Sa a iukied SLANE are. ges tard ’ * oH Mies ne LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Ol6. TH4 C73e no. 169-774 — ‘ae bo F = 2/974 Ce uncil of Planning Librarians EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 7 2-] 7 3 a April 1975 and ] | 4 4 Part Ill BS. i ¢ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STATE LAND RESOURCES PLANNING, 1960-1974 _ (Preliminary Edition) : Indexed by State, Topic, Year, Agency 3 wa David Hess Department of Urban and Regional Planning University of Illinois, Urbana The Library of the APR 14 1975 U tani Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor st Urbens Channa, Post Office Box 229 Monticello, Illinois 61856 363. ) CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 b) Nuclear Power Resources 1962 a Atomic Energy Advisory Committee. Report. 1961/62. Winston-Salem; : various pagings. 30. Siting Other Utilities 1972 Office of State Planning. Planning for Rural Water and Sewer Systems on a Regional Basis by Dr. William C. Bell. Raleigh. leaflet. 1970 State Planning Division. An Inventory of North Carolina Utilities by Wayne Stallings. ‘Raleigh. 53p. 31. Issues in New Community Development 1972 State Planning Division. New Communities and Large Scale Development: Alternative policies for North Carolina by David R. Godschalk and others. Raleigh. 130p. 35. Soil Conservation -a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1965 State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Your Stake in North Carolina's Land and Water Safeguard through the Small Watershed Program. Raleigh. 15p. 1962 Conservation Needs Committee. North Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Needs Inventory. Raleigh. 176p. 1961 State Soil Conservation Committee. Classification of Land for Benefit Assessments in Watershed Improvement Districts. Raleigh. 10p. 36h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 1971 Legislative Research Commission. Pesticides; Report to the 1971 General Assembly. Raleigh. 63p. 1970 Board of. Water and Air Resources. Policy...Relating to the Protection of Environmental Quality. Raleigh. lp. Governor. North Carolina's Work in Environment Protection Report by Governor Robert W. Scott, before Carolina Symposium 1970: "Man and the Environment" in Chapel Hill on March 17, 1970. Raleigh. 32p. NORTH DAKOTA 2. State Planning b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1972 Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agricultural Economics. Farm Fence Laws in North Dakota by Larry Quast, Robert EH. Beck and Jerome E. Johnson. Fargo. 6p. ce State Economic Planning 1972 Business and Industrial Development Department. North Dakota Development Trends. 1969 State Planning Agency. North Dakota Economic Atlas by Arthur Leno. .Bismarck. 5lp. 1967 Keonomic Development Commission. Proceedings. 2nd. Vol. 1. Development Planning. Bismarck. 2v. 365. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 Economic Development Commission. From Here to Here at Low Cost through the North Dakota "Municipal Industrial Development Act." Bismarck. unpaged. 1964 Economic Development Commission. North Dakota Economic Conference full Committee Reports. Bismarck. llv. 1962 Economic Development Commission. A Comprehensive Look at North Dakotas, Bismarck. 102p. 1961 Economic Development Commission. Opportunities in North Dakota through the wse of the Municipal Industrial Development Act. Bismarck. 19p. 4. Growth as an Issue 1972 Business and Industrial Development Department. Quality of Life, "Opportunity to Grow in the 1970's," April 12-13, a post conference report by Larry Feinstein. Bismarck. unpaged. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 1974 Geological Survey. Physical Data for Land Use Planning: Cass County, North Dakota and Clay County, Minnesota: An inventory of mineral, soil and water resources by B. Michael Arndt and Stephen R. Moran, Kays' Inc. Bismarck. 16p. 1972 Geological Survey. Environinental Geology and North Dakota, by B. Michael Arndt. Grand Forks. 13p. 366 «GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 6. Recreational Resources 1970 Outdoér Recreation Agency. North Dakota Outdoor Recreation Plan - 1970. Bismarck. lhp. University of North Dakota. Bureau of Governmental Affairs. Community Development through Better Park Districts; How to organize a city park district, compiled by Harland G. Fuglesten. Grand Forks. i5p. 1966 Outdoor Recreation Agency. Outdoor Recreation in North Dakota; State outdoor recreation plan. Bismarck. 56p. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1970 University of North Dakota. Bureau of Governmental Affairs. Community Development Manual on the Creation of a Local Housing Authority by Harland D. Fugelesten: Grand Forks. 36p.— ll. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1971 University of North Dakota. Bureau of Governmental Affairs. Community Development Manual on the Creation of a Local Planning and Zoning Commission by Michael Maus and Boyd L. Wright. Grand Forks. 65p. aa 1970 Agricultural Experiment Station. Area Planning and Development in the Great Plains: Seminar proceedings, Great Plains Resource Economics Committee, September 30-October 1, 1968. Fargo. 103p. 1967 Economic Development Commission. Guidebook; Community Betterment Calls for Careful Planning. Bismarck. 1l7p. 367. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 1973 State Planning Division. North Dakota Planning and Zoning Legislation. Bismarck. various pagings. 14. Natural Resource Conservation, Development and Management 1973 Geological Survey. Mineral and Water Resources of North Dakota by the U.S.G.S., Bureau of Reclamation and the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Grand Forks. 252p. 1971 ‘North Dakota State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Today's Challenge; Natural Resource Conservation in North Dakota. Fargo. unpaged. 196), Economic Development Commission. The Mineral Resources in North Dakota; A compendium of professional papers presented at the University of North Dakota, January 28-29 conducted by the General Extension Division of the University. Bismarck. 127p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1973 State Water Commission. Circular of Instructions Relative to Appropriation and Use of Water by the Office of the State Engineer. Bismarck. 8p. State Water Commission. North Dakota Water Laws. Bismarck. 326p. 1971 North Dakota State University. College of Engineering ‘and Architecture. RIVER: Recommendations for Improving the Valley Environmental Resources by Ordean S. Anderson and Melvin L. Forthum with the Water Resources Research Institute. Fargo. 158p. 1962 State Water Conservation Commission. Ground Water; A Vital North Dakota Resource by Q@. F. Paulson. Grand’ Forks. 26p. 368. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 rei Energy Resources a) Issues in Energy Resources 1974, Agricultural Experiment Station. A Selected Bibliography on Coal-Energy Development of Particular Interest to the Western States, by the North Dakota State University. Fargo. 82p. 28. Air Resources 1972 State Department of Health. Implementation Plan for the Control of Air Pollution for the State of North Dakota. Bismarck. 56p. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1973 Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agricultural Economics. A Selected Bibliography on Surface Coal Mining and Reclamation of Particular Interest to the Great Plains States by Norman L. Dalsted and F. Larry Leistritz. Fargo. 3p. Geological Survey. Some Environmental Aspects of Strip Mining in North Dakota, ed. by Mohan K. Wali. Grand Forks. 121p. OHIO 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1973 Department of Development. Planning Division. Comprehensive Plan Report. Columbus. various pagings. 1966 Department of Development. Planning Division. Ohio Planners in Charge. Columbus. unpaged. Department of Development. State-Regional Planning Bureau. Planning for Development; The Ohio Comprehensive Planning Program. Columbus. 9p. 369. CPL, Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 Department of Development. Planning Division. Ohio Planning Resources. Columbus. 120p. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1967 Department of Development. Planning Division. Use of Land in Ohio; Report of the land use survey and analysis by State-Regional Planning Staff and Parkins, Rogers and Associates, Inc. Columbus. 80p. 3. State Economic Planning 1966 Department of Development. State-Regional Planning Bureau. Planning for Development; The Ohio Comprehensive Planning Program. Columbus. 9p. 1964 i Department of Development. Ohio Dévelopment Manual. Columbus. unpaged. Department of Development. Economic Research Division. Ohio's Economic Regions, by William H. Bryant and Stephen M. Bultress. Columbus. unpaged. 1961 Department of Industrial and Economic Development. Economic Growth of Major Industrial Areas in Ohio by Richard G. Chandler. Columbus. 30p. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 1970 Committee for Ohio Rural Development U.S.D.A. Ohio's Growth and Development Must...Consider the Land; A focus on natural resource concerns in land use planning. Columbus. 10p. 6. Recreational Resources 1972 Department of Economic and Community Development. An Alternative for Mandatory Dedication of Parkland. Columbus. various pagings. OBTOR ' CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1972 Department of Economic and Community Development. Ohio's Housing: Agenda for Action: Summary of initial findings and recommendations of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Housing and Community Develop- ment. Columbus; 6p. © 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1973 Department of Development. Ohio is Happening Along the Bikeways. .Columbus. folder. 1972 Transportation Advisory Committee. Report to the Governor by Dalton-Dalton-Little for Chairman Thomas L. Conlan. Columbus. 502p. b) Airport Planning 1972 Bureau of Aviation. The Ohio County Airport Story, 1964-1972 by Don W. Farnsworth. 2nd. ed. Columbus. )8p.+ | c) Highway Planning 1961 Department of Highways. Division of Planning and Programming. Bureau of Planning Survey. Checklist for the Preparation of a Comprehensive Thoroughfare Report. Columbus. 19p. d) Mass Transit Planning 1973 Division of Urban Mass Transportation. Status of Transit in Ohio. Columbus. 90p. 1963: Legislative Service Commission. Public Mass Transportation by Ann M. Eriksson and Alvin K. Peterjohn. Columbus. 36p. 371. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 9. Issues in Demographic Change 1968 Department of Development. Economic Research Division. Ohio Population Forecasts. Columbus. unpaged. 1961 Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 Changes in Population and Agriculture in Ohio and their Implications by Wade H. Andrews. Wooster. 50p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1973 Department of Economic and Community Development. Challenge for Ohio: Progress report on Ohio planning regions and service districts by David C. Sweet. Columbus. kp. Department of Economic and Community Development. Community Development Division. State of Ohio Recognition Process and Standard Procedures for Ohio Regional Planning and Development Organizations. Columbus. various pagings. 1969 Department of Development. Planning Division. Directory of Ohio Multi-Jurisdicational Planning Agencies. Columbus. 139p. 196) > Department of Development. Economic Research Division. ' Ohio's Economic Regions,.by William H. Bryant and Stephen M. Bultress. Columbus. unpaged. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1973 Bureau of Land Use Planning. Rural Zoning Handbook. Columbus. 137p. 1961 Committee for Community Planning and Development. Planning for Better Communities. Columbus. 10p. 3726 CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 1973 Department of Economic and Community Development. Community Development Division. Model Zoning Regulations, 2nd. ed. Columbus. various pagings. Department of Economic and Community Development. Community Development Division. Rural Zoning Handbook. Columbus. various pagings. 1971: Pate Development Department. Planning Division. Model Sub- division Regulations. Columbus. /7lp. Department of Development. Planning Division. Model Zoning Regulations. Columbus. 123p.+ 15. "Critical Areas” a) Environmentally Critical Areas 1969 Legislative Service Commission. Preservation of Natural Areas and Report of Committee to Study Natural Areas staff John P. Bay, Project Officer, with Robert D. Pralle. Columbus. 20p. : 16. Geologic Concerns a) Geologic Resources 1969 Division of Geologic Survey. Subsurface Information Catalog, 1963-1967 by Frederick B. Safford. Columbus. -58p. 19. Land Preservation a) Issues in Land Preservation 1969 Legislative Service Commission. Preservation of Natural _ Areas and Report of Committee to Study Natural Areas staff John P. Bay, Project Officer, with Robert D. Pralle. Columbus. 20p. . 373. CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-173-77Th 20. Flood Plain Management. 1972 Department of Natural Resources. Flood Plain and Land - Use Planning Section. Flood Insurance. Columbus. . unpaged. , Department of Natural Resources. Flood Plain and Land Use Planning Section. Minimum Criteria for the Regulation of Ohio’ Flood Plains. Columbus. 22p. 1971 Department of Natural Resources. Flood Plain. Management Section. Flood Plain Management; An approach for Ohio by Richard Davis, C. T. Lindblom and John J. Rheinfrank, III. Columbus. 118p. 1969 Division of Water. Floods in Ohio, Magnitude and Frequency by William P. Cross and Ronald I. Mayo. Columbus. 230p. 1964 Division of Water. Floods of March 1963 in Ohio and the Flash Flood.of June 1963 in the Vicinity of Cambridge by William P, Cross and the U.S.G.S. with the Department of Natural Resources. Columbus. 82p. Division of Water. Floods of March 196 in Ohio by William P. Cross by the U.S.G.S. with the State Department of Natural Resources. Columbus. 58p. 1960 Water Commission. The Problem: Floods in Ohio; An Interview with Miles M. Dawson. Columbus. 26p. 21. Wildlife Resources 1960 . Department of Natural Resources. Ohio's Wildlife Resources by Rod Cochran. Columbus. 210p. 37h. ° CPL Exchange Bibliography ;4772-773-774 22. Agricultural Resaurces 1961 Agricultural Experiment Station. 1960 Changes in Population and Agriculture in Ohio and Their Implications by Wade H. Andrews. Wooster. 50p. Agricultural Experiment Station. Fertility Status of Ohio Soils by J. Benton Jones, Jr., H. J. Mederski and 0. L. Musgrave. Wooster. Jp. 24. Aesthetic Concerns c) Historical Preservation 1966 - Legislative Service Commission. Preservation of Historic Sites by staff: David S. Atwater, Michael B. Mooney and Anne A. Renick. Columbus. 26p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1969 Division of Water. Index of Conditions Affecting Water Supply for Ohio 1968/69 by Leonard J. Harstine. Columbus. 13p. 1967 Division of Water. Drainage Areas of Ohio Stream; Supplement to Gazetteer of Ohio Streams by William P. Cross by U.S.G.S. with the Department of Natural Resources. Columbus. 6lp. Water Commission. Guidelines for a Dynamic Water Program for Ohio; A report to the Governor and 107th General Assembly. Columbus. 23p. 1965 Agricultural Experiment Station. An Inventory of Water Use, Sources, Reliability, Quality and Adequacy in Rural Ohio, 1962 (by major watersheds and counties) by John H. Sitterley and Donn A. Derr. Wooster. 32p. Water Commission. What Water Means to Ohio by S. L. Frost, rev. with the Division of Water. Columbus. 36p. 375. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1963 Legislative Service Commission. Water Management in Ohio. ‘ Columbus. 2p. Water Commission. Recommendations on Water Policy and Legislation, 1963; A report to the Governor and the 105th General:'Assembly. Columbus. 23p. 1960 Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water. Municipal Water Problems in Ohio by S. L. Frost. Columbus. lp. Department of Natural Resources. Division of Water. Some Principles of Water; Its uses, behavior, problems and conservation by S. L. Frost, rev. Columbus. 3l1p. Division of Water. Industrial Water Use in Ohio by Anthony R. Rudnick. Columbus, 1168p. ‘Water Commission. What Water Means to Ohio. Columbus. 36p. Water Commission. Proceedings, Ohio Water Management Conference, December 8-9, 1960. Columbus. 15hp. b) Quality of Water Resources 1967 Legislative Service Commission. Air and Water Pollution by Bruce T. Barkley, David S. Atwater and Modelle Clausen. Columbus. 86p. 1962 Agricultural Experiment Station. Quality of Water in Ohio Farm Ponds by R. D. Hill and others. Wooster. 66p. _ 26. Issues in Public Land Management 1967 Legislative Service Commission. Administration of State held Land in Ohio by William Chance and others. Columbus. 7p. 376. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 27. Energy Resources a) Issues'in Energy Resources 19TH Task Force on Energy. Report compiled by Joseph E. Davidson. Columbus. 22p. b) Nuclear Power Resources 1969 Department of Development. The Nuclear Industry in Ohio; An aid to encourage and promote growth and understanding of nuclear application in Ohio. Columbus. 79p. 28. Air Resources 1967 Legislative Service Commission. Air and Water Pollution “by Bruce T. Barkley, David S. Atwater and Modelle Clausen. Columbus. 86p. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1972 Division of Forestry and Reclamation. Enforcing Ohio's New Strip Mine Law. Columbus. folder. 1965 Legislative Service Commission. Comparative State Strip Mining and Reclamation Laws. Columbus. 38p. 34. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1970 Legislative Service Commission. Solid Waste Disposal. Columbus. 6lp. 1965 Department of Health. The Proceedings of a Short Course on the Technical and Planning Aspects of Solid Waste held September 20-2h by above, U. S. Public Health Service with American Society of Mechanical Engineers and others. Columbus. various pagings. 377. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1961 Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Needs Committee. Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Needs Inventory. Technical editor, Robert M. Reeser. Sponsored by U.S.D.A. Columbus. 78p. b) Soil Erosion Control 1961 Division of Shore Erosion. Preliminary Estimate of Erosion or Accretion along the Ohio Shore of Lake Erie and Critical Erosion Areas. Columbus. 1llp. 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 1971 Citizen's Task Force on Environmental Protection. Report. Columbus. 163p. 1969 Department of Health. Bureau of Environmental Health. Ohio's Environment. Columbus. 36p. OKLAHOMA 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1972 | Office of Community Affairs and Planning. State Agency Goals by Program and Project by M. J. Ward. Oklahoma City. 199p. Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Goals and Objectives for Oklahoma Communities; A manual for preparing community goals and objectives by Erling Helland Associates. Oklahoma City. 39p. BO: Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Goals for Oklahoma, initial statement of goals for the State of Oklahoma by the above and Hal Wise and Associates. Oklahoma City. 106p. 378. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 University*of Oklahoma. Bureau of Government Research. Handbook of State Policy Indicators by David R. Morgan. Norman. 79p. ~ 1969 Industrial Development and Park Commission. Program Design and Completion Report for the Development of a Comprehensive Policies Plan for the State of -Oklahoma by Harla PB. ‘Wise and Associates, Inc. - Oklahoma os various s pagings. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1973 tolsgto Office of praca ee Affairs. A New Strategy for Comprehensive Plarining in Oklahoma by John H. Montgomery. Oklahoma City. 1llp. b) Issues in Land Rescurce Planning 1963 Agricultural Pere Station. Land Ownership in Oklahoma by L. A. Parcher. Stillwater. 38p. 3. State Economic Planning 1972 Office of Community Affairs and Plaming. State Planning Coordinating Division. A Framework for Comprehensive Development Policies by James R. Newby. - Oklahoma City. hlp. 1963 University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Business Research. Economic Regions of Oklahoma by Warren’ E. Moeller. Norman. 9p. : University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Business Research.. Sources of Funds for Industrial Development in Oklahoma by Warren E. Moeller. Norman. 30p. P 379. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources DTS Office of Community Affairs and Planning. State Planning Coordination Division. Oklahoma Housing: : Conditions and Needs by James R. Newby. Oklahoma City. 206p. f 1963 Department of Commerce and Industry. A Housing Code for the Cities and Towns “of Oklahoma by Lee Rodgers, Robert L. Lehr and Wylie Rice in consultation with Orpha A. Merrill by the University of Oklahoma, Center for Urban and Regional Studies. Norman. 16p. | 8. Transportation Planning ec) Highway Planning 1961 Department of Highways. Oklahoma Highways and Your Property; Facts about land acquisition and highway construction. Oklahoma City. 16p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning | 1972 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. State Planning Coordination Office. Substate Planning Districts in Oklahoma by Cimarron Data Services, Ltd. Oklahoma City, various pagings. 1963 University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Business Research. Economic Regions of Oklahoma by Warren E. Moeller. Norman. 9p. 11,. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1973 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. A Guide for a Community Planning Process. Oklahoma City. 22p. 380. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1972 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Goals and Objectives for Oklahoma Communities; A manual for preparing community goals and objectives by Erling Helland Associates. Oklahoma City. 39p. 1971 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Planning/ Development Management Project with the University of Oklahoma, Norman. Oklahoma City. 2v. b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 1972 State Planning Coordination Office. Oklahoma Land Use and Activity Code by F. Morton Scott, Jr., Bill Gable and Louis C. Violi. Oklahoma City. various pagings. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1973 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Analysis of Alternatives for an Oklahoma Land Use Information System by Richard A. Watson. Oklahoma City. 53p. 16. Geologic Concerns a) Geologic Resources 1972 Geological Survey. Geology and Earth Resources of Oklahoma and Atlas of Maps and Cross Sections by Kenneth S. Johnson and others. Norman. 8p. 1971 Geological Survey. Environmental Aspects of Geology and Engineering in Oklahoma: A symposium of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Stillwater, Oklahoma, December , 1970, co-sponsored by Oklahoma State University, ed. by William D. Rose. Norman. /7Op. 381. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 22. Agricultural Resources 1966 Governor's Council on Agricultural Development. Report. 1963-1966. Oklahoma City. 13hp. 25. Water Resources ‘ a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1971 Office of Community Affairs and Planning. Water in Oklahoma with the Office of the Governor. Oklahoma City. various pagings. 1970 University of Arkansas. Water Resources Research Center. Water Resources Planning Study for Arkansas and Oklahoma by L. R. Heiple and H. M. Jeffus with the University Engineering Experiment Station. Fayetteville. various pagings. Water Resources Board. Appraisal of the Water and Related Land Resources of Oklahoma. Oklahoma City. 1hlp. Water Resources Board. Oklahoma's Water Resources. Oklahoma City. 68p. 1969 Water Resources Board. Water Resources Planning Study, Oklahoma and Arkansas: July 1966-1969 by Don R. Kincannon and others. Oklahoma City. 198p. 1968 Water Resources Board. Reported Water Use in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City. 78p. 1960 Water Resources Board. Ground Water in Oklahoma, by A. R. Leonard. Oklahoma City. 12p. Water Resources Board. Summary Water Laws of Oklahoma and Rules and Regulations. Oklahoma City. 4Op. Water Resources Board. Oklahoma s Water Resources. Oklahoma City. lp. 382. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in Energy Resources 1974 Imergy Advisory igh Report. Annual. Oklahoma City. 6p. re *, Yt s : j ‘ J 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1961 Geological Survey. Coal Mining and Landscape Modification in Oklahoma nae Arthur He Doerr. Norman. 48p. « 3h. Solid Waste i aRaeY a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 197 State Department of Health. The Solid Waste Problem in Oklahoma.’ Oklahoma City. .28p. 35. Soil Conservation b) Soil Erosion Control 197h Agricultural Experiment Station. Roadside Development and Erosion Control by Wayne W. Huffine, Lester W. Reed and Gary W. Roach with the Department of Highways and the Federal Highway Administration, Bureau of Public Roads. Stillwater. various pagings. ~~ rm 383. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h OREGON 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1970 Executive Department. Program Planning Division. Goals ‘for a Livable Oregon; an Action Partnership for the 70's, 1971-1973. . Salem. ..162p. 1967 Economic Development Division. Goals- A Conceptual Framework. Portland. 25p. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1968 Office of the Governor. Planning Section. Partnership for the Future. Salem. 6p, 196, Division of Planning and Development. Planning by Federal and State Government in Oregon by Roberta Remak and Others. Salem. 231p. Division of Planning and Development. Summary Report; Oregon Comprehensive Statewide Planning Study. Salem. 115p. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1974 Land Conservation and Development Commission. People and the Land Public Workshops; Citizens' Workbook. Salen. 3hp+. 1973 Local Government Relations Division. Oregon Land Use Legis- lation with the Oregon State University Extension Service. Salem. 2v. 384. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Land Use Coding Index; an Index of Selected Land Uses Showing the Applicable Equivalent Catagory Number of the Oregon Standard Land Use Code and the BPR/DHUD Standard Land Use Code, Also Showing the related Estab- lishment Category Number from the SIC. Eugene. 18hp. 1966 University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. A Land Use Classification System; a Suggested Land Use Coding System Known as’ the "Oregon Standard Land Use Code." Eugene. 25p. 3. State Economic Planning 1973 Governor. 19,500 New Job Needed Each Year for Balanced '" Eeonomie Growth: Special Message to the 57th Legislative Assembly January 22. Salem. 9p. 1972 Legislative Assembly. Senate. ‘Task Force on Hconomic Development.’ Report. Salem. 1139p. 1969 Economic Development Division... A*Manual for Community Indus- trial Development in Gregon by Clyde E. Browning. 3rd ed. Portland. 2hp. 1968 Legislature. ~Business Climate —, Interim Committee. Report. Salem. 58p. 1965 University of Oregon. School of Business Administration. Land Taxation and Economic Development by R. W. Lindholm. Eugene. 8p. 1964 Department of Planning and Development. A Manual for Com- munity Industrial Development in Oregon by Clyde E. Browning. Rev. Portland. 32p. 385. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 Division of Planning and Development. Resources for Develop- ment. Resources for Development. Salem. lp. 1962 Department of Planning and Development. Oregon's Industrial Development; Report to the Presession Legislative Confer- ence, December 17, 1962. Portland. 12p. Governor. Decade of Development, 1963-1973. 1- Human Re- sources, 2- State's Economy, 3- Transportation and Public Safety, l- Natural Resources. Salem. 86p. lh. Growth as an Issue 1972 Local Government Relations Division. Western States Confer- ence on Growth. Portland, Oregon: July 23-25; a Summary Report. Salem. unpaged. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 197 Oregon State University. Cooperative Extension Service. The Environment: A List, Directory for Environmental Information Assistance: First Draft by Laurel C. Brennan and Others. Corvallis. 169p. ears Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Geologic Criteria for Siting Nuclear Power Plants in Oregon by V. C. Newton, Jr. and N. V. Peterson for the State Nuclear and Thermal Energy. Council. Portland. 65p. 1969 Oregon State University. School of Forestry. Pressures on a Changing Resource Base by DeWitt Nelson. Corvallis. Lp. 6. Recreational Resources 1968 Governor's Committee for a Livable Oregon. Tourism and Recreation Committee. Report. Salem. 7p. 386. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1962 State Parks and Recreation Division. Oregon Outdoor Re- creation; a Study of Non-Urban Areas. Salem. 128p. Te Housing | a) General Heuabhe Ropmiaeoa 1973 Housing Division. Oregon Statewide Housing Element by Doug- las Stevie with Governmental Research and Service, Uni- versity of Oregon. Salem. various paging. is} University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and ‘Service. Development of a Housing Information Base by Karen M. Siedel. Eugene. 98p. b) Mobile Home Resources 1960 Division of Sanitation and Engineering. Instructions for Preparation of Park Plans for Mobile Homes. Rev. Portland. . 3p. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1962 Governor. Decade of Development, 1963-1973. l= Human Resources, 2= State's Economy, 3- Transportation and Public Safety, h- Natural Resources. Salem. 86p. c) Highway Planning 1961 State Highway Department. Legal and Right of Way Division. Lands in Transition: Along Freeways; Use Changes; Value Changes: Land, Homes; Owner Reaction to Freeways. Survey Conducted by the above with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Salem. 32p. 387. GPL Ex¢heiiga Bibliography #772-773-77 d) Mass Transit Planning 1971 Mass Transit Division. Annotated Bibliography of Public Transportation Publications, Salem. 53p. Mass Transit Division. Public Transportation in Oregon. Salem. 28p. 1969 Interim Committee on Urban Affairs and Mass Transportation. Report. Salem. 3p. t he e) Waterborne Transportation Planning Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. To Study the Regulation, Control, Usage and Ownership of Oregon's Navigable Waterways, and Submerged and Submersible Lands. Salem. unpaged. 1968 Port Authority Commission. Final Report on Port and Water Transportation Planning Study for the State of Oregon, by Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Battelle Memorial Insti- tute, Richland, Washington. Portland. various paging. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 196 State Board of Census. Population Forecast, State of Oregon and Economic Areas: 1960-1985, with Estimates of Inter- state and Intrastate Net Migration by Richard B. Halley and Morton Paglin. Portland. 15p. 1963 State Board of Census, Population of Oregon: 1960 and 1980; Zero Net Interstate Migration Projections by Age and Sex by Warren E. Kalbach and Richard Irwin. Portland. 23p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 61965: Division of Planning and Development. Organizing for Regional Planning in the Willamette Basin. Salem. 16p. 388. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k Division of Planning and Development. Regional Land Use Policy: Synthesizing Public Objectives. Salem. 22p. ll. local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning LOD Oregon State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Land Use in Oregon; 1970 Directory of County Planning Officials, Status of Planning and Zoning. Corvallis. 73p. University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Approaches to Citizen Participation in the Planning Process. Eugene. 2lp. University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and » Service. Organizing a City Planning Commission. Eugene. 9p. e University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Subdivision Ordinance Revision. Eugene. 22p. 1970 University of Oregon. Bureau of Government Research and Service. Zoning for Duplexes. Eugene. 34p. University of Oregon. Bureau of Government Research and Service. Rural Zoning; a Suggested County Ordinance For- mat and Illustrative Examples of Use Zone Provisions. Eugene. 80p. University of Oregon. Bureau of Government Research and Service. Subdivision Improvement Requirements; Including a Survey of Practices in 20 Oregon Counties and 40 Oregon Cities by Shirley F. Swenson. Eugene. 5p. 1967 University of Oregon. Bureau of Municipal Research and Service. Community Planning in Oregon; a List of Publi- cations by Kenneth C. Pollenaar. Eugene. 100p. 1963 Department of Planning and Development. Planning by Local Government in Oregon by the University of Oregon, Bureau of Municipal Research and Service. Eugene. 65p. 389. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k b) Local Planning Mnabling Acts 1972 Local Governmental Relations Division. Oregon Special Dis- trict Laws Enacted in 1971: A Synopsis by Orval Etter. Salem. 53p. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1963 Department of Planning and Development. Inventory of Map Producing Agencies with a List of Map Types Available in Oregon under the Auspices of the Oregon State Mapping Advisory Committee. Salem. 58p. 13. Project Notification and Review System Guides a) Federal Program 1973 Oregon State University. Water Resources Research Institute. How Effective are Environmental Impact Statements? Sem- inar. Corvallis. various paging. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1967 Oregon State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Directory, Federal and State Agencies for Resource Develop- ment, State of Oregon. Corvallis. 1llp. 1963 Legislative Assembly. Interim Committee on Natural Resources. New Life for an Old Land; Report; Sagebrush vs. Grass. Land, Water, Air, Fish, Timber, Mining, Game, Recreation; Problems and Solutions. Salem. lp. 1962 Governor, Decade of Development, 1963-1973. 1- Human Re- sources, 2— State's Economy,.3- Transportation and Public Safety, 4- Natural Resources. Salem. 86p. 390. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1960 Legislative Assembly. Interim Committee on Natural Re- Sources. Reorganization of Oregon's Natural Resources Agencies; Report. Salem. 36p. 15. Critical Areas a) Environmentally Critical Areas 1974, Land Conservation and Development Commission. Final Public Hearing on Revised Draft of Statewide Land Use Goals, Guidelines and the Columbia Rover as a Critical Area as Adopted November 30. Salem. ''folder, 1973 Executive Department. Oregon Resources ‘Analysis; Summary Report on Environmental Concerns of Critical Priority by Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Salem. 16p. Executive Department. An Inventory and Evaluation of Areas of Environmental Concern in Oregon by Battelle Pacific Northwest Labordtories for Natural Resources Agencies. Salen. 104p. b) Areas of Statewide Concern 1969 University of Oregon. Transportation and Logistics ‘Resbaeae Center. Oregon Conference’ on Grade Crossings Protection Proceedings of a Conference Held on November 1, 1968. Ed. by Roy J. Sampson and Everett E. Johnson. Eugene. 98p. 16. Geologic Concerns a) Geologic’ Resources 1971 Oregon State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Marine Advisory Program. landslides of Oregon: North Coast by John V. Byrne with William B. North. Corvallis. lbp. 391. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management — 1973 Coastal Conservation and Development Commission. Overall Program Design. Florence. various paging. Coastal Conservation Development Commission. Estuary Plan- ning Guidelines. Florence. various paging. Coastal Conservation and Development Commission. Estuary Planning Guidelines. Florence. 37p. 1965 Fish Commission. Closing Report for the Coastal Stream Improvement and Rehabilitation Program by Virgil C. Summers and Edward K. Neubauer. Portland. 6p. 18. Wetland Management 1971 . Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. Report Relating to Submerged and Submersible Land in Oregon's Estuaries and Navigable Waterways. 2nd. Biennial. Salem. 18hp. 1970 Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. Oregon's Sub- merged and Submersible Lands, a Study of Ownership His- tory, Conflicting Claims of Title, Legislative Recommen- .. dations. Salem. various paging. 1969 Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. Selected Oregon Admissions Acts, Constitutional Provisions, Oregon Re- vised Statutes, Supreme Court Citations and Attorney Gen- eral Opinions Relating to Submerged and Submersible Lands of Oregon. Salem. lv. Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. To Study the Regulation, Control, Usage and Ownership of Oregon's Navigable Waterways, and Submerged and Submersible Lands. Salem. unpaged. 392.°<" CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77, 19. Land Preservation a) Issues in Land Preservation ~ 197), Oregon State University. Extension Service. Conservation Easements... the Relevant Legal and Institutional Policies in Oregon by Keith Liden under the Supervision of James R. Pease. Corvallis. 32p. 20. ey Plain Managenent 1972 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Flood Plains: A _ Status Report and Proposed Flood Plain Management Program. _ Salem. Op.” 1971 State Engineer. Watershed Planning Division. ‘Regionalized Flood Frequency Data for Oregon. Salem. 33p. Oregon State University. Water Resources Research Institute. A Compilation of Flood Abatement Projects in Oregon by Rod E, Emmer and Keith W. Mackleston. Corvallis. 112p. 1969 University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service. Flood Plain Management for Oregon Cities and Counties; Planned Use of Floodprone Areas and the National Flood Insurance Program. Eugene. 13p. 21. Wildlife Resources 1972 Agricultural Experiment Station. Endangered Plants and Animals of Oregon. Corvallis. 7p. 22. Agricultural Resources 1969 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Require- ments for Water; General Soil Map Report with Irrigable Areas with the Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S.5.C.S. Salem. various paging. 393. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1960 Legislative Assembly. Interim Committee on Agriculture. Report. Salem. 10p. 23. Forest Resources L971. Forest Resources Commission. Final Report to the Governor. Salem. 33p. Forest Resources Commission. Interim Report to Governor Tom McCall. Salem, 21p. 1966 Division of Planning and Development. Oregon's Timber Resource, by Thos. J. Murray and Associates. Portland. 53D. 1961 Department of Forestry. Forest Resources of Oregon, Their Management and Use by C. Ralph Voris. Salem? 63p. 2h. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 1970 Legislative Assembly. Joint Committee on Rules and Resolu- tion. Litter in Oregon; a 1969-1970 Study. Salem. }lp. 1966 Beautiful Oregon Committee. The Beautiful Oregon Program. Salem. unpaged. Scenic Area Board. Report. Salem. 2p. b) Wild and Scenic Rivers 1972 State Highway Commission. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to the Oregon Scenic Waterways System. Salem. 2lp. 39h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1974 Oregon State University. Water Resources Research Institute. Survey of Oregon's Water Laws by Chapin D. Clark. Corvallis. 217p. 1971 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Water Resources Information Guide by Quentin Bowman. Salem. 23p. 1969 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Requirements for Water. Salem. 397p. : State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Require- ments for Water. Appendix 3. Selected Major Water- Using Industries and Population Projections by Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield. Salem. 289p. State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Require- ments for Water. Appendix and 5; Estimated Water Re- quirements for the Pulp and Paper Industry in Oregon by Robert Snyderland, Robert 0. McMahon with the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University. Salem. 6p. State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Require- ments for Water. Appendix 6. Water Quality Control Pro- jections, by State Sanitary Authority for the above. Salem. 216p. State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Requirements for Water; General Soil Map Report with Irrigable Areas with the Agricultural Experiment Station and the U.S.S.C.5S. Salem. various paging.” 1968 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Requirements for Water. Appendix 2. Irrigation and Food Products Projections with the Cooperative Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station, Qr%egon.State University. Salem. 131p. 395. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Long Range Requirements for Water. Appendix 7. Protection of Areas of Oregon by Wendell and Schwan. Salem, 57p. 1966 Agricultural Experiment Station. River Basin Planning- A Simulation Approach by A. N. Halter and S. F. Miller with the U.S.D.A. Corvallis. 117p. 1964 State Water Resources Board. Oregon's Water Problems and Future Needs; State Water Resources Conference and Annual Meeting of the Willamette Basin Project Committee, December 10-11, 1964. Salem. 72p. 1963 Department of Planning and Development. Oregon Energy and Water Resources. . Portland. kp. b) Quality of Water Resources 1972 Department of Environmental Quality. Plan for Implementation arid Enforcement of Water Quality and Waste Treatment Standards forthe State of Oregon. Portland. 10lp+. 1971 Oregon State University. Water Resources liesearch Institute. Laws for a Better Environment, Seminar Conducted by the above. Corvallis. 97p. 1970 . Department. of Environmental Quality. Water Quality Control in Oregon. Portland. 28p. 196) Division of Sanitation and Engineering. Sewage Disposal Practice in Oregon, Past, Present and Future by E. J. Weathersbee. Salem. 8p. 26. Issues in Public Land Management 1970 . Advisory Committee to the State Land Board. Preliminary Report. Salem. various paging. 396. CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-773-77h, Agricultural Experiment Station. Range Management Program. An Analysis of State-Owned Rangeland Resources for Multi- ple-Use Management in Southeastern Oregon by Charles E. Poulton and Arliegh G. Isley. Corvallis. 125p. 1968 Legislative Assembly. Interim Committee on Public Lands. The Action Forest and Our Public Lands; an Interim Report 1967-68. Salem. 27p. 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in Energy Resources 1973 Governor's Task Force on Energy. Oregon's Energy Perspective. Salem. 139p. Nuclear and Thermal Energy Council. Accomplishments. lst. 1971/73. Biennial. Salem. 1p. Public Utility Commission. Oregon Energy Study by William ' A, Reardon and Others. Salem. various paging. 1963 Department of Planning and Development. Oregon Energy and Water Resources. Portland. kp. b) Nuclear Power Resources 1973 Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Geologic Criteria for Siting Nuclear Power Plants in Oregon by V. C. Newton, N. V. Peterson for the State Nuclear and Thermal Energy Council. Portland. 65p. 1970 Governor's Nuclear Development Coordinating Committee. Report on Nuclear Energy Development Annual. Salem. 21p. 1969 Office of the Governor. Northeast Conference on the Role of Nuclear Energy: Governor's Conference on Conservation. 2nd. Annual. Salem. 210p. ° 397. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1968 t Economic Development Division. Nuclear Powér Plants Proposed for the State of Oregon; a Background Paper. Portland. unpaged. 28. Air Resources 1972 Air Quality Control Division. State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan. Salem. various paging. 1971 Air Quality Control Division. State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan for Oregon as Prepared by the EPA, Salem. various paging. 1969 Department of Environmental Quality. Air Quality Control Division. Report on Oregon's Air Quality and Program. 1968 and 1969. Portland. 91p. 1968 State Sanitary Authority. Status Report, Motor Vehicles and Air Pollution in Oregon.’ Portland. 19p+. Ri 33. Issues in Acoustics Quality ~ 1965 State Highway Department. Right:of Way Division. Noise Litigation Study by Legal and Right of Way Divisions with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Salem. 63p. 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1972 State Board of Health. Solid Waste Section. Agricultural Solid Waste Study, Oregon: 1971. Salem. 52p+. 1970 State Board of Health. Solid Waste Section. Oregon Solid Waste Management, Status Report. Portland. 26p. 398. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 State Board of Health. Solid Waste Section. Industrial Solid Waste Survey. Portland. 57p. 1969 State Board of Health. Solid Waste Section. Solid Waste Management Practices in Oregon; Status Report. Portland. 125p. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation L973 State Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Streambank Erosion in Oregon, a Report: to the 57th Legislative Assembly. Salem. 15lp+. ° 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 1971 State Highway Commission. The Fight to Save Oregon, an Environmental Progress Report. Salem. various paging. 1970 Advisory Committee on Environmental Science and Technology. Environmental Quality in Oregon, 1971: A Summary of Current and Future Problems. Corvallis. 58p. 399. ».CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h PENNS YLVANIA 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1973. Dept. of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Environmental Master Planning. Recommendations for Environmental goals of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (draft). Harrisburg. 8p. 1968 Priorities Commission. Report to the Governor. Harrisburg. lip. 2.’ State Planning b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1974, sin of Community Affairs. A Study of Exclusion in eer band Use,Controls. Harrisburg. 2v. . 1 973 Office of State Planning and Development. Land Resource Policies and Programs a Resume of Land Development, Use and Management Statutes, Regulation and Practices by W. Roy Newsome, Jr. with the Dept. of Community Affairs. Rev. Harrisburg. 5p. Office of State Planning and Development. Approach to: a Land Development Policy for a (draft). Harrisburg.: 33p... °. State Planning Board. Land Resource Policies and Programs a Resume of Land Development, Use and Management Statutes, Regulation and Practices by W. Roy Newsome, Jr. Harrisburg. 5p. Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Toward a Land Use Policy for Pennsylvania: the Challenge of the 70's. Harrisburg. 29p. 1960 Agricultural Experiment Station. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Planned Versus Unregulated Development in a Suburban Community; a case study by J.C. Frey and others. University Park. 2p. 00. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 3. State Economic Planning 1973 Office of State Planning and Development. Comparative Study of Economic Development in 67 Counties in Pennsylvania by Fritz J. Fichtner, Jr. and Fong L. Ou. Harrisburg. 6p.+ 1970 Bureau of Industrial Development. Growth in Pennsylvania Commerce and Industry (PA prepared for the 70's). Harrisburg. 86p. Dept. of Commerce. Bureau of State and Federal Economic Aid. Appalachian Division. Pennsylvania Appalachian Development Plan: revision for 1971, with the Pennsylvania State Planning Board and the Commonwealth Agencies and Local Development Districts. Harrisburg. 1268p. 1969 State Planning Board. State's Urban Program; an Interim Summary. With the Urban Affairs Council. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1968 State Planning Board. Pennsylvania Appalachian Development Plan. Harrisburg. 555p. 1966 Dept. of Commerce. The Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act; the Pennsylvania redevelopment area 7 ae Cooperation.and Implementation Act. Harrisburg. 2p. 4 1965 State Planning Board. Capital Program 1965-1971, -Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, Recommendations, with Amendments. Harrisburg. 133p.+ 196), Bureau of Community Development. Community Renewal: Redevelopment, Rehabilitation, Neighborhood Conservation. Harrisburg. 132p. , 401. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Dept. of Internal Affairs. Bureau of Statistics. Selected Methods of Analysis for Urban Economic Planning and Development in Pennsylvania: commentary on regional economic accounting system, benefit-cost analysis and statistical decision theory. by Morris Hamburg. Harrisburg. 65p. State Planning Board. An Economic Atlas of Pennsylvania by E. Willard Miller. Harrisburg. 201ip. 1963 Bureau of Community Development. Capital Improvements Programming. Harrisburg. 51p. Dept. of Internal Affairs. Bureau of Statistics. An Evaluation of Selected Data Requirements and Availability for Urban Economic Planning and Development in Pennsylvania by Morris Hamburg and John H. Norton. Harrisburg. 160p. 1962 Dept. of Internal Affairs. Bureau of Statistics. Economic Base Studies for Urban Planning and Development in Pennsylvania by Morris Hamburg. Harrisburg. 7p. 1961 Industrial Development Authority. The Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act and the Pennsylvania Redevelop- ment Area Economic Cooperation and Implementation Act. Harrisburg. 20p. 5. Planning with and For the Environment 1973 Dept. of Environmental Resources. Bureau of Environmental Master Planning. Environmental Master Plan: Planning Survey Report. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1972 Topographic and Geologic Survey. Environmental Geology fer Land-use Planning by Alan R. Geyer and William G. McGlade. Harrisburg. hp. 6. Recreational Resources 1972 Dept. of Community Affairs. Division of Recreation and Conservation. A Guide for Local Recreation Planning. Harrisburg. 63p. 402. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1971 Dept. of Community Affairs. Guidlines for Local Government Park Development; Project 500. Harrisburg. 17p. Dept. of Community Affairs. Guidelines for Local Government: Recreation and Open Space Studiess Project 500. Harrisburg. 36p. State Plaming Board. Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1969 Dept. of Community Affairs. Bureau of Community Programs. Community Parks and Recreation. Harrisburg. 77p. 1960 Bureau of Community Development. Public Recreation Manuel to Guide Pennsylvania Communities in the Development of a Public Recreation Service. Harrisburg. 33p. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1969 Governor's Housing Task Force. “Better Housing; a Social Priority for Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 3v. 1960 Bureau of Municipal Affairs. The Role of Local Governments in Fncouraging housing Rehabilitation and Conservation through Economic Incentives by John H. Vanderzell. Harrisburg. 3p. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1970 Dept. of Transportation. Transportation Policies for Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 88p. 1969 Governor's Committee for Transportation. Transportation and Pennsylvania's Future; Summary Report. Pittsburgh. hlp. 02. ' CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Governor's Committee fox fransportatici1. Pennsylvania on the Move; to go or not to go? Pittsbergh. Unpaged. 1968 Governor's Committee for Transportation. Methodological Framework for Comprehensive Transportation Planning: Final Report by Carnegie-Mellon University, Transportation Research Institute. Pittsburgh. 1346p. Governor's Committee for Transportation. Preliminary analysis of needs and projects for an interim transportation master plan in Pennsylvamia to 1975 by William R. Reeves and others by the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories, System Science Dept. with Appendix. Pittsburgh. 123p.+ Governor's Committee for Transportation. Technical Advisory Committee. Subcommittee 2-). Inventory and Adequacy of Existing Statewide transportation systems; project l), final report by Wilbux Smith Associates. With Appendix. Pittsburgh. 88lp. Governor's Committee for Transportation. Technical. Advisory Committee. Preliminary Analysis of Intercity Transportation demand in Pennsylvania to 1975 by Sue S. Johnson, Arno a el and Patricia A. Ferry. With Appendix. Pittsburgh. 7 Pet “RIDE: gprtotins: s Committee for franspertatian. Methodological Framework for Comprehensive Transportation Planning. Pennsylvania . State University, Transportation and Traffic Safety Center with the Transportation Institute, Carnegie- Mellon University. University Park. 136p. b) Airport Planning 1967 Aeronautics Commission. 1967-1972 Airport Plan. for the Communities. New Cumberland. . 31p. c) Highway Planning 4967 State Planning Board. A New Front Door for your Community. Harrisburg. Unpaged. 1966 Dept. of Highways. Highways and Communities by John R. Maiolo Ed., Pennsylvania State University, Highway Impact Research Program with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. University Park. 109p. 40. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1963 State Planning Board. A Manual for Interchange Area Planning. Harrisburg. 55p. d) Mass Transit Planning 1970 Dept. of Transportation. Recommendations for a System of Intercity Rail Passenger Service in Pennsylvania as a part of the Basic National Rail Transportation System Sub- mitted to the U.S.D.0.T. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 9. Issues in ‘Demographic Change 1963 State Planning Board. The Population of Pennsylvania, Projections to 1980; Estimates by County for 1965, 1970, 1975 and 1980 by age, sex and race developed by Temple University, Office of Research and Specialized Services. Harrisburg. 190p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1970 | Dept. of Commerce. Bureau of State and Federal Economic Aid. Appalachian Division. Pennsylvania Appalachian Development Plan: Revision for 1971, with the Pennsylvania State. Planning Board and the Commonwealth Agencies and Local Development Districts. Harrisburg. 128p. 1968 State Planning Board. Pennsylvania Appalachian Development Plan. Harrisburg. 555p. State Planning Board. Pennsylvania State Water Resources Supplement to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; "Report for Development of Water Resources in Appalachia." Harrisburg. 161p. 1967 State Planning Board. Pennsylvania's Regions; a Survey of the Commonwealth. Harrisburg. 119p. 05. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1970 Dept. of Community Affairs. The Administration of Building and Housing Codes: a Guide for Local Communities. Harrisburg. 336p. 1969 Dept. of Community Affairs. Procedural Guide for Pennsylvania Planning Commissions. 2nd. ed. Harrisburg. 10lp. 1968 Pennsylvania State University. Services and Facilities needed by Pennsylvania Townships as seen by Towmship Officals. Harrisburg. 680p. 1962 Dept. of Internal Affairs. Zoning- Insurance for Livability by Frank McChesney. Prepared for the above, Dept. of Public Instruction, The Public Service Institute. Harrisburg. 108p. 1961 © Bureau of Community Development. Capital Improvements Programming by Paul A. Pfretzschner. Harrisburg. 5p. b) Local Planing Mnabling Acts T3T2 Dept. of Community Affairs. Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code: Act 2:7 as Amended by Act 90. Harrisburg. 37p- 1969 Dept. of Community Affairs. Bureau of Research and Information. Comparison of Municipalities Planning Code (Act 25 of 1968) and Repealed Planning Laws by Judith A. Valunas. Harrisburg. 7p. 1965 State Planning Board. Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code Proposed by the Pennsylvania Planning Association and Above. Harrisburg. 0p. 406. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Pennsylvania State University. Institute of Public Administration. The Legal Basis for Planning and Zoning in Pennsylvania by James B. Craig, Jr.. University Park. 9p. 1962 e State Planning Board. Pennsylvania Planning Code, Proposed by the Pennsylvania Planning Association and Above. Harrisburg. 32p. 1961 Bureau of Wii pevetimentit Pennsylvania Planning Laws for First Class Townships. Harrisburg. lp. State Planning Board. Pennsylvania Planning Code, Proposed by the Pennsylvania Planning Association and the Above. - Harrisburg. 5ip. 13. Project Notification and Review Systen Guides a) Federal Program 197) Dept. of Environmental Resources. The Pennsylvania Project Review and Evaluation Program. Harrisburg. 7p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1962 State Planning Board. Project 70; a Proposal to the People of Pennsylvania; a Plan for Pennsylvania Outdoor Resources. Harrisburg. 32p. 16. Geologic Concerns a) Geologic Resources fe Topographic and Geologic Survey. Engineering Characteristics of the Rocks of Pennsylvania: Environmental Geology Supplement to the State Geologic Map by William G. McGlade and Alan R. Geyer and John P. Wilshusen. Harrisburg. 200p. 19, Land Preservation b) - Agricultural Land Preservation 1969 Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land. Finai Report with Recommendations to Governor Raymond P. Shafer. Harrisburg. 3ip. 07. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 Governor's Committee for the Preservation of Agricultural Land. Interim Report with the Dept. of Agriculture and the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Harrisburg. Unpaged. 20. Flood Plain Management 1973 Pennsylvania Mnvironmental Council, Inc. Floodplain Management: the Prospects for Pennsylvania (draft). Harrisburg. Various Paging. 21. Wildlife Resources 1972 Pennsylvania Game Commission. Protected Birds of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. Various Paging. Pennsylvania Game Commission. Protected Animals in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1970 Fish Commission. Stream Improvements Guide. Harrisburg. Booklet. Pennsylvania Game Commission. Pennsylvania's Wildlife Conservation History: and Outline of Important Events in the Hunting, Preservation and Propogation of the Keystone State's Wildlife Resources. Harrisburg. 76p. 24. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resouces 1966 Governor's Advisory Committee on Natural Resources and Beauty. Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty. ist. Harrisburg. 321p. 25. Water Resources a} Issues in Water Resources Planning 1971 Dept. of Environmental Resources. Programs and Planning for the Management of Water Resources of Pennsylvania: Status Report on the Water and Related Resources of Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 275p.+ 08. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1970 Dept. of Forests and Waters. Pennsylvania Gazetter of Streams. Pt. 1 by L. C. Shaw and W. F. Busch with the U.S.G.S.. Harrisburg. 280p. 1968 State Planning Board. Pennsylvania State Water Resources Supplement to the U.S. Army Corps Engineers; "Report for Development of Water Resources in Appalachia." Harrisburg. 161p. Pennsylvania State University. Institute for Research on Land and Water Resources. An Economic Analysis of Water Utilization in Pennsylvania by J. Dean Jansma and Walden R. Kerns. University Park. 73p. 1962 hai i Survey. Ground Water in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 2p. Sanitary Water Board. People and Water, Water and People. Harrisburg. 20p. 1961 Topographic and Geologic Survey. Ground Water by Robert C. Bolger. Harrisburg. 11p. Topographic and Geologic Survey. Ground-Water Resources of the Coastal Plain Area of Southeastern Pennsylvania with Special Reference to the Effects of Human Activities on the Quality of Water in the Coastal Plain Sediments by David W. Greenman and others. Harrisburg. 375p. b) Quality of Water Resources 192 Topographic and Geologic Survey. Subsurface Liquid Waste ‘Disposal and its Feasibility in Pennsylvania by Neilson Rudd. Harrisburg. 103p. 1967 Division of Sanitary Engineering. What we can do About Pollution from Abandoned Mines; Water Quality Management in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 8p. 09. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 26. Issues in Public Land Management 1969 Agricultural Experiment Station. The Impact of Public Land Programs on Local Government Taxation and Expenditure Policy in Pennsylvania by James C. Barron and J. Dean Jansma. University Park. 5p. 196), State Planning Board. Public Land In Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. Unpaged. 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in nergy Resources 1961 Pennsylvania State University. Mineral Industries Experiment Station. The Use and Interchangeability of Fuels in Pennsylvania by W. Gibson Jaworek and John J Schanz, Jr.. University Park. 6p. 28. Air Resources 1967 General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Automotive Air Pollution; Supplemental Report. Harrisburg. 13p. 1963 General Assembly. Joint State Government Commission. Automotive Air Pollution; a Report of the Panel of Tech- nical Advisors on Automotive Air Pollution. Harrisburg. Sip. 31. Issues in New Community Development “1970 Dept. of Community Affairs. Bureau of Research and Information. A Background Report: New Communities for Pennsylvania? by David R. Powell. Harrisburg. 5p. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1967 Dept. of Mines and Mineral Industries. Operation Scarlift: the After Effects of Over 100 Years of Coal Mining in Pennsylvania and Current Programs to Combat Them. Harrisburg. 12p. ‘410. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-7 7h 33. Issues in Acoustics Quality 1972 Dept. of Transportation. Bureau of Advance Planning. Statewide Studies Division. Aircraft Noise Impacts for Harrisburg International. and Capital City Airports by Thomas E. TenEyck, William A. Trethaway and Richard R. Snyder. Harrisburg. 26p. 34. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1970 Dept. of Agriculture. Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Conference on Agricultural Waste Management. Harrisburg. 112p. 1968 Bureau of Housing and Environmental Control. Division of - Community Environmental Services. Improving Community Solid Waste Practices through Planning. Harrisburg. 28p. b) Solid Waste Management Planning 1970 Dept. of Health. A-Plan for Solid Waste Management in Pennsylvania. Harrisburg. 162p. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1968: Soil and Water Conservation Commission. The Pennsylvania - Soil and Water herbage das eh: needs Inventory. Harrisburg. 257p. b) Soil Erosio Control 1973 State Soil Conservation Commission. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual by Afton V. Schadel, Thomas B. Koons and Gerald W. Root. with the Bureau of Water Quality Management and the U.S.S.C.S.. Harrisburg. 3p. ll. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 197 Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc. Summary of Pennsylvania Environmental Laws, and Regulation. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1973 Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc. Task Force Reports- The Third Pennsylvania Environmental Conference. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1972 Pennsylvania Environmental Council, Inc. Proceedings= Second Annual Pennsylvania Environmental Conference. Harrisburg. Various Paging. 1970 Dept. of Community Affairs. Bureau of Research and Program Development. A Summary Review of the Pennsylvania Laws on Environmental Control and State Departments and Agencies Legally Charged with Implementing Various Aspects of Those Laws. Harrisburg. 3p. ' 1969 Senate. Special Committee to Study the Use of Pesticides in the Commonwealth. Report. Harrisburg. 88p. RHODE ISLAND 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1969 Statewide Planning Program. Goals and Policies for the Development of Rhode Island. Providence. Various Paging. 1967 Statewide Planning Program. Community Development Goals and Policies. Providence. Various Paging. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 197) Statewide Planning Program. Rhode Island Statewide Planning Program, Work Program 197-75. Providence. Various Paging. 412. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1972 ry Dept. of Administration. Statewide Planning Program. Tech- nical Paper. Providence. Various Paging. 1970 7M ; %: University of Rhode Island. Bureau of Government Research. Rhode Island in the Year 1975; Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the LT. Governor J. Joseph Garrahy. Kingston. 88p. TOGO pines be? nea siehiins 22 Dept. of Administration. Statewide Planning Program. Report. Providence. 12p. 1968 Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. Report. lth Annual. Providence. 30p. b) Issues in Land Resources Planning 1973 Statewide Planning Program. State Land Use Policies and Plan. - draft (also summary). Providence. Various Paging. Iie Dept. of Administration. Land Zoned for Industrial Use Inventory and Analysis by Victor J. Parmentier. Providence. Op et 1966 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Analysis of Rhode Island Land Use. Providence. 67p. 1965 Agricultural Experiment Station. Land Use Plan for the State of Rhede Island by Arthur D. Jeffrey. Kingston. 3p. Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. Program Design Report; Report no. 2. Providence. Op . Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. Organization Manual by Richard J. Bouchard, Daniel W. Varin and Patrick J. Fingliss. Providence. 7lp. 413. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1963 Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. Program Prospectus. Providence. 36p. 1962 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Present Use and Economic Classification of non- urban Land in Rhode Island site Rams D. Jeffrey. Providence. 1/p- 3. State Economic Planning Lede, Statewide Planning Program. Overall Economic Development Program. Providence. Various Paging. V9T2 Project Rhode Island. The Rhode Island Economy: A’ Plan for ’ its Future. Providence. 36p. 1971 _ Statewide Planning Program. A Public Investment Plan for the State of Rhode Island, Cycle III. Providence. Various Paging. 1970 Statewide Planning Program. A Public Investment Plan for the State of Rhode Island, Cycle III. Providence. Various Paging. “Statewide Planning Program. Development Issues: a Problem Statement and Work Program for State Planning in Rhode Island. Providence. Various Paging. 1969 Statewide Planning Program. Goals and Policies for the Development of Rhode Island. Providence. Various Paging. 1968 Statewide Planning Program. A Guide for Public Investment for the State of Rhode Island. Providence. Various Paging. ly. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1967 Statewide Planning Program. Preliminary Report: A Plan for Public Investment for the State of Rhode Island. Providence. Various Paging. 6. Recreational Resources 1973 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space. Supplement. Providence. Various Paging. 1971 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space. Providence. Various Paging. 1970 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space (second interim report). “Providence. Various Paging. 1968 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space (interim report). Providence. Various Paging. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1973 Statewide Planning Program. A Survey of Potential Sites for Low and Moderate Income Housing. Providence. 8p. 196), Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Housing Conditions in Rhode Island. Providence. 60p. 8. Traheportatieh Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1973 | Dept. of Administration. Statewide Planning Program. 1972 Rhode Island Transportation Inventory for 197) National Transportation Study. Providence. Various Paging. 415. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1972 Statewide Planning Program. The Potential Effects of Increasing Oil Tanker Size on Harnaaenautl Baye Providence. Various Paging. 1963 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Residential Mobility, Migration and Commuting in Rhode Island by Sidney Goldstein and Kurt B. Mayer. Providence. 65p. b) Airport Planning 1972 Commission to Study the Rhode Island Airport System. Report. Providence. Various Paging. Final Statewide Planning Program. State Airport System Plan 1970- 1990. (Preliminary draft). Providence. Various Paging. 1969 Statewide Planning Program. State Airport System Inventory. Providence. Various Paging. ce) Highway Planning 1965 Dept. of. Public Works. Highway Planning Section. Rhode Island Statewide Traffic Study; a Cooperative Study of Present and Future Traffic Volumes and Travel Patterns. Report no. 10. Forecasted Population and Socio-economic Estimates with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Providence. 158p. d) Mass Transit Planning 197 Statewide Planning Program. Interim Transit Development Program-revised. Providence. Various Paging. bets Statewide Planning Program. An Interim Development Program for Public Transit Services and Facilities. Providence. Various Paging. 416. - CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Statewide Planning Program. .Rhode Island Transit Plan; Future Mass Transit Service and annibeanitthe sehen Providence. Various Paging. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 1966 - Statewide Planning Program. Population: Projections for the State’ of Rhode Island and its Municipalities 1970-2000. Providence. Various Paging. 1962 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Population Projections, Rhode Island Cities and Towns, 1970 and 1980 by Sidney Goldstein and Kurt B. Mayer. Providence. 19p. 1961 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Metropolitanization and Population Change in Rhode Island by Sidney Goldstein anid Kurt B. Mayer. Providence. 60p. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1970 Dept. of Community Affairs. The Role and Responsibility of _ the Zoning Board of Review, Remarks by Judge Anthony A. Giannini. Providence. Jip. 1968 University of Rhode Island. Bureau of Government Research. Municipal Planning Boards in Rhode Island. Selected Data. Providence. 3p. University of Rhode Island. -Bureau of Government Research. Special Districts in Rhode Island by Efraim Torgovnik. Kingston. 76p. 1963 Development Council. Planning Division. State Planning Section. Land Use Controls in Rhode Island; a Comparative Study of Municipal Zoning Ordinances and Their Effect on Future Development. Providence. 68p. ‘417. GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1962 University of Rhode Island. Bureau of Government Research. ° Local Special Districts and Authorities in Rhode Island; a Report-Preparéd for the Stati of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by the Institute of Public Adminis- tration. Kingston. 38p. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1965 Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning’ Program. Data Bank by Daniel W. Varin and Bernard J. Murphy. Providence. 21p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation Development and Management 1972. . Statewide Planning Program. A Summary of the Natural Resources Laws of the State of Rhode Island by Robert E. Holland, New England Conservation Law Foundation and Above. Providence. Various Paging. 17. Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 1972 Statewide Planning Program. Protection and Control of the Salt Water Shore Area. Providence. 39p. + 1971 Dept. of Administration. Statewide Planning Program. Program Prospectus. for the Coastal Resources Management Council. Providence. Various Paging. Governor's Technical Committee on Narragansett Bay and Coastal Zone. Recommendations. Providence. Various Paging. 1970 Governor 's Committee on the ga Zone» Report. Various Paging. Providence. Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. Public Rights of Way to the Shore. Providence. O5p. 418. . CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 b) Issues in Off-Shore Development 1972 | | beaten Statewide. Planning: Programs, the Poveatiat mveete OF ' Increasing Oil Tanker Size on Narragansett Bay. Providence. Various Paging. 19. Land Preservation a) Issues in Land Preservation 1973 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space. Supplement. Providence. Various Paging. 1971 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space. Providence. Various Paging. 1970 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space (second interim report). Providence. Various Paging. 1968 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Recreation, Conservation and Open Space Gntenin report). Providence. Various Paging. ; 22. Agricultural Resources 196), Dept. of Agriculture and Conservation. ’ Agriculture and Con- servation. Providence. )3p. 23. Forest Resources 1961 - Agricultural Experiment Station. Site Conditions and Tree Growth Analysis in Rhode Island Forests by M. W. McGahan- and others. Kingston. 32p. 2his. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 419. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 | Statewide Comprehensive Transportation and Land Use Planning Program. A Report on the Historic Points of Intérest, Scenic View Areas and Special Topographical Features of the State of Rhode Island by Louis C. David, Jr. Providence. 19p. c) Historical Preservation 1970 Statewide Planning Program. Historic Preservation Plan. Providence. Various Paging. 25. Water Resources ~ a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 1973 Statewide Planning Program. A Determination of the Feasi- bility of Combining Water Resources and Pollution’ Abatement Programs into One Structure Incorporating Policy Planning and Implementing Functions. Providence. Various Paging. 13m Water Resources Board. Rhode Island River Basins. Pt. 1. An Inventory- 1960 & 1990 Statistics. Providence. 51p. 1967 Governor's Task Force on Water Resources Planning. Report. Providence. Various Paging. : 1961 Water Resources Coordinating Board. Appraisal of the Ground- Water Reservoir Areas in Rhode Island by S. M. Lang. Providence. 38p. 1960 “Water Resources Coordinating Board. Hydraulic Characteristics of Glacial OCutwash in Rhode Island by Solomon M. Lang, William H. Bierschenk and William B. Allen by the U.S.G.S. with the Above and the State Development Council. Providence. 38p. b) Quality of Water Resources 1972 Water Resources Board. Task No. h. Municipal Sewage Treat- ment Systems; Inventory of the Structure and Functions of Rhode Island's Public Sewage Treatment Systems. Preliminary j 420. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 26. Issues in Public Land Management T7123 Fee ' Statewide Planning Program. Coordination of State Land Acquisition and Disposition with the State Guide Plan. Providence. Various Paging. 172 Dept. of Administration. An Inventory of State-owned Land (methodology) by John Deary. Providence. Various Paging. 30. Siting Other Utilities 1969 Statewide Planning Program. Plan for the Development and , Use of Public Water Supplies. Providence. Various Paging. Statewide Planning Program. Plan for Public Sewerage Facility Development. Providence. Various Paging. 31. Issues in New Community Development 1970 University of Rhode Island. Bureau of Government Research. A New Town for Rhode Island by Dieter Hammerschlag. Kingston. Op. 33. Issues in Acoustics Quality 1972 Statewide Planning Program. Air¢éraft Noise Evaluation. Providence. Various Paging. 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1965 Development Council. Refuse Disposal in Rhode Island, 1965- 1990 by Leonard C. Mandell Consulting Research Engineers. Providence. 98p. b) Solid Waste Management Planning 1973 Statewide Planning Program. Solid Waste Management Plan. Providence. Various Paging. 421. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h SOUTH CAROLINA 2. State Planning b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 197) Governor's Special Study Committee on Land Policy. South Carolina State Land Use Planning & Management Study by Wilbur Smith and Associates. Columbia. 111p. 12TS State Ports Authority. Application of the Land Use Trade-off Model to Assess Land Use Capabilities of the Beaufort- Jasper County Area. Vol. I & II by Gerald I. Nehman, Norbert Dee, John M. Griffin and Betty W. Cost. Columbia. Various Paging. 1971 Governor's Conference on Land Use Planning. Proceedings. John W. Parris, George R. von Tungeln editors. Held Nov. 11. Columbia. Various Paging. 3. State Economic Planning 1970 University of Governmental Research and Service. 300 Years of Development Administration in South Carolina by W. Hardy Wickwar. Columbia. 178p. 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. mvironment for Development: Some Legal and Organizational Factors. Columbia. Various Paging. State Planning and Grants Division. SAGE (Systems Approach to a Growth Economy) Developed for the State of South Carolina by Education & Economic Systems, Inc.. Columbia. 131p. State Planning and Grants Division. SAGE Technical Memorandun for the State of South Carolina by Education & Econanic Systems, Inc.. Columbia. 36p. State Planning and Grants Division. An Agenda for South Carolina: A Review of the State's Performance Under Prevailing Development Policies. Columbia. Various Paging. 422. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1960 Agricultural Experiment Station. The Impact of Economic Change on Local Government in South Carolina by William He Faver and others. Clemson. 58p. 6. Recreational Resources 1966? Committee to Study the Feasibility of Creating a South Carolina Recreation Commission. Report. Columbia. 2hp. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. Housing Program Designs An Initial Housing Element; A Part of a Comprehensive Planning Program. Columbia. 39p.+ 196, Agricultural Experiment Station. Housing in South Carolina; its Socio-economic Context, by Allen D. Edwards .and Dorothy G. Jones. Clemson. 57p. 6. Transportation Planning b) Airport Planning 1970 Aeronautics Commission. South Carolina Statewide Aviation and Airports Plan by Wilbur Smith: and Associates for Above and Governor's Office, Planning and Grants Division. Columbia. 68p.+ 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. Sub-State District Profiles. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 423. CPL Exchange Bibliography, #772-773-77h 1973 Office of the Governor. Division of Administration. A Planning Manual for South Carolina Local Governments by Vismor, McGill and Bell, Inc. th ed. Columbia. 122p. 1972 Office of the Governor. Division of Administration. , Zoning Administration- Simplified idl Vismor, McGill and apa Inc. 2nd.ed. Columbia. 6p. ' Office of Planning. Division of Administration. Legal and Planning forms for Zoning; Subdivision Regulations, building and housing codes in South Carolina- a planning manual. Columbia. Various Paging. 1970 State Planning and Grants Division. Subdivision Control in South Carolina by William H. Ledbetter, Ms" Columbia. Various Paging. ; 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. Community Planning Division. A Planning Manual for South Carolina Local Governments. 3rd. ed.» Columbia. 150p. 1960 Agricultural Experiment Station. The Impact of Economic Change on-,Local Government in South Carolina by William H. Faver and others. Clemson. 58p. b) Local Planning Mnabling Acts i vag , Clemson University. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. Zoning Law in South Carolina by D. L. McLemore. Clemson. Various Paging. 1970 State Planning and Grants Division. Zoning Law in South Carolina by William H. Ledbetter, Jr.. Columbia. Various Paging. 13. Project Notification and Review System Guides a) Federal Program h2h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. A-95 Procedures, Project Notification and Review System (systems guide manual for State agencies and institutions). Columbia. Various Paging. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1969 State Planning and Grants Division. Functional Plans & Programs: Natural Resources (program inventory part’1). Columbia. Various Paging. he 15. "Critical Areas" a) Environmentally Critical Areas 197) Office of the Governor. South Carolina Critical Areas Process. by Wilbur Smith and Associates. Columbia. Various Paging. 17. Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management WES Coastal Plains Center for Marine Development Services. A Bibliography of the Coastal Zone for South Carolina. Wilmington, North Carolina. Various Paging. 1 University of South Carolina. Institute of Government. Legal Aspects of Ownership and Use of Estuarine Areas in Georgia and South Carolina by Carroll Leavell. Athens. 1T1p. Water Resources Commission. Index of Statutory Law Pertaining to Ownership, Development and Management of South Carolina's Tidelands by John Winthrop Ours for the Coastal Plains Regional Commission. Columbia. 29p. 23. Forest Resources 1961 Forestry Study Committee. Report. Columbia. 27p. Forestry Study Committee. Report. Columbia. 3p. 25. ° CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1971 Water Resources Commission. Water Use in South Carolina, 1970. Columbia. 11 lip e+ 1968 Committee to Study the Conservation, Protection and Utilization of the Water Resources of the State. Report. Columbia. 15p. b) Quality of Water Resources 1967 Pollution Control Authority. Water Quality Criteria and Specific Water Standards and Implemantation Plan. Columbia. Various Paging. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1961 State Conservation Needs Committee. South, Carolina Soil and Water Conservation Needs Inventory. Columbia. 56p. SOUTH DAKOTA 2. State Planning a) Tesnes ain General State Planning 1966 State Legislative Research Council. A Review of South Dakota's existing Real Property Tax Structure. Pierre. 38p. 3. State Economic Planning 1971 State Planning Agency. Model Rural Development Program. Pierre. 9p. Ste State Planning Agency. Economic Development Plan for South Dakota by Lynn Muchmore and others. Pierre. 58p. 26. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1973 State Planning Bureau. Policy Plan for Economic Development. Approved by the State Planning Commission Dec. 5, 1973. Pierre. 5. Planning with and For the Mnvironment 1973 State Planning Agency. Environmental Plan for South Dakota. Pierre. 67p. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1970 Local Government Study Commission. Taxation of Mobile Homes in South Dakota. Pierre. 32p. ; 8. Transportation Planning b) Airport Planning 196, State Legislative Research Council. State Aid to Airports. Pierre. 5hp. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1967 Agricultural Experiment Station. Economics Dept. Pastor's Conference on Effective Community Planning. 2nd. Brookings. 50p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 196 State Geological Survey. Mineral and Water Resources of South Dakota; Report by the U.S.G.S., U.S. Bureau of Reclamation with Above and the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Pierre. 295p. 427. CPL Exchange’ Bibliography #772-773-77h 21. Wildlife Resources 1966 State Legislative Research Council. Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program. Pierre. 30p. 22. Agricultural Resources 196), Agricultural Experiment Stations Economics Dept. South Dakota Agriculture and its Problems. Brookings. /71p. 1968 State Legislative Research Council. Corporate Ownership of Agricultural Land and Farming. Pierre. 33p. 24. Aesthetic Concerns’ a) Issues in Visual Resources 1963 State Legislative Research Council. Supplement no. 2 to Background and Proposed Methodology: Study of Billboard Regulation, Taxation and Controls Staff Memorandum. Pierre. 10p. State Legislative Research Council. Supplement no.1 to , Background and Proposed Methodology: Study of Billboard Regulation, Taxation and “pape Staff Memorandum. Pierre. 3p. 1965 State Legislative Council. Regulation of Highway Advertising. Pierre. 31p. 1966 “State Legislative Research Council. The Highway Beautification ~ Act of 1965, its Relatiotiship to South Dakota. Pierre. 127p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1962 State Geological Survey. South Dakota's Ground Water Needs and Supplies by Allen F. Agnew, Merlin J. Tipton and Fred V. Steece. Vermillion. Op. 428. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1968 Clemson University. Water Resources Research Institut:. South Dakota Laws, Policies and Programs Pertaining to Wa’.er and Related Land Resources. by Gene W. Dukes and Jams M. Stepp with the Agricultural Experiment Station. Clemson. 88p. 1969 State Legislative Research Council. Considerations Involving the Use of Ground Water in South Dakota. Pierre. 2p. b) Quality of Water Resources 1967 Committee on Water Pollution. Wastewater Works in South Dakota by the Division of Sanitary Engineering, State Dept. of Health. Pierre. 22p. 1972 South Dakota State University. Water Resources Institute. Water Pollution in South Dakota by Floyd L. Matthew. - Brookings. 3v. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1970 State Legislature. Research Council. State Regulation of Strip Mining. Pierre. 7p. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1970 University of South Dakota. Statewide Educational Series. Garbage & Refuse Management Practices for South Dakota Municipalities with the South Dakota Municipal League. Vermillion. 75p. TENNESS EE 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1970 State Planning Commission. Tennessee State Government: Policy Development and Implementation. Nashville. 59p. 429. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 1968 State Planning Commission. A Preliminary Goals Structure for Tennessee State Government. Nashville. 29p. 1967 State Planning Commission. Policy Conclusions: Problems and Opportunities. Nashville. 36p. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1970 State Planning Commission. A Search for Alternatives; an Analysis of Program Options in Five Selected Issue Areas. Nashville. Various Paging. 1967 - State Planning Commission. Tennessee's Large Urban Areas by John Donnelly. Nashville. 115p. 1966 State Planning Office. Bibliography for Plan Elements, State Comprehensive Plan, State of Tennessee. Nashville. 6. State Planning Office. A Report on Function, Organization and Operation. of Statewide and Regional Planning in Tennessee. Nashville. 23p. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1973 State Planning Office. Tennessee Land Use by John M. Wilson, Jimmy-C. Burchett and Billy D. Wiley. Nashville. Maps. State Land Use Planning Task Force. An Approach to Land Use Issues in Tennessee: A Report on n Findings and Recommendatans . Nashville. 30p. 1966 Agricultural Experiment Station. Rural Land Ownership and Use in Tennessee by Joe A. Martin and Joe W. McLeary. Knoxville. 5p. 430. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 3. State Economic Planning 1969 State Planning’ Commission. A Guide for Organizing Economic Development Districts under Tennessee Mnabling Legislation for Participation in the Appalachian Regional Development Act, Economic Development Act and the Regional Planning, Housing Act.of 1968. Nashville. 0p. Tennessee State University. Bureau of Business and Economic Research. Delineation of Development Districts in non- Appalachian Tennessee by Karen S. Johnson and Thayer Watkins for the Office of Federal and Urban Affairs by the above, Memphis State University. Memphis. 119p. 1966 State Planning Office. Report on First Year's Activities in the Appalachian Development Program. Nashville. 15p. 1965 State Planning Commission. Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, A Rationale and Model for its Application in Tennessee. Nashville. 107p. State Planning Commission. Tennessee; its Resources and Economy. Vol. 1. The Tennessee Economy by Research Section, Planning Division of the State Dept. of Finance and Administration. Nashville. }3p. State Planning Commission. The Economic Geography of 7 eared by Milos Sebor and Richard Bodamer. Nashville. De State Planning Commission. State Planning Office. A Guide for Organizing Economic Development Districts under Tennessee Enabling Legislation for Participation in Appalachian Regional Development Act, Economic Development Act and the Regional Planning, Housing Act of 1965. Nashville. 36p. 1962 Dept. of Conservation and Commerce. Community Progress Program. The Community Industrial Resources Survey of Tennessee. Nashville. 2)p. 6. Recreational Resources 1966 Dept. of Conservation. Tennessee's Plan for Outdoor Recreation. Nashville. Various Paging. 431. CPL°Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 196 State Planning Commission. What other States are doing in Outdoor Recreation Development. Nashville. lp. 1962 State Planning Commission. Municipal and County Recreation in Tennessee; A Survey and Some Recommended Standards. 1961-62. (Pt. 1 of a Public Recreation Plan and Program for Tennessee). Nashville. 96p. _. State Planning Commission. Public Outdoor Recreation Resources in Tennessee; Inventory and Plan for Development 1962-?, (Pt. 2 (Vol. 1) of a Public Recreation Plan and Program for Tennessee). Nashville. Various Paging. State Planning Commission. Public Outdoor Recreation Resources in Tennessee; Inventory and Plan for Development, 1962-7. (Pt. 2 (Vol. 2) of a Public Recreation Plan and -: Program for Tennessee). Nashville. 251p. 7. Housing aces’ a) General Housing Resources 1973 Assembly. Legislative Council Committee. Housing and Slum Conditions in the Four Major Cities of Tennessee. Nashville. 9p. 8. Transportation Planning c) Highway. Planning 1965 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Housing Legislation 1935-1965 by Nicholas Beehan Jr. Nashville. 50p. 1963 Highway Research Program. -Status of Tennessee's First Highway Economic Impact Study by W. A. Goodwin and E. A. Whitehurst. Knoxville. 1ip. 1962 State Planning Commission. Highway Access Areas in Tennessee; A Study of Problems and a Suggested Program for Orderly Land Use Development. Nashville. 166p. 432. GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 9. Issues in Demographic Change 1967 , 9F | State Planning Commission. Tennessee; Population, Labor Force and Employment Projections and Interpretations. Nashville... 1179p... - a? eT: ‘ 1965 | State Planning Commission. 1970-1980 Population Projections for Tennessee and its Counties by Five Year Age Groups by Dorothy Tucker in Consultation with Read Tabbarah. Nashville. 96p.- 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1966 State Planning Office. Report on First Year's Activities in the Appalachian Development Program. Nashville. 15p. 1965 State Planning Commission. Appalachian Regional Development Act of 1965, a Rationale and Model for its Application in Temessee. Nashville. 107p. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1961 State Planning Commission. Subdivision Standards. Nashville. 27p. 1960 - State Planning Commission. Manual on Capital Budgeting. Nashville. 63p. b) Local Planning Fnabling Acts 1972: 7° State Planning Office. Tennessee Planning Legislation Based on the Tennessee Code Annotatéd (1935-1972). Nashville. Slip. 1968 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Planning Legislation (1935-1968) by Julia G. Ledyard and Dale Wiley. Nashville. 52p. 433. _CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Planning Legislation, by Nicholas Beenan Reprinted from the Tennessee Code Annotated (as! amended through 1965). -Nashville. 9p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1967 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Resources: Agriculture, Forestry, Minerals. Nashville. 12ip. 1966 State Planning Commission. Tennessee; its Resources and Economy. Vol. 2. Tennessee's Natural Resources. Nashville. 7Op. 20. Flood Plain Management 1960 State Planning Commission. Flood; Damage Prevention for Tennessee by Harold V. Miller. Nashville. 9p. 22. Agricultural Resources 1967 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Resources: Agriculture, Forestry, Minerals. Nashville. 121p. 23. Forest Resources 1967 State Plaming Commission. Tennessee Resources: Agriculture, Forestry, Minerals. Nashvilles 121p.. 1964 Division of Forestry. Development of Forest Conservation in Tennessee by Carl I. Peterson. Nashville. 16. 24... Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 1968 Agricultural Experiment Station. The Value of Outdoor Advertising Rights held by Landowmers Along Federal Aid Highways’ in Tennessee by Lewis S. Pipkin and Joe A. Martin. Knoxville. 3lp. 43). CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1967 Dept. of Highways. Economic Effects of the Control of Highway Signs in Tennessee by Paul R. Lowry, Harry H. Summer and P. Charles Chartee with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Memphis. 157p. 196) General Assembly. Legislative Council Committee. Study on Autcnobile Junkyards and Highway Beautification, 196); final report. Nashville. 22p. Genera’. Assembly. Legislative Council Committee. Study on Outdjoor Advertising cn Highways, ,1964; final report. Nas hville e 27p s ' b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 1961 State Planning Commission. The Tennessee River Gorge, its Scenic Preservation; A Report to the 1961 General Assembly. Nashville. 10lp. c) Historical Preservation 1971 | Historical Commission. Tennessee's Plan for Historic Preservation (an imterim plan). Nashville. 129p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resouce Planning 1970 Division of Water Resources. Water Use in Tennessee by Alfred M. F. Johnson and John M. Wilson with the U.S. Water Resources Division. (U.S.G.S.) Nashville. 2v. 1969 Division of Water Resources. Water Use in Tennessee. Pt. B. Industrial Water Use by John M. Wilson, Harry B. Nichols and Alfred M. F. Johnson with the U.S.G.S., Water Resources Division. Nashville. 6p. 1968 Division of Water Resources. Water Use in Tennessee. Pt. A. Agricultural Water Use by Alfred M. F. Johnson, John M. Wilson and Harry B. Nichols with the U.S.G.S. Nashville. 3hp. 435. .' OPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1962 Division of Water Resources. Interagency Report. on Water Resource Activities in Tennessee. Nashville. 115p. General Assembly. Legislative Council Committee. Final “Report, Water Resources and Related Land ae Nashville. 223p. b) Quality of Water Resources 1970 State Planning Commission. State Planning Division. Sanitary Services in Tennessee. 13th biennial. Nashville. 96p. 1967 Stream Pollution Control Board. Water Quality Standards for Waters of Tennessee and a Plan for Implementation. Nashville. Various Paging. 1966 State Planning Commission. Tennessee Sanitation Surveys. Nashville. 7p. | 1961 Stream Pollution Control Bodrd. Water Quality of Tennessee Surface Streams. Nashville. Various Paging. 1960 Stream Pollution Control Board. Water Quality of Tennessee Surface Streams. Nashville. iv. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1974 Division of Surface Mining. Regulations Pertaining to Surface Mining, Effective June 17, 1974. Nashville. 66p. . 1960 Dept. of Conservaticn and Commerce. Conditions Resulting from Strip Mining for Coal in Tennessee with the TVA. Nashville. 13p-. 436. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1972 ; Division of Geology. Géologic Evaluation of Sanitary Land- fill Sites in Tennessee by Robert A. Miller & Stuart W. Maher. Nashville. 38p. 36. Issues in Mnvironmental Quality 1971 State Planning Commission. Environmental Problems in Tennessee: Radiation. Nashville. 67p. TEXAS 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1971 Urban Development Commission. Urban Texas: Policies for the ‘Future. Austin. 203p.: ; 1970 _ Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Goals for Texas. Phase 2. Austin. 273p. 1969 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Goals for Texas.- Phase I. Austin. 120p. pon) 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1970 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Survey of Statistical and Planning Data Collected by Texas State Agencies by Jack W. Huffman. Austin. Various Paging. 1960 Commission on State and Local Tax Policy. Our State Tax Policy: its History: its Future. Austin. 31p. 437. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1973 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Texas Land: Quality and Quantity by the Council of State Planning Agencies with the above. Austin. 3p. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Texas Land Use: A Comprehensive Land Resource Management Study by Research and Planning Consultants with the Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Environment. Austin. 9v. 1972 Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. Land Use Standards in Unincorporated areas: Proposed State Legislation for Local Governments: A Report. Austin. 196), General Land Office. History of Texas Land. Austin. 22p. 3. State Economic Planning 1973 Office of the Governor. Office of Information Services. Input-output Analysis of Econanic Invironmental Interrelations in the Lower Rio Grande Region of Texas; Final Report by James E. Blaylock and Lonnie L. Jones. With the Agricultural Experiment Station. Austin. Various Paging. Rural Development Commission. Building Texas Communities. Austin. Unpaged. Rural Development Commission. Building Rural Texas; Final Report. Austin. 106. 1972 Dept. of Community Affairs. Division of Comprehensive Planning. A Methodology Report on the Small Communities Development Program, Texas Project P-303. Austin. Olp. Urban Development Commission. Selected Legislative Proposals: A Report of the Above by David W. Tess. Arlington. 59p. 438. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1971 Urban Development Commission. Urban Texas: Past-Present- Future by Joe B. Harris. Arlington. 5p. 1970 Legislature. Senate. Interim Committee on Urban Affairs. An Action Program for Urban Texas; Report. Austin. 67p. University of Texas. Institute of Urban Studies. Urban Texas Tomorrow; Report of the Texas Assembly on the State and the Urban Crisis With Historical Illustration. Arlington. 2hp. Urban Development Commission. Toward Urban Progress; a Report to the Governor and the 62nd Texas Legislature. Austin. 52p. 1962 Industrial Commission. Goals for Texas; an Evaluation of the Industrail Potentials for Texas, 1962-1977. Austin. 2p. 5. Planning with and for the Fnvironment 1973 Office of the’Governor. Office of Information Services. Input-output Analysis of Economic Environmental Interrelations in the Lower Rio Grande Region of Texas; Final Report by James E. Blaylock and Lonnie L. Jones. with the Agricultural Experiment Station. Austin. Various Paging. 1971 Urban Development Commission. Land Resource Management Committee. A Land Resource Management System for Texas. Arlington. 39p. 6. Recreational Resources 1972 Law Institute of Coastal and Marine Resources. The Beaches: Public Right and Private Use- Proceedings of a Conference Jan. 15 with the Senate Interim Coastal Zone Study Committee. Houston. 7p. 1971 Senate. Interim Committee on Parks and Recreation. This Land is Our Land, II: A Report on Texas's Natural Environment. Austin. 37p. 439. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1970 Interim Beach Study Committee. Footprints on the Sands of Time, an Evaluation of the Texas Seashore. Austin. 7p. 1969 Senete.. Interim Committee on Parks and Recreation. This Land is Our Land; A Report on Texas's Natural Euvironment. Austin. 9p. 1968 Agricultural Experiment Station. Legislation for Outdoor Recreation in Texas. College Station. 12p. 7.,.Housing a) General Housing eanraee 1972 Office of Governor. Texas Housing Report: Results of Comprehensive Survey of Texas Housing Conditions and Occupant Attitudes. Austin. 79p. 1971 Urban Development Commission. Housing Issues in Texas by John Mixon. Arlington. (Pp. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1972 Urban Development Commission. Urban Transportation in Texas; Report of the Transportation Committee of the above. Arlington. 163p. b) Airport Planning 1973 _ Aeronautics Commission. The Texas Airport System Plan. Austin . 8p . , 1972 Aeronautics Commission, Texas Airport System Plan, Forecast Aircraft Mix, Texas Airport Hubs by Leonard H. Quick. Austin. 105p. 40.’ CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1970 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Air Transportation for Texas. Texas Transportation Institute. College Station. ky. 1965 Aeronautics Commission. Importance of a Modern Airport. Austin. 79p. d) Mass Transit Planning 1971 Texas Mass Transportation Commission. State of Texas Public Transportation Development Manual a ear Smith and Associates. Houston. 6ip. . 196), Legislative Council. A Preliminary Report on Mass Transportation. Austin. 96p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1973 Office of the Governor. .Division. of Planning Coordination. A Performance Effectiveness Program for Texas Regional Councils: Final Report by the National Association of Regional Councils in Cooperation with the Texas a Councils. Austin. 682p. 1971 Agricultural Extension Service. Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. The Development of Multi- county Regions in Texas by James D. Preston and Patricia B. Goseman. College Station. 117p. 1970 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Non-Metropolitan Regional Organization in Texas by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company. Austin. Various Paging. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Cooperative Implementation: Regional Alternatives for Texas, Compiled and Edited by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Company and the above. Austin. Various Paging. yl. .°.CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning. Urban and Regional Development Planning in Texas; Condensed Proceedings ‘of the Comprehensive Planning Workshop for Regional Councils, Houston, May 15-16 with Region V, | U.S. HUD. Condensed by Elbert V. Bowden. Austin. 9p. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Governor's Annual Intergovernmental Relations and Regional — Planning Workshop; Condensed Proceedings by Elbert V. Bowden. th. Austin. 222p. 1968 Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Planning Regions for the State of Texas. Austin. Various Paging. Office of the Governor. Division.of Planning Coordination. Proceedings of the Governor's Annual Regional Planning Development Workshop. 3rd. Austin. 156p. 11. Local’ Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1973 Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations. Housing Code Administration: Proposals for Texas: by the Institute’ of Urban Studies, University of Texas at Arlington. Austin. 73p. 1966 State Dept. of Health. Zoning Ordinance. Austin. 69p. 1965 University of Texas. Institute of Public Affairs. Municipal Annexation in Texas by Stuart A. MacCorkle. Austin. hip. 1960 Legislative Council. Municipal Annexation. Austin. /77p.- 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1973 | Water Oriented Data Programs Section. Progress Report on the Establishment of a Natural Resources Information System for the State of Texas: Identification and Categorization of Natural Resources Data and Information with the oleae Resources Information System Task Force. Austin. 3p» 4h2. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1970 University of Texas. Bureau of Economic Geology. Mineral Resources and Conservation in Texas by Peter T. Flawn. Austin. 20p. i 15. "Critical Areas" a) Environmentally Critical Areas 1967 Water Development Board. Hurricanes Affecting the Texas Gulf Coast by John T. Carr, Jr.. Austin. 58p. 17. Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 1973 Office of the Governor. Division of’ Planning Coordination. Establishment of Operational Guide-lines for Texas Coastal Zone Management: evaluation of loading on water quality attributable to non-point sources by George G. Clark and Joseph F. Malina by the University of Texas at Austin, Environmental Health Engineering Research Laboratories. Austin. 131p. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Establishment of Operational Guide-lines for Texas Coastal Zone Management: industrial water use in the Texas coastal zone by James L. Marshall and Joseph F. Malina by the University of Texas at Austin, Invironmental Health Engineering Research Laboratories. Austin. 132p. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Economic Development in the Texas Coastal Zone: a summary report by the Office of the Sea Grant Program, Texas A& M University for the coastal resources management. program and the Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Environment. Austin. Op. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning. Selected Legal and Institutional Aspects of the Texas Coastal Zone: a summary report by the Texas Coastal and Marine Law Institute, University of Houston and the University of Texas for the above and the Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Environment. Austin. 8p. 43. ‘CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h University of Texas. Division of Natural Resources and the Environment. Bay and Estuarine System Management in the Texas Coastal Zones: a summary:report for the Office of the Governor, Division of Planning Coordination, the Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Environ- ment. Austin. 2p. 1972 Law Institute of Coastal and Marine Resources. The Beaches: Public Right and Private Use- proceedings of a conference Jan. 15 with the Senate Interim Coastal Zone Study Committee. Houston. 7p. Law Institute of Coastal and Marine Resources. Regulation of Activities Affecting Bays and Estuaries: a preliminary legal study; report by Reginald Hirsch and Carl Everett for the Coastal Resources Program, Office of the Governor. Houston. 22p. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Texas Coastal Resources Management Program: a comprehensive report to the 63rd Texas Legislature by the Interagency Council on Natural Resources and the Rnvironment. Austin. 1971 Advisory Committee on Marine Resources. Goals for Texas in the Coastal Zone and the Sea: summary of a conference co- sponsored by the Office of the Governor and the Sea Grant Program Office, Texas A&M University. Austin. 20p. University of Texas. Bureau of Economic Geology. Resource Capability Units, Their Utility in Land and Water Use Management with Examples from the Texas Coastal Zone by L. F. Brown, Jr. and others. Austin. 22p. 1970 Interagency Natural Resources Council. The Coastal Resources Management Program of Texas, a summary; a report to the 62nd Texas Legislature. Austin.’ Unpaged. University of Texas. Center for Research in Water Resources. Inventory of Waste Sources in the Coastal Zone by Joseph F. Malina, Jr. for the Coastal Resources Management Program, Interagency Natural Resources Council, Division of Planning Coordination, Office of the Governor. Austin. 7Op. Water Development Board. Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Water in Estuaries of Texas 3rd. Annual by D. C. Hahl and Karl W. Ratzlaff. By the U.S.G.S.. Austin. 123p. hhh. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1967 Water Development Board. A New Concept- Water for Preservation of Bays and Estuarines by Lockwood, Andrews and Newman, Inc.. Austin. 39p. b) Issues in Off-Shore Development 197 Offshore Terminal Commission. Plan for Development of a Texas Deep-water Terminal by the above. Austin. 9p. “t3t3 Law Institute of Coastal and Marine Resources. The Legal Framework Affecting Off-shore Oil Terminals: a study by Eliezer Ereli for the Offshore Terminai Commission. Houston. lp. Office of the Governor. Division of Planning Coordination. Deep Water Ports for Texas, Status and Needs: summary report: Texas State and Region Newsletter for the Inter- agency Council on Natural Resources and the Environment and the Interagency Transportation Planning Council. Austin. .8p. Offshore Terminal Commission. Interim Report. Austin. Unpaged. 1972 Law Institute of Coastal and Marine Resources. Offshore Terminals: Statement, Submitted by Eliezer Ereli to the Dept. of the Army, Corps of Engineers. May 2h. Houston. 9p. 20. Flood Plain Management 1966 Water Development Board. Symposium on Consideration of some Aspects of Storms and Floods in Water Planning. Austin. 163p. 1963 Water Commission. Floods in Texas; Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows by James L. Patterson by the U.S.G.S. with above. Austin. 173p. “US. CPL Exchange Bibliography, #772-773-77h 22. Agricultural Resources 1965 Water Development, Board. Agricultural Resources Related to ‘Water Development in Texas; Preliminary Report by Agricultural and Mechanical University of Texas, Water Resources Institute. College Station. Various Paging. 1960 Agricultural Experiment Station. Types of Farming in Texas by G..A. Bonnen. College Station... 50p. 2h. Aesthetic Concerns b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 1971 Parks and Wildlife Dept. Pathways & Paddleways,.a Trails and Scenic Waterways Feasibility Study Conducted by Wayne D. Oliver. and.others. Austin. 69p.. c) Historic Preservation 1973 _ Historical Commission. Historic Preservation in Texas: the _ Comprehensive Statewide Historic Preservation,Plan for ' Texas. Austin. Various Paging. oe Water Resources _ a), Issues in Water Resource Planning 1974 Water Development Board. Economic Optimization and Simulation Techniques for Management of Regional Water Resource Systems: a Completion Report by Systems Ingineering Division. Austin. 51p. Water Development Board. Analytical Techniques for Planning Complex Water Resources Systems: a Summary Report. Austin. 59p. Water Development Board. Texas Water Development Board and Water. for Texas. Austin. 72p. Lh6. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Water Development Board. A Completion Report on Systems Simulation for Management of a Total Water Resource, | prepared by Board and Water Resources Engineers, Inc.. Austin. Tv. 1968 Water Development Board. Texas Water Plan. Austin. Various Paging. “Water Development Board. Laws and Programs Pertaining to Water and Related Land Resources, oe by Donald at Yarbrough. Austin. 3p. 1967 Water Development Board. Additional Technical Papers on Selected Aspects of the Preliminary Texas Water Plan. Austin. 93p. Water Development Board. Future Water Requirements for the Production of Oil in Texas by Paul D. Torrey. Austin. 8p. 1966 Water Development Board. Texas Droughts; Causes, Classification and Prediction by John T. Carr, Jr.. Austin. 58p. Water Development Board. Technical Papers on Selected Aspects of the Preliminary Texas Water Plan. Austin. 78p. Water Development Board. A Study of Some Effects of Urban- ization on Storm Runoff from a Small Watershed by William Howard Espey, Fr., Carl W. Morgan and Frank D. Masch with the University of Texas, Center for Research in Water Resources. Austin. 110p. Water Development Board. Water for Texas; a Plan for the Future. Austin. 32p. oe 7 196), Water Commission. Dams and Reservoirs in Texas; Historical and Descriptive Information by C. L. Dowell. Austin. 2)8p. Water Commission. Conservation Storage Reservoirs in Texas; Some Aspects and Chronology of Surface-water Resources Development by Louis L. McDaniels. Austin. 39p. 47. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) Water Commission. Fifty Years of Water Development in Texas by S. D. Breeding and others. Austin. 31p.- Water Commission. Texas Water Planning; a State Responsibility. Austin. 16p. 1961. Water Commission. The Texas Law of Water Rights by Wells A. Hutchins. Austin. 673p. Water Commission. A Plan for Meeting the 1980 gies Requirements of Texas. Austin. 198p. : 1960 Board of Water Engineers. Consumptive Use of Water by Major -, ,_ Crops in Texas by Louis L. McDaniels. Austin. iv. b) Quality of Water Resources 1972 Water Quality Board. A Ready Reference on Major Texas Water Pollution Control Legislation: the Texas Water Quality Act, .. the County Solid Waste Control Act, the Solid Waste _ Disposal Act, the Disposal Well ‘Act, a a Discussion of State Participation in the Matching Grants Program. Austin. 3p. Water Quality Board. Surface Waste Disposal in Texas by Robert Hill. Austin. Op. 1270 Water Quality Board. A Summary of Water Pollution Control in Texas. Austin. 37p- 26. Issues in Public Land Management 1960 Legislative Council. Lands Underlying State-owned Highway Rights-of-way; a History of Their Acquisition and the Problems Involved in Their Development for Oil and Gas ::; Purposes. Austin. 33p... Legislative Council. State-owned Submerged Lands and Islands; Completion of a Four Year Study (supplement report). Austin. iv. LLB. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 27. ‘Energy Resources a) Issues in Mergy Resources 1968 Water Development Board. Major Hydroelectric Power Plants in Texas; Historical and Descriptive Information by F. A. Godfrey and C. L. Dowell. Austin. 93p. 34. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1970 University of Texas. Bureau of Economic Geology. Geological Considerations in Disposal of Solid Municipal Wastes in Texas by Peter T. Flawn, L. J. Turk and Carolyn H. Leach. Austin. 22p. b) Solid Waste Management Planning» 1972 | University of Texas. Center for Research in Water Resources. Planning for Municipal Solid Waste Management by Ward C. Goessling and Joseph F. Malina, Jr.. Austin. 6868p. 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 1971 Legislature. Pollution vs. the People, a Citizen's Viewpoint; an Analysis of the Performance of Texas State Agencies in Protecting the Environment with an Explanation. of Proposed Legislation for an Active Role for Concerned Citizens. Joint Report of the Interim Committees on Pipeline Study and Beaches. Austin. 82p.+ Senate. Interim Committee on Parks and Recreation. This Land is Our Land, II: a Report on Texas's Natural Environment. Austin. 37p. 1970 Industrial Commission. No Pollution in Texas. Austin. 2p. 1969 Senate. Interim Committee on Parks and Recreation. This Land is Our Land; a Report on Texas's Natural Environment. Austin. 9p. Lo. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 University of Texas. School of. Architecture. Texas Conference on Our Environmental Crisis held Nov. 21 to 23. Austin. 255p. UTAH 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 1970 Legislative Council. Goals for Utah, a Report of the Planning and Organization Committee, Utah Legislative Council. Salt Lake City. 92p- 2. State Planning b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1974 Legislative Council. Land Use Legislation. A Staff Report for the Natural Resources Committee of the above. by Vee J. Sharp, Gary Anderson and Donnie Grimsley. Salt Lake City. 8p. 1973 Legislative Council. Natural Resources Committee. Land Use Legislation: a Staff Report by Vee J. Sharp, Gary Anderson and Donnie Grimsley. Salt Lake City. - 60p. 1967 State Dept.,of Highways. Systems Planning Division. Planning Statistics Section. Utah Land Use Control Methods for Interchange Areas with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Salt Lake City. 32p. - 3. State Economic Planning 1970 Office of State Planning and Planning Coordinator. Completion Report on Utah's 2nd Year of Planning for the Four Corners Regional Commission. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 450. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 State Planning Coordinator. Utah State Preliminary Development Plan. Salt Lake City. 216p. 1968 Committee on Industrial and Employment Planning. Proceedings of the State Economic Development Conference. 19th. Sponsored by the Utah Dept. of Employment Planning, Dept. of Employment Security and the Industrial Promotion Commission and above. Salt Lake City. 71p. 1966 Agricultural Experiment Station. Development and Use of Foothill Ranges in Utah by C. Wayne Cook. Logan. Up. 196), University of Utah. Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Utah's Changing Economic Patterns, 196 by Elroy Nelson and Osmond L. Harline. University of Utah Press. Salt Lake City. 89p. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 1973 Utah State University. Imvironmental Impact Cffice. Environmental Oriented Site Development Guide. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 6. Recreational Resources 1973 Dept. of Natural Resources. Outdoor Recreation in Utah- the Second Plan, 1970-1985 by Tharold E. Green, Jr.. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. Dept. of Natural Resources. Outdoor Recreation Agency. Utah Resident Outdoor Recreation Participation. Final Report, 1971-1972 by John D. Hunt, Perry J. Brown by the Institute for the Study of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University for above. Logan. 125p. 8. Transportation Planing c) Highway Planning 451. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 1971 State Dept. of Highways. Transportation and Research Section. . Special Studies Branch. Land Use at Interchange Study with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Salt Lake City. 83p. 1967 State Dept. of Highways. Systems Planning Division. Planning Statistics Section. Utah Land Use Control Methods for Interchange Areas with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Salt Lake City. 32p. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 1967 State Planning Program. Population Projections; Utah and Utah's Counties by Therel R. Black, Jewell J. Rasmussen and Frank C. Hackman by the University of Utah, Bureau of Economic and Business Research. Salt Lake City. 13CP. , 1965 Agricultural Experiment Station. Age and Sex Population Projections of Utah Counties by Therel R. Black and James D. Tarver with the Research i Oklahoma State University. Logan. 75p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1970 Office of State Planning and. Planning Coordinator. Completion Report on Utah's 2nd Year of Planning for the Four Corners Regional Commission. Salt Lake City. . Various Paging. sai University of Utah. Bureau of Community Development. Multi- county Regions in Utah; Report of a Study by Sherman Fitzgerald. Salt lake City. ihlp. .. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1970 Division of Industrial Promotion. Utah.Facts, an Introductory Handbook to the Industrial Development Information System by the Bureau of Economic and’ Business Research, University of Utah. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 452. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Governor's Advisory Council on Industrial Development. An Industrial Development Information System for Utah Salt Lake City. 3p. 13. Project Notification and Review System Guides a) Federal Program 1971 | Office of the State Planning Coordinator. Procedures for Federal Assistance Application Notification and Review System; State of Utah Federal Affairs Management Program. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. b) State Programs 197 | Executive Dept. Executive Order of August 27, 197) Establishing Utah's Environmental Impact Statement Program. Salt Lake City. Unpaged. 1. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1971 Agricultural Experiment Station. The Importance of Renewable Grazing Resources on Federal Lands in the 11 Western States by Darwin B. Nielsen and John P. Workman. Logan. hp. 196), Geological and Mineralogical Survey. Mineral and Water Resources of Utah by the U.S.G.S. with above and Utah Water and Power Board for the U.S. Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Salt lake City. 275p. 15. "Critical Areas" b) Areas of Statewide Concern 171 Dept. of Natural Resources. Environmental Problems of Oil Shale: EIS by the Committee on Environmental Problems of Oil Shale for the U.S. Dept. of Interior. Prototype Oil Shale Leasing Program. Salt Lake City. 5lp. 453. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1964, ‘Land Board.’ The Development of Utah Oil Shale Resources by Cameron and Jones, Inc. Mngineers-Consultants. Salt Lake City. 36p. 16. Geologic Concerns a) Gee cio Resources 1971 Geological and Mineralogical Survey. landslides of Utah by John F. Schroder. Salt Lake City. 5ip. 1967 Geological and Mineralogical Survey. . Governor's Conference on Geologic Hazards in Utah Dec. 1, 1967. Salt.Lake City. 28p. 20. Flood Plain Management 1972 Division of Water Resources. Developing a State Water Plan Cloudburst Floods in Utah 1939-1969 by Elmer Butler and Ray E. Marshall with the U.S.G.S.. Salt Lake City. 103p. 1971 State Land Dept. Floods of Sept. 1970 in Arizona, Utah and Colorado by R. H. Roeske by the U.S.G.S.. Phoenix. 20p- 22. Agricultural Resources 1968 Agricultural Experiment Station. Arable Land Resources of Utah by LeMoyne Wilson, T. B. Hutchings and Paul Shafer with the U.S.S.C.S. and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Logan. 33p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1973 ' Division of Water Resources. Developing a State Water Plan: Ground Water Conditions in Utah 10th Annual By E. L. Bolke and others by the U.S.G.S.. Salt Lake City. 10%p. 45h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Utah State University. Water Research iaboratory. A Study of Water Institutions in Utah and Their Influence on the Planning, Development and Management. of Water Resources by Frank W. Haws. Logan. 5p. Ife Division of Water Resources. The State of Utah Water. Salt Lake City. Unpaged. fr Division of Water Resources. Water Related Land Use in the West Colorado Hydrologic Area: Developing a State Water Plan. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 1970 Division of Water Resources. Interim Report on the State Water Plan by Edwin B. Haycock and others. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 1968 Division of Water Resources. Water Conservation Agencies of the State of Utah. 2nd. ed.. Salt Lake City. 119p. . 1966 Agricultural Experiment Station. State Water Planning, Goals and Analytical Approaches by B. Delworth Gardner. Logan. 38p. 196), Agricultural Experiment Station. Factors Affecting Consumption of Urban Household Water in Northern Utah . by B. Delworth Gardner and Seth H. Schick. Logan. 21p. Agricultural Experiment Station. Water Yields in Utah; ‘Developing a State Water Plan by Jay M. Bagley, Roland W. Jeppson and:.Cleve H. Milligan with the State Water and Power Board. Logan. 65p. Water and Power Board. Developing a State Water Plan; a Basic Water=-Resource Data Program for Utah by Ted Arnow, R. H. Langford and M. T. Wilson by the U.S.G.S. with above. Salt Lake City. 23p. 1963 Water and Power Board. Developing a State Water Plan: Utah's Water Resources-Problems and Needs; a Challenge. Utah State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Logan. 122p. 455... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1962 Water Power Board. Developing a State Water Plan; Summary and Recommendations with Utah State University. Salt Lake City. 19p. b) Quality of Water Resources 1968 Division of Health. Domestic Wastewater Facilities in Utah; 5 bag Industrial, State, Federal. Salt Lake City. 36p. . ' aE Division of Health. Industrial Wastewater Facilities in Utah, 1965 Inventory. Salt Lake City. 27p. 1967 State Dept. of Health. Water Quality Standards and Implemen- tation Plan. Salt Lake City. Various Paging. 1966 State Dept. of Health. Municipal Wastewater Facilities in Utah; Inventory. 196), 1966. Salt Lake City. 2v. 27. _ Energy Resources. a) Issues in Energy Resources 1971 Dept. of Natural Resources. Environmental Problems of Oil Shale: EIS by the Committee on Environmental Problems of Oil Shale for the U.S. Dept. of Interior. Prototype Oil Shale Leasing Program. Salt Lake City- 5lp. 196h, | Land Board. The Development of Utah Oil Shale Resources by Cameron and Jones, Inc. Engineers-Consultants. Salt Lake City. 36p. 28. Air Resources 1970 Division of Health. Air Pollution Source Inventory, March 1, 1970. Salt lake City. 12p. 456. “CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1962 Legislative Council. Air Pollution Advisory Committee. Air Resources of Utah; a Report Submitted to the Utah Legislative Council and the Utah State Legislature. Salt Lake City. 32p. 36. Issues in Environmental Quality — 1968 University of Utah. Proceedings, Conference on the Future of Utah's Environment Held Oct. 17-18 at the University of Utah. Ed. by Michael Treshow and C. M. Gilmour. Salt Lake City. 18lp. VERMONT 2. state Planning a) Issues in General State Plaming 1970 Planning Council. Vision and Choice: Vermont's Future, the State Framework Plan. Montpelier. Various Paging. 1968 Planning Council. Vision and Choice: Vermont's Future; the State Framework Plan. Montpelier.. 71p- 1967 Tax Study Committee. Tax Policy for Vermont Pt. 3. The Committee's Further Conclusions and Recommendations. Pt. ). The Consultant's Additional Survey. Montpelier. 6p. 196), Tax Dept. Vermont Comprehensive State Planning Program; a Preliminary Report on Property Tax Assessments in Vermont. Montpelier. 31p. Central Planning Office. State and Local Taxation and Finance in Vermont by David A. LeSourd and Robert 0. Sinclair, Agricultural Experiment Station, Resources Research Center. Burlington. ‘186p. 57. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) Tax Dept. Vermont Comprehensive State Planning Program; a Preliminary Report on Property Tax Assessments in Vermont. Montpelier. 31p. 1963 Central Planning Office. Bibliography of State Departmental Studies, Reports, Statistics, etc. (by planning topics). Montpelier. Various Paging. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 197k State Planning Office. Vermont's Land Use and Development Law. Montpelier. 35p. 1973 State Planning Office. People on the Land: Settlement Patterns for Vermont. by Robert Burley Associates. Waitsfield. 2hp. 1969 Agricultural Experiment Station. Lakeshore Land Use Controls by Frederic O. Sargent and William H. Bingham. Burlington. 18p. Agricultural Experiment Station. Trends in Rural Land Prices in Vermont by Robert 0. Sinclair. Burlington. 23p. 3. State Economic Planning 1971 Governor's Economic Development Coordinating Committee. Clean Water, Clean Air, Clean Land and 0,000 Jobs by 1980: Achieving the Invironmental-economic Balance a Report to the Governor. Montpelier. 11p. 1970 Planning and Community Services Agency. Vermont Public Investment Plan. Cycle 3. Challenge and Opportunity, Development to Intermingle Old and New- 1975 to 2000 Report to the above and New Ingland Regional Commission by Matteson Associates. Montpelier. 186p. 458. . CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Central Planning Agency. Vermont Public Investment Plan/ _ Phase II. Montpelier. . 3V. Planning and Comunity Services’ hacher: Vermont Public Investment Plan/Phase 2 Pt. 3. Human Investment in Vermont, a Survey of Human Resource’ Problems; Report to Central Planning Office and the New Mngland Regional Commission by Carolyn M. Cherington. Montpelier. Q91p.- 1968 Dept. of Administration. The Vermont Public Investment Plan by Milton J. Nadworny for the New England Regional Commission. Montpelier. Various Paging. 1961 Estimating the Tourist and Recreational Development Dept. Montpelier. Business in Vermont by John M. Thompson, Jr.. hip . 5. Planning with and for the Environment 197, State Planning Office. Vermont Land Capability. Montpelier. - 67p.+ ia State Planning Office. Vermont's Land Use and Development Law; a Description of Vermont's State Land Use Law. Montpelier. 32p. 1972 Agency of Invironmental Conservation. Land Use and Development : Vermont's Environmental Programs. Montpelier. Various Paging. State Planning Agency. Vermont Adopted Interin Land Capability Plan. Montpelier. 19p. 1971 Agency of Environmental Conservation. Vermont's Environmental Problems, Land Development, Improvement and Subdivisions. Montpelier. Various Paging. 459. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 6. Recreational Resources 1973 Agency of Environmental Conservation. Division of Planning. Vermont State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan for the Interagency Committee on Natural Resources. Annual. Montpelier. 0O1p. 1967 | Interagency Committee on Natural Resources. The Comprehensive Plan for Outdoor Recreation in Vermont, by the Central Planning Office. Montpelier. 78p. 1961 Development Dept. Estimating the Tourist and Recreational Business in Vermont by John M. Thompson, Jr.. Montpelier. hp. 7. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1968 Office of Local Affairs. State Plan for Housing by Lester Bisner, Jr.. Montpelier. 72p. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1966 Central Planning Office. Transportation, State of Vermont by Sargent-Webster-Crenshaw & Folley. Montpelier. 130p. b) Airport Planning 1965 Central Planning Office. Airport Zoning Statute. Montpelier. 8p. c) Highway Planning 1967 Dept. of Highways. This is the Story, Vermont's Highway Needs 1965-1985. Montpelier. 8p. 460.‘ CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 Highway Planning Division. Vermont's 1965 1-year Planning Program on the Federal Aid Highways Systems with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Montpelier. 25p. 1961 | pa nanos ? Dept. of Highways. Right-of-Way Division. Relocate Buildings, Severance, Higher and ete ve Small - Farm. Montpelier. Dnpaeee iieitogs Planning Division. “Vermont 's arterial Highway Plan and 1-year Construction Program on the Federal Aid Primary and Interstate Systems with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Montpelier. 16p. 1960 Highway Planning Division. Vermont's State Highway Needs and 12-year Construction Program with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Montpelier. 3p. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 196), Central Planning Office. A Projection of the Vermont Population; a Regional Forecast of the Vermont population to 1990 with an Estimate of Prospective Trends in Age Composition by Horace H. oe and Karl A. Go Montpelier. 107pe 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1965 Central Planning Office. What is Regional Planning? Montpelier. 3p. ; 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1965 Central Planning Office. Communities Which have Adopted Zoning Ordinances and Communities Preparing Zoning Ordinances. Montpelier. ip. 461. CPL Excthange Bibliography #772-773-77h 196), Central Planning Office. Suggested Model Zoning Ordinance for Rural Communities. Montpelier. 15p. Central Planning Office. The Facts about Zoning by Louis A. Wolfanger. Montpelier. lp. Central Planning Office. Model Application for Zoning Permit. Montpelier. 2p. 1963 Central Planning Office. Some Comments in Acquiring a Zoning Ordinance for Your Community» Montpelier. 5p. Central Planning Office. How to Select a Planning Consultant. Montpelier. 3p. Central Planning Office. Questions Often Asked about Zoning. Montpelier. kp. Central Planning Office. Some Procedures and Comments in Establishing a Planning Program. Montpelier. 9p. Central Planning Office. The Statutory Steps Leading to the Adoption of a Zoning Ordinance. Montpelier. 2p. b) Local Planning Mnabling Acts 1969 State Planning Office. Model Subdivision Regulations for a City, Town or Village. Montpelier. 87p. 1965 Central Planning Office. Planning Statute. Montpelier. 7p. Central Planning Office. Urban Renewal Statute. Montpelier. 18p. 1963 Central Planning Office. Zoning Statute. Montpelier. 6p. Central Planning Office. Zoning Statute. Montpelier. 8p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 462. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1972 State Natural Resources Conservation Council.. Natural .Resources to Use and Enjoy: The Endless Task of Vermont's Natural Resources Conservation Districts. Montpelier. 5p. 15. "Critical Areas" a) Environmentally Critical areas .. 1969 Central Planning Agency. Vermont Natural Areas (report no. 2) by 'H. W. Vogelmann with the Interagency. Gonmibtes on Natural Resources. Montpelier. »30p.- z 196, State Central Planning Office. Natural Areas in Vermont; Some Ecological Sites of Public Importance, By H. W. Vogelmann. Agricultural Experiment Station. Resources Research Center. Burlington. 29p. 19. Land Préservation ° b) Agricultural Land Présérvation - 1973 State Planning Office. The Vermont Farm- and a Land Reform Program by Benjamin L. Huffman. Montpelier. Various Paging. c) Open Land Presetieicn 1965 Central Planning’ Office. ~ Legal Aspects ‘of Open Space Preservation in Vermont by Frank T. eer JNee Montpelier. *35p+ oe 20. Flood Plain Management 1972 Dept. of Water Resources Management and Engineering Division. Flood Hazards in: Vermont: a Stratégy for Abatement by sp BY J. Wernecke and Mark J. Mueller. Montpelier. 39p. Zils Wildlife ye ie State Planning Office. Determinations of Potentially Valuable Vermont Wildlife Habitats. Montpelier. Various Paging. 463. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77L 22. Agricultural Resources 196 Central Planning Office. An Economic Analysis of Agriculture in the State of Vermont by Sargent-Webster-Crenshaw & Folley. Montpelier. 65p. Central Planning Office. Projected land Use for Agriculture by Dwight K. Eddy and Frederic 0. Sargent. Agricultural Experiment Station, Resources Research Center. Burlington... 28p. 2h: Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 1973 State Planning Office. Visual Impact of Utility Corridors Research, Planning and Design Associates, Inc.. Montpelier. 35p. State Planning Office. Vermont Scenry Classification and Analysis Research, Planning and Design ARgoatene Inc. Montpelier. 76. 1967 Legislative Council. Committee to Study Outdoor Advertising. Report on Proposal no. 21. Montpelier. 9p. c) Historic Preservation 1961 Board of Historic Sites. The Offical Guide to Historic Sites; Location & Description .of Vermont's Offical Historic Sites Markers and Historic Places. Vermont Dept. of Development. Montpelier. 6p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1972 State Planning Office. Vermont Groundwater Resources by Philip Wagner and Steven Dean. Montpelier. 2Cp. 464. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 196 Dept. of Water Resources. Status of Outlets and Control Structures of Lakes and Ponds over Twenty Acres in Vermont with the Central Planning Office. Montpelier. itp. “ : b) Quality of Water Resources 1972 State Planning Office. Water Pollution and Human Health by Charles.S. Houston, Md and F. Oris Blackwell, Dr. P.H.. Montpelier. 31p. 1971 Governor's Task Force on Rural Sewage Management. Rural Sewage Management in Vermont. Montpelier. 90p. 26. Issues in Public Land Management University of Vermont. Proceedings of the Governor's Conference on Natural Resources: Are Changes Needed in Vermont Public Land Policy? 3rd. June h, 1970. Burlington. 9p. 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in Mergy Resources 1969 Legislative Council. Electrical Energy Study Committee. Electrical Energy Generating Plants and the Vermont Environment; Report of the Committee to Study Proposal no. 36. Montpelier. 28p. 34. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1970 Governor's Task Force on Solid Waste Management. Report. Montpelier. 95p. 36. Issues in Environmental Quality 1969 Legislative Council. Electrical Mergy Study Committee. Electrical Energy Generating Plants and the Vermont Environ- ment; Report of the Committee to Study Proposal no. 36. Montpelier. 28p. 465. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 VIRGINIA 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1974 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Finance Section. Reforming the Virginia Property Tax with the Dept. of Taxation. Richmond. 2v- 1973 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Planning District Section. Virginia Planning District Commissions: Bibliography of Publications- July 1969 - Dec. 1972. Richmond. Various Paging. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1974, Advisory Legislative Council. Land Use Policies; report... to the Governor and the General Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 92p- 1973 Advisory Legislative Council. Land Use Policies: Interim the Governor and Assembly, Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 6p. 1972 Land Use Task Force. Report... to the Governor and the General Assembly by the Division of State Planning and Community Affairs and Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 100p. 1971 Governor's Council on the Environment. Land Use Task Force. Report. Richmond. 57p- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Research Division. Land Values in the Rural-Urban Fringe by H. A. Clonts, Jr. and W. L. Gibson, Jr.. Blacksburg. \3p. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Research Division. Shifts in Land Use in the Appalachian Region of Virginia by J. D. Oliver and W. L. Gibson, JDee Blacksburg. 53p- 466. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 3. State Economic Planning 1967 Advisory Council on the Virginia Economy. Travel in Virginia; its Economic Significance. Richmond. 36p. 1966 ‘ Division of Industrial Development. Virginia's Development Strategy: Appalachian Region, FY 1968. Richmond. 63p.+ 1965 - Division of Industrial Development and Planning. Economic Growth;'a Progress Report & Prospectus. Richmond. 2lp. 1961 Agricultural Experiment Station. Rural Land Ownership and Industrial Expansion by Arthur J. Walrath. Blacksburg. 23p. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 197) Advisory Legislative Council. Environmental Management Report. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 20p. 1973 Advisory Legislative Council. Environmental Management: Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 18p. Advisory Legislative Council. Environmental Management: ‘Supplement to the Report...'to the Governor and General Assembly, Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 16lp. Governor's Task Force on Environmental Management. Report. Richmond. 72p. 1962 Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil. Survey for Urban _ Planning and Other Uses by S. S. ecneees, H. C. Porter and R. E. Devereux.. Blacksburg. 26p. 6. Recreational Resources 1973 Commission of Outdoor Recreation. Virginia Outdoor Recreation Demand Survey. Richmond. hip. h67. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773+77h 1970 Commission of Outdoor Recreation. The Virginia Outdoor Plan, 1970. Richmond. hy. 1968 Commission of Outdoor Recreation. Park & Open Space Laws Applying to the Cities, Towns & Counties of Virginia; a Compendium of Enabling Provisions Extracted from the Code of Virginia for the Convenience of Local Government Officals in Determining Their Authority Under Virginia General Law. Richmond. 2p. 1965 Outdoor Recreation Study Commission. A Study of Virginia's Outdoor Recreation Resources and the Virginia Outdoors, Plan for Conserving and Developing them for Lasting Public Benefit. Richmond. 96p. 196), Outdoor Recreation Study Commission . Report (supplement). Richmond. 196p. Housing a) General Housing Resources 1970 Housing Study Commission. Interim Report to the Governor. Richmond. 8p. on Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1963 Council of Highway Investigation and Research. Forecasting and Estimating. Phase 2. Codification and Illustratim of Commonly Used Forecasting Methods, by Marvin Tumming and Ira F. Doom. Charlottesville. 97p. Airport Planning 1973 Airports! Aquisition and Development’ Study Commission. Report. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. ‘ 2nd. Richmond. 6p. ‘468. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Wire Commission to Study the Desirability and Feasibility of. Acquisition of Dulles International Airport and Washington National Airport by the Commonwealth. Report... to the Governor and the General Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 50p. 1967 Aviation Commission. State Aid to Virginia Airports. Richmond. 3p. Aviation Commission. Aviation Facilities in Virginia; Report to the Governor and the General Assembly.of Virginia. Richmond. 19p. d) Mass Transit Planning 1961 Advisory Legislative Council. The Economic Situation of Passenger Railroad Traffic, Virginia/ Report to the Governor and the General Assembly’ of Virginia. Dept + of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 21p. 9- Issues in Demographic Change 1972 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Office of Research and Information. Population Projections to 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 for Virginia Counties » Cities and Planing Districts. Richmond. 5p. 1971 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Office of Research and Information. Population Projections to 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2020 for Virginia Counties, Cities and Planning. Districts. Richmond. /7p- 1970 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Research Sectim. 1980 Population Projections for the State of Virginia, Individual Economic Areas and Planning Districts. Richmond. 10p. Division :of State Planning and Community Affairs. Research Section. Population Projections to 2020 for Virginia Counties, Cities and Planning Districts. Richmond. Ip. 469. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77L 1968 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. 1980 Population Projections for the State of Virginia and Individual Economic Areas. Richmond. 6p. 1967 a Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. 1980 Projections of Population and Employment for the State of Virginia; Provisional Estimates, by John Le Knapp. Richmond. 11p. 10. Issues in Reginal Planning I9i3 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Local and Regional Planning Section, Virginia State Agencies Sub- state Districts. .2nd. ed.. Richmond. 55p. 1971 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Research Division. Shifts in Land Use in the Appalachian Region of Virginia by J. D. Oliver and W. L. Gibson, Jr.. Blacksburg. 53p. 1969 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Planning Districts; a Bold Approach to Malti-jurisdictiqnal Planning. Richmond. 5 Pieces in Portfoli. 1968 Division of Industrial Development. Virginia's Development Strategy: Appalachian Region, FY 1968. Richmond. 63p.+ 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1973 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Status of Local Planning in Virginia. Richmond. Folder. 1969 Advisory Legislative Council. Zoning Procedures’in Urban Areas; Report. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 19p. 70. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 University of Virginia. Institute of Government. Local Planning in Virginia: Development, Politics and Prospects by S. J. Makielski, Jr.. Charlottesville. .112p. 1968 tA o Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Powers and Duties, Boards of Zoning Appeals. Richmond. 1hp- 1967 Governmor's Office. Division of Planning. Status of Planning, State of Virginia. Richmond. 2p. b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 1968 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. 1968 Virginia Planning Legislation. Richmond. 66p. 13+ Project Notification and Review System Guides a) Federal Program 1971 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Office of Administration. Virginia Project Notification and Review System, Procedures Guide for Local and Regional Agencies. Richmond. Various Paging. b) State Programs 1973 Council cn the Environment. Procedures Manual for Environmental Impact Statements in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Richmond. Various Paging. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1962 Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service. Citizen Participation in Resource Development. Pt. 1. A Concept. by Donald R. Fessler. Blacksburg. 8p. 1961 Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service. Citizen Participation in Resource Development. fe 2. Workshop Manual by Donald R. Fessler. Blacksburg. 2p. 471...» CPL. Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 15. "Critical Areas" a) Environmentally Critical Areas 1973 Division of State ; Plataian and Carmniailty Affairs. Virginia's Critical Environmental Areas; an Update. Richmond. 26p. 1972 Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Critical Environmental Areas. “Richmond. 108p. 17. Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 197) Institute of Marine Séienses Final Application for Initial Development Grant. Part IV Coastal Zone Management Program. Public Law 92-583 by the Division of State Planning and Community Affairs. Gloucester Point. 132p. Institute of Marine Science. Coastal Wetlands of Virginia; Guidelines: for Activities Affecting Virginia Wetlands Interim Report no. 3 by Gene M.'Siberhorn, George M. Dawes and Thomas A. Barnard, Jr.. Gloucester Point. 52p. 1972 Institute of Marine Science. Coastal Wetlands of Virginia; Interim Report no. 2 by Kenneth L. Marcellus. Gloucester Point. 27p. 1971 Gocdell, Horace Grant. Environmental Application of Remote Sensing Methods to Coastal Zone Land Use and Marine Resource Management. The Potential of Remote Sensing as a Data Base for State Agencies: the Virginia Model. 1969 Institute of Marine Science. Coastal Wetlands of Virginia, Interim Report of the Governor and General Assembly, by Marvin L. Wass and Thomas D. Wright. Gloucester Point. 15hp. 472. .. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1967 Marine Resources Study Commission. Marine Resources of Virginia- Their Use, Conservation and Development; Report to the Governor and General Assembly. Richmond. 36p. 18. Wetland Management 1972 Wetlands Study Commission. Protection of Virginia's Wetlands; a Report to the Governor and General Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. lp. 20. Flood Plain Management 1971 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Water Resources Research Center. Flood Damage Abatement Study for Virginia by William R. Walker. Blacksburg. 293p. 1969 ape Dept. of Highways. Floods in Virginia; Magnitude and Frequency by E. M. Miller by the U.S.G.S., Water Resources Division. Richmond. 37ip. 21. Wildlife Resources 1971 Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries. Wildlife Management Areas Cwned by Virginia by T. W. Engle Jr. and Harry L. Gillam. Photography by Leon Kisteloo. Richmond. Unpaged. 22. Agricultural Resources 1972 Dept. of Agriculture and Commerce. Virginia's Industry of Agriculture, 1972 an Analysis of the State of Virginia Industry of Agriculture and Recommendations to the Governcr on Courses of Action for its Future. Richmond. 268p. 24. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 473. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 Advisory Legislative Council. "Effective Control" of Automobile Graveyards and Outdoor Advertising; Report. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 17p- 1960 Advisory Legislative Council. Roadside Advertising on the Interstate Highway System; a Report to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 21p. b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 1969 Commission of Outdoor Recreation. Virginia's Scenic Rivers: a Report. Richmond. 2p. c) Historical Preservation 1970 Historic Landmarks Commission. Open-Space Easements. Richmond. Folder. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1969 Division of Water Resources. Notes on Virginia Water Laws and Agencies. Richmond. 32p.- ; Polytechnical Institute. Water Resources Research Center. Public Perception of Water Resource Problems by Charles A. Ibsen and John A. Ballweg. Blacksburg. 102p. 1968 Polytechnic Institute. Water Resources Research Center. Water Resources Laws for Virginia by William R. Walker and William E. Cox. Blacksburg. 1862p. 1965 Division of Water Resources. Notes on Surface Water in Virginia. Richmond. 688p. L7k. CPL Exchange ‘Bibliography #772-773-77h 196) Division of Water Resources. Notes on Virginia Water Laws and Agencies. Richmond. 31p. 1960 Division of Water Resources. Notes on Surface Water in Virginia. Richmond. 88p. atta Division of Water Resources. Index of the Surface Waters of Virginia. Rev. Richmond. 66. 28. Air Resources 1965 Advisory Legislative Council. “ Air Pollution; Repcrt. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 2p. . 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1973 Advisory Legislative Council. ~ Surface Mining of Minerals other than Coal: Report Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richm°nd. 15p. 1967 Advisory Legislative Council. Surface Mining other than Coal: Report. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 18p. 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 197) Commission to Study and Advise Upon the Disposal of Solid Wastes. Report... to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 6p. 1972 Disposal of Solid Wastes Study Commission. Report to the Governor and the General Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 21p. , 475. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1970 Advisory Legislative Council. The Disposal of Solid Wastes: Report to the Governor and Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 18p. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil Conservation 1971 Soil and Water Conservation Commission. A Master Plan to Si the Soil Survey of Virginia by 1,990. Richmcend. 1970 Polytechnic Institute and State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Virginia Conservation Needs Inventory of 1967. Blacksburg. 23p.+ 1962 Polytechnic Institute. Agricultural Extension Service. Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Needs Survey by the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Needs Committee. Blacksburg. 69p. 36. Issues in Rnvironmental Quality 1971 Governor! s Council on the Environment. The State of Virginia's Environment; an Analysis and Recommendations by the above. Richmond. 59p. Governor's Council on the Environment. Our Commonwealth; Virginians View Their Environment. Richmond. 12p. 1970. Advisory Legislative Council. The Creation of an EPA; a Report to the Governor and General Assembly. Dept. of Purchases and Supply. Richmond. 3lp. " WASHINGTON 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 476. GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1966 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Local Affairs Division. Planning Goals for Washington, a Preliminary Staff Report. Olympia. 13p. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1973 Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. Information Systems Division. Washington's Tax Structure and Trends 1971 Governor's Advisory Council on Urban Affairs. Urban Crisis: Dimensions and Directions, 1969-1971. Report. Olympia. Governor's Task Force and Rural Affairs. Revitalizing ae Washington; Report and Recommendations. Olympia. ae 1967 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Planning at the State Level. Olympia. Unpaged. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning viel State Land Planning Commission. Land Planning for Our Future: Final Summary Report. Olympia. 27p. 1972 State Land Planning Commission. Objective: Effective Land ‘ pe Planning; a Progress Report by the above. Olympia. Ds State Land Planning Commission. The Impact of Property Taxation on Land Use in Washington State by Martha Goldsmith. Bellevue. 85p. State Land Planning Commission. A Synopsis of Washington . State Land Planning Commission. Bellevue. 7p. de 77. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h State Land. Planning Commission. Proposed Washington Land Use Code (and background report). Bellewie. 68v. 1971 Interagency Committee for Outdoor nepe re bror’ Second Homes in Washington. Olympia. 6p. Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Toward a State Land- use Policy for the 70's. Olympia. 32p. State Land Planning Commission. WSLPC: Washington State Land Planning Commission.. Bellevue. 10p. 1970 Water Research Center. Access-its Effect on Area Growth and Environmental Quality- May 15, 1970 Co-sponsored by the Central Washington State College Resource Planning Center. Ellensburg. 76p. 3. State Economic Planning 1974 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Economic Analysis Division. State of Washington Economic Growth Requirements of the Resident Population 1970-1990. Olympia. 8p. Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Economic and Planning Analysis Divisim. Economic Profile of the State of Washington. Olympia. 16. 1969 Business and Economic Research Division. Regional Economies of Washington State; Review and Projections to 1972 by Dennis S. Fusco, William E. Broner and James E. Booth. Olympia. 58p.+ Central Washington State College, Resource Planning Center. Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in the Northwest: Allies or Rivals: Rivals? Feb. 21-22, +969. Introduction by D. R. Eberhart. Sponsored by above and the Dept. of Geography with the Office of Continuing Fducation. Ellensburg. 38p. 1968 Governor's Council on Urban Affairs. Urban Washington: Apathy or Action. Olympia. 6ip. 478. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Legislature. Joint Committee on Highways. Industrial Development Subcommittee. The Highway System and the Impact of Population and Industrial Growth in a Changing Economy in the State of Washington by Frances E. Tilse. Olympia. 3448p. Planning and Community Affairs Agency. A Development Areas System for the State of Washington. Olympia. 22p. 1967 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Local Affairs Division. Economic Regions in Washington State. Olympia. Various Paging. 1966 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Land Requirements for Industry in Washington. @lympém.: Various Paging. Governor's Conference on Decisions for Progress. Conference Recommendaticas, June 3-) by Design For Washington, Inc. ra the Urban Affairs Coordinating Committee. Seattle. 1p. 1960 Industrial Raw Materials Advisory Committee. Report to the Director of the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development, State of Washington Concerning a Recommended Program for Utilizing Washington's Metallic and Non-metallic Resources in the State's Economic Development. Seattle. 7p. h. Growth as an Issue: 197) Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Econamic Analysis Division. State of Washington Economic Growth Requirements of the Resident Population 1970-1990. Olympia. 8p. 1969 Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Growth of Cities and Towns, in the State of Washington by Calvin F. Schmid.and Stanton E. Schmid. Olympia. 179p. Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Adapting Local Governments to Urban Growth Problems; Proceedings of the Conferences on Community Planning 1967-68 Ed. by Lowell W. Culver and Ruth Ittner. Olympia. 121p. 479. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 Legislature. Joint Committee on Highways. Industrial Development Subcommittee. The Highway System and the Impact of Population and Industrial Growth in a Changing Economy in the State of Washington by Frances E. Tilse. Olympia. 3 8p. 5. Planning with and for the Environment 1973 Division of Mines and Geology. Geology in Land Use Planning: Some Guidelines for Puget Lowland by Ernst R. Artim with the U.S.GeS.. Olympia. 18p. 1969 Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Planning for a Quality Environment. Olympia. 0p. 6. Recreational Resources 197h Interagency Committee for Outdoor Retreation. Washington State Recreation Trails Program. Tumwater. 36p. 1973 eras y Committee-for Outdoor’ Retyeation. Report of Committee. Olympia + Thp.- oie Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers, a Report. by the Rivers Subcommittee. Olympia. 118p. 1971 Interagensy Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Memorandum: State Recreation Trails Plan Report by Stanley E. Francis. Olympia. 6p. State Library. Natural Resources and Recreation Agencies Annual Report; Programs, Weeds, Gasls. Olympia. 80p. 1 770 Interagency Commi+vee for Outdoor Recreation. To have and to hold, Washixéton's Outdoor Recreation Heritage; Summary of Firat Uffical Revision, Washington State-wide Reer*ttion and Open Space Plan. Olympia. 37p. 1,80. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Outdoor Recreation Potential in Washington by the U.S.D.A., S.CeS.- Olympia. Unpaged. 1969 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Washington Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; First Offical Revision, Effective Date July 1, 1969 by above and the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Olympia. 378p. 1968 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Working Paper Report; Phase 1 by Harold L. Wise & Associates. Olympia. 2p. State Parks and Recreation Commission. State Parks Outdoor Recreation Plan. Olympia. 8p. 1967 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; a Report from the State Comprehensive Planning Program with the Assistance from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Olympia. 120p.+ Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Washington Outdoors, a Report on the Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan, an Element of the State Comprehensive Planning Program. Olympia. 11p. 1966 Legislature. Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Report. Olympia. 21p. 1965 State Parks and Recreation Commission. Statewide Plan for State Parks, Oct ° 25, 1 965 e Olympia ° 27p e State Parks and Recreation Commission. Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; Preliminary, for Review with the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development and others. Olympia. 289p. State Parks and Recreation Commission. Recreation Division. Survey of Parks and Recreation in Washington State. Olympia. Unpaged. 481. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 1963 Inter-Agency Committee on Outdoor Recreation. The Governor's Report on Outdoor Retreation in Washington. Olympia. 36. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1972 Legislature. Transportation Committee. Subcommittee on Finance. Recouping Land Value Increases Caused by Transportation Facilities; a Staff Report. Olympia. 35p. Planning and Community Affairs Agency, Multi-discipline Design Teams for Transportation Facilities. Olympia. Sip. b). Airport Planning 1973 Aeronautics Commission. Washington State Airport System Plan. Vol. 2 Technical Supplement, Pt. 1 by the Aerospace Corporation. Olympia. 2v. c) Highway Planning 1973 Aeronautics Commission. Washington State Airport System Plan: Summary Report by the Aerospace Corporation with the F.A.A... Seattle. hp. rt; Dept. of Highways. Public Information Office. Washington Highway Environmental Protection Procedures. Olympia. 2p. 1971 Dept. of Highways. A Program for Highway Development in the State of Washington 1971-1973. Olympia. 33hp. Biennuin. 1968 Dept. of Highways. A Study of the Social, Economic and Environmental Impact of Highway Transportation Facilities on Urban Communities by the Washington State University, College of Ingineering. Research Division. Pullman. 20€p. 482. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1966 Legislature. Joint Committee on Highways. State of Washington Highway Systems; Needs, Programs, Finances, Interim Report by Knoerle, Bender, Smith & Associates. Olympia. lip. 1961 Legislature. Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Highway, Streets and Bridges. Washington Street and Highway Need Study. 1958-1961. Olympia. 5vol. ad) Mass Transit Planning 1972 Legislature. Transportation Committee. Subcommittee on Urban Regional Planning. Feasibility Analysis for Public Transportation Systems in Washington. Vol. 1 Summary Report by VIN Washington, Inc.. Olympia. 9p. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 1973 Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management, Population Studies Division. Washington State Population Studies. Olympia. 31p. 1966 Local Affairs Division. Population Forecasts, State of Washington, 1965 to 1985 by Calvin R. Schmid and others by the Washington Census Board for the Statewide Comprehensive Planning Program. Olympia. 89p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1967 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Local Affairs Division. Economic Regions in Washington State. Olympia. Various Paging. 1966 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Local Affairs Division. Washington Regions, a Proposed System for Unifying State and Local Planning. Olympia. 2hp. 4,83. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 1963 Division of Power Resources. Pacific Northwest Rigional Planning; a Review by Roy F. Bessey. Olympia. 20ip. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1970 Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Community Action for Environmental. Quality. Olympia. 31p. 1969 Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Status of City Planning in the State of Washington with the Dept. of Highways. Olympia. 10p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Rural Zoning, People, Property and Public Policy by William J. Black. Pullman. 32p. 1965 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Status of City Planning in the State of Washington with the Dept. of Highways. Olympia. 9p. 196), University of Washington. Bureau of Governmental Research and Services. Municipal Regulation of Mobilehomes (trailers) and Mobilehome Parks in the State of Washington by Einar H. Hendrickson. Seattle. 192p. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1973 Dept. of Natural Resources. GRIDS Works for DNR by Roger A. Harding. Olympia. Various Paging. State Land Planning Commission. Land Planning Information: a Call for Coordination & Compatibility: a Summary Report, Proposed Land Information Service. Olympia. 15p- 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Earth Resources Observation Satellite Image Utility at State Level by David W. Jamison. Olympia. 138p. 48h. CPL Exchange Bibliography 7772-773-77 1966 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Local Affairs Division. Land Use Data in Washington; a Staff Study Report. Olympia. 69p. Dept. of Commerce and Eccnomic Development. Local Affairs Division. Growth & Change in Washington Counties, an Automated Information System for Regional Analysis. Vol. 1 Arrays and Shift Analysis, Vol. 2. Source Data. Olympia. Unpaged. 13. Project Notification and Review-System Guides b) State Program 1972 Dept. of Ecology. Guidelines for Implementation of the State Environmental Policy Act of 1971. Olympia. 20p. 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1971 | State Library. Natural Resources and Recreation Agencies , Annual Report; Programs, Needs, Goals. Olympia. 80p. 1962 Division of Mines and Geology. Mineral Rights and Land Cwneiship in Washington by Wayner S. Moen. Olympia. 23p. Division of Mines and Geology.. Introduction to Washington es and Resources by Charles D. Campbell. Olympia. Dp. 1960 Industrial Raw Materials Advisory Committee. Report to the Director of the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development, State of Washington Concerning a Recommended Program for Utilizing Washington's Metallic and Non-metallic Resources in the State's Economic Development. Seattle. Thp . 17. Coastal Area Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 1973 Dept. of Ecology. Shoreline Management Planning in Washington State. Olympia. 8p. 485. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k Dept. of Ecology. Chapter 173-18 WAC: Streams and Rivers Constituting Shorelines of the State Shoreline Management Act of 1971, Adopted June 1972 Amended Effective August 1973. Olympia. 163p. Dept. of Ecology. Chapter 173-20 WAC, Lakes Constituting Shorelines of the State Shoreline Management Act of 1971, Adopted June 1972 Amended August 1973. Olympia. 27p. Division of Surveys and Marine Land Management. Marine Land Management in Washington by Arden Olson and David Jamison. Olympia. Unpaged. 1972 Dept. of Ecology.. Pregedures for Shoreline Inventory: Shoreline Management Act of 1971. Olympia. 13p. Dept. of Ecology. Final Guidelines, Shoreline Management Act of 1971. Olympia. 20p. Dept. of Ecology. Shoreline Management Act; Lakes Constituting Shorelines of the State, June 28. Olympia. 26p. Dept. of Ecology. How Does Shoreline Management Affect Me? Olympia. Folder. Dept. of Ecology. Program Development Division. Supple- mentary Sources of Information Pertaining to the Implemen- tation of Shoreline Management Act of 1971: Inventory Supplement no. 1. Olympia. 61p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Shoreline Management, What are the Choices? Pullman. Folder. 1971 Dept. of Ecology. Shoreline Management Act of 1971 with the Association of Washington Cities and Washington State Association of Counties. Olympia. 3p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Shoreline Management- What are the Choices? by James C. Barron. Pullman. 8p. 19. Land Preservation b) Agricultural Land Preservation 86. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 1965 oa @ State Legislative Council. Assessment of Farmland for Tax Purposes in Washington and other States Sind iinet G. Robinson. Rev. oct 10p. c) Open Space Preservation 1973 Agricultural Experiment Station. Impacts of Open Space Taxation in Washington by James C. Barron and James W. Thomson. Pullman. 15p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Washington's New Open Space Tax Law by Bruce Florea. Pullman. 8p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Open Space Taxation, Guidelines for Assessing Open Space Property Values vy 3 James C. asd and: Bruce Florea. Pullman. 19p. 1971 Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Open Space Taxation, Guidelines for Assessing Open Space Property Values by James C. Barron and Bruce Florea. Rev. Pullman. 17p.~ 1970 . Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. To have and to hold, Washington's Outdoor Recreation Heritage; Summary of First Offical Revision, Washington Statewide Recreation and Open Space Plan. Olympia. 37p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. _ Open Space Taxation, a Description and Explanation by James C. Barron and Bruce Florea. Pullman. 5p. Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Open Space Taxation, How to Calculate its Benefits and Costs by Bruce Florea and James C. Barron. Pullman. 5p. 1969 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Washington Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; First Offidal Revision, Effective Date July 1, 1969 by above and the State Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Olympia. 378p. 487. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1967 Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development. Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; a Report from the State Comprehensive Planning Program with the Assistance from the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Olympia. 120p.+ Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Washington Outdoors, a Report on the Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan, an Element of the State Comprehensive Planning Program. Olympia. ‘ip. 1965 State Parks and Recreation Commission. Statewide Outdoor Recreation and Open Space Plan; Preliminary, for Review with the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Development and others. Olympia. 289p. 20. Flood Plain Management 1974 Dept. of Ecology. Comparison of Flood Control Statutes of Washington State. Olympia. 13p. 1972 State Flood Control Council. County-State Workshop on Cooperative River Management, Dec. 9-10, 1971 with the Dept. of Ecology. Everett. Various Paging. 22. Agricultural Resources 1970 Agricultural Experiment Station. Washington's Agriculture and its Environment. by MsE. With and R.A. Loacnis with the U.S.D.A. Economic Development Division. Pullman. 28p. 1963 Dept. of Agriculture. Atlas of Washington Agriculture with the U.S.D.A. and Washington Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. Olympia. 137p. 23. Forest Resources 1ST Washington State University. Cooperative Extension Service. Washington's 1971 Forest Tax Law by N. R- McDonell. Pullman. 32p. 488. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 24. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources 1967 Dept. of Highways. Policy on Roadside Development and Highway Beautification. Olympia. Various Paging. 1972 Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers, a Report by the Rivers Sub- Committee. Olyhpia. 118p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 197), Water Research Center. Washington State's Water; a Report. Olympia. 33p. iD Dept. of Ecology. Water Resources Act of 1971. Olympia. 8p. Dept. of Ecology. A Selected Annotated Bibliography on Water Resources of the State of Washington by the U.S. Water Resources Scientific Information Center. Olympia. Sh8p. Dept. of Ecology. Water Right Claims, Why and How. Olympia. 8p. Water Research Center. Washington State's Water a 1973 Report by David C. Flaherty. Pullman. 52p. Water Research Center. A Guide to Water Research Information Sources in the State of Washington: Completion Report by Patricia Lambert and others, Ed. by Patricia Lambert for the Dept. of Ecology. Pullman. 238p. yz Dept. of Ecology. Comprehensive State Water Resources Program, a Special Report to the Legislature. Olympia. 16p. 1971 Dept. of Ecology. Washington State Water Plan, Study Design by Development and Resources Corp.. Olympia. 67p. “489. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h Legislature. Water Resources Committee. Report to the Washington State Legislature, 2 Session. Olympia. Sip. Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. Washington's Water Resources. Olympia. 82p. Water Research Center. Washington's Water, a Special Report. Pullman. 32p. Water Research Center. Interstate Ground-water Aquifers of the State of Washington, Physical and Legal Problems a Preliminary Assessment by Allen F. Agnew and Russell W. Busch. Pullman. 163p. 1970 Dept. of Ecology. Washington State Water Plan, Concept and Initial Activities by Development Resources Corporation. Olympia. 53p. Water Research Center. A Water Planning Concept for the State of Washington. Pullman. 68p. 1969 Agricultural Experiment Station. Irrigation Water Requirements, Estimates for Washington by M. Ce. Jensen and others. Pullman. 11ip. Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Washington's Resources, Our Challenge. with the U.S.D.A., S.C.S.. Olympia. 35p. 1967 Washington State University. Water Research Center. An Initial Study of Water Resources of the State of Washington. Pullman. 5v. 1962 State Legislative Council Subcommittee on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Water Resources Advisory Committee. Report on Water Resources Studies by Fred D. Hahn. Olympia. Various Paging. b) Quality of Water Resources 197 Dept. of Ecology. Use of Mathematical Models for Water Quality Planning by Systems Control, Inc.. Olympia. Various Paging. 490. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1972 Dept. of Ecology. The Control of Eutrophication: Report by Ed DeNike. Olympia. 23p. 1970 Dept. of Ecology. Implementation and Enforcement Plan for Water Quality Regulaticos; Surface Waters, State of Washington. ily IS 95p. Dept. of Ecology. Guidelines for the baveioaneas of Water Pollution Control and Abatement Plans for Sewage Drainage Basins. 2nd ed.. Olympia. 39p. 1» thane Water Pollution Control Commission. A Proposed Regulation Relating to Water Quality Standards for Intrastate Waters of the State of Washington and a Plan for Implementation and Enforcement of such Standards. Olympia. 27p. 1967 Water Pollution Control Commission... A Regulation Relating to Water Quality Standards for Interstate and Coastal Waters of the State of Washington and a Plan for Implementation and Enforcement of such Standards. Olympia. ate 1965 Division of Water Resources. Ground Water in Washington; its Chemical and Physical Quality by A. S. VanDenburgh and J. F. Santos with the U.S.G.S., Quality of Water Branch and the State Pollution Control Commission. Olympia. 93p- 26. Issues in Public Land Management 1971 Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. State Lands Inventory, Ownership, Control and Use Summary. 2nd ed.. Olympia. 35p. 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Rules and Regulations for the Public Use of State Lands and Reads sera by the above. Olympia. 13p. Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. State Lands Inventory, Ownership, Control and Use Summary. Olympia. 30p. 491. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in Energy Resources - 197 Division of Geology and Earth Resources. Energy Resources of Washington. Olympia. 158p. : Energy Policy Council. Energy in the State of Washington by the Task Force on Energy Profile of Washington. Seattle. 15p. 1972 Dept. of Ecology. Geothermal Rnergy Potential of Washington State by Robert H. Russell. Olympia. 23p. b) Nuclear Power Resources 1968 Legislature. Joint Committee on Nuclear Energy. Report. Olympia. 20p. 1965 Office of Nuclear Energy Development. Master Plan; a Program for the Development of the State of Washington in the Nuclear Age. Olympia. 27p.- 196), Business and Economic Research Division. Nuclear Development in Washington State. Olympia. 5p. 28. Air Resources 1973 Dept. of Ecology. Proposed Transportation Control Strategies Required to Attain and Maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards in the State of Washington by May 31, 1975 with Assistance of the Cities of Spokane and Seattle. Olympia. Various Paging. 1970 Dept. of Ecology. History of Air Pollution Control in Washington through 1970 (by the State Air Pollution Control Board). Olympia. Folder. 492. °° GPL Exchange’ Bibliography #772-773-77 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management ied Dept. of Ecology. Feasibility Study for Rail Haul ofSolid Wastes: Final Report by Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc+« Olympia. SS Paging. 1972 sis 4 Dept. of Ecology. Land Resources Planning. A Survey of Solid Waste Management. Olympia. Various Paging. - 1970 miediGad « Dept. of Ecology. Solid Waste Management. Olympia. 9p. b) Solid Waste Management Planning iSfe Dept. of Ecology. Solid Waste Management Plan. Olympia. Various Paging. 35. Soil Conservation a) Issues in Soil donddivatida 1972 Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Conservation Program for Soil and Water Resources in-Cooperation with the Association of Soil and Water ‘Conservation Districts. Olympia. 38p. 26. Issues in Environmental Quality 197 \ Dept. of Rédtoay’s Permit ‘Problens? Olympia. 20p. 1973 Hf fat ne | Dept. of Ecology. Environmental Authorization. Prepared by the Master Environmental Authorization Program Team. Olympia. 75p. 1971 Environmental Protection Agency. Proceedings of the Environmental Quality Sensor Workshop. Olympia. Various Paging. 493. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1970 Ecological Commission. Ecology & Priorities by Gordon H, Orians. Olympia. 18p. Office of Program Planning and Fiscal Management. State Planning Division. Imvironmental Quality, a Program for Washington. Olympia. Unpaged. Planning and Community Affairs Agency. Community Action for Environmental Quality. Olympia. 31p. 1969 Central Washington State College. Resource Planning Center. Economic Growth and Environmental Quality in the Northwest: Allies or Rivals: Rivals? Feb. 21-22, 1969. Introduction by D. R. Eberhart. Sponsored by above and the Dept. of Geography with the Office of Continuing Education. Ellensburg. 38p. 1968 Univers ity of Washington. Bureau of Governmental Research and Services. Proceedings of the Summer Institute of Government: Quality Environment, a Shared Responsibility. 33rd. Annual. Seattle. 6ip. WEST VIRGINIA 2.- State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1960 State Tax Study Commission. An Appraisal of the West Virginia Tax System; Second Report. Charleston. 35p. State Tax Study Commission. West Virginia Taxes (State and Local); Final Report. Charleston. 108p. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 1969 West Virginia University. Center for Appalachian Studies and Development. Office of Research and Development. Land Use Controls by J. L. Effinger. Morgantown. 1p. LO. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 Industrial Development Division. Feasibility of Industrial Parks in West Virginia. Charleston. Folder. 3. State Economic Planning 1968 West Virginia University. Center for Appalachian Studies and Development. Office of Research and Development. Economic Development in West Virginia by Frederick A. Zeller and Wil J. Smith. Morgantown. 28p. 1965 Dept. of Commerce. Planning and Research Division. An Economic Atlas for West Virginia 196)j-1965 ed. Rev. ecb Bernard Gainer. Charleston. lj2p. West Virginia University. Bureau of Business Research. Regional Growth Points in Economic Development, with Special Reference to West Virginia by Mirza Amjad Ali Beg. Morgantown. 9p. 1962 Dept. of Commerce. Planning and Research Division. West Virginia Economic Atlas. Charleston. 50p. 1961 Dept. of Commerce. Planning and Research Division. An Keconomic Atlas for West Virginia by William H. Stewart, Arthur C. Leonard and Harry S. Cardea. Charleston. 32p. 1960 Economic Development Agency. An Economic Atlas for West Virginia. Research Cartography by William H. Stewart and Arthur C. Leonard. Charleston. 2)p. 7- Housing a) General Housing Resources 1967 Governor's Task Force on Housing. Homes for Mountaineers, a Challenge to Meet the Total Housing Needs of West Virginia; the Final Report. Charleston. 75p. 495. .. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) b) Mobile Home Resources 1971 State Board of Health. Mobile Home Park Regulations. Chapter 1, Article 7b; study draft, May 14;°1971. Charleston. 28p. 8. Transportation Planning b) Airport Planning 1963 Dept. of Commerce. State Planning Office. West Virginia State Development Plan: Air Transportation in West Virginia with West Virginia Aeronautics Commission. Charleston. 39p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1965 West Virginia University. Bureau of Business Research. Regional Growth Points in Economic Development, with Special Reference to West Virginia by Mirza Amjad Ali Beg. Morgantown. 9p. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1968 West Virginia University. Cooperative Extension Service. Office of Research and Development. Comprehensive Planning in West Virginia; Some Questions and Answers by Arthur Miller and Anthony Ferrise. Morgantown. Unpaged. 1961 Dept. of Commerce. Planning and Research Division. Your key to a Better Community. Charleston. Unpaged. 16.° Geologic Concerns a) Geologic Resources 1973 Geological and Econcmic Survey. Bibliography of Invironmental Geology in West Virginia by Ronald A. Landers and Peter Lessing. Morgantown. 33p. 96. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h b) Earthquake Hazard 197. Geological and Economic Survey. “Earthquake History of West Virginia by Peter Lessing. Morgantown. 13p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1973 Division of Water Resources. Report on the West Virginia Comprehensive Water Resources Plan. 1972/73. Charleston. 10p. 1969 Division of Water Resources. Water Resources Study; Information Bulletin. Charleston. 5p. 1967 Division of Water Resources. A Design for a West Virginia Water Resources Plan. Charleston. 62p. West Virginia University. Center for Appalachian Studies and Development. Office of Research and Development. Water Rights Law and Management in West Virginia; Future ea and Alternatives: by Marlyn E. Lugar. Morgantown. Ope. ; 1963 ; Division of Water Resources. Water Resources of West Virginia by Warwick L. Doll, Gerald Meyer and Roger J. Archer by the U.S.G.S. with the above. Charleston. 13)p. b) Quality of Water Resources. 1968 Division of Water Resources. Implementation Plan for West Virginia Water Quality Standards. Charleston. 2p. 32. Issues in Surface Mining THe. Legislature. Joint Committee on Government and Finance. A Study of Surface Coal Mining in West Virginia; Final Report, compiled by R. A. Schmidt and W. C. Stoneman by the Stanford Research Institute. Charleston. 180p. 497. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 hal a West Virginia University. School of Mines. Proceedings of the Revegetation and Economic Use. of Surface-IMined Land and Refuse Symposium, Dec. 2=l Ed. by Donald M. Bondurant by College of Agriculture and Forestry, School of Mines, Appalachian Center. Morgantown. 59p. 1965 Dept. of Mines. Administration and Control of Surface mining and Reclamation of Lands Affected Thereby; Article a, Chapter 20 and Article 2-a, Chapter 22 Code of West Virginia Amended to July 1, 1965. Charleston. 7p. 196): ; ; Division of Reclamation. Administration and Control of Surface Mining and Reclamation of Lands Affected Thereby. Charleston. 2p. WISCONS IN 1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development. 1973 State Planning Office. Toward a... State Development Policy for Wisconsin. Madison. Various Paging. 1971 Dept. of Administration. Governor's Policy Positions. 1971/ 1973. Madison. 191p. 2. State Planning a) Issues in General State Planning 1974 ‘State Planning Office. People and Places: a Report on a Survey of People's Locational Preferences by Stephen B. Friedman. Madison. Various Paging. 1973 State Planning Office. Where People Want to Live by Vijay Deshpande, Stephen B. Friedman, Richard Ross and David Schooler. Madison. Various Paging. 498. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1969 Bureau of State Plamning. Phase III, Wisconsin State Comprehensive Planning Program: Semi-final Report. Madison. Various Paging. 1968 . Bureau of State Planning. An Application for Urban Planning Assistance Funds for Continuing Comprehensive State Planning in the State of Wisconsin. Madison. 169p.+ 1965 University of Wisconsin. Institute of Governmental Affairs. State Planning in Wisconsin by Henry Fagin and Edward V. Schten. Madison. 68p. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 197) University of Wisconsin. Extension. Your Stake in Land Use Policy by Dick Barrows and Doug Yanggen. Madison. 10p. 1973 Legislative Reference Bureau. Statewide Land Use Programs by Patricia V. Robbins. Madison. 18p. 1970 Bureau of State Planning. Information and Management Services Section. Wisconsin Resource Projections Preliminary Report on Land Use. Madison. Various Paging. 1967 Dept. of Resource Development. Land Use Controls, Jacob Henry Beuscher. Madison. Various Paging. 1966 Dept. of Resource Development. Private Seasonal Housing in Wisconsin by I. V. Fine and Roy E. Tuttle. Madison. 132p. 1963 yeas of Resource Development. Land Use in Wisconsin. Madison. pe 499. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1962 Soil Conservation Society of America. Wisconsin Chapter. Land Planning Principles for Land Use in Wisconsin. Madison. 5p. 1961 Natural Resources Committee of State Agencies. A Roadside View of Better Land Use. Madison. Folder. 3. State Economic Planning 1974, Dept. of Natural Resources. Impact of State Land Cwnership on Local Economy in Wisconsin by Melville H. Cohee. Madison. 96p. State Planning Office. Agriculture/Mining/Ff orestry? Wisconsin's Economically Significant Resource Uses by Elliot Lipson. Madison. Various Paging. 1973 State Plaming Office. A Job for Everyone? Part of a Study of Wisconsin's Future Development by Stan Vinge and Edwin Wetmore. Madison. 27p- State Planning Office. Toward a--- State Development Policy for Wisconsin. Madison. Various Paging. State Planning Office. Growth of Wisconsin's Economy: Prospects for the Future. by Stan Vinge and Edwin Wetmore. Madison. Various Paging. State Planning Office. An Evaluation of Industries and Their Location Needs by Prof. William A. Strang. Madison. Various Paging. 1971 University of Wisconsin. Bureau of Business Research and Service. Wisconsin's Economic Progress, an Analysis of the Economic Progress and Problems of the State of Wisconsin with Recommendations for Future Action by Jon G- Udell for the Governor's Committee on 1971 Priorities for Commerce and Industry. Madison. T7p.e 1967 Dept. of Resource Development. A Survey of Urban Renewal Needs in Wisconsin by Alan Walter Steiss. Madison. 103p- _ 500. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1966 | Dept. of Resource Development. Waterfront Renewal and - Technical Supplement by Donald F. Wood and others. Madison. 225p. i Ray 1965 Dept. of Resource Development. The Economic Impact of Recreation by the University of Wisconsin, School of Commerce. Madison. ' 136p. Dept. of Resource Development. Proceedings of the Governor's Conference on Industrial Development. May 18-19, 1965. Madison. 12hp. University of Wisconsin. Bureau of Business Research and Service. Wisconsin's Economic Development:'an Analysis of the Growth, Problems and Potential of the State of Wisconsin by Jon G. Udell. Madison. 93p. 1963 ‘gorges s =i? i Conservation Dept. Economic Development and Natural Resource Conservation; paper presented before the 1963 annual meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter, Soil Conservation Society of America by Walter EB. Scott. Madison. 7p. ~ Dept. of Resources Development. A Plan for Wisconsin. Madison. 103p. 1960 Division of Resource Development. Wisconsin Development Plan. Madison. 73p. h. Growth as an Issue 197) State Planning Office. Policies for Guiding Urban Growth and Change by David S. Sawicki and Cornelia Griffin with the School of Architecture, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 60p. 5+ Planning with and for the Environment 1973 Dept. of Administration. State Planning Office. Land Use Social Values and Environmental Policy: Guidance Prospects for Wisconsin by Peter W. Amato. Madison. Various Paging. 501. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 Land Resources Committee. Final Report. Madison. 72p- Natural Resources Council of State Agencies. Managing Wisconsin's Natural Resources, an Intra-ageney Overviews Recommendations, Regulations, Laws, what is being done, Problems, what is not being done that should be done. Madison. 11hp. 192 University of Wisconsin. University Extension Division. Dept. of Law. Law in Action: Legal Frontiers for Natural Resources Planning, the Work of Professor Jacob H. Beuscher by Fran Thomas. Madison. 93p-. 1971 Natural Resources Council of State Agencies. quality Management for Wisconsin: Preserving and Improving of the Air, Land and Water Resources. Madison. 97p-. 1962 Conservation Dept. Policy on Long-range Planning; Adopted by the Wisconsin Conservation Commission in November, 1962. Madisone 3p. 6. Recreational Resources 1Sr3 Soil Conservation Society of America. Wisconsin Chapter. CQutdoor Recreation- Teamwork for Resource Protection and Successful Developments. Madison. 35p. 1972 Dept. of Natural Resources. Wisconsin Outdoor Recreation Plan; 3rd. ed.. Madison. 62p. Dept. of Natural Resources. Recreation Areas and Their Use; an Evaluation of Wisconsin's Public and Private Campgrounds, Swimming Beaches, Picnic Areas and Boat Accesses. Madison. 8p. Dept. of Natural Resources. Bureau of Commercial Recreation. Wisconsin Recreation Development Opportunity. Rev. Madison. Various Paging. 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Private Outdoor Recreation Businesses; Their Composition, Operation and Stability by Melville H. Cohee. Madison. 26p. 502. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) University. of Wisconsin. Center for Recreatim. University Extension. Wisconsin's Recreation- Tourism Industries: an Annotated Bibliography by Judith L. Moore and James P. Gilligan ° Madis one 90p ot+ 1969 , Bureau of Commercial Recreation. Developing Campgrounds for Recreational Vehicles. Appleton. 23p. 1968 ‘Bureau of Recreation. © Recreation Site Bvaluation. Madison. Various Paging. : 1967 Division of Resource Development. Bureau of Recreation. Recreation Land Development.. Madison. Various Paging. 1966 Conservation Dept. A Comprehensive Plan for Wisconsin | Outdoor Recreation. Madison. Various Paging. . Dept. of Resource Development. The Outdoor Recreation Plan. Madison. 216p. 1965 Dept. of Resource Development. The Economic Impact of Recreation by the University of Wisconsin, School of Commerce. Madison. 136p. Governor's Conference on Forestry and Forest Land Use. Proceedings, May 13-2), 1965. Madison. 1146p. 196), Dept. of Resource Development. Recreational Potential of the _Lake Superior South Shore Area. Madison. 88p. 1962. Dept. of Resource Development. Recreation in Wisconsin: the Technical Recreation Papers of the First Phase of the Comprehensive State Plan and a Report to the State Recreation Committee. Madison. -97p. 1961 Dept. of Resource Development. Wisconsin Ten-year Program of Resource ee ore and Outdoor’ Recreation. Madison. Unpaged. 503. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 7. Housing a) ‘General Housing Resources 1973 Bureau of Planning and Budget. Information Systems Unit. Housing Needs in Wisconsin. Madison. 52p. Dept. of Local Affairs and Development. Housing Needs in Wisconsin by Dept. of Administration, Bureau of Planning and Budget Information Systems Unit. Madison. 52p. 8. Ureninoetiedsiion Planning a) General Transportation Ranaiihen 1969 Division of Highways. Land Economics Studies Unit. Land Use Change. Madison. Folder. 1962 Dept. of Resources Development. Intercity Transportation in Wisconsin. Consultant, Wilbur Smith oe Associates. Madison. 60p. b) Airport Planning 1961 State Aeronautics Commission. An Airport System Plan for Wisconsin. Madison. lp. 1960 State Aeronautics Commission. General Requirements and Covenants for Airport Construction. Madison. 0p. c) Highway Planning 197) Dept. of Transportation. Division of Planning. A Guide for Interchange Area Planning in Wisconsin with the Federal Highway Administration. Madison. 38p. ~ 1973 Dept. of Transportation. Division of Planning. Wisconsin Place Classification for Transportation Planning. Madison. Various Paging. Soh. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 Dept. of Transportation. Division of Planning. Highways II: the Plan. with the Federal Highway Administration. Madison. 108p. ! 1967 Highway Commission. State Highway Plan, Progress Report. Madison. 8p. 1965 Highway Commission. Planning and Research Division. A Guide for Interchange Area Planning in Wisconsin; the Interchange Problem; the Planning; Steps in Interchange Planning, Plan and Policy Formulation; Using the Plan, with the Planning Division, Dept. of Resource Development. Madison. 26p. 1963 Highway Commission. Right of Way Division. Land Use Change- Interchange Area with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Madison. Folder. 1962 Highway Commission. A Study and Evaluation of Local Highway Planning in Wisconsin by K. W. Baver with the U.S. Bureau of Roads. Madison. 71p. 4) Mass Transit Planning | Wie Governor's Study Committee on Mass Transit. Phase I Report: an Immediate Action Plan. Madison. 57p. 1973 Governor's Study Committee on Mass Transit. Phase II Report: Transit for Tomorrow. Madison. Jp. * 1970 Dept. of Transportation. Division of Planning. Wisconsin Urban Bus System: the Decline for Mass Transit Subcommittee of the Wisconsin Legislative Council. Madison. 179p. 9. Issues in Demographic Change 505... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1972 Dept. of Natural Resources. Small Area Population Projections for Wisconsin by Douglas B. King, David G. Nichols and Richard Timm. Madison. 78p. 1969 Bureau of State Planning. Information and Management Sciences Section. Wisconsin Population riage mamte ist. ed... Madison.; 16p. eee 1963 Agricultural Experiment Station. Wisconsin's Population Changes and Prospects 1900-1963 by Douglas G. Marshall with reine from Joseph DiSanto and Anne Davidson. Madison. 8p. 10. Issues in Regional Planning 1972 Upper Great Lakes Region. A Scenic Road Planning and Design _ Study; Wisconsin by Edwards and Kelcey, Inc... ? Various Paging. 11. Local Planning a) Issues in Local Planning 1973 Dept. of Local Affairs and Development.. The Tax on Property in Iowa County. Pt. 1- The Farm Tax Problem, Pt. 2- Changes in Apportionment of the Tax Burden, Pt. 3- Distribution of Tax Burden within Municipalities by Richard L. Stauber, Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 1)0p.+ 1971 ee eaaT Reference Bureau. A Primer on Zoning. Madison. Ipe 1968 Dept. of Administration. Waterfront Renewal. Madison. 66p. 1962 Legislative Council. Cooperative Action in Urban Fringe Areas; Staff Memorandum to the Urban Problems Committee. Madison. 10p. 506. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h University of Wisconsin. Extension Law Dept. Wisconsin Zoning Practice; Procedures and Standards for Obtaining Amendments, Variances, Exceptions’ and Special Use Permits by Donald G. Hagman for the 1962 Wisconsin Lawyers! Seminars. Madison. 96p. b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 1974 State Planning Office. Current State Planning Inabling Legislation. Chapter 16.95, Wisconsin Statutes. Madison. Various Paging. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 197, Bureau of Planning and Budget. Recommendations for the Assessment Inventory and Implementation of a Critical Resource Information Program (CRIP), Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin. Madison. Various Paging. Dept. of Natural Resources. Wisconsin Critical Resource Information Program; Summary Report. Madison. 5hp. Wis Bureau of Planning and Budget. The Investigation, Decription and Recommendation of a Critical Resource Information Program (CRIP) for Wisconsin: Phase I Report- Concept of Resource Definitions, Uses and Measurement Criteria. Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin. Madison. Various Paging. 1970 Bureau of State Planning. Development of a Planning Information System for Wisconsin State Government Gerald J. Ferwerda, Information Systems Chief, State Dept. of Administration. Madison. Various Paging. 1967 Bureau of State Planning. A Recommendation for a State Planning Information System by Kenneth John Dueker. Madison. 157p. 1965 Dept. of Resource Development. Landscape Resource Inventory. Wisconsin Project Design by Philip H. Lewis, Jr., Consulting Landscape Architect. Madison. Various Paging. 507. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 197) Dept. of Natural Resources. Wisconsin Natural Resource Use Controls and Assistance. Madison. 16p. 1973 Legislative Council. Report to the 1973 Legislature on Natural Resources. Madison. 12p- 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Wisconsin Natural Resources Laws, 1969-1970. Madison. Various Paging. 1967 Division of Conservation. Planning Blueprint by Stanley G. DeBoer. Madison. . 27p. 1966 Dept. of Resource Development. Wisconsin Development Plan. Madison. “73p.0 asad 1965 Conservation Dept. Long-range Planning Report; Projected Program Goals for 1980. 2nd. Madison. 1680p. 1963 Conservation Dept. Wisconsin Water Trails. Madison. 57pe Conservation Dept. Long-range Planning Report; Current Programs and Needs with Schellie Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana. Madison. 1)9p. _ Conservation Dept. Economic Development and Natural Resource Conservation; Paper Presented before the 1963 Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter, Soil Conservation Society of America by Walter E. Scott. Madison. 7p- Conservation Dept. Trends in Conservation Problems. Madison. 76p. 1961 Dept. of Resource Development. Wisconsin Ten-year Program of Resource Development and Outdoor Recreation. Madison. Unpaged. 508. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 15. "Critical, Areas" a) Environmentally Critical Areas 1973 Dept. of Natural Resources. Scientific Areas Preservation Council. Wisconsin Scientific Areas. Madison. 50p. State Planning Office. Critical Environmental Resources: a Development Policy Overview by Elliot Lipson, Larry Bensky, Tom Krauskopf, Ron Paska and Hannah Paulik. Madison. Various Paging. 1970 Scientific Areas Preservation Council. Wisconsin Scientific Areas. Madison. 32p. 17+ Coastal Zone Management a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 197) State Planning Office. Wisconsin Coastal Zone Management Development Program Initial Grant Application. Madison. Various Paging. State Planning Office. Coastal Zone Management in Wisconsin. Madison. Brochure. 18. Wetland Management 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Wisconsin's Wetland Soils; a Review, by John Phillips. Madison. 22p. 1969 Dept. of Natural Resources. Techniques for Wetland Management, by Arlyn F. Linde. Madison. 156p. 1962 State Conservation Dept. Wisconsin Wetland Inventory. Game Management Division. Madison. Various Paging. 19. Land Preservation a) Issues in Land Preservation 509. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1961 Dept. of Resource Development. Conservation Easements and "Open Space Conference. Dec. 13-1h, 1961. Madison. 127p. 20. Flood Plain Management 1971 Division of Highways. . Estimating Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Wisconsin’ by Duance H. Conger with the U.S.G.S., Water Resources Division. Madison. 200p. 1963 Bureau of Civil Defense. Spring Flood Precautions. Madison. 7p. 21. Wildlife Resources 1973 Endangered Species Committee. Endangered Animals in Wisconsin with Supplementary Lists of Animals with Changing Status, Extirpated Animals, Uncommon Plants and Plant Communities. Madison. 28p. 1970 Conservation Dept. The Wildlife Resource of Wisconsin from Wildlife, People and the Land. Madison. 6p. 196) Conservation Dept. Fish Habitat and Access; Watershed Management, Stream Improvement, Lake Improvement and Public Access by D. John O'Donnell and C. W. Threinen. Madison. 15p. 1963 Conservation Dept. Wildlife, People and the land. Hd. by Ruth L. Hine. Illustrators: Jessie Hewitt, Charles W. Schwartz and Jens von Sivers. Madison. 83p. 23. Forest Resources 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Fire! Fire Control and Forest Protection in Wisconsin. Madison. 59p. 510. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1968 Dept. of Natural Resources. Practical Aspects of a Selective Brush Management Program on Wisconsin Roadsides. C. D. Besadny, C. Kabat and A. J. Rusch from the 33rd North American Wildlife Conference, March 11-13, 1968. Madison. 13p. 1965 Governor's Conference on Forestry and Forest Recreation Land Use. Proceedings, May 13-1h, 1965. Madison. 116p. 196), Conservation Dept..° Wisconsin Forest Tax Law. Madison. 17p- 24. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources Ve Roadside Management Subcommittee. A Roadside Conservation and Beautification Program for Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds. with the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Madison. 25p. 1967 Council on Natural Beauty. Landscape Beautification Guide. Madison. 58p. b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 196), Conservation Dept. Preserving Wisconsin's Wild Rivers, Statement by Walter E. Scott to the Wild Rivers Panel, Conservation Conference. Madison. 5p. c) Historical Preservation 1970 State Historical Society. Wisconsin's Historic Preservation Plan, 1971-1981. Madison. 193p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning ei. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 1973 - Dept. of Natural Resources. Visions of Tomorrow: a Comprehensive Plan for the Management of Wisconsin's Water Resources. Phase I; Overview. Madison. 63p. University of Wisconsin. Cooperative Extension Program. The Role of Lake Property Owners and Their Organizations in Lake Management for the Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission by Lowell L. Klessing and Douglas A. Yanggen- Madison. 16p. 1972 Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission. Understanding Lakes and Lake Problems by Steven M. Born and Dourglae A. Yanggen, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 0p. — 1971 Dept. of Natural Resources. A Basic Guide to Water Rights in Wisconsin by Richard C. Sheerar Ed. by Ruth L. Hine. Madison. 39p. Wisconsin University. Water Resources Center. Water Resources Policy in Wisconsin. Madison. Various Paging. 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Water on the Land. Madison. 23p. University of Wisconsin. University Extension Division. Dept. of Law. Water-use Law and Administration in Wisconsin by Harold H. Wllis and others. Madison. 69lp. 1969 Soil Conservation Society of America Wisconsin Chapter. Water Use: Principles and Guidelines for Planning and Management in Wisconsin. Madison. 96p. 1968 Division of Environmental Protection. Water Resource Management in Wisconsin. Madison. 9p. 1966 Conservation Dept. Water Resources Program, Wisconsin Conservation Dept., Evaluation, Relationship, Action by Water Program Evaluation Committee. Madison. 163p. 512. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1965 Conservation Dept. Conservation Commission Policy on the Protection, Development and Use of Water. 3pe Madison. 196), Conservation Dept. Inventory of Mapped Lakes. Madison. 29p. 1963 Conservation Dept. The Wisconsin Conservation Commission's Responsibilities in the Protection, Development and Use of Water Resources and in Watershed Management. Madison. 2p. 1960 Legislative Council. Staff Report to the Water Resources Committee.on Wisconsin's Drainage Laws. Madison. 7p. b). Quality of Water Resources 1973 ‘Geological and Natural History Survey.’ Ground-water Quality in Wisconsin Through 1972 by C. L. R. Holt, Jr. and E. L. Skinner with the U.S.G.S. and the above. Madison. 1)8p. 1970 Dept. of Natural Resources. Inland Lake Dredging Evaluation by Ned D. Pierce. Madison. 68p. 1969 Dept. of Natural Resources. Division of Environmental Protection. Economic Incentives and Water Quality Madison. 7hp. Management Programs by Ved Prakash. 1966 Natural Resources Committee of State Agencies. Governor's Conference on Lake Michigan Pollution: Proceedings. Madison. 271p. 1965 Committee on Water Pollution. Wisconsin Surface Water Quality, 1961-196. Madison. 96p. 513. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 1962 Natural Resources Committee of State Agencies. Special Committee on Water Resources. Improved Control of Surface and Ground Waters to Abate Pollution and to Protect Lakes and Lowlands. Madison. 8p. 26. Issues in Public Land Management 197 Dept. of Natural Resources. Impact of State Land Ownership on Local Economy in Wisconsin by Melville H. Cohee. Madison. 96p. 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1963 Dept. of Resource Development. Taconite and the Landscape; Lake Superior South Shore Area with Ervin H. Zube, College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 3p. 3h. Solid Waste Management a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 1972 Governor's Recycling Task Force on Solid Wastes. Report. Madison. 57p. Legislative Reference Bureau. Managing Wisconsin's Solid Wastes by Selma Parker. Madison. 28p. 1970 Dept. of Local Affairs & Development. Bureau of Community Services. Reconnaissance Study on Solid Waste Disposal by Robert K. Ham, Thomas C. Rooney, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin. Madison. 99p. b) Solid Waste Management Planning 1972 Dept. of Natural Resources and Dept. of Local Affairs and Development. Planning for Cooperative Solid Waste Management in Wisconsin by Warren K. Portor and others. Madison. Various Paging. 514. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 35. Soil Conservation a) _Issues in Soil Conservation . 1967 Conservation Dept. The Wisconsin Idea in Conservation. Madison. 19p. 1962 ~ Conservation Needs Committee. Wisconsin Soil and Water Conservation Needs; State Summary of County Data, Land Use and Conservation Needs. Madison. Unpaged. b) Soil Erosion Control 1967 * Red Clay Interagency Committee.. Erosion and Sedimentation Control on the Red, Clay Soils of Northeastern Wisconsin. ‘Madison. 23p. ©. A 1963 State Soil and Water Conservation Commission. A Brief History of Soil Erosion Control in Wisconsin by O. Re Zeasman and I. 0. Hembre. Madison. 8p. 36. . Issues in Environmental Quality 1970 Wisconsin Statistical Reporting Service. General Farm Use of Pesticides for Wisconsin and Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Minnesota. Madison. 10p. 1967 Conservation Centinnial Symposium. Papers; the Quest for Quality in Wisconsin Sponsored by the State Historical Society, Conservation Dept., Dept. of Resource Development, University of Wisconsin Conservation Education Programs, Ed. by Norma Cournow Camp. Madison. 88p. WYOMING 2. State Planning | a) Issues in General State Planning 515. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1960 Legislative Research Committee. Property Taxation in Wyoming, Prepared for the Subcommittee on the Uniformity of Property Valuations and Equitableness of Relative Tax Levies by Allyn 0. Lockner. Cheyenne. 1) 8p. Legislative Research Committee. Special Taxing Districts in Wyoming; a Report to the above by Joseph Geraud. Cheyenne. 16lp. b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 197) Conservation and Land Use Study Commission. Statewide Land Use Planning Program for Wyoming; Vol. 1- Summary Report; Vol. 2~ Appendices. Cheyenne. Various Paging. 1973 Agricultural Extension Service. Land Use and Comprehensive Planning. Laramie. 6p. Conservation and Land Use Study Commission. Information Packet for Public Hearings. Cheyennee 19p- Water Resources Research Institute. Wyoming: a Land Use Inventory. Laramie. 129p. 3. State Economic Planning 196), Natural Resources Board. Resources & Economy, Wyoming 1964. by the Division of Business and Economic Research, University of Wyoming. Cheyenne. Unpaged. 1962 Natural Resource Board. A Study for Industrial Development of the State of Wyoming; Final Report. An Appraisal of Wyoming's Present Economic Development. Cheyenne. Various Paging. h. Growth as an Issue 1970 Office of the Chief of State Planning. Quality Growth Laws for Wyoming. Cheyenne. 99p. 516. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 5. Planning with and for the Environment 1971 Oil Shale Environmental Planning Committee. Environmental and Economic Report on Wyoming Oil Shale for Governor Stanley K. Hathoway. Cheyenne. 57p. 6. Recreational Resources 1973 Recreation Commission. An Outdoor Recreation Plan for Wyoming by Clynn Phillips and Dwight M. Blood. Cheyenne. Various Paging. 1970 Recreation Commission. An Outdoor Recreation Plan for ee by Clynn Phillips and Dwight M. Blood. Cheyenne. 37up. 1969 ~ Recreation Commission. Outdoor Recreation in Wyoming. Vol. 2 Outdoor Recreation Participation by Out-of-State Visitors to Wyoming by Clynn Phillips and Dwight M. Blood University of Wyoming, Division of Business and Economic Research. Laramie. 128p. Recreation Commission. Participation in Outdoor Recreatim by Wyoming Residents, by Dwight M. Blood and Clynn Phillips, University of Wyoming, Division of Business and Economic Research. Laramie. 158p. 8. Transportation Planning a) General Transportation Resources 1969 State Highway Dept. Planning and Research Division. Continuing Planning Process by above with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads and others. Cheyenne. Various Paging. c) Highway Planning 1968 State Highway Dept.. Planning and Research Division. Basic Concepts for the Development of the State Highway Plan with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Cheyenne. Various Paging. 517. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1964 State Highway Dept. Wyoming's Future Highways for above with - the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads by Wilbur Smith and Associates. Cheyenne. 136p. 1960 State Highway Commission. A Guide for Planning Wyoming Highways; an Engineering. Report Prepared by Automotive Safety Foundation with the above and Counties and Cities. Cheyenne. 8hp. 12. Information Systems and Inventories 1974 Conservation and Land Use Study Commission. Information for Land Use Decision-making in Wyoming: a Computer Mapping Methodology by the Federation of Rocky Mountain States, Ince. Denver. 0Op.+ . 1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 1967 Game and Fish Commission. Wyoming's Natural Resources and Their Management by John A. Bartruff and others... editors H. M. Hennebry and K. L. Diem. Cheyenne. 92p- 1966 Geological Survey. Mineral Resources of Wyoming by Frank W. Osterwald and others. Rev. by William H. Wilson. Laramie. 287p. 196 Natural Resources Board. Resources & Economy, Wyoming 196k. 4 by the Division of Business and Economic Research, University of Wyoming. Cheyenne. Unpaged. 22. Agricultural Resources 1971 University ‘of Wyoming. Wyoming Agriculture: Past, Present and Future; an Economic Sector Study by Carl E. Olson, William E. Morgan and Raymcmd A. Marquardt for the Dept. of Agriculture, State Engineer and the Dept. of Economic Planning and Development. Laramie. 2v. 518. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773~-77h 2h. Aesthetic Concerns a) Issues in Visual Resources | 1969 University of Wyoming. Division of Business and Economic Research. Traveler Attitudes Toward Highway Billboard Advertising: a Survey of Selected Wyoming Motel Patrons- Dwight Blood and others. Laramie. 73p. c) Historical Preservation 1962 State Archives and Historical Dept. Wyoming Historical Sites and Markers, and Museums. Cheyenne. 15p. 25. Water Resources a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 1973 Water Planning Program. The Wyoming Framework Water Plan: a Summary. Cheyenne. 2hp. 1971 University of Wyoming. Water Resources Research Center. Criteria and Methods for State Water Resource Planning by Thomas L. Dobbs, Orman Paananen and Paul A. Rechard. Laramie. 68p. ; 1970 State Engineer. Objectives and Policies of the Wyoming Water Planning Program. Cheyenne. 11p-. University of Wyoming. Water Resources Research Institute. Consumptive Use of Irrigation Water in Wyoming by Frank J. Trelease and others. Laramie. 36p.+ 1968 State Engineer. Computerized System for Wyoming Surface Water Records by Willlam N. Embree and Lew W. Larson. University of Wyoming, Water Resources Research Institute. Laramie. Various Paging. 1962 Natural Resources Board. Ground Water Reconnaissance Study of the State of Wycming by George F. (Pete) Dana. Cheyenne. lv. 519. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 1960 Legislative Research Committee. Severance of Water Rights from Wyoming Lands; a Report to the above by Frank J. Trelease. Cheyenne. 5lp. b) Quality of Water Resources 197 Dept. of Environmental Quality. Water Quality Division. Water Pollution Control in Wyoming. 2nd. ed. Cheyenne. lip. Dept. of Environmental Quality. Water Quality Division. Wyoming State Plan. 197/75. Cheyenne. 107p- 1973 Water Quality Division. Water Pollution Control in Wyoming. Cheyenne. 1Op. 27. Energy Resources a) Issues in Mergy Resources 1971 Oil Shale Environmental Planning Committee. Environmental and Economic Report on Wyoming Oil Shale for Governor Stanley K. Hathoway. Cheyenne. 57p- 32. Issues in Surface Mining 1971 Agricultural Experiment Station. Reclamation of Strip Mine Spoil Banks in Wyoming by Morton -May and. others. Laramie. 32p. - : id » 36. Issues in Mvironmental Quality 1973 Dept. of Mnvironmental Quality. Wyoming Environmental ame Act of 1973 Cumnulative Supplement. Cheyenne. 20p. 520. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h COUNCIL OF PLANNING LIBRARIANS Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF STATE LAND RESOURCES PLANNING 1960 - 197) (PRELIMINARY EDITION) - INDEXED BY STATE - TOPIC - YEAR - AGENCY Additional copies available from: Council of Planning Librarians Post Office Box 229 Monticello, Illinois, 61826 for $12.50. o4 4 Coy ar, en Li nN sy Fi an i : ' -¢ ii > 4 ae oe ei ¥ ro oe re : a ‘+ ; bs La ag tee ae De ee : Mag Fy iA‘ j 7 | af ; hye db ' % " _ / , ’ : : - _ thy d ih a if ae 21 ee ye ; ay We get nde al He ete pone desbagspiicacn voabese eae is ie tt Debora micfer sus rete ch aAed ulohi ngseaa Ni a aentine ss cat y foe) agree sah reliance eps UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 016.7114C73E co01 EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY. URBANA, ILL 769-774 1975 pie f "pie Nb Ker nies rule ah @ SAAN ae at, ei : ; ber eran My 388 ot 4 a f . : pres besenecaes 3 a A uh aye ” ee CRE MWA qiaberhe oh eat Phi ‘ hr ie (eo dues resonant Hs : : ‘ ; “ rad ! 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