c_RiOnnYt:s ru-Oi)\)H[\:Hsii fsAvrp) (acari: eriophy idai-. ) fN^FrOR^OA IiYTH RFF^r:LNCi: TO ITS FRrDDi^ ALLEf! JCiiNSGN A DT -iSflRlAl JOM ^'RrSnnL.f TO ihL GkAUJATE COUNCIL Oi IN "A!":;IAi. rbi.i" I i-LilTNT OF "uii kZ'^U 1 RE'- trlTS FOiC TME Oi^GKLE Of DOCT;';\ OT' i'ill LO:(if iiV UnlV^^RSI'Y or ^'LOKU"^ DEDICATION I dedicate this dissertation to tiiy wife, Peqgy. ACKNOwL^DGrMENTS I' \' d 0 e ■■) f ■ 5. t a n ri m o s I s i n c t: j- e t n <. ri k s q o & r> t f • fi. I. CrociroY, Ciiairrii?.n of rr.y su pev^' I sory coni! Ill L I. ^' 0 f or h ■ '^ uJiHrinQ f-frcrts arici ^inJance during my doctura! p r' 0 g r a "n . A p p r e c i a t i 0 n i <^ 9 v 3 t, c f u 1 ' y a x t e ri a o d to D r . !>' i 1 - 1 -^A, e Murphy for Ms total concern in ni2 and rny ovc^al's tr'ain'ing in pur^'jii of thi^ dec, re?. I a at si so indebted to the other nicmbers of my suparviscry corriini ttee , D^L^. S. H. Kerr aP'i R. F. C a 1 ■-; vr_: i 1 for the acivice r.nd training that [ rect;iveG froiii them duf I ng the pui'-suit of thir. ^ie- q r e e . A special tlianks goo:, to Dr. W. G, cden, Ctiai r .ran of tiie Dtpcrtii;ei't of Kntoinology in providir;g ma villi fi- navicial help and enipl oyni&r, t dur'i'ig this sl'jdy and f^'-r his censtenL interest in r::e and luy devel opu;eht . Tliflnks are due Drs. G. C. Iiorn and ■.' , A. Rvine'^t f c V their hr^lprnl ■'df::; Gc;r Complex. Rollinq '-i-iMs Golf and Country ;'/ini>, !lcl f— i n- the-V/a 1 1 Golf csncl Country CP.ih, tJiC Bf-ach Cluh Golv tourbe, RolVinq Cre':!ns Gclf and Couintry Cliib; and lime.flu; Hills Golf snd Coi;!i try Club. Thfjrikn r-nd rtppp'-'C ia t i on a:' 3 ex teiidecl tc Union Car- bide Coriicrat i on , A'ji ri cul tura'i Products Division for tfieir fir.Eincictl assistrince to this research [jrojeci, . Lasts b J t no t. 1 o ? s t , rr. y 1 o v e and a p p r' e c i s t i o r, goes 1 0 m. y w i f e and so n v; h o s c p ■:. t i e n c e , u n d e r s t a i i ■J i n g , ana c c n - std-;i encourdvjenient iiiade this accoiiipl i slimont possible. 1 v pnql A':i:iiOWLi^DG::[ii;NTS iii ABSTRAf/i ....,.,.-,. . .,.,....,.., vii- iNTRODuL.TJON, , . . . 1 LITERATURE RtY I ilW ........ . ^ G e fi r' r a 1 L a c k g >• o i. n d ........... , 4 Biology and E c ■:> 1 c g y 7 Life Cycle ^^pci Hrtbits 9 Fr.vi : onnienta I i;cs orni.e . . . , , 'I'l Habi \d cs end Overwi ntGrino 13 PhGcota> ■■;^ , , . . . 15 Taxcnoini c Sta^-ij^ ?.iid Descr i pli ons 15 U e s c r i p t i o ri s o f the Be yu\ li d 3 o r -: :" " K i t c 1 B C. rt 1 1 £■. c! ' 1 .J D a !;^ s g e 19 Dispersion 33 Husts ard Viru- PeUti on; hi p . 36 C 0 n 1 r 0 1 of L v i o p h y i d s 39 Chemical 39 C u 1 i. i; r a 1 . . . , 41 f^ J. [ l^i r ^, I ^ _ A 3 R 0 ? i s t :-; iu; e o f F' 1 c-, ii t s to L >■ i o p iTV i c! s . . 46 RlSLAR::!! 4a Bevuiudccrc! sr. I r ncu 1 ^ M en Tc> t;5 48 lntr'C;.iuctii.i; , . , . 48 M.ni''i,:U ar.-A Mcthodf 48 K e ' u 1 I: s iruj !'■ i s c u r, s i 0 ■"! 51 Suii!!rary OS Mit^icidr) CCMO-C-I IcZtZ- ■■lh-:'r-rvl(-00 S-i i r, i. .-odijct i 'i,i ?>9 Paqe r'?terif/! and ^lethods 59 P e s li 1 t s a n c! D i s c u s '^ •i o n . . , 6 7 .SiiniP.ict ry . , , „ ......,, 70 Mitic";df; Control T os t: ---^a Ima i r;.- . . 71 Introduction 71 M d t e ri D 'i ? a i . d M e t i^^ d i' 71 S ci ri! [» 1 i n g . . . • 7 4 The Bias Sample 75 Counts 7 7 Results c^nd Discussion 78 Summary , 80 Growth. Reou 1 a tors Tests 80 I n t. r 0 d ;.! c c i 0 ri . SO Materials arid Metiiods 80 Result^ end Discussion... 8 c- Suinniary , 87 Sviiiptoniol cgy 87 ."^omc Mistakes Believed Being Made in Controlling the Beri'-udagrass Mite 109 Temperatures . . 116 Introduction 116 M e t e i- i e 1 s and M o t i) o d s 116 Results and Discussion 117 Summary . 1 ?0 Mite Hebicats 120 Mean? 0 -r S p r e u d 133 A s s c r. i s t c li 0 ■. g a n i s m 5 134 Introduction 134 M a i. G '" i a 1 s and f'^ o t h o d s . . . 138 Results and [' i s c u s s i o n . 140 K[:co^■i^•ENBA"l ioijs. . , i^^ Corrlvol of Other Ore, an isms as a C c t; t <- 0 1 for 3 0 r ;•. !j d a cj 1- a s s 'lite 1 b 1 VI f 19il !( c J u r I i 0 n of 0 v o r v; i i ; t c r i n g H r b 1 U: t s . 15 2: CCMCLUSIOfiS 15^ FURTHni RCCOMf^cNDZn RESEARCH 156 APPLNDJCrS , 158 L.ir^:nATURE cirnfj 169 BIOGRAPHICAL SlXTCi; IB"! \' 1 1 Ao«.tracl of U.'^scri.at ion Prej^oiitcd to tt.vv ■'.'^c^di.iiuo i.oiinci'i ::' tiie i'liiversi l^ of i'ior-i'Jn in r'artial Fulf i ! In'rint of the [;eci!.'irf;incpt: foi' liio Dri^rte rf D(>ctGV oV PS"iilosJi";:y Kriophviji cy::odo!iirM:;is (SAVtD) (ACARI: FRIOPKVIOAF) ' IN ilJjRlDA'wrrH REi-tFJENCF TO ITS INJURY SYMFTGMOL.JGY, rOOLOGY, ANu INTcGRATED CCNTROI (.1 V F r K ri d i e A 1 ! c n J o h n s o ri lunc, 197^ Cha i ri!i'iri : lis v-v ey Major DciJ^rti'iti'it : n 1 0 1! ; 0 1 0 (,' y a n ■ i N e ni a [ o '| o g y !!;(?. DcrniL/daC ross '^ ''-•-. £Ll2.Pili^*:^ cyaodoni <:r]zis (. . V ■ j n ' ?. caVi : Lf": ophy-i Ode ) v;as f. ist r'Spoftec; as tv pe^t of rferrivid^- f-rass ^yi^Dc'oii .^c, cj:y]_c_!'i (L), "s n F'icricia in 196?. This study \'j 1-5 s c c n c £ ;•■ Ti e d v^ i t !^ t i : & i d '^ n t i i 1 c a t i o n o " rr, i 1 e i n .1 u r^y a ri d ? y m p i: •:;::. r;'! foy , undo:v 5 1? r.d i nc the ecology of the organ 1 sm, arid dev? J c;-.;;;^;rit of coiitrol techniqiios: Grttss inji»ec! by this ..lite oenerally procjvesses Lhroijgf. tho ro'i 1 o'v.'-; ,19 symptoms: Icsf. of" color, le^af tv.'ist- \\'.^ jiid shjrteini'ig of i nterrui Jos , forriat-ou of ''far)" sfiaped cr\i^:> caused by 0ai>'>?!''0 i s;te modal .ilior f.cni nc , follOkVed by a^;i^or!;ii)l rjrov/th th;it rcsji'.vd in cabb^nehi-'ac!- 1 1 ke structures k'lCUii a:i a rorieti;c', 1 ntens i f yi rifi of rc'^ottin-^ itrilil inaivioiial leav'ii bcroiMO shi^i'l, thi.;i. 5 ->pike-nkc gi-owths, and ultiinately dcal.h of tiU; yross i;1ddcb and stolons. Thtsp syirptonis woro 61 ',:i.;i!':oo [:■.'>■' I i V '! Several vrrrioties of C . ciartyl on ( !. . ) v-fere stu'uirr; i or i'lhorci-ii' ve-^i s lance l~> cr^ie injiir-y. il was founrl uncier laLor'Story oiic! fii;!'/ i t n arthropod growth regu'^ators yielded nn significanl cor\trol. Tenperdture iiieastirements were recorded ip diff e,- :-n t turr mi croenvi roriiiieiits on tees, fairways, greens, ar.d roughs on dirferer. t golf courses in. several areas of the State to rieteri.iir.e if a preferred tempert- ture existed for ini te in- f cstat'' orss . R insults indicated that Z. c y n o d o n i e n s i s occurred in large populations between SO''' and lll-^f'-T. Field observa ti o;^s indicated mites were found to in- habit cert^ir. i o c <.■ t -■ o -"i s on golf coL'rses. If present, P.ites could be detected i ii oi^e or more of the fell (1) areas where close mo wine; was not [iractical such as hunkers, sand t'ap lips, or alor..;) ivalls of building:, or otli'-r structures; (?. ) along forices: (3) slopes leading to bodies of water; (/>) ar.-Lip'd bases of trees, shrubs, ov other plants or obstacles; (5) along margins of the fairways that border rojghs; ( r> ) ai'eas owing niches; 1 A where Tiii i.1 cic'es may not be applied due co difficulty in maiia J veri nc) spray ecju i PiiiGnt . A pest maaanenient pr'0(; ran^ of cicsc rr,c)wingj utilize lion of :-,snd sorayert,, bare cul ti v^i ti ons, a nd iierbicidal treat;i;e':t3 ndoed tc destroy llic r.ichp.s preferred by the mites d. if (^ r e d 1 ' c e s e r i o u s i ri j u x y . Mites were found i ii large nuiabcirs in rosettes and v/ere believed to oe spread li> mowing or scatter iny these structure.-: by ma i ii tenance equipinsnt, golf clieritele, wind, and runiiing water. A modified Tiillgren apparatus was used in saniplino grass harboring mite infestations from different geographi- cal areas of Florida to determine if predatory rrite types could be found in assccia. tion wii.h the Bern^udacj rass mite. The most widely distributed [)redaci ous mite found was N e 0 c u n a X 0 id e_s_ an drei (Baker and H o f f rr; a n "i v; n i c i^ m ay be a great help in reducing mite infestations. Based on the research, a nuinber of sungest"ion£ wore T?do regarding an integrated contv^ol progran; for the Bf rmudagrass niitc. n n (LW^ < r tia ■! r ill an iNTkonuriiON T u !' f grass ci i f t c- r s f r om ni o .' t -t :i r i c u '! t p i c; 1 crops sinc'^;- 'i t IS not consumed but is in n constd'T/. sinte of rG{je;i-- ^a t i rr. v/hcii properly ii^a i nta i ned . There dr". pre- s £■ n 1 1 y 9 4 4 ,534 acres of m a i ii t a i n e d t !j r f in t h e .S c .: L e of F'loridf. (I'ieyers 1974). Florida has move than ^0 friiViion a ! i n 1.1 a 1 v i s i 1 o r s , a n d golf pi a y s an i iii jj o r t a r t r- o 1 e in a t - tractirKj many of these visitors as v/cl 1 as pi ovi d i rig a source of year-round recreation and income to the citi- 2 ens of t h e s t ate, r lor id a leads the nation in new golf course cori- struclion averaging approx "■na tely 30 new courses per yea*" Presently there arc fc40 aciive courses (Wornb, personal c Oil: Hi V n i c a 1 1 0 n , 1 9 ■'' -'i ) . T h o o r o t i call y , i f a 1 1 1 1 1 e f a i r w a y s vveve laid end -to -end, golf could be [■leyed aro'jnd tne entire coast line ov fio^'ida, up its length ciiu across the i^anh^ndle, a total of ov..r 2,000 miles. L^y 1985, 831 courses ai o i-redicted for tf; c state. Golf ^uLnses are aliiiost cntirel.-; plar>ted to some variety of Bennudaq rass . In addTiiun, finny hwi;ie lawns, cenietaries, sod production fariiis, ii^otelS) hotels, parks, airports, and various insti- ti:!. io.is are partially or totally planted in Bennv^dagrass , M b I r, t e p a r-, r e c o 3 1 r- f 0 r c. n 1 f c: 0 u r >. c s a lone ti r e c 0 1"- :> e r v -? - t'iveiy t'stinaled at 60 million dollarr- y^r ye.c.r , Accorc'in-j to r„n!iy v^otrei; in lur?- indiistry, tiie DerfP.udaqrar. s rn to is the third most iMpor ta nt ovr-ciin sm . tr.fc ()th<:r tV'O nc-iny the wepd Poji anni;a L. c.fxltne nc-imatode c OP! pi ex, cVd'uatiriy the mitt: on ? more coris cj'va t "i vg basis, it is still easy to see that it Is d ni a j 0 r p v c !:•■ 1 e i'\ and has i.he potential tc oecoine even more severe. The need for tiiis study was brouciiit cjhout hy complaints of extensive daip.age to turf and particularly to coif courses. The 3 e ■( ni u d a g r a s s stunt rni t e ^.r i opHyes cynodoni e-is i s;_ (Saycd^ (Acari ; Er i ophydae ) was first reported in Moric'd in 19 62, at Patrick Air Force Base, Cocoa (known as the Cape C a n ?. V :■ r a 1 Area), 1 1 w a s b e 1 i e v ? f ! until 1964 to be concentrated en Ihe easteiri Florido soacoast but has since been found over the entire state dnd is active 1? months out of the yejr in areas a pprcx irnatel y south of Palin Beach. 1 h e f!^ i t e 0 c c u r once s a p p e a r 1 0 L e s e a s 0 n a 1 i n t h e mid d 1 e a n d no>'th part of i.he stare with infestations bein'j fieaviest in I. he sprircci and sunmier months. The ir, i te v/as first foun:' in the li . S . in Ari.^ona in 19E)'^. Socr after tlris, California, Nevada, New Mexico and T e >: a s r e c 0 r 1 0 d ."i i t e s d u r i n c\ "c h e ! 9 :'. 9 - 1 £ 6 2 n e r- i 0 d , Gecroia rej'erted the pest i 'i 1962 but it tias nol as yet becoine es tab li s hec . Cu rreiitl y ^ reports have it that,t!;e piite h?iS been found in AT atu.ric: , buL tiioy arc- unnf f 1 c i a 1 . Accord- ing i'"' Keif'^r% the mite- i? alsn found in Austrclwi ond R^.o- d e s i f' , V.' i t h d c ^ r c; 1 c .; i s {; :- b cl i v i n g it to be native to A f r i c a . There ha... Iieeii r,iiici> speculation as to v;hy the ?,ti'itpr bctwctn t'.yi/orih tM'.d I-lor'ic!:; h-'vc rui I. reported any pj-oblcm wit'n v!iir. p est, Dr, Hcfvey ''.rrnr.'oy . Acarol ogi s t- Entoi.io'l og i s t at the Urvp'eriity cf Mo'-'ida., ctnd myself i/ere esked to itiitiate studies ti>ot wo'j'id I., 1 tii; a tcl y lead to some ncvv approaches to control iiieasures of tht- mite as well as unders landi i",g its Li e !i c" V i 0 r ? r. d e c o 1 i^ g y . 7ht.' or '-jOi' i sn is cori'- i dered a true mite b'j t diffcvs f 1 oiii most other rr, ites in that it possesses only two pairs of lrcj.<-. in ST Co -J oT the usiial four pairs. it belongs to t!ie fai.iilj' L- riophyi da, e arid consequonl ty fall? in the catc- qory of or: e of the siricllei-, t arthropods known. Ihey are s rn a 1 1 e v \ n j r, :!; r, i"i y i : e in :-. t o d e s , b e i n cj o n 1 y 2 0 C :.; i c r o n ? i n length i :i tne adiilt. stoce. The egg is approximately 1/3 •) hr 0 7 ti-; d i.i 1 t s a ft d is c I e r II! color v:ith th.e firsc tiy,'ip!'ai stage beisio ?'3 the size of adults and more wii'ic in CO'! or. The £d;(lts rre v/orm shaped and ■" cream to a ! i y '■ t ~ vc n ov/ CO lo r iViLRIXMi^i RlVILU G e n c- r- a 1 B s c k n r o u n. d T".e 'jviop'iyid nitros (coninK-nl y kp.ov/n as gal! ni it?s, biistfjT miters, i^uct inites nW'j bud rntGD; ara the smalleGl animal fj bear-lMc; £>■; extoricr ske'leto?! r.ith which the agri- cu'ltu;'is+ buS to cnrrLvnd . They c-^n ijeforin and russet leaves oini fviiit, 'IhOj also cause bi.!d blastitio and dis- torted grov'th of plr.pl"^.. i'^fo ! •<" "1 lowed to go uncontrollpd f ' r c q L! e p 1 1 y : a l; s e p 1 a r. t d (-^ a t li , I:i qerirea'' , the'^'e are tv,'"> typss of ori opiiyi ds i,^pifp^ 19C2); the- vvcrm-lik L . V, I u \j pocies kr. nwr, as call or' oLid iViitc-Sj which. do all tncir feeding aisd breeding undei coy-^r; ^r:d the; rust nites, w'iich a) c b^ocder, cliUiikier, often rat!";r r'lic. vitb tergites to protect them against the act. ^ en of lic^'^ '^ '>'■■' oess ic(:a ci or, . This latter type rei^6:^ ci'd breeds niO'^e or l::ss O!^ cpei'-l e.:f surfeees and. \v larfjo populations. "Ik: ability o<' the el !:(itr>s ui;d..r favorable condition: to halch, pi; S3 tr;;ouL;h two nyiiipLo'; s tages, a-^.d bccoir.o. c; 'j g - 1 -"i yi n g aril: It.", in sevpi! '. o ten uay? is r-- nether re a? en for cienr. c po OLi > a L i 0 V s of t n i s a ^^ t !; » o p o d . Li" i oi.'liy 1 c f to Ci 0 1 eat extent lark cc^otro'l over t V' e i r i:; e d n s of ri i : L r i !) u t i 1 1 1 1 and ni i; s t t r ■:. v e 'I by c I ' 3 n c o S'inr.o tncy dc-perd or) wirni, ir.'iects, bi rd-s, oik! oKior terms cf carriers for tiieir dispersal. L r i 0 p h y i d s e X h ^ b i t h v o ry i n t i !;; s t ci iii i t. c - !-| e s t r e '! a - ticnship, cho racter i zpd by cons 1d er ? b"! g host spec i V i c i ty . Gall foriTiation is another aspect of t'nis ititiniacy, bi.'t the major-'ty of the mites belonging to this family depe'id on nati^ral botanical f orniati ons of t'uvi r liosts and cau;>e li 0 r; c t i c e 3 b 1 e in j u ry . The y , v.' i t h f e w e x c e p 1 i (> n s , re m o i a in locations where feeding and breeding can tele place v^henever ten^peratures er.d conditions permit. According to Hassan (1928) tn:: ceci del ooi sts con- sidered galls, and fuz"y spots, nov.' kiio^.'n to be rornied Dy the eriof.ihyiu rivites, as I'ungi. Re=ii,ii..:r recorded observa- tions of ift'crii'i- 1 i ke '"^ o. i n' '':;"! s in galls fouiid on leaves of 1 i n d -: n t r e e s i n 1 3 '< 7 a n d b p '' i e v e d t h v s e g a 1 Is to b e c a u s e d by these nniir.ais and thoLight then to be the Icrvae of some small in"^. ect. In 1A33, 'Miiipin examined siinilc-.r linden nails and foi.ind piites which \jere seen by laiteille to be relatpd to the genus Sjirco|:te^s , In iri3'', fee discarded the belief thc^t g s 'i ■■ .-, were caused by funoi v.r>>:' odvanccd tfie ]icr\ of H re 1 c: t i 0 r, s h i p !- e I w e e n p^ i L c r. a i; d galls. Di.'Ljcs.. in 183-:, fcunci jnitos in the galls of icavts of nndfii i ophyes to these mites. Dejardin, IP 1851, examined tv.'o forms of galls en linden ana willov; that had been studied by Dugesi found the inites and -jbserved eggs with, in their abdomens. ile concluded that they v/ere adults, conLrary to Uuges' opinior;, and named them Phy toptus . Scheutiri: in 18 57, ex ami ned olisters on leaves of a pear 1 1 ■ e e a n d . f o u n d mites which he declared to be t ii e 1 a r v a e of a.'iother mite occasionally found on the outside of the leaves. tie confi»ii;ed Duges' views and argL.ed that whau '}u jar dins tliought to be egg? 'jere nutritive organs. Scl. o'.;!:.ip, furihev descriDed the so-called larvae and regarded tiie adult ?,s an oval., i;en.'I>-r, qu i d; -mov 1 no niite found on tlie larvae leaf surface and ["^oposed ihe nas^'o [;/>;' '"•lod_>;onvjs_ belong in.i to the family ( Gait'.as i dae ) . DuriiUj the same ytar (1857), Pagens tochei' disagreed with 5c!ii-uton's views and ir.sisted liiot t'Hv so-called ]:,r'/de. v/ere truly adiilts .'mc qavf.' n 5 Pies to GGveral of them and placed th-!ii in the gonus 1. a n d 0 i s , i ri 1 8 ^i 4 , i.t v. c i e 6. Phy top t iij^ */ V- i s^ P g r. t . end showed thi? trca natLT? of the mitr. He o,<''\"<: a de- scription of its iriterria'l aiiatoiiiy and ^. "! fe history, some of v^hich turned out to be orroneoiis in some instances. [•iatiy disiuitfis concf; rn i rig rriorpiiol ogy and taxonomy continued among the workers of the period. In America, the true lioture of these inites was not known until Shirr.^r, in 1 869, recorded the species Vasetes gi-ajlri pes^. Walsh, in 1854, working on gails of vs'illC'.v failed to observe the mites and t h o 1 1 g h t the c a s 'j a 1 a g e n t s w e i'' e cecidoMiyids . He believed all galls to be caused by gall gnats or s a w f 1 i e s . Garman, in 1883, was the first in the United States to study the Sriophyic's niore corefully ana described several species. Male pa began work in 13S7 a!;d contlr.ued to lead investigations in the study of the oriophyids. Keifci begar! !i i 3 work in the 19 30's a 11(1 has con- tinued to lead tiie field in the ta/r^tioriiy of eriophyiJs up tn t he present t i i-ie . B"! 0 '! OQV a j]_d__r. c 0 J_o 9_2/ liassan (1923) d i ■" one of the ml s t thcrough studies of the or i opii y i ds . His ••/urk cocored inar-y -reas froii; histor-y 1 0 i n 1 0 r n a 1 ni o r- p h o 'I o g y in V' h i c h t h c ! .• i o l o 3 y 0 f 1 h e .fLLL?IlQXP.5 i:/lJ-^ L'li^t^fL (NaT.) was 1 ncU.ceo . Vuch of rnc subsequent w 0 r k c f K e "i f e r , S '! y k 1 1 d i s , ;,' i 1 s 0 n c u c* rn 2 :": y 0 1 h e r s has been based en i I -:. s :•- ei n ' 5 0 1 t q i n a 1 s t l; d _y . Keifer (1933) reported that nearly ?11 erlophyids f 0 1-' n d in the field wore f e ir, a 1 e s . [^ e also 0 e s c r i h c d A c_e •.••_; a lul ipafr (i'. .) ar.d i'oi"ij that the fe:iio';e v.-ould 1 -i y fron 3 to Zb tot?-! eggs end nid so over a ten day period. Keifcr (l--;42} reported so.iie oricphyids prodL;ced two tj'pes of feir'nl3S. i'e ccncluded that c\ feniale tyi;e iT'.ite called a protogyne resembled the na'ie and would re- produce shortly after beconiing ers adult v;hich he referred to a? a spring ov sumnier forr'. The second fe:''.ale type v/ds ealled a deiitogyne and v/as considered to i>e ihc over- wintering or vaerai'it form. The latter type v,'as found to be morphul oc i cal ly unlike the forn^er. Tn species having the deutogyne ' ferries , the male does nc't overwinter. According to acarologists tiie ei^i opi.yi di may or May not have bi"'t!> deutogynes and orotogy.ies, and univol- tine species iiiay have only deutcgyies. Roivaii^on (19^2) iiiei.uiuned that eriophyld gall producers had more than one stage. He reported that the two difrerent stages had often beevi ..-■isiaken fi)r i\'to dif- fer e n t- s p e c i 0 :. . She ^' t c h^ n !' a ( 1 9 u 2 ] x en c r i: e. 6 s e /; u a 1 d i - niorphisni in feiiKile Ijli s_e tjicjj^s ''eji f'Jlis_OLMJi' '''•Sp. as a pest of juniper s°edr. , T!ie fftin^'ie^ were chr.roctorl zed by Siiminor and vvisiL':- fut'ni^. Tliis i,pecies was fniind to ne- IcTiM to the o1 dest genu s o •' e'^iophi icls; v.'f-ich v/as the bc- (liiifiinr; stc'fjo of p 1 d n t initc Od ra si 1 2'", . S h e V t c h e ti k o ( 'l 9 7 0 ) f o u n d L i i a I 1 n w i. ■ r- k. i n g w i 1 1 1 ti-o older ga ll niite ij ■!_yiLil./.e.s_ (Sf-r, so strict us) "<_S'i^.iJj2 ( !"; al t p a , 1891) that t h e d p ij t o o 3.' n e s v; e r e d s s 0 c i c. t e d v; i t h tl':e onscl; of seasonal ph.-:nori-en3 i >-, t:ie !iO':-t plant caused by a decreasi ng photoperi cd . Ha11 (1967) reported th:. foi- lov/ing thrf^e different systems that occurred in eriophyid life cycles: (1) siniplG--one type female, (2) complex-- protngyrie and deutogynes: a .id (3) unnanied- -ovovi voarou s protooyne. Alain and Wadud (|963) found that sexual de- r: 0 r p h i s ni is evident in adults only. L -j f p r y r]e and 1 1 a bits IJOUS 11! "i s p e c ! e i ! 0 3 i c 3 1 i ;i most eye 1 es (l^'CiO) i i f e c y fhsro are approximately 1,000 described phytopha- te.s belonging to the Fir i ophyo i dea , and although each api^ears to be hicjiriy adapted to its particular eco- riiche there sceins tn be a great deal of similerity 1 i f e c y c 1 e s . Ramsey (IDL-O) reijorted that iiiost eriopriyid life are siiiilar and relatively siinple. Krasihskaya 1 CUP. ri the 0 p p 1 e g a "! 1 111 i t e w c r. t t h r e u v, h its entire cle i!! 30 days with the egg stage lasting 10 -tcd ihat, in *: t •.: i y i p. g tlie gal"! m-'tes of Poland 1:1)5 1 the- fema^G mite usijoTiy layi, cue cju per d:i.y and !nost. of ti.<^ ov-c-rw i n ter i i;;;: ft^fuSles ^.ti'dieci appeared tc be fecundated, Bcczek comr^-atoil host piants of 65 eri ophy id s fron, Poland and 12C from Califorr-ia aid ^nly specioc of 1 i'r e f 0 i 1 0 w i ii g genera Oxypl eu rj_t e s^ ., H h y n c a p h y f. o p U)_s , D i p t a c u s and ]^r'_LL!.l[5.§.ri!^ '^"^'^ s i m i 1 e, r life cycles. In A c e r' i a , P h y t o p 1 1 » s , P n y 1 i o c c p t e s , and L-.ri ophyes , there are species causing various types of dariiage and vhich vary distinctly in devel opniet^t , and some of wiiich are free living. For example, Alan: and Wadud (1953) found that the litchi nrlte, A c e r i a 1 i t c h i K. , laiv eggs singly at tlie base of hairs constituting t b. e e v i n e u m •>' . . the leaf surface. Incubr.ticn of tiie eggs took 2.5 days, the protonymph staqe lasted 1.5 days, and the deutonymph stage rook 6 days in- cluding 2 ins tars, Pre-ov i pos i ti on time of the female v^as 1.5 days and adults lived only 2-3 days; therefore the total life cyrle v/dS cortiploted in 13-18 days. This is consider- ably different ftorri otlier reported life cycles. Bakei^ and Neunzic: (!970) worked on tiic biolo^-y cf the blur ferry bud- jnite and reported it took only 15 days to complete the entire life cycle at Ui'-'C. Rnsario a;:d Sill (l^^'C-l) found that tl:e fe;ri?"ie w'l'.at tuil nite, A c e r i a t_ulij-.a^o (i-'.), laid from 3 to 21) eggs over a pericci of IC day~ and eggs hatched Ui ?• to 5 days at 4S-^5'T, but that little nr „o lic^tciiing occiirrtd c't36-fl:''K. 11 Egc,s [witchGd in 2 or^y^^ ai "/f' + ^F. Oldfielc! et al. (1569) w 0 r k 1 n o o n Ej'' xo_f)_h >/e_s vMii_J ri)_en ciU^ K. found it laid 50-60 pggs v.'ithir the gall caased by ulie niito. Stc'i'licht (1970} reported the citrus bud mite, A c e r i a s-^ieldojij (Cwing), toot, 12-23 days to go from egg to e q u 5 w \Vr> 2 - 1 ^ days u s u 3 1 I y i^ e q li i r e d for egg hatching at oritiniuni conditions. The average number of eggs laid per femals v;as 5 with a range of 4-8. If females Vv^erc fed on buds during their larval stage, the egg laying increased to an average of 8 v/itli a range of 5-19. Environmental Response Hassan (1928) found that dryness and heat are the main stinuil ating factors of eriophyids. Dryness will force mites to leave galls and is thus favorable to the c! i str i bution of the mite. Summer heat will cause them to be cctive and .excess i ve humidity will cause them to be almost motionless. Has sen reported light had little ef- fect but concluded that since the gall for'mers live inside the structure that they are probably negatively phototropi' and becoioc positive as they leave their galls. Hassan re- ported tha/c the n'ites are hardy, and ^. tri str i a tus can live 10 ('ays at 2 0 " C in a d (} s s i c a t o r w i t i i o u t food. Costa and Go;-'clave'j (IDbO) reporteci that tlie tomato fungus Hi i t e A_c e j jji cj Ji/ 1 o p_ri_t \\ i r u s ( K' a 1 . ) a t tacked t o m a t o s n; o r c rrci.-]uently i r, the dry season, but that the infestation J/-: of mites was nevertheless higr, in ih e rainy syrisun. Kevo.-ki'Dn (195:) r^-ported the "white mold" disCdSe of towBtoes (v/hich is so-called because of the wliite erint^um produced by tlie mite) caused by ^i'lPPJiy^L '<^S^ll'^! cjjtdc;:'!}- Ihi )-'Ji5 {rln^ .) is par ticLil avly active at 1 ov' toiiipc ra tu re a !t d h i g h n u m i d i t y . D i n t !"! c; r ( i 9 5 1 ) f o i , n d o n 1 y f e ni a 1 e E r i o p h y e s graci 1 W. f^a'!. on raspberries at 17-20"C. Jeppsen ct al. ( 1 9E)8) found that the citrus bud mite, A. s h e 1 d o n i , populations increased in wariTi v/eather and declined wi ih low relative humidities a n d / 0 r u n u s u -i 1 1 y h o t w e a t h e r . Rosario (1958) found thi-.t high relative hur.vidity in thtG micro-environment 'nay be the far! or in establishing large A. t u 1 i p a e populations in the field but information of this phericnenon is sparse. Rosario (.964) found that A- ^y.li.[l?-^ survived without food and water for ?0-A0 hours St 35j^5"r and. would live for 3 nionths in petri dishes at 36 + 5'^F. It was found that these miles survi ved temper-? turos of IZCF in the laboratory. Reed et al, (i9f.-'!) found that the optiinuin tempera- ture for laboratory rearing of the citruS rust mite P.il>'jJ!-C'.~ c o p r u t a 0 1 e i v c r a Ashm. w^s 80°F . It was also found that A. t u 1 i p a e appeared to need hiijh relaf^vo huniidity v.'itliin a rolled w!ica; leaf in order to-- the mite species to sur- vive. Sternlicht (1970) repc^rted A. .^ h_e l_do n_i_ eg^i hatching 13 wa', mcit Guccossful tit 2i3"C ?.nd 98% RJi., and tl.nt hatch- ing v/?s qreatly reduced nnd Hv^arf larvae emerged 'it low R.il.'s (3b-40/c). The ni"! !i"!nn.im th r'GSho'l cl for Ciiibryciii c devel ojiment was 9'C and for n'fo cycle completions "i2'.5°C B a r k e e t a 1 . (19 7 2) found that t li e peach silver !.i its, A c u 1 '.' s c 0 rn u b u s (Bar. k s ) K . , v; as active at 2 ^ - 3 1 " C ; while riympi'.s were active Lip to 32.5°C but becoaie sluggish at 24"C end inactive at ?1 "C. Habitats and Qve rv[i n t e r i n g It is a coniiiion belief amcng i:;ite workers that many plants would yield an unreported mite species if a worker had time to survey, at tl'e prope>' time of the yeor, the numerous plant niches v/ h e r e mites dwell. Smith and Staff ord (1948) four.d che grape bud niite, Eri ophyes v i t i s (Pgsc.), to overwinter under the spur bud and to migrate to the leaf axil of new buds. Putnam (1939) maintained that the plum nursery mites, P li y 1 1 o c o p t e s f ockeu i Nal . , and TKT were stimulated to hibernate in various pro- tected plant parts by hardei'.iny of the foliage. Dinther (1951) found L. g r a c i 1 is to n?ss thi^ winter ori and within auxiliary buds of raspberries. Stafford and Kidc (1952) found ir. e grape bud mite to occur outr-idc the bud cv; nevv browth du*-iiV9 late April and early Vizy . After tht: month of May. 98% of the mites v;ere found inside the bud. Kido !". and btsfford ('19r>n) i ejiorted that grape hui roites were found in heaviest ru;r,TL-ers in the fir:, 1 10 basol b'jds v.''"tl: the Sevan th hoving tlie largest nunibers. As the (n"'le pre- pared to cverwirter, it crawled -jp the canes to the clonnate s h 0 c t s . Painter and 'ichcsszr (1954) found A . tu ] i \)ji_e_ t o live in 1 1. e p r c t e c: t e d f o ! (i s of wheat. VJ i 1 5 o n (1955) found an undescrined E r- i o p h y e s adhering to the bud scales, or and ui'der ruditnsntary leaves, buds and new growth of plums and peaches. Kantack and Kn'jtson (1958) found A. t_L!j_ipaje living protecLcd deep in the wheat leaf sheaths. May and VJebster (195S) reported the grape bud raite? was iropossible to control at certain t'^rries duo to its habit of living in- side t h e bud . Krasinskaya (i960) foiind that 70-80>^ of the fe.Mdle a D p 1 G gall n, i t e s , E r i o p h y e r. ( Accri a ) in a 1 i ( N a 1 e p a 1917) L i r' 0 1951, Ii 1 b e r n a t e d in zhe third to fifth bud scale. J'iorgsn and fleldin (1960) found the juniper berry mite, Tri sfttac li s c,c a dri se tus ( T h o n i o s ) , 1 i v p d v. i t r i i n the berry. Boczek (1961) found free living and gall producing mites !t of drcve&slng f)ho topei" •iofi'; atiJ the piienorjionon it tn'ggeri.'d by the mir.es' ho'^t I'lant. T a 1 !! 0 u k (19 6 3) found A «j^ i a p ii'l oen c_oj^_tej. (Mai.) to 0 V e r w inter as a f e r t i "! i z e c! a d ii 1 1 f t rr, ale inside almond (j a 1 i r. . Baker and Neurciig (1970) found tlie olueberry bud mite to have its la'^gest popiil ,^ti ons in the terminal uuds. Farly stages were found only in outer basal scales with later stages found throughout the bud. Oldfield (1969) found the primus finger gall mite, L. emaryinate (Nal.), to overwinter as females in old buds situated at the base of the branches. Unon breaking hi berri ^ti on , the female laid 50-60 eggs w i t h i !i the gall. Z a h e r and 0 s ni a n (1971) found Acer id n. a n g i f e r a g Saved to hide between bud leaf scales of ni a n g o s , Phototaxis Hassan (1928; ossuuied tiiat eriophyids were nega- tively p h 0 1 0 1 r 0 p "' c based on t ii e i r Ii a b i t s of concealment. Rosario (19b8) found indications tfiat A. t.n i pae was nega- tively photo tro;.ic under labors to ry conditions. Hall (1967) found that under certain circumstances other factors counter- balanced eriopiiyid's i-esponse 'o light, and irntes would move to outer leaf surfaces prio>" to dispersal. Nault and Styer (1969) proposed that A. tu_ljjiae v.' as negatively or positively io phototac ti c depending on i+> phys 1 o1 oy i ce 1 state. It was fcund tnai. the (Tiite vvas i-.ogaLivc uiiaer plentiful host tissue and positive if the plant ivas undergoing tissue ri e s t r 'J c t i 0 n . T a_x onoTiic SiatiiS and Descriptions Three species d" eriophyids have been described from BerPiiLidagrass : { "! ) Ac_er;i?:. n^^ocyr.odoni s Keifer (I960)-, V ^ ) b£P-JC^ Hi ^j['!} 0 d 0 n i e n s i s Sa^'ed (1945); and (3) ^''.cer i a cyno- Jonib Wi isnr^ ( 1959) , A. c_yr,ji^i_ni s_ appears to be a valid species since it has a 7 - r a y c d c 1 a v^/ and an obsolete shield design v.' h i 1 e A . c^y i' 0 d 0 n i e n s i s and A . neocy n o d o n i s have 6 - r a y e d c 1 a v; s and distinct shield lines (Fig. 1 ) . A . cynodoni ensi s v. a s de- scribed a? having t'le dorsal setae pointing forward, whereas A. neocynodoni s hso the dorsal setae pointing backward (Fig. 2), In the 1970 pubVic^tion "Common Names of Insects ap- proved by f , S . A . , '' the ccp.uiion name "for A. cynodoni ens is was Beriiiudagrdss inite. In 1971, Newkirk end Keifer following the Zoclcoircil Code redesignated the type for the genus, _L r i_oj,> ^'ijrus . T his \.b<^ n rr. o v e ci t h. e species A . c y n o d o n i e_nj^ i_s into ihe oonus Er i on byes . I 'i a letter dated n£cember 13, 1973, to Dr, Croinroy; Keifer indicated that the species neor vnodori i s is i ri syi'ony':;y with cynodon i ens i s whirh he had tei'iiicd the Dermiidaqrass node mite. Therefore, the i7 correct scientific name- for t!i"'£ mile is Eri ophyes c y n o - d o i'l i f? n s i -"a (Sriyed) and the correct coaiTion name is Bermuda- grass rnite and in neither Be rrn udagr&ss Stunt Mice (Crnniroy find Johnson, '.'^7?.) nor Serniuc'aarn ss node mite (i'eifer, 1973). A 1 1 i ; 0 'J 3 h Keif r • r and N e v; kirk have r e - d e s i g n a t e d the species of tiie genus Ac_er_ia into the genus Flri ophyes ^ this is not thf: final laxDncmic status. [■lany acarol og i sts , and in particular the Russians, are dissatisfied with this arrangement since most of trie r;iajor rest species are in the genus Acer i a and have had this generic name over tfie past 15 years. Lindquist (1974) and others are currently appealing Lo the Zoological Board of Nornencl autre for a rul- ing on this proble'n. In addition, there is still some ques- tion as to v.'hether the rrite Sayed described is synoiiynious with the n.ite Keifer described as Keifer has not yet for- merly publish.ed a synonymy. T h e r e ■ i s also confusion about t a x c n s above the generic level (Lindquist, IS)?"), The c u r r- e n t status, there for, of this species is: Class Arachnida Suoclass Acari Order Acarifornies Sul''order Pi-estigmata Super cohort Promata Cohort Tetrapodilma 'j^uper^'^nii 1 y Eri cphyci dea f-"a'iiily r.riophyidae S I ' e c i e s cy n n d onions i? ( S a^' c d ) Jl^-^.tLl ij t. i 0 p s or tho Sermudacjross MitP To furl'ier eldbor.^tfe on the taxonoiiiic confus.ion sur round 1 liu this species, tti'j original descriptions of Sayed (19''!f. ) and Keife>^ (1?60> are presented. oo_r.j_e 1 r- c 1 u w h i t i vn' 1 0 V-' i"! a t fine fo rwa (5.4 vj r I g d i n (] s ii ; tv/o c 0 r, i SCu'I rd. vO'i n '3 '■: c? p cyl } p a i' r p t ij r Leq c 1 a w m e 0 i :j 111 2 setae 5 e t a e the last e1 one; a ted 6 -• r a I ni r a :i v.; 36. 60 ! 0 a r. eg 1 y. l?.t 5 u; ;' ; Q f 0 'J r t. u b it nd ■,\' i a . T I T e Tti er e n f ev es ps 111 r i of t 'r. pt 4 •iU nd or al ec it c 'i e u;r! • cc;! se ^ i Dor i ng aci 59 ond - T O I tor e s '■'S ta ve c d c ta 6 se oa ~ 0 ion 0 Fern ■i.e. u ros tr e ; do 1 ong I set i n c Ui 1 3w n i s t a 1 setae e 30. .5 y tae 1 d. y r , St f A c e r i 3 ale: broa urn 19 rsal i t u d i ae 30 ding Dt kn 1 y w i I 6. 5 V ; thi rd 0 y; c ri t r a e r^ n a 1 210. d ; CO .1 y s h i e 1 nal 1 U, P feath obbed th a 5 y , first ; 2.4 genet 1 ski d i V i 9 y, I our long d soine- i nes and rojecting er cl aws Feather single II 15 y, ventra 1 y ; caudal alia 24.6 n structure s i 0 n s with Di s iri bu ti on : The mite is found in lov/er EgypL iand around Cairo. Upper Egypt has not bveu surveyed. Sayed (1946). Officinal description: A c e r i a neocynodoni s , new species N e c c y n o d o n i s , with a 6-rayed feather- claw (Fig. ll may be distinguished from other kiH.)wn grass infestors by the clear shield lines (Fig 1) the rounded mi cro- tuberc 1 es (Figs. 1 and 2) set ah.:>au of the rear ring margins, and by the narrow ribs on tlie genital coverflap. lik dow seni cl e '". s i ii lin wftr I in he e , V. !icur i c i r i gn uate es, d we c- r u n^edi n) f^ 1 e ll I U t, 1 vcd ( c 1 1 1 a r [■ r e s e dive the f 11 ah nrri r.q f. i! s h 16 sh Pi d nt 1 r t or 5 y - 210 y long, 40 y thick, worm- -cream color. Rostrum 2 3 y long, (J . 3 ) . Shield 36 y long, 3 G y. wide, nieriorly. Median line in shield on posterior 2 / 3 , a d ir, e d i a n lines ing to rear; two anterior submedian st sinuate, abruptly curving out- d of ci 0 r s a 1 tubercle, a s e p a »■ a t e oward rear of admedi an line; second t curving from anter-ior margin to 19 t i 0 n s m 3 f ! i a wi til lube.- F 0 r e 1 8.5 M c ^ a w feath t, i b i a long, t i 0 n by li cl es tube r p 1 e t e round s c. t a ventr V e n t V on ab seta 10.5 1 c M g i ity: lecte Advi s Chlor ni i t e 5. causG eral we1 1 three this Calif E. Ro 19G9, June c 0 n e subini t u r a 1 Augus 1/3 run I'l n ; re g r a n u cl es egs 3 long 8 v^ 1 er cl 1 i r. e n e s 0 a lit cl es . 1 y ni i ed 35 a I al ou t 2 a n ;i se se r 0 -a U Ion t u d i n B r a w d: J or. idea e live stun d e c 1 i as mi •para Rerru ornia t h , J by F 21 : 1 cted tted F )k 1 1 o t 29. or, i n ar la 23 0 c or aw ij S ne f tl cr d lo ta ta i n 1 d » al le un Ho ), i ti no te ty da -W un 96 So by ri I 1 irs y to p a r t t i 0 n s y ap \i Ion cntra 9 , ta 6-ra long, .5 p tween g r a n u e ahe Abdom otube ahead rig , 0 3 2 u g 4 f ong . cove ribs y , I m e 7, st: Berm n the ng , a of t s i n pes . grass estnio e 7, S. Mo 9, by ptenib D. M nent 960, t a dined i rear ma v of s h i e and srio art; dor g ; tibia lly plac p e r ■"■ n g , y e d . Hi tarsus 1 ong . C ? n t <' V i 0 1 a i i 0 n s ; ad 0 f 1 i e n 'w i t h rcul ate , 0 f r ■ ear n r i n g 7 1 ong , 0 1 ong , on rom rear Fema 1 e r flap v; i ; seta 8 per i a 1 C 1950, by Cynodon u d a g r a s 5 termi na vn t c h e s he grass liquid t Addi ti 0 mite ha r 1 a n d an 1970 Wes ri shi ta . M 0 r i s h i er 3, 19 . Tuttle Station, by G. M. an; line gin from Id and s rt dashe sal seta 5 y Ion ed ; tars curved d n d - 1 e g s 5 y long 0 X a e g >' a r coxae first c r. e t h r 0 u about 65 the m i c ring ma behind n about r i n c! 3 8 27 p lo 9 e n i t a 1 i t h about .5 y Ion 0 u n t y , C Vincent d a c t y 1 0 n . Relat 1 leaf s b r 0 0 rn e . Type here is n a 1 1 0 c a s been r d El cen twood , c Burbac t a . A r i 59, by J of the Tucson Butler of gr secon ides s s . Do 0 4 5 y g, wit li S 6 y own ( F 26 y 1 , cl aw n u 1 a r , p a r a 1 1 oxal t g h t h i ri ngs rotube rgin. shield ri ng 2 , t h i r ng . A a 18 u in na g- alif D. (L i on neaths ffect, m a t e r i a type 1 i t i e s ecei ve t r 0 . c ol 1 ect k , col z 0 n a - - . N. R A r i z 0 n , coll (Keife Ty or Ro to anul a d sub et rsal long h set long i g . 5 ong , 8.5 June el ed uber- rd 5 com rcl es Late , fir 1 ; se d V c I'. c c e s s w i d e f' r 0 w pe lo ni a . th, F (Gram host V! her and al : slid from d are oil . ed Ju 1 ecte P h 0 e n oney . a A g r e c t e d r, 19 a ); ral St cond tral ory ca 1 - Col- arm i n a e - : the e they gen- as e and wh i ch V . 13. by ne d ix , a n d i c u 1 - 60). Galls and Damage Accord i g to Keifor (1952), tliere arc two types of eriopliyidi; tlio^-e that feed on tlie leaf surface like the rig. 1 . Scanning Electron M i c r o s c o p g Photograph of Eri 0 p h y 0 s cynodon i ens i s (Saved) Showing Rounded lli crotubercl es (l075X) 21 Fig. 1. Scaniii no F. ieci, ron Microscope Piiotograph Showing Backwa>"d -• Pro jecti ng Dorsi^l Setae; ^^'^(.^ irsal Shield Lines (21(30X) Fi Scanninq Electron Microscope Photograph Shovririg Dov.-ncurved Rostrum (2100X) 23 ia Scanning Electron Microscope Photograph of Feather Claw Showing Rays (11,500X) Fig Scanninq Electron Microscope Photograph of Featfier Claw (il ,500X) 'I r 1. U cilri.'S rujt mite, Phyl I oc'jpt>"-trt pjjnvora (Ar, iun,), arid those that are biid prites and cjc! Tina iaiirs . Only the dainaQe caused by the "iotter type v/iil be discussed. Galls on plants •we'^e first (loticed more than 2,000 yefirs ago. Ne i sv/aiider (19'>4) reported that n-nl'; production was liependent upon s timul at i o-' of plant cells in pier i s t'o- ma ti c zones = Andre ( 1 9 5 ^i 'i fou :i d t h s t many specific n a n ; e s h a v e been given to members in the fanily F^r i ophyi dae solely on the basis of the nature of galls formed by the mite. A gall on a new ho^t often is considered justification for- a new specific name even v;hep the mite causinij the gall had not been seen. The majority of the work on new species and subse- quent hosts has been done s"ince ttie early 1950's. There appears to be a constantly grovn'no list of new hosts re- ported. Many- of these host plaiits are rot presently con- sideif'ed economic species. i-lowever, the budmites and gall- makers do cause a or cat deal of danioge to plants that are of economic or aesthetic value to man. Sm i t h and Stafford (1948) reported t h a t. Erioofiyes v^His (Pgst.X the comnvn erineiuia mite, v>'as associated with stunted cane growvl;. Ki do and S triftord (19r>5) further rep or- ted tiic extcr'.sive damage on grapes caused by _E. v i t i s and ? a i ■^ \ h e i[' i t e w as c a p a b 1 a of c a u s i n g s e v ere i n j u r y a ii d 27 fcven death of the plant. Snith and Stafford (1350) ro- ported the following S'~-ven basic injury syriiptoiiis of gr-apes c 6 u s. e d by rn i t e i n f 8 c t a t i o n s : ( 1 ) s h o r t basal i n t o r n odes : ( 2 ) s c a r ! f i c 'i t i 0 n o T t h e bark; ( 3 ) f 1 a 1 1 e ri e d canes; ( '1 ) rigzagqed srinped shoots: (5) dead overwintering buds; (6) barren cants; and (7) witches broom growth of new shoots. Jeppso'i and dePi etri tonel 1 i (13 53) were the fi.-st to associate jbnonnal i ties of lemon frijit and foliagE with presence of the citrus bud aiite, E^. shel doni , i n California in 1947. However, sin"! 1 1 arly deformed lemons were known in Italy in 1646. Numeroijs articles have epp oared since con- cerning the damage inflicted on citr'js by this iiiite. Another eriophyid of econoinic importance is the blueberry bud mite. Darrow et al. (1944) found that tne scales on blueberry buds infested with mites maintained a persistant rosette appearance, Bailey and Bourne (1945) found the feeding by the biueber*-y mite, r r i o p h y e s v a c c i n i i K., caused buds to be gal 1-1 ike and often reddened and swol- len at Ihe base of the bud scales and cri the stems. This jdite has created seve'r^e problems to the blueberry industry, t- tu I i pae was named by Keifer in 193 8 when it was found on tulip bulbs. It also attacks o ii i o n and g a r 1 i c bulbs a!id causes them to dehydrate. The mite moves into the protected leaf folds of thiese three hosts and causes t.v.'i s t i rig , cu)Mioy, stunliny, i.'.\d sub';c,riuent yr^l lov; nict I; i i no . CGu^e;; ' /0!';iran:>ni His In 5 e V 0 r e i n f e 3 1 a t: i o ri s , t i; i r, s p c c. i fi^urenicjit cf pi an is, A grcit deal of rosedf^;h fias heen done on A. tul i pae since i t \i a s 1 n 1 e r p r oven t, o v e c t. o r v^/ h e -i t streak v i r u s . ?. n d red b. Ire ok kernel vir'us of corn, The mi to wa". nivcn ine com- mon riaiiie of wheat curl riiite. This mite v/i 1 '! bo discussed undo r l^csts and Vitus Rolationship . Acer i a f i c ii s (Cottt?) vns roportod by Ebeling anci Prince ("i950) as causing an unconimoii type of injury to figs. '(he ter'nirial brds were bleached, and cibcission of immature termiri^J leavi^r. cowfled v/ith stunting of gr?wing shoots resulted from !/;ite i :'!fest atioris . Col li ngvi'ood and Broci-. (^^59) reported a gall mite, Phy topt'js ( Er iophyes ) r i b i s iJal . ., attacked black currants and caused foliage distortion and proliferation of side shoots at the expense of terminal growth. The mite was found to invade the buds and suppress flower development. Phillij! (!953) reported Eri ophyes ' F^hytoptus ) r i b i s (Nal.) to cause thick round g n 1 1 s on black currant b :' a n c fi e s and leaf spots, as well as cortical galls (at the point where the shooi. branches from the stems), on several species of plums. Thresh 'vl963) reported that the malformation on black cur- rants was called "false rcvers "' on , " E. r i b i s has caused a great deal of daip.age on currants (especially in Lutope) and a greai dea"' of research 'las Deen do tie thc-re on this mite. 29 S a k r. c n a (19 4 ?) r e p o r i' g d fri ophycs prosopidis ( f^ a 1 . ) cau-:r;d gel Is on f ' r o s o p 1 s s.p,lcj'iej_a L. B'Jv'Jiill (l^^!-. ) reported wi tche s b r' oom on willows as be-ing cruised by E r i o p h y e s t r i r a d i c t u s (Ndl.); he also reported ttiat 'jsl'is iiad been reported as far back as 1907 and noted Hint oi'ly male trees were attacked. Friophyids cau^e the grov.'th of erinea on many plarits. Lainb (1953) found that A c e r i a (Eriophyes) lyco- pers ici ( VI 0 1 f G n s t e r n ) caused t hi e p i^ o d u c t i o n of the w h i t e hairy patches on stems end leaf stalks. Sheffield (1954) reported excessive "hairiness" on stems and leaves of sweet potato was widespread i r. parts of Africa. The plants also exhibited stunted growth, thickening of the stem, and auxiliary bud death when attacked by a species of Aceria , N u 111 e r- 0 u s e r i o p h y i d s attack the bud and early flowering stages of plants. Muhle and Konigsmann (1954) found Aceria 'carvi (Nal.) to cause flower deformation in caraway. When the mite attacked the blossom, no fruit was set. The leaves also showed deformations under severe at- tack. T r i p a t h i (19 5 5) reported that e r i o p h y i d mites were the reason for n)al formati on disease of mangos rather than deficiency of ruineral nutrients as previously believed. Snel singer and Hi me lack (1957) observed mites to cause witchesbroom of blackberry and reported little work has been dc)iie on this phenomenon since 1888. Gibson and 30 Paititcrf (1957) found A_. .tM]J_Pc::^ to cause v.-heat plants to bfccc;iir-, weake'''en dnd chlorcilic. The wheat leaver, cur! and folded s '! mi 1 ar to the description of tiio coiTiinon witclies- brocin , Vcreshchngi na a^id Ma':ailyr!k (1959) reported E. 2h\S[^ ^SlP.l^l. ^0 Ou'.m :: e p 1 u n; s via galls. M c.. t c r e f v. ir. a 1 e iii i t e s were round to overwinter in palls fofrned ori new growth. The female would be found in numbers of 100-580 per gall and would deposit eggs witl-iin the gall. All stages of the mite were found within the gall. Krasinskaya (1960) re- ported the apple gall mite E. m a 1 i to cause a normal leaf of 2.SC-280 u thick to increase to 350-450 \i thick when in- fested. The mite also caused severe leaf drop. Agarwa! ar:d Kandarami (195^*) found that a eriophyid mite caused gail-like blisters on the inner surface of the leaf sheath in sugarcane. Severe injury was confined to the area nearche actual infestation and damage could be identified externally by leaf scars. Kuitert (1962) reported distortion on young cedars caused by Tr i setaeus c u p r e s s "^ (K.). He found the mite to feed on tissue between ihe leaf and the stem. Feeding in this area caused distortion under light infestations and the needles became shortened and thickened. Severe infes- tatior.s caurod brownir;g and death. Under mite attack, the internodes did not elonoctte, terminal growth failed to ■3! devc '! o;;'« and you no plants became "bushy" and ro'.ind&d in s haDo due to Uie failure of a ''leader" to develop. Alarn crid K'adud (1963) rouiid A. 1 i 1: c h i attdci'.er; young lilcfii 1 eaves, shoot «;, end yc'.;ng fruit ceiusir.g erinea on their siirfacei. The 'eaves wei-e also fcL;r.d to curl, dry i^p. and drup; ar.d flov/e'" buds would fail to develop^ ar.d tfie plant v/ould be stunted. Talhouk (1963) reported simi- lar damaoe to alirionds by A. phloeocoptes . Trie mite caused irregular galls around buds and preverted fruit formation. Mite infestations reduced vigor of trees so that death occurred v.'itl;in fi' to those atLi'ibuted to a leaf hopper 32 t r d n s ■:•; i 1 1 o d v 1 r 1 1 s , A . m e c! i c a g i n 1 s^ also caused leaf and foliage proliferations in lucerne. L a V e ii d p '- e t a 1 . (196/) found that an e r i o p h \' i d mi tf cau'-ed Douglas fir trees to have deformed growing tips, Arnold (1970) reported that galls were formed in 6 cays on two species of Calystegra sp. after mite infesta- tion. In some galls, there was no leaf tissue present as a result of tiie powerful morphogenic influence of the gall mite on the shoot apical meristem. This i nfl uence, accord- ing to Arnold, may depend on the gall mite removing materials from the hc:.t cells rather than adding secretory or excretory products. D i S t e F a n 0 (197 1) found that Phyllocoptes t r i f 1 o r a e DiStephano formed galls on "Sh-iro" plums. The cortical galls vipre formed on twigs. The mite overwintered princi- pally in the adult stage but was also found to do so in the larval and nymphal stages. The galls produced were large er, ougli to contain 350-400 individuals. The mites caused early petal fallj slow growth, and death of lateral twigs. Kant and Arya (1971) found that gall development '^'^' SaJ_ya_dora p e r s i c a L. induced by Er i ophyes mites was initiated with the layiiig of eggs. The tissue structure of Ihe gall difered from that of normal leaf tissue par- ticularly in, the ston;ata and mesophyll cells. Duting the enclosure proce.>s, a cup-like strurture was formed by the rrrltc. Se\'pral cells of ituicr cp i dciv-mi s, alone; the nciyhbor- ififj cells (.level op into rvil i i nuc 1 Gate hsir cells. The ad- joining walls of tde cells su r rcund "i fig tliC- grow-'pg heir cells disappeared into the cytop! risnio . Nuclea) I'l'i ora ti oris into tiie body of f.he heir cell resjitec in a r.iul t i njc 1 eate state. The hair cells el so contained nufnorous starch grains. Tuttle and Butler (1961) reported that A. n e o c y n o - d 0 n 1 s caused damage on Beripudag ra ? s in the spring. The grass displayed a typical resetting sir.d tufting, i.e. a gro\/th caused by a shortersir.g of the inie modes and the apparent s ti mu 1 a t i ori of excessive plant growth. Heavy infestations caused tre grass to turn brown and die. Fventually, infested lawns become thinned out wl"iich allowed weed growth. Dispersion Most w 0 r i; e r s have agreed that one, if not the major, means o^i" dissemination of eriophyids is by wind dispersal. Pariy (19^.5) capture A. l'J_lJ_[iae^ at a height of 150 feet a n d for a range of 1.5-2 ra i 1 c s from the nearest popula- tion source, This was the first time this species had been found a i y b o r n e , Freenian (19A6) found mites in -insect bodies at altitucies up to 300 feet. Most mites were found at temp- er a tii'.'es above r^-';"r and at relative hu;T>idi'Ly readings 34 beloK' GO/', with wirid speeds below 12 ri.iles par hour. According to Freeman, vn nd was the most iinpor t-nnt single f,=!ctor i :i dispersion. Steples and Ailing ton ( 1 956 ) ropcrted wiiid alone affect;. A. t u 1 i p a e dispersal and tornperat'jro was not i:i;- portant. However, i,he research of hault and Styers (1969) indicated tetiiperature had a profound pffect. Dis- persal initiation by mites in tests showed when winds were greater than 15 miles per hour coupled with teiiiperature in excess of 18°C accounted for more than f:0% nf tl-.e numbe.'' of mites trapped. The researchers further found under laboratory conditions that teniperature and lic-ht affected dispersal. Gibson and Painter (1957) found that dispersal was actively initiated by adult behavior since ail i 0,000 mites captured by them were adults. At the same time, all mite stages were present on the plants and it was concluded that if passive dispersal occurred it would be expected tnat some immatures would have been trapped. Fui'tner study sliowed that mites were not accidentally dislodoed from planLs even at wind speeds of 20-30 niph. The researchers found tiiat wind, temperature, and light affected dispersal. An increase in temperature from 12-24^'C resultec! in an einht-f .■^. 1 d increase in numbers trapr.ed. More mites ,icvc also trapof'd in light than in darkness. Hciwcvcr, photoperiod effect decreased "in luagn-i l;jde with an increase in tempera- ture. Siykhuis (19-:5) and Staoles and Allington (1956) mentioned that t.iie eriophyid dispersal by v/ind was promoted by Lise of the enal suckers. Gibson and Painter (1957) foL(ard and on heavily infested plants will form ''swarms of fuzzy appearing masses" of mites on the uppermost tins of leaves. There they will crowd upon one anotiier forming chains of several individuals attachied one to another by their anal suckers. These chains break apart fron; the mite mass and they disperse in a cluster Gibson a n i.i P a. i n t c r observed that air movement over leaf sur- faces stimul atos ; perpendi cul ar standing and chain formation, a factor which could enahnce wind dispersal. It was also observed that only adults move to exposed surfaces on the plant and exhibMed "disposal" behavior except in cases of extreme and ...[n'd plant deterioration when immature forms would also movo to cuter surfaces. 3G licly (i95/') foU!Kl thdt the n'irus bud mite, A. she! d 0 fi i > may be carried fro,;! tree to tree by v.. r ions i r. - S G C t S .. Gibson and Paifiter- (1957) foMnd t(iat aphids aioved the wiiSQt curl mi^^jA. tiJ_'; i_py<_e, Lu t thai: Lhis v/ds of second nry importance. They fojnd that apirids often placed mir.es into volunteer wheat and oth^r host plants. It was found that the aphids would niovs ""nto the masses of ;iiites pre- viously mentioned and the n:it:e chains would break and be- come attaclied to the aphid. Upori flying away, the aphid then transfers the mites to other plants. The greenbiig v.'as the most successful in transporting the ir.ite but the corn leaf, English grain. and apple grain aphids all were found to transport A, tu "I i pae . Butler (1963) mentioned that it could be possible that the Bermudagrass mite, A. neocynodonis, could be car- ried by the wind as well as by insects such as thysonap- terons, honiopterons, and coleopterans. Hosts and Virus Relationship Recent studies have classified approximately 1,000 described species of eriophyids as pliy toohagous (Whitinoyer, 19/' ■ t e d 183 s p e r i e s of gal: ni a k e r i in Sweden. Keifei (19^?) rer/crLed ICG species from Cali- f or !ii 3 . Species of criophyids thui are econoiiri cdl 1 y damag- ing, however, are not res-,ri etcd to any one geogrfpiiic regio!). Hamilton (194?) reoorted die blackberry mite, F'cen a e s s i q i (Hassan), to cause the redbe»;y dist^ase in New Zealand. Borgman (l950) reported the same disease and mite as a pest of fruit in Queensland. Lainb (1953a) reported the tomato erintiurn mite to he found worldwide with the exception of Australia and llt^-i Zealand. Zeck (1955) foijnd the dreaded pest of grapes, £. vi^tj s , in New South Wales. Conn in (1956) found A. t u 1 i p a e able to reproduce on all varieties of wheat, barley, corn, sorghum, Sudan grass, and 12 varieties of wild grasses. This led to exa:r>- i nation o.nd discovery of the mite in many previously unre-- porteo areas. Wilson (1955) found the pear blister form- ing mite, Eri ophyes p s e u d a i n s i d i o s i s Wilson, from the Pacific coast of the U.S. to Wisconsin. Several species of important criophyids occur in Florida. The citrus rust mite, P. ol ei \ni)-a, is presently considered tiic number one economic arthi'opod pest of citrus in Florida. Bailey and BouiMie (1946) reported tfie blue- berry bud mile, L. vacc|nii, as a serious pest i i; N. C. and »/0 Mar. s. end new Florida hes been ridded (C-^ornroy and KuitGrt. 1973) to the c] rowing list of staters wl'.cre tf;is pest is f 0 'J 'i c! . A 1 1 i fi !i (19 59) reported finding A . ir. ?ng i f erne a pest of fpai'.no and A, s hi e 1 d o n i , the citrus bud mite, in tht MiaiMi, Florida area. Within the last fev; years, the eriophyids have been found to be responsible for niore plant d r, •' c eriopiiyios of Not^tii Amer i ca, stated that sulfur v.'as cffi-^ctive fince it blocked the consumption 0 r 0 X y g e r, by t i : -. . n i t e . Daily c::c Bourtic (i'^!4fi) obtained control over the blueberry bud n. *;.•:•, £. va_cci_n_i_i_, with th.e dinitro compounds. JepT'Son (1^-17) -juno that DDT, d i n i trofihenol compounds, aid d i - /-e I hyl r.'xyl i- thai ate controlled the citrus bud mite, £\- .iLllrl.'^.il'.'A- ■-'■"..Obb i ny (194/) rft|Jorted Uui t control of the pear bud i-ii te ^ '"'ri opju'es^ PM'll *'^=9 • ♦ centered around critical 40 t i la i ri g of spray a p p "! i c c c 1 o n s . H p found sulfur a be 1 1. g r corii:;-ol "".han the lime-sulfur ccrnb"; nati on and the v/etf-ahle type to !;c tho niost, effect'ive source. Borginf:n (1950) treated the blackberry pest, £. e_s_s^T_3_i_ , successfully vrith siM f ur -iTii neral oil conibi ria t i ons . Roy and He (1950) found DDT sprays to give good coiitfol of iJJ_OtLl''y?Ji. 5>pecies i r, I n d i d Kevorkian (1951) founo sulfur dust or spray to be a good control of ^. c 1 ?. dophthirus , the casual agent of the "white mold" disease of tomatoes in Cuba. Dinther (1952) controlled E£ i o p h y e s a v e 1 1 a r: a e ( N a 1 . ) and E . 3X^_P.i.Li- ^ i t h tar-oil plus mineral oil oprays and reported wettable sul- fer as well a? dusting sulfur to give good control. Lange (1955) controlled A. t u 1 i p a e on stored garlic v.'ith methyl broiiiide and sulfur. Zeck (1955) controlled E. vi ti s on grapes in New Zealar.d with 1 inie-sul f ur . Mans"i^ield (19 56) used 1 i ni e - s u 1 f u r to control the citrus bud mite, A . shol don i , in Australia. Shchegolcva (1S58) found lime- sulfur to control £, L!"-]^.."! J^. '^" currants. Butler and 'stroehlcin (196;..) Tound it was necessary to use diazincn pli!S fertilizer to obtain control of the 'iOri'Midng rass mite ^- ncocynodor i s > on turf. Either fertilizer oi^ diazinon alorio was no^. significant over contiols. Thonias (1960) found chlorpyrifos to conivol the fiermudag ra ss iiiite in n i p r; 1 0 r a t i o n s i n f 1 o r 1 d a . 41 Varina arid Y^c'ow (1971) reported the systenn'cs, a 1 d i c a r b a s i d p h. o r a t e, to be effective for lb and 50 days respectively in control of the niango bud mite, A. mancji - t_er_a e , on rnongoe^. Dindra and Bakhetia (1971) found denieton-niethyl and dicrotophos to control A. niang i ferae for 110 days when applied to the trunk of mangoes, but found diozinon and aldic;rb ineffective. D inietiioate , phosphatnidon, an-u- denieton-rncthyl v/hich had oiice st.own good control proved Tess effective in later tests. Sternlicht (1971) found be liuinyl and r.iancozeb (two basic fungicides) to control the citrus b'jd mite, E. s h e 1 d o n i . Wafa and Osnian (1972) found phosalcne plus triona oil to give good control when used on A , m a n g i f e r a e and that a c a r i c i d e useage stati .vti->3:l ly decreased the number of stunted buds ■Av6 malformed inflorescences on mangoes. Bharadivaj and Baneriec(1973) found aluiriinum phosphide controlled Eriophyes mane if era e (Saycci) on mangoes when shoots and samplings were exposed within a sealed chamber. Cultural There_ r.ppears to be cultural methods that have a qrcat deal of e^cfect not only in controlling eriophyid mites but also ill pr-.A-entinq tliem f'^jm reaching population poten- tials. Griff it'^s and Fisher (19^; 9) found copper -z i nc-- 1 ime Si'rays to cause an inc-'oase in rust mite populations on citrus 42 in Florida. It has become common knowledge among citrus growers that refraining from use of certain sprayable metals and other compounds which leave long term resi- dues on the leaves helps to prevent mite buildup. Barns and McCormack (1951) in preliminary experiments found that the date of pruning effected the severity of injury caused by a physiological strain of the grape erineum mite, E. vi ti s . Kuenen (1952) found that submersion of black cur- rant plants in water for 10, 16, or 35 minutes at 45, 43, and 41. 5°C, respectively, would control E. ri bi s , the mite causing "big bud" disease. Slykhuis (1955) reduced A. tul i pae populations by destroying infested plants by culti- vation, the mites perishing when the plant were destroyed. Hamstead and Gould (1957) found mite populations in apple orchards to be greater in plots of highest leaf nitrogen counts. High nitrogen was found to enable a benign popu- lation to become destructive. Das and Cloudhury (1958) found that thorough prun- ing of leaves and twigs of er i ophyi d-af f ected litchi trees following spraying kept the mites off during flowering and fruiting. Shchegoleva (1958) found that clipping infested buds of the black currant, Ri bi s nigrum L,, helps control the mite E. r i b i s . He also found pruning of root sprouts on young seedling plus intensive nourishment of the plants aided in control. 43 Threr.h (iBo-l) found thnt dipping of black curraritG in wztey for AO, 30-/<0, 1G-20, ond : i!,inL!te'. 3t 40, ^.2.5, 4 6 , c\ n d /i / , 5 '~ C , r e s p c c t i V " 1 y , ic i 1 1 e ci 5 1 1 £ . r 1b i s c s 1 1 rr, i t; e s v.'i'tho'.jt. huitiiict pl'int grov/th. W:>fa aiid Osn^an (1972) found that p^^uninci old stunhed anc' .ii6 1 f or-":ed mango Puds, snd i nf 1 ores cprice in winter before nev/ bud^. c-fid i riT 1 oyesrence occurred resulted in decreased A. M a n g i f c- r 3 e populations and prevented ,Tii g rd ti ons to other inflorescence. This operatic?! was considered an acceptable agricultural control method since it decreases infestation levels and g a •/ e ?. o p r' e c i a b 1 e yield increases. Bindra and Bakhetia (1973) also found that prunincj of inalfcrriiOd mango twigs and piarit p:rts reduced A. m a n g 1 - ferae p c p u 1 a t i o n s . Natural The literature is quite sparse where the effects of natural control agents st'ch as fungi and arth.ropods on eriophyici populations are concerned. Keifer (19^6) men- tioned that the ericphyid populations v.-erc reduced by p r e d a c e o u s m i t e s , t h rips , v a r i o u r. s f > e c "• c s of m a g g c i. s , a ri d possibly fungi. fainter and Schiesser (1954) found thrijiS;, 1 0 a f h 0 p p e r s , a r, o t r- e mite fa_i: a jt _c_t_ra r, -ic !}_u_s pr ote n_£s R a n k s c s s 0 c i :• t e <:; v; '; t h A . t u 1 i p a e o ri w e s t e r n w heat q r a ■= s . Vercshchanni na and f-'nkailyat. (1959) reported that ! y s a n o p t e v a a ! i d [) r e d a c r a b s m i t e s !inl b 0 i 0 n q 1 n q t f ai'ii 1 i OS Hh,v r.oi.0 I'."^;":c and Anysiidae pl-iy ;; si 'j;; i f i cant role 1 ri con-- t r 0 "i '"* f i- . p h 1 0 e c 0 p t e s on p 1 u n; i . B o c 7. e k (196 1) i !i ? 1 w ci i 9 s of tiie eriophyid mit'.^s or Poland Koi'tid the niites cf the trMiilly Tydcici^i: to uGstroy ell stdger- of tho cr'i .)i-)hy "i d^' . Gonial ez -Eo (hi 1, i (1'.U'4) found lliat orrjanic insec- ticides caused death to predators, apprecio'oly in the Erythraei dae , a nn'ie fann'ly. It was found that fiuge dif- ferences occu'^red in the popi;l ati on^, o!" the cotton blister mite, E r i ophyos q c s s >' p i i , banks depending on presence or ab- sence of erythraeidr. , AlaM &vA Uadud (1963) found preda- ceoLis :nites to have strong effects on decreasing the popu- lations of the 1 i t c h i mite, A . 1 i t c h i . M u m a (1955) r e p 0 r t 0 d that in 11 or i da citrus groves the mites belonging to the genus C u n a x a were predaceous and the family Tarsonemidae contained c 0 n s i d e r- a b 1 e scavenger species. Baker and Neunzig (1970) while working on the biology of the blueberry budmites found the predaceous mites Asca c i t r i H u r 1 h u r t , 1 yphl odromypi s d i 1 b r i s ( D e L e 0 n ) , C h e 1 e 1 0 g c n a s b e r 1 e s c i (Oudemans), and three genera of tydeids: Tj/-deuj_, Mi crotydcus , and Tri ophy tydeus . They also found tlrree species of ti 0 n - p r e d a c e c u s mites, Da i dal otarsonemu s_ j a m e b a k e r i S m i 1 e y , 1 a rsonemus summers i Smiley and Tarsoneinus a d a m s i Smiley. The tarsr)neirii ds were found to be the most abundant of all tlie associated organisms. They appeared to be iiiycopfiaoous in the fi(^ld 5.r\i plar;t tissues injured by the blueberry mite 45 prcvidc'tj necrolic nidterial on which the tarsonemids fed. Baker end Neunziq also found three species of thrips and a cecidcnyid larvac: that could be predators. Zaher an -J Osrr.an (1972) reported predaceous rrn'tes did not olay a gren t role in controlling A. m a n g i f e r a on .Ti a ngr.es pi'obably because the eriophyid pest hides between che bud scales. Ali'ord (19?/2) found a new species of tarsonetiid iVii te. Tarsonenais a c u 1 e u s _ in association with E r i 0 p h y e s q a 1 1 a r u ni t i 1 i a e ( T j r p i n ) on limes. The tarsonenrid utilized the irregular- growths structures as a food source 9nd the eriophyids abandoned the galls as their number in- creased, Bharadivaj and Baderjec (1973) reported that predatory iT:itc-s of mangoG? were killed along with E_. m a n g i - ferae wlien th-e sapl ings were treated with aluminum phosphide Spears and Yotfiers (1924) found an unidentified fungus as a parasite of the citrus rust mile in Florida. Fisher et al. (1949) rcpvji'ted an epizootic of P. o 1 e i v o r a on citrus and suspected a fungus as the casual agent of mite death. Fisher (1950) ieported the fungus H i r s u t e 1 1 a thompsoni i f-'isher may be parasitic on the rust mite. Burditt et al . (196/) furth eV described a !T d verified the relationship of ii' thompsoni i of the citrus rust mite. Leatherdale (1965) report!--d that ^several fungal agents attacked the family Eri opliV id ae .-• laker (1963) reported H^. thompsoni i as a fur;gal pfn-asite of the blueberry bud mite. He found 40 ■«r/fecl.ecl mites to turn greeni 3h- gray , becoming inactive with cc-.rLh fell owing. Hy!;h? v/ete found to extend from the legs, genital; and anal openings as we]] ^s from the body vtfall. Bciker found the popu'lution of the blueberry budmites and seas o u d 1 n^, o r t a 1 i t y c f bud fr, i t e s infected w i t h [[. th pjri£-- s^>pj i to s h. G w a n i r( verse correlation. T h e b ;> d n; i t e and the citrus rust mi i:e showed the saiiie symptoms in becoming dark and exhibiting non- natural color when infected with the -fungus. High populations of the blueberry bud mite, coupled vrr; Lh increasing rainfall and high temperatures provided suitable conditions for fungus g r c w t !i . As mite populations and/or rainfall decreased, fungus coi'nrs woi'ld decrease. McCoy (personal communication, 1974) h 1 i ca ted five tifpos and were kept on a bench at the opposite side of the la bora' tory and a vrselifie barrier u'as plscod betv.'cen t-'^st ar^d cori- trol areas. The itiuoulum was taken fr^m a Icncv/r. h^^avy infesta- tion of ;Tiites on NoMow var'iety. Nociules of pU-jMov; were' I'e- nicvcd and placed withiri plastic bags. The mites ',73re placed on the pot tea samples b> tearinc: the infested ro- settes apart and placinr; the f--^rts intr) the thatcli of the grass that v:d:- to be i nnc-i I a Leo . Tvo varieties, lifyreen (328) and Tifv/ay (41^1), were r ei noeu! a ted a second time by tiie Sdiiie proctdure 33 days later. The varieties wei'e observed daily "uo dei.erniine when t[ie first syr.iptoiTiS of nr-te injury would be expressed. Whc!i the syniptcms become evident, a portion of tlie grass was removed ano the presence of rr.ites was ascertained by examining the tissue '.:i'.der a microscope. Field-established TiFqrecn (328) and Tifway (419) v/ere irocjlateci by the sariie procedure e\'ery wee'-: for seven weeks at the University u\ Florida Horticultural Fanii. These suriposedly nonsu scept i bl e varieties were the only two tested since the farm has a history o ,' not ha vine knov/n ';:ite infestations. The known s-jsceptible varieties were purposely not tested to civcid the risk of infestinn the far'!':. 51 The first inoculation wss done when tiie gross reached the standard naintained cjrnss height of approxi- mately 3/8 to 1/;? inch. The subsequent v/eekly incula- tions wore m^de as ihe fjr."'. ss grcv^' taller since the plots were not mowed dMring the test, This was done to see if the two varieties would show symptoniol ogy i f allowed to grow. linder nor^nial golf course nun" n tai nence , fairways, tees and greens the areas where these two varieties are utilized are kept at a height of less than one inch. In this study susceptible varieties Orinond and common in particular sfiowed little mite damage if kept mowed close. Tifgreer' (3k'3) ^.nd Tifway (419) win'ch are nornially not allowed to grew to a 2-3 inch height (a common height for grass found in golf roughs), were allowed to gi^ow to this height during this test to see if mites would attack (Fig, 7). The test was run on three different occasions accord' ,g to procedures explained and weekly observations made. Samples were taken of random sprigs of test grass an '"^ examined i/nder tl'e microscope. The tost? ran for 20 '..eeKs after tfio first inoculation and nubmerous sn'aplo:. ,icrc observed under the microscope. Results a p. r! Discussion The firi'' syi.iptoms to occur in the laboratory were on the Mo^'low variety. This syiiiptoni was a shortening of b2 iiiteriiodfjs end observed 13 ctays affer ttif original iroru- 1 a t i 0 t'l w a s !M a d e ( F i o . b K The N o M o v; v a r i e ty f i r s t ex h ! b i t c d triG iTat f^n typo symploiii (discussed under Syinptoinol ocjy } and upcr; microscopic ex.iiiii nation revealed that mites wer^ established. The varieties wece. obseived daily and as the symp- toms become evident they were recorded. The data are shown i n Tabl e 1 . Table 1. Number oF Pots with Grass Showing 'Jermudagrass Mite K ceding Symptoms after inoculation with the M" l:. Days Inoci after ulation # of Pols of Grass Surviving after' 6 months Grass Variety 13 20 27 30 NoMow 1 4 7 10 9 Onnond - 1 4 9 4 Common - - 2 8 2 St.. Lucie - 1 3 7 6 Tiflawn (T-57) _ .. 3 5 sod web worm damage Tif green (328) .. _ _ _ lo Tifw-y (419) - - - - 10 NoMow was the first variety to begin mite sympton's and all pots in this vai'iety had symptoins to some degree 53 vn t h i n 2-\ d d y s of inoculation. T h i :> v u r i o t y c o n t i n u ?^ d to hold i t s col Q V L e 1 1 e r t h a ii d i d a 1 '! o 1 1 1 e r \< a c i e L i e s i n cl a d i r; fj T i f g t' e e n and T i f w a y . The classic s f (] u c n c c o f" syniptor.s were shown hy the NcMcw variety ir.crG strongly lluin any of the otfiev varieties, Tifiswn (T-57) nnd St, liide shov/ed symptoms later than did N c M o w . 1 1 w ix s ti o t k n o w n i f t h e pi i t e s e ■- 1 a b 1 1 s h e d theriiselves as soon as they did on NoKov/ since microscopic examination was not done until vi sable symptonis appeared. It is possible the n, i t e s were established equally at the same time or. all the af orenienti cned susceptible varieties but that sysTiptCfiiS vere not expressed as quickly on soine varieties as other:, due i:o difveri.iy physiological responses. Another reason for the apparent delay could have been that NoMow developed a closer mure compact fJiatch and did not qrov; as tall prior to inoculation. The mites froiii the inoculum could have had a better chance to survive since they were probably in closer contact witii the grass in NoMow variety than in the other thinner grov.'ing varieties such as Tiflav;n (Y-S'/), common, and Ornioiid. Tfie symjitoms apiteared later on other varieties and this could be explained by the fact that nil pots v/ere placed side by side and that the original ir, oculum didn't take on sonic of the thin grasses variety. As ttie grasses gvcw and their foliage touched, the mites could h.ave migrated 54 from one pot to another amj thus symptoms could have bc^>n delayed due to late arrival of the mite. It is not known fiow the mitt- finds its way to its niche b'^tween th'j leaf sheath and stem. It can be seen from this test that the grass taken from fne Horticultural Unit was free of mites since no symptoms were ever seen at field unit and also the fact that none of the pots showed any symptoins during the first six weeks they were in t!ie laboratory prior to inoculation. However, one fact that cannot be overlooked is that later field observations showed that close ipowing of susceptible varieties (with exception of MoMow) kept the mites from fornring rosettes and thus building up large numbers. Close cut grass expressing no symptoms would occass innal ly yield low numbers of mites. Therefore, it would have been possible to bring the mites into the laboratory on a disc of short cut grass taken from the field with symptoms that would be expressed some 7-10 weeks later. Hoi/ever, the controls did not show symptoms during this test as tfiey did under a similar replication of this test which will be discussed later in this chapter. Tifgreeii (."28) and Tifway (419) did not show any signs of mite infestation in these tests. These varieties we're rei nocul ated a second time in order assure their ex- posure to the mites. After six months^ these two varieties still sho\,'cd no symptoms of niite i n-^es ta ti on . Even ti'ou'ji; HoMov.' hud tho first syruptoi.i s and ciur- ing '.he sequence of dttdci; the '■.ymp Lo;;is w.to iriore prorr.i nrnt , ths gi'asr, i r, only 1 pot died v;ithin 6 months. NoMov; variety seemed to be iib}c to live and outgrow syniplonis better than did the Ormond, coninioii , and St. Lucie varieties. Although Table 1 shows t!;e HLMpber of pots with sur- viving grass, it eannot be Si^id that death? v/tre due strietly to niites since sod v;ebworniS got into the laboratory and damaged the Tiflawn (T-57) beyond recovery. The sod v.'eb- v/ornis also damaqed some of the other varieties. At the close of the test period, v/ater was v/ithheld frcm the pots to see if the mite damaged grass could w i t h s t a ri d the stress. The results showed NoMow. Tif^reen (S'S), and Titway (419) could stand this condition the best, the latter two of course had not been under any stress caused by mite infestations. The test \/as repeated six months later with the following exceptions: (1) only 3 varieties were tested, NoMow, Titgreen (328), and Tifway (419); {?.) the pots were kept in a non-air conditioned greenhouse uno'er normal light conditions; (3) they were replicated 6 tiriies. Tifqreeti and Tifway were inoculated weekly for 6 weeks. The results are shown i n T a ti 1 e 2 . The NoMow resporded the same as it liad in t!ie previ- ous laboratory test. All pots of grass wei e alive at the end of 6 months (Figs. 8 and 9). Tiie control p':'ts wore kept ss Tabic 2. Nutubepi of Pots witt; Grflss Siiovring Ceriuud^grass Mite Feeding Symptoms after Inoculation with t h 0 f^ i i: e s . Grfls s __V ar.ie t;/ NoMovv' 328 419 Control No Mow 1^+ -2.3Ly_i_4 1 -1? r I n 0 ci,i 1 a t: i o n JJ 28 ^5 A_?^ 6 6 6 5 on a separate bench. It is not knov/n how the conlrolG became infested. It is possible that due to wind move-nent thro'jgh tho open greenhouse thdt the mites u-ere b!c-ii to the control pots. A. n e o c y n o d o n i s has been observed during this study to exhibit the p e r p e n d i c u 1 a i^ erection on its body via anal sue leers that precedes wind distribution char-- cci. eristic in the eriophyids. No symptoms were expressed by T i f g r e e n (328) or Tifway (419} and no mites were mi crosccpi ca "; ly observed as a result of field testing. Golf courses were inspected froiv. Jacksonville to Miami, Florida for over two years. Over 200 different greens were cxaiinned, samples removed, and microscopically exami nod; many of them more tfian once. Th.o greens examined 57 v/eve plr-nr.cd in Tifgt'sen (3/"B) variety. No A. neocynoo'oni s or any damage Iwiovn to be cau^>ed by thc;n v/erc found on any of these g r e e n g . An equal nurriber of fairways v/ere exami iicd and Scjmples handled the same way as the ones collected from the greens. Fairways planted in common, Orn)ond , and St. l.ucio were almost always found to have one or more areas infested with m i t e ^ during t n e early spring to late fall. Golf courses in the Ft. Lauderdale area had mites the year round on t !i e s e varieties. Only one sample of Tifway (419) ever yielded any Bermudagrass mites. This sample was found on a slope be- tween a tee and a small lake. The grass was approximately 1 1/2 inches in height. The superintendent, Mr. Larry Weber (personal communication, 1973), said the grass was positively Tifway (419), variety. The sample had only a few mites and would have been considered to be an extremely low infestation. Intensive sampling was taken within this d.r&di on Tifway (419) and no other samples yielded any mites or siiO'A'cd any internodal shortening. On this golf coriiplex which h.ad 3 separate courses, Tifway (419) variety was used for fair w ays e x c 1 u s i \' e 1 y and the roughs were planted in coir.mon variety. Berniuday rass mites were found constantly in the roughs and damage often was extremely heavy with pate lies ';f grass being killed as th. e result of infestation. 58 The fcM'-ways v/ere kept cut at 1/2 to "il^ inch&s \x. iieighL and the roughs ct 1 1/2 to 7. "Inches. Hov/evej froiri tvsie to time Che contour mo /ring patterns would change .^nd roughs of coiiiipon would be cut short or Tifw-^iy (■11-) (fair- Woys) left uniiiowed thus servir.g ss a rough. Even v,'herc severe i nf estati '^ns of r.ites v/ere found on the CoriiiTion variety, damage stopped with the onset of the Tilway (<119) vai^iety. In the ef oreiv.ent i oned trarsi- tion zones where Tifv^sy (419) v/os found to be 1 1/2 to 2 inches 1n height, there were no mites or damage observed. Lines of damage v^ere so obvious in these zones of trans i- rion that Tifway (419; growth margins could be picked out between tiie varieties from a distance or 50 feet or more. Suniri£_rj/ This study showed under laboraiory and field condi- tions that NoMow. comiiion, Crmond, and St. Lucie varieties were higf.ly susceptible to Bermudagrass mite attack and syiriptoins became evident as early as 13 days after inocula- tion. Tif green (328) and Ti-f'v.'r.y (41?) were found to be resistant to attack from tiie Mite. Tnese varieties yielded no mites under microscopic exariiination and exhibited no symp- toms from attack !iy them. Tbis work verified Biitlor's (1965) that Bermudagrass Vv"^rietics with parentage of CyiOdon 59 trans v a i f,' e n s i s Dav^ appears to he les i s tan t to E', c^ nodoni ens i s . Accordiiig 1o Hansor. (!965), Tifcjreer. (3?8) and Tifway {419) have C. transvaleensis as parei.tagp v.'hilc St. Lucie, common, and 0>-niond do not, Miticide Control Tests--Deerv.'ood Introduction The [)eerv/ood golf course, located at Jacksonville, Florida, had a histor}' of Bermudagrass mite infestations particularly on its tees end fairways wliich v/ere planted in Ormond variety. Greens were planted in Tifgreen (328) vari ety . Materials and Met hods The course was insnected in June and Bermudagrass mites were found to infest many areas on the fairways. The infestation was sporadic and dead spots followed a circular or irregular patterns. Certain tees were also infested with mites and one was almost bare of grass. Weeds and ncti-Bermi'dagrass varieties were beginning to establish tiicmselves where the original Bermudagrass had been. The sixteenth fairway was chosen for pesticide tests since it had a history of being the most heavily infested area on the course for mites. Inspection showed Fig. 5. Beginning of Internodal Shortening of Grass 13 Days after Inoculation under Laboratory Conditions Fig, 7. Fie;d Plot of Unniowed Grass that Underwent Weekly Inoculations of Bermudag rass Mites 61 Fig Pots of Grass Grov/n in the Laboratory Shov-Jing Vertical Growth Seven Weeks dfter Inoculf.ticn Fig. 9. Pots of Grass Grown in the Laboratory Showing Lateral Growth Seven Weeks after 1 n o c u 1 a t i C' n :0f'jf'*.' m^ mm 64 mites infesting the rairway which vas discolored end had fi u in e r 0 u s bare spots. The fixteenth ferirway was surveyed and a random- ized coinplet': block experimental design was used. Each block was 10 feet wide and 70 feet long and was set to cut across ti,>? fairway and through the area of damage as much as possible. The blocks were marked by driving cori. er posts of wooden stakes into the thatch so that only 1/4 inch of the stake was above the soil layer. This was done because'play on the course was to continue throughout the tests and it was imperative that plots not interfere with golf play or the normal mowing and maintenance opera- tions. T ti e test was r e p 1 i c £ t e d four times since adding more blocks v">uld not encompass the damaged grass areas evenly. Each block was divided into seven 10 x 10 ft plots in order to acconimodate the six pesticide tests and a con- trol. - ■ The following pesticide formulations and their rates of appl i cati-.n were used: Amount of Formulation Pesticides* •- Formulations Broadcast/Acre Id/- qi'anular Ajdjcartj .'_ Tr ic'hTorfon-i,r'xy-" 0.375 + 0.125 deineton- I' Vchyl emulsifiable liquid PJj'i'.Lt/'i*-'"'' t^^!^' u ^ f ot h i_o""i^i Fjj()po_xu r 66.67 lbs, 60.00 lbs 21.78 gals 15% granular 1 5;- granular 22.00 lbs. 70% w ettflblc powder _65^7 lbs. If. 00' "lbs" ■^further in-^. nation available in Appendix D 65 The rates of a oplicatinn for each pesticide were selected as the most likely iiiriount the F n vi rcninei'. tal Pro- tection Agency (EPA) would register- for future use on turT. The pesticides to be used on individurl plots were measured and weighed in the laboratory prior to ap- plicaticii. They were placed in glass containers, labeled, end sealed. The granulated materials were placed inside a glass jar with a lid perforated by nail holes. This allowed the granules to be shaken out evenly over the plot. The holes in the lids on t'le shakers were designed prior to actual application so that the flow of the granules would not be too rapid. Several size lid holes were used since the various grariules were of different size and texture and the flow rate varied In order to insure uniforii' spread of granules, each plot was covered using a broadcast pattern from 4 to 6 tines witli the shaker or until the specific amount of granular material had been applied as evenly as possible. The standard procedure was to start on one corner of the plot and go from that point to the opposite side and then return. This continued until the plot had been crossed from either a north to south or soiith to north pattern. The procedure then consisted of an east to west or west to east movement. The procedure then rotated back to the north- so u t I i ; t li e n to e a s t - w e s t pattern u ri t i 1 the supply of q i' a n u 1 e s were d i s Lr i bu ted . 66 The prcniG as tired and weighed liquid and vyettable powder pesticides we*^^ carefully emptied into a ?. 1/2 gal- lon garden sprii-kler can from their respective glass con- tainers. The container was then rinsed several times into the sprinkling can to insure that all of tlie ciieiiiicals was used. Viator was then added until the can contained approx- imately 2 gallons of t ti e finished mix. This amount was equivalent to approximately 880 gallons per acre w h i c I', is more than is applied to most golf courses in normal spray application. Ho\/ever with the sprinkler can delivery system, this amount was thought to be necessary in order to reduce the error in application. In order to insure a good mix of water and materials, the contents of the can were stirred vigorously v.'ith a clean wooden paint stirring paddle. Liquids were applied with the same criss-cross pro- cedure as on tlie granular application plovs. The cans were rinsed several tinies before adding the material for a new plot. To reduce chances of contamination, a different sprinkling can v/as used to apply oacii pesticide. Approximately 4 hours after the application of all chemicals, the irrigation system was turned on and 1/4 inch of water applied to the test area. Another 1/4 incli of water was applied at dawn on the following rooming. This was one to wash off any remaining residue of toxic materials 67 and to wash in the graniiloled materials. The oodition of water v/as also lised as a safety factor for the golfers who would be playing the following day. The reason for the four hour lapse period b e t v/ o e n a p p "^ i c 5 1 i o n and irri- gation was that Deorwcod closes play every T'onday for mointenanco and this was when the treatrients were applied. After tne applications, the sixteenth fairway was 1 1" e a t e d t (1 e s a in e as v/ a s the r e :. t of the c 0 u 1^ s e grass and was kept cut at standard fairway length of approximately 3/4 inch. The plot r a t i 1 1 g s were based on Butler's (1963) procedures where overall grass growth, color, and general vigor of a plot was scaled from 9 to 10, with zero being bare soil and 10 being a perfect plot showing vo damage. In order to reduce error, the ratings were made by two indi- viduals and the results averaged. Coope raters were Drs. H. L. Cromroy and David Bowers. Rating observations of each plot were confined, as much as possible, to the six by six foot middle section. This allowed a two foot border of grass in each plot and helped reduce human bias. The grass plots v/cre rated on the day of pesticide application to establish a beginning reference baseline and ratings were made every 1-^ days thereafter for 6 weeks. Results and Discussion The results of the test are presented in Table 3. Statistical aria lysis using uunnetf's Test (Cornell, personal 68 Table 3. Visual Rating with Six Pesticides at Deerv;oocj u c 1 f C 0 u r £ e , ^'y' f ^^J" Net Cf;ange in J.r&i'Ji'll'-JJ.t^'J! Pre-applicati oW- 1 4 28 A2. Treatnient Phenamiphos 6.125 Aldicarb 5.125 Triclilorfor, -+ oxyde,;ie ton- met riyl 3.125 Disul foton 7.375 Fensulfothion 6.125 Propoxur 7.625 Control 6.750 7.000 7.125 7,250 (+)1.125 5.G25 6.825 5.P.25 ( + )1.700 3.500 4.500 3.875 (+)0.750 8.125 6.625 6.500 (-)0.875 6.875 6.750 6.625 {00.500 7.875 7.125 6.625 (-)l.OQO 7.000 7.250 7.000 (+}0.250 * Each plot is the average result of combining tv/o ratings on four plots **For further information on pesticides, see Appendix D communication, 1975) shou'ed that plots treated v/ith aldicarb were significantly better in appearance at the 0.05 level than tlie controls during the range of time the test was run. Aldicarb plots were not however significantly better in ap- pearance than plots treated with phenaini phos , fensulfothion, or tr i cril orf on+oxydemeton-inettiyl . Plots treated with these four materials were significantly better at the 0.05 level than those treated with disul foton or ni opo xur. The turf treated with the latter two materials >" e g r e s s e d in a [i p e a r - ance but regression was not significant when compared to 69 Iht contro'! . It is not known v;hy regression occurred since variables too numerous to list could have been the r.'^ason. However, there is a possibility that the chetni- ..rals could have had an effect on beneficial turf arthropod c v^ Dip! exes . Although a great deal of information was obtained from this test, a follow-up or continuation would not be •'..r;Ccommended because of the following problems and criti- cisms. Although this was the most realistic field research, it is difficult to work in the main area of traffic on a golf course. Setting up plots in the flow of play constantly creates problems between golfers and researchers. Another problem encountered was tfie marking of plot layout so that it can always be found days or weeks later. The marking was difficult and remeasurement must be precise in order t.n ,re-establisri block corners or other orientation points, 'ibis proceciure n.ust be repeated each time the plots are r'dtrd or observed. In a case where fairways, tees, greens, ov-;-other playable areas are utilized, it is imperative to usi- markers that do not project more than 1/4 inch above the soil I- ir f r.-r.e . If stakes or other devices are used and tlils -leig' I" is exceeded, mowing and other maintenance c(;"\pment will often destroy tiie markers and will become daiuaqed themselves in the processes. 70 Another criticism for not I'-.^ng these areas -for testing v,as the mowing process. It v^as later ■|c:arnerj that 'no wing hinders tfie nor;iial popul^, rion development of the Beriiiudagra ss mite. Thus, as a test ./as developing vn'th iiiov,': rig beinci mandatorj^, the rosettes, fans, or otlier nodular growth portions which harbor the majority of the mite population \ ; a s cut, m u 1 c h e d , a n c ! scattered over a wide area. Counts taken after' these operations could be misleading as to the actual ccntrol that was being obtained by a pesticide at a given time. The most severe criticism is in the area of plot layout and sampling technique. A plot layout that contains a relatively uniform mite population is mandatory. It should be pointed out that at the time this test was initi- ated little was known of the mite population or their habits. Ther^efore the large 10 x 70 ft blocks were adopted. Popu- lations were never found to exist uniformly in areas this large over the 2 1/2 year period covered by this study. Extreme populations of mites were found in later observa- tions but many times their datiiage was confined to small isolated spots. Summary Oni'.ond Bei'muday rass infested with A. c y n o d o n i e n s i s (Sayed) was treated with, six different pesticides. Ratings 71 of control ccms i s ted of a virtual classification technique where plots were scored fro:ri C [i\(> grass) to "10 (perfect) 9 r a 5. 5 . The plots were rated at 14. 28, and '\2 days after treatnierit. Plci.s treated with 60 lbs. of lO'^ c*ldicc.rb gran'jlcs i. ere significant over the controls in appearance at the 0 . C J 1 e \' e 1 . M i t i c i d e Control T e s t s - - P a 1 n^, a i r e Introducti on Pal ma ire is a golf and condominium complex located at Poinpano Beach, Florid a, and consists of four par 72 professional type 18 hole goif courses that lie among. .. a vast layout of living facilities. The fairways are planted in Ormond variety Bermudag rass, and complaints of mite attack on them had been numerous. Materials and Methods The four courses were thoroughly inspected in order to establish an area that was uniform as possible in mite infestntion and large enough to acconnnoda te sufficient jjlots to test several pesticides. The courses had spots of mite outbrea!; on r:umercus fairways and roughs. A great majority of the infested areas were too smell for the plot area requiri-d to run pesticide tests. A general i nf tj, tati on follov/ec! the slopes along a streaiTi ■tlia t jneanclered through the Palniaire courses; but due to slope i- nd sparseness of grass, it was decided not to select a test area along the sti^eam, A randouri/ed complete block design was set up in the areas thai' contained the largest and most even popu- lation of mites found in the preliminary survey. This area also had a history of having constant mite problems. The blocks were replicated three times and the treatments were five by five feet in size. The original plans were to replicate the test a minimum of four times and for the treatment plots to con- tain 100 square feet rather than 25. However j the overall infestation t .' > 5 rot sufficient for a test of this size so less replication and smaller areas of treatment were inade. Two blocks five feet wide and 50 feet long were laid out end cornf-« stakes used for markers the same as was dis- cussed under Deerwood Control Tes ts . Due to the irregular- ity of the m"'-'te i ;if es ta ti on , the third block had to be made L shaped. Thi^^lots that were to be tested had a reasonable equal growth i--- grass and about the same topography with little or no :- V-pe, In order to be able to find the plots more easily a S'nTall amount of herbicide was used to kill the grass, in a circle approximately two inches in diameter surrounding the ^corner stakes. 7 3 Ihe h 0 r b i c i d f ; was a 1 ? o used on the corners of eocli 'j x 5 ft plot. This n I 1 ov/cd for futiire sampling witiuii. t ha vine; to re-establish blcck and plot boundaries. This herb; ci dal procedure was used in this test since the infested area was located betv;een the rough and the tee and the dead spots were not detrimental to the appearance of the course. This procedure also elinrinated the exces- sive use of stat'es used in relocating plots. Pal.T.aire management had requested that no test was to be visible to the cl i entel e, and mowing maintenance had to continue d u r i n g t h e t e s t i n g p e r i 0 d . The following nine materials, rates per acre, and f ormulatior.s were used; Comn.on Name A 1 d i r a r b Phenami iihos per, sul y othi on ' D i s u 1 f 0 1 c n D i a ? i n 0 n ■ D i a 1 i f 0 r Trichlorfon oxy- demetonmethyl Oxamyl Per) tine hiydr oxide Fo 10^< 15% 15% 15% 4 4 rmu 1 ati on granu 1 es g ra nu 1 es granules granules eniul si f i abl e liquid emu 1 si f i aijl e liquid 3 7 5 + 0 . I ? 5 emul s i f i ah i e liquid e;iiu 1 s i f i abl c 1 i q u i d ) wet table powder Amount of Formulation __ Droadcast/Acre 60 lbs. 56.67 lbs. 66.67 lbs . 22.00 lbs. 1 .00 gal . 1 qt. 2': .78 gals 1 gal . 1/2 lb. 74 The materials used were previously weighed under laboratory conditions, placed in glass containers and properly 1 abel ed . The application of granules, wettable powders and emulsifiable materials were done as described in the Deerwood Tests . The weather was usually windy in the Pompano Beach areas. In order to avoid granules or liquids from being blown away, the applications were made to the plots from a height of approximately 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Ap- plication was made only when there was either no wind or a very slight breeze. If wind speed increased beyond a very soft breeze or if there was any indication that the wind was causing granules or liquids to be blown away from the plots, treatments were stopped until permissable conditions occurred. Fentine hydroxide and oxamyl were not available from the manufacturers at the time of treat- ment. They were applied 14 days after the other materials. The statistical analysis was designed in order to consider this alteration and will be discussed further under Resu 1 ts Sampling. Grass samples were taken from the test plots 2 and 4 weeks after the application of pesticides. According to Reinert (personal communication, 1973), counts taken sooner than 14 days could be misleading since deteri- oration of dead mite bodies appeared to be slow and could be deceptive if readings were taken prematurely. 75 Before Sc-;mpling, cara was taken to re-establish cill plot boundaries. The saii'ple wos taken frorn the ceriter of each pint. llris al loved approKima tel y a 1 1/? to 2 foot buffer ?oao in each plot. Since plots were no I. separated by nontr^ated boundaries, samples taken from any two adjoin- ing plots v;ere a mMiimum of 3-4 feet apart. The scmple con- sisted of approxiiiia tely 500 cc of individual rosettes, fans, or other damaged appearing grass. The samples v/ere placed in a plastic bag, scaled, and put in a shaded area. As soon as all samples were ccl 1 ec ted, they were held for micro- scopic examination in air-conditioned rooms where the temper ature was niaintained at 68''-75°F. The Bias Sample. The bias sample technique was developed by necessity and can be explained by data in Table 4. An attempt was made to sample known mite infested areas on P a 1 m a i r e courses. The t e c h n i c] u e used was to ran- domly remove an approximate 10-20 gram portion of grass within an i ri f e s t e d plot. T r i e s e samples usually did not contain any rosettes, fans, or other symptomol ogy indicative of mite dajiiaqe. When actual microscopic counts of tliese samples were made, mites were found in insufficient numbers to v^ork with. When a random saiople contained a rosette the numbers of mites found and coniparod it with a random sample where rosettes did not occur were so extreme th.at the over balance discouraged even the remotest conclusion. 7G Tp.'ole 1. Comparisons of Mite Counts frof!' Raridoa, Grass Sdiiip'les and Biased Samples. S a m ij 1 e No. Al B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7 HS 19 Total Numbers of Mites Random Sample* Biased Sample* 5 9 35 8 2 3 9 3 2 323 290 725 704 78 565 226 347 *Each sample is composed of the average of 5 subsamples From this experi ence, i t was decided that samples v."juld be used from both treated ana control plots made up of (jvass portions (rosettes, etc.) wiiich contained abDormal growth caused by the mites. It was felt that a better comparison could made using this sampling tecn- nique. The bias sample is in need of modification because this method also yielded large differences in populations even when it was highly suspected that none exists. This error could probably be redL'ccd by extracting mites from larger numbers of samples rroni a larger area. Time was not available for the porsnn doing tlie counts to increase t hi c> n u m b o r o f :■ a m pies. 7 7 Co u rrts , Actual counts wyre usually mark- within lR-24 hour;, after sarnplinc;. It would take about 48 hours to cxfimine thp san-iplos. As much as 72 nours often elapsed from the actual time the s.ii'iplc was token and subsocjuer.t counts iiiade. In order to veduco any bias, the plot samples were exaiTiined on a taridom basis. A subcount v/as begun oy taking the sheaths at ran- dom from a mite infested rosette with a pair cf jewelers f 0 r c e [J s . The s h e a t fi s were then carefully placed inside up and all stages counted except egg. A suh count co n - s i s t e d of 1 1 1 c total mites found under a 16 ,X 1 e n s f i e 1 d of an A , 0 . S [) e ! i c e r (i i s s e c t i n g microscope. In order to reduce error, five rosettes were ran- domly selected fi'om the composite sample and a separate subcount Miade on the sheaths as previously explained. The final total count of a recorded saiiiple was composed of the average n u r,i b e r • c f mites found in the five s u b c o u n t s . In order to obtain usefi.'l and working data, it was decided to use the bias method of sampling. A comparison of the two methods of saniplitig is given in Table 4. It was found that a total of o r. ) y 94 mites were found in 125 random tyiie grass samples comfiircd with a total of 7,528 mites found in 110 bias type samples. Data is presented in Table 5 concerning the miti- c i d e tests , 78 iable 5. Mite Coi.'rits Ressjlting froiii Appi ice ti or; of Pesti cides at Palm aire Golf Course Trear.niept. Ren 1 Control (A) Aldicarb D i a 1 i f 0 r D i a 2 i n c n T r i c h 1 0 r f 0 n h- oxydenujton- methyl P h e n a m i p 1"! 0 s D i 5 u 1 f 0 1 0 n Fensi;lfothion Ox 6 my 1 Fen t. i n e Hydrox i de Control ( B ) 226 79 2 2 249 3 23 36 935 85 925 Days after Treatment _J^^ Rep 2 Rep 3 555 3 20^1 347 34 4 303 856 255 425 760 795 41 41 5 140 290 277 72G 486 490 174 420 28 Re p_ 1 R e_D__2 Rep 3 220 30 5 0 0 0 ^ 160 43 1025 0 0 0 460 795 473 0 0 300 385 30 0 0 5 1280 12 160 120 848 512 3 25 536 915 286 Results and Discussio n It was decided after discussion with an I FAS stati- stician to combine the data obtained from not only the two periods of sampling but to a ""so combine the data from the oxamyl and fentine hydroxide ti-eatments, since separate controls were added to the test to compensate for delay of application of tiiose two materials. The data vpre examined 79 and analyzed by acceptable statistical techniques so that all treatments could be compared to the control and all treatments could be compared with one another. Tables showing statistical methods and calculation are shown in Appendix C. Standard A. 0. V. Tables indicated that signifi- cance existed when the sampling data was transposed using the log (1 + y) or ^^ + y. These tables are presented in Appendix C, This transportation was necessary since the range between samples were so large, Dunnett's test showed aldicarb, diazinon, and phena- miphos to be significant over the controls at the 0.05 level Duncan's multiple range test was used in order to compare significance to treatments with each other and the results are presented in the following table: Table 6. Overall Results of Bermudagrass Mite Control; a Statistical Comparison Using Duncan's Multiple Range Test . Pesticide Level of Comparison* Aldicarb a Di azi non ab Phenamiphos abc D i a 1 i f 0 r bed Di su 1 f oton bed Oxamyl cd Fensu 1 f oth i on cd Trichlorfon + oxydemeton-methyl d Fentine Hydroxide d *Pesticides followed by the same letter were not significantly dif- ferent at the 0.05 level. 80 Sunmi^ ry It. was found that airlicarti, diazinon and pheria- miphos iiad sijni fi canl ty fe\;er Bermudagra ss mites than controls 2S c-'ays after application. There was no signifi cant differer-..e between the niiticides when com[jared with each other. Growth Regulators Tests Introductiop '"' The Fnverrary golf and condominium complex, located at l.auderhill. Florida, is composed of two professional par 72 and one par 60 executive courses. The tees and fairways are planted in Tif\.'ay (419) and the greens in Tifgreen (328) The roughs are j.l anted in comr.ion Bermudagrass and landscaped witt! subtroi-'i cal type plants and trees. The roughs are delineated from the fairway strictly by mowing. Fairways are kept cut u^ .'V8 to 3/4 inch in height and the roughs at approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches. Changes in mowing pat- terns will oc'^arn' onal ly produce the margins of the rough with Tifway (419) and the fairways with common variety. The course mj'na'gtment reported sporadic outbreaks of mites on the compl{-A and complained that mites could be found the entire y c a r . M a t e )' i a 1 s an d Methods The entire turf complex was thoroughly surveyed. Mites were found in isolated spots along the roughs or 8i where coiiiiiiori variety v;as foutid. The infef:led erear. v/ero too r.ma'll dwd isolated to atleuipt to try anri sot up a statistically a nee p tabic p"NticiQe tcLt. Th'2 cout'?e was kept tin dor sin-vei 1 1 ance for ainiost a year. Puriiig the spring of 19'/^, an area along the rough of "nuii'.bcr 2" fairway en the West Coursi' was found to be infested with mites. Ihe infestation extended for ap- |j r G X i 111 a t e 1 y 100 feet in length a ; : d fro in 15-20 feet wide. The dred was intensely surveyed and although infestations were sufficient to support a test there wore breaks within t'ne area that had few mites and little damage. The Bermudagrass in this area was approximately 1 ]/?. inches in height. The entire area was flat and moisture conditions were ccnsidered to be somewhat minimal. The fevtility program in this area was considered to be excellent. Previous correspondence with Z o e c o n Corporation of Palo Alto, California had led to the investigation of i.'sing several growth regulators in attempting to control tfu: Ber.nu da grass mite. Zoecon had reported that six numbered compounds had shown miticidal and ovicidal activity against the two spotted, the European red and the brown al- monc! mite. The materials we»'e recommended as foliar treat- ments and supposedly showed no systemic action. All ma- terials were 25% wettable |)owder formulations and were to be applied as a 0 . 1 •, finished spray. The area to be tested was examined and seven sub areas that appeared to show equal symptoms, grass color and gruv'th cha ra r tor i s ti cs were selected. The seven plots v/ere rando-.i zed as to i^hat treatment they would receive, A 10 / 10 ft aluminum pipe template was made and each sidewJo marked at the halfway point so when it was laid flat on the turf a 100 square feet section was marked off. Thv: area within the template could then be divided into 4 subsections by lining up the midpoints marked on tiie-srSes of the template. Each of the four five by five sections within the template was to serve as a replication of the same treat m e n t , The area within the template was delineated by using an inve^^tcc! spray paint golf course marking apparatus containing magenta colored paint, This apparatus is com- monly used to make boundaries on golf courses during tourn- ament p 1 a y . • ' The grovrhh regulators to be used were weighed out prior to tes t -i n j ■ ind placed in glass containers. The weight of the t.. ::t m.aterial was precal cu 1 ated so that w h e I'; mixed w i ■ -'i a c. u a r t of water it would 3' i o 1 d a 0.1 % spray, A conta'"^. er was p remarked so that when it was so f i 1 1 e d it c 0 n t a ■; ; . e d a q u a 'r t of water. This amount w a s selected to bo i ed since most spray machines on golf 83 courses afjply approxiniaiely 100 Gallons of water \)e-r acre ill sprciyinn for disease or mites. One oiiart of finished spray pc-r 100 square feet "is o q u i v 9 ': e n t to 1 0 S . 9 gallons per acre. The materials used v/rre as follov.'s: Materi al ZR 793 ZR 856 ZR 918 ZR 1829 ZR 1859 ZR 1888 i 0 r m 25% WP 2 5% WP 2 5% WP 2 5% WP 2 5% WP 2 5% WP 908705 lbs. 908705 lbs. 908705 lbs. 908705 lbs. 908705 lbs. 908705 lbs. Lbs . i'orniul ati on/A 3.6351 lbs. 3.63 51 Ids. 3.635] lbs. 3.6351 lbs. 3.6351 lbs. 3.6351 lbs. Mite precounts were made prior to applying the grov.'th regulators. The bias system of sampling was used. Since the material applied was considered to be an ovicide, a ratio cf all stages of mites to eggs were established. A sheet of paper with a si'.all rectangle was constructed and a section of tiie infested leaf was placed on the rec- tangle. Observations were made at 45 X power using ati A.O Spencer dissecting microscope and tlie mite eggs were counted and coinpa)'ed with the nymphs and adults found within the confines of the rectangle. Results of the count ratios sho\;n in Table 8. 8 'I Two applications of the growth regulators v/ero ..made.,... til e second 10 days after the first. The material W5s".Dpplied to eacii 100 square feet areas by using a 1 1/2 e-5r1lon compr'.ssed air sprayers. The v/ettable povjder hor- moiie • was addtd to the tank from the glass container. The co-ntainsrs wjre then rinsed using water from tlio premea-- sured quart that was to be applied to each 100 square feet p-fot and the rinse water added to the sprayer. When the gidss contai.ver no longer showed any visible residue from . .t'lrG' wettabl e -powder , the rinsing operation was stopped and the rema'inder of the quart of water was added to the tank. The tank was closed and the spray mixture was shaken vigor- ously to ai d' mi xi ng , A different, clean compressed air sprayer was used to spray each individual material. The procedure for spraying each block followed the pattern as described under - -the Deerwood tests. The compressed air sprayer was chosen ,r f-cr this tes-*".- because it would deliver small amounts of spray more e.v;enly than the sprinkling can method. In order to reduce Sj.^^ay drift the sprayers were operated at low pressure so Mvat droplet size was too large to be blown away by s'l-f g:ht ai r movement. Using this [irocedure it took from B -"tt) '-TO '' Limes over" the plot before the spray was exhausted. Counts were made on April 18 using the system pre- viously dos.ribod on May 6 just i)rior to the second a|)[)l ication fi[> arid tiien on V.ay 30 ns a follow v.p to the second treatment with the rer,L;lts shov;n in Table 7. Table 7. Mite Counts in Total Nuinbers at the Fnd of IP. and 4 2 Days after Treatment, Jneverrary Golf Course Bl ock J. I I 1.11 IV level of Da ys Trea tment 18 42 18 42 18 42 18 42 comparison* ZR 793 496 577 716 432 1 080 756 1350 703 ab ZR 856 592 399 980 137 640 417 1200 950 a ZR 918 556 1082 380 1344 708 1062 580 1080 c ZR 1829 336 565 140 784 1500 530 1280 552 ab ZR 1859 800 744 384 404 460 624 1070 1338 a ZR 1838 480 420 884 376 732 274 743 768 a Control 476 628 290 710 700 555 555 600 ab *DLinnett's test at 0.05 level There appeared to be no significant changes in id i t e p o p u 1 a • tion during the test. Results ai^d Discussion No significant differences v/ere observed between aiiy treatnients at tlie end of 18 days. Significance was obtained between treatments at the .01% level at the end of 42 dcvys using the standard A.O.V. table. Dunnett's 86 test v^cts applied to the data and it v/as found that the reason for significance "lay in the fact that the growth regulator ZR- SI 8 had tremendously hicjh mite populations when compared to the ether compounds and the control. There v/as no significant difference betv/een tlie otiier compounds when compared to th.e control at the .05 level. Compound ZR 856 and ZR 188c? however did prove signifi- cantly better than compounds 7 i! 1859 and ZR 9 '! ft at the .05 level. A . 0 . V . tables and D u n n e 1 1 ' s test are included in A p p e I i d i X D . The results of the adult plus nyiiiph.s to egg ratio are presented in the followitig table. Table 8. Ratio of Nymphs Plus Adults to Eggs at 18 and 42 Days after Treatments Treatment Totals Days Control ZR 793 ZR 856 ZR 918 ZR 1829 7R1859 ZR 1888 (T) 18 l:/i,.591 1:2.649 1:5.296 1:3.195 1:1.365 1:5.857 1:2.857 25.81 42 1:0.385 1:0.673 1:0.783 1:0.419 1:0.418 1:0.983 1:0.415 4.076 Total 29.886 P 18 days I = 3.687 P 42 days I - 0.582 X '^ - 4.21 X^ - 0.541 It was found and can be supported by the above date tiiat the variation in the adult ^ nymph : ev.' ratios I'anged froiii 3 to over 11 fold. 87 Mov'Gver the clii-r.quarp values in compdring the treatrnt^it rnd contml ratios with each other at the 18- day i ;i t e r V a 1 and with each other at the 42 day interval sfiowed that t!-e variations that existed were not signifi- c a n t . The reason for the sharp drop in ratios is unex- plained and could be due to many known and unknown environ- m e n t a 1 r a c t o r s . It is possible that predatory mite forms could have been the reason for part or all of the ratio changes, since it is known that some cf the niites found during this re- search are predaceous on mite eggs. Summary No positive significance was found between six growth regulators and the control when tested against the Beri.iudag ra ss 'mi ' •■ infesting coniinon variety Bermudag ra ss . The materials were also being tested for ovicidal properties and i-o significance was found between the com- pounds and the l u n t )^ o 1 . Symptomol ogy Tlie fiist symptom of the Berniudagra ss mite feedings is t:ot always easy to detect. The patterns are not always the same and trie sec|uenco of injury that can lead to grass 88 death appears Lo vary froiii one plot to another. This, oh- servation is r.ot linexpected and can partially bd explainod by the fact t!uit management programs of grass differ widely from golf course to golf course. There is a general pattern of attack by the mites and subsequent symptoms do follow a seqiicnce. The first stage is a slight yellowing (particularly in Orinotid and Common varieties) of the very tips of the blades o^ grass on which the mites are feeding. The yellowing can be more or less pronounced and probably depends upon variables such as fertility, moisture and other associated factors in a turf complex. No Mow variety does not exhibit z\ic pronounced y e 1 1 o \'/ i n g characteristic as do the previously mentioned varieties. The second stage is characterized by twisting of the leaves and siiortening of the inter nodes especially under moisture stress. The leaf twisting alone is com- monly refei-red to incorrectly by many lay observers as "wi tchbroomi no . " Leaf twistin'_ is expressed by tlie fact that the margins of the leaf cole upward and inward and thus each individual leaflet appears in a t i g li t rolled position (Fig, 10). A [)lot or g»-ass iT observed as an entity takes on a darker appearance which begiiis at the tip of ttio blade and proceeds back to the point of its insertion at the node. As this conditio!! progresses from 89 leaf to leaf then that particular sprig of grass takes on a thin spindly appearance. This phenomenon is a condi- tion of wilt and has probably been termed "witchbroom" be- cause the blades actually look "stringy" as would the tips of a worn-out broom. This condition is only a response by the grass to reduce the loss of water when it is under moisture stress or comes about when conditions exist where water is in a short supply. Many times it was observed that the leaf twisting never appeared in mite-infested Bermudagrass which was heavily watered. As this study began it seemed to be the opinion of many turf workers that when they observed "wi tchbroomi ng " (leaf twisting) during the season for mites, especially when they had been reported in the area, then the diagnosis was commonly made as mites. Often mites were the reason but this overall observation proved to be very misleading. Literally hundreds of these witchbroomed areas were observed and taken apart. Samples were brought into the laboratory and each sheath stripped and observed under the microscope. An occasional mite was found and a small colony would also be observed from time to time. However a great majority of the time mites were not found. When the leaf twisting did occur the pattern would be found as irregular spots from a few inches in diameter to one that would cover several hundred feet. This pattern did resemble 90 one that would occur when a pest organism establishes a population in turf, however thinking that the numerous leaf twisted spots meant mite infestations proved to be wrong. Many environmental stresses were found to cause the described condition in one instance or another and many times an answer didn't appear to be available. Often observation led to the fact that nematodes were the cul- prits and the grass responded quickly to nematicide treat- ments. Root disease and damage often were the reasons for the symptoms. The aforementioned reasons were many times associated with the leaf twisting even though the overall moisture conditions of a golf course were considered ade- quate or even good, and this often would further lead the casual observer to think that a heavy infestation of mites was present. During this study it was found that several vari- eties of grasses other than Bermudagrass would show the leaf twisting symptoms. All Bermudagrass varieties did appear to show the symptoms far earlier than did other grasses . Further investigations often resulted in finding irregularities of the top soil on which the grass was established. Many golf courses have top soil hauled in to provide a media for the vigorous crop of grass de- sired. In spite of all efforts, often a spot of rock or 91 sand pockeL v/ould exist zv.d be devn-jd o1 any of the top soi'i or organic matter which is ? good nioisturi'" retoirinj agent. The result of th.is action would cause the grass to vrilt within this given spot and subsequent b/ mites would be bla.iied, These sand or rock pockets help explain the fact t.hat in spite of the addition of several inches of water the leaf twisted areas can appear within a few hours after cessation of watem'ng. This condition was brought about by the high temperature and subsequent transpiration rates of Bermudagrass coupled with the poor water holding capacity of the sandy soil or other [)oor growing media in these troubled spots. Ttie Beriiiudaqrass mite was only occasionally found associated within the spots containing the leaf twisting. When mites were found, leaf twisting was coupled with shortening of inter nodes observed (Fig. 11). If the nodules and r- 0 s e 1 1 e s ( v\' h i c. h will be discussed f u r t li e r in t 'n i s sec- tion) caused by the mites were present, then tliey would be more 1 i I', e 1 y t o be seen and would draw the attention of the observer to the infestation. A thick rosette anywhere from 1/2 to 1 inch -in diameter is likely to stand out within the v/ i 1 I e d grass area. At times those rosettes would be n i; m - erous and it was considered that these "cabbage head" ap- pearing clumps had been in existence for- quite some time in order to be as far advanced in their development as they 92 VI ere t is felt the.! the willed conditif/n allowed the rosette to be o t) s e r v e d so t h e ni i t e i; a s often blamed a, s the culpi'it rof the overoll wilting. The third step in the sequence (if "1 eaf tvv i s ti r.g " can be consideied the second) is wlsat is termed true witch- breoiuing. Tiris condition results from a shortening of the in to modes on d ncriDal grass steiii until there are many individual blades growing close together and appearing to radiate from a common point. In its early stage, the leaf particularly in No Mow variety begins to ta! «e S- cn rtJ X! E s- CO ■D 0) 4-> I/l (U «t- c 1— « w 10 0 l/l -V X o (C .0 B X5 •r— ai O Q CO cn 104 o O CO CD o to OJ 4-> 4-> OJ c/1 O DC -a tn o E o s- M- cn E •r- 1/1 E to O fO <_3 s- to t.'l "O f3 rs S- E CD i- QJ U-CQ o E -c: o +-' t: 3^ E o o u<_> en 0)4+- cc: o ^■ CTl cr> 106 Fig. 20. Typical Spotted D a rn a g e Found in Mite Infested Grass Fig. ?.! . An Ii,f>late'J "Fan" Found Among a Healthy Appeal i n q A 1^ e d of Grass 103 ■m^m. m i09 provf;:! "I n V',; lii'j b 1 p in ciuic !-. 1y scrdeni r. ;i lorge area?. "^ or inite poiiL! t a ti onr- esp&c i j 1 1 y whci c gr'ass gro'wth war. oood, thatr.l: iioavy and 'j,y\v.\ito\'):, difficult to see. S_q!ne fii stakes Believed bei n cj H a d s i_j2. Controlling tho Bermudagrass M1te Observations were nade on yolf courses a round the state for 2 1/2 ye3rs. The maintenance and i mprc vor.rn t operations needed in a successful golf T.anagetnant course are (riite large. There are constant problems "rinciing frOii'i « sinu-le top dressing of a green to the coinplete re- fa u i 1 d i fi ci of that s t r- u c t u r e , S p r a y operations a re i i" D o r !: a n I and t n e y t a k e t !'i e i r p 1 a c: e i n a ir; a z e o f o p e r a t ions d e p e ■ , d i n cj upon ir.any variables such as v'eaiJier, size of the operations' budget, training and backgr o'jnd of the sujier i ntendant , se- quence of attack by a iios t of insectj v.'eed, or disease agenLs, course traffic, and many other coininon day- to-diay probl e,i:s . There appears tc be no sot proccdui-e for ire con- trol of the Beriiiudag r ass mite. There is no sanipliiic; tech- nique available to the course luanagors or others yjhero they can monitor the mite populations and reach a decision as 1 0 t i m i n g of spray. The m a j o r i i y of courses o b s o r \' e d apply one or VAore applications of Uiazinoii on greens, tees and the aprons of these structui-es sometiiiios in the spring to early snnniior depending on geographical location within i ]0 the stale, SiJraying is genc'ttlly Hone v.hori coriipl « i nts ar? vo'lce'i by neighboring covrz^es, of when v/i tchbroon.i ng 0 ; ■ r !) 5 citing can be o b s o r v e <' i u o t h e r a r e a s o n t h e u o 1 f course. Thi:, control techi'ii que can be ve>-y co.-:tly fur t h cj foil 0 \'i i I'i g r e a s 0 n s . i- i r s t , m i t o o u t b r e a k 5 r a n o c c u r' ou a neigl)bori ng golf couvse v/he;> it is plctnteo tc vari- eties that are laor-e susceptible to mite dai^iage. For example, if the fairways and rcugiis are Comaioii or Oi-i;iond varieties which, are well-known to be susceptible you would expect to find rnites in greater numbers than where tt. e tees and fairways t-rc Tifway ('119) the greens are Tifgresn (323) d.u6 t!ie roughs native grasses or other vegetate on . A s e c C' ;': d m i s t a !- e can be the a p p 1 I c a t i o n o f a pes t i - cide wi)en psei'do wi tchbrooiiii ng (leaf twisting) appears. As has already been discussed iMider LymutOiriol ogy , this condi- tion c.?i) te brought on by an array of reasons wit hi insuf- fic'CPit wateriiig at tfie proper time being one of tlie iiiost frequent causes. Tlie lack of sufficient rainfall is con- roor: in ni;;ch ol the state during the spr-ing to early surnnier. hear cvistiiig can be observed on ?ry day during this ijoriod and first C'Ccurs as spotted areas. As the droughit continues and tlie net loss of water fvo;, the grass is greater than the gain, leaf twisting v/iiich is coi;i:i'Only mistaken fo!~ witch- brooming ajipc'rs as grass te,r,po> - >■ i ly wilts. beriiuidau'^ass demands !i; o »■• e iv a t e r t h a :\ 'v any o. ;- a s 5 e s a r: c ! w i 1 t s ii 1 1 i c i; 1 y u n '\ e r- 1 i T strot^s. This can be observed whert f.|>iit5. of Bermudii •- grass txists r-niong grosses 'like iiauiacnass diid St. Augus- t i i'l t y r a "> s . 0 p. a h o 1 a f t. e r r; o o n , y c^ u c c i': o [> s c r v e f r o ni -] ;; i t, e r) distcnce the spots flno' perimeters of tht Ber'Tiudaarass by its leaf twistincj wilt whereas the adjacent g-'-asses of other varieties do not exiiibit tfiis cho rac tor i sti c until a tier a longe-- duration of stress. Golf courses beiiio al- most wholly planted in Bermudag ra ss certainly exhibit this response to heat and drought. As these conditions become persTsteiitj many ;;ianagers apply pesticide in belief that mites are causing the v/ilted conditio;^. liiere can be other reasons for the leaf tvistiny such as neroatodes, Bermudao! ass scale and other pest infestations as well as nu'iri ti cnal problems. The soil type should !iot be over- looked as its water hoi di rig capacity varies greatly, A third mistake is the spraying of the greens. Greens are of ccjrse the one area of the golf course that irmst be kept in the best possible shape if it is to be successful. Maintenance here is often oriented around c 0 ci p 1 e i e p r e v o r: t i o n o f a ti y pest t h a t c o u 1 d c a u s e d a m age. K:o cna^ces ai'e taken because dead ^^pots, grass dis-.ol ora- tion 01 d-uy i rr.TOir! ari ty that could affect play could be reasoii for loss of client^^le. The greens observed during this research, have aliiiost totally been planted to Tifgrcen (3L'S). Duiinn Ihis study no r.iitcs were ever observed in-- festino the turf on the tireens. 112 D v. )• ■; r. -j i h i s stud 3' i t w q :. a 1 s i > 0 b s e 1- v e ci i. h a t g r d s s c u t r. !> c r t , 3 / 1 G to 3 / G 0 f a ti i n c h , r. e y r- r d e v ,-> 1 c p e d Vvisettc^ whici' harbor tii'^ ^n'gh popu "i a i; i or, s of mires. It v/dr. a'! so found that inoculation in th:. 1 0 borato-^y oiid in the field of Tifqreon (328) was not succossfiil . Based on t i 1 1-: s fj f a c. t s a ri d 0 b s g r v a t i 0 n s , t Is e s p r a y i n g of g r e e n s for niife'j v/ss a '.'/aste of timo a^'i inoney. Froni ihis dis- cussion, it stiojld not. to be construed that there v-.ould nor bo occasions where iiiiticide applications wci-ld noc be iiGoded . In areas other than greens, obsei vati 0:, s have shown th.aL rintes freo'jent the grass that is con^rrion to tiie lips cf s^dd traps and bunkers. Depending Oii the variety of grass, these irregular areas are designed to promote iiazarHs to the play of the game as well as add beauty to the co;;rso. They are a necessity hue present certain difficulties in turf nianagemcnt. It is difficult to snow grass va'^ioties surrounding these hazards which are usual ';y planted in Coiiiivon and Onnonci in a large per- ientago of the tine For these reasons jiiite populations will usuolly be fcjund in the periplieral areas of traps and bun!' ors . Due to the difficulty in maneuvering irecharn zed spray equipu'ent in and orouiv! these liazards, t'lc grass is Tiot spr.iycd and sub. sequent ly the inites are not controlled. 11" I r: m a n y c a s e s j s p r a y i r. t j v,' o u 1 d h tu' g to be done by ii d •:> d . Ha ny of tLese bunkers -e ?re golf courses. Many ar'e planted to the same varieties of grass as are the fairways and the only dif- ference i)etween them are tne heights of grass, with ub.e fairv/ays being cut shorter. Some courses allow nat'jral grasses or vegetation to grow in the roughs and they cat; Y ?. r y f r o m t h i c k s h r u b I i k e u n d e r g v o v: t h to s v,' a m p . Due to maintenance end equipment there is always a margin from a few inches to se\'eral feet or more 'vhei'e irregularities of the topography of the fc-irways allows grasses to grow to greater h e i g li t s and these a r- e a s are v/ h e r- e mites are foiJi-id serving as a source of re- i n f es tat i on golf courses with unliinited budgets do not spray roughs. Most c.uirses in fact do not spray fairways and hence mites as well as other 0 r g a n i s rii s are alio w e d to run their cycle. When fairways are sprayed usually the margins are not covered since the spray machine operator follows the patte'Mis or rr)Utcs established by ihe fairways in as straiglit a line as possible, and to swing in and out to 114 pick up i.iic in-ecjulctr dip?; or other spar.roodic edqo^ v.'ould be a wor.tf iu f^me and iipray acd woLilf' prevent the- opcretor fr-OH' T'lni nta "i 111 ny ony sori. of siiicoth p-;-ttc-;rns o^' di'-rM:tion •w li e n s p r- a yi ) ; (; . It hi a s bee is c b s e r v e c! t h e 11; i t e p 0 p ' ; 1 ;i t ions r, p p 0 d r to b u i '1 d t: p in t h e s r a r e a r and s p r e a d i n 1 0 t h e f a i r - ways fi'cm these points ard thus cr ("rates spotty piaying sur- f a c e s . The same p »•' 0 b' 1 e m applies to streams, ponds, lakes or other areas of K'ater, botfi ihT.n-niade or natural. Since water hazards are a par!; of any we'll designed co'irse it is 0 1 i ! y p. a t u r a '1 t h a t i \\ cy exist at a r e 1 a t i v e i y 1 ov; e r elevatiori than those sui'rounding areas of play releoated to more soplii sti cated managed grass. Slopes whicJi are often qrrite steep are the result of connecting between these t'.'O areas. The rise and fall of water tables also iiiore cr less delineates areas where soft or muddy soil e.xists. Margins around -chese bodies of water due to slope, nud or- both prevent the operation of inachinery \/ithii' these areas. These margins are often the cei:ters of h-'-'avy mite populatioiis and damage frequently appear a 1 0 ;■> g these s 1 c^^ e s and b a ri !< s . The use of plants, shrubs and trees are also a vH>-y iii.portant part of the total golf course. The land- scaiiing pl.mts are often placed along stt- earns, banks, drour.d lal'L^s, or ponds and along margins where the fairway 115 piictne:. into the rOL;(jiiS. in iuar.y cases the .sdr,u; variety of grass found in the fsirv/ay grows> close to those pisnts. This is an -ares v/here mites are almost alv/ays fo.inf! if the golf course is infested. Very fev; insnagers einploy weed killers or rnaintdin clean cijltivation aro'inci the bases of I he trees or plants. Grass of course (jv-ov/s to he'ights of several inches and creates an ideal i'abitat for niites since the reset r.es can fully develop due to the absence of inowir.g. it is difficult to operate sprayers in and arouiid these shrubs. It is a mistake not to con- trol tne grass iieights and to spray iv. these infested areas , Cart patlrs, bridges, restroorn facilities, fences and buildings make up a part of any gclf course. The g r a s s i n these areas i s n a i li t a i n e d to a great e x t e ri t 1 i I'. e that found around trees and it is difficult to manage the grass from either a rn owing or- spraying standpoint. It also appears that the tr-end is not to spray those areas that are not involved with tiie actual tur-f' that comes into play. However, thiese are the areas where the n,ites are harbored and \vliere the mites are able to maiiitain their no)M;ir;l life cycles, create rosettes and very large popula- t ions c c; f! d e V e 1 o p . IG "^ '^"VP'-'.''^ - '^^' ss Introc'ijc li nr> It. v.'o:. o!'/ served that initos were ioLPd most fro- queiitly i p. t?l!er grass. A study was irrJtiated to de'cer- mine the temperature of varioi^s nictie:- of the golf fO'jr;;e surrounding the ini te habitats during iioriod of infesLatio! Since qrecns v'hich were cut 3/16 to 1/4 inch in height were never observed to have mites, ?nd >^oughcs and fdic^- wavs <"ut 3/4 to 1 ^/Z inches did, it v;as desireable to determine if teii'perature varied enougii to ha'-.-e an influ- ence CM! the a !."■ s e n c e- c r p v e s e n c e of mites. Thie teiiiperar ures of num&y^ous golf and turf areas w e r e recorded b y using ' 1 ) Bniley Instrument Co. ' s Mod e 1 BAT ■■4 Thermocouple Indicator and (Z) Vellov/ Sj^rings Inst. Co. ' s Mode! 45-TU Tele, t iierincii'eter , Thermistor Indicator The instruments vvere calibrated before use. "the probes were properly placed in the spots wiiere temperature was desired and allowed to rc-main for several minutes before read'ings wei'e r(;cordcd. Readings were taken in a series and variables siich as wind, sun, cloud cover and other e n V i r o ri n: e n t a 1 f a c t o r- s v; e re noted, Readirg:. were made of air temperature G indies above th(-: turf, turf surface, in the turf thatch,., at th.o I ; soil 5. urface [)e'U)V; tiie l'.;rr ti'-^tchi and '1 inches belov.' ti'O soi'i ziiv'dci'. Ro5.fii:vp ?nd "iesf teiripera t,-ass 1/2 iiich in iieiaiit in_^r_ ''_ 89.5°F 90,0 S 9 . 0 10i>.5 103.5 89.5 89, S T G in p . 0 f G r a s s 2 i ri c h e s i n b e i q ti t j_n_ JIF ^ 86. 5° F 8-^ . 5 9 I . 5 94.0 83.0 86.5 U^i jf f e r e n c e J n__° £ + 5 0^'F +e.'.o + 4.5 + 11.0 + 9 .3 + 6.Q + 3.5 (3) Teiiipf-ratures oF the tliatch were a great deal cooler th.-aii surface temperature. Maxininm recorded was 99 °F oii duly 2 5 and a mi niniuiii of 80"r on Apt il 18. The variation found was not (j oner ally as great as on the surface. lU) c, \ (6) (••■<) Soi 1 •■ ^ rf act tempera lures ranged from a nicixi.W'ulii . O'f 102. CF on June 2G to a minimum of a:i*.0°F on May 7A . 7 ernpe'v^'atures taken at a depth of 4 ii.ches into the soil were found to range from a !'i a X iVi mit u f 7 o . 0 *■' F on A p r i 1 18 to a mi n i m u m of 6/ .0"F on Mav ? 'i . Tem;;;t;:>-'-a'[,ures taken between the leaf and sheattV witli termistnr probes shov^-ed teinper- fltiis;-:: ! eachcd a maximum of 106°F during this test period. [■'icxiHium temperatures taken deep inside rosettes were found to reach 111.5°F. R 0 s ;.--t- 1 e s e c n t a i n i n g mites were found t o cool slower thari surface temperature. Surface and rosette temperature reaching 111. 5T were artificially shaded.. V.'ithin 2 pvini'tes the surface temperature had drcppeii to SKS^F whereas it took the rosctta 10 minutes to reach the same read- ing; Uhen exposed to the sun the surface "ireirpcrature g3iti;,^d 9'^F within 60 seconds a'?: compared to a 4"F increase in the rosette Other re.. dVngs are listed in Appendix F. (7) (8) ]?J It v.'rtr expected that thatcli tf.Mripcr a t.u fee tnlol:t ba^'^:. boon rrioii onoug'i in grr:ir,5; cut short to prohibit the buildup o'" iiiile popul Ci t i on:; . Temperature^ vserc occasion- ally r^ligiJ: ly l.igii^r in the short grass piiv i r opinent as cornpaicd to taller grdss but mere often the reverse was foiTid to he true. Trie miies \,'ere found to live in an env i ron'!ieii t (rosettes) v.'ith teniperatu'^es considerably hi gi! cr xhd.r\ those measured in this test on Rermudagrass plots kept cut at 1/2 to 2 inches in height. Tliatch, soil surface ard sub'^O'^1 • em^er => tures \/ere found to vary cons i de*'^ hi y v/f'Cii coiiipared to air tenperature . it was fell rhat th-:s variation depjndec! on inoisture content of tne niche being examined as well as the total thick- ness Or- mass of grass cov-^r, soil t^'pe i r. wiiich the grass was growina, as well as the a'uo'jnt of dead grass and other o c PI oryai". ic debris foun.' in, ■'■lie zone between the leavr roots of the grass. The pliysical makeup of the niches were known to vary widely a!id therefore their ability to act as i n s u 1 d t e r s v a r i e d . II a c h n i c ! i o a b s o r b e d heat a n d released it at a different rate in co imparl son with others: thus wide temperature ranges were encountered withiin strata Miie Habitats Many samples of St. Ai^gustine. Bahias, centipede vye^ bent, a'^d ot'ter nondi sc rimi na te varieties of grass v.'ere co'iloctcd froin areas whore iiifesled Berniud jorass v.'5.s either (irowiriq i nlei mi ngl pd o;- in c'lozc jjroxln^ i ty . Many of these ssmples wevo nfr-cciorj 3ppGarr"d -tunted, and showed signs o-T lec3f cv'-; s t i ng . Exaiiii n? i'! on »"c;vcdied liiany causes or the orss.s acnornic'l i ti es rangin;;! from scOe in- sects to fungus o» other reasons. No E. c y n o ri o n e n s i s v.'ere evof- found ou acy of these samples. When iiiite: first beco^.ie evidenL in turf, they ore most o-f'ton roi-'iid 'iocalized in one or more of the following a r e a s ( .1 i s c i .■ s s c d u n d e ) - 3 y i i i p t o m o 'I o g y ) . (1,! In close proxinnty lo and along fences and c-dg?s of buildings (Fig. 22) {?.) In close p r 0 X i n, i ty t o w a t e r . The v; a t e r s o l; r c p car. be of the still or flowing type. One of X h e r a V 0 r i t e places is s e v e r a 1 f e e t f i' o i; i t h e edge of a small stream or brook that may run t h r 0 1! g h t h e g o 1 f c o L' r s e (Fig. 23). ( 3 ) Close to trees, shrubs and other obstacles (Fig. 24). ( ''^ } 0 n the tip e d g e s o f b u n k e r s or sand traps 1 1- . g , ^ o ; . ( i> ) A 1 0 n g s i d o '.■.' a 1 Ic s , r o a d '.■; a y s a n d o t h e r o b s t a c 1 e s that are encountered within the course (Fig. 25) (G) On the gentle slopes or at the i;5se of slopes of 1 ees or greens . I 22 ( / ) A 1 0 !1 Q 1. h e r^ar c i n s o f t h e f a i r w a y s a : the y f a d e i h 1 0 t h e r o u g h s ( F i f) . 23). (S) Sprts v.'ilhin tfic: coui-se wi.ere obstacle'.; or d e V 1 c e s s c. c [- & s i r r i g fi i ! on caps in a y b e 1 o - cpi L'^d (rig. '-■?). nur-irig the coursf' of this study, mites wtre nover found frcm sampler, taken iron! greens or putt i no areas. Fro;;; evidence discussed under Inocuiation, it dppears that Tifgreen (328) -i s resistant to mite attack. This is the variet;/ chat -. "Imost all putt inc. a 'id regulai^ greens are planted. Also nunierous observations shown that greens are kept cut at 3/15 to 3 / 8 i n c ! i h e i g fi t at all t i m e s . (Jbserva ti ons have strongly ind'icdted that mites are found less frequently on closely mowed areas. As observed under the i t e I:' s 1 i s L e d , a r e a s w h e r e in i t e s a r e found ni o s t f r e - quently are those t^^at are not moved or allowed to grow 1 0 ii! 0 1 ■ e t h a n a V e r a g 0 h e i g h t s . Those golf courses that kept fairways closely mowed V/ere seldom bothered with i.iites. Even fairways planted in Commcin or Orii;ond, hoth highly mite susceptible varieties many tii;;es didn't show areas of infestation even when ad- jacent rough, s may show a high degree of dafnage. However v.dien areas of the fairways were not mowed or kept at close heigh.!'. u/S to 3/8 inch then damaged areas due to mites would !U} more preva'-ent. 123 Fairv.'sys pi an tod ii' Ti fv/r-y (419) v.'ere reportfid i r. ni;niC'r'o;)S caries to have 1 li t'v^sta'^i ons of rnites. Field i nv'Goti ge ti ons and mi croscopi c exann ns ti on of the sar;ip''es revealed probloniS other tiian iritas as being the caiise of y r 1 ! 0 V.' ■ n o 0 r- d t cu s p o t s . P u r i i > g t h e e ri t i r e s t ii ri y , o ri 1 y o:u- rorettc wa;-- fouiid on Tit way (4191 variety. Obscr Vci t i ons on the growth patterns and col lee tec Sumples froiii the plots d tiring this research yielded all stages of dbnormal grass growth caused by uiite attack. Mite cc'jnts -were made from leaves found within the ''fap" stages (see description of "fans" and rosettes under Symptoniol ogy ) of growth v-esulting -"'roni mite attack arid ccinpn red with mite co(i),ts found in the rosettes or later stage of grass injury resulting from mite attack. Results are s I : o w r, as folio w s : F X p r e s s e d No. of Svmptom Individual Counts Avg. mi to /count "i an" Rose tte 88 180 27 9 7 7 6 k"inge 64 -696 27 2- 17 28 Froin this date mites can be expected to be more nuiiierous withi'' tho rosettes or cabbage liead growth patterns of in- fested grass. This was to be expected since the ''fan" type (ss disrupsed iinder Symptomol ogy } growth occurs earlier in the sequence v. I attack and presumably be Tore maximu'i: popula- tiwi'S i.ave beer, readied. it was further noted that as a rosette ■■ics ex.-^mir. ed the numbers of mites found under the 124 iv 1 1 P a t T: ''. '! ncrca:;ed o ?. the ci'Mer o^ L!ie :.Lruc Iitp was ap- lie -rirsl". tew ojtsf leaf p i ■ 0 a c h 0 f i , C 0 u ; ■ t s m a d g f r o in t li t Ghealhs of the rosettes wore often 'lower thop those in tht: fcin tyf^o stiLirtures. GGno-ally the mites were found cti 1 ho inner surface of the isheaths surround i no the stem, bur ('uri'ig heavy infestation or when 'large coinpact ro- settes here e x a ni i n e d t hi e \'\\ i t e s o c c a s s i o ri a a i y w e re a I s o found on the outside of the 5hea\,h. This can be explained b V t i : c f a c t :i d u t the orowth ona racte^i s ti cs of the rosette had reached such abnoriual proportions that sheaths are not distinri- at this stage and the outor surface of one sheath actual 'ly touches the mnor surface of another as the point of basal insertions were approached. The niaxiiriui,' nurnbers were found in the area of junctuic between tiie SLS-n and the sheath. It was believed that this difference in popu- lations ran be explained by moisture y radiations fro-ii along rhf sheatn. 'As mi Le populations increased the upper por- tions of the leaf sheaths were found to be dryer. As the center of the sheaths were approacliod moisture of the in- fested tissue appeared to increase. The ini crohab i tat at the base of the siioath insertion v.as also very moist. The normal leaf sheath is thin, but becomes thickened as the mite infestation proqresses and when the final stages of tlio rosntte is reached the individual sheaths are no longer flat arid leaf like but more or less round tirick spikes. rig. 72. Siiovring Uocont rcl 1 od Grov/th of Be rniudac) vs ss AT cng Fence rig. ?.?> . Kdge of Pond \n l\\ Higli Growing B':0 ''iinu'agre ss 12G ..-♦ ..*«^- r** ',r Fio. ?A Irees ar.d Other S tr!)cti.!rfS Where Normal Mowing Operetions Do Moi: Rof.ch F i q Sidewalks, Roadv/ays and Othe"" Outcrops Where Grass is Allov/ed to Grov in Height D LI e to D i f f i c u '! ty i n M o w i n g 12a Fig. 26, Edges of Bunkers and ur-c''. SG urov- is All owed id Trap s W h e r e to Reach Several inches i n M e i ci h L Fig. 27. Obstacles ou the Golf Course Where Grass Cannot be Maintained at Satisfactory Height: 39 to o CD JZ +-> 4-» o CD fC a _i .1^ (J "I — xz I— CD O CD +J -(-> O to o ^^ «-I— dJ « 15 to n- (/) o •r- (— c o CD -r- JC +-' 4-> %- o 4- CL O CL c =5 o C) •r— o C_) •I— T!i!'> round tissue is very lender ;: I I ho base ?iid corilains a grc^.:;-: cic". 1 more voluiiic of fiuid? than is fhuud in d nonnai r'icJt siiCrith of grc^;-; (Fiy, ?.P,) . Vi e £1 ri s 0 f S d r t: a d Little is !;riov/n rbout Uic^ inear::-, of .-.pvead of t'lC Boraiud jgrass mites. However fi-om observations oT the patterns of outbreak, it 1s believed tliat various meciicni- c a "i (.! e V i c: e s aid 1 r^ t h. e s p r e 3 f! o f t h e m ' t e s a i o p. g w i t ' i \i i n d As climati'- cctiditions become favorable the nvi le^ iiove been observed to build up into large pcpu 1 at i ens . These populations arc then thougbt to be sprersd as follows Movifcrs cut the rosettes snd nooiiles ?. nd scatter the HiulcJ.ed re in a ins over a v/ide aren and therefore serve as niecbi-nical inoculators. A fc r;n o? this nietb.od has been successfully used in the laboratory as a nie:ii;s of inrioc-j- lation of grass, Ve rt i - th i neers as well as tire-s free;: tb,e various vehicles, (jolf carts, etc. a>'e also bclie'-ed to serve as a vehicle of spread since the innoculum v.'o;;ld d.-op off fro:;; tiire to time. Golfer's shoes and playin'.; equipnent inay also serve as a carrier of the iviites Fron! place to place o' it does for the weed P_0o_ an!ij,£_a_ L. Other eriophyid ;:iites have been known to be spread by wiiid, '! t is know*! thcit fresh cut grass is blown from 1 3-1 5rc=:.r. of v'herc i i. hfic been cut. Tr^js a rosette hdrboflng tiioii sands of mites cari be blov-'ii fr'.>!ii ^. evera! incites to many fr-e!: and thus proviiie a source of irinoculi'm into '.; n i r, f c s t g d areas. I-l i t r s, infesting r o s o t c ;.■ s have 1 i v t; d , confined in plastic and paper bags for as long as seven da^'s after being brought into the laboratory and ker-t at rcor,^ temperature. Water appears to be a means of spread not on"!y for perhaps individual mites but also for cut grass p a ) • tides c o n tain i n g in i t e s as v/ e 1 1 . S u d d e n d o w n p o u v s where several inches of v/ater may be deposited in an area within several hours are r^.ot un'ro'iniion in Florida. This aiiioui'.t of v/ater has a tremendous v;ashing effect as evi-- dence by rings of deposited grass and turf debris at ran- doiii spots on golf courses. Associated Orqanisnis Introduction During this study it was frequently noticed that mite population> on collected samples would drop f i om high to ycry '\ cu levels within a few days. Often duinng a test the miles would di'; appear ("roiii the controls. Exaini na li on of the rosettes or otiier infested grass structures would yield numerous laites and other insects, 0 0 soiiie Oi" which were believed to infliience CemiuJaarass mite p 0 p u 1 a t i 0 n s , A Sfiecia'l Grass Survey (Li-: k ct a'!. 1955) w-"s sun in Monroe, Dad'': and Broward counties, F lei da froi-; J'.ilv 1, 19 54 tli rough Ku re it 1955. The purpose of th-Cane scale C 0 loop 1; ero'd s u r u b L e p i d c p t e r a R h 0 d e s Grass Scale Mole Cricket Ceroid buy Ant ! 1 0 c 0 r i d h u g Reduv i i 0 bug Lygaeid bug Lpi'wi g m "1 1 e iiiite in i t e ini Le P_rode i3_i_s_ ( Spodoptera ) eridani a ( C r ;";;n . ) Odonc sp i s r u t h a o Kct. Ta rg •' orii a s_o Cj^T^a^^j ( C :■; 1 1 . ) r r a in b u ,^ I e 1 1: e r r e 1 J u^ ( 2 i n c k . 1 Aji t q njj;:_.n (j r a ni i n i s M ask. S c e p t e r i s c u s a c 1 e t u s R. & H, Ihari 05 terus anter. nator (Fab. ) 'r } H yjlQ-C fl r 1 s ni i.i "! t i s p i n u s_ S t a 1 . S i n e a sangu i Si'ga Stal . Uukn 0 wn S p_e_cj[e_s_ Labidura b i d e n s ( 0 1 i v . ) Cunaxoides a n d r e i Baker & Hoff . GaJ umna si'. ^£iL?Ji'ilL!'-2A.t 2.1 1 a c v i g a t u s ( r' o c ii ; 1 3 b Butler ( 1 9 G 3 ) f o u n cl the f c 1 1 o \" ing groups to be iiSGOcioted wi i:ii Beniindtigrass in Ai i/on'j. Suborder hicsos ti gnia ta L d c 1 a p t i (i n C! Cosmol ael aps s p . A c e f ) s e j "i d a e P r 0 c 1 0 1 a e 1 a p s s p . P h y 1 0 s e i i d a e Typhi odromus (A.) obtusu? gv^oup. Thiese large predatory nrites are coiiimon. Anibl y-j ! o p sj_s^ n . s p . Lircpcd")ri;ie kill oj lijiyjG„L' 'L% s n . Uy;r;pliS are ve.vy abundTnt in ground litter. Suborder Trnii!b~ d i formes T a V £ 0 n e m i d a e Tydfid: Stenotarsotiemus spi rl f ex ( M a r c h a 1 ) . Th.is mite occn^'S on niany species of grasses, corn., and related plants thrcughout the United States. It is also common in Europe where it is a past of oats. A critical evaluation of its damage to bermudagrass and other plants has not been made in tiie Unitid States. S (■: V oral s p p . Tr'.ose are small, soft-bodTcd mites wlrich aiipear to be predatory Cunaxida i -, ,.^ ^JJiifiLPliLP-l andcei Baker ?tid Hoffman C u n a X 0 i d 0 s n . ;-Si|? . Thi? and tiie above specie:, are predatory. C a i i (i 0 n e 1 '! i cJ (■• e 1 1 i d a e r;]_o_l 0^ t h >- 0 9 1^ a Lhu,s ^ cruel s S 1 1 1 .i n i c r s and S c h 1 i n g o r MG_l_othrocjriathus n . s p . Tetr diiych i ciac p r 1: V 0 bi_a 1 a tens ( I ; u 1 1 e r ) , b r o w n w heat mite f i 0 s t c cm ill 0 n i n t he s p r i w g m o n t h s , S c fn z 0 t: e t r a n y clju s eremophi 1 us McGregor A small spider mite that seems to be generally d i s t r i b u I e d but never a h u i : d a u t . 01 i y 0 rry^c! 1 ][_§_ p r a t e n s i s ( B a n k s ) This and 0. stickneyi cdo^a considerable injury to bermudagrass , particularly seed crops. They are most abundant on tiie leaves of mature plants and usually during the summe-'- months. 01 i gotiychus sti ckneyi (McGienor) Often found togetlier with 0_. p r a t e n s i s in mixed i n f e s t a t i o n s . Cheyl eti dae Paracheyl eti a w e 1 1 s i ( B a k e i- ) A predatory mi te . Eriopbyidae ^ 9.^JJA ]'i eocyn-gxioni s K e i f c r These small i.'hite mites live ensconced at the bases of 1 (i) a f shea t h s loy cause a stunting effect on tiie gi-ass due to shorter interncKlcs and a general l^b dec "line o I" the grass. Siiice their discovery in Arizonct in 19 59, they havi opei feu id i ii several 0 "c h 0 r s t e. 1. e s . L r s' t h !"• ? 0 i d d e b e e t "1 p £i ri c e . B a 1 a LI s t i LI m s p . Leij_tij_r. z p . 1 h i ?. aiid the nbove species are predatory. Siiborder Sarcopi i f orn'.es These are longer nn'tes, sometimes referred to as mites because of their hard body and general appa^ Ephilo oiiianni i dae E p hi 1 0 h m a n gn" j^ cyl i n d *" i c a ( F3 e r 1 e s e ) C a r a I.; -j d i d a e T tj c t n c e n h e u s s p . 0 r i b a t u 1 i d a e L'^ 9 PJJ b BJ:ILIA s P . Tfns species is abundant in the ground litter and becomes noticeablt during irrigatiori when the mites ci awl to the upper parts of the grass. Since they inhabit the grou!"!<^ litter primarily, it is doubtfiil that they cause any injury to the b-nnudagrass . Ma tfri al s a_n d_ I'. e t h o d s As the rosettes and othei- grass structures were exaiisirieJ for Bermudagrass mites manv' other arthropods were found inhabiting the structure. Th'^^se arthropods were r e jM 0 V 0 d and s t o r e d r o r f u t u ;' " i '-' e ri +" i t -i c f. i i o n , i39 it was decided that a collection of arthrcpods witi' r, pGciQl emi.' technicians using Hoyers ntedia, T ii e m i t e s w e )" e cod e d a n d i d e n t i f i e d by Dr. H . L . do Ii' r 0 y . D e p t . K i 1 1 o m o 1 o g y and N e iii a t o 1 o g y , I! n i v i; r s i t y t; T Floiida, Other ai'throj'od specimens were identified by the specialists with tlie Florida [!opartment of Agriculture MO cu-d Cr;isumer Services Divis'ion o I" riant Industry or tfexanonnc ;-nfC i ^ 1 i sis v/illi rhe i'lijsouin of Nr'ituya'! !'1;^tory, V.izV, i :i9 ton , D . C . Results and Pi scussi on The concerii of this phese of tne rescdrcii was to d e 1 0 r ill i n e 1 1 1 e p red a c e o u s species f o u n d "i ii the g r ass s t. r a t u ni with the Bermudagrass rniLes. All saiiiples were taken from grass vn'th iione froir; the soil stiuta. Since the sampling teciinicjuo is prWriaiily qualitative, the number of speci- mens per species wi'M be indicated Py either 1^ for 3 or less specimens or M for 4 or more speci ine'is per sample. There is stil'- very little knov.'n on the nutritional ro- (j'j i rem.ents of the predaceous mites. The most extensive study by Br i chili 11 (195PO on tydeids indicated that one 3 p e c i e ■■ !-. 0 vy yj_a f e r r u 1 u s Baker could s u 1) s i s t on the e r i o - b hy '] d , A . s hi e 1 don i , b u t r, o t reproduce. M u r.i a (1961) listed one pred?. ceous tydeid, P r o 1 1 e m a t u s sp., on citrus, 8 species of CLinp.xids, one macrockielid and 11 species of Phytoseidae. H 0 w e V e r as : i r e v i o u s 1 y stated, t h e r e i s v e ry 1 i t i; 1 e k n o w n 0 n f e c d ': n g b e 't a v i o r or t h e s e g >' o u p s . 'iatMC? 9 and 10 list the most frequent predatory groups and thrir location. It should he noted that species overlap in certain locations and where there are many predators tf one species there tends to be an equally largo 14! ri',j!,ib':.T from another specier-. The only excoptior, i :; the i^aniily Lii podi dac . This family was fomd ti; only Ivo loca- tion",. The most Widely distributed r.pocies vv'as i J e o c u n - axoides andrci (Baknr and Hoffman,) -round in 15 sites wliich differs cons i dera hly from Muitia's ;19G1) work wliich indi- cated it to be vory rere in citri's col 1 pc ti ons . "i he ti;o tydeid species were the next joninon collected species be- ing iouv-.d in 13 sites. The n.nst cc minor, faniily, found in aln-ost all sites, was a nor-predeceous group, Uropodidae Si.'pposedly fungi vores (Krontz, 1970). This study was only a beginning into ttie very complex ecology of turf- gras.^ popu 1 a L'i ons pointing out the most nunierous preda- tors, future research sliould bo aimed at the deterriiina- V. i 0 n of effect and rate of p r e d a t i o n on p h y t (; p n a g o u s grass feeders. 1 ^. ? o O •o ( ) o C.I rd r3 t/5 O s- G) J., o jr. a; ^1 C c- o c- •r- T- HJ o o OJ C! c o l/V J 00 s^ =5 •r- o (U CJ jr o +^ r3 ■o .e Qj ■M S- ..— Q_ 5: QJ Ol O CI •r- C 0.1 ' O- 1.U CO Ll^ LO ,.,-' tJ: Cs! 0-) «^ 1 — ro >t5 O I/. (DJ ^ 73 O X fC c n o o cu CO o I.O CO CTv CvJ CO LD CO CD UJ X res OJ K 1 — ro CL c: E: rs ■r- o C.T rs o u 10 o >) o (J) CO CO ca - U- LD — CM cC OD ^ ., |J_ , — ^ V - U- CO v-.-' I — <.o IJ-) -CM LO CM I — CO L!_ — - '-^ in •v£3 'Tl CM r , — , ,^ ii_ U- • — ' ^ — ^ CO ro L'_ Lr. - — ' "Xl 'JZi CO >JD CO Kj O Lf) CO ISI IM V) rs IT! GJ 13 ■O s- 4-J >, Ol ro +-> .^ 1 — S- ro , — CJ CQ c CL 1/-I CJ •'~ Cil o (/) CJ -o 3 1 — o i- OJ +-^ O- rO -c; ■\-'' :; Q) >. rs LU c l- 4-> i , — S- rc5 S- +-> o -r— t ^ S- fO fo cu Q- c: re; CU ■o ra •l- "a -o •f- CJ Cl' D. 13 3 >1 L-l h- X3 C q; O- a. rd +-> ■o x: > c cu > •r— m t/i I— u o 1/) v> 0) Cvl m , »= u ^ ■- b cu Ir. s.. r> •-„ <<- ir> OJ -t-> Oi O (O IB C/-> 4-> 1/7 O to -a S- o cu 4- \ri o c o V) •1 — o. +-> 3 lO o o S- o Ci3 -J I/) S- n •<- o Oi cu x: o J-S fO XI s^ 0> +-> s.. •1- a. V; o S.- _n o o 1 —1 (.0 a) •I — o t; <-0 u. o o I'J I 1^1 ] Oi a C)| OJ O !0 S..I o u! CO !h! OJ an CD .c- ',> O S- cj fCS C\i CO Oj CO CO 'n (/I CL' GJ u o o OJ fO +-> o ol c: '-I CL rj O *i — CL) o RECOMi-lLNDATICNS The following rrcominendo t i ons are rr.dde based on tiia control 0"f tlie B^vriiiut-Iacjras <; mi to onl.y a^d tho WMter is fully aware that sou'.o parts of the program may not be practical u n ci e '~ present c o n d i t i o n s . The integrated con Ire 1 program is composed of several areas each of which will be discussed, I. Bermudagrass varieties +C be litilized: A. Greens "-should be planted in Tif green (328) variety. Thii. variety appears to be resistant to mites and is rj e £ i r e a b 1 e tor putting surfaces. P. Tees--should be planted to Tifwuy (^19). This also ftupoars to be a mite resistant variety. C. rairways--should be planted in Tifway (419) "criety. D. i{Di;ghs--if these areas are to be maintained with Beriiiudagrass it would be recommended that Tifway (419) Oe used. Common, Ormond > and St. Lucie vari- eties should be oniitted. If grass had to be utilized and Tifway ( -". 1 9 ) could not be used then a grass such as St, Augustine or another type would be recommended Roughs planted in trees, native plants or ottier vege- t a t ; 0 ii w 0 u 1 d also he r e c o inni e n d e d . 144 "14 0 M a, i n t e n a nee of establish c d v a r i e t i e s 1. Mo'rt'i ti'j-- practi ces should be aimed towards keeping (ji asses cut as short as practical which would s l i * i h a »' c a good appearance and be suitable for .lood go'f play. Berniudagrass mite infestation ge'iSraViv decreases with a decrease in grass height. a. Greens--no recoii^menda t i on . The current prograi;i appears to be excel le.it. b. Fai rv.'ay£--pl an ted in Oriiiond, common, or St. Lucie or other known rnite susceptible varie- ties must be kept inowed short, preferably 3 / 'i of an inch in height or less. c. Roiinhs--cut as short as possible if susceptible V a )• ■■ '^ t i e s are used. d. Slirubbery and trees- -g ra s s should be removed fro'i' around these structures to a distance wliere iV r'r be mowed. Removal can be accomplished by cultivating techniques or by the use of proper herbicides. If resnoval is not practiced then ha-nd .ir.owi ng must be done in order to keep the g'^ass at fairway heights. e. FCii.co a^'^as, l)oi'ders to buildings, sidewalks, roar'-^ an;' other s true tu res- -shoul d be mainiained so-grass does not grovv' taller than fairway heights Clean cultivation or herbicide use is recommended. 146 Aveas bnrdei' i og ponds, lakes, '".trearns an'-'/o^ oi.lier structures wfici^e the tnpogra^'liy 'i > 'likely to be sloped or undulating to tne extent .so r-.s 1 0 p r £ \' e n t mo i ■■ i n g s h o b 1 d b e p 1 a n t e d i n n o 1 1 - siiscept i bl e grass varieties. The pla;it-s should range outwaid to an extent v/here Piovvers caii be run w i t !t 0 u T objection. Bunkers and sand traps --the primary reccmu.en na- tions is to use Tifway (415) so that the mar- gins and lips of there s t r u c t u *' e s car. be al- lowed to grovv several inciies in height u'ithou't fear of mites. In or e'er to add beauty to a golf course it is mandatory that the grass a !' 0 u n d the lips of traps and o u n I; £■ r s be severe 1 inches in length. Attempts to mov these areas short results in unsightly grass. These struc- tures are constructed to be irregiilar and thus low mov-ring causes "scalping" to occur at numer- 0 us specific spots. Good fertility and water programs are recommended. Infested grass is placed under added strain if the turf is to be subjected to nutritional de- ficiencies a 111' dry conditions. Bermudagrass mites have been found to readily attach 1 1 ■ x i; r i - ous growing grass but seldom [icccme a problem 147 during the wet seasons. Complaints of damage generally occur in the dryer spring months in which the grass had not reached its peak growth rates following the winter period. Healthy grass is by no means immune from attack but is often able to outgrow or "live with" the pest. III. Use of the mite survey--a proper mite survey is necessary if control approaches are to be best utilized. If micro- scopic examination is to be employed then it is recom- mended that it be done utilizing a dissecting type microscope capable of at least SOX magnification. Hand lenses are not recommended. The survey should include the entire golf course and added emphasis should be placed in the stress areas discussed under (Some Mistakes Believed Being Made in Controlling the Bermudagrass Mite) The surveyor should be familiar with the sequence of symptoms caused by the mite. The use of the "touch" method can also be utilized in order to locate distorted rosettes. The use of the aforementioned method is often sufficient to find infested spots and is a helpful sub- stitute for actual microscopic evaluation, IV. Use of pesticides A. It may become necessary to use chemicals for control of the mite from time to time. If the survey method l/!8 is efficiently ciiiplnyed spot, spraying can be utilized. Mile i n f e s i: a t i o n s can generally be found w i L h i r, the i, n o t s a r, d r. i c ! "i e s previously explained and thercto)-e can be controlled by sf/ot. tredtmer't Troin the results obtained dur~ ■i iUj this study chemical control programs for the Berinudagras s mite would be recommended as follov.'s: 1. Greens- -norma 1 1 y would not receive iiiiticide treatments since nearly all golf courses within the state are presently planted in Tif green (328) an apparent resistant variety. Present mowing heights of 3/15 to 3/8 of an i r c h is t h. 0 u g h t to f u r t h e r d i m i n i s h the chances 0 f i n f e s t a t i 0 n s . 2. Fai rways--shou 1 d be surveyed and spot t treated before infestations become heavy if planted in Ormot.J , St. Liicie, or common variety. If planted in Tifway (419) no treatment should be necessary. 3. Koug'hs should be surveyed thoroughly for in- festations if planted in susceptible varieties and spot tre-ited be ft* re mites can infest large areas, ^1 ., Sand t r 0 p a n d b u r, }; e r m ^ r r, i n s should be t r e a t v. d when mites are observed. Since the grass on 149 the edges of these structures must be allowed to grow longer they are consistently a source of infestation when planted in varieties other than Tifway (419). 5. Areas surrounding shrubs, trees, bordering structures, etc. should be surveyed and treated immediately following observation of mites. B. The spot spray or the treatment of specific areas is thought to accomplish the following desirable results: 1. It would tend to utilize less labor. 2. Less pesticide would be used in the environ- ment with less monetary cost involved. 3. From collections made and discussed under Associated Organisms, there is a strong pos- sibility that blanket applications of a pesti' cide could effect populations of predacious mites so that more harm than good would occur The spraying of selected areas would not seri- ously upset but may promote beneficial forms. The preceeding recommendations however are not intended to imply that blanket pesticide applications should not be made if infestations are spread over large areas. Under these conditions, blanket treatment would be more economical Often infestations have- been observed where itiore than one appl i c? ti on had to be t;ser! in oi-der to step d linage. if popul ft i (jiis occi.-r in such j piaiip.f.r and nultiple spplica- tionr. ere to i)e iviade. i i. is suggested thot eoch cippri ca- tion sh.fnld be spliced about 7-10 days apart in order to ccntvul the inites vliich were i .1 the egg stage during of the previous trectneni. . tlov/ever, before repeat sprays are used, care should be tai;cn en microscopically examine kn'jwn 'infested ?rii'Ai> since deec'i inites can take several days to lose c u I e y a n 6 d e c a y a n d their body p r e s e n c e alone i s n 0 1 alwav? a sufficient criterion to assume then alive. Obser- votion of the mites at 30X power is sufficient to pick i.'p body umvenient . Upon being exposed to light, lining mites v u 1 1 of 1 h is r e s e a r c h , t h ero is no reason rot to fX['PCt good chemical coiii. re. 1 froin the use of diazinon r r oiii e h s e r v a t i 0 ; 1 s of its use i n 1 1: 2 fie 1 0 a r' (\ f r 0 m Ic n 0 '.•/ ledge of the mi croon\'i ronmental habits of the Berinudagrass mite it is recoirii?ended that an acceptable vvetting agent be used ": ri l: t .■ n j o n : t i o n w i t n d i :. 2 i n 0 n or a 1 t c r r. a t i v e ni 1 1 i c: i ci c s . It i j> io!r that llic: reduction of su-"ffice tension of the f'iriished spray v/oiild aid in carryliic; the iiii f i c i d e into tiif" i.ic;l"iL ipcce between the leaf ?nd stem which i i occu- pi ed by Lhs mi te . Control of Other Organisms 5S a^ C 0 n t r 0 "! f 0 r Bermudagrass Mite Durinq this study, neraatodes and i-n sects particu- larly tiie Berir.udagi"dS s scale were often fouiid attacking o'-o:.c. i :'. association with the Ber-inudagrass mites. It was orsev'VGd that ttie r.ui 1 ci a ttack of these pests often rodiiced grass vigor so thai, dieback appealed. Control of other pest organisms with pesticides oft en pv-onioted regrowth of grass that also liad Bermudagrass mite infestations. Crass can frequently tolerate mite attack and OLitgi'ow it if it is net s i i:vj 1 taneo'jsly weakened by oLher urgaiiisms. Preliminary studies indicate that aldicarb owu pn&i!or.i i phos . '^/hich are pt'imary nema ti ci des , alfn have i fi - secticMlal aiiO miticidal properties. Phena:':i plios has eer- rently received [IP A clearance on tu'-f grass , and aldicarb can h^ ijsed in Florida i; rider exiiev i men Ca 1 condi lions. The 1 3 1 1 e >•■ c h c; Hi i c a 1 i s a 1 s 0 a w a i t i n g f e (J e r a ! a p () r' oval. T h c s e t»;o cc'i'ponnds siiould possibly sei yc as a nieans 0I i):ite a^d nsii'.atcde control and would also offer some control of i':,2 !u1 ti urqo.m .^!,;f. whi ch v,'0u1d Le hi-jM^ desiro'ole in t h.j 0 V e r ■ ;=; 11 irii.egrc.ted pest control p/ograiri. Both compounds ere systevic in tfirir nioc'c of action and aldiccsrb currcrntly ns -ioefea as a ni i t i c i d e . S y s i t I'l i c ? c c :.< "! d be desirable sii-ice thr-y might not be expected to hani tne predacioi rnito conplsx cs severely as would some other .niticiJe; Redu ction of Overwi n Leri ng Habitats Mites are known to damage tort throug hout thn year in soutiieri! Florida. In the ncrthem part of the state they go unnoticed until late spiing since the turf is in a dormant stage in the winter or has been overseeded. The Dermudagrsss mite w-js found in mid -Febni ary , 197A. on Common variety of Bermudagrass in Gainesville, Florida. The infestation? were observed where the grass had grown to seve-al inches in height. The grass had responded to the fittact' by forming fans and early stages of rosettes. The qrass observed was found along the south side of build- ing edjcs ar.d other structures where it had been protected fro:,-! the cold and was in a stage of good growth and color. It would be rec'-Hnmended to keep grass cut short in areas w li e >^ e w i r , t e r -i "> e b a c k d i d n o t o c c u r . In making -chese recommendations the writer- is aware t h a t t u r f m a n a g e m e n t is concerned \v i t h m a n y ]:■ r o b 1 e !ii s beside: Bormudaqrass Piitc control. It ii also understood that many ir)3 of the i ncl i vid'jal facets of integrated control niight not bs econoihical or or^cticol. For instance to cut grass shorter v/iTi require manaciernent to use more fertilizer and water tluin if grass is allowed to grow taller. How- ever this stuffy was primarily aimed at learning of the Berrmid.:{;j;-oSs mite hab'>ts so that a better approach to its control could be employed. The research on the Berii.udagrass mite has led to the following generalized conclusions. One of the goals was to determine if a better control program could be de- veloped. It has been more or less an accepted belief by mai-.y laymen in the past tiiat a better control program woulc; consist of Diie or more of the following: (1) an increase it! the amount of material being used; or \2) an inct-^ease in tfie number of applications; or (3) to find aiiothei pesticide that would do a better job on the pest in qi; est ion. lestinc; of candidate materials was a part of this stud;' and t lie use of cheiiiical control is still the main- stay in mite control prog*-3i^is. However, it is felt that froif. tiie resu-t of tliis study tliat an integrated control a I) proa eh s!iOi;ic be considered the turf industry in Florida CONCLUSIONS 'iiio tollov.'ing conclusions iirz drawn from this re- steer c ! . : (1) On'iop.d, Tifl.'iivri (r-57). cnmiiiOn, No Mow and St. Lucie varieties were succe5, sf u 1 ly inoculated in tlie ldboi-uLor,v wi r.i! r'Srmudagra.ss Miites and developed definite in i t-i syivfi CO ill'; . (2) Tifgreen (328; and Tifway ( '- "! 2 ) varieties of BP'TPudr.cj rass K'hich Lad nn^^ierojs a ttcnipts of inocilation with L'eriiiufieigra ss .nites d:d iiot siii./v sysipto^ns known to be associated vritli qrass that h.as been iivfested b} the mites. {ri) ,iil.e^ weve founo to cause growth aL'Morna 1 i t i o s in grass. The syinptorns diff erod fro;ri one another and fol- 1 0 1 / e < i a d c r i n i 1 (. . . ri j u r y s e q u e n c ( . (4) ;iiU-;' were iound to occupy certain niches on yoif rcuvses an-.' nenera 1 "i .y cnu'ld be found in these areas if i tr^tstat 1 f-j!^ existed, Ti.ese niches can best be described as these a rea,.., wh,-i-e mowing and sp/raying maintenance missed. (5) "'■<;jinocrc'i ture studies did not indicate tempera- ture to be a f. c!'or in th;e absence of mites on the suspected r.i i t e r o s i s t a r. t v a r i e t i e s Tifgreen ( 3 ? 8 ) and T i f iv a y {419). (6) .Certtiii cultural techniques as well as use of resistant ^'.rieties of grass and good tui'f management Ibb pr-c'Ct'ccs -'ndicate tliat tliey play a large i-ole in del'-' mifc'riQ rnitc. i n fesi.: ti oii find djinage to cjolf cour^:-es.. I / j !.hc;in •. Ill tests iiidicatp Lhdt c.l'^icarb, a i a z i ■- non, ^^nd phctioirn pho:^ uv-o •;at i s f> c Lory chei'vio^il conLrol accnt- vor B.-rniudac'^cis s niit'^s. (B- Ccii.ain ju^'eiii'ie horinunes shov;ed cu signifi- cant i ii : 1 Li';;!.ce in reducsnq nile populations either a:; an adui ti ci -.le , liyiiiphi c i de or cvoc'id2 V ;' Assoc Tdtod arthropods sve suspectod of pir^ying a lesrge role i ■: i nfl uenci iig Oermudagrass niite population: FURrilER RECOMMENDHD RESEARCii In coiicUisicn i i iiar. become mndent thi\t inorc i nf onii&ii nn i £-, neectJ cc iicor ni ng the Berr.iitdanras 3 n, ite, £• riiilL'-i '---0.11 U-P •lli' ' The- f ol 1 o".\' i ng areas need ;norr. ifivesti- ga t i (in ; 1 . A b e 1 1 e r •; a rn p 1 1 ri g met r i o d i c the n v iii h e r o r, e pyoblem. The curreiit methods are t'tme con- 5, V. F: i n g and d i f f i c u 1 1 . S a m p i e s must be p i' o - cessed liiy^cugh lengthy procedures and the r.-; i t e s must i^ e m a i n o u t of their n a t u r a 1 iidbitat for long periods of time. The efficiency iiercentage of extraction methods are not known and thus it is hard to assess total populations, 2. More study is needed on the ecology of the mi croenvi roninent of the mite. This informa- tion could be useful in t iie application and placement of conirol agents. 5. TlU'i'e is a need for more in-depth study of t'ie preda tor- pa ras i te copiplex of tlie post. 4. An assessment of annual damage to t!ie turf in- dustry by the nri te as well as time and mcri?y expended or; the proljlem is needed. 1B6 157 5. There is a need for an in-depth study of the biology and life cycle of the Bermuda- grass mite under Florida conditions. This should include overwintering studies in the geographical areas where grass is dormant during the winter. 6. A specific physiological study is needed to determine the reason the grass develops with the symptoms caused by mite infestation. This study should include the reasons for apparent resistance by some varieties of Bermudagrass . 7. A total study of Bermudagrass mite dispersion and the reasons or conditions that activates it about would be very useful. 8. More efficacy data is needed on aldicarb and phenamiphos. These compounds are nematicides and were found to give Bermudagrass mite con- trol, thus they could serve as a dual control agent and may work well in an integrated con- trol program. APPENDICES APPIINIJIX A Ihfi label from Miller Chemicals and F-rti 1 i /.er Corporation, P. 0. Box i'^S, Hanover, Pa. ■|73?1 20-20~'^0 NirLri-Lcaf Soluble reriilizor Total Niti-og^n ( iO , ... 20 H i t r a t e n i t >- o g e n . . . . 5.95 A nini 0 n i u ai nitrate . . . . 4 . b 7 Water soluble orgarric nitrogen. , 9.38 Phosphorus, as P^O^^ pliosphoric acid . . .20 P 0 1 a s s i u rn a s K. ^ 0 -^^ Boron froni borax as B • t}288 Holybdeiiui,! fro'.r, iiiolvbdic acid as Mo 0256 naqnesiuin as Mg . (Watei roluble) 02 5 1 Manganese as Mn . ('Water soluble) 0781 Copper at Cu • -"064 Irun as Fe 0^-^' Zinc a. Zn . ^^^^^ Potential acidity equivalent to COO lbs. calciiii^ carbonate p e r 1 0 n . 159 Source 0 f V a r i a t i o n APPENDIX B DEERWOOn PESTICIDE TESTS Analysis of Variance Table Degrees of S u m s o f Mean 0 b s e r v e d Freedom Squares Squares f v a 1 li e R C ! ) s 3 49. .485 16 .4 95 12.64 sign T reatnients 6 32, .226 9 .371 4.12* sign T i n • e 2 0, ,613 0, .306 n . s . T r 0 ? t, X T i m e 12 16, ,09 6 1 .3 40 1 Residual 60 78, ,327 1 .305 T 0 1 a 1 83 176, ,7 47 * S i g n ■ i i c a n t at t h e .05 level H e a n s (12 observations) C 0 n t r 0 I trichloi^iton + oxydenieton- fensul- phenaiin piios aldicarb methyl disulfoton fothioii propoxur I .00' 1 .42' 0.792' •0.292 I) 0.629' -0.420 s i g n i r i c a n t D i r ^ . 0 0.05 level VJ i I, I ■ D u r\ ;■', . > 1 t ' s test 160 APPENDIX C PALMAIRE PLGTH'IDl TF3TS Table of Trans 1 joseri Data Us- ing iGc 1 (1 -^ y) or /I + y Mite \. ;oii!its Days after Treatment i4 ?8 Treatment. ReD 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Tot. (14) Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Tot. (28; ) Tot.n Cont'cl (/\) 2.356 2.753 1.623 6.732 2.344 2.480 0.738 5.602 12.334 Aldicarb 1.903 G.602 1.623 4.128 0 0 0 0 4 . 1 28 Di?'iifcr 0.477 2,312 0.77S 3.557 2.207 1.643 3.011 6.861 1 0 . 428 Diaz iriori (1.477 2 . 542 2.149 5.108 0 0 0 0 5.168 1 n ciiTo,'! '^ii + doiilPtOii- rnethyl 2.393 1.544 2.464 6.4C6 2.664 2.901 2.676 8.241 14.647 Pdciianriphos 2.r.ii 0.699 2.474 5.684 0 0 2.479 2.479 8.163 Disu ifoton 1.568 2.483 2.861 b.912 2.587 1.49! 0 4.078 10.990 Fensu'ifothion 2.971 2.933 2.688 8.592 n 0.778 3.108 3.886 12.478 Oxaii.y 1 1.9.^/1 2.408 2.691 7.033 1.114 2 . 207 2.0S3 5.404 12.437 Fen tine Hyf!roxiue 2.967 2.629 2.243 7.839 2.:' 29 2.710 2.514 B^lJ^l 15.992 Total-. 62.061 44.704 105.765 Contro'. (B) 2.881 2.900 2.623 8.404 2.729 2.961 2.455 S.146. Tota!- (Concrol (B) 8.404 8.146 16.550 Coiitrol A iii'^ans 2.0557 Contro! D in.^aris 2.7580 Adjuster! :!ic-in 2.4070 161 !c; Palmaire Tests (com i iiued ) Source of V a r "i fl t i o n Totol [■■ a y s Trea tments Days X Treatments Resi dual Analysis of Variaiico Tablp. Degrees of Fre^ed_cm 54 1 9 9 46 S u n I 0 f S a u a r e s 6 5.57 9 5.022 22.136 12.053 M e a 11 Square 2.4 60 1 .3 39 0.503 Obsei'ved F Value 3.73^ 2.03 ■ S i q r, i f i c a n t at .05 level Dunnett's test = d = 2.51 /0.603TT76 + 1/12^' Combi ned- control mean Dunnett's factor - 0.97 4 - 2.407 -0.974 = 1.433 Any treatment mean less than 1.433 is significont over rontrol . Treatment iiieans-- Aldicaib Dialifcr Diazinon Trlchlorfon -' d^ineton -methyl Phenamiohos 2.441 1.361* 0.6S3 1.738 0.86V Dis'jlfn'oii Fensulfothion Oxamyl Fentine Hydroxide 1.832 2.080 2.073 2.655 APPENDIX D STATISTICAL ANALYSIS FROM DATA ON INVLRRARY GROWTH REGULATOR TESTS Analysis of Variance Table S 0 u r c e 0 r D e g r c c s c T S u iii c f Mean Observed V a r i s t i 0 p Freedom Squares Square F Value Total 27 1 ,923,149 71 ,223 Blocks 3 329,642 109,881 Treatments 6 1,301,936 216,989 13. 4C** Lrror 18 291,B7 1 16,198 -'■"'• S i gn i ti cant at the 0.01 level Dunnett's test -- d = 2.48 /2Tl"6 J ^'8/T5" - 223.19 Control FT.eans ^ 62 3.25 Dunnett's factor -22^3^1_9 40 0.06 Any treatment mean less than 400.06 is s i qriif i catit over control. T r e a t m e !'i t n; e a n s - - 2k 793 - 617.00 2R 1829 - 598.75 2R 856 = 478.25 2R 1859 = 777.50 2R 913 - rK2.00 2R 1888 - 459.50 Duncan's Multiple Range Comparison of Gr(j\vth Regulators vri ("n One Ano tliei^ Means: 2R-9!8 .'R-1859 2R-793 2R-i829 2R-856 2R--1888 1142.00 777.50 617.00 598.75 478.25 45f>.50 a b a b 163 APPENDIX E Taken from Farm CheiirJcals Handbook 19/5. Meistet^ Publish' ing Conipc. ny> Wi 1 1 oun tiby , Ohio. omiiion Name Chemical Name Common Name Manufacturer rnr, Aldicr.rb 2-methyl~2(mcthylthio) Temik Union Carbide propionaldehyde 0- (methyl-carbdmoyl ) Action - Systemic insecticide, acaracide and nematocide Dia'Mfor 0,0-di ethyl S-(2-chlcro- Torak Hercules ! -phthal imido-ethyl ) phosphorathioate Action - Insect icide^ Miticide Diazinon 0,0~diethyl 0-(2-iso- Diazinon Ciba-Geigy propyl -4-methyl -6- pyrimidinyl) phos- phorothioate Action' - Insecticide, Miticide Disulfoton 0,0--diethyl S-(2- Di-Syston Chemagro ethyl thio-ethyl ) Div. Bay phosphorodithioate Cheiii. Corp. Action - Systemic Inser l.icide, Acaracide Fensulf otlvion 0,0-dietiiyl 0-[.n-(methyl- Dasanit Chemagro SLilfinyl) phenyl] plios- phorcdithiatc Action - Systemic Nematicide- Insecticide Fentine 'iydroxido Triphenyl tin hydroxide Outer Thompson- Hay ward 164 16^ Coniinon N_ai!ie Chemical Name ConiiTiori Na-ne HanufacLuTer Action - F'jngicine and exhibits a'^tif eeding properties for surface-feeding insects Uxaiiiy Methyl N'N '-dimethyl - Vydate 1. DuPont N-[ (inetiiylcartaiiioyl ) o>.y]-l-thioaxaiiiiriiidate Action - Insecticide. Neiiioticide Pheneiniphcis Cthyl ^i-'incthylthio)- Neiiiccur Chemagro i;i-tulyl isopropylplios- phorainidate Action - Systemic Nematicide 1f ld c; i.-i o rj C .t^ ■■^ l". ■.f> o> u. o G'- ,-■) CM CJ o 4U (T. e. ■«J -C ■t-' j: x: jC J-t .c JC -c: x: 4-? H-* ■4-> ■M +J ^J O ra CJ -y g; CJ A3 t! ■^ c 0» o C- fl' (U ai lo •n lO to to t, i CiT ex. o: */■) t/l X CJ o ■-1 j~ _ •X> Kn Co >.o ■ry VO »- ..- cr re tsi cc CNJ rj <+ a. ,j.^ "-, ex PI r-> (VI m n o-j \T r> m c^J ri M * -i •a- "' . >z .^ -V- s: >: >: X ^z s: ^ , s: 3C s: :e ,^. :^ tc 3: ^ Li- c£ C"- ex C- (X ex. Q. Q- e: SI CX- .o u^ o in o tn o O o o o tn IT) o o O in O p:G o oj u-i c^- ^3- C\j •-J- •^ LT) o n o o .%■ •J- CnJ r-^ lf» Cv Cs/ CSI ,"-! J- ^', rn f J r-- ■^ rj ^u ^y ^ CM ^ i.'. <\J Cs) »'J ~ *" •" r— .-■■ r-' r-: d Ol ('O -. , r-i ,^ r'j f-- ro O^ n ro n r-i r^ r- r- r-. r-^ r^( fj '^ i-^ r— r*. I-^ r-- r^ r-- •^ ^^ ■*— -■^ r-^ --, ^^ -^ -^ CC' CO CO p O O ■.n in LO to to vD 'O fsl C\J rvi rvj VO -uD ijry r^ INJ CVi -^ CsJ CO r.1 •^ o --- -^ --^ ■<;r CO •-J cc CM Ui Ui u.> %o CC- O Cfl vo ■.o" (^ en r^ r^ CTv c CO c- r } ri fTi ■y^ .-^ ro 'J> r-> c>^ '■"1 v '^~ c: CJ ■^ T rj c- "X tz 'J xn J.J >, c: Ol >. >% c: c "a •V >v c c c: r. CJ VI C! o 1- o I. n o f> c i. p o u -^ o o o" u CJi CTl 3. J^ e (- o en en ;i f- E^ c f. l: :•!. cr- H- *^ »*- V- I. e i«- K >.- U tJ •-- 6 o o o O c o ^- !- (-) t- (- }- <_) »_) CJ ^ »~ H- c: o (-> (.J <-. o CJ J— 1— ■\1 fO TO c ^ ? ip rz ^- cr XJ y j:: sz c c m; c- jn -c- c 01 CD c i~ CJ* LT* u c; cr> t- Cj tn tl m i. o I- i>i Ct 73 CJ o; rj 73 OJ Cj CJ :3 n o • r. o' c> O 'O o o «: t- V- •K C O I. o •3 o rt3 r- (^ o: iS, u. t- tjC ex Ll. ti iZf f— cc U- O rr: ll. Cl ii. ti; 1 ff C3 in ._-, o Cj o m u^ c: t.r. in u-1 o J^ o irt o o _, o :f or. \0 to rr. r- r^ c> j:;; Zj r ^•^^ -I c-J r-^ ir* r^ 1 o m o O CO ir> in ir> in o o u- O ..-1 o ■; '•: o CJ> *0 lu r-. r- r— (^ '.r^ in o u> m tr> tn m in o o m in CJ li-. o o • *" 01 Ov to to r? c-i CU in :3 3? CO •3- CO CO c:> c\» tn <-• LO C-' C\J (1 en *" ) -^i tn o o m o o m o tn in ^! m o in in ■-o o '•^. in \r> lij (1 i-»-i a to "- to to CJ cr. o3 *~o S CO -1- r- CV) *>l *.- e> CJ in o cji <:r> o^ tj"\ r^ I — oi o> C> O O t^ 03 ro — CI IT) CD tr* 0-. i^- vn CJ C'J m C C? CJ o o o C3 o "■• in o o in m o CA iN» ^ CNJ v^ tTi tn ii"j n> if> cr. II) Cn; O 'lA •:] ft: O 0» C'5 CO f:3 "Ti o- < ■: o I. c 1 > a- o O C"> c? lO c> o o o in O o U1 in xr. to .-■> i^i t:3 tn u-i tri c> o o o CJ c; c> o in 'O cc «./J ro CO ro to »— CO o c:» tc y*i CO n5 0» CO C*> 0> 0> (TV APPENDIX G LEGLflD FOR ASSOCIAIIID ORGANISMS 6 7 8 9 1 0 n 12 1 3 1 '\ 1 5 16 r/ i i'- 1^ ?u ? ! 22 23 Date 4 - "i 8 •- 7 3 9-7-73 3-5-73 5 - i / - 7 3 2 •■ 1 7 ~ 7 3 iO- 2-73 10-2-73 9-4-73 9-4-7 3 !:) - 5 - 7 3 9-7-73 9 - 7 - 7 ? 7-4-73 10-2-73 1 1) - 3 - V 3 7- 7-73 4-18-73 ''-11-73 G - 11 - 7 3 b- 11-73 •S - 1 ! - 7 3 I- ' i-73 LocaticiiS Ponipano Beach , Fonipeno Beech ^ Naples, PL Naples, F L roir:[)ano Eeach, Pom pa no Beach , Lauderhill, FL Lauderliil 1 , FL Sarasota, FL S a r a. s 0 1 a 5 F L N spies, F L Naples, F L Naples, FL Wild wood, FL L a i; d e r t ; i 1 1 , F L L a u d e 1^ h i 1 1 , F i Gainesville, ! L Po ill pa no Beach , J a c k s 0 ii \' i i 1 0 , I-" J a c k s 0 ii V i 1 1 ? , F JacksoMV i 1 1 e , J a cl; s c n v i lie. J a c k s 0 n '.■ i lie. FL FL FL FL G >" s s s V a r i e l' y Coll hc ted F \-o: 1 i f g r e e n (3 '' c 0 r i;i 0 n •:' Common Coiiimon Ormofid Ormorid Ti f way (^ 19) CoMiiiion Ti f grce ri ( 3 2 ?, T i f g 1' e e n ( 3 2 S T 1 f g ree n (328 Common Common Com ill en Ti f '..'cy (4 19) Corr,n!on Ti f v/ay (^ 1") 0,-r.;or:d Oi iiioiid 0> ipotid Oriiiond Ormcnd Ormond 167 Uo Dote L 0 c rj 1 i 0 n G 2^. 2-8-74 r!ol 1 ywooci , FL ?b. 2-8-74 llol '1 ywood , FL 26. 2-3-74 tlo! lywood , ri. 27. 2-9-7'5 L a u d e r i i i ' 1 , FL 28. 4-15-7 4 Laud e '•" Ti i 1 "1 , FL 29. -^-lL-7 4 1. a u d e 1^ h ! 1 1 , FL 30. -"-IS- 7 4 L a u d e r h ills FL :> 1 . 2 - 10-7 4 T i f 1 0 p. , G A 32. 4- 18-74 Laud e ;- ! i ill, FL 33. 5-30-7 4 Ldude'-hi 1 1 , FL 3^ . 5 -30-74 L a u d e r h i 1 1 , FL Gi-asr, Variety Coll ec ted Frorp 0 1' in 0 1'i d 0 ' in 0 n d Ornin'-'d Common CciTinion rr)r.;;iicn Common Tifgroen (328) Co'iiir.on CoiPoion litf:raturl cited A^oarw;;l, R. A. aiic' P. A. K?nd:sami. 1959. 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Cro .^leiiia tbloqy ] certify tl-iat I f"iave read this study at. a tiiat i p, my opinion it conforms tu acceptable standards of sciiolarly p r e s e n 1 3 1 ion a ti d is fully adequate, i a scope a n d q u a 1 i t y , as a dissertation for tiie degree of Doctor of Philosophy. ^ 1 cvA rv^> Dr . S. P r 0 f e H. s G 0 r Kerr of Fnroniol ogy and i^lema tol ogy I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Piiilosopiiy. / // \ k \)T . Mil ledge Murphey' / Pr'ofessor of Entohiulogy ajnd Nematol ogy I Cfrtify that 1 have read tiri s study find thnt in Kiv Opinion, it coiiforms to acceptable standar'ds O'" scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, a? a d i sserta ti Oil for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. •c-'V //I DrXRobert L P r- 0 f e s s 0 r of O Caldwell Soil S c "i p ri c e This d i the Ccl w as ace the deg June, 1 sser 1 ege epte rec qv I- tation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and d as p a r t ■ of D 0 c 1 0 r of the requirements for ' /- m. lege 7/ c u i t u r p' Dean, Graduate School UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08554 0838