - i4>^{g) Mg) i4>.{g) - 4>e{g) - ii{g) (g) g-T<72(47rg2 _ 3)2 - D "g-'^e^/'' = ^=: — V^ " \^(V2/3)" X e-''^"'/^ KvW V^ g-irgilP -ffff2//3 27r g-.e2/fi(27rg2 - /3) 678 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficient F{f) tor the Cisoidal Oscillation Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725.* 726.' 727. 728. 729. 751. 752. pe-U/^ ^3g-Jx/2 ig-x^/2 -^^-'"^''(2.g3_3^) 47r2 e—i'V^(4:7rY - 127r/3g2 + 3/32) -exp(a/>2)-- /? p 1 /> -/>o exp [a(^2 _ ^^2)-] _ 1 P - Po exp (p/j2 + (T/J), sin (ap^) cos (a/>*) o< Ip! ^g-2xff2 47r\'2e-2'^»'(4xg2 - 1) - 167r2gV2e-2'^'''(47rg2 - 3) 167r2V2e-2-''^(167rV - 247rg2 + 3) ^-i(g) + h ed(g^J^) ^l 0 < ± ^-2(g) + k eriig^r^) ztt =F i erfc ^ "'" 2V5' Jcis(2,/.j)(erfl±^»=Fl), 0 < ± o< ± 0< ± 1 2V exp 7= sin I ^- 1 2^lTa \4a 4/ T^zzi-sin I -^ +- I 2V7ra \4a 4/ A star marks a pair as being the limit approached by regular pairs. PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 679 TABLE I (Continued) Pair No. Coefficient F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation ^53. 754. 755. sin (ap^) cos (ap^) _ 1 ~J ~P cos (ap^) 756. {p — po) cos {aptr) p — po sin (ap"^) 757. sin (ap"^) _ a P' P 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. sin {ap^ + X) cos {ap^ + X) Cis [± 7r(/2 - i)] cos [xCf^ - I)] sin [7r(/2 - i)] Coefficient G(g) for the Unit Impulse 2L'^VV27ra7 \V27ro/J 0< ± cis (27rfog) r /• ^ 9\ c f S 4 cos (a/)o^) L \ 2-\ta + ^oa'^ I + exp (— iapQ'^) erf I — ^=== ) \2-\— ta + pa^'^^^ W 2 cos (a^o') , 0 < ± g -^f[Kvfs)-)]+-^ 1 — exp (— a'Sp) Pip + 7) 806. 807. 808. 809. V^ exp (- a^p) 1 Vp exp ( — a V/)) — T-exp(- a^lp) +- \cp\p p exp (— a V/)) 1 + ^^P 7= exp erf 2^lg 0 ) exp (- a^p + /3) - exp (- a^p + /3 + rtV^) - - P Coefficient G{g) for the Unit Impulse aV/3 - 2g exp (-S) 2/3gV7ri + — p^ exp — ^— i-2 erfc — ^ , _ ^ , /3V/3 /3 2V/3g 0 + 0) {p + l)^P + /3 841. -V|^ exp (- p^i\p\) 842. '^\P exp (- p^^\p\ - a\p\) 843. V|p| sin (aV|p|) + exp (2aV/3) erfc ^ V/3g + ^^1 0 < — , exp ( - a V/3 - 7 - 7g) X erfc (-^ - V(^ - 7)g^ — exp (aV/S — 7 — 7g) X erfc (^ + ^'(^ - 7)g^l , 0 < J^jr,, pLc(^) T — I I I COS I —\ — r+ 7 V7^ \4|g| 4 exp "TT — ; — :^ ertc 2-^Tr{a+ig) 4((r4-ig) 2 Va + j + exp 2 V7r(cr - zg) ' -iCcr - ig X erfc 2V + a)(^ + /3)] 2 r . a2 ^/ g \ — , — r\ sin— I — i-6( , 7r|g|L 4lg| VV27r|g| / + cos-f|Cf^^)], 0<±g 4|g| \V27r g /J + tor 7r(^^ + g') 4(/3 + *g)V7r(/3 + ig) X exp — + L 4W + ig) J erf 2V^ + ^g ta 4(/3 -ig) + ^)-« log (p + /3) ^-5(a+^K^^(g - C) — ;: — e 1 1 Vp2 _ c2 X Vg2 - c2^ + /o (^^ Vg' - C')] C < ^o(g - c) ac Vg2_ ~^), C2 /o(aVg2 _ a^iv i(/3Va2 + g^) /i(aVg2 _ ,2)^ c < c < 7rVa2 + g2 -ii:o(i3Va2 + g2) TT |^o(g + a) + l^of? - o) r < 2 Va2 - g2 iJo(^Va2 - g2), e"'"' sin rg, , - a < g 2)l^x,(Al/32 - :^2) (p'+/T^^j(27rpVp2 +J2) Xo(^V7^-7' V7rr(Q:) 0- = i(g + 2.* !3.* 14.* ;5.* 16.* n.* Coefficient F{f) for the Cisoidal Oscillation 4p r /_H.+„(/^) Y_._,^M 1 _* ^ /a-i( V^^ -P'+ ip)Ja-i{-^^' -P'- ip) I.-d^¥Th' - p)K^-.{4f + b^ + p) #o(/) = - lim ^ ^o(/-/o), limby 98r ^o(/-/o) +^o(/+/o), Hmby981 = ^o(/ - /o) - ^o(/ +/o), lim by 981 = .,(/) = lim (-^e-'^^= >_i(/) = \\mU±\\e-'^^\ 0< ±/ Coefficient Gig) for the Unit Impulse 22«(g + Vg2 + 4)^ xV7rg(g2 + 4) 0 niY(p)/p:\ 415^ Cause: Unit Cisoid X Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: c)JclY{p)/{p - /^o)] 440* 1 ,Qi + G^,.. R + G-' Api _CP2 + G^,^, 0<^ Ap2 448, 454, 415^ CS>oit) + G, 403*, 415* (Cpo + G)e Pot + (Cp, + G)e^'' LCipo - pi){po - p2) ■ A{pi - Po) {CP2 + G)e'^' A{p2 - Po) ' 0 + 2/3) u^p + 2/3 Same as 3, except L = 0 and Cause Initial current. y = x^'RC, u = ^'C/R. 820 = exp i^irt {-i-'^')' 0 < / 823 Y{p) 'U k yp-\-2a X exp r - ^ ^p{p + 2a) 1 ^exp(-^)-^o(/-^-) k \_Z \ V Same as 4, except G = 0. 862^ Y{p) = k^l^ P + 2a Same as 3, except G = 0, .%• = 0, and |Cause: Initial current. 0 < / 553* PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 693 Continued Cause: Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: ^J^\iY{p)lp'] Cause: Unit Cisoid X Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: S^}(\:Y(P)Kp - Po):\ l^\exp{-yyl2^) erfc^-^- V2/3A exp (y^W) erfc /'-^ + ^2^ j 1 , + 818, 415^ 0 < / Ig^-'fexpC- yyl2^ + Po) X erfc /'-^ - V(2^ + ^o)A + exp (yylWTJo) X erfc (-^. + V(2/3 + Po)t\\ , 0 819 'V2^) Xerfc(^+V2^)], ^,t 0 < / 824, 415^ , [exp (- yV2/3 + Po) 2mV2/3 + ^0 L Xerfc^-^- V(2/3 + ^o)A - exp (yyl2^ + ^0) X erfc C^- + V(2^+^o)Al , 0 < / 825 e-"'Io{az), < t 861 I ke-"'l2atlx{at) + (1 + 2at)h{at)'], 0 < / : 554* 694 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE II No. Admittance Y{p) Illustrative System Cause and Effect Cause: Unit Impulse Effect: dUYip) 10 (px X \ Same as 3, except R/L = G/C. -(-f)*"0-O 6or 11 yip + 2a ■^p -\- ^p + la Semi-infinite smooth line (resistance R, inductance L, and capacity C per unit length) . Cause : Voltage applied through resistance i?o = '^LjC. Effect: Voltage at end of line, a — RI(2L). \mo{t) + ~e-'I,{at), 0 < / 559=" 12 , exp(- y^p) Y{p) = 7=^ 1 + V^/X Semi-infinite smooth line (resistance R and capacity Cper unit length). Cause: Voltage applied through resistance i?o- Effect: Voltage at distance x from end. y = X ylRC, X = R/{CRo^). ^ I -Xexp(3;Vx + X0 0 < / 809 13 Y{p) = ',^p exp (—3' yp) 1 -f V^ i{y - 2/Vx) Same as 12, except Effect; distance x from end. u = yl'cjR. Current at + z^Vxexp (yVx + XO 0 < t 814 14 Y(p) = lylp 1 + Vp/x Same as 13, except x = 0. u = VCAR. /Wxr^o(o -- + Xe^'erfc Vx/1 , irt J 0 < / 550^ PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 695 Continued Cause: Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: ^rclY{p)lp2 Cause: Unit Cisoid X Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: ^niY(p)/ip - po):] / px \ X 602* exp - - (p -{- p,) -{- p,t , - < / V J V 604 560, 415* erfc ^,_ -exp(3;Vx + X/) 2ylt X erfc ('-^- + Vx/Y 0'Vx + Xi!) erfc ( ^ + ^^/Y 0 < / 815 "^/'o ^poTexp (- y^'po) 2 L l + V/>o/X X exp (vVx + XO erfc ( ^ + '^>^M. 816 0 < / uylXe^' erfc Vx/, 0 < / 551 ^vx r //^o^o.^^fV^z-^V"' i-WxL^x X + e^' erfc Vx/ , 0 < / 552 696 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE II No. 15 Semi-infinite smooth line (resistance R and capacity Cper unit length). Cause: Voltage applied through capacity Co- Effect: Current at distance x from end. = x^RC, n = CliRC^). Admittance Y{p) Illustrative System Cause and Effect Y{p) = Copexpj- yylp) 1 + V^ Cause: Unit Impulse Effect: 9nY(p) Co(y - 2yH/x - 2/ + 4^/") U 4fi yirt Xexp(-|;) — Co/i^exp {yyln + ixt) Xerfc(-^+V^Y 02"+i[V(/> + X)2 + 7i;2 + (/) + X)]-2" je-^'An{wt), k^l{p -\-\y -\-'uf' Semi-infinite artificial line (series element: resistance R and inductance L; shunt element: conductance G and capacity C; R/L = G/C; mid-series termination). Cause: Applied voltage. Effect: Current in wth section. k = (L/0^ \ = RIL = GIG, w = 2{LC)-K 0 < / 575 1 y{p) 2(2a)» / P + 2a X (V^+2a+ V/?)-«" ISemi-infinite artificial line (series element resistance R\ shunt element: capacity C; mid-series termination). Cause : Applied voltage. Effect: Current in nth section. a = 2KRC). ^ e-'-'lIn-riat) - 21 .(at) -f /„+i(a/)], K 0 < / 573 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL 697 Continued Cause: Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: c>niY{p)jp'2 Cause: Unit Cisoid X Unit Step (0, 1) Effect: 9niY(p)/{p-poU Com exp {y Vm + mO erfc I + Vm/ j , 0 < / 809 ''''''' [ l + V,o/M Xerfc(^^^^^-V,o.) exp(W^o)^^f / ^,H-V^A1 1 - V/jo/m V2V/ /J X exp (3'Vm + fit) erfc ( -77- + ^mA , 813 0 < / Co J— - CoM^*" erfc ^l^t, 0 < / ^ irt 543 > x/ 1 — /)o/m L M M ^ M X erf V^/ - e"' erfcVj^ , 0 < / 545 h-^'In(cd), 0o' + />o^) erf ( -^ + ^oV7m 728, 440* KoX + ?7^2) erf ( -^ + /^oV^^ \ + i exp (^ox - itpo^) 754, 415* \2^-it ) 755, 440* 702 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE II No. 28 Admittance Y{p) Illustrative System Cause and Effect Cause* Unit Impulse Effect: ^llYip) Y(p) = sin (tp^) Same as 27, except Cause: Initial velocity, 756 29 Y(p) = cos (/Vl - ^2) Same as 19, except Cause: Initial dis- placement multiplied by e''^. Effect: Vertical displacement multiplied by e~'' at time t of particle whose undisturbed position is x. K^o{x - t) + S>o{x + 0] 2Vf2 _ ^2 t < X )/(p-^o)] X 2a' 623, 415* at < zhx — at < X < at 2apo 1 e^o'' sinh (atpo), at < dcx 2apo 624, 440= [ePo»= cosh (atpo) — 1], — at < X < at T-J-^[sin(|7rA2)5(/0 + cos i^Trh^)C(h)'], 0 < ±x 844 706 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE II Admittance Y(p\, pi) Illustrative System Cause and Effect Cause: Unit Impulse Effect: ^n^dU^YiPu P2) 37 Y{pup2) = COS ItiPi' + p2~)l Transverse oscillations of infinite elastic plate, X and y axes in the plate. Cause: Initial displacement. Effect: Displace- ment perpendicular to plate at time / of point whose coordinates are x and y. 1 . A-2 + y^ — sm ^- 4irt 4t 759, 758 38 Y(Pup2) =exp(-2V|K' + Kl) Velocity potential function in semi infinite incompressible fluid, x and y axes in surface of fluid, z extending down, z ^ 0. Cause: Velocity potential at surface, s = 0. Effect: Velocity po tential at point {x,y,z). 1 iw {x' + / + zy^ 867, 919 39 Y{pu pd = exp (- zV|pi^ + Pi'l) ^Ipi'-i- Pi'l 1 ItT Vx2 + y + Newtonian potential function in semi- infinite solid, X and y axes in face of solid, 2 extending into solid, 2 = 0. Cause: Normal potential derivative at surface, z = 0. Effect: Potential at point {x, y, z). 868, 918 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE FOURIER INTEGRAL Continued 707 Cause: Unit Step (— 2. + ^) Effect: ^h9Jr£Y{Pi, p2)Kpip2):\ Cause : Unit Cisoid X Unit Step ( — |, + i) Effect: 5)/r,c)/.-,—^%^^ {Pl-Po){p2-Po) \ V2^ / \ V2^ /J 753; 754,415^ 1 tan xy 27r gVjc^ + y + z^ t X , Vx^ -\- y^ -{- z^ -{- y 47r Vjc2 + 3/2 + 22 _ y H-f log 47r V:)c2 + y + 2^ + ^ Vx^ + y + 2^ — .T tan^ — , = 27r 2V;c2 + y + 22 t tThis solution was obtained by double integration of the unit impulse solution, not by the operation indicated at the head of the column. The two pairs required for this operation nave not yet been found in closed form. Automatic Machine Gaging By C. W. ROBBINS Note: This paper discusses the advantages to be gained in certain types of large scale production by the substitution of automatic machine gaging for hand testing. For testing carbon protector blocks, a machine has been developed which accepts all blocks in case a certain dimension lies between 0.0024" and 0.0032" and rejects those when the dimension is 0.0023" or less or 0.0033" or more. This machine will effect a saving of $8000 per year over the cost of hand gaging on an output of 4,500,000 blocks. The saving effected by another recently developed machine replacing a manual test is approximately $1200 a year on a production of 2,500,000 pieces, but a far more important consideration than this money saving is the elimination of an operation so monotonous that it was difficult to keep any operator on it for more than a brief period. The author points out that in some in- stances automatic machine gaging of the entire product will cost less than a sampling inspection in which there must be included in the direct cost of inspection the cost of some additional supervision and control. THE cost of testing and gaging parts manufactured in large quantities frequently warrants the construction of special ma- chinery for this work which may be more or less automatic in operation. At the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company con- siderable study has been given to the problem during the past ten or twelve years and several such machines have been developed. The work has recently assumed more important proportions and many important developments have materialized in the last two or three years. Some of these machines perform a single operation while others perform several operations successively. Some are automatically fed from a hopper; others are fed by an operator, who at the same time performs some visual operation. Usually each type of piece to be gaged forms a distinct problem, and a single paper to be most useful can be suggestive only as to the procedure to be followed and methods that may be used. To this end it seems best to describe with con- siderable detail some of the machines that are in successful operation. Single Test Machine, Automatic Feed A single purpose gaging machine with automatic feed is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The part to be tested, shown in Fig. 2 (a), is used in the construction of switchboard plugs. It consists of a piece of 5/32 in. brass tubing, 1^ in. long, having a sleeve soldered at one end and a plug soldered in the other. The machine applies a 50 pound test to the two soldered joints simultaneously. Within the hopper H, Fig. 1, a shaft having three slotted arms is 708 AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 709 revolved slowly through the ratchet R. The slotted arms pick up the parts suspended in the slot by the sleeve and deliver them into the chute A, Figs. 1 and 2. An intermittently revolving turret B, Fig. 2, Fig. 1 having four notches or chucks, receives the parts from the chute and carries them under the plunger D, attached to the slide Di, which carries the 50 pound weight D3. The slide with the weight is raised and lowered at the proper time by the cam E acting on the roller D2 attached to the slide. After the turret has carried the part to the testing position and stopped, the plunger D enters the tube, gradually applying the load (furnished by the weight D3) to the soldered joints X and Y, Fig. 2. 710 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL If either joint is defective, the weight and slide will not be supported but will drop to the limit allowed by the cam at £i. This permits the wedge-shaped piece Di, mounted on the slide A, to push the far side of the lever F (pivoted to the base at G) to the right. The near side of F Fig. 2 is pushed into the groove B, and when the turret turns the defective piece is ejected. The lever F is reset by a cam after each operation. If the soldering is good, the load is supported by the piece for a short time while the roller D^ is passing across the depression Ei, after which AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 711 the cam raises the weight, the turret turns and the piece is discharged into the O.K. chute after passing the lever F. The saving effected by the automatic machine replacing the manual test is approximately $1,200 per year on a production of 2,500,000 Fig. 3 pieces. However, by far the more important consideration is the elimination of an operation that was so monotonous and tiresome as to make it very difficult to keep any operator on it for more than a brief period. 712 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Multi-Test Machine, Automatic Feed An automatic gaging machine for applying four tests to a piece of telephone apparatus is shown in Fig. 3. The part tested, shown in Fig. 4 {a), is a heat coil used to protect telephone exchange equipment against excessive electrical currents that may accidentally come in over the line wires. It consists of a tiny coil wound around a copper sleeve, into the end of which sleeve is SPRINGS SHOULDER (a) soldered with low melting point solder a projecting pin. An excessive current through the coil melts the solder, allowing a contact spring to press the pin into the sleeve, which movement of the contact spring opens the circuit. The machine gages the length of the pin X, the external length of sleeve Y, tests the strength of the soldered joint and measures the electrical resistance of the coil for high and low limits. Referring to Fig. 3, there is an intermittently rotating disc D fitted AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 713 with twelve chucks for holding the parts to be tested and a vertically reciprocating turret head T which carries the gages and contact fixtures for making the tests. The hopper H, chain elevator E and feed tube F are shown in more detail in Fig. 5. The coils are carried up from the hopper by the Fig. 5 elevator, two on each cross bar, and drop one after the other into the sloping chute 5. Since the parts must be right end up for testing, the turning device B (shown in detail in Fig. 6) is placed at the end of the chute to turn over those pieces that are not already right end up. From the turning device the parts drop into the vertical feed tube F. 714 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The chucks on the intermittently rotating disc take them one at a time from the feed tube and carry them under the gaging heads. Fig. 6 In the first position the chuck picks a coil from the feed tube. In positions 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 the coil is tested respectively for right end up, length of pin X, low limit of resistance, high limit of resistance and length of sleeve Y. At positions 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are located electro- magnets, each controlled by the testing device in the position preceding AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 715 it. These are for the purpose of ejecting defective parts so that if a part fails to meet the test at any position an electrical contact is closed which through the electro-magnets sets a trip at the next succeeding position of the chuck, and when the defective part reaches this position it is ejected from the chuck and through one of the tubes G falls into the proper compartment of the container /. At the 12th position the good parts are released from the chuck and fall into the pan K. A multiple lever gage for this class of work is shown in Fig. 4, which shows the gage for length of pin X and also tests the strength of a Fig. 7 soldered joint between pin X and sleeve Y. A is the body carrying two sliding members B and C. B carries the gaging mechanism and electrical contacts. B& is a preliminary centering guide for the heat coil. Centering slides D, D carried in B are normally held open by springs (not shown). A is normally lifted in C by springs Ai. Slide B is normally held down on A by means of spring Ai. As the entire gage {A, B, C, D) descends, the heat coil is centered approximately by B(,. Then slide C is restrained by an anvil E, and as A continues downward the slides D, D are closed by the beveled surfaces CiDi, thereby centering coil and providing the gaging surface for the shoulder formed by the sleeve. As A continues downward, the gaging surfaces on D, D engage the shoulder and the pressure for operating the gage mechanism is transmitted from A to B through 716 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL spring Ai, which limits the testing pressure appHed to the soldered joint. If the length of pin is within limits, the electrical circuit remains open and the coil passes on to the next test. If it is too short, the circuit is closed through lever Bz coming in contact with B^, and if too long the contact is made with B^. If the soldered joint fails, the effect is the same as a short pin. In either case the tripping magnet operates and at the next position of Fig. 8 the disc the defective part is released and drops into the proper container. For testing the electrical resistance, contact is made with the coil terminals by the gaging machine and the resistance measurement proper is made by means of the apparatus shown in Figs. 7 and 8, which is essentially two Wheatstone resistance bridges, one for checking the resistance of the coil against a low limit and the other against a high limit. The galvanometers G, for indicating the balance of the bridges, each have a small rectangular, delicately pivoted coil which rotates between the pole piece of a strong magnet. The end of a long pointer attached to the coil is broadened out and contains a narrow slot which, in connection with a fixed slot, forms a shutter that passes or intercepts (depending on the position of the coil) a beam of light from a small lamp in the hood L passing to the photo-electric cell M. The photo-electric cell is connected in the circuit of a vacuum tube amplifier, the tubes of which are shown at V. The position of the small shutter on the galvanometer needle is determined by the relative AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 717 value of the resistance of the coil under test to that of standards contained in the bridge. If this resistance is too high in one case or too low in the other, the shutter is closed, preventing the light beam from reaching the photo-electric cell. This in turn through the action Fig. 9 of the vacuum tube amplifier and relays R actuates the trip on the machine which discharges the coil at the proper point. While designing this machine much attention was given to producing a type that could be adapted readily to the testing of other parts requiring several operations. Fig. 9 illustrates the fundamental parts of the machine. It is 718 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL individually driven by the motor M belted to the reducing gear R which is attached to the main shaft S. The turntable D is given an intermittent motion by a Geneva gear and the turret head T has a vertical reciprocating motion from the cam C on the main shaft through the roller E. The cams F are used for operating a series of electrical contacts which work in synchronism with the other parts of the machine controlling the sequence of testing operations and the disposition of parts. The frame is built of welded structural steel. The turntable may be fitted with a variety of chucks or holding fixtures and the turret with various forms of gages or testing apparatus. The cams and gear ratios may be changed to accommodate a wide range of testing requirements. Space is provided at K for a hopper or other feeding device. This type of machine is suitable for multiple tests on parts requiring special holding fixtures. Multi-Unit Testing Machine — Semi-Automatic Feed An entirely different type of gaging and testing machine is shown in Figs. 10 and 11, which, as illustrated, is equipped for testing porcelain Fig. 10 protector blocks used for protecting telephone apparatus against high voltage electrical currents or static discharges. These are porcelain blocks Ij in. x f in. x ^.j in., having a recessed AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 719 surface into the center of which is inserted a small carbon block having a face 0.0370 in. x 0.1 10 in., cemented in with a low melting point glass. The face of the carbon block is underflush with the rim of the porcelain block, Fig. 12 (a). Fig. 11 As shown in Fig. 11, the blocks are being stacked by hand in the top of a vertical chute from which they are automatically fed to the machine at the bottom, but the feeding arrangement shown separately in Fig. 13 is now being added. This consists of a rotating disc having two V-shaped grooves in the surface and above it a stationary plate having a spiral slot. The operator places the blocks rear side up (by 46 720 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL sense of touch) against the front side of the central opening of the stationary plate, three blocks being shown in this position at A. The disc carries them into the spiral slot at B and while they are passing the front opening in the top plate at C they are given a visual inspection. 0.0032 ^Z/7//7Z>7/'/7Z/?77'/77'/7/'//7/7/y77y7/?77^ v//Z7/^y7/jyy7//7///y^^/^/^/7/^^^. During the second round they are turned over by the action of the two V grooves in the rotating disc and the radial motion given them by the spiral slot, and the front face is turned up for visual inspection during the second passage across the front opening at D. Any with visible defects are picked off by hand, while the others passing on through the last turn of the spiral at E are fed into the machine (Fig. 10) for the following gaging operations : 1. 15 lb. weight test for defective cementing. 2. 5 lb. weight test to detect misplaced inserts. 3. Gage height of back face of insert — minimum 0.046 in. 4. Gage thickness of block — maximum 0.220 in. 5. Gage thickness of block — minimum 0.205 in. 6. Gage the underflush dimension of insert which must be maximum 0.0032 in., minimum 0.0024 in., for at least half the area of the face of the carbon insert. 7. Gage the underflush dimension for minimum 0.0024 in. over entire face of insert. AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 721 The gage for operation No. 6 has four | in. plungers (P, Fig. 15) arranged to make contact with the insert as shown at (b), Fig. 12, and the electrical contacts of the gage controlled by the plungers are connected to a bank of relays so that if any three or all four of the gage points are within the limits the block is passed, but if two or more are outside the limits the block is rejected. This gage, shown in Figs. 14, 15, 16, and 17, is without pivots, the moving parts being controlled Fig. 13 by thin steel reeds as shown in Fig. 14. Fig. 15 shows a partial, and Fig. 16 a complete, assembly, while Fig. 17 shows the equalizing levers for centering the block in the gage. Using master steel gage blocks, the contact points are adjusted by the screws A, Fig. 16, to accept blocks if the underflush dimension is minimum 0.0024 in. and maximum 0.0032 in., and reject blocks when the dimension is 0.0023 in. or less or 0.0033 in. or more. The single plunger gages used for operations 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are also of the reed type and are similar to that shown in Fig. 18. These have a sliding electrical contact instead of a point contact, the pointer A 722 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL sliding on the surface of the insulated block B and making contact with the flush metal insert C. Fig. 14 Considerable experience has been gained in the design and use of the reed type gages and they are proving very satisfactory for a wide variety of uses. They are relatively inexpensive to build, require but D^k Fig. 15 little maintenance, the pressure on the gaging point may be kept low if desired and they are reliable in action. AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 723 Following each gaging operation the blocks pass between air blast tips A, Fig. 10, and the square tubes B marked 1 to 7 leading to receptacles bearing the same numbers. The electrical contact in each gage, which is closed by a defective block, sets a trip connected to the adjacent air tube so that, as the block passes, the air cock is opened for an instant and the defective block is blown out of the test line into the tube, through which it falls into the proper container. A small air compressor is installed as part of the machine. Fig. 16 The O.K. blocks pass along to the automatic packing attachment E (shown in more detail in Fig. 11), which places 100 of them in a box in layers of five each with cardboard separators between layers. The empty boxes are shown in the magazine F, the separators at G, and the filled boxes emerging at H. The feed table shown in Fig. 13 will be placed at the same end of the machine as the packing attachment and the blocks will be carried 724 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL from the feed table^to'the far end of the machine by a conveyor. By this arrangement one operator can feed the machine, make the visual inspection and remove the finished packages. This machine will effect a saving of $8,000 per year over the cost of hand gaging methods Fig. 17 on an output of 4,500,000 blocks. A similar machine is being built for another size of blocks. Each gage with its associated equipment is an independent unit as shown in Fig. 19. The gages are located at G, either above or below the working surface. Relays and other electrical apparatus at E. The solenoid for opening the air cock is shown at 5 and the air blast tip at T. The connection for the electrical supply for each unit is made with the cord and plug P. The cams C and contact springs D operate in synchronism with the other parts of the machine and control details of the gaging operation and the air blast. AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 725 The main shaft of the machine can be seen at A, which drives the disc B through worm gears. When the units are attached the pin K engages a slot on a disc attached to the rear of the unit shaft /. At- tached to the front end of the same shaft are two eccentrics // (shown in Fig. 20) which operate the feeding device located just back of the blocks shown in the illustration, Figs. 10 and 11. Fig. 18 The feeding mechanism (Fig. 20) is of the finger bar type consisting of two reciprocating bars A and B, both having the same travel. Fig. 20 indicates the relative position of the driving parts. Finger bar A is operated by a bell crank gear segment and eccentric properly timed to step the protector blocks to the gaging position immediately prior to the gaging operation. Feed fingers C are so located in this finger bar that the protector blocks are centrally located under the gage when the finger bar comes to rest at its forward position. 726 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 727 FINGER CONTROL BAR "b" FINGER BAR "a" Fig. 20 The finger control bar B is likewise operated by a bell crank gear segment and eccentric but is set with a thirty degrees lag. The effect of this lag is illustrated in sketches D and E which show the manner in which the feed fingers C are withdrawn on the return stroke of the finger bar. Economic Considerations A comparison of hand versus machine gaging is given in Table I. In this particular case the quality of the inspection work was bettered approximately 100 per cent, while the cost was reduced 60 per cent. While this showing is rather better than the average, the tendency in most instances is in the same direction. Like the turret machine previously described, this one was designed with the idea of making it readily adaptable for similar work on other parts. The number of units and thereby the number of operations on a machine may be varied greatly. A unit may be quickly removed for adjustment or repair and easily replaced. If the conditions warranted, spare units could be provided and an adjusted unit put in the place of a defective one in fifteen or twenty minutes. The frame is built of welded structural steel. The machine is a complete unit with individual motor drive requiring only the at- tachment of the electric power supply. The unit system for the equipment provides a wide latitude in the choice of gaging and testing fixtures to be used and the details of operating them. 728 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL TABLE I Comparison of the Economic Factors on Testing of Protector Blocks by Machine Method and by Manual Method Machine Method Hand Method Remarks Capacity 8,000,000 per year. 8,000,000 per year. 1 machine at 9 hand gages re- 3,600 per hour quired Cost of Equipment 1 machine at 9 gages at $150 — Machine method $10,000 $1,350 requires $8,650 additional first cost, meaning an annual yearly charge, at 8%, of $670. Cost of Labor 1 1 operators at 6 operators at Machine method $1,920 = $2,880 $1,920 =$11,520 gives a saving of per year (in- per year (in- $8,640 per year cluding loading) cluding loading) in labor costs. Cost of Power $40 per year 0 Machine method costs $40 a year additional for power. Floor Space Machine requires 35 square feet 6 operators re- 55 square feet saved by ma- quire 90 square feet chine. Maintenance Cost of mainte- nance at $130 Cost of mainte- nance of 9 gages $520 saved by ma- chine method, per million per year =$1,560 nearly 30%. blocks = $1,040 per year Accuracy — Repeating results on parts that \-ary from tolerance limit by .0001 in 95% (See note 45% Low degree Degree of accuracy below) of accuracy due to (a) plurality of gages, {b) plu- rality of oper- ators doubled. Note: This means that a master gage or parts that are .0001 in. outside the lolerance limit will be rejected, in the first case, an average of 95 times in 100 trials, and in the second case 45 times. Parts that are .0001 in. within the tolerance limits will be passed as good in the same ratios. The disposition of parts that vary more than .0001 in. either way from the tolerance limits would follow the normal probability law. The figures given do not give any indication of the very small percentage of defective parts that would be passed as good or good parts classed as defectives, as these would depend upon the relative number of defectives and the distribution of their variations from the tolerance limit, as well as the precision of the methods given above. The development of machine gaging has been greatly aided by the development of accessory parts, such as reliable indicating gages, chromium-plated parts, sensitive but sturdy relays, vacuum tube amplifiers and photo-electric cells. AUTOMATIC MACHINE GAGING 729 Sampling methods or percentage inspection are applicable to parts that are made under conditions that may be considered approximately uniform or, as a statistician would say, under "a constant system of causes." Piece parts made in the punch press and screw machine are good examples of this. Many other classes of operations, partic- ularly those in which some part is manual, produce parts which are not so uniform. As the variability increases, or as the requirements for precision become more exacting, the possibilities of sampling inspec- tion become less attractive. In many cases the conditions and requirements are such that only detail inspection or gaging is satisfactory. In some instances automatic machine gaging of the entire output will cost less than a sampling system in which there must be included with the direct cost of inspection the cost of some additional super- vision and control. The possibilities so far as designs are concerned seem almost un- limited, so that the question of when to apply such methods becomes purely an economical one in which the number of parts to be handled, the difficulty, unpleasantness or tiresomeness of the operation, the precision required, and the cost of suitable labor become the controlling factors. Aside from the question of cost, it is often a matter of great satis- faction to place an objectionable hand operation on the machine and release the labor for more pleasant and useful work. Contemporary Advances in Physics, XVI The Classical Theory of Light, Second Part^ By KARL K. DARROW MEASUREMENT of wave-lengths is the subject which we shall now consider. So entitled, the topic seems unpromising, as some dry exercise in mensuration ; but in truth it is distinguished for beauty and variety, and implicated with the whole of modern physics. This is not measurement of the lengths of palpable objects, as pieces of lumber or cloth, which are laid alongside of a yardstick or clamped in the jaws of a gauge. In optics, the methods of measuring wave- lengths are the methods of proving that waves exist, therefore of testing the undulatory theory of light. One could not reasonably ask for evidence of light-waves more convincing than the concord of the values obtained for the wave-length say of sodium yellow light, by all the diverse instruments which act by causing interference or diffraction: Newton's tapering film of air between a lens and a plate, Fraunhofer's grid of iron wires, the tilted mirrors of Fresnel, Michelson's echelon, and all the many gratings and interferometers continually in use in laboratories and classrooms. Wave-lengths of X-rays are com- puted from the diffraction-patterns imposed on X-ray beams by intercepting crystals, and these patterns were the evidence which showed some fifteen years ago that the rays are of the nature of undulations, though it could not disprove that in some paradoxical way they are also of the nature of corpuscles. From similar diffraction- patterns imposed by crystals on electron-streams it follows that these also are partly of the nature of waves, and again the patterns have supplied the values of the wave-lengths. Moreover, evidence for waves and values of their lengths are only part of what a grating can supply. Once we are sure that we know the wave-length of a certain kind of light, we can send it against a grating and study the diffraction-pattern with the opposite intent: analyzing not the light but the grating, and deducing the widths and the spacings of the slits, if it is an alternation of slits and stops — the spacing and the shaping of its grooves, if it is an engraving on metal or glass — the arrangement of the atoms and of the electricity within the atoms, if it is a crystal. Therefore the methods for measuring wave-lengths of X-rays are also those for exploring the structures of solids and of the atoms of which these are composed. Remember 1 Continued from the April, 1928, issue. 730 CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 731 also that the instruments efficient in this field are the most delicate and accurate which have ever been made for any purpose; that they may be used to measure ordinary lengths and other physical quantities with an almost unbelievable precision; that the theory of relativity sprang from an experiment performed with one, and the only known way of measuring the diameter of a star involves the use of another. Surely, if this topic is not interesting, nothing in physics is interesting. Methods of measuring wave-length are sometimes divided into those which operate by interference and those which utilize diffraction. Though to a thorough insight the distinction is only trivial, at the out- set it is convenient. In an extreme example of what is specially called "diffraction," a single train of plane parallel waves is sifted through a sieve in the form of a grid or a sequence of slits; and each element of wave-front which passes through a slit evolves and spreads thence- forward according to the law of wave-propagation. Eventually — as a rule, in the focal plane of the lens beyond the grating — a region is reached where the light from the several slits intermingles; and here occur the variations in amplitude which disclose the waves and the wave-lengths. For, as I have said earlier, the eye perceives only the amplitude of the light-waves, and not their phase; therefore, in a plane-parallel beam where the phase is perpetually changing but the amplitude is everywhere the same, the eye receives a uniform impres- sion, with nothing wavelike in it; and to make such a beam reveal that it is undulatory, we must cause the amplitude to vary from point to point. This is what we accomplish by breaking the beam into fragments, or lacerating it with obstacles, preferably with an obstacle having a periodic structure of its own, which is a grating. But it may also be accomplished by causing two plane-parallel beams to intersect one another under proper conditions. The region where they overlap is then a region of varying amplitude — indeed, the variations are as great as one can imagine; for if the beams are equally intense, there is a succession of parallel planes of no vibration and darkness, which separate spaces where there is vibration and light. The widths of these spaces, the fringes, may be computed from the wave-length, and reversely the wave-lengths from the widths, very simply and without any knowledge of the law of wave-propagation beyond the familiar expression for plane waves. Therefore this method of meas- uring wave-lengths by causing interference of two parallel beams is much the easiest to grasp; but it does not differ in principle from the method involving a grating, for that acts by interference between the beams from the various slits. 732 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL The Diffraction Grating The ideal diffraction grating of theory is a sequence of equally-wide perfectly vacant slits, separated from one another by strips absolutely opaque and equal in width to one another though not necessarily to the slits. Actual gratings seldom resemble this picture, though Fraun- hofer's first — the most important instrument, I suppose, in the story of spectroscopy — was an approximation to it which he made by winding a wire around and around a pair of screws held parallel and wide apart, soldering it in place and cutting away the alternate strands. So were some of his others, composed of gold-leaf mounted on glass and scratched along parallel lines with a diamond. So-called reflection gratings would also conform with the picture, if they consisted of bands of perfectly smooth reflecting metal separated by absolutely non-reflecting bands; for then the result would be the same as if the light came through the reflecting strips from a virtual image of the source located behind. Practical reflection gratings are not usually very like this conception, for the entire surface of the metal block is ploughed up into roughly-shaped furrows. In fact one could scarcely define the word "grating" less generally than as a periodically-repeated obstruction, or better yet a periodically-repeated device for perturbing the free onward flow of a beam of light. Nevertheless the theory of the ideal grating contains most of what is required for the theory of the practical appliance. The reason is, that the action of the grating upon the light can be separated into two factors, each of which produces its own separate effect, each of which may be studied apart from the other. Commonly there is a set of maxima of brilliance in the diffraction-pattern; otherwise expressed, there are certain directions in which the intensity of the diffracted light is exceptionally great. From the locations of these maxima, the wave-length of the light is calculated. Now these locations are deter- mined by the spacing of the units — be they slits and bars, furrows and ridges on a reflecting surface, planes of atoms in a crystal, or what not — whereof the exact repetition in sequence constitutes the grating. Thus if we know that a certain grating is ruled with 1000 "lines" to the inch, we can compute the wave-length of sodium light from the positions of the maxima in its diffraction-pattern, without knowing or caring whether the rulings are slits, grooves, triangular indentations, wavy ripples, or rough-bottomed troughs. If we know that in a crystal a certain grouping of atoms repeats itself one million times in a centimetre, we can calculate the wave-length of an X-ray beam or an electron-beam from the locations of its diffraction-maxima, without knowing anything about the arrangement of atoms in the group. CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 733 The contour of the rulings of a grating does, on the other hand, affect the relative intensities of the various diffraction-maxima and the details of the distribution of intensity throughout the diffraction- pattern. If they are grooves or troughs, their profiles in cross-section have influence upon the pattern; if they are slits with bars between, the ratio of width of slit to width of bar must be taken into account. In crystals the arrangement of the atoms in the groups controls the intensity-ratios among the diffraction-maxima and con- versely is deduced from observations made on these. Even the dis- tribution of electricity in the separate atoms of a crystal may be read from the details of the diffraction. These effects however can intrude upon the measurement of wave-lengths only in the cases — comparatively rare — in which some of the diffraction-maxima are actually blotted out, so that the uninformed observer may misinterpret those remaining. Except for cases such as these, one may derive the formula for computing the wave-length by assuming any convenient form of grating; and therefore we may think about a grid of slits and bars. P(a,/3,r) Fig. 1. Consider then an alternation of slits of width a and bars of width b, occupying the plane x = 0. A beam of plane-waves, monochromatic 734 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL and of the wave-length X, travelHng along the x-direction in the positive sense, shall fall normally upon it from behind. It is our object to determine the amplitude of the waves in the region in front of the grating. Suppose for instance that we select a plane parallel to the grating and at the distance x in front of it, and derive the formula for the amplitude at any and every point {x, y, z) of this plane. This formula is the description of the theoretical diffraction-pattern in the plane in question ; and the actual pattern may be observed by setting up a screen or a photographic plate in the corresponding place. We went through this process for a single aperture in the first part of this article; and there we found that the pattern is simpler (or, at least, more calculable) the farther the plane of observation is removed from the plane of the slit, being simplest when the two are infinitely far apart. To realize this case in practice we have only to set a lens immediately before the grating. Then, the diffraction-pattern appro- priate to the plane at infinity — the so-called "Fraunhofer diffraction- pattern" — is transposed into the focal plane of the lens, where we must place the photographic plate in order to record it. Naturally it is reduced in scale and augmented in intensity when it is thus trans- posed, and for this as well as other reasons we had better express it, not in terms of the coordinates {x, y, z) of the points in the focal plane, but in terms of the direction-cosines (a = x/r, 13 = y/r, y = s/r) of the lines drawn to these points from the origin of coordinates. ^ Our formulae for the diffraction-pattern in the infinitely-distant plane are in fact naturally expressed in terms of a, (3 and 7; and the lens may be regarded as an agency whereby that value of amplitude, which otherwise would have existed infinitely far away upon the line with direction-cosines {a, j8, 7), is amplified by a constant factor and shifted inward along this line to the point where it intersects the focal plane. We wish, then, to determine the vibration produced by a regular sequence of slits, all over the plane which is either infinitely distant or else the focal plane of the lens, according as the lens is absent or present. Now we already have a formula for the vibration produced in that plane by any slit individually. It is the formula (93) of the first part of this article; to wit: 5 = const. (1 + q;)[C sin (nt — mro) — S cos {nt — mrf^~\ , (1) = const. (1 -f a)-\C'^ + S^ sin (nt — w^o — e). ' The origin should coincide both with the centre of the lens and with some point in the plane of the diffracting apertures. This is impracticable; but the error apparently does not make any trouble in practice, CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 735 Here the symbol 5 stands for the ampHtude of the vibrating entity — whatever that may be — at the various points ("field-points") where the plane in question is intersected by the lines drawn from the origin with direction-cosines (a, j3, 7); the symbols n and m for 2t times the frequency and It over the wave-length of the vibration, respectively; and the symbols C, S, To and e for various functions of (a, /3, 7). In particular, C and 5 denote certain integrals extended over the slit, so that they involve the breadth of the slit as well as the variables (a, j8, 7) ; this last is true of e also; but ro denotes the distance from the origin of coordinates to the field-point, and thus involves the variables but not the breadth of the slit. As for the nature of the vibrating entity which is designated by 5, I am keeping it intentionally vague. Suffice it to say that 5 is something of which the phase cannot be detected in any known way, but the amplitude controls the intensity of the light; the observed intensity being, according to the classical theory of light, proportional to the square of the amplitude.- If therefore we were studying the diffraction-pattern of a single slit, we should be concerned only with the factor (1 + (x)^C~ + S~ in the expression for s. It would be short work to develop the expres- sions for C and S for a single rectangular aperture, finite or infinite in length; and having developed them, we should have solved the problem of the single slit; but in respect of our present purpose, it would be a detour. Remarkable as it may seem, the pattern of the single slit is only of secondary importance in determining that of a regular sequence of slits. When we undertake to sum up expres- sions such as (1) in order to compute the diffraction-pattern of such a sequence, we find the emphasis violently shifted. A new set of diffraction-maxima appear, and their positions are determined by the variation of the phase {?it — mro — e) from one slit to the next — in more general language, the variation which the phase undergoes in passing over one complete period of the grating-structure. Mean- while the influence of the coefificients C and S, and that of the breadth of the slit which they involve, recede into the background. Not the features of the individual slit, but the interval at which one follows another, is now the dominant factor. This is the situation fore- shadowed in the introductory pages. To bring this out, let us orient the s-axis in the plane of the grating so that it runs parallel to the slits, which are of width a and are sepa- rated by bars of width h so that the period c of the grating is equal to {a -\- h). The A;-axis is to run, as heretofore, perpendicular to the surface of the grating and through the centre of the lens, so that it ^ Or rather to the sum of the squares of the amplitudes of several quantities, any one of which separately satisfies the same equations as 5. 47 736 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL intersects the focal plane (or the plane at infinity) at the point which is the centre of the diffraction-pattern. The 3'-axis is to lie in the plane of the grating perpendicular to the slits. The light comes up to the grating normally from behind, and therefore follows the x-direction. For reasons which will presently appear, it will suffice to calculate the diffraction-pattern over not the entire focal plane, but only the line where this is intersected by the xy-p\ane. For any field-point on this line 7 = 0 and a = ^ji — ^'. To the total vibration at any field-point, each slit now makes a contribution given by the expression (1). Numbering them in order, we may write for the contribution of the ^th slit: Sk = const. (1 + a)Ak sin (pk, (2) in which Ak stands for the value of VC^ + S-, and (pk for the value of (nt — mro — c), appropriate to the ^th slit. Now Ak has the same value for all the slits. This may be proved directly from the formulae ^ for C and S, or indirectly by the following chain of reasoning. The function VC- -f 5^ describes the diffraction- pattern formed by the single slit on an infinitely-distant screen, when there is no lens. Two similar slits a finite distance apart would produce two such patterns, one displaced by the same finite amount relatively to the other. But on the infinitely-distant screen the fringes and other details of the patterns are themselves infinitely broad, so that a finite displacement of one with respect to the other leaves them still practically — and, in the limit, exactly — in coincidence. This remains true when the patterns are transposed to the focal plane of the lens; those produced by a slit in one place coincide exactly with those which would be produced by an exactly similar slit lying any- where else.^ Therefore VC^ + S~ must be the same function of (a, /3, 7) for every slit. At first glance this argument seems to prove that the diffraction- pattern for the grating is merely that of the individual slit, multiplied manyfold; but that conclusion would in general be false, for we have not to add amplitudes but to compound vibrations with due regard to their relative pheises. The phase (pk which figures in equation (2) differs from slit to slit; and if these follow one another at equal intervals, (pk changes from one to the next in equal steps. ' By operating on the expressions (presently to be derived) for Cand 5 in the case of a rectangular a])irtin-e, one may show that, while each separately varies when the position of the rectangle with reference to the origin is changed, the sum of their squares remains the same. As any finite aperture may be regarded as a collection of finite or infinitesimal rectangles, the theorem is general. I am indebted to Mr. L. A. MacColl for working this out. ^ The practical limitation to this statement would be set by the impossibility of making an ideally perfect lens of indefinitely great size. CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 737 To prove this, and to find the magnitude of these equal steps, one may proceed as follows. Omitting the lens again, consider in the grating any two consecutive slits k and {k + 1), and on the very Fig. 2. distant screen two field-points P and P' separated by the same distance c as separates corresponding points of the two slits — that is, the period of the grating. Write down successively the formulae for the vibrations produced by ^ at P and by (/^ + 1) at P'. They are, respectively: A sin (nt — niro — e^) ; A sin {nt — mro' — e^•+l). Since P lies in the same direction from k as P' from (k + 1), these two are equal ; hence : ei+i - €i = m{ro' - Tq). (3) Here the factor {r^ — Tq) on the right is the difference between the distances from the origin to P' and to P. In the limit when these distances become infinitely great, all the lines from the origin and the slits to P and P' become parallel and inclined to the plane of the grating by the angle of which the cosine is /3; and the difference be- tween the paths to P' and to P from the origin attains the limiting value c/3. Hence in the limit: efc+i - ek = mc0. (4) This is the "step" or difference in phase between the contributions of successive slits to the vibration at the field-point. The expression looks more familiar if we put d for the angle between the normal to the 738 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL grating and the direction from the grating to the field-point, so that /3 = sin 0 ; then : CA-t-i — f^- = I'^c ^in ^ ^ ~r^' ^'''' ^- (^) Thus we have arrived at the conclusion — indeed almost self-evident — that the consecutive slits of the grating supply to the total vibration at the field-point contributions which are exactly equal in magnitude and follow one another at equal intervals of phase. Our problem therefore is to sum up the series of these contributions. The process is an easy one; but we shall be able to foresee the major feature of a diffraction-spectrum without even writing down the summation. For it is evident that there must be maxima of vibration- amplitude, maxima of diffracted intensity, at the field-points or in the directions where the contributions of all of the slits agree in phase — that is to say, differ in phase by integer multiples of lir. Counting outward from the centre of the diffraction-pattern, or normal to the grating, the first of these maxima must lie in the direction for which the "step" in phase of equation (5) is equal to 27r; hence for this "first- order maximum": sin e = X/c. (6) The second lies in the direction for which the step in phase is equal to twice lir; the third in the direction for which the step is thrice lir; and in general there is a sequence of maxima, the general formula for the wth of which is the celebrated "plane-grating formula": sin dn = «X/c, w = 1, 2, 3, 4 • • •. (7) The symbol n stands customarily, and in this article henceforth shall stand, for the order of the maximum; from now on I will write liru for the quantity which before was denoted by n. These are the great principal maxima of the spectrum cast by a diffraction-grating. There are others between, but in practice they are inconspicuous or invisible. Thovse of which I have just derived the locating formula are the maxima from which wave-lengths are com- puted. Let it be emphasized again that the formula was derived without taking into account the ratio of slit-width to bar-width, and that it does not involve the width of the individual opening, but only the spacing between corresponding points of consecutive slits. In- deed, if one examines the deduction, it will be seen that really nothing peculiar to a slit enters into it at all. All that is preassumed is that the grating sends to the field-point a series of component vibrations, ecjual in amplitude and stepped off eciually in phase. Such is indeed CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 739 the case when the grathig is a series of windows letting Hght through towards the camera, separated by walls which intercept the light. Such is also the case when the grating is a series of mirrors reflecting light towards the camera, separated by windows which let it escape or by absorbing surfaces which swallow it up. Such is the case when the instrument is a surface of metal ploughed into furrows, so that the reflecting-power towards any assigned direction varies from point to point across the furrow, and varies periodically as one moves across the system of furrows. Such is the case if the waves traverse or are reflected from all points of the grating equally, but with phase- retardations which vary periodically across the grating-surface. Such is the case when the instrument is a surface containing oscillators able to vibrate in unison with the incident waves and able to radiate new waves because of their vibration, these oscillators being evenly spaced or else clustered in identical groups which themselves are evenly spaced. Such in fact is in general the case whenever the "grating" is any object with a periodic structure, the details of which are able in any manner known or unknown to perturb the passage of the waves; for anything which confuses or impedes the even onward progress of a train of waves, whether it be a vibrator which they set into oscillation or merely an inert impenetrable obstacle in their way, becomes thereby the source of a new system of undulations. Wave-lengths of light therefore are determined by setting up in the path of the light-stream something which has a periodic structure, of which the period is known; locating the diffraction-maxima, if such there be; and using the formula (7), provided that the object is plane (another, which we shall eventually derive, is used if the object is three-dimensional and the waves travel across its structure). Location of one maximum would not as a rule suffice, for without further knowledge its order could not be identified. One must measure sufficiently many maxima to infer from the ratios of their values of sin d what their orders are. On the other hand, understanding of the precise mode and mechanism of the action of the elements of the grating upon the light is not required, desirable as it may be. Perhaps we do not properly understand how the atoms of a crystal scatter even X-rays; and certainly the founders of the wave-mechanics did not foresee that crystals scatter electron-waves. Yet Davisson and Ger- mer determined the wave-lengths of these latter in 1927 with the same equation wherewith Fraunhofer in 1821 had ascertained the wave-lengths of the lines of the solar spectrum — the very equation, X = -sin dn, n 740 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL taking for c the spacing between consecutive lines of atoms in the surface-layer of the nickel crystal which diffracted the electrons, where Fraunhofer had taken the spacing between the wires of the grid which was his primitive grating. Next it is important to discover how distinct these maxima are; whether, when the amplitude of the vibration in the focal plane is plotted against 6, the peaks are broad and fiattish or narrow and sharp. This too can be foretold without the labour of a complete solution of the problem. Taking any of the principal maxima — say, that of nth order, which is located at the angle Qn = arc sin (wX/c) — let us inquire how near to it the amplitude will sink to zero. Now the nth. of the principal maxima is located by the condition that the phase of the contribution of every slit is 2mr in arrear of that of the slit preceding. If there are 2M slits altogether (it is con- venient to suppose the total number to be even, though whether it is even or odd makes no appreciable difference), then at 0„ the contribution of the last slit is (2M — \)n-2-K behind that of the first. Estimate now the vibration at the point in the focal plane — call its direction-angle (0„ + A)^ — where the contribution of the last sht is {2M - l)(w -f l/2M)27r behind that of the first. It is readily shown that here the component vibration due to the last or 2Mth slit is exactly equal in magnitude and opposite in phase to that which is produced by the ilfth of the slits; and in the same way every ruling of one-half of the grating may be paired off with the corresponding ruling of the other half, their effects destroying each other pair by pair. At the angle {On + A), therefore, there is darkness; and likewise at the angle {On — A'), where in the focal plane or the infinitely distant plane the contributions from the first and the last slit arrive with a phase-difference of (2ilf — 1) I w — Trjr ) 27r. The entire peak culminating in the wth principal maximum is consequently bounded by the directions (0„ — A') and {Qn + A); and it is easy to see that the greater the number of rulings (the spacing being supposed to remain the same) the narrower and sharper is the peak, and the more accurately can the location of its summit and there- fore the wave-length be determined. Its breadth, in fact, varies inversely as the number of rulings or "lines." This is shown by writing down the formulae for the angles corresponding to the minima which bound it. We have: sin (S. + A) = („ +^)\: sin (». - A') = {n - ±-^\. CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 741 whence, approximately, so that the narrowness of the peak, as one might say, is proportional to the order thereof as well as to the total number of lines in the grat- ing.^ If the grating were infinitely wide, an unlimited sequence of perfectly-evenly-spaced identical units, the peaks would be infinitely narrow; light of a definite wave-length would be diffracted only in certain perfectly definite discrete directions. Alikeness, closeness, and multitude of rulings are therefore the desiderata of a grating; alikeness, because without it the first condition for the formation of sharp diffraction maxima would be lacking — closeness, so that the maxima of lower orders, the only ones sufficiently intense to be perceived, may be spread out widely enough for conven- ience of observation — multitude, so that the diffracted beams shall be narrow and sharp, easy to set upon and easy to discriminate from one another. The degree of closeness which is required depends upon the spectral range which is to be explored. Ordinary "optical" gratings ruled with a diamond on metal or on glass are acceptable throughout the visible spectrum and the range to which the title "ultra-violet" is commonly restricted, extending from the visible down to wave- lengths of the order of one hundred Angstroms. They are however too fine for the remoter infra-red, for the study of which coarse lattices of wire have been used ; a fortiori they are much too fine for Hertzian or radio waves, for which it is no exaggeration to say that a colonnade might operate as a grating; and they are commonly considered much too coarse for X-rays, though during the last two or three years several men of science have achieved the great technical feat of forcing optical gratings to measure wave-lengths which formerly were thought accessible to crystals only. Crystals are too fine for the visible spec- trum, and too coarse for certain of the gamma-rays which proceed from the collapsing nuclei of atoms undergoing transmutation. Crystals with spacings of unusual width from atom-plane to atom-plane are * These facts are usually expressed as statements about the "resolving power" of a grating; for if the incident light contains two not very different wave-lengths, they will form two peaks of each order not very far apart, and the possibility of distinguishing these two — of "resolving" them, to use the technical term — will depend upon the narrowness of each. If arbitrarily one says that two such peaks are just distinguishable when the summit of one falls upon the minimum adjacent to the other — in which circumstance the difference 8\ between their wave-lengths may readily be proved equal to the quotient of the mean of their wave-lengths, X, by 2Mn — then by this criterion a grating is able in its nth order to discriminate two adjacent lines of the spectrum, if their wave-lengths differ by more than that amount; and by definition the resolving power of the grating in its nth order is X/5\ = 2Mn, the product of the number of rulings by the order. 742 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL chosen for work upon the longer X-rays, as optical gratings are ruled with lines unusually far apart for work in the near infra-red. The ruling of good gratings is an art ; and those who have practiced it with conspicuous success are fewer far than those who have attained pre-eminence in music or in painting. Amateurs, mechanics, and professors figure upon the list, the first of all being Fraunhofer, who from a glazier's apprentice evolved into the founder of spectros- copy. After his gratings of wires and of scratches in a foil of gold-leaf, he invented the method of engraving with a diamond-point upon a surface of metal or of glass (he used the latter) which is followed to this day. He met and grappled with all the difficulties which were later to beset his followers, and described them in language which now sounds strangely modern. Then, as now, it was possible to rule tens of thousands of rough grooves roughly to the inch; the trouble lay, as still it lies, in making them identical and spacing them equally. Equality of spacing depends upon a screw, which is turned through a prearranged angle and is expected to advance through a definite distance carrying the future grating with it, whenever the diamond has completed one ruling and is waiting to begin the next. Screws as manufactured are not good enough; and anyone who aspires to be a maker of gratings must first of all procure the best available, and then devote a long and tedious time — literally years — to making it still better. Primacy in the art passed to America in the eighties of the last century, because Rowland of Johns Hopkins developed with much labour a process for removing, or at least for mitigating, the imperfections of a screw. The greater the number of rulings to be laid down side by side, the longer the portion of the screw which must be made, as nearly as humanly possible, perfect; and Michelson has testified, from unrivalled experience of many years, that the time required for the process varies as the cube of the length of the screw and width of the planned-for grating. Increase of resolving-power thus is bought at an enormous price in patience and in perseverance. A research institute is as proud of a notable grating by Rowland or Michelson or Wood, as a picture gallery of an authentic Titian or Velasquez; and the promise of a new talent is not more joyfully received, than a rumour that someone is working to perfect a yet longer screw to make a yet wider grating. Alikeness of successive rulings depends on the endurance of the diamond. The ruling-engine is sequestered in a well-insulated room, and after the temperature has settled down to constancy is set in motion by some device worked from outside, and left to do its task in solitude. If the diamond breaks, or suffers any great change in CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 743 shape during the operation, the grating is good for nothing. This cannot be foreseen, it is not even known when it happens; to stop the process to see how things are going would be Hke digging up a seed to see how it is sprouting. The chance of such an accident is naturally greater, the more numerous the lines — another obstacle to the successful ruling of many-lined gratings of high resolving power. A grating having been completed, it is removed from the engine and examined, to learn not merely whether it has been impaired by deformations of the diamond, but how — assuming it to have escaped that peril — the intensities of the various diffraction-maxima of different orders compare with one another. This is something which, as I have intimated, is controlled by the shape of the groove; this is the feature in which the individual units of the periodic structure manifest their quality. One shaping might obliterate all diffraction-maxima of even order; another might make the maxima on one side of the normal to the grating-surface stand out much more prominently than their companions on the other; still another could concentrate most of the diffracted light into one single beam. The maker of the grating can- not foresee, or can at best foresee only in part, what distribution of intensities he is going to get; for he cannot control the shape of the diamond-point, nor find it out by examination." Having observed the distribution of intensities, however, he can deduce from it some facts about the shape of the grooves. This I suppose would be classified in most cases as useless knowledge; but the problem happens to be very nearly the same as that of determining the finer details of the arrangement of atoms in a crystal from the relative intensities of the various diffraction-beams which it produces when acting on an X-ray beam; and so I will devote a few paragraphs to it. We return, then, to the grating of alternate slits and bars, to deter- mine the influence of the ratio of slit-width to bar-width on the diffraction-pattern. Before making any calculations whatever, one striking prediction can be made directly. I have said that diffraction- maxima occur in every direction 0„ for which sin dn = n\/c, w = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 • • •, because in every such direction the component vibrations arrive at the focal plane from the various slits with identical phase. But if for any of these directions the component vibrations are themselves ^ He can control the result to a slight extent by varying the pressure with which the diamond bears upon the plate, ruling "with a light touch" or reversely; if he guesses the force just right, he may approach the condition of grooves separated by unbitten bands of smooth metal as wide as they, which resembles the theoretical case of an alternation of slits and bars of equal width. 744 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL non-existent, evidently the maxima in question are blotted out. This will happen, for example, to every maximum of even order, if bars and slits are equally wide. For, taking the direction d^ism d^ = 2X/c) as an instance : the contribution made to the total vibration by the upper half of each slit will be equal in magnitude and opposite in phase to that made by the lower half, and the total contribution of the slit will be zero. If in the spectrum produced by a grating the even orders are missing, or if — to say what would actually be noticed — the values of sin 6 for the present maxima stand in the ratios 1 : 3 : 5 : 7 • • • instead of 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 • • • , the inference is that the grating has been so ruled that over half of every period the phase of the emerging (transmitted or reflected) light is constant, and over the other half no light comes forth at all; as for instance would be the case if half of every period were the unmarred surface of the metal, and the diamond had made the other half perfectly black. The reader may work out for himself what it must mean if every third, or every fourth, or every wth of the maxima is absent. We return now to the expression (equation 2) for the contribution of a single slit or period of the grating and rewrite it, taking due account of our subsequently-gained knowledge that ^a; is constant and (pk increases by equal steps mc sin 6 — mcl^ from slit to slit: Sh = const. (1 + a) /I sin (nt — mro — eo — kmc^). (9) For convenience number the slits from 0 to TV — 1, representing by N their total number (formerly called 27lf, but now there is no reason for supposing it even), and locate the origin so that mro = eo- Gather- ing all the factors of the sine-function under a single symbol B, and writing out the expression for the summation of Sk from fe = 0 to k = (N — 1), we find for the resultant vibration in the direction 6: N -1 5 = 5 X^ sin (nt — kmc0) t = o = B sin w/(l + cos a -\- cos la -\- • • • cos {N — \)a) (10) — B cos «/(sin a + sin 2a + • • • sin {N — \)a) = B'^c sin nt — BJ2s cos nt, in which a stands for wr/? and Xl-- ^^^(^ L* for the finite series of cosines and sines which are indicated. For the amplitude of the vibration — the only thing which matters — we then have D - 5Ve<- + e;'- (10 CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 745 Now, as may easily be proved ^ : VEo- + L.- = sin i^Na) : sin (^a) (12) so for the amplitude of the vibration in the direction 9 we have: „ sin {^Nmc sin 6) . U = D —. jr^ • „. ■ • (13) sm {^nic sm 6) Here we have that product of two factors which was foreshadowed in the early pages of this article — one factor (the second) depending on the periodicity of the grating, and controlling the location of the diffraction-maxima; the other depending on the structure of the individual slit or groove or atom-row, and controlling their intensity. The second factor displays the qualities which have already been deduced by simpler means, and others. It vanishes whenever ^Na is an integer multiple of x, except when simultaneously |a is an integer multiple of tt, in which exceptional cases the great principal maxima occur. These are not the only maxima, for between any two of them there are {N — 1) equally-spaced minima (directions where \Na is an integer multiple of tt but \a is not) and between these in turn there are {N — 2) maxima of which the locations may be found by the usual method. These so-called "secondary" maxima are however faint and inconspicuous, having, according to Wood, but 1/23 the intensity of the principal peaks, unless the grating is composed of only half-a- dozen lines or fewer. The first factor consists essentially of that function (1 + a)iO + S' mentioned in equation (1) and earlier, which describes the diffraction- pattern of the single slit (or groove, or atom-row). Wherever that diffraction-pattern has a zero of intensity — the "centre of a black fringe," to use the common language — the intensity in the pattern of the grating is likewise forced to vanish. W'hen the slit occupies half ' One method is based on the fact that 2c and i^s are respectively the real and imaginary parts of 2e'*", so that Further, by a well-known formula ^ eika = 1 -|- ga-a j^ (e'''")- -f • • • (e'*a)iV-l 0 = (1 - et.va)/(i - e^") and there is a corresponding expression for e'^^", multiplying the two of which together and taking the square root one arrives directly at the stated result. 746 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL the width of the period (slit plus bar) of the grating, the first of its black fringes falls square upon the second-order principal maximum of the grating spectrum, which is obliterated. This is a new way of expressing the fact already mentioned, that when the slits are as wide as the bars the diffraction-maxima of even order are absent. More generally, the intensity at any of the principal maxima is proportional to the value of (C^ + S^) appropriate to that direction — proportional to the intensity, in that direction, of the diffraction- pattern of the single slit; and from this we can understand how, from the relative intensities of the maxima of various orders, it is possible to deduce the breadth of the slit or something about the shape of the groove. If we had only a single slit, and could send through it light of known wave-length sufficiently intense to form a measurable diffraction-pattern, we could trace the curve representing observed relation between diffracted intensity and angle 0, and compare it with the predicted curves for various values of slit-breadth; the actual width of the slit would be the value for which the agreement was perfect. If instead we had a multitude of such slits equally spaced, the observed intensities of the diffraction-maxima would supply us, not indeed with the entire continuous curve of intensity-versus-angle for the single slit, but with as many points upon that curve as there were principal maxima within our range of observation ; and these — if we had two or more — would be sufficient for the comparison with the theoretical curve for the single slit, out of which the width would be deduced. From this aspect, the function of the grating is to enhance the intensity, at certain discrete points, of the diffraction-pattern for the single slit. Of course, when we are interested in the breadth of the single slit or the shape of the single groove, we should prefer to observe the entire continuous diffraction-pattern produced by one alone. But it may be impossible to separate one from the rest; or if we could isolate one, it might be too small to transmit or scatter any perceptible amount of light. Such is the case with atoms. The natural gratings which atoms form in crystals are three- dimensional, and to them the reasonings which are valid for plane gratings cannot be applied without some change; but the resemblance is very close. A beam of X-rays or electron-waves falling upon a crystal is spread out into a diffraction-pattern with strong maxima, of which the relative intensities depend upon the qualities of the individual diffracting units, the atoms or the groups of atoms which are repeated over and over again to form the crystal; while their directions depend upon the spacings between these identical groups, the periodicity of the crystal. From the directions of the principal CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 747 diffraction-beams one may determine the spacings within the crystal if one knows the wave-length of the waves, or the wave-length if one knows the spacings. From the relative intensities of the beams one may deduce the distribution of the atoms within the groups, or rather the distribution of that which scatters the waves — commonly supposed to be mobile negative electricity, when the scattered waves are light; I do not know whether anyone has yet conjectured what it is that scatters the electron-waves. The diffraction-beams proceeding from a crystal large enough to be manageable are very sharp, for the rows of atoms are far more numer- ous than the lines of the largest optical grating which can be made or hoped for. However, there is a limitation on their sharpness set by something to which an artificial grating is quite indifferent — the thermal agitation of the atoms, which has the same effect as though the widths of successive periods were variable and fluctuating. This effect is naturally more pronounced, the higher the temperature of the crystal; but the measurements show — for from the breadth of the diffraction-maxima it is possible to determine the mean amplitude of the temperature-agitation, another service of the crystal grating — - that even at absolute zero it would not disappear, the atoms retaining a certain minimum amount of energy of vibration which apparently can never be taken from them, so long as they remain bound together in a crystal. A few words, before leaving the subject of gratings, about the diffraction-pattern of a multitude of gratings oriented at random. On an earlier page I said that, in computing the diffraction-pattern of a sequence of slits, we need determine it not for the entire focal plane, but only for a single line thereof — the line for which 7 = 0, which is the line of intersection of the focal plane with the plane running normal to the slits and containing the infinitely-distant point- source of the parallel waves of light. The reason can now be stated. If we work out the expression C^ -j- S" for a single long and narrow rectangular slit with its long sides are parallel to the 2-axis, we find that the brighter parts of the diflfraction-pattern form a long narrow band (criss-crossed with dark lines) with its length parallel to the y-axis and its breadth parallel to the z-axis. If the length of the rectangle grows infinitely long, the breadth of this band shrinks to zero; we have a single line of varying brightness parallel with the y-axis, which is the diffraction-pattern of the infinite slit. If instead of a single slit we have a regular sequence, their diffraction-pattern is still concen- trated upon this line; it is the pattern which has just been computed, a function of the single variable 13, or y, or d; away from the line, the 748 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL intensity is everywhere zero. Spectroscopists broaden this linear pattern in practice by using as source of light not a point, but a luminous line — an incandescent filament, for instance, or a slit backed by a flame — made parallel to the slits or rulings of the grating. Then the diffraction-pattern is spread into a band. If the light is mono- chromatic, one sees in the focal plane, at the positions of the principal maxima, not a sequence of brilliant points as the foregoing theory implies, but a sequence of brilliant lines — the lines of the spectrum. Instead of these lines one will obtain circles, if one uses a point-source of light and a mosaic of gratings all lying side by side in a single plane and oriented every way. Each piece of the mosaic forms its own linear diffraction-pattern, perpendicular to the direction of its own rulings; and if the pieces are numerous enough, all of these are fused into a single circular pattern, each of the principal maxima standing forth as a brilliant ring. I am not sure whether this has been done with plane optical gratings; but the analogous method with X-rays and crystals is the familiar procedure known by the names of Debye and Scherrer and Hull, or as the "powder method." Being a case of diffraction in three dimensions, it is not entirely like my imaginary case of a mosaic of plane gratings. The resemblance however extends so far, that from the broadness of the rings one may infer the size of the tiny crystals which make up the three-dimensional mosaic, the "powder"; for the smaller these are, the fewer rows of atoms each contains, and the wider their diffraction-maxima must be. But it requires very fine grinding indeed, or the dispersion of the crystals as a colloid in solution, to make them so small that the broadening of the rings is noticeable. What would be observed, if individual slits or apertures or atoms were dispersed completely at random over the plane or throughout space? If there were many apertures all alike and all similarly oriented, but with no regularity whatever in arrangement, the diffraction-pattern would be the same as that of any singly, though more intense. The water-droplets in misty air act thus in forming haloes. If atoms were truly spherical and could be crowded together into a dense mass without any regularity, the diffraction-pattern of the mass would be that of the individual atom, and would disclose the radial distribution of its scattering-power — whether that be negative electricity, or something else. Even if atoms are not spherical, one might expect to learn in this way the average distribution of scattering- substance over all the orientations. Experiments have been con- ducted for this purpose; but it is difficult to find a piece of matter in which the arrangement of the atoms is entirely irregular, that is, a CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 749 perfectly "amorphous" substance; perhaps not even liquids satisfy this requirement. Interference When a pair of beams of light are projected together upon a screen, it is usually observed that the illumination resulting from them jointly is the simple sum of the illuminations which each produces by itself when the other is shut off. One may easily go through life without ever once finding this rule in default. Yet by intelligent design it is possible to contrive conditions in which the rule does not prevail; and actually two rays of light directed upon the same point may counteract one another and cause total darkness, and two perfectly uniform wide beams falling together upon a surface of frosted glass may decorate it with a pattern of dark fringes separated by light, dark circles alternated with bright, black networks upon a back- ground of color — arabesques of shadow and light, more delicately shaded than anything achievable in pigment or stained glass. The brilliant and versatile Thomas Young, he who was the first to read the Egyptian hieroglyphics upon the Rosetta stone, was also the first to discover some of these lovely phenomena; a pair of exploits, which for eminence and diversity will probably never be surpassed. It happened that the first disclosure of the phenomena which demand the wave-theory of light coincided as accurately with the advent of the nineteenth century as the first realization of the necessity of quanta came at the dawn of the twentieth; for Young discovered the inter- ference of light in 1800. "Interference" is a name which Young selected; he said that in the conditions of his experiments beams of light interfere with one another. For the observer this was not, on the whole, an ill-chosen word, since the visible effect of the two lights conjointly is not the mere sum of the visible effects of each separately. True, it implies that the lights destroy or diminish one another, whereas in fact they are as likely to cooperate as to conflict, two equal beams combining into one of intensity as much as fourfold that of either. This is not serious; we are all accustomed to using the word addition to cover subtraction; and here the analogy is very close. The so-called "inter- ference" is simply the necessary result of adding two vibrations with due regard to their direction and their phase. This is the method which was used to calculate diffraction-patterns; and in fact a diffraction- pattern is nothing but a special case of interference-pattern — not usually a simple one, for the vibrations which must be summed are very numerous, demanding integrations and long summations. The simplest interference-pattern occurs when two plane-parallel beams 750 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL of light of equal amplitude intersect one another; and this we will now consider. Designate hy 26 the angle at which the two beams are inclined to one another, and draw the x-axis to bisect it; then the two wave- functions are s' = A sin {nt — mx cos 6 — my sin 6), s" — A sin {nt — nix cos 6 + my sin 6) and their sum ^ is s' -\- s" = s = 2A cos {my sin 6) sin {nl — mx cos 9). (14) W'e see immediately that this is a situation in which the wave-theory of light predicts a peculiar and characteristic variation of amplitude from point to point in space, which can be tested in detail, and of which a favorably-resulting test has evidential value; whereas in either beam separately the amplitude is constant, and nothing is •observable which demonstrates that there are waves. Here, in the region where the beams overlap, the amplitude varies sinusoidally between zero and the maximum value 2A ; the distance between two consecutive loci of zero amplitude, which are planes perpendicular to the axis of y, being d = TJm sin 6 = ^X/sin 6. (15) The presence of a series of equally-spaced planes of darkness, their separation varying inversely as the sine of the angle between the beams, is then to be taken as evidence that light is undulatory; and from their separation and the angle between the beams one may compute the wave-length of the light. A more thorough test, made by measuring the distribution of light-intensity between two such planes, would lead (anyway it ought to lead) to the conclusion already known, no doubt, to all the readers of this paper: that the intensity of the light varies as the square of the amplitude of the waves. To produce this effect of interference, the two intersecting beams must have started from the same source of light, and at very nearly the same instant — that is to say, the optical paths from the source along the two beams to the region of overlapping must be the same within a few millions of wave-lengths, or a few hundreds of centimetres. By the wave-theory, this is easily understood. We must think that *To add them thus implies that the quantity denoted by s is either a scalar, or a vector perpendicular to the .vj-plane. Since light is not adecjuately described by either assumjjtion, we must anticipate defects in the theory, more i)romiiK'nt the larger the angle 0. In practice 0 is evidently always so small that there is no trouble from this source. CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 751 a beam of light from a flame or an arc consists of myriads of feeble beams each proceeding from a single atom. Each is divided — the methods of division are the methods of producing interference-fringes — - and the separate parts are then caused to overlap. Each pair which came originally from a single atom produces a set of interference- fringes, and the fringes for all these pairs coincide in space. Each fraction of a divided beam may also interfere with a fraction f)f another, proceeding from another atom; but owing to the uncontrolled and uncontrollable phase-difi^erences between the beams of a pair so formed, the fringes for these pairs do not coincide, and on the whole they efface one another. By the quantum-theory the explanation — not indeed of the fact that interference occurs only under these special conditions, but of the fact that it ever occurs at all — is not so easy. Indeed the fact commonly expressed by saying that light from a source is "coherent" with itself, has been regarded as the most difficult of all for the quantum-theory to explain. To produce interference, then, we must divide a beam of light and cause its parts to cross each other's paths. The simplest of the devices which effect this were invented by Fresnel; a pair of prisms which turn two portions of the beam towards one another, and a pair of mirrors which reflect two portions across each other's routes. A single mirror indeed suffices; standing acoustic waves are produced thus, in Kundt's tube and otherwise, with values of the angle 26 sometimes as great as 180°; but light-waves are so short that with so great an angle the distance between dark fringes would be too small to measure, if not indeed to perceive ; and we must use the facility for expanding them which the factor sin 6 in equation (15) offers us. The Interferometer In the devices which I have thus far mentioned, the interference of overlapping wave-trains oblique to one another causes the formation of alternate zones of darkness and light in space; and the visible fringes are the cross-sections of these zones upon a screen set up to intersect them. There are however other instruments in which the overlapping beams are parallel to one another, the region which they occupy is not traversed by bands of light and shade, and a screen thrust across it shows uniform illumination ; and yet when the eye or the camera is located in that region, fringes are produced upon the retina or on the plate by the action of the lens of either. These are not so easily under- stood as the earlier devices, and yet it is important to comprehend them, for the striking applications of interference have been made by means of such as these. Among them are the interferometer of Fabry and Perot, and that of Michelson. 48 752 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Imagine, at the outset, a pair of perfectly plane and parallel mirrors, onto which wave-trains of extended plane wave-fronts are falling from every direction. The mirrors must of course be semi-transparent, so that part of the light which falls first upon one — say, the upper — is reflected from it at once, and part goes on to meet and be reflected by the lower. Thus (as Fig. 3 shows more clearly than words) the Fig. 3. mirrors form out of each incident wave-train a first and a second reflected beam, which travel back through the space above the mirrors in the same direction, making according to the law of reflection the same angle i with the normal as the incident wave-train did. In truth there are not merely two reflected beams derived from each incident one, but an infinity thereof, owing to the multiple reflections which are indicated in the sketch. We need not however (as I shall presently show) take account of more than two; by combining the second re- flected beam with the first we can predict the most important features of the interference. It is necessary to be somewhat more precise about the nature of the mirrors. As good an example as any to begin with is that of the "thin plate "^ — a slab of some transparent substance, glass for instance, embedded in a transparent medium which I will take to be empty space. The mirrors, then, are the upper and lower sides of the plate. Denote by /i the ratio of the speeds of light in the environing medium and in the substance of the plate, by i the angle of incidence of any wave-train and by r the angle of refraction of its transmitted part; then as heretofore we have s\m = IX sm r. (16) CLASSICAL THEORY OF LIGHT 753 The ratio A2IA1 of the ampHtudes of the first and second reflected beams, and in general the ratios A n/A j of the amplitudes of any of the reflected beams and the first, are determined altogether by ju and i. An important consequence of this will presently appear. One can however alter these ratios, e.g., by half-silvering the sides of the plate; and the formulae which I am about to quote may be applied to the case of two half-silvered mirrors facing each other in air, by setting /^= 1. Isolate then in mind a single incident wave-train. Denote by i its angle of incidence upon the upper surface of the glass; by t the thickness of the plate. A wave-front of the oncoming wave-train is divided into two. During the time while the part which entered the glass is advancing to the lower side, being reflected, returning to and re-emerging from the upper side, the part which was first reflected goes on to the level EE' of Fig. 3. The emerging wave coincides with the first-reflected part of a new wave-front which was following along after the old one at the interval E'D'. In general, there is a phase- difference

y- 8 X If MILS Fig. 45 The experimental method for obtaining this result — the impedance to a small third harmonic in the presence of a relatively large funda- mental— is illustrated in Fig. 5. The method consists in measuring the third harmonic current by means of a current analyzer ^^ for a number of circuit conditions in which the fundamental current is TO CURRENT ANALYZER 'HIGH Z OUTSIDE BAND Fig. 5 maintained constant. The circuit is first tuned to the third harmonic by varying the capacity C in the third harmonic circuit, and the current is then measured for a series of values of the series resistance r. A shunt resonant circuit tuned to the fundamental is inserted in the third harmonic path so as to separate effectively the third harmonic circuit from that of the fundamental. With this precaution taken to avoid harmonic production in the analyzer and to maintain the funda- mental current constant while r and C are varied, the inductance to the third harmonic is obtained from the resonating capacity, and the resistance is determined as that value of r for which the third harmonic current falls to half its maximum. ^- For details of current analysis see the paper by A. G. Landeen, B. S. T. J., April 1927. 778 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Part 3. Application of the Analysis Air-Gaps and Dilution. Under certain conditions improvement in the operation. of iron core coils toward freedom from harmonic pro- duction may be attained by inserting air-gaps in the magnetic path. The expressions which we have derived up to this point are valid for a material having the constants assigned, and the question now arises as to the parameters which characterize the operation of the iron core including air-gaps, and their relation to the parameters for the original core without air-gaps. With these relations given, our previous work may be applied to cores with air-gaps. In establishing the correspondence between the parameters for the two cases, it is instructive to use two methods — one a direct attack,^'* the other resting on an analogy with non-linear vacuum tube circuits. ^^ We may determine the effects sought for by the direct method on consideration of a single branch of a hysteresis loop, which is expressed by equations (4a) or (5a) of Part 1, Bill, II) = J^^aJi^H\ (36) Now with an air-gap in the magnetic circuit, the magnetomotive force effective is that applied, reduced by the drop acioss the air-gap, or m' = m - Pip, , . M' = M - p^, ^ ^ in which mM, ^$ are instantaneous and maximum values, respec- tively, of the impressed m.m.f. and flux, and m which p represents the air-gap reluctance P = \/A, (38) X being the length of air-gap and A the core cross-section. In order to apply (37) we re-express (36) in terms of magneto- motive force and flux as follows: — L>1 — JDm, if B^nll refer the midpoint of the largest loop to the tip. Then B„, = uLoH +2vW~ + 4\H' + 8wH\ (14) Putting (13) in (12) B + B^ = fxoih + H) + v(h + iiy + x(// + ny + c^{h + iiy, whence, subtracting (14), B' = fioh + i'(//- + 2hH - iJ2) + x(/z3 + 3PH + 3hH'- - 3H^) + c^{h' + 4¥H + 6F//2 + 4/;j/3 _ 77/4)^ (15) which represents the hysteresis branch equation referred to the origin, on the basis of loop similarity. The coefficients obtained by the two methods may now be compared. Thus identifying coefficients of (15) with those of the general equation (1) flio = MO) fill = 2.V, ao2 = — V an = 3X, a^o = V, ciii = 3X, aoz = 3X, a^ = 4w, (16) flso = X, asi = 4aj, ao4 = — 7w, 022 = 6aj. O40 = w, Appendix 3: Alternating Magnetization, Sinusoidal Magnetizing Force The resulting expression is simplified if we make the following substitutions a = ao2H' + ao,IP = B(0,H), /3 = aio + anil + anH', (19) 5 = asoHK It may be noted that a is the remanence and that jS is an approxima- tion to the permeability, in fact the permeability is given as the sum of /3 and 5. With (18) and (19) inserted in the branch equations, then, we have Bi{II cos pi, II) = a + i3 cos pt - a cos- /?/ + 5 cos^ pt, Boill cos pt, II) = - a + 13 cos pt + a cos"' pt -\- 8 cos^ pt. For convenience we shall express these relations in terms of multiple angles, and we have for the equation of the upper loop family Bi{II cos pt, I]) = - a/2 + (/3 + 36/4) cos pi - a/2 cos 2pt + 6/4 cos 3pl. HARMONIC PRODUCTION IN MAGNETIC MATERIALS 793 If we write A = aj2 =^ (ao2lP + aosI~P)/2, B ^ 13 + 35/4 = aio + anH + auIP + SasoIP/4, C = = - A, ^"^^^ D ^ 8/4: = asoH'/4, the final form for the loop equations is Bi(H cos pt, H) = A -\- Ri" cos pt + C cos 2pt + D cos Zpt, , . Bi{H cos pt, H) = - A + B cos pt - C cos 2/>/ + D cos 3/)^. ^ ^ We are now in position to combine the two equations of (21) in a Fourier series valid over the entire cycle as B = ^-\- J2ibk cos kpt + ak sin kpt), (22) where 1 r^" a/fc = - I Jipt) sin ^/)/ 0 cos kptdipt). T^ Jo (22a) For our particular case we have, since B = Bi for the first half of the cycle, and B — B^ for the second: B^ih, H) sin y^^/ (^(^/) + 1 Bi{h, H) sin kptd{pt), ir Jo B-2(h, H) COS y^/)/ ^(^/) + I 5i(/i, //) cos kpt d{pt). ■w Jo These integrals may be simplified considerably when we take advantage of the fact that both Bi and Bo are even functions of the time as given by (21). Thus TTttk = I IBiQi, H) - B.{h, H)2 sin kpt d{pt), Jo rbk = I lBi{h, H) + B^Qi, H)'] cos kpt d(pt). Jo Referring to (21) we may then write 2 r ttfc = - I (^ + C cos 2pt) sin kpt d(pt), ''•^'^ (23) 2 r hi^ = - \ {B cos pt -\- D cos 3pt) cos kpt d{pt). TT Jo ^^ This coefficient is not to be confounded with the general expression for flux density. 794 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Upon integration of (23) the coefificients for the fundamental and third harmonic flux components are found to be as follows : a, ^ -{A - C/3), bx = B, 4/^,3C\ , „ ^^^^ which, by reference to (20), may be put in terms of the branch coeffi- cients. Appendix 4 — Impedance Reaction to a Small Third Harmonic IN THE Presence of a Large Fundamental We have for the two hysteresis branch equations from Eqs. (4a), (5a) B,{h, H) = B{0, H) + m + 7/i' + a,,li^ + • • •, B^{h., H) = - B{0, H) + ^h - yJf^ + a^oh' + •■-, (30) in which i3 = aio + anil + auIP, 7 = — (ao2 + aoill). Putting (29) in (30) we get (31) B{h, II) = A + B cos pt + C cos 2pt + D cos 3pt + F cos npt + G[cos (n + \)pt + cos {n - Vjpf] + J[cos (w + 2)pt + cos (h - 2)pQ (32) in which the coefficients have the following significance -/l3/2, {33) A = B{0, II) + Ih^yil, F = I31h + 3azdhnhl2, B ^ I3H, + 3a3o//i'/4, G = yllJh, C = yHi'/l, J = 3azoHi'H3/4. D = asolli'/i, The coefficients of the Fourier Series for the output wave may now be obtained as before by combining the two equations (30) since each one is operative during one-half the cycle. There results an expression similar to the one obtained in the single frequency case, and since we have / = boj2 + 2a/i sin kpt -\- l^bk cos kpt the coefficients are evaluated from the expressions HARMONIC PRODUCTION IN MAGNETIC MATERIALS 795 2 r^" ak = - \ (^ + C cos 2pl + Gicos Apt + cos 2pt)) sin kpt d{pt), ttJo 2 r'" (34) ^^ = ± (5 cos ;/?/ + (i^ + /^) cos 3pt ttJo + /(cos 5_p/ + cos pt)) cos /c^/ d{pt). Upon integration we find h, = B, bs = F. (35) Comparing these two coefficients we see that at low amplitudes we may write bi = ixHi, bs = 1J.H3, in which the permeability is the same to the two components, and is determined by the fundamental amplitude. For the dissipative terms we find ai = -{A- C/3 - 2G/5), TT 4 (^50 as = - (Al3 - 3C/5 + 6G/35), TT but some care is required in interpreting these expressions. Inasmuch as we are primarily interested here in determining the dissipative component to a third harmonic magnetizing force of amplitude H3, we are required to select from as only those terms containing H3, which means the single term 24G/357r. The other terms take care of the harmonic producing properties of the core and do not affect the impedance to the third harmonic. The impedance term for the third harmonic comes down to 24 OOTT which may be written as 24 B{0, H) 35t Hi This may be compared with the corresponding term for the funda- mental given by (25). Appendix 5. Effect of Air-Gap by Vacuum Tube Analogy In the elementary treatment of non-linear two element vacuum tube circuits, approximate solutions are obtained in the form J = Ji -\- J2 -^ ' ' ' Jn, 796 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL where / represents the variable part of the space current on the basis that Jn represents the wth approximation, but that the series converges rapidly so that we need consider only the first two terms to arrive at a substantially accurate result. The expressions derived for the first and second approximations are known to be /i = a,El{\ + a,R), /2 = 02^7(1 + a,RY, where the 'a' coefficients describe the tube characteristic / = aiv + a^v^, R being the external plate circuit resistance, v the tube potential, and E the circuit e.m.f. Turning now to the equations for the hysteresis loop branches, we have from (4a) B = aiah — aoo^i'^ + auhH + a^^H'^- Hence by the analogy between flux and current, and between reluc- tance and resistance, the first order terms are reduced by the factor 1/(1 + aiR) which corresponds to 1/(1 + XawlA), and the second order terms are reduced by the cube of this factor, which yields the same results (42) as the laborious direct method. Airways Communication Service ^ By EDWARD B. CRAFT THE present development of air transport is bringing out its need for adequate communication in much the same manner as the earlier development of railway operations disclosed for that industry the necessity of special communication services if speed and density of traffic were to be obtained with safety. The electric telegraph by a most fortunate coincidence was available just at the time the rail- ways required it; and as the demand for speed became pressing the telephone was perfected. Today the railways of the country, in general, use the telegraph for administrative messages, where a written record is wanted, and use the telephone for despatching, where speed and accuracy are primary requirements. By another fortunate coincidence, radio appears to be available just at the time it is needed for communication with aircraft in flight. Radio in the form of either telegraph or telephone has been highly developed for communication between points on the surface of the globe. For communication between aircraft and airports it is avail- able in principle although not yet so well developed. During the war, both in this country and abroad, radio equipment of relatively crude design was installed in aircraft and proved of great utility. Since the war, radio telegraphy for aircraft has been further developed by the naval and military services, but radio telephony has received less attention, probably because of the inherent difficulties and lack of a pressing demand. Following the remarkable success of the Air Mail and the passage of the Air Commerce Act of 1926, we are now fairly launched into an era of air transport of mails, express and passengers. National Air- ways, laid out and equipped by the Department of Commerce under authority of the Air Commerce Act, already compare in extent with the main trunk line mileage of the railways. Scheduled flying over these airways goes on by night as well as by day. A commercial degree of reliability and safety has been reached in so far as the airplane and its engine are concerned and, when surprises due to bad weather can be eliminated, the safety of air transport should compare favorably with that of other forms of transportation. Although weather is beyond our control, meteorological science is able to forecast its major phenomena with a high degree of precision, 1 Contributed to Aviation for October 1928. 797 798 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL provided data describing present and past weather conditions can be collected from a sufificient number of places. The progress of a weather disturbance can be tracked and the time of its arrival at a given point predicted. By means of a suitable communication system weather reports from observers located along and near an airway can be collected; and it should be possible, therefore, to reduce materially the weather hazard of air transport. A full-scale meteorological experiment of this nature is now being conducted in California by the Weather Bureau with the cooperation of the Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics and of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Meteorologists at the Oakland and Los Angeles airports receive several times a day, by long distance telephone, weather data from observers at a large num- ber of selected points in the state. After an exchange of these collected data, these meteorologists forecast flying-weather for aviators starting out over the airway between these airports. The experiment will be continued until the value of the special weather service can be estimated. Since the communications problem of safe air transport presented features which in a number of respects were unique, it was referred by the Interdepartmental Committee on Aeronautical Meteorology to experts of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and Bell Telephone Laboratories. What was desired was the collection of reports from a considerable number of widely distributed observers in a relatively short interval of time, say, from twenty observers in twenty minutes. Naturally, it is not commercially practicable to call the party desired, set up the connections, have him answer and give his data all in the space of one minute. However, an equivalent result has been obtained by evolving a special telephone procedure for the purpose. At the appointed time a team of long-distance telephone operators call up successively the listed observers. Each as he answers is asked to hold the line and wait his turn when the operator connects him to the airport meteorologist. It has been found by trial that the weather data can be reported and recorded in thirty seconds. Consequently, the list of observers can be readily gone through if one minute each is allowed. To the Los Angeles and Oakland airports about forty observers are now reporting weather five times a day. These collected reports are exchanged between airports; and airplanes starting over the airway are provided with a forecast of the weather they may expect enroute and upon arrival. On the basis of these forecasts, it is hoped that the pilots may be able to avoid bad weather by choosing an alternative route or AIRWAYS COMMUNICATION SERVICE 799 by selecting the terminal field where weather conditions are more propitious. Both Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay region have several airports and there are two routes between them, one up the valley via Bakersfield, and the other the more direct line to the west. The experiment will be carried on for a full year and so cover the complete cycle of the seasons. On the basis of the demonstrated value of this service to the users of the airway, the matter of its con- tinuance or possible extension to other airways can then be decided by the Weather Bureau. Unfortunately, however, California weather is proverbially good, and the experiment will, therefore, be concerned mainly with local fog and visibility conditions. It is possible also that interests other than aeronautical may discover advantages in a short range forecast of local weather. If so, the value of the experi- ment will be correspondingly increased. Weather data are also being collected in the east from observers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania by the meteorologist at Hadley Field who employs a somewhat similar method of sequence operation of the long-distance telephone lines. In addition to the problem of collecting weather data, there is the closely related matter of distributing local weather reports and fore- casts between airports. This is "point-to-point service." It may be accomplished by a special radio-telegraph network, by commercial telegraph or by long-d'stance telephone, and over private or leased wires either by telephone or by telegraph. Local conditions, volume of traffic and economic considerations, in general, determine which type of service should be provided. Besides its use for weather messages, point-to-point communication between landing fields along an airway is desirable for following the progress of an airplane with its passengers and cargo. Such a despatching service is somewhat analogous to that of a railway and is a necessity if scheduled connections with trains and other aircraft are to be met. Also, there is the necessity of accountability for mails and express; for example, on departure the landing fields ahead must be informed not only of the fact of starting but of what mail is on board. Upon landing there must be a message announcing the event. In this way the progress of a plane can be followed by the terminal airports. Although air transport of passengers has not yet reached a large volume in this country, European experience indicates that we soon will be concerned with communication problems having to do with passengers' convenience and comfort. Train and bus connections, hotel accommodations and meals, will have to be arranged for by the traffic department of an air transport company. 51 800 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Point-to-point communication facilities are also required for the general administrative business of the airv\^ay and of the air transport companies. Along our present airways at short intervals are intermediate landing fields upon which planes may land when forced down by weather or mechanical trouble. Such landings, however, are in- frequent and will presumably become increasingly rare; but when a forced landing does take place instant communication with the nearest airport is urgent on account of passengers, mail, and the air transport company itself. Telephones are now provided at these intermediate fields by the Department of Commerce and kept available for such emergency use. The same telephones can be used, of course, for the routine collection of weather data by the airport meteorologist. On some airways communication between terminal landing fields or airports is now handled by radio telegraph and on others by long- distance telephone. Neither system is ideal for the purpose. Radio telegraph is slow and is often unreliable in times of bad static when weather messages become urgent. It also utilizes radio ether channels which are needed for communication with planes. Moreover, a telegraph operator must be constantly listening throughout the twenty-four hours even though messages come infrequentl3^ Com- mercial wire telephone service on the other hand although generally fast and reliable provides no written record of the messages, nor does it economically repeat messages at such other and distant airports as may be interested. Weather conditions at Cleveland, for example, are of interest both to New York and to Chicago airports. Likewise the time of departure of the New York air mail from Chicago is of interest to all landing fields enroute. An ideal system which is instantaneous and reliable, repeats messages at all airports, is free from interference, takes up no radio channels, and furnishes a permanent record of all messages at all airports, is the telephone-typewriter service. Telephone-typewriter systems make possible the instantaneous transmission of communications between distant offices and provide simultaneously each office and any desired intermediate stations with typewritten copies. This service has been used for a good many years by the principal press associations and is now being extended rapidly to serve the needs of our larger business organizations. To utilize the telephone-typewriter system along an airway requires only the installation of keyboard transmitting apparatus and tape printing apparatus at terminal fields and their interconnection by a private or leased wire circuit. Then anyone familiar with a type- AIRWAYS COMMUNICATION SERVICE 801 writer may type a message which will appear on the tape fed auto- matically from the apparatus at every other connected point. The message is automatically and permanently recorded under the control of the sending station. Constant attendance or listening-in is, there- fore, not required; and operators at the various receiving points are thus free to attend to telephone calls from intermediate fields, to operate radio beacons and lights, and to carry on whatever duties may be assigned to them. Telephone-typewriter service has been initiated by the Department of Commerce at Hadley Field, at Cleveland, at Chicago and at San Francisco, where in each place the local radio stations, weather bureau offices and the airport offices are all interconnected. It is planned, at a later date, to equip experimentally some airway with complete telephone-typewriter service between airports. When an aviator leaves an airport he should be given information of the weather along the route ahead of him and a forecast of the nature of probable changes during the time of his flight. If general weather conditions are settled, or if his flight is a short one, a forecast is entirely adequate. However, for long flights and at times of uncertain and threatening weather, it is important that the pilot be continuously advised by radio of the weather conditions he may encounter during his flight. In particular, reports of the visibility and landing condi- tions at the airport where he expects to land and storm warnings should be sent him. Weather and landing advice can be broadcast from each airport along the airway. Provision of radio transmitters at airports and receiving sets in the planes will make possible a simple one-way system of communication and will permit any number of planes in the air to be advised without confusion. The Department of Commerce, in its program of Aids for Air Navigation plans to install radio-telephone transmitters at principal terminal fields to broadcast, to planes in flight, weather and landing information. In addition, there will be a radio-beacon service to assist pilots in finding the landing field. European practice, however, has not developed a broadcasting service along this line but has evolved a two-way system in which the pilot of the airplane talks with the nearest airport. Such a system has obvious advantages where it is desired by an air transport company to instruct or control rather than merely inform its aviators. The obvious disadvantage lies in the fact that on a single radio channel the airport can converse with only a single airplane at a time. On the London-Paris airway, it is reported, the practice has recently been adopted of communicating on one channel by radio telegraph with the 802 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL large planes which carry a radio operator and on another channel by radio telephone with the smaller planes. Two-way communication has the great and obvious merit of per- mitting a pilot to discuss the weather outlook with an airport meteor- ologist, to consider alternative landing places in view of such factors as his remaining fuel supply or the direction of wind, and to decide if necessary on a change in landing place and to be assured of arrange- ments there for the care of his passengers and mail. It seems reason- FiG. 1. The Whippany Radio Laboratory. able, therefore, to predict that operators of air transport fleets will require two-way communication with their planes in flight, although taxi services and private owners without ground organization along the airway may, in general, be content with a public one-way broad- casting service. Whether one-way or two-way communication is desired for plane- to-ground use it appears that radio telephony as distinguished from telegraphy will be essential. Radio telegraphy requires on board the plane the individual attention of a special radio operator for sending and receiving. Although very large multi-engined passenger planes will certainly carry a relief pilot in flight, it is doubtful whether good AIRWAYS COMMUNICATION SERVICE 803 commercial pilots can be made into good telegraphers and vice versa. For long distance over-sea flights and for expeditionary purposes the radio telegraph has, without doubt, preponderating advantages of longer range with the same transmitter power and of intelligibility through a higher level of interfering signals and acoustic noise on board, aside from its convenience in communication enroute with surface vessels. For regular service on established airways, however, the telephone is undoubtedly superior. The perfection of facilities for communicating weather and landing information to planes in flight, which will enable them to operate with safety under relatively unfavorable meteorological conditions, will greatly stimulate the demand for improved aids to navigation. It seems to be established that flying under conditions of poor visibility, when landmarks are totally obscured and beacon lights are useless, requires some form of radio goniometry if the pilot is to find his way through. A number of systems have been proposed for this purpose. The London-Paris Airway is equipped with radio direction-finding equip- ment on the ground by means of which the position of planes can be determined on request. The disadvantages of this arrangement lie mainly in its relative slowness and its lack of traffic capacity. The radio beacon of the type being developed by the Bureau of Standards, giving an equi-signal zone which can be observed by the plane, is free from these objections. It is, however, subject to the disadvantage that it indicates a straightline course which cannot always coincide with the airway and is of little value if detours are required to avoid storm centers and foggy areas. Another system, a recent development of the British Royal Air Force, employs a rotating loop transmitter at the ground station and indicates the bearing of the plane with respect to the transmitter by means of a special stop watch. This system is relatively slow but permits the pilot to navigate as he would if one or more beacon lights were visible. All of these various methods of goniometry have special advantages and disadvantages, and occupy more or less of the valuable and restricted ether space. The evolution of the system which is most satisfactory will be a matter of time and will require close co- operation on the part of all factors in the industry. Bell Telephone Laboratories, at its radio station at Whippany, New Jersey, has erected an experimental two-way radio-telephone system and radio beacon. In connection with this apparatus it utilizes a Fairchild Cabin Monoplane with Pratt and Whitney wasp engine. The plane has been carefully bonded and shielded and is 804 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL equipped with radio field-measuring apparatus of the Laboratories' design. With this plane exact measurements can be made at various altitudes under different weather conditions of the efficiency of radio transmission from the Whippany transmitter. In addition the plane carries radio transmitting and receiving sets of experimental design. Fig. 2. The Cabin Monoplane for Experiment in Airways Communication. It is, in fact, a flying radio laboratory in which the engineers may experiment under actual flying conditions. Whether a radio beacon service and a radio telephone service at ail the various airports over the country can be made practicable is largely a question of available ether channels. By international agreement, the frequency band 285-315 kcs. (1050-950 meters) is reserved for radio beacons, both marine and air service. F'or "air mobile service exclusively" there is reserved the band 315-350 kcs. (950-850 meters) in which the 900 meter wave {333 kcs.) is reserved as an air service calling wave and is not to be assigned. Radio telephony requires a band of frequencies sufficiently wide to include the "side bands" of speech frequency. For distinct trans- mission of speech, neglecting certain requirements of musical quality, this might require a minimum of 6,000 cycles. In this band reserved for "air mobile service exclusively" there is room, therefore, for but AIRWAYS COMMUNICATION SERVICE 805 three telephone channels above and three below the calling wave, or a total of six channels. Assuming that a beacon requires a channel width of but 300 cycles, there are altogether for marine and airport use one hundred beacon channels in the band 285-315 kcs. Fig. 3. Cabin Laboratories of the Monoplane. The band reserved for beacons is already partly occupied by marine beacons, and near the coast difficulty may arise in finding clear channels for airport beacons. Although it is probable that, by a proper geo- graphical distribution of frequencies, there may be worked out without 806 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL undue interference an adequate beacon service we can make no assumption that any extra space can be found in the beacon band for radio telephony. A radio telephone system with a sufficiently powerful transmitter and sufficiently sensitive receiver to give reliable communication for 100 miles will give fair communication for perhaps 200 miles, and its carrier wave will interfere with reception for a much greater dis- tance. To avoid interference due to the beating of carrier frequencies, airports within a few hundred miles of one another may be assigned to different frequency channels, but serious difficulty is at once apparent from a map of the National Airways. Within 800 miles of Chicago, for example, there are over fifty terminal fields or airports. It would seem obviously impractical to assign the available six telephone channels to cover the eastern and central United States without serious interference. By restricting power as much as possible and by other means yet to be devised, it may be found possible to assign the same wave-length to airports relatively nearer together. For the distribution of weather information only, however, the airways may well find insufficient the frequencies in the exclusive band, 315-350 kilocycles. On certain main routes, air transport companies will eventually require two-way telephone despatching systems of their own to control plane movements. These systems will consist of radio stations situated at the various airports along the route and interconnected by suitable wire lines. The frequency channels required for such services cannot be found in the 315-350 kilocycles band which, as just indicated, is apparently inadequate for the public services of weather broadcasting from airports. Further channels in the short- wave region appear to be necessary. In the short wave region Bell Telephone Laboratories have initiated an additional development project. In cooperation with the Boeing Air Transport Company, the Laboratories have undertaken to survey the Chicago-San Francisco Airway and to develop a system of two- way telephony between planes in flight and terminal landing fields on this route. The Boeing Company planes and landing fields will be equipped with experimental radio apparatus and a joint full-scale experiment will be conducted during the winter of 1928-29. From this work it is hoped to determine for an air transport company the requirements for a two-way radio telephone service. The investi- gation will furnish the basis for offering such facilities to other air transport operators. This development of two-way radio-telephony on short waves is AIRWAYS COMMUNICATION SERVICE 807 entirely distinct from the government's program of Aids to Air Navigation. That service contemplates one-way radio telephony and direction finding on long waves. The government service is to be available to all flyers who equip themselves to receive it. The two- way system is for private communication and despatching service of air transport companies which wish to control their planes in flight, and to remain in constant communication with their pilots and passengers. Also, although not yet required, it can safely be predicted that at busy airports there will soon arise a need for radio means to control precedence in the take-off and landing of airplanes. This virtually amounts to traffic control and can be accomplished by low-power two-way radio telephone. Planes wishing to land may announce themselves and remain aloft until directed by the airport manager in the control tower to land at a designated part of the field. In all these present and future problems, it is the policy of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Bell System to assist by developing ways and means for making available to commercial aviation the best possible communication service. Abstracts of Bell System Technical Papers Not Appearing in this Journal Influence of Carbon and Silicon Variations in Grey Cast Iron} D. G. Anderson and G. R. Bessmer. In this short article the author gives the results of a series of tests of grey cast irons with different carbon and silicon contents. Three series were run in each of which the silicon content was kept constant and the amount of carbon varied. The results indicated that with two percent silicon the carbon content may be reduced without materially increasing the amount of com- bined carbon. This results in some improvement in the physical properties of the iron. Strength-Tests of Telephone Materials.- J. R. Townsend. Static tests, such as the ordinary tension or torsion tests, have fallen some- what into disrepute during the last ten years, the author claims, as the ultimate strengths obtained from them are not always indicative of the forces materials will withstand in actual service. Their place is being taken by repeated-stress tests in which the sample is sub- jected to conditions more nearly representing those met in ordinary service. In illustration the author mentions several tests of this class being applied in Bell Telephone Laboratories on cable sheath material and springs. The Reduction of Atmospheric Disturbances .^ John R. Carson. In the decade or so during which the problem of eliminating or at least reducing atmospheric disturbances has been given serious and syste- matic study we have learned, more or less definitely, what we can and cannot do in this direction. For example, we know that there are definite limits to what can be accomplished by frequency selection. We know that directional selectivity is of substantial value, particularly when the predominant interference comes from a direction other than that of the desired signal, and we can calculate pretty well the gain to be expected from a given design. The object of this note is to analyze another arrangement which provides for high-frequency selection plus low-frequency balancing after detection. The broad idea of balancing out the interference is old, but no general analysis of the arrangement seems to have been made. Furthermoie the principle of balance has recently acquired 1 "Fuels and Furnaces," Vol. VI, No. 7, pp. 957 and 972, July, 1928. 2 "Instruments," Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. 313-315, July, 1928. ^Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers, July, 1928, \'ol. 16, No. 7, pp. 966-975. 808 ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 809 fresh interest due to the system disclosed by Armstrong * in which high-frequency selectivity and low-frequency balancing are essential features. Armstrong's scheme is treated in more detail in the latter part of this paper. The conclusions of this study are entirely negative, that is, no ap- preciable gain is to be expected from balancing arrangements. This is quite in agreement with the conclusion drawn over ten years ago as a result of a rather extended experimental study made in the Bell System. In fact, as more and more schemes are analyzed and tested, and as the essential nature of the problem is more clearly perceived, we are unavoidably forced to the conclusion that static, like the poor, will always be with us. Thermostat Design for Frequency Standards.^ W. A. Marrison. A means for maintaining constant temperature is described in which those temperature variations which are essential for operation of the controlling element are prevented from reaching the controlled chamber by a wall of material especially chosen for the purpose. Such a wall 1 cm. thick, consisting of alternate thin layers of felt and copper, will reduce temperature variations having a period of one minute or less by a factor of 10,000 to 1. Technical Considerations Involved in the Allocation of Short Waves; Frequencies between 1.5 and 30 Megacycles.^ Lloyd Espenschied. This short paper discusses the relation between frequency and distance of transmission for short waves in so far as it affects allocation. A table is given in which the entire short-wave field from 10 to 200 meters is divided into three major bands each containing numerous sub- bands. For each sub-band the number of channels theoretically possible is given and also the number of channels being used at the present time. Factors affecting the separation of channels are also listed. Effect of Street Railway Mercury Arc Rectifiers on Communication Circuits.'' Charles J, Daly. This paper describes the effects ex- perienced on the telephone circuits from two mercury arc rectifier substations recently installed in Bridgeport, Conn., and shows in table form the relative magnitude of the interfering effects between rotating equipment and mercury arc rectifiers as a means of energizing the street railway system. The method and the type of apparatus used to reduce the effects experienced from the rectifiers are also described. *^ Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Ejigineers, Jan., 1928, Vol. 16, No. 1, p. IS. 5 Proceedings of the I. R. E., Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 976-980, July, 1928. ^Proceedings of the I. R. E., Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 773-777, June, 1928. 7 Journai of the A. I. E. E., Vol. XLVII, No. 7, pp. 503-506, July, 1928. 810 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Compressed Powdered Permalloy — Manufacture and Magnetic Proper- ties.^ W. J. Shackelton and I. G. Barber. The paper gives a brief description of the manufacture of magnetic cores of compressed permalloy powder followed by information co\'ering their magnetic properties with particular reference to their use in loading coils. Production of the powder, and its insulation, pressing and annealing, are discussed. Under magnetic properties, permeability, core loss, and modulation are treated. Curves are given illustrating the character- istics of interest in connection with the design and application of loading coils; and comparisons to corresponding characteristics of compressed powdered iron are made throughout. Thermal Agitation of Electric Charge in Conductors.'^ H. Nyquist. The electromotive force due to thermal agitation in conductors is calculated by means of principles in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. The results obtained agree with results obtained experi- mentally. Time-Lag in Magnetization}^ Richard M. Bozorth. An in- vestigation has been made of the time-lag in magnetization in a permalloy wire to determine whether lag can be satisfactorily accounted for as due to eddy-currents alone or whether permalloy shows a marked magnetic viscosity such as has been observed by Ewing in iron wires. Eddy-current lag has been calculated approximately in a manner which takes into account the changing slope of the magnetization curve. A comparison of the calculated and observed magnetization-z;5.-time curves indicates that the effect is well accounted for as eddy-current lag alone. The eddy-current lag has also been calculated for an iron ring, for which the time-lag has been reported recently in a number of papers by Lapp. The time-lag which he observed is satisfactorily accounted for as eddy-current lag instead of as magnetic viscosity as he had supposed. Thermal Agitation of Electricity in Conductors}^ J. B. Johnson. Statistical fluctuation of electric charge exists in all conductors, producing random variation of potential between the ends of the con- ductor. The effect of these fluctuations has been measured by a vacuum tube amplifier and thermocouple, and can be expressed by the formula P = {2kT/T)J]^R(o)) \ F(co) \-dco. I is the observed current in the thermocouple, k is Boltzmann's gas constant, T is the absolute 8 Jourtial of the A. L E. E., Vol. XLII, No. 6, pp. 437-440, June, 1928. 9 Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 110-113, July, 1928. ^^ Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 124-132, July, 1928. ^^ Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 97-109, July, 1928. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 811 temperature of the conductor, R(w) is the real component of impedance of the conductor, F(co) is the transfer impedance of the amphfier, and co/27r = / represents frequency. The value of Boltzmann's constant obtained from the measurements lies near the accepted value of this constant. The technical aspects of the disturbance are discussed. In an amplifier having a range of 5,000 cycles and the input resistance R, the power equivalent of the effect is V'^/R = 0.8 X lO"^" watt, with corresponding power for other ranges of frequency. The least contribution of tube noise is equivalent to that of a resistance Re = 1-5 X lOHp/jji, where ip is the space current in milliamperes and ju is the effective amplification of the tube. The Voltage- Current Relation in Central Cathode Photoelectric Cells }- Thornton C. Fry and Herbert E. Ives. This paper presents a theoretical basis for the interpretation of the experimental results described in the paper which follows. It considers a source of photoelectrons located on the inner of two concentric spheres; derives the trajectory of an electron shot off at any angle with any speed; and then makes use of this information to compute the current which would be received by a small collector located anywhere on the outer sphere upon very general assumptions as to the directional distribution and velocity distribution of the photoelectrons. This theoretical study is followed by graphical presentation of results com- puted for several typical cases of special interest in connection with the experimental study. The Distribution in Direction of Photoelectrons from Alkali Metal Surfaces}^ Hervert E. Ives, A. R. Olpin and A. L. Johnsrud. An experimental study of the distribution in direction of photoelectrons emitted from alkali metal surfaces irradiated by light incident at various angles and polarized in different planes. The alkali metal surfaces used were of two sorts: (1) liquid alloys of sodium and po- tassium, (2) thin films of potassium or rubidium on polished platinum. In all cases the alkali metal surface was at the center of a large spherical enclosing anode, provided either with collecting tabs at various angular positions or with an exploring finger. It is found that the emission closely obeys Lambert's law, but that the ellipse by which the emission is represented, in polar coordinates, is more elongated normally to the surface for perpendicularly incident light than for obliquely, when the direction of the electric vector is in both cases parallel to the surface, and still more elongated for obliquely incident light with the ^^ Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 44-56, July, 1928. ^^ Physical Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 57-80, July, 1928. 812 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL electric vector in the plane of incidence. The distribution curves are all perfectly symmetrical about the normal to the surface, showing no tendency to follow the direction of the electric vector. Oscillographic Observations on the Direction of Propagation and Fading of Short Waves.^^ H. T. Friis. The short-wave transmission path is generally but not always located in the vertical plane through the transmission and receiving points. Direction finding depends upon determining the direction of the wave at the receiving point; it does not give accurate results when the twilight zone is in the w^ay of the wave path. The angle between the earth and the direction of short-wave propa- gation varies continuously and the changes in this angle are much larger than the changes in angle of propagation in the horizontal plane. The observations are consistent with the view that the fading is mainly caused by wave interference. An Improved Permeameter for Testing Magnet Steel}^ B. J. Babbitt. The increasing use of cobalt steel in the manufacture of permanent magnets has created a need for a permeameter that is capable of deter- mining accurately the magnetic properties of such steel in bar form. The common commercial permeameters are not capable of producing the high magnetizing forces required for this purpose. Commercial permeameters are chiefly of two types, the yoke type and the Burrows type. The latter is difficult to operate and requires an experienced operator for a reasonable output ; it cannot be adapted to the testing of cobalt steel unless it is practically rebuilt throughout. The yoke type of permeameter may be adapted to the testing of cobalt steel by the use of extensions to the poles so that the distance between them is much less. In this way the greater part of the magnetomotive force is distributed over a short portion of the magnetic circuit and the mag- netomotive force per centimeter is correspondingly greater. The permeameter that is described below has been developed by the Mag- netic Materials Division at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Company to overcome the chief objections common to present commercial permeameters. Corrosion of Cable Sheath in Creosoted Wood Conduit}^ R. M. Burns and B. A. Freed. This paper deals with the identification of a cor- rosion of lead cable placed in creosoted wood conduit, and with the ^^Proceedings of the Institute oj Radio Engineers, May, 1928, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp, 658-665. " Journal of the Optical Society of America and Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 47-58, July, 1928. 18 Journal of t lie A. I. E. E., Vol. XLVII, No. 8, pp. 576-579, August, 1928. ABSTRACTS OF TECHNICAL PAPERS 813 determination and application of methods of allaying it. The trouble was experienced mainly on the Pacific Coast where, although Douglas fir conduit was introduced about 1911, the first case of corrosion which could definitely be ascribed to the creosoted conduit did not occur till 1921. A search for the cause of the trouble led to making systematic anal- yses of the air present in the conduit and these analyses revealed the presence of acetic acid in sufficient amount to account for the cor- rosion in the presence of carbon dioxide which was also shown to be present. After much experimenting a method was developed to stop the cor- rosion by pumping ammonia into the ducts. Results have been very satisfactory and seem to indicate that a single treatment is sufficient. Small Samples — New Experimental Results}'' W. A. Shewhart and F. W. Winters. This article reviews briefly the Theory of Errors of Averages, paying particular attention to some of the most recent work in connection with small samples. New empirical results are presented showing the advantage that arises from the use of the latest error theory and pointing out the effect of the limitations imposed upon it. The information contained in this paper indicates that further theoretical studies ate necessary in order that the application of small sample theory may give more accurate solutions to the problems that arise in practice. " Journal of American Statistical Association, New Series, No. 162 (Vol. XXIII), pp. 144-153, June, 1928. Contributors to this Issue George A. Campbell, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1891; A.B., Harvard, 1892; Ph.D., 1901 ; Gottingen, Vienna and Paris, 1893-96; Mechanical Department, American Bell Telephone Company, 1897; Engineering Department, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1903-19; Department of Development and Research, 1919- ; Research Engineer, 1908-. Dr. Campbell has published papers on loading and the theory of electric circuits, including electric wave- filters, and is also well known to telephone engineers for his contri- butions to repeater and substation circuits. C. W. RoBBiNS, Eureka Electric Company, 1901-1905; Western Electric Company; Testing Apparatus Design, 1905-06; Chief of Inspection Methods Division, Chicago, 1906-08; Chief Inspector Cable, Rubber and Insulating Shops, Hawthorne, 1908-18; Assistant Superintendent of Inspection, 1918-27; Assistant Superintendent of Inspection Development, 1927-. Much of Mr. Robbins' work has been connected with gages, testing and measuring apparatus and methods. IsLa.rl K. Darrow, S.B., University of Chicago, 1911, University of Paris, 1911-12, University of Berlin, 1912; Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, University of Chicago, 1917; Engineering Department, Western Electric Company, 1917-24; Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., 1925-. Mr. Darrow has been engaged largely in preparing stu- dies and analyses of published research in various fields of physics. His earlier articles on Contemporary Physics form the nucleus of a recently published book entitled "Introduction to Contemporary Physics" (D. Van Nostrand Company). E. Peterson, Cornell University, 1911-14; Brooklyn Polytechnic, E.E., 1917; Columbia, A.M., 1923; Ph.D., 1926; Electrical Testing Laboratories, 1915-17; Signal Corps, U. S. Army, 1917-19; Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1919-. Mr. Peterson's work has been largely in theoretical studies of carrier current apparatus. Edward B. Craft, Engineering Department, Western Electric Com- pany, Chicago, 1902-07; Development Engineer, Western Electric Company at New York, 1907-18; Assistant Chief Engineer, 1918-22; Chief Engineer, 1922-25 ; Executive Vice President of Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1925-. Mr. Craft's duties have been executive for some years, but he also has many patents and has made outstanding individual contributions, prominent among which is the flat type relay. 814 Index to Volume VII Absorption Coefficient of Porous Materials, Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the, E. C. Wente and E. H. Bedell, page 1. Acoustic Impedance and the Absorption Coefficient of Porous Materials, Measure- ment of, E. C. Wente and E. H. Bedell, page 1. Advances in Physics — XV, Contemporary. The Classical Theory of Light, K. K. Darrow, First part, page 281; Second part, page 730. Affel, H. A., C. S. Demarest and C. W. Green, Carrier Systems on Long Distance Telephone Lines, page 564. Airways communication Service, E. B. Craft, page 797. American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Joint Meeting of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the, page 16L Apparatus, Precision Tool-Making for the Manufacture of Telephone, J. H. Kasley and F. P. Hutchison, page 375. Automatic Machine Gauging, C. W. Robbins, page 708. B Bartlett, B. W. and J. G. Ferguson, Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resist- ance and Frequency, page 420. Bedell, E. H. and E. C. Wente, Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the Ab- sorption Coefficient of Porous Materials, page L Blackwell, 0. B., Transatlantic Telephony — the Technical Problem, page 168. Bridge for Measuring Small Time Intervals, /. Herman, page 343. Bridge: Electrical Measurement of Communication Apparatus, W. J. Shackelton and /. G. Ferguson, page 70. Bridge: Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resistance and Frequency, /. G. Ferguson and B. W. Bartlett, page 420. Buckley, O. E., High-Speed Ocean Cable Telegraphy, page 225. Cable, Recent Developments in the Process of Manufacturing Lead- Covered Tele phone, C. D. Hart, page 321. Cable Telegraphy, High-Speed Ocean, O. E. Buckley, page 225. Campbell, G. A., Practical Application of the Fourier Integral, page 639. Capacitance in Terms of Resistance and Frequency, Measurement of, J. G. Ferguson and B. W. Bartlett, page 420. Carrier Systems on Long Distance Telephone Lines, H. A. Affel, C. S. Demarest and C. W. Green, page 564. Carson, J. R., Present Status of Wire Transmission Theory and Some of its Out- standing Problems, page 268. Carson, J. R., Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission along Wires, page 11. Classical Theory of Light, Contemporary Advances in Physics, XV., K. K. Darrow, First part, page 281, Second part, page 730. Coggins, P. P., Some General Results of Elementary Sampling Theory for Engineering Use, page 26. 3 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Communication Apparatus, Electrical Measurement of, 11 '. 7. Shackelton and /. G'. Ferguson, page 70. Communication Service, Airways, E. B. Craft, page 797. Conductors, Natural Period of Linear, C. R. Englund, page 404. Contemporary Advances in Physics, XV. The Classical Theory of Light, K. K. Darrow, First part, page 28 L Second part, page 730. Craft, E. B., Airways Communication Service, page 797. Crosstalk: Harmonic Production in Ferromagnetic Materials at Low Frequencies and Low Flux Densities, E. Peterson, page 762. Crystal of Nickel, Diffraction of Electrons by a, C. J. Davisson, page 90. D Darrow, K. K., Contemporary' Advances in Physics, XV. The Classical Theory of Light, First part, page 281; Second part, page 730. Davisson, C. J., DifTraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel, page 90. Demarest, C. S., H. A. Affel and C. W. Green, Carrier Systems on Long Distance Telephone Lines, page 564. Diffraction of Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel, C. J. Davisson, page 90. Distortion: Harmonic Production in Ferromagnetic Materials at Low Frequencies and Low Flux Densities, E. Peterson, page 762. Distortion and Phase Distortion Correction, Phase, Sallie Pero Mead, page 195. Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks, O. J. Zobel, page 438. Dodge, H. F., Method of Rating Manufactured Product, page 350. E Electrical Measurement of Communication Apparatus, W. J. Shackelton and J. G. Ferguson, page 70. Electrons by a Crystal of Nickel, Diffraction of, C. J. Davisson, page 90. Englund, C. R., Natural Period of Linear Conductors, page 404. Equalizers: Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks, 0. J. Zobel, page 438. Ferguson, J. G. and B. W. Barilett, Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resist- ance and Frequency, page 420. Ferguson, J. G. and W. J. Shackelton, Electrical Measurement of Communication Apparatus, page 70. Ferromagnetic Materials at Low Frequencies and Low Flux Densities, Harmonic Production in, E. Peterson, page 762. Fourier Integral, Practical Application of the, G. A. Campbell, page 639. Frequency, Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resistance and, J. G. Ferguson and B. W. Bartlett, page 420. Gaging, Automatic Machine, C. W. Robbins, page 708. Green, C. W., H. A. Affel and C. S. Demarest, Carrier Systems on Long Distance Telephone Lines, page 564. Grid Current Modulation, E. Peterson and C. R. Keith, page 106. H Harmonic Production in Ferromagnetic Material at Low Frcciuencies and Low I'luv Densities, E. Peterson, page 762. 4 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Hart, C. D., Recent Developments in the Process of Manufacturing Lead-Covered Telephone Cable, page 321. Hartley, R. V. L., Transmission of Information, page 535. Herman, J., Bridge for Measuring Small Time Intervals, page 343. High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type Loud Speakers, E. C. Wente and A. L. Thiiras, page 140. Horn-Type Loud Speakers, High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for, E. C. Wente and A. L. Thuras, page 140. Hutchison, F. P. and J. H. Kasley, Precision Tool-Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus, page 375. I Institution of Electrical Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Joint Meeting of the, page 161. Integral, Practical Application of the Fourier, G. A. Campbell, page 639. Intervals, Bridge for Measuring Small Time, J. Herman, page 343. Joint Meeting of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, page 161. K Kasley, J. H. and F. P. Hutchison, Precision Tool-Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus, page 375. Keith, C. R. and E. Peterson, Grid Current Modulation, page 106. Lead-Covered Telephone Cable, Recent Developments in the Process of Manufactur- ing, C. D. Hart, page 321. Light, Classical Theory of. Contemporary Advances in Physics, XV., K. K. Darrow, First part, page 281, Second part, page 730. Linear Conductors, Natural Period of, C. R. Englund, page 404. Long Distance Telephone Lines, Carrier Systems on, H. A. Affel, C. S. Demarest and C. W. Green, page 564. Loud-Speakers, High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type. E. C. Wente and A. L. Thuras, page 140. M Machine Gauging, Automatic, C. W. Robbins, page 708. Magnetism: Harmonic Production in Ferromagnetic Materials at Low Frequencies and Low Flux Densities, E. Peterson, page 762. Mead, Sallie Pero, Phase Distortion and Phase Distortion Correction, page 195. Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the Absorption Coefficient of Porous Materials, E. C. Wente and E. H. Bedell, page 1. Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of Resistance and Frequency, J. G. Ferguson and B. W. Bartlett, page 420. Measurement of Communication Apparatus, Electrical, W. J. Shackellon and /. G. Ferguson, page 70. Method of Rating Manufactured Product, H. F. Dodge, page 350. Modulation, Grid Current, E. Peterson and C. R. Keith, page 106. N Natural Period of Linear Conductors, C. R. Englund, page 404. Networks, Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with Constant Resistance Recurrent, O. J. Zobel, page 438. 5 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Optics: Contemporary Advances in Physics, XV. The Classical Theory of Light, K. K. Darrow, First part, page 281, Second part, page 730. Oscillations: Natural Period of Linear Conductors, C. R. Englund, page 404. Peterson, E., Harmonic Production in Ferromagnetic Materials at Low Frequencies and Low Flux Densities, page 762. Peterson, E. and C. R. Keith, Grid Current Modulation, page 106. Phase Distortion and Phase Distortion Correction, Sallie Pero Mead, page 195. Physics, Contemporary Advances in, XV. The Classical Theory of Light, K. K. Darrow, First part, page 281, Second part, page 730. Porous Materials, Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the Absorption Co- efficient of, E. C. Wente and E. H. Bedell, page 1. Practical Application of the Fourier Integral, G. A. Campbell, page 639. Precision Tool-Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus, /. H. Kasley and F. P. Hutchison, page 375. Present Status of Wire Transmission Theory and Some of its Outstanding Problems, J. R. Carson, page 268. R Rating Manufactured Product, Method of, H. F. Dodge, page 350. Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type Loud Speakers, High Efficiency, E. C. Wente and A. L. Thuras, page 140. Recent Developments in the Process of Manufacturing Lead-Covered Telephone Cable, C. D. Hart, page 321. Resistance and Frequency, Measurement of Capacitance in Terms of, /. G. Ferguson and B. W. Bartlett, page 420. Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission along Wires, J. R. Carson, page 11. Robhins, C. W., Automatic Machine Gauging, page 708. Sampling: Method of Rating Manufactured Product, H. F. Dodge, page 350. Sampling Theory for Engineering Use, Some General Results of Elementary, P. P. Coggins, page 26. Shackelton, W. J. and /. G. Ferguson, Electrical Measurement of Communication Apparatus, page 70. Some General Results of Elementary Sampling Theory for Enginereing Use, P. P. Coggins, page 26. Speakers, High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type Loud, E. C. Wente and A. L. Thuras, page 140. Submarine Cable: High-Speed Ocean Cable Telegraphy, 0. E. Buckley, page 225. Telegraphy, High-Speed Ocean Cable, O. E. Buckley, page 225. Telephone Apparatus, Precision Tool-Making for the Manufacture of, J. H. Kasley and F. P. Hutchison, page 375. Telephony, Transatlantic — the Technical Problem, O. B. Blackwell, page 168. Telephony, Transatlantic — Service and Operating Features, K. W. Waterson, page 187. Theory for Engineering Use, Some General Results of Elementary Sampling, P. P. Coggins, page 26. Thuras, A. L. and E. C. Wente, High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type Loud Speakers, page 140. 6 BELL SYSTEM TECHNICAL JOURNAL Time Intervals, Bridge for Measuring Small, /. Herman, page 343. Tool-Making for the Manufacture of Telephone Apparatus, Precision, J. H. Kasley and F. P. Hutchison, page 375. Transatlantic Telephony — the Technical Problem, O. B. Blackwell, page 168. Transatlantic Telephony — Service and Operating Features, K. W. Waterson, page 187. Transmission along Wires, Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical, /. R. Carson, page 11. Transmission Theory and Some of its Outstanding Problems, Present Status of Wire, /. R. Carson, page 268. Transmission of Information, R. V. L. Hartley, page 535. V Vacuum Tubes: Grid Current Modulation, E. Peterson and C. R. Keith, page 106. W Waterson, K. W., Transatlantic Telephony — Service and Operating Features, page 187. Wente, E. C. and E. H. Bedell, Measurement of Acoustic Impedance and the Absorp- tion Coefficient of Porous Materials, page 1. Wente, E. C. and A. L. Thuras, High Efficiency Receiver of Large Power Capacity for Horn-Type Loud Speakers, page 140. Wires, Rigorous and Approximate Theories of Electrical Transmission along, J. R. Carson, page 11. Wire Transmission Theory and Some of its Outstanding Problems, Present Status of, /. R. Carson, page 268. Z Zobel, 0. J., Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks, page 438. ^M^^^^^^im'hflM^^^^ |ili!ii|IPWifipi»i%-: «