cs hee€etoo TOEO O QUO 1IOHM/18lNl ‘bibliographia primatologica PUBLICATION NO. 4 HISTORICAL WIBRIARY YALE MEDICAL LIBRARY OTHER PUBLICATIONS ISSUED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE HISTORICAL LIBRARY In Preparation 1. THe Harvey CusHinc CoLiection or Books anD Manuscripts 2. THe ARNOLD C. KLExss CoL_LEction or Books anp Manuscripts 3. THE Joun F. Futron Co.tection oF Books anp Manuscripts ‘bibliographia primatologica A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRIMATES OTHER THAN MAN PART 1 ANATOMY, EMBRYOLOGY & QUANTITATIVE MORPHOLOGY; PHYSIOLOGY, PHARMACOLOGY & PSYCHOBIOLOGY; PRIMATE PHYLOGENY & MISCELLANEA By THEODORE C. RUCH YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE With an Introduction by JOHN F. FULTON YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE TAQir4int CHART ES CC THOMAS SPRINGFIELD - ILLINOIS BALTIMORE - MARYLAND Copyright 1941 by Charles C Thomas All rights reserved. This book may not be repro- duced, in whole or in part, in any form (except by reviewers for the public press), without the written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America To the Plemory of LIBBY YOUNG RUCH and WILLIAM WALLACE RUCH Ale Acknowledgments THE BELGIAN AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION, INC. BURSARY SCHOLARSHIPS, YALE UNIVERSITY THE NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON MUSEE ROYAL d’HISTOIRE NATURELLE de BELGIQUE THE LIBRARY of the NEW YORK ACADEMY of MEDICINE THE LIBRARY of CONGRESS THE ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY STERLING MEMORIAL LIBRARY of YALE UNIVERSITY THE LIBRARY of YALE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL of MEDICINE THE LIBRARY of the AMERICAN MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY ROYAL SOCIETY CATALOGUE of SCIENTIFIC PAPERS THE GREAT APES, by YERKES & YERKES ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS ZOOLOGICAL RECORD A WORLD LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS, 1900-1933 UNION LIST of SERIALS CLASSIFICATION DECIMALE UNIVERSELLE, BRUXELLES CONCILIUM BIBLIOGRAPHICUM A REVIEW of the PRIMATES, by D. G. ELLIOT LIST of the VERTEBRATED ANIMALS, by S. S. FLOWER BIBLIOTHECA HISTORICA-NATURALIS, by W. ENGELMANN AN INTRODUCTION to the LITERATURE of VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY INDEX-CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the SURGEON-GENERAL’S OFFICE CATALOGUE of the LIBRARY of the BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Assistants 1935-1936 ALAN C. OVERTON, Bursary THEODORE B. ROSENTHAL, N. Y. A. ALAN A. ROZEN, N. Y. A. RICHARD V. WORTHINGTON,N. Y.A. 1936-1937 SOLOMON KASDON, N. Y. A. DAVID NOVARR, Bursary ABRAHAM ROSENBLOOM, N. Y. A. THEODORE B. ROSENTHAL, N. Y. A. Miss JEAN WELLS, N. Y. A. 1937-1938 HENRY C. BARTHEL, Bursary SOLOMON KASDON, N. Y. A. THEODORE B. ROSENTHAL, N. Y. A. 1938-1939 HENRY C. BARTHEL, Bursary ROBERT F. DINE, N. Y. A. THEODORE B. ROSENTHAL, N. Y. A. 1940-1941 MARCUS E. SANFORD, N. Y. A. Acknowledgments N the preceding pages I have attempted to acknowledge some of the institutions and individuals who have aided me in compiling this bibliography. The Belgian American Educational Foundation, through a Special Fellowship, made it possible for me to have the advice of several leading European “‘primatologists,” especially Mr. R. I. Pocock, Professor Zuckerman and Monsieur Frechkop, and to have access to the rich holdings of the libraries of London and Bruxelles. We are grateful to Mr. Julian Huxley and the Zoological Society of London for their breadth of view in guaranteeing publication of a work of this character. That the intensification of the War prevented this collaboration in nowise diminishes our indebtedness. In the end, publication was assisted by grants from the Belgian American Educational Foundation and the Historical Library, Yale School of Medicine. To Dr. John Farquhar Fulton I owe my original interest both in bibliography and in primate biology, and the incentive for undertaking this work. Without his pa- tience born of experience with this type of work, the slowness of progress would many times have led to the abandonment of the whole project. Through his generosity I have been able to have on my desk much original primate literature and most of the bibliographical sources cited on a previous page, which ordinarily can be consulted only at the expense of time and conven- ience in the reference rooms of libraries. Many of these were especially purchased for this purpose. ~ Bibliographical work places upon the cir- culation staffs of libraries an amount of work which must seem excessive, so that we have deemed it fitting to mention the principal libraries which we have used. In this connection I wish especially to ac- knowledge the efforts on my behalf of Mrs. Anar S. Bradley of the Library of the Yale University School of Medicine who has handled several thousand volumes most expeditiously and without a single error; and to Mrs. Charlotte H. Peters, Librarian to Dr. Fulton, for much technical assistance in bibliographical matters, and for calling my attention to many current items which might otherwise have escaped notice. The vast amount of typing and other de- tailed work involved in a project of this sort could scarcely have been accomplished without the assistance made available through the National Youth Administra- tion and the Bursary Scholarships of Yale University. To one of these assistants, Mr. Theodore Rosenthal, who has worked far beyond any remuneration, I am especially indebted. Others who have similarly given of their time, often without compensation, are Miss Loretta Roche, Mrs. Alice Peters Irwin, Miss Pravda Hoff, Dr. Meliha Inay. Valuable suggestions with respect to organ- ization and terminology have been made by Dr. Solly Zuckerman and Dr. Adolph Schultz. And finally, thanks are due my wife, who compiled the author index, and to Mr. R. F. Gehner, who designed the book. ADAG AIR New Haven, Fanuary, 1941 [ix] bas ae We a Introduction By JOHN F. FULTON NIMALS having physical form akin to that of man have always stirred human curiosity. Among various peo- ples these manlike creatures are held in deep reverence; even today in India the Hanuman langur, and in Egypt the Ham- adryas baboon, are still regarded as sacred. The anthropoids, on the other hand, may be feared and hated, and primitive tribes have attempted systematically to extermi- nate them as they would the members of a hostile tribe. Although man and kindred creatures seem logically to fall into a homogeneous group, no one prior to the gifted Linnaeus had the courage, when sorting out the ani- mal kingdom, to group man with ape and monkey. In the first edition of Systema naturae (1735) man, Homo, was placed with his kin, Simia and Bradypus, in a group designated ‘‘Anthropomorpha.” In his Lap- land diary under the date of July 11, 1732, there is an illuminating entry which gives the basis of this grouping: But to decide concerning our own species. If we contemplate the characters of our teeth, hands, fingers, and toes, it is impossible not to perceive how very nearly we are related to Baboons and Monkeys, the wild men of the woods. In as much therefore as these are found to be carnivorous, the question is decided with respect to ourselves.* Linnaeus at this time (1732) was only 25 years of age. Fifteen years later in a letter to Gmelin (February 14, 1747) he throws further light on the subject in confessing his fear of the theologians: * See Allen, F. H., Science, 1941, 93: 183. It would not please, if I placed the man among the anthropomorphous; but man knows himself. Let us abandon words, I do not care what words we use; but from thee, and from the whole world I want an answer to this: What is the difference between man and ape, difference which would be based on natural history? Most definitely I see no difference. I wish some one could show me even one dis- tinction! Should I call a man ‘ape’ or an ape ‘man,’ all the theologians would be after me. Yet, for the sake of science, I should have done it.T In the celebrated tenth edition of Systema naturae published in Stockholm in 1758, Linnaeus adopted the Latin term “Pri- mates” to designate the first order of mam- mals. The name implies superiority of this group of creatures over the other members of the animal kingdom, but Linnaeus was careful, within the new order, not to ar- range ascendant families. He placed empha- sis upon teeth as a feature distinguishing primates from other forms, and he origi- nally defined a primate as “a quadruped with four parallel incisors, single canines, two pectoral mammae, hands (rather than paws), two complete clavicles, and an ar- boreal habitat.’ He recognized that some had tails, but that others lacked this ap- pendage, and he arranged his forms in groups according to such structural peculi- arities, without implication that one group is higher than another. Dr. Ruch has followed Linnaeus in adopting the term “primate,” and in the title of his bibliography he has introduced a new and useful derivative ““Primatology.” { Hrdlicka, A., Science, 1940, 92: 605. [xi] With Linnaeus, he has also been careful to avoid implication concerning which form is high and which low. Recognizing that man has specific characteristics embraced in the designation “human,” he has chosen, at the suggestion of Dr. Adolph Schultz, to employ the phrase “‘primates other than man” rather than to accept such current terms as “subhuman,” “infrahuman,” or the somewhat theological designations which imply that man is the head and center of the universe. A student of the nervous system, how- ever, recognizes differences of organization among the various primate forms, and in discussing the origins of the nervous system the term “encephalization” is frequently employed. This implies that in evolutionary history there has been a tendency for the encephalon to take over functions con- trolled in earlier times by other parts of the nervous system. One of the highest degrees of encephalization in the motor sphere is encountered in the cortical repre- sentation of the spider monkey’s tail. As far as we know, a spider monkey whose tail representation has been removed is not able again to move its tail voluntarily; whereas man can walk on his paretic hind limb within a few weeks after the leg area has been entirely removed. Are we to say, therefore, that the cerebral organization of the spider monkey is superior to that of man, and that in consequence the spider monkey is higher? Obviously no such infer- ence can be drawn, and Darwin himself was the first to point out that specialization of a given function can not be used as a criterion of evolutionary position. However scrupulous the biologist must be in avoiding the errors of anthropocentric- ity, the medical scientist is not necessarily under the same obligation. His preoccupa- tion with man, far from being considered opprobrious, has often been extolled in med- ical literature as a virtue. And it is my con- viction that the anthropocentricity among those working in the basic medical sciences is the most significant development in med- ical education and research in this country. Whether it be in the devising of a labora- tory exercise, or in the citing of experimen- tal evidence from the lecture platform, or in the choice of a laboratory animal for pur- poses of investigation, let it be said, “Better a cat than a frog, better a monkey than a dog, better a man than a marmoset.’ For more than a decade several of the preclinical laboratories of this medical school, and notably the Laboratories of Pri- mate Biology under Professor Yerkes, have devoted their attention to the investigation of primates. Inevitably these animals come to be something more than a ‘laboratory animal’; they are research material of spe- cial quality. One’s interest expands and one begins to think of a biology of the primates. For the past decade the Laboratory of Physiology has accepted the proposition: ‘If not man, then monkey.’ We have at- tempted to make some contribution to the paraphernalia of primate biology as well as to the body of fact in the form of devel- oping a surgery suitable to delicate and ex- pensive material, of attention to taxonomi- cal terminology, to care and housing of the primates, etc. To compile and analyze the literature of the primates in the form of the present bibliography seemed a logical step in strengthening the structure of primate biology, and a necessary step, since abstract and bibliographical journals on the whole recognize no distinction of this group of animals. Having, as it were, collected the literature of the primates on paper, we pro- pose now to collect such literature in fact. We hope to build, as a special collection of the Historical Section of the new Library, a library of primate literature; a modest nucleus has already been formed during the past ten years. The propriety of incor- porating a ‘zoological collection’ in a medi- [ xii ] cal library might possibly be questioned; however, I can only repeat my conviction that primate biology in the future will be- come even more intimately bound up with teaching and research in the medical sciences. To select the primate group as the sub- ject of a monographic bibliography requires no apology; many, if not most, vertebrate and invertebrate groups have been so treated. One need mention only a few out- standing works such as Dean’s Fishes, Strong’s Birds and McCoy and McClung’s Anaerobic bacteria. The magnitude of the literature of the primates is surprisingly small when compared with these com- pendia. The number of authors who have studied the primates from the point of view of anatomy, physiology and behavior is little more than two thousand, and the total number of papers dealing in whole and in part with the primates does not reach five thousand, a figure which may be set against the fifty thousand papers on fishes listed by Bashford Dean for the years up to 1914. After the time of Linnaeus, the literature of the primates increased slowly but stead- ily until some twenty years ago, when— owing possibly to the rather sudden and widespread use of primates for studies in experimental medicine—the output of pub- lished works rose sharply. This literature has never before been brought together in a systematic manner, and in view of the in- creasing importance of a biological knowl- edge of manlike creatures, it has seemed to Dr. Ruch worth while to devote several years to the formidable problem of collect- ing and classifying this diverse body of ma- terial. He has done it methodically and in accordance with a prearranged plan that has made for completeness, accuracy, con- sistency, and, I believe, for great usefulness to many branches of biology and medicine. To those who seek fresh concepts and new experience Dr. Ruch’s classification of the literature will serve as a navigator’s chart for a sea which has countless hazards, as well as every conceivable fascination. New Haven, February, 1941 4 ee A Te ate ONL Mote Cre tga mth) Author’s Introduction SUBJECT-BIBLIOGRAPHY is al- most inevitably out of date before it can reach publication. Yet in another sense a bibliography is unique among pub- lished works since it can never be out of date—for the period of years covered— provided, of course, it is sufficiently well executed and the literature is sufficiently well searched. With a few exceptions, no works are included here which were pub- lished after the beginning of 1939. The present volume is Part I of a pro- jected bibliography embracing all fields of primate biology. Included in this volume is the literature of the morphological sciences (anatomy and its subsidiary branches of embryology, histology, etc.), and the liter- ature of the functional sciences (physiology, pharmacology, and experimental and ob- servational psychobiology), and certain his- torical and miscellaneous bibliographies. Part II will include the literature of the pathological sciences (pathology, bacteriol- ogy and immunology, and parasitology), and probably as well the taxonomic litera- ture of the extant primates. The materials for the second volume are largely gathered and the analysis of them is considerably ad- vanced. The amount of overlapping be- tween the two parts is deemed insufficient to warrant delay in publication of the pres- ent volume. The completeness attained in the present work is difficult to assess. We have in- cluded many papers in which primate forms constitute only a fraction of the vertebrate or mammalian series studied; yet no at- tempt has been made to record every ob- lique reference to the primates. On this score we feel that we have occasionally erredon the side of over-inclusiveness. Many articles of a “‘popular”’ character, especially in psychobiology, have been included, but again no attempt at absolute completeness has been made. In addition to searching year by year the bibliographical sources listed in the Acknowledgments, many jour- nals have been scanned for primate litera- ture; and the bibliographies or footnotes of many articles and books have been searched. That this has not sufficed to render the bibliography complete is proved by the fact that occasionally a previously unrecorded reference comes to light. This is especially true for literature of recent years which has not yet found its way into bibliographical journals and for works pub- lished in the Asiatic and Eastern European countries. We have become convinced that no single person can hope to uncover all the literature of the primates; that can be ap- proximated only if specialists in the various fields will call our attention to omissions so that they can be included in a supplement or in the second volume of the bibliography. Similarly, checking and even double check- ing seems not to have eliminated all errors, so that notations for an errata list will be greatly appreciated. ARRANGEMENT OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHY The first decision which must be made in compiling a bibliography is what feature common to all studies will take precedence over all others in determining the order in which the items are printed. Shall the bibli- ography be arranged according to author, to subject, to date of publication, or to the taxonomic position of the species of pri- mates studied? Perhaps the most common procedure is to list the items alphabetically by authors and to analyze them according to subject in an index, alphabetic or system- atic. This practice, in the opinion of the authors, ignores one of the principal values of the printed page, the opportunity to [xv] present to the eye a group of items having in common some fundamental relationship. An author-list throws together on the printed page works entirely without rela- tion to each other beyond the alphabetical accident of the authors’ parentage. This ob- jection is particularly weighty when we have to deal with such diverse materials as those included in this bibliography. For these reasons we have made sudject the primary basis for classification. On the other hand, wherever some other basis of classification seemed more suitable it has been used. For example, the literature to the beginning of the 19th Century has been arranged chron- ologically in three sections. Again, when structure or function does not lend itself to further subdivision, we have resorted to the species of animals studied for the basis of a finer classification. This has been done, for example, in “Habits in nature and captivity” and in certain of the anatomical sections where an organ as a whole (e.g., the con- figurational pattern of the cerebral cortex) has been extensively studied. Those ad- vantages inherent in an arrangement by authors can be largely gained by an index of authors, which has been provided. Having chosen to make structure the basis of classification of anatomical studies, the difficulty arises that a printed list is a strictly unidimensional frame into which must be fitted studies which have at least two parameters. If a system and its sub- divisions into organs is regarded as one par- ameter, a given study is also classifiable according to a second dimension, which is the aspect of the structure investigated. Along this dimension are found gross anat- omy, minute anatomy or histology, devel- opment and growth, variations and anoma- lies, and quantitative aspects studied by the techniques of physical anthropology. It is obvious that this is a true parameter because the body as a whole, a system, or an organ can be approached from any of these points of view. It was considered de- sirable to classify according to this param- eter in a subsidiary fashion. Therefore the chapter devoted to a system, and to smaller units than a system wherever justified by the volume of literature, is opened with an expansion for embryology, histology, di- mensions and weights, etc. In certain sec- tions, only cross reference numbers appear under these headings. Where the structural unit involved is a single organ or a bone we have followed the practice of entering such a paper under the structure and cross refer- encing to Histology, Embryology, or similar rubrics at the beginning of the section. This was done to avoid the confusion arising from over-fragmentation of the literature. Obviously many papers could be placed under more than one topic heading. The item is printed in full under the topic which seems to be the main theme of the paper, though sometimes this decision is difficult. Subsidiary themes are honored by listing the serial number at the end of the section devoted to that subject. Each section there- fore consists of a list of items printed in full, followed by a list of serial numbers that leads the reader to further literature of the subject. The extent to which monographs or articles which deal comprehensively with a system as a whole should be cross refer- enced presents a difficult problem. There seems little to be gained in cross referenc- ing such an article to each of the dozens of smaller topics with which it treats. Instead, such works are grouped together under the heading Comprehensive and general studies and constitute the first section for each chapter. Similarly, works dealing in a com- prehensive fashion with the body as a whole form the first chapter of the anatomical section after the opening chapter on em- bryology. Articles which are general in point of view or not truly comprehensive in scope tend to be cross referenced more, de- spite their lesser value, than works easily recognized as extensive monographs. In the preliminary classification of litera- ture in anatomy and physiology the com- pact, decimal notation provided by the Classification décimale universelle, Bruxelles, 1927-29, proved extremely useful. The final arrangement has departed somewhat from the Bruxelles scheme for anatomy and con- [ xvi ] siderably for physiology, especially for the nervous and reproductive systems. No ade- quate schedule of categories could be found for psychobiological literature. The one used owes much to Spence’s review of learn- ing and the higher mental processes in infrahuman primates (no. 3308) and to Comparative psychology, by Warden, Jen- kins and Warner (no. 3309). In it we have attempted to phrase the subject headings in non-mentalistic terms. It is scarcely necessary to dwell on the difficulties of classifying the literature of functional sciences, especially of psycho- biology, but a few words of explanation may assist the user. It early proved neces- sary to distinguish between experimental or controlled, systematic observational stud- ies and the large class of observational, anecdotal and “‘popular” literature which is grouped under Habits in nature and cap- tivity. The latter, being largely opportun- istic rather than systematic, defies classifi- cation under any topic heading and often analysis for the purpose of cross referenc- ing. By breaking it down according to family and genera, the volume of literature which needs be consulted is reduced. Where this type of literature deals with definite topics and in some detail, it is cross refer- enced to the expansion under experimental psychology. On the other hand, a few field- studies of a more formal and comprehen- sive character are included in the topical expansion, and this is especially true of studies of social and reproductive behavior where true experimenting is just commenc- ing. Though a more detailed classificatory scheme for psychobiology was initially de- vised, in the end it was found that only relatively large categories were feasible. Whatever the initial zeal, the discomforts of Procrustean categories soon convinced us of the folly of attempting to divide a literature where definite lines of cleavage do not exist. The section on the Phylogeny of the pri- mates requires a word of explanation. Since many of the anatomical papers are dis- cussed in relation to the problem of pri- mate phylogeny, we have tended wherever possible to throw articles to the system or organs described rather than to the rubric Phylogeny. Thus, for example, discus- sions of phylogeny which deal at all com- prehensively with all of the systems or with one system are usually assigned to the re- spective sections for comprehensive and general works. This, we feel, avoids unde- sirable dispersion of the literature dealing with a given structure. The section on Primate culture and methodology is the only one which truly suffers by dividing the bibliography into two parts. The literature of disease, so important to primate culture, will appear in the second volume under bacteriology and parasitology. STYLE AND FORM Serial number. References are cited by serial number in the Judex of authors and in the cross references coming at the end of each section. The literature to 1800 is cited by author with the number of the Introduction in which the item appears. A serial number marked with an asterisk indicates that the item has not been checked and analyzed from the original source; usually they have been checked from some bib- liographical source. Such unchecked items are estimated to constitute 1.6 per cent of the whole. Authors names. The surnames of authors are given as they appear in the original source. Authors’ names or initials in square brackets have been supplied. For journal literature, ini- tials were considered sufficient; but to distin- guish female authors their given names are spelled out. For books, theses, and other sepa- rate publications we have attempted to supply the full given name, and in the Historical in- troductions, the dates of birth and death as well, since this facilitates the finding of a book in the catalogues of large libraries. Titles. Separate publications are distinguished from periodical literature by writing their titles in italics, and their place of publication, etc. in roman. Titles, including subtitltes, are gener- ally given in full for articles and books pub- lished since 1800. Occasionally obvious errors have been corrected to avoid the supercilious [sic]. Capitals, in accordance with the modern tendency, have been avoided except where ab- solutely demanded by the usage of a given lan- guage, #.e., in German and Danish. Scientific [ xvii ] names of animals have been uniformly italicized with only the generic name capitalized regard- less of the typographic treatment in the orig- inal. Suprageneric names are capitalized but not italicized. These matters are considered to be within the province of the bibliographer since fidelity to the source (which may be capitalized throughout) is impossible. Theses, inaugural dissertations, etc. These are cited as books and in the conventional manner except that the publisher as well as the Univer- sity is given. To assist in locating these in librar- ies which do not catalogue this class of litera- ture by author, the “Faculty” is indicated by abbreviation in parentheses. Date of publication. The establishment of the actual date of publication, granting that agree- ment on what constitutes publication can be reached, is notoriously difficult. This is espe- cially true for the older files of journals, but also for certain current (though not modern) jour- nals. Where ascertainable from tables of con- tents, title pages or covers the actual date of issue is employed; as second choice any date placed on the title page by the editor as an offi- cial date is used. The printer’s date appearing as a part of his imprint is taken only as a last resort since it often represents merely the date of publication of the title page. For publications of societies the principal date (not enclosed in brackets) is the year for which the volume is published since this must often serve as a vol- ume number. Where the actual date of publica- tion is different it is usually given in square brackets. In this we have followed the practice of most libraries, which we feel is justified since the function of the bibliography is to lead the reader to the literature without confusion. Questions of priority, etc. are matters for sepa- rate investigation and textual comment. Collation. The number of a series is indicated by printing the series number in roman type and enclosing it in parentheses; it always immedi- ately precedes the volume number. “New se- ries” and “‘neue Folge” are indicated by “‘n.s.” and “‘n.f.” The volume number or its equivalent (tome, Band, année, Jahrgang, etc.) is denoted by anumber printed in bold-faced type. Number, Heft, fasciculus, half-volumes, etc. follow the volume number and are enclosed in parentheses, but are included only under two circumstances: (i) when the volume is not continuously paged; (ii) when the volume appears in two half-vol- umes. In the latter case, knowledge of the number of the half-volume often avoids con- fusion in withdrawing journals from libraries. Pagination, plates and tables. Final pages are invariably given. Failure to do this is false econ- omy of time and printers’ ink, which often causes inconvenience and waste of effort by concealing from the reader whether he has to deal with a paragraph abstract or an extensive monograph. For articles with separate pagina- tion, the total number of pages is written. Plates, tables, maps, etc. with a pagination distinct from the text are treated in a parallel fashion, i.e. inclusive numbers or total number being used depending on how they are num- bered. Titles in languages demanding a specialalpha- bet are not given in the original language, nor, with a few exceptions, are they transliterated. Such titles are, however, often given in transla- tion into one of the common languages; they are enclosed in parentheses when drawn from original publications having bilingual tables of contents and in square brackets when supplied. ABBREVIATION OF JOURNAL EES In this we have followed 4 world list of scientific periodicals published in the years 1900- 1933, 2nd ed., London, with occasional minor corrections of obvious errors. Abbreviations marked with an asterisk have not been found in the World list, and are expanded in an Ap- pendix, which should be consulted for further details. The abbreviations provided by the World list are admirable for the balance struck between compactness and completeness, and for the re- spect shown for usages in languages other than English. The abbreviations with a few excep- tions are self-explanatory, especially if the fol- lowing rules be noted. 1. Nouns have capital, adjectives small, initial letters. Exceptions are that in English titles, adjectives derived from proper names, as well as noun-adjectives, and adjectives used as nouns are capitalized. 2. Prepositions, articles and the conjunction “and” are omitted wherever possible. The latter or its equivalent is retained if the title consists only of two nouns connected by “and,” and where it connects broken com- pounds. [ xviii ] 3. Cognate words in all languages are reduced to the same form, differentiation being gained where necessary by adding the place of publication. 4. The place of imprint is omitted (if not a part of the title) except when needed to distin- guish periodicals with the same title, or when the abbreviated form leaves the language of the title in doubt. 5. In Germanic and Scandinavian languages compound words are abbreviated as though the different parts were distinct. With nouns no period or hyphen is used between the parts, which open with a capital letter. (For example, Entwicklungsmechanik be- comes EntwMech). The parts of compound adjectives are separated by period and a hyphen. 6. Abbreviations are followed by a period but true contractions are not. Though a useful distinction, this runs counter to habit and is difficult to follow, and seems not to be fol- lowed on occasions by the World /ist itself. 7. The following are a few of the more common abbreviations. Bl. Blatt or Blatter CoR: Comptes rendus G. Giornale Me Journal Jb. Jahrbuch Jber. Jahresbericht Jh. Jahresheft MbIl. Monatsblatt Mh. Monatsheft Mschr Monatsschrift P.V. Proces verbaux R.C Rendiconti Rep Report S.B. Sitzungsbericht Schr. Schrift Wbl. Wochenbl. Wschr Wochenschrift Le Zeitschrift Zbl. Zentralblatt and Centralblatt Ztg. Zeitung It should be kept in mind that the abbrevia- tions of publications of European scientific bodies refer to the scientific section of the so- ciety. The “Klasse” is given only when the society publishes more than one scientific jour- nal with the same name as is true, for example, of the Vienna Academy of Science. A further point is that the World list follows changes of title between 1900-33, as for example, Morph. Fb. becomes Gegenbaurs Fb. after 1903. How- ever, we have taken the earliest abbreviation to apply retroactively before 1900 despite small changes in title so long as continuity was clearly maintained. BRACKET MATERIAL Due to the diversity of subject matter, as well as the cost of publication, annotation by abstract or appraisal was considered impossible. However, the information set forthin the square brackets at the end of each reference consti- tutes what may be considered an objective an- notation in compact, codified form. The purpose of the data in these brackets is to give the reader some idea of the character and scope of a pub- lication. The plus signs denote on a three-point scale the degree to which the publication deals with the primates, and is used only when the title does not make this clear or is actually misleading. Thus +++ denotes that the paper is entirely or almost entirely based on the study of primate materials. A single + indicates that little attention has been given the primates, while two pluses (++) suggest that the treat- ment of the primates is substantial, roughly equal to that accorded all other forms. The size of the publication must of course be kept in mind. Plates, figures, tables and references. The re- mainder of the code up to the colon is designed to afford a rough index of the degree to which the publication is documented, and is to be interpreted as follows: ‘“‘p/” stands for plates which are included in the textual pagination; “f’ stands for figures, “‘?’’ for tables, and “‘r’”’ for references cited in the bibliography of the article. Figures, tables and references not num- bered in the source are described, for example, by “?”’, “nt,” or “ont,” meaning respectively that the article contains a few tables, that the tables are numerous, or that an exceptionally large number of tables have been used. The brackets have also been used to provide a word or phrase descriptive of the character or language of the publication, as for example, “abstract,” “review,” “‘lecture,” ‘‘annotated bibliography of literature.’ For publications in languages other than the principal ones, or articles difficult of access, especially when they have not been seen in the original, an abstract is sometimes cited. Occasionally publications that are related but do not appear contiguously [ xix] in the bibliography are reciprocally cross referenced. _ Primate genera. A species index was consid- ered carefully but finally abandoned on the grounds of expense as well as serviceability in favor of a codified indication of the genera of primates on which each study is based. The practice followed, we believe, enables the user of the bibliography to determine, by a few min- utes spent in scanning the brackets, all of the papers in which a given genera, family, or larger taxonomic group has been studied with reference to any given topic. A user wishing to isolate all of the items dealing with a given genera for all subjects or for a wide range of subjects will encounter more difficulty, but a certain effort may be expected from one of such catholic interests. The scheme adopted seems to present some real advantages. The animals studied can be learned at the same time the title is read, so that the listing of animals further annotates the entry. The needs of the user who wishes to enter the bibliography with a genus, a family, a division or a suborder are equally well served, whereas an index by genera would involve considerable (repetitive) searching to get out the items dealing with groups larger than genera. In a species index the subject head- ings are necessarily coarser than those used in the text unless the equivalent of our table of contents be reprinted for each of the genera. Finally, many indexes ignore the subsidiary topics, owing to the numbers of index entries required. For example, a study of the bones, muscles and nerves of the fore and hind limbs in ten genera of animals would require sixty en- tries in the index. This problem does not arise with our arrangement because the subject cross references lead back to the main entry where the animals studied can be discovered. The nomenclature of the primates is notori- ously confusing; the use of names varies con- siderably between countries and in different epochs and the occasional exclusive use of com- mon names is a further problem. The materials studied by anatomists and physiologists have often been incorrectly or loosely diagnosed. We have attempted to translate the names as used into a reasonably modern terminology, but in handling such a vast amount of detail errors of all sorts have certainly been made, and we can only hope that these are not sufficiently grave and frequent to be troublesome. The determination of the correct name apart from purely terminological considerations is, we feel, a matter for special research on the part of specialists and not properly a part of such a work as this. The abbreviations and contractions of the names of animals are designed to be mnemonic and self-evident to anyone acquainted with the currently favored name of the animal in which he is interested. They are based upon Flower’s well considered list, built out from various sources for genera not included in his list. It will be noted that the contractions are coined by leaving out vowels and that for short names, especially for the South American mon- keys, an abbreviation is used. To obtain a brief, distinctive contraction of long, compound names, the first part of the name is represented by a single letter or contraction and the second part by a single letter, preceded by a hyphen, “” standing always for “-pithecus,” “-c” for “cebus,” “I” for “-lemur,” ‘“-m’’ for “-midas,” and ‘‘-mc”’ for “-mico.’”’ Contractions for the names of families or suborders have been used in a few instances. The contractions are expanded in the follow- ing list, which gives first the name on which the contraction is based and in parentheses Elliot’s equivalent where that differs by more than a simple variation in spelling. Gr Gorilla Pn Pan Png Pongo Hyl Hylobates Symph Symphalangus Prsb Presbytis (Pithecus, Pygathrix) Nas Nasalis Simias Simias Rhn-p_Rhinopithecus Clb Colobus Cp Cercopithecus (Lasiopyga, Rhi- nostigma & Miopithecus) Ery-c Erythrocebus Cc Cercocebus Mc Macaca (Pithecus, Simia, Magus) Cyn-p Cynopithecus Thr-p Theropithecus Pp Papio Mndr Mandrillus (Papio) Aot Aotes Callicebus Pithecia [xx] Chirop Cacaj Saim Ceb Lag Brchyt Atl Al Hap Myst Oed-m Leon-c Cal-mc Lm Lp-l Hp-l Chiroptes Cacajao Saimiri Cebus Lagothrix Brachyteles Ateles Alouatta Hapale (Callithrix) Mystax (Cercopithecus & Leon- tocebus) Oedipomidas Leontocebus Callimico Lemur Lepilemur (Lepidolemur) Hapalemur (Myoxicebus) [ xxi ] Mcer-c Chrg Pr-p Avh Indr Lor Nyct-c Prdct Arct-c Glg Daub Tars ttt Microcebus Cheirogaleus Propithecus Avahi (Lichanotus) Indris Loris Nycticebus Perodicticus Arctocebus Galago & Hemigalago Daubentonia Tarsius Fossil primates rey oe ae vey Sy dine ct my wl a i ¥ Ht wad Wah " Pi Ma ah J Table of Contents Acknowledgments................... vi Introduction by John F. Fulton........ xl Author's Introduction ................- XV HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRIMATE BIOL- OGY TO 1800 Ancient World & Middle Ages......... 3 iGthyelvithi Centuries. +401 ein. a 5 NStHCEneuny! p46 acipse on dsm sea es ia ANATOMY EMBRYOLOGY Sperm & spermatogenesis.............. 13 Ovumicovogzenesis..4. 4 set shells vcr 13 Early embryonic stages & placentation.. 14 Primates 4m) SEneral... 23-08: aaa ei 14 Pongidae &§ Hylobatidae............. 14 GenCOpitheciagen. hace 4- 952) jh oe 14 Cebidae &8 Hapalidae...............- 5 Lemuroidea & Tarstoidea............ 15 Foetus & foetal growth............... 16 IPTUINGIES IN SENET Gl = je 22 ae yee ole 16 Pongidae &§ Hylobatidae............. 17 (COROT 5 aa ee adndoneon seen oe 17 Celidae SS Hapaltagean ss cclvaie e\ 17 Lemuroidea &§ Tarstoidea............ 18 GENERAL MORPHOLOGY Comprehensive & general studies....... 19 TEU THOR TE ean oe 6 ob bob pba one toe 19 Pongidae 8 Hylobatidae............. 20 GerCOPURECLAGE s ioral 5 2 Stet shy eh bos 22 Cebidae & Hapalidae................ 22 Lemuroidea & Tarstoidea............ 22 Regionalianatomye «= -jariaae ce sate es - 24 Thoracic, abdominal & pelvic cavities. 24 Wpperextremitys 2. -sos50e2mos dose 25 Mowerlextremity,..< =: ssese- si 25 xternalkanatomy sane as soe feces 26 Body dimensions & proportions........ 26 Postnatal growth & age changes........ 27 Mieratologyanssson ce cuos faagee Soe 28 CIRCULATORY & LYMPHATIC SYSTEMS Comprehensive & general studies. . . Dimensions, weights, &c........... Histology ja-525 ueiotet ee een eee Embryologyee- eee rete Anomalies... su). Anise Seek eee Heart Ga pericardium: eee eer Aorta & pulmonary arteries............ Carotid arteries & its branches......... Subclavian artery & its branches....... Abdominal aorta & its branches........ Iliac artery & its branches............. WVeinse chacakateena ce ate tet tet earners Spleeniy Fac socer ocle occ tha deare ere THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Comprehensive & general studies. . . Dimensions, weights, &c........... Histologyacnc see o eer saya Embryolosyaere cae eee Anomaliese..c a seae neces eek External nose & nasal passages......... Manyinx 6 laryngeal sce... mses eer Trachea, bronchi & lungs.............. Bleuralé& mediastinum’) 95 year Diaphragmisse seo oe ee el eee THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Comprehensive & general studies. . . Dimensions, weights, &c.......... Histology:223iic cite even werent cra Embryology aces. aoe Anomialiési:: «ira S32 SR oe Mouths ..s% calac Minin cee eae fl Koyo) =40l Mee REN tc hr ei eteo bins alc.oi6.4 0 Rharynx & ocsophagusmen seer er Stomachtt i: hcg as cee ee Intestines. cade arate torte Ras Rlectumc“anus aaa rei Bivencvcalliibladderteerssertt nner Pancreas ca ciara err see he ee ee | xxiii ] THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS SD TOLGA ia pry elsesachevere sears eieea la een Bara thyrordiae See aN onic alin alu Adrenalitgey. graccct enn aaa ae THE UROGENITAL SYSTEM Comprehensive & general studies... Dimensions, weights, &c.......... Elistologyien acme ce eee Embnyology-rcnen ese ne Anomaliess pee iene eae eee Kadneyseviuretershsnnis ncaa ete: Urinary bladder & urethra............. Male:cenitaliorgans-)- cine) eae ee Bemish eet cries vtaatt sash acie oe a ae Weenushy te yee eye a Ee Bot Ee Lae Vagina & external genitalia............ Mammanyjclandsay sehen ose OSTEOLOGY, ARTHROLOGY & SYNDESMOLOGY Skeleton as a whole Comprehensive & general studies. . . Osleometny enamel Tistologysnaunect yey eh eae Embryologyse snr ctience acces Anomalies snnpyac acount etree ee Axial & appendicular skeleton Wertebrallcolumnven sarees eee ee ee General morphology.............. @steometrynaieneeniee cae: Anomalies crit aos eele Atlanto-epistrophic-occipital joints...... Séernum ribs sashes sort isees ae Clayicle Siscapulayan ey ee eens eva Humerus, radius & ulna............... Carpus, metacarpus & phalanges....... Belwvisi@ahip=joint eine eee. apa Hemunmtibiarcatibula severe eae Knee sjointienjare eta nolan sia are Said Tarsus, metatarsus & phalanges........ Skull as a whole Comprehensive & general studies....... Primatesiinceneral aie ae: Pongidae & Hylobatidae............. GCraniometryiniencc cone eee Dimensions, angles & indices......... Asymmetry, ofithe skull. 22/3422. oe. Sexi differencesiiniskullly. je ey sme Cranialicapacityane sneer Cranio-cerebral relations & the endo- Ce Fobie) eeW MOURA AA Suet oar dl 66 Embryology & age changes............ 66 Chondrocranium & foetal development 66 Age changes in\siculli acy ree 66 Anomaliestotithe's kullia seis re ee eeee 67 Specialimorphology:ny ene anes 68 Sutures, fontanelles, &c.............; 68 Pterion & post-orbital region......... 69 Bhelorbicawen gases cee ne ete 70 Nasal fossa & nasal bone............ 70 Baranasalisinuses ees ee beer eee 71 Craniopharyngeal canal............. 72 Cranial bones Occipitaliiboneseeee ae ece eel oe eee 72 Sphenoidt bones espe reer ere eee eeeeee 73 Memporalibonesssseeneer een eee enee 73 Parietal) bonene cane osen eee 74 Frontal, ethmoid, lacrymal & vomer.... 74 Facial bones Masala écpalatinum cere eeereeneee 75 Fisk 0 1 PE ROIS Horeca AG EO Ot .bd. big: 75 Mandible &osihyoideseen ase 76 Temporomandibular joint............. 77 THE TEETH Generalimorphology;. 2.2 sae 78 Odontometry A26-sh sce cee 80 Histology ecco. nso ede aoa 81 Embryology & dentitions.............. 81 Anomalies (i) siem scceetrecisce a epee 81 MUSCULAR SYSTEM & INTEGUMENT Comprehensive & general studies....... 84 Muscles ofithelbacks-meraece ener toe 85 Musclesiofithetheadt.se)ie ane 86 Facialigroupsesoesi ese ee eee 86 Craniomandibular group............ 87 Muscles of thenecka..-.05- eee eee 88 Miuscles/ofithe thoraxas-eeee eee eee 88 Muscles of the abdomen............... 89 Muscles of the perineum.............. 90 Appendicular musculature............. 90 Shoulderi&jarmerenus ee eee 91 Horearmyez hand) eeeieerion eee 91 Hipi&ithighie ana aceeie ee ae 92 Beg Be foots eee ee ee i ae 93 Dhe skini@itsjappendages.s..4 4. e ee 94 (he skarrne) ag cel val aiteedes svete cvehsnaie heated 94 Epidermalliridges; pads, c/s). eaere 96 Flair atic set Rina ou aera 97 Nails eae uu Ae ete ae A eRe S 98 NERVOUS SYSTEM & SENSE ORGANS The brain as a whole Comprehensive & general studies....... 99 Primates in general.......-.2...0005 99 Pongidae 8 Hylobatidae............. 100 Gercopithectaaeiann neta se) 2) i))= 102 Cebidae &8 Hapalidae...............- 102 Lemuroidea & Tarstoidea............ 103 Cyto- & myeloarchitecture............. 103 Brain weight & indices.............--- 104 Embryology & age changes..........-- 106 Special morphology............+++++-- 106 Ventricles, ependyma, choroid plexus, meninges, microglia, &c............ 106 Cerebral arteries & veins...........-. 107 The cerebral cortex Hrontallobesinjeities cece cle cele siaaterst 108 Morphology—gyri & sulci........... 108 Cyto- & myeloarchitecture........... 108 Projections—pyramidal tract........ 109 Parietal, occipital & temporal lobes..... 110 Morphology—gyri & sulci........... 110 Cyto- & myeloarchitecture........... 111 Corticofugal projections............. 111 Bihewnsulacigrcaciaecsisra sects eke ste wspersicvers 112 Morphology ccieiriiccania acai 112 Cyto- & myeloarchitecture........... 112 Mheirhinencephalon’ « 20-.8- > 113 Morphology, cyto- & myeloarchitec- (Gio 6 Job donoDOOoDUoOOUDOOOONnS 113 iber tracts: an tcrevemclrsiteuoels sy eayatore 113 Corpus callosum, association fibers, &c... 113 Basal ganglia, diencephalon, cerebellum & brain-stem Comprehensive & general studies....... 113 Basallicangliaiirss: fc ctere srayscisteercleyshaie acre 114 Morphology & cytoarchitecture...... 114 @onnectionste oes ete re eee cine 114 Thalamus & geniculate bodies.......... 114 Nuclei & cytoarchitecture........... 114 Afferent & efferent projections....... 115 Mihalamus'.yA..5.cyaxehfaesls deve ctercharcwels 115 Lateral geniculate body........... 116 Medial geniculate body........... 116 Hypothalamus & subthalamus......... 116 Ely pophiysishae ease eee tannele sec 117 Epithalamus—pineal gland............ 117 Wesencephalonhene sete acicierae 118 Gerebelltim sige csc ci cie ne enenste Seno 119 Morphology sirens seeinieeettele cial 119 Cytoarchitecture & connections...... 120 Pons & medulla oblongata............. 120 Spinal cord General morphology.................. 121 Gray cellEcolummsssatteriord-iteials 121 Biber traction cas Gee ore atte an 122 Posterior & anterior roots............. 123 Cranial & spinal nerves & the sympa- thetic nervous system Cranial nerves & ganglia. ............. 123 Functional anatomy of spinal roots..... 124 Cervico-brachial plexus & nerves of neck @uppenextremityzen seer rears 124 Lumbo-sacral plexus & nerves of trunk & lower extremity.o. 040s seco eee 125 Sympathetic nerves, ganglia & plexuses.. 126 Sense organs Whe ye esa 34 sare oe eae ee 127 Reetiria a s.s\)5csvescapepsratevsionas 3 detent te ee 128 Middlel&unternalicaraysmesiecee eerie: 129 Externaltearss. scence sere ee 129 Olfactory & gustatory organs.......... 130 Sense organs of skin, muscles, viscera, &c. 130 PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY BLOOD & CIRCULATION ; RESPIRATION Gellsiof the blood jss 5 45.. soneenee 133 Physical & chemical properties......... 133 Serology—-precipltinSe epee eee 134 Serology—blood groups.............-- 135 Hematopoiesis & hemolysis............ 136 Mhecirculationseceese en eee eter 136 Whe heart) gic s cae wy aetegeerseres 136 Vasomotor nerves & reflexes........... 137 Respiration: oc qos en eee ee 137 DIGESTION, NUTRITION & METABOL- ISM; KIDNEY & WATER BALANCE Motor & secretory functions........... 138 Liver & bile... osihec sacs ener ee 138 Diet & deficiency diseases............. 138 Generals esac cisua ceo eee eee 138 VitamincA:. 3 ) Sa a8 Se eee 138 VitaminvB-croupaiaecieeitteyserler 139 Vitamin GC: 32.c0 Lease Benes 139 VitamineD.. ). hci eee es ets 139 Metabolism; 20s, 256 Ge ueaeoe mace 140 General oun. (oases teense yet sya 140 Carbohydrate metabolism........... 140 Batimetabolismm@macee eres asenticiele 140 Nitrogenous metabolism............. 140 Mineral)metabolism yer. 2 4242-1 141 Kidney & water balance............... 141 [xxv] ENDOCRINE GLANDS Mhyroidiglandseeevnceere eee eke sale 142 Rarathyroidiglandiastye see ee 142 AUraetces Jones AUER OU ae eer natG cs 142 JXalzanell alanavels) op mad doadoosbiciauaeede.c 142 Bituitagysclandesr ecard: cei 143 Pars intermedia & posterior.......... 143 Rarstantenloniscayacieenicn eeaee ee 143 Serum & urine gonadotrophic substances. 143 ANIMAL HEAT Basal metabolism & calorimetry........ 145 Body temperature & its regulation...... 145 REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT Generalen sins craic niterensiiys neta ema: 146 Male reproductive organs.............. 146 IMaleisexyhormonescyeeene re ereh cree 146 General biology of the oestrus cycle... .. 146 Experimentalloestrusicycle.en- ea 148 lormonalifactorseee seein aes ae 148 INeuralifactorsjemiereeie ane: 149 Ovanyacnovulationhenen ceri) cst: 149 Ovariectomy & transplantation....... 150 Ovarian hormones per se............ 150 Uterus & Fallopian tubes.............. 150 Va pita ah peso arty elo ee 8 pal atte ah au ule 151 Sexuallskinteneet wierxariieird crac draphiate 152 Mammary glands & lactation.......... 152 Pregnancy; Ce ipanturition.. 0)... 9.4.65. 153 BreedingiseasonMas erin ee eitees setae 154 Infancy, puberty, maturity & senescence. 154 Won BevaGyetie ce smritacroris saesiescisctecie 155 MUSCLES & SKIN IV Inis cloning ices nto iincue ns iescie ts ueate Cyn puy: 156 Skint Qzihaimsnenret myabaacnrema heparan Nelle. 156 NERVOUS SYSTEM & SENSE ORGANS Peripheral nervous system Cerebrum & cerebral cortex General & comprehensive.............. 157 Circulation & cerebrospinal fluid....... 158 Decortication & decerebration......... 159 Excitability & electrical activity........ 159 Gorticalllocalizationssere oes eee 160 Psy chomotonitunctionsae seater 160 Frontal lobe—stimulation......... 160 Frontal lobe—ablation............ 162 Frontal lobe—association areas..... 163 Occipital, parietal & temporal lobes. 163 Autonomic functions............... 164 Sensory, LunctionS. see ee 164 General & comprehensive.......... 164 Vision nes Vals sinc Gee Re eee eee 165 earings ce esate eee 165 Somaticisensation= aes see eee 165 Subcortex & the brain-stem Corpus callosum & internal capsule, &c.. 166 Basalicangliatnr ne peri lene 166 iBhalamusiGr ee ee bee ere tea 166 iy pothalamiusiesauins te oc ensa asae eee 166 Nlesencephalon Noy seein. «ee 167 Cerebellum & its peduncles............ 167 Medullarsaponsaa sneer ena 168 Medulla—the pyramids............... 168 Spinal cord Ascending & descending tracts......... 169 Spinal transection & spinal “‘shock’’..... 169 Spinal reflexes & reflexes in general..... 169 Sense organs Retina copticmenyes- ee eee eee eecee 169 Pupil, accommodation & diopterics..... 170 Movements of the eyes & lids.......... 170 Cochlear & labyrinthine functions. ..... 170 Cutaneous & muscle sensibility......... 170 Sympathetic & parasympathetic systems 170 PHARMACOLOGY Anesthetics e2 analgesicsese ena eee 171 Bulbocapnines sees acce se one 171 Phesopiates eestor ere oe eee Ree 171 Miscellaneousmanmerie aera 171 PSYCHOBIOLOGY Reviews, textbooks, monographs, &c.... 175 Comprehensive experimental monographs 175 Methodology & apparatus............. 175 RECEPTIVE CAPACITIES Primary, visual capacitiess- 1. eee 177 Secondary visual processes...........--. 177 Primary, auditory capacities.:........-- 179 Secondary auditory processes.......-..-. 179 Gustatione7olfactionaa.-eoeree seen 179 Somaticisensibilityascermenaerion= ence 179 THE ACTION SYSTEM Locomotion @z;postures-— eee 180 Voluntanyractionls ae eeae ener 180 Food & feeding; Drinking............. 180 [ xxvi ] Sleep & shelter; Hibernation........... 180 Vocalization & communication......... 180 Emotional expression.............+-.. 181 Protective & aggressive activities....... 181 TREE Tren pe Res ich dla. AA Cid eyoteno c o1e ac 181 Behavior tendencies or temperament.... 181 MATURATION OF BEHAVIOR...... 182 MOTIVATION OF BEHAVIOR....... 182 MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR Conditioned @neHexesis meric tol verte 183 MinialvGuertonlearning.. 424-74 eeee- 183 Discrimination learning............. 183 Problem=box learning e-).4-1> sre ae 184 Serial or maze learning, &c........... 184 finitationall learnings yeti sel 184 INTELLIGENT BEHAVIOR; INSIGHT ; IDEATION Mnemonic capacities;os. sm. eia- se ciel 185 Ideational (symbolic) behavior......... 185 Mnsiehtfull behavior.) ess. 44s. sei 186 REPRODUCTIVE & SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Prmanyasex behavionaeacanen ee ease ae 188 Maternal & paternal behavior.......... 188 Social groups & socially significant be- EADIE Aes Sener oa Gene naD YOe tana ae 189 MISCELLANEOUS Hypnosis, catalepsy & Inactive states.. 190 Psychopathology & unadaptive behavior 190 OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY (Habits in nature & captivity) Primates tn cencralne ny seis: 191 Pongidae &8 Hylobatidae............... 192 Phe corsllas sects seas aan nae eee 193 The chimpanzee acc ea een ke 194 Dheloranc-oulais = asec sneer 196 Hylobates & Symphalangus............. 197 Gerncopithectages eee eee ee eee ee 197 Cebidacts Hapalidae... eee 199 We MUroideah iierneccaroave tds cisternae ene 200 DGPStO1deEG? oc ieraca ales we ste ap nei eveke cert 201 MISCELLANEOUS BIBLIOGRAPHIES Phylogeny of the primates............. 205 Institutions for research & exhibition... 207 Primate culture & methodology........ 208 Conservationy-:/i:5.,crlecieais Cota eine 209 Primates in mythology & superstition; nativellependsaW&clan yd aeeee mies 209 Primatessiniart-9.2.0.-e eo eee ee 210 APPENDIX: A KEY TO ABBREVIA- TIONS NOT IN THE WORLD LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS......... 211 INDEX OF AUTHORS. .....:. 2.3. 215 Historical Introduction Bibliographical Materials for a History of Primate Biology to 1800 Introduction I Knowledge of the Primates in the Ancient World & Middle Ages ARISTOTLE [384-322 B.C.]. Historia animalium. Translated into English by D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson. Vol. 4 in: The works of Aristotle, J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross, ed., Oxford, 1910, xv, 633 pp., 8°. See also: McDermott, W. C., 1938, v. infra. BONACELLI, B. La scimmia in Etruria. Studi Etruschi,* 1932, 6, 341-382, pls. 14-16. CAVERHILL, J. Some attempts to ascertain the utmost extent of the knowledge of the ancients in the East Indies. Philos. Trans., 1767, 57, 155-178. DAREMBERG, Charles V. [1817-1872]. CEuvres anatomiques, physiologiques et médicales de Galien [etc.]. Paris: J. B. Bailliére, vol. 1, 1854, xvi, 706 pp.; vol. 2, 1856, 786 pp. DAVELDY, C. Dr. Karl Emil Illing—Der Periplus des Hanno. (Programm des Wettiner Gymnasiums, Dresden, 1899, Nr. 566.) Rev. Ec. Anthrop. Paris, 1899, 9, 357-363. [Review] DUREAU de LAMALLE, A. J. C. A. Mémoire sur le grand gorille du Gabon, Troglo- dytes gorilla, déterminant la limite de la navigation d’Hannon le long des cétes de |’ Afrique occiden- tale. Ann. Sci. nat., (Zool.), 1851, (3), 16, 183- 192. EHRENBERG, Christian Gottfried [1795-1876]. Uber den Cynocephalus der Agyptier nebst eini- gen Betrachtungen uber die agyptische Mythe des Thot und Sphinx vom naturhistorischen Stand- punkte. 46h. Akad. Wiss. Berl. (physikal. Ki.), 1833, 337-367, 4 pls. EHRENBERG, C. G. Uber den Cynocephalus und den Sphinx der Agyp- ter und iiber das Wechselverhaltniss des Affen und Menschen. Berlin: Druckerei der. K. Akad. der Wissenschaften, 1834, 31 pp., 4 pls. FREUDENBERG, W. Ein Schimpansenbild aus dem Mittelalter. Z. Sdugetierk., 1929, 4, 64, pl. 10. [Pr] GALEN. See Daremberg, C. V.; Ullrich, F.; McDermott, W. C., Intr. I. HANNO. [c. 500 B.C.]. The Periplus of Hanno; a voyage of discovery down the West African coast, by a Carthaginian admiral [3] of the fifth century B.C. Translated from the Greek, by Wilfred H. Schoff. Philadelphia: The Commercial Museum, 1912, 28 pp. HANNO. The voyage of Hanno, translated, and accompanied with the Greek text [etc.]|. By Thomas Falconer. London: T. Cadell jun. & Davis, 1797, viii, 105 pp., 3 maps. See also: Daveluy, C.; Dureau de Lamalle; Joleen, L.; Mahoudeau, P.-G.; Riese, A.; Schmid, von HEUSINGER, Carl Friederich [1792-1883]. Vier Abbildungen des Schadels der Simia satyrus, von verschiedenen Alter, zur Aufkldrung der Fabel von Oran utan. Marburg: Christian Garthe, 1838, 44 pp., 4 pls., 4°. [esp. Png] HIPPOLYTE-BOUSSAC, P. Excursion a la nécropole des cynocéphales sacrés. Naturaliste, 1905, (2), 19, 185-187. [++ 4f: Pp] HOPFNER, T. Der Tierkult der alten Aegypter nach den griech- ischroemischen Berichten und den wichtigeren Denkmaelern. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien., Phil.-hist. Ki., 1914, 57, no. 2, 26-32. IMBERT, Henri Les grands singes connus des anciens Chinois. Hanoi-Haiphong: Imprimerie d’Extréme-Orient, 1922, 11 pp., 1 pl. JOLEAUD, L. L’origine du nom du _ gorilla. Paris, 1936, 46, 525-528. KELLER, Otto [1838- ]. Thiere des classischen Alterthums in culturge- schichtlicher Beziehung. Innsbruck: Wagner, 1887, ix, 488 pp., 8°. KELLER, O. Die antike Tierwelt. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engel- mann, 1909, vol. 1, xii, 434 pp., 3 pls. KILLERMANYN, S. Das Tierbuch des Petrus Candidus geschrieben 1460, gemalt im 16. Iahrhundert (Codex Vati- canus Urb. lat. 276.). Zool. Ann., 1914, 6, 114- 221, 8 pls. KILLERMANN, S. Zur Kenntnis der Menschenaffen im Mittelalter. Z. Séugetierk., 1931, 6, 227-229, pl. 24. Anthropologie, Ancient world & middle ages LICHTENSTEIN, Anton August Heinrich [1753- 1816]. Commentatio philologica de simiarum quotquot veteribus innotuerunt, formis, earumque nominibus, pro specimine methodi qua historia naturalis vete- rum ad systema naturae Linnaeanum_exigenda atque adornanda. Hamburgi: B. G. Hoffmann, 1791, 80 pp. LORTET, [V.] & GAILLARD, C. La faune momifée de l’ancienne Egypte et re- chérches anthropologiques (3°, 4°, et 5° Séries). Arch. Mus. Hist. nat., Lyon, 1909, 10, 336 pp., 9 pls. 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Sci. nat., 1915, 7, 67-76, pl. 7. aG=p) 21. Evans, H. M. & Swezy, Olive. Ovogenesis and the normal follicular cycle in adult mam- malia. Mem. Univ. Calif., 1931, 9, 119-224, pls. 19-36. [+ 16f-nr: Mc] 22. Gérard, P. Etudes sur Vovogenése et lontogenése chez les lmuriens du genre Ga/ago. Arch. Biol., Paris, 1932, 43, 93-151, pls. 6-10. [16f-nr: Lm WNyct-c Gilg] 23. Gérard, P. Contribution a l’étude de Povaire des mammiféres. L’ovaire de Galago mos- sambicus (Young). Arch. Biol., Paris, 1920, 30, 357-392. [3f-35r: Gig] 24. League, Bessie & Hartman, C.G. Anovu- lar Graafian follicles in mammalian ovaries. Anat. Rec., 1925, 30, 1-13. [+ 2pl-6r: Mc] 25. Lewis, W. H. & Hartman, C. G. Early cleavage stages of the egg of the monkey (Maca- cus rhesus). Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1933, 24, 187-202, 2 pls. [6f-lir: Mc| 26. Narayan Rao, C. R. On the structure of the ovary and the ovarian ovum of Loris lydek- kerianus, Cabr. Quart. F. micr. Sci., 1927, n.s., 71, 57-74, pls. 8-9. [2f-10r: Lor] 27. Pollak, W. Uber Kristalloide in Eizellen von Macacus rhesus. Anat. Anz., 1926, 61, 202- 204. Abstr.: Lotos, 1925, 73, 69-70. [Uf: Mc] See also: 715, 718, 1227, 2753. [13] [Anat. 28-53] EARLY EMBRYONIC STAGES & PLACENTATION PRIMATES IN GENERAL 28. Eternod, A. C. F. L’anse veineuse vitel- line des primates (homme et quadrumanes). C. R. Ass. Anat., 1902, 4, 103-110. [++ 2f] 29. Grosser, O. Vergleichende und mensch- liche Placentationslehre. In: Biologie und Patho- logie des Weibes. J. Halban and L. Seitz, ed., Berlin und Wein: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1925, 6, 1 Teil, 1-162 pp. 30. Grosser, Otto. Friihentwicklung, Eihaut- bildung und Placentation des Menschen und der Sdugetiere. Minchen: J. F. Bergmann, 1927, viii, 454 pp. 31. Hill, J. P. The developmental history of the primates. [Croonian Lecture]. Philos. Trans. 1932, B, 221, 45-178, pls. 1-21. [17f-nr: Gr Hyl Prsb Nas Mc Saim Ceb Hap Lor Nyct-c Gilg Tars) 32. Robinson, A. Lectures on the early stages in the development of mammalian ova, and on the differentiation of the placenta in different groups of mammals. Lecture III. ¥. Anat., Lond., 1904, 38, 485-502, pl. 54. [+ based on Selenka] 33. Selenka, E. Affen Ostindiens. Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1891-92, 1, 195-208, pls. 35-40. [Hyl Prsb Nas Me] 34. Selenka, E. Blattumkehr im Ei der Affen. Biol. Zbl., 1898, 18, 552-557, 808-809; 1899, 19, 175-176. {++ 11f-cf.90: Hyl Nas Me Tars] 35. Selenka, E. Entwickelung des Gibbon (Hylobates und Siamanga). Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1899-1900, 2, 163-208, pl. 11. [34f: Hyl Symph Nas Mc] 36. Selenka, E. Zur vergleichenden Keimes- geschichte der Primaten. Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1903, 3, 329-373, pl. 12. [67f-lt: Png Hyl Prsbh Nas Mc] 37. Strahl, H. & Happe, H. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis von Affenplacenten. Anat. Anz., 1904, 24, 454-464. [Nas Al} 38. Strahl, H. & Happe,H. Uber die Placenta der Schwanzaffen. Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1905, 4, 492-551, pls. 13-55. [Prsh Nas Me Ceb All 39. Wislocki, G. B. On the placentation of primates, with a consideration of the phylogeny of the placenta. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1929, 20, 51-80, 7 pls. [1f-2t-6 or: Gr Hyl Clb Mc Ceb Atl All See also: 103, 104, 111a, 112, 666. PONGIDAE & HYLOBATIDAE 40. Elder, J. H., Hartman, C. G. & Heuser, C. H. A ten and one-half day chimpanzee em- bryo, “Yerkes A.” F. Amer. med. Ass., 1938, 111, 1156-1159. [1f-7r: Pn] EMBRYOLOGY 41. Frankenberger, Z. Pupetnik gorily. [Um- bilical cord of the gorilla.] Bratislavske lekérs. List., 1929, 9, 728-732, pl. 11. [3f-Engl. abstr.: Gr] 42. Strahl, H. Uteri gravidi des Orang-Utan. Anat. Anz., 1902, 22, 170-175. [Png] 43. Strahl, H. Primaten-Placenten. Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1903, 4, 417-491. [+++ 58: Png Hyl] 44, Wislocki,G.B. Gravid reproductive tract and placenta of the chimpanzee. Amer. F. phys. Anthrop., 1933, 18, 81-92, 3 pls. [Pz] See also: 119, 120, 3956. CERCOPITHECIDAE 45. Bolk, L. Beitrage zur Affen-Anatomie. I. Untersuchungen am schwangeren Uterus von Semnopithecus. Morph. Fb., 1900, 28, 565-623, pl. 30.—Bemerkung zu meiner Abhandlung. Anat. Anz., 1901, 20, 95-96. (Irrige Bestimmung des Materials. Arbeit als nicht existierend zu betrachten.) [24f-21r: See above] 46. Chapman, H. C. Placenta of Macacus cynomologus. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 1879, 146-147. [Mc] 47. Coventry, A. F. The placenta of the Guinea baboon (Cynocephalus papio, Desmar.). Anat. Rec., 1923, 25, 237-255. [4p/-1f: Pp] 48. Duckworth, W.L.H. The histology of the early placenta of Macacus nemestrinus. Proc. Camb. phil. Soc., 1907, 14, 299-312, pls. 4-11. [Mc] 48a. Frommolt, G. Uber die Makakuspla- zenta. Z. Geburtsh. Gynak., 1931, 100, 168-170. [ Abstr.] 49. Frommolt, G. Untersuchungen an Maka- ken. I. Mitteilung: Der Makakenuterus am Ende der Graviditat. Z/. Gyné@k., 1931, 55, (2), 1768— 1775. [9f: Me] 50. Hart, D. B. & Gulland, G. L. The anatomy of advanced pregnancy in Macacus rhesus studied by frozen sections, by casts and microscopically. 7. dnat., Lond., 1893, 27, 361— 376, pl. 22. [2f-19r: Mc] 51. Herberg, H. P. Die Utero-Placentarge- fasse bei Makaken. Z. mikr.-anat. Forsch., 1935, 37, 1-15. [7f: Mc] 52. Hertig, A. T. Angiogenesis in the early human chorion and in the primary placenta of the macaque monkey. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1935, 25, 37-82, 5 pls. [++ 3f-5t-nr: Mc] 52a. Heuser, C.H. Early development of the primitive mesoblast in embryos of the rhesus mon- key. Coop. Res., Carneg. Instn.,* 1938, 383-388, 3 pls. [Mc] 53. Keith, A. [Uterus of Macacus rhesus.] F. Anat., Lond., 1900, 34, xlvi—xlviii. [1f-abstr.: Mc] [14] Early embryonic stages & placentation [Anat. 54-81] 54. Kollmann, J. Ueber die Entwicklung der Placenta bei den Makaken, Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 465-479. [6f-25r: Mc] 55. Retterer, E. Structure des disques placen- taires du macaque rhésus. C. R, Soc. Biol., Paris, 1915, 78, 323-327. [Mc] 56. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. Disques pla- centaires d’un macaque rhésus. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1915, 78, 271-274. [Mc] 57. Rolleston, [G]. On the placental struc- tures of the tenrec (Centetes ecaudatus), and those of certain other Mammalia; with remarks on the value of the placental system of classification. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1863 [1866], 5, 285-316, pl. 50. [+ mr: Me] 58. Selenka, E. Zur Entwicklung der Affen. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1890, (2), 1257-1262. [Prsb Mc] 59. Selenka, E. Atypische Placentation eines altweltlichen Schwanzaffen. Ann. Fard. bot. Buitenz., [1898], Suppl. 2, 85-88. [Prsd] 60. Selenka, E. Placentaranlage des Lutung (Semnopithecus pruinosus, von Borneo). S. B. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1901, 31, 3-14, 2 pls. [5f: Prsé] 61. Turner, W. On the placentation of the apes, with a comparison of the structure of their placenta with that of the human female. PAi/os. Trans., 1878 [1879], 169, 523-562, pls. 48-49. [MeV iG-c Pp} 62. Waldeyer, W. Die Placenta von Inuus nemestrinus. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1889, (2), 697-710. [Uf: Mc] 63. Waldeyer, W. Bemerkungen uber den Bau der Menschen- und Affen-Placenta. Arch. mikr. Anat., 1890 [1895], 35, 1-51, pls. 1-2. [+ r: Me] 64. Wislocki, G. B. & Hartman, C.G. On the placentation of a macaque (Macacus rhesus) with observations on the origin of the blood constitut- ing the placental sign. ‘fohns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., 1929, 44, 165-185. [3pl-13r: Mc] 65. Wislocki, G. B. & Streeter, G. L. On the placentation of the macaque (Macaca mulatta), from the time of implantation until the formation of the definitive placenta. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1938, 27, 1-66, 13 pls. [1f-65r: Mc Hap Ocd-m] See also: 1i1a, 131. CEBIDAE & HAPALIDAE 66. Klein, W. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Mycetesplacenta. Arb. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1910, 41, 339-371, pl. 12. tif: All 67.* Martin St.-Ange, [G. J.] Placenta a deux lobes symétriques chez un foetus de singe a terme, du genre ouistiti (Hapale). Mag. Zool. de Guérin Méneville,* 1844, 6. Also: Rev. zool.,* 1844, 7, 73-74. [ Hap] 68. Rudolphi, [C. A.] Uber den Embryo der Affen und einiger anderen Sdugethiere. dh. preuss. Akad. Wiss., physik. Ki., 1828, 35-42, pls. 1-4. [++ <4/ Hap) 69. Sawaya, P. Sobre a placenta bidiscoidal de Hapale jacchus (L.). Rev. Biol. Hyg., 8. Paulo, 1937, 7, 53-58. [2f-19r-Engl. abstr.: Hap] 70. Strahl, H. Doppelt-diskoidale Placenten bei amerikanischen Affen. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 429-430. [Ceb Al] 71. Strahl, H. Zur Entwicklung von Mycetes und Cebus. Anat. Anz., 1913, 43, 501-510. [Ceb Al] 72. Wislocki, G.B. Remarks on the placenta- tion of a platyrrhine monkey (4feles geoffroyi). Amer. F. Anat., 1926, 36, 467-487. [2p/-10r: Atl] 73. Wislocki, G. B. On a series of placental stages of a platyrrhine monkey (4teles geoffroyi) with some remarks upon age, sex and breeding period in platyrrhines. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1930, 22, 173-192, 5 pls. [1t-nr: Aot Saim Oed-m Ceb Atl All 74. Wislocki, G. B. Placentation in the mar- moset (Oedipomidas geoffroyi), with remarks on twinning in monkeys. Anat. Rec., 1932, 52, 381-399. [3pl-10r; Oed-m C-p] See also: 2927a. LEMUROIDEA & TARSIOIDEA 75. Anthony, R. Note sur un foetus de pro- pithéque et ses membranes. Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., 1908, (9), 7) 243-248, pl. 17. [2f: Pr-p] 76. Broca, P. Sur la généalogie de l’homme d’aprés M. Haeckel. Le placenta des lémuriens. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1877, (2), 12, 267-270. [+ Pr-p] 77. van Gelderen, C. Uber die zeitliche Folge der Entstehung der Dotter- und Plazentarkreis- laufe bei Primaten. Zoo/. Anz., 1926, 66, 103— 114. [3f-r: Tars] 78. Gérard, P. Contribution a l’étude de la placentation chez les Jémuriens. A propos d’une anomalie de la placentation chez Galago demidoffi (Fisch). Arch. Anat. micr., 1929, 25, 56-68. [8f: Gilg] 79. Hamlett,G.W.D. The occurrence of hip- pomanes within the yolk sac of lemurs. Anat. Rec., 1935, 62, 279-289. [2pl-r: Lm Mer-c] 80. Hill, J. P. The affinities of Tarsius from the embryological aspect. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1919, (2), 476-491, 1 pl. [5f-1t: Tars] 81. Hill, J. P. & Burne, R. H. The foetal membranes and placentation of Chiromys mada- gascariensis. (With an appendix on the external characters of the foetus, by R. I. Pocock, F. R. S.) Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1922 [1923], (2), 1145- 1170, 6 pls. [6f-18r: Daub] [15] [Anat. 82-109] EMBRYOLOGY 82. Hill, J. P., Ince, Frances E. & Subba Rau, A. The mode of vascularization of the chorion in the Lemuroidea and its phylogenetic signifi- cance. C. R. Ass. Anat., 1928, 23, 196-200. [4f: Lor] 83. Hill, J. P., Ince, Frances E. & Subba Rau, A. The development of the foetal membranes in Loris, with special reference to the mode of vascu- larisation of the chorion in the Lemuroidea and its phylogenetic significance. (Preliminary communi- cation.) Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1928, (2), 699- 716, 1 pl. [3f: Lor] 84. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Spolia nemoris. Quart. F. micr. Sci., 1894, n.s., 36, 77-125, pls. 9-12. [++ Nyct-c Tars] 85. Hubrecht, A.A.W. Embryologisch onder- zoek van zoogdieren uit Nederlandsch-Indié, aldaar in 1890 en 1891 aangevangen in opdracht van de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging. Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., 1895, 54, 25-92, 4 pls. [Idem no. 84] 86. Hubrecht, [A. A. W.] Over de kiemblaas van mensch en aap en hare beteekenis voor de phylogenie der primaten. Versi. gewone vergad. Akad. Amst., 1896, 5, 23-25. [+++ Tars] 87. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Die Keimblase von Tarsius. Ein Hilfsmittel zur scharferen Definition gewisser Saugetierordnungen. Festschrift Carl Gegenbaur, 1896, 2, 147-178, 1 pl. Apart: Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1896, 32 pp. [Mc Tars] 88. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Die Rolle des em- bryonalen Trophoblasts bei der Placentation. Zbl. Gynék., 1897, 21, 1206-1207. [+ abstr.: Tars] 89. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Ueber die Entwick- lung der Placenta von Tarsius und Tupaja, nebst Bemerkungen ueber deren Bedeutung als haematopoietische Organe. 4th Int. Congr. Zool., Cambridge, 1898 [1899], 343-411, pls. 4-15. [Tars] 90. Hubrecht, A. A. W. Blattumkehr im Ei der Affen? Biol. Zb/., 1899, 19, 171-175. [++ 2f-cf. 34: Tars] 91. Hubrecht, A.A.W. Keimblattbildung bei Tarsius spectrum. 5th Int. Congr. Zool., Berl.s 1901, 651-657, 2 pls. [Tars] 92. Hubrecht, A.A. W. Furchung und Keim- blattbildung bei Tarsius spectrum. Verh. Akad. Wet., Amst., Sect. 2, 1902, 8, no. 6, 113 pp., 12 pls. [ur: Tars] 93. Hubrecht, Ambrosius Arnold Willem. Die Sdugetierontogenese in threr Bedeutung fiir die Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1909, 248 pp. [++ 186f:Lm Tars]} 94. Jenkinson, J.W. The placenta of alemur. Quart. F. micr. Sci., 1915, n.s., 61, 171-184, pls. isa [7f: 2Lp-l| 95. Milne-Edwards, A. Observations on some points in the embryology of the Lemuroidea, and on the zoological affinities of these animals. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1871, (4), 8, 438-440. [see 20. 96] 96. Milne-Edwards, A. Observations sur quelques points de l’embryologie des lémuriens et sur les affinités zoologiques de ces animaux. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1871, 73, 422-424; Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., 1872, (5), 15, no. 6, 7 pp.; Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1871, 6, 396-403. [Lp-1 Hp-l Chrg Pr-p] 97. Milne-Edwards, A. Sur la disposition des enveloppes foetales de l’aye-aye (Chiromys mada- gascariensis). C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1884, 99, 266-267. [Daub] 98. Strahl, H. Die Verarbeitung von Blutex- travasaten durch Uterindriisen. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 266-269. [Gig] 99. Strahl, H. Der Uterus gravidus von Galago agisymbanus. Abh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1899, 26, 153-199, pls. 18-25. [Gig] 100. Strahl, H. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Placenta. Ab‘. senckend. naturf. Ges., 1904, 27, 261-320, pls. 36-45. [++ If:Lm Pr-p Gig] 101. Turner, W. On the placentation of the lemurs. Philos. Trans., 1876 [1877], 166, 569- 587, pls. 49-51; F. Anat., Lond., 1877, 12, 147- 153; }. Zool.,* 1877, 6, 359-375. [if: Lm Pr-p Indr] 102. Turner, W. An additional contribution to the placentation of the lemurs. Proc. roy. Soc., 1888, 44, 277-282. [Lm] See also: 22, 269, 731. FOETUS & FOETAL GROWTH PRIMATES IN GENERAL 103. Breschet,G. Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur la gestation des quadrumanes. Mém. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1845, 19, 401-490, 14 pls. [Nas C-p Pp Saim Al} 104. Keibel, [F.] Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Affen. Anat. Anz., 1904, 25, ErgH., 156-163] [Png Hyl Prsbh Me. 105. Keibel, F. Zur Embryologie des Men- schen, der Affen und der Halbaffen. Anat. Anz., 1905, 27, ErgH., 39-50. [22f: Prsb Mc Tars] 106. Keibel, F. Zur Embryologie des Men- schen, der Affen und der Halbaffen. C. R. Ass. Anat., 1905, 7, 141-152. [Idem 105] 107. Keibel, F. Die aussere Kérperform und der Entwickelungsgrad der Organe bei Affenem- bryonen. Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1906, 4, 553- 617. [87f-24t: Png Hyl Prsb Nas Me] 108. Meyer-Lierheim, F. Die Dichtigkeit der Behaarung beim Fetus des Menschen und der Affen. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1910, 13, 131-150, pl. 5. [++ 30t: Pn Png Hyl Me] 109. Schultz, A. H. Embryological evidence of the evolution of man. F. Wash. Acad. Sci., 1925, 15, 247-263. [+++ 16f: Gr Pn Png (Hyl (Clb Me “Geb Lag “Ail al Lm| [16] Foetus & foetal growth 110. Schultz, A. H. Fetal growth of man and other primates. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1926, 1, 465— 521. [+ ) 20f-3lt-nr: Gr Pn Png Hyl Nas Clb Mc Pp Ceb Atl All 110a. Schultz, A.H. La croissance foetale chez Vhomme et autres primates. Bull. Soc. Formes hum., Paris, 1927, 5, 270-334. [Fr. transl. of no. 110] 111. Schwalbe, G. Uber die Richtung der Haare bei den Affenembryonen, nebst allgemeinen Erérterungen tiber die Ursachen der Haarrich- tungen. 1-205, pls. 1-13. [42f-t-66r: Gr Pn Png Hyl Symph Prsb Nas Mc] 1lla. Selenka, E. Die Gleichartigkeit der Embryonalformen bei Primaten. Bio/. Zdl., 1901, 21, 484-490. [19f: Hyl Prsb Mc] See also: 105, 354, 1749, 1779, 1780, 1782, 3967. PONGIDAE & HYLOBATIDAE 112. Babor, J. F. & Frankenberger, Z. Stu- dien zur Naturgeschichte des Gorillas. I. Teil. Einleitung dussere Beschreibung eines neuen Gorillenfetus aus Westafrika. Biol. gen., 1930, 6, 553-632, pls. 38-40. [17f-nt-45r: Gr] 113. Babor, J. F. & Frankenberger, Z. Stu- dien zur Naturgeschichte des Gorillas. II. Teil. Uber das fetale Wachstum des Gorillas. Biol. gen., 1931, 7, 367-406, pls. 9-11. [2f-5t-25r: Gr] 114. Bolk, L. Uber das kaudale Rumpfende eines Fetus vom Schimpanse. Anat. Anz., 1917, 50, 354-358. [2f: Pn] 115. Bolk, L. Das Haarkleid eines Fetus von Schimpanse. Bijdr. Dierk., 1919, 21, 57-65. [8f-r: Pn] 116. Bolk, L. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an einem Fetus eines Gorillas und eines Schimpan- sen. Z. Anat. EntwGesch., 1926, 81, 1-89. [49f-11t: Gr Pn] 117. Deniker, [J.] Un foetusdegorille. Bul. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1884, (3), 7, 447-451. [Gr] 118. Deniker, J. Sur un foetus de gorille. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1884, 98, 753-756. [Gr] 119. Deniker, J. Sur un foetus de gibbon et son placenta. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1885, 100, 654-656. [ Hy/] 120. Deniker, J. Recherches anatomiques et embryologiques sur les singes anthropoides. Foetus de gorille et de gibbon comparés aux foetus humains et aux anthropoides jeunes et adultes. Arch. Zool. exp. gén., 1885, (2), 3 bis, Suppl. no. 3, 265 pp., pls. 22-30. [nr: Gr Hyl] 121. Deniker, Joseph. Recherches anatomi- ues et embryologiques sur les singes anthropoides. Thase (Sci.) Paris. Poitiers: Typographie Oudin, 1886, 266 pp., 9 pls. 122. Duckworth, W. L. H. Note on a foetus of Gorilla savagei. F. Anat., Lond., 1898, 33, 82-90. [3f-lt: Gr] Stud. EntwGesch. Tiere, 1911, 5, i-ix; [Anat. 110-136] 123. Duckworth, W.L.H. Bericht iiber einen Fétus von Gorilla savagei. Arch. Anthrop., Braunschw., 1902, 27, 233-238. [5f-it: Gr] 124. Schmidt, E. Ein Anthropoiden-Fétus. Festschr. zum 70ten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts, Leipzig, 1892, 26-35, pl. 3. [it: ?Pn Hyl] 125. Schultz, A. H. Observations on a gorilla fetus. Eugen. News, 1927, 12, 37-40. [Lecture: Gr] 126. Schultz, A.H. Notes on the fetus of an orang-utan with some comparative observations. Rep. Lab. Mus. xool. Soc. Philad., 1933, 61, 28-37, 1p [1f-2t: Png] 127. Schultz, A. H. Chimpanzee fetuses. Amer. 7. phys. Anthrop., 1933, 18, 61-79. [3f-2t: Pn] 128. Trinchese, S. Descrizione di un feto di orang-utan. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova, 1870, 1, 9-46, pls. 1-3. [Pn Png] See also: 364, 369, 371, 4028. CERCOPITHECIDAE 129. Anthony, R. & Villemin, F. Recherches sur le développement du Papio (Choeropithecus) porcarius Bodd. (Chacma Sud-Africain). Mission Rohan-Chabot, 1923, 4, fasc. 1, 1-104, pls. 9-13. [Pp] 130. Hill, W. C. O. The pre-natal develop- ment of the grey langur, Semnopithecus priam thersttes. Spolia zeylan., 1937, 20, 211-251, pls. 8-12. [3t-6f-23r: Prsb] 131. Kollmann, J. Affen-Embryonen aus Su- matra und Ceylon. Anat. Anz., 1892, 7, 335- 340. [Mc] 131a. Kollmann, J. Beitrage zur Embryologie der Affen. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Anat. Abt., 1892, 137-151, pl. 8. [Mc] 132. Schultz, A. H. Observations on Colobus fetuses. Bull. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist., 1924, 49, 443-457, [6f-3t: Clb] 133. Schultz,A.H. Fetal growth and develop- ment of the rhesus monkey. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Inst., 1937, 26, 71-97, 2 pls. [5f-3t-26r: Mc] 134. Toldt, C., Jr. Ueber die aussere Kérper- form zweier verschieden grosser Embryonen von Macacus cynomolgus L. Arch. Anthrop., Braun- schw., 1903, 28, 277-287. [2f-3t: Me] See also: 50, 1742, 1787a & Buffon, Intr. III. CEBIDAE & HAPALIDAE 135. Bluntschli, H. Demonstration zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte platyrrhiner Affen, von Di- delphys marsupialis, Tamandua bivittata und Bradypus marmoratus. Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, ErgH., 196-202, 1 pl. [4éstr.: Aot Saim Ceb] 136. Schultz, A. H. Fetuses of the Guiana howling monkey. Zoologica, N. Y., 1921, 3, 243- 2625, Ie pl: [6f-3t-nr: Al] See also: 68, 1084, 2927a. [17] [Anat. 137-141] EMBRYOLOGY ncn nee carrer rarer aIenEERn EERE EEE ERE EEE LEMUROIDEA & TARSIOIDEA 137. Hubrecht, A. A. W. & Keibel, F. Nor- mentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Ko- boldmaki (Tarsius spectrum) und der Plumplori (Nycticebus tardigradus). Normentaf. Wirbelt. 1907, 7, 76 pp., 4 pls. [38f-unr: Nyct-c Tars] 138. Ince, Frances E. A contribution to a normal table of the development of Loris lydek- kerianus. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1937, 23, 43— 72, pls. 8-13. [nt-5r: Lor] 139. Keibel, F. & Elze, C. Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen. Mit Bei- tragen von Broman, Hammar und Tandler. Normentaf. Wirbelt., 1908, 8, viii, 314 pp., 6 pls. [+ 44f-omr: Nyct-c Tars] 140. [de Lange, D., Jr.] Catalogue of the embryological material of Lemuridae (Tarsius and Nycticebus) and Dermoptera (Galeopithecus). Utrecht: Hubrecht Laboratory, 1921, 120 pp. [+++ ont: Nyct-c Tars] 141. Petit, G. Description d’un foetus de Lepidolemur ruficaudatus A, Grandidier. Terre et la Vie, 1934, 4, 497-499. (if: Lp-l] See also: 75, 77, 81, 92, 99, 977, 3942, 3943, 3966, 3967. [18] General Morphology including Systematic, Regional & External Anatomy; Quantitative & Developmental Anatomy; & Teratology GENERAL MORPHOLOGY Comprehensive & General Studies PRIMATES IN GENERAL 142. Anthony, R. Contribution a]’étude mor- phologique générale des caractéres d’adaptation a la vie arboricole chez les vertébrés. Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., 1912, (9), 15, 101-342. [+ 74f] 143. Ashley-Montagu, M. F. The tarsian hypothesis and the descent of man. F. roy. anthrop. Inst., 1930, 60, 335-362, pls. 9-10. [4#] 144. Barkow, Hans Carl Leopold. Compara- tive Morphologie des Menschen und der menschen- Ghnlichen Thiere. Erster Theil, Griefswald: Lud- wig Bamberg, 1875, 1, 92 pp., 46 pls. Zweiter Theil, Erklarung der Abbildung. Breslau: Ferdi- nand Hirt, 1862, 142 pp., 71 pls. [Pn Png Pp Mnar) 145. Broca, P. L’ordre des primates. Paral- léle anatomique de l’homme et des singes. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1869, (2), 4, 228-401. {+++ J1f-t] 146. Clark, W. E. Le Gros. Early forerunners of man; a morphological study of the evolutionary origin of the primates. London: Balliére, Tindall & Cox, 1934, xvi, 296 pp. [+++ 89f-vnr] 147. Cuvier, Georges Léopold Chrétien Dago- bert. Lecgons d’anatomie comparée. Paris: Bau- douin, 1805, 5 vols. 148. Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry. Studies from the anthropological laboratory, the Anatomy School, Cambridge. Cambridge: Uni- versity Press, 1904, x, 291 pp. 149. Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry. Morphology and A ASN a handbook for students. Cambridge: University Press, 1915, 2nd ed., vol. 1, xvii, 304 pp. {+++ 208f-r] 150. Giebel, C. G. & Leche, W. Sdaugethiere: Mammalia. Bronn’s {Klassen Ordn. Thier- Reichs, 1877, Bd. 6, Abt. 5, Bd. 1, 1-1169, pls. 1-121. [+ 173f] 151. Hopf, Ludwig. The human species con- sidered from the standpoints of comparative anat- omy, physiology, pathology and bacteriology. Lon- don: ongmans, Green & co., 1909, xx, 457 pp., pls. 152. Hovelacque, Abel & Hervé, Georges. Précis d’anthropologie. Paris: Vigot fréres, 1887, x1, 651 pp. [++] 153. Huxley, T.H. The structure and classifi- cation of the mammalia. Med. Times Gaz. Lond., 1864, (1), 153-154, 177-178, 203-204, 229, 256- 257, 284, 312-313, 343-344, 369-370, 398-399, 428-429, 456-457, 486-487, 509-510, 537-538, 564-565, 595-596, 617-618, 647-648, 671-672; 1864, (2), 40-41, 93-94, 123-124, 145-146. [+ Gr Pn Png Hyl Primates] 154. Huxley, Thomas Henry. 4 manual of the anatomy of vertebrated animals. New York: D. Appleton & co., 1872, 431 pp. {+ 110f] 155. Jones, Frederic Wood. boreal man. London: Edward Arnold & co., 1926, x, 230 pp. [+ &t1f-r] 156. Jones, Frederic Wood. Man’s place among the mammals. London: Edward Arnold & co., 1929, xii, 372 pp., 12 pls. [+++ 160f] 157. Loth, Edward. Anthropologie des parties molles (muscles, intestins, vaisseaux, nerfs péri- phériques). Paris: Masson & cie., 1931, 538 pp. [+ 198f-vnt-onr] 158. Macalister, Alexander. 4n introduction to the systematic zoology and morphology of verte- brate animals. Dublin: Hodges, Foster & Figgis, 1878, viii, 365 pp. [+ 41] 159. Meckel, Johann Friedrich. System der vergleichenden Anatomie. Walle: Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1821-1833, 6 vols. 160. Oppel, Albert, ed. Lehrbuch der ver- gleichenden mikroskopischen Anatomie der Wir- beltiere. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1896-1913, 6 vols. 161. Oppenheim, Stefanie, Remane, A. & Gieseler, W. Methoden zur Untersuchung der Morphologie der Primaten. Handb. biol. Arb- Meth., 1930, Abt. 7, Teil, 1, 531-682, 6 pls. [++ 69f] 162. Owen, Richard. On the anatomy of verte- brates. London: Longmans, Green & co., 1866, vol. 2, Birds and mammals, 592 pp.; 1868, vol. 3, Mammals, x, 915 pp. [+ 406 & 614f-vnr] 163. Schultz, A. H. Man asa primate. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1931, 33, 385-412. [+++ 31/-1¢] [19] [Anat. 164-190] GENERAL MORPHOLOGY 164. Schultz, A. H. Characters common to higher primates and characters specific for man. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1936, 11, 259-283, 425-455. [++ 21f-7t-nr: Gr Pn Png Hyl Symph Prsb G-p C-c Me Pp| 165. Sonntag, Charles F. The morphology and evolution of the apes and man. London: John Bale, Sons and Danielsson, 1924, xi, 364 pp. [esse See ae! Cer ven lea Jeby! Symph| 166. Stibbe, E. P. 4x introduction to physical anthropology. London: Edward Arnold & co., 1938, vii, 230 pp. [eWebOe (Ge Jen | ieae. Jeby4 167. Vrolik, W. Quadrumana. Article in: The cyclopedia of anatomy and physiology, Robert B. Todd, ed. London: Longman, Brown [etc.], 1847-49, vol. 4, pt. 1, pp. 194-221. [2 6f-r] 168. Weber, Max Wilhelm Carl. Die Sauge- tiere. Einfiihrung in die Anatomie und Systematik der recenten und fossilen Mammalia. 2nd ed. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1928, vol. 1, Anatomischer Teil, xv, 444 pp.; vol. 2, 1928, Systematischer Teil, xxiv, 898 pp. [+ 316 & 573f] See also: Blasius, Intr. II; Buffon; Hunter; Vicq d’Azyr, Intr. III. PONGIDAE & HYLOBATIDAE 169. Barnston, J. Description of, and remarks upon, a chimpansé, which died lately, while exhib- itingin Montreal. Med. Chron., Montreal,* 1854 [1855], 2, 253-260, 1 pl. [Pz] 170. Beddard, F. E. Contributions to the anatomy of the anthropoid apes. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1893, 13, 177-218, pls. 20-28. Abstr.: Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, 118-120. [Gr Pn Png] 171. Bischoff, T.L.W. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Hylobates leuciscus und zu einer vergleichen- den Anatomie der Muskeln der Affen und des Menschen. 4bh. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1870, 10, Abt. 3, 197-297, 5 pls. [Pn Png Hyl C-p Mc Mndr Pith Hap) 172. von Bischoff, T. L. W. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Gorilla. 4bh. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1880, 13, Abt. 3, 1-48, 4 pls. [Gr] 173. Chapman, H. C. On the structure of the gorilla. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 1878, 385-394, pl. 3-6. [Gr] 174. Chapman, H. C. On the structure of the chimpanzee. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 1879, 52-63, pls. 9-12. [Gr Pn] 175. Chapman, H.C. On the structure of the orang outang. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 1880, 160-175, pls. 11-17. [Png] 176. Chapman, H. C. Observations upon the anatomy of Aylobates leuciscus and Chiromys madagascariensis. Proc. Acad. nat. Sct., Philad., 1900, 414-423, [2f: Hyl Daub] 177. Deniker, J. & Boulart, R. Notes ana- tomiques sur les sacs laryngiens, les excroissances adipeuses, les poumons, le cerveau, etc. des orang- outans. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1895, (3), 7, 35-56, pl. 1-4. [2f: Png] 178. [Duvernoy, G. L.] Des caractéres anato- miques des grands singes pseudo-anthropo- morphes. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 1855-56, 8, 1-248, pls. 1-16. [Gr Pn Png Symph| 179. Dwight, T. Notes on the dissection and brain of the chimpanzee “Gumbo”’ (Troglodytes niger). Mem. Boston Soc. nat. Hist., 1895, 5, 31-52, pls. 9-10. [Pr] 180. Ehlers, E. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Gorilla und Chimpanse. dh. Ges. Wiss. Gét- tingen, 1881, 28, 3-77, 4 pls. [nt: Gr Pn] 181. Embleton, D. Notes on certain parts of the anatomy of a young chimpanzee. Nat. Hist. Rev.,* 1864, 4, 250-258. [Px] 182. Fick, R. Vergleichend anatomische Stu- dien an einem erwachsenen Orang-Utang. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Lpz., Anat. Abt., 1895, 1-100, pls. 1-3. [f-9t-unr: Png] 183. Fick, R. Beobachtungen an einem zwei- ten erwachsenen Orang-Utang und einem Schim- pansen. Arch. Anat, Physiol., Lpz., Anat., Abt., 1895, 289-318. [2t-nr: Pn Png] 184. Frechkop, S. Notes sur les mammiferes. XVII.—A propos du chimpanzé de la rive gauche du Congo. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Belg., 1935, 11, no. 2, 43 pp. [24f-r: Pn] 185. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I. Description des mammiféres nouveaux ou imparfaitement connus de la collection du Muséum d’Histoire naturelle et remarques sur la classification et les caractéres des mammiféres. Quatriéme mémoire: Famille des singes. Second supplément. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 1858-61, 10, 1-102, pls.1-7. 186. Gervais, P. Chimpanzé (Troglodytes). Article in: Dictionnaire encyclopédique des sciences médicales, Paris, 1874, Sér. 1, 16, CHI-CHO, 116-126. [Px] 187. Grant, J. Post mortem examination of a female orang outang. In a letter addressed by J. Grant, M.D., to the Secretary of the Zoological Society. Zool. F.,* 1835, 5, 91-95. [Pug] 188. Gratiolet, L. P. & Alix, P. H. E. Re- cherches sur l’anatomie du Troglodytes aubryi, chimpanzé d’une espéce nouvelle. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1866, 2, 1-264, pls. Pri Pn} 189. Hartmann, R. Die menschenahnlichen Affen. Samm. gemeinverst. wiss. Vortr., 1876, 11, 245-298. Apart: Berlin: Carl Habel, 1876, 54 pp. [12f: Gr Pn Png Hyl} 190. Hartmann, Robert. Der Gorilla: xoo- logisch-zootomische Untersuchungen. Leipzig: Veit & co., 1880, 160 pp., 21 pls. [13f: Gr Pn Png} [20] Comprehensive & general studies 191. Hartmann, Robert. Die menschenadhn- lichen Affen und ihre Organisation im Vergleich zur menschlichen. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1883, x, 303 pp. [63f: Gr Pn Png Hyl\ 192. Hartmann, Robert. Les singes anthro- poides et leur organisation comparée a celle de Phomme. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1886, 232 pp. 193. Hartmann, Robert. Anthropoid apes. London: Kegan Paul, [etc.], 1889, viii, 326 pp. 194. Humphry, [G. M.] Onsome points in the anatomy of the chimpanzee. F. dnat., Lond., 1867, 1, 254-268, pl. 13. [++ Pn] 194a. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Evidence as to man’s place in nature. London: Williams & Norgate, 1863, 159 pp. [e+ 32: esp. Gr Pn Pag Hyll 194b. Huxley, Thomas Henry. Man’s place in nature, and other anthropological essays. London: Macmillan & co. 1894, xii, 328 pp. [incl. no. 194a] 195. Jeffries, J. Some account of the dissec- tion of a Simia satyrus, ourang outang, or wild man of the woods. Boston F. Philos. Arts,* 1825, 2, 570-580. [Png] 196. Keith, A. Anintroduction to the study of anthropoid apes.—I. The gorilla. II. The chim- panzee. III. The orang-outang. IV. The gib- bon. Nat. Sci.,* 1896, 9, 26-37, 250-265, 316- 326, 372-379. [330r-annotated bibl.: Gr Pn Png AHAyl| 197. Keith, Arthur. 42 introduction to the study of the anthropoid apes. London: Page & Pratt, 1897, 48 pp. [Reprinting of no. 196] 198. Keith, A. On the chimpanzees and their relationship to the gorilla. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1899, 296-312, pl. 20. Ea enGr| 199. Kohlbriigge, J. H. F. Versuch einer Anatomie des Genus Hylobates. Webers Zool. Ergebn. Reise Niederland. Ost-Ind.,* 1891, 1, 211— 354, pls. 17-19. [24f: Hyl| 200. Mayer, [C.] Zur anatomie des Orang- Utan und des Chimpanse. Arch. Naturgesch., 1856, 22, (1), 281-304. [Pn Png] 201. Meyer, A. B. Uber die anthropoiden Affen des Kénigl. Zoologischen Museums. ber. Ges. Naturk. Dresden, 1876, 144-152. [Gr Pn Png Hyl] 202. Neuville, H. De certains caractéres de la forme humaine et de leurs causes. Anthropologie, Paris, 1927, 37, 305-328, 491-515. [+++ 2pl-15f: esp. Gr Pn Hy] 203. Owen, R. On the anatomy of the orang utan (Simia satyrus, L.). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1830-31, 4-5, 9-10, 28-29, 67-72. Idem: Phil. Mag., 1831, (2), 9, 55-57, 60-61, 225-226; (2) 10, 61-66. [Png] 204. Owen, [R.] Notes of the dissection of a female orang-utan (Simia satyrus, Linn.). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1843, 123-124. [Png] [Anat. 191-216] 205. Owen, R. Notes on the dissection of a female chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, 2-3. [it: Pn] 206. Owen, R. On the gorilla (Troglodytes gorilla, Sav.). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, 1-23, Proc. roy Inst. Gr. Brit., 1858, 3, 10-30; Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1859, (3), 4, 377-398. [Gr] 207. Owen, Richard. On the classification and geographical distribution of the Mammalia (Lecture on Sir Robert Reade’s Foundation). To which is added an appendix: On the gorilla, and On the extinction and transmutation of species. London: John W. Parker & son, 1859, 103 pp. [Gr Pn Png Hyl| 208. Owen, Richard. Memoir on the gorilla (Troglodytes gorilla, Savage). London: Taylor & Francis, 1865, 58 pp., 12 pls. [Gr] 209. Sandifort,G. Ontleedkundige beschouw- ing van een’ volwassen Orang-oetan (Simia satyrus, Linn.) van het mannelijk geslacht. In: Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke geschiedenis der Nederlandische overzeesche bezittingen, door de leden der Natuurkundige Commissie in Indié en andere schrijvers. C. J. Temminck, ed. Leiden: S.Q. S. Luchtmans & C. C. van der Hoek, 1839- 44, Zoologie, (Art. 3), 29-56, pls. 1-7 bis. [Png] 210. Sanford, L. J. The gorilla; being a sketch of its history, anatomy, general appearance and habits. Amer. F. Sci., 1862, (2), 33, 48-64. [Gr] 211. Savage, T.S.& Wyman, J. Observations on the external characters and habits of the Tro- glodytes niger, Geoff.—and on its organization. Boston F. nat. Hist., 1843, 4, 362-376; 1844, 377-386. [nt: Pn] 212. Savage, T. S. & Wyman, J. Notice of the external characters and habits of Troglodytes gorilla, a new species of orang from the Gaboon River; osteology of the same. Boston F. nat. Hist., 1847, 5, 417-443, pls. 40-43. Extracts: Amer. F. Sci., 1849, (2), 8, 141-142; Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., 1851, (3), 16, 176-182. [it: Gr] 213. Sera, G. L. La dipendenza della strut- tura generale anatomica dalle condizioni di vita negli antropomorfi. Natura, Milano, 1930, 21, 1-25. [10f-r: Gr Pn Png] 214. Sonntag, C. F. On the anatomy, phys- iology, and pathology of the chimpanzee. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1923, (1), 323-429, 3 pls. [25f-80r: Pn] 215. Sonntag, C.F. On the anatomy, physiol- ogy, and pathology of the orang-outan. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1924, (1), 349-450, 4 pls. [30f-nt-87r: Png] 216. Sperino, Giuseppe. Anatomia del cim- panzé (Anthropopithecus troglodytes, Trouessart) in rapporto con quella degli altri antropoidi e dell uomo. Torino: Unione tipografico, 1897, 487 pp., 14 pls. [12f-t-nr: Pn] [21] [Anat. 217-244] GENERAL MORPHOLOGY 217. Sutton, J. B. On some points in the anatomy of the chimpanzee (Anthropopithecus troglodytes). ‘F. Anat., Lond., 1883, 18, aa n 218. Traill, T. S. Observations on the anat- omy of the orang outang. Mem. Werner. nat. Hist. Soc.,* 1818 [1821], 3, 1-49, pls. 1-2. Abstr.: F. Phys. Chim. Hist. nat.,* 1818, 86, oe ep Fe n 219. Vallois, H.-V. Les preuves anatomiques de Yorigine monophylétique de Vhomme. Anthro- pologie, Paris, 1929, 39, 77-101. ieee Ee Ge ep Jen seb 7 220. Virchow, H. Anatomische Mitteilungen tiber den mannlichen Schimpansen “‘Moritz’’ des Zoologischen Gartens. Z. Ethn., 1916, 48, 264— Dine Bi ven G-cl 221. Vrolik, Willem. Recherches d’anatomie comparée sur le chimpansé. Amsterdam: Johan- nes Miiller, 1841, iii, 51 pp., 7 pls. [Pn] 222. Weinert, Hans. Ursprung der Mensch- heit; iiber den engeren Anschluss des Menschen- geschlechts an die Menschenaffen. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1932, xii, 380 pp. [+ 122f-nt-onr: Gr Pn Png Hyll 223. Wormes, Ernestus G. L. Descriptio physiologico-anatomica cranii simiae satyri. Dis- sertatio zootomica. Inaug.-Diss. (Med.) Berlin, 1823, viii, 24 pp., 2 pls. [Pxg] See also: 3948, 3982, 4028 & Tyson, Intr. II; Camper, Intr. III. CERCOPITHECIDAE 224. Anderson, J. Further remarks on the external characters and anatomy of Macacus brunneus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, 203-212, plew2: [4f-It: Mc] 225. Garrod, A. H. Notes on the anatomy of Gelada rueppelli. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, 451-457, pl. 38. [3t: Thr-p] 226. Hartman, Carl G. & Straus, William L., Jr., ed. The anatomy of the rhesus monkey (Ma- caca mulatta). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins co., 1933, 1x, 383 pp. [128f-10t-unr: Mc] 227. Lordat, Jacques. Observations sur quel- ques points de l’anatomie du singe vert, et refléxions physiologiques sur le méme suject. Paris: l’Im- primerie de Feugueray, 1804, 100 pp. [C-p] 228. Martin, W. Notes on the anatomy of the proboscis monkey (Simia nasalis). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, 70-73. [it: Nas] 229. Murie, J. Observations on the ma- caques.—l. The Bornean ape. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, 721-728. [5f-1t: Me] 230. Murie, J. Observations on the ma- caques.—IV. The Japanese monkey. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1872, 780-787. [2f-2t: Mc] 231. Owen, R. On the anatomy of Cerco- pithecus albogularis, Sykes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1832, 18-20. [C-p] 232. Polak, Clara. Die Anatomie des Genus Colobus. Verh. Akad. Wet., Amst., Sect. 2, 1908, 14, no. 2, x, 247 pp. [57f-61r: Clb] 233. Sonntag, C. F. On the anatomy of the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1922, (1), 429-453. [16f: Mnar] See also: Bartholinus, de Muralto, Intr. IT; Hunauld, Perrault, Intr. III. CEBIDAE &§ HAPALIDAE 234. Beattie, J. The anatomy of the common marmoset (Hapale jacchus Kuhl). Proc. zoo. Soc. Lond., 1927, (2), 593-718, 2 pls. [39f-nr: Hap] 235. Beddard, F. E. On certain points in the anatomy of Callithrix torguata. Novit. xool., 1901, 8, 362-366, pl. 11. [10r: Cal-c| 236. Beddard, F.E. Notes upon the anatomy of monkeys of the genus Pithecia. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1909, (2), 928-943. [9f-14r: Pith] 237. Boker, H. Beobachtungen und Unter- suchungen an Saugtieren wahrend einer biolo- gischen-anatomischen Forschungsreise nach Bra- silien im Jahre 1928. Gegenbaurs F6., 1932, 70, 1-66. [+ 42f-27r: Chirop Saim Ceb Al Hap Leon-c Lm Nyct-c] 238. van den Broek, A. J. P. Enkele ana- tomische kenmerken van 4fe/es in verband met de anatomie der overige Platyrrhinae. Hand. ned. nat.- en geneesk. Congr., 1905, 10, 240-250. [lt-nr: Aot Pith Cacaj Saim Ceb Lag Brchyt Atl Al Hap) 239. v.d. Broek, A. J. P. Ueber einige ana- tomische Merkmale von 4e/es, in Zusammenhang mit der Anatomie der Platyrrhinen. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33, 111-124. [26r: see 238] 240. Flower, W.H. Notes on the anatomy of Pithecia monachus (Geoft.). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, 326-333, pl. 37. [4f-2t: Aot Pith Cacaj Saim Ceb Lag Brchyt Atl Al Hap Oeced-m| 241. Forbes, W. A. On the external charac- ters and anatomy of the red Uakari monkey (Brachyurus rubicundus); with remarks on the other species of that genus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, 627-647, pls. 61-63. [11f-2t: Cacaj] 242. Weldon, W. F. R. Notes on Callithrix gigot. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, 6-9. [6f: Cal-c] LEMUROIDEA & TARSIOIDEA 243. Allen, H. Observations on Tarsius fus- cus. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci., Philad., 1897, 34-55. [5f: Tars] 244. Beddard, F. E. On some points in the structure of Hapalemur griseus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, 391-399. [2f: Hp-l] [22] Comprehensive & general studies [Anat. 245-266] 245. Beddard, F. E. Additional notes upon Hapalemur griseus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1891, 449-461. (4f: Lm Hp-l Mer-c Chrg Lor Nyct-c Prdct Gilg] 246. Beddard,F.E. Notes on the broad-nosed lemur, Hapalemur simus. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1901, (1), 121-129. [5f: Hp-ll 247. Beddard, F. E. Some notes upon the anatomy of Chiromys madagascariensis, with refer- ences to other lemurs. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1908, (2), 694-702. [4f: Lm Daub] 247a. Brandt, J. F. Einige Worte tuber die systematische Stellung der Gattung Cheiromys oder Chiromys. Bull, Acad. Sci, St. Pétersb., 1854, 12, 273-281. [Daub] 248. Burmeister, Hermann. Beitrage zur nah- eren Kenntniss der Gattung ‘Tarsius. Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1846, x, 140 pp., 7 pls. [ Tars] 249. van Campen, F. A. W. [& van der Hoeven, J.] Ontleedkundig onderzoek van den potto van Bosman door F. A. W. Campen, Med. Cand., uit zijn nagelaten aanteekeningen bijeengebragt door J. van der Hoeven. Verh. Akad. Wet., Amst., 1859, 7, no. 6, 79 pp., 3 pls. [ Prdct] 249a. Hill, W. C. O. A monograph on the genus Loris, with an account of the external, cranial, and dental characters of the genus: a revi- sion of the known forms; and a description of a new form from northern Ceylon. Spolia zeylan., 1933, 18, 89-132, pls. 7-11. [8f-7t-ur: Lor] 249b. Hill, W.C.O. A monograph on the pur- ple-faced leaf-monkeys, (Pithecus vetulus). Spolia zeylan., 1934, 19, 23-88, pls. 4-9. [Z7f-Llt-nr: Prsb] 250. Hill, W.C.O. The affinities of the Lori- soids. Spolia zeylan., 1936, 19, 287-314. [zr: Lor Nyct-c Prdct Arct-c Tars]| 251. van der Hoeven, J. Bijdragen tot de kennis van de Lemuridae of Prosimii. Tijdschr. nat. Gesch. Physiol., 1844, 11, 1-48, 3 pls. Apart: Leyden: J. Luchtmans, 1844, 2 pls. [Lm Hp-l Chrg Avh Indr Lor Prdct Glg Daub Tars) 252. van der Hoeven, J. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den potto van Bosman. Verh. eerste Ki. Ned. Inst. Wet., Amst.,* 1851, (3), 4, 1-12, 2 pls. [Prdct| 253. Huxley, T.H. On the Angwantibo (4rc- Nyect-c tocebus calabarensis, Gray) of Old Calabar. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 314-335, pl. 28. [12f-1t: Arct-c] 254. Kingma, Paulus Hoekema. Eenige ver- gelijkend-ontleedkundige aanteekenigen over den Otolicnus peli. Acad. Proev. (Med.) Leyden: Pe Engels) 18555 x.) 5/7 pp. 2 pls. [Gig] 255. Lattke, Carolus Josephus Gustavus. De 256. Milne Edwards, Alphonse, Grandidier, Alfred, [& Filhol, H.] Histoire naturelle des mammiféeres. Volumes VI, IX, X & X—2e partie, of Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, publiée par Alfred Grandidier. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1875, Tome I—Texte I, iv, 396 pp.; 1875, Tome IV—Atlas I, 1-122 pls.; 1890-1896, Tome V—Atlas II, pls. 122A-122Z and pls. 123-254D; 1897 Tome VI—Atlas III, pls. 255-274. [Pr-p Minster, H. Busch- mann, 1937, 46 pp. (24f-r: Pn] 394. Urwitz, S. Arteria septi cordis dextra. Anat. Anz., 1937, 85, 97-110. [+ 4f: Affe] See also: 172, 179, 272, 276, 290, 293, 294, 386, 1603, 2406, 2407, 2409, AORTA & PULMONARY ARTERIES 395. Chase, R. E. The coronary arteries in 266 hearts of rhesus monkey. Amer. F. phys. Anthrop., 1938, 23, 299-320. [6f-12r: Mc] 396. De Garis, C. F. Patterns of the aortic arch ina series of 133 macaques. Ff. Anat., Lond., 1935, 70, 149-158. [3f: Mc} 397. De Garis, C. F. Methods of measuring the lumina of branches of the aortic arch in rhesus monkey. Amer. F. phys. Anthrop., 1937, 23, 199-212. [1f-4t: Mc] 398. De Garis, C. F. Branches of the aortic arch in 153 rhesus monkeys (second series). Anat. Rec., 1938, 70, 251-262. [4f-l6r: Mc] 399. De Garis, C. F., Black, I. H. & Riemen- schneider, E. A. Patterns of the aortic arch in American white and negro stocks, with compara- tive notes on certain other mammals. F. Anat., Lond., 1933, 67, 599-619, 2 pls. [a al 400. Keith, A. The modes of origin of the carotid and subclavian arteries from the arch of the aorta in some of the higher primates. Ff. Anat., Lond., 1895, 29, 453-458. [1t-20r: Gr Pn Png Hyl Prsh Me Atl All 401. Le Double, A. De la reproduction de la formule aortique de l’orang, du gibbon, de tous les autres singes et des carnassiers chez |’homme. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1890, (4), 1, 555-557. [see 402] 402. Le Double, [A.] Des variations des troncs de la convexité de la crosse de l’aorte de l’>homme et principalement de la reproduction chez lui de la formule aortique de |’orang, du gibbon, des singes quadrupédes et des carnassiers. C.R. Ass. Anat., 1901, 3, 242-246. [+ if: Gr Pn Png Hyl] 403. Parsons, F. G. On the arrangement of the branches of the mammalian aortic arch. 7. Anat., Lond., 1902, 36, 389-399. [Ee iGrPRaW Png.) Vy] \(G2pG=c ieic Pp Saim Ceb Atl Al Hap Myst Lm] See also: 143, 144, 145, 172, 176, 219, 222, 276, 290, 348, 380, 382, 407. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM CAROTID ARTERIES & BRANCHES (excl. cerebral vessels) 404. Botar, J. Sur la structure des nerfs de la glande intercarotidienne (glomus caroticum) chez les singes anthropoides. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris, 1935, (6), 12, 243-249. [7f: Pn] 405. Danielopolu, D. & Manescu, E. Reflexo- gene Zonen der Carotis. II. Anatomische Unter- suchungen tiber die Innervation der Sinus caroti- cus beim Hunde, beim Affen und beim Menschen. Z. ges. exp. Med., 1928, 63, 143-156. [+ 13f: Me] 406. Hafferl, [A.] Ueber die Entwicklung der Kopfgefasse bei Tarsius spectrum. Anat. Anz., 1914, 46, ErgH., 155-156. [Tars] 407. Hafferl, A. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Aortenboégen und der Kopfarterien von Tar- Sius spectrum. Gegenbaurs Fb., 1916, 50, 19-48, pls. 1-2. [Uf: Tars] 408. Mensa, A. Arterie meningee encefaliche nella serie dei mammiferi. Studio morfologico e descrittivo. Gegenbaurs Fb., 1913, 46, 1-207, pls. 1-4. [+ 4f-nr: Prsh Pp Atl Hap Lm Lor Glg Daub] 409. Tandler, J. Zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie der Kopfarterien bei den Mammalia. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1899, 67, 677-784, 8 pls. [+ 17f-r: Prsb Pp Atl Hap Lm Lor Glg Daub) 409a. Tokarski, S. Les variations de l’artére maxillaire chez l>homme expliquées par les varia- tions chez les primates. C. R. Ass. Anat., 1931, 26, 507-510. [+++ Png Symph C-p Ery-c Me Pp Ceb Atl Hap Leon-c Lm] 409b. Tokarski, S. O odmianach tetnic powierzchownych twarzy u czlowieka i naczel- nych. (Surles variations des artéres superficielles de la face chez l’homme et chez les primates.) Folia morph., Warszawa, 1935-36, 6, 58-65. Fr. abstr. p. 65. [see no. 409a] See also: 397, 494, 1274. SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY & BRANCHES (excl. cerebral vessels) 410. Bang, F.B. Observations on limb arteries of the woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha). Anat. Rec., 1936, 66, 387-395, [4f: Lag] 410a. Bayer, L. Beitrag zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Oberarmarterien. Morph. Fb., 1892, 19, 1-41, pl. 1. [+++ dot Ceb Lag Brchyt Atl Al Hap Leon-c| 411. Eichholz,A. Morphology of limb arteries in vertebrates, with especial reference to the dis- position in the human subject. ¥. Anat., Lond., 1893, 27, 377-401. [++ “12f: dot Ceb Brchyt Al Hap) 412. Géppert, E. Sdaugethiere: Mammalia. Ar- teria axillaris und brachialis. Bronn’s Klassen [30] Aorta—lliac artery Ordn. Thier-Reichs, 1905, Bd. 6, Abt. 5, Bd. 1, 1221-1330, pls. 126-130. [+ 437] 413. Hyrtl, J. Neue Wundernetze und geflechte bei Végeln und Sadugethieren. Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, 22, Abt. 1, 113-152, 9 pls. [+ Ai Lm Gig] 414. Manners-Smith, T. The limb arteries of primates. F. Anat., Lond., 1910, 44, 271-302, 6 pls.; 1910, 45, 23-64, pls. 7-12. [Ee 2f2 Gr Pn Png Hyl Prsb C-p Ery-c C-c Me Cyn-p Pp Mndr Saim Ceb Lag All Hap Lm WNyct-c| 415. Miiller,E. Beitrage zur Morphologie des Gefasssystems. II. Die Armarterien der Sauge- tiere. Arb. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1904, 27, 71- 242, pls. 5-16. Ee eAs iGreen Png Hyl C-p Ery-c C-c Mc Pp ?Mndr Ceb Brchyt Atl Hap O0cd-m Leon-c Lm] 415a. Salvi, G. Arteriae dorsales carpi. Mem. Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., 1900, 17, 167-185. [++ 11f-49r: Mc] 416. Schwalbe, E. Zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie der Unterarmarterien, speciell des Arcus volaris sublimis. Morph. F6., 1895, 23, 412-451, pls. 26-27. [+ if-3ir: Lm Nyct-c] 417. von Tschudi, J. Vergleichend anato- mische Beobachtungen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Wiss. Med.*, 1843, 471-474. [+ Lag] 418. Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Arterien des Vorder- armes. (Il. Teil.) Ard. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1895, 5, 157-205, pls. 13-14. [+ Pr] 419. Zuckerkandl, E. Uber die tiefen Hohl- handaste der Arteria ulnaris. Arb. Anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1896, 6, 533-559, pls. 23-24. [+ Pn Png] 420. Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie und Morphologie der Extremitatenarterien. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 3, 1907, 116, 459-730, 6 pls. [++ 14f-nr: Gr Pn Png Hyl Mc Ceb Lag Brcehyt Atl Daub) See also: 144, 267, 287, 309a, 380, 386, 397, 430, 435, 437, 494, 898, 3880. ABDOMINAL AORTA & BRANCHES 421. Fransen, J.W.P. Lesystéme vasculaire abdominal et pelvien des primates. Anatomie descriptive et relations segmentales. Ned. Bijdr. Anat., 1907, 4, 215-283, 487-537. [8f-4t-6 Ir: Gila Penge iy) \ePrspy MC=p ) iG-c ne, Pp Mndr Saim Ceb Atl Al Hap Lm Nyct-c Tars] 422. Grzybowski, J. Badania filogenetyczne nad tetnica trzewna (a. coeliaca) i jej rozgatezien- jami w szeregu naczelnych. (L’artére coeliaque chez les primates.) C. R. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, Cl. 3, 1926, 19, 165-194. Fr, abstr., 185-187. [54f: Gr Pn Png Hyl Symph Prsbh C-p [Anat. 413-432] Saim Ceb Al Ery-c C-c Mc Pp Mndr Prdct Hap Lm Hp-l Chrg Pr-p Nycet-c Glg Daub Tars| 423. Grzybowski, J. Badania filogenetyczne nad tetnica zotadkowa (a. gastrica). (L’artére gastrique chez les primates.) C. R. Soc. Sci. Var- sovie, Cl. 3, 1926, 19, 195-212. Fr. abstr. 211-212. [3f: see 422] 424. Grzybowski, J. Badania filogenetyczne nad tetnica §ledzionowa (a. lienalis). (L’artére splénique chez les primates.) C. R. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, Cl. 3, 1926, 19, 212-240. Fr. abstr. 237— 240. [5f: see 422] 425. Grzybowski, J. Badania filogenetyczne nad tetnica watrobna (a. hepatica). (L’artére hépatique chez les primates.) C. R. Soc. Sci. Varsovie, Cl. 3, 1926, 19, 240-265. Fr. abstr. 264-265. [5f: see 422] 426. Grzybowski, J. Zestawienie wynikéw badan filogenetycznych nad rozgalgzieniami t. trzewnej. (La phylogénése de l’artére coeliaque (résultats des recherches.) C. R. Soc. Sci. Var- sovie, Cl. 3, 1926, 19, 265-282. Fr. abstr. 276-281. [4t-5f-l6r: see 422] 427. Grzybowski, J. La phylogénése de |’ar- tére coeliaque chez les primates. Bull Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1927, 8, 142-158. [nt-l6r: see 422] 428. Wittmann, R. Die Schlagadern der Ver- dauungsorgane mit Beriicksichtigung der Pfort- ader bei dem Orang, Chimpanse, Gorilla. Arch. Anthrop., Braunschw., 1891-92, 20, 83-104, pls. 4-5. [t: Gr Pn Png See also: 293, 380, 619, 2846. ILIAC ARTERY & BRANCHES 429. Bluntschli, H. Die Arteria femoralis und ihre Aste bei den niederen catarrhinen Affen. Eine vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung. Morph. Fb., 1906, 36, 276-461. [85f-14t-92r: Prsh C-p Ery-c C-c Me Cyn-p Pp Lm| 430. Carlisle, A. Account of a peculiarity in the distribution of the arteries sent to the limbs of slow-moving animals; together with some other similar facts. Philos. Trans., 1800, 98-105, pls. 1-2. [++ Lor Nyct-c] 430a. Imai, S. (Uber die Beckengefasse des weiblichen Macacus rhesus.) Tokyo Ig. Z.,* 1937, 51, 642-649. Abstr.: fap. F. med. Sci., I. Anat., 1939, 7, (193). [Fap: Mc] 431. Manners-Smith, T. The limb arteries of primates. Ff. Anat., Lond., 1912, 46, 95-172, pls. 13-21. [27r: see 414] 432. Manno, A. Arteriae plantares pedis mammalium. Int. Mschr. Anat. Physiol., 1905, 22, 293-359, pls. 15-16. [+ 4f-79r: C-p C-c Mc Hap] [31] [Anat. 432a—450] _ 432a. Popowsky, J. Phylogenesis des Arte- riensystems der unterum Extremitaten bei den Primaten. Anat. Anz., 1893, 8, 657-665. [+++ Of: Png Prsh Cp Me Pp Aot Ceb Atl Hap Leon-c Lm] 433. Popowsky, J. Das Arteriensystem der unteren Extremitaten bei den Primaten. Anat. Anz., 1894, 10, 55-80, 99-114. [7f-cf. no. 367: Png Prsbh C-p C-c Me rae Pp dot Ceb Atl Hap Leon-c m 434. Rojecki, F. Note sur des plexus artériels observés chez les makis et les singes. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1887, 39, 541-542. [4H Lm] 435. Rojecki, F. Note sur la disposition des troncs artériels des membres chez les singes du genre macaque considérés par rapport a ceux des singes anthropomorphes et de l’homme. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1888, 40, 281-284. [++ Mc] 436. Salvi, G. Arteria dorsalis pedis. Mem. Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., 1900, 17, 13-52. [+ 22f: Mc Hap) 436a. Usui, M. (Uber die Gefiisse der atisseren Genitalien und die in der Beckenhdhle des mann- lichen Affen.) Tokyo Igk. Z.,* 1936, 50, 1225- 1262, 2 pls. Abstr.: Fap. F. med. Sci., I. Anat., 1939, 8, (55). [Fap: Mc] 437. Wislocki, G. B. & Straus, W. L., Jr. On the blood vascular bundles in the limbs of certain edentates and lemurs. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. Harv., 1932, 74, 1-15, 4 pls. [++ ¢r: Im Nyct-c Prdct Glg Tars] 438. Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Anatomie und Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Arterien des Unter- schenkels und des Fusses. Ard. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1895, 5, 207-291, pls. 15-20. [++ Pn Png Mc Pp Leon-c Lm] 439. Zuckerkandl, E. Zur Morphologie der Arteria pudenda interna. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 3, 1900, 109, 405-458, 1 pl. [+ 14f-It-nr: Png Prsb Pp Atl Hap Lm Gilg Daub) See also: 144, 194, 267, 287, 318, 380, 386, 410, 413, 415a, 417, 420, 1636, 1691, 3880. VEINS 440. Beddard, F. The azygos veins in the Mammalia. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1907, (1), 181-223. [+ 12f: Lm Nyct-c Prdct Gig] 441. Chase, R. E. & De Garis, C.F. Anoma- lies of venae cavae superioresin anorang. Amer. ¥. phys. Anthrop., 1938, 24, 61-65. [1f-8r: Png] 442. Ficalbi, E. Di una particolare disposi- zione di alcuni vasi venosi del collo nelle scimmie e della possibilita di spiegare con essa alcune ano- malie venose reperibili nell’uomo. Mem. Soc. tosc. Sci. nat., 1885, 4, 400-410, pl. 14. [Mc Pp] CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 443. Forster, A. La veine communicante au niveau du pli du coude. Résultat d’adaptation du courant veineux. Etude d’anatomie comparée. Arch. Anat., Strasbourg, 1931, 14, 23-82. [Ee ecOfst hn Hol Mie Pp) i Gchmmecie Lm Nyct-c Prdct Gilg] 443a. Gérard, G. Les canaux anastomotique artério-veineux chez l’homme et chez le singe. Arch, Sci. méd., 1896, 1, 455-471. [+ 14f: C-p] 444. Keith, A. The frequent occurrence of a divided inferior vena cava in the genus Hylobates (Gibbons). ¥ Anat., Lond., 1896, 30, Proc. il-iv. [5r-abstr.: Hyl| 445. Nishi,S. Prila vejnoj de mano de simioj. [Veins of the hand in monkeys.] Folia anat. japon., 1935, 13, 407-416. [3f-1t-Esperanto with Gr. abstr: Prsb C-c Mc Cyn-p Ceb Lag Hap) 445a. Nishi, S. Uber die Hautvenen des Fusses bei den Affen. Folia. anat. japon., 1937, 15, 49-57. [3f: Prsb Mc Ceb Lag Hap Leon-c] 446. Seib, G. A. On the azygos veins in Pithecus (Macacus) rhesus. Anat. Rec., 1932, 51, 285-297. [6f: Mel 446a.* Sylwanowicz, W. (Uber die Klappen der unpaaren Blutadern: Vv. azygos und hemi- azygos.) Prace Tow. Nauk Wilno., Wydi. mat. przyrod., 1923, 8, 75-96. [5f-20t-Polish with Fr. abstr: Pn Png Symph C-p Pp Ceb Atl Lm| See also: 144, 247, 309a, 318, 378, 450, 458, 1678, 1986, 1988, 1992. LYMPH VESSELS & GLANDS 447. Beattie, J. The visceral lymphatic chan- nels of the Catarrhinae. (Illustrated by the direc- tion of the spread of tuberculosis). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1927, (1), 459-470. [C-p Mc] 448. Kihara, T. & Teshima, G. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Lymphgefasssystems der Wirbel- tiere und des Menschen (Japaner). No. 22. Das Lymphgefasssystem des Schimpansen (Troglo- dytes niger). Folia anat. japon., 1935, 13, 303— 324. [3t-r: Pn] 449. Knoop, Hendrik. De aanleg, vorm en verbreiding der glandulae en noduli lymphatict in den oesophagus van den mensch en de epee Acad. proefschr. (Geneesk.) Utrecht. Middelburg: van Straaten, 1916, 192 pp., 32 pls. [+ 29Ir: C-p Ery-c Mc Pp Ceb Gig] 450. McClure, C. F. W. & Silvester, C.F. A comparative study of the lymphatico-venous com- munications in adult mammals. I.. Primates, Car- nivora, Rodentia, Ungulata, and Marsupialia. Anat. Rec., 1909, 3, 534-552, 10 pls. [Se liRN Pay Cp) G20 McuMPpanGeD Atl Hap WNyct-c] [32] Veins—Lymph vessels & glands; spleen 451. MacGregor, A. An experimental investi- gation of the lymphatic system of the teeth and jaws. Proc. roy. Soc. Med., 1936, 29, (2), 1237— 1272. [++ 19f-35r: monkey] 451a.* Orts Llorca, [F.] El ductus thoracicus y las vias linfaticas colaterales del torax en el Macacus rhesus, con un estudio complementario del desarollo de estos vasos linfaticos en el embrién humano. dn. Univ. Valencia,* 1937 [1938], 2, 81 pp., 13 pls. Engl. abstr. [19f: Mc] 452. Rawitz, B. Ueber die Zellen in den Lymphdrtsen von Macacus cynomolgus. Arch. mikr. Anat., 1895, 45, 592-623, pl. 32. [Mc] 453. Rawitz, [B.] Bemerkungen zu einer Ab- handlung des stud. med. Siegmund Schumacher: Ueber die Lymphdrtisen des Macacus rhesus. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Lpz., Physiol. Abt., 1897, 158-161. [4bstr] 454. Schumacher, S. Ueber die Lymphdritsen des Macacus rhesus. Arch. mikr. Anat., 1896, 48, 145-168, pl. 8. [Mc] 455. Schumacher, S. Nachtragliche Bemer- kungen tuber die Lymphdritisen von Macacus rhe- sus Aud. Arch. mikr. Anat., 1897, 49, 804-806. [Mc] 456. Shimizu, S. Untersuchung tiber die fein- ere Verteilung der Lymphgefasse des Dick- darmes. Folia anat. japon., 1932, 10, 589-599. [+ Sf: Me] 457. Silvester, C. F. On the presence of per- manent lymphatico-venous communications at the level of the renal veins in adult South Ameri- canmonkeys. Anat. Anz., 1910, 37, ErgH., 111- 113. Uf] 458. Silvester, C. F. On the presence of per- manent communications between the lymphatic and the venous system at the level of the renal veins in adult South American monkeys. Amer. ¥. Anat., 1912, 12, 447-471. [12pl-2f-It: Aot Saim Ceb Atl Hap Oeced-m| 459. Teshima, G. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Lymphgefasssystems der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen (Japaner). Nr. 20. Das Lymphgefiass- [Anat. 451-466] system des Macacus (Macacus rhesus). Folia anat. japon., 1935, 13, 251-288. [7f: Me] 460. Teshima, G. Beitrage zur Anatomie des Lymphgefasssystems der Wirbeltiere und des Menschen (Japaner). Nr. 21. Das Lymphgefiass- system des Lemurs (Lemur macaco). Folia anat. japon., 1935, 13, 289-301. [+ Lm] 401. Thomé, R. Endothelien als Phagocyten (aus den Lymphdriisen von Macacus cynomolgus). Arch. mikr. Anat., 1898, 52, 820-842, pl. 37. [25r: Mc] 462. Troitzky, A. Les vaisseaux lymphatiques du grand sympathique et des ganglions semi- lunaires du plexus solaire chez les Cercopithecidae. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1930, (2), 2, 195-203. [4f-13r: C-p] 463. Yoffey, J. M. & Drinker, C. K. The lymphatic pathway from the nose and pharynx. The absorption of dyes. Ff. exp. Med., 1938, 68, 629-640, pls. 25-27. [+ It-10r: Me] See also: 378, 555, 556, 620, 621, 625, 639. SPLEEN 463a. von Krogh, C. Zur Morphologie der Primatenmilz. Anthrop. Anz., 1936, 13, 89-100, pls. 3-4. [20f-1t: Pn Png Hyl Prsb C-p C-c Mc Pp Mndr Ceb Al Hap Tars] 464. Mangubi-Kudrjavtzewa, Anna. Uber den Bau der vendsen Sinus der Milz des Menschen und Rhesus-Affen. rb. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1909, 39, 697-736, pls. 58-59. [++ 3f-43r: Mc] 465. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. Forme et connexions de la rate des singes catarrhiniens. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1916, 79, 490-495. [Px Png Hyl C-p Mc Mnar] 466. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. De la rate des singes platyrrhiniens. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1916, 79, 574-576. [Ceb Atl Hap Myst] See also: 283, 283a, 291, 296, 298, 1956. [33] The Respiratory System GENERAL MORPHOLOGY Comprehensive & General Studies See also: 236, 242, 276, 290. DIMENSIONS, WEIGHTS, &c. See also: 476, 479, 530, 1956. HISTOLOGY See also: 472, 520, 584, 585, 591, 2838. EMBRYOLOGY See also: 468, 470, 476, 479, 535, 540. ANOMALIES See also: 524, 535. EXTERNAL NOSE & NASAL PASSAGES 467. Brandes, G. Ueber die Nasenaffen. Z. Naturw., 1901, 74, 284-289. [3f-review of 480] 468. Frets,G. P. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Ontogenie der Nase der Primaten. I. Beobachtungen und Bermerkungen zur Ent- wicklung der Nase bei einigen catarrhinen Affen, Saugern und dem Menschen. Gegenbaurs 7b., 1912, 44, 409-463. [++ 64f-r: Prsb Nas Me] 469. Frets, G. P. Over den uitwendigen neus van de primaten. Versl. gewone Vergad. Akad. Amst., 1912, 21, (1), 179-184.—On the external nose of primates. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst., 1912, 15, (1), 129-134. [Png Hyl Prsb C-p Me Aot Saim Ceb Lag Atl Hap) 470. Frets, G. P. Over het Jacobson’s orgaan der primaten. Versi. gewone Vergad. Akad. Amst., 1912, 21, (1), 184-187.—On the Jacobson’s organ of primates. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst., 1912, 15, (1), 134-137. [2f: Prsh Mc Saim Ceb Atl Al Hap) 471. Gegenbaur, C. Uber das Rudiment einer septalen Nasendriise beim Menschen. Morph. ¥b., 1886, 11, 486-488. [+ ?Lor] 472. Kolmer, W. Bemerkungen iber die Regio olfactoria der Anthropoiden. Z. Anat. Entw- Gesch., 1927, 84, 160-170. [Sit Gr ene Pins ia )| 473. Lucas,A.M. The nasal cavity and direc- tion of fluid by ciliary movement in Macacus rhesus (Desm.). Amer. F. Anat., 1932, 50, 141— 177. [3pl-3f-1t-19r: Mc] 474. Richter,H. Die Morphologie der Husch- keschen Knorpel. Z. Hals- Nas.- u. Ohrenheilk., 1934, 35, 415-425. [+ 13f-r: Png] 475. de Rochebrune, A.-T. Du platyrhinisme chez un groupe de singes africains. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1886, 103, 940-941. [Cis] _476. Schultz, A. H. The nasal cartilages in higher primates. Amer. F. phys. Anthrop., 1935, 20, 205-212. [++ 6f-lt: Gr Pn Png Symph| 477. Spurgat, F. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Nasen- und Schnauzenknorpel des Menschen und der Thiere. Morph. Arb.,* 1896, 5, 555-612, pls. 25-26. [+ 4f-60r: Pn C-p Lm] 478. Virchow, H. Nasenknorpel des Schim- panse. Z. Ethn., 1914, 46, 673-678. [4f: Pn] 479. Wen, I. C. Ontogeny and phylogeny of the nasal cartilages in primates. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1930, 22, 109-134, 1 pl. [46 222197 Pag Hol ye Prsh Nas Ery-c Mc Pp Aot Ceb Atl Al Hap Lm Nyct-c Glg Tars] 480. Wiedersheim,R. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der dusseren Nase von Semnopithecus nasicus. Eine physiognomische Studie. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1901, 3, 300-350, pls. 21-24. [9f-20r: Prsb Nas) 481. Wiedersheim, R. Nachtragliche Bemer- kungen tiber den Semnopithecus nasicus und Beitrage zur dusseren Nase des Genus Rhinopithe- cus. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1901, 3, 576-582. [2f: Rhn-p Nas] 48la. Zuckerkandl, Emil. Das periphere Ge- ruchsorgan der Sdugethiere. Eine vergleichend anatomische Studie. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke, 1887, viii, 116 pp., 10 pls. EE eS Ie Png Hyl Pp Al Lm Pr-p WNyct-c Gilg] See also: 105, 106, 298, 327, 463, 1005, 1217, 2838. LARYNX & LARYNGEAL SAC 482. Anthony, R. & Bortnowsky, I. Recherches sur un appareil aérien de type particulier chez un lémurien. Arch. Zool. exp. gén., 1914, 53, 309- 324, pls. 14-15. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1913, 156, 160-161. [8f-r: Mer-c] 483. Bartels, P. Uber die Nebenraume der Kehlkopfhohle. Beitrage zur vergleichenden und zur Rassen-Anatomie. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1904, 8, 11-61, pl. 3. Mndr] [+ 1f-52r: Png Me [34] External nose——Larynx & laryngeal sac 484. Bernstein, H. Uber das Stimmorgan der Primaten. Ab;. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1923, 38, 105-128, pls. 13-14. [tir: Pn Hyl Me Pp Ceb Lag Al Lm WNyet-c] 485. Boulart, R. Note sur le systéme vascu- laire des poches laryngiennes de |’orang-outang. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1886, 38, 215-216. [Png] 486. Brandes, G. Der Kehlsack und die Stimme des Orang-Utan. Naturforscher, 1927, 3, 633-635. [Png] 487. Brandes, G. Die Bedeutung des Orang- Kehlsackes. Z. Sdugetierk., 1929, 4, 81-83. [Png] 488. Brandes, R. Uber den Kehlkopf des Orang-Utan in verschiedenen Altersstadien mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Kehlsackfrage. Gegenbaurs Fb., 1932, 69, 1-61, pls. 1-3. [36f-unr: Png] 489. Brandt, Johann Friedrich. Odservationes anatomicae de instrumento vocis mammalium in museo xootomico Berolinensi factae. Berolini: F. A. Herbig, 1826, 38 pp., 1 pl. [++ C-p Me Ceh Atl Al Pp Mndr Hap Lm Lor eps 490. Camper, P. Account of the organs of speech of the orang outang. Philos. Trans.,1779, 69, 139-159, pl. 2. [Pp Png] 491. Deniker, J. & Boulart, R. Note sur les sacs laryngiens des singes anthropoides. 7. Anat., Paris, 1886, 22, 51-62, pls. 3-4. [77s Green eng 492. Deniker, [J.] & Boulart, [R.] Les sacs laryngiens des singes anthropoides. Bu//. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1896, 2, 139-143. [Png] 493. Deniker, [J.] & Boulart, [R.] Sur les sacs laryngiens d’un orang-outan femelle adulte. Bul. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1898, 4, 277-278. [Png] 404, Erhart, M. B. Irrigacio arterial do ap- parelho de resonancia hyolaryngeo no genero Alouatta (Bugio). Rev. Mus. paul., 1936, 20, 707-719, 2 pls. [Al 495. Eschricht, [D. F.] Beschreibung einiger neuen Muskeln am Kehlkopfe eines langarmigen Affen ( Hylobates albifrons). Arch. Anat. Physiol. wiss. Med.,* 1834, 218-221, pl. 2. [ Hy/] 496. Fick, R. Beobachtungen am Orangkehl- sack. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1928, 445-447, pls. 4-6. [Png] 497. Forster, A. Remarques sur la formation du sac laryngien antérieur des simiens inférieurs. (Note préliminaire.) Bull. Soc. anat. Paris, 1923, 93, 509-516. [4f-2r: C-p Pp Mndr Lm 497a. Forster, A. Le sac trachéal postérieur chez Ateles ater. Bull. Soc. anat. Paris, 1924, 94, 59-67. [4f: Atl) 498. Forster, A. Le sac laryngien antérieur des primates. Le mécanisme de son développe- ment. Arch. 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Die Schlund-und Kehl- organe des Gorillas “Bobby” unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der gleichen Organe von Mensch und Orang. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichen- den Anatomie des Kehlkopfes. Gegenbaurs Fb., 1938, 81, 78-157. [22f-3t-unr: Pn Png| 505. Koerner, O. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Physiologie des Kehlkopfes der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Adh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1883, 13, 147-165, 1 pl. [+++ Png Mc Pp Lm] 506. Koerner, O. Weitere Beitraige zur ver- gleichenden Anatomie und Physiologie des Kehl- kopfs. bh. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1884, 13, 261-276, 1 pl. [+++ Pn Png Mc Pp At Lm] 507. Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. Die Larynx und die Stimbildung der Quadrumana. WNatuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind., 1896, 55, 157-175. [1ir: Gr Pn Png Symph Prsh Mc Ceb] 508. Kollmann, M. Pharynx et larynx de quelques lémuriens. C. R. frang. Av. Sci., 1913 [1914], 42, (2), 352-357. [Lm Mer-c homme. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1923, 88, 478-480. [Pz] UROGENITAL SYSTEM 713a. Sestini, F. Sulla presenza, forma e struttura de l’os penis in Cinocefalo amadriade. Atti Accad. Fisiocr. Siena, Sez. med.-fis., 1936, (11), 4, 190-195, 1 pl. [3f: Pol See also: 73, 144, 164, 178, 202, 323, 324, 690, 691, 695, 751, 1021, 2484a, 2924, 3534, OVARY & FALLOPIAN TUBE 714. Andersen, Dorothy H. Comparative anatomy of the tubo-uterine junction. Histology and physiology in the sow. . Anat., 1928, Amer. F 42, 255-305. [+ 5pl-2f-17r: Mc Al] 715. Corner, G. W., Bartelmez, G. W. & Hart- man, C. G. On normal and aberrant corpora lutea of the rhesus monkey. Amer. F. Anat., 1936, 59, 433-457. (7pl-1f: Mc] 716. Frommolt, G. Studien an Makakusova- rien. Z. Geburtsh. Gyn a@k., 1934, 107, 165-178. [8f-1t:; Mc] 717. Joachimovits, R. Studien zu Menstrua- tion, Ovulation. Aufbau und Pathologie des weib- lichen Genitales bei Mensch und Affe (Pithecus fascicularis mordax). Il. Teil: Eileiter und Ovar. Biol. gen., 1935, 11, 281-348, pls. 6-8. [++ 20f-vnr-annotated bibl.: Mc] 718. Joseph, H. Histologische Beobachtun- gen am Anthropoidenovarium. Arb. zool. Inst. Univ. Wien., 1910, 18, 83-112, 1 pl. [7f-nr: Png Hyl\ 719. Mac Leod, J. Contribution 4 l’étude de la structure de l’ovaire des mammiféres. Second partie: Ovaire des primates. Arch. Biol., Paris, 1881, 2, 127-144, pls. 8-9. [12r: Png Prsb Ery-c Mc Pp Lm] 720. Parkes,A.S. The reproductive processes of certain mammals. II.—The size of the Graafian follicle at ovulation. Proc. roy. Soc., 1931, B, 109, 185-196. [+ 6f-2t: Pp] 721. Saglik,S. Ovaries of gorilla, chimpanzee, orang-utan and gibbon. Contr. Embryol. Carneg. Instn., 1938, 27, 179-189, 5 pls. [1t-10r: Gr Pn Png Hyl Mel 722. Stratz, Carl Heinrich. Der geschlechts- reife Saeugethiereierstock. Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1898, 65, 1 pp., 9 pls. {+ Tars} 723. Zuckerkandl, E. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Ovarialtaschen. Arb. anat. Inst., Wiesbaden, 1897, 8, 707-799, pls. 60-65. [+ Png C-p C-c Mc Ceb Brycht Al Hap Lm] See also: 23, 26, 44, 204, 725, 752, 1956, 2410, 2751, 2865, 2947. UTERUS 724*, Bernstein, B. A prapas d’un cas d’uterus bicornis septus chez Macacus rhesus. Thése (Med.) Genéve, 1908, 33 pp. [46] Ovary & tubes——Vagina & external genitalia 725. Bolk, L. Beobachtungen an einem schwangeren Uterus von Gorilla. Anat. Anz., 1922, 55, 457-463. [6f: Gr] 726. Clark, O.H.& Corner,G.W. Thecervix uteri of the rhesus monkey. Anat. Rec., 1935, 63, 247-252. [6f-6r: Me] 727. Dickinson, R. L.& Hartman, C.G. Simi- larity in cervix of rhesus monkey and woman. Amer, F. Obstet. Gynec., 1936, 32, 813-822. [++ 2pl: Mc] 728. Forster, A. Le dispositif des ligaments larges dans la série des mammiferes supérieurs et dans l’espéce humaine. Arch. Anat., Strasbourg, 1928, 8, 359-432. [+++ 12f: Hyl Prsb C-p Mc Ceb Atl Lm WNyet-c Prdct Gilg] 729. Franke, H. J. I. B. Der Uterus von Cercocebus cynamolgos in den verschiedenen Le- bensperioden mit einem Anhange itber die Theorie des unteren Uterussegments bei dem Menschen. Ned. Bijdr. Anat., 1902, 1, 326-369, pls. 21-23. [++ ar: Mc] 730. Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. Die Umgestaltun- gen des Uterus der Affen nach der Geburt. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1902, 4, 1-16. [34f: Prsd] 731. Kurz, W. Der Uterus von Tarsius spec- trum nach dem Wurf. Arb. anat. Inst., Wies- baden, 1904, 23, 619-654, pls. 31-34. [Tars] 732. Okkels, H. & Engle, E. T. Studies on the finer structure of the uterine blood vessels of the Macacus monkey. Acta path. microbiol. scand., 1938, 15, 150-168. [7f-2t-13r: Mc] 733. Popov, D.D. [Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung des Uterus der nichtanthropo- morphen Affen, des Menschen und der Tiere.] Russk. Vrach, 1909, 8, 809-814, 851-855. [+ 4f-Russian] 734. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. Les canaux de Gartner d’un singe femelle. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1914, 77, 374-377. [C-c] 735. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. Forme de Putérus d’un macaque rhesus a terme, et position du foetus. C.R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1915, 78, 234— 237. [Mc] 736. Rouget, C. & Sabatier, A. Note sur les organes érectiles utero-ovariens d’une femelle de magot (Pithecus inuus). Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., 1866, (5), 5, 219-225, pl. 8. [Mc] 737. Sandys, O. C. & Zuckerman, S. Observa- tions on the cervix uteri and the urethra of monkeys. 7. Anat., Lond., 1938, 72, 352-357, 1 pl. [1f-9r: Mc] 738. Schatz, [F.] Ueber die Uterusformen bei den Affen. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1902, 15, 762. [ Aéstr.] 739. Strahl, H. Die Riickbildung der Uterus- Schleimhaut nach dem Wurf bei Tarsius spec- trum. Versl. gewone Vergad. Akad. Amst., 1903, 12, (1), 473-475.—The process of involution of the mucous membrane of the uterus of Tarsius [Anat. 725-750] Spectrum after parturition. Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst., 1903, 6, (1), 302-305. [Tars] See also: 44, 45, 50, 61, 84, 714, 723, 743, 2367, 2410, 2773, 2846, 2857, 2865, 2923. VAGINA & EXTERNAL GENITALIA 740. Ashley-Montagu, M. F. Note on the external genitalia in three female Old World primates. Anat. Rec., 1937, 69, 389-405. [6f-13r: Gr Prsb Lor] 741. von Bischoff, T. L. W. Vergleichend anatomische Untersuchungen tber die dusseren weiblichen Geschlechts- und Begattungs-Organe des Menschen und der Affen, insbesondere der Anthropoiden. bh. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1879, 13, 2 Abt., 207-274, 6 pls. [++ Gr Pn Pug Hyl Clb Cop Mc Pp Geb Ail Al Hap Oed-m Lm WNyct-c Gilg] 742. von Bischoff, T. L. W. Ueber die dus- seren weiblichen Geschlechtsteile des Menschen und der Affen. Nachtrag. bh. bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1880, 13, 3 Abt., 169-177, 1 pl. [+ Gr] 743. Bolk,L. Beitrage zur Affenanatomie. VI. Zur Entwicklung und vergleichenden Anatomie des Tractus urethro-vaginalis der Primaten. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1907, 10, 250-316, [++ 33f: Pn Png Symph Prsbh C-c Tal Pp Aot Saim Ceb Atl Al Leon-c Lm 744, Dalla Volta, A. Contributo alla mor- fologia dell’imene nelle proscimmie. Monit. zool. ital., 1924, 35, 207-213. [2f-nr: Lm] 745. Fugger, Augustus Guilelmus Ferdinandus. De singulari clitoridis in simiis generis Atelis magnitudine et conformatione. Inaug.-Diss. (Med.) Berolini, Typis Nietackianis, 1835, 24 pp., tea At. 746. Hartmann, R. Die weiblichen Gesch- lechtstheile der anthropoiden Affen und die Brunst der Affen im Allgemeinen. Z. Ethn., 1886, 18, 431-433. [4éstr.] 747. Jaworowski, A. O nieprawidtowém wyksz- talceniu narzadu plciowego u samicy pawiana (Cynocephalus sp.). (Abnormal sexual organs of a female Cynocephalus). Rozpr. Akad. Um., 1884, 12, 114-122, pl. 6. [Pp] 748. Pehrson, T. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der ausseren weiblichen Genitalien bei Affen, Halb- affen und Insectivoren. Anat. Anz., 1914, 46, 161-179. [++ 14f: Mc Atl Lm Carg Gig] 749. Retterer, &. & Neuville, H. De 1’ap- pareil uro-génital d’un lion et d’un maki femelle. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1914, 77, 62-65. [+ Lm] 750. Vallois, H. Un cas de disposition anor- male des organes génitaux externes chez un Saimiri femelle. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1912, (6), 3, 243-247. [3f: Saim| [47] [Anat. 751-762] 751. Wislocki,G.B. The external genitalia of the simian primates. Hum. Biol., 1936, 8, 309- 347, 14 pls. ste GR San ier laby! Symph Prsh C-p Ery-c C-c Mc Pp Aot Saim Ceb Atl Al Oe0d-m) See also: 73, 114, 144, 187, 202, 300, 303, 304, 323, 335, 684, 703, 727, 2367, 2410, 2773, 2889, 2890, 2893, 2897, 3534, 3781, 3784a. MAMMARY GLANDS 752. Aberle, S. B. D. Growth of mammary gland in the rhesus monkey. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 32, 249-251. Uf: Mc] 753. Annandale, N. Lacteal tract of oriental Lorisinae. Spolia zeylan., 1906, 3, 196. [ Nyct-c] 754. Coolidge, H. J., Jr. Symmetrical super- numerary mammae in a chimpanzee. 7. Mam- mal., 1933, 14, 66-67, pl. 5. [Pz] 755. Elder, J.H. Report of a case of inherited polymastiain chimpanzee. Anat. Rec., 1936, 65, 83-88. [1 pl-13r: Pn] 756. Hartman,C.G. Acase of supernumerary nipple in Macacus rhesus, with remarks upon the UROGENITAL SYSTEM biology of polymastia and polythelia. ¥% Mam- mal., 1927, 8, 96-106, pl. 10. [ur: Mc] 757. Hill, W. C.O. Supernumerary nipple in amacaque. Spolta zeylan, 1937, 20, 257. [Ery-c Mc] 758*. Nestur, M. F. [Accessory mammary glands in primates.] Antrop. Zh.,* 1936, no. 3, 327-344. [Russ. with Engl. abstr.; abstr.: eae Ff. phys. Anthrop., 1938, 23, 233-234: n 759. Schickele, G. Beitrage zur Morphologie und Entwicklung der normalen und tberzahligen Milchdriisen. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1899, 1, 506-546. [+ 19f-nr: Hyl Mc Ceb Hap] 760. Sutton, J. B. Supernumerary mammae and nipples in man, monkeys, cows, etc. Amer. ¥. med. Sci., 1889, 97, 247-257. [+ ry-c Me] 761. Willey, A. The lacteal tract of Loris gracilis. Spolia zeylan., 1905, 3, 160-162. [Uf: Lor] 762. Zuckerman, S. Supernumerary nipples in monkeys. F. Mammal., 1935, 16, 229-230. [Mc Pp] See also: 150, 164, 2898, 2899. [48] Osteology, Arthrology & Syndesmology Skeleton as a Whole GENERAL MORPHOLOGY Comprehensive & General Studies 763. Abelin, [A.] Observations sur un sque- lette de gorille, offert 4 la Société. Ann. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulon, 1912, 3, 156-177. (ut: Gr] 764. Aeby, C. Beitrage zur Osteologie des Gorilla. Morph. 7b., 1878, 4, 288-313. [5f-6t: Gr Hyl Symph C-p Mc Pp Mndr Au All 765. Alix, E. Sur les caractéres anatomiques de Vaye-aye. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1878, 87, 219-221. [Daud] 766. d’Alton, J. W. E. Die Skelete der Vier- hander. In: Vergleichende Osteologie, by C. H. Pander and J. W. E. d’Alton. Bonn: Ed. Weber, 1824, Abt. 1, Lief. 7, 11 pp., 8 pls. [Png Clb C-p Mndr Atl Al Hap Lm Nyct-c] 767. de Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay. Ostéographie, ou description iconographique com- parée, du squelette et du systéme dentatre des mam- miferes récents et fossiles. Tome 1. Primatés-secun- dates. Paris: J. B. Bailliére et fils, 1839-41, [in fasc.], Atlas I, 59 pls. 768. de Blainville, H. M.D. The comparative osteography of the skeleton and dentar system in the five classes of vertebral animals, recent and fossil. Edited (from the French) and additionally illustrated with numerous notes, observations, and drawings, by Robert Knox, M.D. Lancet, 1839-40, (1), 137-145, 185-190, 217-222, 297-305; 1839-40, (2), 209-220, 321-330, 353-368, 385-391, 433- 439, 465-470, 513-517, 545-548, 593-597, 625- 628, 657-661, 689-693, 737-739, 769-771, 801- 805, 833-836, 881-885, 913-916. eee of: een Pag yl Symphy oPrsb a Cyn-p Pp Ceb Lm Pr-p Avh Lor Gig 769. Carruccio, A. Sovra alcuni caratteri mor- fologici di un Hy/obates miilleri Martin donato da S. M.il Re Umberto all’Istituto zoologico della R. Univ. di Roma. Boll. Soc. romana Studi xool.,* 1899, 8, 1-16, 1 pl. [mr: Hyl| 770. Carus, Carl Gustav. Zur vergleichenden Symbolik zwischen Menschen- und Affen-Skelet. Jena: Friedrich Frommann, 1861, 12 pp., 2 pls. [cf. 777: Png] 771.* Duckworth, Wynfrid Laurence Henry. Descriptive catalogue of specimens in the Museum of Human Anatomy: Pt. II. The comparative osteology of man and the higher apes. Cambridge: University Press, 1908, 1-40. 772. Duvernoy, [G. L.] Mémoire sur les carac- téres anatomiques que présentent les squelettes du Troglodytes tschego, Duv., et du Gorilla gina, Isid. Geoffr.; nouvelles espéeces de grands singes pseudo-anthropomorphes de la céte occidentale d’Afrique. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1853, 36, 925-933. [Gr Pn Png Hyll 773. Earle, C. The lemurs as ancestors of the apes. Nat. Sci.,* 1897, 10, 309-313. [ Tars] 774. Fischer [von Waldheim], Gotthelf. dna- tomie der Maki, und der ihnen verwandten Thiere. Erster Band enthalt die Naturgeschichte und den Knochenbau der Maki. Frankfurt a.M.:; Andreai- schen Buchhandlung, 1804, vi, 194 pp., 24 pls. [Lm Hp-l Mer-c Avh Indr Lor Nyct-c Glg Daub Tars| 775. Flower, William Henry. 4x introduction to the osteology of the Mammalia: being the substance of the course of lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1870. London: Macmil- lan & Co., 1870, xi, 344 pp. [SS Z6f) Gr Ven eng iy] Lag Atl Al Hap Lm Gig] 776. Fry, E. On the osteology of the active gibbon ( Hylobates agilis). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, 11-18. Idem: Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1846, (1), 17, 484-491. (ut: Hy] 777. Garbiglietti, A. Intorno all’opera del con- sigliere intimo e medico di S. M. il Re di Sussonia, dottore Carlo Gustavo Carus, sulla simbologia comparata tra lo schleletro umano e quello delle scimie. G. Accad. Med. Torino, 1862, (2), 43, 470-498. [cf. 770] 778. Gervais, P. Remarques ostéologiques sur les genres brachyure et callitriche, de la tribu des singes américains. Castelnau’s Expédition dans les parties centrales de I’ Amerique du Sud. Paris: P. Bertrand, 1855, Septi¢éme partie. Zoologie. Vol. I. Anatomie., 93-95. 779. Gregory, W. K. On the structure and relations of Notharctus, an American Eocene Pp Ceb primate. Mem. Amer. Mus. nat. Hist., 1920, n.s., 3, 49-243, pls. 23-59. [84f-nt-nr: Gr Mc Ceb Atl Al Lm Lp-l Hp-l Mer-c Chrg Pr-p Indr Lor Prdct Gilg Daub Tars jit) 780. Gregory, W. K. The upright posture of man: a review of its origin and evolution. Proc. Amer. phil. Soc., 1928, 67, 339-374, 2 pls. [+ 5f-ur: Gr Pn Hyl Lm) 781. Halford, George Britton. ‘Lines of de- marcation” between man, gorilla and macaque. Melbourne: Wilson & Mackinnon, 1864, 21 pp. [Gr Mc] [49] [Anat. 782-806] 782. Halford, G. B. On the skeleton of the gorilla. Trans. roy. Soc. Vict., 1865-66 [1866], 7, 34-49. it: Gri 783. Hartmann, R. Beitrage zur zoologischen und zootomischen Kenntniss der sogenannten anthropomorphen Affen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. wiss. Med.,* 1872, 107-152, pls. 3-4; 1872, 474- 502, pl. 6; 1875, 265-303, pls. 7-8; 1875, 723-724, pls. 18-19; 1876, 636-661, pls. 14-15. [t-unr: Gr Pn Png] 784. Heckel, E. Etude sur le gorille du Musée de Brest. Rev. Anthrop., Paris,* 1876, 5, 1—20, ally [Gr] 785. Hervé, G. Observations sur deux sque- lettes de jeunes orangs. Bull. Soc. homme ou des animaux vertébrés. Deuxiéme mémoire. De 1’os malaire ou jugal. dunn. Sci. Nat., 1844, (3), 1, 25-36, pls. 7-8. [4 G2p ez [75] [Anat. 1326-1347] 1326. Hrdligka, A. New instances of complete division of the malar bone, with notes on incom- plete division. Amer. Nat., 1902, 36, 273-294. fakes RAB Tere Oa) | le) Verte 214 1327. Nannetti, A. Note sulla divisione ano- mala del malare. Arch. Antrop. Etnol., 1909, 39, 18-45. [+ 16f-nr: Png All 1328. Reali, G. Le partizioni e il numero dei centri di origine del malare nei primati. G. Morf., 1919, 3, 37-49, pl. 1. 1329. Sera, G. L. L’omologia dei centri di origine del malare dei primati, colle ossa postorbi- tali degli stegocephali. Riv. ital. Paleont., 1920, 26, 10-17. 1330. Zimmerman, A. & Hasské, A. Das Jochbein und das “Os malare bipartitum” des Orang-Utan. Anat. Anz., 1930, 69, 1-11. [4f-1t: Png] See also: 1061a, 1150, 1180, 1209, 1331. MANDIBLE & OS HYOID 1331. Anderson, R. J. Some notes on the mandible and jugal in primates. 15th Int. Congr. Med., Lisbonne, 1906, Sect. 1. Anat., 291-308. [30f: Gr Pn Png Hyl Prsb C-p Me Pp Ceb Hap Lm Lp-l Lor Gig] 1332. Bolk, L. Uber die Regio mentalis des Unterkiefers von Siamang. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1915, 19, 255-264. [12f: Symph] 1333. Bolk,L. Die Entstehung des Menschen- kinnes. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Unterkiefers. Verh. Akad. Wet.. Amst., Sect. 2, 1924, 23, no. 5, 106 pp., 2 pls. [+ 54f: homme et de celui du singe. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1866, (2), 1, 693-699. [++ Pn Png Mndr Ail) 1334a. Friederichs, H. F. Schadel und Unter- kiefer von Piltdown (“‘Eoanthropus dawsoni Woodward’’) in neuer Untersuchung. Z. Anat. EntwGesch., 1932, 98, 199-262. fsb Cee Je Lee Tata Der Un- 1335. Gorjanovic-Kramberger, [K.] terkiefer der Hylobaten im Vergleich zu dem des rezenten und fossilen Menschen. 5th Int. dent. Congr., Berlin, 1909 [1912], 1, 140-159. [+++ 16f: Hy] 1336. Holl, M. Vergleichende Anatomie der hinteren Flache des Mittelstickes der Unter- kiefer. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1919, 56, 67-69. [+++ Gr Png Mc Pp) 1337. Jentsch, E. Die Apophysis lemurica. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1914-15, 17, 135-172, pls. 10-11. a MEM e ee tele! Pp Lm Indr\ CRANIAL & FACIAL BONES 1337a. Kelemen, G. Vergleichend-anatomische R6ntgenbeobachtungen am Zungenbeinapparate. Arch. Ohr.-, Nas.-,u. KehlkHeilk., 1929, 122, 161— 169. [++ 9: Png] 1338. Mijsberg-van Roojen, J. H. N. & Mijs- berg, W.A. Die Entstehung des Menschenkinnes nach Untersuchungen am Siamang. Z. Anat. EntwGesch., 1931, 95, 708-733. [++ 6f-3t-17r: Hyl Symph| 1338a. Miller, G. S., Jr. The jaw of the Pilt- down man. Smithson. misc. Coll., 1915, 65, no. 12, 31 pp., 5 pls. [Eess) nr: ean 1339. Owen, [R.] Osteological contributions to the natural history of the chimpanzees (Tro- glodytes) and orangs ( Pithecus).—No. V. Compari- son of the lower jaw and vertebral column of the Troglodytes gorilla, Troglodytes niger, Pithecus satyrus, and different varieties of the human race. Trans. zool. Soc. Lond. 1851 [1862], 4, 89-115, pls. 31-36. [Gr Pn Png] 1340. Puccioni, N. Ricerche sulla forma del mento e dell’incisura sigmoidea negli uomini e nelle scimmie. Arch. Antrop. Etnol., 1913, 43, 98-134, [++ O6f-nt: Gr Pn Hyl Prsb Clb C-p C-c Mc Cyn-p Pp Saim Ceb Al Hap Myst\ 1341. Robinson, L. The story of the chin. Rep. Smithson. Instn., 1914 [1915], 599-609, 12 pls. [+ Pn Png Hyl Nas Mc Pp Al Lm] 1342. Simonton, F. V. Mental foramen in the anthropoidsandinman. Amer. F.phys. Anthrop., 1923, 6, 413-421, 2 pls. [+ 3t Gr Pn Png] 1343. Toldt, C. Der Winkelfortsatz des Un- terkiefers beim Menschen und bei den Saugetieren und die Beziehungen der Kaumuskeln zu demsel- ben. S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Abt. 3, 1905, 114, 315-476, 3 pls. [++ L8f-nr: (Gr Ven Png Hyl Prsb C-p Mc Pp Mndr Saim Ceb Atl Hap Lm Daub) 1344. Topinard, R. Les caractéres simiens de la machoire dela Naulette. Rev. Anthrop., Paris,* 1886, (3), 1, 385-431. [++ 13f-nr: Gr Png] 1345. Walkhoff, [O.] Der Unterkiefer der Anthropomorphen und des Menschen. (Vor- laufige Mitteilung.) Biol. Zd/., 1901, 21, 582- 585. 1346. Walkhoff, O. Der Unterkiefer der An- thropomorphen und des Menschen in seiner func- tionellen Entwickelung und Gestalt. Stud. Entw- Gesch. Tiere, 1902, 3, 207-327. [++ 59f-review: Biol. Zbl., 1902, 22, 298-310: Gr Pn Png Symph 1347. Wegener, K. Uber Zweck und Ursache der menschlichen Kinnbildung. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1926, 26, 165-180, pl. 4. [+ 2f: Gr Hyl Symph Mc] [76] Mandible—Temporomandibular joint 1348. Woollard, H. H. & Harpman, A. Note on the internal architecture of the mandible. 7. Anat., Lond., 1938, 72, 575-578, 1 pl. [Gr Pn Png Me Tars] See also: 327, 451, 488, 1058, 1061a, 1066, 1075, 1097a, 1138, 1314, 1353a, 1393, 1423, 1434, 1441, 1566, 3952, 3994. TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT 1348a. Endziulaityte, Marija. Ueber das Tu- berculum articulare anterius und die Fossa digas- trica. Inaug.-Diss. (Phil.) Munchen, [1925], 55 pp., 7 pls. [++ 10f4t-16r: Gr Png] 1349. von Haussen, H. O. Uber die relative Lage des Kiefergelenkes am Schadel der Prima- ten. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1931, 29, 465-497. [9f-13t-13r: Gr Pn Png Hyl Symph Prsb Nas Clb C-p C-c Me Thr-p Pp Aot Cal-c_ Pith Chirop Saim Ceb Lag Atl Al Hap Myst| [Anat. 1348-1353a] 1350. Lubosch, W. Uber Variationen am Tu- berculum articulare des Kiefergelenks des Menschen und ihre morphologische Bedeutung. Gegenbaurs Fb., 1906, 35, 322-353. [+ 16f 35r: Gr Pn Png Hyll 1351. Petrovits,L. Die Ubereinstimmung des Kiefergelenkes des neugeborenen Kindes mit dem Kiefergelenk der Anthropoiden. Anat. Anz., 1930, 69, 136-144. [+ 32r] 1352. Retterer, E. & Neuville, H. De 1’articu- lation temporo-maxillaire du macaque commun. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1920, 83, 515-517. [Mc] 1353. Richter,W. Der Kaumechanismus beim Menschen und beim Affen, ein Vergleich. Dtsch. Mschr. Zahnheilk., 1919, 37, 334-342. [3f: ‘Affe’] 1353a. Todd, T. W. Facial growth and man- dibular adjustment. Int. 7. Orthod., 1930, 16, 1243-1267. [++ 19f-r: Gr Pn Png Mc Pp] See also: 802, 1281, 1393, 1565, 1586. [77] The Teeth GENERAL MORPHOLOGY Comprehensive & General Studies 1354. Adloff, Paul. Das Gebiss des Menschen und der Anthropomorphen. Vergleichend-anatom- ische Untersuchungen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur menschlichen Stammesgeschichte. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1908, 164 pp., 27 pls. [eae ofeunrs Gr Pn Png Vey tet 1355. Adloff, P. Die Differenzierung des Pri- matengebisses. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1908, 11, 377-384. 1356. Adloff, P. Zur Frage der Differenzier- ung des Primatengebisses. Dtschr. Mschr. Zahn- heilk., 1909, 27, 444-449. [++ 37] 1357. Adloff, P. Uber die Phylogenese des Primatengebisses und das Zukunftsgebiss des Menschen. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1911, 13, 505—- 532, pls. 17-18. [1f-13r: Gr Saim Ceb Ail Al Hap) 1358. Adloff, P. Noch einmal die Bolk’sche Hypothese und die Differenzierung des Primaten- gebisses. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1912, 15, 381-400, pls. 10-12. [1f-14r: Pith Lag Atl] 1359*. Adloff, Paul. Die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems der Séugetiere und der Menschen. Eine Kritik der Dimertheorie von Bolk. Berlin: Hermann Meusser, 1916, 110 pp. 1360. Adloff, [P.] Das Gebiss des Menschen und der Anthropoiden und das Abstammungs- problem. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1927, 26, 431-449. aie easy hl 1361. Batujeff, N. A. Zur Morphologie der Zahnkronen des Menschen und der Thiere. Ard. milit.-med. Akad. St.-Petersburg, 1894, 1, 26-102. (Abstr.: Arch. Anthrop., Braunschw., 1900, 26, 184-185.) 1362. Bennejeant, C. Les variations dentaires numériques et la reduction dentaire progressive chez les primates. C. R. Ass. frang. Av. Sci., 1935, 59, 459-464. (3f-1t: Clb Atl Hap Lm Mer-c Gilg Tars) 1363. Bluntschli, H. Das Platyrrhinengebiss und die Bolksche Hypothese von der Stammes- geschichte des Primatengebisses. Anat. Anz., 1911, 38, ErgH., 120-136. [Sf] 1364. Bluntschli, H. Zur Phylogenie des Ge- bisses der Primaten mit Ausblicken auf jenes der Saugetiere tiberhaupt. Vjschr. naturf. Ges. Zu- rich, 1911, 56, 351-392. [++ 24f-r: Pp Ceb Al Hap Tars) 1365. Bluntschli, H. Das Gebiss der Platyr- rhinen und seine Bedeutung fir die Stammes- geschichte der Primaten. Rev. suisse Zool., 1911, 19, Bull.-annexe, 18-20. [ Abstr] 1365a. Bluntschli, H. & Schreiber, H. Zur Morphologie der Anthropomorphen-Molaren. Fortschr. Zahnheilk, 1930, 6, 14-27. [6f: Gr Pn Png Hyl\ 1366. Bolk, L. Die betrekking tusschen de tandformulen der platyrrhine en katarrhine Pri- maten. Tijdschr. Tandheelk., 1906, 13, 65-82. Review: Ost.-ung. Vischr. Zahnheilk., 1907, 23, 324-327. [ur: Pn Saim Ceb Al Hap) 1367. Bolk, L. Beitrage zur Affenanatomie. V. Die Differenzirung des Primatengebisses. Ned. Bijdr. Anat., 1906, 4, 103-114. 1368. Bolk, L. De betrekking tusschen de tandformulen der platyrrhine en katarrhine pri- maten. Versl. gewone Vergad. Akad. Amst., 1906, 14, (2), 751-763. On the relation between the teeth-formulas of the platyrrhine and catarrhine primates: Proc. Acad. Sci. Amst., 1906, 8, (2), 81-793. 1369. Bolk, L. Uber die Phylogenese des Pri- matengebisses und das Zukunfstgebiss des Mensch- en. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1910, 13, 31-56, pl. 1. [6f-lt: Gr Symph C-p Mc Pp Saim Pith Ceb Aitl\ 1370. Bolk, L. Nachtrag zu meiner Abhand- lung: Uber die Phylogenese des Primatengebisses und das Zukunftsgebiss des Menschen. Z. Morph. Anthrop., 1910, 13, 343-346. [2f: Me] 1371. Bolk, Louis. Odontologische Studien II. Die Morphogenie der Primatenzahne. Eine weitere Begriindung und Ausarbeitung der Dimertheorie. Jena: G. Fischer, 1914, viii, 181 pp., 3 pls. [61f: Gr Pn Png Symph Prsb Clb Me C-p Pp Aot Pith Saim Ceb Atl Al_ Hap Lm Chrg Pr-p C-p Pp Cebd| 3268a. Hess, C. Untersuchungen zur ver- gleichenden Physiologie und Morphologie des Ac- commodationsvorganges. Arch. Augenheilk., 1909, 62, 345-392, pls. 17-20. [+ 9: Affe] 3268b. Jablonski, W. Zur Genik der Refrak- tionszustande. 5. Mitteilung. Uber die Refrak- tion von 29 Affen. Arch. Augenheilk., 1926, 97, 369-374. [t: C-p Me Ppl 3268c. Levinsohn, G. Die Entstehung der Kurzsichtigkeit mit Demonstration kurzsichtig gemachter Affen. Ber. dtsch. ophthal. Ges., 1913, 39, 217-231. [t: Affe] 3268d. Levinsohn, G. Zur Anatomie des kurz- sichtig gemachten Affenauges und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Myopiegenese. Arch. Augenheilk.,1929, 100/101, 138-163. [19f: Affe 3268e. v. Pflugk, Albert. Uber die Akkommo- dation des Auges der Taube nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Akkommodation des Affen (Macacus cyno- molgus) und des Menschen. Wiesbaden: J. F. Berg- mann, 1906, 46 pp., 3 pls. [+ 19f-47r: Mc] 3268f. Stargardt,K. Kurzsichtigkeit beim Af- fen. Arch. vergl. Ophthal., 1911, 2, 27-36. [2f-1t: Mc] See also: 2184, 2243, 2962, 2962a, 3042, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3134, 3139, 3201, 3202, 3208, 3209, 3257. THE EYE—MOVEMENTS OF THE EYES & LIDS 3269. Blount, W.P. Studies of the movements of the eyelids of animals: blinking. Quart. F. exp. Physiol., 1928, 18, 111-125. [+ 7Zf-5r: Pn monkey) 3270. Brown, T. Graham. Reflex orientation of the optical axes and the influence upon it of the cerebral cortex. Arch. néerl. Physiol., 1922, 7, 571-578. [+++ monkey] 3271. Mahoney, W. & Sheehan, D. Experi- mental ptosis in primates. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1936, 35, 99-107. [1f-14r:; Pn Mc] SENSE ORGANS 3272. Sherrington, C. S. Experimental note on two movements of the eye. F. PAysiol., 1894- 95, 17, 27-29. [eee Mc) See also: 2184, 2962, 2963, 3042, 3046, 3048, 3067, 3086, 3121, 3122, 3123, 3124, 3125, 3126, 3130, 3131, 3133, 3136, 3137, 3138, 3177, 3202, 3205, 3206, 3228, 3229, 3257, 3448, 3880. COCHLEAR & LABYRINTHINE FUNCTIONS 3273. Beyer, H & Lewandowsky, M. Experi- mentelle Untersuchungen am Vestibularapparat von Saugetieren. Arch. Anat. Physiol., Lpz., Physiol. Abt., 1906, 451-464. [+ monkey] 3274. Dow, R.S. The effects of unilateral and bilateral labyrinthectomy in monkey, baboon and chimpanzee. Amer. F. Physiol., 1938, 121, 392— 399, BGS ie G3 Me Pp] 3275. Northington, P., & Barrera, S. E. Ef- fects of unilateral and bilateral labyrinthectomy and intracranial section of eighth nerve. Experi- ments on monkeys. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat, Chicago, 1934, 32, 51-71. [3f: monkey] 3276. Northington, P. & Barrera, S. E. The galvanic nystagmus reaction in the monkey. Amer. F. Physiol., 1937, 120, 703-704. [2r: Me] 3277. Uffenorde, W. Zur Bewertung der Au- genmuskelreaktionen bei Labyrinthreizung und der Reaktionen bei elektrischen Kleinhirnreiz- ungen nach experimentellen Untersuchungen am Affen. Miinch. med. Wschr., 1912, 59, (1), 1213- 1216. [Uf: Mc] See also: 3017a, 3046, 3083a, 3121, 3232, 3233. CUTANEOUS & MUSCLE SENSIBILITY See: 1544, 1763, 2284, 2370, 2372, 2979. SYMPATHETIC & PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 3278. Langley, J. N. & Sherrington, C.S. On pilo-motor nerves. F. Physio/., 1891, 12, 278- 291. [++ It: Me] 3279. Whitteridge,D. The transmission of im- pulses through the ciliary ganglion. ¥. Physiol., 1937, 89, 99-111. [+ “ofr: Cl See also: 2372, 2589, 2590, 2821, 2883, 2973, 2977, 2991, 3271. [170] Pharmacology ANESTHETICS & ANALGESICS 3280. Elder, J. H. Methods of anesthetizing chimpanzees. ¥. Pharmacol., 1937, 60, 347-357. [2f- 1t-8r: Pn] 3281. Fulton, J. F. & Keller, A.D. Observa- tions on the response of the same chimpanzee to dial, amytal, and nembutal, used as surgical anaesthetics. Surg. Gynec. Obstet., 1932, 54, 764— 770. [2f-8r: Pn] 3282. Fulton, J. F., Liddell, E. G. T. & Rioch, D. McK. “Dial” as a surgical anesthetic for neurological operations; with observations on the nature of its action. ¥. Pharmacol., 1930, 40, 423-432. [+ Me] 3282a. Gruber, C.M. Theeffects of anaesthet- ic doses of sodium thio-pentobarbital, sodium thio-ethamyl and pentothal sodium upon the respiratory system, the heart and blood pressure in experimental animals. 7. Pharmacol., 1937, 60, 143-173. [+ 12f: monkey] 3283. Smith, P. K. The relation of acetanilid and other drugs to analgesia in monkeys. 7. Pharmacol., 1938, 62, 467-474. [2f-24r: C-c] 3284. Spielmeyer, W. Verdnderungen des Nervensystems nach Stovain-anasthesie. Minch. med. Wschr., 1908, 55, 1629-1634. [++ fe] 3285. Weidman, [F. D.] Newer general anes- thetic for wild animals. Rep. Lab. Mus. zool. Soc. Philad., 1930, 58, 45-51. [++] BULBOCAPNINE 3286. Buchman, Ethel F. & Richter, C. P. Abolition of bulbocapnine catatonia by cocaine. Arch. Neurol. Psychtat., Chicago, 1933, 29, 499- 503. [+++ 2f: Me] 3287. Fernandes, B. & Ferreira, F. La cata- tonie expérimentale par la bulbocapnine. En- céphale, 1933, 28, 445-459. [+ singe] 3288. Ferraro, Armando & Barrera, Severo Eugene. Experimental catalepsy. (The action of bulbocapnine in cats and monkeys with various experimental lesions of the nervous system.) Utica, N. Y.: State Hospitals Press, 1932, 119 pp. [++ 106f-64r: Mc] 3289. de Jong, H. & Baruk, H. Etudes sur la catatonie expérimentale. L’épreuve de la bulbo- capnine chez les singes. Comparaison des stades de l’intoxication bulbocapnique avec les aspects de la catatonie humaine. Rev. neurol., 1929, 36, (2), 541-547. [+ 2p/: Mc] 3290. Krause, F. & de Jong, H. Uber die Lokalisation einiger motorischer Erscheinungen bei der Bulbocapnin-Katatonie. Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 1931, 133, 754-761. [++ 4f: Affe] 3291. Paterson, A. S. & Richter, C. P. Action of scopolamine and carbon dioxide on catalepsy produced by bulbocapnine. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1933, 29, 231-240. [3f: Me] 3292. Richter, C. P. & Paterson, A.S. Bulbo- capnine catalepsy and the grasp reflex. ¥. Phar- macol., 1931, 43, 677-691. [+++ 3f-lt: Mel THE OPIATES 3293. Eddy, N. B. & Reid, J. G. Studies of morphine, codeine and their derivatives. VII. Di- hydromorphine (paramorphan), dihydromorph- inone (dilaudid), and dihydrocodeinone (dicodide). F. Pharmacol., 1934, 52, 468-493. [+ 7t-35r: Me] 3294. Kolb, L. & DuMez, A. G. Experimental addiction of animals to opiates. Pudl. Hith. Rep. Wash., 1931, 46, 698-726. [+++ 4f-9t: Mel 3295. Seevers, M. H. Opiate addiction in the monkey. I. Methods of study. ¥. Pharmacol., 1936, 56, 147-156. [10r: Mel 3296. Seevers, M. H. Opiate addiction in the monkey. II. Dilaudid in comparison with mor- phine, heroine and codeine. ¥. Pharmacol., 1936, 56, 157-165. [1t-7r: Mc] 3297. Tatum, A. L., Seevers, M. H. & Collins, K. H. Morphine addiction and its physiological interpretation based on experimental evidences. F. Pharmacol., 1929, 36, 447-475. [+ 1f-39r: Mc] MISCELLANEOUS 3298. Chopra, R. N., Mukherjee, S. N. & Chow- han, J.S. Physical changes in blood in vivo after injection of venom from Indian cobra ( Nata naia vel tripudians) into monkeys. Indian F. med. Res., 1937, 25, 137-145. [1f-lt-17r: Mc] 3299. Williams, E. F., Jr., Abramowitz, W. & Killian, J. A. The value of the monkey for the study of the laxative activity of phenolphthalein, especially in comparing different samples of the drug. 7. Lab. clin, Med., 1934, 19, 1213-1216. [[t-6r: Me] [171] Psychobiology Experimental Psychobiology REVIEWS, TEXTBOOKS, MONOGRAPHS, &c. 3300. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Sieben Jahre tierpsychologische Arbeit in Amsterdam. Z. angew, Psychol., 1926, 27, 236-267. [+ 268r] 3301. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Neuere Unter- suchungen wtiber die hoheren Formen der tier- ischen Intelligenz. Zool. Anz., 1931, SupplBd. 5, 39-66. [+++ nr-lecture: Mc] 3302. Dexler, H. Das Kohler-Wertheimer’sche Gestaltenprinzip und die moderne Tierpsycho- logie. Lotos, 1921, 69, 143-242. [+ J18f: Pn] 3303. Guillaume, P. La psychologie des an- thropoides d’aprés les travaux récents. Les épreuves d’intelligence. ¥%. Psychol. norm. path., 1923, 20, 948-966. [7f-8r-review: Pn Png Mc] 3304. Hempelmann, Friedrich. Tierpsycholo- gie vom Standpunkte des Biologen. Leipzig: Aka- demische Verlagsgesellschaft, 1926, viii, 676 pp., 1 pl. [+ 134f-vnr] 3305. Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney. Mind in evolution. London: Macmillan & co., 1915, 2nd ed., xix, 469 pp. [+ ft: Pn Png Mc Mndr] 3306. Holmes, Samuel Jackson. Tze evolu- tion of animal intelligence. New York: H. Holt & co., 1911, v, 296 pp. [+ 18f-nr] 3307. Schiche, E. Die Psychologie der Anthro- poiden im Lichte einiger neuerer Arbeiten. Z. angew. Psychol., 1921, 18, 343-355; 1923, 22, 292— 300. [3/] 3308. Spence, K. W. Experimental studies of learning and the higher mental processes in infra- human primates. Psychol. Bull., 1937, 34, 806- 850. [+++ 161r] 3309. Warden, Carl J., Jenkins, Thomas N. & Warner, Lucien H. Comparative psychology; a comprehensive treatise. Vertebrates. New York: Ronald Press co., 1936, x, 560 pp. [8 Of-onr] 3310. Yerkes, R. M. Mental evolution in the primates. In: Human biology and racial welfare. Edmun “Cowdry, ed., New York: Paul B. Hoeber, 1930, xviii, 612 pp. 3311. Yerkes, R. M. & Child, Margaret S. Anthropoid behavior. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1927, 2, 37-57, 2 pls. [8ir: Gr Pn Png Hyl] 3312. Yerkes, Robert M. & Yerkes, Ada W. The great apes. A study of anthropoid life. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1929, xix, 652 pp. [172f-unr: Gr Pn Png Hyl Symph] COMPREHENSIVE EXPERIMENTAL MONOGRAPHS, &c. 3313. Buytendijk, F. J. J. Considérations de psychologie comparée a propos d’expériences faites avec le singe Cercopithecus. Arch. néerl. Physiol., 1920, 5, 42-88. [8f-5t: C-p] 3314. Kinnaman, A. J. Mental life of two Macacus rhesus monkeys in captivity. Amer. Ff. Psychol., 1902, 13, 98-148, 173-218. [11f-10t-nr: Mc] 3315. Kliiver, Heinrich. Behavior mechanisms in monkeys. With an introduction by K.S. Lashley. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1933, xvil, 387 pp. [52f-69t-309r: Mc Saim Ceb Atl Lm| 3316. Kuroda, A. Mental life of a Macacus monkey. Fap. }. Psychol., 1926, 6, 148-174. [Mc] 3317. Shepherd, W.T. Some mental processes of the rhesus monkey. Psychol. Monogr., 1910, 125) no:, 9; Ol pp: [3f-10t-l6r: Mc] 3318. Thorndike, E.L. The mental life of the monkeys. Psychol. Monogr., 1901, 3, no. 5, 57 pp. [5f4t: Ceb] 3319. Yerkes, R. M. The mental life of mon- keys and apes: a study of ideational behavior. Behav. Monogr., 1916, 3, no. 1, 145 pp., 6 pls. [5f-10t-nr: Png Mc] 3320. Yerkes, R. M. The mind of a gorilla, Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1927, 2, 1-193, 9 pls. [34r: Gr] 3321. Yerkes, R. M. The mind of a gorilla: Part II. Mental development. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1927, 2, 375-551. [15pl-5r: Gr] 3322. Yerkes, R. M. The mind of a gorilla. Part III. Memory. Comp. Psychol. Monogr. 1928, 5, no. 2, 92 pp. [Yf-9pl-2t: Gr METHODOLOGY & APPARATUS 3323. Crawford, M.P. A behavior rating scale for young chimpanzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 26, 79-92. [4¢-6r: Pn] 3324. Fischel, W. Methoden zur psychologi- schen Untersuchung der Wirbeltiere. Handb. biol. ArbMeth., 1932, Abt. 6, Teil D, 233-338. [+ 48f] _ 3325. Foley, J. P. An apparatus for restrain- ing monkeys and other lesser primates. Amer. F. Psychol., 1935, 47, 312-315. [++ 3f] [175] [Psych. 3326-3331] 3326. Grether, W. F. A new spectral color ap- paratus for studies of primate color vision. 7. gen. Psychol., 1935, 12, 450-456. [2f-11r] 3327. Kliiver, H. A tachistoscopic device for work with sub-human primates. 7. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1935, 1, 1-4. [+ Jf] 3328. Kliiver, H. Use of vacuum-tube ampli- fication in establishing differential motor reac- tions. F. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1935, 1, 45-47. [+ Ir] GENERAL 3329. Kliiver, H. An auto-multi-stimulation reaction board for use with sub-human primates. F. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1935, 1, 123-127. [+ 4] 3330. Kohler, W. Die Methoden der psycho- logischen Forschung an Affen. Handb. biol. Arb- Meth., 1932, Abt. 6, Teil D, 69-120. 3331. Yerkes, R. M. Primate codperation and intelligence. Amer. F. Psychol., 1937, 50, 254- 270. [r: Pn] See also: 3339, 3334, 3347, 3445. [176] Receptive PRIMARY VISUAL CAPACITIES (brightness discrimination, color vision, visual acuity, flicker, Sc.) 3332. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Versuche iiber den Farbensinn der Affen. Tijdschr, ned. dierk. Ver., 1925, (2), 19, 71-74. [cf. 3333: Mc] 3333. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Experiments on vision in monkeys. I, The colour-sense of the pig- tailed macaque ( Nemestrinus nemestrinus L.). _f. comp. Psychol., 1925, 5, 417-453. [2f-6t-r: Mc 3334. Bierens de Haan, J. A. & Frima, Mar- gareta J. Versuche tiber den Farbensinnn der Lemuren. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1930, 12, 603-631. [8f-11t-20r: Lm] 3335. Brecher, G. A. Die Verschmelzungs- grenze von Lichtreizen beim Affen. Z. vergi. Physiol., 1935, 22, 539-547. [2f-lt-nr: C-c] 3336. Brecher, G. A. Die subjektiven Hellig- keitswerte des Spektrums beim Affen. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1936, 23, 771-780. fcr G=2) 3337. Crawford, M.P. Brightness discrimina- tion in the rhesus monkey. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1935, 17, 72-162. [11f-11t-20r: Mc] 3338. Dahl, F. Versuche iiber den Farbensinn bei einer Meerkatze. Zool. 7b., Abt. 1, 1907, 25, 329-338. [C-p] 3339. Johnson, H.M. Visual pattern-discrim- ination in the vertebrates—I. Problems and meth- ods. F. Anim. Behav., 1914, 4, 319-339. [of] 3340. Johnson, H. M. Visual pattern-discrim- ination in the vertebrates—II. Comparative visual acuity in the dog, the monkey and the chick. 7. Anim. Behav., 1914, 4, 340-361. [+ 4t: Ced] 3341. Johnson, H.M. Visual pattern-discrim- ination in the vertebrates—III. Effective differ- ences in width of visible striae for the monkey and the chick. 7. Anim. Behav., 1916, 6, 169-188. [++ 6t-lf: Ceb] 3342. Katz, D. & Katz, Rosa. Behaviour of monkeys under light of poor visibility. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1937, A, 107, 183-186. [C-p Mc Lag] 3343. Koehler, W. Die Farbe der Sehdinge beim Schimpansen und beim Haushuhn. Z. Psychol., 1917, 77, 248-255. [e+ ur: Pr] 3344. Maison, G.L. Determination of the vis- ual power of each eye in animals. Science, 1936, n.s., 84, 463. [monkey] 3345. Spence, K. W. Visual acuity and its relation to brightness in chimpanzee and man. %. comp. Psychol., 1934, 18, 333-361. [+++ 4f-5t-36r: Pn] Capacities 3346. Trendelenburg, W. & Schmidt, I. Unter- suchungen tiber das Farbensystem des Affen. (Spektrale Unterschiedsempfindlichkeit und spek- trale Farbenmischung bei Helladaptation.) Z. vergl. Physiol., 1930, 12, 249-278. [4f-9t: Mc] _ 3347. Watson, J. B. Some experiments bear- ing upon color vision in monkeys. F. comp. Neurol., 1909, 19, 1-28, 1 pl. [3f-6t: Me Cebd) See also: 3155, 3156, 3157, 3159, 3160, 3163, 3165, 3166, 3314, 3315, 3317, 3326, 3352, 3356, 3361, 3361b, 3362, 3367, 3385, 3386, 3411, 3453, 3461. SECONDARY VISUAL PROCESSES (size, form, relative vs. absolute discrimination, generalization (9 abstraction) 3347a.* vonAllesch,G. J. Zur nichteuklidischen Struktur des phanomenalen Raumes (Versuche an Lemur mongoz mongoz L.). Jena: G. Fischer, 1931, 11, 153 pp. [Lm] 3348. Baley, S. Le comportement des enfants et des singes inférieurs en présence des objets placés sur un support. Acta psychol., The Hague,* 1935, 1, 30-38. [+ Pn C-c Mndr Lm] 3349. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Uber Wahrneh- mungskomplexe und Wahrnehmungselemente bei einem niederen Affen ( Nemestrinus nemes- trinus) (zugleich Versuche tber das Sehen der Affen II). Zool. Fb., Abt. 3, 1925, 42, 272-306. [5f4t: Me] 3350. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Der relative Wert von Form- und Farbenmerkmalen in der Wahrnehmung des Affen (zugleich: Versuche tiber das Sehen von Affen III). Biol. Zd/., 1925, 45, 727-734. [2t: Mc] 3351. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Versuche tber das Sehen der Affen. IV. Das Erkennen gleich- formiger und ungleichformiger Gegenstande bei niederen Affen. V. Erkennen Affen in zweidimen- sionalen Abbildungen ihnen bekannte Gegen- stande wieder? Z. vergl. Physiol., 1927, 5, 699— 729. [9f-5t-lor: C-p Me] 3352. Bierens de Haan, J.A. Uber Wahl nach relativen und absoluten Merkmalen. (Versuche an Affen und Bienen.) Z. vergl. Physiol., 1928, 7, 462-487. [++ 4f4tr: Mc] 3353. Buytendijk, F. J. J. & Révész,G. L’im- portance spéciale du sens de la vue dans les phénoménes de reconnaissance chez les singes in- férieurs. Arch. néerl. Physiol., 1923, 8, 14-19. [Px Png Pp Mndr Ceb] [177] [Psych. 3354-3381] 3354. Gellerman, L. W. Form discrimination in chimpanzees and two-year-old children. I. Form (triangularity) per se. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1933, 42, 3-27. [++ 3f-3t-15r: Pn] 3355. Gellerman, L. W. Form discrimination in chimpanzees and two-year-old children. II. Form versus background. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1933, 42, 28-50. [++ 4f4t-or: Pn] 3356. Johnson, H.M. Visual pattern-discrim- ination in the vertebrates—IV. Effective differ- ences in direction of visible striae for the monkey and the chick. ¥. Anim. Behav., 1916, 6, 189- 204. [eae Sz) Gea) 3357. Kafka, H. Beitrag zur Psychologie eines niederen Affen: Gréssenunterscheidung bei Cer- cocebus fuliginosus. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1931, 15, 71-120. [7f-20t-31r: C-c] 3358. Kliiver, H. Zur Psychologie der Ver- anderungsauffassung bei niedereen Affen. Z. angew. Psychol., 1931, 59, Beiheft, 132-156. (W. Stern-Festschrift. ) [1f4t: Affe] 3359. Kliiver, H. The equivalence of stimuli in the behavior of monkeys. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1931, 39, 3-27. [5f-2t-3r: Mc] 3360. Kéhler, W. Aus der Anthropoidensta- tion auf Teneriffa. II. Optische Untersuchungen am Schimpansen und am MHaushuhn. AbdA. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1915, no. 3, 70 pp. [eaeereweza| 3361. Kohler, W. Aus der Anthropoidensta- tion auf Teneriffa. IV. Nachweis einfacher Struk- turfunktionen beim Schimpansen und beim Haus- huhn. Uber eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung des bunten Farbensystems. Abh. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1918, no. 2, 101 pp. [++ Pn] 3361a.* Kohts, N. Report of the Zodpsycholog- ical Laboratory of the Darwinian Museum. Mos- cow: 1921. [Russ: Pn] 3361b. Kohts, Nadie. (Untersuchungen iiber die Erkenntnisfahigkeiten des Schimpansen.) Mos- kau: Museum Darwinianum, 1923, 498 pp., 18 pls. Gr. abstr.: 454-492. [Reviews: nos. 3368a, 3385 & Anthrop. Anz., 1926, 3, 248-249, pls. 10-11: Pn 3362. Kohts, N. Recherches sur |’intelligence du chimpanzé par la méthode de “‘choix d’aprés modele.”” ¥. Psychol. norm. path., 1928, 25, 255- PUSS, [Px] _ 3363. Locke, N. M. A comparative study of size constancy. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1937, 51, 255-265. [++ .3£18r: Me) 3364. Neet, C. C. Visual pattern discrimina- tion in the Macacus rhesus monkey. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1933, 43, 163-196. [4f-5t-12r: Mc] 3365.* Ohtsuka, N. Uber die absolute und relative Wahl beim Affen Cercopithecus sp. Acta psychol. Keijo,* 1937, 3, 33-44. RECEPTIVE CAPACITIES 3366. Révész, G. Recherches psychologiques sur les singes. Arch. néerl. Physiol., 1924, 9, 380-381. [ Abstr.| 3367. Révész, G. Experimental study in ab- straction in monkeys. F. comp. Psychol., 1925,5, 293-343. [4f-7t-25r: C-c Me] 3368. Révész, G. Abstraktion und Wieder- erkennung. Vergleichend-psychologische Versuche an Menschen und an niederen Affen. Z. Psychol., 1926, 98, 34-56. [+ Uf: Affe] 3368a. Stern, W. Erkennungsleistungen eines Menschenaffen. Z. pddag. Psychol., 1926, 27, 248-250. [Review of 33615] 3369. Tellier, Mariette. Le choix d’aprés modeéle, chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1933, 2, 41-45. [Mc 3370. Tellier, Mariette. L’intelligence des singes inférieurs. La vision des formes et la géné- ralisation. Mém. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1934, (3), 19, NOwSs On pp spe [3f-nr: Mc] 3371. Tellier, Mariette. L’intelligence des singes inférieurs. JII.—Le relatif et l’absolu. Mém. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1935, (3), 20, no. 1, 64 pp. [72r: Me] 3372. Verlaine, L. Le relatif et l’absolu chez le macaque. Le grandeur moyenne. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1935, 4, 90-96. [Mc] 3373. Verlaine, L. A propos du syncrétisme. La perception d’un objet chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1935, 4, 132-137. [Mc] 3374. Verlaine, L. La perception chez le ma- caque.—Le vivant et le non-vivant. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1935, 4, 137-140. [Mc] 3375. Verlaine, L. De la connaissance chez le macaque.—La substance. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1935, 4, 239-243. [Mc] 3376. Verlaine, L. La vision des formes chez le macaque. Syncrétism, analyse et synthése. Mém. Acad. R. Belg. Cl. Sci. (Coll. in 8°), 1935, (2), 14, no. 5, 85 pp. [17f-nr: Mc} 3377. Verlaine, L. Le caractére analytique de la perception chez le macaque. Bull. Acad. Belg. Cl. Sci., 1935, (5), 21, 744-757, 800-816. [Mc] 3378. Verlaine, L. Les associations par con- tiguité chez le macaque. 7. Psychol. norm. path., 1935, 32, 719-730. [15r: Me] 3379. Verlaine, L. L’analyse et la synthése, dans la perception des formes, chez le macaque. Ann. Soc. zool. Belg., 1935, 66, 57-66. {1ir: Me] 3380. Verlaine,L. Histoire naturelle dela con- naissance chez le singe inférieur. Le concret. Actualité sci., 1935, no. 215, 50 pp., 4 pls. [Mc] 3381. Verlaine,L. Histoire naturelle dela con- naissance chez le singe inférieur: le syncrétique. Actualités sci., 1936, no. 320, 60 pp., 4 pls. [Mc] [178 ] Vision—Somatic sensibility [Psych. 3382-3392] 3382. Verlaine, L. Histoire naturelle de la connaissance chez le singe inférieur: |’abstrait. Actualités sci., 1936, no. 360, 55 pp., 2 pls. [1if: Me] 3382a. Verlaine,L. Représentations concrétes et facultés de synthése chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sct. Liége, 1938, 7, 579-589. [Mc] 3382b. Verlaine-Gos, M. L’abstraction chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1937, 6, 184- 186. [Mc] 3383. Weigl, E. Ubereinstimmende Verhalt- ungsweisen von Menschen und Affen bei Wahl- handlungen. Ber. Kongr. exp. Psychol. Wien,* 1929 [1930], 11, 182-189. [++ Affe] _ 3384. Yerkes, Ada W. Experiments with an infant chimpanzee. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1935, 46, 171-181 y:' (ut: Pn] 3385. Yerkes, R. M. & Petrunkevitsch, A. Studies of chimpanzee vision by Ladygin-Kohts. F. comp. Psychol., 1925, 5, 99-108. [Review of 33616] See also: 3156, 3157, 3158, 3314, 3315, 3327, 3339, 3340, 3341, 3409, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3458, 3483, 3500, 3501a, 3519, 3713. PRIMARY AUDITORY CAPACITIES 3386. Elder, J. H. Auditory acuity of the chimpanzee. Ff. comp. Psychol., 1934, 17, 157- 183. [4f-3t-26r: Pn] 3387. Elder, J. H. The upper limit of hearing in chimpanzee. Amer. F. Physiol., 1935, 112, 109-115. [2f-2t-9r: Pn] 3388. Kalischer, O. Uber die Tondressur der Affen, Zé/. Physiol., 1912, 26, 713-714. Abstr.: Med. Klinik, 1912, 8, 712. [Affe] 3389. Wendt, G. R. Auditory acuity of mon- keys. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1934, 10, no. 49, 51 pp. [1pl-8f-8t-9r: C-c Me Pp Atl} See also: 3166, 3315, 3317. SECONDARY AUDITORY PROCESSES See: 3315, 3359, 3496, 3502, 3503. GUSTATION & OLFACTION See: 3316, 3829. SOMATIC SENSIBILITY 3390. Tellier, Mariette. Reconnaissance par le toucher d’objets connus par la vue, chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1932, 1, 114-117. [Mc] 3391. Tellier, Mariette. Le sens du toucher et la généralisation, le relatif et l’absolu, chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1932, 1, 192-196. [Mc] 3392. Tellier, Mariette. Le sens du toucher et la généralisation. La discrimination du poids des objets chez le macaque. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1933, 2, 138-142. [Mc] See also: 3173a, 3178, 3179, 3315, 3358, 3391, 3392, 3411. [179] The Action System REFLEX ACTION (see Physiol.) LOCOMOTION & POSTURE See: 206, 3564, 3657, 3676, 3699, 3766, 3774, 3775, 3778, 3780, 3782, 3786, 3789, 3817, 3857, 3901, 3989. VOLUNTARY ACTION (prehension 8 manipulation, motor skills, reaction time, handedness, strength, etc.) 3393. Bauman, J.E. Thestrength of the chim- panzee and orang. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1923, 16, 432-439, [3pl-1f: Pn Png| 3394. Bauman, J. E. Observations on the strength of the chimpanzee and its implications. F. Mammal., 1926, 7, 1-9, pl. 1. [t: Pn] 3395. Bergtold, W. H. Strength of chimpan- zees. F. Mammal., 1926, 7, 131-132. [Px] 3396. Forster, M. C. Temporal relations of behavior in chimpanzee and man as measured by reaction time. 7. comp. Psychol., 1935, 20, 361- 383. Eee) eel aor lOr-) en) 3397. Franz, S.I. Observations on the prefer- ential use of the right and left hands by monkeys. F. Anim. Behav., 1913, 3, 140-144. [2¢: monkey] 3398. Kempf, Helen D. C. The preferential use of the hands in monkeys with modification by training and retention of the new habit. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 297-301. [if-it: Mel 3399. Kounin, J. S. Laterality in monkeys. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1938, 52, 375-393. [1f-10t-18r: Mc Ceb Atll 3400. Lashley, K.S. Modifiability of the pref- erential use of the hands in the rhesus monkey. F. Anim. Behav., 1917, 7, 178-186. [Lf-3t: Mc] 3401. Ludwig, Wilhelm. Das Rechts-Links- Problem im Tierreich und beim Menschen, mit einem Anhang: Rechts-Links-Merkmale der Pflan- zen. Berlin: J. Springer, 1932, xi, 496 pp. [+ 143f-vnr] 340la. Magne de la Croix, P. La marche quadrupédale du chimpanzé et del’homme. 4z. Soc. cient. Argent., 1930, 110, (2), 393-398. eS erry ae 3402. Shepherd, W. T. Some observations on the intelligence of the chimpanzee. F. Anim. Behav., 1915, 5, 391-396. [Px] 3403. Witmer, L. A monkey with a mind. Psychol. Clin., 1909, 3, 179-205. {15f: Pn] See also: General, 3564; skill & manipulation, 3088, 3094, 3181, 3230, 3402, 3403, 3409, 3465; strength, 3393, 3394, 3395; handedness, 3315, 3319, 3397, 3398, 3399, 3400, 3464. FOOD & FEEDING; DRINKING _, 3404. Bierens de Haan, J. A. & Heubel, Florrie. Uber Futtervorliebe bei Affen und die Bestim- mung ihrer Grésse und Starke. (Mit einem Ver- such zu einer charakterologischen Deutung der Ergebnisse.) Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere, 1938, 34, 89-128. [6f-12t-r: C-p Mc Ceb) 3405. Katz, D. & Katz, Rosa. Some problems concerning the feeding behavior of monkeys. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1936, (1), 579-582. [C-p Ced] 3406. Maslow, A. H. Comparative behavior of primates. VI. Food preferences of primates. ¥. comp. Psychol., 1933, 16, 187-197. ae Pn Hyl C-p C-c Mc Pp Mnadr ti See also: 211, 237, 618, 2925, 2960, 3439, 3564, 3570, 3477, 3637, 3648, 3654, 3657, 3663, 3676, 3689, 3690, 3692, 3694, 3721, 3780, 3793, 3798, 3801, 3805, 3820, 3827a, 3829, 3841, 3853, 3881, 3882, 3883, 3896, 3897, 3903, 3904, 3912, 3913, 3914, 3917, 3918. SLEEP & SHELTER; HIBERNATION See: 3412, 3616, 3619, 3633, 3637, 3642, 3648, 3654, 3657, 3676, 3689a, 3703, 3704, 3710, 3721, 3728, 3740, 3823, 3895, 3899. VOCALIZATION & COMMUNICATION 3407. Boutan, L. Observations relatives aux manifestations vocales d’un anthropoide ( Hy/o- bates leucogenys Ogilby). C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1912, 155, 929-931. [Hy] 3408. Boutan,L. Le pseudo-langage. Observa- tions effectuées sur un anthropoide: le gibbon (Hylobates leucogenys-Ogilby). Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux, 1913, 67, 5-79, pl. 1. [aie 3409. Furness, W. H. Observations on the mentality of chimpanzees and orang-utans. Proc. Amer, phil. Soc., 1916, 55, 281-290. [Px Png] 3410. Romanes, G. J. On the mental faculties of Anthropopithecus caluus. Nature, Lond., 1889, 40, 160-162. [Pn] [180] Reflex action——Temperament [Psych. 3411-3418] 3411. Romanes, G. J. On the mental faculties of the bald chimpanzee (Anthropopithecus calvus). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1889, 316-321. [Pn] 3412. Yerkes, Robert M. & Learned, Blanche W. Chimpanzee intelligence and its vocal expres sions. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins co., 1925, 157 pp., 2 pls. [Pr] See also: 3407, 3408, 3409, 3425, 3594, 3595, 3600, 3648, 3657, 3697, 3731, 3732, 3746, 3748a, 3775, 3778, 3781, 3786, 3800, 3872. EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION 3413. Darwin, Charles Robert. The expression of the emotions in man and animals, London: J. Murray, 1872, vi, 374 pp. [+ 21f-mr: Gr Pn Png Mc Cyn-p Pp Ceb) 3414. Foley, J. P. Judgment of facial expres- sion of emotion in the chimpanzee. Wes: Psychol., 1935, 6, 31-67. [Pr] 3415. Haslerud, G. M. The effect of move- ment of stimulus objects upon avoidance reactions inchimpanzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 25, 507— 528. [++ 2f-6t- 4r: Pn 3416. Hunt, W. A., Landis, C. & Jacobsen, C.F. Studies of the startle pattern: V. Apes and monkeys. F. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1936, 3, 339-343. [eat Pn Pag (G-c Mel 3417. Révész,G. Zur Psychologie der Furcht- und Angstzustande. Z. angew. Psychol., 1931, 59, Beiheft, 203-240. [ee Ofc G=al 3418. Yerkes, R. M. & Yerkes, Ada W. Na- ture and conditions of avoidance (fear) response in chimpanzee. Ff. comp. Psychol., 1936, 21, 53-66. [1f-3t: Pn] See also: 1545, 2961, 2962, 2962a, 2963, 2964, 3188, 3316, 3319, 3322, 3361b, 3408, 3412, 3425, 3543, 3606, 3613, 3622, 3699, 3701, 3780, 3800, 3835, 3857. PROTECTIVE & AGGRESSIVE ACTIVITIES See: 3536, 3564, 3583, 3689a, 3818. FEAR See: 3589, 3602, 3699, 3700, 3715, 3734, 3761, 3766, 3796, 3800, 3829, 3837, 3857, 3894, 4024, BEHAVIOR TENDENCIES OR TEMPERAMENT See: 2782, 3320, 3321, 3323, 3412, 3428, 3453, 3612, 3622, 3657, 3694, 3734, 3766, 3775, 3778, 3834, 3859. [181] Maturation 3419. Foley, J. P., Jr. First year development of a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) reared in isolation. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1934, 45, 39-105. [8pl-5t-44r: Mc] 3420. Foley, J. P., Jr. Second year develop- ment of a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) reared in isolation during the first eighteen months. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1935, 47, 73-97. [1f-1t-44r: Mc] 3420a. Hermann, I. Neue Beitrdge zur ver- gleichenden Psychologie der Primaten. Jmago, Lpz., 1936, 22, 442-456. [based on no. 3423] 3421. Jacobsen, C. F., Jacobsen, Marion M. & Yoshioka, J.G. Development of an infant chim- panzee during her first year. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1932, 9, no. 41, 94pp. [4p/-5f-9t-r: Pn] 3422. Kellogg, W. N. Humanizing the ape. Psychol. Rev., 1931, 38, 160-176. [Lf-nr: Pn] 3423. Kellogg, Winthrop N. & Kellogg, L. A. The ape and the child. A study of environmental in- Siuence upon early behavior. New York: McGraw- Hill, 1933, xiv, 341 pp. [+++ 2. pl-20f: Pn] 3424. Kohts, Nadie. Infant ape and human child (Instincts, emotions, play, habits). Sci. Mem. Mus. Darwinianum, 1935, 3, xvi, 596 pp., Motivation 3430. Cowles, J.T. Food-tokens as incentives for learning by chimpanzees. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1937, 14, no. 5, 96 pp. = [9f-19t-r: Pn] 3430a. Cowles, J.T. & Nissen, H.W. Reward- expectancy in delayed responses of chimpanzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1937, 24, 345-358. [2t-3r: Pn] 3431. Fischel, W. Uber die Bedeutung des Strebens bei tierischen Wahlhandlungen. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1932, 16, 48-75. [6f-23r: C-p] 3432. Fischel, W. Neue Versuche zur Feststel- lung des Anwendens erlernter Verhaltensformen bei Affen. Zool. Anz., 1936, SupplBd., 9, 261- 265. [4f: C-p Me] 3433. Haslerud, G. M. Frustration as an ex- perimental problem. III. Some interrelations of behavioral measures of frustration in chimpanzees. Character & Pers., 1938, 7, 136-139. [Px] 3434. McCulloch, T. L. The réle of clasping activity of adaptive behavior of the infant chim- panzee: I. Delayed response. Ff. Psychol., Prov- incetown,* 1939, 7, 283-292. [1f-1t-8r: Pn] 3435. McCulloch, T. L. The rdéle of clasping activity in adaptive behavior of the infant chim- of Behavior 25 pls., Atlas, 120 pls. [Russ. with Engl. abstr.; review: F. genet. Psychol., 1937,50,465: Pn] 3425. Kohts, N. La conduite du petit du chimpanzé et del’enfant del’homme. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1937, 34, 494-531. [9f: Pn] 3426.* Kuroda, R. Untersuchungen iiber die k6rperliche und sinnes physiologische Organisation eines neugeborenen Affen (M. cyn.). Acta psychol. Keijo,* 1930, 1, 3-16. [Mc] 3427. Lashley, K. S. & Watson, J. B. Notes on the development of a young monkey. 7. Anim. Behav., 1913, 3, 114-139, 7 pls. [Mc] 3427a. Mitchell, Peter Chalmers. The child- hood of animals. New York: F. A. Stokes co., (1912), xiv, 269 pp., 12 pls. [+ 36f] 3428. Tomilin, M. I. & Yerkes, R. M. Chim- panzee twins: behavioral relations and develop- ment. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1935, 46, 239-263. [4p/-10r: Pn] 3429. White, Bessie A. A captive-born chim- panzee. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1929, 29, 558-565. [1pl-1f: Pn] See also: 2921, 3321, 3322, 3384, 3434, 3435, 3520, 3534, 3544, 3545, 3553, 3579, 3768, 3862, 3865, 4049. of Behavior panzee: II. Visual discrimination. . Psychol., Provincetown,* 1939, 7, 293-304. [3r: Pn] 3436. McCulloch, T. L. The rdle of clasping activity in adaptive behavior of the infant chim- panzee: III. The mechanism of reinforcement. F. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1939, 7, 305-316. [9r: Pn] 3437. Maslow, A. H. & Groshong, Elizabeth. Influence of differential motivation on delayed reactions in monkeys. 7. comp. Psychol., 1934, 18, 75-83. [5t: Hyl C-p Mc Cyn-p Pp Mnadr] 3438. Nissen, H. W. & Elder, J. H. The in- fluence of amount of incentive on delayed response performances of chimpanzees. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1935, 47, 49-72. [1f-8t-9r: Pn] 3439. Warden, C. J. & Jackson, T. A. A pre- liminary study of the hunger drive in the rhesus monkey. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1935, 46, 126-138. [2f-6t: Mc] Effectiveness of token-re- Comp. Psychol. Monogr., [5f-19t: Pn] 3440. Wolfe, J. B. wards for chimpanzees. 1936, 12, no. 5, 72 pp. See also: 3103, 3321, 3512. [ 182 ] Modifiability CONDITIONED REFLEXES 3441. Bam, L. (The effect of bromine upon differential inhibition in monkeys as determined by the physical strength of inhibitory stimuli.) Arkh. biol. Nauk,* 1937, 47, (3), 24-51. Abstr.: Psychol. Abstr., 1938, 12, no. 511, [8f-nt-r-Russ. with Engl. abstr.] 3442. Dolin, A. O. (Comparative investiga- tion of the functions of cortical inhibition in apes and monkeys.) Arkh. biol. Nauk, 1935, 37, 143- 178. [Russ. with Engl. abstr.; Psychol. Abstr., 1936, no. 1421: Pn Me) 3443. Galperin, S.I. Uber die Erscheinungen der Nachhemmung in der Grosshirnrinde der menschenahnlichen Affen. Z. ges. exp. Med., 1934, 93, 289-295. [t: Pn Png] 3444. Galperin, S. I., Golyschewa, K. P. & Skipin, G. W. Die héchste Nerventatigkeit der Affen. I—Mitteilung. Uber die Erscheinung der Nachhemmung bei Pavianen. Z. ges. exp. Med., 1934, 93, 276-288. [nt: Pp] 3445. Galperin, S.I., Skipin, G. W. & Woskres- ensky, L. N. Uber die Registrierrung der beding- ten motorischen Nahrungsreaktion bei Affen. Z. ges. exp. Med., 1934, 93, 272-275. [Affen] 3446. Halpérine, S. I., Skipine, G. W. & Goly- cheva, K.P. (Inhibition successive chez le singes cynocéphales (babouins).) Arkh. biol. Nauk., 1935, 37, 179-192. [5t-Russ. with Fr. abstr.: Pp| 3446a. Grether, W. F. Pseudo-conditioning without paired stimulation encountered in at- tempted backward conditioning. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 25, 90-96. [13r: Mc] 3447. Harlow, H. F. Experimental analysis of the role of the original stimulus in conditioned responses in monkeys. Psychol. Rec.,* 1937, 1, 62-68. [5r: Mc] 3448. Hilgard, E. R. & Marquis, D.G. Condi- tioned eyelid responses in monkeys, with a com- parison of dog, monkey, and man. Psychol. Monogr., 1936, 47, 186-198. [5f: Mc] 3448a.* Kaminskii,S.D.& Maiorov,F.D. (Ac- tion of different doses of bromine on inhibition in monkeys of the excitable type.) Byull. vsesoyuz. Inst. eksp. Med.,* 1935, nos. 9-10, 14-15. 3449. Lindberg, A. A. (Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der hoheren Nerventatigkeit bei Affen.) Arkh. biol. Nauk,* 1933, 33, 697-722. [11t-Russ. with Gr. abstr.; Biol. Abstr., 1936, 10, m0. 5641: Affen) of Behavior 3450. Majoroff, F. P. (Bedingte Folgereflexe bei Affen, Rhesus-Lapundra.) Arkh. biol. Nauk,* (9330033. 1232732) [1f-4t-Russ. with Gr. abstr.; Biol. Abstr., 1936, 10, no. 5643: Mc] 3451. Maiorow, F. P. (Beitrage zur verglei- chenden Untersuchung der héheren Nerventatig- keit bei den hoheren und niederen Affen.) Russk. jiz. Zh., 1935, 19, 781-803. [16t-Russ. with Gr. abstr: Pn Png Me Pp} 3452. Wendt, G. R. An interpretation of in- hibition of conditioned reflexes as competition be- tween reaction systems. Psychol. Rev., 1936, 43, 258-281. [+++ 14r: C-c Mc Pp Aull See also: 3155a, 3163, 3308, 3388, 3389. TRIAL & ERROR LEARNING (SECONDARY PROBLEM SOLUTION) DISCRIMINATION LEARNING 3453. Bierens de Haan, J. A. & Meyknecht, J. T. Dressurversuche an einem stark moto- rischen Affen. Biol. Zd/., 1934, 54, 185-195. [Ofer ee Gacl 3454. Nissen, H. W. & McCulloch, T. L. Equated and non-equated stimulus situations in discrimination learning by chimpanzees. I. Com- parison with unlimited response. F. comp. Psychol., 1937, 23, 165-189. [1f-9t-4r: Pn] 3455. McCulloch, T. L. & Nissen, H. W. Equated and non-equated stimulus situations in discrimination learning by chimpanzees. II. Com- parison with limited response. F. comp. Psychol., 1937, 23, 365-376. [1f-3t-2r: Pn] 3456. Nissen, H. W. & McCulloch, T. L. Equated and non-equated stimulus situations in discrimination learning by chimpanzees. III. Pre- potency of response to oddity through training. F. comp. Psychol., 1937, 23, 377-381. [4#-2r: Pn] 3457. Spence, K.W. The differential response in animals to stimuli varying within a single di- mension. Psychol. Rev., 1937, 44, 430-444, [2t-3f-20r: Pn monkey] 3458. Spence, K. W. Analysis of the forma- tion of visual discrimination habits in chimpanzee. F. comp. Psychol., 1937, 23, 77-100. [3f-5t-12r: Pn] 3459. Spence, K. W. Gradual versus sudden solution of discrimination problems by chim- panzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 25, 213-224. [4t-6r: Pn] See also: 3308, 3318, 3328, 3435, 3471, 3483. [ 183 ] [Psych. 3460-3475] PROBLEM-BOX LEARNING 3460. Boutan, L. Les deux méthodes de |’en- fant. Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux, 1914, 68, 217- 360, 2 pls. [+++ Of: Hyl] 3460a. Fjeld, Harriett A. The limits of learn- ing ability in rhesus monkeys. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1934, 15, 369-537. [2p/-1f-30t-35r: Mc] 3461. Goldsmith, M., Mile. Méthodes d’études et observations sur les singes de Mme. Ladygine- Kohts, de Moscou. Bull. Inst. gén. psychol., 1929, 29, 153-160. [Pz Mc] 3462. Gorter, F. J. Experiments on the learn- ing and problem solving of Nycticebus tardigradus L. Arch. néerl. Zool.,* 1935, 2, 95-111. (Uf: Nyct] 3463. Koch, A.M. The limits of learning abil- ity in cebus monkeys. Genet. Psychol. Monogr., 1935, 17, 163-234. [2f-18t-27r: Ceb] 3464. Kohts, Nadie. Adaptive motor habits of the Macacus rhesus under experimental condi- tions. A contribution to the problem of “labour processes” of monkeys. Sci. Mem. Mus. Dar- winianum, 1928, 368 pp., 24 pls. [++ 117r-vnt-r-Russ. with Engl. abstr. p. 326-352: Me) 3465. Kohts, N. Les aptitudes motrices adap- tatives dusingeinférieur. %. Psychol. norm. path., 1930, 27, 412-447. [12f: Mel See also: 3088, 3094, 3109, 3111, 3230, 3308, 3313, 3314, 3317, 3318, 3322, 3472, 3473, 3474, 3475, 3524d. SERIAL OR MAZE LEARNING & OTHER TYPES OF TRIAL & ERROR LEARNING 3466. Gengerelli, J. A. The principle of mini- mum path in the ringtail monkey. Pudl. Univ. Calif., Los Angeles, Educ., Philos., Psychol.,* 1933, 1, 165-187. [9f-13t: Ced] MODIFIABILITY OF BEHAVIOR 3467. Hamilton, G. V. A study of trial and error reactions in mammals. F. Anim. Behav., LOT 33-00: [+ 3f-5t Me] 3468. Hamilton, G. V. A study of persever- ance reactions in primates and rodents. Behav. Monogr., 1916, 3, no. 2, 65 pp. [+ 2f-nt: Mc Pop) 3469. Kempf, E. J. Two methods of subjective learning in the monkey Macacus rhesus. Ff. Anim. Behav., 1916, 6, 256-265. [Mc] _ 3470. Spragg,S.D.S. Anticipatory responses in serial learning by chimpanzee. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1936, 13, no. 2, 72 pp. [9f-18t-48r: Pn] See also: 3108, 3110, 3115, 3308, 3314, 3432, 3494, 3495. IMITATIONAL LEARNING 3471. Crawford, M. P. & Spence, K. W. Ob- servational learning of discrimination problems by chimpanzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1939, 27, 133- 147. [1f-4t-10r: Pn] 3472. Haggerty, M.E. Imitation in monkeys. F. comp. Neurol., 1909, 19, 337-455. [13f-36t: Mc Ceb] 3473. Warden, C. J. & Jackson, T. A. Imita- tive behavior in the rhesus monkey. 7. Genet. Psychol. 1935, 46, 103-125. [If-12t-20r: Mc] 3474. Watson, J. B. Imitation in monkeys. Psychol. Bull., 1908, 5, 169-178. [Mc Pp Ce] Intelligent imitation and curiosity in a monkey. Psychol. Clin., 1910, 3, 225-227. [ipl: Mc] See also: 3308, 3314, 3317, 3318, 3464, 3469, 3524, 3562. 3475. Witmer, L. [ 184 ] Intelligent Behavior; Insight; Ideation GENERAL See: 3301, 3303, 3306, 3308, 3319, 4015. MNEMONIC CAPACITIES (delayed response & alternation, &c.) 3476. Foley, J. P. & Warden, C. J. The effect of practice on the delayed reaction in the rhesus monkey. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1934, 44, 390-413. [2¢-57r: Me] 3477. Grether, W. F. & Maslow, A.H. An ex- perimental study of insight in monkeys. 7. comp. Psychol., 1937, 24, 127-134. [Uf-5t-lir: C-p Mc Pp Ceb] 3478. Harlow, H.F. Comparative behavior of primates. III. Complicated delayed reaction tests on primates. F. comp. Psychol., 1932, 14, 241— 252. [2f-5t-6r: Hyl C-p C-c Mc Pp| 3479. Harlow, H. F., Uehling, H. & Maslow, A.H. Comparative behavior of primates. I. De- layed reaction tests on primates from the lemur to the orang-outan. Ff. comp. Psychol., 1932, 13, 313-343. [3f-6t-30r: Png Hyl C-p C-c Me Ceb 3480. Keller, F.S. The delayed response of a chimpanzee to color as the constant visual factor in a varying situation. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1934, 45, 270-275. [Critique of no. 3487: Pn 3480a. Kohler, W. Uber eine neue Methode zur psychologischen Untersuchung von Menschen- affen. Psychol. Forsch., 1922, 1, 390-397. [2f] 3481. Maslow, A. H. & Harlow, H. F. Com- parative behavior of primates. II. Delayed reac- tion tests on primates at Bronx Park Zoo. 7. comp. Psychol., 1932, 14, 97-107. [2t-6r: Gr Pn Mc Pp Mndr Ceb Lag Atl Lm| 3482. Nissen, H. W., Carpenter, C. R. & Cowles, J.T. Stimulus- versus response-differen- tiation in delayed reactions of chimpanzees. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1936, 48, 112-136. [1f-7t-11r: Pn] 3483. Nissen, H. W., Riesen, A. H. & Nowlis, V. Delayed response and discrimination learning by chimpanzees. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 26, 361-386. [5f-4t-23r: Pn] 3484. Nissen, H. W. & Taylor, F. V. Delayed alternation to non-positional cues in chimpanzee. F. Psychol., Provincetown,* 1939, 7, 323-332. [Lf-1t-3r: Pn] 3485. Tinklepaugh, O. L. An experimental study of representative factors in monkeys. fF. comp. Psychol., 1928, 8, 197-236. [2p/-4f-4t-18r: monkey] P 3486. Tinklepaugh, O. L. Multiple delayed reaction with chimpanzees and monkeys. 7. comp. Psychol., 1932, 13, 207-243. [1f-17t: Pn] 3487. Yerkes, R. M. & Yerkes, D. N. Con- cerning memory in the chimpanzee. F. comp. Psychol., 1928, 8, 237-271. [1f-2t-cf. no. 3480: Pn] 3488. Yudin, H. C. & Harlow, H.F. Compara- tive behavior of primates. V. Delayed reactions in primates in horizontal and vertical planes. 7. comp. Psychol., 1933, 16, 143-148. [1pl-2t-2r: Mc Pp Mnadr] See also: 3089, 3108, 3110, 3112, 3113, 3114, 3115, 3127, 3129, 3308, 3313, 3320, 3321, 3322, 3362, 3369, 3384, 3430a, 3434, 3437, 3438, 3491, 3524, 3607a. IDEATIONAL (SYMBOLIC) BEHAVIOR (Multiple choice, double alternation, counting Sc.) 3489. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Zahlbegriff und Handlungsrhythmus bei einem Affen. Zool. 7d., Abt. 3, 1935, 54, 267-288. [7t-r: Me] 3490. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Versuche tiber das Erfassen raumlicher Beziehungen in wage- rechter und senkrechter Richtung bei einigen niederen Affen. Z. Tierpsychol.,* 1937, 1, 219-240. [1f-8t-r: C-c Me] 3491. Bierens de Haan, J. A. & Kooyman, Dina. Bildung und Zerstérung von Handlungs- rhythmen bei einem Schweinsaffen. Arch. néerl. Zool.,* 1936, 2, 143-159. [1f4t-or: Mc] 3492. Carpenter, C. R. & Locke, N. M. Notes on symbolic behavior in a cebus monkey (Capu- cinus appella). Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1937, 51, 267— 278. [5t-9r: Cebd] 3493. Gallis, P. Les animaux savent-ils compter? (Note préliminaire.) Bull. Soc. Sct. Liége, 1932, 1, 82-84. [+++ 2¢: Me] 3494. Gellermann, L.W. The double alterna- tion problem: I. The behavior of monkeys in a double alternation temporal maze. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1931, 39, 50-72. [2f-8t-8r: Mc] 3405. Gellermann, L.W. The double alterna- tion problem: III. The behavior of monkeys in a double alternation box-apparatus. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1931, 39, 359-392. [2p/-2f-9t-9r: Mc] 3496. Kuroda, R. On the counting ability of a monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). F. comp. Psychol. LOST 2S sO: [3t: Me] 3497. Lambercier, M. L’expérience de “‘’es- péce unique” chez deux singes cynocéphales. Arch. Psychol., Genéve, 1935, 25, 179-198. [3f: Pp] [185 ] [Psych. 3498-3519] INTELLIGENT BEHAVIOR 3498. Marbe,K. Die Rechenkunst der Schim- pansin Basso im Frankfurter Zoologischen Garten nebst Bermerkungen zur Tierpsychologie und einem offenen Brief an Herrn Krall. Fortschr. Psychol., 1917, 4, 135-185. [2pl-nt: Pn] 3498a. Pander, H. Die Rechenkunst der Frankfurter Schimpansin im Lichte der Psycho- logie. Naturw. Wschr., 1916, 31, 564-565. [based on no. 3498] 3499. Révész, G. Expériences sur la mémoire topographique et sur la découverte d’un systéme chez des enfants et des singes inférieurs. Arch. Psychol., Genéve, 1923, 18, 323-342. [++ 4f-7t: Me] 3500. Robinson, E. W. A preliminary experi- ment on abstraction in a monkey. F. comp. Psychol., 1933, 16, 231-236. [2f: Mc] 3501. Tellier, Mariette. Le macaque saisit-il le rapport logique? Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1932, 1, 227-231. [Mc] 350la. Verlaine, L. Le macaque sait-il compter? Notion du nombre ou rythme de pré- hension. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1938, 7, 51-61. 3501b. Verlaine,L. La notion du nombre chez le macaque. Acquisition par synthése d’unités con- tigués dans l’espace. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1938, 7, 135-148. [Mc] 3501c. Verlaine, L. La notion du nombre chez le macaque. Acquisition par synthése d’unités con- tigués dans le temps. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1938, 7, 310-321. [Mc] 3502. Woodrow, H. Temporal discrimination in the monkey. F. comp. Psychol., 1928, 8, 395— 427. [3f-6t: Mc] 3503. Woodrow, H. Discrimination by the monkey of temporal sequences of varying num- ber of stimuli. F. comp. Pyschol., 1929, 9, 123- 157. [3f-4t: Mc] 3504. Yerkes, R. M. Ideational behavior of monkeys and apes. Proc. nat. Acad. Sci., Wash., 1916, 2, 639-642. [f; Png Me] 3505. Yerkes, R. M. Modes of behavioral adaptation in chimpanzee to multiple-choice prob- lems. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1934, 10, no. 47, 108 pp. [3f-33t-r: Pn] See also: 3308, 3313, 3316, 3319, 3320, 3430, 3440, 3454, 3455, 3467, 3483; oddity, 3384, 3454, 3455, 3456, 3497, 3500; counting, 3314, 3410, 3411, 3489, 3491, 3493, 3496, 3498, 3498a, 3501a, 3501b, 3501c, 3503, 3595, 3804; multiple choice, 3490. INSIGHTFUL BEHAVIOR (PRIMARY PROBLEM SOLUTION) (instrumentation, box-stacking, detour, Sc.) 3506. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Die Baukunst eines niederen Affen (Cebus hypoleucus Humb.). Tijdschr. ned. dierk. Ver., 1930, (3), 2, 23-27, pl. 2. [Ced] 3506a. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Uber das Suchen nach verstecktem Futter bei Affen und Halbaffen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zu der Frage nach dem konkreten Verstandnis dieser Tiere. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1930, 11, 630-655. [+++ 2t-l6r: Cp C-c Mc Pp Lm] 3507. Bierens de Haan, J. A. Werkzeugge- brauch und Werkzeugherstellung bei einem nie- deren Affen (Cebus hypoleucus Humb.). Z. vergl. Physiol., 1931, 13, 639-695. [9f-32r: Gr Pn Png Hyl Cebd) _ 3508. Bingham, H.C. Chimpanzee transloca- tion by means of boxes. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1929, 5, no. 25, 91 pp., 4 pls. eee Je | _ 3509. Bingham, H. C. Selective transporta- tion by chimpanzees. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1929, 5, no. 4, 45 pp., 4 pls. [1f-2t: Pn] 3510. Brainard, P. P. The mentality of a child compared with that of apes. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1930, 37, 268-293. [+ 6f-1t-2r] 3511. Drescher, K. & Trendelenburg, W. Weiterer Beitrag zur Intelligenzprifung an Affen (einschliesslich Anthropoiden). Z. verg/. Physiol., 1927, 5, 613-642. [Z7f: Pn Png Hyl Mc Pp] 3512. Fischel, W. Weitere Untersuchung der Ziele der tierischen Handlung. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1930, 11, 523-438. [+ 6f-t-19r: Lm} 3513. Fischel, W. Affekt, Gedachtnis und Leistung bei Wirbeltieren. Z. Tierpsychol.,* 1938, 2, 198-220. {+ 13f: Cp] 3514. Guillaume, P. & Meyerson, I. Quelques recherches sur l’intelligence des singes. (Communi- cation préliminaire). F. Psychol. norm. path., 1930, 27, 92-97. 3515. Guillaume, P. & Meyerson, I. Re- cherches sur |’usage de l|’instrument chez les singes. I. Le probléme du détour. Ff. Psychol. norm. path., 1930, 27, 177-236, 4 pls. [7s Gr MPa Png yl) G-paG-cue Vics Pp All 3516. Guillaume, P. & Meyerson, I. Re- cherches sur l’usage de l’instrument chez les singes. II. L’intermédiaire liéa l'objet. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1931, 28, 481-555. [3pl-42f: Pn Png C-p Atl\ 3517. Guillaume, P. & Meyerson, I. Recher- ches sur l’usage de |’instrument chez les singes. III. L’intermédiaire indépendant de l’objet. 7. Psychol. norm. path., 1934, 31, 497-554. [6pl-12f: Gr Png Hyl C-c Mc Pp Atl Recher- 3518. Guillaume, P. & Meyerson, I. ches sur l’usage de l’instrument chez les singes. IV. Choix, correction, invention. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1937, 34, 425-448, 2 pls. [1f-2¢: Pn] 3519. Harlow, H. F. & Settlage, P. H. Com- parative behavior of primates. VII. Capacity of monkeys to solve patterned string tests. ‘J. comp. Psychol., 1934, 18, 423-435. [2f-3t-l4r: C-p C-c Mc Pp Mndr Ceb All| [186 ] Insightful behavior 3520. Kliiver, H. Re-examination of imple- ment-using behavior in a Cebus monkey after an interval of three years. Acta psychol., The Hague,* 1937, 2, 347-397. [3f-15r: Ceb] 3521. Kohler, W. Intelligenzpriifungen an Anthropoiden. I. Abh. preuss. Akad. Wiss., Physik.-math. K/., 1917, no. 1,213 pp., 3 pls. [Px] 3522. Kohler, Wolfgang. Jntelligenzpriifungen zu Menschenaffen. Berlin: J. Springer, 1921, 194 pp., 7 pls. [19f: Pn] 3523. Kohler, Wolfgang. The mentality of apes. New York: Harcourt, Brace & co., 1925, viii, 342 pp., 9 pls. [19f: Pn] 3524. Kohler, W. Intelligence in apes. (Powell Lectures in psychological theory.) In: Psychologies of 1925. Worcester, Mass.: Clark University, 1926, pp. 145-161. [Px] 3524a. Leruth, R. La notion de la roue chez le macaque, (premiére note). Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1936, 5, 64-68. [Mc] 3524b. Leruth, R. La notion de la roue chez le macaque. II.—L’indicateur du sens de rotation. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1936, 5, 98-101. [Mc] 3524c. Leruth, R. La notion de la roue chez le macaque. III.—La notion générale de la rotation. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1936, 5, 131-134. [Mc] 3524d. Leruth, R. La notion de la roue chez le macaque. IV.—Ecartement d’un obstacle a la rotation. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1936, 5, 178-182. [Mc] 3524e. Leruth, R. La notion de la roue chez le macaque. V.—Transmission du mouvement d’un disque 4 un autre. Bull. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1937, 6, 86-90. [Mc] [Psych. 3520-3531] 3525. Lindemann, E. Untersuchungen iiber primitive Intelligenzleistungen hochgradig Schwachsinniger und ihr Verhaltnis zu den Leis- tungen von Anthropoiden. Z. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 1926, Orig., 104, 529-569. [+ 5f-38r: Pn Affel 3526. McDougall, K. D. & McDougall, W. Insight and foresight in various animals—mon- key, raccoon, rat, and wasp. 7. comp. Psychol., 1931, 11, 237-273. [+ 10f: Mc} 3527. Nellmann, H. & Trendelenburg, W. Ein Beitrag zur Intelligenzpriifung niederer Affen. Z. vergl. Physiol., 1926, 4, 142-200. [29f-r: Mc Pp] 3528. Shepherd, W. T. Tests on adaptive in- telligence in dogs and cats, as compared with adap- tive intelligence in rhesus monkeys. Amer. 7. Psychol., 1915, 26, 211-216. [++ 3t: Me] 3529. Shepherd, W.T. Some observations and experiments of the intelligence of the chimpanzee and ourang. Amer. F. Psychol., 1923, 34, 590- 591. [Px Png] 3530. Verlaine, L. & Gallis, P. L’intelligence des singes inférieurs. Mém. Soc. Sci. Liége, 1932, 17, no. 3, 48 pp. [mr: Mc Cebd| 3531. Yerkes, R. M. & Spragg, S. D. S. La mesure du comportement adapté chez les chim- panzés. Ff. psychol. norm. path., 1937, 34, 449— 474, [6t-Lf-9r: Pn] See also: 3110, 3115, 3302, 3305, 3308, 3313, 3315, 3316, 3317, 3319, 3320, 3321, 3412, 3460, 3474, 3477, 3504, 3607a, 3714; spontaneous instru- mentation, 3630, 3631, 3643, 3743, 3764, 3766, 3798, 3868. [ 187 ] Reproductive & Social Behavior GENERAL See: 2757, 2764, 2779, 2781, 2782, 2823, 2885, 2912, 2924. PRIMARY SEX BEHAVIOR 3532. Ball, Josephine & Hartman, C.G. Sex- ual excitability as related to the menstrual cycle in the monkey. Amer. F. Obstet. Gynaec., 1935, 29, 117-119. [1f: monkey] 3533. Ball, Josephine. Sexual responsiveness and temporally related physiological events during pregnancy in the rhesus monkey. Anat. Rec., 1937, 67, 507-512. [Uf-13r: Mc} 3534. Bingham, H. C. Sex development in apes. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1928-29, 5, no. 23, 165 pp., 1 pl. [3f-33r: Gr =Pni Pp) 3535. Brandes,G. Die Begattung der Orangs. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1930, n.f., 3, 216-217. [Png] 3536. Hamilton, G.V. A study of sexual tend- encies in monkeys and baboons. F. Anim. Behav., 1914, 4, 295-318. [Mc Pp] 3537. Hamilton, G. V. An introduction to ob- jective psychopathology. St.Louis: G. V. Mosby co., 1925, 354 pp. [Mc] 3538. Kempf, E. J. The social and sexual be- havior of infrahuman primates, with some com- parable facts in human behavior. Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 127-154. [+++ monkey] 3539. Kempf, E. J. Social and sexual behavior of monkeys with some comparable facts in human sexual behavior. Amer. F. Urol., 1918, 14, 82-86. [++ Me] 3540. Miller, G. S., Jr. The primate basis of human sexual behavior. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1931, 6, 379-410. [++ mr: Pn Png Mc Pp] 3541. Miller, G. S., Jr. Some elements of sex- ual behavior in primates and their possible in- fluence on the beginnings of human social develop- ment. 7. Mammal., 1928, 9, 273-293. [Gr Pn Me Pp] 3542. Sokolowsky, A. The sexual life of the anthropoid apes. Urol. cutan. Rev., 1923, 27, 612-615. Bin GraePaePns| 3543. Tinklepaugh, O. L. Le comportement sexuel chez les chimpanzés et les singes inférieurs, considéré comme une réaction de substitution con- sécutive a des troubles émotionelles. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1933, 30, 930-954, (2 ga | See also: 365, 2922a, 2927b, 3322, 3549, 3555, 3557, 3558, 3564, 3573, 3575, 3576, 3583, 3588, 3593, 3657, 3716, 3772, 3803, 3857. MATERNAL & PATERNAL BEHAVIOR (incl. infant-mother behavior) 3544. von Allesch, G. J. Geburt und erste Lebensmonate eines Schimpansen. WNaturwis- senschaften, 1921, 9, 774-776. [Pr] 3545. von Allesch, G. J. Bericht tiber die drei ersten Lebensmonate eines Schimpansen. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss,, 1921, (1), 672-685. [Pn] 3546. Aulmann, G. Gegliickte Nachzucht eines Orang-Utan im Diisseldorfer Zoo. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1932, n.f., 5, 81-90. [5f: Png] 3547. Bingham, H. C. Parental play of chim- panzees. F. Mammal., 1927, 8, 77-89, pls. Pal [Pn 3548. Blair, W. R. Notes on the birth of a chimpanzee. Bull. N. Y. zool. Soc., 1920, 23, 105-111. [9f: Pn] 3548a. Brandes, G. Die Stillzeit des Orang. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1938, n.f., 10, 139-141. [Prg] 3549. Coolidge, H. J., Jr. Notes ona family of breeding gibbons. Hum. Biol., 1933, 5, 288-294. [4f: Hy] 3550. Spence, K. W. Réactions des méres chimpanzés a l’égard des enfants chimpanzés aprés séparation. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1937, 34, 475-493, 1 pl. [12t-4r: Pn] 3551. Spiegel, A. Biologische Beobachtungen an Javamakaken, Macacus irus F. Cuv. (cyno- molgus L.). Geburt und Entwicklung wahrend der ersten Lebensmonate. Zool. Anz., 1929, 81, 45- 65. [11f-1t-r: Mc] 3552. Tinklepaugh, O. L. & Hartman, C. G. Behavioral aspects of parturition in the monkey (Macacus rhesus). F. comp. Psychol., 1930, 11, 63-98, [3pl-18r: Mc} 3553. Tinklepaugh, O. L. & Hartman, C. G. Behavior and maternal care of the newborn mon- key (Macaca mulatta—‘M. rhesus’). F. genet. Psychol.,* 1932, 40, 257-286. [3pl-1t-14r: Mc] 3554. Hartman, C. G. & Tinklepaugh, O. L. Weitere Beobachtungen tiber die Geburt beim Af- fen Macacus rhesus. Arch. Gynaek., 1932, 149, 21-37. [3f-2t-r: Me] 3555. Montané, L. Notas sobre un chimpancé nacido en Cuba. Mem. Soc. cubana Hist. nat., 1915, 1, 259-269, 4 pls. [Px] [188 ] Sex behavior—Social groups, &c. 3556. Montané, L. A Cubanchimpanzee. 7. Anim. Behav., 1916, 6, 330-333. [Pr] 3557. Montané,L. Notes sur un chimpanzé né a Cuba. Arch. mens. Obstét., 1918, 10, 323-326. [if: Pn] 3558. Montané, L. Histoire d’une famille de chimpanzés; étude physiologique. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1928, (7), 9, 14-35. [4f-20r: Pn Png Hyl] 3559. Yerkes, R. M. Maternal instinct in a monkey. F. Anim. Behav., 1915, 5, 403-405. [Mc] 3560. Yerkes, R. M. & Tomilin, M.I. Mother- infant relationsin chimpanzee. ¥. comp. Psychol., 1935, 20, 321-359. [6p/-3t: Pn] See also: 2775, 2781, 2908, 2909, 2911, 2912, 2915, 2916, 2919, 2921, 2922a, 2924, 2927, 2929, 2934, 2936, 3319, 3427, 3434, 3435, 3564, 3583, 3701, 3784, 3785, 3799, 3822, 3823, 3847, 3857, 3862, 3865, 3873, 3886, 3903, 3906, 3909, 3911, 4015, 4049, SOCIAL GROUPS & SOCIALLY SIGNIFICANT BEHAVIOR (groups, leadership 8 dominance, imitation, communication, food-sharing, Sc.) 3561. Alverdes, Friedrich. Social life in the animal world. New York: Harcourt, Brace & co., 1927, ix, 216 pp. [+ nr] 3562. Aronowitsch, G. & Chotin, B. Uber die Nachahmung bei den Affen (Macacus rhesus). Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere, 1929 16, 1-25. Also: Nov. refl. fiziol. nerv. sist.,* 1929, 3, 378-398. [6f-1l6r: Mc] 3563. Briffault, Robert. The mothers. A study of the origins of sentiments and institutions. Lon- don: G. Allen & Unwin, 1927, vol. 1, xix, 781 pp. [Review] 3564. Carpenter, C. R. A field study of the behavior and social relations of howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1934, 10, no. 48, 168 pp., 1 pl. [16p/-3f-3t-72r: All 3565. Coolidge, H. J., Jr. The apes in animal sociology. Harv. Alumni Bull.,* 1933, 36, 363- 366. BEG Pn ere _ 3566. Crawford, M. P. The codperative solv- ing of problems by young chimpanzees. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1937, 14, no. 2, 88 pp. [1p/-4f-3t-nr: Pn] 3567. Crawford, M. P. The social psychology of the vertebrates. Psychol. Bull., 1939, 36, 407— 446, [+ 177r-review] _3568. Descamps, P. Les différences sociolo- giques entre les sauvages et les anthropoides. Anthropologie, Paris, 1920, 30, 137-147. [Pn Png] [Psych. 3556—3581a] 3569. Dolin, A. O. & Palatnik, S.A. (Investi- gation of the behaviour of monkeys in a group, according to the method of conditioned reflexes.) Arkh. biol. Nauk,* 1935, 37, 113-141. [2f-mt-Russ. with Engl. abstr.: Pp] 3570. Harlow, H. F. & Yudin, H. C. Social behavior of primates. I. Social facilitation of feed- ing in the monkey and its relation to attitudes of ascendance and submission. F. comp. Psychol., 1933, 16, 171-185. (2f-2t: Mel 3571. Kohler, W. Aus der Anthropoidensta- tion auf Teneriffa. V. Zur Psychologie des Schim- pansen. S. B. preuss. Akad. Wiss., 1921, (4), 686-691. [Px] 3572. Kroeber, A. L. Sub-human culture be- ginnings. Quart. Rev. Biol., 1928, 3, 325-342. [+++ Pn] 3573. Maslow, A. H. Individual psychology and the social behavior of monkeys and apes. Int. F. Indiv. Psychol.,* 1935, 1, 47-59. Also: Int. Z. Indiv.-Psychol., 1936, 14, 14-25. [Z0r: Pn G-c Pp) 3574. Maslow, A. H. The réle of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infra~-human primates: I. Observations at Vilas Park Zoo. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1936, 48, 261-277. [19r: Hyl C-p C-c Mc Pp Mndr Ceb Atl 3575. Maslow, A. H. & Flanzbaum, S. The role of dominance in the social and sexual behav- ior of infra-human primates: IJ. An experimental determination of the behavior syndrome of domi- nance. Ff. genet. Psychol.,* 1936, 48, 278-309. [16t-21r: C-p Mc Ceb] 3576. Maslow, A. H. The réle of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates: III. A theory of sexual behavior of infra-human primates. 7. genet. Psychol.,* 1936, 48, 310-338. [32r] 3577. Nissen, H. W. & Crawford, M. P. A preliminary study of food-sharing behavior in young chimpanzees. 7. comp. Psychol., 1936, 22, 383-419. [2f-5t-9r: Pn] 3578. Révész, G. Sozialpsychologische Be- obachtungen an Affen. I. Z. Psychol., 1930, 118, 142-162. [ert (Cac) Mce P| 3579. Yerkes, R. M. Suggestibility in chim- panzee. Ff. soc. Psychol., 1934, 5, 271-282. [2f-2t: Pn] 3580. Yerkes, R. M. A chimpanzee family. F. genet. Psychol.,* 1936, 48, 362-370. [2f-16r: Pn] 3581. Yerkes, R.M. Genetic aspects of groom- ing, a socially important primate behavior pat- tern. 7. soc. Psychol., 1933, 4, 3-25. [7r: Gr Pn Hyl Ceb Atl Al Lm] 358la. Yerkes, R. M. A résumé of three lec- tures on “‘Social relations in monkey, ape and man.” Bull. Wagner Inst. Sci. Philad., 1933, 8, 66-71. [189] [Psych. 3582-3588] MISCELLANEOUS 3582. Yerkes, R. M. & Yerkes, Ada W. Social behavior in infrahuman primates. In: 4 hand- book of social psychology. Worcester, Mass.: Clark Univ. Press, 1935, xii, 1195 pp. Pp All [13f-nr: Pn 3583. Zuckerman, Solly. The social life of London: Kegan Paul, [etc.], monkeys and apes. 1932, xii, 357 pp., 24 pls. [402r: Mc Pp] 3583a. Zuckerman, S. La vie sexuelle et soci- ale des singes. Paris: Gallimard, 1937, 253 pp. 8 pls. [ Abbr. transl. of no. 3583] See also: 2782, 3321, 3322, 3331, 3534, 3538, 3539, 3540, 3541, 3542, 3555, 3558, 3588, 3597, 3637, 3654, 3657, 3721, 3778, 3781, 3811, 3818, 3820, 3821, 3827a, 3850, 3857, 3858, 3872. HYPNOSIS, CATALEPSY & INACTIVE STATES 3584. Claparéde, E. Etat hypnoide chez un singe. Arch. Sci. phys. nat., 1911, 32, 161. [Aébstr.: Pp] 3585. Foley, J. P., Jr. Tonic immobility in the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) induced by manipulation, immobilization, and experimental inversion of the visual field. F. comp. Psychol., 1938, 26, 515-526. [32r: Mc} See also: 3116, 3603, 3916. PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, PSYCHOANALYSIS & UNADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR IN GENERAL 3586. Hermann,I. Zur Psychologie der Schim- pansen. Int. Z. (arztl.) Psychoanal., 1923, 9, 80- 87. [Px] 3587. Hermann, I. Modelle zu den Odipus- und Kastrationskomplexen bei Affen. Imago, Lpz., 1926, 12, 59-69, [Pn Png] 3588. Hermann, I. Zum Triebleben der Pri- maten. Bemerkungen zu S. Zuckerman: Social life of monkeys and apes. Imago, Lpz., 1933, 19, 113- 124. See also: 3115, 3433, 3537, 3538, 3540, 3543, 3559, 3576, 3606, 3644, 3836, 3849, 3852, 4039. [190] Observational Psychobiology Habits in Nature & Captivity PRIMATES IN GENERAL 3589. Antonius, O. Ist die Schlangenfurcht den Affen angeboren? Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1929, n.f., 1, 222-223. [Pn Png C-p Ery-c Mc Pp Ceb) 3590. Bates, G. L. Notes on the mammals of southern Cameroons and the Benito. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1905, (1), 65-85. [++ Gr Pn C-p Mndr Prdct Gig] 3590a. Brehm, Alfred. Die Saugetiere. Neube- arbeitet von Max Hilzheimer und Ludwig Heck. Vierter Band: Paarhufer—Halbaffen— Affen. (Vol. 13 of Brehms Tierleben. Allegemeine Kunde des Tierreichs, herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Otto zur Strassen.) Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut, 1922, xx, 714 pp., 79 pls. [++ 86f: all genera] 3591. Broderip, W. J. Recreations in natural history.—VI. Monkeys of the old continent, &c. New mon. Mag., Lond.,* 1838, (1), 88-99. [Pn Hyl Symph Prsb C-p C-c Me Pp Mnar) 3592. Broderip, William John. Zoological rec- reations. Philadelphia: Lea & Blanchard, 1849, 2nd ed., vi, 376 pp. 3593. Freund, L. Zur Sexualbiologie der Affen. Lotos, 1921, 69, 253-267. [12r-review: Gr Pn Me] 3594. Garner, Richard Lynch. The speech of monkeys. New York: C. L. Webster & co., 1892, xiv, 217 pp., 1 pl. [Pn Mc Pp Ceb Ail] 3595. Garner, Richard Lynch. Apes and mon- keys; their life and language. With an introduc- tion by Edward Everett Hale. Boston: Ginn &co., 1900, xiii, 297 pp. [Gr Pn Ceb] 3596. Hornaday, William Temple. Two years in the jungle. The experiences of a hunter and natu- ralist in India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, and Borneo. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1885, xx, 512 pp., 2 maps [Png Hyl Tars] 3597. Knottnerus-Meyer, Theodore Christian Bernhard. Birds and beasts of the Roman z00. Some observations of a lover of animals. Translated from German by Bernard Miall. New York: The Century co., 1928, vi, 378 pp., 40 pls. [++ Pn Png monkey] 3598. Leuret, Fr. Anatomie comparée du sys- téme nerveux considérée dans ses rapports avec Pintelligence. Paris: J. B. Bailligre, 1839, vol. 1, xiii, 592 pp. 3599. Loveridge, A. Notes on East African mammalia (other than horned ungulates) col- lected or kept in captivity 1915-1919. Part II. Ff. E. Afr. Ug. nat. Hist. Soc., 1922, no. 17, 39-69. [+ Cle Pp Lm Glig\ 3600. Mahoudeau, P.-G. L’origine de la mu- sique vocal chez les primates. Rev. anthrop., 1914, 24, 195-200. [++ Hyl Ceb All 3600a. Meunier, Victor. Avenir des espéces: Les singes domestiques. Paris: Maurice Dreyfous, 1886, vi, 402 pp. 3601. Miller, Harriet M. Four-handed folk. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1896, v, 201 pp. [Pn Png Atl Hap Lm] 3602. Mitchell, P. C. & Pocock, R.I. On the feeding of reptiles in captivity. With observations on the fear of snakes by other vertebrates. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1907, (2), 785-794. [+ Pn Png Hyl Atl monkey) 3603. Mjéberg, Eric Georg. Forest life and ad- ventures in the Malay Archipelago. (Trans. from the Swedish by Anna Barwell.) London: George Allen & Unwin, 1930, 201 pp., 83 pls., 1 map. [+ Png Hyl Nas Me Tars} 3604. von Oertzen, Jasper. Jn Wildnis und Gefangenschaft. Kameruner Tierstudien, Berlin: Wilhelm Siisserott, 1913, xi, 106 pp., n. pls., 1 map. [+ Gr Pn Clb C-p C-c Pp Mnar] 3605. Osborn, A. R., (Mrs.) Almost human: reminiscences from the Melbourne Zoo. Mel- bourne: Whitcombe & Tombs, [1912], 9+ 237 pp. [+ nf: Png Pp monkey] 3606. Pfungst, O. Biologische Untersuchung- en an Alt- und Neuweltaffen. Med. Welt., 1933, 7, 1013-1016. [8f: Pn Mc} 3606a. Romanes, George J. Animal intelli- gence. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & co., 1882, xiv, 520 pp. 3607. Royer, Clémence. Facultés mentales et instincts sociaux des singes. Rev. sci., Paris, 1886, (3), 12, (2), 257-270. Engl. transl.: Pop. Sci. Mon., 1886, 30, 17-24. [Pn C-p Pp Atl Indr] 3607a. Schmid, B. Vergleichend biologische und psychologische Beobachtungen und Versuche an drei Meerkatzenartigen (Cercopithecidae) und einem schwarzen Brillaffen (d/ouatta caraya Humboldt). Z. Séugetierk., 1934, 9, 164-187, pls. 10-12. [C-p Mc Al [191] [Psych. 3608-3637a] 3608. Shelford, Robert W. C. 4 naturalist in Borneo, by the late Robert WW. C. Shelford. London: T. Fischer Unwin, 1916, xxvii, 331 pp., 32 pls. [Png Mc Nyct-c Tars] 3609. Sigel, W. L. Beobachtungen aus dem Tierleben im Zoologischen Garten zu Hamburg. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1883, 24, 235-240. [Pn Mnadr]| 3610. Tennent, James Emerson. Sketches of the natural history of Ceylon; with narratives and anecdotes illustrative of the habits and instincts of mammalia, birds, reptiles, fishes, insects, ©c., in- cluding a monograph of the elephant. London: Longman, Green, [etc.], 1861, xiii, 500 pp., 10 pls. [72f: Prsb Lor] 3611. Watertown, Charles. Essays on natural history. Edited, with a life of the author, by Nor- man Moore. London: Frederick Warne & co., 1870, 631 pp. 3612. Yerkes, R. M. & Yerkes, Ada W. In- dividuality, temperament, and genius in animals. Amer, Mus. F., 1917, 17, 234-243. [+ 9f: Pu Me] Habits in nature & captivity PONGIDAE & HYLOBATIDAE 3613. Aschemeier, C. R. On the gorilla and the chimpanzee. ¥. Mammail., 1921, 2, 90-92. [Gr Pn] 3614. Aschemeier, C. R. Beds of the gorilla and chimpanzee. F. Mammal., 1922, 3, 176-178. [Gr Pn] 3615. Barns, Thomas Alexander. Across the great craterland to the Congo, a sequel to ‘The won- derland of the eastern Congo.” With an introduc- tion by J. W. Gregory. London: E. Benn, 1923, 276 pp., 66 pls. [++ Uf: Gr Pn] 3616. Behm, H. W. Zum Geistesleben der Menschenaffen. Prometheus, 1915, 27, 1-5. [esr (Gr Pn) Png Viyl) 3617. Brandes, G. Mit Gorilla und Schim- panse im Schlafwagenabteil tber den Sankt Go- thard. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1928, n.f., 1, 42-44. [Gr Pn Png] 3618. Brown, A. E. The kindred of man. Amer. Nat., 1883, 17, 119-130. [Pn Png] 3619. Burton, Richard F. Two trips to gorilla land and the cataracts of the Congo. London: Sampson Low, Marston, [etc.], 1876, vol. 1, xiv, 261 pp. [+ Gr Pn] 3620. Coolidge, H. J., Jr. The living Asiatic apes. An account of the Asiatic (Harvard) primate expedition. Harv. Alumni Bull.,* 1938, 40, 979- 988. [8f: Png Hyl Nas) 3621. de Cuvry. Meine Beobachtungen an Menschenaffen. Zool. Beob., 1920, 61, 153-158. [Gr Pn] OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 3622. Deniker, J. Sur les singes anthropoides de la ménagerie Bidel. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 1882, 7, 301-304. [Pn Png] 3622a. Deniker, [J.] Sur l’orang et le chim- panzé exposés par M. Bidel a Paris. Bull. Soc. Anthrop. Paris, 1882, (3), 5, 333-341. [Pn Png] 3623. Du Chaillu, Paul. Stories of the gorilla county. Narrated for young people. New York: Harper & Bros., 1868, xii, 292 pp., 8 pls. [Ee eG 3624. Friedel, E. Die drei Anthropomorphen des Berliner Aquariums. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1876, 17, 73-77. [Pn Png] 3625. Garner, Richard Lynch. Gorillas & chimpanzees. London: Osgood, McIlvaine & co.,y 1896, x, 271 pp., 19 pls. [Gr Pn] 3626. Gray, J. E. On the habits of the gorilla and other tailless long-armed apes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, 212-213. [Gr Pn Symph] 3627. Hachet-Souplet, P. Nouvelles recher- ches sur la psychologie des singes. Revie Sctes Paris, 1935, 73, 561-568. [Gr Pn Me] 3628. Hagenbeck, Carl. Beasts and men. Lon- don: Longmans, Green & co., 1909, xii, 299 pp., pls., figs. [Gr Pn Png] 3629. Hermes, O. Anthropomorphe Affen des Berliner Aquarium. Z. 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Report of a joint expedition of 1929-30 of Yale University and Carnegie Institution of Washington for psychobiological study of mountain gorillas (Gorilla jepingen in Parc National Albert, Belgian Congo, Africa. Publ. Carneg. Instn., 1932, no. 426, 66 pp. [22p/s-5f] 3655. Bradley, Mary Hastings. On the gorilla trail, New York: D. Appleton & co., 1922, ix, 266 pp., n. pls. 3656. Burbridge, Ben. Gorilla. Tracking and capturing the ape-man of Africa. New York: The Century co., 1928, xi, 323 pp., 31 pls. 3657. Carpenter, C.R. An observational study of two captive mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei). Human Biol., 1937, 9, 175-196, 3 pls. [20r] 3658. Carpenter, G. H. Some notes on the pape gorilla. Irish Nat., 1917, 26, 125-130, pls. 3-5. 3659. Chorley, C.W. Note on Uganda goril- las seen during a visit to Mount Sabinio, Christ- ne 1927. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1928, (1), 267— _ 3660. Cunningham, A. A gorilla’s life in civil- ization. Bull, N. Y.zool. Soc., 1921, 24, 118-124. [2p/-7f] 3660a. Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. Explorations and adventures in Equatorial Africa; with ac- counts of the manners and customs of the people, and of the chase of the gorilla, crocodile, leopard, elephant, hippopotamus, and other animals. London: J. Mur- ray, 1861, xvili, 479 pp., 18 pls. [+ 56f: Gr Pn] _ 3660b. Gray, J. E. Zoological notes on perus- ing M. Du Chaillu’s ‘Adventures in Equatorial rsa Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1861, (3), 7, 463- 3660c. Gray, J. E.; Owen, R.; & Walker, R. B. [Correspondence on Du Chaillu.] Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1861, (3), 8, 341-349, 1 pl. 3660d. Gray, J. E., et al. The gorilla. [Cor- respondence on Du Chaillu.] Athenaeum, 1861, (2), 372-374; 408-409; 445-446; 478-479. [1] 3661. Falkenstein. Ein lebender Gorilla. Z. Ethn., 1876, 8, 60-61, pl. 2. 3662. Garner, R.L. The Society’s African ex- pedition. Bull. N. Y.zool. Soc., 1914, 17, 1062- 1066. [+4] _ 3663. Garner, R. L. Gorillas in their own dungle. Bull, N. Y. zool. Soc., 1914, 17, 1102- 3664. Gregory, W. K. In the land of the gorilla. Evolution, 1931, 3, 3-4. [7/] [ 193 ] [Psych. 3665-3697] OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 3665. Gregory, W.K. In quest of gorillas. XI. Gorillachildren. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1936, 43, 211— 223. [+ 15f] 3666. Gregory, William K. & Raven, Henry C. In quest of gorillas. New Bedford, Mass.: The Darwin Press, 1937, xvi, 241 pp., pls. 3667. Hermes, [O.] Der Gorilla und seine nichsten Verwandten. Tagebl. Vers. Ges. dtsch. Naturf. Aerzte, 1876, 49, Beilage, 56-58. 3668. [Hermes, O.] Der Gorilla des Berliner Aquariums und seine Reise nach London. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1878, 19, 90-92. 3669. Hermes, O. Aus dem Gefangenleben des Gorilla. Z. Ethn., 1892, 24, Verh., 576-582, jolly abil 3670. [Hermann, L.] Der Riesengorilla des Museum Umlauffin Hamburg. Naturw. Wschr., 1901, 16, 194-197. [3/] 3671. Ichac, P. Les gorilles. Nature, Paris, 1938, 66, 300-305. [9f] 367la. Johnson, Martin. Congorilla. Adven- tures with pygmies and gorillas in Africa. New York: Brewer, Warren [etc.], 1931, xi, 281 pp., 42 pls. [Gr] 3672. von Koppenfels, H. Meine Jagden auf Gorillas. Gartenlaube, 1877, 416-420. [7/] 3673. de Langle. Moeurs d’un jeune gorille. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1866, 63, 739-740. 3674. Lankester, Edwin Ray. The gorilla of Sloane Street. In: Great and small things. London: Methuen, 1922, xi, 246 pp. 3675. Lenz, [O.] [Letter to Dr. Hartmann concerning a living gorilla.] KorrespBl. dtsch. Ges. Erforsch. Aequat.-Afr., 1875, 256-257. 3676. Maxwell, M. The home of the eastern gorilla. 7. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1928, 32, 436- 449, 10 pls. [1 map] 3677. Milne-Edwards, A. Sur ]’existence d’un gorille 4 la ménagerie du Muséum d’Histoire na- turelle. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1884, 98, 959- 960. 3678. Petit, L., ainé. Notes sur le gorille. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 1920, 45, 308-313. [5] 3679. Petit, L., ainé. Observations sur deux jeunes gorilles vivants 4 Paris. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 1926, 51, 140-142. (2/] 3680. Pitman, Charles Robert Senhouse. 4 game warden among his charges. London: Nisbet & co., 1931, xvi, 336 pp., 53 pls. 3681. Pitman, C. R. S. The gorillas of the Kayonsa region, western Kigezi, S. W. Uganda. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1935, (2), gine pls. If: Gr] 368la. Pitman, C. R. S. The gorillas of the Kayonsa_ region, western Kigezi, southwest Uganda. Rep. Smithson. Instn., 1936, 253-275, 6 pls. [2f] 3682. Raven, H.C. Gorilla: the greatest of all apes. The adventures of the Columbia University- American Museum Expedition collecting gorillas in the equatorial forests of Africa. Nat. Hist., NOY. 1931, 31. 2312240. [12/l 3683. Raven, H.C. In quest of gorillas. XII. Hunting gorillas in West Africa. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1936, 43, 313-334. [++ 10f] 3684. Raven, H. C. Gorillas, men and sleep- ing sickness. Chapter XIII of “In quest of goril- las” by W. K. Gregory. Sci. Mon., N. Y., 1936, 43, 522-540. [+ 15f] 3685. Reade, W. W. Notes on the Derbyan eland, the African elephant, and the gorilla. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1863, 169-173, pl. 22. [++] 3686. Reade, W. Winwood. Savage Africa: being the narrative of a tour in equatorial, south- western, and northwestern Africa... New York: Harpers & Bros., 1864, 452 pp. 3687. Reade, W.W. The habits of the gorilla. Amer. Nat., 1868, 1, 177-180. 3688. Reading, J. H. Habits of the gorilla. Amer. Nat., 1884, 18, 1277-1278. 3689. Sharp, N. A. D. Notes on the gorilla. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1927, (2), 1006-1009. 3689a. Sharp, N.A.D. The Cameroon gorilla. Nature, Lond., 1929, 123, 525. 3690. Sokolowsky, A. Die Nahrung des Goril- las. Umschau, 1907, 11, 654-655. 3691. Sparks, R. D. Congo: a personality. Field &§ Stream, 1926, 18-20, 72-73. [+++ 4f] 3692. Valker, A. La vie du gorille au Gabon. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1931, (2), 3, 393-398. 3693. Walker, R.B.N. [Letter to T. J. Moore on the shooting of a gorilla.]_ Proc. lit. phil. Soc. Lpool, 1867-68, 22, 5-6. 3694. Walker, R.B. N. Extract from a letter respecting his endeavours to obtain a live gorilla forthe Society. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, 684— 685. 3695. Watertown, Charles. Essays on natural history. London: Longman Brown, [etc.], 1858, 3rd series, 2nd ed., xlvii, 290 pp. 3696. Wilhelm, prince of Sweden. Among pygmies and gorillas with the Swedish zoological expedition to Central Africa 1921. London: Gylden- dal, 1923, xvi, 296 pp. See also: 165, 185, 191, 192, 193, 194a, 194b, 206, 210, 212, 365, 1051, 4024, 4054, 4086 & Mahoudeau, Intr. Il; Monboddo, Intr. ITI. Habits in nature & captivity THE CHIMPANZEE 3697. Aranyosi, N. Zweiunddreissig Worter aus der Affensprache. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1928, 25, 306-309. [24] [194] Gorilla——Chimpanzee [Psych. 3698-3734] 3698. Brehm, [A. E.] Aus dem Leben des Chimpanse. Z. Ethn., 1873, 5, Verh., 80-85. 3699. Broderip, W. J. Observations on the habits, etc. ofa malechimpanzee, Troglodytes niger, Geoff., now living in the menagerie of the Zoologi- cal Society of London. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1835, 160-168. Also: PAil. Mag., 1836, (3), 8, 161-168; and Notizen Geb. Nat.- Heilk.,* 47, 273- 281. [74] 3700. Brown, A. E. Intelligence in chimpan- zees. Amer. Nat., 1878, 12, 554-556. 3701. Brown, A. E. Grief in the chimpanzee. Amer. Nat., 1879, 13, 173-175. 3702. Buck, J.L. The chimpanzee shaken out of his nest. Asia., 1927, 27, 308-313, 326-328. [5] 3703. Burrell, H. The nest of a chimpanzee. F. Mammal., 1923, 4, 178-180, pls. 21-22. 3704. Christy, C. C. The habits of chimpan- zees in African forests. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1915, 536. 3705. Ebert, R. Ein Beispiel hervorragender tierischerIntelligenz. Naturw. Wschr., 1904,n.f., 3, 378-379. [+4] 3706. Eismann, G. Der Chimpanse, Trog/o- dytes niger, in Gefangenschaft in Afrika. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1886, 27, 24-26. 3707. Garner, R. L. Troops of chimpanzees, on open plains. Bull. N. Y. zool. Soc., 1918, 21, 1566-67. 3708. Guiart, J. Lechimpanzé Consul. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 1903, 28, 189-194. [1p/-1f] 3709. Hirschlaff, L. Der Schimpanse Consul; ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Psychologie. Z. padag. Psychol., 1905, 7, 1-22, 1 pl. [137] 3710. Jennison, G. A “nest’-making chim- panzee. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1915, 535-536. 3711. Kearton, Cherry. My friend Toto. The adventures of a chimpanzee and the story of his journey from the Congo to London. London: Arrow- smith, 1925, 126 pp., 15 pls. 3712. Kearton, Cherry. My happy chimpanzee. The adventures of Mary, the wonderful chimpanzee, at the seaside. London: Arrowsmith, 1927, 124 pp., 24 pls. 3713. Kohler, W. Zur Psychologie des Schim- pansen. Psychol. Forsch., 1921, 1, 2-46. — [4f-nr] 3714. Kohler, W. Forschungen an Menschen- affen. Z. Ethn., 1921, 52, 461-465. 3715. Mitchell, P. C. Monkeys and the fear of snakes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1922, (1), 347— 348. 3716. Laborde, J.-V. La micrgcéphalie vraie et la descendance de l’homme. Etude de trois fréres microcéphales et d’un jeune chimpanzé 3717. [Martin, W. C. L.] The chimpanzée. Knight's Penny Mag.,* 1836, 5, 57-60. [1] 3718. Maxwell, T.D. [Note on a young female chimpanzee.] Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1926, (2), 940. 3719. Mitchell, C. Pitfield. Notes, withcom- mentations, on the psychology of the chimpanzee ( Troglodytes niger), now in captivity at the Central Park Menagerie, New York. 7. comp. Med., 1885, 6, 38-53. 3720. Mobius, K. Zur Psychologie des Schim- panse. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1867, 8, 279-280. 3721. Nissen, H.W. A field study of the chim- panzee. Observations of chimpanzee behavior and environment in Western French Guinea. Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 1931-32, 8, no. 1, 122 pp. [17 pl-1t-9r-] 3722. Nissle, C. Beitrége zur Kenntnis der sogenannten anthropomorphen Affen. I. Molly, der Chimpanse des Berliner Aquariums. Z. Ethn., 1872, 4, 201-211. 3723. Nissle, C. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der sogenannten anthropomorphen Affen. III. Die ea Mafuka. Z. Ethn., 1876, 8, 46-59, ples 3724. Passemard, E. Quelques observations sur les chimpanzés. F. Psychol. norm. path., 1927, 24, 243-253. (if 3725. Priemel, K. Aus dem Leben eines Schim- pansen. Ber. senckenb. naturf. Ges., 1914, 45, 7-13. [if] 3726. Raven, H. C. Meshie: the child of a chimpanzee. A creature of the African jungle emi- grates to America. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1932, 32, 158-166. (16f] 3727. Raven, H. C. Further adventures of Meshie: a chimpanzee that has lived most of her life in a New York suburban home. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1933, 33, 607-617. [11/] 3728. Reichart, P. Shimpanse am Tanganika. Arch. Naturgesch., 1884, 50, (1), 120-124. 3729. Romanes, G. J. Intelligence of chim- panzees. Nature, Lond., 1890, 42, 245-246 and p. 296. 3730. Sayers, H. K. On the habits of the chimpanzee. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1839, 28-31. 3731. Schwidetzky, Georg. Sprechen Sie Schimpansisch? Einftthrung in die Tier- und Ur- sprachenlehre. Leipzig: Lihe & co., 1931, vii, 80 pp- [+] 3732. Schwidetzky, Georg. Schimpansisch, Urmongolisch, Indogermanisch. Leipzig: Deut- scher Verlag, 1932, 94 pp. [+] 3733. Seiss, C.F. The chimpanzee in confine- ment. Amer. Nat., 1885, 19, 102. 3734. Sheak, W. H. Some further observa- femelle. Rev. Sci., Paris, 1895, 32, (1), 577-585. tions on the chimpanzee. ¥. Mammal., 1924, 5, [+ 9f] | 122-129. an : [195 ] oy : [Psych. 3735-3769] OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 3735. Tiedemann, Heinrich. Beobachtungen an zwei lebenden Chimpansé, masc. et fem. Bonn: P. Neusser, 1879, 23 pp. 3736. Waldau, G. Till kannedomen om Ka- meruns schimpanser. Fauna och flora, 1926, 21, 270-272. 3737. Youatt, W. Account of the habits and illness of the late chimpanzee. Lancet, 1835-36, (2), 202-206. 3738. Zell, T. Ein Viertelstiindchen bei Mis- sie. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1906, 3, 5-8. See also: 165, 185, 191, 192, 193, 211, 4024, 4054, 3929 & Matthews, Intr. III; Monboddo, Intr. III. Habits in nature & captivity THE ORANG-OUTAN 3739. Anon. [Note on an orang of the Jardin des Plantes.] Notizen Geb. Nat.- Heilk.,* 1836, 50, 153-154. 3740. Anon. Orang utan’s nest. Singapore Nat., 1924, no. 3, 12-13, 1 pl. 3741. Abel, Clarke. Narrative of a journey in the interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817. London: Longman & co., 1818, xvi, 420 pp., pls. & maps. 3742. Aggazzotti, A. Aus dem Leben eines Orang-Utans. Umschau, 1906, 10, 441-446. [7/] 3743. Ashley-Montagu, M. F. A note on the behavior of an orang-utan. F. Mammal., 1930, 11, 231-232. 3744. Bolau, H. Der erste erwachsene Orang- Utan in Deutschland. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1894, 35, 97-102. [Lf] 3745. Bourns, F.S. An orang hunt in Borneo. Bull. Minn. Acad. (nat.) Sci., 1892-94 [1905], 4, 173-181. 3746. Brandes, G. Das Singen der alten Orangmanner. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1938, n.f., 10, 31-33. 3747. de Crespigny, C. On Northern Borneo. Proc. R. geog. Soc. Lond.,* 1872, 16, 171-183. 3748. Cuvier, F. Description d’un orang- outang, et observations sur ses facultés intellectu- elles. Ann. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris,* 1810, 16, 46-65. 3749. Cuvier, F. Description of an ourang outang; with observations on its intellectual facul- ties. Phil. Mag., 1811, (1), 38, 188-199. [Engl. transl. of no. 3748] 3750. Delisle, F. Les orangs-outangs au Jar- din zoologique d’Acclimatation du Bois de Bou- logne. Anthropologie, Paris, 1893, 4, 648-651. [Lf] 3751. Grant, J. Account of thestructure, man- ners, and habits of an orang-outang from Borneo, in the possession of George Swinton, Esq., Cal- cutta. Edinb. F. Sci.,* 1828, 9, 1-24. [1t] 3752. Hornaday, W. T. On the species of Bornean orangs, with notes on their habits. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1879, 28, 438-455. [14] 3753. Huth, E. Der grosste und 4lteste bisher lebend nach Europa gebrachte Orang-Utan im Zoologischen Garten zu Berlin. Helios, Berl., 1895, 13, 85-93. 3754. Lenz, H. Fang grosser Orang-Utans. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1895, 36, 10-12. _ 3755. Mayer, C. On the white man’s business in Borneo. Asia., 1923, 23, 664-667, 689. [2f] 3756. Mégnin, P. Tynan, l’orang-outang du Jardin d’Acclimatation. Nature, Paris, 1897, 25, (1), 101-102. [7/] 3757. Mohnike, O. Die Affen auf den in- dischen Inseln. Die Anthropoiden: der Orang- Outan, der Siamang und die Hylobates-Arten. Das Ausland, 1872, 45, 660-664, 712-714, 759- 762, 800-803, 846-850, 893-895. 3758. Nainggolan, F. J. Oerwoud impressies. 1, Een en ander over den “orang oetan.”’ Trop. Natuur., 1931, 20, 171-173. [+++] 3759. Niclou, H. A. A. Jacob, mijn orang- oetan. (Dier, of meer?). Album der Natuur, 1882, 195-211. 3760. Nissle, C. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der sogenannten anthropomorphen Affen. II. Ein Orang-Utan. Z. Ethn., 1873, 5, 50-53. 3761. Pocock, R.I. Strange instinct of fear in the orang. Nature, Lond., 1897, 56, 613. 3762. Priemel, K. Ejiniges tiber Menschen- affen und deren Pflege im Zoologischen Garten zu Frankfurt a.M. I. Teil. Zoo/. Beob., 1908, 49, 77-85. 3763. Robinson,B. Theorang-outang. Amer. Practit., 1907, 41, 1-6. [2/] 3764. Sanyal, R. B. Notes on animals kept in the Alipore Zoological Garden. No. 1.—Observa- tions on the habits of orang outang in captivity. F. Asiat. Soc. Beng., Part 2, 1902, 71, 92-93. 3765. Schmidt,M. Beobachtungen am Orang- Utan. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1878, 19, 193-198, 225-233, 266-270, 329-331, 357-359; 1879, 20, 17-19, 50-54, 83-86, 103-105, 178-180, 212-214, 225-228, 267-270; 1881, 22, 97-103. 3766. Sheak, W. H. Disposition and intelli- gence of the orang-utan. 7. Mammal., 1922, 3, 47-51. 3767. Strauch, C. & Brandes, G. Uber den Dresdener Orang “Goliath.” Z. Sdugetierk., 1927, 2, 78-82. [2f] 3768. Wallace, A. R. Some account of an in- fant ‘‘orang-utan.” Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1856, (2), 17, 386-390. [14] 3769. Wallace, A. R. On the habits of the orang-utan of Borneo. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1856, (2), 18, 26-32. [196] Orang-outan—Cercopithecidae [Psych. 3770-3801] 3770. Wallace, Alfred Russell. The Malay Archipelago. The land of the orang-utan, and the bird of paradise. A narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature. London: Macmillan & co., 1869, vol. 1, xxiii, 478 pp., vol. 2, 524 pp. 3771. von Wenckstern, A. Orang-Utan’s von der Ostkiiste von Sumatra. KorrespBl. dtsch. Ges. Anthrop., 1891, 22, 30-32. 3772. Zedtwitz, F.X. Beobachtungen im Zoo- logischen Garten Berlin. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1930, n.f., 2, 278-285. [++ 3f] See also: 165, 191, 192, 193, 195, 1021 & Foucher de Obsonville; Monboddo, Intr. III. Habits in nature & captivity HYLOBATES & SYMPHALANGUS 3773. Ae. Instinct of monkeys. Nature, Lond., 1874, 9, 243. 3774. Bennett, G. Account of the Simia syn- déctyla, or unka ape of Sumatra; the anatomy of its larynx, &c. &c. Mag. nat. Hist.,* 1832, 5, 131-142. [3/l 3775. Candler, G. Notes on the habits of the hoolock. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1903, (1), 187— 190. ¥. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1904, 15, 700-703. 3776. Carpenter, C.R. Behaviour research on free ranging primates. Ff. Siam Soc. (Nat. Hist. Suppl.), 1937, 11, 47-52. 3777. Debeaupuis, M. Le gibbon a favoris blancs. Nature, Paris, 1924, 52, 137-138. [7] 3778. Delacour, J. On the Indochinese gib- bons ( Hylobates concolor). F. Mammai., 1933, 14, 71-73. 3779. Kloss, C. B. The white-handed gibbon. F. Straits Br. Asiat. Soc., 1908, 50, 79-80. 3780. Krijgsman, B. J. & Krijgsman-Tiessen, J. Beobachtungen tiber das Benehmen eines grauen Gibbons (Hylobates leuciscus). Arch. néerl. Zool.,* 1937, 2, 414-431, pl. 3. 3781. McCann, C. Notes on the colouration and habits of the white-browed gibbon or hoolock (Hylobates hoolock Harl.). F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1933, 36, 395-405, 2 pls. 3782. Mahoudeau, P.-G. La marche bipéde du gibbon. Rev. anthrop., 1913, 23, 348-351. 3783. Mahoudeau, P.-G. Les manifestations raisonnées chez les gibbons. Rev. anthrop., 1913, 23, 365-377. 3784. Ogilvie, A. W. Breeding of the gibbon incaptivity. Ff. nat. Hist. Soc. Siam, 1923, 6, 137. 3784a. Pocock, R.I. Observations upon a fe- male specimen of the Hainian gibbon ( Hylobates hainanus), now living in the Society’s gardens. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1905, (2), 169-180, pl. 5. 3785. Robinson, S. M. Birth of a white- handed gibbon (Hylobates Jar) in captivity. 7. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1925, 30, 456-458. [Jf] 3786. Schmidt, M. Der graue Gibbon, Hy/o- bates leuciscus (Schreb.) des zoologischen Gartens in Berlin. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1886, 27, 7-14. 3787. Tickell, S. R. Note on the gibbon of Tenasserim, Hylobates lar. ‘Ff. Asiat. Soc. Beng., 1864, 33, (1), 196-199, 1 pl. dunn. Mag. nat. Hist., 1864, (3), 14, 360-363. 3788. Tissandier, A. Le siamang au Jardin zoologique de Londres. Nature, Paris, 1899, 27, (1), 119-120. uf] _ 3789. Westenhéfer, M. Der Gang des Gibbon in Beziehung zum Menschenfuss. Z. Sdugetierk., 1928, 3, 278-283, pl. 17. See also: 165 & Foucher d’Obsonville; van Ipern & Schouwman, Intr. III. Habits in nature & captivity CERCOPITHECIDAE 3790. Akeley, C. E., Mrs. Notes on African monkeys. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1918, 18, 670-683. [17f-r: Clb Pp] 3791. Akeley, Delia J. “F. T., fr.” The biog- raphy of an African monkey. New York: The Macmillan co., 1932, xxiv, 252 pp. 3792. Baker, F. C. On the effect of music on caged animals. Amer. Nat., 1897, 31, 462. [+ monkey] 3793. Ball, J. A case of apparent imitation in a monkey. 7F. genet. Psychol.,* 1938, 52, 439- 442. [2f-3r: Mc] 3794. Besser, H. Allerlei aus dem Leben der Affen. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1915, 12, 236-241, 270- Die [2p ep 3795. Blanford, William Thomas. Odservations on the geology and zoology of Abyssinia, made dur- ing the progress of the British expedition to that country in 1867-68. London: Macmillan & co., 1870, xii, 487 pp., 17 pls. [12f: C-p Me] 3796. Brown, A. E. The serpent and the ape. Amer. Nat., 1878, 12, 225-228. [Pp monkey] 3797. [Brown, A. E.] Fear of snakes in pri- mates. Nature, Lond., 1878, 18, 227. [monkey] 3798. Carpenter,A. Monkeys opening oysters. Nature, Lond., 1887, 36, 53. [Mc] 3799. Carpentier, J.-C. Allaitement d’un ma- gotparunechienne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Fr., 1931, 78, 275-276. [Mc] 3799a. Champion, Frederick Walter. With a camera in Tiger-land. London: Chatto & Win- dus, [1927], xviii, 228 pp., 73 pls. [+ Prsh Me] 3800. Champion, F. W. The alarm call of langoors. F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1929, 33, 424; 1930, 34, 543; cf. ibid., 1929, 33, 971. 3801. Coenraad-Uhlig, Vera. Uber ein Lutung- Kind. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1930, n.f., 3, 246-249.— Berthold, J. K., 1931, n.f., 4, 172. [6f: Prsd] [197 ] [Psych. 3802-3835] 3802. Crébassol, H. Au sujet du cynocéphale. Bull. Soc. Etud. sci. Aude, 1923, 28, 129-131. [Pp] 3803. Darwin, Charles. Sexual selection in re- lation to monkeys. Nature, Lond., 1876, 15, 18— 19. [C-c Cyn-p Pp] 3804. Distant, W. L. Notes on the Chacma baboon. Zoologist, 1897, (4), 1, 29-32. [Pp] 3805. Engel, E. Ein entomologischer Lecker- bissen fiir’s Affenvolk. Ent. Nachr., 1884, 10, Bilse 3806. Ewing, H. E. Sham louse-picking, or grooming, among monkeys. 7. Mammai., 1935, 16, 303-306. [Cp Mc 3807. von Fischer, J. Aus dem Leben eines jungen Mandril (Cynocephalus mormon); seine Erkrankung und sein Tod. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1876, 17, 116-127, 174-179. [Mndr] 3808. von Fischer, J. Aus dem Leben eines Drill’s (Cynocephalus leucophaeus). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1877, 18, 73-97. [Mndr] 3809. von Fischer, J. Etudes psychologiques sur les singes. Rev. Sci. nat. Montpellier,* 1884, (3), 3, 336-361. [Mc Mndr] 3800a. Fiszer, J. Kilka st6w o inteligencyi matp. (Einige Worte wber die Intelligenz der Affen.) Wszechswiat, 1884, 3, 673-675, 694-697, 710-713. 3810. von Fischer, J. Aus dem Seelenleben eines Bhunders (Macacus erythraeus seu rhesus und verwandter Affen). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1883, 24, 177-182, 193-203, 227-235, 257-265, 289-298, 325-332. [C-c Mc Mndr]| 3810a. Fitzsimons, Frederick William. The monkeyfolk of South Africa. London: Longmans, Green & co., 1924, 2nd ed., xiv, 172 pp., 47 pls. [Cp Pp Gig] 3811. G., J.F. Habits of the lungoor monkey. F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1902, 14, 149-151. [Prsd] 3812. Gudger, E. W. On monkeys trained to pick coco nuts. Science, 1919, n.s., 49, 146-147. 3813. Gudger, E. W. Monkeys trained as harvesters: instances of a practice extending from remote times to the present. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1923, 23, 272-279. [4f-15r: Mcl 3814. H., C. Sketches of natural history at Gibraltar. Fie/d, 1880, 56, 79. Also: Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1880, 21, 337-340. [+++ Mc] 3815. Hasted, H. R. G. An injured monkey. ¥. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1907, 17, 1017. [Prsé] 3816. Heck, L. Capture de grands singes cyno- céphales en Abyssinie. Terre et la Vie, 1931, n.s., 1, 515-525. (sf: Thr-p Pp} 3817. Hill, W. C. O. A mode of carrying the tail in leaf-monkeys. Spolia zeylan., 1938, 27 B, 66-67. [Prsd] OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 3818. Hughes, T.H. An incident in the habits of the Semnopithecus entellus, the common Hanu- man monkey. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Beng., 1884, 147-150. [Prsd] 3819. Kanngiesser, E. Aus dem Seelenleben der Affen. Zool. Beob., 1912, 53, 23-27. 3820. Kempf, E. J. Did consciousness of self play a part in the behavior of this monkey? Ff. Phil. Psychol. Sci. Meth., 1916, 13, 410-412. [Mc] 3821. Knottnerus-Meyer, T. Allerlei Beobach- tungen aus dem Affenhaus des Hannoverschen Zoologischen Gartens. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1901, 42, 353-371. [Mc Pp] 3822. Knottnerus-Meyer, T. Geburt eines Zwillingspaares von Hamadryas arabicus, Thos. S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl., 1909, 84. [Pp] 3823. Johnson, M. Monkey tricks and traits. Delineator, 1928, 113, 19, 84-85. [Pp] _3824. La Rue, C. D. Monkeys as coconut pickers. Science, 1919, n.s., 50, 187. 3825. Lenz, H. Einiges tber das Freileben der Nasenaften. (Nasalis larvatus Geoffr.). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1891, 32, 216-218. [ Nas] 3826. Loveridge, A. Notes on East African mammalia (other than horned ungulates) col- lected or kept in captivity 1915-1919. Part I. Ff. E. Afr. Ug. nat. Hist. Soc., 1921, no. 16, 38-42. [+++ Cp] 3827. McCann, C. Notes on the common In- dian langur (Pithecus entellus). F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1928, 33, 192-194, 1 pl. [Prsd] 3827a. McCann, C. Observations on some of the Indian langurs. F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1933, 36, 618-628, 2 pls. (ut: Prsb] 3828. Marais, E. N. Baboons, hypnosis, and insanity. Psyche, Lond., 1926,7,104-110. [Pp] 3829. Marshall, G. A. K. keys and baboons to various insects.] ent. Soc. Lond., 1902, 379-392, 397-399. 3830. Mégnin, P. Chez les singes. Nature, Paris, 1897, 25, (1), 277-278. [2f: +C=p) 3831. Mouton, E. Dela moralité chez le singe. Rev. sci., Paris, 1897, 34, (1), 81-83. 3832. Muir, G. B. F. Monkeys (Macacus rhe- sus) swimming. Ff. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1916, 24, 353. [Mc] 3833. Nolan, H. Une visite aux singes de Gibraltar. Riviera sci., 1930, 17, no. 1, 3-6. [Mc] 3834. Northcote, G. A. S. Baboons attacking children. 7. E. Afr. Ug. nat. Hist. Soc., 1921, 60-61. [Pp] 3835. Pfungst, O. Zur Psychologie der Affen. Ber. Kongr. exp. Psychol., Berl., 1912, 5, 200-205. [Affe] [Reactions of mon- Trans. R. [198 ] Cercopithecidae——Cebidae & Hapalidae [Psych. 3836-3870] 3836. Pfungst, O. Uber quasi-neurotische Erscheinungen bei Affen. Zd/. ges. Neurol. Psychiat., 1925, 41, 174-175. [Abstr.: Me Cyn-p] 3837. Riedel, J. Beobachtungen an ostafri- kanischen Sdugetieren. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1930, n.f., 3, 334-337. [+ 4f: Ppl 3838. Rollinat, R. “Jacques.” Bull. Soc. Acclim. Fr., 1931, 78, 248-260, 290-300. [singe] 3839. Royer, Clémence. La domestication des singes. Rev. Anthrop., Paris, 1887, (3), 2, 170- 181. 3840. Sheak, W. H. Acrobats of the monkey world. The antics and marvelous vitality of a troop of captive African monkeys. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1929, 29, 307-311. [sho Gp. Cc] 3841. Schillings, C. G. Ueber einige aus Aequatorial-Ostafrika von mir mitgebrachte Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1901, 42, 76-79. [C/o] 3842. Schonland, S. Notes on the Chacma baboon, and the Manhaar jackal, &c. Zoologist, 1897, (4), 1, 155-156. [++ Pol] 3843. Schwendler,L. Zoological notes. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Beng., 1880, 55-56. [+++ Prsd] 3844. Sclater, P. L. Remarks on the herd of Tiere. Barbary apes on the Rock of Gibraltar. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1900, 773-774. [Mc] 3845. Schnee. Die Affen auf Gibraltar. Natur u. Haus, 1901, 9, 332-333. [Mc] 3846. Schneider, H. Beobachtungen an einem Affen. Kosmos, Lpz.,* 1880, 7, 288-294. [Mc] 3847. Stehli, G. Aus einer Affenkinderstube. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1914, 11, 7-10. [3/] 3847a. Stevenson-Hamilton, J. Animal life in Africa. London: W. Heinemann, 1912, xvi, 539 pp., 56 pls., 6 maps. [+ Clo C-p Ppl 3848. Stewart, W. H. Monkeys swimming. Zoologist, 1886, (3), 10, 483. [Mc] 3849. Tinklepaugh, O. L. The self mutilation of a male Macacus rhesus monkey. F. Mammal., 1928, 9, 293-300. [Mc] 3850. Tinklepaugh,O.L. Fur-picking in mon- keys as an actof adornment. ¥. Mammail., 1931, 12, 430-431. [Mc] 3851. Walsh, W. Commensalism between monkeys and tsaing and deer. ¥. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1914, 23, 351 [4] 3852. Weidholz, A. Uber das Schwanznagen der Affen. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1928, n.f., 1, 39-41. Habits in nature & captivity CEBIDAE & HAPALIDAE 3853. Antonius,O. Einige Schonbrunner Neu- erwerbungen der Jahre 1932/1933. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1933, n.f., 6, 244-258. [+ I1f: Myst] 3854. Bates, Henry Walter. The naturalist on the river Amazons, a record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the gabe during eleven years of travel. London: J. Murray, 1863, 2 vols., vili, 351 pp.; vi, 423 pp., 43 pls. [Mot Pith Cacaj Myst] 3855. Belt, Thomas. The naturalistin Nicara- gua [etc.]|. London: John Murray, 1874, xvi, 403 pp. [Ceb Atl] 3856. Bungartz, M.A.H. Der Springaffe oder Sahuassus (Callicebus personatus E. Geoffr.). Aquarium, Berl., 1933, 76-77. [1f: Cal-c] 3857. Carpenter, C.R. Behavior of red spider monkeys in Panama. ¥. Mammal., 1935, 16, 171-180. [it: Atl] 3858. Chapman, Frank M. My tropical air castle. Nature studies in Panama. New York: D. Appleton & co., 1929, ix, 417 pp., pls. [Mot Ceb Al Oecd-m] 3859. Chapman, F. M. The conquest of Claudia. How one of the notoriously untamable howling monkeys, caught in its infancy on Barro Colorado Island, responded to the friendliness of its captors. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1929, 29, 369- 379, [10f: All 3860. Chapman, F. M. My monkey neigh- bours on Barro Colorado. Nat. Hist. New York, 1937, 40, 471-479. [12f: ot Ceb Al Hap| 3861. Cope. Note on intelligence in monkeys. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1872, (4), 10, 229-230. [Ced] 3862. Ditmars, R.L. Development of the silky marmoset. Bull. N. Y. zool. Soc., 1933, 36, 175-176. [Leon-c] 3863. Eisentraut, M. Biologische Studien im bolivianischen Chaco. III. Beitrag zur Biologie der Sadugetierfauna. Z, Sdugetierk., 1933, 8, 47- 69, pls. 9-11. [+ Of: Ced] 3864. Enders, R. K. Notes on some mammals from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. fF. Mammal., 1930, 11, 280-292, pl. 16. [+ dot Ceb Al Leon-c] 3865. Fitzgerald, Alice. Rearing marmosets in captivity. ¥. Mammal., 1935, 16, 181-188, pl. 4. [ Hap] 3866. Gallup, Anna B. Our squirrel monkey. Mus. News, Brooklyn, 1913, 8, 79-80. [Saim] 3867. Germain, P. Les sapajous. d’un voyage dans |’Amérique tropicale. Act. Soc. sci. Chili, 1892, 1, 105-107. [Ced] 3868. Gronen,D. Der Kraita, Ateles paniscus. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 22, 125. [4] 3869. Hensel, R. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Thierwelt Brasiliens. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1867, 8, 290-293, 361-374. [Ceb All 3870. Hornung, V. Der Pinselaffe ( Hapale penicillata). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1896, 37, 273— 277. [ Hap] Notes tirée [199 ] [Psych. 3871-3905] OBSERVATIONAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY 3871. Hornung, V. Weitere Mitteilungen tiber den Pinselaffen ( Hapale penicillata). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1899, 40, 208-209. [ Hap] 3872. Krieg, H. Schwarze Briillaffen (4/ou- atta caraya Humboldt). Z. Sdugetierk., 1928, 2, 119-132. [12f-1t: Al} 3873. Marik, Margarethe. Beobachtungen zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Uistiti (Callithrix jac- chus L.). Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1931, n.f., 3, 347-349. [ Hap] 3874. Mattock, H. Das Marmoset-Aeffchen. Wschr. Aquar.-u. Terrarienk., 1912, Beilage, 6-7, 10-11. [Hap] 3875. Meeter v. Zorn, A., Frau. Affenzwerge. Nach langjahrigen Beobachtungen. Natur u. Haus, 1903, 12, 35-38. [2f: Hap Leon-c] 3876. Neill, P. Account of the habits of a specimen of the Simia jécchus, Lin., or Facchus vulgaris, Geoff., now in the possession of Gavin Milroy, Esq. Edinburgh. Mag. nat. Hist.,* 1829, 1, 18-20. {if: Hap) 3877. Rengger, Johann Rudolph. Naturge- schichte der Sdugethiere von Paraguay. Basel: Schweighauserschen Buchhandlung, 1830, xvi, 394 pp. [4ot Ceb All 3878. Richter, C.P. Some observations on the self-stimulation habits of young wild animals. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1925, 13, 724— 728. fe a 20) 3879. Schreitmiiller, W. Einiges tber das Marmosetaffchen. Aguarium, Berl., 1930, 42-44. (if: Hap] See also: 237 & Friederici, Intr. II; Bancroft, Intr. III. Habits in nature 8 captivity LEMUROIDEA 3880. Baird, W. Descriptive notice of a speci- men of Lémur tardigradus Lin., Makis Cuv., kept alive for some time at Edinburgh. Mag. nat. Hist.,* 1829, 1, 208-216. [Uf: Nyct-c] 3881. Baron, L. Notes on the habits of the aye-aye of Madagascar in its native state. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1882, 639-640. [Daub] 3882. Bartlett, A.D. Observations on the liv- ing aye-aye in the Zoological Gardens. nn. Mag. nat. Hist., 1863, (3), 12, 72-74. [Daud] 3883. Bartlett, A.D. The food of the aye-aye. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1865, (3), 16, 142. [Daud] 3884. Berthier, V. Le Cheiromys. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Autun, 1913, 26, 28-29. [Daud] Beobachtungen an gefang- 3885. Brehm, [A.] Zool. Gart., Frank{urt, enen Loris oder Faulaffen. 1873, 14, 121-126. [Lor Nyct-c] 3886. Dechambre, E. Observations sur les makis de la Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. Bull. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris, 1935, (2), 7, ape m 3887. Distant, W. L. Breeding of the S. Afri- can Ga/ago in confinement. Zoologist, 1897, (4), 1, 83. [Gig] 3888. Dollman, G. The slender loris. Naz. Hist. Mag., 1935, 5, 1-4. [Lor] 3889. Eismann,G. Mein Katta (Lemur catta). Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1898, 39, 180-181. [Lm] 3890. Ellis, William. Three visits in Madagas- car during the years 1853-1854-185 06; including a journey to the capital, with notices of the natural history of the country and of the present civilization of the people. New York: Harpers & Brothers, 1859, xv, 514 pp. [Lm Daub} 3891. Fischer, G. Ejiniges vom Plumplori (Nycticebus tardigradus). Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1928, n.f., 1, 36-38. [Uf: Nyct-c] 3892. von Fischer, J. Der Plump-Lori (St¢e- nops tardigradus) in der Gefangenschaft. Isis, Berl., 1876, 1, 95-96, 103-104. [ Nyct-c] 3893. Gorter, F. J. Waarnemingen bij Nycti- cebus tardigradus, de plompe lori. Trop. Natuur., 1934, 23, 21-25. [2f: Nyct-c] 3894. Hill, W.C.O. A curious habit common to Lorisoids and Platyrrhine monkeys. Spolia zeylan., 1938, 21B, 65. [Ceb Lor Nyct-c Gle Tars] 3895. Lavauden, L. Le aye-aye. Terre et la Vie, 1933, 3, 142-152. [7f: Daub] 3896. Mackenzie, J. M.D. Food of the slow loris ( Nycticebus coucang). F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1929, 33, 971. [ Nyct-c] _ 3897. Mackenzie, J. M.D. Means of defence in insects. F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1929, 33, 1000. [ Nyct-c] 3898. Milne Edwards, A. Note sur le potto de Bosman ou Perodicticus potto. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris., 1874, 10, Bull. 111-114. [Prdct] 3899. Milne Edwards, A. & Grandidier, A. Note sur la nidification del’aye-aye. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 1877, 84, 196-197. [Mcr-c Daub} 3900. Narayan Rao, C.R. Observations on the habits of the slow loris (Loris lydekkerianus). F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1927, 32, 206-209, 1 pl. [Zor] 3901. Oustalet,E. Lepottode Bosman. Na- ture, Paris, 1902, 30, (2), 311-314. [Prdct] 3902. Pearless,S.H. Birth ofaloris. Sapoli zeylan., 1909, 6, 134. [Lor] 3903. Peter, K. Uber Haltung und Zucht der Zwerggalagos (Galago zanzibaricus Mtsch.). Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1933, n.f., 6, 165-173. [11f: Gig] 3904. Phillips, W.W.A. The food of the Cey- lon slender loris (Loris tardigradus) in captivity. Spolia zeylan., 1931, 16, 205-208, pl. 42. [Lor] 3905. Pitman, C. R. S. Experiments with in- sect-food on the African lemur Perodicticus potto, Lesson. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond., 1929, 4, (1), 90-91. [Prdct} [200 ] Lemuroidea—tTarsioidea 3906. Pocock, R.I. Exhibition ofa photograph of a ring-tailed lemur carrying its young on its back. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond., 1906, (1), 124-125. [f: Lm] 3907. Prater, S. H. The slow loris ( Nyticebus coucang). F. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 1924, 30, 215-217. [if: Nyct-c] 3908. Rand, A. L. On the habits of some Madagascar mammals. F. Mammail., 1935, 16, 89-104. [Lm Hp-l Lp-l Mer-c Chrg Pr-p Avh Indr Daub] 3909. Schmidt, M. Fortpflanzung des schwar- zen Maki, Lemur niger. Zool. Gart., Frankfurt, 1882, 23, 161-165. [Lm] 3910. Schwarz, E. Der Barenmaki (4rctocedus calabarensis calabarensis Smith) in Gefangen- schaft. Zool. Gart., Lpz., 1932, n.f., 5, 1-3. 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DESIGNED BY REINHOLD FREDERIC GEHNER. THE TYPE FACES ARE MONOTYPE CASLON 337E AND CUSHING 25J SET 9 POINT IN A TYPE PAGE 354 x 52 PICAS. THE TEXT PAPER IS FAIRBANKS LAID 50% RAG 60 LB. SUBSTANCE. THE BINDING IS DU PONT PX 30-4077 LINEN SMOOTH FINISH. GENUINE GOLD STAMPING. 4 | ai i 0.) + ( LY t ‘ le, als 2