the university of Connecticut libraries hbl, stx Z 6675.T8H3 Bibliography of animal venoms, 3 T1S3 DDSfll3bfl D -a v*s * >1N0. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation Bibliography of Animal Venoms JBibliography of Animal Venoms by R. W. HARMON and C. B. POLLARD Department of Chemistry, University of Florida % E5ERVE& I cference - BETAKEN ' UBffAlt* Gainesville UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA PRESS 1948 (eft Copyright, 1948 by the University of Florida Printed in the United States of America by the Drew Press Jacksonville, Florida e Foreword V ^ L The advent of a bibliography of extant publications in the field of venomology at once becomes a distinctive asset to the sciences of pharmacology and immuno-chemistry, to most of the allied basic sciences, and to clinical medicine as well. The authors of this compendium have exhausted available ref- erences to include 4,157 titles covering the modern period of scien- tific investigation since 1863. In the scope of applied pharmacodynamics alone, the debt in- curred is noteworthy, in that here is now at the command of re- searchers an authentic short cut to existing knowledge : a variable list extending from alleviation of the pain of cardio-vascular dis- ease to the saving of lives — human and animal — by antivenin im- provements. More and more the specificity of certain processed animal venoms for varied disease entities is being brought to light. Finally, and probably of more importance, is the incentive to serious investigation in venoms of animal origin that undoubtedly will stem from the appearance of this work. Lucien Y. Dyrenforth, M.D. H. Marshall Taylor, M.D. Jacksonville, Florida April 1, 19 hS \ Preface The compilation of a complete bibliography is a tedious task which is complicated by wide varieties of nonspecific and mislead- ing titles. While our interests concern snake venoms principally, we have purposely extended this bibliography to include all animal venoms. Although we have attempted to include all references which may be of practical value, we are cognizant that some im- portant publications doubtless have escaped our detection. One can never be quite sure that any bibliography is without omissions. Our survey has included the following sources : Chemical Abstracts 1907-1946 Biological Abstracts 1926-1944 Journal of the Chemical Society 1863-1923 Journal of the Society of Chemistry and Industry 1882-1926 Physiological Abstracts 1916-1938 Index Medicus 1st Series 1879-1896 2nd Series Vols. 2, 4, 8, 14, War Supplement 1914-1917 3rd Series Vols. 16, 18 1923-1927 Quarterly Cumulative Index to Current Medical Literature 1916-1926 Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus 1927-1946 Chemisches Zentralblatt 1897-1916 Squibb Abstract Bulletin 1930-1945 This bibliography was compiled primarily for our own research projects, one of which, a study of moccasin venom, is now being supported by a grant from the United States Public Health Service. We sincerely hope that the bibliography will serve to stimulate other investigators in the various phases of venom study. It is with pleasure that we express our appreciation to the fol- lowing friends and associates who have given us valuable assist- ance: Dr. Coleman J. Goin, Miss Naomi Edwards, Mrs. Rubylea Hall, Mrs. Virginia Speer, Mr. Norman Lewis, and Mr. Ross Allen. R. W. Harmon C. B. Pollard Gainesville, Florida April 1, 19U8 Contents PAGE FOREWORD v PEEFACE. _ vii KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS xi EXPLANATORY NOTE xxx CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY..- 1 INDEX OF AUTHORS 309 IX Key to Periodical Abbreviations The following key contains only those periodicals for which an abbreviated form of the title appears in the Chronological Bibliography. Chemical Abstracts [40, No. 24 (1946)] and the Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada (2nd ed., 1943) are the authorities for the forms of abbreviations and full titles of the periodicals. Abstracts Bact. — Abstracts of Bacteri- ology. Acad. sci. Montpel. Mem. sect. med. — Academie des sciences de Montpel- lier. Memoires de la section de medi- cine. Acta Brevia Neerland. Physiol. Phar- macol. Microbiol. — Acta Brevia Neerlandica de Physiologia, Phar- macologia, Microbiologia E. A. Acta Dermatol. (Japan) — Acta Derma- tologica (Japan). Japanese title: Hifuka kiyo. Acta Japon. Med. Tropical. — Acta Ja- ponica Medicinae Tropicalis. Acta Med. (Rio de Janeiro) — Acta Mediea (Rio de Janeiro). Acta Ophthalmol. — Acta Ophthalmo- logica. Acta Paediat. — Acta Paediatrica. Acta Physiol. Scand. — Acta Physiologi- ca Scandinavica. Acta Schol. Med. Univ. Imp. Kioto — Acta Scholae Medieinalis Universi- tatis Imperialis in Kioto. Acta Zool. Lillonana — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Actes soc. sci. chile — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....] Aerztl. Praxis — Aerztliche Praxis. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg. — Aerztliche Sachverstandigen-Zeitung. Albany Med. Ann. — Albany Medical Annals. Allgem. med. Centr.-Ztg. — Allgemeine medizinische Central-Zeitung. Allm. sven. lakartidn. — Allmanna sven- skalakartidningen. Am. Druggist — American Druggist, The. Am. Homoeop. — American Homoeopath. Am. J. Cancer — American Journal of Cancer, The. Am. J. Clin. Med. — American Journal of Clinical Medicine. Am. J. Diseases Children — American Journal of Diseases of Children. Am. J. Hyg. — American Journal of Hy- giene, The. Am. J. Med. Sci. — American Journal of the Medical Sciences, The. Am. J. Nursing — American Journal of Nursing. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. — American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecol- ogy. Am. J. Ophthalmology — American Jour- nal of Opthalmology. Am. J. Path. — American Journal of Pathology, The. Am. J. Pharm. — American Journal of Pharmacy. Am. J. Physiol. — American Journal of Physiology, The. Am. J. Roentgenol. — American Journal of Roentgenology. Am. J. Trop. Diseases — American Jour- nal of Tropical Diseases. Am. J. Trop. Med. — American Journal of Tropical Medicine. Am. Med. — American Medicine. Am. Naturalist — American Naturalist, The. Am. Profess. Pharmacist — American Professional Pharmacist. Am. Vet. Rev. — American Veterinary Review. Anais assoc. quim. Brasil — Anais da associagao quimica do Brasil. Anais inst. pinheiro — Anais do insti- tuto pinheiro, Sao Paulo. Anais paulistas med. cirurg. — Anais paulistas de medicina e cirurgia. Anales acad. med. Medellin — Anales de la academia de medicina de Medel- lin. Anales argentinos oftalmol. — Anales argentinos de oftalmologia. Anales asoc. quim. argentina — Anales de la asociacion quimica argentina. Anales asoc. quim. y farm. Uruguay — Anales de la asociacion de quimica y farmacia del Uruguay. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Anales circ. m6d. argentino — Anales del circulo medico argentine Anales facultad med. Montevideo — Anales de la facultad de medicina de Montevideo. Anales farm, y bioquim. (Buenos Aires) — Anales de farmacia y bioquimica (Buenos Aires). Anales inst. biol. (Univ. nacl. Mex.) — Anales del instituto de biologia (Universidad nacional de Mexico). Anales inst. modelo clin. med. — Anales del instituto modelo de cliniea medi- ca. Anales soc. bioL Bogota — Anales de la sociedad de biologia de Bogota. Anales soc. quim. argentina — Anales de la sociedad quimica argentina. Analyst — Analyst, The. Anat. Anz. — Anatomiseher Anzeiger. Anat. Record — Anatomical Record, The. Angew. Chem. — Angewandte Chemie. Ann. — Annalen der Chemie, Justus Lie- bigs. Ann. acad. brasil. scienc. — Annaes de academia brasileira de sciencias. Ann. Allergy — Annals of Allergy. Ann. anat. path, et anat. normale med.- chir. — Annales d'anatomie patholo- gique et d'anatomie normale medico- chirurgicale. Ann. Biochem. Exptl. Med. — Annals of Biochemistry and Experimental Medicine. Ann, brasil. med. — Annaes brasileiros de medicina. Ann. bull. soc. roy. sci. med. nat. Brux- elles — Annales et bulletin de la so- ciete royale de sciences medicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Ann. chim. applicata med. — Annali di chimica applicata alia medicina cioe alia farmacia, alia tossieologia, all'i- giene, alia fisiologia, alia patologia ed alia terapeutica. Ann. chim. farm. — Annali di chimica farmaceutica. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. — Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Ann. faculdade med. univ. Sao Paulo — Annaes da faculdade de medicina da universidade de Sao Paulo. Ann. hyg. med. colonial.— Annales d'hy- giene et de medecine coloniales. Ann. ig. sper. — Annali d'igiene speri- mentale. Ann. inst. Pasteur — Annales de l'insti- tut Pasteur. Ann. Internal Med. — Annals of Inter- nal Medicine. Ann. ist. maragliano — Annali dell'isti- t.nto maragliano per lo studio e la cura della tuberculosi e di altre malattie infettive. Ann, mal. l'oreille larynx — Annales des maladies de l'oreille et du larynx (otoscopie, laryngoscopie, rhinoscop- ie) et des organes connexes. Ann, med. — Annales de medecine. Ann. med. navale e coloniale — Annali di medicina navale e coloniale. Ann, med. pharm. colonial. — Annales de medecine et de pharmacie coloni- ales. Ann. med.-psychol. — Annales mGdico- psychologiques. Ann. musee colonial Marseille — Annales de musee colonial de Marseille. Ann. ottal. clin. ocul. — Annali di ot- talmologia e cliniea oculistica. Annot. Zool. Jap. — Annotationes Zoo- logicae Japonenses. Ann. paulistas med. cir. — Annaes paul- istas de medicina e cirurgia. Ann. physiol. physicochim. biol. — An- nales de physiologie et de physi- cochimie biologique. Ann. quinto congr. brasil. hyg. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Ann. Rev. Biochem. — Annual Review of Biochemistry. Ann. sci. nat. Zool. — Annales des sci- ences naturelles. Zoologie. Ann. Surg. — Annals of Surgery. Antiseptic — Antiseptic, The. Apoth. Ztg. — Apotheker Zeitung. Arb. kaiserl. Gesundh. — Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Arb. path. Inst. Berlin — Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Ber- lin. Arb. Tropenkrankh. — Arbeiten iiber Tropenkrankheiten. Arch, argent, tisiol. — Archivos argen- tinos de tisiologia. Arch, atti soc. ital. chir. — Archivio ed atti de societa italiano di chirurgia. Arch, brasil. med. — Archivos brasileiros de medicina (Rio de Janeiro). Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. — Archives of Dermatology and Syphilology. Arch. Dermatol, u. Syphilis — Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Arch, exptl. Path. Pharmakol. — Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie, Naunyn-Schmiede- berg's. Arch, exptl. Zellforsch. Gewebeziicht. — Archiv fur experimentelle Zellfor- schung besonders Gewebeziichtung. Arch, farmacog. — Archivio di farma- cognosia e scienze affini. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Arch, farmacol. sper. — Archivio di far- macologia sperimentale e scienze affini. Arch, farmacol. terap. — Archivio di farmacologia e terapeutica. Arch. farm, y bioquim. Tucuman — Ar- chivos de farmacia y bioquimica de Tucuman. Arch, flsiol. — Archivio di fisiologia. Arch, franco-belg. chir. — Archives franco-beiges de chirurgie. Arch. gen. med. — Archives generates de medecine. Arch. ges. Physiol. (Pfliigers) — Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Mensehen und der Tiere (Pfliigers). Arch. Gewerbepath. Gev/erbehyg. — Ar- chiv far Gewerbepathologie und Gewerbehygiene. Arch. inst. Pasteur Algerie — Archives de l'institut Pasteur dAlgerie. Arch. inst. Pasteur Tunis — Archives de l'institut Pasteur de Tunis. Arch. Internal Med. — Archives of In- ternal Medicine. Arch, intern, pharmacodynamie — Ar- chives internationales de pharmaco- dynamie et de therapie. Arch, intern, physiol. — Archives inter- nationales de physiologie. Arch. ist. biochim. ital. — Archivio dell- 'istituto biochimico italiano. Arch. ital. anat. embriol. — Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embrio- logia. Arch. ital. anat. istol. pat. — Archivio italiano di anatomia e istologia patologica. Arch. ital. biol. — Archives italiennes de biologic Arch. ital. med. sper. — Archivio italiano di medicina sperimentale. Arch. ital. sci. med. colon. — Archivio italiano di scienze mediche coloniali. Arch. klin. Chir. — Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie. Arch, latino-am. cardiol. hematol. — Ar- chivos latino-americanos de cardio- logia y hematologia. Arch. Med. — Archives of Medicine. Arch. med. Angers — Archives medicales dAngers. Arch, med .-chir. province — A r c h i v e s medico-chirurgicales de province. Arch. med. nav. — Archives de medecine navale. Arch. med. pharm. mil. — Archives de medecine et de pharmacie militaires. Arch. mikr. Anat. — Archiv fur mikro- skopische Anatomie. Arch, neerland. physiol. — Archives neer- landaises de physiologie de l'homme et des animaux. (Series III C of Ar- chives neerlandaises des sciences ex- actes et naturelles.) Arch. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfheilk. — Archiv fiir Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde sowie die an- grenzenden Gebiete. Arch. Otolaryngol. — Archives of Oto- laryngology. Arch. Path. — Archives of Pathology. Arch. path. Anat. Path. — cf. Beitrage zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur allgemeinen Pathologic Arch. Pharm. — Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der deutschen pharma- zeutischen Gesellschaft. Arch, physiol. norm. path. — Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. Arch. Schiffs-Tropen-Hyg. — Archiv fiir Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, Path- ologie und Therapie exotischer Krankheiten. Arch. sci. biol. (Italy) — Archivio di sci- enze biologiche (Italy). Arch. sci. biol. (TJ.S.S.R.) — Archives des sciences biologiques (TJ.S.S.R.) (Arkhiv Biologicheskikh Nauk). Arch. soc. sci. med. biol. Montpellier et Languedoc — Archives de la societe des sciences medicales et biologiques de Montpellier et du Languedoc mediterranean. Arch. Surg. — Archives of Surgery. Arch. Uruguay, med., cirug. y especial. (Montevideo) — Archivos uruguayos de medicina, cirugia y especialidades (Montevideo). Arch. wiss. u. prakt. Tierheilk. — Archiv fiir wissenschaftliche und praktische Tierheilkunde. Arkh. Biol. Nauk — Arkhiv Biologiches- kikh Nauk. Arkiv Kemi, Mineral. Geol. — Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi. Army Med. Bull. — Army Medical Bulle- tin, The. Army Med. Dept. Repts. — Army Medi- cal Department Reports. Arquiv. indo-portugueses med. hist, na- tural— Arquivos indo-portugueses de medicina e historia natural. Arquiv. inst. pesquisas agron. — Arqui- vos do instituto de pesquisas agrono- micas. Art med. — Art medical. Atlanta Med. Surg. J. — Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Atlantic Med. J.— Atlantic Medical Journal. Atti congr. gen. assoc. med. ital. — Atti del congresso generale dell'associa- zione medica italiana. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Atti congr. med. intern. Roma — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....] Atti convegno "Fondazione Alessandro Volta's Tema: L'lmmunologia" — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Atti reale accad. sci. Torino, Classe sci. fis., mat. nat. — Atti della reale ac- cademia delle scienze di Torino. Tomo 1. Classe di scienze fisiehe, matematiche e naturali. Atti regia accad. fisiocritici Siena — Atti della regia accademia dei fisio- critici in Siena. Atti soc. liguistica sci. e lettere— Atti della societa liguistica di scienze e lettere. Atti soc. lombardo sci. med. biol. — Atti della societa lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiche. Atti soc. Toscana sci. — Name varies: Atti della societa toscana di scienze naturali di Pisa. Australasian Med. Gaz. — Australasian Medical Gazette, The. Australian J. Exptl. Biol. Med. Sci. — Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science, The. Australian Med. J. — Australian Medical Journal, The. Australian Mus. Mag. — Australian Mu- seum Magazine. Australian Zool. — Australian Zoologist. Avenir med. — LAvenir medical. Beitr. chem. Physiol. Path. — Beitrage zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie. Beitr. klin. Chir. — Beitrage zur klin- isehen Chirurgie. Beitr. path. Anat. u. allgem. Path. — Beitrage zur pathologischen Anato- mie und zur allgemeinen Pathologie. Ber. — Berichte der deutschen chem- ischen Gesellschaft. Ber. deut. pharm. Ges. — Berichte der deutschen pharmazeutische Gesell- schaft. Ber. ges. Physiol, u. exptl. Pharmakol.— Berichte iiber die gesamte Physiolo- gie und experimentelle Pharmakolo- gie. (Abt. B of Berichte iiber die gesamte Biologie.) Berl. klin. Wochschr. — Berliner klin- ische Wochenschrift; Organ fiir praktische Aerzte. Berl. tierarztl. Wochschr. — Berliner tier- arztliche Wochenschrift. Ber. oberhess. Ges. Natur-u. Heilk. Giessen, Naturw. Abt. — Berichte der oberhessichen Gesellschaft fiir Na- tur-und Heilkunde zu Giessen, Na- turwissenschaftliche Abteilung. Bibliot. Laeger — Bibliotek for Laeger. Bimonthly Bull. Univ. Med. Coll. Rich- mond— Bimonthly Bulletin of the University Medical College of Rich- mond. Biochem. Bull. — Biochemical Bulletin. Biochem. J. — Biochemical Journal, The. Biochem. Z. — Biochemische Zeitschrift. Biochem. Zentr. — Biochemisches Zen- tralblatt. Biochim. e terap. sper. — Biochimica e terapia sperimentale. Biol. Abstracts — Biological Abstracts. Biol. Bull. — Biological Bulletin, The. Biol. Bull. Marine Biol. Lab.— Biologi- cal Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory. Biol. Zentr.— Biologisches Zentralblatt. Blatter Aquar.-Terrarienk. — Blatter fiir Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde. Blatter gerichtl. Med. — Blatter fiir ge- richtliche Medizin. Eol. Agr. (Sao Paulo) — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Bol. direc. estud. biol. (Mexico) — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Bol. inst. brasil. sci. — Boletim do insti- tuto brasileiro de sciencias, Rio de Janeiro. Bol. inst. clin. quir. (Buenos Aires) — Boletin del instituto de cliniea quir- urgica (Buenos Aires). Bol. inst. nig. — Boletin del instituto de higiene. Bol. inst. med. exptl. estud. cancer (Buenos Aires) — Boletin del insti- tuto de medicina experimental para el esetudio y tratamiento del cancer (Buenos Aires). Bol. inst. Vital Brazil — Boletim do in- stituto Vital Brazil. Boll. chim. farm. — Bollettino chimico farmaceutico. Boll. ist. sieroterap. milan. — Bollettino dell'istituto sieroterapico milanese. Boll. med. trentino — Bollettino medico trentino. Boll. mus. zool. Genova — Bollettino del museo e laboratorii di zoologia ed anatomia eomparata. Boll. sci. med. Bologna — Bollettino delle scienze mediche, pubblicato per cura della Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. Boll. sez. cult. sci. med. accad. fisiocrit. Siena — Bollettino della sezione dei cultori delle scienze mediche dell'ac- cademia fisiocritici, Siena. Boll. soc. intern, microbiol., Sez. ital. — Bollettino della sezione italiana della societa internazionale microbiologia. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Boll. soc. ital. biol. sper. — Bollettino della societa italiana di biologia sperimentale. Boll. soc. ital. med. ig. trop. — Bollettino della societa italiana di medicina e igiene tropicale. Boll. soc. med. prov. Bergamo — Bollet- tino della societa medica provinciale di Bergamo. Boll. soc. med. Roma, — Bollettino della societa medica di Roma. Boll. soc. naturalisti Napoli — Bollettino della societa di naturalisti in Napoli. Boll. soc. tra cult. sci. med. Siena — Bollettino della societa tra i culturi della scienze mediche in Siena. Bol. med.-social Santiago — Boletin med- ico-social de la Caja de seguro obli- gatorio, Santiago. Bol. oficina sanit. panamer. — Boletin de la oficina sanitaria panamericana. Bol. soc. cir. chile— Boletin de la socie- dad de cirugia de chile. Bol. soc. med. cir. Sao Paulo — Boletim da sociedade de medicina e cirurgia de Sao Paulo. Bol. soc. med.-cirurg. mil. — Boletim da sociedade medico-cirurgica militar. Bol. soc. quim. Peru — Boletin de la so- ciedad quimiea del Peru. Boston Med. Surg. J. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Brasil-medico [or Brazil-medico] — Bra- sil-medico. Bratislav. Lekarske Listy — Bratislavske Lekarske Listy. Breslau. aerztl. Z. — Breslauer aerztliche Zeitschrift. Brit. Chem. Abstracts — British Chemi- cal Abstracts. Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts — British Chemical and Physiological Ab- stracts. Brit. Guiana Med. Ann. — British Guiana Medical Annual. Brit. J. Exptl. Path. — British Journal of Experimental Pathology, The. Brit. J. Ophthalmol. — British Journal of Ophthalmology, The. Brit. J. Phys. Med. — British Journal of Physical Medicine. Brit. Med. J. — British Medical Journal, The. Brit. Sci. Guild (S. Australian Branch) Adelaide — -British Science Guild (South Australian Branch) Ade- laide. Brooklyn Med. J. — Brooklyn Medical Journal, The. Brux. med. — Bruxelles medical. Bull. acad. med. (Paris) — Bulletin de l'aeademie de medecine (Paris). Bull. acad. med. Roumanie — Bulletin de l'aeademie de medecine de Roumanie. Bull. acad. roy. Belg. — Bulletin de l'aeademie royale de Belgique. Bull. acad. roy. med. Belg. — Bulletin de l'aeademie royale de medecine de Belgique. Bull. acad. roy. sci. et lettres Dane- mark — Bulletin de l'aeademie royale des sciences et lettres de Danemark. Bull. acad. sci. U.R.S.S. — Bulletin de l'aeademie des sciences de l'Union des Republiques Sovietiques Social- istes. Bull. acad. vet. France — Bulletin de l'aeademie veterinaire de France. Bull. Antivenin Inst. Am. — Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America. Bull. biol. France Belg. — Bulletin biolo- gique de la France et de la Belgique. Bull. biol. med. exptl. U.R.S.S.— Bulle- tin de biologie et de medecine ex- perimentale de l'U.R.S.S. Bull. Far Eastern Branch Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R.— Bulletin of the Far East- ern Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Bull. gen. therap. — Bulletin general de therapeutique medicale, chirurgicale, obstetricale, et pharmaceutique. Bull. inst. Egypte — Bulletin de l'institut d'Egypte. Bull. Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) — Bulletin of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (Tokyo). Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.— Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, The. Bull. med. — Bulletin medical. Bull. mem. soc. chir. Paris — Bulletins et memoires de la societe de chirurgie de Paris. Bull. mem. soc. med. hop. Paris — Bulle- tins et memoires de la societe medi- cale des hopitaux de Paris. Bull. mens. soc. med. mil. francaise — Bulletin bimensuel de la societe de medecine militaire franchise, Paris. Bull. mus. nat. hist. nat. (Paris) — Bulle- tin de musee nationale d'histoire naturelle (Paris). Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc— Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society. Bull, offlc. direction recherches sci. ind. inventions — Bulletin officiel de la di- rection des recherches seientifiques et industrielles et des inventions. Bull. Organ. Hyg. Soc. Nations — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....'] Bull. Pasteur Inst. Danbury, Conn. — Bulletin of the Pasteur Institute, New York; Danbury, Conn. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Bull. School Med., Univ. Maryland — Bulletin of the School of Medicine, University of Maryland. Bull. soc. centr. med. vet. — Bulletin de la societe centrale de medecine vet- erinaire. Bull. soc. chim. biol. — Bulletin de la societe de chimie biologique. Bull. soc. chim. France — Bulletin de la societe chimique de France. Bull. soc. entomol. France — Bulletin de la societe entomologique de France. Bull. soc. med. prat. — Bulletin de la societe de medecine pratique. Bull. soc. med. Suisse romande — Bulle- tin de la societe medicale de la Suisse romande. Bull. soc. med. Yonne — Bulletin de la societe medicale de l'Yonne. Bull. soc. nat. acclimat. France — Bulle- tin de la societe nationale d'accli- matation de France. Bull. soc. ophtalmol. Paris — Bulletin de la societe d'ophtalmologie de Paris. Bull. soc. path, exotique — Bulletin de la societe de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales (Institut Pasteur). Bull. soc. zool. France — Bulletin de la societe zoologique de France. Bull, union pharm. de Charleroi — Bulle- tin de l'union pharmaceutique de l'arrondissement judiciare de Char- leroi. Bull. U. S. Army Med. Dept.— Bulletin of the U. S. Army Medical Depart- ment, The. Bull. Vancouver Med. Assoc. — Bulletin of the Vancouver Medical Associa- tion, The. Bull. War Med.— Bulletin of War Medi- cine. ByulL Eksptl. Biol. Med. — Byulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Medit- siny. C. A. — Chemical Abstracts. Calcutta Med. J. — Calcutta Medical Journal. Calcutta Med. Rev. — Calcutta Medical Review, The. Calif, and Western Med. — California and Western Medicine. Calif. State J. Med. — California State Journal of Medicine. Calif. State Med. J. — California State Medical Journal. Can. Entomologist— Canadian Entomol- ogist, The. Can. Med. Assoc. J. — Canadian Medical Association Journal. Can. Med. J. — Canadian Medical Jour- nal. Can. Pharm. J. — Canadian Pharmaceu- tical Journal. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Pub. — Carnegie Institution of Washington Publica- tion^). Centr. Bakt. Parasitenk. — Centralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten. Centr. deut. med. Wiss. — Centralblatt fur die deutsche medizinische Wis- senschaft. Centre med. pharm. — Centre medical et pharmaceutique. Centr. klin. Med. — Centralblatt fur klinische Medicin. Ceylon J. Sci. D — Ceylon Journal of Science. Section D. Medical Science. Chem. Centr. — Chemisches Centralblatt. Name changed to Chemisches Zen- tralblatt. Chem. News — Chemical News and Jour- nal of Physical Science, The. Chem. Rev. (Japan) — Chemical Review (Japan). Chem. Zentr. — Chemisches Zentralblatt. Chem. Z. Rep. — [Not cited under this title in Union List of Serials .... Probably a reversal of the full title of Chemisches Zentral- blatt.] Chem.-Ztg. — Chemiker-Zeitung. Chiba Igakkai Zasshi — Chiba Igakkai Zasshi. Chiba Igaku Kwai Zasshi — cf. also Chiba Igakkai Zasshi. Chicago Med. J. Bxam. — Chicago Medi- cal Journal and Examiner, The. Chicago Med. Times — Chicago Medical Times. China Imp. Customs. Med. Rept. — China Imperial Maritime Customs. Medical Reports. China Med. J. — China Medical Journal. Chosen Igaku-Kwai Zasshi — Chosen Igaku-Kwai Zasshi. (Journal of the Chosen Medical Association.) Cincinnati Med. Advance — Cincinnati Medical Advance, The. Cincinnati Med. News — Cincinnati Medical News. Cir. y cirujanos — Cirugia y cirujanos. Cleveland Med. J. — Cleveland Medical Journal. Clin. Med. — Clinical Medicine. Clin. med. ital. — Clinica medica italiana. Clin. Med. Surg. — Clinical Medicine and Surgery. Clin. mod. — Clinica moderna. Clin. Sketches — Clinical Sketches illus- trative of practical Medicine and Surgery. KEY TO PEEIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. — Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology. Coll. Clin. Record — College and Clinical Record. Colo. Med. — Colorado Medicine. Communs. inst. seroterap. etat danois — Communications de l'institut sero- terapique de l'etat danois. Compt. rend. — Comptes rendus hebdo- madaires des stances de l'acadeniie des sciences. Compt. rend, congr. intern, med. trop. hyg.— [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Compt. rend. soc. biol. — Comptes rendus des seances de la societe de biologie et de ses filiales. Conf. soc. sud-am. nig. — Conferencia de la sociedad sud-americana da hi- giene, microbiologic y patologia. Congr. argentina oftalmol. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Congr. Intern. Entomol. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Congr. intern, union therap. — Congres international de l'union therapeu- tique. Contribs. Baylor Univ. Mus. — Contribu- tions of the Baylor University Mu- seum. Corr.-Bl. schweiz. Aerzte — Correspon- denz-Blatt fiir schweizer Aerzte. Corriere san. — Corriere sanitario. Cron. med. — Cronica mediea. Cron. med. mexicana — Cronica mediea mexicana. Cron. med.-quir. Habana — Cronica med- ico-quirurgica de la Habana. Cultura med. — Cultura mediea. Current Sci. (India) — Current Science (India). Daniel's Texas Med. J. — Daniel's Texas Medical Journal. Dermatol. Wochschr. — Dermatologische Wochenschrift. Dermatol. Z. — Dermatologische Zeit- schrift. Deut. Arch. klin. Med. — Deutsches Ar- chiv fiir klinische Medizin. Deut. med. Wochschr. — Deutsche medi- zinische Wochenschrift. Deut. med. Ztg. — Deutsche medizinal Zeitung. Deut. pharmakol. Ges., Proc. — Deutsche pharmakologische Gesellschaft, Ver- handlungen. Deut. Tropenmed. Z. — Deutsche Tropen- medizinische Zeitschrift. Deut. Z. ges. gerichtl. Med. — Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die gesamte gericht- liche Medizin. Deut. Z. Nervenheilk. — Deutsches Zeit- schrift fiir Nervenheilkunde. Deut. Z. Tiermed. — Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Tiermedizin und vergleichende Pathologic Dia med. — Dia medico, El. Diet, encycl. sci. med. — Dietionnaire encyelopedique des sciences medi- cales. Dietet. Gaz. — Dietetic Gazette, The. Dietsk. med. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Drug & Cosmetic Ind. — Drug & Cos- metic Industry. E. African Med. J. — East African Medi- cal Journal. Echo med. nord— Echo medical du nord. Eclect. Med. Advocate — Eclectic Medi- cal Advocate, The. Eclect. Med. J. — Eclectic Medical Jour- nal. Edinburgh Med. J. — Edinburgh Medical Journal. Ejened. J. "Prakt. med." — Ezhenediel' nik Zhurnala Prakticheskaia medit- sina. Entomol. Dept., Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Ergeb. allgem. Path. — Ergebnisse der allgemeinen Pathologie und patho- logischen Anatomie des Menschen und der Tiere. Ergeb. Hyg. Bakt. Immunitatsforsch. Exptl. Therap. — Ergebnisse der Hy- giene, Bakteriologie, Immunitatsfor- schung und Experimentellen Thera- pie. Ergeb. Physiol, biol. Chem. exptl. Phar- makol.— Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologische Chemie und experiraen- telle Pharmakologie. Ergeb. wiss. Med. — Ergebnisse der wis- senschaftlichen Medizin. Far East. Sci. Bull.— Far Eastern Sci- ence Bulletin. Farmakol. i Toksikol. — Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya. Farm. ital. — Farmacista italiano. Farm. Zhur. — Farmatsevtichnii Zhurnal. Federation Proc. — Federation Proceed- ings. Festschrift Emil C. Barell — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Zool. Leafl. — Field Museum of Natural History. Zoology Dept. Leaflet. Folia Haematol. — Folia Haematologica. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. — Folia Phar- macologica Japonica. Fortschr. Med. — Fortschritte der Medi- KEY TO PEEIODICAL ABBEEYIATIONS Fortschr. Therap. — Fortsehritte der Therapie. France med. — France medicale, La. Fukuoka Acta Med. — Fukuoka Acta Mediea. Gac. med. Caracas — Gaceta mediea de Caracas. Gac. med. Costa Rica — Gaceta mediea de Costa Rica. Gac. med. Mexico — Gaceta mediea de Mexico. Gac. med. surg. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....'] Gaillard's Med. J. — Gaillard's Medical Journal. Gaz. clin. — Gazeta clinica. Gaz. hebd. med. — Gaz. hebdomaire de medecine et de chirurgie. Gaz. bop. — Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires. Gaz. hop. empire ottoman — Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires de l'em- pire ottoman. Gaz. hosp. — Gazeta dos hospitaes. Gaz. med. Algerie — Gazette medicale de TAlgerie. Gaz. med. Bahia — Gazeta mediea da Bahia. Gaz. med. Liege — Gazette medicale de Liege. Gaz. med. Nantes — Gazette medicale de Nantes. Gaz. med. Paris — Gazette medicale de Paris. Gazz. intern, med. chir. — Gazzetta in- ternational de medicina e chirurgia. Gazz. med. ital. — Gazzetta mediea itali- ana. Gazz. ospedali e clin. — Gazzetta degli ospedali e delle cliniche. Gazz. sicil. med. chir. — Gazzetta sicili- ana di medicina e chirurgia. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Nederland.-Indie — Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor Ned- erlandsch-Indie. Georgia J. Med. Surg. — Georgia Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Gerber — Gerber, Der. Giorn. biol. med. sper. — Giornale di biologia e medicina sperimentale. Giorn. chim. ind. applicata — Giornale di chimica industriale ed applicata. Giorn. intern, sci. med. — Giornale inter- nazionale delle scienze mediche. Giorn. med. esercito — Giornale medico del regio esercito. Giorn. med. mil. — Giornale di medicina militare. Giorn. med. vet. — Giornale di medicina veterinaria. Giorn. reale accad. med. Torino — Gior- nale della reale accademia di medi- cina di Torino. Giorn. r. soc. ital. ig. — Giornale della r. societa italiana d'igiene. Glasgow Med. J. — Glasgow Medical Journal. Guillard's Med. J. — cf. Gaillard's Medi- cal Journal. Hahnemannian Monthly — Hahneman- nian Monthly, The. Hamburg, Univ. Abhandl. Gebiet Aus- landsk. — Hamburg, Universitat-Ab- handlungen aus dem Gebiet der Aus- landskunde. Handb. norm. u. path. Physiol. — Hand- buch der normalen und pathologisch- en Physiologic Helv. Chim. Acta- -Helvetica Chimica Acta. Helv. Physiol, et Pharmacol. Acta — Helvetica Physiologica et Pharma- cologica Acta. Hifuka Hitsunyokwa Zasshi — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Homoeop. Physician — Homoeopathic Physician, The. Homoeop. Recorder — Homoeopathic Re- corder. Hora med. (Rio de Janeiro) — Hora mediea (Rio de Janeiro). Hosp. Assistant — Hospital Assistant. Hospitalstid. — Hospitalstidende. Illinois Med. J.— Illinois Medical Jour- nal. Indian J. Med. — Indian Journal of Medicine. Indian J. Med. Research — Indian Jour- nal of Medical Research, The. Indian Med.-Chir. Rev. — Indian Medico- Chirurgical Review. Indian Med. Gaz. — Indian Medical Ga- zette, The. Indian Med. J. — Indian Medical Jour- nal. Indian Med. Record — Indian Medical Record. Indian Med. Research Mem. — Indian Medical Research Memoirs. Inform, med. (Cuba) — Informaciones medicas (Cuba). Inst. hig. Sao Paulo, Escola hig. e saude publ. estado, Bol. — Instituto de hi- giene de Sao Paulo, Escola de hi- giene saude publica do estado, Bole- tim. Intercolon. Med. J. — cf. Intercolon. Med. J. Australasia. Intercolon. Med. J. Australasia — Inter- colonial Medical Journal of Austral- asia. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS xix Intercolon. Quart. J. Med. Surg. — Inter- colonial Quarterly Journal of Medi- cine and Surgery. Intermed. biol. — Intermediare des biolo- gistes et des medecins. Intern. Congr. Hyg. Demography — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Intern. Congr. Ophthalmol. — Interna- tional Congress of Ophthalmology. Intern. J. Med. Surg. — International Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Intern. J. Orthodontia — International Journal of Orthodontia. Intern. Med. Digest — International Medical Digest. Intern. Med. Mag. — International Medi- cal Magazine. Literstate Med. J. — Interstate Medical Journal. J. Agr. Chem. Soc. Japan — Journal of the Agricultural Chemical Society of Japan. Jahresber. schlesisch. Ges. Vaterland. Cultur — Jahresberichte der schles- ische Gesellschaft fur Vaterland- ische Cultur. J. Allergy — Journal of Allergy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. — Journal of the American Chemical Society, The. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy — Journal of the American Institute of Homeo- pathy, The. J. Am. Med. Assoc. — Journal of the American Medical Association, The. J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. — Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Associa- tion. J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. — Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Japan. J. Dermatol. Urol. — Japanese Journal of Dermatology and Urol- ogy. Japan. J. Exptl. Med. — Japanese Jour- nal of Experimental Medicine, The. Japan. J. Med. Sci. II. Biochem. — Jap- anese Journal of Medical Sciences. II. Biochemistry. Japan. J. Med. Sci. III. Biophys. — Jap- anese Journal of Medical Sciences. III. Biophysics. Japan. J. Med. Sci. IV. Pharmacol. — Japanese Journal of Medical Sci- ences. IV. Pharmacology. Japan. J. Med. Sci. VIII. Internal Med., Pediat. Psychiat. — Japanese Journal of Medical Sciences. VIII. Internal Medicine, Pediatry and Psychiatry. Japan. Med. Lit. — Japanese Medical Literature. Japan Med. World — Japan Medical World, The. Japan. Roy. Inst. Lifectious Diseases — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Japan. Z. Mikrobiol. u. Path. — Japan- ische Zeitsehrift fur Mikrobiologie und Pathologie. J. Ayurveda— Journal Ayurveda. J. Bact. — Journal of Bacteriology. J. Biochem. (Japan) — Journal of Bio- chemistry (Japan). J. Biol. Chem. — Journal of Biological Chemistry, The. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. — Journal of the Bombay Natural History So- ciety. J. Bone Joint Surg. — Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. J. Chem. Ind. (Japan) — Journal of Chemical Industry (Japan). J. Chem. Soc. (London) — Journal of the Chemical Society (London). J. Chem. Soc. Japan — Journal of the Chemical Society of Japan. J. Chiba Med. Soc. — Journal of the Chiba Medical Society. J. Clin. Invest. — Journal of Clinical Investigation, The. J. clin. therap. inf. — Journal de elinique et de therapeutique infantiles. J. Colorado-Wyoming Acad. Sci. — Jour- nal of the Colorado-Wyoming Acad- emy of Science. J. Comp. Med. Surg. — Journal of Com- parative Medicine and Surgery. J. Comp. Physchol.— Journal of Com- parative Psychology, The. J. Cutaneous Diseases — Journal of Cu- taneous Diseases including Syphilis. J. Dept. Agr. — Journal of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Pretoria, South Africa. J. dos clin. — Jornal dos clinicos. J. Econ. Entomol. — Journal of Economic Entomology. J. Egypt. Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association, The. Jenaische Z. Naturw. — Jenaische Zeit- sehrift fur Naturwissenschaft. J. Exptl. Diseases — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] J. Exptl. Med. — Journal of Experimen- tal Medicine, The. J. Exptl. Psychol. — Journal of Experi- mental Psychology. J. Exptl. Zool. — Journal of Experimen- tal Zoology, The. J. Florida Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Florida Medical Association, Inc., The. J. Formosan Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. J. Gen. Physiol. — Journal of General Physiology, The. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS J. Homoeop. — Journal of Homoeopath- ies. J. Hotel-Dieu Montreal — Journal de l'Hotel-Dieu de Montreal, Le. J. hyg.— Journal d'hygiene. J. Hyg. — Journal of Hygiene, The. Jikken Igaku Zasshi — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] J. Immunol. — Journal of Immunology, The. J. Indian Chem. Soc. — Journal of the Indian Chemical Society. J. Indian Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Indian Medical Association. J. Infectious Diseases — Journal of In- fectious Diseases, The. J. Kansas Med. Soc. — Journal of the Kansas Medical Society, The. J. Kyoto Med. Soc— [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] J. Lab. Clin. Med. — Journal of Labora- tory and Clinical Medicine, The. J. Lancet — Journal Lancet, The. J. Mammol. — Journal of Mammology. J. Med. Assoc. Formosa — ef. Taiwan Igakkai Zasshi. J. Med. Assoc. Georgia. — Journal of the Medical Association of Georgia. J. Med. Assoc. S. Africa — Journal of the Medical Association of South Africa. J. med. Bordeaux — Journal de medecine de Bordeaux. J. med. chir. prat. — Journal universel et hebdomadaire de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques. J. mod. ouest- — Journal de medecine de l'ouest. J. Med. Research — Journal of Medical Research, The. J. Mental Sci. — Journal of Mental Sci- ence. J. Missouri State Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Missouri State Medical Asso- ciation, The. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. — Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. J. Nat'l Cancer Inst. — -Journal of the National Cancer Institute. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. — Journal of the New York Entomological Society. Johns Hopkins Med. Soc. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] J. Oriental Med. — Journal of Oriental Medicine. J. Osmania Univ. — Journal of Osmania University. J. Parasitol. — Journal of Parasitology, The. J. Path. Bact. — Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, The. J. Pathol. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] J. Pharmacol. Exptl. Therap. — Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The. J. pharm. Belg. — Journal de pharmacie de Belgique. J. pharm. chim. — Journal de pharmacie et de ehimie. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan — Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. J. Physiol.— Journal of Physiology, The. J. physiol. path. gen. — Journal de physi- ologie et de pathologie generale. J. Prevent. Med.— Journal of Preven- tive Medicine. J. Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales — Journal and Proceedings of the Royal So- ciety of New South Wales. J. Roy. Naval Med. Serv. — Journal of the Boyal Naval Medical Service. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps — Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, The. J. Russ. Phys.-Chem. Soc. — Journal of the Russian Physical-Chemical So- ciety. J. S. Carolina Med. Assoc. — Journal of the South Carolina Medical Associa- tion. J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (London) — Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (London). J. soc. sci. med. Lisb. — Jornal da socie- dade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. J. St. Petersbourg — Journal de St. Petersbourg. J. Tenn. State Med. Assoc. — Journal of the Tennessee State Medical Asso- ciation. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. — Journal of Tropi- cal Medicine and Hygiene, The. Kansas City Med. Index — Kansas City Medical Index. Kansas Med. J. — Kansas Medical Jour- nal. Kentucky Med. J. — Kentucky Medical Journal. Klin. Med. (U.S.S.R.)— Klinicheskaya Meditsina (U.S.S.R.). Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. — Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde. Klin. Wochschr. — Klinische Wochen- schrift. Lab. of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medi- cine; Sao Paulo, Brazil — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....] Lambillionea — Lambillionea. Lancet — Lancet, The. Lavori congr. med. int. — Lavori dei con- gressi di medicina interna. Lijecn. vjes. — LijeeniSki vjesnik. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Liverpool Med.-Chir. J. — Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. Louisville Med. Monthly — Louisville Medieal Monthly. Louisville Med. News — Louisville Medi- cal News. Lyon med. — Lyon medical. Magyar Orvosi Arch. — Magyar Orvosi Archivum. Mai. predom. paesi caldi temperati — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Marseille med. — Marseille medicale. Med. Advance— Medical Advance. Med. Ann. Dist. Columbia — Medical Annals of the District of Columbia. Med. Brief — Medical Brief. Med. Bull.— Medical Bulletin, The. Med. Bull. Veterans Admin. — Medical Bulletin of the Veterans Adminis- tration, The. Med. Clinics N. Amer.— Medical Clinics of North America. Med. contemp. (Lisbon) — Medicina con- temporanea (Lisbon). Med. Council — Medical Council. Medecin prat. — Medecin praticien. Mededeel. Dienst Volksgezondheid Ned- erland.-Indie — Mededeelingen van den Dienst der Volksgezondheid in Nederlandsch-Indie. Med. Era — Medical Era. Med. Gaz. — Medical Gazette. Medico Casa — Medico di Casa, II. Med. ital. — Medicina italiana, La. (Mil- an) Med. J. and Record — Medical Journal and Record. Med. J. Australia, — Medical Journal of Australia, The. Med. Klin. — Medizinische Klinik. Med. News — Medical News, The. Med. obozr. — Meditsinskoe obozrienie. Med. Parazitol. Parazitar. Bolezni — Meditsinkaya Parazitologiya i Para- zitarnye Bolezni. Med. Pioneer — Medical Pioneer. Med. prat. — Medicina pratica; giornale di clinica e terapia. Med. Press and Circ. — Medical Press and Circular. Med. pribav. morsk. sborniku — [Not cited in Union List of Serials....] Med. Progress — Medical Progress. Med. Record — Medical Record. Med. Reg. — Medical Register. Med. Reporter — Medical Reporter. Med. Rundschau — Medizinische Rund- schau. Med. Standard — Medical Standard, The. Med. Summary — Medieal Summary. Med. Surg. Reporter — Medical and Sur- gical Reporter, The. Med. Times Gaz. — Medical Times and Gazette, The. Med. Welt — Medizinische Welt, Die. Med. World (London) — Medical World (London). Mem. acad. imp. sci.— M6moires de 1' academie imperiale des sciences. Mem. bull. soc. med. chir. Bordeaux — Memoires et bulletins de la societe de medecine et chirurgie de Bor- deaux. Mem. Coll. Sci., Kyoto Imp. Univ. — Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University. Mem. Faculty Sci. Agr. Taihoku Imp. Univ. — Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University. Mem. inst. biol. Ezequiel Dias — Mem- orias do instituto biologico Ezequiel Dias. Mem. inst. Butantan (Sao Paulo) — Memorias do instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo). Mem. inst. Oswaldo Cruz — Memorias do instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Memphis Med. J. — Memphis Medical Journal. Memphis Med. Monthly — Memphis Medical Monthly. Mem. Queensland Mus. — Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. Mem. soc. biol. — Memoires de la societe de biologie. Mem. Vladivostok Sect. Russian State Geograph. Soc. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Mfg. Chemist — Manufacturing Chemist, The. Military Surgeon — Military Surgeon, The. Minnesota Med. — Minnesota Medicine. Misc. Zool. Sumatrana — Miscellanea Zo- ologica Sumatrana. Mississippi Med. Monthly — Mississippi Medical Monthly. Mitt, allgem. Path. path. Anat. (Japan) — Mitteilungen iiber allgemeine Pa- thologie und pathologische Anatomie (Japan). Mitt. Geschichte Med. Naturw.— Mitteil- ungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissensehaften. Mitt. Grenzg. Med. Chir. — Mitteilungen aus den Grenzgebieten der Medizin und Chirurgie. Mitt. med. Akad. Kioto — Mitteilungen aus der medizinischen Akademie zu Kioto. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Mitt. med. Fac. kaiserl. Univ. Tokyo — Mitteilungen aus der medizinischen Facultat der kaiserliehen Universi- tat zu Tokyo. Monatsh. prakt. Tierheilk.— Monat- shefte fiir praktische Tierheilkunde. Monatssckr. Krebsbekampf. — Monats- schrift fiir Krebsbekampfung. Monatssckr. prakt. Wasserkeilk — Mon- atssehrift fiir praktische Wasser- heilkunde und physikalische Heil- methoden. Monthly Cycl. Pract. Med.— Monthly Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine. Monthly Homoeop. Rev. — Monthly Ho- moeopathic Review. Montpel. med. — Montpellier medical. Montreal Med. J. — Montreal Medical Journal. Munch, med. Wochschr. — Miinchener medizinische Wochenschrift. Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, Math.- physik. Klasse III — Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, Jahresbericht iiber das Geschaftsjahr. Mathematisch- physikalische Klasse, Fachgruppen III. Chemie .... Nashville J. Med. Sci. — Nashville Jour- nal of Medical Science. Nashville J. Med. Surg. — Nashville Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Natural Hist. Mag. (London) — Natural History Magazine (London). Naturwissenschaf ten — Naturwissen- schaften, Die. Naturw. Wochschr. — Naturwissenschaf t- liche Wochenschrift. Natuurkund. Tijdschr. Nederland.-In- die — Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie. N. Carolina Med. J. — North Carolina Medical Journal, The. N. Diet. med. chir. prat. Paris — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Nebraska State Med. J. — Nebraska State Medical Journal, The. Nederland. Tijdschr. Geneesk. — Neder- landsch Tijdschrift voor Genees- kunde. Neoplasmes — Neoplasmes, Les. New Engl. J. Med. — New England Journal of Medicine. New Engl. Med. Gaz. — New England Medical Gazette. New Engl. Naturalist — New England Naturalist. New Intern. Clinics — New International Clinics, The. New Jersey Med. — New Jersey Medi- cine. New Mexico Med. J. — New Mexico Medical Journal. New Orleans Med. Surg. J. — New Or- leans Medical and Surgical Journal. Nippon J. Clin. Angio-Cardiol. — Nippon Journal of Clinical Angio-Cardiology. Nord. Hyg. Tids. — Nordisk Hygienisk Tidsskrift. Nord. Med. Arkiv — Nordiskt Medi- cinskt Arkiv. Nord. Med. Tid. (Stockholm) — Nordisk Medicinsk Tidskrift (Stockholm). Nord. Tidskr. — Nordiskt Tidskrift. North Am. J. Homeop. — North Ameri- can Journal of Homeopathy. North Am. Vet. — North American Vet- erinarian, The. Northwest Med. — Northwest Medicine. Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit. — Notices of the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Noticias farm. (Port.) — Noticias farma- ceuticas (Portugal). Novena reunion soc. argentina pat. reg. — Novena reunion de la sociedad argentina de patologia regional. Novyi khirurg. Arkkiv — Novyl khirur- gicheskiyi Arkhiv. N. Y. Med. J.— New York Medical Journal. N. Y. State J. Med.— New York State Journal of Medicine. Occidental Med. Times — Occidental Medical Times. Oceanogr. Salammbo — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] O e s t e r r . Chem.-Ztg. — Oester reichische Chemiker-Zeitung. Oesterr. Monatsschr. Tierheilk. — Oester- reichische Monatsschrift fiir Tier- heilkunde. Oesterr. San. -We s . — Oesterreichische Sanitats-Wesen. Ohio Public Health J. — Ohio Public Health Journal. Ohio State Med. J. — Ohio State Medical Journal. Oklahoma Med. J. — Oklahoma Medical Journal. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sci. Animal Ind. — Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry. Orvos. koz. — Orvostudomanyi kbzlemen- yek. Osaka J. Med. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Pacific Med. J. — Pacific Medical Jour- nal. Paris med. — Paris medical. Perm. Med. J. — Pennsylvania Medical Journal. Pensiero med. — Pensiero medico. KEY TO PEBIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Pest, med.-chir. Presse — Pester medicin- isch-chirurgische Presse. Pharm. Centralhalle — cf. Pharm. Zen- tralhalle. Pharm. J. — Pharmaceutical Journal, The. Pharm. Presse — Pharmazeutische Presse. Pharm. Zentralhalle — Pharmazeutische Zentralhalle fur Deutschland. Pharm. Z. Russland — Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fiir Russland. Pharm. Ztg. — Pharmazeutische Zeitung. Phila. Med. J. — Philadelphia Medical Journal. Phila. Med. Times — Philadelphia Medi- cal Times. Phila. Path. Soc. — Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Philippine J. Sci. — Philippine Journal of Science, The. Phil. Trans. — Philosophical Transac- tions of the Royal Society of Lon- don. Physiol. Abstracts — Physiological Ab- stracts. Physiol. Rev. — Physiological Reviews. Poitou med. — Poitou medical. Policlinico — Policlinico, II (Rome). Se- zione medica. Sezione pratica. Polyclinic — Polyclinic, The. Pop. Sci. Monthly — Popular Science Monthly, The. Practitioner — Practitioner, The. Pract. Med. — Practical Medicine. Prager med. Wochschr. — Prager medi- zinische Wochenschrift. Prat. med. francaise — Pratique medi- cale franchise. Prensa med. (argentina) — Prensa medi- ca (argentina). Prensa med. (Valparaiso) — Prensa medi- ca (Valparaiso). Presse med. — Presse medicale, La. Preuss. Jahrb. — Preussische Jahrbiich- er. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chem. — Proceed- ings of the American Society of Biological Chemists. Proc. Florida Acad. Sci. — Proceedings of the Florida Academy of Sciences. Proc. German Microbiol. Soc. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Proc. Imp. Acad. (Tokyo) — Proceed- ings of the Imperial Academy (Tokyo). Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. — Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science. Proc. Japan Pharmacol. Soc. — Proceed- ings of the Japan Pharmacological Society. Proc. Med. Assoc. Isthmian Canal Zone — Proceedings of the Medical Asso- ciation of the Isthmian Canal Zone. Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc. — Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. Proc. Path. Soc. Phila. — Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadel- phia. Proc. Pharmacol. Soc. — Proceedings of the Pharmacological Society. Proc. Physiol. Soc. — Proceedings of the Physiological Society of Great Brit- ain. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) — Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Proc. San. Com. Madias — Minutes of Proceedings of the Sanitary Com- mission for Madras. Proc. Pacific Sci. Congr. — Proceedings of the Pacific Science Congress. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. — Proceed- ings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Proc. Staff Meetings Mayo Clinic — Pro- ceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic. Proc. Zool. Soc. London — Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Progres med. — Progres medical. Progresos clin. — Progresos de la clinica. Province med. — Province medicale. Publ. Carnegie Inst. Washington — Car- negie Institution of Washington Publication(s). Publ. S. African Inst. Med. Research — Publications of the South African Institute for Medical Research. Quart. Bull. Health Organisation League Nations — Quarterly Bulletin of the Health Organisation of the League of Nations. Quart. Bull. Northwestern Univ. Med. School — Quarterly Bulletin of North- western University Medical School. Quart. Cum. Index — Quarterly Cumula- tive Index to Current Medical Lit- erature. Quart. Cum. Index Medicus — Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus. Quart. J. Exptl. Physiol. — Quarterly Journal of Experimental Physiology. Quart. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. — Quarterly Journal of Pharmacy and Pharma- cology, incorporating the year book of Pharmacy. Quart. Rev. Biol. — Quarterly Review of Biology, The. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Quinta reunion soc. argentina patol. reg. norte — Quinta reunion de la sociedad argentina de patologia re- gional del norte. Raccoglitore med. — Eaccoglitore medi- co. Rass. ital. ottal. — Rassegna italiana d'ottalmologia. Rass. san. A.O.I. — Rassegna sanitaria dell'A.O.I. Ray — Ray of Gamma Sigma Epsilon. Rec. med. vet. — Recueil de medecine veterinaire. Rec. med. vet. Ecole d'Alfort — Recueil de medecine veterinaire de l'Ecole d'Alfort. Rec. mem. med. mil. — Recueil de mem- oires de medecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires. Records Austrialian Museum — Records of the Australian Museum. Rend, accad. nazl. Lined — Rendiconti dell'accademia nazionale dei Lineei. Rend. d. adunanze dell'acad. med. fis. Fiorentina — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Rend. ist. lombardo sci. — Rendiconto dell'istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Repert. med. y cirug. — Repertorio de medicina y cirugia. Repert. pharm. — Repertoire de pharma- cie. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. — Report of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Rept. Intern. Congr. Microbiol. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Rept. Med. Off. Local Govt. Bd. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Rept. on san. meas. in India — Report on sanitary measures in India. Rept. Surg. Gen. Army — Report of the Surgeon General of the Army. Rept. Surg. Gen. U. S. Navy — Report of the Surgeon General of the United States Navy. Resoc. accad. med.-chir. Napoli — Reso- conto delle adunanze e dei lavori della reale accademia medico-chir- urgica di Napoli. Rev. Agr. (Sao Paulo) — Re vista de Agricultura (Sao Paulo). Rev. argentina cardiol. — Revista argen- tina de cardiologia. Rev. asoc. med. argentina/ — Revista de la asociacion medica argentina. Rev. brasil. biol. — Revista brasileira de biologia. Rev. brasil. cirurg. — Revista brasileira de cirurgia. Rev. brasil. leprol. — Revista brasileira de leprologia. Rev. brasil. med. (Rio de Janeiro) — Revista brasileira de medicina (Rio de Janeiro). Rev. brasil. oto-rino-laring. — Revista brasileira de oto-rino-laringologia. Rev. Chilena pediat. (Santiago, Chile) — Revista chilena de pediatria (San- tiago, Chile). Rev. cirurg. Sao Paulo — Revista de cir- urgia de Sao Paulo. Rev. clin. Sao Paulo — Revista clinica de Sao Paulo. Rev. criminol. psiquiat. med. — Revista de criminologia, psiquiatria y medi- cina, legal. Rev. faculdade med. vet., Univ. Sao Paulo — Revista de faculdade de medicina veterinaria, Universidade de Sao Paulo. Rev. facultad med., Univ. nacl. (Bo- gota)— Revista de la facultad de medicina, Universidad nacional (Bo- gota). Rev. nlipina med. farm.— Revista fili- pina de medicina y farmacia. Rev. num. med. — Revista fluminense de medicina. Rev. gen. clin. therap. — Revue generale de clinique et de therapeutique. Rev. gen. sci. — Revue generale des sci- ences pures et appliquees. Rev. ginecol. obstet. (Rio de Janeiro) — Revista de ginecologia e d'obstetri- cia (Rio de Janeiro). Rev. hist. nat. app. Pt. I — Revue d'his- toire naturelle appliquee. Pt. I. Mammalogie. Rev. hyg. saude publ. — Revista de hy- giene e saude publica. Rev. iberica parasitol. — Revista iberiea de parasitologia. Rev. immunol. — Revue d'immunologie. Rev. inst. bact. "Carlos G. Malbran" — Revista del instituto bacteriologico "Dr. Carlos G. Malbran." Rev. inst. bact. dept. nacl. nig. (Buenos Aires) — Revista del instituto bac- teriologico del departammento na- cional de higiene (Buenos Aires). Rev. inst. salubridad enfermedad. trop. (Mex.) — Revista del instituto de salubridad y enfermedad tropicales (Mexico). Rev. med. -cirurg. Brasil (Rio de Jan- eiro)— Revista medico-cirurgica do Brasil (Rio de Janeiro). Rev. med. (Costa Rica) — Revista medi- ca (Costa Rica). Rev. med. est — Revue medicale de Test. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Rev. med. hyg. trop. — Eevue de mede- cine et d'hygiene tropicales. Rev. med. latino-am. — Kevista medica latino-americana. Rev. med. (Mex.) — Revista medica (Mexico). Rev. med. Pernambuco — Revista medica de Pernambuco. Rev. med. Rosario — Revista medica del Rosario. Rev. med. (San Jose) — Revista medica (San Jose). Rev. med. (Sao Paulo) — Revista medica de Sao Paulo. Rev. med. Suisse romande — Revue medi- cale de la Suisse romande. Rev. med. (Valparaiso, Chile) — Revista de medicina (Valparaiso, Chile). Rev. med. vercruzana — Revista mediea veracruzana. Rev. med. vet. y parasitol. — Revista de medicina veterinaria y parasitologia. Rev. med. y alimentacidn (Santiago, Chile) — Revista de medicina y ali- mentacion (Santiago, Chile). Rev. med. Yucatan — Revista mediea de Yucatan. Rev. mexicana biol. — Revista mexicana de biologia. Rev. path. comp. hyg. gen. — Revue de pathologia eomparee et d'hygiene generale. Rev. portugueza med. cirurg. pract. — Revista portugueza de medicina e cirurgia practicas. Rev. russe entomol. — Revue russe d'en- tomologie. Rev. sci. — Revue scientifique, La. Rev. soc. argentina biol. — Revista de la soeiedad argentina de biologia y su filiales la soeiedad de biologia de Rosario y la soeiedad de biologia de Cordoba. Rev. soc. cient. Paraguay — Revista de la soeiedad cientifica del Paraguay. Rev. stiint. med. — Revista §tiin^elor medicale. Rev. sud-amcricaine med. chir. (Paris) — Revue sud-amerieaine de medecine et de chirurgie (Paris). Rev. sud-americana endocrinol., immun- ol., ctuimioterap.— Revista sud-ameri- cana de endocrinologia, immuno- logia, quimioterapia. Rev. Suisse zool. — Revue Suisse de zool- ogie. Rev. terap. — Revista terapeutica. Rev. vet. mil. — Revue veterinaire mili- taire. Richmond J. Pract. — Richmond Journal of Practice. Riforma med. — Riforma medica, La. Riv. biol.- — Rivista di biologia. Riv. chim. med. farm. — Rivista di chim- iea medica e farmaceutiea. Riv. clin. Bologna — Rivista clinica di Bologna. Riv. clin. terap. — Rivista clinica e tera- peutica. Riv. ital. terap. ig. — Rivista italiana di terapia e igiene. Riv. malariol. — Rivista di malariologia. Riv. med. — Rivista medica. Riv. patol. nervosa e mentale — Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale. Riv. sper. freniat. — Rivista sperimen- tale di freniatria e di medicina le- gale in relazione con l'antropologia e le scienze guiridiche e social. Russ. J. Trop.-Med. — Russkii Zhurnal Tropicheskoi Meditsiny, Meditsin- skoi i veterinarnoi parazitologii. Russ. Vrach — Russkii Vraeh. S. African J. Med. Sci. — South African Journal of Medical Sciences, The. S. African J. Sci. — South African Jour- nal of Science, The. S. African Med. J. — South African Medical Journal. S. African Med. Record — South African Medical Record. Sbornik rabot. proizved. lab. V. K. An- repa — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Schweiz. Apoth.-Ztg. — Schweizerische Apotheker-Zeitung. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. — Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde. Schweiz. med. Wochschr. — Schweizer- ische medizinische Wochenschrift. Schweiz. Wochschr. — Schweizerische Wochenschrift. Sci. American — Scientific American. Sci. Am. Suppl. — Scientific American Supplement. Sciencia med. — Sciencia medica. Scientia Pharm. — Scientia Pharmaceu- tica. Sci. Mem. Med. Off. India — Scientific Memoirs of the Medical Officers in India. Sci. Monthly — Scientific Monthly. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) — Scientific Papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (Tokyo). Sci. Monthly — Scientific Monthly. Scot. Med. Surg. J. — Scottish Medical and Surgical Journal. Sei-i-Kai Med. J. — Sei-i-Kai Medical Journal. Sei-i-Kwai Med. J. — Sei-i-Kwai Medical Journal. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Semaine hop. Paris — Semaine des hopi- taux de Paris, La. Semaine med. — Semaine medieale. Semana med. (Buenos Aires) — Semana medica, La (Buenos Aires). Seuchenbekampfung— Seuchenbekampf- ung. Siglo med. — Siglo medico. Sitz.-ber. bayer. Akad. Wiss. — cf. Sitz.- ber. math.-naturw. Abt. bayer. Akad. Wiss. Miinehen. Sitz.-ber. Ges. Beforder. ges. Naturw. Marburg — Sitzungberichte der Ge- sellschaft zur Beforderung der ge- samten Naturwissenschaften zu Mar- burg. Sitz.-ber. Ges. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin — Sitzungsberiehte der Gesell- schaft naturforschednre Freunde, Berlin. Sitz.-ber. math.-naturw. Abt. bayer. Akad. Wiss. Miinehen — Sitzungsbe- riehte der mathematisehnaturwissen- schaftlichen Abteilung der bayer- ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinehen. Sitz.-ber. nied.-rhein. Ges. Natur-Heilk. Bonn — Sitzungsberiehte der nieder- rheinischen Gesselschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bonn. Sitz.-ber. phys.-med. Ges. Wurzburg — Sitzungsberiehte der physikalisch medizinische Gesellschaft zu Wurz- burg. Skand. Arch. Physiol. — Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie (Acta So- cietatis Physiologicae Scandinavi- cae.) Soc. lancisiana Roma — Societa lancisi- ana di Eoma. Southern Calif. Pract.— Southern Cali- fornia Practitioner, The. Southern Med. J. — Southern Medical Journal. Southern Med. Record — Southern Medi- cal Record, The. Southern Med. & Surg. — Southern Medi- cine & Surgery. Southern Pract. — Southern Practitioner, The. Southern Surgeon — Southern Surgeon, The. Southwestern Med. — Southwestern Med- icine. Sovet. Med. — Sovetskaya Meditsina. Sovet. Vrachebnyi Zhur. — Sovetskii Vraehebnyi Zhurnal. Sovet. Zdravookhranenie Turkmenii — Sovetskoe Zdravookhranenie Turk- Sperimentale — Sperimentale, Lo. Squibb Abstract Bull. — Squibb Abstract Bulletin. St. Bartholomew's Hosp. J. — St. Bar- tholomew's Hospital Journal. St. Louis Cour. Med. — St. Louis Courier of Medicine, The. St. Louis J. Homoeop. Clin. Reporter — St. Louis Journal of Homoeopathy and Clinical Reporter. St. Louis Med. Rev. — St. Louis Medical Review. St. Petersburg, med. Wochschr. — St. Petersburger medicinishe Wochen- schrift. Siiddeut. Apoth.-Ztg. — Siiddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung. Svenska Lakartidn.— Svenska Lakar- tidningen. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med. — Texas Courier- Record of Medicine, The. Texas Med. J. — Texas Medical Journal. Texas Med. News — Texas Medical News. Texas State J. Med. — Texas State Jour- nal of Medicine. Texas State Med. Assoc. — Texas State Medical Association (Transactions). Therap. Ber. — Therapeutische Berichte. Therap. Gaz. — Therapeutical Gazette, The. Therap. Gegenwart — Therapie der Geg- enwart. Therap. Monatsh. — Therapeutische Mon- atschefte. Tohoku J. Exptl. Med. — Tohoku Jour- nal of Experimental Medicine, The. Tokyo Med. News — Tokyo Medical News. Tokyo med. Wochschr. — Tokyo medicin- ische Wochenschrift. Trans. Am. [Soc.?] Trop. Med. — Trans- actions of the American Society of Tropical Medicine. Trans. Assoc. Am. Physicians — Trans- actions of the Association of Ameri- can Physicians. Trans. Coll. Physicians Phila. — Trans- actions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Trans. Far Eastern Assoc. Trop. Med. — Transactions of the Par Eastern As- sociation of Tropical Medicine. Trans. Intercolon. Med. Congr. — Trans- actions of the Intercolonial Medical Congress. Trans. Intercolon. Med. Congr. Austral- asia,— Transaction of the Intercolon- ial Medical Congress of Australasia. Trans. Intern. Congr. Entomol. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Trans. Intern. Med. Congr. — Transac- tions of the International Medical Congress. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bombay — Trans- actions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Trans. Path. Soc. (London) — Transac- tions of the Pathological Society of London. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) — Transac- tions of the Eoyal Society (London), Philosophical. Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. — Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. — Transactions of the San Diego So- ciety of Natural History. Trans. S. Carolina Med. Assoc. — Trans- actions of the South Carolina Medi- cal Association. Trans. S. Indian Branch Brit. Med. As- soc.— Transactions of the South In- dian Branch of the British Medical Association. Trans. Soc. Path. Japon. — Transactiones Soeietatis Pathologicae Japonicae. Trans. Southern Surg. Gynec. Assoc. — Transactions of the Southern Surgi- cal and Gynecological Association. Trans. Texas Med. Assoc. — Transactions of the Texas State Medical Associa- tion. Trans. Vassar Bros. Inst.— Transactions of the Vassar Brothers' Institute. Trav. acad. militaire med. armee rouge U.R.S.S. (Moscow) — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Tribuna med. — Tribuna medica. Tribune med. — Tribune medicale. Trop. Diseases Bull. — Tropical Diseases Bulletin. Trudy Obsh. Russ. Vrach. St. Peters- burg— Trudy Obshchestva Russkich Vraehei S.-Petersburge s prilojeniem protokolov zasedanii obshestra. Ugeskrift Laeger — Ugeskrift for Laeg- er. Umschau — Umschau in Wissensehaft und Technik, Die. Uniao med. — Uniao medica. Union med. — L'Union medicale. Union med. Canada — Union medicale du Canada. Union pharm. — Union pharmaceutique, L', Repertoire de pharmaeie, Ar- chives de pharmaeie et Journal de chimie medicale (reunis). United Fruit Co. Med. Dept. (Boston) Ann. Rept.— United Fruit Company, Medical Department (Boston), An- nual Report. Univ. Lausanne — Universite de Lau- sanne. Univ. Med., Galveston — University of Medicine, Galveston. Univ. Penn. Med. Bull. — University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin. Univ. Philippines Nat. and Applied Sci. Bull. — University of the Philippines Natural and Applied Science Bul- letin. Univ. Sao Paulo Bol. fac. nlos., cien. e letras zool. — Universidade de Sao Paulo-Boletins de faculdade de filo- sofia, ciencias e letras zoologieas. Upsala Lakaref bren. F o rh . — U p s a 1 a Lakareforenings Forhandlingar. Urol, and Cutaneous Rev. — Urologic and Cutaneous Review, The. U. S. Naval Med. Bull. — United States Naval Medical Bulletin. Veda Prirodni — Veda Pfirodni, mesic- nik pro sireni a pestovani vgd pfi- fodnich. Verhandl. Intern. Med. Congr. Berlin — [Not cited in Union List of Serials — ] Verhandl. japan, path. Ges. — Verhand- lungen der japanisehe pathologische Gesellschaft. Verhandl. naturforsch. Ges. Basel — Ver- handlungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel. Vestnik obsh. vet. — Vestnik obshchest- vennoi veterinari'i. Vestnik Oftamol. — Vestnik Oftalmolo- gii- Vet. Arhiv — Veterinarski Arhiv. Vet. J. — Veterinary Journal, The. Vet. J. Ann. Comp. Path. — Veterinary Journal and Annals of Comparative Pathology, The. Vet. Med. — Veterinary Medicine. Virchow's Arch. path. Anat. — Virchow's Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur klinische Medizin. Virginia Med. Monthly — Virginia Medi- cal Monthly. Virginia Med. Semi-Monthly — Virginia Medical Semi-Monthly. Voenno-med. Z h u r . — Voenno-meditsin- skii Zhurnal. Vrach. gaz. — Vraehebnaia gazeta. Wash. Med. Ann. — Washington Medical Annals. Western Med. Times — Western Medical Times. West Indian Bull. — West Indian Bulle- tin. West Va. Med. J. — West Virginia Medi- cal Journal. Wien. klin. Wochschr. — Wiener klin- ische Woehenschrift. KEY TO PERIODICAL ABBREVIATIONS Wien. med. Blatter — Wiener med. Blat- ter. Wien. med. Presse — Wiener medizin- ische Presse. Wien. med. Wochschr. — Wiener medi- zinische Wochensehrift. Wien. tierarztl. Monatsschr. — Wiener tieriirztliche Monatsschrift. Wisconsin Med. J. — Wisconsin Medical Journal, The. Yale Med. J. — Yale Medical Journal. Z. allgem. osterr. Apoth.-Ver. — Zeit- schrift des allgemeinen osterreich- ischen Apother-Vereines. Z. Augenheilk. — Zeitschrift fur Augen- heilkunde. Z. Biol. — Zeitschrift fur Biologic Z. Elektrochem. — Zeitschrift fur Elek- trochemie. Zentr. Bakt. Parasitenk. — Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde und Infektionskrankheiten, I. Abt. (a) Eeferate. Zentr. Biochem. Biophys. — Zentralblatt fur Biochemie und Biophysik mit Einschluss der theoretischen Immun- itatsforschung. Zentr. Chir. — Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie. Zentr. Gynakol. — Zentralblatt fur Gyna- kologie, Zentr. Physiol. — Zentralblatt fur Phy- siologic Z. exptl. Med. — Zeitschrift fur experi- mented Medizin (Moscow). Z. exptl. Path. Therap. — Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Pathologie und Ther- apie. (Merged into Z. ges. exptl. Med.) Z. Geburtsh. u. Gynakol. — Zeitschrift fur Geburtschiilfe und Gynakologie. Z. ges. exptl. Med. — Zeitschrift fiir de gesamte experimentelle Medizin zug- leich Forsetzung der Zeitschrift fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Ther- apic Zhur. Mikrobiol. Epidemiol. Immuno- biol — Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epi- demiologii i Immunobiologii. Z. Hyg. Infektionskrankh. — Zeitschrift fiir Hygiene und Infektionskrank- heiten. Z. Immunitatsforsch. — Zeitschrift fiir Immunitatsforschung und experi- mentelle Therapic Z. Infektionskrankh. parasit. Krankh. Hyg. Haustiere — Zeitschrift fiir In- fektionskrankheiten, parasitar e Krankheiten und Hygiene der Haus- tiere. Z. Krankenpfl. — [Not cited in Union List of Serials ] Z. klin. Med. — Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medizin. Z. Krebsforsch. — -Zeitschrift fiir Krebs- forschung unter Mitwirkung des Eeichsaussehusses fiir Krebsbe- kampfung. Z. oesterr. Apoth.-Ver. — cf. Z. allgem. osterr. Apoth.-Ver. Z. Med.-beamte — Zeitschrift fiir Medi- cinalbeamte. Zool. Anz. — Zoologischer Anzeiger (Leipzig). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. allgem. Zool. Physiol. — Zoologische Jahrbiicher. Abt. fiir allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der Tierc Zoologica (N. Y.) — Zoologica (New York). Z. Parasitenk. — Zeitschrift fiir Para- sitenkunde. Z. physiol. Chem. — Zeitschrift fiir phy- siologische Chemic (Hoppe-Seyler's). Z. Rheumaforsch. — Zeitschrift fiir Rheumaforschung. Z. Tuberk— Zeitschrift fiir Tuberku- lose. Z. Untersuch. Lebensm. — Zeitschrift fiir Untersuehung der Lebensmittel. Z. wiss. Baderk. — Zeitschrift fiir wis- senschaftliche Baderkunde. Z. Wiss. Biol. Abt. A. Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere — Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschaft- liche Biologic Abt. A. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologie und Okologie der Tiere. Z. wiss. Zool. — Zeitschrift fiir wissen- schaftliche Zoologie. Explanatory Note The items contained in the Chronological Bibliography are ar- ranged alphabetically by authors. Each item consists of (1) the name(s) of the author (s) ; (2) the titles of the articles or books; (3) the abbreviations of the titles of the original references; and (4) the abbreviations of the titles of the abstracting journals. When the titles of articles written in foreign languages have not been translated by the abstracting journals, the authors have translated them in order to give the references greater value. Quotation marks enclose untranslated idioms. Because of the un- availability of certain source materials, there are a few duplica- tions of titles. A dash indicates omission of the original reference by an abstracting journal. Superior numbers immediately succeed- ing page references in Chemical Abstracts denote the page section in which the abstract may be found. In the references taken from Biological Abstracts and Physiological Abstracts, the numbers fol- lowing the year indicate the item number for the reference in the respective abstracting journal. Chronological Bibliography 1875 1. Anonymous. The influence of ammonia on snake bites. Chem. Centr. 1875, 281 (1875). J. Chem. Soc. 29, 724 (1876). 1877 2. Blyth, A. W. The poison of the Cobra de Capello. Analyst 1, 204-7 (1877). J. Chem. Soc. 32, 206 (1877). J. Chem. Soc. 38, 490 (1880). 3. Gayraud, E. Gangrene of the covering of the penis following scorpion sting. Acad. sei. Montpel. Mem. sect. med. 5, 111-23 (1877). Index Medicus 1, 149 (1879). 1878 4. Brunton, T. L., and Fayrer, Sir J. Cobra poison. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 27, 188 (1878). J. Chem. Soc. 38, 490 (1880). 5. Brunton, T. L., and Fayrer, J. Note on the effect of various substances in destroying the activity of cobra poison. Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 27, 465-74 (1878). Index Medicus 1, 118 (1879). 6. Comfort, A. J. Case of snake bite. Phila. Med. Times 9, 77-79 (1878). Index Medicus 1, 56 (1879). 7. Leroux, C. Intense glossitis produced by a viper bite. Ann. mal. 1'oreille larynx 4, 258-61 (1878). Index Medicus 1, 56 (1879). 8. Maslieurat-Lagemard, L. Viper bite and its treatment. Gueret: Ve Betoulle, 1878. Index Medicus 1 118 (1879). 9. Pedler, A. On cobra poison. (Communi- cated by Dr. Frankland.) Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 27, 17-29 (1878). J. Chem. Soc. 38, 490 (1880); Index Medicus 1, 118 (1879). 10. SCHNECK, J. Is the bite of the Heterodon, or spreading adder, venomous? Chicago Med. J. Exam. 37, 585-87 (1878). Index Medicus 1, 57 (1879). 11. Tatum, R. H. Is morphia, hypodermically administered, an antidote to the poison of reptiles and in- sects? Virginia Med. Monthly 5, 887 (1878-79). Index Medicus 1, 144 (1879). 12. Wall, A. J. Report on the physiological effects of the poisons of the Naja tripudians and Daboia russellii. Report on san. meas. in India, 1876-77, pp. 229-49 (1878). Index Medicus 1, 71 (1879). 1879 13. Albertoni, P. On the action of the venom of the viper. Sperimentale 44, 142-53 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 513 (1879). 14. Albertoni, P. On the venom of the viper. Ann. chim. applicata med. 69, 210 (1879). Index Medicus 2, 47 (1880). BTBLIOGBAPEY OF 15. Anonymous. Bite of centipedes, tarantulas, etc. Boston Med. Surg. J. 100, 336 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 219 (1879). 16. BOCHEFONTAINE, ?. Note on the physiological ef- fects of the venom of the ter- restrial salamander. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 4,358-62 (1879). Index Medicus 2, 186 (1880). 17. Brandt, W. E. Poisoning by a bee sting. Med. Record 16, 309 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 513 (1879). 18. BUQNION, ?. Reaction of a viper bite, fol- lowed by cure. Bull. soc. med. Suisse romande 13, 333-39 (1879). Index Medicus 2, 47 (1880). 19. Couty, ?, and Lacerda, J. B. de. On the action of the venom of Bothrops jararacussu. Compt. rend. 89, 372-75 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 513 (1879). 20. Couty, ?, and Lacerda, J. B. de. On the action of the venom of Bothrops jararacussu. Gaz. med. Paris 1, 460 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 563 (1879). 21. Curtis, D. G. Triggonocephalus con. poison (copperhead). Am. Homoeop. 5, 293 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 609 (1879). 22. Grube, ?. The bite of a poisonous spider. Jahresber. schleisch. Ges. Vat- erland. Cultur 56, 117 (1879). Index Medicus 2, 47 (1880). 23. Haynes, J. R. Experiments in animal poi- sons. Crotalus horridus (rattle- snake). Cincinnati Med. Advance 6, 481-87 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 162 (1879). 24. Hutchinson, H. F. The bis-cobra, the gohsamp, and the scorpion. Nature 2, 487 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 563 (1879). 25. Jackson, M. H. Rattlesnake bites. Southern Pract. 1, 259 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 466 (1879). 26. Jackson, M. H. Rattlesnake bites again. Southern Pract. 1, 360-62 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 563 (1879). 27. Koppitz, W. Viper bite in a cow. Oesterr. Monatsschr. Tierheilk. 4, 81-93 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 609 (1879). 28. Lassen, G. Sudden death from bee sting. Ugeskrift Laeger 28, 249-50 (1879). Index Medicus 2, 47 (1880). 29. Mantegazza, P. Scorpion venom. Index Medicus 2, 47 (1880). Medico Casa 7, 337-42 (1879). 30. Phillips, S. T. Wasp stings. Lancet 2, 522 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 563 (1879). 31. Richardson, J. E. Rattlesnake poison. (Case). Phila. Med. Times 9, 306 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 219 (1879). 32. Viaud-Grand-Marais, A. Note on the "vichamaroun- dou, " the Tanjore pills, ser- pent stones, and some plants used in the Indies against poisonous bites. J. med. ouest 3, 30-40 (1879). Index Medicus 1, 610 (1879). 1880 33. Akashi, T. On poisoning by fish, Tetrao- don, etc. Ijishinbun No. 27, June 15, 1880. Index Medicus 3, 53 (1881). ANIMAL VENOMS 34. Bond, R. Two cases of potato-bug poi- soning. Med. Bull. 2, 14 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 231 (1880). 35. Bruquier, ?. Poisoning by the root (?) of the white chameleon. Montpel. med. 45, 153-58 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 515 (1880). 36. Bull, G. H. Recovery after the bite of a cobra. Indian Med. Gaz. 15, 271 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 54 (1881). 37. Cornish, W. R. Cobra bite; immediate treat- ment; recovery. Indian Med. Gaz. 15, 271 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 54 (1881) 38. Couty, ?, and Lacerda, J. B. de. The difficulty of absorption and the local effects of the venom of Bothrops jararaca. Compt. rend. 91, 549-51 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 564 (1880). 39. Cranfill, J. B. Lobelia inflata as an antidote in animal and insect poison- ing; with a case. Therap. Gaz. 1, 34 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 187 (1880). 40. Hardison, W. H. Ammonia in the treatment of bites of poisonous reptiles and insects. Louisville Med. News 9, 270 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 323 (1880). 41. Heidenstam, F. C. Case of snake bite. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 5, 352 (1880). . Index Medicus 3, 192 (1881). 42. Laboulene, A. Scorpions, scorpionides. Diet, encycl. sci. med. 8, 262-78 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 370 (1880). 43. Murray, C. F. Poisonous sting; inflammation of lymphatics; bicarbonate of soda. Lancet 1, 33 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 54 (1881). 44. Passano, P. A. Historical, theoretical, and prac- tical studies on some points relative to bites of venomous serpents. Montpellier, 1880. Index Medicus 2, 515 (1880). 45. Richards, V. Snake poisoning and its treat- ment. Indian Med. Gaz. 15, 309 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 54 (1881). 46. Sutherland, G. S. Two fatal cases, believed to have resulted from snake bite at Mount Abu, Rajputana, India. Lancet 2, 129 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 466 (1880). 47. Viaud-Grand-Marais, A. Snake poisoning studied in the different groups of snakes. Gaz. hop. 53, 901, 917, 942, 958, 990 (1880). Index Medicus 2, 565 (1880). 48. Viaud-Grand-Marais, A. Snake poisoning studied in the different groups of snakes. Gaz. hop. 53, 1029 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 54 (1881). 49. Viaud-Grand-Marais, A. Note on snake poisoning stud- ied in the different groups of snakes. J. med. ouest 14, 34-55 (1880). Index Medicus 3, 383 (1881). 1881 50. Anonymous. A case of poisoning by the snakes of Pharaon. New Jersey Med. 2, 19 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 147 (1881). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 51. Anonymous (Initials: E. D.). Dr. Shortt and Professor Gau- tier on snake poison. Med. Times Gaz. 2, 373 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 539 (1881). 52. Couty, L. Potassium permanganate a- gainst snake bite. Gaz. med. Bahia 6, 549-59 (1881-2). Index Medicus 4, 490 (1882). 53. Couty, ?, and Lacebda, J. B. de. The inflammatory nature of the lesions produced by the venom of the snake Bothrops. Compt. rend. 92, 468-70 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 191 (1881). 54. Furuya Kenyei, ?. Case of Fugu (tetraodon) poi- soning. Tokei Zasshi, May 5, 1881. Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 55. Gautier, A. The venom of Naja tripudians (Cobra capello) of India. Bull. acad. med. (Paris) 10, 947-58 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 491 (1881). 56. Jaquehet, ?. The bite of the viper Naja in Algeria, and its treatment by carbolic acid. Rec. mem. med. mil. 37, 226-31 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 340 (1881). 57. Lacerda, J. B. de. Permanganate of potash em- ployed as antidote to snake venom. Compt. rend. 93, 466-68 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 491 (1881). 58. Mitchell, S. W., and Eeichert, E. T. A partial study of the poison of the Heloderma suspectum (Cope), the Gila monster. Trans. Coll. Physicians Phila. 6, 255-66 (1881-83). Index Medicus 5, 551 (1883). 59. Okabe Eioyei, ?. The treatment of snake bite. Tokei Zasshi, September 5, 1881. Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 60. Pietra Santa, ?. Antidote to cobra venom. J. hyg. 6, 373 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 491 (1881). 61. Remedios Montiero, J. Potassium permanganate ver- sus snake venoms. Gaz. med. Bahia 4, 197-99 (1881-82). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 62. Schuler, W. M. Snake bites. Med. Gaz. 8, 292 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 491 (1881). 63. Stevenson, J. Mosquito bite. Edinburgh Med. J. 27, 692 (1881-82). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 64. Stevenson, J. Stinging caterpillars. Edinburgh Med. J. 27, 697 (1881-82). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 65. Thin, G. Mosquito bites. Lancet 2, 398 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 539 (1881). 66. Viaud-Grand-Marais, A. Venomous snakes. Diet, encyel. sci. med. 9, 387- 417 (1881). Index Medicus 3, 584 (1881). 1882 67. Aldridge, E. A. Snake bite, inflicted by the bamboo snake. China Imp. Customs. Med. Eept. No. 22, 9 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 433 (1882). 68. Aron, T. Experimental studies with snake poison. Centr. klin. Med. 3, 481-84 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 45-46 (1883). ANIMAL VENOMS 69. Badaloni, G. The value of permanganate of potash as an antidote for the venom of snakes. T. Gamberine & E. Parmeggi- ani: Bologna, 1882. Index Medicus 4, 187, 339, 383 (1882). 70. Barry, A. L. Something new; nitric acid a remedy for stings and poisons. Southern Med. Becord 12, 2 nQgo\ Index Medicus 4, 94 (1882). 71. Binz, ?. On Indian snake poison. Sitz.-ber. nied.-rhein. Ges. Natur. Heilk. Bonn 4, 169-71 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 438 (1883). 72. Codty, ?. Potassium permanganate as an antidote to the poison of Bothrops. Compt. rend. 94, 1198-1201 ( 1882} J. Che'm. Soc. 42, 879 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 291 (1882). 73. Couty, ?. The action of venins. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 3, 214-18 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 495 (1883). 74. Darwin, R. T. Snake bite; recovery. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 159 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 433 (1882). 75. Driout, ?. Report of the Council of Health of the Army on the treatment of bites of the horned snakes. Rec. mem. med. mil. 38, 420-24 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 490 (1882). 76. Eijk, J. H. van. Snake poisoning and the rem- edy used for it. Volksvlijt No. 9-10, 257-75 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 495 (1883). 77. Fayrer, J. Destruction of life in India by poisonous snakes. Nature 27, 205-8 (1882-83). Index Medicus 5, 87 (1883). 78. Gubarev, P. M. Description of the poison of the fish Fuku. Med. pribav. morsk. sborniku, September, 1882, pp. 62-66. Index Medicus 5, 439 (1883). 79. Gunning, J. D. Case of snake bite; recovery. Brit. Med. J. 2, 888 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 580 (1882). 80. Gunning, J. D. Case of snake bite; recovery. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 294 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 46 (1883). 81. Hasselt, A. W. M. van. Spider poison. Nederland. Tijdschr. Geneesk. 2, 57-70 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 580 (1882). 82. Heddon, J. Apis mellifica; its poison. Homoeop. Physician 2, 185-87 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 83. Jolly, W. H. Case of snake bite. Southern Pract. 4, 204 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 383 (1882). 84. Josso, ?. Viper bite; serious accidents; use of jaborandi; cure. Gaz. hebd. med. 19, 835 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 87 (1883). 85. Joyeux-Laffuie, ?. On the venom apparatus and the venom of the scorpion (Sc. oecitanus). Compt. rend. 95, 866-69 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 580 (1882). 86. Lacerda, J. B. de. The action of alcohol and of chloral on snake venom. Uniao med. 2, 76-83 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 242 (1882). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 87. Lacerda, J. B. de. The action of alcohol and of chloral on snake venom. Uniao med. 2, 109-16 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 291 (1882). 88. Long, A. Case of death from snake bite. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 294 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 46 (1883). 89. McReddie, G. D. A case of snake bite; treat- ment with permanganate of potash. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 267 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 46 (1883). 90. Ott, I. Rattlesnake virus; its rela- tions to alcohol, ammonia, and digitalis. Arch. Med. 7, 134-41 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 243 (1882). 91. Ott, I. The physiological action of the venom of the copperhead snake Trigonocephalus contor- trix. Virginia Med. Monthly 9, 629-34 (1882-83). Index Medicus 5, 235 (1883). 92. Podolski, A. Bite of a viper; recovery. Medycyna 10, 471-73 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 434 (1882). 93. QUATREFAGES, ? DE. Note on permanganate of pot- ash, considered as antidote for the venom of snakes, with re- gard to a publication of M. J. B. de Lacerda. Compt. rend. 94, 488-90 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 94. QUATREFAGES, f DE. Note on permanganate of pot- ash, considered as antidote for snake venom. France med. 1, 319-21 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 243 (1882). 95. Richards, V. Experiments with permanga- nate of potash in snake poison- ing. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 1-5 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 188 (1882). 96. Richards, V. A case of snake bite; hypo- dermic injection of permanga- nate of potash. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 44 (18821 Index Medicus 4, 243 (1882). 97. Richards, V. Experiments with permanga- nate of potash in snake poison- ing. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 57-60 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 292 (1882). 98. Richards, V. Experiments with permanga- nate of potash in snake poison- ing. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 85-87 (1882^ Index Medicus 4, 339 (1882). 99. Richards, V. Permanganate of potash and liquor potassae in snake poi- soning. Lancet 1, 1097 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 434 (1882). 100. Richards, V. Further experiments with per- manganate of potash, liquor potassae, and iodine, in cobra poisoning. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 199-202 /1QOO\ Index Medicus 4,490-91 (1882). 101. Richards, V. Notes on Dr. Wall's mono- graph on cobra and daboia poisons. Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 239-59 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 46 (1882). 102. Robin, E. On the possibility of preven- tion of poisoning by maddened animals, stings, and snake bites. Gaz. med. Algerie 27, 162-65 ( 1882) Index Medicus 5, 46 (1883). ANIMAL VENOMS 103. Roy, G. C. A case of cobra bite; with »pTii 1 7* K Q Indian Med. Gaz. 17, 292-94 (1882). Index Medicus 5, 46 (1883). 104. Savchenko, P. N. Poisoning by fish. Med. pribav. morsk. sborniku, pp. 55-61, September, 1882. Index Medicus 5, 439 (1883). 105. Sereins, ?. Viper bite; treatment by hypo- dermic injection of carbolic acid; rapid cure. Union med. 33, 1062 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 434 (1882). 106. Shortt, J. Snake poison, treated success- fully with liquor potassae; with remarks. Lancet 1, 725 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 339 (1882). 107. Vulpian, ?. Experimental studies relative to the action of permanganate of potash on venoms, viruses, and zymotic diseases. Compt. rend. 94, 613-17 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 243 (1882). 108. Vulpian, f. Experimental studies relative to the action of permanganate of potash on venoms, viruses, and zymotic diseases. France med. 1, 385-88 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 292 (1882). 109. Vulpian, ?. Experimental studies relative to the action of potassium per- manganate on venoms, viruses, and zymotic diseases. J. pharm. chim. 6, 100-104 (1882). Index Medicus 4, 491 (1882). 1883 110. Anonymous. Poisonous fishes. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1, 621 (1883). 111. Anonymous. Death from the sting of a bee. Lancet 1, 1059 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 386 (1883). 112. Anonymous. A fatal spider bite. Med. News 43, 307 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 495 (1883). 113. Anonymous. Alleged death from the sting of a wasp. Lancet 2, 322 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 551 (1883). 114. Anonymous. Note on some specimens show- ing the lesions of snake venom. Polyclinic 1, 154 (1883-84). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 115. Aron, T. Experimental studies on snake venom. Z. klin. Med. 6, 332-60 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 438 (1883). 116. Aron, T. Experimental studies on snake venom. Z. klin. Med. 6, 385 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 494 (1883). 117. Badaloni, G. The poison of the viper, and permanganate of potash. (Communication to the Med. Soc. of London in an English translation by Dr. I. Owen) Lancet 1, 768-70 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 338 (1883). 118. Badaloni, G. The bite of the viper, and per- manganate of potash. Arch, atti soc. ital. chir. 1, 27-46 (1883). Index Medicus 6, 203 (1884). 119. Blyth, A. W. Poisons; their effects and de- tections. London, 1883. Index Medicus 6, 51, 98 (1884). 120. Bories, E. Rattlesnake poisoning treated by permanganate of potash. Polyclinic 1, 57 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 551 (1883). BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 121. Browne, C. W., and Smyth, S. Case of snake bite and recov- ery. Lancet 1, 716 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 287 (1883). 122. Capparelli, f. Investigations on the venom of Triton cristatus. Arch. ital. biol. 4, 72-80 (1883). Index Medicus 6, 51 (1884). 123. Carpenter, G. H. Iodine an antidote for snake bite. Med. News 42, 441 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 287 (1883). 124. Creed, J. M. Australasian snake bite, fear as a factor in producing many of the symptoms following. Australasian Med. Gaz. 3, 224-29 (1883-84). Index Medicus 6, 509 (1884). 125. Croft, H. H. Rattlesnake poison. Chem. News 46, 165 (1883). J. Chem. Soc. 44, 104 (1883). 126. Driout, ?. Permanganate of potash in the treatment of horned viper bite. Gaz. med. Algerie 28, 50 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 338 (1883). 127. Fletcher, E. A study of some recent experi- ments on serpent venom. Am. J. Med. Sci. 86, 131-46 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 386, 438 (1883). 128. Freire de Carvalho, N. A ease of remarkable cure by permanganate of potash in a single bite of a jararaea. Gaz. hosp. 1, 189-93 (1883). Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 129. Hocker, E. T. Bee sting. Nashville J. Med. Sci. 32, 69 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 495 (1883). 130. Ingals, E. Bites of serpents. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1, 249 (1883). 131. Joyeux-Laffuie, J. "Venom apparatus and the ven- om of the scorpion, anatomic, physiologic, and pathologic study. Paris, 1883. Index Medicus 5, 494 (1883). 132. Kelp, ?. On snake poison and the viper. Blatter geriehtl. Med. 34, 194-99 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 287 (1883). 133. Lacerda Filho, ?. The action of the venom of the Crotalus. Ann. brasil. med. 35, 5-8 (1883-84). Index Medicus 5, 607 (1883). 134. Mitchell, S. W. Eemarks upon some recent in- vestigations in the venom of serpents. Lancet 2, 94 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 495 (1883). 135. Mitchell, S. W., and Eeichert, E. T. A partial study of the poi- son of Heloderma suspectum (Cope); the Gila monster. Med. News 42, 209-12 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 182, 287 (1883). 136. Mitchell, S. W., and Eeichert, E. T. Preliminary report on the ven- oms of serpents. Med. News 42, 469-72 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 287 (1883). 137. Mitchell, S. W., and Eeichert, E. T. A partial study of the poison of Heloderma suspectum, the Gila monster. N. Y. Med. J. 37, 520-23 (1883). Index Medicus 5, 338 (1883). ANIMAL VENOMS 138. Nicholson, E. Statistics of deaths from snake bite. Brit. Med. J. 2, 448 (1883). Index Medieus 5, 551 (1883). 139. Pasquier, H. Prognosis and treatment for snake poisoning. Paris, 1883. Index Medieus 5, 338 (1883). 140. Remy, C. Poisonous fishes of Japan. Mem. Soc. Biol. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1, 560 (1883). 141. Richards, V. Dr. Baldoni on the permanga- nate of potash. Lancet 2, 461 (1883). Index Medieus 5, 552 (1883). 142. Schaumont, ?. Note on the treatment of the bites of horned vipers. Arch. med. pharm. mil. 2, 99-101 (1883). Index Medieus 5, 607 (1883). 143. Turner, P. A case of rattlesnake bite. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med. 1, No. 12, 12-14 (1883-84). Index Medieus 6, 456 (1884). 144. Vinke, H. H. Quinine in serpent bites. St. Louis Cour. Med. 10, 572 (1883). Index Medieus 6, 52 (1884). 145. Wall, A. J. Indian snake poisons; their nature and effects. London, 1883. Index Medieus 5, 338 (1883). 146. Wuth, E. M. A suggestion as to the modern treatment of snake poisoning. Australian Med. J. 5, 60-64 (1883). Index Medieus 5, 287 (1883). 147. Yamawaki Gi, ?. On poisoning by the fugu fish (Tetrodon). Iji Shinbun, May 5, 1883. Index Medieus 5, 495 (1883). 1884 148. Badaloni, G. On the real question, whether permanganate of potash is the antidote to the venom of ser- pents, and a new study on the fangs of vipers. Resoc. accad. med.-chir. Nap- oli 37, 211-16 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 353 (1884). 149. Badaloni, G. The viper and its venom. Boll. sci. med. Bologna 13, 166-240 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 353 (1884). 150. Badaloni, G. The wound poisoned by the ef- fect of vipers, scorpions, and spiders. E. Sonzogno: Milan, 1884. Index Medieus 6, 606 (1884). 151. Badaloni, G. Venomous fangs of the viper and the nature of its venom. Riv. ital. terap. ig. 4, 229-36 (1884). Index Medieus 7, 127 (1885). 152. Blyth, A. W. On old and modern poison lore. Med. Times Gaz. 2, 139-43 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 456, 508 (1884). 153. Bufalini, G. On viper venom. Riv. chim. med. farm. 1, 480-82 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 203 (1884). 154. Bullen, G. Antidote to snake poison. Indian Med. J. 3, 261 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 456 (1884). 155. Burgess, E. A. A fatal case of snake poison- ing. Lancet 1, 831 (1884). Index Medieus 6, 300 (1884). 156. Calmels, ?. The venom of batrachians. Compt. rend. 98, 536 (1884). J. Chem. Soc. 46, 764 (1884). 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 157. Calmels, G. On the venom of batrachians. Compt. rend. 98, 536-39 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 203 (1884). 158. Cablet, G. On hymenoptera venom and the secreting organs. Compt. rend. 98, 1550 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 159. Cobleigh, E. A. Peculiar effects of bee stings. Cincinnati Med. News 13, 649 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 606 (1884). 160. Edwards, J. Poisoning by fish. Brit. Med. J. 1, 10 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 98 (1884). 161. Eisler, B. Common viper bites and the results. Wien. med. Presse 25, 1026 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 509 (1884). 162. Ellzet, M. G. The venomous snakes of the United States and the treat- ment of their bites. Virginia Med. Monthly 11, 249-54 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 557 (1884). 163. Fayrer, J. On the nature of snake poison; its effects on living creatures, and the aspect of the treat- ment of the poisoned. Lancet 1, 195, 239, 288-90 (1884); Brit. Med. J. 1, 205-10 (1884); Med. Times Gaz. 1, 146-48 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 155, 203 (1884). 164. Fayrer, J. On the nature of snake poison; its effects on living creatures, and the present aspect of treatment of the poisoned. J. Bale & Sons: London, 1884. Index Medicus 6, 300 (1884); Index Medicus 7, 127 (1885). 165. Fayrer, J. Conference on the nature of snake venom, its effects on living organisms, and the method of treatment of those who have been exposed to its action. Arch. med. nav. 42, 36 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 456 (1884). 166. Fuller, F. C. Rattlesnake poisoning in New York. Med. Eecord 26, 137 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 167. Gatjtier, A., and Etard, ?. Observation on a note by M. Calmels on the venom of ba- trachians. Compt. rend. 98, 631 (1884). J. Chem. Soc. 46, 764 (1884); Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 168. Gressin, L. Contribution to the study of the venom apparatus and poi- sons of the genus "Vive" (Trachinus draco, T. vipera, T. radiatus, T. araneus). Paris, 1884. Index Medicus 6, 508 (1884). 169. Hinsdale, G. The lesions of snake venom. Med. News 44, 454 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 170. House, J. A. The poison of serpents. Eeleet. Med. Advocate 1, 42, 72 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 171. Lacerda, J. B. DE. Lessons on the venom of Bra- zilian serpents and on the treatment of the poisonous bites by permanganate of pot- ash. A. Vapeur: Rio de Janeiro, 1884. Index Medicus 7, 177 (1885). 172. Long, A. Fatal case of poisoning by Bungarus caeruleus. Brit. Med. J. 1, 407 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). ANIMAL VENOMS 11 173. MacGowan, D. J. Porpoise poison. China Imp. Customs Med. Eept. 27, 12 (1884). Index Medicus 7, 127 (1885). 174. Menger, E. Essay on injurious insects, par- asites, and reptiles of Texas. Texas Cour.-Kec. Med. 2, 262- 70 (1884-85). Index Medicus 7, 127 (1885). 175. Mullek, F. The range of both types of viper in Switzerland. Verhandl. naturforsch. Ges. Basel 7, 300-324 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 176. O'Hara, W. Eeport on two fatal cases of scorpion sting. Indian Med. Gaz. 19, 72-76 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 301 (1884). 177. Osawa Kenji, f. On poisoning by tetrodon fish. Iji Shinbun No. 122, May 25, 1884. Index Medicus 6, 557 (1884). 178. Pennavaria, F. The virulence of viperine teeth. Eiv. ital. terap. ig. 4, 345-47 (1884). Index Medicus 7, 128 (1885). 179. Prochorov, P. The poisonous character of some kinds of lamprey. Vrach 5, 54 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 301 (1884). 180. Eichards, V. Snake poison. Lancet 1, 552 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 181. Eomiti, G. Symptoms in a fatal case of viper bite. Eiv. clin. Bologna 4, 26-39 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 354 (1884). 182. Eomiti, G. Anatomic investigations on a case of death from viper bite. Arch. ital. biol. 5, 37-46 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 509 (1884). 183. Schreiber, J. On fish poisoning. Berl. klin. Wochschr. 21, 161, 183 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 253 (1884). 184. Spalding, A. M. Eattlesnake bite. N. Y. Med. J. 40, 66 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 185. Tompkins, H. H. Spider bite, with severe symp- toms. Med. Bull. 6, 207 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 509 (1884). 186. Urueta, E. On the action of snake venom — physiological, toxicological, and therapeutic. Paris, 1884. Index Medicus 6, 405 (1884). 187. Williamson, C. Treatment of snake bite. Kansas Med. J. 2, 55-57 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 203 (1884). 188. WOLFENDEN, E. N. Eeport of some investigations into the chemical nature and physiological action of cobra poison. Indian Med. Gaz. 19, 247-52 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 606 (1884); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 3, 604 (1884). 189. Yarrow, H. C. Case of poisoning from the bite of a copperhead (Ancis- trodon contortrix Linn.). Am. J. Med. Sei. 88, 422-35 (1884). Index Medicus 6, 203, 456 (1884). 1885 190. Anrep, V. K. Poisoning by fish and poison- ous fish. Vrach 6, 213-16 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 273 (1885). 12 BIBLIOGBAPEY OF 191. Anrep, V. K. Fish poison. B. V. Chavkin: Charkoff, 1885. Index Medicus 7, 421 (1885). 192. Backhouse, J. B. Notes of a case of bite of a tiger snake, followed by re- covery. Australian Med. J. 7, 538-41 (1885). Index Medicus 8, 145 (1886). 193. Badaloni, G. On the venom apparatus of the viper. Eaccoglitore med. 24, 93-107 (1885). Index Medicus 8, 50 (1886). 194. Bert, P. Scorpion venom. (Scorpio oc- citanus.) Compt. rend. soc. biol. 2, 574 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 470 (1885). 195. Bertherand, A. Scorpion stings. Gaz. med. Algerie 30, 173-75 (1885). Index Medicus 8, 96 (1886). 196. Bottard, ?. Note on the sting of the "vive." Compt. rend. soc. biol. 2, 23-26 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 321 (1885). 197. Bufalini, G. A reaction of the venom of the toad. Boll. soc. tra cult. sei. med. Siena 3, 154 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 421 (1885). 198. Cowley, L. M. Snake bites. Cron. med.-quir. Habana 11, 262-66 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 321 (1885). 199. Estrada, K. Sting of the "turicata" (Argas turicata). Observation at the hospital of Guanajuato, Mexi- co. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 2, 216- 19 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 321 (1885). 200. Leahy, A. Curious symptoms the result of snake bite. Indian Med. J. 4, 475 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 517 (1885). 201. McKie, T. J. Bromide of potassium in snake bites. Trans. S. Carolina Med. Assoc, pp. 113-15 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 517 (1885). 202. Pellacani, P. Eesistance of venoms to pu- trefaction. Bizzoni: Pavia, 1885. Index Medicus 7, 321, 421 (1885). 203. Pouchet, ?, and Bovier-Lapierre, ?. Note on the effects of bee venom on plant tissues. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 2, 457 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 517 (1885). 204. Prudden, T. M. Myxo-sarcoma of the thumb, following the sting of a wasp. Med. Eecord 27, 218 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 128 (1885). 205. Bake, B. A case of snake bite. Brit. Med. J. 2, 1112 (1885). Index Medicus 8, 96 (1886). 206. Eamsdell, C. Spider bite. Trans. Texas Med. Assoc. 17, 145-54 (1885). Index Medicus 7, 517 (1885). 207. ElCHARDS, V. The landmarks of snake-poison literature, being a review of the more important researches into the nature of snake poi- sons. D. M. Traill: Calcutta, 1885. Index Medicus 8, 145 (1886). 208. Smith, B. H. A ease of rattlesnake bite suc- cessfully treated with per- manganate of potash. Atlanta Med. Surg. J. 2, 338-40 (1885-86). Index Medicus 7, 421 (1885). ANIMAL VENOMS 13 209. Thompson, L. T. Notes on Australian snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 5, 139 (1885-86). Index Medicus 8, 303 (1886). 210. WOLFENDEN, E. N. Notes of a research upon the nature of cobra poison. Indian Med. Gaz. 20, 339-41 (1885). Index Medicus 8, 96 (1886). 1886 211. Anrep, V. Poisoning by fish and fish poison. Sbornik rabot. proizved. lab. V. K. Anrepa 1, 87-100 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 103 (1887). 212. Badaloni, G. Permanganate of potash ver- sus viper poison. Arch, atti soc. ital. chir. 2, 54-58 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 451 (1886). 213. Banerjee, E. P. Case of snake poisoning. Indian Med. Gaz. 21, 366 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 310 (1887). 214. Bidwell, W. D. A rattlesnake bite; recovery. Kansas City Med. Index 7, 551 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 551 (1886). 215. Bienenpeld, B. Antidotes for snake poison. Pop. Sci. Monthly 29, 124 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 247 (1886). 216. Briggs, J. E. Lycopus virginicus for the bite and sting of reptiles and insects. Trans. Texas Med. Assoc, pp. 163-65 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 46 (1887). 217. Chatin, J. Venom. N. Diet. med. chir. prat. Paris 39, 1-8 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 145 (1886). 218. Chatin, J. Vipers. N. Diet. med. chir. prat. Paris 39, 512-16 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 145 (1886). 219. Drysdale, A. Crotalus, or rattlesnake poi- son; its sphere of action and usefulness. Med. Press and Circ. 42, 494-97 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 75 (1887). 220. Durham, A. F. Bite of a copper-belly snake. Southern Med. Eecord 16, 365-67 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 598 (1886). 221. Giavanoli, G. Poisoning of domesticated ani- mals by snake bite. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 28, 1-12 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 195 (1886). 222. Gresswell, G. Eecent physiological investi- gation on the action of snake poison, and on permanganate of potash as an antidote to its effects. Med. Press and Circ. 41, 511 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 402 (1886). 223. Gresswell, G. Eecent physiological investi- gation on the action of snake poison, and on permanganate of potash as an antidote to its effects. Vet. J. Ann. Comp. Path. 22, 395-99 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 598 (1886). 224. Heidenschild, W. Investigation on the effect of the venom of the cobra and rattlesnake. Karow: Dorpat, 1886. Index Medicus 8, 402, 502 (1886). 225. Heidenschild, W. Investigation on the effect of the venom of the cobra and rattlesnake. Laakmann: Dorpat, 1886. Index Medicus 9, 46 (1887). 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 226. Hood, A. J. Notes on Australian snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 6, 265 (1886-87). Index Medicus 9, 563 (1887). 227. Horn, A. Investigation of the venom glands of spiders. Ber. oberhess. Ges. Natur-u. Heilk. Giessen Naturw. Abt. 24, 25-53 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 403 (1886). 228. Leidy, J. Remarks on parasites and scorpions. Trans. Coll. Physicians Phila. 8, 441-43 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 598 (1886). 229. McCalman, H. On the treatment of phoorsa bite by pangla root, with il- lustrative case. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bom- bay 8, 38-40 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 451 (1886). 230. Obolonski, N. Venom of tarantula. Sbornik rabot. proizved. lab. V. K. Anrepa 2, 57-62 (1886- 87). Index Medicus 9, 563 (1887). 231. Richet, C. Poisons and temperature. Rev. sci. 37, 10-17 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 96 (1886). 232. Savtschenko, P. Atlas of venomous poisons; descriptions of the symptoms produced by them on the hu- man organism, and of anti- dotes to be used. V. S. Balashev: St. Peters- burg, 1886. Index Medicus 9, 208 (1887). 233. Spofforth, J. L. A case of poisoning by eating part of a toadfish. Australasian Med. Gaz. 6, 266 (1886-87). Index Medicus 9, 563 (1887). 234. Terrier, f. Report on an observation of Monsieur E. Pluyette, en- titled: "Bites of the viper, serious phenomena; cure." Bull. mem. soc. chir. Paris 12, 779-82 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 103 (1887). 235. Veth, ?. A case of common viper bite. Wien. med. Wochschr. 36, 10-12 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 196 (1886). 236. Warden, C. J. H. The action of reagents on cobra poison. Indian Med. Gaz. 21, 137-42 (1886). Index Medicus 8, 403 (1886). 237. WOLFENDEN, R. N. On the nature and action of the venom of poisonous snakes. J. Physiol. 7, 327-64 (1886). J. Chem. Soc. 50, 1057 (1886); Index Medicus 8, 502 (1886); Brit. Med. J., January 9, 1886; J. Am. Med. Assoc. 6, 208 (1886). 238. WOLFENDEN, R. N. On "cobric acid," a so-called constituent of cobra venom. J. Phvsiol. 7, 365-70 (1886). J. Chem. Soc. 50, 1057 (1886); Index Medicus 8, 502 (1886). 239. Ziem, ?. Treatment of snake bite. Allgem. med. Centr.-Ztg. 55, 1597-1600 (1886). Index Medicus 9, 103 (1887). 1887 240. Auche, ?, and Guiteau, A. Effects of the thousand-foot "holotarses." Poitou med. 2, 125-30 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 415 (1887). 241. Bachelier, L. Scolopendra and its sting; accidents in man. Paris, 1887. Index Medicus 9, 563 (1887). ANIMAL VENOMS 15 242. Barthelemy, F. Two cases of viper bite, treated successfully with hoang-nan. Gaz. med. Nantes 6, 121-23 (1887-88") Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 243. Chachereau, I. Urine in a case of viper bite followed by death. J. med. ouest 1, 96-98 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 419 (1888). 244. GlRDLESTONE, ?. Case of snake bite. Australian Med. J. 9, 225 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 470 (1887). 245. Gnezda, J. On the poisonous secretion of the Naja tripudians Giinther (Cobra de Capello). Trans. 9th Intern. Med. Congr. 3, 63-67 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 559 (1888). 246. Macridi, P. Observations on the scorpions of Bagdad. Gaz. hop. empire ottoman 1, No. 10, 1 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 219 (1888). 247. Mills, T. W. Snake poison from a chemico- physiologieal point of view. J. Comp. Med. Surg. 8, 38-43 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 103 (1887). 248. Pellacani, P. The resistance of venom to putrefaction. Eiv. sper. freniat. 13, Pt. 2, 237-48 (1887-88). Index Medicus 10, 464 (1888). 249. Pluyette, E. Bite of the spitting viper. Marseille med. 24, 24-34 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 208 (1887). 250. Popoff, A. On fish poison. Voenno-med. Zhur. 158, Pt. 3, 65-84 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 370 (1887). 251. Posado-Arango, A. The venom of the "rana de los indios del Cholo." Anales acad. med. Medellin 1, 69-81 (1887-89). Index Medicus 11, 611 (1889). 252. Prochnov, J. A case of snake bite; treat- ment of poisoned wounds. Gyogyaszat No. 40, 1887. Index Medicus 10, 103 (1888); Pest, med.-chir. Presse 23, 932 (1887). 253. Eichards, V. Toxic principles of snake venoms. Indian Med. Gaz. 22, 353 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 219 (1888), 254. Kigby, P. A. Case of cobra bite; cure. Indian Med. Gaz. 22, 365 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 219 (1888); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 10, 616 (1888). 255. Roch£, L. Observation of viper bite. Bull. soc. med. Yonne 27, 49-55 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 48 (1888). 256. Rudeck, E. On and against snake and fly (?) poison. O. Parrisius: Berlin, 1887. Index Medicus 9, 369, 470 (1887). 257. Sewall, H. Preventive inoculation of rat- tlesnake venom. J. -Physiol. 8, 203-10 (1887). J. Chem. Soc. 54, 1326 (1888); Index Medicus 9, 516 (1887). 258. Sewall, H. Experiments on the preventive inoculations of rattlesnake venom. Trans. 9th Intern. Med. Congr. 3, 388 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 560 (1888). 259. Simsohn, J. S. Two cases of fish poisoning. Polyclinic 5, 111 (1887-88). Index Medicus 9, 563 (1887). 16 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 260. Uribe Angel, M. Snake bite. Anales acad. med. Medellin 1, 8G-89 (1887-89). Index Medicus 11, 611 (1889). 261. Warden, C. J. H. Cobra poison. Chem. News 54, 197-99, 209-11 (1887). J. Chem. Soe. 52, 170 (1887). 262. Wilson, J. P. A. Fish poisoning. Brit. Med. J. 2, 992 (1887). Index Medicus 10, 48 (1888). 263. Yarrow, H. C. Recurrence of symptoms of poisoning after snake bite. Med. News 50, 623 (1887). Index Medicus 9, 370 (1887). 1888 264. Alcock, ?. A case of venomous bite by Echis carinata. Indian Med. Gaz. 23, 175-81 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 265. Alexander, ?. On fish poisoning with intro- duction of cases. Breslau. aerztl. Z. 10, 25-28 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 219 (1888). 266. Alexander, ?. On fish poisoning with intro- duction of cases. Jahresber. schlesisch. Ges. Vaterland. Cultur 65, 42-49 ( 1888^ Index Medicus 10, 619 (1888). 267. Anonymous. Demand and supply in snakes. Indian Med. Gaz. 23, (1888). J. Am. Med. Assoc. 11, 395 (1888). 268. Blackwood, W. R. D. As to snake bites. Med. Reg. 3, 272 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 275 (1888). 269. Blackwood, W. R. D. Treatment of snake bites. Med. Surg. Reporter 59, 74 nggg\ Index Medicus 10, 419 (1888). 270. Carhart, J. W. Permanganate of potash in the treatment of rattlesnake bite and the stings of venom- ous insects. Texas Cour.-Rec. Med. 6, 131 /I QOQ_QQ\ Index Medicus 11, 195 (1889). 271. Carlet, G. The venom of hymenoptera with the smooth sting and the existence of a poison chamber in the honey bee. Compt. rend. 106, 1737-40 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 419 (1888). 272. Carter, H. V. Two cases of snake bite (end- ing fatally with unusual symp- toms). Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bom- bay 11, 4-14 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 273. Constance, A. Poisoners — poisoned. "Venoms and poisons, their production and functions during life; dangers and use for man. J. Rothschild: Paris, 1888. Index Medicus 10, 47 (1888). 274. Creed, J. M. Fear as a factor in producing many of the alarming symp- toms following the bite of Australian snakes. Trans. Intercolon. Med. Congr. Australasia 1, 36-46 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 375 (1888). 275. Desmond-Sicard, ?. Trigonocephalus bite, treated 27 hours after the accident and followed by cure. Arch. med. nav. 50, 153 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 276. Early, C. R. Treatment of snake bites. Coll. Clin. Record 9, 192 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). ANIMAL VENOMS 17 277. Faulkner, A. Notes of a case of supposed cobra bite. Trans. Med. Phys. Soc. Bom- bay 11, 1-3 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 278. Feoktistow, A. E. A preliminary report on the effect of snake venom on the animal organism. St. Petersburg, 1888 (Eeprint from Mem. Acad. imp. sci. 36). Index Medicus 11, 244 (1889). 279. Gaston, J. McF. A case of snake bite in At- lanta, Ga., treated by injection of permanganate of potash. Brooklyn Med. J. 1, 413-25 /I ggg\ Index Medicus 10, 324 (1888). 280. Geossich, ?. Snake bite with severe poison- ing symptoms; cure. Pest, med.-chir. Presse 24, 1098 (1888). Index Medicus 11, 51 (1889). 281. Kaufmann, C. Snake bite. Corr.-Bl. sehweiz. Aerzte 18, 592-99 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 619 (1888). 282. Knoch, J. On poisonous fishes and on the means to prevent poison- ing by them. J. Treu: St. Petersburg, 1888. Index Medicus 10, 559 (1888). 283. Knoch, J. On poisonous fishes and on the means to detect the poison. Voenno-med. Zhur. 161, Pt. 3, 399 (1888). Voenno-med. Zhur. 162, 1, 147, 181 (1888). Index Medicus 11, 103 (1889). 284. MacLoskie, G. The poison apparatus of the mosquito. Am. Naturalist 22, 884-88 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 619 (1888). 285. McCall, A. B. Whiskey and clay poultice in snake bite. Med. Standard 3, 100 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 219 (1888). 286. Mosso, A. A venom in the blood of Mu- renides. Arch. ital. biol. 10, 141-69 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 619 (1888). 287. Mosso, A. The poisonous effect of the serum of the Murenides. Arch, exptl. Path. Pharmakol. 25, 111-35 (1888-89). Index Medicus 11, 51 (1889). 288. Mueller, A. On the action of snake poison and the use of strychnine as an antidote. Australian Med. J. 10, 196-210 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 464 (1888). 289. Mueller, A. On the pathology and cure of snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 8, 41 (1888-89). Index Medicus 11, 51 (1889). 290. Mueller, A. On the pathology and cure of snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 8, 68, 209 (1888-89). Index Medicus 11, 399 (1889). 291. Mueller, A. Dr. A. Feoktistow's researches on snake poison. Australasian Med. Gaz. 8, 283-85 (1888-89). Index Medicus 11, 556 (1889). 292. Parker, W. N. Note on the poison organs of Trachinus. Anat. Anz. 3, 873 (1888). Index Medicus 11, 51 (1889). 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 293. Pfihl, ?, and Badet, f. Venomous bite (trigonocepha- lus) in the middle of the left hand at the articulation of the first and second phalanges; septicemic accidents; treat- ment with permanganate of potash, method of Lacerda; cure. Arch. med. nav. 49, 311-16 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 324 (1888). 294. Eobekts, J. C. Snake bite, recovery. Southern Pract. 10, 374-76 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 511 (1888). 295. Sanarelli, G. The one peculiar change in the nucleated red cell produced by the venom of "scorpio europaeus." Boll. sez. cult. sci. med. accad. fisiocrit. Siena 6, 202-7 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 464 (1888). 296. Schilling, ?. Snake bites. Deut. med. Ztg. 9, 867 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 560 (1888). 297. Sharp, W. H. Wounds from the bite of the common copperhead snake (Trigonocephalus contortrix). Guillard's Med. J. 45, 380-85 Index Medicus 10, 276 (1888). 298. Sobbe, ?. VON. A remarkable case of fish poisoning. Berl. klin. Wochschr. 26, 137 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 196 (1889). 299. Staderini, C. On the anesthetic effect of the venom in the skin of the toad. Boll. sez. cult. sci. med. accad. fisiocrit. Siena 6, 267-81 (1888). Index Medicus 11, 104 (1889). 300. Staderini, C. On the anesthetic effect of the venom in the skin of the toad. Ann. ottal. clin. ocul. 17, 424- 38 (1888-89). Index Medicus 11, 237 (1889). 301. Tarchanoff, I. R. Venom in animal and human organism and to antagonize it. A. S. Suvorina: St. Peters- burg, 1888. Index Medicus 10, 559 (1888). 302. Walker, J. G. van de. Treatment of snake bite. Chicago Med. Times 20, 499- 501 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 619 (1888). 303. Watkins, B. D. A case of gangrene from snake bite? New Orleans Med. Surg. J. 16, 303-6 (1888-89). Index Medicus 10, 560 (1888). 304. Yarrow, H. C. Snake bite and its antidote. [Experiments with crotalus venom and reputed antidotes, with notes on the saliva of Heloderma (Gila monster).] Forest and Stream 30, 307 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 324 (1888). 305. Yarrow, H. C. Eeptiles, poisonous. New York, 1888. [Ref. Hdbk. Med. Sci., pp. 165-74 (1888).] Index Medicus 10, 324 (1888). 306. Yarrow, H. C. Snake bite and its antidotes. Albany Med. Ann. 9, 204-12 (1888). Index Medicus 10, 464 (1888). 1889 307. Anonymous (Initials V., H. de). Physiologic action of viper venom, according to M. Kauf- mann. Eev. sci. 44, 401-3 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 611 (1889). 308. Archangelski, V. J. On treatment of persons bitten by snakes, spiders, and scor- pions by subcutaneous injec- tions of potassium hyperman- ganate. Med. Obozr. 32, 1129-31 (1889). Index Medicus 12, 198 (1890). ANIMAL VENOMS 19 309. Baikd, J. C. A tarantula bite. Daniel's Texas Med. J. 5, 55-57 (1889-90). Index Medieus 11, 507 (1889). 310. Barthelemy, F. Two cases of viper bite treated successfully with hoang-nan. J. med. ouest 2, 59-66 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 344 (1889). 311. Bottard, L. A. The venom apparatus of fish. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 1, 131- 38 (1889); Compt. rend. 108, 534-37 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 244 (1889). 312. Bottard, L. A. "Venomous fish. Contribution to naval hygiene. Havre, 1889. Index Medieus 11, 458 (1889). 313. Bottard, L. A. Venomous fish. Contribution to naval hygiene. O. Doin: Paris, 1889. Index Medieus 12, 309 (1890). 314. Callias, H. Note on a case of severe poi- soning by viper venom, with subsequent cure. Bull. soc. med. prat., pp. 371-80 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 344 (1889). 315. Carhart, J. D. Snake bites — a correction. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 13, 612 (1889). 316. Dutarte, A. Investigations on the action of the venom of the terrestrial salamander (S. maculosa). Compt. rend. 108, 683-85 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 294 (1889). 317. Escard, L. Repeated accidents from the bite of a horned viper; treat- ment by hypodermic injections of permanganate of potash; cure. Arch. med. pharm. mil. 13, 203-7 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 244 (1889). 318. Frohner, ?. Therapy of snake bites. Monatsh. prakt. Tierheilk. 1, 5-9 (1889-90). Index Medieus 12, 47 (1890). 319. Garde, H. C. Notes on three cases of snake bite treated by subcutaneous injection of strychnine. Australasian Med. Gaz. 9, 157 (1889-90). Index Medieus 12, 487 (1890). 320. Hopkins, H. H. Snake bite and alcohol. Med. Record 36, 431 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 555 (1889). 321. Jones, L. J. The poison of the rattlesnake. Med. Surg. Reporter 61, 61-63 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 459 (1889). 322. Katjfmann, M. Viper venom. G. Masson: Paris, 1889. Index Medieus 11, 399 (1889); Bull. soc. centr. med. vet. 6, 187-90 (1889). 323. Lafitte, ?. Viper bites. Mem. bull. soc. med. chir. Bor- deaux, pp. 354-58 (1889). Index Medieus 12, 310 (1890). 324. Leadman, A. D. H. Fatal result of a wasp sting. Brit. Med. J. 2, 658 (1889). Index Medieus 11, 508 (1889). 325. Lincecum, L. G. Snake bites. Southern Pract., September, 1889. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 13, 452 (1889). 326. Maynard, F. P. Antipyrine in a case of sus- pected snake bite. Practitioner 43, 435-37 (1889). Index Medieus 12, 47 (1890). 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 327. Memminger, W. M. A case of rattlesnake bite, seen ten minutes after the accident; recovery. Med. News 55, 291 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 508 (1889). 328. Mitchell, S. W. The poison of serpents. Century 37, 503-14 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 459 (1889). 329. Mosso, U". Investigation on the nature of the venom found in the blood of the eel. Rend, accad. nazl. Lincei 5, 80-84 (1889); Arch. ital. biol. 12, 229-36 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 555 (1889). 330. Mueller, A. On the pathology and cure of snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 9, 179-82 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 611 (1889). 331. Pain, F. Case of snake bite cured by strychnine. Australasian Med. Gaz. 9, 125 (1889-90). Index Medicus 12, 310 (1890). 332. Phisalix, C. New experiments on the ven- om of the terrestrial salaman- der. Compt. rend. 109, 405-7 (1889). Index Medicus 11, 556 (1889). 333. Phisalix, C, and Langlois, L. 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A case of snake bite. Hahnemannian Monthly 25, 237-39 (1890). Index Medicus 12, 310 (1890). 355. Cree, H. E. Case of snake bite. Army Med. Dept. Eepts. 30, 386-88 (1890). Index Medicus 12, 588 (1890). 356. Dutarte, A. On the venom of the terres- trial salamander. Compt. rend. 110, 199-201 (1890). Index Medicus 12, 147 (1890). 357. Forbes, H. F. Two eases of snake bite treat- ed with strychnine. Australasian Med. Gaz. 10, 141 (1890-91). Index Medicus 13, 193 (1891). 358. Hoffmann, L. Snake bite. Deut. Z. Tiermed. 17, 44-57 (1890-91). Index Medicus 12, 535 (1890). 359. Holmes, L. S. Case of snake bite treated with strychnine. Australasian Med. Gaz. 10, 224 (1890-91). Index Medicus 13, 401 (1891). 360. Karlinski, J. The pathology of snake bites. Fortschr. Med. 8, 617-29 (1890). Index Medicus 12, 535 (1890). 361. MacDonald, R. Strychnine in snake bite. Australasian Med. Gaz. 10, 168 (1890-91). Index Medicus 13, 296 (1891). 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 362. MclNTYRE, J. A case of snake bite. 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Preliminary report on the pos- sibility of standardizing anti- venomous sera. Bull. Organ. Hvg. Soc. Nations 7,832-37 (1938); Communs. inst. seroterap. etat danois 28, Paper No. 32 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 16, 2042 (1942) 20535; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 716 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 138 (1939). 3257. Isemonger, R. M. Snake collecting and snake bite. Cape Naturalist 1, 165-70 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 12, 1304 (1938) 14077. 3258. Iyengar, N. K., Sehra, K. B., and Mukerji, B. Studies on the protease of co- bra venom. Indian J. Med. Research 26, 487-96 (1938). C. A. 33, 6888' (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 18 (1939) 188; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 323 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 667 (1938). 3259. Iyengar, N. K., Sehra, K. B., Mukerji, B., and Chopra, R. N. Choline esterase in cobra ven- om. Current Sci. (India) 7, 51-53 (1938). C. A. 33, 752' (1939); Brit. Chem. Phvsiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 921' (1938). 3260. Johlin, J. M. Attenuation of toxins by inter- facial adsorption. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 38, 568-69 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 12, 758 (1938) 8362; Brit. Chem. Phvsiol. Abstracts 1938, A, 768 (1938). 3261. Johnson, C. M. A new method for stripping venomous snakes. Am. J. Trop. Med. 18, 385-86 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 12, 1304 (1938) 14078; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 678 (1938). 3262. Jones, S. R. Honey and bee venom in al- lergy. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 110, 1856-57 (1938). ANIMAL VENOMS 235 3263. Kalning, O. Quick action of calcium injec- tion in threatening condition after bee sting. Fortschr. Therap. 14, 447-48 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 685 (1938). 3264. Katser, C. Variations in the respiratory- quotient as a function of the partial pressure of carbon di- oxide in some species of poiki- loderma. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 128, 83- 85 (1938). C. A. 32, 6343s (1938). 3265. Kellaway, C. H. The symptomatology and treat- ment of the bites of Australian snakes. Med. J. Australia 25, 585-89 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 13, 507 (1939) 5164; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 690 (1938). 3266. Kelly, R. J. Treatment of herpes simplex with moccasin venom. Arch. Dermatol. Syphilol. 38, 599-602 (1938). C. A. 33, 733s (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. Ill, 1964 (1938). 3267. Kirby-Smith, H. T. Black widow spider bites. J. Tenn. State Med. Assoc. 31, 357-61 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 703 (1938). 3268. Klein, A. Cobra venom in therapy of ta- betic gastric crises with lanci- nating pain. Casopis Lekaru Ceskych 77, 367-68 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 758 (1939). 3269. Klobtjsitzky, D. von. The action of heterologous ven- om antiserums on the venom of several Bothrop species of snakes. Z. Immunitatsforsch. 94, 300- 311 (1938). C. A. 33, 13874 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 438 (1939) 4467; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 760 (1939). 3270. Klobusitzky, D. von. Identification of unknown snake venoms. Deut. Z. ges. gerichtl. Med. 30, 156-67 (1938-39). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1941, A III, 383 (1941); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 760 (1939). 3271. Klobusitzky, D. von, and Konig, P. Further immunological studies on the coagulation-enhancing substance in the toxin of Both- rops jararaca. Z. Immunitatsforsch. 92, 418-30 (1938). C. A. 32, 6727" (1938); Biol. Abstracts 13, 90 (1939) 864; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 743 (1938). 3272. Klobusitzky, D. von, and Konig, P. Biochemical studies of the poi- sons of the snake, genus Both- rops. V. The nitrogen and sul- fur contents of bothropotoxin. Z. physiol. Chem. 255, I-III (1938). C. A. 33, 652' (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 944 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 706 (1938). 3273. Kondo, H., and Ohno, S. Constituents of "senso." VI. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 15-18 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A II, 382 (1939). 3274. Kondo, H., and Ohno, S. Constituents of "senso." VII. New constituent of native toad poison: F3-bufotalin. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 102-3 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, All, 438 (1939). 236 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3275. Kondo, H., and Ohno, S. Constituents of "senso." VIII. Ozonization of aeetyl-^-deaee- tylbufotalin. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 232-34 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, All, 438 (1939). 3276. Kondo, H., and Ohno, S. Constituents of "senso." Cino- bufotalidin, a substance accom- panying cinobufagin. J. Pharm. Soc. Japan 58, 235-37 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A II, 438 (1939). 3277. Kotake, M., and Kubota, T. Toad poisons. VIII. The con- stitution of gamabufotalin. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Eeseareh (Tokyo) 34, 824-31 (1938). C. A. 32, 79208 (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A II, 416 (1938). 3278. Kroner, J., Lintz,R., Tyndall, M., Anderson, L., and Nicholls, E. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with an injectable form of bee venom. Ann. Internal Med. 11, 1077-83 (1938). C. A. 32, 30282 (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 334 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 753 (1938); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 110, 1143 (1938). 3279. Kubota, T. Chemical studies of the poison- ous substance of the toad. VIII. The constitution of gama- bufotalin. J. Chem. Soc. Japan 59, 255-61 (1938). C. A. 32, 90927 (1938). 3280. Kuwada, K. Chemical studies on the poison- ous substance of the toad. IX. Separation of the poisons of Ch'an Su (Senso). J. Chem. Soc. Japan 59, 650-54 (1938). C. A. 32, 90931 (1938). 3281. Lacassagne, A., and Router, M. Influence of imbibition on the sensitivity of the venom of Vipera aspis to X-rays. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 129, 434- 37 (1938). C. A. 33, 1038s (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 1272 (1939) 12697; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 96 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 777 (1939). 3282. Laurent, P. Attempt at experimental re- production of the poisoning caused by "processionnaire du pin" (Thaumeotopea pythio- campa Fabricius). J. physiol. path. gen. 36, 1097- 1107 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 788 (1939). 3283. Lederle Laboratories, Inc. Purifying toxins, antitoxins, antivenoms, bacterial anti- gens, antibacterial serums, etc. Brit. 493,101 (September 30, 1938) corresponds to TJ. S. 2,123,198. C. A. 33, P22855 (1939). 3284. Lepow, S. Some reactions of slime mold protoplasm to certain alka- loids and snake venom. Protoplasma 31, 161-79 (1938). C. A. 33, 3419" (1939). 3285. Lesser, M. Therapeutic venoms. Drug & Cosmetic Ind. 43, 286- 89 (1938). C. A. 32, 85679 (1938). 3286. Link, T. Influence of snake venoms on blood coagulation. III. Aus- tralian snake venoms. Z. Immunitatsforsch. 92, 133- 40 (1938). C. A. 32, 59232 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 13, 91 (1939) 875; Brit. Chem. Phvsiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 780 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 797 (1938). ANIMAL VENOMS 237 3287. LlVRAMENTO, F. Animal toxins. Eev. med. Pernambuco 8, 239- 45 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 824 (1939). 3288. Loewenstein, W. Effects of snake venoms and saponins in man. Wien. klin. Wochschr. 51, 302- 6 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 431 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 810 (1938). 3289. Loiseleur, J. Variations of the viscosity of antivenom serum in the pres- ence of its antigen. Compt. rend. 207, 186-89 (1938). C. A. 32, 79922 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 772 (1938). 3290. Loiseleur, J. Specific antitoxic action of counter-antigens of venoms. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 129, 172-76 (1938). C. A. 33, 10318 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 772 (1938). 3291. Loiseleur, J. Flocculating power of counter- antigens. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 129, 250-53 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 772 (1938). 3292. Loiseleur, J. On the detoxicating power of counter-antigens. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 129, 358-60 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1346 (1939) 13454; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 826 (1939). 3293. Loiseleur, J. Specific antitoxic power of the counter-antigens of venoms. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 129, 440-43 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 826 (1939). 3294. Lowe, E. C. Bee venom for rheumatism. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 110, 1946 (1938). 3295. Lumiere, A., and Meyer, P. Does the scorpion fish (Scor- paena porcus) secrete a ven- om? Compt. rend. soc. biol. 127, 328-30 (1938); Avenir med. 35, 97-98 (1938). C. A. 32, 38325 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 742 (1938) 8179; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 1041 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 815 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 776 (1938). 3296. Lutembacher, R. The action of toad venom on the heart. Presse med. 46, 1469-71 (1938). C. A. 33, 4323" (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 18 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 784 (1938); J. Am. Med. Assoc. Ill, 2054 (1938). 3297. Luzsa, E. Treatment of trachoma with trachozid (snake- and bee- venom preparation). Orvosi Hetilap 82, 1024-26 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 784 (1938). 3298. Macht, D. I. Therapeutic experiences with cobra venom. Ann. Internal Med. 11, 1824-33 (1938). C. A. 32, 50772 (1938); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 110, 2111, 2112 (1938). 3299. Macht, D. I., and Macht, M. B. Cobra venom relieves pain. Am. Assoc. Advancement Sci., Meeting, December, 1938. Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 62 (1939). 238 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3300. MACKINNON, J. E. Accidents caused by spider bites; cutaneous-gangrenous and hemolytic araehnidism. Arch. Uruguay, med. cirug. y especial. (Montevideo) 13, 575- 80 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 849 (1939). 3301. Magalhaes, O. de. Scorpionism. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 41, 393-99 (1938). C. A. 33, 3456» (1939) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 851 (1939). 3302. Magalhaes, O. de, and Tupynamba, A. Scorpionism. Preliminary note. Brasil-medico 52, 651-52 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 795 (1938). 3303. Manes, A. J. Venom of the cobra in ocular lesions. Congr. arg'entina oftalmol., 1936, 2, 603-5 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 803 (1938). 3304. Marco, R. de. Influence of "trachinus" poi- son on ability of the frog gas- trocnemius to perform work. Riv. biol. 25, 225-34 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 190 (1939). 3305. Marx, W., and Peck, S. M. Cataphoretic separation of toxic components of moccasin venom. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 38, 84-86 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 12, 244 (1939) 3220; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 522 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 853 (1938). 3306. Mason, C. T. Case of black widow spider bite treated with calcium in- travenously. Nebraska State Med. J. 23, 389 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 811 (1938). 3307. Michaux, ?. Treatment of obstructions of retinal vessels by retro-bulbar injections of acetylcholine fol- lowed by intramuscular injec- tions of cobra venom. Bull. soc. ophtalmol. Paris 50, 605-14 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 909 (1938). 3308. Micheel, F., and Bode, G. The neurotoxin of cobra ven- om. Naturwissenschaften 26, 298- 99 (1938). C. A. 32, 71304 (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 608 (1938). 3309. Micheel, F., and Bode, G. Snake venoms. VI. Ber. 71B, 1302-3 (1938). C. A. 32, 7471s (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1584 (1938) 17018; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 669 (1938). 3310. Micheel, F., and Bode, G. Snake venoms. VIII. Ber. 71B, 2653-57 (1938); Ber. 72B, 68-72 (1939). C. A. 33, 17432 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 278 (1939). 3311. Micheel, F., and Schmitz, H. Snake venoms. IV. Ber. 71B, 703-5 (1938). C. A. 32, 46168 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1584 (1938) 17017; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 431 (1938). 3312. Micheel, F., and Schmitz, H. Snake venoms. VII. Ber. 71B, 1446-48 (1938). C. A. 32, 8455' (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1584 (1938) 17019; Brit. Chem. Phvsiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 739-40 (1938). ANIMAL VENOMS 239 3313. Minagawa, T. The detoxicating hormone of the liver (Yakriton).LXXXVI. Further report on the effect of yakriton on snake venom. Change of blood picture. Tohoku J. Exptl. Med. 32, 177-89 (1938). C. A. 32, 4215" (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 402 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 899 (1938). 3314. Mody, S. H. Aphasia and complete right hemiplegia after scorpion bite. Indian Med. Gaz. 73, 285 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 859 (1938). 3315. Mookerjea, N. Indian snake venoms. Science and Culture 4, 154-59 (1938). C. A. 33, 10027 (1939). 3316. Nedved, M. Cobra-venom therapy of tri- geminal neuralgia. Casopis Lekafii Ceskych pp. 774-78 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 888 (1938). 3317. Nicholls, E. E. Bee-sting therapy in rheuma- toid arthritis. N. Y. State J. Med. 38, 1218-20 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1941, A III, 919 (1941); J. Am. Med. Assoc. Ill, 1698 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 909 (1938). 3318. Nitzesco, I., Timus, D., and An- GELESCO, C. On the antitoxic power of Vitamin C. Bull. acad. med. Boumanie 6, 781-82 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 14, 420 (1940) 4464. 3319. Nordin, F. Alarming symptoms develop- ing after bee sting. Svenska Lakartidn. 35, 1810- 11 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 914 (1938). 3320. Pepeu, F. Animal venoms in therapy. Deut. med. Wochschr. 64, 1109- 11 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 975 (1938). 3321. Phisalix, M. Natural immunity of venom- ous species and its mechan- isms. Bull. acad. med. (Paris) 119, 464-74 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1045 (1938). 3322. Phisalix, M. Physiological action of ven- oms. Bev. path. comp. hyg. gen. 38, 774-83 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 991 (1938). 3323. Bichter, M. Urticaria from insect bites. J. Am. Med. Assoc. Ill, 557 (1938). 3324. Bichter, E. Belation between toxicity and intestinal action of snake ven- om and bee poison. Arch, exptl. Path. Pharmakol. 189, 172-87 (1938). C. A. 33, 46688 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 12, 745 (1938) 8215; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 75*5 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1090 (1938). 3325. Eobinson, H. M., Jr. Case of acute urinary reten- tion following bite of black widow spider. Bull. School Med., Univ. Mary- land 22, 117-20 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1156 (1938). 240 BIBLIOGEAPEY OF 3326. Rotter, W. Contribution to the pathology and histology of ophidism. Virchow's Arch. path. Anat. 301, 409-16 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1168 (1938). 3327. Eottmann, A. Treatment of neurosyphilis with cobra toxin. Wien. med. Wochschr. 88, 1257- 61 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 180 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1184 (1939). 3328. Rousseau, E., and Pascal, J. Action of the lysoeithins of cobra and viper venoms on the streptococcus cell. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 128, 63-65 (1938). C. A. 32, 75018 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1393 (1938) 15002; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 700 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1106 (1938). 3329. Rousseau, E., and Pascal, J. Comparison of the oxidation- reduction powers of lysoleci- thin from cobra venom and of glutathione. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 128, 514-16 (1938). C. A. 38, 551P (1944); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 739 (1938); Chem. Zentr. 1943, II, 1562 (1943); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1106 (1938). 3330. Roy, A. C. Lipolytic activity of the ven- oms (cobra and Russell's vi- per). Indian J. Med. Research 26, 249-57 (1938). C. A. 33, 42787 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 12, 134t (1938) 14421; Brit. Chem. Phvsiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 92 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1107 (1938). 3331. Roy, A. C, and Chopra, R. N. Some biochemical characteris- tics of snake venom. Indian J. Med. Research 26, 241-48 (1938). C. A. 33, 4278° (1939); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1341 (1938) 14420; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 90 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1107 (1938). 3332. Sacchi, P. Active immunity of the rabbit with bee venom. Boll. soc. intern, microbiol., Sez. ital. 10, 211-13 (1938). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1348 (1939) 13477; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1190 (1939). 3333. Salvi, P. Experimental poisoning by snake venom. Proteolysis by poisoning with the venom from a viperine snake. Boll. soc. naturalisti Napoli 49, 49-55 (1938). C. A. 34, 70101 (1940) ; Chem. Zentr. 1939, I, 1407 (1939). 3334. Schottler, W. H. A. The venoms of Vipera latasti and Vipera lebetina. Z. Hvg. Infektionskrankh. 120, 408-34 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1196 (1938). 3335. Schwab, R. The chemistry of bee poison. Chem.-Ztg. 62, 655-57 (1938). C. A. 32, 85992 (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 815 (1938). 3336. Schwab, R. Bee venom as a therapeutic agent. Georg Thieme: Leipzig, 1938. J. Am. Med. Assoc. Ill, 88 (1938). 3337. Sergent, E. Antiscorpion serum. Bull. acad. med. (Paris) 119, 254-57 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1212 (1938). ANIMAL VENOMS 241 3338. Sergent, E. Scorpion venom and antiscor- pion serum. Arch. inst. Pasteur Algerie 16, 257-78 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1228 (1939). 3339. Shulov, A. On poison of scorpions in Pal- estine. Harefuah 15, Nos. 1 and 2 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1154 (1938). 3340. Siemens, H. H. Investigations on the venoms of bastards of European poi- sonous snakes. Med. Klin., pp. 186-87 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1223 (1938). 3341. Slotta, K., and Forster, W. Snake venoms. IV. Determina- tion of the sulfur-containing structural units. Ber. 71B, 1082-88 (1938); Mem. inst. Butantan (Sao Paulo) 12, 513-21 (1938-39). C. A. 32, 79476 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1585 (1938) 17025; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 29, 973 (1941). 3342. Slotta, K., Forster, W., and Fraenkel-Conrat, H. Snake venoms. V. The sulfur- containing units of cobra ven- om. Ber. 71B, 1623-25 (1938). C. A. 32, 8455* (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1585 (1938) 17026; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 815 (1938). 3343. Slotta, K. H., and Fraenkel- Conrat, H. L. Snake venoms. II. Nature of the sulfur union. Ber. 71B, 264-71 (1938). C. A. 32, 34374 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1585 (1938) 17023; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A II, 151 (1938). 3344. Slotta, K., and Fraenkel-Conrat, H. L. Two active proteins from rat- tlesnake venom. Nature 142, 213 (1938). C. A. 32, 74923 (1938); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 815 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1167 (1938). 3345. Slotta, K. H., and Fraenkel- Conrat, H. L. Snake venoms. III. Purifica- tion and crystallization of rattlesnake venom. Ber. 71B, 1076-81 (1938); Mem. inst. Butantan (Sao Paulo) 12, 505-12 (1938-39). C. A. 32, 7946" (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1585 (1938) 17024; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 590 (1938) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 29, 973 (1941). 3346. Slotta, K. H., and Szyszka, G. Snake venoms. I. Determina- tion of the toxic, coagulase, and lecithinase values and in- fluencing of the venom by physical and chemical means. Ber. 71B, 258-63 (1938). C. A. 32, 3435s (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1585 (1938) 17022; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 335 (1938). 3347. Stahnke, H. L. Venomous effects of some Ari- zona scorpions. Science 88, 166-67 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 944 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1191 (1938). 3348. Swett, W. F. Snake venom, its use in post- operative hemorrhage of the eye. Calif, and Western Med. 48, 173-74 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1304 (1938); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 110, 1707 (1938). 242 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF 3349. Taguet, C. The cure of algias by cobra venom. Eev. path. comp. hyg. gen. 38, 784-89 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicua 24, 1242 (1938). 3350. Tarabini-Castellani, G. The presence of diffusion fac- tors in some animal venoms. Arch. ital. med. sper. 2, 969-78 (1938). C. A. 33, 88164 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1329 (1939). 3351. Tin, K. Effects of snake poisons on Ca and K contents of rabbit se- rums. Taiwan Igakkai Zasshi 37, 106-32 (1938). C. A. 34, 74353 (1940) ; Japan. J. Med. Sci. IV. Phar- macol. 12, No. 1, Abst. 43-44 (1939). 3352. Trappen, P. von der. Treatment of hay fever with Forapin. Therap. Gegenwart 79, 44-45 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1361 (1938). 3353. Tripp, A. B. Arachnida bite of genital area; case report. Memphis Med. J. 13, 106-7 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1364 (1938). 3354. Upham, E. Gastrointestinal symptoms of Araneida. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 31, 593-97 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1339 (1938). 3355. Upham, E., and Klein, S. The Araneida: an analysis of their use in homeopathy with emphasis on their gastroin- testinal symptoms including notes on the Acarus phenome- non. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 31, 197-213 (1938). C. A. 32, 4219s (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1416 (1938). 3356. Varela, G., and Sanchez Posada, E. Protection with specific se- rums against the venom of t"he scorpion. Medicina (Mexico) 18, 311-12 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1363 (1938). 3357. Varela, G., and Sanchez Posada, E. Study of the action of the venom of the Guerrero scor- pion (Centruroides limpidus limpidus Karsch) on sedimen- tation rate. Arch, latino-am. cardiol. hema- tol. 8, 133-37 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1363 (1938). 3358. Vellard, J. J. Property of the venom of La- chesis erythromelas, a little- known species of snake from northeastern Brazil. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 127, 38 (1938). C. A. 32, 26306 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1225 (1938) 13259; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1447 (1938). 3359. Vellard, J. J. Properties of the venoms of the principal species Of Ven- ezuelan snakes. Ann. inst. Pasteur 60, 511-48 (1938). C. A. 32, 63392 (1938); Biol. Abstracts 12, 1100 (1938) 11806; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 669 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1447 (1938). ANIMAL VENOMS 243 3360. Vellard, J. J. Geographical variations in the venom of Crotalus terrificus. Eev. soc. argentina biol. 14, 409-21 (1938). C. A. 33, 2918' (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 406 (1939) 4160; Compt. rend. soc. biol. 130, 463-64 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 415-16 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1455 (1939). 3361. Waterman, J. A. Scorpion poisoning in Trini- dad. Trans. Eoy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 31, 607-24 (1938). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1938, A III, 522 (1938); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 1482 (1938). 3362. Wolff, K. The question of bee venom iontophoresis. Med. Welt 12, 710 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 24, 1416 (1938). 3363. Yano, I. An experimental study on globefish (Pugu) intoxication. Japan. J. Med. Sci. VIII. In- ternal Med., Pediat. Psychiat. 5, 99-101 (1938). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1473 (1939). 1939 3364. D'Abreu, A. E. Poisoning by bite from Bun- garus caeruleus with recovery. Indian Med. Gaz. 74, 94-95 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 388 (1939). 3365. Ainlay, G. W. The use of bee venom in the treatment of arthritis and neu- ritis. Nebraska State Med. J. 24, 298 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 90 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1022 (1939). 3366. Allen, F. M. Observations on local meas- ures in treatment of snake bite. Am. J. Trop. Med. 19, 393-404 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 97 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 113, 1169 (1939). 3367. Allyn, W. E. Icterus gravis neonatorum. J. Am. Inst. Homoeopathy 32, 674-76 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 98 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1485 (1939). 3368. Alvaro, M. E. Snake venom in ophthalmol- ogy. Am. J. Ophthalmology 22, 1130-46 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 99 (1939). 3369. Amuchastegui, S. E. Action of cobra venom on the heart and circulation. Eev. soc. argentina biol. 15, 194-201 (1939). C. A. 35, 4499s (1941); Biol. Abstracts 14, 69 (1940) 701; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 1086 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 104 (1939). 3370. Amuchastegui, S. E. Action of yarara (viper) ven- om on the heart and circula- tion. Eev. soc. argentina biol. 15, 202-7 (1939). C. A. 35, 4499' (1941); Biol. Abstracts 14, 69 (1940) 702; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939; A III, 1086 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 104 (1939). 3371. Artemov, N., and Soloveva, O. The action of bee venom is similar to that of atropine. Bull. biol. med. exptl. U.E.S.S. 7, 440-43 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 28, 106 (1940). 244 BIBLIOGEAPHY OF 3372. Arthus, A., Provoost, M., and de Sacy, G. S. Attempt at immunization with some paravenins. Ann. physiol. physiochim. biol. 15, 776-84 (1939). C. A. 34, 2914' (1940); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 444 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 127 (1940). 3373. Azam, H. Tentative study of scorpion venom. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 32, 385-89 (1939). C. A. 33, 6958' (1939). 3374. Barbeatj, A., and Laurendeau, E. Immediate results in the treat- ment of essential epilepsy by cobra venom. Union med. Canada 68, 363-74 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 177 (1939). 3375. Basu, U. P. Observations on scorpion sting and snake bite. Am. J. Trop. Med. 19, 385-91 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 182 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 113, 1169 (1939). 3376. Benson, E. L. Diagnosis of hypersensitive- ness to the bee and to the mos- quito. With report on success- ful specific treatment. Arch. Internal Med. 64, 1306- 27 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 14, 649 (1940) 6860; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 190 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 114, 526 (1940). 3377. Bertrand, G., and Vladesco, E. Hyperglucemic effect of cobra venom in the guinea pig and rabbit. Compt. rend. 209, 585-87 (1939). C. A. 34, 1395" (1940); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 156 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 196 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1379 (1939). 3378. Bertrand, G., and Vladesco, E. The hyperglucemic action of snake venoms. Compt. rend. 209, 818-21 (1939). C. A. 34, 17359 (1940); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1941, A III, 42 (1941); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 163 (1940). 3379. Binet, L., and Burstein, M. Investigation of bee venom. Presse med. 47, 1477-78 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 169 (1940). o380. Binet, L., Weller, G., and Eobil- lard, E. Action of glutathione and other sulfhydryl compounds on cobra venom in vitro. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 131, 954-56 (1939). C. A. 33, 8796' (1939); Biol. Abstracts 16, 630 (1942) 6946; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 1089 (1939) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 203 (1939). 3381. Binet, L., Weller, G., and Eobil- lard, E. Action of some sulfhydryl compounds on bee venom. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 131, 1120-22 (1939). C. A. 33, 9441s (1939); Biol. Abstracts 15, 2196 (1941) 23634; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 226 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 203 (1939) ■ Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1261 (1939). ANIMAL VENOMS 245 3382. Block, R. J., Bolling, D., Brand, F. C, and Schein, A. The composition of keratins. The amino acid composition of hair, wool, horn, and other eukeratins. J. Biol. Chem. 128, 181-86 (1939). C. A. 33, 3825' (1939). 3383. Bobeau, G. Attempts at medical antican- cer treatment with snake ex- tracts. Rev. path. comp. hyg. gen. 39, 407-14 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 244 (1939). 3384. Boquet, P. Role of copper in attenuation of viper venom (Vipera aspis) with hydrogen peroxide. Compt. rend. 208, 770-72 (1939). C. A. 33, 50721 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 255 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 441 (1939). 3385. Boquet, P. Role of infinitesimal quanti- ties of copper in the attenua- tion of Vipera aspis venom by hydrogen peroxide. Compt. rend. soe. biol. 131, 7-10 (1939). C. A. 33, 69544 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 14, 1410 (1940) 14644; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 253 (1939). 3386. Boquet, P. On the role of infinitesimal quantities of copper in the attenuation of cobra venom (Naja tripudians) by hydro- gen peroxide. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 131, 1207-9 (1930). Biol. Abstracts 15, 2197 (1941) 23636; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 226 (1940) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 253 (1939). 3387. Bormann, F. VON. Poisonous snakes on the coasts of Cameroon. Arch. Schiffs-Tropen-Hyg. 43, 73-79 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1055 (1939) 10633; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 256 (1939). 3388. Brooks, G. A chemical and spectrographic study of the fluorescence of snake venom. Compt. rend. 209, 248-50 (1939). C. A. 33, 8220' (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 1089 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 278 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 989 (1939). 3389. Broussy, J. Histochemical reactions of the granular venom of the toad parotid gland. Arch. soc. sci. med. biol. Mont- pellier et Languedoc 20, 498-99 (1939). C. A. 34, 4747' (1940). 3390. Cacciapuoti, R. Fatal poisoning from bite of the Mygalidae. Rass. san. A. O. I. 1, 37-42 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 243 (1940). 3391. Castro, H. L. Venom of certain Mexican spe- cies of scorpions. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 32, 340-43 (1939). C. A. 33, 5509s (1939). 3392. Cawston, F. G. Snake bites in South Africa « with special reference to their solid and grooved teeth. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 42, 97-98 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 324 (1939). 246 BIBLIOGBAPEY OF 3393. Cesari, E., and Boquet, P. Mechanism of the detoxifica- tion of Vipera aspis venom by formaldehyde. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 130, 19-22 (1939). C. A. 33, 29181 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 14, 1547 (1940) 16064; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 616 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 330 (1939). 3394. Cesari, E., and Boquet, P. Colorless venom of Vipera as- pis. Ann. inst. Pasteur 63, 592-99 (1939). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 140 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 274 (1940). 3395. Cesari, E., and Boquet, P. Rapid production of (Vipera aspis) antiserum in rabbits by means of anavenom. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 132, 363-65 (1939). C. A. 34, 24446 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 274 (1940). 3396. Chain, E. Inhibition of dehydrogenases by snake venom. Biochem. J. 33, 407-11 (1939). C. A. 33, 6889° (1939) ; Biol. Abstracts 13, 1081 (1939) 10850; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 623 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 331 (1939). 3397. Chargaff, E., and Cohen, S. S. Lysophosphatides. J. Biol. Chem. 129, 619-28 (1939). C. A. 33, 7827s (1939); Biol. Abstracts 14, 1253 (1940) 13045; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 327 (1939). 3398. Chopra, R. N., and Chowhan, J. S. Snake bites and their treat- ment in India; management of sequelae and complications. Indian Med. Gaz. 74, 422-32 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 339 (1939). 3399. Cornil, L., Paillas, J. E., and Chouquet, J. Contribution to the study of bee venom on the central ner- vous system and on the per- ipheral nerves. Ann. anat. path, et anat. nor- male med.-chir. 16, 908-18 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 364 (1939). 3400. CORNILLEAU, R. The biological action of toad venom. Presse med. 47, 340-41 (1939). C. A. 33, 78992 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 373 (1939). J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112, 2214 (1939). 3401. CORTEGGIANI, E. Formation of acetylcholine in the brain in vitro in the pres- ence of methylene blue and cobra venom. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 131, 883-87 (1939). C. A. 33, 8299" (1939) ; Biol. Abstracts 15, 1313 (1941) 14606; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 365 (1939). 3402. Costa, R. S., and Salveraglio, F. J. Preliminary note on cutaneous arachnidism in Uruguay. Arch. Uruguay, med., cirug. y especial. (Montevideo) 14, 417-30 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 366 (1939). ANIMAL VENOMS 247 3403. De, S. S. Studies on hemolysin of cobra venom. I. Investigation on isolation of hemolysin from cobra venom. Indian J. Med. Eesearch 27, 531-36 (1939). C. A. 34, 47504 (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 470 (1940) 4970; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 527 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 27, 324 (1940); Squibb Abstract Bull. 13, 194 (1940). 3404. Derevici, A., and Brauner, R. Contributions to the histo- pathological study of the le- sions produced by bee venom. Bull. acad. med. Roumanie 8, 264-73 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 14, 440 (1940) 4679; Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 26, 396 (1939). 3405. Derevici, A., and Derevici, M. Study of bee venom. Rev. gtiint. med. 28, 1-32 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 25, 408 (1939). 3406. Derevici, A., and Derevici, M. Humoral changes provoked by bee venom. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 130, 1150-52 (1939). C. A. 33, 55045 (1939) ; Biol. Abstracts 13, 1313 (1939) 13148; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 866 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 26, 396 (1939). 3407. Derevici, A., Derevici, M., and Gingold, N. Changes in corpuscle count and hemoglobin produced by bee venom. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 130", 1152-54 (1939). C. A. 33, 55049 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 1313 (1939) 13149; Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 26, 396 (1939). 3408. Dorris, J. W. Diagnosis and treatment of black widow spider bite. Memphis Med. J. 14, 7-9 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 25, 435 (1939). 3409. Duek, H. Cobra venom for dysmenor- rhea. Hora med. (Rio de Janeiro), p. 65 (1939). Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 441 (1939). 3410. Duran-Reynals, F. A spreading factor in certain snake venoms and its relations to their mode of action. J. Exptl. Med. 69, 69-81 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 248 (1939) 2529; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 510 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 25, 444 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112, 672, 673 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 62 (1939). 3411. Faber, M. Nature and action of snake venom. Bibliot. Laeger 131, 255-63 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 26, 488 (1939). 3412. Falk, R. M. Rattlesnake venom. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 113, 1055 (1939). 3413. Fatzer, H. Serious thrombocytopenia pur- pura after insect stings. Folia Haematol. 63, 145-54 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 28, 349 (1940). 3414. Favilli, G. The nature of the diffusing factor of animal venoms. Arch. ital. med. sper. 4, 929-38 (1939). C. A. 37, 6341s (1943); Quart. Cum. Index Medieus 27, 419 (1940). 248 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3415. Finlayson, M. H., and Grobler, J. M. A stable standard for cobra antivenene. S. African Med. J. 13, 9-12 (1939). C. A. 33, 94491 (1939) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 527 (1939). 3416. Finlayson, M. L., and Smithers, E. Harpacterella lightfooti as a cause of spider bite in the Union. S. African Med. J. 13, 808-10 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 15, 602 (1941) 6801; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 431 (1940). 3417. Gagliardi, G. Therapeutic possibilities of the scorpion venoms. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 32, 332-40 (1939). C. A. 33, 5509s (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 533 (1939). 3418. Gautrelet, J. The mechanism of hypotension following injections of cobra venom. Bull. acad. med. (Paris) 122, 412-17 (1939). C. A. 34, 4458' (1940) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 463 (1940). 3419. Gautrelet, J., and Corteggiani, E. A comparative study of the liberation of acetylcholine from brain tissue in vitro by cobra and Vipera aspis ven- oms, lysocithin, and saponin. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 131, 951-54 (1939). C. A. 33, 8299' (1939) ; Biol. Abstracts 16, 358 (1942) 4091. 3420. Ghosh, B. N., and De, S. S. Proteins of rattlesnake venom. Nature 143, 380-81 (1939). C. A. 33, 3832' (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 597 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 569 (1939). 3421. Ghosh, B. N., De, S. S., and Bhat- TACHARYA, D. P. Investigations on the isolation of the active principles from the venoms of Bungarus fasci- atus and Vipera russellii. Indian J. Med. Besearch 26, 753-58 (1939). C. A. 33, 88184 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 598 (1939) 6050; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 616 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 569 (1939). 3422. Ghosh, B. N., De, S. S., and Bay, P. C. Separation of the coagulating principle from the other ac- tive substances present in the venom of Vipera russellii. Science and Culture 4, 738-39 (1939). C. A. 33, 7335* (1939). 3423. Ghosh, B. N., Dutt, P. K., and Chowdhury, D. K. Enzymes in snake venom. V. Detection of dipeptidase, poly- peptidase, carboxy-polypepti- dase, and esterase in different snake venoms. J. Indian Chem. Soc. 16, 75-80 (1939). C. A. 33, 6363° (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 722 (1939). 3424. Giqueaux, E. E. Bee sting in the eye. Anales argentinos oftalmol. 1, 23-29 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 29, 448 (1941). 3425. Githens, T. S., and Wolff, N.O'C. The polyvalency of crotalidic antivenins. I. The influence of the composition of polyvalent antigens. J. Immunol. 37, 33-39 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1519 (1939) 15138; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 554 (1939). ANIMAL VENOMS 249 3426. Githens, T. S., and Wolff, N. O 'C. The polyvalency of crotalidic antivenins. II. Comparison of polyvalent crotalidic antivenin with monovalent crotalus d. durissus antivenin. J. Immunol. 37, 41-45 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1722 (1939) 17142; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 554 (1939). 3427. Githens, T.S., and Wolff, N.O'C. The polyvalency of crotalidic antivenins. III. Mice as test animals for the study of anti- venins. J. Immunol. 37, 47-51 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1722 (1939) 17143; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 554 (1939). 3428. Griffin, T. W. Black widow spider bites. J. Florida Med. Assoc. 26, 30- 32 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 577 (1939). 3429. Hahn, G. Bee venom. Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg. 42, 57-64 (1939). C. A. 33, 3898" (1939) ; Brit. Chem. Fhysiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 415 (1939). 3430. Hahn, G. Purified bee poison. U. S. 2,154,934 (April 18, 1939). C. 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Abstracts 1939, A III, 616 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 544 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 614 (1939). 3437. Hanut, C. The effect of certain snake venoms on the coagulation of blood in vivo. Arch, intern, physiol. 48, 1-36 (1939). C. A. 33, 9453" (1939); Biol. Abstracts 14, 944 (1940) 10059; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 614 (1939). 3438. Hanut, C. J. The use of venom of Bothrops atrox as a hemostatic. Le Sang 13, 21-29 (1939). C. A. 34, 5935s (1940); Biol. Abstracts 13, 577 (1939) 5833; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 614 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112, 1300 (1939). 250 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3439. Helfferich, W. M. G. Noteworthy case of snake-bite poisoning. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Nederland.- Indie 79, 40-42 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 636 (1939). 3440. Henderson, D. N. Diagnosis and treatment of functional uterine bleeding. New Intern. Clinics 2, 152 (1939). Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1098 (1939). 3441. Henry, M. J. The antagonistic effects of re- duced glutathione on the anti- coagulant action of cobra ven- om. Arch, intern, phvsiol. 49, 464- 73 (1939). C. A. 34, 55458 (1940) ; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 284 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 530 (1940). 3442. Hiroki, H. On the so-called toxin hyper- sensitivity. Z. Immunitatsforseh. 96, 37-55 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 14, 101 (1940) 1012. 3443. Hoffmann, C. C, and Eoaro, D. N. Second contribution to the study of venoms of Mexican scorpions. Anales inst. biol. (Univ. nacl. Mex.) 10, 83-92 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 15, 1245 (1941) 13877. 3444. Hukuda, S. Studies on the chemical em- bryology of snakes. J. Bioehem. (Japan) 30, 125-34 (1939). C. A. 33, 9458* (1939). 3445. Hukuda, S. Chemical components of the snake egg. J. Bioehem. (Japan) 30, 135-39 (1939). C. A. 33, 9458s (1939). 3446. Jorg, M. E. Poisoning by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Novena reunion Soc. argentina pat. reg. 3, 1563-70 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 705 (1939). 3447. Jovall, T. The action of snake poison on autonomically innervated iso- lated organs. Upsala Lakareforen. Forh. 45, 97-115 (1939). C. A. 34, 59451 (1940). 3448. Kambosseff, S. A case of araehnidism. Zentr. Chir. 66, 1097 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 23, 713 (1939). 3449. Kellaway, C. H. Animal poisons. Ann. Eev. Bioehem. 8, 541-56 (1939). C. A. 33, 69631 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 1449 (1939) 14440; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 718 (1939). 3450. Kent, M. L., and Stahnke, H. L. Effect and treatment of Ari- zona scorpion stings. Southwestern Med. 23, 120 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 743 (1939); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112, 2635 (1939). 3451. Klobusitzky, D. von. Recent results in the chem- istry of animal poisons. Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg. 42, 185-90 (1939). C. A. 33, 50101 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 696 (1939). 3452. KL03USITZKY, D. VON. Production of therapeutic snake venom antitoxins. Wien. klin. Wochschr. 52, 1095-99 (1939). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 339 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 628 (1940). ANIMAL VENOMS 251 3453. Klobusitzky, D. von, and Konig, P. Venom of the genus Bothrops. VI. Arch, exptl. Path. Pharmakol. 192, 271-75 (1939). C. A. 34, 4081s (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 913 (1940) 9764; Quart. Curn. Index Medicus 26, 734 (1939). 3454. Knabe, K. Snake bite of a Cameroon negro by the green tree snake (Dipholidus typus). Arch. Schiffs-Tropen-Hyg. 43, 173-74 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1235 (1939) 12436. 3455. Kobayashi, Y. Pharmacological investigation of "senso," a Chinese drug from the dried skin secretion of the toad; cinobufagin, cino- bufotalin, and cinobufotalidin. Proc. Imp. Acad. (Tokyo) 15, 326-27 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 630 (1940). 3456. Kotake, M. Toad poisons. Chem. Eev. (Japan) 5, 143-48 (1939). C. A. 35, 79719 (1941). 3457. Kotake, M., and Kuwada, K. Chemical research on toad poi- son. X. Chemical constitution of bufalin. Sci. Paper's Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 36, 106-11 (1939). C. A. 33, 7304s (1939) ; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A II, 442* (1939). 3458. Kuwada, K. Chemical studies on the poi- sonous substance of the toad. X. Chemical constitution of cinobufagin. J. Chem. Soe. Japan 60, 45-48 (1939). C. A. 34, 10312 (1940). 3459. Kuwada, K. Chemical studies of the toad poisons. XL Bufalin. J. Chem. Soe. Japan 60, 335-38 (1939). C. A. 35, 51239 (1941). 3460. Kuwada, K., and Kotake, M. Toad poisons. IX. Constitution of cinobufagin. Sci. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Research (Tokyo) 35, 419-24 (1939). C. A. 33, 58618 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A II, 277 (1939). 3461. Lagomarsino, A. Bee venom in the treatment of trachoma. Ann. ottal. clin. ocul. 67, 143- 54 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 753 (1939). 3462. Lauter, W. M., and Griggs, O. J. Investigations on the chemis- try and physiology of the ven- om of the honey bee (Apis mellifica). J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 28, 519- 21 (1939). C. A. 33, 8818' (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 1062 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12„ 1116 (1939). 3463. Leathes, J., and Mellanby, J. The action of lecithin on the thrombokinase of daboia ven- om and of brain extracts. J. Physiol. 96, 39P (1939). C. A. 33, 86472 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 892 (1939). 3464. Lever, R. A. Irritant exudation from a cen- tipede. Nature 143, 78-79 (1939). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 416 (1939). 3465. Lillig, ?. Bee poison and other animal poisons. Scientia Pharm. 10, 87-88 (1939). C. A. 33, 5873' (1939). 252 BIBLIOGBAPEY OF 3466. Loiseleur, J. Antitoxic power of viper ven- om counter-antigen. Compt. rend. boc. biol. 131, 180-82 (1939). C. A. 33, 6955s (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 799 (1939). 3467. Lottee, G. Sensitivity to bee venom from typhus antitoxin and desensi- tization with Forapin. Munch, med. Wochsehr. 86, 330-31 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 828 (1939). 3468. Luna Casteo, H. Venom of certain species of Mexican scorpions. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 32, 340-43 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicua 26, 804 (1939). 3469. Luzsa, f. Treatment of trachoma with Trachozid. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk. 102, 507-11 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 838 (1939). 3470. Macht, D. I. Comparative effect of cobra venom and morphine on some psychological reactions. Med. Press 201, 254-57 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 848 (1939). 3471. Macht, D. I., and Brooks, D. Prolonged administration of cobra venom in relation to kid- ney and liver function. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 41, 418-21 (1939). C. A. 33, 8798' (1939); Biol. Abstracts 13, 1315 (1939) 13166: Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 66 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 821 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1022 (1939). 3472. Macht, D. I., and Macht, M. B. Comparative effects of cobra venom and opiates on vision. J. Exptl. Psychol. 25, 481-93 (1939). C. A. 34, 48011 (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 73 (1940) 740; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 25 (1940) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 821 (1939). 3473. Macht, D. I., and Macht, M. B. Effects of cobra venom and other analgesics on mental effi- ciency. Arch, intern, pharmacodynam- ic 63, 179-88 (1939). C. A. 34, 5168' (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 440 (1940) 4686; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 200 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 702 (1940); Squibb Abstract Bull. 13, 10 (1940). 3474. Macht, D. I., and Macht, M. B. A new method for quantita- tive measurement of pain sen- sation. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 42, 428-32 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 14, 621 (1940) 6604; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 821 (1939). 3475. Macht, M. B. Effect of repeated injections of cobra venom and morphine on behavior of rats in a maze. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 42, 433-36 (1939). C. A. 34, 816' (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 621 (1940) 6605; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 821 (1939). 3476. Macht, M. B. Behavior of rats in a maze in relation to analgesic effects of cobra venom and morphine. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med. 42, 436-38 (1939). C. A. 34, 8171 (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 621 (1940) 6606; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 334 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 821 (1939). ANIMAL VENOMS 253 3477. Mackenna, F. S. Use of bee venom in rheuma- tism. Med. Press 201, 386-90 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 849 (1939). 3478. Madinaveitia, J. Diffusing factors. III. Biochem. J. 33, 1470-77 (1939). C. A. 34, 2053s (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 280 (1940) 2847; Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 1379 (1939). 3479. Magalhaes, O. de. The scorpionic syndrome. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 42, 1-5 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1120 (1939) 11215. 3480. Magalhaes, O. de, and Guimaraes, E. Seorpionism; some statistics and observations of accidents. Mem. inst. biol. Ezequiel Dias 3-4, 137-200 (1939-40). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 35, 551 (1944). 3481. Maier, E. Therapeutic effects of snake venoms. Med. World (London) 57, 181- 85 (1939). C. A. 33, 6958' (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 390 (1939). 3482. Maier, E. Preservation of biological fluids (bacteriophage, vaccines, and venom solutions) with al- ky Id imethylbenzylammonium chloride (Zepherin). J. Baet. 38, 33-39 (1939). C. A. 33, 73352 (1939) : Biol. Abstracts 13, 1356 (1939) 13572; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 826 (1939); Squibb Abstracts Bull. 12, 986 (1939). 3483. Maksianovich, M. I. The venom of Latrodectus tri- decimguttatus as an antigen. The efficacy of the antitoxin in animal experiments. Med. Parazitol. Parazitar. Bo- lezni 8, 51-63 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 15, 453 (1941) 4624. 3484. McKinley, E. B., Draper, W. F., Jr., and Baker, F. C. Stability of mosquito venom in vitro. Proc. Soe. Exptl. Biol. Med. 41, 168 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 1346 (1939) 13455; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 822 (1939). 3485. McPhersox, G. Tetanus and insect bites and stings. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 113, 964 (1939). 3486. Medes, G. The chemistry and metabolism of the compounds of sulfur. Ann. Bev. Biochem. 8, 185-210 (1939). C. A. 33, 68904 (1939). 3487. Micheel, F. Snake venoms. IX. Ber. 72B, 68-72 (1939). C. A. 33, 25487 (1939); Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 138 (1939). 3488. Micheel, F. Snake venoms. X. Formation of thiol groups in the hydroly- sis of snake venoms and pro- teins. Ber. 72B, 397-400 (1939). C. A. 33, 38285 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 395 (1939). 3489. Micheel, F., and Emde, H. Snake venoms. XI. Formation of thiol groups in the hydroly- sis of snake venoms and pro- teins. Ber. 72B, 1724-30 (193$). C. A. 33, 92862 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 314 (1940). 254 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3490. Mukherjee, G. C. Effects of stimuli on frog skele- tal muscle in solution of adren- aline or acetylcholine in Ca and K free Ringer, Ringer, or Ringer in which concentration of Ca or K is varied. Indian Med. Record 59, 365-74 (1939). C. A. 37, 3169* (1943). 3491. Muraz, G. Venomous snakes in Indo- China; association of antigan- grenous to antivenomous se- rum in treatment of viper bites. Presse med. 47, 297-99 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 935 (1939). 3492. Nagai, J., and Pro, T. Fugu (spheroides) poisoning. I. Nitrogen distribution in purified poison. J. Biochem. (Japan) 30, 235-38 (1939). Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 682 (1940). 3493. Nakamura, T. The therapeutic effects of the venoms of poisonous snakes in Taiwan. Acta Japon. Med. Tropical. 1, 155-71 (1939). C. A. 34, 3812" (1940); Biol. Abstracts 15, 2133 (1941) 23008. 3494. Neugebatjer, H., and Schwabe, W. Scorpions and their venoms in pharmacology and homeopath- ic pharmacy. J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy 32, 129-35 (1939). C. A. 33, 3462" (1939). 3495. Oh, J. The effects of Formosa snake venom on coagulation of rab- bits' blood in vitro. Japan. J. Med. Sei. IV. Phar- macol. 12, 31-56 (1939). C. A. 34, 74262 (1940) ; Biol. Abstracts 16, 337 (1942) 3869; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 962 (1939). 3496. Oh, J. The effects of Formosa snake venom in vivo. Japan. J. Med. Sci. IV. Phar- macol. 12, 57-78 (1939). C. A. 34, 74265 (1940); Biol. Abstracts 16, 337 (1942) 3870; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 962 (1939). 3497. Orlandini, P. A case of snake-bite poisoning. Policlinico 46, 1344-45 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 971 (1939). 3498. Pauli-Magnus, ?. Notes on the preceding work of Bormann. Arch. Schiffs-Tropen-Hyg. 43, 80-82 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 13, 981 (1939) 3499. Pecciarini, E. Pharmacology of the venom of Bothrops jararacussu. Boll. soc. ital. biol. sper. 14, 427-29 (1939). C. A. 34, 520" (1940); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 66 (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1009 (1939). 3500. Pepeu, F. Recent investigations on ven- omous snakes of Italian West Africa. Boll. ist. sieroterap. milan. 18, 1-8 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 15, 453 (1941) 4632; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1014 (1939). 3501. Phisalix, M. The white venom of the snakes of the Department of Gers lacks the power to vaccinate. Compt. rend. 208, 1252-54 (1939). C. A. 33, 55195 (1939); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1939, A III, 797-98 (1939); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 25, 1060 (1939). ANIMAL VENOMS 255 3502. Phisalix, M. Bite by a single fang of the head of Vipera aspis, after separation from the body for 30 minutes. Bull. mus. nat. hist. nat. (Paris) 11, 454-58 (1939); Rev. path. comp. hyg. gen. 39, 636-39 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 17, 336 (1943) 3939; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1031 (1939). 3503. Pifano, C. F. Poisoning by Venezuelan snakes. Gac. med. Caracas 46, 184-89 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1037 (1939). 3504. PONNAMBALAM, C. 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Index Medicus 26, 1129 (1939). 256 BIBL10GBAPHY OF 3511. Ei, T. Experimental investigation on the action of some Formosan snake poisons on the carbo- hydrate stores. IV. The influ- ence of snake poison on the adrenaline content in the su- prarenals and in blood gf rab- bits. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 27, 165-204 (Brev. 19-24) (1939). C. A. 33, 88082 (1939); Biol. Abstracts 14, 248 (1940) 2523; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1940, A III, 66" (1940); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1129 (1939). 3512. Bi, T. Experimental investigation on the action of certain Formosan snake poisons on the carbo- hydrate metabolism. V. The influence of antiserum on the blood sugar in rabbits poisoned with snake poisons. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 27, 260-69 (Brev. 30-32) (1939). C. A. 34, 8199 (1940); Biol. Abstracts 14, 282 (1940) 2865; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1129 (1939). 3513. Bi, T. Experimental investigation on the action of certain Formosan snake poisons on the carbo- hydrate metabolism. VI. The altered influence on blood sugar of certain crotalus snake poisons after the production of habituation to these poi- sons. Folia Pharmacol. Japon. 27, 280-91 (Brev. 33-34) (1939). C. A. 34, 819" (1940) ; Biol. Abstracts 14, 248 (1940) 2524; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1129 (1939). 3514. ROBILLARD, E. Antitoxic role of glutathione. Union med. Canada 68, 977-81 (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 26, 1137 (1939). 3515. Eojas, P., Szepsenwol, J., and Kesta, L. S. Action of curarizing agents on the neuromuscular junction. Rev. soc. argentina biol. 15, 211-15 (1939). Biol. Abstracts 14, 794 (1940) 8478. 3516. Rosenberg, M. On scorpion venom and its therapy. Harefuah 17, (1939). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 29, 919 (1941). 3517. Bosenthal, N The course and treatment of thrombocytopenic purpura. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 112, 101 (1939). Squibb Abstract Bull. 12, 123 (1939). 3518. Ross, A. T. Peripheral neuritis: allergy to honey-bee stings. J. Allergy 10, 382-84 (1939). Biol. 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Index Medicus 30, 480 (1941). 3631. Hukumoto, T. Pharmacological studies on bee venom. Chiba Igakkai Zasshi (J. Chiba Med. Soc.) 18, 286-406 (1940). C. A. 38, 63795 (1944); Japan. J. Med. Sci. IV. Phar- macol. 14, Abstracts, 14 (1941). 3632. Izawa, T. On the pathologic-histological changes caused by Habu ven- om and the effect thereupon of vitamin C. Trans. Soc. Path. Japon. 30, 484-90 (1940). Biol. Abstracts 15, 1644 (1941) 17782; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 28, 491 (1940). 266 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 3633. Jahnel, F. Does cobra venom influence syphilis? Z. Immunitatsforsch. 97, 424- 28 (1940). C. A. 35, 26111 (1941); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 28, 493 (1940). 3634. Jahnel, F. The action of the toxin of Vi- pera ammodytes ammodytes Liunaeus in experimental syph- ilis. Z. Immunitatsforsch. 98, 144- 48 (1940). C. A. 35, 5188s (1941); Biol. Abstracts 15, 226 (1941) 2294; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 29, 564 (1941); Squibb Abstract Bull. 13, 1537 (1940). 3635. Jahnel, F. 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Index Medicus 28, 678 (1940). 3670. Page, E. C, and Thomas, E. C. Local application of Russell viper venom for control of hemorrhage. Med. Clinics N. Amer. 24, 777-89 (1940). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 844 (1940). 3671. Parsonnet, A. E., and Bernstein, A. Cobra venom. Its use in steno- cardia. Preliminary report. Am. J. Med. Sci. 200, 581-86 (1940). Biol. Abstracts 15, 421 (1941) 4336; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1942, A III, 96 (1942); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 28, 705 (1940); Squibb Abstract Bull. 13, 1563 (1940). 3672. Peck, S. M., and Marx, W. Chemical studies on moccasin venom. II. Dialysis and at- tempts at fractionation of the hemorrhagic and hemolytic components. J. Mt. Sinai Hosp. N. Y. 6, 271-78 (1940). C. A. 34, 16929 (1940); Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1942, A III, 637 (1942); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 27, 860 (1940); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 114, 1114 (1940); Squibb Abstract Bull. 13, 161 (1940). 3673. Pender, J. W. First-aid treatment of snake bite. Proc. 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Separation of the neurotoxin from the crude cobra venom and study of the action of a number of reducing agents upon it. Indian J. Med. Research 29, 367-73 (1941). C. A. 36, 22887 (1942); Biol. Abstracts 15, 2133 (1941) 23006; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1945, A III, 194 (1945) ; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 31, 354 (1942); Squibb Abstract Bull. 14, 1437 (1941). ANIMAL VENOMS 277 3765. Ghosh, B. N., De, S. S., and Chowdhury, D. K. Enzymes in snake venom. Ann. Biochem. Exptl. Med. 1, 31-42 (1941). C. A. 37, 891" (1943); Biol. Abstracts 18, 1395 (1944) 12757; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1942, A III, 71*6-17 (1942); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 32, 335 (1942); Trop. Diseases Bull. 39, 718-19 (1942). 3766. Githens, T. S. The polyvalency of crotalidic antivenins. IV. Antinecrotic, anticoagulant, and antiproteo- lytic actions. J. Immunol. 42, 149-59 (1941). Biol. Abstracts 16, 671 (1942) 7311; Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 30, 412 (1941). 3767. Guerra, C, Francone, M. P., and Calabrese, A. I. 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Fairbairn, D. The phospholipase of the ven- om of the cottonmouth mocca- sin. J. Biol. Chem. 157, 633-44 (1945). C. A. 39, 3795' (1945) ; Brit. Chem. Physiol. Abstracts 1945, A III, 399 (1945); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 37, 312 (1945). 4099. Finlayson, M. H., and Hollow, K. Treatment of spider bite in South Africa by specific anti- sera. S. African Med. J. 19, 431-33 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 39, 382 (1946). 4100. Freedberg, A. S., and Eiseman, J. E. F. Cobra venom in the treatment of angina pectoris. New Engl. J. Med. 233, 462-66 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 38, 308 (1945); Squibb Abstract Bull. 18, 1415 (1945). 4101. Grasset, E. Anavenoms and their use in the preparation of antivenom- ous sera. Polyvalent anti-Bitis arietans-Naia flava serum and specific antivenenes against African viperine and colubrine venoms. Trans. Eoy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 38, 463-88 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 38, 335 (1945); Squibb Abstract Bull. 18, 1162 (1945). 4102. Grasset, E., Schaafsma, A., and Hodgson, J. A. Immunological studies on scor- pions. J. Immunol. 51, 231-48 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 38, 335 (1945). 4103. Grela, A. F. Local infiltration of polyvalent antiophidian serum in a case of viper bite. Dia med. 17, 76-77 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 37, 368 (1945). 4104. Gulland, J. M., and Walsh, E. O. Constitution of yeast ribo- nucleic acid. IX. Alkali-labile linkages. J. Chem. Soc. 1945, 172-7,5 (1945). C. A. 39, 3004T (1945). 4105. Kirby-Smith, H. T. Specific treatment of black widow spider bite. Southern Med. J. 38, 696-98 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 38, 422 (1945). 4106. Kleinman, A., Page, E. C, and Preisler, P. W. Prothrombin studies using Eussell's viper venom. VII. Effect on prothrombin clotting time of the concentrations of Ca and other salts. J. Lab. Clin. Med. 30, 448-50 (1945). C. A. 39, 3563" (1945). 4107. LaBarre, J., and Houssa, G. Antihemolytic effects of gluta- thione in animals poisoned with lysolecithin. Compt. rend. soc. biol. 139, 64-65 (1945). C. A. 40, 19344 (1946). 304 BIBLIOGBAPHY OF 4108. Lee, R. K. C, and Pang, H. Q. Ichthyotoxism — fish poisoning. Am. J. Trop. Med. 25, 281-85 (1945). C. A. 40, 1428 (1946). 4109. Levi, H. The action of honey bee venom on red blood corpuscles, es- pecially on their ionic permea- bility. Arkiv Kemi, Mineral. Geol. 21A, No. 5, 1-14 (1945). C. A. 40, 66451 (1946). 4110. Mednikyan, G. A. Detoxifying snake venom with sodium thiosulfate. Farmakol. i Toksikol. 8, No. 2, 39-42 (1945). C. A. 40, 58449 (1946). 4111. Mello-Leitao, C. Comments on arachnidism. Anales facultad med. Monte- video 30, 947-64 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 39, 633 (1946). 4112. Moshkovskiy,I. I., and Okhotina, A. M. Clinical aspects of spider bite. Klin. Med. U.S.S.R. 23, 70-72 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 39, 675 (1946). 4113. Nina, D. C. Sensitization to bee venom. Dia. med. 17, 1330 (1945). 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Soc. 53, 313- 54 (1945). C. A. 40, 9584 (1946). 4120. Rideal, E. K. Surface chemistry in relation to biology. Endeavour 4, 83-90 (1945). C. A. 40, 28601 (1946). 4121. Roy, A. C. Lecithin and venom hemolysis. Nature 155, 696-97 (1945). C. A. 39, 4153' (1945). 4122. Sergent, E. Antiscorpion serotherapy. Arch. inst. Pasteur Algerie 23, 111-14 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 39, 896 (1946). 4123. Simonds, J. P., and Hepler, O. E. Experimental nephropathies. IX. A summary of experiments on dogs. Quart. Bull. Northwestern Univ. Med. School 19, 278-95 (1945). C. A. 40, 6638s (1946). ANIMAL VENOMS 305 4124. Singh, Inder, and Singh, Inder- jit. Note on treatment of black- water fever with antivenene. J. Indian Med. Assoc. 14, 116- 18 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 37, 769 (1945). 4125. Stewart, W. D. to B. F. Goodrich Co. Catalysts for addition-poly- merization of unsaturated or- ganic compounds. U. S. 2,380,477 (July 31, 1945). C. A. 39, P47342 (1945). 4126. Thesing, J. H. Black widow spider bite. Cincinnati J. Med. 26, 63-71 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 37, 818 (1945). 4127. Thorp, E. W., and Woodson, W. D. Black widow: America's most poisonous spider. Univ. North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, 1945. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 128, 582, 706 (1945); J. Am. Med. Assoc. 130, 544 (1946). 4128. Vellard, J. Resistance of South American opossums to snake venoms. Rev. brasil. biol. 5, 463-67 (1945). C. A. 40, 44362 (1946). 4129. Vialli, M. Action of toad venom on the isolated eye of Bufo viridis. Boll. soc. ital. biol. sper. 20, 573 (1945). C. A. 40, 66922 (1946). 4130. Villela, G. G., and Prado, J. L. Riboflavin in blood plasma of some Brazilian snakes. J. Biol. Chem. 157, 693 (1945). C. A. 39, 30769 (1945). 4131. Walker, C. W. Notes on adder bite. Brit. Med. J. 2, 13-14 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 38, 822 (1945). 4132. Williams, E. R., and Davies, A. B. A case of adder bite. Brit. Med. J. 1, 223 (1945). Squibb Abstract Bull. 18, 419 (1945); Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 37, 907 (1945). 4133. Wyon, P. H. Four cases of Russell's viper bite. Brit. Med. J. 2, 919-20 (1945). Quart. Cum. Index Medicus 39, 1093 (1946). 4134. Zeller, E. A. Peptidases of the nervous sys- tem. Helv. Physiol, et Pharmacol. Acta 3, C47 (1945). C. A. 40, 1892a (1946). 4135. Zeller, E. A., and Maritz, A. Enzyme physiology of snakes. Helv. Physiol, et Pharmacol. Acta 3, C19-20 (1945). C. A. 40, 4082 (1946). 4136. Zeller, E. A., and Maritz, A. Specificity of ophio-Z-amino acid oxidase. Helv. Physiol, et Pharmacol. Acta 3, C48-49 (1945). C. A. 40, 18924 (1946). 4137. Zeller, E. A., and Maritz, A. A new Z-amino acid oxidase (ophio-Z-amino acid oxidase). II. Helv. Chim. Acta 28, 365-79 (1945). C. A. 40, 21702 (1946). 4138. Zeller, E. A., and Maritz, A. Enzyme decomposition of monoaminodecarboxylic acids. Experientia 1, 30 (1945). C. A. 40, 50795 (1946). 4139. Zeller, E. A., Maritz, A., and Iselin, B. A new Z-amino acid oxidase (ophio-Z-amino acid oxidase). III. Helv. 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E., 1959, 3364 Accorinti, V., 1402 Acevedo, B. S., 3061 Achalme, P., 602 Ackermann, D., 3561, 4021 Acton, H. W., 1403, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1530, 1565 Aguilar, P., 3189 Ahuja, M. L., 2558, 2738, 2827, 2918, 4022, 4087 Aievoli, E., 1635 Ainlay, G. W., 3365 Ajazzi-Mancini, M., 3715 Akashi, T., 33 Akatsuka, K., 2928 Akazaki, K., 3716 Alabrese, F., 996 Alandikar, K. K., 1703 Albee, F. H., 3930 Albertoni, P., 13, 14 Albrecht, M., 378 Alcock, ?, 264 Alcoek, A., 2606 Aldige, ?, 1593 Aldridge, E. A., 67 Alessandrini, P., 1234, 1235 Alexander, ?, 265, 266 Alexander, A. H., 3717 Alexander, L. S., 603 Alexandroff, L., 1320 Alexandroff, N., 1236 Alexinsky, A., 1794 Alfaro, A., 967 AH, G., 735 Allen, E. E., 3062 Allen, F. M., 3184, 3366 Alles, E., 1792 Allyn, W. E., 3367 Almeida, A. O. de, 2206 Alsberg, C. L., 1441 Alt, K., 416 Alvaro, M. E., 3368 Amaral, A. do, 1795, 1907, 1960, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2150, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2265, 2266, 2380, 2381, 2507, 2508, 2509, 2607, 2608 Amaral, F. do, 1864 Amaral, G. do, 4088 D'Amour, F. E., 2766, 2929, 2930, 3535 Amsler, M., 1102 Amuchastegui, S. E., 3369, 3370, 3562, 3563 Anderson, J. F., 1477 Anderson, L., 3278 Anderson, L. A. P., 1868, 1908, 1961, 2609 Anderson, E. C, 3083, 3206, 3870 Anderson, W., 1158 Andrews, T. F., 3874 Andrews, W. H., 1321, 1796 Angelesco, C, 3318 Anguiano-L., G., 4063 Anguita i Stiiwen, V., 671 Anonymous, 1, 15, 50, 51, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 267, 307 (initials V., H. de), 347, 379, 380, 381, 451, 452, 486, 487, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 672, 673, 674, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 825, 864, 865, 894, 895, 896, 897, 898, 899, 900, 901, 968, 969, 997, 998, 999, 1000, 1082, 1083, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1159, 1237, 1238 (initials S., I. M.), 1239, 1240, 1241, 1322, 1404, 1478, 1531, 1532, 1566, 1567, 1666 (initials B., E. St. L.), 1704, 1797, 1909, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 2047, 2048, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2267, 2268, 2269, 2270, 2271, 2272, 2273, 2382, 2383, 2384, 2610, 2611, 2696, 2697, 2698, 2699, 2761, 2762, 2763, 2764, 2828, 2829, 2931, 2932, 2933, 3063, 3064, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3185, 3564, 3565, 3566, 3567, 3568, 3718, 3719, 3720, 3832, 3833, 3931, 3932, 3933, 4023, 4024, 4089, 4090, 4140, 4141 Anrep, V. K., 190, 191, 211 Anselmino, K. I., 2049 309 310 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Anton, G., 3721 Anton, H., 4142 Aomura, T., 2385 Aperlo, G., 1242 Apitz, K., 3186 Appleby, L. H., 3834 Aquino, L., 1705 Arantes, J. A., 3677 Arantes, J. B., 2608, 3722, 3723, 3724, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3835, 3887, 4025 Arbuckle, H. E., 1106 Archangelski, V. J., 308 Ardy, C, 2938 Arias, F., 2158 Arndt, "W., 2159 Arnold, W. F., 1001, 1107 Aron, F., 2160 Aron, T., 68, 115, 116 Arrhenius, S., 902, 1084 Artemov, N., 3371 Arthus, A., 2050, 2386, 2510, 2830, 3372 Arthus, M., 1160, 1161, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1323, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1410, 1479, 1480, 1667, 1668, 1669, 1670, 1671, 1706, 1707, 2161, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2511, 2512, 2513, 2514, 2612, 2613, 2700 Arustanoff, M., 382 Asaert, L., 3070 Asana, D. J., 1672 Ashford, J. B., 675 Ashhurst, W. "W., 609 Assis, A. de, 2377, 2378, 2823 Assratian, S. N., 3725 Assump§ao, L. de, 1745, 2274 Atchley, D. W., 2390 Atkinson, D. A., 2051 Attinger, E., 3726 Aubry, M., 2934 Auche, ?, 240 Austin, J. S., 1966 Austin, M. L., 1481 Avalon, J., 2614 Avendano, O., 1967 Ayyar, T. G. E., 2515 Azam, H., 3373 Azevedo, A. de, 3187 Babcock, H. L., 2162 Babesg, A., 1002 Bacharach, A. L., 3655 Bachelier, L., 241 Backhouse, J. B., 192 Badaloni, G., 69, 117, 118, 148, 149, 150, 151, 193, 212 Badet, ?, 293 Baeher, S., 1910 Baerg, W. J., 1727, 1798, 1799, 2275, 2765, 3188 Baglioni, S., 1108 Bagnasco, F., 3013, 3189 Bagnos, M., 4062 Baier, F. C, 1045 Bailey, J. H., 2089 Bailey, W. F., 1482 Baird, J. C, 309 Baker, F. C, 3484 Baker, G. H., 539 Baker, O., 488 Baldes, E. J., 2516 Baldoni, A., 970 Ball, C. E., 3190 Ball, H. A., 2615 Balm, E., 550 Banchieri, E., 2052 Bancroft, T. L., 453, 489 Bandel, H., 2935, 3068 Banerjee, P., 2391 Banerjee, E. P., 213, 383, 384, 417, 418, 419, 454, 490, 491, 551, 552, 610, 1162 Banerji, P., 2276 Bang, L, 1085, 1086, 1109, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1252, 1253 Banghart, H. E., 3934 Banic, M., 2878, 3191 Bankson, J. C, 553 Bannermann, W. B., 1168, 1327, 1483 Banta, W., 1254 Banton, H. J., 2392 Banzer, A., 385 Barbara, B., 1892 Barbeau, A., 3374, 3569 Barber, A. W., 420 Barber, T. C, 1458 Barbieri, G., 1802 INDEX OF AUTHORS 311 Bardier, E., 1800, 1968 Barger, G., 1636 Barker, F. T., 2277 Barnes, F. M., 1294 Barnes, J. M., 3727 Barnett, B., 2799, 2831, 2832, 2936 Barratt, A., 2937 Barratt, J. O. W., 1411 Barrett, J. W., 455, 492 Barringer, P. B., 421, 422 Barros, E. F., 3192 Barros Pereira, N. de, 3570 Barroso, E. D., 3935, 4026 Barry, A. L., 70 Barthelemy, F., 242, 310 Bartholomeeff, S., 132 Bartholomew, G., 2278 Bartlett, C. B., 903 Baruk, H., 3193 Barve, M. H., 611 Bassewitz, E. von, 904 Basu, N. M., 2053, 3194 Basu, U. P., 3375 Bates, L. N., 2163 Batt, B. E. A., 4027 Baudisch, H., 1003 Bauer, W., 4006 Bauermeister, W., 971 Bauge, R., 3836 Baujean, B., 1412 Bavay, !, 554 Bawa, H., 555 Baxa, F., 3069 Bayer, G., 2701 Bayley, H. H., 3571 Bayley de Castro, A., 1969, 2054, 2164 Beasley, B. T., 3837 Beazley, E. N., 2393 Beck, B. F., 2833 Becker, F. E., 2766, 2930 Becker, S., 2517 Behal, A., 807 Behre, E. H., 1911 Behringer, H., 3121, 3827, 3936 Behrmann, W., 3572 Belfanti, S., 1912, 1913, 2055, 2394, 2767 Bell, C. E., 1329 Bell, J. E., 4091 Bell, V. P., 1970 Bellini, E., 2395 Bellini, L., 2938 Belonowski, G., 1046 Benderek, I., 3195 Benderek, S., 3573 Bendien, W. M., 3728 Benitte, A. C, 3196 Benjamin, J., 556, 612 Bennett, E. H. K., 386, 387 Benson, E. L., 2396, 3376 Berblinger, W., 2165 Bercovitz, Z., 3983 Berenger-Feraud, ?, 423 Bergenhem, B., 2939 Berland, L., 2056 Berman, P., 2059 Bernasconi, ?, 1484 Bernkopf, H., 2768 Bernstein, A., 3671 Bert, P., 194 Bertarelli, E., 1255, 1330, 1413, 1414, 1415, 2166 Berthelot, A., 1296 Bertherand, A., 195 Bertoldo, G. M., 744 Bertolotti, O., 1865 Bertrand, G., 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 584, 585, 586, 587, 655, 656, 805, 826, 827, 860, 3377, 3378, 3574, 3575, 3576, 3577, 3729, 3730, 3838 Bertrand, I., 4028, 4029, 4092 Bertrand, "W. T., 557 Bertrand-Fontaine, ?, 2605 Bessemans, A., 3070 Best, C. J., 3856 Bethell, F. H., 3839 Bethencourt Ferreira, J., 613 Beven, J. O., 1708 Beyer, O. W., 348, 349 Beyer, W., 1110, 1111, 1169 Beznak, A. von, 1971, 1972 Bezzola, C, 1087 Bharadwaja, A. C, 1914 Bhattacharjee, D. P., 3112 Bhattacharya, D. P., 3421 Bhattaeharya, E. K., 3937 Bhikaji, H., 493 Biancalini, A., 1915 Bidwell, W. D., 214 312 INDEX OF AUTHORS Bienenfeld, B., 215 Bier, O., 2616 Bier, O. G., 4025, 4030 Bierotte, ?, 1119 Billard, G., 1170, 1171, 1172, 1173, 1174, 1973, 1974, 1975, 2057 Billing, W. McG., 2397 Binet, L., 3071, 3197, 3198, 3379, 3380, 3381 Binz, ?, 71 Biocea, E., 3840, 3938 Bird, E. M., 3964 Bischoff, G., 3144 Black, W. T., Jr., 3578 Blackwood, W. B. D., 268, 269 Blair, A. W., 2769 Blanehard, E., 494 Blanf ord, H. O., 1916 Blatt, N., 1746 Blechmann, G., 1594 Bleyl, K., 3769, 3839, 4093 Block, E. J., 3382 Blum, L., 905 Blyth, A. W., 2, 119, 152 Bobeau, ?, 2940 Bobeau, G., 3383 Bochefontaine, ?, 16 Bodart, A., 2058 Bode, G., 3308, 3309, 3310 Bodendorf, K., 3072 Boehm, E., 676 Boehringer Sohn, C. H., 1416 Bohtlingk, N., 1256 Boes, J., 828 Boesoirie, C, 3579 Bogen, E., 1976, 1977, 2059, 2617 Bogert, C. M., 2843 Bokma, H., 3731 Boiling, D., 3382 Bolognesi, G., 1747 Bolyn, A. E., 3580, 3732 Bond, E., 34 Bonsek, E. M., 2167 Bonsfield, C. E., 4031 Bonsmann, M. E., 3841, 3842, 3843, 3939 Boone, J. A., 4091 Boquet, A., 2168 Boquet, P., 2836, 2943, 2944, 3077, 3078, 3079, 3080, 3199, 3200, 3384, 3385, 3386, 3393, 3394, 3395, 3581, 3679, 3733, 3734, 3735, 3798, 3799, 3844, 3845, 3940, 3941, 4032, 4094 Bordas, ?, 495 Borden, W. B., 1595 Bordley, J., 3rd, 2702 Borges Fortes, A., 3736 Bories, E., 120 Bormann, F. von, 3387 Boros, E. J., 3582 Bose, N., 1175 Bottard, ?, 196 Bottard, L. A., 311, 312, 313 Bottazzi, F., 1866 Bouchard, J., 2900 Bouche, G., 1673, 1709, 1710 Bouffard, f, 1917 Boulenger, G. A., 1417, 1596 Boutaric, A., 2900 Bovet, D., 3942 Bovet, F., 3942 Bovier-Lapierre, ?, 203 Bowes, W. H., 558 Boyd, L. J., 1748, 1749, 1846 Boye, ?, 677 Bracchi, E., 972 Braddock, C. S., Jr., 1047 Braguinsky, 1, 1257 Brand, F. C, 3382 Brand, W. W., 614 Brandao, L., Jr., 3846 Brandt, W. E., 17 Brasil (or Brazil), V., 829, 906, 907, 1004, 1112, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 2060, 2169, 2398, 2703 Braun, H., 1258 Braun, L. I. B., 1918 Brauner, E., 3404 Brazil, V., Jr., 2399, 2400, 2703 Brennan, J. E., 2518 Brenning, M., 559 Breth, V. H., 3201 Breton, M., 1259 Brewer, J. F., 678 Briggs, J. E., 216 Bringard, ?, 973 Brion, J., 2914 Briot, P., 908 Brisard, ?, 1331 Broman, T., 4095 INDEX OF AVTEOBS 313 Brooks, A. G., 4022, 4087 Brooks, D., 3471 Brooks, D. J., 3652, 3653 Brooks, F., 3692 Brooks, G., 3388, 3583 Brooks, S. C, 2941 Brosch, ?, 615 Broussy, J., 3389 Brown, B. S., 745 Brown, O., 3737 Brown, R. V., 3584, 3738 Brown, "W. L., 1867 Browne, C. W., 121, 560 Browne, J. C, 616 Browning, C, 1332 Browning, C. C, 819 Browning, C. H., 939, 1176, 1333, 1418, 1419 Browning, W. H., 2401 Bruce Bays, J., 2519 Bruck, C, 1260 Bruckner, E. L., 1113 Briinner-Ornstein, M., 3073 Brumlik, M., 2106, 2107 Brunton, L., 1533 Brunton, T. L., 4, 5, 388, 909 Bruquier, ?, 35 Bryan, H. F., 3008 Buchanan, G. J., 617 Buchanan, J., 679 Buehet, G., 350 Buchmann, M., 2170 Buddie, R., 2279, 2402 Biicherl, W., 4033, 4096 Biilow, T. von, 3074 Bufalini, G., 153, 197, 1177 Buglia, G., 1674, 1711, 1728, 1750, 1801, 1802 Bugnion, ?, 18 Bull, G. H., 36 Bullard, W. E., 1261 Bullen, G., 154 Bullrich, A., 2942 Bullrieh, R. A., 3585 Bumbacesco, M., 3173 Burgess, E. A., 155 Burkhardt, A., 2834 Burlage, H. M., 3918 Burnier, R., 1485 Burstein, M., 3379 Burt, J. B., 3075 Buss, H. D., 1178 Busse, H., 3943 Butler, P., 3586 Butler, P. T., 2403 Buttorff, G. S., 3202 Butz, L. W., 2304, 2305 Bzowski, R., 2835 Cabezon, J. M., 389 Caceiapuoti, R., 3390 Cadge, W. H., 424 Cailleteau, ?, 390 Caius, J. F., 1803, 1868, 1869, 1908, 1926, 2280, 2281, 2404, 2563, 2618 Caius, R. P. F., 1626, 1627, 1628 Calabrese, A. I., 3767 Calame, S., 1420 Calderon, H. R., 2770 Callias, H., 314 Calmels, ?, 156 Calmels, G., 157 Calmette, A., 391, 425, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 561, 618, 619, 620, 680, 681, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752, 830, 910, 1005, 1048, 1088, 1089, 1114, 1115, 1486, 1487, 1488 Campbell, A., 351 Camus, J., 753, 1568 Capparelli, ?, 122 Capparelli, A., 1421 Carhart, J. D., 315 Carhart, J. W., 270 Carlet, G., 158, 271 Carls, H., 3027 Carmichael, E. B., 2061, 2746, 2771, 3226, 3604 Carmichael, G. S., 917 Carpani, G., 1675 Carpenter, G. H., 123 Carpi, U., 1031, 1068, 1179, 1180 Carraud, G., 3847 Carrieri, I., 392, 456 Carr-White, P., 831 Carter, H. V., 272 Cartwright, S. W., 2171 Carvalho, P. de, 3203 314 INDEX OF AUTHORS Casanovas Jover, F. P., 1422 Casares Perez, C, 3076 Caspari, W., 1262 Castelli, A., 1423 Castro, A. B. de, 1263 Castro, C. de F., 4057 Castro, G., 3848, 3849 Castro, H. L., 3391 Castro-Feixeira, J. de, 3187 Catan, M. A., 1712 Cattaneo, A., 2172 Caussade, L., 1693 Causae, J., 2934 Causse-Dufau, E, 3900, 3901, 3990, 4064 Cavassa, N. E., 1729 Cavazzani, E., 426 Cawston, F. G., 2405, 3392, 3587, 3739 Cesari, E., 1568, 2836, 2943, 2944, 3077, 3078, 3079, 3080, 3393, 3394, 3395 Chabeyroux, ?, 3204 Chachereau, ?, 243 Chahovitch, X., 2695 Chain, E., 3081, 3082, 3205, 3396 Chalke, E. L., 621 Chance, M. E. A., 3655 Chandhuri, U. N. E., 1006 Chapin, E., 352 Chapman, A. L., 1335 Chapman, H. G., 1229 Chargaff, E., 3397 Charitonov, S. A., 3690 Charrin, ?, 787, 788 Chassang, J., 2875 Chatin, J., 217, 218 Chatterji, D., 2406 Chaudhuri, D. K., 3764, 3850 Chaudhuri, N. K. E., 3740 Chavasse, ?, 393 Chen, A. L., 2520, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2709, 2710, 2711, 2712, 2713, 2714, 2715, 2722 Chen, K. K., 2282, 2283, 2284, 2313, 2314, 2434, 2435, 2520, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2651, 2652, 2704, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2708, 2709, 2710, 2711, 2712, 2713, 2714, 2715, 2772, 2787, 2985, 3083, 3206, 3870 Cherry, E. O., 2655 Cherry, T., 772 Chevallier, P., 3851, 3852 Chhajjiomal, ?, 682 Chin, K., 2837, 3084, 3207, 3208, 3588, 3589, 3820 Chin, S., 3590, 3703 Chistyakov, N. Y., 3741 Chondou, ?, 1424 Chopra, I. C, 3853 Chopra, E. N., 2521, 2522, 2622, 2623, 2773, 2838, 2839, 2840, 2945, 2946, 3085, 3210, 3259, 3331, 3398, 3591, 3853 Chouquet, J., 3399 Chowdhury, D. K., 3234, 3236, 3423, 3765, 3956, 4034 Chowdhury, N. K. E., 3763 Chowhan, J. S., 2521, 2622, 2623, 2773, 2838, 2839, 2840, 3085, 3209, 3210, 3398, 3591, 3592, 3742, 3853, 3854 Chuda, K., 3211 Chuhar Singh, S. A. S., 1927 Chute, A. L., 3593, 3743 Cieardo, V. H., 2841, 2842, 3061, 3212 Cignozzi, O., 1264 Cilli, V., 4035 Clark, H. C, 3855 Clark, T. L. E., 1637 Clatworthy, H., 353 Claude, H., 788 Cleland, J. B., 1489 Closson, J. H., 354 Clowes, E. F., 1336 Cobleigh, E. A., 159 Coca, ?, 1050, 1092, 1093 Coca, A. F., 1334, 1339, 1490, 1534 Cochran, D. M., 4036 Coffin, S. W., 1676, 1699 Cohen, A., 3856 Cohen, H. G., 4037 Cohen, M., 3594 Cohen, S. S., 3397 Coleman, G. E., 2173 Collins, H. N. W., 2161 Colorni, V., 754 Combs, J. J., 2624 Comfort, A. J., 6 Conant, E., 2285, 2774 Condon, De V., 799 Constance, A., 273 Contardi, A., 1983, 2062, 2063, 2174 Cooke, E., 1090 INDEX OF AUTEOBS 315 Cooke, F. H., 755 Coopoo sawmy, J. N. S., 562 Coplans, M., 1425, 1984 Corazzi, G., 4035 Corkill, N. L., 2625, 4150 Cornhill, ?, 808 Cornil, L., 3399, 4038 Comilleau, E., 3400 Cornish, W. E., 37 Cornwall, J. W., 1535 Cornwell, A. M., 2523 Correa da Costa, C, 3213 Corso, G., 1536 Corteggiani, E., 2781, 2782, 2960, 2961, 3231, 3401, 3419 Costa, E. S., 3402 Coutiere, H., 1426 Couty, ?, 19, 20, 38, 53, 72, 73 Couty, L., 52 Covell, W. P., 3214 Cowles, E. B., 2843 Cowley, L. M., 198 Cox, G. W., 756 Cox, H. W. V., 1491 Cox, W. C, 2064 Craft, J. H., 1985 Craig, P. E., 3744, 3745 Crain, D. C, 3746 Cranfill, J. B., 39 Cree, H. E., 355 Creed, J. M., 124, 274, 394 Crimmins, M. L., 1986, 2065, 2066, 2286, 2407, 2524, 2525, 2896 Cristina, G. Di, 911 Croft, H. H., 125 Croley, V. St. J., 1751 Croll, G., 1337 Crommelin, C. E., 622 Crouse, H. W., 832, 833 Crouzel, E., 1638 Crowfoot, D., 2844, 2947 Croxatto, H., 3944, 4039, 4040, 4143 Croxatto, E., 3944, 4039 Cruickshank, J., 1176, 1332, 1427 Crum, C. W. E., 1007 Crutcher, H., 1265, 1492 Cuboni, E., 2067, 2626, 2627 Cuenot, A., 2675, 2676 Culpepper, M. B., 1870 Cunningham, D. D., 563, 564, 757 Curtis, D. G., 21 Cushny, A. E., 1569, 1570, 1752 Cutkomp, L. K., 4119 Cutter, E. K., 3595 Cyren, O., 3215 Dack, S., 2845 Daggette, A. S., 1597 Dahl, F., 866 Dallas, A. L. F. McC, 1008 Dalmon, H., 1009 Dannmeyer, F., 3086 Darwin, E. T., 74 Das, G., 1010 Das, N. N., 2945 Dass, B., 565 Daudova, G. M., 3945 Davey, H. W., 2068 David, J. C, 2649 Davidson, A., 683, 684 Davie, T. M., 3946 Davies, A. B., 4132 Davin, E. J., 3087 Davis, G. E., 1181 Davis, M. E., 2737 Davis, P. L., 4144 De, N. N., 2840 De, S. S., 2963, 2964, 3088, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3134, 3235, 3236, 3237, 3403, 3420, 3421, 3422, 3596, 3597, 3747, 3764, 3765, 4041, 4046 DeAsis, C, 2775 De Beer, E. J., 3793, 3888, 3981, 3982, 3983 Deger, E. C, 3089 Delavnay, A., 3844, 3845 Delezenne, C, 834, 835, 1266, 1267, 1268, 1338, 1493, 1677, 1678 Denechau, D., 3857 Denning, D., 3090 Dennys, G. W. P., 1537 Derevici, A., 3143, 3404, 3405, 3406, 3407 Derevici, M., 3143, 3405, 3406, 3407 Derouaux, G., 3748 Derrick, E., 2628 Descoeudres, P., 3216 316 INDEX OF AUTHORS Desmond-Sicard, ?, 275 Deulofeu, V., 2846, 3217, 3598, 3599, 3600, 4042, 4043 Deutseh, E., 2629 Dias, E., 1871 Dietmann, H., 1987 Dietrich, H., 3144 Dino, M. di, 1011 Dinshaw, V., 685 Dirr, K., 2948 Distel, E., 912 Ditmars, R. L., 2069, 2175, 2287, 2408, 2526, 2716 Doerr, E., 1091 Dolan, M., 2730 Dold, H., 1269 Donatelli, L., 3715, 3749 Donnelly, J. F. D., 758 Dorris, J. W., 3408 Doughty, J. F., 2176 Douglas, B., 1872 Dowsett, J. M., 2177 Doxiades, I. L., 2717 Doyen, M., 1928, 1988 Dragstedt, C. A., 3218 Drake-Brockman, H. E., 457 Draper, W. F., Jr., 3484 Drenkhahn, ?, 2630 Dreyer, G., 1049 Driout, ?, 75, 126 Driver, W. F., 1182, 1270 Drysdale, A., 219 Dubar, L., 913 Dubbs, A. W., 3856 Dubois-Ferriere, H., 3059 Duboscq, O., 503 Duek, H., 3213, 3409 Dufey, G., 3091 Duffield, A. M., 427 Duhig, J. V., 2178, 2179, 2288 Duhot, E., 1571, 2180 Duke, J., 566 Dumatras, B., 2756 Dunbar-Brunton, J., 623 Dungern, ¥ von, 1050, 1092, 1093, 1339 Dunn, E. E., 2776, 2777 Dunning, E. C, 3947 Dunzelt, H., 1135 Duprat, E., 3600, 4042, 4043 Duran-Reynals, F., 2949, 3219, 3410 Durham, A. F., 220 Dutarte, A., 316, 356 Dutra de Oliveira, J., 2631, 2632 Dutt, N. K., 3871 Dutt, P. K., 3423 Duvalier, F., 3750 Dyckerhoff, H., 3948 Dyer, I., 1012 Dzubenko, ?, 1428 Eades, T., 2321 Eagle, H., 3092, 3093 Early, C. R., 276 East, M. E., 3751 Echague, E. S., 3601 Edleston, R. S. C, 1116 Edsall, G., 3752 Edwards, J., 160 Edwards, T. C, 1494 Egiz, B. A., 759 Ehrlich, S. P., 2181 Eiehbaum, F. W., 3949 Eichelbaum, H. B., 2070 Eidinow, A., 2409 Eigenberger, F., 2182, 2527 Eijk, J. H. van, 76 Eisler, B., 161 Eisler, M. von, 3220 Eisner, G., 1117 Ekrem, I., 2289 Elantchik, ?, 1340 Elbel, H., 2701 Elderfield, R., 3094 Elisuiskii, M., 3858 Elliott, R. H., 567, 568, 569, 809, 810, 914, 915, 916, 917, 923 Ellis, E. B., 1183 Ellis, J. B., 2410 Ellzey, M. G., 162 Elson, S., 1429 Emde, H., 3489, 3660, 3661 Emdin, "W., 2718 EmePyanov, A. A., 2290, 2633 Emilsson, B., 3859 Emmelin, N., 3950 Engelhardt, G. P., 2634 INDEX OF AUTEOBS 317 Engelsen, H., 1753, 1804 English, P. F., 2071 Englund, G., 3221 Enoch, C, 429 Epstein, B., 2528 Epstein, D., 2411, 2635, 2721 Erf, L. A., 2896, 3020, 3151 Escard, L., 317 Escobar, G., 2847 Escomel, E., 1598, 1599, 1639 Espinoza S., J., 4080 Essex, H., 3169 Essex, H. E., 2291, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2419, 2420, 2516, 2529, 2560, 2561, 2636, 2637, 2638, 3904, 4097 Estiva!, G., 2292 Estrada, E., 199 Esveld, L. W. van, 2950 Etard, ?, 167 Evans, A. J., 1495 Evans, A. M., 2350 Evans, E. A., Jr., 2788 Evans, H. M., 1013, 1051, 1184, 1713, 1730, 1873 Evans, E. C. T., 686 Ewing, H. E., 1640, 2183 Eyer, S. W., 3218 Fabbri, G., 3222 Faber, M., 3411 Fabre, J. M. A., 918 Fabre, P., 867, 919, 974, 975, 1118 Fackenheim, S., 1989 Fahrams, E., 2939 Fairbairn, D., 4098 Fairley, N. H., 2293, 2294, 2295 Falk, E. M., 3412 Fallsheer-Ziircher, J., 2421 Faraker, E., 1874 Farbach, H. J., 1430, 1496 Farmachidis, C. B., 1459, 1538, 1641 Fasanaro, G., 3753 Fassbender, W., 4044 Fatzer, H., 3413 Faulkner, A., 277 Faust, E. S., 836, 837, 1052, 1185, 1271 Favilli, G., 3414, 3602 Fawcett, A. J., 3223 Fayrer, J., 4, 5, 77, 163, 164, 165, 428, 909 Fehlow, W., 2639 Feinmann, E., 1014 Feldberg, W., 3095, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3224, 3225, 3603 Feoktistow, A. E., 278 Ferguson, A. D., 1015 Fermie, A., 570 Fernan-Nunez, M., 2778 Fernholz, M. E., 3435 Fernie, W. T., 395 Ferozdin Mohroof, ?, 920 Ferrari, A., 1805 Ferrari, J. A., 3101, 3585 Ferraton, ?, 687 Ferreira da Silva, D., 3951 Ferri, G., 1806, 1807 Feuillee-Billot, A., 1875 Fidler, H. K., 3226, 3604 Field, J., 2nd, 3758, 3925 Fierz-David, H. E., 3754 Fillmore, E. S., 3755 Fincke, B., 396 Finis, M. L. de, 3952 Finkel, A. A., 3227 Finkelman, I., 3102 Finlayson, M. H., 2951, 3103, 3104, 3415, 3530, 4099 Finlayson, M. L., 3416 Finney, W. P., 2184 Firchtenberg, M., 1272 Fischel, F., 429 Fischensohn, C, 1273 Fisher, A. A., 3756 Fitzgerald, F. G., 921 Fitzsimons, F. W., 1341, 1342, 1497, 2072, 2185, 2296, 2297, 2298 Fleay, D., 3953 Flecker, H., 3605 Fleisher, M. S., 1128 Fletcher, E., 127 Flexner, S., 838, 839, 840, 868, 869, 922, 976 Florence, E., 1343 Flury, F., 1679, 1680, 1714, 1808, 1809, 1990, 2299 Focosi, M., 2567, 2568 318 INDEX OF AUTHORS Folquer, H., 2186 Fonaeca, A., 2530 Fonseea, F. da, 2608 Fonseea, G., 2207 Fonseea, O. 0. E. da, 1600, 1681 Fonseea Barros, E. da, 3105, 3228 Fontana, G., 3757 Forbes, H. F., 357 Ford, J. N., 458 Fornario, ?, 1186 Forster, K. A., 3106, 3229, 3721 Forster, W., 3341, 3342, 3533 Fossen, A., 3606 Fouquet, J., 2605 Fourneau, E., 1493 Fox, J. C, 1539 Foxton, H. V., 1498 Fraenkel, C, 1119 Fraenkel, L., 3607 Fraenkel-Conrat, H., 3342, 3343, 3344, 3345, 3534, 3879 Francesehi, C, 3892, 3893 Francis, C. E., 571 Franck, E., 2422 Francone, M. P., 3767 Frank, L., 3860 Franklin, G. C. H., 2586 Franzi, L., 2848, 2952, 3107, 3608 Fraser, F. C, 1187 Fraser, L., 2300 Fraser, E. C, 460 Fraser, T. E., 572, 573, 574, 624, 625, 626, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 760, 761, 923, 1120, 1121, 1188 Frawley, J. M., 2849 Frazer, A., 3230 Frazer, A. C, 3609 Frazier, E., 3769 Freedberg, A. S., 4100 Freeman, M., 2322, 2779 Frei, W., 627, 1189, 1274 Freire, E., 3954 Fretz, H. E. K., 1929 Frias, D., 2446 Friedberger, E., 1431, 1432 Friere de Carvalho, N., 128 Frohner, f, 318 Fuchs, H. J., 2717 Fiihner, H., 1190 Fuhrman, F. A., 3758, 3925 Fujihara, M., 2041 Fujii, Y., 3610, 3611 Fujiwara, K., 1810 Fujiwara, T., 2850 Fukushi, M., 1642 Fukushima, A., 1643 Fulchignoni, E., 2953, 2954, 2955 Fuller, F. C, 166 Fullerton, H. W., 3612 Furch, J., 1754 Furuya Kenyei, ?, 54 Fuse, N., 1755 G Gaarenstroom, J. H., 3108 Gabelein, K., 3827 Gaede, ?, 3759 Gagliardi, G., 3417 Gajardo-Tobar, E., 3760, 3861, 4045 Galli, P. M., 1344 Gallo, A., 3761 Galperine, A., 1345 Gaminara, A., 2187 Ganassini, D., 2531 Gandoin, E., 1053 Ganguli, P., 1811 Ganguli, S. K., 3862 Ganguly, S. C, 4152 Ganguly, S. N., 2956, 2957, 2958, 2959, 3037, 3109 Ganora, E., 2640 Garcia, P. P. P., 1601 Garcia Diaz, F., 762 Garde, H. C, 319 Garibaldi, F., 1575 Garrett, T. E. H., 1275 Garzoli, A., 3189 Gasco, G., 1191 Gaseoin, H., 3863, 3864 Gaston, J. McF., 279 Gautier, A., 55, 167 Gautrelet, J., 2719, 2780, 2781, 2782, 2960, 2961, 3231, 3418, 3419 Gaver, F. van, 2423 Gayle, E. F., Jr., 3232 Gayraud, E., 3 Geiger, C. W., 1812 INDEX OF AUTHORS 319 Geiger, F., 4010 Geissler, W., 1122, 1192 Gengou, O., 1054 George, I. D., 2424, 2536 Gershenfeld, L., 2301, 2302 Gessner, O., 1991, 1992, 1993, 2073, 2188, 2425, 2426, 2641, 2642, 3613, 3955 Gharpurey, K. G., 2532, 2533, 2534, 2643 Ghellani, N. M., 1602 Ghia, C. J., 1603 Ghigi, E., 3233 Ghose, K. C, 1016, 1017 Ghosh, B. N., 2962, 2963, 2964, 3088, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3134, 3234, 3235, 3236, 3237, 3238, 3420, 3421, 3422, 3423, 3614, 3615, 3740, 3762, 3763, 3764, 3765, 3906, 3956, 4046 Ghosh, T. K., 4047 Giavanoli, G., 221 Gibb, D. F., 2189 Gibier, E., 628, 693 Giemsa, ?, 2303 Gies, K., 2074 Gilbert, E. W., 2851 Gildemeister, E., 1350 Gilman, R. L., 3865 Gilmour, W., 1332 Gils, G. E. van, 3239 Gingold, N., 3407 Ginsburg, H. M., 2849, 3113 Gioseffi, M., 1813, 1814 Giqueaux, B. E., 3424 Girdlestone, ?, 244 Githens, T. 8., 2304, 2305, 2535, 2536, 2545, 2852, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3560, 3766 Glaser, J., 2783 Glasgow, E. D., 3226, 3604 Glass, S., 3684 Gley, E., 924, 1055 Glinka, V. A., 1276 Glover, L. P., 3957 Gnezda, J., 245 Gbtz, A., 2306 Golan, H. G., 3616 Goldberger, M. A., 2744, 3114 Goldman, D. G., 3240 Goldman, J. L., 2965 Goldschmidt, J., 820 Goldsworthy, L., 3205 Gonzales, J. de J., 1756 Gonzales-Q., J., 4063, 4117 Goriatchewa, S., 1346 Goss, E. L., 1994 Gottdenker, F., 3220, 3617 Gotten, H. B., 3618 Gougerot, ?, 1604 Gouzon, B., 2853 Gozony, L., 2427 Gracias, F. X., 694 Graeber, H., 2948 Graff, E. von, 1347 Graham, G., 1930 Graham, O. J., 3645 Gramont, A. de, 1715 Grandy, C. H., 870 Grasset, E., 2537, 2644, 2645, 2720, 2854, 2855, 2966, 2967, 2968, 3001, 3115, 3241, 3619, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623, 4101, 4102, 4145 Gray, E. M., 2856 Graziani, G., 459 Green, A. G., 1984 Green, F. D., 1193 Green, W. E., 504 Green-Armitage, V. B., 1277 Greenwald, H. M., 2857 Grela, A. F., 4103 Gresham, W. A., 977 Gressin, L., 168 Gresswell, G., 222, 223 Greval, S. D. S., 2784 Griffin, L. E., 1123 Griffin, T. W., 3428 Griggs, O. J., 3462 Grillo, J., 2751 Grobler, J. M., 3415 Grodfeld, E., 1682 Gronehi, V., 2969, 3242 Gros, ?, 575 Gros, H., 1018 Grossich, ?, 280 Grube, ?, 22 Griinbaum, A. S., 1348 Griinbaum, H., 1348 Griinewald, M., 2075 Griinsfeld, M., 2646 Gubarev, P. M., 78 Gudger, E. W., 2428 Guerin, C, 695, 1089 320 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Guerra, C, 3767 Guerrero, L. E., 1721 Guerrini, F. Z., 3866 Guerrini, G., 1931 Guglielmetti, J., 1822 Guillaume, A., 2538 Guillon, A., 1278 Guilluy, F. H. J., 925 Guimaraes, L. M., 3902, 3991 Guimaraes, E., 3480, 3781 Guiteau, A., 240 Gulland, J. M., 3243, 3244, 4104 Gunn, J. A., 1120, 1121, 1188, 1349, 1731, 1815 Gunn, J. W. C, 2721 Gunning, J. D., 79, 80 Gutch, J., 696 Guthrie, J. E., 2307 Gybrgy, P., 1529, 1592 Haag, F. E., 2970 Haas, E., 4146, 4147, 4148 Haas, G., 2308 Habuto, E., 1605 Hadley, H. G., 3624, 3768 Handel, ?, 1098 Haendel, L., 1350 Hagan, H., 3245 Hagenau, M., 697 Haguenau, J., 2858 Halm, G., 2971, 2972, 3116, 3117, 3429, 3430, 3431, 3432, 3433, 3434, 3435 Hahn, M., 1683 Haig, D. A., 4153 Haim, ?, 2108 Hale, C. W., 3782 Hale, E. E., 4149 Halford, G. B., 505 Hall, W. W., 2647 Hallas, E. A., 3958 Halley, C. E. L., 3791 Halliburton, W. D., 506 Halpern, N., 2719, 2780, 2781, 2782, 2960, 2961 Halter, B. L., 3959 Hana, E. P., 576 Handovsky, H., 1716 Hankin, E. H., 629 Hanna, W., 845 Hansen, A., 1732, 2539, 2540 Hanson, K., 3867 Hanssen, O., 1049 Hanut, C. J., 2973, 2974, 2975, 2976, 2977, 2978, 3118, 3246, 3247, 3248, 3249, 3250, 3251, 3436, 3437, 3438 Hara, Y., 2190, 2429 Hardison, W. H., 40 Hargis, A. S., 2979 Hargreaves, A. B., 3868, 3960, 3961, 4048 Hargreaves, W. H., 3869 Harms, W., 1540 Harnaek, E., 1351 Harrah, E. C, 3769 Harris, C. E. S. 3913 Harris, P. N., 3870 Harris, T. N., 3093 Harrison, W. T., 2195 Hart, E. S., 1056 Hartinger, A. O. 4049 Hartnett, W. G., 2541 Hartock, W., 2722 Harty, A. H., 1995 Hassan, A., 3625 Hasselt, A. W. M. van, 81 Hatase, Y., 3668 Hattingberg, I. V., 2722 Havemann, E., 3119 Haw, W. H., 1057 Hawkes, C. S., 507 Hayashi, T., 1733, 1734 Hayes, H. F., 430 Hayman, M., 3626 Haynes, J. E., 23 Hayward, W. A., 2723 Hazard, ?, 698 Hazra, M. M., 1735 Healey, C. W. E., 630, 699 Heathcote, E. St. A., 1731 Hecht, O., 2309 Heddon, J., 82 Heidenschild, W., 224, 225 Heidenstam, F. C, 41 Heimberger, H., 1889 Helfferieh, W. M. G., 3439 Hellbaum, H., 2980 INDEX OF AUTHOBS 321 Helm, S., 3962 Helsham, W. M., 397 Henderson, D. N., 3440 Hennessy, P. H., 1572, 1644 Henning, J. A., 398 Henry, A., 2785 Henry, M. J., 3441 Henson, B. B., 2310 Henze, M., 1019, 1433 Hepler, O. E., 4123 Heppe, ?, 1194 Herfarth, H., 1816 Hermann, G., 399 Herms, W. B., 3627 Herre, A. W. C. T., 1876, 1932 Herrera, M., 811 Herrild, ?, 1279 Herzfeld, E., 1645 Hess, F. O., 2673 Hesse, E., 2191 Hesse, G., 2601, 2694, 2926, 3057, 3827 Hester, J. W., 400 Heymans, M., 1996 Higgins, L., 2981 Higgins, S. B., 763 Hildebrandt, H., 1351 Hill, E., 3616 Hindle, E., 2583 Hinsdale, G., 169 Hirano, T., 2909, 2910 Hiroki, H., 3442 Hirsehfeld, L., 1541 Hirschhorn, J., 577 Hirschl, J. A., 1124 Hirst, G. G., 1058 Hobson, F. C. G., 3628, 3712, 3770, 3927 Hoche, O., 2076 Hocker, E. T., 129 Hodes, P. J., 3771 Hodgdon, A. L., 1059 Hodges, F. C, 3629 Hodgson, J. A., 4102, 4145 Hodgson, T., 508 Hogstrom, A., 1573 Hoffenreich, F., 2427 Hoffman, A., 1936, 2002 Hoffman, W. H., 2077 Hoffmann, C. C, 1817, 3443 Hoffmann, L., 358 Hoffmann-La Eoche & Company, A.-G., 2982 Hoker, H., 401 Holden, H. F., 2656, 2724, 2786, 2859, 2860, 2983, 3224 Hollande, A.-C, 1717 Hollander, J. L., 3772 Hollow, K., 4099 Holmes, L. S., 359 Holzapfel, K., 1684 Hood, A. J., 226 Hoof, M. van, 2907 Hooker, J. T., 871 Hopkins, H. H., 320 Hopkins, S. J., 4050 Horanyi-Hechst, B., 3630, 3773 Horiuchi, I., 2984 Horn, A., 227 Hosaya, Y., 3252 Hossain, M., 509 d'Hostalrieh, ?, 1280 Houdemer, E., 2812 Hourand, V., 3253 House, J. A.. 170 Houssa, G., 4107 Houssay, B. A., 1574, 1575, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1646, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1651, 1652, 1685, 1686, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1718, 1719, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2192, 2193, 2430, 2431, 2432, 2648 Houssay, M. A. C. de, 1739 Hudson, T. F., 3120 Hiibner, A., 1125 Hiibner, A. H., 1219 Hiinermann, T., 1723 Hiittell, E., 3057, 3121 Hug, E., 2193 Hughes, A., 2861 Hughes, F., 3254 Huidobro, F., 3821, 3822, 3823 Hukuda, S., 3444, 3445 Hukumoto, T., 3631 Humphrey, E., 578 Hunt, C. A. W., 402 Hunter, A., 978, 979 322 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Hunter, W. K., 933, 982, 1021, 1065, 1126 Hustin, A., 1673, 1709, 1710 Hutchinson, H. F., 24 Hutchison, E. H., 2311, 2433 Hutner, S. H., 4083 Iglesia, E. V., 1764 Iglesias, F., 1611 Iglesias, M. 8., 1877 Ikawa, S., 2862, 2863, 2998 Imerman, C. P., 3255 Imerman, S. W., 3255 Imray, O., 841 Ince, H. T., 2542 Ingals, E., 130 Ingram, W. W., 2725 Inoko, K., 431 Inoko, T., 340, 341, 342, 432, 443, 444, 445, 446 Ipsen, J., 3256 Isa, S. M., 631 Iselin, B., 4139 Isemonger, E. M., 3257 Ishihara, F., 1612, 1613, 1653 Ishii, T., 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2441, 2442 Ishiwara, F., 1878 Ishizaka, T., 1060 Iswariah, V., 2522, 2649 Itakura, T., 1614 Ito, T., 3492 Ittine, C, 1281 Iwakawa, K., 1765 Iwamoto, M., 2194 Iwano, M., 2078 Iwano, S., 1615 Iwata, M., 2543, 2544 Iwato, M., 2864 Iyengar, K. E. K., 1803, 1868 Iyengar, N. K., 3258, 3259, 3871 Izawa, T., 3632 Jaboulay, ?, 1020 Jackson, D., 2079, 2195, 2312, 2545 Jackson, E. M., 3243, 3244 Jackson, H. V., 1195, 1352 Jackson, M. H., 25, 26 Jacob, K., 1828 Jacobs, W. A., 1936, 2002 Jadassohn, W., 3754 Jahnel, F., 3633, 3634, 3635 Jaksch-Wartenhorst, ?, 2003 Jaquemet, ?, 56 Jaros, D. B., 3636 Jaulmes, C. H., 3071 Jaureguiber, ?, 1434 Jendrassik, L., 1879 Jennings, P. P., 460 Jensen, H., 2282, 2283, 2284, 2313, 2314, 2434, 2435, 2520, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2650, 2651, 2652, 2712, 2713, 2714, 2715, 2787, 2788, 2865, 2866, 2947, 2985, 3122 Jernikoff, ?, 1435 Jeschek, J., 3123 Jettappa, P. K., 1353 Jex-Blake, A. J., 3872, 3873, 3963 Jbrg, M. E., 3446 Jovall, T., 3447 Johlin, J. M., 3260 Johnson, C. M., 3261 Johnson, "W. M., 3637 Jolly, W. H., 83 Jonas, W., 1436 Jones, D. L., 2986 Jones, G., 2178, 2179 Jones, J., 579 Jones, L. J., 321 Jones, S. P., 4051 Jones, S. E., 3262 Jones, W. E., 632, 2004 Josso, ?, 84 Jouan, C, 1568 Joubert, F. J., 4153 Jourdain, S., 510 Jousset, M., 764 Joyeux-Laffuie, J., 85, 131 Jung, F., 3016 Just, B., 3540 INDEX OF AUTHOES 323 Kadlec, B., 2196 Kaarsberg, H., 926, 980 Kagaia, Y., 2080 Kaiser, L., 1766 Kalning, 0., 3263 Kambosseff, S., 3448 Kan, M., 3638, 3774 Kanizawa, S., 2081, 2082 Kanthack, A. A., 433, 434, 700 Karlinski, J., 360 Karmann, G., 4025 Kartoune, A., 2005 Katahira, S., 2083 Kathariner, L., 633 Kathe, ?, 1119 Kauer, G. L., Jr., 3964 Kaufmann, ?, 364, 403, 511, 634 Kaufmann, C, 281, 435 Kaufmann, M., 322, 461 Kaya, R., 1097, 1206 Kayser, C, 3264 Kazda, F., 2546 Kazeeff, W. N., 2867 Keatinge, H. P., 701 Keegan, H. L., 3874 Keeley, J. L., 3124 Kehoe, D. B., 3970 Kellaway, C. H., 2197, 2315, 2316, 2318, 2319, 2320, 2321, 2322, 2436, 2437, 2438, 2439, 2440, 2548, 2549, 2550, 2653, 2654, 2656, 2657, 2658, 2726, 2727, 2729, 2779, 2789, 2790, 2791, 2868, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2987, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3126, 3127, 3224, 3225, 3265, 3639, 3640, 3875 Kellog, V. L., 1542 Kelly, H. A., 800, 1767, 2006 Kelly, R. J., 3266 Kelp, ?, 132 Kelso, J. W., 3641 Kennedy, G. D., 1690 Kent, M. L., 3450 Kent, S. T. A., 801 Kenyon, F. C, 702 Kerr, W. M., 1354 Kettelkamp, G. D., 1543 2317, 2323, 2547, 2655, 2728, 2792, 3095, 3125, 3449, Khan, F. K., 3876, 3965 Khisty, B. R., 1544, 1768 Kilvington, B., 842 Kimura, R., 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2328, 2441, 2442 Kimura, S., 1765, 2084 King, E. H., 1061 King, E. J., 2730 King, P. M., 2988 King, W. G., 1545 Kinghorn, J. R., 2329 Kirby-Smith, H. T., 3267, 3877, 4105 Kirchner, E., 3642 Kirk, R., 4150 Kirschen, M., 2989, 2990 Kitajima, T., 1094 Kitasima, S., 3543 Klauber, L. M., 2085, 2198, 2551, 2991 Klein, A., 3268 Klein, S., 3355, 3544 Kleinman, A., 4106 Klinger, R., 1541, 1645 Klippel, M., 1437 Klobusitzky, D. von, 2552, 2872, 2992, 2993, 2994, 2995, 2996, 2997, 3128, 3129, 3269, 3270, 3271, 3272, 3451, 3452, 3453, 3643, 3644, 3775 Klopstock, A. 2731 Knabe, K., 3454 Knoch, J., 282, 283 Knott, J., 1196 Knowles, J., 1062 Knowles, R., 1403, 1474, 1475, 1476, 1530, 1565 Kobayashi, C, 2199, 2200, 2201, 2202 Kobayashi, Y., 2732, 2793, 2873, 2998, 3455 Kobert, R., 821, 872 Koch, F. J., 1937 Koch, M., 2086 Kocher, V., 4085 Kodama, K., 1740, 1769 Kodel, E., 2553 Koehler, G., 2659 Konig, H., 2970 Konig, P., 2993, 2994, 2995, 2996, 2997, 3271, 3272, 3453 Konig, S., 1546 Kbrbler, J., 2794 Kogan, R., 1282 324 INDEX OF AUTHORS Koivastik, T., 3891 Kolmer, J. A., 1616 Kondo, H., 2998, 3273, 3274, 3275, 3276 Konstanoff, S. V., 873, 981, 1547, 1576 Konstansow, S. W., 1499 Konz, W., 2826, 3058 Kopaczewski, W., 1617, 1618, 1619 Koplin, N. H., 3130 Koppitz, W., 27 Kopstein, F., 2007, 2087, 2203, 2330, 2443 Koressios, N. T., 2874, 2875 Kosier, M., 2999 Kostecka von Spindler, W., 1355 Kotake, M., 2204, 2795, 3131, 3132, 3277, 3456, 3457, 3460 Kovacs, N., 3133 Kraft, K., 2890 Kraus, E., 1770, 1771, 1772, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1910, 2008, 2009, 2088, 2331, 2554 Krause, M., 1063 Krauss, F., 2332 Kravkoff, N. P., 927 Kretsehy, F., 2205 Kristensen, K. P., 2010 Kroner, J., 3278 Kronfeld, A., 1117 Kubota, S., 1654, 1655 Kubota, T., 3277, 3279 Kudicke, E., 1577 Kumagai, F., 1431 Kumagai, T., 1432, 1500 Kundu, M. L., 3134, 3763 Kundu, N. L., 3237, 323*8, 3615 Kurata, T., 3135 Kurotchkin, T. J., 2876 Kusehakow, P., 1356 Kuwada, K., 3131, 3132, 3280, 3457, 3458, 3459, 3460 Kuzell, W. C, 3959 Kuznetsov, A. I., 4052 Kyes, P., 843, 874, 875, 928, 929, 1064, 1095, 1197, 2089, 3645 Kyu, K., 3136 LaBarre, J., 4107 Laboulbene, A., 42 Labriola, E., 3600 Lacaillade, C. W., Jr., 2733 Lacassagne, A., 3281 Lacerda, J. B. de, 19, 20, 38, 53, 57, 86, 87, 171 Lacerda Filho, ?, 133 Ladenheim, C, 3627 Lafitte, ?, 323 Lagomarsino, A., 3461 Lamb, G., 844, 845, 930, 931, 932, 933, 982, 1021, 1065 LaMotta, E. P., 3692 Landsbergen, V., 1139 Landsteiner, K., 1127 Lang, M. C, 2011 Langer, J., 635, 703, 765, 766, 767 Langlois, L., 333 Langmann, G., 812 Lankester, E. E., 580 Lanzetta, N., 1840 Lapicque, L. M., 2206 Larden, W., 636 Larson, A. O., 2090 Larson, N. P., 3878 Lassabliere, P., 3137 Lassen, G., 28 Lataix, ?, 1938 Latzer, P., 1983, 2062, 2063, 2091, 2174 Launoy, L., 846, 847 Laurell, D., 1578 Laurendeau, E., 3374, 3569 Laurent, P., 3282 Lauter, W. M., 3462 Lavagna, S., 1438 Lavauden, L., 2734 Lavedan, J., 2877 Lavigne, ? de, 704 Law, W. F., 404 Lawson, G. L. L., 462 Lazarevic, M., 2878 Lazarian, M., 1357 Leadman, A. D. H., 324 Leahy, A., 200 Leathes, J., 3463 Leber, A., 2092 INDEX OF AUTHORS 325 Le Count, E. E., 966 Lecuye, ?, 512 Ledebt, S., 1266, 1267, 1268, 1338 Lederle Laboratories Inc., 3283 Leditschke, H., 2971, 3116, 3117 Lee, H. H., 2660 Lee, L. E., 3776 Lee, E. K. C, 4108 Lefkovits, M., 3777 Le Gac, P., 3646 Legendre, J., 2333 Leidy, J., 228 Lemetayer, E., 2747 Lemos Monteiro, J., 1773 Lendenfeld, E. von, 934 Lenke, S. E., 2908 Leonard, C. W., 935 Lepesme, P., 3646 Lepow, S., 3284 Leroux, C, 7 Lesser, M., 3285 Lesser, W. A., 3647 Leue, ?, 2012 Levaditi, C, 1439, 1440 Levene, P. A., 1841 Lever, E. A., 3464 Levi, A., 3000 Levi, H., 4109 Levy, E., 1358, 1579, 1842, 1883, 2093, 2094, 2555, 2556, 2796 Lewin, L., 2334 Lewis, W. A., 1022 Lezaca, C. J., 1580 Li, C. H., 3879 Liang, C. M., 2797 Libanio, S., 1871 Liebendbrfer, E., 705 Liebers, M., 1515 Light, S. P., 1501 Ligneris, M. des, 3001 Lillig, ?, 3465 Lillig, E., 2879, 3002, 3648 Limarzi, L. E., 4053 Lineecum, L. G., 325 Lindberg-Broman, A. M., 4095 Lindemann, W., 768 Lindsay, J. W., 2013 Link, T., 2880, 3138, 3286 Linnell, E. McC, 1502 Linstow, O. von, 513 Linton, E., 3778 Lintz, E., 3278 Lippelt, A., 4054 Lisboa, M., 1871 Lissy, E., 1741 Livramento, F., 3287 Ljubetic, T., 3191 Lloyd, C. H., 2661 Lodenkamper, H., 3027 Loeb, L., 1090, 1128, 1441, 1503 Lbwenstein, E., 1910 Loewenstein, "W., 3288 Loewy, A., 1262 Logan, J. E., 637 Loiseleur, J., 3289, 3290, 3291, 3292, 3293, 3466 Long, A., 88, 172 Lopez Alcoba, H., 2207 Lord, E. E., 1656 Losada, C, 2208 Lotter, G., 3467 Lotze, ?, 1023 Loubo, V., 1359 Louis, D. J., 1742 Lounsberry, C. E., 2798 Loveridge, A., 2209, 2210, 2211, 2212 Lowe, E. C, 3294 Lowry, E. S., 1283 Lubo, V. K., 3240 Luciani, C, 706, 707 Luekhardt, A. B., 3147 Lukac, J., 2335 Lumiere, A., 3295 Luna Castro, H., 3468 Lundgren, H., 2881 Lundsgaard, K. K. K, 2213 Lustig, B., 3003 Lutembaeher, E., 3296 Lutz, B. E., 2735 Luzsa, ?, 3469 Luzsa, E., 3297 Lvova, ?, 1360 Lyon, W. C, 1198 Lyttle, J. D., 3025 326 INDEX OF AVTEOBS M Maass, T., 1199 Maberly, P. H., 1200 MacDonald, E., 361 MacDonald, W. 0., 581 MacFarlane, E. G., 2799, 2832, 2936 MacGowan, D. J., 173 MaeGowan, J. J., 3618 MacGraith, B. G., 4055 MacGregor, E. D., 1024 Machado, 0., 3966, 4056 Macher, ?, 514 Macht, D. I., 1233, 1319, 2444, 2736, 2737, 2882, 2883, 2884, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3139, 3140, 3141, 3298, 3299, 3470, 3471, 3472, 3473, 3474, 3626, 3649, 3650, 3651, 3652, 3653, 3779, 3880, 3967, 3968, 3969, 3970 Macht, M. B., 3299, 3472, 3473, 3474, 3475, 3476, 3651 Mackay, H., 1884 Mackenna, F. S., 3009, 3477 Mackenzie, A. J., 1548 Mackenzie, K. G. F., 3869 Mackenzie, L. H. L., 1442 Mackie, T. J., 1333, 1418, 1419 Mackinnon, J. E., 3300 Mackworth, E. C, 1657 MaeLane, C. C, 3654 Maclaud, ?, 638 MacLoskie, G., 284 MaePhail, D. H., 1066 MacPhail, N. P., 2336 MaePherson, J., 2014, 2885 MacPherson, J. W. E., 2337 Macridi, P., 246 MacVicar, N., 848 Madinaveitia, J., 3478, 3655, 3751, 3780 Madsen, T., 1025, 1067 Magalhaes, O. de, 1939, 1940, 2214, 2557, 3301, 3302, 3479, 3480, 3656, 3781, 3881, 3882 Magee, J. A., 3971 Magenta, M. A., 1774, 1775 Magistris, H., 2338 Maier, E., 3481, 3482, 3657, 3658, 3930, 3972 Maisonneuve, P., 639 Maitra, G. C, 2558, 2559, 2662, 2663, 2738 Maitra, S. E., 3906 Majundar, A. C, 3659 Makaroff, ?, 1284 Maksianovich, M. I., 3483 Malkana, M. T., 2958, 2959 Mallick, S. M. K., 2559, 2662, 2663, 2886, 2913, 2916, 2917, 2918, 3010, 3036, 3037 Maloney, F. "W., 515 Manaud, A., 1361 Mandal, A. L., 640 Manes, A. J., 3303 Mann, F. C, 2420, 2445, 2560, 2561 Manoilow, E. O., 1499 Manon, ?, 2664 Manta, J., 3173 Mantegazza, P., 29 Manwaring, W. H., 1201, 1202, 1843 Maranta, E., 2665 Marcaeci, A., 463 Marcenac, M., 2015, 2016, 2017, 2025, 2026 March, D. D. H., 2215, 2216, 2339, 2340. 2341 Marehand, 1, 708 Marco, E. de, 3011, 3012, 3142, 3304 Marcou, 1., 3143 Marenzi, A. D., 1997, 1998 Marinho, M. A., 4057 Maritz, A., 4085, 4086, 4135, 4136, 4137, 4138, 4139 Markin, L., 3645 Markowitz, J., 2291, 2412, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2419, 2420, 2445, 2516, 2560, 2561 Marsano, A., 3944, 4039 Marsh, W. Q., 709 Marshall, J., 1562, 1563 Marshall, O., 2666 Martin, C. de C, 1941, 1942 Martin, C. J., 436, 464, 710, 711, 769, 770, 771, 772, 983 Martin, W. B., 4151 Martini, E., 2018 Martino, G., 2800 Martins, T., 3607 Marx, E., 3948 Marx, W., 3150, 3305, 3672 Maryanlall, T., 773 INDEX OF AUTHOBS 327 Maslieurat-Lagemard, L., 8 Mason, C. T., 3306 Mason, J. B., 2445 Massol, L., 1048, 1089, 1115, 1259, 1285, 1487, 1504 Mastronardi, V., 3013 Mathews, A. P., 2217 Mathon, E., 3193 Matlock, J. W., 1286 Matus, M., 2095 Maublant, E., 1174, 1287, 1288 Mauer, H., 4021 Maurel, E., 1129 Maus, L. M., 641 Maxwell, J. P., 1362 Mayer, H., 1844 Maynard, F. P., 326 Mayrhofer, A., 2218 Mays, T. J., 1130, 1131, 1203, 1204, 1289, 1443, 1444, 1505 Mazumdar, S. K., 1549 Mazza, S., 1290, 1885, 2096, 2446 Mazzoeco, P., 1738, 1759, 1760, 1933, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2097, 2098 MeCall, A. B., 285 McCalman, H., 229 MeCampbell, E. F., 1550 McCarty, M. T., 1506 McClean, D., 3782 McCrudden, F. H., 1291 McCulloch, C. C, Jr., 1658 McDonnell, A. J., 405 McDowell, M. M., 3783 McEachern, G. C, 3692 McElligott, M. G., 1026 McFarland, J., 802, 813, 822, 823, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 876, 1132, 1133 Melntyre, J., 362 Melvor, B. C, 3627 McKenzie, I., 1176 McKie, T. J., 201 McKinley, E. B., 2342, 3484 MeLane, E. G., 3973 McLane, J. N., 3974 McMullen, C. G., 774, 775 MeNish, J., 516 McPherson, G., 3485 MeEeddie, G. D., 89 Mead, F. B., 3218 Medden, E. V., 2447, 2448, 2449, 2562 Medes, G., 3486 Mednikyan, G. A., 4110 Meirelles, E., 936 Mell, R., 2099 Mellanby, J., 1134, 3463 Mello, E., 3607 Mello Campos, O. de, 1886, 1943 Mello-Leitao, C, 4111 Memminger, W. M., 327 Mendez, T. H., 4117 Mendive, J., 3217 Menger, E., 174, 877, 984, 1027 Menghraj, H., 642 Menk, W., 2450, 2451 Menon, A. B., 3975 Menten, M. L., 1720 Merchante, F. E., 3014 Merle, E., 1776 Messelmann, S., 1292 Messer, W., 2898 Messurier, D. H. Le, 2869, 2870, 2987 Metcalfe, A. J., 1845 Metcalfe, E. F., 2100 Meurling, S., 2887, 2888 Meyer, H., 2694 Meyer, K. F., 3167 Meyer, P., 3295 Meyerstein, W., 1205 Mezger, H., 2889 Mezie, A., 1488 Mhaskar, K. S., 2563, 2618 Michael, D. F., 1777 Michaux, ?, 3307 Micheel, F., 2890, 3015, 3016, 3144, 3308, 3309, 3310, 3311, 3312, 3487, 3488, 3489, 3660, 3661, 3784 Michel, L., 1507 Michon, Y., 1944 Miguelote-Vianna, M., 2496, 2497, 2564, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2597, 2598, 2602, 2603, 2692, 2693, 2758, 2759, 2824, 2922, 2923, 2924, 2925, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3662, 3785 Millard, E. I., 1293 Milles, G., 2565, 2667 Millot, J., 2566 Mills, L. H., 1363 Mills, T. W., 247 Minagawa, T., 3313 Minear, W. L., 3792 328 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Mineshita, T., 3145, 3146 Minnhaar, T. 0., 3786 Minning, W., 3883 Minz, A., 1096 Mirande, M., 1028 Miravent, J., 1724 Misra, B. P., 517, 518 Mita, S., 1432 Mitchell, A. J., 465 Mitchell, D. T., 1581 Mitchell, J. D., 878 Mitchell, S. W., 58, 134, 135, 136, 137, 328, 776, 879 Mitchnik, S., 1364 Mitomo, Y., 2101, 2102, 2103 Mittasch, H., 2601, 2826, Miura, M., 363 Miwaki, K., 643 Mizuhara, H., 1887 Moday, I., 3851, 3852 Mody, S. H., 3314 Moggi, G., 437 Mohammed, A. H., 3625, 3884, 3976, 4058 Mohr, J. C. van der Meer, 2104 Mokiewsky, M., 1365 Molinelli, E. A., 1934, 1935, 2001 Moll, A. A., 3885, 3977 Monier, M., 712 Monod, G., 2452 Monserrat, C, 1721 Montes, O. B., 1722 Montgomery, B. E., 3663 Montgomery, D. W., 1366 Mookerjea, N., 3315 Moore, E. C, 937 Moore, S. P., 2105 Moore, W., 519 Moraes, A. de, 2469, 2470 Morawitz, P., 938 Morel, H., 1678 Morelli, E., 2453, 2454, 2567, 2568 Morgan, E. L., 1367 Morgan, F. G., 2549 Morgenroth, J., 1029, 1030, 1031, 1068, 1069, 1097, 1206 Mori, H., 1620 Morishima, K., 643 Moritsch, P., 2019, 2076, 2100. 2107, 2219 Morrison, N., 2220, 2455 Morse, E. S., 644 Morton, C. B., 2739 Moshkovskiy, I. I., 4112 Moss, W. L., 1294 Mosso, A., 286, 287 Mosso, U., 329 Motomura, G., 2456 Moufflet, ?, 364 Moura, E. de, 3926 Moura Campos, C. de, 2343 Moura Campos, F. de, 2221, 2343 Much, H., 1113, 2108 Mudaliar, V. S. B., 645 Mueller, A., 288, 289, 290, 291, 330, 365, 406, 466, 467, 468, 520, 582, 646 Mueller, E. F., 2667 Muller, E. F., 2565 Miiller, F., 175 Muller, H., 2891 Muir, E., 939 Mukerjee, A. B., 3886 Mukerjee, G. C, 3194 Mukerji, B., 3258, 3259, 3871, 4152 Mukhergi, A. C, 880 Mukherjee, G. C, 3490 Mukherjee, S. N., 2945, 3085 Mullin, F. J., 3147 Murakami, K., 2222, 2223 Muraz, G., 3491 Murison, C. C, 854 Murphy, E. J., 1070 Murray, C. F., 43 Murray, H. L., 1295 Murthy, 8. 8., 1691 Musgrave, A., 2109, 2110, 2725 Mustafa, A., 3017, 3019 Mutermilch, S., 1439, 1440 Myant, N. B., 3664 Myers, W., 713, 731, 777, 793, 794, 814 Mylrea, C. S. G., 2224 N Nag, C. H., 1551 Nagai, J., 3492 Naidu, B. P. B., 2738 Nainggolan, F. J., 2668, 2669 Nakamura, K., 2892 INDEX OF AUTHORS 329 Nakamura, T., 3493 Nand Lai, S., 2457 Nano, H., 3540 Nasaroff, N., 1368 Nast, A. G., 1846 Natale, P., 2893 Nathan, E., 1582, 1621, 1622, 1778 Nauck, E. G., 2344 Navarro, M., 3787 Neal, J. C, 521 Nechkovitch, M., 2111, 2801 Nedved, M., 3316 Negrete, J., 1609, 1647, 1648, 1649, 1650, 1652, 1686, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827 Negro, F., 2802 Neiva, C, 3722, 3723, 3724, 3788, 3789, 3790, 3835, 3887 Nekula, J., 3018 Neter, E., 2731, 2927 Netter, M., 2225 Netting, M. G., 2051 Neuberg, C, 1071, 1072, 1073 Neufeld, F., 1098 Neugebauer, H., 3494 Neumann, O., 881, 940, 1445 Neumann, T., 366 Newton, L., 367 Newtonoff, N., 1369 Nicholls, E., 3278 Nicholls, E. E., 3317 Nicholls, L., 2226 Nicholson, E., 138 Nicol, L., 2894, 2906, 3017, 3019, 3679, 3798 Nicolle, M., 1296 Nielsen, O. J., 3665 Niezabitowski, L. E., 2112 Nikolic, M., 2803 Nina, D. C, 4113 Nitsehe, ?, 1135 Nitzesco, I., 3318 Nitzescu, I. I., 3666 Noble, D., 3791 Noc, F., 941, 942 Noe, J., 803, 855, 856 Noguchi, H., 838, 839, 840, 868, 869, 882, 883, 922, 943, 944, 976, 985, 1025, 1032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 10C7, 1074, 1075, 1207 Noland, L., 2740 Nolf, P., 1208, 1297, 1779 Noon, Z. B., 3792 Nordin, F., 3319 Noronha, A. da Piedade, 3667 Norris, S. W. K., 4059 Novaro, V., 1780, 1781, 1847, 1848 Nowak, J., 778 Nowakzynski, J., 1370 Nowotny, H., 2670 Nuki, B., 3668 Nutter, E. B., 2113 Obermayer, M. E., 3978, 4114 Obiglio, A. E., 2458 Obolonski, N., 230 Ocaranza, F., 1849, 1888, 1945, 2020, 2459 Ochoterena, ?, 1850 Odier, E., 945 Odoriz, J. B., 3979, 4069 O'Drain, T. I., 3980 Oertel, T. E., 2345 Offe, Hans A., 2920, 3041 Oh, J., 2804, 3148, 3495, 3496 Oh, Y., 3669 O'Hara, W., 176 Ohnesorg, K., 884 Ohno, S., 3273, 3274, 3275, 3276 Ohya, K., 2346 Oikawa, K., 2385 Okabe Eioyei, ?, 59 Okabo, N., 1659 Okhotina, A. M., 4112 Old, E. H. H., 1371 Olio, F. dall', 2671 Oliveira, Cunha J. de, 2227 Oliver, T., 1782 Ollivier, H., 4038 Omar, M. A., 2114 Omorokow, L., 1298, 1311, 1387 Oncken, A., 1136 Orlandini, P., 3497 Orndoff, B. H., 1137, 1552 Orr, M. L., 3793, 3888 Orticoni, A., 2805 Ortiz Luna, T. A., 3814 330 INDEX OF AUTEOBS Osawa Kenji, ?, 177 Osborn, H., 1553 Osborne, W. A., 2460 Ostermayer, H., 2972 Ota, M., 2461 Otanes, F. 0., 2672 Otero, M. J., 1692, 1738 Ott, I., 90, 91 Ottinger, W., 647 Otto, K., 2115, 2116, 2228, 2229, 2347, 2348, 2462, 2463, 2569, 2673 Over, W. H., 2230 Overton, E., 1167, 1252, 1253 Owtscharenko, E. P., 2464 Pacella, G., 1851, 2141, 2142 Pacheco e Silva, A. C, 2741 Paganelli, A., 3149 Page, E. C, 3670, 3793, 3888, 3981, 3982, 3983, 4106 Pagnoni, G., 522 Paillas, J. E., 3399 Pain, F., 331, 407, 408 Palieri, A., 1209 Palmer, H. E., 2349, 2465 Palomo, A., 4115 Pampana, ?, 2466 Panashenko, A. D., 4060 Pang, H. Q., 4108 Pant, H. D., 534 Paoletti-Perini, 1, 3749 Papamarku, P., 2117, 2118 Pardo de Figueroa, E., 648 Parisot, J., 1693 Parker, W. N., 292 Parmenov, V. I., 3794 Parrisius, W., 1889 Parry, L. D., 368, 523 Parsonnet, A. E., 3671 Pascal, J., 3328, 3329 Pasquier, H., 139 Pasricha, C. L., 3795 Passano, P. -A., 44 Pastereau, ?, 857 Pasteur, F., 2237, 2238, 2239, 2240, 2241, 2242, 2355, 2356, 2680, 2813, 2901, 2902, 2903 Paterson, A. C, 1694 Patterson, E. L., 779 Patton, W. C, 2350 Patton, W. S., 2570 Paula Santos, O., 2632 Pauli-Magnus, ?, 3498 Pave, S., 1761, 1762, 1763 Pavlovski, E. N., 2021 Pawlowski, E. N., 1446, 1447, 1448, 2119, 2351, 2352, 2467 Peabody, C. H., 780 Peacock, J. C, 2231 Pearah, J. B., 3856 Pearee, E. M., 1138, 1449, 1450 Pearse, E. A., 1299 Pearson, O. P., 3889 Pecciarini, E., 3499 Peck, E. D., 649 Peck, H., 1372 Peek, S. M., 2571, 2674, 2742, 2743, 2744, 2895, 2896, 2897, 2927, 3020, 3025, 3114, 3150, 3151, 3305, 3672 Peckolt, T., 714 Pedler, A., 9 Peembller, ?, 2108 Pekanovich, S., 1210 Pellaeani, P., 202, 248 Pender, J. W., 3673 Pendred, B. F., 1373 Penna Sobrinho, O., 3796, 3984 Pennavaria, F., 178 Penteado, J., 2498, 3708 Pepeu, F., 2806, 2807, 3320, 3500, 3674 Peple, W. L., 2468 Pequeno, P. A., Jr., 2120 Perceval, M., 583 Pereira, A., 3548 Pereira, J. E., 2022, 2023, 2024, 2469, 2470 Pereira, V. O, 4061 Perel, L., 3197 Perelmann, A., 1374 Perez Noguera, ?, 1037 Pergola, A., 3890 Peronnet, f, 1038 Perrin, ?, 1375 Perrin, M., 2675, 2676 Persy, ?, 1039 Peshkin, M. M., 2898 Petersen, W. F., 2565, 2667 Peterson, H., 3891 INDEX OF AUTHORS 331 Petiot, M. P., 2899 Petrov, I. P., 2572 Petrov, V. D., 2633 Petyko, C, 1376 Pevsner, R., 1377 Peyron, A., 4062 Peyrot, 1, 946 Pfanner, E., 3754 Pfihl, ?, 293 Pfbrringer, O., 1139 Phelps, B. M., 2121 Phillips, S. T., 30 Philpott, C. H., 2471, 2573, 2574, 2677 Phiquepal d'Arusmond, L., 2333 Phisalix, C, 332, 333, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 584, 585, 586, 587, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788, 804, 805, 807, 815, 858, 859, 860, 885, 947, 948, 949, 950, 986, 987, 988, 1451 Phisalix, M., 1140, 1141, 1211, 1212, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1378, 1379, 1452, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1554, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1627, 1628, 1660, 1661, 1783, 1784, 2025, 2026, 2122, 2123, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2235, 2236, 2237, 2238, 2239, 2240, 2241, 2242, 2353, 2354, 2355, 2356, 2472, 2473, 2474, 2575, 2576, 2678, 2679, 2680, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2900, 2901, 2902, 2903, 3152, 3321, 3322, 3501, 3502, 3675, 3676 Picado, C, 2243, 2681, 2745 Picado, T. C, 2475 Pick, J., 3153 Pierotti, G., 1076 Pierson, R. N., 1555 Pietra Santa, ?, 60 Pifano, C. F., 3503 Pigulevskii, S. V., 2814 Pillary, T. A. M., 532 Pinali, R., 789 Pini, O., 1142 Pinkus, L. F., 2815 Pino, O., 1213 Pinto, J., 1583 Pirker, H., 2219 Pirosky, I., 3892, 3893 Piton, L., 2904, 2905 Plant, F., 1143 Pluyette, E., 249 Podolski, A., 92 Potzl, O., 1124 Pohl, J., 474 Pokrassoff, M., 1380 Police, G., 1303 Police, S. G., 1144 Pollack, H., 2244 Poison, A., 4116, 4153 Pomerat, C. M., 3183 Poniemunski, A., 1695 Ponnambalam, C, 3504 Pontano, T., 1304 Poole, W. B., 3797 Pope, C. H., 3154 Pope, S., 1696 Popoff, A., 250, 1305 Portier, P., 861 Porto, J., 3894 Posado-Arango, A., 251 Posey, L. C, 2746 Potel, ?, 1306 Potick, D., 2476, 2477, 2478, 2577, 2682 Pottiez, C, 1381 Pouchet, ?, 203 Poursines, Y., 4038 Pousma, R. H., 2245 Pozo, E. C. del, 4063, 4117 Pozzi, S., 1307 Prado, F., Jr., 3677 Prado, J. L., 4081, 4130 Prall, S. E., 533 Prater, S. R., 2479 Prati, M., 1946 Pratt, C. L. G., 3664 Pratt, J. J., 424, 534 Pratt-Johnson, J., 2816 Preioni, C, 1852 Preisler, P. W., 4106 Presley, T. E., 657 Prey, D., 2480 Price, E. C, 722 Priestley, J. T., 2529 Prileaux, R. O., 2124 Prince, H. E., 3505 Prochnov, J., 252 Prochorov, P., 179 Prbscher, F., 824 Provera, G., 2125, 2246 332 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Provera, P., 2357 Provoost, M., 3372 Prudden, T. M., 204 Puga Borne, F., 438, 535 Pugliese, A., 536 Pugnat, A., 1662, 2358 Pulido, M. A., 4154 Purser, C, 439 Q Quatrefagas, ? de, 93, 94 Quelly, E. S. G., 334 Quivy, D., 4028, 4029, 4092 Rabaud, E., 1629 Babinovieh, E., 1785, 1853, 1890, 1947, 1948 Rachatt, N., 1382 Badaody-Balarosy, P., 3678 Eagotzi, V., 369 Eahimullah, M., 3506 Eai, K., 3155, 3156, 3157, 3158 Eaimondi, A. A., 3159 Eaimundo, J. M., 1949 Eaju, K. V., 2027 Eake, B., 205 Eakuzin, M. A., 1584 Earn, B., 1854 Ramirez Enriquez, F., 3507 Eamon, G., 1891, 1950, 2747, 3679, 3798, 3799 Eamon, M., 3799 Bamos, J. I., 3800 Eamsdell, C, 206 Bamseyer, A. A., 588 Eangacharya, M., 589 Eao, D. N., 590 Eao, P. K., 3801 Eapoport, ?, 1453 Basjee, G., 658 Batnagiriswaran, A. N., 2825 Batz, S. von, 475 Baubitschek, H., 1091, 1127 Eaue, B., 335 Eavier, J. L., 2363 Eavina, A., 2817 3802, 3895, 3896, 3900, 3901, 3985, Bawak, F., 4118 Bay, P., 3680 Bay, P. C, 3422 Bay, W. J. B., 370 Baymond-Hamet, ?, 3897, 3898, 3899, 3986, 3987, 3988, 3989, 3990, 4064 Eeddie, ?, 476 Eeed, U. W., 477 Eeese, A. M., 2028, 2126, 2683, 2818 Eegendanz, P., 2578 Eegester, E. H., 1951 Begnier, M., 3021 Eeichard, C, 1454 Beichenow, E., 2578 Eeicher, K., 1071, 1072 Eeichert, E. T., 58, 135, 136, 137 Eeichwald, W. F., 1308 Eeid, J. A., 537, 659, 790 Eeilly, E. W., 371 Beilly, F. B., 478 Eeinert, M., 3022 Eeinhold, C. H., 1214, 1455 Eemedios Monteiro, J., 61 Eemy, C, 140 Benaud, M., 2247, 2481 Eennie, S. J., 660 Besta, L. S., 3515, 3683 Beuss, T., 2127, 2482 Eeuter, M., 1663 Bezende, C. de, 1556 Eeznikoff, P., 3964 Eho, F., 409, 591, 661, 662, 663 Ei, T., 3160, 3508, 3509, 3510, 3511, 3512, 3513, 3681, 3803 Bibeiro, D. F., 3991 Eibeiro, B., 3902 Bibolla, B., 1855 Bieliards, A. G., Jr., 4119 Eichards, A. N., 2702 Eichards, V., 45, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 141, 180, 207, 253, 336, 440 Eiehardson, B. W., 479 Bichardson, J. F., 31 Eichet, C, 231, 861, 886, 951, 989 Eiehmond, W. T., 592 Eichou, B., 2894, 2906, 3798, 3799 Eichter, M., 3323 Eichter, E., 3324 Eicketts, B. M., 791 INDEX OF AUTEOBS 333 Ricord, P., 372 Riddick, T. M., 723 Eideal, E. K., 4120 Ridley, H., 4065 Riechetowa, N., 1383 Riehl, », 1077 Rietti, C. T., 2097, 2098 Rigby, P. A., 254 Rinn, P., 1456, 1457 Riper, W. van, 2930 Riseman, J. E. F., 3992, 4100 Ritz, H., 1384 Roaro, D. N., 3443 Robbins, E. B., 3083, 3206 Roberts, H. A., 2579 Roberts, J. C, 294 Roberts, J. I., 3903 Robertson, D., 480, 538 Robillard, E., 3198, 3380, 3381, 3514 Robin, E., 102 Robinson, H. M., Jr., 3325 Robinson, W., 3161 Roch, M., 3682, 3804, 3805 Rocha Botelho, ?, 1772, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839 Rocha e Silva, M., 3904 Roche, L., 255 Rochon, ?, 1040 Rodhain, J., 2907 Rodling, J., 1585 Rodriguez Cubil6, R., 2248 Roemer, R., 1385 Roffo, A. H., 1892 Rogers, L., 887, 888, 889, 890, 909, 952, 953, 954, 955, 956, 990, 991, 1386 Rojas, P., 3515, 3683 Rolf, I. P., 1841 Romero, F. J., 816 Romiti, G., 181, 182 Roppongi, H., 2249 Rosanoff, A. J., 1145 Rosen, J. A., 3087 Rosen, N., 957 Rosenberg, E., 1073 Rosenberg, M., 3516 Rosenbohm, A., 3993 Rosenfeld, A. H., 1458 Rosenfeld, S., 2908, 3684, 3806 Rosenthal, N., 2897, 3020, 3151, 3517 Rosenthal, O., 1069 Ross, A., 373 Ross, A. T., 3518 Ross, C. J., 1309 Rossignoli, J. J., 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131, 2132, 2133 Rostand, J., 2684 Roth, J. H., 1812 Rotman, C. M. H., 4066 Rotter, W., 3326 Rottmann, A., 3162, 3327, 3519, 3685 Roubaud, E., 2250 Rouland, E., 1630 Rousseau, E., 2754, 2755, 2756, 2819, 3328, 3329 Roussy, B., 1310 Rouville, E. de, 1215, 1216 Roux, G., 593 Rouyer, M., 3281 Roy, A., 2946 Roy, A. C, 3330, 3331, 4121 Roy, G. C, 103 Royer, M., 2029, 2030, 2031, 2134 Rubino, C., 1459 Rubinstein, J., 3806 Ruber, H., 3023 Rudeck, E., 256 Ruffer, M. A., 701 Rupert, L. E., 724 Rutherford, R. N., 3520 Ruzicka, L., 4067 Ryo, K, 2135, 2136, 2137 S Sacchi, M., 594 Sacchi, P., 3332 Sacerdote, de Lustig, E., 3994 Sachs, H., 862, 875, 891, 892, 893, 1041, 1078, 1079, 1099, 1217, 1311, 1387, 1557, 1577 Sachs, W. B., 2086, 2251 Sacon, J. J., 2252 Sacy, G. S. de, 3372 Sadikov, V. S., 1893, 2032 Sainati, J., 2253 Sainz, N., 4040 Saito, J., 2483 Sakai, S., 1631 Sakia, J., 2359 334 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Salanone-Ipin, H., 337 Salazar, M., 2138 Salomon, Leone, 4062 Salomon, Louis, 4062 Salveraglio, F. J., 3402 Salvi, P., 3163, 3333 Sampayo, R., 3892, 3893 Sampayo, R. R. L., 3905, 3979, 3995, 4068, 4069 Samsonoff, ?, 1460 Samuels, L. T., 2615 Sanarelli, G., 295 Sanchez, J., 441 Sanchez, L. J., 3521 Sanchez Posada, E., 3356, 3357 Sangiorgi, P., 1952 Sangiovanni, A., 3159 Santesson, C. G., 664, 725, 726, 958, 2360, 3024 Santos, F. dos, 959 Santos, O. B., 2221 Sapeika, N., 3530 Sapwell, B. B., 1146 Sarkar, B. B., 3906 Sarkar, N. K., 3778, 4046 Sato, M., 2748, 2909, 2910 Savchenko, P. N., 104 Savtschenko, P., 232 Sawaya, P., 3686 Sawyer, H. W., 2749 Scaffidi, V., 1514 Scapier, J., 3522 Schaafsma, A. W., 2855, 3620, 3621, 3622, 3623, 4102, 4145 Schaefer, E. H., 595 Schafer, P., 1312 Schaefer, T. W., 596 Schaer, E., 727 Schamberg, J. F., 817 Schaumont, ?, 142 Scheierson, S. S., 3025 Schein, A., 3382 Schenk, A. H., 665 Schepers, W., 2750 Scherk, C, 728 Schilling, ?, 296 Schlesinger, M. B., 2629 Schlimpert, H., 1135 Schlossberger, H., 2751 Sehmaus, L. F., 2361 Schmidt, K. P., 2254, 2362 Schmidt, M., 410 Schmidt, P., 1515 Schmidt-Lange, W., 3807 Schmitz, H., 3311, 3312 Schneck, J., 10 Schnee, ?, 1313 Schoberl, A., 3687 Schobl, O., 1721 Schottler, W. H. A., 3334, 3523, 3907, 3996, 3997 Scholz, W., 2033 Schonten, G. B., 2580 Schottstaedt, R., 1393 Sehoultz, ?, 1461 Schranslik, E., 1683 Schreiber, J., 183 Schrek, R., 3026, 3998 Sehrustroff, N. W., 1856 Schubert, J., 2752 Schulmann, E., 2363 Sehultz, J. H., 1147 Schultz, L. P., 4070 Schwab, R,, 2820, 3164, 3335, 3336 Schwabe, W., 3494 Schwartz, H. J., 1388 Scott, J., 992, 993 Secrest, P. G., Jr., 3505 Sedan, J., 3524 Seel, H., 3027 Segal, G. I., 3525 Segard, M., 1218 Sehra, K. B., 3258, 3259 Seiler, J., 3028 Selter, H., 1125, 1219 Sembon, S., 2581 Semeneoff, E., 1389 Semenov, H., 2396 Sementsov, A., 3526 Senderey, S., 3952 Sen Gupta, P. C, 3999 Sereins, ?, 105 Sergent, E., 2911, 2912, 3029, 3030, 3165, 3337, 3338, 3527, 3528, 3529, 3688, 3689, 3808, 3809, 3908, 3909, 3910, 3911, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4071, 4072, 4073, 4074, 4075, 4076, 4077, 4122 Setter, C. G., 2860 INDEX OF AUTHORS 335 Sewall, C. A., 411 Sewall, H., 257, 258 Sewall, J. E., 2590 Shankar, G., 729 Shapiro, H. A., 3530 Sharp, D., 1894 Sharp, E. L., 960 Sharp, W. H., 297 Shattuck, G. C, 1899 Shaw, H. L., 2139 Sheldon, D., 2364 Sheppe, J. L., 1220 Sherif, M. A. F., 2685 Sherman, S., 3652, 3653 Sheynerman, A. A., 3810 Shimizu, S., 1586, 1631 Shimkin, M. B., 4004 Shirmumskaja, E. A., 3690 Shoppee, C. W., 3912 Shortt, H. E., 2913 Shortt, J., 106 Shousha, A. T., 2582 Shraer, M., 3811 Shtein, A. K., 2021 Shufeldt, E. W., 412 Shuler, W. M., 62 Shulov, A., 3339, 3531 Sieber-Schumow, N. O., 597 Siemens, H. H., 3166, 3340 Sillar, W. C, 917 Simeons, A., 2140 Simonds, J. P., 4123 Simonin, P., 2914 Simpson, W. J., 336 Simsohn, J. S., 259 Sinderson, H. C, 1895 Singh, B., 539 Singh, C, 1896, 1953 Singh, Inder, 4078, 4124, 4155 Singh, Inderjit, 4078, 4124, 4155 Sinha, E. D., 540, 666, 730 Sjovall, T., 3532 Skeat, W. W., 1390 Skinner, D., 481 Skramlik, E. von, 1723 Slotta, K. H., 3341, 3342, 3343, 3344, 3345, 3346, 3533, 3534 Slunin, N. V., 442 Smedley, N., 2484 Smirnow, A., 1521 Smith, B. H., 208 Smith, D., 3535 Smith, J. M., 436 Smith, M., 2583 Smithers, E., 3416 Smithers, E. H. N., 3536 Smyth, J., 338 Smyth, S., 121 Smyth, T. E., 482 Sobbe, ? von, 298 Sobotka, H., 2571 Sody, H. J. V., 2584 Soetarso, B., 2915 Solaro, G., 2034 Soloveva, O., 3371 Sommer, H., 3167, 3728 Sonderhoff, E., 3031 Sonneborn, D. G., 4156 Sordelli, A., 1610, 1651, 1652, 1687, 1688, 1689, 1718, 1719, 2141, 2142 Sorley, E. E., 2518 Sotolongo y Lynch, V., 1148 Spaar, A., 1314 Spalding, A. M., 184 Spangler, E. H., 1221, 1315, 1391, 1462, 1463, 1664, 1897, 1898, 1954, 4005 Spear, E., 961 Speer, F., 3812 Spencer, E. C., 3880 Spencer, H. A., 2686 Spfndler, W. N., 962 Spielman, F., 3087 Spies, J. W., 2876 Spitzly, J. H., 1222 Splatt, B., 2295 Spofforth, J. L., 233 Ssokoloff, N., 339 Stadelman, E. E., 2255, 2365, 2366, 2506 Staderini, C, 299, 300 Stahnke, H. L., 3347, 3450, 3813 Stalder, W., 3060 Staley, F. H., 2367 Stanham, T. G., 1042 Stanley, H. B., 792 Stanley-Jones, D., 3913 Stannus, H. S., 3691 Stan-Suciu, M., 3666 Starkenstein, E., 3032 336 INDEX OF AUTHOBS Starorypinska, ?, 1464 Stawska, B., 1223, 1250, 1251, 1316, 1326 Stefanopoulo, G. J., 2585 Steichen, A., 1869, 1926 Stein, A. K., 2467 Steinberg, I. E., 3814 Steinbrocker, O., 3692 Steinhardt, E., 1149 Steinheil, F., 1516, 2143 Stephens, J. W. "W., 731, 793, 794, 818 Stevenson, G. E., 1955 Stevenson, J., 63, 64 Stevenson, W., 1465 Stewart, A. D., 2256 Stewart, A. H., 776 Stewart, C. M., 2851 Stewart, D. H., 1786 Stewart, H., 3230 Stewart, H. C, 3609 Stewart, W. D., 4125 Stilling, E., 1150 Stillmunkes, A., 1800, 1968 Stinitsky, M., 1392 Stirling, M. W., 3914 Stockton, M. E., 2586 Stokes, J. H., 1517 Stoll, A., 994 Stone, A. K., 541, 795 Stone, W. J., 1393, 1518 Storer, T. I., 2587 Stover, G. H., 796 Stoye, W., 4010 Stradling, A., 483 Strebel, J., 2588 Strecker, J. K., 2035, 2036, 2368 Streiff, E. B., 3537 Strohl, J., 2037 Strong, E. P., 1899 Strubell, A., 1151 Struppler, A., 3943 Stuehlik, J., 2144, 2257 Stumper, E., 1787, 1788, 1789, 1857, 1858 Suarez Peregrin, E., 3815 Subedar, S. A., 3816 Sugantani, P., 2485 Suguro, S., 1519 Sullivan, W., 3168 Sundaram, S. K., 2589 Surya, G. W., 1466 Sutherland, G. S., 46 Suzuki, Y., 2145 Swett, W. F., 3348 Swinny, B., 3817 Syam, A. C, 1632 Szekely, P., 3915 Szepsenwol, J., 3515, 3683 Szily, A. von, 1224 Szyszka, G., 3346 Taborda, A. E., 3538, 3693, 3818, 3916 Taborda, L. C, 3693, 3694, 3818, 3916 Taguet, C, 2753, 2754, 2755, 2756, 3349 Tahara, Y., 1225 Takahashi, D., 340, 341, 342, 443, 444, 445, 446 Takahasi, Y., 3695 Takamatsu, M., 3033 Takano, Y., 3034, 3035 Takesaki, K., 363 Talkov, E. H., 4006 Tarabini-Castellani, G., 3350, 3696 Tarchanoff, I. E., 301 Tatum, E. L., 3925 Tatum, E. H., 11 Taube, H., 3169 Tawara, E., 542 Taylor, F. E., 3917 Taylor, J., 2916, 2917, 2918, 3036, 3037, 3697 Taylor, K. P. A., 2369 Taylor, L. H., 4007 Taylor, M. E., 1859, 2486 Taylor, W. E., 1697 Tedesehi, A., 1330, 1415 Tembe, E. S., 1743 Terrell, J. A., Jr., 3918 Terrier, 1, 234 Terry, W. H., 413, 414 Teruuchi, Y., 1080 Tessier, J. P., 3539 Testi, T., 2487 Tetry, A., 3819 Tetsch, C, 3038, 3170 Thelen, A., 3186 INDEX OF AUTHOBS 337 Thesing, J. H., 4126 Thin, G., 65 Thiry, G., 1375, 1456, 1457 Thorn, D. A., 1520 Thorn, G., 1226 Thomas, A. I., 484 Thomas, E. C, 3670 Thomas, J. T., 374 Thomas, L., 3698 Thompson, F., 2687, 3919 Thompson, G. J., 3178 Thompson, L. T., 209 Thomson, D. F., 2440, 2488, 2657, 2919 Thome, E. T., 2981 Thorner, B. S., 3771 Thorp, E. W., 4008, 4127 Thwaites, J. S., 343 Tidswell, F., 863 Tille, H., 2875 Timus, D., 3318 Tin, K., 3351, 3699, 3700 Tinkham, E. E., 4157 Tirado L., A. O., 2688 Tiscornia, A., 3540 Tisdall, H. T., 2590 To, S., 3701, 3702, 3703, 3820 Todd, A. E., 3655, 3751 Todd, C, 1152 Toledo, C. de, 3761 Toledo-Piza, S. de, Jr., 2370, 2489, 2490, 2491, 2492 Tomayama, K., 3171 Tomb, J. W., 1900 Tompkins, H. H., 185 Tonkes, P. E., 2757 Tonnel, ?, 1043 Topaloff, E., 1394 Torraca, L., 1587 Tourney, J. W., 4009 Townsend, L. H., 3039 Trappen, P. von der, 3352 Traub, E., 3704 Treloar, E. N., 415 Treplin, L., 3086 Trethewie, E. E., 3541, 3639, 3640 Tricard, ?, 543 Tripp, A. B., 3353 Tritschel-Bernatovitch, E., 1395 Troise, E., 2258, 2259, 2371 Trojan, E., 2372 Tropp, C, 4010 Trueta, J., 3727 Trumpp, J., 2689 Tschesche, E., 2821, 2920, 3040, 3041 Tsobkallo, G. I., 3705 Tsuchiya, Y., 2921, 3042, 3043, 3044, 3045, 3046, 3047, 3048, 3172 Tsukerman, A., 667 Tucker, H., 1396 Tupynamba, A., 3302, 3656 Turner, P., 143 Tuten, J. G., 732 Tyndall, M., 3278 Tzitovitch, I., 1521 Ukino, T., 3542 Umeda, S., 3543 Ungermann, E., 1269 Unverricht, ?, 2690 Upham, E., 3354, 3355, 3544 Urechia, C. I., 3173 Ureta E., E., 4079, 4080 Uribe Angel, M., 260 Urueta, E., 186 Usinger, W., 2146 Uzawa, S., 2691 Uzdin, Z. M., 3525 Vacirea, F., 3545 Vail, A. D., 3546 Valentini, V., 1866 Valle, S., 3174 Valli, V., 2260 Van Denburg, J., 733 Vandoni, C, 1467 Vannfalt, K. A., 3049 Van Zant, C. B., 1522 Varela, G., 3356, 3357, 3547 Varenna, E., 2373 Variot, G., 598 Varlamov, V. I., 3706 Vaseoncelles, De, 2493 Vasconcelos, M., 4011 Vaughan, J. C, 485 338 INDEX OF AUTHORS Vaughan, J. M., 3175 Vaughan, J. T., 2591 Vaz, E., 3548 Velarde, C, 1724 Vellard, J., 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 2060, 2169, 2374, 2375, 2376, 2377, 2378, 2398, 2494, 2495, 2496, 2497, 2498, 2564, 2592, 2593, 2594, 2595, 2596, 2597, 2598, 2602, 2603, 2692, 2693, 2758, 2759, 2822, 2823, 2824, 2922, 2923, 2924, 2925, 3050, 3176, 3358, 3359, 3360, 3549, 3550, 3551, 3552, 3553, 3707, 3708, 3785, 3821, 3822, 3823, 3920, 3921, 3922, 4012, 4013, 4128 Vendrely, E., 3941 Venkatachalam, K., 2825 Verda, A., 1227 Verdial, V., 1558 Vernoni, G., 1956 Veth, ?, 235 Vialli, M., 3051, 3052, 3053, 3054, 3554, 4129 Vianna Martins, A., 4014 Viaud-Grand-Marais, A., 32, 47, 48, 49, 66 Viaux, F. B., 3555 Vidal Giiemes, A., 2158 Vildosola, E., 4045 Villaverde Alvarez, M., 3923 Villela, E., 1633, 1665 Villela, G. G., 3824, 4081, 4130 Vinke, H. H., 144 Vinze, M. B., 599, 668 Viola, M., 1634 Viosea, P., Jr., 2038 Vladesco, R., 3377, 3378, 3574, 3575, 3576, 3577, 3729, 3730, 3838 Vocke, P., 2505 Vogelsang, E. G., 3924 Vogelsang, W. A., 2647 Vollmer, E., 447, 448 Vormann, ?, 1901 Voss, A. H., 3825 Voyer, E. O., 3177 Vulpian, ?, 107, 108, 109 W Wachstein, M., 3617 Wacker, T., 3216 Wada, H., 2039, 2147, 2261 Waddell, L. A., 344 Wade, W. L., 345 Wagner-Jauregg, T., 3556 Wagtendonk, W. J. van 3925 Waite, E. E., 2148 Walbum, L., 1559, 1560 Walch, J., 4015 Walker, C. W., 4016, 4131 Walker, E. W. A., 1100 Walker, P. D., 1790, 1902 Walker, J. G. Van de, 302 Walker, N. P., 4017 Wall, f, 1317 Wall, A. J., 12, 145 Wall, P., 1081, 1153, 1468, 1469, 1523, 1698, 1699, 1957, 2262 Walle, N. van der, 2499 Wallich, E., 2605 Walsh, E. O., 4104 Walsh, G., 2500 Ward, E. L., 1588 Warden, C. J. H., 236, 261, 440 Wasserbrenner, K., 2263 Watanabe, K, 2864 Waterhouse, A. T., 1524 Waterman, J. A., 3361, 4082 Waters, E. T., 3593, 3743 Wateraton, J., 2379 Watkins, B. D., 303 Watkins, C. H., 3055, 3178 Watkins-Pitchford, H., 963 Watkins-Pitchford, W., 963 Watson, A., 1700 Watson, G. I., 3826 Watson, H. F., 1860 Watson, J., 995 Wazen, A., 3926 Weber, A., 1861 Weber, N. A., 3557 Weden, H., 3032 Wehrmann, C, 797 Weil, A., 2501, 2502 Weil, F., 1471 Weil, M. P., 1437 Weil, E., 1154, 1397 Weismann, R., 1561 Weiss, N., 1903 Weiss, V. N., 1904 INDEX OF AUTHOES 339 Weissenborn, ?, 1318 Welch, H., 2503, 2504 Welker, W., 1228, 1562, 1563 Welker, W. H., 1958 Weller, G., 3071, 3380, 3381 Wellman, F. C, 1044 Wells, A., 734 Welsh, D. A., 1229 Wendhand, G., 3709 Wense, T., 3558 Werber, E., 3003 Werner, F., 2554 Werner, Z., 1398 Werwath, K., 2040 West, G. S., 600 Weston, P. G., 1132, 1133 Wexler, E. J., 3056 Wharton, D. R. A., 2599 Whedon, W. F., 3214 Wheeldon, T., 3710, 3711 Wheeler, E. E., 1899 White, C. S., 1155 White, M., 2600 White, P. C, 1470 Whitty, J. A., 346 Widenmann, ?, 1525 Wieland, H., 1471, 1725, 1791, 1792, 2505, 2601, 2694, 2826, 2926, 3057, 3058, 3179, 3827 Wieland, T., 3179 Wiener, E., 1862 Wigan, G., 375 Wilbrandt, I. W., 3828 Wilks, S. L. B., 1656 Williams, D., 669 Williams, E. R., 4132 Williams, F. E., 2322, 2323, 2550, 2655, 2658, 2727, 2728, 2729, 2871 Williams, J. N., 3232 Williams, T. B., 1843 Williamson, C, 187 Willson, P., 1101, 1156, 1230, 1231, 1232 Wilson, H., 4018, 4019 Wilson, J. P. A., 262 Wilson, J. T., 449 Wilson, R., Jr., 798 Wilson, W. H., 964, 965, 1744 Winogradov, A. P., 1893 Winston, W. M., 1589 Winter, L., 3180 Wintsch, V., 1905 Witebsky, E., 2927 Wittnebeu, W., 1111 Witts, L. J., 3628, 3712, 3770, 3927 Wolfenden, R. N., 188, 210, 237, 238 Wolff, August, Sudbracher Nahrmittel- fabrik Kom.-Ges., 3559 Wolff, K., 3038, 3119, 3170, 3362 Wolff, N. O'C, 3425, 3426, 3427, 3560 Wolffhugel, K., 1472 Wolpe, G., 3181 Wolter, M., 1906 Wood, F. L., 1564 Woodruff, J. B., 1473 Woodson, R. S., 806 Woodson, W. D., 4008, 4127 Woody, W. S., 1793 Wooster, L. D., 2760 Wooster, W. H., 450 Wrafter, R. E., 670 Wrenn, J. Q., 376 Wuth, E. M., 146 Wyne, P., 3182 Wynter, W. E., 1526 Wyon, P. H., 4133 Xavier, A. A., 2602, 2603 Yagi, S., 1570, 1590, 3829 Yamaguti, K., 1863 Yamasaki, M., 3830, 3831 Yamawaki, Gi, ?, 147 Yano, I., 3363 Yarrow, H. C, 189, 263, 304, 305, 306, 2264 Yawger, N. S., 1527, 1528 Yeatman, J. W., 377 Yen, T. J., 2385 Yered, D., 3928 Yoannovitch, G., 2695 Yonemura, S., 2041 Young, A., 1701, 1702 Young, C. A., 2604 Young, N., 3713 Young, R., 4020 340 INDEX OF AUTHORS Zahkarine, V., 1399 Zahl, P. A., 4083 Zaloziecki, A., 1157 Zarrow, M. X., 3183 Zaunick, E., 1591 Zeller, E. A., 4084, 4085, 4086, 4135, 4136, 4137, 4138, 4139 Zeltner, N., 1400 Ziber-Shumova, N. O., 544 Zicavo, E., 2149 4134, Ziem, ?, 239 Ziemann, H., 1726 Zimmet, D., 3059 Zironi, A., 3714 Zon, L., 4004 Zoutendyk, A., 2537, 2645, 2720, 2854, 2855, 2967, 2968, 3115, 3241 Zozaya, J., 2506 Zubieta, E., 3929 Zubrzyeki, J. von, 1347, 1401 Zumpt, F., 3883 Zunz, E., 1529, 1592 Zurukzoglu, S., 3060 X s I